HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-05 - Newport Harbor EnsignHOWDOWN DUE AT JASMINE CREEK SCHOOL SITE I ' ' ' lltU--Y, OCT. 5, 11ft OOMIIA OIL!!!, Clll... t-~-~-~T~ .. ~-·~-~-~~~~··~~~ .. ~ .... ~-~;';o~~~,..~, ... ~ s~tz ~~:l~~o~~ ; au ' '" • a., ., --. ..,...!:. _.. '"':::, .-the report that the pride of Newport :f.f,:..!.:.!~~.::.=·c:.;~-;wMO:: Beacb, actor Jobn Wayne, haddeacrtbed ., -· Qollf. blmeelf u a Uberal: 1W N&WiORI' 11A1t.A0a INSIGN-at "' t c.'-• ••ltf•P" J ....... c ... ~ c.n ._,...No. A·»111 ..... ...,. 14, 1951, * = ~;; ~· ot 1,.., tb&t tt aba't .. I U ._ C...,_ .. ~?.:1_0r,.;-t;,:-_• .t6Mf ........ ~., oo" -~---.. ...--·-WU -~ U ..... ~ .......... ~ ..... ~·· ~ --.. __ ...- .-> .... IIIJIDIIIIolllo .. a -.I. --.ldoo'tlllllon .U.VO&.HAAPA . ' ... , . o.--I'Las bet tbt Jd-wtaelfl CU tab llf CCJid:wt 1D tbt .... HAAPA , , , , , , , , , , ,._.,,. ...... bollof lllol lilt bard-Ill..... bar<l·rldlac -rooD IUUCfUPTION RAT II aetor laU come Oftr to tb1f.r lldt. t ncaoa tllet •• ...._ Atn1 o.. ~. u.oo; 2 , ..... 1 1.00 tbt ''Date .. lllllar ••Uberat" 1D ua c:lulle JDtlllilll 0.. ot ........ Anal o.r ,...., 16.00; :z , ..... llO.to ndleal wt ~oooo·~oe»>o~ooOoO~ ~,u:;:.~ !t ~:.~tiM ... root rU-,Of "'. ~ w..-d, "Ubor," wtdeb -"11'11." Tballl--,,. .&;I t11e tr• Ubonl-tor --tr-oflllt laiiiYidaaL ADd 1D lllo UPI of llltl deiiDIU.O, 11&1, "lllc- ARVO E. H.UPA, owner and'pub'l1her of the Enstgn me ta.." All tr•llbln.lllb001 ))lD 1D tbt C&IQPa1CJII • DO WE WANT MORE OF SAME? to prOMJTeiDdl'fldaal Uborty aDd ID cloiBIIaplul Ill Olll1 roal-1111 --bl& ~· "How long can a friend enjoy having The Duke, one of our favorite Ensign you kick his teeth in?" That question subscribers, and typically a man of few 111 being asked by my friend of more words, had this to say In response to than 24 years, Wally Calderhead, whose the Log: letter appears on this page. It seems that I am doing the kicking, by support- Ing American Party candidate John Schmitz, thus diverting conservative votes from President Nixon, and thereby try- ·lng to elect George McGovern. By way of response, I can say that we conservatives have been having our teeth kicked In for a considerable time. It hasn't made a dime's worth of dif- ference who has been In office --Re- publican or Democrat --the fateful drift toward Big Brother government, increas- Ingly oppressive taxation, and fiscal disaster baS continued year after year, and It is now accelerating at a fearful pace. The political marvel of the century Is that President Nixon continues to retain his "conservative" Image, The contrary Is convincingly demonstrated almost dally In the news headlines reporting the goals and accomplishments of the Nixon admin- Istration, but by some charismatic mir- acle, Mr. Nixon hlmseU emerges as the stalwart champion of solid Republicanism. Dear Hap: Thanks. the nose. Your comment was right on Regards, Wu.kft LH R.,.t (-- JOHN G. SCHMITZ California 35th District of tyranny may tabUsbment of a sio(le world be ascribed to the accidental socla.U.st state. And tbis 11 tbe oplntoa of a day; but a l!lerles Idea and tbe goal which l5 of oppressions, beguu at a dis-really me&Dt wben President tingu1shed period, and pursued Nl%00 speata ot a ''De"W world unalterably through every order'" and wbeD Huber't Ham- change of mlnisters. toopla.lDJy pbrey speaks ot tbe brother. prove a deliberate systematt. bood of natioDS. e&l plao of reducing us to Let's coPSider the blstory slavery." •• TbomuJefferSOil, of ttds Uaited Na&oa where People all over America have God !mocked oa the door 1n been wooderlng for many years 1945 and was rejected forerer. oow .-bat Ues behfDd the con-tt ns tdentt"ed commiiDist tinutng treDd toward bigger aod Alger Hiss who .-u the flrst blnor penunettl •• !rom ...,._, poera1 (temponry) local to state, from state to from America. aad Ita prlmarJ' LETTERS • ••JtOO'IWC ... I" -.no..,. • 'tOM ANDERSON ••«ee,.,..... ~a,,.,...,,.,ro ___ ,__ -Fi ~ J116J .... ,.. -... -la1·--~·~-=-=·:"":··-:~::=~~ mala .._a..-.. o, l'o!J. w_, 001 -1W TO YOUNG PEOPLE roa IN tr,t.lc .. .a.t Me. My m•• to youn1 Coamunltts d~n't CIUt ~ bfdl••~e•aau•a,.. PtOP'IIIO"UkUhM: It-they are .meRIY eMttlfta Uft.,.... t.to. Rbaa? • .. Let' brid h in on it. Chief eulpritl are ,_ &e••ta-.,~ t try to p I e the "llbenlt" who have q•UtiM are _..... MciMt .... uon liP for • few t1hn over most of our k1J oi!MtMq ..... lid IIIP-minutes. Let's hive a tc:hoola, cburchea, prctt •nd partwa. Wt t....S Wa to rt• dit)Ope. Whit II it you netwarU. and lhortsiahted, plact ~ JlemJ W· want? Why Ire you 10 materialhtlc, penniWve tut.d we rtciiiN a .,.j unhappy? You bbterly pe.rent1 who helped ruin a mo.D~, 1 baltiiC tM _..._ rH~nt the world you never aenentlon of children. MaaJ' ot 70W oiiJMt .._ IIWM. Then bow would you The Comnats have told IICI'tberl an warld.Dc bird 1D make lt? lut befort you 1nd retold those who would r .... ltct Pnlldlat Kblloa. Wt re-make it, pleaae remember lilten: "Giw: us a child for eu ... b1l flab u wen u that you ani not God. eiaht years .. foraet the a~100~. btlt, U tiM lllajorlb' Neither you nor any other ldults-for what matter of tMnttwl Dtmocnts I III.H mortal can re-mat:e bumtn they when the youna ones talbd to AJ, 01Rrt l am lor natP.lr.e. H you are 1 ue ours? With the youth we Ntsoa, I doo't bin 1111 oCbtr Olrit~n, Y.ou bow that shall take the world ... " ebOI .... ., matt. • bu~e~oUy evU, not -· ood E .. ,_ · Even Communists know Yoarl tralJ I · nn I mere ouatonan w-~--c·:.-~d o uabt to know that. that the universal dUire of ~ --The,..(. children is pleamre and 711 b't. At't., ore, no pan.~cea , no CorODI dtlM Heaven on e.rtb, no true what is more pleuant than at "one·world" wUI ever sex'! POLICEIIAN OF THE IJONT!I ln Costa Mesa is burJlary I.D- nstlp.lor Wayne Harber. He ls a Mluoarl naU,e, and has UYed Lo Costa Mesa sloce 1963. He )olned the pollee Ioree lD 1964 as a patrolman. After 2 years In the Navy, be retuned to the pollee in 1968, He and his wtfe. Janet, ba.ve 3 small cblk!reo, Offteer Harber ts tarolled In pollee science courses to fur- ther his edacatlon. He enjoys tllhlng and motorcycle rtdlng. (Pollee Dept. photo.) wort -untH the Second "When an opponent Comina. You are: n,ht -the declares, 'I will come over world is a me•. The only to your s~e.' I ca.l.mly say . thine which will lift it, now 'Your child belonp to us or •ver, il Chriltillnity, already ... what are you? lnttead of fryinJ anarchy or You will pass on. Your Communism, or LSD or free deacmdants, however, now lo•e, why not try standinthenew camp.lna Chriltianity'! short time they will know The human race-to nothinl else but this new whic h many politicians community." belona-has mtde no No, it was not Brez:hnev meuunble improvement who said l hat -it was monUy and inteUectuaUy in Ado I ph Hiller. o n all human history. How •d! November 6 , 1933. All And it won't unlen succenful dictatorships Chrlltianity prevails. must mesmerize the minds In aovernment and in of youth. Hitler, Mu!150lini, life, be Jure you have Stalin, Mao Tse-tuna. etc. 10methina better before you As k:lnJ(ime leftist author -to , ohanao . Somo of Stuort Ctwo notod in.:.~ the "pro&reurn" ideas such book, THE PROPE e1 Socialism to replace STUDY OF MANKIND : Capitalism, ''Humanism" or "Theoretically, a soc "Modernism" to replace could be completely made Quit:tianity, would set us over in somethina Like back almost two thousand fifteen yean, the time it yean. For it was that !on& takes to inculcate a new aao that Socialism , culture into a ri!ing group Humanism and Modernism of youft85 len." were first proven failures. The road to HeU is not For a generation and precipitate: it is a slow, more , Bis Brother has been gradual descent. So it Is robbing the workers to &.ive with civilizatior.~. Tt.ey are to the shirkers, taking from s eldom murdered. They tht' haves to Jive to the take slow-&ctinl poison. The Mvc-nots, robbin& Peter to road downhill is smooth and pay Paul . It 's time you easy. It is marked by little found out, youna folks , that c: o m p r o m i s e s a n d you're teter. You , your concessions of principle. What's ., ? • your. opinion? Thll ...... qMitloa: .. BOW DO YOU LIU THE 881T18B EXPO, AND WIIAT, Df YOUR OPIRIOII, II rr8 lll.uoii VAJ.ut?'' ~ of -· at -CGUI Ptaa'o Brllllll EJPO. IJRS, NORAH QIQGLEY of 85511 SIDtoroaa Dr., II.,_ Vltjo, bocwiiUe &Dd teu1l: ptayu: "It'• Yltf nctti.Dc Ud thrtlllllc to ... t'HI''JODt oat. TblJ EIPO came at a cood Ume, bee&-Br1tlsh. fllsbtou &Dd pl&Jda art 'Ill! I'm from Beltut, Irtland, and I tb1Dk Ulia &fna people a r_.ID.Iicttt lato maoJ better th1np •• from tbe Rolls to wooleas. ADIS act- uallJ. the t1Dt mu.utaeture doeSD"t cost too much more." TERRIE KOLAR, 1&, of 5461 Vallecito, Westmluter, a. dent: "l lo.,. It, It maku me want to CQ to Europe to 8t8 it all. EIPOB 11b this &{Ye US a cultural •sebuct and let .. ..... other -lo bolter. ll's foD to look ID !be blotorteal ~r. :r:v.•u:": :"'"~~ A.a! ........ m,..l,. ...,. • childn:n and arandchildren T h e C o m m u n i s t are JOina to have to pay off ConapU.Cy was '~'""lo.li'f''"' Ii the major deeds and 'promises of tedera~ from ttden!ID IDler-orplllzer. E•ery ..., of lbe Mr. Nixon were taken ·up one by one and national --eomblntd .ntb the .-. meo u.ttd talbostate T.I.XATIOH IHSTITUTE oul Yltl!oalpora!Jslaol;:.::er•-o..,..tmooLYOI'91'0 "P011WU $ET FOR OCT. 11-13 carefully analyzed, each one w d ·ber ..olloctnJial.. ,..._-torotp Pliler ~-A .. ..., 0oo a., A""•- stoutly opposed by citizens concerned llleto wbl<b ... ,_ Ia 19S9-IMS," u prtaefllal u,s, ol --• Adltluoo, New- this {aatastic debt which il more than all the co mbined debt of all the nations and 10<1lled nations in the world. Or, do you plan to repudiate it? f f t·1 d It hro major 00-.no wars, SIDee .....,.moot p-1 tw tw port CtDtor; lllebul J, Gert-about the uture 0 our na on an 8 Korea and VIetnam there are United Natloos hal beeD tdeoU-nar ot Roberttoo, Rowser ' very survival. oYer a huodred thousaD:J Amert. tted 1n non testlmcmr u a G&rl&Dd. Newport S.ch. ud I firmly believe that my trusting friend cans wbo eao 110 laogor ,.. eommiOIIst. So from lbe ••r> ao<:OIIDiallt Joe L. Smllll ollbe ' tboM questioas. beca.u1e tbey start we hue bad per11001 r1m-lnt.De Com~a;y ta't'erectJtered Yea, youna people, ''the Establishment" is your enemy. But the problem is , you've been lied to about what a nd who "the Eltablishment" is. who objects to having his teeth kicked in, made the ·~·""' saerlllce, Ditlc lbe Uolltd Nalloos wbo to atteod the Z51b uotal Ill- also objects to each of the following Nixon .. rlnc their UYOs --u lbey doD~ bolleYe ID lbe oomelpty lllltuto oo Ioden! IUalloo to beUeved ·-lo deleD&e of free-of the United states, ~Pled tor be held by tbe lSC law center proposals and accomplishments: dom. But lbe IDteroallooaUsts Russia, aDd are altniDrt at a Oct. 11-13 atlbe C-yPiua • Price and wage controls whlch wbo domlnated our forelp. aoo ooe.world soc1al15t pvn. HotellD Los Angeles. ' military poUcy daring both coo-ment. More than 40 zatlona.l esperts "The Esublishment'' is co mp osed of the intern1tional bankers, members of the Council o n Forei&n Relations, the hierarchies of the Nationtl Council of Churches 1nd the National Educational Asaociation, the owners of the multinati o nal corporations which owe no tlleJiance to any 011, 1nd assorted d o -aoodeu, peacenik.s tnd traitors and ter mites wh o are t u nsformina us into a colle«iviz.ed welfare state wttich will be subservient to the Co mmunist 1nd throughout history have proved lneffectlve, ruell are notlnleresttdiDfree-To briDe Ibis .., to dato we wiU ~oet ... e oa eorreot major merely adding to the dictatorial power dom, oot rather ID exleodiDc need oo!J refer to "Procreoo, ar•• o1 IDierest ID lbe lu the power of pernmeot ruled co-uillteoee and tatellectual fteld. Amooe lbem will be In· of government. by them. onr the enttre earth. freedom" by Russi&D commu-teru.l Rennoe CommJu:looer • Increased trade with the communist t wu made more "rl't'idly rdst A.Ddrel Sak:barof, whicb Jotmnte w.. WaJters, UDder-aware then enr of the betrayal became a Boot4-tht-Yoatb secretary of the Treuurr Ed· nations, helping them provide the arms of America's rl.Dest wbeo a Club selection 1D America. Our win s. Cohen and Rep. James and munttlons to kill our servicemen tn letter wrttten to LUe maguJDe preeellt eommlatsar ot toretp c. Corman. member • af tbe Vietnam. • Betrayal of Free China, throwing this good friend of America out of the United Nations to make way for Communist China, the bloodiest dictatorship In all history. • The arms limitation agreement with communist Russia, incredibly committing us to a perilously inferior position for !he next 5 years. • Guaranteed annual Income, which President Nixon calls one of the most Important goals of his administration. When this becomes law In the second Nixon term, who wants to work? Who ts go~ to tend to the store'? • Revenue sharing --when the federal government has only an awesome deficit to share. This new folly would only add to the federal bureaucracy and its con- trol over state and local governments. Even the ultra-liberal news com- mentators bave made the obvious political ot.ervation that under no circumstances could a Democrat president bave pu8bed through the many surprising programs that Mr. Nixon haB carried out. U Hubert Humpbrey had been prestdent during !he pUt 4 years, aroused Republican legts- lators and articulate conservatives thr<JIIIboUt tbe nation would bave blocked m• ~ tbose projects, Re-elec~n ot. PrUideat Nixon would give b1m tbe co- lltssd for more ol. same. Electtoa ol. GIOIP McGoYern would awelten lhe COD.; w nUt" . to the need for determtDed ....,..uoa to aan our netiOD from «ntr. A "sable yote for Amertcu lliJat) eutJ 731 JCJIID Schmit. wouldNrn ....... ~ to bold '** lhe -· ......... tile total-lfare ..... by a Greea Beret medic, II /Sgt. &fta.Jrs. Helll'}' Klast.ocer. said House Ways aDd. Means Com. John Dryden, came loto my tbat th1B book 1a: ooe of tbe mlttee. lwlds a rew mcotb.s: aao. LUe, most tmportaot ctoeumtata oa wbich likes tbe U.N. and DO-commQD!st. policy to appear La wiD wars, dldD't see ftt to reetDt Jeu"l. Comrade Sat· pui>Usb IL I Ito, baroY stales 1D bll boolt lbal Serr;unl llrydea said' "I am peace aDd fr-wt11 oome Platu>loc to IIWT1 a YOTJ lonlJ lbrooJ&jl "lbo dlnulcxt bJ 1990 lady from Latria. Where 11 of the ecooomlcs ot t.bt coo- LaMa? U doesn1 e:lllt &DJ' nrpd eoelal syatems ot the more. Sioce it wu oce..,atd U.s.s.R. toto maulft aJd b' ill 1941 by troops ofComm.ut tbe ttdrd world IDd the emer .. RIISS:la.. It bas not e'f'lll tbe eoce by 2000 of ~ld pen- dlgn.Uy of beln&: a Commual.st meat." That meana 1D platD sate lUte. It Is oow uery small. EncJab tbat tbt "Dint' workl lnaf.plfle&Dt state ol Raul& order" which PretldtDt Nlloa. pr~. Lah'ta. as aa tDdb', &Dd Mr. KlatDp:r areparsolDc bu ceued to el18t. Bat ol caD oolJ come buecS oa .c:dal· coarse lD ttwJ eoll__,. ace tam. For thus satth tbe Lord God; Behold, 1. eYen l, wlll both seareb my sheep, and seek them out, M a sllepherd ...Uib out bll !lock 1D the day thai be' ts amonc b11 sheep that are sca.lttred; 10 wUl I Met out mr 1btep, t.Dd wtlldeUnrtbem out ot all plac• where they han been JC&ttered lD the e_, ltld duO d&J. (E101iel u , ll, IZ.) Cannibal Club on our East Rinr, the United Nations. Or, in short, dictatorship 1nd on~world slavery, with "the · E1l1blithment" ln chlrae. Some people blame the Communi1ts for our dearsdat io n . The E:?r:~~:!~ ASSEMBLYMAN ROBERT BADHAM tbat ber OOUDtry wu llftDDtnd Jlst QJ~r~t Grow•• tblr.,. flee loa ,...,..,., .. adlaalsucb u tbt 1D oae ru" by tbt molt YOr· · • ot tbttr marW. ud m.tllp MC r-11'1 boJcolt. aeloal awettte tilt world tu cesar c .. .-. Ud.hls Ubit..t wtth UFW at a pcDt 0.: bUt-AJ:ma au. tt J-lito eYer kDoWD. I would llb to rum worursUUooblntatea r•ey. u:1 WOI'brl mut be worlillll'l tbt rtaM a MCrtt tDow too.•• 011 qltte a tut 1a tMtr attempt liJDIId onr totlle_.,.wbetla« lalk'lt. •••tt"'IC Cbl.ftl bU It ... ms, as Sere-at Oryd8l to -.-~ --..aoa. or a tM7 ....t to ):Ita. ~ wD a " • .,,.... Tlll o_.u, lballhii"•U,_,_ 1.u;',':A,, a -of act, -r-~all, per-flllit ol--. lac--ace" -. a !Utlt •HIIIIoo-IMlr boyce~~ u a !raid --. lito • ....,..,... ·-off 4, • 1M bol!oU' of all It- moot. II It to Ser ..... DrJdoo, 111o -· of CaUnJa alii marlllta k 111o -· ~ II"•" -Pit$ Dlllloa b tbeGr•oBerot_..,.._. lito--. lllal'lllaajllrll-eorvlalaD p:oo•o, ..-Ia -~~~~ -1111'-1 lbaD bll share of lime ID lbe cii.-I 111101 boiW..O CIIIIYOO' 1M!' an IoriO or -n. ..-LMor ~ 4et, ....,. lola Jooclt blllt of-· Aola UFWaldllloT•••o 0t1ao, loJHU)'-OGraol. ---U~Ior­MOlar Comm10dot -first--go I*' -of all-Tilt YOtaro of Ctlllonla-,..,. to JIIO''--to bUd, ud tbt tbJ II ndt De lf'OW'D Ia Callanllla..toalltd ecrnct ..a. IIC.ttoe at till ,......., ·lllllltll 41.... .. talm 1a all the A.rmed Fore•, __ 1'5 per etllt bf tbt Ttun-"~blr tJedloe Pr~e tftla 1 ...... 1 ud _.. lballdodleala ada-~ -.. aid 15por-bJ 111o dlola-plr.clll•tbeballat ,..,__ I prOt-llr 1M -. Got 11M Otlltd -UFM, OtoiJ 10 por eao1 of 111o 1o I1I'*CI 1M pol>lle !r!rnot --1011 -.. "' o.tottM Oidt..sNIItloM. erGPia'IIGt......... uc1 tD.._.tbt '2 ,...._. ~-~ '"JliiiJUa, · llwulto< .... lllr-lllol Bot CliO--'1 toU lllo ~~--aa1 --~ I -lor C-ID rletr• 1D 1M5 p.ft•tllllm•I11T COMI-S.IIItdldllitt.Utbt tDodUdtoodPioclllot.U)II'Icle Rltr' ._..,Pill 1'"" II, lltdldlllf 1a Row Yon IW oot ---~~-.. -anaotitr tttbJ-. .,,1111 lola tt--- oiiJ ,._ ...... ~~-. ..... -... ...,. lo -~ -...... -.... llo lola - -• 1111 ... ,_ Ia M«<oa-Cllll-IMijWIIIIIC• ... troao? -IIIIo-•• --·1M __. Ia 'IIIII, lila .em pa tnJt Ia !Laiii,... ActldJ, ,.-.. •11ofcatt•" ad ....,. ••ks•• 0111£1' ... .w.-.. .... ...,. tu __,lilts • ... _.., •p'zlt IDad JU .. Ia., Jrit-PiLJI "It• D. e.~ II IIIJII 7.'!' ,.,... ..... _ol_ tMrd ......., .......... ....., .... tl ••• ,_... ,, , •• .,. ~~~:-~=~~=~= ofo* ~-IIIII.-'-~-"'* '"'" •• • on. _ _, .aot -... 11!!111 ..... L••• ---11IIJ .,. If .._ w•• .. riiM •• n ~ e'-'-cal~· .. ~ ....,. w• r It Xu ail', ...... ,., ......... .., .. uan :~=~~~,~~ a..,...._ -e.1a11t ............... • ..... 'Dr"'..... __ .. , ... ., • .,,..~--·•~~!-........ wW.It .._ .. ,.sl 1 ....... , ... a'sz.., ... ,... -.... 111 .. _... •• m • ...... a .. r • ... ,. .. ,......... ..... .. ---r.: ..... .. It • -..... -W.ll ... • .... -jl • I • -o;;;ij~­ l .,.,..,.~....,. --•• 1• --..,_:Z''" .:;·a:...-.... "-M. ... ---·-., ·= .. -".~..:=--= ~-~ ........... _-... -.... ---· ........... =:, .... ... ..... ., .... ,,... .. ' a:ndualness." Webb wal one of the founden',-~h Geor1e Bernard Shaw, Of the socialist Fabian S<x:iety . htient padualism means sJow, piecemeal chanaes in laws, aovernmenl , morality, economics and education. E.1ch change is so gradual that there is little or no o pp o sition . The "moderates" accept it as "inevitable chlm&e" and "proareS!." The Webbs established the Lo ndon School of Economics, financed by Shaw . This became the center of the socialist movement and atltacted such bourgeoisie as John F. Kennedy. Shaw explained an ant i-poverty society suc:h as Pr esident Nixon and w o uld ·be Preside nt McGovern advocate, like this: "I abo made it clear thJt Socialism mean~ equality o f income or nothina, and that um1er Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You wo uld be fo rcibly fed , clothed, lod&ed , tau&ht and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discow:red that you had no t enouah character and industry to be worth all this trouble, you mi&)tt possibly be executed in a kindly manner~ bu.t whilst you were pamitted 10 live, you would han to li.e well." Even tnlie freedom is better than compWsory .. h.appineu. •• Worship Bic Brothu and you11 be 1 ..... : wonh.ip CbriJt and you.11 be free. .,.. ....-i•Q:r of sucb th1Dp u MRS. HELEN BRACEY, of 847 Nordica, Anlabelm, MCODd crade schOol teacher: "Won- dertull GIYeJ people a eb&Dee to see 10rne of tbl Br1tbb. Isles they mlpt oe•er see. Almost u COOCI u a tr1p there. Also, tt boosts Brlttsh n- 'pori.s." RUDY FRABIZIO, U, ot'JU! Newmu; Apt, B, HmtiDctoo S.eb, bttol-• lldmlalolnlloo -ol Go-Wool Col-ltp: 111 eaJ)f tt ......, mach. putlcul&rb' tbe Brtt11b ears. ...... I1U lbla briJirl -le oTe:r bert wblre tbrtJ caa ... lilt bllbqaali!JofBriUobmaau- tletures neb u cars ud mLAJ other I()Oda." DAVE BAGLEY, 56, ot US! Roqoro, Coat& 11-Nowpori- IIH& sebOOI dl.ltrtet tqtloJH: "I Uu II. A1111ato1b II pob m_, 1a BrWD pocut., 1t atoo e-lllt-offrlood-oblp, ~ lacldac Ia lbla WCX'k!l todt.Jo It lttl a Itt IIOIIIOWic ol lllo ...... of l!qlud all .. -pile' ... .c.d ol eeatilnd ara.d.'' KNOW YOUR OFFICER • Ollleor llleltoal Blllell, -• _.,.Ia palrolou, lola --'1M .""-'! Boac:• polleo doput-*" lu--.,,1111. ..... ._ __ WMbcntaDa-.,a...U Iowa .... • t1ut __. .. -. .. ---loc.-11110. no .._,.._ ........ , _, __ .. ,7 --..... -··· la1111-a .. ·"'-= ' \ EXCHANGE CLUB PLANS SALUTE TO VETERANS • IIElii'ORT HARBOR EIISIGN lliURIDAY, OCT. 5. 1977 PLt.YS "lATE lOLl ON COLLEGE SUGE .:.I'II:::.LI=SH::;E:::D:..:IE=EK::~::..Y ..:-..:P:..:A::G:::.E.:.l __ ___:OO=IIlN=A .:.DEl=IIA::!'!R,C.::CAL= ~-._ o1 Rowpoot c_.. .. • llo'llllplaJ.._ -·· • -ot lbo Col-• plnlo-~ ~-youth Con rl F 'd loco ol WI.DiaDIIOd 111r1. WU. Ho II a I I'll 1<*M1o o1 Co-ce n ay llam ... c, V&.,wlllboa--r ... 4elllarblll0oell001,- bor ol Ulo eoll Ia tl>o -· bo wu ID tbo eo11 oi "Comoilla Tbo 0rup c-,. Pbllllar. lud'o .,_.,.(from BaUot -u.c colllet ~~~-ol De'U t.rto" lUll! "Summer ud f A ..-otal "aJiile to ••-Vttenu DaJ, pn Ul &n u- --II lllo Alrpootor eoUtol -rtlllill7 to pr•-IM • Oet. M 'llllbo--lleuotan JobDooll IIlli! at t1>o bf••··~oltbl t1 bo • !fU7 JIIDN h'._, ::. " me, DOr our ftt- -. SoeiiiJ will ~~~-1111 R-l •8111:~-==ro~··:..:··•~•:·:•·~l _:uo~:.;s~mo~o::;a~."~' -----. lltll ,_ -ollllo U?Z-Fooortll a114 llll!lp-.... llrom I Tbt ._,, • ...,red: bJ tbe , Tbe• c11.D.oer wUl a1ao tick SIC ..... Cle ollfnpartBar-otr t.be IDDUI.l''Ooenationunder bol'1 '1111 bo-lo 1111 pobUe. God"" _r....,.s planoed b7 Ill'. lollucll, W'bo blpa b1J: au hcbanp eluba durlog the coren.IMI!t ....SCt career montb of Nonmber wldle U.riDilD Tult&A, wa1 flr.t ResernUons for' the dinner IIJP(II.IIW bJ' Golfti'Dor ~ at $7.50 per peraoo, may ~ Reapll toblldCalllonla a Yet~ made by calUng AI Dunlap at onu ollalro doporlmllll. 540-8121 Liter, bl ..rftd OD the U.S. • Clf\1 Sonleo Commlaloo ID HEW POLLIHr PLt.CE WILIIIIIDpc. -· oee~ u hta pr....a KtYJ Dlputmeot To aecure better voting fa ... .u aulltlnt lfa'f)' AC· elllties, the Costa Mesa Cba.m- bt bu ootoftbe hl&best ber of Commerce has obta1Ded r:~~ jDbt .,.,. beld by tbe use oltbe recreatlooal club-bouse fad Uty at 2775 Mesa 'IS -IIIII hldaJ. 0et. a. sao J-c~ La-ID 1111 lnW Bowl, L..-rw» Beaeb a114 Harbor' VloW Beaeb. TbU t.aWa1 CODeWt wtll scbooll, La aMIHgn to prlntl bo cooclocto4 b7 H-Toml· a114 poroeblal oeiiOOia ,_ &Db wttb tbe CatuonJa CbafD. spaee permtta, will pudc::tpate bor S)mplloa1 Ore-a. ID tbiiiDltlal CQDCort. Tbe PI'OCf&DI wiD I.Dclllde: PoreoU"o ••Tra-Vol~m-GOES TO RI.HDOLPH tu'J"; Otbuuf'• "GoWwo(s CIIJlalo James H. Dtbmey, C~"; Llldot's "Ruuia.D ton of lrlr, ud Mn. Jolm J. Duet ; Brahm's "HIIlprlaD OelaDrly of 1901 KlpJaad .be. Daoee Ho, 5"; EDtSCO'I ''Ru.. Harbor Ktpiuds, bu arrtveci IIWIIall R-No. I" (Eddy tor 4111) al IW>clolpb AFB Mauoa., JeactiDr bariDODica Tuu. He 11 u admiDUtrat1•; 91.rtuoook llosart•s ••Sielcb· stall olfteer us!P*l lo IJoe ride"; Grier's "In the HaD 12th Flyt.nc 'Tn!Dlng WID( of of tbe Mouata111K1Dg''; aDd Cop-tbe Air Foree. He pre'tiousty aernd at Wuf:Wietoo. D.C. He ~!GAL NOTICE wu commluiooed 1D 1962~ oo tbt atwe to Yet-Verde Drive East u a polllng procram wtll be per ... place. ...... by tbe Fort Mac-R. J. Mallhot, tleld stCM~r-FICTmOIE BlEINESS NAYE bud md: the san 'lsor, and wuuam Cooke, fteld STATEMENT complttioa ol omcer TrainlDC School at Lackl&Dd AfB, Texas. praceaat pre-representative of the offtce of Tbe foUowlDr periiOGS are ..tenna or_ reet.strar of •oters In Santi. dolllg business u : Behuior LIGAL MOnCI w111 alao be repre-ADa, were visited by NlcboW TbertpJ Aseoelates, 17612 FICTmotE BlSINESS NAME J, Zleoer aDd Nathan L. Reade, Beach BlTd,, Huntingtoo. Beach, STATEMENT Lotti, president of the eucttlve manager aDd general LU ANN YARCilft(() loobO'ter CaW. 92&.47: Harold H. Walsh, Tbe rollowlDg person lsdolog !Ezcba.aae C1~ o1 NewportHar-maoager, respectively, or tbe the revol~ rotary en,u.e Ph.D., Z58 WalDli:, Newport business u : Tbe Con, 7408 ·bor, said b1B clS bad been Costa Mesa Chamber or Com· 1n l4uda wb1cb -.m be amoa Beach, Ca.W.; Louise H. Ponath, N, c c.a Hwy., laguna Beach lootiDe tor an opportunity to merce. An lnvttatlon was then ' oducta dllpla. J R.M.T., 206 30th Street, New-92651· Lib::la Ma.xioe Smith .have Secretary Jobuon speak nwle to vlstt and inspect the ~~==rowdy~~ port Beach, Callt, 1942 . Aoabelm Ave., c osb_ lD tb.ls uea after local Ez-tacilltles at the Vista del Logo Auto Sbo Oet 11 15 lD A Tb.ls buslDess Is being coo-Mesa 9Z627. ctwleites beud him address clubhOuse. helm cO:v80tk,0 Ceater ;~ ducted by a partnership. Tbls business Is being con- ra state Exclwlp WlYelltlon TRUSTEEMEETIHGSSETShowissponsoredb)'tbei.otor ~~:Louise H. Pooath. ductedbyanlndlvidual. 'in Sao Diego earlier th1s year, The board or trustees or the Car Dealers ASSII of 0rance s st:~m:t ft.led with the Signed: Linda Ma.Dne Smith. "He's a Jl'e&t speaker, wttb Coast Community College Dis-County for tbe 9th 'cocsecuthe c~ty c r Orange County This statement flied wltb the a IUrr1.ag patrtotlc mess:ace," trlct wtU meet Oct. 18, Nov. 1 year. Roo Trumbo la ceoeral ~n. StSerfhn Z5, .:· WI~~ county clerk or Orange County Lotts Aid, "&Dd the tact and 15, and Dec. 6 and zo at chairman or tbe auto Jbow aDd B~verl ~ M~:r d cler... on: Sept. 5, 1972, by Beverly be will be 1D this area 8 p.m. tn the district buUcllDg Harvey Hlen, MCDA e:recli:tn PubJsh: Sept z8 ~-lZ J. Maddos., deputy county clerk. tbe 2sth. jut S days after at 1370 Adams St., costa Mesa. secretary-manapr, Ia OYer-all 19 19'72 in theN • rt ·~00 • Publish: Sept. 14, 21, 28,0ct. shOw manager • • ewpo r 5, 19'72, In the Newport Harbor LEGt.L NOTICE fiCTITJOUS B lEINESS NAME STATEMENT ' ---:~~~~;;:-~=--• The toUnwlog person tsdolng ft ..,.._ G~·un1 f>ll . buslness as: B & E Enterprises, v-'f" IUL.C 1829 Glenwood Place, Santa Ana, Calif.: Eugene C. Jerry, 1829 Glenwood Place, Santa Ana, Calif. ..,. '""jtotion "coOD EA.TI.,_G ,o LUNCH DeUctous S&octtrtcbes and Bo:res to Go. This business Is being con- ducted by an Individual. • Ensign. F -20445 Enslp. F -Z0027 "How about one of those wonder drugs?" "'l'v~ got a cold," the man s.ud, and he w~nt on to ask for a "wonder drug." 1be pharmac1~1 sold. him some aspirin and advised h1m to see hi\ ph)sician. As it happened the aspirin tixcd h1m up fine, but the point is this: PharmaCIStS Jrc: not physicians. We work with doctors. pro\ 1J111g the drugs and medicifle'S t~y prrscribc. Y..~ ha\C a professional knowledge of the pov.crful 11cw "wonder drugs," so we know hov. lmpolto~nl 11 :~ to ust them correctly. Please do not fl·.:l ,,fknJ~·J "<hen your pharmacist refuses to..;:IJ ~ou .1.::..-rr.un drug. It is for your protecTion anJ 1n the hl:''t interest o f your good healt h. Alv.a)' ~..-c ~cllll Joctor when potent medication IS rc4uncJ. Pharmacy ... & COAIT -1' .. CO.OIIA DR lid OIIIOU 1·- I E:AT IN OR TAKE OUT DINNER Signed: Eugene C. Jerry. This statement nled with the county clerk. of Orange CoWlty on: Sept. 19, 1972, William E. St John, county clerk., by Beverly J. Maddox, deputy. On one HEW HOURS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 67J.U70 Steaks, s.toods, Chicken, Fish, Rlbs and Shrimp, ..tth Chips. IOU OCTOBER 15 SPECit.LS SIIOP: iDSi&ilaiio"o · · of crystals Ill your martoe VHf /FM ra- dlotelepbooes, FREE. • On Your Bo&t: AM radio- telephooe tuDed to your boat antennra -· $7.50,• • Most Martne Brands AUTHORIZED MARINE DEALER PubUsh: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 1972, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. F' -20321 L!Gt.L NOTICE FICTmOlE BlEINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are dolng business as: AU Seal Rooflng Co., 8128 Guava Ave ., Buena Park: Gary C. Wolff, 8128 Guava Ave .. Buena Park; Joe M. BucbO, 6835 Drlscoll, Long Belch 90815. This business is being con- ducted by a partnership. Signed: Ga.ry C. Wolff. ELE~::lRONICS MARINE This statement fi ted wUh the county clerk of Orange County on: Sept. 5, 1972, William E. St John, county clerk, by Bev~ erly J. Maddoz, deputy. Pli>llsh: Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5, 1972, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -20034 RUT NEWPORT lEACH ADULTS $2.00 JUNIORS $1.00 I ChiWI'Mt to~Mhttl2: flU ..... ,.,...... , Mil THI .. OCMHS11C & FOIItoN CAISJACfOIY OdftA.YS..It:OlO· nPIS WQAL SHOW CAIS..JIOTOI HOMIS I VACAT10N V8fKLU ALl UNOII ONI 11011001'1 YOW fAYOIIll OIANOPCOUNn ... CAl: ana. Mlltn, n.tnY Dl~ 1t01t a IUIHA maj~r lifomia ~nk . pays 1ncome on sav~ngs···· every month. At UCB we hgure the money savmgs account at UCE your savmgs earn should It works three wa\·s be yours to use when We w!ll senc.i Vt... ..;;· you need JtOrwantlt month l v sa v 1 r. ·;} s Not on JUSt the 4 mterest check hv d ays out of the year mall Or we can whe n the o thers depos1t 11 to \"L'ur pay off chec k mg acn•~.:1t After al l, your bills If you have o ll e come m. relentlessly, w1th us Or vou e very month . Why can elect to leave 1t s houldn't you collect Yougetbillseyery month.don"tyou? m savmgs to p1le you r 'second mcome" from up more mterest s avmgs just as often? Savings at UCB It"s hke an Yo u can, if you have a regular e xtra pay day every month UNITED CAlifORNIA BANK _.. ...... • Ill I. .. I; AEUROPEAN BEE 'Ln'{E!.( l:o.::~~l·~~~GE .. llici'.~\:t~~ "i!J!# . a, JAMn IIIILS a VICKI MAJORS IN JOURNALISM _, .... -IOIIIdiJ, .:-.... • _lloar_llo!l ___ VlciiiC-._ a It'll..--__ ,__ •• ,._.. ft -llrftOII ID'*IIIIlol lll"ll•-wo IUEI ... 1M·-W-a uo ol II~-!liP ..... ~~ ::r;: old las • IOl, -Ia 'JIOt II Corlloo ci'A511 1 1 -ol In' -..... Ia -...... -._ 1o -........ 111o lw ...-. X I 0111' I-aodr _,.._ llaiJ'I -....... ;, Ia. lloo 1011 I low ll -;IN-,__ --u.--·loi!Ot ... " ..t, lloJI rau..r-e•-Wollldlalllllo-11111• bj wwoll ___ ......, eo_ II MoW. IIPioC ,.._ 8110 wu 111o ....,.. .. _ lor IIIII lllo -olllll ..... (-IJir Ia -poobl) 1011 llo lllo Mil lloar • • • bod I eoiYad 111o l[lrlol ... 'l a-d -olllll' ..... -:r; bwr ,.,...._ ..-. Ia 111o wwo-Ia 1111 !lad..,..._ lair llold ll&loooJ ::..--lo<oc-lllk ..-••• ~~~~~ -. 1111 "" .. ~::.. .. II IIIII 1400'a. Ia llcl -1Jn. T11o -.... 1M 1M coladOI tlllll . fllr. 1o ...... 1o ,...._, aad --• 111o IIOO•o .w UlllllliiiiiGI7 way -• lrmliiiJ'; ....,_ ol -wllll polio bible IIIII , c .. -v~ •1 11op1 lor,...., of A-lo wu _...., tlod plumiJ ... -b-..,. ellolra. Ron II Wbare WO WVO -diJ 1o II& a --Vlelll II lbo dO .... olllr. to 1111 111o1G17 ct 1111 a-..1 -• ol 1M doonaJ• ••• able lo "eatell .., .. -oomo ·--., 11111 1 ... -aid lira. R. R. C~ family. o.-J)> 111oro wu .., II&J· ol-pw-lla-,ei.,"ellollllel 1o1a11y --Ia 1111 -ld -· Dr~ Wool II Loa .... -.ek, wo--or allor(lel .... , --~ libdad II lbo ..,_,. 01111 eKmato acrlll 111r 8eCIJ ••• -•eallod place lor drylq • ; • u deal Ute SwlblrliDI2. tboacb .,wublr woman" ••• de11cate 1.1 plcture tatlDr. Tt. per--• .. -1-. 1 Ill rru.uee lid color (palo pruaat llowor -. Wllb Wlderstud llw CCMmtrlu baft ptllk~ taU toll:*l ,.,.,_, tbal pruiarDI Plluld mt, more DlOO"tt•ns tbaD Allltrta. 1 haYI DOt IMD liDee COIIllDc eoarM. We IMlted 10me By J.L.. w. P;. .... ll fit.UIED COPIES o1 blltorical political campa!p buttoa. posters were preseated to c-. Mesa etty ud Cbamber otnela.la at tbe c;roUDdbr'eating ceremony tor Brentwood SaY1Dp aDd Loan Aaoelatioo'a DtWest otnee, to be located at 1640 Adams Ave., near Newport Bl'f'd., COita Mea. Pictured here, from left, are Rop r B. Phelps, branch muacer· Willard JOJ"dan. riee-maJOl ; Eugene Bergeron, president-elect of the Costa Mea C~ber ot Commerce: Nicholas Zleoer, Chamber manager, and David C. Gr lm es, boud ehalrmu &Del the presldeat of Breatwood Savlngs. The or1g1nal George Williams eampalp buttoo colleettoD, nbaed at $20,000, 14XID wb.ieh the colorful poster is based, •111 be on d11Pla1 at all 10 omces ot tbe Aasoctatloo throughout the month of October, aDd posters are uailable tree tdU eleetJoa day . A special showing Is also scheduled at the Fiesta de Costa Mesa, October 13·15. (McKooo photo.) Mucb ol tbt IIDd. cuoot be to Calltonla;parplewtlduters ow-co...tnnler• to ban eultlnted, bat ta QRd l:)r &deled tbe1r flmllllr color.. talll wittl 11 • • • ud forellltry ud P'utar. Tbroup. We trueled aJoDc at fPJd lbeJ arrtYed, folmd we bad out, tbeit toruta are care-IPMd wttb oar director pofDt. lee • • • DOl' lqredleats tully !10Udod, lloeo-1b1J are tar oe1 ·-opoto <( lllloreot. the -hoar ••• a proteetioD apJut aniiDebN We arrtnd at Hotel MetrapoJ,t wu doeed ••• 10 we aod roWDc Jtoau. 11 a place ta V.Uce late afterDOCJD.IIua· them our riew aod or two we aw man-made bar-ed we were recut-.t to a dbdDc room tor dlllaer. rtera wbere tbere were ao trees; allo tbey bad roo& oYer the hlrtnJay In certain .. _ as protecUoo tor tbe trafllc. Graatar laod II olleoblrboboYO the tree Hoe lid lbe ._ people use tbe word "~" to lodlelle lbooo blrb puturea. In tb8 spring the farmu1 drive their berdatotbe"..,_,.,wbere they crue durlDC the warm sWlD)' moathl, 1n the fall return to tbe 1ower llopea. We aaw, ln a few iustaDeu, small cable ears going 'C)-'C)-~ to a small almost ln'llltble abelter ••• This 1s the way some of the milt is tr&lUIPOrted to the n1. ley below; in other areas, other 67).0070 . ""~---CHILDREN .t.MD CHIROPRACTIC 1 The outllancttnc eb.aracterl•-11 oftiD mlpndtrltoOd.lle~ uc o1 ebUdreo 11 that they are caun ll'tli pief or <...,.lilly elwlCior,phyoleatly, eo~tatoly t_.,t. ~.!.f.: aDd emoUooally. Growth and tured, lt caa produce _,_ deYIIopmtDt DOr"mallJproceed from putlal to complltt Jill'· toptber ID IUeb a way u to alJIU ud death. If dlle&Md, procressl'felJ matore the child, It can detertonte ~~~ ..:: UTILITY POLES MOT FOR CAMPAIGNING oraace COtllty workers tor political canctldltes are asked bJ Paclftc Telepboot oX to ut the utility's poles as a reattoc place tor campaip po.ltel'a. "For ooe tbiDg. U's a au.. demeanor," S&JI dl:rllkll maD• apr standlee ll KatU. "Tbat abould be reuoo eoougb. It's also a eontrlbutloo to ria11&1 pollution am. deftnltelY a aJety baZard," A worker'e ''ellmbiDg spikes" could come into coo~ tact with a po&ter nan or staple LD the wood, posalblJ resulting to a slip or ~ll with aertOUJ: IliFf. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF P UBUC HEARING Notice 1s hereby given that the Planning Commlsston of the City of Newport Beach wJII bold a public bearing on the application of Gllbert w. Fer- gusoo for a Variance 1023 oo property located at 128 26th Street, Newport Beach, to per. m lt the construction of a duple:a: ou 1,950 sq. ft. wbere the Mu- olcl.pal Code requires 2,000 sq. ft. Notice ls hereby f'llrther pnn that sald public hearing wtll ba .... .. the 19th day ol ·Oc:tiober. 1972, at tM oo.r of ?:SO P.M. LD. tbe Cotmc:ll Cbam- bers of tbe Newport Beach Ctty nan. at which time a.od place any aJXt all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Jackie Heather, Secretary Newport Beach City PlanDJng Commlssloo Publish: Oct. 5, 1972, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. FOR YOUR PERFECT WEDDING! Come to - m~ans are used. It n.s about this time that one of our fellow tourists, a pretty, vivacious fOUIIK nurse, from Burlingame, Calif., stood before us ••• as we traveled along , • • and told us the story of the "mtrac1e of the Uttle cow." Tbe Utile cow who ' wanted to lead the parade, fes- tooned in flowers, wUhthedeeo-BmELOTS CHAIRMAN, Mrs. William GlnnsofBayShores, rated mllkstool as her crown displays a pen and Ink drawing, while Mrs. Winslow for the abuodance of milk she Llncoln Jr. or Irvtoe Terrace, chairman for Le Bon bad chea. I had read this story Marche, gathers together a fur cape and a mod pillow plrJsleally, meotaliJ, emotion-of DOD-use ud cUr ... o.y . &111 aDd socially. Let us coo-tlle central atnoal "*:· Rdw aa important area of bls If tpored, It caD eouU !J rrowfh lid de•elo!>moot. the or lotermltte11111 l[lrOdoeo oel- spiDal column. ward siga.s of UcfJtDeU. IOI'e· Tbe aplDe Is a biological ness. headache•, or paiD UJ)· &Dd engtneerlog pntus, that where trom bead to ~· (Adt' • REVELATION VERSE IY VERSE DR. JAMES O'BRIEN COMBS re11 cH eR 9o45 A.M. SUHD.t.Y IH S.t.MCTUART ILLUSTRATED L!SSOMSo Ot.ARTS, SLIDES, OUTLINES THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ntE C!MT!R FOR B!IUCAL STUDIES 301 MAGNOLIA ST. AT f 1<1S A.M. alaLI! CLASSU SANTA ANA A VI!, I bOO A.M. WOIJHIP HOUI COSTA MUA 7100 ,,M, I!VAGILIIT.IC NOUI HOME OF P. G. MEUMAHM CH~ISTIAM SOtQOL a long while ago, but many bolster In preparation for the Newport Harbor Art Museum's tbougtrt sbe was "splnnlng a annual benent sale on Friday, Oct. 20. (Ensign photo.) )'UD" • , , uatll she sbowed f h 7 PI&.ST OfUROt OF tbem tbe utue book, with all 'Best O everyt 1'ng ataJST.SCIBHnST the pictures. l Will tell more . 3J03 y,. lUo I,UTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MAlTER LMNM~IIto ... lrlll --VIIriDr. _.,_,CIIII. about our fellow travelers later. I f~ b -a-1o Aswerolled•loogwe were SQ e 0 ers argains stJNi);_'v~L 1 n coostant siebt of the lofty p ..._ •• 101., Dolomite Mow:U.ios, oamed tor "Le Boa Marehe" sale tor by the associate eotmclt of the SUNDAY SEA VICES THE REV. PAUL ROMEIS IIIQrlm- ANTIQUE WICKER FURNIT URE find s its own place tn the sun ln the new shop just opened by Bever ly Ray at 2728 E. Coast Hwy , in Corona del Mar. Ca lled "Beverly & Partner," the shop Is ter med '·a geaeral store,·· because, in addition to antique wicker fur niture of all kin ds, ills also tllled with a nostali'!c array or antiques an-1 a:ces. sortes, BeYer!Y, alO't't, ts 111 Interior designer w'IO stUdied and practiced I.D New Yotk City . (Ensign photo.) the FreDCh geologist, Oeodat the beoeftt of the Newport Har-Newport Harbor Art Museum, p .., •• to.• .... r>o lomleu, who d!scovered the bor Art Museum wtll be held lOder the presldeocy of Mrs. WEDNESDAY EVENING StJIDIF.R SCHEDIJY; rnaCJWtalwn-ca.lclum called this year c. October M, rr. Wallar GlbSoo.· Lit Scm Marcbe '" ' 1 r ·' 1'1 1>1 ;;m ld MEE111NG .. l'p.aiiii(),!DOJ~II.-F&D'IIyW-clolomUe ••• ., we were to • 10 a.m.. 1a ~ pl)«iea ,of 1.8 ~ tbe dif~ of Mrs.. UADINO 1J0G11 We cootinued. a1oag throOp the Newport itatbOr Art t.tu-WWlow Llncolil u chairman, •:::z.; t...:. s p.a NURSERY PROVJDBD C . 1 ~ 10 actually strattclles the border Central Newport. ebalrmao, Mrs. Robert Angell. 'W'I....-..L _ ... LL~-Morrow-Meadows orp,, el-h me emp oyees s~oo~t ewtde, hetw Austria iDd 1..,,., aod •-1-• ·-71 SANTA AHA FIRM WILL MOVE NEAR AIRPORT famous Brenoer Pan, wb.leb seum, 2211 W. Batboe BIYd., with the 5q)pOrt of the eo-W: 1 ta.•.·7;4S .. •.a.~~~;j~===··=·=1 ectrlca.l engineering aoo con-of who m wn · work out of the een ......, Tbe eomblaation road snow The name, Le Bon M'arebe, t a.a . s p.-.17.9 p.m. tractlng tlrm, whose busl.ness new irvine faci lity. Tbe $210,-~stpi!;: most sa~~!~~!!,;~ and barga.ln spot is sponsored ls a FreDCh word...plcture coro- llas tripled In 4 years, will 000 omce and warehouse tactt. E ~ tbe ~anean biDiDg the image of tbe e:a:-SI«::IND aruaat: OF mO¥e from Sa.ata ADa to a new tty will be the base of ac-re~~ a First ·--• pr-~"ly pans!F 'fe pubUc mar1~_,.!! OIIUST.ICDH11ST operatioos center ln tbe Irvine Uvity for the O.rm's commer-....,... • · · _, UlM.U ranee with the idea o a ......... Newpoo't .._.at Industrial Comple:a: later this cia! a~ indust~la l electrical ~:e ~~ly ~!:~T=e :: :~Y;•eC:~~:~n ';!;:! c:an-Ml ,.._ year. contractmg pr o)tcts through-as a major 11nk betweeo tbe l·::sr: Vlowlll. Tbe bas ·Z35 tull-out Orange, Los A~les, Rl-Itai.WI A.... r--1A...., of autiques, art works, couture, IOIOOL 10 a.& ver side and San Diego Coun-....., v.::.< man .....,s courmet food items, wb.lte ele- tles, said J. Robert Meadows, the Holy Roman Empire, Med-ptwU, lfeY linens, and ac-18aVIC2 ro a.-. president. ieval traders aLso used It, aM eenories. WI!IJidiDAY ~ in 1945 our own '7th Army units Tbe tollowlncarehe_,incwttb •sri aa.oo.:. ,... ------------.,...-----the preparatloos lortheheoel!to -• &. Cooo&hy. L!G.t.L NOTICE L !GAL NOTICE treasurer, Mrs. Rlchar<l Me-loa-• • 11110.NI;;jio.:.;. Cl M •• ~ ... N ....._PrLate ..... s,.-. ure; coor..........,., ..-s. ora :.-:T. NOTICE INVITING BIOO -Nlafan 1111#&• p,..· ..... , .... ~ .... , Co"Pt•rloN c•..v•,_ Cbrd DR. RIBIELL SPITTLER -- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha t the Board of Supervisors of Orange County , California, wm r eceive sealed bids up to 2:00 o'tlo<'k P.M. on Monday, the 3oth day of October, 1972, in the office of the Clerk of the Board of S~nlsors, 5th floo r , County Admin istration Building, 515 No. Sycamore st., Santa Ana, CaUfornia, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read for the followtog: -" / Grana; wortsbop chairman, n...-, · 7 10 t Mrs. DocWd Aadersoa; press hi.; 11 L& • p.ia. chairman, Mrs. Jeu. Halllbur-~!~· -~~·~~~~~~-~~~~~lo~,,~;~~~~~:'~·~=~~~~~~~~~ ton Swedknr; Hetets, Mrs. Peter Hill •.. -. LEGAL NOTICE (icacnl Bible Ouudi Central Uti lity Facility, Add Cbillers Project No . 0168-420-568 All of sa id wor k to be performed In accordance with plans and spec ifirations which are oow on ftle In the office of tbe County Cle rk in the Co unty Admlnistration Building, 515 :io. Sycamore, Santa Ana , California. Minimum wage rates fo r this project llave been determlDed by the Boarrl of Supervisors by Resolution 72-712, a copy or wll.ich is on rile in the office or the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors . SGT. CLAUOE GRAY 25 YEARS IN AIR FORCE - FICTITIOUS BUSI!IESS MAllE 23RO ST. ot ORANGE, COSTA MESA-541.5303 STATEMENT 8Wida,r lloniOI liorohlp. • • • • • • . • 10:10 a.qa. Tile lotiDW!Dr perooe I• dolllr 7 00 bQotoeu 18, SIIC-IOO, :166 Sao lllmda,r E .. ollll llofolllp. . • • • • . . • : p.a. MllfUOI Dr! .. , Salle :106, Kew· llodlleod&~ BUlle 8111iiJ * Purer·· 7:00 p. •• pert Be&eh, CallforDia 92660o AD . -ob will · -- 2501 CLI The frosting Hou8e! Bidders' attention is called to Sectlow; 1770 -1777,5 of the Labor Code which will requlre them lf awarded tbe contract to pay oot less than said general per diem rate of wages set for th to all laborer s, workmen and mechanics employed 1n the e:a:ecutton of the proposed contract C hief MasterSerp:ant:Claude F. Gra;J, soo of Mrs . Era B. Sormeoberc, 635-1/2 Plumer , Costa Mesa, 1s eelebrattng a persooal silver anat.YefSU'J aklog -r.tb me u.s. Atr Foree. San Mtpl Cattle Company, ~--~~~.a cau~ toru1a Corpo:n.Hoa.; James H. DauefltrJ, Pruidellt,I716Win- do'r• Drift, COII'OQa del Mar I Calllorola 92&15. DR. f. KiMTOM II!SHOR! A WONtn:Rt.A.'IIll OF llo'UJUI,'OG I NV IT A Til INS. A .... Nl lll NCEM ENT'S, ENGRAVt;O 'APKISS. ln ;UOING CAKEORNAME"-'TS. GUEST !lOOKS IN t'ACT, A OSE.sTOP PAJlAUISE FOR TilE URIDE·TO.HE 2384 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA Phone 548·5794 Week Days 10 to S miNK FALL THINK JEDJn tnhl FALL SEPARATES Ill GEIST -BLYLE -10KES AND ANNE KLEIN WISTCLIPr rL.UA -NriPOJtTift 1.-. One and one-hal! Urnes the pren UJ.nc rate of wages shall be paid any working time 1n eacess ot el(bt !lours lD any ODe calendar day and for Saturdays, Sundays, aad lepl holidays, unless other wise noted. For less then eijtht hours per d&J the rate shall be that tracUon of the torecotng rate1 that the number of hOur s bears to eight. Each bidde r must submit with his btd a satisfactory check certified by a r esponsible bank or a bklder'l bond made payable to the order of the County ol OraDp in ao amoaat DOt less than rive per cent of the sum bid u a cuarantee tbat tbe bidder will enter into th e proposed Contract ll Ute arne It awarded him. In the e•entortalluretoeotv into 1ucll Coatract, the proceeds of the check wtll be torfetted or, 1n cue ol a bond, the tun sum thereof will be forftlt.d to aid CoaatJ of Orange. Each bid must be on a blank 'form t\lrQ1tbed b7 tbe Couoty of Orange. The successful bidder shaU be required to tandlb, It time of signing agreement, ODe .urety boCid wblcll! &ball protect the laborers aod materlt.lmeo ud IM11 be for 100ft ot tbe a mount of the Cootraet, lD aeeordaDCe wttb Sedioa 4I(M ~ the Gover nment Code, aDd ODt nrlty bODIS in tiM unoaat ol I~ o! the Cootrae~ lf'IO'Illloolllr thO laltlllul performueo of the Contract; said tloDcU to be flnt lfAW'OYid bJ tbe Cotld)' Counsel and lD.surance AdmlDiltrator ot Orup Coaty. The Board of SuperYttou r....,.. tbt rt&M to rejtd Ill)' or all bids, and not oectllll'llJ acciPt tbt lowllt price b&d. and to waJ•e any lntorma.Uty ID 1.01 b6d recetY«<. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OFOIUII<Z COIINTY, CALIFORMIA Dated September %6, 19'72 (SEAL) w. E. sr 101111 Cooolj Clerk IIIII n.-Clark of 1111 Board ol ......-. .. oruco c..cr. c~ 8J 1-AltO ''II 0.., PubU ah: NtwPQrt Harbor E...,., 0. hbcc I 6 U, lt"'l. Sergemt Gray Ia among tbe meo and women wbri han eer- •ed a qoarter of a century wltb tbe youupst ot tbe na- tioa'l 3 primary armed forces. The Atr Fcree was estabUsbed Sept. 18, 1947, wbeo Prealdeot Barry S. 1'nllnu ~~-loto law the Nollooal Seeortty Act. The -eollll -ad miK- IarJ semee In llarell, 11142, 01111 -~ bae&mo -of tbe orlllD&l 300,000 mem- ber• ot the Atr Force. Re 1J .... • llrot _...,. lor 1111 15eotb Orpn'a'"""'J Maia- te ..... Sq-.. II Wolll> AFB, Tnu. Rewu eomm''*-' a-=· ood tt-Ill INI ... ...,. tho arialloo eodlt _...lid -u .. --pllol. Allor World War D IOdad, 1111 wu ......... Ia 1111 rut<( m.ue.. ~ereeut bllt wun- eallodloolflo.--<llrlll lbo Bwb llrU. Bo--•MIJLS ~ lD till I'Mk fll ..... -IIUI Ia ....... 1110 IIIII ... ...,SPill Ia till .i+d = ol -:.:"'.::.."".:;.: •eo=•,_._.., diiJ Ill o. ~­-.II t•'· II-lllo -.. _.., ..... "' '-eo, ir1ll Ill 11-atAI.,I ..... ... ir1ll Ill ....... .._ .... L •• IF\ ..... - • Tbll bolllleu Ia boloc CCII· daetod by a Kmltod partoer . &hlp. Slpodo 1. R. lloap!ry. Tbll llalemootlllad Wllb 1111 eouoly clerk <( OraDco c..loly .. , Sepl. 11, mz, ..,. s..or1y 1. M.-, dopeiJ -elort. Publllllo Sepl. II, Zl, Oct. 5, IZ, It'll, Ill 111111~­ EIIIIIp.. F..JOitll PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL • , , • , f o4S laM, WOIIHIP , •••• 11 A.M. •• 7 '·"· alaLI! STUDY ,,,. ,, ... CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS ICII!IICI, OP CO-A DEL 'MAR ILIAMOI C. .IACIUOM• MIMIIfl• a-,-....... 11,00 a.m. a-, lellool •••••••• 11,00 a.m. 2411 .. COAIT HWY. 646-.1tl1 OUNG RIVER MALE· .ar 18-cJ."'" .~-' 8oooLy IN.nl~ U..'lll.IT1 -···-lie,-~ ..... .o.~o ,.._ -~ -·· _ .. _,..._ . I I GEM TALK TODAY By J . C. Humph rie' EVERYTHIN IN TENNIS FEATURING TOP NAME BRANDS tNCLUOING : ••• • PtrrJ • Isod • Head A TINNIS SU'fltMA.kET • Wll.loa • Danklp, ete. - EXPERT STRINGING-PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE PARAMOUNT SPORTS lll I . 17TH n., CO$T A loll$.\ HOtS£) (BEHIIID TilE IIITEIUIATIOIIAL P,\NCAKE .... ,..,. HOUR CLUIIEIS COROllA 1111. MAll -L CXIMT HIIIIWA'f AT IIIII 115-DDf AIRCRAfT TUIHIHC Airman Tbomaa J. Nuc-Jt. SOD of Thomas B. Nupnt, 19! FICTJTIOtS BTBINESS NAME Yorktown Ln., Costa Mesa, t.J STATDI.ENT been autped toSb_.,rdAFB, Tbe tolknr1Dc per1001 are Tuu, after complet1D& Air dolac bui.Deu u: Almar Co., Force bulc train1zlC at the 11118 Newport B!Yd., Costa Air Tn.lniDg Commud's Lack. Wea., C&Ut. 92627: Jack War-la.Dd AFB, Tea1, where he reo Relnert. UOO NotUactaam studied the Air Foree mtsslon, Rd., Newport S.eb, Callf. orpnlsa.Uotl aod li.LStoms aod U660; Jack Albert Crans, received ~tal tutructJoo. ln 20U2 Eastwood Circle, Runt-buma.n relations. lDCtoa Beaeb, Callt. 9!646. He tsas been assl&Jlfd to Tb1J badness 11 be1Dg" coo-technical tralnln& ceDter ducted by a pDII'al partner-Sll4!AJU'd tor spec.lallnd oblp. ID( 111 the alrcnft maJillle,...:e Slped: J. W. ReiDert, Ueld. Tblo olatemoot alod wttb t:~~=~.~~g~;~~~= e-elort ol 0ruco c-, LEC.t.L OD: S4pt. II, U'll, WilHam E. St Jotil oooaly elort, by Boo-N011CE OF PUBUC REARING trlJ J, ),lddoz., dtpatJ, Notice ia bareby ciYH tbl.t hbU~: Stpt. 11.11, Oct. 5, tbe PI&ADlDC Comm.Luloa of 11,10'71, Ill UMNnportH&rbor tbe City ot Newport lleoeb will Eulp. F -!01912 bold a pabDe beU'lDC OD tbe . tA>Ueatioa of Q>eat WllterD L.IGAL MOTJCI FIDuetel CorponUoo a.r a Uot FICTrriOUB BlfliiiESS NAME Pormll 1815 lo- STATEMI:MT eatad at No. n. *»UmrtDr ,...,.. are Mewport Ctattr, bl OOiarc bMI1111 u: 'ftoo-tt?, clrlTe• teller .lllltl fbr 1111 Pwt -If PL, ""'· ponry llral>eb aYIDp ud port --Ell-olllee. L. C<Mt, 1111 -_., Notlc:.lo--&1- PL... R4apwt 8ela liMO; loiiD u.t sUd plblle '*rlac .. C<Mt, 1111 '"" ltlmborlf bo hold .. tho 111111 ., PL. M'up;a:t Beida MilO. October, lt'Jl, It tM ._.. No !*.,_• II ... -,,JO P.ll. Ill tilt ~ICIIom­ ··-.., a ~ ,..-. bon ol tho lie~ -CttJ 11&11, al ..-u.. llld Ccllill. .., llld aU PI"---· ..... .., -Uil ..., -.. o.-.c:o.er --.., OoL .... 1111, .. -· ,_ lloll ... lloeHiarJ 1. )'a'l ,....,....,olll\. ,..,...,n.-..c.r -: 0oL I, II, II,.. no-.c-1 I• 1111, II tho •apal ... ''*"$: Ool. I, It'll, II ..... ,..., ................ ' 73's IN NOW! SEE ONE OF THE M 0 S T COMPLETE SEUC· TIONS OF NEW 1971 FORI;)S· ALL AT THEODORE ROBINS' YEAR-AROUND VOLUME DIS. COUNTS. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TO SAVE. ENJOY NEW 73 MODEL NOW! ********* OFFICIAL 1972 MODEL HURRY- FOR SELECTIO N! INVEST NOW! IN LAGUNA FEDERAL'S EXCLUSIVE BICENTENNIAL SAYINGS PROGRAM PA'Bl'OT Jlt4" s...m.a c:..rtiftc&tl; UOO Millimum CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 5t-i 11o S.Yiop Certiftcatt SI.OOO Minimum ~ • • * • MlNlTTE MEN Hlflo ' S.vinp Certificalc Sl.JOO Milli.mum j !If, Pauboot 1\cc:ount Day-tn ·to-day-out compounded 1n11•.ru t -~~ 1:-.IOF PENDENCE 6"4-S•Yinl§ Cert1finte B .OOO Mm1mum Get Your Bicentennial Era Portfolio Youn for the asking is this handsome Blue·and-gold portfolio outlining the purposes and goals of our nation's Bicentennial. and designed to serve as a permanent file for documents and bulletins. . See Our Current Bicentennial Exhibits 1bae iuclude tbe 1772 California/Colonial Time Line Displays, and -at the Home Oftice -Lqw>a Beach Stamp Oub's .. History of Stamps" Collection and the Freedom Shrine of Great Documenta. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST, FIRST AND S~NGEST INDBPP.NDBNT FEDERAL NOW HAS 4 CONVBNIENT OFFI TO SERVE YOU s... a,.,.,.-Home Ofllce :260 o.:..n A...... ~ NlloaS ermc~~ L-ffllll•- 601 Nonb E1 C I o 1teo1 LapM s-h . Colifontla 3-Boy Plaza 24031 Calli .. Ia "* • --_,. TIIIEl Ill IIVEITIIE 14th s.ooon SEIIES 1s12 . 73 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE AUDITORIUM, 2701 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA RUSS POTTER Fricby, October 6, 1972 8:00P.M. "High Himalaya" Wt journey to ooe of the most remote &Dd leut kDon u•• of the world, the couotrles of the RIP HtmalaJu, Tbroucb the historic Kb)'ber Pau with tbe lqndary Khyber Rlfles. Across treacherOUI 1Jactera by Tlbertan Yak,. the only animal al.lft· bXed eaouefl to tue u.s to the "Top of the World." Pttll&wu, Gateway to India sl.D.ce the time of War eo Polo. GUctt, a peaceful valley of glacier-fed riYers wblre we witness the centuries-old use of mlnd tJPaDI:IlDr drup. Kattrlstao, Isolated strooJboldofthe dHadel1 Kaflrs, aDd barbaric rlluals nenr before pbotolfapbed. The fabled land of Hunza, where amulna: b•ltb produces loogevlty of over 100 years! miQr< AT DOOR .•..•••••• $2.CIO STUDENT ADMISSION AT DOOR ....... Jl.OO SEASON TICKETS Canclystriper of the year -.......... -atll~-..... - ·-· lilt -~ ·~·-"' lilt ,..... -a-aiCoaM- m ... taJ ...... I n. a'ftl'd, Jl' 111111 d bp • ..,.. a. cu~-. .,....,,_ tnklr, ftl • NP'IM ot ... .._,. •• , 4111 lilrtlldoJcolaln- U.O S0c>L It, 8JpaeW ... Wtre MaJor JW fttm'Ntt: Fred'llor.mJ, cliJ '"'"P'l Cia-ol Comm-P<aol· -J-B. llolcalt ud Nlcbolu J. Zltow, tlileatlft m-ol lilt C-. Tbo blrlllday recoplioa boa- oncl lilt It tq>loy-Ybo faaq MI'Yed slDce tbe bos- pUal-IJIIMI. Tbo CaodJIIrJuot award, a KARl~ M.t;LMQUIST aarpriH ~.D~~CMmctD*lt, was Parker, R.N.; Georptte Rlcb- coordloalod Yltb lilt .,_lal Uda, N.A.: -Seborer, by lilt Aalllary -d ol dl-mldlcal lnMertbtr; Jamto nelora ud Mu. Tbomu A. Sboebaa, ndloJoo, J!ott1 Sbi•- Laned, C&Ddystrlptr ld'rl801'. ers, admw.tntlye MCretuyi Kar1a bu YOlaateered ewer Dorothy TboOJPal, R.N., dJ- 260 bovl siDce JoiD1Dc tbe rector of IIIII'HS, Rlu TOtlflJII. Cucl7ttrlpers ooe ud a batt eldet teelmictan, laboratory, yeara aco. H« lti"Y1c:e to tbe and Pat Wall, N,A. bolpllal baa btcllldod •orklac .. lilt 11ft -·-"' tbe yloJJcr c:oalrol do.t, deU.er-TEA AND FASHIONS tor matl ud flowers to lbe Our Lady oUU,CarmeiGulld MilS JAMES S MATTER oal!eals, IUidas....,nrpallenta of Newport Beacb Ylll open · ' In menu NlecUOD, C11rreaUy tbelr 1912-73 acUYttiea wttb H h A 0 I• h t abe works lntbeAUilllarJmes-a tea aod tashtoo show at2p,m. eat er nn fP an seager sernceud188181sln Thuroday, October 12, btlhe admttttug and diseharJlDI pa-partsb hall at 1441 W. Balboa d J S M t t tteata from lhe -ltal She BIYd. Beeauoe !Ills -· to We 5 am e 5 a e r wu prelldeal of the CaodJ. be Columbus day, the decora- • stripers 1D 1971. tiona wtu be In appropriate M1 Heather Aim Ollpba.ot ers ot AlejlDdro's rutaurant Karin, wbo Is tbe .daTJCbter style. Mrs. Robert Beolsb aod beca: the l:r'lde of James In Corooa delMar. Tbe croom's of Mr. and Mrs. Jo!D Malm-Mrs. Louis Edwards, eo-cbalr- Stephe Matt iD a <kMlble ring parents are Mr. aoo Mrs. Wll-qulst ot Costa Mea, bu been men. are In eb:arge of the event. n b ~ Saturday Sept llam Matter of Lakewood. a member of tbe lhlcleD.t' coo-FashlollB will be sho1rn by ~:re~e ~etgbborbood con: Tile bride wore a IOW'll of gress at Newport Harbor Higb Lorra.itle Sutherland. cr~p.Uoral Church in Laguna dotted swiss made wtthatiK:ked tor the past 4 years. Sbe 11 E TO SPAIN 8 h bodice and rtdfled sleeves &Dd an hoool' studeotaod•ascboserl CRUIS ~~ · bride is tbe daughter neckliDe. It was trimmed with Key Club ~ 1D ber NaY}' reserve persoooel mao t 14 and Mrs Ray Ollpbant old faahloned embroidered rlb-junior year. tblrd class DaYid W. Metcalf, 0 r. • t mer own boos Her elbow length veU Tbe 29 employees booored son of Mr. and Mrs. Josepb of LaCUJil S.ch, or -wu held by a flowered cluster. tor their semce are: Mabel R. Metcalf ol 2798 Bluebird LEGI.L NOTICE She was attellded by her sis-Aroette, R. R. L.; Geneva Circle, Costa Mesa, Is oo an ters JennUer, Kathy and Lori BrowlliDc, N.A.; Shirley Col-active duty trainl.ng cruise 1D NOTICE TO CREDITORS oUpbant, a couslll, Jill Brown, liD, R. N.; Lois Cooterly, L. Rota, Spain., He Is a 1967gradu- SUPERIOR COURT OF THE aDd Jana Sbaper. The attend-V. N.; Mary Cooper, bouse-ate of the UnlversityofArlzooa llfW'UIIT HA*IIIIIIIGII I'UIUIIED IEBLY -.PAIIE I PAPER IACX-$2.:15 al RJCBA.RD'S Gin SHOP, at tlllr&Dct to lJdo, Nowporl Beacb KINSM.U'S, Lellure Wc."kl Ceoter, l&&d& Hilla 111UIISDAY, OCT. I,. 1m CIIIIIIIA DfL IW, CAL DOG OBEDIENCE PIIYAli TRAIIIG & Novice Thrv Utility CUSSES FOI All lllfEDS .:16-__. AltO, 5Choonnt For Dot Tr•l,.rs MARTINCREST KENNELS lOA. OS ALL ••nos CYPRESS 546·0989 AN HEIGHTS (Good for any six admissions) ADULT .. $10.00 STUDENT .. $ 5.00 AVAILABLE AT: Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club, Box 1501, Newport Beach, 92663, 646-2163 or any member of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR ants wore blue and white glng-keeper, Modesta Cruz, Lab in Tucson. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE ham gowns. tecbDJ.clan; NataUeCygan. busl. ===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==== No. A-73901 The groom's brother, Doug~ 11ess ofllce; Anoe Dilberto, Estate or CHARLOTTE M. las Malter, wu hl5 beot man. R.N.; Carol DUIIJai>, dleUtlan: COMPLETE SERVICE RHODES, Deceased. Another brother, Brad Matter, Marcell Ferret. N.A.; Helen NafiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN served as usher, along wltb Fla.Dapn, R.N.; Beverly Fran. Forctt Hardware, 2205 W. Balboe. Blvd., Newport Beach. to tbe creditors ot the above the brlde'abrotber,GeorgeOU-clscus, R. N.; AUce Freuod, you• HOM I-YOU• AUTO-YOU• aU SINISI named decedent that all persons pbant, aod frleDds, John Rich R. N.; Noreen Grnes, N. A.; p 17 (7 WI CARl AIIOUT YOU-YOUa PAMILT Lawson Realty, 3416 Vla LJdo, Newport S.ch. Wutcllff Shoes at Westclltf Piau. baring cta1ms against the said and Mite Clawsoo. Helen Greemrood, R.N.; Kath-L'Jgger.s C/n.suro nce 1 c:Jnc. decedent are required to tile Tbe new Mrs. Matter Is a ryn Griuell, N. A.; Jean Jen-,._ o. BOX 88 , 2711 E. COAST tfWY. them, wttlltbenecessaryvouch-gradua.te of Laguna Beach higb sen, R.N.; Janet Kesner, R.N.; COfiK)NA det MAft. CA. 12121 Lug ers, 1D the otftce of the clerk school and Jotm Robart Powers ~~rlr~ud~e~K;Ieln,~~N~-~·~-~: ~Alda~~~======~~~~§§§~===~==:!~~~~~~,~~ ot tbe above entitled court, or modellDg scboot. Her husbaDd Livermore, ceotraJ supply, to presellt tbem, wltb the~-p-adated from Lakewood blgb Harriet Owen. N.A.; Kathleen . eua.ry Youcbera, to tile llllder-aebool attended Su.Dlegostate • ._ at lilt o111ete ol HAR-Co~ IUid 15 -atteodlng WOOD ' ADKINSON, 550 New-Fullerton state Collep. port CeDter Dr1Ye, Sutte 434, Upon their return from a Newport Beach, Callfornia, booeymoon in Hawa.ll, they will wblch l.s the place ot business uve in Fullerton. Water Bottles? fP::'-.....,Jl!IERE iS A BETTER WAY More Convenient More Economical Safe & Sanitary fO~ FREE HOME TRIAL CALL: 1714)6l9-llSI OGDEN-ORANGk "ATER PURIFIER CO. 710-A No_ Main 51 .• MEET BILL. • of tbe undersigned in all matters perta.JniDg to the estate of said decedeot, withlo tour mooths after tbe nrst publlcaUon of tbls Dottce. Dated September 19, 1972. HE LEN SHARP, E xecutrlJ: of the Will ot the above na.med decedent. HARWOOD 1r ADKINSON, Post omce Bo:r 1907, Newport Beach, CA 92663, 644-1313, Attoroeys for EucW'Ix., Publlsb' Sept. Zl, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 1972,1.n the Newport Harbor ED.J:tp. • Wm. "Bill" Harold, General Sale& ....,_., ud another dtnctor of tbe De'W' car "Golde11 Toacb" t..m. BUI and wlte, Rosemary, U.O cttreet tbt aeth1Ue1 of four robust boJ• at tbe1r loYe)J borne • lbe rOid from Johnsoo and Soo. .u an u --u -.r.Jq bla Nuy days, 8111 aDd tbe JIDI Dow tbe crowd bow to cheer at all the Mater DellllJDN aad 101 eaa bit tbeJ'U all be rootlnr lor brothtr, Mtte, u be deltroJ• lbt competition rrom btl btbacMr'a Cd at lilula AM Collece. 111 the ott MUOD you w1.D 8Dd tbt Ruoldl hlldllll tor th• oeuelt mo6cwblke part. A 80Ud etu.. all the n,y ••• led the Johuoa alea Jtatt to aa all Ume record year ... TROJAN ALUMS PLI.N HOMECOMING VISIT Harbor Area Tro)a.n Alumni plan an en mass return to USC for the Oct. 21 llomecomiDg game with Washington, accord- Ing to Alumni Club President Warren Gibbons. Buses will depart Irvine Coast Country Club at 9 a.m. for a pre- game picnic oo the campus, •here a special table and tent ba.ve been reserved. Reserva- tions may be made with Coo- rad Schweitzer, 2615 Alta Vista Dr •• Ne1rp0rt Beacb, 92660, Tbe deadline tor reservatioo.s Is Oct. 6. W:r. ScbweJtr.er said that buses W"!U be cbartered for both the OCLA ud Notre Dame came• u there is sutftclent interest sbo"ftl... MONEY PROBLEMS? "MiDd over money," a work- shop 1D t:am11J money manaae- ment, wtll be offered by the Oruce Coast EYeniDg College Monday, Oet. 9, trom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 1D the Estancia blgh school forum. There Is DO tui- Uoo and per80DB may register at the lecture. Workshop lecturer 11 Mrs, Oorotby Wenck. home adY18or tor the U::: agrlcuHural nteo- slon ID Or~..~~p Couoty. Tbe session is aimed at be~ husbuds and wins wbo are bariA& money managemeot dlf. ftcu1ties. LEGAL NOTICE • MARRIAGE LOVE MUSIC SEX MOVIES NEWS SUPER$1'AIS • • ·--CM C:C.4 wnM 'n:JU ...:M" Nl'l .AW l ... ...:I"'M~IWN ... -·------.. M ,.,_,..., ,...,.... "vm• A Fll· _.,....... • .,..... .......... ~ ' Keep cool with CANVAS AWNINGS Don't let the sun spo+l )'01Jt patio lun. Shade with colorful canvat tor cool comlot1 . Call Of come by for free estimates. SAlTA AliA 1EIII & AWIIIIIG ,.,._. 2202 SOUTH MAIN s.t5-0.t91 CSII( '*8PEEDK INSTANT PRINTING CENTER 25 FREE CHRISTMAS CARDS •.. when you or~r 100 trom our beataUUI pro- fessiooal and personal selectlool Offer good to 15 NO'f'ember. •~~~~~~~~; HOURS• I•JO 10 S•lO MONDAY lltiW ,JUDAY SOUTH OP M•cARTHUR BLVD. 2640 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CO RONA 0 AR . CALIFORNIA 92625 Are,_. utttr, ~ ttl.flt ~ ~?i Da-·so ... . Rapidly & Eas~ Und.tr Medical POUNDS AND INCHES GO FASTI 2345 E. COAST IUGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR (Near MacArthur Blvd.) HOURS : 9 to 2 to thru PHARMACY ~PHACTS TM _...., ct .. -a...-, ,..._,, aod eoattmporary art11t Tom Vu E4pr HUl, tnuur•. lut'• *""*''a eeqhrt tD Tbe llefltld ~~eq.t•e, eom-•I'WPOI't Ctllter'l ""ncltl miMlooed by tbl lrriDI Com- Jlaa wtll bt Ylewed bJ more PDJ, 11 Mr. Van lrd eu 1,000 bwUed .,..U ot maJor cootr1baUoa to lbo Noopart Ratt>or r..-tton c-. "" 40 ,..._.,..ed Ia c.tiDOidts at '1 p.m. today, crete lDtaCUol ltll'rouod Oct. s. tw1D lrYtDe Towera aDd THIS FOUNTAIN SCULPTURE by Los Angeles artist Tom Van Sant wlll be llllVetled at 7 p.m. todaY, Oct. ~. ln the Union Bank building courtyard in Newport Center. The artist applies the process of electro-deposition, developed by the aerospace industry, to arttstlc uses. The process utilizes a fiberglass for m model with alloys sach as .aJckel and bronze being electrolytically deposited onto the form. The fiberglass for m is then heated and removed to create the fr ee-standing metal form. They defy the iinx People involved in the theatre are traditionally superstitious --so much so they even con- sider it bad luck to wish a performer "good luck." Instead they say, "break a leg." Consider then the tremendous courage (or sheer guts) of the cast and crew of "Ugllt up the sky," Irvine Community Theater's l1rst oUeriog of the new season. It opens at 8:30p.m. Friday the 13th of October! anne Park abate the stage lD important ctw'acter portray- als, while PaW Steel and Chuck Benton appea.r ln cameo roles. Joyce CoDDOlly beads the bllcltstage staff as auista.nt di- rector and stace maDapr. Carole Levy is In charge of properties. Ctwek Bentoo &nd Barbara Garlicb handle tbe Ugbting and make~ cbores. ''Ligbt ~ the sky" W'Ul play Oct. 13-14, 20-21, 27-28, aod Nov. 3-4 ln the UCJ humanities hall playhouse. Curtain Is at 8:30. Reservatlons maybe made by calling 646-3178. COLLEGES INVITED TO SEEK PHDTO PRIZES last season, "You can't take The first annual college cal- it with you," also co-penned endar photo contest at 90ranp by Moss Hart. County colleges Is annouoced Ala1t-Le¥y; -Bet It 'Fitus, AliD , by .tbe sponsor, Pa.atastic Corp., Lapp Fraacu KcCawa_ Daniel 2081 Su JoaqlllD HUls Rd., For d: Wllllam Cullen, Erskine Newport CeDler. The very tunny Moss Hart comedy is being directed by Tom Titus, wbo directed it for Westmloster Community TDeater 4 seasons ago, and wbo a 1so directed the final show of MordPn, Jack O&fJorn. and Sw.-N. Prestoo DeiAocy, presi- dent of the pW)Ucly-owned conf- pany, wiUeb markets p&Dtybo3e on a oattomrtde buts. aid tM contest is belng used as a means to obtain 12 color pic- tures to be used by Panta.stic In producttoo of Its 1973 cal- endar. He saJd prizes 1Delti:M $600 in easb am more than 1,000 pairs otpa.ntybose. l,.liGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT Of THE STATE Of CAUFORNIA FOR THE CO UNTY OF ORANGE No. A-73812 Estate of HAZEL W. BALA- TON, aka HAZE L WEST BAL- ATON, aka HAZE L WEST CON- LE Y, aka HAZEL W. CONLEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the aboYe named decedent that aU persons having claims agalnst the said decedent are required to rue tbem, with tbe oecessary vouch- ers, ln tbe omce of the clerk of the above entJUed court, or to present tbem, with the oece.ssuy voucbers, to the underslped at the otftce of bls attorneys: KEENE 'DION, Suite 510 A Yeo Flnaneial Cen- ter, 620 Newport Center DrJte, Newport Beach, Ca11forn1a T be eootest Is beifll con- ducted from Oct. 1 Ul:rougb Oet. 31 at Orange Coast College, SadcUeback College, Santa Ana College, UCI. Calstate-FuDer- too, Cl».pman College, Fuller- too Junior College, Cypress College aDd Golden West Col- lege. DANCES TO BENEFIT MENTALLY RETARDED Friday Digbt dances for tbl: merblly retarded are be1Dc plamed ln Costa Wesa becln· nlng Oet. 13, the city's Dew department of leisure senlces anoounced this weet. Tbe dedtcatloo of the lllbted famed "•lod chtmes" are ...,,a 1n the courtyard ad-cated ill FaahJoo lalud. )aCIIIt to tbereceotlycompleted Named ''Fam.lb' Gl'o~" 18-ltory Unloa BIDk building, the artl5t, tbt 6MuDJD tlO Newport Ceoter Drlve, will ttae brlnp toptber 4 lDelwle the UDOUDCement of and bronze forma omoer~ln1 planl by tbe tooodatloo to real-from a plateau renectioo 1H a ma):tr cultural eomplu which spills Into a at Newport Cf!Dt.er . tOUDdi.D& moat. Tbe Alu C. Stooeman, fotmdatloD created by the pnlldeot, Is eiJ)eeted to an. tro-depos1Uoo, IOUDCe the creatioo or a cul-aerospaee lDdwltry aDd taral center developmeut" 1\md applled to art1stlc uses by Mr. to launcb the project wbicb Vu sa.ot. Woold senetbegreatereoub.l BPW MEETS TOHICHT u... S\D'rouodlng Newport Beach. The hDd will tloanee Tbe Newport Harbor .. ~;;.;,;! tbe lnl.ttal plaoning and design oeas ' Prolesstonal w, eooc:epts for tbe cultural com-wlll boldthelrbl-moothlymeet- ples:. tnc lhil ..,entng, Oct. 5, at William R. Mason, president tbe Mesa Verde CountrH~~y ~C~Iub~ of tbe lrYioe Compaoy will 1o Costa Mesa. Guest formally announc:e the 'com-will be Aodrew J. pany's commitment to the com-county assessor. The mWl.lty to provide a suitable ls Invited. Dinner Is at locatloo for the cultural com- pies: at Newport Center. The ezact location and acreage wUI be determined wben prelim- inary development plans are presented. 0 . w. (Dick) Richard, presi- deot of Ric hard's Markets, has been named booorary chairman. Mrs. Donakl (Tool) Ayers Is event chairman. Dignitaries invited to par- Uclpate in the community cul- tural event include Newport Beach Mayor Donald Mcinnis; State Senator Deno.ls Car- penter; Assemblyman Robert E. Badham; AI Auer, flce presi- dent of commercla.l denlop- ment of the lrrlne Company; and artist Van Sant. Officers of the Newport Har- bor fouodatloo, ln addition to Mr. Stoneman. are David Emmes, ~Ice presideot; Dooald We han zna.DYmanelousoew materials ••. stainless steels, alomlnum alloys and plastics. Yet. oo man-made material compares with human bones tor tbe Job theY must do. We combine rtne drugs, pre-92660, •bleb ls the p)ace of clslon compowxltng and a busioess ol tbe uoderslgued ln friendlY atmosphere at BAY-all matters pertalnlag to tbe SIDE PHARMACY, ln Bayside estate ot sa.ld decedent, within C e~~ter. lnYited out? Take your Iota moottls after the flrstpub- bostess a bo:a: ol our dellclous UeaUon of this oottce. The dances will be held at the community recreatloo ceo- ter at Oranee Cotmty Fair- grooMs, begt.an.ln& each Fri- day at 7 p.m. and Last1ng until 9 p.m. Local rock tuds W'tU be feattaed. For comblned strength, fied- biUty and Uptweigtll, our boaes are almost perfectly sulted. Your .tdn boDe, for ea.mple, Russell stover candy. Haring· Dated September 13, 1972:. a party? Let olD' Card N' Party Pbilton G. Balatoo, E:a:ecl&or stql s~ly Ideas and party of the Will of the aboYe Dllmed goods. Phone 675-3040. decedeat. eoukt ~t 30 U.mes your • • • KEENE &: DION, Attoraeys at La.w, Suite 510 A~co Fi- nancial Ce~~ter, 620 Newport Ceoter Drl~e, Newport Beacll. wetpt . • • the equtnlent ol HANDY HINT: After the Mrs. Carla Schwer ol tbe leisure semces departmeot said stmllar daDces lD put yeus had drawn crowds ol. abo!j 150 weekly from all OYer Orange Coooty. u automobile ••• yet lt la party, pt. rid of cookiDg odors nnlble and Upt eDOUCb for and clp.rttte smote 1D mtrnates J011 to Uft U ea.s11J. by burDine a CI.Ddt. lD each Calltornla 92660, Telepbooe o DANCE TROUPE AT OCC 844..-8181, Attoraeys for EJ:eeu-Orange coast Collep will tor. host the flrst publlc perform- 011r preeertptloo MtYlce la portoetiJ IIUited "' ,_ ooecls. room. (Ad'r.} Pttlllsb: Sept. Zl, 28, Oct. 5, anee or the oew MatU t...ucoe 12, 19?Z, 1n the Newport Barbe.-Dance Th•tre Co~, mod- Eutp. ern dance ~ from Santa HOW LON& MUST MY HUSBAND AND I HAVE BEEN MARRIED TO QUA Ll f Y ME, AFT9. HIS DEATH, FOR A WIDOW'S 'PENSION 7 by EUGENE O. IUGEROH '"'··· .... •• 1 _ ....................... .. ...W't ••• , ..... ,.. ............................. .,,.. -1 II ~ 4 • 'I'\ ..................................... .. -..... -... --·~ ..... _ , ............................ 1 ., .... .. Ana., at 8:SO p.m. Oct. 6-8 1D the OCC duee ltudk:l·. Mlu Lueot cbonocrapbed SOQtb CC».St RII4)Ub:ll)'l pro. duettoa ol "Mother SartL"Sbe bas &180 cboriOifSPbld OCC'I pr"'O.bbcUoo or "TM .-peat,·· aod tao ._ Eod Tbooln'l "A smUe Is a frOWD tuned ~ _.., .. ,_ ... !too OCC coocert ueprtcodal$1.50 Ill< ldllb aDd $1.!10 lor ota- cltotl • IIILE lTUDY HELD rornt RoaM ...... .._ Ulary, """""'c ......... ld lET l!tit OE&N AND 1151011 YOUR DRAPIS TO LOOK LICE NEWI IXCWSIYI OUAilANTUD DllAPRY CIIAHINO oro..-ry O.OnirtQI. ,.,.,., r-varclet• of ....... of yowdropwy,o, lOO-t. Nplac......,ffdnhlale. • Mt wttt.l .._. • ,._ "Ill I • ....,.,.. Otc:er•tor • ..._ Dl J¥11.._ wttll PIHb C.Ws 1»1 lulu& .... stwhtlt ... • Perfect ben.._. ,, .......... . .,_.. ·-"' ...._ • W.tor St ... •-•1 • Dr-'"t 1.,-... .,_., Harthmo lnttoiW Mil 1.,-... 5~ liT COtT PISTAU NEW DllAPIS w ......... ~_.,.... • ... ~lioft ., ••tc• ..., ,.~_ .. ,... -· lllli ... <l"'i-li .......... DUPEIY SilVIa 540-1366 .,, .. ~, ...... 642-0270 1702 NEWPORT ll VO. at --lr -eluo aod --s.p.uotao- ol Mn. CU. P.•J•a. Ult ..... -t .............. '·'"' .................. '*9'· .. ... ._~......_ ........ ;I.,_,.,....,! 1<1•.-t _, .. _ ..... -....._. .. ,.._ ..... - + ... __ __ =01,. ____ ., .. sslaa"itlllrll ........ w ..... 6.~ P" ~ '"' S'(IOU "'"""~ t.rio:l rwu r•m nr ........... S.71S~ rn ft'lt '"' SlOt•• ~ beloJ ore I'D rwu '"" 'S.2S9f. :-,.. .. , '"' w..t.., .rn,fio. .. ," S.OOC3f ptf l'l"~f ... ~ .ti.•UII"" NIYifi'IJ"I'Idnl ~t)· FREE! •Sar.~-!::.=:::1 ............ , __ ... _.... ........ ,... a ........ ,.. •• e.-•• ,._ ..._.,..._..., ...... ,.. =· ........ -. . ------.-" .. .... .. ....... s en. a.._..,·--''" BlDLTIIIt ... ..., ..... Will Y .. Qr I '1 .... 1.-....... ....... " Oftk::e:,.. VIa~ .... ,..... • (714) .,....... • =... Orclln Newport c.tw0Mce:IIO,..apa:1 Ct~Mr'"'"' • PI .... ea.. (f14) .... 1~ : r,:.. n..~C:... IM't-Pane• ••••••e CCIMIUJ .... ~ ....,_ ..... _ .. __ __ ..... _ .... _ -. ..... -. .... .. ..... _,__ ... ..... 1'11'$ 1 •• ? .... ,..... ... .. , ........ ...... ... • OGoralllcooiiiPa•ll (--11-IAIIoA-} ----- Eut "'•'• n. C' •a. Rldll.,., WoodMd 111.11:1. ,......_ C .. -.c .... L--.:-::.:"':.: -=:.....----...J , -·nlooo .... llo -IOOWootrtrot.•-·- ~ ........... ., .. ..,ttl .. u...ol .... ~.iii­A WHOU.Y OWNED SUIIStDIARY OF 2 BILLION D0UAA ~ COIIPOAiiTlOH CW Mil ball 0 0 0 - CROSS Of ••• Tat: Luke 111: 41-44 "And when be wu come ••r, be belleld ttie city, aDd wept over It, llayllll, Jr thou hadat known, even tbou, at leut In thla thy day, the thlnp which be lOili omto t/ty peace! but now they are hid from thine eyee. For the daye shall come upoo thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench I!Klut thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee In on every side, And shall lay thee OR' OF ........., -~~~~ ... 10, 11'10, lhllplllllo- ~ OR (f) even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave In thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time at thy visitation. In Christ Jesus, fellow Christians; This Is a Sunday that marks a solemn annlvereary on the calendar at the Church. Nineteen hundred years ago, In thla same month at Au1uat, In the year 70 A.D., Titus Caesar, son of the Roman Emperor, Vespaslan, marched his Roman legions Into the city at Jerusalem after a siege of. almost two yean and razed the city completely to the ground. When his leglonnalrles were fin- ished with their task of destruction, not one structure was left standing In a city which prior to the beginning of the siege was crowded with more than three million people. The historian, Flavius Josephus, who was a participant In the siege and an eyewitness of the destruction d. the city, wrote In summary, "'Accordingly, the multitude of those that therein perished exceeded all the de- s tructions that either men or God ever brought upon the world." (Wars~ the Jews, Book IV, Ch. IX) Jesus was not exaggerating when He predicted that not one stone would be left upon another. It Is highly s ignificant that the symbol which was displayed on the s tandard s of the Roman legions wh ich ravished the Holy City was Nero's signet, sometimes called the cross of Nero. It was a symbol In the shape d. the upside- down cross with broken arms on which Nero crucif~ecl the Apostle Peter four years before the fall or Jerusalem. Early in his tory It was also known as "the s ign of the broken Jew." The use of that symbol was Emperor Nero's diabolical way of displaying his scorn and hatred for the message of the cross of. Christ. Ves pasian, who became Emperor shortly after Nero committed suicide, shared Nero's s corn for the rebellious Jews and their religion. In recent times, that symbol has reappeared and has become univer- sally popular. People are calling il a peace symbol, but they do so in blind ignorance. For it is nothing ol the sort. In truth it is quite the opposite. The broken cross is at'l anti-peace symbol because it is a symbol of something antl ... Christian whereas the cross of Christ is truly a symbol of peace. As we observe this t900th anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem as !oretold by our Lord ln the Gospel lesson for today, we want to talk about these two c rosses: THE CROSS OF NERO OR THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Which will It be? Which one ls the true symbol of. peace? We shall observe that one is actually a symbol of death and destruction while the other Is a symbol of life and salva- tion, a symbol that imparts peace to the hearts of the people ol God. I. The incident recorded here occurred near the end ol our Lord's earthly ministry. Jesus had come to Jerusalem to participate in the Passover. It was a visit that led to His death on the cross. ''When he was comP. near, he beheld the city " probably from a hilltop vantage point near the Mt. of. Olives, "and wept over'·rt;rr What those tears teach us about the burden at love Jesus had in His heart for lost, sinful, alienated people! As He wept, He said, "H thou hadst known, even thou, (these people of all people) at least In this thy day, (when they had Jesus In their midst to teach them God's truth) the things which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes." He had come to them on a mission of merl:y as the Prince of Peace. He had come to show men they are mistaken In treating God as their enemy be- cause they think He Is angry and wants to get even with them because of. their "ln. He came to show them that the only path of peace ls the path that leada from heaven to the manger to the cross back to heaven again, and that this path Is now open for us too. He came to teach that It Is folly to think that you can be at peare with your brother If you are not at peace with your Father. Aa Paul put It to the Ephesians who had once been foreigners to the family of. God, "Now In Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of. Christ. For He Is our peace," who came "to make In himself of twain one new man, so making peace; and that he might reconcile both unto God In one body by the cross.'' This is the si mple truth about peace which the people of. Jerusalem rejected. They wanted peace, but not the kind dfered by the Prince of Peace. Because they spurned God's peace alter, they doomed themselves. In His proph- ecy Jesus foretold that doom. Their city was about to be destroyed completely. Not one stone would be left upon another, He said. The ultimate Irony came when the Roman legions finally breached the walls of. the city carrying standard• which displayed the symbol of the broken cross, a symbol Indeed of death and deatrac- tlon. The reappearance of. that symbol today reminds us that we live In Urnes that are similar, -times of. Ignorance of the truth, times when men do not know the things that belong unto their peace, times when men cry "Peace! Peace! when there is no peace" except In Christ. (CODtloued out week) A LOOK AT THE BOOK ., Dr ..... -- ,....., tl ,_.-'-u.w,.,-.,, ~u::uU... S.C. A man who commits • wroaJ .a-whO INa. tiJht more often I TboM are p ihy ol thre • ~ or lleala, or murdert-i• JUilty ol tin. There it omiiMon to wt.om the Kina when He _.. another kind of ain , howe¥er, which rno11t of in Hit a)ory lh1ll aay, "For I ... • t.coaaawd, ue ~~»mmil and of which we are rarely coa-'nd ye p'le Me no meat: oUecL _. JW aciou&. Thi1 ia not the lin ol doint IOfl'llthiq dothed Me not : tidl., Md ia priloa. ... ,. wror~a but: the ain of fa.iUna to do IOmoilld1iq vittted Me DOt. n.n lball 11M7 a11o __. which ia riJht-the sin of omillioft. Some t1a Him, •rtna. Lotd. wtMa MW .,. '1'111111 • ;. not a ahina we do. Some am il a tllma·-. huqred. or arthi,., or a ...,...,.., ot ..uct. "don'l''r Thla Lin often aprinp from carete. or ak.k, or In .,....._, and dkl aot ,..w.• ...., ne~~, Nlftlhneel, or mdiWereDCe: IDd the child Thet1 Thea IIMU He _.... ~ ..,.._, of God il .. frequeratJy tuiltJ of tlllit kiDd ol Verily 1 •Y .-o you, ~ • ~ Alit ala 11 il the unconverted mlln. We "-•• ID not 10 OM ol 1M 1.-t ot .....:, ye cld I& Mt -tty 10 oay • ....-d wblcll wll 11ri111 10 Me'" (M111"-1S:42.4S). Tho Wonl ... """""" i-• ....,. bwfy -,.,, Mod .. not .-.! -........ oddod ........... fail to 11M tdnntaae ot dNI taJJLfttc ity. W• n.:=---1 ......... aldlole ill e+rt m ..t filii to cau dlo Ume to Wp -•• wllo lo In -...S to ,.-. 11ooW • -6o • bu.-..!-~ .... foil ..... -· ol , ....... lilltllo---....... . ..... -.... ., ... -.~.. TlMta.,.._;,..,., __ ......... .. f•JI in dNM.,..... -w= .. .,. W!l. ~ 111t ed ,., wtdl ._.. Mwll. -we a..e Wl a's ....... -., .... -... -. _,..... ............... -.. n.IIWe..,..'"Tollloo .... k•o,..todo Mod wo ..... --...... -w ...,.r....S ....... Il-.to-llloriW"(-......... ., ..... -.Mrl._ll_._. 4Jf7). W•. Wlllllll ....... W W II. ilt -.• Jl...-1 W., p II M f Golden Text : "Hu .... ,~,. MilA HilA walo y0t1, u if' (Jolul 2:5). II ~cor::<eJ:~ C..::!i !~ cordinr to Jolla. the biab IDCI lofty r."._ of tile ....... i.ot clearly otatod In John 20:30, 31. "ADd 111111y other eicne truly clld 1-ill the pt.....a of bla cllo- ciplel, wbith are DOt wiittea in thil boo~-:: But thete are writtaa. that ye mlclrt believe that ] ..... le the Chri.ot, the 5011 of God ;.IDCI that bdie-ri"f fC micbt ba .. tifelb~ bie .._ Thut the inspired wnter preKDts jUit -facts c:oncemine ;-which will produce a sa'finc faath in Him u the Meuiah (" Alloiatecl 0..") end the 5011 of God. He"' it ehould be noted that the woro "limo" ia the author'• way or describi.nc the miracle~ of Jesus (d. John 2 :11; 4:54). Sucb a term designates the .oiritual aign.i6caDCe of the Saviour's ''milf>ty worb." Since tbe apostle John believed that Ju.. dieplayecl His £Tact IDCI power in the performance of min.- des, be has made a careful selection of a number of these acts of power in ordtt to fu16.11 his notable aim in writing the Gospel. Therefore, the eight miracles or sigus, which have been recorded in the fo urth Gospel, should be carefully noted. 1. The Ot&n(ing of Water into Wine, 2 :I· I I ; 2. The heaJing of the Nobleman's Son, • :43·54 ; 3. The Healing of the Lame Man at the Pool of Bethesda, 5:1·16; 4. The Feeding of the Five Thousand, 6 :1·15 ; 5. The Walking of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee, 6 :16- 21 ; 6. The Re5toration of the Man Bom Blind, 9:1-41; 7. The Raising of Lazarus from the I:lud, 1 t :1·57; 8. The Serond Miraculous Draught of Fishes, 21 :1·14. In the study of the Gospel of John, attention will be given to a number of theae signs which have been preserved by a faithful eyewitness who bears a di- rect testimcmy to the glory of the in· eamate Cllriat. The outline of the present lesson, which is entitled "The Miracle at Ca.na.," it as toiJows : t. The Historical Sdting of the Miracle (John 2 :1, 2) 2. The Miracle Performed (John 2 :3-10) 3. The Sirui6cance of the Mlro· de {]olm 2:fl) THE HISTORICAL SmiNG Of THE MIIIACU In Jolm 2 :I, 2 we rud u followa: "And the third day there wu a mar-ri.,. ill Cena of Galilee ; and the . The TNI CMifiTIAM IIACOM 2 Ill ... ...... .... ............. .... -..... ' . -of ]-. wu th<T<: And both ]...,. wu coiled. and Isla diocl· plel. to the marriap. • It i1 iaterat-lar ID '"* die cxoct dclailo of time and lliacll wbido ............ by the foouih ....,rill. Tho "lhllll .,.. of -I lo.., be o.a-.1 f.-the ~ lut ... odoaod (ct. I >43-51). Ooi lbla putleular day wbldo bo<•D'C . -..~~~e-.--........ rlop-f-In Caaa of GoWoo. In the opaioa of Dr. Gutaf Dolman, "tbla Cona 1111111 be -"t In /Cieir-... IC-about ....,. IDCI a ball milt~ IIOrtb of Nuamh. This is the only place when the -Cana is rw-nec1 In GaJUee ,._.., IDCI tbe _, ~fiatim '" Goliloiot ('of Galilee) wu ~~~-..-E bly to diet!ncuith it from the Cana, ~ that Galilee ho but Ofll c--. whu:h in aU tibJjhood wu Khirbet IUna" (cf. s ... ,tJ s11 .. .u w,., ,.__ by Paul P. t...ertofl, 1935, p. 101). Conceming Cana of Galilee, it should be noted that it was the home of Nathanael who was brought by Philip to J~sus (cf. John t :45-51; 21 :2). On this occasion of a marriage, the 'mother of Jesus was prestut as a friend or possibly u a relative. It is worthy of note that Mary, the mother of JCIUI, comes be- fore ua twice in the fourth Gospel, at the beginnini' and at the end of the lord's public miniatry (2:1·11 and 19:ZS.Z7). Further "'!em>ee may be made to John 6:42 where ~aus' mother is mentioned, but never name here nor any other place in s Goepd. Vene 2 may be reGdered u followa : ''ADd JCIUI alto wu ca.Ued and hit dixipla to the mar· riace." In rqard to this atatc:mart, the conuna>t of On. Millipn IDCI Moultoa is rclennt. "The form of the 8elltence thows that our chid attention it to be 6xccl on Jetut, DOt .., the disciplt~. They ......, invited u His disciples. Thote who came were probably the 6Ye or "aix mea- tioned in ch&P.ter J, viz, Andrew, Simon Peter, Ph!Jip, Nathanael, and John himself (and probably Jama)'' (cf. William Milli~an and William F . Moulton, Tht Gospd Acco,.di11g lu Joh•, 1883, p. 40). THE MllACU PERFORMED Verses 3-S rud aa follows: "And when tht"y wMted wine!, the mother of )t'IUS saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Wo- rnan. wht have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. Hit mother aaith unto the ~rvants, What· ~ver he aaith unto you, do it.'' When the wine failed durinK the course of the marri&Kt-feast, the mother of· Jetua infonnt Him CCil- cemin« the teriouJ dif&euJry which fact~ the family. In liDIIW.,. to tbla porplexinr oltuatioto, Jauo · ·~· 'Woman, what han I to do wstb thee? mine hour it not yd c:ome." 10 .... be<n riptly _...., that there io IIOthinjr cli1t~ful in the cenn ''Woman" by wbkh Jetlll thus add.......S His mother. l:,UI' reply with the wordl, •')fine r lt aGe yet come," may simply be oabn to -that the hour of the a>onlf- tioo of His ~ II 110t :rot come. Thus the prea• momeat for tuch • murifettati<XI wu .an ia the future. Tbe"'fore. the II10ther of ]<1111 ays to the servants, HWhatloeter be aaith unto you, do it." In venn 6-8 we read thete warda. "And there were aix waterpotl of stone, after the manner of the puri- fying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water,· And th~y filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the penor of the feasL And they ban: it." M an eyewitness, the apostle Johr. reaDs the number of the waterpoU, their material and size. It should be noted that the firkin wa.s equal to about nine gallons. so that each waterpot contained more than twenty gallons, making about 130 gallons in all. ln order to m~t a particular need on thi~ festive occasion, Jesus gave defi- nite commands to the servants, and they obeyed. Concerning the interpre- tation of verse 8, the remarks of Dr. J. A. McOymont are interesting. "We may suppose the creative act to have taken place between the fill- ing up of the waterpots with water and the drawing out at the Lord's command. The servants could not fail to perceive the change that had taken place ( v. 9) ; but, either by the command of Christ, or of their own wish to avoid an exposure of the rlifficulty in ' which the household had bttn plact."d, they make no remark about it'' (cf. Tlu GMP,l Actordiflfg to St. Joh", n.d., p. 135). Panel discussions Verses 9, 10 are as follows : 'Whm the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew '1"t wf.f'T1ce it wa,: (hut the acr.vants ., ~:ch drew the \\' •t;:-r kne..-.o;) the governor of the fca.tt called· the bridegroom, and saith unto bini, Every man at the beginninc doth let forth rood wine ; and when men have wen drunk, then that which iJ wone: but thou hut kepi the ..,00 wine Wltil now." Tbcee two vertea witntll to the completenw of the miracle. The chanrin« of the water illto wine .... been .._.u..c~ •• ooe of the mat nature miradtl wblch our Lord per- formed. Here a dutive aet hu tnrly Oaken plac:o I In co.-don with the expreuiOD Hrood wine'' In nne 10, the comment of Dr. Albert Bamt1, en American Pmbyteriu miniater of a century ago, i1 worthy of note. "It should 110t be UIUtlled. therefore, that the 'lfOC)CI wine' wu slrortgtr than the other. It iJ nther to be presumed that it was milder. That would be the b11t wine cer- tainly. The wine referred to here wu doubtleu such 11 was commonly drvnk in Palestine. That wu the pure juice of the frl.pe. It wu not broncliecl wiM; nor dnoned wine: nor wine oompounded of ftrioua tubo- atanca auch u we drink iD thit land. The common wine dnmk in PalatiDe wu that which wat the almplt iulce of the rnpe" (d. Not11 o• llu N,. T~tto....,r, n.d., Vol II, p. 197). with Or. S.m~l H. Sutkerl•nd .,.d Or Ct-1•r1u L. Fel,berg ,.10M THI IIOL• I.O.DCUTIIIl Q . L~peer, Mich. "What type vf baptism is spoken of in Joh n 1:22? Were the people whom John bap- tized m Matthew 3:11 save df If not, what was the purpose of this baptism?" A. They were baptized for the re· mission of their sins as these were confessed before God. The Lord jesus had not yet appeared on earth when john the Baptist came . preaching in the wilderness of Ju· daea. The purpose was to indicate cleansing and repentence from the old life, and a readiness and pre- paredness to receive the Messiah when He Cdme. The people were not saved through that particular rite, just as people are not saved today by thi~ means. These people were disciples and learners who were anxious for the coming o f the Lord. Q. Centralia, Wath. "Is it all rig ht to pray to Jesus, or are we to pray to Cod the Father in Jesus' name?" A. It was Dr. R. A.. Torrey's convic- tion that we should pray to God in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Ho ly Spirit. Keep in mind, howevf>r, that there Is ab- solutely no jealousy amon_g the members of the Godhead. The main thing is the si ncerity of heart from the one wJlo has truly been born a8~1n through faith in Christ'' I flnlt~hed work on Ulvary's cross;. Q. Seaside, Calif. "Are the anBels In heaven creatures; of free will as we humans arel" A. In Jude 6 we see that the ansels did not keep their first estote, re· ferrlns to lhose who followed the devil in his rebellion (lsallh 14:13, 14). The devil had lhe power to choote to follow God. Instead he deCided to rebel. For lhls reason he wu tast oul of heaven. Moat Bible theolosiV~s believe lhal an· pit todoy do not hove the power of choice any lonpr. They are " messengers of God doing His bid- ding. They do not have the power of free will in the same sense as we do. No means of their redemp- tion has bf>en made possible, at - though that privilege is given to .111 mdnkind. We tru~;t those who read these words have made that choice, accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Q . Sanla Ana, Calif. "Would you please explain I Peter 3:19 -211 " .\. There have been many unfor- tunate and unscriptural teachings put forth from this passage lnclud- ·ing the erroneous view that per- haps there is life after death w ith a second chance for salvation. Such could not be further from the truth. The physical body dies but the spirit either lives on, if one is a believer in Christ, or it awaits the final judgment and condemnation of God. The Lord Jesus on the cross did not die in the spirit. He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive by the Holy Spirit Thl! pas· ·sage teaches us that the same Holy Spirit who raised Him from the dead patiently sought to win men before the great flood who are now in hades awalllng their final sentence of doom. No one In the abode of the wicked dead has any- one preaching to him, nor does he have a chance to change his loca· tlon (Luke 16:26}. That there were elaht souls saved by water slves us a picture of baptism which Ia slm· ply an outward alan of an Invisible Inward work of &race. Thls"tlpre" does nol mean that every flood pictures the ordinance of baptism. If a person dolt not believe In Chrlst,/uat puttlns him under wa. ler wll no\ help one Iota. II II rath., "the antwer of a SOOd con science •-•rd Cod." We have another similar .,.mple In 1 ,_ 1:10, 11. Hefe --that the propheu foletofd the <Gmi"J_ of Chrill Ill' the Spirit (-the ,._ Scofleld R.ferencolllble, PI-UH). THE SIGNinCANa Of 1111 MllACLI V ene 11 reads u foDowt: '"This bqinnior of miracles did Jeaus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glo7.; and his disciple• believed on him. ' Another renderinr of tlle first.part of thia verse is to be noted. "Th1s. as a bqinni"''_ of His aipa, did Jesus in Cana." This wu Jesus' fint . aim (miracle); in this sign He ~feat~ His clory; His disciples behe'fed ia Him. This miracle re- ... lecl the clory of J<~•• u the Son of God, manifestilllf Hisf:er in a wonderful way. This btdeed --..t the ,... 0 the Lord OQ • joyoao «aoion which wu rich7 bl~snd by Hb: pn!leDCt. Con-<-......, 11 , the -natim of Dr. Alfred Plun-r io oipillc:ant. "Tbla ..... le cooodlllift apinot the miradeo of O.riol'a childhood reo -sod In lbe Apo fpbal Goopda (cf. Tlw ~ Aturll11 1» St. , ..... ,., .. 116). ....the.-.. re- ..... tbt prna•t wrw wcler c:o. riklondoa, Ilia .....,. of On. )(m;. ........................... ::~=-~~ (1>41,..,'"""-tolaw4 laHioo.-.,._'llooowatl ••' widl .a.utda.,...,.. • 1hfllc Lord.' recrp'rl!W .. _., t d• ol lflo *"· ,... ---Ia .... · .-.. ,..ahalallia...., -• -of Ieith. no.,. ... a tf ;a qw.,.. ID a 4eepir ...... -:~ ......... .... =· .. ''" d. n. ,._ ttl ....__ ... Wio, .. 41). .J. ltM.Id L. ¥•r .. swMdelt NEWI'ORT HMBO R BISIGII F ro111 tl 1e Police Blotter .... SIR VIM~ 1,000 POBUSIIEO IIEBILY -PA(if I ol ..... ql Mewport, ..._ ff' f • d 'd fia -lllol tllo -. -• FIIID4Y,IKfT, II ..... .ua.. Clllr-wtdlt'llllllpa, Ill 4tlt st., Welt IP 0 COin eel es ... ,.., I -at 01>•---I _.,. ud II"" puked bMI.oi!JU-H-"• roported uaccordloo 11u ahoiiJ -t11o fit u.-. ...-at 1111, troe at Ill -st., Woltlf~ nlaod at 1m Jtotoo"""' hll ror~y.-bollllo s ·-CAL a __ (IJ v--ao-n-. THUIISMY, OCT. I, 1172 COIIOIIA OELIIM, CAL ID1IMaa mark la IDta.1 ...U JI&)Oolm Aldrft't' cu W'~ from I p.m. 8tpt. 11 tMidenct bttwMD 8!40ud 9:15 ebU'fl(l tM lt:utlllt:IM ...... 801 Ctkhtls ~: (J) Dl.tk ud lo ...... _.., 1,000 U ..., If ~Iiiii -'al 101 I a.m. Bt!>t. 16 p.m •.•• Clotbloc nlood at da:l' IDd -J. Stc>t. 11-17, -· loll roi-wu, IIIIYC; (I) c .... -·· 11....... lllor X.. Dooor ' SATURllAY, SIPr. II l%40 wu bllrcJarllod trora 1o -Sllaro So1llll C_.o C---~ BCYC. Bt t~ plul to U· Sllanl: betw.. t:io p.m. WUda Jordl..a HPOrfted tblt Bette llutt'l r.omt at llZI Ollie o.tp n..t ctw....,... 8oltll S11ore lll.lllc Cllb'l poad lllo --1 _... Stl>l. i4 u1 7:41 a.m. Stc>t. 15 ••• ..., -~ .. btr homo Rutland Rd., Wesl<:llll, betweeo roceo. Po a • ., paopo~oo~ ('1111 nco '"'IWor b _,_ IDd truol ••• A blqelt YOlaod at I!ZO at 1354 £. Oe .. Froat, Bal-I p.m. Sopl. 18 lDd QOOCI Sept. Tbe f1eot llllod 1 neoo Ill 1o 11 .... -) b PIIRF ~. Ill adclHoo to Wll Jtolao lr001-Bora-boa, betwooo rDidnleblllld IHO 20 .•• lllelllel Cnlclowry, 7 Ill l2 -at-uc1 !lot p1 SYRP ..uJ be-Od.U. 411"4 teller ltltloM. Coa .. dafll'• llft&e, 500 AlJ:IIODd PL, a.m •••• 4 liD' Role nlued at U, of 488-1/2 E. 17th St., aeu UDder a warm StptemMr .er.ctioD wlU btcta ._ OD tbe Eut Bluff, betweea 10 a.m. $900 wt.l JtoleD from LoJa Sue Costa Mesa, was arrested at IUD., Four u.. ,... H*l!h'ed u:lltlac bull: t:lte, IloTer at Aid 8 p,m, ••• A ISS tll.tttry Wolf''l rtiSdeoce at 1833CasUe 16th st. I.Dd Irvine Ave., New-THIS PHOTO WAS TAKEN AT lO:lS A.M. MONDAY, b:r elapMd: Um• ud 0D1 til llstb. wu 'JtoltD from & car blklae-COTe, Harbor View HUla, be-port Hellbts, and. Charged with OCT. 2, AT RICHARD'S UOO MARKET PARK.DfG LOT. by the f11p4-&-<dn. Here art tw..a S p.m. Sept, 14 aDd 10 possesslon of ma.rljtlui. the raee reetllta: LIGAL MOTICI LIGALIIOTICI a.m. Sept, II , •. Burglan'TUESDAY,SEPT.I9 LUCKY LICENSE SANTANA2Z--(1)s.-, ORDINANCE NO. 148? be adcltd to the tu fo1 1DY cot $250 wortb ot ltereo &OUDd A ~eyele nlued at $110 wu Dan Taroer, SBYC; (Z)Kartm, AM ORDINANCE OF THE tmlt or 10 macb ol tbe ta:r equlpmnt from the Jobn Rleh-stolen trom Jaeboo Ramsey'! Jim Nugent, SSSC ; (S) Mal eSt em OFNEVt'PORTBEACH •• be<ome• da~ I pen-.... Tahm ·-at 109 garageai328Marguorlte A•e., HERE 'S A CHANCE TO WIN $10 Mer, Leoo Sbordoo, SSSC; (I) AME!fDING SECTIONS S.l2.-alty of twtllt)'-ftn t~tretat 41Jt st., West Newport, be-Corona del Mar, between 10 Onl:r Cblld, Ed LatM, Qi&C, • oso AND 3.11.040 or THE (Z$1~ wbleb an llloro._ hr ... %:30 lDd 8:30 a.m •••. a.m. Sept. 19 and 3:30 p.m. Bring In this Ensign photo and your auto THISTLES --(I)U .. IJLadJ, HEVt'PORT BEACH IIUIOCI-be<omo .. ,able Ill the oame Somoooe brolce a window at Sept. 20 ... Rlehard Malcolm registratio n and receive $10.00 cash --1f John Brown, CBYC; (2) Wild PAL CODE TO PROVIDE mUDet u tbe tal. The tu Walten Sip Sbop, 220 N. New -Chudy, 23, of 205 Crystal Ave., WiDd, Wlll Templatoo, BCYC; FOil AN INCREASE IN THE lDd pooa11y lball bear lalerelt IIOrl Bt.d., Newport Helgjlts, Ba-lslaod, was arrested you are a subscriber --$5.00 casb and a (B) 'Bout Time, Hamlllcm Bar- EICISE T.U llll'alED at tbo nle at .58 ot ooe por-behreeo 5'30 p.m. Seot. 1s aod at E. c oast Hwy. aod Jasmine one year Ensign subscription 1f you are nard, SSSC; (4) Artlllelal UNDER CHAPTERS lZ EM eeot per moatb tmW pail" 7 a.m. Sept, 18 a.odlookseveral AYe Corona del Mar at 2·30 W ch f Flower, Ed Sawyer, BYC. mLED "PROPERTY• DE: SECTION z. Sodloo uz.o4o smaU llcoo from the display a.m:' and eharged with drh.jng not yet a subscriber. at Or our RHODES 19 --(I ) Coollle~ VELOPMENT TAX." AND of tbe Newport BeachMunlcJpal wi..D:Jow • • • Hlmtrt Hancock, UOOer the lnllaeoce ot alcotK>l "Lucky License" photograph each week. Roy Wiegand, SSSC; (!) 1m. DELETING SECTION 3.12.-Code !a arne-to reocl: 1755 Sberlo&too Pl., Oakwood •.• Mary Ellen Fortevllle, 20, ENSIGN 272 1 E Coast Hwy C.D.M. pulstve, BIU Slenl, VYC ; (S) !=~~~~~~~= 050 "S.l%.040 OpentiYe Date. Apartmeats, repocted a Colt .45 or 2080 President St., Com ' • •• Speed o Men, stne FaU., The City Cotmell of the City The tu 1~ bJ tb:tsCbapter Pistol stolen from a closet sbett Mesa, was arrested at 1400 W. ----• 1 sssc; ( 4) Curio as, Fred ot "-" Beach DOES OR-... u apply Ill 1M ooostructloo sometime behreen. p.m. Sept. Coast """·· Mariner's Mile, c II se lis s u r2 us Straoch, OCYC. DAIN .. followl: l.Dd OCC'C)UeJOfallrotdeotlal. 9 and 4 p.m. Sept 16. at 7:50 p.m. and charged with 0 Ins CAL 20 --Te:l Mara, Barr:r If you AN a newcomer, SECTION , Seetloo S.lZ.OSO eommeretal, tndWitrJal uolta, • SUNDAY, SEPT. 1? possession of marijuana . . . am des ped to c.oovert idle Mason, BYC; (2) Gordo, DaYI.d know of a nnrciomer of tbe Newport Beteh Mtmiclpal &.Dd mobllebomepartsfor: whleh Jewelr:r n.lued at $250 was Pollee stopped Ricl'lard Harold ~o~ll~s 11~fd!o ~mg:ny has ~ unrequired laM and fa-Price, BCYC; (3) ~ Win-the Harbor Area wbo Code ts ameDded to read: a buUding or coutructton per-stoteo trom Millie Barry's Parle, 20, of 966 Joann St., Co-~~ny 's !n~ere~~n a ma~r ~= ciUtles lDto cash to improve trode, NCA; (4) ~IDdrlft, Jim heeD '"lconMd, "1.11,030 lmpoii1Uon of Ez mit t.a lssued oo or after the apartment at the Balboa Bay sta Mesa, at 11:45 p.m. at 23100 tion or Its landholdlngs near ColllDs' working capital and Landreth, NCA. a fnor by ca1liDg eiae Tu.. A. TAX OIPOSED. etrectJn date of tbls ordi-Club sometime between 5:30 Irvine Blvd., and charged h m Orange County alrp:lrt to Koll reduce the borrowtng and ln-LIGAL NOnCE Visitor t.tw.n AD eiCiae tu Is hereby lm-oance." p.m. and 6:30p.m. • •. About With drtvtng under the Influence Center Nl'!wport for more than terest levels. a.m. and llhe posed~ the eoutruetlolland SECTION 3. Seetlon 3.12.050 $75 worth of patio fUrniture of alcohol. $l0 m!lito n. He emphasized that the sale FICTITIOlS Bamr&SS NAliE your fritnd oce.ncy of eaeh ruldeotia.l of the Newport BeaehMunicl.pal was removed from the front • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20 Koll cent er Newport is a does not sJgnlfy any curtail-STATEMENT II•!'!"''"!" infOI'IDIItion untt. com mercial 181U, lDdus-Code Ia hereby repealed. of Barry von Hemert's borne Virginia Zenz, 1399 GalaX)' partners hip of RE I of ArUng-ment of the company's opera-The following permos are from trieodly ~:r11 trial Ulllt, and mobllehomepuk SECTION 4. This ordinance at 2969 Ca talpa. st., East Bluff, Rd., Dover Shores, reported ton Tex:~s a subsidiary of uons in Newport Beaeb, where dolng buliDeas as: Dartmoatb rU'IDI which 11 lo the City to tbe amount of shall be pubUsbed ooee 1n the between 10:30 p,m, Sept. 16 that $55 was stolen from her Aet'na Ll!e 'an<1 Casualty Com-Collins employs over 800 peo-Publishing Co., 1S4 Sballm&r lli=~~oo~bol~p her become $.15 per equare foot ot srosa ometal newspaper of the City, and 9:30 a.m. Sept. 1? , •• A car while U was parked at pany arYl prlneipals of Don ple, aod will coottnue to oc.c~y 10, Costa. Mesa 9262?: Robert wtth her new f1oor trail tor aU claues of aDd the same shall be effective statue valued at $75 n s stolen her borne from 9:15 a.m. until Koll Company Inc 1n u cess of 250,000 square M. Sheriff, 'lS4 Sb&llmar, fD, new eoostr~~eUoo. lDeludtnc uy 30 days alter the date of Its from James Duke's driveway 11 :25 a.m ..•• Vandals brolte D. R. Rea'n. Collins vice feet, in bulldings reWnec:l by Costa Mesa 92627; 0iaa1. R. u-. in a buiJdiDc deslaned adoptloo. at 252? Buckeye st., East Bluff, a water pipe and damaged pres ld(:nt saJd disposition of tbe company. Sberlfl', '734 Sballmar, fD, Co- for the pa.rk1Dc of nhleles. This ord1na.nce was lntro-between 10 p.m. Sept. 16 and plaster and eeUing heaters at the lanrl ;nrl buildings at New-ES OFFICE MOVES sta Wesa 9Z62?. 8. DUE DATE, Tbe amount duced at a regular meeting 8 a.m. Sept, 1?. a JAK Constructioo Co. site po rt Beat>h .,.,.~irll were in ex ·SAL This buSioess 1s beinC coa-~;::;;~;;;; of the tu due hereuoder sball of tbe City CoUDell of the City at 600 E. Ocean Front, Bal-• " -, -Tbe sales om ce for New-dueted b:r a putuersbtp. be determined at the Ume a of Newport Beaeb bekl on the • MONDAY, SEPT. 18 boa, sometime between ? p.m. cess of the t>ompaoy 5 require-port Cr est has been moved Signed: Diana R. SberUt building permit La mugbt for 28th da:r of AIICQBt, 19?2, and Abbey Rentals, 2601 Eastbluff and 8 p.m., causing ao esti - ment.s , wa\ part of th~ com-from Its on-site klcatloo oo This statement tued •Uh the TKE HARBOR VISITOR PHONE: •M--1388 tbe eoostructloo a1 resldeDttal, was adopted on the 25th day Dr., East BhJU, reported 134 mated $550 in damages ... pan y s asse mall:ilgeme pro-S~lor Avenueto1argerqua.r-county clerk of OraDct County commerelal or lDdWJtrlal untts of September, 151?2, by the fol-foldtnr ehalrs, valuedat$1,608, Stereo and television equip-lEGAL NOTICI! ters ln Suite B at 2400 W. on: Sept. 18, 1972, William or buUdlnp:, or tor the con-lowing Tote, to wit: stoleo from their storage yard ment valued at $1,035, was ~OTIC E OF INTENTION TO Coast Hwy ., Mariners Mile. E. st John, coaaty elerk, by structloa or reconst:ructioo of AYES, COUNCILMEN: Rogers, between .10 p.m. Sept, 1? and taken by burglars from Lloyd ENGA GE IN THE SALE OF Renderings, tloor plans and Beverly J. Macklcn, deputy". LDJ mobllehome park, IDd the Crout, Dostal. Kymla, Ryckoff, 3 p.m. Sept. 18 •.• Hoag hos-Glick's residence at 920 lr-ALCOHOLIC BE VER AGES a scale model of the tlrst sec-Publish: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, full amount of tht tu shall Store, pU.al reported $81 ta.keo from vioe Ave., Newport He ights, -9_28_72 tloo of the eoodomlnlum pro-12 ,1972, 1.n tbtNewportHarbor be due aodpayab1eeorw::urrently NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. a petty easb drawer between sometime between 8 a.m . Sept. TO WHO~ IT MAy CONCERN · iect are on display in the oew Ensign. F -20285 TAX SIILTEF. IIJTIII rtTUI£S! 11.111,.1.._ 11"JJo .......... . "htl· ....... ~ with the appllcat1on for such ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Me-Aug. 29, when It was last used, 15 and 9:30 p.m . Sept. 20... Sub·eri to issuance of tb~ office, said Charles Dreyer , ECO D .. EDAL permit. u sueb tu Is DOt Mly Innis and 9 a.m. Sept. 18 •• • Alison Robert Joseph Keller 33 of 1 ¥ice president and marketing WINS S H paid 00 or before the due date · Howard N. Rogers Chrlstler, 608 st. James Rd., 408-1/2 E. Balboa Bl;d., Bat-license applied r~r,h oot!: is director for Gr.lot Co. The Marloe staff Serc-nl Wayoe (1l')IJ• AI .. the permit 1s issued, the tu: Mayor Pro Tempore CUff Haven, reported a wheel boa wa s arrested at E. Bay hereby given tha t e er-otnce ls headed by John Cox, E. stiroaman, bust:aDd ol tbe • tl"'1rAL or the amount thereof oot paJd ATTEST: aDd tire valued at $75 stolen Af; and Palm st soortly a.tter slgnM proposes to sen alco-project sales rn:mlger, and for mer Mlss ~e F. Vao f~:;~~]r~:;~ ................. + Jtl:"lloT•IeAce ..... sball thereupon become de-Laura Lagios from hercarwhlleltwa.sparked ~id;ugflt and ctdrged wit h be-hollc beverages a; 1~e ~:~ sales represent.a.ti•es Tanya de Walker of 1375 Baker st., ltDq nt City Clerk a·t 17Z? WesteUttDr., Westettff, ing intoiic.ated In public ... ~et desc~l~ ~s 0 7~ h Bowles and Anoe Harris. Costa Mesa, bas reeei'fed the Chapel C~DELINQUENCY, PENAL-PubUsh: Oct. 5, 1972, in the from 11:40 p.m. Sept. 18 and John Mathew Oliva , 21, of ·p;:~~ntwi~· ~:ri~tent~O.: FOOD SPECIALIST good conduct medal. b1J MC· TY, INTEREST. Tbere sball NewportHarborEnstgn. 1:30 a.m. Sept, 19 ••. Joseph 1750 Cen tella Dr., West Upper the unc1ersign(>Q is applying to Airman Patrick F. Godwin oDd award attbeM&rlnei~ ~~.,:_::-:-::-:::::==:----,::;::-;-:;:;:-:;::;---O.i', was .arrested _at ~ver the Oepartm~>nt of Alcohollc W. son of Mr. aod Mrs. Pat-Base, Camp Le~ tbe• ca.: L!GAL MOnCI! l.EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Dr. ll:nd Cti tt Dr., Cliff ~:~e~, Beverage Control for issuance r ick F. Godwin Jr., 2983 Royal He r ec:r':U:..se at lA- ORDINANCE NO. 1465 s~b . bearing shall be mailed J ~·20.54AI4)1 ~, Hearings. at 4::. minutes ~ m n g 1 of an alcoholic beveta.geUceose Palm Drive, C06ta Wesa., bas reer P AN oRDINANCE oF THE not less lhao ten (10) days A. REQutk'tD-NartCE. 'fhe aod charged wttb po~sessl.on ~ Ucenses)lor these_ptem1ses been au11Q1td toSheppalcH.FB, )e.e. · 'CrWIEJF !fll'WPOltT'BgAC!f"bd:Wlll; the hearlnl_e»te, post_-Planning Co_'!'D)lsstoo shall hold of dan~rbus dtugs · · · Ro&ert as fol lows · ox sAtE t>Efl-Tens, after completing Alr AMEKDING SECTIONS 20 •• a,. pr:epaid, us1tll lddresses at least ooe pllbUc hearing on Emmett King Jr ., 47, of ZS 81 ERAL. Foree blslc tralnlng at Lack-.te:OSO, !0,47.0-40; 20,48.040 trom ttle last equa.Uzed assess-any proposed amendment, and Arbor St., Costa Mesa, was ,l.ntonio RenJ.gnJ 1.and AFB, Tens. He Is now A.ND zo.54,0300FTHE NEW-ment roll or, aleroaUYely, shall give ootlce thereof by arrested at 4:10 a.m. a1 2305 BESIGNl EYI"ER-receiving spectallud tralni.og PORT BEACH MUNlCIPAL trom sueh otber records as at least ooe pubrteatioo in a E. Coast Hwy., Corona d:lMar • PRIS ES as a food services speclaUst. CODE TO REVISE PUBUC cootaiD more receotaddresses, newspaper of geoeral d r eula-and cl\arged with being mtoiJ . Publish: Oct. 5, 1972, in the He Ls a 1970 Esta.neia hlgb NOTIFICATION PROCE-to owners of property within a Uon wtthtn the City at least cated in an automobile. ~ewport Harbor Ensign. sebool graduate. otJRES IN CONNECTION radius of one hUDdled (100) ten (10) days prior to the first • TH URSDAY, SEPT. 21 Wl'I'H PLANNING COMM1S-feet of the exterior boundaries of sueh hearings. Stereo equipm~ot valued at SION AND CITY CO UNCIL of tbe subject property. In ad-B. NOTICE TO NE IGHBOR · $i , 755 was stolen from I he HEARINGS dltJon, ootice of such hearlng ING PROPERTY OWNERS. In residence of Gary Vander mast, Tbe City Colllctl of the City shall be posted in not less ease the proposed amendment 221 Or chid Ave., Corona riel of Newport Beaeh DOES OR-tb.an two coospteoous places consists of a change o! the Mar, between 8:45 p.m. Sept. DAIN as follows: on or elose to the property boundaries of any distrlet so 20 and 1:05 a.m. Sept. 21 •.. SECTION 1,Secttoo20 •• 6.050 at least ten (10) days prior as to reclasslly any property A 1911 Harley-Davidson moto r - of the Newport BeaehMun1eJ,pal to the hearing, trom any district to any other cycle belonging to John Pastuf, Code is amended to read: U .iny properties included distrlet, the Planning Commis-1980 16th st., N~>""'J'X'rl Heigh ts, "20.46,050 P'llbllc Hearlngs. wtthio the radius referred to alon shall cause additional oo-was stolen fr om a patio at .~ .... e.lh , ... l ni•-.~~- A. DJSCRETJONARY. No pub-above are kxated outside the Uce of suehheari~tobema.iled 2110 16th St. betw~n 10 p.m. •'1" .. • .,..ci;._ ·~,... Ue beartop need be beld 1D llmlts of the C1ity ~~Ne~:! DOt less than ~~~n .. 101)~ be-S~. 19 and 11 a.m. Sept, 21 .'!.!"~~ -· t.M. eOCIDeetloa wtth tbe grant or Beach, the mal ed ...._ce ~ fore tho hearu.lfi e, ..,_.age •.. Joh:1 Sprout, 1401 N. Bay 10 DAILY deaial of an IIJPllcatloo. tor oot be gl'fen to those property prepa.td, using addresses from Front, Balboa Island, r epo rted -P'.Itl. ONLY 1 Use Permit; proTided that owoers; but In Ueu thereof, the last eq~alli.ed assessment that a thi ef took his wallet 642-9251 tbe PlaiUIJ.nc CommtiSioo may the Modlflcatioo Committee rollor,atteroattnly,from such containing s~o rrom his car ~~~~~ilJ~~~C iD tts d:tscretloo hold sueb pab-may cause mtten oottee of other r ecords as contain more while it was parkf'fl near flis * ue beutnp as tt deems ad-such hearing to be clnn to recent addresses. to owners of res:idence from 8 p.m. Sept. ~t~tai#H ~ 6. Tllable. tbe PlaMlng Commissloo of property wtth1(n3~) radl1~ of 21 tmtll 9:30 a.m. Sept. 22. B. NOTICE, Wbeo tt Is 1111 eJty 1n wbJch sucb prop. three htmdred fee o the • FRIDAY, SEPT, 22 deemed adrilable to hold a erties are located, IX' to the uterlor boundaries of the sub-A clock radio and an electrk pabUe larlriC. POtlee ol ncb Ora.op Couaty Planning Com-)8et property.lDaddltion, ootlce calc ulator, valued at$351, wer e b-.rlac aball bt mailed not mlssloo ID sucb eases where of such hearing sr.U be posted stolen ttom the omce of Land leu thaD teo (10) da:r• before sucb properties lie wtthi.D the 1n not less tbaotwooonsptcuous Sales· and Inv estments Co. at tbt' beuiDg date, po.tap pre-wdneorponted portion of the plaees oo or e..,_ to the prop-366 San Miguel Dr., Newport paid, 1111n1 addreues from the Cotmty." erty at least teo (IO) days prior c enter, between 5 p.m . Sept. lut eq~alb.td u.-ument roll SECTION 3,SectionZ0.48~~0 to the hearlng. 22 and 9 a.m. Sept . 2S ... or, alteroattnl)', from sueb of the Newport BeachMunlc..,.l lt any properUes included A thlet took 2 bicycles, valued otber recorda as ooata1n more Code Is ameDded to read: wUbln the radius referred to at $265, from the ga rage ai rKG addreNes, to oners "20.48.040 PubUe Hearings, above are located oWilde the Lisa Larsen's ho me, 11 6 J ade of prGperty wtthiD a radius of A, REQtlmEO-NOTICE. Apub-Umtts of the City of Newport Ave., Balboa Island, betw een tllree bUD!Ired (SOO) IHt of tbe Ue bearlnr sball be be~-~ Beaeb, the mailed-DOtlce oeedty 2 p.m. and 4 p.m .... Homer uterlor bouDdarltl of the sub-all n.rtanees, e:reept u UUfW&-oot be ll•en to proper Neil Opland, so. or 160 w. jlct JWoperlJ.InaddWOO. DOtiee wise prorided ln thiJ Chapter, ownera; but In Utu thereof, tbe WUsoo St., Costa Mesa, was of IUCIII blulDp llallbeposted 1fithln •tD:r (&0) days after PlaanJJlr Commtuloo mlJ arrested at J amboree Rd. and lD DOt &ess tblnhroCOQIIpleuou fU.1.ac of tbe 11JPUcaUoo; pro-cause wrltteo POt1ee of sueb E, Coast Hwy. at 2 a.m. and plae11 oo or elole to tbe prop-Yldtd, hOWenr, that pubUe heulnc to bl ct•• to the Ptu-c. barged with driving under t he erty at 1eut t• (10) da)'S beulnp oeed Dot be hekS 00 Dine CommiAioo ol uy ctt:r infiuence of alcohol .•. William prior to tht blu'IDc. appUcatioas O'fer •bleb juris-1D •hleb neb propel'ties are Ashton Pood, 22, of 405 41st u U)' properttes tDChaded dletioo bas beeo. delepted to loeat8d or to tbe tJruceCounty st., West Newpor t, was arrested wttllla the tldllll rlfvred to tbe Director of Commtmty De~ Pil.lmi.Dc Commt.A:ioD 1D sueb at 2:<45 a.m. at Newport Center abort are ~ Oltlldrt ttae nlapmeot. Notteeot..:bbll.l'-cues wbere tueb properUes Dr . and E. Coast Hwy . and llaltl of tbe City d. Newport lDC lbal1 be mailed liCit litu Ue wltllll. U.. -.IDoarporated charged with dri'ftng under the Baeb, tll«1 tM IDI.IIed aottoe tbu teo (10) dlaJI bd)H tbe port1oa of tbt eo.tJ!' lnfluence of alcohol ... Police -DOl be pl'OII to -~ dolo, pooDfl propald, SEC11011 5, Thll ordlnaoc:e arrested Kenneth Arthur Bene. praptl'tJ onera· but JD U.ea uiDC adclrt .... from ttlt 1181 lb&U be PllbU...S OQCI 1a the ftel. 33, of 2100 Newpor t Blvd., t1Mnof, tbt Pluld.c Coannla-eqallHcl I,MIIIIMIDI; roll or • offtel&l DIWIIJIIIIIr of tbl City' Costa Mesa, at his resldeoce a-ma:r ca .. wrtttea DOUce alerMUYel1, ft'om aeb otber aDCI tile ame ftU bl etreeU•e 11 9:50 a.m. 00 a t.d eheclc of .aeb IMm'IAI to bt cl't'tD rttOOtda u COIIta1D morereceDt SO dlaJI abr tbl date ol Its to 1JJo P-., Comm...---· Ill ..,_, at prop-adaplloa, of ..,. cJtJ Ill wlllcb Reb prop.. '"' wtttda • Hdllll or thrft Tb1a Ol'dlDUct wu tntro---uo -loci, ,. 111 111o b-.. (300) lOot at lllo ax-~ .... at a roplor ...-.., or 0rup C011otr P-.c Com-torklr -· at tbo ..... tho CIIJ C.-:11 at lllo City ·-1o ...,, -wllen jact _.v.IIIIIW!Ioo, -.. ot Nnpart lloac:to. llold oolllo ..,.. .,.__ 111 wtt!da 111a at _.. beariDf lball be-Jilt da1 at A...., 1m, ... 1 --porttoa at lila Ill DOl lou tllalllwo ....... e...,·wu .. _.. • lllo 11$111 doY c..,. pllcoo oo ,. ·-lo tllo prop-ot ll<l>lo•llar, It'll, bJ tllo loi- C. c0tn-DIV-'"CI:, q.lllo arty al .-too (10) dope lowtlr -. ID wit : -1111 .... a p11o11o ....... prior IDillo loalrloc. .lTD, COUIICIUIIll: ~0, _. 111o p-. C...U. B. COJmiiVAIICI. q. lllo Cnot, '-!, ICJIO)a, RJtllatl, ·-,. M ~ --1101 -Ill b I pllollo IIJu1or -.. 'tyll; c-o_ tllo~C..-or 11 -' lo tllo CltJ C-lloa, COUIICIUIIll: -· '•t en or a. CJI:J oa.eu eO, 1M P......_ C:O.•'Wcw A~ COIJIIIClUBJf: Me-.., cat•-a. tllutllr eo or ~ CM7 C•aU _, oca .. r.tL tlaSP .... elllllll ...... tt.l U. ....... .. ...... .Par41f ....... A;'W--. tllo--"""'-.._ .... ~. -., ao llllltor -arnot ,• t11o -at I.TTBIT: 181 ••• ..... •• ,._.,..., a. :1 r as 1 a._ s. --t. .. Lq~Dt IICI .. I ... 7 ..., ... ll.,lll~~=:;._.ciJCtwl :::.::-:~=-I.,::::...·=-' lll=~!.t:'lotllo ..... ,..,. 11011oo. -at C..Oioaa1 lilt,_ I \ BEAUTY NOOK 27 32 E. Coast Hwy . Coro na del Mar Phone 644-7336 SALE$ & SERVK:E ) 0 0 !, l1 T ~ ~T COSTA M(iA 646·7706 -6164115 ... LCOUI CIUDl cunn r In e I...EATH B R • SUE!Df! 8 HOU AS E AVIC!: II R. D 541·0146 1 20· C TVSTIN A VI!. N II!WP O "T IJE ACH ( f••l off Co •• I "-'1 · IJd i •J T'lfr•., Dr•l•) FLOWERS FOfl ALL OCCASIOHI DtM•rl TIJII FLOIUST$ PMONI: ...... --::=-.... Zl13 llllllllfl. CISTI IEU-142-1111 Dt IICn y .t.CitOSI PIIOM TMIO IIOIUU POID HAL AEBISCHER 4!f:J. ProS* Fittint Allured ~ E.Coost ttwy. 01·-· ....... .til ..... . ,...-. ............. . ....... .,..t.- f... lnferrlwltien c.tl Chol ......... IN 4067 or 527.- wtt 1o IDIMGU,IMfTA AMA •Dry Cle1n1n DIMMITT t)it!.tT.. . c••t F-.....,~ hi ....... I Wf~ 'a...,_ ... ___ _ ... ay ·* 1 '-n'L:•r n __ ........ .............. _____ .... t..11n 1 , ....... ~ ....... ·.: ·. RE .. ODELING OUR SPECIALTY H. C. BERGSETTER S0-7301 Clt.IUIII ~-Ueeased and lnlured -.:::-SHOE SERVICE '" jCJ..,'' 1 Tl &MOl, Lua•••• ~alnt-W1llpeper RAIUIOB PAINT lcWAUIAPD hi iSBUaQt PAINTS O'n.l'll ..... IUIIIII'A TT£/tiiiS , ,WU.IJ'-If Blt&.~hJ. 0 ... -O'al' '1'0 JIOil1' .... ~ _,., ... . •Ptau•tnltlu•• A. It MAJ.SAC .... ..... 1e00oo 1 A-. too-...... • ' .t.•D "AN DIAl IIP.t.IU 1401 11:. Oouc Rlpwop CoroGa .del lllar Pbooe: 17•4140 COAST PAIHTIHG Homo ud --•• R .... t.e .. 11111Z JOU -- F AJR ESTIIU TES 53 • :v~~"::'~0:AGf lD T=~YDJ~~ J:f EAGLES COME UP STRONG r:==~~~~:;;;:;~~.,. t.e;::;.~i::-= FOOTBALL LOG -U e-., rib dol LAST WEEK liar iUbiC ~-Ia tllo 1r. Nnport II c-. ~~-0. ttao iA1cM. AMW01 'lllliiD& E-ll 41,'11 -7, llnport R...,.. ta s-BaDia ADa u coroaclelllsrl. L... Pla.J, IDd CMta Mea THis WEEK -., Saala ADa Vllloy Ia THilRSDAY -lrYIIIO ........ Saala ADa Valloy n. Colla ElltaDcla'l £qlll, ioo~C We.. DITIP:IO Fitkl, 8 p.m. 11b tbt er•m ol. tbt Hubor ' FRIDAY crap 1a early ..uoo play, are corooa delMar YJ.Eit:aoc.la, '-------------------~-~ flYOred to .top CCII'OiadtUiar, DaYidloo Field, 8 p.m. Bucs FACE TOUGH TEST ~~ ":'~":''r~!'"er ·=~ Anahet!•!;m~~ Rsr· 1ut •eekea:l, .Z~7, after bor DavtdiOil Field, 8 p.m:. · tbumplDJ Tutln tn their opener, • By Jim CsrDOit bt hll IIOIWwl II lbt mldllle zt..e. Coi'OM del llsr ta 1-1, -------:::::--= Coach Dick Turoer'J Orup of a crowd at tbe 10. Four loattlc 24-15 to Sub ADa last After racklq ._.. 221 yardl Coast CoUep foottwller1 playa later the OCC Qaarttr-•"k after bJa.rLidDI Newport aplost TustlD, be added teo ahould receln the1r toupelt back bullld ewer from the ODe Harbor Zl-0 tbe week before. more tn 17 carries ap1Dit test ot the JOUDI eea100 tflla to Pn, tbe Ptratu tht victory. Colla Mesa, still Jooldnc fDr Marina. Ferodou.s UDe play, Frtday Dilbt, Oct. 6, as tbe OCC • ftrat touchdown ot the 1 ft to score after dropplng both 00 oflense aDd defeut, Pirates bost state cbamploa .lllcflt came oo a 26-yard aerial 1 s.lo opeoer to Western aoj bas also marked tbe fttst 2 El Camlbo at LeBard Stadium. to Mike Lacy, Tbe Plratea loc1Dc Zl-O to Newport Harbor Earle victories. FLAG FOOTBALL SCORES NEWPORT RECREATION (Games ot Sept, 30) lDers Rebels 15. Bu:ftaJo fUlls Jets 12, C.Y.C, Shuts 0. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE quarterback Atria Whitt, No. 26, gets good protectloo from hlsotreastve lloeand prepares to throw In 1a.st Saturday's game wltb Rio HODdo. The Plrates won 35-32 and White completed 21 of 33 aerials for 359 yards aod 4 touchdowns. (Craig WatkiDs photo.) Game time Is 7:30p.m. scored In the IICCIDd period oo lut week, cu elpecl anotber Corona del Mar's Sea KiDp Tbe series Is Ued 1-1. OCC White's 56-yardbombtoFJsber. toup ooe tool~ at Daridsoo ran Into a buzl~saw named woo 18-0 ln 1949 and ElCamiDO White tossed scorlnr aerials Field Tbelr oppooeots tbe Mike Molina in the Santa Ana toot al3-? deelsioa tbefollow-of S9 to 2S yards to MODI.han santa'ADa Valley Falcorls' nan Bowl last Friday night. Tbe inC year. and ~lck Hartstleld .ln the early 2 straigbl be:lttni Los santa Aoa quarterbl.ck scored OCC goes Loto this seasoo's moments ot. the third q\lll'ter • !:nuos 28_1l and blasting 1u 4 of tbe Saints' touchdons, contest with a perfect 3-0-0 Benny Ricardo kicked all 5 Puamount last week, 28•8• ra.mbUng for 115 yards ln 19 mark, wbJleEICunJ.oois2-0-1. extra points for tbe Sues. Anaheim IIPPill'entlJ 00 the carries. Defense apinSt tbe The Warriors were tied last Quarterback White and de-way tack to JtstraditJonalposl-run wtu have to be better Frl~ weekecd by rugged Cerritos, fensive eod Gary Balcb were Uoo of power in Orange County day night u the Sea Kings hope • • • C DIVISION (3rd enders) MarlDers Moles 18, C.Y.C. Mariners Cl1ters 20, East- blult Lloos 0. PIRATES WIN TOURNEY VlldJlgs 0. Helcflts Mavericks 2Z, But-Orange Coast College swept falo KJlls Redsldns o. to the champtonstttp of the 6th Butralo HIIIB llustanp 26, C.Y.C. Jets 12, c.Y.C. Pink Pantllers 1'1, aMual Pirate lnvttaUonalwater Channel Chargers o. polo tournament, racldng up Buffalo HJUs Raiders 14, Helcbts Packers 0. Marloers CLippers 13, W. Newport Seals 7. C.Y.C. Howdy Doodys 13, Chamel CowboYs 0. In1De Terrace Vlkings 6, Peninsula Rams 0. • • • CC DlVISION (4tll &rsders) Eaatblutr Pumu 6, Marlners Mites 0. C,Y,C. Klllers, 6, Buftalo Hilla Sbeeo 0, Eutbluft' Cougars 2, Mar- Iners Crll.lsers o. Baff.llo Hills Chiefs 20, Helcb!S Lloos 12. Ctwmel ChlpmtDka: 6, Buf- falo BoboO. Peninsula Pros 12, Irvine Terrace Cowboys 0. • • • Inlne Terrace Rams 13, 4 easy victories last Saturday Peninsula Cowboys o. to the OCC Pool. Mariners Mashers 8 East~ The 4 wins pve the Pirates bluff Tigers 6. ' a perfect 8-0 season record. • • • BB DlvmiON (6th graders) Heights Wotverloos Heigbts Parakeets 0. They opened South Coast Coo- terence play Tuesday with a 9 to 5 victory over Mt. San Antonio, and will compete in the 6, Northern CaUfornlainYitatlooal tourney at Foothill Collep this Friday and Saturday, Oct. 6-7. Martoers Corsairs 44, East- blult Leopards o. Mariners steelers '-40, Buf- falo Hills Chargers 0. Coach Jack Fullerton was particularly pleased with the play of OCC goaUes Rod ROiS 26, W. Newport Dolphins Cbannel Truckers 6. Irvine Terrace Lions 13, Peninsula Packers 6. • • A OrvtSION ('lth cradersf • C,Y.C. Clams 28, Buttalo Hills Ducks 0. Mariners Giants 22, W. New - port Slw'ks 0, LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1468 8 OMSION (5tll &rsders) Hel&flls Trojans 16, Eastblutt Cheetahs46, Ensign Mar-Bears 6, AN ORDINANCE Of THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 17.!2.040 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO RE - QUIRE MARINA OWNERS AND HARBOR PERMITTEES TO MAINTAIN AREAS FREE FROM DEBR~ The City Council of the City of Newport Beach OOES OR- DAIN as follows: SATURDAY'S SCHEDULE SECTION l.Secttoa 17.32.040 Is added to the Newport Beach M untclpa I Code to read: (October 7) • • • "C" DIVEION (Games .prt9 a.Pl.) H6.lgtb Packers TS. Mar- ioers CUppera: at Mariners. lrlarlDers Moles vs . C. Y,C, Howdy Doodys at C.Y.C. C. Y.C. VlldJlgs n . Eostblul! P&Dlbers It Eastbtuff, W, Newport Seals vs. Buf- falo HUls Mastanp at Buffalo Huts. C.Y.C. Jets vs.CbameiCow- boys at Peolnsula. Buffalo Hills Raiders vs, Ir- vine Terrace Vl.k:ings, at Irvine Terrace. • • • "CC" DIVISION (Games start 10 a.m.) Heights Lions YS, Mariners Cruisers at MarlDers. Mariners Mites vs. C.Y.C, Bldfalo Bobs at C. Y .c. Eastblutt Pumas vs. East- blatt Couprs at Eastbluft'. Mart.oers Rippers vs. Pen- Insula. Pros at Butralo HJlls. C,Y,C, KJUera u. ChanDel C tdpmunks at PWD.sula. Bu:fb.Jo Hills Cb.fef vs. Ir- YlDe Terrace Cowboys at Ir- vine Terrace. • • "B" DIVISION • (11 a.m. pmes) Helgtlts Mavericks u . Mar- Lners Cutters at M.arlners. .. ,,.1111 ., ... , .. ~···· •... ,. Mariners Masbersvs.C, Y .c. Pink Panthers at C.Y.C, Ea.Stblaff Tigers vs. East- bluff Lions at Eutbhdl. Marfoers Rebt1i Ys, But. talo Hills Jets at Buffalo Hills. Cbaooe1 Chargers YS. C.Y.C. Sllarts at Peninsula. (1 p.m. games ) Heights Trojans YS, Penin- sula Cowboys at C.Y.C. Butralo Hills Redskins vs. Irvine Terrace Rams at Ir- vine Terrace. • • • "88" DIVISION (Games start at noon) Heights Parakeets vs . Mar- iners Corsairs at Muioers. Peninsula Packers vs. C. Y.C. NOW's at C.Y.C. W. Newport Dolptlins vs. Ea.stblutf Leopards at Eastbluff. ltarloers steelers vs. Hetgbts Wolverines at 8ut1alo Hills. Butralo Hills Chargers vs. l.rT1ne Terrace Lions at lnine Terrace. • • • "A" DIVISIO~ (Gamu start 1 p.m.) C.Y.C , Clams vs. Mariners Crusaders at Mariners. W. Nnport Sharks vs . East- bluff Cheetahs at Eastb1utr. Mariners Giants vs. Butralo Hills Ducks at Buffalo Hills. "17.32.040 ReiUse--Martnas and Pier s. Ally owner or op- erator of a marina or any owner or permtt holder Ybo maintains a pier, sbaU keep the area in and around such ma.rlna or pier located on the shorelines of Newport Harbor within the City reasonably tree from beached or Ooatlng ref- use, debris or Utter at all times.'' SEC TION 2. This ordlnance sha U be published ooce 1n the otttcl.al newspaper of the City, and the same shall be effective 30 days after the date of its adoption. This ordinance wa s intro- duced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held oo the 11th day of September, 19'12, and was adopted on the 25th day of September, 19'12 , by the fol!OW'lng vote, to \lit: AYES, COUNCILM EN: Rogers, Croul, Dostal, Kymla, Ryciofl, Store. NOES, COUNCILME N: None. ABSNET COUNCILMEN : Mc- Innis. Ho.,ard N, Rogers Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: LatD'a Lagios City Clerk PubU&h : Oct. Plnl Pill! Pzldles & Bans PinE Pq Sets Skate Baanls Faotballs hsbtballs Soccer ~VIIIIyWs ..... Playlf .... I'IIJS TIIIIJSI*ts I 1M Tillis·- Tllis Sills ....,Sills, ~w and Doug Weller at the invita- tional. Wke Seal led the Pirate scoring attack. blasting LD 10 goals. Ron Mlslolek had 8 aod: Mike O'Brien scored 6, The Sues beat Chatfey 1n the opener 13-4, downed L.A. Harbor 9-5, crushed Gross- moot 18-4 and rolled over Santa Barbara City College 20-3 in the champioosh!p tilt. CROSS CO UNTRY Tbe Orange Coast College cross country squad dropped Its South Coast Coofereoce opeoer to powerful Fullerton 16-45 Friday at Mile Square Park in Fullertoo. But coach Jim Mdlwain was obviously pleased. ''This Is the best team we've had tn a while," he said. "We'n made a lot of improYe- ment. Fullerton 1s one of the best in the sta.te, and we didn't do badly against them." Tim Rudy was the leading OC C finisher, placing 5th and conrlng the 4-mUe course in 23:00. Jim Neal finished 8th 1n 23 :37 and Dana Babin 9tb in 23:48. Steve Scbureman placed 11th with a 2.4 :01. LEGAL NOTICE ----------- B-28252 NOTICE OF TROOTEE'S SALE T.S. No. F .58321 On October 25, 19?2, at 10:00 A.M., ALUSON -McCLOOKEY ESCROW COMPANY as duly appointed Trustee by Substitu- tion under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded January 9, 1969, as lnst. No. 4719, In book 884 1, page 1, o1 o mclal Records In the omce of the County Recorder of Orange County, State of Calltornta, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC - TION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawfUl money of the United States) at theNorthtront entrance to the Orange County 23-23. named the offensive and de-football, wW be a tough assign-to IC)set Estancia. Warrior coach Keo Swear-fenslve players of the week by meat for Coach Don Lent's Newport Harbor's rock~hard lnpn owns a 76-21-4 coaching the OCC coaching staff. N wport H bor Sailors The defense woukl.n't tetCostaMesa record, wtule OCC Ttteker bas Balch, a freshman from Edt-C~loaJsts C: byRedlands'21 _13 get anything started last Frl- a 66-29-2 mark. This will be son High, was In on numerous last Friday day night at Davidson Field. the first time the two have tackles and turned the game EstaJJcta • has displayed an The Mustangs were held to met. around with a pass .lntercep~ awesome ground game 1n Its 38 yards on the ground am The Pirates kept their per-tlon early 1n the third period. air of sided wtns Apinst 58 througb the a1r aM their feet record Intact last Satur-The Pirates were trailing 18-~arlna oo:-team which a week offense got the ball;crossmld- day, grabbing a pulsating S5-32 14 a.OO the Roadrunners were earUer' had beaten highly re-field only once __ to the Harbor wln from the tougtl Rio Hondo drlring, but Balch picked otf prded El Rancho, the Eagles 49~yard nne. Tbe running of Roadrunners. a pass and returned It 16 yards Ued .._, 341 yards rusbJ.ag JJm Swick Kevln Reeser and OCC quarterback Alvin Wb.fte to tbe Rio Hoodo 39. On tlrst ~~ll».ctl: Dan Pri.Dceotto ha~ Mike Thom'psoo led the Sailors' had a superb evening, estab~ down White completed i 39-carried for an Incredible 381 offensive punch. Reeser picked llshing two new Pirate passing yard scoring bomb to give the ds 1 th tlrst 2 .,.mes. up 96 yards 1n 18 carries. marks and tying another. He Sues a 21-18 marg:ln. J'1.J' n e - ~~::;~:~~~3:~~~ Jr. All American action he established last year against Beach Bears the Coug:a.rs Mt. San Antomo. Newport-Mesa's Cougars utra-polnt passtoCbrlsStark-tackle the T;sttn Bluers at He also tossed 4 touchdowns won their third stra.ight p.me man. After Scott Dugger re-Estancia and the Commandos to tie a mark set by F. E. in Jr. AU-Americafootballplay corered an on-side ldck, time invade the lair of the Trl-City Harr is back in 1949. The four last Saturday, sbellactlng the ran out before the Cardinals Bears for an evening game. TO's gave blm a career total Santa Ana Satnta: 32•12• ;>tt'er could score again. Doe to the lack of scbeduUng of 18, break.ing Paul Lemoine's local teams woo 'I of 10 •, JileS In other action last Satur-information recet'ed from the markofl7setdurtngthel967-last weekend, and league of-day, the Caballos (11-13 yrs.) league 00 other scheduled 68 campaigns. flcials failed to report the blasted the La Habra Lton.s mes'are known. White should become the all-seor es ot 2 other games. 32-0 In a game which saw the !113:::::::..::..:..::::.:..:=:-,:c:::=--- Ume leading occ passer this The Cougars, playing 1n the Lloos leave during the 3rd LI!GAL MOTICE Frldav. He has now passed Jr. Pee Wee (9-11 yrs.) dl-quarter after a disputed play, FICTITIOUS Bl.BINESS NAME for 2,209 yards and needs vlsioo, roUed I.V 275 yards as The Cowboys took a 7-6 STATEMENT only 18 more to ecUpse Le-Mart:tn Hubbard returned a ldck squeater from the Orange The following person tsdolng moine's 2-year recordof2,226. 80 yards for a score, Casey Raiders In a Pee Wee {10-12 business as: Perfect Wue,l412 White has a 3 game total of Higdon scampered 30 yards for yrs.) game. w. Bay Ave., Newport Beach 726 yards thts season. another, and Jay Taylor and A Jr. Midget (11-13 yrs.) 92660: Mary K. Poag, 1412 Steve Torres added tothescor-team, tbe Comanches, had to w. Bay Ave., Newport Beach tng. Greg Jobnsoo., Mike Field go into overUme to bea~ .. ~ 92660 • All -American flanker steve Monahan hauled in 7 aerials tn the Rio Hoodo cootest for 1%6 yards and ooe TD. The sophomore from Mari.oa fUgb needs only 68 yards to estabi.Lsh a oew occ career reeeivtng yardage record. In 2 seasons be has llauled in 60 for 1,096 yards. OCC owned a 28 -26 margin midway through the fourth quar- ter, but Rio Hondo quarterback Doug Holderman led a drive that went 86 yards in 12 plays and consumed more than 7min- utes oo the clock. Holderman squirmed over from the one, aDd 'With just 3:49 left. the Road- runners led 32-28. aDd Kevin Sbeldoo were de-Foantain Valley Bobcats. ••.u.e~ This business Is being coo- fen.slve standouts. ~~er teamscoreddl.lringreg-duct«S by an 1Ddh1dtal. In aDOther Jr. Pee WH pme, tllatioo pJa1, a special rule Signed: Mary K. Poag. the Commandos beattheOranee was appUed during overtime, Tb.fs statement flied wtth the Rams 6-0 oo a 7~yard sweep wttb the Comanches gaining the county clerk of Oran,e Cotmty by Tim Adams and a stout most yardage 1n a scrimmage on: oct 2, 19'12, Wtlllam E. St defense led by Kane Settlng to win 1-0. John, c01mty clerk, by Beverly and StepDen Kraemer. Tbe Chiefs, playtn.g in the J. Maddox, deputy. Our local Chargers, also Jr. 8-9 age class, downed the Tri-Publlsh: Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, Pee Wees, dr~ a 13-6 de-Cltles Packers 12-6. Jn the Newport Harbor clslon to the Garden Grove Anotber k>cal Jr. Midget F-205'70 VIkings at Estancia's fteld. squad, the Corsairs, also had Charger quarterback Marty a hard defensive battle, but Naftel scored the hOme team's came out oo top of the West- only touclldown. minster Faloons 6~0. Another Jr. Pee Wee team, The Colts {Pee Wee) beat the Cardinals, suffered their the Trt-Clty Cowboys 14-7, first defeat of tbe season, los-In tbe most one-sided Courthouse located at 700Ctvlc Then White apin used his Center Drh·e West (formerly strong rlgbt arm to guide the West 8th Street) tn tbe City of Sues '10 yards to the wlnntng tog to the Central Guden Grove of the week, a very str<.,.l l Cotras 12-6 In a tougb defen-North Huntington Beach stve battle. A4thquartereome-saJr team blanked the Newport. back by theCardiDalsfeU sbort. Mesa Coronas «-0. Santa Ana, California, allrllflt, touchdown. title and interest conveyed to Wllb a ftrst and 10 on his a.nd now held by U under said own 30, tbe big OCC signal Deed of Trust in the property caller dropped back and hit sttuated in saldCOUDtyanciState wide rece1Yer Jobo Flsber with described as: Lot 1 1n Block 1 43-yard bomb, putting the No, 340 of Canal Section of Buc1 oo tbe Roadrun.oer 27 • Newport Beach, as per map Followlnr an Incompletion, recorded tn Book 4, Page 98 ---------- of Miscell..a.neous Maps, in the LEGAL NOTICE office of the County Recorder ---=.:==..:..c"'-'='-- of said County. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Trailing 12-0, tbey got back This Saturday, the Chargers In tbe game on aZ4-yardtoucb-travel to Fouota.Ln to down pass from Jimmy Madden meet tbe Falcoos; ~;;;;;; to MJcbael Mollo IDd MI!MeD's bolt the ClOtH.!_ Tbe street address and other SUPERIOR COURT OF THE common deslgnatioo, U any, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR of the real property described THE COUNTY OF ORANGE l Tl-2 Tl-• 3 ·TI .. s above is purported to be: 4001 No. A-73937 Marcus Aveoue, Newport Eltate of JOHN M. WEB-2) wWifs., l•tt .. ww-····" l, 2.,0 100 Beach, Callfornia 92660. STER, 1t.o kDowc as JOHN 21 ......... 30... ..... 2.00 S.DO .t.DO FOR SALE BICYCLE, Cirlll 28", blue, 1969, excellent eoodltloo due to Uttle use. $30. Call BeY, 644-8389, The Ullderslcno<lTr""f.eedls-lleKEE WEBSTER, Deceased, 31 _. to .e _. ___ 11111 41111 5.1111 c laims any H.abt.Uty r lDJ NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN .,~_L ___._ """--'-05 .10 .15 J·--··-.......................................... _. incorrectness of tbe street ad-to lbe crtdltors of tbe abo't'e 1 ~.-=--=~ ......... =::==-:·::.~-~-~::,-... _4:· ~n,;;!'"ii'ii<li'E__; l !f'!OI_IR!._I'~!!, _____ _ dress and otber commoodealr-oamed decedent U.tallper808S I· E natloo, U any, ...... bertla. haYiac elalms aptaat llle ssld I i!I~!,__!E~S~T!;A~T!!;E_:li!A~Ni!!T_!:E~D~ .:.., Said sale will be made, but decedeat ue required to .ft.le I· without coveaaat or wa.rraaty. tbem, withtbeDeCee:IU)'YOUCb-Mtm' pare.._ $500,000 worth eJpl'esa or Implied, reprdlne en, ID tbe otrlce of tbe clerk of aparlmtotl. At leut 201 title, possessloa, or eacum-o1 the above IDtltled court, or down. Broker prlDetp ... P.O. bruces, to pay the remaJaiDc to pr .. at tbem, with the nee. Box I IllS, COlla Mesa, ozue. prlnclpal sum of the DOte( a) euary vooc:bers, to tbe aod:er. secured by a1d Deed of Trut, •ll'*l at the omces at HAR-1··-········--·--···· .. _ .............. ''THE NAKED CAPrrAIJST," bf CJ0011-...., Paperback. $2. SEVERAL commercialandpro- fesslooal otdces -from '" 14) • Oil North Newport 81'1'11, opposite Hoar Hospital. Johll Vogel, 646·16'75. PERSONAl 19M HOUlE PAIIITIIIG • laltrlor to~wtt: $60,000.00, wUbiDter'ftt WOOD It ADKINSON, 5$0 .Hew- tbereoo, u prot1ded ID llld part Cellter Drtn. SaUe 434, oote(•l advaacea, U Uf, IDk!r Mnport Btacb, Calllorma, lbe t.rma of aid Dtod otTrut, wllleb to u. ploce ot -.. fMI, ebar ... JDd ..... ot oftbt..,...ll.pedlD&llmattul tllt TrutH llld ot tllo lr..U portalaloc 1D tllo -ot aid created bf aid Dtod ot Trul. ...-. ..Ublo 1oar mootha ~OR~D~ER~FRO~II~:~~~~ MISCELLANEOUS Ttl<!>-: llld tDtrlor -llld .-cal "ED, llY LOVE. Foratve me. celllnp, RM-blt. FrM :: lletl me at llonrd'l ROll--malta. (714) 5:1&-5157. Tbt -ftetary -•ld .-tllo lint poi>Uealloll ot Deed Of Trut berttolore a-tldl DOUet. 1 te-llld dellYtrtd ID lbe llllod Soi>Umbor 19, It'll. -~~~-a-DteJan. IXIIOTilY RllfH WEB • Uoo ot DtlaoK llld Doowd ITER, B'*atrlx, ot t11o WJU lor Sail, .... ,_ -"' 1M --... -. ot Dolad llld ElteUoo ID SaU. IWIIIOOD A ADICJMON Tilt -~~~---Pool Olllct lloll1107, 11;;pc,r\ -ot Dola•l ... ·-8oo<t, C.i. iiMI, 1144-1111 10 SaU ID bo r-to 1M AIMWJJ ... 1..-_ ' ~lloh 1M root 111-IJ _, ,._II, II Oct. I, AJ.I,Q.IIoCu:.DT 11. II, ll'll,la IM~~­ CIIOW COMPANY, -II Ca. loolp. • -.rd. Boo w..c ••. ...-::~===:-:::-::-:-:--, ionlo •m. u,-1'1 •"· MATTBEISEI .,. .. lllloo, .leo ......_ ---·- --lnoplar --Dille: .... tr ll. ..... -... .... , ... II, O<C.I, II, COllA -.. WA-CO. 1 .... II 811 ....... l ~ II.Nca,.t ... ur.t,e.l• -· •llnlll Ia 1<-_. tl WAHT!D :: I p.m. lOr -:· •• Gnee. ~~W:O~.~R~K~~~~::~=~ ALCOHOLICS ANOIIYIIOU!-· ;~ IRONING. Years of Phoot 54!. '1117. P.O. Box :: • MU $1 CAL fOR UL E on an ln>OI of Jto; li%J, C-ll-. : · FALL FESTIVAL -· SptetaliJ ;: OF VALUES lhlrtl. $1.50 por ... ~br~,~~=:~ SPOTS BEFORE YOUR EYES-:: WaliU ltadlo ptuo, Wldtnwt. 807 ..... OD JOUl' DIW carpet-remoq :i ~9. Ham.._, ''II'' ~:'~-~Cor~~-~~<le~J~II:a~r.:_·~=:.:..::~ them wttb Blot Loltre, ReM ~: or... •• -iraal 1 tloelrle ._1 $1.00. :: F--·-'II-C""""Hsfdnrt,l 0? -~ tro11c p&a., t ._. old, ............... .,.... ........... -.................. ·......... COI.It HW'J ., eon. dt1 Mar. :: au.-..uot HELP IJAI'ltED ~· ""· JOII Ia • -... ~~I PAIIITIIIC. ud -.. 'lllal. :; Pn 1 p d-1 IIOdt1 pUo. wroDWf, .._ cttt.... !!s" ~-=-· ::.-=.:: ~: .-oUitll. !1111 11M far -el. Ptlr-Sir-' ,_ .... ~.;: T-.... -..-! • •. C-dtl--. ..., ·-• • ... $11111. --.,....,, --:"-:;;:;;;:51:1:-110'=7:. ==:::: :: ill T4MA84 ..... .. ~ PAaT 11oM elorlal ud olllco -to ,_ 0,., -~.: T ...... I LlwnJ .._ .,..,_. D :F1»7 . l~IO'I~"·~;..~.:~~~~~'~w,~·=·~·:_t~~;~~:~;r~~~t*'r:·~u.::•:'-:1 ... ~ ~-~ __ ........ ;;;..._, __ :: ~ . I . Curt Dosh MACNAB IRViNE FINER LIDO ISLE BAYPIIONT - ULTIMATE IN LUXURY Price reduced for immediate sale! EJ:qui- compare. 45' beach frontage. master suite wf.p. Addi- view of bay. Grad· Den "'m BIG CANYON -NEW CUSTOM HOME frontage on 17th fairway. 4 BR., FR., . -4\-2 baths. 3 fireplaces. OVen.ize s- jusl under one half acre. ~~~--........ 1846 __ _ . . ~.. . "' Nswpwtlllllllt Towr•llillln Ull. 4001 -Coole Hwy. I714117HI2D YES I IITo~E~ AlE wAmNG FOR US TO SHOW THEM A FUTURE HOME I WHY NOT YOURS? •YOUA. P\ANMNOON IIWNO-CAU US TODA't lwrWiolte- HOI-CMnllYD. ......,. """" THI CRIST Baycrest that Is! B<autr! 3 bclrm. super decor, rich. warm. corr and 1111 SIA llllt a biGdt to ltllrlllllll -3 blinD, ..... -t ........ DO -t. jlolt ""'' 0poar 111.scn · .. .,..... NIWPOIIT MACH NEWPORT HARBOR EIUIGN THURSDAY, OCT. ~ •. 1!72 PUII.ISHED-IEEKLY -PAGE II COROllA DEL liAR, C~ E Slftl NEAT PliEINJ IIIIIEl. Rudy to move Into Formal dining, wet bar, 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, 2"' baths with much more- $73,600 FEE . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cumel ~el b th large cov-ered pa batba, dlnlng room, f 6:: room for boat storage. $53,000 LEASE HARBOR VIEW HOlliS REALTY CO. 133-0710 ' •. , •• CORBIN -MARTIN INC. GOLF COURSE HOME MESA VERDE Yes, right on the goll course and with a fantastically beautiful view, to boot! . • • See a blaze of lights toward Huntington Valley in the even- Ing • • • on a clear day you can even see Catalina! This Is a large house, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining room, family room, and 2 fireplaces. Newly re- decorated with new carpets and drapes. Owner, building a new home, will consider long escrow or lease-back from purchaser, Our exclusive list- Ing • • • make this your exclusive home-.· . Shown by appointment only, • OU • CMI • CMI • CMI • A Our iDdividual service means more to vou - L 5UOfo r 0 R 8 of our lllllu ,..,. mode thru refarrw, people who wen atilfied witb our- "SERVICE BEYOND THE CONTRACf'' 'WOUldn't tblJ ba tba place fJJr you to lilt your property! c.nusr...~rwleotot.-.-WE he.. lob of ..... lhlop a. a.U you oloeutl NewjMrt • Corona del M.,r· • Cotta Mua CoRBIN-MARTINl 644-7662 BY LISTING A FEW SELECT PROPERTIES, WE ARE • • • r:I'-LI ti I :r =IN "EXCLUSIVELY YOURS"' COMPANY .. :: . . : ... :; .. REALTORS ' 4e Union Bent T~ 1110 .... poet Cent• Oriw , ... upor I e-c:h ~111 .R. McCARDLE IlEAL TOll aBUAIIL~ SI!IIVICl! SINU 114! ofu.J.!JJ. I'UST1cK WATHFRONT · SHOWN BY APPOINTMINT 3 Lindo lolco Drlvo -Open S4lftdoy BeauWul new 5 BR., 41h Ba. home. Water- front llvingrm. I< formal dining. Handsome oat panel~ fatb . rm., frplc., wet bar. Lara:e muter awte haJ frplc. &: cozy lounge areL View of Bay & the mountain~ ..... $17t,:i00. 53 LJnct. 1 .. • Drive Elegant 5 bdrm., 41h baths; on lagoon. New c~IA, dr~pes &: wallpaper. Lovely garden & arge slip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $212,000 57 Linda Isle Drlv. Custom 4 BR. 3lf.a ba. home on Lagoon. Mstr. BR . has sitting area & frple. Waterfront ramtly rm w/conversation pit around the frple.; lovely garden. lge. slip ..... fl89,:500. 101 Lind• lsi• Drive Lovely 5 BR., 4 ba. home with downstairs waterfront ~str. ~uite &: Jge. game nn. ·or study. MeXIcan tile floors beam ceilin~ uaJ' ' ' q 1ty construction, slip . . . . . . . . $155, . For Complete Information On All HorMS & Lots, PleaM C11l: Bll.L GRUNDY; llealtor It' f I .... et &.We •• 341 IIAYIIC. Da.. tun'l I, 11.1. 67Ut61 JUST LISTED Harbor VIEW Hills Outstanding 3 bedroom, family room home. Large yard and excellent patio, $69,500 Y. f"RJU(IU.41n R~Al.TOR 3250 !at c-t-c.-....... -...... lnz222 for your most treasured possess•ons .. ~-········ }6(gCJknne ...... . lfx{!~ FIIIE -IUIIGLAIIY AlARM SYSTEMS IPrfS'TAll[D. Sf:IIIVIC[D JOr_..-·u.~ /JJ'_..-Aioflor~A - [ CA&.L fOft flUE UTIMAH I IIIIESUlEHTIA~. COt!IMUtCIAl ,toUT'(MA nc: GAIVoGI DOOit OPt""" JOltS GAilAGI DOOit ~ o Cllf'nlAl. VoiiOJUII! """'Ufl5 , ...... IYSTI. D _.,. lllfnMX* S'I"'TliiS -...cDIII I'TllllfO svttfw IIUIU··IIollt#U o IIJill·••oooct:IOtla •. ...-..... U2-U90 ........ Newport Beach Ballloa Balboa Island Costa Mesa Lido Isle Corona del VIEW VIEW ocean and canyon • • • from this just remOOeled home ••• 3 bedrooms. Z baths, dinJ.Dc room (or famlly room~ flnplaee, ebeertul bllt-lo ldtebeD, and tbe larft!Ctc s!Ddeek for your ea.tertainlng pleuure. Doe of a ldDd LD Cameo Htgblabds. $67,950 • l'bMta-S.a ,.,.. .••.•... REALTORS ---Hilll-~aa.-.CAUF. 644·7210 Pre-Grand Opening Sale! lofty hvmg awa•ts you• Act swtftly lo select your own Newport Beacn condommtum VtStl 1ne temporary offtces ol the Newpon Crest lnlormatton Center. convemenlly located at 2-iOO West Coast H1ghway Su•te 8 , Newpon Beach Open Daily 10 am to sunset 171-i) S4S-el41 ••••••••••••••• MLS SALES REPORT Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of fu!altors totalled $100,6 million in the first 8 months of 1972. THIS IS A 37% INCREASE OVER THE SAME PERIOD OF 19711 3,138 new listings were processed, of which 711t WERE SOLD! 63% of the sales were cooperative • List your property with a Realtor. ·~················· -~ ••• L.IITAT. ll.lllllfn.U. lUI II IIUJIIfiUr PIOP .. nllf ·-PO· f~riiiJTIIII,PIIOPII.OMAL CCNUIIIII<U"fOII II I ~I HilL ISTATI ... Leo-...,., Ca Ill ..... .,..., THI MESA 4 bchm, 3 bath. 2 sty with huge mstr suite, r:reat lam. nn., .ldoepe. $57,r>OO. .,w .. h * OPEN DAILY 1-5 * 3816 Key Bay, Corona del Mar LARGE POOL -YOUR OWN LAND 546-5"' 1111 auus NewJiaUIIIca a..,. to 11Dd"E"ploa3- =t,.tow.~ A·l HALF ACRE (in Back Bay) PLUS UCULINT HOMI -4 Bednoom and S -.. top ...... ~.-~~~.. ft."' ... ,.......... vt wttll Ul l ...... $59,500 - 4 Bedrooms, family room. 3 Car garage. Fast move-in. $89,950 * ADOBE CLASSIC * By CIH May 4 Bdrm. 4,000 sq. ft. home. Pool, paddock, citrus, acreage. TRUE LUXURY. f221,000 2165 E. COAST IJ~It:>IJf ti()MQ (The,.,.... - I ' I IX(,().:\1 E ... ~ •• n 'lt)r rromn(lifl ••• • You can receive a life income and immediate tax benefit8 hy participating in one of Haag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian'" four d1flerPnt Life Income Gift Plans. Write or Clll today for inforrlvtion: Mr Thom111 K Stadlonger HOA G MEMORIA L HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 301 Newport Bo!,jtev•rd Newport e .. d,, CA i2660 Telephon. 5411 0150 -Extel'la~on 108 MARINERS CHURCH .... ,. •ltl'\ ;... ....... -~11.-­........ ftu..., 11 -I 'fth ._ ,._ .... -........... _ .. 11 101 ..... lill II FC'P .. :!OM • ' ! fOM """ UDIATM I CAD Ill--t:t0 Ul. • 4111 ,_. -· -.~ .............. A-.t&.~ ----··· - I IOPOIIT HAMOR EJIIIOll riiiUSNt:D IUIU.Y -,AQt 12 NOW TIIR 0 TilES. "lilliE & IOSCOIIIZ" ,,oo 6 10:11 AND . fWJ!, M Of ! 'I '' ~ ~ ij! 1 I I I ~ O!,•ild;.~ . ................. -__ ......_. __ _ .. ,, .... ...................... Clot THURSDAY, OCT. 5, I fl% COIIliiA DEl. !WI, CAl.. I I .J~POPI 1 Jr -:-:-:::r...--_-~:--.,1 --- BILL COSBY oUIII ROBERT CULP LIDO , .• ,.,, • I~ •• ,~)·IVthliOO ' . TWO Ill OlliS WOODTALUII • "TAKE THE MOllET AIID lUll" • j