HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-20 - Newport Harbor Ensignc;P,.....O!O CIJOCU-c> ..... o .... o tT' tT'tv Or>10CXl 01 • Ill N .. Some Advice On Buying CoDedlbles The VISiting Expert Has Investment Tps See Business How Sea TUI1led Back Harbor High Sometimes The Best Offense Is •.. See Sporting Lile ENSIG THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 24 (714) 673-0550 • SERVlNG ALL OF NEW PORT AND CORO NA DEL MA R • WEDNESDAY IANUARY 20 1982 • 2" CENTS New Allport Plan Draws AkCaiFire A new Airline Access Plan which immediately drew the wrath of AirCal was beinq prepared for the County Board of Supervisors yesterday, this newspaper learned. And a few days eadier, the Federal Aviation Administration shot down a county blueprint for a noiae-reducinq power c utback on takeoffs. Yesterday, Supervisor Tom Riley proposed the new access plan fQl John Wayne Airport. The plan is desiqned to cut nolSe by re-allocatinq over the next two years most com.merc1al 1et lliqhts to those a irlines with new, quieter "Staqe Three" air- craft. A spokesman for AirCal, which has the lion's share of the fllqbta, said tmmediately AirCal will object. ..,__. The new ac~ plan was drawn up to meet the objections oJ fedeJ:al Judge Terry Hatter, who ha.a ruled that the county mu1t not continue to grant 23.5 of 41 lliohta a day to AirCal. Noise reduction qoala are also supposed to be served by the access plan, which lS to be con- sidered Jan. 26 for subm1saion to Hatter. ln another auport achon, the Federal Aviation Adm.inUtration ruled Fn day aqainst county and AirCal requests for a lower- altitude power reduction on tak~H. The FAA ruled airliners must keep full power to 1,000 feet. The county bad requested the cutba"-k at 500 feet. "The rulinq will mean more noise," MJd a county source. But the .eJfect on overall air- port p1anninq was unc lear. The county's noLSe reduction plans depended heavily on the cut· back, the source said. The Airline Access Plan, to be consid ered by the board Jan. 26, would re-allocate 10 percent of the lliqhts every three montlu "on an equal basts" to those airhnes with the qweteJ planes, (Continued on sa-o• 6) Irvine Co.: The Irvine Co. said Moud4y the opposition of "The Coamia· tee oJ 4,000'' to the compa.ny'a pla_oJ to add $125 million worth of buUclino• in Newport Center U. "ud and abametul." PoUceCoDMdtP~ddc In Hwat For Burglar Terrorism continuing in Iran is described by Mrs. Mahri Haghani, shown with nephew Faramarz Azizi. Both are Newport Beach residents. araff photo by 8anv Slobm ~~ ~ Relittiv~~.~~ .• N •. The Ayatollah Khometni's nitule -!esioner with a shop reiqn and a reliqioua war in· in Costt Mesa. He resides in aide Iran have brouqht Corona del Mar. sadness and fear into the Four months ago, another lives of at least two people 10 relative was executed in Iran Newport Beach and Costa and there is fear for other• Mesa. who oADnot qet out. Mrs. Mehri Haqhant, 45, ln an interview here la.at and her nephew, Faramarz week, Mrs. Haghani and Az1z1, 34, have found out ·Azui and a friend, Nosrat that four members of their Solhjoo, who lives in family were executed in Iran Cypress. told the followlD<J recently. story: "We are very sad for our The four family members relahves lD Iran," said .Mrs. were executed for theu Hagh.tni, liqhtino back tears. religious beliefs by uniden- "We want all people to tilied squads of men believed pray for us," added the under control of Khomeini. Newport Beac h reaident, who Mrs. Hac;rhani and her en- left ban two yean aqo. tire famtly are members of The executions are part of the Baha'1 Faith, the l.uqest what some observers have of four minority reliq1ous called "the final solution" an qroups lD Iran. the conflict between Moslems "None of the Baha'i who control the nation and children are allowed to stay other, smaller reliqious sects "It Is worM than the A b\lsl.neumau and an archi· teet who have beau in the forefrout of the city'• controver- sial growth iuue over the years have been named "Citizen of the Year" by the Newport Har· bor Area Chamber of Com- merce. (Continued oo sa-o• 6) Actinq on a tip from a psychic, Newport Beach pohce this week are seeking a w1tness who may be able to 1dentdy a vicious burqlar. The witness may have been walkinq by the vichm's house and seen the burglar 90 an or out. "He or she may not know he is a wttness," 1a1d Sqt. Joe Lambert. The burqlar severely beat a 62-year-old cnppled woman while she lay 1n her bed 1n the early morninq hours of Jan 9. Lambert sa1d. Based on informauon from the psychic and the beaten woman. Lambert deacnbed the burgla..r a.a "slender, either white or Latin, in his mid-20a, with powerful shoulden and arms, lik.e a conatruction worker, a bead l.vqer than no.nnal" and poss&Wy • small moo.uch.e. The Yicmn. AU..n We~h. r•· m.una hospitalized tb.a w .. k with her JaW broken in five p laces, one cheek. shattered and damaqe to one eye. She baa had arthnh.s swce she w..u 17. S41d oU1cer Mtke Deladurantey Pohce were also seekmg an old -fuhJoned ra1lroad con ductor's watch w1th the IDJilals DOG enqraved on the back The watch was beueved to have been part of the burglar's loot, alonq w1th $2,530 m jewelry and an 18-mc h squcue qold purse. The paych1c, who has worked previously for Newport Beach and other police, qave a deacnption of the thug that matches w part one g1ven bv the beaten woman Lambert spent e1ght hours one day lut week w1th the psych tc whose name he would not divulqe. He came out wtth s1x paqes of typed notes and a par· hal faith 10 her abil1ty. "I &m a beuever -skeptic." sa1d Lambert. "We were bavmq lunch She had given us some fauly surpris- ing deta11s about the suspect At the inst&U.Uo.n banquet last week which hMtd the a.nnou.nce•e.nt, queat apea.ker Maureen Reaoa.n , the pr•i· dnt'a dauptel', pr&!Mcl the nation'• clla•'-r mea.ben as . beiDO "tu bK~ of tala COUDUJ., RO wtlJ make ber latlaer't hotly-clebet.cl economic poUcl .. wotk. Bill Ban.n.iDo. p.reeide11t oJ 8eeco Ltd., a.od am Ficnr, a.rchltect, Ncb were 9\Yell ~· local ch•mbe.r'a accolade. Gueet IC)Mk_. Me\lfMn epotlight with ~• Gering, outgoing ptlllident. end Carol South lrtght). fnt Carol So'-illl, a 1MrMlaD9 otb ce.r m ~e arch.ilechual ud eaotMeriDO tina ol Albetl C. W..rt1.n and ~t•. W&l ln· .Wied u tbe tint woau pt ... · ct.n t lD Ole or.-al&a.tioft ·, 78- ,.._, hiltort. .. oniDO Ul a~red ofttm lll reont ..oatu IMilcri Cay Couctl a.nd dae Plucaiag Coa· aleilioa lA t\lppori Of a ooetro- woman president in c:hamber'a 75-year hiltOtV lt.tf photo bv Barry Slobm venial propoeed W•• Newport c&n.lopmant. n.. Sl40 IDilhon r811deou.el, oibce ud ltobt lDdutnal prOJ· ect -.u broug~t 1\lcll opP<*tioo ~ alAe laOiatoWDe.d a.oclA· uau ha" tollled th, W• ~rt AWuce to ftpt It . ......, abo hM•~recl often el ~ HUl to rep,....l *"l· QP~Jn, aoet recently 01a bebU ...,._ of tbe Marriott Hot~. which as ... kl.Do to add 165 100 .. •nd a 5,000-tq\la.nt·lool ...ti.D9 room. A .. ablJ'WOID&D N&n&n a.~ (R~N.wport IMcll), a.nttau.d South. tl.e ~--pnD· dent thea oHtctally .. aco.ec~ the adler nlne meabe.n 01 the exec:utift OOJIUDitt•, 17 CltvisiOD repr-talivee. Ucl De~ Gray u M.cl of tu 15th Aaat· She closed her eyea and Mid, 'I !eel somethmq about the hip,' and placed her band about here (on her btpbone)." "I don't know how she would p1ck tha.t out. My hip wu cnsh- ed when I wa.s a lrid . I hne bad all lunds of other wjunea, and she couJ.d've 1a.1d somethiuo about an arm. ''Most people have had a broken a.rm or some other em an Jury. bat few people have an 1nJUIY to the hip." The paych1c "feels the in· 1unes" or sca.ra or tattoos on her own body, 1a.1d Lam.bert. About the auapec:t, ahe Mid, "I feel something about the l-.p- Sbe S41d he had a possible suc;rht \ per left) ann," pu.ttino b.r M..t hmp . and a posslhle scar or tat· the.re, l..ambert reluecl. too on his left band. (01 " ....a • ...-I> "So 1 uk.ed lwr &bout m,..U. INITIALED WATCH US<t Puts Plan 'On Hold' · As Court Action Awaited The Umverstty of Southern CaWorrua waa holdmg classes 1n a bank bwldmq and a htgb school th1s week as 1ts proJected use of the vacant Corona del Mar £lementary School was "on hold •• USC's use of the shool awa1ts a court heanng Jan. 26 on a swt hled by a res1dents' group to pre· vent the scheduled ruqht and weekend classes The bearmq IS slated before 0Tange Co unty Supenor Court Judge Phlihp Petty The state Coastal Commus1on 1s expected to hear USC's ap· pucallon for a coastal perm1t between Feb 16 and 19 A C1ty Counc1l heanng on the tasue IS expected Feb 22 And a meehnq was tentatively set for Fnday between USC of- hc1a.ls and the res1dents, s~ud Mark Wemberqer. a San Fran c1aco attorney represenhng the latter qroup The elementary school was closed las\ spnnq because ol ver~ary Comm1ttee South and Mtke Genng. outqomg c hamber prea1dent. sa1d the two most 1mpor~nt chamber tssues for the commg y .. r are -The w1dely d1sputed Sl25 mtllton Irvme Co expana1on of Newport Center. General Plan Amendment 80-3. A c1tywtde reJerendum on the project 1s tentahvely set for June 8. -The November Clty Counc 1l elechon llectanq a pro-bus1nna &dminastrahon lD Sacramento II another top chamber pnority. South told the 1.200 members present at the Waniott Hotel. Fonner lrvwe Co. pr•ident Ray Wataon thanked the cham· ber tot "meluoo (the upallllon oO Newport Centet ,.our pr-oJ· ec:t." W.uNen R.aoan "' one of •ven Republica_o priJDuy CGdid&t• aoplDg lO \&h 'Oft~ S 1. Hayww•'• U.S. S...U. .... SM la r.lyaDO oo YOlGA...,. .ar011 tlt.e tcate k) ~--10,000 (Coda--..... ' lack of enrollment. Meanwh1le, the lite wu qWet trus week, reported Golda Johnson, a member ol Cttaena lor the Reapon..alhle UM of Ne1gh.borhood Schools. Planned renovation and park- 1n9 lot conatrucllon ha.d not begun. 5he 14ld. A "Flex-Ed" buain ... proqrADl wtth 50 USC students eDJolled has moved 1nto an ofhce in the lmpenal ~ Bwldtnq at Sunflower and Bnatol 11:1 Ca.ta Mesa, 84ld Rtchard Myen, pzo- gram manaqer. The proqram, supposed to beqin laat week 1n the old qrade school. may be 10 the b.nk butldmg for li1I months. Myera sa1d Two other cla.sse., one on tax- alton and the other a reVlew lor the Cerhhed Pubuc Accountan- cy test. are betng held a t Corona del Mar H.tqh School, 14ld Jerry McClellan an asstatant pnn- (Continued OD 1*Je 8) I • I ...... ,.,. laaQC~rJ ···-n.. ......... "ndp IN SHORT leAri:inO.._IIoYe ~Robert&. ltedv•'• c~Wrict oftlce wru be a.owed to • DeW Joo.tioD effec:. tift Feb. 1. n. DeW oflic. will be located at 180 Rc:wpwt C..llez Dr .• S'W.IIe 240, N.wporl INch 926180. Phone ou.lllber fox the oilice will be (714) 644.4040. Beclbam, whoee 40th COilqne. aiGe&l Diatrict includ• thia city, bM aaintaiDed d1.trict olf1ce. at 1648 w ... cllff Dr .• Newporl Beech, fox the put 19 yeara, 14 OlwhJch .. re cluruu.J hia tenuze u a JMmber of the C&lifomia A--..bly ud the lut five yean u a member of Con~. 1400.000 Award A $400,000 award to Robert C.1laoo, of Wbaioo Viejo, hu been won by the Newport Beach-bued law firm of Stoeckel aod Itaya in to. An9el• Diatrict Court. The verdict a9ai.Dit Americao Private funeral Mrvicu have been held for Lonnie R. Vin- cent, n. a 51-year ..-id.nt of Newport Beach. A phaJ"macilt and active club member, Vincent died Jao. 12 at hia home, 20Z7 Bayaid. Drive. • He wu 91'aduated from the Univemty of Southern Ca.l.ifor- Di.l School of Pharmacy aod bou9ht the Balboa Pharmacy ill 1930. Later, he owned Vincent's Lido Pharmacy, Viocnt'a Cor- ona del Maz Dru91 aod Newport Pharmacy. He abo owned ltores m Riverside, Downey aod South LaCJ\\Da . He wu put president of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber Aidh:a• wu ralaa.d to the dMlla of CarJ.oa'a wit., Cuol, in U.. craah of a Jetl.iD. in Ctuc.go in W.yof 1971. Hcne A Heart Seventy-one Pacific Wutual LiJe luuraoce -.p&oy.ee recntly collected $6, 7'¥1 in pled9*1 to tha Americu Heart A.ociation from t.llow wozken aod frlenda in a 10-tiloJDeter "Corporate R\lD for Heart." Some 200 pa.rticipaotl from ou.meroua finD8 ra&.d mon thaD $12,000 for the OruC]e CoUJlty chapter of AHA with the event lleld on the J'luor Cor- poration'• fun-coune in Ir- vine. The Y Campalgo A taJ"c,Jel of $90,000 tor youth procpama hu been Nt by the Orao«Je Cout YWCA whicll will laUJlch tlle fund-raWJ19 drive on Jao. 28 at the Newport Balboa Savin95 aod Loan officee' in Weetcliff Plan. of Commerce, and a lonc;rtime member oJ the Newport Harbor Yacht Club and of the Balboa Power Squadroo. A membez of Ami9<» Vieja., aod the Navy l.eaque, a boo.ten group, lle wu aliO a charter member of the Irvine Cout Country Club. Vincent leav• &. wife Carmelita; a clau9hter, Mn. Rictlard Ya.t, of Portlaod, "Oreqoo; aod three 9rand- dauqhten. Memorial contributions may be made to Hoepice of Oran9e CoUJlty, Inc., or to the Chil,:. dzen'a Dental Health Center of the Auistaoce LeaCJUe of Newport Beach . CK BAY LIQUO -announces- ~ ......... AI .. le'f'OI' of a tradttkieel Jl oiMMilll ..u, wJll add to lb. C~lllladJesn .... tMSS2 au·. ,.,..J .. r Coed lout/Tout" PQbl ionMf alate S.. ,_,,. Cup.ter of Ncwpod Beach owr the ooa1J Woeday .....U09. SaJ.ed.W M • major ettrac· tioll ol tM ~ au..t Clam- bake Week-to ''rajM fundi and frleDcla for Hoav W.aaorial Hoepltal," acconliD9 to Gene ..... c~-the event at the Newport leech Waniott will 1.a .. hall, fle9e and bunen to add color. '~tla9 18 lbaiNd to 900, aod .. ·z. eapsotift9 a JDa.t ater· tehl1Jl9 ....U09," Mid S.\UIIl, "10 .. )aope people will 981 their r.e"at:iou lato the hoepjtal u 1000 u poeible." The rout will be directed by Paul Salata, who identified Cupentez--&t JWII.at the Oran9e CoUJlty Jobbyist-u "an ective member of the chuzch of Noodey Ni9ht football." Rout.n/Touten will include Dr. S....y Lee, JuclCJS Robert Leases (Coattnued hom P.99 1) On another i8ne, Committ .. ataff member Adem .Max Mid, "People ue 8C&NCI1 by an earliet company threat to withdraw euieJ' rent terms from leusholden who join the Com- mittH'a forthcomin9 Jaweuit. "I th.iD.k it'a a real thu9 tac- tic," Waz aaid. Wsaowhile, there were th ... other 1..-hold ct.velopmenta: -The hvme Co. acheduled a msstin9 tomorrow ni9ht, Jan. 21 , with Cameo Shor• aod Ir- vine Terrace lsueholden to "explain optiona" UJlder the Liquor Prices Slashed!! all our liquor prices reduced 5 01 2501 EVERYITEM 70• ,0 EVERY DAY GROCERIES & GOURMET ITEMS including CAVIARS • DEUVERY SERVICE • KNUDSEN DAIRY ROOOCTS • PHOTO DEVELOPINO OPEN 9 AJIIII-I 0 PM 2651 IRVINE AVE. (at Mesa Drive) Newport Beach • Costa Mesa 642-4774 (Located next to Irvine Ranch Farmer• Market) SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Tests Set For Newport Beach ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be given at Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center Jan. 28-21-22 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hearing tests will be ccmducted by a~ Aid :uat, wbo is ll.....-1 =ilomia Slate lla.rdol~ ~ty ru c;urance as a Aid I>iapenMr. ""nyone wbo bu beariD& or undentanclftl il welcome to a test emoloiyin& tbe latest electroalc ~ wldch will det.ermiDe till Or-ber particular lea. You 1ee a modern hearini aid 10 tiny it fits totally within tbe ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER 1600 West Coast Highway Newport Beaela M~-82~8 CALL FOR AN APPOINTliENT TO AVOID WAITING RUN FOR HOAG SK and 10K Runs DATE: Saturday. January 28 . COU • Flat. c:8rtified courae. Over 90% on So D., SaD l)j,go Creek bike trail in Irvine DIVIIIONI• 10 in all. for men~ women, pt., boJ• TROPMIU: Several in each divWoo CHICK IN: N:46 a.m. Jan. 23 at Fluor Coq». ~tion C.Ot. on Cart.on, bet-..n Cam~a and Mkw.on. in Irvine. ENTRY FEE: 18 mdu~ T·abirt 14 withoUt T-ehirt INFORMATION oall John 8lalr f'14) Ill OIM or (714) M» 1117 • I .I I I I DENNIS CARPENTER I! Gardner, Supervt.or Tom Riley, Wayor Jacki• Heather, attorney Dave Baker, Geore)e Hoa9 D, colu.mnist Jerry JCobriD and othen. The Cl&mbake be9iDa at noon thia Friday with the Hoa9 Hacken Hijinll, nine hol• of aaoy golf at the Newporter Inn. It oai.D.a momentum on Satuzday in Irvine with a 5-ld.lometer and 10-k:ilometer rUJl underwritten 1 ..... aod new off•n the com- pany hu made. -Lawyera for the company aod Frank C.liberti met to c:lUcuaa an offer the company made to AJ"bit.rete the Nl• price of Cs.U.berti'a bayfroot land. He purch.ued it nearly a 'JeAl' ago. -Harry Babr, the only lea.asholder who hu refuaed to pay hia mcrsued laod rent or buy hia bay frODta9e, met with Chick Willette, a company u - ecutlve, thia week. No word came from either of theM private IDHliD9•· -Leaden of the CommittH were to mHt lut ni9ht with "vir· tually all" of the 60 leusllolct.ra whoee rent• are clue for reap- -Ceidenf.a ,..,.. auk, ud lldl ,_.,. ... IMture, • "Walk ·-BoAij.· ..... CoUt Jl&Ci9e Nark A. .... # walk ciUlnaaa, ...... .......... elk ... ~ tWi JMI ioT U.... do ~ k) 'putk:dpete ill the Cl••"b fuad.r....., but "are._ atWetio.ny inclined." Ia try -. lor tM eMDl, wkicll &I os-a to WOIIDeD U welJ U ... D, Ia $8Q per periOD, or $75 a couple. "1M wa1bn wll1 be plcbd \lp by but et u.. lmDe Cout Caamtry Club at 7:30 e.aa .," .ucl Ralpll lerb, clWrmaD of U.. tWa, ''taken in ltyle to the OOU'M wt.en the,4l walk 1.2 adl• ud .. _. the nmDen filUM. nan ~MJ1l be buecl baclt to lb. country club tor bxeekfaat." Wore tlaa.o 2,200 J"UDDen com- peted lut year, and llaere are inclicetiou that Du.lllber may be niJ)UMCI, he addecl. Clembake Week, which ill •vn yean has ralaed more than $350,000 for Hoa9 Ho.pit.al facilJti• aod add1tiou, will be climaxed with the Croeby prailal thia year, Mid Mu. In ao interview, Nu ... rted, "We doD't bow why, but the pr-ham't toou...d on wluat we thin.k are u.. Jll&lD two l~Rse. "We waot tair lll&rbt vatu .. that are truly ialr, and w. want a proper CJ'sdit to the homeowner for their contri.bu· tion to the value of the l.ud." . A "h.endful" of I..... written til themid-197o. 9i•e 33 percent or SO pefQSDt credit to the l .... holdar on the value of the land, Waz Mid. -A cl .. action lawauit bein9 prepared by lh;e CommittH wu So.IMn Pro.A. Toe-.en•t tM ~ !U.ndey Ud '-1· cLay,JU.a.». ' f'ro9ra•·ed lor tM lrvtM Cout liab, the ....., will ..ct n proe ch"*'9 $28#000 in cella awuda •tMJ are pa1nd wtth n ... ...,.. n.. ... ....,. wUl be coaapetia9 ior eeverel valueb&e priMe iacbadla9 U... provided by )lel-.a-Muou: a Dauaa c:rytlta) Milboet, a Waller· foJ'd c,.tal deca.llt.r willa l1a Watel'ford c:,.tal9luMe Oil a silver tray, an utique sil•er 90hlet circa 1810, aoothsr circa 1865 and a Sheffield chafio9 cliah willa bwuer. Additioully, fint v&rioua hol•m-Oile pri.aee for all COlD· petiton are a no~ CadiJiec from Tate Cadillac, $2,000 in cub from Char ... "*beck aocl $1,000 iD cuh from Woody and For..t Slnith, of the count.ry club, aCCOJ'din9 to awarda chair- mao John linhom. "La.t yMr," Mid ch.ain:Dan Beu.m, "the 552 Club'• Clam- bake w .. k raiJeclmore than (CODtiaaed OG p.C]e 8) nearly ready foJ' filing, aaid Nu. The Committ .. baa raiasd $50,000 from IODaS 700 l .... holden to protMt rent ud land value illc,..... they aay have run u high u 6,000 per· cent. The 3, 750 1 ..... were GC~Qed in the mid·'SO., at an.ouallot rentala from a few hundred dollar• to $1,600 per year. Two came clue thia JM.r, oDe 90inQ from $1,600 to $61,000 per year rental. The other went from Mveral hUJldred doU.n to $20,000 a year. -Roger Alag1e SFA's ·Final Winter Clearance ... ~to~ Off Original Prices* ... on Special Selections from Women's Men's, Children's .. and Fashion Ac~ Collections. Hlt•nciRun Ted:bnoay brRosrer~ One wtt:D ... admitted he lied on the etand, after NYlno he Nw hiJ rOOIIUDAte, "a Qr .. t quy," drino 1n the etr .. t. And the bMt friend of the defenclant teetifled aqain.st him. Th ... elementa added to the courtroom d~am• •• preliminary hHrinQ wu held for Jam• Samuel Gibbe, 20, of Orano•. on charoH of felony man- elauohter and felony hit-and- run. He ia acCUHd of accidentally runnino down and fatally injur- lno Donald Barry Warner, 26, of Newport BMch, on S.pt. 19. He il further accUMd of leav- ino the ~eene of the accident without attemptino to aid Warner, who died eerly the next momlno at Fountain Valley Community Hoepital. The accident occurred at 3ht and .Balboa Boulevard, juat out· 11de Warner'• apartment, at about midnioht. I.ut w .. k in H.ubor Muni· cipal Court, Gibbe' be.t friend. John Blaoltburn, 21, of Oranoe, testified that he wu ridinq with Glbbe wheD the accident hap- pened and that they left the ecene without helpinq the IDJ~ed man. John Kelley, roommate of the dead man. testified he wu atandino on the a1dewalk and saw Gibbe dnvmo the car with the liqhta out. Six weeks later he identibed Gibbe to pohce, be told the court . Robert H . Keefe, Gibbs' defense attorney, pressed Kelley mto adrruttmo he had oone to Gibbs' bouse after the acctdent. Kelley went with Warner's brother so the brother could "confront Gibbs." Kelley ~ testified. But earher Kelley bad tesbhed be had not oone to Gtbba' bouse. "Did you not he under oath?" Keefe roared at hun. "Yes, I did," Kelley admitted. Later, Blackburn admitted onder queaboninq by Deputy Dtstrict Attorney Jack Sullens that be bad not oone to police to Identify Gibbe as the dnver because he was protectinq bts fnend. At the end of the day-lonq hearlnq, Judqe Donald Dunqan s.ud he didn't fully believe e1ther w1tneu. James Gibbs ponders hit-and-run testimony. JOHN BLA'CKBURN Dungan contmued the heannq to Jan 28 so that new wt tnessea may he brouqht mto court. Gtbhs wu arrested Nov 11 JOHN KELLEY after police questioned dozens of persons m the area and Kelley came forward, sources said. Tnuudt Conb'actAwarclecl A $500,000 contract to advance a rapid tranut line envisioned between ADaheun and the Newport-lrvme au- port/office area baa been award- ed by the Orange County Tran· 111 O..tnct. The commitment waa made to prepare the Alternatives Analyaia/Draft Envuonmeotal Impact Report for this element of the Santa ADa Transportation Corndor as well u for a route from Santa Ana throuqb "Garden G~o'9e toward Loa ADoelea County alono the a.ba.ndoned Pacific Electric riqbt-of-way L.ut September an enqmeer- inq and operational atudy was hequn on poai.hle rout .. , faciliti• and equipment for the corridor. The new atudy il to determine the major tmpact.l and tradeoHa &JDono the hu1 and (Coatillud Oil J)e9e 6) over 10,000 Aaau.al mandatory IJDOCJ--<:ODtroJ.a iupec· Uon for veluol .. would ca.t South Cout Air Buin motonata S210. 7 mUUon, yet have "in· aiqnif1cant" impact on reduclno pollutants, accoTdlno to O .E. (Bud) Schroeder, ma.naqer of the local diltrict oUi~ of the Automobile Club of Southern C.Womia. Levtalation requarinq euch unual iu.pec· tione 1a ezpecled to he before the Auembly Tranaportation CoJDJDit- t .. th.ia w"k, and could move to the Waya and Meena Com- mittee and then to the Aaembly floor 1n another 10 daya, II waa reported. Labeled SB33, the hill by Senator Robert Pr .. ley (D-Rivers1de) may be before the full Senate by Jan 25. The me.uu re would expand the current re- qui rement that such tn· 1pechons occur at atate-hcensed facthhea at the hme btle to a 1960 or newer model- year veh1cle as transfer- red. Schroeder sa1d the Auto Club would sup- port a cost effective maintenance proqram, but a recent analysa by elub eoqmeers stated that, at best, smoq · ca usmq pollutants from all sources would he reduced only 3 to 5 percent under the man· date offered an Presley's btl) It was pomted out that mdtvtduala 10 thas reqion w1arunq to ex· pr ... opposthon to the meuure could contact Aaemblymen Cb .. ter B. Wray o r Nolan Friuelle, &nd/or A.uemblywoman Marian Berqeaon The Newpon Enslvn Wednesdoy. Jonuory 10. 1112 PaeJe 3 TO SERVE ORANGE COUNTY A convenient alternative to hoapital emergency rooma: The ••• RG.NCY DOCTORS OFFIC A Fully Equipped Medical Office for Emergency Care: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thor9ugt1, Profeaaional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed e Immediate Attention Given OPEN: 1 DAYS A ~EK 3ea DAVS A VEAl' I A. 11.·11 P.M. B"c" (714) 752·8300 ••• RQ.NCY DOCTORS OPPIC. 4030 Birch St.. SUite 107 ~N Newport Beach ; u f r-,-0::-:::-C--, . A1tpott BALTZ -BERGERON SMITH & TUTHILL WESTCLIFF MORTUARY "Affordable funerals" ******* Cremation Plans Available 427 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa PHONE 646·9371 ENCUSH SWEATERS 17895 SKYPARK CIRClE . SUITE .. C .. nglis Wool Sweaters STARTS SAT., JAN~ 23THRU JAN. 31 10-5 PM DAILY Bottled Up Again Are we, m a sense, paying ourselves to foul up our own environment? As far-fetched as that conclusion may seem at the outset, consider that one of the reasons advanc ed last week as the "bottle bill" went down to defeat in Sacramento was that its passage would cost jobs in the container industry. The legislation by Sen. Omer Rains (D-Ventura) would have required the same type of deposit (a minimum of hve cents) that now is in effect in Connec - ticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon and Vermont, · Opponents have argued that this would cut down on sales, and thus wo uld reduce the demand for containers-and thus would reduce the industry work force. This "buggy-whtp" line of reasoning raise s a queshon: If for such a reason we defeat measures intended to reduce litter-everything from bottles on the beach to those cans you see floating in the Catalina Channel- are we continuing to subsidize littering? The bill failed to pass by one vote m the 11 -member Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee, after failing to get out of that same committee last summer when both sides argued for four hours. In the interim, anyone could hazard a guess as to the amount of htgh-pressure lo bbying from the container m · dustry. Opponents of the Rains bill also clatmed tl wouldn't make a big dent in litter, 11 would inc rease fuel con- sumption because empties would have to be c ollec ted from the stores {The delivery truc k couldn't pick up the empties?), and it would inc rease beverage costs to the consumers. (Only those who didn't turn back their bot- tles and cans-right?) The committee majority's blatant dtsregard for sound reasoning again would leave the concerned citizen stranded in Litterville-were it not for Rains' dedicated effort. His encouragement bas brought forth Califor- nians Agamst Waste which already has collected more than the 346,119 s1gnatures needed to put the issue on the November ballot. The petihons deadline is March 25-and the goal ts at least 500,000 names to insure validity. When that pebtion comes around, sign it . Let's help the Legislature c lean up 1ts act. -BRS Senseless Stan . Traffic increases-and so d<?es traffic dan~er . This newspaper printed a letter last week from Coun· cilman Paul Hummel calling attention to what he described as a long-standing request to the State Department of Transportation by the city of Newport Beach, the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce and the Corona del Mar Civic Association for permission to improve the pedestrian c rossing at Orchid Avenue and East C oast Highway. (Hazy on that mtersec hon? The posto fJice branch is on Orc htd; She ll stahon and Pat Marley's on the cor- ners.) The city would pay for the warning stgns and improv- ed crosswalk. Months later, satd Hummel, the reason given for denying suc h permission was that there was a case pending against the Department of Transportation by an injured pedestnan, and to allow improvements there might be c onstrued as admitting a dangerous condition had existed, Hummel mdtcated he had sent a copy of that letter to Adriana Gtanturco, Caltrans director. U Adriana doesn't act soon, then Governor Jerry Brown and Speaker Willie Brown, who like to seek sup- port and contributions here, should be asked to con· tribute some s upport themselves. -BRS 27211 Cout Hwy , Corooa delW.t. CA a::J625.888C)• Pub.I.Wiled week!, oo w-....., lditomlud .... --.-m4IIO RJCHAIID BRONN£R 101 PAYSON STIVl HADLAND JUIT S1WS LILA.ND POUND S'HORA UPAAJ JOGD ANGLE MAACUSDUnZ,CH~~PHERLYNCH lARRY SLOIJH •nd 10• mt:RSON ALAJf W 8CHOFJ TOM STIGMOYER Co publ,.h.t Co p~l-.r G.n.ral Wa~r ld1tor A._1at"' £d110r Jt~•·l Ad"•'" 1110 Waot~Qe ~t1 • . . . . • . . . Sport• ~neu Photoc,r•phflll Produ~liOt'l w.n ... r Cuc:ulallon DuKio r r.. .,_. ........ (UIPI ... Pill-...,..... ...... .._..., .. -·"'~ ...,_,..,._......,....,,. ••• .............. _ • ...., •• ,,._.._....e .. ,. .... c:...., .. o...,. .... c.w...-..,....,,_......,.~ .............. ,....._.......,..., .... n. ~ ....._ • .. ..._,.......,,let .. Co".,.._,... IIMII ...a.......,_ .. .,..._ ..... .., ......,.,_ ... ,.,_, IMIOIPAWo- .......... a.-. •• a-..... --~ .... ~ ..... ... ,_., ...... c...,..,. . ... ........ ............ ...._..,.._ ... ~c ... a-.. ,,....,..., ....... _, ............. IIIIIWolo.,...,_... ............ -~-c..ll ....... ~ .......... c...-...... ~·- Letters To The Editor elimanate the need for exten~Q Univeraity Drave. The & .. way primarily mov .. the traffic with a northerly direction, while University Drive is neded to move people to more weater- ly/euterly destmationa. Both No Deal To the Editor: With reference to the Lo:~ Angeles Times Oranoe County Sechon on Jan. 12, 1982, "Leuehold Squabble Bo.U. with Thr•aa. and Counter Thr.ab." In the item, Jerry Collw of the Irvine Company atatea, "The Committee {of 4,000) bu no lease. The leaaeholden and the Irvine Company are the partie• of the leaaes, and so any restructurinq or refinancino or deferred payment pr()(Jram that can be worked out obvioualy bu to be worked out betw .. n the company and the mdividua.l leuee." . Mr. Colllina should take time to talk to Mr . Chick Willette, duector, Builder and Land Manac;Jement, Community Devel- opment Divuion, and abo &D e~ecuhve of the Irvine Com- pany. At '11 :30 a.m., Thuraday, Apnl 9, 1981, .barino ~eived nohce from the Irvine Company that my land leue wu to be reneoohated in one year, I met wtth Ch1ck Willette to d.iacu.u the purchase of my lot m Irvine Terrace . "" My lot was "appraiaed" and could be purchued from the lrvme Company Jor $203,000 {now $253,000). I explained to Mr . Willette that I did not uve the $203,000 cub {Irvine'• escrow Ierma were 30 daye, cubf) and, furthermore, 1 could not aJford to pay $12,000 {plus) annual lease payment.. A. a aolution to my problem and pouibly &1.1 othera on leued land, 1t was suooested that the lrv1ne Company offer at their pnce , Ierma for purcba.M that were reaaoll4ble .a that oJJ lea.Mholdera could buy their Iota and eliminate all 1..-. forever. Such a plan would cr.ate hivh quality notea secured by a aecond trust deed aoainat aome of the beat properli .. in Newport Beach. The Irvine Com~Y could diacou.nt th ... not• ud raise milhou of dollar• for further development and everyone would be a wmner. Ch1clt W1Uette MJd he would take the 1d.a to hia lftAnave- ment. After thr" Jllonths oJ alienee, a phone call produced: "The Irvine Coibpany cannot provide financioq. U they do, they would be eouidered a '..U.r' ud tlM profitt fro. tM Iota would be Lueel M orcltaary •coe•. Dot • capital ~ •• ,..e WM DO co.a.Dle.r c6r. raili.D, to .,.. • -.uUaofw clt.alone ~ with .... 1riiae Cotapeny • on lndiYidtlol, I coac:lucMcl tNt a dui.CUOD ault wu tllle ~ .. , to .,.e 1M lrvtne Com~y·a attenUOD . It wu very, v•ry ca..r tlaat they d1d no/ CJh• a cAUu lot tlae d ....... ti.DMcl.J faa liUa iJMij. vkiMI .... . Tlae CoaUD.ut• of 4,000 WGt ftollon.ed lo ....... _ u.e ....... eo..,...,. a. ... ton.ecl bectiue eneral Uicli•idUII lt._ to COIUDUUCale PG~!iUM kiNa Wltla U.. lrvlM Colilp&ay Ucl had U.• door ll•••tid lal lMlr lac ... AtteDtio n. Sc:r.ooge To the Editor: Will the real Scrooge step . forw.ud? On Chnstmas Eve 1981 in the Irvine Ranch Market parkino lot at lrvme and Meaa Drive, aomeone backed intQ a yellow Honda Civic CC and amuhed the recu end. Do you know that the driver "forgot" to lMve their card? Do you know with this omisaion a young woman'• peraonal serenity waa ahattered? Scroooe aught remember that the damage, while not of her doing, 1S up to her to pay for. Shame, ahame. "Let tllere be peace and let it beoin with me." Dorothy Hutchiaon Newport Beach UDiveralty Drive To the Editor: (The loJlowing leiter was also .en/ lo Mayor lod Cie Heather.) Dea.r Jackie: I u~e onlf recently receivt the materiallo be cbsc\IJI.Md tlle California Coutal Comm · DOll hea.rt.noa Jan. 1g,.22, lNdino to commL181on acUon on the City of Newport Beach Land Uae Plan. I am particul.uly &.Qterested in the Univer11ty Dnve ezten.aion and wish to commend you for youT leUer of Nov . 19, 1981 , which urges the commassion to 1 .... tllis much-needed prOJect lD the LCP. Jun Hew1cker's let- ter oJ Oct. 8, 1981, 1s likewase quite loqical and persuasave. The Coastal Comm~Uaon ahould not arbtlrarily delete the University Drive eztenaaon from the LCP, but ahowd delay the final decLiion pendino comple- tion of an Envuonmental Impac t Report and analysis of every alternative for aoiVlnQ tlua Im - portant arH of our traff.ic prob- 18Gl. la9r" that at ahould be poua- ble to provide reasonable and acceptable protection of the lcolooical Re.erve and atilt bwld the ... otial Eut-Weat lateral. It Ia abeurd to arque that com- pletion oJ the Coro na del Mar Fr .. way (af .ad when) will wall be n..ded for the long puU. W. Lee Spencer RepeatlDg N l8take To tlae ldltor: (7'1Je loJJowiDg aJ.o wa. Mill to tbe City CouDcil.) The people of Newport Beach and Corona d.t War are &bout to repeat their llliltak•, and, ao&illlock Conma del Mar into hioh le..I traffic ccmqemon. When the Cout rr ... ay wu voted down, Newporl B..oh qat locked illto an impo.ible traffic mutation. And, if the P.lican linkup Ia c:t.troyecl becau.. many people dialike the h - • Co., CorODa del Mu will be bo~ed ill a9&iJ1 . There ia a .alution. I ad- moatah my COGACil for Dot _. illo it. 1 c::all oo Paul HUJILDlel to execute the 80luti0ll in hU own backyard.. The eolutiOD ia to NOpen the fifth AveDue by-put. TM city cu build it. own road Uwre, and if the State of c.Jifonda, oz the lnUw Co., wut. to 9P aloDq with it, then eo much the bett.z. But, we Med leaderahip, not fiohtino. A.nd we DMd relief now, not when the State dedd• to tell ua what to do. R.M. Wo}Jf The ADclrewa Plcm To the lditor: (1'h loJJowing wa. MDI to tbe City CoUDCil:) I want to tell you of my sup- port lor the Back Bay and the Andrew. Pion lor Oo.tino tid.aJ Clat•. It ..... tlle IDOIIt utuzal and leut co.tly. The beauty and health of all of the wi1d1if. ud hWilan life ia of vr .. t cooc:em to me. I appreci.ate your efforla to mab our city one of the tiD_. ill America. CONSUMER CORNER to.r ~. Jn ColiJomJo, w. ltov. wltd ;, can.d o tJJ.r...day c:ooJ. /Df1 o/1 ~ lor 180111 COIJ/roc:'- OV'8, J2S .... Ua yoflf ~. Yo.~ ....,_ iJ06Jy 1M dMc:W «ii»o> Ul f!"rlliog tltOI )IOU 01'8 C'Oittielll!t'J tAe COfiii'Oit:f, ,.,.. ,_.,.Oft (he .... . u.ttdc:.l/tle~ .... · rou ,., won/10 ....... . lend lett.r lor~~ pt'Oiedjon. PoiiJio.r eo,., .. , IMtgve JOORNAUSTS JOURNAL by )lJD Feltoo lt'a just poea.ble that the Dewey trash people who collect ouz rubbiah and ·d.lacarda bow more about the ~ in our neiohborhooci than anyone elae, includino the mailman. When they come around on a wec~n ... day, they learn who the tidy people are, who are the party throweu, who are the youno coupl• with children ill diaper• and who read what publicatiozu. IAat w.ek they even diacovered that there wa.a at leut one family in the neic;Jhborhooci who put out their Chriatmas tree later than l did. There'• a puff of pride when you diacover aomeone whOM record as u bad-or wane- than your own. lt'a not true that there aren't enouqb houn in the day. But it i.a true that I don't oroanize tllOM houra properly, that I bite oH more than I can chew, and oet involved in more community project• than I ahould. I just haven't learned to aay no. But aside from all that, the Feltona u a clan have perfected the art of procrutioation. Son David i.a .a cue in point. In one of' hil many. articl .. in RoJling Slone maouine, he described bow he came by the nicJtname "The Stonecutter." Frank Haven, the former manaqin9 editor of the Los Angel•• Times, huno that 011e on David because 1t took Dave ao lonv to write a atory. "It alwaya ... ma to me," David wrote, "that anyt}unq worth doin9 well is worth domg tomorrow.'' Another factor may be my lono ueociation with the world of joumaliAm. I'm a deadline dandy. My best work i.a done when I'm under the ouo, wlucb L&D't a bad pb.rue when I look at 1t ava.m. On the old La. Angeles Doily New., an experience I abared with Jack Smith and a number of other lucky people, we helped to put out 12 editiooa a day, both mornino and eve- ning diatribulion. The Charlie ChapUn Mann Act trial wu a oooci CAM ill point. I had to writ. a new lead or do a com- plete rewrite for wery edition. It wu one of the top atreet-..Uer atori• oJ &1.1 time. ADd I would need to bolt bom the federal courtroom to the pzellll'OOm and dictate new l.ad.s or 1D.Mrla from not• only, and 1t wu a olorioua experience. With that trai.runo, the r..t of my We hu been a natural routine of puttin9 thinoa off to the lut minute. That'a why 11 wu such a joy th.i.a w .. k to look at ouz neiohborhooci u the Dewey t.ruhman mioht. The Carten have been doin9 .ame houeeclea.nioq, and abandoned ko.ick-lmacb filled their truh bin. A few doora away, the tidy family on the coroez bu thr .. naw tTuh cana-elevant, match- i.ACJ jobe with ha.oct.oaae bata. Around the comer tlMre wu evidence of a oa1a party-the empty miz bottl•, a liquor ~ cutoo with the necb of empt._ .wadino tall. And tla•n there wu the Chrtatmu u... NGet of the neiohborhooci put theu treea out two week. earlier. I put IDiAe out oa• .... aqo. But here wu the aew block leader, cbecard- IDCJ b ~-tu Ia U.. eecoed ..-Ia Ju:uuy. Harbor High Sea Kings by Marcus Dte ta TryinQ to decide wbic:h ia the Garth O!.on chose an oppor· key Q&me for Newport Harbor tune time to play bia be.t game Hic.~h'a buket.ball team tbia w .. k of the year. ti~r• to be rather Wte ch00t1· It came juat when hu Corona lnQ the warmer caty to live in, del Mu bullelball teammat .. Chicago or Nome, Alaaka. needed it the moat. After all, Newport Harbor Ac.~.Wt croeatown rival viaill Uoiveraity (which ia 3-2m Newport Harbor lut J'dday See View League play) tonight naght, Olaou ~eored 12 po10t1 at 7:30, before hoat10g !atancia and played the kind of all- (whicb i.a 5~0 and hed for firat around game hia coach, Jack place with Corona del Mar) on Ernon, b.u come to expect hom .. Friday. And aince both teama the aenior forward u the Sea are loaded down Wlth good, K.inga won, 42-39. talented playera, tt would ... m But this was a defeuive game there'• no easy cho1ce. and it was defeDM that won tt, Not 10, aaya Newport Harbor and as Newport coach Jerry coach Jeny O.Bualt. DeBusk aaid later, what team "Of the two games, University playa better man-to-man defenae i.a definitely the key Qame." he than the Sea Kings? said . "That's becauae we know Olson hauled down 10 re· juat bow good Eatancta is. But bounds, five of which came on University ia bnd of lilce ua-the offensive aide, and in man· they play weU , aomehmes, then to-man coveraQe waa auigned to they don't play weU .. they the Sailora' high .coring, 6· 7 are a bit of a myatery to us, and forward Byron Ball. Playing the game'• at their place, too." tenaciously. Olson hmited BaU So, from DeBusk'a standpoint, to JWit eight for 23 from the anyway, a Wln ton1Qhl would floor, as the Sailon' ace totaled move Newport Harbor up to a 19 points. 5-1 mark. The Eatancta c;ta.me "That was definitely Garth's will dose out the firat round of best game of the year, and I'm league play-and even tf the JUSt happy he. ha~ it that n1ght," Satlora apht these two, they'd Enaon saJd. "We had to play wind up 5-2. good defense to keep it close. "If we're 5-2 at the end of the and Garth was one of the ma1n hrat half, then we would have an reasons we did." advantage, w1th our schedule," It's defense like that displayed O.Buak aa1d. aga10st Newport that has ena· Included 1n that hst of home bled the Sea Kings to JUmp out games for the second half ts a to a 5-0 Sea View League return engagement wath cross· .record, good enough for a first- town nval Corona del Mar, place tie with Eatanci~. which defeated Newport 42-39 What's more, tonic.~bt at 7:30 last Fnday, on the Sea Kinga' Corona del Max will have a The Newport Ensign Wecln-.doy. kuauary JO. I PREPS CltJ by~Lpch lt wu a qood week tor Corona del N.a.r buket.ball teama, u the gub stayed on top of the S.. Vtew l.e.Q1M ata.ncli.nqt Wlth a lopided 52-38 victory over Newport Harbor. The See LD91. poueaon of • .f-1 league mark, were led by the play of 6-3 center L1sa Greenberg who contributed 19 points and 14 rebounda m only two quarten of pl.ty. Juntor guard Heather !atey added 12 pointe. Meanwh.Ue, for the Sailou, the loea to Cd.M marked theu fourth str.ught Sea Vtew League defeat, mcluchng a 57-40 lou to lrv1ne Wednesday n1ght. Corona del Mar's boys' soccer team last week found 1tseU atop the Sea V1ew League standlnQa wath two qutck v1ctones and a he However. Coach Robby Conn's players 1.111 as qu1ckly found themaelves UJ second place aJter a 2-0 lou to lut place El Toro Fnday afternoon The Sea Kmgs had moved tnto first place Wlth a 2-1 vtctory over Saddleback Wednesday. on the strength of goals by Jeff · by Dan l.o9an The Thud Annual Run lor Hoag 5K and 10K w11l be held on Saturday, Jan . 23, at 9 a m The race starts at the Fluor Recreatton Center on Carlson m lrvme. Entry fees ~re S10 (tncludes T-shllt). SS race only on race day. For tnfonnahon call John lau at 966-0556 or Ke rry Roth at 760-5917 lit,rht tMJU A&• op •• _, &..que play an the city ~- bon ~·· willter bubtl- ball 'A' O.VlSioo. Stcmdlnp w L T T~o O.vll. I 0 HOOi•n 0 I Or-.o~ Couoly St•n I 0 Bomb«• I 0 )(41.1. rk y • 1 I 0 A•ro 0 I Joluuloo lacuUJ 0 l Bottom• Up 0 I WI WMir'• IICOI" Ul Boy. IIS.a.a.•tb&l.l 5thcmdlth ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ma11n•r• Wunch•ra. 31 , Bllftalo Bu.n moq W.dq• 30: H••9hta Ju.a. 25, CYC Sw111h•r• 22. NB W•rnora, 49, !ut.bluff Bl•a•r• IS 3rd aad 4th groci.M MAll""" A.Jir;ta n• 16 Buff.alo Hilla 7&-ra 14 C YC Swoah.r11 11 . f~t&lo Htlla SlAmmer 9. w ... ,D.nl AlhA•rs. 24 H•tQhta Bulle!• 12, H•tQhta R UADUIIJ R.b.t. 17 NB L..hr11 12 Kordlck and Scott McCrimmon . How.ver, Fnday afternoon, CdM wu forced to play without four top playera, 10clud.ulQ staftera Peter Joba.n.uon and Morgan l.J.anQston . "Morgan plays Wlth a lot of heart and that transfers over to the other players," explamed CdM coach Robby Conn. A Tuat10 H.agh Guls AthJet1ca fund-ra~ will be held at the Mar10e C8"rps Hehcopter Statton 1n Tustm on Saturday, Feb. 6 The 5JC will stcut at 8 a. m . the lOK at 8:45 a m. Entry fees are S8 (10cludes T-sbut), $4 race only by Jan 29. Late entry LS $5, race only Call Earlene Slunner, 730-7404, or MaJor Douglas RetDtlca , 551-7321 floor. And 1t'a a Qame that chance to break that tie when it DeBuak, make no miatake about visits Estancia. it, 11 lookinQ forward to. After that, the Sea Kings wtU His team didn't play poorly, to be back home on Friday, where Garth Olson. standout in Corona del Mar victory. fires for two. Others are Mike Hess 1321. and Satlors Byron Ball 1521 and Brean Fo4k (251. The Tenth Annual World Masters Marathon will start at Chapman College tn Orange on Sunday, Jan. 31. at 7:30a.m. A 10K race Wlll beq10 at 7:45a.m. Entry fees are S8 (includes cerh· hcate), $4 race only by Jan. 25 On race day, Sll/$7. Contact Recreahon Dept . Ctty of Orange, 326 E. Almond Ave .. Orange 92666. The brat race lD the 1982 China Cup Senes will be the Up The E.atua,ry 10 February Half Marathon on Saturday. Feb. 13, at 7:30a.m The race starts at the Dunes on Back Bay Road m Newport. Pre-regatration 1S S8 (includ• T-ablrt); $4, race only. The race day t.e w $5, race only. Call 966-0556. be aure, but 1t didn't sink the they will boat leac.~ue contender shots when 11 needed them, it Univeraity, which il 3-2 . Tha'( didn't Qet the key rebound when will conclude the brat half of 11 was needed, and u a r .. ult leaque play. Newport apent moat of the eve· U Corou. del Nar could pull n10g chuing a team at couldn't off a pair of wiD.I 10 thJS finale,1a qwte catch. 7 .o mark QoinQ into the second For 101tance, Byron &11, the half oJ the ecbedule would all Satlora' 6· 7 juntor fotward and but usure the Sea JC.i.nqa of one leadlnQ scorer, connected on• of the leaque'a three CJJ playoff juat etght of 23 attempta, apota, barrinQ a collapM rival- although he did score 19 pomta iDQ that of the Roman Empire. to lead the Newport attack. "We will be playinQ two teama "I don't know why (&U'a that are really contending this shoohnQ waa off), "DeBualt w .. k. so it's not like preparing said, "but he's suoh a compe· for one team that is and one titor, he'll come back out and team that isn't," Errion aaid. "lt'a play Qreat next hme." Local YMCA SwlmmenTdampb a lot eaa1er thu way. And both tealn.a are sunilar-both have Qood pttnon.nel, and both have key, oulltanding playera that they rely on." For latancta, that player would be Jeff Gardner, the Zagl"' quick, play-makinQ po10t 9uard. For Uruvera1ty, It would be-Brad Gueu, the Trojans' 6-6, dO.everytbing. all-leaque for· wa.rd. "Gardner and Guesa really help the rest oJ the players on the team, which is what makes them so good, and 10 tough to defend," Errion satd. brN.St, « 82, SO back. J9 59 BOYS Darr•n L..oca. SO br ... l, 40 7, R1cb•rd farunqlon SO b.d, 41 01. Se~• Moore. INDO. I 25 7l Kurrte Fastest Ron ltunle, Wlth a time of 31:41 . topped the men'• held, and Rene LaPat, Wlth 35:57, led the women 10 the 10-K run Sunday sponsored by the ctty parks, beaches and recreation department The 180 compehtors. aged from 13 lo 60 and over, traveled a course that wound through Faahton laland OranQe Coast YMCA'a awim team acored 16 hrat placea 10 defeatinQ Santa Barbara YMCA recently, 254-136, in the lostng aquad's pool. The winn1ng hmes 10cluded: 1 pan cmd l&lld.: ~lhy N•chot.. 25 yd fly 23 06. rNDO. I 54 20. M•l&o•• Mosher, 2S·vd br ... l 26 80 BOYS Sun lmholl 2S yd hM, 1g 2S 2S·yd fly . 22 g. O.v1d N•wman 25 yd b.ck. 25 27 lHOO. I 54 34; Cntn H41dley 2S yd br ..... 29 7 11-11: Sl•v• Noah•r, SO lrM. 30 23. luon BeiAnq•r. SO back. 40 59. Joho Rulhnt 50 breut. SO S2 1).14: Pam L...nc•. 200 frM 2 28 82 lNDO l 06 15. S.rb.r• Rlllfuu. 100 b.ck. I .lS 4 Wmdy W•bb, SO lrM, lO 94 ._, JAN. 23&24 •10: L..u,.llmhoU. SO frM, 37 60, SOlly 41 n . lNDO. I 39 OS, S.ndr• Rufluu, SO The Orange Cout IWlmmers will compete &Q&i.nat a team from Bever· ly Hil.b YWCA on Saturday at 5 p .m. in the OC pool. MARINE SCENE by lla:ry Wagner The yachtlnQ world 11 a amall one and we became even more aware of thia when we were on a trip to the F•r Eaat recently and viaited the Royal Hone.~ KonQ and the Royal Bombay yacht cluba. Their lactltti• are much more elabor•t• than any of the Southern CahfOI"IllA yacht cluba, but we found they have exactly tile I&IDe problema u our own local clube. "It's h&rd to keep the jwaior pro- qra,m QOillQ and build up the daoc.~hy o...t," Mid Collllllodore Keith Wowler of the Royal Hong l.oA9 Yacht Clu.b. While our local kida lc:.e iDler.l ill NlliD9 becauM tMy beeola• lnvolftld ln footbaU or other .cllooa. ports, U.•lr t"a~r• are all MOJ to lllc.~Laocl toz the ec ... JMr. '"Th• f.ac:Uiu .. are eapeom•• to opera .. ud lt'a brd to keep the clUri.Do room ln ~ floancial con· clitioD," Mid the Hoaorary S.CdWiry rraak ldwarda •• tile Royal loitbay Yadat C1.J,. HoW ..uy t(.,.. have ~ MAnl taU. hota yow own club ....... ? .. ol tM clu.M ......... roq r~ profl .. WiQ o&a..loc&l o.Nbe a.c& tiNt •••Mn al tM le• 2J.a.o.t .... 22 ..... H-9 loil9 tra..a eo A.UaiN • ...,_pore, ......... n ....... eo reoe ••• ...... ~u..J.22tk~ ..... and they were delighted to ... us aince they had met a number of the Southern C..Ufornia E-22 aailora at the eta.. World'• Champtonahtp an Marblehead, Nua., lut summer- Ted Munroe, Don Bever and Phtl Ram.aer. If you think Newport Harbor ts crowded, tbe Hong ~one.~ aa1lors race directly ofi the clubhouse tn the h .. rt of the caty,Wlth hue.~• ferry boats, freiQhten, tankera, JUnks. excunion boata and water t&x .. to dodqe u they make their way arOUDd the oourM. U you take a tnp uywhere an the -.orld, be au.re and d.rop 10 on the local yacht club. You'll meet a lot of olce people . • • Narle O'Hora of Newport Harbor Yacht Cha.b la lUll lo the t..d tn the lJclo tale Yaclal Club Adult S.bol S.ne. after ''"" r.cee &e.& S.tur-clay. O.ve Tiagler 1.1 MCOa.d, od A.o..eue GilletM l.l llalrd. lotla are .. .u.n of ... _. club. 'l1lia S.lurdey will be tMiul racinQ cMy of tile •n ... • • • s.!Uot ill iitht au aod lola ol fot, lick Ha.U.O... (VYC) lo Pro .... wc.U..Dc ..... 22~l.DIM ••port &.rllor Ta.dat O.ah Wla .. r ........... d . EBELL CLUBHOUSE 511 w .•• .,~ •tvt~. 10AMT08PM Native Peruvian Folk Art Exhibit Direct From Peru SAil ••••e•••e••••e•••••eeeeeeeeeee••• 10% to 50% OFF (Uc.pt..., NOW IN PROGRESS Rent a spaCious. lUXUriOUS house or condomen1um So much n1cer to come home to dftet a oay on the slopes The two-bedroom condos sleep sex people and the three and tour- bedroom houses can easely sleep two 01 more whole fam•lteS YIIISII Cl1l An authentteally restored selver meneng town nght out of the l8(X)s Par1t Crty tS the hottest new For more 1nformat10n and our weekly rental rates.JUSI contact Pin Crty Accommodations P 0 Box 2025. Par1t Cety Utah 84060 ( ~) 649-6201 ana lfk>1 1 649~5333 cold spot en the West Easy to get to by plane or tram Only ~ qu1ck menutes from down- town San Lake Ctty .. •••WTI &CCO-..ODA#IOla Y OU ARE INVI TED TO THE 552 CLUB'S CO-ED FOURTH ANNUAL ROASTfTOAST Monday, January 23 Marriott Hotel-Newport Beach Former SUite SeDater DENNIS CARPENTER will the RoutH COCKTAILS &:52 p.m. $160s-couple ' • ' ~ ....... hf ........ CiC' •. ·-The Newpca1 I.Sp (C•'l•...t baa~ 1) lD .cbool, N Mid SoDajoo, n.. IWf willioe Je.b'ia iD lru are Jklt penaltted to work ud tlaeb ~ are belag COD· fiecatecl. Wn. Haobaai ud A&iai cla.la. ''They conft~~eated our houe, aftex the aecuti<>M." aatd Wn. Haohaa.i, fiohttno ao.m to con· trol her emoUou. In a •riee of interviewa with local u~ foreiqn newspapen lut ... k. the tbr .. tried to qather public IJIIlJMtthY for memben of all eectaltill m lru. The other tecta are Chriatta.n•, Jewa, and Zoroutriu.. • The pUobt of the Baba'il there il 110 •rloua, they MY, that the United Stat•, Canada, Austral· ia and ~veralluropeu COUD· · tn.. have opened their doon to them u poUtical refuoeee. '.'Tb ... people {who have been executed) are martyn to the B&ba'il," Mid Aaiai, "becaUM they are alwaj. told they won't be eucuted if they will renounce their faith, and they never do." · "They tell them at ounpoint, 'Say you're a Moalem ud you can qo free,' " Mid Notrat. "But none of Ul will," •he added with obvioua pride. The Baha'i• are perMCuted becaUM they limply beUeve dif- ferently from the MOilem.. "We beUeve in all prophet• and in all reliqion.," Mid Nosrat. "Our maiD ooal," aaid Mn. Haqhani, "il the unity of all mankind.'' .Bumper •tic ken that MY, "One Planet, One People Please," e1rprea the Baha'i creed. The Baba'il, whOM reliQion was founded iD l&+C iD han, ue not active politJCally, will accept only noncombatant .tatu in military aervice, ud believe in If you could lose ~ight by yourself, the equlity of --Ucl WOIDG, Theee belie& are Mid to qrate OD ...... I . Ba.ba'w •Y 25,000 ..... ben of the teet MM beea eucnated 1A hu iD the 130 .,..,. uce the faith WU foudecl, JUDy blltl Mt1y day.. The le.b'i Faitla ia worldwide. b b.u 2,000 '1CC81awa1U." iD 340 oouatn-, ••wtDQ people from 1,800 et1m1c qrcM&.-who ..,.u 800 lanquv-. It b.u a Loeal Splritu&l Auembly iD Newport Beach ud iD "almo.t every city" in Oruoe COUDty. The relaUvee of Mn. Heohani ud Aatsi were eebed at euch meetiDo• 1D lru, l.mpri8oned, tortured ud executed, the two aaid. One wu Mn. Haow'• brother, Habibullah AaW, 63, a remdent of !Doland who bad oone back to Jru to vilit bit mother. She Mid be wu killed four mcmtU aoo. The other two, eouain.l, JCa.mru Samini, 54, ud Jalal Asiai, 52, memben of the Na· tional Auembly of B.ha'ilin bu, were identified u beino amono etoht penou executed Dec. 28. Jan. •. llkandar Aaiai, 56, another couain, wu ltilled. Their bodie• were dumped out.ide Ba.ba 'i cemeteri" ud showed •iqna of torture, Solbjoo said. She also exhibited a letter written by another Baha'i, Bozu.ro Alavian, houn before hil execution June 22, in which he said: "I have been IUJIUilOned for execution and will be uecuted iD the next hour. Now that the Divine Will ha• Qiven me tbil destiny, I am quite Mtidied and submit with joy. . . My eame•t requ .. t is that you not be Qriev· ed and not wear black, and that you be happy." "Pray for ua," Mid Mn. . Ha.obani. "That il all we want." you would haue done so by now. Cal today for a ffte introductOtY conaaltation! -r~w N.twel Wt~V to a.-w_..,.. Address -Hours Phone (c.H-aed tro. ,... 1) . a COQ.Dty IOU.J'C8 ..w. ID two JMf'l. 80 peroat o1 the fllohta woWcl he flowa t., the new p&an.., m•kt•q lor ,_.., fleet COilftnioa thaD uDder aDJ other, _previoualy approved ac· a..plu. AUCa1 tpok ..... Nark (Cootblued tro. peqe l) "But abe ·couldn't tell whether it wu a ~~ear, tattoo, iDju.ry or what," be Mid. Pollee were .-peoially con· earned about what La.mbert call· ed, "the nature of the violence." "He didn't have to hit her that bud," Lambert Mid. "She'a old and abe'• brittle ud abe'• crippled, ud I doubt if abe wu much of a thleat," Lambert added. The 110uoht wltn ... would have been walltino in the 500 block of Clubhouee Avenue around 2 a.m. Jan. 9, Lam.bert Mid. The location il a abort block off Ne1'PQrt Boulevard near Via Lido, and 1 .. than two blocb from City Hall. Police were alao looltino for thr .. credit e&uU and other meu.. of identification beuino th• name of Welch'• rOODUilate, AJ.ma Go.don. The two women have lived' tooethez the put 20 yean, ud are "deliobtful" iD the way they approach Ufe, said O.ladura.ntey. He conceded the chance~ of findino the burolar are ".tim and none." ,...,_ Mid, ~Aay ... plaa woaJd "" JJbly ca~ • Ia· .. · JtiiJ. . "We aay uk a ..-... tilDe b a •Y oi the Hatter niliaq," ,.,_ Mid, edclhaq, ,wry fii9)lt W be c:oMI U $2 wlllton a ,.ar." ft.e coaDty eouc. Mid, "We doe't IMUy bow wla.at tM .a.ot ·(of the~ plan) will be. It coWd 1Mb an equ1 dlYI.IioD a.JDOD9 tM a .. alrliAel, if they all Mft St.o-three aircraft." The uw alrcraft taclud. the DC-9 Super 80, which earn. SO perceat more ~98n tbaJa cunent alroraft OJiDo out of JWA. (ContiDued from paqe 2) $92,000 for the hotpital u a oom.mUDity •rrice which .. feel il of potential benefit to everyone iD th1l area. Thil yeu we hope to ra18e $100,000." Nine tournament 8pOUOn have contribut.cl $5,000 apiece. They are Georqe Arqyroe, Amel Ntaao-mnt Co., Santa Ana; D. J. BenU.,, Beatley Laboratori81, hac., Irvine; John Curci, Cu.rci-Tumer Co., Newport IMch ; Flnt haterat&te Bank, Newport Beach; J. Robert Fluor, Flwn Corp., Inme; Robert Gray, St. John h.ita, fr. vine; Barry H.allaaore, San-Bar Corp., Santa ADa; Chart.. Keeter, He.ter Development, Newport Beach and Georve and Gloria Ryu and Wn. Roee Delaney. Newport Beach. Thirty-five corporate spo11110n each OOlltrlbuted $1,500, reported oom.tllittee chainoan Tom Ca.,. They included: AUC&J, Airport auu.... C.m.r, A.U.r9u ~tlcale. The AU.on ' ' (ColattaMd &ca ~ l ctpal u..r.. n.. oft •• wb.k:Jll&t.rted Ju. t•. u .. .s ~t. earoiW, aald Wllliua w.ma, usc COOl· clillator for U... Oruoe County proqram. ft.e ooafllat betw" USC and tM Flila'et. ~u after the Newport·W... Uaifiecl School Dimict Nov. 2• approved a $69,000-a-year laue with USC. The reeidentl became ccmcern· ed that traffic, not. ud Uohta would d.l.turb .them at ntoht ud on weekend.. TUir laWIUlt all8981 USC violatecletate envii'OD.IIlentallaw ud Couta1 COJDml•lon ru1 ... Coapuy, Aaericu SttM Buk, A.a ..... lac., Arco ~ CM.k:a&., Araof.AJl Plodlleta, Arthur hd..a 6 Co., AVCO llDu.o'-1 S.r· no., IDe., a.J.ho. ., Chab, Buk oJ N.wport, leckau lulnuaut., c.l P.d laeerpn.., c.-.u 6 cu.tfla, Com· p11.., A11toa&Uoa, c....m. ud Wllite lrut.6 'W~Wuwy, flne Aaerlcu T...ut ' Co., W.JDAI'Cl JrulliA, The Irvtu Co., Jolul D. Llllk ud Soo, W.rolll'Y S.vi.D9• end Lou, WOrqu Obuteed, ltHn.dy end Garcbler, Iac./WrtqJ.t IDW~ton S.r· vice, Naben Cedilleo, lacl., Natloul lducatioo Corp., O'Welvny a Nyen, Transit (Continued from paqe 3) rapid tran.ait alternativ•, and tlaelr cOlt effectiAn~. Public review and comment will play a key part in the rapid· tranatt plannino .... M!d Jam• Reichert, OCTD oeneral manao· er. Community m .. tiDqs-and worbhope, the formation of citiaena' tuk fotCel ud "a ma.ive public outreach eJfort" to keep local reeidenta informed of the varioua alternativ•, c01t1 and impacta will beqin tbil tprillq, be Mid. ·u.a fallecllo p city apprcwal. "'We tllouqht all the puhllo pu&tpetioa Deeded hed heeD taMn caN of throuGh the eclaool board hearino-,'' Mid WanD. ''T'b.i8 whole thino came u a coaplete 1QJ'Pl'i8e to ua," he added. He Mid the uniYenity would "do everythino ~lble" to auwer the ccmcel'lll of the relldenta. Another member of the rellduta' oroup, Barbara For· r.Uo, M.kl, "I took a nrvey of my block (on Beqonia) ud ODly / two penolll were not def1n.itely aoainlt it (USC u.e of the ~~ebool)." -R~.Aaele PacWc Mutual, C.L. l.ck Cootracton, Su Die9o f.deral S.viD9a, Salth lntler· oatklul, Shur·Lok, We.dom laport Salea, IDe., Willuaett. E. Day Powula· tloa4 u~ Arthur Yo1.1:1'9 a Co. "Wit year," aaid chairman Baum, ''the 552 Club'•'Clam· bake w .. k railed more thu $92,000 for the bOipital u a coaimunity Mrvice which we f .. l il of potential benefit to everyone 1D thil area. nu. year we hope to raiN $100,000." PreUminary enoin .. rillo 11 expected to beQin next year, and OCTD hope~ the .,.aem· will be operatillq by 1989. The AAIDEJS rapid-tranait •tudy contract wu awarded the colllultino finn of PRC Toupe, iD Oranoe,' iD usociation with O.Lauw Cather. The overall •tudy for the corridor il beino led by the Oranot! County 'l'rauporlation Colllllliaion, and includee examination of •uch poeaibillU.. u widenino the Santa Ana Freeway, improvlno arterial .tr .. u and upqradino Amtrak commuter Mrvice. ... .. I POUCE BLO'I'I'ER Mo:Dday. Jcm. 11 · CRINIS A cqJlec:Uolt of aix rill" and ahotouo..a, 1Dcludi.Dq tbr .. anti- Q\1 .. , wu reported ltolea from Hele11 Jlorence Kreutabap 1D 1 burolary ln the 2800 block of Cliff Drive . • . JlftMD loblten valued at $180 were .-ported atolen from Ph .. riOD'I Port, 900 !ut Cout Hlqhway, 1D a buroluy • . . A OODOrete eaw ud 12 peckag .. of dye valued at $1 ,300 were reportedltolen from a garage in the 1100 block of Jamboree ... Stereo eq\Up- ment, a camera, uci saeo cuh, totall011 $1,180, weN reported atolen from Steven Nark lfluh ln • burvl.ry 1A the 100 blook of Martoold. AMI8T8 RJc:hard Low. GloeliD, 18, of Orange, wea 11reeted em IUIPl· CIIOD of fortery Ud )leld tlliUally CD S!O,OOO baU ' .. Cnthla X.y Cuebeer, 28, wu arreeted ln the 4800 block of NaoArtJnar Boulevard on a couty werrut c:harglllg forgery . . . ODe per· toD , not from Newport leach, Wal arr .. ted OD 1\&IJ)lOiOD of drunke.n drivino. T\&Mclay. Jcm, II CJUMIS A auitc:ue, camera, c:lothi.Dg and penoul itema valued at $1,890 were reportedltclen from Tim Wyamuller 1A a au burglary in the eeoo block of Weat Cout Hiohway ... AD Doman Takes AlmAtCED ~ Jue FonCla, Tom Hayden, ud their Campeiqn tor lconomlc DemocriCJ will be the tai'Qet of Congl'M""&D Rotaerl Doman (R· Santa Mon.lca) when he briDge bit e&mpaiqn for the U. S. Senate nomiDatlon to the Harbor Area Aut Thunclay n.tqht, Ju. 21. Doman 18 echeduled toed- d.r .. the Newport Harbor Republican Women at 6:30 at the BtJ.boa Bay Club. Doman, a for1D1r radio and TV coDUDe~~a.,tor, 18 apected to ~ CID'...-Ill orpnt.tn9 the Chemical Netqlalaodaooci Ac- tioD, a OTOUP of W_. Coeta W... r..tclent. wko ..U C)OYerD- mut actioa aoaiut tM N&naco Wateriala pluton Victoria Street over alleqed pollution oJ their neiohborhoocl. i IBW Selectric typewriter valued at $1,200 wu reported ltolea from the John Martin Co., 4298 W.cAnhu Blvd .... A vid.o recorder, baluaoe beam ..a.. ud 9eD«ator valued at $3,7S!J were reported.tolen from Ford Ae~ diviaiou Oil Ford Roed . . . Ceah Ull0Wltin9 to $200 wu reported ltolen from Sherry Barbara Lopea lD a buglary lD the flnt block of loyal St. George . . . J.Gnaqe ud olothiDo valued at $2,433 ..... reportedatoleD from ·r· nard D. VUona 1A a car tnuolery at De Aua la,.ule Vlllaqe . . . Cuh, SlOO, ud 1 S2l pen were reponed ltola from CUrl• Vollua lccleltOM lD a burglary ta the 300 block of lut Cout Hlthway . . . A turquoile rt.nv valued at sao wu llolen from RJoaalciAt. lua 1A a burglary 1D the 400 block of Golciarod ucl recovered DMrby . . . Two c:o-emoraUve c:olu valued at S30 were reported 1tolen from QaU Q, Waay 1A a burvlary in the 400 block of Heliotrope ... No property wu reported ttolen 1A a burvlary in the 800 block of Avocado ... No property wu reported etolen in a burglary lD the 400 block of Camatlon. A.RRI8T8 Seven motort.tl were arr•ted OD IUJPlCiOD of drunken cirlvlAg, 1Dcluding four from Newport leach: W&fl'en HarcllDg Niller, 80: Bruce Normu Carton, 55; Duiel Joeeph ROUMeve, 31; ud ~xander fernando Malpic•. 29. Wed.D.eday. Jab. 13 CJUM!S Two vadeo c .... tt .. valued at SSO each and.$150 cull were r~rted ltolen from Lee Speiqhta lD a burolary lD the 500 block of C.nWion . . . A rifle, watch and cub, total value $1,130, were reported .. olen from Wilbur Fred N.wcomb in a theft from hil holM in the 1300 block oJ Bayiront . . . A pa..lz of diamond M.rrblga valued at $800 were reponed .. olen from Lor- raine lltaabeth WcCutJ.n in a theft from her home in the 2700 block of Hilllide Drive. ARII8TS "' Two motorilta were arrMted OD lutplCIIOD of drunken cirlYiDo, ,lnc:luding one froar.'Newport leac:h: Joeeph DavicfPWliaa, 48 . ... Scott Theodore Saylor, 23, of Cotta W..., wu arreated on auaptc:ton of po•-inq a ct..dly weapon, a dagqer. Thunday, Ja, 14 cmas BullA-machiD• worth S2A were reported ltola from Champion Sparkplu9 Co., lD a burglary at 1100 Quail . , . AD liW S.lectrto typewriter ud other item• worth $1,180 were reported ltolen from lrook Jinucial lDVIItmentl, 1100 QuaU . . . Jewelry worth $2,300 wu reported ltolen fJ'OID Lou.il Dorfmu lD a burglary 1A the 1600 bloc:k of W arwtck Lau . . . Two homemade 0\l.ltom bioycl• that "r ... mble beaoh oruiMn" ud ue valued at $1,000 .. cb, were reported atolen from Gary HoliUavton 1A • I H . 1969 b~ lit' Audnl) PROPRIETRESS theft from a truck at 600 l&at OcM.n Front ... Stereo equip· ment, Pt., a camera ud chaD~ worth $3,720 were reported lltola from Steven Michael Xroh lD a bvv)&ry ia the 200 block oJ 34th Street. AUISTS t.o m.oto..W. were ~ Oil l\llplciOD ol d.na.a..ken d.riYiDq, illchad1Do one froaa Newport Beech: lick Da.nill Gut, 28 ... Roberto Jacobo.,._, 19, of Santa Ana, wu arr..ted on n~piaiOD of receiYiDq b.own .tole propeity . . . Guy Lynn Read, 38, of Newport leach, wu a.n..ted on au.piclon of ) po11111ing OOCaiDe. FJiclar. Jaa. 11 CJUWIS Jive .Uver cudelabre valu.ecl at S 1, 000, a rifle ud 1 pillto1 worth $100 MOb ..... r.ported .tolfa boa Pa\Lleae Kay Qrtloom 1D a buvlary lD the 1800 block ol Comwall . . . AD utlque roeewood delk, a down ooaforter ud otbr ttftLI worth sea were reported M1ID from G1199 Wurray lu.ell lD a burvlary in the 400 block of Recllancb ... Jewelry worth S878 wu reported llola from Martha Chap~ 1A a buf91ary 1A the 1700 block of Playa clel Norte . . . Tooll valued at 1400 weN reported ltclen from Timothy John AnciertOD in a theft fro& h1l truck at a Jord F01hion for your • .,ery . - mood Abo .cheduled b the acreen- ino of a film, "Whatever Worb," a crlticiam of CI.D pro- duced by • oroup of conaer- vative O.Uu buaineumen. CloTitEs fROM TltE WARdRobEs of TlfE WORld~ bEST-dRESSEd pEoplE Further informatiCA may be had by ca.llino Nn. OoAAld Sloper at 673-3553. A I"'5e is • rose. A florist is • diffefent rNttef. There's ontv one Clatk K~ Ctak~ 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Parte 2915 Red Hilllw. • ~ Mes1 EVERY THURSDAY 12-5 p.m. 0. C. FAIRGROUNDS .. Fair Of., Colla Mela 2731 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar 675-5553 Mon.-Sot. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 .. I ALE -.. 7'0 NOW ..... NOW51.11 ...... NOWfl.l4 ..... ...... .. The!Cewport Enaiga Wednesday. Jcmuary •· 1• .... 7 Sahuclay. Jcm, It AJUIISIS CRDOS Ftve motorill8 -ant ••• Binoc:ul.ara and c:.amera equap· on w.spidaD of ctn:aMa ......... ment worth $1,123 were reporl·/ mcludmq two boa Ne•pod ' ed ttoleo from Hotm. B. I Be.ch: WillWD Uo,claefler, Ha.rweU lD a theft hom • car m 41, and Bnaoe Ala a-4 45 the 300 block of C.t&lina Dnve ... Michael Alltlaoay Lope., ol . •. Jewelry wortb $1,200 wu Garden Groft, wu ur 1 II oa reported ltol.o from Roberl P. auapicion ot ~ cbtriDQ 0. Vu iD a.theft from hu home ... Franci8co JaW. Femndee, lD the firlt block of Encore . . . 27, of toe All~ • ._ ur-•11 A color TV, two c:urli.Dq irona, at Wnt ()ce,u Fnmt ad 2llt two "Bela of Troy'' brand h•u Street on a Vc ... ,. wvrut dryen ucl $80 lD cuh, total oharqi.Do bu.f91ary . . . Lam value $694, were reported atolen Lyo AlbueUa. 20, ~ 8uda AM, from Gril!la 2001 beauty ahop, and Wil.l.Wa Dawt a..wa, 28, oi 1701 W..tcllff ... Tooll valued Azlaheim, ..,. &mlllteci• at $358 were reported ltolen auapicioD of p a 1 t too D&I'OCIIdol from Werle W. a..bi in • buro· perapbemalJa. lary 1A the 300 block of Coral lj ~E J'ELEPHONE POlL Tld8 ...ar'l ...-uoas Do yo\l aqrH with U.S. Supreme Court declalon n.alloo that death Mnlence for j\lvenlle ia WlconaUt\lllonal? To •• Yll, call 171 tlto. To 90te ItO. call 175·7020. Ca1J &D,U.. between DOW uci a a.m. Wonclay to out your ,JOtt. IIIEI n.,. will a.-.... fteN la DO Deed to ~. TM ~ up'\ eoacl JOQ laeu 11 rou .-~g reconlecl. . ............. ?.«•• Should U8C a. pmaittell to lMM the Yecaat Corou cW Mar llementary School tor JU9Iat ucl Saturday bua .. IQhool clauea? YES 52% NO 48% TELEPROMPTER CABLE TV 631·5259 Staa·ta faanily business. / Wtth the Apple Family System -everythtng you need to get 1nto personal comput1ng 1n one spec1ally-pnced package It can help your ch1ldren get ahead 1n school And it can help you and your mate weth both the business of hv1ng and the bus1ness of buseness Drop by for a demo nstration You could prof1t from the expenence The~ Fem11VSvstem 461{ ~ II Ptul, DIM II clf1ve RF modu ...., 1'-IS WOU 11M rout TV .u monltofJ. '-0 hllltd ClOt' IIOUetS.~~ ..,. ~tJOnel and ~.,.,.,. pec:lt ..... flftCit#dHto,.,.. «<N/ FfllnO Sya*'l.' A.oPM **'·and f/lltnottel FiNttee ~'I. MW1 ,.,.,..,_,,~ llbnr, f I t .... I Wed=oo~ay. Jcmaary 10. •• The •wpon EDIIp Mr. and Mal. Jolm Dade were wed December 12th at the Congregational Community Church in Corona del Mar. The reception followed at -the Gordo Liz Restaurant. Mr. and Mn. Richard Rice, both of Newport Beach, at the wedding reception on December 5th. The wedding and garden reception were held at the hqme of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Main of Gorden Grove. -------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pezzopame were married recently at the Cameo Wedding Chapel in Anaheim with a reception following the ceremony. WEDDING SERVICES DIRECTORY rstuart naldeth photography ELEG,AI\ff 'MOOING PHOTOGRAPHY 1803~Bivd Co&o~ 1100 IRVINE AVE. NEWPOAT BEACH WESTCLIFF PLAZA Ms.a7n %f.Uti of ~!&Ja FLOWERS FINE GIFTS CRYSTAL "FOR THE LOOK OF DISTINCTION" W••tdl.lf Pluo llOD lrtlilw A"" Ne111port BMCia ,..1846 .-THES LINEN TORE The luxuries of life to live with. !B'tula.t d?e9 ~t'tfj o( Coutu:! •• 3707 East Coast Highway -Corona del Mar. Califomia92625-71~7S-4994 ' • CUSTOM PRINTED INV:Zif&s ~•••n•atl•• 1 ftllL OFF WHfH vou U70 MEHnON 1liS AD .UIOIC _,IGK OOII'Y~N'I'1 INO. -&aka I LOcililii ... .., .. ...... ~ &C:C...., ''L ike no other brid~l store in America~' ,. .. JDvestlng In Co0ect;lhles Althouc;~h no collectible ia certain to appreciate in value, or provide quick profit.a, some col1ectiblee are 1 .. risky than othen. To mintmiq the rj.ak of la.inQ money, MJ'I the C.Wor· Die Society of CPA'a, MarCh for quality collectiblee in ..u. ..tabliahed fielda. And be prepared to hold your acquiai· lion for five to 10 yeara. Accordinc;~ to dealen, alampa, coina and diamonds currently rank h.ioh..t in inv .. tment popu.larlty behind c;~old, oil and ailver. Theu popularity atem.s, in part, from havinQ •tabliahed atandarda for evaluation of their worth. Th ... atandards mean your collectible is leu likely to loee value becauae of popular trends. IHD i1 you can't Rrofit from your collection, you ahould be able to .. n for the price you paid oriQJ.n.Uy. Tradino in these area, CPA'• My, may be slow but pric .. rarely fall. Liquidity fiQUr .. importantly in the popularity of collechblea. To judc;~e the aiM of a rurket, simply COGJlt the number of dealen listed in the yellow pa~. BecaUM an influx of ln.-ton ra!Ms prices, trendy fields ahow spurts of growth followed by .udden decline. But the m.uket for fine and decora- tive art and collectibles as stable becaUM it depends on collectors ~ho enjoy their hobby with or without a prolit. " Noatalqia ltem.s, on the other hand, often exhibit the incoll· siatency of fads. Occasionally you may read headlines of a record-breaking sale of baseball carda, comic boob or auto· graphs, but your memorabilia will probably be more difbcult to .. n. Auctions occur infre· quently and dealen profit by buying low and Mlling high. If you invest in th ... riskier, leu rare collectibl .. , keep in mind how strongly their pricee rHct to chanc;~• in taste. Historically, numiMDalics (coins) is one of the hic;~heat yield, lowest risk inve.tmenla. Over the put five yean, 20 rare U.S. coi.n.a appreciated more than 20 percent. hperu aay that three billion to four billion coins are traded ADDually. Thia laroe, well-establiahed market makes numismatu:. one of the most liquid collectibl•. The monetary value of your coins offers you a ama11 sa.fe· quard aqai.n.at market collaPSes, THE VJSmNG EX PERf but your biq advantage in numismatics as the small amount of manaqement required. You c an atore yow coins in a safe deposit box Jor a small fee. U you wish to sell youz portfolio, it c an be easily divided. ADd you don't have to wo rry about the durability of your collection. Since 1973, 129 rare U .S. stamps have appreciated 408 percent. Accordinq to CPA's, you can further d~reaae your risk in thas field by buying a ~are of a stamp syndicate. An orqanizer, often a stamp collec· lor, combines your money with that of the other shareholders to buy available, rare stamps. The portfolio is later sold at a proht and your mitial share and a percentaqe of the proht 1s returned. Philately (stamp collectmq) di.aplaya some of the same low· coat management qualili .. as num.iamatiaa. You can buy I.Dex· pen.aiYe and euily acceuible albu.m.a to atore and di.play your collections. Yeu}y atamp c:Ala· loques and quarterly updat• allow you to check the value of your stamps. Diamond. also offer you low· risk as collectibles because the market 1a qrowing while the sup- ply remains relatively atable. However, you can loee money in diamonds, by buyinQ.Aetail and aelling wholesale. Only 2 per- cent of the diamonds mined are fit for investment and, without further discoveries, you might see the exhaustion of the current supply within 40 yean. You should seek out only .. tabliahed dealers when buyinq diamonda because frauda inject risk into the market. You can never eliminate risk completely, aay CPA's, who remind you that even within the same field, the possibility for appreciation diffen from item to item. But with high quality, time-tested collectibles, you are more likely to avoid loaet~. BRIEFS The Sanborn Co., Newport Beach: Three new accounts are Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Daniel Freeman Hoapital Medical Center and "' Redlands Community Hoapital. Touche Rou and Co., Newport Beach: The international accounting firm has published a 100-page booklet explaining President Reagan'• new lax package. The booklet is available by callinq the com· pa.ny at 759-0741. 6 MONTH MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES 90 DAY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE 15.0 3% .,._ON 1 •• 35% EFFK:TM 1119-1 125182 ...... , .... EFFECTIVI 1/19·1125/82 .... ... , ... illt .. IPNMMnfOIIIAaYWift-AWAL llft-1 NMMnfOIIU..Y ~WAL UMI'I8 Offla INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE ~" ANNUAL RATE •20.000 MINIMUM 80 DAY TO 1 YEAR lfiiTIRiaT ltlfiiAL TY FOR EARLY WITHDRAWAL OfftR Eftt'YOM ... ma to be talking about the tax adwant.get ot opening an tndl· vkhult Retirement Account. At Laeun. NatkN\al Bank, we're talk· lng abOut hlgh lfttereat ,. ... and aecur· lty fofyGUI' ............. NtMS-...e.: Open an .._. ... " month IRA and w.·n pay you 14..21% •• ,.... ~Menat. Ptua we'U glv. you the aecunty ot know· 1ft1 that your dlpOIIta lftlneunMI by the FDIC up to 1100..001. . The new tax lawa make IRAa avail· ..... to aiMoet ewt,oM cev-thoM aiNecty co-....d by a company pension plen). U.W.QIIfla South Coast Thrift and Loan Association 1411 West MacArthur ~ leNiun lriltol & IHr I S&nU AN 91704 979-7081 ·A..-.... .. c•=••...._.o.a, We olso offw tax free certificotes With the new IRAs, you as an lndl· vidual may deduct up to $2.000 a year trom your taxable Income. You pay no fedenl taxes on principal or lntentst until you start withdrawing funds (mini· mum age: 51112). Then, .-n you ,.tire, you'll prob- ably be In 1 lower taa bracket paying IOW4H' toea. For complete details about IRAa, or othlf savtnga plana, telk to the PfOI••· slonats at Laguna Netlonat Banll. Wew got the enswers . • 1/~I HHfl 1111 U : l .t\fil"\ \ IU: tf 111~111 ~·-J .. /1 \11:'\IHI:It 1 /Jit ' (Continued from peqe 1} lliQ~LAturee to place her on the )u.De primary ballot, M1d Bon W..CDoa.ald, a pr_. aide 1D Loe Angel... She decid.d to _.k the eiQ~LAtw• rather than pey a $1,200 fil.inQ .... "It's more i.mpr.-ive," he aa.id. A n.wa alatement from her office characterized her cam· paiqn as "gettiDg of:f to a slow start financially.'' MacDonAld was asked by Tbe Lu.ign before the m"hng how many aiqnatures abe hu, how much much money abe h.u rais- ed and how many volunt .. n abe hu. "I couldn't 'gave you b<;JUJ'es on thoee," MacDonald said. "Perhaps you could ask M.aw .. n ." When ltea9AD wu asked, abe said, "I haven't ... n an accounting" of the fi.nancea. Asked about the nu.mber of volunt .. ra, abe Mid, "Oh, I don't know. Hundreds." BILL FICKER Staff pholo bv Barry Slobln Aakecl about the aiqnatur ... ahe aaid, "I don't know. It's hard to k .. p track of thinqa like that." She hu been for fow years executive director of "S.ll Oveneaa America," a chamber· of-commerce style qroup that promotes U.S. ezpo~ In her speech, she IAld, ''We in the private sector have alway• known how to solve (qovern· ment) problema. Now, we have a chance to do it ." She praised "an economJc .,..tem that qives the mdividual a chance to strive and succeed," t.lwm aiel, "We mlllt &ad a way to h.a.e filc&1 ad eod&) N~~PGC­ a.i.bility at the MIDe tlllw." In ackUtioo to South and Gerlnc;~, the e:nc:vl:ift OQIIIliUttee includ..: Clnaclr HJ.nch, -~ nc. ~ d.at, L:I.Yrd Hou.q-s:-ro!i!•dmt, operlltiou; Otto (Bod) • ..-ace pN116d.tlt. -r~. T• biola,., 'IPtce pNII6cieut, bA&Dce. le.rba s.-11, .ec,_.ry, Carol 81•.._..,, ,,_,..,, Gordotl w .... p,..ed.at of the a-t pr~ta' co\Uac&l, aDd Ooa Porter, eaec:uhve dlr-tor The divillloJJ rep~lMI.,.. .., •. Corlta Whitford, p..-d-1 of the DoJpluu; Tbeodont Robula. Jr., lllupp.r of the CoDUDodo,.., Job.D RAe~., pNII&- deot of the ManAe Olvwaoo; Tota ...... pr..adeat of the c:ooveaholl aod ...._ bllrMu, '-Adalr, auport .,... ..-. Clarlt Gta.,.., auport a.-wwl; MIDite Staliller. B.1boa laland; Jerry s..-rt, Corooa del W.r; A.1.LH Goody, IHthhdf. B~ubara Roppolo, FuhaoA lal.aod; lllck Jec:kaaou, H.ubor v-. JMD.AM Peck. udo. VUJ Jo~. Wanner'• WU., Thomae Au.MUJ. N.-port C.Oter; Wilham HaaulloD, Penuun&la. F*nc F<*er, WeetcWf. VICtor RIUilhellow W• Newpor1 Ea-offacao aaeaben ant Wllli.am f aoater preadeul of the Jayc-. aDd Harold Pmc:b.lll, of the Newpor1 Ka.rbor· Co.ta Mau Board of RM.Iton and a FREE GIFT for yoti! YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE can deposit up to $4,000 in either a fixed or variable rate IRA at Universal Savings and defer all taxes on the amounts deposited, and the interest it earns, until you retire . $2,000 deposited at the beginning of each year will grow to over $604,000 in 30 years . Deposit just $100 a month in our variable rate account and in 30 years your balance will be over $343 ,800 . GET ALL THE FACTS -Pick up a copy of our very informative booklet which will answer all of your question s. It also contains a number of easy-to-un dersta nd charts showmg how quickly your IRA grows. NOTE The examples above are based on an average annual mteresr rare of 12% compounded quarterly Of course. that rate may nor be ava1lable for the full term of tne account ,. ...... h' ......... .. , ...... ($80 w.cAm~Uf ~ 0 ,,.~ ...,_.., IMI ,_,..., t4U H (fW# ,_. ~ J • 1 ~V!JO_W1~nday. Janucrry 20. 1112 The ftewpol't Enalgn .. Now, 8COOP and Mrve 1 tbl. auoar with ..... FOOD atoflll.l and ioy winter enthuaiut. Short Rib Du.mplino Soup total coo kino Ume: 1 hO\U' 45~ m.iDut• 2 thl. aoy sauce 3/4 tap. salt . ~ 114 tap. pepper 1 7-oa. ca.n whole kernel com, drained In 3·qurt c ... role, cook onloA ad oadlc ln oil at lUGH for 3 IDiDut•, atirrtno once. Stir l.ntoma.toee, beer, chili pepper, auoar, aoy sauce, the 3/4 t._,. aa1t, the 1. tap. p.pper, and nutmeo. Add abort ri.be. Cook, covered at MEDIUM for 45. lqi)IUN for 45 m.illut• lonoer or Ull meal Sa teDder. Remove ce.erole from lllion>wave oven. Skim otf exOMS f.t. Faster Wap W ith Micro wen-.. French food adda flab to a.ny occaaion, and the mere mention of a french d.aerl br- inqa to mind something rich and deliciou.. Savarin Chantilly. a recipe from a microwave cookbook, ia a sample of french cookino at ita best. The aava.rin ia a yeut- raiMd cake, aoalted m syrup, Qlaaed with apricot, and aerved with whipp«t cream. Add fresh strawberries and you haw an eleoant deaerl. Savuin Chantilly total cookillq time: 41 min., 15 sec. 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 pacboe active dry yeut 31<6 cup .milk 2 tbl. butter or ma.roarine 1/4 cup au(Jar 112 tap. salt 1 eoo Savarin syrup Apricot olaze FtMh strawberries Cream Chantilly In anall mixer bowl. combine 1 cup of the flour and the yeat; set uide. lo 4-cup glass meaaure, combine milk, butter, auqar, ud salt. Heat at HIGH for 1 114 minutes or 'til wa.rm (115°F). Stir to c:li8aolye sugar. Add IDi.lk mJ..xtwe and eqg to drry i.nqredienta in lllilrer bowl. Beat at low .peed on mizer for 30 eeconda, acrapmg sides of bowl constantly. Beat at higb speed for 3 minut ... By hand, beat ill rema.ming no.u . Jill·• 4-cup olua nwature with 3 cup. wat.r. Heat at HIGH for 7 minutes or til boil.mCJ. Phce bowl of douoh in microwave oven Wllh water. heat, covered at LOW for 8 to 10 minutes or til doubled, tummg bowl once. Stir down batter and turn mlo we ll- oreased 6-cup microwave rinq mold. Heat 3 cups water m 4 cup meuure at Micro Tip : Did you eve bend a apoon tryiJlo to ~~eoop out ice cream from the ca.rton? Soften the ice crHm fint by placi.no one batcl- froaen quart in the microwave oven, at LOW for one minute. can ch.Ul you to the· bone whether you a.re ahoveltno the dri•..,.Y or buildillo a anowm&D. The whole f.m.ily will appreciate a d.Uciou. hot meal that aticb to the ribs durino thoee winter activities. Short Rib Dumplino Soup will warm up even the frosheat 1 mecli~ onion, cut in thin w.do• 1 clove oarUc, DU!lced 1 tbl. cooldnCj oil 1 28-oa. ca.n tomatoes, cutup 1 12-oa. can beer 1 fresh or dried hot red . chili pepper, seeded and chopped 1/4 tap. oround nutaeo 3 l.be. beef abort ribe, out in MrvinQ•SUe piecee 1 cup water 1/2 cup yellow com- meal 1/2 tap. salt 1 beaten 890 liZ cup all-purpose flour 1 tap. baldno powder minut ... Rearra.noe ribs. Cook, covered at lo bowl, combine water, cornmeal, a.nd 1/2 tap. salt. Cook at IDGH for 2112 m.illutet, or till hot and thicken- ed, atirrlno twice, Gradually stir 1/2 cup hot miztwe into beaten eoo. Return to bot miz· , .. ML A DEMONSTRATION F£ATUIUN8 THE NEW WATERFORD UOUEUR FLAVOR IN CHOCOLATE SAMPlEO FlU .. JAN . 22 AND SAT . JAN. 23. 1 TO 6 DAllY. 8! _. ...... !If ShaBipoo c.-Or $feel-,.,., F._. ij! !*! Tom 's Toothpaste ~ 1.59 0 ... .99 Bt ~ Bran Flakes l .. ,_, w •• .: ... c: ...... ~ .. 499 ~ ... Liqueur ~ .&., IWOIIllO Ill .l t•POIIUO IIUIM CIIEUI 7SO •L Ballq's Is•• u.ueur KahJua Uqueur lllf'OiltO 501 •l t•POATtO R10t1 FIUCt 1M •l cu.-... a., .. I4" Utaueur Orand Marnler Iz•• H! M11W1 WAI.CU 1!11 .l IMPOIITlO 7!11 .l TlaMarle Iz•• a ear .......... t Sehaappe 3.00 OFF ILL HII ...... o ~Beef Ribs .......... flt Baked Ham hare. Sur toqether Dow, bakino powder, and club pepper. Add to comme&l mhture; bNt well. Stir ln corn. Drop by rOUDded tablespoollafua. onto hot stew u.Wdure. Cook, covered, at MEDIUM for 10 to 12 minut" or till dumpl- illqa are no longer dou9hy, Qivtno dlah hall tum once. Mak" 6 aervinga. La. ~91r Ml 2.49 1/t .. 1.98 HIGH for 7 mmutes. Place ring mold m ID.lcrowave oven w1th water. beat at LOW for 5 to 7 mmutes or hll doubled. Remove measurmq cup of water hom rrucrowave oven Coole bread m nnq mold at NEDIUM for 8 mi.nut" or till done. g&villCJ nnq mold half tum once. Coole 5 IIU.Dut" and remove hom mold ~U•eMalae ~Loltner .... .... ~89 Uainq skewer, pnck top of Sava nn all over. Gradually dnnle wtth S.vann syrup. Let stand 30 minutet, butillo frequently Wltb syrup to IOak well. Brush entire surface with arm apncot olue. At aervmo hme. fUl center Wltb hesh atzawbern•. Uae putry tube to pape CrHm Chanh.lly around mold; pass re- mainano cr .. m Makes 14 MfVlnCJS. Savarlll Syrup: In 4· cup olau mecuure or 1-quart bowl, combine 112 cup auoar and l cup water. Cook at HIGH for 3 to 4 IDinutet or tall boilino. Stir to diaoJve 1u9ar. Stir in 1/4 cup kiracb or coqnac. ~rlcot Glaze: In 2- cup vlaa meuwe, cook one 12-ounce Jar apncot pr .. rvea at JIIQR tor 2 Ja.lnutee or till hot: ... ve. .. ...... ~Da--·•­~Crabs nu.tOI ~ ...... ~Dover NIUI IJHCftWI Wll Milt t'""' fUU Milt .. ' . A~l UTIU lti .. U !!~ .. IAU ft -:-..:.·=. •w.a• ~~-~ ]OGIJ ~~-. VICe piMidenl ol Nary lkFoddm. at.._-~.,~ Wtmtl, ,.,....,, '-· ~Lro. 2-5 p.m .• ond w~. Jon. 27 from 11 0.111.-3 p.m WE PAY TOP s FOIIOODCLW USED CAIIEUS Bring YfNI Clmefa 0t Wly Photographk Equip. 111 tot a FREE ac>Pr...., PERSIAN HAND- MADE RUGS Tlbnlllal 4 It t2,10G Ktnnll'l 10 I 8 5 t1.1M bs ... lla1h u.ue PIIVATlPMTl-Y 718·5913 •"• 8 p. ft\. . The llewpaii Eadp Weclattdar. Jcm--r •· •• .... II IT'S Texas Chic. 0n /~/1, th~ "£xKullv~ Cowqu/" /rom th~ Sprm9 CoJJect1on 1982 of T~xo.s Ch1c The slro1qht sJmt w1th Side wt IS worn w1th o tux.do-tuc/ced Western sh1rl wh1ch could coordmot~ with o fovo11te bloH t On ~19ht. the "Mas Kilty" o/1-the- &houlder blouM IS of wh1te aUk JOCquord and worn w1th 0 ~09 /Jounced pl'Oirie .Jut w11h mverled box pleat both tnmmed w1th block sotm 11bbon by Mildred lhad Many of ua former Teuns think "chic" w.u brouqht to the Lone Star State by Neiman- Marcu.a, Stanley Marcua in par· ticular. Now there ia a new line of w .. tem-inspired apparel called "Texu Chic" d .. iQDed by a native Texan, ~Y Garrett. At 28 abe ia a new name in the apparel induatry, with Texaa Chic becom.inq one of the hit. of 1982. Lealy was chosen "Discovery O.siqner of the Year" by Robert Sakowitz of the Saltowih: stor .. , and Eleanor Lambert of New York. It is an mnova!Jve line of f.uhion wear desiQDed with the tradition of the Atnerican w .. t and the sophistication of today. Tex.u Chic offera a wide ranqe of ready-to-wear which Lesly calls "ready-for-West em," or "RFW," from Tex.u T -ahirtinQ (Country Club Western) to deliqner blouses for the jeans qeneration; "Preppy Western" for the Oxford set, "Executive Cowqirl" (credit WWD there) to beautifully-beaded eventDQ dreues. "What ia ao beautiful about my clothes," says the deaiqner, "ia that a woman can wear them to work; with a quick chanqe of my new acceuori .. , dine in the finest restaurant, romance with that special man." Fine fabrics used this secuon Start out the New Year by seeing and looking well in glasses from EYEWEAR . .. with the ,_.,.in sight! Fashion & Service EASTBLUFF VILLAGE CENTER 1513 A fAST Itt UFF DRIVE NEWPORT B£14CH640 90il? tnclude ailb, satins, cottons and Ultraauede, but it ia the bluinq embroideri .. deeiqned by Lealy Garrett, and inspired by the Old West, thal qive her line its su~nature. The ai1lt plaida and totally mter-chanqeable qroups trans- cend aeuone. Rich tones taken from the qround-blaclr/qold- inspirations from the sea: coral , black coral, amethyst and aeafoam; aparlthnq colors bound by black are her lavonte cl.uatc . Softly Weatem, her stllt apph- que poncho over black silk cha~ would qo to cocltt.aJls or the theater. Her new ziq-zaq detail also bqur .. prominently. The finest tauors from Honq Konq and the Philippines tum out the French sea.me and other finished details. Garrett ia now coordinatinq five factories in the Far East and two factories in America . Texas Chic bouhques are openinQ across the country from Tex.u to Palm Beach, to New York. Some maJor department stores are now carryinq the hne and there are plans for frandus· tDQ Texas Chic boutiques. Lesly Garrett also dresses women from Hollywood to the Wbtte House, mcludinq Tanya Tucker, Loretta Lynn and Nancy Reaqan. Tex.u Chic 18 on ita way to becominq California chic. and for both men and women, aa the line ia beinQ expanded to serve the male market with hWber ahtrtinqs. Alao on the drawtnq board 1.8 a full hne of leather IO<Js lor men and women. PODNER -T-..-Clw, ~by Le.ly Gorr.«. w I I • I'Ginbow4nped tun~ wont Wlllt ted JOf1'I1W ~ cent.r, o V·~Mcl di"'WWnnq .-.. ... T..Airt wrltb gtf~~~Jt • ered kmclr.,. ond on n qhl o ted·~ funK: With red slnP«/ pantaloons CARPET, DRAPERY & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING COIIPlETI SBYICE ~icll-up a o ..... ,. ,, ..... •• ReMoftl a .-. ........ .._ 20% OFF 1710 loUITA ANA Aft. COITAMUA • DIRTY, BAREFOOT AND LON 'Master planning is a wonderful thing ... especially when it works. Both the city of Newport Beach and the Irvine Company like to do long- range master planning (although they sometimes try to make changes later). The company has received international recognition for its village housing concept, with each village planned to be sort of self-sustaining w ith adjacent commerc1al areas k>r goods and services. Newport Beach. in writtng up its General Plan policies, planned for commercial strips to be built in residential areas to ensure similar support services for the people liv1ng nearby. Something went wrong somewhere. A shoemaker, a barber and a laundromat operator are struggling to keep their leases as company and city have started acting a little schizophrenic about their master planning of neighborhood commercial services. The city is kicking out the shoemaker to make. room for a so-called "restaurant-bar- disco" establishment to take its place. Maybe our City Council feels that more booze, traffic and noise will upgrade the 61der part of town which Coun- cilman Cox once called the "slums." Or maybe they were just following the lead of the lrv1ne Co. (which they have been known to do before). The company, you see . is ousting a barber and a laundromat. This will allow them to "upgrade" a couple of commercial areas. Without the barber. the laundromat and the shoemaker, I guess we will ju_. all become longhaired, dirty and barefoot, which is certainly more in keeping with the image of slum life . . . even if it makes us the first master-planned alum. I guess some of us just don't understand what it is like to get "upgraded." Feeling • little skitzy about all this? We are! Maybe we should get the Com. pany and the city to define what they mean by upgraded. lt'a downgr.c:tect In our book. I ............ ,11')'. Jcm\MIIT 10. ·-n.. .. wport EMip HARBORUTES "' __ ... .., n.. f••h'Nt.W..1 hlncheon •nttaQ et tile J.1bc>e Bay Club oa. the •u.btect of, "Look Alive, Ne ud.You, ill '82,H brouoh.t out an array of tub.ion&ble joqqiluJ auits on thoM mem.ben who wu.t«i to actively partic ipatit in the demonlfrations ptovided by Doane Cucm.sto. Dr Fra.acet w..d.~WeMinQer's htcture on "Body Talk" and Monte Smitll'l oo pt.yaical ttierapy and sports m«<icirle ln.ttilled a qreater desi.re ill the rnemh.n and quetta to become more fit in '82 than they already are! After the luncheon, Mildrltd Weld ad a MCret co...,utt .. vot.d. Oil tlle "'moot tilH fuhiooe.hle. The wiaaan .. ,. Lucy Woodwud ODd- Crutch"'. Thla cloli9ht.d Glorio Mooney,-, .... JW.y, Susy Sutton, co-chaiJ'IIlU of the day'• ev.nt wills Patricia Groth, J'lo. Schumacller, Mary-De. vi&, Ruty Hood, Ginny Holey, Vicki Jr. vine, Susy Gro.a, Sally Wanh, Helen Starl.inq, Valede ScuddV and Tootie Vordale. • • • 1982 must be the yMr for Mlf- improvemot. n. Newport Rubor Junior l..a9ue i.e IPODSOri.Dg e •ainu entitl.d, "A letter You ill '82" Hetene Gonz deft I, president of the Newport Chapter of HadMMh. and Fay Seldeen prepare for the lsraeti fashion show co-hosted by Saks F1tt', Avenue. @fe lido·-- . . as now servmg Lunch, Dinner & Cocktails for reservations : 675-2968 The luxuries of life to live with. on White Sale? of Course! Patricia Groth lleftl pretents Marla Crutcher (center) and Lucy Woodward with the awards lot being the "most fit" Fashioneble. on Jan. 22 et St . Andr•ws Pr..bJt•riaD Church, N•wport Boocb. Th• "'"'"•,. will run from 8:30 •.m. to 2 p.m., and will in- chuM • luncheon and fuhion ahow pr ... nt.d by Gimon ... Gueet tP-bn wt1l include Pet Allen, who will ditcuss "Habit R.tructwlnv"; Ed C.Z..!~:, "Str .. and th• Proce .. of Copmo.'' Vi<:ld Dllloo, lounder end p.r-.tdent of Body Accou.ntiD.Q ID.C ., and Jouph Punch oa. "Alcohol, Dru9s and THnaven." • • • The Oranve Cou.nty Chapter of the Scripps Colleg-e Alwnnae AMociation hu in the put &i.z months formed an onQOinQ' alliance of its woddnQ- prote.ional memt.n under the au.piCM of ''uetworlrinQ". Their lint eve1lin.g meeting will be held at the A.itporter Inn 011 )&D.. 26 featuring the renown- ed educator, Marjorie Downing W•QU•r. .. . . . S11ff photo by Oin11 YOn Burger ni.t, humorist o\Dd author will speak to the OranQ• County Diltrict ol tlte Caliiornia Pt.. Women on Jan. 21. Ilia topic will be "Writer's Block and How to Overcome il." Th• Sm.iths-Deru.. and Jack-wUl be the ou .. ta of the J1uor Corporation, who are .t.o· hMinQ thil d.inner-m .. tinQ al it. Irvine headquarten. • • • SUs Filth Avenue will co-ho.t with Had.UN.h of Newport Beach, Santa Ana and Tutin, an Israeli fuhion lhow and lun- cheon at the South Coast Plaa• Hotel on )an. 25. Helene Gorta, president of the Newport Beach Chapter, adviles the day will beqin at 11 a .m. o\Dd terminate foUowinQ the lun- cheon with •n biah coftee reception al Sab, South Coaat Plaza. -. . HappeninQs from. the Newport Outvolng ,.._, of me of -DIOO<iio;;;: Dorothy Br..tltoy (loft) hOndo ,_ me -to incoming ,._t Pat Sauer, .00 .aye, ''T ... Itl" at a rec.nt WAND clnner meeting held at tt-M Behie Corinthiwl Yacht Club. ' Rubor Art Nueeu.m: Gay Bryant, pnNident of th• Bo.ud of Tro.ot-. bc>olod u u - quiait• lwacheoa et tM elequt Lo Cuio!ao fo• lA Gnmd Cmino committ ... wldch. will be booclod by Lucillo Adamo with tb.• ..mtu.ce of Selly Somen, Ruth J.u.en, )o McLain, Lo-u. Nowquiot, Judy Humdollud Gary WhMUock. lA Gnmd Caoino·i> u elegant bl.ck·ti• dinDaNia:nce, who.e primery ta.me il recr .. tiAQ th• cpMl u.d Qr&ad Q&mblin9 cuino. ol a b)"VVOM ero. The hi9h_. wblnen at the various gam.i.Dq tabl• win sump- lou.~ pril• wch u u all- ·~ trip to Paria, which i.e doaotod by PariolaD> JocquoilD and Jean et.ude Nur•t. Th• W:u.ratl, who graciou.aly donate two such lriJ*, are vimtiD.Q the Southland and will be honored at a din.oel' parly bolted by Ruth JenNn. • • • TIM Bui.D-Cou:D.cil of NHAW. wtaich nwaben 10m• 200 bu•n ntn tluou.CJ)lout 'Oru~ "Cou.aty, bOlted a wine · and cU.. receptjoo for memben and qulb, u ...U u a doa.t tour of the DeW eUibi- lloD-tbo.S.. ,,ODCiooo w ...... of Mociom Art. Georve Neuburt. •"'•ant director of tlWI •-· apoQ , oa tho nbjoct of "Colioctlllo Art" to the fiDe Art Pall'oM ud tho Acq\lloilloD Couactl of NHAM, wiUch wu AoUow.cl by a -=:rwllpUout arrey of bora d' ouevr• pNpUttd. by tM boopiiOllty co--· Ruth 1-. llubuo haby ud LiD· do "--oy. Amoaq thoee attea:ulinO w.r• Bill Wlllluu~ Ruth Bu.dloy, Cod llo-. ltathy Swi<;out, S..Joy ud Goo.go Hoonluua. Bott-I W!Dklo•, Millio pt.,, Glao Peanon, l•.rri aad Jack Dwan, Lou ud lllcbe<d lloowquiot, Pot Predericb ..nd Gloria R\Wton . Jack Smith, newspaper colum· .;)(4t EXPLORE OUR ENVIRONMENT * LAHD-=-AM 2 For 1 Special Mexicali Omelette Regular Hamburger French Toast lwith ad ontvl Hours: Motl.·ffi. 6-4; S.1 . ....ct Sun 7·4 Suoet Bow!Sal~'l'. 7-1 Salty's lt'o -t11ot Tho a-a-..ba -In NnoportBuch-tho ................ town .... But 1 ___ ,... ugood. ··--"-huhbrowMwtth •Y .. oillllltk ciMea. I ecart wtth e ,_ potoio oncl ••w•w< it. Thon It lo :oa•llill,*-dMd.......e -dqlpedonloo. T., uoll Savini -----7cleslo•- hooa6o .... -10p.m. flllllha'lna oe II .u-. ftohoncldtlpo. --..by. 2931 E . coast Hll1h,J,_,,- Del Mar • O:>•R?.• Telephone 673-<>921 • dooft rro. .... ,....,.... ..... f.oloMIS....• Dr. Edwin KRUPP-c.labrlltect Dlreclaf of Grttitth Oburvatory January 3t , t 982-7:30 PM • Joo ..... lchol COIISTEAU-·--_ _..,._ Febnlary 28, 1982-2:00PM Df. R-ENGLEKIIIK-..---Nllllquako _..Not Morch21 .19112-7:30PM A Notunlltleay L-- designed to ent81tain • wei as educete AlllectiKes wil be held at Cnlwford Holt, ~ty of California, trvlne Thio NoUIII Hlltoty Lectin- ;s ,....,m.d by tho Junior Looguo of -port- Your contrb..ltiOn • tax deductible ~~· ~~~~~~ l.ould .. : __ lk*Metor .. L.ec1UN ....... S25Jor ........ _"*'MttorOr. KNpp'slieev.etllO--". __ kUI!atorJ.M.Co 1 .. 11 .. -....MilO-=tt. __ llclcMI tar Dr.~ .... --..... 110 ~- Total amount enc:loMdl ------- ; 'L r.a.,t Coass Highway ·Corona del Mar.Callfornia9262S. 714-67s-4994 8th Annual 552 Club CRO BY SOUTHERN PRO-AM GOLF TOURNAMENT Thuraday, J•n. 28 • Friday, J4~n. 28 , Irvine Coast Country Club 1600 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach Your Chance to See the Top PGA Money Winners of Tomof'tow •••ry A41nhtlDn: t2 -..clby,.5J2Ciub .. obor>elll fol Hoag Memcw kJJ Hotplfol ,_,,.. b\ • WffKDAYS IOAII!l · WElKE~ liS _ ......... .... ~,,_ ... . track in style; . .. ..ttkGnDd -..,,.. \murn' a.,« ; vr ,..-~CIIdlc 1 • .,. IDil" '1 1 -*· •"..-••1111 Mllllllcw IS,IIIIS 1'1£ al' 1s•1 11crod " n.c ., Fdr • ... ..,.Cllmii'DIDita s .a IIIII .. 7101a............ W.Jt PI 0 ' • ' The Mewpot1 E.osSgo Wectn.day. Jonucrry 20. •• Pcrgre JS \' THEATER What Are You Doing In My Llfe7 by Rob.t W. llDg BON APPEII'I' by Peggy CottOD · stnpe qu1ckly fried 10 they are c runchy, served with a velvety ~nut sauce. Ny choice was a new menu 1tem, and a favonle appetizer, Mee Krob, Cllapy noodlea served m a tangy sauce OD sprouts and green on1ona. My entree was another new 1tem on the menu, available only at certatn hmes, Todd Muon, a delech.ble preparation of ground hah wh1cb has been marmated chidteD. lt Uved up to hia expectation. for flavor a.nd heat. Each of ow plat" wu qarnllh- ed with an arti.shc arranqement, some of orange and cucumber, 1010e of sculptured cabbage ar- ranged with art1choke IHvee, aDd all were served W1th nee, a staple of the Thai dtet. We found a much-Improved wine ltat, many more labels, Mlected Wllh care and lute Our ch01ce wu Fetur's CheDtD Blanc which rucely complement- ed ow hvely cutstne. For dessert we were served another new chsh, and while we were not present for U.. c:r•- Uon , we dtd arrive in bme for the ch nstenmg . Made with tl.ny o nental black beams and tap1oca, blended LD a aweet but not cloymq sauce, 11 wu dehc1oua We thought 11• name should be "Sweet· Tma" for the c harmmg w1fe of the owner but were overruled &nd the deuert wul be c alled "Lucky Bean." Bangkok 3, wtDner of the qold award from the Southern Cah- fornla Restaurant W nlers, lS located at 101 Palm Avenue m Newport Beac h Reservahops suggested, call 673-6521. SebuUan'alwest 1.n San Clemente open~ tlae new year with a world pnmiere play by Frank Tuhlin (an Academy Award-winning writer). It stan Vivtan Blaine oJ Broadway fame and Ronald Knight. way back-perhaps too fu back. It is JUSt not believable for a woman obviou.aly Ul her 1izti" to think that having a baby can save her marriage. But abe is . sol!leone to see, so iJ you go to be close to a star at work, you1l not be disappointed. Ronald Llight gets leas billing and leu attention in the play, but he deserves more. His performance was clean, always in character, and the Herbert L. Coakley transformation just super. The set by Bill Woodburn wu mcely done. It was well made and thought out, though it is more Mission Viejo than Beverly Hills. We stopped by Bangkok 3. one of ow favorite plac• to dine. and found some new and deUciou. additiou to tae menu. As always, there wu the crispy· clHD decor, softened by hand- painted orchida stylised on the wallt and reJ)Mted in fabric on the comfortable banquettes. Real orchida l.n ceramic pots bloom l.n qu1et hue to comple-- ment the white linen, silver. crystal and pale pillk Mrvice plit ... Thai cuia10e. probably best described u a combillation of Indian and Chinese, uses many of the gentle flavors whtch we recoonize: coconut, peanut, plum, lime. There are pungent navora found in cilantro, lemon grass, ginger and rice wine. Thai c utsine can also be hot. In fact, the Thai condiment Nam Prik is one of the hottest lcnown to man. 1n curry pule, mtxed Wllh green bean shces, and deep-fned. It 11 served with a suky sauce, accomparued by a p ungent and tasty cucumber salad. Others enJoyed Nua Satay (Beef Satay) made of stnps of lean beef mannated m coconut m1lk and sp1ces, then charcoal broiled and served W11h ·peanut sauce; and Ped Op, young ducklmq, first manna ted 10 gmger, sauces and soy, then cooked c usp and served with a tanlahzang plum sauce. SCR Play To Open It is a very good idea for a dmner theater to stage a new work rathe7 than a re-h .. h of somethl.ng that 1a only a memory 10 Manhattan. That idea is to be applauded-the play leas 10. "What Are You Doing In My Ltfe?" comes off u a Reader's D1gest slice oJ Mx life. It hAJ a contrived plot with little motiva- tion for the actions of the charact era. Old jokes abound- mother-in-law stories, the inde- fatigable prowess and appehte of the male, allusion~ IQ illicit sex, minaken 1dentity (an ancient dev1ce even when Shakespeare used it), and JUvenile commentary to no poml. Perhaps you will find this play less offensive than l-auch diverse people as two identified as the Rev. Robert Schuler and Christine Jorgensen did not leave-then aga1n, maybe not. Whale Watch An. excursion to view the CaWornia gray whale during 1ts 101gration south will be spon- sored by Orange Coast Col- lege's Community Service Offace on Satwday, Jan. 22. OCC bioloqy profeqor Dr. Gary James will conduct the trip and oUer an iDJormative lectwe. On the menu at Bangkok 3, dishes that are spicy are marked with one star, and diahes that are torrid receive two. Unlike some other cuisUles, Thai hot dishes may r&lle the tempeu- ture Mveral degrees while being consumed, but they never c-ause d1gestive upeet or distress. We were a party of four, so we managed lots of taabng a.s we beqan W1th appehzers. My com- panion always opts for the two- star items, and h1s cho1ce was Naked Shrimp, barbecued first, then dressed with an excitillgly sptced sauce, garnished with dehcately marinated cucumber. Our guests chose Paw Pier My compan1on chose another new dtsh, Ch1 Curry, made W1th Jamee Saunders' "Boc:hes" beqins ita three-week run at South Coast Repertory toruqht on the SCR second stage The play runs Tuesdays to Saturdays until Feb 7 at 8:30 p .m. Sunday performances w1ll be at 3 and 8 p.m. T1ckets are $11 .50 and $9.50. The play, directed by Ric hard Gershman, draws together two Plays should have a pomt, whether a study m character that a.b~arbs us, a plot of lntn- cate nature pleasmg to the intel- lect, or even a didactic com- mentary on society. These are valid reasons for atagang a play. The evocation of laughter by hang1ng an umbrella on a wooden statue's phallua is not. Vivian Blaine 11 an accom- plished actrea. Her credits go The tour will leave the Balboa Pavilion at 9 a .m. and will return at noon. Cost ia $8 for adults and $6 for children under 12. Pte-registration ia required. For regiatration information, phone 556-5527. Todd, the cnsp Thai sprillg rolls, dipped in a sweet-sour sauce, and Taro Todd, a beauti- ful vegetanan appetizer of taro Disunctive Watafront Duling Oyster Bar· Cocktails , llOUJ Appea.rirq ~ SIDlTH drrl JOnES IDedtr.sddq & Thunddq Fri:idq & Sdtul'Cidq 830pm-l oopm 9 oopm-1 JOdm 33)3 W Coast H!&hway N~1 Buch. Caltfomta Save Gas e Save Money Read ••r Real bt••• S.Ctitll , 3333 W Paclhc Coast H13hway, NB..· 642-2295 .. G THE PORT THEATRE ' I o. b') -mtS lOU IN 11tE SOLAR PLEXUS! Sexvnr: · ....... ~ funn,. Ariel Be.e • bftatb'Pkin& 'Beau ~· is amazine'.' Ina's Is a family-run pizza business. and the ~t Is excellent -crispy yet soft crust ava~ thick or thin, well covered with · fresh Ingredients (we liked pepperoni, saus- age and double cheese but were tempted by many other combos), and a tasty sauce. The walt Is well worth it." • • STAal'S AU MOl aN ••c.-- 101ddle-clau Bnhsh couples who have not spoken m years. T1c kets are available at the box ofhc e by calhng 957-4033. Students wtth 1denh.hcahon may purchaae hckets for $5 after 5 p .m . on the day of any per- formance. South Coast Repertory is located at 655 Town Center 1n Costa Mesa, across from South Coast Plaza . ............... TMa 80UND ....:. One of the mo.t popular motion pletur• that ...,., came down the pike. returns to the teltvtStot\ scrHn wtth Julie AndrMS and Christophef Plummer. as if you already didn't know. Based on tht hit Rodgera and Hammerstein Broadway production. it tells the aentmental ttOI'Y ~ the musecal II'Ort TriiClP tamtty ~ Austria in tht years prtOr to World War II A treat lor the tntlfe famtly •tt:WIIABC (8CenlraWMountatn) •nNN8C (8Ctr'ltraVMountaitl) WMIN A ITMNGD CALLa. A rettred but determined LA cop (Charles Durning) loltows the twtsted ~.g~el of a homicidal esoaped mental patient (Tony Beckley). whose wanton UNUtts upon children and ~,.. it moft difficult • ·l-liiA 1-1 out whtrt ht wiH newt kill. With C.rOI Kant, Colleen o.wtlurat and Recht! Aobtrta. Well dont aod not too grlaly ... given theQenrt. Tht CC*'Ing third ~ tht film Ia bettd en a well- known AI'Mflcen folk1elt. ... cas (ec.ntr~> TOM MONt. A bMutlfulty pnoto. gri!P*t and MfWitive portrait ~ the vanishing Old West with Steve ~ portraying tht ltgtndary scout and former Indian tighter. ruatlng with ruatlera and Linda Evans. With the great Richard Farl'liWOfth and an inter•ting cameo by Stephen Oliver aa a not·ao- gen~ Jim Cofbtt1 Thla is the film MeOuetn probebly wouid heve liked to haw ue rernernbtr u t"-last raft\tr than tht inflnlt*y poottr and .. ...., .. t n. ...... . "' ·. '\, J' ... NBC (8C'Ant~ain) HACOCK IHOWCAA: lert~ ..... (hrt ,. A family from another planet erath lands on Earth, and their fabulous super·powera create havoc tor the people of Gold Rush, Calltor· nia •nPII NBC (8 Central/Mountain) WOIU.D WAR IN C'art 1). A ahocktng drama detailing a senerlo of events that could conc..vably IMd WOI'Id powers to the b(lnk of glObe! conflict David Soul ~ and aJI·atar tera s•t comedy about the men'Oera ~ A Long laland aoftball team, the third bas4wNn of which IS played by Rob ("Meathtecr) Reiner WhO's on firat a.nd who ataya home .\ t { 1 J I f/ · Ki'Oiize: 5 mg "tit'. 0.4 Mg. necotNIV. I* ciglfette. FTC Report May 1981. ...,.. CBS (7 Olntrlftlaunllln) KMPT IAI.UT8 waLT a11110 WORl1111CJTH ANNIVUIARY. A warm apprecia1ion of the nwgk:al en- tertaiMlent kingdom ,establllhed In Florida by the legendary gient ~ American creativity. watt Oieneyl Along on ltlts apeclaJ wNrlwtnd villi 11e Eileen Brennan. Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers Band. MlchHf Keaton, 0Mn Jones. Michele LM. John Schneider and Rldty Schroder Very good tun •. 10-ftPII NBC (9c.ntraNountaln) AN AIIIIUCAN NeWILl: THE NARCS. With Tom Brokaw. 10-1tftl ABC (9 Central/Mountain) STNKE FORCE. lntfVnal Affair with Ql*ts Don Gordon. Adam Roelke and Dick Anthony Williams. Robert Stactc'a ~reops are called when the perpetrators of a series of daring armed robberies ~ to be pollee ~!<:eta. --· Hil Gl*tl for the 20 hlttrioua alerts include' Marty Allen, Steve Allen, Joen CotliriS, Richard Deacon. Joyce O.W.H. Phil Foeter. Peter Gtaves. George Lindsay. Meredith MacRae. Glry Muledeer, Louis Nye, Reols PNilln, Carl Rel~»r. 8111 Saluga and Otck Schup. Pretty long list. , I'\, I.\'\, ' .,.ABC (l~ln) FOil A ,..,. t•ture martdng tht tOOth tn~Weraary ~ Franklin o.lano ~..wa birth (January 30, 1882) . David Brinkley and conespondents Peter Jennings, Robert Trout and James Wooten. MUOn thlt repott with historical film footage plua interviews w i th polltecal and goverM1tr'ltal ltedefs 10-11PII NBC (9Ctr'ltra11Mountaln) CASIII a CO. Angle DlckiNon returN to teleYiaion In a comedy series premiere. .,...cas (e~) 11TH ANNUAL GOlD8t Oloel AWAAM. s\ories about anlmlla and humans sharing unique communicationl. •rs enough to warm a cold noM. sports ------- -------- t>W H1C (12 Noon Cent ./Mount.) ntl IUfliMTAM. 40 renowned male_.... cOIT1)efe It\ the flm of tour ~tying roundl.. Live IMIOI'I Pftmitft With Frank Giffold, Oon Mtfecith, 8cb Utcktr. 8cb S.Hit and Atgglt Jack8on. -.... N8C (1 CentraiiMountaln) COl L .. IAIUTMU 'a: Vlrglna at t..oultvilt. .... IIOWL XVI. Tht Cindnnatl Bengela ~ tht Sen Francisco 49'tr1 In a meidln ~ to the biggie 101' ~h. Eye bOwl to eye bowl John~ and Pat Summerall will handle tht play-by-play and tnaJysiS chOI'• of this super charged football geme. • \ l .\ '\ Willi Nat · (12 NoonCtr'IUMt ) COli BIE UIKITULL- 1N NYT Maryland at Georgaa Tech Vlrg Commol•w Mlth at Otd Ootnlnton LouiaviUe at Florida State Wlsconaln at Purdue Texas A&M at Texas Mis9ouri at Kansas State IPtl NYT DePaul at Syracuse Georoea at Kentuctty Mtnnesota at lnd\ana IPII PT: California at AriZona I: .. INIAeC (2.30Ceni./Mt ) ~ IOWUM TOUR ..,. NBC (4 Central/Mountain) WICKU.ANDY WILLIAMS SAN DleCIIO OPEN Live OOYerage ~ABC (4 Ctr'ltraMMountaJn) -WOM.D Of lfiOII'fS. 0 ' ....... .. •• .. Meet. Tu-*a~. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. et P.-..byterian Ch&Kch of the eov. nent, F.Jtview Roed. eo. Meu. Anyone who enjoya tinging and can carry a tune may )oin. Furtn« Informa- tion, call Joyce at 548-2733 or 646-7M> or Pat at 484-8119. a. ... c .... , c:llqtwof ... .-...liM IMtitute of ArchitMta meets 7 p.m. T~. Jan. 21 at the eo.ta Mesa Com- munity Center. 1846 Park Avenue. Costa Meu. "Design Awards in Retro.pect" will be f•tured. Reservations: 667-7796. D•a ... -enendonl Tee Oences-Concerts ~re being offered by the Turtle Rock Gommunity Center throughout the spring at 4:30 p.m . Sundays. Admission is $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information, call 754-3643. Coeta ..... Art L11•• meets 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Com· munity Center. K wok Wet ·tau, acrylic painter. wifl demonstrate. .,.wp0118each C.......,. Women'• Club luncheon 11 :45 a.m . Wednesday, Jan. 20 at the Airporter Inn. A fashion sho.w by Drapers featuring "More to love" sizes will be featured. Reservations $6, call Mrs. Jim Dority. 544-2921 . ...... .,.. .... an organization open to coupMt$ where one or both have been married before. is hosting a "Hard Ternes Partv". open to IntereSted per· sons. 6:30 p.m . Satur· day. Jan. 23 at De Anza Bayside Village in Newport Beach. In· formation: Virginia Ed- wards, 673-56.3'. -- o. ... c .... , caa..,..,.,.._ .-....... •• Diabet• Ateoeiation wilt hold en ec:tuc.tion meeting 7:~ p.m. Th\jlldlty, Jen. 21 It St. Joaeph Hotpital in Otenge. Ad~ free. open to the public. lnfotmation: 66S«J70. •.. ., ........... ...., lohoDI •• T.A . wW ~d • rummege Ale 9 a.m. to 2 p.m . Satur- day. Jan. 23 in the school's auditorium, 14th Street and e.tboa Blvd. Donations will be accepted in the tehool office. lnT~isa new group offered by Oasn ~ned to offer guidance for persons recently wKtowed. Meets Thurldays, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Center. More informa- tion. call 494-2025 Uona Club of the Harbor A,.. will spon· sor a glaucoma detec- tion clinic 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27 at Oasis Senior Citizen Center at 5th and Marguerite Avenues in Corona del Mar. Make appointments by calling 759-9471 . ............ Audubon will host a fteld trip to Huntington Beach Central Park. 8 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 24. The park has a lake, mini-wilderess area and a nature center. and a number of unusual birds are wintering there. Call 974-8250 for informa- tion. o,....ace~ .... County is sponsoring whale watching trips 2 p.m, Friday afternoons between Jan. 26 and March 13-at Dana Wharf Sportfishing. Dana Point Harbor. Ttekets: $7 adults. $5 Mniors and kids. Reser· vations and information: 960-23M. Ask for ()eb... bie 01 Jeff. A......_.whhthe .... tcripture studies for care&f women 7-8:30 p.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings Com- munity Room, W•dlff Piau In~ Beech. c.d ~for c:Mye and information. ... , ........... -.u. C.. rneeta 9:30 e.m Wedl....,, Jen. 20. Allen Beck of All4tn Beck Aoweta and Gift• wtllepMk. Information: call Stwon Pence. 644 4443. Lectures ........... _n.. fntegretion of Human Structure." by R. Grant ..-.c..:mca O'DIIA.:S 110 1 .. All OIIIIGUI • .:S C# 1111 em or RWPCft IIAal AHDIID'Q nu.& • 01' 1111 laWJOIII KAal lltUIOCIPAJ. COC. IITA&.IIIIDtO A NOIILIIIOIG PAU Dlft'II)CT n.. Cttr c-.ri .. .,_ CtOJ ~ ......... n a..ca. DOCS OADADI .. ........ IIC'1'Ial I a...-. 3D 3D .. dooo ..._. a...c. .......,.... c.. .. ......, ......................... c-...311311 MOC.IIIOIG ,.UU ,__ lOlDOIOw- 311 :10 Q30 DoolwtlorM 20 :1!0 030 Cr-lor Apphc•.-ol z-. 30311040U_...._..... 3D • OliO "-ol ...... .....u. ..... , .... o-.. ,z-. 20 » 010 Dn"DfT n.. ......... ...... .... .......Hal z-. .. ...... , •• w ....... &a ........ , eoee IO per ... ~ ..,..ax:-.... -·u. .._. ._ .. .....,_,. ........................... ,. •o.btle ...... p6rloo .................. . pr ... ry ....._.,...., ..,_ d..qu ,_ n.. .... ._., ... ~ .... ...,, •-• to ...,..__..., ..-............. _ ........ ~oc:. houloot _....,_.,_, ... .. o•det 111M"'--.. ,._ -..oo ... __ ............ ,_od n.. .... w-........ cboboe1 .... ~ 10 Kilt-.. _.....__, ol ...... .., ............... ·---·-· .... pr•••••• .,..._. or C'o•••••h•t ............... WlQ ...... .Je ho-....... ..... _ ...._ ............ -. ta ~ MC'UOill Ot M M? d&.llhtc'1£aq ._ .. IIOIP. ..._ ...U •--Wobtlo ....... 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Q.Mol "-.......... ..... .......... ~~ ~ ...... ~ ... le ... .... ~ ....... _ .......... . .... w ... ..,.. ........... ,, ................ _ ....... _,_.,.. ...... ..., .. ...._.,... __ .. ,......._ ...................... __ .. ..._...-....,c ,...,. • ....... C..a...., D e•t•e•-• "-......... ~ ......... ,..,-w-----· .................. __ ......... ... ,.... .. , ,... ....... ~ ..... ..................... _ .... __... ........ ~ ....... .. .. IIQI ~-A • .,._ ..... ... .................................. .-..... (I) • -..,........ _. _........., ............ ..w. ...... ~._.._ ... ...... ........ " .... _ ....... -.. . _ ............... _....., ___ .... (2) ......... _ .. ....,.. ..... __ ... _ ... ........... _.,.,.. _ ... _ .............. ... ... Clt .. ,....._ ........ _ .... -. ... .. ,, ..... .... ........................... .. CJt. ...... _...,..._. , ... . _ ...... ...-..... .... ............................... -·: ....... .__ .. , .. ...... --.... ~ .. ............ ........ ,..cw.-..... .......... -.. lh M! .. lol _ .... c.. ...... -.. ................... .... ............ ,....~ _ _........ ..... .............. OIIto..H .. .. <:lit ................... .. , • ., ........... l , .. _ ........ -.. , .. .., .. a.-.n ·-~ .......... -... AYII CoutiCd. lllllt._IS ...... ~ .......... ........ .__a. IICIII.ec.:&-... ~ COUIIC1L .... ............................. .......... ~ ..... C.,a.to ...... ... •• ill ftla ............... Powera, ~ rolfet'. Wedneeday. Jln. Tl. 7 p.m ., -E. 17th St .• Suite 221 . Coeta Meu. lnformetion end reeervatlons calf 64().. Jee1 . Adart110ft1fbellonof ways to ute ca.metics to minimize effects of fac'-1 diafigurement and scarring will be preaented 7 p.m. Wedneld;ty, Jan. 20 in the South Coast Plaza Hotel. San Marcos ROOfl' . PWUCMmCI MmCIO*fW-..c.U.O .... • ........, -....... c • ., c:o...cy ...... c., .......... .._. . ..u ............ ....._~ n..~u. ......... ~ Coo.ool ,._,_ .. • t o'ly CO< .....,. "' ..,. c.wo. ..... eo....~ c--c...._ •..., ._..,. .._. &.-4 u .. ,._ .....,_.. .., ~ C-.1 c...-_...... ....... .,...._ Ia .. -.. ...w.c ,._ 111-.-t.l.l, S..."•• ~··· "-· ..... o.......,... .... LAad u-o...--- MOTIC& ts KIIIDT nlllTHD QlVDI ............. ....wac ...... ... ...u ... ...w 01 ,.. Dtooot ... , ol ·~. 11101, ...... -. ol 7 lO , ... 1.,. c .... ...,~~"'"'" Coty 11&11 .. II>• Cotr ol ,._,pon a.-~ c.wo ....... -~ ........ ~ .. , .... .u_...--.. ..... .. _ .............. ...... w...u ~ """""-c..., O..k c. ., .. ....._..._~ ~ ·-311, 1112 .. n. .............. ._. lttn6 P'V1IUC .-one& ncnnout8UIUU:U !!AMI ITA TDIDfT T~ toUowmo pettoet ere do.n'-' b~••-.. Dlr\IOOHNI 8UU..Oill5 n .. c-H.-, ~t ...... ,, ....,.. c,. 112613 ........ , O....do. •• 105815 L.. T..._ C~tcct. Po••..,• YoU.• CA ~ "".,." l T .. tood 919 a.no<l• o,.,,.. N..,.....,, CA 92610 0..... bv.t.. ... -. ·• rottdi.K'ted bv • ~r.J ~,, •• ,-....~ S.q-..c;l ltob.r• f O..udo•n• n ......... '"."' .... f1J.d w tfft IJ'I• Coualy c~"" ·• o •• nq.. C<.~un•• Vf1 r.o l.l 1982 P~bh•h loo I() J7 h b 1 ll• 1 "ti. '" fi• N•wpqrt '"••Oft r r110111>~ H[ • PVauc.-onca ... J,.. I"'CTT1'110S 80IDfDS U..llATDCDrT Til. .......... ...,_ ••• do•11<1 b..-.. T1U COP'RI PIDDLD ~ v .. O,..no. If-port a-eb CA ~ , .... c.., ... 12"30 l!th St K..-a-ct. CA t.. C••r>hu lll06t'-5I H.r-a-ea. CA Tlu. b.._..._ la cOftd ... cted trf ,. dJond...J. ~~-.d u4 wtlo\ Soqa..s ,_C..ph. n... ...,.., ... , .... I•~ wetllt t&. c-..., Cle•• ol o. • ...,. Cout., on , .. 6 l'ill2 Pw~ 1u ll 20 27 '•b J IQIU PUa&JC liOnel: ncTfTIOUa 8usottss •• UU STATDIDfT 1fU79 T\• loUowuu.J oo-noft .,. dotnQ b-.. CAUf COU OIW.LIHG • 1 11111 S• s~··• 101 c-..._ c. t7nl c •. l W Wo•in 600 ( Oc-• lllw4 L.on<a a-ea CA \lCllla2 n •• bv,..,n.... • cond~..cf boT etl .. diYtdlt41 S.,.Md CetiW Wort.\' Th"' , .. , • ., .. nl ••• 111.-J •••tt •b• Cow"'' Cl.rt~ ,f o,-.n~• e, .,.,..,., ., fu I~ 111111 P,bi••• ,., .'V 11 ,... I IIJ 1"8.' '" Th• H••P. r• t" .,. rt8105" 11£59. rvauc.-ona ncnnoos ~U~ZnSS Mill aTAn.DrT MS III-n.. loUo•u.q c-~ •r• douu1~ -._ M IOOO CO Ull N.c:Ao '~"' 11"11 s.. ... ~ ............. a-e• c. IQNO S..... A .. ,.._.,_, 11121 Port li..W>oy "-N•-a-e~ C A ~. 1-I "-Wd I'M56 SM-"<<oO.t•• T., .... CA IIIJ56 n... ---.. ._..-..~ .., • -•aJP<t..-...11 ,_ ... St-A J..J.aq•r ......,"*' ,...rt-. Tlu.. ......... ..... hhd .... ,.. • .. Cotl.&t• Cler• ttl 0.~ Co ... ot-. Ok 14 ••• ,.,..,t.oa , .. ll 20 n '•b 1 :981 m Ta.. N~rt I-••QO ,.,.._. Nllln II'VIUC 1fOT1C1: nctmOQS 11ISUIDS lltAJU IT A TIIUJIT TM tof\o•·•o ~,.""". ••• d t1 J •~~·•••• 'LAW TSC APl sttCIALTUS :1111 So.d 0<.11•• t..fW "•"'" .. '~ a....r" C A 91~ A"" Lo"LM ltd•'-• 21 Ut S.~d [A II• La"'• Hwnllrtq' " a.....c~ CA 'J~ Cl1wd•• f•1ol landotft ~.1 Ttl~l'ltOO-w.._.m,,..,,., CA ~J Th._. bu•1,..,. " Md" ·.-d t., • q,e.•r•l p4rtn•r•h•r S•\l•.d A 11 .... I .. n •• •'•'•·~· ....... C<"> ... "'" Cl··· I t '· •• tr~• t: '""' • ,*!II] Pt~bl~ 1.111 }l) J .... I i .• n.. ..... f' ' '"" 'Jt' J 1110117 PU8LIC ltOT1C1: ncnnous IIISJIIISS MJUi tATDlDIT '"• t •U .,,.., p.r•ott .. to ... ~, ........ , en lNTDPtU.SIS a.n.d• fl•••• C ' • d•l w.. c. ~ "',., ,.~ •• ,.,..,., r •• · 1 ... ... tet. Ot ". , .. ,., "'"' >XI' T!\ • b., .. ,. ... • .. ,A_. rd l-'f' t i . ilf'• S..q.-..t t: ,_ ,. I t ... t. •• Tlo\.a• • • ,. •• ,.,, •-'~• fi.(Nj • ,. "'" C":' """" I,._., I '1•• 1• C\ .. u._,. I•• I\ l<lt! Pw.tulill ,,.., ~ I '•• t 10 • •. , .. '"'• .... ,..,. [ •.. ., ,.~ .... .. f'VIUCMmCI , .. ,,,.,.._ ..-na~ ,....._-........ ....._ • CiUIOUf ,.MIC\AL 1&11 viC'U ue e;.,.w A.. w-kla.-. Co ~ 1•11 A,_ c-....... I» c .... , A.. .., .... ..... c.~ '1\M ............... ltt-4 ......... ·~I ... I .. , .... , ........ .... . .. " . c-............ . n .. -~~ -~....,.,... , .. c-a... .. a.-c..-- 1M 4 ltl2 ~ ... t I) ;ao n 1t12 .. no. ...... ..... ,._,. ...UC: IIOnc:K ,.., ...... ....a~ ..... ,A~ ll hi ~ Ill I ' .., ...... .. .... 11)0'1801-.d b¥ occ. '-vee lhe 8afboa Pavilion 9 a.m. Satur· drt. Jen. 23. p,. registration ia r~ired for the thf'ae..hour trip, whid\ eo.ts t8 for edutta .net ee for kids undet 12. Phone 566-5627. A.rtiiiM In Acdoft: ~ .. ac .. an in-depth seminar to be held 7-10 p.m. Jan 25 at SCR's 4th Step Theatre Complex in C01te Mesa. Ctaa size restricted, call 967·2602 for reMrvationa and in· formation . PVW.Iea:ma rw::JIIIOW .._.. U..IT&n..T n.. ......._-......... llowoto••• •• WUIDI ANIIIIII IN VUTOilS lG 1301 Do.. S4 "'"• 110 Jll.wpon a...o1o CA taMe Lo,. Sel•.uv .. , 1301 0... St s., .. 110 lfo.wpotl a.-~ CA 92e10 Th11 ......_ • .-...-oec~ '" • .... o.~ ........... ~ Stq.... Lor • ~ea. ..... . n. ... t.._.., .... taW -··~ ... c .... ,, o.,, .. o. .... eo ... ~ ... , ... 1112 P .. w..a. 1.. I) 20 l7 r •b J 11112 .n .• ,._,.~ ,110574 NU72 1PVIiUC wona rae: I II lOW IOIDIIU Mill ITA~ n..~-.. -0 ....,.._ .. OOU'CT ADVIIITISIHG AGIJICT l it '•..JMJ Corooo tlool W.r C. txz5 llciMrtl L Joe-lr 711 '•"*~ Car_. dol W.1 C• li3US ~ b~..-• co.d~ ~ •• la dJond.W s..,...d 1\rr ... td L lklt.oa " Tb..a .... c...-at ... hied •• ,. •h• c .... ,. Clerk ol O.o..,. C011otv oo Ok ll IMI Pvbt...h ,.,. 1 u 20 n 1112 ,. Tlt.o N•wport laooQo PIIOOIII PVaUC IIOTICI f'lCTTTIOUS t\ISIJftSS RAMI ST A t'D(IJIT T._. I Uuw1n'l ~~...,.~ ,, t.,,., .. ,... u CORP AliT ld ft..,. lfl651 tlly N••pur &.o • CA ~llrt<l 0.~ ••h W Po>k n,.. 1K ""• C._,.,,,,l • N••P<>"' a.vh C• ~ Th1" b...-., .... • "'d" ,_, t... .~~, f·••·J .• s...,,..t o.tM.: •• .._ ~k"''· f.,_,, •• , • ..._..,, •u lai-d • '"" "• t wA'w C&.r• I Q,.,. 1• C .,. '• •• ., • l'illt1 '"t>lo.A Mft .'0 n f •l I Tfiol. "·WP\)f'• tn,_.Q. '·~~ I'VIUC .-one& ncnnous IIUSIIIDI lfA.IIE IT A ftJC1IT Th totlowt.ao p.noo.t ••• d~o bw•·•••• •• UIIO PISTS liS llor .,_,., St c:--CA !1a27 c ......... ,.. Hoi!Lb lt!i ~~ora-.. s. c-.._ c. 'Ut27 w..""" .....,_, »ao r..u..-11o ~ c- .._ CA921l7 n.. h-..-• ~\tC',_, tt• • _ .. 1 P<t,.._,.,.,p S.oaod C~tiM w., .. ~~o~.a n. ..... _, ... IUod Wlllt l~ c-•• , c ..... o1 o.._ c-. .. oo , .. 4 l'ill2 ......_. 1.. ' 11 liO n ltll .. n.,...,_,.._.. 1 IIOOIZ Na1S4 PVaUC IlOna: llS-tltDS ncTTT'IOUS IUSIJfESS N.UU: STA TDla.t r~. •t"HO•ta\1 J."•!•.... .... J II'J t '""-•• rAYrTTl C'tlll"TY Oil PARTNOS 260 H•wr-,, ( .,_,. o.... H lOO H••P, ..... " c. •lbto() r .. • o w ~ ......... ,. J.4 1•1 s. .~ L•M< ~-.. v •. CA .:.llf~ T~ ~ to '"'<.i t.•Oleod ,.. •• ,.. ... ,.," <;,"',..-d •• W .. f• I'UC Th·• ,, •. ,.,.,,. .. i ••• f,,......, • ~ (.; ~"'" c .... ,. t (h.ll"" I•• 1 I I01J p,.bloo~ 1-n 10 II '"' ,, n. ""#O•r " [a.tlo\j,. fii!UHt PUWUC 1fOT1Ct nc:T1T10VS IUSUIESS IIAJtt STAT1XDIT f}.• to •••Q pet.... ••• I r b " •• HUWnT Dli~P ·Y l Hl.lDIIUI S SH<.'P , ~ I•• • .... . "---r-r· a.. .. " c-. llfiot(o s in ... ,. ~ .. ,(141' ••• S.··· .... ""· l· "'J a,.,. h L.A. 4Cillt t,d,..,.,."' a.,,, •. n ' '"" "'' A 1\ • ~ •• l " t "-·<~~ r-~ """ I ~ .............. -"·· .... t• • ~~~·' •• '., .... ,.1\ r s .. , ..... ,., ... ... ~. Th.. • _.. .• ,.,.,."' .. •• • _, • • (" ,. .. ,,. \ ••• I Q, •• 1• ('" ,., r•-N•·r~·, l " ..,, f l .,.. ~<n. 'llaLIC IIOTlCI ncTn10IIS I UII.ESS IIAMl STA TUIPT Tfi\, I II··· OQ '"' .. "' ... b•• •• •• fLA$>4 n1 N ~PA'IY ~] w .... c; >.J}f,.J• r-1'1.... L •• Lt4 • (",. t(.orr. • •r •• s... L,.. .... ,-•"'• "\ "• • r', t."' ~~·-• ,.., , ....... ...... " c; ""-t "•' , .. , ···-· (. ...... " .... ( l••-· .... \ ''"-'' ..... l•. t h ••• , •• 'ft.~ I -·· ldfllf'f ... "' iowl { 'tnh C:1.,; f l}• •, ltlt ,., ... 111&1 ,,. ..... ._ J ... N II t•t ..-, .,,n.,.,.. .. ,...,.. I " J ,IIIINI '<r-• ., ti41J nc;TTT1()VS IIIJDII:SS UIU JTATI:J(IJH Tt\• ~tkw•"lf ~ .. , t ~o~.,ft ... n IAYWI"'O IIC Mn WHrrTII:JII ~ ,_ •• , ... ,. t • •• U ., .. S..~• at ,.,__t • .... ~ t A ~~~ w .. w ... (' .. .... J ................. ,.. s ...... Q .... ""' t l ..... "" ~ n. •• -....~ ...... , .. .. ~ ........ "tti •• , D<·-• I..Aitlt'l•· Tlrl ...... "·"'-" ..,....,,,., ,..,,, .• ,~.r S. -.-...• W WA1• Pt••••"' W II w .. t ••·>4•" ,.., ......... • .... 1-.:f ... tf ( ..... ,. ("''-•• t t ), ... ,. 4. .. , 1"0111 .... t-1 .. ~ I•• I(; 1 J ·~ IIIJ ·0..~· ( • l t-"1 'lr ... II'V1UC .-ona . ..... rae; I I I tOOl aulllllDS ~~AM~n•fDOWT ft.• tvn.-w.-. ,........ .,.. ' ... ,. .• t>•••.,••• •• lltl OU"'"' A~IATU ·~ S..o W , ... 1 0.••• ""'"'' ..... ., CA ll.o lt4•4 II o ... IQV.,.a.a ........ S,... ... , C A •11ot .. _ l-1' T.~-J, ··~• CA '171' ~ D p,.,.. '"'' , .......... c ................... .. C'A .,_ 100 t on-• 1 Ill I I>,.. to -.... M ~ ._ .. C A ·~ ..,.., , ,.. . ,. ..... A-..... .... ~ .,..,_, 0.- .._ "'' .... r. CA -..o 1,.'6 a- 1 Jvtt fl•~ A...,.,... ""'" .. .._.,...1 o., .. ""'•-... ,,. CA ........ ,.. .. ............. o..-.....,_.a... CA n. .. .......,.. • _ ............. . ........... --._ ... ·~"··" "Ow• n..-· t"_.,., ca..• .. I•• It I • ....... lod .. n.. ".... .. The Rewpon t:..ip Wecf=rckry, JaDQII8t •· 1112 .... II A •IJII ... ol8•• .. ............. will be preaented 8 p.m. Setutdly. Jen. 23 1n the OCC ~dl&oriUIT'I . Concert f•tures Guy Helfatty end The Society Combo. Ticbta are ... gen« ... $3 OCC ltudenta . ..,~and chi&dfen undef 12. Ticket 1nformation: seie-56.27. TheNewYOitlhlng Guel1let will present an evening of selections by Schoenberg, Oebulay and Beethoven 8 p.m. Friday. Jan. 22 at the UCI Fine Arts Village Theatre. Tickets are t6 general. $1 fr students. .....:IIDTICII . ... ,, ..... _ U..IT&n.rr ,. ......... __ ..,.. .__ -., ~ auuJ)DI SUPPLY lio) IL\OOAft ~ l'tftDII C') ... ~ ALA»a 4 ) SIACOAJT DrTUI'IUAS IWC . :Mil ....._, ., .... c-. w-c. .., ._.._ ..... ,_ lloc • CaJao .... ----:Mil ......... »-4 c-w.. C...a7 n..._ .. ......_......,.cor --........ Gw...c ·-" ,,__ ....,_ ........_. n... -· -bled .. ~a .... c-..,. Cler~ ol o.-c-.., - Ok 21.1.1 l'l.bU... 1 ... I U :10 n 1~ \o n... ......... ..._. rl~ NliJI Plla&JCIIOT1a ncT'I'TlOUS 8USIJQ:IS NAME ITA TDIDIT n.. . ..t;o..-.aq p.rtOII• .,. c&~ •q e •"•••• •• ,UO ILICT ~IC TlCHHOLOGY INVISTO~S lfOI. D+ .,. Sf: s_.,... uo "-•PGf1 ... • c. "~ , .... c.,.t AI-• 2001 W~o.huu A-.. Lvn~ a..ch C. ~ p .. -.I w til... a-:... "-21 "•$ ow.1 o •.•• c.r~.-c A ~zwe Tih• b.,..,.... ,. nduc•ed b-. • l•""•'.d pert"•'~·~ S,Qft.-d ,.,. '1111. &~, •• ..,.. ... , n.. ·~·'·~·~ t ~ -··"' "• Cou"'• c..~· i nr••ct• C.:towD .. '·~ ~ l'illl P .. cii•A 1.,. I(J 1"' '•~> ) •" ...... .., T~. H•wpo•• (n. Jr. I , •1 I Ntbf1'0 PU8LIC 1f01"1C[ f'lCTTTIOUS 8UJ.IJQlSS N.UU ITATDO:Jn ~... h • .~tkr..aq ~·.....,•• •t• J )aA~ ow..... -. C AROirr PIIOPlJITits J. __ IC SL.·•~ A•• J "'" •. ,., V•l"-t C .. 0l?'Jlli w.u .... , l •d JS()f. f··llo A•• a..~.,.,...\, .• ,. t A "'J..._c r ..... t ,....... o.-d eod ~or • •""'• --..-:1 ""''"•nf\ l "''"' -.d W , i~u ,, .. •"'•" 1 -f -.. "' !'! .. r .... t.t• Cl••• I Or • ·~· l """ " P .. t ,, ... J.,. Jt .1 r .. , ... "ft\• s ... , ··l." ..,,. r tt•·~ N'f• • PVKJC IIOTICI: nc:TITIOUS IUSIIIIU II"* aTATDCDrT n.. ...uo..-pe.-... """"' .. ,,.,..... u CHINA ,ALACI ~ESTAUIIAitT 2'JJO W c-H.., ......,.,,, a-ct. CA iQI63 Tu lot .... ....t w .. to... .... -, ... 0...•• llo a C...• W.., CA tan nu. .... _.~ .... ,.,. ,..,,.,_ ,.._ w. T .. W.• Ck.e P.~.c>o-......,_ n. ... _ ..... l.lo4 -... c_.., o... "' o.-c-.., - Ok ll ••• ,.,......h loo 6 11 liJ 27 1'11a1 • r-.. "--' "-"" ,,..., Necw rvauc wonca -~~-ncnTIOVI 8UIDft:U IUUII IT A T'DIIJIT n... lollowu.Q .. .-.. ... -1<1 b--.. LUSl DIVUTN:DIT COW PAKT ·~ G.Jt.,. A .. '"-CA ~ll 1810 I It D Loool ....t So. • c.w.. ..... "'""'··-·~ Gol ..... A-1,...,_ CA i271l ~ lolt.o D l..oool I ~ G lort• A.. lr•,.. CA mu 9!1110 w.u, .. o Lul ~~ G•llM>• A.. ,,.,.. CA i271l t!5liO lo~o 0 l...O Tr..,_ ....... ••• Woll o1 H•,.• I L...a> ~ ,7"50 Gtl .... • A .. lo • .-CA W71l ~ Jolla D ....._ t•• •.d Se-e• c .. U••• cofllO••' =---~ w s •• ,~ ,. t-A...,-CA Ql14 -rt •• 0. whop•"' Co ltd • Ceh~•• raTpOrah... ~ 1 W ,..,_ ~ t..--. A.'~"'-CA QWte T..., ~ ~ ~111("-..d trw • "Of porebOI"' s.q....; .... ~.rd 1 O.+h Se.t•••••• lo.ha D L~o~-.. t ~ n... ........... , ••• hl.d ..... '~'~• CCMU•• ca.,. • o'••o--c.t1.'"' f)fl, Do< ll , ... .... bl..t. I•• II , l1 '"' I ,'4: .,. ............. lo...q• r: '9l7~ !(Qi7'C PUt UC ltOTICI ncnnous t USli!US 11-'M E S TA 1'DU:II1 "?"'• .. ' • r••~·.. " "'J t> .... """"' • 40 a."APHh.) "' ""•' I • • \ • I 14 \. ., •• l '• .... l"' • 1 ,,,,._,. A A f' N ('"-..., t • ....,. ..... , • .,., I '' ••• . .. 'VIUC lt01"1C[ nC'TTT10VS 8USDII:SS IIIAJII Sf A T'DlDIT r • • .. " ,... •• " • • .,, t , .. lllk Hr.:c\lf IICTIIINA 'k "-'.4 \ IWJTJO 4A \.,;;.,., •• 'Ill H ,._._,, a..,. • C A ~...,.' ... ~" " 1!4.. ..., ... , .,..... .... _.,,, "' •. " -,-.., l ( .... '~'• 1111•-.. C. A. ca .. "fw 1 " t<.4 ,,...._ •1"•"4 <lid b r • t ,.1 4)..,.~ a., •. l, A ., ,, ..... ...... .. ... .. . • 0·~~ c-~"'• n .... ' t!' • "'auc:..ona nc:nnow tWIJIIDS RAMI ITA TIMDI'T '<I f .. ··--· .,.. • .,... ~ •• • ,.,.,.. •r iiiAI\4 6A~IATU t(Jlt N• Ar•~~ro,., I ~~1 ""•'• ~· -r •• , • ...... t. '• ....-A 4••• I • ....... , ·~ ~ .... l ............... , c. '~''1 ttot ....... "'... • ... .... ._ d •••i • ~ ......... 4•4,•• I a • ., ..... flf."' .tAl.--•• f 1.... <fl '' t""'- Co"4'• C\ttdl 1 U'• """ C" ~~•• I•A 1\ ~~ 'l·~··h .... 1\J 1" • .... ' lt' • ·-~ ... f'-• ,.. .. ,....,, ..... tq .... f llo I N~1("' - Tlclun luformadou: 833-e&17 01 IXJ..ee14 ·-n. .... y .. ltah" by Geotoe ~­ etrod 8:30 p.m . Friday end Seturday at W•b,...,..., ComtnunJ.. tv Theetre. 7712 Meple Street. W..unifwtllf General edrni.eion M . special retes for Mniors and groups Reserva· ttons: 996-4113. ''Ptrouett.•• . an or~gtnal pfay by Rtchard Medugno runs 8 p m Jan. 21·23 at UCI'a Fine Arts Village ThMtre, HH 161 . r~eketl are t3 ~neral. $2 students In· formation: 833-8671 . PVaUCWOnc& ncnnoua~ IIAMit IT AYIMDrT r-.. t~JoUow\·~~ ......... ,. o. .. ~ b-.o-.. SUift>AJia ICAJIAGJ WDfT SYSTDCS t7JII Ntcl>oiA No I[ HwaiiMi to• a-e~ Co tllto&7 l letf'l• l S.••uoe 2010 M.a .. "• Oun c-• ._ C A ~ ~­ L '•"eo 1019 L.oO.. C..u N- Ce ~~ Tlll • ~w..,..... • co-.d .. .:-'*1 a, • ~...,,. p.ar .. ,.tJ P $.q,.,ed 14•••• I S•r•• ,. t\ • •'• ... f'l •N hl.d wl\~ , .... C ,. • .., c-.,. :;~1 o, • ., .. C41wl'ltt " leo • l'illl Pt.~bh•h ••~'! JC n r.a. 1 ao 1~ " Th• N•wpor1 &o.,tQn ' 81 (J6l Nl10e ......::~ ILiiiiOW-- U..Il&n.rr n.. lollow-. --~ -.. ~ PV11. P1IO CI:MOIIS LTD 1T77 I CoM Kooy s.., .. I Co,_. ._. W.• CA 12125 a..~ c--1ac • c.wo ....... .... ,.... •• ,_ 1T77 r c-H., ,..,,. I Cor-.. dol W&r C. a12S T..._ --.. co.ot..ctootl b, o ........ "" ......... JI' ...... A.l.u H.~oa.r-........_, a-.., Coe ... __ T\. ..... aJ ... w.d .\.. • C:O.an O.•• ol 0.•-c ..... ., • Ok l4 1.1 ,....._. , .. ' IJ 20 n t'ill2 ... r ... ....._laooQo rl79l51 ND50 PUauc.-ona riC'TIT10VS 8CIIUIESS NAJtt ST ATDIDIT ft.· t<,t"'-·•lf'tQ ,.,.... .,. ,j .... q ~~··•-" Ntw WO~LO lltTIIIIIA fK,)HAl 4 .. f5(1 V ,. lat.,..• A·• s.~,• •~ N•·~ ,. a.... 1t CA ~ D .. • D .... ,., ..._. c;.,_•-"• N••~: ,. a.. ..._ CA G~ Heu ~ H•• .._.. G~our •·'• N. .. ~,, e..~ C A ..,.h60 K.r•den•~ot• t , H.-~ l), .... l •. , .. ". h .. ._," .. • • ·n~ -t k , • s."" .. .d ""-••·" o TI\L• .... ·-·"' •oW I .... • " ~ t OtaD~• (" I' r; lot I t1 "~!.; n fl.• lll..wa:, 1 l ·~· f .~1 .... l'fl • PVKJC !lOne& PICftliOUI- U..IU......,., n.. lollow--••• ...,...., ---•) ~ tc'HOOl. ~ ~ a.) .U UUOII GAU.DT 3710 ~·· 0.•-....._, a...c. c. ..._. Sc ...... ol ,.._,...,.., -• c.wo. ... ...,........._ •lit s c-o.... llo> [I OJ ................. ~ CA Ula TU ••-• ,.....,....-....~ e .. • o1 pv••' a Stq....:t A1 ~ ,.r .. .t•~t M••PN' St .. o-ol .M ,llloi~IIO••P"' t.e n.. ....-.. .. , ... h-.d .. "' ,...., c .... ., c .. ,. ; o .. ~ c ........ , 1f. Cl.. II .... , ~.bot.• J.,. ~ IJ JO ..... , ~ 1'1 r .. N.....,. ~- ' i!OCT.'9 N~ rva.c; ..OTlCI f'1C'TTnOUa IIUIIDtiSS IIAJG ITA TDID'T Th• .. u ..... ~q ,:.t--.. ., • .,,,"" b .... n-., P~ISTIGI PfiODOcn & Wh• ...... •'•' Dr•v• Cor.._• d.t W•t CA 9'~~ • .. t. ... s---. .,.. K•••" ~" 0.~1 •• c~,." .. eM• ...,., C'A ~""" .._._ Jit•• ALM• ~~...... 6 W,. •••~• t)t, •• C4t •• 1• W.e• C A "-"1" T\• ~~,._...... t N.i ·~ ~ .... ,. , .............. , ~ . ., ... , .. ••... T\,. ••• ~..... •• ~1 ., ... Lo"'•'" Cl.tt ···~ 0.. lB 111111 Jl!•bhe.& 0... lO lu ~ I~ ·• n.. N•wvo·•' t e••\IO ,.1'9 .. 1 PVKJC IIOTlCI ncnTIOUI......a& U.ITA ra.JI'T r.. ~ ,..ftll) ...... ..$ ··~ -.. ()()U)I)fW1ST con CON:PAKT .,.,., ~ w-w-• ..-CA u..l T..,. I ... _ h ,..., S...c:t.tw.,..od w., .;..,..,.., c A 10110 S!4l1 ....... MCII ..... A-...__. ....... , CA \M.I n.. ......_,._ .. -.d .... ted b• • ..,...,.., ... ,...........,... ,s..q... :. •• ... ... n.. ........ ,,...,. •. ., ...,.. Co.af'11 c-.,, ·t ~.,.... ·•, o. • ..... J .............. r.. f. tl 11 I"' M.i .• n..-......."' ..... ••eoc.. )fU~ PVaUC .-onca f'1C'TTnOUa IVIIWtSS UJCij IT A TDI£II'f Ttw , ... f~•·tl\o ...-.... 1 • 1 ~ •• ~-., IALklA aAT '~ >Pill TTIS • ._,.. ~ ,-...._ .. H..., '~•••""'' ... \, -.-•."11'41 l • • t At ,.., ..... .,., .. C .. litl•wf'l' I ._ • \'A "~' r-,, ...... j ·-• ~· , ....... . " J ..,. 1 ....... ,4 ,, .. ,,...,., tt-~ .. ···~-.... I ··" ....... ._,,.., IJII• l .. ,.,l.t,_,, ("'-at• I -.,.fto,. '"'""'' •• •• ,. 8 J~ .... ... ..-. ,.. I• ,, n ,., , ...- ... "Ot..~r·l • ...,,. nMr•· "IM~ .....:MmCI 'ICIIIIOW~ U.. IT& ftllllrf n.. ............. _ ........... h.,_ •• ~~IIIIa COL TOW XI • c ...... t._,_. tt........ ,..,..,....... X'llol ...._.."_ c ..... o. ... ~-14\ h ··-CA ma s..,.,. ••· u '••••••'•• "•••• C A tl' I' ..... .!> .... &... ~" .......... A .. "-• y,.,. CA I ....,. ..,.,,.. , ....... _.. o..-..... 1"' .. a...ra. CA n .• .__ • .............,. ..., • ................ ~ .............. n-n. ... _-._ .... .... c-., o." .. o.-c ... .., -Do. .1.1 ........... Dow :ao '-• ll • .... no..._ ...... nl"bn - fLRIW:W-~ L•• •••u••• Plawt I II wll .... the Califomle ....... of ''Romentlc Comad(' by e.rr.cs sa... Show ooena Jan. 22 and witl run Tue.illf'l through Setu~ unti Feb. 13. Ticer..ta .... enc:tte.~ ....a743 or .. 8021 . ..,..~.,... nw.e·· by Fet8CliC Molner. on the South Coast Repertory Malnstage, 8 p.m Tuesday ttlrough Satur· dey. 7.30 p.m Sundays and weekend matinee~ at 2:30pm. Tlckeu are ttS-.10. SCR BoiC Of. flee: 967..-nl. ..... FICIIIiOWI ..... IUUIItiTA~ ra. ...,.....,.. -........ b....,_ u 800 PAifnllliS ,JOt 0..... ,. s... ... ,., -.... .. a-e• CA t2MO , .... D Ollot.MII l lOI Do·· " s .. , .. 110 ... "'11'0 .. a-e .. CA i2titO t.. C s.,.,..,. I'Nl' f1tc._ ~~••• UIIJ h•,rw C. 91114 n.., tJV!•·fl'._ • ~t:tGdwet.O laY • q.-...,. p.eHM .,..," S.q..... '~ 0 01)o..._ •• r-....... ... ..... ~ ••• t.e.d •• ,a , .. c ...... c~,. .-o..-.. c ........ h ... l<o• ll ..... l'vtl....,_ I• 1( l' , ... I l( 1-.J tft Tk pC..,p.. r [-.. qr ,...,., PU8LIC IIO'T1CI lft.tlut ncrmoua IUSIJIED RAitt IT A 1"'::IPT r • ~ ~~.,".., ~,. • .,. doo.04 ...__ .. Ntwl'OIIT IIAC H HIAfll IIIG AID '"DITIJI tfit.IO W C - H• "'••pe•· .... rtl CA ~1t4J Cow ..... H.,. tHJ Atd S.n,.;• Ia.; c~~~ .. ..,..,,,,. , .... ,... Oi w c~ ~c""'"f""A 1."'7 Tb .. t>-,,._...., • vnd111 •.0 ~ .. • PG'•'~'' s • ..,,ed t..o.u ... St• w .... a. Pt .. -4~ C' •·"• H_.,_., "'"" Aod s,..,., • lar r~ • ,,. ••• C'~··· c.,. of 1.-d • .. "-• .... ~. ..~·· "' ••• ~ 1"110 P..t-t-• II. n '•• • • T!-1• N•-r •• I ..:a• f l ..,.. ,.,, 'fl f'Va.IC 110\'lCE 'C I I liOua auJIIii:U IIAJGITA~ n.. lt>lk>..... -.... ~ ....__ u L&Aa&M 8110 1111 S'T'STDCS 240 ......_. c-... o,.,.,. s-XlO ,...,_, .._. c. IQIM) ~ S....e• Corporetto• • c.wo..... --·-240 ....._ • c-o... .. s. ... .JOO ..........., a-e• C& llMO ~ ~ • C"'o.d~ bot • f"'f ,..._ ,..,.... a-..ld 0 N,,_ c l 0 ........ ,.,.__ Co<r> n.... .......... • .... bJ.ed ..,., .. \ .. C~t'Y C"-"' oe O.eaot CCl<tot.ofl (iO t ... 11112 ,.......... r.,. • aJ 20 r 1 ..... no...._ • ._. ,1_ lfll« ,.,..; III011CI PiCIITIOUI- 111"* aT&n.:.T n.. ...o..-w.. -......... ~>••••••• TIIAIISWOII L.O WAUJ:TlMO 474 l 171\ So S..r. lll& c--CA ..a7 t.ll 1 C..... In I 11.--a.. A.. .._, .._ .. CA "*1 a.. ""-• I~ Saa t-, __ .,..., CA oanQt ,........ ,_ 1521 • s.-···-s-... ,. ... CA.,... n. .,_,..__ .. ,....._..,.. h • -· .... -...... S..,ood • c., .• n... .......... .... tu..J ... , •JW c..,.,.." c .. ,, .Qif C"tt-··~ ct' .••• , Do.:-2t 1._ I .... bl.... 0. )() l.on 6 • t It JM.l •• T)t. H•wpt"f' r....,. fl~'t71 lfiU rvauc ..onca roc 11 noos IIOSDIISS II.UC ITA nliDIT Ttw ~r~.r-... ,......,.. .,. • u-;J o"-'••,.. •• llN"Nll n.L.S (.i.l <'lUP ...'78t• lJ L.... l...IJ_.,.. H Q-.... 4 iltn 4•o V [I·• 1n.: ,. C.-.,k.•• ... '"""''•'"'"' n. K'"o• c-.. "'""'""· " c.t..Jo.,.... 'P'! ~·'·f"• Thu ~~·~n._ • ndw ,_. I • • g..,.., .. o•••..-•••"'' S·o•"'Ci T,.,. IC P ·-c: c." It "" • , ... ~. tt... • •··~· ... ........ • • ... •"Ot' c f'Va.IC ..ana: lfOnc& (K ftVSTQ'$ IAL£ T SIIo iDl!M T~· c.u..#'l .. ..,.,,.. ........ 0. ,._,..,." 1:9 191J •• ~ c. ... SICUIIrTT Aun:D ~VJCIS .. J• • ~ t,, ........ , ....... ...... , tQ o..-.1 .. r, ... rW"O,.... )•o • ,_,... •• '116 ·~ 1\rlllKo -•c<lt Otto.... .......... • -ott-.• ,, ,..._ c.~..._..... "-'rvrct.t 4 o,,.... C'~,.~.,.,h s.... of C ... I,Jnr••• WlU sru AT ruauc Aucnot~ rt;• HIGHIST 8100111 JO~ C'AJH ~···· • ..,.. "' .... ~ u. .... ._ ... of ,...., U• ..., St.--.\ ... ,..,_ tn~• ..., .... Jilr'l ''"-w o • ...,. c..,. .... c .. ~ .. -* .. _. """ s.... • ... ......... f"'':f .....,_,_ Stc--•~·· 5tor..,. •ad ,.......... '~., .. A.. .... "" ..... .. .:1 ,.,. •• ,., ....... , ........ -=--........... "0 t..d ... o-._..,._.. ............... o-4 c.f TnMt 1a ..... ..,...,"' ..,.._. ,. •t4 tc.,. •• ~ .. d s.-.._......... .. A •'-•~ &tot•• ,.. .... lo Lol Ita I ... r.-"" ~ ..... c ... o1 ......_. .... .. C•vo•• ' o. .... ,..,,. •• Cakto•••• •• ._ .. -• .. , ~ ._.~......., ..... 110_)48o...,JIIi ~ ................. ... .... c-~ ........,,., ... o.._ c-• ~ c .. w.r..r..... c.....-~ • ...,..., • -... ..., A.. ~· 1.) _ ....... en· ,..._ It•~.. C'o • w_. Vu .. , ... Co'1""f•''~"" • .._.,. .... la.abor .. W.... C• •• ~ ,.....,4o4 0<-< l 1M3 •• ....... 1741 -S7 e1 01 c.n.t -. .... o1 o.-c-··· c.Jo~o> ...... ,.... ..,..,. ...,.,_ .... ,. ...... ,..,. --................. ,. o4 .... .... . ...................... -.... ._ .... ,. M -1 ......._ .. .._.,..,, ~.. . .. n.. ...... , __ T-._.....,. .. , .............. ,~ ...... ~ .. ...._...,. __ ... __ . .. ..... ,_ ............. ......... S.. ...... -tl .. ... lool • di<>oOI ) . ----~ -----_,_,____ -------~. ~-- ... II W.f•n lb7. JcmOGrY to. 1-The Mewpott p -.... ...... ••••.a.. ~----.. -·-· &lr*" • ... .. a:ltiM ~-............ ..... ............... _. ... .... .................. ,... ... ... ........................... _ .................... .................... _ _.. ... 1Wt_ .... -.... ... ~ .......... ..._ .... ,__..__.,._ ..,_ ...... ,., ............. ....... ,... __ ....,.. ._..,.,__. t I .... ,.. ___ .. _ .... ..... Aflwl .......... .._ ...... .. ,_..,_ el ... --fwtlkia ..... ..--.......... ~. ............................ ~ . _ __. ............... , .. ...... ..ay .................. .. ~I • ~,.,.... .. .... -·· ... ..,,.... ..... . T .... .,. ... _,__ .................. ,..,_ ..... ................... ,...........,. .. ......_... .. _., __ _ -...... ~. PA a. .. 4. ...._. .,._, CA -. !71tl ... ,.,., . ,_ ~ ..., .....--. .,.. ._.._.a..,_ ..... ..,.... _.,.._., ........ _, ....... ._... ,_ ...._ • ._.TOO MAY LOU LIQIL -.s W '109 DO IIOT TMI..,..n acnc:a IIOnCil Of' DO'AUI. y liOTICI 1:1 IIIUIT GIVDI TW '""' Aaenc ... 1\de '-•-C.. .... , ... --· 10 .... , _ .... Tr-........ .A.IIIKI-o..cl ol '""' .koed , .. ...,., 2!1. ,., -~ b-r Lot. I b.d.. u ,.._mod -·· .. ,,_,, .... _ ol Alaoa w•ttu.,, •• ., ........ ,... ........ u .......... .,. ,..,......,. , ....... .., 17. 1!111 .. -........... 114Sl ... .....,. llti!O -152, ... Olbt:...t .._.clo ... "'"' a.-ol ta.. Cowory "-clet ol Or•Qq• Co•nty, C&lllo,..... _.,..,oq, •-•q orll•• obloqao-•, One (I) All t.cl ... ••• oOie(t) lot 1Jo. oroqtul ..,. ol SICJ,OOO 00 , ... , •h• bee•hc~al war_, •eel•• ouell o..cl ol n-altd ,.,. oOb q•t.oa.t MC•~t.d thereby •r• pr .... lly ...W by oho II.O.raqaecl, ,.._, • ltotMCito ol, •ncl doolowh uo, 1Jo. oWAqoo,..... loo .~uoc .. t.Ch o..cl ol ,, ..... _ .. ,.., hM OCC'Ii!lff'.d ..... j p.a, .. nl ~M -« bMa _..,. ol n.. _,,. aao,..o.ol MjlliiJ bale ... ..a..c~ ...., ... .u ..... .... peyablo -..__ ... , 17. 1!111, .. , .... _ ·~ ................ ...., ............... ~.,_. ,,_ ........... . ,.._tbyr_,.._,_, IM~ ... ........ .... .. ..,..., ...... _ .. o..cl ol T ........ _....., ...... Mt....... 10 ... od d~ly _.,.., Tt..... • wnUM Decia.rettoe ol D.lo•l• .... Dotoao.ad lor .... .... .... ..._ .... ••tlo ............ _ .... r ... -twch o..cl ol ,, ....... .u doc•••••• ••Mieec-tao obhQ•ho•• ............... ..., ........ ~larecl ..., cloM lo•r•by ti.clare .U -oaev.-d .... , ............... ,., cl ....... ,..,.w. ...-a.., .len4d _. ... .........,elect IO <:o-I ... ,,_ -riJ 10 110 ...W 10 ..... ,, Ill• ""'-•---eKII.rod ... ...., O.o..-o.c. .. t:., I I !ill ,,,., A. .. rc.a T.U. a...r•ac. Co. paoy t C•blora>a corpor•l-. by J ... I\Jno L ww,.., Awohot....l 01 ·-· P11.bl>tll lan IJ, 20, 21 '•I> l, ltl2 a.n Th• N••port l .n14q-o KI6IO PUIUC IIOTICE ncTmOUI IIIIH'ISS N.UU 11'ATIIRI'T Th.. tu'k •••Q ~,.,.... ate do~.»•nQ b • ., ... ,. •• THl llAII FACTS 1~0 p .... , Lf.c ••~ .. ,qar. N~tt a..c-e. C • 926>r0 l'lvo• l fo"l.. I~ Poo• W. a •l..qh Newpot ...... II C• 9:Mi60 l•t.• t u •• ., D•ll• 1 "' Port L«hle .... ~ Pia • H.•rott lo.t " C A 9.1W) s .... tt.. ......... ~7 a.,....\.-v« S N••pott ~h CA ~ £d •• s •• ,., 1011 T lie• C<oro .. d.' W..t ( A 9~ U.r"• 0""''•' I""" P · l.«hleoQ~ N••por• 1'1-r• CA •2640. s-.. YVWft\1 717 l'oppy Cot "" .l•l W.oo CA 92625 T'-.. l·• "...,. • 9f'd w.c •-cf by • ~·'•I c.•'•"'•r•t.1p S.q•ed N ... n• l '··~ TM •••'•,.•tt* ••• J ~ ., h j""' c ...... rt cw.~o ' o, •.. ~. c ..... y "'" I an • I '1117 p,JOI!'-h J•t• ICJ 11 f•b t ~0 191.2 tn Th• Hr•c10rt lt~t.•q" fl~l~7 Nll>76 .-.:.o~~C~~ N:IIIIOIIi-.... ~ """ ........ ,_-..... ~ -,.. 1'ICII:IT ~ 11C* • .._ 1.~ -....&. ..... AH. ..... AM. CA IIXI7 ....._ ,.._ ........ ~ •. c.. w-.CAazr • ..._....._...,.. ftei.I* ...... Or .C.... ..... CA ... .,...~.~~· ...... ..-...... ............. ......... ,... __ .,..,.. .. . o-r a..ta .. 0.-c.... -O...~tttl. ~ ata.a.n.,.,..,,llla ..,,......_.._ Pl~ !~.a PVIUC II01'IC& 1101'tCII Of' ftiM1'EI'IIALI , ......... 0. ,......,.,., s. t812, "'i.lS •• ' 1'1TU SDVlCIS, ., ci..Jy Afl>Oint..t "-...... ad .......... ) 10 o..d .. T-_...., Alt9WI 25, ltiO, .. •• .. ,.. -· ........ 13114, -1117, .. OltiC'MI 11 .... 111 U.. .U.C. ...... o....ay ~ ...... el o.-eo....,, a.-... c ......... _ __. by J()81t I l.OCIWI acl PATIUClA W LOCUli ... ...-...... _. ••• will .... ,..w.e_ .. .....,._....., lot OMII. (Joey...._ .t -ol ..a. ta ~.oor~~o~_., .. ~. u ....... a.a.)"' ... ·-eatr...W. 10 ... .w Ot-eo....ty Cow~ ............... .. A-.. ......... _~--... .......... ,.. a.-"--· Cahlo ..... .. nqkt, !We .... -_...,.... to .... -...-c~~ ............. o-4ol ,.,. ...... _... ................ .. c......, .... -----na...t-Lat 7 1a lloclo 45 ol IIYD 8IC T10N, ...... c..., ... ~ ....... c-• .., "' a.-. au. "' c:.w..-.... -~ .. ....,. .. ._ 25 o1 w...,.~~u....,, w.,... 1o11 .a.. 01 ·-ol t.lo.o eo ... ty llecorclet el ...., Couary Tl>• ott ... ..wr-dCI oilier ...,.. aoa "--· II any, ol , ... r-.1 p&-rry ~ .tao-10 potpOrtod to be 114 ..0. Sl..-t, .... port ... c~. c.J. ........ S•ucl ..lot WlU W e..!., bvl wotloo..l eov.a&at or ••rr•oty~ ••J>•-ot ••· phod, -dta4 lllle, -· Ot •~abtaooe. to pey th r•ca.e.uu•q pn~pel .... ol ,.._ DON(•) _,.,..., by .... o..d ol ,, ... ,, Wltlo w ...... ,.,.._.., ao provtded ta ..,.j -e(•) ..,_ ol uy, ..,...., tloe --ol u>cl o..d ol ,...,.., '-· ct...r-...., n-ol lh• T.-.... ol ll>e ..... c ....... by .... o..d ... ,, .... n.. toW __, ol .... .....-! baluce ol tloa ..Ohq••-_ .. ,... by .... ,_,.,., 10 be .......... -w. _,.., c-t ... ,..._ aad eel· YeocN 6J I.M t~ fit ta. ....... """"'"'-ol .... ""'-... s..te .. sn 9t:/167 ;{.; ....... >CWO" ode> ...... o..cl ol Tr\MII a....-..oto,-. ea.ec"ted ....t d.l•• ..... 10 .... ....t.._.. .... ··-Ow.l.ret-ol Dooolallll a.cl O....U )or Sale, ...... ,.. ... ....._ ol .,..,.. .... ud iDee'~-lo S.U n.. ................ n..-d __.., ....,.,.. ol O...~h ud II].., '-lO $ell IO be .-dec~ Ia tJoe COli& ,, ...... tloe _,_..., .. loc ..... O.le o.c...bet 2!1, I !Ill T.U. s...-......... T.-... SO. Saalo w-.c. ll.d , Mo 406, S..IA Woa.c:o CA 10401, (213) X).3711 l y &.tloleM n.o.-. v-,,..,.., r..l>halo , .. 11, 20, n . t812 .. n.. .....,_,a-usoe Nllll PWUOIIOTQ nctn'IOUI-'I!Aiai'I'A~ n.. lollowiD9 -lo .._ b........ ao IDD PAHS AIID ASSOC1A1ts. IU W ley A .. ~ CA aNI ~ Pow P.rka, 115 W ley A .. , a.u-. CA GIIJ n. ......_ .. coad__, ..., .... dMdMl s.,..d u-zd, ....... n.. •-• -I.W wot~ t1oe CooUtty 0...~ ol o.._ c ...... oy oa 1 .. 4 1C ""w.a 1aa 6. tl ao. 21 acoa .. , ............... ._. rtl00a5 NU$7 PVIUC IIOTICII: nc1 11'10Cta IUSDIISI IU.III£ ll' A 1'DIIJIT n.. ~ ,..,_ .. olo- ..... -.. II H W Q.ICTliONIC$ 2MJ5 ao-..._ v .. .., c. ~ lolu<4, tc. ... Wlllo It »4J5 ...,_. ....._ v,..., CA 12112 n.. .......... • coaducted by •• lD d ... 4....t S..,_.., Ao!.ucl K Wille It r.. ~ ...... 1 ... ha.d •• ,h t ... CNaoy C'l.r~ ol Oraaqo C-••Y .,. .... 1812 ""-bholl , .. 13 ao n reb 1. IC "' n.. lf<twpon lao.qn , 110577 N!666 .....:.,... IW:IIIWIIW- IIoUell'A,_, ,.........._.,.. __ ....,. ...._ • C'U NAlDTWO 110 ._.c-.. o.n. . ....., D ....,.,. ...... CA _. 1lttot C.• .... a...odi ..._.._ C:• • C.W.r ""' -.... .. -. 110 ....._, C...o O.tw, a..,. *ltD ....._, a..th. CA .... Tl>a "--....... ~ by • ---..... ,.... c 0.. h .• ft ....... C.. ........... A4ftnWll4 c: .. ~--......... ~ .... c .... l, Cloer .... o.._ -· .. Doe a . I .. , ~ ..... 1aa ao. n rea. l. 10. tiN oaT~N·,.~·•Iaatta "7¥:.112 1117» PVIUC 110l1CZ PiCT1'I'10Ua-aAMIIl'&~ no. ......... ,._ ........ ""-.. vrrn l:liVIl.OfWDIT (X) • 4041 NKAr•·· lh4.. ... 110. ................ CA 111110. VUII a..l ....... ......-w. .• ~ owpol...... 4041 w..Aitlte.~ ...... ~ .... 110,-._. ......._ C.IIIIIO """..__ .. ~ ~. -· --...... """'-r M VIMI, ,_,._., VIMI a..l ...... ......,.._ Utll n... --...... wttlo .. eo-ty Cloed .. o.._ c..,., - Doc a.. t•• ~ MIL I. IJ, 20, 27, IC " no...._. ...... Pl?lal ~C-.. N&ICIIO'ID fiCIIIIOei- U. aTATD81rT n. ........ -......... ~---at POWOIIA AVP\11 DVIJI, LTD • 3 o.r,.o...ao ,_, Drtw, aw.. 100, Mewpon leedl, CA a.>: A1oaa L "*-· 3 CoopotMo ..... Dn ... SotMe 100, ....._, ..... ~~. c.eaao n.. ~ 10 o...c~..., .... ..., • llaJ...t pe~taoorelup ....... Alea L .u.-n.. ••-• ... bLoc! wlllo 1M c-.,., a..ta o1 o, •• qe co....., - lu 4,1812. ,......... , .. 1. 13. ao. 21. l812 "' , ... ....._.._. PliOOM ,... I'VIUC IIOTO ncnnoua- u.n&TDallf n.. lollowtat ,._ ... obaq ....._ .. ll1'll.AMD SAil .... MAADINO, liMO S. a,_. A ... ~ A. a-M Aa.a. C. tll70a-4470 N,.... l'edhc l!MO S. Gruel A.... a-M .... c. ~10; ....... lA&o..ooi, liMO s a. ........ s..u. .... c. tnps 4470; Pl>u s.,~. stn Q&eat..-A .... ..__..,C. ,. ..__ .. .,........... ..., . _ ... ~ Sa.-1 ... a. ..,..,_. ~. H,.......Peclbc n.-.... hloociwttlot.lo.o eo....ty a... ol o.._ c...r, - Doe ll.l.l ~ laa I, 13. 20, 27. IC .. "'-~'-" ,,.,.,. NUI2 nc;;sw._.. u.n&TD81rT n.. lollowloot -........ l>u••-.. ITA '1'1 COUIGI NIJoGollft. liMO I Graad A" , loUie A, S..te Au, CA N7QI.4470: 0..... T_....,~ l77'CI .............. r- lala v.u.,. c. t:nol; ''"'"' ~. tea ~-.... Orcle, ·-V&IIey, CA ~. H,.._. .... . ..,,.._, 11540 I Ck...t A ........ .. A ... CA anot-4410. n... .._ II coe410C1oeel by • _... pe~taoo.rolup ..... I• H)Oit>OC. n.. -·-....... ..w. .. eo....ty ONto ol o..._ Coeaty "" o.c ll.l.l • ,......... ,.. ' ll, X) 27 1812 .. n.. ......... ~.u~o. Pl11017 lfDI3 PVILIC 110l1CZ PW::fiDOGI,._ U..ll'Aftlmrf no......._-........ .._ .. .usn::. DfVDI'T1IIQ AIID MAA.D11NQ t~. 1101 ...... . D • ....,.., ...... CA taD PHI ·-P....._ ltll 1,. Sl • • D. ............. &..CAGIIl no......_._... ..... ~ ... lot ......................... ._, ........ ,. -· -loW ......... Coaary Clerlo ... o..._ c....., - 1 .. 4, 1812 hWialtt ..... ll 20, 27, 1812 Ia n......._. ...... P110017 IIIMI ..-...:~ iW:IW:W ..... lloUeln1D<i n.. .................... ...... • &OU. ,.., ~ ·~ ..... &..-A .... ............... ~-..... ...... o...iNa•· .Joe o...w .. w. • ... '* .... ......, ....... CA ..._ D P ......,._, II M.11 ..._..,on..,c..-.. -....CA ...... ...... ~~~.-........ a.-c.--........ c. ... .,...., L a ...... 211 .__ C• .,.. ..... c.-41tMN.CA ... .....,, ............ .--. •· an-. e-.-w... c.-. ..,_,A "'-· tla..., a . ..... ~e...II.CA~.n..lhll eo-,. 4410 v. c.,_ A ... """'"" loooo<ll. Co U110i a 0 O.lto """· It I II ..... , So .... AJ10. Ce $430! Woftl.a T ........ IJOte C"•be<laftd On... S.r-e, CA 8110?0. CMorqe 119boo•lo, 3791 ll.tleloa Av. • KolWooN, C.• MOIO, ""boorl Churcll, 1:142 ..,..._. o,.,.., S.. '-· C• 115125. C'-a.. T lJI_. 104.3 hrlo•uo•. Pele Alte. C. MJOI, O.....t .....,_, lnl .... o.. ... c. ... bell. C• leOOI. ......1.16' L ~~~~ l 102$ ........... o ..... c.... .. -. c. ~. loll• w ...... 125 ...... o. ........ I<M• C.-11 C• 11'10111, Doe· ... I -.eWoorcl. 512 ... ,._ Wn S.e '-· C. IISID O....W L a.-r !1044 ···li..W ... s.. '-· c. tsta. u..... o a., • ..,_, 1.101 loriMI Co..>t. S.e '-· CaiiSIU "''" "'--.. .......c.... ..., . _ ... ,..-,,_....,. ~ T...,.h L Sir.cler, a.... ... ••- n..--hW•••.,•Jo. eo....ty et..k ol o.._ Covalt - laa 15 IIG ~. 1.. 20 27 '•II l 10 1111 •• n......,...rila- Fl81oe.3 Nl7l$ PVIUC IIOT'ICI -..... ~-...-a~ n.. ...._.,.-· ... obaq b-• COIICICA W • a. NO. l, 2501 .A.Itoa, lnllle, C• 12714; .._ .. _Co., 250! ~. 1,._, C A 112714, U S Gruo CO<P • • C&ldDrala -·-· 4000 w....Ar· ...,.., ll.d., .... 4000 • ....._. ...,.., CA13110 l\lo ......_ .. coe4..,.... by • _ ................... &.q:aaci. a. ... Go.~Mo. ~.u.s. a, ... , Ce><p l\lo ... _, -liW .......... eo....ty Cledt ol Ot-eo-oy • Doc 11,1!111 . hAI!oa: Doc 30, ,... •• 13, ». 1812 ... no. ale ....... ._. ,.,., lfDa4 PVW.IC IIOTIC% f1C'ITftOCJt IOSIIIDS UMaltATDGIIT n.. lollo .... , ,..,_ .. d<>tll<l b-.. DCSIGN SYMDfCAft 110 .......,... .. c ..... o. .... Nowpofl a..c• CA t2te0 lob C Coa It 1.301 Ouu-r Cor-del W.• CA tlW5 n. bv.~U-.. C"'OCCY<'4ed .,... •a 1ft cio•.d...J s,q.,..t lollo C Co a lo n.... -·~· ... t.'-'d ..... tMo C"""'Y CJ.rk o1 Oranq• c.,...,, o" Doe 28 1911 ....blwll J.., 20. T1 Fob l 10 ltl2 •• n.. Mowpon """"• rt 19:' 13 N 1725 PVIUC IIOT'ICI ra;JUKIM- U.atAJDalit n..~ .............. ....._ .. CLASSIC IMAGIS. _, ~ St., s..u. , ... ..._. ....... C. ...,, w..na.. A llocloaAa. aa. c...,. 11 .• ......,..."~c. aaeo. l\lo ""--.. coe4oocoed by .. Ia• ,.,,,,. •• ~, lie•.cl. w •• u.. A Siocl>aaa n... -· ... liW Wltlo 1M eo-ty Cleot ... o.-c-ty -,_,S,IC. hWialo· Ju 1, 13. ao. n . 1812 ~o n..llewport ...._ FIID:ZU NIIM PVauc: JIOTICE ... .,417 P'IC1U10al aoiiDIZA IIAJU ll'ATDGIIT n.. lollowu.q P"... .,.. •••q b--.. 1M 6 OUT PHOTO UIOVDSlTY PAU., 11041 C.t .. , It •-. C A 11271S: Dt••• ..... _. • Cab lou.. cocpoool-ll 112 ~. a.-L.q.u MMI ... I CA tal77 T'-a. r..u..a.-.. ~ by • C"Or po,.,..,. S_..t lloo;,.r ' (Jqo- Swt-t~ Dq, .. '-'-'1>'-n.. ... ..... "' ... tu..d •• ,h •h• c-.,. ca..~ o1 o.._ c...... .. lu 14, IC '-Wt•)l J .. ¥1 T1 r.a. l 10 IE .. n....._&. .... fli08SS MD27 I ATTORNEY IPERSOKAU SASSY LADY lliCIIOOI.I. ----=li_BE_A_U._'I'B __ _ DIITaUCI... LOSI WDGHT NOW. SFLORISTS SPECiAL CARl -w,u la.ke ••~rt care ol your houae planla C•ll Peqoy, 966·9173 ROGER C. 1'VIllfEa l.ncorporallOa.a, ~lent. and bll.llll-matten 548-5149 Be U.. hnl l.ll your circle of fnend.J to boet tlail S..., lAdy Hoaae Pa.r1y 111 tiM pri,.cy ol your home Adull loya, 9••••· lohoa• -d lmoene. Geaero~&a l&oet olft.. for • party elate, call Palllliot, 848-3866. PRITTY. SWALL BLONDE LADY. or•· LOY& WOIIKDfG willa 10 1o 29 lhe. ill 30 daya dwdrea? Tram for a or yo1u S31.7S lor 1· le•chill9 ca r-r at -th'a npply retuq. ROtlloo lut.itute. Fel· ed. C.U liDaAUn lowab1pa •va Uable. dittrlhulor, WidoeUe, ReoiJt.ralloD c:~ Jan. 645-5423. 22. 1882 831·0961 . BOrHDED BY LOUD 162·5526. ..... from airport, PRIVATI rRINCH JJ.wa.,., Jolld auk:, leuoM w1lh native b&.rki.ra9 docp ot moriD9 French peraoa. C.U tpc>u..ea? Sol'we )'0\lr alte.r6 p .m., 551·1219. Aoae p.roblea DOW. Call 10\U 11Mrla9 ~ 6 ANNOUMC£.. MENTS GOING OUT OF BUS I NESS-M&r y Kav colimellcs •I lwtlt pnc• C•ll Jono,&40 8855 9 PERSOMAJ.S ABORnON AHD FRD preou.ACY t..t1.D9: Per· -onal and conftclellbal care. Low 1.. lncludea eoun•lino. Jab t•ta. suroery, aaedlC&Uon and polt·operallve •••m. General (aala.p) or local a.oeatheea ava.U· •ble ReJerra.l lor band· ••d sler l lllahon (l•m•le), vaaectomy (aaale), and !.te a.bor· lion proeedu...-w.da· Cal and maurance ac:· c:epted C.ll Calitorru.a Preqnanc:y Coun.atluao S.rYK:e lor i.rafonuUoa or a-ecbal• &ppoiJII· aaeral. Ia NeOl)Sjt IMc:h, (714) 752· • le s-.ta Aaa, (714) m .ll04. CIOU., -ome rDeana, bu1111-baolt~Jround, lemuune, yout.b.fu.l SO., ltvely. ca rino. loyal - -ka tall oritlem&D, 55 to 62, almllar qualiU.. flll&nc&ally MCure, Ured ol lookino. reAdy to commll hbuotU lo that apec:aa.l 1.lld y to Ita y younq wllh 5.nd f:l&ODe no lo P.O loa 1824, eo. ..... ~ APPLE SCHOOL A l&lltq'loW lMnaJ119 u · a-MK~e hlcllvidu.U Wldpf09r .... Care DJSTJUaUTOR 551·8604. 17TBA'fELI VACATIOII NIW AGI PSYCKIC Co~~Melano Put. pre· ~nl, lulure Relahon· shopa. re1nc:arn•hon. h..OOo ln·bom• par· taee. meclitahon. MU· awareneu d•u•• 631·0217 IUU GAIOI.IKE l.ocal dillt.rd"llo.r •Ill uJlbruded quohae ta All 4 orad• -d dl.eeel tu.J •I co•S*ItiM pric4fl. Pncred cl.Uy. s.t. COD w/CMIIMt"t catecll or load to kMMS c..ctil walb 110,000 c&.poe t acct. Call lob (714) 75a-Jm or Jill (213) .... ,... &.loa WktoCo. IAnoaiiEY 10 ,. f'001U) NAUGHTY L ADY &... Pm. Sorry WlM. ~ Oft.ly! c..u PecJqy, 770-51&2. PROFISSIONAL houMCleaaloq_; ''Th How to'• 6 Do'• aad l)c,Q'It of S44Hti.Q9 Your 0wa IIWA-" S.Dd $8.tS lo Ane. loaetto, 5414-C W.tout Ave • lz. PAAINTI· GJ" yo~ar via., CAml4. ela!W.reo tile cMIK• 1o edK• iMlr bo4'-PIL0'f WITH AIR· Tta• Tota ....._ ad PLANI n.eecQ Oyta9 ' ......__ .... co.a ... aloe. f.ove 10 ora ....... _,... tlt-. ...-.a ......... l lr-lraMl, ~. d.uc• ,... o, rt'ot, .... To.U.Oue. Ia IM.M 1 Uoacuabered, lloo· 1::,:;2~1~·===--:: I I TU1'0AIIIG: c ........ ••, 1 oe•re, oa .. =~~~oJ"~ lltolie -...a, V. JSO ..... baucWiy aec.,. , ,. .... to... lo ..._., tr.. ..... •... ·.:::-: ~ ~. '"· r~. , ooa· .. o•••t ladt. r...tlae. ..,.._, Ia· 31 ...... tor lrieact, ~ a.;-.ll pretica.c: ... wiJe -~~. afl•r I ~ ~. 173· .,. 1013 P I 0 r I S S I 0 N A L MUSIC UfSTitJCTIOit WOMAN, a , .... ..U· -Odu. no.__. .. ~· w.u ........ ~ .. ,..... ....., -.•••· Au . (213) ud a..ra .. •••••· ...... (213) 3ID-OLIN • THOITOW -TI\IMt, sa.-. l APPLE ICIIOOL 557-1753 ••PEtS• UYD10C& WUST SILL AJCC Mall ... ,~ ........ -boW. Rae Mel flnl .a.ota. ... ... wttll ~ tJDD ........ 9ood llloee r.t .... p&l· ty.l37..... • lSGAIAO£ ..... IUMMAQI IAU aa Mewport ll••••tary ac..-...._..,, ••· 23, ........ , .... ... ~ ........... . LOW PIICII. 1""7· .w.. ............ ................ ...... ..-...... c.. . .................. .... lftcl,ey, .... 1 ·30 ..-.:.,.. IUCU I tel-gas··· I ,......_.,...._.._. ---.0. c: ...::..-.a t 1.1041. -·ICII CIC*Nft,-,.... c-. .,...., .... -· e.. ...._CA ... a..-1.._,. a....... ...... CA-.,;0.... , ...... ~ ...... ea ... ftol. "----........ "". .-. ... 0 J ....... c..ut.. I Go... n.. __ ........... c.-.,a.. .. o.-c...... .. .... .... .......... ,~, .. ~~. ...... . """ ............... '*'" ...,. JIVII.ICIIO'I'IQ ..... .. J'1C:TJ1"'IVt ...... U. ITA'I'DIIIIT no.~---..... '"'--• riD DIV&LOPMIIIT CX*- •ANY. 4041 w..A.U.... ....... IUo Plooo .......... ~etc&.. CA a. 1-• D.Wo.Mo. 4041 ~ ......... ........ M no.., ....... ,. leedl, CA 13110 ~ ..__ • OMIIIotdeol ..., ... ................ ._ •. o.w.-. n. __ ..._ ....... C"*Y Qwi ol a.-c-..., • 1-.4,1812. .........._ Jaa IS. 30. l7, P.t. I. IC ... ~,.... JIICIIIG Ma. PVIUC II01ICI .... fL11iiOWJ__. .... ~ no...._,._-.._ ..._ •IUUit .,_CO . 110 ...._. c-~ ...... -s. .......... .._., CA _,. T- louloo. '" ......... o. . ....._. ..... I>. CA 1:1110: t.. y.,. a.._ Sit 'Wut-. c..-., W.r, CA uus n..._.~...,. _..... .......... s.o.-,_ ........ n. ... _1 ... IUod With I ... Co.,..y C'-r• ol Ot•-C:O...ty oa 0.0 21,1!111 ~: 1 ... 13, XI, 27, Peb. 3, 1812 .. n.~rtc.a..r .. Fl714ll ..... ,.,..,., .mea ...... ,...,,,.,.._ .....,..~ "'-~-.......... "--.. LVI&\S DC'IILOPWDIT PA.lTliDS, LTD .. liDO ....,_. C.tw Dr .loou•:IGI.~Ieedi.CA ..o w.,.'" ... ,., .......,._ a.... ... o.w..-......... -........... r1 c-o.,,..... •. ~ ..... ~. CAI.a n-~10...........,......,. "-""" ...,._...., ....... Dee.W c w.~. ,.......,, Wne'" ~...,. w-* n. .. _, -blecl _ .... c ..... , C'l.·~ ... o.-eo-.., - Doc ».I.J "'-bblorro ,... IJ. ao. 21 rea. J. '"' .. n.. ............. ,,.,.... Millo PVIUC IIOT'ICI PICIII'ICIIM- I!Aiall'&u.al'l' n.. lollowoat -... ..... b-.. ~lUI GaOUP PUMD I, 27112 II W.O. '-"'" lf~t...&. CA t:IIT7: t..ny V lllo, P 0 loa JUt. ,__.. .... Fe. CA 1:1017, It• ~. a.-lloodoolwt, '-"'" HJ.IIe, CA 1:11113; Jtaaaoe.llloo a,....,., • ,..,..,....., mu 11 w.o. w.v.u •..-cA.., n... ...._ 10 coadiOCioeel...,. ........... ........ ...-Siqaod "-La· .... ~ ••-• ... bled wul> 1M C-all a..• ol. Oro-eo-.., • Dac 21,1.1 ,...... o.c 30 I•• ' u ao. tc .. no. ....,...rt &a.qa PI,._ NIG PVIIUC leOTO PCIIIIOW-U.ftA,.._., n.. ....................... ....._ .. OUA.UTT CON<:anS caGnUCTIOH CO . ..__ A224. ....._, a..ca.. CA a.J CPO a. 2713, ....... .._., CA li*il): 1oM h •l AJolM,_, .,_,,., AU4, ..._...'-do, CA 1*1 CPO a.. 2713) n... ....__ .. coad_..., by .... .................... lolut •• ..J Al>irt.- ~ -... blecl W1tlo 1M c-., Qloot ... o.._ c--oy -0.0 •• ,., ......... Dac 30. ... • ll, 20 • 1812 "no.~ luiqa ,,.,.., IIJUI FIND IT IN ....:.me~~ .... IIO'bCII 06 IWIU IU&a o. ,... " &aD. • a , •. .., ... -.... I."-.. """ _._ ~ .. ,_ ........ "' ,_ _.,... .... ._.,,, .... .......... rd .. I--· ...... -.. Jtm ....... ,. . .-4D.If ~ ........ o.-c.-., e.......,..,._,.,...,c..,... lftMrh .. IWMll .... ....,._ .... .......... _........_. .. 1 .. 1 ., -··-.. _,, ...... l4j .. -lftl ... a.....a ....... • ..... e.... .............. ,... -,. .... o-4 If T.-_.. .. .,........ __ ..,,_, ....... _ ..... u...._ .... __ ..... ...._ fll ............ ,tell, At .... ..,.., 110 ..... _. c:..... o. ... Swooo no Newpqro ......., ... CA C.O •ll •h.• ne~hl, hJ ... ,_d '"'•••• C'on ••...ct to •ntl no• held t.y •I .. "ca,.• Mt4 o..cl ol Trutl •• , ... p'"""''~ '111,..1.., ·~ ..... c ... ~,, ..... So••• ......... ~ .. Lot 2S ol free~ liOO ·~ ih• t oiY ol ,...,..,,, h-k. Couely .... o..,..,.. S•••• ol Cel>6ooa.. u ,_, _, rec:onl od '" loolt llZ -• 14, 15 •"" II .. -.u.-............. olhc9 ol .... eo.. ••• ~~eocc-., ....... c ... , n. .. _. ...... _ •• Ol ........... ... ....,.... _ __. ...., -··· 1112 A .. '-w.. ......_, a..eh C A ..., a.-•-10 oloo ......... propertr _, ... o.&.latro..t by .... -.&9 ....... wrii1At 1•-, .... -...,..,.., wtl~l& 10 ... ,. "-......... p • ..,... .. _ ol ..... _.. s...t ..W wol be ......, wloc•• co.• ............... , • ...,,.. Of .............. .. '\o ...... -Ot ...-..abf•- )o ... ..., ....... ,...d ..........,. .... ... t&ie -· Ol -__ ..,. lrt ...... 0.. of T1 .... 10 Wll S-47 17101, pl .. tJo. ~ ..,, •• ...,.. C"QQIta, ••~ Mel edv~ •• th• ~~--ol tl\• ••Mt.al ~·•~n of 1h~ Mot~• o' ~ $11,174 00 n.. .. .o.,ooqn..t w• appo••""' •n4 t~u,u.d .. lt\1_..... unckr th• d..d ol ...... by • s .. .bolti•lloe okl..t A.<l ... 17, 1!111 •"" recooclecl A•t•• ao. 1!111 .. 1eal.-w .. o1 nufllbtr 21312. ~~ 14188. p-1918 ol Ofhco•l R.corclo ol Or•no• Co .. rur C•llfo•a•• Th• ~.c .. l ._.,., .. , -.t•d•r Itt. cMed of ''""' wtore -·od lo ~.., P lqqe" lor •• A•09•-no .ko.d Nay :19. I !IIQ •*' r.cord.d •• u~Mn••.ct auMbet 51 •• .....,. ·~· -li3'7 ···~· 01 ftcool ll«'otclo ol Mod ..,...,, O....t l•a,..ry 12, IC P•• Eloeo• 5150 W Crowot.o. Plac•••.. CA -.-. oaci So.,.u, lac.. 110 ....... c--Dr!... loo!M DO ,...._. -.-~. CA -· ""'--.,. ... ,_ .... w.u. , .. X) 27 ,. .. } l'illl Oft TM .... pori l.u•q• Nt722 PVIUC WI'ICZ ---PW::IIIIIOUa- U.ll'&t....-f n.. ~ ,.._ ... clo.aQ a.-. M sovniDII CAJJJOUILA DMJ..IIfG PAat1fDSlGP 110 I, .at Waclutluu ....... SotMe JCN, ....._, .._,., CA 112110. Seto Co . 4ltl w.c.\rtl>v>-...... ,..... 3CN ~ ..... ~.C.~; litH ,_..._, .. WacAnl>•• ...... • ...... 204 ~ -...... CA llalfQ, lolut ,..__., 965 Hille ..... Uplucl. CA tiM, A.-Moyet . ~ Coltnllo W.. W...,. MNI,..I, CA t:al7'7, loU WN11&, Ill ...,._ Clo.ll. Cor.,.. .W W.r,CACORS 1l>io ......_ 10 coe4lOCI..t by a ~ ,.... .. .-,,. Stq .... s....., A leellaqer . ...__ ,....,.., ol Soqo Co n.. ...--· ... bled wul> IM c-. ... ca..~ ol o. ..... C:O..aly "" Doe 24, l!lll Plabbalo laa 13, 20, 27 '"" l, I C oa 11le M-rilaaqa rt'71271 NE671 PUaJC 110l1CZ ncTI1'IOOS IOUIDS U.ll'AT'DUin Tk Wlowta• ,.,I!Oh .,. dOtbQ -·-.. o) IG.COUII'T 11&.\LTY bl IILCOURT HILL II.ALTY r l WCOU1IT IILU TY It DIVISTWotr d) IILCOUIIT &riWPOIIT UALTY 2411 W..CA .. ~.. ll.d s.w. 100 ......,.., le.c~. CA 12560 fl.t,..JM,. ,.,..ltC\AI Corp a C.l.lcHe .. """"''" •-2411 w.cA.olo~o ll•d S..••• 100 .._.....,. le.ch CA ~ n .............. co.d.-..d by • C'O. porou-Stq...cl Wtll ... W U ltQto ,...,.,.... Aet:~wbl.c r.-...c .. ICorp nr. ••• ,.~,., .... filed ··•h .,. .. Coue1y Ct.t~ ot Q,.,..,. C o-.etw ~ , •• u ltl2 Pvbloth '•" .zo n f•b 1 10 1911 •• nw ..... CIO'' ln•MJf\ PIIIOIII Nt714 NaM:IIO'ID .... IIOftCift)~ w-..~ a.,..._ ••u ,._ 10......., ............. _ ... .................................... .. ......................... .... -'~' .... ...,." "-''"'"" ,.._ .... " __ ....... .. 1 ............. .,......_ ... ... ...... It• a-. ......... ,. "-'... .. ..... ---..... ~ CA tw-.... ~ ........ ....................... _ ••• t.e ... .._ ............ .., ........ a.-Co ..... , '"'" .. " Y.llo-Y, CA tnOI flo.ol !boo ,,_,, ..... , ... QI .... _ 10 ..,. ......... ..,, ~··' ... f~~t, ....... ~·· l'lt.,.. -uw,,~l ~V\.~WIII 11•dfr.n•~IJ ....... , ...... ...w ·"'····~""'"'"'" """"' 1n u.O., ('ov .. t,•n• nv4 lr• • ,. .... ..,. .. •nd •• t-H• ....... 1.)1) , •• ,..1'1,.. s,uf.-49 Nowpot1 ...... h CA Tt.. ... ,.n ... n•"'• .. ~ h• •"'-• ... .d ...... o ......... d ~· .. ~·h .......... ,"' Gov•-• Ooolo TJNJ M•d bwh' "•"•••• •• •"'•"d.d •o b. ~v,.••ted •• l'w t~tt-.c• of S.r • ..,. Lcr-CONpany P 0 lot 211 W•••-• CA 92M3 "" oo •ltH , __ 5 1!112 n..t tk a... d.l• l.ilr hlt--q ct.••• •• 1h.e __.,._ , ... .,Mt to h•r••"' •• Peb 4 IC So t.e M ., ~n~w• 1u w.d '"'••o.d Tr...,... w.d uti~ Tr•n.el•f'c...tt ...... ,.,. ...U..u•q .oddoo., ... l b .... •- .. ..... Md,..... .u.u .. lite '"'" ,.. .. '-............ n. .. b~·~ ......... " .,.lftJKI 10 C.Uolo••"' Uallora c--"''"' Codo Sw•oo• .. 06 O.t..t lao 6 1111 1 .. s. ... iho~• ..... J. lhowa Tr .. •ler- .. ,..... t.aow C.. lutZ lee<h I IY4.. Wftl•~ CA ~. P,.bl .. h l•n .10. 1982 •• Th. N"'po'' ~., .. ,. 111721 rv-.,c 110l1CZ IIQJIC:. 0/IMIU IIC* TO I*IAO& .. TDUUOF A&.COitOUC ...._.oa To Wltto. II W.y Co.cera: hi>JKO ... _ ....... ._..,..u... .... . -·~ .......... u.. ....... . ...,.... •-lo ..U ~c .....,.r_ •• tM ,..--. .,_.......... -lollowo .•• ,.. 0.. s.Je a... ..... 110 "~ c..... o.. ... ·-port ~~. CA taiO ,._,to_ .. -•-. ,... • ....... Md ia • .,p~,... to .... o.,..,_ ol .~Ucoklic .._.., Coauol lot ..,.._ ol u akoltoltc ........... ~ ............. __ KAaaPr .... h&.lioll 1aa • u. ao. 1812 .. T.,. ~'-" NIISI rvauc 110na rcm~QGS....ats 11A181TA 1"DCDDT n.. ............. ,.._ .. "'-9 ......_ .. IIICK.AJID L HAIUSSLD 4 ASIOCtATD. l800 S lr.-1 Ill S..te :105, S..oo A.. CA 12:704 lbc: ....... L ~ •• liOO s l noool S. , S..... :105, leaio Aa.t CA U10t ~ '"--.. coec~..., .... b., •••• ci•••cl .. l Stq .. d lloc.,otd L ~· ,. .. _, .... lll..t ···~ .... c....,.oy C..~ ol o...,.. Co..••• oa Dac ••••• , Pv.lobalo 0.0 .JO, lu 6 ll .10, IC 1a n..ll-poro ...... Fl71777 N l6l6 ruauc; IIO'I'ICI ncTmOUI aoua:u I!Aiall'ATDIIIIT T.._ lol.lcrtnoq -11 dotAq ........,_ ., SDIIOR Crnzi)IS PII.ISS, 2!11 Coltoo. Mowport IMeh CA i*3 Lao lie....., P•l<'ll. 1!1 Colla. Mowport .....,., C A 9JI63 ~.._ '"""""""' .... b••··· ~ • .d ..... S..Md Lao II P•IC'h Thla ..... -.. ... ltltd ...... OM Co.aty C .. rk ol Oruqe Couo, 0111 Doe ».1!111 ~ Doe lO 1.. 6 I 3 .10 1812 ... n.. ....._, ·-· ,.,.... ""'" PWUC IlOna rcnnooa ..... ...,_ITATDmi'T n.. ............ ....... • cie&a9 "-.. Of1"DDIftS .,. nca au.. 101 Sew. ........ No D4 ...,..,., .._., CA 12M3 ........_ I a; .. , ••. IOI ...... Pioa.aot.Mo U. ....._. ..... ~ CAt41113 n. .._It -..coed by .... ,.,.._,,..... ,.. .... a..tr-) Rn·•tt ~ .... _, ... IUe4 ... ~ .... C:0...17 C'-rk ol O.uqe Cowaty "" w 4,1812 ~ ,... ' 13 20 27 11111 •• n....._~aa~o. rti!X*l WU55 SECR.E1'ARY 2311ELP WAJn'ED ..-.c.,.. .... ....... -.... n~ ,....._..,..__ .... .._ -fliC Mil,_ a. • c:.w..-....... ....-... ..... c-o.-. ....._......_ CA a.) ~,..,c-... .. c..-.,.,.,..,..._. ...... c:& ..,. ...... Do,,, 10. .• -,_, ....... o.m. ...... 110 ...... AM. CA.,._ ,......_ ............... . ....,........-....,.. ..... n...T .........,....,.. .......... ......, 0... ,..... __ Woo4 ....... c..,, a... .. o..-c-., -o.c )1. 1!111 P14bli•ll lu. U 20, 27 '•" l IC •• Th• Newporl laat.Qa Fl7'111126 ..., JiWUC ..OTICI ...... nc::nnoul-... na.,....-y T... t.ollowtaq -••• .... """'•-.. T~ CO , 4041 WacArtloor ll.d S..11• 2!10 ..._...,, ..... "· CA t2teO SlorpMa C Drw••Y· 'liG ,_ C..lo. S.. 1 .... c.,....,..,. CA !12175; Job ' ~ 1r . 7W1 v-.. Dr . t..q.,.. loMe .. C A 128111. lalta c au..... :Mll w...-_,.,. ......... ,._,..,. a..eh. CA 11:»10 AJaa I Wltule. ·-t..... A.. ....._. ..... ~: CA GMO. H-rcl P lkr· .-.. ltt71 o-,.,... t..q... Noe-l. CA 111'17. P...a It •Wello-10 ~e-n. ~" looach, CA 12110. W Dooo9J.. a.-. JIOIS t.. c.-•. Wqa;aa twlo, CA 112M3 n.. ...__ .. coe4-.d ..., • -·&1 pert_ ..... Slqaod lo&.a P """·" Tlua ""'-... I.W wollo tAo. Coll.aiV C'I.T~ ol O.oaqe C010alr • Doe 2!1,1!111 .... w.... Ju ll, 20 27. reb l. IC .. n..~ .. .._. , 171568 Mlll3 PVIUC 110l1CZ ncTmOUIIUIIIfal ilAIU STA 'I'DIDf'l' The lollowtaq ,.._ ... ••• olorat b....,._ u LIWAC DISTmUTOIIS, 1121 S loyd So S.a~a AAA. CA 4J'Jttt 4 I ' \4 "'-' A ,.., Tluo b ... .-.. .,.,...junod t.r a cor por•hoe S14•• C G WeN..., _. A.a.ot.tt .. 1 .... Cllorl.t G We ...... ,, Pr-.d•eJ n... .ut .... t .... Med wtlet ..... c.,...,. C\or~ ol O.uq• CNaly "" lu 8 ltl2 Publoato ,.. I) 20 27 '•b ) 1812 •• n.. "-" taa.., • FII057S ND71 PVa.iC IIOT1CZ FICII I tOOIIOIIIOaa IU.III£ 1'1' A 1"DCDDT 111. ............ ,._ .......... b .. ,,._ .. COLOUUUT OQ HOUIII'ttOTO 1134 W .....,_ .... , ,.._..,.,, a..clo, CA 12M3 Nr T•y Horv•• 223 s.,.,.a.,.. leJa.o. .......,., CA e2662. Wr Doe O.....,, 1011 \Oft It ..... -•• ~ Waecl C.12162 n. .. b....,._ .. .,.,.....Clod by • -c>o•••-Stq...., Toer H""•' ."-d.,.J Colorb""' 0.• H.,.., ,.,.010 ru. .... __ , ... ....... ....~ 1M COt.taly C Mr" of Or•aq• C'"'aly • I•• • li&l Pv&.l.... ,... 13, .10 11 ,. .. l . 1812 "'The Nowporl ta.oQ• ra80571i ~ PVIUC 110l1CZ P1C71TIOIIIIUUCU IIAICIIl'A TDGIIT n. ~o~~owoaq ,.._ ... ...,... b.,,.... •• !tOLL PAIIIIl ASSOCLAT'IS. 4490 Voa C..... Av•, .. .._, a..e ... CA 12110 P,.J.c.., t....d Co c/o Ocm..td W ltoll. iOII Voo L.do s.-1 N_, a..eil, CA ~. D P Widell.-lt !WI w-a., O.o•• Coroa• clel W.. CA iJt2S. , .. ,.., o. .... m . .,. s.... ... La.ae Cor-. clel Wu. CA 12!US. ,...,. .. , L 9b.cler liS 1-.a~at C.. .,_ "-d Cor-.. c1e1 Nu CA nus s...-. r • .....,....., s ,_, Sou o., .. 0..000 rW Nu CA 82GS llo&oero A Ill-• 912 a.a.. Sl .....,_. le.cl> CA i28IO Moc'-1 L "'""'-· S.l .._..... ...... r...- a..c~ CA ..0 1oM II tc..rtaocl ll2 V-a..,. ....._, ....... CA 12810 W.rha l r...,ali ll llecltow .... ""'-CA Tluo ""--" co.dwco.cl 1rt • q_,.,. pena......,p Stqo..t 'l'oaMlr, Slt.det 11ue t.&6t ... bl wU I.W •H~ t.a... C....e~ Cler~ ol Or • ...,. Cws~ oe OK ».1!111 """'"" o.c JO laa • IJ ao. 21NONEYTO LOAN OUR CLASSIFIEDS 2yn.wordp~ llDo leQal Ul*. Super hna ••d beaetita. 118,000. LIARN TO IARN S1801w .. a Work 1·2 hour• daJ.Iy .tulfall9 -~ S.ad eelf· .dd.r-.d umped eD· .-.lope to Rec)&l, ~ W... CoaamoawM.hla, ~. L. FuU.rton, CA WIDOW HAS WONIY lor Tnut D..da. SlO,OOO up. No cr.W cbec.b/ao s-&Jty. Call O.U.O. "-x:laJ•. 873-7311 2311ELP WAWTED I HA VI WONrf lo lou 011. your i.oaae Low ill terwt, 1,.. appr&aMI. 7· day •I'Ylce, c redtl DO problem Bill. (714) 8&4·3UJ5 PEOPLE WHO LID: talkiuq peop.J. will Jove thia jobl We DMc:l enwqetio, arUculate people to o.U from 0\U office. full or put time. !My or eveninq ahifta av&l.lable. S..rUnq Ml&ry Whoux. No uper· ience D~ry. We will train you. C&ll between 9 •·•· and S p .m. b ~. CPW R.euoh, (71•) 545~ 1 .. 58. OOMULTU'I' OUJl OPI"'CC QLAIIOUit JOI '-dlno c:ouaeUc: com· peyl ru.U·U..• pay, pa.rHame hounl WiU ll&ifl. Start DOW, lake •d· vanta.qe of 1982 bu.tl· 2ND.3RD I:QUJTY I.OUI Qu.lclr and eoefidfttlal. EARN 125.00 PER WEEK ' J.~. ..,. ................... US.ItM 111 , ... tot,...,.,., -· Call 556·8174. SICRETARY ParHtme 20·30 lue /wit typiDQ, record·lteeptDQ, recephon. SS 50/br l.tJa ln9•neeono. Tuan, 730-0Zl. Sue .LICDIID CRDOCA•E LICINUD CHILD CAD -lrYlllol Swing ud orav.-yerd tiblft Children '• •pee: tala, S...ae StrMt and aore vklea record1891 "lo· d.Mdu.al G ...... f9q'llU• ecll~tlduel •ttealloa. (714).7.cat. CIULD CUI av•U..W. Ia •J CJutltl.u boaae Woaci•J·Frlday. 7·30 •·•· to S p.a . Potly· tralHd a •"""· L~· eel. 540-.te l s. C.Uo111, 64S..lee CALL US LASTIII Sur· pnal."i_IY ':!'•re are 2Dd TNSi ue,cs. avail&ble at e:ttcepdooally low coel walh eom~bU" ual.nM rat• a.nd proapt ..n• lc:•. We 111 Yl te you to c:hec:lr our re--~ 20 ,...,.. upM\.oce Ia the l.ucliocJ IJMlury. Purch&M or eqWty kwtM oa 1 to 4 \UUla. Wlala .. loae arraet•d Ca S10.000. caN rtuaaW S.mc. il. ~ ......... property broiler ....- tialof, Alllo&u .,. -........ *=CI-· .......... cr'· .... ..a';. g\~: .. ........,.. ~era.. 1heCood NelpJNw. Sl DriESTIIENT OPPTYS DIVILOPNINT Oppol'tlulity -lu~e, Ore9oo. 83 .cr• by coUDtry club. $275,000. (503) 988-1571. 29979 H..ther OU, }UDction City, OR 97+48. 37% Comp Annually, Secured non·real estate w11h ltqu1d11v Call Mr Waldron (2131 S34·0S50 •sPORnMG GOODS BUBIER GUNS Wla.te•.. happeued to them? THEY'U BACK. Boya 8 to 80 ue eojoy- iDQ old f.uhioned fUJI witla the origmal rubber qu.ns. For lr• bro· claure, write or call The OttqiDal Rubber GUD Co., 1548-D Adams, Dept. N-1. Costa w-. 92626, phon• 641-1214. AU GUN-LOADING TOOLS mu.t ..U. For rm... pmob, ahotquna. Primers. Arnenc~ Rille A.ociation maguine collection. 551-6-462, .,..ninqa. f'l ART ATTINTIOH Art Col· leeton: Onqinal etch· l.nQ by wru.tler, dated 1859 of Bill&nq.gate, bq~d. $.475 firm. C.U toWne oumber }.80(). 532·3e'12, uk for Penny· MY8r Adwatch N2813. 31ANTIQUES ARDIIS COUNTRY CUPBOARD, 1245 S. Waia St., Suta A.na. Acceota tor CO\Ultry ciec0l'&t1119. Nut door to Ciertnadee O.Corator nrlJt Store. Do·lt· J OIUtelf clecoratore' ..., ........ '1 f'UIUGTUU NIVU UIID: loW ......... p)O, Q\aMD becbooa, SMO. Q&... top ~. ua. Mat· treaMIIaaoa eprl~i~: twta, SIOi IIlli, HO·I L\&M~ 1130. Wo,.l A, ,OIIJ1. OUIIN "iiirA liD. browa plticl. CMlcl'• w&lallt beclrooa Mt LD· ol~aci1a4 dellt &Ad book· c .... Rooker, ~,.. ao• oetlor1••· laoelleat ooaciiUOA. 111·&344. CI.AIIICAl. liD· AOOW liT. lrowa q\1 .... , .. Ueclllloard, 2 etcle tabtft', t ·loot ct.r..er wills aJ.rror. 1300. Call tollhee D~f l.t00·132·31'12, ull lor huYMver M · watok M71t0. roa IALI: New Lue beclroo.m. Retail 13J!O -for aa1e ll,uuu. 711·1212. UUPLIARCII wiiidiitiina. ilM m:· Rehlteretor. • ,,....,, Vac\l~aa. t.wiD9 aaoiUM .... o.3 daya, 770-tUS ....u. ••. ... ,. BOTOFPEIU COLDCAIII1 TOIDIIOJI CUitOIIIU r TV -1-IOiif r oolor OCMide TV. EV 2145 II, n.ot. COD• tlol. Ntat COACI!Uoa. $180. 48&-3147. IIAifiNIE SUPPLIES? f'Mda..m.d "IIUIICAL ueanuana FOR SALII 3 yjoliu, $130-$300. Guitar, cluelcal, epiphozaa, $175. Call betweu 8 a.m. · 5 p.m. -boa., 494-9!M1. ANTIQUE CILISn - Unueual lnetrument. Beautiful cpzaditlon. Collector' au-. a-t oJ- fer. 497-5741, 494--3826. GRAND PIAHO -n · celle.nt tone, perlect ivory keys, refuU.abed li9ht wood. $1,500. 497-3490. tSOmCE EQUIPMENT IB.M MAG CARD U word proceui.D9 aywtem. !aceUent cozadltion. $.4,450 or beG otfer. Call Sally, (714) 76().0100. OmCJ FUBNlTUlll: 2 ma.boq~y oolor nee· uliYe d..:U 60&30 and awl vel chaira. COlli $100. s.u $350. 61S-29SI6. INDULGI YOURSELJ: Roll-top dee.k ud chaira. Al.lo Ninolta copier, reuona.bly pric· ed. Call 1.-or w.rti, (714) 549-8810. (714) 962-8891. WOVU> INTO SMALL· n omc1 -w.w d...U, uec:~ati,. wood d..b, ltudant d.b, n · ecuti,. c:hairs, typewrit· era. rd to ..U lut. Call lolltr• number 1·800·532·3972, uk for Pe.nnyaaver Adwatch N2464. COPIIR. GISTITNIR plain ~per 2010. Lib new, U ,OOO . ...,837-Tni Wonday·frlday, 8:30 a.m. ·4:30p.m. CORRICTING elec· troaic .,._wnser, $100. Can be coaJiut.r pri.Dt· ., (10 Wllt).l31·!1117. U DIAIIOIIDI. JZWILBY ISTAft I iiCOiiD IIAJID JIWIUY ud -liac ...... o-. alloll ._ al '-~WJ'•, 2:10 I . 17UI II.. C.. ............ QDUINI Oolo~ .. ... .w.. You oiMNGel oaly uo ,., ltOOe 1401111. IIAVTIJUU Y CUT hMft·~ 10Ut.ai,. cliaaOIMI rtq. Approa· la~t~.b 1/3 oaral. suoo.48J-4UI. .. em!~ rl.Dt .. wltk dlaaoacla. 13,100. 41!·2113. IOIIIICiB· LAIIIOUI ...... LADOW IOOU-OLD, lAD a.ncl Ollt-oJ·prillt, We buJ and ..U. "Out-of· prillt boob 01&1 .,.ci.al· ty." Nalioawick Search S.me.. look Vault, 3682-A S. Iditol, Suta AM. 548-8M8. 51 WAJCTTO IUY WAMTID: OLD GUNS, rm.., .a.otqu.ns, pock.t watch••· mililarJ trWOrd8. Serio\&1 collec· tor -s-YI more th.a.n anJ dMler. 58l..a70. WANTID: JURNI- TUill, appba.nc• (,.. lriQeratora, waahere, cUy.n, TV'1, wodtiDQ/ DOD·worlrin.q, Aatiqu•. pi&Doe, olfa funaiture. SSCAS, (714) 957-8161. WANTED: USED J'UR. IIBOUID UIU'ualf WOODIJUDGI LAND· UUlVINI. L&r9• ell· ecutl•• 4·bedroom home with all am..Uiiea. $1,300 per month, 1-' option. 552-7322. $61S LOW mo.nth·lo· month rent for Turtle Rock hou.. Tenut to keep ho111e mai.ntamed and ahow for aale. Adwte. 833-3698. MOUSE RENTAL -3 bedroom, 2 bath, pool. $650. No peta. El Toro. 581·22'96. HOUSiNG?., MAD THE CLA&StFIEDS aomCE/ COIOIERCIAL lliOOiaPOB 111ft 820Ff'ICIV COIOIEilaAL omCJ SPACI for rent. Coca W......, h"waya. latremelJ r-DAble. 751-!1053. ' I I t ( I I I I I I I I ·~~-;·;...,_,~ • I I I I I ' t I I I I NITURE, moderDla~~· -..-~~~~~ .. -~ Uque. Refrlqeratora, • wuhera. dryen (work· ID9, DOn·workillQ). J..., 957-8133. ed; UMd cbildreo'• cloth•. from iDfut to me 10. Toya ~d funaiture. 855-4m after6p.m. SPACI 1()()-1300 SQ. ft. AT CtA'ilR ORMAND THE SANTA AHA FREEWAY IN HERITAGE PlAZA. 52 RENtALS TO GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE SHARE AND INTO YOUR OWN OffiCE OUIIT non·amokioq LEASING INfO: m~e. ~. •~ted to 551•1231 ahare J..bedroom fur. n.iab.d lrviae bou.. Mou. pool. utiliti• In· 1•------~,-------• eluded. $27S month. Lu, 551-8578, eve· ni.niJI. 11 YOU UVI on the beach and you are a Yei'J lpeOia1 perao.n who would like a AOD·IDlOk· iDQ lady to ~hare your home, call 4119-1547. Let'• barte.r. 't>uytng Ot 17J.4550 Mlhnp Claaallled 58 CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR RENT MIOARD •CARE PRIVATE HOWl CARE for elderly ambulatory. Llca.n.eed, retired nurse. 540-2562. 88 HOUSES FOR SALE' • WAIIT/IIIIT Oil a• alGI II HOUSES FOR SALE • WAIIr/Dift oaat::UGB w Aln'I.D: 3 to •· ~t.o .. tol..-or'~.Ps.... call . CAll CLASSIFI£D INVESTME.NTS 173-ISM 17 BEA1. ESTATE RLU.TOitS -l.am 1 00._ oolllJill.laon, d-.11 f• UDder $100 pet mooth. Sp.oe avail4ble for two m.ore av-nta. Call Sunbow Realty. 631·2242. LAKE !LSINORE moUDt.ID property for aaie: IIWU COIIIplu, Ortega Summu. lD· clud.e. owner ·~rt· meot, amall reet&w· ant/take-out, cr-lr, lr-. AU reuona.ble of· fera cozwdered, trade. $295,000. 67(1.1314, call toWr• number 1·800- 542·6345, uk for Peo.ny· Mver Adwatch M2178. II HOUSES FOR SALE BIG CANYON ALL VIEW VIew frota ell roonwl Court,.nl efttry to thle toWfthouM wtth 2 .... roo• plvt .a.n. Privacy and .. '""'. a...ttful clacor. T..W.. pool and ... 1350,000. WA TUFRONT HOMES. INC llAllSTATt ~ ...... "'"'""' ......... 3-IIDROON. 2~­ BATH ho~&~e, Wood· bJid9e. Poola, lacuul.l, lalr•. tull.ll, etc. Pro· fMNcm•l, qvjat, non· laOIIier retarr.d. S2!JO (tlllt ft3 utlllllee. Available uytlme. sea-771'1. a •.•. or ~· PUILISMIR DOIS NOT ACCIPT liability for incorrect ll))ellln;, Qr&~~~.maUcal lnaecur· ac:Me, 01 typoqr-s>b.ical enora iD any . .elver· ts-•11 p~ad i.n 1M Cout N.ac& Newt Group. 110181 BLIIRS CD . NIWPORT OCIAN JIONT OA the ~~Ucl. looaaete to lUre 4· ....... 3-beth tao~. ProJeMioaal buala ... pe_!!Oil• nOJl•laOIIer. JU1 pll&l ~aWW.. Call J&aatt41•7111. LAJQI 3-JmlOOM • 3-be.tk towal.o~&~e Ia T\utlta look to .. ,. wttk aoa·-.okiat ~11 GO o~ or pete. UIO per aoath . .fl.l&l 1/3 \lWWea .• l-Ga. JD&AU OVII 10 -~. li9lll M"'et••oe to Yibrut .uorow.a lOa.a . · 2 , .•. Moaday-JI1My. a.ok.... lor prtvate rooa/~atk/oll&~ fac· lliU'!f1• II Toro. 1100 aoawy ,., req\W'ed. -2214...., ••.•. DAJIA fOIM'T -..,. t.o~&~e .. .u.w. .... Wlll OOUcler olaiW . ltl11 41t·2Ut or 131·&217. UNIQUI APART· MINft ... towUoll.IM wUll oaUt.eclrtl caWDv-, 1~. wet ban. air coDclltloa1a9. poola, eauaaa. 918· liellAia couna. laaectia• avail· able; 1 ~ aad -· l heclrooa. 2 bed· rooa/2 batll towo· tlo~~.~tee. lorry. 1110 ~ 3400 Harbor al.d., eo. ..... Sl7-t020. MOW UIITING: 1· aad 2 ·bedrooa ~ tardaa -.-ttJMa... Cloee to ,,.....,, a..ck uci walllt to alt,opplD9. Hv.at· ... laao ....... (714) .. , ..... WOODIIUDGI GLIM 3-a.clroom, 1~-bath, 2· llory coado wttk fU. pl.ao., u"r.decl, ..., park ... pool. lad UA!t, by row of eucalyptl&l .,.... laaecliat• JH*· UOA. No pete. 1721 per aoath. Call1·244·7141. LAIIIlONT POR L1A11 -br...S c.-2· Mchooal2·batll Wala ooado. Cib.a lor ea· eouUve. IMOfi&l4) M7· at31 or Ill· . liHTAL l.aQWll NIQI&al 2·be~rooiD ooaclo. Ooeu ... pool, leD· 11.11, .... 11188. Adulta. 13l·U41. IIVACAnOM UlftAI.I KAWAU OONDO ~ aaoll, Maw, ....... H 2 bedroom, 2 ~th, ooapletely lllf'o ~U~Uc~, ..,, e. sao IU9kt. Special week· lJfauthly rat•. lro• olsue. •1·0808 WAMWOTH CONDO at IJft 7, I , 18 and 11. Luve 2-beclroom, hr• ~. aklrowave, color TV, lac\luia, ta\Ull, OOI&ftMJ Y&D. a.5-130a, MS-1306 . lOUTH LAD TAHOI -LovelJ CODteapciiii'J 2-bedroom. 1 ~-batll, ·--• -..,.e. Tahoe K.ys, 5 ala~&.tet to •kllnq, cul.noe. $1511uqbt. (714) 14e-2183. PALM SPRINGS fur· alAIMid lllllury coodo. m..s. 4. Sw1Dun1nq, ~llllli. te.nnil Avatl· able w•~eadl or lonQ· tera. tt.uonable rate • a.5-7efi8 or 846-3188 ..... GRIA T .IG liAR c~ II ID the airy. Lo .. J, ,_beclroom wtt\ eYefY• tlLlDO. Color TV, u,.. .,&ao.a.:a Only $50 per a..-,.1 181 - SKI VAIL S.Ye ~. &.nt dnec:t boa owner New 2·becl· rooa, 2·balh, flr.p!.ce, color TV. IICUU.1. I. IOtnch•..w r. CaD Ralpll, 103. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVlCE The .. wport IM!p W.e..day. ,_....., •· •• ,_., 17 .,IUW.DTAT! COUNTRY LIVING. lpeclol&l 4-bedrooa 011 on Peralta Hilla pool and epa Room len.nW and bo,.. 10. 7~ IDler"' wW carry. Re· duced to $474,0001 Call Patrick Tenore, Ra/Mu Raaltora, 759-1221 81 HOUSES FOil SALE UCI!LLINT BUY 111 Newport Beach SeaVIeW Mom•. 24-bour QUArd· ed ;ale. te.nn11 courta, pool, q~a, 3 bedtoom, 2 bath, e:aeeUent hna.nc· i.nq. $355,000. (714) ~1516, (714) 751· 8755. PETS? READ THE CLASSIFIED 88 HOUSES FOR SALE UIIOUID FOil IALI LAGUNA IIXCk HOWl for ..J.. J.becl- room, 2·~ firepl.eoe, 2-car ;araqe. Com· plecely remod.alecl. c.JJ lol.lh• nwaber 1.aOC>· 53.2-3972, uk for PeJUty· aaYaT Ad watch N2416. OPEN MOUSI: SUDday, 12-5: 32031 IMt HIDe Dr , l..a9u.na N.itJuel o.n 90lf COUlee (dJal 128 at 9ale). Saturday, 12-4: 24252 Catalina, ~ll VIeJO. 831·5866. •8QCJI fCa ULI .,~ W~t 1 blade wlvte and rud _,. O¥tf'1 88HOUSESFOB SALE We're Blooming! In our new home at 3641 E. Coast (at Poinsettia) and have some blooming good listings to offer you! ~~~ DUPLEXES OWNER-BROKU 513·513 'h Jasmrne • $~.0()0 710-710'1:! Fernleaf $250,000 HOMES ON ORCHID. one block to ocean Three bedrooms. 2 baths. a Jem-$350,000 230 AND 232 GOLDEN· ROO. 2 classics. $560,0()0 and $535,000. COST A MESA. 2291 Elden. Big R-2 lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. lovely yard. $149,500 BU81ftEUE8 FAST FOOD. Coast High· way. Corona del Mar. •se.ooo BEAUTY SALON. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. t36,000. LEASES JASMINE CREEK plen 5. 3 bedroom. 3 bath. vtew , •1.500 mo OLD CORONA DEL MAR. new 4 bedroom. 3 bath view home. a2.600 mo , G73-84!J.f <if~ J.l vito. ~····· l.f3S 8. WDOOI ~·~ ~" ~DtOftQ J.l ~ !JIGIS LAGUNA BEACH II OS' C ••' H .. , 494-1177 • ·-1'011 ur.c · II ROUSES FOil SALE SEAVIEW S.C. 9at wit.b puo•- amlc view. Two lr9. 3 Mdroo~U plWI clea with lorm.J dla· lacJ too. pha.l ... bat. A.u.ma 9\.-i~ u~l-From 1439,100 willa iota ol lerat. Palric:L Teno re, ~11!5-1221 . RVM~ OCEAHVIEW .POOL Lib -. Larv-• bedrooa w1th boa.u r o om. Oa.lr s.Gi.QOO. .....\1.111.. 11 . 7,.. Call Patrick T..or•. &Qant . 158- 1221. RVM~ .. ROUSES FOil ·-1'011 l!fL! ISCOIIDOS/ 10WIIIISES FOil SALE 2 B&DROON, 1 BATH eoado, $15,000. Au coad., clr,i)d,_ allow- lid, Tutia. .c::lwol. di.- triet.ILQh -.Dia by o-.er. 168-Ji105eY•. CONDO S•OQhM la~Juna N>9Yal $102,000. Neu 90111-. 2 bedroom, 2 beth, c - tral &ina Yiew. N ,...\IJU.ble bt. flo•uhl~•l ,.,.., o.,...r -:c:_c,c: c...n toWr .. 1-800-532-J!m, Pe.aaysa¥ar Adw•tch N1222. HAUOII CUS10M EUIIIIISIIED Specw.lly cM.,gn~ ~~:~tenon, 2 8dr , 2 Be , 2 car g.ar~a. I bch. c:oavantd to tacu.uJ roo ... Tena.~. pool. op., -.cunty gate, 1265,000 S25,000down. IlV.~ huncmq Brk (2J3) 421 -0447 FOil CAm.l ..... y On owoximatoly 113 acre in moot preslijpous, private Newport com- community. A custom~iH home to house )'0111 drooms! CAU.TOIII r, 1 BOYD 1 -. . Barrett Realty PIMMII --tSHOUS -DII.IIM- 10¥11- DOVIISIIOIIS IALIOACOYa -ICII- S399,i500 ~.000 S525.000 S525,000 S550,000 seoo.ooo 842-5200 ... ..,IMo ......... , ............ .. lh:lrrte,J_. .. .._ \_,.-.-- 0 t-, ..., ......__ .... .._. • •ItT I ,J...._J., .... Il.tl,.W- LIDO IILI MOMII ................ -....... ,.hi ----·-...... ·-•••• u. .. ,2: ........... _ --. .......... ...... ......... ,.. ..... , ... , ... .._.............. ' UIIIDAIIU MYMCIIIII ::-.:..::-~~;;;.:, ......... .. 001111011 TOW*''D I'CIIUU: IS COICDOII/ 10WJIIIIIEII FOil SAL! RVM~ RVM~ PRIVTEHOIIE 4 bel. w/pool. J.Oy lumiahed. bllmed. .,..a_ $329,000 .w. ••• .. •-Patrick T•aon, a.,_Dt 758- 1221. RVM ~ TIIYJU.OOO SJa.rp .La.r.,. 2 bed- room, 2\? bat.lll. N•w Toutleroc:k condo. c.n for de- h ill. P•hick TeDer•, ~o.,_at 7!9- UZl. RfiM~ II ROUSES FOil SALE -·~­a...,. •9. kol, ~~ do'WD, _. 1CI'4. ior -.,...._ o.r-r. (916) 273--4411, (714) 49:2-8162. (714) 847-7784. 72RESOIIT PIIOPEIITT lrtAWNOTH CONDO -2-bedroo• phaa WI, l-Nth, •ouat.UD Mck. 1, 700 ..;. n .. brud -. by Chain 7 &ad 8. s..._., jec:uni, hally fw- llilhed. 5~qM~rb ~~­ C&Il833.Q217- GllASS VALLEY 20-acn klu. PiG., o&b, ........ ~prvwd, olf H.,-. 49. $'10,000 per kol, l~ do-. ....._ al I~ ior--,...._ o.-r, (i16} l73-4419, (714) 492-81&2, (714) 647-na... .. HOUSES FOil SALE SPOilT f1SHING m Hll .. aculatf' 35' N•qnum Nartnf' 1970 Teaj, d....-• and 1nreroor. lo> .. ded &uqh1 r:.uopo>rlv rn1111 wll 1-68.50'.1 Allen B uckner IZI31f7'0-W3 10 SEJIVICEI REP Alii BIUTlSH AUTO RJ. PAilS:~.,_ KMley, Triw.ph, WG. .............. _ at._ Britiah avto.. 1985 Kubo. Blvd., Colla ...... !148 -6226, KDB'S GARAGI. Ill VAIIS11'11CD u.eorNCI Qr•m .. llhCIIi nUIC:C\11 · ec:i•. 0 1 l'fPOQTIIphiCiol errors Ul aay ad.•••- liMm•ntl p\lbliah.d in th. Coa.t N.di• N•w• G !,_O\Ip. .,.... ,_. 10.000 cm.Jollon 673-0550 ALFAIIONEO AlTA ROWIO SPIDER, UJ74 . Silftrlbl.ck, S. ~.~-ll.b•­•..:W.U.. fiM-3383. 1m I30i Dtw -sa-. a\PO., .u.!leat ooad. SI,SOO. (l!l'TftS} Pri••t• perly, da)l• !Ul-7103. --963-2055. .._.YowC..O c.l On a " , 67J.O!QO IN NEWPORT CENTER ~-.. --144-88110 NEAll liDO VILLAGE _ ....... 780-0835 IRVINE 562-7500. BIG CANYON CUSTOM HOME Country Fnnch uecutive homo 011 tho boot soU oouno view. Tblo 4 bedroom and don home baa a larp piivate courtyard entry and is a true bargain with the financiq available-with 1625,000 down tho OW\!¥ will carry for 5 yearoll ti,960,000. UNIQUE LIDO BAYFRONT Unbelievable 7 bedroom Colonial home 011 tho water with oandy booch in front. With an ovenized lot DOXt to tho greenbelt. thi1 location can't be beat. Owtww will auilt in financing. 11, 750,00. GUARD GATED LINDA ISLE Exquiaite home with -tip. privacy and LOCATION. Tblo 5 ·bedroom home baa ita own piel"and slip on tho lagoon and the flll08t in finiah details. A muat to oeo. tl.600.000. LIDO ISLE ELEGANCE Tblo beautiful 2-year-old cuotom home ia on one of Lido'• boot stroeta with 4 hodrooma and enclo..t patio. Marvelous use of wOod. braao and finiah BALBOA DUPLEX Four bedrooms, 2 unit with panonmic view; S bedroom, 2 both Excelloat iDcomo pro- perty in top condition. Fully fumiahod. Aoldnc 1896,000. . . WOODBRIDQE PATIO HOME ID one of Irvine'• most preetigious areaa. This S bedroom bouae io priced to sell! 0.... will help with financi"'l . Price Ia 1165,000. SPYGLASS RIDGE Thia Sandpiper model ia situated on • larp lot with 4 bedrooma. family room and lonna! dining ,_., 1529,000. VIEW, VIEW, VIEW Cbarm, grace and aophioticated living are youro ill thia unique 4 bedroom home in Seaview. Ezt.ensive uae of oak. brick ODd tile make this ....novated home extremol,y in- viting. Flexible finanting makea thia an """""li"'l pa<kop. 1525,000. LIDO LIFESTYLE Remodeled Lido Isle home with 4 hodrooma baa IOod financing and the owner mo,y conoider a leoeo opl.ioa. E.,. joy tho classic tiving of Newport's larpot iolaDd 1495.000. A VERY SPECIAL BLUFFS END UNIT ... with Back boy view. ~Mly remodeled C\Wtom patio with jacuzzi ... UNCI brick. freDch doon and lot. more. Fantaatic aaaumable fi01Dcina. UOQ.OOO. COUNTRYFRENCHINBAYSHORES Cbarmina country S bedroom home baa private muter llllite with holcony. Tho pte cuanlod oommUDity baa two private l>Mchoo. ExcoU...t ...._ financi"'l makoa thia a -t buy at 1349,500. FEE LAND CONDO IN ORIGINAL BLUFFS Throe bedroom, one o\CJIY-In low donoity.,.. of tho Blullo. Larp looono are .,..,nwblo at 12 ~ Tblo Ia an uc:eptiooal opportw>lty.l344.500. BAYCREST -PRICE REDUCTION A oupor bu.y at a 1111par -price, Tblo 8 hodr .. ldrc __ homo io oltuated on a bup lot witllliWiliJimlajJ pool thot baa boon prolooolonoUy la""-Pod IS38;ooo. ~ARE OFFERING 8i,.S. atory Bluff• .._., IIJ ... totaodiq coodllion aDd location. Tbreo ~ COllin! air coodltl•""nc. Moot -10 approc:iate. il«hK** to IW,OOO. BLUFFS ELEGANCE Split lovol Trina plan otfara C\WI<Jm, 1Nil -ted wall ud wiaclow c:overi.np. Tbreo --2 bo,lho Jllo- j»Wclw room. J..oealion otfara MCluoioD, vis.Jky ud view. IW.OOO. TE .. RIF19 LOCAT~N Tlala Plua model In 1'llrtlirock ... It aiL With 8 -"""' --fomlly ,_ ud r.-1 ....... &We print. ODd Wilt -loob _ ...... _...... ODd - 1161.50() • • UN.IVQIITY P IlK, Tlala lm.....,late 3 -· ,_ .... h; 0 piivale pool ud .... ODd lo '-ted ... ".,..,.... La.--al tloa ...... tloaana. o.-6-.. -......... , .... 000. DATSUIC tm DATSUN 280Z. N-waeooJ. lhM, ...... palal. AWIJ'W c...-.. l*iect lD· terior. (4811SU} Private puty, 1e0-ao:n. 1880 DATSUN SlO Hat~·· Alr oo11d., ... eo.. AM radio, low ...-..,~t COO· dltioa. (4SIZC%) Prt .... . pe.rty, ..,_3122, ...... . l97'S DATSUN 280Z. fl&lb .... Sow .u.. $5,300. (LOUIZ> Pri· v•I*'J'· .....,. 11180 DATSUN ZX. Wid· D.19l&l blv.e, 1\UU'OO.f. all poww. low mll., Jo.d. ed, J..t off••· (~ Pnv ... patty. 186-0118. AOOOUMIING JOOKI IUIJIG T ADS -q\MrtertJ. -...JI Ot .. &J11D9 bu.u· o.-ad tAd.I'Ylduall wekloae. Doll.b!. .. v. IAQI, ~le rei• ud ptOhllicmelJy com· .,.._, .me.. hroU pr.ctice bedore IRS. 562-13N. ACOUSTICAL CIIIJMQS CRAIG'S SPRA YID ACOusrJCAJ. em. lNGS. Repain. Very rMIOD.... rr .. ellti· --· (714)526-7290. GIIWICI e SON I VILDIRS .mce l AddWou. R.mod.e!Ja9, Doota, WiAdowt. Patio eo ..... Plua. r ... -. ...... , ...... ,..21'10. Lac 0 31<*2. A1P11A1. t SEAL OOA11RG/ DIIIUWAYS UNAI.T RIP Alii ~ ,,.,. r.e. lJo . .,.., Mi-1111 ALLITATE PAWIGOO. I ALLY'I IIA.UTY MOO&; .. I. ~~ ... . eo....-........ .. tro.tu .... ~, ti.C11 9-A•-r.:ua ..... M.IO . ..-...... 112.• .,. &.lre.etie9. 13 ... 1G•'JIG. TM Newport E.Daip Wvtn11day. JC1118C1ry 10. 1-P ... ll AOTOMO'I'IVE DATSUi' lt'll 280ZI GL. ll.okl void. S..IIPMCI, 1\J.lUoof, bra, 17,000 ail., beet~· UhaJ c.r. S.U oz trade tor "N or '80 2 + 2 auto. (Sii53ZIP) Private party. 641..()664. U180 DATSUN 200SX S. IJ)MCi, loaded wit~ ••· tru, atr c:ood , twuooJ, low ...U..Oe. 30 ms>cJ. (486ZIH) Pnvate party, 493-~ 1m DATSUN 240Z 4· ~peed. ANIJW eUMtte, mav•. eac.U.t cond.J· tioD. $2,97'5. (1BVN017) Private party, 522·4173. 1V78 DATSUN 8210. l:acellent coDdition, A.WJrW ~.. .,._ Urel, more. $3,200. <•VJ221) Pnvete p&rly. John, 857-kl:Z, alter 6. 1978 DATSUN 810 Sedan. Auto., hke Dew, loaded. Aa.kin9 $4,995. (818VWG) Pnvate par· ly. (714) 871·5882. DATSUM 187'5 DATSUM &10. 0... owa-., _..., QOOd coed I· Uoa. New radJall, AWIJ'W. _..,-d~cla· ble oar. u.~· (361 PIP) 4ln-4161. 1981 DATSUN Z80Zl. lJIJhl brOWll Ql. peek· •9•· 10,000 mil••· $11,1100 (lCTJI383) Pri· vale ~. g?3~18, .., ... 78().3868. 1g(l() DATSUN B210. 12,400 .U., radio, bMter. $4,100 ~8) PriYale party. 177 or 835-7047. 11r18 DATSUN B-210 . Good c o Dd H'ftlo , recUa», 4-..,..c:l. 30 m~. $2,300. (8ft Private par· ty. 864·334! aftet 6. 1977 DATSUN 280%. Yell ow with 27.000 mil ...... peec~, AN/nt 1tereo c...-te, atr, new lu ... n c.Uul co11di· hoa. $6,900 (714) 495-5411. DATSVR 187'1 DATSUN 28QIZ. 4-..-1. atr cood., C..· lerlt••• wltb T/A rediala, culoa pat.DI ud ialerior, low allel. s-to beUe-ve 0 (611PPT) Private patty, 997-0a65 FORD 1868 FORD Cooverubl. Ga.laay 1• Ford Coa· vertlble XL. Jlot)a ua e.:a· c elleat coDditloo . $2,100..U. Sl81 -1127. 1m roJU> T.BIJU). Town l.&Jada~a, hu everythiDQ, 26,000 mU... Alwaya Upt Ita qarav•· Showroom co11· d illon. Llk• new. $4,800. 75l·e&67. 11'71 WUSTAHG GH1A Pack.qe. Vuayl lop. tlllomaUc:, f).cyllnder, ~-r .... rinQibtabe, A.MIP'W ltereo, alr, u · ceUeDt. $4,995. Call toWr .. 11umber 1..80().. 5J2.Jir12, uk tor PIIUly· ..ver Adwatcb W0527 BOifDA 11'71 ROJIDA Acconl. Vwy c&.a. AU, S. ..,..d. Call~. MERCEDES IIRJ lUO WIICIDIS JOOSD. 5,000 aU., loeded, .unaof, .u-r m...WC:Ibla.c:.k lllteriol', f•elory warraoly. 132,800 (liC.708) Private party, (714) 831·1341. WIBCIDIS IlHZ 3000, HIIO. 27,000 .u... chaapavae, IUJII"OOf, m..blt co.ditioa. AakiacJ $24,2!10. (lACJ· 760) Private party, 494-8380. llr14 WDCIDIS 4!0 SIL. New paiat, metal· lie bl-. ~ wttll ~· ce.ome. (LOY198) Prt· vale puty, 831·5740. 1971 NEBCIDES 200D. 4-cyl., ttick ahiJt, low mil••· $7,000/obo (HW.354) Pnvate p61ty, Q30..1600. POimAC tm 1"'lAMS AM. Way 1810 MJRCIDD ~-ntr•. low~ . ._, l:atre ellarp, ealra c elleal coad llioa c ..... ~!at~. low 14,<100/ohr *-7504. .u.. tlt.ooo tWA.IlTI) -..;;.1.09-=..•..,...-.,...,..,...,....... Private party, (714) VIAY CLIAN 1974 <WJ-1816. Fltebtrd Lpru A~ato . AMIFW c.-tte, Pion· JIG .. z I!PHhr~. _, alteT· 1m WGB -Reetor.d, wtoz. br..U., bettery, very low •llM9• llNd.lln•r $2,1100 or $4,100. 831·8Ca claya. b.-oti•r 770-Z361 831-0400"~· 1981 PONTIAC 1-WGI GT laoel-Fuebud 13,000 ..U... 1eet c:otll<bUoa Aebwh T-top, auto .. bc, au, ~. QOOd. traupn· c,._, AM/JW c...tte, t.atioD.. $2,100. SJI!Sl-!238. muc:la ruH. Wu ..U. OLDIIIOIILE S7.4!0. 582-5986. PO RICHE 1973 DARSI CuU.. Old.aobU.. lac.U..t CODd.J~. low aa.iiN tomallc wiodowl, vloyl root . $1,3!10. c..u tollfree al&lllber 1·800· 532-3972. uklor Penny· .._, Adwetch ~7. 1978 OLDSWOBILI Cutl&M. Very 9ood COD· clit:io11. $3,!~()()/be~d ol· ler 859-0682 or 770- 6585 l!mt PORSCHI911SC IA.t.b. i.oter10r, lleTeo, au, t1Uli"OOI. c ..W. COD· trol, abowroora condt· boD. $21,500. 493-7421 PORSCHI 1980 911SC Coupe Gr~y, pohahed alloyt, louvered and al.iQDed . BLICT 3001, aUrm. luU INther, br•, cover Mull ••11 S29.000 963-8816 PO RICHE 1m PORSCID 124 - 2 0, ~ppeuuoe V">"P· A.WJYM ~. ·-tu .. and brc.be, alloyw $4,200 (lGCWOle) Prl , ... party. 675-5845 1 ge1 PORSCHI928S - Buy or t.ab o~r ~ R.d/tan lNtMr IJltenor, 5-~. all av&~la.b1e opt1001 Sl,500 racbo .ywt-14,000 mU.., thowroom coDciahoD Sl ,080 IBODthly (lCRG 643) Pn.rate pany. call 529-8592 WUST SILL Dew 1ge1 Ponc:he 924. NetaliJc red, loaded, lUll rooJ, lac:tory w•nanty $6,000 and TOP will ~~ tr•d• (1 DHIC541) Pnvate party, (714) 837·6309 ----tm PORSCHE 9ll S Coupe IA.theT. aun rool, Jtereo, P 6e, wlute, ~ry ciNJl Sl7,000. ( ANDRSO N) P u v1te pa rty, oiJ1ce 492-9970, ho me 498-1343. 1.1 P'O.ECKI 924 $.3,000 udel ~tac1ler, 1,000 ..-. .__. leaN .. SlfiO(taO.U. (WPOt\) Pnvete party, 840-!1012 1973 PORSCHJ; 914 2 0 blac k wtth 11ereo. equahun, a.lJoy wh .. lt Dl.ubled tloer •lM9 $4.500 lum (VJ:JlNOR) Pnvate pe11y, ~94-2029 TOYOTA 197e TOYOTA SR 5 Lt.ft. beck Au, new lJ.rMI br•k••l b•ttery Ia· cotlleztl c:ond.ibon 493· 3288 VOLKSWAGEN 196i VW BUG 1.2,100 laceUeat coad1t1on Dew peu~t. 581-0&14. evenuavllw .. ~da 1979 VW VAN AJ,(/fM cueette, au. IUDroof, broWI>/beu~e. eacelleDt condllton. 494·4219, IN ve "'- MV• 1m vw SUPD aa. Tt.l. Low ......._.., ... c elleal coadillot $3,000/aab offer 581 ·31S:Z. 1m SUPI.'I IDTI.I. Swa roof, •reo, SJreel condltl<.'n u .!OO'ib.e oJJer 673-7784. 1966 UJlWAJOf GHlA Ratored, lai.Dt coach· lioa, m«:lsea.M:..Uy ••· c eUe nt S3, 500/offer Jeff. 831 9613, 4t2· 8249 --- 1981 VOUSWAGlN Convarh.ble R•bb1l A-..m• aay ~ Good d..JI W.rk. 581-4749, eveiUOQtlw-k.oda DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS SERVICES CARPENTRY FRINCH DOORS- Complete 1nttallation 111 • new openlta9 or to replace 9IU1 tlicL.nq dooR and WUidOWI. Work QW.ranle.d R• t.trall. Wcented COD· ttactor. 673·7393. Tom Hooper CARPENTRY WORK - Patio cover~, dec k.s, qara9• 1tora91 w:uta, !ence rep&lr. All IYP" of carpentry. No job too .....U. Tom, 551·2583. CARPENT!.A SNALL JOB .peclAhsl. Cab· IJlN, wall wuta, puel· 1119, mouldinv. 9araqe ltorave..S.Ckl. lnrured, tt.. MliiD•t•. Mader'• Haadyworu. 642-3789. CALL PIRIC the Faup Wu; ....U carpe~~ter and odd rep&u )Oba. R.L. Perknu (Scot/ lrWa), 979-9047. CUSTOM fURNlTURI DISIGHID and bwlt to t::i. need -wall unitl, caMe, teblea, cab· u..u. etorav• walll. b&n. c.u Jolla &I "fu.r· oJ11lfe w oodc:taft, H SM- 1417 Ot 6J9.75e0. C ARPENTRY. ALL IINDS. R~n or ot)a. erwJ••· RelereDce•. SiDe• llr16. N.aTcu. Co c.,p..try. 545-2250. TH1 ftNIST 1.11 com· IUJ"CW ud ...cten•w cabinetry, •belvtnQ, b&ft, COIUlleT &Jid 9en· .rel woodwork J&B Conltrvclion LJCenM DO. 350878. (714) 631 · 4280. CARPINTER -For· mJC& work, c\Uilom cab· ltaetl, book ahelvu. vuev• cabiJl.U, batah work 23 ye&n eape· neac• Call evllllDQI. HJ-9056, 963·5982 ~you, Jerry CUSTOM CARPENTRY -fheplace mantelll, decor•llve moulciuiQI, French doors, v•~eboa, d-=kt ud pat.10 co"n ReJ•re11c• ••ailable Aalllony O.Rou. 837· 4221. CAIOIETS :_ C~o~~tom a.G.e, llltcbeDt. book· ~. bers, qarav• ud cu lr r&lll 641-6927 cl.lya, 64().. 7154 •••. DinQI All lor Tom THI C ARPENTER ()llahty crahsmaa.-,tp at an .tlordable pr1Ce No lOb too amall Chru. 8!51·1264 CARPET CLEAIOJ'G CA.IPIT UPHOLSTIRY c&MotOQ -Juuery ..,.c:lal HydroiiMa, cleoclorlae, deO..: ~ tOOIDI, $13.50: 5 roo . 131 !10: 10fa, $18. c.~. uphol.lll•ry ctye. lDq (80 yercb), ~· va.rcl. pre C!OIICbiAOOitaQ opUo-.1 C..-s* W.... .. n. 540-1141. r111 wuroow -a.. lo9 .aa.. .. c .... yo\lf carpettl l2·ceatl pet ~qure tool. r • .tly -Met and oP«aled QC<t l-Willer Sen· ~. ,...,.,, f7S. 11•. a...cw.. work es· .,. Your Cer? CaU Clau.lfled 673-05.50 FENCING FINCIS. GATIS, IN· CLOSURES. all typet, repaired, replaced, ad· ded. Fencot peu~llnQ. AU work QutJante.d. 15 yNn •l~Q)eneac:e. Fr• CEMENT -llllat... Call Ray, CONC RETE WOBIC . 64.:....6.:.....·.:.....23::..:.28.:....· ___ _ P•llot, dravewayt, bloclrw.U., room addl· liOn&. fOWicUhoft.l, MW cutliDQ. Llc:enead. Paul, 7'75·3283, 775-8371. GARDENING OOWPLITI GARDIN· lNG SERVICE. w .. llly, bi-weekly, moDthly aal.DieDance. Spnnkler repau, tr .. work and b&ul.i.DQ. FrN ..umat ... 549-4981, 9 •.m. to 10 CONCRETE PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, woodeD patiO coven, all typee . No 10b too btv/amall. No 291235. Aak lor Jua, Tn·Coo Coutr~achoo p._m:::.,..-=~-=-=-==-="' I.oc., 548-7102. JlELlA..BLI AWD.JC AN CONCRITI AND MA· Ge.rdenmv. The beat SONRY _ p 11 PQ&ble care tor yo\lr • 0 1• home or buain-. Tr-cleckl, buck 1nl•y, pruned, ~prayed and dn-w•y• wath ~halll re~~~~oved. Immaculate reaovel, pl&nten, fuer· cleuup. O.Ye. 540· iJI91. block w.U.. free 1183 Mlllllel... Dan. 5J6. .;;..:..;:__ ____ _ 7440. (Lac.~) ROTOTILI.ING OO!a DIRT c hNp Garde~~~, nt.ll ISTINA TIS 011 oo-r bed•. lawn•. cemlllt, block or briCk· lancbc:•PIJlfl. ftN.toD· work, D-coutzuctio11 able rat•. Free advice . or repat11. L.c. ~· 1 646-7819anytime. Call G96-06Jg anytime. DOWN TO IARTH CONCRETE CUSTOW CDO:NT ud bnckworll We do il all No job too ....U R.. f.reDc• ud tr.. elti· m•t• &47-4868. I SP.ClALIZI IJl tack· bamJIIet work and ,.. moval ol coDcrete (petlOI, lidewelb ud dnvew•ya). Alto cu1t1119 ud hanc:lMwanv Not ltale he. W .. k's CoD· c rete Removal. 631 2610 COMSTRUcnOM B WU.SON & SONS - l ullden. Fr.. ..11. m•tee 30 YMII uperl· ~ce loJaded LK: No. 357487 646-1740. BUILDING CON. STRUCTIOH-Remod· eliD9 •ad r•paut. Spec•elii1D9 1J1 lt&minQ. ad.uiQ, PreDch doom, bay wiJadowa. peUo coven, dec:b Joha Gacek, 675-&002 CONSTRUCTION SPI· CIAL TliS PatiO dooR, window•. akyhvht•, PreDcb dooR, p«t)o roof•. D..iqn/ln.ltalla· UOD Joe Nart.uae~. (714) 642·0637 CONMDCIAL -"-· dentl&l -Remodel~. Poet CouTIIc:t.IOn Co Flnilh work, Tedwood dec:u. patio co...-., home 1111provemeat1. Very reaao~&ablt . RefereDcN . Fr.. uti· ...... 857-2889. COJmlACTOBS OIIIDAI. ~ TOll ._ .. to ,.._..., rebuild or bwld MW cutoa hom•. ~ ,_, ~reacea "-- cell Scott I . ~I Coo· rvcboa. 63l·SU4. CUATION CON· snuCTJON -0ua1itJ cupeatfy, .... ~t•lr., .... ado'~·-..w.,._, peboe. ...... -...,. -c.. ..... ...... R•••ooaltle rat••· ~ 413422. Call ,....1 .. Lew11 and Gardea S.rv· ace Complete iAII&lla· boll, t..aciY&Iloa tad ...... -. Qu&llty MNlCe &I dowe·IO• Nrth pncea. Satished c wa tomen O\lr hut prionty. Call any1im•. 646-7819. HANDYMAN PATJUCit'S HOWX R.. p&it and laptO-JIIIIlta G.erel maltaleouce, carpelltry. electrica l, pluabiAQ, coocr«e pa· tioe and walb. Howly rat•. No job too -all (714)646-l'm SERVICES -Loav reoov.rua.ed for d.peadable •mce by local ~eo-eTIIb~.~Joo *-fv.ll .. me.. pl--•b llQ, c:upe~~try' eJect deal. palaha9, repatn.~. BAUI.IMG • MOVDIG HAULING -YARD CUAHUP -Houae aad CJ&feql. Trull ud iuk .-..o.ad. , .... •· c .. al .. nice Fr• ..... ..._ c.u anytlae. 1&11 uclBay, ~2331 BOllE DIJIIK)VEMEJCTS TOUCll or cl.ASs tto.Mlla_pro ..... t p •• Uoe, ~. fr•c:lt -~. hre-plac. lt&UW, COD c.-. INeoo ZS .,.." AIM~ loat, IJI.GII. HOUSE INCOME TAX CLEANING INCONI TAX AccollDt· HOUSICLIANING. Ulqlor lndl'Yldu.ala, pari· owoer operated. 1 do nenb.ipe ud corpor•· all th.e work m,..U. boft.l. Avail&b!. ,.ar· Wltado-my .pecla.lty. roiUicl. LoceJ olhce. Alto compl• hou.ea-R-abie 751·!3040, clNa.I.Dq. C.U O.vld Ultique AccounllnQ lc:ken. 646-7281 S.rvJCe. TOP BRASS Clean1t19 TAX RETURNS by •P· S.rv1cea. Hou.tN!ap&rl· pollllrllllll, yN r·rouDd. mntllcoDdOI. AJfoTd· H1qh quahty at a rea· able ratu II•I11J19 at IODable cost. E.pen· S25. 642-0190 S.fVIJlq. eDced conawta.nt who ,. DTuv• CouDty enrolled to practiCe HOUSE CLE.AHIHG -~~a" the IRS S4Q. Prof~. complete, det&lled hou.eac:1Millll9 PREPARAnOM by terv1ce . RelereDce• prol-oD&l Ap- upon rec:ru• Call Jill. tment arr&DQed 548-4037, or Ryan, 646-or eveDUIQI, your 3089. rne/my olltce Rea- rat• PIMM MASONftY WW H ANDERSON NuoJlry Block, bnck, It oDe. len cu . pabOI, pl.&Jner1, w.U. Inter· 10r/e:ateT10r Fr.. •· tuD•t• (l.Jc 380921) Boacled, IJlaured 642· 9699 WASONRY OUR SPE· C lAL TY -T1le -Con· crete -Block a.nd Bnck Ower. c:lea.n, depeDdeble Peter S Rod9ers. Property lm· provement, 631 -2345 MOVING • STORAGE INCOME TAX Art 857·0133 liliiliilll-------~~~--.. 1nu: STA.RVlNG COL· EXPERIENCED TAX LIGE STUDENTS Mov· 1119 Co lu.a 9rowe (we PREPAR.AnON T-124436) Same oood M I"V\C<t Call 641-8427 8t COUNSELING Recuonabl• RatN HOWARD B. REICH ATl'ORNrl AT LAW 953-7330 M 833~ ABC MOVING hpeneDced, prolu· aoD&l, lowet! r•t•. tree ..u.. ..... Qulck, c.re- tul •rv~<:e 552-0410 PAPER HNGING POOLS/ TILE O RC HARD WALL· SAUJUS/ IICSTALLAn ON COVIRING !apart HOT TUBS/SPAS t luppiDQiiJlat•llahoD )YNA.W.IC CERA)QC , RN.toDable rat•. lr.. lEI'S POOL SIRVICI. tile UUitt.lletiOD. Uller· •uaat• Call Ern.~e, Complete meiat~ 10rle.:a1enor, ud r• 631-45;:..~:...;6_____ and repau lacelleol pa.uw. Free ..c:unet•. rellahle work $3i 50 ( ..... -L ----" 1 -• • WEGALS nu~.., .... ..., TOPSOIL O wn.r operated Call ~ -Up to 40"-SHOULD BANG 631·5725 cit8cowat.) HoD. work TOGETHER UVAN'S POOL SUV· 964-5041 . -"-ICE. R..:adenbal/Apert· Wallpaf:r Ulll ....... tiOD menu/Commerc••l CUSTOW TlLI WORIC! 60 p&IJliiDO Actd wuh and reptin All type& iPtallat)Oa• - 953--109t•839-0'730 Hooet! and cl.pende.ble. •pecl•h aiD9 aD r•· 548-4037 raode1UI9 latcbn and PA no COVERS POOL SDVICI. S3S beth Oua.UtJ wor"--· PATIO covtRs moDth Spa •r-nc:.. SlS wp. ,,... •••at• Redwood Dec:b CoD IIIODth. Guaranteed Rele TeJlce• Ron. crete bnck, ~pnnk.len. C..U for tr .. aupec::t!CD 831·7791 IOd R....oDable w · r=63:1~·2'iT.~20fl~~~~il cenead Wyl... 537· 3929 . TOP son. DIS· PET CARE/ COUNT PJUCISI lair• GROOMING ~ ct.... 8 yard., Ollly ACD WA9i SS6.99 Loa.1 o.b'NfY DIAL A G ROOM Mobil MJ•liOO DO cll.zqe Ma.. 6J3.. Pe~ GroomlftQ S.rnce ~-::::~~~~~=-~ 1665 Proi-Ml qroora1D9 done IJ1 our V&Jl al youz ------- home All br .. cb (714) ROOF'lRG 1'1\EES 535-34.25 -------QUALITY BOOnMG NOW IS THil"DB to PHOTOGRAPHY tor ~-0\d and .-pn&ae yow .-. c.D ~ ~. '"The bpem." 30 .,..n ~ ad booded Hnace lA Oranqe , 1920 I . 17tll St., Suite 206 Santa ADa h-p;;;;~l"';;-;ij;,;;l;;;;;~l R•~ ••aUabl• Co vaty ~41·323a -~,. Call ~enoy Pwa.ke. &nJ· G.c,rqe, 24111oun STARVING ACTORS' ow~~_, _ _. tu ... 645-0193 WOVING COWPAJO' G£'al ROOF L••JC? Rool EXPDT T"JD SDV· 1-lllllllllll!illl!!li!!l~!!!!!!!!~lll!!!!!!!!ll!!!l!l!!!ll!ll!!!l!!l!!~-.. , Ch -~•-? N 611!1 61' ICi Tree tad lhr\lb &JJ91119 c--0 BAnS pro'-'-•· all ,_ •A-...y rru W L •• ~• .L PORT .,._ 'If'-tnmJrUD9 and ~·al a &~ b..Jut • ........ Wlw r--..·-. reroofiJln, Dew F ,. .... ..... -....-u• -. YAtd cl.an11p ,... ... ACCOUNTING • our aaWICie" Lac.n.ted. ~~-. rool, deck eo&llDQ . QUI um.t• C..U 863-!lle:Z tu~ared 673-0853. ~ OW}........,_. »od lerl. doWD.IIpOUia, rN TAX SERVICE ------......,_.'-:a IODa.ble. 9uaranteed, L=..,:.:.:·-=...::•.-::::..:.::::=..::==.:....Jt fr" etlurt•t• B&R. • Small & Medium Siz.e PAINTING 646-2328 Businesses PAINTING IDteuor PLASTERIMG ROOFING • Corporation/Partners E.:atenor •Low• rat~..: RI-STUCCO -Inter AU .......__ De•. old prompt, liNt •rvtce . w 10r/Exte nor PatcJunq ,,,..._ • Individual Tazes ., .. tor 10 yean. r,.. JO ,..,.. ••pen•nc• rep••n, d.c:u, ••t•• .-. 1 (714) "•0 N L C -'1 p 1 proo11Jl9 Call Bob • F•"•"ct"al Statements ... una.. ......,. .., -~~'!. _.:: •u 1[ .. 8-0769 AU~ 5684, (714)6J6.7149. _._, ..,.. • Payroll PAINTING-Be•-;;ttly All PHASES ol PLAS (406022) • Quarterly Tax Retums. your home for '82 Col TDUHG r•.tucco ••• RAY'S ROOFING CO ors add new We &Jld l\lt1J19 IJlt•nor ell'lenor S.rv1nq all of DTanq• For 1981 Tax Appl. Call protect your 111v•ment patchwork Room add& CoWIIY AU~ r, .. ~a .. hty work •ncl mAter 110111 and c uacom hom• et~•m•t ... 1naured LJc "'·----··~~~~~~~--~ 1W F'r .. etiUilat• Fr .. t~luoate L1c 361042 All work qUoAr • Fred 536 3471 388781 Job.Jl , 960-3786 ante.d 559·9369 BOUSE C'I.EAIOMG HOUSICLIA NING Compl.ee ho-leu· 1119. ~~~. ~~aom •. c:oodo• Rea1o oable rat-. ... _cell. c.u .... r 4 p • . 9(;2.2SJ1. o.borah. HA.PPIKISS IS KA V · lNG TDa lor youreall. Let u UndJe yo~ar c~Naia9 o..cb We do u all! Ill~ liDce 187'5. na. ~petb. 1166-1300. CLlANING UNLIW· ITID. For aoell.ce Ita bo-1-.aiJlQ, provid· IJ19 ell I~AJ>pU.. ltaclud· 1119 vacuwa. Tra.ut· wortlly ud deopende.ble Call today lor ........ ,. 546-3126 HOUSICLIANING - 12 ,...,. ·~cot G ood refereoc:•• W.ud&ya and S.tut cta1 C.U '" eYeDlnqa. 543-6540. Sylv.a NOVU>I? DOROTHY NAPill INTIRIO RS C&Jl he.ip you Qlt II all too«her CONPLITI DICORI (11 yNn Wlth W6J Slouae ) 548-9798. m~e642-1691 DJCOilATING AND IJIUIIOR DISIGN t..ip le OD tM w•y Fa•o~&l W1dwe•t•n ~. 30 ,...,. ••. pen-ce. wlll ap.nd Fabnuy Oil Balboa la1ud witb Ius wt.fe. patnta and camera. He will work wath u limited c1iaatele 011 • fee a..... lor oa-\M-II'Qt IOiu- Uoft.l. C..U 6'7!·6291 tor appomt•-t LA8'DSCAPING LEI'S LANDSCAPING SIRVlCI. I rick, block. cc.c: ..... work ~nnk· leR. l.wu m.tal\ed r rea Mba& lee 494· 5390. 4M-a514 E X P R E SSO . PAINTING lntenorl PLASTERI.HG P•tcb ••ter~or R•s•deJlllal. plaaleunq latl11119 commer<ael, prol-oD ~tnl1.n9 a.nd reetucco .J. cle.n hr« qua.l1ty IIIQ Super low Mil All work quarante.d ruiN 836-5429 "-aa.ble pnc" Fr .. e111caa1e C all B1ll 646-2328 SPECTRUM PAINTDS -CUllom IJltenora &JJcl e:atenon Guarani" 2 yean RetereDcea. 1r .. ~~t.~mat• Call (714) 964-4828 !A.ve m• 11&9• STEVD4S PAlNTING 1.t beclr' Now !!p«"lelwDQ IJ1 e.:a1enon f'ree llem•• ed •urt•t• Call lor •ppouatm•nt now Aak for Chari ... S.S-3348. 546-4.561 BJUTlsH PAOOIRS -G.t the Mbeet• for leet1 la-tenor ~~able b ceU.Ot r•ler~cea C•ll (155..1509 COAT OF NAHY COL ORS PAINTING -In ler lor '••••r•or •cou•llcal ceahno• S.rnaq lrnne and 1ur rowul1Jl9 •r-Cell 540 0240 (LJc 1SM:IO) niaoo1T'I PADniNO R.ideet..VCO.aerc:la.l lnlenorllatertOr Wtater Ret• 5-Year G~~araQI .. utenor -ct p.-.• otahve ~9'-· lid 1t4 tad l«<c• Uc ~ 4ll710 ~and l.e• av.red ,,... ..W.-' .. 157-11_1..:;..5_ PLUMBING SANCHEZ PLUWBlNG R•ui•nt1al/Commer c•al Spec••h~mq •D copper rep1pe and repaus l~Cet~M No 360997 Call for lrN eet•male 642 3394 PLlJMilJCC RJ:PAIR.S Dra~.na ciNred ln~alla lions Garbaqe d11 poaaJ Water heater Gas to•l••• faucet rep1pmq M~llo"• Plum.blog W..a.s.2 DRAINS C UARID lrom SlO ToLl.~ mauu I rom S20 F' ,.. pl-umb IJlQ repau . et~unat• G .. arante.d work Call anyttme "'N & M"" 642 9033 nu:E FAUCETS lor tbe home P&P or eq'UI¥alent w11h copper rep1pe ,__., Special - SoDchea Plumblag Ca.lll4.2 lJ94 ROOM ADDinONS ROON ADDmONS K.ttchen bathroom~ wt>t bers pahoa NuoDry electncal Peter S Rodqe rs Property lm prov.menl, 631 23-45 SrtUGHTS SKYLIGHTS SAVE ENERG Y All work QIWr•nteed One d ay •n•tallahon W .. too Cooatnacdon (71 4) 963-7737 TILE INSTALLAnON CERAMIC TnE INSTALL Ouahtv aDd c-ourten •• re6JOuble rates (w e 390312) 545-6344 CERAMIC TILE Beauttlv &r~~d .. pqred. YOUr hom• wtlh cotruaK 1\le !loon Call Art lor lr-•••••• SS2 0470 ROM'S TllD SDVICI -T TUIUillDQ toppaq. lhapUIQ, ITee ..-oval. •111111p remo•el Yard cleanup wc:en.ted ud lft.IU.red ~ahty work f '" Mllmat.. 646 2328 TREES REMOVED T nmmiDQ and tpr•y•nq 549-4991 TYPIMG BUSINESS SCHOOL and penonal typmq doD• oD my IBN S.lec Inc n typewnter DI&JJ•. 552·1499 COMPLETE TY'PING SERVICES oo 1IW llec: IIOII.JC 75 plu ed1IIJ1Q for .-pellinq p..nct'UA· IIOD Qf._m•r r(tiW Nuters and Doctorate work piWI al: b..wn- wnt•Dq st•tullc•h Spu~ah. French tranala 11on INDette 10 lrvut• 552·6916 TYPING TRA.NSCRIB · lNG EcLtu19 &Jld Wnt 111q S.rVJC.. AU lor mats rubtecll med~a J WAQD•r. Newport S..ch, Sd-3654 UPHOLSTEilY ··25~ on ALL FAI IUCS" Upbollt•ren ot dtiCUicUOD A.o~ to moden~ FrN p1Ck\lp a~~d debv.y s-- lotenors.. 9157 0121 WALLPAnllllfG CUSTOM WALLPA· PDDIG &Ad p&WIIIDQ, 10 ,..... • ..,_ .-ce R.t«eac:-. G.., ...... wor• Call lob 730- 1053 C* ta WALL QAL • aw~ lor p,... ~;;u..-:s-~ Dlm,IG .. -.ur,AI ~~ ......... ...... Dtaceaaa • ... ~Moll* ........... r..-••••.. Call D~W.ta.an Pag 20 Wednesday. January 20. 1982 The Newport £ns1yn -. .... .. ,/' . .. .. ... -.... , 20 MENTHOl OGAR£TTES Salem