HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-09 - Newport Harbor Ensign• I I \ , • ng image' lice A mao wbomawttDesaela..lmt .... "IPltttDa lmqe" of the Jooc-W:od -. .rllb abort, curly balr, be!D&" aoupt lD tbe ltrucllDr dealb at HUie LtDda O'Keefe was 8P)tted Saturday W'l.lldnC lD ttoat ot the o•Keete home 1D Corooa del Mar. The suspect wu rooe wbe!l pollee arrived to lnvesttpte. It was the latest 1n a klog 11st of leads cbased down by New- port Bel.eb pollee ID tbeir frus- tral1Dg search for the ldller of tbe 11 year old etrl focmd tn a Back Blly ditch oa July 7. net ''I wu driYiD& .at~ oa Or-A pollee artist lketcbed chid be. al about 1%:50 last Uke6ess from desc::rtpUou Saturday afteroooa wben J saw the s~t ct•eo b)' the z a YOODC man wbo WU the aptt-wttDe bo tbe COAST H G tiDe trnace of tbe artist's draw-sses, • J ay was I HWAY was crowded 1n the old days too as inc prlnted 1n the En.s!£D, .. ald drlrtog a n.n tbat pl.ebd ~a Uds Pboto taken about 1930 attests. The Arches se~tce ... ~ girl strongly resemblloc Unda statioo at the lett and the Newport Heights bluffs 1n the l-lll:\' wttneu. "I went aromd the at 1:15 p.m. July 6. SI.Dee lben, ceuter backgrolmd are reference potDts that ....__ 00w bloet quickly, bli: be wu gone u ha t Uowed t ......, ... wbeo 1 cot bru:k. 1 called tbe po ce ve o blmdrecls ew homes were here •beo the tramc started gettlllg BARRY TO TALK HERE Petl.tl•on h ··ts pobce rlcttt away, Tbe manwu of leads based 011 calls from thick. History of the Harbor Area will be recalled Dext •alldng QOrlb 011 Orcbld and people wbo lhlnll: tbeylmow, or weet In the special ZSth anniversary edttioo of the Ensign Seoator Barry Goktwater will had just walked put tbe house have seen tbe suapeet. Ooe \ooe (Photo courtesy of the Newport Beach Historical Society.) address a speclal hmcbeoa 5th, hwy. Plans ··J:.·:: :.=::~~ :~:·:ar.:~~edlat: MAJOR CRIMES ~::~r :: ~ .. ::r~.~~ home at 602 Orchid 00 foot some," NewportDeteetlveCap-oooo Mooday, August 27. lD July 6 from swnmer scbool "tatn Donald 0yus told tbe Eo-the ballroom of the Atrporter A petWoo opposing both the • OPP<EE use of the 5th classes at Lincoln sc.bool when slgo yesterday, "but we en-DOWN IN N B ~~· c~~~! =~~!t lr~ use ot tbe 5th Ave. corridor Ave. corridor for any higbway. sbe disappeared. otber wu. courage anyooe to call wttb aay week. ud tbe wideoillc of Coast Hlgh-• FAVOR complettoo of Cor-oesses belleve tbey saw her lnJ'ormaUoo tbey mJght bue " • • T s way tbrougb Corom. del Mar ona del Mar freeway to Coast = = !ri~!: ~ellontur-The Loog Beacb I.D!Iepeod~ o~aj)r crimes Ill Newport crimes for the Jlrst balf of ma:: de~:;ng•!!:o!: la being etreWated tblt week by Htgtnray down coast na. Bonita faced "1 a &-Press Telegram be'Wspaper bas ._.eb decreased, but arrests 19'73 were 139, compared wlth lnternatlonal sceoe aod bri.Dp LOHG-11YE RESIDENT, Mrs. Joog-tlme COM resident Wal-Cauyoo. man behreeo Z.C and 30 offered a $2,000 ren.rd to any were ~. durt.Dg the Qrst 6 186 last year with him hls ellenstYe baek- Mlrlam Bla.leb, wbo Uved llltbe lace Calderbead. • SUPPORT ampleolt-street years ot ap. Her body was secret wttness wbo wtll call mOitbs of this year, PoUce "Tbere ts' eYery IDdJcattoo grOUDCI as a member ol.botb first cottage built oo Balboa Tbe petttloo lB addressed to parkillg before any UmitaUon ~UDd s Dext day aloac Bl.ek Bay the paper with blformatlolllead-Chief James Glavas reported to beUen tbat thls trend wtll the Seoatearmed sen1ceseom- Pen1Dsula Potot, Ytll help recall the Newport BeaebC1tyCatmc11, . of parking oo Coast fhry •• and • be bad been strangled, lllg to the cooY'Ictioo of Lioda's this week. couliDue tbrougbout the rest of mtttee aod the space sciences wbleh taacommlsslooedastqdy retention of left-turn ~--, oo Will DOt molested, the corooer's slayer. Tile crime rate, based oo tbe 19'13," Chief Glans said cnmmltt ... early days ID nell week's spec-t ....ut: o ce sa1d 7 ~ l · lal 25th &JUllversary edttloo of o kx:al tramc problems and the highwayllltbeCDMbustness ' ma,.,r cr mes reported to the "WbJle U lsdtmcuJJ:touoequiv-Senator Goldwater, .,00 1s tbe Eoslp. (Eostp pboto.) aoluttoos. The slpe:ra ot the district. I • • FBI, dropped 11.6 per cent, oca.Uy Ust the reasoos for this a ma)>r for ce withiD tbe Re- petltioo: A petition clreuJated last n sp I rat I 0 n I ot but total arrests were 14) 11 .5 favorable crime redUCt10Cl, ptflUcan Party, was ftrstelect- Richard Strickler got almost Uaj;lr offenses lnehlded lD the the citizens of Newport Beach was re-elected In 1958, ~>~a M ESA NEwpoRT month by COM real estate mao per cent, Cblef Glans said, mucb of the credit goes to ed to the Senate lD 1952. He , em~~.!..~,us!Debuss~~~ss ~~.~lccot mto-d crime rate tabulattoo are hom-for their OldS"""'ng coopera-resigned IUs seat late tn tlls ..... ~1 ""' ~ ea d II" n e I. s set lcide, forcible rape, aggran.ted tlon wtlh the pollee department secood term to nm for tbe END COLD WAR s._.-t some ldndotaHernate assault, robbery. buro!ary, alld to the beU-er patrol, presidency ln !964. Tbe Arl- roCJ.r:lg of tnmc tn order to gnnd theft aod vetttcle tbeft. operatioo ideotl.tlcatloa, aDd the tooa RepubUcan was e~eted retaiD street parting aJoog the The city of Newport Bea.cb Comparative ftgures for the higb ca.Uber a.od dedication of to his third and current term A. peacefUl compromise n.s • ADDEO the envtroomeotal, highway. has untH Oct. 15 to buy a bltlf!-age.oda Mooday. but was post-nrst 6 months stow 2 homt-our poUce olflcers. in the Senate tn t96R. reached Moaday nl&flttoa "cold open space and scenic higbway EarUer, a suney bytheCDM side lot that could be added pooed to the Aug. ZO me@ting cldes, 7 forcible rapes, 38ag-SCHOOL TAX .. "·t ~· been b le Chamber of Commerce showed to lns;litatloo Point view ~·• •ben the commlsslooadjouroed granted assaults, 7 robberies ES war ua ,,... rewinc e ments to the ctty's long-_. at 11 :30 p.m. without getting 618 burglaries, 181 grand theft~ between Costa Mesa and Mew-range ceoerat plan. tbat members S'W)rt ettber 1n Corona del Mar. U the city to the Foo zooe matter. a.Dd 113 auto the.tts LD 1972 port Beaeb over a street tbat • ANNEXED a colllt}' pocket. a bypu:s road throogb tM Stb doesn't buy by tben. Carl HIU-• doeC:_!~~~·s City Council ~::ty~~~=~!":'~~ :;~eor~=g~O:~:c:: ~:,ottoa.:uf:raesOO~e~~: fec~o~~~.;:oapr=Y ~ ~=~ ~~~~~~~r~ ARE GOING UP t'oted to craot the city of New-VIctoria St. and BanoJ.og Pl. tomers. The deadline wu set Monday SCRCC: ' !::tt:~b:;glarles, ZOO grand port a.n nsemeot to build a lD:I west of Rep;i)llc AYe. A eltlseos adrisory commit-nigbt by the South Coast Re-• SET A PUBLIC HEARING autotheftsln 1973· Tupayers 1n Newport Beacb tbe nell year ...,.. Uoe IIDder StrMI "A'' • APPOINTED Joleptl Kt'oll, tee, worklac witb a prtnte !PoDil Coo.sern.Uoa Comrnt.s-for Auc. ZO oo 6 si.DcSe-fl.mUy Nareattcs arrests are 141 to can upect to pay u utn Newport _ Mesa .:boot .:11$- LD U1e Ba••nc tract ., .. of Joba CoGDell. PbU EYIIU, MU-eoanllaot to mabrecommtod.-Iloilo (SCRCC) 1Fbtn Wr. HW-bomes at Z311-U05 Cutr Dr., ~~ f~..:be tlrst S :a:us: 1.1 ceDD ud ttw:. t.D CoMa trlct tr....._ &A)TO'Yid a S41,-~-..:.:'l:.t~.:; :-:.. ";;;;::m:114 .... ~-:J! :::."':u::·--lf•'•por.=:.·.to;..~.~"'!l&t>';;.::.:·~ !!" tllo ~~I'll~ =.::..-:-..... ~.co::--==-~ :r ... ~,.--.... _.. ...... Romo c:ao 1.0 .._d ..w. piau Ud -IDiod 11 -"""'• .., •tt• a.....-plaa •eq,mont a1ooc lllocout ...,.. Ject at COI>IroYor.,. lor lllo-TOtal VAlla to lllo 7 ma)>e toW ~tk aellnola-Filla! -at Ult ....,.. ::!•~--::,~:~ :=;-::t!:eto.!:'!t': to~;,or~C:':·Wu CIYic tbeS:::':~:r~::u~~~ ;~ba~~ty=s~; BUS DECISION DUE ~thai~~:~m::::; used to be the Newport city commut.e meett.nc for Aug.l5• ASSD. Js poLU.ng Its member-ation PolDt area hne epear-lots for a city new part. district's lDDOtDCemeot lD Yay dump. • OKAYED a to01Dg ucep-shJp oo the tra.ttle quesuoo, beaded an effort to ret the • APPROVED a 5-ID.It coo-Included on the ageac~a for cooaidered by tbe Sottb Coast that tbe tu: rate 'WOUld be cut, Newport Beach M.d asked tJoo to allow a 40-untt eoodo-ioclud1D(apraposeds1palllgtt city and the county to cl'ltp domlnJum at 320 VtaLtdoNc.-ct. oezt Mooday nigti's meetJ.Dcof Rectooal Coasenatioo Com-to a predtctloo last moatb tnat Costa Mesa to simply abaDdoo mlnJum project at 1111 South at Orchid Ave. and Cout Hwy •• in and buy the lot at 3611 Lido Isle for LJDD Thomsen the Newport Beach CityCouocu misstOCL. an Increase of from l.C to IS street "A," whicb exists only Coast Dr. and eJpeets to r.n some Oceaa Blvd, and addU to the • OKAYED d141lezes at 116 at 7:30p.m. at City Hall are; • STORIES -· A ptt,llc hear-cents would be needed. oa ~.The city tatbers de-• DENIED a request by R. G. results or the poll to time for vtew park. About$100,000wouJd Narcissus Ave., Corooa del • Bl5 LINES __ Tbe ctty log wW be held oa clarll)1ng The Caflnty Board ot SI.C)er- elded to bane ooto plana to eY-Wrate, U83 Ge.rllngford St., a meettng of Us boud of d1-probablY be needed, aDd the Mar; 110 31st St •• West New-manager will recommend that tbe city building code's deft-visors w111 use the schOol d1s- enttally have a street there, that be be allowed to teach rectors later thls mootb. As-Newport Beach Ctty Couocll port; 6204 w. Ocean Froot the Council choose elther the o.Jtion of stories in structures. trlet budget lnsettingtbecowuy bt& comproml.sed bJ cnnU.o.g drum lessons in b1s home. soclatloo president Jerry Hlll bas indicated It would co along West Ne-wport; so.c HeUotr~ Plnk Bus Ltne or the Orange • SERVICE: STATtON __ The tu rate next mooth. tbe sewer easement. Leader-• APPROVED an Industrial said the poll resuHswtllbefor-wttb havlng the city pick ~ AYe ., Coroaa del Mar; aDd at County Transit District u the Counctl will eoos&der reYoklng The schOol cU.strtct's open- stttp Homeswillbu11dthesewer, building at 335 Fischer AYe. warded to City Hall. Later this baU the tab U the cotmty can 217 Agate Ave., Balboa Island. Une that would best sene tbe a use permit for a serYic~ ing budget wtll be $38,063,751, which will sene their deYe·lop-• APPROVED a ruest borne year, the City Council eJI)eets be coovloced to pay the otber All d~lnes must have 4 off-city, aDd that ooly ooe Hoe station at 6.fOO W. Coast HwJ., ~ mo re tlwl $4 mlllloo oYer meat. then turn 1t over to the for 6 elderly people at 20&4 to adopt a trame element for ba.U. AcUoo would be needed street parking spaces. operate here. West Newport, last year. Another $3,092,296 city ol Newport. The denlop-President PL tbe dty's long nn&e geoeral by the COllllty's Board of Su-• APPROVED boat sUps at • COMMITTEES .. Two al-• NEWPORT SHORES --AI -will be spent l'rorn the building meflll wlll bt 1D Newport Beach, • OKAYED a Z.C-tml.t apart. development plan. perylsors to release the moo-3911 Marcus Ave., West New-ternates must still be named toroey Ric !lard Newell, repre-flllld, Sl,lll,i10 from the cafe- bW tbe sewn must eo througtt meot denlopment at zst Avo-Mr. Calderhea.d, •bo Uves ey. port; aDd at 3, .C9, 51 aod 71 to tfle clti.tens envlronmeotal seott.ng a buslDe~s •eotta~ in terta f\100 and $4,667,254 oo Costa WESA. cado st., to be cSet'eq.t by at 712 lrls AYe,, oear tbe Sth Wea.nwtttle, attoroey T.111ly LJ.Dda ble. QlAUty cootrol com mittee. Newport Shores, wt U tsk that bood IDterest aod redemptloo... 1o otber aetJoa Moodl.y, the Edward Ptsont of CUff Haven An. corridor, elaJmed this Seymour. representing the In-• OKAYED s:l.ocle _ fllnlly • SPHERE OF lNFLU-the s:peciO.c area de-Yelopment Predictions last month that Costa Mesa City C(Q)Cll: The nexi:CttyCoUDCU me-ettni week that local mHti.ogs lw.Ye splratton Polnt oetghbors, has homes at 505 EYeoiDcsta.r Lome ENCE --The city manapr will plan r~ty adopted for that tbe ta..J: rate would take a big • RA.&s:ED the speed llmlt is scbeduled for 7:30p.m. Auc. been ''domtoated by freeway asked the state attorney geoeraJ DoYer Sbores; 424 RiYera Ter .: reeommeod that Oraop C0t111ty area be reconsidered. Jump resulted from co i.IDty oo portkxls: of Bristol st. from ZO Ill City Hall, AU meetiD.gs pr~ots.'' to declare tbe lot ID the public Corooa HielllaDds; 518 Harbor Airport and the downcoast area • PARKING IN PARKS .. property assessment ngw-es 35 to 40 miles per boor. are open to the publle. We decided to protest any domat.n throu.gll presertptln lala.od I.Dd '103 E. Balboa. BIYd., as far as Crystal Cov~ be LD-T!)e Parks Beacttes and Rec . for the nut year coming 1n hlebway or 6-laDe street plans, rleflts, because of years of Balboa. Chided ln a.o .. lnflaeoce•· map naUoo Commis.sioa recom . lower than the district staff N B sphere Of l"nfluence because a Similar freeway pro-publlc passage OYer the prop-The Aug. 20 meeting wtll being prepared by the city. meods an ordina.D.ce against bad guessed. A predicted h.icft • • posal was defeated by ao en-erty. start at 9 a.m. at Goldeo West • COAST CONTROL .• Tbe P&rkinc motor vehicles on la'l'tl delJQQueacy rate worseDed the ormous ma)>rtty," said Mr. A proposed 33-tmJt eoodo-College to H~ Beach city's peod.l.ng Jectslattoo com-areas ol parks. fear or a hlgber local rate. "1s SOU 1 ht I oc "rport CaJderbead,reterrtngtoalnt minlum oo thestteofBalbolil's All meetings are opeo to~ mtttee will report 00 an 111-• DEVELOPMENT MA PS •. However , an lmprOYemeot ID 10r II elecUon to wbleh local voters Fun ZooewJ.SalsoootbeSCRCC ptmllc. terlm policy gutdellne being Teota.tin tract maps tor coo. the dellDqueocy fa ctor aod • overwhelmingly opposed the domlAI.um ttevelopmenu In Ha.r -closer study ol the etfecl& of • CRYSTAL COVE. midway betwetD Cotooa del Mar and Laguna BQch. • COUNTY I.SLANOO wtthln tbe ctty. lDclu:J1Dc tbe Baoo•oc prcperty aod tbe area ,.It of Hoar Hospital. • BACK BAY c0aaty terri- tory be1Ye«1 Nnport lad_ !a I Park aod tbe ~ a., • SIXTEENTH ST •• tt~m Su- pwior Aft, westward, S. H. leidy dies at 83 ~~~~~~e.Paclftc Coast HOW TO CUT FOOD COST ~.-:~~j~~~.~rior ~==sntl:t~:~:re~~~:C:e~ "Local resldeots and bust-• RE-ZONING .. A request In other actioo Tuesday, tbe oeqmeo sbould raise oo bar-T for re-1011.1Dc an area doogSan schOol trustees appolnted rlers that would divert trade abty he price ::!, .. food will prob-suaest.loQs tbat could ~ow.-name braMs, and ustaUyJoaqw..a Hills Rd. between Mac-baud member Orville Ambur - to shopping centers. Parking c DeY~~ a.--be at an ae-the s1ae of your b:ld bill: cheaper. Generally the Ia.rrer Artbar Bl'ld. and New Mac-gey to represent them as u OD Coa.st Hwy . Is tmportut w:le rw~~ days" level, 1. Koow wbat b)ds your fa -stu costs Jess, .but use tt Arthqr Blt'd., Harbor V!@w alternate member of the Coast- to both. and tnroer-ma.oaged pres:J:Ot · f u,:s, ~ice-mlly prefers and how they bat-before It spoils. Use those cou-HUls, to allow a plaat nursery. llne Regtooal Occ~.pUoo Boa.rct. bus!Desses desen-e our SQ1JP0f1: c , 0 vtoe &DC@ wUb the Dutrttiou.l needs pons that give you a tew cents a.od partaa.ap ompaoy s agriculture d1Y1-your tamlty requlns You off certain items Lear '* Bik &.. "I I d d "Let u ~eotnte 00 ret-=·ce~~rt: u.!o~~ an-sbould coos:Jder the 4. main ditrer.nt produce.ls ln ~-e •II D an spee e tiDe a bypu.s road built, e.z -ofP e ouse loodlf0141S--breadsi.Dd cer-IDdsan.AndtM!suretbecbeck-N , teDdlnc Corooa del War Free-.. ::: 4 ~llcles. eats, Ylratables and trutts, en ring~ the correcc a1n011:1t tn..l~ 1 Pl&DDed blr:Jcle 7-member eommlttee, told lbe "WIJ tbrouell Boo.tta CuJOQput tbeir pr ces U@ now at milk and dl.1ry products I.Dd --they can. make hooest mt.s-brok rt em Is cotac to be Enslp that sbe ts "ooD.ftdent our eltJ and don u.e cout bichest, aDd will re:t tYen mn.ta. The name ot the is takes to .., lato S catepte~ .90 we can ret our work doGe ta Th1.t frHft)' WOIIId relleY~ hlgber," he sa.Jd. "Thta means "ecGIIOmblDc." 7. Select meat cuetu. U• committee euhurrytowa:rd time to rPn tbe City Couocll Cout u,.. ot t..t')' tbrOQCb = ;.m::n must k e!her P'1 I . Set 141 a reab.sttc food Pllase 4 Is alr•dy cr..:; ~~~~ tt!' c~""(;1Dt tbe muter a completed btke trail master trafftc:, c:IY"casbarter,qutet-,see apos-bwtcwtudbuelltbert. meat sliOrtapsbea~~~~eprtc.t; , ~~ <Mmcllb)'AlJC. plan by Aurust 27 --but U er roatt to DIW'IJ-aftillb .. Stlt ;lble stmstfhlte, «do without. 3. Cbotek DtWCIIPU Ids tor bue beea ftoaea •tn Sept. 17• 'n..t 1 ,. tbe COUQClltu woo't be euy." Cr-•t Ud PeadiMaa. ~eMs here are, ~r • !Ome food spee.laJa:. s.,tar ~la\1: u, aod meat will probl.btJ DGt ~ 1 •uc bearlnc oo She chanetutAd lloDdaJ Uld III'I'Yeat crowdl.ac oa our =~ ~~ cu do~ from J « ! dllftoriCI( markets become pl@Dti.fld apta au al-tlltAt~e ~..... nirbt"a me.Uac u "141u emo- maiD bll.ell.'' ,. .., c.osls. more thu oftaets ttae eJptDSe ter that date wbell prices -.rill -----of Mayor tioaal" tU tttUtt meettAp.. J.rry Hill wa ,...CIOITed-Tbe price ot luxury coa-of cettlliC to tie lklres. cert:a.J.Dly rise Thea buy mat Doel.ld Mel!Ws, tbe clti.aens Durtq tbe put ,_,. Bllxla ed a iltateiMDt be bad mllde .-enlence Hams IDcreues rep-.C. Cbtct SllllPU.s c.a bud oa special '~ben is aottattc ball oommtttee MoadQ a.tpt lallnd rutdeats ~~~~~ .... IU'Ilu u..t DO loeal ~tllQta lar)J,'' be IIOted. ··ec It teems &Jit PI"'PU'• a u.totttaoetttem• WT'ODC wtth -~ lower i4Dpled • llt.*"PtDc melhod u.a Ume• lbterriCJted m..tttlp ...._ Mft aU.Dded CDMCA IMit-n:: '*"'.!......are Ma co.cened JOG IIMCI bt ... e yoq ., to tbt pdes --tl'.aJ ,.. reQuire a can. ot b: • buic ''baeJII:IoM" ca ... of a.. ts~a· ~ tDp. a • ......, ~ lD tbe ..... StJet eo tbt lilt. Try eo Ioaeer ttme to pncv1 u. map tn.lls all"tld)' compt.t.c:~ CQIOI:It1oo to u:r tliM 1'01111 • '*Some of tbl tnwcllutl bl.ft price of aa automobt.,, or • •tOld. .,._ P«*&te_ U.O.. <It-m•t ftlbetttwtea l1b ..;*»od. « commttQd Uld I a.., ovu-the U.'-.ld • .,._ lD tbl &dtnee, 1'-ned $lO lDc:raM 1.D a IUlt, 01' U ~ .. t~S?d" ~· U J"'OI doD"t kDGW bow eo Millet aa,a, 0.. ~WerlaJ wtU Aow tbe u..-, al&tt, Balboa ....... It_. ud: n IIIIWidatt U.tr 11 , • .tacr.ut ID f'llraltwe l•c:e .._ ,_ D't IJw171 -'bod ut tbt ~ DIOtlt ...... Of. alai tn.ll .._ suit's flan'J J{uQplt, ud .._ ...,.: ,. '-ald. poUifa. tbu tb1J are OYer a S ...:1. a..: bl fttmblt ..,.a to a. AU ltOI'n do lOt· cillll'tt ud & 8tCl<lled OY"'erkf rill Uow lalbd .. lten1ac f'rulldll..._. S3 625 BU RGLARY LOSS -~ to tbo price"' --lll•llllo llorptu tloo • .,. .... '""''" Low -IOiw ::,-,.. P.__trolJo __ ,_ to-ooo .,._.,._ , . . ' a -a. •• 1"N ... tlrlla ..tlt dry G.l.lk '" low ca U. OOCIUil. bit aot 001· plu put Ole Awe-17 1" n•• A --tool -~ 8o-tool -.wac_, S. lAOn -,_ 11-to pr!co .,.lo 11tz1ai1 *l IIIII tzOtwllal. ,_---... ;:::~..:-~-::.':-.,:,.":::OU:.,:: :J'"' ,_.,. t1oo ---..._-,_--u .. : ... ~:"::.~ tloo7 aw u .._. aut. lNUJMII __ .;: price tf---11oo .-=-,.:: FIIMaa on_. 110!"-*· --... -liiO --Pal 111 -A_prlco ... tf-$111,0111 --.,.., .. Pttdl1 poa~cw-~---111o _-.... -. ._ to ....,.. -....,....., Udo 1o0o, •-.., • -.oao-...,.. • • I. IT, llld -, __ 11', ""'--.;."t,-:.•.::. ~0 :..=-:... ~ cr l. ud t1oo _..Do:. Ill. I -..._-.. Du a'&J-W1a, 11M-_,--P.U l'ollJ, 1. ..,_ ,_._-...,.; _.. --~-Flo ••'-, ..... ra0111-.-.c---.f'.lO 1.---_..,. .. _ ... ::;:...._,._. Doe-tftloo<IIJ'a,... a,.,_,_ It -·--· ..... -•-'llla--$l,N ~ -.Tolooodl~ .., br ....._1111 . -ll.IIIIZI ..... ...,_ol.,quii.Wio •l II ltlo-a .. llool-alllloaood--..U-fiiL---Ooll = nollr-• Ill-~ lo_tloo_ ..... __ lllo .. od,·PIIltt--· • .,. .............. IJ .... KOla..... ......... a pt II .......... ~.,.....,. ........ -" ,., -'!":"·,.. ? • Kr. wu--~-,.... ....... .,.. u ...... .,...._,,..:• u .._...._a •1•,.._ ..... _ ·!~ ..... , · lluJ .-,,.... ., .. ..._._, • rra .. ,.., I I -- • - . -r: ---------• Letters o the Editor • $40.GQO,OOO POU.T nor. COD .... --to -lbl, .... -... DoorldltOr: ,_ --.... -....... -,.. • .,.~ .... c..r ... 11 ,.. 11:Jo111 110 .,....twt<l to ., JMil'CIII e.ttl, ... care. u4 ._, -HI atWaa "',_ 111n <II 1M dooola!>l.ar lllo ~ -. ~ too --l=iJ.=~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~j .......Siuclollanklllo Qlllod u • II-IIIII ._...,,,_ Ulll to Uol. nooo--. wlolell ---IIDit TtU J)U'L To !IIIII do 1111 Ill> joel, an Ia flod -...u .. Gl lllo Cll1!lll-_.,... ,... .. ._ ...... ·a a wtU cwt JOI .,,100,000 1a 1a.-u )'OQ ue oertalal1 llll:ttlld to •• __.,. welfUtt,'' llll.n .,._ 012a a , Qoool -.a,.--. C>olll. ,.., woot -II> to bool. ,_ nno. I Oo --tr IOOid 1o Amorlcuo ,. - nLII'IIIINI: ~ ._ _.,.., ~ 111 111o ...,. "'commoo III>Jod, .......... 1o roor ro-ol oromollllc tile _,o! nl- -.. c._... ..,., lblo I>O<IIAc 011 lllo -· -""' llr•. 'niiWWhJICIIIA ...... aDM .... ..,. I r-......,._. wbell n doa"t bin eooacb our pro)tct wu twaed dowtl lttatoJamuWIClttoGwbom s tttt ' '-... Otr .t ".,"=.,....-•,. ......... _...,.-:!' s-=:!a ~ IIODIJ tor our Ytr'J' on •· twtce by tbt P1IJIDlDC Com~ we owe much of ow I!Dowlldp .... , .... w 3 3*,...... Yiz'oomlllt?Maybetllla~kUty mluioa Uld tbtD by tbe Clt1 cooc•a1a.cthe1nteDtiooaoltbt PROS and KA~NS J. Xnttet K111tt (O.I.R.A.'t TOT ALITAaiANISMI) WhU11 61 tb.t A CLU -the Amer ictn Ci.U U bcrlln Un.oo - •h•n wt J'ftlllY need tht m' P1M t 1 .....,, -~, • ..,... ._,...... ,.W .. c.-ea.a be beaded ott 11 eYer'/ COUDCJl. Thll:, of coarM, 11 writer• of tbe Coutltuaoo, a,.. .,.. .._, c.a t'Hder of tbJ.a letter •tU slt at-""" DOt true becaUM It .,.. cause he took web compWI , 'ftiiiNnPOII.T~DIIGN-•'i , ..... _... .. .~ rlpt dowa oow aDd wrtte hi• tnuo;~t dea.lld ooce oa. April DOtt1 darlng tbtCoostltudooal AUUIU TbomU J. Romuot Now farms, uorct, offk u . or whatever, .ue .,~at to tc~~rch without warrant by O.S.H.A. inJP«:Iort t who Wt~out cauMo. prior notic-e, or wt"ant tre under the Ocoupal tOn~l Stfcty t nd Health Act to tnoop tnd ~earch tround t nyone 1 premitet and then wrile out cituions tp lnst the: occupan• or operators fo r wht tc:vc r the mdividUtl Inspector deems :•re violtti ons ofwritt en or unwntlen standtrdf Furt he r we must be as coopertltve Jli tt'(c Inspector demandt, under the pmtllies of fi nes for not bci na cooperative enoufh. No'L;6rt the.c O.S.H.A. mspecton, 111 are law officers, re qu ited tofltc your Ri&h ts ; becaust under O.S.H.A. you have no R1&)\ls. ' ..._.dire._._..,.-' 4la.. Nor. A-att7l._. •t.14• ltJI, seuatws aod coogressmeo. 6 19'1! 17J the Plul:llq com~ CootentloA. In 1789, be aid 1011 of Mr. aDd Mra. B.eptlat t.~c.-t-•c...,.ta.....rcaw.toWZnla...,.llof SiDeeretJ, ~tsaSoa·ODJy. the followlnc, durlDc& debate J. Romuo oii5S1 Mapolla, ,_ ......., .. ..,,. ' .. ,.... al,... ..._' 1 • '.,. .... C. c. Moseley For Jour l.nforma.ttoa, the oter lectslaUoa which woukl CoD MeA1 _!!-beta &Aiped AllVOLKAAI'A • • • • • • • o-.~·•·•• Gleodi.Je project waa appra..ed three ban ll•en ftshermen aoouaty toChalluteAra,W.,aftereom- 'itfeo.o and healthful workint ~:ond1tion~ art I mentonPus ao:.~l tha t we would all ~ubsc.:llbc: to, but 11 cannot ju!itlry _the tearint up of <)Ur Bill o f Ri&h ts and itt protections ap1nsr ~earc hes, 11ntl 11s prottch nn5 aplnst summuy judaemtnll and finu without :ldtudicauon 1n courts of law and thc- o ppouunities for tri~l hy rury. In the name of heal th an d ..afety, O.S.ti.A. dOC'S th1s P'EGHAAI'A, · • • · · • • • • ..A.oda•&illc. Urnes b)' the CUy Co~.mell oo aDd a IUbfrld)' to flrmen: uu pteti.DrAlr ForC41buletra1DlD.C AN OPEN LETTER JuJJ' %4, 1971, AQCUSt %1, 19'72, Coo.creu eaa emploJ rnc::JM)' at Air TraiDlDc Commud'l IUUCIUPTION RATII 0.. .,_, 1.5.00;2 ,-.I I.OG 0.. ,._, M.M; Z ,.._.. tii.OO TO THE TV INDliM'RY a.od &pin Ml)' 7, 19'73. indefln.ltely to tbe ceoer&l wei-Lackland AFB, Tnu. He Ia: I am YerJ distressed to bear Furtber, Mr. Betk dld DOt fare and are tbe aole Judaea DOW taklnr ~Used traiDlDc -11. ..etlf " .A.,. Uw.t mapr teletlslon broad-wiD a delaJ when lbe writ of of the general welfare ••• tbty &I a fire protection IP8datslt • eut1nc companies are serlous-mandate W"U tD.ItlallJ beard by may take Into tbelr ba.Qds the ly coos~rlng sboWing X-rated tbe judge. AU parties did stlp-educattoo of children, estab- movles oo late TV sbows, lDd ulate to retara to the City li&hln& lD like ma.noer sehooll my letter is written 1n stroog C01mcil to get a.a eovtrooment-throughout the Unioo; they may protest. a1 Impact statemeot approved; assume tbe pro'rttdorl of the ARVO e. HAAPA, owner Jnd pubtisher of the Ensign ~O"Qrr~~O.OC::..~ • CONC LUDING THE FIRST 25 YEARS Today' s Issue of the Ensign Is No. 52 of the 25tit year. This marks the comple tion of the first 25 years of this newspaper enterprise --an ordeal eased s omewhat by the assurance given by s ome comforting wag that the first 25 years are the hardest. Next Monday, the 13th, will be the actual s ilve r anniversary date. lt was Friday morning, the 13th of August, in 1948 that the first Ensign saw the light of day --and It was indeed an early morning arrival, because we worked moat of the night before to get that first issue printed, and slept a lew moments Certainly most parentsabbor this wu becataSe at the time poor ••. Were tbe power ot the poroog:rapby and ftltb being tbe project was ~lglnally IP-Coogress to be estabUsbed 1D offer ed openly to our cb.Hdrea pr ated by the Ctty, an £LS the latitude contended for, tt through mag:uloes and mcwles was DOt a r eqlllrement doe to would s ubvert tbe Yery foun - but have taken comtort lD tbe the tact Ulat the appron.l pre-datioos and transmute the tery b.Jgh standards that hllfe eJist-ceded the Friends of Mammoth nature of tbe Umlted govern- ed in TV programming. So far decision. meot estabUsbed by tbe people at least, tbe privacy and sane-1 also object but not as stren-of America." Coogress heeded tJty of the American home llas uously to the fact that you nave Madison's warning. However, been protected. cootloually requested com. later Congresses were oot so U, however, the television ments from Mr. Beek without ·wise, andMadlsoo'spredicUoos Industry abandons Us high a~king me what oplnions I may have come true. standards and s hows X-rated have 00 the subject. This aplo When this b11l was defeated. movies, I pr edict that It wtu may be your prerogative'. How~ Thomas Jefferson said, "Tb.Js Incur public wrath and reaction ever 1 feel u 1s my dti:y to In-will settle forever the meaning that will be unprecedented 1n form you th2.t any fUrther dis-of the phrase (to promote the modern history, I predict spon-tort!on ot the facts wtll not be geoeral lf eUa.re k wb.lch, by a taneous and popular boyeottac-tolerated. Should you wtsb to mere grammatical Quibble, has tivtttes by the "Mothers of verlty this or a.ny f'ur1ber tn-countenanced tbe general goY- America" agaJ nst those tele-tormatloo, the complete r ee-ernment In a claim of universal vision staUonsinvolveda.ndalso ords are available at the City power ." aga inst the many lnoocent spon-Clerk's otftce or mlne as well. Had Jefferson's statement sor s wbose pr oducts they Yours very truly, proved accurate, we W"'Uid still handle. John Konwtser have a limited ~ernment, and The collecuve power of President •e would oot, for all practical on a pile of newspapers in the old Globe-Amer ica's mother s should not JAJ( Coostructton Co. purposes, baveasoctallstecoo~ Herald ba ckshop in Costa Mesa, then got be under-estimated. llaroused, Costa Mesa omy, The lllgh food prices and f ~b b it is a force bigger than the s hortages we are wttnesst.ng up to help a COUple 0 neigu Or oys e nUre TV industry and perhaps • "GENERA L WE LFAR E'' today would DOt be taking place. toss the papers on front lawns. mOfe fearless than the Federal Editor of the Ensign, Let's get government off the That Friday morning in 1948 may not ~~:~:;!~~!: ~=;s~: c~aT!: ot ·;ren~~~~mb~e:-t~~ ~~~~ ~~:~7t:· -~~~· c~ have exactly set the journalistic world never abdicate its good jucl:g-Constitution h2.s been used by sumerl on fire but some little spark was kindled ment and moral responslbll1ty many advocates of soctallstlc sRtntcchareredtyE,. w~tn ' In programming If it wants to legislation. Such legisla-......... that day, for the Ensign has persevered ke@p the privilege of coming tlon t.neludes federal ald San Gabriel through a quarter century of eventful and Into our homes. H bid unl"f formed troublous years --still under the owner-t.:·.r:~~ ;::iut.:m.~:st~ ome g. ship and direction of the founding editor l:l.vor of a keep-It-clean policy Tom v. Wiggins of RlYerslde president of the ltvtne Com- and hope that you sllare my and Rlcbard Putman of Costa pany's newly-formed single-a nd publisher. vie•s or else I'll be forced Mesa !lave joined Irvine Pa-tam tty home bl.llldi.Dg unit. Next we ek's Ensign will be a super-to volunteer for duty '4'1th the c lflc Development Company as Mr. Wlggtns,38,-.astormer- LAJ.>.L.J.? I&> _ _. "Motbeu n! Anlertca " lJ generil ~·lor spec(at iJmt~ent41-y ISI!IUe, looki'"45. baek.. Si.ncerel• . cenenl ~LnteMent and en-U tss~ ...... Vle)O co----~~~ ~ 1 ' PDeering manager, re..pective. wu .. ~, .,.&., "9.'ith nostalgtll _· l.nd' · g'rJltt.tusJe· '"at ~those Robert c . Hill, President l'J. accordlng to E. B. Akins, )tets In Califoro.la. His liJfllU early years, rec~ the events and Hllat.omltt Rt .. c harEtdset:Jler, tn the baUding indnstrJ lnelude ...,.., _.¥6 s ingle and multi-family esper-characte rs involved in Harbor Area his-Los Angeles LEGAl NOTICE ience with several major de- tor y, te lling of the triumphs and the • ''F UN ZONE FIGHT" N~~~c~ 01~ P~~ ~;e~~~ ve~~~:n~onr;~g Irvine Pa- tribulations. You'll enjoy reading it almost Editor of the Ensign, the Planning Commission of the cin e, Mr. Putnam, 39, was as much as we have enjoyed putting it in r eference to your article, City of Newport Beach will hold project engineer tor A Yeo De- "Fllrl Zone Flgtlt Goes oo," in a pubUc hearing on Amendment velopment Company. Heatteod-together for your amazement and enjoy -your July 26, 1973, edJtton, No. 383 initiated by the City of ed Georgia Instttti:e of Tech- ment. l woukl like to re mtnd you, Newport Beach to consider an nology, wbere he specialized in * • * as I have done verbally seven. I a mendment to Title 20 or the design engineering. times befor e, I teet you hue Newport Beach Municipal Code Both men will be Involved an obllga tioo to the pOOUc to lD order to place the R-A Dis-with Irvine Pacific's lnitlal pro- report any Item on your news trlct under the 24/28 Foot }ect, an 18-untt luxury hom e sheet --particularly the troot Heigtlt Li mitation Dtstrlcl. project at Promontory Bay Ia- page --accurately. Notice is hereby further glven cated ad jacent to Bayside Drive • WE AG REE WITH DR. BOB My frie nd , Bob Peterson, county schools superintendent, got quite a going-over fr om a county management study com- pleted last m onth. Among tbe Ite ms of cr itic ism was the '1accusation" that Dr. Peterson yearns for a return to basic r eading, writing and arithmetic type of s chool. Also that be s ees bls first re- sponsibility to the voters who elected him to offi ce, then the county school boar d, and lastly t o the district super- i nte ndents. Many will join me in saying, "Br avo, Dr. P eterson !" With enemies like that, what need has he !or friends! • • • • ENSIGN IS UNJ USTLY ACC USED Today's "lette rs to the editor" column on this page includes an unusual accusa- tion by J ohn Konwiser of J AK Construc- tion Co. --that the Ensign's editorlal views are not s ympathetic to his plans to bu ild condominiums on the Fun Zone s ite in Balboa . T be most consistent Issue in Ensign editorials through all of. these 25 years is our insistence on preserva- tion of pr operty rights of the individual, because that Is the foundation for all other human rights. Defe nding property rights include s defe nding Mr. Konwtser's rights as well, whatever he may say about the DONALD C. CAMERON bas )olned the Irvlne Comp&AJUd1- r ector ot urban destp. For 12 years, he took part 1n lntDe Company planntng as a member of the firm of Wi!Uam L. Pereira Assoc.lates, orllfnaJ masterptanner tor the rrrtoe Company's IU,OOO-aere Orange CoUDty hOldings. He r ecelted b1s bachelor 's degree trom Stanford Untnrslty tn 1953, ser•ed 1n GermanJ with the u. S. Army and returned to Stanford tor his degr" 1D arcb- Uecture 1n 1957. Ht llYe& In So<cn t..a...,.. Ensign, because my own property Is not NEW OFFICERS HOST secure U his Is not. LIDNETTES PARTY AB !or Ensign accuracy of reporting s.!:"'.!' t~!:;:. 'r.,1~ the facts, let the record of 25 years lor • potlock 1111u ..,....,od., speak !or ltseU. Painstaking concern for tho Woootteo, lo4too d!Tioti:IO or lbo COlla lloa-Nowport reporting fairly and accurately bas been Harboo' Ltooa c1..,. our standard during our quarter century Tbo party .... -..ood "'?· •· 1bo r .... IIJ' -lied U?S-• of recording Harbor Area even..... olllcua at ,.. .._,., Mro. Do ,. 1101 _u, ,.uct wa-wtlll -u .. oro: tor .... t ltllo1rlblp ·~ rtcN...... .. wU.b ~ ...,: ADtt wr.t comm.-_.. Debt 1Pttlt dubeu? (II Cort••'"· 1:14) • Tw..S Stool, ..-tlldellt; Mn. Mart)' Ol.\11, ~tllldtlt; lin. PuJ Brec:llt, tr.,..•; a.odllro.DoorWord,-_,. Mr .. Cu ... Meart .....ad -b pool ...utc ..vi • lta- waiiUioi•JocUdto- lbo ...... !l!llrt. ' tha t s:a.Jd pubU c hearing will be west of J amboree Road. beld on the 6th day of Sep-tember, 1973, at the hour or OiDRALE AUDITIONS 7:30 p.m. l.n tbe Counci l Cham-The Irvine Master c·~~~pra le, bers of the Newport ~ch City preparing for Its stnh season, Hall, at wlllch time and place wiU ho ld auditions Sept. 8 and 9 any and all per sons Interested In tbe chOral room at Corooa may appear and be heard ther e-del Mar high school, 2101 East- on. bluff Orin, East Bluff. Those J acque line E. Heather t.nterested tn trying out for a Secretary chOral assignment ma y caU Newport Beach City 832-025i tor an auditloo time Planning Commission or write to Z102 FaileD Leal Publlsh: Aug. 9, 1973, In the Place, Tustin, 92680. Newport Harbor Ensign. The selected ltJ'Olt)ofslngers SAVINGS ASSOCIATION CLASS Ll STED AT DCC wtU meet tor rehearsals every MoDib.y, beg1nning Sept. 10, from 7:15 to 10 p.m. This tau Or;,. .. Coast Cot-MINESWEEPING 1111 SSIDN lege is presenting a new 3 Na't'}' hlltl maintenance tech- tmlt evening class on lntroduc-ntcl.an second class Tbomu Uoo to saYings assoctallonbus-N. Clark, son of Mr . and Mrs. ness. H. N. Clark of 641 St. James Tbe class, wtdch meets Moo-Rrad, CUff Haten, Is parUd- daJs from 7 to 10 p.m. in Room pat:ln&: tn clearln&: mines trom 101 of the Applled Science Norttl Vietnam's major' llarbors Building, stt.Ues the origins, aDd coastal waterways aa 1 oablre, denlopment, orp.alza-ere• member aboal'd tbe lES tlon, chartert.nc, functions, lDd Edlsoo, toog Belc h bomeport- future ot tbe saYings assocla-ed destroyer. Uon buslDess. rau classes bectn Sept. 11. CYCLING CENTER OPEN Rectstnttoo tJ being he ld by Orao.ce co .. t CoUep'a re- JliPOlof:ment oolJ from Auc. 16 cJclia( center 11 opeo dl.ll). tbrou~t~ Sept. 3. Late recta-B a.m. to 8 p.m., thrOQCbOaltbt tnUoa wt U brt beld lll tbt OCC aummer. The ceoter reeyclel Recorda &Del Admtuloos: Off'let map&lnes, securtly baDdlld h-om 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. oo Sept, MW~I, aluminum ea.u, 4-7, 11-14, and 17-ZI. The eardbolrd, ....... botUu wltb admtaiODa otnce close& at S all m«alrtmO'ffld.PbOaebookl, p.m. oo Frldlys, computer paper, fBM eards, clei.D. t1D ca.u &Del pluUc•. CELESCO lllJYS FIRII Tbo coator to to<aiAd oaiiM Colooco lod-tu Ill<:. ot OCC campuo -to tile Cbtld Costa Mea bu &eqldred tile Care fulUtJ &IX! ta optn.led prtDelpo.t •-IUid P<Odocto ., 111o occ st-Eomroo-ol Trt.u!tuc:« Coatrot. Cor-mtltal AuoetatloD. -. a Co'ftllo Traoadoeor ...-mror, Cotooco PftOI· FIRE CONTROL SCHOOL --G. v-VrOdO aa..,. ----.o.a l&ldiiM _.tooGITCCprod-r. Rk~ -GIIIr.ud oeta to c._. ....... ltrold 11ro. oo-Jd t. Ilk-"' UoaGI_wlll __ Ill llqolloa tit., Ooolall- tlio Colla 11-llrm'o o...U. ... --U. 11ro -1 &liiiiiJ' to -lild-1 IUid tocllllclu - -at ..,.--. ..., tdc1t Gnol LUoa, m. Plro oiolrol *"M>>ooJ-o.TCCproot. *~IN •I*'•Ull-- -"'"-Qladea wiiiOH ,. all ,-, olaolrlell Ul1 ,.... ,,.. • .,.___,tiNt -ololl Olltllm• -~~ fiiU lfMrAC.a.-tnJrt ... lladll• .ml....,...,...s, Wilttr1a1e shows how far penple 1n aovernment w1ll lCO ART WORK REGISTERED when 11 serves the1r own pu rpn!>C~. and under 0 S H.A we WITH SMITHSONIAN IHST. ·muSt submit to such act10 ns ap 1nst us wuhout \"lpfJOSIIIOn to In tbe otftces ol the lrtine the abuses of the m1pectof'll C1v1l hberl~tl', t:IVli nghu, arc T tclmology Corporation (ITC) wiped out hy 0 S H A Stop II. to Newport Bach hlng S paint- lop which bue reee~~.tly been THEY ARE N'T FREE TO LO VE IT OR l EAVE IT registered wltb tbeSmlthsooJ.an In Free America 11\ "Love 11 or leave 11." bur 1n Red Ch1na Institution ID Wasblngtoo, D.C. or RuS!ita, o r m the other rapt1ve Na t1on~. you can'• love 11 The historic pa.inUngs were ~nd you can 't leave 11 painted 1n 1902 by CooradMun-Here in America wt havt thl" freedo m~ of cho1ce), while 1n ster, grandfather of rrc VIce-the Communis t ruled nations therr IS Jll"llher freedoma; nnr President Allen C. MW15ter. cho1cu . One Is a Spanish courtship scene, alld the other 2 depict girls in the costume of the era, teDdlng their gardens. They have been registered as part of the Smlthsonlan's preparation for the 1976 bicen- tenn.l.al. Tbe Institution 1s seek- Ing to compile an Inventory of pre-1914 American art•ork. Tbe American Association of Uninrslty Womeo, of which Mrs. Mtmster Is a member, has Yoltmteered to help in the search. Aoyooe seeking turther information may contact Glea.b Brown, chaJrman of the Santa Ana AAUW, at231 S. Maplewood STOCKS WITHOUT BUY ERS Followmg hrs hroker 's adv1ce an mvt\hH kept buyrng share, of a llll lr known stock and 11 kep t go1n1 up and up Fu\a lly dec1dmg to take hi.~ profit, he m ~1ructcd the hr,rker to sell "To whom'~" ~skrd the hro ker The 1'111 hank~ Jnd tru stendowment . Jnd t ru.~r fund~ ~ern to be dOing the ~<~me thms . W1th h1lhon, •·onung 1n ra,·h ye.~r. they're mveslmg 11 m hu l .t few ~(O("k~. Jnd th11'-t' fr:w ~tOc'k\ art hold1n1 up whtle ot her ~lOch havr: phlmm..-ttd AnJ "''1th more mone y alwJy~ commg m th.tn they hJ\"t t•1 pdy n1.H . !here IS nt"vtr any nt"ed for them to ull. nu f•HtSI"t'J hlt net"ll for them or theH hroker\ 10 f1 nd anyone In ~e ll to The goVI"rnment 1Sn '1 .thuul 10 do Jnylhlni Jhnul thL\, nqt when everybody·~ pen~1nn f und ~ Jll" 1nYolvc1l I he f>C"Pk puttms 1n th..-m11n..-y .or..-n t gtHn Jl t11 p r <~te,z '" lun)l J ' the1r fund~ dnn·r ,hnnk kut J~ With Jll 'un· !Inn~' ,, dJ Y •\t St,, Orange, l<'.:kunm l! OIU\1 lncvlt.thly •"nle. thi"O "'h-I!' I F ONlY HANOI HA D PEAC EFUL IN TE NTION'\ If only lhno1 would hut Wlt hd1a w !I~ fli J\\IVt Jnd ,o~l l) 1nv as1on fort:e~ tTrlfll <lUI nf I ao~. f"aml'ond1J Jnd Soulh V~t.•tnam . rt woul d then h~vc 311 lh•· m.onpuwrr lund' .tn <l ~uppl1e~ n..-.-ded to rd-.uJi d N1H th V1..-tnJnl w1th"u' .. n~ othtr htlp from anybvdy Aft er all, the WJ T wa\ fn ul!hl m the South .tnd nDI 1n :'-/nnh Vietnam Jnd whatenr md rt ary tJrjttl\ wr m.ty ILr ~l' t'lomh<"d out don't need lo be rl"pl~rtd . whill" th ~ m~:n .mJ 111 J 1~n.•h that kerp the 1 n~a~1un loU ie~ opr n ,·.,uld m'tc.rll h<" u~r.t '" restore .. nd hu lid up ~(lT !h V1eln.m1·, r conomrc .1nd commero~l fa<:lllllt~ and tr.tMporloi ll<)ll ~y<;trm 1f only lt ann1 hotd peaceful mten l ton~ LEG.+.I,HOnC! rld tnal:!l'iuitlicss NAM E ~H.oidoei STATDIEIIT MePber100, seoior The foUowtar ptrtons are and ~p Colllty dolDg butDea *= UkJ Family rectonal manager of Coldwell Putnershtp, 83S Do't'8r Orin, Banter Management Corpora-Newport Beach, California lion's Newport Beach mortgage 9Z660 : Mattbe•Arko, 833Dover banldag actitUies, has been Drive, Newport Beacb, Calli- KENNETH NOLL, 38, has been appolnted assistant vice presl-ornia 92~60; Leo E. Arko, 630 named director of desip and dent ot the firm. Knott, Ana.helm, Callfornia; construction service for the He bep.n tds company career Robert T. Arko, 270Roblnhood, l"lne Company residential di-In 1967 wtth Coldwell, Banker Costa Mesa, Calllornia 92626; vision. He wiU be r esponsible & Co., tbe parent organluUon, I. C. Arko, 272 Cabrlllo, Costa for ensuring the deslgu excel-tn the ftrm's Santa Ana prop-Mesa, California 92626. lence of all projects built by erty management department. This business is conducted by the lrvlne Company merchant He transferred to Coldw ell a Umited partnership. buUdern as weU as by the Banker Management Corp. tn Signed: Matthew Arko. company's own hO me-building 1968, becomlnt~t an associate This statement was ftled with unJt, IrviDe-Paclflc Develop-loan oftlcer In the Newport the County Clerk of Orange ment Company, Heholdsabach-Beach offi ce. tn 1969 he was County on Aug. 8,19'73, WilHam elor at science degree 1n named senior loan otncer and E. St John, county clerk, by landscape architecture rrom last J me was named manager Tberes:a M. Ward, depti:y, CaWornta State Polytecl'll.lc.He of the ofllce. He assumed his Publish: Aug. 9, 16, 23, 30, has been with the lrvlne Com-present dutiesas Orange CoW'~the ~ewport Harbor panJ for 11 years. r egional manager last Jan11arf. Ensti:n. .............._ F -27312 1948 1973 --· -~· -.. ~. Ensign observes 25th birthday! t'lft)ll MQU :;:::.oo:•:::;:::•,: I .............. H ....... ~ .: .. · · ... \ \ THE ENSIGN'S 25TH --ANNIVERSARY EDITION RESERVE EXTRA COPIES SIHGL! COPY ••••••• • •• • $1.00 EACH ADDITIONAL COI'Y WITH SAME OltDIR , , ••••••• 50f MAILED AHYWKUI tH Till U.S. --------------_,_ I AM INCLOSIHG l •••• POll ••• COPII$, NAil& •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• em .......................... ~ .... . IIDPOitT HUIOI IMIIGII Z721 L COAIT MWY ,, COIOIIA Dlt. IIAI I • EVERY NEW 1973 • Newcomers at Hoag THERE'S IIORE to a lolullo -tlllD -a n.CQQtt, ace«diDc to these Newport Aaistuee Lap eommtttee membert no are wortiJ:lC OD arna.cemeat.: for the HecDi JDDtal toaroameot beotftt, to bll beld oo Sept, I Ud 9 at tbt Balboa Bly Cld) Racquet Cl~. lin. J. Robtl1 Law ... ot Balboe. laland, left, bu charp ot procnm•. llu. WUUam SQJder ol Westcll!t. boullDc. lDd Mn. WlllarCI Wade of Ooorer Sbores l.a tbe committee member from Lu Relnu auxttlary. {Eulp pboto.) • WIJMIIDAY, lULY 15 Qtrl -. 11r. ud Mu.ldnrd B-. lOtti Blreb, Bolla Aa a...,... Qr1 -· M.r. ud lln.Ectward llwA, 11011 Part ·--PI&ee, Blrbor Vlw fioiNI, Boy --11r. ud llro. a-1<1 Couper, 49'SZ C'•ln.,.-l C lrde, lrriDo. Gtrl--Mr. Ud Mrs. Ceorp Haney, 4%85 Soloo. lnloe. LIGAL IIOllCI FICTITIOIII BIIIIMESS MAllE STATEMENT n. 6:JUowme per ... 11 dofnc bolmeaa u: Permastor Foods, 1116-D Lop.a AYeo~~e, Coeta lie• 12826: Dale L S<beU., IUO Colorado Lane, Ca.ta Mea, Calli. 92626. 'I'1WI bualoesa ;,s CODducted by I.D lDdJ.Yldllll. 81_,, Dale I. S<bella. ThU: statemeot wu nJed wltb the Co~mty Clerk of Oruce Couaty oa July 1&, 19'73, WU- IWn E. st Jobo, c:<IUd)' clerk, by Theresa M. Ward, deputy. Publisb: July 19, Z&, Auc. 2, 9, 1973, In ... Newport Harbor Ensign. F -2&811 Stars coming for tennis sos FRizzELLE GOEs 1'111 Zad tDDualeaWwltytoo-Plllxlo, -..eao; llro. Alex-ON FIELD TRAINING aQ toanameut beDe:ftt JPODa a.ader Bow!a AMtsteeu· Mrs Robert L. Frtuelle, 80111 of IOI'ed bJ tbe Auistance'Leape JobD B. ~ lfll~Ues : Dr. and Mrs. Nolan Frlzlelle ol Nnport Belch, wtn be beld 11 J w K bad • ot Z4Z-t HoUday Rd., Bayereat, Sept. a &Dd a at tbt BaJbc& ~··-· •11r":"l.dwrt~s has completed a U. s. Alr Bu Cltd> Racquet Clll:l. Pro-Dooer ee*ltJ cthm.r JU"tY· Force ReserYe omcers Tra.i.D- eeeds wtll IACIPOI1 tbel..etpe's U.n. 'areotOD R, Qcdea, bl)i lng Corps (AFROTC) tleld mai.D pb:Uaotbroplc projects, boys &Dd cU ... ud Mra. WU-tralnlng encampment at Hamil- • TBlNOAT, JULY M Boy .. llr. ud llro. Jol!o p. SmiHIIIM, m Go'rWQII'. COIIta ..... Boy --llr. ud llro. Guy Moore, UU-A Cruet A._., CoM:& II.._ • SATURDAY, JULY U Boy --11r. aod llro. K- McNal&&btOD, 114 IAP•Je Plact, COita Mea. Boy --llr. ud llro. Rudy L. TniDor, ol 115~ A.nabetm Street, CoRa Ilea. Boy-· Mr.llld Mra.Ctar ... Mltcbell, 1 ?Ill Ae Tree t...DI, lr'tiDe, Gill --Mr. aod Mn. Junea RI.J, tat Tbe Muter. Circle, Costa Mea. • St1NDAY, JULY Z9 Gtrl --Mr. I.Dd Mrs. Ly~ Pble~s. 14&92 Dooca.sler Road, lnloe. Boy •• Mr. aad Mrs. Robert O'Rourke, 3601 PvkYt~ Lane, Apt. 258, lr-. EWOI!T HAIIIOR EIISIGII f'UIJlltED IUJQ.Y ·-,AGEl ONION NECKLACE Wc:arin& an onion around the neck wed to be fashionable-at kast for cokt sotfcrcrs. h 's easy to 5CC why th1s old-time cold remedy has now been ditcardcd. We can't cure colds, ~t. bot we can relk:vc their discomfons .... •nd avoid more scnous com· plication'f by u.sma'the dfecti\'C mcdiCltllons ll\'a1lablc today. But don't usc ony mcdtcme:.s md1scnmmatcly. When you're ill, be se:nsit»c. Let your phystc1an do the dia&nQS~n& and pracnbm&. Then. 1f he reo.:om· mends medicatiOn, sec us for qual11y prescnpuons. 3021 E. CDAST HWY ., COROHA DEL MAR 673-2550 IN OUR TREMENDOUS STOCK NOW SLASH tbl cbUdreo'sdentalbei.Wtcea.-l1a B Tritt prj)ll 1atloos too AFB, CaW. ter, SO$ JZDd street, Newport .fom~y C~t, .,,~ ~ce~ During the eocampmeat. ca- Beacb, lDd tbe ..,.. day care lebrtty tourtameal director, dets recelYe survtnl alldsmaU ceoter lor WOI'.mr mothers, wtll apJD brlD&: l11a movie arms training and aJrcnft and 2043 Qruce AYeDut, Costa TV &ad sporta: libra for pv ~ alrcrew indoctr1Datioa. Tbey TO FINAL, ROCK WE A ..... , ICconUDc to Mrl. Mar-Uclpatloo lD tbe cbampt.ooah4! also t.ve tbe opporbm1ty to JOHN J. FARMER, maDal'lf' ol t1D J . LlckDey, prflllldeat. matcbu. Re 11: u ad«, a tor -obsene careers 1D wbicb they Un!oo Bank's So~ OraDp Mra. RJebud D. Beeldel Is mer u. s. Jlmlor O.rt.s Cld:l :'cbt ~lab to ~e as Air Comty repooal oftl.ce, bubMD C8Mf'll eha!rmu. for thenelll.. player and 1nstruetor to tbe ~c~ F c~U 1 bet promoted to senior rtce...preat- Sbe wW be 1~1ted by Mu. stars a r e 5 a mem deol accordlDC to Repo-.1 Sam GarleJ Jr., Ucketa; Mrs. ceiebrtues wt1o 'Will attend ~~ tbe {!:R~twa ~mit;~~ Vtce'-Presl<leot Jom F. Gr.S- Frederlct 11. Ciruc, trea.a-iDehde DiDo Mart1D Jr BtU "era~,, m, · · e OOfer. Mr . Farmer, Ybo ~ arer; Mrs. J. RobM1: LaWDl, COlby, CUat Eutwood, ''uen Is • 1971 graduate of Corooa the balllt LD 19&7, Ia a cndtate PI'Oif'U'l&; Mrs. WW1am R, GrUbB, Dt.rld Hartman (Bold del War higb scbool. of Pace Collere 111 New Yort. Snyder, .... tno; llro. !leu B. Ooea), Lloyd aod BauBrldpa, lYNN IS AN EN S1 GN and raeot•ed ... ILB.A. de- ----------Cbarltoo Heston,UicteyDolenl Coast Guard Enslgra Lynn W. gree from tse. He t& a mem-LIGAL IIOliCI {Wookeea), Claudloe Loogot, Smltll, wUo ot Scott H. Smith ber ol the Newport Harbor SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Luct. ArDU., James Fra.ocls-of 407 Gloucester Orl'te, Costa Chamber of Commer ce, a tru- ST ATE OF CA.UFORNlA cua, Dour McC lure, <All C<lod-Mesa, was commlsslooed ID tee of the Newport Harbor FOR THE rlcb (LUers), Rick Barry, her present rant after grad-FOUDdi.Uoo, aoo a <Urectol' ot Rater Jobnaon, N•l Walk, Gary uatlng from lbe omcer Cu-tbe South Oranp Couoty Untted CO Ulf~ ,0'.,.':t~GE Crom,, Elke Sommers, Roas dJdate School attbeCoastGUU'd Way. He resides 1n Newport NO'I'J:E Or~ fJEA.RING ON Marti.D. Geoff Ectnrds aJld Resene Tralnin( Center In Beach with bis ..Ue and ramuy. AMENDED PETmct! FOR Goo<p P-'d. YoriiWwn, Va. POLICEMAH COURSE ~5:.~~~ ~~ JACK BARNm ELECTED EDt. ofOHKER K. CHRIST a .Jaet BatDI!IU, maaapr ot tbe The cotmty federation Is the 1I.GMa., Deceued. Newport Harbor Cblmber of b1gest ot Its 1dDd lD Amertc:a, MO"'XE 1S HEREBY GIVEN Commerce, t.tbeonpreskleot because of tbe larpcoocea.tn~ tblt Glr&ld 1t'. ~ of tbe F.s.ated Cblmbers of Uoo of cities ill Crance Catmty. hu m.d benlD • UHDded Com mere. ol Orup COialtJ. Tbe fedent!on COOI'dlDates ac- PfUUOI 6:lr probate ot WLU He WU plcted at tbe Cf'cq)'l U'tttles between Jocalcbambers aDd Codlc:ll and tJr Letters a.ar-.J •AecUoa ol oftlcers Juty to promote Orange Cotmty. TeJtlmeDtary, reftreoce to 25 111 lltatoo Vle)J. Tbe fed -other oewly-elected feden- •tdeb 11: made tor ftlrtber par-ented cb:amben orp.a.lutloa tloo omcers are the exec::Wtn t1culara, &Dd tbat tbe time alliS .represents 25 chambers ol -nee-president, Ra_,b IUJ.ser pla.ee ot beulDc tM a.me t.a commerce ID tM ootmty , ot Htmtillglon Beac h; SKretary, bM:I Itt tor Aqu.st 21, 1973, Aa lnstallatloo aDd I.Dllual Mrs. Da.ryle Elhra.rt of Cy. at i:OO a.m., ln tbe courtroom mfl't~Dc wtlJ be l»ekf AU&-30 press, aJliJ treasurer, Proctor of Declvfmeot No. 3 of said at tbe Balbc8 8a}' Cld), start-Weir of Seal Beach. court, at '700CirtcCeoter Orin iq at 6 p.m. More than 100 OutCQIDI om cers are presi- Weat, ID tbe City ol santa Aoa, cbamber exeeuttns, wt"es aJld dent Ben Pascball of Santa Ana , CaWorllla. oftlcla.ls are elpecled to atteod Mr. Barnett as Y!ce-prestdenl Dated Jaly 2.4, 1973. tbe diJmer, wb:ich •111 bebocted aod Cllrls Culpepper and Bruce wtWam E. st Jolrl, Co~mty by the local chamber. A tour Snyder as secretary and treas- Clerk. of the bl.y wtU Pf'e<:ede the urer, respectlnly. K .... , Oioll, Madsea, Jea-dlADer. Airman Fl.rsC Class Ttmotlry l. M.c l.aoctllln, .all ol Mrs. WUma J. McL&gp.un oflS&8-B CoriaDdet Orin, Costa Mesa, has lfaduated at t.acklanct AFB, Texu, from tbe U.S. Air FDft.e sec•ttJ polie.mu c:oarM cca- dudad bJtHAtr1"n.JJdncCom- m&Dd. Tbe a1rmaD ftl l:n1DeCI lD RCID'Ity and llw eDftlfCe- meot. He Is a 1971 cnd .. te ot Estaocia b.Jifl scbool f?esfGIItOIIf Chinese- America! Cuisine Promise Good Food WNCH, DINNER, COCKTAILS TO GO (SPECIAL DISOOUNl BANQUETS /CATERING To Se,. Y"" a M.,.orrJbk Difollef' is O..r Goal -~~-Ofi£N SE\1911 ~YS A WEB< IN CORONA DB. MAR 673-9919 2121 E. COAST tNIY. Paint® CJJecorating D1Dp 1: UeDoDald, Protessloa-Yr. Ba.rnett, a Newportresl- al Corporattoo, ATeo FlolDc:lal -tor 18 years, las heoded ON DUTY IN KOREA To'wtr-Fittb Floor, 520 Mew-tbe locaiCbamberofCommerce U. Mark C. Witman., 51011 pcwt Center Drtn, Newport for 17 years. He bas sened of Mr . aod Urs. Robert C. Wit- Beach, Cal11bnll.a 92660, At. u presldeot of the Southern man. 1006 Sao:kastle1 Drln, torneys tor Petl&oer. CaJ!t.or'D!a Asm. of Clw.mber Harbor VIew HlUs, tas arrt•ed NOW! HIGHER RATES ON ALL NEW ACCOUNTS! Let Us Solve Your Paint Problema. We Can Save You Time And Money. H.'ARBOR ' PAINT C .... ,.,, PabUab : Jaty 2:&, Auc. 2, 9, ol Commerce E:r.ecatlns ID tor d!Xy at Osan AB, RepobUc 1973, ID tbe Newport Ha.rbot 19&9 I.Dd ns maoa~"r or tbe of Korea. He ls ao F .4 ptlot, Eutp. year lD the OrangeCOCilt}' Man-asslped to a llllit ot the Pl- acers Assa. 1n 1966. Re Uns cltlc Air For ces . Hepre'fi.ow;:ty SARC:!HT APPOIHT!D tn Bay Shores. sened at Geor .. AFB, Calll. GrltfiGltaf W. Sareeat otHar. He receiYed Ills B.S. degree bor v'" HIU. ou -ap. LIC:AL IIOliCI ud commission tn 19?1 ._ potzhd procram rt'li.DICWottbe FICTrt10tB B~ NAME p-ad.Uoo from the U. S. Air miMI .. performuce meanre. STATEMENT Force Academy. meat Qam procr&m at tbe Tbe tollowtll& persoo lsdoJ.oc Alllr:atfca DIY11:1o11 oiRoctwell buJ.Desa: u : KIIbr'lde Cooatruc. IAtenat&oaallD Aahel.n:l. ttoo. US62 Coloooa Wltb Roetwell11Dcel951, be HUla Cal. 9!653: P~tutp R. jo1Dod ..... ._, -.... d. • • ...:,.. ••••• c ·--' • •boD from tbe Ulltqr.Sty ot n.u ... uc, .--o ......... , ..... Ill .... r-Hllls, Cal, 92&5J, e ... p.a. •ber• be reeeiYed Tb:1s bualDesa l.& eoadacbld b1a B.S. LD mecba.Dieal eoctD· bJ aa 1Dd1Yidal IIMI1D(. He &Dd btl wife, Net:a, Siped: Ph11 Kilbride. llln t.la aeU"' lD. tba Bal:aoa Tbls atatemeot was tiled wttb ' Potror 1lqoadraa ud .-.rrootl7 111e Coody Clerk of 0raoco UH at IU SI!MetaUt DriYe Cocmty oa July 16 197S Wtl-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;~;~tbe~ldr "'4-.. -. Jerry, llam E. St Jotm., ~'clerk, Aao--Larry,l9, b by Tlloreoa IL -d, -· ITIDc lo lla..... P~lbb: JQiy 19, 20, All(. I, 9, U73, ID tbt Nnport Harbor Eulp_ F-ZUIS - PROTECT YOUR PAPER DOLLARS AGAINST .. 1:\fo'I...,.\TIO~ * Ut:\',\LL\TIO~ .. tti!:(.'I!:SSIO:\ * DI!:PRESSJON Very •••,.•flfl•• ""••• •.,4 free ••.,••ltetle ... All,.,,.., ,,O.D. ye•r •••If .,.,,.,,. rDD •lle1.He ••rtlrt euewlttl. '•" f#elf-ry. lh'Nwe4 ••'-• •~•II••••·• ~. .... , ,.,,,., , ... ,.,, ..... ,,..,. ,. _,, •••• , ... ,,., ••4•'•· GOLD SILVER PLACER -dual, ooueta aocl ama1!1um -1 .... 1o own aocl board -from DAILY ENGLEHARO SEUING PRICE lOP for 1.000 FINE em tenl COINS -bMe price pl .. I 1101-L IOUDCl4!colrlaoi .M -ftonupotpU•-lOP 100 ounc:e bers ol ... -fl'omopot ... JD..,.."" 1000 ounce blln.ol .1111 -rr-apol plloo 1 emb lOP fiOOOfoc:e valuebq coiDo.-beMprtc.plloolpor-L United States Investment Syateme PHONE MS-:s2S8 I 645-1174 I.IGAL IIOllCI fiCTrT'IOtB 8~ NA.M.E STATEMENT The IGlJowt.ac per-II dotrar t.efMitU: ~Sailta. IIUS. PartoDSt.,Sula .... Callilnla, tll'lO?: -D. --IDS S. -st., --. Cllltlnl.l 111'10?, T1IU --.. ....,.,.... ..,.latl~ Slpad: -D. ........ T1IU --wu Glad-till eo.1J Cla<k Ill 0rup eo.o .. JalJ 1?, 11?1, wu. -I. a lollo, -clark, .., "--II. WaN, .......,, -Jatr II, •• ""'-I, a. U. Newport llu1Jcw' ,...., - Keep cool with CANVAS AWNINGS bon·t let the sun spo.l your p.~flo tun. SMdtl •nth colorful te""•• fof cool com~ Call Or c~ by tot tr" •stun•t•s SMIA .. , .2201 WI WILL ULio TOURitOMI fi ... .,, {/J 7/ A -,/1 ~0;?'~-?10 .t.Jf~ ()_/(71'( i~.J is pleased to announce higher guaranteed income on all new Bicentennial Savings Certificate Accounts, and a higher yield on both new and existing Passbook Accounts. s ~.noo mlnt mum 4to b yon• S3 .000 minimum 2'~ to 4 yun· S 1.000 m1n1mum I 2 to 2J month• • S 1,000 minimum 6 months• Pu!oboot Aoe:ount. day- In to d•y-outmtt:f'ftt. on any amount INTEREST' ON ALL ACCOUNTS IS COMPOUNDED DAILY. PAIOQUAaTERLY. •CJ() d•y 1nterat forfeitu~ for e•rly withdnw•l. and earned interest on withdn.wn amount payable only at the current Putbook nte. NOW SERVING YOU IN S AJLL SEJtVICE OFFICES HONE OFFICE: 260 0... A .... .._ -.calK. 91tlll TH••o: -7541 LAI<.E El..liJ1"'UU IAN a..ENII!01l t.A.GUNA )OGUEL 600Wa&G.....,.A._.. 601Ncdi!IC s '-.a-1 )Malt ........ LAGUICA lOLLI lACUI a.. dala""" Richard joins bank staff 0. •• (DIQ:) RlcllaH, .... -... --r... ,_..lul,..p ~~~~-Rodpn-od Ulo-111-,ltlleJ pi JUdUd'1 Mar--., alit W. wet. Mt. Rklllrd WOl .._...~tor wu CliM of tM tlut'l .,_.,II ---loP-.... 1111 -.. BaM of Nnport,. lit will eoatiD81 to _.,toe RJcbard'l llarbtl LD ~ ad-.._,_..1)'. t.~- "Wa teeledremety tortuoate to t.Ye anUable to 111 tba ser- Yices of a man I1U Diet Rich- ard. wbo trlllp to tbe 8aDk ot Newport ooe of the moet dls- Unculabed records of busJDess succeA and commUDity se"lce in Soutbern California," Mr. Rodgers commeated. "Our tecord-setu..oc IP'owth eooftrms tbe lmportaoce of a dedicated, profesalonal st:atr. Dick's bilbb' successful business career &Dd eiYic laadersbip complement our staJ'f perfeetJy," Mr . Rlcbard's omee .. rn be Ill tbe bank's oew Udo bruch, oow beloc bu1H lD the Lido Sllops arM. He fowxled Rlcbll''s Market 2'5 years aao and beaded the tlrm uotll his retirement from tt•t bcls1Dess. He sold Rich- ard's to tbe Arden-Mayta.tr cl:ain In 1967, COLORFUL FISH NETTING or a ~ tlsb? These are questions betnc asked by the hau ebalrman, Mrs. Keot Johnson of Harbor VIew Hills, at left, who La be~ Mrs. Joseph Monlpl of SpJilaSa: HIU plan decoratlou for tbe Cesth·e South Sea Jslaods pa.rty to be beld Saturday, August 18 at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. A Hawaila.D buf'fet and Polynesian dancers wtll hlglillgbt the BCYC's festJn summer p&rty. ActtYittes .. m 19t UDder way at 6:30 p.m. with no-host cockta.Jis. Buffet time Is 8 p.m. In addition to Mr. ud Mrs. Kent John8on and Mr. and Yrs. Joseph MonJpl. the arrangements committee In· eludes Messrs. aod Mmes. DaY1d Price, Frederic Martin, Lyle Sandlin D, Brla.D Carter and Mmes. James Brooks, James Otto Jr., Frank Smlth, Will Templeton, Lorin Weiss and Ralph Tandcnt'sky. (Ensign photo.} ••••fclra • illlf'"'"b -IIQUARI ,... tn-2740 M40 1. c...t Hltlhwoy. eo ...... .w Mo• ................... . . . of social note Br PEG While art lovers are pther- ing at LaJUDi. Beach tor the Pageant of the Masters, Corona del Mar artist Thelma Paddock Hope is taking ller muterpleces down coast W tbe oldest bouse In Laguna, ownedbyarttstMar- jory Darting. to ntdblt each week.eOO as a mint outdoor gallery. Tbe house sits high on tbe blu11 aboYe the oeeao at 5415 Coast Highway, just past the Laguna Hotel The Impromptu uhibtt by M mes. Dar ling and Hope is huoe oo the weatherbeaten feoce ot tbe old prdeo oear 2 old LIGAL MOnel FICTITIOUS BtSINESS NAME STATEMENT eucalyptus trees that may date bact to the year the house was built --1883. Tbe exhibit wiU be open Fridays, Saturdays and SWldaYS 2-8 p.m. • • • Mr . and Mrs. Phi Up M. Hanf or HoUday Rd., Baycrest, are movint oelt week to San Juan Capistrano. Tbelr stay at the mission city wtU be brief, bow- ever; they will soon mon into tbelr new coodominium at Pa- clftc lsla.Dd Village in the La- guna Niguel area. PROMOTED TO AIRMAN Douglas C. Ernst, soo of Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle F. Ernst, 1335 Baker st., Costa Mesa., b.as been promoted to airman in the U. s. Air Force. lie ls O .. IM SUMO A. YS c:er-p .-u t• ......_,. OUit -~ .. COff!E GARDEN IS OPEH DAILY The following person Is doing business as: Aquartan lnterna-.. ------------~--------1 tiona!, 2888 Bayshore Dr., Suite C-15, Newport Beach, Ca. IM 92660: Juliette Coleby, 2888 Bay shore Dr., Newport Beach, AIRMAN LOIDA L. MARTIN, da.qhter of Mrs. Norma L. Guton of 2:553 Greenbriar, Costa Mesa, bas been asslped to Sheppard AFB, Teus, after completing Air Force ba.slc training at the Air TraJ.nJ.ng a law enforcement specialist Command's LacklaDd AFB, at Bergstrom AFB, Tez:as, as-Texas She ts taking special. signed to a unit of the Tactical !zed i:raln1og as an aircraft Air Command. Hls Wife, Ll.nda, maintenance specialist atSbep- is tbe daughter of Mrs. Ruth pard. She Is a 1965 graduate of Cooaway, Founta.tn Valley. Costa Mesa b.lgtl school. CO ROM A DEL liAR ' Ca. 92660. SBRVIHG I!HTIRB 1 1 This business Is conducted fJ'(. by an lndtvldua I. IIAiliiOR A.RBA~ ~ j2-Slgned:JuUette Coleby, Bible teacher to talk ' ..., ~ This statement was ftledwtth Mrs. Fredrick Ltttauer, for-...._ . ..A...-------___,.,. tbe Co~ Clerk or Orange mer fashion commentator for 11 • ----------,--=-.. Te.-..:-· CoWlQ' 00 Aug. 6, 1973, Wll-•bey's 1n New York, wtllspeak •' ........,. • ..,....-.. -.. uam E. St JOhn, county clerk, Aug. 15 to the NelFJ)Orl Beacb · t Theresa M. Ward, deputy, C!lrlstlan Women 's Chb at the U 271t E . COAST H•o"wAv 171 .. 1 1575_1.&00 Publish: Aug. 9, 16, 23, 30, Airporter Inn. CCHtONA on MAft, CALl,. gze25 1973 In the Newport Harbor Mrs. Llttauer has lau(bt Eng- iiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:.il.:;· ·---~-~F~~~ Ush, speech and psycDology ln New England hlgll schools llDd speech at the Un!Yerslty or Connecticut. She bas been the otflclal lecturer for the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven, the Southern Connecticut Lay Institute for En.ngellsmandthe Connedlcut state League of Wo - men Voters. She has profes- sionally directed numerous mu- sical comedies, and won the best director award at the New England drama festival IJ119'57. YEAR END SALE All 1973's at • • • DISCOUNT Take your pick ... UNCOLN-CONTINENT AlS MARK IV's MONTEGOS COUGARS MERCURY'S VE HUNDREDS NOW$ Besides being the mother of 3 children, Mrs. Ltttauer has found time W be president of LIGAL MOTICI various orp.nlzattons, teach Bible studies and wtth ber bu- ba.Dd cooducta a co~leS' cla.is tntltled "harmony In the llome." A special feature wtll be Ha- waiian ta.shions. The sok>l.st Is JoAnne Jacobs. Resernttoos for the 11:45 meeting may be made with Mrs. George Vogel, 673-182'5. • • • Corooa del Mar KJwuians were treated TUIIJday to a hu- mOI"'WJ Natlooal Cash Re«S.ster Co, tUm oo "Forum." Neat Tue.tly's luncbeoo meetLDc at tbe Vtua Swed• wW feature Newport BeacbCity Attoroey Dennis O'Neil, who wiU .-te members on city bastoeu. • • • A loot at tbe Boys Club and tts procrams and Deeds Is on tap at today's meetiDg of the K!'ftDU; Club ol Newport Har- bor at tbe Elts Cltm. Ned weet. Cbet Umberba.m of Flrst will tell the GEM TALK TODAY BOX CARDS REDUCED FOR THE MO!tTH OF AUGUST BOXES SELLING REGULARLY .t.T $2.00 to $8.9S .ONLY 60. to $1 .25 Per Box WHILE THEY LAST! Jamboree Rd. At Bayalde Dr. Newport Beach 675-3040 --n~ PHARMACY PH ACTS '-C:---., When Andreas Vesalius enrolled in the Paris University medical school 1n 1531, his teacher taught anatomy by reading aloud from the writ- ings of Ga. len, a Greek physician who had prac- ticed 1n Rome 1,400 years earlier! Because ot Roman restrictions, Ga.len's knowledge of anatomy was not based on dissection of human bod.les, but only of pigs and monkeys. Galen's work, remarkable for hi s time, was riddled with errors. VesaUus, in his search for trllth, obtained human bodies for study by cutting down crim- Inals who had been hWlg. His textbook, correct- ing Galen's errors, laid the foundations tor 1 , ~o.anatom)!l., · 11 .... -·-· Your prescrl¢on wiU alWQ'S be nlled ,.,.,_~ r ,......,.,.,: eur 1t'!lefl roa' blrlag It to ·uS • •.• care about you aDd your health. Ptct ~ some of our tresb. camera Qlm for ncat1on plct~~res and bring It ba ck to us tor lop quaiJty photo- tloishlng. HANDY HINT . To protect your camera and Qlms trom "eat whlle carrying them In the therri In a plastic toam thermal con-• BEAUTIFUL COLORS WE HAVE LOTS THAT REAllY U..ST n.oo~on ......... ~. ,_... trl W.O.. or • '-I too-.14 --..-..w...._o.. c....., ...... coolon -....... too-llool-,_ ,_ .... --· H!W AT HARIOR VIEW TltE UTTlE SHOP 1100 HOllE AND GIFT SHOP IIARK.IT lOBBY --~~ .. -marKets ' .,. c•IJaCBEs , Highway House of Prayer 2411 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR LOWiflt LEVEL -RIAR INTERDENOM INATIONAL . PULL GOSPBL SUNDAY SCHOOL• 9•4S WORSHIP SlaVIC., 11100 • A 10 POUND CALICO BASS eaucfll aboud the boot Westemer, out ot Dlny's Locker lD Bo.lboa, ta displayed by 2 Jouac I.DI)ers, Teresa Clarke of Eut Bluff, at left, uj A.1l1.:HJ Komaralckl of Corooa del Mar. N.B. BUILDING PERMITS I!VAHGELUnC U:RVICI1 6100 P.M. SUNDAY P'ltAYIR AND 818LI! STUOYr 7•JO P,M., W!OHISDAY A total of$8,195,6'121Dper-James Ray, addttloo at 531 WILLIAMT.KROAH, PASTOR mU.flltJIII1boootodtlleNew-trv•·-A •aooo PHONE, 642-1762 port Beaeb re=d post the • We:;~··'' ' ~=::::::===~~~~:;;~=========~ conetpnnd•nr totalofla.styear, Garage and bedroom at 1726 lllumunll) [mt\trr\tatiunal CZ:l!urrl! ;.~ ot"it~,::,~~;:! ':,: !'~~~· $7,000. A. Pru and lnd~prndut ConKYe~llliorutl Cbristit~n Ch•rcb FtYe otriee bulkHngs 0811' Dartd Maoootian, 2 storydu- 'IHE REV. JOHN A. LINDVALL, Minister tbe &lrpor1 aeoouot lor more pier.. 1610 W. Ocean Ft., $50,-tbul half of tile Jlll1 total The 000. Stm!ay Service: 10:00 a.m. followtDg permits, lD tbe am. • WEST UPPER SAy Bible Study: 9:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Cburcb Scbool: 10:00 a.m. ollllt ol $5,000 and over, Yere E. B. Harrison, a swtmmtng 3262 BROAD STREET, HEWPORT HEIGHTS Issued dur!JI( the ftnal 2 we.U pool at 1918 Hollday, $5,000. of tbe moath: Atlstill Rill, 2 story, 1 unit Hunery care provided Phone: 642·2140 • AIRPORT AREA dwei.U.ng. 319 MorntngStarLn., ~============::::=:=:;::::::;::::::::==::::::==:=~==~ MacArthur Ltd., tenant lm -$89,400, THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH pronmeotatU90IIacAr~~>ur, Geor .. Landls,2story,twllt $1Z,OOO aod $26,000. dwelllng, 305 Morning Star Lo., THE CENTER FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES Buc<o Bey Eole11>rtses, at $150,000. JOI MAGNOLIA JT. AT fi4S A. •• alaLI CLAJIU 4200 Streb st., ear nsh, $40,. • PROMONTORY BAY IAMT A AM A. A. VE. 11100 A.M. WORSHIP' HOUR ()()() COSTA MESA 7a00 P',M. EVAGILISTIC HOUR ' lrTtne Co,, 18 permits for DR. JIMMY CO .. IIS, PAS TOR !«>II Ceoter Newport, 2 story 2 story, I unJt dwelllngs on omce balldiDc, 4:901 Birch St., Bayside Dr. and Harbor Island COSTA MESA COUNSELING CENTER $521,1140; 4 story otllce bWI<I-Dr., riJI&iog !rom $'13,800 to TO EHNANCE DYNAMIC LIV:ING Ill< sbell, 4910 Birch st., $1,-$89,300; lola!, $1,493,100. ANOTHER MINfSTRY OF' THE nRST BAPTIST CHURCH 386,509; 3 story otnce build-• HARBOR VI!W ffiLLS REV. JAMES HENRY, DIRECTOR Ill(, 4600 Von Karman,$1,509,-United 14ethadlst Cburcb, at F.UULY, PERSONAL, CALL 548-11U 000, 1601 Marguerite, saoctuary,of. MARITAL COUNSELING OR 541-%837 Kon Income Properties, 3900 fl ees, c lassrooms, $242,970. ~==L:E:A:R:H::T:O:::L:I:V:E::":T:H~E~D:Y:N:AII:::'C::L:I:F:E:':'==; Streb St., temnt detelopment, Timothy Strader, addiUoo at $10,ZOO. 1930 Port Albans, $20,000, state Uut•l. ftre sprlnkllDg • BIG CANYON We Lnrlte you to worsblp 4001llacArtllur BIYd., K. P. Bartlet, add and alter, PIIU'U~fllllOI Of' OlllJST, saaHI'IST LUTHERAN CHURCH resta·-ant at ••so 15 "~_rwtoo<1Hat1Ln.,,$5st,ooo. 1 3303 Yi1J LWo OF THE MASTER -• v. ~r ey, ory, untt = a..da 2900 Pacific: Vtew Or. ftre sprinkler sys-dw'elllng, 9 Royal St. George, Arty ~L Co ~~ ·-~~~ $117, '100. __,.,. ront U'8l '"-'• ..... n . Dne~meat, 2 story Wilma Halley 2 story 1 unit t ..._ aa4 10110 .... LA WHENCE D. FRUHUNG buildlng, 3636 BJ.rcb St., ctwelUDg, 7 Ro~l St. George SUNDAY SERVICES P.-$601,800; ooe story lndastrlal $98,000. ' , t ... •• 10110 .... Phone: 644·2664 building, 1550 Brlstol, $212,-Walter Keusder, 2 story, 1 'WBDNESDAY EVENING SUNDAY unit dwel.11Dg a.t 26 Royal St. MEE11NC 1 p.-. 10:00 A.M .. Family Worship lcr~==~~~~~.i~~PJ~ George, $91,500. -~:z:UADING ~ NURSERY PROVIDED •• JI,Z~l L!~arth)', add aDd aUer, 37 --. • 9 a.&· S p.a , . !NirU.WC Tree Ln., $6,000. ..,r t ..... 7t .. 5 P·•o.fl---------~ ~-FriMyo Eut Blllft 14edlea~ at 0503 NEW JERSEY VISITOR t 'L&-S ,_._,,.,,_.. ATTEND Eutblull Dr., lire "'rllltler SUCCUMBS AT HOi.G system, $15,000. Joseph. p t1s 75 N s.lOHDORJacKOF THE ·CHURCH 'U00 ISLE "' • • a ew Olalft, kWmJJ Derek Mlbk> addition at 121 Jersey farm owner who Yisited New,..rt a-lt:ac OF YOUR CHOICE Vla Veoesla ti. 000 relatins ID Newport Beach Cor ~-"4ol ...__ • SPYGLASS HILL . tbe past 20 years, died July --E y w 29 Ill Hoag bos!>ttal. ·Jl-~VIIwDt. R GULARL 1ll1am Burke, a ptmming He Is SliM'I.-ed by h1 IUICM.Y ICHOOL 10..., pool at 1 Carmel Bay, $6,504 . l.D-Iaw and dau ..... te Ms soo-• WESTSIDE &• r, r. abd .lUNDAY IIRVICS J'Oa.a Mrs. William ElodrOVI . 1107 -YIIVmQHC GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Leodersblp Homes, oear So-Hll!l>land Dr., Harbor Htgto- •n I 1 ~-1,... American Lepoo Hall perior" An., 1-3-5-7-9 Latl-lands, a.nd by 3 grandchildren _.1 a. c-t..,. 565 W, 18th street tilde Court, airspace coodomin. and a great p-andchildreo all ltr.,~-;.·~·~-~ll=oo~· ,...~,~ Cotta Mesa ~m, $110,952; also at 1-3.5-of tbe Rarbo~ Area. • J REV. TOM TYREE, Po•tor -9 Saodflow'er Court, $ll0,-He was born in H~~nga..ry, ..,.. SUNDAY SERVICES: 9SZ, I.Dd at 1-3-5-7-9 Seaml.st a.nd came to America as a ,... 10:00 A.M. ' ?:00 P.ll. Circle, $107,064:. child. l~~~~~~~-~~~~d~to~~H10~14iE~B~mlLE~~C~L~ASSES~~'~ Pact.rlc Plan, Hospital Road Rosary services and a mass .... Clll 552-0092 &I Sl.,ertor, lroo grill doors, were beld ill St. Joachim's Ca- BJbleDoctrtne• panels for parkl.Dg garages, tt10Uc Church. $12,000. Burial was In Paclfic View Bl"blc 1"1...----L. • NEWPORT CENTER memorial pork, Rarbor Vt•o "--IIU1.D E. 0, Rodetrer, tenant de-Hills. Baltz-Berreron funeral ROURT M. &lMGSTOM -~ASTOR Yelopmeot, 567 San Nicolas, borne was 1n c har~otarraoge. 23RD ST. ot 0 RANGE, COSTA MESA -645-5050 $6,000 IJid $5,125. mellls. SuDday morntogworshlp -10:30a.m. SuDIJa.yScbool Jobo Ba.u.cu, 1367 A•oca· ASTRID ANDERSEN OF Sunday enning worsblp -6:00p.m. 9:00a.m. ::a::!a~$:o.~~ shop, al-C.M. 01 ES AT AGE 8 5 Wt>ftnesday Bible study and prayer •.•••• 7:00p.m. lrrtDe Co., 610 Newport Ceo-SetTlces were held yesterday ';:=:A;;uOitod:t;epe=:;llde;:;;nl:=;c;bur~cbzwtijti;biB~tb~le~teo~c~lltnc~~m~IDSb~Uy;;:;;;:~ ter Drtn, alteratioD and teo-at the Bell-Broadway Chapel 1 ant denlopmeot, $13,580, $Z2,-in Costa Mesa tor Astrid S. 1841Dd $10,104. Andersen, 85, of 1274 Watson ' • 2501 CLIFF DR., NEWPORT IIEACH -642-7«3 DR. F. KEHTON BESHORE PASTOR SUM DAY SCHOOL,, ••• f1JO A.M. IIIli STUDY Causey ' Rbodes, teoant de-Afe., wbo died at her Costa l'tlopmeDt, 1401 Al'Oeado AYe,, Ues:a borre Aug, 4. She was $5,0'72, a Datin or Denmark and had • CORONA DEL U.AR Und )ocally for the past 15 A. R. Co., store CllDCPJ at years. SU6 E. Coast Rwy,, $8,000. She Is sunived by 2 sons, R. L. La Roebe, Z story d~-GallDar of Tustto and Hoger ln. 304 Larkspur, $40,000. of Nenda; 2 daughters, Gerda T. Slmpeoa. acid aod aller, Burney of Cosb. Mesa and Ella 4SO Naretuu, $%3,500. Skibl. of Htmtlngtoo Beach; Z * NEWPORT HEIGHTS brotbers, Pete Mortensen of Sue Wll.art Eal:erprtses, l.D-SaD FranciSICO and HJyl.mu terior n.llll tor Newpcwter ot-llortenseo of Nen.da; a sister, flee, ut.S50 Weltnll.D5ter, Mrs. J. W. Newmu or Nenda,. $1,000. • crude:hiJdreo and 7 gfe:lt- Cf&DdcbUdren. Oftlclatinc at tbe service was tbe Re•, Kennetb A. Johnson. Burtal was In Harbor Rest me- lD<ll'lll park.. UNOER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES MUST A FEDERAL MOVIES TO IRVIHE ESTATE TAX NOTICE BE RUD? by EUGENE 0. 196Elt0N .,.. .... _ ........................ 0 , ..... __ ... . -. . ........... ~ .. -....... ..... ,.. ........... ,:A.,._..._._.._ ..... ._ .... _ ... _ ..... _-oft- • ••• or. .... .. ........ Robert G. Hickle, president of Trttoa Water Systems IDe., •• ,......., tbat bls ftrm bas comp&ltecl tbe mol'e to a oew 11,000 .,_,., ftJot flc!Uty 1D Pie ...,lrti.De lod\lltrlal Com- pin. y..._.,. localedtnGor-c......... TrU:oo enpnetrs, ciMip .-1 mullb.etves • ---" llldastrlal -.,._-mODI. TrMra•a ..._ tnatm• ., •• __ "' __ _ ............. __ .._tor, ...,. ... -IJid-......... ,. ---tiDe ···-dtrliiDe ... ""'* -... -~···-'"'*' -..-..--... .. otlit 171 tU ....... ,. Trt-....... am -to l'lllltal· -·-- NEII'Il«T IWIIIOR EIISI<I1 f'UIUJSHED llffJ(LY -PAGE 5 THURSDAY, AUWSTt, 1!73 COROllA DEL IIAII, CAL. POLICE BLOTTE R ©@Oii • THDRSDA.1', JULY It J ..... Crtt.. «-o1ao told pollee tbtt At IIOM*d atatraftlcalop...,atW.. Ud Jambor ... £ut Blllfr, ud, While sbe WU waJt1rrc fGt lral- ftc to ct.r, a JOCIDC mao. com. plete!J nude, ........._. from the btabea, .tood OD the sldf'W'I.lk m:l stared t.ato ber ear uots.l abe 'IIPU able to J)lill oat lAto traffic .•• Scott Peter Harlan. 18, of 41Z Coltoa st., - Sborea, na cbarpd wUb pos- sesaloo ot mart,._ at 9:•5 p.m. at Cedar st. aod. 8ZDd St., Newport Sbores .•• EYOOM Marcia Sykes, 40, ol487Uoi'Q~ l.ng Cuyoo Dr., Corooa H1gb- 1and.s, na arrested at 2 a.m. at 31 Z Newport Blvd., Newport Heights, and Cbarged. YitbdriY· ing tmder the lnflueoce ot a.ko- hol after a minor trafftc acel- deot there , • • After t men in thetr hreotles dron 1D tbe Bob's Teuco station, 7100 W. Coast Hwy., West NeYpOrt, Just before 5 p.m., distracted tbe attendant tor a millt&e or liiO by looking at tl.res and theD driYtng away, the aHendlnt ao- ticed $100 rntssing from tbe cash register oo tbe sernce island .•• wa.ooa. Shelton's lZ- n. boat, valued at $150, ....., stolen from the prln.te dock U ber residence at ZOO S. Bl.y Froot, Balboa Island, behreeo 2 p.m. and 4: p.m .•.• A color TV set vallled at $400 was stolen from Betty Sltn1ng's re- sidence at 117 33rd st., West Newport, behreen 7:45p.m. and 9:45 p.m .•• BrUIIII!I' Henry, 57, ot Laguna Nlruet. dr~ dead of an appueot beart at- tack while playing teDilis at Corona Del Mar hlgb sebool courts at 4:15p.m. wtth Frank: Frost or Corooa del Mar ... An antique clock n.lll8d at $200 and a camera n.lued at $50 were stolea from ttae borne ot Pamela Scal.r.o, Z218 E. Ocean Blvd., between 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. • FRIDAY, JULY 20 4 Geor.. Lodbauct>, 300 .. ,_ side Dr., Newport Beach, re- ported that $33Z worth of ac- CPssories were stolea from his boat while it was at ZOO E, Coast Hwy., between 9 p.m. July to and 2:30p.m. July 21 , .• Some ooe tore a shower fUture from the wall at Corona del Mar lrt~i•• 6 1111t Across Fro• Wulcli ff PI••• eutTC aoa • <71., • •• .. 11 NKWP011t1 -...eM, CA. N.,_ ThiJ ill'lno.wr"nne•J JJ 11'fllier no CJ¥CJmuUtfuJ Jo be com,.wed <~J "'"off" to Jf!ll ~ AJ 11 JOhCJJ..UiOff of "" oder ,.• 10 b.JMIY of Jb.u J•&.mh#J. Th• oQ.m.g iJ ,_a.""" lry<,..,,o,,.._. NEW ISSUE AU&ll$( 3. I 973 1,500,000 Shares Smith International, Inc. Common Stock Price $19.25 Per Share Cop~1 of thf! Pr o1p1!ct11 1 l'l'I.J) h,-o htarlli'J 111 lllfl) St.atf! "' uhrch thtf .mni"INrl(i'mo •lll l orcllilted frn.,J nnh INCh of the 111!fdt-rrr~nt'J .., l"llht•r .Jf!o~fui M ~nier1 ~ l'n41) J.m f NI/1 l"tf/N tl•1 '' !t't llrJfrel 111 HUh St .. lt' Mf"rrill lynch. Paertt. Fenner & Smith ._ .... Blyth Eastman Dillon I!< Co. The First Boston Corporation duPont W.at.ton. ,_....,.... Goldman, Sacho I!< Co. Hal.wy. Stuart tt Co. Inc. Hornblower&: Wee;k .. HemphiU, Noya ..... ...._ ...... Kidder, Peabody 6 Co. Lt:hman Brodwn Loeb, Rhoadu. & Co. Paine, Webber, Jack.oc ~ Cuttia ,_...,......... ..... ~ , ___ ..... Salomon Brothers Dean Winer & Co. Stone & W eb.tu S«uriti« Corpor.tion Faulknu, O.wltiru ~Sullivan s.r..iliM c-. lt<ynold. S..Uribu Inc. Wh~ •• wold It Co. E. F. Hutton A: <=-pony I= Shunon, Hemnsill & Co. S.tanan Eichler. H iU Richardt fkar. St~ lk Co. A. G. Becker I!< Co. Alu. Brown A: Soaa J .... ,.. .... 0..-1<, Docfao I!< Co. , ___ _.. Harrio, Upham A: Co. ..... ,.. ... Mitchum, Joaa II: Tm1plrcon ...... ,...~ o.u.. ~ a Q.Wt ........... W . li. Huttan A: Co. Model, Rolond It Co .• Inc. 'The R........,-Humphr<J' <=-pony, Inc. L. F. ltothochlld It Co. SuuvaCo. -.~It Co., Inc. '"""·-..... Eppler, Guerin It T..._,!ftc. McDonald It c-pey Pipu, Jall,.y a Hopw o1 ·--...... s.;.a.., "'-"· spv-a.._. , ___ .... ......,. ....... &~Srr'•• ... Pool Kaodricl a Co., In<. ltoba-CC:.I:'Iaoa-., SiaiJollt Wolaol S..... F...Jr M.,.-a Fox . ....... . ••• r'w&O...IIII:. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ·-.. .. .. .. • .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. • -- TMI tiOL& IIIO.ADC.UTII LA .. 1411. CAI.I ... -... A&l'la w. ... .... ,.,. ~-·~ • , ... •eMI?nUJt aiACOM"' 71' H..W. Aw•, c:.llt .. •-4. M.J. 'rzms 11:1·1' -~~--PNfp ti .... T ... I I ,.... n11ftlk., SrshJIJ. ltill r.tr, "' tr'f"i. h.. KNOWING CHRIST Dr. Ch.wlu l . '•"*-'• Dr. a-t-1 N. ,_.,.,...,. (C..UDIIOdlrom-w~ Q. Sherwood, Ote. "In Genesis 49, It appear~ that Levi and Joseph were not included in the 12 tribes ol Israel. Yet. fn Revelation 7 they ;ue. Why is thlsl'' Q. Walla Walla, Wash. -"W • h• .. wondered c:~boue foinlng a clmrch . It U my feeling tlwt it u.;ould be be"er to belong to a goocl Bible-believing clu,rch than iO fum'J around from one to another.M JaM tht e..pmt ll'ltrCidt.Qd our lord wi1h 1htl prodwn•tiGI'l: "R•· Pl"''t, for the kJngdom of heewn i• -' ~" (Minthtw 3:21. ThrouWt• out His Mf1hly ministry 0\tln wu known • "tht Son of OrAd;' the king with .....nom God hMt INdl • COW'Il'IW'II to H~lth hi• kingdom IOt"..,.tr. The outline of the tJftlenl -· which Is enlllled "Christian Savice," is u follow•: I. A C.U to Comple!o Coo __ (Rom. 12 ,1, 2) A. levi is repeatedly indicated as receiving no inheritance among the twelve tribes. Joseph had his divided between Manasseh and Ephraim. There is an interesting comment on this in I Chronicles 5 :1. Reuben, the firstborn, had de- filed his father's bed. This is why hi5 birthright was given to Joseph's sons. For this reason the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthrighl. Judah pre'l.diled above brethren. The hinhright went to joseph's two sons who were in· eluded. The ramilies of levi had 46 c1tieo;, four in everyone of the 12 tnbes Gael wante d them to be giv- en n>mpk•1(•1y to H1 <; o;e rviCe . A. You wil1 certainly find that your faith will be built up more Srmly in the Word when you put your roots down in a fellowship of beJjever:s where the Gospel is proclaimed in power and conviction. This is espe- cially true if there are children in- volved. They need a sense of perma- nence. Really the only reason for changing churches is when there is an indication of apostasy or some other serious problem. In all cases, seek for the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. ~~ Him guide you in such vital decisiOrL'i. The Old Tnt&rNnl prOI)heu Pf&· d+cted th•t Christ would -.,d He will -reign on e.nh upon m. throrte of H11 f1tn.t-0t¥id. While His kiF\g' dom -being P'OCI•med "It hlod," He walked tnd t•ked el'ld •~ Wtth me" • ··tne Sorl of M ....... Weened wtth u ..... tling, He wt It Jecob's -11 ltld •ked fOt" • drink of w•ter. Preued by the thtOI"l'i, He got mto 1 fillt'llng beNt .-nd ld· drnsed the multitudes from the "''· H1ttd by His ldYersenn. He _, toed, KOUrQIId, sptt upon ertd llillled 10 I trft. This WH indeed "Christ manifest in the IIHh." With r9rd to His humillltion. the Apostle P1ul liYS. by divine in· ~·r•tion that "God •I so hath highly ex•l~d H1m 1nd lii'VIn H1m e name wtuch is 1bowe ewery name" jPtul. 2:91. 2. The Right Exe«<se of Splrllaal Gifts (Rom. 12 ,3-8) 3. Exhortations to am..tiaP Coo. duct (Rom. 12:9-16) A CAll TO COMPUTI COHSECaATIOH Jn Romana 12 :1. 2 we rad: ''1 be- seech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living saeri6ce, holy, acr.ept· able unto God. whic:h b your I'UIOfto- able service. And be not confonned to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, tha.t ye ma.y pt'ovc what is that good, and ac· ccptable, and perfect, wiD of God." Q. Pho enix, Ariz.-··1/ou ctw I lie/1' '"Y, famify to /...r'''f' tltc rrnl ~11irit of (.' lflll lllfll 111 todulj'.\ ltorld?" A.\\'~· .tn· uot nppo!l>t'd to tht· idt•a o f k n :pllt).; L hrl•ffll,l\, Ju't because Chri't proh .1hly W,\s unt born on Ul'C::l.'llll rl·r 2-'irh dnn not mean that wt· l·.umnt (·Pit·hrat<· Chri'>hnas. \Ve \l ll!JIJI b.-d~·privin~ IIIIT\~IVl'S and !nvt•d tlllt'\ <tl 1\0!ldl·rful hles!>ings. It ;, tlot· L td .tnd not thC' date that is nnp•1rl.ult. \VL· mmt kt't'P in mind tht· r•·~ll p urpu'c ol tlw season. As p.th·tlh, \\1' ,hould tt'ach our chil- drt'll alt<•IJI th1• hirth of the Saviour wloo c,·,tlnt· tl d o tht· wo rld . born of a v i q~i 11. l o \a\'1:' u' from our sins. Thl'\t' thm ~.;' rnu ~t be kept para- lttnunt 10 our thinking. Q. .. What i.s the true significance of the word.t 'wonderfuf and 'coun.relor' in l.ta. 9:6? Arc they uparate con- cepts, or 3hauld they be taken to- gether?" A. Sorut> good Bible scholars omit the coma between the two words ~ignif}·in~ that Christ is wonderful in His counselling prerogatives. Per- sonally, there is no reason why we cannot leave the punctuation as it is. The Saviour is wonderful i.n His birth, His work'!. H is death. His res- urrection, and is coming again. 11le word is used in the absolute sense. Take that word and meditate on it. seeing something of the concept of His pcNiess life. He is the only One who can give us all of the counsel- ling needs and aids we have in our own spiritual lives. He in infallible counselor. The phrase in its entirety is utterly magnificent. A(llo n, the apostle declath thll ·God's mightv PO-r won "wrought in Qmst. When He til Wid H1m from the Oeld, and Wit Htm 11 H" o~ tilt!t hand '" the huwenly plecn, Itt 1bove ell ... " (Eph. 1·201. He ts no longer to be known as ''the lowly Jesus," but as the exalted Lord tn t.IW'In And thts hilt •ts bee11ng on IAIOO: ''Wherefore henceforth know we no men 1fter the flnh: Yea, though -n-known Chrrsr •her the flnh. yet now, henceforth, know -Him no more" 111 Cor . 5.161. Our bleued S.vior '' now to be knOWfl IS the giO!'tfoe d Son of God, the gre.t bospenser of Grace to • lost humll'llty; the One whom love and mercy "tasted death IO< every ~n" jHebreW'I 2 :91. The f01"gcoing verses ( 1, 2) Pft"" sent the apostle's appeal to Christiana for complete con5ettation. M a nota- ble t~chcr Paul shows an attitude of bcSttching, exhorting, and pleading, which is quite characteristic of the inspired author of these words (cf. Fph. 4 '1; I Tim. 2 ,1; I Cor. 4;16). Here the following paraphnae of thil passa~ (vv. t, 2) in a modern C:OrD-- m~ntary is worthy of note : " ( 1) God's rtdttming Jove should be an- swer~ by the true sacri.6c:e and spir- itual ritual service of a life of purity and ~If-denial and work for God. (2) Do not follow the fashions aod cua- toms of the wOTidly 10eiety around you, but let your ways of thinldng be 10 changed by the Holy Spirit that you look for and rcco~iu God's wm, Me ss age for Today • By the Rev. Philip du I . Arc11klrius "CHitiSft.i.'M I lACON.'• ~OLLINC;JWOOD. N.J. "That I m:1y k1111w him, and the power of his rnurn·ctum , .n1fi the fdlowship of his suffering", !-~:"•c nl:t df" '• n f(J rm:tLil' unto his death; "If h}' <Hl) mt::a n-. 1 might attain unto the resur- r. ~ ,ir.n <•f the .1l·a d. :'\1){ <l i lh()ugh r had already a.ttain~. eithn 11 n•· .d r· ~./.v per f\·rt : but I follr,w after, if that I 1.,1\ ·IJ•I,rl'ht·rul that for which also I am ap[•l t'"· h•·l·• t,·d i { hrist Jesus. ht'!l11 11 I count not my!lf'\f to have 3ppr~­ l ""'' d 1Hit th 1~ one thing I dn, forgett ing thf)o;,e :lo· .:•· 11hid 1 arc behind. and reaching forth uutn tl1• · ,. thm~~ which are before, 1•1 ,.. tuwa rd the mark for the prize h1 J, ,.,'hng-r,f God in Christ jesus" J I \J I I :. ·\' we press forward in time, let us not glory r,\t·r pa<;t ach ievements, but let us by life and b,r r•ur example, show the practicality, the apph- caiJdity. yes, the relevance of our Cbtistian Gos- pel to the very times in which we are now Jiving. l.t·t u ~ dc1mmstrate our faith, our supreme con- fulencc and knowledge that the Bible which we Ud Jc-.c IS, tn its broad outlines of what we may t'XJX'CI 1n thc~e closing days of the age, way ahud (Jf ,,u r nev. spaper s. our magazines, o ur vauntt'd ~t'Cula r schola rship. The quution of relevance \\ h·• h ts ra1scrl by the modern world as to our Chnstian fanh and Gospel. is one that sh0uld be far rather r.liscd concerning the vain n~a:;on­ lllJ.!S and the f.m tastic schemes of our soc:al plan- nl'T:>, ~~ho a~<;ume such a "wiser-than-thou" atti- tudt• to' I ard~ Ch ri~t ian bel ievers. Their plans dt•:il on ,y with the <1.uperficial aspect of life, v. hnea s, only that whirh comes to grips with. v. htch changes and refa .. hions the very inmost hl"l ng.s, the heart!! n f men and women, is going to pnw1de a solutiou to the pressing problems of our day. J ust afft·r the Frt:nch Revolution, England wu (ln the verge of a vi olent social cataclyJm. And It ts an hts.tnn cal fact that it was only the pra.ch- ing o f John and Charles Wesley, which resulted m chan-'!"mg countless hearts and liva throughout the length and breadth of that grut land, that a verted such a catastrophe. But the mesuge of the Wesley brothers was the old-faabiooed mu- sage that men we~ sinncn; that Chrilt diul fOT their StnJ and sh~ HiJ preciOUI bklocf that they m•J::ht fw rt:det'm~d; that He rose: aga.in bodily irom t~t dead for thdr justification; and that, by heht 1 m;.:-tn Him, they would be saved both ftJr tim~ and for d~mity. Had their metsaJC bt'en tht' newfangled en~ of the ~called "100al J,:t)c;~l," not only would it not have averted a rt'volution, hut tt would hav~ bec:n one of the flr!IICJpal f.1 cto r.s in bringing the revolution aboul Many of the leaders o( th~ Chinese Communilt J<cvulution wer~ grad~tes of YenchiDg Uo.ivcr- t~iry. which wu supported by minion fundJ un- wiltmgly supplied by many profeuinJ ChriJtia.ns in the United Stat~ of Amenca I Dr. T . C. 0..0. a profe"or io that U niveniry and a vicc·presi- d<nt of the World Council of Chwclla, wu actually ma<fe .a member of the committee c::harted with drawing up a c:OnltltuQoa for Red China. Por a. while he was allowed to collaborate with lbe rnolutionaria. Then, a fnr ~ later, wlteD lte was .,.peckd to b. p1<0<11t ra ~ lo< a meeting of that "Oni.Jtiao... orpruntion. M fajkd 10 appear ., sclledulecl. He Wll, II loolt. aot p.m.!tted to , ... , moinWod c::JU., IIIII - ba .. been coariDood that, alta-~ ..... W. f<>r !Mir rnolutiaaa'l' achemalllll ..... ~ the full _....... a1uo from bia -- the Ohiw~"ii,•iii•.t·llio,la"'lquu4aaed"dl Dr. a-r What Is a Chrlstlant ly tM a.te Or. lob Jones .• r .. Evengelin. Founder lob Jonn Unhtltf"lttv FROM ''SWORD OF THE LORD .. MURFREESBORO, TENN. (CoDtinued from 1:ut ... et) Dr. George Truett, that prinrely pastor of the First l:l11ptist Church o ( Oallea, Te.tUi. and one of the world'a tHeatest Christian lt'aden. waa conduct in!{ a rPvl\lal in a eertain t·ity a few yean aa:o . Ni<ht aftt'r nucht 1 wo fine -looking youn1 men ca me into the serviees and took tht':ir !!l'atJ near the front. Thl'y Wf'rf' such brrlliant-lookinll' fellow"· a nrt suc h attentive listener11 that Dr Truett becamf' ~really tntf'restPd in thPm. One day he inquired concerning thf'm . and the pa11tor of the chun·h told him that they were thr-two m011 t brilliant young lawyer!< in the city. He learnKI that they wr-re not member. of any church but that they were clean, moral. manly fr-Ji ows. O ne mornmr Or. Trur-tt went to the o ffice to 1ee these younr men. and introduced hinuelf to them. "Gentlemen:· uid Dr. TrueH. "I want to talk to you. I want to know why you youn.- men a~e not C hrietians? You eeem to be intellia:ent younc men, and you have lifltened attentively to my aerrnons." One of the young men looked into Or. Truett '11 l'yf'l and said. "Doctor. if we were to tell you why we are not Chris tians, you would think we are very foolish. We lfl'adualed in thP same daBs at collell'e. and fini1hed our cour~e in la w tol(ether. We decided to liiO into partnership, and be clean, upright lawyer». We looked O\'er this state to find us a model aher whom we could pattern our livn e~nd profeuion We chO!e Judge Hlank for our model. He i1 a man above repro.ch . and one of the eleannt lawyers in the world. We learned that he was not a member of any church and made no profeuion of nli1ion We are not unbelievera, but we are livinr up t.o our rnolution to model our liv• after Judlt' Blank.·· "Youn1 a:entlemen, I am rtK to have rMt you, and will look for you at the Hrvice toni•ht," .. id Or. Trueu as he p....d out ttMdoor. The rreat preacher walked over to thf' office of thil prominent judli(e. "My name t. T'rueU. and I have oomt lwra to Mk you a q,uestton in aih.k:.. I •ant t.o kft011r if it itt ritht fM any man to occupy a poaltion in hie COOUDunity that lnjurea his ..........._nt'' ..Wby certainly not " &M J-..nplled. Or. Trutt.t told him &be story el WI CIDII'f'arutioa. with tiM ,._.. I•W)'•"· Tille JUdp INIIootl lo tho window .... ....._. out at lbe C""fOWid ae t.he -fo< )w< o -ulo, an4 --*""'"'" III'OWid he loollod ........ t lnlo the -ol the .,,reM MIMI..W.. ... wiD come ---·, .. p.-11 -loht. o.cc.r.·· That niaht as Dr. Truett 1111t in the pulpit looking out upon the c rowd he sa..-the promint!nt judrf' walk down thf' ai11le and take his ~at near the fro nt. A minute later the two youn11: lawyers came down the !lame aide and found a seat ju~t behind the judgr. Or. Trurlt pruchf'd on "lnnuence." When he waa throu1h, he ~~:ave the inv itatio n fo r men to come to the front a nd accept Christ. Thl' influentia l judge camE' down the aisle. and j u.st behind him followed the two yountc lawyer!!. My fnend. it is unE'thicttl for you to be a to inner . If you will comf' down thi!l ai"'le on t ht> invitation and take your stand for Chm;t wmebody el.;e will follow you You owE' it to thctl !'omE'body el11e to take the stan(! IN lH( THIRD l'l.A.C(. YOU OW( tl TD JfiUS CHIUST TO lfCOMf A CHfttSTIAN. I don't unden tand what a man is thinkinl" about who ill willing in this day to prn~ a crown o f thorns upon the brow of Jesus. The shadow of H i~o cr~s has reached down acro.d thl'se two thousand yl'ars. He ha!i become the center of human hist.cry , and about Hit~ crou multiplied millions of human hearlJ clins. When He waa dying He eaid. "Father. fonrive them: for they know not what they do." He ean 't pray that prayer for you toniaht be<:auae you know what you are doin1. You kno• that you arc miatreatin1 the Son of God, and you know that you are not square with God. u lone .. you reject Jesus Chriat. YOU OUGHT TO IICOl.U A CHIUHIAN I(CAUU IT 18 SAr:l. I am toina t.o suppose that there isn't any God. I know there is a God. You .. k me how I know? I will tell you. Suppoae toniaht when I turn off the lirht and ret into my bed I look up throu1h the darkne.a and uy. "I am thinty: I want a drink of water," and a moment later I fH:I • rlaq of water in my hand, and I drink and quench my thirst. Tomorrow ni1ht when the darkne. shut.a me in, I 11ay, "I am hunll')': live me 110methinr to eat." A .. ndwich comet to my hand, •nd I eat •nd my appetite " aati•fi«<. Suppoaa that kind of &bini' should happen for thirty nichte.. If l•m not a fool I would aoon decide there muat be a.n uneeen penonality in my room who· delichta to rrant mv .... .-.. I know tkere '-a God. I have nn"er ... n Him. but many Umea He U. hHrd rD)' pr.,.,. I haYti hiMI a toad on my ahould..- pr .. i.nr 6owa 1q10n me u:ntU I heft """"' oo tlrod I ....til not curt it ..,,. MON. 1 haYti iook.d .... lmo tho ........ oolil, .. , would Uu to heft-not." I dlcla't -tho hoada tloot llftocl tho food, lout I r.lt tho food llftocl and I found tho nooclocl ,...t. I han• had problem" to solve . and I havE' worked on those problemto unt1l aftpr a while, with despair in my heart. I h ave looked up into th~ hea\·en~ and asked for help. I didn't IK'i.' thf' God who solved them. but the problerru were tr.olved . \iany tim~ I han come to the partinlt' or life's road, a nd I didn 't know which way to go . I have stood still for a moment and asked £or wiMiom. and '40me unseen God ~~:ave me the wisdom. So. I know there is a God. Remember. I am supposinK thou~e"h. lhert' isn "t any Gud. I am suppotoi inl( this Hible i11 a lie. a nd that tht>re iKn 't any Heaven. a nrt thl!rt' isn 't any Hell. I am >~Uppo!lin~>: that wht!n a man dit's. lh.tl is the laKl of him. I am <~UPlX)I<in"-that l!arth '~ teeminJ: millions wlto have lived. und drumed, and hopt>d. and died, have ..:one back to ctust to s leep rorevrr. and thal they had no immortal sou\,;. When I was fourteen yt'ars o ld I knelt by my mother'" dyinx hed. and promisl!d to meet her in Heaven. A few momenta later my rather sobberl and !faid, ··son. mothrr is~~:one." The nut day tht'y took hrr precioWI body and buried it in a lonely ~~:raveyard 1n sou thea1t Alabama. I have ~~:one to that gravf' many timf'l> late in the afternoon, and I have sat there until tht' twilill'hl ll h at.lows or the evening would fall , and the s tan' would come out in the 11ky. and I have Jttid, "f will see my mother arain." They tell me I am dree~minlt'. If this is t1 dream. don 't di!iturb me, for my religion hang11 as a rain bow of hope over the du11t of my dead . and kindles a 1mile upon the brow of my bereavement. Let u• JUpp<:Mie that r•liPon is real, that there ia a personal God. that the Bible ia His in11pired Word. that there is a literal Heaven and a literal Hell, and both are eternal. SuppoM that there ia a cominr judcment to which ev•ry man muat ro. that every man who accepts Jeaus will IJ'O to Heaven, and enry man that rejecta Him will ao to Hell. If it ia to, I win for two worlct.. If it ia only a drum. I have already won. I c•n't kiM. J have played the rame .. r •. One more •tep. YOU OUGHT TO IICOMI A CHRIITIAN NOW. •tCAUal 0, THI UNc:lltTAINTY OP HUMAN Ufl. You MY. "Bob Jon•, we have heard t.hal me..ny timet." Ye.,Nr. but you oucht to Mtd· it thia UIIIM. It • alw.aye tod•y with God . It ill alwa.)'l to""'"""' witlo the fool . Tho ....Uiatr of h......, lifo._... t1oot roa ooUio tlola o-clool-ooUiolt-.Thorw ..... ........,. • .,._.. u. ....... bl Holl. Of hoi<W Ia tho -Ia ollho .O..U.Ihoa '-"" ... _t. "You ha" plooitr of u.o:· .. Behold. aow il tiM •u•JI .. tlmo; ---to tho ., ol .......... ' and love to do it" (d.J. R. o.- low, Editor, A c-......., .. "' Holy Blbll, 1909, p. 883.) Furthermore, the oommara of a conservatlve Biblical ocholar obould b. oboerv<d' "Ia view of aD -God lw accomplished lor HU people In Christ. how should His poople Hw? They should ~ --"' God u a 'living acrifice,' ~ to Him. The animal acrifica of an earlier day have bttn rendered for· ever obsolete by Christ's adl-oflerinc, but there i1 always room for the wor- ship .....r.rcd by obedient hearU. , ... stead of HYing by the standards of 1 world at discord with God, belie-Yen arc exhorted to let the renewing of their minds by the power of the Spirit transform their lives into conformity with God'• will. Doctrine is nner tau,.ht in the Bible simply thot it "'"1 be known ; It is taught in order that tt may be tran1lated into practice. 'If ye know these things, happy aft ye If ye do them' (John 13 '17). Hence Paul repeatedly follows up an expodtion of doctrine with an ethical exhortation, the two beinR' linked together, u here, by 'therefore' (d. Eph. 4 '' ; Col 3 ,5)" (d. F. F. Bruce, TA. E,ult. of Pawl to II•• RDM4ru, 1st Ed., 1963, p. 225). TilE RIGHT EXDCISE OF SPIRITUAL Glm Concerning the proper U3C of spit· itual gifts (Rom 12 :3.8), the re- marks in a con5ervative commentary should be noted. "TJvot~gll IM grMt givnJ IUdO fflf (3). Paul declares that talents which come from God ought to be u5ed with humility. He who is spcda.lly endowed is tempted to fancy himself and become K)f.important; hence the apostle warns that such must take himself seriously and avoid conc~it. The ame view is grounded on th~ fact of the givenneaa of giftJ from God and on the truth of mutual interdependence u God Mtll dttJll lo NJIT'j Jf\fUf IJil! '"fG..fWrl of fiJilll (3). This latter idea of faith-disttibution as the norm of endowments leads the apostle to rder to ·the •beft of tbe body ond iU memblors ( 4, ! 'cf. I Cor. 12 ,12 ; Eph. 4 '16 ;Col.l:l8). He io clearly tbinkioR of the Ouistian a:»m- munity as a JOcia1 organiml with tbe various members co-openting 1n mu- tual Krvice. There follows a list of seven illustrative l{ifts functionally correlated (6-8). Prophecy (6), i.e. inspired utterance of truth, or preach- ing (cf. 1 Cor. 15 :1). is to bf: exer· cised according to th• proportiou Df faith. This may mean ritht:r that the more full o f faith a man i!i, the better will be his preaching, or that his ut· teranct' must always ~ in harmony with his creed ( inttrpretin$' the word 'faith' objectively). Mi~tulry (i.e. deacons' work, Strvic.: in things mate- rial rather than spiritua1), ltaching and uhortatU,. are three gifts which ... to he ..... coch in lb place ;.oth<T-...u. they wiD be iaeflectual (7, 8). FEAR 810 WHO HASN'T at sometime in hi• life been fearful 1 One very familiu and blessed portion of Scrip- tun-is J ThesaalonianA 6 :16·2-4 . In vene 18 we have the familiar eJ:hor- tation, "In every thin« JJiVP thanks: for thi11 is the will of God in Christ Juus conc:ernin« you ." For yean, whpn I rud that, I undentood that when thinlf8 R'O wronJ{ I 11hould ~rive thanks. prailinlf Cod for trouble11. Notice, however, it doe11n't tay, "For everythin« Rive thank11." but rather "/?t everythinlt' ~tlve thanks." You 11«, the Spirit of Cod ia extnme.ly ca~ful. even about the preposition in Scripture. It'" not "for" our cir· eumstances, but rather .. in" our dr· eum•t•nce11 thAt we a~ to pnise the Lon!. Now, think about God's anawer to your hars, When Jituatlona ari.e over which you have no per- AOnal control, elve .. thanke" not /or the •ituation, but "it•" lt. The reuon ie, "For this 11 the will of God in Chriat Jeeu• eoneeminc 7ou!' Have you reallltd this T God•• will for your Ute Ia that In evtl7tblnc you should rf•• thanks, wbdh~r it'• In the rood thln«a. the happ7 thlnp, or ln. the aad, fearful, and toJTOWfal thln••· You may be woaderln1 how UUa le -pllabocl. -IallT with .....,.._ ln1 fun. God'• WoTd ten. ua. HNow Juat ltOp wheN ,oo art. Ia Ull• lftu .. otloft -lllub." y.., llwlk -pie for ,...t t1M7 rf'r• ,.., dool't '"I TliiUik God fot ""•I Ro """ aivn 100. CGDoldor Srat of aD, 1Mro'1 .w... ""' lifo, forti-of ofDo, IMit. -.t all, Bio oal7 ...,_ -II-1:11). Ia II Cortotllluo U: I ft an aJoortoc1. ''Sua!• ,_,.. .. mo. ~ 7& ba "' "" faftlo: -,..,. ... --7& 1101 ,.,. • ....,-.-uwl- Glvinc or Hbtta1ity to be u;Ci.ed ..u• ,; .. lli<ily (8), I.e. without ony porode (d. 2 Cor. 9 ;11, 13; James l ;5) IIIII purely bccluoc of the need for the ~It (following the RV rcnd- erinc 'with libmallty'}. H• lh#t. ,..,J,tls (8); i.e. he that has authonty or adenhip due to hi• ability. The referenCe may be to the home (d. I Tim. 3 :4, 5, 12) or to the rongre~­ tion (d. j Thcu. 5,12 ; I Tim. H7). H1 tluJI 1hnwtll '""''' (8); 1.e. 1s active in ttlad ministry to others. The phrue exprcsaes the general idea o.f Christian kindness' (d. Th1 New B•- bl. Cuarnutar-,, 1st Ed., 1953, p. 960). EXHORTATIONS TO CHRISTIAN CONDUCT Romans 12 :9·16 of our Riblical text present a number of character traits to be exemplified in tht' life of the: Christian. A seri~s of adjectives describing the kind of life picturl'<l in this pa.ssa~e (vv. 9-16) is suggt:<;tive. Note shot!ld ~ taken of the follow- ing: Loving, sincere, holv, good (v. 9); kind, humble (v. 10); dili.cent, enthusiastic, hard-working (v. 1 I ); joyful, happy, p;ltient. prayerful ( v. 12); generous, hospitabl~ (v. 13); forgiving (v. 14}; sympathetic (v. IS); united, co-operative, humble (v. 16). In the considt'ration o f these verS('s which are concerned with the charac- tn and conduct of the ~liever , the comments of an cvangdical schol;1r are appropriate : "We must med"talf' on this list (of character trait s ] if its full force ifl to strike home. 9. l .ov~ is to be e-cnuine (or sincere, witho11 1 hypocrisy). Believers are commancln l constantly to abhor ~vii and to be at- tached constantly to the good. 10. They f b«:lievcrs (are to be devoted to one anoth~r in brotherly IO\(' and they are to outdo one anothtr in s howi n~ respect for each other. II . Tlwy (Christians! are not to be indolt'nt. They arc to ~ aglow. liter;'llly. bod~ ing, with the Spirit. Th~y are to he continually servin~ the Lord. 12. l!t·- lievers are to rejoice in the hopt', i c , in all that God has promised to dn for them in Christ. Th~y arc to end u r~ a.IHiction ar.d alwaya be in prayer. I J . They (believers] are to provtde for the needs of t~ saints ((elto\v be· !levers). and to pursue or !tt:t:k aftr r hospitality. 14 . Br-lievers are tn hit'.;<; the-ir ~r5t:cutors and stop cursin;.: the rucals. 15. They (Christia.n1] are tv rejoice with those rejoicing and to weep with those sorrowinJ:. To fed genuine joy for another's succt'ss is a mark of true spiritu\1 maturity. 16. Believers arc to live in harmony \\ ith each other. Instead o f !\lri\·ing :li11·r things that are too high for tlwn1. 1\l•·v are to accommodate themsrh t·r;; to humble ways and cease being wise m th~ir own estimation'' (cf .A .l:erkrlcy Mickt-ls.en , "Romans" in The W vcltfft B&bl' Co1nm~Miary, 1962, p. 1220 ). Thus, true Christian love with its attendant virtues should be manift'sted in the corporate life of the Church o f the living God. • by folm Huntn- BROADCASTER Christ ill in you. ucept yc hE' rt'flro· bate"!" You P+H, you can PlUlmin«> and prove and know. The re11ult will be thAI you will diJ~.cove r that Chri."~l dwr-lls in you by Hill Holy !'pir1t. Whf'n you invitect lht> Lord Jt>.~u ~ Chri11t into your ht>art to bt> your Saviour. you came to the c roi'l~ and recr-ivNl Him into your life. Hf' hfl~ bnn ther. rvrr 11incE'. RomAn :'I M :9 clearly 11tate11, "If any man ha\'e not the Spirit of Chrll'lt. hr i11 nonf' r)( hi!'l." If ~ou do not havp thE' Lo rd Je11utt 8-" your Saviour dwPilinlt' in your heart, then you don't belonjl to Him. The proof of ulvation. you SE't', is that Chri~~;t dwella in your heart. Not only did He die for you on the crou; He al110 tame to indwell your heart by Hill Holy Spirit. Do you have fur? It may bto a letter you opened thi11 momlna cauAed you to be cold with fear. Maybe it ia I'Omf' dist~u of a lovf.'d one, or • l'lnan- c:ial crisis whieh is lmpcndinll'. Theno ~ to bt no end to the ty~" of fear whlc:h KriP the human hurt. Cod tell• us ttlal In the mld11t of thf' tunnoll we tre to •lve thankll. You aft not alone, for Chrllt Ia within and I• roar perfect strena1h. Havln~t utabll1hed the pruence of ChrisL throu&h the ,-lvlnr of thanka, t.hen IIIO'f'll &bud Ia the power He alone 1l•a Y oa ma.r IAJ". "Lord Je~u•. 1 am frirbtaned, I cannot do anythlna Pout U.S.." But you eaa I You art aot oloao. The q ... ucm 1o. In ....,. tAt., wt.n you rf•e th.aab, OT oniJ fa ..,.. thJap7 Let'• M7 1 PnQ'er 1toaet~tttr: Hdftnly Father. we tlwllt: Tliooo lor 'nJ proclouo Word ud for all ot Ita p-1-H•ro 111111 aow I ...... Tliooo IMt 1'lloll - -io .., lloart. 8'-d -·· Ia Uoo ~ of .., foar, I ltaa4 IIIII. tlluld .. Tlloo for tloo Lori 1-. .. -., ......................... . IIM'OIIT·IIAaOREIUIOII THURSDAY, AIJQJH9, 1913 ,_.IIIU IEBtl.f ;-r/1.!!17 OODA !lfl. ~ Cf- Police ·aloHer '~ tnm P&ao •> to "" .. ., 10o wu laldac • ' ' ~~~~~~~~ ft1 -ber Boltloia, -... --I JQIIol elhe tiiJ lliid'1itll Clio p.m. J'al1 21 ud 8:30 a .. m. '*'~ '* U. anty bltw. Jaty U eaUIId u ..U~ ~uclJ'......._a....,•.clls-~;P~"::, -«<lrom stptllld et.- FUilloD 11 ...... "-ted-' a a pollee IIII'Ctl ol tbe u•. -. .. _ :--• WEDIIESOA1',10LY t5 mto. bottl ill tbtlr Ide twtliiet, Aa eltlnwt.d $toO eM map nw R.£BTAtiRAJCT ud wiDe -·pla.Mid tor tbe pret«<t dreued lD YtfJ looM-tlttiDc ...... daM to lam. BradltT• LIOAL ~ oo w ,.~~ R&wa.JJ&a atdrta, were adiDc car whUe tt wu pubd at blJ _,. olio of Ward I< Burlqtco lumber yard at 33 • ~ •UII>lelouly to tbe ,_., •--uldo ol IOU E Ba- FICTITIOtB BtmlfESS MAME FJCTITIOW BiAJJJ4W RAMI Rwy,, UutDer•a W:Ue, will look Uke t!lla W'beD eomp'-ted LDc deputmeat at about S:JO ~lYd ':.,. bJ .....;. .. no· STATB._._ STATEDMT IM'Xt JI.DUU)' or Ftbruuy. Grer ud Amei.LI Settoft, OWDtra p.m. &Dd that, wben Pe ealled -... •• .... ._. __ ... _""' &Dd ....,n' ol :lmeUI. 'a restaur&Dt on Balboa Iala.ad, wtu CJI)tn.te tty botb ea left "'" w. .-UU~NW~~ ... Tbe lolloWac pereoaa: are 1'bt i)JlowlaiPIIICID ..... the rtll:a\ll"'llt. A dln.tcm of tbe Stquota Paclft.e Co~y a secur man, m taatcbed the pa1at with aabarp dolnc buiDtu u: 1'hlrt7 Firll buaiMu u: Cll&rt0uil4e, 1111 ( ) hurriedly, appu&mly bokl1nc object rnettme betweea6p m . . . . . .... . . . . . o A.UTO o HOUSI! o YACHT o COYIU ICIA.L a IHDU$TIIIAL o BOHDS .. " ~~~~~ "'=* ~: ~!;-:~s:r~~~s: .TwtllHrEu theCA_N_D·Y· BobB ... A"•Ru•hlC, .. A •. PER =~;~~~~~ J\ll' t£ a;:.!:::,~~! N. Cabueap, LA., Caw. WI.DJ.uDd, liteS. !UGUd ltreet. ~~e ~be ":':"1~~== ;t · $111 wu stolen from W:t. ~~==~~~~~;~~~ii=====i 90004 · Marpret J. 8chm1dt. UD1t IS, Aalbetm, CaUl. IIIOZ. T"'-·~ ........ ricU _.. ooly ~ ~ :;. ~ IDd S pairs cbael Ocorr's car while U was 118 v'u ltt.ca, Newport Bell., Tb1l: buiDIIa laoooduetedbf Local pollee beard a balr-'""' an~ m-8PO -·ted a1 b1J residence at 200 ·~·--• of the ~~~~ st after be prom1Md to returb of slacks valued at $1,500. _.. 30 Calli. 9Z&60. lA u..u............. ril181DC ator)' ., we • DAY ULY 24 MacNeU Pl. betWeen 11: p.m. CALL NOW Thia bustDeu Ls CODdacted Stped: E. B. WtDbmd. WedDHd&J D1&M of lu:t week later with $S. He went ta the TUES • J July 24 aDd '7:30 a.m. July 25 by a paeral PIU'tDersfdP. Ttti1 atatemtat wu flied wttb wbeo a ptooeer UYI.ne ta the pollee, LDBtead. William Patrick Burke, 52, • , • A 19'7Z Chlm'olet was FOR A TRUE Slgned: Carollne: Wbetler • tbe Com:dJ Cltrk of OraD,. rustic Bl.lbol. Bay Cl.-, report-Alter l:look1Dc tbt 4 )'Otl'lg-of 31 '7 Cabrlllo st.,Costa.Uea, stoiea from tbe lot at Howud's Marprtt J. Schmidt. COCllltJ oa 11111 18, 18'7S, WU-ed 1 ttctnappmc and robbery. sters, pollee turned tbem over was charged with beiDC taton-Cben'olet, 895 OO¥e St., New- Tbis statemeut wu ftled wttb 111m E. st l®D, oo-tJ clert, Aeeordlnc to tbe rletlm, to the It pueots. cated lo aa automobile at 5 p.m. port ladustrb.l Park, somettme the CoUD.ty Clerk of <>rup bJ Tberea Ill. Ward, dapaty. bere'l wbat bappeoed: Tbere was aolyndl~att~ ~t 7SOO W. Coast 81fJ'·:u:: between 1 p.m. I.Dd 1:45 p.m. PHOTO PORTRAIT Couaty oo July u, 19?S, WU-Pd>Uib: Jaty U, Auc. Z, 9, Be wu accosted oa tbe 5th Inc outsldepoUcebeadQ. rs. ewport. · • Jamea ..• A thief took S63 from a llam E. 8t Jobo, COtllty c::lert. 1& 1973 ta. tbeNewportRvbor noar of tbe club by 4 YO\Ilg Goens, 23• of 308 Caraatioo d1n1nC room table a.t the Be-H t by ~·----E .... -.. F-26157 men ··med W1tb 2 mm•, .... s~IOR OTIZEHS PLAN Ave., Corona del ...... ... --·-tl! Sid 123 0 on ,.,.._ __ ...;;;;;;;; .._ .. , U&~" , • -, -a-~ sted IS on ~ ..... ver}J P~r 'Ire eoce, loss .. •bty line pictu ~~"-b Jul 2• A•• 2 a -wu ordered toac.c::om ..... nythem TWO 'UGUST TRIPS arre a :LV a.m.w• .. ,... __ ... Canal Ba.ftlOIIsland be '~~' y "• -· '"" LIGALMOnCI 11oor -~ t ~ tog 011 !be Corona dol llu ~-' ' -'·t A TRUE ENVIROHMEIHAL PORTRAIT 16, 1973, 1D tbe Newport Harbor -toT~ !lrbestelal. ms beaportwu pm~i Tbe Costa Mea Senior Cit-state Beach ..• Paul W:lcbael tween 3:30 p.m. July 25 and IJU Ensiga. F -2&952 ._-e, 1 Cltil bas 2 trips planned H.a'"""'tf 19 f 3800 0ceao. 11 a.m. July 26. Color or Bl ode: & White • S25.00 FICTrriOlB Bl81NESS MAllE Wldpped &nd thretteoed, and zeu ...,... • • 0 • THURSDAY, JULY 26 548 ~14 Ll~•• MOnCI STATBYENT bid a -stuck In h1s laee, lor Auoust. Blvd., Cor'""' del Mar, wu A eassette recorder >aJuod ASK FOR BRUCE At 894-3245 o< ·<' -•-aft bl Oo August 15, a tour of tbe arrested at 9:30 a.m. at Back FlCTITIOU. BWJNESS NAME Tbe foUowiDc' Pll'IIODI are 'l'be budlts were er C famous Harold Lloyd estate in Bay Rd near the ski r&RIP a.t $150 was stolea trom a ear .23t.ua d/-·;~~==:~~iii~ STATEMENT Jotnc bulDeu u: Sometbing loot. Tbey wanted the rtcUm, Los Angeles will a.l80 1Dclude and c~ged with possession of belongiDg ta Jotm McCaw, 4400 Tbe follow1nc per80Q lBdolae Speclal. 1015 N. Pae1tlc:: Cout aced 1Z, to admit he bad stolen tour ot some of the movie ljuaoa f le Bur-Seubore Dr., West Newport, iiiii business as: FlotsbtDc Toucbea Rwy., l...q'wa Beaeh!zoc:w. a pair ot bicycle handlebar !tars oelgbbOrbood and annat' ~s broUor ln: n.· Trevor while tt was parked at 129 4Srd • by Fubrrnann,K II 2424S ~~~rth 9Z&~:~~ .. .'~cll,Ca:,: ~ a.lle..-~ly slapplog btm s~ at Farmer's Martel. AU Phi111ps restdeoce, 3210 Mar. ~::.,tw, ~~lyN;~~j ::.~.~~.; DOc OBffiiENCE TllStin An.,. -• ID aa, era "'-~• ..... -•""' transportation lsprorided.Cost cus Ave., West Newport,aoD"e-&• ca. 92'105: Oscar J. Fuhrmaan. 92651; 8. S. OuBola, ?04Emer-a.rOUDd a bl.t and pu.U1ng tbe is $7.SO per perSOG. The bus time betweea 11 a.m. aDd 9 2f3 ... A stereo recorder val- 2424 N. Tusttn,. K.t1,SaDtaAna a.ld Bay. Lac-S.cb, Calif. trlaer of a pbooy guo potnted •Ill lean tbe Community Rec-P m and stole bouseboldappll-ued at $190 was stolen from an ca. 92105, 9ZThl&51 ........... _ ... __ 11 coachlcted at~toora~:~:m!~~ reaUoo Center (west pte, Or-~;~ valued at $145 and d1d ~=~~leoa~ H~.c.hw:~~ SCHOOL This bwdnesalscoaduetedby • _...,.. m • uge Coooty Fairgr<Mmds) at aa estimated $440 damap to ·J aa J.001Yiduat by a ceaen1 PUtiMUidp. la ace from 13 to 15, pollee 9 a.m. and wUJ. Teturo approt-other bouse hold turnlsbtnp, •. Mile, between 9 p.m . July 26 Sigoed: Oscar J. Fubrmana. Slanec:l : SuaD WU.C... aid. Tbey were armed with an tmately 5 p.m. Between 2 p.m. aad 4 p.m., and 8:45a.m. July 2'7 •.• Three Tills statemeat wu tlledwttb Thtaltatemeot wu ftledwltb antique plstolaodarea.l-looldng A trtp is planoed for Las SlOO was stolen trom a kttcbea wood carrtngs, valued at $300, the Couoty Clerk of Orange tbe County Clerk of 0ra.race replica of a. .38 revolnr • Vep..s 3 days aDd 2 ntgbts, table ln the William lrwt.a borne were burglarized from the of- Couuty oa July lf3, 1973, Wll. Couoty oo JuJJ 18, 1973, WU. After torctngtbeadmlsstooof tor A~ 27, 28 am 29. The 1865 Port Margate, Har~ fl ee of Robert La.wsoo at 1401 11am E. st Jotm, county clerk, uam E. st Joba. eotmty clerk, guilt trom their Tlcttm, the Greybowld Bus will be learlng View Homes Whea Doris AYocado Ave., Corona. del Mar. by Theresa. u. Ward, deputy. by Theresa M. Ward, deputy. bOidlCI png made btm empty tbe Commualty Center bouod Arleeo Bar~r· 7os Larkspur between 12:20 p.m. and 1:20 PubUsh: July 19, 26, Aag. 2, Publlab: July 19, 2f3, Aq. 2, h1a pockets. All be had on tor tbe Wlot la dowatown Las Ave Corona del Mar walked p.m ..• A bicycle, Z rlogs aDd 9, 19'13, ln tbe Newport Harbor 9, 1973, 1D tbe Newport Harbor him was a candy bar. Vegas 00 August 2?. into.her bedroom just~ a man a dress, wttb a total n.lue of Enstga. F-26815 Ensign. F-%&812 Tiley ate tt. ------------$247, were stolen trom James -==~=:-:-==:;-;:---_:'-;-;;;;7,"~;;T;;;;o-------------C ! WOOdWard's borne at 115 Via. -LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL MOnCE ---LEG~~TICE _________ LEG.~HO!I_!____ t,EGAL MOTIC Koron betw,.o HO p.m. aoo __ .'::"~~~~~----..-=::.::::::.:.::::..::=:...-way, prOYlded tbat agreemeat a.ble for the use of eacb dwell-vlded, further, tbat lo DO e•ent 10:30 p.m. ORDINANCE NO. 149'7 (east side) elltftded, ud u 00 tbe use of tbis rlght.-of-ny tng. Said area sba.ll baYea min-sba.U any butldlng e1ceed tbe AN ORDINANCE OF THE shcnn!. oa Dtstrtetuaa: Map No. ca~~bereacbedw1tbtbeadjlceot tmum dlmena\00 ofslJ(6)feet height Umtt ~itled lo Sec-SLO-PITCH PLAY AT CM CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1 referred to in Se<:ttoo 20.06.. property owners. Stcna.Uutlon aiX1 may be LD the form of opeo tioo 20.09.f>30 (C) ot the Mu-The Costa Mesa Department ADDING CHAPTER 20.65 TO 030 of the NewportBeacbUuai-aDd stcn1ng sha.lJ be prOYided laDd area, a deck, a bllleooy, nicipal Code. of LetS\D'e services annotmces TITLE 200F THE NEWPORT cillal Code, mt bJ nc::b refer-u lDdlcated on tbe Speclfic a po:rcb or patio. Said arM may D. Site Area. the start of taU Slo-PUch soft- BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, eoce made a put of Title 20 t:A. Area PlaD map. be rooled but sba.ll remain un-Tbe Bu1ldlng SUe Area re. ball leagues. League play \!till ENTITLE 0 "SPECIFIC saJd Code, Ll ber'ebJ rer.ooed 20.65.050 Resldeotlal Devel-enclosed oo at least ooe side. quired sbaJJ be a mlaJmum be held 00 Thur9Ciay or Friday PLAN (NEWPORT SHORES)'' from the C-1-H ud R-! Dis-opmeot. It ts the intent of this In oo eYent shall said area of 2,000 SQtMe feet. W:talmum ennJ.np starting Sept. 13 at Tbe City CouncU of tbe City trlcta to SP 4-Specltlc PlaD aec::tiOD to lmplemeot the re-be placed oo the root of tbe buUdtng stte frootage required TeWinkle kbool. cost wtJJ be of Newport Beach does ordala District, and said Dl8trlc::ttDc c::ommeodatioas ol tbe Residen-secood story. shall be tweoty-ftve (Z5) teet. approllmately $70 per team. as follows : W:A£> No. 1 ll bareby ameDded tlal Growtb Elemeat oftbeGea-F. Yards. E. Yards. All interested teams may coo- SECTION 1. Chapter 20.65 to show' tb1s 10111De c::buge. enl Pla.n which states tbat "a 1. Front Yards. Froot yards 1. Front Yar.d. No tr• yud t2d the CSepartment or 11!1sure is added to the Newport BeJ.eb %0.65.010 aateal udhr90M, portloll of lbe oommere.la.latrtp shall be a mlnltnwn of ftYe sblll be reqlll,red tlCept wbere senices, 834-5300, reprdlng Municipal Code to read: Tbe tmeM IJid purpoee ~ tbla 011 o. W'~HJcbnysbaU (S)teet. tb1 frGotap 1ra a Dkd l5 Jm"-ente:rllle lea rue play. "CHAPTER 20.65 OrdlDaDee U to estabUik a be relolled to a two-famUy 2. Side Yards. Eacb side ttall)' Ill a ReiJrSeqtlaJ Devtl- SPECIFIC PLAN (NEWPORT Spec::U1c Area PU to tuide tbe dJ.Itrtct that wouk! lnciOOe ap-yard sba.U DOt be less than opm.ent Are&, ID Wbtcb case the SHORES) orderly deftlopmeat aDd 1m~ prqrrta.te deYe~meot stand-three (3) feel wide oa btdlding front yard sball be tbe same Sections: prOYemeDt of tblt area of the ards." sites forty (40) feet wide or a.s required 1n such Residential 20.65.010 EstabUshmeat of City whlcb II located oo tbe A. Uses Permitted. tess, or tour (4) teet oo sites DeYel"'ment Area. Speclfic Pla.a (Newport:Sborea). aortb side of West Cout Hlgb-SIJJ.cle famJiy dwellings and wider than forty (40) feet ; pro. 2. Side Yards. No side )'Uds 20.65.020 Intent and Purpose. way aDd Is cenenllJ boUDded d._,Iues. Accessory uses oor-vtded, that the side yard oo tbe st.all be required exeept where 20.65.030 Private Land De-tJt the Santa ADa RIYer, Se. m.tlly Incidental to slagle re-rear twenty (20) feet of the tbe side of a Jot ablts lClOO the velopmeot. miD.luk Sloop a.Dd Newport sldeattal uses. Tbis Is not to street side of a corner lot, stde of a lot tn a RestdenUal 20.65.040 P!A>Uc Rtghts.of-Shores Drtn. be construed as permitting where there ts reversed froot~ Developmeat Area. 1n wbtch Way. 20.65.030 Prl't'&te Land De-lD.J commercial uses. age, sh.a.U oot be less than the case the stde yard shall be oot 20.65.050 Restdeotbl Dent-velopmeat. Tbt foUowlq two B. Uses Reqult.lng Use Per-front yard required or utstlng less tha.D ftYe (5) feet. opment. paenl La.Dd U• Destpatlons mit. on the adjacent reversed troot. 3. Rear Yards. No rear yards 20.65.0&0 Commercial De-are establllbed: Tbe folloWing uses shall re-ag-e . shall be reQuired, etteptwbere velopmect. 1. Resldelltlal Oenklpment qutre a use permH: community 3. Rear Yards. Rear yards tbe rear or a lQt abllls oo a 20.65.010 Establishment of 2. Commerd&l Dntklpmeot ceatera, clubs, multiple dwel-sh.a.U be a minimum of rtn (5) Restdent1al DeYe)qunent Area, Spectllc Plaa (NewportSbores). Tbe dealpaliau, loeaUoas, Unp. apartmeot dwelUDp, a.ad feet. Lo which case the rear yard Tbe follori.llg described real ud bouodlrln of tbue OlliS dwtl.Uoc cro._,s <WltaSotcg 4, Between Deb:ched BuUd-shall be not less than ftYe (5) property tn the Ctty of New-are deliDeatad upoa. tbe plaD tbree or more dwelling ..Uts. l.ngs. M.iaumum ten (10) feet. feet. port Beacb, Couoty of Ora.oge, entitled, "Ntwp(W't Sboz'H s,.. Tbe Pla.nn.lnc Commisslon be-5. Setback from Coast Higb-Rear yards a~ng alleys state of CaUtornia, to wU: cute Are& PJu •• Ctty of New-fore apprortnc a ose permtttor way. Structures designed tor shall have a mlnitnum Width of Lots 1 and 2, Block 0 ; Lots port Beacb Speelflc Plu No. any deTelqlment contala"ll residential occ~cy shall be ten (10) feet. 1 through 6, Block E; Lots 4,'' whlc::b plaD Uld allllltorma-three or more dw'elllog lllllts loca.ted a mlnlmum of elghteet'l F Automobile stOTage or 1 through 5, Block F; Lot 1, tf:on aDd notatku ttaereoa are aball flnd: (18) feet fl'om the Coast High-Pa.rktog Space. Block G; El Moro Tract, re-bereby made a part of tlrlJ: 1. Tha.t the development will way right-of-way. Accessible storage or space corded ln Miscellaneous Maps aectioa bf retereaee. DOt be detrimental to or out of G. Automobile Starace or for tbe parking of automobiles Book 8, Page '75; WbeoeYer a balldlac or cbaracter w1tb the surr041Ddtng ParkiDg Space. orr the street shall be prOY'Ided ~i-'~ BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy_ Corona del Mar Phone 644· 7336 Lots 4, 5, 6, and '7, Block structure lB erected, recoo-deYelopmeot. For each dw'elllng lDlH there as set forth lo Cbapter Z0.38 of 159; Lots 4 througtl 1 i, Block structed or stroc::turallya.ltered 2. Tlllt the development does .sbaU be a mlntmwn ot two coT-tbe Mtmlcipal Code. In a.ddlttoo *DRY CLEAN E RS 160; RtYer Section, recotded ia tbe a~jeet area, tllq~pJ1. DOt e»:eed the density, het(ht, e:red park:ing spaces. On lots teo pe.rcert of tbfpavedpuklllg tn Miscellaneous Maps, Book cable stc::Uou ~ tM Ulalctpal am f'loor area Umlts estab-less than fifty (50) feet 1n W"'dtb area shall be devoted to plaat. 4, Pa~e 25; Code sbaU prlftllexeCitW1lere lllbed 1D ttrls sedioo. tandem parklogsbaU be permtt-inC a.reas. Elteosbe use or Lots 3 throueh 14, Block tbere ls a coatllet wltb thla 3. Tbat 1n addition to tbe ted provided that the forward trees is eocourapd. AU pla.nt- 1, Lots 3 tbrOUCfl 14, Blf')Ck Or~e. In 'WMeb c:aMI tbe bulc outdoor Uvt.og space re-space is ao enclosed p.rap, 'tnc area.s shall t.fe a mlnl- 2; Lots 3 throueb 24, Block prOYLIJouolttdaSpeetflcAr• quirement of teo percent of a.ocltherearspaceis~neoclosed mum width of three (3) teet. S; Lots 3 throu&fl 14, Block Plan lbaU tau preoedeDct. ttte buildable area, there wtu on a.t least three (3) sides. All pla.Dtlng areas sball be pro. 4; Lots 3 througb 14, Block Furtber, .., balldlDc ptrmU be additlooal outdoor UYlng 20.65.060 Commercial De. Ylded with a permaaent ODder- 5: Lot• S tbroqb 14, Block abaU be laaed for UJ eoa. apace. nlopment. It Is the tntenl of crowd automatic sprinkler ir- DIMMITT /J ... ;Ja-_ c.t'Cunu FinHI quality dry c:leaninJ on lhr pl"l"misn 6; 1...ot1 3 throutll 14, Block struet1oD. _. .. tbt property c. Deuity UmJtatloo. thls aectlon to proYide for • ripUoo system and sball be '7; Lots s throuctJ 14, Block 8; cnmer acr ... to tb1 dtdleltioD For eacb dwelllRC tmit ~to service commercial area that sepuated from the adjolning St-lf--wrvicr lauAdry Lots S tbroueb 14. Block 9; aDd improt"t!Mit ottiMtzllltlac 1 mutmum ot two 0111ts, there will proYlde cooventeoce goods vehicular -...1 by a curb oot Lots 3 throu&b 14, Block 10; ud propoMd rt&IU-ol-waJ14~ abaU be a mJntmum o1. tweln and services to oearby resl· less than sh: (6) inches In All nrw -larn:t modft • Lots S tbrou&ta 13, Block 11 ; )lceot to or wtadlltbeprCII*t)', fnD!red (ltoo) sq~are feet of deoces. heleN;. FrigMiain-washtn Lots 3 tJlrou&tl fJ, Btoc::t 12; u lDdJ.ea.t.d a tM Sipectflc tot area. For •cb dwelling A. Usu Permitted. SECTION 2. 1n accordance 3200 E. Coast Hwy., COM Lots S uc1 4. Block 13; Lot .u .. Ptu ud ll accardlDc:e lldt tD e~~:eu of two 1111ts, RetaJl stores and perSODal w1tb tbt proyt!dons of Secttoo Phonf': 673·9605 3, Block 14; Seubon Coloay w1tb tbe atiDdlrdl ol tbt Ctt)' tbtre lblli be a. mt.D.tmam of service estabUsbmeats wttbln 20,41 ot tbt Newport Belch ~~~~~~~~;;= Tnct Ad!Httoa. r«larded ID of Nt1rport Btac::b. tlfteto tlmdred (1500) aqare a bu1Wng, in<: lading applt.anet YunlcJ.pal Code SpecUtc Ana • Utsceli&Deoa~ IIIPI, Boot 7, IO.fJS.otO Pubtlc Rltllb-feet JWOf'1ded U.t a DM per. stores, bakeries (uceptwbole-Ptu No. 4 ~ he:re!D Pap Z5; of.WIJ. ~ t!W!Itttecl C:. tbe m.Jt lslltlt MC_.ed for UJde-sale), taaks, barber shops, is beretry IAJifO'I'ed ud adopted Lots 1 tbz'OUCf:l 5, Bloet 10; Spectfle Area Plu map, lt Ia nlapiDIDt lD eiiOKI ot two '-ut:J parlors, book stores, and ls made 1 put o1 TU)e Tnet No. 7?2, reoorded 1D tDteadld tt1at direct aec.. to .ua. ~true stores. food shops, hard-20 ot tbe Newport S..c::h Yo- .,IKelt:Jneoua .... Boot U, allloca11tntt1: ,.,..Oruce, D. BaUdSDC Helpt aod Floor ware !ltot'f,s, medical-deDtalof-nletpal Code. Papa 5 ud &; F•a,. Rlct'ltwt, Pro•1rt,6bt, U. UmJ.t. ftct.s, radio stores, relltao-SEC't'IOM 3• Tb1$ ~. Vacated OUn strttt aorth ot ud fOtb be te010tlid IDd t1111t a 1. BIIUdl .. lle1Pl. For dwel-ruts, ~.DUQue slq'IS, sboe ,tau bt pllb111.btd a.ee lD tbe West Coul Hl&lrot.J; --•u -,_.,. bo ~ 1M be11111 Ullllt lllall bo --· tailor -· oatelal ... _ ot the City Vacated SelDon street DOrtb cnated OG CoJtG., Grul. JA.. u ~ Ia SteUoo 20.09.. ud otber ues wtdcb lD tbe ud tbe ame 111a.11 be .tlltcU•e o! Wut Coul lllPnr; p>Ol&. Wa.loll, &«< ~ 'lttll 010 (A) ot uw lllll!clp&l Code ...... ot UW P....,.. Com-tlllrtJ (30) c1o7a .-tbe .. ,. V.-~ &"---OUft COMitdfor ''fralall .....,, F 1:1e1c11 the miAI,.. are at a lim1lar •--wu .-, 0. ICCIIS C)llp ollta: adaptSoL llld -Strosla (fte&tod) -,._ ........ III4IM -slllll bo -...... Tills ClrcUoueo .... laao--ot Wut Coul IIJPnJ; -"llllellbe-OIINIIlJ' (11)-. B. Uaos ~tac Use dloe«< at a rop1ar --.. SALES & SERVICE V&e&tod &Bay --IIJp-II lall'ltclo wlllltp!o"'l(-I. , .... -I.UD!t. 1'lls Pwtll!L ot till City e-ll oltl!s CltJ ... o. trTH n . con"- lud -&«< Glut Slrool, ad)<eollo c.ut illlll'oQ. 1111111 -,.... ---CUolllll _..... ......... ot """""" -bold .. ... 7706 -.e866 -otWell c.ut Ill.,._.,; All "'~~'or -llllll1 bl( ,..-., .,......., &«< lootolo, motata. drtoa-to bell-9111 c1o.y ot loiJ, 19'11, Dd wu 1146-- Vacated alloy --lllP-mal•ll-cwrtltrllltl-ol-·eupoo~o--lo&Ullodlii-IU.. pot.-. ulmal'""--oa till nr, c1o.y o1 ...... couot-tevn•~ lUll strost &II' -Slrost ..., wldlllo. 11p • a • ...,. -llo&ll p1111o, a-.a, llld Ia..._ JtllJ' 1,11 bJ till t>llowlac (•col«<~ A ----~~~~~~ 1111-twtco I!Oo bol-la r-. -· towtt: V----uo t>t ~~~--.., ,_I-.,.. C. !IJodMtor Btlpt llld F-Ani, cooilcn.tmlo llclloalo, 1-.:....:;;,F;;;LO~Wi::E~RS~F~·O::R:--otWtltCoullllCIN&J; ...... ofi!OoJIIfLty-ot &.-LIYIIW-. -LIIIIIL ~~ Doob1, Krmta, R,e- Vacol«< a11o111111-....._ Grul -. Tlda -lllllJI Ia If-lo I!Oo ........ 'he ~ .,_ floor .,. 111:111, lllin.. ALL OCCASIONS poet -&«< -11reo1, 11an • awrzr ,.......,_..., JINo..,. 1 nt '1111•-• I -Ia &U lrllldllp • • ltOIIS, COUIICIUIPo Croat. DeMur/ -rDsh IOI'tll o1 WMt Ceut lllPWI7 wsa ~ 410 W all *It bt ¢Ek I ' ""''# S • ._., .U W!*Nt ... 11 Wii-elal ABRM, COOICILIID: "-t.. • l i &«< .-t~ of llt;wJarl--'lr-u -··lot ,..,1111 • ~tNr-.lllllJIIII_two_ -A.,... Ia 11ra .... lite A.,a fttra -· -t1 II -.. ,__ 1!0o--ot lira -,._ nr;:. an& ...a. a1 ..... lt..liltJIW e.t 0 ••wt tl .. bCttll ... ...., lllorl¢1 .. IIOJCJW, tMt ,_. ATTIST· CMt c .... .,.,....... Ud a.. a111J .... _ ... e 1 I IICWs---...U. .,_ •ualtt It Jill till ....... a....~ lun ot ......,, ~~ -1171 llll·-!Ia ft-_.._ ___ bo_· & Mitts llttlll Ill IPo ~ CltrCtsn ..... INCa•l .. C11W ,_ lciiJI!fl ........ lltfi'Utl .. aritllt U ... , I .... _ .... A.tl. 1 1t'a Ia OII (~ ud l!lat'JFFf ..... ~11116 .... c.-a ....... II MCI p ·•1 ... IWJ).. ftiiW .. aDII ... tM ...... :ft41 .. t ..... N•' FLORISTS PMOWI-71 MJI """'" ahd,. -- PIIYITE TIIOOIIG & U!lllty CUSSES FDI All BIEDIS ---- Alto, Sd-ilno For 0.., T ralnors MARnNCREST KENNELS merchants for • serv1ce • HEARING AIDS HAL AEBISCHER ~_! ~NO,AID8 Plo(>(>r F ottmg A.~'"n·cl 3409 E Coast Hwv Corona dl"l M<l• 675 3833 •Marine Hardware 'T!t Ma nnr lbrd ,..•.al<' ()prn Sl"'o'l"fl ll:~v' J ~ n·~ !<' Strvo' '•'II f\<"11 <'' 2100 W. Coat Hwy , N 8 645-1711 <Office Equipment I'•• ''r ~ • • • • .,,,. " ' ~-~··cACM Offiu FwrnlhH~ DlSKS • CHAIRS FILES •SAFES SJ Ill J....Wa •• ,. .... ANTHONY 'S SHOE SERVICE COMPLETE SMOE. LUGGA.GE AND HAND8A.G REPA.IRS 3401 E Coast Highway Corona del Mar Phone 673·4640 Ot••' Loc.•lio•s: • 3433 VIA LIDO, NEIM>ORT • 1• FASHION ISLAI\IO • 1108 IRVINE, NEWf"ORT OPENIH G SOOM: SOUTH COAST Vlll AGE FRIFO CHICKEN 045-5990 11 00 •.m. to t ·OO p.m. Dltily CLOSED TUESDAY 291 E. 17TH STREET COSTA MESA A.R. MARSAC PlUMBER 700 (':~rn•l"'" Avt t"mnn:. de-l t-hr • Plumbmg Mrp4un DAY A NIGHT WATER HEATERS 673-4130 • PUBLICA TlO!!_ 110B WE C~N PlllNT YOU" tiAOCHU~U. _.MI,..L..&Ta.. ~o~tAGAZ.INa. L.EAn.I!TS. N~A"EM AND N P!'fPS LI!T TttM CAL'-Ul POl U1'1MATII I e t I'IUII AT UMAIIY P y p111111111s c•••a ..:. ~-.. -::...;:. :-..: , • II .. ,IIIIIJ .._ pllco II Ill --... u bo • llrot ._ llrot IIIII, • _, --·-...... -' .... -1 -· -· tlll -~~~--_...,...,--..... !lnr7,10011 Do--CommiiiiiJ-wiD TVIoll, Will bo 1111 sr.l IC1' -Drlfo, ~ w.t il&f -.. --.. Orup-.... -lor, .......... ....._ ............ It WAL TllllMI'rS ow .... ~ All oriCIMI -. • .__ ~ ~--·--__ ....., ~~~~ ~~:;=-.,~:;1'5'11:· .... Will bo -.., ,.._ -· tlo 4. /FAKTAJA/ --daJ'• ............ lo lbo pool-.. .;,:., a; -.. - Iniac-· -·-.. af a.,a-. ..,_ ud -· llra.llldy PI•• 'BEAVER VAU..EY'· -..!:''~:~" tbe 4tb ..uoa tor wlU ~ AprU • tar a • ...-. GMkbm••• tlruell W:nr11A be an "adu.lt• ,..., .... eDd ra. d: ~ • ---wtll.,.. _..., Tbl elolt .. ·pll.ytl''llato'-~" ._.._ .. ,. -•odr, Joe Ortoa's tmprob· ... ..., HJ: farce "Wblt tbe but· by Hermu Raueber, allltbor AW " ~ AlbertMD wtll "Summer of 'U" and "C.._ .. ----"JESUS CHRIST SIJPERSIAR" T "1010 ~lete g,ows 7:00 & 9:15 u. '-UII•annltlly u..n Albtrt peoi 41re<:tor tJr tbe com-of 'tf."' Titus wiD cllrod...,tlle01~~ which t. scheduled to open tamUJ comedy abcU a .'' 6 tor 4 weekeods. ma.o'a abrlClt comiD.g WARREH RAY BOB JOHES THESE 2 UX::AL GRWDERS are 011. Coach Due Holland's South ~llld tor tbe lfth wual Oranp County North~ South all star prep football pme at 8 p.m. today, Aug, 9, at tbe Onnp Coa1t Collep stadium. Warren Ray Is from Harbor High and Bob Jones l.s trom Coach Hol- land's Corooa del Mar p-td team. II!LAHI! SALADA PAT ROMNEY EdWUd Albee's searlDc wbleh open~ JUDe 8 for 4 drama of mc.aey aM toelal elida. ~ressures, "EYerytJWJr ln the All ~roduct1ons will be pre. prden," will be tbe JeCODd .ented ta tbe HuJN.DI.tlN HaU shOW or tbe seaaoo. Titus wtll PlayboUM oo tbe OC 1n1Dt direct this c.b1111nC study In campus with I..D 8:30 cartata. middle class moraUty, wb1eb wUl open Dee. 1 for 3weekeDds. LI!GAL IIOTICE FICTITIOL5 Bt.SINESS NAME STATEMENT The followl.nc ~enoos are doing business as: Sunshine Trading Company Ltd ., 3305 .Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, Ca. 92860: Oooakl E. Sb1mko, 1941 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa, Callfornia; Peter T. Crap, 17301 Keelsoo La., Beacb, Callfornb.. Tills business Is coodueted by a llmlted partnership. Slgo.ed: Donald E. Shimko, Peter T. Crap. DONALD VON GELDERN ot This statement ns ftled wttb Corooa del Mar hUbeenJamed tile CoUDty Clerlr. of OraJl(f! m.a.aarer ot the Orange C0m1.ty Col.lDty on Aug. 7, 1973, WIUta.m Airport otcee of SoW:hern Cal- E. St John, county clerk., by ltorula First Natlooal Bant. He Theresa M. Ward, deputy. recelfed his B.S. degree from • FOR THE RNEST IN HRST AID SUPPLIES We corry all the products that every medicine chest should have. let us help you be pre- pared for those emergency situations. SOU'J'H CHEERING tor the Orange County North-South grid contest at Ora.oge Coast College tootght will be led by Melanie Salada, wbo is bead cheerleader at Corona del Mar higtl school. Also on the cheering squad Is Pat Romney, also trom COM high school. Publlsh: Aug. 9, 16, 23, 30, USC, where be abo atteoded ~~iiii!!j!!!j 1973, in the Newport Harbor graduate school; and be Is a Eostgn. F -27348 We member of the l5C Trojaa INDUSTRJ AI.. CONDO TO BE BUILT BY DON KOLL Southern Cal1forn1a's Orst industrial condoml.n1um project is being developed by the lr- vloe Industrial Compler (DC) and tbe Don Koll Co. on a 51-acre site in tbe nc adja . cent to Orange Co~mty Airport. Tbomas C, Wolff Jr., OC president, reports that tbe $1 0 miUJon Koll/Irvtne Center will have 94 indtvtdual buUd.lngs for sale or lease, with 4 buUding designs available ranging in size trom 4,800 to 8,000 square feet. WARNING GIVEN OH PHONE SOLICITING Newport Beach Police Ch.ief James Glans warned this week that cUiz.ens of Newport maybe receiving telephOoe so!Jclb.- Uons trom the Oran~ COWlty Peace om.cers Assn . for a fund-ra.Jslng event. "Tbe Newport Beacb pollee department Js 00( involved wtth the Orange County Peace otn- cers Assn. a.odany soUcltatlons from this gro~ In the name of tbe Newport Beach poUce r1e- partmeot should be Ignored,'' ~dCMef~G-~.~--·-· ....... BOB HANKEY, center, of 4700 Seashore Dr., West New- port, member of Irvine Coast Country Club, and partner Glenn Davis, right, ot Wilshire CC toast their vtctory with tournament co-chalr man Courtney Owens, 215 Vta Mentone, Lido Isle, alter winning the 18th annual !CCC Member-Guest goU tournament. Hankey and Davts carded a 185-1/2 to win the 54-hole Pinehurst scotch better- ball event by l-1/2 strokes. Tom Cummings, !CCC, of 2048 Port Weybridge Pl., Harbor VIew Homes, teamed with former a Walker Cupper, Dr . Bud Taylor of Palm Spr ings, and posted a 205 for low gross hooors to top the field of 128 teams in the 3 clay competition for the Thomas W. Henderson memorial trophy. (Rich Bassett phOto.) Outrigger dashed on rock QUALITY BY EXPERTS -NEWPORT BEACH- 1056 Bl.yslde Dr. 168 Fashion Is. t2 Park Newport O&twood Apts:. N. O&twood Apts. s. In a race marred by a near- tragedy, a Marina del Hey boat woo the annllill Newport -Dana Harbor outrigger canoe race SatiD'da.Y, July 28. Imua Club of Newport Beach was third. In fourth place and trying to make up distance, the canoe "Taula" from Marila del Rey piled tel on the rocks rounding Dana Point and rescue efforts were hampered by heavy surf. All 6 ern members got to shore sbore, despite some bad bruises aod cuts trom the rocks. The bolt wu demolished. The "AU Nul " or Marina del Rey oosed out the "AU Nul Ha Ha" of Dana Point to wt.o tbe race in a record 2 hours, 4 mtnutes. Last year, Newport's ''lmua" woo the race. vice-president of the sponsor- ing Soutbern Calllornia 1'1,st National Bank.. SABOT WINNER OIOSEH There wasooechaoce in 1,500 to win the Sabot gtveo away at Mariners Sutop and J. Hunter Smith trom Balboa Island woo it. Tbe month-\oog grand open- ing celebratloo of Mariners Savings' Bayside Centerbrancb culmlz.ted wt.tb theawardofthe saHboat July 31. Ectwud Shoo- strom, president of the Bayside Center Merchants Assn., and Mrs. Denny Pvlsta, bra.ocb manager, parttclpated ln the award ~resentatioo. The Smiths bate been boat- ing enthusiasts tor many years and haYe 5 grandchildren who plan to make good use of tbe Sabot. C hj). He also atteoded the Pa~ clftc Coast Bankl.ng School ID Seattle, and !w.s beeo LD bank-. lng 18 years. He Is a member or the board of directors for tbe Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce aDd lbe K!nnis Club ot Corooa del Mar, aDd ls a member of the Sharlr. Island Yaeht Club. He serted as a major in the U.S. Air Force with overseas duty In Korea aJid Japan. • MAY ~AVE AS MUCH ASZS~ WITH FARMERS NON-SMOKER AUTO POLICY 548-5554 OUR 16TH YEAR RABBITT INSURANCE Fine Furniture Touch-up 1. -"'· LET US RECTIFY YOUR ACCIDENTS AND .\.'·?ii!,"".f!· RESTORE YOUR PRICELESS POOSESSIONS. • ,.._. .. .,.,,_, .. ., •ouc .... u .. A"<O '"II:O'AI'" I ,.. ... 0 ... 11: S T O AI[ O to O O",.IC E I ,,._8 ._..,,.. .. C f. a .._p "'O VINO C I-4 1"'S 0 .ssJFIED ADS IT._ 2T-. l ·TI-• 1011 4.011 5.011 .IS :JD -• lon _"_____ Ull 1,111 21-oo:JD-••• 101 Ull 31 .............. ---101 oi.OD !.do--·--.CIII .10 MI!Eu.n!ER SA YIN~ Popular Hammood ''M" organ wtth Auto/Rilythm &. presets, $695. BaktwtD Acro- SOOic Fr. Pro•. ptarao, OO'If just $629. Thomas Maltbu orp.n, beautitUI Early American cue, $795. WurUUer sptoet ~taoo tor only $395. BaldwlnOrpo, Wal., in tine conditioo, $575. llprt&M ~lAnos: Se.-era.l DOW in .tact from $165, New Lowrey or Yamaha orp.as, from $595 . ............................. -... -... _ ................ . MISCELLANEOUS OORarRY NAPKIE INTERUJRS (11 yea.ra with W. &J. Sloane) 411 Rlnrstde Ave., Newport Beach. Pbooe 548-9?98 or lee.n messaC' at MZ -1691. GOING ON VACATION ? ? ? ? ProfeiiBiooal l>mll:l wiD "boall-11t" w1l1le you tru- eD Last weelr. ot September or flrst week ol October lbru Dec. 15. Daupler walllnc to< -II UCI. U Inter- -· ploUo CIU (714) 629. 7341. ReferiDCel ezctw.oced. 18 FOOT POWER CAT Tri- Hull Hydro wttb 1,000 Mere. eogtne, tra..tler AI stt equip- ment. $2,000. Call (71-4) 1- 685-8905. DRY CLEANING SPECIAL -· Sleepmc ao ... $2.39. Thrift. D-Lu, S08 Newport Bl'td., Newport Beach. WESTERN Equitation Saddle, Circle -Y -Bnnd. Carmel bran color wtth 15 1Dcb brown roup-out ... t. OalJ 1 year old. In fef'J pKid coodlt1oo. 303 Orchid, CDII. GOING ON VACATION, 8\&. * Baseballs * Vo Basketballs* Soccerballs· The win.oJ..og crew got a sll- fet trophy, koown as the Dana c._,, from Thomas Sweeney, PhOfte '" v· .. , OnN. fer a Suhctlptlot~: Coli 673-0550 -=,..,....;:;;:;"-'=.;:;;=:...-- WODde.rtul stock ol. oew Yam- aha & St1llrfly Cf&Dda now In stoelr.; alao reft.ntabed and rt. coad.ltiooed lluoa • Hamlin, Stelrnray, Baklwln. etc., at at- tracUn prlcesl SCHIIIDT IIUOC CO. Yama.ba • stei.aw'ly • Lowrey 1907 N. lla!D st., Sonia Ana Est. Ul4 ALCOHOLICS AN(F{VOIE-- PMM 541-"IZ17. P. O. Box No. 1111, COlt& II..._ SP011J 8111'01& YQIII IIYES- o. roe-aew earpat-reiMft lbom wllll 8181 Lootro. Roof e'-'trl.e •ft'C»CC, $1.00. Cron llarctwan, 1101 lut~ Cout RWJ., C..... cllllbr.! INESS OR TO WCIUC? Ua. beUtnble •• $1! til< lloel 00 800 mJlel, ODlJ wttb a IIIX"III'tous Mereedel-a.a dltHl motor bome. Four peo- ple CID boy -d I« just $1,000 -. pial $15 per moath, each.. U.. .., Umt.No_..,. .. __ 111C too. FI•D<IOC aftlllblt. 1408 N. -BIYd.- Ana. U0-11417. * Footba lis * SOFTBALLS CHAMPION HANDBALL GLOVES DUCK FEET FINS 6.95 to 10.95 BON AIRE SKill BOARDS 10.95 WATER WONDER KICK BOARDS WILSOM I. ,INN T!HHIS BALLS. 7.f5 ••• 4oa. IACQUITULL 114COU!TS ...... :17.91 R ..... Bits • 1110 MIWPOIT COST A MIU ....,., HOME oo cor. oer kit, Coati Ilea back bay a.r-. 4 bedroom• aDd 2 blthl ..matre, U•tocroom, d1ll1Dc room, kite-. llmtlJ room, de IDII t.t• dowa lta.lr1. Lob ot eloltt .-e•. 11<10 -.. -......... -.rod -.4ellno lr-Woodlud ..._ dlol. $17,iilo, ....... Hl-4711 .. 511 --.• ... PLAJOOIIG I b1rt1111aJ pariJ'1 Nooda-.1-tol? can Dou 11>r •ll""o:oot 111011< ud --· (qooo .. II> lll M0-01154. tiOOU fOR lA&. I t WOJtll: WAH Tl .. ~G:T ... G(-- '"' an tJpoo "' ~-.. ,_. -llpoclall3' • • _ ... -$1.10 ........ -ftlhnu to7 ...,_..._ C.... dol liar. l.'lt..a-m;. COMP.AJIJOII IID1l8 JW~ • TIOK---.rollllllt ... _._ ·-· ..... tlo lnftl Lift II .,. .._ llof. ----Call 111-1111 .... tw. 10 a.•. IIIII -. •-· * lm u.• PIES8ITS * Home Beautiful 2018 COMMODORE Easy Uvtng 1D Bayerestl 3 ~rna, 3 baths. 2 ftreplaces -· one in a beautiful dining room with llardwood floors. Living areas and master bedroom open to a gleamlDg 30" x 15' heated pool. Quick possessloo. S79,500. 1014 SEA LANE, CORONA DEL MAR OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 A speclal home for a haPPY family. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Family room with fireplace. Most unusual Is the 80' lot to gladden a p.rdeoer•s heart. Watch the sunset over our lovely harbor. $76,500, t~BOYD -· * 67S-Jnl * 362t E. CoHt Hwy. c-.doiMor ____________________________ _._. __ _ ANYONE FOR TENNIS? Have the best of all worlds. Cameo Shores cust. 3 BR; pool table size fam. rm .. din. nn., 2h ba's. Featured in Times Home Magazine. Teak cabinets, 2 frplcs. Lot approx. 91X200, lge. enough for your own tennis ct. & pool. too! Enjoy priv. beacbea. A realistic price at $86,500 4606 ROXBURY RD. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 NOW IS THE TIMEII Invest in these 6 beautiful units for appreci- ation & tax shelter; in prestigious Bluffs area. Four 2-BR., two 3-BR. Lovely owner's unit. Top income. Priced at $230,000. Call for details. TOP VIEW LOCATION 4 BR., din. rm. &: den; in outstanding ton- dition. Pool &: jacuui. Great family & enter- ment home. $95,000 888 SANDCASTLE OPEN SAT. & SUN 1·5 One desk avaiL for .5alesman. exper. in New- po~ Beach-Corona dellll!lr area. Top income o((ice. Call for confidential interview. Q. Orange Coast 2600 E. CNst Hwy.(, Corona del Mar REAL ~!:STATE • U4- ---------··--·----~I II P--•-•••••• 59,000 PRICE REDUCTION Excellent n.lue In Cor0112 del Mar. Four-bedroom custom borne far a large tlmlly on fee laDd with a new. E,.-ery conveoteoce for Mom; workshop, study and darkroom for Dad; family room, yard and beach for the chiklreo. Now oo.ly $98,500. Call 6'73-8550. THE REAL ESTATERS ROY R. REALTOR 541-7729 a ..... ,. s.M&• •• uo WfiPORTHAIIIOR t.IIIIGII PIJIIJSIIED IEEKLY -PAGE I MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES COLLINS ISLAND Pier w/60' slip. $385 .000 incl. land. 100' of unparalleled bay view. Outsta11ding 4BR custom home. Antique walnut panelled FP in library: Louis XV marble FP in large LR: marble FP in MBR wl panoramic view of Newport Bay. Walter King 644-6200. IC30i WE PROUDLY PRESENT A truly out.o;tanding view properly in Irvine Terrate. 4BH's. 4 bathf:. !225.000. RSher- man D.C hichester 642-8 235. !C26J GLORIOUS VISTA Overlooking "Big Canyon" greens. Grad- ous & charming 4BR, den + FR. $159 .500. Lois Miller 642-8235. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 p.m. #82 Royal St. George. (C22) [Irvine I • ·--.... .., I • EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Room tor_ ~-laws 1n private Q1Nlers. Lovely 'holti~:te ~. atreet. f rutt tr-eeS aftd attraettYe ~sc:aplng. Three bedrooms. 2 baths. Walk to maJOr shopping areas. Call 675-7225 ··~······~········ MLS SALES R~PORT Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totalled $102.9 million in the first 7 months of 1973. THIS IS A 201, INCREASE OVER THE SAME PERIOD OF 1972 ! 2,888 new listings were processed, of which 65% WERE SOLD! 59% of the sales were cooperative. List your property with a Realtor. ········~·········· • ••••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE'S ••.• FIHEST Contemporary Home TliURSDAY. AUIJJST. 9, 1973 ~ Dfl..I!,AR, CAL N•wport s.adt Balboa Balboa Island Co1ta Mesa ·cuRT D08H llaAL.'l'OII -...,. CDMTMI--Y Corona del Mar TRIPLEX Couldn't you enjOy We just a lot more It you woke up to this v1ew every morning? Tllree small 2 bedroom Wttts with e:zpansive for- ever view. You won't get a lot or spendable here, but you'll appreciate the appreciation (or sure. PRICE $175,000. COULD YOU GO F'OR 7-1/2% INTEREST " THE IRWIN COMPANY REALTORS Personal service on exclus1ve residential and select tncome propert1es PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HONES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT 5 Bdnn .. 5 bath fami!y home with Jge. fam- ily rm. facing encl. patio. Waterfront living rm. &. formal dining. Lge . kitch. w/family dining area. Pier & slip. !li9,000. Lind• Isle W•terfront Custom 4 bdrm .. 5 bath home "ith wiew of mam channel. Soft color~. nch wood panel- mg & 3 frpks .. ;;1ve a warm mllmale feel- sng. Waterfr ont mstt . smtc has db\. bath. sitting area. \'lew cieck!' . 529;).000. Linda Isle Waterfront Lovely 4 bcb:m .• 4~ ba. home with swim- ming pool, pier & slip. panoramic view of main channel. Lge. family rm. w /space for billiards & family dining. \\'aterfront formal {lirung & lsving rm. $275.000. Linda Isle W.t.rfrGnt Custom 4-bdrm .. 4Y.l bath home on lagoon. Fully equipped island kitchen, waterfront family room. billiard room . . . . . . . . . $245 ,000 For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Pie••• Call: BILL GRUNDY, Realtor laiMo~art awg_ •t Lind. Is .. :Ml IAYIIDE Ott., SUITE I, NJ. 67Wfll ······-·······~ Watch our dust! OPEN DURING REMODELING ...... ~.Co. As R:•a Z84f E. COAST HW'\", CORONA DEL. MAA. - p.~. &r-11 R.a!J, Move in Condition NEWPORT BEACH PosiUnlJ the most! Fresh paint lns:lde aDd oat, sq.a.k)' clean. 3 bedroom hOme wttb kwely Mnc:tAc l:liUkats and potted pta.Dt. TremeodOus kX wttll ample room for boll ud trailer. •n~~~~all< ONLY $69,500 J Olllsst a.-........ & I fa,. PEIE IARRm REAllY ......... u; .... Corona del Mar ·---..oo COM DU QUET CORNER UNITS Both Uke cozy cottages freshly palnted &ad ear- peted. Each bas two bedrooms, fireplace, sepuat. prage, and oew stove, refrigerator, p.rbage dla- posal aod curtatns. An e1cepUonal buy al $78,500 •••• CAMEO SHORES 4515 Tremont OPEN SAT-SUN 1-5 t-.:1celleot borne for larger family -~ ft'e bed- rooms, t:amily room, formal dining room, three baths, breakfast area, large living room. View&! pool. $124,500 •••• CAMEO HIGHLANDS 4600 Dorchester OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 four bedrooms and family room hOme. Decorate to your own taste. See it and plan. INSPIRING Bay View Outstanding two story home, pier and slip, 6 bedrooms, 4 baths. Superb master suite with sauna and large private sundeck. Fee. $325,000. Gary Knox -- E A L T a· I f' ·" COlliN -MAlliN INC. IAYClm ON A IUDGET Laree 4 BR.. 3 ba .. family home on a lp., well located lot Owner il leaving town ~ bu prieed tbe bome for quick a:ale. 188.750. 111UlON-FOUNTAIN YAWY IArp Z.oty .. air-<:00<1. condo borne, iDcl. J BR.. 2 ba... lush carpeting &: drapes; e1ec. gange door opener, ~If-cleaning o•en. in· tercom. Across the street from pool, wbicb il like having your own without the respon- sibility. Offered at $40.950. NEW USnNG-COSTA MUA Small home for the budget-minded buyer. 3 BR.., 1 't1 baths. wtth a nice yard -dOH "' .n llhopptnc. Brine pAint brwll • ... -' Dill)' $21,500! Coli U~ fw ,..., rHI oot~ --WI! hovo .... of ..... """'",. loll:~" -1 •• ,...c. •....... Coslllt .... UIIPLII aaaL.ftATa •-••"nlu. ,4,. .. ,,..,.,.onattu -.Pilla rlfraaan ... """.,..._ COIIJINaAne!l ·ua 1WU .-IITATI ..... . Qui.,.._ . . . . • I . . • . . . . • l . . 3 • ! • ' •···· .---......, ......... - 2 .. ,. .... ,._ ..-ant•« b Welt "..,...e bf a otu.M .. ,,qclltoca .. --... --111-_lui_ . .,. ... Bol>oo '-~-!"'!'~da.L !Calwoolr,lllo-WIJIII*IJ old c.._ dol liar's -·..-. By a 5-1 """ at T•oda)''a •MillY mto11J1c. lbo oo .. lop- meat 8tud&.rda Committee {DSC) ubdtbat fill•• d~C~ltus buUt 1D Wilt Newport han 2 otr .. .tr..t park1q arpaees for each Z,OOO .-;zuue teet of bYe- ll>lo..,..., EarU.er • tbt committee bad set I 20.00 IQIIIH-ft. Dmlt for tbl PI!Diuala. Tbt DSC q a 1-member IP'~ appoLDtecS by tbl City C01mcU to eome ..-wtuupeettle recom- meDdi.UOU OG tutare ll'owth lD tbe olar wts ol Newport Beaeb: West -Newport, the Pen- Insula aDd Corooa del Mar. OKAYED Cause of a Ore that did $48,-the small MacDooald house was 000 damage to 3 bu1ldi.Dgs oo completely destroyed, sutterlng Newport Blvd. 1n Newport about $5,000 In damages, the Heights early last Sahuday Is second floor of tbe drapery still UDder lnnstip.tion by business was damaged to the Newport Beach are of!lc1ala. uteat of about $13,000_&Dd tbe "Anoo bu oot been ruled antique shop was 80 per ceot out, but we do not suspect destroyed, with damage estl- arsoo as a cause right oow," mated at $28,000. CaptaiD Jim TQA>lng, of the There were DO injuries. Veteran West Newport attor- ney Robert C. Todd will be sworn ln this Friday as a Judge of the Harbor M~.mlctpal Court, The 4.f -year -old SeashOre Dr. resident was appointed to the k:lcal beoch by Gov. Rooald Reagan on July 3. He succeeds Judge Everett Dickey, wbo was elevated to the Orange CoUDty S~.~>erlor Court. Judge Todd, a oatlve of Cbl- ca~. was a partner 1n t.be Todd and Miller law tlrm In Santa Ana, spec:laltz.lng in lnsurance cases, before his appointment. He earned IUs law degree at Loyola University of Los An- ge les alter dolngww:tergraduate worlt at lSC. He llr3.S wttll several Southern California law fums before forrnlllg the Santa Ana partnership ln 19?1, He lives here with his wife, Eleanor, and 3 sons. F'rlday's ceremony is sched- uled for 1 p.m. in the Harbor Municipal Court building oo Jamboree Rd. NEXT WEEK!!! our ANNIVERSARY Issue department's ftre prevention bureau, told the Ens:l.gn. The blue apparently started Ln an antique sttop, not yet Visitor drowns in bay opened, at 481 N. Newport Blvd., An apparent eplleptic attack took divers almost an hour to and spread to the H. G. Mac-wh.tle swimming caused the find his body, Donald home at 4?? and Allen's drowning last Sunday of a Z5-Friends said Mr. Baroni had Draperies at 485. year-old Duarte man 1n the Bay spoken earUer in the day of not It was discovered at 3:45 Island channel of Newport Har-having had an epileptic seizure a.m. by Sid Soffer , co-owner boT, wUillo the past 10 months and of the antiQue sttop, as here-Witnesses said Stephen Bar-that he told them he felt good turned home from his restau-oni was in a swimming race after taking medicine shortly rant, Sid's Blue Beet in Central with friends when he suddenly before the swim. Newport. He fought the fire stopped and sank to the bottom. A lifeguard said that be saw . with a hose until the ft.rst of Because ofknrtmderwatervtsi-the victim's hand stick.., from ? nre units arrived. Befor e btuty and a 3-foot growth of the n.ter as be started down, the names could be put out, eel grass on tbe bay bottom, It in an apparent plea for help, STOREWIDE :.TAKT:t THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 9:30 A.M. FABULOUS FASHIONS •SWIM WEAR • PANT SUITS • SPORTS WEAR • LONG SHIRTS • DRESSES (long and shortl • SHOES •ACCESSO~S UP TO AND MORE! .... ,_,In lh 3424 V"! lido CII\CI.., nlay Cub ... ioheloo DiJfto)<loocl Holwln...,., 11111 Holol .. - MATTBISSE8 .----..ora lmplor ... ,... ... ---c.u-COSTA WISA WAT1USS CO. ,, . ....,.,. .... ""-"' ..... PROTECT YOUR PAPER DOLLARS AGAINST .. IN.-L.ATION * OE\'r\l.Lr\TION. tUX'ESSION. DEPRESSION Very ••,..~•"""'• ,.,,, ••• ,.., froo ron•ultotlon. All flltltol 1.0 .1 . your., • .,., wlr#llro f OO .,/lot.Ho ,...,.,,. ouownh. '••t floll.,ory. l•crewofl 1olot ••oUololo.·~ &.o ... or ,.rlro• ,. ... ,.,, "•••"•"'• Itt very,.,.,,,.,.,., ortlor1. GOLD SILVER PLACER ~ dust, n-ets and amaJium -lepl to own and hoard -from DAILY ENGLEHARD SELUNG PRICE up for 1.000 FINE con tent COINS -base price plUs 2 percent. 1 ounce coins of .999-from spot plus 00 cents up tOO ounce bars of .999-from spot plua20 cents up 1000 ounce bars of .999 -from spot plus 6 cents up $1000 face value bag coins-base price plus2per cent. United States Investment Systems PHONE 645-3258 I 645-1874 THE COMMITTEE TO HANG ROBIN HOOD Our TV screen is bringing us a daily replay of an ancient fable --Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest. Senator Sam Ervin, in the role of the Sheriff of Nottingham, is out to catch Robin Hood and his merry men, who live, not in a real forest, but in a White House somewhere deep in the Washington jungle. The sheriff is terribly upset because he thinks Robin Hood's men, particularly chief archers Little John Ehrlichman and Big Bob Haldeman, took money from the rich to aid the poor Republican party. Sheriff Sam feels that the loot, apparently hidden somewhere deep in the forest, could have gone to support the deposed rulers of the land --the Democrats, to whom the sheriff bears true allegiance, The Democrats, you see, were deposed just when they were promising to steal from EVERYBODY to give to the poor. Maid Martha Mitchell, who fancies herseU a true member of the royalty, finds the whole mess somewhat beneath her dignity, but has difficulty protecting her husband, John, from the Sheriff's arrows. Because Robin Hood's men allegedly perpetrated a hor- rible crime at the edge of the forest where the river and the canal meet --a place called the Watergate --Sheriff Sam has called upon a wily deputy from Tennessee's raging rivers and wild forests to help him ferret out the bad guys. Deputy Happy Howard Baker smiles prettily at the people and acts very righteous and dignified, There are just .,a few things about this replay of an old fable that don't quite add up: First, the money that has Sheriff Sam so excited was donated voluntarily, not snatched from purses by desperate highwaymen. Secondly, the spying at the Watergate castle was just one group of politicians spying on another group --something that happens all the time and doesn't really deserve a royal inquiry. And, you can buy the original Robin Hood fable for a few cents. This one is costing taxpayers millions. And the taxpayers have voted, overwhelm- ingly, for Robin Hood and his men. . But, the committee system has found a way to thwart the will of the people. The solution: Elect these guys to only one term and don't give them a chance to run for re-election on TV. Before your store and look Robin Hood, too. next over visit to Sherwood Forest, come in the our camping supplies. Talk to us about WANDERING AL THI SOUTHLAND'S ,.I MIST • HUDWA .. I: • C0t..ONY PAIMTI• SMALL AP,LIAMCIS • PLUMatMG SUI'PLIU D 2201 W. IALIOA ILVD., NIWPOII' IIAOf