HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignCoed raped on campus A Costa Mesa high sebool girl student, 15, was n.ped on the school campus last Thursday nlgbt aod a Santa Ana woman. 22, was kid· napped, raped and robbed 1n a vacant field near the Corona del Mar freeway Bear St. ott-ramp Friday, Costa Mesa pollee reported. A male whUe )AvenUe re- portedly placed a large cloth bag over the screaming rtrl student and carried her be- hind a large wood pile in the northeast portion of the bigb school adjacent to the obstacle course, pollee said. They were called to the cam. pus at 2650 Fairview Rd. at 8:22 p.m. The Santa Aoa woman "nS walktDc on a surfaee street near the freeway aoo. wa.s accosted by 4 male subjects, ooe hi.Ying a I:IJck kDUe. The woman, a Necro, was trans- ported 1n a late model 4- door sedan to an open field 1n an uo.tnowo Jocatlon, raped and robbed of $125. Pollee learned of the incident at 5 p.m. • KEY CLUB .. TAKEOVER DAY" at the Conma del Mar Ktnnt.s Club was held Tuelday, as theKhraoh-JPODSOred youth orpnluttoo trom COM hieb ran tbe nplar K!wmts haDCbeoll meetlDg. From left a.re Key Club KtwaniJ tw.oa. ofrtcer Doo Smith, club preside~& Joho Sane• aDd club secreta.ry Todd Pickett. Todd 1a tbe !deb acbool tpOrta reporter for tbe Enslp. Tbe Key Clubbers told of tbeir proJects, lneludmr weekly Ylsits to FaJ.nlew hospital, where theJ are ba.lldiJ:I& a pett1Dg zoo A>r resldent paUeab. They also make weekly Ylslts to Martan Parsons school tor the tnlnable mentally retarded, and to Eastbluff Jchool, where they tutor ldndergarteners. The busy club also m2kes annual good oelgbbor trips to Tl)lana aDd to an IDd1an reservation In Arlt.ona. (Kiwanla photo.) GARAGE SALES OUT OF HAND? Are prqe sales getting out or baod In Newport? City CouocUwomao Trudl Rogers of Balboa thi.Dks the)' may be. ''I've seeu garage sales on the Peninsula that run tor several weeks, with new merchardlse bet..og .bi'QUiflt to every week," sbe told fellow CouocU members MoDday afternoon. ''Stgns are placed on utwty poles and trees, and are len up lndefla1tely. '' Bob MWar of the Little Balboa lsla.Dd Assn. told tbe CouncU about ''ll'\lckloads of aDtlque furniture" betnc dumped oo the sidewalks of the Little lslaod, and sold at curbside. '•Signs were put up oa trees all along Marine U.S Park avenues, dlrecltoc peo. pte to the sale, aDd the signs are still up.'' he said. City Community Denlop- ment Director Richard Hogan promised to took into the matter. Address must be easily, see11A '•It's lllepl to cooduct a commercial bualoess oo resldeottal property," he warned, '•aod tbe postlog of commerclal slgDS ou public property Is a lao against tbe law. U we are told about these YlolaUoos, we wtll do something about them." ••Oar eatorcemeat aplnlt ~ pn.ctsc. *-l.d be moal· -tond more cloNiy, .. Mn. Rogers sauesttc!. '•We I()IQd a lot of time talkiDc about laws to control commerclal sl.fns, •· com- mented Mr. MWar, "but we let our cttUens desecrate their own neighborhoods with trashy signs." quickly,'' he ctutfooed. ''A mtoute's delay could be the dltference that results in loss of llte." • JOe COS1'A MESA PET,ITIONERS PLAN BUILDING CONTROL Orouodwork ta be!Dg laJd this week tor a fOter mwa. tlve that could ~~ reltrtc- Uons 01;1 major r-.1 estate developmeat In Newport Beach. Jean Watt of Harbor ls- laDd, presldeat of the LE .... F (Lepl EGYiroomeDtal AraJ. J•ls Fuod) group, said tbe tn1tlat1ve would not bealmed at lmpostnc a montortum on coDStnactloo, "but would try a dU'I'erent appfoacb.'' She would DOl elaborate oo tile plan. It the lnittat1ve Is to qu.al- lfy for the municipal elec- WINNER or the a.anu.al Qrae Ltada property Improvement award for commereta.I baUctings on Balboa lsland Is the Green Pepper restauraot, Accepting the award from Balboa lslaDd lmpronment .\ssn. president Gall Vtn)e is Greeo Pepper owner H.mry Lucero. He aDd wtfe Betty spent 6 months remodeling and redecontiog the buUdloc at 305 MarlDe Ave. 'fhe Que Linda (Spanish for ''how beautuul") awards are made anliJally by the assoclatlon to restdentla1 aod commercial property o'WDers. Still more park ar~a i$,_sought Dr. Euceot Atherton of Oakwood apartmeats ls on the campalp tnll agaLD ror more pcabUc parks. The Harnrd-educated physician anoounced this week that he wlll try agalo to 00 forauororangeCoonty what he did last year In New. port Beach -get voten to sign an lnittatiYe peUtlon rorctng goYernment to In- crease park acreage stand- ards. lion ballot out Aprtl 11, Us promoters wUJ have less than a moci:b lo wt!.lcb to gather tile Deeded 3,926 •oter signatures. Ctty Clerk Doris Georp said yesterday tbat state electioo law seta up a Ume schedule wbkb would rt· quire thst the petition be turned ln to her oo later than Jan.. 4, Law also re- quires the petition group to wait 21 days after pubUsblng their lDteri to circulate the petition, before they c.a.t1 start gettln( slgoatures. As of yesterday, organlurs of LEAf had DOt published such a statemeri. •·t think we're going to go ahead with It," said LEAf activist Sue Ficker or Bal- boa. ··We npect to hold a meettne at auymomenttoput the thing in motion." City Attoroey I)Eoonl.s O'NeU's oft'lce has already been contJcttw1 b)· LEAf to deterfl)lne the ttme schedule for meeting legal requlrt-· meots or an. Initiative. The lo1Uatln threat comes durtnc a re-stu :y or the general plan oow under WI)' by the city Planni.of Commlsslon. The study 1s espKted to be completed b~ the city by mid-Februar}'. ThP Irvine r:o. aDd Beeco, owners of most uodevelopfod land In the city, have agreed to hold otr unut then on plans ror fUrther ma)or construc- tloo. The LEAF group seeks lower hooslog deastues and an ourall slackening of de- velopment pressures. State law reQUires that a peUUoo get lbe signatures of at leas! 10 per cent or rf"glstered voters In order to put an Issue on the ballot. Latest coumy figures sbow 39,260 voters 1D Newport. Mlss Ficker satd LEAF may choose a MCOod alter'Dit1Ye way of cett.ll& tbeslc-blru, because of Ume coatnlris. AWARD OF MERn' as Hew .. port's polf{'eman of tbe y., was presented TuuclaJ to OWcer Alben FLscber at tM 7th amual police awudl luocheoo of the Newport Ha.r- bor Area Chamber ot Com- merce. HE' was dted 1Dr heroism last f'ebruary wW he helped arrut a '-rtlatJ suspect In a commHt:tal Wllding at Wf!stmluter ud N. Newport Ia Newport Heights, tllen stayed la tbe tJuildtng to battle a ftre. He crawled into the buralnc 11UIIdtne wtth a gardet~ boet ;~od fought the name• uUl firemen arrh'ed. He has btre a member of the local fof'Ce since Sftllember, 19U, ud Is oow a W~lary dettc"Uve. Mafia here, says Glavas Mana ert~Ls .... " ._ tablislled tbemHI~ Jl C aJtfonUa, bit arn1 u well-eDtrelk'hed hereufbiJ aN' back e~st. former Hw- port Pollc~ Chief Jamer~ Glavas .-as quoted u a)111 In Sa{' ra meoto this wHk. If your hawJe number or busl~~ess a&tress Isn't plainly tislble from the streej, you 're not only vlo- latlng a NewportBeachordJ- naoce, you're eoducertnc Ute aDd Umb, That's how Newport Beach f ire Chief Leo Love emphasited this week the Importance ol clearly-visible street ad- dresses. Chter Love's remarks fol - lowed a . slmtlar warntng Mooday by City CouDCilwo. mao Trudl Pogers of Bal- boa, who told of her es. pertences '' rtdlng alone;" wtth a poltce patrol cruiser on a recent night watch. Projects asked for elderly Bot, Dr. Atherton's latest inHtatlve goes a step fur- ther. He would allow d~­ velopers to pay park fees with federa.l or state t:u: money, if they quality lor thos~ fUnds ~y building hous- Ing tt.t Is affordable by "moderate Income" fami - lies. Acoordi~ to cu rrent figures, the median tncom~ of county ramiUes IJ $18,600 yearly. WILUAM D. C ARLSON 1s tbe newly elected commo- OOre or Balboa Yacht Club. He served 3 years as chair- mao or BYC's noted gov- ernor's cup ra{'e, 3 years on the board of directors, and as regatta chat.·mao and fl eet captain berore becom- ing rear commodore. He Is president of the W. D. Carl- son loc., maoofacturiag tool- ing, prototype, aod predston machine parts. other of- ficers are Vice Commodore Robert Williamson, Rear Commodore Phll Glasgow aDd Fleet Captain Bob Wheeler. Port captain will be Dick Lawrence. "Ac,GOrdiog to law, If we can get 15 per cent of the YOters (5,890) to slgll apKI- tlon, •e could call a special election on the matter ~me. time nest summer," she noted. She claimed that ·· OOuns of people baYe been calling and •oluntetortng to circulate the petition, so we will have oo trouble getting the required s lgaatures." Mrs. Watt said the June primary elections could be tarreted as the date for Yoters to decide the Issue. Mr. Giavas, who retired as local police chief earlltr this year, now heads the state attorDfly general's Qr. ganited Crt me Commlsl:ioL His rt>marks weft .._ parent!~· ml1f" to wire ttr- vke reporters prior to a {'Ommlssloo meeUnc 01 Tu esda}, •· An eDClne company or a paramedic team respoDdlac to an emerrency should be able to f1nd the address Planner told to resign Larry Lyocb, whose land- scapiDC firm does eootract work for the lnlne Co., was ordered thJs week to resign his poslUoa as a Newport Beach PtanntDC Commis- sioner, due to possible ooo- nfcts of interest. The City Councll voted unanimously Monday night to uk for Mr. Lynch's re- slgnatloo, alter the state Fair Polltlcal Practices Commission aod the Coun- cil's own appoiDtmentscom- mlttee recommeDded the moYe. CoaoeU members tem- pered tbelr acUoo with praise tor Mr. LJDCb 'aDd qretd to HOd him a letter of apprectatloa lor his 5 mootbl of semce oo tbe CommtsalOil. SIDCe Aupst, bt hU nlriJDed from YOt- 1111 OD matters CODCUD.IIII lilt lmDt Co. Ba~ with !r- na. owalal • of tbe n-,......,. -tloptd lud Ill lht ctty, u11 wttll l'lallllll Com•lutoe acU. alttdlle lnlat MQral Um• ..ch mettlaL tba CltJ CoaDCU'J S-member a&JPOl,ltmeala commlttH ncommtlldtd lllol Mr. LJ11Cb bt ubd lo lltpOOWL The commUl.. ncom- mtOdod IMI lbo Couc:U IP- polol ·-lltlooMe'-'· 11o or Tl-~ to ,....w,.L,...oolbt , __ ..., c.-- Bot, CIIJ Allono7 -O"Mtll ,.., ..... tM C.... cDIMI_Iaw,..._ 1104JIIIIIIIIaiiM 'fM•If "' ... .... 111ft ..... _.:::=I ?• .., Ill I J,_ .... 'he 1"UZ:q' .... dll It' Ill -~~ ....... MC!Ir c---. ' '• We kept respondtnc to emergency calls where ad- dress&s couldn't be lo- cated," sbe told fellow Coun- cU members. Sbe suggested that the city require all new construction a.od major re- model~ projects to include easUy-ldeotL't.able bulldlng oombers. But, the city already bas a law requtrlnc soch mark. Ln&s, Chief Love points out. "The ditr'lculty Is In en- forcing It, '• eq,lalns City Attoroey Dermts O'Neil. ''With so many buildings and addresses, It's almost an Impossible ealorcemeot task.'' City VIce-Mayor Peter Barrett thJnks It would be a good projectfor communtty assoclatlohs to undertake. '•Tbe basic respoostbutty bas to rest with tbe home- owner or bust.oessowner,'' says Chief Love. ''Tbe Ute or busloess lle snes by markiDc his buildinc may be hts own.'' The 74-unlt senior cltl.zen residence pro)ect at Park Au. and Center St. wtU Dot even begin to fUI thf" needs of Costa Mesa elderly peo- ple, the city housi..Dg aod community developmeDI committee wu told Tuesday night. Seniors testified at a public hearlDg on possible ase of fedetll tuods tbe city espects to reeeln oest year. A cafel<rta In Betbel Towers so the elderly llv._ there, unable to prepare their own meals, •oald M.ve a place to eat, was ooe pro. posaJ submitted to tbe com- mittee. A wmber of small mobile home parka A>r tbe elderly was another pro. posal, It was claimed maoy elderly are living 1D 8 to lO.foot tnUers In parts which might be sbut clo'WD at uy time. Costa M&sa Is due to re- celu approKimateiJ $890,- 000 1n 1978 ftlods from the FedenJ Houl!nc aDd Com. munlty O.Yelopment Ad ot 19'14, with $100,000 of It Pro jed ok 'd over protest CoDJtn.ctioo or a pe.tr of 2-story otnce balldlncs at thl eatran<:e to Balbo& IJ. lud ... pfll "" , .... IIcht _, -by 11>1 Newport Beaeb !::II)' Couo. cU. Tbo ~0 IDnlld don a.o 11JP111 bJ 8llboa 'tl••r Ha."tJ hut, WbOprotelted ·"" IIIPJ'Oftl .. 1111 proJtel by tht l'lallllll Comllll- The dtslp IDCludela~b­ llc walkway and blaebel a lOIII tbt BtltXJelllud ctu- ael, aDd retalal public:. news of th cba.DIMl ttom BIJIIde Dr, tDdtroml"latTtrnct. -..u.. O..olel>mtal CoDCtpb of l"lDI wtu t.Od lht pn>Jtel .. llod ·-from the lntDt Co. oloo. SUPERVISORS OUT o//: =-~~u~ BIKE TRAIL PLAH COI"IIIf alBa,-1011 liar• --••,.. Boor~! IM, 1111 will ltlaf lt,OOO ol ·-_,.,_., ___ ,_,_, ... Co1lliHIIIt:J 1"10ctetk-I JIPPIII II .. ,.,II 1• .. ,_.....,..,If I C""* bOlt tnatl ... ,pOiit ld,._-...... -_ ........... 111111-• T .. lnll,-.... ob.rW -· I lllJ' bJ .. IU .... Cne* We-""""-eo.... ... .... ---... ,... CIQ C1u:n ,.... 1.-..aret .._ _. ..... 1-tto_ ... _,.. 1_ ...... .._ __ .. ,.a. .. Ow•u=· P..a Dlillt c...-Ull '1 ?' r .,._..."" 11"11. ... Vleo-Dr ...... -., .. .._ --_,.I_IW1118-... , 0 C· ' n ._ JII'IIIIIL • proposed for administrative expense. A sum ot $528,- 000 1s proposed for rental housing for famllles. Mooey to rebabUitate owner..occupted houses and new boust,_ units lor low- lDcome tamutes was ai!JO proposed. Tbe committee took ao acllon oo the proposals, but wlU submit recommeDda· tloos to the Costa Mesa City Couocu. u approved by the City Cou.DCU they WUI go to tbe Federal Government tor reYie• and a.ppronl before uy federal money Is spent. JAMBOREE WORK SLOWS TRAFFIC Pa.U. work on Jamboree Rd. wUI c:ontiwe to restrict tramc now uDtil early oeJt week. according to Don Webb of the Newport Beach Public Worts Dept, Work ls scheduled to be- rtn todaJ on re-surftcLD& 2 more lanes between Ford aod San Joaquin Hills Dr •• aDd ts upected to last 4 to 5 daJS, saysllr. Webb. Tbe rtsurfactnc ls part of tbt project that wUiwldt'll Jamboree to 6 laDes rrom Ea.stbturr North to Wac- Artbar, tneludlacwtdenlln(o! the Back Ba,J bridle. The ttretcb from Ford Rd. to E11tbluU North wUI remain 41ut• wtdt. MotortJta are arctd to IN MaeArttmr BIYd. at a.n altentlte route durtac tbe wort. MRS. STEWART OIES -St-", '"· ol IUO Colltp AYe., C~ .. _ -_, 111 Hooc llillpllol. A-GIK.--niM lltd .._ a nltt.t ol Or-.... c.-, ... 10 ,...._ ...... -UI<IIrl< ...... 1: 1Mn Pldle _ ..... _.., t dlrre WrL ....., M. ........_. .............. .... ..._,..._Cr1 OM ... ....... _ ... ..,.... • d .. 1'¢1 ,...., • UDder the Atherton lnltla- ttve. any new home costing oo more than z.s Urnes the mfodian famUy Income would quality the developer to use fedenl or state money to pay park fees . API)lytng that for mula to the St8,600 earn- Ing ftrure, a home this year would hue to sell tor $46,- 500, or tess, to qua Ill)'. It the lnJtlatln Is successf'tll, It would apply only to the 45,000 unlnoorponted acres of coo my land. The current county park sta..Ddard Is 2-1/2 acres per 1,000 population. The Ather- ton lnlliatiYe would doubl~ lt to 5 acres. Dnelopers would t.n to set aside that much land, based oo esti- mated population of new de- relopmeDtJ.. or would ba.Yeto anle up eoough money to bay the same amount of land for park use. 1n 19?4,. Dr.Athertontrled a part 1DiuaUre, bat fi.Ued to ret -.ouch stcnatures Oft the couatJ blllot. He wu ltleceuftll last year In cet- ltac a local park ~ltbtlve -la Nt"WPOrt, wblcb lort:ed lht Cll)' Coan>eU IIIIo ciOalll- 1111 tht etty•s part staDdarn. To ~IIY lbr tht couotr. wtde b&Uot aat NoYembtr, ht mall ret SS,OOO .otcoo· tn.. of rtlilttnd eoulty YOttrs wlthi.D tbt Did I _,.._ Alret4J, the buay doctor ls wortiJii( on td• oelt pro. )t<l .... -d Woo .. -~ .. ~~ polllle---... •c• or t».J Ull uy .., bldllup ... .... •• bt -... IUip "'" .... ''TWa -be _ .. tr .... rtlllt., tate .......... d ltrTM Cout ..,. wa .. c-dolllu"llll~ .... MaD•• put ol ... .., .. -.....-... .. _ ............. ...... • $43,800 ADDED TO EIR STUDY County Supervisors YOted Tuesday to add another$43,- 800 to the $218,000 already spent for a environmental Impact report on the ftlture ot Orange County Airport. The added sum wUI pey a consulting rtrm to revise the EIR aoo complete it. After the study Is com- pleted, county officials es· pect It to provide a basts for ftlture pla.nnla& of such things as thewmberof com- merctal }et Olghts and pas- senger loads, and the pos- sible ueed for new terminal b ciUties. The report Is due to be nntsbed lo a~t s months. MICHAEL POWER OF NEWPORT IS OEAD Mus of tM resurrection for Mtchltl J. Powtor, 44, of NtwPOrt O.ch, was cele- bnttd yesterday bJ tbe a_.. Tbomu 0'no...t1 ln Oar Lady olMt • ..:armelCathol1c Cbareb, llnport Beach. Mr. Power dttd &anday ln Hoar hOIPkll. He Is •r- •t•tcl .,. 1111 wtr., SallY, da"C'*trs ReaM a.ld IWIY, IOD CnJc of Nft'IIOrt Belc'" hla tltber, Arttllr L Power; a ttJNr, Bartart. ~oe.r, ud a ~r, JtiOIDt Po'ftr, au o1 ca.ct.. wMn M wu ...... Rt ... ...-.. Rorat llartoo Joe.. hniiOOf!l. I -"' ·--IIO!ita ................... ] •. Tool till bit Pne'sCnu lila-..._._ ..... ,.._ .-.. --_.. .......... ...... .._. ... WitA ...... A_ LEAF Jlas trlf'd for sev- eral molllhs to get the city to impose a WUdtog rreeu, bUt Mrs. W2tt. said the tn- ltt.attYe •· WUl consider other alleruattves to an a{'tual buUdl~ moratorium.·· LOCAL SCHOOLS TO BE IN DECATHLON Costa Mesa, Newport Har- bor aod Corona del Mar high schools will participate ln the lOth an11.1al Orange County academic d~athlon NoY. 19 at Ualvf'rslt}' Hl.gh SdW)OI In l"lne. Each schOol will be repre- sented by a 6 member team. students wtth A, 3, aDd C grade len\ averae-es •UI compeCE' for scholarships and an all expense patd trip to Sacnmento to vtstt the state capitol and meet with members of the Lectslature. THOMAS SAUNDERS OF C.M. SUCCUMBS Funeral servl{'eS for Thomas E. Sauodf!rs, 23, of Costa Mesa, were held yes. terday. He dltd 5-.Dda.J, Nor. IS, lD Coata Mesa Memorial llolllllal. A •UYe ol PomoD&, be t.d ttud to the Costa Mesa a,_ for 11 Y•ts, wortu~& as a machJM oprerator.Htts•r- vlnd b7 hts: pa.....U., Mr. aad Mn. Albert S•lden, South P._.de•; s lllten, Linda BII.U., Wtol-r, Pt~mJ Dl•••w, Florida, ud Butlln Toro ot GIM· dale. rntenHM ns 111 Good Sbtpberd Cemtltery. LOREHm IITRD IllES Lo-Brnl. u, "' Co-... .._ .., '*niiJ Ia c __ ..,....._ A lltlttl It "OkM, M liPid -Ia IIIII .,_ -lMIIOd-UI --....... •to• .., lnlo wtJa, -oiC.. ~ I -. -.,. ol .. ~ ... • t $hr • ....... Soa,N. ' · The roots of orgulled {'rime are not deep iD tbe tradltioaal sense 111 Call· fornla., •· he was quoted u saying, '·but we 00 haft lotalta crime In the state.'' He i.Ddl{'ated that tile Maflt. illflu eonce is DOt coaceotnt.' ln any one area of trw-Jtate, aDd said that mach of Its actlvtty Is in uslDC otbtr- wlse legitimate blastaea fronts to "launder" mob money. Arrests In Newport ID re- r pnt weekslllcooaectioft wtttl a Malta -style er.ecut1oa a.n led tnvesttgators to ctabn that orp.ntted crlmeftprM ma~· have used a Newport business, Prasadam IDe., u a rront for dope smi&Qlbic l {'tjylty. MARGARET MOSULL Y SUCCUMBS AT AGE 64 Memortal se"tcN ut scheduled for 1 p.m. todiJ, Nov. 17, for MIJ'IU"'': L Mosully, &4, of lSH Plt.- ceatta A•e., Welt H...,.rt Hefihts, who died Slllllrdl7 Ira her res~. Fatt.r CoDl"'d No,.llt wtu Gl- nctate 1D. the Ben BroactftJ Mortu.q Cblpel. Mrs. MoltUJ, a ........ , ns a ~attn ot Nttlrull. Ull O.d U•tcl II ~ CoaatJ fbr a 1-.r U( • Calllbnla otroco lilt. ... ..... _. _ _, ... carte Bluet>t c~ Cull Co. Slot Ia •"-lor • sttttr, TNcU Jac--. fll Apple YalltJ. ALECK REST IllES Aloet,)ltol, •• "' • C&- brtllo, Udlo -.-llot. II • Port UloC.. ft.__. t111Msl A ... ..-. ......... . ... _, ... _ .. . ,..... ..... _1_ ... ,.... .... _ .. a.wvli:A••-.~ _._..., .... _ .. ..... c ...... ... :: ,-:--:-,~ •• a ,., illiiiiii _ .. ,...., ...... _., __ ~ •.. fAe £d~Mf,: • . • The Birch Log · . , Putting America's Interests L 1 TIGBMAJalllOYD eaUof ,...__ 'hll -.alllt--, OtarlldleDr: fr••~• M'nr II.Uar-.......,h-IMII.a.-.. .,.,.._ ... .,..,_., :atc,&o.-.&MU"dm'tiMha&...,dai.Dd..._ JJIIt a.. ... ----rtum .................... 7 ,.....,,.. .. _, __ ,, ~-~---··----·--. to-··-pt ... u-.. L---..1 ~h ... iH --. ...... .:.~ -...... --.;; .. 1w11•r"'.,........, ---·---~ ---·--· -•-lcuaPtC'UitiM-..._t:l.tourP:I ldrrt trraour-lrrNiwidaAraboil..._? I ,_. lilt 0.11. ~ TlltJ a.--alllari"AL IIIII • -• .. ·-~ an-J1d ct 11ft-UUGT IIIII i1o11r lilt IIi-Uot. Ac;P •• 1 will -lit-wiU ..,. to llo --· 1'lloi it. &hal lilt Aa ........... M I& otlll.tlhlbt to-...... 1111 o...·lo--IN -llllt -· 0018 ,..._ &Ill to --lilt lll1llll--al lilt Whito H-..W wltld bit pit. C.nadlu Prime Mlalltor P1tno ~u mort ~Tilon.Tilo11-place. •• lllll.l-llolllr D.l.•ftl---U. lilt-U.-otow •• ....... --toliltUai~~~~-IN3H ceniDI-lullbrp. Alu,-ltM...--tiOw•· ... -lbtCa-.. u.a. btco-olbltdoMC..mU11lo&-• aoclde, lortart IIIII tenor• -._ tldll-tplct---Wlll -a lo~ Bul .... Md lnl&h Ia U..t. IO< m-...... , hat aiodt-tripe toM-Uld ......... ltm, IW.Ye 1M metDr llll· llbM~ 1!U laMa n-n• taM. ......doo, our cbW atcuth• liaw Mea Nt-publleiMcl lht wof'b of kaowo Rtde, aod mala at lilt Z..O .,..,.._ II "'"""' oiOICiiN-actlll I to -tr lac-iofYin1 hlddon IDionlotionol "--pe, _.n1111 ,_ CommW)Ie& ""'1' poupe. Aa Prime tlltlr llolto. lllr -cl ot-la --· I'll lilt -Uf -AIUI'IcU a& lbt altor cl .. _lei opinion."" aDd puiU., our Miniotor. bit pollcltt are lttdiaa Cuoda U.to ltlllliiiJ 1-. Tilo --,,.._ lilt t>IPt llllt liU --It tbt •r.-r nallon"t In-latt. Almot1 !rilhout acep. ·-· A.od. bt It OJIYibinl but • lnlt l'rltod cl tnl-bJ -It dtc-llo. A..JOITI, daltd llar.lf, 115l,lalllptrior Coolt IN lilt C..., at Orup. lt:lteoiCallfDnda. AUDITID Udbf--la IY . qultfttd to pillbllllaallpd) .. ll~,.d Notionally by ~ lie DOUc•f'tllllllrtdbJiaW. U.S. SUIU .. AN PRESS IN(,~ lbt Ttpn larrt clUb ol bt,. ,...,1'1111 ud -ro-ol oor 111001 llnltll< JlOI· doa. U.. bll-bt .. tld tod•ootlm. Ez. lilt UOttod 811 ... moooy, to -It llltlr II>·· lltllt apia It al--too. tbt P-CaM!, ptlllto. Tbty ._ lbtlr .., .. ,. •• 11 u.. proctat tilt to a llanlll dictator w11o amplte lncluclt pullinr lilt I'Uf oui!Jvm Wldtt 89-wi&h all &hit b&cq,ound inlonution ot teeth, wUb elfb ot arma. pipe Uae bu btooiDI!I c .... :.til earn to power bJ llliCll Cblul Kai-.Mk in lie7, •ckiraa G.ntral hhc· hie Onprtlpt, which route did PN.ident Cuter ADd they rtve tblm tent... wltb bunuenUe neiiiU force, wboM comanUt Arthur in 1861, bttcldna Cutro'e tabowr ol ehoolt? The traM..Canada route! U bit dteiaton tortea aDd wortdlJ loodl. -ud. tMpt poliUcll ~ put)' ill U. OG1J o• u.t U: Cube ln· 1969, and conduetinc tiM war ln VIet· etlclu.. Piene Trudeau, or whotvtr micht euc- to pat olf tMtr owa day of opbltl. But tb1f tDI...,. II t.Uowld to IIUI Ud wtdell nam In tuch a way &hit dei'Mt WUIUatanteed. eeed him, wiU havt out nation'• n«k in • very TBE MEWPORT HAllliOR ENSIGN Ia tbt lecal _,_ _. IN tbt Cllr at Newport Btteb ud publlabto aU pellc DOUcta lllr tbt city. UVO £. HAA.PA ••••••••• Oner IDd Publilber PIG HAAPA .•••• ·, • • • • • • . Aai!Oeiate PtlblilbeJ'. _ ~-.eOfj " .N¥ ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the EnsiWt • CAN'T LICK CITY HALL? It lookS like the City Hall folks are trying to prove that you can't beat City Hall. They step back now and then when their harassment starts riling the _ usually complacent citizen and mer- chant, but they come right back with more nuisance legislation. I have in mind particularly the anti- business climate brewing in Newport Beach --now being demonstrated with a double whammy: the sign ordinance and the business license fee revision. There is no public clamor or public necessity for these nuisance laws. The probing always comes from City Hall. Trial balloons have been sent up from time to time during the past years to check up on the state of complacency of merchants. There have been objec- tiona, and the schemes have been set aside but only to await a more propitious time --and the plotting goes on . Who wants more restrictions on signs? There is no public safety or health or welfare issue involved, and it is well known that they can't legislate good lookS. Just ask Mayor Milan Dostal. He knows, beca11,11e . he's an attorney. But apparently here's an idea whose time has come, and you can't fight City Hall all the time. Who wants a tougher business license ,schedule? Not the merchants. Indeed, they had better wake up to the trap that is being set for them. Business licenses were not meant to be fund raisers for the money hungry City Coun- cil and city manager. The fee was intended to meet the cost of inspec- tion. Now the door is being opened for generating more and more income for the city coffers from business li- censes. The method being proposed is to get the city snoopers meddling in business records and cash receipts by basing the fee on a percentage of income. This has been suggested from time to time, and the strong protests have forced City Hall to back off. Now they are trying again, and will keep on try- ing --and will finally put it across, if the merchants are silent. Then, watch out --as future Councils boost the fees a little bit at a time to get some more of that easy money. Instead of seeking some compromises, the local merchants might well ask: Why should the city extract a fee for the right to do business in the city? On the contrary, the city should wel- come business as a sales tax and prop- erty tax generator, and an Wlpaid tax collector, and eliminate the business license fee altogether. • • • • • • •, CONVINCING ARGUMENT Read Ben Graves' letter to the editor on this page for a complets, convincing argument against the Panama Canal give-away. Mr. Grtves Includes every- thing that I would like to say on the IIUbject --and with some restr&int, but not too much. Here's a sample: ''Jt is abllolut.ly ll:credl.blll how any nUoaat American could .upport the _....r at 011r mo.t .tratepe pns- .-•lloa, the PM•ma Canal, to aMan:ist clldbltor." But read 1t for yourN.If -- -.d .nM t..ttw• ol protellt to our polltild•• llll 1fuldaat9P, D. C. reckol:l!DC. JtW ben ud It II bat atYtr permUted 1111 tt... Rectftt PreeidentiaJ initit~iv .. lnvolvinJ the convtnimt tnlf'JY nooee. The 1'1Cera feed oo tbe UHLDilT£0. AU •• blft kl ectloDr, wboM I'CWfl'Dmtlt tMfiY crili.a and the Panama Canal eltarly fh • oest en• ol the Peacoc.U. do 11 p:ar,. tbe llDt ot &II Ll colfli)08«J atmut t~~t~re.. the on-JOinc Amtrica-lut pattem. Tht tfl'ect A M...., ,_ p...,... trytnc to dault tbt world tb,. JIIU. rt..optD. tiM Yll¥t l)' of ldtatUled eommu.utJ: o1 each will d.inctly place the United Stat. at Omar Torri.;ol and hil henchmen who run with their golden plummqe. aid Itt thll m£Cic J)01ftr to wr., bi.Tt tutnlpttd tbt II&-· and But Ute all vanity, It 11 Jb. CO wort. uoa. wttb a n btllloa debt the merq olforeip leaden. Whether our Sen•· Panama ue either Marxiatll or out· -out tile, in pJ.nfrlg the love and Accord::r&a'IY, I -ant •~ tbtJ ca.naot .-,y wttboat taar.. ton lll\d Con.cr-emen will reveree the tony CommUI'Iiatf. A number ol t.h ... Mmt men are respect that they want. TIM torcet about l!lcb tuea, Pllll· tbtr U.S. ald, wr.o )llla, trend may well depend em the amount of Hnti· int.ematiOIUII clrur putben. They love C&!tro Tigers only love aoct res-ttn tec.Lslatloo, U1 Heat-tortarea aDd otbenrlH dt-ment they receive from back home. and hate America. And they have both bank. pect tbelr own peck. Tbt 1st attlbldts. Let's b&aC ap Idea: tht lbOIIt bUtC: rfc'bts rupted and terrorized their own countey. Yet, in Peacocb are holy IDd Tir-tbe crrtac towels. Clu tbla of aa,.,ot Wbodt.ActMIWttb AlaMee N•&val Gu spite of all thia, Pre.ident Carter wuta to liw tuoua, even wantlnc bumaa~ problem htck to lbt 111100-blm, 1.:1 Wbo'.._., tbrat.td Everyone knowt that Alaaka'a North Slope ia them our Panama Canal and pay them doee to to han ricbts, but are Yery vatort, eDtrtpt...a::a_ to take tbt Caaal bf Alree Mturat.d with oi.J depo~ita. But there are aleo S400 million in rranta and credi&a to tab it. selecUve In stlecllog which seleatlsts, bus!Dess mtD&ftd 11 DtCeaary. Not Olll111thla hup NNrvee « natural caa. Now that the oil The whole deal i.a mind·bot:llinc. but there ia humaBS. Sotar,tbtybnese-Investors. Let tbam pt oa 1 coloea.J oot:nce tp1DIIIt pipeline ia finally funetionin1, attention hu more. Part of the treaty beinc puthed by the lected the wro""' ooes. with deYeloplac 111clear the Amert.c:u people bat &1-WUJ the m~k really 1D-power, oU 5,_18_ tltnetion, so tbe Pua~ ~4 1 tumed to 1tttin1 the 11.1 to the "lower tony-Pre~ident auarant ... that the United Statea will berit the Zoo? or wUI they ott sl»re drilllnc COil rae~-who wUI be ft:)reed 11o eoa-eilht."Twopipelinerouteth.avebeenaunnted: notbuildanothercanalelaewhereintheWMtcm just bleed themselves weak, ncatton. clea.o buf1linl pro-ttaue IIYilll m· CommuDIIt Oneparallelttheexiatincoilrouteentinlywith-Hemi.aphere-without acreement from Pan•· so they are more easily de-eesses, geo-tbermd wells, sluery lt aid 11 ciYea their In Alaska, and the other 10M throuch Canada'• ma. lf we ahould decide in a few years that voured? aDd much much mure that Red masters. · ruged Yukon territory, eventually re-ent.erinr Jivinc the Canal to Panama wu a bad miatalte, Goldie Joseph only a free mlDd c.an LonrUme American Am-the United States alone our northern border. we are precluded from diaring another untilaf. Lido Isle ea~om.•ass. and then pro-blssador SpruUle Bndea, Tbe MCOnd and IOfllet route will eo.t SlO bil· ter the year 2000. • SCARY T ALK1 Dear Senator, My reacUoo to our duce, when uafettered who bas IPtlll more tt&D lion, far in exceu o( the aii -Alaaka route. lnt.e-It it not eaay to decide that the leaden of by mc.sslve poUUeal Inter-40 )'tus o( h1l career In rior S.Cretary Ctcil Andrua eapecta that de· one'a nation are committed to hUrting it . But tereoee. Latto Amertea, Us tbJJ to mancb by envitoamentalilta will add another Sl what elM can one conch,:~de? Obvioutly, it it time In ::lo'llng, be as• red that say about tbe treaty: ''Sdre-billion to the ce»t ol the project. But an even to calla halt to thia danaerou. trend and to ~n I mnte no threats, trJt cer-ly, lD tbe llcbt of 80 y11.rs president's messace Nov, 8 was two-fold. For the ttrst time In my lite ( eKperl- eoced a suddeo feeling of FEAR· lnYOked by the punt. time aod dictatorta.I tone of a presldentW rnesSa.Je_. talnly your actlooa: aDd votes ot utter failure to achlete more oompelliDc l'liiiiOn to avoid the trana-Can.c:U to put America'• internte fint for a ch.anJe. 1n lh1s eoergy matter w111 lbe sliebtest Indication of route ia thlt it will rive Canadiaru1 the oppoftu. e 1917 by Th .. ./olt" B•nll Soci .. t:r F .. atu("fo sco:-e hQvUy In the ttQal trustworthlneas 6y Moscow, evaluUoo of your on: all a modteum of commoDMDH ettectlven~ss as m1 Mllltor. aod reuon must, coDnDce Sln~erety, oar GoYermoeat tbatltwould CANDIDATES ENTER RACE IN C.M. It was lmplle:l thtt Con. gress Is ·Jnable, unwUitng, and too ei\!'to~·;~d lnprot.ec- Uol of ''spectat Interests" to 1p~ro~·1 UW' 'JDergy pro- gram as submitted; that the pre:;ldent knows best, eval beyond the com~·.'n@d taleats of Congress ; that therefore II is ttm.. to resort to threats and force; that regardless of the sense of Coot::-~·::: :·J:1 thepubllc,.thls legislation must be eoacted ·-or else! '!'hls is tlod of scan, at that. But doJ oot dism<'.)', the publlc w!IJ re- pudiate thts attitude and wUI oot expect yoo to capitulate but ra~er you wtll more forcetulJy uphold your coJ- s:Uuents vtews. Iv.a.1 R. R1~:t bt the befcM ot folly to N-!w;o;t Boa ~h turn tbe Puama caDaf Uld Busloeumu Cbrlstopher SIMI, Mayor Norma Hertzog and Pllan.J.ne Commlsaloaer ArleiM Sdllftr art the ftrst anDOUDCed eudldattl tor 2 Costa Mesa City Couocu seats to be coDtelled oezt: I was remtrrhd of a pebi - Jant chUd who w!JI ~)~play tf he canoot make the rules . -an emt1ryo !yrant. I wa.s very sorry to oote thls-- tt be!og a pltta)Je stance for the pres!den~ofourgreat U.S.A. Re1Jardlng this serlou proglem or energy. I remJ-.1 )IOU flat after Sllm':l n:lO years of bunnnb.lstory, sud- denly In a short spao of 15? years our coulltry pro- duced a studard of Uvlllg of such boan~y that Its ms.l- nlblde cou'd nlt even be e::l- vtsloned b)' prior genera- tions. This was the direct result of an instJtuUoo we P U B LIC NOT I C E • KEEP THE CANAL Editor of the EBSieO. Actor John WaJIM, a pro- minent resldeat of Newport Beacb, tmwn to ali'DOR tV· ery American, lOll IDDOUn- ced tbat he has decided to support the surreoder of our Panama Cual to a commu- nist goverM'eGt , He atd he did this after hts houseruest, Panamanian OOilnessman Arturo McGowan, elf)laioed the proflslon.t of tbe treaty to blm. Sloce Mr. Wayne's Tlew• are likely to tntlnnce a great many of h.ls tans, U Is really regr.ttable that he dld not take the trouble to find oat what some promi- nent and kmwledgeable Am- ericans bad to say oo tb.ls crttlcal llsue, 111ch as all tour of the most recently retired Cblefs of Naval Op- aratiooa (Admiral• Moore, Ander1011, Burte, aDd Car- oey), wbo sent a slened Jet. ler to President Carter In which they waroed tbll ''Loss of tbe Paaama Cual would eoatribute to the ea- ctrelemeot of the u.s. by laostile nual tore.,, IDd threaten our ablltty to lllr- Yhe,•• Already Cabl 'ta In communlBt baDds&ftdltbrll- tles •lth SoYiet submutoe bases and r11clear roekfts PUBL IC N O TICE S-95075 or correctaesa:~" Thebeoe- NOTICE rtctary under said Deect of OF TRUSTEE'S SJi LE Trust. by reuon of l breac::b Loan No. Boom or delau.lt Ia tbe obllptlool T.S. No, Z-4975-f secured thereby, heretofore T.D. SERVICE COMPANY ezecuted t-' deUYered to as duly appo1Dt~ Trus-tbe undtrst(Did a wrltteo tee uDder the tollow1Dg de~ Declarttloa of Dttaa.Jt llll:t scribed deed of trust WILL Demaod for Sale, I.Dd writ- SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ten ootlce ot br•cb lad of TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER eJection to C&llH the under- FOR CASH (payable at Ume stroed to sell Aid prope.rt)'r of sale ln lawfUl mooey of to satlsf)' Aid obUptiOM, the UnJted Stataa) all 11C'bt, lad thereafter the uDder- title I.Dd IDterett 'c::oaY.Yed slped cau.Md Aid DOUce ot to ud aow held by 1t uDder breacb aDd of llec::tloa to be said Dttd of Trust 111 tbe Recorded AucUt 11, lt77 property herelnlfter de-u loltr. No. IS147 lD book ocrlbed: 12:135 PICe g3S. oloatd Of. TRUSTOR: JOHN P. llclal Rooonlt. BOOM AND LYNETTE p. Said. llle wW be made, BOO ....__ --_... but wltboat COY ... Dl or war-M, 111-auu 1Jut. BENEFJ:IARY: DENNS nllll:y, opna or lmplted, P. LAHEY AND REBECCA rtpnliJII Hila, IIOittllloo, J L 'HEY .... ---_ _.. or tDCII'\bnDCM, 11o PlY tbt • " ' ....,_...,. lau wue, remi.\IWI: prtDetpa1 •m ol •• lolllt te"":. 27 -tbt llllo(o) -nd l!r laid Roconltd -r ,J.,S DHII ol Trut. -llolt-ao lll!llr. No. S5157 Ia-· u 111 laid DOlt ptY\Iltd,ld llSSI pep .I NO at Olll<lal .,....._ 11 aor "'-a,; Rooonlo lA tbt olllet cl lilt teriDO ollald oi.t ciTrut, Recorder ot 0rup Co..tT; ,. ... c ...... _. .. 11111 llld -oiiiUI _,_ ol lilt T..-IIIII at lilt ~~~~ =:r .. lD ...... ·-br laid Ottd IIIla ~ Ia 11-IA ol T-. . tbt ltolt ot Calllora. Sold lilt wW llo lltld • Coaotr ot 0rup Cllr ct frldiJ, lloct11btr lrl7, M-It Btteb, U,S It .i.-11:00 A. II., at~==-~~ acrtbtd u lollon: T. D. - Lot U, ot Trod Mo. 1011, u •hDn 011 a .._ nconted Ia -•• ._ •• 10 Ud 11 f/1 IUiee'hnn• II-NOOnlo cl 0rup c...,, c--. II" --., 1-, :.-c:..,--. :::.~ ~~; ......... .;,, o.a. ..... ...,..:Z.,saer .. ·1• 1~!.':. .. ~­ _.. .. ., .. IIJittt rs •-<- Zone onr to a SoYiel puppet regime aDd to rellJQdJb our toYere1gn rl(bb, powtr I.Dd ltltbortty. It YOUld bt tbe key· to a SoTtet takeonr of tbe C artbbean . • • the pro- tocue to commualst domina- tion ot the Western Hemll- pbere • • . or tbe prelllde t0 World War ml" ReceoUy retired Marine Geoenl v. M.. Knuak tas written In the autborltati98 Strategic a..tew ttat: ••we Uve tD a ttmew.benrevlslon-. Lsts (I.e. the llbtnla, ndl- cala, lDd Ooe Worlders who control our country) """ up historical flctloo to meet eYel')' Ideological need. No current ta.Je of Importance bas underrooe more dlltOr- Uon of hlltOrleal fact or preseftt reality than l5 re. presented by tbe maastve eampata:n atoot to popular- Ize U.S. IJ.Irreoder or to- werelpty In the Pu.ma Caaal Zoae." Propooeats of tile Treaty aay that communlat dicta- tor Torrljos hU promlled to allow Aoertean ti'OOps to return &Dd defeDd Ute Canal U oeceuary, and ctWrmu of theJotntCbtelJ, Geoaral Ceorre BrowD,(Wbo II beholclea to Carttr a,r lila job~ bas laid U.l tbt c ual could be delenclld more eutly attar we IIlli oat tr.n bd)re. Theft ltlte· meots are sheer nbbllb, (CoDIIIIIed oa Pqo 5) March, Mayor Hertq, whole 4- yeu term tndl ln March, a.noouncad last week thl.tlhe wW run aptn, Sht was pkked last Mareh by feUo• Couocu mel!lbers to se"e as mayor for a year. VIce-mayor Jack Ham - mett, wiloJe bd tera ex- plru out March, said tbtl week be ta aWl uock>elded aboulrullllllllapln. UDder Costa Mesa's gen- eral law status, caodtdates run ettywldt ID at-Jartevot- tnc, with tbt top 2 vote. getters willll1al tile 2 seats. Costa Mea Ia DOt divided Into CouDCU districts; therefore eaad.ldatts may Uve anywbere In town. Car- reotly, 4 of 5 CouoeUmen Un lD Mea Verde. Tilt term• of 3 current CouocU membtra, Mary Smallwrood, Ed McFarlaDd aDd Domtnlc Racttt, don't eq,tre utU March, 1980. Ral -me Don BaU ud Rtcllard CauteDSeh ban bellt mMHoned upos- alble canctWatll lD tile IIP- comilll nc::e. Mr. Bull came tD 4th 1D a field of t7 Cocrn .. cU caadldtttl Jut March, IDd Mr. CarlteDHD ts a SOFFER GETS HEARING IN MESA CITY HALL FI&Hl Sid Soller Is flrbtblc.cfll' ball acata. Mr.Sotrtr,Joac- tJme opentor of S.ld'• Sloe ~ 107 -Ziti a., Ctatnl 11 rt, 1a out 1o ctt oome SilO from tile CMy ol Coota .. __ A Tttt'na of _. Y•n ol flaWar li...,Ort Bttch Cllr Hall U. Ctllilll hlaball- ntat -bllabtd. Sld atrt he 11 aow rtMJ to c::r.fleace the Cotta K• ordlluce OD J)dblte wf•Qf't feblc::lll. Ht 1114 lo Plr lor blwllc 111111 ........ cbarpo lllr bla S Ctdllloc caro.-aYIDI- ap 1N7, tbe otbtn a 1110 Ud a liN. Tbt city 1114 tm. ,.._-,.,., blarttt- ~, tOO A.r\101' lt., Colta ..... u poiJUe ....... ·-............ Rt -lilt IIllO car lollltC..-CIIJPlla. .... eo. .......... .... _, llltMIIICIIflllll; ,_. .. c.ilte1 II I .-l!lli I poiJUe IIOir-lor•lfdo.A. ~ ' OolloY.4111--- aaiiJ-tllollllw-.il • pololloloou111. "··-olll-..allld_ ..... Ill..,.. Qol. ....... -~-·--· ..... .r:..._rts ea. il .. lq I 11? ~-.. .. .., ....... Oo .... I lilt r t: Ill ,... _..., ........ Mr,..., rb'Fif i" --·£ IJ-.... .. • stsu -• • wree:Ud, cHJmubed or tn .. openUn u dttcrlbed 1D tbe dt)' ordlDIDet permit- till nmoftl of public oula.ace •e,Mc::ln. ··r waat to tel my montY bact &Dd •• tbem," tbe rt.W.M apt.ntor llld. '• A a old ear t1 OOGIIC»red a nenata. •lblc::le, ud tbl D.S. ~ Court bu nted nereattoa •thtclts CU be parll;td ID a Pti'IOD'I ron! npnllttl of an, cttr ordtMice," COSTA liES.\ IIAN IS FOUND DEAD IN HOII E A Co.ta ...... miD wu ... .,_ 111111 ···••IJ MciDday, wttb a IIJpOdtrmle -oalllo floor-111m, eo. -Pllko ... ,.-. -•. -. ... ., ~--· .... --..... 11111r . .._. • 111t tD'* -. U. hi n• tiJ a ,._,_ Dnlll .. -... .1111 . .._ ....... laid ................ .., .. -.... ,--• 'T'ilo Till Uell aal I "'"·Ill-.-.. _..., ..... l'lt- .. f'l I ltt ... litl- lu•sf, .. .., JSIIII. • -~~ IEIINt,-:n:.:·.-.~ ~ -........ ., ,,.. .. 1111 'IS J 4 YIP !J,. . . • AaLENE SCRAFII:a member of the Plannl~ Commission. Mr. steel serves on thE Republican Centnl Commit. tee of Oranle County, aDd OD tbe Newport-Mesa schoo1 dlltrt.ct c::ltken adYl10ry croup on budcet lod sc.hool lotatlou. He Is also a mem- ber of the board of tht' YOUth Emplo)'IDtol Service. Mr. Bull Is an omctaJ of tbe North Costa Mea. Homeowners Asan., Wb.l.cb ta llc•Unc en, P.all ewer a plmled majOr restdellllal d"elopmeot just oortboftbe Saa otero Freeway. A Jtroac North Costa Mesa voter turnout 11 ex- ~»Cted oat Marett., beeause tbe ballot wU1 al-a Uat a Yoter Initiative tbat could overtura the City CouncO's approval ot the develoF- ment, Mrs. Hertsoc, who oper- ates prlnte schools for children, Is a stroac op- poDtnt of lbe North CoJta Mesa IDJUattve. Sbe wu 11- NOaiiA HERTZOG CR&IS STEEL lected u the elty's eltlzen of tbe y•r this yeir by Orance Cout Collece. ·. Mra. Schafer, picked earlier tbll year u woknao of the year by the ~Oata Mesa CM.mbtr ot Com- merce, tJ a member of the PlaDiliDc' Commtutoo. and Is active In a number of ctvtc croups. Party for parents of Charity League debs Paftato of tbt UTI --lsotu ol llatlonal Cbtrtty LfiiiUI, Nf'W'I)Ort cbtpter, w'ert feted Slaaday at a eoc.k- toU t>Uir at tbt llewport boiM of Mr. aDd Mra, C.c:U SM.nr. -td bJ tbt ,.r_ "' lui ,...,, dt)>o. lllldtr lbt ebltrm•NbJp 01 Mrs. Ro7tJ T1eMr, tM .. ..., wu a • .. -.. lbt--laJI, wbldt wW llo btld ...,.,, ........ at lbt -Coaot --1. 1llo COlli t1a1 toe- -..... __ wgllor -'""-Don!O.. -~-• ....,.... WilDt llutp, --lie-Ctutr,~--- nl. DoooW....., ·-............ ..,, o.,.. 'flllltrt,foallt, Li-..., ........ -Ia .. -Mtatall ,.._ -lr. tn 1 -lui' .. ' Gila ••ut .. .... --._ ...... .. ... ...... ... lert; ._ liP t .... a... Ia= ., ........... Erwta Ktodrtcti, Aathooy Fnal< Kq)zi. Aloo ID at. teodlaee ftre the members of Ud1 Ye&f'l ball c::om- mlttH. ' IIRS. GWEN STROUP OF COST A liES.\ IS DEAD faatn.t Mntc" tor GwMIUU A. stroup, Wbo dltd Ia btr Newport lltteb rtatchMe Nov. 10, wen __ ,,<Yitblbt ~. Broce Karrlt, Prta- bJla-ClluOII at tbt COY---.-lollor. ...... ._ ...... ., Wolto,lllll_a_.-..,_ llilll-brbtrtoo- ...., Alloo; I -~­ud ~ a t:~~ter, au .. --._ Ull I inlll· ... ~ AIOARD SARA lOG.\ • .., •·:M•t_., ~ _____ ._ _ -"'..., ..... ., {.';., ,_. =-.Colla --==-= ................. ~ ....... ,.. ......... ............ Wood named Mesa aide THE BEE LINE NEWPORT HARBOR EJeSUJe PUILISHEO WEEKLY ·PG..l TMUMMY, •• 17, rJ17 CODIA&-,CMJf. ., JAN~Y aaaLI Toa Wood. r7, ot Lac-It wu welcome &baUd for tbl STOP Beac:b, taU.....,....,.,... artbrtUI ..-1 brua Mid at tbe B&lboa CltJ lttGI'MfJI)rColta ..... Yac:bt Chlb NCtlldJ. A 8eecoo 8t.J II'OGP ftiUic tiM jDb fleated bJ . CIIIM bJ boat wttll BYC IIMbJ.Oerl Juet ud llobert c.....,., wbo &d~ Yarthal 8ecL AlftOII tblm wert BerdJt YUCid to eltJ atto...., oa ud llarTJ Bubb. Yrt. Babb ta u actin tale rltir--of RoJ Jae. rMmber of tbt NtwpOrt Aulllary and ls on Yr. Wood bu bMD pnc. tilt~ CoaDty adYUDI'f board. Uellc law ID Knport Beecll otlaln an1YtJ1c b1 1ud wen cneted by lor 18 IDODtba aDd bUb.-AallUary prteidelt Ju llmore aDd lllabaod ta.t. lepJ woork 11Dee 1118, Luter. Ratb (Mra. RaJ) Fortaae checked wa• be obtaJDed bla law r ... ffttklaa aDd pte out STOP arthrltls decrM fl'om lluU.ac• School ldMIWlcattoo •m• eanll. of Law. He fRcllllled fl'om Carola {Mrt. Atealdlr) Campbell, wlth UCLA ID letl ud thea Mr-I pr.ttJ buket OD htr arm, Wll (lYlDe Ytd 11 a IIIIIPIJ omcer at nef10DI ao OIJI)OrblnltJ to acquire their El ToroID tiM YartDeCo~ abare of opportulllty ttclttta tor aU ~s for 3 yean. HS1 wUe, Pa-of prbea • • • a case ot wiDe, jewelry, trlcla, t•cbes at Martoer'a there wen two t.ma ••• aDd other goocUes tebool, ud eqalllte pnttlea. JOSEPH ROUND DIES . Tbe IP&l'IIIY dlly teemed to put eYiryooe lD a aparkly mood u tbe crowd pthered lD the louap. Talked With Dee Lockhart Gnv•lde ""lees for loNPb 8. RouDd, ?S, of Co-* .... nn beld Fridlly at Holy StpulcberCemttery, Oruce. He wu reported d•d oo arrlftl at Hoar~­ piW OD TlMdy, Nov. 8 .• A ..u" ot Eacla.od, Mr. Rouod left oo kDowD sur- YIYOrl. GEM ALK I . ( . II""'"", j .. ~. II' J,, '( t' d u r" a 1 I It 2 f 'I t•u '" ~rl Hit d. litH b.-.-it a ( ,, ~ ta M t>salandmarlt /t~ r "'orr I"Gn 111 Vt'Dr•, I~ Dn aM tlw "1 \ n n ~., "' ' a 11 d ; .. , .-lq . . LOOK WH.T I fOUMDI UneJpt<:ttdJJ rlodlne 110methlac pretty, valuable, or both, Is always a pleasant surprlse. Here are eome ioterestlng ftods that bave come to light receotly: -A man who cleans the eablDI of )ttUDers at the Ta.lptl airport 1n Taiwan waa~thegar~ge~ ott of a Chlnl Airlloea jet trom S~n when ht DOtJ.Ctd the can wu heaYler tbiD -...! ........ ln- ... ud 1111111111 • a.. or pld. A •lf:IIUM' ~ ap- par.tly cot coM teet ancS &Jmped It tbete. -Wba.o a man boocbt 1 lSth ceatury Mine )lr In , a PbllldtlpbJ.a antique sbop 30 yean aco. he tqHid It mJcbt 10meda7 bt worth mort tbiD tbe $150 be paid tor lt. He receDtly eold 1t at an auction -for $260,- 0001 -Tbta, there's the 67- cant d1amood fouDd lD the Yak:atia areaotRu11la. The Commu.UU ftcured that about the procress the Aull.llary ll maldog. Bnmcb wu IMOUOCed Yla tht walter wlth the chimes, and abortly all were entovlnl tbt IUmptlloua r.past IDd YilltiDc wlth thelr table-matea. Ours Included Elsie and Nlclt Paster, NaDCy IDd Tom Watts, hosts Jan IDd Lts Elmore, Georcta Mallloux, Les' dau(bter; and Vickt Andereon. other guests t.Dcluded Carol Brown, Ruth Musty, Doris aDd Wayne Peart, Catbtrloe Carll, June and Enn Prichard aDd Ruth ToDDesen. lmmedJately followtng lunch Mrs. Elmore extended thanks to all lor their attendance and support, addl~ her appreclatlon to the hard worldDC committee. Betty Elfas, presi- dent of the Arthritis AdYl.sory Committee ot Orance County aDd municipal judge ln Santa Ana, was presented. alone wltb honorary co-ct-a1rmaa tsobel Rosen. Judi Cover, or- ranlzer of the Booster Club, a junior group of youac folk who wlU bt nelpful to the needs of ch.lldren and youac people that have arthrttls, said ber daughter Karen. age 12, a Ylctlm of thls pa.Jntul and sometimes crtppliDc dJseast, was her reason for or- pnidnc the croup. She added there was a bot llDI, 738-184?, for tbose Interested ln the Booattr PfOil'&m. Kane wu mod.allc oot of tbt ttt ltl&rtl tor tale to belp boolt tiM Booater Cl1b. Laweoa Yeact. aetlfl member of tbt A rthrltll adrilory board, calltd oa Harry Bubb to uatst lD tbt OSJPOrtaltJ ctrawt.ac. There wu exclttmtDt a.t PbyUll ud Jack Baille'a wtDDIDC table. Jack bid atriYid from N.H. Y .c. wtttt tdt rtctntlY woa tropby. Sla and Ray Elliot wen Wltb tbtm. Ray races with Jack oa the NIW•Y· We cllmpsed Jesslyn BruDDer aci'OII the room, also J ackle aDd J. c. Humpbrlea and petite Barbara MUYlo, wbo ru111 a bolt- yard, beUeYe lt or not. Some ot the p..U, close friends or J~ and Lea, went OD to tbt Elmore's on Mesa Orin oYtrlootlac tbe blrd sanctuary. We eo)oyed a tour of the apa.cious home, rroundl aDd tht old blc- eyed, horned-owl up in the tree. Dlacus- slon of pfaos tor fllture AmWary protect. brought the afternoon to a close. • • • • • Styles and smUts ke)'DOttd tht pleua.nt atmosphere tor tbe Mimosa luDCheoD re- cently at the Balboa Bay Club. It wu li:SO a.m. and the Quarter Dtct wu allvt With smartly attired ladJes from nrlous areas of Oraoce County. A coocUY 1111mber were members or the Fashiooables --lUte Dorothy Jerglns wlth her frlenc!, DeWest Lidolte Marcia Barrett, who droYe ln from Palm Springs that morn. Ma.r)orle {Mrs. Stmoo) Fluor was there from Santa Ana with Mt.dge Foster. Had not seen Ma.r)orle for a long wbUe. EYeryone attending was there tor two reasons. One. to swell the funds tor Chap- man CoLlege's child study readiDc aDd lelro- lng, perceptual motor development, peycbolo- gtcal counsellng and community dJtorders program. The other reaeon. to see a phase ot fashions, Ava Gulterra's custom mades. The collection included sldrts, short aDd lontt sundress, short skirted tennis styles aod adorable chUdreo's toes. An's career started lD Jerome, Aru •• and old copper mfn1nc. clttr ciLDcf.Dc town. where she stUl Uves. Not much to do, Ava began designing and making for her- sell and her chlldren, then oeigbbors and frleods wanted them aad her work was sourht by outsiders. Because her husband, Alfredo, was a well known u a restaurateur, the styles became known as Arredo's wlle's design (easier to say than Gulterra). Now she is so well known. be fs teasingly called AUredo's wtfe's hus~Dd. Her styles are whtmslcal, her trade mark, three little mlct. Animals, birds, kites, etc., are fantlst1c as applique. Leo, so )oUy, seems more to purr than roar ••. aDd broU(ht smUes. The Peg Power designs were the rrost- lng on the ca.lte. The gauzy aprtcot aod gold sui cloth worked lnto a dreamy full skirt' topped wltb alry matchlnr blouse was modeled by Susie Gross. The ch.lc black cashmere pencU sllm skirt, hemmed with Jacuar mink, captured Barbara Karl'a aod Pat' lftlssert.s aeteDtloa. Pat, )&sit borne from an 1n dtiPU\ tour of Ireland, ns IIYlDC Birb&ra some Ups tor ber up cornl.DI trtp thel'e. Ploss Scbumacber told or her fabulous Medlterra.oean crotse. Near by were Norma Meyer, Jean Sharp, Dort de Krolf, Helen Clifford and Patrtcfa Groth. At another table wert Lots Hines, Frances McCurdy, Gaye Bryant, Lucy Woodward, TonJ Ollpht.nt, Sug Jooes and Bebe Roberts ••• elsewhere were Vida Dea..n. Mary Lou Hopkins and Betty Bartley. Peggy Cotton and Mary Loo Molander assisted Myrna Saftig with rese"attons. MEMBERS ATTENDING tbt styles affalrs of the Fash- loDiblea, a npport croup of Chapman Colleee. included, from left, Vlfllnla Knott, Floss Schumacher and Lfnlt Wathnaon. Amel case set for Dec. 2 Superior Court actlon is scheduled for Dec. 2 on a lawsuit tlled by Arnel De- •elopmeot Co.. Sa.ou Aoa, PUBLI C NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-93109 Estate of ELIZABETH UPTON, Deceased. NOTICE lS HEREBY GIV- EN to the creditors of the above umtd decedent that all persona havfllg claims against the aid decedent are required to file them, wtth the necessary vouch- ers, 1n the omce of the clerk of the above eotltled court, or to present them, with the necessary vou ch- ers, to the UDdersigned at the omce of h.ls attorneys, KMOe aDd Dioo, Newport Arches Marlna Bulldl..og, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Suite 401, Newport Beach, Calif- ornia 926&3, which ls the place of business of the un- derslgned 1Dall matters per- tal..ning to the estate of said decedent, wlthln tour months after the first publfcatlon ot this ootJce. Dated: Nonmber 14, 1977. GalYI..D R. Keene, E1ec::utor of the WUl or the above Damed decedent. Keeoe and Dlon, Attorneys at Law, Newport Arches Ma- rina Bide., 3333 w. Coast Wcbway, Sidle 401. Newport B•cb. Calltorllia 92663: tel- epbooe: (714) 645-4044, At- toraeys for Executor. Publlsb: NoY, 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8, 19'77, 1D tbe Newport Harbor EDSign. to block a Cit)' of Costa Mesa lnltlatlve measure be- ine placed on the March 7 ballot. The 1nlt1atlve measurE> was ordered placed on thl' ballot by the Costa Mesa C Lty Couodl last Nov. 7. rt calls for the voters to declde lf undeveloped orop. erty west of Bear St., t>e- tw een the San Diego Free- way and ~nnower Ave., should be zoned for slngle- fa mlly residences. A petl. tlon wlth more than 10 per cent of the clty's re~lstt>r~>rt voters called for the I nitta- tlve measure submitted by the North Costa Mesa Home- owners Assn. The Aroel flrm had alrt>ad) recelvec1 city ap. provaJ to tx!ild 539 apart- ments and 126 slngle-famll} homes on some 44 acres of the proPt>rty. It clalmerl the lnltlatlve shOUld not tie on the ballot because of t>rrors and Improprieties In the petition. JAMES COSMAHO OF C.M. DIES AT AGE !»6 funeral services for James T. C~smaoo, 56, of Costa Mesa, were held Tues- day, with the Rev. Raymond C. Flco officiating. Mr. Cosmaoo, a mac ttln- tst, and a native of PeMsyl- vania, dled Nov . 11 1n Hoag hosplt21. He Is survived by llis wlfe, Hazel; brothers AI aM John. aod slster Josepb1nt' Vftlrlsl, all of New York; 6 grandchildren and a I{ real -graodc h.lld. lnterment was In GoodShepherdCeme- terr. Large Assortment. BONNE BELL PLUS 30 · 1\IGHT C REAM It LOTION CALL Ul f'OiW D i'lliCII PRESCRIPTJO. ftLL&D' Dl111 ~. 9-tWEEKDAYS e t-'ril. W 1011 E. COAST HWT., oc;,..A. r.L- Order your KODAK PhOO> Greetings ... ~ Get live extra photo-greettng catdS Of pr•nts tor every twenty-l•ve you order Oelore November 18 Just t>11n9 us your tavo11te KOOACOLOA Negat•ve color pnnt or color slide Choose Chflstmas Navodad or Chanukah des•ons Each one you send •s a g•tt on •tself Act now anp be sure to ask us tor Color Pra<:MSing by KOCAK CAL'S a4•-n•3 CAMERAS ' IUCb a blc ltoat shoUld be (1YID an extra speclal •me. So, t!Hty oame It '' Tbe 15th Party Con. AMONG THOSE atttndlnc the arthrlUr bene- nt were, from lett, Jack lJ'M1 Phyllls Balllle ud Harry and Berdle Bubb. (Janey Berls Mrs. Mead introduced Joan Normanly, who commented Alfredo's wfle's styles. Mildred, weulng her skirt by Pee Power or Italian fabric, commentated. ln htr own lnlmltable way, the Pee Power special designs. The Mlmosa luncheon, a delight for all IDd money ln the WI tl'om the Fash.lon- ables to Chapman Colleee pro)8Cts. porcelain salon ... not a store BUT AN EXPERIENCE! Please share it with us. pboto.) "fhankllh'er. Bouqllet. Send one ... Select E8dy .... UVJNG CHRISTMAS TREES ,.. .... Seledion For OurAra LtftDc Trees From l'h K to OYer 7ft. ,_.No.I OndeBaN- Root RoeH.. ARRIVING SOON I WILBUR LAKE, 76, OF BALBOA ISLAND DIES wuoor Lake, 76, or 308 Onyx, Balboa lslaDd. wbo died Nov. 9 at Saddleback Community hOspital, wu burled Saturday lo &nYe- side servlces at Pa.clttc View memorfal park here. Mr. Lake, born LD Oll.DOII, had lived here 30 years. He was a retired accountant. He and his wlte LUlie &leo had a home in Leisure World. Besides hls wfte, bt ls su"lved by daughter Phyllis Wieser, sisters Helen Arnold and RutbJohn- son, brother J. WeDdell Lake, and 3 &n.ndc::hUdrtD. Pa rUclpa tiJa1 ln the fUneral se"lct were Dr. PhUlp Murray or St. An- drew's Presbyterla.D Cborcb and members ot the La Rabn Masonic ~, otwblcb Wr. Lake was a member. P U BLIC N OTICE NOTI CE You ar• btrebJ ootlfted tbat t.bt Newport Btaeb City CouocU wtll bt att.uac a ~P~Clal mttUDc of tbt Board of Ect.eaUOD of tbt Ntwport-u .. UJI,fttd School OUtrict wltb tbt 8oud of TnlttM of tiM CoutComan~ldtJCol­ Jece Dlltnet. ud tM CltJ CoueU ol CMia .... • w.sraJdty, Nontnbtr JO, 1m. 1'bt ,.,.... o1 t~tt •Mtill .... ...,..bltltr- p ... JFhl rtllttauUpe ,... .... Will • Mill at Orup c..e cou .... 1'101 ,...,.. -...eo. ....,c....._-., 'II Itt:• .... Dlrtla.tp CltJ~ CIJ tl .. csps:rt._. r ,...., ""· n, ""· .. ............. >La. &. PEOASUS, Llmlted edlUon of 500 You need plenty of wlt A ma~c bridle tlld a 10ldea bit 'To c apture the w1atte4 bofle ln bla abtmmerinl courM ... Available at 114&0.00 OpenTueadoy·Soturday 10-6 and Sunday 12·5 other hour• by oppolntmen't only 1741 WestciiH Dr., Newport ~each 6~·•511 NEWPORT HARillR EliSIIJI P\JIII.ISHED I UKLY ·PG. 4 N.B. l}iUIISOo\Y, IIDV. 11, ttn COROllA DEl. liAR, CALl F. .1_. -CIIJ'C:... .• nun: ri'llll! cll~ll. IIIIM•• · 6IIMI .., ... ......,_ ... • OF ILDCl. at a.,. Ca•ID -.... -. .. 1111 •• .-. lllo .. ,... ... -lolull, --... 114'10'1td. ot'Wf .... pro- -of~~antr ,_ ofBal. ERNEST GREB.EY OF boo lolud. • CURB CUTS 1-1D C.ll. DIES AT AGE 86 11 ot 14 ,-..,_. dl'lft· hatnl .. me.. tor WIJS 1A Coi'OIII del Mar EJ'DNt G. Gnele,, II, of were ordei-ed cloaed. H0-1/1 w. Vtctoril st., Co- • LARRY LYltCH ft.l • ar-. an .:beduled i>r uked to · rutp hom U• I p.m. today, Nor. 17, 1D city PluaJ.ac CommluioD BtU Broadway Mortoarr due to poulblt eoldllet of Cblpll, with Putor Cblaet 1Dterest. Smltb of Calftry Cbaptl ot- • BUSINESS LICEMSE tu: fteLattac. ordloaDCe, wbJeb wW m.. Mr. GreeleJ, a u.ttn ot. cr••• the rate pdtbJIDIDJ PeiiUJ'l'fUU.. wu a dairy- local t.siN'NS, ,..JJUMII mu aDil bid Unci 1a tbe to ~Dd read!DC oa Nor. eouty tor ft Jan IDd JD 28, ' CaUfomta l)r 53 Jet.rs, He • CAMPAIGN 411eloaurt died Moodily 1D Boac bos- law, applyiag to loealelec:-pttal. tlons, was dlscuiHd, Wt He 11 •mnd by !JODS rema.tos ucbUCed. Robert Ull Alu of Costa • ALLEY PAVING 'U-Me-. brotbtr HllltJ Howe sessmtDts 1D tbt block of norkll, listers Mary In- bounded by Balboa, Cypren, reman. eo.ta Mesa, and HardLag and Adams lD Bal-Beatrice lleGratb, F torlda, boa were postpooed when a 10 (l'llldcbtld.reD ud 2 resident complained that as-great-craDdehUdreo. sessments had been paid on Interment was scheduled the same alley many years tor Harbor bawn Memortal ago. Part. • SIGN onUmoce, plac~ --::=,-,.,----- more restrlctlou on eom-__ :,P_:::U_::B:::L:..:I_:C:...N~O.:_T_:.I C~E­ merlcal signs, was adopted. • HAROOHlP purchase by S.93449 the city of a duplet: at 202 F'ICTITK)US BUSlNESS 34th, West Newport, was NAME STATEMENT tentatively approved, peM· The foUow:blg parsons are log an appraisal of tbeprop. doi.Dg OOslDess aa: Riverside erty, •hlch ll in tbe path Properties, a Ltd. PartDer· ot tuture YideDq of Balboa sbJp, 29602 DHrnleCircle, Blvd. LaguDI Niguel, CL, 92677: • FLOAT exteDSion of 10 Arthur H. Nelton_ 29602 n. farther toto tbe bay, re· Deern.le Circle, Laguaa.Nl- quested tor a noe.t a 1200 guel, Ca. 92677; Robert Dean E. Balboa Bl't'd., Balboa, 'lfU JacUoo, 3450 Sawtelle denied a permit. BlYd., Apt. :WS, Los AnceJes, • GIFT of $2,500 tor the Ca. 90066. com munlty theatre 1n EosigD Th1J ~sloess Is eooducted park was accepted from the by a limited partnership. Musical Theat er GuUd of Siped: Artll.lr ll Nelson. Newport Beact1. This statement was IUed • MO.PED bike regula-with the eouDty clerk ot Or- tlon tichtenlng wtJI besought ange County Nov. 7, 1977. through state representa-Publlsh: No•. 17, 24, Dec. tives, the Council decidedoo 1, 8, 1977, In the Newport a 5-2 vote. HarOOr Enslen. F -85029 ALL ~M71lTCWU ,_...~ Let Us Res./lnfo 751 -7867 Entertain You! Com ics fro m l as Vega~ Top T V Show s 7 nt g hts a week Co'nt"luo·u' shows irom R JOPM ltght Suppers t•ll m td 1 You've never laughed so hard' LAFF STOP 2122 S.E. Bris tol Newport Buch, (~l if. llu•t ~10'* O••n11~ rountv "''~'I 75 FIAT ' 1/lt j ELIZABETH ZUEHLKE of Hermoa. S.eb w01 dlNet the mtlalc this Friday evtalac Wbea tbe Orup Coaty Recorder Society meetl at Bowen ...._m 1D 8aata Ana. ld:rs. Zuehlke, who teacbts recorder• prtntely ud at seYen.l colleces In Soutben Calll)nla, Ia dlrtctor of the society. Tbey tuntlsbed Eltaabetbu mule lor the Fullertoo College productloa of ''Tbt Wy Ia 1110t tor ~mine." presented earller tbll: moatb at hlltttoll. Among tile local players who participated 1D tbt procram wert Marte steiner of Corolll JUchluds, S.. Tbomu of Costa Mesa and Doo Bowlus of Balboa IalaDd, lrrunldlatt past president of the OC Recorder Society. Mn. Zaeblb, who Is the sister of Ena1gn co..pabUabtr Per Hupa, recently participated 1n recorder worklbopt 1D Eaclud. fer 118. plan..s ~ .... r 'a ...... oO.a.aa I 11111 -~·lor --11111 .... .,, .. ' -."""" ~ ~I} IIIII. lo •om -. "'*'' ':""';·" 1 ~--.... -· ~ .... ...,~,..,, ---fill a.lr....,... tlc:;nt; tete ... • 1111= • A1'101f al a .. 0 0 L , PLAII,...IIIor_ud_ .. , tr I ~~:IIF ...W --at PIR'a FiMFoodl, = .. _ II ...... lhS vwa w., c-., . rr••••' t <v· ·v.m.c-. uc1 a--.... u.t a.o, ....... -.... "'' -.... 00140 1.. _.., ..,._ lqopr opontlltr bolln llo .... ud n t•~ta•,. IUd allowed. -oolllo --ol-· o COIIMEIICIAL lloUdlol IIOrt 81..._-oi-A• .,..,. .... lor •rtb-cor-· Mo. 1a Newport J1o111tU 111 .. rotc-llwJ. 11111 Huol oommeretaa. illttldot,...... 1D Con. dtl Mar woOl -· baYO rool """"· • OFFICE BLDG. pro. • T AXI!-OOT JOPrl paood lor block eoo of Now-.-.rut p,.,.Md 11 NOt port C-r. ()porto, Lido VWoco. • Lllll'n OD elt)'-oned • REBTAt/R.UIT w1tb 1111-11 -rt odjo<ooiiD .llqaor .., --~~~ at 1111 Bora Clll> Ia lui Bioi! 4101 v .. ~ KoiiCOil- wwld bo IMIIllod b)' tile lor lf._rt, 1o propoood. Bora C!ab. · 2 Mesa suicides reported Two •Jcldl CI.MI wen r..,.rtod _, b)' Coot& u .. pollee. Tbomu E. S.U.S.n, n, ot 2500 Mnport BIYd., Co- m 11-, wu proDCM~aeed. dold at CootaM--1111. Three pntcrfpttoadracbot- U.. abita atclde DOte wen loaod 1D bls bedroom, police Balboa theatre saluted -=-:;:.,.,;v~.L,.,.-C """"oT--,CE- Cblrlea R. Wtllori, 52, ~ 1741 TutlD A••·· com. Mea, was proDOUDeed cSeM OD arrtnl at Hole hospital alter poUee rtmoTed blm from a ear wttb motor nD· ·111Dc ID • Pnc• tl tbot address. They were called at 11:46 a.m. aod backed tbe ear out ol tbe carace. The qiDe 1D aootber ear 1D tbe caract of tlle apart- ment compleuttbataddrea bad also beeoruDDt.oc, pollee said, A pnp door opeaer ac~YilttDc deflce was 1D tbe car n•r bJs band. pollee reported. Tonlght, Nov. 17, will be a specl.al night at the movies for members or the Balboa Island Improvement Assn. (BUA~ The BIIA will salute the Balboa Theatre tor a year of "nrst-rate ntms and turu- arouod from the theatre's previous commitment to X- rated movies," according to BUA secretary Cindy Hous- ton. Tbe theatre wu PH· rtously operated b)' the Pussycat ebaJ.D before tbe preseot openton took oYer last year. Islud naldeata wtll pther at t!M Commulty Ceater, 115 Apte, udi"Tt as a (1'0QP at &:SO p.m. Further tntonnatlon may be bad by ealltD&: Mrs. Hous- ton at 875-1773. Action by CM planners Thirteen actions we re continued until Nov . 28 aM 2 until Jan. 9 when the Co. sta Mesa Planning Commls- sloo met Monda y nfghlinCity Hall. A master plan a mendment tor Halecrest Park Inc., 3107 KUiybrooke Lane, which was continued, received critic- Is m over possible noise from Saturday plcnl.cs. AdcUUonal parldng, a Jacuzzi, sauna:, restrooms and r aCQUetball courts are proposed. U ap- proved by the city, a re~;Uta .. Uon would prohibit reotl~ out the facUlt y to outside organtutions and ltmtUng PUBLIC N OTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person 1s doing business as: The Starm~s Company • Realtors & Builders, 180 ''E" New- port Center Dr., Newport Beach, Cal. 92660: Fred- erick Darrell Starnes, 1827 Port Tltnn, Newport Beach, Cal. 92660. Thls business Is conducted by an LDdlvldual. Slgned: Frederick Darrell Starnes. Tbls statement was tued with the coonty clerk of Or~ ange County Nov. 14, 19'77. Publish: Nov. 17, 24, Dec. I, 8, 19'77, In the Newport HarOOr Enstp. F -85361 Us use to club members. The rel'l'aOf'al of PfWI ID Harbor Assembly of God Churcb, 740 W. WU1011 st., bas created a cbaalt In lbe number of putillc aal.tl re- quired. Tbe cbarcb llJO wishes to divide part of tbe property fnto 4 parcels. Tbe matter was cootlDuedtoNo•. 28 so the t1re dlpartmeat cu determine the oew aatiDc capacity in the ellarcb. A nrluce for a sip at 3420 Briltol st., Tnu- amerlcan lDsunnceCo., wu dealed. PTOYlsioDS pen.- lng sign location. area, and letter hei&bt were lllfolTtd in the nrlaoce request. A proposed grouod slp at 612 Baker st., tor Erut-Btae. stein Enterpri.Ha, r.o. Angeles, alao wu dtaled. PUBLIC NOTICE S-113452 FICTrriOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe to!Jowtng per80DI are do~ busitlu:s u: lllarplly A ve011e Pa.rtDersblp, Sltlte 620, 610 Ne11'p0rt Ceater Drive, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660: R1cbmt D. J<*a, 1950 Port Edward Place, Newport Beacb, Ca. 9ZMO; C. Tbomas MallOI, 1428 SaDdcastle Drtn, Corona del Mar, ca. 9!625. This buslDesaliCODductld by a geoenl partDtrlbJp. Stcned: Rlcbard 0, J'ODN, This sta.temeal wa1 ftlld with the eouDty clert of Or· uce County NOY. 7, lf77. PubUJb:No.-.17, z•.~. I, 8, 1977, bl tbe Newport Harbor EDSicn. F .ISOZ'J PUBLIC NOTICE S-9$446 FIC TITK>US· BUSliiESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe IDUowlllll periOD II dola( -u : Pacllk Pallten, mtiPr....,.Dr,, L .... Nlpo~ CL 11177: --~. Z971Z ..._Dr.,~ lflpol, Co. ·111177. Tb1J .. ,_,,II C(liidl<:flld b)' u --.. llcM* Robert 0.U KIIPIBbl'er. s-113450 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe torllowlac peHOU an 4olle butiMss u: Put Lido BIUdll1c Co., 1160 N._rt Cealtr DrtYe, &atte lUO, Ntwp>rt Booeb, CtUJonlt 9!110: WUUam s. MHMD· pr ud Phyll1l: Y. MeaeD~ leT 1W75 Trusts, Mli'Sball L. McDulel, Trutee, USO Eut Empe11&1 !llcb'nJ, Sa.lte 111, E1 Secaado, Call. lorQia 90145; WWiam L. Goobepn IIIII Lacrollo C, Geo~M~pn 1W75 Truata, Mar· lbaU L. MeDulel, Tna.a:ee, Z!SO Eut Imperial lllcb· way, Suite 111, El $epD:kl, Callfofllla 90245; Harold E. Goo-IUS Eut BNOCI- •ay, GleDdlle, CaiUofllla mos. Thll bualoels .-eoldlcted b)' t (OIIOrtl -roltlp. Stped: Manball L. Me .. Du.l•l. Tbll: !Jtf.teme.at wu ftled wllb lbo -"r 'cfln .t· Or. ...., c-r NoY. 4, '""'" .. bllolt: -· 17, Z4, Doc. 1, II, IW77, lD the Newport Htrbor Eoolcn. F -Mm LANE PAIMTIMGS 011 DISPLAY 1M LAGUNA Upsta.t.r1 llo'nstalra Gal .. lery 1D LICQDI Beaeh w1U start a s week nbtblt bJ c .,.dl.aD bon Artll Lue wltb a riCtiJ(ioD tb1J SUD- day, NoT. 20, from s to 7 p.m. lila Lane wW bt oa baM to meet pUrcal &uday, aDd ber' pe.IDUIIp, ru.ny of Widell ar. portnltJ ot. celebrit1M, wUl bt a- blbllod tltroacb Doc. 10. WORKSHOP AT O.C.C. A ODt4J worbllqJ OD parllaiiiOIIIIrr "" will bo preeeated SabardaJ, No•.19, from I:SO a.m. to S p.m. LD occ•s Captal.a's Table ruturut. Pre.np.tratioD fM, lD- cllldlll laDCb, lo $10. Foe 11 lbo door lo $11.50. PUBLIC N OTICE S-11445 FICTITlOUS BUSINESS NAME llT ATEMENT Tbo lollowiDI ....... "' dolllc beeiD"I aa: PEZ, Ltd., 1101 DoTe street, Suite 570, lf-rt Boocb, CL !IHeO: Lnrace I. Peter- -. lr., 8 WtadWood, Ir- TI.DI, CalUDnla trll<&, Tllollo-111- b)' • l1atltotl ...--. Slped: Liwuece E. Peter· -. lr., G..nl Putaer. Tllo--- -1111 _,.·-of Or--evar ~~oo. 1, 1m. -lloo.l7,14,Doc. FALL FESTIVAL SALE AT CHURCH FRIDAY Women of First Ullited Metbodlst charcb wtu bold a tan festt'l'll tb1J Friday, No•. 18, at the ct.rcb, UO w, 19tb street, Coeta Mea. Homemade item•, balled roodS, Ctlrtstm&.s glfts aDI1 wbJte elepb&Ms w111 be of- fered tor sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch •Ul be se"ed from 11:!0 a.m. to 1:!0 p.m. AUto ....... * "ooncNtlonkta. PG'I"'Jf -... --AMIFM .-. Tllo -.... lllod Wltlt 11!1 ..., Clort ol Or• !, 1, tm, 1a 111o HI'IIJIOII Kullorllolp. F .. l. ·-·-..... ,,_ .. _...,...._' =...~~....:rn~···.o $ --.uo.I8NBQF-f1831A 1111t1 CautJ itof. I, 1m. -..;P..;U:.::B.::L::;IC::_:K::;O::.:,T~IC~E-- hbltlfa: Jtcw.l1, "· Dtc:. .. ...... 1, .. 1977, Ia lbo llftport Heritor 1M1p. F .. I. F1C iii iJUI ·--RAil& ftATDIDT PU.L.IC NOTICI! Tllle..,..._pu_lft l ·tMf7 diOIIC b ' II .. Dt h FJ:TitkliiS BOIIllm ~lltloo. !.~.!"-c•-•: NAil& STATIMIIIT _ .... ~ M .... Tbo' IDIJowlai -Ia · L-llpol, Ca. _,, dolar -u: r-. A-I. -.._ --~ Dttltoor Putt Doonolo Clnlo, '-Ill· Plul, jOiii{. C.. BwJ. pol, Ca. _,; Wllnl Q. Duo -. co~~~~ -11o1< •11'"1, a ,.._at, •.a. ,_ .... -1 Colle Y-, Co& a.l; V. 11or11, c..._ _, . •= .... • _., ''-Cal. -_ . f . c ... -. '* h 'rnllc t '1 • TMa II t1•11 =.:;.:r::·· ..... ~~-r-.~\ L 'nllrttl ....... ' ...... -~~~~---.. Or--.. ---.. Or-.... ~c-.. .... '· • .,. ' ..... £-' .... '· • ., . .... n,., Doe. "·'* ... .,, ., Doe. ".... . .. .._. .... ..,, .... ..... --.... , ............ , __ THBR.B ARE 2 AJRMEK Ia tbt Bader famUy ·-RJcbard ud ldJ wtft, Mlcbelle, botb UIJped to Little Rock Atr Foree Bue 1D Arllauu. lllcbtlle, daqbttr of Mr. tad Mn. lluYey 11l1111M, ZOSO FlamJDco Drln, Cotta Mea, . aDd Rlebard, atD o1 Mr. u1 Wn. Burl Outer of Baldwtn Part, both bal'e Jilt complet.d bulc tn11dnc at La.ckla.Dd AF.B, Tnu. Tttey blYe nported lor duty at Little Roell: AFB lD tbe U. S. Alr Foret tnuportatioa tl.tld. "LA GRANDE BOURGEOISE" CATHERINE DENEUVE GIANCARLO GIANINI ENGLISH SUS:.TITLES RATED R 1 • . . • ENGUSH IRONSTONE DINNERWARE IIJ~ MA-R ~Sipi ruiLISHEDtullY·l'ct S nt_,RSDAY, IIOV. 11, rJI1 CODA DlliiAI. CMJF. 'KEEP. CANAL FOR U.S. DEFENSE' (Coea 1d from Pice I) '"LOnJS'' IM BROWN• YELLOW OR CORAL or ..... ,Ud,.. • .,... ., ......... Ud oat- SAVE~ •45pleaeatts ....... ttuc'Hit laiiDidt-.w, Ud .., tl7bl .., .. , ~ IOOd·.W ala COIIIIJIU'IeY oat llo dMtNJ uf S...Or 8U'I'f Goldnt.er ctY.-tlda coalrJ -10 IDOH flU'S al•• clnltSc eq11 an IDiodt lD t111t earNit poUct. of tiM Carter 1411WtlltraUoG. TM tDre.-u.t wort for t:be •rHDder ot CMtr Pua- ma C ual are tbt ame OIIIM wr., ban P.• mUUoM ot dollars ID a1d 11o blaek com- m .. llt terroriiU Wbo b&Ye bfttallJ murdered I"''IC'.t mtut.c.ries &Dd ottaen lD Rbodesta. wbo attempt to replace tbe lawtulllld-com- muD1Jt connmeats of Rbo- deala and Soutb Afrlel and substltate black comm.ut dictators, Wbo propoee recoplt.loD to be followed b1 bWtoas to u.s. IJd eo bUkrapt comanud1Jt c•, wbo adYoeate $100 mOUoa tD mUltary aJd eo com...., D1.lt Jamaica, wbo approYed tbe ale of tbe worWa IDCMit adn.oced COmptlttr baYiac almost unllmlt.d mUttary appllcattoas to tbe Soviet UD1oo oo tbetr proml.le tbat lt wu to be used .olely for '• weather torec..tt.Dc," wbo bave giYeo bOUou 1D U.S. aJd to many commulll.lt nations and aoti-Amertca Third World countries througb the World Ba.Dk aDd other One World orpu1.a.- tioos, and so on ad nauseau m. Perhaps I contuse Jobn Way;ne, the person, wttll the cbaracters be so often por- tnys in ttlms, but I :an•t help but think that be 1s a cleeett ud pctnrllc A .. rku. Bid M ... -.t tills ... " ....... ..,. w ...................... , .. pNQ ud -IIU.ms $ otru.a.tMfawn& 10111......., coa...utllll. tbe ........ rloeoltM ..... CIDI.l. I ... Mttllat ...... the oCMr lidt ol Uu .... lD pla.ce of a.t PI DJSII• bUts of ooe-lided lid· trutbl, omt.uaou, ud Gllt- rlcbt dlltortloM otfaet 111111 crammed don tile~ of tbe Amertcu peoplt br the Carter~ and otber lrratloaalllbenll in the Co~, ta.. TV Mtworks, aDd IMCb of tM other oews media. a.n L.Gnns 1445 West Florida Hemet, Calif. 9%UJ IN BROWN • WIIITE, tELLOW • WRITE OR CORAL It WRITE s.t lndudesl ... dinlw ........... ......., arul bowls, CU.,. • UIUCirS plus OM eedt plltter, wptable, crtM* ................ BEHIND EVERY MARIONETTE there t. .,mtODe ptdU.ac tbe strtop. When the ICuioDette Tbtetre of tbe WorJd preHDtl a Cbrtltmu procnm at Plymout,b Coocreca- Uooal Clareh at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. !, VerDI. &at Rola.Dd Sylwelter of GraDida Hllls wm be pa1Uic tbe atrtacs, i.s they baYe for mpre tbaD 10 yean. Cblldre from tbe eattre Harbor Ar• are llwtted to brtDc tbeir par••• aDd frleDds to see the bour.Jooc presenbtJoo eDttUid ••t woald take you to tbe Cbrt.t Child." .. -.ruo. ol ....., ....._ dlaed out bJ muy ........ ud WOrM Wbolll NOOI'dl ol dlue"tce 11o tua n 1'7 ud of cMac aU JINIII* aid IDd comtort to ..._ com•••, wbo bave ROn to ._I'J u, t. almo.t llll•tted. Tbe otwloul tntll Ia llllt tbe IDOIDellt Amerteu ~ are palled oat of tbe Cllll.l Zoae, tbiDScmtt Ru- .ta II COUI !DO'It tn wttb ..... riDe buts IDd IIICle- &r JOebt IDita.tlatiou jut u tbeJ dJd tD Caba. It WOGld bt a blood batb for u.s. tore.. if we tried to return &at ...,ree ue of tbe Caoat bJ tbt Unlt.d statts aDd the t..t ol tile tree world, Ttws tbe commanlltl could and mo.t certaJJily wt11 deoy tbe Caaal to 111 at a time of tbtlr cbooalac, and we will bt •bjected to polltlcal, ec- :~:;,.;;~~;~ ·~~~!.GilliiiD ........... iiPi NiiiG'!JJ'tl.~ of treuooJ It Ia tome~ tblt DO other DltioD OD eartb WOUld do (aDd eertaiDly not tbt commUDJsU), and our frieDdl (l.DcludtDc many ID Paaama and the rest of La- tio America) are at a total loss to understand the sbeer l.D.saDlty of wby we are dol~ tt. It wtll be a clear signal to all the world that we are cowards and abjectly sur- render to the undeclared war ot tbe Communist conspir- acy lD the drive to subjb- pte the world! Not only wW weglveupourlmmeose- 1 y stratectc Panama C aoal, but we will 1D addition pay them hundreds of mllllons ot dollars for the prhllegel ID the words of the recently retired long-time chief of 0, S. Atr force Intelligence, Gen. George Keegan, ''It this ts oot .ome form of Idiocy ••*'$100.00. Setlp•d .. '499• ............ WOiker hurt in CDM fire A cb9mlcal belDl used to strip the palot from kitchen cabloetl ns b!amed for a fire wlltcb ID.jured a work- mao &Dd did l.ll tFJmtted $60,000 damace to a !far- bor Vtew Htlls bome Fri- day •. S.J I&DDe Piker, owner of · tbe h:>me at 34%4 Sea~reeu, told ttre IDvestaptors that she b!a.rd an-\ eq,tollon 1D tbe kltcbeo aaa rubed to to PUBt:t·C NOTICE. ftD11 workmad En!DS&Mer- son. ZS of Hantt.acton Beach aflre. Sbe rolled b1m io the crass outaide tbe bo:n"i to put out tM flamt!s, theo called parame~tcs. M:.San- derson Is recoYertac from burns on h1s rlcbt baDft IDI2 arm. A pet cat d::e-1 of smote lnbalaUon as a result of the ttre. P U BLIC NO.TICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNIA aDd madness, then I don't NOTICE INVITING BIDS kDow what the helltt lsi" . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE NEW OWNER SANDY Me NEILL INVITES THE PUBLIC TO COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED Saturda!f II to 5 COFFEE COOKIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEALED BIDS wm be .reeetYed at the ortlce ot the Ctty u the Uotted States can- Clerk, City Hall, Newport Beach, CalUornta, UDt1l !:30 DOt or wUl not defeDd our p.m. on the 8tb day of December, 1977, at wbicb time they lawfUl property of t.he Pana- wtll be opened aDd retd, for pertormtoc wort u follows: ma CaDil, which we subst- 16TH STREET UTILITY SERVICE YARD IMPROVEMENTS dtse at constdenble cost . . . . . . . . ~ W <: buy, 5(:11 and & rake consignm<:nts ~ ~ ffllJte 's v4Htiqlles PHASE D to order to benefit the shipp- CONTRACT NO. 19.(% iDe of all natioos, then bow : PRONE 113·S'7U . . . . . . . The Royal Copenhagen Bita mut be •bmttted oa tbt propoaJ form attached cu we espect Alaska, , with tbe eoatract docameata flmd.lbed bJ tbe PabUe Wora . Rawau, CaUtonlia and the l>tpartmtDt. The ~ CCJpJ of tbe propoal form 1.1 rest ot thts aa~ to be to be rttaJDed bJ tbe bidder for bLI ~rds. ,deteoded ap1Dst threats a.od ; 2721 E. Coast H \\'Y .. Corona del Mar ~ . . 1977 Christmas Plate : HOURS: TUES TO FRI. 10-4 . SAT. 11-6 A kadU,on for coUec&ora of flae porcela!a. ..-~ 1b1llt tlt.._..,...,bJ cub, ceriUled check 1Dtlmldat1oo by tbecommun- • BtoW1r'1 .._.. .• , ....... llo tfM City otNwpDrt alit~? We sbeuld adopt a . • : •.............•......•.......................••.•..•••••........ T•ts year's plate-•• snow sceae of Clle hta&ort c lmmervad Brtd*e. by arUst Kal Lange. Blue and white. $3:t ONE OF SEVERAL COLLECTOR'S PLATES OUR SHELVES ARE BURSTING WITH CHRISTMAS IDEAS FOR ACCESSORIES, DECOR & GREETINGS! Btllbh.-a _.. ...... I& it liut lOperceet ot ttae . amoalbld. ·\ Tbt Utlt of tbe prOject IDd tbe words '•SEALED BID'• sball be cle&rlJ ma.rted oo the outside of tbe -~ contatnb~ the btd. Tbe eoatnct cloeamtDta tbat mast be completed, eu-~llted, aDd nbamed to tbe lllled btd are: A. Prcpoal B. Deetptton ot Sll>c:oDtracton c. Bidder'• Bood D. NOD-cotlalioll A.ftldaftt E. stat.meDt ot FlD&DciiJ Respood>Wty F. Teclldeal AbWty &Dd !Jptrt.aee Refenocea . TbeM docamGI lblll be dlsed wttb tbt llpaban _......,._.. .... _. .... ' and tWu of tbt penou llp1ac oo beba1f of tbt bidder. ~~J -" " • --+... -For corporatiou, tbt 8lpaturet ot tbe PRESIDENT or i\ IMr-· ·-6•4-7J.e0 VICE PRESID£1CT met SECRETARY or ASSISTANT SEC-f.....,.. \\ traaa PAa!'IM• RETARY an reqa1red &Dd tbt CORPORATE SEAL llbal1 --~ 1• ~-~ DAILY~-TO I:Jt be atflMd b) all docameatl reQdrtoc slpatar ... Jo the Ja'£:..J ~ IUM)Aft11 TO I , cue of a PutDertblp, tbt atpatare o1 at leut 008 ,..ra1 'i ICOMi _,. JMSTER CHARGE BANKAMEAICAAD put:Der U nQIIlrtd. United Auto Parts - Now open unti l 9 :oop.m. So well be here when you need us U.A.P 2902 W. Coest Hwy N.Beech.CA . 646:184 7-&41'1711 IDUTM CDAU AUTO SUI' PL. Y & MACHIMI SHOP J4S.A- .. W. 8AICia ST.AT a•STOL. N 1' .. ,~~~·~ .. u·~s·a. ................ ~ ...... ... ENSIGN SU.SCRIPTION ORDER READ ALL THE LOCAL NEWS No blda wW be accepted from a coatraetor wbo bu DOt beiD UceMd 1D ICCO~ wttll tbe pro'ftalou ot Cbapter 9, Dtriltal m of tbt BuslDul aDd Prot...SOO.• Code. Tbe caatractor 1111.11 ltate b1l Uceue aambtr and clusUlcatSoo Ill tbt p.t'CIII08&1. OM set ot plaol and cootract documeots, 1Dclud1Dc special ~ m&J be ~IDed at tbt Pelle Worp Dtllarimeot, Ctty Ball, N.-port Btacb, CaWomia, at 1110 cOlt to llceued caatncton. It 1.1 reqatlted U.t tbt plul aDd coatnct docamtDta be ntllrDed wttldo ! WMb aftu bld openl •• Tbe City bu adollted tbe STANDARD SPECIFICA110NS . FOR PUBlJC WORICB COMSTR~TION (19"18 Edttlca) u P11!111-Ad by tbt-Soatben CaWonda CIIIIJten ot tbt Amer- ,lcao PabUc Woru AaoeiatlaD IDd tbe Aaoclated G•enl 1 Cootncton ot Amtrtca. Cos~t• may be obCaJDed fl'om BaiJdlac N~IDc., JOI5 CWtrlaDd M-e, LM AllpJM, C~nda . (JlS) 1'70·N'11. 1'bt cu, ... ... StaDducl Spec1a1 PI'OY1Itou &Dd 8taDdU'd Dnwtap. Cclplel o1 u.e are an.Uabw at tbe PabUc Wol'b DlpartJDeDt at a co.t of $5.00 per-. · A ltudud ••CerUacate otluuuct In Cadnct Wort tDr Cltf'' IDrm 1u .,._ MoPed bJ tbt CltJ. Tb.ta ~rm ' u tbe oDI1 cwtlftcate ol a..r.c. acc-41Aible to tbe CltJ. I Tbe IICCealal Jew bidller will be "'lllnd b) ~. . t1111a ~rm IIJOil &ftl'cl of tiM caMnd. For 1117 rtCIIdnd bcladll. tbt ccqMJ ._..., Bid ~ 'Lll»or ud Mlterta1 loDdl, ud Pdldd Put:.I1DUICe ,._. -.t bt a luuuee C01111U.J or antJ oo,..., · UctUid bJ tbe ... of CalJt)nla. Tbe ......... _. U. Mft I CIUJ'tllt GtMnl PolJCJ Boldin Rlltlll of A or.....,. Mid a F•r.Jal Rat~~~ ol atleutA.A.Au ,_ U. ..... ldlloe ol Belt'a tt., JtM111c 0011 (trap.. trt.J • Lllldtr). -. acooa....,. ,.. ea. Jti'ONIOU o1 Altkle 1, c.., 1, Put ., oltall c ..... IAIMw Code (leethM 17?0 • "'4 tie CJtr Ca. ell ol till CIJ ol Newport Beac• 1u uoer-' .......................... olperdltll .... .. .. ... ., ........... WOI't .. to be,.. ....... --* ena, •h••·•-. or tJpe ol WOIIDDU or tHCbdc ,111111111 II -1·1 Ill I , wt ... b.l Ill--- liMO IM YOUi SUIICIIPTIOM ORDII TODAYI ...._Ill lw'att. .... aiJ111 DMtiiiMr O,trr•. A OW tl 11M n 11._. II .-&tit Ia ... dot ol tile car CIIILAD,.._ ........ _ ... ,..,..... -.. IIWIIII I tl .. Ct11Q * 1.-. c.dt = ----------• -·--• • -~t·~=~~'tllllll ...... CIIC r lftO.ltll IMll tc ...... ,.. dlt ..... , .... Willi IIAIII •••• ·• · · · • · · • • · · • · • · · • • • • · • • • • • • 1m.1 tl 1111 Cllllllllll L111i1r Colli k all~p-IJI .. II .. Ia II 5 ?' F 'hi Ill 111 .............. ,, ..... l'll1le .... -.... c-..., .... ? ,_ .. , ,.... ......... $ .... OMI YIAI~ $6.00-TWO YIAiS;$lO.Oo ~: ............................ . em ......................... • .. · · · fta Clr Ill M .. 111M ...... ., ... _... liND IM TMII OIDIR WITH 16.00 TOa ~ -~ ~--=~m:;~ .. · . MIWPOIT IIAIIOI IIIII.. , __ m1 I. COAlY IIWY •• CD ... A DIL MAl Clft 01 1 WM:W. ~ .._ ___ .... __ __. _____ ~-----_.!Ptn~•· ... tt, am,~ ....... ,..._ 't rs ' .. In May 192l W!llt8m Allen White made newspaper history w1th an edltonal about the l1fe of his 16 year old daughter Novv, the1r story becomes a moving televiskJn special Mary Wf71te' Fnday, Nov.18, 9 P1V1, Ch 7 A RtJdrwz I M8tMI ptOdx:tlon. wrth Kathleen Beller ¥KJ Ed Fland8rs ~··~ .. IBM. ' ~ NEWPORT HAReOR Ell$1011 PIJBLIIIJED ftEJ(L~ ·I'G. 6 Tars, Eagles, Kings in pl~yoff~ 6S:;u":·~7~~~· IIY n:FF IIVIIDEII Gal~--.... RuUaa btcll: Brroa Wtrd came oa llrOif lor the ~ Ul 'tj Ill Newport Hartlor ud EtiUcla -lo<Qd liP CIF bortDo Salloro 1D 111o IOCOOd IIIII, 1-t>tm oo l ecort .. b)' routiDc tlltlr we.aod ~ Marla& ud YootbW, drift oa. tM rlnt poe:...... of lbt half. Ward, nlllQI CIF toume Ia the lut ttl•a of replar ..-..aD play. Cocta .... m tor the ta)U'ed Cbr1J Conm, tlahbed wllll SS )'ll'dl Y pulled a sarprlH vtctorr over tht Coroaa dtl MatS. 01 10 carriel, &Uta the JtCOOd ba.lf. Conm, wtao tal btea Kl .. l, who despite the loll, WUl CO lO CIF hiAJIIC OD plaptd by IDjllrlH all 1411.1011, p&aytd JPI.fi.Dcly Ud picked to a tl\trd place ln tnt Sooth C~ L"fl•· • up !1 yards. • • • • Newport Harbor'• Mit acore came oa 1 ftDt 30 )'lrd ' ESTANCIA Tbt Earles or Estucl.a tlJi:h ran routbshod both of- feBitnty aDd deteuiYtlJ OYer Foothill RICh 1a tbt nrst half. then QpC thl.Qgs slmmerLnc to come up wUh a 29.14 victory In Ceotary lel(Ue play Friday DJctlt at TustlD HJ&h. It wu a pme dominated by Estaocla from the nry be(lnn1ng. The nnt t scores made by way of back K"in Hqen ••• No. 1 on a S4-yard scamper, No.2 oo a 5-ya.td run set up bY a.n latercepUoo. The PAT fdc:k 1rts fated, aod quarterback 'Dave Jeranko passed to Ylke Camp for tbe 2 pol..nt c:oaYetslon. 1D the ftrst half Esta.ocl.a p1Ded 12'7 yards while hOI~ Foothlll to 41. Hq:en was well OD his "Y to a tame-high 117 yards, and Dave Larlmer, Kevl..n SJou and Earl Hewell all performed admirably on defease. JD the second half the Eagles ste&P.UY widened their lead. A bad punt a:ave Estancia excellent fteld position on the roothlll 35, aod ttw!!y capltali&ed by scorh~ on a four yard Jeranko-to-Camp pass play to mate It 22.0. Foothill got on the board In ttle 4th quarter on Z short touchdown runs, but Camp eoded the mUd threat with an Interception runback for a touchdown with 21 sec:oods left. Jeranko finlshed 7 for 13 for B6 yards, whlle Foothill QB Gardener went 5 fo r 11 and 62 yards. Leading ground gainer for Foothill was Rob Moore with 50 yards on 13 carries. • • • • • • • • NEWPORT HARBOR Newport Harbor High, ahead oo.ly 7-3 at the half, came alive ln the second session to whlp the hapless Vikings of Marlr., 21-3, In Sunset League action Thursday night at Duldson field. The scoring began when Marina, with the help of a Newport tumble, moved to the 3 yard lloe, but had to settle tor a field goal by Andy Kott. On the nut pos . session. the Sailors moved 48 yards to a score, mainly on the accurate right a rm o~ quarterback Craig Lyons. The score was 7 .3. LEAGUE STANDINGS """" """ ........ -· -~ -~ .... a..... §,. 710 _, "-··-····-··· i J • • 2 1 a..-.... ·····--· ' J • $ •• BT~-·-···-··-f J 0 f i I ~ .... ·-········'. 0 s ' 0 ~...__ ..... __ ,, • 0 ' • 1 0.. ... ····-····-· J f D l I 0 ~-·iiiiiiiif ~ 1 r 1 -· .~ w"'t-i F...-. ....... .,,11 I OD ••t•Utlll ..... ·--·' 1 I 1 2 D MIIM---··-···-) J • s • 0 2 10 s •o ---l f O 270 010 J IO -0G HARRIERS IN SlATE TOURNEY The OCC women's cross couotry teem placed Z run- ners Ln the top 15 and placed 4th overall at the Southern Califor nia championships at L. A. Pierce college Satur- day. Coach BUI Hanson's PI - rates qualltled for the state champlonshlps to be held this Saturday at Sierra Col- lege near Sacramento. Sophomore Joellen She- elar was OCC's No. I fin- isher , completing the3-mlle course In 19:07, good for 9th place. Erin Gallagher finished 12th, Stgne Carlson finished Z3rd, Jan RoweU was 25 th, Donoa Bishoff was 35th anci Nancy Olson fln- tshed 39th. JEFF DAY QUALIFIES The OCC men's cross country squad missed quallty1ng for the state championship$ by a scant 7 points, but freshman Jeff Day did quallly fo r the state meet by virtue of his 14th place finish at the Southern California championships Saturday at L.A. Pierce WARM VP SUITS The OCC Pirates will be ou t to prevent their nrst losing football campaign ln 11 years this Saturday night when they host Mt. SaD An- tonto College In the 1977 season finale at OCC's Le- Bard stadium. Kickoff for the contest, which Is OCC's 1977 home- coming game, ls set for 7130 p."lll. GatH open at 6:30 p.m. Coach Dtct Tuckn's Pi- rates take a 4·4-1 season record LntoSatu:rday'sclash. A loss would give OCC Its first losing season since 1966, when the Pirates went 4.5-0. A Ylcto ry would en- sure the flu es ot a 5-4-1 mark aDd their U th wtnnJ.ng season ln a row. A victory would also giv e the Pirates a 3-2-1 South Coast Conference record and a 3rd place fini s h In the flnal circuit staodtngs. Mt. San Antonio brings a 5-4-0 record Into Sabir- day's fray. The Mounties own a 3-Z-0 South Coast Conference record. They dropped a narrow 26-21 de - cision to South Coast champ Fullerton last Saturday nJght. Freshman quarterback Gary Guisness heads the OC C attack. The 6-1, 185. ponder ranks 2Dd In the con- fereoce in total otrease and 3r<l in passing. He ~s com. pleted rn of 189 passes for 1,159 yards aDd 4 touch- downs. He has rushed for an additional 230 yards, a:t•lDc 126.-~ TO 13 11.96 JUNIOR WARM UP SUITS 21.95 TO 24.96 ··v ·· NECK ACRYLIC SWEATERS LONO SLEEVE -WASHABLE te.96 ru.a by Ward t~rly Ia Uw 4tb periOd to mate it the final 21-3. Newport aceroed. 302 total yarda. Lyou htt on 8 of 16 pus attempts tor 14& yards. He abo picked up 55 yardl on the crouo1. Marina QB Joe Sartatra completed 2 of 9 for 28 yards, while MarlM's leadtog crow~~ catoer was MilLe Hai.Des wt{b 83 yardl.. • • • • • • • • 'COSTA MESA· CORONA DEL MAR Costa Mesa high schuc.H, PJ&YIJII ao tnsptred braod of football, dumped the favored Sea Klnv of Corona del War 14-6 at On.nce Cout College last Frlday night. In a game fllll ol big plays, perhaps the blgcest came lD the 3rd quarter when tile Mustancs' Cbrts Mo-.han re- conred a fUmble ar the Coro• 3. Two plays later, Mike Terea:ts puoched II over to wldeli ''Mesa•s lead to 13-0. Terecls then kicked the extra point to mate It 14-0 wtth 7:17 left in t~e 3rd quarter. The Mustanes took a 7-0 lead in tbe f1rst halt on a fine 80-yard scoring drive capped by a 13-ya.rd pass from Jerry Crlbba to Rick Ayers. That score was set up by a Chris La Face pass interception when the Sea Kings were threatening of t~e Mesa 3. Ayers held on to the ball despite havlni his helmet knocked loose by 2 hard- hitting COM defenders. The game was tough all around, with a oomber of players having to leave the game with InJuries. COM ca me back late tn the 3rd period wtth Mart)' Gr een Wiling ln from the 5 yard line tor the score. A tu mble recovery started the Sea Kings down the tteld with 11:22 len, but the Mesa defense stiffened and held. Finally, with just uDder 3 minutes left, Corona mo ved from thei r own 31 to the Mustang 14, where time nn out. All evening long, Monahan, Dave Amb.lrgy, and Mar k Mathieson stymied the COM offensive unit. Costa Mesa finished the game with 194 }':lrdS In total offense. Cribbs completfod Z of 6 passes for 26 yards, whUe Teregts was the leading grouod 1n the game wit h 122 yards on 28 carries. For the Sea Kings, quarter - back Kurt Brockman ended up 5-14 passing for 62 ya rds, with 2 Interceptions. hlm 1,389 yards In total oftense. His leading receiver ls tight end Larry Hall, who ha s caught 22 passes for 283 yards and one TO. Wide receiver Matt Braga llas caught 17 for 234 yards, while nanker Glen Laster has snagged 15 for 261. Faye Weathers leads the OC:C tuMing attack with 328 ya rds on 8Z carries. Dan Dudd ridge has plckedupZ67, and Dennis Boswell has com- piled Z5'"1. Last Saturday n.lghl Guts- ness scOred 2 touchdowns and threw for aoother as OCC defeated Cerritos Col - lege 28-19. He completed 13 of Z3 passes for 165 yards. Cerritos scored on Its first drive of the evenlng to take a 7 -0 lead, but the Pirates drove 45 ya rds on 7 pla ys early In the 2nd quarter to koot the score at 7. 7. Boswell got the Bucs on the board wttlo a 2-yard "'"· Gulsness directed tbe PI- ra tes 80 ya rds on 8 plays midway through the period and capped the effort with a ooe-yard plullie for the score, glvlog the Bucs t )4. 7 halfUme ac.tvaatage. Gut.sness scored on a oa.e- yard plunge ln the 3rd per- Iod, and hlt Brap wlth a 16-yard scorlog aerttlearly In the ttnal period to giv-e the Ptntes a blc 28-7 ad- vantage. Cerritos closed the rap wtth 2 tourtb quarter touchdowns. SOCCER BALLS "6.96 TO 12V.V& BASKET B,\LLS a.n TO at.u FOOTBALLS II U5 TO 12t. t5 SOf'TBALLS BASEBALLS KAIIDBALLI · IL\OQUITBALLI ,, N•wport Hatbor ud Coro• ~1 Mar an IMdtd one-two, ~ely, liitbe c IF blc;b Kt.oolctrll \'Olley-.. b&ll IOIIratmeat. "ttbleb opened thLIWtell. Both tMm.t drew byu in the opeo.lac rouad, but are scbecl.lled to play Saturd."ly n~ht. Newport w!ll take on the wlnoor of a m'tch between Ca m.utllo IDd San Cabrlel. U Sao Gabriel wlu, Satur- day nJgbt's gamo• w!ll in ln Sa1 Gabriel. UCam:r.aUlo wins, Ne-wp;>rt will bo.JI lbe Saturday m.1 ~cb In the Har- bor bleb cym. COM wlllplay th ' wtnoer 't,f a Huotl..llctoo Beach-Sad1leblct cODteJI, with Saddleback acthg as host lf they win, aoo Hunt- lngta.n Beaet\ vlsltln( COM lf they Win. Quarter-ttnals wut be played Tuts:ily, Nov.22,aM uml-flnals on Tuesday, Nov. 23. The tlnals are sche(j!lled fo r Saturday nl&:ht, Dec. 3, at Hunllnlfo:J Bea·:b.. New:,JOrt and C.orona del Mar are In different brackets, so th'Y WOolld play In the finals If they sur- vive the ellmlMtlons. Min Costa Is seeded 3rd an1 Laguna Beach 4th. LEAGUE STANDINGS ""' .......... ,_, • '1'"l' ..,._v-., .. _ I I I .... ,.., ---. 1 0 ----·-···-· l 1 ~--· '. (I ..... _._ l ~ • ~-----··-1 4 I ~-·-·-_, '. ....... -·--· • 1 0 -. ' ' . ' . . ) . . . ' . ' . . . I ' ' ' . ' . N. B. CHEYENNES 10 M. V. DIABLDIIIS , The CbeyeiMI lost a bea.rtbnlker to tM Dtabloa la tbepla)'Offl. Tbepmewu much clottr tlll.n the 8COrt mlc;ht lJJdtcate. The unde- t•ted Olablol bad blllen the Cbeyftllel t.dly 11r11er Ia tbt a-.100. blt were nry •rprlsed luiSablrdaywbeD a toucta aDd much tmproYed Newport team held thtm to a 0-0 score at halftime. Jut before the eDd of tbe tlrst bllt, the CbeyenDe of- fense, with belp from Char- les Henrich, threateaed to score, b;rtwasdentedastlme ran out. ln the 3rd quarter, W:lsslon Vle)o started to roll aDd, wUh the help of 10me ullttmely Cheyeane penal· Ues, they drove inalde the .Newport 10-ytrd llDe.OIIthe next play, the Olablos ap - peared to tumble, with the Cheyennes rec:o•erlrc, but the referee cave the ball back to the Dbblos. V.ls- ston Vte)o then scored on the following play, mattne It 6-0 • lD the 4th quarter, tumble recoveries ror , Newport by Bob Pa.lnter aDd Mark Kane w:ere not eoou&:h, aDd the Cheyeanes were forced to lr7 • lui -~fl· lloo -· .... pk.tod oil ..I '*'-1 IDr a lllll1 OJ. ---• • 11. B. COMA .. 0 90. H. B. COBRAS IS • Tilt Coralro loot lbolr bortb Ia tlla plaJCifl .., .... Jac.IO _Ibo Cobru. Tllo H. B. flllll"'iiorod Ia tbo -qurter oaart'fnteddtbell ac:ored apln oa a fiNd field coat attempt. • • H. B. CORONAS 0 90. H. B. VIKI~ II • The Coro•• Aded tbetr season on 111 uabappy DOte as they were beltea by tbe Vttlncs. Aa tbe old ••rill coe&, "Walt till oext ye~rl'' • • • f_.n pia,. br TIM llaciJ ud Irk: ..... , fto n - eonntl 1 lliiDIU ud ....,_ coptodl-nn...,.- oot.t ol • tiJoiCII ~r <Jo. '-· • • • The N. B. ConuaalldOI cbd DOt J)IJ.r 11111 ,,.. u Jbor prep&H lor the Me• Bowl OD No'F. Jt.'" Swim show _ at Estancia '•Callfomll D:oumta.'' a syn'!'~ron:n-1 •ater sao .. prodUced by tb-1 cltyotCNta Mesa, wUI be pt' ... Dled to- bt ud Frtctay, Nov . 17 N. B. COUGARS 6 Ella Ji .,_ PARAMOUNT CmEFS 13 I l8, at the Dt .._.., hOot polOl. The Couprs we re knoc'ked The water ballf't n ow out of tbe playotrsr._.,._...,,; fe:ltares swtmmln&:, rn.~atc, C hlefs, who ar Ddefeated cUYlDl , danci.Dc a~ refrestj ~ 1n their leaguea are picked meats. It Is prot.1~ed by the by the Assodatl n Coaches <"tty's Ielalre services de· to be the cbampl hlp team partmtl:d, and lnd \l:lel (1rlt of OnflleCouDty he Chiefs betwH:I 7 and ll yeara o~d. were held to t lr lowest The t»ur-lo .. perform- acore to date b}' the New. an··e begins at 1 bcf.h ntchts. port team. Tickets at the 1oor wUI cos~ Paramount dre•• tint $l for adults ud 51) cents blood with a 62 ya rd run for rhlldren uDder 16 and In the nrst quarter. The senlor-t over 65. Cougars came back ln the The c:t)' ··Sy:~~hro Sylph third quarter with a touch-Swim T!lam,'' w:dc.h per- rtown b)· Mike Terry lo tie rorms the Jh)'"• wu the score 6-6. The Chiefs c htrtered In 1974 a!W1 Is struck back by return!~ the sandloi"M!'d by the AmttCIUr kickoff for anotht>r touch-Ath.lf'tic Union (AAU}. Tlw down and extra point to make girls pn•!tlce all year. the score 13-6. FurtMr tnform1t1on mJ.)' All of the Cougars played be had by callloc 556·S30l. exceptiooi.Uy weJI . Ft.ne de- ENSIGN CLASSIFIED ADS AL SALE or leue --2 bedrooms, 2 baths; Mc- Lean Condo ln Big Canyon ·on fairway. Z-car a:ara.ge. Owner. 64-4-6604. MISCELLAMEOUS (.;AN \mesmenu) lcrt"ed oaea, JltM!rs to cto your bldcU.DI. WrtteJamU, Box 10154, E .. eoe, Ore- goo. (50!) 342.2210. PARKING SPACES on Bal- boa Island. Leue for small boats, cars, campers and tnllers. Call 675-2006. CAN'T beat this -- 1000 deluze embossed busloess cards, $7.95 up. Postp&id. Write for free samples. LliXI (EN~ P. 0. Boa 894, HuntlDiton Beach, C A 92648. Stamped eonlope appreciated. BUYING boOks --Used, out-of-print, rue. J. Spa111Ier, 675-1990 or 675 -1901. 1 Time Z Times S Times Z0 words or less .•• 2.00 .••. 3.50 •••• 4,50 zt" to 30 words ••••• 3.00 •••• 4.75 ••.• 6.00 31 to 40 words ••••• 4.00 •••• 6.50 •••• 8.00 Each word over 40 • . .10. • • . .15. • • • .20 •·CARS .FOR SALE ECONOMY CAR-'74Toyota Corolla, excf'llent r-olll11- tlon, 35 mpg, low upke-ep, safel)' rtatures, one own~r. $1900 llrm. Fred Davis 673-0550 days, 7SZ· 02'73 nights. • HELP WAMT!D HOUSE KEEPEN -COOK ~r older ~lei. Llve In or out. Ret. req. 642-3311 or 644 -1311. • FQR RE)4T HOUSE FOR RENT-Harbor VIew Hills, 5 bedrooms, pool. Drive by 1524 Sand- castle and call 644-1538. SALE "MARY'S DOLL FASH- IONS." Ha.OO ·made. fits '•Barbie,'' ''Casey,'' "Chrlstle" and alt other 11 • • fa.stllon doll!i. AU pro· ceeds for the benefit ol the OrangeCouoty Chapter of tbe Pet A.ssistaoce Fouodatlon, lnc., A DOD- profit organtuUoo. Prices $1.50 to$2.SOonly. Call 636-5432 or The En~ stp (ask ~r Drexel). · EQUITY MEM BERSHiP In completely private, local country club. FreE> ~~:oU, swimming, teMis plu~ so- cial activities tor the fam- Ily. 968-6788 lllrtu~ e"'en- tngs. • rt'sponsl . l.ole couple. No drlnklnrl, no srnokl~ :.lll1 refer- encu. AnyttmephODe 213- 431 .8249. ROOM ADDITIONS, re- modelllljl., partitions, cab- inets, shelves, doors, win- dows, locka, hOUse piau, refern.ls, fr" uti mates. lAoD --5111:.92?1. HOUSESI'M'Eqs: PROFES- SIONAL couple anllable Crom No•ember 15. Prefer 6 weeks minimum. Refer- ances. Evenings aDd week- ends. 673-8058 or P.O. Box 1924, Costa Mesa, 92626. ALICE'S HOUSECLEANIHG, reuouble, reliable. Ref- erence.. OWo tnuporta.- tion. 646-4871 anyttme. • MUSICAL POR SALE u you are tooklnc ror a good ptaoo or orpn, you must ched these ~ GRAND PIANOS: Hallet 4t Davis, $2195; Hatr.Uton, $3450; Leonard, $1595; Ya. maM:, $3'700; stetaway, IPt· d al price -pb:ls many more. SPINET, CoDIOie II Op- rl&ht Pianos: GulbnDHD, $US; Hallet l Dula, $195; Wurlltzer. $999; Acrosoalc, $1095; Yamaha, S14~, ud more. ORGANS: Hammond, $399; Lowrey &Uda.J', $495; Ktm- 'ba.ll Swlncer, $6t5; Yam&M. w/E-Z Play, S595; aod loU more. 1---...... ---------1 Cbrlatmas lay-aways -- E.Z terms. See tiM complete IIDe ot YAMAHA OJlaftl here! SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. St ...... ,_y ...... 190'7 N. Mala st.,-- • PLUMIIH~MEUIItC • • I ·' Newport Beach Balboa Island NEII'ORT HARBOR BISIGR f'UIUSitED IUKlY-PAGE 1 THUIISDAY, RDV. 11, 19n OORORA DEl. liAR, CAL I Estate Newport Btoch Corona del Mar Lido Isle Corona del Mar Costa Mesa Balboa VIEW • • • of Newport Bay, ocet.a aDd CataJ.iDL Walla or cia•• and wood dectioe compllmeat thb Dn eu.tom bllllt bome. Presttce am. CALL THE PROFn;sJONALS AT · . . . WESTCLIFF REALlY CO. 1733 WESTCLI FF DR. H EWPO RT lEACH, CA. 92660 . The .A HOle frollt )lallt/1. Dupler., south of tbe Warm 2-bedroom, aDd dan borne. Ideal for home or lnv••sto<eal. PLUS Nearly new 2 bedroom lDcorre unit. Lots of wood and glass - - -beam ceuq . __ ADD)' p.rdu pat.Jo. Ftrtplaee la etch Wt. All FOR Of"LY $175,500 Exciting View Laguna Beach --3 bedroom, tamUy room home. Large fea<:ed yard, touotains &l poads. Ocean rin from detached vtewt111 deck. REDUCED TO $112,500. MAURY STAUFFER·· SEA LION REAL TV 1213 H. COAST HWY •• lAGUHA 497-3388 644-2212 3 DESERT GEMS Exclusive Investment - $75,000 Great potential commereLa.l property. Fl'f'e...plas acres with water oa maiD street. OYDer wUI carry paper. Artistic Retreat For wrtter or pahlter. Secluded., but close to town. Two bedroom, 1 bath bome wttb beautuu.l 1uJe sun room. $57,950. Desert Motel -$124,000 Two bedroom, 1 batb houM. Ideal tor O'fiMr/ managers ·-plus beautlflillly ~ 8-aatt motel wltb pool. Owners anzklus to mon Ul1a property! . BORREGO SPRINGS PROPERTIES (714) 767-5093 or 767-5094 &53 PALII CANYON OR. P .0. BOX 961 BORREOO SPRINGS. CA. 92204 A COBS 2919 MCXCII MITCHELl, TUSTIN Beauttlul Z-bedroom, bath-ud ... balf Vla VWarta •-mllllum .. Yllb tTOrytbbl( ,.. waa1, ... ...,.,. a bandy, but QUI.C: loeatloD. --tor ODIJ $51,1100. WE ARE ALSO OFFERING .. ••• a alee Z-beclroom COOiio lA lrnM's Walalt Square lor )Ill $56,000. AND WE HAVE THE piece de resistance .•• 'a 4-bedroom, 2-1/~ bllb, FamUy Room bome la Ualnnlty Park wttb brud DtW cupet1Jtrc ud a ~ttl locatioo on fee laDd. Well uDder market at '109,950, Ill) 833-9 781 ll] Hester-Brown REALTOR~ COUNTRY STYLE COMFORT lmpreaslou: of couDtJ')'-IIvLDe in Newport Beach btloac to you wbea you choose tbls btllltlftll 4 bed- room home in Eutbbdf. Add oew dlmeasloDS to your famlly li•I.Dc· NoUW. wtll surpass the joy abd comfort or comtJoc b::lme to this country ute style. All for $151,500, ·calli 640-(i161 as•••••oooo••••• Cido Jsle Newly remodeled, 4 bedrooms, den. 4 b&ths, lhlDc room wlth cathedral ceUi..Dgs. Large master tJ.droom IUlte. $224,950. Peninsula F<M~r bedroom, two bath b:)me • AU amealtlea. loYely UM, few steps to belch. $189,500 PRESTKiE WATERFRONT HOKES FROII $900,000 BILL GRUNDY, Realtor Islander Bldg. al Linda Isle 341 BAYSIDE DR. SUITE 1. H. B. 67>6161 •••••oo"CCIIrr:oo•••• CALL 673-7040 'I'll. GNIEO s•OillS 18SIP8/0T S'80AUSTS AI!PRE.SEHTIHG SE.L.ECTE.O CLIENTS IN .. I!AL. ESTATE COUNSEL-IN G AND INVI!STMI!NTS ;**********'~***! ~~~~~~~~~~~· ~c:helle RoberS, Re.ltor ~333 _E. Coast Highway ' . Corona del Mar 675·2373 ****** *s'•tr·tt*'*· • More for your $ ONLY $79,900 I Super home, Z fireplaces, lots of wallpaper aod wood! Three bedrooms, f:tmUJ room, 2 batlla. Open Sunday 1-4 4472 PARK GLEN , IRVINE II ... JUST REDUCED! BeauWUllJ decorated Turtleroc::k Broad moor hOme wUb 4 bedrooms, famUy room, 2·1/2 baths, ta.rce pool aDd )leuzzl. EnD a 3-car prage aDd tllrglar &J,arm system. You own tbe land. I for $13 ::J -=- OOX Y .. I"RAXIC1.1X I RE:Al.TOR \ 3250 t.t c-t llit!NIJ c.-dill .... C.ifof11it P ho~e : 640-7000 LIDO ISLE The charm of Lido 1s eumpllfted 1n this tine 3 bedroom, S batb borne -~ s:1tu1ted on a generous • 1l&ed lot wttb room tor relufnc aod sunning on the South ~Uo. Easy nlk to '•pl.a.y beach" or ''boat prden." $2-49,500. 11111D1b I irvile really BALBOA La.ra:e bome plas iDcomel Spacious 3 bedroom plus eoanrUble den wlth prtnte patio, separate laundry room aDd cklable p.rqe. Two bedroom lDcome uaU at rear. Quiet loeattoo on Ltttle lsland. Joyce ~E~~~uoo~,~~~-=U=35=·---~·------------ ,01 DOV(R DR., 64~1235 I 164<1 SAN MIGUEL, 6.4+6200 4545 CAMPUS OR., 7Sl-U14 "Ya.'U be clad tomorrow IIIII ,.._hi __ .. _,_.. Roy McCardle Realtor a•LIA8LB J£1l'IC~ SI/OC£ 194J 548-7729 •o.., Newport BL Costa Mesa Balboa Island Lido Isle Ballloa Harbor View Homes Three bedrooms PLUS ramUy room. CIOH to parK a.od pool. Now $141,000 • • • • • SUPER R 2 LOT ... plus BUILDERS TAKE NOTE! Here is a Cute Cottqe in Corona del Mar on one of tbose choice R-2 lots. --~$125,000~., ;.r MARTIN REAL ESTATE lDl6 E. COAST ltiGHIAY, CORONA DB.IIAII SUNNY HOMES ON COM LOT Two very charming houses on one R -2 site, ~par~ted. b_y large, lovely patio, assurmg IndiVIdual privacy. Im- maculate condition·& always rented! $149,500 YOU'LL LIKE OUR ESP ... e.,.,, • ._c.d s.t •• p.,. • ._._.l 759-0811 ;e: BEDBBE ELIINS CD . OVER SO YEA.R S OF SE RVI CE Overlooking Pool SPECTACULAR TOWNHOUSE Almost Like A Penthouse Hi gh Above Pool & Ramada With 2 S pacious Bedroom Su1tes. H u~e Family Room EasUy Convertible To A Tiurd Suite. 3 Baths. Large Covered Balc ony: Secluded PatJo. Htgkly Upgraded. Many Custom Fe atures . SlSi .500 Submit Offer. REALTORS 881 Dover. Drive, N.B. 631-1100 SPECIALIZING IH RESIOEHTIAL COMIIERCIAl, EXCHANGES • AND BUSINESS SAlES" .. 1 DOVU DIUVE, N...WORT DACH sum tM 6JI-o4J4 e I I I I I e e I e I I e e I e e I . MLS SAl:ES REPORT Salee through the Multiple Lllting Service o1 the Newport Harbor-Com MeA Board o1 Realtor. totalled more tban $4e8 mUllon durin& the flr• 10 montM o1 1e77, TIUS fB A 24-1/1% INCRI:-'A OVER TD SAID Pat• .X>D OF 11178. e,41111 _,u.h .. wn proce11111, cl wtdcb41%WDKIOI.O. 73% cl the ~a~ .. _.. ooopeallltltt. w.t ,_ jli'OfU t) ............... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r PWP names new slate Ollletn liD< 1110 Oruro Cout c:bapetr Ito! Pa....U WUMat PutDtn Wttl la- .Utd II I dlutr duct Saa.rd&y at lht Ne1rp0rt Bea.ctiSMrato~ HOOL COitONA OIL .... N' • COITAIIIIJA • UTANCIA • McNALLY futll re ~~~~ wl:l tate pllce o, the WedDelllayatter the ftnt Friday of tbe month at the Costa Mesa Couatry Club. -. .Uiq -lb; ldall toe&al. acUYW•. Flo Asrou; ldtalt ICtlYJUM. Butlt.n B&UtJ; tf!l/1 tAll mMM. Cbact 8ustl~ &d- a~loUotrotloo, loll.rl' HlllkltJ; DeW mem:•J:a, JU111t Watcb; mamhers!lll) te<:retll')',lo)D NeU; memhert HnleH, Glo~la illnte:; commiJDlty sei'Yiees, Jan Vtetat; • NIWII'ORT HARIO. E Reported by GLENN GILBERT The new ofttcers are: p:esldrml, Jen:lette MJiler; secretary, Pam ReDO; trea. surer, Can! Bush; procramJ and edueatloq. Jerry McCue; family aod e~Udre.a'uctiYI· athleUcs dtr.etor, NeU Scott; public retatsoDa, Jim Mtlzland; Dfiwslttttr, Sberryt Ward; etblcs and CfltYlnet ChalfiMQ, Ilotrll CoDD&lly. TUBELESS WHITEWALL 165 .13 ~5.88 17 5. 13 -48.88 175. u 51.88 185. u 55.88 195· u 59 .88 205· u 6~.88 205 .15 68.88 p LUS F'.E.T. 215 -1~ 72.88 f'ROM 1.11 TO 225. 15 76.88 The ma))rlty or atudeDls in the Newport-Mesa unlfted school district scored In the top 20% ln the Callfornta assessment program for 1976-77. State tests were admln- lstered last spring to all 2nd, 3rd, 6th aDd 12th grade students. Second aDd 3rd craders were tested to read- Ing; those lD tbe 6th and 12th grades were tested In readJ.ng, written expression, spetung, aoo mathematics. Newport-MP.sa students seored In the top 20'\ of the schoOl districts In Cal- llornt.a, ucept for 6th graders. These sb.Jdents placed in the top 23% 1n TUBELESS BLACKWoi.LL us . 10 28 .88 155 . 12 37 .88 1 ~5 . 13 34.89 155 . 13 37 .88 PLl!S F .E.T. Front End AUG Prt'!:ilion elicnrnent by 11ktllcd mechemcl who will aet ca.11.er, rember, end We!· in lo manuf•rturt'rt ~~,J •p«ir~e,.tiont. 165·1l i75 .13 165· u 165 . 15 • U:TU CMAnl fiJI fACTOfiY All 01 , ........ c.us 41 .88 43.88 c.lt.• .... ..-... _..,.._ .... ,.,._. ........ readtnc, the top25%tnspeii- 1Dt<, and tho too 27% In written ezprusion and: math. WhUe raw scores (per- centages ot tota.l correct responses by the students) we1e up 1n almost aU areas te~ted, NetrpOrt-Mesa's ranking amone all CalllorDta districts dropped slightly, Decreases lD percent- Ile n.nldogs ranged tr.om one to 5 percentue polots. The largest drop was In l.zth grade math, where Newport- Mesa went !ron. the 89th percentile the prevlous year to the 84th percentile in 1976-77. This 5 polot.per- eentUe ranting drop was the result of a one point drop 1n raw scores. "One of the things we're proudest ot,'' said Deputy Supt. Norman Loats, ''Is our reading program In the pri- mary grades, and the re- sults are borne out on the State tests. Our second graders are ln the top 15%, and thin: graders In the top 20%. "Sixth grade decline has been the pattern for the put few years. EYidently they do well in primary crades, do even better in high S('hool, but simply don't s core well when they're tested at the sixth grade.'' He pointed out that traditionally the slrt.'l grades, oo a statewide basis, have been the subject ot ez- perfmentatlo!l in curriculum change as renected instatP- adopted texts. • • • Supt. John Nicoll an. nounced at the meeting orthe Boa rd of Edu cation on Nov . 8 that district enrollment is expected to decrease by 1,100 nut Septen.ber, while enrollment Is down 1,600 from last year. "We can s~e real prob~ lems ahead,'" Dr. Ntcoll stated. '·A drop of 2,600 kids In 2 years Is the equivalent of losing one high s choOl, or two middle schools, or a middle school and 4 elementarles. It's ob. vlous that the Board, thP cltl..tens committee, em. ployee organizations and the staff will ha ve to take a hard look at our programs and the very difficult quesUoo of po- tential dlsmassal of staff,'' Dr. Nicoll stated before the meeting, however, '•That's not to say that any teachers wlll be fired. Wp'll just not replace those who retire, We've gone down about 40 teachers ln the past few years anyway.'' MeanwhUe, the Newport- Mesa Education Assocla- tlon has agreed wtth the Newport.Mesa Federattonof Teachers that Dr. Nicoll's layoff threats are an attempt to put educators on the de- fens!Ye during their curreot salary negotlaUons. • • • • The Costa Mesa high school Mustangs have acquired a !In horse, to be used as a mascot during school games and activities and as an tnstructtonal tool during the school's horse production class. '·You couldn't ask for a better teaching tool,'' said teacher Roy Center. The horse was acquired throurh the federal adopt-a-horse loiERITORIOIJS SIRY!CE at Klacbtlot AFB, Mleb., lu .. ....., tho -• ...,., "' tbt U.S. Alr ForctOOt:DIIMG· dltloo mol l>r CJIIIIla CordOD. L. Mtdoal., IIODoflllr. udllln.C-oV.If- ol fUI .. _'1 WIJ, lntM. Coptalo-.,,u ...,,.. .. oasc .. , .,... "Ill ... u. -.J It rooDAFB,Tau. ... llo ....,0111) armod l>r daiJ ... lllo ........... "' lllo At'OIPIC.IIdeelrMIIIL 81 18 I I..., Ill tae Air Perce If*• Cmz?ef Bach choir sings Friday NEIPOitT HARIIlR Ellit'rll PULIIItED ~EJILY•PC.I · -lHURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1!17 IDMIIIA DELIIAII, CAU F. Tho 11-n ~~ot• Cllolr ww p....at a proem. ot cbareh caota"l b)' J*- Setutlu Bleb at 'r:JO p.m. Frldi.J, lfoy, 18, 1a tbt JIDetDII")'otst. ADdHW'I Pnab,ttrlaa Chtltcb liiiCUtr HaY ea. The concert wtll ope~~ Sf:, Aodru's ThaatsrtYinc F eatt of Music. The oewly formed coo:r of 20 voices wUl perform Cantata No, SS (Aileln w cUr, Herr Jesa Christ) and Cantata No. 117 (Sie Lob und Ehr' ~m hochB!en Gut), So1otsts wUJ lnclude Dlaoe Ellas, mtfiSO·soprano, a native or Ua•port Beach ud mllst recently a parUclplat in the Uerota Opera Pro- gram of the San Franr.fs.)O Open; Alv!o BrtghtbUI, teD- DICK THEOPHILUS OF CM IS DEAD Memortal se"tces for Richard W. TheophUus of Costa Mesa were held yes~ tPrday In the Presbyterian Church of the Coveoant, Co ~ sta Mesa, with the Rev. Bruce Kurrte and the Ma~ sonic Lodge ottlclatlng, Mr. Theophilus, a natbe ot Mlllnesota, was a sales representative tor a na- Uonal trucking nrm. Hedled Sunday ln Hoag hospltal. He Is survived byhiswtre, Betty of Costa Mesa; sons Richard of Arlr.ona and David of Costa Mesa; daughters Mary Beth Klima and Kathy Mahler, Fremont, and Amy and Weody TheophilusofCo- sta Mesa; h1a mother, Kath· erlne J. Theophllus, of Jack- son, Mlm.; a brother, Owen ot Estervme, Iowa, and a great-gnnd('hJld. DCC QUALIFIES FOR PC CHAMPIONSHIPS OCC's saill.og team quail- tied fOr the Nov. 19·20 Pa- cific Coast champlooshlps here tor the Ford team rac- ing trophy by wlDning last weekend's Southern Area ellminaUons In Newport Harbor. OCC and UCLA wJU represent the southern area, competing against two north- ern S('tools. Competition wUJ lie held In Lido 14's. Competlng to 3 different boats Nov. 5-6, OCC 's skJp- pers Included Ty Beach, Peter Drasnln, Bob Kinney and BUI Wheeler. Crew members lllcluded £lou&: Ayres, Tom Devlin, Sue Gramme, Ellen Kop. and Debbie Turner. or, fa:te.ty mtmher of Slddlll:aciE CoUteti &ad Da1t Worletl. tuttoM, tMi!her ol YOICt at tJ9C ud .o1oilt d St. AJbaa'IEilfiCCIP'ICMrcb In WHhrood. - A bfCilllcbt of tilt "e:D.· 1.ac wW bt the perform&Dct of Cantata No. 82 (leh habt re::uc) by btrltolll Joun c . KUtwer.form?r Director of Mule at St. AOOrew's aDIS pres~ntly head or the music departmaot at Tabor Collece, HU.lsboro, Kaosas. SUPEISCIIPE ... ----·-· Garrard Reflex ·-------········ ....... . ,.__._.,_ ... ___ _ ---........ _,_ ---:~'!'' :.·:!":"!.':':"::: ----... --::;,•· .,; ...... '!"::: ---- ........ '114" .'!,H.,, . ' I 99 ' ·--·------·-------------------------------·-=:.~.:-·--1 JVC EPICURE 000 '· • • I YAMAHA ~ Utrolneot. HOLDS 12 CASSI!TTIU. OM I! "lit CUJTO•I!It .,..c_.•--_., ... _K_ ___ ., __ ~-...r: --= ___ .. .................. ........ __ ...... ... , ..... _. .. '" .. -... ...,_. ... ::-;~-=: _ .... _ • IIC ••l< "'''" Oolto -----------· ........ '509" c ..... AH~!• ,.~~ I' . 397' ........ '819" c 0 ° to - CAR SPEAKERS ... c ....... ..,. ,.,, ..... ... ...,u .. ..,.. . .._...,_.. ......... ,.. .... OHI.T FOREIGN FOLLIES Some folks think Jerry Brown has already started running for president agato. I don't think so. I think he either wants to be U. S. secretary or state or ambas- sador to tbe United Nations. I mean, )tst look at the hilarious way he has be~n carrying on Ca!Uornla's foreign affairs. Wben Bonnie Prince Charles was here a few weeks back, Jerry showed he really has class wbeo It comes to entertaining royalty. He picked up Charlie In his Plymouth, and took him to a luocb to lettuce, cbeese and cheap wiDe. Tbeo, I DCtlced where Jerry made a trip back East and met with some J ewlsh leaders In New York. This was about the Ume Jimmy Carter was saying the Arabs b .. e rlgbts like other folks. I guess Jerry wanted te assure the Jewish bigwigs that Arabs DON'T ban rights-at least not In Ca!Uomla. Of course, Jerry's Far Eastern diplomacy ls well !mown. He gets a lot of help from his Mln1ster of Foreign Nonense, a fellow oamed Oymally, who came from the West Indies or tbe East Wlodys or Outer Mongolia, or some place. Jerry and MerYyD have been romancing the Japanese auto builders for a long time. The Japanese probably figure these are the funniest Americans they've seen since they captured Pappy Boyington. Jerry and Me")"D wanl the Orleotlls to build a factory ID Ca!Uorola, so we can have more jobs for Californians. They'll probably han to warehouse the cars in Melico or aomeplaee, to avoid our state's stupid business Inventory law. Now, Isn't that a wonderful Idea -you design th<l cars In Japan, build tbem In Ca!Uorntl and store them In Mexico. The reason Jerry Is trying to find more jobs by bringing In foreigners Is that he can't get American businesses to locate here. Besides the Inventory tax, Jerry and the Democrats liave piled on so many antl-busiDass laws and r"~Ulatloos, It just cloesu't · mab sense to do business Jlere anymore, U you cau do It olsewbere. Calltornla and N011' York are blown/ oatlolnr!de as the two most antl-bus!Desa statea. U Jtri'J and MerYyD think they can coo th<l Jopooest into coming h<lre, they may be In for a rude a"IIUiiDing. Tboae 1'171 are _protty llbarp busiDessmea. We'd be amarter U we traded J eri'J and llerYyD to them for a Datsun plei!Qp. Tbe Ia-....,. Is that Jerry will .,., turn hla alleotlon to Germaoy and ii'J to rot them to briDe an auto plallt h<lre. WeD, wbto we ban lloaJJy ftlled Ca.lt!orola witb J-• and German lactortos, and Wtpl llulean lmmlgraata, all of our IIIOIWf wW th<ln be 1'11111 CNt of liM! eCNDII'J. 'Nh• we are otarnnc to death, ll'a coana be tloda touch trytnc to eat tboH Dalsuoa and Voltnaceoa, llalox .,.'! belp mucb, AI ForrJt Down at th<l atore, we atut 1tlct to Amarteu-lllde products, .,ch u CNr 11M or qaallty Stuloy Toola, ' YMI •na•O"S ""l.tf • ......... • c:a.Oin' PAIMTI • SII.IIU, ..... U ... CU • ""~ ..... Wf'"\.IIU RGIT HARDWARE Hll W. IALIOA M.\10., MIPPOn IIACM -P'MOtii .QJ.U• ........... , .............. ~ .. ·-"'·" I C. M. Harper tlte eosta Mesa eoniteciiOH HELPING THE PO OR I've got a great Idea tor a DeW way for our city to get a baQdout from the ltate: We ut tor a state subsidy for cttles tbat are Impacted by tourists who are oo their way to somewhere else. If you think this Is tar-fetched, you huen•t beard the latest. The state dtrector of parks aDd recreatJoG, a Mr. Russ Cahl.ll, baa )1st SURested that all tourist-trap towos be CIYeD state subsldtes to belp them oftset tbe terrlble cost of ripplac off the visitors. Mr. CabUl's plan Is the loekal ')Ut(rowtb of a plan put forward a few years ago by Newpo. :t Beach and Huott.ag- toD Beach, when those clUes uted for llaodouts from Sacnmeoto to help U:em cleau anc1 poltce the beaches. Wheo the pollttctans tn those beach towns first broucht tJlU up, there were hlJlts that mowda1n towns, 1nlud rtver towns, 1esert towns aDd God-lalows-wbat-other towns 'trOUld 'trait to get lJlto tbe act. Welt, thallks to Mr. Cab111, It looks Uke Utis ls exactly what might happen. Unfortunately, lt ts our own Assemblyman Dennis Mangers who Is promot!Dg thts beach subsidy •Ul (AB 1109). Dennis is from Huntington Beach. Now, Dennis, If beach towns should get extra state tax money, surely you can't argue with the logic of gtvlng the. §me welfare to Lake Tahoe, Big Bear, Mammoth, Palm Spr~n«s, San Francisco and all of those other poor, down- trodden tourist meccas. ADd, if tourist Impact means state handouts, how about somet hing for towns like Costa Mesa that are Impacted by tourists no thetrway to beaches, deserts and mountains? After all, traffic studies have shown that 75 per cent of Newport Blvd. traffic goes on through our to•n. Or, let's take lt a steo fUrther, and subsidize towns that LOST sales tax dollars and business because their own residents l~ave for the 'trHkend to\go to Netrport, HuDt- ington Beach, Lake Tahoe or Palrfl Springs. Ncnr, that covers just about everybody, right? Then, we wUl have reached the zenith of all centralist, soclallst schemes: everybody wUI be get11ag a subsidy from everybody else, with the central government taking a good rake-ott for admlnlstrattve costs. Then, when Sacramento starts telllng the beach towns how they should spend that state tax money, and how they should roo their to'trDJ», you wlll bear a famUlar cry: ••we have lost local control. The state is trylng to teU us bow to run our town." Then, and only then, wUI this Idiotic, llloglcalidea have have been carried to lts logical, stupid conclusion. Identify with bracelets 'Jhe Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach and the Costa Mesa Junior Women's Club are co-sponsoring a pre- school ldeotillcatton drive SPOUTER SAtooR <* ........... S..JJer• aad Ho«<W Cat 511•~,. .... ... fol:' Harbor Area pre-sc hools this mooth. Some 50 pre-schools In Netrport Beacb and Costa Mesa are offeri.ng ldectl- tlcatlon bnetleta IJid neck- laces to pareats of pre- acboolerc, toddlers ud ID- tants. Usually tbe bracelets and necklaces seU for$2.50, but when purchased through this drlve, the cost Is only $1.15. if a child 1s not enrolled in pre-school, or hls pre- school chose not to participate in the program, l.nlormatlon and purchase envelopes a re avaUable at the Girls Club of the Har- bor Area, 1815 Anaheim Avenue, Costa Mesa, (646- 7184). Ski film at O.C.C. ''In search of skiing," a feature-lengtb film shot last winter by Warren Miller Producttoos. wlll be screen- ed at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 20 lJl tbe Orange Coast Conece auditorium. Tlcteta are priced at $2. Proceeds will be used for student scholarships. Cameramen traveled tbousands of mUes last win- ter to capture on fUm knee- deep powder snow 1n Canada, c ross cooatry touring along the beach lJl MalDe, 20 feet of sno• 1n North CarolJDa., and 6 feet of SDO'tr lJl North Afrtca. t IIIPMd au .,..cro tnumlaioD. .,_.. t.ttoa radio. VlaJllltUior. T....Scl&aallaroud.. Batcb blot rear door. Ad)lltal* b•VJ clltJ -~~~·--Radial tlr.. ll«trte niJ' ..,.....,., --..r. Rear wtadow W'UIIIer Ud wfptr. OU... llltrlor trim. Bilek IIIII p&ldae .... 1111 ud •elll mon. 4 WbMI drfft. A81LOU114 8tL I 1111. Heattr. Boc1J lldl IDOidiii.Pa.~ Home tour for Philharmonic A boUdly borne tour 'trUl be preselhd by the 1rv1oe Phllharmonlc Committee of the Oruce CouDty PhUbar- monlc Soettty from a to 7 p.m. SuDday. Dec.4. Tlcteta at $5 per person may be purchased from Mrs. Cbn.topber D. Cook, 19301 Stern IDea. lrvlJle 92715. The tour..Ul CODCludewlth champagne and complement- ary bors d'oeones se"ed of Mr. an1 Mrs. GleDD NickeU, University Park; Mr. and Mrs. JobD Pltcbess and Mr. and "rs. Alan H. Wiener, Turtle Rock; aDd Mr. aod Mrs. Jtm Carlson, Turtle Rock Glen. PSALM 100 IS TEXT Famiuar •ords from the lOOt.h Psalm •W be read Nov. 2-4 at all Tbanksglvtng services of Churches of Christ, Scientist. at the UnlYersityCommunlty · Services of SeoondCharch Park clubhouse. Coocert performances at 5:30 and of Christ, Scleotist, 3100 6:30 will hlghltght the re-Pacific View Drive, Harbor ceptlotl there. Handmade View Huts, are at 10 a.m. ThaobglvtDc day. The ser- bouttque Items, unique oro-vice ..Ul iDclude reading of aments, and cookbooks wlll the Tbankaglvtng Proclam- be nallable for ChrtstDWJ aUon of the president and shopping. a Bible lesson-sermon on The tour locludes homes Than.ksglvlllg. CHARCOAL ART~ Marcia Hope Young aketclles the portraU of Sara LaVonoe Smith. 5. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith of Harbor VIew Hills. Marcla, the daughter of noted Corona del Mar artist Thelma Pad- dock Hope, is vtslting here from her home In Hawa.li, and between now and Dec. 2 ls do!Dg charcoal portraits In the arcade of the Ensign buUdlng at 2~21 Coast Hwy. Marcia studied at Scripps College in Claremoot and •lth Douglas Parshall and Guido Fullgnol 1n Santa Bar- bra. She Is a member of the Lahaina Arts Society of Maul, HawaU. (Ensign photo) Scout ticket sales boom 'Newcomers at Hoag First day tlcltet sales to • TUESDAY, OCT. 18 • SUNDAY, OCT. 30 · the aMual Scout-0-Rama, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Satur - cla. Dec. 10, ln the I na- helm Convention Ceoter. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Terry Girl _ Mr. and Mrs. Peter scheduled for Dec. 10, to- Corley, 120-A Lisa Lane, Logan, 318 Broadway St., taled $54,800, Dick Boyle, Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa. general chairman of the ABO ARD USS MIDWAY Boy-Mr. and Mrs.Elllott Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Ml -event, said this week. :iavy air cootrolman air- Mer cer, 3621 Catamaran cbael Bacon, 362 East 20th Thousands of boy scouts man apprentice Den~us Drive, Corona del Mar. St .• Costa Mesa. throughout Or.lnge County Ripley, son of BariJara A. • WEDNESDJ.Y, OCT . 19 • MONDAY, OCT. 31 are competing for prizes '!cmans of 1903 E. Balboa Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Garv Girl -Mr. and Mrs. John ln the 5-week selllngperloo. IJ!vd., Balboa, ls ur.derl{ol~ Weeks 34-44 Lupine Circle Waters, 991 Trenton Wa)·, Each ticket, priced at $2 train~ to the Indian Ocean. • • c sta M pe r family. Is the admission He 1 Costa Mesa. o esa. s a crew mem- Gl 1 natr1 ... S to Scout-0-Rama's ·•Won-be bo .... tb 1 f Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Char-r -r c.. weeney, r a aru e a rr ra t car- tes Cllnch 2034 President 1975 Port Bristol, Harbor derful world of Sc-outing,'' rler USS Midway, homP O&Jrn ~1oqday ·Saturday t :lt . S:lt Sunda) I I to ~ 673-19i0 :1~23 Via Lido :-.lrwport St-ach • th e Other Store !!!!!! - upc-n Monda)·Saturday, t :Jt.S:lt Sunda) II to~ 675-8523 ;10 E Balboa Bh·d . on thr Prnansut. • Place, Costa Mesa. VIew Homes. whlch will take placP from ported In Yokosulta, Japa n. ~------------------------------------------------• THURSDAY, OCT. 20 Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Davtd Petersen, 608 KnoYell Pl., Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. MI- chael Cleavlnger. 116-1/2 22nd Street, Ceotr.ll New- port. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John Jakosky, 715 Patollta Dr •• Irvine Terrace. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Ashley, 365 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. • FRIDAY, OCT. 21 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Rod- erick WacDoaald, 410 Vista Roma, tbe Bluffs. Girl -t.lr. aDCt Mrs. Sac- rameMo Varrts, 19!5 Pomona Ave., Cotta Mesa. Boy -Michael Stern, 1951 Port Brtstol Cir cle, Harbor View Homes. • SATURDAY, OCT. 22 Boy Mr. aDd Mrs . M attbe• Jordan, 1250 Adams AYe., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs . Rich- ard Carlyle, 1195 Atlanta Way, Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs . Chau But, 89'7 Center Street, 16, Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. ~goo Reich, 2431 Zenith Ave., Santa Ana Heights. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Fritzsche, 201 Wake Forrest Road, Costa Mesa. • SUNDAY, OCT. 23 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Ste- ven Riddle, 181 Morristown Lane, Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. San- dor Marlett. 1095 Santa Cruz Circle, Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. John Malmquist, 1993 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY. OCT. 25 Girl -Mr.aod Mrs. James Gnnt, 616 Seaview Lane, Costa Mesa. • WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26 BoY.-Mr. and Mrs. Barry Steele, 1722 Santta.go, Dover Sbores. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Crate LlDdsey, 2437 OraD~te Ave .• IC, Costa Mesa. • THURSDAY, OCT. Z7 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, 1135 Union AYe., Costa ltesa. Glrl -a.tr.ud Mrs. John Katacbb, S410 Marcus st., WHtNwport. Boy -Mr. IJid Mrs. Vic- tor Opbar, 1911 Dtbonh LaDe, HartJor fUcblands. • FRIDAY, OCT. 18 ao, -.., . IDd Mu. am Battnm. scna vu Baru, ColtaM.._ Glrl -Mr. Ull Mn. Jf/lf- tr'J 14Wta, Ult Rtver Ave., 1VMtlfewport. • SATVRDAY, OCT. It Boy -..... Ud tua. Duld ar--.... aoc t~t~a Pia~. fC, Colt& ..... Girl -Kr. ud Mn. ~art at-. ttl 0rJe Clret., c.eau... BDJ-Mr. ud ......... Pal..._, IU DUUa A"'- C.-dll111at. IIATTBBII EI ... _.-..• -~.~ 4 COitA .-A IM,_ 00. CAL'S CAMERAS PRESENTS ... -----.___ for the Man Who Has Blnoculars to (It all your needs --from the opera to hunting. F'hp Top_., . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 A midget miracle, weighs only 1.25 ounces; It 's a stop-watch. a count- down timer, and a four-function calculator. Liquid crystal dlgltals. Dimensions: l /2"x4-3/8"x l -1/4". SWIFT MK U lSX to SOX spotting scope "Great for that ocean vtew home•• Tllla ls the camen that aDJ mall, womu or chUd cu us. to c•t tbe flDHt quality picture an.llable to- Everything .. • 0 -0 . 0 SONY TRINI~MUS KY -8000 is only 19 pounds, 6 OUDC'eS pack weight, has a 7.7 .. screen, can be used with A.C. or D.C., with optional batteries. ··Great , ~····· for the boat or for " the motor -~...;me."' Pearlamler-s· 61•• 11a .. . ..., tal•••lra, •••rrlll. From a reoon»r that fits your f1ngertips ... CAL'S W DO IJIITAN T COL08 P A----a 'l'l ....... a....,_ ... ~ I .. MB s e-.L ~~ .......... -.-. .................................................... .-.................................... .. , fta .... ,fll.Or..t-- ' Edlt.d from "'"' -of o..-w. Halgltt by Guye John80n FAmt IIM:AZIN£, Bob lOOM UolnroliJ, G.._mo, S.C. BrMt T.&o. tb• IN-,.J of Uf•. O.t~riAN, 10 ..U, At Th()IJ ~II.,..,.,._ /o.ll#l a.li#htb#tHi ~INt.:~,.&• ltHj T.tu, L#rJ; My 1/JffU ,_.,, Jor Tb••· 0 IW,., lTI' o~. Bl#tl Tb011 tb# trrub, Jur l.Drrl, To ,.,, to "''· At tho• AUt 11/•u tb• 6~1Mi s, G.Uh•: ThiiM tbMI #Ill bo-.4g• C#lll#, AIJ /.UHI/aiJ; m«cina which \liU8lJy luted for two 'Wftb bw which lengthcncd totwomonthtlnd btoedenrd 10 inchadrc:ulrural. literary, and. spiritual eal•ides. Mid Lathbury terved as Dr. Vincenc't ptivatr l«fttal}', and when he ••need 1 tNdy song and a vesper JOni for the daily RHiona, he ubd her co write t~m. At MiN Uthbuty sat bnide the bnutilullab, pray ins for guidance with regud 10 her astf&nment, shr began to think of thtfftdin&of the fivechow.andatG.Jilee. ''Dear Lord,''shc pnycd, ''breaklhou rhebrndoflifetome as Thou didsr br~ak the loaves beside rhc see." And from that prayerful beginnins, the words ol her "arudy 1001" poured forth. Later, as d~ sun began co sec, she f~lt inspired to write the v~per hymn, "O.y is DyinJ in the Wnc." ' (PitOIIt THI IIOLA lltOADCASTitU Q . "Why were the ApostiM for- bidden to take the Cospel to the s.am~ritans (Matt. 10:5} when in A.cU 8:25 they are told to pre~ch to the Sa maritans I" A. Acts 8:25 is a fulfillment of the commission to preach the Gospel Qr,J ........ ~ Q. 5onCa hrbaro, Colli. "Is there 1 verse that ~ys a homoJeKull will not so to heavenr I have heard th~t people are born homose,;ua/s and cannot help it. Is th.it true1 It is hard to believe since Cod Is lair and just, this would be unfair to the individuals." Awl/ JluJJ fMJ "'1 puc•, MJ .J/ ;,. .JJ. 0 m.J Thy Sfir'il, LoN, Now ,,.,o m•, Thill H• WUJ towh "'Y 'Y"'· """' ....... ,., , .... ShoW ,,., th• lr-Mih co,.u.J•4 wub;, th] ll'orrl, Arut i•~Thy &oi ,.,,,J,J I ,,.,. th• Lrml.. Tho11 "" 1h• Br1.ul of /;f1, Q Lort/, I O 'ffll, Thy holy tllorJ, 1h• uwth, ThM '""'lh ,.,,. GW• ,, to 141 ,,u liv• Wi1h Th•• IIbov•; Te.cb ,., lo 10111 Thy lrJUh, Fo, Tho'( 11rt /o v•. _,.,..,? Artimisi. LA1hh11ry. /841 -1913 This prayer hymn is based on four passages of Scripture: Matthew 14:19, "and rook the five loaves, and the rw o fishes, and loo king up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave ... to his disciples, and rhe disciples to the multitude"; John 8:32, "flnd ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you fr~";John 6:35, "I am the bread of life: he that comerh ro me shall never hunger"; and Matthew 5:6, ''Blessed are the-y which do hunser and thirst after rish· teOusness: for they shall be filled." Miss Lathbury wrote this hymn while sittins beside the blue water of Lake Chautauqua, New York, home of rhe Chautauqua literary and Scientific Circle. The CLSC. inaugurated in 1874 by Dr.John H. Vincent and Lewis M. Miller, was an outgrowth of a Methodist summer ca mp Miss l..athbury was born in Manchester, N~w York, on August 10, 1841. She was tf-::C daughrer of a Methodist minister and the sister of two M~thodist minist~rs. Even in her youth she f~lt a compulsion todcdicat~ her ca~nts co the Lord . She seemed fO h~ar God saying co her, "Remember, My child, you have a gift of wravina fancies inro v~rse and a gift wirh the pencil of producin& visions chat come to your hearr; consecrate these talents to M~ as thoroushly and defin itely as you do your inmost spirit." Upon her sraduation from school, Miss l..a.rhbury causht art, sharing an art studio with her sister in N~w York. Sh~ was especially well -known for her exquisite pictures of children. The "Saint of Chautauqua" contributed stories to various publications, wrote several books, and founded a club-"The look-Up legion"-which attracted more than 4000 boys and girls co Methodism. 'The Leaion had as irs foundation four rules: "Look up and not down; loolc: forward and nor back; look out and not in; and lend a hsnd. In Jesus· Name." An intensely religious woman and as widely acclaimed for her unselfish nature and personal charm as for her art and journalism, Miss Lathbury spent the closins years of her life in East Oran~. New Jersey (or in New York, as some claim), whe~ she died on October 20, 1913. Miss Lathbury's Chautauqua hymns were set to music by William Fiske Sherwin, the sifted and dedicated music director of CLSC. Born in Buckland, Massachu~tts, on March 14, 1826, Sherwin srudied wirh Dr. Lowell Mason, taught at the New Ensland Conservatory of Music at Boston, composed many aospel songs, and directed the larse choirs of Chautauqua. Sherwin died in Boston in 1887 or 1888. and a memorial window wa5 instai!N in his memory in a small church ar Buckland. C as outlined in Acts 1 :8. These two A. Questions on this subject come portions to which you refer have a to us with increasing frequency. real basis for a dispensational ap· First of all, there is no verse in the proach to the Scripture. This means Bible which states that it is impos· that at certain given eras of time sible for a homosexual to be saved. God entrusted commitments to A homosexual will go to hell, not people in various manners to show because he is a homosexual, but them that there is only one way to because he has rejected the lord be saved and that is through faith. Jesus Chri st as his personal Sav· Matthew records a command giv· iour. The same is true with every· en by the Lord during the age of one else. Should a homosexual the law which existed until Christ be saved he will ask the Lord for died on the cross and was raised the power to overcome such an from the dead. Between these two existence violently denounced in references comes a significant Scripture (Rom. 1 :18·32). What a change in God's dealings with man. dark picture that is when we read, Israe l has been put aside tempor· "God gave them up." He allowed arily. The Gospel is preached to them to practice the lusts of their all men, Je w and Gentile alike. own hearts, dishonouring their There is another interesting c hange own bodies between themselves. to observe in Matthew 10. Note Where did it all start? Read this verses 9 and 10 stating that no pro-important passage. First of all man visions are to be made for physical · turned his back on God. It is sad needs. Bu t, late r in luke 22 :35 and to report and realiZe that this is a 36, the revers e is stated. The l ord's vile and growing condition. We purposes have not varied but His need to pray for our children and methods have changed. Both com· young people! God can keep the111 mands are applicable to the age in clean from this devilish practice. which they were given. Do not m inimize the problem. It 600 &AYE THE VERY WORDS OF THE BIBLE , ~·T~-~-~!~.~~-~~~ T_!t_!_I::,ORP.,'_', Today I am speakinw on "God Gave the Very Words of the Bible,·· the Old Testament in Hebrew principally, then the Ntw Te1tament in Greek. God rave the very w9rds to the men who wrote them down. Now we have translations of those words ami the translations are reliable. But God wrote the very words of the Bible. In Matthew 4:4 Jesus quotes from Deuteronomy 8:3 and says: "It iS written. Man shall not live by brt~od alont>, but by ~>very word that proceedeth out of the mouth o!God." Will you note whence came the words of the Bible? "Every word. .proceedeth out of the mouth of God." ,.hat is what Jesua IB id, that is what the Bible claim• for itself. Now there are several theories men have about the inspiration ol the Bible. Sometime& when people say "inspired" they think like rreat poets and musicia ns are inspired. by wh ich they mean some matter of genius or illumination or special ability. No. that· is not the inspiration of the Bible. And then other times the modernists say the Bible is a record of God 's dealin~~:s with men. They might say it contains the Word ol God . The nee- orthodox people would say wh en it works a certain thinJ!' in your own heart, it becomes the Word of God to yo u. No. that is not what the Bible teaches. T he Bible teaches that God gave the very words of the Bible And some people say God gave the- thourht but He allowed men. out of their own voca bulary, to decide what words to use to expresa the thought. No, that is not what the Bible says. The Bible doesn't say God inspired the thoughts but ·~every word that procH<ieth out of the mouth. of God... That means verbal inspiration. When you hear the term "verbal inspiration," it means "word inspiration." The Latin word verbum is the term for "word." Verbal inspiration means word -for -w o rd irupiration. When you hear the term "plenary inspiratiOn," people limply mean comple t e in1piration, and that would involve verbal. or word-lor·word inapiration, Now thi1 matter of i n•pi rat ion , "every word .. ,proceedeth out of the mouth o( God." That ia what J..u. uid in lihtthew 4:4: "Man thall not live by bread alone, but by ·avery word that proceedeth out of the mouth o!God. '' [n ll_Timothy 3:16 we rud: God had a man write down something he didn't fully understand but God told him what to write and he put it down. Over in the First Epistle of Peter we find that the holy men o( old times didn't know what all this meant-the prophecy they WTote down about Chriat and His Second Coming. They knew that it was not for them but for m . the Scripture tayt, U Pet. l:l0.12). So knowinl' this, the prophecy came from God and was later for us, they wrote down what they would to t tudy then to find out what it meant! God gave the ve ry words of the Bible. He didn't leave it to men. In Matthew 24 :36 Jesus said. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." The Bible is made up of God-breathed words. God gave the very words of the Bible. God Gave Mo'" tN Very Word1 Now I go back to the Sc ripture-s and I want to find how God inspired Moses to write the Pentateuch and David to write the Psalms and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel to write the things they wrote. So I go back to Exodus 24:4 : "'And M o.qes wrole all the word11 of the Lord , and rose up early in the mornin1. and buildrd an attar under the hill, and twelve pillars. according to the twelve trifH!.q of brae/." "Mosel wrote all the words of the Lord." God had given the Ten Co mmandments by speakin g them aloud from the top of Mount Sinai. The people were so fri ghtened. and the mountain trembled. and one-of the Psalms says that the little hills skipped like lambs and the big hills like rams. The people were sca red . They said , "MORell , tell God to tell you, and you write it down." So Moaea wrote not on l y the Ten Commandmenta but he wrote all the word• of the Lord in a book. That i1 how we ~rot the Pentateuch-Genesia, Exodus. Leviticua. Numbers, Deuteronomy. God had Mote~ write them down. Ood'a Word Wn in O.wt'e r....,. ~e~JI Ill J\.r I(C151l Sllill We whooc namco are underwritten, the loyal subjccll d{ our diad ............ Lord, KiDs Jaiaa, bY the groa: d God, d ~t Britain, ·F~ and Ireland KiDs. Ddcadcr d the Faith, etc., Having undertaken, for the glory d God, and llllvanccment d . the Christian faith and honor dour KiDs and Country, a VO)'II8C to plant the tint oolooy in the northern parts d Vlf8inia, do by thae pdCDII oolemnly and mutually in the prcoencc d God, and one d another, covenant and combine ounclves tog<:ther into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and praavation and furtherance of the cndl aforeaaid; and by virtue hcred to cnacJ, constitute and frame such juat and equal laws, on!inanca, acts, constitutions and officea, from time to time, u ohall be tbousbt moot meet and convenient for the general good d the Colony: unto which we promiJc all due ..,bmi.Uoo and obedima:. ' h lllnrM *ttl( we have haeuRdcr IUbocribed Our !WDI!!I at Cape Cod the *tt d NOY<mbcr, in the year d the reign d our IOY<feign Lord, KiDs Jamco d England, Frmcc and ln.laDd the eighteenth, and d Scodand the fifty.fowth. Ano. Dam. 1620. J*Conw. .....,.w._ Jo>a"-, ............ --........ I • ------· ---~ ......... ~··· --· ...... ,.,. -..---JoOa ,.,, ....... 0.0.. .. ,.. .... "·. ,._.,.., --· --· Jo>a ...... .._ ...... J*O I Jo>a-...... .-. .._ ........ --,_......_ Owkl ;ln..--. Jo>a-n...\IIW ...... _. ..._ .. _ ....... ,_, --· ................. --oa:r-........ The Fir8t. After hnift& a.&I'Tt¥ed ·their Bnt winter in tho Now World, with lliPt dtlllh one! f,.lh "llllet lmbea." wild plum~ one! dtpri,..tion, tho •. Pip.u. CIIM 10 tho betrlea. TIMM on not uocdy whot tho .a tum wttb thafttful· ~ · For a wtflli· Amerka\ 11t1 on ThantJctvtna hnundful hartelt. · Day, wtth the ellceptjon of cou11e of the -~-, turkey, but we mutt admit that It was a Allhovah the celebr.Uon of aurapuaous feut. Nor do our ,....,.......... "' N--Dot ThOftbllvlnl f .... loll for thne dlyJ • _...,. ,. ......... • ' holldq *'Ill did tho lint ..... No doubt Goftmor Abrab1m Uncola prOc:h'lnld h Ill 1.16l, Bradford wondmNI wbltber thd' u --bJ t11o ,.._..., -.. pp~~oo for tho ntor .... ld be -~~for tho !lilt ... ,_;.. -~~~~ ·~fON tho ladloa -lofL On lhot "ry ilnt ~ Toclly bon In A-. M hooo a-t Gcmtmor lrodlord -t Scjuoato, 1 bOtlllty o( food 011pply. We on tGid !hot Chriotloa lodlon -_... ..... .. -llltl tlllo -tho ..... t .... collod "• opoclol .._, -a((lod ...,_ 111 ..., lllot«y, rot -111 tNr for-p>Otl boyand tholr •poctodiii.. • -.olry uo .....,. Wo -to-toot is gravely serious. The judgment of God will not be withheld-against it . Q. Portel'\'llle, Ullf. "What is the difference between New Testa- ment baptism and John's baptism? Did not the Ethiopian eunuch re- ceive the latter?" A. Christian baptism would be a better term for New Testament baptism. In Acts 19 we find that, according to Paul, John baptized with the baptism of repentance. Paul baptized with the Holy Spirit. John's baptls'1'-was .de~ignated to prepare the people for the arriva( of the Saviour who had not yet entered into the lime of His earthly ministry. It was only preached to Israel for national conversio n that they might receive the Messiah when He came . It certa inly was valid, howeve r, it is not what we would know today as a Christian baptism. Today, by following this important ordinance w e are mak· ing attestation of our faith in the finished work of Christ, looking back o n what He achieved in o ur behalf at the cross. It is a testi· mony to the world of our reliance only upon Him for our eternal sal- "SWORD OF THE LORD" 5 Reasons Why Prayer Must Be All8wered One .. lted GeorJe Muller, "Will you plUM rive me your reuon1 for thit confident faith?" ''YN." •id he, ''1 believe my prayen will be anawered beuuae I have fulfilled theae five oonditiona: "FIRST: I have bad DO shadow of doubt in prayifll !M their u.Jvauon. lr.noWinc .. I do that it it the Lord'• will they •hould be saved, for H•· would •h.ve •II men to be .. vee~, and to come unto t.he knowledp of the truth' (I Tim. 2:•). 'and thU if the con/idrM~ thot we-houe in him, th.ol if we-oM anytltit11 GCcord.inf to hU wiU, h~ Martth w:' (I John 6: t4). "SECOND' The oecood .....,. 1::, I han never piMded (or their ulva· tion in my own nam•. but in the all· worthy name cA my l)f'ICtou. Lord J-(Jolin 14:14), tl:ot .. 00 tho .,.....ct oiHio moritmd warth'- .aftd Oil that .ao.. :THIJW: Tho third ,_ !!.. I hi.o "-bolloood Ia tho ol:llfty .... ellliltpi• f:l God t.o .... ._,-(M ... ll:lt). c v . - vlllon. Notice the fifth verse of this 19th chapter which tells us thilt these believers were then "baptised In the name of the lord Jesut.'' The authority for Christian 'baptism It given In Matthew 28: 18·20. The Ethiopian d id not re- ceive John's baptism (Acts 8:34- 38). Phillip led him to Christ 1nd he was most certainly baptized as a Christian. Q. Everett, Wash. "A friend asked me to eKpl~ln Psalm 137. I realize ir is a prophecy lor the Jews, but the last verse h~s me puzzled." A. This Psalm basically has to do with the Jews and their captivity in Babylon. Some think the Psalm- ist may be David himself, although the Spirit of God does not reveal that to us. It does not seem too likely since he did not live in the time of the captivity. The verse in question states, "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." Of the 150 Psalms there are less than a dozen which invoke a curse not on personal enemie s but those who are against God. These Psalms also emphasize the holiness of God, as well as His love. Here we see His judgment upon those who are against His will. Notice the two previous verses which indica te further the destruction befalling all who seek to destroy Cod's chosen people. We recall what happened to evil Haaman. The l ord's pur· pose is to keep the stream clear from which the Messi ah would be born. Cod 's judgment revealed here is upon those who have de- filed His Wo rd and truth. In His sovereignt y punishmen! will be meted out. Q . Porterville, C..llf. "I have a group of friends who believe that man was not born in sin. What Scrip· lures can I possibly use to refute their teachings?" A. You can use Romans S :12ft for example. Man h"as"'a'11nful nature and because of that fact he com- mits sins. All types of iniquity in thought a nd deed are the out· growth of his sinful nature (I Corin- thians 15:21 , 22). All die eventually because a ll are sinners in Adam who is the federal head of the human race. Evidence is ample th.Jt "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked , who can know ill" (Jeremiah 17:q). "Heart " refers to man's who le be- ing here. David knew this as he wrote under the Holy Spirit's lead - ing, "Behold, I was shapen in iniq - uity" {Psal m51 :5). From the time of conception we are sinners. There is no other way to look at it - m'ankind is totally depraved! He cannot help but manifest this in o utward acts of si n. Q. "If the Holy Spirit is taken out of the world at the time of the Rapture, how can people be saved during the Tribulation (II Thess. ],J-6)1" A. "He who now hindere th" refers to the Holy Spirit. The third per· son of the Trinity will continue to hinder the working of iniquity un- til the time of the anti·Christ. In 'this dispensation of grace people are saved by the ministry of the Spirit in their hearts. During the Tribulation men and women will be saved a1 they were during the Old Testament era, through faith. The Holy Spirit will not be active in the world in the same way He is now. Keep in mind that there will be many in the Tribulation who heard and rejected the Gos- pel during this age of grace. They may become saved lndiVIdu"ls al· though it will cost them their lives · at that time In martyrdom. Q. Vlctomh, Colli. "Wa.s Jude ac· tually the brother of /esus' The older ScoOeld Reference Bible seemJ to indicate he was, while· the new one .seoems to nave a dil· ferent view." "All .c:riptun il fiven b)' iaepitation ol c-l. and il profitable for doctrine, !or reproof, ror correction, (or inoirU<tlon in rilh--:· a.t .... t a min.utt. Tha word """""'•-" liMn -· oil Safet••• •lnelrwd oiOod. But Well, i.a that the way other people wro&e thinp in the Bible? Y u . That I• the way it w .. with David. In II Samuel. chapt~r 23. we reM the l .. t worda of David. David aaid I want to tell you how the awect Paalms came &o me. "The Spirit o( the Lord apake by me, and hit word WM in my tonrue" (II Sam. 23:2). The Holy Spirit did the tpeakinr. The wordt '""God'a worda, but tiM tonrue •• David'• tonrue. The worde .,.,. God'• word.t but the pen w• David's pan. God had Davkl write down the worda oltho Lotd. Oh, that i. not •urprYinr, !or In the Naw T•tament they bew thot. oo tho -•lo nfoned to II md .... tho Lotd _... ... tho-~~~ oiDa\'ld: tct SowwDI to mill the W• ; ·~ ..,_t w _, M aat ,.. .... , ... ca ...._ to tho feoot. ,_ -of .. ,. ..... ror--n ...... -. -_,, huatlnt for ducb Mtl -lltlt 1ry 10 ., - - -oor .,._.,...._ · • 't-•Ttn' -, ... -· . ·-~· . . v . l:odloo: Cltiof )I « ...... -t . . -.. -b ,..., • --it ty .aflttiiOL --IJOIOarafl--·-.. ·• .. j "I'O(J1lTH, Tl:o ....... -... tho& I--ol?owo:I.....,IO .... -·-·l:w'lfl_,j II •· ._ _, -t?oo~ .wiD ........ ,~.: ). ."ftn'H' Tl:o .. -... .... IMw HI 1~ .. ,11 , ... ,...,. .. -~----,. oas' .................. . t..M ·Y:?: -... Oo:l -Itt--.-., ...... .... __ ,. .. . A. Jude, 11 was true with Jame's, was ICIUIIIy )nut' half-brother. All ·were born of Miry. )ud<t and )1mes : had )OMph as their hum1n lither while Christ was conceived olthe ......... '-Yet.. .. ioN)' •J;. '""' ..... -... lo "God·. •••• d " All' ..... , •• .II OM· lilt ,hd.II..._GM .. ...._. ............ a.~ ....... . ........... lllo•-.... 01111 Hi rM .... die ......... ., ......... .. .. ,.,. .,.. &rn4tw,., ,,. .. ............. ---fiii{UW. -1/N Hoi~ Oloool ...... -·· .,_.,.... ..,_.. e111N,.,., J--. ... " -Adol:ll. _ (CZ' ., ... ...,.,, ---....... ,_.., ...... 1 ... ...,, ..... 1 l .. .. .,w-•--atltt is' e·-o -l:::l!llr.,.. t --.. ror.s. _...., ._ • ala ,,. -t ·1 ~·~~ ... , ....... -....... -.., ............. _ --•:r: .... iiMsdiii .• 71t1 .,,, 'IMYIMW•...,•-~--~· -.. ..... .. ... . = 7 !I ..... !'!!.!:• 1.1 lt~ .. ·•·of-,ool,.;-..... --"• -. • ~~,..--t?oo-.. I .... ~ ...... '" ••• ..... el W'• ..., • ................... LaN ....... ,..,._ .... .. --·· .. _ ·-· - · Holy Spirit. Keep in mind, too, that the kolleld notes ore not Inspired · 11 were the orlaJnotl 1ui0Fif>h• ,.,.., tt. hondt of "'"' inspired wrtten. The INIIt fof thlt M<larl- tlon to not ..., ....., •• opinion but t&Un ,_ Scrtp?ure (Mill-p:SS). ( ~ t } : ) t l i f\ 1 ( : s ( i ~-' : ) II ( ~ t . [31 () t t (; t CUST()Jt41 POOLS and THERAPEUTlC SPAS ONN7DAYS. """OR XII' M IHQWII9MP TAPAX. ~U 80. JlA.RBOR BLVD., GARDEN GROVE 1'7801 FORBP ROAD. LAGUNA NIGUEL Aaabttm Gardea Crott FuUertoa 'J71-S40l 750-7665 8'71-8020 FOR 5TAT! LIC!NSE MO. 192217 W( ()Hfll Coutal Area M&-5094 QUALITY COLOR PROCESSING .. Koclak Photo finishing Ti--HJI CAL'S CYBAS ,.. ···~ t :\ • ~ IJint anb bt W~ankful W it~ WI 4 ~ A 5 ufftt of Ul~anks gi u ing Jfauo ritrs , * Roa)t Tom Turkey • Giblet Dressing • Sage Dressing 'flli. l Ba ked Sugar (;ured Ham • Sauce Madere ~ ~ • Filet of Sole • Lemon Bu tter Sauce ~~ ~ ~oast Baron of Beef . .1u jus • (;arved a t t he Buffet (r and all the Traditional Trimmings , ~ Thanksgiving at the Newporter. . . ~ J A wo nderful seuing fo r a beautiful day 1 I. Buffet serv ed from noon to 7 p.m. j • S7 .25 pc.-r person • <;h ildren SS..tS • t T HE MARINE RESTAURANT ,. and the ~ -_ d;1~1~0:::., ~d J I (!/f/e/.tpiJIIk4 (Y?Ill ' ~~ 1101 Jarnooru ~01<1 H•wport 8tKh, C .. llo•n•l 92660 ~ -Plloflt Jl4 644-1100 ' \\a.\rstylJhg ~ jus t for ~ ch 1l dran -~AR"SOR "''""" C'-NUR- on S•n Joaqu\r\\.hlls 5lo•d ju3t South J ~ Arlhur IUw& • T11U.OAY, OCT. 17 It--S. WarebeM, SlO P~ -·· N~rt ...... ,.rted tbe tuO ...,. ot tbe Urel &.ad •bella troa taU ea.r at lila Pia- e.-. Afe ... AD eleetrte pUar aDd skateboard, worth JIOO, were ltoleo hm Mark Storm, !'739 DeSoto AYe, , • JudUb A. ~rsoo, ~0 Al- der Pl., reported her 1967 ear atolen from tbe perk- lDc lot at Ora.ace Coast Col- Ieee • • • A $50 bo1 of jewelry &.Dd letters were .tloleo trom Deoise M. Waite, 641-F Vtetorta st •.. Fred V.ElUs, 55, of 1857 trvlDe Au., lost control of his ear, whleb ran ott tbe road aad dl.smembered a lire by- draot on Red Hill Ave., 300 feet lOUth of Fischer Ave. • F RIDAY, OCT. Z8 Kathryn B. Pecaut, 61, of Z11 29th St., West Newport, being booked into county )all on a drunk drlvlng cba.rge at Z:45 a.m., was also c harged with possession ot da.ogerous drugs. • • Alan T. Fuhrman, 39, of 639 Plumber St., was c harged with drunk driving on Harbor at Bay St •••• A wire me&h screen was removed by a burglar to gain entry to TeWlnkle school, 3224 CalUornla St., where 23 boxes of doliJts and milk we; e removed from the cafeteria . . • Patricia M. Moores, 2343-A Rutgers Dr., complained tnat $112 ln cash was s tolen from her handbag wbUe she was asleep ln her apartment •• Ronald B. Haywa rd, 3085 Fernheath Lane, report- ed his 197 5 Dodge van stolen from the parldng lot at 2970 Ha rbor Blvd .• ~avld M. Lasley, 15, of 195 Lexington Lane, was injured when his bicyc le aDd a ca r operated by Conrad Triglllo, 44, ot 2413 Richmond Way, were involved in an accident at Minuteman Way and ~~orris­ aced bJ lltt...aat-... oa vac. torla st., 14 tMt -..t ot Plaeeatla Ate, • • Doaald u .. .,, Z4, &attactoo S..Cb. eompla.IMd of II&1D after Ilia ear aad oat drtvtQ by Roberto FlorH, 11, ol 181 Shalimar Dr., coUSded at Vle torta st. I.Dd NatioDal Ave. • • Mtcbael P. Balrd, 16, of 717 Center St., reach- ed over to pick up a JpUied drlo.k aDd his ear ran oU the road tnto a utUtty pole on Anaheim Au. 1Z5 feet oorth ot Superior Ave., wUJl no ln)lrtes involved. • SUNDAY, OCT. 30 Barmaid Barbara Je2n Swanson, 11, suUend a mloor in)lry to her lett elbow aDd there was about $60 damaee to glass behind t he bar at 1880 Monrovia Ave. at 12:30 a.m. when Z teenagers t hrew beer bo~es after she re- fUsed service for DOt U&lng Zl years of a«e. • • Larry M. Clark, 27, of 654 Cove St., was takeu to Costa Mesa hospital wl&h injuries after his car and ooe driven by Donald M. Pattison, 33, Huntington Beach, received front end dama«e in an ac- cident on Placentia Ave., 950 feet oorth of 19th St., at 1:56 a.m •••• Steven D. Gr aham, 21, of 215 CecU Pl., was charged wlth drunk driving aDd assault on a polle e officer at Newport Blvd. and Cecll Pl ••• Terisa K. Bronntchi, 2350-C Santa Ana Ave., reported the $335 burglary of 4 purses from a car parked at ~he rear of 1714 Placentia Ave ••• A 1974 Mazda RX4 car was stolen from Miracle Mazda, 2150 Harbor Blvd. • . A 1968 Pontiac Fireblrd car was stolen from Wendy Anderson.· 332 Victoria St •. Ottlcers were unable to locate the source of shots reported fired ln tlle area of 1293 aDd 1273 Baker St. town Lane at 4:55 p.m. . . • • MONDAY, OCT. 31 Timothy R. S'tfeet, 22, of Bette Mae Totb, 52, San 454 Princeton Dr., was in-Bernardino, was taken to jured when hls mo-ped bi-Costa Mesa Memorial cycle aDd a car driven by Hospital at 7:20 a.m. with Kimberly V. Gray, 20, of Injuries after her car hltthe 3154 Sumatra Pl., colllded rear of the car of Bruce on Harbor Blvd., 128 feet G. Bauer, 26, of 1420 W. south of Victoria St. • • • Oc ean Front, Central Hew- Gary G. Hallum, 22, of 940 port, knocking lt Into the Irvine Ave., was c harged car of Marjorie G. O'Brien, wltb drunk driving a t 55, of 603 Clubhouse Ave., Newport Blv4. and BroadYat r-uW&St • Newport, whlcb. ran at 10:45 p.m<f into the rear of tbe car of Yartanue Moyn, 25. C1t 212 41st St., West Newport, at Newport Blvd. aoo Albert Pl. • . A burglar obtained $1,565 in cash and about $577.35 in checks, usl.Dg a key to gain entry to the EZ Inn Liquor, 1888 Placentia Ave •.• Radios, tires , r ims and gas can were stolen from several vehicles on the lot of Miracle Muda, 2150 Harbor Blvd., whUe the tlrm • SATURDAY. OCT. 29 A jovenUe iloy-, 16, charged with curte"· Ylolatlon a t Baker St. aDd Randolph Ave., a t 3 il.m. was released to his mother. . • A burglar pried open a c rank type win- dow to gatn entry to the res- idence of LlDda Kendall, 449 HamUton St., tald.ng a TV set, desk lamp aDd electric clock • • • A lett &J&na.l was dam- wu c:ao..c1. a ~ lou. •• Ftn llldQiat tiQOkiac ptpes, J briar PDOtt.Qr pipes aat 6 l.Dt1que ctpr boldtn. au wortb more tbu $1,000, were stol• from a locked dtaplay c&M •hlch •aa pried OI)ID OQUtde tht Lawreoet Pipe Shop, SSSS Brt.tol St ••• a 24-foot ~rd bolt oo a trailer, nlutd at betweeo $1&,000 and $17,000, wu stolen from 2135 Placentia Ave., beloacbc to Fred L. Fernald. 1859 ParltcrestDr. • • • A burglar pried open Perkin-Elmer Corp., Z930 Bristol St., taking $2,500 cash from a cabl.oet. • • Three microweters valued at $140 were stloeo from the garage of Newell W. Wright, 3116 Kerry Lane. • TUESDAY, NOV. 1 Donna C. Johnson, 26, of 1300 Adams Ave., suffered facial lacerations aod a con- cussion alter her car hit tbe parked car of Dennis E. Williams, HuntJ.ncton Beach, on Vlllage Way, 245 feet east of Harbor, at 1:45 a.m •.•• A burglar stole a $350 cam- era aDd $200 in currency from the residence of Patric k D. Stoker, 1123Sand.1 Lane. • • A $400 antiQue oak refrtgentor welgh!Jl& 150 pourws was stolen from the front lawn of Samuel H. Lowry, 950 W. 19tb St ••• A stereo ra.dlo receiver, record c hanger, 2 speakers, cassette player aod cal- culator made up tlle $870 burglary loss to Garry K. Sera, 780 HamUton St ..• A metal shed door was ldck- ed in at Newport U Motors, 1969 Harbor Blvd., where a sweater . pair of blue jeans, straw nat and 15 eight-track tapes were stolen, a $95 loss. • • John W. Lord 2656 Elde11 } ve., reported his 4-door 1963 C hevrolet, valued at $250, was stolen from In front of his res idenc e . . . A 1969 station wagon was s tolen from 969 Grove Pl., registered to Sue N. Clewortb. 3250 BroadSt., Newport Heights .• Charles P. Walker U, 26, Huntington Beach, and Paulette R. Cullen, 18, 441 Swarthmore Lane, were charged with for- gery lnvolvlng cash.l.ng a check at lmperlal Bank, 2490 Harbor Blvd ••. HUlard A. Mason, 55, of 205 Ruby Ave., Balboa Island, was ar- rested at 1:45 p.m. oo charges of hit aDd run dr iving after bitting tbree utflfty poles, a ttre hydrant, the car of Elfrlede S. Muller, 26, Irvine, aDd liJ merous cu rbs ln a trip along 19th St. from Meyer Pl. • • Karl E. :Aansoor, 19, student, 2976 Redwood Ave., came Into the station at 9:15 p.m. to complain of bel~ threatened by another youth wlth a gun wbo bad fired 6 shots at him last Oct. 13, Cosmetic Surgery Could Improve the appearance of pun AN AMERICANIST VIEWPOINT GRACE HAMIL TON I -~••FACE-CIMI c.rem ......,__..BREAST -llaust or ltMe siu I _,. ~··TUllY -..... IICISS tlall . IIEIICAI SP. IEDICAl GIOif STAFFED BY LICENSED MEDICAL DOCTORS. SURGERIES PERFORM ED BY CERTI FIED SURGEONS. PO. IIUirHIR INfOIIMAJION 547·8069 ENSIGN SUBSCRIPTION ORDER READ AL L THE LOCAL NEWS SEND IH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ORDER TODAY I ONE YEAR, $6.00 -TWO ·Y EARS, $10.00 ~------------------- NAME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••• ADDRE§ .• •••••••••••••.•..••••••.••••• CITY •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ZIP . .... The "Experts" are at at agaan . Confuston retJtllS supreme. af the person mterested tn amprovtng hts health, rehes solely on TV ur even has datly newspaper Let's take a look at a typacal case an poant. On one recent Sunday, we nottced an arttcle quotin& an "expert" on the subJect of vatamtns. He sounded like a broken record as he bepn hts 11sual sca re tactics. "There is no need for normal people eatana a well balanced dtet to take any addatao nal vitamtns." "If you andude meat, fruat and veptables, milk, cereals and breads daily. extra vitamtn dos.ae is unnecessary " We would aaree wtth the aood Ocx:tor. if everyone had an orpnic prden and could eat unsprayed, unwaxed and uncolored fnlltS and v-eaetables If thts unus\&11 cr~ature had access to home arown meat. without hormones, excess fat. etc: .• all would be fine and dandy. If the aood wafe made Mr own cerea\J from fresh stonearound wheat and o ther pa.ins, without loadln& tl with reftned whale tllllr, t he f1nuly would tndeed not need extra supplements And tf the famtly h.ad a ccess to a datry where they could purchase clean raw nullt strai&ht from .. lklssy.'· the cow. hfr wo uld be great Mr and Mrs. Average: A meru;an are not so lucky . however Most of us live tn cttte~ and are forced to shop at the "'upermarkets Read the labels o n bacon. ham. cereals, etc. and then examtne the unopened frull wtth the most unusua l b~uttful colo rs Mother Nature dtd no t put that stranae color on the frwt . netther did she coat at wtth wax Grandma never removed the wheat aerm from her nour bdo re she baked bread. but mc dern bakenes do She left aU the nutntton 10, anstead of remnvtn& most of 11 anti then addtnJ only a few s ynt helle VJtamm to "ennch" the end produl..l There 11 no lonaer any such thtnau a balanced diet The "experts•· haYe mucla to Jearn. We wash they would stmply shut up, because millions o f people arc findina o ut for t bemselws how wrona CM)' an~ -AifWrttwlf W•y FtllftlrYI ' SI ND IM THIS ORDIR WITH. $6 .00 TO : MIWPOIT HAIIOR IMSIGM 2n1 L COAS:t' HWY ., COlOMA DIL MAR D•PMTMINT 8TOAa o,.,. t : tO A.M. 10 4-:00 P ••• D•l7 Clou~ .s..J.y·· 16 NI\WOIT iO'UVMD. COSfA MISA , ................ ~_~ .......................................... .. '. SPECIALIST FIVE Vale rie A. G teeaoo. whose parents, Mr. aDd Mrs. ~rt P. Sehmlnke, UYe at 1537 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa, re- ceotJy was oamed soldier of the quarter for WIUiam Beaumoot Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas. Val - erie, a supply speeiallst with the center, received a B . .\. degree ln 1975 fro m UC Irvine. Her t.Jsband, Kevl.n, is wltll her ln Te~. MARIN E OFFICER IN FORTRESS LIGHTN IN G Lt. Frank E. Mikolajczak, son of Mr. aud Mrs. J . P. Telebaugh of 3045 Harding way, Costa Mesa, ~r · tic lpated In nerc ise .. fort - ress lightning" ln the Re- public of tLe Phllipplnes. He is wltb Marine Wtnc Communications Squadron 118, Flrst Marloe Air- craft Wing, borne based In Okinawa. A 197 1 graduate of Costa Mesa high school , 'le joined the Marine Corps Ln May, 1976. NEWPORT HARBOR EJtSit)t PUBLISMEO WEEJ<l Y • PG. 3 THURSDAY, MOV. 11, l!n CODA DEl MAR_ CAUr. Luncheon • D inner Brunch • Late Supper Romantic old world 11tmosphere in the Capn· Lounge Reservations Honored (714} 642-9434 3300 W . Co11st Highw11y at Newport Blt~d. Newport &ach and the original Amelia's on Balboa Island OP EN FOR LUNCHEON AND DINNER 311 Mlln.ne A11e. (714) 673-6580 I no one else • IS for yow read this: Persons not mc luded m a ret~rement plan can set asade some mcome tn a spec1al Los Angeles Federal Savangs Account and pay no taxes on 11 now No taxes now on the mterest your ret1rement savmgs earn, e1ther. Not until you ret~re. when you 'll probably bema lower tax bracket. To gatn the tax exempt ton offered by a Keogh Plan or lndt- vtdual Aetrrement Account. you must be either self-employed or not rncluded tn any company retirement plan. A nd you must -th1s 1s most Important -act d unng the short ltme remammg of 1977 Specaallsts are ready to help you Whether you save for rettrement or any other purpose. you re- cerve htgher mterest than any commercial bank pays. plus FSLI C msurance on your savings. plus a safe deposit box. rn· come tax preparation. many other services. all w ithout charge wtth a mtntmum balance Why not start your Aet•rement Ac count today? INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Current 1oe1d $1000 OR MORE Annual Rate 8 06° J 1.06% 7 ..,.go~a 6 ':18'-n 6 i2.:>1o 6 to 10 years 3 ye•rs IRA, Keogh 4 years CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT $1000 OR MORE 30 monlhs 12 months PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ANY AMOUNT 73!. o,o 1~% 7 11'1 °fo 6J;,. 0/o 6'1'1 °/o ::~ {Q o Day tn to day out 5'1•% ALL INTEREST COMPOUN DED DAILY F \Jnds prt>maturely wtthdrawn I rom Cert •l•cate Accounts earn nterest at the Passoook rale as prov•ded Oy Federal reg ulat•on •or ne rull term of nvestmenl less n•nety days LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS Newport Beach 3201 Newport Blvd -across from City Hall• 67s-•soo ... w .... ,.,.. ........ HH<1 Otttc:e Lo. Angeln Fedef•l Sev•nq_s a.nd Loen ~ One Wtlshtre Los AngeJet 1001 7 • Other ofttcet ~' 1"-•r• TINTING tllalf •• • •••·-Hew Weo1 ~Wollpa,.._r Mifti.lfiMt. L~dr.-'i FmiiOMIISTIMATJ$ Mtvr 111'010 IIACII emu 995-3333 770-1818 557-2678 FA,on SNAPPER ..... . PlUS IIOIDAY THRU THURSDAY SPECIALS MAHt MAHt ........ 3.115 I Fri., S.t., S.a., 'til l, ... ) GRILLED SEA BASS . 3.115 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK 4.25 NEW YORK STEAK .. 4.115 LOBSTER TAIL ..... 5.115 STEAK AND LOBSTER 1.95 11nd dozens of othert 1a:n1 ho:i'ic Co.l>tfwy, Huftti,.t-""'· •12131 512·1321 3901 IE. eo.t Hwv. •C~ Doll Mar • (11•1a15.otOO Burglar~ HOW MUCH CAN YOU AFfORD TO LOSE IF A BURGLAR DECIDES TO BREAK INTO YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS TONIGHT ? Sea Coast will plan your home or business security system. Phone 642·3490 Now! HARBOR FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CH_URCH 23RD ST. at ORAHGE . COSH MESA· 6.45-S050 DR . F. KENTON BESHORE, ,A S TOR Sunday Mornt~ Worship .••.•• , , •.•.• 10:30 a.m. Sunday SchOOl -9:15 a.m. Wednesday service -7 p.m. An independent church with Bible teaching ministry ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE CHRtSTIAM SCIEHCE SERVICES FlRST CHURCH Of.. CHRIST, SCIENnST 3303 Via Lido Newpoll Beach Sunday School -9 & 10:30 Sunda y Service -9 & 10:30 WEONESDA Y EVENING ME ETING 8:00 p,m. REA I)I N t; RO(I \t Week days: 9. a,m,' ·-5 p,m, Wednesday: 9 im -7:45 pm Tuesday: 9 am -5 .pm, ?-9 • • • SECOND CHURCH OF CHJUST. SCIENTIST Newport &ach at Corona del Mar • We Invite you to won'hlp LUlHERAH CHURCH OF THE MASTER. LCA 2900 PacUic VIew Dr. Corona del Mar, Calli. LAWRENCE D. FRUHLING Pastor --Phone ?59-1031 SUNDAY SERVICES: C hureh scbool • • • • 9:15 Liturgical se"tce . 10:30 Nu rsery and Cot!ee Hour AC .... JIW•••• Cott•MeN. FlttSTUHITBI lotOHODIST CHURCH 111hSI. &t-Wbor Blvd. a...~~s.-..fW ,..,.._ .. Jt w_.....-I IMAM. CHARlU D, CLAIUC P•tTO.- I"AUL H. AL~XAND~Il •noc••TI! ........ ,, OC'I', • ..... ... ellupd ......... -..rwwa.v...,n, dllllm-pollcoarr- ., lal I. -llhd., blm ll l:oe p.m. at 101 .,., wu cb&rpd wt111 Mol"D11C star, Donr ...,,.. _..,..a-·-... Jotlll J-Harl!lll, "-poU~ a.J'I"'Ited blra at S4, of Ill~ Sea GuJI, New- Qua ud Campo. &trport port He&pU/ .... Cbafled ua, at 10:05 a.JD ••••. wtlb dNik drtf1DC at 2:20 Glrltl Botro1 And. ss, ot a.m. at Jamboree aDd Suta 11 Sboi.J.Dr,, Jum.laiCrMk. Barblrl, NewportC.ter ••• · wu arnlttd at e p.m. at Betty SUe Luldas, S7,. ot btl bome ud ebl11td with tbe Balboa Bay Cbab ns '1».ttery on a pollee otf1c:er charged wtthdnmkdrlvlllc&t , , • Scott RaadaJJ Dut.::ln, 1:45 a.m. at Coast Hwy, and 18, of toM 4'1'tb, West New-Dover ••• John Bradley Port, wu chllrged wlth mls-Garbella, 40, ot309 La Jolla, demeaoor di'Wik drlvllle at Newport Heights, was 2:ZO a.m. at Balboa and cbarged with be~ drunk aoo River, Welt Newport . , . disorderly at 7:30p.m. near Crata Knox, 2653 Ora.are, · hls residence. Coata K'esa, reported his 1971 Cbenolet pJcll:upstoltn from the VIctoria St.atioo restaurant, 990 Dove, ail- port area. between 8 a.m. aDd II p.m. , •• A TV set, a slot machine, a rardeo lJcht and a wall clock_ nlued at $S, 775, were takeo from tbe home of Larry Warlau- mont, 41% A¥ocado, Corona del W:ar, between 7:30a.m. Oct. 20 IUid 4 p.m. Oct. 26. • THURSDAY, OCT. 27 1 An estimated $350 dam- age was done to 2 wlodows at the borne of Thomas Bauer, 1735 Port Sheffield, Harbor View Homes, by n.o- dals wbo fired BB shots into the wl.odows sometime be- tweeo 5 p.m. Oct. 26 and 6 p.m. Oct. 27 • • • Harold McAlister, 1Z4-1 /2 Opal, BaJboa lsb.Dd, reported a dlamood rlog aDd some un- mounted diamoods, valued at $2,201, stolen from his home between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. • • • Thiens took 13 pairs or men's slacks and 2 shirts, nlued at $505, trom Michael Richards' store, 3444 Via Oporto, Lido Village, alter removtne glass louvres from a window to gain entry, be- tween 3:45 a.m. and 4:45 a.m. • FRIDAY, OCT. 28 WUitam Joe Ca rter, 333 Bayside, reported 8 liquor- filled decanters stolen fro m his boat there between 9 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. , , , Tools and a tool box., valued at $230, were taken trom a truck belongtng to Frederick Baker, 943-1/2 w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, between 8:1S p.m. aDd 10:45 p.m. whUe It was 1D the partiog lot at 990 Don, airpo~ area ••• Kara Sae · Ga.d;o\ M -1/2 Dlamood, Balboa lslatJ4, re- ported Mr lg&7 Volkn'agfiD ltoleo froar Woody's Whalf parking lot tn Central New- port between 8 a.m. Oc t. Z7 and 8 a.m. Oct. 28 ••• David William Leitch, 18, of 123-1/2 Agate, Balboa Island, was charged wU;Jas- 5ault with a deadly weapon at 10:25 p.m. at Birch and Bristol, Santa Ana HelllhtS .•• Keith Aodrew StaUord, 25, of 642 Hamuton, Costa Mes.a, was charged with mis- demeanor drunk driving at 11:20 p.m. in the 2100 block or w. Ocean Front, Central Newport ••• Susan Arlene Barnes, 38, ot 508 De Anza traUer park. Lido Peninsula, was arrested there at 9:30 a.m. and chargedwlthUiep.l possession of a b)'pOdermlc needle and syringe . • . Cralg: Edward Stewart, 18, of 119 VIa Mellf.one, Lido Isle, aDd Scott Mlcbael Lauglllln, 3604-1/2 Park, West Newport, were charged with being druo.k and dis- orderly at 12:40 a.m. at 51st and SeashOre, West Ne-wport. • SATURDAY, OCT. 29 A $200 oriental rug wu stolen from the residence of Carrie Scheater, 112 W, Coast Hwy., Bayshore Park, 1 between '1 p.m. Oct, 28 aod 11 a.m. Oct, 29 • , , Two rl.ngs, a shotgun aDd a rme, nlued at $350, were stolen from the home of Betty Darche, 1501 Marl.nera, Hart:or Hlghlaods, between DOOD Oct. 27 aDd 9 a.m. Oct. %9 ••• A $150 bicycle • SUNDAY, CCT. 30 Patrick Sean O'Brien, 337-1/2 Crystal, Balboa is- land, wa s charged .ttbdrunk driving at 4 a.m. at Gnod and Crystal ••. Bernie Ed- ward Colson, 35, of Pine Creek apartments, Costa Mesa, and Eric LJM John- son, 19, oU441 Dow, Costa Mesa, were charged with being drunk and disorderly at 1:45 p.m. at 22nd and w. Ocean Front, Central Newport. . .A noor )ack, valued at $180, was stolen from Rog-er Young when he left it in the parking lot at 1525 Placentia, West Side, where he was uslog It to remove the engine from a car, between 7 p.m. and 7:05 p.m ••• Janet Bement of DeAnza traUer court re- ported that someone stole the cover from her boat at Lido Yacht Anchorage, be- tween 2:30 p.m. Oct. 30 aod 7 p.m. Oct. 31. 3100 Pact.nc Vlew Dr ; Suoday School -10 a.m. Sunday Service -l Oa.m. Wednesday: 8:00p.m. R E AVI!'I/(, RUOff! 3~-B E. Coast HWy. Entrance on Narcluus Mon.-fri.: 10 till to 5 pm Sunday afternoon: 1 to 3 Saturday: 10 am to 4 pm GRA<_:E BIBLE CHURCH wu stolen trom tbe cance Veten.u Memorial Bldg, at James Seonet'a bome, 90? 565 w. 18th, Colts Mea W, Bt.y, BaJboa, betwteD 7 REV. TOM TYREE, htlor a.m. aod 3 p.m. ; •• Thl SUNDAY SERVlCES: .. me sip from tbe Btrdl 10:00 a.m. ud 1:00 p.m. EJt VIew Gallery, 34ZO Via CJIJLDRIM'S PREP ()porto, Lldo VWac:e, wu 9CHOOL, 10:00 •·~· • Jtoleo bttweaa 7 p.m. Oct • You are cordlllly lllvlted HOME BIBLE CLASSES: 28 aDd 10:)() a.m. Oct. n to atteod ChUreb St"teea Call 552-:0092 ••• Normao West DaYln, • • • •IIOMDAY, C'CT. tt Katt Dlftd ~-ry • II, of lUI Eldoa, C.. ., ... , nacbl.rpciWWI,.. btl")' -·-rtpolko too• him 1atD caRMty at Druce ctty jl1l • at 9:05 p.m. ~ .Neil Pruell Hqbta, U, of 10 LaU- tDdt Ct., was cbafled wltb beln( drunk aact dlm.rdtrly at 2:45 a.o.. 1D the !100 bl_ock ot W. Ocean Front, Central Newport. , ,).. 88 run caused an ... umated $150 damage to a window at the home ot F, J. Flyan. 2512 Wavecrest, Harbor VIew Hills, at 9 p.m ••• Someone used a beer bottle to break the wtodahleld of Charles Pechaoee's car whlle It was parked on the street at his borne at 433 Bea:onta, Corona del Mar, between 9 p.m. Oct. 31 aod 1 p.m. Nov. 1 •. .SOmeooe stole $1?5 trom cash rects- ters at the OJr Hero saod.- wlch shop, 4250 Scott, air- port area, between 4:30p.m. Oct. 29 and 8 a.m. Oct. 31. , .Camera equipment and a surfboard, valtfed. at $1,400, were stolen from a car beloll(lng to WOllam Ccilllns, 2304. W, Oeean Front, Central Newport, whUe It was parked at Sea- shore and Sonora, West New- port, between 10 a.m. aod 11:30 a.m.~ .Danny Michael Dwyer, 20, and Daniel Scott Forehan, 20, and Robert Mark forehan, 24, all of Costa Mesa, were arrested at 11:15 o.m. at 1534 San- tiago, Dover Sho res, aod charged with possession of stolen property • =l1Tl..-n'7.1 .NEIPQIIT HAIIIOR Ellf(lf Plla.tOIIIUIQ.. Y • P'G..4 'live )t vems Tile flret u ... -.telll' Ill die U..l. It .. elltte41 to ••" ._ ..-In wta•ar CaM. tn 1740. It Pflllull• • net of IMrriment ... ..... ... IT WILL PAY '10 CH!Cit OUR PRIC!$ «;UITOI4 OEIIONIED JEWEI.RY nNE OEM STONES GOLD .CHAINS NOW lHJOY ntl! &I'AUTY 01' API'ALAOtiAH OM 0~ YOUR TA&LI!SOit COUNTER TOI'S. K)LID, MADI!: TO OftOU &LOCXS I'INISHED IN VEGI!:T.4.8L.t:OIL TO 5.4.1'!\.Y ACCOMMODATE EVUY I!VIRYDAY US!. r SEE US FOR ANY OF YOUR WOODWORK NEEDS Jobn M. ThompiOR G.Q no E. nth st., unu u coa&a Meea •. Calt f. t2U"I ("114) 845-1909 • KITCHEN CA BINETS RESTORED AT LOW COST • WALL PANELING, CUSTOM CABINETS & Sllfo:L\'ES • CUSTOM FURNITURE ·. • FURNITURE FINISHING AN .D REFINISHING COHTRACTORS IHTEIUOR DECORATORS & aDd to use Re:adlfte Rooma. •T•chlD( Bible Doctrine• 21, of 401 Plaua Lido, Lido ~T~H;;E=;:F I;:R;:ST;::::;II;;A~P:;T;;IS:;T:::;· C;:;H;:U;;R:;C:;H:,. '"THE FRt!HOLtUT CHURCH ttl TOWH" WAYNE P. M U I~L'BN, PAS1'0R '""A.M.-.iiiiLT wialiiiP& suNDAY sCMOoL 6i11D.,,M.'-IYANGILICAl NOUR ~ JDI MAGNOLIA AT· UNTA AMA A VI., COSTA MIU Jluilautl! Ghmgrrgatlllnal IIUnurl! attictha•r• not properly inou· Ia ted could wind up calting you plenty. When your hear is on, the warm air rises. So it moves from floor to ceiling in the rooms of your house . With out adequate insulation, the heat can pass through your ceiling into your attic. This waste of heat causes your heating system to work longer and harder. That could coo( you mOney. lnstJiati~ is a one-time lnv ... ment that payo ci£ year after year. So call an insu lation contractor. You'll find that based on today's prices. ProPerly insu· lating an attic in a typical house runs between $200 and $300. And what better place to invest your money than In youi own home? You can also look forword to · ,.vlntl up to 40% on your cooline COM in lhe summer, when k'a your 1ir Con- dirlonerotulll to ao to ...,)L on more w~ys to save energy, write "Conservatfon:· Edison . P.O. Box 800. Rot~tmead, CA 91770. A PRII AIID IIUJII'IIIDIIIT , COMiUGA'TiottAL CM .. IT I~ CHURCto!. THE RF.V. JOHN ',4, UNOVAL.L. Mif•lslf' t.fl A.M. MIMo.ut •••L'* nUOY · 1ttll .. ..,, ..... ..,., IIIYI~I, lUMlA'( ICMOOL 3262 I-DAD STRIIT, MIWPU HIIGIITS . M\l.IIIY CAll I'IOVIDID 'HOM It US27a , ' &y inoubti"', or lncreasi"' the amount ci in.ulation in you1 atcic, you can cut your heatinl COMS up lo 40%. - I For • freo;. coni<Mition booldet 'BEACH_ ly MUGM McMILLAN n. fall ol tbt ,_r Ia aJwa,. a&et lA tbt Rl.ltlor A .... .MEMORIES. Tile ftJtact.rmlt.latta.t lootill for a oew bOalt. Tbt bUdl art ft11ar ..at tor tlae Wi~Ur Ud lMwtaaJ• INeo&Dllc. Back Ia tbt Mrly 1 azo.. WbtD J lfyfd OG tbt OctiD Froat 1P from tbt Mnpolt Pttr, I aMd to walk o•tr to tbt ** ot !lit st. Ud u.. .. , to walk wttb tbe Luartcb tldl tlotbtHtwport cram mar echf:)ol don at 14tb St.IDd Oe41111 ProGt,tbeoll1 JCbool lD town at tbt Umt. ODe fall mon111c 1 wu ft!tllc i)r tbt Lasarteb tJda. o.tatde tbttr bomt Ud I COUld ... ID oU-blal'D11:1c ateam drtdctr worldQc don off the lfewport Harbor Y ubt Club, Jut gp from B11 18- land. The day wu calm, clear Ud .WI. Tbe amou from tbe dredce was cot.ac ltraJcbt qp 1Dto tlle sty to about 500 feet Ud then spread out ltke ttlldtr an lafblblt eeUI.Dc. I was curious about th1s aDd oner reeetYed an el- plaDaUoo aoW many years later' wben the smoc problem dneloped and we learDed about tbe inurslon layer. That black dredger smoke was beiDC trapped trom going farther ioto the the sky the way smoc is today. So, what's oew? The otber Jtutt, wlllch I'll call or.ooe for lack ota better oame, used to Ue 1n low places. It wasn't exactly fog , seemtnclY made up like sltvers Instead of lne drops Ute fog. I used to ootiee 1t the most 1n low areas north of Costa Mesa oo the way to Sama Ana. It doesn't seem to be around anymore. Tbe blc mud Oat betweeo Lido Isle aDd tbe PeoJnsul.a was nna.uy dredced out ln 1935. The material was pumped out onto the ocean beach. u tbe reculatloos on dredglnc lD effect today were lD effect then. perhaps we would stW haYe the mud Oat. Many a low tide I du& razor clams on tbat mud nit aod I hated to see u co. It wu covered wtth water at hlcb Ucie and was I (ood palce to torment atJaprees. Fall of the year was when we kids used to bunt c:lucu ln the upper bay. We'd leave the feat o1 !1st Street 1n our row '-ta "'ftJ belor. daylJcht on S.tarday morn- ings to be tD tiM apper bay by daJllibt to blast any at tbe ducu comtnc from the San Joaquin Guo Club. They'd be fly-out to au. The ~cks could get food ln the cu n clu~. whtch they certaiDly can't r et today durhJC thetr brief stop on their n.Jcbt south. I mtss tbose big •ees of~cu that used to fUJ the sky ln the tall of tbe year. . Fall oft.beyearalsomeans Sa.nta Ana wlnd HUOn. I'Ye always called them Santa Ana wlods bec::alase they blew trom t.be cHrtctJoo or Suta Aoa. Okay, tbe Mtsaoa F atbers called them satan's w lnd beeaUH the 1odJans used tbelr name for t.be deYll to describe tbem ln t.belr day. So, we corrupted the term to santa• and tbls beacb nt to Sa..ata Aaa. May tbey ner coatJnue to blow tbe •moe awayt Fall oftbeye~ralsomeau tlllAtlac about tbe out time HAIR *CUT *CURLED *COLORED *COIFFURED *'CETERA FiDe Hllir Speciallata •• LORRAINE'S IE4UTY NOOK ON n4. IIOUL.VA,_O c., .......... , , ...... ''"·7336 HUGH McMILL.,. the 8ula ·"-mtr ww 10 OD a nq~~p. Ill IDJ boot. "S.Cb Rat Daya," I told aboat I be&cia OCe&D doi'J ft8btrmu utac tU dory to rMC~M tbe m&D a.Dd WU. trom tbe puiDI)lac p1ul ot Jadct Dodct'• Costa Mea water eo~ at BamlltoD Strett ud the rt•er 1D 1928. He came rowtAc doWD Bushard Roed toCoutHJcb- way with tbe couple, wheN I wu watcbl.ae t.be flood with my dad aDd Sborty Guntber. I leaned later this beach ocean dory fisherman was Jack Johnston, present-day skipper of the swordttsh- boat, ''Jamajan." Jack. of course, Is another old-Ume mud flat clam digger from way back. My mlod Is qgled by plans to flood -proot t.be Santa Ana rtYer, but tbat sleepl.ac menace ..Ul certainly flood acato before tbose plans can be carrted out. n wW be time for the Newport Pier ocean dory tleet to go to the rescue alODC wltb anyooe else with a small boat. Fall of tbe year aao meant we could kDock ott rowl.ac out thfOUCb the IUrf eYery day with our dory IDd chop- ping mussels oft the plliDg at the end of the Newport Pier, wbtch we sold for tllb bait tn my dad's fish- ing tackle store. The summer flsb!Qg season wu over. My wtte, ElUe, better lmown as tbe First Lord o1 the Admlnlty, still tormeota me because our eon, Howle, lost our Sabot trJI.Dc to row out through the surf down at Canta Mar, BaJa. wttb eoa.la W1'7 HQd& TbeJ CIIM ntmmi.Dcla ... the oan after the Sabot_. IDd was carried away by the Ude. I've tuned oYer aod sunk dories a few times ln tbe surf myseU, so, I should talk. Howle ls as salty asGreat Graodfatber McM11la.o's brother, Jim, wbo piloted vessels into Newport Bay back 1n tbe 1870s, wbeo tbert wert DO jetties or dredged entraDCe, wtth wans eoo- stanUy brea.kiDc across the slllft1Dc entraDce cban.Del. Howle put 1n his 4 year1 of shJp sea-Ume, studiedbla nav&catioo IDd rules of tbe road '"nd passed tbt Cout Guard third mate eum. Be's DOW aboard tJle ''Apollo,'' ruonlnc cMrters out of Flsb- erman's Land.iDg, San Dteco. It'• a lot of fwl bei.Dc arouod tbe w~ter in tbt fall ot tM year or IJIY otber time. Tbertart pleaty of beacb rats arouod tb1a ar• aaoat oo UJthinl trom a raft, of a Sabot, to a gold- platter yacht, to attest to that. Back tn the 19ZOs IDd 1930., tlyt.ac ~st from the dry ftelcSs of Goat HW used to blow don across Mackerel Flats, aecomp- &Died by tumbleweeds that ' PUBLIC NOTICE • FtcTrriODS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbt toDowtac penoa ts. dome bltiMII u: Coloa Therapy ~tloMn AJ. .otlatJoa. 4100 Ca.mp.1 Dr., SUit. UO, !fewport a.cb. CA. 9le60: Jack L. Lut, D.C., M.D., 17$Sl Cottoa- woocl. rm.. CA. ti"'IS. nau-. ...... ta~t­ ed bJ aa laftfldl&l. 8tpect J. L. Lue, H.D. Tba. ltlteattat wu fUid wU. tbe co.ty clerk ot Or- up COIIIItJ Oct. 1'1, tm. Pablllb: l'GY. a, to, 11, h. 1fl7, Ia 1M Newport Rutlor illlcL F _..., a.IIIY_ ... _. .. 8A881'n INIU8ANC ........ 111 •• ...., ,. • PU BL.IC NOTICE S-iU42 FICTrrk>US B~ESS NAME STATEMENT The lolJcm.ac per100 11 doi.Dc ...... u: Wut1D Atr, 1m1 Airport Way Soatb. Salta AM, CaWor- DI.a men: Martta A YlaUGia, me., a Ca.J.UonaJa eorpon- tJon. 19~1 Airport WQ South. SaDta AM, CalUor- Dia 927(11. Thla batlDeaJ b coadlaet- td by I. corpontioll. Coll)OratioD Name: Mar- tiD AJtatioD. Inc., Rtcbard F. Foata.loe, Prtlident. Thla atat.meat was tlled wtth the c:ouaty clerk of Or- ange Coullt)' Nov. 10, 19'17. PubllJb: NoY. 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8, 19'17, lD tbt Newport Harbor Eulp. F-85!88 PUBLIC N OTICE S-91425 FJCTmou8 B08DfP.BS NAME ST ATDIEln' Tbt lollowtlc penoa. art ~ ....... II: Loma RaD9 Homte.IOaBIIiMu Ctater DrtJt, Salte 155, Ir- vtae, CA 9Z715: Yellow Brick Road Bal1cU.Dc Com- paay, Ltd.., 2082 BuiiMJa Ceattr Dr., Stt. 155, lrYIDt, CA 92715; Rol.IUd J. Col- 11M, M DabUa Street. Cor- o• del Mar, CA ~; B.oe- ald C. Wood. 2001 Port Ramapte Place, Newport Btaeb. CA CMO. Tbis tmliDta 11 eoldlet- ed by a , .. ra1 pal'tDenbJp. Slped: WerrW A. Molts., Jr., Pruideat ot Y eUow Brtet Road BIIJldJ.ac Com- PtJlJ, Ltd, TbJ.s statemttat wu tlltd wttb tbe couty clerk o1 Or-uc• COUJitf !fov. 4, 1m. AttorDty orBt.okor Apat: Slt•• J. FeJdmaD. Zt$91 Lambert St., El ·ToroL CA HSSO, teltllboot 714!168- 3442. Publl.sb: Hoy. 17, Z4, Dec. 1, 8, 19'17, 1n the Newport Harbor Eu1p. F -84896 PUBL1C NOTICE -. PROPOSED FLOOD ELEVATION DETERMINATIONS FOR THE CrrY OF NEWPORT BEACH, ORAHGE COUNTY, CALIFORHIA AGENCY: FedtnliDiuruce A.dmln11tratlocl. HUD. ACTJOK: PrclpoAd rule. &UMM•RYs . T.elak:a.l il*)rm&Uaa or eoiiUHI!ta are eoUelted oe tbe pr.-s 11ut (100-yeu) ftood .,.UN~ U..W biJoilr for ultctad Joctt'oM 1a t.bt City ol Mnport S.Cb. <>rue• Co.aty, Ca..lUDnda. Tbeee bi.M (100-year) flood el....aUoDs art tiM buts for tbe flood pla1a IIWIICemtDt mea.ares tbll tbt eom- maDlty la reqal.rtd to ettber adopt or lbow tYideDct of belac all'tldJ 1D effect 1D order to quaJUJ or r.maln qualUlld for pa.rttclpatjoo 1D the NatioDal Flood lnsuranee Procnm (NFLP). DATES: Tbt period lor commeat wl1l be D1Dtty (90) days follow-IDe tbt MCOGd pabllcattaa ot Uda propoMd rule 1a a ...,,_. paper of local· clrculatioll 1D the abon-•mtd eo.mmaB1ty. ADDRESSES: a.ap. a.Dd otber 1Diormatloca lbowtDc tbe detailed oaWDts of the flood..prooe artu ud the proposed bue (100-year) aooct ellftUou are aftlllblt i:)r renew at City Hall, SSO Nnport bl..Jftld, Nnport Baeb, Calilonda. SeDd COIDJDtiiU to: Mr. Robert WJDD. City MIDICer, City o1 H"POrt Bet.cb, City Ball, 1300 Nnport Boalen.rd, Newport a.caa, Calllonia tU&S. FOR FURTHER IMFORIIATJOH CONTACT: Mr. RacM.rd K.rtJo. A..,_at Mmtntstraror omee o1 Flood ~ (tot) 755-5511 or Toll FrM L1De (800) 424-887! Room 5170 451 SeYtllltb Str1tt, SW. W..&lbiDCtOII. D. C. !0.10 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Tbt Federal lularuet Mlllla1stntor ct•• mtiee of tbt PIOCIOied ~rm'-Uonl o1 but (100-year) ftood elefttioGI tor tbt City ot Mftport Beach, Cal.liDI'Ill&, Ia acc:orduct wttb ltdto11 110 ol tbe Flood Dtaaer Pro. teeUol Act o1 1~3 (hb. L. 11-134}. 87 Stat. geo, wbleb added Mdloa 1MS to tbe !fat:lolal Flood lularuct Act of tMI (Tttle xm ot nae Bout.ar IDd Urbaa DIYelclpmHt Act of IMI (PO. L. tO-.W)). ~ O.S.C. 4001-4111, aDd 24 CFB 1117.• (a). . Tbeee •letaUoM, t~oc.a..r db tbe flood plaJD IIIUICe- mtlt IDIUinl reqalred bJ S.CttoD 1910.S ot tbt pi'CIII'U\ rep&attoN. are tbt m•.a•m tbat are reqa.1nd. 1'h1 lboald IIOt be OOGitntd to meu lbe eomiDIIDMy mut cbl.lp .., Fl'tlll orcttw .... u.t art IDOrt ttru..-t lD tbetr Good plaJa w•c..-nq~lremetlta. Tbe com- malty -.y at .., u .. tMd ltriettl' l'tqll1.reaMIIU oe tta on. or ..,.... to pDUc._ .-blt•ld bJ otMt ftcllnl. ltl&t, or N~tn•J .... ._. n.t pr.,.S lleft- Uo• wW l1lo be .... Cllealaa. tilt ~Good lalill.l'uee pnaa81• rat. fDr ... WJ.IdiiCI ud tM1r coa-t-. ud llw tM MCOIIII ..,_ ol .._ta.IIC4 a. tliJUIIr t.IMIII:I Ud twr c a I '• Tile pr"'111~ .._(tOO.,..,) flood tle'fitio. i:)r ael- ~ locltt.l a.n: loere.olnoodllf ,.. .. ate c.,. S.DillloCNil ltewport., I • '7 5$ ll ' • • • 11 • N.a:· BUILDII& PERMITS NEWPORT HARBOR EN$1 <J4 PUBLISH ED WEEKLY • PG. 5 THURSOAY, NOV. 17, 1!77 CORONA DEL MAR. CAUf. ~r •tWII peftDb prodlcld u.. lid ...... .... , total .. ttle ....,, ot -....on a..e• --tu,- 1'7t.40'7. Tbla Ia actedld ..., by tM tll,fl!,l .. .._ 8Md Ia Mot•ber, 1t71, ftM tlat I'ICION ...aJ laiP ol $10$,571,4H .......... Ulhd. Tbt October total broa&:bl tilt ...cord lor 19'1'7 tD flO,. 521,177. almo.t eqaalllo tbe t74,S87,782 for au of lfll tDd almo.t twice the 19'15 total. No'ftmbtr atarted a l.IWe more mod..Uy, •1bl OGly ! maJor permlb dllrila tbl ftrst 10 daya. Tbe JoUow-IDc permJts, &1 tbt amout of $5,000 lad over, were liAed: • BIG CANYON Two story, 1 antt dwtlllnc at 5 Loc:kmoor, $515,000. • PROMONTORY R. J. LaU, 2 .aory, 1 untt ctweWDc at 630 Harbor ls- laod on ... t:so,ooo. • BALBOA Robert Tburman, 701 Bay A Y8 ., tDCJolt tDtry, $10,000. Gary Cook, Z story dlq)lu, 907 E. Ba..lboa BlYd., $82,750. • HARBOR VIEW VD&oo OU Co., sen ice sta- Uoo bu11dlnc, 2690 San Mig- uel, ~.ooo. George O'Neal, eo.la.fle, Z100 Port naroeas, $15,000. PUB LIC NO TICE S-93432 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followJ.ne persons ant do1Dc bustoeau as: The Flower Factory, 9592 Ham- Utoa_ Hunttncton Beacb, Ca- lU. 92646: Terry W. Ashley, 17680 San Simeo~a. FouotalD Valley, Catu. 92708; Rarree Stier, 1?680 San Simeon. Fountain Valley, Cal. 92708. This ballnea ls coldaet- ed by a llmlted partoershJp. SlgDed: Terry W. Asllley. This statement was tiled wlth tbe county clerk of Or- qe County Nov. 9, 19'17. Publish: Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8, 1977, 1n the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -85144 PUBLI C NO TI C E S-93425 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followtnc persoos are doiDC buslDeu as: Lorna Raocb HomH, 2082 Buslness CIDter Drive, Sllite 155, lntDt, CA 92715: Yellow Brick Road BaUdiDc Com- puy, Ltd., 201! Bu11DNs Center Dr., ste. 155, lnlDe, C A 9%715; Ro11aDd J. ColUDS, 34 Da.blta street, Corona del liar, CA 9Z6Z5; Ronald C. Wood, Z001 Port Ra.mspte Place, Nt'WJ)Ort Beacb, CA 92660. Tllta business ls CODduct- ed by a ceoeral partDershlp.. S1(Ded: MerrW A. MoltJ, Jr., President of Yellow Brick Road BuUdtng Com- puy, Ud. Tills statement was fUed with the county clerk of Or- llllt CouDty •~OY. 4, 1977. Attomey or Bank or Agent: StenD J. FeldmaDe 22691 Lambert St., El ToroL CA 9!630, Telepbooe 714n 68 -uu. Publbb: Nov. 17, Z4, Dec. 1, 8, 19'17, ln tbe Newport Harbor Ens ten. F-84896 • HARBOR HliRLANm R. n.u_l'tiDOdtl,1tM AaMa Lat. tts,ooo . • JfiWPORT Jlclbert llolml.a. M!UIOD. IICN ....... Ay• $M,400 • • CORPORATE PLAZA Yllillt II Sebeet_ !fo. l'7 Corporate Plua, tire aprtaaaera, Jlt,500. • CORONA DEL MAR • But o1 lftwpOrt, add to maiD baUdlJiic, Uee E. Coast Rw,., $'75,000. • LIDO ISLE Joba F.rueo.Ladd1UOD, 202 VIa Palermo, ~.ooo. Art Sbapl'io, Z ltory, 1 aDJt chrellt.ac, 441 VIa Lido Nord, $118,900. PUBL'IC N OTICE S-9MS1 FICTITIOUS BUSJNESS NAME STATEalENT Tbe followiJic per.an ls doi.Dc tmsloeu as: Wqe- wood Post aDd Glass Co., lll Diamood AJt., New- port Beacb, CA. 92&62: R. PUll E,_fd. 117 Ruby, Bal- boa Islaod, CA. 92662. Thla baaJnusis coodlllct- ed by &.D 1Dd1Yldllal. Slc1atd: P. Paul Eaard. Tbts ltattmeot was tlled wlth tbe eoaaty clerk ot Or- ange Couaty NoY. 4, 1977. Publlsb: NoY. 17, %4, Dec. 1, 8, 1971, 1D the Nt'WJ)Ort Harbor Euip. F -84893 P U BLIC N OTI Ce! S-9$424 FICTITiOUS BUSINESS NAM£ STATEMENT TN followtac penoos are doiDI bustans at: St. Clair Promotlou, 915 BeUla • Newport Beach, Calttorola 92&60: Allan Lo~l, 5130 Thontree, lrvloe, CaJUor- 1111 92715; Seymour Lobel, 915 Btllla, Newport 8ea<'h, Calitornb 92660. Tbts buslness ls cooduct - ed by a geoeral partnership. Slgoed: Allan Lobel. This statement was flied wtth the county d~rlt ot Or- &Dge County Nov. 4, 1977. Publish: Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8, 1977, ln lhe Newport Harbor Eo.slgn. F -84960 PUB LIC N OTI C£ S-9.3~4 FICTITIOUS BUSINiliS NAME ST ~TEW£"T The CoU.OWIDc periOU are dolng bulDess u: st. Clall' Promotions, 915 Bellis, Newport Beach, CallloraJa 92660: Allan Lobel, SUO Thorntr • lrvlAe, Cal- lfornl.a 92'71 ~; Se7rnour Lobtl, 915 Bellls, Newport Beach, California 92660. Ttlis business 1s coodueted by a general partnershJp. Signed: Allan Lobel. This statement wu ftltd wlth the county clf'rk of Or- ange County No•. 4, 1977. Publish: Nov. 17 ,24, Dtc. 1, 8, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Enstcn. F -84MO CRlMA 0011-IURIAl AT SEA Th• Neptune Soctety provodes • Simple dlgnthed cremation serv•ce w1th d11semmatoon at sea There•• no need tor ~mbalmtng co•metotogy casket or grave Your Soc1a1 Secunty or Veterans Aontntstrauon death benefot may cover our comptet~ serv•ce Our literature tells the complete story of our soc1ety Wnte or call THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY 646-7431 24 HOURS 2400 W. Cout Hwy, Suite t , N.wport BMdt Member Better Bus1ness Bureau Send FrH Portfolio to: No Salesman W111 Call NAME ----------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS------------------------------------------------------ CtTV CE'M BKRE IIOW 'fllfMi'4f"' • • • Y,. STEAl CARPET CLEAIIIIIB CLEANING Colt. the world's larg~st. wtH restore the hidden ' beauty tn yotK draperoes Cott ren'lO'<IeS and cleans <1raperteS rehangs them wtth perfect pteats and even hems And a COtt cleanmg protongs drapery hte SAYE20% ON CASH I CAin •A DPU. 00" ....._ _, ..... Clft clllt ... •&J~WN ,_ .... ........ ...ell....,.,.., ..... .._., ................ •A DPU IX7 ~-eoTH lldll .................... AOP\1 0()"' .......................... .......... ,_, c.tlV'I ,_., ~- WITH THI ADDED PROTECTION OF • • • ~---...r . s cot~g@n! ,., HOMES • APARTiiiiiiENTS • MO Ill£ HOMES • OfftCES • WAU TO WAU CARP£T. fURNIT\Jit£ lo ORAP£RtES ~ ~·':-; CLEANED IN YOUR HOME j. • OUP SOtl UTRAC-/ ., TtON MAKES YOUR • - CAftfi[T SANI· S TARY CUAH! 4 .... We convert local SAVINGS into local LOA~S Look to your local LFS ••• • competitive rates • prompt commitments • efficient escrows ... ..., __ _ I NEIIPOBT-fJjGJ. • P\181.1 SltEDWWti:Y·'G.i • • ' JRyASOAv, IIOY. 17, ~tn CIJAOIIA DELIMit, CAUF. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEJIENT The following person ls doing Wstness as: Property Realty, 3900 Birch St., Suite 104. Ne"WpOrt Beach, Calli. 92660: Robert E. Meyer, 836 Presidio Dr., Costa Mesa, Ca.llf. 92626. This b.lslness I& conduct- lid by an Individual. Signed: Robert E. Meyer. This statement was fUed with the county clerk of Or- a.oge County Oct. 18, 197 7. Publish: Oet. 2'1, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F' -83862 P bJ B LIC N OTICE; S-OJ3264 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are dolng business as: Newport Paclf1c Properties, 500 Newport Center Drive, New- port Beach, Callfornta 92660: M. J. Auberman, 3981 Warner, Huntington Beach, Callfornia 92649; James E. Perry, 3981 Warner, Hunt- tpgton Beach, California 9'2647. This business Is conduct- ed by an lndlvtctual. Signed: M. J. Auberman. This statement was hied with the county clerk of Or- ange County Oct. 6, 1977. PubUsh: Oct. 2:'7, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 19'77, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -83243 PUBLIC NOTICE S-93258 FIC TITK>US BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followtng person Is dolng business as: The Huck- leberry, 112-114 Mcfadden Place, Newport Beach, Cali- fornia: La Crepiere, Inc. a Caltfornta corporation. Care of: Robert A. Wilks, 2030 E. 4th St., Santa Ana Calif. 92705. ' This Wstness ts conduc- ted by a corporatton. Corpontion Name: La Creplere, Inc., Robert A. Wilks/ secretary. This statement was fUed with the county clerk of Or- ange County Oc t. 17, 1977. Publish: Oct. 27 , Nov. 31 10, 17, 1977, in the N£>wport Harbor Enste:n. F -83839 P UI;IL IC NOTIC E S-93265 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing business as: Four Wtnlds Restaurant, 16431 Bolsa Chlca, Huntington Beach, Callt. 92647: Foun- tain Valley Associates, Ioc., Calltornla corpontloo, 1609 E. Edinger, Saot.a Ana, Ca- ur. 92705. Thll business Is corxtuct- ed by a corpontioo. Corporation name: F'oun- talo Valley Associates, lnc., Harlan C. Erickson, Pre- sJdflot. This statemeot was Wed with tne couaty clerk of Or- ance Couoty Oct. 17, 1977. Pablllb: Oct, 27, No•, 3, 10, 17, 1977, 1D the Nnport Ha.rbor En1tcn. F -8S7\M PUBLIC NOT I CEo s-~s:m FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tb~ toUowlal persons are doq buslanl a.: Sunshln& Food Co., tniS lhc:Arthur BIY<I., II'Tblo, CaiU. 92714: StmH1 Btnblllm. MOl Car- mel AH., lniDI, Ca.l. 92'714; 1..01.181 Blnm.m, MOl Car- mtl.An.,tn18t,Cal.9f'llf. Th1l ........ codct- "' bJ u IJ!dl•-._ SIJood: st"'MI lllr'llllaln,Loaa.e 8~. , nil ......... Gltd ... ... ._,*'"''Or- -~ Ool. IlL lf7'1. P '"* Oet. IT, ....,.. I, "' 10, 11, Jrrl, Ia IIIt ~ ·-·....,., ......... PUBLIC NOTICE FJ:TITDJS 8118llllliS NAME STATiniENT TMIDIIolrll(-'" dolle tw.a'WI U; TN Ktc. 1125 VIctoria StAt~. Coata Well. Califorala: Fnat R. weearroa. Jr., uon Gal- bar Clrtle, Huttartoo Bea.cb, CtWonala 926f4; E. ·EltlDe Mt;(arroa. !IOSJ Calbar Clrelt, Huattarton Beach. Ca.Utornb 92646. • T hll bu1tneu 11 coadact; ed by an Wllocorporattd as~ sociatloo other than a part- aerlblp. Slptd: Wab&Dd and wife, Fruk R. McCarron, Jr. arw:t E. Etatu McCarron. This statemeot was flied with the couDI:y clerk ot Or- aqge County Oct. 18, 197'1. Publish: Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, l'J, 1m, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -83861 PUBLIC NOTICE S-93422 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followlog person 1s doing business as: Marcus E. Berry Eaterprlses, 9 Point Sur Drive, Corona del Mar, Calttornta 92625: Ul- tra-Tool lnternatlonal, Inc .• C allfornta corporatlon, 9 Rolnt Sur Drive, Corona del Mar, CalUornla 92625. This business Is cooducl - ed by a corporation. Corpontion Name: Ultra- Tool lDternatlonaJ, Inc., Marcus Berry, Jr., Presi- dent. This statement was nled with the county clerk or Or- ange County Oct. 28, 1!17'1. Publish: Nov. 10, l'J, 24, Dec. I, 1!177, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -84513 PUBLIC N.OTICE S-93276 F'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lollowtng persons are doing business as: Night Ltfe Guide, 2500 s. Fairview St,, Santa Ana, Ca. 92:'704: John A. Mlschka, 19031 Llndsey Lane, Huntington Beach, Ca. 9Z648; Susan Allen, 207 Lake St., Huntington Beach, Ca. 92648. This t.lslness Is condUct - ed by a limited partnership. Stgned: John A. Mtschka. Th~s statement ns filed with the county clerk of Or- ange County Oct. 19, 1977, Publish: Oct. 27 , Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1977 , In the Newport Harbor Ensign. r -83982 P U BLIC NOT ICE S-93268 FICTITOUS BUS,NESS NA ME STATEMENT The following persons are dol~ t.lsiness as:. Frames, Etc., 7501 Slater Ave., unit '•N", Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647: Charles D. McCowan 16444 Bolsa Chica, Hunting~ ton Beach, Call!. 92649, WU- llam L. McCowan, 195 71 Wa- terbury Lane, Huntlngton Beach, Calif. 92646. This OOstness Is conduct _ ed by a limited partDershlp. Signed: William L. Mc - Gowan. This statement was flled ' with the county clerk of Or- ange County Oct. 17, 1977. Publish: 0-:t. Z7, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1!177, In the Newport Ha rbor Enslgn. F -83838 PUBLIC NO T ICE S-93283 FICTITIOUS B'JSINESS NA ME STATEMENT The followtnc persons are doing Wsiness as: Conso- lidated American Properties VI, 16752 Milliken Ave., Ir- vine, California 92714: Jonn B. Parker, 16'152 Milliken Ave., Irvine, Callfornla 92714; James E. Tweedt, 16752 Milliken Ave., Irvine, Calltornla 92714 . T Ms b.Jsloess Is conduct- ed by a general partnership. Signed: John B. Parker. This statement w:is rued wUh the county clerk of Or- ange County Oct. 18, 1977. Publish: Oct. 27, No'f. 3, ,10, 17, 19'17, in the Newport Harbor Enstca. F -83913 PUBLIC N.OTICE S-93%84 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAllE STATEIIENT Tbt tonowtnc per10ns are dolllC bull.Oets as: Flyway Atsoclates, LT0.,2081 Bias~ iness Cea.ter Ortn, Suite 140, lrYlDe, catttornla 9Z'Jl!S: Morpn MeColtoueb, 2&01 RtdlaDdl Drt•e, Colta ....... CaJlfondt 9!&27; Aoa colo J. c ... na. !IZ4 van., Glta L&at. Orti!IP. Calllor· Ilia 91667; Fruk C. Forbd, IZ44 La lllnda, L- BH<II, Calllonla -I. Thla-1·-1· tel bJ a Ulllltld partHntllp. Slpld: llorpa llcC-Thla-WUIIItd rill ... -c:lorl< pi Or. -c_,. oct. 11( 1m. htiUIIt Oct. 17, Now. J, ao, 11, tm, aa ta.. Newport llarllor IOolp. F-11101 PU8LIC ~OTIC!:- 8-11141 PU8LIC N.OTIC~ P'ICTI'I'DII --NAIR I'I'ATIUIDT ....u. rJCailiOUI...,.. "AIU ITATIUIIIIT 1 fiUel.IC NOTICI! ~--· P'ICTII'IOUI BUIIIIEIIS ~UaLIC HOlfCIE ~ ~8L.IC HCITICI! ' k==:t:~ -===-PICTN 1001 BWIIIIIS 8UPEJIIOR COCJliT oP THE "AIIII'I'ATiniiiiT STATE Of CALIJ'OIIIII.l r-= rlriCQ ...,. .. "AIIISTATDIDT 1'llo ......... -.. doill bu"sns u: IILA/- HAUS, 11141SkyportBolll .. vat'd, Inial. Ca!ia»nia 9!11~ Yorrll, Lohrbacb 6 Auoelatu, loe., Ca.Ufonla eo.,..ntloo, 17&48 SI<Jpartt Boll&ltnrd, lniN, Calllora DJ.a 92714. 1'llo IDIIoollol .,.,_ .. clollc __ .., o.,..,... Real -. 11101 -Barllara ... ,_ ...... Till IDIIoollol -.. dolll lwtztrz aa Of J 1 J KAME I'I'ATIIIIENT 1'llo IDIIoollol -.. diMe .... 57 u: Wel&tn TlMIIDOowllr& PH .. art FOR T"~ C""' Y 0 dolll teefpp U1 I 't!~!:.... ""'NT F .,,..A • .,, ORAHC£ .._., lut Caul: Nifty, eo.. H • -- clol u.~ ...--0, ,. • .,..!J .. lor~ Callt. lit'IOI: Latrr_. LOJfOT Aodt,_ UIOI ... ta Bartlarast., Foutala Yai-r.,, Callt. tl'lot. ACarroll,lloelollb= IOIF-Ialud,N c...,..llftport S.C.. Ca-, lllo-11180: ~ ..... Nn York. Coca..ck. T ...... C-,Pacllle A~ Po,_l, .... cllle ..._..... p_. ,,_,, 110 "-" c-. ter Drt .. , s.u. tJs New. port 11oae11, c.U..-nseO: Amerteu Bast• .. S.meo co......-Callt- oroJa eorp., ••o ·Mewport Center ome. Ste.m,Jt..,.: port Beacb,. CaiU, -.o. ,_ -_., V-NOTICE OF HEAIIJNQ =. .......... ~~ ~~~~~-.Liiala ol GRACE ELLIS 70t; I... GRAVELU: aka GRACE E. cloo IIBior, 1010 &. Cvul GRAVELLE ab GRACE HJ'ft1, Core. dtl llu,CA. GRAVELL£. Deca..ted, Thll baaloea ta cotdact- Thla buJIDtll 11 CODWct~ ed by a C"Orponttoo. "' "' .. -·-.. s.,...., )..awreoce ADdtrsoa. Corporation name: Yor- rta, Lohrbtcb 41 Auoclatea lne,, A, P. Palaazo, V, Pro: TMa ataten:ent wu nted with the county clerk ot Or- aoa:e County Oct. 25, 1977, Publish: Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, l!l77, In tbe Newport Harbor Ensi{:D. F' ·84311 PUBL·IC NOTICE S-9S3Sl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The rollowlng persons are doing buslDess as: Dolphin Martoa, 9035 Atlanta, Hun - tington Beach, Ca. 92646: Isabel B. Earros, 1'1550 Chestnut, Foonta.In Valley Ca. 92708; Anita B. Tanabe' 9921 HaU League, Huotlng~ ton Beach, CL 92646, Thls buslness ls cobduct- ed by a genenl partnership, Signed: Isabel B. Barros. This statement was flied wUh the county clerk or Or- ange County Oct. 7, 1977. ~bUsh: Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1977, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -83390 P U BLIC N OTIC~ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing busioess as: McDonald aDd Associates, 1151 Dove St., 1101, Newport Beach, Ca!U, 92660: Bryan George McDonald, 3402 Marcus St., Newport Beach, CalU, 92660; Dlane Sue McDona1d, 3402 Marcus St., Newport Beach, Calll. 92660. This business is conducted by a general partneTShlp. Signed: Bryan McDonald. Thts statement was rued with the county clerk or Or- ange County Oct. 24, 19'17. Tbts statem.MI wa1 ft.ltd with the coaty clerk ot Or- ange Cou.aty Nov. 7, 1r17. •P\IbUJb: No•. 10, 17. u, Dec. 1, 1977, ln the Newport Harbor Eost..fa-F -8497f PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The rouowtnc persons are doinc bUI1De1s as: C'Est- Boo.. 550 S. Coast Hwy., La- guna Beach 92651: Avl A. Uous, 33 Bear Paw 35-A I • • rvine, Cal. 92714; Emamel Ptamenta. 1800 16th Street Apt. H-306. Newport Beac~ Cal, 92660. Tbls business Is cooducl- ed by a geoenl partnerab.lp. SJ.goed: Avi A. Dous, Eman- uel Plamenta. Tbls statement was flied with the county clerk of Or- ange County Nov. 7, 1977, Publish: Nov, 10 17 24 0 • • • ec. l, 1!17'1, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -849'13 PUBLI C NOnC.E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doizlg business as: Tl.n Pan, 2424 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Callt. 92627: Mary F'ay PeMtng, 2500 North Mountal.Jl, Claremont, Ca., 91711; WUII.am c . Brvce, M.D., 16168 Beach Bivd., Huntington Beac h, Ca. 92647. This business Is conducted by a general pa rtneuhlp. Signed: Mary F'ay Penning. This statement was filed with the cour..ty clerk or Or- ange County Nov. 8, 1977, Publish: Nov. 10, 18 24 Dec. I, 1977, ln tne Ne~rl Harbor Ensign. F -85092 P,UBLI C N OTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Publish: Oct. 2'7, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 197'7, tn the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -84198 PUBLIC NOTICE F'ICTITIOUS BUSIN ESS NAME STATEMENT The following person ls dolng business as: WUUams and Associates, 21301 Banff Ln., HuatiQ(lOD Beacb, Ca. 92646: lrvtoe Management Corp., Ca.ltf. Corp., 21301 Banff Ln,, Hu ntington Beach, Ca. 92646. The following person 1s doing business as: Bio- Feedback lnstltute of South- ~ ern CalllorrW., Blo-F~­ bac k Institute of Orange Couoty, 506 Jasmine Ave- nue, Corona del Mar, 92625: Thls WsL1ess ls conducted by a co rporation. Cofl)Oratton Name~ Irvine Management Corp., P. A. F'rltb, Pres. This s tatement was ftled with the coonty clerk of Or- ange County Oct. 24, 197"1'. Publish: Ck t. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 1'1, 1977, Ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. f -84199 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST.\TEMENT The followl~ person is doing bustoess as: Corona del Mar Carpet ' Liooleum Center, 284:6 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Har, Ca. 92625 : Daniel c _ Seber, 718 Jas- mine, Co rona del Mar, Ca. 92625. This bJslness ls coOOUcted by an individual. Signed: Daniel Scher. TMs statement was nled with the cou!Xy clerk ot Or- ange County Oct. 24, 1977, Publlsh: Oct. 27, Nov . 3, 10, 17,1977, lntloe Newport Harbor Ensign. F -8419'1 PUBLIC NOTIC E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The rollowiAg person is doing business as: Just PlumbJ.ne-RetaU, 2426 New- port Bl•d., Costa Mesa, cam. 92627: Sidney Albert Burtoo, 6111 Seashore Dr., Newport Beacb, Calll. 92663. This baaioesa lJcooducted bJ an lndlvldlaa.l. Slped: Sldoey Albert Burtoa. This statemt'Dt was Wed with tbe couoty clerk of Or- ance Coaaly Oct. If. 19'77. Publttn: Oct. Z'J. Mof. 3, 10, 17, 1977, II thl Newport Harbor EDBia;n. F -114195 PUQLIC NOTICE: FICTITIOUS BUSIIIESS NAil£ STATEIIEIIT Tbo l>l..,loc por.,. .. dolac baJU..I U: Art ~r lbdsltry, ,, s.. lllaad Or., llnport -b tzHO: Can>· lya Flttc:ber, IS S. laliJid Dr., "-llalc--· T\lo __ .. _"" bJ u --.. Slpld: Ivy W. Wittmeyer, P~.D., 1651 GreeomeadOw, Tustin, Ca. 92680. Tbls business Is conduct- ed by an lrw::llvtdua.l. Slgned: Ivy W, Wittmeyer, Ph.D. This statement was meet with the county clerk of Or- ange County ~ov. 2, 19'17 . Publl.sh: Nov. 10, 17, 24, Dec. 1, 1977, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -84792 P U BL IC NOTIC E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The toUowtog persons are doing Wstoess as: Design ShOwcase, 21516 "Ita Ser- ptente, El Toro, Calif: Bar- ban R. Bullard, 21516 Via. Serpiente, El Toro, Calli.; Vivian R. Grant, 10298 La Hacienda. 1-7, Fountain Val- ley 92708. This busloess is conducted by a general partnershtp. Signed: Vivian R. Gnnt. This statement was !lied wltb the eouoty clerk of Or- ange County Nov. 8, 1977. Publlsll! Nov. 10, 17, 24, Dec. 1, 19'77, In the Newport Harbor Enstgn. F' -85094 PU-BLIC NOTI.C E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followq perWJn is doing W.sLDess as: A. A, F'. Ltd., 16899-A Algonquin Street, HuoUQC(on Beach, 92649: Richard W. Astle, 5952 LJJliPC)rt Circle, Hunt- ington Beach, Ca. 92649. Tbls bus loess is c..oaducted by a limited partoershlp. Stcned: Richard II. AsUe, Tbts statemeat was rued wltb tbt cooaty clerk ot Or- &1:111 Coaly No.. 1, 1m. Publlsb: New. 10, 17, u. Doc. 1, 1977, Ia tbe NnpQrt Harbor £1Wlp. F -84* P-t.f ltL I C NO Tl C E FICTiTiOUS BuSIIIESS "AilE STATEIIENT The loltow&,. pereoos an dolJIC buslDas u: W Ji M Auto lloclr, 1101 Po.._ .Coota -. CL 82111'1: Jlm K..-, 1110 E. Stoa""' AYe,, t. Hlbn, Ca. 90111: JoiiD W, -· 145! llaa· UMUO Dr., Rowlud Ha!CIU, CL • 1'b1l ....... CODCIIK:ted ., • _. ... -l'llllp. Tbllba ........ -. ld 1>1 a co.,.nllao, Slptcl: WUJ.oucbbJ C. Blocker, PH- ltd •• Tbll statema· ""' rued with the coa.Dty elert of Or- aD(e CouDI} Nov. 4, 1977. Publlah: Nov. 10, 17, t4, Dec. l, 1977, lD the Me?PQrt Harbor Ensl.g"n. F -8f9S1 PUBLI C NOTIC'E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE),tENT Tilt following person ls doing business as: c B Cus- tom Dnperlts, 1812 New- port Blvd., Costa Mesa 9262:'7: Robert Sturges 1324 Seacrest Dr., Coro~ del Mar, CA 92625. This husloess ts conduct- ed by an IDdividuill.l. Slgoed: Robert D. Sturges. This statement was fUed with the county clerk of Or~ ange County Oct. 18, 1977. Pul,llsh: Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1977, i.D the Newport Harblr Ensign, F -83877 . p·ueLIC NOTICE S-93397 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbll ,... ..... ja.....-.eted by a a corpon.Uors. Corpont.loD aame: Amertc&.n BuiDHJ Service Corponttoo. Thle statemeat was tutd with tbe (oooty clerk ot or. aoge Counly Oet. 28, 1977 PubUsh: No•. 3, 10 17' 24, 1977, 1.11 the N.,.Wri Harbor Eutco. F -144'70 PUBLIC NO TIC~ ~ . S-93317 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The toliO'flfll persou are dot._ bu&Ufesa u : Cuyahe- lao Ltd., 500 Newport Cen- ter Drive, Ste. 525, New- port Beach CA 92660: Hal Shelton, Studio Rao(b, (P.O. Bos: 87 ~ Golden, Colorado 80401; Robert H. t Shettoa. 4600 Dorchester Road, Cor- ooa del Mar, CA 92625;John S, Sbelton, 1535 Coast Walk P.O. Box 48, La Jolla cA 92038. ' This business Is conduct- 'ed by a Umlttd partnership. Signed: John S. Shelton. DMH, "OTIC£ IS HERIIB\' Gl· Tldl: tw.JJ..DM:s 1J coadlct-YEN that Gladys £. Oflert ed bJ 1 UmJI.t p~.rt.nlatp. bu tutd bertiD a ptttJoo s.,_ Vloe ... DIII,.UO. lor pn>l>ato ol WW aad l>r TbiJ JtltemG ... ftled liSUACe or letttrl t.-tl· wt~ tbt eoaaty clerlt or or. meotary to tbe petWoeer uc• Coaaty Oct, U , 19?7• aad tor autbortutJoD eo ad· Publi.sb:. Nov. S, 10, 17 • m.IDister under tbe ~· 2f, 1977 • lD tht lfewport deat AdmiD1JtnUon ot £J. Hartor Eutp.. F-&4493 tate• Att, retereoctiO'Wialtb is made tor turlher partl· PUBLIC NOTICE A-93~44 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF' ORA~GE Order to Show (':~use For Chaage or N amt> Benson Jonas Lu (minor) has fUed a petition 1n this court tor an order allo11thli peUttooer to change h.ts name from Benson Jonas Lu to Braodon Jonas Lu. It Is herell~ ortiered that all persons Interested In the matt~:>r aroresalc1 appear be- fore this r·oort in Department No. 3 at 700 Clvk Center Urtve West, Santa Ana, 2 al - U'ornJa, on De<", 13 1977 at 11 :00 o'clock :t.m.; and then and thert> sh(.w cause, tr an) they have, wh)' sa hi 1){'1 1tion ror ehJ Jut~ or uame shoulc1 not he )!Unl@(!. culara, and tbal Ute Umt aod place ol helrlal the same bas beta set tor De· cember 6, 197'7, at 10:00 a.m., In the courtroom ot DepartmeDt No. 3 of aid cO'Irt, at 700 CIYIC Ceoter DrlYe West, ID the City ot Santa Aoa, CaWonil. Dated: November 9, 1W77. WILLIAN E. ST JOHN, · Couoty Clerk. Keene and Dlon, 3S3S W. Coast H[&:hway. 1.01"/ New. port Beach, California 92663; TelephOne: (714)645- 4044, Attorney(s) for Peu. tloner. Publish: Nov. t'J, 24, l.'ec. l, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ens~Jtn. PUBLI C N OTICE S-93310 FiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followllllt persons are doing buslnessasCambrfctee Enterprises, 3189-A Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626: Harvey S. Cova, 6931 Knowl- ton Pl., Los Angeles, Ca. 90045; Robert c. Hubbert, 3189-A Airway Are., Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626. . This Shtement was flied wtth the county d t>rl.: or Or- ange Count_y Sov. 1, 1!:1'17, II is fUrther onlt>re.-1 that a l'OPY or this order to show cause be ptibllsbe.-1 In New- port Ensign, a newspaper of ttenenl cirt:ulation, publish- @(! In this count) at least once a week for four con- sKutlve weeks prior to thP da y or sal.-1 hearioi!. The following person Is doing business as: M aoo M Alarms, 15781 Carrie Lane, Huntington Beach, Ca. 9264'1: This business Is conduct- ed by a general partnership. This statement was tUed wllh th& county clerk of Or- ange Coooty Nov, 2, 19'17 . Publish: Nov. 10, 17 24 0 • • ec. 1, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F' -84:748 PUBLIC N.O T IC E S-93391 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following pt-rsons are doing Wslness as: American Sa1u, 29301 Tieree, Laguna Niguel, CA. 32677: James F. Phelan, 29301 Tteree, Laguna Nl~n~el, CA. 92677; Joseph L. Brady, 2116 Grandview, Manhattan Beach, CA.; 'lbert M. RUm· sey, 6012 0t> Pal,ma, South Gate, CA. ' This OOslness Is conduct- fld by a e:eneral pa rtnersblp. Signed: James F. Phelan. This statement was nted wU IJ the county clerk of Or- ange County Nov. Z, 1!177. Publ~h: Nov. 10, 17, 24, Dec:, 1, 197'7, ln the Ne1Vp(Jrt Harbor Ensign. F -8474i PUBLIC NOTICE S-93359 fiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEWENT Tl\e following persons are doing buslness as: Draper's, 125 E. Biker St., Suite 100, Costa Mesa. CaUl. 92626: John s. Farmer, 914 w_ Oceanfront, Balboa, Caltf. 92661; Jack N. Bostwick, 2691 Bayshore, Newport Beach, Calll. 9!663. This busloess Is conduct- ed by a ceoen.l partnership. Signed: Jack N, Bostwick. This statement was rued with the county clerk ot Or- ange County Oct. 28, 1977. Publish: Nov. 10, 17, 24, Dec. 1, 19'M, in the Newport Harbor EnslgD. F -84471 PUBLIC NOTIC E - S-93364 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followiog persoo ls dolag business as:Oel'aFUe Sharpenlnc, 617 N, MuUe Lane, Santa Aoa, Callfornla 92701: Tom N. O.l.amattr, 617 N, Mutte Lane, Santa Ana, CaUIOrcda 8'!701. This busiDtA Ia eoDduct- 1<1 bJ ao ladiYidaal. Slped: Tom N. Delamater. Thta statemeot ,., n.ted wtth tbt eoaaty deR of Or- aage CouDty oct. 17, 11'17. PubUJb: No•. 10, 17, 24, Dtc. 1, 11'77. lD the Nf'WP)Jt Harbor £blip. P -14415 PUBLIC NOTICE.. s.mi'J FICTITIOIII BIISIIIESS NAIIESTATEIIEIIT Thl followbtl per1011 en dolftl buliDnl a.a; Tbt lmua Company, 12 Crttllitde, lt· flee, CaUJonl& mJS' Gn. bam• Rodllry Rou, 12 c..-.... ~m~o, c.w. 11'115; 811or11 All• ..... II cr-. JmM, Calli. 11'115, Publish: Nov, 10, 1'7, 24. Dec, 1, 1!177, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -84682 PUB LiC NOT IC E S-93388 FfCTITIOUS Hl'S IN ESS NAME ST-\TEM f.ST . The foilowl~ pnsuns are doillg bJstness Js T Jhar- Iand Ltd., 500 Nr>w1o0rt c .. u. lt>r Drive, ~tc, .j:.!:i, S~w­ port Bf•;~d1 CA ~Z660: Hal Shelton, Studio Ranch, (P.O. Box 87), Golden. Colondo 80401; Robert H. Shelton. 4600 Dorchester Roa11, Co r- ona del Mar, CA 92625;John S. Shelton, 1535 Coast Walk. P.O. Box 48, 'La Jolla, CA 92038. This tuslness Is conduct- ed by a limited partnership. StgQed: John s. Shelton. · This statement was flied wit the county clerk ot Or- ange Count}' Nov. 1, 1977. Publish: Nov. 10, 17, 24, De<', 1, 19'17, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -84683 P.UBLIC NOT IC E S-93393 FICTITIOUS BUSIN ESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowl.ng person ls doing bu1lness as: Baywood Developmeot Group, 500 Newport Celier Drive, New- port Beach, California 92663: Baywood Develop- ment Group, Ioc., a Calltor- Dia corporation, 500 New- port Center Drive, Newport Beach, Callfornla 92663, This buslnellts cordlc:t- ed by a corpont1on. Corporattoa name: Bay- wood Developmeat Group, Inc., W. R. Watt, president. This statement was nted with the cou!Xy clerk of Or- ange Cj:!IUJty ~v. 2, 1977, Publish: Nov, 10, 17, 24, Dec. 1, 197'1, In the Nn"POrt Harbor Ensign. F -84:745 PUBLI C NOTI CE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowtac person is doing bustoess as: The Cllllelne VIlle; IOSZ Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, Ca. 92662: Jean M.. Burke 52&6 Skinner Street, tnin~, Ca. 9%705. Tbls bustoessla conducted bJ aa llldiYidaal. Sl(nod: Jelll M. a&rke. Tba ltatemelll wu nled wUb tbe cocanty clerk or Or- aace Ccuty Oct. u, 1V77. Publlab: Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, 19'17, ID lhe Newport Hart>or Eaolp. F.-.. Pt,.LBLIC:: NbTICE FICTfi'IDIJ!J BUSJIIESS MAllE STATEIIENT Tbo lollowloc ponoDO aro clolllg ......... ao: H-- toD Paclftca. Ltd..., ft51Wtr- oar Aft., Sldtei:St, fiDIIUal- loo Booeb 81449: Tid R. Fn~"~on, I~ lllllad lAM, Jtuaactol Beacb,Ca-........_..,..venO.Cu. Ill, tollllonl.llt Slar, Hat. .... llalcll, Calllo- 11149, Dated: Nov. 3, 1977 . Lester Van Tatenhove Juc1ge of the Superior Courl Publish: Nov. 17. Z4, Ott:. 1, 8, 1977, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. PUBLIC NOTI CE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT- Tilt> rouo-.·tng person is c1olng business as: Willis Allvertlslng/Oeslgn, 4120 Blrt'11 Street, Sutte 103, New- port Beach, CA 92660. ClaU!Ie Edward WUiis ill 37 Esplanade, Irvine, C alif~ ornta 92'115. Thls lJuslness Is coDduct- ed b}· an Individual. Signed: Claude r.. Wlllis 01 . Thts statement was rued with the count)' clerk of Or- J~e County <kt. 24, 1977. PubHs h: Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, 1977, In !he Newport ll.trbor EnsliW. F -84178 P U BLI C NO T IC E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The rollowlnc persons are dolog business u: OraO(e County Carpet Sales, 12571 Woodlawn_ Tustl..n, CaUl. 92680: Christopher B. W!!lls, 1!571 Woodlawn, Tustin, CaUl. 92680; Stephen Paul Staudl~er, 3070 East Fron- tera, Anaheim, Calif. 92806. This bllstness Is conduct- ed by a genenl partnP.rshlp. Signed: Stephen P. Sta•u11~. er. This statement was filed with tbe count}· clerk of Or - ange County Oct. 31, t9?7. Publish: Nov. 3, 10, 1'1, 24f, 197'1, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign, F -84506 PUBLIC NOTI C E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person ls dol~ business as: Jant''s Antiques, 27!1 E. Coast Highway. Corooa del ~ar Ca. 92625: Sandra McNem' 700 Avocado, Corooa dei Mar, Ca. 9UZ5. Thll buliDtU Is cooduct- ed by ao lDdlviduat. Slgoed: Saodn McNelll. Thta statemeot was flJed wltb the couty cltrll: of Or- U&• Coaaty Oct. %7, 1977, PI bUsh! Herr. 3, 10, 17. Z4, 1977, lA tbo llnport Hart>or Ellllp. F -M401 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS SIJSIH!IIS NAil& STATEIIEIIT The l)llowtzc periODt IH clol.. --... KIDc PriDl.tlil c.-er, UOl Ma.Jt. lA, lnlae, C,lllonla 1171$: 0.11111 sroo• (mlcldlo ..... , CIIITII< .. ~ I Sill liB .. Cir- cle, WeetiiiiMter, CllU, ,_, .,....... Cto11 (mid· dlt •me; llun.w>. 111 Waot I IIIII 81rt1t. fU1 !M- Ia lion, Calli. lill'l. nil bilh IE Ia ~ .. ld.,. c-o~..-.-. SJpod:-c .... .. Howard Stenn !khOenteld, 15781 Carrie Lane.Huotlng- ton Beact~o Ca. 9!647, This buslnes~ Is c:oDWct- ert by an lodiYiduat. Signed: Honrd S. Schoenfeld. This statement was toed with the county r:lerk ot Or- ange County Ckt. 24, 19'77. Publish: Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, 197'1, In the Newport P.arbor Ensign. F' -84209 PUBLIC NOTICE ' F'ICTITIOUS BUSIN'!:SS NAME STATEMENT Tht> following persons art> rlolnc business as: Sir Jax Meats, 20982 Brookhurst, Huntington Peach, t:a.IU. 92646: Michael Andrew 'Nal - kar, 20772 Skimmer, Hunt- ington Beach, Calif. 92&46; Fnok ThOmas Walker, Z20'71 lstaorler, Huntington Be;c:h, Call!. 92646 . This ~stneas Ia ~.:obduct­ ed b)· a general partnership. Stgoed: Ml rllael Walker. This statement was flied with the county clerk of Or- ange Count)' Oct. 28, 19'77. Publtsh: Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Euslgn. F' -84500 PUBLI C NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAfEMENT The rollowtnc person ts rJolng busloess as: American ~~:;,nc;!~:b/,s~t~~~~: Joi:ewport Beach, CA. 92660: J.1c k L. Lane. D • .:., N.D., 17532 Cottonwood, lrvioe, CA. 91715. This Wslness Is eondud- fo<l by an individual. Slg!M!f1: .J. L. Lane, N.D. Tbls S(att>ment was flied .. ·ith the count ) l'lerk of Or- an&!! Count}" <kt. Z7 , 1977. Publish: Nov. 3, 10, l'J, 24, 19'77, in the Nt>"'llrt Harbor Ensign. F -84406 PUBLI C NOTI CE fiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The totlowln& person ts doiDC busioess as: ~. Mes- aencer Senlce, 4010 Park Newport, 1216, Newport Beacb, Ca. 92660: Murtel S. Shtakmao, 4010 Puk Newport, 1216, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660. Tbla l:ua:lDHJ II coodltct. ed by ID lDdJYI&Ial. Sicoed: Murlel S. ShuWna.n. Tbtl Jt&temeot wu nled wltb tbe coury clerk of Qr. up c-Oct. Z'l, 1m. Plbll.sb: Ncrt. '· 10, 17. U, 1977, to the Nnport .Hubor Ellllp. F-MtO< PUBLIC NOTICE ' FICTfi'IOUS BUSJIIESS NAME I'I'ATBIIIIIT Tlloi>I ....... JIOI'IODI&n doill ........ u: ......... ~ _ .. 11 .... 110 WMI 0.-, ..... 1111· liDo, Calli. -·· ~-.. lllullor, 1000 Woot c ... r-. 11o111o1, Calli, -· Dlnlllt-..., w. 0....: ,..... llolllol, CL -1. 'nle hrtsns ll e•••ut.- ldi>Ja_,ol...--. ................ CII'OI11 f'lalclilr. Tlllo _.,..m.., wltll lilt ._, c:lortt of Or. -~Oct. 14, 1m. .. -Oct. 1'1, ""'· s, 10, 11,1rn, .. ._ "-" llarllor IOolp. F.MIOO Slpld:J .. KarWI. • ftla ......... ft1ld orltll lilt-c:lorll a1 Or • up c_, ""'· .. lrrl. ... _ .... 10, 11, u. Doc, I, lrrl, Ia 1M "_.t Hutm ........ ' F-15011 Tlllll ._ .. _ ... -· ld bJ a Uoollod pariMniOip. ~Grolll•oR.-'nlllla __ _ •P .__, elorttofOr. -Cwo'J oct. IS, lrrl, -""'· 10, 11, 14, 1'lda .. * ... la coelllctM 1>1 I Uallad ...--.. Slpld: Ttcl R. Fo;o- 'NI ......... fUid .... ... -·-"' 'lr--c.. .. ""'· '· lrl'l. """* . •. 10, 11, ... ,.... litlllllllll ... tlillt wltll 1M-c:lorl< of Or· -c.Mt Oct. 1'1, lrl'l. Pltlll* ""· a. 10, ,,, M, '·'"· ..... ftl...,t _ on..' 777t ... Did ' ....... -c:loft "'Dr· 'T..i.: b Ool. 1'1, lrrl. 14, •rn,ra.'~: ' Doe. I, lrl'l, Ia till "-rt Harllor!Oolp. f--Doc, I, lrrl, •lilt "--Diolp. , .... autot• ..... , ..... •-r. oro LIGHTS LOWERED T AR & NICOTINE The · spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette. ~ter In lUte. ,Lower lntu. Aid IIIII often up the same quality that has made Marlboro famous. W"rning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Thal "igarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 12mg''tw:·o.7mg ntcottnttN.perctgartne.FTCReponAug:71 .. ____________ ...,. • We WfYt brcakfa1 anyUmt. 4-10 P.M Daily COMPLETE DIMMIRS INO..UD! • SOUP AND lALAD (ALL YOU CAN !AT) • POTATO AND P•!SH V!GITUL! • DESSERT Baked Ham • • • • • • $2 .95 Tue 'Roast Leg Of lamb,.$2.95 Bar-B-Que Ribs •• ••$2 .95 New York Steak • • • $3.75 Steak And Shrimp .. $3.85 Stuffed Pork Chop • $2 .65 Sun Prime Rib • • • • • • • $3 .95 4001 W. Co .. sl Hw-,. Newport Be.-.ch I67J.77SOJ Fo r The BEER & WINE Newport Woman! 11 Fashion Island d floJ ri 'Jrophy fj [n.Jra urng Co CHARMS& EXECUTIVE GIFTS PEWTER -SILVER HOLLOWARE MENS & WOMENS JEWELRY ACCESSORIE S 102E 16THSTREET AT SUPERIOR AVENUE COST A MESA , CALIF . 646-3141 THE ICE CREAM MAN w, Mall• Our o-Ice ere- Fro-Ye91rt ~-- Ill T1oe Tr_.u .... IUD'S .. • S..fr-- UotMI•,....••4. ... .,.... ...... ., ... ,,. MN"f.lliHOUiliS •UN ~ THU Ill. 0 NOON ~ 10 P."''. 1'"11111 lo • ._T HOO~-11 1" ..... LEASE ''70 AMEW /0 $195 Geaer81 CAR LEASINC Clll ••• :tJ Il l -AIIJ .... '71 • Action~ T1lo V.......,A_C_ tor or -Orut• Coolt1 ll a clear.......,_.. qtcb matcbta tbt P1Jl1 aDd abu .. flits ..or ¥ohlatHn wltb tlle SPEAKER at Co~a Mea Women's Club this Friday, Nov. 18, wtll be Dr. Kenneth Carlson, a specl.aUst in lJJman relations and f:amUy problems. His topic will be ''What you Deed to koow about yourseU," The nooo luncheon at Ule club!louse at 610 W. 18th wUI be host- ed by tbeJuntor Ciub. Palr&t- lngs by club artists wUI be displayed. Also, members are urged to bring service- able clothing and non- perishable food for A mer- lean Indians. Reservations must be made no later than today, Nov . 15, by caiUoc Mrs. Patrick Dempsey, Mrs. Ed Carlkk or Mrs_ Fr:tnk Stoughton. -oi!Mco•Md)'.Tlle Rellrod -· v-Prorram ta a PI'Oinm uDder tbt •~abrelll. of v AC wbicb directs ltl H"lcH to ftad1ac toluatMrpo.WO. tor per80GI retired bd at lout 10 years o1 ap, Call 675-9110 or W-U?I It JOU wl.sb lo tolut•r. Voluateert are Deeded ta Suta Aa:a 1o late"lew cUeata wttb l.lcobol-nl&ted problems. Tn1alnc .... •lou are btld weekly thi"OU(h No¥ ember, Sehools Deed tolunteerstn tbe toUowftl& areas: tutors for small lf'O!UPI or cblld- nn as well as teenarers, clerical workers a~ typists, read.tDe belpers and paper correctors. VIetnamese adults oee<1 your help to l•m EncUsb. Knowledge of Vietnamese 1..s not uecessary In order to teach these r;:eople our tang. uage . Adults are needed to tn. votve chlldren ln cr•ttn play wlille their parents at- tend meetings deslgoed to asstst them In belag better parents. Fluent Spa.ntsh speaking volunteers are Deeded to ac - company public hea!th DUrses OD home visits and to Interpret for medical staff and paUents durlng health exams. Senior volunteers are needed to assist wltb lunch programs spedf!ca.Jiy for seniors. Volunteers help serve rood and act as hosts and hostesses. Disco involved in ·suit Metro News .-lnvesttga . Uons have confirmed that Plcasslo's, a popular New- port Center discothequ e which opeoed to the public last Decembtir , Is Involved In 3 lawsults. One suU, for $1.5 million, alleges that the restaurant contributed to the Intoxica- tion of cust01.1er Harry Mar- vin Hatch, who wa s killed In a ca r ac cl!1ent late-r that n1j;tht. A passenger In the car with Hatch and the plaintiff In the suit, Deb ra Lee RICHARD D. OOTTS of of Corona del Mar, nation- at chairman of the American Hea rt Assn. since 19'74, has r etired as executive vice- president of Pacific Mutual alter 38 years service ~· the lollgest service of any current Paclfic Mutual em- ployee. He joined the fir m In 1939 and served ulill joining the U.S. Navy 1n 1942. Following wwn, he reJolned the company as a. persoMel and methods analyst. He was elected uecuttve vice president In 1967_ Powell, claims s he was severely . tn;..red when the Datsun 280Z, travelling north on Jamboree Road, struck the ceDterdivlderaAd went orr the road and dowo the embankffiect, according h the suU. Debra Powell Is a former tennis coach Instructor at William Neff High Sc tool In La Mirada, and bookkeeper for the El Torito.La Fiesta restau~ rant. Plcasslo's Is suing lngle- dew's Carpets and lnterlors over $18,000 In interior dec- orations, Plcassio's counterclaims a breach-of~contract for Iauth· installation of the vel- vet wallpaper, which has been covered over by mir- rors. A third lawsuit against Ptcasslo's asks lor back payment for radio advertise- ments for the nightclub, aired b}" KE ZY radio In Aoa~ helm. PIER RESTAUR AN T TO REOPEN AS THE RI TZ Metro News --The New- port Pier restaurant, Alley West, has been sold and is scheduled to reopen the end of November as thP. Newport Beach RUz. Company office rs are listed as beiQK Han5 Sprager, chef from the Five Crowns restaurant in Co rona del Mar and the Bell aOO Crown restaurant in West. minster; Paul Nicoletti, a Newport Beach securtues Investor, and HeDry Bucher. Plans call for the RltJ: decor to be styled In an 1880's mode wltb plush car- peting, bul"(llodY colored walls, and period art oouveau pleees. A dress code '<t'lll be en- forced. ~ $195 .......... '- TOP HONORS --DoDI.ld M.. Koll, tenter, touoder aDd pnsldent of the Koll Company, development aod ceoeral contncunc f1rm, and landscape arcbltect Alleo Don Fo11g of Fonc and LaRocca Associates, were preseoted with top ~tlonal landscape awards by Mrs, Jimmy Carter In recent Whit e House ceremonies. The awards were made by the Americn Assoclatlou of Nursermen fn reeognitlon of '·exceptional environmental coDiriOOtlons" that add to the quality of lite In Newport Beach. The project was landscaping of Lido VIllage, owned and re- developed by Mr. Koll and 2 partners . .s.m., O...• ,c..,. I :.~=t Complele I·C Service To Z Gourmet Ce11ttrlr1G IIEANS WE BRINO THE wn•RL.n COOKING TO YOU . ICc>nllull us tor your next party. .. ''THeeN PLACE IS ''THee" PLACE • A HOLIDAY FOR TRASH COLLECTORS Newport Beach city retuse coll ectors will take a holt- day on Thanks(lvlog day, Nov. 24. day, Monday, Nov.28.News- papers scheduled for re- AIT -D<a, C'*Mr, D.ron etc. At. wo-*.1 by b::al cr1i•IS lco1m:,.. ,.._ __ ,...: ~ & &;dd w-la•--1 & ..... cycling coll e<:llon on II•N11CIO,.. -1m·, b-on/wood Cosh Regist• & f..ope<:lfl Oientd Pier:es; Areas regularly scheduled for reftJse collection on Thanksgiving day wtll not have reftJse collected until the next regularl}" scheduler1 Thanksgtvln(( day will lo:OWIC'IW.S -lool~ Bolfl~n. .kn. !q. ·u d much IN)I~·: 571 W.IMst.,C ... •MIM be picked ur the follow1J1g Monday. Cit}' HaJJ will llE' closed on Friday rollowlng Thank.'i- glvlng lb)'. . 641-1 00 I D.lp I 0-' ENJOY THE ,BEST PICTURE EVER! ZENITH '78 ASK AIOUT .UC'1 FANTASTIC WARRANTY! SALE PRICE IN EFFECT ntRll MONOAY, 20TH OF NOVEMBER PHONE 961-3329 FOR LOWEST PRICES OF lHE YIAR! 19" DIAGONAL Fi11i11'1•d i1111 l i-lot•d •r•illtd ••eric:• w.._. -~ ltnrtiMd A I•"'''""" c o lor •cctllh. lwp"-. • I oo• . ., Soliot-Sh•t• CIHinh • Po•..-S...,.,.., Yott ........ w..r Srt.M • ....,._...c FiQ..'-"'9 C• .. trol • Pict•r• Co11trol • '"•114-t... C..., or ~nhor ...._.c.. ••• etion J I710W 25" biAGONAL JJIIIW 17" DIAGONAL $3 3 5.00 JUST lHE SET FOR lHEDIHAHD FAMILY ROOM SIM .. cd 9 wluul .._..c._ w---... --wltt. ltnsMd Mlc.ei-Gold ........ 25•• DIAGONAL TYYIIW- .t.TmiiST! $535.00 Teltle TY. Celer s.:.~:z ....... Plctwe c I Y•-If•ctrealc. Yltlee •••r4 .Till••••· Dereltle. •lwfl c ... ..Wc .... t wMI ....... I , ........ . A•trtc.WtlllffWIIL PHONE 968-3329 FOR OUR LOW PRICES!! HURRY! TO ABC TODAY! WHY an' AT Me? • -~~ '"C_,_ •-•-.............................. ,,.. ,.... ............ ,.., .....,. ... -•-r, ..,. ,..rr • AK's •••,.••• _,,..,, • ,_ .._ tt.., .. -.. ,... a a.rrwl .......... , .... qr1UN .-a..,.. ... _.... .................... plllu ............. . • .. II , , a•eiiiii.IL