HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-03 - Newport Harbor Ensign•• Making A Pleasure The Visiting Expert Suggests Settings See Business Here's Your Guide To Real Estate In The Harbor Area 20 Pages Of Listings and Photos In A Special, Pull-Out Section THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUuBER 26 (7 Pl. 14) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. FEBR UARY 3, 1982 • 25 CENTS Renters' ReheWon Grows; o Suits FDecl Jim Wood (center), new president of Corona del Mar Chamber of C~merce, enjoys installation party with Craig Ryan, first vice president,~nd Mary M tchael, se<;ond vice president. Staff photo by Bob Pete•son Wood Installed, Gives CdM Chamber Guideline llliitlllil8 .. .. at )"'Q 'CaD be ... Jt. Wood, locombag preai- d.ut of the Corona del N.r Ckaa.ber oJ Commerce, h.. aHered this phr ... "borrow- ed from. the Army" u a CJUideline for the growth of tlle community as well as fo r chamber members. lD a ''State of the Boulevard" addr ... he w1d wu iDapired by Pruident Re.Qan'a State of the Union ~PMCh the precediJlg even- lAc;r, Wood urged 110me 100 memhen at u installabon di.n..ner 1ut week to "noid craM commerc1alimn, the qa\ldy, tmaelloolt" in com- munaty qrowth a.nd develop the11 full potential. Wood, founder ud owne r of Ullique Homes, lnc , a lMd.i.Dv real estate brokerage here, and a 17-year resident, apoke oJ the ''creahve, tn- novative force" wbacb can be a Coro:oa del M4H resource. Additionally, be contrasted livmc;r and working condl· hona in "Mic bagan, Dlmots and NiunNOta w1th what we have." H. alao aaked conatdera - 1 tioD loT tlle attempta by the ~ty of Southern Ca.l.ifomia to ..sahhah a aaall, Mlell.Ue campu.a at the vae.\.Dt Corona del Mar Elementary School. Thil is being strongly op poeed by a group of residents who fear the nic;rbtlme uje projected fo r business clusea will bring bothereome traffic, and diaruptive Uqbb and noise. RecoqnUinc;r the oontrover- aial nature of tlua aubject, Wood said USC officials bad aqreed that lectures and filtu of interest to the com- munity could be pr ... nted 10 the auditorium, that enter- tamment such aa bad featured the Baroque F..Uval here Jut year could be tn· c re.ued, and be potnted to the poe«ible mclu.aton of the nearby Sherman Ll.brary and Gardena in what be Ntd could be a agUUlcant c ultural center. "Let's not bow to neqativis"m," satd Wood "Let's k .. p the door open, a nd talk." (Coutillued on paoe 8) Second Mobile Home Park Residents Fight Increase A land-renters' rebellion was talung shape here th1s weelc among mob1le home park residents and res1denhal le.uebolders whose land rents were slcyrockehng. Two lawswts have been filed, and another was promtsed At least one legal expert was p red1cllng the renters would WlD some form of rent control. Bay.We VIllage ftewpol't Te rrace by Roger Angle Outraged rentera and theu beleaguered landlords of De Anza Baystde Village Mobile Home Park have agreed on one thing. They wtU "negotiate" coo- troverstal land rental inc reases through a lawsud. Three v1ce preatdents oJ the 0. A.nu Cozporalaon ud four reGdeo~ met Wllh ~ .. lawyers ucla ~ COWlcilaU Frida~, th•~tUfe4denk Restdenls of a weslstde mobtle home park have hied a lawsuit agamst the park's landowners, seekmg to roll bac k 100-percent land re ntal tnc reasea that went tnlo eUec t Jan. 1. The sutl calls the mc reases "unconactonable and outrageous " lt w y. the la n- downers would recetve a 140- perceot annual return oo tbetr SllO,OOO 10v .. tmeot, m&de tn 1974 . &boWel tile the IWt. Arthur J Sullivu, president of the Bayt:ide VUlaqe Homeowners Aaociation, satd , "We e~t to We the sutl (over mobUe ho me apace rent rn- crea•• that went mto eHect Jan Tiua return wouldbe "tar, far and away beyond a latr and reasonable return ," the su1t aUeqes. Beatnce Quinlan 79, ts a central figure •n legal battle whiCh Jack Walley, shown wtth her, has helped chart 1) before too long." Tom Peckenpaugh, attorney represenhng the De Anza Cor- poration, suggested the reatdents hle the s utt. Then the two sidu could settle tl out of court, have a JUdgment e ntered "and tl would btnd us both," he satd. Dunng the d.tscua1ons, held tn Peckeup.ugb's MacArthur Boulevard ofhce , the reSldents turned down a request by the landowners, who asked them to abandon efforts to obtain from Ctty Co unc u three thtngs the landowners don't want: rent con trol. a mo ratonum on rent 1n · c reaMs, and a mobue home ove rlay zone "There's no way we can c ease to try to obtam a mo raton um on rents," Sulhvan told Pecken- pauqh "It's all very 01ce to 111 up (Conhnued on p.ge 3) Sr<~ff oton•o bv A">Qe' Ar~ A p rov1110D tn alate Jaw wlll r"ult m the renters wmrung the sutl, predtcted one res1dent, a rehred attorney The sutl was hled aga10st Pac thc Land Co. of Cerntos, on RepabUcan Leaders Aclcl To Sclunltz CrltldsDl bebaU of S..tnce Q wnlan, 79, State S.oa tor John Schmalz of and Jean Bennelt , 69, restdents Corona del Mar was repnmand of Newport Terrace Mo btle ed la st week by h1s contem Home Park, 824 West 15th poranes 10 the state Senate and Street, NeWJ>9rt Beac h by leaders of the state's Reo~• 56 spaces 1n the Republican Party Hts Newpo rt park went from $120 a nd $135 to Beach otftc e recetved a S250 a month, e acept fo r some telephoned bomb threat whach oew tenants lD July and August I proved to be a h oa a wbOM rents were Sl 75 and Scbm1tz, whose dtstn c t 10 $180 eludes Costa Mesa Irvme and An attorney for the O range Newport Beach. was cralacazed County Leqal Ald Soctely sen1or lor a wn tten attac lt on Witnesses ctbzena legal advocacy program a t anll·a bort ao rP heara nqs he Wed the swt m Orange County c haued Supeno r Court Dec 30 and Last Thursday the Senate- amended 11 Jan 21 voted 28-10 to formallv condemn The lUll seelta protectio n ham A Democratic maton tv was under the state Mobuehome 1010ed by stx Republtcc~ns an the R8$ldency Law condemnahon vote It wa~ Jack J Walley, 77 , one ot the behe ved to be the hrst suc h of restdents and a reltred attorney 1 hcaal achon aga1nst a member of (C u -~ 3 the state Legtslature m tha& cen on~.,~nu.u 0 0 pa ge ) turv The resoluhon was fale-d bv Sen Davad Roberti (D· Los Angeles), who satd the Senate "cann ot to lerate the Ul c ubahon of pre1 ud1ce w1thm als ranks " ln a Dec 22 press release, Schm1tz had descnbed women who 3ppeared al aborhon law heannqs conduc te-d by bts Con - shtullona l Amendments C ommtt· lee as 'b ull dykes " "murderous mara uders · and Jews wtth "a rquctbl v female laces " The Senate leadersh1p &tnpped lum of h1s commtllee cba1rmanshap ,ft pr thP re-marlcs c aused a storm of protest Thf' annual convention of the <tale RE'J•u blac a n Party last wt-eltend an Monte rey avoaded a publac flour laq ht over Schm1tz A move-tc.> t..e>nsure-ham was ..;topped H <.omm1tlee level (Continued on page 4) Demos' Surgery Upheld; Harbor Area Loses Senato r by FNCI Dcma lt'a official, now: Newport Beach will be Wlthout repr ... n- taboo tn the state Senate lor two NEW BOUNDARIES o1 ~ate A-.mbtv diatrtet• are ehoWn 1n bl.ck and state Senate ~tricta "' cob. 8oundlriet lhown .... rough pp~mt\eont of hoe~ In C.O.ta Mesa. Newport S.h 111'\d lnnne. Oet.aed reapporuonment IT\8PI8fe being comP'eted ln Sacram.nto. her San Juan ~raao aDd in- a&nd to incha4e v .. to. ....... 4()dj ooeq.....-al ~ ao... ~ oleoul~Mml· IHII Crute ~ty to tM MW 43nl c161trk:t, ~klao up ~ of the county north of Tuslln ,1nd add tng a sltce of O ranqe- lt sttll w1ll 1nclude all of Newpor1 and Costa Mesa but wdl lose a pae ·shaped hunk ol l rvme l rv10e anc tdenta llv. w11l become one of the fe w c tlles 10 the slate wh1ch Wlll be represented by two state asaemblymen, two slate senators and two congr ... men A ma Jor effect of the 4 3 court dec1saon wtll be to split that ctty's northern sechon-mcludanq Northwood-m to llate dtstncts that mclude such unrelated areal u Weal Covma and La Habra . DraW1DQ of the new boun danu &lao WlU prevent lrvme Mayor o. .. S1l11 from carrying out an tnte.nt to nan for the ... t bemg vacated by atate S.n. John Scluaita-becau. tllere11 be no election for that clWtrict unll1 1884. It bu been rumored U..t tnoclt .,. ~ .... to nul ac;ralut f.l)ow.lepU&Iau No&a rnueUe .... lac\lldeat wll.oee (0. ....... ,...., IN SHORT ForgU Open House The hbtorlc Forqit Builcbnq in Old Newport, which houHCI fozqit Hatdware for many yean, will have a public re-openinQ from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday. Hill-Daniebon and A.uociates, an architectural ftrm which is buyinQ the buUdinQ, will host an open house. Peg ForQil, who with her late husbond, Al. operated the hardware atore, will aJ.o be pr ... nl. The Jhll-Dantelaon firm now occupaes all of the bu1ldmQ, ex- cept for a QUI ahop lD one sec- lion. The two-story bnck alruclure, built at Balboa Boulevard and 22nd Street in 1928, has been completely redeaiQned uuade and spruced up outside. Al Forgtl d1ed of a heart at- tack 1n late 1980. Bomb Hoax The "bull dykes" are tryinq to qet back at John Schmitz. The state Mnator (R-Newport Beach) has been the subject of controveny ln recent weeb partly becauae he issued a state- ment entitled, "Sen. Schmitz aurviv" an attack of the bull dykes." Jan . 28 an unidentified woman ca.lled Schmit•' Cuapu.a Drive office ud aid: "The bull dyk• of beric::- have planted a bomb in the •natora office. It will 90 ofJ iJl ten mi.nut•." Police Marched the office but foUDd DO bomb. Baclham Plclted Rep. &bert I . Badlwn hu been elected chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the party's leQitlative •rvice orQaniaation in the HoUM of Repr ... ntativ ... The conQreama.n, who represents this uea, hu •rved for the past three yean u vice chairman oJ the panel, aucceeda Rep. RichardT. Schulae (R-Pa.) as bead of the committee which includ" 152 of the 192 House Republic ana. Stated purpose of the Republican Study Committee d to advance the principals of limited Constitutional qovern- ment, advance individual liber- ties, reverse the trend of unlimited qovemment, spendinQ and promote a stronq national defense. There are 16 memben of the study committee's ataH, beaded bv Richard Di.nqman. Ruling, Delays .Muddle BaWe Over FHghts by Roger Angle A hiqb-at&kes leQal battle over lliqhts at John Wayne A1rport was up 1n the au a9ain tha week. The botUe-betw .. n AirCal and the county on one side and Pacific Southwest Airlines on the other-wa s over fliQhts worth S2 million a year each. This weelr: -AirCal Friday won a measuze of protection of its 23.5 lliqhts a day. The company received an emerqency stay of fede ral Judge Terry Hatter's rul- in9 that the county couldn't pro· teet AirCal'a lion's share of the lliQhts. -The Board of Superv11ora yesterday postponed cons1dermq a new &Jrhne acce11 plan that 11 had drawn up to meet Hatter'li ob)echons. . -A deadline waa set Feb. 8 for the three partaes to hle bnefs m A1rCal'a appeal of the Hatter rulmg. County o ff1c1als were unable to pred1c t the result of the legal battle "All we know for sure ts that we w1ll shU have a cap .on the (average) number of (daily) flights at 41. II said Ken Hall, an aide to Supervisor Tom Riley. whose d1stnct 1ncludes the au· port U AirCaland the county win, the county will probably ex- clude Western Airlin" ftom the airport, Hall aaid. The county miqht then qive Weatem'a two fliqhts a day to PSA and Fron- tier, Hall added. AirCal's 23.5 daily lliqhts would be protected for thr" years, and all airline• here would be required to conv81't to newer, quieter "Staqe-Three" aircraft. If PSA wi.na-PSA brouqht the original lawsuit resultinq in the Hatter rulin9-there would be a different scenario, Hall aaid. l.n that case, "I would &~~ume" the county would conai<l.r the access plan which wu poetpon- ed yesterday, be said. Ivery three months, 10 percent of the lli9hts would be up for c;rrab. to the airhnes with the qu1etest planes. But aU plans remained in abeyance, awaiting leqal action, and circlin9 the airport in a legal holdinQ pattern. "It will be at least a month before we know anything," Hall said. The average daily commercial Jet departures are currently allocated to AirCal, 23.5 lli9hta a day; Republic, 11.5; PSA, 2; Frontier, 2; and Western, 2. WE THINK YOUR HOME SHOULD 8E THE NICEST PLACE YOU GO •..• At World of MoukSlng You WUI Ftnd A Wide Varilty Of: Mouldlne (He rdwood & Soflwoodl Wood Turnlne • Stair '•'ta -f Oek 4 Hemlock ) Gall•y lall -Picture ''•"'•• -lor ••II• Ch•" R•ll• -B•u• · Crowna -Cumr~• VLsll Our Showroom ....,..ToCoat'mne W Odln~ .. Jng Drumming up business for the annuat Orange Coast College Jazz Festival is Paut Sa&ata. Salata, noted Harbor Area toastmaster and story teller, hosted a meeting last week at the college to raise money for the festival. A March 1 night of big bands and jazz will also raise money for the cause. Call 640-7622 for ticket information. H«ID WID Epd Sec:tlon 8 Subsldle.ID '83-Plerce by Tom leamett Section 8 au.beidiea are on the way out and the federal qovem- ment will try to convince U.S. penaioll funds to make an estimated $600 billion controlled by the fu.nda availAble for hou.a- inq loans, the Secretary of Housinq and Urban Develop- ment said in Irvine this week. "HousinQ is in a very poor economic condition, there is no doubt about that," Samuel R. Pierce aaid at preu conference at the Aitporter Inn Monday prior to a speech to the Oranqe County chapter of the Buildi.nQ Induatry Association of Southam California. "We hope throuqb the Presi- dent's economic proq1'4m we can brinq interest rates down, II Pierce laid. The number one Qovern.ment official overseeinq this area's biQQeat industry aaid subsidies under Section 8 of the HouainQ and Community Development Act of 1g74 will still be made to builders through 1983. Thereafter, HUD hopes to replace them with a voucher ayatem--direct payments to low- l.Dcome tena.nta. The controveraial Section 8 rent-su.beidy program, which hu fi.nuced milliou oi dollars in South Oranqe County projecta, ia a quarter of a trillion doUan-$750 billion-in debt. The MCretary repudiated the poaition of hi• predeceuot. Moon l.&Ddrleu of the Carter ad- miniltration, who had said be expect• the qovemm•.nt even- tually to build 80 pere4tnt of all U.S. homee. "I do not think the QOvern- ment should be involved in buildi.nq houses," Pierce said. But Pierce vowed con· tinued support for federal Quaranteed home loans and told the BlA he bolc:b to ease restric- tions on qiant pension funds in order for them to back new bousinQ loans. The MCretary, who is black, reportedly played a ka)l role in President Reaqan's decision to reverse himseU on the lSSUe of tu incentives to seqreqated school.a. l.n bia appeuance here, however, Pierce enthusiaatically supported the Reaqan proqram of "new Federaliam"-decried by some U .S. black leaders. Pierce's lrvine appearance came as the U.S. Commerce Dept. releaaed fiQures showinq .new constf)lction fell 1 percent 10 December from the month before, endinQ the worst year for builders since 1975. In Irvine, home aales by the Irvine Co. declined 31.6 percent from the previous year. The COlPpallY and ita builden told 873 homes in 1981, compazed to 1,400 in 1980. De&eatid b7 ........ ~. paltlau power play ill t.be ate s-.t.t J1JaaDce Co•••tt .. , AalaaWywoman Wariaa 1eJveeoa (I·Ne1fPOI1 Beach) will tab her attftlpt.a to wtall • '"more rea101tab\e" inco .. tu indo to thAt fedflallevel. W.Uwb.ile, Mid Gloria Seet,e, a •rv-on aide, the ... mblywoman will "help educate the people to vote for the Jarvis indexinQ m.eull1'8" ·which will be on the }l.lDe bollot. The Jarvis approach li.nb incoDW to the California Coil· aumer Price Index, which Berqeeon hu aaid ia not u preciN u the bill she wu ahephezdillq becau.ae it includes the i:n.Oated costa of hou.ainQ- "However," aaid S..lye, "it is a step towud helpinq the tu- pa~er." Berqe.on's propoeal, first <l.fea.ted by one vote when Sen. A1 Alquist (D-Sa.n Joee) called for a ballot while a Bergeson supporter wu temporarily out of the room, lost again on a recon- aideraUon procedure when two Democrats who had backed the meaaure earlier "couldn't be found in time," Berqeao.n d.iscloeed. Th ... two were John 1 Two Newport Beach policeDWn, o11e with a muter'• degz" and the other with a bachelor• de9ree, were pro- moted yeaterday. Former S.rqea.nt Jim Cuaon, who hu aupervi.Md patrol and detective divisions and tTaininQ proq.rama, became a lieutellant. Former officer !meat "Bob" li.uJUoll, member of the ho.taQe neQotiation team and former penonn~ officer, became a •er9ea.Dl. Canon became the patrol watch commander from mid- niqht to 8 a.m. and became Area Three com.mander, overseeing patrol• in Corona del Maz. l.n 1980 he earned hil master'• deQYH in public ad- mi.niltration from the Uruvenily of Southern California. Harn.cm became a field .upervt.or in patrol. He recently received his bachelor' 1 deQree hom the Univenity oJ Redlanda. Both oHicen and theit wivea Uve in the South County area. Rent a spaciOus. luxunous house or conoomm•um So Cruises much nteef to come home to afte(.a day on the stopes. The two-bedroom condoS sMiep SIX Gara.meDdl (O.Wabual Grove), a cand.ld.ate foz ~·· and John Holmdahl (J).CMtro Valley). The fint U.. uound the committee three da,.. earlier they had voted for U.. IMU\Ue, which would have put her in- de:a.inq ayatem on the June ballot. Betqe.on'a concept-worked out with lro..t DtOnenburq, Board of !quali.ution c.bairman and a member of the franchise Tu Board-liDb tu brackets to waQes and aalaries, and is 1nte.nded to k"P co.t-of·livi.nQ i.ncr.._... from penaliamq reci- pienta. "She hu ellheusted every avenue in the put three yeara," said Seelye. "1he California tum-down by the Democratic- controlled commitl .. doesn't mean it'a not a qood measure. President Reagan aaid that in 1985 there should be some sort of national tu indeldn9-and perbap this is the one he'll choose. "Meanwhile, Marilyn hopes to chanqe some of the elementa of the Consumer Price l.ndex to make thu a more realistic yud- aHck." -Bun Sima BOB HARRISON JIM CARSON people and the three .-let tour- bedtoom hou981 can MStty sleep two or more wt'\ote famtties WEEKO-\YS 10 A\t Wi:.EKE.NOS 9:30AM 6 1:30 PM u1vioa From tht MARCH • APRIL-STAY 7 NIGHTS, --....... Adults S8. Children SS. 171 U67:J·U 46 An authentiCally restored s•lver m•n.ng town nght out of the 1800s. Pari( Ctty is the hottest new cold spot '" the West. Euy to get to by plane or tra1n. Only 30 quick minutes from doWn- A SPECIAL VALENTIN8'8 .J•WELAY HOW t.\utCI'('hat.r !VIM 8-5 OeJiy. IO·l S.turday C1owd S\lnday 31095 ~nSc . S&nta AM (B.Wftt\ ~~ ~-$ MoaM") 55&-777 I FEATURING: CLOISONNE IN GOLD BY MAA.IOIU. WV R & PAM SF'UALOCK . ,., AND THE WGAKS OF SEVERAL OTHER FINE JEWELRY CRAFTSMEN "a nice liquor store" Next to the Irvine Ranch Farmer's M•rket t .IATUan•o THE PINBaT IN IN •• 5 a•lal'18 Remember us for Valentine's Day • FRIDAY. FEBR~ARY 5th. 5:00 to 9 :00PM Specials throughout the store • Con•wnlttee FOes Lawa•dt . Against Irvine Co. by Bog. ADele The wu betWMD the Commit· tee of 4,000 e.nd the Irvine Co. over rented Land contiDued Lh~ week on thr .. fronta: -The Committ .. , which ... b to repr ... nt 3,750 r-.idttntial le.ueholdera in Newport BNch and Irvine, filed a clus-.ction lawauit Je.n. 28 in Ore.nqe Coun· ty Superior Court. be valued u thouc;rh they were raw, without the l .... holdera' hou... The Commill" contenct. the current muket value oJ the land Ls partly attnbutable to the hoUSM, pub, atr .. ta, church .. , ~boola and other community am.menili .. supported by leaMholdera' tu ... Tenace (CoDtma.ci from l)e9e l) who pr.ctlced Law in Loe hqel .. for 35 yeen, precbcted the tenants will wiD. Walley, who baa been 6ollow- inq other tenant Lawsuits ill n ... reporll, &.lao predicted The Comm.itt .. of 4,000 and the De Anz.a Bayside Vill&qe Hom.ownera A-oca.taon will win their laWIUlta. Tboee cpoup are tighlulq au:ni1as land ret.al incr ...... Committ .. pretident Barba.ra Younq predicted the suit, which calb the lea.-. "un· c onscionable," may take three years to resolve. "In a 1969 newspaper adver· lilmg aupplement," Young told a reporter, "the Irvine Co. &aJd-e.nd I quote-• ... raw land .&taelf is nothinq ... .' " without beinq tilled or developed. Van Packard (left) and Ken Carpenter, of De Anz.a Corporation, talk with mobile home residents. Opposing corporation are residents such as Man Gemmill (left), and Arthur Sullivan Pho1011 by Steve Canc.an Elle.n G . Wmterbottom, an Ir- vine lawyer repr ... nbnq the re10denta. Walley 141d be wrote a draft of the amended complamt, ..t· hng forth the amount the lan- downer• paid for the property and a.lleqmq unrea.aonable return. -lrvme Co. president Peter Kremer reacted: "We believe there 1S no leq~ ~~ for the suit e.nd expect it to be diam.iu· ed by the court." (A retired attorney cliMgreed, predicting the Committee will win. S.. related story on Paqe One.) -Young accused the Irvine Co. of forcinq thr" businesses to move, as the company m· c re.ues renla "all over town." Two of the businesses are in W estclill Plaza, said Young. A t Dick Vernon's men's clothing store, Dick Vernon Jr. sa.id the rent increase "was one of me.ny reasons" the firm was moving at the end of thlB month . Tomorrow ruqht, Feb. 4, the Newport Beach Pla.nning Com· misston will consider a move by Home Federal Savings and Loan of San Dteqo from Harbor View Center to a new aile on Pac1fic Coast Highway. That move Ls being forced by the Irvine Co., Younq alleged. Kremer accused the Commit- tee of filinq ita lawsuit aa "part of an onqomg pubi.Jc relations campaign." Young wu also galbennq sup- port for one of the swt's conten· lions that the leased lots abould The ad went on to e.s:toll the virtues of buildinq new com· munilies. Kremer reiterated company claims that the rental and pw· cb.ue price mcreases protested by the Committee "should not have come as a surprise to any lessee since the rental adjust- ment formula is clearly speciJ.ied in the lease." The Leues were siqned in the 19SO. and '60's, based on land values then, Kremer said. "The truth, as the Committee well knows, is that the company 1s s1mply mc rea.smg rents to a level commensurate w1th today's values for properties, which are amonq the most valuable real estate in Southern Cahfornia," Kremer sa1d, m a written sta1e· ment released the same day the suit was filed. This week, Younq renewed her public attack on the com- pany. She ScUd, "The company 1s still not addressmg the ba.s1c issues" in 1ts offers to cut some rents and finance land pur· ch.ues. "These so-called deals are on- ly availa..ble to those 60 leueholders whose rents are up for reappraisal th1s year," slnt saJd. • SPRING FASHIONS ARRIVING DAILY ~·. A rose 1s a rose A florist 1s a different matter. There's only one Clark. Kennedy Bgside (Continued from paqe 1} here in these off1ces, wh1ch are aome of the nicest I've seen. They're beautiful. "But we have people down there who don 't have enough to eat now that you've put these reht increases through." Obviously struqqi.Jng to con· trol his emotions, Sullivan add- ed, "Any lime we've brought Lbia up, you've said, 'U 1t's too erpenaive to live in Newport Beach, move.'" Ve.n Paclt.ud, a De Anza v1ce president, also fought to control h1s emohona as be replied, "If we are qoinq to qo forward, I don't want to bear what's been goinq on for the past three and one half years." "Yes, but wh!.le we a re talk· 1ng, our people are bu rhng," Sdlhvan said. "We have a poltcy to help those people," Pacltard sc:ud Peckenpaugh sa1d , "I undente.nd there are 13 ap· plicants (for rehef from the cor- poration) thls year." Councilman Phil Maurer broke up the confrontation He spoke to Peckenpaugh's qu..tlon about rent control, a moratonum on rental ~ncreases and the mob1le home zone. The zone, already approved 1n concept by C 1ty Counc il, would set up "a more formal procedure," c1ty ofhc1als say, throuqh wh1ch a mobtle home park landowner would seek to chanqe the use of h1s land. Currently a change 10 use penn1t lS needed. Maurer sa1d, "I don't bei.Jeve there IS one person on the coun· cil who wants rent control "On the morato n um lSSUe, I can't spealc for the rest of the counctl. The clly atto rney lS merely loolung mto 11 It has been upheld m some court c ases and not mothers So we don't know how 11 would work out. "But on the mobOe home overlay zone, we thm1t 1t's legal and 1t would not aJfect the neqohallons We have spent a lot of hme on 1t and we ·mtend to pursue 11. "However, I l1ke the 1dea of you two attorneys gethng together Let the two of you do the neqotldtlng " The a ttorney·to-altorney negotiation was suggested by Peckenpaugh a.nd agreed to by At another moment in the bow-long meelmg, Pecken- pauqh wed the resldenls to "stop twMlti.nq (our} noses and call 'Lnqs X,' 1f you will." wh1le neqob.ahon.s proceed. "We ce.n't do that," sald Sullivan. "Time 1S lctlling us down there. When you're Wllhnq to make a reasonable settlement, then we1J call a 'King's X.' Not before." The villaqe land Ul owned by the Irvine Co. and leased to De Anza, a Beverly Hilla C orpora- tion, until the year 2013. sa1d Sullivan The park conta.m.a 291 mob1le homes which bouse some 400 peraona, 86 percent of whom live there full-hme, Sullivan ad- ded. The rents went up Jan 1 from a range of $280 to s-450 to a new range of $365 to $635 a month, Sullivan said . The corporallon has been ac - cused by the residents of refus- inQ to quare.ntee spaces 10 the park past 1985, resultmq m the1r beinq unable to sell thea mob1Je homes. Leqal A.td attorney Vinceut D. Janu bled the onQl.nAl actioa. It was unclear who would be protected Lf the remdenta wua the su1t, sa1d Ramon OU.r. IA9&1 A1d certified law clerk. "It would be up to the colllt," Oller sa1d. A aucceuful a.ctioa "may or may not" protect the 68 other rHidents of thAt pa.rk or re11dents of other parb. It may protect only the two plaint.ifta or only aen10r Clhzen.s, aa.id QU.~. A dilierence betw~ "actiona 10 law" and "acltona m eqwty" will ma.ke a key ciltference when the suit finally com .. to tnal, p redicted Walley. "Courts of equ1ty have a COD· sc1ence," Walley explained. "CoutU of law aomehm .. do not. "You ce.n loae on a quealtou ill law, but wiD under equity. That's what we hope to d o," Walley added The Commttlee of 4 ,000 will also appeal to the eqwty llde of (state) courts "They have a qood awt," Walley lAid. "They are stuck because of a deal they made 2S years aqo. They had no i.n..kling they would be cauqht m thu bmd. That makes 1t a qood equ1· ty achon ." THE DE IC"JtR SALOr-., 1>\ T SF A. PRE SENTS THE BEST OF SPR/f•,.c 82 OA\'10 HAH~-'lpr nR 8.! l otlf'<t~t;n Pf.'r~ona appe,uancf.' b-. the master o f en,emble dre))mg -Thur~da~ feb J J. 5 p \1 februan 8 4 10 Bf,T(lf THI etC~ A convenient alternative to hospttal emergency rooms. '\~E.RI(-\"-. Ol'dC,lRC. (()LL£CT:<Y' \ tn1..ent "noll \f-\ ~ 8u ~er ~' br nfl a )Pt'Ctal t~l//ecrton rrom 'e"' 'rork rea rur rn~ Chf .1r de Ia Renta Btl/ Bla,~ 641 ·081 0 • Stone Mill Business Park 291 5 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa Mobil CARPET CLEANING System I COUPON Wertlil ~.ott ~-• ..Af' .... 9 () ""' A. MINIMUM SSO JOB Partv Helpers, Unltd. . larty Coonllnator. A NNOUNCES Exciting New Catering • Banquet, Buffet or Family Style • Intimate Meab for Small Groups ~•ln-Office Luncheons • Fondue Parties Rush Events, Theme Parties (W• e~Uo coordi110t• •v•nt.t at Aot•l$. twstowon ta, clubs. •te} e entertainment e ~OOn.t e 6aiUtr e balteadtln/waiten The EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE A Fully Equipped Medical Office for Emergency Care. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personal•zed Care AOUL TS AND CHILDREN No Appomtment Needed e lmmed1ate Attent1on G•ven OP£N: 1 DAYS A WEEK 3e5 OA YS A YE.AA 8 A.ll.·11 P.M. Bor~:" (71 4) 752·8300 ••• RQ.NCY DOCTORS OFFICE S 4030 Birch St.. Suite 1 07 t Newport Beach t N Ha.,to" <..eorrrc>\ ~t'f'ne -\dee '-tmp.,on \1Jr\ \lc r add£On \;fo/1 I(' Parn" lame~ C.J a no' \ho"' n,.: Ja~ t•mt JT'tl t>~t>nm)o! \\ear februJI\ 1b 1 • -\OOL f () '>pun~ 8.' ( <> t>c IH '' <..er Blake'~ \I-\ ., R \~-'' ,, "r.1rr lt> ~UIJI \f'lt•LitOn tO 'UII ~ Oul \(\ •l' J r,d , Otor oretert'"' t>' 01 , ou rna, , ,.,nt'"' rrom an t'\lf.'t) \t' l.OI'r•cr,or • ''~>• ..,IZ '/(I( I. \ ' , I ,., r vr:- ~) Ill l pper ,., c> lilt •rt7l,JI \ ,.,, 1 Jr• r•<l I~· ( \nuth (u,h t /",J,•d I I I I ---·-------__ _j II\&,.. ,our r.tl•np WIU\ thJ• •parlliii'\C OQlteeuon of ~ aa.recS In \he t,..,IUOil ot H•J.n S...1ner ~ICI b)' & &eltn \ed new wn..-r. AJ~.JO'fC"' DaYI n "N 1 b&J"dooveJ' ., • a to• <W\ td1uon 1 rLIIUWH a YI.U. OOMMifY 6 MONTH MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES IS. IS. f FFKTIVf 2 2-2 8 182 ..... UM., .... ~~ NMM n fOit Ma'f MII.HWAL ~..- PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS AHHUAA ••lO No Nl•ntmvm loiar'<e/Ne ,.,.... In••~• ~od Dao,>tn e>ay.o-,1 CO"''OVndlld Dooly, CIWdll ~ly 1 N ,h &, Me I W. 'o'( '-I09e ...... """""' • 90 DAY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE ffFECTIVf 2 2·2 8 8 2 ..• , .. , __ i ..,.,_ntiOIIU&'f Mn-AWAL ~ .... 1U1W.~--. ....... ...., • ~Nr /111111 MA a,.. • Abuse Of Power For well over a century nowf parl.iMn poUtica have been a fe,ct of life in our eovereiqn state. ~", ....... s···- Philoeophiea differ, of course; that's human nature. But in very recent yeara auch partisanship i.e acquir- inQ a power and a diartKJ&rd for the opposing voice that is not only dangerous-it borders on blatant tyranny. In recent times the moat celebrated affront to us here, of coune, is the red.i.strictinq plan gerrymandered by the party in power to inlure ita perpetuation-at the cost of such values as actual senatorial representation from the Harbor Area for two years. On a lesser scale-but just u disgraceful in motive-was the gamesmanship demonstrated a few days ago by AI Alquist, a San Jose Democrat who chairs the Senate Fina.nce Committee. Harbor Area Assemblywoman .Maria.n Berqeson had a bill before the committee which would have placed on the June ballot her income-tax indexing measure. It is linked to wages and salaries, and would have provided a realistic way of deali.nq with the present Catch-22 where your increase in income pushes you into a higher tax bracket-a.nd you can't win for losing. Bergeson wasn't trying to put the system through the Legialature. She simply wanted it on the ballot so California.ns could decide whether THEY wanted it. 0 That opportunity to hear the public voice was crushed under Alquist's gavel by the simple expedient of calling for the vote moments after a Bergeson supporter had been summoned out of the room to answer a phone call. Letters To The Editor She-and Californians-lost by that one vote. You think The Redistrict Game To the Editor: Al~ didn't know it would fall that way? "lan't Anyone Watching Out Bergeson succeeded in getting her proposal up for for the Voters?" reconsideration. But when she walked into the room at 9 ' a.m.-the awkward hour chosen by Alquist-she saw e "Re-Aliqn the Districts" oa.me that four of her pledged eiqht votes were absent. Chair- man Alquist gave her only half a.n hour in a hectic LeQi.slature's morning to locate her four votes. It was im- possible because two of those votes-Democrats who had told her earlier they would back the measure-"couldn't be found". That, readers, is partisan power politics. It's the kind of dirty pool that penalizes the California resident; settling issues without regard to merit. Whether it's Democrats in power or Republicans, whether it's Whigs or Tories or Mugwumps, the voice of the minority must never be silenced by contrivance or conspiracy-or we're in deeper trouble than is already apparent. :::::....BRS CONSUMER CORNER Dear Corusumer League: When I bought my new home here m lrvme I bad my oven upqraded. I thought buying the beat would g1ve me peace of mind. But after the warranty eqnred, so dJd the oven Fsrst, one of the coils blew up, but 11 has been fued. Then the door handle cracked and 11 about to fall oft. Just today. the clock bas broken for the second tune. Now when tblS cloclt break. on th11 parttculaJ oven, tl takes with it the Mli-cleantng, tuned-balung and automahc start-and-stop turung and the tuner. I know the warranty 11 up, but should I have lh1s much trouble with an e~na1ve oven? Mra. F Dear Mrs. F .. The Consumer League agrees with you, so we ha~ contacted the preSident of this hrm. He IS malcing arrangements lor tbeJr local representative to replace the handle free of charge and fix the clock lor a Oat charge of $53, which is lea than haJJ the normal charge. Although you wj}) not poy lull charges, they will still give you a 12-month wauonly on the clack and 90 days on labor. It pays to speck up. Most firms want their customers to be happy with the products they seJ) and wm work out a re.alu- tion lair to both sides. Pot Blow Consumer I.Aogue • The Con.umer Leaoue IS • oroup ol men and women who he~• band.d toqatb.r to better llandle theu colllumer compla~nta The MOlle Nya 11 olfeu comp&.mt llend!JliQ Wllb group clout, referral Mrv~. ~rc:h MN\C .. and • newaJ.tter There IS • tmell annual IM lor • lemlly memb.ra}up The J..oue IS • Mrvlce group lUI .. ,.... 1t. own TlMre are no mandatory m.e\lllqa or pro,.ct. Add..-Ulqum• lo 4642 Walnut. lrv~ne, CA 9'2714, or t•lepboo• 551 -3981 m11. eo.t lhiJ .. CoiOM dolll ac.... CA lala.tiiO ~-.kl,oeW~y ldieorioll ........ ~ -873-01!180 IUCHARD BRONNU IOIPAYSON STEVE HADLAHD IURT SINS Lll.A'ND POUND I4Jf1)llA UP ARI IOGII A.HGJ.I .. W.UCUS DI.ITZ, CHRISTOPHER LYNCH IAPY ILOIIH ••d 101 PITUSON ALAN M. ICKOrr 10M t1'IGNOTD . Co p\lblu•her Co-publlaher G.MtaiW.~r . . ld11or AIIOc:'-4• Iehto ,. Retell Advert..Ut W.aeqer . • leopor .. r ......... Spon. Report .. ~··'"-" • Prod\Niirotl ~· • . Citc'Wtloa Dlr.ctor u played eac h 10-yea.r span To cope with population ahifts Shown by the cen.ua plan But politiciAns UM this scheme To feather their own bowen And load few foemen's districts To minimise their powers They keep a comfy balance In many cli.striot polls To fh the re-election of Tbeu own party'• soula Dornan Questioned To the Editor: Representative Robert Doman states (Wed.neaday, Jan. 27) that the Campaign for Economic Democracy (CID) i.e "a radical group that will qrah any issue that worb for them." Isn't that what be's doinc;r by Cf.IDP410nino on a bate Fonda/Hayden plat- form? The extremacy of his posi- tion 1s cle&r when he aaya it was a em member who helped a Ca.ta M.eaa neiqhborhood orgaruze aqa.inat a pollutino, health en<Unc;rering industry. Doea t.hia mean that Representa- tive Doman aupporta the pres- ence of toltic chemical plant• in residential areas? AJthou9h CiD does nothmg more ainister than work on anti- nuclear, anti-toxic chemical poiaoninCJ and affordable houa- inq .... u .. , it still remai.Ju the illQCJical tarC)et ol politician• who would rather criticize than do. What have you done to help othera lately, Repr ... nlAtive Doman? That would m..U a more interest:ino topic for your speech ea. Ellen G . W10terbottom Irvine Dream Destroyed To the idttor: Anyone who bought lea.ehold property tn yeara past wheze the price oJ the property hu now Schmitz (Continued from paCJe 1) However, many of the party'• CalJfomia leader• aiQned • stetement ctitici&in9'.the aenator. H.l. remarb, the atateiD8Jlt aaya, "oJModed mJlllona of Callfor- They meroe the zon .. of fightera who OppoM theu party'• plan And make them fight each other To eliminate one m4n They move a district's bound'ri .. To encompa.aa lands remote To force a strong opponent To ... k a stranger's vote But while they Gerrymander (Or ~ it "Jerry" now?) Who help• •the poor darned voter? His caUM ia lost .omehow So let' a propose a novel plan That politicians never try gone up astronorrucally now realite that they were JUSt shills in the great con game of the area-suc kers who bouqbt a lovely home on land they didn't own-and land that becauae of thea lovely homes near the ocean and Proposition 20 has gone to the pomt where most cannot afford to buy. When the great envuonmen- tahats were smtllen with the idea of relainmg a "perfect envuon- ment" they voted 1n Prop. 20 and thereby caused such oreal costs to be afftJted to all proper- ly before al c an be developed thai most young people cannot alford to buy a home-Prop . 20 and inflation destroyed the young Amencan's dream. Planner brms have mushroom- ed tn the a rea and their charoes have to be hagh because they have to be experts an knowing all the governmental requlahona m the area where they axe plan- nmc;r m add.Jtaon to bemo experta in theu field of plannmo. The whole ball of wax adds up to a pnce tbllt few can afford when it comes to buyang a bome. What 11 going to happen? On- ly time wulteUI Recently the owners of lrvane propertiea have formed a qroup to OppoM the pncea of lota on which they have homes that they have been , ( ---- Let'a d.iueqa.rd the party clan And aiae the diatricta man lor man ; And qive each l&CJialature'a fief An equal abal'e of human aoula ReCJa.rdlea of their party ties ReCJa.rdl ... of theu race or ooals And Leap beyond Bill Camp- bell'• plan And forae re-district a.re.u To be conmtent, fair, and true- It ... JDI the least that we can do To CJive the voter what he needs It's one of our qreat Nation's cr.-cia To rep.reeent the common man Not aave the jobe of thoee who ru. Robert J. !ichen.berc;r Corona del M&r offered to buy. Alao the Newport Shores homea are now bavtng offered lo them an opportunity to buy their Iota-their homes oxioinally coat about $25,000 back in 1963 and now the land on some of the lots i.e beinq ol- fered to them at $135,000. U yo u were an oriCJiDal purchuet buy- lDO the hoUM at $25,000, maybe you could aftord that $135,000 lot. However, if you were a re- cent purch.uer and paid $160,000 for the house on leasehold property and now had the opportunity to buy it at $135,000, that would make the total coal o1 your home $295,000. Tht is getting up to an astronomical price for youno people to own a home in that area. U all the younCJ people have to put theil homes on the market for ule, the present loan market will. make their homes oc for fa.r leu th&n they purchased them for, if they were a recent buyer. U your loaD payment on a ~ome ln Newport Shorea costs you $1,200 a month, then aDother loaD payment on the pric. of ta. lpd i.e beyond the paylnCJ ability oJ moat youno people. With both partner• workin9 and havino a heavy tax burden, bow can they a.f.ford It ? Ann Forth JOORNAUSl'S JOURNAL by Jim F eltOD Journal11ts are capable of supercihous arroqanc. when they try to be om.nipoten} with- out recQCJnismg thetr own frail- lies, and this was brought home to me l~tst week when I wu guu- ty of a monumental goof. Not once, but half a dozen times I wrote about lrv10e'a new lolk hero, barber Jim Anderson, aa barber hm Rtcbardson. My com- ments still stand; only the name was changed to protect nothino but to expose my stupidJty. Actually, it was a Freudtan shp. Jim Richardson 1 knew well. He was the last of the terra- ble men, the tireless,• inspired, creative and ruthless clty editor of tbe Los Angeles Examiner. 1 can't tell you bow many hmes be scooped me when I was city editor of the old Dculy News . I am Anderson is a barber. Jim Rtcbardson wouldn't cut your hair; he'd scalp you. There tS no agony quite like that of a newspaperman caught in an error. Tbe whole world sees it. The spoken word can be rrusunderstood and you can claim a misquote. But when it's in type-the boo-boo-tt's worse than Shakespeare's damned spot. It just won't go away. It was tn th11 moment of anguish that I recetved a note from Jack O'Mara ol Newport Beach: ''Your column about a cord of wood is a gem that reduced me to a choked-up, teary slate when I read it to my wife. I wish it could be required reading for every teen and youno adult, not for the economics but for what it says about the virtues of man in time of want. "The situation of which you wrote, and your recollection of 1t, reflect. a sweetness and a simplicity which I am afraid we are lhJowmg away 1n our afflu- ence, selliahneas and purauit of aru.iicial pleasure. "Curiously. Peggy and I had been diacusaino a Tunes tnter- vtew Wlth Jim Jordan, 'Fibber McGee.' We were talkino about bow simple and innocent a lot of comedy was 1D those daya, in contrast to the sophisticated, hard, adult. blue matenal, messaqe-laden themea of now. "And we were speculating on whether the adveraity of tha.e times, the preoccupation with bedrock level• of survival and attention to elemental needs may have stripped people down to their cores and made them Jove enterta.mment which was naJve but more aaUafyinc;r . "It wu 1D that conte~t thAt I came upon your column, read- ino il tint ailently and then to PeCJOY. When I c;rot to the kicker about barterino live cords of wood at $5 each , I couldn't go on . "Thank you lor • beautiful piece of wntinCJ that produced • warm and wonderful moment for ua." Jack O'Mara'a lett.r couldn't have come at a better time. While theze's no excuae for the kind oJ careleas, aloppy miatake I ~de with hm Andenon's name, there's no pl..aure in remone. lf Pele.r ltremer ia a biCJ eaou9h man to admit tu. company ptede • m.dtake with lrvine'a ~r, I queu I c.J1 do the MJDe. While I'm apol()CJetk: to JIJD And•rtoo, J'm warmly CJratetul to Jack O'Wara. Mil coaJDena. ~t comedy and utett.lo.mnt u•e • buJ. fot autlauUcity. For JMn lle wu tM pri.Dci,pal ~tor the Telaviatoo Adverl11LDQ htMu la l{olly- woocl. AA.d l'a tuJe lie ooaJd filld tocae humor ln a jo\&ra&I.Wt'• ptatWJ. ~ ,. ................... _..,_,-... -........... --._,. -. Krlstlls Off To An Farly Start-Dally Newport Skater Scores In World Class Meet by Bwt Slma She is up at 4:45 every morning, and on the rink of the Ice Capades Chalet in Costa Mesa by 5 :30-prac- hcing, prachcmg, practicmg ... as much a.s hve to sut hours a day. That's for weekdays. Satur- days, she leaves her Lido lsl., h ome for Paramount, and · gets m three hours of prac - hce at Iceland by 9 a .m. Then there are the dally sess1ons of we1ght-liJting at The Sporting House qym in Newport Beach , and aerobic dancing and jogging and JAZZ dancing-and bedtime at 8:30. ranked 15th in the world. Now home for a 118Cond nasal passages operation to facilitate her e.ue of breath· mg, Kristi will be off the ice for three or four weeks. Then at will be time to program more competihon. The 5-foot-7, blue-eyed blonde has chosen to skate for Austria, at the suggestion of a former coach, Olympic Silver Medalist Barbara Rowles. Rowles, from Canada, t,uqbt figure skahng tn Costa Mesa, then moved to the Olympic Tra1ning Center 10 Colorado Springs where Knsll JOined her for a time. by Marcua Dietl Don't expect to fmd Newport Harbor Hiqb basketball coach Jerry DeBuak m an espec1ally expansive mood nowadays. For ex.ample. How about the tough, three-game schedule h1s Saalors play tlus week? "The way we're playmg nght now, any team would be tough, no matter bow many games we play tb1s weelc." Another example: Are there any players on b1s team that he'd hJce to talk about, to pub- ltc aze? "If we were playmg or ex· ecuting any better, I would, but nght now ... " Get the adea? On Monday, Newport Harbor loat (60-67) to Costa Mesa; to- nagbt, 11 VJSlts Irvme, and on Fnday, 11 bosll arcb-nval Cor- ona del Mar. And although the thad place Sa.Uors, 7-3, are one game up on Coata Mesa and UDJversaty, who are hed for fourth, a bad week now m1gbt lcnock them nght out of the CIF playoffs. "I can see n10e wms, at least, as bemg necessary. before we can even thulk of the playoffs," DeBusk Sclld. "And maybe ten-" Three WJ.DI tb1s week, though, and Newport ts a vtrtual shoo-in to the playoffs So tt's understandable If DeBusk 11 more than a trille concerned. This as what at taJces to stay m world class ace-skating compehhon, Newport Beach's 17-year old Krish Faedler has learned. It was pointed out that the Newport youngster's link to Austria is not highly unu- sual, in v1ew of the fact that-like her father-she bas dual American/Austrian citizenship, and her grand- parents were born m Austria Skill and grace have moved Knstt F1edler 1n1o mternattonal The reason for DeBusk's less- than-hlgb-spmts vaew as the fa ct that last week, agamst two of the weaker teams tn the Sea V1ew League, El Toro and Sad- dleback, the Saalors bad to st ruggle before hnally regtster· 1ng respechve 55-40 and 59-53 WinS_ "We weren't mentally ready to play those two teams; I suppose we were loolong past them," DeBusk sa1d. "But you can't do that. W1t h hve games left 1n the league, I want our team to be on the up We have to be." The game ag.unst Corona del Mar, wrucb defeated the Sailon the hrst hme around, 4i-39 , is c ruc1al. DeBuslt was widely- quoted, pnor to the brst meet- mg. as saymg that he was look- Ing for a h1gb-scortng game wbacb would offset the tenaciOUS man-to-man defense employed by the Sea Kmgs, b\11 at never matenal1zed-the Sauors shot JUSt 29 percent. W1th the staunch support of her parents, Jam and Laurel Faedler, she mainlaaru a ngorous physacal routine- but conhnues as a straight 'A' student whale traveling around Europe and the Unat- ed States from October into March and undergoing the antense pressure of skahng against some of the world's hnest. The chsctplme has its reward, for m only her second year oJ international competition Krish recently hnished fourth in the Austna Reqional/Seclional Cham- pionships m Vienna and moved on to score aaghth m the Aust na Nahonal Cham· pionshipa a couple oJ weeks later. lnd1cahng the caliber of compellhon ia the fact th1s latter m"t wu won by the world's bronze medalist, and the girl who finished third 18 by Mary Wagner It waa gratiJying to find out that the authonty of the United Stales Yacht Racing Union to govern the partiCipants in &1.1 events sailed under its JUnsdic- llon was upheld by the courts recently. Seymore Sinett: owner of Williwaw. had brought ault agamst the USYRU because that organization, after d.lscovermg that the measurements oJ hia boat bad changed dramahcally between the be<)1nning and the end o f the SORC senes in Flonda and the Bahamas last year, bad banned bsm from rac- mg for two yean. Ssnett waa aumg the USYRU for hbel becaUM they had made this susperuton pu.blic and Mofl'etiJhh .. At8w .. Mellt Jack Moffet, 17-year old Newport Harbor 18n1or com- peting for the Beach Swim Club, hu scored ampressively m two recent m .. ta-one aga.irut world cl.ua compehhon. At Gainesville, FL, l.ut month be wu a member oJ the U.S. nallonal aqu&d wb1ch swam against the full Ru.aaian and full Kut German teema. Moffet acored a sixth in 200-meter breut. e.iqhth an 100-meter breut and tenth in 20().meter in- cllvidual medley. The 25-meter pool prechad.d world recorda. Wolte4 Md ...,.,at otb.r S..ch Swim Club ................. Loe ADv-lee Col~&Q• kll lS 17, ID. abort COili'M (yerdl) 0 ..... w11ll ~ ._w ... WotW· 100 bteMl. W : ~ l.W .• W : 100 &., 7UI; aoo e.-. -. .. JJ .U .... S.eee'la·~.IO lll ............................ .w. • ...... till; 100 ......... ''"" ....... . • ty l.oet. ~ l.W., IIIIa: 4GO 1 W •• ~ 1110 lrM, 11~: 100 0,, aa; 100 INe, 1M; 300 bee, w ., ... ..,.. ... Aa· .-.n-o. 1000,. ~;aDO Nell .... - O,,l2dii:41001W .l-;IOO.._,l. ......... IM.T_...,_.,. I .. , M;-l!f, 10., -IM. lCidl: ..... u. ................... . ... ~ ............ ~ w ...... .,.a-..:•LM . aM ,. .... 1 ........ ....... l3a a...t. ................... . C..c I ••wtl_..,a._....A ......................... Also-and th1s by no means lessens the quality of Krisli's record-Rowles point~ out that Knsll's odds as a high-caliber skater malt- tog the Austnan national team are better than they maght be m making a na· honal team 10 the Un1ted Stales where there are 20,000-30,000 reg1stered competition skaters . Although she attended Newport Harbor High for a year, and stul gels occa- Sional tutonng from there (German, for exa.mple, from language department bead Marty Shira), Knsh 1s a reqular student of Valley Professional Hlgh where a more flexible acbedule is applied to her stall- demanding curnculum. competitaon. She fi nds she masses as much as 12 weeks a year or more in order to attend com- petitions, so she taltes her books and ass1gnments wtlh her-As her grades show, she does better than most students on a mo re conven- honal schedule . Her athlehc nse has matched her academ1c sltdls She began skahng "1ust for fun" at age 10, and entered compehhon a year and a hall later. In less than seven years she completed what IS ordinarily a 10-year series o f tests by the U .S . F1gure Skatmg Assn to wtn her gold medal 1n both school hgures and freestyle. Her fars l coach was Franlc Carroll, of Burbank. At pres- ent she i.s coached by Doug Chapman and has w1fe, Daanne DeLeeuw, former world cbamp1on and later a star WJth Ice Folues and Holt- r;::====================--- MARINE SCENE therefore tnainuated that be had cheated. The Federal Diatrict Court Judqe H. Curtis Meanor ruled that the USYRU as the governing body for the sport of yacht racing baa the authonty to resolve all disputes, and also that under the orqanuahon's J"ules the owner bears the ulhmate responaibllity for maln· lalDlng hu yacht LD the condl· lion m which 1t was measured Judge Meanor al.a ruled that the USYRU bad the ngbt to pubhcize 1ts deciSion of Sinett's suspension as a warnmg to othera. Maybe tb11 w1ll reassure all of the competitors an the Hoag (Continued from page 1) handic ap. Dougherty's tbr .. ·stroke edge over Lar~ Naae and hm Booroa waa worth $3900. Behind them aame Mule Mc- Cumber, Roqer Calvin and Bill Britton at 139, then Cb'p Beck, Tony C.rd.a, Payne Stewart and Jim White, 140. too..• 14 .., tM a..t pro presllgaous ocean racang events that they w11l be sa1led mo re faarly in the future IAUlOA YACHT CLUB SUNK.lST SERIES OVERAll WINNERS PHRF A I /~d, MasiPr Bruct> HanSf'n (VYCl l s,,. l <>b ltm dt> W..:>lt!' (BCYC) J F/1 <n-J C ,, us Ntck Tolm.u1 (BYC) PHRF 8 I p,.,_I'H .,,.,"us hm Skou-.1 (VYC) 2 ForP< ,..,, Pa1nd Gla~c1er (VYC) 3 A/mo Ga ton Orhz (BYCI PHRF C I v.,,,,.( Bruct> TwttchPII (VYC) 2 /ru.ontl) G.olf &vee C.tlhv Murphv (VYCl 3 Ou,.st Roqer Goodmos (VYC) SORD Schcx-k Wov•, Joe Wmlrelm11n (SSYC), SANTANA 20 So/so M.\rk len .. n (8CYCl LUDERS 16-Lalhpop atnqle round. aMr ~IUaqbtt of the WMk lDclucW Sit ADd lOX run•, a VIP Walk. a Roaat/1' out of IOfMt ... ,. S.n. O.na\1 C.Cl*I .. J .. d .... , •• ~rti-. ,,It wu lll91llY ~warcllll9 to day on lee. "You don't wm too many games sboohng hke that, espec1ally agamst Corona del Mar." DeBusk noted That second c areer ap- peals to Kush, too-for awhale. She has sa1d she'd hlce to compete through 1984 (OlympiCS, perhaps?), then s kate professtonally-and save her money fo r a year or two. Alte r that wouid come untvecsaty, WJth perhaps a ma1or 10 drama or dance_ Corona del Mar Cagers Favored In 2 Out Of 3 Whatever the c ho1ce, 11 would appear Knst1 stall will be ansmg early fo r several years. That's not a novelty m the F1edler fam1ly hm Fiedler hkes Newport Beach so much he doesn't aund that dawn· or· thereabouts dnve every day to h1s offt ce an Unaversal Ctty; where be's presadent of MC A V1d eodasc, Inc A nd who knows but what one day there'll be v1deo produchons starnng a Ftedler named Kn sh by Marcua Dleta 01 the three games that Cor- ona del Mar H1gh's basketball team plays tb1s week, two are agaUlSI teams that have a com- bmed Sea V1ew League record ol Just 2-16. So you aught say that m ooe of those unusual weeko; lo r hlgb school teams, where they play three games mslead of the usual two, scheduling such as that would be a decasave advantage You aught-but Corona del Mar COdc h Jack Ernon wouldn't "At thJs late stage oJ the season," Erraon noted, "you tend to play to the level of your own Sud MeN"" (8YC) ETCHELLS 22 Bol:ot.' lac-~ c .. nuon tSYCl l 24 Rob•n Sod"ro 18YCl HOLDER 20 Sur,}w·• D.J,·d•,..u- St.-ve Ross METCALF Ptt>'to" Ztll~t>" BYC) LIDO l-1 A I 8ld1ne Tn rr.e 1BCYCl 2 Ro"' Lohman BYC I abtlthes-and nol 10 the level of your opponents' We'll play well d we play well and we'll play poorly d we play poorly-regardless of who the J C~ad TwJtcn<>ll (BYCl LIDO H B I Don w ... "~ (BYCl 2 IA "' K.r (BYC) 3 G,l Smtih (SSYC'I SABOT A N•ck Scudvr" ,BYC SABOT 8 •nd C O;una F :nr BCYC LASER 30 PLUS Gr tMm G bt-' BYCI SNIPE hm En1,1l"" BYC MOTHER SABOT 1 P• '" G •• BYC) 2 Eltoan.:~r F • 'lht' BYC l B I W1l111' !BYCl UPCOMING EVENTS S..ho.s C "" rh1•n Y11dl' Club ,nd L1dv hie Yacht Club w1ll -. "'-'' 1 V.sl•r• n,. R~allo I r lns1de Cia•""'-n••• S..turdav Tht> u ... w1ll b .. held ·II lht• L de Club .tnd " dan•., ...,,11 b" n..td • BCYC 5,, .rd ·~ ruqhl South Sh\Jr•• y_,, ht Cluk-w11l h..,IJ h o i t><;( ud '"',. t tl W "'' r H1b.t h1 $ .... .,, th,. ...,m._ da~ .. tbe coauiUlDit'Y support from tadivtduala, buala-and cor· porabona," Mtd laWD.. "Wa~t tlle qrMt volu1lt"t effort ~ 300 or more l.nclivlch.alt nd the commut .. chainaen 1t coulda't be -.. r. are ... JYOIM I game 1s agamsl " Even so, on Mondav. the Sea Kmgs walloped (66-32) Saddle bac k. whach ts 0-9 m league. and tomght the)'ll host El To ro, whtch tS 2-7 Not unhl Fnday ntghl when they vtSII Newpo rt Harbor. do the Sea Krngs play another contendmg team m the league Compare that to Estancta, lor mslance, wb1ch must face Coata Mesa and Umvers1ty both of whom are m the playoff piCture, and you get the 1dea So gtven that at least two WJns tbas week are not JUSt probable, but n1gh-mevttable, the Sea Kmgs are on the verge of guaranteemg themselves a CIF 0 by lfe I c:.n..ta r.cop'--liMe ,,.._~lor Ho.9 .,.. • clirict Mlp eo au .- remdft~a 0. .._, Ha.r.._ AIM •llo may .. tM a.t:rvteel taabu ... NY MutWl .-.to to ew~ wliko ~ •Ill• •· • playoff berth. Whether they'll do c;o by c aptunng another leaque IItle, though. 1s another queshon allogether. Corona del Mar IS 9-1 111 league, aJter suHenng 1ls brat Sea V1ew setback ol the yea~ Jut Fnday agal.D.St Costa Mesa. 49-41. The Ion pot the Sea K1ngs mto a he for hrst Wltb Estancia , wh1ch thrashed Sad- dlebaclt, 74-30 Sunply put, Corona del Mar needs to WID three tbas we.k, to set up what could be a htle showdown at home aga..uut the Eagles next Wednesday Undoubtedly, the tougb1e w1ll be agamsl Newport Harbor. a team that the Sea Kmgs defeated LD a close battle the first lime around 42-39 But I.e- n on 1sn't resllng o n the laurels of the fllsl w1n now "We're not foohng ourselves, we know they WJll be very tough . espectally at then place," he satd "We can't allol'f ourselves any breakdowns, and we can't fa ll behmd, or we1l be tn trouble We don't score enough pomts to maJce any dramahc comebacks " lo the fast meetmg between the two. Corona del Mar's defense lumted the S.Ulors to mostly outs1de shots City BasketbaD E1gbt teams have completed two weeks of league play 1n the c1ty recreation department's wtnter basketball 'A' O.vlSlOD Standings w L T Tuman1an W11r O.v·l~ 2 0 0 Or&nqe Counl\ St•r• ~ 0 0 Hooten I 1 0 Bomb.r~ I 1 0 w.t.rlry s 1 0 Bottom~ Ur I 1 0 Aero 0 2 0 Johnltoo Ia~ uu1 0 2 0 Lui w-It • ocor•• Tum<llll<ln 59 Johnlton S2 OC St•r' 58 Bomb.rs 51. Bottoms Up 45 Aero 37 Hoo••~ 63, Mal.rh's 49 CLASS C OIV1:SIOff Church 2 I 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 P-.. I Wect=aday. P~ J. •• The Rwwpcw1 Ellilp · MoDday. )em. 15 CRI.NES • Jewelry and other &lema worth $9,940 were reported atolen from Lynda Pauline Cano in 4 burq)ary in the 1200 block of Blue Gum . . . A TV, stereo and camera worth $550 were reported stolen from Victor Manuel Eateba.nea tn a burqlary in the 500 block of Riverside Drive ... Jewelry, 4 watch and cub valued at $4,460 were reported stolen from Dale Ed- wards Paqum tn a burqlary tn the 1200 block of Pembroke . . . Photo equtpment, Jewelry, a 1ade statuette and other items worth s 1 1 no were reported stolen from Thomas LeRoy Ary Jr .. in a burglary tn the 1300 block of Sussex. ARRESTS Mark Wtlham Mlldren, 20, of Laguna Beach, was arrested on suspicton of property theft . . . Robert Allen Wtble, of South Laguna Beach, was arrested on susptcton of property theft . . Stx motonsts were arrested on susptc ton of drunken drivmg, none from Newport Beach . . . Dennts Carl Ford, 18, and George Pau.l Hosier, 19, both of Garden Grove, were' arrested on su.spicion of c ar thefl . Thomas Allen Mahnosky. 30, of Fou.nta1n Valley, was arrested on susp1cton o f possesstng am- phetammes Tuesday. Jan. 26 CRIMES A car stereo worth $300 was reported stolen from Deobrah Butler Smtih tn the 900 block o f Baywood Drive . . . Thr .. wNt watch• &ad other items val\WCI at $1,370 weze r..,arted llolen from Eric Von W..tphaleo iDa burqlary in the 200 block of Eut Promontory Drive . . . BerthA Marte Dieterich, 85, and her huaband , O.Cu Arthur Dieterich, 87, of the 1100 block of West Bay, reported they were robbed at knifepoinl by a man who threatened to lti1l Mrs. Dieterich. Mr. Dieterich qaye the man $300 cash and be Oed, tltey told police, who were &ook- inq for a white man, about 19 yean oJ aqe, 5' 9'' tall, 140 lbe., with black hau . . . Nothmg wu reported miuin9 tn a burqlary m the fint block of Winged Foot Lane . . . Limited-edition plates, a microwave oven, color TV. stereo equipment and other home furnishings worth $3,780 were reported stolen from Dona Lynn Gebert in a bwolary m the 700 bloc of Orchid . . . Two potted palms worth $1,200 were reported stolen from V. Baker in the 4600 block of Orrinqton Road. ARRESTS Lyle Phtllip Rodqer&, •2. of Newport Beach, was arrested on a county warrant charqmg failure to provide . . . Dana An- thony Dancey, 20, of Gardena, was arrested on susp1cton of auto theft ... Four motonsts were arrested on susp1c1on of drunken dnvrnq, none from Newport Beach. Wednesday. )em. 'r7 CRIMES A Blaupu.nkt car stereo worth $450 ... report.d stoln hoe Walt.J B. Wurlott in the 200 blcck of Baywood . -. A 59-- ,..,..dd .,.... toW polic:e that a kalJe..wMlcliDCJ io99U ~~--to kill br, robhecl bet of two ri.D99 worlll $18,250 ud $7 c.ah, tMo n.cl without harming her. 'ne robbel', a .tocky white male, s· 10" &ad about 20 yeara old, told her be needed IDOD.&J' for clrucp, abe aotd police • . . JJubaq row.n of the 1900 block of Porl Cu- di.ff, nporled S1,CNO au.inq Redistrict (COiltiJaa..L from J)a9e l) 73rd dill.rlct becom• the 69th. SucJJ ltori• simply lldd to the confuaion, becaue Sil.la liYee in Northwood-which now will be ill A.eaa.blywoJDAD 8et9MaD's dbtrict. However, it all could change aqa.in iJ the votera approve a •rl• of refuend'UIU on the June primAry ballot. Theee would overtum the reepportion- ment, which Republicau claim wu drawn alon9 llbictly political lin• to perpetuate DemOCTatic control of the IACJialature. Another voter initiative, now beill9 clrculated and aimed fo• next November'• ballot. would take reapportioameat out of the l.eCJialature. banda and give it to a special, bipartitlaD state com- miaion. But the Supreme Cour .ruled that, eva jf the June refuen- dum ~-pus, the new bou.n- dari• will be ued until all 1982 electiona are over. There atill ia a poaibility, bow..e•, that Republican leaden may cury out a threat to appeal the redistricting ru.lin95 to federal court.. Eyewitnesses Desaibe Hit-And-RUn by Roger Angle "I bad just parked my car. I beard a thud, the screechinq oJ brakes and qlaas brealu.ng. I tu.rned to aee a body roll off the hood of the car." Michael Hatchel waa deacrib- inQ a b1t-and-run acctdent that killed ~ Newport Beach m.an, Donald Barry W uner, 26, Lut Sept. 19. Hatchel's t..ti.m.ony wu Qi'Nll ill the Bubo~ Mu.nioipal Court oi JudQe Donald DunCJan, who Jan. 28 ruled that James Samuel Gl.bbs, 20, of Oranqe, be tried for felony hJt-and-ru.n and felony manslauohter. Gibbs, who has pleaded tnllO- cent and ts free on hta own recogruzance, faces anaignment m Superior Court Feb. 11 . The teshmony of Hatchel and another w1tneu, Gregory Stevens, bntahed the prehmmary hea..rmo before Ounqan. ln an earl.ter sea1on of the beanng Jan. 13, two other wtlnesses bad .a1d Gibbs was drivinq the car, a dark BMW. Both Stevena and Hatchel told Dungan that G1bbs' car liqbta were out when the acctdent oc- cured Both satd also that Gtbbs hardly slowed before be left the scene of the acctdent. GREGORY STEVENS Stevena said he wu drivinQ ahead of Gibbe alon9 Balboa Boulevard acrou 31st Street the niqbt of the accident. "I had been watchinq him in the rear-view mirror, becauae bia l.iQbta were out," Stevena said. "I heazd a thud and the sound of qlaa ahatteri.D9. .. 1 looked back to ... a body on the hood of the car. The car atbwed down and the quy ron.d off the hood." D.puty Diatnct Attomey Jack Sullens wed, "Did the BNW atop?" "The car stopped briefly at lhe intenecbon, then tooJr • nc}ht and took off," Stevena Uld. "How did it look?" SuDena uked. "The m.id-aection of the wind- shield wu ahattered. The front and the hood wel'& pu.ahed ill," St..,ena aid. Stevena h.ad t..nfied be wu drivi.nq the same .peecl u ~. ~·auoraey, Robert ~eefe. ubd Stevena how f.ut be wa cbiTiDCJ. "AppJ'ClKi.al.&teiy 40 mph," Stevena anawered. "Do you think that waa a safe speed?'' K.eefe ubd. "No," Stevena a.nswered. ''Tb.m.kmg back on J.t, it pzo- bably wun't aa.fe." THE FUTURE IS NOW February 8 could be the first day of the rest of histOJY for a large part of Newpon Beach. That 1s the date (ne•t Monday night) that our City Councif is due to mate a decision on the Beeco- Banntng proposal. The future of 76 acres of vacant land-the largest single slice of Newpot1 that 1s st1ll undeveloped-is an extremety imPortant considenltion. Oeperlding upon how OUf elected City Council represents us. we face two chancel at the future. Let u. hope that our grandchildren will be proud of what we did. Here are our options: We can rnake the dec1sjon to see that this last btg ~cet of Newport Beec:h becomes a credit to the ctty and to the Banntng family by insisting that it be de\;eloped • a nice ra.identtal neigh-- borhood It can be a neighborhood of families and children and quiet, tree-lined streets-a part of town wh1ch w.l1 not create traffic ;.ms for its neighbors OR If we cater only to overwhelmingly commerciaf intere.ts, we an see the Beeco-Banning property turned mto an intense indUstriel zone. spewmg cara ~ trucb onto the 11teets of a.- rounding residential neighborhoods. It can add to eif poludon. traffac polutiOfl and aft of the other negattve things that plague thoM who have to live .,.., induatnel and ~cal p~ojects. Once this project IS in place, it becomes pan of the Wtetwiguble~. It will be too &ate to say to each othe,. ''We lhouk:t have done a ben• job of ~lG ttW pJirt of our city." Now-Monday. February 8, 1182-11 our one ehence 10 .-.. • ~ iole in the funn of this., ... The City Coundl ~ -.ns at 7 :30. Ut'a not milll thia apportUniry to do tomethtng good for the fvture of our town. · , . bola • f.ua1ly b.klbaq piM:e . -. rou a.otOrill.a, DOlle from Newport Beech, .... ~ed c. ~ of clnaDbA chmoq n ..... , ....... CRDOS Pls1Wa9 equipJMDt. includ.in9 a coabi.ulioo f.alhotuter-fi.ah fiAde1 • a fiebi .. DQ rod and a requlu falboiiiMter, total val\le $4,050, ..... NPOJ'ted atolea fl'OID a Do~ P1Mt abed at the foot of Newporl Pier from fishe•- ma:D Stephen Hart ... Plahin9 equiPJUDt worth $352 wu reported llolen hom William Lllwreace c..pbell m a boat buzvluy lD a aora9elot off Back Bay Roed •.. A cameJ'a, surfboard and othez items worth $1,090 ...... reporled llolen from David Barrera iD a buvluy iJa the 900 block of West S.lboa ... Fo~9hl T- ahirts, u swiJD auita &ad other ilema worth $750 ..... reported .tolen from IJttle Big Shot, a store at 109 22nd St., tn a bwglary. Swaday. Ja:a. h CRDO:S A vidao recorder, alvenra.re. TV sec, 90id ...adl ud a .....,. lltroDCJ boa .,...aatoiDCJ 7! sllnr dollan, IOial.Jo. $4,575, --reported-~ '"-Way Kay Moore iD a bu..rCJlary ... the 2000 block of Vista Cajon . . . A Yideo record.r worth $900 wu repcuted lloi.D from lhe TNT R-.wul, 3300 W. Cout Hwy. ABJlESTS Three motoriata, none hom Newport Beach, were arrested on su.spacion of dru.nJren drivinq THE 'I'EI .EPHONE POLL Thla ...... qr ........ TheN will be liD dllQ. n.... 1a DO Deed to talk. the "b&Dv Do you support Precid.nt up.., .:1IU.Dd you h.u ia your vote Reagan's intent to uk $100 ~ ...corded. auJ..lJoa in military and economic J.cilt ...at'• qr sMaa: aid to 11 Salvador government? Do you aupport the economic To .ote YES. call 875 .... To YUle RO. call 17$-7020. Call &aytime bwtwua llOW and 8 a.m. Woaday to cast your ,yote. procpam chuted by President Re&qan in bia State of the Union addr ... Tunday night? YES 50.4 % NO 49.6 % SOMETHING RARE IN BAYSHORES • . On FEE land and on on extra wtde comer lot. Beautifully landscaped and decorated. 2 patios. 2 bedrooms, atrium. 2 baths. A garden home Inside and out. truly a rare jewel $495.000 fee. 644-9060 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT BEACH I Y USING ANY Of THESE OPTIONS: ""'f... Earn S~% compounded daily on your balance in an INTEREST. lEA RING CHECKING ACCOUNT. If your balance is S7SO or more. or if you are 6S or over. tberc ~ no monthly charae; otherwise, only a nominal fee. On every month•sstaterr.ent. you1l fmd interest added -your checking account grows every day! 6-~ee e •MONEY MARKET CERTi flCATES, with a $10.000 minimum investment. eam simple interest at rate set weekly for 6-month period. • • ee TAX-FREE SAVINGS throup 1982. rates set monthly for a 12- month term. You may exclude from your Federal taxes up to S2000 interest if you file a joint return. SIOOO if you me 'ndividually. e SIOO minimum in a VAR IA8 Lt RATE CERTiflCATE• earns intcrat compounded daily at rate dctcrmiACCI every two weeks for fuJI term. e• Every wa;e earner. with or without a pension p~ is cli,iblc to opcaalJNIVEJISAL IRA ACCOONT~ Depolit up to S200o for u indi- vidtal. S2lSO for a married couple wills oDe income. S4000 for a married cou~ wileD both are wqe camcn. "'11ae tu-sbcltcred funds cam mtercst ~daily. When you withdraw funds duriq your rctiRmcnt pay tu in the bracket of your iftcomc at that time -prot.bly much lcnta .... iD your earnina YQR. ......_ ,....._ forcarty witWnftl CALL FOil C\JU £NT COMPI:TniYI L\TD AND YIELDS! . The Newport Enaigo Wedn-.dcry. Februcuy 3. ll82 Page 7 for quick Muc... com• 10 menu plann-celery or apple shces, food management on HIGH 10-20 FOOD Pacltaoed d.mnen to-IDQ. Tbr .. meal. a day canol melts and aecond.. poon ltaluan aea~K>n1ng, cludinQ pasta a.od aren't the only ways 10 cauWowerettea dipped The Microwave one teaspoon lemon anicea ca.n be the L--•-h anto reduced c•"one Cook Creamy Beef Otp JUICe, one·ball teas- The anol•lif.tyle ia here to ltay. Ao· cordino to the U.S. Bureau of C.naua, nearly 17 million Americ&n~ now live alone. compared with fewer than 11 million leu than 10 yean aoo. Th.i. atatiatic reflects an evolution in American livin9 patterns. It aliJO impliea a dramallc chan9e in the profile of the averaoe food con· sumer and Ul the special challen9e1 many of them face an and out of the marketplace. ln the supermarket, you'll see the chanoe. Today one-thud of aU ma1or food ahoppera are men, and about 38 percent of them live alone. Sinqle aenaor cihzens now number more than 6 mtllion. Both men and women live alone due to later marnaqe d1vorce or by choice and shop for one. Sin9le people are a new breed of consumer-wath dlf · ferent needs, demands and problems Male or female, youno or old, no one lS more cballen9ed at the supermarket than the sin9le person. ~a 9roup they have spec1al requuements: • amall or san9le· servan9 packa9es • economacal alter· natives for usang lef· lovers • ideas for prevenhng waste • convensence atems that save consaderable tune and effort ln addthon, numerous stnqle peo- ple are only beotnnmg to learn bow to JU9Qle a bud9et, mana9e a home and plan nutribou m..ls. lUnya re unJamahar with the fundamental facta of food mana9e- ment, meal plannang, ahoPAUKJ, proper food atoraqe and prepara· lion. II you're a nngle person battlmq tbe budget and the menu plan, here are a few po10ters Learn when to thank btq and when to thmk small Larger sazes usually cost less per MI'VUlQ, but tbey don't save money lf food 11 wa.ated. Buy only what you can use a.od store eastly, but don't alwaya opt for the smaller atem. For example, large roasts or tu r lceya usually have more meat m relahon to bone than smaUer cu~. aothey are the better buys If storaoe apace permtta, at's wlM to buy larqer sales of bas1c foods hke salad oal, flour , sugar, nee and pasta, wh1ch are used frequently and store well When you shop and cook, be creahve and plan ahead ln maktnq out a ahoppang last, plan to get two or three meals from one cut of meal One fresh pork shoulder butt, for ex- ample, wtll y1eld three m.ala-pork roast, pork ate&b and chop suey. Remember too that the enlree you cooked for danner l.at niobt can become to- c:t.y'a bot lunch wtlh the ulp of a vacuum botU.. lf you're makmg IOU~, llew., ca.erol• or chah, you c&D •ve on the coat oJ LDqndieata, and oa tiiM ucl eoer9J br meki"!9 Llf981 q\WI· Udee ud &.niD9 ~ya) portioel fOt .... ,. o-~. -~ .. , . .............. poultry ucl tid cu -oabed, tro.a ucl ..... tMwed tor deUdou Mlctitia&l to .... ucliMill tltr' • free a~­~..._oube n-. ........... uclon-bttM wtdl -r ua.a... o•t t e nutrients you :1 ln fo cUMrolea, slews or need. lf smaller m.aia salad dreuanq; or a Hot party foods such two-quart round poon hot pepper sauce, ..... •ta diah•. Cann-.J mtnl·paua made w1th Qlaaa cauerole, com-e1qht ounces packaged ..-.u and more anacldng are as cre&my beef dtp are b foocb auch u tuna, an Ennhsh muffan , ane one pound grounc softened cream cheese French dreainn for a your •tyle, make them .. easy to make an a L--f d ... bam, u..lmon, turkey work for you. Plan tomato aauce, shredded microwave oven. Tha ..-, one-quarter cup an one-quarter cup re;:!!~~:c:;·:~n-and chicken require snacb rather than mb-cheese and your dip gets tis snappy chopped on•on and a grated Parmesan. ,_ little prei'\JIIrahon and favonte topp1ngs clove of oarllc, mJnc -Microwave on HIGH venience out of conve-,.. bling hap~ardly. flavor and body from ed C h 1 f can be combined Chooae nutnhous foods Smart shoppang, pro-Italian seasomngs and over wit Q ass IVe ·seven manutes or nience fooda, adapt qwc'-ly wath other 1 hd. Mlcrowave on unlll hot, sttrnng occa· them to a variety of im--. like cheese, nuts, per s ora<Je, c reallve canned tomato soup. HIGH h aginative uses. Salad fooda. yoqurt, fresh fruits and coolnn<J and flex•baht y To soften the cream I ree-four saonally. Garmsh With dJ"esainga, mayonnaase, Today'a lifestyle~t crup vegetables. Try are the keys to success cheese, remove the fotl mmutea, shrnng once chopped parsley Serve barbecue sauce or can· aren't locked anto tradl-snack combinations for smgles slrugqhng wrapper and to separate meal. With c rackers. Makes llonal eahng patterns, wllh the challenges of Dram. Stu tn a can of about three and one· _n_ed __ ao __ u~p_s_c~an:;-be.-•used~--~~be~~~~~~•~w~h:::l:t:::::lik::e:c~h~ee~s~e:s~p:r:e:a~d-=o~n~~~~~~~~~-------m--lc_r_o_w_a_v_e __ rh_e __ c_h_e_e_se _____ ro_m_a_t_o_s_o_u_p_. __ on_e __ l_ea_s _____ h_a_H_c_u_p_s ____________ _ IU 3 ftcaU fUE$ lfl I I til All QUAil Till IIIGHI S lllSf"~fD 110 SAL( TO DfAL(RS OR fOil RUAll 011 COMMliiCIAl USf E PORT·s OST CO PLETE UTRITIO IL CE TER I l I 00 IALIOA l l YO NfWf'Oitl IIACM IITUIIL IITIMIIS, SHAMPOOS, DIES--81 I SliCK HAVl A f&SH FOil FllfSH IULM llfMS WHICH YOU CAll WfiG'I AND IUf AS MUCH 011 lllllf AS 100 WAMP I~Y IHI IUL• FOODS Sl CIION WHICH C&lllllf$ fOU~ FAVORITf ITEMS IIOIIIIII&ll Y ASSOCIAifD WIIH HlAliH 1000 SIORI S IIEMS GOOD Olll 1 AI 3100 BAlBOA l l YO CH(C• OUI IH( IR(IIII!NDOUS ARRAY OF HAI URAL SHACCS "AIURAt 8(V(IIA(i(S NAIURAl JOICl S AND NATU~Al OAIAV P1100U(I~ i ll fVAil&IU 'OR tOUR P(IISONAl lAS I! &t !ADINA PAQOUCTS ARI A (',R(AT f!AIURI 01 IH! IIUI RIIIONAL SHOP lt-OZ Ill $ 99 ltUUCreek Keratin hampoo m ~;r~es ·~99e Wilder aft " .. ~Loola Sponge .r.99e ea. Heinke ~Concord S• 99 ~Grape Juice~ .& THOMPSON S 100-Cl BTL CaldUDI $ Magnesium 8Zinc Hal a m Cold Proceaed S• 89 ~ Mayonnaisrt:" .& Wed.,rM ~Stone Ground ~Mustard EINollno .a Whole Wheat ~nour ~S•39 pq. .& LOWER PRICES OVERALL GUARANTEED! ~-------------i ~ ~na .... 1 1,., W•twood 1 ~!112 ... ~.-Ice Cream 1 I I I I I I I • a..,..., u•' • .,,5A! ,, • ..-. cov ..... "'. u ... ,•u• ""• I I --.c. CUll IIUW-&lt--IC llf'tU.&UI IMACCO ••• D• •• I -~'' 011t ctu-l'fl l&llll• urtcrott ftt •n • L -.... "'llf' •t•, •IN 1 _____ ..._X Coupoa-----· NEWPORT'S MOST COMPLETE OT FOODS DELli ~OliO. A-. .. t. 'hQF" 1Ur Mtot .................. ~r.-.. ................ 4 .. ~clalek .. ..-ooc..•· ........ m T••• .. • m-a ....... ~~·· W\ IUIIIJIII & 11111 &MU! Ill '"I 1• .. 1\ cus•o• 1111aut ,._" '"'' "• ' "'f''\11' lOU II WMil\1 ,.._ '> ..... ...... ... ..,_ .Jioolu c ...... ,.,. ........ ftaa e S•ll ....... _ .... _., .. a.s LTL NEWPORT'S lOST COMPLETE F ESH HOT BAKERY Fft:\11 ..... CIMeelate Clillp Ceekl• ·-•• M ITf MSGOODOIIll AT liOOIAliOAIHYD I I . . ~ .. ~~,., ~ · ~ ~ (I ' . J're~~eh ~ ~.. ···~·~·read MU&ll U S-I' S IUUt WILL (lf(()IUII & CUI FOil ANl Sl't CIAl O((&SION IIIOM e1tUMOU$ 10 WI OOIIIICS I IIH" IIIlA~ ~ lAM 0 OAJl l F,.~ .... . o..u-..et Peach Pte I How To Conduct Negotiations Artbur Mazirow u the louDder and Mnior partner of lrlazirow, Forer, Lawrence, Cunnlngbam and GicJ.n, a Lo. Anga/e5- boNd Jaw firm wbicb ~ntly opened N.wport Beoch o/Jjces at 5()2() Compu$ Drive. On the loculty of the Univer· sily of CoJilornia at Los Ang41)es since 1961, MoW'ow is regarded as on expftrl in properly tax and real estate negotiation. by Arlbw Maaltow Table shape and seatinq, looking the other party Ul the eye, or tal.kinq socially ' I .4fr 1, over have .u Yl\,, .... .,......__ impact on real :~(· .. · . ' f • I . • ~ a .1. .. \ eatate neqotiationa u key issues.· We all bargam conbnuoualy in busanesa and personal lives. But bargaininq strategy and techmques-sometimes descn.b- ed u being 'street amart'-can be learned without the necessity of lonq years of training. Th.ia type oJ inJormation can be biqhly u.aeful in barqaining. Ti.m.inq ia also a critical factor in su.ccessfully neqotiating real estate deals. For illatance, qet· ling the other party to spend exten.aive time ill inveetiqatinq the property or project i8 an advantaqe becaue time ia an uaet and if aqreement is not reached, that time ia loet and cannot be replaced. THE VJSmNG EXPERT The more time a party spends investigating and in the bargain- ing process, the more that party is commitled to the project or property. Quick deale are not nece.<Uarily qood. The deal should be allowed to set 1ls own pace. Generally, more agreements are reached as deadlmes approach. For instance, externally ampoaed deadlines, sucb as, '"l'h. boa i8 leavinq for vacation on Thursday," can help apeed neootiationa tremendou.aly. The initial staq" of neqo- batinq a real eatate deal will set the tone for the entire barqain- inq process. E.uly cooperative behavior, for m.tance, tenda to promote tru.at, and tb.it tone can extend tbrouqbout the neqotiation. Cooperation beqeta cooperation. A combative, highly competitive attitude will invite similar ra.poAM and decreases the probability that agreement can be reached. Sltlillul timing and the amount of concelaiona also are critical upecta of the bargaining pro- ceu. Keep the amount of you!' con - ceuiona small and spread over a period of time. Get aomething for every concession you qive, and never make the first conces- SlOD. Consc1oualy applying these techruques and atrateqies will au.bstanbally mcrea.se the la.kelihood of reaching agree- ment. Face-to-face contact with the other party ia essential in suc- ceuful real estate neqotiauon, in part because it 1a not u easy to reject someone or a proposal when the person ia present. Our phy&ical presence, our eye contact, the way we bold ourselves and our dresa, all have impact on the other party. TAX TIPS Also, it's recommended that barqainers meet to talk informal- ly before bargalDing neqotia- tion.s begin. Don't get nght 10to the barqaining process. Meet for coHee, admlre the office and view-anything that seems to hold a apec1al interest to the other party. Neqotiatora who meet socially fiut, reeolve iauea more quickly th.an those who beqin the barqaininq proceu immediately. Seatinq arrangements also can siqnificantly affect the barqain- inq procea. Side-by-aide seat- ing, reqardleaa of the ahape of the table, will encouraqe more cooperation than oppos1te seat- Ing. Acquinng knowledge about the other party is an essential skill wh1ch alao requires face· to-face meellllgs. If you have accurate ltnowl- edqe of the other party's qoala and mohvabon, you Wlll have a tremendous advantage. The pro- posal and ulhmate agreement can be structured to meet those goals. For 1nstance, why a seller wants to sell IS Important He may need cash, or h1s company may be closmg d own a branch . TAX TIPS is a servtce supplied by Rudy Boron, CPA, of Boron Accountancy Corpora- tion, a Newport Beoch occounl- mg firm specializing in lox and occounting services lor small and medium-size businesses, and individuals. IMPORTANT DATES (UDG.r lb. M.w Act) The Economic R.covery Tu Act of 1981 affects over 400 su.baection.s of the tax code. Provisions an the new law bave effective dates varying from Jan 1, 1981, throuqh and mcluding Jan. 1 of 1987. In brief, the 1981 datea and provisions are as follows: January 1, 1981: Faster depreciation on business prop- erty; bonus depreciation no longer permitted; unused "tax credit" carryover expanda from seven years to 15 years; invett- ment credlt changes-6 percent on three-year property, 10 percent on other property; wind- fall profits tax credit mcreues to $2,500; excha1on of $200 ($400 JOint) 10terest or d1vidend mcome; corporate lease rulea eased @feli.do June 10, 1981: Capital qains maximum tax rate drops bom 28 percent to 20 percent for sales. July 21, 1981: Over age 55 gaan exclusion on sale of resi· dence mcrea.ses to $25,000; two- year rollover allowed for replacement of personal resJ· dance. Ooto.b.r 1, 1981: S percent col Ul peraonal income tu ratea; All Savers Certificat .. avail- able-$1,000 ($2,000 joint) DOD· taxable mterest income. December 31, 1981: Date after wruch chanqes are efJective unless otherwise specified an the lax law. Because of the complexities of drafting tax legislation, there are oversights and problems which have to be solved with corrective leqislation in the following session. Taxpayers and theu advisors must be aware that the current tax act could be chanqed aliqhtly when the Tecb- nacal Conections Act (pertam- anq to the Econom1c Recovery Tax Act of 1981) is rele.ued. is now serving Lunch, Dinner & Cocktails t;If'IS ,:.~~= ~ AR~ETALE £kJUI1fUIIV tOIJJYed lor al l <X.«.a~IOn\ -. for reservatjons : 675-2968 ANNIVERSARY BAIY tHINGS 8tltlHOAYS EXECUTIVES ~ <.KAOUATION MOM l OAO l WEDDINGS -4mpk parkios •• %9M ewport lhd. (corner of 29th and Newport Blvd) Newport Beach COME AND ENJOY A VERY SPECIAL MINI-SERIES Peter & The Wotf Sao.,Feb.21, 7:30 p.m. 5th Brandenburg Concerto a1., Mare Ia 20,8 p.m. Both •t ~ HMbot High Schod Auditorium , 110~ TROPHY 470 I . 17th Sve.t. No 117 Costa Mha 646-3J4J \1 I t"' I lilt)\\\ I"' Vtt ,,., .. f t• t Tnt II Tn ll {CooUD.-i boa PeQe 1) Ill oaWDo .tMatioD to thi.a ooauaumty'a bh .. t •• lt.e aoted th&l "Detroit b.u .25 percat unem.pl.o.,...nt, ud 25 i.Dchee of mow-ud we kava I.Doom• of $25,000 he~ ... "How b.appy tboee people back iJl Nichigu ud Dllnoa. aDd Minneeota would be to aade their problema with COIOD8 del Mar-where we have too much traffic peai.Jlg iJl front of our buai.Jl-, or not coup puk- iJlg for ell the people wlao waul to do buln .. with u . . . ''Thoee ~ prob1em• of pro- grea aud proeperity," Mid Wood. He cited the euy availability of lunch br.U. on the beech, coffee breeb overl.ookiJlq the Pacific, aud other pleuut upect.a oJ the UJ..tyt. here. Plan Ameadmeslt ~3 which would permit the Irvine Co. to apaad 1bt deftlopme.nt oJ Newport Ceater, a trauportatioll Jtud'J conducted by Dee Dee Nuten, of Corona del War Realty, the decorative tree ..U. created alonq Pacific Cout Highway, O.q d.iaplaya ar· ranqed by Craig Ryan, of Pacific Electric Construction Co., and the Key Club, the ar· rival of new buaill ..... , and aeve.ral other activitiea. The chamber pr .. nted J .... H1l1. executive aecretary aince the orqani.Ation'a inception, and Stewart with jewelry fashioned by Barbara Jacbon, of Barbara IC. Jackson Creative Jewelers, an appreciation of tbeu -.ice. Luvena Hayton, of The Bey Window, ~dueled the iJl- at...U.Uoa of Wood u pr•.kl.nt; Ryan, tint vi.a. preei.clellt; Wary M.lch .. l, Beverly Hilla Saviaga, aecond vice pteeidnt, and Joe Wolbera, Fint Intentate Bank, treasurer. New directors for 1982 ill- elude: Fred Forster, Newport Be.l.boA.S.vu:~qw; Jacluon; lMII lti9er, The S.. Urchi.o; W...en; Ryu; Alu llypi.A.IIr;i, TU Grud Gat&Qe. ud Anaor All Prod.~IAI. ud Wolben. Holdover duecton: H.yton, Grot Howald, cine lMd.r; w,cbael; Frank Rohert.on, of IMU. Allardale, JeJf ScbW.U, Crowa H&rd· ware; Stewa.r1; Wood. ud Cl,d. Zu.lda, artls1 E.uUer ill the illatal.lation pro· qram, outqoinq pr..ulent Jerry Stewart, who had aerved two term.a, recalled how the Corona del MAr chamber had leaped in- to life 25 yeara ago when federal buc:iqet-<:uHera were threatenillq to c)oae the community's ~of­ fice. She warned au.ch viqilance should be ma.intained, and fur- ther wed tor continuing efforts to "protect and preaerve the in· teqrity" of this community. •a••.._..._ yow owa ,...,. _. ~••• '..alt ...... COSTUIIIS • PUT&SY PUll In reviewing her put year with the 180-mem.ber chamber, she spoke of ita atudy oJ General 308 Marine Ave. e Balboa Island • 673-7372 WE PAY TOP ss "G ina's is a family-run ~usiness, and the product Is excellen t -crispy yet soft crust available thick or FOIIOODCLW USED CAIIEIAI 8rinQ VeNt c.n.a cw .ny ~Equip. In tot • IC)p( .... thin, well covered with fresh ingredientS (we liked pepperoni, sausage and double cheese but were tempted by many other combos), and a tasty sauce. The wait is well worth it." LOS AIIGELES MAGAZIRE, D ECEJIIaER '81 \\~e ~o~e\~ Neac, 'tt\~ u• Salty' WE SERVE OMELETIES • hamburgers • fish and chips e and much more , TOMY H ELLO: ~~ Pr .... t thill ad t.iore U a.m. ~ you wiD be endded to 2 brukfuta '-I , for tiM prk:e of one. Void after March 1. 1982. Open6a.m. tolOp.m . 7 claya a week 2931 E . Coast Highway Corona Del Mar • 92675 Telephone 673-0921 4 doon,....,. .... Poet n....r. Hldeo~s.-.. 'Ifac '1\.#% is now open for (wteh and dinner ~\kn~~h~'· jor ~1\.~TVations C aCC 67J-6J6J \' tHEATER by Peggy Cotton Our CJU"t wu a friend from San Dle<Jo, where many of their r .. tauranta are carbon copiea of thoee ill Newport Beach. He ellpr....d a desire to dine in a restaurant unique to our city, not &Jlother venion of ha own haunts. We choee The Pirates Inn lD Corona del Mar, a restau- rant we hadn't Vlaited for years. 'The lourgeol• Gentleman· by Robert W. King "The Bour<}eoia Gentleman," by Moliere, wUl be pr ... nted on mainatave Feb. 10 throu9h 13 at UC Irvine. It is now in the run· throu<Jh rehearsal staoe-rough around the ed<Jea, but reviewable. It ia better to vlimpN somethin9 you might want to ... than hear about a fine produc- tion that you miued. That is a continuin9 problem at the univeraity when ita shows run for only three to four days at a time. The idea behind this produc- tion ia a <Jood one and well suited to the function of a col- leqe drama department. "The Bour<Jeoia Gentleman" includes a symposium on Moliere. an ex- hibition from the French con- sulate and a sold-out dinner. This ia research presented in dramatic form and should result in both educahon and entertain- ment. Moliere's play ll a spoof of the noveou riche 1dea of eleqance. It ia a parody of aoctal climhino and human fotbles. It is still recoqniu.ble u valid today-three hundred years after ita wnhnCJ. It ta broadly played by the actors with the usual mill of fine actin<J by a few and typical student act~ by mo.! of the other• lurkill9 about on stage. William Needl .. of the faculty ia perfectly funny u the bour<Jeoia C}entleman. His character a not really all that sympathetic and m\Ut rely on laughter for audience tolerance. His M. Jourdan ia much like Paul Ford in the old 5<}1. Billto show, but inflated to brilliant buffoonery. Donna Soto- Morettini, u hie wife, also has her momenta-albi•t loud ones. The other actor to watch ia Kathryn Bums u a snobbishly amused aristocrat cunnin<JlY both fending off and fomenting the amorou.a attention. of a young rue. Ma. Burna moves with amuing qTace about the stage, can be clearly heard throuqhout the hou.ae, and knows the stage is a definite place for berNlf. Fillin<J this place are a set, coetumes, props, music, dane· lDCJ and directin<J of oppreu1ve style-in keeping with the ab- surd notions of ~legance of the bourgeois. Tc 4uote the duec - tor, "Thts ia c. .1e of the most tasteless evenings you'll ever see." Tuteleas, indeed-but much tun. Meanwhile , the mtimate little r•taurant has flounahed, serv- lDCJ aa a net<Jhborhood hideaway for locals, and known to others by word of mouth. PatrollJI are grMted at the door by a skull and crossbones, cults and treasure cheats, chailla and other pirates' <}ear, but once inside the diner ia offered a booty of hospitable deli<Jhta . Dining is by soft candlelight in one of three intimate noob. Our table wu near a warmin<J fire, and as soon u we were seated, we were offered wine and cheese. Tables are set with crisp white liDens, crystal and suver, and a candle tn a ruby red lamp. The menu a not elltenaive, but lists a vanety of continental dishes, and a small selection of wines. Besides the C}ractou.a compli- mentary wine and ch .... , din- ners are served with soup or salad, baked potato or rice pilaf, Ve<Jetable, and little bon-bons to hmah. There ia a Junior Pirate's AU For Just SS.95 plAte for $5.95. We all choee the ..ad, crlap vreena in a fine dr...tnq made with Greek olive oU. Hot cruaty bread wu Nrved in a buket, accompanied by • little pot of butter. Dinner• are priced fromm $7.85 for Chicken Greco to $9.85 for Veal Cordon Bleu , Chicken Kiev and Beef Broch- ette. Top aidom steak and lamb chop are $10.85, and a com- binahon of Wet IDl<Jnon and lobeter tail top the list at $16.95. Ny choice wu Scampi, with luve ahrunp sauteed in a fme balance of butter, <Jarlic and white wine. My companion choee Scallope, Nrved eo cauerole LD a creamy sauce with wine and muahrooma. Our <JU..t opted for the lamb chope, otcely broUed u ordered, pmk and tender. The v8<}eta.ble of the day wu broccok We liked the warm and cozy feehn<J of The Pirat .. Inn. the ha.pital fireplace and the friendly, carill<J aerv1ce. If there a a fault, tt a the lack of a chotce of fresh bah, "pectally THE PORT THEATRE ~', t~:bO TWO FRENCH COMEDIES COUSIN- COUSINE (PG) and COME HAVE COFFEE (R) lD thia arM. We wtah there wu a better wine lbit, but thoee win" offered are at fair pric ... After we had paid the bill, we aaked if the proprietor wu available for • little converaa- tion. When we admitted our tdenbty, he lau<Jhed, "Now you tell me!" He a<Jreed that he should offer more fresh bah, and ezpla.Lned that the lack of ator- •CJ• .pace luo.tted the wine last. The Pual• Inn a located at 440 Heliotrope tn Corona del Mar. open dat.ly for dU11ler only from 5:30 p.m. Cocktat..la m the Ptrat .. Den. Call 675-2051 for r .. rvationa. MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 1· I I I 1' I 1 . I I . I • I ·'"i~:tj.,.~t. • I 1 I I • I I I I I I I DINNERS~&rcWF BUY 1 DINNER FOR $7.50 AND GET THE 2ND DINNER FREE MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY THIS ADONL Y 5PM .. I PM cwra IUIUI M.dCIIIJ. MONDAY # IEEF BARRON aurrr:Y Allladwtl....,• ............. ,.. ··•"* ... ..-. .... TUESDAY ~ aurn:T I Mrwiraa ..,._, ..a.t ... ud • II-of C... Dnft Ill ,..,. er ....,, SUBJECT TO movies 5.p()rts IUPENIAN. .,_.'·Zooming Into lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiG•~-~~~~ABC;i£=~(7~Cen~t,.~Mou~~n~taln)~~~~~··.-i··~,~~~···~j,~~~iiilo apectacu6tr view with towering ex· •DeWY AND TMIIANDIT. Burt ----~---------------· -- (I Centret~Mountaln) THI MUIIICHMCk Of NOTRE. ~A Hdmartc Hall of Fame pr• eentaHon of the Vlc:tor Hugo clasalc llbout the defocrned beff ringer of the gtMt cathedral in Pat11. AnthOny HoPdnl Is OuuJmodo, with Lestey. Anne Down .. Eamer.eda. the gyp8y dine«. A glorious c.ntury and a half old t• t•llfying to t~ b.auty of t~ humanDrit. l"''' T l t ., I ...,.CBS (7 CentraiiMountain) THI CAT F'ROM OUTM IMCE. A o~sney &ar1t with a ~ng feline. with Ken Btrry and S.. Duncan •~ces (8Centra11Mounttin) 0 1:.1\l \\ ILDER * JILLCLAY8 RuH * Rl{ liARD PRYOR * SILVER STREAK Murder. meyhem. romance. adventure and hllanty nde the rallS between Los Angeles and ~ RIChard Pryor. Gene Wilder and Jill Clayburgh kttD th~ngs humming along the way. ',' I..... I I ll I clttrntnt, eoering fantaay and ~ Alynoidt tw1 • {Sel'f) Raid day wfttl atylt humor... tht aupemlt with Jerry AMd. Jeddt GleMon and • Chrlatophtf AM¥e comae to the TV ~ Tranellnt. acreen. New ..._ of bU!tHaat .,... NBC (8CtntniUMounta~ dangel and aetcnishlng edventurt GOING • I1'YLI: George Eb'nl, never before Men, highlight• this M C.MY and Lat Strasbtfg In In · nttwor1c premiere. The atupendous, off<btet ~ about the adl.len- atar·aluddad catt Includes Margot tur• of ltne ,refired Ntw Yortcert Kidder •• Lois L.ant. Gent Htctcman. wno decide to eniMn thtlr mundant Valerie ,._nint. Marion Br1ndo and. !Nee... noc by fMdlng the pigtona. In carneo rotea, Klr1t AJyn (the very but by robbing a '**· The unupect- flrsl ~rmen) and Noel Nttll (lhe td cNugee ewnta mort then antlct- firsl LOis Lane). '-' 2 lornorrow pe..a. In .. 8UIUrm ol1helf ~: night, aarnt time. Super I .. 11,.. NBC (7Centra11Mountaln) THE DAY THE IU .. LI IUMy. 1M personal dramas of average citizens. "jeu babies" and legendely Well Street Wizards art chronicled. as event• teed to tht calamitous crash of a stcyrocketlng, manlpulaltd stock mer1tet A time when fortunta and lift aavinQs were aweot ..-y ... wheri the headline on \erlety read "Wall Street Lays An Egg" and Gtoucho Marx phoned his fnends to declare "The Jig Is up!" ... a time to try men' alOin. and the precuraor of The Grttt ~eoresslon. .... ABC (7 CentraNountein) IU'IRIIAN, C'art 2). Another Suptr-clAper eYenlng... and did we mention Susannah Yortc. Ntd Beatty. Glenn Ford. Jdit Cooper and Larry Haomln? ThWrtln It tool •11N CBS (8Ctntra11Mountain) OANQIAOUI COMPANY. Btau Bridget In a Chine about a corMcta daring eacape, cap4Urt and rthlbili- tat1on. butd on the true atory of Ray Johneon who 8UNIYad 27 yeera of violent crime and imprlaonment before ulllmattty eeming rttpeeland achtevlng a C&tttr in txlslneu. i>iOOIIa An ectton-pact~ect IPOOf with Burt Reynolds as a atuntman who hat rtignecl for two decades as t~ top banaN In-his field. With Salty Field, Brlan Keith and Jan-Michael Vincent. OM 01 Burt's better "good ole boV" flicb. .'\1 HI' I •nPIICBS (8CentraNountaln) TMI..,_ITTRAP. Brian Keith and Maureen•C1Hara star In thla Disney dlverlion concerning a divorced COUf)lt brough bade toget~r by t~ rnaneuvefinge of their twin girls ... both pleyed by~ ....... ROCI(Y ... Tht oontJnutd atory of one of the moat populat chalectataln film hls1ory. Taia Shirt, Burt Young, Cerl W..thefa. Burgea Mtttclttt and Sy""-ttr Stallone, who aleo wrote and cjrtcttd thia part aequef. THI WM.L A t.ed on John Hersey'a claak: l'lClWI about a amaJl group of....., cut off from the r .. t of the world. turning to eech <** for strenglh. .nNICBS (IC'AnttaNcoolain) LOll 81-AND THI LOVI CANAL. MariN Muon as It* cet. bra&ed hoi•NKWactW wno ..,.., . hMded her cOITW'IUllty'a fight to fofce the gowtnmeut to rtlocatt thole r.m11e1 ttvtetlntd by.ne toxic chtmlc:aJa ~In the wattf· way at Nlllgta Falta. A gal who came out of htr shell to btcoml a ~ '*"'· Btatd. of course. on feel ------- o.w.on ho111a ~trtlon thet 01tt 10 of al'lc:l¥ll buaineaa' most notorioul viiJiana agalnat an eQUal nufTt)er of enterta~nmenra moat noble htfoas 10-11N N8C (9Centra11Mountatn) CAlliE A CO Altgle Dtcklnlon II .... N8C(7~) O..CWTHI ecrta. Mlc:QyAooney as &&year old OtiYtr Nugent wno tnOYeS, not Oltf the hift, but In with two colttgt ~ ... hit g~•ldaon and tht lad's uptight roommat& A r-.waerles. .. 111111 NBC (9Centr~ln) THE IIUY CRYSTAL COMIDY HOUil '\, 1 ( I'\ I • I •11NN8C (ICentraiiMounleln) THI 1"HHN) ANNUAL TV ... INaAL: -. •.. THI Y'IM • TE1..EYIIK)N .. 11 .. ,.,..:; (9Centr&Nountain) 7 ..... N8C CIC.*IAII PWt) DOUG tmiiiUtn WOM.D OP MAGIC. Tht ,_.., ...... ~S I.ISTED ARE King size:.,.. , .... a ........ IV ...... m-.o.c. •· -----·------------- MIIIIJa: (12:CIONoon,Cent.M.l c:ou.ma~- .. NYT: UConn at 8oatan College Gtorvle at Yandefbitt ~at Michigan TCU at Ttaaa Tech adllhoma at Iowa State UTEP at New Mexico Old Domlulon at St. Joe's IJNC.Ctlerto«e at S. Florida ... NYT: Dukt at Marytand DePaul at Marquette 2PM PT: Artz.ona Stat Wuhlngton St MtiPIIC8S (2Central1Mountam) a tuTINCl. a• 1-IIABC (2:30CentJMt ) ,.., ~TOUil .e:• .. cas (3:30Cent.JMount.) GOLF. 72·holt Bing Croeby National Pr~Am. ._._..ABC (l:30CentJMU -WON.D OP .alliS. tlfll II •• CBS CHAMCent..IMt.) MIA .... C. TMI WIIJC !-~ABC (1 CentravMountaln) lfl'Oin'I8UT. ~ABC (1:30CeniJMt.' T ... .......,AM. T~ lhtrdof four men'a prellmnary rounds. ~_..,..cas (t 30Cent.JMt > NCAA IAI«rru&.L St. John's vef'SUS L~ .. hom Freedom HaM 1n Kentuctcv ~NBC (1:30CentJMt l COLLEOI MIKITIIALL "Ia. The Notre Dame Fighting Irish l.llke on 1~ UClA Bruina in Pauley Pavillion In Los Angttes t»C ..... ABC (2.30CentJMI.) u.aA VL TMI WORLD IN OlYII- PICIPORT&. 4: .... NBC (3 30CentJMtl I'ORTIWORLD Box1ng .e:JI ... ABC (3:30CeniJMt) .... ...., Of III'O«JS. 4:. I IIPMC8S (3:30C4ntJM1 ) oour. Ctoeing fOUnd of the Bing Croltl¥ NationM ProM\. ~ 1o8'll NBC (12 NocnCent./Mount.) oou-~-... NYT: ~at 51. John'a Vir"""' Tech at Marquette Qeorg.a at lSU Oho S.... at Michigan St. ...... ,~,.. um.,.. •• .. NYT: Vlfp 6t .. o.n.on iiiilfil PT: Otegon ac Oregon att .._.. N8C (4CentraMMountM'I) QOLF ........ Open. , '\ • i H ! •• rnr•NeC (3:30CentJMt.) oour. Flnlll rounct ~• of "" Hewaiian ClDen 2182 OON OONOYAH AStiOCIA T£S. INC r f 'n.. .. wpor1 E.lp W.Uuclay. Fehnlary a. 1.-J Page ll Ecosystem is charted by Charles Schneebeck, of Friends of the Bay. like many tour walkers, Jeanette Avent, of Irvine's Woodbridge. uses binoculars for· a closer view of bay life. Upper Bay Walk LDokslnOn WildHfe Style by Robert Frank Since October, Friends of the Newport Bay baa been aponsor· inCJ tr .. Saturday morning walk- inC} tours of the Harbor Area's manh, in &n effort to fami.lia.rise the public with the ecolOC}ical importance ot estuary tideland.. Tourp.idee .upply .W.ilecl information about bird, animal, marine and plant life in what is rapidly becoming a ra{e envir- onment within Ca.Worrua. theu way to South America vta the Pacific Flyway. It is also home to two endan- CJered apeci• of birds, the And researchers have record· ed 61 spec1es of hah spendlDg at least aome Part of theu hJe cycle ia the bay. n ... include apot- -------------Staff photo. by larry Slobin ted bau and yellow-hn croakers. Ana htlls bnstlmq w1th cactJ; cattall-nddled freshwater marsh. the salt marsh; the areas flooded dunng h1gh hde; and, of course, the water. These result 10 qu1te a vanety of smaller ecoeystems, aU of wh.tc b can be obeerved along the tour. Bay life samples are lecture topic for environmentalist Ray Williams. former Newport councilman. The 741-acre bay and its surround.inCJ upl&nda shelter around 160 tpeciea of birds, lDcludinCJ those which rest on beldJ.nq MV&.n.nah ap&rrow &nd the least tern, and 11 the wmter foraglDg CJrounda for other endanCJereda such .u the light- footed clapper rau and brown pehcan. Su different topoqraph1es compn.ae the Upper Newport Bay: the forever-shadowed north-facmg slopes; sunny 5.Jnt4 The last tours of the ..uo.n w1U be held at 9 a .m Feb. 20 and 9 a lb March 20, and will depart from the comer of East Bluff and Back Bay Dnve m Newport Beach For more mfor- mahoo, call Fnends of the Ne wport Bay, Barbara Johnson, 879-6265 HARBORLITES by DiDa YOD Burg. There are approximately 1,200 orC}a.nisationa tn OranC}e Coun· ty, not includmCJ theu respe<:· llve auxili.ui•, that support very worthwhile philanthrop1ea. The media wish• to ualat every phila.nth.ropy illqwlrttally. but occasionally one appean worthy oJ particular attention. What brinCJ• this to mind 18 the attenUon that is bei.nCJ oiven--on television and in maouine and newspaper arlt· cl• of recent date-to the aocial problem of chUd abuse. So oft.n the pareAts need mental ud medical treatment -u do tlae unfortunate tarC}ets of their abuae. There are nu.m•roua aCJenclea in the Harbor ArM which can provide an aveDue for you to help com· bat tlUa aHUc:bon oJ our day. Re.eaber, then, that what· ever you can do to help ereclicate cblld abUM will be crr•MIY eppreciated by the lollc~ .. 91Ws-: Children's VillaQe USA., COPES, The Albert Sitton Home, OranCJewood and the Woman's Tr&.naitional LivinCJ Center. (WTLC 18 Oran9e County's oldest and larC}est shelter for the battered.) Please -"Your time to help a child is almost CJOne." • NothinCJ is more excitinCJ than to ... healthy and loved chil- dren involved 10 a prOQram to help others in need. The Multiple Scleroail ll!ADeTHON is a motivational rMclinCJ prOQtam in which .tudenta in C}radel 1 throuQh a obtain sponsors who make con· tributio.na to the NS IOCiety bued on the number of books the child rNda. 0r&n«Je Cou.nty st\ldent.a have r•iM<l ove:r $275,000 aJnce 1919 tor MS. If Nch parlicipatJDQ c~Ud cu r.W. $150 he 06 abe w •ttUecl to att•nd a celebrity haacllieoa. Thla yMr 114 llucleata from throughout the county were recOCJnized at Magic Island for their dedication in "reading for the needs of others." Those children from our area were !ric Fiesel, E.utbluff Elementary; Jonatha.b Feldman, Harbor Day School; Tim Mitch- ell, Ian Harper, Beth Tester, Chnatopher Ownn, Tim Redfern, Our Lady Queen of Angela; Ryan and Jeremy Black, Alana Shapuo, Fabt&.n Rou.aett, Jory Twist, Karla Kenney, Casey Bradaon, Garett Gruber, Vin· cent PalladlDo, Eric Slutaky. Nicole Fowler, Matthew Paraons, Pat Werner and Scott Andrews, Newport Elementary. Scott raia· eel a record $411 for MS. • Another c hildren's achvity: South Coast Repertory Theater lor the put three yean h.u been able-due to the CJeneroeJity of Mervyn's department store &nd the Dayton Hudson Foundation -to rNc h 50,000 children at some 200 schools throuohout Southern California with a tour· I.Do muaical education&\ play. Th1s year The Fitness Game 1s on the toptc of health through exerc1M. A portion of lhts ongmal SCR produc tion w.u presented to The Golden Ci.rcle, one of SCR's primary aupport C}roups at a recepllon c haued by Hedda Maroai. Seen 10 the crowd were Peggy Allen, Mrs. Carroll Bryant, lulda Hemley, Annette Hurw1tz. Mrs. Howard l.anCJ, Mrs. Donhn Murdy, Mrs. Jon McChntoclt, Tnsh and John O'Donnell, James Ptck, Kathryn Thompson, Katherine and Delane Tbyeo, Barbara Aune, Lucille Kuehn, Jean &nd John Macnab, Carl Ne1uer (Pat 1s tn lnd1a ) and Edte and Norman Walker . Elame Baamajian, prestdent of the Aas11tance LNQue of Newport Beac h, and Mrs. Elmer Lal.anne, pr•tdent of the l.aCJuna Beac h LeaQue, opened then co-aponaored Town HgJJ Celebrity Speoken prOQr&m at the Edwards Cinema, Newport Center. The Lut ipM.br eched· uled WAS to be All1son 1..4Land, a hostess ¥fPo entertams the cream of pohhcal and soc1al Wash1nqton. But she substituted last week for the ul P&lqe Rense, who now will speak on May 20. A.l.laoo's top1c was "The Impact of WIVes-from Martha to Nancy." After her very eoter- talmng talk, Asststance League members and quests attended a luncheon at the Irvme Coast Country Club 5.Jlts F1fth Avenue presented an exqw.s1te collection of Jew1sh ceremo01al costumes recreated by £ashton students at the Sehgsberg School m Jerusalem to the Newport Beach, 5.Jnta Ana and Tustm ch apters of Hadassah at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. Helene Gortz cha~red th1s luncheon wtth the auJstance of Suzy Duhan, l.Uhan Godell, Juha Matc ha, Fay S.ldeen, Marge Shane, Glona Gooddle. ElAlDe Omitz, Arlene Ross, Helen Sunon, EU .. n Stmpeon and Lesley Surlaa. Helene advtMS you wul have another opportUDtty to vtew th ... pnceless mu.aeum-quahty C08tum• when SF A pr-.nts • &l.Dlili4r ahowmo l.aCJun• Hills "'the early sprmg The Cabaret Chapter consm. o f 125 worlung profeSSl onals, who wanted to support the O range County Mustc Center. In 1980. tbJS four-year old group ra1sed $20,000 for OCMC wtth prom1se of more 1n '81 smce all then 4Chvthes are underwntte.n! Recently Steve Badalato chaned 4 wtne-tastlDg tn wh.tcb Seba.stt4m, Fetzer Vmeyarda, Charles Krug, Taylor CaWorna. Cellars Alamaden, Bennger Brothers and Monterey Vme· yards don4ted the wtne, SchiTmers. the appetizers, qlasses and appontments, the Newporter Inn, fac1hhes, the John Wayne Tenn1s C lub and prmtmg, Punt Emponum, Inc. Some 275 members and gueMI attended Seen 10 the crush were Nancy Letcher. Terry Hanes, Bob MJtc hell. Jean D41es, G1sela Jenluns, C~ndy W evmss. 5.Jndy Wad dell, Ron Johnson Brei Andresen, S1 Cheb1thes, Gerry Tracz, R1c hard Haeussler, Mtssy Ch1lcoti-Cam, Debb1e Weu, Elhott Lazarus, Deedee Davu, Donna Hunter. C a rmen Jurado, Eluabeth Grey and Bob Nlste:.. (Bob IS cbamng a "N1fty 'SO." party on March 6th. whic h 18 almost .ald -outl) Dolars For Scholars \ Worb by 1\loli &ltiata u Creio K.i...._n, Toly DeLap, Joan .......... aad Alaia IaUth will be oo .-S.huday, reb . e at a hmd-raima9 art auction hoeted by UC Irvm.. Fundi raiNd by the auction will help enable UCI muter of fine em dandidat• attud a 181Dinar-tour of the New Yodt art world. Wore than 150 wo.rb will be eold durillo the two-parl acu· Uon, which will include a live fint-phue biddinq for eome worb and a .Uut eecond-phaM biddln9 for othen. A prmew of the worb to be told in both ph&M. will becpn at 6:30 p.m. in UCI'a Fine Arts Villa~. Muter of ceremoniea for the event il John N. Rau, prMident of David lnduatrl81. Newpon Hamor Panheflenic will sponsor its annual Dottars for The a~ction ii~PQD.eored by Seho&ers benefit and fashion show Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 11 the UCI.tudlo arta departmen.t a.m. at the Airport., Inn. Featured will be presentation of the in conjunction with the UCI Athena Award, fashions by John Hogan, and special guest Al\lDlJli office. Ad.miaion to the Marianne Alireza. Helping plan the event are, above, Mrs. Ronald C . event il $10 per penon. Barnett, Mrs. P. K. Harvey, and Mrs. Frank Gumbinger. ost es Pereona interuted in receiv- $20. Reservations should be mailed by Feb. 5 to Mrs. Jack . in it ti 1 th t Mason 906 Alder Newport Beach lDCJ an v a on ° e even ' • . Staff photo by Bob Peterson may call~• Alumni office at 833-63-4 'Heart To Heart' Gala Readied R ... rvationa are now beinq accepted for the Heart to Hearl Gala to be sponeored by the Oranqe Coun(y Chapter of the American Heart Auociation Saturday evening, Feb. 20 a t the Plaza Ballroom of the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. Many well-known personalities are servmq on the honorary ex- ecuhve comm1ttee and expected to attend the event include Frank Smatra Jr .. Maureen Lions Move To Maniott Hotel The Manners Lions Club has moved mto a new location in the Capnccio Room at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel for the u weekl y Fnday luncheons. According to Jim Thtbault, club president, the club hopes to attract many men who work LD Fash1on Island to membership m the club. "Anyone mlerested should call me at 754-7017," be said . Recent speakers at the club have mcluded David Dmohowsk1 of the. Irvine Co. apea..king on future plans for Newport Center and for the shoppinq center at the Santa Ana and San Dieqo beeways and Allan Helfman, who spoke on health, d1el and exerc1se. Proceed• from the club's rna· lor fund ra tMr, a sweater sale, go to a1d eye11ght research and 'med1cme. Reaqan, Buddy lbeen, Tommy Luorda, Jam• Rooeevelt, Joseph Wambauo.h, John Raitt, Ray Malavasi, Vince Ferragamo, and Harriett Nebon. Co-chairpersons of the plann- inQ committee are JoAnne Stewarl and Patti Giles. Master of ceremonies will be Sam Goldstein of Rockwell Intema· tiona!. A champagne reception . featurlno mutic by pia.niat Gene Robereon at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by clin.Der and d.ancin9 to t.. Brown and hia Band of Ruown. Coet of the event is $100 per penon, Black tie il optional. for further information and reaerva- tiona, call the Oranqe Cowaty Hearl Auociation at 547-3001. Boys Club Names Officers New officers have been in· stalled by the Harbor Area Boys' Club. Taking over leadership of the board of directors are Robert In- gold, president; Dennis Osborne, first vice preaident; Harry Green, second vice presi· dent; Erwin de Mocakonyi, treasurer; and Charles "Pete" Gross, secretary. "Our big project in 1982 will be the succeuful completion of our $1.5 million fund drive for the Irvine Boys and Girl. Club, and then oetting the club ilMlf finiahed and in operation by the end of the year," said Ingold. "We are alao openinQ a new westaide branch of the Harbor Area Boys' Club at Rea Middle School in Costa Mea&, which repreMDts another i.mporlant ex· panlion of our youth proqra.ma and Mrvices into the communi· ty." The club operates two facilities, the main branch at 2131 Tu.atin Av,., eo.ta W..., and the iutbluff branch at 2555 Villa del Oro, Newport, Beach. Hoag Volunteers Honored Service pi.na have been awarded to membera of the Aux- iliary of Hoaq Memorial Hospital for volunteer work. Pink ladies honored were Dorothy Hetzler, Ethel Garber, lvalou Bellamy, Toni Freud· mann, Thais O'Neil, Thelma Evans, Mary Hopwood, Maral .. Ponzio, Helen Schwartz, Ginny Davies, Betty I. Mattix, Andr .. McGowan, Barbara Jordan and Charlet Patril. Candystripera honored were Becky Martin, Lealie Redick, Day Bilhop, Lisa Bolin9, IC.ril Kerrigan, Mary Ann LOqan, Ther ... Provenzano, Linda Pick, Jenny Beilfuu, Grace Flanigan, Leslie Riehl, and Mol- ly Reilly, who wu named Ca.n- dystriper of the Month. APPEARING EACM WEEK!! IN THE ENSIGN ••• A Comprehensive Selection of Fine Homes For Sale in the Newport Harbor Area ... YES Offers Annual Roman Feast The eaaphui.l will be on youth and family whu the Youth ~nt Service pula On ita ninth &.D.Dual Roin.a.n , ..... with clin.Der heCJinnino at 5:30 p.m. at the American leoion Hall in Balboa. throuoh fr• job-huntinCJ •r· nee. tor &oc.l YOUD9 people aCJ· ed 14 to 22. Yowa~e.n are aid- ed in fll.11D.g out applicationa and in handllno interviewa. YIS from the job refenal to ac- ceptuce of the poeiUoo. YES Mrvea the Harbor area ArM b.alin ••• u are en· couraCJ'8(l to offer jobe to th ... t .. nager, who are ..t.lted by Tick ... for the RoJUD Feut are $4 for adulta and $2.90 for children under 12. They may be purcha.Md at the door or throuoh YIS at 542 W. 19th St .• CoetaW.... McClelan To Head OC Big Brothers Bauersfeld Leads Vetemarlans Dr. Bruce C . Bauenfeld of Coeta W... hu been elected 1982 prMident of the Southern California Veterinary Medical A.ociaUon . animal medicine in Santa Ana Heighlt. He hu previou.aly perv· ed u pr..wleut of the Orano• County Chapter of SCVMA and wu preeid.nt-elect of the oroaniutiOA 1ut year. William J. NcClellP of Cor- ona c:W War hu been .a-cted preeident of the board of direc- ton of the lliq Bl'Oth.n, Bio Siaten Of Oranqe Cowaty. ~ ueociatioza pr .. idut, he repr ... nll the aaocietion's nearly 1,000 mem.ben in. to. Angel• and Oranqe counti•. Dr. Bauerafeld practice. small Other new officen are Dr. Jack L. Stephana, pr..sdent· elect; Dr. David Rei.Ahanl, treuurer and Dr. Richard SbackeUord, director. McC1ella.n, a certified public accowatut, formed hia own public accowatino practice in Newporl Beach in 1980 after 14 yean with Cooper. ud Lybrand. THE ' FORGITBUILDING This is an invitation to our Open House. You are invited to come this Saturday, Feb- ruary 6th, from 1 to 4 p.m., to the Forgit Building, at 2205 W.k Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, to view the complete refurbishing of this historic building. You will be surprised and, I hope, pleased with the new look. We want you to me'et the new occupants, the architectural firm of Hill· Danielson & Associates, formerly of Newport Center. This is a complete change from the building's hardware era of the past 53 years. It is the beginning of an era of change in the original area of Newport Beach around McFadden Square. Please come and enjoy with us this opportun- ity of being together once agai~ Peg Forgit st.~ (formerly of Forglt Hardware) · · .) ._or••• ~ ao~~.n ~t -LIT-DO llf!Oa10el FU..Y WAIIL ft.Wf ._, ro&.o ••• .... .._ ..... r•Drra• . ,....._. ' \! \ A ~I'IIOlile thrH-,;.c. windowpane c:beck •ult with AdoJio '• deft toucb m c:hk: black and white. 1'lte .ilk blol4e ha. ruJiJed c:uH. and ned/ine. It ~ into on eo.y, pl.ated akirt. 1'lte el~t linW!ing touch '-the b/od: and •hite windo~ hilt c:ordigan. Adolfo'• tAr..-plec:e .Wt will IaAie you wlwre you're going in tdyle. Pure white, tlw bit COI'dJgon;. c:ulled In novy and wbile .ak ~ tltalmatclt tiM 1018G11tic bow ol the poJ.ko dol blou.. n. Mirt ;. 0 /loitering dimd/. LENNY' hair design for women and men 675-0823 IMOvotlve Parmi~ Sy$tems with cut and cordflonet hJIOQeon Hor Colortng. Frames~ of ttotv ond Mostey of Ports F ol Hlgt'olgh ti'1g HorGiaztng ~.Cut. and Stvte . $25 to SJS 525 to SJS SIS SIS SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER '5 ott anv seNtce 2333 E. Coast Hwy., behnd Swensen 1-b.xs 9-6 TUM ttvu Sot Corona det Mar • (IN THE AACADE) 301 MARINE AVENUE The Newport E.Da1gJa Wecm..day. fehnaary a. 1-.... II by Mildr.d Mead It wasn't too difficult for Saks Fafth Avenue to get su of the most preshgious fashion desagners in New York to fly out to Beverly Halls in January. Cah.lornians maght have been shivering, but it was sheer heaven to them-"'lo ice, no anow! It was a beneht for Lhe Music Center's Amazwg Blue Ribbon committee, and there was great camaradeue on the front row as the spnng collechons of these designers were presented alphabellcally. Adolfo, Geoffrey Beene, Bill Blass, Mary Mc Fad- den, Oscar de Ia Renta and Michael Vollbracht applauded each other and made a stunning finale as they each walked down Party pojoma., Ideo/ lor looltm9 and lee/ing great at qJJ the n9ht ploc:N, Adollo doe. them of ~rlet p/eoted sdk ond belts wtth 90/d The gold •triped ltolt·mou5a lrnll JQc:lcet, worn over a SJmpltt IJllc JJite/J, ts oc:c:ented wrth a navy ond gold rope tnm A vaJlable of Soles Ftlth AV'Itnue, South Coost Plozo JC.nee length is Adol.lo'a preference for suita. And it'a above the knee for hia ch&rm- inq, girlish dreaea. A favorite ie a white one with puff aleev•, Empire wwt, strewn with a.mua- ing, apaced coin dots. The single blazer in the col- lection is outstanding. Black knit with bright colored bincliDg, keyed to a detail on the crepe de chine blouaea that ue paired with white knee-skimming wool crepe dirndle skirts or with pants. For evening, the hit of the collection L& a glamoroua strapless dinner dress with draped bodice in black si.l.k jac- the ramp wath a model wearing theu own destgn. Although the desagners are not comtng to Orange County as some of them have m the past, their collecllons are being shown tn the stores. Mary McFadden's Olmec Collection (c. 1300-600 B.C .) for Spr- mg/Summer 1982 was presented by Joan Mazza, vace. president of Mary McFadden, at Neiman- Marcus. Fash ton Island, last week. LOGICAL, PRACTICAL ADOLFO The little suits have easy, car- dlgan )ackets, bordered wtlh either braid or patterned Adolfo's collechon will be grosgrain, and come in Oat knit, shown a t Sales Fafth Avenue, misty tweeds or boucle yarnds. South Coast Plaza, by Geri Some suits are handcrocheted, Blakele y on Monday, Feb. 8 and others a~e m a frothy new mlX- Tuesday Feb 9. Call the store -lure of silk and colton, colored fo r tame; and lor a personal ap-in pretty pastels, dramatic black potntment. tf you'd like. and white and a vabrant blue, closely akm to a Bnstol blue. Thts des1g~r descnbes has ladtes as "logtcal and practical but perceptive to change." They will lake the conSIStency of his approach thas season-the light- hearted touc hes that mark has spnng '82 collec tiOn AdoUo's autls ohen feature an extra .Uk shirt to mu or match with the beauhiul onnt blouses and shuts, whtch expands the versatu1ty of the Chanel-hlce deaigns. quard. It hcu a matchmg ruffled scarf, dotted wtth AdoUo'a favonte accent color~t-seti'let, sunflower or vme green plua whale There ts also a longer versaon. Another exc1hng evenmg look shown as gold-lame belled, pleated paJamas m navy or scarlet stllt Topped wtlh a sun- pie stlk shell and a gold, stnped kab mousse lcml jacket wtth 90l.d and navy. o r scarlet, detauing. As always, Adolfo haa created a collechon that as versatile, femmme and attractive. w1th the promtse of many years of enJOY· men I BALBOA ISLAND, CA t2el2 -=:;..::...._=-..;;;;:=-=.-=:....___;;;;:;......o 1714l a15-3113 \ u· W1•11 GOINe OUT OF IUSINISS All MERCHANDISE 50% TO 80% OFF BARE TO THE WAUS Tail Pqo Mary's Match Designer Sport Rxtures. Furniture &. Equipment T\Jf.S..-RI. 10:30 AM-6:30PM SUNOA Y 12 NOON-5 PM LAST DAY Fll. 27 I i A V~lentine Gift ¥ for the Speci411 Girl ¥ in Your life .. • \' 1969 • .. ~ The L1lly F1lly ) Boutique pour jeune fille y,. ... ,.,.. ...................... \,.. .... ~~ u I i I c i b) l il' AlJdRl) PROPRIETRESS ClotltEs fRoM tltE WARdRobEs of TltE WORld~ bEst-dRESSEd pEoplE 2731 E. Coast Htghway, Corona del Mar 675-5553 Mon.-Sot. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 NEW YORK DESIGNER . SPRING FASHIONS s _____ ___ men's and women's fashions at a .. -"le Your GAMe Hatf . Empty Or Haft Fult?": Donne M. Week. aeminee• director. 9 a.m. lnCounselingend Admi11i0N Room 113. Tldtets $5. ~-...... ---~~~~.:.....~~+~~~~~....,.~r~~~~::--l -"How To stav fOr~ benefits Motfveted To Get Whet DMIIIN-.a.ntiDIII Tea Dences-Concerta are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Center throughout the spring at 4:30p.m. Sundays. Admission is $3, $ t for students and seniors.. Information, call 754-3643. Roy 0. AnderMn PTAiahal .. ne a Yummy Pancake Breakfast and Rea Market, 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 6. Price is $2.25 for adults, $1 .50 for kids. v ............ O.y ......., hosted by the International Friendship Circle of UCI. 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. Tl at the home of Rita Mayer. 2700 Pebble Drive. Corona del Mar. All guests must bring their wedding picture and memento of their courtship. 1 nformation: Golda Johnson, 6n7563; Peggy Maradudin, 644- 0336. . EbbeiCiubntMta 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 4 at the clubhouse. The Mam · selles will entertain. ••Do~~M"a for ~··annuat benefit of tQe Newport Harbor Panhellenic will be held 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10 in the Airporter Inn Hotel, Skyliner Ballroom. Tickets. call 640-1475. Coeetlne Cheptew of B'nai B'rith Women will meet Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 8 p.m. at Merit Savings, 5392 Walnut. Irvine. For information, directions or a ride call 897-2456 and leave a message. tO'. I bv Cor1lcl fobwdby r~mentsand disCussions on JMah.. releted topica .• Children over 13 years okt n invited to attend with their parents. .............. Meets Tu~ya. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Preebyterian Church of the Covenant, Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Anyone who enjoys singing and can carry a tune may joi!'. Further information, call Joyce at 542733 or 546-768> or Pat at 494-8119. The Heltaor Vlatll ChepW ofthe National Council of Jewish Women will meet noon Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Harbor Reform Temple, 2100 Mar Vista in Newport Beach. Or. Kenneth Chong will speak on "Plastic Surgery ... Fact and Myth." NewcomeN Club of Irvine wll hold a luncheon for new residents Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the Irvine Coast Country Club, 1600 E. Coast Hwy .• Newport Beach. Marianne Alireza will speak on life in Saudi Arabia. Reservations call Oorie Gomsrude at 562-~1 . Clhln111 Newv .. will be calibrated by the American Association of University Women 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10 at the Irvine Senior Center, :8>7 Sandburg Way. REMEMBER V ALENTINfS DAY with a special gift JUST GRAPHICS II 3bO 1 8 f Coast Hwy Corona del~. CA ( 11'1 N Ill I.., lll~l ~" T m ;I m hlt> 11m \ (7 14) 675-1500 If you could lose weight by yourael/, you would laoue done ao by now. - 0 -,. ! > j "i ; . TM Or .... County Clt!IIL•I of Scripps eo~eege Alumnae Aaociation has formed a professional alliance of working alumnae. The network meets 11!30a.m. on alternating Fridays, at the home of Hiroko Ogata, 1014 Mariner's Drive. Newport Beach. For information, call Ogata at 752-2197 or Barbara Stewart, 545- 5464. Flbns ,,.. children'• fHme at the Newport Beach Public Ubrary, Newport Center Branch, 856 San Clemente Drive. 4.p.m. Tuesday afternoons. Information, 640-2246. Features will include: -Feb. 9: "Rookie of the Year" and "The Strange Story of the Frog Who Became a Prince" •• Divine......_ •.• film about modern dance pioneers Char1otte Perry and the late Portia Mansfield 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Feb. 3 at UCI, Medical Sciences Building, Room F1 10. Donations Stephena CoAiege. You want''; Kathy Ails, lecturer. 9:30 a.m. In UCI Film 8oalety will Chemistry Building pnelftt "Rebellion" by Room 214. Tickets $6. Kobayashi and "Oodes _''International Real k&-den" by Akira Estate"; Joel Carlson, Kurosawa Saturday, lecturer. 9 a.m . in Feb. 6 at 6:30 p.m. in Science Lecture Hall 1. UCI's Social Science Admission is $5. Hall. Tickets: $2 -"Making The Most Of general, $1 UCI The New Tax Bill"; students. Charles R. Perelman, LDctl.weD ...... WOI'Itehope at Orange Coast College this week include: Frtday. Feb. 5 -"Protecting Your Investment From Fraud or Mismanagement"; Dan BrOderick, lecturer. 7:30 p.m. in Science Lecture Hall 1 . Admission $4. -"The Gestalt Experience"; Alyn Bartick, workshop director. 7 p.m . in Counseling and Admissions, Room 113. Admission $5. -"How To Program Your Subconscious Mind To W ork Fer You"; Ann B. Martin, lecturer. 7:30p.m. in Chemistry 214. Admission $4. -"Getting Fired May Be Beneficial To Your Wealth"; Merv Shopenn, lecturer. 7 p.m. in Science Building Room 146. Admission $4. -How To Talk To Your Children About Sex; Jill Ovard, lecturer. 7:30 p.m. in Chemi.stry Building Room 207. Admission $4. S.1urday. Feb. 8 -"Change Is A Dirty Word"; Steven M . Divine, lecturer. 9 a.m. in Science Building Room 146. Cost $8. lecturer. 9 a.m. in Chemistry Building Room 207. Admission .12. -"Sexual Harassment • in the W orkplace;" Patricia Herzog, lectu..er. 9 a.m. in the cohge's Captain's Table restaurant. Admission $6. -"Legal and Financial Aspects of Divorce;" John R. Ellingson, lecturer. 9 a.m. in Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission $6. -Teps for Buying and Selling a Business; Richard Hart, lecturer. 9 a.m. in Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission $5. -Workshop on Effective Time Management; Deborah Freitag, lecturer. Meets on successlve Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m . in Counseling and Admissions Room 111 . Six-part series costs $35. -"Adventure Under Sail"; Brad Avery, instructor. Four-part series of day-long sails aboard the OCC ocean racer "Scandalous". Umited to 12 persons, fee $100. Phone 566- 5(8) for information. TennleLIIIIMa .... beiJn8 ott.ed by the City of Newport Beach at Mariner's Park and San Joaquin Hills Park Adult, youth and pee- BALTZ · BERGERON SMITH & TUTWLL WESTCUFF MORTUARY ... dill II will be offered at nomlnll C08t. Further informedon: 640-2271 . .......... ..,.. on ella n.,...•t proepecta at the Orange Coelt UnMMn ~Church, 12!51"\'ictorie. Costa Mesa Saturd8y, Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. He is executive director of the Unitarians United Nations office. ... .... of .............. by Tesee Warshllw at the dinner meeting of WeCan women·s Network Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Newport. Information call Pattie Pace at Five Star Marketing, 836-4333. ....... ......... .............. 13-week course offered by U .S. Coast Guard Auxiliefy Flotilla 1S-04 beginoing 7 p .m . Thursday, Feb. 4 at Marina High School in Hunttngton Beach. 15871 ~pringdale Street, Room 109. Information: '549-9682. MiK!;IIany_ ,......_For Youth dramatics program for-. kids ages 10-15 star1S 1 p.m. Saturday. Feb. 6 at the Orange Coast YMCA. Cost Is $50 for the first month. Information: 642-9990. o.. ... eo.nty ..... · Cf'ODD is offering ~tandard first aid courses through February at Red Cross Headquarters, 8>1 N. Golden Circle Drive. Santa Ana. $9 materials fee for the course. They wiH be held: -6:3()..10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8 and Wednelday, Feb. 10; 8:30 a.m.--noon Tuesday, Feb. 16 and Thu~y. Feb. 18;end 6:3()..10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22 and Wednesday, Feb. 24. ' ...... ~····· ., LIIIIIIIR wtll ~ 8 p..m. Seturdey. Feb. 6 in the occ Auditorium. Reeerwd 8Mt'l are $10, ta end M. end are av....,._ in the Tteket Office. Celt 5M-5627 for charge otdws end infoimation. A~•·-of _, .......... ... 1111111o wil be presented by John McCutcheon and Rick and Lorraine Lee 8 p.m. Wednesday. Feb. 3 in UCI's Rne Arts Concert Hall. Information: 833-6379. Theater ...,._ Teoolote v~e~one·· a bilingual play will be presented 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 7 in the OCC Auditorium. Advanced tickets are $5, $6 at the door. Ticket information: 556- 5627. • ..,._ Play'e The l"hhnn(' by Ferenc Molnar. on the South Coast Repertory Malnstage, 8 p.m . Tuesday through Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Sundays and weekend matinees at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $15-$10. SCR Box Office: 967· 4033. ··Th......-.............. by Moliefe. 8 p .m . Wednesday through Friday, Feb. 10-12 in the Fine Arts Village Theatre at UCI. There will be a 6 p.m . showing Saturday, Feb. 13. Tickets are $5 general, $3 students, and may blt purchased at the Fine Arts Ticket Office. Information: 833-6617. •• Alfred the Great .. by Israel Horovitz 8 p.m. Feb. 4-6 in UCI's Fine Arts Little Theatre. HH 161 . Presented by the UCI Drama Workshop. Tickets are $3 general, $2 for students and are available at the Fine Arts Ticket Office. Information: 833-6617. . fRANCI~-ORR fine stationery corona del mar 2823 East Coast Highway 675-1010 .. ....:.mc:c 1'\CIII ..... _ .... ".,_, n. ....... __ ._. --. ~ c::ac:uti "*-·.., ....... ~ .. ....., ...... 0._ ...... . ~. ~. """'"'" ....... c. .. J. 0...... ...... 11032 Wuk .. t-, "•""--.-.. CA t3Mt ftlll"--·~~. -al .,...n........ ...,_. t..4ra ~ ,... -... ltleol •1411 u.. c-" a... .. o.-c....., -,_ Jt,IM:a ......... , .. J. 10.11. u. ltea .. n. ... ~._. ·~-QT77 ...UCIIOnc:l •~enrao..­..-"A......., n. I.U..... ,._ 1oo dola• -........ .. IU1Ta ¥J1C*01 I 17 r .._,. Aw , "-" .._ ... CA ..:t a-A ....... 402 I 1•11 81 ,c-...._,CAtaQJ ftlo-IOeeM~ by U ..... •od..al ........ ..._A ,_ ........ n...-... IIW wula a.. eo..., Cloofll ol 0..-c-.., ..... •• 1812 ....... , ... ) 10 17 14 1812 •• n.. ..... _. ... l9. raecmo Mao:J PViUC IIOtiC& fCiiliOGI- UidlrT&TDIDT n.. ........... _ ......... a...-aa 8C* AUf() IMTDJIA TIONA.L.. ~-............ ,._ ,._ port a-.11. 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Lot• 141 to IU lad-•• ol .. ..t Troct »$7 loo the pill-o...t '"d....,IJo. ... tft Alucl• lOIJ S«ilon • ol the O.da:rahon oJ Co .. M IU&. coociUlOM and tn 1rh:UoM h••••ooh.-t c&n.nl.bed tn tubt.ct to SK-t.on Z en JH~Id.ed '" o..cl ,.c.,.ct.c!J..-211 lf?4. E•cept1ft9 therefto,. all oU otl ''9"'' ntlf\4lf'G... •'"""ol rt9h~ natv-1•1 tOA rtgb.t• ead o•h•• hyd.roro.rbon• by wt\oteoe••• ..._.. .. nowtt that IIMt'Y tM wdh.ie Ott "-'"'er ,... -rei of lcand ...,.,-... ttet.e:flbe d. To9•thr w tlh the ...... .-~ •19"J ol .111•"9 ...... ... ........... .... _ ...... 9 ...... . a:D4 •••-. •• ood r..-o••-. the .._. ttoa .. td •...t. • aay oehet leatl lachufh•9 the rtvht to wlalpetoc• .. ohrent-Uy •111 o...t .,,.. ir'o• lo_. Ottwf lhoa thow ...... ...o..bo... ~.a...ct Otl Ot ... weUa.. huuMh oM aho.tu tato th•o"9h • ec'I'O. tt.. at.tb.wloc. of '"" ..................... -·~-OJMI 10 ltou-... ct. wlupotod ..... dtr.c lloaolly *'''-4 walie. ,.,..,... oad •holts .......... ___ ..... ...,._ the •••"'-ll•u• •*.at oad to ~.u ret~~&.-..-1 ...-u~• ..._.,..,atn t...., ... ,.. oftd opeto .. ony UKh .-.1111 .. -.a... wtth4Mit ho•• .. t tiM '"tllt to ••ll ••-..._.. ••Plot• oad --1hrow9h tlw owleca .,. ,......,_*le .. oll ... ,...,_..,._.. ......... ..., ...... -a.o •• d-rtb.d .. ,_,....loy ,.,. ~r~-eo .. .,..Y ... ...... .-.dood ..... 25. 1974 The ,,, ... ..,.. ... o~Mt eM..,, C'ota -· ""111-•loe. II <my. ol tlw tool Pf'O,.Pty t&ee.n..a...d obo... •• p-.r _ .... 10 ... -lleib...., lload eo. ·-··-.Co. The .... re19...t T•--4 .. cloun• .. , lielrillty lw Gay •-•--ol th,e ...... ...,.._ Oad othef CO,.BlOn ._..9-tlMl If ••Y· M o•a ....,...,. SaW .... will l>a -• a.,., ......... , C'O ..... , (If ~·y -................... •ltlo •=• ': or eecw--..ollliiC."M .... , U.. ra.-lalov po~MipoJ -ol tlw --_.,.., .. , ..w 0.... ... T .... . ... ._ ........ ~ -~ .. . ..... -""'--· u •• , .. ..... .... --... -0.... ... Tr-._ c ..................... ol .... y,_, .. oad ol ,... ,..,... <T001... by eood o..d of Tt\MI tOt .... OlftO"-"' r•o•oaobly ea11•o1•d •o b• llll IDa. n.. .,._, .. ,..., .,..., oold O..d ~• r,.__., h•retolor• •••~-.••d ond dleh•«e4 to dw "~ned o '"" ••e DK8o.toHo. ol o.towh on4 0. -...4 to. S.J. otHI o W1'ttt•n Mo•k• ol .,...,., ....... Ela<11on to Sell Th• W..f'd.n.JijfW'Ci C'tiUl'N'd Wltd JliloH~ ttf o. .. -..h oftd D.c-Ho" to S.ll •o H r.c-Of4.4 h, •h• ro....,•y •b•t• •lo!• real IH~fty •• loratM Da••·loo 1• ltel lmpertol lonc01tp oa •osd Tfual .. by J,o..ehno C Vcuq .... e Auou"•Y 1n loct 110 M Dot..ny D"•• a. ... rtv H1llt. Co 110211 lin ,.~ .. .,.,.. ••• n ,. .. l 10 1981 1n n,. "••port t ....... n s"~ ruauc ttOTICE Q-tlut lfDt7 ..OTIC% or nusnrs SAU 0. ,... 17 itll I J p "' Poo l.b.H .. Swb-ltlwled r ... ~ "" ..... (:•11...a o..ct of TuiM •..a.r;lli.-d: -.., ha .. ,. " J.ll .. o and "••n • r.u ....... t4Ja)rtl.c:l Mat(' !II 26 1,.;) u t"t\HIIfil'l'\ftl " )17)7 n IY ~ I :ISS) -• Ul ol Ollte..,_ "'-'r~rdt ,. Otaa~ Co."'" Cabto"'·• aDd fhUIJ\1,..1 '0 ,._., ,.,,..,.,. ~ • o.t..ll •MI DK•-to $o4l 1.._•••d•• r.rorc&.d Ae-q ,_... 20 1•1 •• • ... ,.,..,. -M.JIJ " ~ ICIM -17Sl ~1 Olf,.. .. Aacordo ~ w.d Co.••; .JJ -...o., ~ftd p-.• too&•ll' 'O M ·cf o...d :'\( ''""' .. u •' rwa.IIC' e..clw,. tor .. ._ 14.ri~~tl •,),..." of ... u"''"' s. ...... ~· .... ,II('. •• , ... .If~ col ....... ood S..tract A, ~ .... .,. ,., N..-.otl c..... o. ... S.1•• lJO lt ...... ,,. a...:~ CA 9I:M60 all that uq ... , nt'-••d ,.,.,.,... 'o" .......d io ••d •9• Jwtd ~. " •~t44-t .. td o...ci Ctf T u•t' '" h.• ptop.ttY .. ,_..,ed '" tot..d Covely •Ad S.•w d.Mcubeod .... L;.t 2S •I T •oct .1100 oa ta.. Co~ ol N.wpott a..ch Co'lntY o)f Oun~ St•t• of C•t.to••~ u ~Mt• "'•P ·~cnlf act'" a-. I)J .,.._ I• I$ aad 1e ••ec.U.I'oeO"' ••c• tft IM othC"• ot IM Cau•• !!.eo,.. ol wod Cow••• r ..... r ... ..,, .. of ot ... r ~-.o. .._ .... _ el ..... -·-·· ltll Arttla La... """"""" ......,, CA t2tiO o.,...,._ to ,._ •H.,. P~''' ~•• ... .......... ... --'"" .. _ .. .......... ,, ..... ,. ....................... ~ 10 4Lt•• tt .. U~-• h.rw P•W.C•teoe .. • ... --S..o4-'"" ..................... - ...... Of ••u••tY •• .,.._. ef 1-,.t~ .... ht .. ..--e. ........... '"~ ................................ ·-.. .... -.. -__ ,... "' .... o-4 .. y,.,.. • •" W71leCII, ,.._. ... ...._., _..... .-.. ··-..... ·-.. , .... _ ol ....... wo~ ~ ........................ .. \1117400 n........_ .... __ ... ..... .............. _ ....... , ... ...... .,,,_~ ............ _ ....... A_ 17 •• 1 ..... _....... .......... J .. --........ "-' 141. --I tit. 011 .., ...... .. o..... c .... , c.,, .. ,... n • ..........., __ ,..... ...... . ..... _ __.... ....... ..... .., .. .._._ ........... , .. ~-.... ._...--·-... ... .. ...... --~-.... Of ~.., ............ _., a.....__,. u ltla,. ..... -· "-""' ............ CA ....................... ....,...o.-.._ ...... ...._....._C.&_......,. ... ._. ........... "· ,.. l. ..,. ................. .,., PVIUC.onc:t M)1IIQI OII.UWIUWIA.L& an>lle Olll .. A_ UPVIUC TfTU IMIUIAMCI AQDICT • Dt-.. IIDIUT'Y 11A TIOIIAl mu 1111UII.AICI • ---· .. ...., _....... ,_ ........ ...._..._..,,_wiLL 111.1. AT PUIUC AUC'!'Ial TO ntl ltiO.MDT IIDClD fat CASH ., .. ... lort• ta a.--... e1 tlaa Co...J C.. all'"""· hl.le-..,.,.., ceo ..., .......... -lt.oW "' " ............ 0..... e4 To• •• tlaa ,._,.., ...................... nUI't'O'I IWlU I AUGUSTI Ill • ... , ...... IIDflnCl.UT GAU S lAMTU • ......... ~~.cor ..... ··-• 1.1 .. .. ... lllo 40a3, 10 ....... 14117-I lOS ul OHICWII llocronb ta tlw olhc; o1 •~• 114co••• ol 0•••9• c"""'' .. "' .._ ol tr..., d.cubae the lollowoft!f '"'""' " PAIICIL I u ••• Ill Oft Lot IJ •• tlla CtiJ of M ... pori a-..h Co~••• ol Or•-s. ... ol Coulon'"' .. oho•• ._.... Mt~-..d • •h•• ~ .... .,, c~& cto. ...... "-• t.CCtd.d s.,.._.t... lO lt'71 ta laaolt IJ311 -211 01 be"" ~.eta ol Ota•v• Cow••• c.w.... .. PAJICIL 1 A• ~<adt• ...... l148th 111 .. ,_. t.a &ad to l..ol IJ (('-O••o• ••-.} of T,acl No IJJI, .. l.kwe o• • -..p racor ..... '" boolo 011 .,.._ I ohro.qll ll ... w-.u.-...... ••o•cio ol o,.... C-011aty C&.lltor•t.t '~b.t •U .. .U iapto'f•·••n•• lh•r.oft ._.c.p h•"f l~.,ro• .__u Coado.,ftlw• u .. ,, toc•t.t tlwreo• """'"''..., .... 10 c, •• tot na '¥-(. c-.-on •ad •MM;IM ~.-.h•r •uth tha no .. • .o "'..,..' •net ''•"•• .__u .,. • .,.of ho. ol ttrr.. .. ,.. •u·-.pt .,. ~·•••.c;j Mreby .._ ... ,-. end uqt..ts n , ... ,..c~ to Gtaatot •• O.CL.taaf 1a th. Arhde ••llll.ed tu.aeet• • ot th• o.d•c•hoOa tad..d••o Wltho•l ""'''• hoe ...... , ••qhtt •tt.d .... ,...,. ... •t)• • Co••uatly A nt•nn• T•l•vutun Sy•'--• Ulilih.. ••cf lot C"OOelt"'~liOI'I cL.epLar. ~•Jnl•"•~tce ul-aad ••h•tM• purpoeM A• prowtd.d 1n th• O.CI••• hon '"• , ... ,,ahon tot ••'-' noht, •h•ll aOI ,..,., • ._ tor •h• b.n•f11 ol G raalor •ny 119h1 to ••U•r "po4\ tft• ewtt•C"e> ot th• ptOJHttl't con••.,ed h•••by ta the ••••(._.. ot N C .. nvht• PA,.CEL l AD ••rl"•n• ••--~t~•n• •P pvtt•••nt to • ..., .. unll lot _,_.. •J)d or Cw.P4-f'Cy ol tt.a. poothon of •l\• t .. lt\C'tecf C'OMMOft •••• c:&.ttQD•t.d ~~ tU Dact..J•Itoo of CoN na,.t• CC>&d1 hou •.d. Jll..tt.CitOtu r<M"ofd.d ttt boo• llJII -133 ol 011..-.. 1 llacoocto aod Mown o• lh. Coadumtnuu" PI•• tor -.ch ""'' PAACn 4 An ~"' to. A ..• ,d •••o••••• ot .... C· aave••• 'ac-•1•• ... • c,t .. td Trt..rt No llll u ... foflh .Ad d .. ~··t.d 1a ~~· O.Cl..t•t..ua ot A .. lttrh..,.__. an.d Coa PARCEL ' A aon ••ch••••• • .._..,.."' lor IOQI .... ld eqf ... 0,_.1 lh• ... JMif ttO.., of Trec1 10587 .. ._. tout. ,. •• t.Aatr-v••ol tec~rd.c:t Natr-h l6 1979 oo bo<.~ I )07() ,..,. lll7 ol\d lll6 c l OU.c"wiJL.tord• Na• be •l..o ~nu•• •• l20 H..:• La,.. H-pon S.. ~ CA (U • .,, .. , .dd•.. ·"'•"'o d..u.Qa.aiK,., ... •*-o'~~~n &bov• n •••••• l't ., o'v•" •• 10 •I• ..:omp.Let••"• u ... Oflec"'ln._l n. b.Qefw;o,.,.., .. ,.d., •••d o..d ot Ttu.AI by , .. eon oe • br .. , h Qf d•*•wh ~n th,. obUqehoo.t ...c"\lted th•r•bt her .. oto•• ••ecwt.d •a.d d•hv•t..d 10 tU vact.u10ned • •rm•o Or.<-l•••hOf'l ol O.la~oll ol\d O.atand lor S..lo •ad wnu•n oouc• \)f bre.ach end ut •lkttvn to 4•v_.. th.e -.nd•r'ttQo.d tu -•H .. 1d properh to Mhatv wMi oblnU hOfU •I'd th.r .. t••• the ~.tnd•r••o•ed •u..-d Mtd ooh ... • of bt .. ch. •I'd ol •l«lt~n 1u be tec"'rd<td Octo&.r I 19tl •• ••••• N 10454 oft ........ 142•9 1'60• 407 ol ,.,d Oft... .. l llk'Ordo S..td .. ,. wtil 0. •.ct. bat Wlllr.owl C'O•e --.•1 01 ••"•" '' eapr-.-•• t•.,.a..d req•tdJnq t,tl• ~· or •.c .. •bta.IK." t(l l'•• ,.._ ,-... ·•~•o pnattp.t.l .,.. ,f '""• ~·I -•• ... I>• .. ld o..ct <M T, .. , ......... ,_,. .u •• .. .d ecM.. ptcrud.-d .ct..-• .ca. •••• , ., ........... , .. .. Mod o..ct ol ,,,.. 1oM ell~,,.. ••d •• .,. ..... ot ,...,. r .......... ~ , '-• ""'"" C',..Mcf "'"' .,.td o...d t Ttt~• S..d .... •JI -. ~kl ... w ...... d. .. '.btv•nr l.l IQIJ •• I • • •• t~ troo• ••tr•oc• "' GUAIIDIAJII TRUST DUD SIJIVICIS 1000 [ W .. lou A•• O taftq.e C. f)l• total .. ,...,uat c•f '"-\lfiP•td be&.at'e ot lh• Cl bi•QaltLIIt -c•t.J b\> ••Mit propert, H) be wkt toqetb.r wllh u •• ,.,., t.te 'h..rQ.. •"d ... h"'.a1.d • <M'' ••pen.... end 1\d"•nc•• •• t lh• .... ,. ~ •• ...,, 'J7 ... Q(_, 11 .-.,wbhc Tttl• let\llaf'\t• A<J•o•., ' o. .... o. ot rld.CtiY ...... n.•J Tttl• ln •w taft('• • C"''tpvt•h,At, -·d Tr"''-.. d•led 1•ttt.t•r• l~ l._.l tow G~rch•a r .... , o...d S.h'K"" ... po••hon l600 I w ....... H A .... o •• ..,. c. "'2M7 17141 n1 11910 b• W..ldoll Hav<1 ,, .. ,.,.ol ,._blult roll 1 10 17 l'lel '" T~o N•wpor'l l&a•~n Hll'l' NIIJC .anc:z 111·11110 ncnnous lt.ISUI1:IS lla.ITATDIDIJ Tlw lellow,.. .-•-• .,. .too'"<! ..__ .. \IUIIC I lilA Y nil NUIALS, Jll!l y,. &..do ,....,. " a-.11 CA IQMJ ........ , • "•• l7>t Lolly.-o.... Tou•oca CA gog_ ........... ~...q,.., 11$ v .. S.. .._ ..._, a-.11 CA 12M.) ,,._ II SW~ IMR Slwdyr.O.,. S..ato Aoa CA 9l105 , ... ,. La ... lr•• IMO t... v .... t1o« ,....._..., CAtiiOJ 1'\a a.-..... ,. coedwt ...C lt' ,. ........ ,.. ...... h,., $.oiled l~dtth •... ..._,,.., n.... ........ t ..... &.d •.• ., , .... co.. • .., c .. ,.. • or ... q. c .. ,. •• ~· ••• Z2 I~ hlaltolt r.tt ) 10 17 J4 IQIIJ ,o n.. ......... "'-. rJeasn "1790 'Vale .anc:a ..... rcTmO\II ....... 1UJIII ITA 1'DIIIfT Tlaa ..u..... ..,..,. .. d ...... """'-.. 1m DIVIJ.Oi'WINT COW ,AM't 4041 NecArtla~r II..& 51~ n... . .._,, a...:~t CA ~ a.-II DoWarc. 4041 li4A< ""-'~• II..& , ltlt n.or ,.__, S....h CA ..., n....~ ........ ll!ot ..... ~····· .... ....., ...... a-1\ o.w. .... n...-c-. Cloot' • ... . ,. ~ .._ 11 ao n ,.., .. n.~a..-,I.IIIIIU .. JiVIUC _,TICI --..... ,.,._ .._ffA.,_., fila....._-......... .._ .. .u.u. co 110 ...._.c-o. ....... .,, ......., ...... C-" weeo ,_ ................. Dr .......... . ~ CA -· La v-....... lit ..__ ... , c-. ._, Wao CA .. ""'~. _..._... .... ..-a~..-.... ....... ,_ ..... ,.. - -loleol ........ c-y 0.... • o.-c:.tu~. .. 0.. .. ,., ......._ &a 11. • n ,_. l IWI ··~'-" ,.,,..., ·- ... PUIUC M:>nc:t I'1CT11lOUt ~ IIAJa ITA TOUIIT Tlaa lool-... --.. ... ... ..__ .. fii.QaiWI LTO 800 S.. •-C....._, W.. Co GUS H. .... ......_ -........ c.r-.... -CA~ ,.. .,...._ ... ..........-lay •• ...,..,._, 11ee..t A II .. Jiooo ,...... ....... ., ... nw •''"' tM c-, a..• .. a.-c. ..... , .. lea. II 1.-2 """""" .... " ,... ' " 17 I tel •• Tlw .... _, r: ... 19n """, •a•• ~IIOTC& ·~· ...... IIAiftTATDUIIT ,... lollow--.. olo.ooq b-•-.. AllliA UGHTT.NG 1 .. "•""' Cucla c..,_. W... CA t~ loae~ lnterpr..-1811 '•'"-Cucle Coota ..r-CA 9Xlt Th.t• bwt.lb ..... C'O•d-..cted by •• •n d1vidw•! SJuoed lc,otu• l"._.hou~ nu. • •• ,.f!l.fil .... ftt.d: •lib lh• Cownly Cl••k of O••aoe CovAI'f' On lao.Jl 1982 r.;\t.t~~ •·· :n ,... 1 to 11 t912 •• flw N • ..,..,. t&oc.,o JIIIM N£715 ru-..c:..ona ncnnoul IUSUIDS MANit ITA TDCDIT n. tollow\q -... ""'""' b•• .. -._, RIALn SDYIC!S lOO H••pc;•t c..... Ot... s~... 101 N•·-• S....l> Co ~ lad...,,,., , ....... n .. lac • c .t.Jonua corpor• 110• 200 H.wpon c .. t•• Duve S.tt• )OJ ,._ri ...., .. c. 92t60 Th• b'"ii ... Lt t'otldu.c-led b-t • cor pC.tr•t~ S~ned a..••••• ' RoU ''•.d•o• l.adv.Mr..Jlove.:taeat.la.c , ....... ••• n '•b 1 10 11 IIISJ .• n •• "••po,, rn.-"9" fl81602 1tl7ll I'VIUC M)f'la ncTITIOOS IUSIIU:U RAMI: ITATDCDIT Tl\e tolJowi.Aq p.noa .. douao b ... ta ... 01 HOrF ASSOCIATIS •so Ct.~~tP"-' Ou~• Sw..•• 1~ N.wpo•• a.....h CA 9.2~ Po•l f Holt, 26007 Voo y,.OIO lof1NIOI> Y1010 C• 92691 T~ua bua.1nMa ~ C~'Jtwfu.cced bv •a 1n d1•odvol Soq....d P ... l r Kolt Th~ •J•t•m•nt ••• ftlttd .,.,,)) th• Co"nty C1•r• ol Ot•nJJ• Count¥ on Jon 2l 198.2 P•bh•h loo 17 Fob J 10 17 1981 ,. Th• H••ru•• [n .. .q., f i81S97 Ht7J5 PUIUC MOnet liS llt71 ncnnous I USINDS NAME STA TtMtJCT ' l.. u-•r• J ., i' .,,., Sl£1-tl £.11 CCI...,PANY ~~··~,. •T•• 1.,. C • h·M• C A • .. t~.t• I "'"I s .. ~.,., S-·t. I t ..•• I .... ~. r c I· I' I T•· ~. f I . . PUIUC MOnCE N$ IU17 fiCTTTIOUS IUSINESS NAN[ STATtMEHT n. '·•. ,,, ... , . J , lo • MARINER S I ;o 1\IRMif u• t 1 ' ... PI' ... ' s N No ... I ' a. , t • A 1 u s . .. a .. Sl " k .... l ' I• • t I v .h •. c A H ,. r.. a .... ~ ,.,.; , s ... ,..,, , "' .. ' ,, ,. J "' V ~ • \"A T• ~ .. ,,,, ,f t t. dt•tdw .. r SIQn.cf , .... S...rr e ..... , 1• ,., ... I 4 •• 1 f, ~, p II I I. ,,., ....... • I ' . ru-..uc ttOnct ncnnous evsun:ss NAJa STA TDCDIT .,, I Ta. loUowwq per..oea •r• dv·•~ b"""-.. LIMAC DISTllta\ITOIIS lilt S ao.d So S...o. Aaa CA 111•('. \4 '-'•... -t A II "!I ~ Tlw 1>-.. col\d_ ... b. • ,_.,,.... 5-qn... C G loCcH• .. , tod A..ot .... la Ch•'* G We-H ... a t PtN.d.llot Tll.a ,,., ..... , • ._. t\t.d ,.,._. th• C"'woh Ct..~ al Or•.o~ Co-.••• t.a 8 1981 ,.bl .. ~ lao I) 20, n ,... I 18111 tQ Th• N'f'wpt.•tll.a-"*~" "IIOS1'J HU7. PVt.UC IK>nct: ncnT10VS IUSDttSS •AMI IT A l'DCilfT HS 91386 Th• toU\)WiftQ per~t u• Jc HI~ bulD ... .u S0G0 CO. •299 N•t At oh•• ll•d So1t. 20t N.wpo" a-ch Co 91660 Stnu A S.rl .. o•• 11121 l'orl A.bbey P\.oca Nawpori a...,h CA 9lMO l~ft• S Ro-oWcl I'M~ s .... JIQO ow ... 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A .7 Jot >Ill f ;• PVIUC ltOTICS P"'CT1'TTIUS ._ NAJa ITA T-.-.T •·• •••v ..,..... .,.. .-,.. TK& ~ COHifiC •te'l J'CIIIj ~ ( lnoool s... .. Alo S..a'• 4,... C A 'V1f11 St.,.... lc.al• w.,d . ~ c.....-~ St ..-.. ~ CA >a16.17 N.ema a.,...,_t Mu ... ~ ~ ,.._.. o. c-.-< A 9.161f> T'h.• D'*'',..... ·-.,.,_d ... ll'd to• • )• •r• p..rtMnfup ~rMCi ~•••1,.. I N•*-1\•U Thlt .~.,.~, ... tu.d. .. , • .,., .... t """'" C'-•" Jf o.._.. Co .. ~'· lflt ().< ~\ 1'11 1 r .. bhtA tan t ) }0 Z' feoo t '41/AJ •; T,._ H.,...po,-; l•_..P , , lQ~lf, -..r-..u f'u.uc ..onc:a ncnnous IVIDIDS U.ll ATDGJCT T\. 'oUr-••411 ...... JOt..- ~-··-.. IA....:>A loAT "")PIJ na:s • .....,. w c-....., ... ~ .. ._ • C A IQ!66J &.-.oM A" ~-: ....... • a.a.o. c~,_ ....._pori --~CA--., n .. '"'• .... ~...,.. .. •" ., • 4••·d••i s .. ~'~_.. t...o"e 'd A,• Q....,, • ..,, n.. ...,.,..... ... h*:t • •• ...... c-" C\.•• .. o.._ < .... coo ..... !tal ......... 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'·t ................. ~~.-....... 10 C....OINWltrr•---•• ••• ••• tr, II OlloN -{,lacl ........ tift I • •!Wool .. 1J tOTAL Allftl UJ.D4 UA.Ill..'T118 I.$ • mt 1.1. DCPOIITS "" DO ..... l'IC ut t tea 11'1.111 (li T_,..__,...,....... ..:~ (2)Toulh••u4 .. _..._... 134113 b TOTALOI:P()GTSDUOUJGMornca ..... c TOT A.L OUOSITS lN DOMISTtC AlW I'OUJGIC OlnCI:I I l't,lll 14 r..;.roJ t•lldt .... ~ ..... -..roo. ..W ....., .. .-ell le _..,.,~ •ti-ucoti.,.. a.• 15 Ot ... , 1~1,.. lor bouo....l -y. '""lw<liaq ,_ bot..e.o ol U I T- '"" 114 16 Nort~II••..IM~(""'I ..... tl,llac .... W-) .... .... ... 17 A.capl..-o ._,t.c~ by e»lol Kcoul of ............. _ _... ... II OIMr bAIHII•• ' It TOTAl UAallJTtl$1...:1~ ,,.., ..... , ... -..... ...,_,_ IIS,17!1 3,000 X)~·--..... ~ .... !IHAUHOLOli'S roum 21 .......... .....,. • Mo ·-_ ........... ,._ "-....... 22 Co..-o oiOCk • No W.ar• ovtloono ... II 000,000 b No .~. ............. .t ... a,tn.ll3 h011At3,335 l3 S..rpl"' 3, S57 24 TOTA.LCONTIUBIITU)CAPITAL 8,112 ~ --..... .... ...,. 7.7C 26 ._._ ...,.,_, ... .-c_ ............ .,...., ... ·-..... 27 TOT A.L SHAUHOLODS IQUTTl 14, .. 38 TOTAL LLUlUTII:S AMil SH.UDtOI.OI:U IIQUm 212.D4 TM ....._,woq..-. lloe.Ud L ~"· ,_...,..,, u4 llookrd P a.tt ... s-- y,... ,...._, _.. Coerr..U.r ol .._ ......._ ............. _.. 4oc1,o,_ ... k...-11 .-.. d 1101 lor ,.,. other I ..... pe,_l ~ ol , ... ......,. coal....d •• &Iota r-n. ,.... I bobo•• U..J ooch •-• •• oud ._., ,. ..,.. Lcb ol lA. •ad.rt~Qnod. lor ki-ll ..,.,... ...t 1101 to. ,.,. 01 ..... c•rttl,_. u .... r pe...Jt., of P.IIVIJ tt..t tl>e ioreqooloe ... _ aJ>d COI.-I t-lllodooJu 27.1~.-'""'-tiiMclo,CoJrlofo>a "'-bb .. h Fob 3 10 IMI "'TM H.wporl ll.uoolo PVIUC..onc& nctmOOIIVItll(iSS Mill nA11IIa:JIT n. lollo•"'4 ......... ... """"' b••••••• •• IOUCATIONAL ll£SIAIICH 4 P\1UISKIMG 00 2l3JI II. f oro llood, Mo 210, II f oro C. i2631 llould R..., Ncltu .... 21022 Sl>o,. Lone, HvatU>4toe IIMch. C A 92646, Ch•rlot""' lrowa 2a4JO 11-nb•~• llood, S.. ,.,.,. CA 112675 n.. b~ .. e-" ~c:t.d 1>-t 0 Cl• .. rol .,.,..,...Jup S..,ood ClooJle-1•.,... nu ewte .. et w.. Wed •l111 eM c ...... , c~e.~ o1 o • ._ c ..... "' .... , .. 2!1 11113 hb.ltolo '•b l 10 17 24. 11113 •• TN Ne•porl ln••qo P'1820'1 PU.UC IIOnct: ncnnous aosua:ss ltAJIIE ITA TDaJfT NIT/t n.. loliow-pot-1$ d0ta9 b...,._ .. WU 4 A.SSOClATIS ... lt.J,ord S. "-" IIMch CA 92663 Po Ch• w~ .. Halyonl S. N-•• a-c-h CA IIJt63 n .. b\&.ete .. "' cvodu.cl.ed b• a.D 10 do•td~ol S~qnod Po Clu Wu Tht.a •U.tem•n• "._. hMd .,,., the Coun'y Clet~ o' Or•nq• Co...rtt)' on ... 29, 11112 P..W.,lo 1ob J tC 17 24 ICJtll2 •• n. loUo-1a9 P-''*>" " dOtoq ~-.. IHTII!D 1'0 loa _. a.u.o. CA ~I ll6S Por~. Cotto w-. CA 92126 w.u .... w s-· 665 Perk eo,,. w-CA !12626 Tlt..e b..._..,.... .. coad~ct.d bv •n 1n dt•lduol S19~od w,u,..., S.-• r~... .,.'-.. at ... tu.ct ··•h ... COCI.IIIJ C &er'-: ~ Otaaqe CCNAI\ .>a ••• 29 1982 hblulo 1.t. J 10 I 7 24 1987 10 I'U IUC litO net 113 tl4, ncnt'I0\15 IUSIJ!ICSS II.UU: ITA 1'DUJIT Tlw> tolk•tfhl Qotttt.Oit' .,. dv. 1 b.,, .• ,... , T£Lltll ENEIIGY t TD 4621 r~l). "·· s • ·~ ..... por• ._~~ CA ·~ ,...,. Jtkh,,..-1, ·n•••o' ., • c .).l f'.. ""'P'O'• 10n 46l T .. t~• A·• Sw.•"' 1SO ltm.t-.d r ,_.,.,.,,.,,,., Stqn.-d '•"'•" A Mc.t. .... , p, ~d•u M•• N 1 h.ll~t• r" Th ~~"''"'" .. ,. • .. I .,.j ... If\ "'• c.:"'", c..:..... 1 u ... J• r . . ,. J,u. ,_. a•-., Pwbl.,• f• II f•t I ""'• Th• H••J~r [,...,,1" fiiiJ28 HE746 fLiiiiCIJIWI.-aa ... .,.~ .,..........._ _ .......... b-M AAWSTIIONG DISUL.A· TIOH, D7 a. .. ..w.. 0.-. C. t:lt6S 11-..w ._ A.r--· m ll~>•rcl.alo, 0.-. CA eaele, Ita, aoed Wr• A.raar-. 1201 I hiWo. S..ta AN. CA U7al n.. ......_ .. eood..c.... .., • _r .. ~ s..,..-lloa.tld ' Ar.-ro.o. n.. -..... bleci ........ c-., O.rk o1 o.-c-., -,.. n 11113 """"'"" r.a. 3. 10 11 a4 1M2 •• TMN--'._. Pl12'1* PVIIUC 110na ncnnous IUIUIIU MIIIITATI:II.DWT Tke lolloon-. perooo u douo9 It-u GHAT IAS'niUI DITD PillS& )1754 s ·-' s. ,..,. Aa.a CA llll704 T S Woo 1001 W W..CAr lloor IIY<I Mo • s.... Au C. llll704 n.. b~ • cond.~~Kted bv •• Ul dt•.t ... t s.q,..d 't S Woo n.. ..... _et -hlod wtth tt.. Co..ott Cl.r~ of o,._ Coualy o11 ... 2!1.11113 ,......... ,.., l 10 17 24 ·~ 1ft Tt.. N-rl il.uoolo PIG065 IPVIUC 1101'1Cl nc:rtnoua~ U.ITATDallfl' Tke lollowuoq ,.._ .,. dooa4 --.. AJITHOHY KIU TOP 1ST A TIS, 1100 I Slrypo~ So.oclo. Souto I h•lo• CA 12714 locq>~olyo lk&hl l O.rtaoutk. l""••. CA 12715 n.. b.., .. ._ ... e:oed..ct.s by • h•ttod peneortlup S..,aod l•eq..-1>• s..~o~ T~ , ... .._.., ... Wed .,,.. ••• Co .. ory Clerk at Or-CovoiY oe , .. 21 1182 ~ ,. ) 10 17 24 1M2 .. Tho 11-rl il.uool~> "~ PVIUC IIOnct ncrmoos ~UW~RDS IIAJa IT A 1'l:llllltT N1113 Tke lollow1104 peroou ... d""'9 ..... ,_ .. CALJJOIQflA WAIIAG.I WllfT eotmiOL S1'STINS _., ...... 54 Mo 1711 ....._. .._. CA t3IIO no.... I c-...ty 111'01 ~ .. St Mo D Haatt- loMck CA ta4t a. ... C boaerh. *lor..,.... On ... ,._,, a-eh CA9)tl0 n... bu.u-.. C'Oad•C''ed .,.. • q.e•r•l P4rtura.h1p StQoe-d lrt.6A C ICoe..-, n.., ... , .... , ... hled wuh tM C"""'' Cletk ot o, • ..,.. C011oty - , .. 29 1982 P...W.U. r.a. l 10 17 24 I~ •• n.. "--' '-"'• , lt.3070 NntO A Valentine Is Red an that's where it's at ·cause all that candy just gets you fat. So instead of chocolate. get them some hearts ·cause everyone knows that's where love starts ....C:.o~D .on::&OIIJUftl c. Au.a&.IWID.a Am OJr HDJkM 10 Alll&ftfU DT&.tl .0. &111 .. To all ...._ "•• '""*'*• CMClieoa, _.....,_, cr.ctlt· 01'1, ... .,..... ...... , .. ....,.... ........... ia .. wtU ot ...... of A.D. A. r.-. 11 •• 4.:•'-•t: A~ tloe ... a.-Wed by~ L. lw. Ia ..._ SQetrior Cotut .. o.-.... Cowlty ,. ~ ... ....,L.Bda be ~ ..... pe.t=-· .... ,..t&h ... _, ~r tJ.. ...... of u.. clececleat. The petWoa ~ nthori· ty to ad.m.lnilter tJ.. ...... u.o.der the ~ Ad· llllJWibatloll of lata ... A.c:l. A l1Mri119 011 1M petitio11 will be h.ad 1D Dept. No. 3 at 709 CMo C..U..r ·om. w .... S.ta Au, CA. 92101 011 Feb. 24, 1112 at i:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to U.. CJTUiiACJ of tM petitloll, 70'1 allould either appMt et the Ma.rill9 &Ad .a.&e yolll ob;.c- tiou or tile writt.n objectlou witll the cowt befote tM heeri119. Y011r a~ may be 10 penon ot by yoiU atlonaey. IF YOU ARI A Cll!Drf · OR or • OODtiDQM~I creditor of th.e deoeued, you ml.&ll file your ole.lm with the court of pre.11t II lo the penooaJ rep~talJve appoillted by the colllt WlthlA low moaU.. hom the date of fintl ~ of ~.etten u provided ill .-:· lion 700 o4 the C..Worola Probate Code. The lime lor fihn9 cla.tml will not upue pnor lo follr month. from the date ol the beartnq ooliced abo". YOU WAY E.XAWINE the W.. kept by the court. U you are • penoo IDte..-.d ill the eatale, you mey fU.. a reque.& with the COilri to receave fpa· ci&l ootJce of the llliDq ol the IDYeniOry of .. tate_ .. aJid ol the petitlOill, accollDia ud reporlll deecrtbed ill .-:Uoo 1200 o4 the Callionua Pro- bateCode. Attonaey for petitioner: Halul & Hahn (William S. Jobuton, Jr.), 301 l . Col· or ado Blvd., Suite 900, P....cteo.a, CA. 91101. Publiah: reb. 3. 10. 11. 1982 ill The Newport ln8cpa. PV'&IC IIO!ICE Nl784 PCIUIOOI.....U _..ITA~ .,.... ............ _ .. "_ -.. .. NA110tiA.L DCSmVn FOil IICOVIJIT. t•? lb-...t. 11,.;1 Nowpor1 ~~~. CA 1*3 C ,_., Sperltaot. I GoodwtU C-rt. Mowpor1 ........ c. 8:i1le3 T"'-11..-It caad .. ciOd by n •• "'""""'' 5r'!Nd c , ••• , Spett.CUJ '""" ... -. ... toled -~ tke c-.,., Clerk ol Ote-C-.~y oo ,.,. 21, leG hblotk ,. ) 10 17. 24 1M2 •• n.. "-Port '-- FI12014 llntl PV'&IC IIOTICI ....... I ICII iiOOIItUIIIII:IS llAMa ITATDallfl' T ... ........_-... .._ ~-at ICn' It A~T1S. 1100 0... " . ..... 130 "--' a-d. CA I3IC W.Ca-t 1- t.... .. , 10031 A Sly Cevrt ~ ... CA IS4SI, I,... A.oo lok•-•· 10031 A I~• Cooul. &.lottrolllo. CA 11411 n.."--.. ~..,. ~-·el ...n-.-tp So9-Wtot~l ,_.._, nw. ..... _., ... ld.d ·-k ... Covatt Cl.r~ o4 o.._ CowoiY oo ... ~.1182 .......... JU. l , tO 17 U 1982 ,. n.. "-"'" ._ rl11115 ....,. PUIUC IIOIICil • ITIII M>TICI e1 111&111 or aoa a. -.urt. AIID ar riiliiCM TO ~TD DTAftM>.AIII- To.Uaw.tn.~. c:r•dllon. coatlaqeat crec~Uoft, ud 1*'1001 .a.o .. ,a....___ .. ....... la tt.. .nil Of ........ 10M I Lady, 4eredeet: A peU· Koo Jwt.a t... bW by WUU.. a. •..tr Ia U.. ...... Cout ~ o.-.... Co~aaty nq• .. tlae , ... , w.u-. a.. ..._., ._ •· po1At«i .. .,.~ rev .... en. laUve to ac:babailtet tM Nlale of the ct.c.cMat. The petUloa teq\1_.. aat},ority to ad· aiDillet the Mtate uDder the ladepeadent AdmillJ.Itraboo of lata ... Act. A b .. rtnq oo the petiboo will be held at o.p.. No. 3 at 1Ql Q'nC Ce11ter Drive WMt, Santa Ana, CA. lr2'10l oo Feb. 17,19GaJ9:30a.a IF YOU OBJICT 1o 'the qruhoq of the petUioo, you tboulcl eldwr ap.pear at the hearinq ud .tat. you1 ob~­ lloru or m .. wnlleo ob~tlou with the colllt b.fo,. the t.M.noq. Yolll appear&~~ee aay be 111 peraoa or by your allorD-r. lF YOU AU A CftiDIT · OR or • co11tillqent cr«illor of the decea..ct, you muat fU. your c~im w1th lbe court of pr-ot it to the penooal repr-latlve appoillted by the court witkt.o lour mootha from the cUte ol h.n1 ~c• ol J.tten u provided 10 .-:· boo 700 of the C.Wom~a Probate Code. Tbe tlnle for fUIJiq clalma will not e:r~plre pnor to follt mootha from the date of the he.rioq nohced above. YOU NAY UANINI lbe file kept by the COUJ1 U you • are • penon inte,...led 10 the utate, yoll may hle • teqll"l with the COillt lo recel" •P«=ial ootiee ol the fillnq of the IDventory of .. tale -Ia ud of the pehbou, account• and ,.pon. d...::nbed 10 Me· lion 1200 of tbe California Probate Code. Good, Wilclmu, Heqn- aod W&U..y, by Gary R ltJ.nq, Attorney al lAw, 5000 Campua Drive, Newport S..oh, Ca 92660 (714) 955-1100. Publiah: Ju. 71, Feb 3. 10, 1982, 1D The Newpo,1 Ia· 8iqll Nl743 PICiiliOGII.,..._ llAMa ITATDaarf TM ...._--.. clow11 b\IOt...., .. A·H IOOUIIPOIG. 1548 North ~\loud Ill , o..._ CA 112M7· Aqoell.. A .. "-dry, 1541 Nortk ~ S. o.._ CA taM7 n.. "'"""-It r ood-..1 1>'1 •• to 4t•..n..l s.p.d Aqol ... A.oo K...try n.. ·-· -w.l -~ ... eo..." a..~ a1 o.-Co.arv .. laa II. I~ hbllolt ,. ), 10. 17 )6, 1182 "' TM N-rl l.aaoqo F 1801113 Ml7l4 PUaiC 1101'1(2 PiiC1TftOGII-~nAt'Dalrr n.. ......... -.,.. .._ "-'"'-.. OOVDT'Il artU ...U. U.S... am-. CA 12'715 lloU I t... U. a-. "-C. 12'715, LoiMd ""-"·.,_a.-. II -.CA12'71S n.. ·-.. .,....,...,.... "" • .... , ... .,.,_......., ........ l>to I L- n. -•• -tiled wtllo tM Co.ary Oorit ol 0.-C:0..1J .. ... 21,1982 '-Wiolo ,. ), 10 17, u 1182 .. ,.~.._. ra~a~J ...,., I PERSOitALI GOiNG '\>ut or IUSDIESS-W.ry Kay COGDehcs el UJf pnce Call Joru, 640-e5 SASSY LADY a. t}w flnl m your c:uc&. of (neacia IO hoc tJua Su.y lAdy Home Party 111 the pr1vacy of your home . Adult loya, va111ea, lotion• a.nd ltnCJene. Geoerol&l laotll qiha. For a p.rty elate, call Pal El.l.tot, ..S.28116. I'UBLISHIR DOIS NOT A.CCIPT llabllaty lor IDCOrrec:t ~peU1"9, qr&llltmaltc:al taaccwa- c... or I'JP09r~al erron 10 uy adlftll· tt...Dta puw.w..d ta tiM COMt.....,. Newa GnNp b¥ ,_,tAl •• PIOfiiiiOIIAl• .. LVIII OIIAI heans from CIHidren $4.50 hearts frnm anynne tUlle c. ---~ ...., c:n:t...,.. MilS b¥ 041 ca.c~gr al ....... -,o•-z:es• ..... else $8.00 ......... .... 1111_8,_...._.. .. ..,..,.. . ,7111 61.A. I .....,.,.. ICIIJW-Uieft~ !\e ........ _ ...... ........_ --.ew-r.a " lUI. lOIW ~ OrM, c-a. .._., c. --. .. A-Wilt. 1 .. v~ c.-. c.-. ,.... ................. .., ..... ....._. ........ AMW.. n. ....... _ .......... e.-, """' .. 0..... c..., .. ..... 1. ........, r• ~ ttrlf, M. am • !\e .............. rwm am I'IIUC JIC)tiCZ N:tiT.J---... -nr. ...... _-It ..... -... CAu::lll IICWUOPW!IfT C.:C»>PAIIY ~~D ,.__, .... "-" liMe~ C. ~ Col-.~ C. s....... ~ ....... 11 1'\o<•. N.wpoll ...... .. c • ...., n ............ ~MVC'1oHI by •n Ht dt•ld ... l s.q...., c •••.• c Sl ..... Th ... tt• .. ••ttt ••• Mild wuh ttw co .... , o..~ ol OtOAijO c ........ 0~ '·~ •. 11112 P .. blioh ••• 27. ··~ l 10 17 11112 .. nr. ~rt lu~Q• FII03JO Nlm ILIIJWW ...... .... ITA!DIIIrT n. ......... ,.._ ......... "'-.. OOWNIIClA1. CAI'ITA.L. ISIO N ........ II ,....._,~ CA...,. n.o.... .._ u-. 133 Y10 0....., ""'-' IIMcb, CA a.3 TWo..._ .. ~"" ...... .... 14 .............. n.o....L. u ..... ,... -... liW .......... 0....., C1.r' ol eo.-~ ... ... 311,1982 ,.,... r.a. 1, ao 11 24. 1182 •• Tke ......... ~ r&UI74 NDS7 PVIUC II01'IC2 riC IIIIOOIIVUIIDI .... ITAlDIIIIT nr. loUo... ...-... doi"9 ~~-.. wa1DII IOII&AWAYS, ICU~ ....._, II ..... looite 17S, C..... WeM, CA G127 two.ol I Wllttooto. I~ v .. w..-. ~ a-.:k, CA 121110, II ..... IJ Doll., ..... OW Toll ""-"· ...,..__ CA t833l. T1uo ....__ .. ......lld«< ~, . _ .. part ...... !ltqMd llobo•t I wu... '""" ..... _., ... lllod ..... • ... co ... ty o..~ ol Or-Cowoty Oft ,.., ll.l982 ........... r.-l. 10. 17, U , 1M2 "' TMI&oowport IMI9• Plao73 NI7W IVIUC IIOTICI nc•mova-~•TATDatrT n. lollowtlo9 ...... .. tlot89 ....._ .. COfi1()UI)AnD ftiiA.II CIAL SIJIYICSS, :141 Cal&bu On-. lloowport IMck, CA 12163· ,.._ IUw A ...... -. :141 c:.tabao Drt ... N-rt IMck. CA i-.:1 r .... .._._ .. .,....,.....,.b, .... ............. s..-d ~ Slo.w "•• ..._ nw. --· -Wed .... IM Cou.oiJ ca..~ ol 0.-Co..orr oo ... 21.1~ "'~>baa ,. l , 10, 17 u. 11113 •• 1'\.t N•wpon luo9• Plum ~~~~ PVIUC IIOTICI nc1m00a1U8111 UIIIITAT'DIDT n. ......... -It""'"' ......_ .. L.AWCO. JOOtS w ........ IIW ~ IIMclt, CA 12163 Alo11 Nanty. 21l ........... lau-CA 1:2111 n. .. ~-.. ~~c:loll "" .... til .......... S...od Alet Kuciy n... olo-ol -ltlod wuh ot.o c.....,;y Clto1~ o4 Ore~~q~~ c.,..ory .,.. • ... 29.J.flll2 .......... ,. , 10, 11. 24 l!lG .. Tk.X..porta.- FI 12D71 NE'758 PVJUC.:mc2 ...liM ITA TIIIIIIT 01 UIIIDC*MIJIT c. .-or riCh now ._ .... TMiallowooot-ko" ol>a.odoa od tke -.. tke ~ ~~ ...... - -TM1 WJ:DIA CUTD PAIITNIII SHIP o1 1100 0..• 51 • S.Ute ato ~ IMck, CA 121110 n. .......... "'"""--.... , ... 10 .-... -~ Ia C...ott oe Apul l .I- C>.aiw4 w ... Dv dep .. al C.. pooy, 1100 0.... It S.U.. liO ~leoodo.CAa.l n.. .. _ ... ~11Cte4 ~, • hailed .,..........,_ &.v-rf Odord ·-o........... Co • .., Oalo•4 T-Do atop••• Co Goy L H.r .... v_,_._, TWo --· -Wtd ....... Co.raty o.do ol Or-Couty - ..... I~ .......... , .. 3, 10. 17. 24 ·~ •• nr.-..,..na- .-.= .... IIOnc:af# a-&lliMU cm:l•-.... "' 17ft'--* IUWWIIT ...._ • C4t.Witlnlto -· ...-• ........, IAIITIAOO aQI, .. ~_........T,... .... Ia. ....... ..... It 1Nr11 W&l. &&. AT IUKJC AUC'I'ICMI tO 'NI ...af amoa rot cAlli .... • ..,. • ............... Ch4C...• ...... ..... ... -_,.,.... ...... _ ..... .., ............ ~ .. ,,... .............. ....._._ ~ 1'MMr'Ca a.c. UAVDIWOall. .. _...._ ~~ IA.IITIAOO Mill. • ~ ..... . ~ .......... ~-. .... ., lltt ,., ........ lm .. _l_ .. o.1111 ................. .... """' ........ ol =-·-c-., ...... ...... ..1 """ dekn.lleo .. lollowo"'J p,_r ,, t.oo l ., r • ..., • ..... 111. eu, ol "--' ................... -· ..conlted ta ....,. 110, h9oo 4$ "'" 46 "' WJoc.l""-o w..,., ·-·de ....... Co11oty W..y .. oJoo "--• 2127 ledtoa ~tH-..a..... .......... IIMc.CA ·cu ..... ......_ or~- # 'J .... .._aM.. ao-.n .. ., ......... k» ... ~~ ......... oeesec-..)• ,. ........................ Doed .. T ...... ~,-o~.~ ...... .... ....... ~_ ....... ........,. ke.......... UttCllteol ..... 4o't........ To IM ,.,....,..., ..... a ••-O.O!.r•looo o4 DolauU M4 o......d lot l&loo, ...t wnu .. ..,...,. ol ...... ~ ood ol .a.lt-loca_.._ ....... ..., te..U...,. .. ._."To .. ..,. .... ..-..-..... ......_.... .... t • edoouocl-__ _,..._.. ............... _ ,_.,n1e4 ~~ II, Ita, .. _, Me 2210'7 to loooll I~ -1., ol "'"' a.bclotJ a.co.do. .... oole ..a M ...... hi wU!to\i-1 ~ Ot wenaA· If, • .,.,_ Ot lapb ... , ..... dla!J IItle, -· 01 ....... ,._ •• to .,., Ike ...-~aq prloclllotJ .... ol Ike --<•1 -· .... ~y ...... Doer! ol T ....... •ttlt-......... -p-*d, ed¥eac.t, U uy, ...... t'-.. r-., o4 ..... o..t o4 r ........... eke•-..... -a1 ~~oe r-...,. o1 ~~oe ........ .,,...... .., -Doer! ol Tr ... s..d oole will bo ....W oo T\ondaJ, ,...._" :ZS, Ita. at II • • at U.. I<Val _.,.._ to GUAIIOIAN TIIUST DUO IIJIYICIS, 1800 I Nayl.olt A ... Or-, C. T1M ,_, .-.I ol .... -"' .........,. ol ..... obU.,.,_ _,.,... "' ..... ....... ,., 10 ... """'· ._..., .., .. ........ ... .. cloM-.ed _,,.,.*' -... _ ........ __ ol ,.... elAte ......... .. ...... 7S S...-leak. • C&lllor.,. corporo 1-. lo,_rly ~ ~ .. Mlti , ....... cl&teol ...... , :ZS, 1113, ~. G•ardiu Tr~£M o..4 s. ... .,_ o cor pottl-. 1800 I W..yt.tr A•• o .... ~. c. 92117 (7141 111 eeto . .., W.Jdo~ tt. .. 9.P ....... 1 "'""u. ,. 3 10 17 I~ .. n. "-"'-Nl?l& PVIUC IIOTCII ..... ncm'iOOIIWIRDI llAMa ITA T'DIDI'T n.. loDo......, pe-... dol09 b ... ••-u AIUIOW AS80CIATIS. LTD . 1100 Ot>ail 5I Sull• 100 ll•wport leack, CA t2MO JS 0..•~• Co , 1100 O...tl It Su•t• 100 11-rt a-c-k. CA l2teD n.. ........ _ .. .,....,_... by • hatt.O p.ertaenJup S•••ed lay ...... n... ........ , ... tu.d .,.... • ... Ca.roty Cl.tk ol Ot•09• Ca.raty oe , .. 11,1982 "'bllth ,.., ) 10 17 14 I~ •• Th• .. _rt WIQO Fll1'134 llnM PVIUCIIOnc& ..... nc II I lOW 1G8111D1 LUIIITATIIIIIIT n. ~-... *'""' .,_ .. 'i'CP co .0.1 ............. . II.... ~oo~ .. 2!0, lloowport IMc.k. CA 13110 ......... c o.--,. 31122 I'-Clolo. S.a l ... o Capl!llrooo, CA ~ ....... P liaCI, It . :nt7 Yoctona . Dr . loqu.o a-c-k. CA 1:11&1 , "*• C Gonoll 1421 WIOdw•rd Lo .. N-rt ._... CA azMO Aloo I Wlula, 1-T-.. A.. ......,..," IMck CA 121e0. H_.,.. r Ha.r -)1'171 a..... ...... w.. .. .......... CA Gl77, PuJ l W ....... 10 ........... c-rt.~a-ea. CA 13110, w o....Loo a-.. -~· Lo c-. t.r,-a HJJio. CA t'2IS) ~....._ .. ~""· -"' pe~p ,Ji<Jood lob P ~ ... n..-... w.ca .......... c-Oot k ol o.-Couty - Ow li,IMl ......... l.oo IJ J0 27 r.-l I~ .. n.....,_ ..... rl-111:113 .-.= ... rc..,._ .... IT.-r !\e ....... __ ._. .......... ~ IIIAJDO no~-. ••• t~l ............ •. ...,.......-.eA-.~ o ........ o A....., ...... e.w.... ....... -. 1 .. 1 .-.... .... ......., .... CA._. .,... ......... ~..,.-........ ~-"-'~ ....... . .........,._.,o ....... "D, A........, .... nlo __ ..._ ...... Coult Owlt .. 0...... c.-tr -... , •• 1 .. ~...._,, "· n.~.l•• ,.. ........... ,._ ... NitUI: m1ICil a.aw ncnrious~ ..,_ITA~ n. ........ -.,.. ...... ~•tt•••• u IUINA PAl l A.IIOCIATD JtO a. eao ._..,. c-... Ottw, Soute ••• ~· a-.:11. CA ._., GeroW .._. 5410 "noo .,......., ~ ~Melt. CA ..,.,, n.o.... 0 L.utd. DZ2 P- .......... W...W•...._ CA..,.., n. "'-.. ......toeMIA .., • ..._...._.....~no-. 0 L ..... Ger.wr ._- nM--IIW .... tt.o 0-'Y Qod al o.-<:M.IJ - ...... l~ .......... r.a. l . 10. 17, ¥. Ita to Tke""-" ....... fill 'Ill '1(.1717 PUIUC IIOTICS ncrmoos IVIIJQSS ...,_ ITA1'1:11111tT Tho lollowrq ~-or• ....... --.. GJIAIID OISIGM 240 ...._, c... •• o. .... s.. ... 114 ~ t.od, CA 13110 Wollaaa IY I<K • C&loloro,. corpo,.l-. Mo II Co'l"'r•te P\eu, 11-potl ... <'11. Ca 9:lMO n .. b.,.,., ... ~· cood\K'•-t b., • co• po•••loo S..,MCI. Will... S r-•· ,....._, WUU.. IY lee Th.. , ....... .,, ... 1•1..:1 wuh 1trw Co""'' Cltor~ ol O.oo.,. C....oly oa O.C lt IM I "'bloeh I•• l7 , ... ) 10. l1 11112 •• Tho Mowpo11 "'""'• Fl78111 Nl745 PVIUC IICmCI fiCIIIiOGII._ U.ITAT'DIDT n.. ·~wlaq ,..,_ .. ti01a9 .,_at TMa CIOWI'S Ml3'!, 1725 .,_, ..... A .. , C2, c:-,._, CA ~a~n 11o1ut c.-. 1ns ............... A.,. • C2. C........_ CA IXl7 ,_ -.. coed_ .... .., .... .............. _.~~o~utc ..... ,_ .. _. .... hW ........... eo......, a... o4 o.-COYOty - ••• 21.1~ ~ r.-l . 10, 17, U , 11113 10 Ttr.lloowport "-'• fl82017 n7ll3 I'IIIUC IIOTICI f'1C'T1TIC)W IIIIIIIEIS IIAMI ITATDGJn' f'h,. ~!lo•LAQ ... AGO ta d011tQ .... ... _ .. CIIOWH CIIU~S 452 C•bnllo T•rr-Ccuo."" cl&l olar CA i2625 Oren 1...... Cl.-boo 452 C&bnllo Tott Cor-. tl.l W..r . CA IQI25 Th•• b"-"'"... .-··<mdu,..t..:f bw .,. •ndi¥...t ... t s~QII-.d a..,.. ,.,. .. Ch• .. bro n.. uale,..n• .... h~ wtfh •tt• Co"•*• ca.,~ of Ou""" Couet. Oft loft II 1912 ,~ ...... '•b l 10 17 24 t91J ... ft.. "'*-'""· &A-...a ~ "11280 1(1:719 PVIUC IIOTCII ncnnoua-IIAJIIIITATDDIIT TM loUow1119 ,.._ " d- -.. OJ IXVU.ONDfT CON PA.MY. 1010 w..c.Artltu l l¥d • ....._, a..ca.. CA taiiO It ._... ,_.._ PO looM. ......... nloed.C.GIIO n.."--.. ~ .., ....... ......... ~ &.. ......... ,_.._ n..--tiled ....... c.o..r, c..,.. o1 o.-c_." oo , .. •• 1982 Mllolo r.a, 3. 10, 17, :U. I~ 1o Tit• X.wport laotq~ rttom 1111104 PVIUC IIOTICS ncnnoua~ IIAMIITA,.._., T1M ltallow\aq -.. Ooooq ......__ .. TMOil GIIOUP. DrGUUD IMG AlW OCVILOPNDIT. 300 c.br !tl • .....,... ......... CA '*1 Qo.uW W..J~ a.-. 300 c.ct... Ill ' ........ rt a-ea. CAtalll T\10 ....._ .... -~ "" ....... .......... a.. .... w...~o-· T\lo --· -tiled ..u. ... Cov.oty Clott~ ol Or-C...aty oa lu 6, IIG ,..,....... •• l 10 17 :u ·~ .. .,.......,_.a.-. flllll31 dillS .... ,._ .... ~,...., ... .. 'rota --· •• ~ a..-~'108 .... --~N._.IT .. f .... .....-Y ... ~ ~ ...... ~ ....... ..... .... ................ .... --",.,.... ... ,.., ...... . ,..,_..-,......_ ... _ ,_ .................. .. ... .................. -~ ..£ ,... -.. ., ...... .. ,_., .. &-. ...... -.... ,__..._ ..... ... .... .......... ,., ...... ...... ....... .. ,... ...... _ ..... ... ~-$ ...... ..:w ,., .... _ ..... --~ .:.-..._ __ ........ _ ....... .~ .. .----~ ...... ,_ ........ ~ ............................ _,__ .............. ,.. ........, .................. .. low' ... ..,..... .. ..... --·-t ,_,_ ......... . , ......... _, __ ,.,. -............ ,.,.... .. .. ..... ,, ..... ,.., ........ .. ...... , .... _,...__ -...._ ww.-,. r.o. ...... ....._.....-..ca-m~ ... ,.,.. .. ,.. ..... ..,..-,,.. ....,. __ ....,__ .. ____ _...-7_... ........ _.. ,_ ...... I br. '100 UY 1.011 YQAL ~ II' '100 DO .otUD~AC'JJO& IIODCIIOIRF .... T lkmCI • IlDDY Q:IVDI n.. Filii ......._ 'hrlto a--C.. _, .. _-. . ...., ........... ~ ....... .u. ........ Daecl .. T ..... 11.-4 ... ...., •• 1.1 .• --w loy &.. I .......... ao ...,_.,.. -· .. r-....... , o1 Al'-ww-, ... _,,teo~-· .. .....,..,..IJ, _.... ,.......,., 11 1.1 ... -... t..u ... ...... 131110. --.. OMieMI ....... .. ... Olllo. o4 .. Coult ...... .. o.-eo-,. CallltenMa. _..,.. -..U... ..wo.-, 0.. (I) All ....... -.(ol ... 1M ...... -.. 1103,000 00 ....... ~- utier ...., .. o..4 ol T,...., Md 1M .W. ~_........., ... ,.-b ...... "" ....................... '"-ca. ol . ...t delollll ltr. Ike ........,._ IDr wllrek wck o..4 o1 T,...., It ...ntJ ............... """ ,..,_ ... -...... ., ttM--· _,., ~ wtt.clt .....,_ all ... ..... JNY&We -.._..., IJ, 1.1 ..,...,. __ ..... ......., ,...._.._tree._ .... .,..,..,_ ............. ........... ... ,_,~ ..... -- Doer! o4 T..... .... _.... ..... ..,,..... to Mill 4oaiJ .........., T.-. • wnl-Dod.tMI-ol Dotlallll ....t o......d lor l&loo, ....t '-.._..., "'* .... ..., ........... r.-. -• DM4 o1 Ttwll .... a11 ~ ................ ~·-_.............,, ........ ~ .... .... ......., .......... _ _....... ....., ...... ....., ........... ,..... ..................... .........,....., lee&_ ......... _..., ........ .. ......, ... ~_ ........... ...., Oolecl Deceabe< I, 1•1 ,.,.. ~ Tulo .._._ Cooo _,, • c:.utto.a.. ----· ltoJo ....._ L Lo..,., A.U.O.~ 01- '-.....,_ ,_ 13. ~ 27 r.a. l . I~ .. nr. ......... '-11-.o PI7WoJC II01"'CS ....... nc:ntiOGil-u..a ITATDIIJIT n.. lollow---... ....... ltouoooo " 2111 DUPONT ASIOCIAT'IS. -...,.....,_, 0.... ........ IMclt,CAWMO .......... W O.C• .... Yuq-....... s... ... ..... CA IIICle, !..-t.., ~ T-II "••· CA 111'711, lolut D Plotee, IM Port .._ .. Circle . ......_, ._., CA taiiD. $00 ,.,._, I lOI 0... l1 ,_,,. '110, Moowpon ~Met., CA 92NO U4S rlo•••u A••••• A.......... -s.. M.l!~t•l o..- llowpon IMck CA elMO. ISJIS ..... 17\k ..... "-'-'--s.. ........ o.... "-' IMd CA a.D lallooola-lo •s-......, 0.••• M-pon loMe~ CA a.! T\10 ---.. .-.1-.d ~ ........ periiHrtk" s..,e.d ..., .... 4 II Ole. Tluo ..... _,., .... hlod w1tk Ike c -aty Clor• o1 o,...,. Co~•" .. • •• 11.1~ ...wJtlo laa X) 27 fob l 10 ltal .• .,........._.'-. , • ..., Nl719 • It PERSORALS PILOT WITH AIR· PLAHI needa Oyu~q COIII~n1on Love to travel, dtoe, da.nc:e Townhoua.e 111 lrvtne Unencumbered. boo- eat, ltnc:ere, ooe · woru.n rou, 6', 1!10 lba , ftnanc•ally aecure Lo" to llear lrom petite. un"cWDber.d. oon-amolu.oq lady. ••nnAIID UtDIOCC SliALL WHIT! TOY poodle, le111ale, tau llhot&.5572122. 15QABAGE SALES liDIUJAmMT PUPPn SHOWS lor "" ..,.c.... blltbdAy pam., c:lllb or clavct. pert-CAll Pal W118oo, S47-1010, 891-3765 38-46, lor lr.-d, ~"'· wtfe. 85l.aa3, after I p.m NA. UGHTY LADY Home Part .... lon11.1 lor partlee betor• the 14th Sal.. rep• oeeded Petcn. 770-5112. _ AKC rx.IWA.N ~ recJ. .ad blacla. 1300 aad up. 488-1103. WUST SILL A.ICC W.U.. puppy. TD&Je, 8 ... ~~a ~. 11M bad bnl ahota, ,_,._,«1 wl.lh .,.,.,. S300. Needs qood ho.. Private pet· ,.,, 837 6308. IIOUAOE u•• llliEAL!H GOING OUT or BUSDfiSS-Nary l.ay ~101 :0.--::Jric» Call Joal:.-• ;_.._.:.....;,._. LOSI WIIGHT NOW 10 _, 28 abe. tn 30 daya or JO\U $31 1S 6c» 1· aoatll'• tn~,pp!r_ .-.,.. ad. Call HUUUII dilltllnalor, Wlc .. ela.. 165t23 . l71UQLI YACA!IOII TH.I BEU.YDA.NCIR Si\ldlo -CeDI often utenauuoeot lor all oc- c8loo.l ud et-Ln U.. art ~ bellydaoc:e Call TJl-4574 • I UHELP WAJITED llec1nc1an 23BELP WANTED SR. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Rockwell lnternallon&l't Space Tranaporl&hon and Syst•m• Group, • pr~me conttaclor ol th• Space Shuttle, hAl a.n eacell•nl opporluntly lor • S.mor lndust,.al t.lectnCI&n E•petlenc• .. neceuary an c-omplet• anslalla hon, mao nlenance, conttn.actaon, mod1hc.,11on and ovt~rh•ul of mator anduatrtal 4!iectiiC41 con lro!., IIY•t•m• and equipment You muat also be lanuhar woth ••~•• and n~hon•l •lectncal cod•s Rockwell often ao oulatand1n9 talary and bene· ht p41Chqe, wb1ch •nc:ludn hberal l1le d€'nl&l and medical IDIIH•nc:e , company c-ontr~buted taYUIQ&hnv .. tment plan coat-of hvtnq mcr•as- " 2 weeb pe1d vac•hon a.nd 10 day •nd of v•ar hohday Pie ... apply 10 person or c-"ll D1clr Lttke (C M 2·4) Sp•c• Transportation & Svst•m• Group Rockwell lnternahon•l 12830 S Clark St (DA02) Oownev C" 9l041 (213) 922-2291 Equal Opportunuv Employ•• M F U S C11oz•nah1p Requarotd ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL whare tc••nc:e Qets down 10 busmeu PEOPLE WHO UKE tallunq to peopl• will love lhll tob! We need energehc, a.rhcuJate ~ple to call hom our ofhce. Full or part tune. Day or eventnQ ahuta avatlable. Startmg aalary '-4/bour. No exper- Ience necessary We wall Iraan you Call between 9 a m. and S p m lor delatls C PM Researc h, (71 4) 545 1458. EARN $925.00 PER WEEK We ate a National Company apectallzing In Hot FOOd Vending equipment featuring National br.nd name foods such as HOR- MEL. ~11 and tM like. Youf ma- chines will be located by professional lo- caton In tactorlu, schOols. hospitals. tn· duatrtal complexes and similar high traf. fie locatlons Your mach.nes have a one year factOty warranty plus a location guarant .. and company expans•on pro- gram With a tw~ty-ooe (21) mac:htn. mtntmum purchase fOf only US.oe5.00 with 1ust 16 5 sales per day. your route w•ll earn ........._00 gross per year If you nav• 125.CIGO.OO CASH aMie.ble NOW and can atatt lmmediatety. tlr~e a servtceable auto and un ooerate from your home. CAll HOW TOlL FlllEE -Thla otter eas"r" ,........, .. tea. 1.S00·535-2115 SA TEI~I.ITE TECHNICIANS Electrical/ Electroutc Systems Rockw.ll lnt•rn•tton~l't S.tellll• Snt•m• Dtvo UOll, S..l a..ch h .. •miJiedl•te o~ntDQt lor tecluuclatla 011 the Global POIUhOt\U\Q S.tell••• aDd other ·~c. lechDOieq, preqrenu Suce..lul C~lldod41tt lftUtl h.tve • nunom um ul 5 ,.... rec.at n~ra.DCe 111 t"h ftQ •lectr•c•ll •l«trol\te .,...,.. of unman11td •SNo• veh.ele Nqtl.liiiMJ _. up ~nd oper•ltoa of , .. t equ1p -111 ...:I~ OIICillo.co~. lreq~~oency meter• a r ..... ,, .. ,9 d .... tC'.. k"9f0und In l e-o•put.• t«h~., and t•l•rarttenao •• a n I1111Cb,UOill41J ,.q\llteftuml, u ••II aa wllhDQn-lo wo.tlk v;ar10u• aluftt I•Deln1111U oU.n -otlt.t.nchnq Ml•ry attd colll• betl..,lll '*'""~· whiCh IM:Iud. cr....a ••d ~ •••ranee, IIDt~,I*IY·CIOII-ItaM~ .. WLJI9t/la ........ t pl•n, --·-··•Y'IIMI ~ 2 .,_., ,..tet •&eat.on 10 ... , ........ ,.., kli!CAAJ I 23 HELP WAJfTED PART-TINE -No ell~· rlenoe ~-Out-volDG oo-WLity mind· ed lDdividual You.r ••· perieoce with PTA. A-or vo1wst-or· 9_aolzahooa c:ouot Hom-u.n pt-ap- ply Nr Cano11, day or -I.D9a. 646-1178 CAHV ASS!RS lor aolar water b-hn9 SS 00 ~r how CaU Patnc:lr at 645-8938 ah•r t p m GENt.omcE T 70 b .. vy, l"rn word proc eu1nq L 8 Sl3.200 SECRETARY General offi c e C o ns tr uclton 1trenqth 1n purchu mq. S A Super peopl• $20.000 CONSULTANT OUR OFFICE r ... .., J I~ lll -.. .... -,., ........... , •t111wo Sl .._, INc• Ill,,,. ••• 'lt>~lllt ,_.~ .. G LAMOURJOI LeadtnQ c:oamehc com pany1 f ull-hme p~y p•rt l•m• hours' W1JI ""an Star1 now talte ad v~ntaqe of 1982 bus1 ness C•ll 556 9774 LEARN TO EARN Sl80/w"lr Worll I 2 hours dally atull1o9 envelop•• S.nd Mll addrHHd stamped en velope to R49aJ 424 W•at Commoowe•lth, Dept L f ulle rton C A 92632 BACHE1NC. A l .. dmo slock brolr era.qe fum plant to open o lhces 1n Newport Beach PoslhOn• avaal abl• • Sec-retaraal • Wue ()perator • Ac counllnq Clerlr Mual be able to work undet p,.. tllR be panonable work well w1th p~pl• Mutt tv~ 60 wpm h.ave koowled11• of and b. •bl• to un l)lhc e l mactun..,. S.nd t.Sum• only to Mw Terrv Brebooy, 600 B St Suote 700. S.n Oteqo 92101 [qual opportun1 tv employer HOUSEKEEPEHS PART TIME lmmed1ate open1no• •n yuur area No lruea Wllhhe1d M~ke S4 to S6 25 per hour Call O.na't, 750-0826 28MONEYTO LOAM WIDOW tli.S NONIY tor Tf'lllll Oeecia SlO,OOO up No c redit c:beckalno penally C.U Oeru.oo A.oel•t ... 673 7311 I HAVl MONIY to loAn on your home Low 1n leteaot, lr" appr&AM.l 7· dey MrYICe , C:tedJI DO prob.J.m Bill, (714) 964-Jllle 2ND.3RD EQUITY LOANS Ou1ck and c:oo.lldeota&l CaU Tom64.5-4199 IUMBO SECONDS - Competitive ra.let Broker mqum• I.DVtted Brolrer. 847 -6006 MO NEY , MO N!Y, homeowner•. Loan• by phone, 2nd and 3rd Trual Deeds lat.lored lo your a1tuahoo or needa c .ll l•m. day, mqhl, w"kenda 586·9127 301USDmSS OPPOR. 0~ YOUR 0~ Je&a· .pon.w.., 8bop or leaD progtam Oli•tDQ .U u tionall'J kDowD twallda auch u JordKhe, Clue, LM. LeVi. Vaocl.bllt. Calvin ~leua. Wraogler, ow.r 100 other braod.. S8.900 to Sl7,500 lll· c:lud• baoiani.r~Q lD-· tory alrlare tor ooe to Fuluoo C.ot•. tJ&IJI· •n9. h aturea, Grand 0penlD9 promot1oa8 (al.o I.Dia.ntlr~r•teea ahol>l Call Nt ~. (612)835 1304 31 IHVESTMENT OPPTYS DE V fL 0 PM I N T Opportunlll' Evo•n•. Oreoon 83 acr• by c:ountry club S27S,OOO (503) 99e 1571 29979 HNtller OU, Junction C1ty, OR 97448 37% (' "'' ;\ !w '"' •II I .j (. I "t VII Itt t 213>~~ OMO 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES JUMBO 2ND Trutt Deed~ on res.ad•nttaJ o r oncome property To SS mill1on AU IDQUIIIel held lll 11 net con hdeoce 760 1551 ,.It for Sl•v• or Ou•n• I wn.L PAY 16..._ lot a -11 MC\Ired sso.ooo ~ y.a~ 2nd Trtat [)Md OCI AUTO MEC HANIC n I my [I Taro r•tdeaoe pe11enced and uwn Mike. dara 835~ hand tool• Applv n~qbta951-6576 Newport T•r• C""'"' I JOOO E Cout Hwv Corona del Mar 36 SPORTING JOBS OVERSEAS 8 aq monf!y latt S20 \)()() to SSO 000 plu• pt!r r .. r Call I 716 842 bOOO ... , (2()5 26UCENSED CH1LOCARE STATE lAW fiE OUD\iS lhat paBOM who pro"•d• chud c:-•r• m the~r hom• be lacenJ eel For 1nlo rm•hon on bow to obt.,•n ltcenM on Or.n9e County c.aU (714) 834-Sl n liCENSED C HILO CARE lrvtne Swtnq and qr•v• yard dull Chtld reo·, •P•c••'• S...m• Str"' end rnor• v1deo recordanQa ''In cl•vodu•l needa ' r~u, .. •nd 1v1dval •"•nhon (7141857 8029 21MOIU:YTO LOAM GOODS RUI.ERGUNS Whatever happened to 1hem > THEY'IIlE BAC lt Bovs 8 to 80 are en,ov onq old luh1oned tun woth the ouq•n•l Nbber I,)WJll for tr-bro chvre wrote or c.U The Ou11•n.al Rubber GilD Co 1548 0 Ad.uu, Dept N 1 Coe.ta New 92626 phon• &41 1214 31AJmQUES 1810 ENGUSH atd. board EaceiJ•al oondl tioft S800 or be.t ott. Pbooe 731 0798 evw. The Newport Ea.lp WecirMeday. february 3. 1912 Page 17 t5omCE I 52 RENTALS TO EQUIPMENT SHARE lBM WAG CARD 0 I C HRISTIAN LADY word proc-oq sy.tem Meks l•dy to •h•r• 2 Eacellent condahon 1 bedroom 2 bath apa.rt $4,450 or b.t oiJer C.U men I n .. r South Cout S..Uy. (714) 7fi0.1?_100 Plan S225 plu. 1 2 utlht..a Call 673-0SSO daya alt•r 6 p m 545 6701 Need aomeooe by Feb 1 COAST HOUSEMA TE.S -Conven••nt roo111 : SIHOUSES UNFURit RENT Al LAGUNA BlAC H Specta.cular v,.w 4 bed room J b•th den dona nQ dec Its d ooh.uther .-ov• qara.q• U 050 monl~v CaU roWr" nu01ber I 800 532 3972 ull lor Pennyw v•r Ad watch W2002 BUY YOtnl SWEET-HEART a d!eJ!tClftd lor Valeat:U.'a Day. 1 05 c:arata, VSJ $10,000 586-5711 aate ~nonaJ proft.la 1 58 CONDOS/ •rv•c:• c.u toUtr.. TOWMBSES number J-800-532 3972 uk lor Pennywv•r Ad fOR REitT watch C080 PUBLISHER DOES 1ST AT! I SECOND HAHD J!Wtl..RY And aterhn9 flatware Coate muc:b Je. at Bentley'• 220 I 17th St Co•ta Mea& 645-6585 GENUlNI Colomb1an •m•ralda Your cbo1c:e oo.ly S20 per 1rtone 1 640·8688 50 MISC. NEWPO RT OCEAN FRONT on tb• w nd Roommate to anar• 4 bedroom 3 b.th houM Prolea11onal buo•n••• person nun 'lmolaet S43J plus utal1h• Call f•m at 645 7557 LARG E 3 BEDROOM 3 bath townhouse on Turtl• Roclr to •h•t• wun non srnolronQ lodv no c hild ot pets S250 per month plus I J uii!IIIH 851 8293 GOING OUT O r 53 APARTJIEJITS BUSINESS-Mary Kay UJ01JIUOSBEI) coametK:s at hill pnce -------- C.U Joru. 640-8855 SPAC'JOUS 2 bedroom DIUVE YOUR VALDI-charm ap6J't-t Pt1 TINE WUD v-ar roWid vacy hrepl.ace Qataqe wtth lotaou. potlooa. lul-Sup« oceen and c1ty gwte, beclrotc "'611l• ,...._ Applluce. uh.l .. ltl-tunuahed Adu.lta NOT ACCEPT liabwt' tor onc-onect &pelhllq Qr•mmahc•l ln&c:cur· ac\a. -:~r tvpoqraph1c&l •rror• m •nv adver· IIMm•nrt publithed 1n the Cc..uo Med.a N•ws GroL.p f O R R.ENT , 1...,. 2 bedroom d•n on San lo•quan G It CourM S900 p•r mon•h Av•1l Able March I 752 8581 LDSURE WO RLD COD· do 'Villa Nova 'Gtound level. 2 bedroom, 2 beth By own• 855-9743 FO R R.DrT -t..quo.a Hilla townllcx.e, 3 b.d- rocxn 2 batb. a.u pool tecuu.. S700 Call toiJ. h• DWDI:J. 1~5J2. 3972 aak lor p.JUJ'f Mver Ad watch W3062. and toy. h<a Nauqbty no peta R.t.-cee •• I..dy Ho=e Pam-. Call FOR RENT F~'"'"'"'n oow lor p.uty date TJO. quued 1900 month V •llev J bt!droom 516.., 497 3119 1 "'-I"Jwnhouw 5 poo s I 59VACAnON BEifTALS SJO Jl£S0 Rl South Laae T a.hoe On• bed room eoodo completely luroL&h.d LI"P• 4 Avat.l•ble lrom Feb 26 S500 -kly Call S.m 832-C857 &lt•r 7 p m LAn TAHOE SID R. eort N.r tlee...ly Val a.,. caa-ss..s-8 ......... ....., -u.ly .93-8433. or BIG BIWt CABIN SID I 1.119. a~eMWv. bik1ao 3 1 bedtoo... 2 bethl .a..p. 9~, 00111 ~ W..k y, ·be-d rat• Noo· ..aobn 831 9766, 492-2981 I 11 llOOil8 FOR BERT PROFESSIONAL f'E MALE. oon -amoker. ab&r-. 3-.becbocma ooado. pool t--a~ to 0 C Aupart aod a.l.l bua-.._ $.225 IDOilth 645-4i549 aomCEJ 1 COMMERCIAL I I liM I . .... c.....aa.c....o- I of ~. co&tec-_,_ IDtc: ...... plao ... eec:retanal Mdwordp~ W.W...t~- nee .. .u..w. .-per .W,d ...... C.UkDy {'1lt) ,.. ... 17 REAl. ESTATE CAd. CL.ASSIFIE.D INVE.51M£NTS 673-1551 lEACH DUPLEX OCEAJCVlEW \30 000 down Ho qu&11 ly}J)q S.U.r laoanced a t 13"-SJ35 000 Charter Realty •ID•eetm•ot. •• -1122 131-8111 II HOUSES fOR SALE 15 000 DOWN Bv owner 3 bec:hoo01 2 b.th WQWJA Noquel bom• A.U.IIlabl• loan• phu r•a tave OWDf!l hoancanq No pavm•nt on 3ui T D Sl 44 500 495 3157 661 1985 IT'S UP TO YOU t....a~ option u.d• .:~r pur c:bue tbLS n•• l bed room 2l J b.tb oc•an ..... home oo L4oun• Be•cb O fl•r•d t t S34S 000 Edna lurod dber9 Re.Jtor & ASK< 494 2894 I M PETERS LAND QIG Pla.n 4 2 SOC .q tt 4 bedrOODI 2 • beth laa:ulv lua .. r o~• •••t•r su11• l•rott couorry kuc:h•n wath a,., wandow 2 luepl•cM AU beaulllllUV land teaped A•l.lmable I oanC:I.DQ S299 000 Call S.ndr S~• •o•n• 71 4 494 0791 l aootmOSJ ' TOWIIBOUSE8 I FORSALE I BY O WNER -~uaa I Naqvel QOli oou.r• ooo do cmly 1122000 n .. lble l--~-IIIIOtl va ted 495-5968 aft• 4 p~------ £AST 18th ST C<Wia W... 3 bedroom 2'-7 bath I 545 eq 11 2-<::&r l'il.,ao• 1 oi s tOW1l bom. F-IUD pt. lot S I 55 000 larqe pa uo 1-option a va1lab\e 838-891 I HUNnNGTON HARBOR CUSTOM FURHJSHED s~ .. ( all\ d .... o~d n'"' r , Bdt 1 s~ u ,,.r.,\,)t-I C>d. " • r•ood c; z: t p<. I r.a• .r ~ 8• -~~. -4<47 \7 00: OOWH Owne r m .. ~· ..acnh • 2 bed r'-'<lm , • b.oth n•"' ··~· 2 -.. r qaraqf" • au A•um• S60 000 )10 vear ll ' ptor •nt S98 OOC l 06 • ! • 31 T.ahn 11 LOTS. ACREAGE PENTEX MX wtth motor· RENT LAGUNA 1 bed I nt!wl• dKorated S700 d.rlve.lluh aod 4le-room apa.rtmecl FuJI I Av,ulablt! r.,b 20 C&ll Pacbge ~ _ $600 I 'UD With ocee.o mou.n tollh,.. number I 800 Cal.l toUtr. nllmbaT l-tlllll ~w. IUD deck qa 1 5.J.l ~72 .nlr f..,, PPnnv 800-532-3972, uk lot rave eocla.d yatd pn 'dver Ad watc h M28J2 I 1 BY O WNtJI L•o u.na f'O fl SALE BY O WNER PeDDYMYW Ad watch vale roed Good eovttoo Beach l•tOtY l.aauly 1, 5 ac ret; o~ppl" w1 513. meot S675 499 1997 e3 REST HOMES home I..r9• lot Low ' and ~4rs 1 bedrocun S9 VACA noN ID&lAtena.=e Oc-o nou. all flqUIPP~ 350 BUILDINGNATEIUA.LS NO W RDITLNG l and I ""SENIOR CTTlZDlS'' C4Ulf011 .,..-. 4 bed tt Hwv 97 trc:-ntaq• ..._chaadi.e Phlbltora 2 b•droom quden I RENTALS lkowt~'a ~ HcxDe I'OOUI& 3 O.tb.a. 2 hr• Sl65 000 A1t<> 1 buold Lu.aber Steel. Hard apartmeota Clo,.. •o HAW AU CONDO tWly aooom a t• _, plAce. OOCDplete LD·1aw 1nq Iota Mwer and wat4!r wue aDd much mote fr .. wav kH-a.< h a nd KunaP4!• S..c b Mau• tOn.. Be.avtltul bc.De eo ape~tm-t Ownw a.ut I •ruqat10n ~a.ll.-v and 540-8278. wallr to sho ppanQ Hunt Papalr .... 2 b.droom VU'OD.IIIe.Jt u~ b.raeDCUIQ S350000 rw•• ..... w l 2 molt! IC A)(WAY PRODUCTS IDQIOD Beach •r•a \'11 41 2 bath cornplelelv lur (714 ) BSS-6221 (714) 4~19 lak• Sll 000 ""ch C.all co.e to Y'D'L Sahllfact100 847 6064 n!Sh.d si.Mps 6 S90 581-3390 tH 0 1.0 CORONA del l S09t 75e 5)8 ~&llteoed or mooey U N I 0 U E A P A fl T n 1qlu Specw w"lt W&r Atdu-=t • cue~ I beclt.559-~ MENTS and to.,.,nb<>u-I'Y monlhh ••t• lho ~. 3 bedroom 2 FOUl\ BEAm S PUBLISHER OO£S I w1tn cath.dr&l -••hnqa chur• BSI 0909 64 'IOARD b.t._ 2.000 .q It acre IDJII,.I raaoch lota HOT ACCtF1' u.b•hty lueplac" wet ban aar M.AMWOTH CONDO •t I . CARE S470ty;X) 556-6610 la-d. ~ ~ lor Ulconect apell}J)Q condohoaonq pools UJt 7 8 16 and 17 PRNATt HO Wl. C Alli _, n. SS3-l~ 0.01 -of nu-s. 9r&JDmat1ca l 1naccur I saunas l q::i t•n:ud L.rq• 2 bedroom lu• lor e&ckrly aab~tory ft() GOCMIC& =:-., ~\~~.S003 ~ .Cl-. or lypo9r•ph•c•1 CO\lr1S mm \Ale av I e*• •.c:rowave col<-r t..c:-...d rettred QUfM r-..... ~· .. _ errorw Ul &AY adver a.ble 1 bedroom and TV t•c~&u.. MilD& 540-2562 T'lua ,. •I Way below -to -.,pna.ate PP ua.-.ta p~ed 111 dell 1 bedroo• 2 bed ~ov.-.. v•n S4'.) l302 -rllet No doub4 beet 71.1493-«)98 the Co.u1 M•cha N•-' om 2 k-•th 1 wr. 5-45 1104 bu'!' on N•wo r" S.. b GRASS VAuLY 20 G l hvu,... Sc rr, n ~1>t~ -----L ·v•h 2 •' r .n .ud .. < roup l400 H•rbo r B:.J SOUTH LAKE TAH I E 66 WAHTIR£NT 4 b.drooCT. J b••n tam otCr• klta Pin• oeb B<X:>KS OLD RARE c. •r• M ..... o;;s,· !J(.,20 l. "" '• "'"'P ''" OR EXCHNGE olv room '"•'• .,,too •r atr-m.a omptoved ad and out ol punt w. • t ... Jr -• t olt -k•l· h•o don no 'W "' H"'Y 4Q S?OOO per lot buy And •II Ou1 ol I OC£ANFRO NT Rf.N ~ .... p., o T 4' K .. ,~ S llouo• p~avrc.vm lo• •o 10' Jowu -bal.loce pnnt boob our •pecWLI TAl MOfl ~1"'1 "1' "•""'••• ...... J I OC£AHJ'RO NT HO NI ••rta nano ~ hr•rl~ M at JO•. lor 1 ,...,.. ty .. NahOOWld• S..rch ap.utm•nt burldor.Q ro 1 '"""• S:'i, •l~' ::• ••nted n SSOO 000 I c vered paho LorQf' Ownet 916) 2734419 S.rvtce Book Vault UQUn .. a...~ch F.n .. •• 1>4t-2181 ,·.no• o~ ... I ,...,.. tr-ttudd.d lot Pl.nt~ 714 492-8162 171 4 1 3682 A 's Brulol S.nt.a lo •••on rr. • W ll • bac ia N.. ru ltors RV k n S2'65 00(1 847 n &4 A ., .. 9""•" I Bre.tthtalunq VI .... ~ All G R£AT BIG BEAR piau• 49b ))57 to• pda r I 0 .... , r •G•ruA BEACH na ~ ~ b r I 95 -. own ~-• ".,. dnc• LJ'\ v n bwlt uu hNted pvol a an 1n l'loP •h ..._, .. ' 168 94 Sl 900 th 3 700 .q ft ~t 1550 S.C. REDWOOD • 2x6 decll: SubtoPrran .. n OJ"'"'l" 1 tw.dro .m w.r" .. .-.rv ~n bel .. vabl~•b,~onl'i eo..t 'Hwy w,u d•v•d• ceols loot hm &46 S8S() and ur liO .Cioft plan• tile Onh '51..1; "'' 11 REAL ESTATE ..... '1 I."• I 1 900 It lo-r IOQ 4 20 lonq 25 •l•v.,tor L .. w •nh· I thiOI.J c. dor rv t ,.. >46 5881 I(' IWI 1 9(Xl !eat 1Jir .. 1 9885 anvhm• Or 494 80tn I oi w 64b 8181 LOW 00~ E.aqw I O N THE LAKE .n lev;ol Celli lolUrM num BEDSPREADS MANU I PALM SPRlNGS •··· ut• AAd&l...-4 bed W'X>dk-rodQe I M p,. bttr I aoo 532 3972 rACTURERS OUTLET OCEAN VtEW lclr rent ' n•~hood lu aurv 'tl• room 3 hreplacw am I ••n Pl.n 5 N•ver u lr 101 Pt~onysl!vm A.i L~rq••l an OranQ• 2 bedroom 2 c:a r SIHp• 4 Sw rnm1n11 ,1111 t,tpqrad• tb.rouoh ~up•~ 4 b..droom ro)us watc-h M2836 Covnty Beddu>Q & o Qatage All lotchem ap 1 dlr~n· t•nnu A•a out _, I..b ~ bc>n•" SJ~ ('(1(1 h •• 8ecUl)r-d HollS<I! 1440 pllancea Ca ll 760 .. b ..... -.. •nd• >t l.:><.l "••lO Call tollb• Q\1111 I len• hn•n· IOQ o,. .... , n RESORt s Melli St Santa An• 1041 494-4802 • .,... t•rm R•.uon•bl• • .,... b.l I 80()..532-31972 w ll•r r .. ,. •• . .. PROPDlTY Ed10Qer Ma1n 835 S4S 7b6tt r !046 ''~ &J.k 6c. Pea.AYMV« Ad 196Eo 6517 16611 ,,._ watc h M1782 U C EU ENT BUY MINI RESORT a• r Pot1ollnc • P•"lr' Sf'*< IM"WAr >1\f"W 1\('mf! Wllh pool and proper!)' :! b«::r m 2 bath d •n 1b1atV S4()5 ()('() Su eet b :>Wnfl r h na.n n no' Ca1 QWne t diii'Ci ly Day. 545 11 66 .. .,... 499 4252 AJ,ythJDQ 61 Ev•rvtlunq Thull Sror•. 25675 Tal.dro Ml~on V••to 581 7112 Collect.bles u1uqu•. u.aeh•l uocond b6nd ot•m.s .am• n•w (Ofl V1.4 fabncant• Oonahon~ a ccep1•d SaddJ.b.clt Communotv Enteq>t--Sheltered Workshop Uo1ted w .. v Aqenc:y $1 WAHTTO BUY 5C APARTMEIUS FtJBJfiS1IED f URNISHED l•!.lun • S..rh ........ u ... "' lt.h.i t Spa TV m••d , s;oh o'l• \i iS I 499 .. u. fOR RENT L-.91111• S..Ch .u.l •uda.o aput meot 1 \1 bloc.. to bMc:b S.J00 I.Odude. ullhbM 497 5673 FURHlSHED sum: Bed bet h. lJY\DQ pet to Pta.,ate eaha.oce Unl 1llea 1nclud•d Reier WANUD OLD GUNS lane:.. Non 11molan9 rillee, allotou.ru poclr•r 556-6033 watc h•• mdtt.,rv swords S.nous coli« 5I HOUSES tor -P-Y. mor• than URFUR.a•"1SH£D._..rP'I'I ao, d..Ut 58\ 8870 WANTED FU RNI !URI. appi~AJ~cft 1r• ln9eretou, wa•h••• dryen TV', wotk•nq OOII·WOriuJ>Q, AJ>ttqiH'I' pi&DOe oft~Ce lurnolure SSCAS. (71 4) 957 8161 WAHTID OSID fUR NITlJRI •odern ~n hque Relrtqeralors ....Un dryers (work u14, DOD·WOrklGQ ) LM i57-tll3 UIIIITALI to•- SKI VAIL S..,,., 40" Ran• 1 ,,.. • 11 rr. wr.et N• ... <: b.d room '] t:..\'11 lrf'pl" f' e>l • T\ a .Ull Sl ... p· b t-O tnc-h .. 4 ., .... powd .. r C•ll R&<r a .,.,, ·~l 68 HOUSES FOR SALE I£ACII 4-PU:X t..cen-t ~-s.u .. will b.Da.n.c-e .t. 1 J • S2SS500 aw.t. Realty ...... ...,.. .... 12:2 131-1111 61 HOUSES FOR SALE ~ .... P' I S.. h s..,. •• H me4 14 h .. ur J uad flld 1•t.. ~•on•• C' v •h po<ll •P.. i ~· T • I batt. f"llt •ll.-n• l1nan lOQ S l5<, ()()(r "14 729 j '),l! ~ 4 .... 87SS 61 HOUSES fOR SALE 68 HOUSES FOR SALE LAGUNA BEACH th' I • fl. 494 1177 \, __________________ _ • OllltALD I.A Y .. \ ._. ...I loo-.-.._ '"'"""'~"' ........ ·~ ...... ·""' _. __ ............. ..... ~, .... ,_....! .............. '~--'"' ho. ... ~ ........... *" ....., "'-•.• • ""-' ,_ h aaat.OOO lltC'tWI fQJIC1 n.......,........ • • ..._. ........... . l ................. ...... .. ~ .... n. .......... .. ~ ... ....,. ................ . PAl MARTIN Tope'" S.l- ~-~-~ ........ .--.,_, •A t tl\ htta II"""' ~ lllr ~- -·-·· .. .._ ...... ft lwwM4 ~ ft'CI. --'~·-··-\WfM.. , ....... .,. '-'-)~ ....... _-. ........ ..... Page 11 WeclDeeday. Februc.vy 3. 1812 The N.wpon Eulgn naUIIIIaa PllOflllTY FOUR RENTAL UNITS $132,000 film. $1.100 moothly lacome, $1,020 -~1 lo&n ~.,._. with $35,000 dOWD. No qualiMDG. w.n~-t avellallle~ 0.. $7,000 ~ ,.., depnc::i&tioa. OwMr m<MD9 out ai .tate. Call owur. (714) ·~1400e.Dytime. 77 IIUL llf&TI WAin'ID/ DCIIAIIGZ OCEANFRONT HONE want.d ill $500,000 r&D9e. Oby to --back. No realtcn l)l.ua. 4~7.7~9496. 80 MOBILE HMES RENT TOO HIGH? O.lwre trailer for ale on choice WQIUia aile. Walk to town, b.ach, f..Uvala. 494-6123. 81 HOUSES FOR -,68 HOUSES FOR ~ --~==~----- Roben A Eilertaeli The Welt:= SLife 228 [B 285&lCoaiiHwy. • Cororo del Mar (71•> 67~373 MOBILE HONE -by owner. San Jv.aA C.~ tr&DO. WW fillaDce. Non- cbildbearl.Dv•oed adul-11 oc)y allowed. 1D park. 34'a12', large lud8cap- ed lot. $13,500. R.c:Ne- tioD 100111/ pool. 681- 0635. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE SAII.a:>AT -'X1 New- port, 3 ..u.. 6 bo,... ~ Olltboard, aleep. 4, cl.e.D, good oondiUoD.. $3,500.831-7438. l'JTI CUTI'Y CABIN -24' d~ ff.Dd., radio, belt.,...., 350 Chevy, Votvo 280.$8,800. 951-1918. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE BAYSIDE COVE PENTHOUSE Fabulous bayside view In spacious 2 bedroom Plus den; elegant master suite, professionally dec- orated, prestigious community, pool and spa. $498,000. LH. Deborah Fratt 642·1235 MJOA11• IQUifiiiNt SPORT FISHING In laaacvlate 35' Wa9DQIB WariDe, uno. T.U deck and lnleuor; loaded. louQhl property- mut ..U. $88,500. Alluhcber. (113)--- 68 HOUSES FOR SALE MIOA!I. IQUIPIIIIn' NUST SACR111CII 26' ToUycraft oabi.D cn&iMr. Eacellenl coDdltlon. Need~ 10me woodwork. 498-0287. 27' T-BJRD SLOOP In Dana Poillt lllp. Heed• 1Daill Nll. top ~t. $2,000. JveDiQD8 , 661-,2489. 88 HOUSES FOR SALE NAilOR IIIMN- FIINCHMANOR 1aoo v~ew a aav. Ocean anct night lights and detail through. out thll 5.700 sq. ft. rellcillnoe. Formal 4 bedroom~. bary. formal c:lnlng room. ~ tamltv room and g~c:.morcu master suite with n~. tun- deck, sauna and spa. I~ and cuatom tor the parflcular homeowner. i\ the belt tradltton ot this l~ XIV Manor house. 52.200.000. WAT£IFIONT H0MU INC. lEAl UT4ll 1 ~ .............. Mr. 2t.a. W Cot~~ Hoowv 11• ..... Ale Ml.eon .. h .... ~ ...... .,.... •JO&T CU81'IB 88HOUSESFOR SALE .1101'08 BKII TRAVCO MOTOR HONE -29', looded, lnoludlno TV. a~laro· wave, rooJ air, geoera· tor. b~t OODd.ttioll. $12,900. C all tollhM Dllmber 1·800·932-3972, uk for Peluay- Nver Adwatch N180S. SIHOUSESFOB SALE .HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM Gated, elegant Country Es- tate on 2/3 acre-and prtvote community. Over 61000 sq. tt. hal wetV amenity tor format and tamev lYing and enter- tal *'0· lndudel pool, jacuzzi, saooa, pOddle terns and rnanv pattoa. $2,900,000 CALL TOSII IJS..StJI M371.COASTHWY. COitONA DIL MAa r,jBOYD 1 _-.. . ... 88 HOUSES FOR .• BOUIIS roB ~ ~~~~----- •-rtlll .......... , •••••• J ..... ............ -..... MJS .. w .. -.,._,.._...,. ... ,....._,_... ..3 ......... 3 ..... ....... ~ .. .., ................. 4 ••lfrn-.l~J.?II ... ILII.,ll5.- LIDO ISLI HOMIS ..._...._Nt!M...,.....5•• .. ••-.5 ..................... 2 ....... ........ ._...._., ... ,_., ............... . ,_ .. ._.. ............ . LINDA ISLI 8A YPIIONTS L.aoo• ..tew an. t ••*• a., 5 ._.. .-.,. _.,.,._., .......... , Malll e .. _, Ykw .._ 4 hlfrn-. 5 .... ..... -" ............. CARNATION CO VI Speelaallu ~.taw 4 ........ 4 ...... , .............. ,.,... BILL GRUNDY . RE~ll uR . . . FRIIH AI A ICMMlUIT ITARTIN. OUn _,.IAIHINel.ll LIVI THI 800D OFDAIIIII ILOWINe DOWN? Model end untt Canyon Crest condo. 2 bed- rooms. 2lh baths. dining. den. Soft greens and yellows. lots of light and air. Orly $173.CX>O. LH cx $250.CX>O in fee. Thls Is the place, great Eastside Costa Mesa location. R-2 lot, neat three bedroom. two bath home. Lots of room to grow. oNy $149.500. ATTENTiON RETIREES Do you nave " ldfge c ash t>quoly 10 votot ho mt> but dvn'o wt'h lo ~II ~·r rt>l tnanct'' I "m rt'pre,E'rolcnq " group of OOVt'SIOIS Wh O wol) PdV you montnlv pa.,ment• NO W coward voo11 equclv wholE> vu•• ron ltnue 10 lto>t>p dnd live en vour nume F'v r t~~lv rmd 11on re~ll Tnom... M M urphy lnv .. ,lm••nt Coun~t>lor. e~l (714) F,'J<; 9797, dily or PVE'Ilu,4' • • Spectacular 270 degree view • Mas* IUite, spa. IOUf'IQ, tnploce • Four ldtc:t* .. wine oelor • 51edrooms • aaottvooms • Separate MM:Jnta QUOrten • Pool, ..a. room • Anmal grooming focllltles • Separate~~ Ute • .-arct room. wet bar • eonu.te security system Offered .n Fee S4.300.000 CGIAkln .... 47Miarranca Partcway tmne. CA t2714 111-1700 eteBarrett Realty ' And the lowest priced 2 bedroom and 1 bath duplex In the vloge? A lttt1e TLC will do itt Lots of used blick shake and shingles. Only $235.000. One block to China Cove beachesl New 3.CX>O sq. ft. home. 4 beaooms. 3 baths. family r.oom. formal dining and breakfast room. Sell for S498.CX>O. Cash or tease at $2.600/month. AUTOMOTIVE AUTO ftl. laqwar, ~­Triumph, WG, ..... "--" S&eq ud -• alltoa. 1995 Blvd., Co.ta aa, 548-6 226 , HIRI'S GAJlAGE. AUTO RIPAIR - fo*P I Domeetic. ID9U.. overhaul. TilDe 9 . brU., electrical. C.U832-l3TJ. lt78 AUDI POX :kh. !12.000 au.. llllliOOt eir, AW/N. (471VWO> ... '1711).4318. llr78 BMW 3201. Rut color, 4-ape.d, aar ' OOlld .• AWIP'N c-tt•. lacelle11t b\ly. (301 UPA) PP 634-8171. 131-1M4. 81 MOTORCYCLES 91 NTRCYCLES/ · fll AUTOS MOPEDS MOPEDS WANTED BRAND NIW n~otorcy· c1e XT2SOHB. s 1,500. hceU..nt OODdltioD. Call toWree nUIDber 1-80(). 532-3972. uk lor P•n· Dyaaver A dwatch Wl638. NEW 1 981 SUZUKI RW12SX. t-thaD 20 how'l OCI bib. WUIIt .. u. S1 ,200.681-1S8S. 173-0SSO 1976 CADD..I.AC s.. vtlle. SUY., ac.llat ocaditloaD. Loaded. aU ~·Well lll&lJltaiDed $5,400. Call tollfree nu.abet 1-800·532-3873. ad lor hnny- .. .,. Adwatch Wl521. 1W73 CADIIJ.AC s.du de Ville. C.O.U.t coa- dita. A ._.lltiful oar. New u.r.. $3,2$5. 581 · 1828. l981 1Z 550 -Willt OODditioa. muat be-· Fut. $2.200 finn. 951 - 9011 or859-1714. 1977 IZ400 ltawuakl JEEPS, C.US, PICK- UPS from SJS. Avetl- a.ble at local Govem- m•nt Aucllon1. For duectorl'. call Sllrplu Data Center, (415) 33().780(). -ExoelleDt comlitioa. USED CABS WANTED = ;.!!.~~~ = -Up to S!OO pOi. number 1-800-532· III.DDIJ19 or not. Aleo Jg72, uk ior P.ulyaaY-WNCb. AU ior Jedt. er Adwatcb W2159. 847•9478· DATSUN llii80 OATSUN Jrowt A.WDe loa.n. 1 !5,500 IDil•. ac.U.t ooodi- tloa.. AW/FW ~e. air. Call toWrM nlllllber 1-8()().532..J972, Mitior Peru~JNWor Adwatch M1510. 19'79 DATSUN 280ZX. 8eby blue, hal~ Aauae'--. 81/ DIODth. Leue b8luce S8,80S. Leue ...-p- ttc. $150. St.~re ~ oftioe 8f¥1·12e7, --7~7883. C401WDJ)PP 1976 DATSUN PDtTP -Ruu 90QCl SP* wheela, ov•ralaa Dew tiree. $2.300/otler !18&- 1178. 1981 DATSUN Muima Loaded, 3,500 ·"·· l.o. laue. $275 per month. (1CNT2 .. 2) PP, 768-1- FORD urn roRD T .IIBJ). Town Landau, baa everythln9. 26,000 Jail•. Alwaya k-s>t In <~•raQe. Showroom COD· dalloD. Like new. 14.800. 781 ·87. 196e WUST AHG - 8WII ooocL Loalla ;DQd. W.ay aew peru . led.iala. 1:2.285. 484-2424. TO SITI1.I DrAft - lMe Ford Fa.irlu• 380. V-r deaa. .o.Jy 25,000 .0... Sl.-. 4886449. Ut74 POID loofttll• v... Qooll woadl .... a.....u. ........ ....... ~ lirii Ita ......... .................... ..... t.UOO/ ... o.a --.-..... I«JJ. ~ .......... ~J'••••r Aclwatoll 111711. l I JAGUAR tm JAGUAR :tD 12· cyl., 3f,OOO actual ~tile~, ...U.t COGdl· doa Sl3,000. (WIN&l1) "· &U· 7'D39 tn'fti:Dqlt. lVJ'I JAGUAJt I,JlU. bc•ll••t c:oadiUoa c•urrf) PP. aak tor 0..,..,141-1281 == . ,. Open Doora 88.000 ClrcuJ..Uon 6 73·0550 FIND IT IN OUR CLASSIFIED$ 173-tsSI ACCOUMTlNG BOOKUIPlNG TAXES -qu.arMrla.. - a.mall or .a&l'llD9 b\aa · n--aad tncltvsd~aale wekome Double I&V· 1D911, r-nab&e raiM ud prof-ally com· pet&Dt -~ IDrolJ p~• betor• IRS 552-~ ACOUSTICAL CEUJNGS CRAIG'S SPRAYID ACOUSTICAL CIIL· lNGS Rep.tn. Very r-D&b1e. Fr.. eet1· maiDt. (714) 526-7290. ADDITJONS Gl WICIC & SO N BUtLDERS nnc e 1~7 AddiiiODt, RemodehDq, Ooora, Wlndowt. Paho Co vera. PIAAa. Fr .. eel R-• r•tM 549 2170 LJC 31~ AIR CONDITIONING ~ OfT SALI FEIRUAJIIY oalyt Can· trala.ar coociuiODI.D9 ..,.. lema Lla....t off•r Call Lance, 53J.442l IIERCBDD IEKZ 1878S ~CZDIS 4!0811.. Atr, IU fOOt AW!N---.x..u.. ...... ior, ......... t ooedS. t~ca. tus.ooo. 0t.11 ~. tree ..... l.tQO..S33. lWn, Mk b ..._.,.."' • Adwatch W4377 Selllnt Yow C•t? Cell Ctuatl1ed 673-0550 WDCIDES 11NZ I tao Turbo a..L a...cu. lat.. 38,000 an ... 128,000. "· 483-8088 111111 :ZIJD IZID MIICIDIS 11HZ 1110 Turbo DiMe~. laa&Cll let•, 21...~,.000 •II•• m.ooo. rr. m.aoue. lt7!S WIRCIDIS ~. lw • .waiOOI. AWIN Mreo, !Mlh.r lalftlot. uc:.lJeat 0011 dJUoa. S18.000 Call toW,.. -~ 1-too. Sla·»'n, aak for PeAOY· ~&vet Adwaloh W43'77. 1W71 WIRCIDD 200D . 4-cyl., .tJck allJJt, low mllee. S7 ,000/obo =· P'fi¥ale ~rty, li'N WI.RCZDIS 3000 Silver, &1,000 mil., l.i.ke ~~-TU. OYU ~. s.tOOIJDOJith. (021XWD) PP. (714)981-6603. 18'TI TRANS AW. W..y ..u ... low~ .... c.llut coa.ciJUoa $4.400/otA.. Call tall- .... awaber l.fJ00..43a· »72. -b ,_.,...,. • Adwatc:ll ~ PORSCHE 1981 POJtSCHI 924 $3,000 uDder tUCker. 1,000 m.U.., uwme 1-at \360/moath (WPOA) Pnvate ~rty, 840-5012. 18'73 POJIICHI sn 1 T ~~. $1.0001~ '-· see.e747, .... 3. WUST SILL aew 1881 Pone" 124 w..w.e red, lo.ded, ND roof, t.c:tory warr.aty M.OOO ud TOP will accept trade. (JDHKS..l) PU¥&1& puly, (714) 837·6309 1Q81 POI\SCH.I 924T Every eatra JDcludlD9 tpee1el bill& p411DI, wtt.b leather ftacarro -tt. alu111 alloy wlleela, 10,000 mU.., owaed lor llJI moDIIll Tn&l) like new Wuulow •.acke• w.. $27,000 $22,000. (1CNZ873) PP 974- 9344 PORSCH& 1.0 IUlSC Co1Ape G.tay. pot.A.d .no,., lo~~Vered aad a119J*l. BUT 3001, alarm, lull '-tMr, bra, c over Wuet tell $.28,000 ~UI J llfl POJtSCKI828S - B\ly or tab ovet ~ fted/t&D lealhar IDtenor. S·apeecl, .U avai.lab&e opllou. S1,500 radkl rrwt••· 14,000 mtlee, ahowrooa c:oAdlltoD S 1.(110 m011 tAl y ( 1 CRG 143) Pnva .. party call Sle-8592 1m POI8CHI ill S Colu>e t-t~t. I\IA root, Mleo, P-6., wlu ... .,...., clean 117,000. (ANDJlSON) Private party, otUc:e 412·88'70. ho-·-1343 fBUiiDIJIIIWD 1957 nruNDiliiiiiD- ec-p&.e.~y r.-.d, &11 wtut. l.at.nr. ud .... lor S17,500 (313) ~7- JCr.l1 TOYOTA 1981 COROlLA 4-ch MCia D dehaa• Pow•r brU... poww •-mo. air, auto M ,lOO. 873- 5828. T~ N.wport £nal~ WeclDMclay. February 0. 1-Pop It TRlUIIPII 1871 TIU\1WP8 Tl7 Co14P& Very c:IMa, ._, .... , ... ..., 011 qaa,low aile.. oo•plete ...,~ ,_tda "·soo (332'.ZAI) PP. 971-SSIS 1Q80 TmUNPH TR7 Coaverllble I•••· ciliate, AWN ••reo ca ... ue, a u coad 16,900 (lACN130) PP, 552-8038 .Jter 6 VOLDWAGDI llnO VW BUG -A.l CQitdUioe, be69&, rebllllt &DQIDe, -~·· b.r ... IDteriar. $2,500. 830- 3633. 1 Ina VW DASHER - 8wuooi s:uoo Al.a 80oc: y-IOOOt• 551- 9553. VOLDWAOEJI 19'79 VOUSWAGDI Coov•rttble (whit•) 15,000 ..u.. ~· ooncfihc:m BLauplllkt ~ $8,200 C71 4l 831-0725 DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS SERVICES AnoRNEY DIVORCI -w1th all~· D&y frOID $195 WlCOO· teeted (p1u. coatt). In· )Urleel&\llo accJdenlt, perceDlaqe of recovery David BetM, Attorney, 54()..6441 BEAUTY SVCS/ nna:ss SALL T'S BEAUTY NOOJC. 188 E 17th St , Coeta w.. Perm..nenll from Sll SO llP T~nbDq, $8.00 llp Sh&mpoo and Mlt, S4 SO. Froatmq, $12 00 up Hauc:uthnq, SJ.SO. 642-7642 --- BOAT COVERS BOATCOVERS · SprllC& up Tile Canvu Worka Shop c•n •• • cover made 10 order lor your bo.l rr ...... mate 631·3564 CABlNETS THE nNEST IJI com· mercl&l and r ... deDlW cab1ne try, ahelviDQ . ban, counter &ad qeo· eral woodwork J&B Con.etnachon, Millwork DavwJon. LIC&DM No. 350818 (714) 631·4260. CABINETS -Cuatom made, kltc:bena. book· c-. ban, qar~M ADd c bau ra.ale &11-692'1 day1, 640-7154 eve· ruDqt. AU lor To.m. CARPENTRY FRENCH DOOR.S- Compl•t• Ulllallahoo ID a new o~niJiq or to rep16Ce Ql.. ahcilnQ doon and wtndow• Wor., qu.•rantMCi Re· ierrale L1ce11Md coo· tractor, 673 7393, Tom Hoo~r CARPENTRY WORJC - PatiO cover•. decka, qu~• llor•q• llAllt, lane• rep&u AU typee ol c•rpentry No )Ob too a..U. Tom. 551 2583 CARPENTER SMALL JOB tpecaal..lsl Cab· meta, wall Wlltt, ~nel 1n9, moukhnq, o•nqe lloraqe, decka lnawed. tree eelUD&I• Nader'• Hudyworka, 642-3789 CALL PE.RJC the Fia>~p Naa, 1111all carpenter and odd rep•u )Obe R L Perla1n1 (Scot/ lruh), 979 9047 CUsToM FURNrTUU DESJGNED and built to yOilr need -w&JJ \lOIII, bookc•-· tabl... cab ~.nata, atoraqe \IDill, h.ra Call John at "Fur· n11ure Woodcr.JI." 855- 8417 or 6J9. 7560 CARPENTI.R -f or m1C& work. c:uetom cab· mala, book lhelvM, qaraqe cabtneta. hruah work 23 yean e.ape- nence CaU &V&OlDQt. 963-i056. 963-5982 Thanll you, Jerry CABINITS -C \&110111 made. k1tchena, boola· c:.-, ba.n. ~raqae and chau ra1le &11-6927 d.a,.. 64(),. 71 S4 •••• DlD~• AU lor Tom THI C ARPiiiTER QvalUy craftllll&Aalllp at .JJordab&e price No ,ob too ...U Chn•. 851-1264 rttt. t'lHIST m coe mere\&! aJid reelldeal.l&l cabiaetry, ahelviaCJ. ba.n, oo~aaler &Ad ~n· aral wooclwofk U.J ~~ DO 3S0171. (714) 131· ... CA.UIT UPHOLI1'DT c.....-.·-... ...., f•~••••J ep•o••'-~~. ...... 2 ..-.Ill 10, ' toC*a. 131 .10; ..... S1t.7S. c.ipet • .-.. ....,.,...(tO~. ~P~••Itl· ............. c...-............. HOUSING? REAO THE CLASSIFIEDS CARPET INSTALLATION Bill'S CAJtP!T SlftV · ICE. lrulallahoo and repa1n. Quahty work, at l•u prlc... Call Bill •• 552·5826 e¥&ntDQI CEMENT CONCRETE WORK. Pat101, dnveway1, blockw.U.., room adda· IJona, foWldahona, aaw culhDQ. L cenaecl Paul. 71S-3283. 77S-8371 CONCRETE PATIOS. DRIVEWAYS. wooden ~ho co11en, all typee No )Ob too b1q/amall No. 291235. Aak lor hm, Tn-CoD Cooahuctloo lD<: • 548-7102 CONCll!TI AHD MA· SONRY Pahoa. d.cka, buck 10lay, dn11eway1 w1th Ul'balt rmov&l, planlen, hrer· lDQI, block w.U... Fr .. MtuaaiM. 0.0, 536- 7..0. (Lie. 393422) rRII ISTINA TIS on cemeat, block or bock· work, Dew coJI.IInaclioD or r~ra. Lie. 294622 Call 996-0639 &Dyhme CIIDOIEY SWEEP CHDORY CL.RAHDIG: ''" q>ark anMtor Cleaa .. t methoda For onlormAJIIOJl, c.tl ()p. Cor. n t -5200 CONCRETE CUSTOM CEMENT and bnc kworlr:. We do It all. No 10b too ~u Re- ler&DC• and tr.. ..a1 mat• 847-4lM8 I SPEClAUZI iD ,.ck· h&aUDer work end r•· movel of conc rete (~tiOI, s)dew&lb ud dnvewa~) Allo cutllDq and h..DduwU19 Not 11•t• be Week'• Con· crete Remove!, 631· 2610 CONSTRUCTION B WILSON A SONS - Bu1lden. Fr.. ..tJ. mat• 30 y .. 11 •.-pen· eDce Bonded LJc: No 357487 &16-1740. BUILDING CON- STRUCTION-R.•od· eltaq •ad r•pa&re. Spec~&hunq 1D ba&ID9, nd~no. FreDc:b doon. h.y wandowa, ~Uo coven, dec:lr:a JohD Clacek. 67S-6Cl03 CONSTRUCTION SPI· CIAL TIES. Pat1r0 doon, w1odowa, akJhqllta, Frenc:h doon, pabo rooh. D.MJoll.ul&De- boD Joe M.artiaea, (714) 64.2-0&37 CONWUClAL -llMi dnha.l -a...odellf: Poet CoDIINC:tiOa Co FUiidl work, redwood decb. ~ho co .. n . hoae ampro••••Dte. Vary re .. ooabl• ~ ,,_ .u. ....... 151.a.. IACOIO& SDYICI -0.~. trecboo Low ,... ~· ..... . ...... ...-u.. .. ... . t•a.aace, cl"ltaiDCJ, coaa•lh•t ""'c•• 7JO.llll, ... ,. -...... ..:::;;.. ____ _ CONTRACTORS GEitEllAI. CORTMC· TOll w&DII to remodel, rebuild or buud new c:uatom hom• h c eJ· lent relereac:... P&.... call Scott E Phil Con lltllCtiOD, 631·5424 DRYWALL DRYWALL, ACOUS TIC SIRVICIS. Sm.tl palcb. to room add• 11001. Jr.. a.lliD&Iel All wo~k quar&DIMCi Lie. 411528 and bond ad. 548-1871. DRYWALL. Ha.nqmo. tapmq and creative head teatur" Ea~rt work C.Jl Jeff, 631 5913 ELECTRJCIAN RESIDENTIAL I CON ME.RC1AL -Eleclnc: our 1pec1a.lty Cle•n. qu•c:k. d e pendable We do any su e )Ob Paler S Hodqera, Propert y Im prove meot, 631 2345 LlCE.NSED EL£CTRI ClAN -OepeDd&ble. qualJIY wo rk Re.uon able r.l.. rr-..., malft Call Tom, 631 son ROME IMPROVEMENTS TOUCH OF CLASS Home Improvement. Pa· hoe, ooveu, r r-ch doors, wl.ndo-. lue- place mantele, COD· crete ... uc:co 25 YMn Area relerenc•• Bob. 636-5298 HOUSE CLEANl.NG HOUSE C L.E.ANlNG - Prol-1onal, complete, detaued ho\UI&Cle&Dioq •erv1ce Relerenc ea upon requ•t Call lt.ll, 548-4037. or Ryan. 646- 3089 HOUSECLEANING 12 yean ea~neoce. Good relerencea w .. kdays •od S.tur· d•y Call 10 even~nga, 543·6540, Sylv1• TENDER LO VING C LEANING by Star. uatom cle•n•nQ, re h&ble, reaaonable and relerencea Let ua ~111per you •nd your home With OUt ea~rta. 642·6149 HO USECLEANING HOOSE CLEANUfG TOP BRASS ClNJ~Inq S.rvicM Ho\&aM/a~rt· mentelcoad01. AJford· &ble rat.. MartiJiq •• $25 &12-019() SeiYUI9 Otuqe CoWlly HOUSEKEEPING EXPERIENCED, oom· plate MrVioM (e:acept <XlelkinQ, penoaaJ care) Ret.eac.. u... 548- JBSO INCOME t AX· GOT YOUR W~? Get pceparatioD help! Call Frank HW'd. S!U. 7526. Nivbt aDd weelr:ead appoLD~ta. TAX PREPAR.AnON by eapert prot..Jonal Ap poao lmeDI arreoqed day. or even~nqw, you1 home/my oU1c:e RH aoDable rat• Pt .... c.Jl An, 857-0133 TAx RETURNS by •P po1nlmeot, yeaJ·rouad H1Qb qualoty at a rea aon&ble coet Eapen eoc:ed c:oosultanl wbo 11 enrolled to p rachce before the IRS 549 2418 Complete ho\UI&CINJI· t:NCOME TAX Account 1119, apa.rtmeott, bomM. cil d ala ---c oadoa. ReetoDable lnQ lor IJI vt u ' part· FENCING rat•. ReJere~. C..U neralup• and corpor• fENCES, GATES. U1 ah.r 4 p m . 962-2531 ~::d A~l• 07f:; CLOSUiliS. •U lypee, o.borab. R-..ooable. 751-!040. rep&U*i. replaced. ad· Uotque Accounhaq dad. Fenc e pamtlnq IMCONETAX S.rvtce. AU work Qllaranleed. 15 1 ~--------·.;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;. .. yeara e-.l)&n&Jic:e Fr .. :1 .. hmaiM C..U R•y, 646-2328 GARAGE DOOR OPENERS G ARAGE D OOR SPRINGS Hu dware, electroniC openers i veotDQI, weekend• Alrlt Door Comp•ny, (714) 893 147!_ KATHLEEN FLANAGAN ACCOUNTING• TAX SERVICE • Sml & Med. Size Bus messes • Corporation Partne rshlps •Individual Taxes • Financial Statements • Payroll • Quarterly Tax Returns. For 1981 Tax Appt. Call MASOMRY WHEELOCIC Nuoory Bnc:lr, block, Ilona, lloor tole, decorative, d1ahnchve on1enon . e.a tenon. w•ll•. pleDten, palloe Referenc•. Lo· ceoted, bonded b o- maiM 551 1370 WN H AtfDfRSON Muonry Block. brtck, .. one, lencn . ~hOI, plantel'l, w•U. Inter· 1or/ea1enor Fr-.. IUD&I-(Lie: 380921) Bonded, IQIUred 642 9699 MASONRY OUR SPE CIALTY Til• -Coo· c nlte -Block and Bnck Ou1c k, clNJI, dependAble Peter S Rodqen , Property (m. prove ment, 631 -2345 MOVING. STORAGE THE ST AftVING COL LEGE STUDENTS Mov onq Co h.u 9rowo (Loc T 124436) S.me 9ood MtviCe C.tl641-8427 ABC MOVING Eap•ueoced . proles soon•l. low"l rates lrH nhm••• Ouoc:k care luJ S&JIIICI 5S2-0410 STARVING ACTO RS' MOVING COMPANY Ch&Dqtn9 c .. 11 .. ? No h..uat .. t w. hU11M Wllh 0\1.1 m•ucl•" uceoted Ulllu.red 673 0853 PACUMG• SHIPPUfQ GLOBE PAC KING SERVICE -We boa that c:r•te 41ld 11M all duppll)Q syatems &45 0980. 645 9090 979 61 44 PAINTING PAINTING lale nor Eatenor LowNt ,., .. prompl neat wrvoce ln GARDENING C(:)WPLETE GARDE.N ING SERVICE W .. kly b1-weekly monthly m•LOtenance Spnnkler repau, lr" work and tuuJ1nQ r r .. .-LID., .. 549-•991. 9 am lo 10 pm .-----~~~~~ ......... _____ .I &rN for 10 year• f rH nhm•tn (714) S48 RE.LlABLE AMERJC AN G•rdeninq The beet poa1ble cue lor your home or bu110-Tr- ptuned. apra yed and removed Immaculate c:le.oup Dave 540 1193 ROTOTILUNG OONE DIRT c:hNp G.rdena flower becia, lawn1. laDcitc•PlD'l Reason abM r&IM Fr-•dviCI 646-7819 aaytUDe DOWN TO EARTH t..wn and G.rdeo Serv tee Complete ooslal~ hon. renov•hon •nd ma1nleaance Ou•l1ly MrVIC:& at do wn to earth p11c• S.111J1ed c uatomera our lint pnonty Call •nvhme. s.6-781SI JlAHt)YMAN PATiUCJC'S HO.a Re p&lz aad lmprovemea11 Geurel m• .. teaance ctrpelltry. eleclrlcal. plwablft~, concrete~ tlot ud welb Hourly r•IM No tob too am•ll (7~4) 646-3793 ru.rr SUVIC E Repau. Ia, bwld re b~alld Phn11b1n~ c:•r ~try. elect neal. ..c ,.... .tf)Cieot .. JIIIC& 1.ac:eaMd •net ••peu -~ W.CJCWo\&8 Not~ Sl&leo&'l ISLAND SPVlCIS Loeq r.coqaJMd for d•p• by loc&l ho•eownenlbu• ~ ruu .. fYICe J>l•atle", ca•peatry, alec I uc al.~l n II nt. tel*" MO. 11!111!!1!!!!!11--•1 5684. ( 714) 636 7149 PAINTlNG Beautdv your home lor 82 Col ors add new hie and protect your onv .. tment Ouahly work and mater oa.la r r.. esllmalfl Fred. 536 3471 PREPARAnON 8r COUNSELING R.a.aonable Rate• HOWARD B. REICH ATfORNEY AT LAW 953-7330 or 833-3800 1920 E. 17th St., Swte 206 Santa Ana HOUSE CLEAHING A 1T£NTJON All Ho- wa.,..., Realton-Quallty bouaecl&&D1119 .nioe wrth :110 , •• ,. azperi- eace tbt 11 reh&ble, d. peud&ble. .....,_b&e and value lor ID0&141Y No laDcy pk:rae. ju.t good old-t .. bio ned val~ Cell aa)'time (714) 857· 6195, (714) 751 -3707 8oDded ud i.Dnnci LYNN'S WOP 'N IU<X ET CLEANING S..,oe You ._ It up-- c let.D It vpt C.JI Lynn. 553-7e82 On call w•kly, ta aoalhly and -tbly DECORATING AND INTIRIO R DESIGN belp 11 oo the way Famou• W.dweetern dfttqne r. lO yeera •• ~nence. W11l IS)«<d Febru.ry on Balbo. J.aU.nd Wtlh llJ.a Wlf&, pa.antl and c._,. H.e will work With u bm1ted chentele OD • fee bula for on·the-tpOt aolu horu Call 67S-6291 lor appoiDt.m.eot WOvm>" OOROfHl NAPI:II llfTIIIOftS CM MAp you vet. lt .Jl ~~ COMPl.ITI DICOBI (11 ,_.,. wuh waJ mo.-.> ,...,., ~142·1·1 SPECTRUM PAINTEJIS -CUI1om onrenors and &&lenora Gu•rantH 2 vM rs References lrH •lm•t" Call (7141 964.4828 l.Nve mM taqe STIVENS PAINTING IS h.c la' Now lp«-•ah&•nq on e ate nora f rH otemo& ad •LIIIat.. Call lor appo~.n\r:ent now Ask lor Ch rl• 645· J348 546 4561 BRfnsH PAINTERS Get the "beet" lor leu' utenor ...,.coalun Ea ceU.nt relerencw Call ass 1509 PELESTRI PAfNTI NG Eatenor ontf'r KH ap•rtmenta houN• ~1 hce, kttchen cabon•t re.l uuahroq 751 5954 COAT Of MANY COL O RS p••nhnq Inter .orlealenor acou•hcal c:e1hnqa S.rv1nq lrv1n~ •nd a\lrroundlnQ arN J Call S40 0240 r Loe 15&600) PUSCOTTS PADmNG R ... ct.ntle.IICommerc:ral I..-!4Wihterlor S. Y .. r G u•rant" £atenot wood pr-r vat~ Sll~not... mdtn9 aad t.nc.. Lie No 411710 lot~dtd and 111 eared rr .. a.lllll&IM 157-1115 PAPER HNGING PRICISION W ALLP A PEJI HANG!~ Eapert c raftt m&nlhop. low ratM, h" Mhmat .. Call oa and N ve 20~ 30~ on your purc h.,. o l wall~per Commer CI&UR .. Identlal &42 2047 PATIOS WOOD PATIO covers declr:.a coacrele pahoa L1cen•ed onsured Gr~ Wtlb Genera.! Contr•ctor. 549 2133 PATlOCOVERS PAnO -COVERS Redwood Declu Con· cr .. e, brock. tpnnklen, tod Reuooable LJ· ceaeed Myt... 537- 3929 PHOTOGRAPHY PLASTERING R£ STUCCO 1nter oor/Eatenor Patc:hmq 30 years' eaperoence NNt worlr Call P•ul. $45-tl'71 Pl.ASTER • STUCCO Repa.u No •ob too 1.1Dall 645 4203 645- 4199 ALL PKAsES o l PLAS· TllUNG Re etllcco. teatun nq. oatenor/ea teuor p•tchwork Room .ddrhons and < uatom homes f rw t>sllm•te l 1c 388 781 lohn 960 J786 PLUMBIHG SANC HEZ PLUMBDIG Res.dent,.l Cammer ••I Specoahronq rn , o)pper repope •r•d reparrs Lrceo.. NG 360997 c .n lor "" etlomate &42 3394 PLUMB1MG REPAIRS Drams ciNred lnatalla uons G•rb•9• du poMI W a tar hM ter Gat toolets l•uc et reprp1nq Marcello'• Phunblng ~2 DRAINS CLEARED trofn S10 To•let rnaon~ lrom SIS f rH plumb tnq repau ftllmat .. Gu•rent-.d wor~ C ell anyllme ''N & M 642 9033 f"REE FAUCETS fer the home P&P or eq~o~ •alan• w1th co~per rt'prpe )GIDIICJlY Spec1al SaDcllea Plllmbing CaU 642-~ GUSTAVSON PLU NB lNG & Ke.a11nq Re pa1ra remodel• re P•P" q arh.qfl dr..,os •Is wate r 1\Nten A•lr. about home warranty Loc 409526 548 8666 838 4805 AAA I PLUMB ING HNhnq Rotor S.JY1cc S.rv1ce call low as 112 SO We do '' •II and ~&ve yoll money' (714) 962 6534. (714\ 6Jl 3006 DRAINS CLEARED f rolll $.4 so f rH .... matM All worlt qua r •ntee d R••~ona.ble prac" No Mrvtce call ch•roe Dram Ne .. ers (714) 638-0953 ATLAS ·~·Reallft9 R&p.u aad Replecw IU-l- REMODEI.JMG REPLACE ICITCHEN COUNTER TOPS We've popul•r colors on stock Also lutchen remodehnq f aee esh m•ln Moore~ops \714) 558.3888 TILE IMStALLAnON PROPERTY MA.MAGDIEN'T loexpeMi .... Peace oJ M1Dd Commercial - St.n9le Fauuly Hom .. ....,_~&gmt. ~l-. ROOnNG QUALITY ROOFING lo1 1-Old and new cooetn.tcllon Lceo..d on10ured and bonded Reference~ ava1l•ble Ca.ll lt•nnv Funke anv 11m• 645 0193 ROOFING All rypee new old rep•rn decks. wat•r proolroq C.Jl Bob 548-0769 L1c No 406022 RAY'S ROOfiNG CO S.rv1nQ lll ol Or•nqe Counly All tvpee Fr .. estlmatn rruured Loc: 361042 All work quar .snt..d 559 9369 ROOf LEAK > Why rttrool when vou •n rep•u •t • lrachon ol 1he C'o~t ' R••n¥ Dav Root Repau Servrctt D•cll 213) 596 3837 Kf'VIn 714) 646 S470 HUBER ROOn.NG Allt'IJ)ft New recover dech LK 411802 ~·-1134 ROOM ADDinONS ROOM ADDITIO NS •nd pt1101 Cas11llo Conet111Cir< n l•mtly owned ""d op•ratfld f rH ntrmat• lrc•n• ad bonded s.nr • JC!60 951 0269 ROOM ADDITIO NS Krtchero ba.throom• we t b.an~. p•hot Matonrv electuc•l Pt!ter S .Rodqera P-roperly lm provernenl 631 234') SIYt.JGBTS SIYLIGHTS SAVE Elft:RGY All wor~ 9UAJDI&ed One dn , .. ta11aJIOD ..... Co.ollncUaa (714) .. , SICYU~ ~ on .-,119"tt eo. .,.,. &D&'f9Y, valve Sol.r Sk,botN l.Jc:eued 4M-S\12, .-.at TILE IMST ALLATIO" CUSTOW TILl WORIC• AU lypee UJM.U.IIoru - l p&CIAJILIDQ ID re~ modelLD9 lutcbea ..u:l h.th Quahty wotlr.m&n· t.lup rr-.. hm•t .. Re lereo'ce s Ro n , 831 7191 TOPSOIL TOP-s0n. DtS. COUNT_PRlCIS! L.tra e'-en 8 yude, o.ajy S56 99 Local d.ebvery no ch•«J• WJII., 633 1665 TIIEES • NOW IS T\U TOO lo sn-~ your tr-Call '"'The bpen., .. 30 ,..." eervoce 1n Oranq• Co11ot¥ 5 48 3239 Georoe 2~ houra EXPERT T1lU SERV ICI Tr-end du...b tJUDalJI9 and re.-oval Yard cl.anup f r .. .., ILIIJ.IM Call 963 5912 TRIES REMO VE D TnmmlliQ •nd •prav10q 549 4991 TYPIMG BUSrNESS SCHOOL and personal 1yp10q done or my IBW SeJ.c tnc n tYJ)41WIIIer OJ•n• 552-1499 COMPLETE TYPING SIJIVlCES on IBW I lec IrOniC 75 plllJ edlhnQ lor 'pelhoq p>~nclua >1on qramm•r aynt•r ~heten •od Ooctoralt- work plus all b~.~MDe• wrrtrn9 tla hehc•ls Span11h French traotl• !too INnelte on lrvm• 552 6916 TYPI:NG . TllA NSCRIB lNG Edlhnq and Wn1 nq S.JV1c-AU lor m••• sllbtecl•, med~a I W~ner Newpor' BHc h 548 )654 UPBOLSTEBY "25~ on AU FAB RICS" • Up~•,.. of d11hnchqn ADhque to moder-n 1r" pic:kllp and dehvery Sou-n lntenora 957 0128 WAUPAPEIURG o• TBE WW. GAL •• ua.alable tor prole atoAal wall pap.nn11 Cll~~ lily the roll Cell DU.,552!018 WAU PA.PDIJIIG t.p•n.-ce, bond .. i I~ 0\.eco~anl o" well co.,..rinq• No ,o., too btq or too t m•ll f.-eettm•tt c.n o. ... SE·•t7 • • '·'·.· .•.· 1.- :. : l ;...·' ·_: ~- ·.' .. ,.· 20 MENTHOL CIGARETTES Salem 4 SMOOTH LOW TAR 100s ,•. . I' ...... •' .. !" . •' .. . ~· ,. · .. · ... ··, •: ·. •' ·"'· ~' . . . ~· .... .. NUMBER 2 ' NUMBER 2 ACK PAGE • · • SIIICJA~ French Normondy located on IM prime lip of Linda ltlel st-ond .. IICCO. cllmblnf ~onea surrounded by o petote forest on ftte boyfront of 127 h . ~·· 6,500 .. ft of lu•ury lobrory ~ictployroom. Iorge fofmel clnif\e room. 5 ~-·· tow.ly terroce plua pool and spo. Dock f« 10' yacht. 15.000,000 CGthy Sdl-'dlert U2- 1235 (S II) H.....,CN ... ANCI The Yo-frorn th" mowuf~eent M.ditetr-VUie it ~~~~~-~-....... golf co~ae• mountoonL ~·· 6,500 aq. h. of ultift\4te in~·· HartMK .. cuatorn 'ool apo aouno. encOVf'tw the ~~ of ki!QHY. ~o.IL f1,f75,000 In .. "tong lononcong. S3 000 000. Svlonne Shulef .. 2-1235 (S 11). .,. ON UOO U ~lftOftlr Medoterroneon grocoova ltving. Oittinctive OIChitect\lrol detollt. • bedroon\t family room morble custom "'"· Mo.tet Julie with 2 full batht, and .kyfifiht *"•'"9 room Dock lor Iorge boot S2 250 000 Dona Chkhe.ter .... 2-IH5 (S 1 2) CCMONA NL MAa •• ~ntONT Just lo5ted-lo9ht ond bttght and tpoc~ • or 5 bedroom family hom.-fonta.tk moon boy yoew Dock ' Excellent f,_.cing and/or l.ose option. 11,175.000 HI! Martha Moe nob 6•2·8235 (S 13). NIWI• •• ~IIIONf-oWNI• "NMa O Vou own the lond when yov buy thi1 tpociOVt Mecfttenan.oft ttyle home with dockong for two or more ""Mit. • bedl'ooma, 5 bGtht, -d <Of'Yet1101. llbroty/.,. lo~ong room dining roorn. kitchen, ondbreelda.troomall-tookln9tt.~. Good o~tumoble loan and owner will fitWance bolance with r.-on...,e cto-~ment. S I 700 000 Lorry Oyer 642·1235 (S 1.). WAJ81110Nf VIIW Lorge handsome .,_ on the boy of lltldo ltle. 5 hd,..._t, 4 '.1\ ....... fondly ,_, sunken llvtng room im_ .. tonnatl tlnlfte ,__ Courtyard ...... ~ .W. de. '"vote tennla c~ ~ oftd ~. $1 ,600,000 L.oet hoW.. Loll lprt ......._ 6200 (Sl~) W U Y'MON'f Water water eve~e .. ~. •• _._ "''--fr.-.. tt.llvtftt ._.-' .,_ •nnovatovefy ~ home on o SO ft. lot witt! ._ .. ._, dockiftt e.caM~ ~ bedi'OOf'M • baths. fomily ~. diftint , __ Seller wJM ~ .... 2nd. ... prtc. on town S I 550.000 o"Cl~"' '-d. ~0 ~-6A2 .. 235 (S .. ) . OOva IHCMII wmt ,.. ANO lUI' • bedroom "-tlfvlly ~ ... flome, ~'"9 f~ llw&d! ftoon. ~ lobrory and h~d pointed kH<tl--• Wh c-"""•t. '-.. _.., .Wte wl"-tfted foreploc.e ond dedl ~fng to a..,. Fvll MQ~rlty -ct ,.,...,..e ~ 11,475,000. lynne Volenttneu.-6200 (SI7). ··~lftOftlr Sheltered by Hol'bor ltloftd plus -In ~ vi-with fomlly ,_ ond ,oM. Ot ... tor entertaining S t • .aG.OOO LH, Seller will holp with fltWanCI"'• fa, ~"''*'t on IK~tty ltlondcaU OonaCh~et. 6~U23S (Sll). IINUrMYIIIONJ'~ Outttondl"' n-~' A .o· ... lot with • -,_..,. t.m.. • "*-'· ~·"' both a hvtte metter .._,.,._loom tor two po....-tM.CIIIt.., SJ'. Mott roomt...,.,look the boy end nltht lifht views. Out.~ '-I~ ._. -ct ~, ~ .... ovo•lable 11.200 090Ge« .. ~ UU100 (Slt). • "NOT ~MICMAMIC HM_,. VJIWf See _., sunset, Cotollno. ftte '-ode of loetl h-om tNt ftOn ,_ retidence. c-pleore akrm ~tem. 1p0. 1950,000 Coli.._._ Wood tor l!ppll"t!Mftt, thowtfte ~200(521). 810 CM~ON MOAIPMOoa Lorge ~ bedrOOf'ft. 3 both. """ '1. Spodout t.mlly ~ .__ ... ~ ent_.._, or-~ lntimote con_..,._ •"· ..... folaJiy ,_, ,_... _...,-d. L«ge a.tom tlnd lot wtth room tor ••~ ~ ..,._ 179t.OOO l~ V-'-tine ~200 (522). -CAN~ON UtamVIHOMI Act'-tamify living Of'd .,.clout eni.OOtnlng •• found In tl.-4 Mdroo- lro~. Lorge"-2 lndudlntJ living roorn with convenotioft or-. tormol•intt room and prden kitchen ~Nod~ bottom pool ond teparafe apo. 1795.000 Lr- VCII-tlne ~200 (523). ••vrNI n•~c:a-lltOHT aow Sonsotlonof v•-ol boy.-and Cotolinol hwtlfvlly .-emodeled ond oppcMrlted. n.r .. lfiOCiovt ltedrooma, fo6KAollt kitchen, large billiard room. ClOEJ den. S6t5.000 l-etlold. Cathy Sdlweickert 6A2-123S (S24) u ~lftOHf ••u.ooo Fee. Yov don't hove to be a millionaire to hove o beyfront home. Thit ~ S bedrOOf'ft homo boa.tt 2 flr-.Joc .... Iorge dock. tunnlng potio ond clodl on He~WpGft ltlond. 1625.000. lorbora Aune 6d-123S (525). CCNIONA...........,., VIIW Fonialtic-arid ~on view 3 ltedr-. 2 Wh, 4iftlftt-hoMe alt.-.1 on very lor .. ~-f« e..,-MOI'I end pool. SSSS,OOO Fee '-d. o..-Ga ..... ...._.•<n•>· I.XUUIIVI ...,..._,._ --on <»~t«. Otlk floors . .,.... ..try, 2 •••'•r• S .... .... k .......... s~ Mtttl.. A~..._ tor ~lne-v--, ..t .... . ss.eo.ooo ~ ._._ o.v. ~ .,..,_.2u cs21). J4.H eA&A.x~ -VI He far1 leed\. One.of 0.,., 5hor. ....... ..._ wfth :ro • 40 ft. ,_e -.d ..-, .... ............ tile ........ tf'Oftdt ........ ~ ........... ...., ,...... ......... ,_. S4tS,OOO LN. ~Sdt~ .... U2:U (Ill). aA&IIOA 'I&.... N81IUII LOCAnGN a.rm~ne ._ • ...., ....... ...... J ......... t ...... lilridl .... lt .............. ... A~W~t.-2 k•*-..... .-.It ................. to ..... s-ee-...,...... ..._.... efld ..... ,.. s..so.ooo a....-v.e-t~ne w..200 (S2t), Fetwua~y 3, 1982 Newport Hll'bof Ral Estate For Sele Page 3 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY CMIOINAL H..__,. VIIW HI&.U Potential ond ~r-lity abound on thos •po<lous ~'9ht contemporary 1-tome woth l b.droonu family room and c.uatomued kltc.het> brtro Iorge lot. mono ocean voew and cofwenoent location S399.000 Fee 8elle Chose lee 6-U-6200 (S33) •ou• ....ooM-'OOl HOMJ Own« ....,., motlvoted. Spacious open floor plan woth •eporate room lor hobby o• guest off pool ar-.lor9" fCII'IIity F"oom wtth bridt flreploc.e, All new kotchen and floor co~lng. Gfoeot location. 1395.000 Lyt~fte y olentine 644-6200 (S34). U YIIGI COVI USTINO llle "lepnd'' molt.l -a..droom. den condo altuated with at"9' to the boy Com ....... Y r~ated.. The m•t« auite occuplea the -tire aecond floor. ~ ia ~on thia prestlglcMn home. 139S,Ooo Fee Oonno Godahall 64A- 6200 (535). 0CJ» wo.&.DUOO~ WQILD RaMS 3 .._._ ond tvmlly ~ b~ financing ovoi ..... Totofty recor~ted ond ,..,alnfed, prMite Matdtea and -..utla. 1395.000 or '-option. Tom Allil'ltol' or Terr, Hon.a 642 .. 235 (S36). OUAUJY CJIAnSMANSHIP On o flfte vi-lot ..,;th 4 bedroom• plut1 library ond aouno. Everythong o great ,_., r.houtd be In o ne4ghborllood wor1h c•in9 obout $369,000 Coby WO<d 641· 1235 (537). 810 CAN~OH INVISTMINT One holt ont., .. t in beoutlful lot o~looking prlvote park on 8og Conyon cui de w e Over 24,000 sq. h of pn me Pf'O~r1y. CAll LISTING OfFICE FOR OET All S ON IOilDING U STtiCTlONS AND l'lANS 1350 000 lynne Volet\tone 644-6100 (S381 CUSTOM CA"I COO loyu est Fee 8-.toful tOfner lot great potential Iorge •ilond kitchen ond lomol) room wfttl foreploce formal dining boseiTient spo dog run leoded wondow~ or-d •hutfera. 1310.000. leverly Morphy 642·8235 (S39) NHINSU&.A I'OIIIr SpectocuW 2 story with 3 ta••-· $ a.the plva 2 ~~est ~en. tpedous llvtfte rooM, ..,.,_., floof -.d _ _._ flrep._e. MeNter ~oom with ltrllflllte Mdo&td ,..loon dedi. $350,000 lnclvdee lond submit o"er. Dido ...... _.4)GSSCS40). IVMI-.&.s ........,. ,.,a_.. 4 .. ,..,. ~ ......._ bcsptlonolloalt~rnoa~lote . ..,_,._ .....,. ...., upolll. IWial 1W w..d ~. lormGt clltlnf room. Quo41ty' ~A ......... ...., .... oeo.s.a-.,._642-12SS(\AI). AVIIWUSft ... • • ej: '" ..._ 0... ..__ ....._ • ..... lot with IY or "-t storop ..... ' ................. _, ...... ,..,c..m.~.Good-_.,. ~ .... 0.... .n• ~.,.. hw ........... 1319,500 LH. larbonl Aurse or Teny..._.64~tJa). S •001111 ...... JIIOOl lie~......,_. ... ~-.... str .... "'-t-nily ~ood. Hoof to beat ..._..._.._.. .... of,.,_..,..,. ... ,...ooo. eo~tywcn 642-12!5 (1.43). WfSTCll FF-DfLIGHT lovely J bedroom plu\ lnm•'• ror"' ,...,th •porld~t•g pool '""tong wOP" 1•<or "''" custom •l-tutte" plu\ newly londHoped Real pr ode ol owl'lersl-ttp sho~ on thl\ hom., (lose to pot" •chools beach All' $'269 000 Feot Jane Poquon 6~2 811'> !>•So CUSTOM 8 Y 8UU.Dflf Qvoloty he oghos buolt to los• 1 used brtc" loreploce• hogh beams horrlwood l~or > J ot 2 ond den formal -ionong Cope Cod cottage $265 000 8evetly Morphy 642 813S (S-46) NIW fXC&.USIVI, I•VIHI11 •• ACI Probobly the best buy on FEE fond tn lrvone Te<roce '2 b.drooms 2 both• •un deck with voew of Harbor lrong tender lovong core wilh your oHer today S'259 500 Holly Markos 644~200 (S-47) IJCCIUINT UVINO IN IASJa&.U" Private cour1yord entronce leads to th11 moNelous home lor lomoly lovong ol'd grocioua .,.t.,.oinlng. 2 potios. voew of Cotollno, Iorge lomtly room breakfast oreo 3 bedrooma, 2 flreplocn. o value on today' market Owner wolf coope<ot• on lin-clno. 1245.000 leoaehold. lorboro Aune 64'2-8'235 (S48) NIW a&.U,5-1Sf O,I.IHO lltore V pla n townhouae Of'l w tde greenbelt Upgraded artoshcolly decorot.d 3 b.droom 7°'l boths huge pcnoo $'119 000 l H Dick Holderman 6~'18235 IS-491 I&.U'n liST 8onoto on lovely gre..-belt On• \tory 3 bedroom condo Sunny lo<otoon ""'""'' corpet.d poont,.d wall poperttd E•cellenl lononc•ng Perfe<l lor young or rt!'' ~ couple S'12S 000 Jon 'foo•nQ 6J ] B]')S SSO CAMEO HIGH&.ANDSI Super ~ bttdre>om h"'m" "" •h ,. I-long lorgtJ ruor yoo d • ,.,.,, '"' bU 6200 SSt A. ...,.o\.,1• iul hom., "" d 1 •• ., t. u ,,..d ;,, 4j ... ,, P' .. ~,·e \1J')' , ... ,. CANYON c•IST IIAUTY 3 b.drooma piua deft '1 ' • baths condomtnoum. Two good auumoble loons ot l~w intereSl rotes OWC Jrd Two story ne<M' pool spo and tennos Come tor '"'P«'•on Sot. Sun. 1-S. 3 C-yoon lone Corona del mor Goaela Jenkons 642-8235 (S5'1) &.OVI&. ~ HOMI Courtyoonf patio. Spoclou• 4 b.droom, 2 °..., bath bright ond airy kitchen with Iorge br.-fost area. Choke locotion. convenient to pool ahopping and Khoola S 19'1 500 lois~ ~ ... 200 (U3) . 'AN'fASnC "HANCINO ~this 2 bedfoom. 2'~ bath. fO<'mol dlnlng oreo and private patto Only 1 ''> yeora old locoted -Hartlor High School ond within wolking distarsce of thopplno. IISt,ooO Fee land. OonnoGodaholl644--6200 (S54). SJAaTa HOMI NICI•DUCnOHI Mtnt condition 3 bedroom home cloae to tchool• ond shofl9ing ...dvced to S I 1 9 99S O.Corot« brl<.k kltdlet\. pon .. ed dlnif'lt oreo. oveni1ed cul-d.•oc y«d. Auurne I •' ond 2nd ro.. l'oulo Iaiiey 642-1235 (S55) MII&.OIU-LANDSCAPIU w .. taide Ca.to Meso lot. Zoned light manufacturing olley and •tr-t occeu Room f« Y'O"' equlpmet\t 1103.000 lcwboro Colllhon 6•2 .. 235 (S56) lWO CONDOS HIA. SHOI'f'INO And fr~ In Oronp. T-story -.h with two bedroom lwa bolt. Auume hlQn lint ond OWC 2nd. 19$.000 Gl ... o Jenkins 642 U35 for more onf0fmat10n (S57l 1648 SAN MIGUIL D•IVI NIWfOIII .ACH. CA 92660 Page 4 Newport Hwbof RHI Est1tt Few S. f*uary 3. 1982 EXCLUSIVE ON THE OCEAJifiOin' Beauttfut bUIIdn 2 story home on 1M tand. Spacious and gre«' for nertanlng. Huge master suite plus 2 mort btcROml. --. lPG and much mort. Colt for yow uciUIM showing. Asktng prlee $595,000. Siller Wit liSen to an ofters and wttl consider a trade. Prin- cipals only. Craig B<fley 63l-0213. 11,000 DOWN 3 IEDIOOII lfvlne townhouse In Herttage Pork. Monthly P & I, $1,193. Totot price $105,500. Call Craig Bcftey 631-()213. 4 IEDIOOII TOWN • 105,000 COSTA .SA $8,000 down cloSe to shops, frMWOYS. OCC and 5 min. to beoch. No qudlfylng. Coli now. Crotg 8Gtey 63\-0213. MCANYOII ESTATE This new, contemporary Copt Cod ..... wtlh panoramic golf cotne 'Mtas. Is among the choice PfOptf1tel In tiMTJpoft Beacll. Eight be«ooms. game and farnly rooms. g~CIIIwn and prtme c~IOC locCitlon art cmong h ollttandlng ftcfw• The au1n0 pttc. • two mllon ... hundred ftfty lhoUIOnd dolOrS. COl Crotg 8Cift.y for c:otof bfod\Wt and 1\ltMr ln- tormc:flon. 83l-0213. COUHEPAIK 4 becl'oom. 2 bait\. Fabulous assumable loan. quiet IOcc:fiOn. Only $129,900. Craig BGiey 631- 0213. FOIIEIIT . fOitSide Colta Mtlo. 3 bedroom, 2 bal'l, only tiOO/morft\. Craig lcllly 831-0213. REALTORS• JUSTUSTEDI Small ttupeex on lalboo PtnNukl. ~ doWn. asswne loan. OWn• we cony 2ncl ~anclng area and Investment opportunity-Asking $225,000. Colt craig Bcftey 631-0213. COIII&CIAL PIOPEm On Harbor BM1 -location In Oolta Meso. 3 mh, own• will cony ltt T.O. Col Craig BGtey for mort Info. 83\-0213 . .wPOIT IUifPI 4 bedroom fee kind t32S,OOO. 3 blcRom. 2lfz bcrtlt. only •20S.OOO *-tand. Ooll Crotg ac.tly e3l4213. NEWPOIT talllll VIEW Beauttful 4 bedroom Wit\ numeroul ..... . OM\• ftfmdng c:f lOS. For on ....,. ..... • vttw fhts ftnt home col Craig ......, 83).0213. OCEAIROIII-GCEAIROin' eonw.t .... .,. larQI ..... to lOW prMh ,.....oe and ._on tf\e ftntlt blacll on 1tte ~-~ tlnan~ CMIIIc*l Seal cf M50.000. CCII Mo Wliia•, 759-1221. CAIEO SHORES Fabulous ocean and COGIIInl v11w 3 bedroom. 2 bait\. formal dining room. family room. study. large poot and courtyard, ~ beacheS. Bob Ucma 759-1221. UIIDA ISLE TRADE BrecdhtakJng bar view, 2 boat dOCkS. room for 4 boats up 10 74 ft .• 5 bedrooms. 6 baths, game room. formal dfntng. separate guest rtng. pool. Seier cony 1st TO or trade IndUStrial or otnce bulking. $2.100.000. Bob Ucma 759-1221. "2" NEWPORT CREST CONDOS largest models W. bar and ocean vtlws.. 4 bedrooms. 3 bclhs. Fr. wet bor. OUtltonclng buys (f $210,000. Bob Uc<'a, 759-1221. 2 ILOCKS TO WATER Adorable duplex that needS some con. 35· lOt. MowiCIIn Vllw. Own• OSIWect ftnondng. $298,500. Jecme Sal•. 759-1221. 4CY IOAT DOCK large mosw sute o.tooking bay-femodaed 4 bechom home. Best wtue In Newport Beoc:h. $575,000. For lnfonncrton c~ Ccl1 Mosen. 759- 1221. NEWPORT CREST CONDO Two bedrooms. 21/2 baths. toft. highly upgrade, ook ftoors. beoutlfut papers, ocean vtew. $98,000 1st at la Priced at $170,000. Bob Ucota 759-1221. EXEC.-80LF EST ATE NOWM73,000 A pr1ce decrease of $25,000 makes thls proper- ty a SUPER vcuuet Custom go" estate home 200' falt'woy trontogel Five bedrooms. 4 'h baths. formal clnlng room. recreotton and hobby rooms. Two flreploces. family room. sufHjeck porch, pool ond 5C)Q. Panoramic vtews from most rooms. 3 cor goroge. Storage galore. Call Bob Ucoto. 759-1221. 3 BEDROOM CUSTOM 13~ PRIVATE LOANI Owner flnanCICHIO ...,_ quoltytngl Quiet cu._ dHOc. Parquet enhy twtck ftreptoc:e. nled kitch- en. Pontt'y. Fomity room. Wo1er fllter and son.n.- •· Spa. Enclosed off-str ... RV pod. Giant palo. SlonJge shed. Frutt trees and muCh morel! Just S169.090f CoM Bob Uccfa 75i-1221. REALTORS• Pege 6 Newport tt.tiOf Rill Estah FOf S. Febt'ulry 3, 1982 . . FROM AFFORDABLE TO AFFLUENT • • • GOMOBILEI Have you ever been inside a mobile home?? They're adorable and just like a home. We have 1 and 2 bedroom units available in "waterfront com· munities" pticed from $29,500 on upl AFFORDABLE-lARGE Only 10 pen:ent cash down! Beautiful 2-story 2 bedroom plus den condo only 1 year Old. Owner must sell fast. $129 ,.500. 631 -1400. BEACH COTTAGE- CHARMING OnJy 2 biocka to oc:e.~. Owner out of state and motivated to aefl this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. $136,900.631 -1400. $5,900 DOWN-NEWPORT Greet opportunity to own this 3 bedroom·, 2 beth hOf1\e wtth fireptce Wid open beams. Walk to beech. Good assumable loans. $135,900. 631- 1400. BY PARK-FOR FAMILY A young 5 v.,. old home in a "pride of owntH· lhip" ..... with pert and greenery. Convenient location. 1mrnec:uate 3 bedroom home pNI family room. Frelhtv painted in and out. .144,900. DUPLEX NEAR BEACH Large unhl whh 2 bedroom, 2 beth me11er IUitea. Wood paneling. Community pool and tenniL OwneJ wUt t'Mry paper • .vs,ooo. 631-1400. COUNTRY FRENCH- Oak cebinetl, tWi1n till, ~ remodea.d in top ~. SpMnded 3 bedroom comer home on a quiet...._ *-.000. BALBOA ISL. LOT • PLANS OtM by 301 ~ end cell b ...... Pllrw for lingle ......ay home IPPfO* end reectv to build. ~ad to .aa.a. CHARMING OCEANFRONT Greet location with 4 and 2 bedroom units you couldn't dupficate today. Affordable at $560,000. ._.. BUY 9 F THE WEEK _. LID0-40x90' LOT ! Worthwhile value in this 3 bedroom home with lOUth patio on atreet-b-flreet lot. OWNER WIU CARRY ftnancing at 12 percent interest. $369,900. 110 v .. Genoa. WATERFRONT RETREAT ! F~ penor8mic >Mw co-op on Lido PeniniUta in a eecwtty building doee 110 al. Bright.. cheerlut, open f.-ling. One bedroom. Owrwr wll QlrfY first r.o. •12 PlfC*1L ~actto •a.ooo. BIG CANYON-ALL VIEW View from all rooms! COUI1yard entry to this townhouse with 2 bedroom plus den. Prfvecy and serenity. Beautiful decor. Tennis, pool and spa. $350,000. CLOSE VIEW LARGE LOT. FEE Exceptional view property with large lot and room to e)(J*ld. ~ for home plus guest houle . .._ two 2 bedroom units. In an area of lovely homeL $415,000 FEEl CLIFF HAVEN DUPLEX Charming 2 bedroom home with lkytighta. Plul 1 bedroom rental unit Both have firepa.o. On large lot. Solar heated pool ~ 8J)8. Thtee patic& Super location. Reduced to $325,000. BALBOA ISLD. OPPORTUNITY DrMtic price reduction on this adorable 2 bedroom home. ~ and fumilhed in lUI* locatio.-\. $296,000. 117 Marine Ave., Bal. ta. IRVINE TERRACE COINER $20.ea> allh dawn for .. open 2 bedroom '*- den home. lovety pool .net pillio. t278.0QO. 1&31 s..n.cs. r..,... Sal€s, Rentals, Property Management 2400 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 6:tl-14el february 3. 1982 Newport Harbor Real Estate for Salt Page 7 • • • FROM AFFLUENT TO AFFORDABLE 2 WATER CONDOS- BAL. ISLE FANTASTIC large condos ON WATER with great VIEW . A "rarity" on Balboa lstand, these two townhouses have boat docks and are target' than most homes. Each unit has 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garages and patios. Sold furnished. Great ren- tals or for yeat 'round residence! Owner flexible on financing and will sell one or both. Will consider exchange. $1 ,100,000 FEE.~- BAYFRONT- 68EDROOMS Unobstructed wide "waterfront" view from this open and spacioua home with lerge brick patio end pier for two 55' yachts. Convenient location end eepecialty large living room, etevated dining room. age ber, family room plus isaend kitchen. Huge master suite with marble fwep&ace and breath1aking view of all. A very comfortabJe floor plan with a feeling of privacy! $1,960,000 includes tend. 631-1400. "FICKER" OCEANFRONT Quiet beachfront with originaJ owners who take pride in their home. Superior ''sit-down" ocean view f rom this 3 bedroom plu$ bonus room home. Superior construction. OW CMry first TO for the right buyer. $725,000. 631 -1400. SUPERB VIEW- OWNER FINANCING Espedaltv llwge tri-aevef home with .,_,tiful decor by decoretor ttvoughout. Hoapitl&ty and luxury in thil 3 bedroom. formal end mimnd d~ room. huge f8mitv room plJa large billiard room suite. for the "tafth en~·~ 18U,. room plus private ..,e. UNOUEST10NA8LE VtEW OF C>CfAN AND 8A YFRONT doee-upl Owner wiN help finance. t975,000. LINDAISLE- EXCEPnONAL Own. will CCM ...., IIKCNfvt for ranch or com- merclll PfCII*tY In Calif. &c:epdonll home oo wmr with belli lip. Large end open floor p~an with dll••lllllc blltcony/gllllfy.t..-gl ,_.., IUite on w.Wf wWt YitM..,. 4 f.mfv bedroon-. MMV ••~ induded ereltlllned ... tntiQue blr. kol pool. t.nMv room~ formlll dnng room. and gourmet kit(:hen. ~800,000 -tlnd. .. FEATURE OF THE WEEK ._ IMAGINATIVE OCEANFRONT ••• "One of a kind" and never to be duplicated! Ar- chitectural delight on many levels with two homes plus a 2 bedroom apartment and guest quarters. In a premium location. $1.960.000. Call for a pt'ivate viewing! LUXURY PENTHOUSE ON WATER lnteriof is right out of Architectural Digest and of fers dramatic quality living throughout. Spacious 2 bedroom plus den with seductive master suite with fireplace. Brass, leaded glass and antique ac- cents. Boat slip available. This is only for the discriminating. $725,000 fee. PENINSULA BA YFRONT -FEE Large and spacious with forever VIE'N near yacht club. Two-storv 5 bedroom ptus patio and greenery. Assumabae loan of $900,000. $1 ,550.000 FEE. Owner wm exchange. THE ULTIMATE- ONWATER Prestigious "Rolli Rovoe" ectctr ... with sec01ity Vtew 2 bedroom, 2% baths. dining room, private sauna. Pool end recreation. t746,000. DOVER SHORES FORMALITY Enctoeed mini-eAat.e for privacy and security designed for entertaining with dignity. Beautiful ttvoughout with pool and brick patio; 3 bedroom tonnal dining room pfua family room. $6919,000 fee. 831·1400. BA YFRONT WITH OUTSTANDING FINANCING ! LINDA ISLE 2-story with 4 bedroom plus matds room. formal dining room. large family room with step down bar and country kitchen. Landscaped to perfection plus bridge ovef dip-pool and spa. $1,395,000. Slip for 3 boats. Financing: 10 percent cash down payment and owner will carry the financing at 10% percent interest. SHINGLED CHARM-VIEW Premium street with estate size grounds. 7S ft. frontage, 2 legal lots and panotamic VIEW of ocean and ,ettv. Early Newport residence with the chalm and quality of bygone days-wood paneling, mouldings and large rooms. $1 ,360,000. 631 -1400. NEAR NORTH BA YFRONT- ontv 4 Veal'S new with appealing interior. Large 4 bedroom. 3 bath home plus 1 bedroom apart- ment. Three fireplaces. cathedral ceilings. 30 year loan for approximately $250,000 assumable at 13.75 percent owner motivated. Submit all offers. $415,000.673-6900. LINDA ISLE DRAMATIC! Versatile floor plan with secur~ty and pr1vacy of courtyard entry Large main rooms for en ter1aining in and out. Lovely 5 bedroom step down family room w1th bar, piet and sltp. Flexible ftnancing or submit exchange. $1,595,000. EXCITING OCEANFRONT Only 7 years old on beach with spacious 3 and 2 bedroom units easily rented on summer/wmter basis. OWC at 12 percent. For 10 years. Reduced to $685,000. 673-6900. MAGNIFICENT LIDO ISLE Perfection in fNefV detail on Udo Isle. Gorgeous Country French 4 bedroom. 3 'h baths, 3 fireplaces, plantation shutters. btass fixtures. Har- dwood floors. beautiful tHes. golden oak staircase, matching waJI coverings. Mastef su1te with spa and fir~. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. VteW from master suite. MEl),OOO. 631 1400. ON WATER $595,000 BAL. ISLE Best priced deoofator condition 2 bedroom plua dock for 2 boats. Many extras. Lovely in evwy way, WATERFRONT HOMES,INC. REALTORS® Sales, R~nt als, Property Management 2400 W. Co~st Hwy. Newport Beach 631-1400 315 Manne Ave Balboa Island 673-6900 • Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WfTH US . . . TO BAYSHORES Boyfront Medtterronton vtllo. RegoiiiYtng room wtttl huge flrtf)loee. Paneled dining room conceals ln- frlgutng wtne storage cabinets. Soda founhin. Ave bedrooms and family room. Mosler suite wth targe sifting area and vtew batcony. Prtvate stolrcose to patio spa. Three cor garage. Elobor~e sound system Open sat. l-5 2500 Boyshor• OJtve . . . . . . . . t2.l00,000 Fee COME WfTH US ... TO SPYGLASS HILL Pride of ownership Is yours In this prllttglous Engllsh Tudor home. Five bectooms. Ftvt bOn\S wlfh gold plated flxtur•. Four flreploc•. Two Wlf bars Gourmet k"chen With Jtnn Air cooktop. Microwave. Finished four cor garage. FleXIble financing available. w•1 consider small• home In exchange. Open SUn. l-5 4 Rocky Point ' ' . . . . $1.500,000 COME WITH US ... TO IRVINE TERRACE Everyone loves "o window to the seo" ... Thls magnificent ttvee bedroom, fomtty room home has n teet of wtndoWS ov.10oklng the harbor and bNe Pacific Single story Huge blllklfds room ond famlty room Immense P<"'lo wtth gazebo and spa Open SatJSun. l-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace $1.200.000 Fee COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES Elegant three btaroom home. Wotlffrori with pltf and slip. SpodousiMng room wtth YO~ ctlllng. Formal dining and brdfost rooms. Co1Tfor10ble family room With wtf bar. FabUlOUS vttw from most of the IMng area. Flulblt t'lnandftO. Open SUn. 1~:30 1036 Potarts onv.. n \25,000 Fee COlli WITH Ul ... TO SPYGlASS HIU Beouttful upgraded ''Soulhpolt'' (lafgtlf model) on chotct l80 dtOr• vtew lot. Prof a •lo."lCIIty dteoral· td. Sll btdrooma. tour bclfha. Formal dining room and family room. ~ ~ piUitpO and "'• ptt. Two covwtd pCIItoi wlh glntrOUIU. of 1a1t1ce and UMd bf1cll. are. IDr ...... -. Avo MObil by.,....,_. . . . . . . . . . •uoo.ooo CO. WITH Ul ••• TO DOVER SHORES Oo""'V ffendt IQ ~ ..,.... ~-• Slgntd. bqulllle ma11tr lUI& CI\MNn 1 wtnQ a nr. ftoof playroom. Feu tpOCiol• Mchoma. Fu· COME WITH US ••• TO DOVER SHORES Majelttc hO,._bUt cozy as a IIOSide cottage .. Fow ~ IOdt .. ptMife belt\. Family room Wlh beamed ce11nQ.. Huge patto wt1t1 poot spa and ftrtpll. lMIY bay vt.w hom Wtuolty the enttre home. VfiY anracttve ftnandng. Open ~./SUn. l-5 l200 Polarts OfM . . . . . . . . . . . . $825,000 Fee CO. WITH US .•• TO DOVER SHORES Beaultful two lfOIY DcMr Shew• hOmt Wlh lo. vttw tram HnQ room. dnlng room, kktMn and ,_., bedroom. ldtci btdfoom CITOI.,nenf wtth one doWnllalrl and ttv• uplfah. Huge rnGiftf bedroom wttt1 fireplaCe. SpoftCIIng pool In front COUftyard. Available by QPPOtntmtnt ....... $100,000 Fee COlli Wmt Ul ... TO DOVER SHORES Sttnwlaetng four btdroom home on 1M water wth 20 X .a foot doCk. Huge llvtng room. Formal dining room and den. The klcMn WOUld dtlght any nousewwe. two car wortcMop plus llp(lreh two cor garage. Owner Wll cony kMQt ftnt or IICORd trutrdlecl Open ~JSun. l-5 400 Evening saar Lon• . . . . . . . . . . . . t650,ooo COME WfTH Ul ... TO OOVER SHORES Most unutUOe hOmt Wlh llclnQ roof In alrtum. Combk\ta Indoor~ !Mng~Btamed ctllng In IMng room. FfwM:h Clooll. ~ WindoM. Qow- mtt kitchen. Eledlte IMirblcut. Mcto'MM <MR. vttw lldt Of property .. ~ tPQ, ftrepl and bel'· bteut. Oo ... .., upgRidtd ~ pOit thrlt yecn. ()ptn Saf./SUn, 1-6 \806 Galaxy . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . teOO,OOO ca. Wmt Ul ••• TO HARBOR RID8E Ntw on "' ..-. nne ...,.. ..,.... tanc1" Roar plan. A llnry lot_... tMIMng room. w. w. n..--. •• • _.toni row VIM~fllltW,MOYI··••GiflgNL A._ by Clili»idtftWtt . . . . • . . . . . MlO.OOO CO. Wmt Ul ••• TO BALBOA .................... Mme. 001111 and ..... .... ....,...._a. call-.~ doorl. nne .,._ac-. nne _. one.., -... .,.. ..... ~· o.ral ~ ....-n. Secw~W~ Awlaiiii.,_...., .......... Mae~ CG.-WI'IH Ul ... TO LIDO ISLE mat Clnlng room. Ubrely/dtn. Ultd brk* twroca "'"'-._... l-6 and pool. Vfl'1.....,.. ftn(l)dng. ~ -~ AVOiklbft by apocMntmtnt . . . . . . tMO..OOO Fee 111 'Ao mjon . . . . . . • .......... · • Mle.OOO 1617 Westcliff Drive. Newport Beach. California 92680 (714) 631·7300 COlli WITH US ••. TO 8A YCREST r op quo~~y nve btcRom home. Exnl1nt cum appeal and the lrnpr1111on lmpn)M • wou 00 "'rough 1M home. HardWDod ftoorl. TWo .. ploctl. Lorge formal clr*'G room. High qu.-y ce- lntfrt. l.adtd wtndov& UMd brtck pano. Podcle tenntl COUft A¥mklb6e by appointment • . . . . . . . . . $486.000 CO. WITH US ..• TO NEWPORT lSlAHD TNrty foot wc:Rifronl wtlt\ ptlr and dock. Comer •· TWo tpOCtoul btchoiM. Cozy ftr1ploct.. OIMnd palto • brtck barbtcut. Open Sat. l-4:30 37M Channll ~ ........... $485,000 f.e CO. WITH US ... TO NEWPORT ISLAND 118 fMt ~ wm.rfront. nv .. btdroon& Lorge dtn or bOnUI room. Ample ..,ace fof bllardl table. Huge pmto. You own P'lr and ftocf. Open ~.l-4:30 308 381h Sl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $419,000 Fee COlli WITH US •.• TO 8A YCREST Immaculate four bedroom home. M rooma Oft tx· ctpttono~y spodoul. Inducing 1MnQ. fomly and dlntng rooma. two ~ ...... Wtf bar. Poot m yard. Nlw on the l'nCIIMI. Avo~Jab~t by~ .......... $448,500 COlli Wmt Ul ..• TO BA YCREST ~four btdroom home. f1)ur bath~. Sponllh uttttor. Beomtd «**nQ In HnQ room.~ room and ,.,.., ...... two ...... Formal .._ room. Oo~ ICiciMft '*' talng cno and tomMy room wit\ Wlf bar . ..._.,..,_ ace. to pool Ex~ llnandng. Open SatJSun. l-5 Ml2 Sonttogo . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . M40,000 Fee CO. WITH Ul .•• TO BALBOA -,_,,..~11 OMOftlc8ioola .. MII'd_. ..................... ............................ tram octa ...... ., .......... ... A¥alatAtbyCQatJ 1 •• ...... .-eoo.- 00. •... :ro OOIOM DB. MAR Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate February 3. I 98 2 Newport Harbor Real Estate for Sale P119e 9 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US ••. TO BAY CREST No detol hOs been spored In thiS lmmocutote ttlree bedroom home. Den and formal dtning room. Ftn-- lshed garage. Loads of storoGf. Pool size yard. luxurtent landscaping. Available by appointment . . . . . . . . . . $325.000 COME WIJH US ... TO WEST CLIFF Earty Amef1con three bedroom home. Quality bullf. Compl•etv upgraded pegged hardWoOd f1oors. Formal dining room. New corplflng, wallpaper. dropertes ond Shlfttt'$. Pool silt yard. Complete sprtnkl• system on timer. front and rear. Open Sat.JSun. l-5 1100 COmbrldge . . . . . . . . . . . . $316,000 co• WITH US ... TO CORONA DEl MAR South o1 htghWoy. TWo SlOIY 1WO bedroom dOll house In ~. One bedroom unit In rear. Two cor garage. Awbll by oppomrment . . . . . . . . . . $299,500 COME WITH US •.. TO THE BlUFFS Front rt~~t vttw of the bav. Ideal hOme few bird and nature lovers. Thrtt bedroOms. CUstomiZed "Dolcw•" pkJn. Oomptefefy upgraded kitchen. Tostlfutty decorated. 2181 Vbto Entrada. Open Sun. 1-5 2181 VIsta Entrada . . . . . . . . . . . . $295.000 CO. WITH US. .• TO TURTLE ROCK VISTA ThtM spaciOus beclfOoml and convetlbll den. FomMy room. Propt11y In lmmoculote condttton. Convenient to comrrut*y pool and tennis courts. VIew of mountGM Clftd dly llghtl. A¥Cilabtt by ClfiPC*Itn.n . . . . . . . • . $279,500 CO. Wmt US .•• TO HARBOR HIGHLANDS Fomly ~ ~. Four bedroom hOme. Triree and onHGr bah. Vtty l)ftWJte u...,.. ,...., ...... ~ kM:alld on quiet ............. Adlble ~41PPQlt,._'WnHifm-•""nt • • • . • . • • . . $270,000 t COMI Wlllt Ul ... TO HARBOR VtfW HOMES n-~ "Carmer' modll nne btdrooms. .... ~ tl*loUI palo. Lux ... garden. Plopll1y In-OOidlon. Opeft SW\. l-5 1130 Port...., ar• . . . . . . . . . ·~ ,_ CO. WITH Ul ••• TO WESTCllfF ~ IDCaled line Mchom. IWO bell\. I dltOIIMd fMNftl. $pOctDul..,.. loar pD\. DoUble ~ ... .,...,...In dining room. Copper ....... -~---~.l ... option Of ..... 10 • .,.._Dr-. ()pe!\ 9111./SW. l-5 l0l8 eo. OrM . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . $265,000 THE HOME Of YOUI DREAMS IS STill An AINAILEI Forget the current high Interest rattsl First of all. they ore deducflbte on your Income tax return- txl. morelmportomty, our stflers. wtfh few excep- tions. are Willing to assist m"enolty In the financ- Ing " rates subsfanttolly lOwer tnon currently offered by commerclat cwganlz"lons. COME WITH US .•. TO MESA VERDE ' Lovtshty upgraded execut1ve hOme. Four bed- rooms. Fcwmol dining room. Temperature contrOl- led wtnt room. HUge fomlty room. Pool size yard wtth room for boat or house troll•. Avatloble by appointment . . . . $250.000 COME WITH US ..• TO THE BLUFFS The much sought after "DekKes" modei."End unit. Mountain and greenbelt vtew. Neutral Italian tile In entry. living room, dining room and kitchen . Three bedrooms. Convenient to school ond Shopping. Open Sun. l-5 550 Vlsta Grande . . . . . . . . . $234.500 COME WITH US ... TO THE BlUFFS The popular "FranCiscan" rnodet condo. Three spa- cioUs bedrooms. Second bedroom con open Into master bedroom suite. Atr1um entrance. Two tiled pottos. Top qualify carpet and custom drapes Shows like a rnc>eSa. ~voJioblt by appointment . . $232.500 COME WITH US ••. TO RANCHO SAH JOAQUIN Greot oppottu~. Fabulous vtew of golf course and g,...t.n. Two bedroom$ and den. End unit Flex· lbll ftnanclng. Prtctd just reduced $15,100. AvalkJbtt by appointment ....... Now $199,900 CO. WITH US ••• TO BACK BAY OU1 d the fiW't poltlm. lmmocutafe four bedroom. th,. balh hom& fxcepftonaly convenient floor plan. Vtty prtwote badeyOrd and pool. Most doors In the home wll occommoc:tcn wheet chotr. Avalable by oppolntrnent ........... $199.700 COlli WITH US •.• TO THE BlUFFS The _, MM:ttonat ··r peon condo. Tint bed- rooms and fGml¥ room. fGnnal dining room. Ff'llh P«**t and DIW Ccrplt. PrMIIt n:tolld paftO. A~by~ ........ $189,500 CO. WITH Ul ... TO MESA VERDE Nlat 4 btCrOOm home IOcatld on qu ... cu~ ctra.. «YtOICW '*-'pool ....... IIQ and .,...,. ~d cowt. OofMnlenf to IChOoll. A,~ by~....... . ......... tll5.000 1617 Westcltff Drive. Newport Beach, California 92660 (714) 631-7300 COME WITH US ... TO VILLA BAlBOA IN NEWPORT BEACH Two exceptionally anracttve condos. Modern secor· tty building.. Ocean vtew. One bedroom and conver· "bte den. Modem kttchen wtftl Colonc mlcrowove and dishwasher Two cor garage porttlng plus storage. Sl62.500 and S179.500 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT TERRACE Neat three bedroom condo. Privacy and ocean vtew. Assumable first trust deed. Many extras In this lovely Newport Beach retreat. Reduced to $149,500 COME WITH US ... TO WESTCUFF ExceptiOnally neat condo. Ground level. Spacious two bedrooms. Two baths Private patio plus lovety grounds and pool Adult complex Easy walk to shops. Available by appointment s 14-',000 COME WITH US ... TO COST A MESA (WESTSIDE) Completely remodele<J three bedroom. two both home. ATtractiVe ceramic tile In entry. liVIng room and solarium Skylights In solarium and master bedroom. Two patios. Copper plumbing and new roof. Sl42.500 COME WITH US ... TO COLLEGE PARK Three bedroom. two both, doll house. Beige carpet and hOfdwood noors New llneoleum In kitchen Used btlcJt fireplace. $136.500 COME WITH US . . . TO OLD NEWPORT Excelent vtsobtltty. c-3 zoning. Ocean vtew \20 teet frontage. use ot -utsnng bu61dlng or 4.000 sq . n. or build 10,000 sq. n Own• wt" nnance. sn5.000 CO. WRH US ..• TO BIG CANYON "Monaco" model Three bedroom~. two and one- half balta Jacull oft ,.,..., bedroom. Lorge kJtch.. en w1t1 breallfall room. ThrM ccr garage. Year 1ea1e t2.~ mo. AUSl'IM, TIXAS Cholet porctt \3.8.5 OCte&. Slu~ com-. for 55 dupluls at four per OCfe. USOgt . dup4Ues. condol~ QPCit"*"' or lndultrtal ~ment .._NW~anci~QCWI ... OrMI -. .. -~far... . . $453.000 YAansa_..s CeYI Newer custom designed residence. Almost every room has a spectacular bayfront view L1ght and airy. Four bedrooms plus family room New landscaping, carpets and paint Large assumable loan. Pier and slip with room for 21arge boats. S1.895,<XX> Fee. LillO, •11111 & s•IIIT •uSIIL., Th1s 3 bedroom home has it all! Super East- bluff locat1on. Freshly painted.,in and out New carpets. drapes and parqu« floors. Owner w1ll ftnance at $279.900 including the land. .. CAIIY.- IUI.IIAIVIlU A superb location overlooking the 18th fa•r- way. this dramatic 3 bedroom plus family room townhome has it all. Huge master suite plus storage.. Glass enclosed patio for outdoor hvmg. $750,000;- naYIIAIIWK• 110 ... , •• One of the most aorceous Montesos ever on the market. Hiply uptraded with brick pavers. custom waH coverinp. and draP'$. Remodeled kitchen. Includes some furniture. Four bedrooms for $274.900. t-IAYRI-.t Turn the key and you'J fina a COZY Ba~ront w1th minlfT'Ium upkeep. Your boat in the slip in front and 2 fir.,laces, family kitchen and master suite make this tee property a aood value IS well as a wonderful home. $995.000 Fee. AESIDENnAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES Alill YIJ.A- NIIIYaY*W High security and marvelous amenities go with this charming 2 bedroom or 1 bedroom plus den condo. Sweeping sail and sunset view. Pool. Large take-over loan and seller will carry 2nd T.D. $215,000. .... ••o••••w-.a.s Beautifully uPif'aded 3 bedroom home on cul- de-sac with park like yard, secluded patios and spa. Interior features french doors. har- dwood moutdinp, parQUtft floors and beamed ceilinp. $395,000. taanaa PUBIIS Custom 5 bec:koom, larae family room, tormal din ina plus an outdoor tourNment area pool tnd jlcuz.zi for the litUe dickens. $~000 Fee. OPEN • JA-CIIRK ........... appointed decorators 2 •hlwtnvvn plus den in private kation. IS~13S.t000. See Carole mcMahan at 8 itewater, Sun. 1 to 5. ..... Country French beluty with large.,_ nina aru tnd prmet kitchen. ·~~uAJu See Marcia Wortcina at 128 tthaca, Sat. and Sun. 1 to 5. ... CAllY. Magnificent Enllish townhome on the fairway. Good financina. $395.000. Oebi Bibb at 57 Set Pine Lane. Sat. and Sun. 1 to 5. •u Beautiful 4 bedroom with room tor 2 45 boats plus side tie.. $1,895,000. Assumable loen, owner wilt help finan- ce. See Carol Allison at 1617 Bllyside Drive, Sat. and Sun. 1 to 5. .CHill IIIIlS Ocean view, 2 bedroom plus den. Lovely larp patio with room fof pool tnd 5P1-$~000 Fee. See Crail Kin- dil at 4521 Tremont, Sat. and Sun. 1 to 5. • •• Custom home bedrooms. No charmer. Sl.oJ07 ... UUI 18Chflfry Htlls. • Uperaded 3 bed Fireplace and $14S.<m. See 338 Walnut Street. Exceptional plan location. Profess tnd decorated See Edie Olson Sun.l to 5 OUSES • CIIIB IIAI plan 2. Molt private Just listldl Dramatic 4 bedroom. fessionally landscaped family room. .trium. formal dininl Large spa. S~OOO. rooq'\. $365,000 LH. See Valerie Mar- at 2 Maritime Drive, shall at 2100 Llahthouse Lane, Set. and Sun. 1 to 5. CAllY y ..... Secluded It the end of a private a.n. is this ~ly tasteful, belutifulty decor.ted and ~ed custom home. Wood floors. fofmal dinin& 4 bldlooms plus tibt'ary, brick decked pool and spa. Fronts on the 8th t.irway of Bil c.n,on c..c. $2,300.000. f*uart 3, 1982 Newporl Hlfbor Rell Eslllt For s• Page 1 I RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES • .. CAllY. ,_FECI I A talented interior desCner has made this 3 bedroom Monaco into a perfectionist's delight. Also a super gotf course view and a gate guarded community. Excellent financing. $640,000. lACK lAY ESIAR On prestigious Mesa Drive. 3 horse E-Z care stable. Beautifully decorated, including new. gourmet kitchen. Big dining area. Overnight &oft. 2 big bedrooms. Cozy den. $335,000. lARa .. $ ...... Terrific Lusk ftoor plan that features 3 bedrooms. t.mily room with ~ Sunny patio and convenient to schools and shop- ping. This family home is too aooc:t to last at this price. Ownw will help finance. llftD-GII Basic charmer on aaood street. Each unit is separ.te livina excellent privacy. Assumable lst. Submit offer. S~500 •n.6Nfa.WAY Ma1nificent 2 bedroom Bil Canyon townhofM soon to be tutured in Oranae County HocM and Garden. Good financin&. Oftwed at 1395.000 SB.L • ma•unaem Beautifulty remodeled 5 bedroom Dover Shores bayfront. Pier /stip has room for 3 boats. Owner will carry all financing or will TRADE for home or tncome property. Take advantage of low down and low interest. $1,350,000 ACCEIII .. VALlE! Motivated owner wants to sell this highly customized 2 bedroom condo located in Bayside Coves with pools and beaches. Up- per and &ower bayfront decks offer beautiful bayfront vistas. $680,000. 4 bedrooms, bonus room. Forever vtew. Totalty upgraded. Country french decor. Shows like a model. Immaculate. $445,000 Fee. Falllla .. CMIIW liiW.IAY VWIW the boat races, parades and everyday harbor activity from this spacious, traditional bayfront home. The prestigK>us community offws privacy behtnd a guarded gate entry. You own the land and the financing deserves your attention. Presented at $1,650.000. ...... Reduced $19.000. Good financing. Owner woukt consider lease option tor this dramatic Dynasty model Lots of upgrades. Shutters, tile and off white carpet ina. S45C\OOO. ............. The prudent buyw will see the value of this spacious south bayfront duplex with its own roof top prden. Owners unit. 2 bedroom plus den; inoome unit 3 bedrooms. $1,1~000. SIASI IIC ... I Low down! Low interest! On the oceanfront. Super duplex in prime location. Top rentals. Maximum tax writ~s and apprect.tion potnial. Hilt\ teveraae. Masnif~t ocean views. An investment you can enjoy. $575.000. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2181 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD 664·9060 ... . - ' f , P•ge 12 Newpon ""boo : .... fo• Sole Folxuo•Y 3. 1982 I . ' I Newport Beach (714) 759-9100 Crestview Realty Tustin, (714) 832-3910 Beverly Hills, (213) 272-3456 Arcadia, (213) 4464656 Encino, (213) 783-3513 Hitchcock Realty San Marino, (213) 283-2536 Brentwood, (213) 826-4521 ~ 3. 1982 Ntwpon ...,.. RMI btlb Fw S. P111 13 ---GEORGE ELKINS CO _ --- l067 VISTA DEL ORO BL~GLELEVEL OPEN SAT/SUN 1-S L011ety View • 2 bedrooms. 2 beths-end unit ·decorator wallpapws, drapes-plantation shutters -super financing -lar~ assumable tow int«est loan -shows like a jewel -.All:. $235,000. A "Joy of Newport" listing. DUPLEX Balboa "Little Island" Waterfront with san- dy beach. Full bay view from both units. Up- per would make wonderful owner's unit. Has 4 bedrooms. lower is 3 bedroom unit. Large front patio. MESA VERDE lovely one story four bedroom home in desirable Mesa Verde area -located on a quiet sn.t -desCned for family enjoyment -owner will assist greatly in financing - priced at only $139.000. TUR11.EROCK VISTA Beautifully UPiraded spacious 4 bedroom home. Rare, desirable Waldorf plan. ProfessionallY decorated. Spa. A Pleasure to show. Call us. Priced at $324.500. PANORAMIC VIEWS Of ocean, ni&ht IWlts. Newport Center. 3 bedroom estate townhome. Gate guarded community of Harbof Rid~&-Neutrally decor.ted. Immaculate and ready tor im- mediate occupancy. Assumable financing. Lease or lease/option. S699,000 - $2.5001 month. FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW Plus city lilhb -exclusive Newport Beach Spyalass -beautifuf Capehom model with tour bedrooms plus familY room -uperaded courtyard with pool and spa -one of the most terrific views in all of ~n. $750.000. POOLSIDESE'IIING Elepnt condo -neutral tones -2 bedrooms, 2 blths -tonnll din ina room -ecqeous sun- Htl -lUI* finandna -low ftqd interest rate -seller wtn cany &arp 2nd. Shown by appointment. Askin& $220.000. A "Jot of Newport" listinc. 81GCANYON Spettacullr GoH Courtl view locltlonJ This •• nt new UstJrw ot11n privacy. Four llrp bedrooms. 3 b.t~ 3or lltlll and kMiiy ~ You wilt kwtl ent.uininc In this chmltic home. Priced It 1850.000. \ ~ • p-' ---... ~, ... I .... .. : • • I • l • • . I .... _ 11 ._ _ p I ·, ·~ 1 1 I • ~ ') I o_ -_ _ , ~ , '• 1 1.. .,. 1107 SUSSEX LANE WESTCLIFF OPEN SAT/SUN I·S LEASE/OniON OR SALE Like new 4 bedroom, 3 bath home in beautiful Westcliff -detached home on fee land (you own it). Owner flexible. Price, only $275,000. ORIGINAL BLUFFS Another jewel -Delores model -vacant - ready for new owners -3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths -large courtyard entry -end unit on beautiful large greenbelt. Price. $218.000. A ··Joy of Newport" listing. CHARMING DUPLEX PLUS BACHELOR UNIT Situated best central area Costa Mesa. Ideal for owner in one unit. Other 2 units help make payments. DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION. OWNER WILL ASSIST FINAN- CE. $150,000. S42 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE PROMONTORY BAY OPEN SAT/SUN 12:30-4:30 Custom bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet floors. new carpets. 3 bedrooms plus convertible den. 3 1/2 baths. Separate dining room. huge family room with wet bar. Kitchen with pantry. Breakfast room. Sauna. Study. 3-car garage. Wood deck. Bay, dock. Owner will carry larp 2nd. $1 ,400.000. EASTBLUFF Owner financing. Aexible terms. Possible tease/option. Large 4 bedroom lusk. Spacious family room with parquet floors. Formal living room, dining ropm area. 2 fire- places. Sunny, cheery. Mountain, night lights view. $229.500. EMEJlALD BAY MODERN Exquisite decorated view home. Super modem styling. If your tastes are inclined toward today's sharp, clear, clean features, this attractive home overlooking the ocean should be inspected immediately. Many special attributes indudinc excellent finan- cine. Undoubtedly one of the best priced houses in Emeratd Bay. $695,000. BAYSHORES Prime bayfront view. Pier, dock. Quality 5 bedroom in desirable pted community, private beach. Beautifully uPI"K*1 Even if purchased with land. $2,076.600 total price is less thin equal tocations with equal amenities. Only S97S.OOO if leasehoki. HORSE COUNTilY Dramatic home -1pprox. 2/3 .era -4 bee* ooms -poot -spa -remodeled '**ltly - pa~ 8 cars pL.$ RV ·ar-t location -can tte.p 3 ~ maybe more. on your own property. $289_000 SUNSETS PLUS VIEW Lpvely courtyard entry -single levet -plus bay view -huge patio -potted pfants - flowing fountains - indoor /outdoor living -2 bedroom 2 bath condo shows better than a modet. A "Joy Of Newport" listing. SUNNYMEAD FOURPLEX A TI'ENTION INVESTORS! Attractive Spanish 2 bedroom furnished 4- plex. No vacancies. Good lcoation. South of Riverside. Excellent terms. $139,500. LITfLEISLAND Unique 2 bedroom. 2 bath home on Balboa's little island. Front home completely remodeled. Owner motivated. Will exchange or assist with creative financing. $387,000. LAGUNA NIGUEL OCEANFRONT Exclusive gated community of "The " '"< Spacious custom-built 4 bedroom overlooking pgeous white sand High beam ceilings. graceful circular case. Formal view of ocean. Owner will help finance. $1,450,000. CUSTOM-BUlL T HOME Promontory Bay. Formal dining room. den/library. Master bedroom overlooks bay. has fireplace. Three other bedrooms and maids room and bath Pier. slip for large yacht. Owner will asstst wrth ftnan- cing-S 1.850,000. l RUE FONTAINEBLEAU BIG CANYON OPEN SAT./SUN. 1-S New listing -beautifully upgraded Dover unit -singte story 2 bedroom, 2 baths plus den -bright. cheerful decor -special wall cover-ings -shows like a ~ -owner will carry financing -you are invited to inspect - enter by west gate. and check in with guard. Price, $425,000. HARBOR VIEW HOMES New list •na. Corner location. Great curb appeal. Carmel ~. Three bedrooms. ~baht in family room. Very seduded yard. Community pool aod park at end of b6ock. Call reprdina outstanding financina. Asking only S248.000. BIG CANYON-VIEW! Beautiful Versailles Model Quiet cukfe.uc. Winding st•n:a•. M.rt* entry. Spaciou1 liv ina room, ..... nt teatu""" Garden kitchen, den with fi~ h~~ muter $Ufte. Hl8n~ landscaoed. Paddle t.nnb. Great viewl 5pKial finandn&. $875,000. .. • Page 14 NtwpoJt Hlltlor Ani Estate For Silt F*uaty 3. 1982 real WM MlaY -01 MIAY-&joy wefdont Hng on UdD llllln "* fontaltlc 7 -.oom OolonkJt lfylt home on tbe •• wlti'*'Ch doon. .,.. tars, and used brtck pcflo. l..cl'ge balcony off mCIIflr bechom CMitoolll tilt ~er and the prtvaft IIJndy .,._., lhll unkiUt home on an CMI.a.d lot II Idea for family living Cl\d .,..,Jng on the bof. t1,750;000. sin Representing Prestige Prop rtlas '" '"'•• 18124 eua.,.,. Drive '""•· c. ft71 s (714) 55~7100 f*u.y 3. 1982 ~ ......... btltt F. Wt ,. 15 To-day's Home arket CIU?? llllli'NWII • • ..._, ..... Cllcaf*d 2 bldloom and din ...,_ 01 ...-.__.lot &IJa¥ *-~ely...,.. cnl ,_at ttte ocean -. ... ..,,... ......... ,_lcltdandlul:lel~n.-IMia V11Y.....,. M1f at Ma.000. ...wooo-TNalowlf home .. 4 ~ 2,. bciiN.-of hardWood IDcn cnl ~ dll ............. OCMI.i(ji. 1M din lin W.. mGIIIr ... ClOUd IMt a • ......._ tno.ooo 11 a •• mat~~~ tocNat 11~ tao.ooo. FOI 1111 IECUIII'Y COMCtOUI ••• fh•t Is only ont g<at gUCI'-.s lllandl Prelt1gt. pmacy and In fht heart ot Newport Beac:tl. HeM your own pllr and sip on the Undo lilt ~· 5 IMdoom homt has a coW11ry ldtdMn wlh flrepklce, den and famly room. manr IUh wlh ftreplac:e and llttng room-mud\, much more. Asldng $1.600,000 and own• wll contkW lradls «*-option. A-..,_ W. Rart ~to buf lnlo one of Untually Part"•,.. d11-ld .... You • .. lin an cna..,... many ot yow nelgNMft ._. ~and IIIPCiftdld ... ~ blca•~M¥ lntlnd to llay. 011111- tNI 3 tleiRam ._...pool CIMIIPCL You .. MIM ~ t20I,.OOO. ·with Professionalism and Integrity ' ,,. ,,.. 11124 Culv. Drive Irvine, C. 92715 (714) 552-7500 • SE111£. ;IN SEAVIEW. _,Hanpton -....... s 1beclloom• 00 ~ulet.ad· cte:lac:.-................ ·pool and ..... 1395;000. 3 iBEDROONS. 45' lot In _old CdM 10 _rth bfbJatuway. R·2 aont.g, owner fila• rt .I •·MOO,OOO. WONDERF.l.JL NEIGHBORHOOD. s. .1 ... 1l lbedroola, din. fbeplaee. f I, ~--· 'AM'We flhandng. In Hllibor"V ... 1Ho•• •·1132~000. -·~: ~-~ j~ ·~ l --Iii -. . ... I tc: ..-::.;.-lP .. ti41 um~L ~ . . CALIFORNIA DREAM IN', with euthtones. picture perfect, ..,01 .net spa Md crown mouldlnga make this a dealt S297 ,500. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES. This 4 bedroom Portoftno mocltlla one of the loweat priced and you own the t.d! Fireplace. bonus room. owe. $335,500. BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY. See thJa Mouco modelln S.wtnd. Mexican pavers, fndt trees and low prla!. $269~500. UNJQtJE ININEARBY LOCA110NS HUN11NGTON BEACH COZY GREAT BEGINNING HOME. Two bedroom•. fireplace. tundeck ..ct more. Near beach. $92.500. SANTA.ANA SUPER CONVENIENT LOCAnON. Woodlide VIIJaae con· do, 2 bedrooma, 2 baths, new carpet and good ftnandng. $86,900. COZY CONDO IN PARK BRISTOL One bedroom. 1 bath. dole to South Coast. Communltv pool and spa. OWC with lSX down at 12.5~. $74.500. UNIQUE IN OLD CORONA DEL JIAil VIEW VIEW VIEW. Old CdM. Ocean Blvd.. extra laree lot. Breadltaldng location. $660,000. LEGAL NON-CONFORMING TRIPLEX. In do• to lhopping location. High Income. owner wm help. $337,500. BACHELOR'S PARADISE 1 V2 BLOCKS TO BEACH. 1luee RETREAT. Studio with kitchen. bedroom. 3 bath. large .. umable fireplace acros s from beach. aoaa.,. Completely remodeled for you $85,500. to move ln. $550,000. SOUTH OF HWV. DUPLEx. Fren· ch doors, vaulted cellln~•· Con· wnlenc:e and old CdM charm. 1475,000. PRIME CORONA DEL MAR LOCATION. Five bedroom, 4 ftr..,&.ce. auper look and totally r ....... 'WWed. Great terms. $625,000. ARCHITECTS OWN CUSTOM. three bedroom, &replace, Iota of wood and glau and natural light. Sellers are very motivated. MSO.OOO. NEAT ON NARCISSUS. One block to buch. lbla 2 •ory home Ml new carpet and rich charm. Four bedroomalftd terms. $565,000. UNIQUE IN EASTIIWFF THE BLUFFS WVELV FAMILY HOME. Spa, patio, 3 ~dJooms. 3 baths, fireplace, skyUgtats and new carpet. AI this and you own your own land. $329,000. ~ i -g) f l v- [ ~ • I! !l i f ,_ -! FINE IN JEVERY INOI. Thll 4 ~ . .-.·boa-IOOaa'home .dwlt waa jut· ~remoCSeled lncludea .,,.._... .IDCI * condlduukag. The • aillfa.l275~000. GRfA T GREEN ·BELTS. S. .tbll 3 .......... 2 ..... -r .,,,aJDdo tn l"he Bluffs. Two ·~ ,McJ the owoer may blip tta.DC.. 1157,000. 11JWIQIJE_;IN C08TA MEM 3 :BEDROOM. FAMILY ROOM. A•we &n.ndng, •• yard make ... • home •to Me. Owner agent wtl.l COOIIder all. $169,500. ENGLISH TUDOR CONDO. Two bdoom plu. den t.e.D ceilings, oear lbopping aod cbec:::k out the ftnMdng. 1197.000. 3 BEDROOM, FRENCH DOORS. F.mly room, used bricks near the Beck tsay. dole to ahopplng and freeway. 1212.500. HANDY TO EVERYTHING LOCA nON. Three bedroom. end unlt,lkylight. new carpet, financing. S135,000. 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HOUSE ln Eut Cout Mesa. Owner will help flnance. Only $10.000 down. $128,500. p tJ,..KJtJr tt()MH REAL TO~ ~675-6000 , I I ! I · · I ! WE'RE DOWN TO EARTH! ' . ... ..-... -. .. I - WHY RENT. WHEN YOU CAN BUY THIS great •arter home. 2 bedroom 1 bath, Income poMible. owe. $155.000. OtECK THESE CHOICES. Four 2· bedroom condos to choole from. AD 3 years old, with fireplaces and great terms. Buy one or all. $132,000 ucb. YOUR OWN 4-PLEX on West skle. 2-2 bedroom. 2-1 bedroom. Only 1235.000. UNIQUE IN IRVINE WHAT A NEAT PLACE TO UVE. Three bedroom . family room, citJhome in Creekside Village. $139,900. NICE IN NORTHWOOD. Spacious 3 bedroom, famUy room. fireplace, spa and near a 20-acre park. owe with 45K down at 12%. $209.900. LEARN ABOUT UNIVERSITY PARK. This condo on quiet green- belt has 3 bedrooms and earthtone decor. Call now to see. $139,500. UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL JIA8 AND NEWPORT IMAGINE BALBOA ISLAND. Four bedrooms, super master bedroom, large kitchen on Uttle island. Bay view. $395,000. BAY VIEW IN BAYSHORES. Finest details. gourmet kitchen. charming floor plan. All this and a bay view. $650.000. PRESTIGE AND PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP. Four bedrooms in Spyglass. 2 fireplaces, spa. Finan- cing. $479,500. COMFORTABLE AND WARM THROUGHOUT. Three bedroom and den, on Balboa Island. dock. VIew. Income unit. $650,000. MAGNIFICENT WAY TO LIVE. Five bedroom Nantucket model in Spygla&S. Oty Ught view, financing. $695.000. BEST OF ALL LOCATIONS. Four bedroom. comer location in Harbor View HUls. Ocean view. $449,500. SENSATIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Three bedroom plus Rwlo. Maater suite, In Harbor View Hilla. $450.000 . . UNBWEVEABLE PRICE FOR SO MUCH. Four bedrooms, Broadmoor in Big C., yon. Pool, spa. $685.000. DUPLEX ON PRIME BA YFRONT IN BEACON BAY. Three bedroom up and 3 bedroom down. Thla is one of the most prime spots .on the bay. $1.250.000. QUIET AND SERENE. All wtU ap· predate this 4 bedroom Sandpiper model. Great decor and yard. Private location. $459,000 . NEVER A DULL MOMENT FROM ANY WINDOW. Bayfront duplex overlooking the PavlUon. 10 years new. $995,000. VIEW AND PRIVACY IS YOURS in Irvine Terrace. You can overlook the bay or swim in your own pool, aU for the price of $535.000. CENTER OOURT YARD for great entertaining, 4 bedrooms in Harbor View HWs. $495.000. - SHARP IN SHORECLIFF. Just listed and ready for your approval. One of Newpon's best areas. Hurry for this. $515,000. ,, ~IFIC C0MT H~Y AT MKARTHUR IIOUI..E\NlD IN CORONA DEL MAR REALTORS, 675-6000 f -c ~ -CD C» N I f r C' ;: ii i i i -..... • r~n; }'hJ( ~ t.: tl ~-~I ·-1. I'. lr ~~~:~ '" J .. ~l .· iii ti.Jll tfhf:li Hf'·~:l ~ulloe;! f1 ~· f·rl :~ l rfi~ ·• rt I'~ J !.f:_ •l=-1 f'.tfr t.t.. • (JJ.J J1ilfi ,J:trli rJJ·:t! lJjJr~ lt il ~ 'll~:,a ~lf"'r •. 1 ;· 'lf:)! ' .I Jl , s[r't Jrl:ll l'lt fir ~ilfJI ri._,~~ rrtrl rn ltlj ~ H!rU tJ! ~~ ftHU 'J!!!: ll}h! .(~If§ hthl !IIf!a .tl .. l iifillfl ftH i hrh ll "'1 r .. i· ;u. J ![Ill hJr ·1 'flif r trr .. Jl ·f• s·u· .. ;)o •. ,. :l !•~ll rltt 1 iJlJr lrtll + (") .. 0 ~ r--rt , ~ r--rt :::::::. ! I --< ~ -:::X < 0: ~ :::X r--rt :::X . ~ (") .0 :::X .-, ::::::. :::X -< ~· ~ <§ -(I) :r ;: • i' • f $-J ;g ·I (I) - N Febtuary 3, 1982 Newport H.tlor Rul Estate For SM ~ 19 + cort n.rnLn @ mvrsrnrnr conrnm HARIOIIIDIE CUSTOII •coiiPAIAILE VIEW c •• ,,,... ............ ., ....... ..,_. .... ,....".,· . LIIDA .. CUITOII- lNI 3 ....._.. home 11 o OftCit " o ...,... opportunity. m sewu on Undo and 1M 0W1W .. lnance. be I AI,_ ~· 1M l)ftce II t1.4 miiOn. 118 CANYON TOWNHOIIE-DELUXE POOL A.tl "end unit" Deane townhome, 1hts nne propetty offers an excepftonal yard ..,. 118 CANYON TOWNHOIE-DELUXE POOL A.tl "end untr' Diane townhome, 1hts nne prOCMf1Y of'IIB an ucepttonot yard wtltl custom pool spo and sauna. 3 bedrooms and over 3.400 squcwe feef. The pnce Is $895,000 . ..... 118 CANYON TOWNHOME-CATALIIA VIEW Exquisite In '*Y detaU, tnts 3 ~oom. 3,000 square f.., home offers mutttpte use of sqtlghts and enormous pr1vocy. Highly upgraded. The prtce Is $659,000.7 Rue Ch<feou Royale. Open SatJ SUn. 1-5. UDO TOWNHOME-W /lOA TSUP ON THE WATER "Reflnec:J" ls the descl1prive W04'd for fNs lowly 2 bedroom plus den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full bofhs Over 2.500 squo~e feet and a BOATSUP! The price ls $595,000 BIG CANYON TOWNHOME-CANYON'S lEST IUY This new to the rncrtet home off.-s 3 bedrooms and 3 befhs on Its own cor· n•. Exctlltnt ossumobte ftnandng. Exctustve wntt Cote Reoly. The Pfk:e Is $500,000. 1 Rue Fontainebleau. Open sat /Sun. 1-5. Vl.lA IALIOA TOWNHOMf-HIGHL Y UNRADED TlMs kMty 2 ~oom. 2 bath home offers 1M ultimate In tuxUtY witt huge ossumoble ftnonclng and owner wMI cony The pnce ls $249,500. NEWPORT CIEST TOWNHOIIE-STEAL Of THE WEEK Offtrtng 2 bedrooms and 2 barhs, 1hls home Is one o1 the least expensNe In Newport. NMcll new carpets btl look at the Pfk:el The pttc.ls Sl65.000. WEST CUFF TOWNHOIIE-CAN YOU IEUEVE m A 2 bedroom. 2 bell\ home Wlh poof and a hUge ossumatMI loan. Sellef wtM lecBI option wett1 $5,000 down. The prtce Is $129,500. LEASES ULlOA PENINSULA-WITH PIER I SUP Off•lng 4 beerooms and 4 bofhs wttn pool oil for $3.000 per month. Adults ontyt Ill CANYON TOWIIHO.._.. THE 80Lf COURSE HtvMY ~tNt 3 blctoom, 2.850 IQUOre flit home hall 011 Mowetn rtgN now. t2.800 per mon1h. 'M Rut De"""" Open Sat./SUn. 1-5 VILA IALIOA TOWNHOME-ADULTS ONLY ThB kMIIy home oftn 2 vtRY spacious bedrooms and two balM wth pool l101t for t1,200 per monett WEST NEWPORT-ON THE WATEI nw .. bedrooms and 2 barhs nat' on 1M -. 1n a quilt Mlghbomooc1 ~ani¥ for tl.lOO per mon1h. (714)~5777 2075 San J~uin Hila Road • Newport Beach, Ca1ifornia 92MO ....... , ... 20 ...... ...., ..... flllll fer s. F*-Y 3, 1982 DIRECTORY RETAIN THIS DI8ECTORY. AND KEEP IT WITH YOIJ AS YOtJ GO HOME•VIEWJNG TWOBEDROONS THREEBEDROOMS FOUR BEDROOMS .. Rllinbow Rldgl. Turd.roc:k-1179.500. Open SM./SuD. 505 &w... ~It Hellbta.l190.000. 0,. s-daly 1·5. 1·5614-9060. 3 ~a..... ec.o.. cWMar. uz.s~ooo. o,-Set./S... 1·5. 6U-IISS. 1617 ..,..._, Yw ' I m '1 Cow. 11..195,000. Open s..;s-..1:5 ........... 2067 \"-cW Ofo. the Blulh S%55.000. Open Sat./Sun. I· 1106 Dow. DIM. W....,, Sl99.500. 0,. Sat. 1-5. .... 5. 759-9100. 9060. 532 and 534 Flower Orck. <>rang., 195.000. Open Sat. 1· 5.6Q.II35. 15 RC¥111 St. G.qa. ~ ~ V..W. op-. s.a.;s-. 1·5. 6t0-5777. 45ZJ. Traaont. Cameo Shonl. dn,l$95.000. s.t./S.... 1· 5 644--9060. 2 Martttn.. J...U.. c ........... 1310.000. s-. 1·5. ..... 9060. • 227 V&a <>Melo. Udo ille. famly r-. SuA. 1·5. SS45.000 644-9060. 8 Whlt-tu . .1-a Creel&. dMl. Sun. 1·5. USS,OOQ. 644-9060. • s. ....... Big Canyoa. 1395.000. s.;s-. 1·5. 644· 9060.. 222 Madgold. Ccwona cW Mar, 1375,000. Open S.t./Sun. 1·5. 6.11·7300. 209 19da St.. S.O. ~-condo. 1319.000. Opm Sat./Sun. 1·5. 631-1400. 2.W.£ Oc.n. a..o. Pe=b•la,$33&.000. ()pea Su.n. 1· 5.63H400. 45 Caayoa w...ct. 86e Canyon. 1350,000. Op. SM./Sun. 1·5. 631-1400. 700 Udo Pa4 Drtw, No. 22. Lido P • •Ia. 1DobUe aw-e. 159.500. Ope. s-.1·5. 6.1l-1400. 1911 CM DIM. Ncww-t H ........... Ill. $325.000. Open Sun. 1·5. 6Sl·MGO. 2001 Klntlla Roell.~ .......... Duplca ~-1415,000. Ope. SM. .. ,$. 6Sl·1400. THREEBEDROOJIS J.A0 C.....,. ..... .. Cacs 0C. OICI-IJllltti'J' pocal 1319.001. o.-..... l·S. ,,...._ ll7Pct ... oWCdM.IIIO.MO.S...I-5..~ ., p t .......... OMII. ....... o.-s....n... 1·5. ,.,...... 338 W.a-t. eo.ta M.a. 1145.500. 0,.. s.iL 1·5. 6M- 9060. 120 s. ~ .... ~ 11.150.000. 0,.. s-.1-5. ........ 7he0 llll~ ... c....--..~s.t;s...l· 5.640-5777. 1R•Fa.ca1Mi111••• IJ4e~.o,_s....;s-.1-5.640- 1777. 14 R• o.u.AII ~, .... ~ vllew, Ope. Sat./San.. 1·5. 6ot0-5777. 303 v.... s-n.. MWe7 Blufta.l229.000. Open Sun. 2·5. 64.2-IJSS. 1301 Dolplirlft T.....a~, InAne T.....a~. 11.200,000. Op. S...l·S. 631·7300 . 3714 O..NIIIII,..._ N..pon a.a..d. MU.OOO. Op.. Sa&. 1-4:30. 6Sl· 7300. 301 Jla St., N.-pcwt a.... 1479.000 F-. 0p. Sat./S... 1·5 6S1·7300. UOO ~ Weltdlft. IS16.000. 0,.. SM./&.. l-5 631·7300. 2W V.... &..-... ...... 1195.000. Op. Sun. 1·5. W -7300. 1930 Pon llt.tol Clrck. ~ v... tto... $161.500. Ope. s-.1·5. 6SJ-7300. 550 v... Gnada .......... 1134.500. Open Su.n. 1·5. 6Sl-7300. 3014 Oc.n BMI .• C.C.ona cW Mar, 11.350,000. Open S..../SuD. 1·5. 63H400. 1114 W. Oc:.ahont. a... Pa'n •*· 1195.000. Open S.C. 1·5. 63HAOO. U7 .._...Ave.,..._ lalwllll. 1195.000. 0,.. SM.,/S.n. 1-6. 6!1·1400. 1713 ....... s., .... ..... I 0 1195, ..... o.-s..;s... 1·5. 611· .... U.S VIII blcn• Udo ... ISSS..OOO. a.-S.. l-1 631· ..... -FOU8BEDROOMS 'w....-,...._ .. c..,.. . .-.. •• • a.-~ ............. IU ~ tlilll~ poo&.ll71,011. O,..kl..S. 67. a. 1207 s-a ...... W....,, ......,..opdoe or ...._ ms.ooo. a.-s.t.JS.. 1·5. 759-9100. 7 T .......... ......_ ...... -.. 0,. SM./S.. 1·5. M0- 5777. 121 vt. ....... Udo ..... '-ly roo.. 1599.000. 0,. S...l·S.~. 2700 ~. tt.rbc. V..W H •• ~. 1450 .... 0,. s.t./S.. 1·5. 6M-to60. 1607 ..,.., N.wpott a-da, 1369,000. ()pen Sue. 1-5. 6Qoa35. 1100 ....... OtM. Dowr Shan.. 1125,000. 0.. SM./S.. J.S. 6Sl·1300. 400 E..-. s.r u... Dow. Shena. 16110.000. 0,. s..,tSua. l·S. W·7300. 1906 ~. Dow. Sllrona. 1600.000. o.-Set../S... 1~5. 6.11·7300. W VIa ~. Udo W.. 14M.OOG. 0.. s-. 1·5. 631· 7300. M1J S..t•aa. a.,u-. MJO.OOO f•. <>.-Set./S.. I· S..UJ-7300. 1S15 ~ Wey. ~ .... $360,000. 0,. ~-I· 5. 6Sl·73DO. 4 ~-•· ~··H •• 11.200.000. 0.,.. S.t../S... 1· 5.631-1400. 11M W. 0o.n FtoOt. ..,.._ .._._.., 1715.0100. Ope S... l·S.. UN-. FIVE OR MORE BEDROOJI8 Ml 1181.... oW C.O.. cW Met. t6U.OOO. 0,. s...;s.. 1·5. " ....... Sl4 .... t ar•• . 0....W a.... 11.350.000. 0,. &.. I· ~......... . ~ ,....., ... a..-. pOGl 0,. s.t./S... ... . 7t .......... c-.-A ..a. 0... s....;s... .... ... 1777. 1110 ·=-DIM. 'trw • I ........... a.-.... ........ . :..a.;:,.,._'".. ... tl ........ a... ... , ... ............. ' ll. 1 1&1!1LG ..... -. a.-...,._.-....... PLEASE CAI.I. IF YOU MEEIJ .-ECTIIIG , '