HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-12 - Newport Harbor EnsignIIYMMI IOMM!R .. LISA CIIAM!R Dllll! VAMCL!V! COLLEEN COMMILL MICHELLE DUTTON MISS NEWPORT BEACH wW be eboMD FrldaJ, Jue ao. from amoac tbe abon s fllllllll.._ Tbe wtaHr wW be erowud at the Newport Hutlor Cbamber of Com- mere• Commodores baD at tbe Nnporter IDD.. Tbla FrldaJ momJic. June u. at ?:SO. the Commodona wtU meet all of tbe ft•Ucts at their I.DDI».l brtak- tut at the Newporter IDA. Brynoe BoMer aDd LJa Cr•mer an Coroaa del Mar bJcla .ebool stDdtllta; tbe otbeu are from Newport Harbor b1Ch ~~ebool. ~-411i:ao'Oo~~~ <fl. .ltlf ".JI_,. ARVO E. HAAPA, owner lftd pubHsher of tht EnsJ\,.. "''O''~'O'OOOO~OO~OQJQ (Tb.ls ls a coottnuatioo of the Enalgn report oo tbe May Z8 speech at Oruce Coast College, dellYered by attorney Mark Lane. who ts seeking a cqreuioall I.Dquiry toto tbe uasstuUca of PresldeotJobn F. Kennedy.) • • • • By ARVO E. HAAPA, Publlsber For 48 hours after the auasslnatlooofPresideotKeoDedy in Dallas, tbe most important wttneu was, of courn, Lee Haney OswaJd, the SUIPICted killer. HebldbeeDqaesUooecl for 18 hours by Dallas pollee, CIA otftcJals and FBJ aceota. ''What did the tape recordings reveal as to the informa- tion ctnn by Oswald?" Mark Lane Wed rhetorically. Sorry, DO tape record1ngs had beeo made durillc the que1tloniD(. What did the steqrapblc notes sbaw'? No steqrapber had beeo preMDt. Wbat aboot notes taktD by the pollee, by CJA, by FBI'? Sorry ap1n, tbey forgot to take DOtes, Mr. Lane said. -On the ltCOOd day after the assassination, public an- DOUDCement, carried oo nd.lo and Detwork TV, HY•ltcl that OswaJd was to be tranaferred from ooe ceO to aootber I.D Dallas jaU. No reasoo was gtven for this tnnsftr, Mr. Lane said. Oo that day Jack Ruby, Dallas restaurant-bar owoer a.Dd friend ot the Dalla• pollee, wu seeo by the pollee walk!Dc lDto tbe pollee ltaUoo, carrytag wbat seemed to be a pistol in hls pocket. A~Jparently be was DOt stopped for search or for questlooing. He was tbe only etYlllaD allowed to enter Uat porUoo of the jaU. Tbere was 10me delay 1D ma.kinc the transfer from cell to eeU. Wu tb.la dooe to ctYe Ruby time to eoter tbe pollee statJoo &Dd to cet lDto posltloD, Mr. Lane woodertd. There wu the 80und of a car born u Ona.ld was ltd lDto tbt ballway. Theo another car bora wu .ouoded, &Dd Ruby llttlll)td toward Oswald, took oat h1a CUD aDd shot Oawa.ld almolt polnt-blaok. Tbe ooly Yebicles ln tbe httlctl"' were pollct cara~ LaDe aid, Otd tbe bon......._..,. u ._11 a.r · ..... .... .... ., 0. ....... ...,' eemtU. most ltapottut wt!Dea. Row macb tote,_ did tbe Wuno Comm11Gaa baYe 1D qaeatiooJ.ac Ruby ud rettblc ftrst- hlad lDformatioo from hlm? Mr. Lue aid that Ruby wu afraid for IU own lUe 1n the Dallu Jlili.Dd wrote to the Warno Commlsaioo uklnc that he be allowed to testt.ty, bat JOt in Dallas. He ald be m .. aboat the eoosptncy 1.o tbt auaulnaUoo of Prtlid4mt Kecmedy aod wanted to teD about 1t to the commtaion, if be were taken to Wash- 1Di1oo, D. C., to teatlly, Two members of tbt Warren Commt.asloa, accompanied by COUDMl, Ylstted Ruby to bls )aU cell. bard t..b1s requeat, but expreAtd reluctaoce to bite b.lm away from the Da.l1u ·.Jtll cell, stoce be ftl ln eartodf ot the Dallas pollee. Altboucb tbey acmowJqtd their power of sWlpeoda to take hlm from the jl1l. tbey Jtft without obtalnlnc any critical teattmooy. Ruby aid to tbem, "You wtll oenr ret tbe facts; you woo•t see me allve apln." Not lq afterward. hefts d•d of cancer. Mark Lane hlchllchttd tht.a portion ot b1r lecture by remarklDc "The 2 commllatoo members wbo walked out of the Dallal Ja1l without obtain1.og any important tesUmooy from Ruby were Supreme Court Cbtef Justlee Earl Warrea, cbatrman of tbe comm11aJoo, aod Gerald Ford, CC~~~Crus­ man from Miehlpn, DOW president of tbe Uolted States. Accompa.nyln« them durlDc tbelr cbat wttb Ruby was LeaD (Tura to the Loc oo Pqe 2) WEST NEWPORT TO GET PARK$$ otf-lltrMt parldnl 6Jnd. Ma,or DoaaJd MelnD1s SQ&· celled tbat tbl mooey be borrowed from tbe parld.Dc fUnd aDd paid back from re•-• liom metert til- stalled JD tbe Weat Newport Park. CUJ PBR Dt.reetor CalYiD stewart aid be 1a coaftdeDt tblt aU p1aDs. permlta, COD• tnct. aDd ~ wW be complet.d cartac tbt com Lac 4lca1 JtU. NEWPORT BEACH J()( 1WI M.F ••• .,. ,...,... .... ...... • •.t= 01111 tiiiOI ~7TH YEAR, MO. 41 VIC11M Wwtam Bei'Dbardt, 58, at left, ttDs pollee that hls &OD, Ales_ ZS, tried to toree b1m to wttbdftw mooey from b1s account at Corona del Mar's W&stern Federal SaYIDp yeat.rdly tDoi'IIJnc. Alex Bernhardt was arrested I.D the t..ok after tellers 1et off a pollee alarm. (Enatp pboto.) OPERATION HEAD-WAY ''Opera Uta BeldwaJ," Ill orpo114d ca~ to ret toilets oo the West Newport ocean front, was lauocbed this week by a group of West Newport and Newport Shorts residents. Patrick O'Connor, New- port Shores building con- tractor who is orpnlslng the campal.(n, vowed tbat "presaurt wtll be brought on public omctals to get them to abide by state saoibtton laws that require toilets tor beach users." Tbtre are no pubUc toilets alone the 3-mlle beach from Newport Pter to the S&nta Ana River. County health officer John PhUp, in charge of enforc- ing tbe law, said Monday be would "welcome any I.D- rormatlon on public beach uae tbat would ald us I.D enforcing the law." Dr. PhUp said hls department bas been told by Newport S.cb ctty otnctalathat ··not many people use the stntcb of beach in West Newport." "Wby doesn't he come down bert &Dd ... bow many people use tbe beach?" asks Mr. O'Coooor. "The ctty, to Ita otftclal anaual report, ays 8-1/2 mtUtoo people I J-.J' UA OUf beacbea." LUtfUird Capt. Bud Belshe estimated tbls WHt U.t "from ZS,OOO to SO,OOO people at ooe time" 80mt- Umts crowd the btacb be- tweeo the rt•er and the New- port Pltr. State sanltatloo laws re- quire ooe tollet per 1,000 belch uen "at tbt time ot mulmam ...... ol tbe b•ebel. The law al10 re- quires that the toUets ''be located in accordance wlth actual use patterns on tht> beach.." Earller city Marine Dept. estimates sbowed 1 S per ceot of tbe beach users are New- port residents. Accordlng to those figures, betweeo 21,- 000 and 25,000 out-of-town beacbgoers use West New- port beaches on a busy day. Even wlth a turnover ratio of 2-1/2 to 1, estimated by Capt. Belshe, there would be an avera(e of 8,500 to 10,000 people at a given time on that stretch of beach. Under state law, that would require from 8 to 10 tollets aloog the 3-mlle beach. Pb1lp'1 olftce DOWled tbe city tbat beaeb toUet fllcW- Ues were l.nadecJJ&te and tbat tollets should be placed aJooc the West Newport beaches, between Newport and Balboa Piers, between Balboa Pier and the wedge, between Cbaooel Rd. and "N" St., 15th on the bay, Washington on the bay, lOth st. on the bay, and oo Balboa Island. The clty respooded by in- sisting that county omct.als be more speclftc ln out- llnlng totlet sbortqes. "We doo't ba.ve the peo- ple to mooitor the beacbes, so we depend oo tbe city to provide flcures," Dr. Phllp said th.La week. "We have no reaa:JO DOt to be- Ueve them." Mooday ttliht, tbe Newport Last De<:ember, Dr. C tty Council a, reed to place 4 toUets in tbe oew West Newport Par~ to be bu.ilt during the next year alq the old P. E. rlcbt-of-way just soutb of Coast Hwy. Salary talks at impasse Newport Beach city wort.rs, Including pollee and firemen. bave been of- fered an across-the-board 6 per ceot pay raise, but art dema..odtDg hikes as hig h 11 12 per cent. Attorney stepben Stiver, W!!' represents both the po- lice an1 ftre assoclaUoos, said tbls week be expects to tab tbe pay demands dJrectlJ to a June Z3 Clty CoaDell meetmc. City per- .....t d!netor Frank IYtD.S expnatd sarprtae yester- day at Mr. SUYer's ate- between tbe Santa A.aa R1Yer and the Lido SaDc1s o.etcb- borhood. "That's a good start," commented Mr. o•coonor, "but lt certainly woo't aoln the problem.'' He sa&&resttd temponry tollets at strett- eDds on West Newport's beaches. "I'm not adYocatt.nc IDY- thlac tbat would briDe more people to Newport," be Aid. "The people an alreadY ben. Tbl beacb 11 a Plblle auet. It dodD~ bek-c to tbe oeeu troat resldlett. • • Teacher strike 'unlikely' ~-=;~:,~~ M.lry Lol Orammy of N rwport Sbor.. pl"'ltideDt of tM Womea'aiDter.t.,_l Su.rftlc .u... tc...s tM o...s tor to&J~ ud caDe:t abo a,r more drtld:1Di loaD- taW oa tbe t~eaea-. ' ptlaU.a art DOC coin« to be -.ceeaf\al.'' A G per c.at ra1st would add lbo8t ssza.ooo to tbt e1tr1 $8.1 m1WoD .. ,rota, IU.tw.u utlmated.Heald l'l.r.• an utili mr lZ ~ ce.t. ~about t per e-. ID8.I'iM llletJ em- plaJ.. ... 10 per e..e Ud I oa.t a.-n&tttoal ltfl I I -cUJ WOI'bn 1ft c:.lllll -,..... ...................... w an 10 tEi u:t 11 per ca•• Be IIIII I LUI ....... wUIII .............. ...., .. ..... .... It ..... .... A ••~-.,. JlllliiJcl u- ••• lQih ..... • Ill ...... ~ ..... ,. .. I 2 t'st tlir I JoA IDd&J, _ ............... ,..u, .. ..... -.....Dr. ..... .., .............. .. ,.. ................... ._.,.,_ ,, ..... .. ..... ... ••we an tlnd. •• .... aJ4. "of ....... to .., bomf to let I drlak CJf paable ..... or to Ul tbe Wlet. Md CMir~....s.-c-oa tbl Ileac~ to ,.a a drtak udNU~te~·· AIIOit 10 ... ...,.... Ne*-tl,... .... ~. tloDH__,. • .....,_. tbl btae• et Orulp • Oceu haM aut ,.., • 'hleJ aid twr .. 0 ... IDr ..... dl ...... ...... , ...... .,_.. .....,..... CJf C1tJ llt.D ... ~ ................ .... .-ctdl .. OIIIQ ........... •• eo. .. • .... c.a---. ... -.~ ...... tile,.,..-. aaa.a.t .. lllt•r• -..a~~~~• .. .. _ ... n11 UPIQA&. llaftPAP•a ..... ... ern OP IIIW .. T a•ACII JOe COSTA MESA COROMA ~IL MAt: Cli.W. 0 A Corona del Mar man wa.s arrested yesterday morning oo a charge of try- ln« to rob his parents in a local savlngsoltlce. Charged witb attempted robbery and fa clng possible kldoapptng cba.rges ls Alex Bernhardt, 23. He ls accused of holding Ills pareflts, Mr. and Mrs. WtUlam Bernhar<l, aod his brotber, Richard Bernhardt, 17, as hostJ.ies overni«ht in the famlly home at 514 Avocado. Pollee say be then accompaoted all3 to Western Federal Shtngs, 2'744 E. Coast Hwy,, and trted to force Ills tither tD wttbdnw mooey b-om an account. But, Mr. Bernbardt wu able to slip a note to a teller. The DOte read ·'We are beln« robbed -call tbt police." A Ill-alarm alerted poJtee, ~united YOIIDl Bern.bardt wtalloat a struggle. They said be car- ried a knife, wblcb had been beld against his father. Pollee first arNsted 17- year-old Richard, a Corona del Mu high school stodeot, before learning he was also one of the hostages. M-:-. Bernhar<l reported that he had beot>n stabbed, beaten and kicked repeatedly during the previous night, but his in)Jries were ap- E,' parently not serious. The suspect told pollee be is a welding student. Mr. Bernhardt, an aero- space engineer, said later that hls soo "ls DOt a crimlnal -he's sick and needs help. He is a victim or drug abuse, and we've tried bard the past 6 ye:ars to help him. I hope thls ordeal wlll be his salvation.'' He sald nobody ln the tamUy, except himself, was Injured during thf ordeal, but that Ids wUe, 50-year-old Zofla Bernhardt, was uDder sedation yesterday after- nooo. SCHOOL ALARM JUST Fl RECRACK ER BLAST lmpeodin« school nca- Uoo was aJ)Ilanotly )last too mueb tor a ....s.t at LLD- cola mldiSM .cbool yester- day mom tar. School ofttciak h-.rd an eJPiosioo in the boy's locker room )lst before 10 a.m. and called tlremeo and po- llee, who responded wttb sirens blartne. They found tbat a large nrecracker had blown a small hoi~ I.D a plaster waU. The enUre school was emptied or students wtille pollee anc1 nremeo investi- gated. There wf're no injuries. "OPERATION HEADWAY" GROUP ptbers at what tbty claim 1s the ooly water fountain oo West Newport B•cbes; tbey are protestll( tbe lack of an.lta.ttoo tlaclUU. OD tbelr beaches. At ear rl(bt ls Newport Sbores bolldtr Patrick O'COODOr, lpOktlmiD for the (J"'UP, ZIP codes to change Mocb of Newport Beac h wm ret a po~~a~ aJp oodt elluee oa Jlllly 1. That's w* aU anu •"td oat of U. RtYtn* An. ata- tioa wm ...Ueh to code nus. All ·~bolbolden £IOIW llaY• a IUIO alp code. 'he e ..... wtllmdl maJJ .......... .a~c .... .,. • ..,... ......... ca.. ~ .. ,,.I Yil1 ........... , -··t.r .... I I''IJ'I£1 .................... ........... 11. ...... Pest .... llr .. u lMIL.l.MI _ _. .. ,_ _, a V:O u•n• ....... "" ..... ... 11 1 ......... ... ............. ~----....... C A.ROLL YN DEVORE, act- ress and model and "Vlet- n.am • s blonde bombshell" oo 3 Bob HopeCbriltmuahoWs overseas, wUl lntenlew girls applying as models tor camera day, July 17, at tbe 0 range County fair. Sbt 11 the model director of the photogn.phy departmeot at the fair. Thirty girls will be cbosel:l for pboto(rapbers partJclpat1Dg in the net aDd wUl tan a ctranc. to sba.re 1D $300 in prlu1. intentews ww be beld .Juoe 13-14 and J~me ZO-Zl, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the F'atrgrounds. Fair dates are July 11-20. 8.1. ready for cleanup Balboa lslaDd reaidtatl wlll bold their annuallllud- wtde cleanup this Saturday, Juoe 14. Students from Corea 4e1 Yu tieme:Jtuy ud UacolD mJddle ~~ebDOta wm ...., aDd clean tbe t.e• &Dd ~lleys. · C tty refuse crews wt1l pick up old t\lrniblre, applJaoc_H, junk., cutttDgs and otber trash. Bulldlng materials and dirt are tbe only excep- tions. Spec !a 1 '·Balboa Island clean-up kids" t-sb.lrts wUl be worn by tbe fOWl& cl-.n- lng crews. Balboa Island improve- meat Assn. sponsors the an- nual cleanup. Coverup due for nudies Tb11"8 Ill" t.. 'fWJ In ca .. of DadttJ ae Jtnpon-a a,..cbu. acoore.c to tbe pollee ebW, t.t tbl Ctty COGDCU .ml attack U. ....... lem, ..,...,, at • ~-a mttt~~~. City A.._.., Deull 0" • lii.O ll clnwtll • a etty 0,.-.I!M tiUid • I .. ... ... 1M-...... .... ... .. .,. .......... . tlle-n&. . .. ....,... ..... ~ b ............... .... ........ IG JPJ._ ... Wea,_t OSIEM '11 a ..._.,_.. ... ass lliEIIIII•tiWARrnl• ................. ..._.. .. .... • .. .. ' "WE···THE PEOPlE" 1r l'aAIICII MOIVATII ·--... .. ....... -...... .. t:1~~~~~~~~~~~=!~::::t .. -.. -..., lllnotP .... .. -,_ lWI.II'MOM .. (714) 67UI. ft --·-· ~-I . . -..-., •••·•nc"'c -Ol'=~~~;s I.:':S•: :!;!"~U:.t::.:;· PW•-D WlllllLY, • ,_odl:f, -~--111o pando, .... 1D pooto• .pold II C.... dol ..... , C.llf. Olllce Ud bo -u port cl lllo p&aoc plool 10 1M ...... e.ldiJor, 1711 &. C.. ..... w1JUoc to clo our bll H......,, c.._ doll&!', Calli, ..,s, u ~ .. THE NEWPORT BABJICR lllll!lll wu 14)1drod Ao Ume marclood 00, wt, lo be a --cl ~ clrculatloo bJ ...t lba --. wtlb lbo-· ._ .. No. A-20178 -llay If, 19111, lo ~ ol adlllo -.,, mon IUid Coart for tbe Co~mty-or Clrl.bp. state otC........._ mon awanclwbatwurfebt Ud bJ ·-t......, 1a qalUiod 1o ....,llalJ au """ ,...t wu .. ._. Wo be· p.-,llc IOUcea rtQulrtd bJ law. eame rDON ocmact•Uou iD AIIVO E. HAAPA ; •• , •• 0... IUid PubUollar doloe lllo IOOd ~1. Wo PEG 'HAAPA •••••••••••• Aoooc:lale E.-l)olpod 1o mab clllala ool c1 SIJBSC:RIPTION RATES lUtleiDdla.DI -elTlc, 10Clal. 1D. Harbor Ara ••• ~flU, $5.00; Z Jure. S 8.00 aDd eeoDOmlc l•den out of Out of Harbor Aroo Oao r-.r, $6.00; 2 '""''• $19.00 . oooootllles. We bod llttlo ,a:eJbo..,.~• Oo~o~O• dealretobeleldlrs,tomUi ~ ~ speeebea, att.d . ~ue· a.2 l.-.....11...-eeremcmes. ortoc:.buQaet ~ ~ ~ tours. We dtdDOtaeekeeoter A RECENT PHOTO of Floyd Hemstreet oo tbe porch ARYO E. HMPA, owner Md pubNsher of ltlt Ensl-·staglnc; we were eaot•t to at btl home at Ul:b St. &00 Ocean Front, in West Ntwp)rt. -plod along in a slaw IDd "'oo"O:O.Oo"O:oooo~,....,... l&borlowl manoer, .,me .. Umes moootoooos, bat we I · toUed steacHly aad persa-~ (ContiDued rrOm Pace 1) jaworsky, special COQDSel, later to become prom.lDent a.s Yerlngly to better our bome speelal proMCator ln the Watergate t.nvesUp.Uon." toYO a00 ourselYes. We be· Coacer'lllng Ruby's background, Mark Lane nea.lltd came the watch dogS ot -..t A-. Gen. Rebert Keenedy's book, "Tbe enemy wttb:lD,"· P.-:--"7 morals aDd ctYle pi1de, to which the entry of organlled crime in Chicago 1fls 1maw1nc M1 well tbat whit described, The book tells o! the murder of Leoo Coot. was good tor the towa would laWJer and aeeretary of a wUoo ... a crime that helped be good to.r us. the tlOderworld to gal.n control of trade unions in .Chicago, Today I want to pay tribute Mr. LaDe said that there were reports tbat Jack Ruby to tbose trteodsandaoquaJD .. (then Jake Rubinstein) was Involved with the mobsters ill ta.Dees Wbo quietly, pri- tbe Windy City. During the Warren CommtssU)Q 1Dqujry, ntely, and aomettmes pub- FBI agents looked Into the Chicago caper and reported Uety pYe sometbiDg of, that oo eYideDee was located to tie in Ruby wtth Chicago themselves to buUd a better crtme or wtth tbe Cook kUling. However, Mark Lane toYO, a better place l.Dwbicb said be had dug up a copy of the Ch!cago Tribune, dated to work. Uve and play, Dee. 9, 1939, and he shOwed his audience a copy of the As the vigorous and paper, with the story of. the murder oo Page 1, aod 00 spirited tempo of youth page 2 a photo of Leon Cook and also of Jack Ruby, the marching slackens to a oew union secretary. slower pace of old age, we .; : Mr. Lane quoted a comment by J. Lee Rankin, genera.! are prone to reeii.I'Dwaoted. ~otmSel for the Wa.rren Commission, as saying, "There useless, and in the ny of 'I ,. ., • Is a dirty rumor about Oswald worldDg for the FBI; this the plans of youth. This ls rumor must be destroyed." There were reports that sad, yet It Is the proees- Osnld blld beeo a paid informer for the FBI. that he slon of the living. We shOuld THIS 1937 PHOTO shows ooe of the first houses buUt on the No::!wport Beo.ch ocean F'ront --at 37th Street. was oo the payroll at '$200 a month, and that he bad been accept old age with serenity, asstgped the informant number of 179. Mr. Lane claims grace, and understanding, tt•t this report was never tboroughiy Investigated by but remembering the coo- the com mission. --tribuUons we made to make A curious "error" In the publlsned Warren Commission the lite of the young better report wu pointed out by Mr. Lane. This coocerned tbe thaD was our youth, the home key frames ·In the Zapruder fUm of the actual a.ssasstna. town a better place, tton .. uumbers 313, 314 and 315, taken at the momeot of 1 pay tribute to all the the firing. Mr. Lane said that frames 314 and 315 are old timers whO believed In reversed In sequence in the report -shOwing that President our town, stayed with it, Kennedy's head went forward, rather than backward, from who at Urnes were tom with the Impact of the bullet In the head. This would support tragedies, frustr.lttoos, fail- the commission findlng that the shots ca me from the Book ures, losses. broken hearts Depository building, behind the president's car, rather ft _ .. b ken d but ......... ro reams ••• tbaD from ln front. The Zapruder film, which was sho~ kept on fighting, carrying to tile ~G audhtoce by Mr. Lane, reYt:!*ls the pres148Dla_ on tor the good of the town.! beM forced Yioleotly backward by the Impact of tbe Wllet • wbo attended chUrch, _...; to blB b'ratn. ~"<i• to group meettogs, joined atr. Lane said he wrote to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover community service and fra- tbd:lt the reYened framu in the eommissloo report, temal orga..,lzatloos, ~d aDd Mr. Hoover replied that Mr. Lane wa.s correct, that their bit when called on by the fram es were indeed labeled ineorrecUy, "through an their government; who --inadvertent error by the Warren Commission," struggled for a better com-:r~-Mr. Lane asked his audience, "How can you ftght munity and changed u from something as orpntz.ed as that!" a little fislling hamlet, sum- The mystery of the autopsy notes and material placed mer resort, to one ot the In the National ArchiYes has also plagued Mr. Lane. He finest residential, recrea. said that the original autopsy notes were burned. Why? tlonal and flnanda.J centers The autopsy physician ~s ezplained, "I never cooducted of the world. an autopsy on a president befon!." Brain tissue and We, the people, moored phOtos of the wounds were placed ln tbe Archives by the our Uttle dreamboats In town Kennedy famlly -to be seen only by authorized individuals. because we loved the oeean, These lJlchtded key autopsy photos, which could corroborate the bay,thecoves,palisades, or disprove the tbeory that the faW bullets came from the lslaods with a view o! the front, not from the Book Depository bulldtng lD the rear. mouofatDs lnlaDd. We fought Mr. Lane said that when tnqu[ry ns made at lbe Ateblves, to ellmtnate HWe houses he learned that the brain Ussue and photos are mlssiDg. of prostltutllxl. gambling 111 Mr. Lane called President Ford the greatest obstacle casinos aod bars, peddl1ng to reopenl.Dg tbe Kennedy usasstnatioo to public lnnstlga-of pot and marl)lana to tioo, sl.Dce Mr. Ford was a member of the Warren Com-mloors, a tun zone with mi&sloo and is com1litted to the support of the commission bonky took concessloos and ftndiDgs. games of chance. We were M:-. Lane recalled that Mr. Ford hld •ritteo a book, not tbe Jobnny ComeLatelys "Portrait of an assusi.D," based oo information gathered wbo came to town during the durtoc the Warren Commission investigation--a psychO-summer and Euter week logical study, Mr. Lane called it, Tbe manuscript was ncatioos to grab a bundle offered to boolt publl1bers, and rejected. Tben Congress-of cub &od in tbe ra.u hurry mao ford supplied additional lnformat1oo, a transcript to spend the money else- marked "top secret." taken from the Warrem Commls&ioo where Instead of helping to records, Thls became chapter one o! the ford book Wben buUd our town, Their in- U was n ... ny published. terest was oot to gtn to the When Gerald Ford appeared before tbe Senate Rules town to mate u better but Committee in 19'73 in connection with Ilia oom.l.Datloo as l.nst•d to take from the Ylce..prelident, be was asked about tbe book and wbetber ton I.Dd scamper away with :-1DY classtfied material had been J.ncladed lD tbe boot. the looL :. Genld Ford allftered U.t he did oot lise materla.l other 1 remember tbe beeUc :. thaD U.t which had been made aYailable to tbe public. Euler weeki 1D Balboa, the ··Mr. Lane said that be himself weot to the Natioaal Atehives summer crowds. weet-eod ;: to ut to see the documents used lD the Ford boot. He tn.tnc jams, tights, acel- ~ deoied access to the documents, because they were dents, aac1 arrellta; n.clDc ~411 marked "4--secret." -... ...,.. pollee eua. ambulanela, _-_ Later Genld Ford was to say, "I made a.n llladnrtent life ,._rd )~rep~, and .fin _-,rror wtteo 1 told the Senate committee that I bad Dot osed trucks with tlelr loudly -ur cluslfted material. I apolog:tr.e. '' plerclnc ll.reDa 1101mdtDC a -..... A.Dotblf obM:acle to a pubUc iDquJ.rJ ia Ca.Woroia Con-bad omta to .omeooe. Teen- ... rf'NAII.Ii PblliJp Bartoo, bead or the Democrat c&IJCUI, ·-.c.11 ud -.. 1D .. u _ .wbO bl8 been QDOted as saytng he would penoaally .top _... .... .....,a r-, ei'JiDI, Yellb:le, makfrlc -.aJ Javeltlptloa. truttc calli to b1.tl aDd ·-"I tDow doles of witnesses who can blow UU tii.J nlatlYes. Tbla. the attttDde ·bJCta." aJd Mr. LaDe. "I bell eve we are gettlat: ebl to of the tUttors was u.t a CCIIllreaionll tmestlpUoa. We started lD Ja-.ry to enrythl.ag coes 1D B&Jbol. -colltet aamu c. a petltioo asking for tbe (Dqu.lr)'. Now wbllre tbt •mmer I'8Dtlll mt.DJ memben of Cqreu bue qreed to IIIRJOrl tbt pro¥1Hd OIIIIOI'balttlH for petiHOD. 1 th.lnk you can eb&Dge Coacreumaa B•rtol's promlllcatty ud drtDtllc ,_ • .,. u t&eb ot J'OU would wru.. to b1m aad llll:rW blm that ruUttd a a bnalldoft 111ot llloro 10 a II._ f"ll.OC lor ._ ... lllo ID•alllp-of mon1a. -__ , __ , •'lro ,.,. lo -eredlblliiJ 1o pmomoot, l!lld H loaDd m)'allllllodllloolllo 11U to bocto wW1 lladloe oot lbo truth -~ lbo ~ booeb 11 lbo' t>ot c1 ftlll a• ' U.." 8tnet • till Pwtr Ala, a· Tlll tt91ut b' iDQU.Lry, .ttU.t '"CWJaa• pttlttaa to er.ort t!We.,.. ~ •1 tile CGICftF\ '' ts bt1aC etrcullltii:S bJ' tbt CW..a Com-llofae. 4 OIWd ot ON' ·-c1 ...,...,, 101 Zlld st. N. B., ............ D. C. 100,000 lllld -· l9 -101111. I-u lol ..... c tot 111o ..... oM Focllotr ' ........ lllo l!dl nprdla( lba doalll <II-111o -. I -llod 111o ,... F. ltlt•n••••trlr llln 1101---lo lllo Aloorlou ..... flllllo -ont 111o volleyball, or just walking along the beach, holding bands. I was enamoured with the picturesque setting and thOught: ''With each bit of sand oo the beach there is a love a!fatr. With each wave that rolls oo to shore there Is a broken heart." Yet, we the people, stayed in town the year around, kept fighting for improvements and better things. We made it what It Is today, At this time I would Uk.e to mention the name of Floyd Hemstreet, who was born oo September 12, 1890, ln Idly- wild, California, and 1n 1906 came to town to live witb his father, a dory fisher. man, at 118 24th Street. In 1909 Floyd was married to Grace Whiteside by a justice or the peace located on Me. Fadden Place at Central Ave. (BaJt)Oa Blv1.). next door to the hOme of John McMillan, who was with the city water department for many yea rs. Floyd helped to run the fel'ry from the Balboa Pavlllnn to Corona del Mar when Balboa Island was still a mud nat. He remembers taldng passengers on a 32 foot boat to the Palisades Hotel oo Seaview Ave. In Corona del Mar, which is stlll lD existence. It was operated by tbe late Etta Oldenburg and her husband William for the past 29 years. They came here from Germany and after speildlng a few years in New York came to Anaheim, where they OYOed and open. ted the Santa Ana Canyon Cafe, which in tbe earlterdllysofCalUornia was the home of the Mexican pioneer Peralta and which eootaJ.D.s one of the finest specimens of adobe con. struetlon In southern Cali- fornia. Floyd remembers the mules and the bean fteldl: in Newport Hetihts a1oa( the west bank of the Upper Bay and Corona del Mar a long the east bank of tbt Upper Bay, There was oo bridge across tbe bay untU 1931. Floyd recalls that wb• he was just a boy he heard folks tell about Ku KluKlu meetings held In a buildiDC near the Newport Pier, aDd on occasioos burniDtl: c rosses could be • Meo OD the cllU In Newport Helcb.ts. In 1928 S'loyd'statherdted and Floyd went to work with Los Angeles Water and Power as an auto macblnist. He worked there for the next 27-1/2 years untU his retirement. He and his wife, Grace, now Uve at 112 24th Street and are the owners of properties at 112, 116 and 118 24th Street. which have been repaired and re- modeled from ttme to time but are the original bomes. They tied their dream boat to the beach that they loved and !lave never left tt Uld In their own little way made their contributions to make Newport a better place tn which to live. The Hemstnets have a daughter, LucUle, who mar- ried Harry Martin, DOW I retired deputy nre chief of the Los Aageles fire depart. ment, resld.log in East Blutr, Tbe Martins have 2 cblldren: Wayne, a lieutenant com- mander oo active duty In tbe Mediternoean aboard the U.S,S. aircraft carrier For- restal; &Ddadaugbter,Juet, married to Lt.Cmdr.Gerold Elchef4 now on active duty on tbe u.s.s. destroyer Joba Kine. Mrs. ElebeD ls a teacber at Elbncla fdeb scbool, aDd tbe Elebeu r.ve giYeo tbe Hemltreell z gnol-cftl>lcliUdroo, Deb- orah aod Martta. ....... ·-..... _ ..... "Wo llnt<IICPIIIII!n!..__ "TED oo,IOwATDI, ._, .......... p 1 tza· e-; I•$ ..... oiiWJ.Mo-lsiillosio'I'PI .. , .. LMo ........... __ .... I .... a.. -........ "'--';,; ::..-:.-:-r:,., ......... ..,._,Loa ... ,,. , .. :1: .. C ...• ---.... ,... ...... _ .. _II? .::::•;....-.;.:, I • 21 _OJ, -.JII, .._ 7 Ill ?e ........ aJsoe 110 -. _..! ·· Pv I -. IIIII 17 .. 111 lllld., -... ,._aa,.... . . ' ' The Birch Log ' Questions ·For .Bilderbetgers _,_,._ ..._ondlloni>A_._ .. ,Ao¥ . ..,._,., II r 11 r,.._,, ,;::_ Tbt BUderbttltr• c:ens. Mite Houee aWe O...W l"...r.ld .., -apJatlariJwtbo...,_ • ..-Ia Aprii, IIIlo "",.· .. _c ___ c....,... -ot a ............ bololln C..., Tun.,. Aa David Rocb!aller, Woricl -I'Nolc!oat Rob-!*atw.,.....,.,_ ...... .-IUI!IUOiplhar. art 8. Mcllaman, Slala ~ olllciol '-,_ IIOmlwil ol tbo' l'!.ollorlanlla l,rth., "Jtutman. and -•W l'orolfn JOlley hoet.ed the «ec:lave, ·whoM unueuAI aame 1a advilot Gtorte Ball. Europti.DI lD att.eDclance dori_.-ltallud'a Holal de Bllderbera. the Included IIA")'O SeciytarJ o-at J-h .;teotthe ftnt meetina: in 1964. Lunt. Britain'• Deni• He1Jey and C.-.rvativ., Party Leader Mat~aret Thatcher, ,_ch S...O,·Ia Abeolu.w banker Edmond de Rothaehild, Ireland'• for. Bec:h year, reporten try in vain to find out eian Minister Gamtt Fit&&ertld, Jtaiy'1 Flet whit JC* 00 at theM heavily guarded gather-chieftain Giovanni AIJnelli, and German Parlia- iap c:l Western leaden. Various reportl filed ment member Klau1 von Donanyi. rrom Turkey by United Preu International and In recent yean~, Bilderberaer mHtlnp have othen only confirmed once •&•in that with-welcomed auch currently infiuential Americ.na Bilderberpn. teerecy it the order of every day. as President Gerald Ford, Vice Pre~ident Nei- UPI'• diapatehee 1t.ated: "Twenty-five TurltU!h son Rockefeller, Secretary of State Henry KiM- policemen with .Ub-machine guna IU&rded the in1er, industrialist Hen.>y Ford U, columni1t luzury vacation apot ... , A police tpokeeman Jamet Reston, Senatora HUJh Scott, Edward uid mother 60 plainclothee detectives •trolled Brooke, Jacob Javits, and Henry JacUon, and the pound, .... The participantl are bqund scorea more. Canada's Pierre Elliott Trudeau il In aeerec:y and evm their lpDUMtl are f'Jrbidden a Bilderberger veteran, Iii i.t Frence't VaJery to attend .... Appointment. promieed to Giacard d'Eataing, Germany'• Helmut newtmen were not kept and, in accordance with Schmidt. and Britain'11 Harold Wilton. the 8ilderbef1er traditio~. no ttatementt Were Some Ua.anawered Quntlont made to the preu." If the Bilderbercera met to diec:uaa "a chanae Prince. Bernhard hu alwaya lauched off any in the world-role of the United S.tatea," which it tugettion that Bilderberaer aecrecy makes the what Bernhard said they were doinl in J971 , meetiftp Juapect. The c:uatomary line that who appointed these internationeli11ta from all "privacy giw. .the participanta the liberty to over Europe to be the architects of U.S . forei111 tpeak their minda freely · · · .. was parroted at policy? If national soverei1nty continu• to be the recent meetilll •by Bernhard's Secretary eroded. why can't · the participentl at teeret General of the conference, Dutch Professor Bilderberger meetings be au11pected of cautin& Emat Ven der Beugel. We are evidently aup-it ? If the world's currencies continue to be posed to believe that a Bilderberger meeting i1 inflated and destroyed, who can prove that merely a hennleaa rap aeeAion among .some tht'&e men have not caused it? And if a aocialitt friendly ·people. Why then the 1ub-machine guna? Doea anyone aerioualy contend that the below-named individuals are not in fa ct the moven and ahaken of todey'1 world? "new world order" i11 being arranged, could not the Bilderbergera be in on the arrangin1? Tbe PutJeiputa Of the more than one hundred participants at thit year'• meetina, those identified included the utual oontin1ent of highly placed govern- ment officit.la, banbn, and butineumen rrom Private citi zens who meet behind cloeed doon can tell the world thai their meeting ia nobody else's business. But Bilderbergera 8ft hardly run-of-the-mill private citit.ena. What· ever transpire~~ at these meetinp 1hould be public knowlt'dge. Cnpyn11ht 1975 bJ 'TJw Johrt Birch Soc~ly FNlwn ward, BI;J1:rest. OVER 1400 OC GRADS More tbiD 1,400 students are caodldates for gradua- tion at Oruge Coast Cot ... lege's !7tb commencement. Graduation exercises will be held at 7:30 p.m. this Frt. day. June 13, tn LeBard Stadlam. Chancellor Norman E. Wataoa wW presed OCC'I IJUIJil outstaDdl!'\1 cltt&ea award. Gndlates wUl be preseuted by Dr. Robert B. Moon, prelideDt 9f ora.arce Coast Collece. and Dr. Jack A. Scott. d-.a or tnstruc- I!On. Commencemeat speaker wW be occ student Mark LJDd of NtwPOrt Beach, presJ.deat of OCC's Foren- sics Club. Tbe title of b1s speecb ls "E(l)catioa --for wbat?" VALEDICTORIANS at Corona del Mar htcb sc:bool are, rrom left. Don Attt.ar, 411 Vlsta Roma, lbe Blutrs; Ku• Maloaey. 32:00 Ocean Blvd., Coroaa del lhr, t.Dd Louis Raymoad, 915 Celtis, East Bluff. They are amq the 575 gndllatlng seniors. Ceremonies were held yes- terday lD the school's quad area. (Ensip pboto) For the 4th coosecutive year a special award wlll be preseuted to the out. staDdillc OCC l.Dstruetor. PHI BETA KAPPA STUDENTS NAMED STUDENTS WIN SUMMA HONORS Coonie Ann Holm of Co- sta Mea, btoJoclcal scl- eaces major, wtll be gradu- ated '"summa cum laude," wUh blgbest booor, at Satur- day's eommtocement at UC rm.e. Sllteeo )lllors aDd 60 Mapa cum laude cradu· seaion at UC lniDe have ates tnelode Mary KatberiM beet. elected to membersbfa> Emertclr: of Balboa, CharlH lD Phi Beta Kappa oD lhe Lionel Prtdooott aDd Valerle basi.? ofaeademicexeelleoc:e RaDCiolpll of Corona delMar, aDd breadth o1 ~eholuly ta-Nancy 9ahbe and Tbonta~ te-. Booc11eJ c1 N-rt Bet.eh, EIICUoa to tbe .. tkml Paal Grcwer lleGrttr and ARTHUR P. MOORE, Ylce- -· OOCIIIJDOrmallytaba Jadllh LJDD E .... POOOJ· prosldool IUid .-or ot plllee Ia lllo -· ,.... coot ol lniDo, Pblllfl> tilt H_.t c-otaeo Howner, a few oat•octt'll Knctr, Cuol c..-.eeTac-of Gr•t Wuten SI.YIIC• . ._..._ DIIJ bo -for ~ml l!lld L-YllrpD of IIMI Lola •--, ~" -. r,._:c'" ~ ~•-a--COlt& Mea. J -•ua-~ ..,..u -t1D1e to Mrte at ....,.r 4omlo . lllaYICiaota. -cum laude gndultoa Ia of a -1)' eoutruetOcl Now. "l.oc:al ... ._.. -..ned 1a I fleldl an Brtt Beraaf'd of port offlce. whlcr. _.,. oa t1111r jlllor ,_.. an Bor-Balboo lalsad, blslorJ 100 J-16 at eo N_.t boa I-Ud _ .. ,. . _. • .......,., l!lld ••• C~r Dri•• at Suo Nleo- of .. ~ 8ooelo udlaDJ ,..., E-b cl Coro. del las . Drln, Tbi f oloi'J' T ...... -I ~. bislo"1'udllbllooopbJ, ... -. OCiloo wiD~ C ._.~~~~·-ot t•v VOTE ,Ell nOM • .. _,..., ._.WIJ ot 10 c-, --.__ ..,. r.-........ Wide• 1u ......, ,., -,. fllioor IEINGOIICULATED "'"odlllo_,.,__,_ ~......, ~ no ~c..._ Doe-,mL llr.-lloon ClUJ, -IAoll al -f-llmYog la-...-ollllollu· ~.II!,.." ~-'t • • • -N , ...... L-Cl* ol .1100!-=-~··;-sU'= .. -............. .,_..._ ---............ _Ud_ ... Cult .. c-. ....... ., lao ,_ ...,: ._ • a a..~ lud"•1t ts.a.. ...... N "'I Pill_. .......... BI8L£ VERSE • Keep cool with CANVAS AWN IN GS Ooe\1t Itt t~ aun fPOII ~· MI'O tun . Shadlt with coloftUf C4ntu tor c:oo1 comtdl't . Cell ot eon'lt bv fot"frH Ntlrne-. 2202 SOUTH MAIM 56Mtt Barber Stylist FINP. DESIGNS M•n ~ wo,en ·c ..... ,. Notur&l Holr Cvttl"t 4Lk·IH OR APitOIHTMI!N 673• 5153 OPEH 8· 6. BOB'S TUES.thNSAT. PORT B~SHOP 2901 LCOA5THW'Y. COROH.\ DlL M.\R P IL JANI JOHNSON JIANII aiJSITT JOYCE M cV.AY HIATH!It fUitHA$ Zonta girls chosen The Zonta girls of the month for May were Intro- duced last month at the lun- cheon meeting of the New- port Harbor Zonta Club Ill the Senior CUlzens club- house. Here are the 4 hon- orees: • JANE ANN JOHNSON, 1868 Elba Circle, Costa Me- sa, ls PTSA representatlve for the senior class at Es- tanc ia high school and ls active ln GAA, CIF sports, vocal ensemble, dance pro- duction and school musicals. She has been a member of the Pep Club, AFS, SltlClub, Cutter's Crew and Ecology Club. She received the DAR award tn January and has won honors ln swimmtngand tennis. Other activities In- clude plano, ballet and tee skating. She hopes to try out for the "Up With People'' singing group and also would ll.lte to get into competitlVl' tennis. She plans to attend a liberal arts college Ill the east ln pursuit o!anelemen- tary teaching credential, • JEANLE LYNN BISSETT of 3109 Pierce Afe., Costa Mesa, is a member of the concert choir, CSF and nag team at Costa Mesa high school and has been active in the Girls League, drill team and Belcanto. She Is a member of t he Orange Coast OpUmlst Sansei bowl- lng league. She has received awards In business, Engllsh and vocational arts. Sbe will continue her studies Ill bust- ness at Orange Coast Col- lege, then transfer to Cal State Long Beach. • JOYCE McVAY of 1636 Anlta Lane, Harbor High- lands, ls senior represen- tative Cor the Gl rls League at Newport Harbor high school, also a Clagtwlrler and member of the Sltl Club, Other acUvltles have lllclud- ed the Anchorettes dance group, aqua show, Spanish Club, Movie Club, swimming Instruction and counseling. In 1974 she was fiagtwlrler or the year and prlllcess Ill the Miss Newport Beach con- test. She has done volunteer work Cor Red Cross, Falr- vlew State Hospital, United Fund and UNlCEF, She wUI attend Bryan College of Court Reporting In Los An- geles ln order to become a certUied shOrthand report- er for work Ill the )Jdlctal or legislative branch of the government. • HEATHER FURNAS of 2501 Blue Water Dr., Har- bor Vtew Hills, ls nce- presldnt of theScleDCe Club at Corona del Mar hlgfl school, member of the Cre- ative mapztne staff, CSF, AFS, Thespians, field ecol- ogy and music appreciation. She ha.s received awards ln science and math, and is lnvolved In Science Explorer scouting, hiking, swimming, art, poetry and ptaoo. She plans to attend Stanford as = =-========!!!!!!!!!l!!l a chemical engllleerlng maJ-or and hopes to go into medicine, specltically sur- eery, IU:TH E.,~~~. L IN E ~ I 'T8I8 TD SIAICif • • . IJ'I(tiiHnM ••• .............. l'H ..... llllldftrlutH ... ~u.. 110 1:1111 lll&Dy ~ ... HI*JalJJ to llarry .'" ... wbo padilated fl'om . btbtn C&l.tlmda Coll ... , and wUb h1l .U. JIDit bu left lor New Bnuwtet, N. J. He wl1l be &tteDdblc a MJD&.ry rtl.d$C 1M tbl mtnl.stry. Our tlloaetJb and belt wllbu co wUb tbeml • • • • • BollDle Mocter and Jerry Sblrar wUl be wed Oil Juoe 21 at st. ADdrew's Pretbyterlan Ct.Jreb. and w•t betore lut Jeuie May and CeeU Sblrar'• Saoday bi'UDCb broucht muy of tbelr tr1tDd.l to meet Boonte and ber ~Hilb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Moster of our ton. Jeuie May and CecU, alao daughter stella Sue. IIDod In Uoe to llltroduce tbe cuesta. Jesaie ... , looted llke a bride ber..U ID ber pale blat lk1rt wltb tbe band croebeted blou.le broapt to ber trom Flor- ence, Italy, by ber motber aome llme ago, "Unstudled" floral arra.acements were here and there, eacb wttb 411fereot Cowers but all the fiowers were wblte .•• beautttuli Plants cue a prdeo effect to tbe bayside deck, where we aw and 'f18tted with Fnn and Moseley Jones, )lit bact trom their cruise which toot them throucb tbe Panama Canal: Bewley and Carol Allc, VtrgiDia and Kugh Wrl(ht, MUUt and Ma rab Nledecker Myrna Sa1tJg (Ernie could DOt come), Jane ~ John Porter, JeJlllie and Dick Richard, Helen Clifford and Joe NobUa. Wanderlnc arouDd to the tamUy sitting room, we saw tbe Tom Evans, Francis Glockoers, Miss Jean Glassett wtth her deUghtfUl Brltish accent, Peggy Hakes so wum and frleoctly ••• we missed Clltford· more were Ferris and Bndlord Hovey' Lots and Jim Hl.Des Jr. an:t daughblr, Heather~ Betty (Mrs, Robert) Lang, Elberta (Mrs. Wendell) Jooes, tbe R?bert Littles, Sam Graves, and tbe Ronald L. Rogers. Others included Opal Mae and Ed Pellegrin, MUdred and Louts Turner, Nancy and Jack Caldwell • • • tun to •Lsit wlth ber as I hadn't seen ber Ill some time; Lucy and Don Woodward and Patrlcta aod Jack Groth, also Dr. a.nd Mrs. Thomas Doan. Judge ud Mts, Jessee Curtis, Supervisor Tom RUeyandwlteEmm'l Jane; Dr. an1 Mrs. Royal Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Scbolle, Artt.Jr Strock (Elleeo had a touch of the Ou), and of course the Robert Moslers. It was tun haVing each omelet made "to order'' With everything of just a bit of this and that ••• with crab 1D a yum1n}· sauce to lceep the omelet company, 'n fresh fruit blueberry coffee cake, and cl.nnamon bread ••• oooohl You've never seen more pleastrl expre.sslonsl But the01 the Sbtrars are past masters as host and oostess. • • • • • Lols and Jlm Hllles' sliver anniversary FOR HIM wu a trt.S. ud fllmllJ ~ Tbelr on t.mu, wttta ~ ud tMtr llmn».t QIUDb'!l'tDI 80IM 150. JinUalklu ftft t8c:Ud lD lml U poCMd pluU ud bl.ld deUYel'ed by the HtNr IOGI. Tbe Babia CorlDthlan Yacbt Clab wor• a..., look. DOt .uu a "Suday art.,... Ia the Oower prdeD" vltb cr.., 1Li1ltlbtty ud t:rt. ai"'UDd tbt room, plu pain of cloY .. (JD c:ac ..... of cour•l). TabJel rOU8d &DeS lbout and bucllDc tbe duee Door were ceDttred wttb a ~rtety of .Uver pieces boldiDc bouquets of IPrl.Dc bloaom•. IDtermtD(led wtth or- ch!da. peonies, clada ud c:aru.Uoas. ·•Over there" was a .. bxt table aod back a ways was an let cream .aDdu table. •here ooe could "baUd b.l.s or ber own." UDder the ,three tiered wtddiDc cab a amaU fountain sparkled u ll wtU.IpeHd wllbea for a happy eveoJnc w1tb more to come. Seated at tbt HIDes' table were members IJrtt' •J/ tit~ Harbor Ar~a' s largut assort"u"ts of of tbe Wtdd1.oc party from Pa•deoa and TJ'mex Watches lncluded Jeuit May &Dd CtcU Sh.lrar ••• Jesste May l.s Jim HIDes' Aster and was F ,. ... $9.95 ~~~a~~=~u;-H~~~!; .. i\~ Transistor Radios table of tbe )'OUDpr pests. Tbe sit-down Ret. $7.95. MOW $,._95 dJnner courses IDcblded tllree wllles ud the cake was •"ed 'fttb butter rum, cboco-PRISCitiPYIONI FIWD 7 DAYS A Will( late or baDaJ:Ia saace. M -..an • .. 7 IUteAYI Earlier Ill tbe seuoa_ Lots a.Dd Jim 'lad WI .em lett KawaU to meet Jeff returnlng from ~jiiiiiiii~lli,.i~asiowi,.~i· -i~,.i-iiiiit "round the Wllrld" w1tb Ch-apmz.n College ! tour. However, Jeff barely made tt to the celebratl.oo, eveo came d.lrect from the boat wltbout cbanglac bJ.s attire. Needless to say, be wu tbe ooly ooe In a safari sult • • • wblte tunter hat I.D his band. Amoog the pests di.DclDC to the BCYC trlo were an uncle ud aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Counts, San Clemeote; Genenl and Mrs. Curtis Lemay; Geaeraland Mrs. Owens; General (Supenlaor) and Mrs. RUey; also Mr. and Mra. Jolm Buty and daughter Jennlter (sl)e Is sweetr.rt of Sl(ma Chi at S.C.); Dr. and Mrs. Royal Tucker and daughters Joan and Kathie; the Kenneth Holloways and tbelr son and daughters· Dr. and Mrs. Tom Doan and thelr tbr~ daughters; the Geoe Robertso~s and their three sons. also the Ro'lert LltUes; Mr. and Mrs. W:llia.m Lebold, daughters Lisa aod Andrea. Yore ln 1tteodance were the Wllllam SchoUes, Bert CotrM, Ken Nelsoos Bud Warmlng1oo.s, Wally Crutteodeo, Judg~ and Mrs. t.tark Soden and chUdren Mary Ann aod t.lark. Judge J. E. T. and Mrs. Rutter and K)'DDe a.od Leu; the Charles Wheelers. Bradford Hoveys, Gloria and AI Ztgner; the WWlam Bonners and Brynne and Allss:a, the AI Auers and A\llsoo; Beth Koch; Stella and Jerry Shlrar and Bonnie Mosler. Plus aU tb-3 others! A real "family and trleods and tamilles" celebntloo of a silver anniversary! 20% off. , .. , .... ,, .. , .. ,..,.," 645-1313 540-6011 .....-=\ _,......,...... .. -----~ ---~ ...... Y .E.S . opens 2nd office $47,000 CONTRACT Stjpjack Boats lnc., 1763 COFFEE SHOP i CROH FROM FHHION ISLAND or 0 ' ( 4 0 •• A 1' ' ', I I • ' -· Y.E.S., YoutbEmployment Servlce, estabUsbed a Znd Harbor Area ofl1cethJsweek at the Boys Clu'> :.n East Bluff. The ongtoal omce at the Boys club a t 594 Center St. in Costa Mesa wUl still be in operation,· but executives of the vol- unteer age:1::y felt aoother office was needed to serve the CO"tlmrt:llty on the east slde or the !lay. Placeotla, Costa Mesa, has anJ temf'I)~Uy work. Job received a Nattonal Park coJ'lseun, Is avtllable. The Se"Lce coa.tract Ill tbe non .profit agen ~Y ls largely amount of $47,000 for tbrH supporte-:1 by United Way u.1 24-f.oot nberglass power dooaUoos from s9rvlce clubs boats to be used for patrol, throughout tbe area. Tbey search and rescue 00 Lake are anlious to list jobs which Mead at the National Recrea- young people can !aDdle and Uooal Area. are mallltallltnc sk1ll tues r::_::: ______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____, to m:ltch them wtth ):lOs. Oltlce hours for th~ sum- me r wUI be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. AU gtrls a.ld lOY> of th~ Harbor Area, from 14 to 22, are ell(tble to apply for part-time, fUll Ume Church News Although the number or tempora.ry ):lOs bas been fewer during tbe first 4 months of 1975, Y.E.S. st2- tlstics show 228 permanent jobs found for young people through AprU as compared to 217 ln the same period of 1974, In aU, 362 ):lOs were nlled during the rtrst 4 months of this year as compared to409fortbe same period last year. Y.E.S. ezpects between 5,000 and 6,000 applicants GROWTH'MTH SAVN:;S Nn"'" opt"n Tut'lda)" rhru ~alurJ•v "'''h a complerdy ,l!lf~rtm ,~.:ourmc-r menu rver)' ,.ttk of lht month /J~;o;;;, _p~N 1101 Jalftbot•• Roed Na•PO" 8e~ll. CallfOt"ta .....,....,,Oflt p ..... (71•) 144-1700 • THE HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa -- Tbe Rev. Duid Morken wUl cln the sermoo at tbe 8:30 and 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. SuD- day senices. A t:atber and son breakfast wlll be held at 8 a.m. tbJa Saturcil.y I.D tbe church tlrealde 100m. Fathers aod lOllS wUl com- pete I.D volleyball games. • PLYMOUTH CONGRE- GATIONAL CHURCH, 3Z62 Broad St., Newport Hel&ilts --"In a tamUy way" wUl be the sermon topic or u- soelate pastor Cal Stenaa at 10 a.m. Sunday. It wiD be a celebratloo .,r fathers I.Dd &lao weddtnc uai- Yerary Suoday hoooJillc couples woo ta•e been mar- ried 1D Plymoutb CbUrcb or by ooe of tbectarcbputora. TIM church putor, .lola l~~;;;§§§§§§i§lllllil LIMftll, l.s espected bact Dtlt WHk after I toar I.D J~PU and Korea, meetJac Yltb COIJCTeptlooa.l Cbrtst- laD cbarcbts. • THE NEWPORT HAR- BOR CHURCH OF RE- LIGIOUS SCIENCE, 541 C•- ter St!t Colb ..._ •• Tbe ReY. t;laDor I&C~· wW ~h •t 10 a.m. s.diaJ OD tbt tcplc, ''Wblt dote tbt miracle meu?" • LUTRERAJI CHURCH OF THB lUSTER. 1100 h.. edit V&tw Dr., Hutlor Vlw IUlll --8tP*1 UUS.-a,, tM 8adl1..,..... ..... ... bMD c:JIUied -.... _..,. from l<kiO ...... •• .... s..day aiiDol d pfJII will .at ... Clllr'· IIi tllil --· , .... ... .o .._. WUIIaeW.' ... 1:11 to a:• P-Ja .. ,.. ... ,..,,_ • Til .-r 8A.I'IWI' I~'CIIIICW 01 CIOI'I' A MilA. »raa.•._. .... -Ill' ..... u .... -·-... ........ ~ Combs wUl preach a ser- mon series oo "Whatever ~ ~ ~ 12 apostles?" The Sunday nlght theme w1U be "Tbe Book of Acts for today." Studies 1D the Book of Revelation will eootinue at the 9:45 a.m. Swlday school hour. L ICAL MOnCI flCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT thls summer, according to Carolyn SweetlaDd, execu- tive dire<:tor and the only locally paid employee or tbe Youth Employmeo.t S."lce. Retiring president Kay Kelly said, "We hope the openlng of a new omce in East Shalf wUl put us I.D a better poslUoo to sene the community as a woole -- the youngsters, employers and other restdeots. who )lst need an oceasioaa.l he lptng hl.od." LIGAL MOTICI Tbe following persons are doi.Dg busiDess as: Herold ' Herold dbl Holiday House Llquo'r, 2937 E. Coast Hwy., Corooa del Mar, Cal1t. 9%62.5: JobD T. Herold (partoersbtp), Z3742 Bar- qutlla. Mlscloa Viejo, Callt. NOTICE 91615; Charles A. Herold OF PUBLIC HEARING (putDer), 1-&37 Hlgl\land NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Orln, Sola.oa Beac h., Callt. EN tlat tbt Ctty CowacU o1 92075. tbe City ol Nwport S.cb TbtJ busiDess 1s coodUcted wlU bold a pabUc *r1Dc by • ctaera.J partnership. rerardlDc tbe appal ot Sap.d: JobD T. Herold. Michael ll Smltb from tbe TI.U •temtat wu ftled decl&loD of tbt P1uaa1Dc with ta. Coaaty Clerk olOr-Commlsaoa rrut111c Rt- IDP Coaty May 30, 1975, IUbdtytajoe No. 4M to J. S4639 Ray Coutractiml Compuy Publllb: JaDt 12, 19, Z6, tor er.tilc two ~la JGly a. 1975, lD tbt Nnport of la.Dd t»r r-Mulltlal de- Hut»r £uip. f -44SS9 Ytlopmllll Wllltn CM loloow iiMI • edsh at 401 fta.Ml Drl ... Ia_ "'!JCI oo u.. _..._ltarb aide ot I FIC11 tiOUS BUSIN~ Hue I OrlYe. .ort._.eriJ MAMa STAT!iMENT of Cc:aJI fU&WaJ eoro. n. JaO"'-per.. 1.1 d•=• Ma.r t.ot ~ 8toa a. ctoaj b .,. u: Cal. Tra-Tract 17 -.. LJ. 'el C11b, UIO •·~. D IIERUY f'liR- C.a ~Ca.. ... : PUrlJ TilER GIVIM u.t tM aid C. • •rn 6 A..,..lalM, lac. plbUc .._,... wUl be llllld (a CUIIInla OOIPGfttbU. 011 t111e lint c1a1 o1 "-' u. , _.....f'J, eo.ea tm. • ta~~ -.. o1 'l:JO 1111-, Ca. -. p.a. Ia tlllt C rr &• cau.. ftU l II at111 &I ~. ben ol Lilli CJtJ IliaD ol• eel W a.,...._ tall CitJ ol M.wpod ~ c.,. ....... ...., c......, It ftktl .... C. •••• • h utuu: ud ....,_ .., _. &.1 Pll'-._c.Ba••A.fr& ~-~~.~..,1_...-.r '*·' ......... --~-· .... C4lliiiltr a.t tiOr-taft ~ Ulll Ctlilltl ,_ I. lift. , CIIJ C1en . :N·p .-. aa. 'lt, .._ c., ., Jtewptla.u MJ ,I ........ =, ......... u. lfJI.Ila ....... , ............. tn .. FSI JC ~ HOME LOANS • LOCALLY YOURS You made poss1ble our substantially increased savings tnflow. Now, we want to return the favor. If you are contemplating selling buying or building a s1ngle family home. consult our Loan Officer abo~t new loan terms. and the advantages of securing your financing from the Association which has loyally served th1s and neighboring communities fOf .4() yeera. For friendly experttse and prompt, efficient service. depend on Orange County'a leading home loan lend«. ,OAT CANYON. aennett .,..,.,rv·· e»otin.l oil •••~ d~tftt. ~~· ~~a-d\ nwrine ~ ha "-" fiMttltvlly ~ LAGVNA IIEAOr-'" h,., ~ , .... a .. ·~~-·· ... .... tor trwmt,.. Meaable tar the ..... Ill ... Lei'"'• Fect•ret off ea.. ~ ~ •• ' ~ ' -. ~ , ~ ,• '. '· :: .. :: :· :: •. :· :· :· :· ·: ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ' 0 0 ' ' Auction at art show Mariners Mile plan ok'd "Vlalt the masters," ao loteroatioll21 art exhlbiUon aDd aucUoo, wut be held at Balboa Yacht Club, 1801 Bayside Dr., Corona del Yar, this Friday evening, June 13, Commodore aDd Mrs. Ken Rossi.Dd Mr. and Mrs. Jack McClarty, entertalomeot chairmen, invite members and guests to vtew ·the more than 250 oils and graphics that wtu be offered in auc- Uon. The auctioneer wtu be M. R. Diamond, until re- cently a top TV comedy writer for Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Jaclde Gleason, Jobooy Caraon and others. Tbe ret:JWldlllg plans for tbe burnecS..out Mariners Mile block on W, Coast HYJ, 1n Newport Beacb were ap- proved by tbe City Planniog Comml.ssloo Last TbrJrsday olgbt, The !-story structure is planned to trootoo botbCoast H·"f. and tbe park!Dg lot to the north and ll"'OIDD! a cea. ... tnt piau. EJteut•• taad- scaptnc, MCCIQd floor pr ... deos, &lttlng ll'elS, a bay watcb tower and tbe ue of oatunl cedar sidJDg, anti- QUed copper roofs, brich.c: ... ceots lJld special deslroed lightlng wtll be used to create a marine oriented atmos- COUNCIL SUMMARY MOOtlay DJcbt's meeting of the Newport Beach City CouncU acted on the follow- log agenda Uems: • THE BLUFFS addition, approved 2 weeks earlier for 14 housing lmlts, was coo- firmed at tbat ~r; de- spite efforts by the developer to get a new heartog on tbe previous decis1on. • CITY BUIXiET .,..._s tentatively approved, but the budget hearing was r:.oo- Unued to the June 23 meet- log, when employee wage negotiations might be com- pleted and employee costs for tbe fiscal year starting Jllly 1 may be known. • REVENUE ordina.oces were passed, increasing lees lor real estate development, certain business permits, and harbor u.3es. • BICYCLES wlll stU! be restricted from all side- walks, except those that wUJ be specUiclllly poste.J lor bike riding, and tbe Council voted to add other side- w.a.lks later by resolutloo. • SANTA ANA RIVER Greeobelt Commission, made up of cities a1oog the river, got a new member as the CouncU voted 5-2 to appoint a represeotatlve to tbe Comm!.ssioo on June 23. • BUS SERVICE, to ruo continuously along Coast Hwy., was requested from tbe orange COUDty TransJ District. become part of tbe Balboa Island llghllng d.lstrlct, • DOVER-COAST HWY. tratnc signal changes were approved, with Urst-phase changes to include 4 new electronic traftic controller designed to improve tn.ntc now through the intersec- tloo. • VACANT PARKING lot on Mariners Mile, jist west ot the Arebes, reeommeoded by the Newport Harbor Cbamber of Commerce as a public pa.rlr.lng lot to help alleviate summer parlr.lng problems, will be studied by tile city ott-street park- log committee. • MORE JETS at Orange County airport were pro .. tested by the CouncU, whicb decided to write the Airport Commission protesting plans to allow prln.te, quieter ~ts to use the field after regular jet curfew hours. • NE W CENSORSHIP leg· islatlon, proposed by State Senator Dennis Carpenter, got CouncU support. The leg- tslatloo would establish state1ride standards for Judging what Is obsceoe, • SCHOOL PRJPERTY owned by the city at Fifth aDd Marguerite in Corona "del Mar. which ls scbeduled for eventual development as a city senior ciUzeo center, will be leased to private loterests ~mtU the city gets ready to develop the center, pbert, aecordlltc to wu.oo Wooctmaa IDd A.uoc., a.rebJ- tect.l lbr tile plaa. Tile Ulllled CalUomta BUlk wtU reblllld at tbecor- aer ol RinraJde IDd Coast ""'·· &d)lC«<I to the bul'lled sUe. Tile .... block, to be called "JlarlDers Mile Square," ww -ol24,500 ... ft. rrocmd floor space, wt.tb tbe upper floor deck ot 11,750 -a. ft. tor offtces and sbops with froots oo a treiUsed &Dd landscaped bolrdn.lk. Estimated eonstntcUoo cost has beeD placed at $900,000. Previous tenants wlll oc- cupy most of the ground noor space. Ground-break- ing 1s scbUiled for Sep- tember, wltb tbegn.ndopeo- I.Dg date ol Feb. 1, 1976. INSURANCE FIRM REcEIVES KUDOS In recocnttloo of outstlnd- lng acbienmeot 1D the in- surance field, Pete Rabbitt or Ltdo Isle and Tuck Rab- bitt of Newport Beach, owners or Rabbitt Insurance Agency, Costa Mesa, wUI be guests of tl'le member com- panies or Farmers losuraoce Group June 15-18 at tts Topper Club convention in Las Vegas. Pete repeated hts 1973 record by being top OYer-all producer ln Orange County tor Farmers Insurance ln tire, commerc1al and auto insurance. He was also third hJgbest producer out of 800 ageots ln the Nevada, Ari- zona and Southern Callfornla region. Tuck, wbo has been u ageat stnee 1958, has con- sistently been a hl(b pro- ducer for rarmers aDd woo tbe 1974 commercial masters award for excel- lence 1D commercial lnsur- u ce. • BANK or NE WPORT was given permission to build a bank with a drive- in window at the corner of Lafayette and 3200 in Can- nery v.;llage, Big trees bow to view • ANNEXATION of a small area of Spyglass H111s next to San Joaquin R•!ser - voir was approved. • BAY AVE. street Hght- ing plan lor Balboa was okayed, and tbe area wW ~~~:;-";!! ~ Dial 546-269~ -' .1'--. . I COfiY CENTEit DUCKFUT riMS IIASKS · SMORII:I!LS · FLDA TS KICK IOAIIDS SP I! I! DO SWill SUITS SWill IARII!LL SETS- Harbor Vtew Huts rest .. dents have decided they pre- fer oceao vlew.s over large trees, Only 8 or about 150 members of the Harbor VIew H1lls Community AsSil, sa.id they don't want the neus trees along tbelr streets cut bact to improYeocean views, accord.lng to presldeot James Blakemore. Tbe board of directors, at the suggestloo of city parts otftcials, agreed earlier this year to r.ve tbe street trees severely trimmed, lf a sign1tlcant oumber or residents didn't object, ••We sent a notice to all of our members, and 8 re.ponded ""!~~;::~ Blakemore ADIDAS • _SI'OT IlL T COLDRID ILI!IVII!IIITI • MITTS · GLDVIS . IATTIMGliiLIIITI -· SICATI!OA!ft • WH!!h!.. A:XILI· l'YSI WIUOM • IIUIILOI' YDMIX • IAIICIOPT Tennis .... nl&:ht's homeowner board meetinc wUI probably de- cide to DOtlfY City Hall im- mediately to cut back all of tbe trees. Cal stewart, city parks, beaebes and recreation di- rector, said tbe severe trim .. mtoe wUl make the trees loot bad for a year, but tbat they wUI loot tbe same as DOW, ac~ smaller, in tuture years. LEGAL SECREURIES WILL MEET JUME 18 OnDge County Harbor Area Legal Secretaries Assn. YUI meet WedDesday, June 18, at tbe Holiday 1nn. 31st Bristol, Costa Mesa. Social boar at 6:30 p.m. wUI be followed by dtnner at 7 p.m. Mn. Jobo Wal.lgren, newly installed president, wtll coo- duct the meeting and guest speaker wut be attorney Colleen M. Cla.lre, dis- ! easstnc on com muotty property laws. DR. JOHN KERN N EW HEART ASSN. HEAD Dr. JobD C. Kem otDoYer Sbont, Dft'IJ electedprut. d..t. u.:.Deed U. ebUp ol tile ..... ot !be Onap c_, Rout Aao. to tbo Allluteu Rout Aao., Or· .... C-C-r, II tile Ull _.-at tile -11ot.11, Nnport c-. SPURLOCK IS V.P. Tile boon! ot dlteelo•a ol ........ Ia ... 111111 Lou • ..,.....,... -.6 .. lllo ~"'­I. IJIIi10Ck tit ,._ ,....._ .-.117 ..... _ ... _ ...................... • ,.... .... .-s_ ..... --. ...... ....... , ...... .-.. • 7'$ ..... ,..., .... lcML& ·MMIID 10 USC COIP .... -~'*-.,....,._ ... _ ~---... .. Coli, I' 1 ..... -.. , ..... -'-c-. 0 BUDGET AT S2Q MIUION A I'«<I'd ~ bOdctt of $U,tli,OIO, p1u uy &a1 ralaoo •ocotlatod ID comlac WMkl lor elty tmploJMI, wu ct•ea ttDtaUteapproftl lloodly by the Nnport BMcb City couoeu. Tbe bud(et ca.l.ls tor DO cbl.nce In the city property tu: nte, but antlciiJ&I:81 a 8 per cent )J mp in assessed n.lues. Included in the budget, wllicb wUl covem city apeod- lns from July 1 unW June SO of oe:rt y•r, art: • LIDO ISLE bike and pedestrtan bridge, to eost $50,000. • WEST NEWPORT PARK along Coe.st Hwy,, at a cost of $259,000. • UTTER CONTROL prognm costtnc $8,000, in· stead of a much more ex- pensive prognm originally proposed. • PARAMEDIC service, costing $90,865. • TRAFFIC engineer as- sistant to be pald $16,625 to assist Trame Eog1neer Btu Darnell. • MARINE SAFETY OF'- FICER, With a $23,990 sal- ary, to be added to the Ma- rine Dept. Salary negotiations now under way w1th city em .. ployees could end in pay raises that would push the budget well over $20 mlllion. City spending fort~ cur- rent year ending this mooth wm be about $19.8 mlllion, according to ctty nnance di- rector George PaJJplls. That's $800,000 more than the $18.1 milHon budget ap- proved last June. Ameod· ments to the budget during the year drove up the total spending. Biggest spending foe ill this year's budget talks proved to be Balboa Island Councilman Paul Ryckoff. He argued successfully against a bigger srnndlllg program on Iuter control, and was the loDe oppo1 ... :nt of adding a marine safety officer, an assistant tralfic engineer, the $50,000 Lido Isle bridge, aDd tbe $259,000 West New .. port parlr.. Final ontcial approval of the budget is set for the June 23 City Council meet- Ing, MRS. RENA SOGN OF C.M. DIES AT AGE 72 Rena Sogn, ?2, of Costa Mesa, who died June 7 at Hoa.g hospital, was burled Tuesday In Pacutc View memorial parlr., Harbor View Hills. Mrs. Sogn, a 12-year local resident, was a native of Mtssoart. She ls survived by her sister, LWia..n Os- boroe, of Costa Mesa . Serrices were conducted at Bell-Broadny ehapel In Costa Mesa by Chaplaln James Cottoo. Cited again in burglary A barclarJ IUII*t out OG b&.U oa cbarres U.t bi broke lll.to Zweber's Coroaa del Mar Pbarmacy Jut moatb was plcted upaplnbypollce oo Friday and elltrled wltb breaki.Dc Into tbe ame store last December, "We believe be's also re- spoaslble tor a third bufJ· J.ary at Zweber's, aod we're lovestlptln( U.~" Newport Det. Mike Sullln.o sa.Id yes- terday. lo Orange County Jail on 2 charges of burgluy Is Chris Vincent Fnser, 26, who gave pollee a Laguna Beach address, but whose mother is believed to Uve 1n Corona del Mar. According to pollee, Fraser broke ln through a roof vent at the drug store at 3301 E. Coast Hwy. last December and stole re- stricte:t drugs. He was t1rst arrested on May 23 after the store bad been burglarl..r.ed the previous night. Pollee said they found Fraser's w:..net and ident:t.ncatlon ill the store. Dt>tectlve Sullivan Silld a check of fingerprints tateo alter the December burglary led to Fn.ser's re-arrest tor that brea lr.-tn. "We think there's a pos ... siblllty that Fn.ser was In- volved in a third Zweber's b;:-eak-ln, plus about 6others around the coonty durlng the past 6 months." said Det. Sullivan. SPEAKER IS FOUNDER OF WORLD MINISTRY Dr. Paula Boyer, fouoder and ··prUideut · till World ' Ministry. ·.Juteraatloaal. wllJ spea.t at tbe Jtme 11 meet- Ina Of tie Orance COUDty Chapter of-Executives' Sec- retaries. The meetlog wlll be held at the Balboa Bay Club, with no-host cocktails at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Reservations may be made by calllng Mrs. Peggy Michel at 99'1-1300, SWIM PROGRAM TO START SOON ,U OC Orange Coast College be .. giDs itsa.nnualsummer swim program June 16 In the OCC pool. ClasseswUlmettUon- day tbrougb F-J '"'riDe 4 two-weet seuioos, Fees are $4 per studeD.t per ..... skxl. Toddler cluaes (S yea."rs old) are priced at $8, A WARD WINNERS at tbe clos!Dg meettnc of tbe Ta\_~J Club of Newport Harbor included, left to r\(tlt, ~rs. Frant Sloper and Mrs. LeoD Rudd, botb lODe time nsi- dents ol Newport Beacll, who received the cold md.lllcm keys; and Mrs, Floyd Scott, a charter mtmbtr, wbo receiYed tbe bJ&hell booor, lbe laclrel award. Mrs. Scott bU become well krloYD u u artUt ud 111 cur- ren.Uy H"iD& tbe cblb u art awreciaUoo ebaJ.rmao. I I I ... Ul fS REPORT I I I · Unit sales, through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors, totalled 371 in May. · 3,339 listings were pro- c~.~~~ . 4~t:~11$,.}!,'1~ ,. !i~t. _ 5 months of : .:9t OJ .of wWu.ch 48% were sold. 7.8%. of, the sales were _co-Operative! List your property with a Realtor. , ..... 11 •·• 1 1 11 I 1 .1 I I I I • a souTH consrr • MUSKETEERS . St~"l RACQ(Il!L I'E!L CH & OLIVPR Rl!.P.D no COMPL BTl! SHOWS 7:00 aDd 9:00 .. • ,. .... ,.., COITAMDA UWII1 A bOot c:oaa~ tM ...... * ......... ... ~ s.eta wtll be •· l1IW ua ......... , ., u.. ST. lOCBAEL'S PUP SCWOOL 1M l•llllry. oo El Toro Rold. Wtl1 pn1.e IU -.1 IIIUft1 Jau 15 to ce!erate tbe 15tta 11udnnarJ ol U. ........ Fo~ m&IS at 11 a.m., ptt ~ diDDir1 wW be sened uDW 8 p.m. Pleturtd lbioft, all Ill to die tM barbecue pit, an S.. LttbJaac, at 11ft._.,..,.. Ud Mr1. George La.blai'C of 8ala eo.e., ad .tid I'Utlar, lOll of Col. aDd Mr1. Gto .... B. Putllr Oflllftor View HWs. There wUl be ~ ~ taehlcUDc world re- DOWDICS ctreu.........,... Dismissll Former Newport ._eb butDea nc... -.••t.or Stao Htnebberc wtiJ 10 .,._ fore tbe ctty Ctnl Serriee Board Jae zo to plead u appea~ or b1l c~~a~nUa~ trom tbecltylld. slated CJtJ attorDeJ Deluds o•- ltttl Nfl&led tbllweet that till cltJ laa llired b1s for- m• ......... O.Ykt Baade, u ~~ In tbe ease. Mr. Blrabera ts repre- ....a.d bJ a Los Aoceles law Jlrm wbicb taod.le4 elty t~ee auoctatloo eases. clty'l atftclal ble...., ... , eommutee. Lei stetr---. cbatnDaD ol tbe commta.ee, aJd his rroGP ll 1ooldDr tor coo- tnbutort to the book, aDd for IIJOUC)n to belp de- tray pablleatloa costa. "Tbll boot wW be a pletoJ1al euay ol tbe peo- ple, places, IDd eYeaU tbat ban lbapld tbt cttJ," Mr. StefteDHD ald. ''lt wW be · a pldl to local Ja.nctmaru, a ealeadar ofneotl bfeele- bratloa of tbe btceoteDDia.l, and pr.Ttously UJIPibUsbed pbotoe wW be featured.'' Mlcb&el McFaddeo wtll edit tbe book, and lt will be proclleed ID cooperatioo wltb Bard)' Roue pabltea- ttona. Companies, 1Ddtvtduals and orpD.Iutioos which sponsor tbe boot wttb dona- tlons of $%00 or more wUl be credited In tbe boot aod wW get 100 copies of the pubUe~:Uon, .accordlDc to Mr. Steffensen. Tbe boot wlll be sold to the reoerat publlc for $2.95 per copy.AUmlted number of bard-bound, first edition copies w1ll be avail- able at $10 each. Anyone wtshlllc to become a sponsor or to cootrlbute information or historical pbotos m2y call committee member Marla Morgan at 644-3213. ANNABELLE QUIGLEY admoatJtlu .A.lfNd Lilt,._ Ill a ICeDe trom "Blltbt 8ptrtt" at tbe 1...-lbalt.ClD Play- boule. Tbe comedy, wrttt.D bJ Noel Coftrd. ll dlrec:ted by PaU Tambelltn1. CartaiD t11H ll 1:10 p.m. Tuoday throucb Saturday, caaUmiiDC tbroap Juae 21. Lead1Dc rolu are played by AUa.a JcxaM, MJa1e Cluton and PaU TambeUlDI. Tickets may be raentd by ea1l1Dg tbe box offtce at 949-0743 after 1 o.m. Ten nisi action on 26 courts Teonl.s buffs lD Newport Beach wtll Jan Z6 pabUc cocaru anllable at 6 loca- tions in tbe etty for opea play this summer. A lilt of coo rts and a scbedule of hours were publtsbed tb1s weelt by tbe city Parks, Beaches aDd Recreation Dept. The llst shows Z courts each at Las Areoas park, Mariners park and the COM Community Youth Center, 4 at San Joaquln HUls park. and 8 each at Newport Har- bor and Corona del Mar high schools . Twelve of the courts are Hghted tor night play. Only the San Joaquin Hills park and Community Youth Cen- ter courts have oo lights • Lu U... and Mariners patb bi.Ye colD-aettnted liPb co.t1Dg 25~ per balf boar. Other JJchted courts are tree. Posted rules at each court cootrol length of use and player prJortty metbods. At tbe new San Joaquin HUls courts ID Harbor View Hllls, a self-reserntloo system ls beiag tested, wb.tcb may later be applied to all clty publlc courts. Players place their rackets on a reservation board. Tlme Umtt 1s one bour, aDd players change exactly on tbe boor. Exact sc~es for each court are anilable by ca ll- tog tbe PBR Dept. at 673- 3180 before Jtme 9 and 640- 22'71 after that date. TYLENOL 100 Tablets. For the millions who should not take aspirin. t Reg. $2.98 .t) i' · .~ WED.·SUII. IIIHTS llelinn"-1:00 P.M. KMI'i · You may not join the Army to get a college education, but it may end up that way. Mr. lllnellberJ wu tired last Oetaber from bt.s jOb u a ltoek clerk. Ht llad beeo cSemoUcl to tllat posWoo a yar arUer, WbtD tda City Ball ...,.msors aid be llad troablt deaiiDc with tbtpub- Uc &I baiiDNS Ueeut 1U - t>ent.or. Monday Dtgbt, tbe ClYU Semce Bclud ..t tbe Jane 20 btariDc date ud alao establUbld JUDe 18 II tile date a,r tut~aer ..u .. , MUSIC MOBILE VIII1S SCHOOLS Tbe IDClllC mobUe, a gayly decorated ftD complete with ctoctats, mastcal lDstru- meall, aucUo-vlsual aids, ud lteno equtpmeot, las been makiJ'C ttl debat 1D loea1 tltiHIIItary ICbools. College isn't the only plaCe to continue )VUreducation. Last year alone, 90,000 young men and women earned college credits while serving in the Army. And the Army paid up to 75% of the tuition. And now, through the Anny,s newest educational program, Project Ahead, you can enlist in the Army and start college at the same time. Oil Mr. llitletlller'l deme-u.. Lut o.c.mbtr, tM board recoml'Oftdtd tiiM be be re-bind u llceue •-pent.or, bat City Muacer :=::.. .. ~-frpledtllaf. Tbe clefDotiOD aDd tbe dll- mlsal lie Mill; ..... • z....,...~ lUttel's. FILET MfGNON $3.45 Per ..--Futurina:----. CHAMPAGNE & STEAK (FOR 2) S7.95 •=• ... . •30 te 11:00 P.IIIL Se• Food-A-Bob • S2.45 Per Steak-A-Bob • $2.45 Per 209 P•l• A••· (At tlae '-"') ....... , ............. ,.,. ... ct. 675-1774 Wbcce the Elite Meet to Eat! : .... 11tl0 P.M.· MM TM ........,.. ol tbe tour 11 ~ ltt:to&lce tbe music mobOt to ttb:ators and Phllllumootc IIJili)Orters In <>rue• Coaaty, to attract a•t.w»nal doceats, and to p&ot* uantM doceatl with u adaliD-aervtc:etn.Jn111g ~ • tbat tbly wtll be --.r ......,..c! to ba.Ddle t._ ncala.r scbldule next faD. T* blue aod white nn 11 cJI8Ipel2 to proride addJ- Ucal mutcal le&l'll1Dc ex- .,.,.__ to chlldreo In tbe tbiH pade. A 30 minute 1.-illoat tbt orcbestra 't.s pn..ted by 2 docents n-om tbe Women's Com- mttt.es or tbe Pbllbarmooic Soc let,. WORK IS BEGUN AT MEW CXX..LEGE SITE Coutnactioo bu btpD in Orance County for a new 4 year f..DdtpadeDt lDIUtu- U. or JdPir leanliDIII:Down &I Cllrllt CoUtee lnme • GJ"GGIDD)nak1Dc cenmooles for tbt pllbllc taft bteD .. ... 4 p.m. t.b1l SaDdly, J-1. 0. a bWeap US-acre ate aeu UC lrYtDe, Cbrllt Col- liP 1m. II belllc ballt after 10 JIUS ol blteslYe 111 a a _., tM Llltben.D Clla'ell --Ml.uolrt $pod. . n. .aster pJu IDcbldes ~ ......... lor .... .mat ...oaam.t oU,OOOilwllatl. 8UI eJaY~.tloa wm be a»t- • --by ttll COMtnctb ot u.. ... ltUDIIJI c.ter at a eo~~· ot $1J lldlllctl. Tat ca...-ll apeeted to .-to fnlh m• atadent1 ........ ber.l971. For more information, see your local Army Representatjve. You'll find the address in the Yellow Pages under "Recruiting~' Or callB00-523-5000 toll free. In Pa., call BOO-362-5696. ' • ' " ... HCI-M41Aattll , 't11-IM'0LII. MIMM. Day Mbdatry . ,..., _,.. -,._ ....,.,. S. ·~·IHI) ... ..,.. "' a ..... -. looB-C-.1-IlU INIWT ...,..,~...,.. u • ONtt ..UW .... .,..... .,.....,.,_ Ht wu wu..t Itt ae-""'-8-,._.-.,,._,..,_ ~t A..n..k ~~ t/ eM ~t Ml/ ., .. ,. ...,..,..t .. ,..., ....... , •Md (ob. .,...,.., .....,..,.. "' ... 1.,. U•i&H .Seoth Gold .. Te•: lib "''"'"" -"'-(Lulto 4:16). -, -~~~. -•w ,._ b""""' .,, ad, • "'"' "" /111 I ... 0t1 llw -<lq, ad IIOotl ., trw tliH.f .,., .... w ....u.r ,..... •*' JIIOJ*-~ tM Untt .... ..._, if'GU." 2""Aie .._.... .,_. PWblt.Md uo trwc .. E. A. K . Htw:btt f• Fm Wo~. /lwfW.u, n. 1101. 'M oses' mother, Jochebed, wae a elave. ~ had to work in the · brickyards or labor in the ftelda. Bt!fore going to work ahe had to choose eome hidin• plaee for her infant child, and she put his sitter Miriam on guard to watch for the soldier& of Pharaoh, who were seek- ing everywhere to murder the Jew- ish rriale children. For three months Jochebed kept him hidden, possibly finding a new hiding place every few daya_ It ia hard to imagine anythin&' more diffi- cult to hide than a healthy, growing baby. Now that he had grown laraer and more fuJI of life, a more secure hiding place had to be found. I can imagine the mother giving up her rest and sleep to prepare an ark for the saving of her child. I believe the plans must have been formulated in heaven. God must have been &8 much interested in that work as waa the mother of Moses, for you can't make me believe that an event so important as that and so far-reaching in its results ever happened by luck or chance. And I can imagine the last night that baby was in the home. The house was guarded so carefully that not a soldier of Pharaoh ever crossed the threshold. At dawn the mother must have kisaed her baby good-bye, placed him in the ark and hid him among the reeds and rushes and with an aching h~rt turned' back again to ~he brickyards to labor, and to watt to see what God would do. She had done her prayerful best, and when you have done that you can bank on it that God will not fail you. Ph_araoh's daughter came down to the water and discovered the ark and-" aent one of her maida to fetch it. The ark was brought, and with feminine curiosity the daughter of Pharaoh had to look into it to see what was there. When they removed the cover, th~re_lay a strong, healthy ~bl':l \>!>¥. ,~il:lupg op pia heela and sucRtn&. h'W1 tliufnb. The baby looked up and began to cry, ahd those tears blotted out all that was against the child and gave it a chance for life. The tears of that baby were the jewels with which Israel was ran- sor_ned from Egyptian bondage. The pnncess had a woman's heart and when a woman's heart and a ~by's tears meet, something happens that gives t he devil cold feet. Faithful sister Miriam saw the heart of the princess reflected in her face. Mi· riam said to her, "Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you?" And the princess said, "Go." magazine and ~aid: "One of these c r~stals, . only as la rge as a pin pomt, will give a distinguishable green hue to 16 hogsheads of water." There is power enough in a word o~ act to blight a boy, and through h1m to curse a community. There is power enough in a word or act to tincture the life of a child so t hat it w ill beco me a power to lift the world to J esus Christ. The mother s will put in motion'-' influences that will touch either. belJ.or bef.ven. Tell me, where did M'oee& R'et his faith? From his mother. Where did Moses get his backbone to say, "I won't be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter ?" He got it from his mother. Where did Moses get ti•e nerve to say, "Excuse me, please," to the pleasu res of Egypt? From h is mother. Moses was learned in all the wisdom of Egypt, but that didn't give him a swelled head. When God wants to throw a world out into space he is not concerned about it. The first mile that wo rld takes set- tles its course for eternity. When God throws a child out into the world he is mighty anxious that it get a right start. You get the boys and gi rls started right and the devil will hang crepe on his door, bank I can see Miriam's little feet and legs fly as she runs down the hot dusty. road. Her mother must hav~ seen her coming a mile away, and she_ ran to meet her, and in a little ~h1le s he had her baby put back Into her arms and was being paid Egyptian gold to take care of her own baby. See how the Lord does things? Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Now you take this child and nurse it for me, and I will pay you your wages." A mother's work is the greatest in the world. In its far-reaching im- portance it is transcendently above everything in the universe -her task in molding hearU and lives and shaping character. If you want to find greatness don't go to the throne ; go to the cradle. Moses was a chosen vessel of the Lord and God Q. Why did God alay all the flrat· born Egyptian• when the Egyptian people had no con- trol ower Pharaoh'a declalon not to allow the laraelltea to leave hla country? his fires , and hell will be "for rent." There is a mighty power in a mother's hand, a mother's kiss, a mothe r's smile, a mother's song, a mother's love. There is power in a mother's truse God says, "Take this child and raise it for me." Not for pleasure. "For me." Not for the world. "For me." Not for soc iety. "For me." Not for business. "For me." Not for politics. ''For me." Not for the sa- loon. "For me." Not for the brothel. "For me." Not for infidelity. "For me." Not to marry someone who has money and no morals. "For me." And then what? "I will pay you your wages.'' Don't be afraid women. God's bank never breaks: The cashier doesn't run away with the money. God pays a good mother as no one else can pay her. The mother of Moses is still drawing pay. J ochebed's name is just as bright on God's payroll today as it was on J;>haraoh's, and she will keep on drawmg pay throughout eternity. "Take the child and nurse it for me, and I will pay you your wag98." If you haven't been doing that, then get your name on God's payroll. God pays in joy that is fireproof, famine- proof and deviJ.proof. ., . Questions answered by Gleason L Archer, Jr. wanted him to get the ritrht kind of A start, so he gave him a good mother. When one young man I know . joined a church, the preacher e There is no way asked him : "What wu it I said for nations to be dealt with that induced you to be a Chri&tian ?" other than on a collective ba- oath by repeated actR of per- jury and to ~et at defiance the almighty Lord of the un i- verse, there could be no re- ~ult other than the final dreadful plague of which Mose~ had forewarned. By the terms of this judgment eve r y first-born mal e t hroughout Egypt, whether man or beast, was to lose hill life, even as all previous nine plagues had affected the en. tire population of t he Nile Valley. was the way my mother lived." I bound up with the govern- 1.1 :.. o;:.,.o~f~:!:; -IJ' of '-wldJ lpiCill attenUon ro ,. mlahtY deodo. 11m M II · avttable to quott thrJ rem~rta of a derout Ouiltl&D. tchokr and writer: "•"'Jhe two lf•t mllllll Whk:h Jeaaa used tn Ill work. at~d wbkh created .IIJdl attention and enthualum. were Ilia Mirada one! flo 1'1-achJoc. Perbapt Ilia mlndes exdted lht ..- attentkm. We are roJd how the new. of t.h'e Rnt one which Ht wrou&flt in C.pemaum spread Ute wtldnre throuah the town, and brouaht crowd• about the houte where He wu; and whlnner He performed 1 new one of extraordiMI:l. character. the excitement srew lntC!ftle -.nd the rumor of It spread on "ery . hand. When, for tnll:ance, Ht nm cured leprOIJ, lhe .-mallput fonn of bodily dioeue in Paleotin<, the amazement of the people knew no bounds. It wu the aame when He tint overcame a caae of poiiHUon; and wben He railed to life tho widow'• 10n at Nlin, there eniUed a tort of a:upor of fear foDowed by ddiahted wonder and tile talk of thow.nda of torwun. AU Galilee was for 1 time In motion with tho crowdina of the diJeued of e-tery dncrlphon who oould walk or touer to be ncar flm, and with compania of anxioua frlench carryina on bcdl and couches thoae who could not come themtelvet. The llrtets of the vlllaaes and towns were lined with the rietims of disease u HiJ beni&nant fitu.re pused by . 'The mifllcles of Je.ua. taken altopther, were of two claaes -thox wroucht on -man, and those wrou&bt in the sphere of external nature, IUch as the tUJ1linc of water into wine, 1dUi.na the tempest, and multiplying the loaves. The former were by far the more numerous. They conrilted chleny of curn of ditcaae 1011 or more maliJRUlt, auch as lameness, blindn011, deafness, palsy, leprosy, and so forth. He fJesusJ appears to ha~e varied very much His mode of actina, for reatoru which we can acarcely explain. Sometimes He uled meana, IUch u 1 touch, or the layjnc of moiJtentd clay on the part, or orderina the p11ient to wuh in water. At other times He healed without 1ny mearu, and occasion&Uy even at 1 distance. Besides the~e bodily cures, He dealt with the dbeues of the mind : These xem to have been peculiarly prevalent in f'lllnUne at the time, and to haft excited the utmott terror. They were ~lined to be accompanied by the entrance of demons into the poor lmbecUe or ravina victiml, and thil idc:. was only too true. The nwt whom Je~~.~s cured amona the tombs in the country of the Gadarena wu 1 frtahtful example of this claJI of d.beue; and the picture or him littlna at the feet or !.... clothed anlf in hb rilhl mind, show. wllll an effect lifo kind, -Ina . and authoritative pmeoce bad on minds 10 dittracted. ""But the molt extnordioary or the mirlcla of leau upon mu: were the ilutaneet in which He rUed the d•d to life. They were not frequent, but ,.tu..Uy produced "" overwlttlmfnc impretdon whenner they occuned. lbe mb-adeo of the oJhe, dul -lhoM on external nature -were o( the same lnexpllclble d..tptlon. Some of flo an• or mmtal d.Mue, 11 ltand.Uie by them•lYes, nUahJ be KQ)Uftted (or by the influence of a pOwerful natur• on a tro.ubled m1nc1 ; and Ia the •nw way lOme of lfio bodily c:uret mllftt be accounted for by His Jn.Ouenctn,; tbe body lhrouah lhe mind. lui ou<h t miracle u waJkina on the tempea&UCKU .. .. utterly beyond the reach or natural explanation" (cf. Jam. Stalktr, .,.. L/1< of /au Olrln, -and .... ..... 1,!109, pp. 60-62). Said the young man : "It waa noth-sis. The fortunes of the clti-0 ing that I ever heard you say -it t.e n s of any coun try are tell you, an ounce of example out-ment that guides their na· e How co u 1 d weigh& forty million ton& of advice. tional policy. whether that M o 1 e 1 h 1 v 1 What inference may we draw from tbis? Does the in- sertion of an obituary in the final work of any author im· ply that he was not truly the author of the main text of that book? Before me lies a copy of Roland de Vawr:'s ex. cellent volume. Arcltaeologv a11d the Dead Sea Scroll8. This is a revised English edition of the Schweich Lec- tures he delivered at Oxford in 1959, publiohed by the Ox- ford Univer&ity Preu in 1973. On PAl" vi ill a brief foreword 11iped by Kathleen Kenyon, which opens with the worda, "It is u.d that Roland de Vaux did not live to see the tran&Jation of hia Schwefeb Lectures appear.'' 1"'lle C.. of tM D m •c The mother of Moses did more government be a democracy, wrftten the nrat t1we boob of for· the world than all the king3 of party dictatorship or mon-the Bible when the fifth book, Egypt had ever done. To teach a archy. A wise and suceesaful DeuteronoMy, report• hla child to love the truth and hate a lie, government pa.~es on it8 (Moaee') burial In an un- to love purity and hate vice, i& benefit to aU of its citizenry, known grave? ,rreater than inventln• a flying ma-as when its armed forces de-A chine that will take JOU to the North feat an invading host on the Pole, or to the moon. Unconeciou.aly battlefield. JOU aet In motion inftuencet that will A foolish or wicked arov-• Obviously Moses eftbtr damn the old unlvene or bleu ernment. like that of King did not write in advance the It, and brine new world.o out of Aha• in the d.o)'1 of laalah aeeount of hlo own death. m-and tranlfonn them for God. the prophet brinp dl ... ter Tbe 12 VOnM ••-t --~,·tute ,J !mow that II a mother yoor d dl ~-· ll "~ ~~· This, t~en, Ia a kind of In -Mirk 1:21 -2&,... ...,., -Mel they obituary notice wbi~h fe ap-went 11tto Clptrft~Qm;. and •nllhtw'IY ponded to the mala text of .., the llbbath dty he t11tmd loto the the ,book. Ia other termlnal .,._, 11111 tauihl. And t1ioy - worko produced by famous ttlo...,. 11 hfl doetrtno: for ho t...,.t authol'll the obltu..,. a_,. thool · ••·t ~· ho...._ •-• u the laot ebapter In the . ., ---1111 "'''-ooc book. Oft.n that obituary 11 • tloo ..,.,., A11t1 lhon -to ..,. not olcned. --• maa with • -.. oplrit; So II fa with Deutero...,, ad • orfod 0111, •" 1M • -; the ftnal work .Qmpooott h1 -...,. ,.. to do wllh tlooo, ~ M-UDder tho laoplralloD 1-. ol ,...,..., .t ~ -to of God. IliA ao no roopoMI--..oy oo? I -t1ooo w1oo ._.,. .t ble atodont of literature tloo -Oooo ot a.. w ~ woald tbfnt of hnpa.IJifDI ,,. W .... ..,.... ~ _. - the autheDJfdtJ of Dr. tie · ., -,. ot 1J1oL Alltl .._ o. Vaux'a Yol•-olaplr bo-nf -W 1om ....... .._, eaa .. of tho obit .. .., Ia--1 '-' -. .. -,. 111 ..._ v.,_ 21-28 or""' Blbll<al ttXI (d. Luke 4:)1-37) comtHute • po"'ftph whlch. ....,... Ul an KCOunt of our Lord'• ftnc appear~~~U u a pracher in the _.,. al Copomtum l! dty on the nordlwaltrn tbore, of thi St. of Galliee), one! tllo oft mllftl)' work He performed 11 the dole of lit NrmOft. Both ~... ......,. one! the minlde produced • profoilod lmpresalott upon the CTOW<I; and the lmpreulon produced ill each cue wU the tinpmdoft of a,lltorlty. At the dote of the -.noa 'they were uton.ilhed.' Mark tella Ul; Yor He tt"'h• Jhom u htwq •tllorlry, one! oot u the ...., ... {v. 12, R.V.). ltbea they •w the demoniac rettored to telf-poueulon., 'they wer• aU ~ ...... aytoa, What il thil? a new teeehloa! With •utltorlty He comrnandeth .-..n the unclean apirits, tnd they obey IBm' (v. 27, R.V.) ... At a word from Him 'the unclean spirit, tea:rina him and crying with a loud '«)Ice, came oUt of him' (v. 26, R.V.). If the sermon re\'Uled Him as the Authoritative Teacher, the miracle . revealed Him as the Almi6#tty Drlherer. He hu authority over every evil spirit. He can break nery ch.t.in of evil. He can reloue every prboner in Satan's bondage held. '11Us il a revelation every whit as welcome u the former . For m~n il not limply in the dark, and lonp to see; he is bound, and wants to be freed . Thia double upect" of Ouis1'1 authority euctly meeta our human need. Our two peat dal.rea II& these: certitude in the realm of truth , and tklhomznce from the thraldom of eril. Men erne' to know; they want certitude; they loft8 to be sure. And to them Quilt presents Himself as the Truth, God's Everla.stina Yea, the 11\SWer to all their questioning. And they crave to be dr/Wrrwd. And to them Quill presents Himself 11 One who hu authority over every unclean lpirit. Doel a man cry in his bilter bondaae, 'Who shall deliver me'? We can llli'Ner with the apostle, 'Thanks be to Cod, which givt:th . us the victory throu&h our Lord J~ Cllrist' {1 Cor. IS :S7)" {<f. 1. D. loneo, "The Gospel Aocotdifts to St. Mart" In A .Dodlionol Corn~M~~tary, 19 13 , Vol. I, pp. 35 , 37 . )8). T'he Healio.a of Simon's Wife's Mother ln Mark 1:29-31 we read : "And forthwith, when they were come out of the syn~&ogue, they entered into the house or Simon and Andrew , with Jamoa and John. But-Smon's wife's mother lay lick of 1 fever, and anon they tell hJm of her. And he came and took her by the hand , and lifted her up; and Immediately the fever left her, 1nd the mlniltered unto them .~' Verte~ 29-3 1 detcribe the healina of Simon '• wife's mother in the Oty of Capemauro. See abo Matthew 8:14, IS; Luke 4 :38, 39 ... Le•vinc the S)'n~~tJ~Ue , Jesut went home with Simon Ptter, tccompl.llied by lames and John . Peter and Andrew kept hoUte toaethet, and not only the wife of the former but her mother at.> t~tal an Inmate of the dweliint. On their arrival !hey found thlt the elder woman hid been stricken by the dqdly malaria to prevalent on the marthy lhora of the Sa of GaiUee . The arWous frienda appealed to Jm11, aftd He approtc:had the couch and reb'*.S. tile ft'ftl', ""a u He afteTWardl rebUked the Ytindt aod the WIY'III on the ttorm-tOIIId Uke, and, pupina the aafTerer•a hand, railed her up. 1be cure wu lnltantaneoua and complete. As the atorm -* to rett at tis word and 1 .... , c:tbn ..-wllhout the fona, <ollfna -wltldl II -•• to follow the 1Ubtl6dtnc. of a lempeit, m the at.lll'llllllt of U.e f ......... followed by no I~ oonnletcenc:e. She arote In run ttr-.ah and .-uned her domeadt orne... 1..,. abode for the remainder of thai dty under ,..,.,\ roof. Indeed 11 wouJd -.n that HI Jodted there ever tft-willie Ho oojoumed .. CaptrftiWII. 'lbl ••tefuJ inmatet oo,.tr.--· .,. tloo beatdlctlon of· Hit pr•ttnce wat theit ample ,._,.,... {cf. Doftd lmilh, .,.. Doyt of Rb FW, 9th td, 1911, p. 110~ 'hit 'S 'utM-.r .. Mort I::Jl-34 wo nod: "Aocl t1 ..-., .._ tM .. dW Mt, they b..,..td1.eG ............. dRnnf, .............. po•••• wtdt ~ ,AIId • u. ... , -pdimd t en .. it .._ ._,._ Alltl 11o 11oo1ot1 .., ... -*l of ...... d~ Ill, ... ---·-; .. ...,.,., wot1t lo oft.n dlacouraginc lt'o try-an au-upon • It& lUI>-DouW'olloiiiJ'Uatoanobitu-1 It' h ble d ft ' to Jeeta reaardleao of penonal aey written by a friend and ~ 1 um • an _, JOU merit. So it wu with Ep-pt contemporary of blo, poooi- to lulcnlfteanl.. Your "'!"ri~ In )(....,• day Tho conoe-bl1 Joohua, the 110n of Nun. tean and~ an aU hfddim from quaneeo of the deelalono Joohualo mentioned In U :t . tho world-I bow that. I know, made bJ Pharaoh and hlo Under the JUldance and io- mothen, lila~ worlr ofttlmee C!ourt were blndlllf 11po11 all ll>lratloll of tile Bob' S,trlt, -_,. and a -~-·of the people. Thi'OIII'hout' thea., "loobaa ~•lbly a~ -ll'ind-aot the -b'~-·1 r-r· oorWd "" Dr. x."'':l.:: w ...... -• I I .. doabeo,......_..bo "-' , • • u to 1111 11 •'sssr21 llltM Jllll ._ .. n.r rJ--'ow, -............. ··=-...,. ~ .......... . ----.,...,. llt;le .. w..,., ..... I -_..... pe~~ded all •PPNI*Iatl .... -to ..,; '""" it. -wen ftnt Ol'pDIMCI ord of tile c!Uth alld barial Bat "-1 A -.,t a friend oa the tri!W level, ft baa· of hil re........t -· aad o1 .me ...,...._ 11o had been 110. framed tho oloqomt -~­.,... ,_-o::.., ~A~ . Tis• when EDPt'o ldni um with whleb tbe boot dlddecl to break. hf1 .aoilmQ cloJII: •· . -' ~· '> • I , .. , ''I • • • ·~ ........ , ., .,_ .......... --· ....... -Mni-l....a.wlafll'fll • .... .. .. 1 .. IDTofthoboOboftho .... VI fA .. _.. = tatooeb, allli}'lr n tile -.. -=:lla. *' Jn ll<lalld el tha olll~'1 ...... · 1111 ... Ill II • JIA 11 • ...... oiJ)ot• 1 !1$1&. ....... .....a. • ,, -.. r-t I '·All..-. .... ~---· ,.. .... o..,..,...,.,_~~y, 0 ...... _,.....,._1 0~ ... ,., ...... ....,!"' • • rh6;1 ... J ' JtOfk!l 10 CRIIftOII To aJI onebw• ud JD· till .. ... ... of LcMd.le WU.., IIIIA-.'-- WU..., u. Mn. a.eu. I'U: n. ........... .,.. ad.., • tuknpt oa a ,.. • ._ tlJed bJ w oa IIU'Cl U. lt'7S, It a. ol"dend Md DatSee a. btre- bJ py-.: JllJ 11, l f75 .. n...t u tbtlattdaJioraJJDcob- jletJou to ~ cti.eblqe ot tbe tuknlpt. IDd tbe lilt dl1 fOr 1IUII a eompl&IDt to ct ... rmllle the 41ecblrp. ab.LUty of auy debt purlaiJI& to s.ctloa 17c(Z)ottbe Buk- "DtcJ Act. lA order to blYe b1a elalm &J.Jowect 10 that be mar lblre 1D lDJ dlltribuUoD from tbe estate, 1 ered.ltor must rue a elatm, Wbltbtr or not be ta IDel.s.d ID tM Uat of endJtora meet bJ tbe bank- npt. Claima •htcb an DOt IUect wttblD 6 IDCIIItU after Aprtl 11, 1975 wtll DOt be allowed, UC4Pt u otbenrta proYicMd bJ Ia•. A claim may ·~ ftled oo u offtelal form pruc:l1bect for a pf'OOf of claim to LJDD J. Olllartt, Bu~ey Jqe, UDltect statu Dlltrtct Court for tbe Nortben ot.trietotCaUfor- Dta, 450 GoldtD Gate AYeaue, Su Fraocl8co, CA 1D tbe aeUoo of Louise WU100, Baukrqpt, No 3-'15-429, s.s. No. 5U...f8-1599. Dated: May 12, 19'15. LYNN J . GILLARD Bukruptcy Jqe 753193 PubUsh: May 22, 29, Jtme 5, 12, 19'15, in the Newport Harbor Enstcn. LIG4&; MOnCI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe foUowtoe persons are dolnc bus iness as: Raocbo Murieta MobUe Home vu. lage Company, 1201 North Harbor Boulevard, Saota Ana, CaWomJ.a 92703: R. Allen Lowe, 5347 Applall Way, Loog Beach, Califor. nla 90803; Daniel L. Evans, 109 Mira Adelante, San Cle- mente, California 92672. This business is conduct- ed by a Umited partnership. Sl(nect: R. Allen Lcrtre, Daniel L. Evans, General Partners. This statement was ftled with the County Clerk ofOr- ange Coanty May 1&, 19'15. Publlsh: May !2, 29, June 5, 12, 19'15, In tbe Ntw"pOrt Harbor Ensip. FU869 FUe No. 1829 · LIGAL MOnca FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tht followt.Qg persons are dotng business as: VIsion Quest Art GaUery & Studio, 400 w. Coast Htehway, New- port Beach 92660: Dorothy C. GUcrest,l358Sussex Ln., Ne1rp0rt Beach 92660: Oaolel E. Cllcrest,1358Sussex Ln., Newport Beach 92660. Tbls bualness 1s cooduct- td by a general partnership. Sipect; Dorothy C. Cllcrest. This statemiDl 1r11 IUect •itb tbe Coanty Clerk ofOr- ance County May 16, 19'15. Publlab: May 22, 29, Juoe 5, 12, 19'15, Ill the Newport Harbor Eoslp. F43877 LI!GAL Monel! SUMMONS Case Number 167389 MUNICIPAL COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SAN JOSE-MILPITAS JUDICIAL omTRICT ZOO West HedcStJII Street, San Jose, c alUol"'lta 9511 o PlaiDWI(a): Wack Tnteks, Inc., a Del11rtre eorpc ra- tion. Defeodant(s): c lltrord WUUams, Wllllam Russell, F 1rtt Doe. Seeoad Doe II Black COD11JU)'. To tbe DtftDctaot(s): A elY II compla1Dt bU ~ fUtd by tbt plaiDtU(s) aplnat you. U you wtA to cs.food tilts law.ult. J'OII m11t flle lD tllJs eoart I wrltttD pl•ct- lnc lD l'eiiPOD,. to ~com­ plalDt (or a wrltteo or oral pl•diJic. if a Jutice Court) wlttwl 30 dl,a after Ud.a Ammooa Ll aened oa yoa. Otbenra., you cl*llt 1r1U .,. IDtered 01 IIJPllcatiCII by tile plaiDW(•) ad .... cout IUJ tllttra ~etacalut J011 lor tbe lltOM1 or otber reUtf ....,....ad 18 tbl cona- plat.Dt. u ,. ..... to ... tbt adYke of u 1fto1MJ lD tlllt ...., ,.,. .. ld do .0 ~-tliat,aTJ*ad• .... tl UJ, ., be ftW ...... DUid: ... 17, lf7 .. 1.1. ,..:aa..ca.n. BJIIII*I.*•'•a. .; .. ;:,· c-...... LW.- -.M¥1& .,." ..................... Ca Mill. iii ...... . 811(1)., A 2 at .'?? ......... .... ~·=-: ... ...... LIGAL MOTICI . FICTITIOUS BUsnttss NAME STATEMENT Tbe followtac per800.1 are ctotD& boltDusu: Tbe Haod- craftera, 9612 HamlltGD, IC -2, Huottngt.oo Bell. Calli, 9Ze.te: Br1an F. o•ilean, KSZ Ha.mUtoo, fC .2, HIIDt-t.actoo Bch.._ CalU. 92646; Sberyl D. -O'Meara. 9aZ Hamlltca. fC.Z, RUDttDgtoo Bcb., Calli. 92646. Tbls bustDess 1s eoodacted bJ a geoeral putnersblp. Slpect: Bria.D o•Wet.ra. Tbls statemeat ftl rued •Ltb the County Clerk ofOr- ange COUDty oo May 2'7, 19'15, Publish: May 29, June 5, 12, 19, 1975, 1n tbe Newport Harbor Enslgn. F -44184 LIGAL MOT1CI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe following persoos are doing business as: Trl Coun- ty Trenclllng, 17!'-4 E. Bor- chard, Santa Ana, Ca. 92'705: George Tant SmUh, 3017 Country Lo., Visalia, Ca. 93277; Matthew Jay Kroooa, 24602 O.erlake, El Toro, CaUl. 92630. This business 1s cooduct- ect by an unincorporated u- soclatlon other than a part- nersb.lp. Signed: George T. Smith. Tbls statement was tued with the County Clerk ofOr- a.nge County May 14, 1975. Publish: May 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19'75, Ill the Newport Harbor Ensign. F43787 LIG4L MOTICI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persoo ls doing business as: Rosty's, 2466 E. FeDder Ave., Ful- lerton: LaVonne A. )l(c. Culloqgb, 8556 Daleo, Dow .. y. Ca. 90242. Thil business is cooducted by an lndlvldual. Signed: LaVonne A. Mc- Cullough. This statement was rued with the County Cle:-lt otOr- ange County Ma\ 2, J 975. 3335(1 Publlsb: May 29, June 5, 12, 19, 1975, In the Newport Harbor Eoslgn. F -43446 LIG4L MOnel FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persoo ts dotnc business as: Carriage Saddlery, 145 E. l8tb St., Costa Mua, Cal. 9262'1: Ray C. MUton, 890 w. 15tb St., Newport Beacb, CaW. 92660. This business is oooduct. ed by an lAdJvtcMl. Signed: Ray C. MUtoo. Tills statemeot ns tued wlth t~ County Clerk ofOr- aoce County June 2, 19'15. Publish; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 1975, In t~ Newport Karbor Ensign. F44350 LdALMOTICI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE WENT The followlnc pereons are dolnc busloess IS: Best Car- pet Barplns, 600 H. MaiD St., Santa Ana, CaW. 92'101: Rose L. EmerUnc, 2348 Port Duroess, N"J)Ort BeA-ch. Cal. 92660; Thomas P. Emtrl1Dg, 1348 Port Du- oeu, Ne-wport Belch, Cal., 92660. Tbls ~IDessts coodUc:tect by a geoeraJ partnersblp. Slped! ROM L. Emerl.llc. Tills statement wu fUed •ltb tbe County Clert ol OftlliP Coaot)' May 19,19'75. Mllab: JUDe 5, 11, 19, If, lt'75, ID tbl Newport Hutor Eulp. F4U$! L;IGAL M01tCI ROBERT H. PYU IIU jollied Lq1ma Federal Say. tDc• Ud Lau Aul. u MGJor ucrow omeer, Mia Lorna WW1, prestctent, an- oouoeea. Wr. Pyte, wbo .w ba'ft h1s blldQIIIrt.rs at the Lacaa Btacb bome olftee, wu •lth But of America from 1950 to 19&3 IDd wttb World Sutocs u eertUled sea.Jor eacrow omeer, 1965 to 19'15. Rta boU>tes tnelocte rat.tnc IDd 1bow1J1c sCaodard pooctle1 and orchlct growing. LIGM.MO'nCI FICTlTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The foUowtuc persoo Is ctot.ag business as: Pacltlc Property Care, 15700 Irene Way, Westminster, Cali- fornia 92683: Tony Nlllle.z, ·15'100 lreoe Way, West- minster, California 9Z683. Tills bur.iness Is conducted by an lncuvlal. Sl(ned: Tooy Nunez. This atatemeot 1r1s tued with tbe County Clerk otOr- aoge COWlty May 8, 19'15. Attorney of Bank or Acent: Charles G. Ewald, 11363 Santa Monica BlYd., Los Angeles, Caillomia 90025, (Z13) 477 .5534. 33678 Publish; May 29, June 5, 1Z, 19, 19'15, 1.n the Newport Harbor Ensign. F43639 LIGAL MOnel 33111 FICTITIOUS BUSlNESS NAME STATEMENT The toUowl.og person ts doing business as: R. Brooks ' Associates, 174e1 Irvine BlYct.. Tu.sttn, CalUonia. 92680: Roger Raymoad Brooks, 9272 Parliament Ave., Westminster, Califor- nl.a 92683. Ttlts business ls cooduct- td by an lndlvidual, Sigoect: Racer Brooks. This ltatm110t wu Wed •ltb tbe County Clerk otOr- aoge County May 1, 19'15. Publish: May 22, 29, June 5. 12, 19'75, Ill the Newport Hatbor Ensign. F 43406 LIGAL MOnel FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The follo'lftnc persons a~ doing bustness as: Cruls1Dg OUtfitters, 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacb, Ca. 9266~ Dwight Helreodt, Z602 Newport, Newport Be h., Cal- U. 92660; Jobn F. Bowman, ta59 CU.tl Dr., Lacuna Be~cb, Ca. 9Z651. · Tills business 1.s cooduct- ed bJ a ceoeral partnership. Slgned: Jobll F. Bo1rm.a.n.. This statement ns ftlect •Lth tbe County Clerk ofOr- ~qe County May 16, 19'15. Pobltsb: May zt, Z9, June 5, 12, 1975, In tbe Newport Harbor EnsJcn. F438'7t LIGAL HOT1C:~ 33115 F1CTITIOUS BUSINESS . NAME STATEMENT The foUo•lnc penon is dotna business as: Mr ' Ws H~ir Affair, 134 Ma1n st., Seal Beach, Calli. 90740: Priscilla June Luoctcren, 22'7 13th St ., Seal BM~b. Calif. 90740. This business 1.s cooctQct. ect by aJI tndJYidUal. Slpecl: PrlseUll June LuDctcrea.. Tbla statemeat ,.. lUed •lth the County CJtr' otOr- aqe County ~r. SO, 1f7S. Publiart May 22, 19, Jme 5, 1!, 1975, 1n tbe Nnport HIJt)or Ena,n. F4UM Llc.AL MCmCI . ; r , -' · 0 I t • ( · t' 1 '. • 1 1 r ~ (J II L L u ( J 1 : IE.WO«f ....... PWUIMED 1-PMEJ • UTUDAY.t..!AY 14 A pair ., ~ ._...lin ....... frola • c:Jiy au.. 'I'Ud jltf' ...,_. at IIOl a.,..._ c.. .w Mar, W•-• p.m. MaJ a ud 10 ..... ..., u ... WU1iaiD •u.. ......,,, .. •. Cout BWJ ., lfa.rtDen Milt• wu c:larpd db bGt ID- tolk::&W ID pllbUc at Wub- .... Ud E. Oetu Proet, Balboa. at 11:40 p.m •••• Abold $155 worth ot potted plaata nr. Jtol• bom 1D froat of l.oiiUe Kemp'• bomt at 215 Pearl, Balboa laJaDd. betlrMD 8 p.m. Way S IDd 8 a.m. Way 14 • • • While Mlebol&s Mastrocola left hb $150 t.Jeseope In tbe trout Jlrd ot bJs bOrne at 726 Bl.eoo, Eut Btutr, from 9: SO to 9:45p.m., alter 'flew- Inc tM lllDU ecUpse, .ome- ooe stole the teletleope. • SUNDAY, WAY 25 W Ultam BI'O'Inl. Z03 E. Bay Front. a.Iboa IslaDd, reported tbat I $500 SI!Jp- to-sbore ractJo ft.l stolen from bls boat at b1s prt~te L!GAL Monee ----~---~.~~==~--- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe foUowtDg persoo ls doing business u: Rocer's Realty, 2737 East Coast Hlgbway, Corooa del Mar 92625: Charles Nell Mc- Kinooo, 432-1/2 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del War Ca. 92625. This business Is eooducted by an 1Dd1 rtctual. Signed: Charles Nell Mc- Klnoon. This statement was filed •ttb tbe COUDty Clerk QfOr. ange County June 6, 19'15. Publlsb: June 12, 19, 26, July 3, 19'15, In tbe Newport Harbor Eo..stgn. F -44534 LEGAL NOnCE FICTITIOUS BUSlNESS NAME STATEMENT The foJlowtng persoo is doina business as: (1) Or. ange County FalrSwapMeet, (2) Or:lDge County Snp Meet, 88 Fair Drlve, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626: Tel Ptltl Enterprises, IDe. (Call- ·tomia -State of Incorpora- tion), 1670 Santa Ana AYe., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627. This business ls cooducted by a corporation. Corporat.loo Name: Tel Phil Enterprises, Inc., Tbomas 0 . Pbllllps. Pres. Thls state ... eot was rued with the County Clert of Or. aace CouDty June 5, 19'15. Publlsh: June 12, 19, 26, July 3, 19'15. Ill tbe Newport Harbor EnsJgn. F -44488 LEGAL NOTIC-E --NOTICE OF SALE To creditors of Cyrano Newport, Ltd., transferor: Please take Notice that you and each of yoo are, pursuant to Sectloo 6105 and 6107 of tbe Uniform Com. merclal Code, HEREBY NO- TIFIED as follows: 1. The Transferor, Cy. rano Newport, Ltd., ls about to transfer to the under- signed Slrous Modtrlll Jam- shid K. Kosselnz.adeh, Transferee, In bulk. all or a substantial part of the materials, SUJ1Pl1es, mer- cba_Ddis., equipment, ftx. tures and other Inventor y of the said transferor now located at 600 D Newport Center Drive, Newport Bnch, California. 2. Tile names and busi- ness address.s at this tlmt- of the transferor and the tranaferH are: TRANSFEROR: Cyrano Newport, Ltd., 600 D New. port Ceoter Drive, New . port Beach, California. TRANSFEREE: Slrous Wod1rl, 1314 Hemlock Way, Suta Ana. Cal.tfornia 90274; Jamshid It Hosseln.Udeh. 34165 Daoa Stn.od Road, DaDa Point. Call.fornla. All otber busbts.s names t.Dd actdreaes used by t~ t.rauterol' wt.WD the t~ ,.,. lut put. so far a.s Dowa to U. tn.uferee, are u follows: Holle other thln Cyl'UO'a. •• Tbe loc:at.loll and ltD· tral dlscrq,noa ol ~be prop- erty to bt tnuftrred ls: A Rtllturaat-DinMr Houu loc:at4ld at &00 0 N...-port c-.r Drf'ft, N"IJOrt a.e-. Cal.li:)naJL 4. 1M blllt truster Is to bt CCIUI1DIDI-*1 at tbt of- fie• 01 ~ Stat. Ea • c:rcw, llle. loeaad at ColdtD StMt 18Cift, IDe... »55 Via lJI1D, "-"Port S.~b. Calt- lllnll..•ordlrl.-11, tm .... ..-.... .,_ .. ,.,..._ 11J ABC of 1M ~ t1 .._ U..Or U- o-. • .. .... (IIIII'- r 1 rttn ee IIUp bltw .. Mar U llld May " • , • A lt'70 ~ UtD WU Ito&. ,_ abe .....,. at Damoa a.s.r .. •• ~.. 1511 lutJaco, no.u horee, be- t. .. I p.m. a.Dd t:SO p.m~, aa.r tbt ktr ,.. reporttctlJ left lD u . . . RooaJd Eaceoe O.Duan'a, !8, ot 109 Palm, BaJboe.. wu arreRect at WalD ud Balboa BJYd., Balboa, at ll:fO p.m. IDct cbarced •Ub realdmttal burclary ••• Le .. tt St.w, 30. 'll 1560 Plletntla, West Side, waa ct.rced wlth beLDc lntol.l- eated tn pubUc at 7:45 p.m. ~t 4507 W. Coast Hwy ., West Newport. • WONDAY, MAY 26 DanJeJ Jonathan Clar~. 21, ol tbe Plne Knot Mottl on Coast H•y., ns ctarced •Ub publlc lntoucatloo at 4:30 p.m. at the base of Newport Pier ••• MicbaeJ Dennis O'Salllvan, zo, ot710 w. 18th, Costa Mesa, ..,., charged wUh bel.ng lntoxi· cated lo pubUc at 23rd and W. Ocean Froot, Central Newport, at 5 p.m •••• Two bicycles, valued at S410, were stolen from the un- locked garage at tbe homeot Mrs. Charle$ Froellcb, 224 Via Ithaca, Llt1o Isle, some. tlme between 3 p.m. May 26 and 4:30 p.m. May 28. • TUESDAY, MAY 27 A $75 adding machine was stolen from Gregory Alan Cooksley•s car wbUe lt 'ftS parked lo tbe alley bell1nd his home at 218-1/2 34tb, West Newport, from 10:30 p.m. May 2'1 until 8:30 a.m. May 28 • • . A lifeguard buoy, first a ld ldt, warn1ng flags and ~ poles, valued at $57, were stolen from the lUeguard t01rer at 56th St. and W. Ocean Front, west Newport, alter somf!- ooe broke in the door some- time between 5 p.m. May 27 and 10:14 a.m. May 28 ••• A tape deck and a radio control for a m0i1••1 plane, valued :\t $225, wert-stolen from WUUam Alan SUnl.ng's car v•hlle It was parked lo tte alley behind hls home at 112-1/2 34th st. West Newport, from Ill p.m. May 27 until 1 a.m. May 28. • WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 Joyce Lynn Mortensen, 37, of 2124 Highland, Harbor Highlands, was char~ect with shoplifting at 4 p.m. at FastUon Island ••• Cor. oelius Michael Lynch, 59, of 204 Adams, Balboa, was charged with lwlng lntoxi· cated In public at 11 :30 p.m. !lt 500 E Balboa Blvd., Bal. boa • • • Thr~ men drove up to the back of Brown':. SheJJ station, Coas1 Hwy. and Jamboree, at 11 p.m., and whlle the attendant thought they werP uslng the r est room, stole 4 new auto tires, valued at $120, anrl drove away with the tires In the open trunk of the ir <'ar; attendant Gordon Nel- son, who spotted them leav. log, gave chase 1n his car on Coast Hwy. UDIU the sus- pects' car ns lost In traffic at the bay brl~e. • THURSDAY, MAY 29 Rlchud Oelro\· Gardne r, 49. of 963 Jun.lpero, Costa Mesa, was charged •tth drtvtnc under the lolluence of al<'ohol at 10:45 p.m. at Fashion Island, folJowlng a minor trarn c co111sion th('re • • . While Doo Albrecht's cu was parked near his borne at 840 lrvl.nt', Oakwood apartments, rrom 8p.m. Ma}· 29 until 7:30 a.m. May 30, someont' stole a St50 radlo from the car • • • John Geiger, 16!0 Galaxy, Dover Shores, reported that tennis equipment ~nd eyeglasses. valued at S374, were stolen from his c-ar •bllto u was 1n tbe Balboa BarCiubpark- lng Jot from 6 p.m. untU 8:-tS p.m. · ••. Somtooe •ho may htvt used 1 uy to get In tbt lslaad BUte Sbop, 130 Apte, Balboa lsland, stole a ne• $300 bicycle bKwH'n 4:30 p.m. May 28 and 11 a.m. Way 29 • . • Someonto stole 2 statues, walutd ac Sl02, rrom a ctlll)lay rack at Bagr'slDtematbDI sbop, 2043 Westcltlf Dr., Mer WelltclltJ, betW'etft tO a.m. and S p.m. LIGAL MDtiCI FJCTrrtOUS BUSINESS NAIIE STATEiaMT Tt. toliGwtll .,.,_ 1s doliiC t.cc-u: JIJD Mar- lDo ......... lJOOWnt Pa- clftc Coalt IIJ&tlwilJ. ""-port ~ CaUI:Iftta: s. .lam• JiiU'tiiiD. dOO W. ,._ cUk c..& a..,.. 1fwPOrt S.e' CaUiiniL na. ~ *•• Ia e• .. c1- td bf .. lldvlt 1 J.llpld: .. ,..... ....... ,..... ., ......... .... c.., Cleft of Or- .... c., ... , ,, '""· .. ,...., ...... .. I, U. tm, • tM Jtc.,.n RuWh ns rorn ru.-.u• . • FRIDAY, MAY. eutt.. em. y~ 41, ol 1199 Wll.tace, eo.ta ...... wu da,...S wttalpllbll<: ta- to»cadoa II f p.m. all110 Hwpon BIN. Cllltral•ew- port ••• Wa.brSCCitt BJddle. 41, ol Ml ..... BoDlta, tbt Blafb, wu cJarpd .Ub dll'fUC .ade1' tht IIIODIDCt ot alcobol aJ 11:20 a_.m. on Ford Rd. DIU MaeArttwr, BJc CIAJOD • • • A cassette player ftlJied at t180 was stoleo from 8artan Bern- la.D't ear •title ttn.sparked near her bome at 6404-1/2 W. Oceu frool, West Ne•- poJt, frOm 8:15 p.m. May 30 atfl 8 a .m. May 31 ••• Cbrls Gomez reported 2 gulta.r amplttyq heads, Yabled at $1,400, stolen from tbe prace of b1a reald~n<'t' at Z09 Fern, Nf'WP011 Shores, bet1reeo 4 a.m. May 25 and 4 p,m. May SO. • SATURD.\Y, MAY 31 JobD Barclay Ba.sabe, 32, ot 213 SSrd, West Newport, was cblJ'Ied 1ritb driving uDder tbe lntlueoce of at- cobol at 12:50 a.m. at Or- ange and Coast Hwy., West Newport • • • Robert Paul Carr, 27, of 117.1/2 E. Bal. boa BlYd .. Balboe, was ar- rested at his home at 2: 10 p.m. on nrrants charging him ritb faUure to appear l.n court oo 2 outstanding trafftc warrants and' a park· lng nrrant • • • Stanle}· Merida Bro•n, 54, or 424 Vista Suerte, the Bluffs, was charged •Lth drlvq under the lnOueoce of alcohol at 12:10 a.m. at Promontory Point a.od Coast Hwy. • • . Dooa.ld Vito Colocci, 32, or 210 Fem, Newport Shores, ns charged with being in- toxicated Ill public at 1:30 a.m. ~l.nd 208 Orange, Newport Sho~s ••. Joseph Salvatore Marino, 49, and Cheryl Aml Marino, 30, were arrested at 7:30p.m. at their residence at 214 Highland, Newport Shores, aod charged wlth possesslooot marljuana ••• A burglar got 1n throu~h a sliding door and took a mint silver ~nKot collection valued at $3,500 l.Dd a S450 camera from the bomt' of Howard Mongold :.~t Z007 Wl.nd'tr2rd, Baycrest, ~­ tvoeen 5 p.m. May 31 and 12:15 a.m. Juoe 1. AIRMAN Dlvtd M. Jacobs, son of Mrs. Jean F. Jacobs of Costa Mesa, bas beea se- lected tor techolcal tnlnlng 1.n the U.S. Air Force com- munlcatJoos electronics systems field at K~sler AFB, Miss. The airman, wh' rec.-ently completed baslr tralning at Lack.land AFB, TeDs, is a 1974 ~~:raduate of Western High School , L.ls Vegas, Nevada. JOHN PENNIMAN IS t«»l A SPEC 5 Jobo w. P.aatma11., .., ..,.elal.t.lt tJYe WIIIOt .. ,._ ~ of Mrs. WarUya D. Han.,.,, u a ltpJ dtn ,. tM ll5J Wl.lblactoa., Costa 8lalt M1tntwlore BMMI .. ..._, wupromotedtoArmy at ai"*Ja. Ger-..,. I CHURCHES I ~tOat•T M. aiMGITOM -'ASTO• DROST. et ORAMGI, COSTA M!$4 • 641-.,. s.ay IDCII'JUc ... -10:10 a.m. s..1a1 lc::llillal , ... , ..,..._ ... -•• p.m. t:OO .... WedDadlr Bible llblllrud pn,.-•..... 7:00 •·•· Aa ~ ebllreb wt~ 8!blt tacb1ac 1Di1111trJ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1 CLiflfl bl., M~WPORT IIACH -6~2·740 OR. f. KIMTOM IISMORI PASTOR IUMDAY SCHOOL ••••• f1JI A.M.. .I.LIITUDY ,,. , ...... ... nAI!l-..'" 0t "SCI8NCB RELIGIOUS SC11MCf 0 P MIH D'' ILIAMO. C. .IACitSOM, MIMISTI• Bwldll Servi oe • • • . . . . . 1 o: 00 a.m. alDdll Scbool .•...•.. 10:00 &.CD, 1 CIMTIR ST., COSTA MIU ~~~~~~ GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Veterans' Memorial Bldg. 565 W Hlth , Costa Mesa REV. TOM TYREE. Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES· 10 30 AM & 7 OOP.M Sunday School. .JJI ages. Q· 30 HOMI:: BIBLE ClASSES Call 55:!.()()9:! -Teachmg B•ble Docto ne• AlTENO THE CHURCH Of YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY We IOVtte you 10 wursh1p LUTHERANt:RCH OFTHE ER 2900 Pacili ~tew Or_ Corona d~ Mar. uiif. lAWRI-NCE D FRUHLINGj Pastor Pho ne 644·:!604 St:MME R SCHEDlLE Sunrta ) wn rslup: 9· 30 ''·"'· Nur~er'v and Coflee Hour Christion Science S.rvice1 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido NC'wpon 8ca_ch SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 & 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES 9 & lO:SO a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 8 p.m. R£ADINC ROOM WC'C'k days: 9 a.m.· 5 p.m. Wt"dnu<iay:9 a.m.-7:•5 p.m Tut'Sday 9 a.m. · 5 p.m., 7·9 p.m. SECOND DiURCH OF OIRIST. SCIENTIST Nt'wport Such at Corona del Mar 3 JOO Pae1ftc View Or. SUNDAY SOfOOL 10 a.m. SUNDAY SER VIC£1 0 a.m WEDNESDAY 8:00P.M. Read ing Room: 3500-B E. CoaatRwy. Eotraoce oo Narciaaoa Mon.-fri.: 10 a.m . to 5 p.m Saoday afteroooD: I to 3 Sat.: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You arc cordially invned to at tt'nd Church ServiGU ;md to uw Rudin Room. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ""£ CEHTER FOR 8'8LICAL STUDliS 9;45 A.M. BIBL! Cl. ASSfS llaOO A.M. WORSHIP HOU. 7a00 P .M. IEYAGELISTIC HOUa O.R . JIMMY COMBS, PAS TOR Highway House of Prayer 2411 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR lOWER LEVEL -REAA JNTHRDENO!of/NATIONAL. FULL GOSPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:45 WOR$Hif' SEIIIVtCE: 11:00 EVANGIEliTISTIC SERVICE: 1 :00 P.M. SUNDAY PRAYER AND BIBLE STUOY: 7:30P.M. MDNUOAY WILLIAM T. KROAH , PASTOR PHONE : 642-8762 Plymouth Congregattonal Church A Frt't' and lndep~ndet~t Cnngregotimuzl Chnstuzn Oeurt'h THE: REV JOH._. A LI:-.IDV ALL. Mtntster Sunday Serv~ee 10 00 a.m. Btble Stud~ Q a m and 1 p.m Church Schr'lll I 0 a m 3262 BROAD STREET. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Nurwry care PfOVided Phone: 642·2740 1 e (I) Ide ~ otite THE 1975 -76 EDITION OF YOUR HARBOR AREA 'I'ILIPBO•I DlaiCI'OB'I' '"GOING TO BED VERY 9iORTL Y" II SUII YOU I filM IS AIIQUATU Y IIPIISIITII II THI OilY COMPUTE liUOW • WHITI PAll TlliPHOII IIIICTOil IICliSIYil Y Sllflll COSTA MIS& -IIWPOIT II&CI COIOIA Ill MAl I llflll O£LaVEIY TO ntf 7S, .. IESIOEltCU & IUSOIUSU -JULY "75 LUSIY IIDTtllltS & CO. INC. TARS STATE MEET Lod II!' O.fld -~·o Newport Mid _. llopoo .aecealla.l d.,., <4 b18 · of 'W'IImiDc tbl *'-team -... IIIIo, Nnport IIIII, bot Doc1J ~ al Hutror'o 11o11on ,,_ Ello prom 1o bo a1mo1t led tD t.a.m ~ttlon lD a oae.-man t-.m.Coc:9trwu Sa-1'• *'' IIICb ocltOOI -Ia till 110 IIIP-t.n.et IDd fteld cll&mplml-"-l'd..lM. •• tht UO loW •• Ia s.. Dttco. £111 ~ -......... 1111 bqb ot JUcb.mood wu nr.t. team 1 mUe rll.IJ .,.ad ud Brlu Tberlot.., rro<OIId outru Tborlotlatbollllalllf lD the 440 &Dd tbt relay of that ..... Ott~tr mtmberl t•m flpt...!ct t6d IDtbtmUe of MIIW'pOJ't'lmlllnlaJttun relay. Newport bad 14 team ••n st... Foley, Bryut polllta to zz ror Ella, HumlDil aod Via MulroJ. Estuela'a 'Kaa CODDIIr Mulroy, ruDiliDC tbe 3rd lee, was Stb m tbe hicll JumP broucht tbe Tars from 5th compotlllal, wllh a e.e loop. to Ind. BrtaD Jlanaker o1 Corona K11rruch, who WOD tbe -All Stars to tangle The North w\11 shoot U out wtth the SouthttlisSatur· day night, June 14, at Or - ange Coast College in the lOth renewal of the Orange Coonty high school star I.Jasketball classic. RUSSIAN VISITORS who toured l"lne Co. boaslD( de- nlopments last week were, from left, Moscow re~artb architect Yevceny Kutyrev, Tol'yattl maror' Borl!l Kashuntn. Lenlngnd chief architect Gennadln Bal*.lloY, and eMef Moscow boUdiog lnsUtute architect Leonid Vavaldn. They are tourinc America's "new vtllqts," after a similar trip to Russia last year by Amerlean plaMers. (Ensip pboto.) del Mar taJltd to place 1n state •botpUt crowo la.t yur tbe t-mUe, which was won w!Mio be atteDded Sa..Ua A-. by Erte Hulst or l...q1&DI hiP, bad a tou ot 65-i-1/2 Beach 1n a ltate record Ume to wiD by a half loeb over of, ..... 9 cbaUencer Diln Laut of ·-· ' Santa Clara. Gals win tennis awards The HW and Harbor trophy. RuDDers-up were Mt-a Verde. Old Ra.och and Newport BMch Tennis Club. .SHE'S THE ARCHITECT! lbrloo Knott ADCieraon of Btc Cuyoo Is the lady who dreamtcS up the oew ·•Roar~ 1Dc ZO'a" MCtloo ol Knott's 8erl'J' Farm part_ which opeoed last weell:..eod at the f:lmoua amusement center. E••rJtblnc from loop-to- loop roller coaster rides to bid Ume vaudeYtlle ls ln- dLided 1.11 the new sectloo. Mts. Andera~D (who fts bon oo Koott's Berry Farm 1D Bueoa Park) Is credited wltb utabllsbt.Di this corner of nostalc1a )l&t as her fatber ortglnalty bullt the old chost town in memory of earller America. Reds tour N.B. Ladles Tennis League, the largest womeo's tewU.s league 1D the world, pre- sented trophies to Ita 1974- ?5 winners June 10 at Its fifth anoual awards ltmcheoo at the Sheraton Newport. MlssiOD Vie)l 'WOO first place lD the c Division wttn 95 points. acoolldlor to Cap- tain Patsy McChare of Lido Isle, 1f!lose home team came 1n second with 93, Close on their heels were Tutt.o Hms •Uh 90 --followed by Balboa Bay Club and NBTC. The contest Is sponsorM by the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club and h•atures the top ~:raduattng seniors In thE' county. Tip-off Is set tor 8 p.m. and tlcket s areprlced at $2. The proceeds go t • ward Kiwanis you th work and athleti': scholarships. Boh VanVoorhis' No rth squad wilt be Kunnin~ for its second win In a row In t he series. The Yankees blitzed the Rebs In last year's fracas 102-83. The South leads the series 6-3, The South roster inc lurtes Chr is Ba ker and Pa ul Ander- son of Corona del Mar anr1 Keith Josephson, Costa Mesa. Russia Is ready to build some better homes for Us people, and the communists picked up some valuable pointers ln Newport Beach, according to the spokesman for a team of Russlan plan- ners who visited here last week, The 4-man team toured t he Irvine Company's hold- inl'!s and seemed most Im- pressed by hOw the company has dredged marshlands, plar'erl h(!mes on terraces, and blended architecture with nat ural surroundings. In Russia, they said, plan- ners run mto more opposi- tion from people tr}·ing to protect hi storic bui\rh nii:S than from thOse who want to preserve undeveloped areas. The team wa s here as for Long Term Storage Call us for a free demonstration. or come in and sample .. .it's delicious! Get I DEALERS WANTED I Beautiful Kerosene lamps Corr~e•rt to electricity in seconds Carnation • ot.llo ALBACORE ~~~,';·o-s1rs • . ' ' .u ••• "' ,~"' 101-'D 0 oCIC f D OM ........ ••TOO ' •or-. .. Wheat Grinders and Mixers Let us teach you how to use wheat to save money. ' ' ; part or a nationwide tour of America's "new villages." The tour follows a similar tour of Russia by Ameri- cans. The federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Dept, is coordinating the tours. Here last week were G. N. BuldalcoY, chief of architec- tural admlnistnllon lor the cily of Leningrad; Boris Kashuntn, mayor or the city of 'l'ol'yattl; Yevgeny Ku tyrev, central research arc hitect of Moscow's ctry building institute, and Leonid VankJn, tf)e Institute's chief architect. They were ac- compuled by HUD oNlclal Jack Underhill and U. S. State Dept. interpreter. At a news conference fri- day afternoon in Irvine Co. corporate headqua rters in Newport Center, the visitors made these polnts about their visit: Linda Cushing, director of the Tennis College at Newport B~ch Tennis Club, returned as guest speaker -· givingtips fromhertennls curriculum on playing to wto . Lln·:t1, t.he flrst woman in Southern CalUornJa to re- ceive a tennis scholarship, played on the men's and wo- men's tennis teams at Pepperdlne University, A Una list in the women's doobles in the re:-ent Adop- tion G•Jild tournament, Linda shared the L'IOdium with one of her mixed doubles part. oers, Ge.Jrge M.:'1cCall, forme r Duis Cup captain and World Team tennis com- mlssioaer. . B Division Captai.n Bonnie B;!:nard of B::tlboa Penin- sula Point announced th ; t the Bwboa Bay club RJ.cqJ~t Club won the first p:a:e trophy with 101 o:Jt of a p~ssible 120 points, while Mission V:.ejo, only Z points behi l•J, to-.Jk th '3 s!!:oora·t ~l.a.ce D C ~•airman Betty Holden of Mesa VerdedeclaredTI.Is- Un HHis winner ln both dl- vtslons-with D "HUI" sec- oM-place trophy golnl to Turtle Rock. Tllree A~ch Bay and VUJ.age Park tied for third w~illeSutlagoCan­ yon and BBCRC trailed close behind. La.gan1 Niguel Tennis Club won second place In the D "Harbor" Dtvlsloo. Dian~! Adan.s, ootgolng to'Jrnament director of the league, expressed apprecla- tlo~ to ~he outgotng board: Carole Kendall of BBCRC, assistant toomey director; Co!IH:n King of Suony HUls, secretar y; Jonl Jo!\nston of NBTC, treasurer; Ollie H:tl of Lido Isle, luoch!OOchair- man; and Johnnie Col'l of Ne·.v;..o':"l Harbor R1c~uet Club, publicity and htstorl.an. MURRAY IS CAPTAIN OF OCC GOLF TEAM · Sopbomore Steve Murray woo team captain and • · Pl- nte of the yar" hOnors at Orange Coast College's annual golf banquet. Steve, a graduate of Costa Mesa High, was the number one golfer for the Plntes this season. other lettermen, all freshmen, are JoM Burris and Rob Kell, Newport Beach; Randy Stinson, Co- sb. Mesa; Tom Summers and Roo frumldn, fountain Valley, ERIC HEIMPEL OF CM IS SAILING CAPTAIN freshman Bruce Ayres of Newport Beach won Pirate of the year honors at Or. ange Coa,st College's annual sa.Uing banquet, held at the home of OCC salling coach Jim Jorgensen. Sophomore Eric Helmpel of Cosb. Mesa was foted tbe team captain. • They were impressed by how Americans preserve the wide open spaces and ''fulfill the tuncllonal role of leisure" In housing de- velopments, • Leningrad Is drying out marshlands in a river delta to make room for hOusing, and will study Irvine Co. ENSIGN CLASSIFIED ADS methods that ended In the _o_C_H,:,I::R,:,O,:,P,:,R::A,:,C::T,:,O;_:;,R __ 1 ~·-P~E::R.:S.:O~H:.:A::L:.._ ____ 1 creation of Lido and Linda Isles. fhonal.J. £. t']on.r.s., GENrLEMAN ofculture,49, • American Interior de-cf st.arttng art brokerage la sign and the .. wide ex-n-.. /1 Corona del Mar, wishes :L>.L . to pay tor ...Om In Coniii perlence the Americans have del Mar near ocea.o for In this field" impressed the 8-12 months. Local ref-Russians, as dlrl the In-H ou .. • dlvldual character buill Into ;:.~·;;_"'7·:~:~~~~~ •·• erences. for lntenlew, •elg'bor'oods. write to: Box ~. c/o En. " " " ........ ,...,, ............ o....... N • Much of Russia 's con sign ewspaper, 2721 E. structlon took place just Coast Hwy., Corona del after World War n to re-uu If ....... eo ... ~".:'::!. Mar, Calli. 92625, place destroyed clUes. "We co .. o ..... o':.':.':! ... ~ were fa ced with the great •7•·.,..o• social task or replacing a third of the Jlome s In Lenin· 1 ~1:.::1::A.:U::T::Y~l::A::L::O:.:H:.._ __ grad a s quickly and a!\ eco-I" 1 I II (lJ_ •• _,_ • nom ca y as possible,'' said ~ • Mr. Bu\dakov, "Now, our OK standards a re goinK up all BEA~TY NO t he time, and we are study. 2732 E. Coast Hwy. lng new types of construe-Corona del Mar tloo." Phone 544,7336 o FOR SALE CA3TN CRULSER -32 foot Centu ry. Twin Chrysler engines. Good condlUon. In the water at Newport. $12,000, 6'75-5774, ask for Bob, o FOR IEHT o MUSICAL fOR SALE JUNE JAMBOREE! New Lowny Citatloo Theatre organ w/Sym- p~er, save $1100. r Story ' Clark Piano in con- temporary Wal., reg. price $145~. ncnr •• $ 975. Ne• Yamaha ElOR console organ, reg. prtce $3600 --buy for .• , • $2895, StelDway grand ptanos --8 on our noor from $3795 1JP. Lowrey Teente Geenle or- gan, only • • • • $ 795. Galaxy organ ·-loaded wtth goodies, ~st • • $1295, Con10Ie plano --rental re- turn ••.••.•• S 895. SCHMIDT MUS IC CO. Lowrey -Stetnway. Yamaha 190'7 N, Malo St,, Santa Ana Est, 1914 • IICYCLU HOUSE • 3 bedrooms, 2 I..:•...;Hc.:.E;;L.;.P_W;..AH.;.;..;T;..;E:..D:.._ __ baths. Profe551oalllydec~ STUFf ENVELOPES -$25 orated. Prtnte patlo. All per 100. Send zs~ a.nd bullt-lns. Garace. Prtn.te seU-addressed, sb.mped laundry room.Chotceuea 1 p o Bo "'7 eoYe ope. • . I _... , of Corona del Mar. Phone n.-. T" 1 •-c t .......... ... J'Y uoe, au or- 6'75.2051. nil 92664, TWO BEDROOM, Z t.lhprl-oiiiiSCELLAHEOUS n.te apt. with prln.te We ar.e celebrating 54 years of service to the Greater H;~rbor Area under the same ownership and management with Super Savings in every department! SALES & SiRVICE .. I . 1rrHCT. a.TA-IA 148-7701 -ll4e-8866 .MALCOlM IIIUDl CUTLift patio, private laiiDdry fac -PlANO LESSONS-Beglnn.lnz llltles. Garqt~. All bUUt. throUgh adnnced, from tns. Choice Corona del professlooal ptanlst. Har- Mar location.. Newly dec-bor. View area. Mary jane orated. 67S..Z051. Harris, B.A., M.A. Call 543-8329 (Answering Ser- •lce). .. DECORATIHG NEW CARS -USED CARS -SERVICE PARTS -TIRES -LEASING WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS ... CHECK OUR ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNTS FIRST! USED CARS '71 MIO .......... limY Dtr '""""" Home of the "Centarion Super Le Mans" 10- • ODe dly res-lr 8tnlce • DAILY SUNDAY itoUO Olnl OLD MEWPORT IL. HIWPORT lEACH ~::..:.:::::::..:..::;.;:.._ __ 1 GLEN'S GARDENING -and" OISTOM. WILTS CII!OIIIIP Senlee. l!euoo- able ntes. Good refennc. DVST RVPPLES es. Call 673-200'7 alter -J PILLO" SHAM S 5 p.m. ' 552-0732 o WAHT ED TO REH T DOUBLE GARAGE In Corona del Mar a ... , aboUt July 1. For furniture storace. WUI pa.y 1C1 to $50 month 00 J-.z' ..... 67S-'7&89 . • , ............ , ·---..... 'F"I'" I . . · 1P a ~ JMI .L C1o11 -~ Cl* ...... ..- NE'fi'OIITIIAA80R EII'SIGII PIJBUSHEO wt:EXl.Y ,-1'~GE I THUtai!AY, JUNE I~ 1975 CORONA 'DEl MAR, CAL Beach Bah Balloa Island Costa Mlllr Lido Isle eor-dtl Mar View four bedroom, 2 bath, family room home upgrades and a view. Anytime. ·673-7601 VALLEY REALTY PRESEt-ITS A GOLD MINE! If you really want to work, this Hoe little mo tel In Santa Ana is the Investment ro· yout Nine or the twelve units ha ve complete kitc hens and are completely furnishe•l, lncJujlng TV sets. Several of these are currently rented on a week to week basts at $50,00 week:y. One ms been rented lor two years to lh~ sam . m.1 n on !Ills basis! The three additional unit$ a:-e standard motel units, well ru rnis hed anr1 could be posslblf('O/ll'erted to efflcleacy units. The owner's unit is an addition'll fin e little twJ bedroom home with a formal dining area and a f:a .'n\ly room. Add itio"tally the owner's back yarrt has Some citrus tree;; an~ttltkliW1 "t'eom for a gar den . Across the street from new apartments an additional vacant lot is also available, and the owner will carry a large 1st. T. D. ASKING $125,000, FH'JM A S;.NO:ERE BU YER. Call 675-7225 macnab/ irvine I1IIIIV FINER HOMES HEW EXCITING CUSTOM DOVEil SHORES ,\ \'t.>t'y SP'-'l'l<.li lwnll' fur 't'l'.' s ch:l'li\ e pt.•nplt.•. Spt.•t·L.u·ular :~.ooo S(j . feel uf ~j):J('t ' for t'lllt'l'lainm.w. ;~nd ;~rl :1 tirt·pl ;.tt·t·~ ma:.:rufin.•nl nw~tt.·r ~t ult· i:u·unr ~ i>cclnllllll s:!X!I.:ltJO (':til B.t r h;~t'<l .\unt.· li.l2·li:.!:\:, 1 ~::!:.! 1 OCEAHfROKT! Comer near N .H.V.C. -Older but charming 5 bedroom home - mode.rn kitchen -Flexible financing. Mrs. t'ay 642·8235. (El6) THE IMPOSSIILE DIEAM. Jo"'anlaslic View of the PucHit ()(:ean and Ncwpot·t H urbor . :\ lrul~ magnificent rour lx.odroom ~t.'\\'put·t Ileighl!i home with a large fumily yard. OPE~ SAT. & sc:-.. 1·5 1'.\1. 2949 CLIFF !>RIVE. n.::IS> ' fOlOvwi'Drhor-MJ.IJU 11644 Ma~:Arthur Bl.d ....... J .. ~ a...ch, c.tlfcto-'• 12183 •• I A REAL SLEEPER! Two-Story Home • • Btdrooms • 3 Baths • Many Extras • Parti al VIew $57,000 ''Yoa'U be clld tomorrow tbat you boQctrt ral estate todly.•4 A Very Modern Industrial Area Close to Newport Beach BUILDING Rul Estate lldiMs AlfiNTIOM -more than one acre near Back Bay with lovely Spauish style 4 bedroom home, pool, • big bam with stalls and large corral. Even room for tennis court! It's all here .;_and only $215,000. &0', S.T• er.. & ~ 1&', H• Cnne ... .... tt ••• , •••• •••• ...... t..ta •• u.loW. ~4111111 TRIPLEX Situated Ill tbe '-rt of Balboa --wtthiD steps of Bay, beach, tun zooe, s~. etc. Bei.Dg sold completely tllnWibed and AU.tan' FULLY BOOKED FOR SUYMERJ One 3-bedroom, 2-bath plu two 2-bedroom, !-bath. Couldn't be replaced today for tbe price. REALTORS· 301 E. BALBOA BLVD., <BN-80~ 673-5410 Sun Rise~~Sun Set all the spackling harbor ............... 16,920 ~q. ft. i!'l~luding approx. 1,000 sq. ft. <?f atr cond1.t1one~ offices -7,560 sq. ft. 1s. ext_ra h1gh t1lt-up, remainder of bu1ld1ng IS concrete block and pumice bloc~. 16' x 16' electrically operated loadmg door. 16' x 25' spray booth. 600 ~m p., .240 v., 3 ph. power. Mercury lights. ~~_,-·-."----;.------··;...-----.! PARKING for 40 ca rs -+ 11,340 sq. ft. of no.,_ ~=...._1 _,.\r ·"'"'--· """' paved parking. Offered by NELSON ROBINSON Realtor 200 MAIN ST., BALBOA Phone (714) 675-8120 Price $325,000 t • ••• .. OPEN SAT. & SUN .---2 to 6 FOUR BEDROOM, 3 BATH HOME READY FOB YOUR \flMPLETE ENJOYMENT 2907 EBBTIDE, HARBOR VIEW HILLS BANKTERMSorOWNERMAYCARRY-----------~-----a~------------------ ft~11SOYO ~ '~ • . •J ••• ••••• -.• <. * 675-5930 * 3637 E. CNst Hwy Coron• del M.r BAY FRONT DOCK & PIER PENINSULA POINT MINUTES TO .,., ..... .._R ENTRANCE TBJS WONDERFULLY LIV A.BLI BOMB HAS f,..BBDROOMS, DEN I 1/1 BATHS PLUS STORAGE DACE. TilE MASTER BEDROOM HAS ~on DR..aG aooM AJmBATH. SHORECLIFFS-:_ EXCLUSIVE Prime comer of tour massive coral trees framiDg a super Z bedroom an:! new palieled deo. Two baths, Immaculate retirement Ill luxury, or starter for addiQg on and oo and on. Air-coodWooed room o'l garage. Excelleot ft.oa.nci.Dg oo tbls primP. jewel. Allow us to open your hearts and wallets for this extraordinary buy. Balboa Island Realty MD INVBSTMI!NT ~ "'-e '" Y•r Or4~ t.? • Suttacrlptlott: C.ll673.0550 CURT Da8N 2400 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BCH • .C.u-6472 SIX UNITS STEPS TO BAY & OCEAN TWO BEDROOMS IN EAOt UtaT El GHT CARPORTS WINTER/ SUMMER RENTALS PRIVATE POOL t Priced to sell a $225.000; .. OPEN DAILY 1-4:30 17 CYPI1!5S POINT LANI BJPlJ Cllllfomt.d 4 bedroom BROADMOOR .._. ••• 1,000 ~. ll.~l1ftllc..-ce lie.._• ape~P fli.IDUJ room. UTile raom a1 ..... ....,_ Prot ... lcmllJ .. ..-.... , alreoMltlaMdptu-., otbar exttaa J'JU m!l1t ... t1o ......,._ C)C+M. IDe ftlue for tb.'.s presUp ~--$111,900. 49 ROYAL SAINT GEORGI lOAD Custom butlt .tacle l&ory, 5 bedroom, I tatb bomt. 5,000 ~q. a. of lnllrJ l1ftuc. Located lllcta 00 I bW, OD ODe of tbl Jarc..t loU OD tbe BJc CaDJOO coU coane. Tbia Ia a bnad .., boaat wttb maoy cutom t.atua IDelwUDC a1r CCJDdtttoD· IDe, toter-com., electric tiQIIt pte, p1u m~~eb more. See for JOQr..U. $!95,000. JUST REDUCED! HARBOR VIEW HOMES Very clMn 3 bedroom, flmUy room, "Carmel" model. Close to play area and pool. Low maintenance backYard. $69,500 I I I I COM DUPLEX Cbarmlac Z bedroom boose PLUS tu.misbed bachelor apartment lD old Coroaa del Mar. $78,500 • • I I TWIN DUPLEXES CORONA DEL MAR Tbree bedrooms, Z baths phi~ Z bedrooms and 2 batbs 1n each. Prtn.te patios and decks. 115,000 each • ••• THE BLUFFS Sharp "Boa.lta'' moMl --3 bedrooms, Z baths. End unll. 1 Close to pooll l6.~~···!f.·· •••·••• Rsch.elle Robers, Rc.1fto,; 3333 E. 0.. lfi&bway Comaa dd Mar 675-2373 ****** ****·**** AT 1HE BLUFFS Seclusion E......,foaal prt'ncy l.D arty bbdls located OD a -utt.b.l rreeab91t spl~t-leYel pill\ witb S bed- rocms and !-1/Z baths. Price of $79,500 IDeladN relrtpratQr, waabar, • 1~ dryer. Call 673-85s0 T:-1E REAl FS7:-...TERS Waterfront 4 BR., S ba., ~ rm. Pier " noat, sandy beach. ~- • • • • LI WC'INSTALLS -IMTIUJIIlUifMII-PAGllf JUliE 12, lt75 MRS, REAUME ---~~~~.., ' ,..\ ....... lthlt s......,.-O.TIOMI ., ............. -•· lonllooolll ~' .... ttit llooJo fit 1111 Lido r.to Wo • ..... a. ..... Mat JIU'• board mem- btn wert IAitalltd: Mra. "--·-· lira. -PlcJrou, lot Ylee.pnlidlllt; Mr~. Ray- moad n.Mott, IDd 'f'lee- pruideat; Mrt, Rleblrd Barrett, Jrd l'tee..pruideat; lira. Warno Lettb'rre, cor- rnponctu• aecntary; Mrs, Robert Boo.Der, noofd~Da: secretary; IDd )ln. Jobo Fruco, treaauref. SUMMERTIME STUDY AT COAST COLLEGE Summer clusu wtll be- em MODday, Juae 16, at Or- qe Cout CoUere, bat open regtstratioo COGUJiues lluougb Toeocl&y ........ ReelstratJoo oo a drop-ln basts ww be cooducted Moo- day and Tuesday, Jtme US- 17, trom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. In OCC's admissions lDd records office. CALL MOW OR DROP 114 .•• A•tl o, ... 7 Dey• A W .. k. -·~ • w.·,. c1 ... a, I "'""" HortJor Blvd., -G..,.. 630-1142 871-al20 772~1 ... .-- DID YOU KNOW ABOUT ~ DINNER SPECIALS? 5oMd Molllloy thno Thursdoy (Fridly, Slto•doy on d Sundoy 'tit 6 P.M.) dinners includl soup or S/1/ad, choict of baktd potato or riel H•wMian RE D SNAPPER ......•............... 2.25 MAHI MAHI ......................... 2.65 GRILLED SEA BASS .................. 2.95 TOP SI RLOIN ...............•........ 3.25 NE W YORK STEAK .......•.....•..... 3.75 LOBSTER TAIL ...................... 4.95 STEAK AND LOBSTER ................ 5.95 plus 32 other K~rietin of superb ~stood and bHf dishes KATHRYN S. MARCH, a 1966 gn.duate of Corona del War hlgh school, oow HYing 1.n Ithaca, N, Y., ls one of 29 wirulers of dissertation fellowshlps 1.n women's studies granted by the Woodrow WUsoo National fellowship FOUDdatton, Princeton, N, J . She Is a Ph, D. ca.odtdate al Cornell University ln the field of anthropology and wUI do her doctoral dl.ssertation resea~ch on Sherpa women In Nepai,She rece!Yed an AFS scholar- ship at CDM high scOOoL. DAVID C. McCARTHY, 90n of retired Lieu- tenant Colonel and Mrs. CharlesG, McCarthy or 730 Amlgos Way, the Bluffs, has beeo awarded a t».chelor of science degree and commissioned a seconJ lieutenant upon graduation from the U, S. Air Force Academy, Colorado. Lt. M!:Carthy, who majored tn maoagemtY•I, has been selected for pilot training at Va.nce AFB, Okla. While attend. l.ng the academy, he receiYedl~spe~c•~":':~:;:~~~ Uon by being named to the Ust for academic and mUitary Lunctooon from $1.95 sorvod doily 'til4 P.M. Priwto Porty Fociliti•to 31111 3801 E. COAST HWV ., CORONA DEL MAA RESERVATIONS 17141 17!J.OIOO 112'71 PACIFIC COAIT HWY., loll LLION DOLLAR MAN AFS students named •fii!.,,;.H,TUNlOOTiSINGTON BEACH ~~,..''T-11,~ 1213) W2·1321 THE TEACKINC IS CENTERED ON JESUS CHRIST AND THE BIBLE, WITH EMPHASlS ON PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN UVING. ALL AGES ARE WE LCOM!. AJton Ttce of Harbor VIew Hllls has received ootUtca- tlon Uw.t he has completed all requirements to be certtfled as a 12 year Ule and QUalifYI..ni member of the 19'74 "miUion dollar round table," an tntema. tiona! association of life in- surance agents. He Is an agent wtth the New Eogland Mutual Life Insurance Co. Four more students trom Corooa del Mar high school have received word of their acceptance as Americans Abroad LIDder schOiushlps from AFS , York 1n October. Further inlormatlon can be supplied by Mrs. sinclair at 548- 2774. r..,un&e Unll and visiting an.ilable. SUNDAY SERVICES: WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. PHONE : 675.4550 2200 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, near Ma cArthur Engine TunHJp SJ69 5 ............ Iii .... - ."""' •lo<•--· -...... ,_ ... ,,.., ·-,_ ..... ............... -··· ....... --0 '"''" ........... -~-_,_ ...... ___ _ 'lor-Dol-r.,.., ¥W Lube and OiiOlange S4 44 • eo-.......... ~ ......... _."'' ............................ .............. _._ .. -..... -. ...... -1. ·-.----· . '"'' ~·--..,,,,, _, ........ ,..., .,.,,r Go~ • ,....._ t-4 ,,_ .... _ ... ,_ ....... ., .. _,._ ...... ...,.......... .................... ,.., __ .. -,..,..._..,...,..If .... ... , .. Ow11 Tori Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case, will study for a year In Turkey; Tncy Earliwtne, daughter of Mrs. WiUb.m Earlhrlne is going to S.tt- zerland; Brett Mason, son of Mr. aDd Mrs. Peter Scbooomalr.er, will leave sOOrtJy for tbe summer study program In the PhiUpplne Is- lands; and Leanne Mlller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller, Is golng to Argentina. Tom Dunlap left earlier this year and Is presently studyl.ng ln Japan, Estancia High SchOol has announced that Susan Mc- Camont, daughter of Mrs. James McCamont, has also qualified lor the foreign study and w1.1J be in Ecuador. High school sophomores who would Uke to share In thls program shOUld coatl.ct the AFS adYisorattheschool In early September, accord- ing to Mrs. Porter Sinclair, as appllcatklos for tbe schO- larshlps must be in New LEGA~ MOTIC! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN lbat the City Council of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hal.rLnc regardlng OrdiDance No. 1623, being, ANOROlNANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING CHAP- TERS 20,08. 20.38 AND 20.- «J OF THE NEWPORT BEACH UutflCIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO RESTAU- RANTS AND REST AURA NT PARKING STANDARDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR • THER GIVEN IIIli tllo oal4 """"" llearioc wW be held oo tiM Urd ._, of JuDe, 19?5, at tbe bour ot 'I:SO p.m. la tbe CouacU Cbam· bera ol lilt City llaJl ol tho City of Newport Baell, CaJ. Uomla, at Yb.lcb Ume ud pta<e any IIIII all po..- tatereltat m&J ~ ud be 11111<1 ttit,_, Loan.--.·- 'I'Of.U. PI\IHtl~ ,,,.al.tnJ!l '.*4144' HORATIO There's a new twist nowadays to the old Horatio Alger success story. The way to make It In America Is to get yourseU elected, appointed or lllred Into government. Young rellow up In Los Angeles was driving an old beat-up Rambler ooe day, making $150 a week as a salesman. Nert day, he had hlmseU elected to a $30,000-a-year job with the Los Angeles government. Not bad. Out In the world or Cree enterprise, he was worth about one-fourth that amount. He also gets a new car, credit cards, and a pension. ~ But, the electorate, whtch ls doing some very strange things the~e days, can make you an overnight success. The weird thing about all this Is that only a minority or the electorate Is making the decisions. Look at oor school tax vote here In New. port and Costa Mesa a couple or weeks ago, About 15 per cent or the registered voters raised the property taxes ror every!>ody. It's very Interesting that some or the biggest majorities ror the tax Increase came rrom voters In Dakwood and Park Newport apartmenls. They do>'t own property, so they voted ror higher property taxes. U only a mlorlrlty Is going to decldo these things, anyway, why not limit property tax elections to property owners? Makes sense to me. Better yet, let's find another way, maybe through the sales tax, or financing the schools. People are being taxed out or their homes. And they're too busy making a living to go down to the polls and do something about lt. But, yoo can het all or the teachers, bureaucrats and janitors In the school system voted. Now, they want to go on strike Cor higher pay to be paid rrom the taxes they voted to ralsel Amazing. About 200 years ago, the rather or oor coontry, George Washington, advised us not to elect a man to o!flce unless the guy could oJrord to donate a couple or years or so In public service. That way, we wouldn't be wider constant tax raises rrom politicians who then raise their own pay; We sure rorgot old George's ratherly advice In a hurry. The government bureaucracy keeps growtnr by leaps and bounds, It Is a huge voting bloc and gettlnti bigger. Government workers get time o!f to go vote, so they can elect politicians who promise to · raise their pay, ADd tbe politicians raise their own pay simply by vottnr Cor 11. Sometimes, they do 11 In sneaky nys, such as allowing themselves a lot more rree m>ll privileges, such as Congress did the other day. And, have you seen some or the housewives In Congress? Would you let them run your business? I'll tell you right now, If you are a young man looking for a way to get rich In America, with a nice, secure fllturo, you should forget the old-Casllloned Horatio Alger route •. Ket!Plni your DOS8 to the grindstone uMd to pay ott In America. Not any mort. Tbe thing now Is to ket!P your nose In tbe public trouch. AI Forpt P.S. Are you IIUPilOrtlni your ttometOWII oewiiJII)er, the Ens1p? We at Forg11's are proud that we are on the Enllpl'~ llde. Join our team and subscribe. ADd, If you're In business, adYOrt!Jie with your ttomotowu J>e118r. • • • • • • • Come In and pt 0118 of our rrancl IDd p arlous American Flq klta, and Qy Old Glory on Fllg Day and tfery clly, Show lbf 110rld lblt you're proUd or your Dac and JOIIr C0tmtry; •