HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign• NEWPORT BEACH 10( ' IFF IS CH Irvine reveals downcoast plan A 1,-too~cue state put, 2 prtnte rMOI'U, ud MYiftl • PUBUC RECREATION ea- lnlaDd resldeDtW eomm.ttl• Cla"t'tl to offer dl"t"er!l..fted •ere prCJI)Oitd by tbt ·JntDt reereatloa lo 3 areas. Co, yuterdaytortbecompuy's • nit 1a.Dd boldtDp blltw'HD Co-RESIDENTI.A L denq,. rooa del Mar IDCS ~..qma S..cb.. mtDll 1D J.nJud 11111 aad valley lntu•1 piau •ere qnyetlfld porttoas· til tbe company hold- before a mulU-apocy PIIDDlae top. CJ'OIIP U..t be.• s~~gtsted ny1 "Tbe compuy's proposalla,. tb.e dowoccult area could be dlcates a major commltmett de"t'tq,ed. The p-cqt, kDowD to an open space procram," as TICUAP (the 1r'rt.oe Co. llr, Moore pototed out, "lD Coastal Commanlty U:utU-that more than 50 per ceat Apoey P~aD~WtCProcram). wu of tbe site ia proposed u opeD IW.1 studytq: tbe compa.ay pro-space ot ODe type or aDOtber." poallate yesterday. The total pop1llatton 1s uti~ Larry Mo«e, lnlDe pl&nDer mated at ltss tban tbe 59,000 Ia cbarce ot' tbe TICWAP plu, projected by a 19'72 lr..-tne saJd llll compaay bopes to tate coastal plan. tbe plu before tbe Druce Coety Pll.DDI.nc Commlsstora •r}J ant,.,. "We bope the p-.a.e beU'lDCI there will r...U: lD u ameDd- meat to tbe OraDcw Cotmt:J c-- era! plu for tbe coastal ara by mld-19?.1," sald llr.Moore. Populattoa ot tbe lO,OOO.acre area ta eltJmated at somewhere aro!Df 50,000 wbeu develq:t- ment ts complete. ne plaa lDchrles: • STATE PARK, laeluc11ac beaeb ar .. , part or t.bl blaff tops aDd tilt llorro C&IIJOIII 1-,~ .. ._.,._. area, would OOC\IPf 1,-tOO aeret l"i.:!>.'•. to 00 oold to t11o llato ot '-If or market nlue. State put fWxll bave alreldy beea tar· marllod loft>ooparlt. i;,~ lift.--... ... .., ....... t pqr-tll+l ............... . "lt woukl DDt be ICODOIIllealty or pobtict.liJ fa8lblt" to re- locate tbl atctrw1.1. a• trnae h04 ftrst pr-. • PUBLIC WALKWAY aloa1 the beacb WOGld eltead from Cameo Sllores to .Atak)De Pl., Just oortb ol Emerald Bay. • TWO RESORTS, to be de-. nklped prlflttlJ. SI.Je aod de- tatt. of the ruort.s w.-re still ODder ltodJ. JAM BltOWlf II one ottbe queen eoalutaats at tbe Fiesta de Costa Mta being beld ttds Fri- day. Saturday aD4 Stmd:ay, Oct. ll-1S, Ia Costa We.sa park. Fiesta blgbUChtS wlU Include a bicycle pu-ade, Uny totsrofll court, 16-rid.e carnln.l, music and ductnc ~s. games, contests and food. Grand prize award of a 1914 rord Pinto •lll be made Sundlly evenln~t. County Realtors organize to keep eye on legislation Harbor Ar• R11.1tors are pla.IDed Mr. Rester, "and we p!llb.lac a pU to orpol&e all need to Dow ..mat they are Ora.act Cocmty r•l estate dolA( to IDd for the property boards IDd to blre a kJbby1st owner .•· to wort tor r•I 'estate Ln. He satd tbe lobbJII!t, 1t teruts Ill tbe co..tJ. okayed by the proposed councll, "We ba~ ttllb.ttM tpprO'tl.1 •ould also act as a publlc or tbe td• from 10 of tbe 11 relat:toas man tor realty boards rnltJ bau'ds 1D Ute c.ouoty ... d.t!Dc wttb tbe press aDd Coy Hester, poUUeal chair-other orpnl.uttons. ,., .... a... •• VII ern OP •IWO•l' I IACM WORLD fOOTBALL LEAGUE was the subject Tuedy, Oct. 8, as Buddy Andrews, rlgbt, marll:eiiDr director with the Southern CaUiornla Sun tea.m, addressed the Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club's weekly hmeheoll meeting. Buddy, seen here with Ktwania.n Dick Smith, stured at Art&OOa. State am with the M.inne!!IOb. VIkings before tak1nc bls present )lb. He told Ktwanl.ans that the. signing or 120 top players from the National football League assures tbe WFL of more suceess next year. (Kiwanis photo.) JOe' COSTA MESA Tbree members of tbe First Bapttst Church of Newport Beach went to court yesterday to try to stop the state from selllnc their church sUe to the city of Newport, wbichplus to turn It l..alo a park. They THOMAS RILEY, newly-appoiDted 5th DtstrtctCOUQtySQPer- YUor, pta a ~laque wttb tbe otftctal Newport Beach clty seal from Newport Vice-Mayor Wlla.n Dostal durlDC a brief eeremooy Sept. 30 at City Hall. General Riley, a retired Wartne, U..-es 1n tbe Bluffs. He wu appointed by Gov. R•pn to replace the late Roaald Cupers of Lldo Isle,. wbo disappeared at sea last J111e. (Pboto by Sgt. Wally Kerr, NBPD.) •ere Joined to tbe court DIO'fe c d • d t by AI forgtt, Central Newport! an I a e hardWare dealer. asks Riley's ouster A complalnl ftled 1n Orange County S~C~erlor Court seeks an lnjtmcHon to st~ the state from selllng the 1-3/4 acre parcel, aod charges that the sale would violate the state 1"-0DStitutlon's WUUam Norrta, Democrat pers, who disappeared at sea prohlbiUon against giving away caodldl.te for sb.te attorney last JUile. pubUc funds. It also attacks a:eoeul, satd Tuesday that 1t Mr . Norris, at an Anaheim use of gas tax f\mds for pur-he '1rinJ lb November. he wtll press coo.ference, called the poses other ttwl highways or move to tmae~.t Tboma.s Riley appointment "outrapous and pubUc transportation. of Dover Shores as Orange Illegal." He noted thlt Orange The church site was bougtlt County's Sth Clstrtct St4)e.f · County Counsel Adrian Kuyper by lbe state !.n 1965 for $42:5,-vtsor. agrees wU!I htm that Gov. Rea. 000 as pa.rt of lbe now -defunct He called Gov. Ronald Rea -gan could DOt appoint a s~r­ Paclftc coast freeway route. gu's appointment of Wr. Riley Yisor to serve beyood tbe ex- The state has agreed to sell "!)Olltically moUnted,·· and plratloa of tbe aonroor's term u to tile city for $436,000. saLd Incumbent Attoroey Gen -at the eod of this year. The complalot charges that the era! EnUe Y'NII~r was wrong Mr. Kuyper ruled earlier this property Is worth over $750 . when he ruled that the gov . year that wboeYer is elected 000 and that state ps ftmds ernor's appolld:ee colild Rllboth goYeroor ln NoTember would used to make the ortpnal Pill'-the UDelQllred term I.Dd tt\e 2-be empowered to appoint some- chase would be wasted lt the year term starUDr Jan.l,l97'5. ooe to sene t"le 2-year term sale goes througtl. Wr. Riley was IJII)Ointedto suc-to whicb Mr. Caspers ns flUng the comptalnt were ceed SIII)UTIMJI' Roaa1d Cu.. elected before b1s deattl at sea. Dr. Roderick Spencer, a po- diatrist will' omces oo Pla- centia Ave., his tat her, JoM Opposl.ti"On tO speoc••• Dr .r.ancisWIUJams of Harbor View Hills, a neuro- surgeon, and M.r. forglt. All S·lgn law grows ::c(.! M;;..~··.r:;.~m~~!:'~ A proposed law to restrict business signs In Newport is bei.Dg re-written, a.nd the watered-dowll version will be ror etty planniq com- to Jtudy.oext. Tbvs- ~:e.!\'.liaN~~t ~":nt~'""a~~ termtoe what changes, tr any, toroey Roy Woolsey, wbonpre- are necessary." seots the 4, stressed ttat 111- Mr . Lenard charged Tues-diridua.ls, and DOt tbe eburcb day that Chamber ofCommerce itself, are brtnc:lnc tbe court otftclals •·taUedout"afternut acUoo. acreetnc db tbe terms of the Tbe 11<---=•· opoelfleaUy orpaJhd ~-"Nlae ot tltem •t 011 the ~ ol posltloa totht:praposallsuow-etttzens sip committee U.l wblch admlnlsterslands l.nr. Tbe Corona delMar Cham -made Suggtstloos to us earUer for road riabt-ol-ny. ber otCommercedecld~Toes-this yeu," he recalled, "and EarHer this week, 0n.nct day to Join the Newport Harbor it wu from that committee County allocated $200,000 lD Chamber of Commerce In ~-that we got the Ideas we are federal revenue shartnc funds MINI PARK OK'D FOR 81 Newport's plans to MUd rroin.s to protect tbe city We- guard headquarters at New- port Pier Uld a plaDDed mlDl- park on the site ol the okl Balboa Island MetbodlstCburch were okayed Monday by the Sotrth Coast Repoaa.I Coastal Commission (SCRCC), WOOden ll'Oins a.od a . coo~ crete revetment ..-tll be built at a cost of $18,000. to pro- tect the Uleguard headQoarttrs from high wnes, aDd to re- duce beach erosion. The ::hurch stte at 115 Ap.te will be developed tn tate 19"16 as a play lot tor small child- ren, and a oew building will be erected to serve as a com- mtmlty center. The church stte was soid to the city when the Welbodlsts mOt"ed to 1 new location lb Harbor Vltw' Hills. The okl churcb bulk!lng is at- ready being used as a com- munity center and u a ctty library la.ciUty. posl.llg ttK! measure. now trying to Implement In the to help the c:ity buy lbe churcb T 0 ht Bob Lenart., city piannerwhO stgn ordioance." site. Tbe ctty, which already no caug Is wrttJng lbe new sip rules, Corona del Mar Chamber or owns Z smaller adjolnl.llg lots, said yesterday he e~ts to Commerce directors moved to p!ans to combl.oe all of them ft h make the following changes in back the anti-sign law stand of Into a vtew park overloold.ng a er c ase the draft proposal: the Newport Harbor Chamber, Newport Harbor. • EXTEND the time Umll aner a poll ot COM business. .. We have oo plans to de-A trio of burctars who pollee "WE LIKE USA EVEN BEiTER WITHOtn' TONSILS," says tile 25-ft. hl.ad painted paper btnMr stretched across the teoce ln troat of the Blll Ape home oa LarkSpur, Corona del Mar. The brteht colored s:lp was: slgued by many greats (like Ric hard Nixon, PatU Hearst, Jerry Ford and Martin Borman) aDd near (by) greats arouod the nelgtlborhood a.nd assured a warm welcome for Pllmda.g CommlssloDer 0111 Agee 's daughter after her tonsllectomy. Coastal Commission chief on replacing signs that would men showed that 36 oppose the nlop tbe park until about 1976 say broke Into tbe s t and be made Ulepl by the law. Idea, 2 favor It, bd 4 are or later,·· city pa.rks, beact .. s Slrlotnrestaun.nt tnwe:New. Original plans called for pt"las-not sure. Frank Jank, chair-aDd recreation director Calvin port Tuesday nlgflt hue been Ina: out non -conforming signs man of the COM chamber 's Stewart said yesterday, "aod Unked with at least 2 other In from 6 montt:s to 5 years. sign committee, and Dave De-we haY• every lntentloo of local commerical bur glaries. Mr . Lenard's new proposalwtll lancey, a Ctlamber boardmem-honoring the First Ba.ptist The suspects were caught k N 20 ° CDM be tor a ::i to 10.yearamortiu-ber, are drafting I leiter to Church's lease, wbicb doesn't when their car crashed lnl to spea ov In tloo schedule. tell City Hall of the Chamber's eJplre \lltll May, 19?6." a parked car at 6200 and Lan~ • • lNCREASE the allowable concern. The complainants say the t u ha~__. •h-"On ly one businessman has state's dedsioo to sell the cas er as po ce c ~ """m Members of the Corona del mac her , manager of Imperial :~~e :.~:'f~s:,oo.;::e:~':: ~ come forward wtlb a coo-property to tbe city wttboul !rom thf Surf 100 Sirloin. ~ War Cbamber or Commercf' Savings, to 011 the \lleJpired ortrtnat 50 square toot Umtt structlve proposal," Mr . Len-astillg for bUs deprives them Orange Co~ jail ~~ burrla.rJ aM lbe Corooa del Mar Civic board or dlrPCtors termofMary he proposed. ard said this week. "The owner of the opportmlty to buy the cr;:~is ::Pin r ~ koraN 26 • Assn. (COMCA) Yilt hold a Pike Wcl..augb lin, whoreslgDed. • BIGGER signs tor btrge.r or the Harbor lnn Motel brought parcel ~ole! :oo Jero~e ~~II ~~ joint meeting No~. 20 to hear • SUP POR.lfE:J Pte posttioa businesses. The first draft us a c~y or Culver City 's stgn Tbe $200,000 LD federal reve. or H~tlngton Beach A • 16 • South Coast Regwnal Coastal or the Newportttarbor Chamber called for maximum stgnJng ordinance to t.elp us In our n'Je sharlng flmds must be ld bo 1 in ·nil ta l~ Commls.sioa dtfector Mt>l f ar -of Commerce In ~slUon to eqtD.l to 10 per cent of the plans." spent by tbe eDd of the year, ~~~~,.2 ~th =e lare penter d~uss loca t pl::anning the pr~sed nt>W st;n Jaw ln The Harbor Inn would be one or the mooey would oo longer 5~' g y. problems. Newport Bnch. maa ot' the Newport Harbot- Costa Mea Board of Rll.ltors, re••lld JHI:erdlJ. "Now, .. are cetUar ready to 10 back to tbem wttll a spee:Ulc plaD to form aaOraapCOid)'COUil- eU of R•l t:ltate Boards. Su Ole10 bat nell a tedtntecl co.-ell DOW. 1M It .. ms to business face, ~ to 500 SQtare of the most.efrected local bust. be an.lllbte d Atccor,dlnt"~ to poUce,Ueda resustt-Wr . Carpenter is exP< utive • MEMBER'iHIP drive was feet, and I per cent of bust-· en o "" area ca I dlrffto of ~~ w1 1 . FILM PUBLICITY MAN ness tace beyood that. The new nesses tr the sign pr®OStl Ia citing the state coostttu. bet .dnl(ht T sda and r . re.,.ona •.om. annouoced, with new members LLI •• DES formula wtll carry the 10 per becomes law tlon's probtbltioo ap.inst pub-or~edm 'tttat • ue Y .. d ml5sloo l~t has veto power belne: otrerE'd tree dues tOI' •ork weu.•• Aecordblc to Mr. linter, tbe ploa co11o lor t11o coomcll to tllre a .. poUtleal acftoeate" to klfiP U .,e OD ioca.l ptl'll• .. -..... _, ... prlftto .,._, ----· CJI'-eflUDIM bodltt. "TMn an ze cttiH ud aUf olllltr a.-c111 ol 10"- ...... .. bit co.tJ... es:- WI """WINTER I cent rule ~to the tlrst t,OOO The Ne~rt Harbor-Costa Uc ctft.s, attoneyWoolsey clted ~=ed the dar=ed~sbu-onr real estate development the rematnder of thJs year It William Wtpter Sr •• a re-sq~~are feet of business face. Mesa Board of Realtors has this spectftc lanJ!.ace: rant after apparently ldcldn aloll.g • 1000-yard deep band they pay 1975 dues. Member - tired morie ptiiUclty man who • MINIMUM ot 35 '"'"taare feet 00 omcl,al position on the Sl"" "Tbe legislature shall have i • d Wh U I of the Los Angeles and Orange ship now stands at about 100. dr~ dead of a he-art attack -&·· .... ....II it n a rear oor. en po ce County coastline Sa of stcntng. In other words, a proposal. no po-wer "'• nor s ,.. have officers Scott · Cade llnd Ron · W-'RREH B ~"ER 81 OF wblle plaJllte ,011 turdl.Y bustness wtt~ less thaD 350 ., We sent out q~~estionnalres pcnrer to make any glft. or R i ed ,.__ The !Dint meeting was agreed "' R~ • • afteraooa at lnlDe Coast utho ~--n.. kt t ogers arr v ... ..,y saw a car to Tuesdlly morning When c '"ED SHORES IS oE•o C led sq~are teet of fa ce on a street to otQ' members, but got almost a ru.o:: un:: ma ng 0 any leaving the rf'sta.unnt driYlnc . ""' " Co..trJ lab, will be bur would still be allowed 3S sq~&re no response "says realty baud (1ft, ot any public money or ' h ·ts Ugh out A hi, CDMC A president Paul Hum mel Retired business necutln todlJ, OcL 10, 1D HolY CrOSI teet of stcns. executl..-e ~ger Glenn Mar-tb.lD.C ot' n.lue to uy 1Dd1Y1dtaal, ;~~ elldedts ~ t~;:;:: :Utf!nded the montbly Ct-.amber Warren Bremer • 81, of U? c......,. Ia Or--on. t 216 • ROOF SIGNS, which would tiD "atthouefl many of our mUII.lcl.p&) 01' other corporatioo ted ~~ le Th or Commerce board meeting Milford, Cameo Shores, no Mr. WJ.Jar. wbo UYeda ban bee'l banned under the reitty oftlces would be ef .what.oeorer •• for less Ulan a par ,. -c . ere werto and inYited Chamber members died Oct. 4 at Hol.g boiPitl.l. Apo .... Balboa lslall4, worked r .... adeqtate c~dentlon no se.rlous inturles. PoHce re-to the November me-eting at was burled Oct. 8 In Paclflc tor tM IOtb Ceata:ry.Fox pub-first proposal, would be at. ected by the law." · covered coins and me~handlse Corona del Mar elementary UettJ ~-ror to years. lowed under a speelal permit T t k Yalued at SI IJO . school View memorial park, Harbor A "*'1 .....-k:e WU beld process for bustDeSM!SthlnCIUI rus ees see OetMt!Ye John furrow said lD oU.er actiOll Tuesda.y, the VIew Hll}&. foUowtnc Sf'rYicee ll.lt alCM ID Ba.II.Berproo's prove that ooly a roof stp yesterday he Is tnnsttpttnc Chamber: la Balb-Berproo chapel. Co~ ;-;. :UE -a;..:.ci: ::!·J~~;r:~:t:~ d"•saster dr•"ll Et~~~~-~:= ~~T~~~·-:~·~~:· .. ~. .. c.:--..,:; of iait1a ~ tut lllltf. DHHI In Kewport would flave totaUD( about $500 in klot. "ewport, cn~IICflter Tracy .,,, • ....,. Ia ...-ftftd by to nte major modltlcaUon.s ill A countyw1de praetice driU • SUPPORTED t!w 1914_75 El rr""'"''aM" The Costa Wea Colts: lost Polley ud ~Htt~~ , .. ..,.. ..... -wnuam, tbelr ~IDS_,., oar DeW prO-to see bow scbools eu tab Onlllad Wa.y fUad c!riYe Mrs PAN M~ llnU !4-1 to tbt Tt-1-Cit:y Cowboys l!lr"Ch RIMia ol SbaY'tl' ....... Jr of Loo \oltloo, ........ -~ Did llr. '-rd. Lost care of disaster nctlms •u FoJ -.til ~d ...; SET ON PROP Z SoturdoJ to ' ...... dl•lslon puc~... Scoll G&JDOr -a-.. C • lk• Cub, a JoU Mal* ·fll luta Mcalea, moata. be eltJmated tbat about called tor Tuesday allflt by dr1 H wport W • Jr. All-America football pme. lf'u:tdaiiM« KJ .. Gl}'DII', I'J ,.ar ~ fl C.0. ud 5 crt ...... ldr-. 10 per cnt woukt IIU'e bMI Newport-Mesa sc:;bool m.trlct t~IDOIIC e -esa Tbe Leap ot' Wometa Voters 1'1l1l Sat.-.y, tllit ~olts play bCIItll ol fttwpor1 . ELEANO.R CASH OF C.DM. DIES dol -. -OoL 1 It.... aliOctod bJ lhl orlctool pro-UustHS. • SWill p II ol Dran,. Coost is ..,.. .... the Plt.c•tlo-Torla UlldoDol-JEMMIE GIIAIO_,l D"' :.!.*~-::-.:.= ~ CAMILIHE PAO HO, 61, ~.;,_,.. Rort>or Chlmbtr ot ald•t :.:of :_uto;:;'ci ~-..,. ~ .... ar;.;' ~~~~:!'a"':, mz"'J: ~".:" S:~i~.m. ot Coota II•• HAIIIOR VIEW is DeAD 1 .... Dr • D ~ a Of' CDSTA IIESA DI ES Com ... ct atlaclod tho -board tootrottod ocbool a..,. IICA wu _.,...,-Dar Ne"PPO't-llosa ocbool dl;.,.lct llollbKk Jocllle J-Sor•--. llolll OoL 1 :o.:u::. .... Ali. ....._. CaroiM ~ " ollll1 ol a DIW lieD law cJW1IC * JobD Nicoll to .-k tbe drUL e .. • II~ ICbool Jtildtlts to ,.._.. Umlt t.cl'tUe. 'n. ICOI'"ed aD 4 ol tM COWboJ'I 1a Olr ...., ~ a1 :; IIIIa. P~ C-II--dlod Pia..... CommiOOioo 1110117 AU ocbool-lctolDtho-oM IN A pool m..UOc Will 00 bold Oct. II -lUI -u tlioJ' ~-Clloftil, - .. -... a • S,tl f11 ... Oat. t at OnJrel eo.tJ-Mtdl-....._W ut n.-.. y. -...e dl• ... pau. a.t call -• &~~ &IDLOYIIEMT a.t t• Paelflc Mltal aftlct .. ;.: :..u J:: ··-~ J.-. ~-·· " II •ai"''J Ill£" •'-.. .aJ c--, wu tllrtlld Oet. I " t btlleftlfnpartcloelpo&i.Jir ... r.-:1 a.o.t11 1M %1 procn• WU liP-llfWPOI't C ..... Cotlte wtU be tcen caM .... VW., ...,.._ .... _.,;..--c.:.-to-....... ,_....,, r-.a olpor-._:' t.-,ofolctl .... lllltNpla ...-. ,_. .. -00 -ot f:liO 0 ,10. Ia ININIII~-Io .. o•• --OoJ, I o1 g :, ,':-" c.-, _.. •.: &, =:.ud ... :.~:.=:~: ~;::.. ... ...., tg ... :-:::.-:.~~::::-:.; =~~~~ldA~J:=::.-• ~-~:·t!c.~o ~a•-~.:..·;~ .. .. ,., ... .._..., .. ._ liiM • a. .~ae.-. tta ..a prD ar.,. o1 IIIIIIJl.. ''I W'OIIiltt1111Ait coordlla-no.,c:neetiMent WS. to 11 :10••.,....~-,..,.., , • . a.r-111.-•••• I ,... ....,, OoL 10, II h-l p iJ! C P ., c-... Co* _ .. -.. -·-t1oo -t>oo ...., -of JUMITA IIOIMS 0125 ---JoeWo Dll '" • ' ao IDr tllo -.. ,._ ....... QIIII............ bJ ClesW .... CM .... ...,..,.,. •b'MI Dr. AEI . • ~--O.SUC.,.,...;Wa.I-I C ... U. ....... ,a:W ..... I& ;a 1 Pi IT fll .. k:sao -a -.-8. T. ,1oe 2 r,ul IIPeoll, "ul -11o ..... a1ot Pr 11:':'::'.:.~~ tw ----k:tlls-..., w,aJI lOll --k'* I P &-fllillo---,._fiiC.. -·~ llr t>ooCJta-o u. u .. -. .. Bo c,. lkd'IO 1i ......... a:..., caiJ" I cCt-;1-IU-'ltloa:---••*• ~:=:•*J ' ..... nessJII~·a.•.,., • ...._,., ••-~c._ ........ ,....--. ·etct ttrt''lllw~~r::..,.=~ 131 ..... •sa-. ......... _.. 2 52 a ... ~ '!'§ ~ ... 1*11 ...._. .asc. • t ... a. ••rttr ~ n If .. L I , ''"'*at.. ... a. Tllllllil., --- - 11 ---~~-·Bin ...,._ __ to-ca~--Nil-Mierlll. ·I' ......, __ •·•or-eam,..._•-• -•-•- Calli •••• .. =• .,._._..,._toc.a...,..•-IPIKia"• ~~--T ·*1.-~-" ,.,,':';--. s&--r-••--~ -3 •• _ ......... _..-. ... ,. •• _ ..... _,..... -• -... -- I ) ·' . 1MI~WJS2- 0f '!ME CITY OP c•OIIT- ' Tlt'HAIIIOII/IItU.'SOPFIET/Ia!LW'EII !!!:.-..................... . ..-n•LC....., .. a... ... -..CWI&f'IUI TUDital•:-!Ano-714) • • "1'0 • ....., •• ,...., ................... c.r.. .. ~.Colli: • . 'lllli.III:'WJIOaTRA.JJOil..._ .. , ... , ........ I,__, ....r dll1.1l ., -.t..._ lie. A4tl71 ... ..., 14,1tSI, ...... w c-.'-.. c.-r, ilO..... •• tlo¥• ...... .., ~ ........ .,..w .. ,.... .. ,......._, I '::o4.,.B. •••••·•-..o.•••o••••••••o• ARVO E. """p"· _., aod pullllsllor of ... EAJI., •••••••~•••oaooo.~ • CONSERVATIVE COMMENT A new Ensign feature, beglnni~ this week, is "Conservative Comment," which wUl present excerpts and reviews oflead- lng articles in conservative publications. A timely starter Is today' s review of "T~ ·shadow in the Senate," expos!~ the l.eftwing background of Senator Alan Cranston, who has set the dUbious record of· bet~ one of the wildest spenders of tazpayers' money. Since Inflation Is our No. 1 national problem, and since It is caused hy federal deficit spending, It Is Imperative that voters know the Irre- sponsible record of Mr. Cranston, who Is seeking relection so he can vote for more and more deficit spending. California voters are fortunate In having an alternate choice. Let's retire Mr. Cranston and send Bill Richardson to Washington. Bill has established an ex- cellent record for responsible statesman- ship as state senator, and he can continue that service as U. S. senator. lr .. '.C. I , -YAft llo 25 I .._ """-> a. ...... , .......... ..... ~--;....MIItlt .... I 1\ .. --*---·--....... -to 1 .. I wu-. tl,IOO.OIIO ......... 0. " lllo -"' Die& a&Qud'• •ce• wu tD _._ ,....•snrwe~a. .................. , .. tnl PAS III til U. cquba- Uoo, ud ... u a- "' .. -lor IJDIId wilL lltlllo rort "-_.-.-. tile -orlly ..... "' 1111 -.... _.. CIMD ao.a.tt. CCIIItrou.r' -·--Clark,-• Ylce-prNidlllt ud coetrol- ltr; 'hlb )fylattt, ....... ,... upr, DOW 1.1 'OaliDeN tor htm. aall; SOlly Flomlaf. tile ...,... ta.ry, JtiD tbere mtndlq tbl Qlllce. From '1*'tnc day 1111Ul btr rettremnt lD 19'7!, Adetaldt Porter ns a symbol of coar· tesy aDd ldndDe•s1 a ceatral bar•• ol laformaUon at tbt tUbler'a: wtDiiow' lnd DIWS ltud. Auoetated Ylth ber wu a Yei'J eapable, eourteoaa aDd loyal periOD., Gladys 9eat&1De. THE DICK RICHARD FAMILY, lllcludh>c ooo Jollll, ..... a boat 1960 ill tbelr lrvlne Terrace borne, wttb a 'flew of the Harobr throu&fl the window. Tbe produoe department m~~ der the maaapm•t of Al c a. tollto. ably uststed by Paul BellbiDe. On1lle Hemstreet, Elmer TanlcOshl, John Hart, Commerce. ne set ~a train~ wee bours ot the morning for and Gilbert Yosbfota, was one Inc procram for outstanding the rtgbt approach to tate. Tbe of tbe fiDtst 1D the country. young meo LD Europe to work followlog morntnc Dlckpvehls In my muy YisUs to the mar~ slz montlls in Richard's Mar-speech I.Dd receiYed a 5-1/2 tet OYW 28 years, I felt I tet to learn the American way minute standing on.ttooaodn.s was ahrl.ys rislting with aDd ns made hoDOrarJ mer-rtnn a week's Yaeatiob in Hon~ frleads. I would tease CD80Uto cbant of Rome. olulu as an tddltlooal award. about wtterlng the stock aDd Dick orpatzed the hosting Diet and Jennie Rlcbard tave would remark, "AI, there'll of DeY teachers to the Harbor one soo, Jotm Charles Richard. be DO produce men la henen. '' at luncheons 1D tbelr booor; or-bora in Newport Beactt oo May His ana:wernsahn.ysprompt ganizedllmcheonsf'lonoringout~ 11, 1943. Jotm m11rrled LJ.nda aDd trteodb' aodwentsometMng st.aDdtn&: bJeh scboolaodcollege Lane oo April 2. 1956. and Ute this, "Db. yes, Fnnk, athletes and !JCbolarsblp tun~ they tan 3 SOllS -·twins MI . there'll be prodace men to hea-cbeons. He sened as pres1-chael and Tbomas, born ID 1967, ua but no real estate men.'' den.t of the Oranp Empire and Petttr born ln 1969. On lbe ebect stands ns the Counctl ot Boy Scouts for two Diet bad S ''I others, Roland old reliable Venita (Rusty) Hie-years; director nr !iarbor Area and Fran.t, wbo Und In New- g!ns. who remaioed from op-United Fund and president and port Beach, and Gordon, who ellinl!. day IIDIU bet rettrement campaign chairman; Ylee.pre-remained in Wi sconsin; a sis- in 1972. Also Jenne P.trrta. a stdent of the Callfornia Satety ter, Mabel, the wtfe or Rn. Uttle girl who~ hunc arouad CowtCU; foUDder director oftbe S.E. Rathke of Cectar Rapids, De Bircll Lo6 . Call It .A "Day of Shame" • ........ ....,. 'pf , ••• t AldcM .... ., ... '-... ,,.,, ... ,: :ru ::..;.,_My,.-Fi ... I ...... ... ... I • O.O.a ,. • ......_.,. l'w.bw.Ja..-.-. .. .......... t'· 10_ .. _ -·..-.-..... or...: .. .,. port ,.,.. tlw lloltod No-.· .. • •• r1ly COK.-""' ..,. ..... 10 ~ -~~ •n• 1 of U. 011--doa. lot,..-.. tlwla NOI _.....,.oru.. U.lt, IV r.--... 10 •JII'\)It for It, wll lud to a dllire to •• the l.IRtte4' sa. .. out of the U.N . .,d pt the U.N. out of tlw ·United Statoa. In obort, wa '*'"" tbal it would be. far ..,,. appropriate to labal Oct-14 u alloy ol Shama -..._ for -tlouod Urdtad States partlc:lpatioa :n lila Unltod Notlono. Tha Unit..: SUtaa -fourodad .oa belief In God. Arnone the "1eef-O.idant" trvtho which fonn the bals of Amarl<ardom to the rocopi· Uon tbat the rilhll of nn come from God, and, therefore, no JC)¥ernment can take them away. .,, the United Nltions completely iplora God's existence. Becaure It does, it .-umes, in IU Covenant on Human Ri&hts, the power to """t indiVidual righ.U to men, and raerwt to ltlelf the power to rwpmd any such riahts accordina to its own law. For increuil)l num- ben this fundamental difference between lhe ph.Uosoplties of the United Nations and the UUted States is reuon enouJh to oppoee the world body. But additional reuons to aet the United Statea out of the United Nations abound. Let us Uat a few. • .At the foundin& of the orpniulion. llycl.,.,._ and the IJ<ralne (both totally sub- ject to the Scmet Unloo) were 11wn ¥01<0. Th,. the U.S.S.R. has tlvee votea while every other member nation hal oaly one. e For the put two deead01, the U.N. hu never acted apinJt Communist agrftlioo - not In Hunpry (1956), or 1lbet (1959), or Czoc:ho.Sionlda (1968). But wbenowr anti· Comn:nm.ilts try to remain free , the U.N. concocts WIYI to condemn and lwua lbem. e In 1961, the U.N. actuolly oqod - ollrltnr llioor'l _., "«I "" -~ ..... .... ,...,... ....... """ ·~ ...... and wtrt'na to,.. ... to. • e 'l1lo -y4lt ... ol tlw U.H. .. olwoye-a-corrnltt..: 10 tlw- ol ftM ........ 'Ilia ~ for Nltloal ... llacuiiC)' ~ --in ...... ol .. ......,, --· ..: _. __ ,..u_._ .. ICimltttd CD-CIIItHDI'G ....... -•• e So¥tat -· Pronc:o. and other -ha¥t not paid any dues co tha U.N. for )Wn, yer aach 1"1alns hor ¥013nJ prMiep, In cilroct >lolatlotl of the U.N. O>arter . · • Tllne yean .... the U.N. upol!od Na- tionalist Cll2na In favor ol tllo bl-. ....... in Ill recordacl blatolf. Rod Cbi-loado!> - now welcomed at the U.N. -haw murdend 64 million or their reUow cUtuns in thrM d«ades and are pretendy rnponlible for most of the world'• death-deal.in& hetpln tramc. e 'The United States pro"'* approxbnlt.ly forty per cent of the U.N.'s oporatlnc bu4pt and olmoot eilhty per cmt of the fwlclaa for special U.N. pr....,..., Yet the membor cJiiCz pta danced ln the &ilia: when the Red QlMie were voted Into the orpntzation, precllely becauae IUdl. a move wu a blow to the prtltiJe of the United Statn. Unfortunately, there are many mort wry aoiJd reuona why our nation lhCMIJd quit the United Nations. Yet many American~ wt.o recopize the truth of our charpsstiD !ttl that the U.N. b the "only hope for wodd peaco." lbey fail to realize that the U.N. definition of peace -like the Cornmunilt definition -is not "abtmce of war" but "ablence of oppo&idon" to itaelf. If October 24 becomes known u a "Day of Shame .. becauae of our continued participation in the U.N., then the time wtll100n come wbtn the pi exprcase<l by the dopn "Get ar out/" will be realized. Then, and not before, the world wUJ have an honest chance to know and enjoy I rue pe.ce. C~t J 9U by n, lalt11 »cA Soddy F~ Conservative comment for some 17 years. Orup Couoty Pbilharmoolc Iowa. Maattr.s of tbe Uqoor de-SoeletJ, Hol.g Hospital Centur. In 1967 Rictard's Lido Mar-We are ~to Gary Al- partmeat were fnnt 'tale and lon Club, Lido Stq)s Mere hints lr:et became a wholly own.ed au-len, oae of the best !mown old reUable Cy Perttn.s, aow Assoclatton, founding director tonomous subsldla.ry of Arden-aod most proWic autbors wor-* * * retired, I.Dd Ulte Vidal, who o! tbe Bank or Newport and a Mayfair Inc., and In 1971 Rt. tlng tn behalf of coostltutlo•l * A QUESTION FOR THE PLANNERS bas Jut retired. vice~ president of the lltnk. chard's No. 2 market wa.o; conservatism, for his )ltest field at _..!Ism. Left oat period Cr&Aitas made a rlae- ot tbe cwreat biography of the lllr ddeDSt of Harry Brldps, HDI.tor was U.t Fremont 01-ldentifttd as au allen comma- dtr waa a.a Important red de-nlst. Cranston was denounced dleated to rffOiattonary caus-on the floor of Congress by' fl. Prtsldellt Tbeodoft RooM-Rep. Fred U. of OU. Yilt dted OJdlr to be a meaace nota; wbo s"'- The Newport Harbor Chamber of Com-Norman Honrd started as In 19'Xl Wcause of his ac. opened 1n the Harbor VIeW' wort, a pampblet eDUtled Alan , a boz boy ud beeallft manarer tlritles. Diet woo the Freedoms sbopplnc center. Cranston ''Ttle shadow In tbe merce has raised a pertinent question ot tbt deUeatesseadlrlsfoo. re ~ foundation Award, Valley There are rr.aay who ban Senate,''' which ts uhausttYe in its letter of opposition to the proposed eopl.sed u CM: of tbe tlnest. Force. ln his award wtnntng climbed Ute laddn of ftnuclal and timely. to tbe Rapablfc. ADd true to port or corr.mlallst form Cri.DStoll denies bis trJps Throupout tbe to Rua:sia wtth Older and his pages of the reYoluttonary a.nttcs in lfnlco. Allen N t B h 1g dina Wh i William Lorea ns crocery speecb, be stressed the tact success whose foot prints and In dlscusstng Sea:ator Craft-ewpor eac S n or nee. y S buyer, aDd WUUamJacbonwas tbat the desire to beo an Am -Images, lnthecommuoltywberP stan's b"estunan term, Mr . Al- lila a ~W, -flare restrictive sign ordinance c:rocery rr.anager. Joe Martin erlean Is being repressed by th ey lived, last but a short len makes the point that to a be co~&d.r~. 'tfiiirHr's}iedbttvf "''fta muapr of deU• I ••n.\ aa Mtu ' r--a.um~ of peo. speho 11 beca~ they forgot their study ftnaoc!d by tbe NaUoaaf trom llil • -~.c.. 1 ';:' , ~ • Joe PaJDI ts presentty ....._ _, .. ~&DIS~ t11r.t 41lere .K a vttaJ me tot'n, pbced themselves Taxpayers umon. Dilly 6 atber Pa boaa1 wonaers. IW of Rleblrd's No. 1, .... ""'aad-.tb\t)J DHtt ior'"cls to re~ on ·a pedestal of self-esteem seatora bi.Ye "*d to _,-.,.. Why indeed! That question has been Frau Sple!barpr Is ma-cer a1ftrm our Jon ud'"'pur dedi-surrotn:!ed wtth rtnanelaJ se-more ot tbe tupe;yera' moaey. rolled 1 of Rle'-rds No. 2 1n the Har-cation and }ayalty to our cotm~ curltr. aad· somehow "we tbe In tbe s11: JfiiJ'I of his term ipots Ute 111. 11re wl~ 2t -~·or Cranston to nswer. 1'ttor to bls ·attempt at re-etecHon Just 5 weeks awty. asked in this Log 1 and by merchants bor VIew srq,plng center. try. people" rert they got more out the programs he r.s i!!n~rted 1939 be became associated wltb throughout the city. We deserve the In the bakery department for "Wbytberrowtngdtsrespect of the town than they gave to bave been responsible forZ5\ aradlcalero..,k:nowaasCom- years was Warren ·Hansen. a for our capitalistic system?" It, Today the man l pay trl-of our eotlre natloral debt with moo Coaell, led bJ Louts Ad-courtesy of an explanation. ,. pleasant per50ll:lt1tywhoahrays be asked and continued: bute to never lett bJs home the atteodaut ravages of lnfla. amlc, Ybo W'l.!l as red as Pre- The Chamber's executive board com-greeted you wtth a smile and the "This Is the only system town, never forgot b"om whence uon. He advocated wap and moat Older •. :\ccordlng to the The Cran!lton parr.pblet l.s must reading for every cut. zen. mented: "We know of no general abuses of business signing, nor have we been apprised of specific provisions that have led to opposition before the Planning Commission. Also, we know of no ground- swell of opinion adverse to the current signing conditions In Newport Beach, nor or any general demand for revision of the current ordinance provisions!' The Chamber's conclusion is reasonable and logical: "We believe that Newport Beach does not require a sign ordinance containing major new restrictions that inhibit adequate identification and promo- tion of business, and that would Impose substantial cost on businessmen to comply." I am sure that an overwhelming majority of merchants and residents will agree. Accordingly, our city planners should stop the harassment, and table all action on revising the sign ordinance. • • • • WOMEN'S LIB IS GETTING SILLY The Baptist Bible Tribune thinks that women's lib is getting quite ridiculous in its campaign to eliminate "sexist" words from our vocabulary. "Sexist" language Is that which gt ves the chauvinist male connotation, rather than being neutral. Here are som!> comments from the Tribune: "Can you Imagine re~ that NASA had just launched an unpersoned space craft? What about a mug~ in whlch the • vlctlm was person-handled? Did you ever bear of a peraonhole cover? Can you Imagine a naval coiDDWKier orderinc sallora to person their battle statlona? Tbe word, woman, after all, mean. 'from man.' WhUe we're gettlDg rid of our aemt laa(uage, wby don't we change woman to 'IJOo1HirBOG?'' Tbe TrtbuM pr!Qbly bits pretty cl~e to the mar1t 1I'WI tbill obNnattca: "We wne ot tlls hand. enr dertsed that wtll offer he ca me and even today Wbite price eoatrot.s that were ns-House Commtttet 00 UII-Amtr-• • • ··The shatiow 1n the Senate'· pamphlets ma.y be obtained at tbt Ame rican Opinion Book StOTe. 504 N. Nt'"'PPf"" Bl,d., N~wport Bearh, Ca. 92660, or phoDt 646-064$. P:~mpt!lets are 35~ eac-h nr 100 for Sl5. Since 1948 Diet Richard has freedom, 11bert)' and genuillE' at the top of the ladder of sue. ponslble for aecelerated tnfll. icaa AcUYIUes, Ada.mlc was a become tnowD. as Mr. Retailer happiness to tlx>se wtlling cess still Is ooe of us and his tion at a cost or billions of member o1 tbeCommunistPar- ln Hie s._,.r market world and to ftgbt for it." foot prints and lmagt the home dollars to t~ tupe.yer. Ur. tJ ud in addtuoa was associ- his market tile bo!IIe or gour. Several years ago Dick was totrn fo lks will never forget. Allen puts It well when hf pro-ated with S7 orpntzahons C(. met foods. Dick became the lovtted as a keynote speaker They wtU ahrays remember elalms ttat lf Alan Cranston ted by the pernment 15 com- courier of good w111 for New -for the Magulne Publishers "Diet ,'' the vibrant fellow with It a ft.scal coosernUve, then mualst fronts aDd wblko train- port Harbor wherenr be went. convention in Honolulu. Aner a boll8Cy step ever eager to Billy Jean King Is a male ebaa-·1n1 Crustoo he was 5 1r:oown lD talks ttat he 'as made all listening to presidents of larp betl, to sav "hello,'' gtn a Ylnlst and Tl!ly Tim Is a ll&rt-eommtm.t ~-Ourtn.c this over tbe world be becar.te the publishing companies speak In smile and the •ave of a hand tooe . Farthermore, Crustoo goodwill arrobassador or New. tbe ttrst day session, he came wherever he would meet you. bas consistently YOtedtoeJI)llld LE , ERS TO EDITOR port Harbor. He r..s re<:ehed bact to hts hotel room aDd They will remember bJm as rovernment eoatrol of the pea~ 1·1 many hooors and awards. some bis wlfe Jennie, wbo always the cltlzen who has helped to pie ezeept In tlteslogl•tnstance o~ wbicb are as foUows: trneled with btm, and said, make a little fts111ng hamlet of oatiooal defeue. • HEED MORE POLICE 1950 --Boss of the year. "After bearing today's spee. of some 3,000 people Into one Aa a member of tbe board Editor oftbe Eutp, floor for tbt enthronement ot our flrst tmekocted rulers, a Ford aDd a Rockefeller: 1951 --Man of the year. ehes by presidents of large of the finest residential. ree-of trustees of the United World Readinc 1A your Wet'kl}'i&Sue 1956~-Citl.zen of the year· companJes, I can·t RO on. I'm reational and t\nanclal centers Federalist, CraDstoo adYoeates of tbe rollberles, rapes aDd father grocf!r or the year ; Kl : out of my class. I just can't of the world. our complete dlsa.rmameat a.Dd murders 101A1 oo ·in our ar• wants award for outstanding go on tomorrow ." In closing, I say to both of surrellder of our sovtrelpt)· wo.ld pul fear In tbe hearts community service: nrst gtar· J Ued "Let's do you, "The glory of life Is not to a one world pern!lleat. He of Ult eltlHDI. Each could feel dian angel award. eonte rep • the accum ulalloa of wealth, not promotes apeodlnc 1400 mJIUoo they may be tbe oen vlt"Um. 1958~-CerUflcate of merit some praying. some searching a marble bust of self-esteem, to put tbe pernment Into the We are aa a.Uiuent area, tar19t Newport !iar~ Chamber of for aii.S'Ifers 00 what t~ say and U's the friendly hand that best population eoatrol buslDeas and to:-the r rlml111l mtnd . \V t-are Commerce do and maybe there IS a way serves friends nelchbors and fotes mJlUou to permit the forttmate to han &n txr f'Uenl No, lt would ban been tm. possible to tmactne, aD.d the mere sugcestlon would have marktd you u a looney, es. pectally wbtn the charges tor clismissal sbould have be6o maUeasanu in otnce a.ad ta.ti. lll"e to abide by tile sacred oatb to boDor, protect. aDd detod tbe CorasUtuUoa of the UBtttd States of America. Yes, fotU, ln tbo$e da.YI people demaaded _...,courtplrom- eltcted leaders, aDd weanftO'IJ pttJDc whit n de~erve to ctt. {TbaJ ... ld h ... ald.) 1959--F~mHy togetheraess for you to CO on.•· the borne town io male It ~bet-eo,ernmeat to become lnTOind pollee force, but they ha\'P. not award by McCalls Dick and Jennie stOOled, ter pla ce In whfch tO UYe work In the acth1ties of our toea I bteD able to IJ"OW wtth our 1964--Gurienhe.tm anrd for searched, and prayed Into the and play:• ' pollee departmnts. He would crime rate. We DHd more outstaodtng contrfbWJoas to the raise taus to provide a pa.r. poUce, aot DI'W b&&Udlap, more Big Brothers;sele<ledasKIDg The Rlachard·son Report ••leedcol~oteedueotiooforail. pun ....... or boaullllal Neptune by tbe Sputie Leape His many more pro)eell tDto etvle e-.ttra. fte Deed safety of Newport Beach; appolllted further perorneot cootrol ro to walk our m-.ets wtth a to the r."'-1 board of fteld BJ SIMA TOR B. t.,; RJ::BARDBOif CR -Arcadia) oa ad -lDfloltam. Ill sammauoo. frliMlY poUcemu smlllDc oa Tiley jUI dldrl1 ball<Ye in ftcbttar wara to -.. la fled. tar eDt my na.Hou QUe ba.Udllc lllttr factO<Iaa II> make -moor 10 IMI -J 111t7 coOt ''blry •· •• Ia flct, tM 1--.,_dar adY'isors. Small B•IDIII Ad. Kr. AUeastatesttatoatQUH~ tbe~. mtotstratioa o1 America. Tbe lnflaUonary cycle pro-cats can be -nade ill admlnls· uoa aboald be I.UW'tred: "ll (:MuM ~ld) 1971-·Hcmonry Texas Cut-ceeds as follows: the federal traUYe OYerbetd aDd bureauc -Seoator Cru&toa ooJ.y uot.heJ' (P.S. 0.. eo tM abcWt IUb- zea by Gcwenor Preston Smith conrnment tr.ugurates new racy. aDd those cuts would ta-Jt demaaope trykll dt.,erately )let Ud poulblt reta.UaUoo, at Whote•l• Grocers eoano-social pro~am s, which gen.-affect national secarlty. to holll 00 to tht but job be 1 wout pn11r tbl.t my r.me tloo. erally do oot wort and are even d. The Coae-re.ss should per-bas ner bad, or Is bt a eom-be co-fldW1ll) 1972-·A.ppoiDted byGovuoor counter-producUve. However. mit tbe president Umtted dls-mltted coUectln.t 'lr«tiJIC Rapo u a member of the ralber than admit failure, tbe eredooary authority toll'lij)OUDd Dow'-dp.biJ ud w1hllytoez- alft1mry board ct.., aatomo-poUUcb.As simply speod more nmcta. tt such t.Jnpoaad1Dc 11 pud aoreramem callrol anr tin rtp&1r .,..., Departmeot mooey. Th~~a:, feder_al deftelt aecesa.ry to athlen, at tbe aU o1 a ? .. ofCouum• Aalrs. speadtnJ eon&oes --the fed-minimum. a ba.laoced IMJpt ' "Tbe tiJldOwJ bacqro.t.» otblr aeUYitl• ud honors: era.l peromeat speada mon In the tlseal yar bfciAnbJc 1a w1 ar• of c rutoa·a dill· Director of Ctttlfted Groeera tbu It takes 111.. Slftce the dot. laty 1, 19'l5, ud preferably a iaUc.l wUb eomnu.tat.J, rtdl for tbe put 10 ,_,.,, dlrector lara crnttd cause lDllatlo':l -· s urplus. ud eo~~ra11Ut ca-. r.ry of Morrie PJu. Compaay· Ute aDd rentt 1D a lllCMr cost of •· Each yeu, ta wblcb tbere A u11 bu die cJNp, trud ud member o1 Newport PTA IDd llfi.Dc tor au at our ct~. II a ..-pi•, the r..au Uoald ._, tar "' ._.. at • 11o11onry ...-., 1111 '•· wa eu ooiJ 101Yt 1Df1atloo bt' bt -11> ...ur. a -o1 an. s. --c..-tare fana•• ot Amertea· a braldlc bllltalJilt:loaarJCJC)t. tae •UO.l detlt. ••kt ntlrllr ...,.1 ., ...._ Kent'lt::IO' ~I· df:reetoF at We cu t..Uee tbe budpt. ..._. aeeo.t ._ ou .,._ Ora""' c-AiD. uoJ Good or pr-..,l, aclllm a -· From the Bible e-IU put ud -- WUI ... ..-ud -piOI, tl-b)' rolallla tuH --t1o1 1oo Ja a ytc. ODa-r ot 111o -..ro -· ,. <lllllla -~-lrlc Wo I wJII ......, njaloa to lllo lim ot pollllcal -, Ill lila .. k IAdp; a-daiHo Ma. allooliiMIJ' -ld sot Rloa lAr<l, • -11oo11 bt Jot6tl nca tor a ._ -- -dlr...,;.otlllolla'l''--· · 111 ID1 God: llr loo-e-llallarV wu u .. od lrJ 111o otOrtop~Oruaoc-. 2loro :o _.-ba-_ .... ..,_.,_ .. _.-'"-an 1oo 17 c-A-·-a. Tiooro -baa-..-. .. -..,.~~~--.., 1a"" lawlawula- ot lft'QOil...,_. ru' "'""•: ..,.._ • UJ .......... .,., .. nile II '1$1.1• .11, U ta•JUclard •a-'acn>'IL a.tLinryPGird;lwtaiiBiiH dal ,.....L lAt • •• • •M•••• lr ••• 1 n• n.., , 7 ••-It ........ c.• 1 flltlle ow ........ --~ .. W!8' ... 7 ...... ldllt ................ en.. .... Olratrr IlCea•..,. ..e..a. .. --. #. •· lO ..._. .. ._ ••r•-•Mdl, • ..... alllllls4JI JbiM'd -..u...-....aa~ ... ~-7 .D¢111Maa· 1 ., .. GirroC»lllllilllo..,., --ia , .. lrJ • ht • .. -• a a =tin•., .. --., c•tflllo-Ano. •51 • •• M • ,.-. _ .. .,, ...... _.,-'' "~lila • TOTAUTARWIIBK IN "ll? old ""'' lood a--..v W<10d E-ot 111o Elllp, lor -b -, ud I !a lid ·-*' --a 1M --II IIU ,_-, Jir llodrtl T f'OI'd Md _.21111 tM7 ..ad lla'N Jl~)J ca.UJd la--laala-ott~a.lt-. "" 11> t11o -Ford ud T-. -loiU _., :.u RocbfiU.. 1 r•••••• ..-• ....._ "'Gel ou roc diet, •• •••••• • a1..,.. a. ... (lt•• ecwer e1ac1 Ud t~at~>. *~ 1111 ........... , ,_ .... -tor ....... y- a '-1 ..._--_, !Ill ud llbtrtJ ara a1 lo lllo ....... , .. lllo ... .., -llllli .,. ,.. -awoiJ lllo J --"' -lllo llnlllo, .... -,.. ·-lftNIIed,... ..... ~ ....... a.d WIMI~" ,... 1111aa alii •rca lice M 1c1r-. •-.....-enaa aws& t. Mil ..... ,. qlllltll .. ., • lllte ~ •• --.. -lo -........ -•J: ..,..., ....... t.ta:~e.-...... us sF'), IIIII or .. ~au.,.,__ jmo-.. wm • .._ • carttr'tl ..... M11111 ....... "MIIIIId nlln-.. llr 5laal allllo nrlll -· ._ 1o-.-t1-~ ...... • a.,. ....... QtrAt ,........, Ill tf ... ,.... .. &JaM - -I 11• -· ..... --rlallr, -• _,_ ... _.. __ ....... fk'W-t!:l•-.. ...... .... I -.1 I 1 ' 1 WI 'I .. IJID,. al ' 111-111 :=ll.. -•,. .... 1 u .. = .... , ............ __._ .. ~--,.,. ___ ... .._ tbink. all tiJU U & ·blllldl C/1 ~filii-PruU 5 D. I • -Wlll1al-Ill. Ott II :::::. *:.::...: ~ ~ .~l!alS "U M I IIIII .__.__, m••+ liiJ tbo•e wbo aeYer baft •· Ill PI 1 1 .. -... ;: PI ••· -1 -· . 1011 _._ -.. =·-... -, :•-n. ... c:... .. .. 1: iiii:iii :::: .............. -... -. -a tr•t ... ..-" ....... -. __ .._ ..... ,.-.. ,. .... --_, llral! I II* fL lair.,._ ,..._ _ ............. ... ==-~~-Clod for ,.._ them r:..-:J.:.e.:;; :,:.:. .,:·: :_11 •...:.•.,;::-: l:'s'J,.:,1~., .. ~-,_·,':".= __ ...... = -=-... ___ .,.,; _.... . -~~~-------... J . ------·. ·--.. --··--..-------· .. -.--.-.----..-...---~------~-·----~----_..........._........._.~ ------------------..,.---=--~ Increase the value lind .,ieasure of your home with low-cost, lil&h quality remodelln&! We at "R. B." will quote firm & surprisin&IY low prices. WANT BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN CABINETS? Our new, modem method allows us to refinish most cabinets w4th out cos tly striPpini I P AINTJNG • INTERIOR II EXTERIOR I REFINISHING KITCHEN CABINETS t .CARPENTRY REPAffiS I PLUMBING I WOOD PATIO A DOITJONS I SLIDING GLASS DOOR INSTALLATIONS r m !hrnt' who t'11iQY t\l<~p,,'ficntl Cui1int' "''J I 1111/ lr' ;nn Nn"' "I'' 11 Tu~~~~~~· dnu SawrJJI "uh J wmpl.,lt-1!· .IJRtrC'nt c••IHffiC'I menu C'\'C'f\' .... ,.,.~ nt rht· monrh -l •t •W•~~· /!f.-~Hil/1'1 _,p,., 1101 J•,.,t>o••• Ao•" NIWOOtl 8e1cll, CIIIID"HI WORLO'S LARGEST: PUT IN A BLUE HAVEN POOL OR SPA · FREE ESTIMAT E! CA L L NOW OR DRO P lt-4 . . We ' r• Clo se By And Open 7 Dan A W .. k. 12222 Harbor Blvd., Gar r , ··Grove hoto Llc:ol!tl 19~2l7 11 Yoo••'" Oro"l" Cou ··1 530·1142 871 -8020 n2-3401 or 649-5094 GIVING THEm APPROVAL of tbe new tunic tops that tbey will wear when they represent the Newport Beacb Charter Chapter of the American Business Woman's Assn. at tbe national convention In De nver, Colorado, October 16 to ZO, are, lett to right, Mr s. B. P. Kephart, president aDd woman of the year ; Mrs. Arthur Stuckey, nattonalorp.nizer and Newport member ; Mrs. L. K. Moran, secretary and delegate, and Mrs. Mona Theiss, baQQ.uet chairman and alternate delegate. SARA TRUA X AL ISON WH~LEH They study while at sea St>veral local stUdents are among the 550 aboard the s.s. Uni verse Campus, Chapman College's wor ld campus afloat. The 18,000 ton OCP.an liner de- parted Sept. 4 fr om Los Angeles tor ports In Peru, Chile. Argen- tina, Brazil, Seneg'.li, Morocco. Turke), r.reece.llalyand SpJin, ending Dec. 23 In Port Ev~r ­ gladcs, Florida. On board are: AUson Whalen, daughter of Mr . aOO M'r!". Jac-·~ Wha len, 1422 Keel Drive, Harbor View Hills, a freshma n pre-!a9.· rr.a }or. SlTa Lloyd Truax, 11:l •L•.:hter of Mrs. Ellzahelh Tnnx. 3 Twin Lakes Clrrle, Spl'tti.:tss H1H, a freshman art :na10r Dean Kew1sh, son o! W H. Kew lsh, 744 Vi:l Lir1o :-;or ,l, Lir1o £slf'. a st>nlor so•'ia l 5f'J. enr t-n1~ tor. Ii i-speLLt UiP f:Lll 1H3 semr>stcr :~t <:Eo:t J!so. Jim H. Wtn11er. son •)f Mr s. MarrE'!IJ r.raham, .!912 \\ Coaf.-1 Hw y., MJriners Mllc. J sophoa1on • art ma lOT •• t Vol•1o>n West Cvli.,!'e, lftmnn~on BeJ.ch. l.l'nr1i VJlentlne, rlaughter of Mrs. Mar~ Ann ValPn tlne, 46 Hur F·1 ntaineblt-au, ~ii!.Canyon, J iw111;r t~!i!fhi nl!" ma)Or :11 Or- Jo.,-E-CoJSt College. H .)l >~•t·t A Stoddlrr1, son o! Mr. ··~~~~ Mr s. Rkharr1Storlr1;u d, 80£ A!<l<'\);!ran Circle, Dover Sll•Jft_-s , J junior :ut major at CJJ SUit! 1·ni1·er slt y, Fuller . /()11. CJ.as;;f>.~ mt>t>t rP!tlll!lrl~-~~·hi!E' tn+-~trir· ~:-Jt ""'" <tnd extend into fid•l rf•<;;o.Jrch projects in tllf-port s oJ • all. Certain ae- thitlt-s UL e-..;r h port haYt> beN; pr earranged by the college to satisfy course requirements. ,VIsits to local universities, gal- leries, museums, markets, housing developments. soct.al institutions, governmeot of- fl ees, and b!J!'iin~ss and i ndus - trial rJp·· ·!opments are typica l or theM. Students also may enjoy llomt> stays as guests oflocaUamlUes and may arrangetotravelover- land to points of lnter~st or to rt>lol n tbe slllp at the follow- ing port . DOLPH INS TO PRESENT ANOiOR AWARDS The Rth annual silver an('hOr :twarfls luncheon of the Dol- phins, women In the Newporl lbrbor Char.1ber of Com - mere~;>, will be held Oct. 23 at Irvine Coast Country Club. Congressman Andrew Hln- sha~r.· of Haycr tost will be guest speaker . Awards, which will go to ~ ~E'V.'PQrt-r esldents Cor com - munity service, will be pre- sentt>d hy dlt manager Robert w,·nn. ·Thf-public is Invited to the lunr·heon. according to Dolphin president Pat Krone. Resern- tions nuy be made by calllng 644-8211, INFO LINE SET UP FOR SCHOOL TAX ISSUE =~= An election lnlormaUon tele- phone line has been set up by the Ne~~o'J)Ort -Mesa S<'hOOl dis - trict to answer voter s' ques- tions about Proposition Z,Supt. John \'.'. :--Jico!l announceL Any clth.en with a question regard- ing Prop. Z . .; r evenue limit In cr easE' m(>:I.:.Ur t< 'l'hll'h will be on t:1e Nov. 5 ballot, is ask~ fl) call 645-2325 Mon- da~· through Fr ida}' betweP.n fl a .m Jnd 5 p.m. & Wilson TENNIS BALLS'-iiiili ' GI RL'S FLAG FOOTBALL SCHEDUI,.ED IN C. M. The Costa Mftsa department of le isure services announces that l(irl's nag football is ready to start Girls in grades 3-8 can sttll sign 141 at one or the following school playftl'ounds between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.: Balearic, Killybrooke, ·vic. torta, Llndhergfl, CaUfornta, Paularino, Wilson, Sonora, Hlll'per, Po mona, College Put and Adams. The fee is $2 per gtr 1 aDd tbls includes a colorful Ulltform T -shirt. Games are pla yed on Saturdays at TeWlnkle scbool. 'LENN Y' TO BE STAGED AT O.C.C. NOV. 20-23 Orange Coast College-'s de- partment or theatre arts will PteSE'nt the first collegiate pro- duction of Julian Berry's drama, "Lenny," Nov . Z0 -23 ln the OCC auditorium. New display at City Hall Ladtalaw Re~y, cba.lrman ot tbe Newport Beach City Arts Commission, announces the sbow tor October ln r:tty Hall will feature the award win . ners of the recent city arts fe stival. Eve Tl'lomalson was the re- cipient of t~e ctty purchase award for her water color study ot Back Bay clit1s In late morn- ing as the S'J'l Is breaklDg through the fog . Eve Is a local girl, born a t Hoag Pospltal 21 years ago, and a graduate of local schools. Other w~nners were Gary Felgem1.ker , honor awud; J ulie Stine, B. McAlinden Kent and Winlfr., Roth, p~ores;;ional honor awards: Rernard Zal- usky, Ste lla Popowski an1 Ruth Hynds, professional juror's awards. Am:1.teur award winners were Robert Dennistoun, Jim Mer- ritt, And•'et Lingle, James Coble, and Janet HJlford. Youth awar ds wer P-won b}' K~tie T'lomas, Debra Rainwater, Theresa Gi lcrest, Grays011 Me. Ca rty, and "9arbara Cowles. Craft awards ~rf' presented to Dana Blum ~r, Whitney Ann Terrr. Winifred Rl)th, and Carlos Alberto. TRAINI~G AT ALAMEDA ~ HARIIOR EIISilN I'UIIJSHEO IWti.Y -PAGEJ 1HURSDAY, OCT. 10, lt74 00-A DEL Mil, CM.. How t o lo se a lot of w eight safely . Maybe you've been in our pharmacy and notteed all the ways there are to lose weiaht. Pills, tablets, capsules-all kinds. Most are desialltd to reduce your appetite-and thus, you. All well and good, but if you have ,_ Juious weia:ht problem, there is only one sensible thing to do. See your physician. He will prescribe a diet, taik>~ to your condition, with proper drugs and nutritive supplements to make it safe and sure. We, as pharmacists, dispense these more potent druas only at his directi'ln-a practice which exists ror one reason-to protect your health. Christensen PhcriiiCICy JOZl E.; COAST IIWT .. C080WA DEL IIAa OBlOLE J·2550 The play Is based on the Ute and words of night c lub comic Lenny Bruce and is re- stricted for mature audiences only. It focuses on those issues that brought him befor e the Supreme Court on char ges of obscenity. Christopher P McC lary, so~ ~~~~~~~~;:;~:;~~========~l of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D M ~- Clar y Jr. ol 500 E. 15th St., c urt Haven, is tak ing a weeks WE'RE SIM PLY BURSTING •.• $1.5 MILLION ORDER GIVEN TO ~B FIRM or basic military trlining at ... wUh unusual gilts and handicrafts beautl.tU.lly the Coast Guard training cton-made by your loca l talented artists especlallyforJOUI Ro c kwell International's Newport Beach plant has been a..-arded a $1,5')8.~ ·I contract, by the Navy's E k~lronlc Sys- tem; Co mm:-tnd , Congressm.tn Andrew Hinshaw . (R .Newporl Beach) aMOunces. The contrart covers work Jn advance je. velopment mldels of com- m •>~"cation security system;. tt>r, Gove-rr.J.·~nt Island, Ala -(l)meMbuy or just visit over a "UP or cotree anytime m·>da. He LS a J9j4 graduate Monday throutm Saturday 10:00 to 5:30 of~e~~t;::•;l;;c~ooL O\UJ~~1lb~ JfEW -&Ea UJLDJK G Jf\"11\ ffl. ~ng~ JITt'gular Shapt>s ~'\.l lllla ll. ~ co!:-:~ .... :-n~~-co. ~ · Ca.t.Ln<l M.,, ... t ... ,.,..J liSON•wportll-..d. LIINrtyi-IJOJ 2640 E COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR Day-in and day-out earnm)!S. WLlh mterest earned from t he first o n the funds deposited by the lOth of every mon th can make earnin~~:s up to 41 % higher. Maximum mtereJOt rates are p re- scribed by Federal authorities. but there are various methods used to compu lf> interest 5X'% --.. --. --...... -.... ___ ._, .. -..~. .. -.... ____ .. ~=.! ::-·.;: '""'"''-.......... -.. 6 ~ t .. •··~··· ·-· ,.-....... ............... ........ ,,_ ......... -.. , ... ~ ...... ·-.. -....... l"l_,_..,_ .......... _ ......... _ .. IS $10.20 'IMPORTANT? MyLOSAIQUS FEDERAL SAVINGS account earned more, $10.20 more, than in a comparable savings account in a large commercial bank. and the people at Los Angeles Federal Sav- ings c-ompu te interest in the most favorable method (or ~vers . You'll find out how every dollar earns every day when you make your opening depo!>it in your Los Angeles Federal Savin~t~ acc-ount. 7~ t•ll•~· .. ·-· t l DIO •-• ·--... ....... E\llmpl•· Ead1 mCinth wlwn II ~<a id tOur h.,u,..·h<)!d h•ll•. I put $100 •n at .. ~ AnJ:Pif'll F PI"it"ral S.vm.-.. Ps-<"hn..,k ,o\('('OUnl 5.39% 5.92% 6. 72% 6.98% 7. 79% I n !1m<mlh,;m v!l.llvlnl(,; ••Mrno.,l$.1428 'ttull 't~-4 1 ",. n~o •r>' <•r S\0 '.?0 m on-than tlw •·o>mmt<n'IAI hllnk would h!tH' 1~1<1 ·• LH "'-"" , ...... S.O.,IIfl ... _ *'<<-• <.., ft ..,,-.... ff ..., -"""' .. ll ... _, ,__. .... . c-flc~ ., 0..0.•" ...., " ... -··-........... "'""· ....... --.. "' f*<al ......,._ ·-•-tt. ,.,,.,..,, "" "" """' ~~-01 """'11 will " ........ fl .... "'' ...................... -, ........ ~ -·" HEADON'IC£-DO"Nl'O' ..,:, One Wilahi"' Buikhnt. Wil•h•"' Blvd at G,.nd I... Anp'". Calif 900t7 625 7341 or 7Anith 969\ LOS ANGELES FEDERAL A Gift From LOSANQUSFEDERALSAVINGS: lear Qotee of Tbue •oaey SaYia( ldealllob rr.. litter Bta•• alld ...._ • • • I REHEARSING for tM Newpcwt Harbor bt&b schoof drima class productioa of "Tbe etlects ol Gamraa Rays . .QO Man- In-the-Moon Marigolds" are Debbte Lowtb:, left, and Kelly McGillla. Tbe play Yill be stapd at 8 p.m. Oct. 10, lt, 12, 16, 17, 18 and191D tbe scbool's "Uttle theatre.'' The pubUc Is lDYited and tickets may be bought at the door or thro~gh drama students. The play, tbe ftrstof the season for the blgh school actors, deals Yith the pressures of pdnrty upon a fa.mlly . other cast members Include Monica Myers, Mary Orr and Janice Sloan. (NHHS photo.) ' MlirioiT MUIO• QISHIII 1IIJ IIIDAY, OCT. 10, 1174 !!'L8l:=::!D::.IE::::Ili:::~Y:....;:;-.!.P::::AII£=··---=-=::::A ·:::DlL=IIA~II,~~~ Fees for beach use? -boac• -·!>om II-boacb porldq, ... -Jud ettlel saY &dmlAloa Wbta cotta. •• llloJ Nit Calltonll'o --Woold M 11'1>17 1M - lotru? rule to laluJ eUlte tt.t-clal• Slato A ... mbl)'111&11 Robert tMY .... IPOCIII poHeo- B•t. llUt tbe ldti.Mr. Burke ltml aDd other eNb btca-p ~ btU tllr.._., lbe lellola-aolllllc poUcl .. 10 M&cb clll• tm-e tblli Jtu tblt would hue a.dd)e 1nlud tons Wltl ra~ .. bad lbe state' reimburse beach DOtUy pq)Uiatloaa aDdtMpoor? eommaues for protidlD( •·No," he atd, "t!Mrt are towt.t faeiUUes, oaly 'to -.ve places for poor people to 11M Gov. Ronald Relpn veto tb& in Newport, and certainly .m m-..ure. Mr. Batte says he Huatlagton Btac~ ... will try a pin oext year, and When be tetoed the Barb ODe of tbe chutes be mllht btu; Governor Reap.a .ad mate in his proposal would that 1t would qH!Il"' tbe Qotl- be a fee for lnla.OOers who use tlon of state subsidies Jn otber the beaches. ar .. s. Aootber chaop De Is study-Mr. Burke's bill would ban lac •ould exteod tbe state sub-the state reimburse any belch JldJ to ot~r tourist eom-etty that speDI more than 10 munWes, such as Palf'ISpriDgs per cent ot Its property tu aod Big Bear. reveoues m1klng ~ tbe dft- Tbe Huottngton Beach u. terence betwoto beach income semblymu lashed out at the and costs. promoters and supporters of "I eq:~ect to sUck to that tbe 19'72 coastUne lniUative, same formula wbeo I lntro- Proposltioo ZO, chargtog "if duce the b111 aptn nert year," the beaches really are otstate. he told the Ensign. Wide Joterest aJid otllers leU HUMMEL BACK us how to tase them, then they should beJp foot the bill." fROM 0 C MEET He said state control of the • • beacbes would not solve the Nny Reserve Captaio Paul SUSAN CROLEE, 1 jllll9f at Costa Ilea hf&' .ebOOl; tau reeetved tbe tttlrd aimtal ''Cudyltrtper ol tbe year" award at Coati. Mea memorial hospital. Sbe bu Yolunteered over 400 hours stDCe j0ln1ng the Caodystrtpers ln April, 197S. Daupter or Mr, and Mrs. DaYid Crouae of Costa Mesa, Susu Is an hoaor roll student, a member of tbe junior nrsity Yolle,Wll andbutttblllteams, aM active in the Girl Scouts ot America. Her future plans Inc Jude paramedic tratntnc and a nurstog career. Church News problem. "H~mtington Beach Hummel of Corona del Mar has mostly state beaches," he has returned from a week 1D noted, "but still must locally Wasllington, D. C., when he foot the btU for pollee ser. represented the 11thNaYI.IDts-• Fl&o"T BAPTIST CHURCH ences are Job 2!:23 and Deu- vices, street maintenance off~ trict of theNavalReserveAisn. OF COOT A MESA, 301 Ma g-eronomy 8:18. State Senator Dennis Car-Hwy. bridge across Newport ' at the 21st aMual national coo-noua St. at Suta Ana Ave. --• A new color fllm, ''A penter of East Bluff says he Bay. GEER TO BE AT ventlon. . Dr. James Combs' 9:45a.m. In the rtigbt,'' will be shOWo Bridge speed-up asked ltas asll:e1 t!le State Hlgflway "I have asked them to con-Speakers Included J . WUUam Bible class this Sunday will John Smith's Bible class at Commission to try to speed slder what delays wfll do to BARBARO PICNIC Middendorf, secretary of the consider "Foxholes and birds 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In Plymouth ·up p1ans for replactnctheCout tbe already increased traffic S~rters of state Senate Navy; Admiral James L. Hollo-nests," from the 8th chapter Congregational C!lurcb, 3262 aDd safety condiUons as well caodldate frank BartaroofCo. w1y Ul, c!Uef of naval opera-ot Matthew. At 1l a.m. he Wm Broad St., Newport Helgtits. as the additional cost of coo-sta Mesa wUI throw a fund-tlons; Joseph T. McCullen, as-preach on "Faftb for mountain The Bible prophecy fUm ShOWs struction which ,t~as already raising family picnic for their sistant secretary of the Navy; movers," the 3rd In a series or what can happen when JesQI been locreasing, Sen. Car -candidate trom 1 1 5 Raymond S. Webster, assistant messages on ''7 secrets of Christ returns. The story eeo- penter •-'·!ned In 1 11 o p.m. senetary of defense·, Vice Ad-splrlttal power :•• The 7 p.m. ters aroUilf1 Patty, an uerace . ........ a e er this Saturday at the O'Neill irl received tills week by Newport Ranch east of San Juan C~p-mira! Pierre N. Charbonnet, prophecy and revelation rally g caught up 1D Uvlng for Mayor Donald Mcinnis. tstrano chief ofNavaiReserve,andV(ce wtu feature a ftlm, "There-the present. The ,mayor sougflt Mr . Car-The Ptcnic, open to tht> pub-Admiral Oavfd H. Bagley, clllef turn,'' tollowtng Pastor Combs' • Fr~ aiM! the Pl4)pet Tree penter s heJp In getting stale lie wilt feature actor Will of Naval persoonel. propbetlc address on the same Gang from Channel 40 Yillpre- higtlway planners to speed ~ G~r performing as Mark Among theresolutlonspassed topic. :eot the 2nd anoual ~hlldreo'l! the scheduled construction of Twain, and will Include food, was one to encourage aod S\11~ • LUTHERAN CHURCH OF estlnl at Newport-Mesa Gable 6 H~~Tiou· a 6-lane bridge to replaN• the entertainment games and bur port all necessary measure!~' THE MASTER, 2900 Pactfic Ctu"lstlan Center, 148 E. Z2nd "CHIN A SEAS'' present span, The present ro races • • -to Insure that the United States View Dr., Harbor View Hills St., Costa Mesa. The restlnl, NOSTALGIA FILM FESTIVAL ENDS TONIGHT .tllfd G~~Tiand. Kelly s~hedule calls for building the An ad~isslon char .. of $lO wtu continue to matntaJ.n Its -· "Rich man, poor mao" wUI for children in flrst tbrouctt "POR ME AND ,\1¥ ~•• "'" brlrt~ 1n 197?. per adult and $3 lor children full sovereign rights, authority, be the sermon toptc of .Pastor 6th grades, witl be held Oct. c:ontrol, operaHon a.od defense Larry Fruhllng at 10:30 a.m. 14-18 trom 7 to 8 p.m. Prizes lfj~if,~~;.;,~~~· GERMAN OCTOBERFEST will raise tuods for the Demo-of the Panama Canal aod Cana.l Sunday. Four flmiUes will be wltl bt glvenforchtldrenbrlng-crat's r..ampafgn to unseat 36th Zoae. received tnto c.hurct: membW~ ing the most vtsltors between SET AT PARK NEWPORT district Senator Dennis Car. CapWn Hummel was re-sblp. A stewardship committee the llges o16 and 12, lind Gahir&, MacDonald "SAN FRANCISCO" A t!1.ditiooal German Octo-penter of East Fluff, a R"'-e lected at the l'Oovention to meetint wtll bt helrt at 7:30 • An "Omega" rtigtlt wtll be bertest has been planned for publican. serve a st>coDd year as pres!-p.m. Oct. 15 In Wessell hall. held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct.1~~~~~~~~~!~ plus Thr ,\4arx B ros.. Park Newport residents and RAGTIME MUSIC dent of the lith Naval District • HARBOR TRINITY BAP-20, at PrlDce otPea.te !..utberaA NIGHT AT THE gt.ests from 8 p.m. until mlrt. FOR of the Naval Reserve Assn, TIST CHURCH, 1230 Saker St., Church, Z98? Mesa Ver<fe '7:f."s-:~T.rfllf.~::J night this Friday, Oct. ll, at OCT. 16TH MEETING Locallr he serves as president Costa Mesa •• Chapter 14 of Drive, Costa Mesa, for the ~ll tbe Spa. Musical entertainment Scott Joplin 1.nd his ragtime of the Coron.l del Mar Civic 1 Co rinthians ... Ill be the topic ~>ale of boods. The-t\mds re-p:::~~~~~:;:,:;: _11 ,•~11:1~ !;fea:ture polka s anti folk m·Jsic will be the prognm Assn, tor the 8:30, lla.m. and 6p.m, cPived will go toward remodel· as well as ro'-'k and them ~ when the Harbor Vtew PARK "'EWPOn"" FORU"~ S~y services. Tile pastor's ing the all-p~e parish .ha.;;l;..l.f...- . swing. A special beer dr inking Hills Ptdlharm.Jn1C Committee ., "'r' "'"' c~ss 'tor children wtll ag1n ,yD tAA ~on.,Uuetl9n ot.rt n . ~~=-===~=;:::::• :.'·~·~~·.st will be held at 10:30 of the Orange Coast County SCHEDULED ocr. tllllf· at St p:m, tt'.is Sunday It the laD~~~r~~, • IC(IOf . o~;l 1•J ! p.m. Ph.ilharmonic Society meets Gordon West, admiltlltrator Jounge. The cbla'ch quarterly • Navy sabballt .i74 .wUI be ... _. Oct. 16. Mr s. Jim Rubel, 141Z or Park Newport }partments, btJstDess meetittg will be held observed Oc.t Jl -13 with thl!l t ' Sandcastle will welcome m:m· will spp,ak at the round table at 7p.m. Oct.l6. theme, "Pet~e·fls a shared Ci/11: f bers and guests to a pre.meE>t -forum at Park Newport, .. THE NEWPORT HARBOR last,•· according" to Capt. Paul lng coffee. Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCI-Hummel of Corooa del Mar, '~ HAL/_OWEF.N GHOSTS t The Scoct Joplin theme will p.m.1ntheSpamulU-useroom. ENCE 541 Center St Costa president of the 11th Nan! ~ and PUMPKIN CERAMI CS be pres~nted by Larry WhJt. He .. 111 comment and answer Mesa ' .. '·Enthusiasm ·~orks'' District of the NaYal Reserve son, pianist. Co-hostessing for questions perWning to apart-wUI be the sermon topic of Assn. Purpose of tbe observ- -Plus· 1:/Km-r'llf.. Botb Color and P.G. ' Chiltlren's Valf!ls, SJools, Slalu, Rag Do1ls, the m•Jetlng arf' Mrs. John men! rr.anagement. the Rev, Eleanor Jat kson for ance is to seek 9Pirltua1 s~- Ooll Cradles and Woodu Toys. '?Jiilts. Shawls. t Durkee aud Mrs. Donald Yahn. STING STARS AT SHOW the 11 a.m. suo&a.y Sf'rvice. port for members of the Navy- Table clothes, PiJiou.s, 4prons, Hats s-Pursvs. A church cbolr has heen or Marlne Corps team and their t Handmade. Stuff•.J anJ,,als f71i) Co mplrtel, wa•hab/,. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Surprise visitors at the Eric ganh:ed by Paul TDommen-famllles. -;iiiiiiiiiii t A skew art exhibit noo.r on dis • I · 1J aby u andlerut fiweaters, Shawls .o;. Rootiu. t:SED BICYCLES -~ all makes plal' at Well ~a' Ba k 1• former soloist and musician. • The 4 concregatlona: of and m011els. Service a.nt1 rE>-coSta Mesa ~e'r/~tors nPau~ • THE NEWPORT UNITY Jehovah's Wltoesses tn the c 0• t cS/Ja'l'lOW 1 Perch "--:;.::mn:.::;::•""-pairs. Trade-ins. Beach rru. Newman a~ Roher! Redford CHURCH, 15th St. and lrvtne sta Mesa area will jOio z other r 2426 NIWPOIT aLVD. t lsers. Motocross equipment. stars of Oscar awarJ wlnnln( Ave., CUff Haven --The Rev. Orange Count)· COillfeptloas Recycled Cp::les, 6450 W. '·Sting .. Th dls Ia f Sune Richards will preacb at this weekend. Oct. 12 aDd u COSTA MISA a Allllll• Rao:w 64 2-1640 Coast Hwy ., N.B . 645 -8288 the As.kew ~lnt~s ~f :'tur~s 10 a .rr.. Sunday oo "Prosperity for a Bible cooventtoo at t,_; ~ ~ mer -eq:~ressed." Scr.lpture refer. Assembly Hall to Norco, CalU. Nloe Costa Meamemberabave Johnson & Son • • • your "Golden Touch"o~cdealer • • • .!!n~o~w~h:.:::a~s~t!;,!h~e::.....!:c;!:::a!;...r you "GOLDEN TO UCH" 11ew e ue are roed te•ted & e:Jperlly !lervi e ed must see to believe. for uo•bh free drivlas. • PRICED FROM ONlY $4106~ CHOOSE THE OPTIONS YOU WANT! &son -- ' --... ---- I been assigned lalks. Approzl- mately 1,000 Jebonb'J Wit- nesses will assembly each day to hear 19 Blble·be!ted talts on the tl'leme, ·• W't.at 10rt of persons ougbt you to be?" MRS. MARY ANDERSON OF C.M. DIES AT AGG 56 , Private family serYices were ' . beld ttiisweekforllaryPatrtcta l Andersoo., 56, woo died Oct. G I at her home at 2376 Newport BIYd., Costa Mga. She ls SurviYtd bJ her b.ua. ba.Dd, .Jobn, son Ntal McMillan, clauelllor Pat J.-. uc1 s crandchlldren, all of C08b. Mesa . Sbe was a Masaacbosetts na- tive aDd bad Uved bere for the past z.t wu --.... ........ ,.... .... ·--1 & btiii ........ ICliBPU·· 7:00 6 9:00 Keep cool with CANVAS AWNINGS Don't let the sun spoil ~~ patio tun. Shade with co69rfUI canhs tor cool comfdtt. Call or come b.'l' il..,.." estlniatu-nrL,II. " , ... ,..,. 2202 SOUTH MAIH 56M1 I ({,(~ I I 0 I ~· ~ I I .. I I ' . • • •• I ·~:: .r • :,T~..:,~ .. Mrs. ~ ' y •• ....,., ·aoa aoJee ._.... llro. Coorp c-.._ AloiYW.., Bor··llt. ud lito. E4ward Do~ 1100 Polorooo Wof. t 54-B,C--. Aid Kra. ca. • IVICDAY, SEPT. 15 ao-, 101-1/1 -lllroot, ao, •• llt. Uld "'"· Harold . Wtlt Nnport. RoN•'O', lMO Wallace, II, atrJ •• IIt. ud llro. llo.rtla c--· Tarlor, 1151 ar..llrlu,Co.ta • IIOif'DAY, SEPT. 18 ..... loJ--II.r. ud l(ra. Jam• Gtrl--Mr. ud Mn. luaM McCnet., Z20 Afocado st., UcCuMll, Ill 18111 Sb'OII, C-Uoa. Wtlt Mewport. BoJ-.. Mr. aDd Mu. Rlcbltd • TVISOAY, IEPT. 10 Kothlitr, SOl t.lft Lut, CoMa Girl--Yr. ud Mrl. Robtrt ~ ... BKcl, 1162: Tut1D. ... ,_., Tti&SDAY, SEPT. 17 Well Upper Boy. ao, .. llt. Uld Uro. Guy • WEORESDAt, S!PT. 11 GQmoa., SOOt Carob St., Eut BoT--lit. Uld Uro. TliDotiiJ' Blall. E~:leJ, .uo...a &:1Mr~C~Dt lfn-Glrl--Mr. ux1 Mu. Tabkuo.l port Beacb. RoDda, Zl? E. Zotb Strttt, Co- BoJ--Mr. lDd Mu. Robert .ta Mta. Bulster, 1859 Port Marptt, • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18 Harbor vt ... Bocnt1. Glri--Mr. aDd Mra. wuuam • THURSDAY, SEPT. U , TaySor, 152 W. Zotb Street, Boy--Mr. Ud Mn. JeflrQ' Colt& Mta. Paul, 581 Part Orin, Cotta Boy--Mr. aDd Mu. Tbomas Meu.. Hammond, 2822 VIsta Drive, Glrl--Mr. aDd Mra. Lorea· BaySborta. MollDtr, 713 Ceattr Street, Co-Boy--llr. aDd Mrs. Herbert ata Me•. · Nakuooe, 19491 Sierra Laeo Girl--14r. ud lin. Curtll Rd.,lrYSM. AdelmUDd 338 Santa. tsabtl · Gt.rl--Mr. &00 Mrs.ltlcbael Colta U~ '. UeCartltl.. 1~80-CCarawayDr ., Boy--Mr. ud Kn. ArDOld Colta Me11.. Dl Ctocelo, '1485% Yueea Afe-Boy --Ur. &00 Mrs. stevec noe, lrYlDe. Smttb, 180 21st st., Apt. F., Boy--llr. aod Mrs. DMnia Costa Utsa. Moses 568 Wilson, Apl A Bpy--Mr. and Mrs. Jolln Costa Mesa. ·• Tuttle, 1136 Somerset L.n., 1• FRIDAY, SEPT. 13 ~eatcutf, Gtri--IJr. and Mrs. Mtebael THURSDAY, SEPT. 19 Barreru, 109-C Valeocta Dr., Boy--Mr · llJld Mrs. Richard Costa Mesa. Dorman, 1% Pauma Lane, New- Boy--Yr. udMrs. Laneoee port Beach. Harrison, 615 Irts Coroaa del Boy--Mr . .00 Mrs. Robert Mar. ' MeDulel, 1854 Port Kimberly, • Gtrl--Ur. aDd Mrs. Cb.ri.Jt-Harbor VIew Homes . 1710 MIWPOIT opber Jooes, 312-1/Z Newport Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Charles I I COSTA IIISA Blvd., Newport Hel&!lll. Perry, 1215 NotUDJt>am Rd., 646-t•J Boy--Mr. &Dd W:rs. Bruce Wellcutf. ~~~~~~~~~~~M~o.r~llla~ll,~Z73~Br=eo:tw:OOd:,~Co-., FRIDAY, SEPT. ZO sta Mesa. Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Arook1 Kautrna..n, 1 '130 Port Barmouth Pl., Harbor '/lew Homes. Plymoulh Congregalional Church of Newporl Harbor Boy--Mr. a.od Mrs. Richard MarUn, 6Z01 Sierra Siena , lr- Yioe: Girl--Mr. a.od Mrs. Allen A Fru and lnd~pendenl CongrtgatioMI Olrilti4n Onuch Hlldt, U52 LlDdstrom, lnlne. TH E REV . JOHN A. LINDVALL, Minister • SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 Boy--Mr. aDd Mrs. George Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m . Htu, 1979 Port Lo!tsleigfl, Bible Study: 9 a.m . and 7 p.m. Church School 10 a.m. Harbor VIew aomes. Clrl--Mr. and Mra. Carl 3262 BROAD STREET, NEWPORT HEIGHTS Buller, IOU Port t.oculelgll, Nursery care provtded Phone: 642-2740 Harbor View Homes. ~=:;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;::::==:T======;:;:;;;:;=:::::;r:; • SUNDAY SEPT. 22 r -~'11 !loy--ltt:1'~" Yrii. Nadt Highway House of Prayer 2411 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR LOWER LEVEL -REAR INT£RD£NOMINATIONAL. FULL GOSPEL liUNDAV SCHOOL: 1:415 -WORallP SERVICE: 11:00 EVANGELITISTIC SERVICE: 1:00 P.M. SUNDAY PAAVEA AND BIBLE STUDY; 7:30P.M. WEONEIOAY WILLIAM T. KROAH, PASTOR PHONE: 642-8762 Or._, 1008 coolldco. 120. COita Uta. TOASTMASTERS CLUB IS AWAROEO CHARTER The Toutmuters Club of Newport Center was chartered last WMt. Tbe club wm meet eacb Moodly moraln( at 7 in Coco's restaurant, Newport Ceoter. Charter members are Terry Dllbtrt, Pete loman, Johc Suds, Dlek Holmgrec, Betty McDoaaki, Don Hllli&rd, Tom Walley, Ray Fernstrom, aDd Roat Cwtoo. Rou de GraveUts of Coroaa ':==========;-;:::========~ del Mar, ar• ptrDOI' o1 r I T-..utoro lateraatlonal, We invite you to worship LUTHERN CHURCH OF THE MASTER PlRS'r CHIJilOI OF OIIUST, saENTIST 1)03 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SOfOOL 2900 hc:if"te Vw:"W Dr. 9 a 10: ao .. •. Corona del Mlr. Calir. ·SUNDAY SERVICES LAWRENCE D. FRUIIUNG 9 a 10:10 .. •· Put or -Phone 644-2664 WWNESDAY EVENING SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES MEmNG lp.-. All A3ts: 9:tS.to IO:U a..m . READING R()()M Worship Hour -10:30 a.m. 11(eek days: 9 •·•· · S P.•· Nursery and Coffee Hour Wed.etday: 9 a.m.· 7c45 p.m. I '----------.J ,._,., ...S Friday• 9 _L ... • S p.m.; 7·9 p.m. SECOND CHtJllOI OP anu.n. sammST Newpon._llac ea.-.w- 3100hd&c Vlow Dr. SUNDAY IOIOOL 10 a.a. SUNDAYSB&VICB lOa.a .-uDAY IIYBHING ....•. , ..... , ..... IIOOo...C. c. ... ..,. 1.1-.o••M•.-.... Moa..-Prt..: ro ...... ' ,. .. .... ..,......._.,,_ .. . ltt.J1t ........ .... v ... a.· a, ..... .. ·l-..1 tJ.do-... ...... ~ ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY GRACE BilLE CIRJJlCH Ytterua' Uo,_lal BJdl . S6S W. 18th, Colla W.. REV. TOM TYREE, ... or SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:30A.M.A7:00P.M. SWiday Scbool, oD -· 9:30 HOME BIBLE CLASSES : CoD 5 52-0092 .,.eachina &ibM Doetrtne• ' Jol* ltftnl members ot otber Toutmuten Clubs lD tbe ar• ill cbarteriD( the oew clab. .. .u,.... ..... ""'" lo jolo may lbow .., for ooe ot our m ttt1Jlp « may ea U me at 918-5155 for iaformatioo." says Mr. Gruellts. TRAVB. PHOTOGRAPHY LECTURE Q.ASS AT OCC Orup Cc:ut EYeniDg Cot. Jep Is otrertnr a 4-puttecture aertea oa tra•et &Dd holld:ay pboCocrapby oo Frtdl.ys from 1:30 to 9:30 p.m., whleb began Oet. 4. Admluloa II fret &Dd tiM iectlll"tt ue bekl La OCC's Seleoct Lecture z. . s.rt .. lecturer is Rear Ad- miral aq,b S. Gurt.oa. u.s. NaYJ (ret.~ a.a acUYe tnnl- ---sloce tlleeuly t UO'a. He reeeDUJ completed 2 lrlPO ................ ld ... bu lDIM I ea:arlioM to the Orlool to 1M put I J•ro. &to -..... mllltntodwtth Ilia lraftl 11114H. DICX DAY WILL TALK AT OCT. 16 MI!ETIHG E I.C.E L.~'< ' '• · ~f · ·• Cbrlltlu Wo&ea'l Cllllb ot Newport Booeh wtll -1o< hmc...,. at ll:t5 &.rll. WedDH- ~ I t • DE ~ '.J .:. ;..· ~ ~ • , t ~ :. . .. ~ , daJ, Oct. 16, at lllo Alrportol' Ju. 1ST THRU 3ltD GltADP t Phoal ca o lclenu e ........ Dick Day, a rHideat ol Mew- port Beacb aDd a stafl' mt~mber o! tbe J. C. LieN &Dd Power- bouse, wtu ~. Me has tn- Yeled 1n Europe, EncJand and Mexico teacblnc Btble c.lasses, speattnc and counseling college age YOI&nl people. 1 Socl al Otowlb o,., ••• •Aa••l-J o Creati u Arte o licit L•ocb tt o Number Coaeepll o Trll.aad Staff o Staco Llcon .. d 1675-40111 HOURS 1:00 • 6; JO 'ftll & .,,,..n,. COIOIIIII '"' .... , A banest time tbemo wm be carried out with a tall fashioo show presented by LIIAud.reJ'S Recycled Rap of Corona del Mar. Betb and Jim WIIUama wUI proYlde the mllSieal enter - talllmtat. ASK ABOUT OUR APTER·SCHOOL PROGRAM BUS PICK-UP PROM COlO~ A OI!L MAR ••mea WITCH 18 WHICH?--Tbecrossold witch, ''Dtt'ler, •· (at left), portrayed by Mn. B. J . SkllUJll of Dover Shor es, 11 trytac to trlptn tM KlDc-turDed -lnto-a-mouse, played by Ua.rcta Martyo of Harbor' VIew R1lls, with tile tlfl ln of &DOtber wttc.b, "Snlttle," at rtgbt, played bY Sorrell Wayne of Dcwer Sborts Ia the Children's Theater Guild production ot "Tbe dlnnchanted witch," which wtll be prese~~ted at Z p.m. Sahaday, Oct. 19, at Eastblutf school aDd at 1.0 a.m. at A.Dderaen school. In actual production, Mrs. Martyn ts stace manapr and Mrs. SkilllDg takes the part of the witch, Haggle. (Ens.tgn photo.) ABOARD ENTERPRISE OIL PAINTINGS CLUHED I. REPAIRED A./so GET YOUR PENNY IN · TO CIRCULATION AND SAVE, AT COlT For 30 doubl•·nhu deyt, -will ~ your ~ ...,.__. CH btenket for jut't-.,.,....,. ....or• lw•th • 1215 minimum drapery- delni"' CH-I.., Include: ,._ Cuittom •• RMctvmect.•..-..... herd-••. eh.,Mtom, ~ proofi~ pro- f-ionel remcwe~ • rlllntt-'letlon, ._,. encec:letm. NaYy machinist's mate first class Jobn H. Edmiston, SOil of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edmiston of 2424 Lesparre Way, Costa Mesa, has lett Alameda aboard the auclear-powered aircraft carrier l.GS Eaterprlse oo a deploymeot to the Westera Pa- c illc. The Enterprise will op- erate from Sublc Bay, Republic ot the Phl.Uppines, as a unit of the U.S, Se1enth Fleet. OIUGIMAL WUTEIIM ~ llt,UUJU: Art .. , A, Kelch OFFER 6'00DOCT Jll TJIR U OCT JJH. IY7-I A PlftftY CliAftJ YOUR BIDJftRIAD 01 BlAftHIT ALBERT R. KELCH Art & Restoration 673-9383 lt •WQIILD'S &.A"'GIEST f_.C&.USIVIE GUAitAHnED DlfAH.Y u•vfCI• 3800 E. Coost Hi~w01 Corona del Mar ColT drap•ry cll!an•rs and •••'•"c• 540-1366 1701 Newport 642-0270 llvd ot 17th St. Cotto M.la I.AOIO OIV-"1CH(0 ttvc.-~ {'1\ J J 431-0445 MARINERS SYOU '10 TAKE HOME AGVN BoatWorb Boot building was ot one time a booming business In Newport, especially during World War II. But with the property values rising out of sight. few boot builders remain near the waterfront. The loot Works pictured here ore owned by o German man, who "toblished his business in 1936 building custom yochta. Morinen Sovings Is the oldest s-avings and loon In the Harbor Area. For more thon 20 yean we hove provided our community with support for growth and poyed conslstentty high interest. COME TO MARINERS WE'RE YOUR ONLY HOMETOWN SAVINGS AND LOAN. .BEACH Because of popular demand. we ore offering FREE exclusive prints of original illustrations depleting Newport Londmarks old ond new. These are illustrations never before offered I Visit us today ond receive your own beoutifuf I I" x 14" prints ond ot the some time open o high interest savings account. ·~ EJeEAN FREJNT This triangular building, located neor the Newport Pier on Mc::Fodden . has been standing since the tum of the century. Its facade has changed mony times, but it ond the rest of the oceonfront business district ore 10me of the few places in Newport to withstand "progress." Progress con be unnecessary sometlm ... But wiN planning ond good dec:ialona olwayo prove to be beneflclol. At Mariners, we speclollr:• In giving you o ploco to plan profitably IO< the future. fOUiiDED 1953 Newport Harbor was at one time o commercial fishing port, but Ita popularity as a recreation ond resort a reo now ottrocts millions oi tourists every year. The Harbor boosts more than 9 ,OC!p pleosurecraft and the waiting list for boot mooringa is reported to be more than 6 years long. There's no need to woit in line to receive the most for your savings dol lor. Mariners Sovlnga Is paying the highest int-.es!,POisi~e . Open an occount tocitv I HarborSCEM --.,_, .... 2;.; 1 -· = Restaurants often become londmarkt. New-port leach Is o carnival of unique rMtouronts and me Crab Cooker It no exception. Unlqu.neas meona on•of-o-klnd. MorlMro knowo thot your~ ore unique. We ewe proud of our lndivlduol, frieNIIy --..tee. It ........ ' . tovlng 0 pM .... MARINERS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • • WARM-UP SUIT SAL Orientation Oct. 15 for new provisionals _,......,, -II, will 11o -C-at I 'II lullato ....... ., ··--II., c.. ... --··---lo "-llor "1M --. -~~~ .. --CIIIDII Dttsec C..._ al Ot·. tor of U. C ... , WWtJIP)U8 .... C..,. lllo..,.kllolor-brtMC- 1'11o1 wiU ..-atlla>bor tor lor •-117 -bOd KQ.-*'>, 1• !. IIIII eblldrM II ~ C-. J. It,, COlla ..... , at 10:10 LID. toar rJl tbe fac:.lltttel ot t!tt Tbey w111 be ll"ll&td bf Mrs. c-. wtlll:tUOW, Uli tan tbe Jou Millar, pro.t-t IIAI'ft-p.....s-t. wiD bo -~~~at 101', ADd Mrs. u..,.., F•· a l.eblolt "*" 11.11: ,..,.., ber, IMiftblr-cbl.trmaa, prorisloaall at lbt home at tbty proe.S to tbe Clllld Gaf. Mrs. WUJard Moeher. Thtr wW be p-tetld bJ llrs. Johll L I GAL MOnet p . Wrtpt, pr..-of P.arbor FICTIT10l6 Bl61NESS NAME KtJ, ud members of the board STATEMENT of 41reetors. Tbe tolkmnl' periOD Js dotal' Pro'risioM!s muat fulftll bolaJDeu 18: Tbt AbiUtles E•-W'll'k bour requtremeots lD tbe loa C ~ 901 So ant a moaths lD order to be-D&U .... '", • Dot'er, K . B. ~: Gloria Kaq,b, :m: repJar members o1Har- 19QO D1ua Lo., M. B., CaUl. r ey, , HMO. SURFING FILM AT COM IRIC ASitiW WITM HIS PAINTING, "THI LAST. SUP'I"U" by;1s ~·m:~ueted ='": .. ==8~ COWBOYS, INDIANS ALL GOOD GUYS This statemeat ns ftled w'lttl eDdles& summer," at '1 p.m. UDtU be came to America trlct ud l''tlla: Far.... into "Tbe bafllio wu tztremeb' the Couaty Clerk of DriDge Oct. 15 in tbe school's Httle ' •- Col&ty OD Oet. 4, 19'74. theatre. DooaUon Is $1, or· 5~ Eric Askew belleTed ~ spouorq a eoatest U..t re~ Important to tile IDcllu," he ex~ PabUJb: Oct. 10, 1 '7, 24, 31, with ASB card movtes about cowbOys I.Dd -wards ·ltui:IIDI.s tor leuDlng plains. "He ate its meat, Wild 19'74, 1n the Newport Harbor · diana. But, once he teamed about the old west. ~·-Its hide tor clottiJJ:tc &Del~ • ---~ • We .Jao cllny LADY MAHifATTioH IJLOUSBS Collar 'n Cuff -~ ........... -.. Enstp. F~37"1'74 LEGAL NOTICE that Hollywood had been pal-essays about the old west. Draw aecessiUes, used its boDes for Hne tlfs tee, be deel.ded to patot Ulp aocl essays about the eow-utensils aDd decoratlou --DO· liGAL NOTICE FICTITIOW Bf.51NESS' NAME a true picture of tbe old west. boys of tbe 18@0s •w1ll earn thlnC was wasted. But, tbe white "'--~-...;.""!!Ill FICTmOt5 BlBINESS NAME STATEMENT That's wtat he's been doing first prius ol $10 each tor the man came aDd destroyed the · STATEMENT The following person Is doing for the past 25 years or so. best sabmlssiODI. ADd the tlds buftalo herds, Mj palnt1nr re- The tollowtne person tsdolDg business as: BI.Iboa Canvas Mr. Askew, naUve New Zea-and their teachers are Invited presenta the last buffalo, a.ad DON'T SMOKE FAI~MlfRS NON-SMOKER POLICY will insure your life for a lot less money. buSiness as E1's Bar II Grill, Shop, 224-1/2 21st St., New-lander, who oow Uves 1D Santa to stop by, loot at Mr. Askew's the splrltaal angullh of tbe ln- 409 28th Street, Newport Beach: port Beach, Ca. 92660: H. Paul Ana Heights, has become ooe wort, aDd pick ~-a frte book~ dian over the ·destrooUon ot Ralph Eldred Freocb, '746 Tus-Norman, 513 Bolsa Ave., New-of America's top western ar-let about western htstbry. the herds. I got tbe ld• for ti.D AY., Newport Beach. port Beach, Ca. 92660. ttsts. He specializes 1D Indi-Ertc Askew got Interested tt-e work when I was YisltJ.nc Tills busiPess ts coaducted Tbis business Is conducted ans, horses, aad cowboys. In the American west the same John Wayne's ::.Orne here a.ad CLAIIol YOUR REWARD AT . by an lDdlridual. by an lndtvtdual. Signed: H. His work Is on display this way as alp~ost every!xxty else studying sorre ot hls bronzes Slped: R. E. French. Paul Norman. month at Wells Farco ba.nt In tbe world. He watched Hoi-of cowboy aod IDdlan life." This atatemea.t wu ftledwlth This statement was rlledwlth on 17t~ St. 1D Costa Mesa. lywood movies as a ti11n New "The Last S~r" ts part the Couaty Clerk of Orange the County Clerk of Orange The shOwing promotes Eric's Zealand, of the Wells Farco display. RABBITT INSURANCE Costa County on Oct. 4, 1974. County on Oct. '7, 19'74. latest effort to be., Americans "I was fa.selna.ted by the cow-Eric began bts art trtinlnr Pabllstl: Oct. 10, 1'7, 24, 31, PubUsh: Oet. 10, 17, 24, 31 , learn sometlllng about tbelr boy and Indian thing," here-at 13, when his mother sent t11 the Newport Harbor 1974, In the Newport Harbor He has talked calls, ''and I yearned to vls1t him to art school In New lea- F Ensign. F -37807 tcbool dis-American to see the west for laod to try to take his mlDd Garden Plants-Pots N' Things. Home or office consulta· tions on plant decorating services at no charge-so much more th an just a plant shop. cannelll Chlllln II you don 't shop at Can· neil & Chaffin in Design Plaza ; where do you shop lor line lurnishings , exquisite antiques, acces· series and the finest in inte rior design? • - consolldalld RU1JdUCIIOns The latest in reproduclior. and reduction processes including brown lines, se· pias. vellums and myiars. Complete xerography serv- ice. drafting lurniture and accessories plus pi ck·UP and delivery. Muldoon's (Soon to open) -Conviv- iality -affectionately comforting, the kind you want when you're tired, thirsty, hungry. miserable or sick . Lunch 11 ·3, Dinner 5·11 . Sunday Brunch 11 ·3. Beautiful 19th century landscapes ; the finest seleclion of the current French lmpressionl,te, largest selection cf prints Dlttlnctlve t~e~~~ns In eye-In Orange County. The ware. f'lmnlll personalized latest In Dorothy KetiiMidy tervlee ttac:e 1107. Aller watercolor•. Contfnaoat teliCCIDI yoar ·rramea, 8lllllblttona of the great yoar .lante1 ... paftd, and aoon to be areal ltted and _.....by oar artltll of tOj!ay. CultOm ;DIIItln / Plaza TriUal The personalized travel agency !hat allows you to design yout own travel plans -pleasure or busi· ness ; group or individual. There is no service charge and there is free delivery . An open Invitation to vi ew our collection of Old Mas· ter Paintings. On display ; lhe works of William Keith, C. Halsoe, Johann Berthelson Wenzel!. Os e Kunath .. and Richa rd Peterson. Paintings are investment quality and in demand by colleclors world wide. Third floor, 230 Newport Center Drive. suite 302. ... A gourmet's array of ac· cessorles lor_ll!e _cu!Joary arts. Antique kitchenware, rare wines and dellghlful cookbooks. Skillets Is p!DIICIIO Offer CUJJnary Acadernv, • rill of Ina Cl.attet enllance your abllltilll. AUI'IIIalllll IV lnl eriors-For Home or Ollice 64HI20 or 644·6121 EIIGBI 1nnma Cioc k s/ Ba rome! ers/Cnro- nometers/Mirrors. Alan W. McKae & Company, a unique gallery of time pieces in limeiess good taste from the tmpired workshops of Molyneux- Chelsea -Peter F. Boilen- back -Alan W. McKae & Company. -expert 1 s rr••. rnpn~ng. ------------~. --~-. myself." off welghtllftiag. He got inter- His prowess as a welghtllf-ested 1D art, but didn't Jose ter first brought him to Amer-an 1Dterest 1D welgbtliftinc. tea. A self-described physical His ·murals decorate tbe fitness nut, Mr. J. skew, now ting. His murals decorate the 56 years okl, still rtms 2 miles welgbtuftlDg hall 0: fame lD 3 Urnes a week and sticks York. Last year, he bullt a to a strfct vegetarian diet. In 20-foot musclemu statue for his younger days, at 132 lbs. a Costa Mesa fitness om. (he still weighs the same). he His art tlaekground. also bt- coukl lltt 400 polmds. Some of c ludes a year spent 1D Tahltt his world records stood for tn 1940. Some of his nudes got years. He carr.e to the world In Esquire magazine. championships In York, Pa., Now, Ills western P;!lint.iqs Ln 1947. are bought by people llke Bar- " I traveled around New York ry Goldwater, Nonald Reagan, for about a year," be remem-Roy Rogers, Jtm Arness and hers, "and then west IC> to Lorne Greene. Canada for a oo\C)le of years But, be's )Ust as enthuslas- before I decided J!.mertca ~ Uc about tbe eoli:est for Ute place I r•nrwantedtollve. kids, IDd L§ deYOtinc a My Ylte aM 1 toor¥d tbt ebun.t time 'to ·ttM eOmptdtioo; try, Yl.stUnr 48 states. We de-eods Oet. 18. e lded oo Southern CaUfornla. "Any student 1n tbe district, Tttts Is God's own country." ln grades 1 throuefl 8, can During his tour , Erie rot a eoter," he eJPiatns. ''Tbe tap ftrst-twld look at the A mer-drawing or painting oo the s!j). lean lodlan. He found the In-ject of cowboys in tbe 1880s d!an to be, not a wild, san.ce. wiU wiD $10, and the top essay screamtnc bed guy, as Holly-of not more than 1,000 Yords wood had taught, but "a very wtll also get $10. Eotrtes mast splrttual, very dlgnt.n!d peo-be brougt.t to t:.e bank at 450 pie." E. 17th." A reUctous man blmseU, He wants to see Amerkan Eric Askew was sensitive to the kids learn early lD Ufe that the Indian's spiritual qualities. His cowboys and Indians weren't best known painting, "The Last the "good guys ap.tnst the tad Supper," ~eplcts an lndla.n stan-cuYs." ding before tbe Cll"c&SI of& but-To Eric Askew, they wereall lalo, -.. toward b..... &ood pys. • DISIGM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM HOME REMODELING 714 712-OO!W N--TIIAOI aAIIIKIMG 0 CHIWIMG 0 DIGGING 0 JUMPING 0 HDUSI ei1Ait1M9 0 TAICUIO I'OOD, I.TC. Ob•ttli•"c. a Proteclio" Trlllrtir•t Coli 675-7000 ''" PRf!P. #!VALUATION ~ ll4A • SGT. GAit'r I!NG!I..ItiNG PIIDMOT!D IN HAWAII --....... Cory I. ,._,.... hats .. o1 ._ ---D.Loo. HE BEE I a..·1Mn11aa --..-eoa-.-pr'n n 1 t .. ... ..... .... F1.UJII BACK: TbarJday. Stpt, 19, froCI I w"lo w tlloc -110o 111 Ma. to 5 •·•·· lllo -Jooet af 1rt1oo c-rlllt ar...-at till -c_, Cte .... ftllocl to OtorfioWIIIC wtlll ~-· -· au., Rant~ Bo wteee oC IIOo olayoro lA llle 3rd p>K IAiwlll· to 0 •• .,.-"' ---'"1 lbe Oruge Coaaty boorttwod • ud ta8r, ...... .,..... 011 tM llllt lbell; -·· ---ud/11< -0!11 ... clolebf, 1amb _.,, .. tbc:lw ml t.etuue •rillttOJlDJ ~ p, .. , .. , ... , ........ _ . ...,. ..,~~" ........ 0 :~~====~ Htp a-t to 0111o 1U!!1 joloed II WU l <ill-liDO sbowiAc af y,_•s 111o Ylrlot c..,. to ·-· colloelloo ol 1110<1• IU!d I!Ditweu dellped ~ 1Mt. / e.peetally to be woro wltb the very flah1oalble •...................... IDdiU ,.,.try &Dd was preseated by BuUoet•s WII.Jblrt. Oscar Beregt, well lmowD actor, tbuld tbe mlkewtthClaudloe Leach, Bullock's bi'Md. II c.. Mda't talttd to tbt llmtt, tbert wu balftt ell...-... raYioU. etdc:keD puna, .. --ll&llu IU!d -· wiDe•, )IO!!l'od trom aell bll....t1ac bottles! tresb ftalt ... moreeMe...r Ray Mo1111.J prOYided mule tor poolaide ctaoctac lllr....,.... lbo oteotoc ... and ''""'ts were atrordld lbl owoitunity to tour ftrlous apartmeab of tbl 5!0 WU.t co~lei. also ylew the art eddbWoD; wblcb I.Deluded grapblcs as well u pelnttnp ud sculptures, orpnlled by Geor .. Byroes, mueum &rector, a.od David Stelnmetl, prHldeot of tbe beard of trustees. Mrs. BeYtrlJ t.lorpbJ served u cbairman tor Newport Harbor Art M~~SeUm committee. Medical sdeattlta blYe .,.., llolated a Yt.roa btlle•ed to be rupoutble for eantcal cucer, wbtcb ~utS the deaths ot ow• 11,000 womea eaeh Jftr. Several stu&es made over recenl years bave Unked thts virus to cerrieal cancer, btJt adtallaolattoo bas beea diM.eWt . • MONDAY tllna THUIISDAY SNCIALS (PrU ..y ••~ S•l•r~4y ••Il l ' P.M.) ~'•••r• l•cl•~• IO*' or ••I•~• iliA•~ po 111 1o or ric• RED SN....,ER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 MAHI MAHI • • • • • . • . . • . . • . . . • . • . 2.46 GRILLED SEA BASS . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2.96 TOP SIRLOIN•. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3.25 NEW YORK STEAK .............. 3.75 LDeiTER TAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.96 ITEAK AND LOISTER . . . . . . . . . . . 5.96 WNCHIION tlbrJ..,.. doily unti/4 p.m. 11271,......C..H_,. ·H--111 ;a.h.• f21315112-1321 *11.C-MWy • N_,.n .... f71 411J5.0100 AUTO, BOAT HOME, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, BONDS ..... =:::: .... 2239 Fairview Rd. COSTA MESA 642-6500 546-3205 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER SIMD.IM YOUR SUISCRIP'nOM ORDII TODAY I ONLY $5.00 POR OMI YIAR -------------~---IIAIIE •••••••..••••• l ••••••••••••••••. .ADDREa ••••...••••••••••••••••••••••• ' .•• , •• ;•.•t•••.•ZIP •.••• WITM $5.00 TO. MIWI'OU HAUOR -IGII m1 L CIOAST HWY., CIO-A DIL MAl tubtoa director, who commentated the alfllr. Mr.. Cbarles Fishback, wife of tbe touraa. ment cbltrman. was cbalrmao of the women's aet1Y1Ues and was assisted by Mmes, Lulle Aderer, J, WI1Uip1 Kern and Forrest Smltn I Sr. Mrs. WUUam Mead, founder oftbeFasbJon- ableJ, he~ In coordinatlng tbe sbow. ' FutrtooabJe members wbo joined the pro- te~oraals In modellng ..,ere Jeanne (Mrs. I Robert Letts) Jooes, La Jolla, Mrs. Ftsb- b&ek's daupter; Mrs. w. N. Harris, Long Beach, and Mrs. James Hines Jr., Corona del War. Some ol the euests spotted bere and there were Umea. Paul Smith, Donald StarUDg, · Wllllam McGee, Chester Brabyn aod Stanley Mola.Dder . Others lnclt¥Sedarttst Gloria Bnde· JOn, Diane Jerrtns and mother Dorothy . . . more were Mmes. Harry Brown, Frank Brick, Haney Somer-S, :>au! Klrman and Henry Cole, wbo wore part of her magnificent colleetton of htdlan Jewelry; more were Mmes. Mel BartOli., Thomas Walker,' and Louis Turner. l&teresUng styles, exciting jewelry . . . much of which ca rries a bit of Indian lore an made for a tres gay atterooon! Incidentally, I saw Tom Walker a day or so later ... he loo\.et:l well pleased, and why DOt • . • be, Louis Turner, Paul Smith and Mark Horoer were foursome wtnnersl • • • At 10 o'clock, stoart E. Power of Bueoa Vlsta BlYd., B&tboll, learned he had won tbe drawlnc ... a trip to Athens and a two week real MedlterrtDea,D cruise for two, abo&rd tbe Goldea Odyney, fi.agshlp of tl'lt' Royal Cruise LlDe. Ambassadors of Uor..dw'Ul, a museum patron P'O~, were the UDt1~rwrUers ot this bll prlze of the evening. Though the ennt.Dc's proceeds were ear - marked for tbe oew museum site, there are otber ftmd raisin& events during the year, to provide professlooal director and staff, tor the year roUDdexlJibUs,aswellasa college scbllarsb.ip. Many museum supporters were on halld ... Claire aDd Walter Crutteoden Jr., at tbe table with General and Mis. WUliam G. Thrash and General and Yrs. Robert Owens. SIC)f!rvtsor Tom Riley and wife Emma Jane were recog. ntzed by everyooe, as were Doreen Marshall, a former mayor of Newport Beach, aDd her ·husband Bob, who, by tbe way, sings 1n tbe Jnlne Master Cborate. others were Sht.rlee aDd Robert GugpDheim (he was last year's museum board president}. Mr s. Thurmood Destination was Promontory Point: Vllla 'Clarke, Mr . and Mrs. John Barry, Mrs. D' Amici ... Mr s. Harvey Somers, long. Ralph Tandowsty with Dick Dimmitt, also Ume member and ardent s~rter or the Ruby Keeler Lowe. More locautcs tociude<l Newport Harbor .4rt Museum, validated our tbe John Macoabs, Wllliam Campbells,Charles reMtfttion at embarking time. This was the FooUus, who will soon be eo route to Boston ~n sesame to the sensational Mediterranean ... YlsiUoc dau&ttter Jane and graodchlldren; cruise beoeftttng the Museum ... According the Joe DeFraDCOS, the Gleon T•trnbulls, Dr. RICHARD A. DEMMER of New. port Beacb. bas beeo promoted to the rat* of coloDel Ill tbe California Army National Guard, He commuds tbe '161b A vtatkxl gr~ headquutered 1D Stockton ud Ia a seaior army ntat.or. He bep.n hb: Army career In February, 1954., as a prlftte at Fort Koo.a, Ken. tueky. He atteaded Art.UJery otncer ca.Qdldate school to re- ce1Ye bls commtssi011 :lDd thea entered ni&ttt tn.lnt.Dg. He spent two years Ia Europe aDd entered lbe Calltornla Air Nattooal Guard in late 1958. HelspresJ.. dent of Poly.Optles lnc., Santa Ana, manllf:a cturer of optical tibet used LD the manufacture ot decorative accessories aDd electronic compooeats. HUSBANO. WI FE TEAM WILL GIVE CONCERT Vtollnist Karen lAk aoo her husblnd, planist lA.do Lak, will present a free rioUn a..nd plano r ecital TUHday noon, Oc t. IS, In Orance Coast Coll!~'s Wu. stc Studio 1. Lulo, who was born and educated in Budapest, Hungary, teaches plano at Biola ' College ID La Mirada. Karen gives prln.tr Yiolill lessons. Drug companies are alreadY working on a n celne to control the Y1r111 . Probably senral years wtU be required to de•eklp the n.ecl.ne, then ftve to tea more years of testtnr wtll be needed before U can be made avattable to cancer. Yictlms. As eaeb new druc ts tested and approved, we put U in stock awalUng your doctor's pre. scr.lpUoo. We'd Uke you to try our prescription serYiee . . . we're sure you'll be pleased. You'll also Uke our fast but u cellent phOto processt.Dc serriee aDd our factory-h'esh rum for your caonera helps you take better pictures. • • • HANDY It:mT: GIYe the kids grapefruit i:n1vea and apple corers for earvlngHalloweenpumpk:ins. Tbe curv~ bb.des are safer. B&~~£~!-!~!r¥A~ 1018 be.ysldl dr •• newport ~h -calUornla, 92662. 1a1• r za to reports, 1,100 to 1,200 interested foUr., Allen Leroy; Mrs. Josepb Rt~ of Little Bat from all over Orange Coonty , embarked to Is le and Bun"o Weed Lane, Palm Springs; help ftll the coffers ... and to satisfy tbelr the George Jooeses, AM.Marte and Ronald cw Lustty as to the interior courts of the Foell, the Wllll&m Chlcbesters and Mrs. much talked about Point. Wendell Jones, Edle Nedeau, Margarete Har. The Ir vine Company not only provided the per, Barbera and Bill Cobee, !Ave Swan. setting, but generously met all expenses In· George Lymburn, tbe Ray LaVelles, Dr. Ken. curred, thus assuring the entire reservation nelb ChWlg and sister ... More wer e May fee of $15 per person to be net pront to tile aDd Cecil Shlrar with the Pat Evanses, who 'Art Museurr. of Newport Harbor. On entering wUl accompany the Shtrars on their trip to the Medttefn.nean scene, each lady had her Cabo San Lucas, which they won as bidl choice of a tong stemmed white or splty bidders at a silent auction! Wa..nt to leaYe, red carnation from a quaint flower cart. : · UIL.e right now, before expiration date! On and nibbles ol nre cheeses at another'· vender our way out , .. we met Dr , aod Mrs • .{t,!.c .. ~d cart." ' Newquist, OrerhUI Drive, Santa Ana ... so One 'r\'lS tree to wander through the Ughted ended the evening wttb new tried, raspberry fountain plaza, where the foWltain was mor e and green apple tee cream cones from the or less a Llndmark, In case one got lost. "nodor" cart ... rlsions of the oew home Here tables with r ed, green, anr1 yellow for Newport :tarbor Art Museum with Pay your silent partner $100 a month for 14 years ... and WE'LL PAY YOU $100 A MONTH-FOR LiFE cloths, centered with pots of tolorful.mqffi~• the colorful Yl.ew of were scattued about near Vftla ~JrftlllM ' landmark of Newport · (Ho.ase •ot Frlenda) ••. Here •·weq)· traveler '' PromoMory Ptotal •· • ~ ... ~~~,.;.~~~~ could rest or 4}ne. Strolling mllSicians kept not, in the early thlttles, Bedeaes• ftleod;"" the mood for everyone ... All along thf' Ed Natross, ·•paid a vtstt ." Me landed his wa}' were colorful attendants and pit tureSQU4t Jenny aJ.rplaDe on tJlis point! food carts ... One r.outd taste aoo taste .. : FINANCE EXPERTS TO "iil. JOIN PANEL PROGRAM A panel of tlnanclal experts wUI discuss "how e211 we h~lp you to help us•· at the Oct. 16 meeting or tbe Women's Council of the Newport Harbor · Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. The meetinc will be heljj at t1'1e Bahia Corlnthian Ya<"hl Club, Corona de! Mar . Panel members wUI include Heinr. Schmied ot Home Sav. lng:<; and Loan, Prestoo Twitchell of Imperial Savings aDd Loan. Rod Lewis or Glen. dale Federal Savings, Jim Brady of Ca!Uorola Federal SaYinc;s, Dan Bourke, chalr. man of the Qnance committee of tbe local Rntty Bond, aM Leo f:ubesta, ct.trman of the finance commttt~ of tbe Nortb Orange County Boar d of Realtors. RECORDER PROGRAM FOR IRVINE WOllEN The Oct. 15 meeting of the Women's Club of lrYtne wtll be held at the oome of Mrs. Edward Fre!PI, 18285 Man · drake Way, University Park. Intne. Mrs. Douglas Ric bards, presideat, w1.11 coodoct a brief business meeting at 8 p.m. precedtna: the program. Mrs. 9rLaa M.ldcUedltch, tn chargE' of programs, w1.1l tDtroduce the Hlchlalkler's Recorders Society In ''an tYftlq with recorders.·· ''· It you think inflalion and rising cost~ make a secure fi~~~cial future an impossible dream, you n~ ~ the help of your Silent partner." Let one of the expert money managers at Laguna Federal show you how you can build up a substantial investment account by making regular savings deposits of $50, $100 or more every month for 14 years. At the end of that time your ~ account will have accumulated enough money, at the current ~ annual daily compounded sy4 % interest rate, to start paying you back each month the same amount you put in. ~ And remember. the money you save at your local LFS stays in your local community to finance homes and improve the quality of life where you live. Gas Co. sel'vice people are ready to face \'I)U,they have to face themselves. Retre!dlments wtll be ser'Yfd by the hostesses, Mrs. William E . Oster Jr. aDd Mrs. F're1DI. OCC ROLLS UP BY ,.._,,,. Repmotton Is .., by %3.9 per ent mer last rear at Orance Coast Col}efe. 'A total of !1,461 studeats bate rec- tstered tor day ud e"teDi.IC c lanes. u lDena.-ol s.o'JO sttldeats. Last fall's lllnl n:cwr• wa.s Z5,S9l. Tbt llDiaJ cOUDI for ran ot tt?Z ns 21,551. EARN FROM 5~% TO 7~% ON $1000 MINIMUM SPECI FI ED TERM SAVINGS CERTIFICATES WHILE CONTRI BUTING TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD'S GROWTH As a customer, you expec.tour service you can imagin~..· what it 's like when representatives tO know what they're there's a picture to ~o alonR with it. doipg. The te st is ~imp lc: an instructor acts At the Gas Company, weexpec:t lik"' a custOmer. and a trainee acts like more than that:. we expect th~m to let himself. Then 1hc whole scene is you know that they know what pl oycd back on a sc reen . Your "beat buy" tor shorter term investments is big money certlftcatM, peying you the highest Interest rates in the nation on lneured uvlnga. Seleclte<ma o1 go days to 4 years ... the lOnger the term ... the higher the 1~. But remember -early wlthdrawale are eubject to eubltan- tlll Int.,... ~hte. on ell certificate accounta. r :-' they're doing. Fur the trainee , that one picture on So at our Customer Services Train-the ~r~cn is worth a thousa nd words ing CcntcJJ we noW tive-.oW" men the ' frOm' his instructor. chance to ICie themselves as they, .. ---.. At the Gas Company, a man really are. doesn't just learn how to handle On vtdeoupe. . your appliances. And If you'Kevcr been With videotape training. be ourpriled attbc -.ncl of your abo learn how to handle own 'IOicc on a r.pe reo:ordu, himself. . . I ~) SM;IS ·MiniCI ~MIP·CT ·IIPAUI •o-•'• .......... ....-.c .. anlle-t,Tr ;rC~«-.....,•1 ..,..._.."--....... ' S' ......... ~ ....... 01& 7 ..... ..,...,...c-.••......_u.-a..._or , .......... . LILIII ......... C...a ... • ~.._kit I s' •• _. I ' I . ...... --... PANf~ ' ~f"i • .,. ,. • ' ' THI aiOLA 119-"~C.S..J.fl!i.~ , . I LAMII,ADA.'CALt~.;, + • ,.., , Or.J ....... a-. Dr.a....L.,...._. "'! ( t (lol4oe T""': • ./h•l ~ _., far IW SO. ,.;.. ..._ -., lti ""'" ' ,_ -,._·.d«JJ, ""P '"'"· tolli<A ~ ., fr-,._ ~ "' _. (a-n.-. 1:10). o; .._ --. ..... : -·•war 119." , he hoeame an lmmlrrani. an Heb-. atruulo w!U. 11oo lbl-Of th dovll. Jilcaae t~i,. wlure tJie Gft~U. 1tf.. Thtl m..n. one w~ ,..onhlpt tlM But u..,. II 'fict,orJ Un'ODih oar clonla -and .Adlaia. For from you aounded out the word of 1he Lo<d )lOt only in Maudonia and Ad>aia, but alao in evl't'f place your faith to Go4- wanl ia aprad abroad; 10 that ft -' not to ~ any thlnr. For they themte:lva abew of us what mtnDU of entering in we had .tmto you, and how '!" tum«! to God from Idola to serve the living and tnae God; and to wait for bit Son from heaven. wbo he l'1liled from 1he dead. ewn ],..., which delivcml ua from tbe wndl to CXII'IJt, .. tic»aa MMI froMf W1 kwe 4 frfiifd tnl6 God filt.~ Of UlJ' of tJM f.JM Lord ltiUI Cht:fJt. wlo 'claim• we aJl Mml tfom. tlt.e rodl of tbti Mrth. It it troe tUt God (COIITIIIUED FROM LAST WEEX) m<n _. J1ono '-ill. Cllriot. Of Jt willt. ra.c~. AZ..O, 1001' Abralt.Gm tit.• m.arvelou.tly poured out Bit ~ ~r11t J.wt If ftOt ,.of wAa.t Mtiona.litr upon the.l~flb nation, rfvinl' them "'" lt.e p 1 lt..tord •om• CM~fwing til•-~re pnTIIe,_ than m.any otben, C'\illltiO'IU about t.\il ",.,. t.\4 e~ir." but that didn't mean that they were saved thereby. Q ...... , .. , Clllt. -"I" ROM&"' 1': 16, w.\r tf.U Pe~vltov witA t.U ""*' h.e '&IJ01d4 ''"'' tle low of God kt wit.\ t.\e /Ud, tle law of fttJt I tMvg.\t CAri•tiGM •louU 1trive to ~ercome lift i" u.e fled&." "Tho 6nt point Is ,_ -1 of Gocltohoulcl bo ••.,.wwal with "'-d failll. In some of hit writill(l, -'>ly (u RV), ~ -with lfltllo!o R........ Mid Go-. PUI-faJtll (u "'V). Ia tile~ Hlwftl It a and -'<• in slw'!> contrUt. But tile ~ part!dplo, <omhilljnr the ,...., for thia il to fftlplluile thot dl..,.t of a loft todttlar ID die - salvotion oomea from faith and 1101 at • wMh thot of -~ 1ato tbe all from wo<ka, for 'by the d<edl of preoeftt with UNbuool to-, . . In the It"' there shall no 8eah be llllli· ·· ...., of the ..d':l; -modem kleu fied In his light' (Roon. 3 :20). But on 'tho bt-of .,..• it It ,while he [Paul) insilts that sal-worth 110till( thitllle N.., T- is all of God , he also lnsisa that true' -of ·_._ Ia opeclflcally faith is busy. For example, in GaJa.. • brotherbood ill o.rt.riaD bonda. rians 5 :6, he apoaks of 'faith wiOcb Her. it ia liDbd with belnr lOvod by wO<keth by love.' So here he refen God and with cl<!<tloa. Both are sic· also to an activity which follows from· nmc..nt. Paul ap.b of lwowk»( the faith of the Theualonianl. d)elr Mtllcn. In both T-. we "When he speaks of their lobovr of lotH Paul is not thinking of some deed of kindness done without hope of re- ward, as we usually do when ~ Ute this expression. The wOI'd kolo, de-: notes laborious toil, and directs otir minds to uncusing hardship borne for lOve's sake .. , . bave .. the tlloou&hc that God hu - out Hia people. In the OW T-- thla d!nlc:e la \uually -ted wltb the ,.tion, ...s ill cb. N.., wltla 111- dividaall. The tboucl>t that God hu c:holen 111 to bt HJe ia emtber way of remlfttlinr .. that --... il all of God, and DOt at all owill( to oar "'"' ........... The forqoing -(vv. 6-10) sets forth PUI'a -.,...y to the church of the 'TheMabUana. Heft the appropriate mnarb ol a IDQdern scholar should be obaerved : "Y • b<-, ... , f•"-• (RV 'imitatDn') of ... (6); in Chriltlan bd>&vior .. ~all as in the endurance of peuecutiCXI. Mou~ .N AcltoicJ (7). n-two Roman provinces together covered mo~t of the area of modem Gnece. Apart from The-.looic:a itadf, Phil- ippi was the principel church in M~ donia ; Corinth was the outlt&nding cl>urch in Ac:haia. /~ "'"Y pli>u (8). A. Many people are eonfuae4 on tble subfecf. They in tum have tougbt to confuk othen. Fint of all, do;not use those two words tosether, "Gen- tile nations," for you are sa.yinr thereby "nation, nations." All of the nations came from Noah who, of coune. came from Adam. Adam wu neither J ew nor Gentile. Abraham waa really a Gentile before he wu ever a Hebrew. It ia absolutely falae to aay that we have all come from the Jewish race, any more than that all the world comes from the French or Japanese nations. We all desct!nd from Adam and Noah . Abraham was the first Jew only in a manner of speaking. Actually, the word "Jew" comes from Judah, the great grand~ son of Abraham. He is called a He- brew. He was a Gentile before com4 ing from Mesopotamia. By God's call A.. The Bible ril'htly reminda ua that in the fteah dwelleth no 1ood thinr. When a ..penon ia born aga.in, hia old nature is not made ~over, for Jt ie just u sinful u ever. He ia li-ven new life in Jesus Christ. SalvaUon means that there ia a new creation born within. The old ia not even worth salvaging (Gal. 2 :20). Paul was merely stating his cue, elabor- ated upon in the seventh chapter of Romans. He wante to serve the Lord and yet there is always that constant "The third caUJC for thanksgiving is their ~e of l&ope, and again this must be un.drntood c:araully. Hupom0111, rendef'ed p~t, l1'lltMll not a-negative, pusive acqu.iescmce, but an active, manly endunoce: u Findlay [a British, tcholar) puts it, 'not ·the resignation of the p&Mive suf· f~er. 50 much as the fortitude of the stout -h.earted soldier.' Hope, in a Oll"istian context, always hu an air of certainty about it. It is a. coo· fidtnt expectation, and not the un- founded optimitm W'bich we often m<an by the won!. MO<'e particularly, the Otriatian hope ts directed towards the second advent, which it pouibly in mind here, especially if the phrue iA ow Lord I enu Clttist is connected with hope. . . . Altematiftly, it is grammatically possible to take these words u relating to al1 ~ preceding part of the vene, in which case they refer to the whole of the Christian life, which is thea. said to be 1i'ml in ChriR. . . . n.e addition i" tM riglt.t of God aftd· o.w P(ltlur, ~Wl·'at\'=fltioo to Fotherbood u d>o -.of !he Chris- tian view of God. It'Wlab linkt the Father and the Son in the mott1'iliti- "(Vene) 5. In hill thoacbt Paul Had Priscilla and Aquila (d. Acta now ps bock to dJe orialnal prach-18:1-3) told Paul that newa of the ing at Thesalonica. He (l>aul} spea1c1 church in Thessalonic:a. had travelled of m.r gospel, the term emphuWng the as far as Rome? They thmuelws (9); message rather than the act of preach-i.e. the people of Maoedciaia and ing, and remiodin.r ua that O.riltian-Achaia -and so forth. Ye ttlf"'Md lo ity is essmtially rood DrW1 of ac:ticm God fro"' idols to serw 1M lWiltg tMtl taken by God to brill( saJvalion to "'"' God (9). Cf. the apooto~c ad- , f 1 "~-~ul ·•·t monition to the pagans of Lystra 'that sm u -men. . . . "oiJICll r• ays u.. . . the Gospel ,.,., to them (the Thef.. yc should tum from these wrutles salonians] he rhay be implyinc that it (i.e. idolatry) wtto the living' God' posJeSses a vital force; it it DOt limply (Acts 14 :15 ). Tttia was a primary so many words. True, the Gospel must necessity when the Gospel wu JX'O" be proclaimed in worc1a; but Paul ;.,. claimed to Gentiles. A lid to ...,;, f"' si.ts that eloquence is not a ~ IIU So" from lwwn&, u.VloWl lw roiled explanation of its effcctivene.; it came from the d#Od ( 10). Tile words in al · o_ Rom 1 16. which the Thessalonians are reminded "" In ,.,.., ~ • : • --His Paul's next point ia thM the Goe-of their conversion show us that the pel wu '" m"ch GU'fW'tllfC,, which in message prtadled to them followed the the Greek is do.ely linked with the regular lines of th~ primitive ~ic Holy Spirit (there is no .. repetiticm of. pr~g. For the dote connceoon the m), and dim:D us to the inward ?f Chri~'s_~u~rection ~th His com- assurance that the power' of the Spirit mg agam m chis p!'Cadung (~f. Acts had givea both to the 11p01t1ea and to 17:31). The mum of Otnst ~ their converts'' (d. Leon.. Morris, Tlw .Plainly occupied a prominent place_ ln E,utles of Ptull to til, fMt~. theapostolicpreachmgat Thessaloruca, ht ed., 1956. pp. · WYW' '' ·' · ··• .,.. '1 as~~ di~ ~~htn in the earliest days . , . , ,., oft,luj~~t~1(cf,Acts3,20; 10 :42). "And w.t~An,he. was come Qe.ar,, ~·-beheld the city, and wept over It, Saying,· If thou hadst known, even thou, at least In this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on evet"y tlder Af\dlshall·le'Yi thee .even w.ith thetround, and thy chlldren·wlthin th.,;.,M4>~Bt~nlof1~1 AQ_j ,, .. ve~.lft ,thee.one ,. stone upon another; because t~ou knewest not ·ttte time of ltfE TESTIMONY 'Of 'PAUL TO THE !inu, !llhoch ~tlovmd ~ !•~"' th• . OUJICH 'Wrath to COIK~ (tO). nus nllght be thy vlsltation."-Luke 19:41·44. rnate way. . render~ more personally 'Jesus, our ---------------------------- In I n..-loniana I :6-10 we read: deliverer ftotn the <;oming wra.th', i.e. the divine judgmnt to be pou red upon the earth at the end of the age" (d. F. F. Bruce, "1 and 2 T hessalonians" in Tlu NnJJ Biblt Comme111ory, ht 'Arise and Build' FROM "CHRISTl AM a!ACON.'' •COLLit<IGSWOOD, t<l. J. "[Venc) 4. In theoe two Epiltl<t ( I and 2 Thessalonians] Paul UKS br1tlwm twenty-one times. revealing the cloteneu of the tie whidt bound the proud Pharisee to the detptsed Gentile. Barriers insunnountable to "And ye bec:amt followers of ua.. and of .the I...ord, havin( received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Gboot ['Sp;rit): 110 that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Mac:e-..:1 .. 1953, p. 1054). A short study of Nehemiah 1-6, by Rev. ~rthur Froehlich, pastor. of the Moit~ lond Bible Presbyterion Church , the victory. There an practic:al lo- sons here that all of ua should learn and put into practice. We must tee the need befMe we can do OUT' bat. We must utilize the resourt.es at hand. We must put our shoulder to the tuk to- gether. In the wonts of Nehemiah, we mu!t "riae up and build." Today, we should emphasiz< that the tult Ia a r'ehildiNg project. Othen han d&- stroyed ; we mutt rebuiJd. Prophecy Section when JESUS returns by Gortlmt Cbilnrs '"'-"'TN! Klt<IGS IUSit<IISit, 1JIOO ... 1• ·-· L• ~_,,Cel li. (C0NTIMU!D I"ROM SEf'T. S BIBL! P'AG!) Jesus explained t hat a third party was in- volved. To the righteous He ana wen: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me'' (Matt. 25:40). Similarly, it was because the unriwhteous had failed in thei r attitude towards Christ's breth- r en that they h&.d failed toward Him. Who are these brethren ? Jes us had brethren and sisters who were children of Joseph and Mary (Matt. 13 :55). Clearly they are not meant for already t hey have been dead about 2,000 yean. Those who are Christians are also called the Lord's brethren. He said: "Whosoever shall do the wiU of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother .. (Matt. 12 :50). Yet we al-e not the "least brethren.'• Rather we are the chief brethren, because we are brethren ac- cording to the Spirit and not accordin• to the flesh. These least brethren are His brethren nation· ally, the Jews. Through Joel, God had said, "I will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered &mOllJ' the nations, and parted my land"' (loel3:2). Cer- tainly, they will be the people who will be oufferlnl' mOAt severely in "the time of lacob'a trouble•• (Jer. 30 :7), the creat tribalation which Immedi- ately precedes this scene ot jud,ment. So severe will be the penecution that twe>-thirdo of them will die (Zech. 13 :8 " 9). The Lord frequently identifies HlmA<!If with His people. In laolah 63 :9 we read: "In all their atftiction fie wu alfticted ... Tho Jewo or at least a section of them will be well-known amonr men just before thla time, For to them ia fivon the tuk of p...,hiq. Our Lord aaid : "And thla IOIP<I of the kiocdom aholl bo p,_.hed In all tlte world for o wltDMI 101to' all aatlona ; and then ahall the end come" (Matt. 24: U). . Who an u-who uo 011 tho rtp1 losuod ot tho .JIIdp? Thq an apokea el ao tho "•eod ot tho J'Mhor &DCI u beU.. -.loot Ia roetd .... tho IDIII- cloL ,.........t for U.. IIIICI aloo • ooetdvbc ...,.. Ml lit.. AU u-Ji • hn cloald be IIIICI uo aood Ill CIINtlau. Tot k II '!'ife cM&r 1M& ~ uo ......... ., ......... Tile ...... ., God a tkl tl8e an Ia •a sa. .. b..J!o!itan lhoa • in that happy condition where they do not have such iporance aa the sheep show (I Cor . 13 :12). Who then are these sheep! Sheep is a figure oft- en uaed in scripture for the ril'hteous, while goats al'tl looked upon as a rejected ,rroup, They are peo- ple who by their actions have shown themselves to be chanpd by the redeeming work of the Lord. To show auch a spirit of love, kindness, helpfulness, roodneu and sympathy is not the product of fallen human nature. Such character is remarkably akin to Paul's Hat of the fruit of the Spirit. They are recenerate, for tbe rule our Lord rave alwaya applies: a man must be born again before he ean enter the Kingdom of God (John 3 :3)' They are the elect. Election by God is a lways to eternal life. There will also be eternal retribu- tion, but that ia never uid to be the subject of an eternal decree. Rather, the wicked receive that be- cause they re!UH the aalvation God otren in Christ. -An accurate interpretation of this prediction is eaential for it hu often been falAely used. Apply- in• it to the Gentilee livin1 in the tribulatiOn ap, we thall overcome the temptation to extract a social ppel from ita teachinl'. Salvation ia not the I'Oiult of our lood worka, but the product of CluUt'a death on Calvary. Thia i• the cot~.~lount m.....a.p. of the Bible. Good works are important, but thq are the reault. never the means of our aolvatlon. The boot worka uiainc from unrec!Mmed hamon nature an only "lllth:l' rap" (baloh IU :6). Further, ri1btJ7 intnproted, thla parable il a alronlr warnlnc .-Inn Anti-Somltlom. When God called Abrolwn to be a Pllrrim and •tranpr, He ,. .. him thia ~ ... J)I'OI<Ictlon: :'I wUI biLl -that .,._ thee. .....__ ...... him that etllMth tbeo" (Gee. 12 :a). Tbe coune ot hlato17 fn>m that time until loda7 hoa illuotratad the tnlth of God'o attltacle lowardo I'-wllo help or hurt Hla poo...._ From Phanoh In BIJ'pt do'll'tl to llltler, we hoft --aatrer bee&-of tholr tultatr· aniloatotho.Jflff. Thla ponble MichL ua a aal.....,. '-OD how ....... -,J..,. loda7. God'• .... to laMiopolrae till-"> tho pt-.MI ZeclwtU (1:1) an otlll Ia farei: "Be that ~ ""' '-htth the applo"" llln,.." • J Moitlond, Florido. In the book of Nehemiah (c:bapa. 1- 6) we find a situation which can be compared with the condition of the Christian Church today. Surely we aee the need of builclinr again the walla of Zion that the enemy has thrown down, and of 6fring ap;n the temple of God's witnell in thi1 evil day of cnnapromiae and apoltalf. A. we read Olapter I of Nehemiah, we fint see him u a man of hitb poll- tion and raponlibility. He wu a Nehemiah was one of the moot out-dote friend of the ldnr· He wu the standing men of-the whole Bible. Io ta.t of the gr<at leaden of the] ... many -Y• he wu d>o equal of David, to mum from capti.!ty. Nehemiah Solomon, Danid, arid Paul. Truly was a man of gr<at c:ompuoion. Bee great men are they who, tike Nehe-loved God and Hit people. He - miah, are builden. Nehemiah wu a humble and had gr<at faith and tNit man of God who wu fully committed in God'• mm:y. AU of thil we aee 1:111 to the responsibility that God had put Chapter 1 :1-9. I·-the o•tatoo~ in hil hat>clo to do. He did not fait He ing cbancteristic of lido ....,. .,.. lnut<d God and looked n<ither to dJe ...., hia PRY"' life. He wu a mii!IIY right hand nor to the left. He wou16 man of prayer, In Chapter 2 we W not be •-yecl by thole who talltecl Iilte Nehemiah maldna: preparatloaa to ae frienda but wero ruDy hia enemies and to Jeruaalem with the ldac'• ..,,.. .. the enemia of God. He WN very and with hie auppon. We aee jor Ia careful to~ lhote.who woolcl wallc the heart of lido pnlllhtt of God. B. by hla tide. ' ca-. u he waited on the Lord, t::! Nehemiah robuik the walh of]...,_ :;«'GociWC:.. ~%~no~­ salem to the rlory of God. There lo that God 'q with "" or do we .... no other foundation ave Jesua Chriat ~ our Lo<d (I Cor-3 :7-11), and...,_ alone? Ia Oloper 3, ""•-lf• all of ua .,. lmilclen of -.. either homlob .-....., _.--' for ... mlty or for now, we aMald...,. llartecl the nl>ullcllnc -; and Ill be dili ..... to -the Lord.·-about 50 cloyo ... job -.._ - than SOtoa who will only -,. to othen hod fallocl to do onr a period of cleath and dootruction. '!'heR loa_,. so,.. ... Chapter~-to• ... fact I•IJIOI--~ Othen look that ·no "'~-wll-be :, ... and .. ':u.aoo:t.';":..;.j;j '~ ';:::.-.--: ...... ~to aet a ,.,..t -"'Pie wu -from .~ .• ~ wu o Bat do we? Aft ,.. nolly -. cood aPril and a domminaliool to • -to help ballcl up tha Wallo the tult throaP -lcept tha paaplt of Zloo 1 Are "" niiiJ _..-to •Oflclnr Ia dJe ,_ of CJili>Odlea -' build up tl\e <llurch of J-a.riit? "pel_ ........ P.my Cbrladoo hu a ....... ...,. To N"-iah, the ladt of .,....a to perform. a. --. ...s !Ia on the part of tha paaplt to bulil'..... -Iaiit 11oo --be ~ the ...... of ] ......... -,,ff,,.. bot-... ..... Ia .... -.... -... Spirit of Goclliad loft tha--. 1'Wa .... lot boldo, • ~ pit, Bat ..... Lo<d -a -~~ -It Ia ... 1 I 6 .. 1& ,_ .. ~J!-· udloo 61 not fall,~-~ .... Ia ~ 5 ........ ., s-. ...... -a -of ........... ' ...... .,..,..__ trl ., ...... .. all8y. He-.--of-~OitOtSli..S ..,.. .... ... Be .... llla . ,aill.i.JIIOPII .. .. es I a "t ,. __ ..... ..,, ..... ~i~t~ el .. IN ¥1 _. 1111.i'! .... "'" ... ...,_ .s:;:!,· ...,, .--o C1 o ..... Ill . t ...... o( ...,. .......... ., ... @•.... .... ... .,.... Of lllo ~u;l , Gaol""'" ... -. ' llotu u -God 1M atooJ _. • I •••• ,.,,; If .., -0.. m w God-!<1'~•_. ..... , If ...................... , e I • A. Tht Serlpturu do remind ue that we art to be witneue. for the lArd'• honor and alory. Speaklq.• aadibl7 to othen ia really only one W&1 to testify. Sometimn people eany their Bible with them U a witneu .. Tbia is sood. Otben wit.Daa by attendinr chun:h rerularly. You eee, we are all witneasea. In fact, you are the only Chrietian aomebody lc'nows. Aa to talkinl' out, beeauee of penonality ditrerence, tbi1 ie euy for aome and harder for othen. Aak the Lord to give you atrenrth. Use an indireet method, such u a chureh au"ey; to get you started. The belt way to overcome fear is to Jet in and do it. Like everything, the mOre expert~ ence you have, the more eft'ectin you will be. Q. a .. .,..,. A.k. -"W.\a.t if: "nbal in.tpi'rcliMI P" A. There are three viewa conceminr the Word of God. One ia that. it· ia merely the opiniooa of men, and that the Scripturu are no mort inspired than waa Shakespeare. Another view i" that God dirttted the minds of men in their meditations, but tllat they wrote their own words. The third view, which is the one which we tenaciously hold, ia that the Bible is fully inspired from eover to cover. The Lord ao worked upon the mlnde of men that the very word• they used were those literally God- breathed. In this sense, "holy meD" "·ere met'f' automaton& or unconscious instruments. They wrote according to their own peraonalitiea but were di~ted by the Holy Spirit. This is 'verbal inspiration as a-iven in the original docum'ents or the autO- graphed copies. Any mistakes have come in through translationa over the centuriee but, miraculously, even in this God hae preserved the purity of His Word. 1. • , ,, 1, • : : Q. HuntlnstoR Beach, c.llfl: ·~~ folks refer to jesus aJ 'our ~ICier Brother.' Where is the basis for this Scripture (Matt. 12:15, Mark 3:35, Luke 8:21 )? I know as believers that we are joint heirs with Christ. The o ther terms, however, bother me." A. Th is phrase was much more common se,veral decades ago, used mainly by --liberals. They based their terminology on just such verses. There is a cult which also used this title. It is inte resting, however, to observe the proper respect and honor due our lord by the Apostle James, physically i half brother of the Saviour's, Yet, instead of calling the lord his "eld- er Brother," he referred to himself as a "bond slave" {jas. 1 :1 ). Rather than usi ng "elder Brother' it would be better to talk about the blessed O ne ~ho is our Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is the "lord of Glory." Q . hereH, Wash. "A friend asked me to explain Psalm 137. I realize ir is a prophecy for the Jews, but the fast verse has me puzzled." A. This Psalm basica lly has to do with the Jews and their captivity in Babylon. Some think the Psalm- ist may be David himself, although the Spirit -of God does not reveal that to us . If does · not seem too likely since he did not live in the time of the captivity. The verse in questiGn ·states, "H.1ppy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy lillie ones against the stones." Of the 150 Psalms there are less than a dozen which invoke a curse not on personal enemies but those who are against 'cod. These Psalms also emphasize the holiness of Cod, as well as His love. Here we see 'His judgment upon those who. .ue against His will. Notice lhe two previous verses which indicat~ further the destruction befoiUns all• who seek to destroy Cod's chpsen people. We recoil whot happened to evil Hlaman. Ttte l~'s 'purJ ~ Is to keep the Jtrearn. clear1 from which the Me!l$ioh would be . born . Cod's fudgmen~ evoatecl : here Is upon thole who hove de ' filod HIJ Wotd and truth. In Hit, ""'"""&nty punishment will be meted out. • ~ ___ _,...._ .... --._ .. _,..., ____ _ ......... ---. A..,. __ ,__ ...... ............ FICTITIOUI BUIINESS NAME STATEMENT The followlDg PftJOO Is do- lnt buslnesa as: Muaaemeot Systems Adri'lllors, 28&1 SftUC Pl., Costa Mea, Ca. 91:628: Richard Ware Robertson. 2861 Se-ra111 Pl., Cotta Mua, Ca. t%426. Tills business Is ('00- d~~c:ted by an tndh'ldual. Stped: Richard W. Robert- SOft. TbU: statement ns ftled With the County Clerk ot Orange Couoty on Sept. 23, 1974. PabUsh: Sept. ze, <>ct. a, to, 17, 1974, 1D the Newport Har- bor Eos.ign. r -!?427 LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOll> 81..51NESS NAME STATEMENT The follcnrtng person ts do- toe buslness as: Larry's Mar- Ine S.rvtce, 961-A West 17th Street, Costa Meg 92627: Wll . ltam IAureace Melcher, 386 Ralcam Place, Costa Mesa, Ca- llfornb 92627. Thls bustOfss I~~; conducted by an incUvtdua 1. Stgoed: W. L. Mekber. Tbts statement w:as filethnth tbe Co\lliJ Cterlr. of Or!l.nl.'·· COWll}' oa Sept, 23, 1974, PubUsb~ Sept. 26, Od, S, I •\ 17, 1974, In the Ne..-port H .• :. bot Ensign. F-37424 __ _1: eGA L _!IOT.~IC::E:__ FICTITIOW BlBINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person lsdoin~t bwslness as: Clrca Oeslp:ns, 2815 VIlla Way, Newport Bearh 92660: James LloydSka ug, 1742 Highland, Newport Beach Ca. 9~660. • Thts business Is coodocteod by an lndlvtdual. Signed: James L. Skaug. Thls statement was rlledwtth tbe CouotJ Clerk or Orange Couatr o.~~:.r.aa.·u""9'74.tl'~, ·, P.ubll$h: Sept. 19, Z6, Oct. 3. 10, 1974, In the NPwport Hart'llr Ensign. F-371 ~3 LEG.t.L NOTICE FICTITIOI..S BUSlNESS NAME STATEMENT LIGAL MOnee ORDOIAIICIIIO. ISO AH a.DIHAIICI or Til em OF IIEWPORT BIACH ADDIIIG SECTIOII U .II.OIO TO Till IIEWPORT BIACB • UIIIClPAL COO£ TO a . TA8Lilll A PAniNG Plll- llrf S)'STEM FOR ,_ PACIF,IC COAST HIGHWAY CJTY PARKIIIG tm' Tbo City COUIIOII ollbo Cit)' of Newport Beach OO£S OR - DAIN 11 follows: SECTION l .Se<ltooll.IZ.OIO Is added to the NtWJ)Oft S.eb MUDJe l.pll Code IO rMd: "1.2.'12.0&0 Pae lflc Coe.lt HllbW:ay PtrktngLot -·Pecrm1t. It sball be unlawf\1.1 tor th)' persoo to pa.rk a veblcle l.n tbe Pacific Coast Hlpway Puk- Ing Lol, located oo the oorth- west rorner .of Paeiftc Coast Hlcttway and Newport Bou .. - t'Ud, without ftrst obtaloJnc a c urre11t nUd parkinc per- mit Issued by the finaoce 01- r~tor, wbich permJI shall cower the pe"r tod from Oc tober 1 to September 30 of each year, payable ta.o;ed oo the followlng fee schedule: October 1 September 30: sso.oo Januar)' 1 -Sepffl'mber 30: $418,00 April I September 30 : LIGAL MOnCI FrCJ!l l tiH; Polll,(: f31ottt~t WTATEIIDT or .o\IWIDOII. KIJfTM •pwrEtiikll8 • a•••IW IUid: IIIOMaAY, ...... II IIIli At •· ..... ._,,.. CWIII ._., a ....... 'nl 7DIIR1ac ,._ .., Rklllrd ~ .lo••-. •· • •·•· lett. a Mil 1:• •·•· ,.....,.._ , .. irw a ....,.., ... I II lilt -"' lltt lie-"' 4150 Part R""''QrQ, ... Stpl. u ... --lie-..... -lrY ........ .,· ..... a tt r--0re11iiir Olilr ... wD *S'ftac ildl:r tM Cl ... , 4114.1/Z JfiJIWi, Weill .._ 6WI ~-llor• _.; ........ IU .. t/lllartiiAft., WIRM't ol AW at I a.•. N~, Jill'l* IIUcarla,._ ttM Ww-.:15 L~. IDd -..-. Callt. -· ll ..... I 114. Ull IC-of ill-· 10-_,_ 1 p • Tbo n---·"'..; Blfd., woo~.._, a...,.. •orittottoolttud-·--• -ini.tou,BEPT. u rtlorrod ID .-... ll1od • • • laet --·· 47, mtlt dwrltoc 1bo lllcl>l· .. :10111 Rkloo..S Auoo -lor 46 ot tn Qruel Co.tfoa10-lt .. 7S: of2'7Z'7WJMonr,HarbarView PatleriOil Jr., 1101 Wlatte ZZ%1 Port Ctzllalt, Harbor Pul P!Ua Pbartn&<J IDe., Hllltt, WU ......... wt111 pof>Ue Salls, tlarbo< VIew 111111, ,.._ v .... -· wu <llarcod wtdl (Calli. ~lloo~ 145!0 to_... ll ''" a.m. al port.od lht ...u. otoroo ud 4rlnac -tbo lllll•ae• ot fttwport An., Ttalt!D, Ca11f. 155 VIa Lido So.~, Lido lllle tooll, Yllued at $511, W -alcohol 1t 1 a.m. 1t C1meo t%110, • • • Dr. WUUam SDJder rt. cta.rt&ed from b.ls ea.r wbUI tt Sborn Rd ud c o .. t Hwy Thl.1 tx~1t,..11 wu eonducted ported tbat $240 wortb ot ,old wu parked at hfa home ft'om Cameo ~-... Netl ~~~~ by 1 corpc:nUOa.. deat:al mu.rtalwaJ burCiartHd 11 p.m. Sept. 23 .ard:U 1 a.m. berl Ntlll lt tJI. 3Z4 Catalina Col'J)Gfi.Uca Name; Part ftom bl.s oftlce at 351 llofl)ltal Sept. 24 .•. .Aa uttma~«~ Mewp«t H.1,bt.. was eharttd Pia.U Pbey. lac., Robert J. Rd., WNt Nt'W'I)IOI't H,etpta, be-Sl,lOO c!amare na doo. to 1f'ltb dtMWbiaf tht •c• afteJ' 8onCDO, Yk•-PI"••· tween t V a.m. Sept, 20 and a window at Secarlt)' Paeltle ,.,.,., tadwrJ at lifl!wpor1 ThJJ .tatemeat wulUedwlth 11 a.m. Sept, 25 .•. AmUnp BaoJc, 550 Newport Cetar, b7 Huber IIJcb .ehoo1 htld htm lhe Cowaty Clerk of Oraftl'l Nu-sery, 1500 E. Coast Hwy., someooe who ftred .e:boU 1lllo lt for poUee after he rode Ills Couat)' 00 Sept. u, 1974_ Ntwport Center, "' burcla.r-sometime lll:rween 1 p.m. sap:. motoreytit ., an Olbtdestatr- P'IIItiU...: Sept, 19, u , Oct 3, bed of $5S9 worth of planter ZO aDd 8:40 a.m. Sept. 23. way at the scbOol ... A 1100 10, 197-4. mtz eeramtc pots aad oCher • 1tp na 110ft from the Port- TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 bolt Gt.Uey 2244 Newport L!CAL NOTICE LECU. NOTICE Joseph Pesha Sulllva~o m, 20, BIYd ., c.nr Newport, bt- of 303 J.4th, West N~rt, wu tweeo z p.m. Sept. 26 aDd 11 NOTICE OF flUNG AP-t.ai.D mileage steps. The niKflt charged 'lflth petf)· ah•JPlittlnc a .m. Sept, Z7 ... A blc-yc l~ PIJCATION FOR IN-direct dialed rate would be at Robinson's Fashlua lsi&Jid nlued at Sl.f5 ..,1 bvgtartzed CREASES FOR INTRASTATE nteoded to inc::lude all stor~ at 4 p.m. · · SteteoDoq-from the panceaUUc haeiMII, TEL!PHONE RATES ~day S&turda.y, for eotn calls, ~s Smith, 19, of 1220 Park ler'a boi'De, IZI Z ~rkshice, The Pacttlc Telepbone ud a. separate rate schedule *ould ewport, u s arrested at his Wutcutr, betweeo 9 a .m. and TelecraPfl Company on Sep. be established. ~11m0e at 3:30 p.m. aad Cbarred 9:30 a .m. . •. \ TV ~ aM tember 30, 1974, ftled wttll tbe ResldeDCe utenstoos would Va..nd aW:o theft ... Mi -elock, n.l..t at $42o, wer~ ta, $36.00 July $24,00" PubUc utiUttes Commtutoo of be Increased troln St.OO to t:hael _Bry3.ll Chambers, 21, of kn from ~~ home or 'Jteven the State of CaUforllla. an ap-Sl.25 per moDUI. 407·112 38th, West Newport, GoldbtrL 10,-1/2 Grant West pUcatloll tor authority to In-Toocb-tooe calling service was arrested at 2:50 p.m. at Newport hetwHa 1 p m' Sept September 30: c rease certalD intrastate rates would be restructurPd ror Ins 28th and Balboa, West New -22 and 'e P m Sept · zi · aDd charps applicable to tele-dlvtdual Une and multi-line port, and ctw.rged wllh bar-Jeanne Ba;, · IOPZ · Rutb~ phone MrYtce furnfsr)ed wlthln business and residence servtce glary ... Eleoor Loeser, 311 , We~rtdtff r~ted s555 woru'1 lbe State ofCaWornla, Thepro-and PBX trunks. I/Z l3rd, '.Vest Newport, re-or dothl~ a:xr sliver t-urrlar. posed rate IDcrea.sea wtll per-Some key equipment lbstal-porte-1 a $5'Xl TV set bur alar-lzed from her home !IOm.tt~TW mil Paclfte to offset tncreues lation charges would be in-~ud from her home between betwe,.. '1:SO p.m. and 8.45 SECTION· 2. This ordinance s haU bP. pubUshed once tn the otffclal newspaper of the City, and the samt> shall be efiPCtlve 30 days after tbe ~tate or Its adoption. to expenae1 diM! to ware salary creased. ~.30 p.m. aod 7.20 p.m. , . p.m. · and auoclated tDCre~s to The Wide area lelephon{: ser, Ster eo eQI.llpmeat worth $268 general · terms, the pr~sed Yice lnstallatton cbarf{e per ac -was takea from the Spal(bettt rate c hanges ar~ as follows· cess ll.Dl! would Increase from Bender restaurant 6204 w ' FRIDAY, SEPT Z'1 This ordlnan~e was Lntro- duced at a regular m~tinK of the em Councfl of the Cit)' o' Ne .. 'J>Qrt Beac h held on tbe !lth day of Septerr.ber, 19?4, :'lnt1 lt.'as ada,ted oa the SOth da )' ol SE'ptember, J 974, by the following vote, to 71t AYES, CO.fJNCILMEN: Dostal, Barrett, Koehn, Rogers, Ryc- kott, Stott>. No c t~anres would be rna~ SIO,OO to $50.00, Coast Hwy., WeSI N~wport, be: to basic montn.ty u cbange ser-Certain miscellaneous and tween 10:30 •.m. Sf>or. 24 aDd Walter Tbomaa Wells Jr ., t!l of 3'702 ChaMtl, '¥est Nf'~t. •as urestfd at stDd anc:! N~·· _ port 81""·· West Nl'wport. at lO:lS p.m. ud r lv.t(ed 1nth b.a vLDc a blq-d~ from whh:h tlw suill na.mbtr 1\a~ bHfl remo•fl't . , J1mes Owen Pott, %5, ofZOO~rd, WestNf!'W". port, wu cf'larred wttll drh1ng onder ttw lllfl1110ee of alcohol vice rates. supplemental equipment instal-10 a.m. Sept . 25 .. , ADdtH Senic-e eormecttoo t·harge~ I.aUon c b4rces and certain prl-Da r ling, 471? Hampden, Cam- woultllncrease for nu aDd ad-vate 111M! Slft)lemental equip -eo Shores, reported $2,180 ditlooal serrice, moves ot cus-m~nt l..astatlatlon e!largt>s woulr! worth or stereo eqntpment slos tomer's telepi'ooe sets, certain be lncreaRd. len b~· a burilal .... bo pried changes or custom er 's sets anr:t The rate!t propo~>ft in the open a :dtc-hen ''lodcnr between key lt>tl"phone system services appll~tt1011 are estlu1.1 !ed to 10 a.m. and noon . and IDJ •I1ceconned.lon cbatg!'!t: produce additional annual gr-oss The t·harge for tniUal conr~ec-revenue of $83,!l00,000 arove lion or a reslrJenoe telepbooe pnsent rate lel'!ls. NOES, COUNCIUtEN: Nf!n@, ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Mr·. Innis . Milan Oosbl M.1yor Pro-Tempore ATTEST: L:~ura Laeios C it}' Clerk PUblish: Oct 10, 1974, Ln ll1e Newport Harhor Ensign. L~GAL NOTICe would be Increased from S2-4.00 Henlngs on the appliratmn to S30.00; the business charces wut be sE't at a. Later rtJte. W"Oilll:t lnr:reue from $35 00 to N~Uce of such hearings will $45.00. The charge ror ~etas-be pubUshed not Ins than five tomer -lnlttated chln,:e I.D tete-nor more than U"lirl y daysprtor phone number would Increase to Utt l.nltlal hearing. from 15.00 to S10,00 for a The company's proposed r esldetJce telephone, and from r_ates wou\1 become effeetive SIO.OO to St5.00 for a business to various CaUfornia {'"Ourt\ies telephone. and munktpa1 col"pOratlons, JR. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Char ges ror Une extension c 100lng the County of Ounge SUPERIOR COURT OF THE and servic-e connection taclll-aud the City ol Newport R4>,.1·h, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR ties In sOOurbln areu would upon grant of authority there. T ilE COUNTY or ORANGE be chanced to r~oce the f'tee for by thP California PuUJk No. A'-109?1 -" ·footage artd*idct and to baM Utilities (A)tDnussloo. , f:sU.te ol R:ln'H ,VIHGJIIIA dlarps tOP N t'U S' foot~ ea A eopy <If .tbt.appUca.tton may I'OsttR alta Rln"ll V. fOSTER a perceota~ of rost tostHd be i.nspected by uy Interested aka Rtn'H FOOTER, Deceased. of a nat rate per root. persoo In the oltlcP of the NOTICE IS HEHEIW GIVEN F'ur lntrasbtf' mes~ge-toll Pattfk Tt>lephooe and TeiP- to thE> creditors of the above servi<'e, tocrea~es ;ue pro-graph COI!lPln)" at 1 01~ N Main named decedent that all persons posed In operator -handltd sta-St., Sanb. Ana, Cahfornla , ant1 having claims a~iost the said Cion and person nt~s . The day tn thf' offices ol the Pui>U t· decertent are required to rue pertoc:l dlr~d rtlaltd Initial Utilities Commission of thf' them, with the necessary vouch, period woulrJ t.oe rtdut"t'd trom Stare of CaWor nla, F'lfth F'loor, ers, In the offlct> of the clerk three minute~ to one rr.lnute. State 9ulldlng. ftvk \E'nter, o~ the abOve enUtled court, or Under this :lrran(emeut, mes-San Francisco, C.1Ufornta, :J.nd to present them, with the UCCf>S· sa lf@S sllortPr tha n rhr~ State Building, 107 South 9rooo1- sar y vouchers , to the uncler -minutes wou\!1 gf'net:lllv cost way. Los Angeles, C:tl tforni:~ signed at the offlct> of her lE'ss .. ~ messages ol. thrl!'e DatM. Septemt.oer 3/J, J!li4. attorney, Keent", Dton, Madsen mtnut~s or longer wou ld t.O.'\t The Padfic TelE'phortP ~IYI 41 JeMJ.ngs:, Professional Cor -more. In thP evening, thP ute Telegraph Con1pa ny, b} An hur .. WE il~Esn;.Y, SE PT. 25 at 1:20 a.m. at 4555 W. Coast Steven Cttaltes Wilson, l'l,of Hl«ftway, We• Newport ... p0_ .as~ E. leth, rom Ni na, was :~rr~ste<1 at ~55 N. Nl'wport, Jl r ,, arrf"Stfd S.ne Ta j Slnrf\rs, N 31 , of 2145 Vista Entratia, tt. ewpnrt ~PiK!tts, :tnd char~ Bluffs, at 3 p.m. •I Ric-k '3a\ with hundarv ... Steven Grftfl-ba urn. 23, of ISS2 Mlnmar, ud San Joaquin Hil ls Prt., Po~rk ~a lboa , was arrested thl!re at Nt>wport, aDd ct.rl'!ll M:n with ~:45 a.rn anti rha.r--t 'lrith t'raod lhth ... Wlllarrl Court . ~""' ne~·. 611 St. Jamu, Clltf Ha - possession of mariJuana . ven, reported S2P5 stol~n l"rom John Lonergan Pellan, 23 , of bis borne bf a bnr«.._J' who goc tl.a Via Lon:a, LIOO lsle, was in tbtoogh a t&tttroom wJDdo"r ·mrltf!tt with being intoxkatl'd In public at 1 a.m at Br,.d sometime between a:30 p.m. 0o1 c l.J N H aDd JO:SO p.m ... Brur·e Sklli- J ata 1121 ' ewport 'elp:bts t.y, 18'11 Port Carkrar, HarboJ' . . John Brenrun, 18-42 Port Carlow fb bo VI H VIeW" Homes, reportf'd 1 S?5 ' r r ew .om~. bk.)·cle sto~n from his•~ r eJJQrtf'd a blqr le stolen ftom bttwHtl. 3. Sclt 21 aDd ~ls etta~ behrt>en 4 p .m .~· 1 p.m. Sept~·~l .. _ ·Borcllr~ p.m. . St,:~Mn P.~t mlln, 122, took :a noo stet Nnt l'ro Oufrlvl!er . !iarhor V!t>W Httls, Judith Rib o·=)·t~·s t!S~ reportE'<'I earn er?~ and stereo deoct 1810 w Ck f t equipment \'.lloed atS2,0201Jur-C ent~l Newport ~Q ;:;r, r larlzed from tr.is 00:1! at 621 S ' Hn · Lido P:ark Dr. Lido PM~UlSU-p.m. tpt. !? and I ll .rr . Seilt. ' 28 . . A caShbOx and its Ia. hefWf'f'U 6 p.rn Sept 25 <"ODIHlts valued t Sl24 :trlll noon eao.~ ?~ A I • a . we:rto . ..,....., · -1 s PrPO sto1~n trom one of the ospump Jnrl n SE'f wer .. burl!"larlt.ed lsbltl"ls at Prestlgt Ai-to sta lr.;,ru Jtlll\ V·tiH!fln·s hom~> ar hon •oo w c st H M • :j !f09 Hi W I,. 1 ' -· ()Q W\.. ,n . \'otl " PS "twpor . he· lhf'r'!l MIIP ._., .; 30 I ,.~P" -10 • 5 ...... wee-n"· .1 .m " ' :1 .m Jn" p.m. ; anti 5.40 a.m . lltWWT~IIII. PUIUMIIIUJCLY • ,AGE I FICT!nllll ....... RAil£ Tii ~':'!.·I& ... lie ...... ,. u bleo,. 100 Lido Para Drift, "-a.e., Calli. _, 1-Cbrlt Riddle, 100 Lido Park Drt¥1, No._t Boaeo, Calli. -· TbU r.laeu 11 ooMiacled by aa .lJlditSdal. Slpod, Ja-Cltde Rlddll. Thltt llate-WU a.r.d wtlll lbo Coooty :lerl of Oruco Co1111ty oo Sept. 23, 1974. P~ll.tll' Oel. S, 10, 17, 24, 1174, Ia tbo N--Eutp. f -J'UM LICo.t.L IIOTICI at•S DllDI TAICIS ' ENCAIIPM!NT COURSE wc-~a. -.-"' llr ......... ·-A, -"' llf ... .-..... -... -· llru ~· :elrlr• a U.S. AirP.-c~ r_..._•lnlalac- GtM tni111c -=:aa11•t• a1 11.c-n AFI,- llwloc lilt ... -. .,._ dttl rtcefYed ....,._.,., ud 1111111 arms lrllllltoc ud ak- enft aad alrerew .lldoctrbll- lloot. ,., .... 111ft ... ..... porhalt)' to CllbNne eu .... a Ia wtlleb l>oy mlpl wtlll ID "'"' u Air Force oftlcen. OIIDIICAIICE 110. 2706 AN ORDD'UHCE OF THE COUNTY OF CI':A.MGE, CA. U ~ FORNIA. AOOPTED PURSUA.MT TO THEST.ATEPLAMNING AND ZONING LAW, RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN LAifD IN THE DANA POINT AREA FROM THE ~I (SR) (FP-2) "'GE~ERAl AGIUCULTURAL (SIGN RESTRICTIONS) (FUlOD PL.UN r DISTRICT5 TO THE CZ (SR ) (FP-2) (COND) ··GENERAL Btmi<ESS (SIGN RESTRICTIOIIS) (FLOOD PLAIN )(CONDITtoNA LY ' DISTRICT5 Ill ACCORD- ANCE WTrH THE COIIPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF OR ANGE COUH1'Y The Board M S~n1sor sol theCOUIII.y ofOrure, CaUfOI'1lla, does ordain as Jolk..ws: SECTION 1. Sect1oul Dlscrtct Map 23 -8-8 (ZC 74-ll) In the Dana Point .,.,. ls hereby adopted as a t.OillDg district m:ap of tbt CQUDI)· of Or~op 1nd :added ro SectloG 7-9-49 or the Cod:lfted Ordl,.nce!i t~f the County of Oru~. . SECTION 2. Coodltton. Prior to the OCCtCJ&ftCJ of the properf)' for tbt uses .llulhortzed by this zooe ctanp, a wall or !11\dacape SC"J'f'ftl shall l:le provltted. A p.._n for said wall or bodsuploc sball bf slf)mitted to and approvtd by the P1.a.nnlnr Commisstoo. SECTION 3. This OJ'c1inl.n{'"P shall bite tofft<'t and be to full foJ'ce tb~· (30) da~lt from . :ar¥1 after ils pa.._,p, and hdor e the erpiratlon o{ fih ... n 05) liaY!i aftf'r the puage lhert>Ol sball bf. pui)Usbf'd in the' Newport Harbor EI!Sip, a ~·spaper publtsbed 111 lhe Coun.t'f of Oranp., state of California, tocettaer -,tth It~@ names of the memh@rs of the Board of S~vtsors Yotln~ for and na.lnst the same. RALPH 8 . CLARJI: C 'l.ll r mn ot tbl-Board of S~s (SEAL) ATTEST: WI LLIAV. E ST JOH!" ,:If Oranp Coooty, Call.forola Count)· f.lttrlt 11•1 ex ,omrin CleJ'k of fh• R0ar 1 ''' SIClfrYISI'l,.. of Or ·•~e C('uuty, Ca UtorntA lt~ J une Alexandf!r llepulv STATE 0 !=' Co\UFORNIA l ) ss. COUNTY Of" ORANGE l I, WILLlAM E. ST ·JOHN , County Clerk aDd e&softlcio ( lerlr. of lhf' Roarrt nf Supervisors, tM hf'reb}' c-ertify that at a re~lar m~ of lt.P Board of S~erYisors o1 Or:ant.;f' Counh·, Californb, held oo tbe 2nd day of ()('Iober. 1974, ttwo fnr~>t:OiD!, Ord1-.oce c-oablniJl! threP (3) Sf!f'Uon.s was p:r.s!>f'd aM ~dopeect b'f tbP. l•1lkJWln• \'nle: AYES : SUPERVlSORS THOMAS F. RILEY, DAVID L BA!'f,ll, R. 11(. BATTIN, RALPH · .. ~~J5'" A~D RALJ'!I 8. N0£5· SCPEJi \lSORS NONE ABSENT SL"PER't'tsalS· NO!'II: ll>i WITNESS WHEREOF, I h3 V'l" herl'unto ~t m)" ha 1111 and aflbed thf utf!:""l.tl .wa I nt tbf' Hoard of Supervisors or tht- Counl }" ul Orant.--e, St:o~t P o( CaiiJorob, tws !M day ot October, l 9i4, fSEALJ Put.lls l1 WJLUAM E ST JOHN Cnunt}; Clerk i nd ex-oflid o Clerk or fliP Boa.rtl or Sl()f'n'fllinrs of Onnp Counh, Ca!Uornia li)' J un<> Alrx:andf't, Deputy N~wpt.l"f HJrhot EII SIIC!l Octoll('r 10. 1974. ... zc 74-11 The following person lslloin;; business as: •· A·· Telephone Company of Ca!Uornla, Tt1c Telephooe Compan}' of Call . fbrnla, South ern CaUrornla Telephone Company, ··A .. AnBYerlng Service of Oranit' County, 3001 Red Hill, Btci~t. VI~107, Costa Mesa, CA 92626: poration, /_vco FLnancla l for dlrN""f dl.aled mtoss.aets C Laino, Jr., \"f('to .PtP.::>tr1f>nl. Tuwer.firtlt rtoor, 620 New-under 51 miles woulr1 ~ m-Publish. Oct. H1, l !l?4, 1n thf' port Ct>nter Drive, Ne.,.-port creastd, with c!~rt'lsesat ~t>r-Ntwport Harbor Ensigu SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 23-B-B Tbe Telapbooe CompaD)' ol Or- ange County, lncoJ'l)Orated, A CaUtornJ.a Cor poration, 3001 Red Hill, Blrtg. VI-1 07, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. This business Is ~:onducled by !1 corporation, Cofl)Oration Name. The TelE- Phone Compan~· ofOrangeCowl- ty, Inc. Eric 0. Brown, Prutdent This statt>mPnt was n:fd wit h tbe Co~mty Clerk of Or1nt-P County on Sept. 11 , 1974, Publish: Sept. 19, 26. Oct. J, 10, 1974, In the NetrpOrt Harbor Eoslp. f -37134 LEGAL NOnCE FICTITIOI.E BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followl._ persons are doing business as: The Alex- aDder's Ud., 3602 renn St ., lnlne, Cal. 92'705: Alex Wong, 3602 feno St., Irvine:, Cal. 92 '705 ; lme kill. wooc. 3&02 F enn St., lr•lDe, Cal. 92705. Ttlls t..lness 11 condycted bJ a llmllod partllerlllllp, SipMd: Imelda Wong. Th11 ltatement was n led with tht CoaM)' Cltrk of Or-anp Colllll)' on Sept. lJ, 1874. Plbll1l" Stpl. 1,, 16, Oct. 3, 10, 19'74, I.D thtNf"PPrtHubor Euten. •·-sn94 LliiAL MOTICI 8-401$5 FICT!nllll BI.IIIIIESII NAME STATEMENT Tbe a,lloWI.IC llt'riOM IN _, --"' 551 Ll011lod, 11461 ltYiet lloololftrd, Tuollo, ca-...,, ... ..,. s. s.e. llllel, 11? lstll street. MIWP(Ift a..-. co--. Wll-..... 's ttio, IIIII IIIII -. ,_, Ca--· ~l'snta a- Be<4ch, CalUorob. 92660, which Is the place ot busmess: ot the undE'rslgned tn all matters perta.lni n.: to thf: estali of said dec-edent, ¢Uhi.n four months alter tht> first pWUcalton of thiS OOfit'P. Dated October I, 19?4. Mar - gar et Bt.wen, Executor of the Wut of the above named dt>- cedenl. Keene, Dlon, Madsen &-Jen- ni.ngs, ProfeSSional Corpora. lion, Av('o fl.na.n<'tal Tower - Firth Floor, 620 Newport Cen- te r Driv-e, Newport Beach. Cali- fornia 92660, Telephone: (714 ) 644 -8181, Attorne~ f•>r Exet:u- triJ. Pllbllsh: Oct. 3, 10, 19?4, 1n tbe Newport Ens!~. 17, 24, Har bor L!GAL NOnCE LII!ALIIO'MI LIGAL IIOTICI 0 STATEMENT Of OWNERSHIP, Postal Se"lee Manllll) 39 MANAGEMENT AND CffiCU-V. S. C. 36U prorides 1D pet- LATION, tiDellt part: "No person who 1. Tltle of publlca.llon: New~ •auld ban been entitled. to mat I port Harbor Ensllt[l. matter under former section 2. Date of f1Ung: Oct.1,1974. 4359 of tbis title ·shall mall :S. frequency oflssue:Weelt-sucb matter a.t the rates pro- ly. Ylded under this subseetton un- 4. Location of knowo om ce teas he ftles ana111Uy with the of pubUeaUon: 2721 E. Coast Postal SerYice a. written res Hwy., Cor ooa del Mar, Orange quest for permission to mail County, CaW. 92625. matter at sueh rates." ln ac- 5. LocaUon of thebeadquart-cordance with the provisions era 01' general business omces of this statute, 1 hereby re- of the pubUsllers: 2721 E. Coast quest permission to mall the Hwy., Corona d•l Mar, 0r:uce publlca.tton aamed In Item 1 County, CaW. 92625, at tbe reduced postaee rates 6. Names and addresees of presentlY autborlzed by 39 pubUsher, editor, aDd man&(· U. s. c. 3626. Arvo E. Haapa, tor editor: A no E. Haape., 710 pubUSher and owDer. JasmlDe AYe., Coro111. del Mar, 11. E:dent and Mture of clr- FICTITIOUS BtlUNESS ,AME caw. !J%625. c ulatloo. AcTuAL. .. o . STATEMENT 1, OwDer0fOWDedb7acor-.. .., .......... o o .. co•,••o" tlo lis "'-~ co•1•• I:ACH ""'en. I: 11MJI: The following person isdoin« pon n., .. me a auw·ess •nua ou ... •N o ,.u •\.•-~:c bustne:ss as: Nf'_. Por --=ttea must be stated and alto 1m· ..... cact"• N ... .,. .. T ,.o ......,.. .,.... mediately Ute:reaaderthtlll.mea •• MONn u t'H,.lN• OATI: Sales, 1208 E. 'Na.Jnut, Untt E, aad adttreuea of -~-• A. Total. oo. copies pt"lntfd Saat:a Ana 92107: Georp 0. ...., (Not Pro R ) Wbltman, 15652 Wltltams, e.8 . DWII1De or holdtac 1 perent or ss • •• 3336 3352 more of tot&J amoa ot stock. B. Paid circulation, Tu~:r· ~Hs:', u DOt OW1Md bJ 1 COI'1KII'•UoA. 1. Sates lhrOOCb dealers ID tnd~vtdua t ss s conducted b1 tbe am•• a ad addr .... a of ud canters, ltre« v«.dots Signed· Geor 0 Wb lbe lDd:ltldal onera mut be &ad COUDter sa. Ill .. 650 ?55 nts sbt .. me:' Wl..s nt!:tO:tt~ Pna. ~ O'ftld bf a partMr-!. Mail nbecrtpttou ... the Collllty Clerk ot Oraqe lhlp or OUter ..taeorponted •...••.••••.. 2!80 2SC7 c oanty 00 C!.-12 1974 ftrm, 1t1 •m• and actctr." C, Total paid etreaJaHoo ••• _...... ' • u 'ftll u that o1 eacb iacHYt· • • • • • • • • • ••••. SOlO S102 PubUsl>, 0<1. 10, 17, U , 31, cloll .. 1111 be ~) Eaolp D. FrM dlltr-I>Jmall, 19'74, ltl tbt Newport HIJ'hor P.,tlblar Co. lite., J'711 £. eurter or ott. rDIII.M. Eul... F -SVllll C-RwJ., c-del liar, I. S&mplol, eompUmetii - LEGAL MOTICI Calli.; Al'\'0 E. 8u1>1. 710Ju-"'7, ud-b'M """'" · • · · ......... c .... , Mar, ••••.•• , •• , • -. " 0 f'ICTrfiOIB BUIIII!SS !IAIIE Callt; lin. u... 1. l!aaQa, I. c..loo clllttrlllolocl lo STAttMEJrr 110 Juel• A"·• CoraM.~~ MWa a,..U. bit 101 801d ••.•. Tbo lollowtlll -~~.-... -Colli .............. IM I '15 ......... "' ·---... Jt..i ------E. 'Nal-ISlttn of cnr>tdel, 15151 'WU1ta111; 1-1, ~~----·~-Cud D) ••..•.• 1141 :117? T..ao, Collt. -~ ............... l)oouoif F. Ollleo _laft..,.v.•- 0, W'WtMa, l5ISI Wn•-. • _.. 11 .a -11 KA I It, spotlld .... PliM· I •I,,......Cdl.-. -., Hlt1=·--............... M '15 nq ""4 II q _,_, w mAl I (II .. ~-G. 'htal OJ-oil a p -.., .. _ _..._L ...... --~--ra ....., Otllrro.-. --..-... --·jJ ..... -,.. ftll 1111 .......... CIIL; liN. Mw 1. -: I_., lilt ... PI Sa lltt e.., c.."'~ ,.. t 7 -..c... .. -· ____ , ... c.-r • ....... It'll. -c.& ... I JP I -I. ...... • srno Get. I' n.M.a. ...,.., • 1 1: n .__., •·n . I"' ?o lla .. ,,_, -llr@PT s p • ._ ";$'1 Oil. I' II""' .. ~-~ _ '-'!"" nat ,...., n ••· • ,.•-••• PRECISE PLAN OF LAND USE ORANGE COUNTY . CAL if ORNiA .LEG[ NO E!J -· -· ---· ---· (!3 ·~·~···· ................... u [3 ••••• ............... u (!!] ...... ~ -···-..... ..,, I - PC .-- -•u ••••~••c •• ... •• ,.,. .. ~ ....... """ ........... , ............. . ......... '""" "'""'" .. , .......... , .. ••• tO•o H .:>•~ -~ ••• t •c•• O• •" 01 011o 010 •a ,.., •• •o '"' ""'" o• ••<~ ••o-· o • ... 15!1 ••o ·-•· ... , .. ~, •• ., .... ~ ...... 01<010•--......... .... ~. f 'ftl ...... t~ .......... ~··-· • •satw~ -Go cu.-,..,..., .. __ ..... 0..0 llllaftl'l- plt.J.TIIo..._,...,..., .... IS JUdo Ia ltlo -u ... plt.J, ulllUJ--•-" of ebltcb riiQI ud tlll dlleut beld fut. TM Coratra rem.a!a ..te~ -(4-0) lor tile --""" ..cored ..,00 1o tbllr Jut s ... mH. Deteaslve standout• for tbe Corsatrs were Duld Tbomp~ SOD, Jim DoebrlDC. David Hoff, Stwe Knemft aDd JoD Schnlt- pr. Offe.u.slvely, the Corlllrs were sparked by tbe rUOil!.DC of Mike Jobuoo. DaYldThomp~ son. aDd Cameron Hall, I.Dd lDterlor blocking by U:art Dobbs aDd Seott 9eD)Imlne. PIRATES WIN INVITATIONAL Coach Bob wusoo•s Orange Coast College water polo squad breezed to the ehamplonshl.p of the Pirate lnfltaUooal tourna- ment Saturday 1.n the OCC pool. The Plrates cloned 3 op- ponents, running thelr season reeord to 9-?.-1. They t~ Saddlebaek 1n Saturday's tour- net opener, 7-3, and bombed the: U. C. Irvtne junior varsity 15-4, and dropped Santa Bar- bara City College 8-3 In the ebamplonsblp contest. occ looked strong defens- ively lD the tournament. Sopoo. more goalie Chris Rose had 1-4 saves while Cratg Rosen- baum had 13. ' • M,ltl. ANOTHER ~~.!-~!~!'!9.Cl ONE FOR TARS .... Cout CoUll' 8oUd de~ tiM bi.U at Will, blat OCC drlftl Ntwpart lllnar'a S&Uan 80D Field. lt&kl FernroCIIII*i foalftiiOIIIUCaa .. llllaPrl-bopa lo ~ ooeo lbo PI-laqlt-a -llnlllt I lltlll -4rl--ai&M u L·'llr1l ltMI.-, 1M rata: p tuldt tbl 10. Tbt power._. "'11 ~••• FrtdQ, toocbdcrn pl ..... Bnd or ... ()ICC ta•tr-• Olcii:TucDrays Vl.kllap toot ad't'a.atace of S ud Core. dtl Mar, Eltud& ltY aa:1 Kart FrutllD ftl'e lllol II Cam.IDO baa lobe raled 1>11 br-In .._,.. a U-S alii C-11-10 aploot 00 1110 '*oiYIA( oDd al 2111- tbe ta:rortte. adnatap at the lDterm......-. ...., (IIIIOIIWoa, aa ...,.. quarter eoort.ac puaea from Tbo --Ia oel>odalocl tor Loadlll( S-O. OCC Cleeldod plt.J -· lla -Willi Gary C.U..oa. GrMitJ kl•tod 7:SO p.m. Gates opea at &:SO to play etn...a.way. Tbt: Bac1 tor lllrbal' Artalll&t!Kbooll. 1 4th-qaarter fteld pi after p.m. aad Ueata are priced fumbled a pmat oo thttr own coe.cb !lUI Plsalca'• Sailors, Ftt.U11D tcortd oo a U -rud •t $1.!50 lor adattl aiMS $1 for 5 Uat IAacBeacbftni.Uybupd •martllc froom a 11.7 loa to rev.ne ·m tbe Srd period, a.ad eblldren. aero.s in 4 plays. WettmtDSter lD l&lt w•t's Rob Elson elided tbt carnap Tbe Plratu dropped tbetr Moments later IAnr Btlcb le&CQt~.JoarD11toH•t-wltb: an 8-yard ruolntbeflnll secoDd ball p.me of tbe 9ti.!JOO deteulve back Leroy GUtl I.D-lftllCIG Btaeb tor 1 Fridl.y al&flt quarter. Marty Fern.ro, MUte's last •Htud. a 41~23 deelsloo tercepted u OCC pass andre-p.me aCUUt ..,_teo Edl-. brother, ran tor 115 yards. to lAne Beach Ctty College at turDect tt '1 yards, uomoleattd. coroaa del Mar, rUIIIwaJ Eatancla's Earles,eoottnutac Veteraa•s stadium 1D Loor for tbe aeore. Midway tbrot.IP wlDDtr Jut Frldi.J onr Ma.c-to ahow lmprcwemeat over lut Beac h. OCC domtnated the ball tbe seeoOO sta.Dsa the Ptratea aol.ll. bolts wtaleu Ylll& Park year, opeHI! tbe Century cam- came eYe..,..,bere but oo tbe tumbled at their owo 22 and the at ~~ Fteid. EltaDcla'a patp by b&ttllnr VIUa Part scoreboard. VIkings capa.UIIIed onthatmls-E1clea, wbo tied VIlla Part to 1 Z0-20 studoff. The E1c11s Tbe Pirates out -tlrst dO'Irned eue. 1ut weet. !nftde Tutm. wbicb almost woo 1D the elos1nc see -tt.:e Vltlngs Zfi-8 and led In lAng eeacb quarterback Pete b&SD"t woo yet. coaa Mua'a oDds, but were stalled oear tob.l offense 481 -323. Tbe Bues Tereschllk completed 9 of 17 Jiustanp, after k>siar last mldftekt wbeD the pme ended. ran off 8!1 plays to Long Beach's passes for 291 yards. The PI -saturday to El :.&odnl., ahould Estanc:Ll quarterback Larry 49 , but breaks made the dif-rate sec.oDdary went to sleep, flDd IJllll.p easter this Satur -Hall put on aD aerial sbow fereace. allowing touc:bdown bombs of day wbeD ~Y play Mapoll.l that tncluded touehdown tosses Tbe Pirates completely com-76, 76 and 66 yards. at Glo'tv (formerly LaPalma) to Rl eh EDgle 1..n the 1st a.ad C I• t l•ty F 'd stadium ln Aneelm ZDd Qtarters. Vllla Park scored yc IS S qua I fl ay ~~~:;.~' s::~.athc!~i~ ~:!ce1 ~~~~he ~~r:~e~~~J~rt.~ '"Yoo'U bt &'ad tOeorrow tbalJOII ....... r•t•atate today.'' ROY McCAIDLE lliALTOJl RBUAB LE SER VI CE SINCE 194J • EXCLUSIVE Newport Island Pier and sUp co with tl'lls super Channel Fr01!t borne. Owner has moved away and nnts an offer. Asking $107,000. • JOHN COOMBB. MA.NA.GBR U O-UU Float qua.Ufyt.o£ rouDds for SoMy Nutter, Mike CtJI'OSO, repeat as SUbSet League team stored in the ft.nt.l stanza, the IC)COmlng U.S. motorcycle Mike Konle, Larry Shaw, Guy clla.mps, ran latoanoverpower-with Hall piiJD.gtng over from !::::::::::~~~~~~=~;;;;;~~~;;~~=~~ speedway national champion-Waterson, Blll Meister , Mark lng defense last Friday Dllflt the one for the tlnai Eagle sbl.ps are set for Friday night Chert, Dave Sims, and Larry 1D Westminster .. The always-tally. Estancla, instead or at Costa Mesa's Orange County and Phil Moon. Riders trom tough Uoos beld the eJI)loslve rambling on a 2-po int conver-GINNJ1S AT IT AGAIN! Fairgrounds. Northern California tracks wtll Sailor otreDSe toaftrst-quarter sion try, settled for the tie Riders are competing for also belnthecompetttlon, which toucbdown. QtarterbaetGordon on a place kick. points that will Qual1l)' them begins at 8:15 Friday night. Adams hit tt(D Mulroy for a When Scott Coshow Inter. for the national charr.pionsblps ln stead of t!le r egular racin g 37-yard scoring pass. cepled a VIlla Park pass and Nov .l at the Costa Mesa track. program, there will be 20 4 ~ But ttl~ Uooa gave Adams returned it to the Spartan 47, Defending nattonal champ man scratch heats. Each rider a strong rush tbe rest of the the Eagles had a chance to Mlk Bast ut 3 weeks with wlll race 5 Urnes and will com -game, and used their obvious p•11l the pme out in the eloslng a b~oken 'W:tst, will wear a pete against every other rider Une s~riorlty to push through secorxls, but 3passplaysfalled. special cast as he tries to once. Points will be awarded the Newport defense wtth a Costa MeS'l lost 16-6 to £1 maJte 141 the points !te missed on the basis oC 3 for lst, 2 balaneed attack that netted Modena last Saturday, girlng by oot racine r eeeDtly. for Znd aDd 1 for 3rd place. touchdowns tn every Quarter, the game any on ;nistakes. Costa Mes:a'sownRio:k Woods Mike Bast needs at least 9 except tbe 3rd. A serlu of 1st-quarter perril- wlll also be among the possible points to quaUf)' for the na-Corona del Mar, koown as ties helped F. I Modena to a qlllllfters as will Bill Cody Uonals. a defensive power In the new 10-0 lead, and 4 turnovers • ' Century League, unleashed an further aided the Vanguard GINNY made the Winners Circle for the month of September with more than $2.66,000 in escrow. GINNY has been the recipient of many top awards in the Newport Harbor- Costa Mesa Board of Realtors since 1968. most recentlv received one of the top awards for 1973 and' only worked 5 months! GINNY believes in her product & YOU. · Call GINNY !or all of your Real Estate needs ... she is ready to serve you in her most efficient & dedicated manner! ENSIGN CLASSIFIED ADS offensive bUtt against hapless cause. Costa Mesa's oolyscore Magnolf.a aOO rolled onr the came on a 66-yard bomb from Sentinels 42-15 in last Frl-Rosauer to Vertng In the tlrst day's league opener at Davtd-ql.tl.rter. COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 546-U" 1491 BAKER, COSTA MESA " • LOST AMD FOUMD Found: SheiUe PI4!P Y near Zuble's, CDM .Call646-101 e AMSWERIHG SER VICE ~EGEMCY AHSWERIMG SERVICE Try our oew DYNAMIC service for Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Irvine and Costa Mesa. We c.a D ser - vice caUs for you whether you have telephone service or not! CALL 645-5264 • BEAUTY SAL OM ~ine'~ BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone 644· 7336 LETS GET ACQ(JAJNTP.DI Phon• 5.48-5212 260• .t.YON HII!W~OIU &lACH SALES & SE RVICE 420 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MIEIA 646-7706 -648-QIS6 MALCOLMIBUOICUTLER •.FLO RIS TS FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS [)eMurl Tosh FLORISTS PHONE-78 2•31 N..,_, BIYd. ~- HAL ;AfBISCHE R ~.1 J'l "'-Flnlnt ,.,. ,._ 34011 E. Coeot Hw(. Ccoronodo!Aior 417WI33 . RATES FOR CLASSIFlED AOO 1 Time 2 Times 20 words or less ... 2.00 3.50 21 to 30 words. . . . . 3.00 4. 75 3 Times 4.50 6.00 6.00 .. 20 FLAG FOOTBALL SCORES 31 to 40 words .. , , . 4.00 6.50 Here are results of the ftrst week of action in the Newport Beaeh etty recreation nag root - ball league: Eaeh word over -40 . • .10 .IS -.~H~E;L~P~W~A~M~T~E~D~--- needed at th.-Ensign office, 2721 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Call 673-0551. • WOR K WAH TE D REFINED WOMAN, 26, desires child care position wit h young chtldren. Experienced fn Swtss chl ldr e!l's home. • DRY CLEAMERS DI MMITT /L .. ii.tr.. cr--~ Finest quality dry cleaning on the premises • SeU«<'Yicc la•uwlry All new -latett modd References. 675 -3645. Frigidaire washers -.-F""O_R_SA-:-L-::E-----13200 E. Co .. t Hwy., COM Phone' 673-96()5 OIV1SION ''A'' (7th & eth graders) Mariners Chiefs 32, Butf.alo Bills 0 SAT. GAMES DIVLSIOU ''AJ." CYC Stoos-Marlners Chiefs, 1 p.m. Mulners Fteki 2. Newport Heigbts Sun-Buffalo BUll, l l):..m., Bldfakt Hills. Eutblult Ollers-lrrine Ter- race Wedge, 11 a.m., lnine Terrace. DrvtSION "A" CYC YellOw Zonkers.Mar- PATIO ~1L~: C~sh only. MARINE HARDWARE tners Trojans, noon, Mariners BeautfM blue/white q• Jn . ,•:....::.:::::.:=.o:.:=.::..:;==-r 12. rtatable boat, 7' GJ.asshopper nr,es Mariners Rebels-Peninsula clear plastic rtlngh}', tackle ,., Raiders, noon, Peninsula Park. boxes, Jerry Ju~ ps Jugs, ~_.,l& Eastblutr Wame Whtrfers . 2-1/2 & I gal. Thermos jugs, ...,., Irvine Terrace Spartans, l p.m. leadllne, ice longs, swivel Clothing . Nautical Gifts Irvine Terrace. deck blocks, anchor line, Marine HardWare Channel Chargers-Mariner s safety harness, dec-1.: chair, Open seven days a week Eagles, 1 p.m. Martner s If I. Trim-Eter sa!lbOOt speerto. to serve you better Buffalo Rams-Mariners meter, lamp ~il , tu1 nd~1ring 2700 w. CO AST HWY., N. B. Colts, 9 a.m. Mariners "'· compass, nav1gat on 1evtces, PHONE 645-lTil DIVlSION "BR" slightly dam::tged surfboard, 1 -::==:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ CYC Yellow Zonkers -Mar -lland flares & mo re tor 1-tners Tro)a.ns, noon, Mariners satlors. H~vydutyskJllsaw, • MUSICAL FOR SALE 12 . small tools, draft 1""" table M tn Rebels P tn '' ~ SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. ar ers -~n suw. tamp, misc. hardware, 8 R td P ntn •-FALL FESTIV"L a ers, ooon, e su .... drawer 3r5 card me cabinet, S Eastblutf Watne Wh1trers-mus lc -ck ~-• single Lowrey 00 organ ...... 395 . '" .,......... Winter Spinet pbno . . . . 595 . Irvine Terrace Spartans, I p.m. burner electric stove, desk 1r In T Yamaha or .... n w(rhytl'lm . 699. v e errace. top nllng/nall units, ha nging -c Bealltitul Bush &r Get ts Channel hargers-Marlners nte boxes, single drawer metal Die cabinet, Ugh! grand ........... 1995. Eagles, I p.m., Mariners fl. I Lowrey HR -10 Theatre Butfa.lo Rams-Mariners meter, sUde vtewer pro-jector, dresses sl..zes 10 & or gan ........... 11 95. Colts, 9 a.rr. Mariners f l. 14, and more. Sout h side MaDy mor e new and used priced DIVISION "8 " to sell! CYC SU.D(rays-Marlners entrance, 305 Via Lido Sourt, St:HMIDT MUSIC CO. Patrlots, 11 a.m., Mariners Newport Beach, Sat./Sun ., l2 Oct. IZ/13, 10 to 5. Phone Stetnway -Ya!r.alla -Lowrey · 1907 N. Main St., Santa Ana Clla.nnel Colts-Mariners 673.0053, R M t •1 Est. 191 4 ams, noon, ar ners . 1969 SEARS {SC M) electric 12 portable typeW1'iter, c.a rrylng case, manual carrl.a.ge r e- turn, kept dean, in excellent condition, plea type, SIOO. Call 840-6392 . e HOME IMPRO VEMEM T LET ME GIVE YO U A HAND N~wport Heights Sharks- • OFFICE EQ UIPM ENT Buffalo Cowboys, lla.m. Buf- falo Hills. Mariners Commandos-Pea- Ins ula Tro)ans, 11 a.m., Pen- insula. Eastbluft Mogquttoes-Irrloe Ftgbting lrtsb, 10 a.m., Irvine Terrace. CYC Ratders-Eastbluff Bat- taloes, 10 a.m., CYC. Buffalo Dolphins-C YC Chiefs, 1 p.m., CYC. OIVlSION "CC'' CYC Rodents-Mariners Cow. ys, 10 a.m., MarlDU"s 12. Ne11'J)011 HeleM• Mustancs- Botfllo Redsldns, 10 a.m., Baf- 1011 N..,_, e.-.,Na iJDI1 ~ falo HUla. • R!STAURAM T Mariners Ram s-Pen1D.aula Chargers, 10 a.m., Peatuula. Eastbluff OUers 13, Mariners Marauders J Irvine Terrace Wedg1! 22, CYC Studs 7 DIVISION "88" (6th graders) Marlners Rebels 18, Channel Chargers 0 Eastbluff wame Wbltfer s 22, Mariners Colts 0 Newport Heights Sun 8, CYC Yellow Zonkers 0 e•ltfalo Rams 20, Peninsula Raiders 16 Irvine Spartans 15, Mariners Eap;les 6 DIVISION "B" (5th graders) Bul'falo Cowboys 8, Mariners Patriots 0 Mariners Commandoes 16. Channel Colts 0 CYC Chiefs 28, Eastblutf Buf- faloes 0 Peninsula Trojans 14, Buffalo Oolphln5 ' Irvine Fighting Irish 6, Mar- Iners Rams 0 Newport,Heigflts Sharks 6, CYC Stingrays 0 CYC Raiders 9, Eastblutr Mosqultors 0 DIVISION "CC" (4th graders) Bwta.lo Redskins 36, Mariners Cowboys 6 Eastbluff Flar Rtppers 20, CYC Earles o CYC Rodeots 13, Newport Hetpta Muflnp 0 Peninsula. Charrers 16, Buf- falo VUtlngs 0 lr'f'lne Ternce Sun 6, Mariners Colts 0 DIVISION "C" (3rd crad•n) Buffalo Broncos 30, Mariners 49ers 8 lrvtne Terrace Colts 15, Mar- Iners Sun 0 Mariners Tro)lns 12, ChaDOel Rams 0 CYC Panthers Z8, Newport Helpta otlers 0 PeoJru~ula Pao:ters 14, Buffalo Bills 0 CYC Cowboys 6, Eastbluft Cbarpra 0 FIRST DEFE AT FOR OCC CRO SS COUNTRY 0rup CoutCollere's cross eoiiOb'J *ltad crabbed tbt first two IPQll but Cr, Su AntoDlo picted -.., tbt Dill 7 aM tbe lla.tlea topped eoach Jim Mc- lhraiD'J Plnttl 2'-H oo the hli!J Mt •. SAC eour• Frtda,, It YU OCC'I ftllt 1oa lnSotltb coUt Coatereoce adiOft . Tbe Baca Ill DOW 1-liD 9CC WIJ'. tare ud s.t oa UM ytar. 'SON,ButkSlng eon- tractor. New borne lnterest ratea too high? Remodel or add to your home! State 'Ucense BL 114321. 6'73 - 8041 . Pla)'fltld Paetera-Martaer• Colli, 11 a.m., MarU.n 11 . rnttunu JObO Olswuc II-lltlll apllllll IlL SAC ~~~oc Vlt.inp-CYC £act.,, wtttt a IIDt 10;!1 elocttac cwtr Ea'sCbta:ti Flag Rtpper,.IJ'. tbe t~mU. Moalttlt eoar•. • SIRVICIS UM\..IMITEO S ·~• Douoftltmlrewu fi.Dt Ttrnce 11111, aoon, lnt.De --a eo,55 Ternct. .._ • · Dl~ .. c·· ·riiAiill. CYC Putbera~Matt.Derl DOROTHY MAPXJE · thn, 9 a.m., Marl8en H . r]r.~~~~ii~r~ UfTDDIB B-lo an.:oo-lloopoot II J-l -W, AI. "-)· Rot .... Ollon. 10 '-"'·· lnloo p-!141-1'711 .. 10..1191. -·-~=:: -Cllaqtl ~ .,.,,._. r~~~~=~~==~; ace..-.. ' ..... , p POI'I .. rtme Iota trra -OIIIIIG. J-1 G( .... -W c.,...__ ·• ,_. ..., CIUPIL •••on • an tJtM II cli.PII _, waMO eo-.. 1 La., ....._ ---~·--"""laiiJ--· ...... ·-• I Yi .$1.00, -'1.10 .... ltr. -,__--.10 --~-&1111-ll c... ....... $ O'llul -· 10'1 .......... _., ...... • ~ ..,. -'"' .._, c-dol lllr. '"-'"" -...!!!"""'c eo...,., ,~----------u •.•.•. ~--. • WHEN BUYING -OR SELLING---- LOOK FOR THIS TRADEMARK REALTOR ® It's your assurance of an investment ' • 1n real estate ·excellence . -I • .... , rt I dt I. 1&!.-YIIIMUJJ•· . I II I II · ···l·lsl...t c.t. .. ~ .. o/ rJ•wporl REALTORS 675-55U SHC)RECLIFFS • Rich lD detail, quality cQitom 4 bedroom bomt. Beam eetllngs, poUshed wood noors, ahutten cu~ , den patio, SltO,OOO. ' d, .t .t CORONA DEL MAR King sJu tamily home, cloH to beach, spacious 4 bedroom or 3 bedroom pla stadlo for the arttstic minded. Owner wtU ftnanee. $139,500. NEWPORT IIEACK-CORONA OIL MAR REAL ESTATE SI'ICIALISTS COLE OF NEWPORT, REALTORS eo .... dol "'• I IRVINE TERRACE Large lot with a pool ttlllt seems part of tht li'ftDc area of tbls 2-bedroom aod. deo borne. Hleh open beam ceiling and larre wlDdoWs make it brlpt and cheery. $71,500 macnab/ lrvlna realty FINER ·HOMES Prlcecl Ft.. $46,950 10 $535,000 8 BEDROOMS -LIDO ISLE Z.lloly borne on dbl. lot-100' from lennia courto " pork. Separale cblldren'o quarlero + llllld'• room. Lg. 'POii<>-wel bar. ,UI5,000. LyDM llolhell 64U200. (535) YOU CAN SEE FOREVER! CataliDo, Newport .llvbor, SfUboeU, New· =:em.r-fn>m t11,1s 4 bedroom, 1-story bbmo. fliK,OOO fee. Joyce Edlund • (SCI) IRVINE TERRACE YOUR CHOICE (I) 4 (or 5) bedroom b<MM oo lg .. pool sized ~.500. -or-(2) 2 bedroom borne on quiet lllreet. Perfect for lbe small- er family or coupl&-470,000 fee. Tom Queea 644 6200. (845) 111 OW. OriN 142·1235 1144 llldrthur toW·UOI .... jiCJt ..... Cllllarnit I2IU Oceanfront 5 FURNISHED I Delaxe 2 bedrooms, 2 t..tlla, Swedt.sh ftrtlplaees. suadeckl or paUos; 5 .U. fllnJsbed, oo water/ summer; ODI talt, featly, liDI'IIratJhed. Good reatal bJstory. Call ror deb.Jls. Priced at $!50,000. CALL 671-3663 or 642-2253 ••••· GALLERY OF HOMES BROJ<ERS REAl:,.,! 0"'R8,... 2025 W. IALIOA ll.VD. 67l-:166l RESIDENTIAL AND INCOME PROPERTIES ---TO BETTER SERVE YOUR NEEDS! Rachelle Robers, Re.1ltor 3333 E. Coast Highway Corona dc:l Mar 675-2373 ****** ****·***** ................ ofiJo JJ. * lla.T * Elepnl 4 llll It .... ~ .. I balhl. Pier .. lloeL 10 Fl. lot. • IAWoly IIR.,I ba • ., J!!11o •C-lot. Lido Nod. Plor .. llol&. Pllia . . ... II. 101. ~~~ -· --.... n. Lat.tiiJeNord, vlow. N ... BILL GRUNDY, Realtor !oi• .. ,. II .. .t Ll .. io !olo UIIAYUI .DI., IU.LTII,JI.I,.J7W141 . .-:. •••••••• _ ........ I ': ..••••••••••••••••••• . . I I I MLS SALES REPORT I I I Sales through tbe Multiple L!Jiti.Jlll Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totalled $158.2 million for tbe first 9 months of 1974. THIS IS MOR];1 THAN A 28% INCREASE OVER THE SAME PERIOD A YEAR AGO. 4,713 new llsti.Jllls were processed, of wbicb 54't WERE SOLD! 73% of tbe sales were cooperative • List your property witb a Realtor. I I I I I I a I I I I I I I a I I I P.i.. Q. ,w~~./'44- TKR!E OP'PIC:ES TO SERVE YOU 1-wan:LIPP Ia~ MIIWPOIT-442---• . ·71· L IAL"A ILYD., IALIOA-1711-.. -1. 17111 IT., atiTAIIIISA ..-IG~ • ;e•c.,-..n ~TY . ... ._..,,,, t...t ss ... -AIIe;IIAII,CLl!IURSDAY,OCT.lO, it74 Ma•p art In dt lain ·~ .. ,, . .,..._, 3, 4, or 5! TMs nry lovely home loeatad 1D '•Old Corea." oaly a block trom the beacb offers tbe most lledble of ·floor plaDB: It caa be a ftwe bectroom, ftn bath borne ; a four bedroom home wUb a "'*'hobby room; or a tlltte bedroom borne wttb a botlby room aod a super separate teenac•rs tamlly room. This room would also make a &Teat in-Jaw suite with a separate entraoee. Tb1a Uke new home al10 features both forma 1 aDd lldormal d.lntnC areas, large formal Uvlng room ud family rooms both with ftreptaces, and a clodoua Sill ftlled courtyard wtth p.s B.B.Q . All decorated in warm yellows with sun.shJoe In nery room . $139,500 Call 115-'IZZS • 4112 Ofo LOAN Wilb $50.000 down. shopping cenler In Costa Mesa. Annual groos ~.3M. Full price $150,1m-Firm. ·WOODY Lido Isle bayfrvnt, ,..Weed to $2SMI,OOO. Next to large. private beach. eo Ft. pier, 6 bdnns., 3'-h baths. Magnificent lfl)' view of bay from mstr. bdnn. suite. Beautifully remodeled in 1970, with gorgeous shingle exterior. . RIALTORJ 2UI Lc-Hwy,,Co,_dol_ "SeUint RNllst•te in Newport H..rbot Slnce1944H 673-4400 COUiiTRY. FRENCH WARMTH Big Canyon 4 bedroom home with family room and sunken conversation aren. Large terraced lot. with plans for pool. Decorated in sunny earth tones. S175.900. RARE IIAYCREST OFFERING Assumable 6~% loan. 5 Bedrooms. 3h baths. family room. dining room . sunken living room, pool with Jacuzzi. Function with nair. Located on prestigious Antigua Way. $157.500. SOMETHING SPECIAL Elegant Corona del Mar Estate. S bedrooms, 7 baths. pool. view of islands & harbor. A mountain setting by the sea. Call today. $272.000. INCOME UNITS NEAR lEACH Build equity in sbarp corner duplex while relaxing in bonus rooms over garage. Selling pritj! includes raoges. refrigerators. wasb-- er &: dryer in laUndry room. Priced to sell at m.ooo. DIAL ...._,76, 2161 S.n .;....,in Hills Rd., N.B. A COLDWELL BANKER CO • EXa.usMS * Cameo Shores LoniY P~Ule VIew; tp. S biJrm., 2 bath home . Spoei&U,-II $114,000. Heart of .. CCBOI<A OIL MAR, l.oftiJ -· e-1o booeb, .. 1-1/l Iota. 0... will---Cland aUIIUOO COitaiN M.UlTIN, INC. ltiAL TOllS 1• NO • c... .. RENTALS NEEDED!! Bay and Beaetl Realty has tnereued lts rellt&l activity and is DOW very short oo StC~PIY, but,.., lonv on demand lor Corona de1 ·Mar rentals. FOR fAST, COURTEOUS SIRYICI PLEI<S! CALL IOS!MARY SI!Tl AT 675-6426 OR 675-6427 2407 E. Cont Hwy .. Conine dol ll• ,__'7-5·3000 DoiiJ t -5 675·3---~---~ ou~ 2;, B\Y BL\<:1 YIAI •, BIG CANYON A Magnificent Home "ONE-OF-A-KIND" Superbh decoratf!d .f, bedroom hOme. Prime lou. tion Wllh rie11; ol Bte \am·on area and Fashion Island nhtbt UibtS. former model hOme with ll.rr;e ac-ttvtUes roOm. Se-<:llided outdoor area "'tth putting green, orteDtat garrlens, tlre pit a.Dd so many extras. Main resldf'oce fl!'flture~> huge u,·tnr; room, formal dining room, tamih' rnom, madera kitrhen. Please C'l.ll us at 6'13~8550. This homf'ist pl~ t<l show. ' · ,. no ., ~"'1""lltl\') OPE!I TIL I. fi"S Filii ro'iit"iiJ:EI ·> -. .. THE REAL ESTATERS 332 MARGUERIT!, CORONA DIL MAl QJ-8--·: Have You Considered EXCHANGING? WE CAN HELP YO U CALL 6U-611'1 ~01 ~ (I~N&RW!NJ REAil'ORS .· 2"100 E. CO AST HIGHWAY, CO R D .~ A DEL MAR * ---* SALES LEASE OPTIONS LEASE FANTASTIC FINANCING Top modf'l oa a seduded cul~dP-sa c. S bedrooms, 3 baths w1th delu~:• llf"<'or. P!ea.w r-ail to st.w SU P LA 'i A. $75,000. IJElJ6Ift AND Blrd ftldllt~l ...... I ' : * a I It I a VIEW DECI If .......... , ...... ablo--------·-CAIIDAL. .,.,_ • .. • . . I TALK TODAY S, J.C. Humphrioa J.C. HumpfirWI, who. ItO,.. •t I 82 3 N.wport B /wJ. "-• bHn • Colt• M•M l•ndm~k frJr mor• tft.MJ 21 Y.,.11,. if •l't wthority Ol't ,.,.. •nd j-lry .. IGIH OF GEM HANES Altf\ougtl the true origin of some gem names Is lost In antiquity, most well- known gemstone aames can be traced acearately back to the dawn of recorded his- tory. The fasclnaHoo and beauty of color bas most strongly Influenced the naming of gems, two outstanding ex- amples being the ruby and tre sapphlre. "Ruby" stems from lhe Latin rubellus, mea.oing re<! or reddish, while "sapphire" comes from the Greek sapp!'lelros, mea.ntng blue. FU TU RI! MAIIIII!II'S CII UIICII-AUDITOIIIUN AT L!fT, !DUCATIOIIAL C!IIT!R AT RIGHT. WITH ' GOD, ALL T~IINGS ARE POSSIBL E By Fred Duls board of dlrec:tors at MarlDer 's llacArtbur Bh'd., ft'om tbe Jr. t&Uoa and counsellnt seulces. They DeYet pus the collec-quietly paaed tbe word tfllt 'iDe Co, tbout 5 years ago. "But we are really rUD by .too plate at Ma.rlller's Church $$94,000 trou1d be Deeded by Tbe church outlasted the threat our board of directors," u- ln Corooa del Mar. Not even 5 p.m. hpt, SO. A ff!W ttm.nctal of the PacllleCoast Hwy.,whleh plains the pastor. "Tbey are wbeu they hue to raise $394,000 ey8ow1 UOCIDd ton: were would han run tbrourb their the 8 KeDUemen wbo started Jn a hurry to buy a new chlll't=h ra.lsed at tbe tbc:rqbt of a bullcb property, but the economic Mariner 's and Ulfy ha¥e a Ule- slte. of amateurs ra1stng that ldod pressures to Mvelop land Is tlfl\e commitment to the "We Just feel tbat, if God of moaty wUbout any profes-ftnally pushing tbem out. church." wants 10methJ.og done, It wlll siooal ttmd-n.lsers. After tbe tlrst new structure Hud Saffell, Bob Milum, Bill be doDe," expla.loJ Joe Aldrich, ••we dldD't eYea put te:~ one Is finished, work will start King, Bill Temple, Lioyd Jotm- Mui.Dtrs' pastor. AIJparently , of those tMI'mometers lo let immediately oo a m•tn build-son, George Golcn.um, Bob God wanted the church to ra.tse people tDow boW tar we were lng, wbJ.ch wUI ban a 2,000-Stevens and Beecher Wallace enoup mooey to buy 8-1/2 from the pl," says the pastor. seat auditorium. are the board. acres from the 1n1n~ Co., be-"SomeUmes, tbe members ··we will be the blggestaudi-"And we have a ~ascuUne cause on Sept. 30, tbe dead-woader«< If we bad forCO(ten tortum ln Newport" claims church Image," says Pastor llne date tor closing escrow all about tbe bU11d1nc fwd." Pastor Aldrt ::h, "and we w111 Aldrich, "with mea Sunday- 0!1. the property, the fl.md drift But, thiDp were happening. offer tbe use of our buildlng school teachers and leaders." went oYer the top . A crcq~ofsmaUcbUdrenstaged to commlmity gTOIC)S," One of the leading members Work wtll belfn right away a play as a beneftl for the Tentatively, the church plans happens tobeasurfbol.rdmanu- on the n.rst phase of a 3-cburch and ra.ised $5. A young to expand a pre.sehool ed11e2-fa clurer, who Is going to see phase bulldJ.ne' procra.m tbat surfer, wbo bad been saving for Uon program to Include ele-that the yo ung surfer whO gave wll1 give the church, nowbOused 2 years to buy a special staf-mentary and, possibly, high up his savlngs will sttll get ".ill 2200 E. Coast Hwy., a cam. board, dollated batt of bJ.s surf-s-:hool training. tlla.t custom board. pus-like complex at the oorth-board,..,, The biggest dona -Third phase construction will With the land bougflt, the east corner of Jamboree and tton was a check for $40,000. bring an activity center .Inc had -church now faces the task ol Bison, near the PhUco-For d There were no special ing a commer Cial style ldtchen raising $600,000 to build. plant. When the project 1s ••angels," ncept maybe the capable llf feeding 200 sit-down "We think we can borrow finished, prohclbly In a eo~le blbUeal kiDd wbo must have diners. on our land and get enough of years the 750-member con-been kJoklng over Joe A ld-Pastor Aldrich, who holils for the bulldlngprogram," says greptlo~ wtll haYe invested rich's lhoulder. a doctorate from Dallas Theo-Pastor Aldrich. about $1 million into Mariner's Jut 5 days before the close logical Seminary, prefers to "I'm just guessing at the future. of escrow, the tw.:1 was still be called pastor or •·Joe." construction cost. Our new fa- '' The Irvine Co. sold us the $74,000 abort~ Then, $21,000 He is a Vancouver, Wash., na -cilltles won 't look much Uke a bod for about two-thirds actual came ill durlnf the oext 24 ttve: On the sta1T with h.lm are tradUional church. It -.111 look value," says Pastor Aldrich, hours, &DOttier 8,000 the fol-Roland NJednagei. Bill Acton more Ukc a campus. It won't "because our present site ts lowtnc day. and Dave Bennett, who work as be the usual look.'' going to be developed later "By the dose of our Sunday assistant pastors ~Laltzlng That figures. Mariner's Is by the company, and we had to eventng senlee, less than 24 In youth, adults and vlsl-not your church. move . But, they didn't r ush hours before tbe deadllne, we us. They have been Yery co-were sUU about$14,000 sbort," operative." recalls Pastor Aldrich, "but When church and company by .Mooda.y afternoon, we had offi cials a~eed on the new $394,693. The last donation was sUe and the purctla.se prlc:e, a bol of coins.'' u;aav..,uoa--u '!IIU.a~AY, ocr. -. 1174 LIDO Cl EAN-4JP DAY IS OCT. 19 __ ,, Ott. u ......... ..,.., .......... . ...... .., ... __ _ tM .............. bJ 8teft .... -lftll. "-.... J"JCO ~-11&11 ... !Ja. .... llaiiiJ. """ .... Boll)' Bvu, ud rU ~hb, .... 8oJ -Troop S5 - 1 .. c~~r..-at Tac --m•~ Clrl·-Troap M51ad bJ SallJ Somera, ud lboJ- Yaebt Chlb briiAed by Com. 11'odore J.tf Seott. Clly ot Ntwport !lacb 1011· 'lral Rfrices truets wm pld: up ill k1Dds of dlacardl, wttl'l the exception ol bu.l:dtnc ma- teria ... . . loNOTKI!It MAGIC I' loll II!ING CX)NSTIIUCTI!D , c--11 -·--· 1o -• IIIIa, 11001111 .at 111o -uoo,ooo 11oc1c Pu c-r-. c-....., Ud r..-.... II ......._ 1 " 1M Prc••s• II .._...., oe-lo -II iold. 111111. A ~--H..-. . . aldlu!' otlllo-Olio Co., Till-....,. Pu loa.. lllo--~~a..- 41\lllo -....~-·lllloolloclcPa ...... ' MARINERS CHURCH THE TEACHIIIG 18 CENTERED ON JEBUI CHRIIT AND THE BmLE, wrrH EMPH.ASII OH PRACTJ:AL CHRISTir\ll UVING. ALL ACiEil ARE WELCOME. C~llllc aDCI n.ttlltc aftlllble. SUIIDAY SERVICES, WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUIIDAY SCHOOL uo, 9,45 lDd IUlO a.m. PHONE : 175-4550 ztOO E. Coast Hwy,, Newport S..ch, oear M&eArthut Two More Reasons why R ic hards ser ves you better RICHARD'S MAftKETI NOW ACCEPT MASTER CHAIItGE AHb 8ANKANIERICARD ON ANY PURCHASE LIOOCEPIITER Jot33VIA LI DO · HARBOR VIEW 1660MAC A .. ~UR Pastor Aldrich and the 8-man Within 6 months, the ftrst ==:::!. bu1ktinc should be completed. Other gem names, such as di.amond aDd opal, evolved through more than ooe lan- ruace. "Dtamood," tor ex- ample, originated with lllf Creek word adamas, th~ common LaHn form becom - ing adl.amentem, trom which "dlamood" developed 'latur - ally. In the same manoer "cpa I'' originated wtth the Sanskrit upala, meaning pre- cious stone, became opllos fn Greek, ~Ius In LaUn, and "opal'' to<lly. SOME ··TIDELANDS Q!J~~1!9~~~"' ~~li~~ THEODORE ROBINS FORO ---- SEE and DRIVE The New '75's TODAY -· BIG, BIG DISCOUNTS ON A BIG. BIG SELECTION OF '74's! while '72 Come in selections F250 PU 3/4 Ton , low miles JEEP 4x4 WAGOMEER CHEV Air- CAPRICE-OJSTOM P/S.P /S.P/W are f ull! vw '7 4 FORD FlOO RANGER Auto-Power It wtll be u educaUooal center aDd temporary sanctuary, seat- log about 600. At the present building, whlcll seats only 250, the church bas to hold 3 separ. ate services every Sunday to get eveq'body ln, And some- times utra c!Jairs and '' staod- lng room ooly" are the rule. MariDer's started 8 years ago when e· local men started meetillc at prl~te norr.es. They weren't even a cburch then, just a prayer and Bible -read- ing grOt(). They chartered as a non -denomlna.Uona.l churcb a couple of years later, while they were meet1nr fo Mariner's elementary school in ·.vestdltf. After movtng tbelr meett.oc place to COTona del Mar hlgtl school, the congrepttoo rented !he Coast Hwy, bulldlng, near LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE 0~ PUBLtr. HEARINC Notice Is hereby given tt•1 the Planning Commlssion ot the City of. Newport Bnch wtll bold a pubUc bftl'lngoo Amend- ment No. U7 lllltlated by Tbe lntne Company to prezont 6.29 acres of unlncorporat« territory to the P.C. Plannf( Community District and to con. stdei' an ameodment to ameud the Planned Community Devel- opment Standards Cor "Harbor VIew Hills" by reducing the permitted density to Area 11 ; and teldattng of the statistical analysts of Areu tl and 15; aod other pnert 1 chances in the Land Use Map and P .c Text. Said area to be pre- SOiled Is k>cated easterly of New MacA.rt!ua Boulevard and Spyclus Hill Road and adjoins the Sao Ja.QuJn Reservoir Site. Notice lshertbyturtberrtYeo thai saJd plflUc hearing wil1 be held on t~Z.ftb day ofOctober, 1974, at Uw hour ot 7:00p.m. In the Coaaell Chamters of tbe Newport P•c!l City Hall. at wh.lcb Ume ar.:l 'place aoy uc. all persona: lnt•e.t.ct may ap- pear aDIS r. bfttd tblreoa. Jamn Parbr, S.Cretary Plallola( Com•I- City ot ~~-Bolcb Publllb: Oct. 10, liJ?.f, to tM Newport Horbo< Euip. L !GAL IIOTI C! FICTrrJOUI BUIIII!SS NAME STATEMENT Tbe foliDWtac per1011 ,are dOID(_u, P-Z, Eoter. pr'-Pwfocl Wa,. (R~ 1R , ... -· lltoport -· HINO, 11arJ lt. P-IOOS. L-, t U, c .... dol liar; Vlrll* Zala, an ''* .... ..., ••.,.i Bole., Calli. -· ftlo II~-·, .., . _. .......... . ...... ..., K. ..... f.lr. ............ . TM!Iat 0 .......... .. .. c.., Clort ot ~ c..., • Oat. .. ,.,.. P lla Ott. 10, 17, U, II, 11174, II 111o 11-1 ....... ....... '~""' ' Newport to check on how the city Ia handling the tidelanda entru~~ted to us by the state. City Hall kept very quiet during the tidelands audit, so we didn't know these guys were In town. That way, nobody c"ould give them any Information on what to look for. Well, they're gone back to Sacramento now, but I'd like to send along a few questions for these young auditors: Did you bring along your own portable potties when you visited us? In counting revenues the city gets from the tidelands, why didn't you include at least s ome of the money taken in by parking meters on streets near the beaches? Did you consider the extra sales tax generated by beachgoers, and the city's share of this tax? When the city sends you its llst of capital Improvements made on the tidelands, will you notice that no bathrooms or showers have been built between the Balboa Pier and the Santa Ana River? Did you ask what the city Is going to do with that vacant lot at the end of 32nd St.? Would it be okay If they put a parking lot there for my customers and employees, like Lido Village got for theirs? Did you find the $400,000 the Army borrowed a few years ago to move some beach sand? Did anybody bother to tell you that the Balboa Bay Club is NOT part of the state tidelands grant? Do you think the Beacon Bay housing development Is proper use of public tidelands ? Do you guys really know what the hell you're doing ? • • • • • • Down at the store, we know what we're doing and we want you to know that you're getting top quality for your money. Al Forgit P .S. Send your postcards to Mr. Badham and Mr. Carpenter, folks, and thank them for letting the city go Into the parking business to benefit a prfvate developer . By the way, Hoag hospital first came up With the Idea of turning that state pr,operty Into a parlrlng lot, which goes to show that private entj!rprlse Is always several steps ahead of· the bureaucrats, •