HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-06 - Newport Harbor EnsignDisappearances At Sea ClouCied In Mystery Contradictions And LOose Ends Get Tangled Up In Bureaucracy See Below More Notes . On How To SaveMoriey The VISiting Expert Is Fred Forster See Buainea l(,) SIGN .. THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEA]\ • NUNBER 22 (714) 613-0550 • '5ER' NG ,LL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1982 • 25 CENTS Jemea l . Kelty Ueft), a principal in the purchase of the John Wevne. Tennis Ctub, ll lhown at the courts with Ken Willig. Su.ft photo bv Bob Peterson 'Locals' Buy John Wayne Tennis Club Tbe pr.Jtiqiou.s tenow club ~.,tile Late J~ IIJD• d iliiD4.re r Ia Willio 101M...,_ ,..n e90 U. beea 8old to a group ol ~rt Be&cli "'veston for $2.5 miJUon The auouncement that the -Porta center would chanqe banda wu made tohltly by Wtllig ead Burlon E. Smith,,_ chairman, and James L. Kel· ly, prMident, of DoJDinJon lquiti• Corporatioo. DonuDiola f.quiUea own.a -..d ••a~ properties llilrth lD ..,... of $40 miiiJoD ill Or..,. Co1mty, s.. Aaloaio .. o.a... Ccal· ~ ~,.. ~. wt " .... City, Porl~Mi aDd )(1IJ van.,. 'nle new OWAert of the John W ayoe Tenail Club in Newport Beach ltl'...d the fact that they uuen•t out· adeu, COUWlQ iA to nploit the community''. It wu pointed out that Salith ia a re.ident oJ Spy9ta. Hill, and ltelly, oJ Newport BHcb~ la mairied to BUDilJ JWey, the daughter of Jack d d ~ Riley of Newport'• .,.._ wt.o oace tu.icl on tb b -.._,__. ..... -..la JM:t. ...W «.!lj, J!u" .ad , he mott... were burn n•i what bec.IIM th. l8e oJ the p~nt blimp h&D~n io TuliA ICelly, a fanner O.range County lawyer, wu umed .tate chieJ deputy commia- aicmeJ' of corporations iD 1968, ud held the post fol' tlu" ,...,.. under then- GoverooJ' ~- Othu Domila.ion Equities of· (C.ta-..d aa p-oe 4) ~ • e•seboldiraJI'ap OfR'8hta' A protest cpoup mov.cl thU maa-.....tiDQ Swad&y, la1a-10, hue to the compeay and spent ... 11 to d•velop what 1t called to pre.ent the "BiU of lights" couiduable IDOiley lryinQ to ''TM t...ueholden Ball of p~ U wiah• to make to r~lve thb i.aoe. Now we h4Ve RiQAta" to pr ... nt to a m... t.be lr'rin.e Co. lt will bold a a coacTete propoul. Let's hnd JUietiDQ oJ homeownen (aang •n. oi vat• on the nQQeSted out JU8t who is responsible and .._,its ~rs hav• been &Oiutiona to thel&Dd price in-wllo IIID't." e&lbag "exorbitant" Irvine Co. CTNM probl... Ya.ag aaid, "We apect to l&Jlcl cost tncr__. m Newport "We are purporting to repre· hAYe a coo•nsua oJ the leaebold Beach and lnine. ...t ...,ly 4,000 leuebolda on boaeowDen by tb end of the The "Coaunitt" oJ 4,000," which.-. 12,000 people live," •eet1D9· 'l1lis allou.ld CODVl.DCe ~Hd in October to prot•t said Barba.raloung, COIIUiliHM the lniAe Co. U...t we do ape~~ ..._ mcr•aes, pleaDed a aenes pr..adent. on belt..a.U of the a..-holders 01 .u.. -hnQ'S with ••we are oo&.o9 to ... bow the Jerry Collua.a, a public rela· s...holders from tarQeted ar... l .... holden f .. l ~ ou pro-bona q,okesma.n fo.r the IJ'Vme ~ ~ .. k. poeala and ... If tMy Mft Co., wu uked yeaterday why leyshores leaHholden were othen we mo\&lcl p.-t." the company hu not recoqmzed tavteed to m .. t with the CJTOU,p 9o Mr, the ~ U. not the committ .. . )u&lliqht ~oae from LandA lale beezi t~.cl bf tlMlrvi.oe "Thel ..... are not aU alike," ~1 at' 7:30 at the Santa Ana Co. •• NJ)IliUDtiJ&9 tlte Collin• .. 1d ''The .olution of CO.t.y Club, .-nd ~ frolft le .. e~O&d.n. problema lot one may oat be, the ~r Shor• and C.~ S)aol'ft Lou SOon. ooe of tM CGIIlmit-.oluuoo for another. We cant nutday at 7 ;30 p .m at the ..... diNctoJ"a, Micl, "A come up wit~ acr'*'"tbe-board ~rt H.tbOr Yacbl Club. .. ... a fot -lnJM Co. u.wen. H • n.. IDMtmQS .. .,. to "build a ...... to the p,.. tl.at tM COal· • Colhoa Mid tlae rental and .,..llluble ~bhaeucy," ooe PMY cloee not COMidet pu.rclaae ~ i.Dcr..-ue ~itt" ~--aD said. 'N!IPODtible.' 2) :n.. Coiluiill .... Will t.l:aea llo.t • "Web" aede ... ,., o.er· '*' 00 s-98 by Bun Slm.a A move to severely repnmand state Senator John G. Schmitz, Corona del Mar Republican, for hla verbal attacks on be&nnq wun ..... who rud not abaze his anti-a.bort1on vaewa qrew an the Leqial.ature tha week u : -Some Senate O.mocr4ts said they would aeek a censure motion aqa.inat Scbm1tz for a statement that labeled opponents of his anti-a.bortton leQulataon u "bull dykes," "lesb1ana," and "murde.rous marauders," and reJerred to "hAJ"d, Jew1ah and (ar<;JUably) female facea" an a bearing audience. JOHN G. SCHMITZ Staff photo by BOO PPterson us ol~rmany 1~ The danqer comes LD tc;anonnq at, Just auuaunq the problem wtll qo away. "Senator Campbell 'deplored' Schmitz' rem.a.rU-but o~ tM ceD.8Q.J'e. We're go10q to deplore those remarks u the Cahforota Senate." Ear her, m chutlMment, t.be Senate Rul .. Com.miH-had removed Schmitz from chall- manabap of Lhe Constitutional Amendments Com.mJH-. ousted bun as v1ce chauman of the In· dustnal Relahoo.a CoJDDUtt .. and taken hun off the advoory Comn:uu1on on the Status oi Wemeo. -Wlule ulcog Sc:brruu to "apoloq11e to &11 Jews," and describinq Scbmtu' rem.ub u . "anathema to the principles and very substance of our pa.rty," Senate Minority Le.der William Campbell Mid be would nOt back a c:eD.a\lft aotioD ~-­ lt could be an ~~ of Sc:b:md~' c:GD.tlituticlt.al "ri99at lo (ec.tt,....t aa peee 2) Senate MaJority Leader John Garamenc:U, a canc:Udate for QOVenor, told this uwspaper \Ut tb.r" aspects eli Schmiu' re- c:.Dt action. we" "under ~". citiDg Scluaita' 8\19· ~ lJl Octohr 0. t a lllllltarv coup ootdd.he )Ol lwtows U Pr.ident Reagan econom1c pohciee fail, ScbmJt:!' more re- cent "faDD..LDQ t.be Oa mea of rac&.al and rehq1ous bago try" And "do1ng thu1 as cha1nnan ol A Senate comm1ttee for bts own polihcal purpO&es ·• ~ysteiy, ConbadicticNls· Cloud Tragedy Stories "We 're not go ang to let thta qet started an CahfCJrnaa ," scud Garamenda. ''I thank hts recent remarks were prec~.aely planned, d .. iqued to feed on the bagotry that unfortun.1tely aoes &lUl l m our aocae ty It rerrunda many of 0.-.efJIJJeGeta ., .... tFraaa .. y,H•tb• by Roger Aogle The ch.appe4rance at sea of two Newport Be.sch busme&SJDen last week bas become more \mysteTaous and confusmg as facta in the caaes qet pttcbed about an a bureauc r4hC Jumble In tbe disappearance of Jerry Hanulton, apparently tbto owner 1 of Hamllton Ford, Fontana, no o{hcaaJ agenc y could be found wbacb wa11 mvnhga ttnq t bto toea dent It was even 1mJ)O"able to ob- taln pQ1J1tJve ofhcaal adentaftca hon of the DUSalDQ m.o and bts .emale companaon lrvule Mayor O.ve S1U., an a Ham1lton, 57, was lentahvel\ bid for the 36th State 5.aat.e tdenllbed as a restdeot of seAt , has enltsted tbe support ol Newport Beac h and the owner of Supervasor Tom Rue y and Hamtlton Ford by a !.ales Newport Beac h Mayor Jackae manaqer at Hanulton Ford HNther amonq otlter local He ts scud to be a n avtd pohhcal fa c;aures, 1t was 4nnounc yachtsman and bolder ol manv ed Uua wee k. trophtes won m sathnq reqdtta. StU. 11 •'Y1nQ the Repubbcen Hamilton was accompanaed bv a oominahoo tor the sprawhnq woman who told a utbo nhes he coastal d astnct now held by st4te feU or was washed off h1s bodt Sen. John Schmitz. wbo 1s run-wbtle aa1hng io heavy sea s fr om ninq for the U S Senate Avalon toward Newporl about The dtsln c t as due lo fall vac 10:20 p.m. on Jan 2 bm to the state leqtslature's But apparently no law el" reapportionment plan but the forcement agency baa a tKord Californ.a Supre . .,e Court may ot the woman's name, of'Oohow bold the plan an Abeyance whJle she maqht be r .. ched And what aw&lting the outcome of " actually happened an the _RepuhlJcan-sponsored referen.· boahng accadent bas d1awn con- dum to 10vahdatu at tradactory versaona (CoatiaGed 00 pecJe 4) The other c:U.Mppe.ranc• wa.a • that ol Dean Jenb, 32, a p rm mp&l LD the ltock broke.r~ of Jenb, KenJU.fer and R.lcaan:t.on, and a vtce pr.-ic:lent of Tyler and' N.tc.U. FinanCJ&l iAc., both an Newport Beach. Jenb lived an Laquoa Niquel and wu alone when l.ut ... n sailiog from Newport on an afternoon excuraaon Dec 29. The Jeob cbsappearaoce ~ mystenous becauH: The boat Jeob borrowed I CODt&lned eagbt hJe )ACUls wbac b were not aboard when Lhe c r•tt was found run 4ground on Catalana bland I -The 541lboat was found Wltb 1 ats sculs .. t. ata enqute runrung snd ata Automauc puot set, reportedly on a Newport-to- A val on beac:Unc;a Jenks bad told •he owner ol the boat that he would only b. qooe bve hours, ro\Aghly baU the hme a round trip to Catalana m lhat type of boat would take. ln Hanulton's cue, no aqency Drunken Boaters, Skiers • • IN SHORT 4Ph•hlagle••ncv A IOiu·M.r -lftar that ... -Oil plambiaq m.t.U.-.. ud ,..u. wtl1 be ollerecl et Oruqe Coat COllec;re thit S.hl.idey. I 'n.. ..Son will from I •·•· to 1 p .m. in OCf'• SdeDc:. Lectw'e H.U 1ul., S..U..r aecturer la OCC COD· ltnactJoD technoloqy profeaor, Frua.k I . Deniaon. Deniaon ia a UceD.Md CODtractor and former preeideut of the Oranqe County Diatric::t Couoil of Carpenters. For in.lonuUon about the Mmtur, phOAe 556·5880. Foada Ralalng Fuocb Politic;a.l ac::tivist·actr ... Jane FODcla wU1 atar in two politic.al fuudreilen in Newport Beach Boaters (COAtillued hom paqe 1) information ~c::hoola in counties where available. "The fine will be around $400 in Oruqe Co~ty," aaid Ed Nerril ... , deputy diatrict attdr· ney, "with another 40 percent uaeameDt on top of the·fine- plua a $200 charqe for the 20 houn of drivinq ~ehool. "And if you're cauqht violat- inQ that licenae auapenaion, it's a mandatory 10 daya in jail." Burt Sims nut Monday. She will appear at a. $50-per- penon c::oc::kt.U-buff.t 1D Corona del Nar from 5:30~7 p.m., to aupport the CUlpeiqn for Economic Democracy, the politica.l orqa.niaaUon ahe and h•r buaband, Tom Hayden, founded five yeara aqo. Thia will precede her ap- pearance at Edwarda Cinema in Fashion bland, where $10 tiok•t purchuera for the premiere of "On Golden Pond" may hear her apeak in the lobby concern- ing the film. -f Reservations for buffet and film may be made at 951-5857. Maur .. o Featured Maureen Reaqan, dauqhter of PTesident Reagan and a pouible candidate for the Republican nomination in the U.S. Senate primary, will be the queat apeaker Friday, January 15, at a Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce banquet. The event in the Pacific ' Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach is the 75th an- nual memberlthip banquet and installation of officers, and ia open to the public. Chamber officials announced that dinner tickets are $25 apiece, dreu ia aemi-formal- and reservations are requ .. ted by thU Friday, January 8. 1t7 ._. ...._ TeNW..-.. ~ .. 8DN d.ea Altbou.gla leftral .,... ol the do.Wecl ill 1111 ,..,.. ,.._, W.. cow:atry.,. ia NOn•-~ _. M.lidlloa a 18M, Oru~ <:O.mty'• ecoaoay will ud $12.7 Wlbaa til ••. ror outperfona that of aoet .. tro-1881 t.a.., ate ~Mid to ..... politu NQiou iD CaliJornia for ahowa u iDe,.... ol13 ~· the nat 10 ,..n. to $1 •. 2 WWoa, ad Nlda above $18 ..._ ill 1882. ThJa wu the forecut iaued "Sale. will ..-,..4," Mid the recently by Buak of A~Mric., benJr, ''Dot oa1y ~- buecl OD atudi .. by Michael S. J.Dcoaee eN )U~ Wt becaue Salkm, head of refliOoal uwl peopliit ,._ all o..r Southern rM! ..tate nMUCh for the MJlk C~ ... awll to eoaae of and author of OYer 30 publica.. U.. utloia'a .._. .hoppinq tiou on eeoaOIIlic 9JOwth, ceaten, .. ~ South reoioul development and Cout P1aM ..11111 Newport'• enercn aploration. Fuhic. ~ Ullem_ployment levela (about OD IIIIJe' ._ *'-· the foneMt 5 peTceat), w}Uda have bMJl the ainqW oot .. lbort.Qe of Jaou.. low.t fa the .w., ue u:pectec~ iaq, ud tTauportatioll p~ to eontiaue below .tete ner-a.... e9M, s.Jkia Mid, and more ~ "By the c&o.. of 1982," the 80,000 DeW joba Mould be report atated, "an .... !'.,... qenerated heN in 1981:-1982 pricecl hODM abould e~ combined. $143,000, rfCI\llrinq • bou.Mhold "One reuon ecollomic qrowth to a.... an (acome iD exc-oi in Oranqe Cow:aty hu out~ $50,000 to qMlify for a lou. qrowth statewide," Mid the bull: "Bec::aUM al tbia, butn .... report, "ia the above-averaqe requirblq a larqe number of wealth of ita ruidenti. HoUM-lower-and moderate-iDcome hold income levela are 10 per-Wc>rken ue bein9 forced to cent above iDc::ome l•v•la atate-upa~ad ••here. . + wide. II "This aUwaUon may impact the Median family income d.f:::!=~roepac::e and increued $3,500 iD 1981, t" report foud, to a level of 1\ In u9iD9 ..._tion be paid a $35,500. Thia aurqe wu e·~ll!l"""'tra.uporlaUoa lbortfall, the . NPOrt poiDted out t)lat, while eel to continue thTou«)h 1982, no~m uW QtDtra.l couty jected. waya ud ~ major arteriea, with a level of $38,900 pro-aNU are =by five fr ... -------~----------------------------the rapidly dinq touthem. Schlnitz League who la.at Sunday the pomtion that Sc::~tz' aection of ~ cowaty aut (Coptinued from paqe 1) hee apeech." "While be deplores such r81DUb, Senator Campbell believea it 1a up to Sc::ht.Utz' con· atituency to take the appropriate action," Jerry Haleva, a Canfp· bell aide, told thia newspaper yestuday. Schmitz' 36th diatrict includes Newport Beach, Coata Mesa and Irvine. Schmitz wu quoted as saying the ac::tiona aqainat him were "overldll," and baa denied hlB stateJDenta were intended to be biqoted or anti-Semitic. He also Mid he ~lcomed bavtnq been fired from the the aenate com· mittee poata ~au~ it would qive him more time \o campa.1gn for the U.S. Senate nominahon. Mem.bera of the Loa Anqeles chapter of the Jewiah Defense picketed Schmitz' home in the widely-publicized attac::b on the depend to • major utent on juat affluent Spyglass Hill aec::tion of heari.DQ witn .... were not out the San Dievo rreewey. Corona del Mar vowed this week of anqer-but were calculated Improve...-. ahould come to keep returning "until he 1trateqy to r&iae hia profile in a from the faat OFanqe Couty retncts his anb-Jewiah crowded GOP field ru.nninq for will have ita own alate traupor- statements." the U.S. MDatoriAl nomination. tation diatl'jct to.r fundinQ, Newport Beach police Mid They cautioned that further beqtnninq ln 1983, Mid the they would maintain patrob in pressure on Schmitz-.uch u a report, and aleo will benefit the vicinity of the Schmitz cenaure motion or a deJDaDd for from the inoreued c;ruoline home. . hia expulsion from the ~enate--tu .. becomiDQ effective the Gray Davia, former executive could appeal to hia pr ... nt aame year. secretary and ch1ef of staff for hard-core conatituency u well Hou.ainq and trauportation Governor Jerry Brown and now u lenqtheninq the controversy problema were attributed in part an unann.ounced candidate for and keepinq him in the to certain "slow qrowth" initia· . an Assembly seat, publicly pro-limeliqht. Uvea of the '70a auch u the tested Schmitz' "biQotry and Factiona were aplit on the California Coutal Act &Dd the anti-Semitic remarka." wiadom of further controveny. EnviroJUDental Quality Act. A spokesman tor the Moral Anti-Sc::hmitz elements Aid anti· The report bued on Sal.ltia'a Majority, which shares Schmitz' S.miti.am would grow unleaa ac · r .... rch pointed out that anti-abortion viewa, Aid the tiona were taken to puniah him OranQe County ranb 30th organiulion was "appalled at for hia rem&.rb. Pto-Schmit.s &mODQ world econo.-, ia anyone who would add fuel to elea.wnta aa.id auch action.a ~d in popula.tioD amonq discrimination aqainat any would confinn the em.tence of C-ufornia COQ.Dtiee ~d raab group-women, black, Jewa or qreat political power in the third in hou.ehold iDQOJDe whatever." Jewiah community and fc*er a amonq all countiea in the Some political observera took atronq wave of anti-Semitiam. nation. The Conunlttee of 4000 is holding a .meeting for all leaseholders and friends: Sunday, January 10, 1982 Marriott Hotel Ballroom, 7:30p.m., Fashion leland Vote on strategy for 1 982! BALTZ · BERGERON . . ., . \ . ' .-" A .,_tJce'-. wont to Wlow ~~~ ill tla.ll a.r• NVUdi.Dq a. ee•hd IObcitatiOa bu ..._ ~by fruk Jallk, owaer of ft. ......... flNPiaoe ...-,-ba Colooa cW War. Juk reoeatly ..-'NCI wt..at J.e.ud J.e tint ill~ u an ~ &oa e o)a=fled c:UJwtory pu.bUthtnq ~ iD the awn ol $87. • "Up ba the 0011181' it hu .. ...n, dJr.ctory-type 1oQo reproclucM 1A yellow,'' Mid Jank, "whJoh firat qa.ve .. the ~ it ... &o. the p)aolw c::oaapuy'a Yellow P89M of- flee. ADd oa the top Mlf ol the aix-l.Dch by NVU-i.Dch form, the u.me, ac:lche. ad phoM nwn.ber of Th, HeutUtoae wu p,iated below a headJn9 that rMCI: 'Bulin-u.till9 below to appea.r in the Cl••fled Directory'. It looked very buin'MIIike; the kind of a btll.in9 you. aiqht orcl.in&rily jut~ a.IOAq to your -.ccounta.Dt for payDWDt." · However, the bottoa half of the fonn had thla Dotice in liqht peeD iD.k UDCIMprtnted beDeeth the black iD.k of lhe buln ... bltmQ coet apecified at $87: ''Thia ia Dot a bill. !'hi. la a eolicltation. You are under no obliptioa to pay un1 .. you ~t thia offer." Oe the beck of the lona, Jank pointed out, wu a notice that lDc::haded thia phruinq: ''The c..ified Directory ia distributed &.. to c::ivio or other pu.bUc i..utitutiona at the de diecretion of the publiahen." "You'll note," Janka Mid, "it doee not aay how many copi .. , or how much circulation they'll be qiven-or, apecific&lly, where. "I'm not aaying it'a Ulec;ral, you unde.rstand; I'm just aayiDQ W• intereetiDQ. "Somehow," he added wryly, "it ... m. moo appropriate that the money 1a to be mailed to a poet ... office box in Niaqara Falla." (Contillaed froiD peqe 1) "admittedly steep." But he complained that the committee hu frequenUy cited th• "me* extreme· c ... an4 qiven the impreuion that 4,000 ...,.. are cOIIlinQ due thia year. We reqret thia." The mo.t eitreme cue, fre- quently cited by the committee, ia that of H&ny Baker, whoee yearly 1rvipe Co. lud rent in· · creued from $1,600 to $67,000 and whoee avaJleble purc::hue price ~ from $480,000 iD mid·1980 to $1.5 milliOA in July. A more typica.l·•inoreue. Mid another Irvine Co. apokeaman, would be in toma upl&nd ue.u that will qo from $500 a year to $10,000 a yea.r. Two l .... holda became due in 1981. Sixty will come due thia year and 40 a year till1988, company apok-.men have Mid. The actual number of Irvine Co. r.-denti&llud 1--.ia ~ 3,790, Colliu Micl i ___ . lleuwhile, a. lewab.it 89"faM the fniae Co. OYeJ' the increuee will be filed by Jan. 15, Mid Younq ud the qroup'a attorney, Ray Jkola. The co~ttee hu qathered more than 1140,()()() from ita 700, plua, members, moatly to be apent on leqal f .... Dwin9 the three meetiDqa thia week, "We will a.eek the approval of each COIDIIlunir and h.ave bra.i.D.IItona.inq ... : aion.a before the bi9 ID88tiD , " Younq Mid. t( Another .poketpenou tor the collllllittee Mid, "We don't lmow how many people wU1 come to the Suday meeting. It could be 500, 1,000 or 2,000." The meetiD9 will be lleld in the qrand ba.llrooaa of the Mar· riott Hotel. The hotel, ironica.l- ly, ia on leued Irvine Co. land. The hotel ia donatinq the apace. Jon Loeb, Marriott Hotel qenera.l ma.naqer, Mid, "We take DO stand OD the Jeued land ~. Our leue ia com- mercia.l ud quite •pera.te. . "We do this u part of what we .. u a. holel'a obliqa.tion to the ~w.nity. 1'hia i.a limply. a Q%0\q) ef loc.J hOtaeQWnen wbo uked to u.e the ballroom." .. " Laguna Pageant Of Do you think you look Uke Apollo? Or, perbape, cme of the nympha 1D the famoua aculpture by Francois Girardoo? Whether or not you po ..... thoee characteri.atic., o r thoae of other lec;rendary fiqur" 1n the world of art, talented makeup artiata o2rk their maoic 1f you are ted to appear in the 1982 Paoeant of the Maatera. Harbor Area r"identa who Wl&h to volWll"r iol' rol .. 1D the traditional Lac;runa Beach epeo- tacular aho\lld anawer cutinc;r calla acheduled for 7·9 p .m ., Saturday, Jan. 16, and 2·5 p .m., Sunday, Jan. 11, paqeant offi· c1ab have announced. The volunt .. ra, who don.te their servic•, will be aic;JDed up and photoqraphed back.atac;re at Irvine Bowl, 650 Lac;runa Can· .. yon Road, aile o{ the annual Club Holds Bike Rally Andy Greeley, 5, of Costa Mesa, takes a sharp turn during a race for the smallest ktds. Boys Club bike mechantc Chuck Carr g1ves some maintenance potnters to Scott Redington, 11 , of Newport Beach. during last Wednesday's B1cycle Rally and Safety Day at the Boys Club on Tustin Avenue in Costa Mesa. I The tt.wpon IMp Weds sday. Jcmt.aary 1. a• Poge 3 ~SeeHng Pedollllei'B,A-'stants p~. Norm&n Rockwell Plerre ol.l oa e ... ., •• WW~Dw Ho... w...ade "We~ lOIRe 400 lDdi· Auc;ru.te R.noar joNh r ·n .... !-:!.~~.llC'YlA ~~~"') Cloc:k, .rolK'i•ld o....olv, Le c-t.. , lAy--~ V4u;ui qojd ud .ubi.~. ~. Tv.n vidull of all~. liHI I.Dd Wedgwood, Edq ar Oequ and Proceed. from the paqM.Dt, u Hua LooM. J aU, Cftl 011 eu v.. fr~ •h"JMS, H Mid ~ Reeve, leon&rdo da Vinca-and .. ve ral well u from the feetival 011 the ReamQton, Tw.Jve Kcna.n m tM Gt.- publlc NlaUoat cbnctor. othera u well u Gu.udon . orounda outside the bo.J, Ho~. 11ot on~~'· U'-Oro, Slly TweJaty.fou.r r.crMUon.a have Since the ahowa are anva nably provi~-youth -ho•---L . ..,. lll O.vera, ~w.lptvre Ar .. ldea O...n•: L-~ •• 1......a '-•L •-k 11 th h ~ -£aSNUr-Htaaory ol Venu.a (ou ol a..,_ of .beeD ac-~ wr uu. ey a -, ·out, ose waa anQ to artlcr&fta, mU.lC, dAnce, thr-), tapeelry u.nlmown (-..de"' feature of the J..Uval of Arta. purc hue hck,ta ahould mail a writlDQ, photOQraphy and a...._t.). which will nua f.roa J\lly 10 atandard ·a1zed, aelf-addreased drama, Mid Reeve, u w.U u BUnk Ca.ovaa, Man Pam11D9 Fl.qpol.e, throu9h AQQ. a , uad will •tamped e~velope to: Btllbo.ld PAlDier, The Ch-. poNn, c) .. ..s L ...... w·--· 1982 T•cket Order Fo rm .uaiatinQ auch OrQaniuhozu.. Norm&n Roelrwell. a...! c .tts.clral lD uu• wor • .,, ._ow • the Laquna Beaoh School of Art, ..ate~ocLWD, oold. oLI• copper ad Homer, JNderic ~Q"tou, Feahva l of Arta Ballet Pacifica uad Laquna mellow tebet, rulda, llallo&D eo ... ect, Beach Art Muaeum. Scene, otl on canvaa Nlcolu Leacntt, and Commedae dell' an., poroeoi&IA "All credit i.a due the (We.-n), modaled by ~r; a.J •u volunt .. ra," Mid Reeve. "They Mollhn Rouoe. t.. Muaaq~. Eldorado, make thia poeai.ble." t... Comedae, potltera, h.U• CMree. The f.tival board approved 1A Pac:heur • I• l.aqu, ou on c.nvu . Plern Auquate Renoar, fantMY of the following aelectiona by Wano•. eeulpture Robart llranta, Paqeant Director Glen Eytch1 · The Perfume M•ker, oLI on ca.ov .. aon: Rudoll Eroat The fall of PhAeton. Apollo a.od the Nympha, ecuJpture ceramac blu• &nd while tu~r. IO&Iah Francoll Guardoo, PlCDIC Grouoda ool Wedqwood LA neurs po ... ,. Al.phonM ~ ~}Ul.l'U. loh..o Sloan, Dance11 Pracllc-Mucho Arab Wanoor on Honebec:lr ou (n,g,-otr'on c a.ovu t:dqar ~ ... St on c..nvu Adolphe Scb,.yer Truth and Georqe and the IhaQoD, ~uJpcure Romance . Knowledqe and Wlldorn F'rede nck Preua. The 819 C.tcb oal an Mu.1c and Poetry bronze• doon b.a eanvu, ~oil Woore, The Che rry rehel Danoel CbMter flench, and The S.U.n, oal on canvu, Georqe Nor!.nd, l...u1 Supper murel paant on pluter Crab Fllbtoq Oft Yarmouth !nqland Leonardo da Vanca Local Man Loses Million Dollars In Huge Heist by Roger Angle The largest burgla ry haul m recent memory was reporfed last week by a Newport Beach res1 dent who satd be lost nearly Sl million worth of prec1ous gem.a a.nd metals Westley Byron Churchill, 50, told pohce that the day after Christmu be returned to ba hJlls1de home after v1s1tlllg a son 1n lrvllle a.nd dtscovered the cnme. He bad no burglar alarm and was not msured, accordmg to a pohce report The hst of 1tems m1ss1ng mcluded: -Futy-seven unset d1amonds, rangmg from 49 to 2 27 carats valued at $765,000 -Three gold bars, we1ghmg one lologram each, valued at -Two hundred and SlX prec1ous gems, mclud1ng opals, garnets, sappbues, topaz. a.nd aqua mannes, valued at $30,000 -F1fty handguns, mcludlllg 15 modern weapons and 35 antiques Formulas, developed by Churchill, to use 1n rehnmg gold,a.nd s1lver from raw metals The loss tot4Jled $949,795, Churchill told poltce. The dollar value of the hst was the largest several mveahgators could recall It totaled nea rly a.s much as the last three months 1n all burglanes m the City, pohce sa1d The burglars apparently entered by usmg a tool to twut open the latch handle on a Frenc h door. the poltce report S•·•" phnlu~ bv Bnb F'Pit't'i<H' ~~~========~====================~~~~==~====~~======~~~~~~--~----~==~ $100.~5 . . -.----------------sa1d · • SIZE PRICE FET .. .,.,1.. ...1 .... .. .,.,1. ...1 .... PaMna/lhl e?.at LM Nt.na/lhl .... t L71 ~· toe..lta.et January Clearance 50% off original prices!* on special selections from: Fi fth Avenue Sho p "'f4bulou!> Updated Dresses and Sport wear \f -\nta'tllc Contemporary Dresses and Sportswear \. \l.i\nta!>tiC and 'SFAbulous Suits and Jackets Misses· Sport Suits Oe.,,gner Dre!>"e~. Cos tumes, Evening D resses, and Swts Right On tor /untor\ Dresses, Separates, Coordmates, Coat!> and C\u1t-. Infant•:. Toddlers', Children's and Spot for Teens Apparel. Shoes, Sleepwear and Accessorie Fa!>h1on and Designer Jewelr y, Shawls Women' Robe,, Sleepwear, Loungew ear, Foundations and Da ywear 'iweater ( ollect1ons • Better Sportswear Separates • Blouse!> M1s ec; SportdrC',,es and Kmts e Womens Active Sportswear and SJ...1wear r\1aternltv Dres:.e and Sportswear • M1l11nery and Fur Hats Womens Shoes Bors Sportswear and Furn1sh1ng!> 'ima// Leather Cood-. • Lu~age e Crystal, Gift. Lmen and 'itatlonery C.all~ne~ M en ' Fu rnishings and Sportswear Clearance----- 25% to 40o/c> off original prices on special selections from: \ fton' Dress and Sport Sh irts e Knit 'ih1rts \c tt\ e Sportsw ear e Swea ters e Shoes Collection \porh ... -.ea r • University Place Furn1s hmgs and ~porh \-H'dr .... \1t•rh < lothmg -20% to 30% oft Oflgl()a/ pnce and spec1al savings on superb selections from: De 1gner Sportswear-VJ to 1 J off Sw 1~~ \\atthec,-.W% to 50% off • 14K Cold Jewelry-25% oft Selected Bras and Founda.tto ns-20% to 30% off \ Handbags -25% to 40% off • Be/ts-30% to 50% off Scarves-30% off e Blouses -VJ off e Umbrellas and Rainwea r-20% to 30% off Ladtes Revtllon Furs -20% to 50% o ff Ladies' Sk iwear -elected coa ts, sweaters, jackets, accessories -30% to 50% off Womens C loves-25% to JJ VJ% off • I "•'''' "'" "'" ,, ~ '"'~"""l"'tr pr•cr f'f'ducriOfl' Ot> ><"lmf' ''"""' ,wrew rn '"'' wlfo \1 wlf ... lrf\.11 ~Of .;t/1 tff'm\ •••t/4b~ In •" \liP\ •nd I nkv\ ------------------~~~~--~---· South Co.u"PI.n f JJ t lfnstol ttftC. CONI ()ptn Mondlr dttout;t lridty M1m H) Mft 10 rutdl, ti/6 Pf'\ Sundty 12 noon to 5 '-"' \ nat OOGW-.... ..._ Lti1triet iai.Kt b ....... ,....., a pONibUity wlt.icllSW. it cou.t- Jav•. 'n!.e r.-eoclua wiiJ MOD tM J ... 8 ...uot, .. woWd tM Jetk Dwrid .,...,., . Sch•ib'l ten. Ia •P Ia No.eaber. 86Jla, a -"·,.....·old ci'rillaw attonae,' Mid lae will ..u • fiaal decilioll 0D JUDDiD9 after the court handa down lt. deci- ... It Ia echecluW to hear oral 4J'9W.~M~Qts Jan. 11. Silll, mean- whlle, hu u.....f a coJD.JDitt .. to .tlady ~ chances. "I'm.., much lean.iDo in that directioD (to run) and look- in9 to the ·~loratOJ'Y ooiiUilitt .. to ..... the overall aupport I would h.ve in the district," sm. Mid. Aa well u Riley ud Heather, Sillalisted other backen of h.is ezploratory eUort. u San Juan C.pt.trano W.yor Phil Schwutze, fountain Valley DAVE SILLS Slaff photo by a.nv Slotlin Mayo~ Ben Nielea, 1Uti.D Councilaan DoD Salterelli, ~oll Co. lucutive Vtc. Pr-e.idot Tim Sttad.T, nuor Corp. Com- mwlity Relatiou Director John Burtou ud former Reaqan mauqural commttt .. vice- ...... Guylhat. SIDI wa e&e ctecl to U.. 1m. I City Co.Ac:iJia 1878 ...., reprl I IDI:iaq a Nortlawoocl ~ owaen group ia a IIKIC 1 ful balJot •etftN to i.DYabciate a .... mq ordiuaa. 1a the area. 1M .._ .. noec~ u.,.. tenu u ID4JOI'. &Uahuhlr.d~ bued political finD of NeJ.oa-Pacl.ber9 to "MD~ hit ~galp. n. couule.Jats an aJ.o headinq up Riley'• cam~QD, UIOG9 otMn. The~ S.Ute DWric:t at.retcm. froa Oceaamde to Seal Beach ud i.Dcludee lmM, eo. w... ucl Newpo~ Beaoh. n.. reapportioluMilt plAn would place eo.ta W.. and lrvi.De in a recoa.fiqured 3Sth Diatrict DOW he&d by State Sell. Job BricJ9a. n. odd-aumbered dJIIrict would not come up for election until 1984. Newport Beach would be plac- ed iD a newly.created, 31th Diatrict. It would be left vac&nt for two ,...,.. bec.u. it would aleo h.ve u odd aumber. (Ccatia..d &a.....-1) .. chab'• ..-••aeoer, will re- aaba, .. will tM pr f l.cea) .ea8 &Dd U.oee wt.o Mltclle the aalqM ~leriMd ce~ater wlaida an~ matc:t.. for club m-ben ud ~JU~Mb. ficen lDcl.ade W. H. (Bill) leek, ~ Moauch .. ,, .tao c:linded the ~toiw ... Nl~ 1a the 801; 4Dd GeorCJe I . w ...... r Uad 11aOaU W. Joe•. both of Jntae. "Wy ~-&Dd I,'' Mid SmlU., former .tate COIIliD.I8- Iioner of real ....... uadn RMqap; 'look to thia tr&DMCtion u 011e way to ~ more heaYily iDvolveclln tlae Newport Beach oaaaualty ad to ahow our CODJideece ia tJu. area." He .aid that Domlalon apects to CW. the .-crow by Wuch 1. So. ... prior, ..... plea of operation lor tM club will be &D.DOU.Doecl. ''Th.ia will not i.Dvolve clan~ in pe111011.11el," he lddec:l. ·~we ue ftJ'Y lmp~ witll the .way the club il run. Wr. Willi9 hu a~ to atay on u a coa.aultant for the ocaJ.DQ ,.... . ,. 'n.. offidal &DJlOUDcemeut Mid that Katlly Wilecm, ...wtant to Willi9 ud who functiou u the TIU. J)I'OCedue Ia oae of the f&cton wbJcla b.u woa top ranlt- iaq lor the club i.D the w.t, sporta obeelftft .... aoted. Its CCiltroli'OOIIl .. open .... daya a week, hoe 7 a.m., to &naDCJe matche. wtU. opponent. of eqilal aki.lla, and to reeerve court.. Th• 880 .. mben a.Leo may ..... rve oae of the 16 courta for u hour ud a haU every day, up to 4 ... Jt in adY&nce. Other di8ti.Dctive ieaturee of U.e club i.Dclude video c:ameru monitor- i.D9 each court, witll intercoma to tM ooatrol center; electronic ecoreboud oa center court--cite of fnquent hiQh-level coapetitioo-telephon• ud refriqerated clrinkizlq foun tain.a by fteJ'Y court-and a atrict M .. code that callt for all- white attire. The cl'Ub occupiee 9, 708 aquue ieet adjace11t to The Hewporter, ud mchadee men's ud womw'• locker ~. ahowen, Ma.DM, JowaCJe, game rooaa wtth fireplaCe, buJ suck ahop, ••-age ahop, tenD.ia uop, DW'MJ'Y, bu.m .. ol.ficee ud CODfernce I'OOID. Tnnia greats play here often. They iDclude the club pro, Roy lmeno11, who hat co.ched auch ltan he~• u Tr.cy Austill, Billie JMD' ICing, W. N...._, Vijay Arm.itraj ud muy othen. After John Wayne'• death in June 1979, the club'• ahueholden eventually were liated u Williq, W.T. Pucoe UI. the John Wayne ..tate, Pilar Wayne ud JohD Virtue, Newport beach attorney, ud it wu th ... with whom DomiDion and Smith ud ICelly dealt, it wu UDdentood. Willig, a bom-aqain Christian who pu.blUahed his~ book, 77Je Free Gdt 1ut year to ex- pound on h..is philoeophy, ha.a bee11 quoted u visual.Wnq the club'• atmo.phere u encouraq-mg t.llowahip u well u friendly competitioa. · 1st Nationwide Sa · . says: America's first. association. 1st Nationwide · and service-with a of 136 offices ... with in assets. 1st Nationwide small towns of Amer as well ... with a 97 stability. How 1st Nationwide Rainbow of......._._ When you travel for ,., you have a 1st · that gives you U"'-'·- savings acoounts at transact business. cash in California, I At Sea (CoetiDMd fJOID peQe 1) ccmtacted could tdeAtify the woaa&D on board hia boat. a 39- or 40-foot aloop identified u "RaYa9er." Coa.t GuaJ'd q>okeam.a.n Fra.d.k Mullen reported abe wu HamUton'a wife. "She called here today," MulleD Mid. "She identified hene.lf u Pat or Jea.nette &milton, I can't \eoall which." But the uJ .. J:Dall&Qer at •Hamilton Ford Mid HAmilton wasn't married. "He wu divorc· ed. She couldp't have been hia wife," M.id the ~an. who asked not to be identilied. Aaked if hia bou wu the Jerry Hamilton miuiJ:lg at .... he Mid, "That's what we undera- tand." No aqency contacted could fumiah Hamilton'• home addrea or other facta that would po.itively identify him. TheM in· eluded the Loa Anqel .. County Sheriff's substation on Catalina, • the Sheriff'alnJonution &Keau m downtown L.A., the U.S. Cout Guud, and the Loa AAt,Jelea County HA.rbor Patrol on C.taliu. And DO a9ency could be found which wu mv..U9atino Hamilton'• c:li.uppeuance. "It hu been uaiQDed u a mJ.in9 penon cue to a homicide officer downtown," Mid 89t . Sue Maher oJ the Loa AnoeJ. County Sheriff'• ln· formation Bureau. But Maher &lao aaid the aherlfl'a department ia not in· v..U9atin9 the diuppea.rance "It ia not a criminal cue," Maher Mid. "U we Jound a body, then we would in· veati9ate." Mullen, the Coa.t Guard apokeaman, aa1d hia a9ency hu a Marine SaJety Oiviaion which inv .. ti9at .. only to determine if the di.aappeerance wu due to lack of aafety precaution. Mullen was uked what oovernment aoency would be reaponsible to inveatiqate if a crime were committed between Newpo.rt and C.taliu. "I don't know," he Mid, "but 1t ~u.r~u.ldn't be tlM Cout Guv We .,.. Jut a -..ch and r e operation." AaUd what he JUde of the fact that el9ht life jacketa ... m. ed to have cllaappe.ued with Jenb, Mullen Mid, "1 don't malte anythinq of it." Jenb left Newport about 1 p .m. Dec. 29 m • 30-foot aail.boat owned by Nilea Net· calfe, principal in Tyler and Metcalfe. The boet wu found the next mornin9 about 7:30 at Galla9her'a Cove about two mile. from Avalon. ln the Ham.Uton cue, one aoeocy. the Loa Angeles County Sheriff's Information Bureau, oave information contradicted by two othera. 591. Maher aatd Hamilton'• boat capmed and the woman swam to shore. "That's what I was told," she said. But Lt. Steve Waoner, L.A. County Li189uard atationed at Avalof1 Bay, aaad, .. Nonaenae " And the Coaat Guud'a ipokHIIl&ll, Mullen, Nld, of the c•.,.Ue report, 'That'• totally LD· correct." WaQDer and Mullen 14ld two officers from Avalon went out to the &.m.i.lton boat and one of them M.iled it to Avalon, w1th the unidenllhed woman on bo&rd. ''Thirty· rune-foot aatl.boata don't capa11e, •• acud Waoner "The boat ~ sttbno here &n the harbor now." When Hamuton fell or was w.uhed overboard, se.u were rouoh. With fo ur· to su -foot WlDd wav .. and qale-force wtnds, Waqner saad. Coast Gua.rd heltcoptera and a cutter searc hed for him that moht and then from 9 a .m. hll 1 p.m. the next day w1thout a s&qhting, Mullen sa.td . In the Jenb caae, two Coast Gua~ heucoptera and two of that agency's c utters searched a combLDed total of 500 square 1 miles of ocean Dec. 30 to no avail, Mullen lald A Day To Celebrate Her son. Bob. and daughter, Geofguttee Riehl. wanted passersby to know how they felt about mom's ~birthday here this week -so they draped the Balboa Rattan and Gift shop with thts banner. Edna Htcks. who has operated the Balboa boulevard shop since Ap11l 1952. said the surpnse made her "mighty happy." St•ff photo by Bob Pet-.on Reaches Across America 1st Nationwide. "'" ... ""'""' is just what our name t, nationwide savings ives you strength. security a coast-to-coast network over seven billion dollars spans the big cities and · We span the years -year heritage of financial business or pleasure. ~.,..,~~ "Welcome Card" to your checking and at our 136 offices. You can . transfer funds. manage New York and Florida . • We are the only financial institution in America to serve all three states. · At 1st Nationwide. your money will be where you will be. If you're planning retirement in Florida or California, you're assured your money will be safely there ... where you want it. For vacation or business travel. your finan- cial needs will be met wherever you are within the 1sf Nationwide system. Our new "Welcome Card" entitles you to all our financial services in all our offices. No other bank or savings associatioo offers you such a card ... or such a warm welcome. You probably already Qualify for the 1st Nationwide "Welcome Card:· Come in. Talk to us aboLtt it. 1st Nationwide brings you our big, beautiful rainbow of services. Our new IRA account can make you a million- aire when you retire. Our tax-free savings • account gives you more after-tax yield than most money-market accounts. But there's so much more. In the months ahead. watch the 1st Nationwide Rainbow. It will bring new. exciting surprises for you Across town or across the country, 1st Nationwide puts you first Because we are first ... Americas 1st Nationwide Savings association Free Celebration Gift1 Come visit your local 1st Nationwide office and pick up your beautiful free gift book: United States Road Atlas. The atlas~ncludes full color maps of all fifty states. Canadian provinces. Mexico and 35 major cities, plus relief maps, weather maps and much more valuable travel information. Be sure to drop by and pick. up your copy. No obligation. It's our "get acquainted" gift for you. 1982 In Oicmge County Aa 1982 beqina, this end of Orange County can look forward to anothel' year of suHering through crowded roads and noisy skies, uncertainty over where gubage and sewage will be dumped, and the threat of oil rigs being erected off the coastline. A major single problem continues to confront o~r reqion: A lack of focused leadership. Why can't our political leaders on the county and regional levels come up with a workable plan to take care of our sewage and solid wastes? They seem to have no trouble accommodating the rampant development which adds to the scope of this mess. . Their '82 agenda should also include an end to the studies and the beginning of some action on air traflic solution.s. Either start some new airfields o r put a definite lid on jet and general aviation operations at John Wayne Airport. The proliferation of private helicopters also calls for some regional planning. The county Airport Land Use Commissjon sh ould take the lead in getting cities, helicopter operators and federal aviation officials together on this one. Ground transportation is a shambles. The county's legislative delegation to Sacramento, backed by power- ful local businessmen, should ca rry enough clout t'O get some action on our needs for improvement of Route 55, complet.ion of the Corona del Mar Freeway and the widening of Pacific Coast Highway. Our local coastline is among the most environ· mentally-sensitive in the state. What are O\lr elected representatives d oing to assure that oil leases are not granted in this area? Everybody agrees that Upper Newport Bay needs a clean-up dredgmg. Why can't we get it done? Part of the answer to all of these questions is a need for more cooperation and less egotistic parochialism among city, county, regional, state and federal officials . A lot of us are growing weary of the old song about local control bemg the answer to all problems. In many instances, these problems are REGIONAL. The REGIONAL solut,ions are too long overdue . Let this be the year the REGIONAL leadership Th:~eco Plan -FLo Concerned that a plan to develop some 75 acres in West Newport will bring intolerable traffic and other problems to the. area, a group of residents called the West Newport Legislative Alliance has said certain c hanges must be made or a referendum will be sought. When sufficient numbers of citizens feel their elected representatives have not accurately reflected the will of the community, referendum-a vote of the people- offers another c hance to dec1de a controversy. Such a vote already is in prospect over the buildout of Newport Center proposed by the Irvine Co. At this pomt the developer, Wtlliam Hancock Banmng n of Beeco I Ltd . I says he IS willing to hsten to ways that some of the Alliance's objections might be met. He also IS relying on profess10nal planners to ad- vise him on what will-and what won't-work among the several suggeshons being pushed by the Alliance. There has not been a listing of professional planners uhhzed by the Alliance-If, mdeed, any have been consulted. Another factor m the controversy 1s The fact there ts some doubt among City Council members that the present development plan is acceptable-and there are moves aloot to introduce some new e lements. The West Newport Legislative Alliance has every nght to spealc m its own behaU, to seek rea sonable goals and to pursue recourse il the plan adopted by the council falls intolerably short of those goals. . But the developer and the council ~ppear wtllmg to ftnd compromise on the original plan. The West Newport Legislative Alliance would be w1se to reconsider 1ts demands, and show the same will- ingness to compromise-lest a set-in-concrete athtude arouse more resentment than aupport. -BRS m11 COIIIl llwy., Coroea cW War. CA 83625-_, Pu~ed ....&IJ oa Wect.o.day lditon.J &Del !Wee pJlOM -673-0550 IUCHAJU> BIONM'IJl . . . . . • . • • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-pl.lbllabar l()aPAfiON ··~·· ..... ... ... . ... ...• . . Co-p~ STIVIBA.DLAND . . • • . . . • • • . . . . . • . . . . . . a.e.r.1 ~ .. lu.t IIWS • .. • .. . . . .. . . .. . .. ....... a.titoc ,LD.AXD POUli'D • • • • • . . • . • . • . . . . . • • • . . . .••. ~ lllMol SAJfDAA UPA.IU •.• , . . . . . • • ...•• lllM.aU~w..q., aJC1IAU) PAUL • .. .. : . . . . . . . . • .. . .. . SpoJUav W.lcbtot ~·.·············· ············~' JAil~ IDI ud 108 PITIISOM ••.•....... ~ ...• no.o.,.,..,llen AJ.AJIM,ICJIC)f'f • . • • • u ................... _... ~ ~ ITIGM()YD ·• • • • • .•• • . . • • • • • • • • • •.• \ ~ DINetor ,....,..., ... cu.s.. _.......,. .......................... ~ ".._....._ ........ ~&a& ........... ---A ID.llt... c-._ .. c.-,.o-.. ........ ~_. .. _.....,._.... .. ....,.. .. .,.... _ _......., ... D. ...... ._. • ....... ......., Ill .. C~~y ... ..._, .._. .... ,.-........ •• ................ ..., ........... " .... -•••CJIPAW-• Letters To The Editor. Schmitz 'Flunked' ·To the Editor: (The lollowmg was sent to state Senator John G. Schmitz.) Dear John: The other day I ran mto you at Fashion Island Wlth my 13· year old son Peter. I mtroduced you to lum as our state senator, and be was ampressed. You took the time to say bello, a.nd hand- ed ham your card. That week he was brushing up a cavies report for a clasa at Lincoln, a.nd be requested a.nd obtained from your office your bt()(Jrapby to be mcluded in the report.· This same week you manaqed to make headlines by ta.lkinq and actinq inesponsibly regard- 1DCJ a.boruon, Jews, qays and "butcbes." Your anh-~eautic remarks are msultinq a.nd offen- sive to me and confu.illq to my son. Whenever an elected offi· caal displays such intolerance he not only hurts b.unseU but also o ur enhre polthcal and democrabc process. Peter asked me af the teacher would qive h1m a "D" or "f " on h1s report s1nce be included your bi09ra.phy. I assured Peter that John Schantz lS the one who got the "f ." Rabbi's View To the Editor : Hy Alqaz1 Outrage is pourmq forth from every decent seqment of the Amer1can commun1ty over the btqoted, hateful, anh-seautic and anh-mmonty remarlcs recently assued by John Schmalz. W1th the exception of the "lunahc fnnqe," Schmitz's remarks are bemq labeled dangerous because o1 their b1goted and sack chuacter. In short, Schm1t1 lS diamissed u a madman who Ul a btqot. Maybe. I am not so sure. Schmit. may possahly be neather a madman nor bagoted. And herein liea the dam~er of this mdividual whose stance Ul so murucaJ to the mherent decency of American values. There are many batoncal precedents to Mr. Schmita who were also dum.laed u sick and b1qoted, regarded merely u unuaual aberration.. 1\lt mo.t obvtoua eumple wu Adolph Hltler. KiU.r'e du~r to cav1haatton wu oot hia emo- hon.J matability, wbicb I bebeve developed very t.te lo W., oor even hi. aaumed aoU-aelllitWD. A c.reJul r•clmo of H.lt&.r'1 wntm91 reYMl • ~ry pre4J· m..Uc, clear·lhlnklilQ Wliridu&l who brilllutly b,lt upoo e ro.d to power. Hitler .. ry CODICiou.ely ... out to cap1talJu upoo tlae 1Ue.-..t &Dti·...Uti.alllo Gerau .IIOCWy. ADd tbere&D lMe tM reel~ of .-Hltlen ol .-world. It a. brelevut .~ or D«lllc:k indirichaala d.le.t Jewa, ~ •:auaJ., UMrtift WO..D, bJ.cb, gypel•, or '1ClCIIIPMel ct.fec:ti .... •• o.}J .. ~ .. n~a....a,UdU..t ........ . Yidaal'• ClecWaa lo ... ... u..w, Wph•• -.one• • ..,. U.er tiMU on p~ ....._ ll worWib'Hau.rt.a....,. Scllaita .. ernat• ... daoqer of thia man. He lmowa exactly what be i.a doioq a.nd sayinq. He is appealinq to an assumed bigotry be believes is present in the American character. With God's help and the help of every concerned voter, Schmitz will in fact wiD the only constituency be deserves in this most special nation-i.e., the lunatic frinqe. From Democrats and Republicans alike, lrom liberal and evanqelical Chris- tians alike, from Americans of every persuasion and prefer- ence, be will receive his just reward: soctal a.nd political oetracism for totally m.i.ajudqinq the inherent decency oJ an Amenca totally beyond the understa.ndinq of people like Schmitz and Hitler. Rabbi Bernard P . K1DCJ Newport Beach Genlu. At WOI'k To the Editor: Mo.t colle(J .. and universities have thm own ~r writeu-ln-reeidence. We in Newport Beach, however, have our ftrY own Qeniua-in- reeid.uce at City Hall. I mll don't bow who the qeniua i.a but I recoqJli.ae the work o1 Qeniua when I ... it: Undoubtedly, the city'• pla.Da for the upper bey reflect the worldnQ of an utra- ordinary intellect. W...ur .. have been a.nd are now beioq taken to en.au.re that the bay il filled with ailt. O.velopen are allow.d- indeed, encouraoed-to oouge out our hilla1d .. whenever they d..Ue. U the developen' orading ocoura before the rainy ... 80Jl, of coune, the bay Iilla up luter. N.a.nwhile, the city Qeta outaide fundt hom the federal qove.rnmeJlt, the atate OJ' county to d.red~ out the bay . With thia money a cycle C&D be ectebliehed that will enaure employmat for every Ne~. 'nle lilt la put back on our h.illa, the d.velopen then cpede the ILllla, the bay la reo- silted. outade mon.Me pay to put the silt back on the billaid" . . . . The cycle ahould contin.ue forever. Perbape the birthrtoht of every baby born in Newport Beach will be uaured employ- ment when be or abe reach .. adulthood. I can envision baby ahowen where abovela a.nd paila out-number baby rattl .. u pr ... nts. Such prospects have obvfc--~Y come about through the intervention o1 qeniua. The only flaw that I ... iD th ... brilliant plana concerns the low.r bay. It il not filled with silt that wuh .. down from the developments but, rather, with .._,weed, alqae, and other aquatic plants, qrowth oau.Md by chemical runoff trom n - c...tve development. A:Ay rea.i- dent livi.nv on the pertphe~ oJ the bay bows the 4Qlount oJ daily labor, "pecially ln the ewnmer, required to remove all the ... weed, alime., a.nd cp<»kb that wuh• up on the beach. But perhaps thi.a, too, i.a part of the oeniua' plan. Maybe the caty can qet .tAte or federal money to pay for removal of the lower bay'• aquatic orowth. Then all Newporten can Uve in luzury forever-i.e ., thoae of ua with ahovela, paila ud raku-u we Qet paid for removinq silt from. the uppel' bey and the acquatic Qrowth from the lower bey. Nevertb.el ... , there's one bitch in all th ... plana. Are the cbemicala fiowioq into the bay be&lthy for thoee OOm.minq in it? Many of theM chem.icala are from runoff hom pa.rldnQ lots, atreeta, developments. Many of th ... chem.icala, then, _,e fat- aoluble oa.rclnoqena. Maybe our qe!Uua-iD-re.idence should warn the city'• citinn.l to k .. p theu chi.lchen out of the water. H. Capet nu. newtJpoper welcom• your viewtJ. Letten must be aign«/, and we pre/er to uae IJGID•-but Jnitiah only wiJJ be u..ed, upon ~-1. We ,...rve the rigltt to c:ond.nse. Here'• )'OUI' cbonce to ~ C>YI. CONSUMER CORNER tbal be will fix your patio and te-do 11M _.walk. W• be/.;.ve tltot 1M reoJly did bov. ~ ~I)' c. be cloJaed, ~ no CMM would CAM 1/m portlcu/01 opetOIJoa a on ea-UM. 0.1 You IDl9ltl IJft to know tbol b.U aon w~l no Jon~ be [,JJJng in lor bb lolh.r In tlte c.ment bwJ,.... He ba ~bock to bJ.J ..dicoJ proctlce. , eppro.cla. Hema bee die ~ , , r JOURNAUSI~ JOURNAL by Jlm F•ltou Life in the coutal belt of Ora.noe County il a ma.ny- aplendored thinq, and I never ceue to be impreaed by the variety of seen" and people that make this area 10 distinc- " .. byllarcwDIM.a Of Corona del Mar Hiob'a two S.. View LMoue-openlno buk.tbell oamee UU. week, the one aoalut Coeta W.... on 'lriday Dioht would appear to be the touoheet. That'• becau• ton.toht'a lMoua 05*lar aoalut Irvine, acbeduleci far 8 p .m. on the S.. liDoa' hoae noor 1 match• CdW ~aiiLit a tMJD whioh wnt wiDl .. 1D PriiiUOD play. lut, u Corou del War Coach Jack lrrlon Jmowa, ttruoe th.taoa .... to happen ODce lMoue play oeta wulerway. Wore thu oncelD the put, b1l S.. ltmo• have beaD upeet by "l .... r" tMIDI, ud lrrlon r..Ua .. 1t cu happen aoaln. ''Talent·wtM, of the two, Coate W... ll undoubtedly the ltrono· er tMJD," he Mid, "but 1D lMoue play, you never know. The type of leaou• it ll, almoal any tMm can will on uy nlobt. And Irvine ttour .. to be dUJt for • will." For Corona del Mar, the open1Do week of lMoue play flour-to be one of the criUcal po1Dta of the aeuon. loth oamee tb1a week are at home ud Coeta w .... alono with Corona del Mar, ll eapected to be amono tive tMIDI vyt.no for the cham· pionalUp. .. • Coach Tandy GW.Ia' Or&ll_Qe Cout ColleQ• bubtball team, which compiled a e.7 preaeuon record, opea.a the 1982 South Cout Conference race tbiJ week. The Plrat• will play at Fuller· ton ton.toht and wlll bolt Sent. Ana Saturday. loth ;amea be9ta J!.~ p .m. 0p ru hioh in the OCC camp before the 1981·82 aeuon be;u, but G1lli.t b.u tempered bit opUmiam on the eve ot the conference campaiqn. "I ou .. t wu way too opU· lllLIUc before the aeuon , alerted," Gillit aaid frankly. "Tbinoa haven't oone quite the way I thouoht they would. A 8-7 ,eoorcl lan't aomethino to be uhamed of, but I thouQht -.'d be conaiderably ttronoer at this po1Dt "in the MUOn." The Plratea have been unable to ;et untracked of:fenatvely in the preeeuon. "We're not aboot1nq u well u I thouoht we could, and I felt we would be conatderably atrono•r in.l1de ," GUU. Mid. The Plrat• are bittinQ tuat 42.3 percent of their abota from the noor 1 the low.t lhooi1D9 percentao• by an OCC team in 16 ....ana. ' Newport Harbor Htoh bulr.t- bal.l Coach Jerry DeBusk lt&n.d the ..uon with one ot the moai me~rilnced lMma he baa ever coached and bu watched them improve throughout the pr..,uon. 1'hia w .. k, he11 find out J\llt how far they've come. The Sailon wlll beoiD their fint aeuon in the S.a View Leaou• toniOht when they boat Saddleback U1 a 7:30 oame. 'They aJ..o will boat ll Toro Fri· day (7:30p.m.) before travel!no to Coata W... Wonday (7:30 p .m.). '"We've prOQ......d a lot aiDe• we t1rtt lt&rted play," Deluak Mid. "tbouoh we're ltill not where I wut u.a to be. "We atill have .poll of in· coa.a1ttency. We doa't play a whole oame the way I would like ua to play one. ,• With two of ill flrat thr" o~ao~t~(~· dleback and 11 Toro) lh.t don't fiour• battle for the lMou• title , Newport Harbor need.a tQ·oet oU to a fut atart tbla w .. Jr-and not 1 uat in tenn.a ot wint and .toaaea. "We could have a lot of prob· lema with Saddlbaclt," O.Bualt IZplalDed. "They atalled lut yMr even thouoh they didn't ahow U lD the preaeuon. "Since we're the fint team to play them 1D lMoue tbiJ yeat we11 jult have to walt to ... what they do. ''The fin t four minut• of the lint quarter will be very impor· tant," he predicted. "Y 0\l can't atall while you're behind." U the S.ddleback doea ;o t.nto ttl delay qa.me, O.Bu1k will "The key will be U.. ~po of the game," he aplam.d. "U they 90 mto a spread court del.y there are .om. thi.nQa we can do to vet the tempo up a ht· tie bit. We can u.ae 80188 trape and 80me half-court u..-to try to o•t them to tum the ball dver." Tbouoh Frlday!a oppolleDt, ~ ~ Toro, hu not been ra~ in the top half ot the leaque 1D the preMUOn polla, the S..Uon will have their banda full Wollday wheD they face Co.ta W..... The Wu.atanoa are one of the tnorlt• to w1D the lM9\I4t cbamploAihip. "Co.ta W... can put the be.t five playen Oil the Door at cme t1J:na of any team 1D the leaque,,. O.Bu.U aaid . "l MW them play a t~net half ot ba.Uetball ao&tut Lall8woocl (the Cir 4-A divlalon't No. 1 ranked team). It wu Ued 27·27 at the half. •· U Newport ll have a auc· ceeeful debut ln the S.. View Leaou• lt will have to contlnue to receive aohd play from 8yl'OD Ball, tu Sailon only player with experience In leaou• play. Ball hu ,veraqed juat under 20 potnta per o•m• tb1t IHIOil. "lven more Important than hll tcortno." O.Butk aa1cl, "it that he'a doDe a orMt job rebound· 1D9. He'a averaoino about 10 a oame. And when h•'• bad th blo numben reboundt.no, he'a alwaya had the bio numben re· boundi.no too. It abcnn me that he '• playlno both end.J of the court ." "lt'a very important for ua, or any tMJD, for lh.t matter, to win our home oam•," lrrion Mid. "lt'a touoh to win on the ro.ad 1D tb1a lMOU•· U we drop a home oam• early If the race, it could be diaaaterou.a for u.a later " Corona dlt Mef'a Bred Holllngawonh drfvee the lane In the Sea GUlli ezpecta the conference to be utremely balanced t.hia ..aton. have b.U Sailon try to apeecl up the tempo with & preuure deJea.ae. "Greo S.l.by baa played a lot better lately too. He'• a non- •tarter but he baa a real oood at· titude. He playa well when he o•tt 1n the ;ame. aloDo with Scott Scldmore." Kinga' ~7 wfn over La Quinta. Steff pi'\() tO by Rtchard Paul ''Everyone il lookino for Cerritoa and Santa Ana to be the tea..ma to beat, but I think Mt. San Antonio il QOlDQ to be very 1tronq, and I'm very liD· preued with the way Groamont bu been playm; lately. The S.. IC1Doa ju.at coacludecl a two-week break over the bolidaya with a bto SS-47 win over La Quinta 1D a rematch' of lut year'• Clr 3-A Mmifinal. Goino into the oam•. lrrion wu a concerned that b.ia team miqht have loat a step dwino the layoff, but the Sea IC.inqa quickly proved hia tean unfounded. After atartino a bit alowly, Corona del Mar cauoht tire quic kly and, ~ced by Chris Lynch's 31 po1nta (moet of which came at the frH throw line), wu able to put away a oood team. The win improved Corona del Mar'• record to 5-2. Delpite t~·· bot ahootino, Errion Mid tli'e 6·2 Mnior ;uazd hu yet to play b.ia best oam•. "I don't want to aay he'• juat playing averao•. bec:auae he's far above lh.t," Errlon Mid, "but he hun't reec hed hil peak yet. Jie'1 QOinQ to qet even better." The play oJ 6-3 forward Garth Ollon abo cauoht the eye ot the MARINE SCENE by Nary Wagner O.fendinQ c hampion Mae Pinckney t .. med with crew members Pete Newbury and Martin W i.lliamson to record 11 firat place finiah .. and capture the National Interscholastic Satl- mv C!hampionab.ap for Corona del Mar Hioh School ldt week at the C otton Bowl Rec;~atta m Fort Worth, Texas. Ten teams, representino blob .:boola from all over the United Stat•. competed ln 17 races lD Santana 20 aloope m thrH days of competlbon. Newport Harbor Hloh. Wlth skipper Gordon W ami ... and crew memben Nik• Nash and Steve Farwell, placed fifth m the revatta. Newport H.tbor hu won the champtonah ip thrH times. . . . The qrMt Catalina bland moonno ..... controversy ... ma ' to have been solved. A 15-ye&r ,1 ..... has been qranted to the present lease· holder, the Santa Ca talina IslAnd Conservancy, with Oouq Bombard of the Catalma Camp and Cove A;ency in charqe. The State Landa C ommtiSlOn reserved the noht to 91ve the 1 .... to another company alter three yean, but at leut untu then boajers should be able to count o6"lew chanqes bemg made. Howevez, Slllce the conser vancy now mu.at ~Y the state $125,000 plu.a a percentaqe of ~~ income (up b om $19,000 per yMr under the old per year aoreement), 11 1.1 expected that the fees foz leulDg a moonng or eve!l rentinq one ovenuqbt wtU incr .... about 34 ~rcent . . . Odt ot the moat popular r,acht recino ev.nta of the yMr will A Fulty Equ pped Medical Offic.e for Emergency Car« IllNESS INJURIES FRACTURES lhorouQh. ~a Per.an.Nz.ct ca ... AOUL TS AND c•ULDMN . -. S.a K.ino co.ch. Olaon acored 11 points and played tolid ' defenM. It· UCI Hopetp Faller Can "Garth doea a lot of the little thin;• that we ask him to do, and that include• coverinq 80me of the better players on the POlin At Point Guard other team," the Corona del Mar coach aa.id . "ln fact, ow front line m general hu atartecl to improve . We're paymo better defense, and 1t ahoww." The Plrat .. cloaecl out pre · conference action Saturday n1ght Wlth a 62-61 victory over Eut LA. in the E.ut L.A. OJ'Dl. The Hualn .. were treah lrom a 114-107 win ovet Santa Ana. " "You can't count out Fullerton e1ther The Hornetl have beaten some good tea..ma Thouob UC lrv1ne suffered ita fi rst defeat of the MUon 1ut week in the Nilwauk .. Cla.uic the tournament wun't • total loa tor the AntMten. nudway throuoh the ~eeond haij Wlth a chalOCAted left rino fmqer. After X-ra ya were t&.lten later that ruqht, 11 wu reported the hnqer wu not fractwed and W.QH 1.1acheduled~o start toruqbt aq&.l.D.It Drury. b.Qm Sunday wi th the openmq of the Udo lale Yacht Club Adult s..bot Series. The other races are .aheduled for Satur- day, Jan. 16 and 23. h1.1 phenomenal succ-.s m WUl- nlllg nahonal .md mternatlonal one-destqn champton.alupa. He has won the Na ples Sabot, Lldo 14, Thtstle, 470 and Sn1pe nationals as well as the 470 and Snntpe world champtonshJps Not only d.ld UCI rebound from tta openmq-round 88-73 loa to Anzo!la State Wlth a TI-75 WUl over East Tennessee State Ul the tourn&ment'a con- sola hon qame , but Coach Bill Mulligan may have alto found the answer to hJ.S team'• pro- blems at pomt qua..rd The Panthers, 6-3 overall, feature a bal.nced sconnq at· tack wtth all five atarters averag ~g at least Dille pomts per ""game . ~ The sen es will be raced m two cluses, sen1or Sabol$ and the over 40 dlVilllOD, Wlth three races each day. The women contenders will be vymq for the beaunful Goldie JOMph 'Perpetual Trophy, wbtch il awarded to the top woman sa.Uot m e.tch class. · Tbts senes will also serve as the quahfter for the Santor Naples Sabot National Cham- ptonshtp Newport Beach sa1lor Dave Ullman rece!ltly was elected to the brat Hall of Fame m the bastory of aaih.nq by readers of Yacht RocuxpCruismg maga- atne, who were asked to vote lor the 20 aa.llors they felt hactcon- tn.buted the moat to the sport dunnq the laat 20 years. Almost 10,000 vot .. were cast for 380 1nternahonal aailors. Ullman wu cboaen becaUM of ln large boats, he bas raced tn the St. Franc1s Btq Boat Senes and bts boat hmshed fust 1n its class In SORC compell- hon be raced Stars and Strzpes to a hrsi-place hniSb ll1 1ts c lass and went on to the Adm~ral's Cup m England, where be hrushed hrst among the U S boats Other Southern Cahlormcl sa.tlors chosen for the hrst Hall of Fame were Hob1e Alter. O.nnts Conner. Lowell North and Doug Pete rson There Wlll be a spec1al Hall ol Fame Reqatta held 10 Newport, R.l , 1n September 1982 Each ol these sa1lors w1ll compete rn an Etchella 22 UPCOMING fVENTS Th .. S..lboa Yac ht Club wtll 1), ld Sunk .. l S.n" No 3 ibta w_k .. nd with •h,. tMtdf' c l.-ractoq ~n Satu• :l.>v and tha ou'-td• cia-, ,,mp..••n·J ·n Sundav .r.; -;0;. 0~ I BUSINESS saowl Sent or KevlD Fuller, who came oH the benc h to score seven pomts agatnst East Ten- nessee, Wlll start tomqht whe!'l the Antedters host Drury Col· leqe m a 7 30 game at Crawford Hall. "KeV1n played really well Tuesday rught and I thmlt he deserves a chance to start .. Mulligan satd "Wtth all the stranqt" defenses used aqamst us , our pomt guard has been g1ve the 15-to 20 foot JUmper. ICevm's the best shoote of the three (Leonard Johnson and John Barkey are the other two candidates lor the JOb) so he's m the hm~-up • I Fuller as shootmq 62 1 percent trom the Door thtS year I>unng UCI's loss to Anzona State. Mulligan tned 6-8 Ben McDonald a t pol"lt Quard, but qu1ckly abandoned the expen- ment. The Anteaters got a scare m theu wm over East Tenn ...... however . when lt.evm Magee was forced to leave the qame I Are you looking for a buatness of your own? I ~an to attend the ~~of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • DfA\.ERSHIPS I Rent a~ luxuriOul ~Of condOmfnium. So .. I· FAAHCHISES • DeSTRIBUTORSHIPS e INVEsTMENTS \. FUU. AND PAAl TIME ~ATUNITIES I tNYUNENlS FROM 180 TO S100.000 .wu ... 10. 1111 I IICIUM·Ft1.1 .. P.M.IAT.&IUN , ......... J l»4tttTI.W0(11 .. 17\ tC» e AOM GIACt4 t I much t1W to come home to after a dtiY on-..,.,_ The two-bedloom OOIMiallllllp • • S.ruor forward Bruce Rohbms lS Drury's leadmg scorer, aver&QlDQ 14.2 po10ts per ga me Swl""'"*• P'? ce At VIlla Pull Competltloa ~ The Newport Beach chapter of ~ the Beach Sw1m Club competed m a DIYtston A aqe group meet held recently at V1lla Park H1gh School lnd1v1dual results w1th d1stances m vards are I$ llloys Cha.rlla Mason ""'*' • \. btNisl I 05 69 Pap.r Antamcmno h::d • II~ l 1 "-41 nm Suutb * ·nd llX br .. s• 2 ~ I~ lourttt ,CXJ bu••~• I 04 10 hllh ZOO IM • tO 4'5 Stuart Sm ith lor<' ~ br~oh' 2 ob 12 ~ ond 100 br .. .-•1 , 02 5<1 nord 40l IM 4 •c; lO l!td "' t·-• i '• hord ..'\.'( IN 2 IJ~ S4 '" n<l llX lr»~ 1 '· •. tbtrd 100 tlv -to '-1, n II Gut. Midw la l ard h11d 2Ql1 IM 1. •• "~ luurth 200 lr~ 2 OJ 20 Alllo nrlmmlng Al•s C rtor.•n·i" G.orqtna Sm1tk S..mAnih& ~m •t I. 11..1, Robb , Frednc }. Fonder ;. praident and cbiel ezecutiv. oi/Jcer o/ Newjxlrt &Jboo Sovmg. and Loan Aaociation. A notiv. of OIUo, Fonler l"tK'elved hJ. bocbelor1• degree in pAyaJcw hom Princeton and JU. IIJOiriiJ.n in btnlneas oc/mbJbdrotion from Ho.rvord Business Scb«f. by Fredric J. Fom.r J IRA and lteogh retire· ment aavmg1 piau are remarkably • beneficial to anyone under the aqa of 70~. aa pro· This adwrtiaino limply am· phuia• two paramouht facta1 (1) IRA and lt8Q9b aocounta are •tremendously important to you, and (2) IRA and lt8Q9b aocounta a.re tremendously important to an. In the fir.t article, we diacua- ed bow a married worlrl.ng cou· ple at age 25 could Ncb open IRA aocounta of $2,000 a yaaz and could amua a retirement fortune oJ $3,435,000 by 498 65. lata •• ActiYitr Gloria Zi9Mr a.ocl ~ .... Newport Beecla: A .... client Ia Nationwide Auctioo Co. Sanborn Co., Newport leach: A new oliut is Pll~O<Jic Repe, Inc. LeyeoD/JobDiloo, IDe.: Tb.a advert18ino and publ.ic r.!ation.a finn bu moved \o 398 Su WiQU.el Drive, Suite 201, Newport BMch. American C.pltallquity, Ne~rt Beach: The new com- pany h&l bMa formed by WillWD D. Ray, Chulea R. Billman, Tbomu G. n....r, and Wi.UJam D. O.Yi.l. The firm is hued bl offioea at the Balboa Bay Club ill Newpad Beach. Jim Slemou Hoeda: Ground has been btoba lor tbe Dew dNlerabip in San tuan Capis· ttano, owned by Jim Slemona, ownez of Jim SlemODI Importa of Newport Beach. Xfiiq Adverl111Do ud Publlc RelatiODI, Newport Beach: Mis- sion Viejo Co. is a new client. Cox and Burch Advartiaing Co., Newport Beach: Ernst and Wbir.Dey is a new client. Warmin(JtoD-Cal1Da Group, liwtDr. ,. baiW.'-. ;;(I ..... op.cot~.._._,.... eel tD ... teclll ... at 182 Hale Aft., lrrine. Penfll and Ryu, hie., pabllc relatlou: A MW ca.e M llayval D.i9D Alloct•tee ollm.M. Azolt.iteot8 Pacdtlne, lAd., Newport leacla: fte .... an. b.u.,... b...t bJ ) .... t.aN.ft, p....uleDt. South Cout Plue Botel4 ca-. W...: na. ll&IM of tJa. hotel b.u been oban98CI to tbe w..un South Cout Plua. Boull and Jecobl, Newport Beacb: A new clleDt is Sli S.rv- co Co., a diviaioll of Smith lnfematicmal, Inc. Neiman-Natcu: TU a.d Rivet Ci9ar Shop bM opaed in alllton., iDcludlno the Newport Beach store. Cox and B~ AdvertialD.Q Co., Newport Beiach: New c..Uanta include ~tatiOD Builden ·ad JCR TechDobn~ A. T. Leo's Reetawut; T)le new dinin9 facility hu opau.ed in Corona del Mat. ~ IMcb: The Sqt. ,...._ •• TU.. Salooa at the ~laacl HcMli.a a new clMiilt. IMhQrla Co., IMwport BMch: A ... o1Met .. tbe Socw.t, of CritiOal Care ttur.... TM lita RMaurut, Newport Beeola: TM .-.urant will•ove fro. ita lelhoa laland location ~ tM Paciflo Wutu&I 'Plua by .Jue 1882. Ford Aero.pace and Com· -~tloot, Newport Beach: The tint prod\ICtiOD buy of more tbu 5,000 Sidewtndu mtw)ea to the Ail' rorce baa been COlD-, pleted. Deliveriee under the aa- concl contract, for uot.Ur 2,.00 oj the miwilea, b.Qulut May aad will be completed next Marc b. AlrCal, Newport Beach: Fa.ree over IDanY of tbe airline'• routee have been reduced by u muc:h u 22 percent. Cocllrana Ch.ue, lJvin~OD and Co., Irvine: The 1Stb an· niwna.ry of the atJency hu been oelematecl. - Jolm Dolan, a criminal clafeue attorney in Newport Beach, hu a.oclAted b1a law practice witb nationally promi· Dent attorney r . Lee Bailey. He plana to open officee in River· aida and San Die(Jo. grams designed to reduce your current tax paymenta and to provide you with exciting retire· ment income possibilities. They also can contribute aub.tantially to the weUare of your own com· munity. Such accounta opened in a savings and loan aaoc1ation will likely be reinvested in real estate home loa..n.. Two mamben oj our ata.ff- Vince Jorqell88n and Jim Felton-.have both rNched retirement aqe and both draw Social Security. They .. timate that bad all their Social Security deductions, plu• company con· tributions, qone into IRA ac· cpunta, their annual income to· day would be 10 ti.DI!H the max· imum received from Social Security. TAX TIPS Fotsythe Advarti.alDq, Newport Beach: New cllentl a.ra Philipe Unt.taaound, Siqnet Optical, Analytiaham IDtematioa&l and ·the Ameripan A..aolAtion of Critical-~• NUJ'Mit. Honey Baked Ham, Corona del Mar: A new store hu been opened in Riverside. Before you open an Individual Retirement Account {IRA) or a lteoQb account, be awe you understand the government limitations and the varying con· ditions offered by different financial 1D8titullona. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1982, which c\lrrently re<Julatea IRA and KeoQh accounts, o~ly seta the limits on the amount you may invest annually, and the tax deferral permitted. What you earn, for what period of 'time, and under what conditions are all set by the in· dividual savings and loan or other financial institutions where you open your account. Because of this, and because of the changing economic climAte for bAnb and savings and loana during the put two • years, there ls at the present time a mountain at confu.aing advertising about IRA and ICeoQh. So you ahoult'Opetl an IRA THE VJSmNG EX PERf account {if you are a wage· earner) or a Keoc;Jb account {if you aze self-employed) right a ways. You will find that different compani81 will offer you dif· farent rate~ of interaat,J'on fixed or vAriable interest rat plana, and for different lenq~ of time. Gifts or ahor term rate in· ducementa may be offered, but over the long~haul these are ir· relevant frills. Be •wEou know the company, the peo e and the community it aerv Numerous varitiea of fin · institutions want yow IRA ac· count. For the past three yean, the various money market ac· counta were top attractions. Now that interett rate~ are co.Qlinq down, you can Jl88 how tra..ntitory those brokeraQe-hoUM money mazket accounts really TAX TIPS is a aervice suppljecJ by Rudy Boron, CPA, of Boron Accountancy Corpora- tion, a Newport &och occounl- ing firm apecjalUing in IOJl and occounting services lor SllJall and medium-size businesses and jncJividuaJ.. A Check In The Mail (Income~ Not) <( • If you raceaved a check on Dec. 31, is it income? U you paid an otherwise deductible axpenM on Dee. 31 by check, can you take a deduction? U you, u a "cash basis tax· payer," receive a check on the last day of your tax yeaz, with· out restrictions on ita use, it will be income to you even if it is received after banking hours. If the check turns out to be bad, you had no income in the year of receipt. A cub buia taxpayer is one who reporta his income and ' deductiou. on the buia of when money is received or money is paid out u oppoaed to an "accrual ba.ai.a ~yer" who recoqnia• hit income as accountl receivable when the transactiOD is completed and Fall Clear nee sate I Starting MONDAY, JANUARY 11 U .P TO 50% OFF ' Infant t h ru P re-teen Open Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 640.5516 -./ 2523 EASTBLUFF DRIVE. EASTBLUfF VIU.AGE. NEWPORT BEACH recoqnize• hi• eq>enaea at the time they are incurred. Under tbe doctrine of "con· llructiva receipt," tbe money muat be available to you for immediate use and 4bljoyment. Therefore, if a check is mailed to you and you do Dot receive it until the next yNr, lt is not income to you until received. U, however, you co\lld have picked it up by limply abowing up U1 person, but choaa not to do so, you have constructively recaiv· ed the money and it will be tax- able to you. The same holds true if your "agent" received a check on your behalf. If you tell an item and agree, even orally, that tbe money ia to be received at soma future date, you do not have constructive receipt. Thi• allow. you to perfect a sale and schedule the money to be received at a time agreeable to both you and the buyer. You will generally receive an expenae deduction for chaco tbat you write 01.1 D.c. 31 . The facta and clrcum.taDcee on 80ma such diabwaementa could lead the IBS to challenqe your deduction. Robert charl• Le.er and Co.: A rec;Ponal office beaded by Gadi ltaufmann bu opened at 901 Dove St., Newport Beach. Golden West Alzll.n•, Newport B.ach: Rout• from Loe An9el• to Bakersfield and Santa Marla have been approv· ed. Jim Slemona Importa, Newport Beach: A new buildiD9 to be used for atoraoe of vab.icle pa.rta 'and .old and leased automobil• has been Laued in Tustin. ' Gloria Zioner and A.oclAt•. Home Federal Savin9a: Plana to merqe with Ma.rina Federal Savin91 at Torrance have been announced. Living GrMna, Newport Beach: An $8 mi.ll.ion facility to comma.tcially grow tpiruli.na, an alqaa used u a food tupplement will be built by tba local firm. Cox and Burch Advartiaing, Newport Beach: A new cUent is Sprtnq Cr ... Co., a cultom drapery center hNdquartered in BrN. Ad Center Plans Opening A branch of the Advertiaing Center, which has grown in five years from an informal aerl• of worbhope to a atata·cartif.ied, diploma-granting institution, will be opened in Newport Beach Jan. 18. Peter J. Newman, cbai.rpenon oJ tbe oentez which oHen seven complete cazMr proqra.ma iD tba ad•erUB.nq field, said, "People have been drivin9 into L.A. from u far u San Dia9o fout niQhll a weak to attend ow cl&aaaa." The new biancb facility in Newport Canter will offer entry level and advanced car .. r pro- grams for art directors, copy· writan, account axeculiv•, media plannen/buyen, media aalaparson~. commercial arti8ta and markatinq exacutiv... 1 Dr. Davia Wight, preeident of the administrative .taft, said Advert:ialnq CaAtaT alumni aze employed DOW in J4 of Loa An9al•' 36 major aqeD.Cief, u well u in LNdiD<J ad firm.a in New York, Chi09o and OTange CoUAty. BY USING ANY OF THESE OPTIONS: Dilly... Earn 5'A% compounded da_ily on your balance in an INTEREST- ARING CHECKING ACCOUNT. If your b'lance is $750 or more, or if are 65 or over. there is no monthly cha~ otherwise, o nly a nominal On eve~ month's statement, you'll find tnterest added -your checking ccount grows every day! • ARK£1 CERTIFICATES, with a $10.000 minimum pie interest at rate set weekly for 6-month period. FREt SAVINGS through 1982. rates set monthly f~ aj· . You may exclude from your Federal taxes up to $2000 inter t a joint return. SIOOO if you file individually. . e a • SIOO minimum in a VARIA8L£ RATE CERTIFICATE• earns interest compounded daily at rate determined every two w_eeks for full term. •• Eyery wage earner. with or without a pension plan. is eligible to o~o a \JNIVERS L IRA ACCOUNT' Deposit up to $200()11'or an incH· vidual, $2250 for a married coupk with one income. $4000 for a married coup&e when both are W&F earners. Thae WL-iheltered fund earn i.Atereat comP;Ounded daily. When you withdnw funda durina your retirement ~n. ~y &ax in the bracket of your income at that time -probably much lower than in your eamina ~n. •ln..._ pellit)tict for utty vnthdrawal • ) ( • .~ • FOOD Tb.e~ee uwcook iD ~kitcllen ... e cook -~·· preperlDQ food for fewer people ( ofteD OILiy h.i.mMlf or Hnelf), hu ... time to apend .owr the atove ud "~ cu •lect frOm e multitude of food optiolla other than "home-cooked" to oet d.iJuler Oil the table. Thia uw cook b a reOectiOD of the cbang- iDQ abucture of the Am.ericall houeehold. Since the beQinning of the century, the sveraqe houeehold aise b.u declined from 4. 76 to 2.81 and ia e~ed to drop to 2.6 by 1985. While '"the female mem- ber of the family U. atill likely to do ma.t of the cookino, abe now baa 1 .. time to apend in the kitchen. Today, 60 percent of women ages 20 to 64 work outalde ' the home. And 53 1>4tJ· cent 9f th ... women aleo have children. Today'• consumer ha.a the option of Mlectino from an ln· creuinq variety of conve!Uencef~. In 1900, all bread waa homemade. Frozen food made an elltrance in 1929. And, the first cake mix wu introduc- ed only 30 yean ago. Th ... chang .. mean famili .. do less home cookino and, therefore, pwch ... atepl .. , auch u flow, in amaller pecbo•-In 1930, the 25-pound Mck of flow wu the beat •llillo aile. Today, it'a the five-poud NCk. Many coJUumera~prefer even amaller .u .. , such u the two-pound Mck &lld 13.5-ounce ahaker of flour. While home cookino bun't ceeaed, recipea mu.tt be quick ud euy. Here' a ODe that mak• qoocl ue ot left- over turkey 01 chicken. A rMl time-Mver C'OiaM from uamo pre- lifted .U-pufPOM flour, wbich leta you mix the CIMIDY MUC8 in . eecODcb beceuae it 1 • di.eolv.. in.atantly and lump-h .. in cold · ,I water. Tv.rkeyT~ 1 pa,db9e (7 oz.) thin apeqhetti 2 cupe t\lrkey or chicken broth (cool)• 2 cupe half-and-half or milk 1/2 cup pre-sifted flour 1/4 cup meroari.De 01 butter 1-1/4 tape. ult 1/4 lip. peppet 2 cup cut-\\p cooked turkey or cbicken 1 cup alie4KI pitted ripe oliv• 1/2 cup ..Uvered &lmoncb 1 cup shredded Chedd.ar ch .... (&bout 4 oz.) Cook apeQhetti u :lirected On pacbqe; riDae under IUDilinQ :okl .. ter and drain. Heat oven to JSO-. Wis brotla,.. half-ud-balf, Bour, margarine, Mlt and pepper in thz ... J quart Mucepen. Heat to boil.lno over medium heat, .Uni.Do couta.nt- ly. Boil ucllti.r on• ainute. SUr iD llip&CJMl· U, ha.rkey, oliwe end el•oocl8. Spread iD ~NC&ua9Ul&r MlriCWJ diU, 1h7-l/b 2 lacMa. Spn.akle with ott• u•. W. wacoNr· eel utd tao~ a.Dcl _. w.,, aeolO-. ..... ............ •CJdc .... llrodacu .. ' ...... lw#ta.._ two Ciatc••• ...... a....tatwoc,.e~ .. -....Or--· ........... .... c ..... •k••• ......... Delicately flavored bech muahrooma are aauteed with o~na ud the~ined with butter or meroarine and Swtaa ch~.~nmqaand Dromedary pimientoa. Cbilled in e bowl until firm, the result 11 a u!Uquely deUclo\d apread for wafera end cracken that will have your oueeta clemodno for more. And, lt'• 10 Christmuy lookiDv topped with colorful Dromedary pimiento a tars. HoUday enterteiru.ng 11 fUll. Captwe the epirit of the Mason with thb feative Swiu Wuahroom "pate." 8.._ 11-.hroom Pate 112 cup butter or margarine 1 J.b. freeh muahrooms, fmely chopped 1/2 cup chopped onion 8 oa. Swta ch .... , finely grated (about 2 cupe) 1/2 tap. Maeoned ult 118 tap. ground black pepper 3 tbla. dry aherry 1/4 cup millt 1 ( • oz.) jar Orom.d.ry pun.iento paec ... drained 3 tb ... chopped parsley Panley apnoe Walen and cracken ln woe aaucepan, over medium hMt, melt l/4 cup margarine or butter; aau.te muah- rooms and onion until llquid evaporat .. ; cool to room temperature. In medaum bowl, wath electric mixer at The Rewpcwt EMip W.,=u•llf· .J.,..., I. a• .... I medium epeed, beet remaininq pUaientoe: ~ bottoa. S.W rem..aiDJ.ng 1/4 cup but-1Ur i.Ato mualuoom m.ia-wilr....,_ aacl cr.-. ter or maroariAe UlltU tare with chopped en . .WU. ttu-cwpa. Uvht and Ouffy; add peral.y. Spooa i.Dto s.-ch .... , Mlt, pep· three-cup bowl u..d per end aherry; beet Wlth a..IUJIUDUJD foil or two minut.. Gradully pluti" wrap; COYer ud beat in milk util chill thr .. houn or blelldad; beat in muah-overni9ht. room mut ure. To Serve: Invert onto Ua1ng canape cutter Mrvillg platter; peel off or knife, cut eight foil o r plutic wrap. amall atera from • Place pimiento atera in Dromedary pimiento circle around top; pieces; Mt uide. Dice place p~ualey epnga . Pee.natauee Jaoll. d.y aut that edda flavor a.od cnada to cookWie, cabe, .... aod other COialecdoe· uy f.aYott-.. DuilwJ the holidays, .,..., coobpride~ on theiz bakinq ..,... caelti• end c:oold.D9 expertiM. • ................ 0•7 Fried .~t. . Chicken ....... Tl•e Release Capsule• .._.,.,.,_,, ..... 11111. Spike Seasoning 10 ., ••• .99 kill Carob Coated Raisins .. Gelf Gf II( WfOfl I H a!IGH I StllCIIO.S Of ~·I I ... ,, • ., .. J at MUIIl l US•II l Ull n tUtDH •tu CIIHtll WIU Calli 10 YOUII '"tiM ••uos .. ...... .,.. .. CIDfiS Ata.o aacl.._..ia~ --NPOiteCl .... &c. ~day JMa,,. a .,_ Ia FMiaioe lala.Dd, tae~ ••• AAIIN s.t.Otric m ~writer .. lued at $1,000 ... NpOrted .llaiAm froaa Ch.ul.e Scla.U ud Co., 860 J Newport Dri ... ill a kf9luy -:n • . . A COGa .. deit U0 bill wu ~atGJ.atWe.tem S. · 450 Newport Center DriYe ... ~ .. lued at ~ ... NPOrtecl ~ troa Beida: Job Lawreece EO.- U.., 43; ud Scott Alan ......... 23 .•. Wadt1¥ lei Gaadio, 24, of Newport , wu an••d ill the 20 It of Uaiftnfty Oil napicioD po•• •iD9 coc.ti.ne . . . Gina Mari. Colhua, 23, and TiN W&rie &enu, 21, both of Newport IMch, were aa.ted in the 300 block of Ceclu Oil auspi- ciOil Of pel. I ctn9 DUCOtic:a , . . Fred Aam.an ~ .. a, 22, of Nor- walk, ... .,.,..... at vw. fie! Oro ucllutbld Drive OD oa ~ ol clnDba cbtvlno. aooe boa Newpoit Be.ch. n.....s.y. o.c. at amas Toola velMCI at $1,027 were repo11ecl .... he. Suu o. ... Jordu Ia • QaA9e bu.ro· 1ary iD the 1100 block of hm· mob ... ' ,_ rm., baY daotouu, aaaWlitica, two TV _.., u IBW Selectric ~writer, fewelry aad • TV video oam• ~ $4,680 were 19portecl ltolen from William Joe Swallow bl • krvJuy iD the 2200 block of Port AberdMn . . . A pocket calculator, purM and wallet worth $92 were reported ltolea froa Ju.li.a Ru.ell Go•• ill a bu.rolary 1n PhlJlip SebatmS, 22, ... unit· eel oa ~ of pUI!bao bM cbecb . . . ~&Dice Diaae Pope, 30, .... auultcl Oil euploiOD ol pc•amoo~••' ....... Gr.Qory Scott S.lid, 21, wu az- relteclln the 100 block of 22nd Street OD napJcioa Of reoeivtDo lulown .tole property. ~.Jaa.l CIUMIS 'DroDald • ..,... llder in a burQluy ia tM 1100 block ol Eut Belboa Boalevud. five moto~ an~ on auapicioa of~ drlvlno, 11one from Jlfiwporflleaca . • David LM White, ~ of cl.ma, and L4oyd Da~ ~tch4ill 22, of Asuaa, were u....a.cl at i..lboa Boulevard aad 8th Street em suspicion of ~·buro· lary ... Steno ~ent ~ valued at $860 wu ripomia stolen from Robert E. Oaborn8 in a theft from a cu ill the 300 block of Eut Cout Hiohway. IU.II)icioa of r.idential bmJluy. Wedrnckry. Dec. 30 CRIMES the 300 block of Crystal . . . Cu ~ter.o. were r.poned 1tolen • 'from.three ca.n puked in the 200 bloolt of Otuoe. The can beloaqed to Jeffrey sCott Two ahotouna, a riO., • piltoJ, an imperial JDAtiiUl of wi.be and a _..,.0 were reported 1tolen from John ,... ICupa.roff iD a bu.f9luy ill U... 700 block of ltmqa Road. All ._. the pistol and the wiu ._. NCOVered neuby ..• AD ...,....t ,.a. dent in the 2100 WOolt of Sher- ri.noton reported ...., iobbed of $500 ~ by • JO'U'O blonde woman who had ~ hia call to an eacorl aervice and a atoc.lty black mu who arrived when the cuatomer wu undr .... ed. 'l'he other man punched him in the mouth, bockino out a front tooth and )OOMDinq another OD.e, the mea told police ... Silverware wodh $3,000, an ivory ca.rviDo wot6 $500, 10 bottl• of Dr. Bemcutler~~49 worth $500 and a can of chanoe eat.lmated at $500 were reported atolen from John Willi&m Landil in a burolary ill the 2000 block of G,aluy ... A color TV worth $150 wu repotteclltolen from Richard Vinceat Mahony in a b\troluy iD the 700 block of Orchid, Corona del War . . . A stereo worth $1,500 wu Tueeday. Dec. 21 CJliWIS A watercolor ulued at $600 was reported Ito&. from ONion Profil .. , 260 Newport Center Drive, in a ~)uy \ .. t.o orien!al ruoa valued at $8,000 were ~ported .toleD from Shah 'N Shah, 3425 E. Cout Hwy. in a theft. Seven motoriata were arr..t.d on suapicion of drunbG drlvlno, includi.no two from Newport A rino valued at $3,000 wu reported .aolen from M&rlyn Bnace m a theft from bar reedence iD the 1200 block of Do..r ... A teleplloae auwez- inCJ m.achme valued at $280 was reported atoleD from Phillip Burdette CAnaday iD a boat burglary off the 100 block oJ Ba,.tde Drive . . . Jewelry valued at $4,900 wu repotted .tolen from Jacltalee M. McCoy in a &heft from hez .-dence in the 700 block of Cameo Hioh- land Drive . . . Jewelry and other items valued at $599 were reported ltol.a from Williaa J. V erdult in a theft from bi. office in the 4300 block of Campua Drive . . . A color TV let and other ite10.1 valued at $960 were reported ltolen from ltenn William Levitt in a burolary of hie car in the 1100 block of Back Bay Drive. ARRESTS Five moton.ts were an•ted -JANUARY SALE 50(]/_ on thest> three t!OBJavtng dies 7f} ordered on Crane's Fine Pi!ipe('S fflllm ...._., 4 I 'Mil tt.n. ~ I) 1961. vou woll ~ ~ <Jn ltw ~eollhP~~~ .... ~ ....._,ood~M!d wllh~~ ( ·-_, .M .. ,..w. ~· r:1 ~~r.} ~· All n<~ opponunoty lor .,.., to tn¥«'11 on M~ ~~ dMP wtloch -" be llep for 1- >QIMAo...,otdPn wt....~unavou•>Q~~Unft't ollltnlc coion.--c~ on vouo chut<e ol <•.tiW ~ ,......,,,. you to ~~ yow OWf\ ondtvodu.l - fR'Atei6-~R fine stationery corona del mar Do you have a sate to protect VCXM monev and jewelry? ._. Do you have a fire-proof record safe to protect your volua~ papers? Call us.to find out how you can save thousands of dollars on inslwance premiums over the years. UllOA ARIA LOCKSMITH ANDIAFI CO. ~37e . .ee4 WUTIIIN8TSa, N&WroaTaSACB Bracey, Benjamin }OMph Bracey and CeYin Dale Irvin. The loa totalW-.non tlwl $900 ... hul neck!ace'ucl earrinqs valued at $1,500 wen teported atoJ.o from ~~ Dolo,_ 0rT in a theft' from her ,_dence in the first block,of )foilaco ... Donna Marie Lee ~rled $350 cash .tole4 from her purM in an office in the .C900 block of Birch. Twelve moton.ta were arrest- ed on suspicion of c:Uu.n.lten driv- ino, i.ncludl.no ..ven from Newport BeecA: Thomu Gene Conrad, 21 ; Richard Lawrence Pranoe, 22; C.Zol Jean Crabb, 33; J(yle fr~ Henley, 25; P~ Maril. Phillips, 29; John Maurice Bell, 49; and Frederic Blount WhitiAo, 22 ... Fredrick Richmond McBrien, 64, wu arr.ted on u Orange County warrant chuoino violation of probation under the state's drunken driving law . . . Mark reported atolen from Charlea Bradly Goucher iD a boat burg· lary off the 2700 block of W eat Cout Hiohway . . . Burglars atole $70 iD cath from U.e Port Pharmacy, 2817 Newport Blvd., a report to police laid . . . Five. piltola, five rifl•, five ahotouna, ammu.n.lUon, qun C&Ma, holaters and clothino valued at $3,380 tan•t it about time you called DIET CENTER? Start our program the firat week in January, and you can be 17 to 25 pounds slimmer by Valentine's Day! were r.ported ioMil froa Want AWillll Worn. In a bU.,&uy La the 1400 bloCk of S.reude Te_r· race ..• FO\ll qold .. tch• ~ S!O,OOO,IIlv.....,. worth $10,000, video tape recorden, Petai&n ru911, Sooy oolor TV ..ta ud other u. .. wttll a toW valM oi $118,000 were reported .tolen fro. Ahmed Salm.u Alaud iD a bwvlary In the 1300 block of G..Luy. A l&r9f refrlg. erator·li•ecl •fe contaia.ino some 30 pi8tol. and riflel worth $30,000 wu recovered iD the patio ... Cub totalillo $500 and a camera worth $7-CS were reported stolen from Jam• John Leillo in a buzoluy iD the 100 block oJ Nordina. ARRESTS Eight motorilta •re arreeted on IU.Ipjctoa of drwt.lten driving, includi.no thr .. fl'OIIl Newport S.ch: Joo.atlwl Jam• Shafer, 33; Tom Archer Warren Jandro, 21; and Richard Huoh lOu- meier, 31 ... Jeffrey Allan Bab- bitt, 23, of Costa W..., and Steven Ycfaclden, 18, o1 Santa Ana, w.re arr•ted on auapicion of a.uault wtth a deadly weapon J ..• WiobMI Scott lvau, 22, of eo.e. ......... ar....eecl •• C.tnl ud Vie Liclo oa MLIJ)i· oioD o1 pan 1 tno cocaine. ......,,Jaa.l CRlMIS A car at.reo worth $250 wu reporteclltolell from Wicbael Arthu l&br bl the 2400 block of Cedar ... A c.r at.reo worth $433 wu repottecllltoleD from NlchMl Joha Ormerod in the 200 block of Fern. ARRISTS ThrM motorilta were arreatecl on euapiclon o.l clninbn drivi.no, non• fipm Newport S..ob . . . NartlD lo.eph AdPLI, ,fl. of Newport Beach, wu arrested on .uapicion of battery. SWiday. Jaa. 3 CRIMES Jewelry, a video recorder and a Colt piltol worth $6,050 were reported atolen from William Frank Weblter in a burglary in th• 1300 block of Galuy . . . A car atereo worth $700 wu reported .tolen from BJian William Hill iD the 200 block of Marvuertte. < t THE-TELEPHONE POI.i)_h .. ) There will be ao ri.Do . There 18 DO need to talk. The "hano Do you•aor .. with PT .. ident up'f 80\lnd J'O\l hear 11 your vote Reagan'• decision to replace Na· beAno recorded. tiona! Security Adv,iler Richard l.cia ....--. qvutJoll: ' Allen with William P."CblTk? · ' ~ _1 To Yote YES. can 875-4140. To YOte NO. call 875-7020. Do yo~ •or .. with ,.,ate Senateleaderah.q$ aclton in removino John Solunits from committM ~ for his verbal attaob on heui.IIQ'witne .... ? Call anyti.JDe betw1a now and 8 a .m. Monday to cut your yote. .. YES 60% NO 40% w.. the new tRAa. you •• an lndl· vkiuel ,.., deduct up to 12.000 • year trona wow taxable MlcCNM. You pay no ..... tax• Oft ~ Of ....... . until JIOU ........... ~ ..... (llllnl· ...... ~.1- ,..., .... you, ...... you'll ..... -~-........ .., .... .... ........ . • The United Way of OruQe County North/South recently annoUDced that it had au.rpuaed ita 1982 camp&lon qoal ol Sl2 million. Throu9h thil county· wide the Uruted Way will help 86 human care I Youth counseling by several agencies is assisted by United Way contributions. aqeneies' throughout the county . ~LoealJx ... 13 noo-proht oiqani:&ahons in Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and Irvine wUI beneht from the community's contributions. B~t there IS more to the story than the fact that U01ted Way reached ita campa1gn goal. The real newamakers are the people in communihes such as these-• who cared enouqh to help make the U01ted Way dreaft\ a reahty .~ It's buatneu ell'ecuhves and homemakers, stud81ll.a and teachers, and the dedicated staffs tnd volunteers of the aqendfes',••.U working through· out the year'for their community who are tb, . .-cret behind United W4'Y~* success. "The apirit here ia ternhc!" ezchum~ Ber01e Kautz, duec· tor of a C.Ommun1ty Volunteer Proqram ~I Voluntary Achon Center. a Un1ted Way aQency with bryches m Newport Beach and Irv.e. "In aouth county alone, dtere mua be 450 non· profit aC)e'IW:* een~ OC.· munity. VolWlt .. rs help atalf · everyth1ng from our pubhc hbrane~ and auz1hary qroups to c1vic orqani&ations. "There as even one local association that helps prov1de mother's m.~lk to premature b.b1• staymq m Or"noe Coun· ty hospitals. Our , 1~ -tt the center 1s to match these aqen· clea With willinQ volunteers and we couldn't do anythmQ w1thout local support." Community support 1s v1tal to all non·profita, l.nclud.1no auoh natio11a.l UD.ited Way affiliat .. u the Americ.n CAncer Society. "AlthouQh we provide .. rvlcea on a naUonal .ca.le, our office in Newport Beach ia committed to helpino local r"identa," aaJd Dorothy Lilt, executive director of the cancer aociety chapter 1n Newport Beach. "In respollM to community needa," abe added. "we've .. tabliabed loeat support oroupa for cancer patienta and their famili .. ll1 10 local ho.pitala, including Hoag Memorial. Addi· tionally, we started C&D~er prevention claaa .. throuQhout the area. One such project, • An ' Early Start to Good Health,' teaches qood health habita to children in lUnderqarten through third grade." . I Club. "We have about 2 ,000 younqatera m ou.r Boya Club branch," alated Ander10n. "It aeerm that c utbecb m local after· -=hool ac hVJh .. have r-.1· ly made ua a popular place." Althouqh 11 coats approximately $,125 a year to prov1de achVJbes and supervuion for each member, annaal fees lor club ~ze S~ "~aJ Unlled Way aupp()rt really makes the chf. ference m keepiDQ membership co.t\ alfordabl,." up lamed Andereon Another United Way aQency that provides local health .. rv. ices to the homebound in the county is the Visitinq Nune Association headquartered in Irvme. "Pbople ar•reah&tnQ that home care 11 a viable alternative The Boys and Girls Clube of the Harbor Area benefit from United Way Contributions. Here, branch director Harlan Anderson helps guide lfrom leftl Timmy Brockway. 8. Lewis Magnone. 8. and Brandon Keeble. 10, through a learnmg proJect StaH ono1u bv Boo PPIP•s.•• "I feel that 1t 's a ma)or part of one's soc1 al responstbiliti .. to become mvolv&d With the com· mumty." stated Newport Beach rea1dent Maury DeWald, manAg· 1ng partner of Peat, Mannck, Mitchell & Company and th1s year's Un1ted Way Volunteer Camp&Jqn Chanman. "The value of volunteensl"l) to our commumty IS more than the sum of the qood work. 1t creates. We all feel a b1t more a par1 of our commumty s1mply b): partJcapal· 1ng .. ·.lsthe · ay At trvine ~...,.,.of • Vnit.d w., benefida~V, ~drector Linde 8teek tt.ft) checks out a path of house~~~ with Gloria Odden. Public Health Service ' nurse to a hospital atay." ezplaUled Linda Black, the aaociation'a executive director. "The aavinQa mean aHordable medical care to our area's sick. With local aup· port from such orQaDi:&ationa u FISH (Friends in Service to Humanity), the patient some· times hods that he or she il better off m a home environ· ment." StiH pt\OIO by Bob Peterson A Qood home envm:fnment IS .mportanl for all of ua, espec~al· ly the younq. With the com· munity's support, there are .. veral local aqencies workUlg m youth development to help provide the nqht type of env1r onment for orowinQ. The Center for Oreabve Alter nativea m Costa Mesa prov1des adolescent alcohol and drug abuse mtervenhon. Youth Employment ServJOe$ 10 the Costa Me .. area helps youth 1n fmdlnq jobs and develop1n9 JOb skuls. Others, such u the Boys and Gna Clubs of the Harbor Area and Oranqe County Scout Ulg, prov1de qu1dance 10 a recreahonal sellmg E1ghty s1x agenCles, 1ncludmq the 13 located m the lrvme, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach a rea, Will conhnue to help the commumty As the Un1ted Way slogan says, Tlranu to you, Har· bor Area. 11 wo rks for all of us, the U01ted Way "You may not thank there IS a need for these types of 5erv1ces 10 our area, but somehmes a youngster doesn't rece1ve the benefits of a parents' mfluence ." sa1d Harlan Anderson. branc h d1rector of the Upper Bay Boys COSTA MESA 1981 UNITED WAY ALLOCATION Boy.' Club olth• Harbor Aro•a 2131 Tu.atrn Avenue. 642 8J72 rt'1 1 <;/)/, Prov1de~ c haracrt•r d•velopment and q urd4nc .. k•r v"'""<J p4"' pi• •9 .. 7 18 Y••n throuqh oocral edu "'" r.1l v '' 11ron"l Gul Seoul Cvuncal ,f O ranqf' C ounlv 164!0 Ad11m' AvPnu• Q']<l 7<100 J.JOO 994 Prt•vldf'• tnlorm4l edut alwn I• qui~ through •11 oup aC'hVIIIH M11ror ·>btl'< ltv•• rH iude d•f'Pf'n•nQ IIW<'IIt'DPU ,,f qoll d•v•lop • •.Du~mp.,, •nuf ul '~""' r•lllllOQ. I" t•l hPr• •nd r<>ntn b uhnq •o hH.Itb ~nd ethlehc proqr•m• Center for CrNhv• Alt6r nahv•~ · • 132 E l&h Str .. t 642 83n ~~ tiOtJ • .. 4 ....... ,~ 1 • • Y >uth [mplt•VmPnl S..rv1 .._ SJ6 2S4 Provrdes pro~1onal m•nt•l hN hh .. oun,...l1nQ ctnd edu .. honalMrv1ces to area rn1den1a Cluld Gurdance Cenler ol O ranq• C ounlv 1111 lath su .. , 646 n 33 sss 500 ProYld .. outpallenl pavc hraiiiC' care at to .. t_, lo t ~mohc>nal ly du.urbed c blldren and therr ~m&hes fa•lly Crws Ceoter'Touth Shelr•r ' (YM<:' A t ''"rh ~'4 llf/0 420 W 19th Str"t 642 8380 Provrd" out chent l,am1h •nd rdvrMC .. o ""'"'"n~ •pec••lnrnq tn lam1lv •-n•Q.. prub lt'm• • p.,. I YMC A O r411qe C out a tlocall<>n f rr•t Step Houw of Otanu• Co •n " lr• S: • /(lr P 0 Box 1904 6Jt 9802 Pro111des .u.sr•l.tnce •n< lud1o•J Ill d . .-••" ,, l • I '' •• 1 cost lo r th• mal• .tlcoholt< who "''"h~ tt• -1 1 l rtt 1,• r f'ISH (f'11end.s tn Storv1• .. · Hu m.:tn•tv) H.ttl•' A•· ·• !, .' (lfll 1670 S.nta An• Av•nu .. S uriP N b4} bUbl:t Prov•de• ''""'P< ''"'"'n :it>ltvf'rV I m .. •l· "'I 1 ·t I' 1 I food and lod 0 &nu loor """ ro>•td~>nt' "'h d 1 • r ,J., t-p -• G11ts' Cl1.1b vl the Harbo r At•ft 1815 An<'lh••m Avf'r:uP 64b 71H I P rov1dP•" d,ulv pld "lur <Jill•" l!l '"" I toll · IPMII wo rk and pla v lt><,Jfllh"r R ... "'"'""' ..0 1 ' 1 r • tl JuuJ .. ,.r .. proqrema d•~•un..d t ,..,,,bf,. ''"' t '"·' h h· • 1 101 ~ .,.,. 14! lnd1an Wells >4. W 19th Slrl'4'1 Su.t• 8 1>4.! 0474 Oil••• lr-Prv1c• It •••• vo uth ag.s 14 to 22 rn hndrnq 10b& d•v•luprr.<J t<'l• •k1lh and l4Ni rnlnq rftpon•rb•htv IRVINE V ~~•hnq Nu ,.. ••lion ol O tanq• Counlv S/08 000 17952 Sh Patl• U ul•v••d Su11• f 979 7212 Prvv•~,.. •k•lled nu rt•nQ c-ar• hNith auod.tnnr •nd ,.h•btlu• n ..,,,, "' t tnd tvtdu .. !o orod t .. m1l11'< r >4n n •rm 1•t•n1 par• '•m• bat.~ •r· •ft• J..atr•r r ' h m• NEWPORT BEACH AmPil• tn C.u "' S • 1P' $.42 l 66'i 4v.X Bu to s ...... , Sul'P 1(11 7C./ ~t-t.lC.l p, "' 11 ·to~ tual , I ltl• fr•• , •n<l'r P• '""'' and hPII ."', ·--· v II '''"A 'l·,.. ,., 1t'l4 II\ B· t ,, B ul ... u d -I<; I C,JC.i C f f "I' ,n._i t ) HIII P' V lunt .... r W .. drpr' t benP,If 1hf" mrr. • •'ld J • "W,fi,., rd 1n1rliiOI h •nd•v•d u.tlllii 111 n~ ,f ... I , ,, .• ' • I• I ,.,, YJ\.11-A l'·· I• l I S JI.I#j /101 /It\ U ... , D• .. r...t.' ":AI •• f \ • J ' ''' 1 1J t '"''\ P JP"·l~nPd l~o. 1m1 ,, ,.. tu• t ,,,t rth tl ..-.,tt,, .. I .. "'• mt-.-, .. HARBORUTES Paula 8a1ley. Martha and Pete &rrett, Beverly Morphy w1th her relahves Carol and Otck Kennedy (who came out lor the Iowa Qame-no doubt they were tenably d&aappomt_ed WJih the WaahtnQton VIctory), Nanette Thomp80n and Joane Belson and Pat ICendnck (the latter two dropped m on theu way to Jadue and Loren Heather's do) Then over on the Peninsula the Newport H.rbot Yac ht Club's Commodore's R~pt1on brought the members out 1n force All the lad1es look.d extremely eleqant and the men handsome m the1r blac lr.-hes for the1r lrad1honal Nl"w Yl"ar s Eve d10ner f<Smil1es., So started th£> Nt•v. Year's Day Pot Lucie whrl h •~ trad111onallv he~d at thP ht me .>t Pat aod Carl Ne1sser Dou us N1CC1 and Bob Crecca . )clOt' and Otc lr. Croul Luc11le Kuehn and son Davtd and Derelr Montague by Dtaa YOA lwger Barbara AWle's "French NormandJe," whlch was rKently featured 10 Orange Counly Home and Gardens, wuthe .. ttmq for her trad1honal New Year'• Eve party Over 100 htends stopped by to wiah Barbara well in '82, view her exquwte hohday ornamen· tation and pattake of her fabu.loua spread and Qood cheer. No oae can leave Bar· tN.ra'a home oo Wa eve w1thou.t lndulQiDQ in • So~thern QOOd luck hadition"''I bleck~.,.d peu. Helen and Burt Coffey brou.Qlat tM.ir OWn b.tcb, 10 It • should be a double-berrelled Qood wck year for Emma Jane and Tom Riley. Marian and Garth BerQ..OU, Man.lyn Bruce. Joan and Bobi.D Campbell, Franlue and Jim Sheppard, Terry &n• and Nark lohnaon, Jane Fruee, )0411 and Skip Kaiaer, Sandra and Larry w .. t. Beth ltoch (aharino her ezpe· rience of pllotOQraphmQ with a broken arm ln Europe-bad it not been for Na.rian and Tony Mootepert, she would not have been able to ... their mutual fnenda Lou Allted~d Joe Her· pin's rurra.9e i.D Y'e.UC.). JoAnne lt.illmQaworth, Jolene Purham, June and Nation Bu.'-. Over at t.. Strada, some 85 Ha.rborht .. were partakinq of a apeclel feast to marlr. a hme of rejoicinQ and new hope for a maQ111ficent 1982. Indeed 11 was an extraordinary evenmQ for Dorl and Jack O.Knuf w1th then d.uQhter U.., Ann and Ken S.hn, Pah and Chru Chathn, Dorothy and Jua Doael, Wuham ThompM>n, the Carru famuy- GJoraa, Nick, Cindy, Georgtne, Aunae and Mtchelle; the Manto faauly-Jud1e, C.rmelo, Ten, Da.nt and Marc; Elizabeth &nd Norry Schuman, and Susan and W.nbal J•me, who left tbe neat day with her d.auQbter Stepban~.e lo )olD Dl•ne and Marty Kord1clt ancl the r dauqhter Noya at Amo ng th ose atte ndmq were Mary and Morgan Mo rgan. Jod1e and Grant Baldvnn , She rv l and John Gulflth, Sue and Phd Morgan, Tush and Phd Ramo;e r Tush and Bruce Blackman a nd Maur•en and James Somers ... Several years ago, c\ group of lad1es met and dec1d.d th•r~ waa nothtnQ happemng on Jan ht. except of course watch th• ROM Parade and the footbell qames w1th the1r husbands and cb1ldrtto • Wouldn't 1t be mo re fun 1f we made 11 a qathermq ot Ca rl IS a busmess nsull,~nt and h1s wife Pat ha!i> " v~"· 1nt£>resll ng career a s a ph0t JOU rnahst for OronQf' c.,un!~ Illustrate-d Pat who rrc ~nt h: ret urned fr om Egypt ctnd 1.., c;hortl y embarlunq to r lndaa adv1sed that rheH pdrl v ho orown to suc h an £>XIE'n1 .. vPr th£> past e1qht yectrs thai rh• v n -.w host c;om£> 80 fdmtb£>s lust a few who ,,tl t>ndt"'d w('r~ E G and Ward Cht\mbf>rl1n wrlh the1r daught£>r Sh .. rvl ludv tnd Joe Rosen£>r Lou and D1d N£>w qu1st le u and Jac k Dwan Cathleen Gollander <Snd dauqh te r M1ssv Mar v Lou and Dav1d Furnas. Snooz1e Ullman JanP Puc e . Olhe-and Stan H1ll K111v and Jo hn Rau Bobb1e and B1ll Stabler, Dawn and Bob W•sh~r Ed te and Norm Walk•t. ~rrv and No rman Lum1a n. Kay and John Bzown E1lHn and Kerm Another New Year's Day Aftau AnnP Mane and Dolt Balhn opened tbeu gractous home. whtch 1s tilled Wltb art from East AJnc a and the Far East, to a group of fnends who 1ncluded Dr El1zabeth Petersen, fro m Germany. and Greta Peck down h om S.verly Htlls EnJ OVInQ the Ballms hosp1tail ty and a traditiOnal menu. wh1c h tncl udes chtlt sauerkraut and a salmon from Scotland were Anne and B11l Bachman. Ruth and Bob Bem. Sco tt H1ghtower. J~ and Ben Hoover, Barbara and Paul Kennedy. M.rv Drake, Tom Rockefeller, S.ndy and Dtck Schwanslem, f rank ~n­ son C.ul and Art Ackerman. H1lary and Ph1l Roundtrw. Barbara Aune Hevlra and Bo S.rmeke. Art and Ehaabetb Kramer. Manlyn and Gene O 'Rourke. Evelyn a.nd Bob Horn. aDd' N1cole ucl John AansburQ. LOVNES Kalen ShOffner lsEngagrJd Mr. Ucl Mra. Jerry Shoffner of Newport leech haft a.DDounced tM -~· of their cl.aQQhter, Ka.r.D Leigh Shoffner, to Jack RacUord Lojn•, 80D of .., . aad Mn. Jilll Loyn .. of a..p.. Nique). W.. Shoft:Der graduated from Newport Harbor High School ucl atteadec:l San Diec}o State Uaiftl'lity. Nr. to,... graduated hom S.. RaiMl High School and alao atteaded San Diego State UDi.,..nity. n.e wec:lclillg baa been plann- ed ,,.. Feb. 13 at the Gorda Liz a..t.urant in Newport Beach. ~ww.-o~a.n a.cn.l? -Lif WDO If~ 1'001 r--.Ywuan.wr..,roLD ... ..._..__. lffa. ,._.,., a. , • .......... OOIK)IIA clel MD LAUIIDilY -&.C...hy,e ... ,.. .................. ._ .. , .. ._ ''wsr~flk IN¢TJJ' I . ~:: =::c=· ....... ...... !' If y04/re stq:~pr 1Q. too out I I con IOY8 you money Come nor Q11o1'8 me a cal SCR To Present Ferenc Momar Play ''Tb. ftay'a The Tbioq'' Feieac Nolnar'a.op~ted mut.erwodt of romuace ud reftD~ on the Riviel'a, opeu Jao. 12 &Dd lUlU th.rough Feb. 14 oo South Cout Repertory'• main.ttage. SCR r•idelll director Lee Shallat ataqee thia production, which featuz• Jonathall Farwell, Lioda 'nlol110ll, Michael KMD.a.D, .Iobel\ W.chzay, Nicholu "-'a1br1. Johll-O.vid a.U.r, John EllinotoD, Br>:ao RumuaeD and Robert Crow. '"''M Pt.y'• n. ThmgH ruu 8 p.m. r...lay·daroo9h Saturday e~, 7:30p.m. &mday, with •a"•-at 2:30 p.m. ......... 'ncbea.,. $10.$15 a.ocl diecouata are aftilable foz •Ilion, .audeata 8nd groupe. Low price preview perfore.oc. will be beld 8 p .m: Ju. 8 ucl 9 a.ocl 7:30 p.JD. )&D. 10. For ticket iDfonaatiola a.ocl credit cud Ol'cl.n, call the sea Boz Otfice, 957...o33. datt Kennedy and flowers. ~t I flice.arr~t. 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa f]}tift~ infants/cttien's apparel bouttque items e gifts . SPECIAL SALE Savings Up to 504J.OFF a select group of merchandise ' wmPORJ SQUAAI 369 E 17th St • COl to Meso • 642-47\4 OPEN THURS. EVES. AH ENJOY AIL£ St4Clf~ANG~I Whale Cruises JANUARY SPECIALSI DISCOUNTS ON ITEMS TOO NUMEROUs· ~18 W. COAST HWY. ... OiniiACH .... 78 ..................... IJ'fll'll, ...A... .......... .......... . .......... _ STATE fARM FIRE AHO CASUAL TV CO. HomeOfb IIOOh.tgtof•, Illinois • \\EEKO-\YS I 0 '\ \t \\l-EKEM >S 9:30AM & 1:30 PM U av1n1 frvm rh~ ........ Adull' SK Chi&dr~n SS tiOUII TO UST STOCK UP TODAY! S.viflg$ good thnl 1-16-81. NEW CLASSES NOW FORMING FOR JANUARY Laliaitle, 1,000 a....; ~ LM, !00 Mu.; CaniMD &rata, -Men; ... Hani8ca, WutJ.a ......._, DaloNI OWer, 100 ...... Ce.ud~,. NeeiWa9 -....lpiM .. re: Gr.-Aold, Julie Jd&yerl, AJidNe W. c.to, 80 IMNn; LIM Lo'rto, 100 hou.n; Holly Ple.ce, Ka~ Slaepanl, 180 ~; ............. A.aM 9Afl'eH, ... Ga..U., 200 IMNn; Uacl.a Pick. Buy .. ; JtatkhiD O'BrieR. lborahle W..tioD. YbviaAa Diaae, Mlldnd Cathy&. 0... .. whcted ·~. JoU Qony, hc;m Caaclyariper hi tM Yaith. OCC KldsP191Jam~Tolkfll'•· Wail-ill ...-.uat~a~a .. occ. 1Prla9 Cole9e b nil procp .. -beqa.a b cWrea betw II II tM ... oi 8 aad 15. . • n. ~ o8e.n a •a.rietJ oi di 111, lou to -'PI _.....ill ~. mcludmg cUiivr•Y· CI'Miiw writilu;r, d.aDce, coa.-- •ticlul FrucJ., pitu, .... UMI .wlauDiJl9. .._ralfoo W a. $30 per cJaw I I I I .. iDi ... OIUW, ad .... ...... All cla 11 ..et cirl Siihlrcley.. CMcb b ..-li·m ~atiOil ehoWd be .... pay.W. to a...... Cout eou.c,. aod 8hoaW be -• to tM OCC Co-•uaity S.rric:e ~- ~atica i8 Uo beiaC) OOD· dodM ill peDOD Clll tU 0CC cuapu aad at U.. door oo a ~pee• •••liable ·buia. Fe. a CG~aPI ... -=Mdule of ayajyble cHI II 01' laON iD· lonlatiola, caU -..saao. A two-._, a1n .. r pi'OMC· t'-I teer d.at ezplei• )low to .,....... aa 11116rctiw ooe- pla~!:tprlll•lied at Or. <:o~a.c,. ca Frtaay, Ju. 15: Titlecl, ~ Beck ... Coa- ....., Pr~.-tM lllliooD Will na.o &oil 7:30 td 9:30p.m. ba OCC'• J'iM Al'ta Hall 119. AdeieeiM ._ $4, a.ocl ~a­ tioe Will be OCJDdQCted at the door. . s-•er J.duNT .. Pat Blow, director oi tile Couwaer J..Mp., aa lniae-bi!Md ozgani- utioll . ..._ ._ a.c:tued to hu.odnida oi CJIOGP OD couaJD· erial, aiMl wrta. a ~r ooa ..... lor ... DeWI~I. n.. ..-•oar wjl1 ezpleio how to write aa .a.cu .. oo.plaiot lett., ud will oHu-for JNirtoq a coaaplaillt m penoD. Blow will al8o ezpiato laow to u.. •nicee oi coaaty, ~tate &Dd t.cleral ~. a.ocl......U c1aUu coarla. TM ••lur will coaclocle with a ~on of how to lobby foy COUWHr- orieot.d Ia ... rex tafore.tioD, pho~e 5!6-5880. FREE GIFT for you! D YOUR SPOUSE can deposit up to $4, in either a fi~ed or variable rate IRA at Universal Savings and ~efer all taxes on the amounts deposited_. and the interest it earns, until you retire. $2,000 deposited at the beginning of e~ch year will grow to over $604,000 in 30 years. Deposit just $100 a month in our variable rate .. account and in 30 years your balance will be over $343,800. •. GET ALL THE·'fACTS-Pick up a copy of our very informative booklet which will answer all of your questions. It also contains a number of easy-to-understand charts showing how quicklY your IRA grows. .. NOTE: The eXJIIT1ple$ above are based on an average annual lnteteSt rate of 12% compoooded quarterly. Of course, that rate may not be avaJMble tor the full term of the account. ' ' ......_.._ Foce frornrng /em "'"• and floner•ng o pole peocll ••'" •offePO even•ng dress for rile new Albert N pon by N•9llt collecr,on for IP''"9 1982 8utterlltes could live forev~. or neorly so, ...+len ~ed on rhts robocco s•lll, Pers;on 8 unefly P""' ponts ,., from •he Alb.# Ntpon Collect•bl•• Spr"'g 1982 colleclton A v•o/er, still cr._,e de chme ronlt lop '' tv<lled •nlo onllle- cvffed ponrs softly gathered or rile wo•stbond WE PAY TOP . California's Larg8st Alt.n N1p0n 'a woy wllh pl.,., ond .,.. ((~ '" own to.hlon "mobile" In lhla al/11 tr._,e dr-. wlffl ~ nec.llne oiwJ lontem .... the patterns of NIPON by Mildred Mead RfAI..ISTICAl.L Y-W'EARABlE and r.ahsticolly-ptlced W<» the goal of the Albert Nipons fOf the.r Spttng 1982 collec1ion. At the New YOfk Press Week showing, Pearl Nipon, d.rectOf of des1gn fOf th1s famed fosheon f.rm, soid, "Trendiness is out of style with modern leving. Clothes ore lasting pouessions, belong1ng to en era, not to a season." Pattern is a mo1n theme of the Nipon sprtng ond summer fosh1on story. "Women hove learned so much obovt fosheon and quohty en the post few years that they ore now true conno1sseurs," Pearl continued. "The Amencon woman really keeps 1nf0fmed and she tends to reject extremes." The Nipon silhouettes ore slender, softly-fOfmed wtth clear cut outlines. Sk.rts all sway Sleeves ore on 1mportont element, with airy fullness beyond the shoulders. Necklines ore ptetty, w ith delicate details such as fag- goting insertions, tucks and non- prim touches of whtte. Fabrics ore tissue fotlle, str1ped voile, with a resurgence of block crepe, soft-toned plaids, pnnted- JOtin jacquards. fibronne meticulously tailored In flower coiOfs. The Spring-to-Summer coiOf theme is white, block ond wh1te. r.ed ond whie. V1olet and otner flower tones ore tmpor10nt. plus that perenmol Nipon love, pastel georgette with exqu1s1te deto1ltng A few seo:sons ago the Albert Nlpon Collectibles lene wos estoblr~ and become on em- mediate success. "Collectible" rs generally defened wOfthy of betng collected by a person of taste The~r tops, ta<kets, ponts and sk1rts become on 1nterchongeoble addi- tion to the des•gns for which they were famous-charmingly fementne, delicately detailed, the lund only seen '" the haute couture before the Ntpon era. The tobo~co sdk, Perston Butterfly ptint ponts ond top 1s on example. And then come Albert N1pon by N1ghtl When a busy woman dresses up for the eveneng, she wonts to make on 1mpoct, but she also wonts to feel relaxed, at ease and graceful, bet.eves Pearl N1pon There 1S not on up-tight, overdone even1ng dress en the col- lectron; noth.ng looks "set" or Of- ranged And yet any one of them could walk tnto a crowded ball- room and draw odm~rtng eyes Nancy Reagan, who owns several N1pon dresses. 1ncludrng the much-photographed, wh1te tucked Ofgondy she wore at Wh1te Hou~e port res lost summer, hos tn- sp~red more evenmg fosh1ons than any smgle des•gner, Pearl N1pon potnts out "The current success of the one- shoulder dress IS dlfectly traceable to Mrs Reagan's preference fOf that outline," she so1d. "Designers love 11; women love 11." One of the loveliest of tne one-shoulder types 1n Albert Nipon by Night, Spr1ng collection is tn white sofln organza, w 1th d•ogonol bands of white la<e on the slim body ond a chou of wh1te flowers on tne shoulder And fOf those who ptefer o more covered look fOf even1ng, there's o lovely pole peach selk taffeta dress weth fa<e-fromtng ruHies. The full sktrt skems the ankles and the weest 1s wrapped by o w1de soft sash o 11meless. fla11er~ng, happy look. s FOI 800D CLEAI USED CAIIEIAS 5electlon of Bridal Fashions Iring Vour Cemera Of any Ptlotogr~Pf* Equ.p '" tor a FREE appraisal DOLLARS!! M YfJf!1 f*I.CII ADVERTISE CLASWIID ~ ~ laQIIIII s•ct~oc• ollftdal faiNOfll lA04 W.tll\les""-• ~~ Sonia Aro Callklfnoo 9170J l'14l)~l 1871 s... .. Ana • o..-- 1 pleased to announce the IntroductiOn of t he~r Vv inter Sa le t ndC'rle C f'ntt'r '-1'10[ J\l 1 "th .,. fu,lln ( \ ''.!blJII 1 ~1 ~1 ;~~bi-W \'\ e,tc/dt PiaL a Jt)~~ /n •ne -\ " E>.,.. por 1 Be a c , 1 ~I t:,~8-8Jb ,.., a. ...,.,~ taDIS:!te ..._, tiM • ._.,...., at ... ~ u... , .. 1 1ad •Uet aton' to U.e ar .. ? ......................... ! t1 Wt• h.t\, ltk• l.u~, . .,, .... -. .. tkm nl fill IMII<llll\ 1 111un 111 !'wcldk a.·kVwlk·\ 21 Wt• hl.tvc•ltH 1111..,.1 qu .. llh 1nc" "'"''""' "' th• ,,,. ,, 3t Wt• offi·r th<• 1).'!'4 "''I""'W\o4lll• tl ... "w 1 ·'"' v. ho '' WI W11n1 ~··ww 41 Our .-on .,. mt'n twndl•d k• Hl\11 ""I'PIIIIIIL telfl\f'nk'pc'«' Moll IH•nta lll't' Mllt{h"' (n<JC In "*"''' ,.,,., ..ro • uk11 ,,.,.,t11n.ttC'(t b\1 • .nd tll,YIIr 'W~ ofkr 'llrJU II l.tr.r-• ,tn •I Ill "flf'l .ttl \'IIUf ..-lfot·IIOn out.-. you ran""' Wh.llll ...... Ilk«' ht lntt ''"' e.ckt 11 homr Sl LMl. t.n nu• lnL-c --.~ fw\~' ltw' k~•"' Wk• ... "'4' ..,,. ""C'oflh flndlot(, ()ur OW rbnld alii d lllltlhliUIII WI .tr'l "'" Ill II f''lprf\JUvt ~"i ~"'Q\plll•\, II ""' •• n • ""' '""'ktn 1 tlllt r ""' 1tH y,.luc-. ·~ I AND wa llltAN OALOR&r ...,. .. ......,~ ....... -~· u.. .... .,, .... Qe ..tr u.. ,,. u 1 •• _ .... , ., ... a. u.. .,...., ............. ., .......... . \ . ' . . ~. fill ta.tck ..... -lWecl wUll ...,. .... ·~ tM ao.ap c ......... of Mt roo. ad a little pat Gi batter. J ( . 1M .. u will~, ecJec- Mo, wlU. -.ell ~tiou .. r..cJa OlaiaD ~. Wiaa a-c-.. ...... sew. .... , .. --.....~.Lyoaul•, . etc.), a Oarcut.rie PWI, ioeclllel, ~ • .-clwtdl ... .. ..-.. hot puea. 1111e cMt ud 1 prepared ....... apecWtMe, wtda 90G ....... wJUdl to cJ.oOII. ,..._.. wu a kiwi tart, .,.. ..... m. froia ..... z..woct t. a putry. • pecaa wt. Ill .... cab wttll .... or fri1t ftlltPI. ud IDY CC*P&• ...... ~ ... old-iuhioDed ~ pQcldl1119 whldlwu out· atudiD9· 09 ..... ~···-··Kille .. ,.., ... traditioD.ally tM u.. b • coluua to ..U indulve ucl ,..iniMe about tbe J'Ml! ptcJdac/ wbulen ud laeen, aotiD9 cMn911, ucl tWacl with wry or cute 00""••· That'• Dice, but per)Mpl tAkia9 W. tiiM to look 0.. lM pneent coaditioD ol theater in Oruve County .. , ~aa •• .aore .alu. U.U ~ reltaehtn9 the put. ... ....... c1ou PfCI ..... ._.u,, . b.t fOOd opera can &leo thrive oa tM ooaaWlity theater 'J.vel. .... ~,.... BON APPEI'I'l' ud we choee froalheee. W)' choice ... treU ... -.. • ,bNutifully pNpa.nC:l ill wklte wtae, mutlaroolu uclae)lota. Wy oompuicla ~ 1.9 of lulb. atuHad wtU. torcaaMt of pork ud 11fftd wtU. a au"ft- lout IILiAt Muoe. The wiDe lilt U. W. choMn with can ud -.... fteze ue fiDe wbl• froiD abroed ud Mleet oo• froa Caldonaia, all villta9e dated ucl ell at f.air prloee. I llkec:l tM UW. ootel of deecrlptioll b .._ ..U-bown wtn•, aoiH wttA a ~ory oJ their Mlection. Dbmer ,...._.: We laave & nwn.ber ol tluivia9 c:1Umer theaten in UU. UM. Gaaerally, all prcmde Blooeclway ~al type •tertatn••t (taoUQil not really of Broadway quality) ud food. Their proc:hactiou .,. moetly 9ood ud 1f not, .. n, at least you vet to Mt. Da.nce: D..noe c:Joee not abound here, unfortunately. We have no internatloaa.lly rec;()Qnu~roupe to call OUJ' own, DOf a "dance hQute" that can ehowcue worb. UC Irvine, and the other .clloola, do have fine depubnenta that do in- te....tinQ wozbhop.1 but there il a QrMt void yet to be filled. Opere: Opera ia oAe of the mo.t excitiD9 and colorful fonu of th .. ter that wa m.iu. Y ... it ia about, iDbequeAtly thouQh. It ia leo'JoDel theat.r: Soutla Cout l.pertory ccatiau.._ ita ~91l qubty Mo.~. It ia heelthy ud 9rowtD9. We uelucky. Roecl Nil•: We:U ~aa .. to 1IMit b tM new aumc oeDtez for a pJ.oe b national touia9 ~-· thatil U..--tlaere'a that drive to LA. ComBuaalty U...ter: 'I'Mre ia quite a apec;trua laere ill tenY of qu.allty, ...,.. ucl rele¥ance. n. taQUM Moulton • ..u ..aa.bliahed, but there ue otkar cpoupe looki.n9 k>r 8J)&ce, hop- inQ tor fundmQ, or aiaply W9· in9 on. COIIUDuity tAMter deeen. more npport ud encouraoement-.tler all, they are truly you u. .. ten. AcadeJDic theater: We ue bl.-.d with m&DJ outleta for laboratory ud acholuly worb from theM institution.l. Fre- queatly ~c, but aomeUJD• apel.lbindinQ, perlormallcee OD ca.mpua ahow the wideet ran9e of theater available. So, a quick look at what we have (or ahowd h&ve)-now what we'll ... th..ia JMl', well, we'll .... ~p._,Cottoa n. brt9ht uc1 b...., .m a1 of the new year ..... jut u.. to NpOrt Oil the lcnuy ~.a Newport Beach ..tau- rut whick II al8o bri9ht, breeay &Del .... D.i9Md after a br....-ie ill rural l'ruce, and naaed b tM louy loooe Qrape ol fr~'• cUapape dJmict, tMa attracti .. little c..fe r.Secta cnmer Tooy Jleraum'a bowledoe end lowe of wine. The wtu bu, Mt at the far ud of a diniD9 uea, often more than a doaen will• 11rved by the Qlue, and u..t. anotll•r doaen aperiti& on a chalkboard above the baf ... I.Jllet, Dubonnet, Xir ud Xir Roy.te, Vermouth ud more. A full bar ia available b cockt.U.. . At the •try, wanpth and .. I come ue otiel'ed the dinez. .. QlMJD.iDQ woodl, briQht p&i.Dt, cou.nqpottuy ud pla.nta reinforce the laelin9 of a cuual neiQhbod11ood tutro. A patia· .. n. bat 1a aa ~ DANCE -t8'I'S lOV IN 11IE 80IAR PLIXU8I s..ya, 'mni ... ....-...., fuaa,L Aiw Bale II bee at t' .. (or just listen) \ FANTAZIA january 4 -February 13 ut>ates a musical fantasy of favorites for you to listen or dance to. Monday through Saturday, 9 p.m . 1 :-t~ a.m. I l THE REGISTRY HOTEL IAAOO MacArthur Boulnwd, 7~~ 7 7 @f.lido ... .... PeW._;,~ ~RKU,. VIUAOE VOfCE 'S ITAUAN DELl PIZZA&: FOOD TO GO For a Hearty and Delicious Dinner, ·Try Our Homemt~de us..ant~ h~dy to t1ke holM and heat •lont with our freshly mllde twead. Top It off wtth tpUmOnl fordu~l S~rving you fine cuisine and supeJb wines, now also features a All The Best For Yo~ And Your Family In 1982 Cocktail Bar for reservations : 6~5-2968 Coast Media rkwa Qroup 673.05~ aMwcMI lor a bieeatiNI •Lee- ta of ••nuta, ill lliMcle <>*the pne' • nr. diniD9 ~ otiu pri~ at ~. or a.au.-n. at tab~. in t1la ~. 'n.. aellU iJ lilted Oil a ..U chalkboatd ud repeated at tM1-w. OD e&lli9f&phed ~· We becJa di.n.ner with a cWa ~ tcMap, Ct ... of Broc· coli, lor .... 'end CWn Chowder lor my ocapanlon. ~ d'p wu ailky ..oodl, ~ aacl ~.tlY aerbed to oom~t the diltinctive tute of the broccol1. The chowder wu u fine u I've Carrot.~ llnM wiU. both cliuen, ..... Jet &..,....t with u..-bewnce of bay &.f. WtU. ou dbmen at..o came oo.co., bgW aad enmcky, a MliQhtfal oMacJt from rlce or poWo. Serrice wu att•Uve ucl ou1A9; 011.1' wuare. ... still rMCii1a9 flo. Mr ~ to ~ pr.puatiou, and we adalrecl tM att.DtiOil Qivu to kar traiaiA9. The deuert tray wu filled The Bou~ Rou9• ia open for lu.nch ucl cliADer avery day, ud for bnmch ·Oil Satv.rday ud Suday (with u ezcellent IMDU.). Owller Tooy HeiiD&D.D 9rew up in the ...taurut bnMp .. and i.e a Corul1 9reclute in hotel ucl r..taurant JDU..,.IIleDt. CMf Hn.ry Wwdoe l.uned h.ia prot-ion in the NMr Jut, worked iD Tahiti ud JBOre receDtlY at Tbe Cella; Raetaurut ud The Rill. The Bouay Rou~ i.e located at 3110 NewpQl't Blvd. in Newport INch. Call673-3440 foz r ... r. vatiODa. ~ 1UEizobeth Howord'snF t.~_. ~ CUITAIN CALL .a THEATRE··::. ... "-ts :: EJ tJT feo. FIMAI. WEEK Opening Jat~utry l.4-th ..... ,._, ,_, .., ... i ,..,.. .... .., ..... ,_.. L....:=.J GifT CUTIFICATES AVAUIU ~M.WA=~~-1510 180 El CAMtNO l . T e2e80 SMit•Ane .~A _.... lJ11e ~is now open for fundi and dinner \~~h~. 1or -ll~ caCC 673-6363 ~orne 1982 10 ~. Alter thf hust,. m bust,. of the hOliday season passmo. Mamott's Mountatn Shadows lfMte )40U to unWind Dy SWimn'llflO '" the nne ~ poolS. playing tenntS on one ct etght hghtfd coorts. Ot' golf on one d cu two 1e.oo.e ChamporiShp ccuse or cu I &holt ex~ COU"Sf. Et»oY ~ $w10 ilnd ~ d unmatched tnt~ . CAl us today b mn ll'lbmlhon 1 SOO.Z2&9290 movies -- -- ,..,.. N8C taCentreiiM<iuntein) ,.._.. Sharon Gless end Steven Ryan as pottc. lnlpectort lnvettiga- tlng corruot10n In the Fedlrll Narcot· ICS Agency Here come the btl)n ',\ I I \ 1\, ' Ludwig YOn Drlke. Oudcdom's most dlsltnguiShed profes.or ot cartoon memment. With an able asstst trom several D•snev stars leads the way 1n thts an1mated ~ture •n PM NBC (8 CentraVMountatn) THE LAT£ SHOW Olctr WIMer Art Carney co-stars With Gtammy and Emmy WIMer L•ly Tomlin as. respect· 11191y a sem. ret1red PftYate eye and I he k~y cltent he reluctently egrees 10 help Loony and tun and one ot lhe beSI 1t1ms of 1977 Dtrecte<J oy Aooert (K,..,., wa. KrefMf) Benton. the toe>notch cast tnciUdes Eugene t" Roche Joanna Ca5Sidy Howard Dull ano John Considine Dark oeedS 1n sunny Southern Gahtornta w1th strong FOUL PlAY Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase tn a Httci"ICocktan send-up about a daffy hbranan who unWit· ttngty gets tnvolved 1n a scheme to assassinate the Pope A comedy· thrtller co-starrtng Dudley Moore. Bucgess Meredith, Rachel Roberts. Billy lar.ty. the ubiquitOUS Eugene Roche and the c1ty ot San FranclSCO '>l I 1\j I •'\ '\i I II tnt•maiiOtlS of Raymond Chandler a no and sentenced to 20 years 1n prtson ~ashtell Hammen ___ 1 tor ~·s rOle m leaOnQ the oreax 1n at S NE ll I UJIT ~ DESIGN e•-u••- Kq lizl: 5 mg "til", 0 4"'' tiCGflnl "· 1* ...... FTC Report May 1981 -~ \ the OemocrlliC NatiOnal ConvnltiH HeadQuerters tn Washington's Water· , gate Hotel A world premiere based on Mr Liddy's autob!Ogbraphy •H:30PIIA.SC (8Centrat1Mounta1n) DIAIION .. AM FOREVER Sean Connery's ~song as 007 and not bed BOIIdage. as these thtngS go W1th Jmmy Dean J1U St Jonn ana Chlrles Gtay as the ba<Jdle Ernst Stravo Btoteld And. yes, James Boocl end the gtrt Wind up, as always. 1n the weter lor the hnale •ttN NBC (8CentraVMountatn) ICE CAITLU Robby Benson ana Lynn·Holly Johnson 1n a romant1c drama aboUt two teen·aQers wnose common love tor 1ce sports 1s challenged when one sutlers a severe fall Colleen Dewhurst ana Tom Skemtt co-stir At t•mes 11's skattnca on thin t<:e •HPMABC (8Centra11Mounta1n1 YICTl• Four women strtpped or thetr homamty by the same raOtst 101n 1n a desperate hunt to trap me man the courts set tree Kate (Eye of the Needle) Nelltgen Ken Howard and WKRPs Howard Hesseman star Patentl81 cllscretiOfl tS advtsed TlJf<; JAN 1,' •t1NCBS (8CentraVMountatnl WASHINGTON ..sTRESS Drama about an ambitiOUs U S Senators a•de who falls 1n love w1th a c hartsmat1c marrted laWyer With cMdren ano the t!lfects the sectet atlatr has on her 011vate and protess1ona1 worlds Stars Lvc•e Arncu and RIChard Jordan Love ana sedU<:tiOtl power and tUUSJQn ,\ f [) I~ '\j ' romence blossoms between two college students-he IS 1.-years old-shes 19 Humrnml Melissa Sue Anderson. Doug Mcl<eon and Rocky Ba~rco-sw ',.\ T JA N '" .. HN C8S (8 CentriYMountlln) HRP WANT~D: MAL~ A rom.ntte; comedy aoout an unconventiOnal marnage or convenience between a busy carMr gal who desperately wants to be a mother and a IC)Ofts wnter after eesy money Suzanne Pleshene and Gil Gererd And '' thts sounds • bit hke a rv.nst on a recent BYrt Reynotdl mcMe. wno·a to say? '.t I'\ I /1 f'. I "":.,..ABC (8 Centrii/Mountatn) TH~ ONION FIRD One ot the un sung tllms olt979 a harrowtng tale (based on Joeeott Wai'T()aUQh s tact ua1 story) ot a coe>klller wno uses the system to pervert JUStiCe ano make hie hell tor the polt<:e olft<:er wnose partner he murdered 1n cOlO biOocl Strong performances by Rdnny C011 James Woods. Franlclyn Seales JOhn Savage and Ted (lody H .. t ) Danson A rouoh one all the way \\Ill JAN '0 .. t1PIICBS (8Centra11MountatnJ PRJ• SUSPECT Drama abVut a naPPtly marrtecl apparently raw at>ld1ng Clltzen whose tranavil tole o; shatlered as he becomes tne pnme svspect 1n a poltee hunt tor d o;ex rnuroerer Mtke (M ·A · S ·H) F d"el' Tert Garr and \let'onoca Ctrt,.roqht star How a c~te crumbleS 17 CentraiiMounta1n) FAillE Pren'lle•e or a c:er-es oasea on tl'f• O;car wtnn"lq movte oil~ sam4' name Th • ., roo •ocu<.ec. on " qrove> n• SlvOeniS d' Nt'W Yor~ $ H•Q" ~"00 lor P{'•lor'Tionq Ar•., .-~nu te,uurp Lt'f' burg, P R Paul, CarlO lrrc»reto, Lon Smger and Gene Anthony Rly Th1s one, MetamoFp/tOISIS IS chirged Wllh l'q)e, comedy lnd ·~ muslcl ',I "\, I.\"._. 7..,. NBC (6 Central/Mountain) AfMUALYIIPICS 4mmals as ath- letes and sportscasters get thetr heads together. M3DPII CBS (7 Centrall~lllt'l) LIFE IS A CIRCUS, CHARLIE IROWN Snoopy C B s cantank erous and caotevattng can•ne •s cOllared by hos forst case of ouory 10ve whtch so oogg.tes tht! beagle that •I sendS n.m ott to lhe LM,... 8nao Itt CMUeO MfM IIIFlB The New YOlk Phil- harmonic, ~ b¥ ... mu8IC director. Z\JbH\ MIMa. end Metre> polltan Opere ttar Placido Domingo recall the megte end the mulic at the greet tenOf Enru;o Caruso ,..,...: .-cene~> PIACOCa IMOWC.._ o.but at • _..ly ~er ... ~ b¥ MichMI Prttchlrd. ..... NBC (8Centr~) IUGIC wmt TMIITAM. HoMd b¥ Oraon --... Aabeft Quflune, Jaclyn Sthch .,., Loni -. • ., sports ---------------------- 1-IPII NBC (Noon CentrlliMountaln) COUICIIIAIUTUU '12 NltiOnal telecast ttartlng at 1PII NYT Virg1n11 at North Carohna Regional telecasts stlrtJog at IPII NYl Syracu. at Venai'IOYa MlSSISSCIOI at Alabama 111m01s at Iowa Texas•t SMU t.AIISOUfl II Colofaoo Utah It Calef ado State Washington a• Anzona St ~ABC (I ~CeniJMtl ~ IOWLPI TOUtl 4-7M ABC (3 CentreAtMountam) WIDI W0N..D CW IPOin'l LIVI oover.ge of the Hull Bowl from Honolulu, Hawaii .... . ".'\. . 12:• ... ABC (t1 30AMCent.IMt ) NFt 'el Pr•g.me .no. host~ by Bryant Gun'** toMowed by the MC a...., a • ..., a-deciding wno well repr...,t the AmtfiC8n Confer· eoce in the Super Bowl. January 2.-th 1n the Michigan SitwfdOme. . ~NBC (1 Centr~tlin) COU.ICIIIMUTUU '12 Aegional 11ttecastl of R10e at Baylor Watle ForM~ at Nofth C.roW\11 State Mta~ State et Alb.lrn ~at MtnnMOta atlahome Sta" at Kansas ~State It .A.tr Force Academy ... (Pac) ~ et wastllngton ..... NJC (2 30Cent fMounl ) PRO IOWLIRI TOU" L•ve ._...NBC (3Centr~tatnl .oe tCIIN ...,., a •rae The t982 PG4 tourn8menf I&•N A.8C (4 Centrloi/Mountaln) .. .. WOIILD 0.11'011111 lunpr r'•C,tu•l'l'10+' 1/a•t''•t'l dnOS •!II~~Aiit ASSOOATEStl<il -~--~~~==~----~====~==~~--~~~~~~~~--~ • • • & ". ' An eahlblt of pencil •aw ..... and watercolors by Susan Anderson will run throogh Jan. 28 at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery, 3300 Newport Blvd. Gallery h8urs are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ''DiuAnoe~ Emlgdlo" works by Emigdio Vasquez, 1971; 1981 through Jan. 15 at Galeria, 201 E. Fourth Street, Santa Ana. Phone 963-6155 for gallery hours. Photography by Benno Friedman, through Jan. 30 at Susan Spiritus Gallery, 3336 Via Lido. Newport Beach. Phone 673-5110 for regular gallery hours. "Paychofoelcat Pelnti~ The P..-.onal V1~ion of Jon Serl". Newport Harbor Art Gallery through Feb. 7 Phone 759-1122 for gallery hours. Galerie Andr-ts currently exh1blttng an Old Masters collectton Phone 641 1011 for gallery hours ''lmprQeionlam - The Caltfomla View " exhtbit representing 41 artists, and "Contemporary Californians IV" open Friday, Jan. 15 at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 11 30 am to 430p m .. The Hero' • O.U.et" a new sculpture exhibit by Norm T ornheim at Huntington Beach Ltbrary, lnformatton and Resources Center, 7111 Talbert •n Huntmgton Beach from Jan 2 to 31 .. lnnovattv. Prints" by ... ,.., •. M.cka'e and Martha Matthews and "A Photographic Series: Concrete" by "'IUC MOna: liS .. ,., IIOTIC% or DCUOLU'TIOtf or PAJITWDSIIJP P..tbbc ,.of..,.. • ~•r•b• ••••• ~~~ At:'-•• H•••u ·•' eod No._.,. .. O.~,ht1 -,.,.,, t• , .. d-:.o ftq D .. tatiM ~oAnd•t ,._. I• ''''' .,.. ,.,,. "•"'• ••d .. ., .. ot u ...... nll'l ,.,~ , •• ,til v.,.~.~, •. 11552 toe Allhur 81•d Su11• 14~ C,ry ol lr .,,..,. Cou11h of Oreft'-1• St••• of C.t.t .. rn..e dtd "'" •I\• l 4th ct.• at No .... ab.r 1•1 b' Mt.~luel !!"oa.M•f dtHOW• •h• ,.... P.''"•'t~tp •ed lfl ........ ,._.,., -t.•tM ~ •• J'4t1aeft .... .-.l"" ,~, ... , I'OI.C • .... ~ ... ••• J ..... llwJ H•• ,.,.cJ.rt11Q8..t ••ll ~ be •.....-o-• bM IrON th•• de• n. k)f ... , o~ ... 1.0" onc11r...t atl' I~• "''•" t• ,..._, ow• ".m .. 01 •• •h• .... ot ,._ tu" o.....! ., r....... c.~lofa•• ..... ~~~~ ....... N ......... ,l.I ..... MAWMo N.-u ........... ~" "'~~·· , .... lll:l .. n. ,...._. • .....,~ lml4l PU..:.ont::~ flC1Tl10Uit ...... II.UII IT An:.II'T ho lollew... ,._ ••• .... .,..,,_ .. KYU.AJID IAII lla ··"'DnfO I<Ji!O, g, ........... ,. A S.o,. Ju.o C. ..,.,.. 441V N,.....M ,..,,,c. ·~ s G..... A.. ...,. Au Co tr:Z7GI 4410 ...,_ lMoM lt40' 0..-4 ............. c. •nos ••1o '"•I .... -.. s111 Q..o.o~-,. ............. c. n...----~-.. _,.,....,........, ...... , ... ft~-~ , ......... .........,, .... n ..... --t.W.>~~o.a.. c-oo~. Cloof• .. O.·-e-.. .. o-n.••• Pl..w.ir loo • IJ, ». rt leG .. ,..,. ......,.,. ""'-, . .,... ~ .....,.,.. Mihoko Vemegeta will be exhibited by the Arts etlCt Crafts Cent..- Gall..-tee in Irvine between Jan. 22 and Feb. 19. Galler( is located at 4601 Walnut Ave. at Yale. Hours: 9 a.m. to 9p.m. Monday through Thursday and S a.m . to 6 p.m . Friday. ''A...,........8tream of v ... eora .. graduate group exhibition at UCI Fine Arts Gallery, Jan. 7 to 16. Hours: noon to 5 p.m .• Tuesday through Saturday. 8ronze and etone ec:u-..tuN by .occ art • professor Ralph Tarzain will be on display through Jan. 26 at the Mendenhall Gallery at Whittier College, at the corner of Painter and Philadelphia in Whittier. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Fnday. Admission is free. Vietname.e Art on display at the Mills House Visual Arts Com- plex. 12732 M~in St., Garden Grove. through Jan. 24. Noon to 4 p.m .. Wednesday through Sunday. Artists Vo Oinh. Van Hieu, Ha Ouoc Huy, Nguyen Khai, Ho Oac Ngoc, Lam Tnet and Tran Oinh Nhiem. Galetia Elena •s featunng monopnnts ·and works on paper. Gallery hours are Tues day through Thursday. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m .. Fr~­ day and Saturday. 11 a.m to 10 p.m and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p m . Gallery IS located '" Cannery Village, 2811 Villa Way. Newpor1 Beach. lkawlnga 8nd eilkecreen pnnts by James Whittle at East West Primitives, ltd., laguna Beach, located in Lumberyard Plaza. 384 Forest Ave. Gallery hours are 11 a.m . to 5 p m Wednesday through Sunday Clubs The American Sew · lng Guild presents "Tips and Techniques for the total woman of 1982," wllh guest • speaker Carol T untland 7 p m. Thursday, Jan 7 at Newport Beach Pubhc Library 856 San Clemente Dr~ve Adm1s ston $2. members, $5, non-members ruaJC IlOna: nctTnOUS avsmu.a llAMa STATOIEII'T Tll• t. UO'wtWI p.t'IIOI'l It d OIRQ l!ur-.. Olt'DIO'IS IT fKt 8U 101 S..t.ou ..... No 11• .....,,..,, ~~~ CA 9*J ... ,..,. I Ill•••• 101 Sclool• ...... "" 0 4 "-·· IMcb CA t21MJ Th•• ""'•tAM~ lJ C<Jflldu<e-..d bl .. ., '" d•v.4u.al s...-...c~ ..... ~ r •••••• ,..... ,,....... ••• h&.d ., • ., th• eo ... ., C\td ol o ..... Co-MY (1ft ... • leN ........,., •• ,,,M~nt'IV •• "-~"' ... " "..., Nm' PVIU: IlOna: ncn1aoow austRDS .._ITATDIDIT ""' .......... ,.,_ ........ ......... •• tDD PAIICS ANO AtiOCtATD. ItS W a., A .. ~. CA '*' ...... ,., Pul '•••• '"W a.vA" ..._ CA'*I n .......... ~-. .... ~..., ....... u... ... , , ..... n,.,.. __ bW_•IN C..ot-t O..• ol 0.... C:.,.,.ov " loo 4 IIG ,.,-. ... ., ,... ' u :110 n lltl ... n........_ ..... ..,. JI.OC. lflh7 .......... ._.. ..... RA~ n......._. __ .... ... .,._ •• CMUfA PA&.ACI IICITAULUT 21» W C.. ltwy , .......... ....... CA ~ToT" .... ... ., .. ,... ._.. -•.. ~ Oro-... a . C...,._, CA .-n n • ....._ • ...........,.,.~ .. _. .......... , ......... a. .•• , ............ _ "'•--......... h ... C:....., a..• .. o..-C..otl • ~, ...•. ,...... 1oi e, u • n ,.., .. n......,_a...., ~ ...... .-.c.,.. -_Ita,_, no. ...... _ ..... ----~~ ~ '"....., o..-. .. •c.-..... ~. ...... . ,.. • c:.o.-.. .... e. T-llll...,._.an- nouncee the continua- tion of the Sunday mot• ning Minv-n Club. Ser- vices ere held It 9:30, followed by refreshments and discussions on Jewish- rtMated topiC$. Children over 13 yea1s old are in- vited to attend with their parents. J..W. Community Center will be holding a planning meeting for the center's summer day camp 7:30p.m. Jan. 16 at the home of David and Sheila Okun. 29445 Ana Maria Lane, laguna Niguel. Phone 497-2070 for more in· formation. Laguna .lewlah S.,.._will host a "get·aquainted" party 8 p.m. Jan. 13 at the home of Norman and Judy Lieber, 21 Cypress Tr.ee Lane, Irvine. ~eservattons: 497-2070 Otf ... lnga of the Oula Senior Citizen's center include: -AFS students from France, Argentina. New Zealand and Switzerland will speak 11 a m. Fri- day, Jan.B. -Pancake Breakfast, 7:30 to 10 a.m. Satur- day, Jan. 9. Cost $2. -Tea Dance, 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10. The Oas1s Band wtll be featured. -Get·acquatnted m•xer party, 7 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 30. The Orange County Chapter of Scripps College Alumnae Association has formed a professtonal alliance of working alumnae. The network meets 11 :30 a.m. on alter- nating Fridays, at the home of Hiroko Ogata. 1014 Marmer's Drive. Newport Beach. For •n- formation. call Ogata at 752-2197 or Barbara Stewart, 545-5464. South Coaat Com- munitle• JeWISh Center holds Mamala- Tatala groups for •n- fants and toddlers and their mothers. lnforma· tton, call Karen Schulman, 497-2070. Newcomer• Club of Newport Beach will hold a coffee meeting 10 a.m. Jan. 6. A presentation of fine crystal by Mrs Hammer from L1ppe-Warren Fine Crystal Co. of Laguna Beach. Phone 640-0279 or 640-9335 for location "'IUC IIOnct ncnTIOUIIUSIHSS II AMI! IT A lUCDfT T"'• t.: fk-w.ao ~noa •• do.114 .,....,_ •• SIHIOI CmDHS PlliSS 251 C...... 11-r· ._.., C A i266l '-IIK~o•d Po•cll lSI C ·hor N • .._, ... ,~ CA 9}116.1 nw. bw._..n ..... ('('ftdwct..d: tn .a ,,.. dl•"'-' Soqn..f '-II Poor• r-... •••t•••"' ... , ,,,.. •·•"' .... Cc.,.,. c •• ,~ c•t Ot•aq. ( ·wilt .. OA 0.. 21 19111 Pvl>~•lo 0.. .10 lo 6 I I IIJ Qlll2 1D J)l. fll ... p.;;.tt (Mtqt ran-.. MU-H PII&IC: IlOna ncnTIOUIIMJSIIIIU ~tANK ITA~ f~ lollowoa• ,.,..,,.. •ro *>•OQ ••••~•.. •• LIASIIY Vtll OOIISYSTbd MO .... 110•• c..,,., Dr-... ,,. JDO. ~ ~· CA taiO t-lly ....... c.._ ........ c...._._ -...-J40 ..._,. .. e-.. Oft... ..... 200 ..... _ IMtii..C.a.o n... ......... ~ .. ,..-\elll .... •cor --.,._ a.....w o ,.,.,,.. c 10 ._...__C«p . n ..... -... llW ... ~ , ... c ...... , C\ort .. o.._ C6""'• 041 , •• 4.,11G "'~ .... • ,, liO Tl lim •• n......_.c..-,._ ... I NIIIC~ "''''.,._ _...rat....r T"-...,.,. .. --••• ....... ll•u•••• •• &OI.L PA.Ita AaiOC'tATD, .-o '• Ito--.• A.. ......,.,. ........ CA ... ........ c. . ~'· O....N .. l.tt -v ..... ..., ""'"" ...... ~ .-,, o• ,...,._ II tWI ..._ loy o.-c.-fel ... , CA ,......Dt,.ID _....._ Loeo c-. .W .... CA- ~&. •• ,..... utr-... c. .,_ ..... C.O.. ....... CA ............ , .... , ...... .. .,... c-. ........ ~ ........ A ..... , til ........ ..........,._. .. eA "'~" W... Wl ............... W...N ....,.. CA ..-." ~~-•. • v-a.w -.._,. ._., C:A ..,_.,,..... ._ .,_ CA ......... ....-... ...... ,.,_ ......... ,,.... ......... oWe ... T oeetmalterl Club meetawec:tn.d.y morning~ from 7 to 8:30 a.m •• Weetem Fedetll Savings, 4 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach. Speeches will be video taped. For information call 67.5-7196. Newponc...- Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m., Pacific Mutual Building, Fashion Island. For information call Or. Annamaria Ballin at 640-0838 or Mel Creighton at 556-1171 . l"'lne Complex Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 at the Advanced Health Center, 1300 N. Bristol. Information: Fred Holborn, 549-n49. Dleco. Country Western, and Ballroom Dance Club, meets Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 7:30p.m., 2515 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. For information call 494-0593. The ftal'klneQn'a Educational Program will hold its next meeting 7:30p.m . Jan. 7 at the Park Newport Apartments SPA. Speaker will be William R Parker, Ph.D., O.D. Phone 640-0218 for fur ther mfarmation. Newpo.t Hatbor Pa~llenk:a will meet 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6 at Glendale Federal Savings, 100 Newport Center Drive AFS students will speak. Luncheon $1 , bridge following. Park •n Robinson's lot. Sa._andM..tledng Executtve. of Orange County meets 6 p .m . Tuesday, Jan. 12 et the ~.rand Hotel in Anaheim Werner Escher of C.J Segerstrom & Sons Will speak Reservations· call 538-2510. Coaattine Chapter of 8'nal 8 'rtth Women w1ll meet 8 p .m . Wednesday, Jan 13 '" the community room of Mertt Savings & Loan. 5392 Walnut. Pat Blow of the Consumer League will speak. In- formation or transporta t1on · 897·2455 PVIU:IIOTD nc;;;.,...,.._ ..._ ITATDIIIIIT n. """"'-,.,_ ... ....., ..__ • SHAnD DIDUSU.IJS la.2 c ....... , Sl SU.IN CA .0.0 a.o,.. I a..llw. lSll v, ... ...... "-" ~ CA tQMO AA , ..... , ....... ~I ........ 11-4 1k 52. H,..,;..,--...,,, CA ~ l..t•• c ~· 25» v.-a. •• ...._. ~ CA *-1 M~e ....... D IU/kr J0'7101 loed at..l ... 0 R ... n_INclil CA t»4e n ...... -.. ~~ .... _ ....................... Aa"-T .. ~lt.t n ... _, ... ,,.... ""'" ,.._ c-a.. C!loti ol -c.._ c-.. .. OM 11.1.1 hw..lo o.c .. 23 JO. letl. ... • ·~ .. n.. ............... ~ mtllO Nato 1 PV1UC IIOt1CZ rCIII.,... ___ .... ITA~ n.. ~oe~r---........ ~-• •> JIIWPOIIT tc..oQL or PMOI'OOIIAI'KT .. , A&. ......,.. Q.ALLDT 1720 c:;;;o• 011 .. ......_. .._ .. c. ....... 1 If ....... "'-'•• .. , ... • c..... ... _,.. .. _. 1111 • c-~­ .. 1102 ...._. t.ocll CA ta» . ,..., ...,_ . ...-...-... - ... -........ AI ...... ~ ..._, ................. ,. .., no. --...... •"' .... c-.. C~too• .. o.-c... .. , .. 0... ll,l.l ............ ''· JO n.--...•'-· ,,.,.. "Clown" -Feb. 2: "Ono, 2Do Goritla" -Feb. 9: "Rookie of the Year" and "The Str~nge Story of the Frog Who Became a Prince" -Feb. 16: "Me and Dad's New Wife," "Great Bubbte Con- spiracy" and "Hardware Wars" -Feb. 23: "Horrible Honchos" and "Seven Wishes of Joanna Peabody" Lectures "Rolflng-The Integration of Human Structure," by A. Grant Powers. certified rolter, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 7 p.m ., 488 E. 17th St .• Surte 221, Costa Mesa: Information and reservations call 640-7661 . Lec:tuNa and wOft&ahopa at ~ .... coeat Colla .. this week include: -Thursday. Jan. 7: "Oevetoping Training Programs in Your Business Organizations"; lrv Gambel, lecturer. 1 PWUC IIOf1a IC 0 DOW IGSIRDS ll.u. ITATDIDIT n.. ~ ,.,_ ••• ""' .. b• .. •-u I'OWOHA AVIMUI sr.-tH. LTD l Corpor•le ... .. o.-,.. s.,,,. 100 ... wpon a-c ... CA li3II60 AI.. L Ad. .. , l Corpo•••• l'1•&a On••· S•u,. 100 Howport a..co c. 926eO n.. ....._ 10 <'O«MhrctM by o luo1tM ptuo .. .-...p Sr9,_j ........ L Ad.o-n.. ... ._ ..... bled ..... ·~ co .... , Cl.t) ol a.... c-.... - leo 4 lJI2 ,....,... loa • 11 Ml n 19G •• n. Hewporl "-v• FIIIOON NU» PV&ICIIOna ncnnoua...as IIAIGITA~ n. lollowuoq ,__ .,. ""'"" .......... .. UASUT aaouJt SYSTIWS a40 ....._, c .... , o. ... s ..... 200 "-1>0<1 ........, C. NMO t... ... a, STM••• Corpor••..oo • CetJtouue ~po•••...,. 2.40 N.wport c-... o,... s..... liOO. N_,, a...,,.CAOMO nu ~t..n .... r:oadyc-ted by. cor po•••-Stqa... llo .. ld 0 .._ C I 0 ...._.,. SniO•• Co•p n.. .. ...... , ... .._.. ••t• ... c-.,, c ... ~ o1 a. ... c-..T ... , •• 4 1!112 , ....... ~ lu 6 I I 20 n 1912 10 r"""--'"''"'" ,,.._ lfU60 PVIUC 11011<% ltOTIC& or DfTIJmOII TO atOAO.I bl TU IAUOF UCOIIO& JC unuaa Jg .___ Jr "'"'eo ...... s..t.-· 10 .-u•.ac-• of tiM 1.,-.....,. •pp'-d lor .oftce .... t.bt QIJY .. ~~~ 1M ...... , O>q-··-10 .... ~"' ~,.,._ At tlw P•••.... c&e.tr....._.. •• ~ou.... ·•r o. s.t. a....a~ 110 N•wpo•t C.otor o,,.. N.wp.t a..c. CA 926tiO p.,,..,._, to .vca ••t .. noo tk ued•u.,qaed .. • .. ..,_... to tiY o...,..,.._, ol A~K ..__ Coatrot lot ••••oce ol •• ~-­ -• ...,. ...,_ lor '"---"--'•-• ·-1 •• 6 I) Ml 111:2 .. n.. ...._ .. l•IHQ• 11181 ruauc IIOnc. nc:tn\OCa-IU.M& ITA'flllllft n . 1o11--... ,.._ ... ...,.Q bv..,._ .. VrTTI ~.O'T CO -1 ltlocAr1~~' ..... ... tlO .... -' t.oclll CA ...0 VIlli .... r..u .. r. .. ._,_ ~ • c.w..... ...,,_.,_ .0.1 M.A...... • .... Jto liO ....._, a.-•. C:. a.o n......_ ........ ~..,.­....... _ a...-.Aal'-y W Yrth ,,_,._, Vo!U ._, C... a....~,-. Lid n.. ·'*'-.... ' w•• .. ..._. ..... ~ .... C-•IY Clot~ _, O.o_... c.. ... .,. 0.. )t.l.l .............. I IJ a n. IIG •• n......_.a...,. "l'IZtl ......, .....:.ot~e~ --PiCbl.,.._ ....na~ ,..,. .......... ,._ ...... ..__ • OUAlL 1'\AC'I • VIS'I'Qel \TO 1-o-1 II • ....._., a..c• CA -••• l ....._ Tt-.. Tr.-A .... ,,...,.._....,.A ... J..tm, 14llc:-w.ac..w.e..n .,.....__ ............ .., ... .................... ,......,_ , ..... n.. __ ............ c..;.., a-t• .. o.....-c:-JIIt .. OM-.1.1' ........ 0.. at.D,lO 1•1 1411 • ·-. n. ........ "'-'" ",.,.,. Ht p .m. In Fine Arta 119. Fee M .60. -friday, Jan. 8: ''Piartners and Peraonality: Styles of Sex and Love"; Or. Charlet Ara end JdaQ._ Koeuth. 7:30 p.m. in ) fine Arts 1 16. Fee M. -Friday, Jan. 8: Orientation lecture for WOf'kahop where participants build solar collectors 7 p .m. In Technology Building 1170. Workshop is slated for Friday, Jan. 22 and Saturday, Jan. 23. Fee for workshop is $420. Information: ~5527 . -Friday, Jan. 8: "Family Estate Planning". four-part lecture series by Dan Broderick. 7:30 p.m. in Scihce Lecture Hall 102 Admission: $3 per session, $9.50 for the series. Information: 'l ~5880. -Friday, Jan. 8: "In- creasing Our Enjoyment of:Self and Others"; four·pan series by John Robert Clarke. 7:30 p.m. in Room 214 of Chemistry Building. Fee: t3 per lecture, t9.50 for the series. In· formation: 556-setK>. -Saturday, Jan. 9: Seminar on plumbing installation and repairs; Frank Denison, lecturer. 9e.m.· 1 p.m. in Science lecture Hall 101. AdmiJSion:$4.50 Cooldng Clue•• of· fered by Fassero's. 2919 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (673-2343): -Thursday, Jan 14: Pheasants, Fo:.c-tails and French Countryside; Diana Heiser instructs I'VIUC: IIOnc& ncii(IIOGS..,._ IU.M& ITA TDIIII'T TIN~-·~"'-<~ b ....... • SU DISTIUaUTOIIS ll40 ,.c_ba A.. CoMo ....._ C. t2U1 ll>c W t o .. ,. I 719 Pt.w Dotl S.. • B.U.O. CA lnMI. S..,b.,... l.oqoro.l ... 254JW.qool .. C-• M-CA 92127 n... ......_ .. coed...,.... by • .., ...... J p.rta.a~ ,.,.... k lew•• 1'1u. ....... t ... a.....ct ...... &.a.. eo ... , a..• o1 a.-c-."' -Got II 1•1 Pl.w..lo 0.. 16 ZJ lO ,., I•• • lll:li.O n.. ....._. ..._. F17tlll HUU PVIUC IIOTICZ ncnnooa•os.on::sa IIA.U:ITAT'UUWT Th• toUowuu·~ ~ttOe •• d , n•l ""•"'-.. QUAUTY COHCII:Tl CONSTIIUCTIOif CO w .... .,a., A1. • N••po" IMch CA 92161 !P 0 a.. .. l71J N•wpo" ... ch CA 9~1 l~loa P • .,.t Aahlto• W r••1 A~J4 N..,po, ... h CA 92M1 P 0 a. • 171ll nlt bvtJn ..... 'r.d ... ~~b., "''-" d••~u•l S,qn.d rH~n P•1JI Ahl••• m f""tt •t•l•••nl ••• h~ W11r, '"" Cow•u-w CMt~ ~• o,.l)"'• C ,,., t,. ••• Doc 21 ·~· P"bh•h Got J0 l•o h I I Ill 1_, •• Ta.. N.•po•t El'l • ....,, rll'9167 Nlo.-. I'VaUC IIOTICZ ncrTT10U11~ ""*IT A TD&DfT Tl\. toUow-u•4 p4'11100 ·• d Otft•l """" ... •• CLASSIC IWAGIS 18!17 lu "" h S. Svn• 144 New purl I.•C' b c. 'JMal Wan'-A Slocl ... " 2924 CorobS. Nowporra-.-~ c.~ th •• b .......... l.. t"171'Jd..c-t.J b'f' " ,,. ch4~"•1 5 •ln•d W.ttl•• A '"~ .,......... • •• ltl-.d ••• ~ ... Co.••• C~•• ot (J,.,.. ,. C "'~ rt ••• , 191112 ,,..,_ ••• 6 •J 20 n ;\Ill' n. .... ..,.., .. I.N.q "80a 17 H F.&b4 PVauc 11011CI fiC I I I iOUi IVIDI&U UIIJIITATI!MI'IrT n.o lollow,.. ,._ ,,. ""'•q ltw11o••• •• UAO PUTI IU ~..._,., Sr c-. ........ CA t16n c~.,._ w • .,.. Hol..a IM a.c-... St c-.. -. c. 916T/ No•••• "'-•• ~ r .. u....,. No S4 C""''" ........ CAt2U7 Ta.1.1 bv.-,..._ ~ roftdurted b., • 9f'BOIOI ......... htp S.q•..t C"'-.... w., .. H..,., n ... ...,..,. ....... ht..t .,t, .-. Co•••l Clo~ ol 0.•-c .... , • ., I•• • lel1 ,...,...~ ••• • u :10 n 1..a •• , ...... _'-" r ltOQtl llll6t PVIU:IIOna ICIIIIOua~ .... ITA'l....r TIN ......... ,._ • .,. .. 00 t,,.,,,._ .. GIIOU? rtHAIIICIAL UJI VICD lJO e........ ,... a.11tN 1o~o..... c. tat12 ,,.. A... c-d."-ta c,_. A... ..,...., ....... C.t»Q n. ~ •. -.......... . ---.. ,_ ............... .. A ... c;......_ n .. -~~· ••• .,...,. ... th ,.,. <=-• a. .... a.._ c..... - ... 4 ltt7 ,._.... ,.. • 1.1 » :n ltlt2 •• t._...._,.,._.. rlllm4 • IIDSJ .....C:.:mcl iW::IifW-....n.~ "" ........ _ ....... ..,__ M ~ lWVDmltQ AJfD wu&rniiO (.ufl. 1101 uu~ 1t .. 0 ...,..._. ....,.. C A .., r ... ·-'-t1ta• ~ I , ... II .... D ......... ilto.• CA'*-1 ,... "-a ............... lty eA .. ..... .., ...... ,..,._ ... ...... ,..._ .. _ ............ .. e..... 0.,. .. 0....... c-• ., ... ...... ........... ll lJ ••• n. ............... r~ clast on Fren<:h Provin· ciaJ Feaat. 7 p.m .• f• le *18:60. Clll for reserv• tiof'll. Offafed by Williams· Sonoma Grande Cuisine, South Coest Plaza, Coeta Mesa, 1751·1168): -Monday. Jan. 1t: Food ProcestO! Magic; Roy Pingo. lnat"'ctor. 6:30p.m., fee is $20. -Tuesday, Jan. 12: French Desserts; Tarla Fallgater, instructor. 6:30 p.m., fee is $20. -Monday, Jan. 18: Recipes from "The Eggs Act"; Roy Pingo, in· structor. 6:30 p.m .. fee is $20. Miscellany_ 8lble Study every Wednesday morning at Mariners Church in Newport Beach. Class is held at 9:45a.m .; Anne Ortland leads the group. Phone 640-6010 for more information. Handwriting analyz- ed by graphologist Sarah Engel 7:30 p.m . Jan . .7 at Columbia Sav- ings & loan, 2252 Har- bor, Costa Mesa. Spon· sored by City of Hope Open Door chapter. Ad- missiorl free. Audhiona _. Wing held for the 26th Orange County Master Chorale season on the afternoon of Jan. 9. For appo•ntment call the business office, ~153 or Anthea Kjerulff. membership chairman, 524-5279. Voluntary Action c,.m.r of 8outh "'IUC MOna: I Tlw C•t• 11t IC••por• INca W'lll r.c•••• •PII' •ilf\•tet, \.400 000 1:'\ ~ral re-..•w• ,-..,,,.., twftdt duru•o Ill• I till 83 1 ..... 1 •••• n... olono ..... a I"•Jfl' •••• of •PSHOit,..l·f~ SJOO.OOO fto·wt th• IQI:t SJ hwc•l '"' wall ••"• •~~tAil4bl• t pprc;.-..a•t•l., S100,0001o• I~ II 1\.biK' h••'H\Qt ~tre wh.du~ t.>r l lOr,.. .,.d ·1 JO r· "' of\ laJu •• r, 19 •• .._.. Ctty c"' ... ,. tl Ch••ber• I ......... _ .... ·-ol ............. C.,..,.. JN.Ih' ·~·..,o ~• .-cuwr.,qed lltow •tt..4tH •ll• h.en.q •'•tl "'••• th• f'Q .. I ~ provtO. wu~1•11 "ad ro••1 coca...,f• ••d ·~"_..tOll, ,..,.•u'••·• poii!Nha. u ... •~t till• t"aJ• P"bh~ '•" n lWtl n T._ .. H•wp• r• , •• ..,. wUo• PU.UC IIOTICY: 11011<% TO c:otmlAC10aS S..J;ed ptOJN~Wlf wtlJ lt. IW.lV-.d at •b.• 0.~··••• .f T••••portaltOG UO S Sc>•·•') So ,....,,. 1000 Lo. A"o•·• CA 110011 .a•tt1 1 o·rlcK'. s: l'f'l "'" Jar'\ I I t()l} •• •"•"""' h ft'le '"•• "''" b-Cl'-'bh•-1• ope>ned e nd , .. d '".At"""' l •' w •i.f eddt... to• c '" •u~c.:hvn r. St•'• ~.oh••' '" • cor6-•"'-• •H~ lh• •P«•lu: ahu"' lh-•t•tot to •"t<" •r-<""-'1 •••••••c-• '' ... ct. ... ··1110.-. Ot•a.o• Couft " ,. •• , N.-wpc~tt a...ctt •• S.o•• A•• "·••• a..ct ... rO? 0 •• I 11 'l •" .,,, .... 0•.00. 1o .,. "'.d.r-~ •Hh •••M• ~ ... f"tt...,.n klr • ........ ,. Tfu• ·~··' Atd PIOief: t ...... qcut ot I) perreflll "''"' ,,.., b~~o~tlfll ... ••••• 0"-M p.ert~ IP4"o'+ Ho pte tud ~-h'h~ •• .,..a..cft~Md ft•t 'h••pro,.,., B.d .. ,. , .. , .. ,, .... ltor tit• et~~ttre .... ,~ Jlf'K'rtlMd "-•••r p~._. . .,....., • ..,. r~~o •PM:~ p~(-. I ,,.. 'o• b.dd-t"~ ._,, pro~ c•• ~I• t,..rr. bt•'".d • •M Orr.p.rt ... l of r ..... port•l• ,. ,,.,., •• d l t4 Ol..c• ... "'' avo. » Tr•"•-J!'OI'-hOft a..,ld,~Q I UO N S. P 0 ao. 14911 S•~u••••o CA 9SI07 (pho•• 916 4-4-S JJ.2~ •nd ,..., .,.. ..,."' •' ,._. .bo.,• uthc ... 1nd •' •'-• ofl~ ot lh• O.•r~t Otr-.coton of Tr•upcu•hwa •• L.oe .... ..,.. s. .. '••V.\~ •"d ..... d•lhM"IIA waud' f ... WOf •••• .-...hid r._ ............... ......,., ,..,.n .,_,9! ... . r•••..,., brftd •Nil • ~rtof-a&t.r• toe Ok.l ,.,., • ..,."' ' 5.-t-o.. In' .4 ,._., t.bo• c . .-:~. ·~· qe .. ,._. ..... ~ ... ,_..~~ f•f• ,f '-•QM ta lh• (ll .. ftt' till •htt:h th• WOf~ 14 IU tJ. .,..,.. "411 -... • ....,, ''"n.d h th• Du--.tvt of 1M o..p...1 •••• t ·"·~· .. , ..... ,.0. ,.,_ • ....,.. ,., .... .,,.., ..... o.,.. ........ . ,, ••• pot .. ,... p,.w_..,._.,.,. ...... ... c-..... '""'••""4 w~ ..... ct....a o.c-........... , •• ,. .............. ..,. ··~ •Itt>':" ........... .,,~ ••• ,~ ..... •r• GoA t1i. •etlfl tlw O...t ....... l&dw•tr .. t ~~~' •r• r-.t.-....c.-d btU "qt pnlll ... •• ..... P'-'bl~••~ :Itl..,•iU I Tra.n-•10•-loii- W o.,"'' Dlr.CII'If ,, ••• (I o..,. .. "" ..... ·~"' (on.•''•<•.on 0.. l l ,.1 Pwllloo' lo• I I J 1-.r on n. ,..__ .. _. NA...., 111641 ..,.,.; IIOt1CZ rctmOCa- .... ITA~ n. ......... "'-......... ... _,... .. •I IIACOA.IT lUI'-'*" IU"U It) I&AOOAST RCUilm IY~S •> SIACOA.IT A.LAlWS ell lAC:O.AIT tJnUtlUJO DC . ~ ._,..., ....... c... .... c..., s...-btto·~·-t-4 • c.w...... ..._ .. _ 1411 ............. C......_ C•fml n • ..._ • .---.. '" •-,.. .... _ ....... g., ••• ·- ,...........,_~_ ... • T~ .. ., ... _ -lrW •-' , .. c-'"' o.t~ .; en-c-&~y • 0.. • ltll ,......., ... • u -.n , .. ....._. "lllJI o..-. QM,nty n..da volunt ... for • \ll8riety of~ in-- ducing Mitch of OWnee lnd the ..,,.scan Red CrOM. Call 863-6757 for mfof'tMtion. ~--• ........... Opera wUl be held lin Orange County 10 a .m . to 6 p.m . Saturday, Jan. 16 at the Newport Harbor High School Auditorium. C.JI 657-6661 or 49&-1667 for information. ........... and oo-. peNJI Willbe represented on the OCC campus Jan. 6 to 15 to interview and hire students. For interview information can the Career Center, 56&-5575. T~E ....... ua eecOnd._..... through the South Coast Literacy Council, Inc. Volunteers should call 552·3587 for further information. Stop Smoking Clink: at UCI M edical Center. Building 44, 7 p .m . Jan. 11 to Feb. 4. Sponsored by the American Lung Assoclatj6n. Call 634-6721 for informa· tion. women·• lntamahlp ftrogram for women · re-entering the work force sponsored by the Women's Opportunities Center of UCI. Informa- tional meeting at noon, Jan. 14 in Room 106 of Administration Building. Internship fee is $50. Phone 833-7128 for in- formation. ruauc: ROT1CX ncTn'IOW ........ ~l'l.uu..T n. lollo-,.._ ... dooaQ bv•-•• GOLDIMWIST COPY CONP.UO ISOiiiO OoldM w_. w..,,.,ut•• CA 8la8IJ T419• loh- h ?tiS So,.....l...,.... Wn . S.enloft CA IIOaO s..,. W.rtt ..01 a,.., A•• II"IJIO" 8Mc~ CA ta8l Tlu. ......_ ,. coed~t... ... o ilC. •• ..t ponNnlo•p So.~-s. •• Meru n... .... .._ ... , ... bMd •u• the c-ar., Clio•• ... o.-c-. • ., - loa 4 1-.2 .......... , •• 6 I) 20 z'l ·~ •• n. ............. "''"'" rt10014 NIIISI PVaUC IIOTICI IIOTICZ ~rill~ IA1.I TSNoiOa. ''~""· c.ta...-w. ...... _ 0.. loaoYIJ l9 ltG. ot t IS • • UCUam AWED SDVICU ... cl~ '' oppoo .... Trv-..... , fM ,.., O.UAI "' o...t ol T ..... ·~....... ••• • 1eeo oo , • ., Ho 11M •• --ll4410 -14W ol ou,.,.,, "-<>•"-'" 1M ..... u ol .... c....... a.co..... ol o..,.q. c.,..,, s.... ol Ca.llloro .. WIU SW AT "'.UC AUCTlOitf TO HIOHUT 1100111 roll CASH IP.Y•IIIo or ~~-ol ..lo lA lowhol .. -.. of 1 ... Uo-S..S..) ot Ito. lfOIU ••u••• to tiM oW Ot...,. Co..aly c.,..,.....,. locaoed ,.. s.... Aae ........... ....._. ~-... ··-.... a.-., S...to A.. Caltlota .. ,u noh• lf()e •eel ....... oo. .. .,..ct to ond eo• to.ld lit " """•• •<4 o...t ol r, ..... •II tt.. propt~rty llfv•M4 ._. Mid Co•aty ood ... ,. _,..,. .. A L--hold loooto •• ..... ,. L.ot ... I o1 r.~. No 4tl2 ...... c ... ol ........ .. .. ..,h c--o1 o,.._ ,.... o1 C•ltl<oro,. .. ..._. .,.., -....,,..,.. • .... 110 -24 25 ..... » M_..llo-.. ...... •• I~ .,.._ ol "• c.~ ... ~. o1 a. ..... eo.. • 1w Cahtot•.. c-,...t.-d _.. • nr .. •• 1-derM A•q ll IMJ • ...., ..... b" '"-• h••n• Co a W• v.,.,, ... Co•po•atloOe .. .._.,, • .,.. lae.a..r.. Lud Co ,. t-raco.,.... 0.. 2 ,.., ...... 1741 -'J7 •• 01 lrc .. l a.c.... ol a. .... Co..oty c.utor ... n. .. ,_ ......._ .... OfiNI .,._ -~-..... , ol ......... P'-"' ~ ................ l"'rp<>rtool ... b. Ml ..._... s. ...._ ... ell Cohlo,. .. ,... ....... O>Q" ... ,,...,_ d_ ..... •• , .......... IQ# ... --ol ·~ ··-...,_ ....... --..__,_, __ IN_ ........ will ......... , ......... . .... ........ .., ... ._ .. .. ~~··-.. . _ .... _ .. ,. ... _ __ l .... ol.._ ___ ..,. .. -0... ol T~,., .,til , _ _. ..__ ..................... _ .... 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C.W WUJDJI W\JT\141. coa. I'OilATIOH, • Caltlorata co~tMtraliOO, u Tr..... Of •~._,llwMd Tr" .... ........ th d.... ol lr,.. Orl«oolM ..., Uward C Sir_,,_ otw1 .... ,., A ·--· :.~olo.tad .., ...... -· ............. taiiM ,......,, -.rd ..t Apr II IMO .. laotr,.••• llo 11116 •• 8oolo llS71 '••• IIS7 ol Olltco.i lleocord• ol Oro ... C001orr Cal'-'or.,. wtiJ Mil •• p"bhr •vcuo• .. U.. hoqe.-lt.Uot lor t... ,.,-"1• •• &.wflll •oaey ol tho Uott..t 11<11 .. ot ... hMe ot .. 1. lhe ••t•••• coa"Ye4 to eecf aow Mid by .. .ct ""-'" -..nthr a.a.d d.e.d of trWM tft th• p10~r1y uht.-ed •• .. ~ Co.••• .ad ltele d..-ubedu '••col I Tlwt pon-o1 t..o.t 104 •• TrK't Mo JOO. u ~· •.,p ...cotd.d •• 8oolo 14 '""" II .. d 12 ol Wt«ellon eov. N•Pt' •• the othce u' •h• Co~o•• R.cotder ol .. ,d ~"'' dPKr~bed •• loUowt a.c,u\.ftJM at •h• tnte•wchon ol tho tooter IIlio al lJrd S1roo1 10 00 , .. , jft Width Wtlh 1t'lfl lf1lflt ... j, h ' f¥tho A"'owe 60 00 l"t tn wtdth •• wtd +Ot•tM<"tton •• •.ho~u• ,n • , .. ,._.v h._, '" book •e P•o• l •11 r..cord ot ,.1'4.,, tn th.e oftu. • ol "'•td C''O\Inty recorder lb•nc• rKirlfr'l l9 ~....,, .. , •T 45" -• J06 SJ '"' thenro .owth !10 cieQ•-II t5" Nol ijl I~ 1 .. 1 thence oo•th IS dOQI-HI 00 oo>t 10 07 1... th•"c• eorth 8J ct.q, .. , 20 4! ..... J0 n ..... IC) lh• ,,._.. pGIIII Ot beQtAftlftQ th••c• ronhl'l\hA(I •orth 8J ....,, ... 20 41J ...... 160 w .... ·~ .... ... t4>rly It•• ~t Tr• t No Jl )8 •• .a.ow. CHI • !IUP 11\.t.of t~rd.d lfl ~ lOJ r.~ .. tl '" lJ '""'"''"of &&td ••.c•tL.oeu"'' "'•P• lh•n<'• ~tit II d .. ,.., 19 \4 .... 15 28 1- •&o.Q lt.• ••fo41J•I• l•n• ol -.td Tr.ct No )I )II • • h .. •lloclo .. poraU.I Wlth .. d 95 00 t .. , Aorta..rt,-..... wred., '"""'' •n~ ho• 1 ... aot'l.,.,., t.a. ot tloo lud deett bed • P•~eol I •• tho cleed '" C.C.t H NcVu .. d ••le r..-otded 1.. 11 1,_ •• loot tW "",. II u1 011..-..J a...o•tl• a1 &&WI cowaty t.._.ce eovth ll ...._, ... 20' •s -lrt 01 ..... Jo •• Mid ~r..U•I h•• th•nc• Aut1 .. 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Coroao del N<tt CA 1:2625 o. .... ~ c...,_,.. tJ7"" N•• t,.,.., Co..,.. del Nor CA m2S n .. ....,_ .. -..c.et~ by ••• dtwocl...l Stta..t O.u10 CJ-••ftQOr 'ht·• Nt• .. nt .,. .. tJ.d wtlh tl\e Covftly Cl.1k ot Or•eqe Co"nh· ,,. Dac II lill Pv.Wooh Dac D 10 ltll lon 6 ll I Ill•• Tho Nowpon '-""''· '111714 NUJI P'IIIUC NOT1C1I! nct1T10UIIUIIIOSS llAJIS IT A T1:ltiDT T),e JollowtnQ peUOftJ ••• duuH, b.,.._ oo SIXPDICE INN or CLAIIIIWOifT N&SA IU.VD 1751 E G.&rY A•• S•11• C S..••• Aoo C A 97705 Suptonce lnnJ oi Am••"-• In<" • C•Morn_. cotpot•tton. 175i E a,.,, Av• Svu• C S.nt• An• C A !11705 hrr-C ICootdtoOa 94Xl El G•ond11o A.. L. M-C A '12041 lud1th 0 l t\tHhon 9410 t J GttU'Idihl Avo L. N ... 1 CA 92041 Jobn S Turlo o&tr~ Orchord A.. S.n D""'~' CA IIJI07 Do~•• I r.,, 46'>6 (1, • ~ord A.. S." O...,c. CA Q21(17 O.".d A Dt~n,.. 1 J 1'52 Lor_.,. o, S.n•• Ao. C A q.t1\l') O.oon~ l [)won l t JS2 t... •• •• Ch S.n•• A .... CA 9210'> n.. bw •• n.... • .n,J"'rl.d b\> • ltrnet.d P•''"•'•h·P S•.qoed W A c •••• lr v.~. ,,. td•n s .• ~ .. ,. * '"'"of ,A,...,~. 1" n.-... , .... "' .... ,lo hi~ ... ,~ .,., C(oluAIY CL.•. .,. o,.,u~r· c """ .. Dac 18 1981 , ...... ~ 0.. 7 J 10. I '<Ill ••• .. 1) t(J82 •n n,. N•wpot ["""" rnt111 NEt><~ PVa&JC IIOTICI ncT1'TIOUS I USUIDS lUlU ITATDCPT Tho lol.....,•v .,.,_ •• do.au ""''"-.. SUJIIIISI CA.IIPIT CO 267 llclea Coo,. w-CA 92677 O.•ld I ,.,., lf7 11c1.. C..,. - CAnln T1ua ~Ja-Lt cooduct.d hy •n '" d•v.,.,...,.J S.oaed O.•w:t Per•t n.... .... .... n. .... ftJ.ed wllh "'• C001ntY Ct.r~ of Ot•n<j• Co"•'• , •n ~ U,lill , .. blooh Dac 16, 23 lO, ltll , •• II lillta~ho Newport "'uqn F111114 N£617 PVaiJC IIOTtCl nctmOUIIUUJIDI llAJC ITA TDaXr n.. loliowuoq -.. do••<l ...,.,._ .. IVD'f'TMUIG ,011 YOU ll2 On:lo.d Cot.,.. d.l Nor Co 92Q5 J...t, Lroo N<tlool 2ll O~'<'lud Cor-• del Not CA 92IZS n. ........... • COIMK'ied "'' •• •• dt...d~l I'Q....I Jotdw L••• Nolo•i ,...,.. ......... WU lJ.W Wl\' the c...., Ct.r~ el Or-C:O..ty oo Dec II ltll "'--ootaat Dac " lJ lO lill ••• I I Ill •• Tho N-<t laooq• FI1111S IIUOt PVIUC.cmc& nc:IITIOW- II.UU ITATDIDIT n.. ...._ -.. tlo<at ltoot•••• •• COMTIIIfTAL NAUntllO. usa v,. 1.14o. h ••• m . ..._.,." a...:~ c. ll:ll&l ~ ... A ..._., 7 a.. a.-1m.. C. m11 n.. ""'"'•-.. coe4~cMtl .,, •• .. 4t•141.ul ....... L tl A ~· Tlllt ,.._, ••• lllotl wtllt tho Ceutr Clar~ of o..... c.,..,, •• 0.. 11.1.1 Plrltliall o.. •• n. ao , .. , ,... • 1112 •• Tho .............. . "11111 II~ PVILIC IICmC:l IIOnc:l or AnUCAn OII roa CIWIOIIJI OW1I1MIID 0 , ~ ll'fiUOI uc:DII To Wloo•lt No• c .... ,. WA~ICMAL r,u"'' r ••d II • A ••• ..._.''"' 10 IN O...r ,...,. I Ahrollol.r Iento.. c-"o lot 0. .. Ia ... , aool w,.,. (P\11 lA T 'LI 41 ht• ....... tl .lot~ .. -.".'.""' o JIIUI looo-.u" llvtl Joel •-• II••"'' .... ~ CA '·lrl··~ 0.. 1l lO ••• '•• • 11 1-.J '" T • H.•~" a.-... ,. .....C:IIOTICI -I'1QnTIOVIIUIOII:It IIAMIITATDWfT The ioUowtat 'PertGBI 11• dutnq b,..tn-oo C t C DITIIIP~IU 11l2 Newport ll•d lfewporl ...... C• 12Ml lhchard D Coonello 7122 No•port l lwcl II••.,., le•ch CA tiOMIJ Oor•l4 L c ... oll 2122 N•wport llwd Howport ... ch CA t2t63 tht• b\aJIB.. 11 conducl.d b'f 4 ..-•••1 ••,."•••h•P S•q"ed: IH"~••d D Co•••llo Ttua •'•t•"'••' ••• M""'i • f\ "'- CCNety ca... ot o,.,w,. Co-"h 0 Dac II 19tl Pubh•b Dac 1l 30 IIIII I• • 1) 1912 ta ft-. N•wpot li\••Q~ Jl 78043 N 0 •1t I'V&IC IIOT1C& ncT1'TIOUS IUIIJIDI MAl« IT A TEMDfT Th• loUow•.. pe,_,.• • ,. 1 '"Q bu•••-•• "ECYCLLD "AGS l' II L Co.•• Hwl Curon• cMt M"' C'A 926.lS A~,., l••,. '-''•'""''' t17 C•rn•h""-" C ·totl• d.l w., C A ~ c;..,,. w • .,,. ""'h••d• •n c.,,..,K." CoroJW d•l W•r C A q2'6J4' n ut bu•u,... ... ondwr ted t'f • J•n•••l J>41ln•nhlp S;qneod c., N ft•cfrl••d. Avd••\' P•"•t~n Thu ••l•rn•n• • u ld..d .... ,,.-h .. Cvwni'J ct •• ~ I o •• ,.._,. ('" ~,tf\lv O.r 18 1'1111 Publt•h 0. I I tu I~ I t .. , •t I • J98J m T~4" H••l Jot! f•1'tt.Jr r11~711~ NlbJO PUIUC Monca ncTmOUI IUIIItDI MAJ«ITATDIPT Th.e k\Uow1e9 ,.noa.t ••• doutQ b•••n•u u ttOLL NICHELSON ASSOCIATIS, 44110 Voe h•••• A.. Ne•port hec~ CA ~ Don•ld .. It oil 1011 v.. L..6o Sootd Nowporl Je.cll CA 92MO D P l4od dloo111.. I I Kall Nooa a.y On.. Cot ono dol W.r CA 9alS c-roCI o. .... Ul liCll S.. ....... ...._ C«HOOt• tMI N<tr CA 92a5. r .. otllf L Sltodot 215 l••atAQ c..,_ llo.d Co•-• d•l N<tr CA 'U6lS Swot.-. r lrodt.olt S P .... ot S..r D""• Cotou del Nor CA 92625 lire hard N o, • .,. 14.15 C.lu y On.,. Ne•pon a..clt CA 9'2660 lloben A ., .. , 91l a.u .. So No•pott ...... CA ~ N<t•••• ltrwpc>ll Z2 ll«bwoa 1 .. ,.. CA 91714 Nochoel l L.•" S.l Wouatoto lloed t..., ... le..,h CA l"lln N H•rt.oc~ Ul v.--. le•• ~'' ....... CA t264IO n~.. bv..tto.N •• coeduct.-d bt • q•"•ra.l P•"'h•rMitiJ S.qn.d f ,•(•lhY L Str•d•t Th.a tt.Wmenl ••• ftled •tfh th• Co"nty Ct.V. ot O••o~ C·~"'' "'" 0.C II 19111 P"bholo Dac 16 ll, )(I 1981 lon 6 198ltn TIM M••pottla•tOft rl71106 Th.e loUowt~tq pei"IO&t ••• dc.un(,l b ...... _ oo ltOU. .MATIOIIAL .MOII1'H 4490 Vo• Lraao Ave . Newpotl Booclt CA Donald N ltoll 1011 v .. Lido So...t Newpot1 ._ch CA 9l610 D P Ntddloo-• II H.llt .. .,.,., S.v o .. .,. Catoo. tMI Not C. 926~ l"toCt o.... UJ 16 11 Oorod<> 11-pon heclt CA Ulal y, • .,.~o, L Stroolet 2" ,._,.., c •• ,_ lloed Cot-.o tMI Not C A tali Slo•t.-. r l roc»ool S '-•• t..r On.. c,.,.,.. 4ol Nor CA lla2S 0eo.Q. D o.- lr lit ..,. .. , II Pale AI.. CA e.JOI ...,._n A C~~rclt lltl lloll _, O.t .. lu 10M CA IISilS w.u... r .. _ ll044 c ..... ~..., o,,.. Sa.r..&o" CA 11070 la,.r .. l c~, o~~ta .__.. lac •• C•hleral.a Jfeuoet l Lde C Mt.et lfuhllla, t-JntO n • ........_ • ............... .., • -al pon·-·· ....... r ..... , L ltr .. , 1'lo» ... _ .............. ~ .... c .... .., Clot~ el o. .. "' Cour, .,. Dtro II 1 .. 1 I'UIMII Dtro II lJ lO 1•1 Ju I, 1112"' Tloollew,..•• "'••v• ,111101 .Mnt7 PVlUC liOnel nc:nnoviiVIIWDI MAID ITA TDCIIfT n . lallewta• ....... .. ..... ~ lt•••••u u DOCIIIDI UAL m An ,.,. ,.,~ A•• ....... a.-11 CA 1074J loho W c-• .._ ~~ ..._..,, ...... CA 13110 n ............ e.U~Ktoe4 •••• 18 .......... , ...... leio• N c-.... n ......... , ••• ~+t.4 ··•" M c ... ~ .. c-.~ .. o ••• .., c ..... , ., Dtro II 1 .. 1 r...w.a. Dtro " n 10 •• 1 lo• a I Ill •• Tbe "-" lA•••• 1111112 Hlat l llftUC ..OTlCI nc:'TmOUI I IISUfal "AMI ITATUlDIT T\e follow••• ,.tfOf\ •• dou'q "'"""-•• AUDIO OISIGN ll7 g , .. d.,.. • wv••• Ieeth CA U .. l ldwtA Hobert L.oc:h 10 2)9 Gr•ndv,.w S. L."""" loot• CA llfll Tlh• h•m ... ._ COftdwo ·t.d by 4t ,.. d tvtd .... l S19oed Ll••• H LH<h Ill Ttu• Mete-..nt wu l.ted •·•• "'• Covat1 Cl•r~ of Or•n9• Co~"'' O.C II 1•1 P,.btooh. Oa--2l IV 19111 I•• • ll 1Ml U\ 111• New p. r [1\,.qr. Fl7f77t Nf~ 14 fVIUC IIOTICE ncn IIOOIIUIIIJIDI •AJIIITA TEMDT TN tollowta4 ,.reo.. .,. do4•q -.. I OU NATIONAL 44'10 Voe lt.anaoo A.. NOWJ>Ort hec~ c. t2tiO Ooe.ld N 1"11 lOt Vu. Lode SoM, ......... " a..ch CA ~ D P ~. II H•ll Noon a., Dr••• c-del Nor CA 92625 h •••" o..,. W II II Oorodo ll_po, hech C A 92M3 To•o<h L Str•d•• 215 h••lliQ c .. ,._ llo..t Cotoaa del Not Co ealS S•••""• r lrocllooll ' PCMat hr On .. C·,on• d•l Mu CA ll:ll:lS. llo.._rt A II•••• 917 lelloo S• Nowport ... ch C. 'JlfAO. ta ..... l Co d.b. lew.&~•• 1, ,., C•htcun ... N•t101\61 u .. Cen!•t N~•hville Tenn )72110 Tlu• btaln... 11 •.~nd~cled t~• • o•"-••• p6rtuuhtp Su~oed Ttft\Oihv L Stt ..... nu. .. ..... "' .... ltl-.d; ..... th• Co .. n.t'f Clerl t.'l'f Ot4nq• Count• r.•n Dac II 19111 Publ•~ D.-lfi J < lC 19111 lon 6 1982 .. n. N-·· E .. oq. '178104 NlS'A> I'VIUC IIOnCE nc:TITlOUI I UIIJUSS II AM! IT A TEMDfT n... ao.lJ.orwt.A.q s»..-.oa.. •r• dot.Oq b~-.. WA.IUNl MANAGDUN'T SII!IIVIClS )400 y,. D1>otto Ito ~A N .. pon hec~ CA 'i"J66J l<>lla H •nd I•R•il•t D W• ••n '>44 A~J.tl• S. L."""" a-<~ CA 926!.1 n... butt.IJ-.• ooo..t..~ t-d b• • .J•n•••• p.ann•nl\.p s.q~~.-Q luhN H w.h .. u Tlu.e .._.t ..... , .,.., I•Md ..... ,-. tJwt COvAfY C'l.t~ ~ o •• o.(le' CCNDI'fl or O.C II 1.1 P~blooh O.C 16 lJ t(o t98! l•o 6 1M2"' Th• N•--vc-·'' U.I.Q,. r t78157 HUt• P'IIILIC NOTICt NOncE or TtiUSTU:'S SALt ltof? TllloJ ~ fJral•n ll 11M2 • ... 'J .. rt..~ t ,,.~ • ., •• ,,... ,, q' ..... ,." -. "• ,hj Ot~tn•l• C'nur~l-. C· _,,•tt.-.'-"'"" iut.-•lwd ..,.,. ~"'"' At•• 8Jvd l.>4••-' Svr •m· 141 St ~r.\1 8t ·•d~,..., S.r, _. An• C.lol WtST£.1111 WUTUAt f"OR POll AT I(H; • C •'•'· •••• .. r"'...... , i.lb•l.lu·-d .tftoi•• h• JMd LIJIUY P ST\JDUI AIIO £M0GE!I[ M S'TlJ Dl.R ,. ,,l,,._. d •nd .. t• , ....... ··"•n•• ~,. rl c•II.H r ••• I IlK •tded Q.r /Q l9elJ •• ln .. r ~'~~•" H 04.111 •• lex,> 114110 P•o• ~~~ Ott .. • .... c:b .. 1 o, • .,q:. C'oO...f\11 C•hJotat.A ••l .. 11 t• p~bhc 411"''10~ t he tuq~ ~., k,t ~ .. ._ p•,.W• '"' l.wtul -.oe.,. .A •h.• Ue.. ed !••• .. •' 1M 11•• of ..,. •It• ·•••t" ~on .. -.ed o ••d ao. lt.fd "" .. ,d 1:1•• .. v~td•' ...d d-....t f 'IJ t t'l• rr ~t•"9 •••"••M a M od Caw••• ••d St. • cte.cri-.ct •• Lo-41 o.a Tr.ct ltiJ ... ......... Nop loo• .. ....., .. 4S 47 -' tJi!a Co~o~aJY l«order • gthce O•••~e Cowltl' C.blorfttl ••cap ... ,.,,o~ &J.J o•l OM , ••aer&k •ad O"tt•' lll,choca t._l ....... c .. •v ao O.Sow a d.,ta oi KJO •~ •••ho.. ..,,. uoa• to ••••• ,..,.. '" evrt•c• •• 1M ... _.e • .,.rt.c• of .. ..-t."d ._r,o..,. • d•P'"-"~ 100 ... , ._. IUOVMied lf'l o~lllw~•n•e :al tacord The eue.~ .~,.... •ftd Ot ro"',.."'· 6"ltn•'~" "' eny • P"'P'W'1ed to Doe !101 Awotoao Coto~• deiN<to CA kt4 Mle •Ill a. ,.. .... •H"o"l ••' llf'IY .. IO tlfJ,e ~ ...... 01'1 Ot U l c:~o~-.••••c-.. tot ttl• p~tpo .. ol P•• "" "• .............. Mt .. ,tid '" ... t-4 O..d •u:h••••• th• t .. ud .,,." .. .,t "• 'hUJH ••4 •f I"• .,_. .. , f"f••·M ft• •••d d....t •4••fllt'.. 1'•••wfl4•r -~ r ,., .... ,, ..... e4 •h•••·" .,. J "· .,. ~·J4 ••IIIU'tii~•J 4•4 A!•f.. ~~~­ n .. -<o) -VIM h ,.,iJ 4-.i ••m~ w..,.,. ,.,., .... , (' 't 101. • .. I • , 0 ... IN o..... '. I ~1 , ... ,,. •• oo ......... t •••• •• y,,. ""• a..,, T•·..~••• L ... ()t I,., Oa•eol Dac •• I .. I , .. ltl •• Ow JO ... ) ~~ .• n.. .. .,.., ..... . 73 1\Yta.. Properly 74 loc:otHfCort~mH:I hoperty 75 Property Wnqmnt 76 ltteoaellod~t~trl41 ·~rty 77 a..J a... •• Wu...WLc b.nqe e • KATHY SMUll I 527 S.ndcaetle Cor on• del Nar CON GW.ATUlATlONS1 You have lutl won lwo he Ireta 1o "Super r un Pl .... CrtJI 67) 055() lor YOIU uckett IAnORMEY PIISONAL INJURY Aulo accldenl lallltnd uti u al per .. nced allornev recoverv -no 1 .. .,..,,,. 835 8443 MOIII.E BONES 10 No1Wt1 Hoa .. 11 Mobi» Kom .. Wanted 12 Wobile HoPM Prh JK)ATI .. ao...llqpaat IS loel C!Yner ......... AUTOIIOTIVE 117 A11 .. Upho........, • Motot llo•• • -.ctn~ Vet.~e._ 10 a..-: ..,.,, tiW..O~ ........ Ill -1J Vaittllf'* , ...... tc T rwdrtiiV • ..... • A• '-"'' Acu ••-• A.WT.-&.....a.o , ............. ....... ~ ·~ c. .. ......... 9 ... • Alfii()UJfCE. MaTS ' U41141 G RATIO N Obt••n leqal permanpr.• ret1dence labor c .. r hhc•ltcm adtlltlmenr c I IU!IIll l•per.-nced AI loroey 1fr.,. coMuh• liOn ).CJ M• r•h 8l"i 8443 D""T '" ~-,,_ hoo Wr ••·S.W .oc·c,dent con•uhA S.UII\UIIt Attorney's lo I eJerral S.mce I53-M85 The ... .._.. IMip W_,r ... .,.. ,__., L a• .. &' ..aiCIIOncl rtefnM>M..,... "AMI ITA.._.., n.. ICitlew~at ,._ .,. clol ... b ..... _ .. lllfiOR cmZI)fl un aaoo 1 WcJ...,. lfo 1 ..... Au Co V10I 0...• D ().o.arutollo 4141 "'""··-A.. '""" c. t2714 • ...,,. D o... ..... n. 4141 Lutdoii- A .. ,,_ CA ml4 Tluo --.. cnd..c,... by • ""••ol ,.rtaerohop S•v ..... o.. ... D O...ro.a..UO Tlue ..-•t•--•• ._. tu.d wnk ck c....... c-.~ .,. o..... c ...... - Dac II IM I P,.W..~ Dac " 11 10 lill ... 6 I Ill"' The Nowpon a..,.. P178111 IIUO'I I'V'&IC IIOT1C& PJCIIIIIOUI ...... .. AMI IT ATDIDIT Tho lollow.... ,.,_ are cloiAO b ..... _ .. SHAlT A DITI.IIni.S&S lHC J4l4 V.. 0,..11• Ito II Newport hec~ C A 92M3 lllaoto [,. .. ,.,_,.... lac • W.-o•••4 Cotpo•• . ..,. n.., h• ...... ro.dwct..:l b• • rot poooo10a S.Qa..t T II II-" o., .. •or ShAft• ta .. ,pt ... IM Tliut ttt•t•,.•"' ••• ha.d wttk t h• Cownty CL.r~ of Or•n..,_ CO\i•'• 0.. II 1981 P•bt .. h O..· lo lJ IIJ IIIII l•n t, tge] m Th• N••po•l ln•~n rt78117 I'VIUC IIOT1Ct f'1CTtT1001 autun:u JUJU ITATEMDT Th. toiJowanv ~ttou.t •t• d •mQ l>~oot,_ •• C ATAI>4AJIAH rlNAN CIAL J514 Cet•••r•n Ou•• Co,, r • del Mat Co 916l'l II•< ll.o•d I Plw n.y 11§14 c., ... ,.. Ouw• f.. ' 'll• d.l M•r C• U26~ lt•th•r M Mnoa•• 1114 C•••~r•n Dr••• l ' ,.. .Joltc.r CA 9261~ r-. .. ~ ..... c .. J .. •ed •·"' _jiUO('Otpot•led •titOt"••'•Jf't p.tln•ntup S~t.t•ed K.,._ ·••r lloo-. Tht• .wt• .. a• ••• ftt.d •••~ Cuwh'" c .. ,~ vt CJ••" 1• Cowr'• o-I IM I P~bh•h Dac 16 l • IIJ t9fl I• ft J912 •• Thi• N•"'P" r• [n•• ,,. ,,781lb I'VaLIC NOTICE liS.,., ST A TUIEIIT or AMJIDOIIIIIDfT or usE or f1CTTT10US IUILI'ESSIIAM[ T ,.r ,,. htt• • ••* t t ,u,.,.. WllltAM!>.C. ~li.ft'~ • ,,. '""tt S tt • •f1t• I tt\' A •• "' w .... , ,. 11. .. ~ r •• ". ,~ .,. .... ,, 1t,... i ·~ ' t . ' ., t p .• ,, ' ' tt •! .. 1.-t It I A., ,,, ,, I I , I r,,, • "'" , t r ,• I "' I'' t i 'I . .... ' ~ ...... &.. • '"" 1 r u "" '~!,. .. , 8.,., ,Ua.te ltOTICl ncTTTlOUS lutiiiDS "AM[ ITATOaln' • lfil" •,.. .,. "4 ,,., ~of I r ..,. •• ~OI£ .. T •H• RSf' 'I '- 'SSOCIA!lS ~ J • L d S ' '••L ... ,. c A 4160 • """ T• "f •.I ~ c , • L d 4\. 4 .... b ••• " • _, '" J d .. s , •dl " , .. • r ~ •• • ~... • • ...... , ...a Ollt .. c lfl'\t (" .,.. • 0·.. ,. c No, 14 .MI. , .. t: .J 0.. '" t ,.,._, ,., .. ~·-, .,._.,, I'VILIC IIOnc:l ....... , ncTITIOU'I IOiliiDI IIAIIIIITA T'PIDI'f T~• ._lkrwullO ,.,_"' •" do••ct llw•••-•• • Pd Ill W CT.OifiC lltiAJIUPACTVUIII IUVlCU IH ~eyaol... A•• lrv.oo C A tl71t a.•4Mt• la4wt n•• lnc • C •J.Iot' • ro,••t•llO.- T" • ~ ....... -• fl4 ,c ... '• • ""' ,.. ••hoe I Qf"!M I W t.a4Mre a.(",.. • .,,. &."'4N•• 1"4 ·•' -l"c r• .... e••-..... t.iH -·• ,.. C.--..•·• C.,~ ~~ 0•••..,. C ... A t al! Po< f olll , ..... ~ 0.. • ~J ...... '•• a .~., n. "··~" l•••" r 177'111 -~~II NIUe ltOftCI ncrmouiiOIIIIDI IIAMIITATDIDt'T Tho laUow1ae per""" ••• -. ... .,.. ... _ ao OIIAJIQI MOTU llf VUTOIII LTD tlho mPD1cJ 001 or OIIAMQI 1711 I G.errr A•• .._,,. C ..... A.. CA IV05 S;a _. Ia .. al A-rtca lu • c..wo, n,. corporal-1'711 I O.rry Avo .._,,. C S..1o AM CA 82105 0....14 l lod.ro ISII r.... V•rde ...._ koloa Au CA 112705 w.u...,. A c.,.. Jr llO y,. a..... Newpon ... c~ CA tall Wtlll&• A C..ao Sr llevocabloo Trut 17"1 r &.••rude Awe If__. liMe~ CA 92M3 Ar -ado tt......... .. 0 t 105 Maple Tr.. Dn•• Aaohe•• C A ia07 lo-II Oo,rt. 1111 D 1711 La 1.-.. O.ovo S.alo Au CA 82105 n-.. ' ~ ll44. v .. 0.1 Jley s ,.......,.. CA IIIOJO '••u I Nend.,l Jr 1'J7 lelhoo Orr.. Paeoloe P~...t.o CA 90772 C.U.. Y T L.o 25!58 II C•to~>•• St Loo A..,.-. CA i«Jn Woll••• II HHr DOS 26004 S "C••• ..... l !ild P•lu. v.,d.t '••lll••t. CA 9Un• Th1• t.w••• ... u ,d .. ciM tn • h•••-d "''"'•nh.r SoqA.ct W A C.,,.. h Y 1 • Pc•-•d•r• S.apeoc-• tn.u f A•••1'"'• tn Ttr.~• f'l.,.,..n, ••• hi-d ..... , ... c Wf·'• ct. ... .tl Ot.nJ• Ct"•t,inh OD 0.. ol 1981 Pwbl••h o..-lb JJ v 1'!81 l« b l98.t '"' Th• He•~ ' [r,eqc fl/~110 PUILIC IIOTIC£ NS •z~ riCTITlOUS IUSJIIESS NAMt STATtMDfT ,. ' ,.,,.. J , •• f• Ml>HA~· H •II 6 .. ,UIUCNOTIC[ ncTTT10US IUSIIII:SS "AM! STA TDUJIT "'"p ~· lilt!• • i'>4 , l • ,. ~~.. .. .. ...... & " ••• s, ""' ,~.,..... .. ... v' :.· J "·"'• s.-... r A • t t'tl •, I Mt "• • t JC. '\ t .. 'A ., . ..,._ J M ..... , ~· ~ ._,~, $I> 1l• f·.,,. A ._. 1 .1'1 t .... ' i ·• ~ r"' •, ... .. '• ,,. 0.. 41f!, t ....... , . .. ~· . '·~ i' .. ,UIUC IIOTlC£ ncnnous IUSIJfESS IIAIIft ~A TDCDrT r..... k, .., •.•. _. p.r~ ,,. ., , J ow••"-· RTHPAIIi~ ffl('"f I UILOI.MG 0 l fD r • •' • • L,,..,..,. P•r•fl•u'-" C 'P..:•• • P .. u ~ • JC ~••D-• a... • C A ~~ "··~· r I • \.• I .,., • •o;; '. J ;: ~·· • '•r• S • ..... '-'••r • a.. CA~ "'~ • rd •,S 1 • ~ .... ,...~ .... ,.. " s ~· ..d .. "' '••• d•· ~ .... r ' lr ... • • I· ......... ...,.,. ••• ..a • 'I• c.4"'' c .. ,, 'O·•"'.;r• :f. .... "' Po< II .... ,\; .... ~ 0. }t ~ •• .1 .,. •""•"'•·r"'" t~,q P 'l "t ''U•t" PIIILIC NOTICE P'ICTlTIOut lut"'DI "A.NIIT ATDIPT •,.. f.t.,:lv• "" ,.tlofl• .,. 1 ,, •• •• I•Hil Tl MUll A Olii~N .. ..., r.. . ' "' • s . • r c •• w .... 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P 1thr ,,_. it i 1~. r,, "'~••t 1 (ro J• f ,., '81 ~., ' ro .• PUILIC NOTICE ncnnoUIIUIIIItll NAill£ ST A TEMDIT ' a;., ... ,. lo4f•IILfY~ OfSI<.~ ftC,)N '4-4 '• •n w,...,. ,, ..IJftr'. lt i t w .... '·•• • A, • ...,. J .... ~ ' 1>4 •• ••• I .-.1 " t 1111 ..). . ,. • • ....... t ,UIUC ltOTICI ncTITIOVI IUSIIItiS "AME STATDUJIT I I"' •• ISL MfO WA'IH B-. t • I ·• l· 1'1 S.. t • I •· ' r A I ~ l A .... 'tot h .... • • S , •J W •"' L• f' • ..... . ,. tk iiol P t. ,., r). •• '· ~f .. ... ~""" "·· 4t1 ru•uc NOTICl nCTITIOUI IUSI.Mtsll MANE STATt:MDfT f t t I II *II 1 f.,, C:lA~ "AY .,. I «,.., M ...... ., t A Ji_""' ._. M·-l &-• r \o(.,., s • \ltl -- .10 ft --• ' ' .,1 .tt .... '-' , .. -.1 ... L a,.. r· t .... , "' •• .... • C.,, t 0·•" 1• ~. , ..... , bt, .,. 0... 2• .. • ... .~: n •• N ... , t .., ,,..,, NUt• PV'ILIC IIOT1Ct ncTTT10UI I O'IJJfDI II.Aift ITA TUClWT '"""• . "• D........ • .. oo,.r J'H w .... , .. , s. • ••. ~·· a.. • C A <JM(I O..otl I S •• • " •. , c t "' ... .... 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IJ I PERSONA.I.S ABORTION AND FlUE preqnen v IHIInq Pet tonal •nd ·onltdenll• c.tre low IH •nclud .. counMitnQ l•b '"'' turqerv m.dtcalton •nd JOLOST • fOUMD IJ SCHOOLS .. lNSTRUcnON 11 ENtDtTAII' PARTY potl opar.tltv• •••"' G•n•r•l (••l••rl or loc•l """'h"'" •vatl .bl• Referral lor band .t td t t ,.rtlot Aitolo (l•nul•) v .. ec•o mv (m.tle) •nd IAle abc>r lion prucedurH Wedt C.tl and mout.tnc• .t<' cepaed Ca ll C.thlornt• Preqn.tnc-y Coun.Nitnq S.rvtce lor tnlorn~allon or tmmedt.tlfl appotnl menl In N•wporl 8...-h (714) ISJ OOSJ 1n S.n1a An• 17141 912 1104 PARlNTS WITHOUT PAfiTNtJIS 2nd '" d•y d.nc:e' S.1 Cl• ••n-. lllrt Cl11b ~~­ C'n nle r or-ltttoe I p Ill I<HD "111 49) IJ7 )310 LOST HIMALAYAN IF ONl Ut YUUR N•"' C AT Loo• hlr• lonq Year t rMOIIIIIOnt .. '<. k.ttt S1•111•" L.trqe plu the ptano c •ll Do" raward He.trlb rolr•n n• 857 0414 l•m1lv 548 6724 I G II OU p p 1 A NO IIETRI£VEII MIX I lESSONS 7 .,._,, old blond• lam.tle Shep beq1nn•r• S6 00 '-•rd huallv mta bl.td Thur.dav 4 20 •o 5 10 .tnd •h•l• m•l• Sher p m E.•• hw c .. ll h•rd mnr bl•wlr .and now Mrt ft•ldw1n brown l•m•l• Shttp SSl ~ll2 h,.rd bull •b••• m•l• L•b bl•c-11 rule L.tb m ta bl•c lr m~tle AI qhan blarlt l•m•lto N•wporl ... c-11 Anltll.,l Shelter 125 M.U Oa ' Cotl.t ).C... 644 3656 lJ SCHOOLS• _ntSTR~N PAII!Hl'S ~ ' • r AICC OOLDlltt IW•rt•v •r pups l•ce.llenl pedt 11rH IC. ch.tmpton It Ilea A II th.tdn <193 6861 I£Al1T1P'UL Slb.lltU'I U6U PIIPP••• wath p.a,.n ••e-•lleot F-.d ~q,... S250 no 6224 CHAW.P N Utrl AKC Oob•r••n pupr••• IlK ,,, ,. 5111 BALLOONS Un1que peuon•l•z•d Qlll O.ltvered locallv I Order lod•y L lloons •I Newport 645 6445 THE BULYOANCER Studoo CdW ll•ro •nlerlatn~nenl lor all >e ca•tont •nd cl.-tn the '"' ol b.llvdenre C.tll7ll 4574 • • ANITA WcGRATH .l404 S.ata Clara C~rcle Co••• Mew CON G IIATULATIOHSI Tou h•.,. '"" 11111011 IW9 tickets 1o ~per Jua " Pl c.tll 613 ~ lor Y<;ur HC' ..... li Cin I UGGES-no ........ .t .. , ..... PEOPLE WHO LIKE talking people will love thit jobl We need energetic, articulate people to cell f.rom our office. Full o.r part time. Day or evening abifta Aila.ble. Starlinq salary $4/ o -~~me ience necesaal'Y. We r Call betw"ll 9 a .m. and 5 .m. lor dewu. CPW Research, (714) 545- 1458. TYPl AT HOWl. Nau money addreulaq eavelopee at yovr own pace. ~-6033:.=._ __ OrPtCE MANAGER wllh rec:•pboallt and typmg ability needed lor eatertalameqt com· p&Dy In l.AqUDA ~h. PI-contact Donna Hebb, 496-9484. EXPERIENCED ONLY need apply. Grow1ag coa.trvcbon company m lrYUle ~ 10 need of a aec:ret.ry for one-qui of· hce. Good typ109 and olfiiCe akJU. needed Call for 1Dierv1•w. SSS-8253 R£CEPTIONIST Type 50 accurate, good at laqvr• and detaal Mvat love phones and people $12,000 SECRETARY to partner of R £ In v"t farm Type 60 dactaphone. con structaon and RE eaper a mual $19,200 CONSULTANT OUROmCE r ~~ J IX., l.,....., .... , ....... a,.c, tlli ... CIIS. ....... 1 .... lll ltll LEARN TO IARN Sl801w .. k Work 1-2 boura datly atvfhaq eav.lopee. Send .. u. addr-..d at&mped ell· veJope to ReqaJ, 424 Weld ComJDoawealth, Dept L, Full.erton, CA 92832 WAD EXTRA MONEY dvriDQ your apere time! Sbow ovr new lme of caleadan;" peaa and advertiling 91fta to local hrraa. Prompt, fneadJy Mrvlce from 73-year-old AA A·l c ompany. W e • k I y comml.,om. No mv .. t· meal or collec:tioaa. Be yovr own be.. Full·tiJDe potential. No eapen· eace nee:~. Wnte Frank Buckley, Newton Mlq. Co., Dept. 52, Newlon, Iowa 50208. HOUSEJt!EPER want· ed Llve·ua or daya. Some child care FvU or part 11me 661-9770 WANTED: ReiJAble and eapeueaced bouse· cle&Der booanq al.lo S5 per bow 2 morruaqs per w"k Own trans· portataoa. 833-0211 -. STUDENTS OR MOTH· E.RS -Any ~r• IIJDe? Part-hme poulton of· fertad by bo~&MCflaner. ~tellelll aalary Mlck· 1e, 957-8431, eYeDIDgl. SSS EMPLOY NEIDS YOU SSS Cleucal: Sec retaue,, typ1111, rec:•pllo!UAIU, account- 109 clerlu. Top pay. Beneh~ -d boa~&~a. G•neral labor and U · Mmbly )Oba &lao. Tem· ploy, 965-2613. N&cAr- thvr Square, N-port B.acb (ioha Wayne Aar· J.Orl area) HAVE AN EARLY Chaldbood Iducaboa certtfacate? l..&ke to work monuno• w!ule cluldren are at achool? w. uve tu job for yov! Call s-... ttdaya, 8:30 a m to 12:30 p.m., 64().j82(). •UCDIED CIULDCARE STATI LAW Rl OUIRIS lla.at . penou who provide cllikl a.re iD their boa. be bnu- ed. For ialonutioa on how to obU.ia lie-Ia Oraa~ CoUDty, e.U (714) 834-5172. 'Z'I SITU A TIOifS WAJn'ED s . DJUN)IfKR WANT WORK. 12 yeen e11~n eace. New eqllipaaH I. 4i2-6405. 29MOMEYTO LOAN WIDOW HAS NONn for Tl'\Uit Deech. $10,000 up. No credll c.bec:blao peJI<Ilty. CalJ 0.DPO.D Aleoc ...... 673-7311 . . . ) I HAVE MONEY to loan on yovr home. Low Ia ter..t, fr" appr&iMJ: 7 day M.rvlce, credit ao problem. Bill, (714 964-3195. 2ND.3RD EQUITY LOAJCS QWck &Dd confidential Call Tom, 645-4le7 tl FURNITURE NEVD USID: Sofa/ lo-t $300. o-.n bedroom, $540. G~ top dmeHe, $229. Nat· treaaea/boz apranga: tWUl, S80; full, $90; queen, $130. Norell Roo, 770-0901 UAPPUANCES WASHI.RIDRYD. $135 eac h. Refragerator, $225. Sewing auoeh&.ae. 859-0682 daya, 770-6585 eveninqa. 44NUSICAL INSTRMNTS PIAN6 -Georqe Steck, coaaole apinet, eacelleat c oadJtloa Reaaoaable. S1 ,SK)(). 493-2998 or 496-7189. .somCE EQUIPNENT i.XC!LLINT CONDI· noN -o..u and of. hce cb&.an, elec:t11c typewriter. Other miiC. arhclea. Call (714) TlS-4040. 2.1W1qs. IBW WA CARD n word proc-.ag .,--. lllcelleat coadahoa $4,450 or b.t of1er. Call Sally, (714)760w0100 UOFPICE EQUIPIIENT * •LDlDA ZAPATA, 806 GaJy Pl., Newport -..eta. CONG.RATU- LAnONSI Yov uve Jut woo two ticket• to 'Super fUD." Pleue call 673-0550 for yovr liobta. . tiDIAMONDS• JEWELRY ISTATI I SECOND HAND JIWILRY &Dct • terliD41 flatware co.ta mveh 1-at Bentley'a, 220 I . 17th St., Coata N .... s.5-6585. MUST SILL: LadJea dJamoad wec:lchoq Ml, S400 or beat offer 951-~1 . SOMJSCEL. LANEOUS v INT AGI GOODS Thrift Shoppe Beg Sale: $3.50 per beg -cloth· 1Jl9, ah.oee. Jan. 8 and 9. 2-tOC>l Via Fabnc&Dle, 85S-4185 (3rd dnve to ri9ht ofJ Alic1a). COTO DE CAZA mem- benlup for aat., $700. Call toWree number 1· p 800-532-3972, uk for eaoyaaver Adwatcb N()2g8. s PA FOR SALE! SlOO -ove1 colt Call 493- 4374. SOMJSCEL.. L.ANEOUS b p t BOOKS-OLD. RARl and ovt-oJ-pnat. We uy &Dd .. u "0\lt-of- rlnl boob our spec:1al· ry." Naboawr.de S..rch ServiCe, Book Veult, 3682-A S Bnatol, 5.111.& A -. 549-91548. REDWOOD 2.ri dec:k- lDIJ -4-20' loA(I, 25- C!eAia foot hm, 646- 988!5, aayt&.me SOJGSCEL.. LJUOX)US PUJUSHlll DOES NOJ' ACCEPT li&bU1ty for mcorrect apelliDo. gramaatle&l iAacc\lf• ~. or lypo9raphical wron ill aay adv..r- ~ta publiabed in lb. COMa Media N•ww Group. BEt.'UI'RIADS, NIJru. FACTURDS OUTLET: Largeat an Orange CoUDty. Beddtao & Bedapread Mo-. 1440 S. ~a St., S.Ota Ana, Ediager/Na1a. 835- 1611. JANUARY SAVINGS - Anythuag & Everytluao Tbnft Store, 25675 Talacbo, Mlaaon v .. ,o, 581-7112. CoU.Cbht ... wuqve, ~&MJul aec:oad· h&Dd 1teraa, .ome new. (Off Vaa Fabricant•.) Donation a accepted. Saddleback Commvn1ty Ente¥priHI -Sheltered Worbbop, Uruted Way Agency. AWWAY PRODUCTS come to you. S.~ac­ hoa ovaraateed or money beck. 559-5543. WHEELCHAIR, $175 Oxyg•n earner, S25 ()zyq.A reqalator (H), S90. Foldioq wallrer, S250. Call 752-0273. BILLIE BEER FOR SALE Four ll.DOpeaed IU·pacb. S2,()()()1b-.j of1er. 496-0607 FOR SALI· ~ elec:tnc hoepatal bed., $2.35 each (uaclud11lq standa). Mr tle9g. 895-2181. Jt.AYAX FOR SALE - Tadco 14' delun model. htra pad.dle, aU the gooch... $450. Eve- nJaqa, 492-0536. 51 WANT TO BUY WANTED· FURNI - TURE, appluaCM (re· fngeratora, washera, dryera, TV's, worhng/ aoo-worlnaq, Anuqu•. pi&Jioe, office funutvre SSCAS, (71 4) 957-8161 PIUV ATE COLLECTOR waa.ta military .ovve- Dlrl, 1ago..1!MS: Am•r· tean, Genn&a, Bnlilh, Jap&a-. ltahaa, etc. Hata. wutonu, d.ag- qera, medala, IUICJ.IUA, etc (714) 716-G494 a.aytuDe The route to succes The route to succ~s a new paper route . Young pl·op lc who nlan-- age routes just seen1 to \ he th~ kind ucstineu for They li kl' Jo- ing their own thing. Earning their own lno.n- ey . Opt•rating t ht•i r own husi nc~s. Building for thl' future. A~ a result. you wi ll find (as .urveys tell us) that young newspaper earners stand out. They are self- reliant. responsible, and / do better than most , others at sc 1ool. Besides. they have more/ fun . It is fun to be a · success. May we t~ll , you how a ne ws- paper r oute \ I operates and how it can be the~ route to success for you. -.... There is no oblip tion. . v ,. 673-0550 CIRCULATION -.>. ~ l -~ I~ \ • -. . ... ----- w ANTID: usm FUR- NITURE. modernlaa· tlque. Refrloeraton, wulten, dryen (w0.k- mo. DOD•WorJnag). I.e., 957--8133. 5I REinALS TO SHARE I SI~ALSTO 8IIARB CHJliS'TI..U NA.L! over 2SdMiNe--ah.u• n-coado, ll Toro. TeD.D.ia, jec:u.ni, ~aorel sns iacJudea utiliU.. 855-2107 even&aq.. . . COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP PRESENTS: COAST HOUSI.NATES -Coaveoi.ent rooa-_.. ~TIOilal prohle MIVIC'e ~9 equ.ala better bvtnq." Daay. 494-1294. NA.LI TO SHARI 3- bedroom hoae an La9UDA Hilla. Nul be clHa, alraiqht and -ploy.d. $250 per ~aonth pJu l.l3' vtilitiea. 9'79-6365 1982 BUSINESS ~ " CARD DIRECTORY S3l3 IAISTOl STAE(T. COSTA IIIESA. CAltFOfNA ~ • 1t4 ~3233 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Publisher's Notice: All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, lim itation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an intention to make any such pre ference, limitation, or discrimination." January 27, 1982 Newport Enalgn Coata Meaa Plewa Irvine Today This newspaper will not knowinqly accept any adver· tising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Contact your Sales Representative for more information or catt Qispay Advertising \673-0550 1 WEEK 6WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26WEEKS 52 WEEKS • ~~EWS GR()JP 2 7 2 I E Coast Hwv . Corona del Mar 6 7 3 ·0550 ,_,_, $1 .24 per line .99 per line .89 per line .79 per line .66 per line ....._.YCLAM .. IU Open 6WEEKS tJWEEKS 26WEEKS 52 WEEKS -.. ..... ----· ·-,.,...-~ . 1 WEEK - JWEEKS- 6WEEKS- S5 95 for 18 WOfd$ 10% DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT tlOC• ... --,------------------------------------------------------. I I I I I • • I I I • • f Cl sslfled )uat compute your own cmd drop It lo the mall. ~--------+---------+---------~ (3) (6) (9) (12) r-------~------~~------~ 1-----+----4-------J (1~) r-----t----+----~ (18) (21) r----~-----~-----~{U) r----~----~----~ (27) r---~-~---+-----~()0) ~--~--~----~~----~(~) (36) ~-------L--------L-------~ I I I : ..... ,.. ........ ______ ,l ....... rt ... : .............. he .... ( .. u.clu) I t I I I t I I I I • • I • • I • ' • • • ______ .OJp ................... , ------~--------------..._ ______ __ • I I I •• ~. $12.95 1045 10.20 9.40 8.50 ... ., WIN 2 FREE ncKETS Look for your name in the classified section. If you fin4 it, you have won two tickets to the Sporte, Vacation & RV Show. Ju.t come to O\.\r newspaper oUice with proper identification ud the tickets are yours with our compliments. * * 801 ARWOUR, 3361 'Nebruka l..a(le, Co.t. Wew. CON· GIIATULAnONS! You Mft Jut woo two hc&eu to "Super ru.u p~ )73-0550 for your ticbta. 53 APARTMEMTS 1JJCFuRM 57 HOUSES f'U'RNISHED FOR RENT: IAQu.na OCMO.froAt home, fur· oaabed, 2-bedroom, 180" ocMD v .. w Huge dec:lt, lena garden, Qlualredwoodlo•ltlttle througb.out, da1hwaaber, wuher/dryer No dOQa or cluldren Uhhll• paJd. YHr-round rental S 1,100 monthly 499- 1704. 51 CONDOS/ TOWJOISES FOR RENT PUBLISHER DO IS NOT ACCEPT ba.bility for lJICorrect spelhn9, grammatical lDACCur- aca .. , or typographical errors an any adver- ltMmentl publahed tn tbe Coaat Mec:IJa News Group. NOW UNTING: 1-and 3 -bedrooa g•rdeo •P6fbaeota. Cklee to t .... ay, t-cb and 58COMDOS/ W OOOBRIDGE- LargeiUllury towobome 3-bedroom, 21f.t· bath. completely upgraded N-.z lake and parlt S89S per month 552 7322. -.Jk to aboppmg. HW!t-TOWNHSES laQtoo a..cb ....... (114l FOR RENT .. 7~. UNIOUI APART -WOODBIUDGE GLEN WIM'TS aad townho-3-bedrooa , 11f.t -bath, 2-59 VACA TIOM with c•tlaeciral ceilmga, atory condo watb hre-RENTALS brepla.e .. , wet ban, &lr plAce, llPQraded, oMr condllao111D9, poola, park and pool. End untl, MAWWOTH CONDO M\I.JIA.I gym tearail by row oJ eucalyptua cowta.' l~t. aYa.il-tre.. lmmedate ~--SltJ to warfDlDg but U abJ.: 1 bedroom and hoo No peta S72S per Cbatn 7 and 8 Sleeps cleu, 1 bedroom, ~ bed-mollth Call 1-244-7848 12 661 1846~--- room/2 b•tb town-N.AldWOTH CONDO houee. Sorry, no pets. 53APARTMENTS Snow -Snow -Snow 2400 Harbor Blvd.. -2-bedroom wtth loft, C_:;:oaa::.::::N:; ... :::·::SS::::7-8020===· :J...==UMFUR==="===...I s1-pa9 SuJiday· Thurs-~ day lpectal l!obc:rowave, IAC\UII, UUJIA, fare Now RENTING place , underground J)A%klng. Call833-02Tl -----CASA LOIIA APARTMENTS GREAT BIG BEAR c.abtJI lJI the aky Lovely Luxury adult UYiD9 1-and 2-bed· 3-bedroom wttb every rOOJU. Newly decorated. New ap· tbJog Color TV~ fare-place, etc Only SS0 per pli&Dcee. Cupeb and drapM. Mir· day 646-8181 rored wardrobe doon. Pool, club BJG Bt.A::..:R:..=C.::..AB--lN-· Ski faciliti• available. Sorry, no pets. 10g, aleddtng, haltmq 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 25801 Marguerite Parkway al"P' 9 Fueplace, ~:-:OD 111 ... ')0. completely lunuahecl ~ .-, ...-Weeltly. w"lteAd rates a~r.1-~ Non-amolters 831·9166, ~ .,.., 492-2951 ========~r=========~l _______ __ 5S APARTIIEin'S •·IIOU8ES FOR U ROUSES FOR UIV'UD SALE SAL£ DAHA PO OfT JliNT AL -ac-a ~. larQe 2 + 2, tu.plac:e, apbt- a-.1 apa.rtaaeat. S600. 4il-0'271. OMI BIDROOW apart· ... ,, ~)e .._, DOG· _.,, dow1UowD ta- tuM· Gu~-No pea. S315.487-3814. rua.NlSJIIO La9an• a..ca }~IU INdio Sp., TV, aud ~. '*-· $115 .-.,. fll-2221. !,~~RT BIACH ;,u-..a Flllly fvmalll. ed 1-bedrooa lor 2-4 aoata• beQtoo•og J.auary ~Meted pool, ,IKVSD, \ea.a», QYa, ~~-$640(~at.al­w..~ REDUCED! OCIANFIONT Choice Comef deluxe duplex. CoUd convert to nice big home with ocean view with $195.000 down ~r wUI finance bolonce at 12 percent. $745,000 WATIIfRONT Warn and comfortable home with geof bay view. Sandy beach. pier and tkxrt 1 s~. patio with brick B8Q. 2-cor garage. <Nner wtll trade down $579,000 4509 w. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 671·7060 59VACAnOM RENTALS HAWAD CONDO ltunapah Beac h, Naut, "PapakM." 2 bedroom. 2 bath, completely tw- otahed, U..pa 6 190 n1gbt. Spec:tal ~­ ly/montbly rat.. Bro- chure. 851-0909 RENTAL:-Btg Beu cablD Sl .. ps 6 R .. soo- able R-rve now lor wtnler w .. kenda and "·~~ 491-2246 620mCEI COMMERCIAL Jecnatiful Newport Center ofhce wtth use of receplton, confer ence room, kttcheA, phone, sec retanal and •ord proc-mg Mat I and me ... qe ser vtce avaJI.able .epar- ately tl desued Call Solly (714) 710-0100 64BOARD •cARE PRIVATE HONE CARE lor elderly ambuJatory Ltc•n.ed. retued nurse 540-2562 88 HOUSES FOR SALE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUKITY ·~-··Mot~: All reel -ate ~verttS ed lD tbu newspeper IS aubtect to the Federal Fatr HoiWJIQ Act of 1968 wluch make• 11 tl I&Qal to adverttM "any preference, hmttahon. or dUK:nmmataon based o n race, ~olor . reh qton, MI. or nahon.U o rtgtn, or an tnlenhon to rnalte any such pre lerence, hmtlatton, or dtecnmmalton " RANCH PARTNERSHIP ava1lable 24·ACre pnme Fallbrook ranc h Secur ed anvestment wtth tax beneltt JOq,o partner sbap umts at 135,000 0 1 lmnanced at 1450 per month Contact Mr Trevtno at494-7104 REA LTORS -E.tm 100\'e COmmtAJOn, deslt f" u.nder 1100 per month Space ava.lable lor two more agenta Call Sun.bow Realty 631 2242 68 HOUSES FOR SALE t1 REAL ESTATE 9 5 AC RES With beautLiuJ uver Vlew Pr~rty mclu<Ms power to 3 natural pnvate homesJt... eurrounded by 60-foot tr ... Also tn eluded large loq barf and summer guest room AU overloolunq S.lmon RIYer only 17 mtleslrom mator town of S.lmon. Idaho Excel lent elk and l1sh1nq 170,000 wtlh terms Call tolllr" number l 800 532-3972, ask lor Penny saver Ad watch N8l37 88 HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE BY O WNER -4-bedroom, 2"'• bath completely remodeled Whttewater coastlrne Vle'WS Outet SlrHt tn Alta · Vutte area •n lAguna Beach S360 000 Will constder c reative ftnaoc1ng 494 7360 5-BEDROOM by owner Turt1erock [acellent lmancmg Wtll carry paper Re.tdy to move1 tob transfer Evenmqs 851-0499 No aqents BANXRUPTCY forces below market sale 3 bedroom l4guu Beach home Panoramtc ocean vtew 2.400 sq. It Roben ~ Eilertaeli S3b9,000 Escellent terma O wner Call toWr .. number 1-800 532-3972, aalt tor PeAJ~y saver Adwatch M3488 AIEAlJORS m The Welton~ SUte 228 u::1 2856l Cool( Hwy. 68 HOUSES FOR Corono del Mar (71•> 67~2373 SALE __ _ AINAMCa' RIAL TOM .Willi ........... 730-eo48 MOIILIMOMI THI880VIS This sharp 2 bed- room. l'h both dOubl&-wlde hcu lAOO ~e teet and lui 2-cor gar- oge. wet bOf ond sUT-4> stone snt- ~ This won't lost Great~ lOon $60.900. THEIUYOF THE NEW YEAR! $98,500 With ossumo~ 8% loon! Three bedrooms. l'h baths with remod- eled kitchen and new po1nt throughout Huge fenced yard Convenient central locatiOn tn Costa Meso Coli to see 642-5200 Pffi BARREn REALTY SCOU wiTH THE wlllltiBG TEAll TB8 aiW TU LAWS, TBB tiGHT nonuY IIITIIB UST tocanoa-eoro.a del 11u ., 2 UNITS 513 jASMINE, $235,000 ., 2 UNITS 710 FERNLEAF. $265,000 ., 2 UNITS GOLD£RROO, $325,000 , CANYON CREST CONDO S 173,000 ' 88 HOUSES FOR SALE SS,OOO DOWN -By owner 3-bedroom, 2- bath Laguna N~quel home Auumable loans plua creallve owner hnanctng No p.ymeot on 3rd T 0 1144,500 495-3157. 661 1985 THREE ARC H BAY - South Laguna Guard galed commun•ty, ocean v1e"' C.pe Cod 3 ~room/2 bath, p11 v.t te beac h/teon•• Country kttchen w1th bnc k hreplace, hard wood lloors throughout Pro lesstonally land scaped Large redwood deck Matcb111g c h1l dren's p1ayhouM By own er, 1390,000 499 3109 fO R SALE BY OWNER lAguna Beach Im- maculate 3-bedroom. 2- bath ocean vtew home futures larqe deck, oak paneled den Aauma- ble loan plua Miler ftnanc tng 1319,000 Call even1nqs 497 2766 88 HOUSES FOR SALE 88 HOUSES FOR SALE $1 0,000 DOWN prame North l..gUAA Ocean v1ew Walk to beach 3 bedroom, 2 bath, ape $310.000 Owner 494 8129 S650/MONTH Wood bndge 3 bedroom con· do 6 month leaM Pn vale yard No pet1 559 3194, 857 8133 89CONDOS/ TOW!JHSES FOR SALE YOU CAN BUY NOW -Super Woodbndge condo 3 bedroom. 2'' bath. 2-car garage Assumable 174.000 at JOY,~ Owner Wtfl COD 11der 2nd T 0 1149,500 851 Tl77 or S.W· 7832 Now wtth Norru R..J Est.te CALL O WNIIt NOW• 19,500 down on th1a 3 bedroom, 3-bath CaptS trano Beac h S130 000 (714) 7086 88 HOUSES FOP SALE . .. . ·". . . .. . • . ., "' [9 CHOICE RENTALS Large vonety of many chOice rentals ovoil<:lbte Jon 1st. 1982. Newport Beach. Comno del ~­ The Bluffs and IMne $475 00 to $1.100.00 r..-1BOYD 1..:... .. • ~ . * •n-,.30 * ~l' I. COAST HWY. co.oNA Dll MA8 ,.._...,,. .. -~ BAYSIDE COVES Private beach. gate guard commuinity. Steps to Bal- boa Island. Two bedrooms. 2 both condommium. $359.000 Marilyn Kershner 642-8235 Newport BeKh 89 COKDOS/ TOWIOISES FOR SALE • • JOAN SlNTOC, 3831 f em, lrvlJIA CON- GRATULAnONS' You have tu..t woo two hc:ltetl to ·'Super fu.n " P'- call 673-0550 fQr your tickets. SS,OOO DOWN take over p.ymen.. lrvme condo 2·bedroom 2- batb p.ho home. double gar•ge wtth opeoet lueplace l.o• down Karen. daya 842-8833. eveDlDg_s ~-~...:.._ FOR SONIO NE. A STEAL On bell watez- lront condo on Lab MIUion Vteto 2-bed- room./2-bath FtoiSlerr• untl Appra.a.sed 1253.- 000 lO current m.arket (Avg. 1981) Sell at l20() 000 Wtth 12lq~ll mortgage on entire amount No do'Wn No qllAW.,Uiq ~hiler, (714) no-1140, 951 -2017 ... ltCOimOS/ TOWIUISES FOR SALE SUNNY, W AJOC &wait COAdo tW .. ~ Bwy on t..l./opboo. S7,500 dowo. 12Yt .. aa ter..S 5 YMJ'II ~ 4491 lt••lu• X:ona, Hawaii 96740 BY OWNU -l.aQUAA Ntc;Jllel goU couJW coa- do. only S126.000 n.. tble terlDI Owoer .ott vated 495-9968, after 4 pm BY OWND -3 bedroom, 1 ~-bath, $110.000 towoliloi.IM Lab f or• s-& Sa.aJ Club Tab over S70,000 loaD 1~ a--.b&e S7S4 Pm Yo"...-t.b.tt Ierma. Call 83().5358 FD SIWPLI LOT: Not '--Oolci. not ~ Eulade eo.... w.... lowv.ho-3-bedrooa, 2~-batb, 1,545 lq tt S155,000 838-8911, Nonday-Fnday II HOUSES FOB SALE ................. ,. IINeliLIVIL ILUFFSVIIWI Lovety view. 2 bedroom. 2 both. end uNt. Decorator wal- popers. drapes, pk)ntatlon shutters. super financing. Lorge assumable low ~nterest loon Shows like o ,ewel $255.000 A "Joy of Newport" listing. • 2 COI'pofale flala DIM IIIICII '1M "00 LAGUNA BEACH I lOS .... le>a~t'-h" 494-1177 .a~ a' m ;an UR' lwd tlfl p.no hlu• '""'~, 1hu '"'""' ""'fftd -' hMinalltl hoiiiW' " <WW 1-.l l..ate\11\il \ mOJt un!QUC' IWitpt"rtlf"' \.fftit ftlf I'Otf'f1.tlnt"-"11fl II• \ llolllOl lAnd ~ l rU .. ~ ""' "''*' 1495.000 , ' SANDY O'SlJU.JV AN ~y WLSOft TOftltnS.... T_.iau..iaet unlll.t\ ~ O\f'~"" • ~ "'tth lllilCfltf..:mt "hlfi'Wa'" , _ ... f'j\, lw<frW~M and lan11l\ !'Olen '"' .- if.,ffl ~ b\ Ms .,., tha - tdt-.1 ~~,_ '••. ~ ~.h ...... Specially d.U9Ded Uttenon. 2 ldr.. 2 a.., 2 ear v-.rac,e, 1 bch. COD"rted to jM;IAUi rooa. T&nlllS, pool, epa, eeeunty vet• uas.ooo. S25:000clown. 11~~ litlanol.n9. Brit. (213) 421-0447. '11 LOTS. ACREAGE NEWPORT U.ACH ez. clusa,. cuttoa lol. r • limple. Will .:com· modate over 6,000 aq. h. bouae. Pauor&mlc view of c:ity aud oc;M.D Sl95.000 (714) 67S- 90!Ml. 72RESORT PROPEMT NANWQTH CONDO -2-bedroom plus loft, 3-b.th. molllltaiD b.ck. l,700eq: lt., br&ltdnew, by Cbaln 7 aud 8. SaUD&, ..,ellUl, tully fuz. ni&hed. Superb untl. Call~-0277 Open Ooon p .ooo C~Uon 6734550 AcCoUNTI.MG ItA THLUN FLAM A· GAH: A.oc:o-l.ua9 &Dei Tu S.rvM» for am&lJ aud medaura llM biUI· ·-· c:orp, pertner, lDcUviduall.nc:ome tUM. F'a11•new atetaaenta, peyroU, quarterly tu retuma CeU DOW lor 1981 ••• •ppoanlment 645-42L2 ACOUSTICAL CEILIIIGS C RAIG'S SPRA YEO ACOUSnCAL CEIL· INGS Rep&lll Very rHaonable Fr" ... , m•t" (714) 526· 7290. ADDmONS GERWICIC & SON BUILDERS. atnce 1~7 Addat10~1 Remodelano, Doora, w mdowa, Pello Covera Plana Fr-_. Reu r•t• 549-2110 l•c 310942 ARCHITECTS DESIGND wath loc:al hrm -Ita moonhqht worlt on euttom ho••· c:oadoa, amall c:omiDer· c aal O.y or avanmv M1c:haal. 675-6562. -AnORNEY ----DIVORCI -wllh attor· ney from $195 unc:on· ••.c:t (plua coata) LD· tun•al•uto •cc:adanlt, percent~ of recovery O.vld Bat•, Altom.,, 540·6441 SEASON~ GREEtiNGS from the lew off~c:e of O.v1da.1 .. ~1. -IEAunSVCS/ n1'1ft:81 S ALLY'S 81AUTY NOOI. 1• I . 17th St., eo-...... Pwnuaeott froa $1 UO up. T aatia9. .. 00 "..P· SlwajiOO eocl -'1, $4.11), ProehDCJ, $12.00 ~ t.tp, ... IKilltJJ)IJ, lJ 50 MZ-7142 I ntpro-ata an eac:ep- valu• Loc:eted of C&Woruie't para overloofa· a vast qr....tl.lt. raobale home fea· hlr. .wn.d glu. wiadows, ceatral au • ~Y ancloead 2 vuage. Wu- to •_pprac:aata ML244-SN4718 F'OIIDIOST BOIIEIIlO~ a4' CUSTON DISIGN· ID CR\IlSD. Tn&ty U· aique wWt .u .a.e. lroo.lce ud ....uu.. Low hoen. tniJereble, Ia altp Dua PoiDt H.u· bor. S6.!JOOitrede for c:Jeaa lu.ro)>M.D ~­ IC&r (preferably • r&q· top") or ?? (114) 761- 7608, (114) 661-1825. :M' LAPAZ TI.AWUR Fi.berv'-. cb..t. eJec. tnc weach, VH7. RDF, Dew di119hy, 20 bollll OD !2J..~· 142,000. 64l· .,SERVJCE/ REPAIR BIUTISH AUTO J\E. PAIRS: ~. J-n Healey, Triumph, NG, Tnuraph Ste9 &ad 1110.1 other Bntlth •utoa. 19915 Harbor Blvd., Coat& ...... 548·6226 , RERI'S GARAGi tllti'I'RCYCLES/ MOPEDS 1979 VISPA. Eacell.nt collciition. $995. 645- 5819, all•r 5 p .m. LADIIS 3-SPEID. Li9btwei9ht, nem• brud. New ea.blft &ad vood tuee. Looblrxt. like oew. N&rty eatru. $49. 548-8066. 13 VAMSITRC2S FOil SALE JDPS, CARS. PJCJt. UPS from $35. Avail· •ble II loc;al govem· 1 meat euctaoaa. For cbrectory, c:.U Surplua Data Ceater, (415) 33()..7800. Hf76 DATSUN pac:kup truclt. 7-loot bed, •ar c:ond., c:.mper shell. IIMJ beJwd recbalt, beet oHar. (1 D12038) Pnv•14J ~rty, den ~-3507. avee. 552-:M7S. riAUTOS WANTED USED CARS WANTID -Up to S500 paid. Run· DlD9 or not. Alao wrec:b. Atk for Jack, 536-9197. INW um 530l. r... ~lete. Ste~. nt.n· roof, atlek S9,500 (2!li6SOV) Priv•t• petty, (714) 851-0352 1980 BWW 3201. Au ~ .• 8U.Droof, ANI,. cd.eue, 81a\apuul ltereo, .UOya, 28,000 aulea. $13,500/obo. (BUBBA 81) Pnvate per· ly, (714) 792-5730. IRADLEY 19'15 BRADLEY GT. 4· apeed, totally rebullt motor, c:ullom tnleno,, ANIFN. $2,900 or tr•d• and cub. (822UAL) Pn· vata perty, 779-2168. CADILLAC 1978 CADILLAC s.dau da VW.. Llb new, ,.UOw, aaw Wichahn tu•. (339 TZW) Privata petty, 536-4041. CHEVROLET 1978 Z28 -Salver, bleck lDienor, au. only 26,000 milee. &.t oUer. 581-7181. l.l C08VITTI. !,000 .U.., ahowroom c:oodl· tioll, ...... .a-: $18,800. (MMOVIN) Pri .. te party, ..... 1971 CHIVILLI Malibu. Good C:OJld.a· tioa. $7'50. 1974 Torillo, low aU!., 9ood coDd'· tioo. $1,550. ess-3803. )9'16 CoRVITTI. Wue wb..&., new\ir•. void. $7, m . (1WS4) Priv•te p&I'IJ, 558-6181. 1980 CHIVROLET CAPIU. Jully lo.c:ted. Sllarool, wire wh..&.. tt-.o, c:~ cootrol. $.5.800. 661-8353. DATSUM 19'15 DATSUN 280Z. New aunrool, Urea, wh .. a., paint. AWFM c:UM!te, perfect Ill· terior. (4S9XSU) Pnvata perty. 160-9031. 1979 280ZX GL. Bl.ac:k/ oold, S.Q>M<I. 1\lDrOOI. br•. 17,000 mal•, beau· t:a.lw c•r. S.U or treda lor '79 or '80 2 + 2 auto (953ZIP) Pnvala party, 641:()664. DATSUR lteO DATSUN 510 Kelch.bAOit. Air cood., wto., AN r~. low alleeqe, uceU.~at 001\· ditaoa. (458ZC%) Pnvete perly. G63-3622 ........ 1980 DATSUN ZX. Wid· aicJht bl~. a~tltrool. ..U PQ-r, low ant... loed · ed, *' ofler (424Z£F') Pnvele perly, ~-0118. 1978 DATSUN 510 Ketcll.b..:k S.lpMCI. Ail c:oad., alwa. whee&., low mil•. a-t oUer. (8PW104) Private petty, (714) 937-1975. LIASI ot e w.ume ... 1SI81 O.t,un 280ZX Grauel LullfY ~k&9•· 01tly 5,000 miles. balance oJ fac:tory wu· rauty lnoluded. l.o &.ue S299 month. S..u· lihll c:.r. (1 JHN) Pnv•l• petty, days (714) 751· 1226, avee. 524-1758. 1977 DATSUN 280Z Sharp, 4·~. &If concl.. cover. $7,200 (280SET) Private perty, ?75-7165, 7~2-1058 weekclaya. 1980 DATSUN 310 GX. beellent eondthon 17,000 mal•. $5,2001 beet oUer. 770-8318. 1981 DATSUN 280ZX. S· apeed, 8,000 mll••· $2,000/take over peyraenlt -c:oaudar trade. 494·8600. • •DONNA GAM· STD, 17SS1 r~ Coun, Ima.. CON· GRATULATJOHSI Yo"' bavelut woatwo tickeD to ·~per ru.a." Pt... e..U m-05!JO lor yolll tk:kets. FORD 1974 MUSTANG U. RI&Da c;rood. b&r9aiD - $825. wa.. 951-3643. Nut..UIOOD. BORDA 1978 HONDA Ac:c:orci. New ttr., ncelleat c:oadJtlooD. NoYUlQ lut. $4...:200/oHer. 83().9a9. JAGUAR 1983 JAGUAR Marlt D. Bea11Uful c:oaclilion $5,000/bau. D•Y• 673-0118, evaDIDQI 661-lm. LOTUS LOTUS ELAN S/1 11J66. Rare 119hl drive, yeUow. eD9lDe wilt. Wore. a-t c»- . C.U 4~-1272. ' 1R ZDA RX7 $7,71'0. S-lpMCI. an c:oud.. AN/FW, 8UD· roof. wha... 22 IDP9· (828l.ZN) Private party, 730-3215 days, 552· 3181-. 1980 WAZDA Rl7 Loaded. $8,200 or beet. 492-8309. , ' 1974 NliiCI:DIS 210C. lacel&Mt c:oocbtioa. s.u or tract. lor 4a4 lle .. z or Broaeo or Ram Cb..aroer ol eqOAl ..J\ae. 83Q-7Wl. . 1973 NDCIDES BJ:NZ 45051. ANIN redio, &lr, naat eaeeUeal SU'"r c:olcu. SlO,OOO Call (114) 752-2846. 18'10 POISCHI 914-6. Rare IUI'OpMD llloclel, loob lib-· $11,900. (155 Yn) Private p&.rty. 088-4978 -.. 536- 2111 deya. PORSCHI ~12 -1969. ...utiful c:la.ac. Wuat _, Wuat Mctalic:e . W)U .. With blac:k lD· lerlor. $8.500. Call tollliee aumbeJ 1-800· 532-3972. uk for Peauy· aavet Adw•tc b N1218 1979 SAAB 900. Turbo, J..cloor. red matel1M:. 40,000 ..U., dealer ap· pr&iMd, II.N aew c:ondi· boll. Loadecl. $10,000 497-5915. DIRECTORY OF BOSINESSSERVICES THI nKIST lD COrD· marc:w.l &ad ra.tdenla&l c:&banal ry, ahel vanv , b.n, co\llllar ADd qea· ezal woodwork. J&B Coaatnac:boo, Millwork Dlviaoa. Llc:•-No 35Q878. (714) 631-4260. CAIIKETRY SPECIALTY ICatc:bena, Bethrooma aud Wet Ben No ,ob too ...U! PETER S. RODGD\1 Ptoperty lapro-..-at Ul-2006 CARPEHTER -f or· .UC:. work, c:utom c:ab aneta. book ahelv ... gar~ c:abm.ta. fillllh worlt. 23 )'Mrl espe· n..ca Call ...U..qa, H3-g()56, MJ-5982 T'h&Dla yoll, Jerry. CUSTOW CARPINTRY -,ltep&ae. ID&Dtell. chcoretJve aollldia91. Jreoch doors • ..-bot. CS.Cb ~ petio eov.n. .... , •• ~ available Aatiw>oy o..Roea. 137· 42:111. CAaDfiTS Cutoa ...... kilc.._., book· c.., ben1 .. ,~and clletr tt.U.. Ml..fll'/1 ... ,.... 140-7154 •v• ~Aakto.Toa. THI C AIPINTil. OMhty cr• .... ••Mip tl .... ,d&We pric». No ~too ... u. Oull, •1-UM. CARPENTRY FRINCH DOORS- Corapl ... iUI&ll&tooo lD a new OpeDlll9 or to replace olaa , llidm9 doon aud WlDdowa Work ouuauteed Re· lerralt. Lc:eued COil· tractor, 673-7393, Tom Hooper CARPENTRY WORK - Patao eovara, dec:u. QU~ alOr&lJe Wllll. lence r•pan All lypae ol c:arpentry. No ,ob too am.U. Tom. 551-2583 C ARPENTRY. ALL JaNDS. 8ap,ww or oth · erwaH. Jteferencaa Sillc:e 1976. MalCI&I Co Carpentry, 545-2250. CARPET CLEAIONG CARPET UPHOLSTDY c: le&D.uao J au uary apec:aal Hydroale&m, daodorue, del.... 2 rooma, 113.50. 5 rooma, S31 SO; aola, $19 75 Carpet. upholstery dy• ano (60 yarda). Seotc:b Q•rd, Jre·coadaliODaOQ option Carpet Mu· len, 540-1849. STUN OR DftY 6 Upbol· ..., CleaJun9 Spe- c:ia.l.ialn9 1a dlfbc:wt Iehne:. Owner op ar•ted. bated to l.rvme m•••~ CARPET INSTAU.An ON BILL'S CARPET SERV ICI l.ntt&lleboa and rep&.m~. Qual.lty work. at lau pnc• C.U Bill •• ssz.sm -lD9• CONCUTI WORIC· P•liot, duvewaya, bloekw.U., room eddl lioDI, iowadataoU, MW c11ltin9. Lic:erwacl. Paul. 'J7!.3283, TfS.¥11 1. COIICIITI PATIOS, DIUVIWAYS. WCMM1M patio CO'fWI, .u ,,..,... No )oiJ too b'0/....&1. No ZU23S. AU lor Ita, Tri·Co• Cour~&Ciaoa lac , !148-71 CXZ CONCUTI AMD MA· SONIY P•tloa, ct.cb. bri.ck talaJ, d,, .... ,. """ .. ~ reao.al. plea .. n . firfl· ia91. Wock ..... ,,.. ......... DU, 7..0. (Uo. 3a3G2) CONCRETE l SPECIALIZE m ,.c:k· b&mme1 work and ra· moval . ol c:onc reta (palicn, lidewelka aud d nveways). Al.ao c:ullul9 •nd handaawaav w .. k·· CoDc:rate R .. moval. 631-2610. CONSTRUcnON B WU.SON & SONS - Bllaldar• Fr-"h· m• .... 30 yaa.n ••pen· enee. Bonded Lie. No. 357487. 646-1740. CONWUCIAL -R.i· denta&l -Reaodela Po.t Conatnac:non Co. Fw.b work, rechrood dec:b, pebo c:oven, home amprovemeDJa. Very r•eaoaabla Refarotocae FrM ..U· ...... 857-2989. DRYWALL DRYWALL, ACOUS· tiC SERVICES. Smell petebaa to room add.a· tioDt. ,,.. ..um .... ! All worlt ouarauteed. Lle. 411528 aud bond· .c:t. 548-1871 DRYWAU. Ha.raguaq, tapan9 aud c:reabva harad •••• u,.. !.apart work Call Jeff, 631· 5913. ELECTRJCIAM llESIICONIIL EJec:tnc: OU I .peoi&J I y CIM.D. quick, depen· d&ble We do auy me )Ob PETERS. RODGERS PtopertJ lapro-.-nt 831-2004 FENCING FINCIS, GATIS~ iN- c;:LOSURES, all typae, repaired, raplec:ed. ~­ d.c:t. Feace palalul9 All work Ql&&r&DI..d 15 yean expenence FrM ..U.••• Call Ray. 646-2328 QARDIJONG LAWM WAINTINA.NCI "oat, .. w.kl'y. bi· ...-kly or 1a0athly. AU ..... ,,_ .......... 548-4e81. e • • 10 e p.a . DOW1f TO IAlTH Lew. ud Gud.a lef¥. ~. Compa... lMI&lla· .•. ---Mel aelaleuac.. o-Jny •nice et clow.·IO• .. ,... pnc.. a. ..... ca .. oaera our hrJI prtottty tc.D aoyt~. ..._,..e ' HAUUNG' MOVING HAUUHG ~ YARD CLEANUP -Houaa ADd gueAJ• Truh and tunlt removed. Fast. affa· c:1eat aervac:a F r- •hm41l• Call auyllme, Ball and Ray, 646-2328 HOUSE CLEANING ROUSE CLEANING - Prof-lonal, c:omplate, det&1lad bou.-elM.DmQ aervac:a Refarancea upon requ .... Call Jill. 548-4037, or 8yau, 646- 3089. SWEDISH C LEANING Service -Complete houaac:le•naagl•p• rt meat ~pi-and Wlll· dowa. hcallaot work by proJ-.aonala. We do what olha ... promtM - that'a why -·re tha beat Reuon•ble r•t• 730·0268 HATE TO CU:AJP For a penona! louc:h, call 673· 7814 eve• or 546· 6728 daya Vargan•• Ouahtywork WE MAXi fT SHINE Profeuaoo•l houae· c:leantnQ walh • peraon•l touch Sataalac:laon gu•r•nlaed B•J~_aer Broa CINllaDQ S.rv ac: ... 545 3158 LDIOUSDIE SERVICE MOVED1? OOROTHY NAPICII INTIJUORS c:au beJp you q•t at all 109ether COMPUTE DECOR! (11 yean wath WciJ Sloane.) 548-9798, m-oe642-l691 LAMDSCAPING YARD REJUVEJCAnON Cl.aallup • r,... T~LCI9 •..L..wu Renovehon • Reland .captng • Servutg Har bor Area 9 yaa.n Stet• hc:eDMCI. an.wed. F'r" "hm•t" CAU.BOB M&-9288 DOWN TO EARTH lAwn aud Garden Serv ac:e Complete ~Ptall•· hon. renovatiOn aud m11aolen•nc:e Ou•laty sarvac:a •• down·lo· earth pracu. Sataalaed c:uatomara our fual praonty Call anytUDa, 646-7819 LEE'S LANDsCAPING SERVICE Spnnklara, lawua, abruba lntl4lled Small bnck c:oacrela 1oba FrH "'un•t" 494 5390 LIMOUSINE SERVICE EXPRESSO a HOUSE CLEAJOJtG HOUSICLIAMlNG Compl.ta ltouaeeiM.D 1119, ~r1m.ata, h.om.,, condoa. R-aon•ble ,.... Raferuc:ee c.lJ ..... 4 p ... 862·2531 . O.bortla. -MASOJOlY WHDLOCJt W.Oruy. Inc&. blodt, .._., floor ble, dec:or•ll", dllohnc:hve i.Dieraora, ea· lenora, walll, pl&oten, pelloe Ralereac:ee, )1. caAMCI. bonct.lil ..... aat ... 551-1370. ~=-===-WM. H. ANDIRSON W..O.ry Jk,ck, Iuick, IIOQ•. fenewa, petaot, p'-aten, w.U. .... ,. tor/Qierlor. r,_ .... ....... (Lie. 310821) ~ ...... red. M2· .. NURSIMG~ NURSING CARE lN HOME: Nur-. •xi ... homemuera Bonded. acreeaad, aasured Avll114bla 7 d.yalwMk. 24· houn/day1 Western Wedacal S.rvac... 834· 0655. PAJN11NG PAINTING lnterao r/ htenor. LowMt rat•. J)rompl, nMI aarvace ln area for 10 yean. Fr .. Mluoal.. (714) 848- 5684, (714) 636-7149. PAINTING SPECIAL Hohct.y raiH. ''The 91ft that lute lor year• " Quality work •nd m•l•r· a•l lnteraor/Extaraor Fr .. MIUD••• Fred S36-:M71 PAINTING -~tenor/ aaleuor Reatdanta•l, commerca•l, prof-on· al, clean fuat quahty AU work QUMaJiteed R.a.onable ~race• F'r- "hm41e C•ll B1ll, 646-2328 NEWPORT p A.JNT1.NG -Commerc:aal. andua tnal, r•.daotaal. In tenor •nd eatanor Roll. bn.tah, apr•y Fr .. "II matH, ralerenc:•. C•ll Dicit at 642 7375 STEVENS. PAnniNG Now ap~c••llatnq an c:uatom boaab... Fr- atamlud •llm•l" C•ll for •ppoaatmeal now Ad lot Char!... 645 3348. 546 4561 BlffiiSH P AlNTlRS Get the "bMt" lor 1-1 laterio' apecaalJtt Ia· ceU.11t r;llereac:es. Call 855-lSOf.' COAT CJr WA.NY·COL 0~ PAINTING -lnt leraorl ealer aor . ec:ouatle•l c:eiJaDgl Servu19 IJVtM aud Nr· ~11.3~9 .,..., Call 540-4240. {Uc 158400) naooTT"' p~ R.id .. llalJCo•••rc:1•l lntenotllaie.roor WIAterltat• 5-YMr Gu•rauiM latenor wood pr..-r· vetiv•. ShlAQ&.a. aldin9 oct leac• Ue No 411?10. looded ud an• Nted. FreeMbiU ... 157-llU AVI SDUN"iiUPro- l&eftooal P&lat~.loter· IOr/nteraor. Wallpeper la.Q9~ ,,.. ........ &JcM. 1121. P.O. •s 235. Sooth W9U&o 4ge. *'· OI CHAIO WALL· COVI IJNG l spert ••, •••' .. '••••all•Uoa ................ ,,_ ........ C.U Ira ... 131-4511 PAPER HNGING PRECISION WALLPA· PER HANGERS. bpert c:r•ltam•nahap, low r•t•. lrM •hm•IM. Call ua alld Mve 20~- 30~• on your purc:hue of w.Upeper Coramer· c••IIR .. adenhal 642 2047 PET CARE/ GROOMING DIAL A GROOM Mobil Pet Groomln9 SetviOe P,oJa.aonal 91001DlD9 done lD our 'Y&D at your horae All braedt (714) 535-3425 PHOTOGRAPHY ~ Old ph-copied .ad .-• ..t GEM -PORTRAirS 54I4'1M lS5 (OW) .._pon ll...t N-pon 8Mell ... _ PLASTERING ROBBlES PLASHR· lNG: The t>..t ia good aaouqh R"'uceo, u· naque pelc:tunv. th111 w•ll taatunnQ, w•tez dam•o•. room •deb· toon•. 836-542Q --Ri-STUCCO -lnt•r· aor!Islenor Patc:Ja.i..o9· 30 yaara' expeneac::. Neat wo rla Call P•u.l. 545-1tTJ AU PHASES oJ PL.AS- TIRJNG· r•atucc:o. tu· llln.DQ, tnlanorlest•rioT petehwork R001D eddl- toons aud eiUloiD liaom• rr.. Hhraale. Lac. 388781 John, e&0-3781. PLASTUlNG: e•tela pl&tteraa9, l•tluaQ. pamt109 and reehac:c:o- i.D'J. S'lp&f low eeAI· malet~. 836-5429 PLUIOIMG POOLS/ SAUJUS/ ROT TUIS/SPAS ZD'S POOL SERVICE CoJDpWa m&~AieA&Dc:. &Dei repair lac:eUent r•lwhl• work. $39.50. Owuer oper•ted. Call 631-5125. KEVAN'S POOL S.ERV ICE. ~autuVApert manta/Com mere: aal Ac:ad wuh aAd rep&~n Hon•t and dependa.bla. 548-4037 POOL SIRVlCl, S3S month Spe •I'VlCe. S25 month Guer•nteed Cell for tr .. intpec:hon 631-2720. ROOF LIAK? Roof J)(Ow...... .u eyp., repeln, reroob.a9, MW roof, cMck ~llDO, QUI· tera, clowlMpou... rM • 110-.eble, qt.te rutMd. lrM aellaala. 161. .... 2331. • ( THOJIU1'•0 . TOYOTA 1979 TOYOTA C~. Fully eqwp· ped, ra~ wb .. a., uo•l· l.at coadllaoD. S8.200. 170-0357 • 19'18 TIUUNPH Spitfire. 0r&D'Je, e•e.Ueat COD· ditiou, aew eo9in•, aew IJ.rell, lhr• tope. $.2,600 (148 UA) Privele party, 842-6412. 1~ TIU\IMPH TR3. RuDI vr.et New w., batt.ry, at•rter, han:l top aDd 10ft top. Naed.t muaor ~n. $1,500. 496-2654, 548-2544. VOLDWAGEif 1973 VW Squareb&c:k. h c:ellent c:ondataon! $1,895. Call lor anform•· tioa alier 6 p.m .. 831· 6981. 99ANTIQUEI CLASSCCARS COLLICTORS: CluaK 1953 0. Soto Fir.c:to- Sed&a. Perhally r•· alored. Rll.M becuttfuUy. $6,500. 497·4615. TILE INSTALLAnON DYNAMIC CERANIC. tala ill.llallahon. toter· oor/eat•raor, aud r•· paln. Fr .. .um••• (Pllrch... aU matenal throuoh me Up 19 40~ da.CO\llll ) Hon .. t work 964-5041 . CUSTOM TILE WORK' All typae mat•lllhont - spac•alu1n9 an re modeluaq lutchen and b.th. Ouahtv worltm•n llup. FrH Hlam•t• Referenc:ea Roo. 831 -m1 CERAMIC 'ntEINSTAU Quahty and c:ourtMy •• rauo~ler••• TOP SOU. "JAU SPIClAL -Top Soil" a rerda, l56 Q8 Eatra c:l•aa, loc;el clehvary -ao aatr• c:h•f'J&· Make, 633-l66S NOW IS THI TOO to f!nl-your ,,_ Call 'Tbe bperla," 30 ,...,. aervlc• ID Ora•v• Couty. 548-3231 Geor9e. 24 boun. &iPiii TID SUV· lCI. Tree aod at.nalJ trharalao ud removal . Yttd clMnii.P rr-•· • ...... Cell M3-S12 llOtrS TUI SDVICI -Truaahaq. ~. '.Up~. tree r•-.v•l, ttuap t .. ovel. Y•rct ea..aup. ~ •.d laMA~ ()Ml,ty work ,,.. ........ ... ZJ2I