HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-15 - Newport Harbor EnsignNEWPORT EACH JOe ve HIT AND RUN motortst dlmaged car belonging to Grant Hoel, at left, of Corona del Mar, theo hit a Garden Grove man's car before Ted Geissler of Laguna Beach, at right, chased b1m down on Coast Hwy. last Friday. Poltce said David Malloy of Balboa lsland was charged with maldng Ulegal turning movements in the series of crashes. Mr. Hoel's tar was parked on Coast Hwy, at Fernlea.f, Corona del Mar. The other car was in the next block east on the highway. (Ensign photo) BUILDING BAN IS REJECTED he claimed t& • ·growing weekly and reaching lengths or 30 feet" by feeding off pollution around the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. CouncllmaJl Ryckolf sup- ported the moratorium, but CUy Attorney Dennis O'Nell cautioned that tl the mora- torium passeti, the city" may very well be faced wlth a multi-mlllion dollar lawsuit, agalnst wtuch we might not be able to succ.esstully de- rent! ourselves. It's a rather radical actlGo. Tbt ;.adle might want to know if we ~~~*• ~ prJor.. law OG this.'' • · Perl\:l.ps, · • suggested Councllman Ryckoff, ··we roulrl Invite the )ldge to go swimming ln the bay," "WHO KILLED John F. Ken- nedy" is .the title of a lec- ture to be given b} author, lawyer and rtlmmaker Mark Lane at 7:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, May 28, ln the Or- ange Coast College auditor- ium. Tickets are $2,50 for general admission and S2 fo1 students. Mr. Lane Is tht- author or "Rush to judgment," which purports to prove that Lee Harve) Oswald was not the lone as- aaJala o1 Jotm F. KeiiMdy, Hfs most reftllt book. ''2x~ ecuUve action,'' a novel a- bout the Kennedy assassina- tion, was madt> inlo a mo- tion plcturt> starring Burt Lancaster and Rober! Ryan. IRVINE OFFICE PLAN DELA YEO Irvine Co. plans to build an office complex at the Northeast corner of Jam- boree and Coast Hwy. werf' delayed Monday when t~ Newport City Council sent the proposal back to the Planning Commission. The Council w.1nts the should level with us." Councilman Paul RyckoCf also sought the lndefinlte delay, Councilman John StoriC''s motion to re!IC'r it to the Plan- ning Commission passed 4- 3, with Milan Dostal, Pete Barrett and Lucillf' KuiC'hn opposed. .... NGM. .... w. ... •• ern w • ..,. ... au. JOe COSTA MESA The good ship "Argos," wblch has taken thOUsands of Orange County boys down to sea for tbe past 5 years, ts about ready to ron up an S.O.S. signal. Unless somebody comes up with some help, tncludlng money, real sooo, the ship w Ul be sold to the highest bidder. The Orange County Scout CouncU, which owns the 68-ft. schooner based at Newport's Sea Scout Base, says U can no longer afford the craft. A couple of old Sea Scouts are trying to keep the Ar- gus for the kids. Newport City Councilman Pete Bar- rett, who was a Sea Scout skipper almost 30yearsago, J.nd Ralph Whitford, a New- port Heights elem ent.a ry schoOl teacher who practlc- ally grew up with Sea Scout- ing, are trying to find a way to save the Argus. "It wtU take about $10,- 000 to repair and refur- bish the ship," says Mr. Barrett, '•and the annual op- erating expenses run about $10,000 or $12,000, plus the cost of hiring a man to stay on board and take care of her. We're looking for mo- ney .1nd for volunteers to work on the Argus and to crew her. That way, the Orange County Scout Coun- c II can cortlnue to use Its dwindling resources to serve uts the 25,000 youngsters whO are in the Scoutlng program in Orange County." Mr. Whitford, who llved at the Sea Scout Base on Mariners Milt-and ran the base for many year s, ts on thiC' national Sea Scout. ing committee. He said yes- terday that one way to keep the Argus here would be for a group to lease 1t from the Orange County Council. The Argus was b·Jilt in Denmark in 1908 and plied t he Baltlr Sea until just a fiC'w years ago, hauling gra ln, c~m··nt, awl other com- mercE>. ShiC' was brought herE' from the Baltlr' by a cou. pie who bough! her from the Danish owners. Ti1en, ahout 5 yea rs ago, the late Willlam Spurgeon Dl spear- headed a rlrive to ar.qulre the ship for tht Sea Scouts. It was purctJasecl by the Or- .ange Clb•y Scout Council for $40,000:. Argus tlkes 25 boys or girls at a time on week- end cruises about 25 or 30 time~ a year. ·u we can't raise the money, and you see Argus flying a jolly roger, you will know things have gotten des- perate," says Ralph Whit- ford, ·•( just might haVIC' to hijack her to keep her here. ··We who love the Argus are yelling 'help,' and 1 hope somebody answers. •' H.S. STUDENTS LOSE BUS RIDE &terneota., Jbldillfs. wtU ride-and high school students wUI walk to school next year to the Newport-Mesa unified school district. That's the latest dollar- )lggling de-cision of the !o- r al school board. The de- cision came Tuesday nif{ht lmid demands from a stan- ding-room-only crowd ofel- ementary school parents. St·hool administrators, tmoUonal appal trom mo- thers worried about their children crossing Harbor, Adams, Baker and other bu- sy Costa Mesa streets, the school boar d changed hus- sing policy. If thiC' Ma v 27 sch:•ol tax Issue Is accepted by voter s. ti•IC' boarr1 promised to re- turn bussing for lti~h Sl·hool sturlents who live morE> lhao 2-1/2 miles from sc-hool. Otherwtse. they will ~II w.tlk. Late busses, whirh lakiC' hu:h schoolers hom(' from Jrte>r- schoOI utivitte!>, w('rE' .1lso chopped from nE>xt \E'.tr'.; program. FREEDOM SHRINE document history is recited by Srott Loos, Andersen school stude:~t(above). On the wall besldiC' Scott are some of the 28 documents in the shrine donated by the Newport Harbor Exchange Club. ln the backgrount1 are other A')dersen students walling to tell what the} know about the historical documents. At rlrht, Jenny Prell gives her recitation. (En~igo photos) 'I LIKE IT .HERE 'CAUSE I'M FREE ' ··( like It h€>re." wa s tht- messagiC' thai AndPrsen el- t>mentary school sturlf'nts voir:-ed last Thursda} as thE'} put on a special patrlolir freedom shr!nt> pro~ram ror mE>mbiC'rS of the Newporl Harbor Exchan~E' CluiJ. Thto noon program, pur on br volunteer stu(Jent s, showe<l their appre>c Ia t10n for a freedom shrint' placed in the new school last year tJy the lora! Exd.ange Club. The freedom shrine, a na- tional Exr hange progrant, c-onsists or 28 reproduce<i historical document s, inclu- ding the Dedarahon of In- dependence, lhe Magna Ca r- ta and the Bill or Rights. A shrine is on the wall just Inside the school's entrance. Andersen sc·llOOI is on Port Seabourne Pl. tn Harbor VIIC'w Homes. "We wanlecl to dve the students a chance to say how much lhey like the shrine, and what it means to them,'' explain('() Prin- e lpa I Scott Paul sen, ··so wto asked tor volunteers and I!Ot a floe response." Besides the 29 .-tul- dren who eac-h r1es•·rlbe<1 the history of one of lhe shnne documents, a c-horus of .1bout zo others sang patr~ SOQ((S. AU of lhe r hlltireo arE' 4th and ~lh ~trai'JE>rs. F. xt hanl!e C lutJ memiwrs bought lunchPs preparl'(i i•) th~ sr hool •·afetena, tlll'n watc·hPf1 the progrllm. HP· ttrE'd IC'•iucator Ro) 0 . An- rler st>n, for v.·hom tht? sr t1oul Is naml'(i, wJs J ~uE>st. Tear h('r Dee Wa ssE>r, ~A'ho help('(! thE.-St:'hool wm a Val- ley Forl!e FreP<loms Foun- c:lation A"·arfl last \'ear for spE>c ial patrlotl• pronJruc;, was in • har..:f'. Sl·•Jit Loos wa:, nJ rraror. EJ•'h of thE> follo~A·tnl( stu. •lt nl s r1Psr·r •bt>t1 one of th£o c;!Jnne 1!0• umf'nts. Patrick Elvln, Kurt Frost, MIke Johnston, RoiJE>rt Hughes, Robert Gleason, Liz. Sr lva, Adam Handy, Pt11ltp JacolJs, Christina Sykes, :"a- talie Graham, Julia David- son, Julie Harlan, Sara Ad- t11s, Karen Knox, Jill Hane\, Wendy Netzer, Marr ie Tho- mas, Terri Lall}, DesireE' Ronald, Trary Gillard, Kurt SchustE'f, Scott Bta<·k, anrt Scott Richmond. Bes:c:lf's smgln~ patrlotk songs, a II of the c· hild r l'n JOined in redting the fol- lowing poem: .. likf' the Unitecl StatE's ot Arnertr·a, like the wa} we all live without rear; like to vole for m) (·hoi•'E', speak my mmrl, ra tse my votrP, Y e:;, I Ilk(' It ht>re. I am so IU<''-\ to ht> In Amerwa, And I am thankful Pat·h da\ or th(' }ear, For I can r1o J s I ple.ISI', 'r·ause I'm frt>P a ~> llu· lorePze, Ye !:>, llik<> tt hetP. I'll llkt> to d imlo 111 lht tuf· of a mountain so hll:h. Lift m} head to ttw sk} and say oov; Rr.ttefU1 am I. For thi:' "·a) thai I'm It vine. I m worlunL.' and l!'i"tnt.:. And ht>lplnc the lanrl I holt! tlt>ar, '..-s, l likP tt. l ltke It, I ltk•· II hE>rP. fht> l:.xd.an!!P Club lllem- IIE'rs Wt>re visibl}' impressE'd ll} the • hlldr en. SomE> ha<l m tSI\ PV('S at tht> E>nrl of tltE- "hO" .. One rE>mJrkecl, 'You ··ould almosr :.f't> JE>!ferson, Jark- son, Franklin and all or thoc;f' olti fellov.·, snuhn~ tn tl•IC' told to cl'op SlOO,OOO from next school year's transpor- tatlon bud~et, had ruled that elementary school bussing boundaries would be exten- df'd outward, meanin~r somiC' kids who nov; rlrlE' wouic:l have to walk next year. The admmistralion also extended h l.rh school buss~ boundar- les. But, after last niRht's • J€'nll\· Prell, L1sa Sar111l ... r. Bndge plans M,.,,,j, ''""''· ''""oa·": b:)t'kl? round, and lookin~ v"'n pleaseli thai thf'SP k1rls a rr· .trounrt for tht s • ount n · '> 200th \ E'ar ... BIKES STAY RESTRICTED Se"'POrt's strlf'\l'alks still tJelo!ij! to thE' pedestrians, J rtiC'r a Monday nlghl City C ounr il dt-rision a~ inst o- pentn~ up almost all cit}' sidewalks to btcycle riflers. ThE' C OUnl·tl dt-r·ldeti, i.n- stearl, to rontlnue prt-seot polln of forbiddin~ riding on all IC'lrept specially -de- si~nate<l slriiC'walks. A dtitens blcyclt com- mmee had r ecommeodecl !Qst ttw> ()Jlp051tfo --tr.t il1kes bt> permittt>d on :lll 'W1t>"'llks IC'xr ep< thpS(I spe- ·lftt·<All) IC'Xduded . Balboa Councilman Ho>A·. a rl1 Ro~ers made a success- lu i m<»ion to continue pre- sPot poltr '. wath the Cit\ C oundl rE>ta ltltn~ powiC'r 10 rlesiRnate specific streets lor bilo.e rtrl~.>rs. Opposi tg tum 10 I he 5-2 votf' were 111 E'-nlcl\Or Milan Dostal of Ka~r rE>st an•l P·~IP Barret of Cltff Haven. Marinapark reprieved? ResidPnts of Marinapark. planners to add options to the area's zoni~ that would al- low Irvine to also put in re- creational and commercial marine businesst>s. The planners were also directed to insist that Irvine reveal long-range plans ror the en- Ure area of Newport Center along Coast Hwy. tletween M~cArthur and Jamboree. Festival winners named rouse fears Surfers w•P,~"~'· ~ .. ~.t. '"-·'·" c 111 Hall Mond:t} nlchl surflnv. Shannon Atkman of Traffic rorric1or anr1a new Uppt>r Bav br ii1KE> wPriC' thE' topics Of diSCUSSIOn .11 !.1st Thursday's meE>tlll{: of thP Corona dE>l Mar Civi1 Assn. at COM E>lemE>nlan sr hool. \l·tpt"l out a ~rotJp of Corona Balboa Island. rH·f'strlo>nt or IIIH•att>ned with IE>I!al evtc- twn from lhetrCt>ntral New- port mor•1lehomE' sites in 1 ••7i, ~of a nt>w chanrp this u.·., .. ~ to l..ePp th~>lr bayside hO il•i'S. Ctt~ Counc-il voted ~1onr1;n nt~Cht to takiC' ano- t!to>r look. at the s1tuatlon. J.R. Blakemore, who said be represented Harbor View Hills homeowners, the Co- rona del Mar Clvlc Assn. and COM Chamber of Com- merce, argued successfullY for the added options, be- cause or a desire to get Ir- vine to move a planned spe- cialty shopping area from its proposed location at Coast Hwy. and MacArthur to the • Jamboree and McArthur stte. CouncUman Howard Ro-c•rs moved that the rezo- nlnc of MacArthur...Jambor- • from lts preatnt resl- 'HiltJal 101M b4t atopped un- tU a new brtdlt is built a-c.ro.• Newport Bay, and uo- W lrvtDe rev,.ts all plans for Ne1rp0rt Ceoter. "We ar. belac p.lece- m•t.ct bJ &be tn1H Co • .:• be ebl.qtrd. "l tlllak tbty A Disneyland cartoonist, a Harbor Highlands art tea- cher and an Estancia High school student were among the bl~t award winners in last weekend's Newport Beach arts festi•:al 1n Lido VtU~e. Roger Folk, 35, of 511 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Helghts, whO works at Dis- neyland and teaches cartoon- ing at Ora~e Coast Colt~ e. won a prestigious city pur- ctlase award w1th his pencil lithograph of an Amerlc!411 Indian s lttlng on a wagon. Tile work's title, ·• Amer- c:tn heritage," stayed wlth the festival's bicentennial theme. Mr. Folk's "Woman" took flrst boDOr award amonc protesslon&l eotl'ies, and he woo 3rd )Iron award. Ruth Hynds, 1~ Vivian Lane, Harbor Hleblands, al- so woo a purchase prlze wtth her watercolor of the Balbol PatUloo anta, Utled "Spring •eatber," &Dd took first prtu amooc )lror•s awards wttb"N.wportBay,•• another watercolor. Sht> tPa- c hes l rt prlvatel\'. KIC'nn Mattson Jr., 18, of 2320 CorneU, Cosla Mesa, an Estancia student, won the top youth aw.ud and a 5th place vouth award with stained ~lass works titlerl '·Flight'' and ··Night.'' His l(lrl friend, Corona del Mar high student Lynn RussE>Il, took 3rd youth award prizE> wtth a ceramic creation tl- tled "Blues:· Other winner s, ln ortier of finish: Professional honor aw- ards Jerry Alward of Cor- ona del Mar, Eve Thomp- soo of Corona del Mar a.nd Wlnttred Smith of Newport Heights. Amateur hooor awards: Wend.y JordiD, Corona del Mar; Lucy Buras, Cameo Shorts; Cbris Ltpcomb, Co- rooa dtl Mar; Spencer Mar- quis, Newport Center. Yoath Awards: Bradlty VaDdJtort, West Nnport (3nd lDd 4th), and Michele VtoeUp, Harbor W&bl&DdL lii'Or l P1oet111-1 IY• ardr. Jalle StM, the Blafts u4 En T bompDl, Con. del Mar. JUON amattar awards: Old Moon. 8&lboe lllud; Jtrn lAwll'. ~ HtiPta; Jlm U.Uitt, HutiOr ~Up. 1Uda. aid 8tlltJ eroc:-. u-...... .,._.....,_.._..ac ... c.-... "" -tMftnt ...... ~ ..... .. .. , ... ~· ... ....... ~ ....... ..., .................... ._.._,~•c••· ............... ., .... ..... Newport Ek>ach Ma}or Do- nalrt Mcinnis sait1 that t'v· t>n plan hehas sM>nfortraf- fic solutions throuRh olei C.:>- rona del Mar includes the· us~> of Bonita Canyon as .1 corridor for arterlal traffi• . Both the county road dE>- partment aod the Calllorota departmenc ortransportltlon have routes under sludy through that corridor, he sald. Wtnlam Fleur, r halrman of the N~w-~rt bridge action team, prese~Wed a slide dis- play of S •ersloos of Upper Bay brkt(e crosstngs. He provided a.,.Utioo ln support of his brtdp pl&.os. An op- poslnc peUUon ts planned by somt local residents. who ooosider tbt brtdgt wi- deoU. to be aootber attempt to t.tJlct a coastal treewa y Yblcb would force the re- OI*IJAc of the 5th A•e. cor- rldoPpiU. C lfte Asa. Preslcttat hal RwmiMl aMI t•t tht auoetatiDD 11u teetlf.S qwerl• lbolttt a eeCOIId Upper BQ eN 111 c .. a loW pro- ftlt ~ttaa ot 17th St. aerou tM bay, wtdcb WOilhS dlftrt tn.mc from Coast BWJ. Ta. ...... of tlU ... ............ -tlal ..,. ............. a..w till ............. c.ld be • .. , ..... np1hll Ud ,.... ....... _.. ... 00111 .... tM II tiC l id I .. brillre. ltlr ....... aid lilt till •• c .......... ... ----·---·· rl t>l Mar surfPrs who sought the school's surftm• r Juto, .111-da\ surfinl! pnvtl~;>gE>s prE>senteod a 12C-nante> pdi- nt>H the> COM Jt>tty. tton supporlinr Itt• rpquE>st. ( tt} C•>un• tl \'OIM to keep Cll~ Coun•·11 turn ... tl t1own pr~>sE>nl rult>s '4·hirh r('QuirE' the reQUIC'SI artt>r 111 Mutne su rfE>rs II') L'IVE' up lhe 200-DirPr lor Boh Rf't~1 sta•1 .;un. {I. \l•tr1E' J rPa ~St PaSt Of 1 h1-1•'11 \ to swlmmPrs anl1 W:lrlt'rS dur in!! the mii1<11P Of tilt< ·l.n. wa rrt>n .It's sop, 21 ()1 Vtsta Entrarla, thiC' Bluffs, le-d a group or surf(>rs, most of WhOnt WPH' ((lM hl~h School mPr r rovo'tis Jt lltPt llM raatn t>ea r lt prPseot .1 c·ontrnl probiE'm wh('n lilt>;.:uar•ls tn to keE'p tlten• out or tilt' surfin~ a rE>a. Surhnc ts banned in the area olurtnF, the heav\ swimllltn£ !lou rs of noon to 4 p.m. t oun• llntiC'n Howarrl Ro- ..:,orc; anti PE'tE' Harrt-tt were n,Hn~>d to study posslblf' ca.n- E'lla tloo of an exJsting le- ,. tl a rPemt>nl that would phac;p out the mobilehomiC's h) Septt>mbPr, 1977, and turn th•· ··1h -ownE'd tt11f'la.nds ar- E'a into a pubhr park. 'let c it~ lncomto from the ·,tl tra1ler sttes is no~A' about ~111,000 <~ year and is scht'- c:lull'(i to go up t) aboUt Harbor View units okayed ~;;~~~ ~l't~~7~~~e~m~ li~hl of whal the Council Plans we riC' okayed MOllday for 64 coodomintum units anl1 a shopping center oo 18 acrt's at the southeast corner or New MacArthur and Forr1 Rrt., Harbor Vl" Homes. Tentallv~ map appronl was granted Moodayby New- port City CouncU for what the lrvlne Co. said will bt the flnal phase of Harbor Vlew Homes dev•lopment. COM CHAMBER TO HEAR STORE When wm the ~r Bay bridle bt bullt') Stloeld tM Corooa del Mar trelftJ _, at SU ~Hills Road? w .. t aboUt <IOWDooatttnme andl.IIMx:aUoD'> 1~ an QMitloDt • be dt..eaaid bf NtwpOrt Beadl C-.c:Uau IGIID S.Or. .... .... ,._ at u.. ~~~ay a ~~~a .. -m..Ctlc (II tM CDM C......,_ (II C•IMI'et at tM 8alloa Yt* Cltlb. a.. ~.., ...... ., .W.C tilt Clll• r at tn- 4010. Condominium units, pn-:\~rPecl was a changed ecoo- ced at from $6~,,000 to omtr dlmate, was given I$ $85,000, ••Ul llt' • lustiC'rf'd onP or the rea90Ds lor re- around open spa~:f's. A c·om -vtt>wlng tht> eviction agree- munlt)' pool and tennis ('oorts mE'nl si~ed last year by are planned. trw dty and the tenants. · A shopp~ <'Pnter about C .... CH K "Y SO ... the slu of Harbor V1t>'' 0" Me " , " centu wtll lnctud(' a mar-AND HADEN TO TALK ket,. 1 pharmacy, a txlnk, a savings and loan, servic-E' sbt.lon and 20 tenant shops, accordlnc to lnint planner David Nel.sh. Ht esUmated t~ JICC)Qlatlon of the condo- mloham protect at h-om lSO to l$0. At Vtc•-mayor M1laD Dos- tal's urctac. City CowacU ntled tt.t au t.AJtrt of un- lta lD tbt project mut be wai'Md u.t thtJ wtU be ab)eet toooaDJerUle DD4.M • ot tt~e sua AM ......... Jl.t~ec~DW Station. ,.....n aid tM pro )let Will CII'IJa -.... c. .. ,. ......,., . ...,_ ...... ...... -..a.. IJI'OJid a. a .... ctll .......... tftl. ~~c..-wm • ...-atFO'I'd ... .._lllllll...._ • 'I • The nrst ten amendments, the 8111 of Rights, were added because many Americans, even ba.ck tn 1789, were eoocerned lest tbe fedenl government become too powerful. Tbe BW of RJgbts not IXIly atrlrms cer- tain rtcbts of the people, and of tbe states, wbtch shall not be llltrlDced by tbe fedenl goTernmeDt, but througb the 9tb ameodmeot it stands as a reminder that "the enumerattoa. ••. or certalll rights shall not be coostrued to deny or dlspara.ge otbers--retatned by the people." Tbe polDt here 1s U.t these rights ed.sted before the Coastttlltion ns written. They are not rights which are grutad to us by the federal garernment, but rights Wltll Ybich the Coostltutloo forbids the federal govern- meat to IDterfere. Thus, the 200 amendment does oot "grant" the rtgbt to keep and bear arms, bu:t PROTECTS U from nsur- patloo, deela.riDg: "A well regulated militia, being ne- cessary to the security of a free state, the right or the people to keep and bear arms, sball oot be infringed." Note tbat the ameodment doesn't say this rtgbt may not be abolished. U goes farther. It says It may oot even be lntrtnged, That ls, this right Is so important it may notl"be tampered with, or trespassed upoo, or ll"RJ1Sg1"es- •tcl; or cblaeled away by any method or means Washlllg- too mlght devise. The Constitution is unequivocal ao this potot. Tbe right to keep and bear arms has deep roots in Engllsb common law. As an indhidual rtgbt, 1t is ob- viously related to the common-law right of seU defeose. As a "state's right," 1t represeots an element of so- veretgoty which the states retained when the federal union was created. A mUitla ... may be thought of as a means of sell-defense for the states and their var- ious communities. Thus the armed cltlt.ens is at once subject to being called upoo as a vital last line of de- fense against crime, federal tyn.nny, and foreign in- va.stoo ••• The federal government has no more right to legts- b.te gun control than tt bas a right to legislate speech cootrol or religion control or press control. * EQUAL RIGHTS FOR BELIEVERS J_to_. . ..,.dlo-ol..,._ _ ........ L1 ofdlolt,.._Hio. -n-•~ Letters to Editor • OIL· AND POLLUTION Editor of tbe EDSJcn, Newport Beach Ctty at- torney Dennis O'NeU's words sounded a little bol- low before the pu.el for outer contioeob.l shelf lea- ses (drlll1nc lor gas and oU off our shores) when he op. posed the lease measure ''because It could be a po- tential pollution threat to the city's harbor." The bar- bor 1s so polluted now that nobody swims 1n Uanymore, and the sea We is so con- taminated they .varn you DOt to eat lt. U would be better U our city offtclals spent their Ume and efforts clea.ntng It, our greatest asset, Instead of de- laylng the energy produc- tion that our country so sore- ly needs. Better yet, we may get some of that oU reven- ue to help with the )ltl, Their threat of a law suit to delay drUJin.g, oo vague environmental grou1ds, doesn't please me much ei- ther. It just means that I have to pay for that folly twice. Once for my city to sue and agatn for the fed- eral government to defend, with my tu dollars. No won- der tbere•s not much mooey around. What isn't Belli to foreign countries to buy tbeir oH Is tunneled Into govern- ments lor their trtvollty. Wldle Joseph 515 Via Lido Soud Lido Isle • RACIAL "SICKN1KS" Editor of the Ensign: The immlgraUoo into this country by the Vietnamese is again bri.l:lg1Dg the racial ··stckniks" out of the wood- work. Your own AJ Forgit wants to sterilize them. Where would your great llardWtrd dealer be U that . LI!GAL NOnCI policy baa been 1n effect wbeo tbe ftrst Forglts lao· dec! oo these shores? ADd your letter last week from C. MUls wualso rath. er curlous. 14Uls is worried about the "mongrelizaUoo" of the race 1D CalUomta. Wl:lat race? The American race? There's DO such thing. The CaUfornla race? The closest thlng to such a race would be the lndta.ns, who were here flrst, or the Mex- Icans, who preceded us. Have we mongrelized the Spanish (Mexican) race by settling CaiUomta? And what hap- pened to America when peo~ pie et all races came here to pursue the American dream? We became the grea- test damned coootry oo earth. that's wbat happened. I doo't see how anyooe, except maybe the American lndtan, has any legitimate gripe against the Vietnamese lmmlgratloo. U we are wor- ried that these people are going to take our j)bs, then we're In btg trouble, any- way. U we can't stand the competition, we're not true Americans. Or sbould we follow the eumple of our great Detroit a.uto-makers who, unable to meet forelgD competition, try to erect phony trade barriers against 11. · Just ·as We' ~eJcOme<t tb~ HunP,rtan freed!Om~ter.s and others who ban come to our shores to nee tyranny, we should welcome the VIet- namese. Instead, some so- called Americans want to subject tttem to a new tyran- ny of racism. l suggest these people read the Declantion of Indepen- dence aod the Constitution again. Desce6dant or an Immigrant LEGAL NOTICE doH of buaineu oa ...•.• 6.PJ".U .l-f• ........... ,ll .. l~. The Birch Log ' I Control Through Revenue Sharing ,.. ... , ~oa..-.. s........, MllyDol'oUdelaluS•-'111 Revenue ~ il a fedenl pqram under which the federal pwmmenl 1ivt11 mouy to at.e and local aoverrlmenta. Advoeat.ed by Vice Pn!eident Rockefeller over a deeade qo, t.be program wu becun in 1972 with an appropri•· tion ~ 130 billion tor ita f"mt five yun. Wbile some ineilt that it il "frM lunch'" with •:no strinp attached," thoee who live in the real world, where wheeler.deaJm are known to exist, and where ever-increuina federal power it an on-coing reality, know that revenue •huina ila packap of obviout huda and certain tnp.. What' a WI'ODI With Reveaue Sha.rtat'f When a government which already runa at a huge deficit ennouncee that it intendt to share ita revenue, it can only be announcing more deficita. Neither Preaident Ford today, nor President Nixon before him, could ahare revenue. They could and did, however, share debt. Stat.e and city govemmenta, prohibited by Jaw from spending beyond their incomea, have actually been made partnen in deficit spend- ing, which leads to inflation, receuion, and the rest of our current economic ills. Local politiciana, auch u thoM who cbMNd Pre.ident Ford'• announcement, loY• tiU. typt: ol _.,., Tluou1h it. thoy pt thoit .....,.., more fundi without h.avial to Ilk lor _.. tuea. They tell the people that tbfy.,. ~ relief for tM tuPI}'t!rs, but what thq rtellJ .. &ainin& is relief for tbemtelv• from tht WN!l\of "'-..... pay the billa and ......... find,, ........ 10 loco.. the opendthrifto In ........,.. Revenue ah.ari.nt: retultl in pfOirama thlt would never be tolerated i/ the people were d.i.reetly tu.ed to pay for them. R•wAM ~ Mut Go Revenue sharing baa al.ready aupplied fundi -and controls -to all 60 atataa and 39,000 local governments. In total violation ~ our Constitution, all power is beinrrathered at the federal level. If this trend ia not stopped, the end result will be tyranny. To pre.erve free. dom, revenue aharing mill~ be stopped. Copyn,ht I97S by nw John &n:h Sociny FftltWT• Author of book on KKK to speak "Racism ls stlU a very dangerous threat to Ameri- can liberty," according to William Mcllbany of the Bluffs, who will speak to the Friends of the American Oplnioo Bookstore at the monthly supper meeting Fri. day, May 23, in the parish ball of Our Lady Queen of the Angels Church, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, East Bluff, Mr. McDhany, an active speaker lor the John Birch Society, author and a 1973 history graduate from Wash- tngtoo and Lee University, wUI discuss his new book. , "K,landestiDe: the untold sto~ ry of Delmar Deftnls aoo his rote lD tbe FBI'snragalost the Ku Kbu Klan.'' The book, 1 flllbllsbed by Arltngton House, reviews the story of Rev. Delmar Den- BIBLE VERSE Blessed Is the nation whose God ts the Lord; and the people whom be bat chos- en tor his on inheritance. (Psalm 33:12.) LEGAL NOnCE nis of Misstsstwt, the FBI's most Important informant within the Ku Klux Klan be- tween 1964 and 1967. Reservations for the pot- luck supper sboultl be made by calling the American o. pinion Bookstore In Newport Beach at 646.0645, Mary Pike at 646-4139, or Laura McClellan at 548-3020. Tbe public ts ID'vlted to atteod the 8 p.m. program. A S2 donation wiU beoeflt the Newport Beach Bookston, which Is part of a naUon~ wide network of library- reading rooms spectaltzlng In Amerlcan!sl, tree enter. prise literature. LIUlAL NOnCI ~!GAl. HOTICI CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING Blt:S SEALED BlOO will be recel•ed at the oatce or the City Clerk, City Hall, Newport Beach, California, until 10:30 a.m. oo the 21th day of May, 19'75, at_wbtch ttme they wlll be opened and read, for pertormlng work as follOWs: I t -W,7~0A;J: PROGRAll!,O!'<l-... 1:0N111XcT· iib': 1699 ~ Bids mus1 be submitted Cl'l the proposal fonft attached wltb the contract documents furnished by lfle Public\ 'rP.rks Department. The add1Uonal cop)· of the proposal Iorin ls to be reta.loed by tbe bidder for hts records. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certUled cheek or Bidder's Bond, made payable to the City ot NetrpOrt Beach, for an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the amount bid. Tbe title ot the project and the wf•rds "SEALED BID" sball be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope contaJnlog the bid. Tbe cootract documents that must be completed, exe. cuted, and retumed in the sealed bid are: A. Proposal B. Designation of Subcontractors c. Bidder's Bond D. Noo.colluslon Affidavit E. statement of flna.octal ResponsibUtty F. Technical Ability and Experience References These documents shall be atfll:ed wltb the signature and titles of the persons signing on behalf of the bidder. For corporatioos, the signatures or the PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT and SECRETARY or ASSISTANT SEC. RETARY are required and the CORPORATE SEAL shall tie alfb:ed to aU documents reQUiring signatures. ln tbe case of a Pa.rtnersh.IJ), tbe signature of at least one genenl partner 1s nqulrtd. No bids wUI be accepted from a coatractor who tas not been Ucensed 1D accordance wttb the provision& of Chapter 9, Division ni of the Business and Professions' Code. The contractor shlU state his Ucense number and classlflcattoo Ill the proposal. Ooe set at plans aDd contract documents, lllchadln& special provisions, ma.y be obtained at the Pabllc Works Department, City Hall, Newport Beach, California, at Db coat to licensed contractors. It lB requested ttat tbe plans and contract documents be returned wttbln 2 weeks alter II the bid opentnc, a !a) The CHy has adopted the STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 11>1 FOR PUBlJC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (197S Edition) u "' prepared by the Soutbem CalUomJa Ctapters of the Am~r­ ican PubUc Worts Asaoclatioo and the Auociated General COGtractors or America. Coples may be obtt1Ded from BatkUJ:Ic New•, IDe., 3055 OYerlaod A-feoue, Loa ~les, CaWon>la 90014, (ZIS) 870-9871. • Tilt cur 11u -Sludo.rd Special ProYilllou w •• Studaf'd Drawtacs •• CoptH of tbHe are uailable at tbe : Publle WorU Oeputmtat at a 001t of $5.00 s:ttr aet. A staDdl.rd "Certlfle&tt ol laiUnoee lor Cootnd Wort h lor City" lorm tao - -by tho City. Tilts form Ia lilt <W11J eert1lkatc or .........,. acetpllblt to lilt Cttj. : The acctllfld low bidder wW bt nqglnd to complete this form apoe award -. tht CCIItn.ct. For OIIJ NQUincl boodl,lbt -1 tautac Bid-. Lobor ud Uatcrtal -., ud Follllllll Ptrlormaneo Bcodl mut bt 111, luaruct OOIJIIIIDJ or •rttJ compuy lie-by lilt Slate or C&lttlnla. Tilt eo_... mut ,..., boft • --e-n~ PoUq llo*r• 11o1111 or A or beUtrj and a FIMDelll btbtc ol at laut AAA u per lJIO .._ -oC -·• KIIJ IWf.ac G-(Pt<p. •rtr • Lllblltly~ ' Ia a.-dlllltl--oC .UU.Iti,CIIaptor I, Put 1 "'11tt c.-.-r Codt (lloet-1770 •,::J -• 1111 CIIJ t:-a o1 11tt CIIJ ol ..,..n -· 1u • -lltt _. .... '""'-"' .... 111111 __ 11_ .. _ ... .,.r:.....,._ -............... .. ..... - ~=:;:::==· r- • . ' ' . Newporl Prinlers TOTAL PRINTING FACILITIES 640·4444 JOO New(Jorl Ceffler Dr. s .. ; le 001 N eW/)orl lJ eacb BILL BERLS of Balboe Island, Teonll College student; represenUng the Enstcn newspaper, reeelYea b1s diploma from director LI.Dda CusblDc and congratulations from Tooy Proctan, head resident pro at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. The Tennis Colleg;e 1s located adjacent to the 17 court TeGDls Club· . Can Religion Ma ke yoLt Happy? Geith .A. Plimmer, C.S. of Lo ndon Will give a FREE PUBL IC LEC TU RE · Geith A. Plimmer, C.S. Member of The Christian Science Board of Lecturesh•P ENTITLED: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE DISCOVERY of THE HEALING CHRIST at FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, Newport Beach 3303 Via Lido CHILD CARE PROVIDED Ample Parking at Imperial Savings Lot or Richard's Market s,oo P.M. MONDA Y, MAY 19 HARBOR PANHEL ELECTS SLATE Mrs. James Detndoerfer of Huntingtoo Beach wlll be installed president of New- port Harbor Panhelleoic for 1975-76 at a meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. May Zl, at the home of Mrs. William F. McGratb,lOl MU!ord Dr., Cameo Shores. Other officers to be instal- led by Mrs. Robert L. Bacon, 1966 Athena award winner, are: first vice-president, Mrs. John Zweers; second vice president, Mrs. George Coon; third vice-president, Mrs. CbarlotteStarege; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Shirlee Cobb; recording se- cretary, Mrs. Perry Snow; treasurer, Mrs. Nell Par- kinson; and parliamentarian, Mrs. Ted Burgenbauch. GEM TALK IY J. C. HUMI'HRIU J.C. Humphries. who• sto,_ 111 1823 Nt1wport 81..-d. hh bHn 11 Cottll Mt1u lllndmtNk for more th11n 2 l Vtl•rs, 1111n 1141 thoritv on /ltlfrll •nd j-lry. ANTIQUE POCKET WATCHES If you have an old pocket watch In your possession. you may have something ot surprising value as an an- tique or fashion accessory now rapidly r eturning to popularity among men, who wear them ln vests, women who carry them as pendants, and among col- lectors . We wUl probably never again see the hand-craned workmanship whlch distin- guishes antique watches. So well were they buUt that most them, though tar- ntshed, dented or not run for years, can be restored to ortglnal beauty and time- keeping capability. It you have an old pocket watch, consider restoring it. We have restored many such watches and have some beautiful examples ln our store. A V!.RY SPBCW. EVE ••• tpell.ecl P1ou Se•maeber (Mn. Edward) of Dot-er sa.or., wu oGI of tldl Jtu'• 10 womeo um.S for tbi"AJhnocm wWl Eve'' award. For tbl put U ,..,.. tbe MaDoequlas of tbe Aufltl,.. lAipt of SoutbetD Caltf- orDJa baYe •leeted 10 womeo of tbe Los Ancelu IDd Otue• C011atJ areu u re- etpteata of the ldcblJ booored Ete anrd . . . Jq.S. DOt Ollly 01t tbetr ladersblp, 10 to apeD, lb tbe fubJ.oo world, bat for tbetr prona l•derlblp IDd semce 1D com- munttJ a.etb1ty. Wltb Flosa, it was due to ber improve- ment IPd eJ111.D1k1D of Orqe County Phll- barmootc's free yoatb coocerts program. Sbe 11 vice-~»resideot of OCPA and ber urn bu been (still 1a) "eYery chlld should be ctveo at leut ao lb~oo to the wide world of mustc." Proud are we for this special Eve ••• spelled Floss Schumach- er, wbo jOins 2 others of our area holding the prized Eve anrd , • • Claudia Hirsch and PUar Wayne. Thla year tbe award program was held in the beautiful gardens of Ralph Mish- kin's Bel Air home. Attending in a very special tuhiooable manner, Y1a limousine, were Jean Tandowsky ••• who I might say is another deserviog one 1D our county! ... Joan Brick, Dorothy Doan, Pat Page, Mary Lee, Deonne Han8011, Mary Jane Queyrel and Lots Hines. Lois, by the way, is a Fashionable model herself. The chauffeur service was aoother of Floss's many ways of surprising folk and making people happy • • • Another surprise to these friends was hearln( Mrs. EdWard Schumacher's name announced for the award ••• lt was a secret until then! • • • • • MORE SPECIAL EVES ... The hard working and ingenious members of 10 1 (In- ternational Orphans, Inc.), who are expend- Ing their efforts towards buUding a home in Southern CalUornia for battered and abused children, as well as orphans who ha ve been forgotten • • • They already have the property. Their latest "award" being the very successful ·boutique ball at the Santa Ana Country Club Saturday night, May 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Lusk were at the en- trance to greet and welcome the guests ••• Mrs. Lusk is president of the Newport Beach Chapter. Mrs. James Glavas, 1st vlce..president, was also at the entrance to direct the arrivals to their assigned tables. Folk came early In order to have plenty of time to browse among the many hand-made items as well as the many val- uable works of art and jewelry pieces ••• jade, coral .•• opals and diamonds; ster- ling sliver and fine old china •.• green thumbs had a rare opportunity to flU their t gardens with beautltul, healthy plants anrJ trees • • • Knowledgeable horticulturists, Mrs. Robert L..wens and Mrs. Walter Crut- tenden Jr., were in charge of this garden 1 spot. All items had been donated. Spacious table arrangements made for a pleasurable evening. The colorf\11 centerpieces of unlform sized boua, each weartnc a huge bouquet of paper roses and poopl.,, aad a cb box held 1 prize nloed from $5 to $50 • • • I woo 011 No. 7, a lovely buUt wt.tb 1 beau- ttf\tl begoc1a to rut tt. Jack KeUy (from Mavulck) emceed aod supe"lsed tbe draw- iDe tor tbe piece de r•listance of the eveo- lng • • • a colorfUl J)l.l.Dtlnr by Joan Mix • • • won by Sara o• Mean, who was there with her tllsband, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Feddersoo. These two Los Angeles ladles were founders of lOL Also present was Anne Laytoo, president of tbe Los An- geles chapter, and ber buatud. Following dinner and tbe drawl.Dg was the TV showing or the art nh.lbtt or Pro- fessor Axel Lind under the patronage of his Royal Highness, Prtnce Peter of Den- mark and Gr.ece, spoosored by Patricia Spielman to beneftt the 101. This was a most Interesting and happy evening for all concerned. The Robert Hedlofrs hosted two tables; at ours were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Colandn., BiU Farnsworth, Lavera Bums and the Bertagnt.s from Argentina, who are settllng here. Suan is doing well with her English, and very proud of her progress. Seen here and there were Messrs. and Mmes. John Schmidt, George Hoag n, Stew- art Hudson, Don McClure, Robert Eaton, Steve McMahon, and Victor Ferrell. More were General and Mrs. Gay Thrash, Dr. and Mrs. Ray Osbrlnk, Lynn Barr and Cle- ment Hirsch, Admiral and Mrs. Donald Driscoll, the George Buccola.s, Max Bin- swangers, John Lawsons, Roger Turner s, just back from their tun trip • • • Olga ElliS and Willis Lane n and Wi.nnie and Pete Voegelln. Others were Dr. and Mrs. Tho- mas Doan, Assemblyman and Mrs. Robert Badham, General and Mrs. Robert Owens, the Carter Lowells, Al Tlffanys, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cimln1, Helen Coffey, Lt. Ge- neral and Mrs. Frank Tharin, Patricia Spiel- man, Jo Tom a and Mr. anl1 Mrs. Anthon} Vitti ••. plus the many many morel Each prescription filled here is double-checked for exactness. You con be sur• you're getting just what the f ac4 Gearing. PRISCRIPTIONS FILlED 7 DAYS A WIEK M WIIXDA YS • .. 7 lUNDA TS • • • • Lest we forget ••• ANOTHER VERY ,j~~~~~~~ii=~~~~~~;;~;;;;~ SPECIAL EVE · · · an everyday Eve • • · SOUTH COAST STUDENT TOURS PRESENT spelled mom, mama, mot ber ••. (rna'?) .•• mater, madre ••• All over the country YQSEM ITE '7 5 these very-special-everyday Eves received 9 DAYS R O)S f_. Girls Grades 4 1h ru II 4th RIG l'F'\R '99 (.tJ/1 ~~-6010 8-Hf·tiP\f t'OVtt , • ., lflrtCl\.Oil &OVfrfO ,._, ,._.,_POil ... HC)._ PHitf JutlaVt$K* I '-'f.U\ ~(a 0&' IWMil ( 1 .. VOMtllll) S. ..... ING 'lt.Hf'NG,, MI ...... ..0AS-l84Ca •1&>1~ & ..Cil,4<1UfltG. 6 MCMI:I ' their special awards on the past Sunday ... the "don't..get-me-anythtng'' day. The award may have been perfume, or lace; a chiffon peignoir or a cover-all apron; a silver or gold trinket to treasure . . • but for this mother (ME) the don't-get-me-anything re- quest was for a watering-wand. No candy, please! No exotic scents! No nora! arrange- ments, either, please! . . . just a nice light weight, easy to handle free flowing watering -wand like they use on the flower '====================~ baskets 1n the nurseries. Then I ran care I XERox c for My own hanging flower baskets and my brand new mother's day cymbidium. My hope is, that every "very-special-every- day -eve.. spelled mom, mama, mother (. . . rna?), mater or madre, had just as special a "don't-get-me-anything-day" as r1id l Now we can all start over, for next year ! u A . ' ' Dial "546-2693 -----------------------------------. ~'0 --44 :: (!/ fl ~ ~ ·.'; LEGAL MOTtcE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE lN THE SALE OF ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES 4-30-75 To Whom It May Concern: Sub j(-ct to issuance or the license applied for, notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned proposes to sell alcoholic beverages at the premises, df-scribed as fol - ·lows: 3848 Campus Drive, Newport Beacb, California 92660. Pursuant to such intention, the undersigned is applying to the Department of Alco- hollc Beverage Control for issuance of an alcoholic be- verage license (or llcenses) · for these premises as fol- lows: ''40'' On Sale Beer License. CAVANAUGH, Steven Lee Publish: May 15, 1975, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. :! -~ COPY CENTBI FREE BUBBLE UMBRELLA WITH A SUBSCRIPTIO'l TO T HE F.'I/SIG ."' OHLY $5.00 A YEAR CALL 673-0550 3400 Irvine Ave. Ne wport Beoch (Near Bristol GROWTH wfn..t HUG HOMES --· SECURITY WITH HOME OWNERSHIP SPECI ALl ZING IN HOMES OF DISTINCTION N~wport B~acb oflice Wlf1fls lo thlhlll 1/leir ••Y tn~,tJs anti cli~ffts for tbeir s•ccusf•l first y~tn ;,. •ui•us. Tbtll is wby u·~ c1111 prot~tily sry. "List with 11s """ cllll ttc IIIOllns". CoM~ by aJ 11isil u . 1r. b1111tll~ bo111u t~ 140,ooo to rz.ooo.ooo. M7 IAN Ntc:HOLAI ORIVE . N llW flO .n' C:l!lt TaR M bfi'O .. T •• AOH e.0--4010 1..0~ ANG&Ld a"P"JC:e 4 .. NO.. I..Aftc:HMONT .LVO.. ....... , HOME LOANS · LOCALLY YOURS You made possible our substantially increased savings inflow. Now . we want to return the favor. If you are contemplating selling, buying or building a single tam•ly home. consult our Loan Officer about new loan terms, and the advantages of securing your financing from the AaaoclaUon which has loyally served this and neighbOring communities for 40 years. LAeiiiM .._ .... Cetitornia J .... .,. .. Ptua tAN n 141T1. Cetttomta _, Nlcd\ B c.Nno AMI -eoA T CAN 'ION. LAGUNA MACH-- B•nn•tt Brlldbury'l in full c:otof 18"•26" or9nel oit nu~ I ithogr.,_, .,1....,.. d-.Mctlng • picwr· for fremint A¥aMbte lltqUe la\)IN Beech for me -~ _. atl marine ecene "-tae.n L•tu ne F ed•r •• , .. mtull\f l'epi'Oduced otftc. LAGUNA~ UVINGI ..a. OfiiiiiCa 2eO OoMn Awnue t..,.IIMct\. C.Hfomte 12151 Telephone: ..._7541 Coming eoon In -.MONT •IGMI LAQUMA tll.U. CaJttomla 24301 P..., • Vlllendll LMI• IIO ... Ce1 ... IOOw.t.....,._ A-wnue r MEW OFFICERS, who wW )1>111 Ill aylac "-Y blrlb- dly" to the Ctuistian Women's club at tbt lunebeoD met· tiDe at the Airporter lnD ant WedDudly, May Zl, are, left to right, Mrs, Dale White of Do .. r Sbores, rlce- cmlrma.n; Mrs. Robert Charnley of Corooa del Mar, who will be re-installed as ctalrman, I.Dd Mrs, DooaJd Huey of Fountain Valley, prayer adYiaor, Susan Haber wUJ be speaker at the luncbeoo, being ctve by tbe Newport Beach ctw.pter of tbe Cllr1.stiao Women's Club. Special features wm Include a fastlioa sboW and mule by Janet Carr, rose princess. Natiooal Onnce Show queen and Miss L.A. County. All Harbor area women are invited to the club, which has no membership, oo dues and is ooo.odenomlnatioaa.l. Lwtc:heoo resern.tions may be made at 646-1811. (Ensign photo.) Church News * THE CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH, 190 23rd Street, Cosb Mesa -Pastor Robert Bengston will continue his series in Epheslans al the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. At &:30 p.m. he will contin- ue the study on the second comlD& of Christ. I Peter Is the topic for 7 p.m. Wed- nesday. • PLYMOUTH CONGRE- GATIONAL CHURCH, 3262 Broad St., Newport Heights Dress Shop " .. epen 011 ''·Sundays 3424 Via Lirln Newporl Beach ctn-....,.,.._ IMc ........ n ...... -. For girls 10 to 18. Het' own hor,e to ride under the Big Skv on a 6,000 acre operating •anch. Mountain,, lakes, trees a<"'d pack trips along the Cnntin8f'IUII OIYide. e • per ~encea guldfrs, NOW- ACA accreditlld, ·-t1,1. IN STOCK! -''Love loavest' contatneu shaped like loaves of bread, wblch have been used for the past 3 moaths to san small change, will be taken to church for the 10 a.m. service th1s Sunday. The ''loaves" wUI be broken by representatives of World Vision lnternatlooa.l and tbe money recovered. Ttoe f\mds wlll help feed the hungry In world disaster areas. • THE NEWPORT HAR- BOR CHURCH OF RELIGI- OUS SC IENCE, 541 Center St., Costa Mesa -The Rev. Eleaoor Jackson 'rill preach at 10 a.m. Sunday on "Whllt goes around comes around." • LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER, 2900 Pa- cific View Drive, Harbor VIew Hills -Joining church through conftrmatloo at tbe 10:30 a.m. Sunday service wUI be Mitch Davis, Karen Goody, Alan Harrier, Laura Jensen, SUfla Kutz, Robert Layton and SaDdy Remelin, A play wrttteD and drama- tized by these confirmands .. Yilt be presented at 7:SO p.m. this Friday, • ST. ANDREW'S PRES- BYT ERIAN CHURCH,600St. Andrew's Rd., CUff HueD - "No immune reacttoo" will be the sermon topie or Dr. Charles Dterenfleld at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. "Sunday, • THE HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa -Dr. Richard Chase, president of Biola College, wtll bring the message at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday, World Vlsloo wtu give a presentation on world hunger at 6 p.m. Sunday, , FASHION SHOW . FOR NH EMBLEM Newport Harbor Emblem Club 39<1 will OOid Us annual otrlcer-commlttee ehalrrnan lun<"heon and fashion show at the Newport Harbor Elks Lodge at noon Wednesday, May 21. Mrs. Kenneth West- man, past president, will moderate the fashion show and music will be furnished by Mrs. M. Hintz. The followi ng member s will be models: Mmes. R. Marvin, G. Corba.ri, J. Beck- man, W, Barclay, B. Stevens, F. Gies, J. Sarno and C. Evans. Resuvatlons may bt> made by calling 545-5 128 or 645-3494. At the recent state con- vention of Emblem Ciubsand Nevada-Hawaii Clubs In Pa- lo Alto, the Newport Harbor Emblem Club won ftrst place for total membership,a cer- Uflcate for club partlctpa- Uon, and second place for tbe moatbly buUetln. New! Revolutionary STRING CROSS Guaranteed to double the life of your tennis gut. $5.00 per kit ($1.00 INSTALLED) /1) ,. •• m.,, till ,., -'"' C!:l'aramounl ._.. ~Iii~_ == ... !. '!.! DEBS INTRODUCED • ...._ n·Nad~tte ot KatiiMl CllllntJ I p.,. ·~c..,._, __ _ .. __ , .... frJMdl at \lit nn•uvw 1M _..,. lo 1M .,_ of tbt wat.rfrolt l' 'Cnt4 ot llr • ..., 11..._ ..._ ""'""I U tbe lrJI del:ll.- lul-. For tiiiii!Ut e J•ra. ua.. J0G11C WOIMI bl.,..~ u averap sa _,, won- lac 'Ia ....................... MDdtwork t)r tbt OODftl•· ceat. ..... laC lalbtJoJID TncJ Cl1D1c a.r tbt doMt eb.1lc:IHD ud Ul'ltllll tbt Jlllllor Olympic• .,, tM tralDI.ble meatallJ retarded cblldreo of tile ar•. Guests were welcomed by Mrs. Rtchl.rd Homer Wq. aer, Chapter prelldeDI:; Mr1. David van Dtelt Skl1111c, president elect, and Mr.. James Rlcbmood Dowty, ball director. The debut&Dtes were introduced by Mrs. Dowty, and the motbenpre- sented their dauchter wtth a gold and pearl mectallioa wbtch wtu be worn for tJle first time the evenlDg of the ball to be held at tbe South Coast Plaz.a Hotel the even~ ing ot Nov. 29. The 1975 debutantes and their parents are: Glenna Marla Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmood Ander~ SOD. Celane Renee Coud, Mrs. Roberta ThOmas Knauer aDd C ha.rles Rlcha.rd Coud. . •rt. _, -IIIWt. llr • .... ..... -lllloft. Traer Celt SliM IWild. llln. DIMaleM'fz!ZJIYaJd ud Dr. Brloa Albort Ewald. Lla ._ H~Mtaw, Kr. udlln.E,_T_N HlullawJr. MuloEYIIJoJ...._ Mr. aDd Mn. c•rlu Mar· lodloMIOI, ClllbJ EU• Lar.:.o, Mr. Ud Mn. MUea BlaclnreU w.... lltbonll Rllftl llartJII. llr. ud llra,HowardWrtcbt llaliJa. Nuey Rutb Muncer. Mr. ucl Mn. Geoqe Draper IIUillei Jr. MutaDDe LouiM Nebren-berl, Dr.ud Mrs. Ted Ro. bertN-I'J, Saan Wahlen OlaDder, lira. Walllera Olander. Mary Ellaabeth Parker, Mr. aDd Ura. Cbarles Ed- ward Parter. Delia EUt.abetb Richards, Dr. aDd Mrs. John Tynes Rtcbarda. Marcy llllone Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Keonetb Murny Wallrii.M, Kimberly Alice Skilling, Mr. &Dd_..Mrs. David van Dlest Sklllq. Leslie Jean Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D:mald Tharpe Smith, Constance Elizabeth Wag- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wagner. Anne Ellubetb ZUlgiH, Mr. lDd Mrs. Preston Burt ZUJcitt, DREAMS OF THE .. PJiFTtES were presented II tub1oA by Becky Bowie. &en; tJI4"Molly Kuttq:i bottr s-.lors at Coi'ODI del Mar b1p .eOOol. Tbey modeled elothes from 1920 to 1970 at • brunch f:lsbion sbow last Saturday at the Santa Ana Country Club. Tbe .. rty was (l.no by the Asslsteens AurlUary of tbe Newport Ass1sta.nce League. Mooring fee up 4000/o Mooring tees in Newport Harbor will )Imp 400 per cent next January, and the city ot Newport Beacb will study a plan to replace the preseot system with clus- tered moortngs. Formal City Cocmell ae~ tton Monday n.ight ntsed the offshore mooring fees from the prese~~t $1.20 per foot per y~r to S6, Oo~snore moortnes wut 11:0 up to $3 per toot per year. Tbe raises were prompted by a state auditor's conten- tion that the city could bt> vlolatton a state constt. tutloaal prohibltioo against gifts or public hmdsbychar· gtng the current low rates. Trautwei.D Bros., a local marlne engineering nrm. has tried for several years to convince the city that a series of wheel.type moor· lngs clusters •auld be bet~ ter than the current system. Monday night's Counell ac- tion Instructed cit)· staff to begin serious study of the proposal. 'KISS ME KATE' WILL BE STAGED MAY2 .1-24 Cole Porter's "lOss Me Kate" will be presented by Corona del Mar high sctml at 8 p.m. May 21, 22, 23 aDd 24 In the Newport Har- bor high school auditorium, The musical depicts a play wtthln a play In the BaiU~ more opening of a musical •ersloo of St.ltespeare's "Taming of the shrew," and the mad cap adventures of opening night, Coon.le Wagner and Mark Gadarlan play the leading roles. The ptoducttoo Is u.n~ der tbe direction of the Co- rona del Mar high school LICI(!L I!ODCI lllle arts dlvlslon. FICTlTlOIJS BllSINESS OUTRIGGER Q.UB lO NAMESTATEIIENT MEET IN N.B. MAY 21 The lollowtDc per.ou Is Tile Balboa Outrigger Ca~ do1DC· bus1Dea: u: Studk> noe Club wUI hold Us month- Cafe. 100 MaiD, Balboi.,Cal-ty meettog at the Newport 11. 92661: Hot'allDtl G. Ab-Beach otnce of Los Ana:eles ramla.D, 600 S. Broadway. Ftden.J Savt.ncs, 1201 New. Ridoodo S.ert. CL 90%7'7. Bl Tb1a tlaaiDHs 11 cooduct-port vd,, across from Ct. 1 S'-ed: ty Hall, at 7 p.m. Wednes-ed by u iDctlridlla • .... • daJ, Kay Z1. New prospec:~ HoYUDel G. AbramiiD, Uve members are welcome Tbla Jtatem• WU ftl.:l to att.t tbe meet~~~cs. wttb the C...tJ Clerk aiOr~ For t.dcUUQMI 1Dlorma~ nee co.tJ *' 1!, lm. ttoo, ooatact Pamtll ADder .. Publl.ta: M&7 15, U, !9, 100, elab eecretary, or Bob Juoe 5, 1r75, lD tM N..-port SOcia, muqer ot the New- Hartlor Ellllp. F.Q724 port Beacb oftk:e of LoeAo~ HEALING POWER IS ltiH Federal So•ln«•. 075- TOPIC OF LECTURE H4~0• ... ou PL • .,5 Tbt bllllll power ol dt-" ftUAn ,... ,... ..,., ..W "' brooc>i DONOR LUNCHEON oat to a -poilU< loetiiH Mowport Boac'h c,_,..r oa ChrtJIIol -to be H .... Ia .... Ita JMr (l•eo bJ Oolllo A. Ptla .. r Willi lila -· -r t•-of ~ at I p..IL .., e..._ •• J"ll at u. Blc U. He Will_.._ .. C-Co lrJ Clllb,lloa- •-ol FIHIC-If oloJ --U. Cb.rllt, lc....... ... ... t ,.. m ~-.. belli,...· -........ ''Cilia-·""' bJ .. .,...___ tla&-•h•a•-. a.an•J aM-caar..a, Mn.. ot ........ artll... ..., ••••• , 7 ...... "' ._.,..., .... ---.~ --. .... " ·---. -.., .. .....,. Ia.., ZretetMd ,...._ Mn. ..., .. Jl, at .. -··-.. MIA-...... .. '$ '· dl ..... 111111 6 1 Mp .. ....... .. .._ .......... "'" .......... ... ..... ,.,. u Ckt*'M ....... -... .. --~~·· 111 _ ... .,_ .. ...... .... --......... _ .... roYS, many tuctcr&lted Uke tbe marlollette held bJ AlnaDdra DeJoace, left. wUl be oa ale at tbt 14th annual nea market of the lntne Ternce Commttt• of the Orange County PhiU•rmooic Society. Mark IIWer and Nicole Searcello are tntere!ded 1D other toys, wblcb are ooty a few or the many items to be offered WedDts ... day, May 21, at the Irttne Ternce borne of Mrs. Richard Flam scm, 2000 Kewamee. (Ensign pbolo.) Bargains at flea mart An inexpensive way to vi- sit Parisian shops, enjoy a French cale and select bou- tique Items from nower- decked booths Is being of~ feted at the 14th annual Ir- vine Terrace Philha:-monir Group nea market at the home of Mrs. Richard Flam· son, 2000 Kewamee, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednes~ day, May 21. A pool-slde luncheon wtll be served. Hostesses wearing pink and white gingham smocks will tend booths offering u- nique trinkets and treasures, elothing, antiques, dolls, plants and gourmet food spe- cialties. M,·s. Val Skoro, c hairman of the event, said that Items to be sold in· clude hand-eralted wooden toys, helrloom::>olthetuture, and the hand-made quilt de- signed by Mrs. Lyman Faulkner and created by all the members of the group. Also featured will be pain- tings by artlstsSylvla Moon- fer and Jean Goss, antiQues, golf! jewelry, ceramle and stone wart> and handmade aprons and 1ol\s. A garden shOp tended by Mrs. Ernest Betuchamp and Mrs •. John Melhorn will offer luxuriant plants and nowt'rs. The sweet s llop, with assorted 'bakOO goods, •UI be tended by Mesdames Dante! S~~o't>et, Lars DeJounge, Donald Christeson. and Allen Katt. Mrs. John Konwlser llas collected Uems from local merchants, and Mmes. John Miller, EugeneScan·elloand R. N. Sweetland have gath- ered toys and books. Desig- ner clothing is Ueing assem- bled by Mmes. Robert Hin- richs, Lloyd Gregory and Richard Kredel. Objets d'- art will be offered by Mm es. Jotm Crimp, Wllllam Munc{', WUllam McCord and James Eubank. Money-mlm1ers atE.> Mmes, Harry Baker, Roy Hallberg, and John Tyson, Mrs, Richard Nelson and Mrs. Chester Salisbury will pour coftee and wloe, and the 1uocbe0n wUl be served by Mmes. Deane &ttorf, Roo Harrod, Kennetb John- son, William Moody aDd Rt~ chard Flamson. HJ...Dd-made Items will be featured at the boutiQue ten~ ded by Mmes. Robert Hubert. Paul Herrick, Barney Whl.te- sen. and Jonathan Lorman. And for bridge and other card players, the Fullerton Phil- harmonic CommlHeewillof- fer specially designed cards with the OCPS Insignia. Proceeds of the event wUI go to support the con . certs sponsored by the Or. ange County Phllha.rmook Society, Tickets wUI be a~ vatlable at the door, MUSIC GROUP TO INSTALL SLATE The Harbor VIew HIJis Committee of the Orange County Phllbarmonlc Soci- ety wlll elose the year on Tuesday, Mar ZO, with the installation of the new u- ecutive board followed by luncheon, Mrs. A, E. Thompson wUI hostess the puty at her home, 6 Jade Avenue, Spy. glass Hill. Assisting her •Ill be Mrs. John Durkee, lun- cheon chairman, and Mrs. WOllam Hickey, co-hostess. New officers to be instal-1 left by Mrs. Ly:all Evans, outRQing chairman ofOrange County Phlllllrmonlc Wo- men's Committees, are Mrs, Robert P. Smith Jr., presi- dent; Mrs. Gwyn Parry,llrst vice.presldent, ways and means; Mrs. E. Robb Ltv~ tngstoo, secood vlce...presi- dent, social; Mrs. Isaac Richman, th.ird vice~presi­ dent, program; Mrs. Robert Weber, secretary; Mrs. Bernard Blelchman, trea~ surer; and Mrs. James Quinn, parllameotarlan. Committee cr.Jrmen in- clude Mmes. JobD Durltee, Ellis YarneD, Cbarles Rtne~ walt, A. E. Tbompaoo, Ed- ward Jobn Van Udeo, William My mom is special Dr. -........ ,., .......... . •• 111 1 ................ . ..-a ' ,.., II f -' llllrJ copr. J. DIOIIItf Ia W F¢ .... 1fl'l ... 'l .,.Cialbeea•lbe'IIOIM· .., ...., __ at -.. loot ..... "" ... •:;.::r.: ... -~~~~ 1(1-... I -~ -Wllat • • ..... lilt-Wo-"l __ _ triet J!*ll1 .-,a nrecl tilt motMrli" --. ~ )lodpo ptcllod Tilt pud prtu wlllotro from 11'1 .. ..., -1!1*1 1wen: , bJpubUcodjdti.C.ecbooll Flnl en-. -U,tooc, Ill tilt ltaJ1>nr Area. E .. b .-ol Mr. u4 Mrt. Omer eJ.uaroom ttaeblr 11..,._ tooc. 1401 GoluJ Dr•••· -tbroaeb ....... !Ditod Dorer Bboru, a ftrlt cnde to llbm.lt 0111 -'11 tl tbe lblciG: at Cl.f'dell Hall; C.-· <:()Qtellt, wbieb ftl tued e.btr, lin. Mary Ec!Ma; Jfi.. 011. the lbeme "A mother Ia rector • Mu. Patrie!& GlJ.... apeclal beeaUM , •• " Stu. .,_.rt, deotl wueukedtocompletl EDt17 cop,-: "A mother 1a: the teota.ce and Uluatnte ID«tal btcaaH 1be w111 do their thought with a polter- urtblal tblt le: NU:IIlable. type dnwJ.nc or a coJJace Sbe Iotts JOU wbl.t enr you of llluJtn.Uou clfwed from do. SH pu.niJbH you be.. mapllnel and oew~~Japers, CUM abe wants you to do wbat'l f'llht.'' SecoDd 1ndr. Stacy Ba .. ker, dauebter of lb. and Mrs. William Baker, 3242 Me11 Drive. Bact Bay, •~ coad p-ader at Harbor Day schoOl; teacbtr. Misl Heldt Arm~ prtncq.t. Jobo F. lluder. Ento copy: "A mother ls speclal because wttea I'm sad aU aJll down and talks to me and makes me ~y again." Third grade: Jeffrey Blake Coyne, 100 of Mr, and Mrs. John Coyne, 1118 Devoo Lane, Westcllft', third grade student at Mari.Ders school; teacher, Mrs. Susan White; prlncl.pl.l, Bill Kappele. Entry copy: ·'A mother Is special because • • • she is out of this world." Fourth grade: Jlll Ditt- mar, daughter of Mr. :aod Mrs. Thomas Dittmar, 334 Joann Street, Costa Mesa, fourth cnder at Prince of TURNBULL PROGRAM An ..,entnc wUh Mart Turnbull, cull&rtst, compo- ser ud poet, wtU be pre~ HOled by the Nowport Har- bor Art MuMWD at II p.m. MoDday, May 19, Tbl Mu~ lftDl la.locatod at Ull W. Balboa BIYd., Centnl New~ port. Peace Lutberan school; tea-~,~~~~~~~~~· cber, Mrs. Nancy Jessup; prlncfl».l, Stephen Setter~ lUDd. Entry copy: "A mother is special because she some~ times fishes your frog out of the washing machine that you left in your pocket." Fifth grade: Ann Marte Mittelstadt. daughter of Dr. I!~.J. anot Mrs. Karl Mittelstadt, 553 VIctoria Avenue, Costa Mesa, 1n flfthgndeatCh.rlst Lutheran school; teacher, Mrs. l.sabel stuewe; prtnct~ pal. Arlan Ahlers. Entry copy: "A motber ta special because she's to. , TJ'O COMPLETE SHOWS ' (PGJ 7:00 & 1);05 I ' • I • CALL MOW OR DROP IM • • • We •,. Cle•• ly .... o, ... 1 o.,. A w .. ~r. 12222 H8rbor BW.. a..n Grow 630-1142 871-8020 n2-3401 or ••• &OM INSTALLA'MON LUNCHEOJif wu btld y..terdly at tbe Bal'lla CortDtblan Yacht Club by tbe Womeo•s Commit- tees board of d1nct.ors of tbe <>ranee County Pb1lbl.r- mOille Society. Pictured here an Mrs. Dlck8oo Sba.fer of Cameo Sbores, at left, newly elected cbalrman of tbe PbUbii'1DOGic JUDiors, aDd Mrs. Lamar 111. HW ollrYl.oe, new cbalrman ot tbe Women•• Committee. board. Sen- iDe wttb Mrs. Hill an Mrs. Mlltoo w. Patteraoo vtce- cbatrma.o, membership; Mrs. Fred SebDeider, wajs and mea.; Mrs. Leoa:ard Rasmussen, cootiDwlce fUnd; Mrs. Lawreoce R4ed, recording secretary; Mrs. G. Clalr JordaD, correspoodl.og secretary; Mrs. Lyell Evans, pariJamentary adTlsor, and Mrs. David Robertaoo, trea- surer. (Jack West photo.) Cataract remedy offered A new ancl advanced k1.od of sureery suitable for some most normal vtsioo and DO pat1111ts with cataracts has need for thick glasses or been Introduced at Hoag hos-contact lenses. Instead, be pital. wears an ordiDary pair of Waller Gerken elected .... a. o.r-. u. " Corea cle1 llu, ... a,.. ~ e...umt.a o1 till Man~ ad C.W uteltln ... fiPaetae ...... Lu. lluuucl Compuy e«eeUYe MIUt 1. Mr. GerteD. no 11u beeD pntldiDt ol tbe Jlfewport c-..r arm. IIICC..U stu- ._ G. Bal .. wbo wt11 laYe raebed U.. compuJ'• n- Uremllll ap. At the nqae1t of tbt board 01 direetora. Mr. Halt wt11 becomecbatr- man ol tbe eucuttYe com- mittee aDd wtll CGatJ.oue asa director. Harry G. BQlt), 50, of Newport Beacb, formerly IIDJor Ylce preaideot_ lfOUP iJllun.DCe, la1 beeD elected prMJdeat and cbief operat-lnc o!ftcer, also etfecUve Au.cuat 1. Mr. Gerken wasrraduated from Wesleyan Uoinrll.ty wltb a B. A. 1.o eeaaomlcs and receiYed bls M.P.A. from the Maxwell Sebool ot C ltlzensbip and PabUc Al- falrs, Syracuse UD1Jtratty. He 1s a trustee atoccldeotal College aDd his alma mater, Wesleyan University. Heand his wlfe, Darlene, are par- ents of 6 chlldren. Mr. Bubb Jol.oecl Pacific Mutual ln 1949 u a field sales representatln after receivtng his B.A. and M.B.A. from Stanford Uni- versity. He became regtooal supervisor ln Dallas ln 1952 and was tranlfer red ln 1955 10 tbl 1M .._.. bocDe omc. •. llacl 1151 ..... ~ a IDIIDber ol Ton Rail, a.:. dutcta1 relltioel MCUGD, .. to. ............ dt- ~ 01 till lfnport Bar- bot Art Muwm. S. ad b1l wde, Btrdel, Ul panab of 5 cllllctra. CAPT. RHODES HELPS VIETH AM REFUGEES lbrtDe C.,ea!D Jolm E. RbodH, ..... nd of the tonner MJ.a Jlldf A. Simp- SOD of Balboa Island, l.s help-t.oc pi'O'flde aJd to South Viet- namese refacees. • He l.s a member of Marine Medtum Helloopter Squadron 185, -.bleb Ia trauporttng food and water 1.o SUIJPOrl of IDtenttlc!nll relief ef- forts. Tbe ,qaadroa, home bued oo OklDawa. ls em- barked aboard tbe ampblb- lous trauport dock shlp USS Dubuque 1.o lDtemaUooa.l waters off tbe coast of VIet- nam. HB..L WOODWARD GETS OUTSTANDING AWARD Mrs. Nell M. WoodWard, llead of Orance Coast Col- lege's di•lsloa of consumer and health senices, is one of 5 persoos selected to receive the CaWornla Die- teUc Asaoclatloo's Orst an- noal "outstandl.ng member award.'' MlU SHICI.ES .... ... 1aa0 sn .. .. , .. ll, 100m sa .... TtU 41S/771-M11 VIII Ness II ............ Sbllb S. Fraacisco, Cllif. Mlot It 1s artltical lens lmplan-bifocals or reading glasses. tatlon a procedure which Vision 1s often fairly good lnvol;es plactng an artlflcal even without tbe glasses. Retirement plan offered lena lnslde tbe eye after a catuact bas been remove.:i surgically. Sbe tru been on the OCC stan s1Dce 1964. Save 20%on Coit Drapery Cleaning Some patients cannot be treated because of other eye dl.seue not related to the cataract problem. For tbose wbo can be treated, the :1ew way offers a return of near normal vlsloo. I~=================~ Remo711 of a cataract (clouded lens) can be done by a treesl.og teclultque or by ultra sound and suctlon. However, 1t leaves the pa- lndividllal retirement ac- counts, a new pensioo pro- gram which allows lndlvtd- uals who are oot l.ocluded 1.o a qua lined rettrem eot pla.n to set aside tu dedac:tD>le funds, are DOW offered by Laguna Federal Savings and L<'I.D Association, It 1s an- nounced by Miss Lorna M Uls, president. IN COSTA MESA IT:S DePARTMENT 8TQft.E Op•" Q: JO A.M. to 6:00P.M. D11ily Clo s•tl s,.,tJays 1816 NEWPORT BOULEVARD. COSTA MESA ARINERS CHU THE TEACHIN<; ~ CENTERED ON JESOO CBBBI' AND THE BIBLE, WITH EMPHASIS ON PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN UVING. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME. CounseUnr and YislUng an.Uable. SUNDAY SERVICES: WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. PHONE: 6'75-4550 2200 E. Coast Hwy.,fteYpOI't Beach, oear MacArthur 538 CENTER STREET ·-COSTA tient with only form visioo. Wlthout a lens 1.o the eye, normal distance and near vision are missing. For this reason. a patient wbO under- goes cataract surgery has to wear thick cataract glas- ses or cootact lenses. With the oew teclultqJe of lens Implantation, the clouded lens 1s removed, and a tl.oy plastic lens ls lm- pla.Dted l.oslde the eye. Once ln place, tbe patient bls al- Federal law now allows a maximum annual contribu- tion of $1,500 or 15% of wages, whichever is less. This amount 1s deductible from gross l.ocome for fed- eral l.ocome tax PIUJ)Oses. Earnings on the account are allowed to compound as tax free until withdrawn as re- tirement income at some fUture date, Miss Mills el- plal.oecl. The individual 1s exempt from federa.ll.ocome taxes oo GEORGE HOAG of Balboa, sllowD here wtttl &etress Rbooda Fleming, booorary general ci'Wrman for tbe JUDe 8 Hope Sunday drift for tbe City of Hope, tas beeo oamed Oruce County cbalrman for the door-to-door flmd ratstnc project. The tree, nonsectarian research aDd medical center bas beeo waging the battle ap.lnst cataltropblc dlMues for 6Z years. CALAMARAS NAMED BY JAN SEN Fl RM Jansen Associates Inc., Santa Ana. tas oamed C.Orge Calamans of Newport Beacb as dlrector of the firm's newly-created pubUc rela- Uons post. Jansen l.s a tuU aentce pubUc rtlatiou, ad- flrtl..liDg, IDd market re- searc:b aceocJ. TIM E TO ~\NI M! Duck' feet Fins. -Churchill Fins Beach Flo•t• -Swim Flo•t• A r~te of Uninrsity of IlUDols scbool of joarual- l.sm aDd commUDicat.loos, Mr. Calama.ru sentd bls apprtDtleQhip u editor of a MWiillll)er Ill Brea-La Habra, tbiD accepted a poat- tloa u pabUc nlatiOU UCS adttl'tl.IIAI dlnctor l:>r PIU-Tlea CorpontJGD. Royal lldlaatrles lllbl1ctt- UJ. Be eerYtd tor a ~ u ..m nc:e..prtlidellt trttb IAiud OUter CODqii.DJ, oruce•• JlllbUe ,.. .. doU ..., •ei'UIIIIC flrm. Swim Goulet La1una Swim Trunk• Speedo Swim Suita ~ Trunka. HURR'l~ tbe $1,500 deposit during the years of hlcbeat earntnc capacity, and tbeo pays tbe tu at a lower rate ln later years wbeo earnlnca are less or bave ceased and tbe • pensioo fu.Dis. ar e being with- drawn. 11 the persoo is 65 or older, be quallfles for double uemptlon. U mar- ried, be and b1a wlfe wUl have 4 exemptioos when she also reac hes 65. Under tbe federal law, DO payments can be made from the account until tbe l.o- dlvidual reaches ace 59-1/2, unless tbe persoo becomes permanently disabled. A person must becln to re- ceive payments from tbeac- count by tbe time he reaches age 70-1/2. Tbe Keogb plan for sell- employed per100.1 also ls offered by LII'JDI Federal SaYIIIp. AD 1Dd1Yidlla.l may plaee $'7 ,500 br 15' of hb l.ocome, wbtcbe'fH ls less, 1.o an account on a tal- deferred basls. for free estimate, phone 540-1366 642-0270 Now save 20"·• on Coat Drapery Cleaning. Your precaous drapery Will be packed up, perfectly cleaned. and re-ttung In your home lookang hke new. Save 20 o pnone tor free estimate no obllgataon ' JLC~!!~~ COSTA MESA Servtng .. of Or.,. County RADIO OtSPA TCHED TNJCI(S up • Every mornin g, -daily interest is added to every Los Angeles Federal Savings Account. Pass book Savings-Certificates of Deposit- Investment Certificates All at highest rates LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS Savings insu red to $40 ,000 Safe depos1t boxes and the most wanted savings services Newport Beach Office 3201 Newport Blvd. • 675-4500 (Across from City Hall) Head Office Downtown: One Wilshire, Los Angeles 90017 other offices throughout the area ••• ---=-·~- ''" II AtheitiD the Religion of the Future? 1 ~----~------~~~m=--------------~ (C"'CI fA--lui~ aulintAII aUco"' feoto 111 relatioolhlp to atbelsm, •rlnr COL .......... IW• t11ot it -~tdlectual but at ., cniu.: But doD' 1011 kDow tlaot l -~ badt ud pid< out _..., ... dM Bible aad aay, Ab, thtae all rdate to the ...... of Nodai7D Murray alliS the lhD>ca dear badt to Mooa, I could plclc 0<1t ilolated little bit& I could •p;clc ~out iD tho New Teswnmt . 'allll10y, Ycia-aUolthilwupropl>. etiod in my oomjn~. Mchmu: Madalyn Mumoy, tho only way they r<late to you. and they do trlate to you, il that in God's rnciou• providence you will come to tee them, and then you will receive the , gilt of everlasting life. But let me go ahsd one ltep further. You talk &bout a pruen.t Christ. Our Saviour wu raised from the dead, He a.s- t:tnded into Heaven. O'HA1a: You keep looking up as if He's going to be there -it is !asci· nating_ (She laughs.) MciNTIRE : Well, He is there. I be- lieve He is there with aU my heart; and furthermore, I am waiting for Him to c~. We hav~ the blessed promise from His own lips that "I will come again." And we have the word frOm the Scripture that "the Lord ... shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the arch- angel, ... and the dead in Christ shall ri~ first." I believe in the resuTr"ec- tion of the dead. [ believe in the rap-- ture of the saints. There is going to be: a blessed meeting in the air, and it will be: not about the moon either. They are all ,{Ding to be: up there prais- ing the name of this O ne who has been the victor over the grave, Jesus Christ. O'H.Ma.: Well, you see of course: I do not accept that. I do not accept that there is going to be any second COOling. I do not accept that Jesus Christ was peculiar or unique as a re- ligious apostle because He has -there are other 6Rures similar in the other religions. As a matter of fact He was most probably Krishna, and I think you probably have looked up the his- torical reference in relationship to that. So that how can I possibly say, All right, I am going to accept. M cl NTIU: : Do you know what would lead you ... I haven't asked you many questions thus far, but do you consider yourself to be: a sinner? O'HAIR : Absolutely not. I am com- pletely pure of heart. I cannot imagine what a sin is, t really can't. I cannot imagine what a sin is. I think that in our lives most areas are g1ay, and that in the grayness of our !i ns, in these areas, some things are a little bit worse than O(her thin~s . But I think for the most part people think in terms of sex being a sin, or S4.":X acts being a sin. I'm sorry, I can't buy any of that. Mel NT IRE : Well, do you know what you ne-ed to be. what we need to talk about ? We nM!d to talk about the law of God. that there is a God who is righ teous and a God who has laid down ce rtain laws for H is creatures to obey and to honor ; and sin is the transgression of that law. O'HA IR : What law ? because there are ~vera! commandments you know , several lists of commandments. And when the commandment s are given and they say for instance to me, You sha ll honor your fa ther and your mother, my answer, like all of the you ng people now is: l will honor my father and my mother if they so act as to deser._.e my honor. M ci ~TTRE · But )'OU set. that is the whole point. jesu'> $3.id , "I came not Debate Bttwttn Dr. Carl Mcintire And Mrs. O'Hair Ttd& a eootUqtlon ot the tut' ot a oo. hour emtroa.taUaa 011 TV. oa Feb. 16, 1970, betweea Dr. Carl Melnttre, radio pr1111.eher and dJ~ rector of tbe 20th Century Reform-1 at101 Hour, ansJ M.rs. Madalyn Mur- ray O'Halr, aeUvlst as u atbellt. The moderator tor the TV shOW, presented over KLRN, Austin, Ttr- a.s, was Dave GUbert. to call the rightt:ou!l, but si nners to re- ~ntanct." And not until you get to the place in your heart or your ' con· science where r ou recognite that you arc a sinner and under condemnation (she laughs). O'Hair : I'll ne ver make it I Mc l NTTR£: You wi ll never make it. O'HATR : I can ttl! even now. In- cidentally, you know I am a Presby- terian atheist so I understand such - Mel NT IRE : There is no such thing. (Considerable laughter.) O'l-l.A1a : I understand your thrust here. But I lert the Presbyterian Church and became an atheist. And you left the Presbyterian Church and tried to bring it back to its fundamm- talism. So I feel - Mci NTIRE : Well, who has been making more progress ? O'HAI&: Well, I think actually that I am. Now you have your entire con- ~gation and your followers above ground. The atheists are underground simply because of the reprisals that have been put against them. But you know in your heart and .in your library and in your ,{Ding around the world, certainly in the United States, that atheism is winning hand! dowa, that we have a greater number of adherents than you can ever hope to have. That the youth is with w . MciNTIRE : I couldn't admit that for five steonds, lady. AU I can say to you right now is that the Communist world is built upon an atheistic, mate- rialistic philosophy -humanism - it's Communism. But that is. not going to prevail. That is not going to win the day. o·a.......: Let me tell you, though, something about Communism, becaUK I know a great deal about Commu- nism, cer-tainly in relationship to America, and I do not like to have persons u~ the word Co""'"'"iSJP$ in relationship to America n atheists, becaust: American at he i s t s are across the board politicall y, and we have gone into long discus- sions with the American Communist Party, with Marxist-Lenini!lt s of all brands, '>''ith all of the sociali st parties, Trotskyit!!S, everyone else, and I have also brought with me a list of quotations tonight from them calling us petty bourgeoi~ rtvisionary, anti- re,·olutionar)', pst:udointellcctuals. MclNn a.E : Well, what are you? O'HA111 : (laughter.) Now you shoul~n 't insult a lady that blatantly. Mcl!"'TI RE: Tell me. You know what >m. ll'lfAIR: Just a minute. The Ameri · can Communist Party put out a mani- Devotloaal "TH E EVANGEL." eo. zs, La'"'·'"- A WORU t'OU TilE TEM P'TF.I> Rend .Jame~ ·t:l·" ~uhnHl ynu r,,.he~ therd"t" tn (~rtol flMt•l !he devil nnd he .... ill fl{'o:! rrom :.ou J11me8 4 :7 T he dO'vil Jl' ;'1!JVE". Wi'l l. :onrl ,n .,. hu~\1 II•· wan I ~ 1 '"' !n f••n:el lhf' w"Nt~ .-.r God )'OU heard nn Sund;ov Think nb(>ll l ,l;t me~ ·1 Tlot'rt' ...... re.tU th:,l '"'" d~\·1 l 8ttr~ up w:1rrinr paeei.om in your life 1-1 " u."f"' Tell'vt'<JOn l'tommerct;d" In so w the 11eeds of covetou•n-. View1nl!' vwlen1 t' nu rhc "nern sow~ s~OO!! of hate 11nd murder. !-Out.Rn inVI:•d• our pr.yer live!< ~o that "f' ft~k wrnnglv ln~tearl of !luhmil.!!ion In God, the tempter f~tefll rebelliou ~nc •" wulun u,., Every Chn!<ll.ln hnM hi• "l>e1·111l WCRkneM. de-firiencill!l, and l m "' wluch I he devil ex plru ['4. Jame!l ha~ gOOtl new!'l for every Christia.n. The dev1l ho.a hceu defe~t ted by Chrilt 1\nd because of thi1 grent fact the tempter i11 not nearly "'5 •trontr u .,. oft. imagine. Stand up to him. R~i11t him nnd the prince of this world w11l .wiftly nm awa:y from you. Any O m !lll&n c~n receive stren!fth from the Holy Spirit aDd from God • Word to develop the will to with!'ltand the tempter. Too often twe f111il to _. the reli(iOU8 rMOUrrn we po""ll· We are l'fl'pomible for our own religiou1 weaknftll. A.3 we berln another work lVHk let w uk for the will to re.ist I he devil. Everyone can esperienee Ute joy of victory in Chritt Jeeus 11.1 they !l!e the tempter retreat in defeat. p..,., Lord Jeaw. "'e praiM you for defeating the devil. We now a1lr: for ~lit~ to ftlli.t him. Give u. the joy of .e-eing him flee from Ull, In youJ' Mme alone .,... pr11y. Amen. The Family Altar, 10868 S. Michia:an Ave .. Chielli'O, ILL. 6062$ The Bible Answers bJ ltrt. Louis A.· JtcMwn Questionf tn Ept1ai1M 5:26 where it mentions the wMhing of water, doQ thh mer to blptlsm7 Anlwtn Nol We do not believe this refers to water blpti~n~ but to the puri-f'tlfts and ciHntlrc effect of lhe Word of God in the btlit"Yer's life. ln the ~ c.Mfn, _.., Paul, the AposUe, is spqkina of Christ's lowe fM the Church, Hit Bride Md thl ~ of God. Then he cfecl•res that th• lord Is purlfrl"' His 8rkte In pqpat8tlon fot the future Pt"Hentltion to tilmHif n .,. .. ln ,...... 71. C,_.l,. ~ the Word 11 mentroned '" Pulm 119:9 and John 15:3. Qlutf• How ctn 1 Chrl&tl.n be filled witt! 1M Holy Spirit? :t&1s 521 H 8 .,._ II P,~~tt"U)' filled with Wltllf Of 101nt Olhlr lkl&dd, It c.ww.t be flllad -mlllo until It II -· A dill~ o1 God connot be 1111011 -1M -of Clod 101111 110 or 11ho -.sons -dly purau;tto and ~ or - .r.1ut --~~~"'--ol sins and sinful~"'""' -• to 1111 -nor I -lila IIIII ol tlla ffooh, lite Holy <k ,__ -, -... -• illlt H-. .....-10011 1o -1 ""'"' ... -::..-:-.... fiR I IJJ1vf Iff. C8n bt 1111n In us. The Spt'ift ftHsd 'flit II ... lifo. -•1 t-5o22. 2lf. Z Titnothy Z.~ -.. 12<2. - 00 point lhould theft be a direct --r rcortatioa. MciNnu; Do you belie•e that? O'HAE:a: WeU , I know what Gus Hall say• to me. MciHTIU: Would you lxll~vt Gus HaU? , O'HAJI: Well, 1 would ~line Gus Hall in rdationship to many, 11W1Y minister a. MciNTIU: You don't think he is a propagandist and a liar and a - O'~i'Ara : Of course he is a propa· garnhst, but so are most ministers. MciNTru : Not me. Not I. O'HAta: What I am saying is this, there is no ~rue in equating American atheism to Communism or materialism ~cause we are a unique species and we are not concerned with politics. Mc iNTIRE : You are unique all right. I will agree to that. But I want to say this, that atheism at most can ~humanism. O'HAlR : No, we don't -I don't like that definition. MciNTIRE : Wdl, the two belong togt:thu. Atheism cannot product: an)1hing so far as God is concerned. You have expres~d your~lf on that. All it can do is deal in the realm of the material which we have. There is no spirit so far as the production of life is concerned. O'HAra : Oh, we are full of spirit. MclNTIRE : Yes, the wrong kind of spirit. O'HAI~: But we arc: full of spirit, we expenence love, we have under- ~tanding, we are intellectual, we dwell m reason. MciNnR£! Just a minute. I want you to understand that atheism has produced Communism and with it comes the brutality - O'HAJR: That could never match the Cbristian brutality - MciNTIRE : I beg your pardon - O'HAJa: -of the crusades of the religious wars. Communism '-and I hate to be put in a position where I mu.!t defend it -Communism could not equal the atrocities. MclNnu.: Are you going to de- fend Communism now ? O'HAra: No, I Aid I hate to be put in a position where I must say it -that Communism cannot equal the horrmdous things that happened - M~INTtu : May I say to you Com- mumsm has never produced a United Stat~ of America which has "IN GOD WE TRUST" on its coins (laughter). This has hem a country which has bttn produced a..s a result of the preaching of the Gospel. O'HAIR : No -we were founded on deism and I think - MclNTru: No, No. O'HAra : -that you are astute enough to recognize that all of our founding fathers - MciNTIU: Talk about the P~sby­ terians if you want to. They had an awful lot to do with the Revolutionary War in this country, lady. 1ltey sure did. O'HA1a : I know and I am happy about it beaause ... MciNTIRE : \\'ell, I am not. This country has been built on the concept that God is related to liberty -"Our fat~r's God, to thee, author of lib. ~rty" -and you cannot sep:1rate God from freedom ... , O'HAra: No, God is the presenta- tion of authority MciNTtR£: No, no. the individual O'HAra : God and the relationship to man is dependency on God. not in- dependence. You have turned it en-- tirely around .... McJNTJU.: I beg your pardon. O'HAIR : Fr~om is with the indi- vidual, not with God. GJLBEH': Wait. One at a time. -Go ahead_ Mclf'fTJU: Well, I don't want to interrupt her. (She laugha.) But may l aay, I think the is rlcht whm abe twists it around. the way she hu be- caUJe the only rcuon. we mUJt have a free society is that the individual in that toeiety mutt be in ·a poeition where he c:an ..._.s to his God ...,.,. tho -. Whm you dlmlaate God then the state movu in with ill au- thoritarian powC'I' onr the dti&eD, Mid the """""P' of the free ballot, tho ,.. c:m bellot. tho lndiridual beintr -1lihl< to hit maker llllderJirdi .-y-thinr tbot hOI made Amoric:a r .... That came beaute of the B .. , we ..... It to tho -· •• put-boat! 011 it .. O'H.wt : I am lrJ'inlr to 110p tltot, roa know. x· .. rot k In ftwt of the Supraue Court -· Nc:l...-: That II -t~~ia~r I do ......... ""'_,... .. ..., (Ceolltnd -..-) R~-CHIII8TWIIIIWI We-Ia <M' cn.d tbot -Cllrllt "wu --b)' 1M ~ ~ bani .. tbo ¥lqiD lloiy ... Tllere -poQIIIo Ia tlto HJty CllrilllaD card~ u4 Ilion are a1oo """b poQIIIo today, wbo dollY tile '""' bltiiWIIIjl .. Cllrlot. Ia ... -· of tltolr Ideo tbol tlto -to Olio eoulcl IIIII lnlly -a Dillie cnaturr. IIIey llaYO malalaiDod tllat CbrVft!IUnlalt:Y .... -"-·a .......... 110111bluc0 ot bliiiWI aai>IN. -tram tlao ""-lllllllll tile obun:h hu rejeolod -omn Ia ...,. coa- t .. Jou. Sbo bu alwll)'l OOIIfeal!ld alliS IIW COD- fetaes, '' born of tlle vt.rr:m Mary, eructfttd under 1 PonUua Plllte, dead, aDd buried." Alld tbele atatementl acree wttb SCrtpt\U'el. Bolj 8&.....,.., -tbo oW -tbo N"' Tee&ameat. ,...... 01rt1t, tM ,...., ' ed .._. ••• ud sa~ .t ..,.. .. ., .. a tne maaud a IIAiaral ........... ~to Pre til n7 He Ia uu.e .,_. of .. w....a. tile 8eM of Abnllam, llle 11011 "' Da.ld, a Clolld bo ... , dae V ...... '• Boa." 'I'M New T-..meM teU. • tllat Be wU co_,.wd lll ~ .-mb of a vtrpa, bora of a ll..nu mo&ller • we an are. He wu a bab)'i Be pew IMo CI~Ood, tee• ap, ud mnbood IDle we all do. Be IDereued la wtMom &Dd u..ledp IDle en17 ot•r hmnaa. He walked tbe co ,, ....... Nlled tbo aea; Be apob t. ,.. ... ud pillend a follow•r; Be wu o,.aud b7 tile lllltt.orltlet &Dd 8Rteaced &o dea&ll bJ diem lor ao oUN!r reu0a, u the-, Mid. Uaat Be, BEING A MAN, made HtmaeU God. So, to m. eaemiM Be wu a real D&taral mu. As a true, natural hwnan belna, Jesus Chrtat had both, a truJy human body and a truly human soul. He aald to H1J disciples after Hla resurrec- tion: "Behold My hand& and My feet; handle Me and see, for a splrtt hath not flesh and bone as ye see ME HAVE." Luke U, 39. On the eve of H1a ereat passion He lamented: "My SOUL la exceed· Ina sorrowful unto death." Mark 14, 34. Jesus possessed true hwnan qualltlea: He rejoiced lD spirit; Hesbowed sympa.thy,love and compassion: THE HOPE OF THE WORLD-COPPING I He sbowed righteous anaer, and He was moved to tears by grief: He ate, drank. and alept like other men; He autfered pain, scorn, fatteue, and an- guish; aDd was finaUyputtodeath and burled. Thus the hlstory of His life from the cradle to the grave was no dltferent from that ot any other man.. man. Tbe angel said to Mary, "therefore also that HOLY thing which shall be born of thee." OavkJ calb H1m "Thine HOLY ONE." Ps. 17, 10. Peter calla Him "a Lamb without blemish." 1. Peter 1, 19. St. Paul says of Him "Who knew no sln." 2. Cor. 5, 21. Even Pilate said or Him, "1 find no fault In Him." John 19. 4.6. The writer to the Hebrews says of Him, that He Is "holy, hannless, undefiled, and seperate from sinners." Does that make Him less human? No. because sin ·Is not an essenUal part of hwnan nature; a sin· less man ls a perfect man. · Jeeua had a traly h..naa allive, therefore Holy ScrlptRre ai80 calls Blm "TilE MAN Cbrtat Jes•!' 1. nm. !, S. ID the epUUe to the Hebrews we read that Be partook or our fkah aad blood. Rebr. !, 1L 'Die aame blood that Oowa Ia 081' vet• OO'Wed abo Ia Ria vela.a. 1118 blood mU.ee 111m a true member of Ute wbole ba:maa famDJ, for &be blood of all mea la oae. Actan, %1. 8\Jt there are a few peculiarities about the hu- man nature of Christ tllat need to be considered. First, though Jesus was conceived and carried In the womb of Mary, He had no human father. The angel of the Lord told Mary when sbe quesUoned "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"-· "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee." Isaiah, the prophet, had prophecled, "A vtrgtn shall conceive and bear a Son." ls 7, 14. And St. Matthew writes that this prophecy was fuWlled tn Christ. Matt. 1, 22-23. For this reason the whole Christian church 'i1ghtly C<Jnferies lo ber universal creeds: "1• belleve that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born ot the vtrgtn Mary." Tbe li'..nu nalure of Jesus wu hoi), per- hd ud t1Jlieu, and, therefore, Immortal and 11or1ous. Yet He Uved tht-ldnd of We of an ordiDary alDIW human without havln1 or com- ml«lDI any ala or wronc. "Whkb of you con· vtnceth Me of sin!" He challenred IDs eaem- lea. John 8, 41. St. Paul tells WI, "God sent Ria own Soa In the LIKENESS OF SINFUL n.ESH, to condemn sin Ia the Oeah." Rom. 8, 3. And tn Gal. 4, 4-S, he says tba.t Chr .. t .. wu made (put) uDder the law" (Jlke every other humaa) .. to redeem them that were under the taw." From this follows, as Scripture teaches us, that Jesus was bom and remained a sinless and holy Jesus labored like a human "under the law" to tvlflll lt . ..fie was obedient to His Havenl¥ Father In all things, even unto the agony and death on the cross. He trusted In God and did His will aU through His IUe; and He lo'{ed His heavenly Fa- ther and clung to Him even In the midst of deepest anguish and torture. He never munnured or com- ~latnea: Ae ptated to HW.Fatbef!·tl!<lflea~n when 1n dll~. and He loved his fellouunea..'-'lfOlna about ~blfii' good,1 ,ij''St. Peter teUs Ul, 'A<!ts 10, 38. Tboulfl perfect, slllieM; and boly, • .M:taus shared and bore the lnftrmJtles and frailties of our sin- ful lite. Matt. 8, 17 ; Is. 53; 1. Peter 2. 24; Hebr. 2, 16-18. He Is truly one of us. What a comfort and joy to have such a brother! • Christ Abiding Ill Chriatl• Cr ..... Weekly By Mrs. R. E. Neighbour Instructor in Bible, American Christian College The abiding life is the onJy life for th e believer to Uve. To abide in Hi m is better than all the riches this world ean offer. To abide io Him brings the deepest joy and peace that can be secured in this life. Jesus said. "I am the vine, ye are the branches." (John 15 :.5) This un ion is an actuali- ty. It is real. As the branch i" a vit:1l p;ut of Ihc vine. rartakin g of its very life, ev- en so arc we, so united with Christ, thl.rt in Him we live , and move , and have our be- ing. Jt is the one, who abides in Christ, who brings forth much fnJit . The deeper we take our roots into the life of the Son of God, the greater will be the service we wiU be able to render in His Name. U we will drink deep at the Fountain Head, the aource of all spiritual life, we will be- come streams of Living Wa- ter, going out to bless a thin~ ty land. Sad indeed that there an: 10 many thinty, barren OuUiians when all coukl be Oiled to the overflow wilh the bl....,d H61y Spirit and be- come fruitful Christians. "Without me ye cao do noth- ina" b an important leuon tor every believer. The tooll- er we rcoogn.l.t..e the fact that in OUrJCI¥eS we are abtotutoly nothine. and are incapabte ,of doing anything. the quieter will we Je.am to lean hard up- on the Lord J~ 0'1ritt. the only One who c:an cnabfe ua to do anythi..,. He Ia able! He It aU tufrlciend He ia 10 WillinJ. ~ teKh us, if we uc bot pliabto Ill Hla ba1111s. aad team tile -tel ot ....... IDHiDt. "U ,. abldo: ill Mo" Ia - o( tlte ---·- .. __ .. __ ~· _,.Ci ... ,_ .... "'f,.-Ia-. aad .-s ____ ,._ --,. ...... k- be ... --· <-15:7) ,._, .......... of victory. of blessing. of fruit - fulness. of vital c~1nt act with the living (tnd . the nnly On\' who can answer prayer. We need to be: so ahsolutely es- tablished and anchored in Him , th11 t we can have the assurance that we are in a position to have our prayers heard in heaven. Not alon~ are we to abide in Him. but Hi s wnrds arc tn abide in us. Here is the Word of God hidden in our hearts. bearing a relationship tn an- swered prayer. David sa id, "Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." God's Word hidden in our hearts. and abktin1 there, will help us in our prayer life. This is im- portant. Are we hidinc it in our hearts daily. and thu11 making provision for our pow- er in prayer? Here is the promise given to the one who abides ia Christ. and hidel away His Word in hia heart: .. Ast what ye will, and it ahan be done unto you ." What a glorious promise! Do you think it pay• to abide in Christ, and to have Him l!lbtdinJin your life? Cer- tainly it pays, boch for now and eternity. Ask what you will, and lt shall be accom- plished. And all ~ause you lft' abiding in Him. In Psalm 91 : I we have a wonderfUl promise: "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the-mo.r Hlah oholl abide under the· lhadow of the A1- m1Jitl}'·" Tile flftt tb--.do o( th11 promlto arc Yell' ia>- ponant.. "He that • ctweuedl" -he tlaot taba up blo pret'IMMftt • ......,.,. ~. .. """" """" ...... ._ tate01 up hit pc:r- m...t relllcftl» in Ole leCfd .... .., .. _HIP_ -_ ... -o( till A'z ... e.• I& ... -""' .. rt 'C a' k Js .. 111111t ......... -.11_ .. -... tD IIIII • penuznt ................. .......... JU .... How a;.suring it is tc1 know that we ~trc hiJJ,:n av.ay in the ~nl:l pbl:..: of thl· Lord. In P;.alm ~7 :5 v.c rcotJ , "For in lh(' time nt ttmrhh.: he !>hall hidl' rue ir r hi" p;nilion: in the ,~·crct "f hi, t<tlx'nl<tclc ,h.1 ll hl· hiJl· Ill('; he ,11<~11 lol.'t me up upcul :1 n..:k." StJ. as bclil'\'('r", '>'C' 1.1kc up our pcrm:rncnt re;.id cnce in the 'l·~·rc t pla~·c t>f 1hc most Hich. WhaT can harm u" th"-re? Sa101n may attem pt 10 reach us. l:lut he can Ct)lllC just !>0 far . We .~tc hicJJen in Chrb l. Thin k of the blc~"Cd shelter of abiding under t-lis shadow. What a quiet restin g place! It is uncfcr the shadow of the Almigh ty that we rest. Re- member the name Almighty mean• the God who is enough. "And now, little children, abide in him ; that, when he shall appc:11r , we may have confid ence, and nut be asham- ed before him at his coming." Thi:o; is th~ admonition given by the beloved John in I John 2:28. He writes. under inspira- tion. in 5uch a tender loving way to his children in the faith . He tells them to abide in Christ, and then they will be ready when lesua/C()mes. Oh, that we might 611 learn the ble&Kd secret, of Umply •biding in Christ. 1t WQUid bring TeSt, and peace, and ,toy and sadsfacdon. John WII'DI hit little el)i&-- dn:D to .o abide ja Chrilt: that they will not bo tuhatned bo- fore Him ... His coming. We may , lliY II does not mitior how we live, but it doe .. ,.,t ... tor. We mJJ •Y we wi.U lot care abou( rcceMna MY r. wa.a ju:al tO •e get buo heaYCO. However, aU tlleM -a-ll will .... lor IIOtNnL wbeA ""' .-tuhailled •lit Hit pre..-; ... ._ .. behold •bo ... pdata, """ -die loft ot God ... toller ............ ... -... -..,. ... -.... ..., God ho!p • -to!Mloo_a_ dllt ft wll MC ... ,IIR;"qlf -... -m.r-.. -. I I •Atl' ........ .. .. _.,a..._ II!.. 1 PJCT'ft"'))OBWIM-F , ( ) : 1 , t ' i ~ r (J 11 ( , t [ ~ i < ) t t t : t I£WIORT HARBOR fJIIIGI MUINEO IE!J(LY-'AGE 7 lltURSMY, MAY 1~ 1111 CDDAE. ... CM. FJCTmOOS BUIIXESS !fAME ST ATSMEBJ' Tile Jo1Jow1ac peraa a. dotllc .,.,..,.., u ; VUa Ltfe c~, 1MS MCIIUOif'la, ~. 77, COlla ..... Ca. ml7: Geee E. Btrblud, 1145 llouofta, I'M, COIIta Mea. Ca. e2U?. 'r1Q baiiDNI Ia eoadlllcted by 1D 18dtY'Idlal. Sjped: 0.0. BtrkelaDct Tbla Jtatameot waa ftled wttb tbt CoaDty Clerk ofOr- uce CoutJ Apr. Z5, 1975. Publlah: May 1, 8, 15, Z%, 1975, ID tbe Newport Harbor EDiip. F -43175 L!GAL MOlle! ncTmous BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followl.Dg pereoo is dolJIC bustDeu u: Mooo-Ray Metata, 1404 N, Gn.Dd, Santa ADa, Ca. 92711: Nlclt G. Moooey, 10542 Chestoot, Stantoa, Ca. 90680. Tbia buatneu ta conducted by u iDdtvtdual. Siped: Ntck G. Moooey. Tbia stat.meot was rued wltb tbf County Clerk ofOr- a.ace Cowaty Apr. !5, 1975. Publiall: May 1, 8, 15, Z2, 197 5, lD tbe Newport Harbor Ensip. F -43174 LIGAL MOnel IUID ITATIWINT , ftt .....,._~an ldtrud 1_. flut&lpll. claUia ....... u 1-G 51, ot len I . 1e1: 8aJ1:1oe. Medlc:al lttcordC••Ite'*4, wu eM.rpS WUil .,.. Ia· lGI?S 8l&t.r AY .... ttoi; toxbt.d ta U IIIDal*le , ...... VllltJ, Ca!donla It 1:45 P.IIL Ia bit 100 block moe: OW. r. SIUtr, 1otTI ol ......_ .._ ••• non. llater At' ... , 1102, Pc. .. Bn,_.• 1aJu, 17, ot 410 tala vau.,. cawonaia tmM, CUff ~ ... mot; JC&w.. S.Ulel, cllarpd db drt1'tli -s.r suo t.o. ......_ on ••• t.o.s tJM ~ oe a.lcollol at-s.e, Caldanda aoeu. t.r pollee ....._t.t u 1'b1a bl-...11~ 11:40 p.m. aceldllt at Shef ... by a , .. nl partDtr.adp. t.actua Ud s.c.u, Oakwood Biped: GwtD F. Slater. 1J*rt1MIIla • • • A rtac aDd 1'1l1a ltatemlllt · wu ft.lld PID. ftiMd at $2:11, were wltb tbe Couaty Clerk ofOr-lto1• from t1at bomt of Ro-ue• CoaDtJ Apr. ze, 19'75. bert Rarrt.oe Lewt. at 106 Publlab: May 1, I, 15, Zf, lttb, Wilt Mewport. 10me- 1t75, In the Mnport Harbor Umt bttw ... 5:10a.m. Aprtl EDJicD. F -fUll !9 ud 8 a.m. AprU SO ••• Jtwtlry ftlaed at $ZOO wu __ L_I .GA_L_M_o_n_C-=1--baralartHd trom St4Jpbule flCTn'IOUS BUSINESS l:IGAL MOTiCI NAME STATEMENT Tbe Jollow1.ac per80U ue F1CTITIOUS BUSIMESS dol.Dc bastoeu u: WcblaDd-NAME STATEMENT er Cleanlllc &. Laundr'y CtD-Tbe followtoc per100 ls ter, US No. Raymond, Ful-dollll baal.neu u: lnslde- lertoo, CA. 92631: Geoflia out, S4Z Tlalla St., Lacuna Stel.neke Keeter. 3705 Cu-Beach, Ca. 92651: Chens mel, lnine, CA. 92705; How-Tinsley PoweU, S42 Tballa ard Dale Keefer, 3705 Car-St., Lacuoa Bach, Ca. 92651. mel. Intne, CA. 92705. Tbis bualness la conducted This basineull cooducted by an lndlYldllal. by an lDdiYial. Signed: Signed: CbeYea T. Powell. Georgta Stelneke Keefer. Thia statement was flied This stat.ment was meet wttb tbe County Clerk ofOr- wlth tbe County Clerk ofOr-ange County May 9, 1975. ange County Apr. 17, 1975. Publtsb: lby 15, 22, Z9, Publiab: AprU 24, May 1, June 5, 1975, ln the Newport 8, 15, 1975, tn the Newport Harbor Ensign. F43673 Harbor Eostgn. F -42926 LIGAL MOnel LIGAL MOT1C! FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The following person ls NAME STATEMENT doing business as: Poema The foltowtng perSODs are Music, z..tOO Sunfiower Ave., dc.tDc business -as: C &. K Stnta Ana, Calli. 9Z704: Trenchlng, 27635 Forbes 'Tommy Nell Delamater Jr., Rd •• Suite R, Laguna Ntcuel, 6Z2 Baywood Dr., Newport Cal. 9Z677: Carl Robert Beach, CalU. 9Z660. KrOQOJ, 24602 Overtake, El Thls busiDess ls conducted Toro, Callf. 92630; Matthew by aD 1Dd.lvtc2ual.Slgned: Tom Jay Kroooa, Z460ZO.erlake, Delamater Jr. El Toro, CaW. 9Z630. This statemeot was filed This busiDess ls conducted wttb the County Clerk otor- by a general partnersht.... a""e CIU•nty u-y 9 1975 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S ..., .. .,.... IYll& ' • SALE Signed: C. R. Kroooa, Publish: May 15, Z2, 29, This statement was rued June 5, 1975, in the Newport T.S. No. 15146-1 with the County Clerk ofOr-H rbo E t.... F43672 T. D. Se"lce Company a r ns <& ... ange County Apr. 25, 1975. as dUly appointed Trustee Pub1tsb: May 1, 8, 15, 22, L!G~L MOTIC! UDder tbe following de-1975, 1n the Newport Harbor FICTITIOUS BUSINESS scribed deed of trust will Ensign. F-43173 NAME STATEMENT stU at pubUc auction to tbe The following person Is bJ&but bidder torcash(pay-L!GAL MOnee able at ttme of sale in lawflal ----------doing business as: My Spin- mooey of tbe Uolted States) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S nlng Wheels, 105 Main St., SALE Balboa, Cal. 92661: David aU rtcbt, UUe and IDterest M. Campbell, 520Z Neptune, conveyed to and oow beld T. S. No.1851-75 by u UDder said Deed ot On June 4, 1975, at 10:00 Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Trust tn tM property beretn-A.M., RelJable Title Com_ Tbts business ls conducted &Lhr dMcrtbtd: pa.oy u duly appoiDted Trus-by an lndivldual. TRUSTOR: Cbarles Kelly, tee UDder ud pursuant to Sl&aed: David M. Camp- an unmarried rnu ud Helea Deed of Tnrst recorded No-bell be 9 1971 •-N Thls statement was liled M. Kelly, u ~td wo-vem r , , as wst. o. man. 7563. book 9881, page 282, wtth the County Clerk otor- BENEFICIARY: Clarence of omclal Reeords in the ange County May 1, 1975. al of the County R de Publish: May 8, 15, ZZ, E. Lutes and Fern M. Lutes, o ce ecor r husbaod and wtte. of Orange County, State of Z9, 1975, in the Newport Recorded June 27, 197z, CalUornJa, wUl sell at pub-Harbor Enslgn. F -43367 as 1Dstr. No. Z8Z80 lD boot ltc auctloo to highest bidder LIGAL MOTIC! 10194 page f89 of otrtctal for cub (payable at Um ~ Records 1D the office of the of sale In Lawful money of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Recorder of Oranee County; tbe United States) at tbe NAME STATEMENT said <teed of tnJst describes North front entrance to the The foll owing person ls the following property: Orange Count}' Courthouse doing business a~ Harris Lot 9 1D Block M of Sea-located at 700 Civic Center insurance Agency, 4500 shore Colooy Tnct. in the Drive West to tbe City of Campus Dr., (Suite 39ZA), City of Newport Beach, as Santa Ana, all rl&bt, title Newport Bch., Ct. 92660: per map sbown tn Boot 7, and interest cooveyed to and Kenneth Gi!orge Harrta, 100 page 25 of Mlacellaneous now beld by 1t under said Via Antlbes, Newport Bch., Mapa, in the oUlce of the Deed of Trust 1D the property Ca. 92660. recorder of satd orance situated 1D said County and Thls business Is conducted County. 7311 Seashore State described as: Lot 5 by an individual. DrlYe, Newport B•ch, Call-of Block E of Tnct No. Signed: Kenneth G. Harris forn.ta.. 1219, Jn the Ctty of New-This statement was fUed "(U a street addreas or port Beach, as shown on a with t.be County Clerk ofOr- commoo deslgnattoo ts map thereof recorded 1D book ange County May 1, 1975. sbown above, 00 warranty 38, pages U aDd Z7, Mlscel-Publlsb: May 8, 15, 22, 1s ct .. o u to Its complete-laneous Maps, records of 29, 1975, lD tbe Newport ness or correctness~" said Orange County. Harbor Eos.lp. F .43368 The beoeflctaryuodersald Tbe street address aod Deed of Tn~st, by raaoo ot other commoo desl(Datloo, LIGAL Monel a breaeb or default 1n tbe 11 any, of tbe real property FICTITIOUS BUS[HESS obllptloos secured thereby, descrlbed aboYe lsparported NAME STATEYENT beretofore e:ucuted ud de-to be: 104 KJ.ncs Road, New-Tbe followl.Dg person Is Uvend to the &IDderslgned port Beach., CalliOrnJa. doq baaineas as: World a written DeclantloD of De-Tbe ODderatptd Trustee Sports CommuoJcaUons, ZOO fll&lt and Demud for Salt, disclaims any llabutty tor Newport Ceoter Drive, New- and wrltteo ootJce of breach aoy IDeorreetDtll of the port Beaeb, Ca. 92660: aDd of elecUoD to cau" tbe strHt address Ud other Mlclael WUUam' Kelly, ZZ6 IIDderllptd to Mll atd com moo destpaUoo., 1t any. Grud Cua.l, Balboa Is la.Dd, praperty to •Uaf) aid ob-•bowD berein. Ca. N662. UptloGI, ud tM..tter tbt Said ll1e wU1 be made, Tbl• business l.scooducted aDdenlped caoMd a1d DO-but without COilYtaaot or by u IDdif~. ttce of br•cb ud o1 tlec-warraaty, eJPrua or lm-Slped: Mlebat1 w. Kelly UoD to be recorded Juuary plJ.ec1. rtpldlDc title. ~ TbJa aat.ment was ftled a. 1t'f5, u Saltr. No. 18M •••llola, or -.cam~ wltb uae COUDtJ Clerk otOr-~~~!::.1~ s-c-1~-.Mt, o1 ~.sa!a:-;r;::·~.;. aac• Coaty Yay 1, 1975. -.... V\&1! u. .-. Pabl.llh: May I , 15, 22, SaJd ale wW be made, ewnd bJ aJd Deed oiTrat, U, lr75, to the Newport b.t ........ COY.....at or wltb bltertlt ~ u Harbor Eulp. F -4U94 nrrui:J, upnaa or 1m-pro¥1dld 1D aid DOteC•l. lld-pU~ np.rdllc tWt, PM-ft.Deelt It IQJ, -str tM LIGAL MOnCI ... ,.., or .-canabrueet. terma 01 aid Deed otTrut. ---------.., .., tM nmalldll pn.ct. ,..., e.,.._ IDd u:peaMe ncm.x~S BUSINESS pel -ot tM Illite( a) ._ ol llle ,.,...... ud CJC tbt KAME IT ATEMEMT eU"'d br IUd DMd otTJut, traU u.t.t bJ aid Deed n. ~per-.. are wll' ....,...uiDaid.ot. of~ .. -----..-·~ etoile .. ,. .... u: Trade-*' ·--.... ,-~-.... wtldl IJQiaor, 1710 Wtlt ::..~ ~= Oted ot Tftll ......... C.. IIJPnJ. Newport o1 TJU&, feN. e•rpelld eDCIIledUd..._.toU. Belo• ,._ c .. rl .. 8. q•n• ot bile Trutw 11111 adlr~ a wrUtea Dee-a.u. '7aol Oceu Froat ol ---_,__. -aid la.ratka of Dllllll Ud o.. Drift, Mewpon Beaeb t2MO: ~ ...._ w---.,, __. 1M'.._, a.d a wrSU.. nr..& L;. BMr, "'JOIOc .. o.:.ill !:I~ M Mid • Jlotlot ol Dlltlilll llld SJ.c.. F~ Drtft. .. rt Beac::h ,_..,, ., n, 1m at t:to.toa.a. ftlillldlrlllpld •1:•.0; .. ~._J •• ~~· 1L-GO A_ll. U U. a8lot tl ca..d aid .....,.lfo...lt fOil ......... IW._, ..-...-. T. D. ........ C C 11,._ ud llldllll .. Ill to be Ca. _.,.: lliU'J ll &au, ., •• ,,.,._OieCitJ r .. dldJIGII_,.._. lntl8u...,An..,lmw. •••..-!.-.Miuto. tMO::=:l.3,......, ~-ana....-.ct.s o:OeL ... -~ guga.. Ttn.l COM~ bJ a I H J11111•rt-. T D.~ Cs 3 t , Pdf. u aM ~a 111 .. 8J ..... 111rJ I. llill' .. d 11 11 1., ., ~ c..m n., ... -. • test '* •n• • ... llled ,.._ ......... ..,. Ylllfl••._;!,, =~·c•,, \.,~~:: r 'Stlr~l. t. 1St PPM' ..., 1, t. U. NAil ...,_I, il. D. "'' ................. :...,_ .............. :._"'%: .. :: ... 8J9d.. .... be- hr.. 4 p.m. Ptb. J1 ud 10 ,... AprU ao .•. rn~t a • ....., 507 a.tne, Bal- boa. l'tPOIW tao II IQlf elllbe .._ from IU •- lodrld canceww .. ta.m.. AprU ,. &Dd ! p.m. AprU 10. • TRURSDAY, YAY 1 JuJee .W. a.bbell. te, ot 1524 W&YIO...... fta.rtor Vtn HW., wuclarpd wltb dr1Y1Dc UDder tbt iDtlGMCI of alcobo1 at 9:45 p.m. at Acacia ud 4tb. Core. del Mar ••• Pb1lfp Croft Ouy, 44, ot 68t Vtata 8olllta, the Bluffs, wu cbarpd wttbdrt-•tnc II.Dder tbe laftueoce of a1cobol at Jambor" ud Eutbtllff at 12:50 a.m ••• Pboto ud sttr.o equlpment a typewriter, a ftabJDc reel, aDd other lt.ma, wltb a total eltlmated value of SZ.175, were burcJartJecl from Charles HeldbriDk'a bome at 1801 NariDers. Harbor Hl(bla.Dds, between 5:50p.m. and 7:15 p.m. • • Stepben Posthuma, 808 w. Ocean Ft., Balboa, left hls $125 wrist watch OD a coat boot at b1s office at 500 Newport Center Dr. and 1t was stolen onr- nlgbt. • FRIDAY, MAY 2 James David Farrand, Z7, of llZ9-ZC W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, was charged wtth public lntoxtcatlon at 5:30 p.m. outside the Stag Bar at 1Z1 Mcfadden, Central Newport ••• Jem Cline, 1705 Sherlogtoo, Oakwood, told pollee that be was walk- ing toward the Marriott ho- tel entrance in Newport Cen- ter at 8:20 p.m., when 4 young ineD drove by in a car and squirted him in the lace with a fire extinguisher, then 1rove -off • • • Allee Elll- soo's apartment at 1270-6 Rutland, Westcltft, was bur- glarized of S-492 worth of jewelry between 12:55 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. • • A color TV and end table, nlued at $465, were taken from Christopher Millington's home at Z801 W. Ba.lboa, West Newport, between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m. • • Two envelopes, containing $151, were reported stolen from the safe at the House of Pies, 3110 Newport Blvd., West Newport, between 1Z: 30 a.m. and 10 a.m., and a chain that secured the front door was found removed • . . A food freezer, a car tire and whHI and a bicycle, nlued at $195, were stolen from tbe unlocked garage at Frank McDade's residence, 1902 E. Balboa Blvt!., Balboa, be- tween 8:45 a.m. and 12:45. LEGAL NOnC-£ · FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The follow~ persons a re doing business as: Spe<'ialty Automotive, 3631 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, Cal., 926Z5: Peter w. Surrett - Ernest R. Shaffer, 18832 Florlt1a, •t 0, Huntington Beach, Ca l. 92624. This business is conducted by a general partDershlp. Signed: Peter W. Surrett This statement was fUed wtth the County Clerk ofOr- aoge County May 1, 1975. Publish: M.ay 8, 15, 22, Z9, 1975, ln t he Newport Harbor Ensign. F -43370 L!GAL MOTlCI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE WENT The ronowtnc person Is doing business as: West World Public Relations and Advertising, 25332 Pllte Road, Laguna HUls, Cal. 92653: David F. Emanuel, Z5332 Pike Road, Laguna Huts, Cal. 92653. This business ls conducted by an lDdlYidtlal. Slped: David F. Emanuel. Thls statement was Wed with the County Clerk ofOr-anre COUDtJ Apr. za, 1975. PubUsb: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 1975, tn tbe Newport Harbor Eostp. F -UZ%6 LIGAL MOTtCI ' , C&rolya Marte J ...... 10, ol 1m -1/1 lib, Welt Mnport. wu clarpd with 4rt"ll.otr tM Udl...ce ol alcobol at BIJboe IDd RiYer, Wut Mnpo:rt., at 1:50 a.m. ••• C•rlM CllftoG R~ sa, ot • Boeaa VL~Ca. Balboa, waa darted wltb . pubUc l.Dtoxlcattoo at 1Z:f5 a.m. at 112 Co~l, Balbo& l1laDd • • • Roy Brttt.o, 101 DabUa, Corona del Mar, re- ported an outbolrd m?tor, nlued at $200, stoleo from hia catamaran stored at Newport Duoea betweeo oooo Ju. 1 and 5 p.m. May 4. • SUNDAY, MA.Y 4 Kurth Frank Luebke, Z3, of 423 E<Srewater, Balboa, lf&S ct.rged wtthdrh1ngun- der the Influence of alcohol at 11:10 p.m.atl7tbandBal- boa, Central Newport • • • Ottlcer D.R. Crtckettarres- ted Howard Inine Coones, zo, of 719-A3 WUsoo, Costa Mesa, and charged rum with dlsturbtnc the peace, after Coones allegedly made loud, disparaglng remarks about pollee whlle OUtcer Cricltett was 1\avlng a cup of coffee at Charlle's Chlll, 102 Mc- Fadden, Central Newport, then followed Officer Criclt- ett outside at 5:50 p.m. and c hallenged rum to a fight ••• Douglas Orval Gladstone, ALLEJ.If (CJUP) Lek)Y, 17 yar old p.Jor at Newport Haltlor bleb aebool, au been seleet.d wliDtr ol a $1,000 sebolanbip awarded by the Rola!'J Cl_., ol Nnport-Bal- boa for pa.rtteJp&Uco 1D tbe Y outb lor UD4ersta.Ddln& Amerleau Abroad sammer procram, tt ts anoounced by RotarY C1ab Prealdent Rob- ert -c. 0..-.s Jr. Chip w1ll leue Newport Beach June ZZ and will speod 10 weeks UU.s summer as an exc llange studeot, Uvt.ng with a b mtly 1D Columbia, South America. Help stop bike thefts 19, or 1040 El Camino, Cos-B'! ·8. JAMES GLAVAS ta Mesa, was arrested at 5 H..,Ort Beoch Police Chief p.m. at Morning Canyon and Bicycles have gained ·E. Coast Hwy., Corona del eoormOQs popularity in re- Mar, and charged with hlt-cent years. The number of and-run drlvt.ng, alter a ml-bicycles in use bas steadily nor trarnc collision near-tncreased as more people by • • • Burglars took: 6 turn to bicycles for pur- half-r ases of cognac, val-poses of transportatloo, ued at $26Z, belonging to physical exerc ise and rec- Le Salot Tropez restaurant reatloo. Ln Central Newport, from Unfortunately thieves have .a warehouse at 407 30th. caplt:allzed on this popu- C entral Newport, som!tlme lartty. One major reason between 3 p.m. Apnl 28 for tbe high rate of bicycle and 3:30 p.m. May 4 • · · theft is tbe carelessness of A TV set and stereo equlp-many bicycle owners. The ment valued at $435 were toUowtng suggestlons w1ll burglarized from the home asstst the bicycle owner 1D of Jerry Ray [)e.Spaln, 125-safeguardin( hls bicycle: A 25th. Central Newport, 1. Never leave a parked between 7:30 a.m. May 1 bicycle unlocked. II every and 8 p.m. May 4. bicycle owner took the • MONDAY, MAY 5 simple precaution or lock- Allen Howard Gr enz, 23, lng his bicycle, thefts would of 1680 16th, Central New-be reduced dramatically. port, was charged with prow-2. Don't put a cheap lock llng at 2:45 a.m. at 302 on an expensive bicycle. A 35th, West Newport . • . good bicycle lock may be Henry Brown Nuetzel, 60, purchased at any cyde shOp of 105 7th, Balboa, was char-and most hard-nre stores. ged with being intoxicated 3. Don't leave bicycles ln an automobile at 1:40 unattend~ in yards, car - p.m. at 6th and Ocean Front, ports, or unlocked gara&es. Balbol ••• At 11:10 p.m., 4. Mate your bteycle as Oftlcer Gr~ Armstrong, ln-identifiable asposslble. This vestlph~ijt a complaint in ran be accomplished by use Newport Center, followed of eJectrlt engravers which Robert Allen of Huntington are available for loan at Beach, after Allen alleged-c ity Ubraries. Engrave your ly sped a~~o-a ~ ~nd ran a stop California driver's llcenSE' ~lgn, and r based Allen, along number or social securlt) with other pollr e ca rs, at number onto the frame of reported speeds of up to lEi the bicycle. miles per hour before the Flnally, purcha~ a 11- Callfornl.a Hlghwav Patrol cense ror your bicycle. U arrested the suspect 63 mln-Is required by law that aU utes later In Chatsworth . . . bicycles be ltceosed. 11 your Someone rut a hole m the bicycle is lost or stolen, convertible top of Donalc1 the license makes 1t pos- Ayoob•s car -.·hiJe it was sible for the pollee depart- parked at 48th aoo Neptune, ment to locate the rtgbtM near his hom e at 4718 Sea-owner and return the bl- sllore, West Newport, and cycle. Bicycle Ucenses may took cloth~ valued at $154, be purchased at the New- sometime between 11:30 p. port Bt>ach pollee depart- m. May 4 and 9:15a.m. Ma} ment and all fire sbtloos. 5. NAMED TO ACADEMY II.B·. BUILD ,...~,..,......., tlre amo.t ol $5,000 Ud o.er, ...,.. ..._.., dlrlllc tllllt flnt 10 ell's ol May b)' u.. •"'PPrt Beaelll buUdfac deputmeot: • NEWPORT R II F Coutn~etloa, l%3 40tll, Z .tory dqple:r, $41,200; aleo at 121 Ntb. $S2,t40. Yra. M. BoftamJey. car- ace and room, 1620 w. Oc- eu Ft., $ZOe. · Joyce Ho soo, Loren- zo Paaint, 204 W. Coast Hn •• remove ooocoaform- lni eoostructton, add more dJnt.ac and restroom facut- ttes, $10,000, J . Mesmer, 2 story, 1 Wlit dwelling, 121 26th, $35,000. lrvb)e Pacunc, 1011 -1/Z Bayside Cove East, cabana, $7 .•so. Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Hwy ., convert travel ageocy to jewelry shop, $ZO,OOO. • AIRPORT AREA Tenant improvement, 901 Dove St., $16,000. • EAST UPPER BAY Royal Gn~be, swimming pool, Z433 Blackthorn, $6,- 400. • HARBOR VIEW HIL LS M. Jones, addition at 1026 Wblte Salls Way, $1Z, 900. • CLIFF HAVEN R. C. Escbbach, addition, 510 Kings Rd., $15,640. • CORONA DEL MAR Hollingsworth. 2 story du- plex. 50'7 Larkspur Avenue, $63',400. • WEST UPPER BAY G. LevtDe, 1000 Marlner s Dr., exteod bathroom, $7,- 400. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS M. J. Meehan, alteration, Z319 Margaret, $6,960. PERMITS Keep cool with CANVAS AWNINGS Oon 't 1M the aun eooll J9:W Milo fun . Shade wfttl ~ can... tof COIOt ~. c.a or come bv for'lre• H11,.,...... 2202 SOUTH MAIM SUNtt MA TTRESS'ES REW -aDVILDDrG J~ular Shapes ~-··....-. -c:.tt.. COSTA MESA MtniiSS CO. 21!10 ... ,..,.a! tt4. t-. IJIJ , CHURCHES ltO.IIT M •• IMGnOM -,.AS TO It 2310 ST. at ORAMGE, COSTA MESA -64J.5050 SwdaJ IDCII'1dQI worlbJp -lO:SO a.m. Suadly Sdlool s.-, IYIIIiDc worslllp -t :SO p.m. 9:00a.m. Wtd~Dtedly Btble lhdy ud pnJV ••.•.• 7:00 p.m. AD ~,_. ebareb 'fttll Bible taehlDC miD1ati'J FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1 CLI'' 01., MIWPORT lEACH -642·74d Dl. '· KIMTOM anHOR! PASTOR SUMOitY SCHOOL ........ A.M. atM. I nUDY ...................... 7 ..... , .......... .. HARIOI OtUIOt Of "SCII!HCB .!LIGIOUS SCIIMCf 0 P MIN D., IL lltMOI C. JltCitiOM, MIMI STill 8Do411 Semoe ........ 1 O: 00 a.m. a&od.IJ Sobool ....•... 10:00 a.m. S41 CIMTIII ST., COSTA MIU 6"-1112 GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Veterans' Memorial Bldg. 565 W. 18th. Costa Mesa REV. TOM TYREE. Pastor SUNDAY Sl:RVICES: I 0 · 30 A M & 7 00 P .M Sunday School. all agts. q 30 HOME BIBLE CLASSES Call 55:!-QOQ:! ~tachtng Btblt 0\lC'tnnt • Ouistion Sctence Services FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via lido N~wpon Beach SUNDAY SCHOOl 9 & 10:30 a.m. SL'NDA Y SERVICES 9 & IO:SO a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 8 ~.m. READING ROOM w~c~ davs. 9 a.m. s p.m. WcdnC'~ay:9 a.m. 7 :-4S P· A ITENO Tu~scbv THE CHURCH 9 a.m. s p.m .. 7 q p.m. Dr. Howard A Schneider- man o~ Newport Beach, pro- fessor and dean of the school ot biological sciences at L'C' Irvine, ha: b2en electe<1 to the prestigious N:t llon:J I Academy of Scieoces. hl~h-level research and under graduate and graduate OF YOUR CHOICE SECOND OiURCH Of education. ln addltioo, he Is REGUlARly CHRIST. SCIENTIST One or 84 newly e lerte<l members natloowlde, Dr. Sctmelderman was coo..;en because of hls "dlstin- JUlsbed and cootinuiog con- trlbVtlons lD the area of ortrmaJ res• r eb." H~ has made butc cootrlbutloos to tbe ftelds O( in~Ct physi- ology, IDCiocrlnolotY and de- •elopmeDt. He abo m.alDtalns a sec - oDd JUCCessfU1 c.areer as uoJ .. rslty admUllstrator. As lieu ol b6ol0flcal 5Cleoces, he au played a major rol~ ln •" tbe school lllto a natiaallJy mon ceater tror tM 11tuc1y or tbe u tura I set.ac• eneomp11stoc both director of the Center or N~wport ~ach :at Pathobiology, a univer sity-Corona del M:ar wide research institute Wt tOVJi t vnu lt' v..,r~h•r 3 100 Pactflc Va~w Or. based at UCI. lUTHERAN CHU RCH SLINDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m, OF THE MASTER SUNDAY SERVICE 10 ~.m COMBAT ·v· AWARD wr.nNEsnAY 8:ooP .M. Airman First Class 2900 hcif~e V~w Dr Reading Room: Walter G. Trotechaud, aoo Corona dd Mar. Calif ~8 f, Co .. tU..,y. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. LA WREN<'~ D 1-RUHLI NC fat,.ocr oa Nard .. a• Trotechaud of 968 Coronado Pastor Phone M4·2oM Mon .. fn.: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Drive. Costa Mesa., is a SUNDAY SCHOOL Soaday ahenaooa: 1 ~ 3 member oflhe43rdstnt@lic Sat.: 10 a.m. to -4 p.m. W•-t •-""' AFB AJI •"es. Q ICi It) 10 15.1 m wg a n.uuerseo , "" You :af'C' c:Ofdially mvated Guam, t._t recently recel•td Worshtp Hour 10 lOa m. to att~nd Church Scnr•«• the U.S. Alr Force outstaDd-Nu~ry and Cofftt Hour and to uw Rudin Room. t.ng unit award wttb combat --==========--======~===: "V" device. He tsa matt.rlel 'r- flciUties spectallst wltb the 43rd. whlcb wu clted for merttorious senlce from January to November, 19'73. LEGAL MOnCI flCTITlOUS BUSINESS NAWE STATEMENT Tbe foUowt.Dc pu .. s &n dolnl business u: l'nde- •lnds Stnlce Stat.loll, t?OO W. Coast tlfcbwa.J, Newport Betc b 9!660: Ctarl• B. Baur, 7302 Oceao Froat Drift, Nf'WP0118acb liMO; Dreama L. Bur. 7DOc-..a Froot Dri•e, Newport Bead! UMO; Ectwud .f. 8M.r. 17591 Rutlllp An.., lniM 91'705; Mary K. 8lu. ·~· Ra ..... A"-. tm. 11101., TbU'**•· .. ~ by a~...,.. t-Sipect ...,., l. ....,. ,.... ........ ... .... c.-, a.n eiOr-.... c.-, _, l. ms. ..... ...,,t, .. a.'"' • .....,... ...... ,.. ,...,, THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TME C!MTER FOR BIBLICAL STUDI!S ft4S A.M. ll.ll CLAUU lltM ,_._ WOISHI,. MOUI JaM ... M. IV.t.G.LISTIC MOUII D..l. JU~MY eO'-'IS, PAS TOR Highway House of Prayer 2411 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR LOWW" LIVal -"EA" INT'ERDENOMINA TJONAL. FULL GOSPEL ._,.Y8CHOOL: ... wo....•~~ttv.c:~• 11s. IVAIItOILIT11T1C RRVIC.I: LOO P.M.IUIIDAY PRAYO AND aat.l ftWY: 7~· ....... -ma~DAY' WtLLIAM T. KROAH, PASTOR PHONE : 142.c782 Plymouth Conareaat~l Ctlarch • RICK OClSTAL, Newport Harbor high school serilor, was picked this week to the coaches' all-Sunset League rtrst team. The second basem.ln, who lives in Baycrest, Is the son of Newport Vice-Mayor Milan Dostal. Rick batted .415 ill league competition this year, whlle making only 2 errors. He was ln on 12 double and led the team in runs batted in. He BUS ONLY 20,0QO MI LES TWO OOOH OOUBLE SHAHP 0~ L Y 13,000 MILES AM/FM Ster•"'O -Tape- spd.trans.-(, cyl. I ,• • · .. 'tl·,. l -~ . . . . _,., J :~o,. •. . -. ' .... .r: "· .. 4x4 LANDCRUISER MAGS. T ,\PE OECK Roo f Rack o1 02 MIW $4295 !77LPC VAN WONDERfUL WORLD Of PETS IRISH SETTERS 51 25 · BASEHJI $95 SAMOYEDS SlSO. VISZLA $125 ·SILKY TERRIER S75 f>M MA.'f'ION • n •\(H~HVNrJ • HANDARO Pn o nt r: • F'IIG. fiPRING€R SUPER BUY! 125 gal. All Glass Aquarium WITH FLOURESCEHT HOOD AHD STAHD $249.00 Who luolo P•lco 5310 .00 Vf\LUAOLE COUPON Hawaii day tor opening Tbt BtlbGa Yaebt Cttb WW pi'HIIIt I dlJ ol tlawti· laD bo..,alalltJ Ia ctltbra- Uoo ol ~ d&y lhll Sa- hlrdaJ, May 11, at tht club- houM, 1801 Bayside Orin, Corooa del Mar. hsttvttles will becio with the bolt lnspecttoa at 10 a.m., announ ce Mr.aod Mrs. Russ FlyM, ctalrmen of o- penlng day. Hal McGlynn, chairman ot the Inspection, plans partl- clpe.tlon awards for each yacht entered. The "over- all best ln neet" yacht will be awarded a special trophy togetber with an overall "ftrst" pennant which the owner will be expected to ny throughout the year on cruising occasions. The o- verall wlnner will nave a color photograph displayed in the club lobby 1n perpe- tuity. Each division winner will receive an award. The trophies will be oo display prior to the j.adgl~ and will be presented during opening da y ceremonies by Mrs.Ga- red Sm ith, trophy chairman. Brun('h will be served both in the yard and ln the dining room . There native nowers of the Islands arranged by fo4rs. G. Gom<!r. and her de- corating committee will en- hance the buffet lunc h. Er- nie Tovares and his Hawai- Ian group will play through- out the afternoon. F'lag nlsing ceremonies, hegtnning at 1:30 p.m ., wtth Commorlo re Kenneth Ross in command, wilt be accor- ding to official pr otocol ln- c l udln~ a bugler and an in- vocation b~· th~t RPV. La r n- Fruhling. The boat par3de and open house aboat rl tht> boats, all Oyln~ their dres~ flags, will follow. To complete thP day, t hf· nag officers, Vice Commo- r1ore and Mrs. Preston Zill- gitt, Rear Commodort-aurl Mrs. Morris P. Kirk, Fleet Captain and Mrs . Wll li::ull Car lson, Port Captain an1! Mrs. Ga rett Sm ith, wilt ho~t .1 prP-dmner <'CO klail hour, A sit-down dinne r will lif' fol!ow€'<1 by ft.tndn .. t(J th~ musie of W<~ll )' Hall and las Hlrhli!:hts. Mr . anrl Mrs. Wes Fro- lir'k a re in charge of •·om- munil'ations; Jean Bead1, In- vitations an•l musir ; Mr.:anrl Mrs. Frdnk W1lson, hospl- talit); Mr . and Mrs. Howanl ~ess, physir aJ or!!aoiution. Mr. an1 Mrs. John Wikl t-, historical sf't'U•tar}, J nrl Mr . and Mrs. Hobert Ul"l'l· fern. putJiiclty. LIGAL MOTICI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE MENT The following person 1!:> doing busine:;sas: \I .J Sales, 14891 Chestnu t, Westmin- ster, Ca. ~2683: HPray L(>(' JarhoE', 347 Vista Baya, Cos- ta ME>sa, Calif. 92GZ7. This business is condu r:t- ~d 1.1)' an individual. Signed: Henry LeeJariJo[o. This statement was fil et'! with the County Clerk ofOr. ange County May 12, 197a. Publish: May 15, Z2. 2~. J un E' 5, 1!1'75, tn the Newport Harbor Ensign. f 43723 UGAL MOTICI STATEMENT OF WITH- DRA WAL FROM PARTNER- SI!IP OPERATING UNDEB FICTITIOUS RUSINESS NA ME The> rollowtng pe rson has withdrawn as a gene ral part- ner from the partnership operating under the fi ctitious huslness name of Gr een- sleeves at 2225 Private Road, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. The fl cUtioos business name statemmt for the part- ner ship wa s flied on 12 /12/13 In the County of Orange. Full Name and Address of the Person WUhdnwtng: Norma fogei,6524W.Olym- ple Bhd., Los Angeles, Ca. 90048, Slgoed: Norma Fogel. PUblish: May 15, 22, 29, June 5, 1975. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. f30177 POPPY GIRL Mary Jo WhltmUler of Hunttnctoo Beach presents this year's flrst baddy poppy to Newport Mayor Donald Mcinnis. Americu Legloo Post 291 ot Newport Harbor wUI joln Legloona.lres all over the country on May 16 and 17 to sell powles made by bosplta.llzed Yeterans, woo eam money from the poppy sales. Mary Jo, a member of Post 291's Junior AuiiUary. Ia an accomplished competition swimmer. (Ensign photo) MUSTANGS IN PLAYOFFS Costa Mesa's Mr.stangs, nobody's pick to be a win- ner In this year's high school l.laseball wars, open the CIF playoffs Friday against ei- ther Kennedy or Foothill in a 3:15 p.m. game at Costa Mesa, A coin ntp late yes - terday was to have deter- mined which of the Empire League schOols would play the Mustangs. Kennedy and F oothUI tied for second place In their leaguP. Coach Dale Hagey 's Mu s- tangs, who had only 2 re- turning letter m~ from last year's squad, finished se- cond to El MO(Iena In tht- Century League. Their leatzUP record was 10-4. The Mustangs, who lost 6 of 8 Pa rty season non-lea~ue ~tan1es, moved Into second place duri n~ the last week or play to r apturE> a playoff spot. Coaf'!1 Hagey said he .,.,.111 start Arian Costelloe, whO 'I'On 4 and lost lin the league, 10 F'rir1ay's opener. 11 the Mustangs win, they 1t1lll advance to the second round next Tuesday. TheCIF playoffs continue throuch June 4, when the finals will be played at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. No other Harbor Area teams reac hed the pla_yorts . RODN!:Y ALLEN RIPPY AT ll!EATER MAY 17 Rodne)' AJien Rippy, the 6 year old entertainer, will headline the children's ce- lebration ott 10:30 a .m. Sa- turday, M:.y 17, at Mesa Theater. On stage with Rodney will also be Fred Pettet, ven- triloquist, and his Jltlppet- bear, Gina. f red Is rrom Newport-Mesa Ch ristian Center ' apd can be seen on ''The PuppetTree''onChan- nel 40. Doors will open Saturllay at 10 a.m. for those who have tickets. Children with- out tickets may en ter at 10:20 a .m. as seats are a- vailable. EAL,TH NEWS: HOW AURICULOTH!RAPY I ACUPUNCTURE RELATES TO HYPOGL,YCEMIA AND OTHER CONDITIONS " ar Dl, OAR.Y COUTU II, D.C. Moit people wou ld ay eu• an ttrletlJ tor he&r- lq, but an tMy? Aecord-t.nc to nc:tat ltbdlel and eoaciUI IOM publllhed by Dr, Paul F'. M, Nocter of Lyoas, Franee, your •n may be more Important to your to- tal body fUnction than you thlnkl Dr. Nocter teamed from b1l patients ttAt they had their ean cauterized to re- Ueve tbe pain of selatlca. Even more tntrtgulng, they aU claimed t~ treatment t..d worked! Dr. Nogler's lnterest oow turned from Idle curiositY to serious study. Although the treatment seemed to be Just another lnstanceol''folk medicine," De could not fault tile results. He sooo learned that the ancient Egyptla.ns had pnctlced a form of ac- upuncture on the ear and that Hippocrates had advocated cauterization of the ear tor certain atnlclions. Choosing a select group of patients, Dr. Nogier be- gan carefUl experiments with acUJltlncture on the ear, and aurtculothenpy was born! The human ear bor e a marked resemblance to ttle human fetus! What Uthe cauterized area corr esponded to the sacro- lumbar joint, the source of pain of sctattr-a? Would u not follow t l\at other por- tions of the eo.r correspon- ded to the same area of the human body'"' Uslng this similarity as a guldeHne, Dr. Noglert1rew 1 preUmlnar)' cSII(ramoflhe ear and bodJ. He "Pa u- perlmllltll>( wtlb aurtculo· tbtnpy for the tNltmtDt of pe,lD tota.Uy uo.relltld totM:l~ atlca and recel'ted positive reams. In tile years that followtd, avrteu1otherapy hupebe .. yond tile simple relief of palO •ta acupuoeture. The use of ml.eroeuri'ICI.tl, Uny electrical current• that are lmpereeptlble to the patient, has tarcely replaced the Det- dle. Aurlcutotherapy has been employed to Jtlmull.te the vital orpns, tlw.ls allow- 1ng the body to correct tunc- Uonal disorders naturally. without the use of drugs. U that last statement sounds familiar. It Is because it Is the baslr pllll- osopby of CbiropracUcl And it follows ttll.t Chlropraetlc and aurtculotherapy are oa - tural partners ln the healing: arts. (Note: Dr. Couture Is a Palmer Chiropractic Col- l~ge graduate, and has done post-graduate study. He his studied extensively In france as well as at the Aurtculothenpy Center in Phoenix, Arizona. He Is one of the West's leading author- Ities on Meridian Therapy and is a member of the Acu- puncture Society of America and the Acupuncture Society of Callfomla. He malntalns offices at 2043 Westclltf Drive, Su it e 107, Newport Beach, CaWomla 92660,) Telephone: 645-5300. FREE LECTUR.E a, DR. GARY COUTURE, D.C. ON Hl'POGI. YC: F.MI A./.\fU ·r Rl TION I A CU P UN CTU R F. TUESDAY , MAY 20 -7 :30-8:30P.M. 2043 WESTCLIFF DRIVE -645·5300 L !GAL MOTICP NOT ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOT ICE IS HE~EBY GI- VEN :1131 the Cit y Council of IlK' C it~ of Newport Beach w11i holf! a puUik hearing r e~ rrllnR the E )(J)ense State- ment for 1·osts lncu rrf'd pur- s uant to Rt>sol uUon No. 8397 fo r .. AU:l!Pment or ,1 SuL- s tandarfl and Unsafe Build- in~" sltuatf'd at 30!1 LaJolla Drive , NI'!\Vj)Ort BParlr. Cal- ifornia, will tie helll before t h~" City Council of Newport ijeach porsuant to the pro- visions of 1~.28.70 of t he Npwpo rt Bear ll Muoidpal Code. ENSIGN CLASSIFIE[) AQS . NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- TdER GIVEN that lhf' said putlllr rrearlnj.! will be held on t he 27 th 113)' of May, 1975, at the hour of 7:30 p.ru, In thE' Coundl C'hamber5. (Jf the Cit y Ita \I of the Cit)' of New- port BPaeh, Ca lifornia, a! whl<:h timE' and place any and all persons mterested rnay appear aort be I'K>ard thE'reon . Laura La~;ios Cit y Clerk City or Ne·NpOrt Beach Publish: May 15, 1975, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. L!GAL HOTICI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE LS HEREBY GI- .... EN that ttte City CouncU of the City of Newport Beach will hold a pubUc hearing regarding com'Jined publlc hearing regarding Tentative Map of Tract No. 8682, sub- dividing: 1.65 acres Into eight numbered Jots for attached single-family residential development aod one num- bered lot to be developed as a landscape area, prt. vate drlvt'Wllys and guest parktnc spaees., Lot 89 of Tract 5878, located at 2122 V lsta Entrada, westerly of Vlsb. del Oro aDd easterly of VIsta Entnda ill "The Bturra," zoned R-4.8-2, P.R.D.; and CtrtWcat1011 of the environmental docu- o CHIROPRACTOR r.bondJ. E. :J.onu, r.J::, {!. Hou•• "'ON.-'Tuc •.-T .. u•• •·• ..... 1.;1.-7 ... ~. 10·11 ........ ,.o ... ..-........ o .. ._., :133:1 ....... COAti.,. H """· •u•T• c Co•ONA DCL "'"" .,. •. ,..o, o liE AU TY SALOH fl!tau,··-'. BEAUTV NOOK 27 32 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone 644· 7336 o IICYCLU SALES & SERVICE .JOE.17THIT. coaTA-SA ~77118 -644HI86Ii ·······--......... ---- llcml aer '"~ Home of the "Centurion Super Le Mans" 10 Speed • One day repair sentce • OAIL Y SUNDAY 9t<>UO 91ol 371 OLD NEWPORT IL. HEWPORT IUCM AaDIJ PIIII)M ttOAO NOll". ment. AND • PLO .. ITI . UH Parmll No•' 1?30, ro-•LOWERI FOR quell of tDH to cODitruet L ~••1 ...... ttlbt atlaehod ~lntrle-lamll'r AL .......,_ Y!OW dwaUlD(o wtth n laled park-DJrl11fl T1sb. lac lDit b.DdiCIPt ar•s. l.. NOTICE lS HEREBY FUR-TL011/8'ltJ THER GIVE" tbat tho aid 1'110111 ..... 71 pot>lte t.t~~r wUJ bo llold -11 a "'-01 tM 27tb diJ olllaJ, 1175, ~ ...... at t11o """' ol 1:10 p.m. Ia • • :77 • ttooc-nc~~a-.oltllo • MIA~IMG AIDS CIIJ Hall ol tllo CIIJ "'"""· pod Baeb, Calllorola, at ..UCb U.t ... placo .., 811!1 all ,.,... ... Uitl 5 ... , -Mil bo .... tllor- LMn...,._ C 111 Clorll • Cttr ol tol<o,.opor...trt Boacb -llaJ II, IriS, Ill 1M Mt•poct IIUtter'ls;p I HALJUBISCHER af:~ ,.,. ,,.,.,._j .... t<l ~I. c-t ~My. CGNMdol,._ .,.__ o PERSOHAL VACATIONERS -leave your home, garden, pets in sale hands this summer. Mar- Ine Biology graduate stu- dent wt11 take rare of your possessions in return for room any time J une 8 - Oct. 1 (while researching: in Corona del Mar a rea). Non-smoker, non-drink- er. Evenings eall collect, 213-282-3361. RE'ferences avallable. --- o HOto~E IMPRDVEMEIH LET ME GIVE YOU A HAND Handyman will do ~ a ll home repalrs -- plwnblng, carpentry, pllntlng. FREE ESTlMATES 673-3658 o MISCELLAHEOUS SPOTS beforP your eyes on your new ca r~t. Re- move them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, Sl .OO. Crown Hardware, 31 0'1 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Ensign Publishing Co. Offul Prir~t~r$ High speed rc>tory offset preu 2721 E. Cooat Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR Phon"' 673-0550 o CARS FOR SALE JAGUAR 19'70 -two plus two, Automatic. Air C'onditloo- ing. AM-FM radio. Wire wheels. Call 644-1525. •• c~ Gill '--·-100 o MUSICAL POR SAL! M4Y CLEARANCE Gulbransen Waloot spl.net pl- aoo, now only , ••• $ 625 Hammond L-102 spinet ora gan -good for many years of musical pleasure •• 695 Steinway 5'10 1/2" Grand - true Stetnway tone. , 3975 Lowrey spinet organ wllh e xternal Leslie speaker. Bot h for ;.,st ...•.• 595 Ch ickering 5'2" Grand • plate glass lop with neon lighting -good plaoo and great conversation piece for home bar or recrea. Uon rooni ••• , •••• 1295 Yamaha B4C R organ special at •••••.•• 799 Everett Studio plano -ex- cellent at. ••••• , .• 995 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. Yam~ha -Stelnway -Lowrey 190'1 N. Maln St •• Santa Ana Est. 1914 Phone 547-6056 o FOR REHT BOAT SLI PS -room for two SO foot bolts. On the Rhine Canal across from Delaney's Sea Food Shan- ty. Call 673-5230. o SERVIC!S GLEN'S GARDENING -and Cleanup Service. Reason- able ntes. Good referenc- es. Call 673-2007 aner 5 p,m. DUTCH WIHDOW CL !AH ERS Nid A Nor• Brid I!NJOY YOUR VIIW THROUGH SPAIUtLIM O CLIAM -..MDOWS.. NO JOa TOO SMALL. C i LL US TODAYf 1-521-3462 DIMMITT O.i~~£ ,_..-;.., I I I I .....-F hn • llolf,...t<tll .., .. .,., __ _ Pll""'>aa 'm e abo I. CGu1 IIWJ. COlli -~~·- . . ( ·, too · , I F•ER HOMES THI VIIW OF A UFITIMI! Perfect family home overlooking the Bay & Ocean. This forever value consists of 4 bedrooms, 21h baths, formal dining room, lg. family room, fantastic workshop & beautiful yard for the kids! $195,000. Clint Moses 642-8235. (A30) IMAGINE! Un~sual l:htyfront & pter. next to a P rt v a l c s a n ct .v be :.tt· h . T h i s mu~nifkcnl 4 bedroom tri-lcvt•l has every dcli~htrul (•xtra Tn· S265,000 fcc land Lu1 " ~ltll e.r 642-8235. ( A32 1 COPY CAT. Try to "copy" the construction in this sunshiny 6 bedroom indoor /out- door estate or the lush, unusual, over 2-acres, of gardens & horse cor- rals ot the outstanding VIEW over- looking Bay, mountains & pool from every window. ·'CANNOT'' be duplicated at this low price of $379,000 Lois Miller 642-8235. ( A22 1 . . 901 Dowr Dnw 642·12JS /1644 MacArthur BIYd. ~200 Newport Beech, Celefornee 92663 CLOSE TO BAY OLD Corona del Mar Sensational location, r lose to ba), charm galore, on a. pepper-tree llDed street in Old C~~ del Mar. Three bedroom• and loft, country kitchen, 2 patios, custombullt wtth beam cetltngs and unusual design. $125,000. Call675-7225 ······!~-·· ....... . This home is a little gem! 2 B&DR00'4S, 2 BATHS AHD Fl REPLACE. IHCLU DES PLANS FOR SECOND UNIT. $69.7~ Imm<.:diatc possession available 427 NARCISSUS, CORONA DEL MAR OP EN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 TO S P.M. Rachelle Robers, R«4ltor 3333 E. Coar Hipway Comoa del Mar 675-2373 *****·* ****·*'*** HESTER·BROWN lr Associates. Inc., Realtors 133-9711 Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor- Coat& Mesa Board of Realtors totalled $88.7 mtlltoo tor the first 4 mootba of 1975. Thl8 ta more tbaD a $6 MILLION INCREASE OVER THE SAME PERIOD IN ·1874. 2,7•8 Uattoca were proeeaMct. of •blch 4'7% were aold. 85% Of the , A.J.ea were cooperative. .Sun Rise all the sparkling harbor lights FOUR BEDROOM, 3 BATH HOME READY FOR YOUR C"0MPLETE EN.JOYMENT 2907 E3BTIDE, HARBOR VIEW HILLS Choice Commercial 60 X Ill A ready-to-develop r ommerclal --C'Jrner lot glves double exposure. Present bulldlng would IK' Pf'rfed for Plants ••• Gifts ••• Arts .•• Crans or What -II avE> -You"' CHECK THIS ONE AT S60,000 Willi MOST FAVORABLE TERMS * 675-5930 * 3637 E . Cust Hwy Coron• del Mar Waterfront 4 BR .. 5 ba .• rumpus rm. Pier & float, sandy beach. $295,000 Spacious 4 BR .• famJiy rm .. din. r_m. On 52 ft. Private patio. S179.000 Beaut. G HR . home. s andy beach; mirrored walls, beamed ceil. Priv. court~ anl. s hore mooring. 5295.000 w atf!rfrolll Loh 40x90 ft. $250.000 40x90 n. $285,000 BB.L GRUNDY~ Realtow hlondera Bldg. at Lindo lale 341 BAYSIDE DR., SUITE 1, H.B. 675-6161 ··········••:••• MESA DEL MAR 1098 EL CAMINO DRIVE Four bedrooms anti family room, Z batbs, tire- place. Patio with redwood rle<:k. Ideal f2mlly home betn& offered for salE' hy orlt(tnal owners at $47,500 coast properties REALTORS 301 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBO• 673-5410 ------------------· o/ nwporl REALTORS 675-5511 SPECIALS! SHORECLIFFS One or a kind custom built. split lev~l. ·three bedroom & family room. beam 'ceilin~s. interesting & different. WESTCLIFF AREA Moderately priced at $66.500 for the bi~ family -five (5) bedroom ~. swimming pool. Close to schoob. library & shopping. EASTSIDE COSTA ~ESA Just oil' lrvint• .\\c. du!)c to schools. library, & Wcstclirf shopping. Two bed room plus paneled dC'n . almost a 1·t'ar gara~e -hobby shup jll! plus room to park camper. boat. t•tl-j! $49.500. ~ OPEN THURSDAY 1-5 P.M. M NEWPORT BEA(:H-CORONA DeL MAR ~ REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS ~ -COLE OF NEW~. REALTORS I !. 2515 E. Coast Hif\wcry, Corona del Mar , Pete Barrell f<eaft'J DOVER SHORES 1337 Galaxy OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1-5 P.M. \out own private hf',tlth spa in lid~ heaullfu l home. Custon• :i hN!ro01n, 4-1 '2 haths. S~>~X~r.ttfo tnr1oor ,Ja<.uzu anc.l steani IJath. !-1" .. lan1t • nPwl\ ree1;>('orat('(! -move right ln. SPe tt too\: TWO OffiCES TO SEitVE YOU 1605 WESTCLIFF DR .• HEWPORT-642-5200 700 E. BALBOA BlVD., oAL GOA--675-4060 J ~ 0~~~~~ &R~~r: m DANA POINT DUPLEXES Ten o Choose From $68,950 to $77,950 From ~6. ~-.o rk.•V.'O W<:stbav lncomt· H<)m cs 34121 COAST HlGiiW A' DANA POINT -3.01 •••••••••• "Y ou•u be clad tomorrow that you boQctlt real estate todaY." ROY McCARDLE lliALTOil RELIABLE SERVICF H .'ofC£ 194J sa.7729 1110 NIWPOIT IL OOSTA JIB8A •••••••••• Bay; Park & Ocean . VieW Two bedroom hOme PLUS 2 bedroom pest hoUse. BETTER Jult rtcbt tor large ramny or m~ber-tn.law. THAN NEW MILLION S VIEW Hl(b beamed cellln&, ftreplace, beautlM .. tlo. $122,500 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 ~30 TO 5 P.M. 2712 CUFF DR., NEWPORT HEIGHTS 675-1120 Ml811101\ • UIM ST., IALIDA PI!NIMM.A ------- AMG'.telJ IDDit stwu1iJ18 •lew of larbor and oceu. 1'clf loc:atb Ill OLD CORONA DEL MAlt A NCeiOJ n:modtltd and rtdee()rated bome. Rlebi.J lllllleltd lMII raom, fOrmal d1nJ.nc room, ud ........ ..,.. debiD.. €all 673-8550 . . . . . . , · · , -;:-r T ·"'T -~ r • . • . J .-\. L. • -. .J PENINSULA fanta stic ct l llrt-e b~roo• ,.,, J • ,,, es -giganti(' '111 e enough for fa mil} roorn • '1. 1(,, J.t I po. I tablE'. l:.n• I ,.,,.,1 1•1 "·'' slzPrl ga rat.'~>. I With 2 car OYer· $124 . BROKERSI lf1F L10R8 2025 W. BALBOA Bl 671-l"J NEWPORT s ~: '· 4 SWEEPIN G Channel an£ DtnF uM1 r t'lP '>lA: hutlt 5 t .. I·> • • , E>IE' tn• :~II\ outrP!I· to 11 ~ 11 ..,, r •. J.i• UZZ !. I It<: lr • tJJI\lf\~0 l ') ~~~ J ... I r P.l r t' • I • '1 101 I . I I • OPEN SUND 1906 PORT ~v HARBOR VIE\ SJ2, ' ! I r,. I , ( (Ot.;>' I• pill IT' • ha• k\:tr•l. lEW Bay t 11ldUH • ustom •uun~ 1oom has r JOf .I nrl opt>ns J r t pool wtth "'' uttvf' enter- Pnn • .-lrvtnE' 1 to S ~RIDGE. OMES l 413 CABRILlO, COROr HIGHLANDS ~ llfl'<1roon.c;, r .... I \ Ill ,, -· Sl'iO,OOO. A,-11 1827 SABRINA. IRVIN : TERRACE f n•l thre• ~1roon airy •• r lost to pool. EX('t>llent coortltloo, ••c••• ........ - 11~ room, pool. lnlltm --lleht ~nd 1 \" model. ' Match b'y computer Willie marrloplaro - la IMono, tit -~~~~ wbicb lod to tit WOOidiiiC of Mr. lad Mn. Jack Zorcllor ... _..,_., t COQIPIW~ Bot1J tbl brldt, lll.u fl9rllo ---1. Ud tbt 1room are tm~ ·u c:ompllter procnmmtn at 'BM La s..a JoN. Tbl bride Ls lbe daUCbttr of Mr. and Mrs, Robert F. Stoe~ael of Corooa ~~ Mar-. l)lr, Stoe11el 1.1 immtdlate pa~t pre•ldeot of the Coro:ii del Msr Chamber of Com- merce. The rroom'• par- ents are Mr.and Mrs. WU- Uam E. Morp.o of SegulD, Teus. An afternoon wedding w..u. "'" ""' ED&dt •Wa empire -.. ombrol"<rod wUb lace Ud ..crated wtlll boodoo, II lol4 1aoC ~~-•• 1011 I bicto --~~~ wttb Ilea. lllrllfo Ud ...... WU- eoa of Lot Aactl" were tht bobor ltfwMtt"'•· Wn. WUIOD 1J I .tater of tbe bride. Tbt rroom '• daurh- tere, JucUtb IDd Zauodn Morp.n, sened aa )mlor bridesmaids. Y'S •-Shoe• _ .AND Sport•wear Peltltle leach Pun Pada af Palm lp;lnga Iii' VICE PRESIDENTS cbat about tbe oe• year's actlvlttes before the annual meeting of the Asslsl:a.Dce Leque of Sewport Beach on ThurldaJ, Ml1 20. They are, left to rl&:ht, Mrs. Heory L. JooH of CUlt Haven, •Ice pre- sident of property; Mrs. Wymette Bedall J r. of Bay Shores, ln ctarge of tile Thrift Sbop; aDd Mrs. Robert Basmajian of WestcUff, ln clarge of special eYents. ceremooy wu held at St. Mark'• Ep1IICQPI.l churc:b lD Santa Clan oa Saturday, AprU 5. Tbe bride's loa& The bride U a rnduatt of Duke University and t~ UnitersltJ of Santa Clan (ftduate IIChool of bt.lsi- D&SI, The brlderroom at- tended Odeaa CoUece and St. Edward's Unl,erslty, Followinc their Hawaiian booeymooo, the anl)"W'edl are Htabllaht.nc tbetr flrst home 1D Sao Jo.e. Teaal• s•oe• For the w•ole Fa•lly 122 Agate Ave. l•lltoa lal•nd Near Uae ferry . rs . Lucas is presiden "¥OCR!( Cotl'ltructiorz. Ca The Assistance League of Newport Beach wlll hold Us anooat meeting on May ZO a.t 10:30 a.m. ln the Mar- riott Hotel, according to Mrs. Phelps Mertckel, pre- sident. Reports will be fol- ' lowed by luncheon and a pro- 1 gram. Past presidents and Associate membe rs will be J ohn A. K01ho, Pre1iden t /1) r ears ;., So11 th~m Cal i fo rnia WF SP P.CI :\11 7.1: I N T/L 'f ·UP t "JnU'iTR/AI. CON CRF'f F. RUII.DING<;;, Rut. .. honored. c • ..,,,,."' ""' c'"'''"'''"' Calf u 5 abm1t all tvtJes of remodeling! {7 1.) 532·1236 New 19'75-76 officers are as follows: Mr s. Robi!rt Lu- cas, president; rtrst vice- president, liaison to auxil- Iaries, Mrs . Joseph Met- 2nd ... ..., ...... .... sal lldledradilll limb Aawriall an. DOUBLE STEEL BEL TED RADIALS 40,000 Mile Tires Built for 1975 New Cars Save 25% Off Regular Price on Singles or Sets Ameriu '•~ liiM \o -buy u.-11 ''-car ndt&lt. &u. pnc. lu 1tr " nrn1L" tat! ct t\o,_llil SahrtUy. WMIT[WAU. UfiUlAit S.t.L E '"' fTTI MOOILJ Of , PIIIC( "'' PR IC E IR78-13 ..... ~OM."-~--q-""" $47 .00 DR7f.l4 _.... __ .,_w....._ -----· -,.,., $411.90 001-14 -.-.-. o-lio. c-. OM. ....... -·-"'·'" $49.75 FR78 -14 , ___ c-. ~~a..._.. -.co....•-. '"" $5 3.75 HR71-14 -·-== ., .... c.u-,l .._ o.o..r·-·-sam S60 • .4~ GR7S-15 ---P 'lSl $57 .55 --.,,f...,.~ ........ H~l5 "'""'---... -,.CIIIIIio,-·-SSSJ5 $61.80 U171-15 O..IC._( ___ ................... _ ,,,., $66.9 5 30% DISCOUNT Save 1 13 to 1 18 per tire on Power Recularty '39" $26 POLYIJLAS A78-13 This Is America's la rgest selling ti re -for lo ts of gooo1 reasons. Reslltent pol ye ster corrl borly for smooth-riding comfort, Tread-firming fiberl(l.ass bells for road-hOlding traction. A use-proved trE!lilld design that really delivers on mileage. This Is a tire featured on of the 1975 model cars. 1'\.UI F.l .. T. 1'111 TlltE &OLOTIItU "-" "-" ., ... "-" .... "-" 13.17 .... Coocf).a~ ., new M-w..,_ 78 ia -wtllo PolyeJter cord that's ,.,. ... _eel .............. $16 Gaa~ proeeu to set tht cord of opeL: lJIII strength and mWa ..,.., Tho rib-l)opo ,_ doolgo Is _. .......... -plonlyof-oodgnlo .,..11 -Ida dodoot-o (llfp. . • ..... '"' ..... -......... ,......, ...,enr.,llr. c.Jr. Bedall Jr.; 3rd vtce.presl- deot, chUdren's deotal hea lth center, Mrs. Joseph Clark- son; 4th vlce-presldeot, so- cial service, Mrs. Rtcbard F erda; 5th vice-president, mt~mbership, Mrs. Richa rd Stoddard; 6th vice-pres- Ident, special events, Mrs. Robert Basmajlan; 7th vice- president, properties, Mrs. Henry Joaes; recordlng se- cretary, Mrs. Freeman F'lsher; corresponding se. - FILET MIGNON $3.45 Per r---Featurlna:---, CHAMPAGNE & STEAK (FOR 2) $7.95 cretary, Mrs. WUbt.l r Chap- man; treasurer, Mr s. Ha r ry Baker; regional council re- presentative, Mrs. Charles Ripley; regional council al~ f ternate, Mrs, A. John Rei- chle; sustaining membership chairman, Mrs. Ralph Dea - ver; Las Rei.Das Auxiliary cha irman, Mrs. Robt. Koeh- ler : Virginia Castle Auzll ~ iary chairman, Mrs. Jack Light ; Junior Auxiliary 4,30,. 6<30 P .ll. ,j,JO,. lhOO P .ll. Sea Food -A-Bob -$2 .45 Per Steak-A-Bob -$2.45 Per 209 PalM Ave, (At the t.rry) H ewport BHch 675· 577 .C Elite Mee t to Eat! chairman, Mrs. Stephen DORIS ANNE AND JACK ZERCH!R Barnard, and Asslsteens Auxiliary cna irman, Miss OPERAS TO BE STAG ED Lit Ogden. Chapter comm ittee cha ir- men are Mrs. WaJter Ller, bylaws; Mrs, Sam Gurley Jr ,, finance; Mrs. Chester Latshaw, hOspitality; Mrs. VIctor Appel, house and ga r - den; Mrs. Robe rt Rotstan, League caleodar; Mrs, Phil - Ip Winsor , League Lights; Mrs. WUiiam Dootson, pro- visional training; Mrs. C. Paul Dubois, roster; Mrs, Su1· Hitchman, Newpo rt bus tours (specia l events), and Mrs. William Tritt, public relations. Club grants announced The final mfletlng of the club season tor the Wom en's Club of lrvl.ne will be held May zo at 8 p.m. all he home of Mrs. Lansing Ebe rling, 11662 Via Pabtlno, Tu rtle Rock, lrvlne. New om cers will be in- stalled by the outgoing pre- sident, Mrs. Oou&las Rich- ards. The orrl cers are Mrs. Eberling, president; Mrs. Edward Freud, vice-presi- dent ; Mrs. Daniel F. Cal lis, secretary, aod Mrs. Wtlllam Holzwarth, treasurer . The progn m, lntroduced by Mrs, Brian Mtddled ltch, is "Current trends In Inter- lor design," given by Mar- gl Carter, a charter mem - ber Of the Nd t!Onal Society or lnterlor Design. The aw ards committee, with Mrs. Frank Dave as chairman, OO.s chosen to pre- Sent the mother's financial assistance grant of $150 to Mrs. Ctarles Oliv er (Lot. Ue ), who wishes to further her education as a reading speclallst. She has been do- log volunteer work In tbls field, aDd With further c:re- deotialB she hopes to assist ln ct•hli their 4 ~adopted chlldren desirable college educ:a.Uoos. Tbe cra.UYe a£11: (l'l!lt of $150 is betnc clvea to Marty Beltrens, senior at Ualnrsity bleb ac bool, 1021 of Mr, aDd Mr s. Martin Beb- r ens of University Par k, lr- Yisle. • .... u ••• t L••• I Dl•••r .,, s,.cltllt .. ,, 0.•1•11•• Two one-act chamber o- peras by Puccini will be pre- sented May 19-24 In the Orange Coast College audi- torium by the ly ric theatre class. "Suor Angelica" will be offered May 19 and 20 at noon . '·Glannl Schitchi" wlU be presented M..'\Y Zl at 11 a.m. and May 22 at noon. Both operas will be presen- ted May Z3 and Z4 CLAMS • OYSTERS • SHRIMP • SWORDFISH • BASS LUNCHEON from $1.95 S6f'll!d Daily 'ti/4 P.M. 3901 E. Co.t Hietwwrt' Coo-oM d ...... e IJ14]675.oi00 16271 Pec:itle Co-11 Hw.,. ~~~.) tw.wington ·-h . 1213t592·1l21 HALIBUT • ABALONE • LOBSTER • ST EAKS HELP HOAG We are very fortunate here 1n Newport Beach to mve one of the finest hospitals in the country, Haag Hospital pro ves every day that private ente rprise health care is the best there ts. Now, you would think that anybody would be very happy to see this kind of health care continued and extended, right ? Wron g. There are some government bureaucrats and fuzzy-thinking college professors who think they can do the job better. The y want to take S22 million of my and your money and build a "teaching" hospital near the UC I campus to compete with the nne doctors at Hoag. The hospital woul d be run by the university professors and other bureauc rats. Listen, I wouldn't trust those guys to put a band-aid on my south end, let alone tinker with my in sides. Of course, anytime you QPIX)se anything a bureaucrat does, he immedlately tries to muddy the water by saying you are aga ins t something good. In this case, if you oppose this $22 million boondoggle, you are supposed to be aga inst teaching ne w doctors. You're supposed to be against health aid for the poor. Against eve rything, including moth er and apple pie. Well, let's just clear up some of this m11dd y-water nonsense right now. Haa g Hospita l and the fine people w~oo run It are FOR a teaching hospital, They are FOR making more and better health care available fo r the need y. They are FOR having such a hospital near the UCl campus. The difference is that they would build the hospital under the auspices of a non- profll Western World Medical Foundation. They would build this 100-bed hospital without wasting you r tax dollars. And it would serve the same purpose that the professors and bureaucrats C LAIM they would serve. And, you can bet your bed pan, Hoag would do II bette r. So, what can we do to defeat the tuzzy-thlnkers and keep our own hospital and allow It to grow and prosper0 Write to Gov. Edm und Brown Jr., State Capitol Bldg., Sa- cramento, 95014. Tell him yoo are In favor of EXCELLENCE In medical care. Tell hlm you want Haag Hospital, a proven, outstanding outfit, to build the new hospital. Tell him yo u don't want )·our tu money squandered by the social and medical experimenter s. The college guys and the bureaucrats are urging their supporters to write the governor, so those of us who have our heads on straight must write also, to coun ter-act this campaign. II yoor llle Is In jeopardy, yoo can depend oo Haag Hospital to help yoo. Right now, Haag's financial health is In jeoplrdy _ Can Haag coon! oo you? Write that letter. Let the bureaucrats and· eggheads know till! you are against THEM, and that yoo are FOR BETTER MEDICAL CARE, and a bell of a lot less government. AI Forglt (Tax collector lor the governm •nt) P.S. You can also help Haag by jo~1tng the 552 Club. At the store, we can get yoo bed pans lllld bandages and dtslnfectant withoUt com- pettng with Hoag. IT H