HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-17 - Newport Harbor Ensign... Nowlt's24 Real Estate Pages Photos, Listings -And A Map What The Cop Said Pastorinl Said:*''** Ram Ace T umed Air This Color See Below Beckman Offers An Answer Exclusive lntervievl On Hospiallssue See Below THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • !S'I'ABUSHED 1948 • 34TH Y!A.R • NUMBER 28 (71-4) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1982 • 25 C ENTS After montha of uquin9, med.iaUon and the thrHt of a strike, the 850 teachers iD the NellfPOrt-w.M .ehool district will be uked today by their WlioD leaden to accept the lat• pey offer from the ~ehool cli8triet. A pay raiN that would amount to 6 pereeDt for the ~ehool year now u.nderway wu otfered by d..i8trlet nec;,obaton last Wednes- dAy, and wu turned down by Bill Cue, chief negotiator for the Newport Meaa FedentJon of Teaehen, the union repreaen- tinq the teacben. HoweveT, after a stormy meetiD9 ru..day aftemoon, the NWJ'T's fiv•member ex.eeutive board voted to reoomaend ac- ceptu~ of the oHer. n. UD.k!G'a -benh.lp will.uet at 3:30 tw. d.IJioOOD (Weclaeeday) to~ca .. ....,. "11IMt vota by ou a.c:uti,. boa..& ..... ~ ~.·· NlOT pNidclal AcMa. Kopecky Mid l& .. T~. Iopecky uJd 1M memberahip will al8o vote toda~ on a resolu- tioo aiJMd at ahort-circwtin9 uy loag-ruoe pay talb nezt ac:J.ool par. ''Tb.y will be asked to adopt • po.ttioD ct.m&ndinq th&l eal&ry ~on.a for the 1882·83 school year be conclud- ed pnor to the first dAy of tchoolm Sept. 1982," abe n - plaloed, "and Lf negotiations are not compW.., th.n the ~lu­ hoD calla for another mea.ber- abip meeb.DQ to vote on a JOb action." 1D plain hiqb·.ehool IDQ.liM, th.&t IDM.D8 a poatble atrl.b 1{0le. A t.ct-fiodiDQ board. preaded ove:r by a neutral stat• ap- poiated ..,....tor, had recom- n W lut ..-th.at t.ae.Mn ~ • ~ W... Cue Mld &e had bMD ~ to accept that ~tkm, but would not accept wNl cli.trlct neqol&aton caJJ.d t!Mir ''be.t and final of- fer" eli 6 perout. A union DeaiForUSCToQ Newport Ca•npus Arnokt 0 . Beckman. of COJona del Mer. delc:ribea P'~ and pot tilit-.-..oc&attd with c:teveloPng Irvine hoepital. (linl Ol~ttto ~ byToa-...u Then will ba-n to be "tome element of oompromiae" iD the medical commUDity if there 1.11 to be a ho.pital iD l.rvtne, Arnold 0 . Beck.m&o, 81-yeu-old Coro- na del W.r ~list and indumiAhst and ch.urm.an of the board of lrYllle Necbeal Center lnc., said last w .. k. The "ID&.lD leuon" to be lea.med from put lrrine ha.pital faa.lwea. Beckman Mid, "1.11 that '" have to INm to pull t09etber. We carmot 90 out 100 percent for ow own apeaal inter..ta. "Some et.ment ol coapromiae ia ... ntial. I WOQ)d hope all the pub• wt.o are iDtere.ted in a ~ center will accept thai!' Beclau..a, chalnnan of the boant of Beck.m&o lnat.rume:ata, aqreed to mer9e his worldwtde meclieal St.tf photo bv Botl Petefton product. and electromcs COIIlpaDJ Wlth SlQlthDlne Inc. last month. He said an Irvine hoapltal "is not just one person's drMm." He hopea aubatantw contrlbutiona will be made by other inchvlduab who were iD line to support the W_.em World Medical Ceut.r next to UC l.rvme seven yean a90. The project wu huued down by h..ttb plann.ln9 authonttea aJter oppoatJon by UCI staH pb~. Irvine faces a "lut-chance situabon" u 1t a.a to get a hoapllal, Beckman malntamed. He N.Jd there may 1100n be no apece avallable and potential donon may put tbeu money el•where. "lf tha doean't succeed then I thmk lrvUle wtU t.ce a rather dun future Ul hav1n9 1ta h..ttb care need.l taken (Continued on paoe 6) by Roger Angle Althouqh the Tro)alll are down, they are not out. !tiorta to resolve a dapute between a 910up of res1denta of Corona del Mar and the Univer- aity of Southern CaWornia failed a9ain yesterday. The group ~ trytng to keep USC from ever uaUlg the vacant Corona del Mar elementary achool u a satellite campus. Joe Stewart, one of the r ... dents who object to usc·. ni9ht and weekend use of the vacant .ehool11te, satd: "We're stalled, and I don't know why." Stewart aatd he had been talk· in9 to Dr. Jon Straua, a vice pruident of &d.mJ..natrahon, for the past three weeb, m an at- tempt to resolve the confltet. "We wanted them to trA.IUifer lb. 1eue to U.. otheT b1dd.r or nb}eaw.., U...." M.&d Stewart. nu .. weeb aqo, everyone ill.olved-the .ehooJ diatrlct, USC, ad another echooJ-were all "receptave" to the ldea, StewarliA.ld. "I don't know what happen- ed," he N.Jd yesterday The other b1dder was Carden Cbnshan School, whtcb also 1 ..... Newport-Mesa Unilied School Di.atriet's Vtctona School site, in w..t Costa MeM. When the .:hool d..a.atnct last November QT&Dted USC the S69,000-a-year leaae on the C or ona del Mar site, 1t also rece1v · ed a bid bom Carden to lease the mte for $65,000 a year Stewart and other members of Cthaena for Reeponslble Use of Netohborhood Schoob, have M.ld they would make up the $4,000 annual dilference to get a day-only .ebool on the s1te and lrHp USC out. The USC leaae beqa..o Jan 1 for hve yHn, with a bve-year option. The MCOnd bve yeari, the rent 9oee up wtth the Coo aumer Pnce lndn. The Carden leaae was propos ed to beqm July 1, 1982. for ten (Continued on pa9e 2) 'Sadl' Ranw' Dan Paatorlnl 1 ~MPH Chase, Drunken Driving Charged Nine state awards .n ~by (from left) Tom Bennett. editor 01 IMne Today: Burt Sims ws-group edftor and editor of The Ensign, and Fred DavtS. ed•tor of rhe Costa Mesa News Ensign, Sister Papers Wm Nine Statewide Awards Coast Med1a News Group, consuhnQ of The Newport EnSJqn, lrvme Today and the Costa Mesa News, has won OLne state awards from 111 peers 10 the annual CaWornra Newspaper Pubhahers Assocaahon Juned competition The presentations came last Saturday at the CNPA s 94th annual convention held at the Hotel del Coronado San Diego Although !bert> are some 450 CNPA member·papers, only 151 recetved awards Th•se wertt dutnbuted Ul calegones vf large, medtum and small c~rc-u lahon da1hes, and the samf:' clautfscallons for weeklies The Coast Medta commu01IV weekhes rc1n). tn •he cc1teqorv of largest carculallon and u p The Newport EnSJgn c aptured Mne Schmitz Files For Congaess Mary Schm1tz, w1fe of stale Sen John G Schm1tz (R Corona del Mar). Monday declared her 1ntenhon to run for a ... , 1n the U S CongTess An outspoken foe of the Equal Rt9hta Amendment, Wrs Schm1t1 bled papen wtth the OranQe County fteqlstrar of Votera l.rher the Mme day. her bua· band filed for the Repubhcan oouunatlon for U S eenator Nn. Sclurua wu the hnt candlciat• 10 ble to ~rweut the new ~ld U.S. Coo9rea:ao at Diab1et ... , e:reated by ,..ppor- tioomeDI lD o.c...ber. n.. •11aiD1'a .U. .aactecl .., 9&tlller li9Uhu• • • oa~ petitioa aiM• ~J 0.. te01.13 ... 1or~. O.t~M~ ..... to ..... .M~ ... ~··••Ifill• ...... .-........ . Ia ....... ,, I rt ... .a.. CQ • I brat place for Best Fam1ly ufeatyle Coverage, fust place for Beat Local Column and cl ment award for Best S.nes of EdJtona.ls among all weeklies lrvm~ Today won lust pl.ce for Best EcLtonaJ Page hm place among all weeklaes for Best Photo Eawy and a MCond place tor Best Story of OngoUlg Pubuc Interest Costa Meso News won a second place award for Be~ Graphtcs, MCond plac e for Best Ec:LtonaJ Cartoon among all weekhes. and a ment award for Best Ed1tonal Th~ Ens,qn and lrvm~ T vday were among only Sill large carcula llon w~kltes 1n the st.llt' wb1cb won •wo or mort> h rsl place award.s lContUlued on paQe 4) - ._I Weda•:br· FMnary 17. I-TIM lfewport £a.1p . . .. IN SHORT .dded he would hope to "draw OD the .U.otha oi ~moua attom.,. ~el hom botiL puti•" mcladiDq Georqe Deu.baejiu, I~ You.agex. Toa L,.cla aDd SWa1ey Mc.k. Pt.. ADcl PUbl1c ..... 1'be Offldala Ma,..r JecJde HeaU..r. -..hen 01 U.. City Cou..DcU, city c:leputiMat Mac~~ ud .e.H will ...... a bi'MirfMt 1Metia9 ud talk with u.. p\&hljc next Friday, Feb. 18, ill the eo.ta • W... Roo. oi the ReqiiUy HoW. 11M JMel.iDq Ia .pouored by the 90".-....tal affaire com- lllittee of U.. Newport Haxbor Area Claa•ber of CoiiLIIlerce ud wlll beqtn at 7:30 a .m .• accordiaq to Beverly N.tande, the cha•ber'• ooverumotal affain director. The public may IIUlb reeervaliou fo.-the $10 brMkfut by cal.liJaq the chaabe.-at 664-8211. Catholle Jlcucll Grcm To atre. the lJDportaDce of volunt .. rtam ill parilh ChrWt:ian S.l"rice proqrama, the Catholic COIIUilWlity A9enct• of the · Dioc.e of Oran9e will ho.t a Mardi Gru ned Saturday, Feb. 20. The event at St. Bubua Church, al Euclid and McFad- Mere MAJOR CREDIT CARDS den ill Suta Au, will beqiD With W... COAcelebxated at 10 a.m. by Ria ha.llenoy Bi.hop WllUa.m R. JohMOD, ud wt1l be follow.d by a day of actiYIU. ill the pariah hall. "Th.ia event will au .. •lf- Mcrifice, u we p.-epa.-. fo.-the aeuon of Lent. and the Impor- tance of beill9 awa.-. of the need~ of our nei9hbon with a Chrlatia.o feiPOilM u more ud mo.-e Oran9e CoUDtianl face work layofta and hard economic aituatton.a, .. Mid Thomu A. Fuent•, diOc... director of communicatiOAI. Vaa de &amp Annouace~~ Citin9 what he can.d "IOIDe rMl 9ainlill the fiQht a9ainat crime .. duin9 hia m yea.n u l.oe AJl9el• CoUDty Diatrlct Attorney, John Van de JCa.mp, 46, announced lut week that he ia a Democrat candidate for California Attorney General. "I know that leQal deciaiooa of the office muat be rl9ht down the middle, on the facta and on the law-without any partiaan biaa, .. Mid Van de JCa.mp, who SINCE 1949 How tM DIXT DiqbtlyJUQa- aiiM "2 Oil TIM Towu" Qeb there wt1l be cn.cu..d when proclu.ctio& llpeC'i.alista oi the allow meet the public at a recep- tion ud dimler .pouored by the c.tUoraia Pr .. Wome11 of "Orua~ CoUDty on Thunday. Feb. 2!5. The event will be held at The HWl9fJ Ti9er in Suta Ana. ReeervatiOAI at $10.75 for the dimler ud ''inai<l. look" at .eQ- ment •lection, film teclmiqu•, editiD9 and echedulin9 ue required by Feb. 22. Informa- tion: 496-8640 or 644-8126. Bergeeoa Appointed Marian ler9eaoD (R-Newport Beach) hu been appointed to the powerful A.embly Wa.,. and Neau Committee, it wu leamed ,..terday. · The .... mblywoma.n continuea u vice chairman ol the A.uembly Education Committee, and baa been servinq on the Labor-and-Employment and PubUo lmploy ... -and- Retirement committ .... HOURS DAllY 9·30-6:00 MONTHRUSAT DIPA8TMINJ ITOIII 11,. NlWPOIT BOUUVAID, COSTA MESA . $1 JIIIIHoDHeraln 'Bay' Seized Here br ~ Allglit ; pow:ad, Mid~. Danyl YOW.. Ia polJce padaooe. iA uotbel' A pou.ad ol•ppuatly hiQh-ol Mtwport BMch PoUce o.put. puk:i.D9Iot, at ~.AqUa Hilla Qrade 'Qtna wlai .. " Mroi.D, IDeDt. Mall. worth mon t.h.an $1 m.iDJoa, ''U it ia u pure u we thJ.Ak it One auapect, Roy Clariatopber fowullta wayillto Newport Ia," Mid YoW., "it would be RJchard, 32. ol to. ADgejee • Beach lut ...-: worlh $1.2 mtlltoo oa the u.t.d hia addn. u a Hue Part of a "buy" eet up by a meet~" The a.clle wu beln9 ~ teapl~. H. wu bel.iev· San DieQo-bMed Urcotlcl tu1t t..a.d tn a federal BW'Mu of ed to be Unked to a alay1D9 in fo.-ce, Jl.-..ulted Ia U.. .,...... oi Naroolicl labol'alory. he added. Newport S..Ch ..ve.-al yean four au.apect8, two boa Sao Newport pollee ...Wed ill the aqo. Dieqo, one fi'Oia Laqwaa Beach buy ud the arrelbl. Pollee con-· The other IU.Ipecta a.-. Bill and ou fxom I.oe AAgel•. taot.ed the •uapecta in a local Grant fo.ter, 26, of WQUD& Police bou9ht a barth of a hotel parkin9 lot, where they Beach; and Jeffrey Nlcbael pound of the oa.-cotio for were offered a Mmple1 Youle Cornia, 26. and William $35,000 and were prepared to Mid. Wallace Shoaff, 29, both of San pay $140,000 fo.-the entire The actual buy "went down,.. OieQo. osc (Continued hom pa9e 1) yean at a con.atant rent. USC bec;Jan J"Oovat.ion of the oftia. and olual'ooma but atop· peel after Stewart and other IOAool neMJiabon fiW a lawnit to block the USC UN. C...._, which wexe auppoeed to beqin Jan. 10, were moved to Corona <1.1 Mar Hi9h School and to a bank buildinq in Coata Meaa . Y•terday, Stewart lAid Dr. Strauu suddenly. without ez- planatlon, ballced at the lease ohanQe. Stewart had uked Strauu to file a fo.-mal requ•t for the chanqe with the d.iatrlct. The re- quest would have had to be in today. to place the item 011 nezt week's boa.-d of education meetin9, Stewart Mid. "We certainly a.-. diMp- pointed.'' Mid Stewart. SUa\111 couldn't be rMched for comment. His office at USC said he wu at a luncheon meetinq. But the private attorney representing USC in the lawsuit, Mike Murphy, of Loe An9eles, said: "We are attemptin9 to reeolve this matter, but I have adviaed my client not to even talk with M.-. Stewart. "He i.e a plaintiff in the lawsuit and atatementa can and have alrMdy been taken out ol con- lui and u.aed in the suit." Stewart Ia a retired tMcher who worb u a real estate broker out of his Carnation Avenue home, half a block from the achool site. . Reaidentl have ezpressed con- e m that eveninq use of the va- cant achool plant will brinq diatreuinq impactl from traffic and noise. Today's nurses ••• they're special! 1 The M.wpon Enmp WeclD.day. Febnlaty 17. 1-Pogre I Moore TdaiMay Be Delayed CciJIIChe •+• Celkfteww+M• way Fifth District Supervisor Thomes F. Riley gets some cheery support from wife, Emma Jane, and Janie Arnold lleft). named his Newport Beach "community captain" at breakfast meeting last week which officially launched Riley's campaign for re- election. Communtty captains will guide petition drive for 1.560 signatures in district by Feb. 22, which would preclude necessity of paying fihng fee. "It's a way to encourage pubhc involvement 1n the ballot system," said Riley. S•aff phoro by Barry Slobon The MCODd mwder trial of TeHcml ua Woore, 37, a Newporl Beech prycholoqt.t, it tcMduled to be9iD Monday. Howe"Nr, A1 Stokke, Mooa'e cleteue attorney, Mid thia wMk the b1.a.l JUY be pc»tponed. Moore 18 acou.Md of killinq b1.1 lonqtime bu.aln .. partner, roomm.ate and mentor, Stanley Donald !apinda, 45. The 1980 death ended an 18- year re1ation.ahip dunnq which Moore was dominated by the older man, he had told a jury tn an earUer trial. That trial ended tn a bunq jury in November. The tnal featured extensive t .. Umony by Moore's qirlfriend, Gloria LAne, 37, who said she withed ehe hadn't "preaaured" TELFORD MOORE Staff pho1n by RcJQet Af\QII! Moore so much to leave Eapan - da Lane, an lrvane Unahed School Dlltnct nurM and mother of two chtldren, had been ... anq Moore for nane month.s before the killanQ, abe told the court. Moore .ametunea k.ept hae m .. tinqe Wltb her secret from !apinda, and .amellmea arqued with the older man over her, she and Moore teetiJ1ed. ''I didn't upderstand why he would have to qo to Palm Spr- inc;re every weekend and couldn't see me," abe sa1d Moore and Lane JOQ<Jed toqether, cooked orc;ramc foods toqether and tauqbt cla sses and qave lectures at Oranqe Coast Colleqe, Umversaty of Southern CahJornaa, and Umversaty of Cahfornaa, Irvme, the two tesbhed. E.zecuhvea of local n.ewa~ papen .and otben circulated an tb1.1 ar-. will Mrve on a paul whach wlll d.ulcuu upeeb of adverllSln<J and other pallcl .. when the Corona del M.u Chamber of Commerce sponaon a public brealda.st ~tinc;r aJ 7.30 next Tueeday, Feb. 23. The event wall be held in the Sherman Labrary and Gardena, 2647 E.ut Co.ut Hiqhway Beqannmq that lADle afternoon at 5.30, "Barbara'• Biq Bounlllul Blender" for c hamber memben w1ll be held at Barbara K. Jac kson, c reabve Jewelera, 2610 E.sst Coast H1qhway Fluor ProJDOtes Davlcl Tappan To Piesldency, More Changes Seen Chairman J. Robert Fluor, 60, announced laet week he Wlll keep that JOb but 11 tuminq over the presidency of the Fluor Cor- poration and qivmq the adda- tional title of chief operatinq of- ficer to David Tappan, 59. More chanqes are expected in the next two months, siqnalling the biqqest executive revisions at Fluor since the move to Ir- vine. Tappan ha.a been a key fiqure a.a Fluor'• worldwide ~alee have reached billion-dollar leveb. Since 1952, he bas moved up from adm.iniabative aaaaatant in sa.lea to bead all sa.lea operations and finally to become eecond in command only to Fluor hiJDMlf. In 1971, Tappan orqanized the fabuJoualy successful Fluor Enc;rinMn & Conatructon Inc. subaidiary which bad $ ... 1 billion in new arden last year with an additional $5 billion pendinq. Fortune mac;razine in 1979 aatd it was a "master etroke" when Fluor named Tappan vice presi· dent for aalea operations in Fluor'• first act after becominq president and chief executive in 1962. Six yean later when Fluor succeeded his uncle a.a chair- man, Fluor'• firet act was to promote Tappan to senior vace preudent. In 1976, Tappan was qiven the additional title of vice chairman. "Due to the compa.ny'a rapid qrowth, I have concluded that we ahouJd now complement my role as chairman and chief executive officer with the new position of president and chief operatinq officer," The elder Fluor said in a statement last week. The Los Angeles Times also reported that the corporation is dividinq itsell into four larc;re)y self-sufficient areas- enc;rineerinq and construction, natural resources, dJ'ilhnq serv- ices and distribution aervicea. The Times quoted a Fluor spokesman as ~aymq division heads for those departments will be named before the corpora- tion'• annual meetinc;r March 8. The corporation revealed in its 1981 annual report, relea..sed last week that foUowinc;r the merqer with St. Joe, a larqe Manhattan-based mininq con- cern, Fluor hired an indepen- dent ~aqement conaultinq firm. It was instructed "to review Fluor Corporation and all its subsidianea to help determine the optimum orqa.n.izational structure that will be required to meet the challenc;res and oppor- tunities of the 1980s." The move reflect. the mtemal concerns at Fluor a.a ita stock --- plulDlDeted in the wake of inves- tors' uncertainty after the St. Joe merc;rer. Accord.inq to ita annual report, Fluor'• cub flow was reduced by a staqqerinq $400 million la.at year. . At year'• end, Fluor's long- term debt etill stood at $1.1 billion, $600 million of it the remaininc;r amount owed to a c;rroup of New York banks whach loaned Fluor $1 billion for its St. Joe acqu.dition. "Thouc;rb coeta related to acqu.dition have temporarily moderated fluor's hlltoric eam- tnqa patterne, they have m no way diminished its ba.aic strenc;rtba or altered Fluor's lonq· term qrowth pra.pects," Fluor told ita etockholdera in a etate- ment liCJlled by the elder Fluor and Tappan. "On the contrary, Fluor has become a stronqer oompa.ny with c;rreater ability to help solve society'• preaainq problems in enerqy and natural resources," the statement said. Tappa.n at 59 succeeds to the presidency of the world's fourth larc;reat proceu enc;rineerinq and conetructioD company. Born in China of miasionary teacher parents, he came to the U.S. on a echolarah.ip to study economics at Swarthmore Col- leqe in Peouylvania. ----------- NASA Energy--Device Now Available 1b Public cuts Eledrkal Consumption of Home Appliances substantially And Qualifies For 15/. Eneigy Tax Cmlit Newpon. Beach-Originally developed by the National Aeronautical & Space AdJninis. tration foe use on NASA space- craft, a~ known as a Power Factoc ControUer IPF'Cl is now being marketed to con- swners by New 'Mxkt Indus- tries. Inc. of Newport Beach. a finn specializing in Alternative Energy Markets. Rights to market the device passed into public domain in 1Wl. New \\Wid Industries, the exclusive distributor for C>ranste County. is marketing the Motorgenie~ a PFC device that signifiCantly reduces the ~crconswnption of AC induction type motors. such as thoee found 1n refrigerators. free2Jers. washers. dryers, air oondi . . units, fm:ed-air heat~ pool" spa pumps. There is no loss of speed or power during the pocess. Users have indicated savings of as much as S7 per month on ~able. ~·-' ' I " and machinery depend heavily on AC motors. According to New Workt Industries execu- tives. homeowners can rea.lize the same kind oi savings on home appliances. Benefits include: • Substantially reduced energy consumption-up to 50% • Protectioo against ''brown out" -motor is turned off aJ voltage drops too k>w • Increased motor life - rtduad maintmance • No effect on performance • 20 yetU wamanty • Prrvnnt I expert installation ~~technicians • Unit pays fu itself in one yearoeless e Rdrigeratocs • Freezers • Washers &t Dryers • AU Coodi- tioners • Pools "Spa £WllJl5 • Foroed-air systems • Nearly everything that uses an AC lllOtOr' • Power 1bols • Sewing Machines Twally Year wuraaty "'--~:...TN ' 11x: ··~&~--LS war· ranted by the manufacturer to be free £rem defects in materi- ab and workmanship foe a period d 20 years from date d original purchase. Actual copes of the wananty. its conditions and limitations, are availab6e foe review. Appointments foe installa· tion ol the Moc~TN are now being taken by New ~ Industries on a first- come. first -served basis. You ~~J:~~ 11~ ~.Wl.s' offices at , P\elrw-tNt I KCCJW CJOI"'*"' WoilililliCII•on r*Prontltt.nrw MAofiD•'""bmy""'-~ lftd poMf took I Ulida-... illcft a no .... h. ~~-------------------------------------­ ~~--------------------------~m.-~------------ He turned to enqtneermg an the Seabeea and af1er the war took an MBA deqrM at Stan- ford. He worked for U.S. Steel before JOirunc;r Fluor a• assastant to the ~ales vace presadent •n 1952. "Today the sales orqamzahon he bas built a the envy of the busaneaa, "Fortune wrote Ul 1979. "Tappan has 64 sa.lesmen ata- lloned around the world, maltanQ calla, talhnq up the company an 25 lanc;ruaqes, l1.1teDlllg for the rumble of super-proJects 1n formation." Leadmq proJects luted 1n an annual report detailinq recent c;rrowth of Fluor and St. Joe include the former's 1912 con- tract for a maJor portion of the AJa.au ou ptpehne; the 1975 S5 balhon qas-qatbertnq proJect Ill Sauda Arabaa; the 1975 South Afncan SASOL n synthetic fuel plant; the 1978 qas-centnfuqe procesa plant for uranium enncbment an Portsmouth, Ohio; and Fluor's filet People's Repubhc of Chma projects lD. NEVER AGAIN As the Newport Beach City Council voted last Monday to cancel its approval of the big Newport Center expansion (and thereby cancel a citizen referendum), Councilman Phil Maurer gave a sttrring speech. "I won't let that group ever do this to the city again," he vowed in self-righteous anger. Some people in the City Hall audience were left a b1t breathless by Councilman Maurer's ringing statement. Just what did he mean? Was he saying that he would personally see that the people of Newport would never again be allow- ed to use thetr constitutional right to petition for redress of gnevances? After g1ving some thought to his w ords, we dec1ded that Mr. Maurer must have been saying just the opposite: that he would see to it that, never again would our city government make the m1stake of tak1ng an Important action that was against the best interests of the overwhelming majonty of the people it serves. Never again would government put b1g development and big money ahead of the interests of the city and its cttizens We are sure that is what Mr. Maurer meant, because he was a schoolteacher for many years in our local schools, where children are taught that democracy works best when the greatest number of people get involved in the system. We are sure he taught h1s students that, when government does somethtng the people don't like. the people have a right to petition against the decision . We must all protect the city that we love so dearly We welcome Mr. Maurer's destre to see that the City Counc1l protects the 1nterests of the people ... That IS what he meant. isn't it? S.P.O.N. STOP POLLUTING OUR NEWPORT P.O. IOX102. IAI.IOA ISLAIID, CA 12112 sTOr LOSL"«-~' ro Tlt( IllS ()IP{~ A Nl"l"'OlT 1.\LIOA SAVINCSia.A '-J ednullay. Febnaary 17. 1• The •wport Ellalp IN SHORT N .. t 1'1ae OtfldaJa W.ror Mc:kle HeetMr, -ben 01 the City Coa.ncil, city ......... t .... ud ltaH will -...a a. .. ldMt ...uno and talk wio-the pu.bllc next Friday, Feb. 19, ln U.. eo.ta • W... Roo. of the Reqi..try HoW. n.. ...uno ts apouored by U.. C)OVeiiUMDtal eBe1n com· IDittee of tM Newport Harbo~ ArM Cha•ber of COIDJMrce ud will hec,iD at 7:30 a .a ., accorclia9 to Bnerly Ne.tude, the ch••ber't VO"nuDeDtal aBain dlrecto~. The public ID4Y m.ake ..-.rvatiou fo~ the $10 b.-..kfut by caUinq th. cb.a•ber at 66f..8211. CathoUc: Ilardi Gras To .U.. th. importaDce of volUDt .. rlma la pariah Chri.tian Service PtoQT4JU, the Catholic CoamUDity AoenciH of the · Dioce. of Oruve will hoet a Mardi Gru ne:d Saturday, Feb. 20. The event at St, Barbara Chwch, at IGclid ud WcFad- Merchants& J I den iD S...ta Au, will beqila With W... coac:Web.rated at 10 a . a . by Hie hce.Uenoy Blahop Wllliaa R. John'Oil, ud will be followed by a day of acttritf.ee iD the pariah hall. ''Thia event will Ill' .. Mlf· Mcrifice, u we prepare for the MUOn of Lent, ud the impor- tuce of beino aware of the needs of ow neiohbora with a Chrlstiu r.poue u more ud more Oruqe Countianl face wozk layof& ud ha~d economic aituatiOD.I," Mid Thom&l A. Fuent•, dioceee director of COID.DlwlicatiOD.I. Van de )[amp Almo~ Citino what he called "801M real oaina la the fioht aoainlt crun." dwi.no h.ia m yea.n • Loe Anoel• County Diatrict Attom..,, John Van de ~CAmp, 46, aDDounced lut week that he i.a a Democrat CaDdiclate for California Attorney General. "I bow that leqal deci.aiona of the office mut be rloht down the middle, on the facta ud on the law-without uy parti.aan ~."Mid Van de ~CAmp, who Washington's Birthday MAJOR CREDIT CARDS SIN CE IJ49 1116 NEWPORT BOUUVARD, COSTA MESA added he would hope to "draw OD the llb•qtha of J)l'e.iOU attonae,t ~al froBa botll .,...u.. .. tncludlao Georve ~. I..U. Younqer, Toe L,.cll and SWaJ.y Week. '"-hcl PubUc How the OUT Diohtly IDAOa- ai.H "2 Oa n.. Towa .. Qeta there will be ~ wllen pJ'OCluctioD ~ of the abow JDMt the public at a recep- tion ud diaaer epouored by the Califoraia Pre. WoJDeD of 'Oruve County OD Thunday, reb . 25. The event will be held at The Huory Tiqer iD Suta Ana. -rvatiOD.I at $10.75 for the dinner ud ''iu:icl. look" at MCJ· IDftt Mlection, film tecluUQll•, editinv and .chedulinv are required by Feb . .22. lnforma· tion: 496-8640 or 644-8126. lergeeoD AppolDted Wariu Bero-on (R-Newport BMch) hu been appoint.d to the powerful Aaeab)y Wa.,. ud W..U CoiD.IIlitt .. , it wu learned yeeterday. · The UMm.blywoDLUl continuH u vice chairman of the Aaembly Education Committ .. , ud hu been MrviD9 on the Labor-ud-Employment ud Public lmploy ... -ud- Retirement coliUD.itt .... . $1 Jllllllon Heroin 'Bay' Seized Here br ........ poud, eUd 89*. Dairy) Yovle, la poUc. ped.uoe, ~ uodaer A powad ol...,_tly ltJ9h· oiNcwpGrt BMch Police Depart· puJd.A9lot, at LapAa Hilll oracle ''Chlaa wiUte"' ulOiD, ..... Mall. worth JDOnt tbu $1 aillioe "U it S. aa pure aa we thi.d it One wapect, Ror Clmatopher found lt. way into Newport' il,., eaicl Yovle, "it would be Richard, 32, ol Loe AA9ea... Beach lut w..~t: worth $1.2 a1llioe OD the u.t.ci hJa adche. U a MaJ. Part of a ''ba,.-eet up by a .treet." n.. c.c!.e waa beino JCrlehn.a teap~. He w• be!M•- San DieQo-bued n&rCOtic::a taN t..-d la a W.ral BuJMu of ed to be liDbd to a alayino in force, tt ...wt.dla the ~ of N.rc:otb laboratory, he added. N.wport B.ach Mveral yeen four w.pect8, twO &c. Su N:wpo.t police ..Wed ln the aoo. Dleqo, ODe froa Laouaa BMch boy uMl tM ureea.. Police COD· The other aupect.a are BUl and one froa Loe AD(Ielee. tacted tM autpeet.a lD a local Gl'ut fe»ter, 26, of l.aCJ'WlA Police bo.aQht a Jowth of a hotel parkinq lot, where they Beach; and Jeffrey Wichaal pound of the narcotic for were oHered a Mmple, Youle Cornia, 26, and William $35,000 and were prepared to Mid. Wallace Shoaff, 29, both of San pay $140,000 for the entire The actual buy "went down," Dieqo. osc (Continued hom .,.oe 1) yean at a CODitut rent. USC beou renovation of the office. ud cla.rooma but atop- peel after Stewart ud other .cllool ,...,..ho'-filed a ...... u to block the USC UM. C..._, which were auppoeed to beqiD Ju. 10, were moved to Corona del Mar Hioh School and to a bank bu.ildin9 in Coeta Mesa. YHterclay, Stewart Mid Or. Strauu auddenly, without ez. planation, balked at the leue ohuve. Stewart had uked Strauu to file a formal requ•t for the challv• with the di.atrict. The re· quest would have had to be iD today, to place the item on ne~t week'• boud of education m"tino, Stewart aaid. "We certainly are ditap- poiJated," Mid Stewart. Stuu. couldn't be reached for comment. Hia office at USC aa.id he wu at a luncheon m"tiDCJ. But the private attorney repr ... Dtin9 USC iD thelawaujt, Mike Murphy, of Loa Angelea, said: " "We are attemptino to reaolve thU matter, but I have advi.aed my cUent not to even talk with Mr. Stewart. "He i.a a plaintiff iD the law.uit ud atatements can and have already been taken out of con- text and used iD the lUi t. " Stewart is a retired teacher who worb u a real estate broker out of h.is Carnation Avenue home, half a block from the .chool site. . R•identa have e~reued con- e m that eveniD9 uae of the va- cant achool plut will brino d.i.atreamo impacll from 'traffic and noiM. Today's nurses ••• they're spedal! • The ICewpcwt E.Daip W ed.J::a..scry. F ebnaary 17, 1• Poge a CDI Moore Trial Jllay Be c-....... .. way Fifth District Supervisor Thomes F. Riley gets some cheery support from wife, Emma Jane. and Janie Arnold (lett), named his Newport Beach "community captatn" at breakfast meettng last week which officially launched Riley's campaign for re- election. Community captains will guide petition drive for 1,560 signatures in district by Feb. 22. which would preclude necessity of paying filing fee. "It's a way to encourage public involvement tn the ballot system," said Riley. Staff photo bV Barrv Stobon The MCOnd murder trial oJ Telford lra Moore, 37, a Newport Beach p.ycholoqt.t, lJ .c:Mcluled to beqin Monday. However, Al Stokk., Wooze'• defeue attom.y, Mid thu w.ek the trial may be pc»tponed. Moore lJ acCUMd of killing h~ lonqtime bu.alD ... partner. rooJD.JD.ate and mentor, Stanley Donald !.plnda. 45. The 1980 death ended an 18· yNr relation.abip durm9 wruch Moore wu dominated by the older man, be had told a JUry u1 an eulier tnal. Thal trial ended in a bung )ury in November. The trial featured extens1ve t•timony by Moore'a quUriend, Gloria Lane, 37, who aa.Jd abe wi.ah~ 1he hadn't "pressured" TELFORD MOORE Staff photo by Roqt>! Angll' Moore so muc h to leave Espm· da. l.dne, an lrv1ne Un1f1ed School o~tncl nune &Ad mother of two chtldren, had been ... lDCJ Moore for ntne mont.ha before the ktlhng, 1he told the cotut. Moore aomehme• kept haa meetln91 w1th her secret from l.lptnda, and sometime• argued wdh the older man over her, she and Moore testi..hed . "1 didn't Ullderatand why he would have to qo to Palm Spr· 1nq1 every weekend and couldn't see me," abe s.ud Moore and Lane JOQged toqether, cooked organac foods together and taught classes and gave lectures at Orange Coast College, Umverasty of Southern CaWomaa, and Unaversaty of Cahfornaa, lrv10e, the two tesllhed Ezecubvee of local aewa· papera and othe.n circulated in th11 are~ will 18rve on a paAel wbacb will ducuu upects of advert~m9 and other polia.. when the CorollA del Mar Chamber of Commerce .pon.10r1 a publlc breekfut aa..tiAq at 7·30 next Tu..d.ay, Feb. 23. The event will be held lD tbe Sherman ubrary and ~rdena, 2647 E.ut Coast H.agbway BegJDnmg that same afternoon at 5:30, "Barbara's Biq BounhJul Blender" for chamber members wul be held at Barbara K. Jackson, c realJve Jewelers, 2610 East Coast Haghway Fluor ProJDOtes Davlcl Tappan To Presidency, More Changes Seen Chatrman J. Robert Fluor, 60, announced last weelc he will lceep that job but ia turninq over the presidency of the Fluor Cor· poration and giv&ng the addt- honal title of chief operating of. hcer to David Tappan, 59. More changes are expected m the next two months, signalling the btggest executive revissons at Fluor since the move to lr- vtne. Tappan hu beel'l a key fiqure aa Fluor's worldwide sales have reached billion-dollar Ieveli. Since 1952, be baa moved up hom admini1lrative usiatant in sales to bead all salea operationa and ffnally to become second in command only to Fluor bim.aeU. In 1971, Tappan organized the fabuloualy successful Fluor E.nqin .. n & Conatructon Inc. suh.idiary whic h had $4.7 billion in new orders last year with an additional $5 billion pending. Fortune maqaame in 1979 said 1t wu a "master ltroke" when Fluor named Tappan vice presi- dent for sales operations in Fluor'• first act after becomJD9 pr .. ident and chief el[ecutive in 1962. Six years later when Fluor succeeded hia uncle as chan- man, Fluor's first act wu to promote Tappan to eenior vice preaident. In 1976, Tappan wu given the additional title of VJCe chairman. "Due to the company's rapid qrowth, I have concluded that we should now complement my role as chairman and chief executive officer with the new posihon of president and chief operatinq oHicer," The elder fluor said in a statement last week. The Los Angeles Times alao reported that the corporation is dividing ataalf into four largely self-•uHicient are.u- enQineerinq and conatruction, natural resources, drillinq aerv· ices and diatribubon services. The Times quoted a Fluor spokesman a.s saymg diviaion heads for those departments will be named before the corpora- lion's annual meetinQ March 8. The corporation revealed in ats 1981 annual report, releued last week that foUowin9 the merqer with St. Joe, o large Manhattan-based min.ing con- cern, Fluor hired an indepen- dent management conaulting firm . It was instructed "to review Fluor Corporation and all its sub11diaries to help determine the optunum organ.izational structure that will be requ.Ued to meet the challenQes and oppor· tunities of the }gao.," The move reflects the internal concerns at Fluor u ita stock - plummeted in the wake of ~nves­ ton' uncertainty after the St. Joe mer9er. According to ita annual report, Fluor'• cash flow was reduced by a llag(Jermq $400 million lut year. . At year's end, Fluor's long- term debt atill stood at $1.1 billion, $600 IJ1illion of it the remainin9 amount owed to a Qroup of New York banlta which loaned Fluor $1 billion for its St. Joe acqW.ition. "Thou9h coeta related to Acquisition have temporarily moderated Fluor's histone eam- mqa patterns, they have m no way diminiahed ita ba.aic atrength4 or altered Fluor's long- term growth proepecta," Fluor told ita stockholders in a state: menl aiqned by the elder Fluor and Tappan. "On the contrary, Fluor has become a stronger company with qreater ability to help solve aociety'a preuinq problems m enerqy and natural resources," the statement said. Tappan at 59 succeeds to the presidency of the world's fourth lar9e1t process enqineering and construcboll company. Born in China of IDJ..ISlOnary teacher parents, be came to the U .S . on a ~ebolarahip to study economice at Swarthmore Col- leqe in Pennaylvan.ia. --------- NASA Energy--Device Now Available To Public CUts Eledrkal Consumption Of Home Appliances SUbstantially ADd QuaHfies For 15/. EDeJgy Tax CrecUt Ncwpcn Beach-Originally dev~ by the National Aeronautical & Space Adminis- tration for I..ISe on NASA space- craft. a device known as a Power Factor Controller (PFC) is now being marketed to coo· swners by New World lndu.Y tries, Inc. ol Newport Beach, a fum specializing in Alternative Energy Markets. Rights to market the device passed into public domain in tm. New \\bid Industries. the exclusive distributor for =~is marketing ~ a PFC deVice y reduces the ~ oon.swnption of AC induction type motors. such as those found ln refrigerators. neezers. washers, dryers. air oondi' . . units, forced-air heat~ pool & spa pumps. There is no kl5s of speed or power during the process Users have indicated savings of as much as S7 per month on aefrigeraton alone. and machinery~ heavily on AC motors. According to New World Industries execu- tives. homeowners can realize the same kind of savings on horne appliances. Benefits include: • Substantially reduced energy consumption-up to 50% • Protection against "brown· out" -motor is turned off if volta&e drops too low • Increased motor tife- reduced maintenance • No effect on performance • 20 year warranty • Promnt, expert installation by~ technicians • Unit pays for itself in one yearorless • Refrigerators • Freezers • Washers & Dryers • Air Coodi- booers . Pools 8t Spa~. Faoed-eir systems • Nearty everything that uses an AC motor • Power 'Il:ds • Sewing Machines Tbe MotorgenieTM is war- ranted by the manufacturer to be free &om defects in materi- als and workmanship £ex a period d 20 years bun date of original purchase. Actual oople:s of the warrant)( its cooditions and limitations. are available for review. Appointments for installa- tion of the Mot~ no. are now being taken by New Ybld Industries oo a first- come. first-served basis. You may~ for installation by =tbe attached form. N .WI.s' offices at 7l . ~---------------------------------------­ ~------------------~----~~~------------- He turned to enqmeermg ID the Seabee. and after the war took an MBA deqree at Stan- fo rd. He worked for U.S. Steel before joining Fluor as assastant to the sales vice pres1denl an 1952. "Today the sales orgaruzahon he has built 1.1 the envy of the busmeu,"Fortune wrote in 1979. "Tappan baa 64 salesmen sta· honed around the world, mAlung calla, talhng up the company an 25 lanQuagea, hstemng for the rumble of auper·proJecls an formahon." Leading proJects luted m an annual report detailing recent growth of fluor and St. Joe mclude the former's 1972 con- tract for a ma)Or portlon of the Alaska oal ptpeline; the 1975 $5 ba.llion gas-gathenng proJect lD Saud1 Arabaa; the 1975 South African SASOL D synthetic fuel plant; the 1978 qu-centnJuge process plant for uran1um enncbment m Portsmouth, Ohao; and Fluor's firlt People's Repubhc of China pro)ecta m . NEVER AGAIN As the Newport Beach City Council voted last Monday to cancel its approval of the big Newport Center expansion (and thereby cancel a citizen referendum), Councilman Phil Maurer gave a stimng speech. "I won't let that group ever do this to the city again." he vowed 1n self-righteous anger. Some people in the City Hall audience were left a bit breathless by Councilman Maurer's ringing statement. Just what did he mean? Was he saying that he would personally see that the people of Newport would never again be allow- ed to use their constitutional right to petition for redress of grrevances? After giving some thought to his words. we dec1ded that Mr. Maurer must have been saying just the opposite: that he would see to it that. never again would our city government make the mistake of taktng an 1mportant action that was against the best interests of the overwhelming majonty of the people it serves. Never again would government put big development and big money ahead of the interests of the city and 1ts citizens. We are sure that is what Mr. Maurer meant. because he was a schoolteacher for many years in our local schools. where chtldren are taught that democracy works best when the greatest number of people get involved in the system. We are sure he taught hts students that. when government does something the people don't like. the people have a right to petttion against the decision. We must all protect the city that we love so dearly. We welcome Mr. Maurer's des1re to see that the City Council protects the interests of the people. S.P.O.N. STOP POLLUTING OUR NEW PORT ,.0. lOX 102, W.IOA &SUND, CA 12112 .. • STOP lOSlM. ~l '\ TO Tltl lti Of'{N A NEWPOaT 1Al~Do4 SAV1NCS laA Tunely Resignation Joseph Canzeri, a deputy assistant to President Reagan and executive assistant to deputy White House chief of staH Michael Deaver, resiqned last week after disclosures that he borrowed $400,000 at very favorable interest rates, half from Laurance Rockefeller and hall from Newport Beach developer Donald !toll. Canz,ri obtained the loans last July at 9 percent in- terest from Rockefeller and 12 percent interest from !toll. At the time, interest rates for consumen were about 16 percent. The White House aide reportedly used the money to buy a $380,000 Wash..ington townhouse. Canzeri denied any wrongdoing, according to the Associated Press, and said h.is job did not involve "substaD.ce or policy." The L.A . Times said Canzeri's reapon.ibilities included involvement in the details of White House ceremonies and presidential travel. Koll said the Times was "trying to make something out of nothing." Koll said he was only helping a friend and could not benefit from the relationship because he does not build using FHA loans. However, Koll and Canzeri could be faulted for poor judgment, in this day of concern about even the ap- pearance of conflict of interest-a fact borne out by Canzeri's resignation. At present, Koll executive vice president Tim Strader ia a member of the county's Airport Blue Ribbon Com- mittee asked to recommend sites for a new regional air- port. The group has called for the county to buy out El Toro Marine Air Station and convert it to commercial use. ltoll has been the contractor for hundreds of buildings around John Wayne Airport and-like other contractors, developers and businessmen-conceivably would benefit from the creation of a second airport. In addition, Koll, Strader and other executives of the com- pany head the board of Irvine Meadows Amphitheater, whose operations are hmited by Marine jet flight opera- tions. Last month, Irvine Meadows was turned down by the Corps after asking to break a 1981 agreement and begin staging weeknight concerts. The Blue Ribbon/Irvine Meadows positions, impinging as they do on subjects involving the federal govern- ment, are examples of local activity which could cast a shadow over a $200,000 loan to a White House oUicial- even as innocent as help to a friend miqht have been. Canzeri's resignation was a move wisely made. -TB, B~S CONSUMER CORNER- Dear Consumer t.aoue: I'm &Jraid to buy auythino a.Dy morel Every time 1 turn .uound someoDe ia rippillo me off. When 1 moved from New Jersey to California my household oooc:la weiohed 500 pouude more lD California thu they had ill New Jeraey 10 the movi.Do com- pany ch.uoed me more than the. esti.mate. The plumber who did repair work OD my Dew house c;~ave au eetimate of $90, then charoed me $250. To tOR thinos off, the braud Dew e&r 1 pur· c bued in New Jersey ia DOW haviDo a fuel injection problem. The d.aalerahipe out hue aay il as NOT theu problem, that I have to take ttbacktothe dealer I bought it (,om. Even if I thouoht I could oet the car back, who want.a to drive to New Jeney? 1 mu.t iu.et look like a patsy Mn.G . DeorNn G .. You do have .rune real prob- /ezul Of COUIM, W1t wJlllry to help. But what )IOU really need are lawt1 tbat will help protect )IOU. And let .. lace il-tbe con- sumer ba~~ to get involved in tbe biUJnea of b~. We all try to get help alter tbe rip oR. What w. NOJ./y abould do ill lind wuyw to pre- vent tb._ tbing8 from ever bt'lpp4ning. Jbi. G., why don't )IOU give me 0 colJ cmd rJJ telJ )IOU bow tbe CoAawDer Leogue cao help th• c:oa.wau J.elp bim•ll. A. ConJuciau AIO}'W, "U )IOU want .ametb.Jng done right -roJJ up )'Our aleevu and help gel it done. " Or M)JIJetbing like tbol. Co/1 anytm.~e, 551 -1120. • The Co..wae~ IA•Qve Ia a Qroup of mo ud women wbo have b&nded IOC)et!ler to better h•ndle their conwmer co111plainta. The IM9\I• Mya 11 ofien complaint IY:Jad.Jinq with qr-ovp c .. t. merral •fYice, ...... .-ch MfY!Cea 4dld a newaletter. n..,.. .. a &JU.IJ a.n.oval ... lor a taai.ly aeabenlup n.. leeqoe .. a Mrvace qnxap thai .,_ 1 .. Owa. flter11 are DO maodasory ...U.911 or pro,ec:t~ Add,_ •114Wriee to 4642 W.taat, lrv\Ae, CA C714. or ~ 1151-a7. SIG P..h .... .....,.w ...... ., LIMadal ..... .....,._m.GIIO RlCHAAD M O N'ND Co·P'!bu.her 101 PAYSON . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . • • . C:O.p\lbllaher STIV& HADl.AJifD . . . . . . . . • • . • O..ra1 W.~r IUIT SlWS . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . lditof LILAJifD POliND . • . . . . . . . . A.-oc:IMe ldttor ID.L SDIPSON Acl-;ert.~ta.oo O.r.ctor SAJfDU UPAJU . . .... ,1 Adv.rtwtn9 W.O.ao•r NAICUS DilTZ. CHRJS1"0J'Jqq L'fMCH . . . . • lpor111 t.ponen ROGKa AJiaLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • • . . . • • A.pon.r MUY IL08DI ud 101 PI1IISC:* ..•• r •••••••••• ~,...._ Al.A.N M ICHOf'r .. • ' •......•.....•• • •.. • '"-l~~e.tao. w,_, 'n 1C* l'r'IOIJ«)fD ..............•. """ ..•.•.. Care...._ DIMtiM ,., ................. _...._.., .................. ......... ............... ..., .............. _...._ •• ,.. ....... c-. .... a.., .. o..a, .... ~ ..... -.._. ............... .. ..................... ............................. c.. ..................... .. ................. 0 2 0 , ... ,., .... -C.A"- • ~$ Jl .... "'Cti--e.. Letters To The Editor E•ade Vote To the Editor: Why has the Newport City Council meetino of Feb. 8 heeD called a diauter? la it becaUM the word is seepmq' out that $33 million iD Dew and improved atreets which would by-pa.u Coast Hiohway in Coroua del Mar has been rejected? Or because $1 .5 millioD in annual taxes from improvemeDta to be built in Newport Center have been turDed down? Certai.D.ly, the Irvine Co. ask- ed to be relieved of their Auou.et commitment. becaUH of attacb by complainino 1eueholders, Do·orowthers and others who would tell landowners how to \1M their property. Ia auch oppo- aition adfquate UCUM for four of the elected council members to evade a publio vote OD the tt.m for which 10me 7,000 had petitioned for reeciaion or the rlqht to vote? One council member thouoht not. She cha..roed that the peti- tioDers had distorted facta and uaed deceitful tactics to obtain aiqnatu.res, a well-bown feet. Three of the four council members who aoreed to the resoi.uiou will be up ior re· electioD in 'November. One iDdJ- cated ahe wu ef.raid lb. city would be too disrupted U the vote was left to the dti&enry. I'm olad the white t..ther wu unpopular in 1941. GenD&D or Japanese a.re touoh lanoua9• to learn. Lyman S. Faulkner 1ust Note The Weather .•. ' (Ed. Nole: Lin H&u, o/12 ~on Bay Drive in Corona del Nor, is a 12-year-old student in Lincoln Middle ScbooJ'• nventb grade. She thought her composition lor a recent Engl.iab class ''lnigbt be interesting to reod." We agreed; she bas struck a umvenol note.) The weather in the morDinos really affect.a my mood for the whole day. Eapecia.lly wheD I wake up, and find that it's dark and cloudy. That rea.lly puts me down in the dumpe. The orayneu makes everythiDO look ao oloomy, thua ma..kino me feel the aame, as well as beiDo reatlesa and depreued. The day abo seems dull and lon..ome. That cauaea me to be unrefreahed aud unable to start off well. 1 oet a.ll orouchy and depr....d, too, especially if I've Dot had eDouoh aleep. But, if the day start.a oU clear, Dice, ud aunny, theD my mood ia d.iffereDt. The sun qives me a rea.lly sunahiDy feellno, and malt• everything .uound me ... m happy. Good weather abo appeazs to qive me more eDerqy to start the day off. WheD I'm in a oood mood, which, fortunately, ia pretty often, I simply do better. So, if you ever ... me like that, ju.at Dote the weather, and you'll know why. by IJ.D llsu T Needs Help To the lditor: The Oranoe Coast YMCA just finiahed up it.a moat demandino year ever, and thanb in l.uoe part to the Coast Media Newa Group, we we~e able to meet mo.t of our objectives. For example, over 1,200 children attended summer camp, another 100 atteDd our after·IChool proqram, still hund..reda of others rec•ive coUAMlino from our Criai.a Center and Youth Shelter. Yet, we Deed you.r help ill 19821 Jauuary 28th, the Oranoe Cout YMCA kicbd off the la.ro..t Cuneot Support Cam· paiqn iD the hiatory of uy of the 11 YWCA'• iD Oruoe Cou.D.ty. We1dll_. to reile $90,000 iA coutributiona to help uud.arwrite our youth procpama. We railed $83,000 iA 1981. This objective h.u been tackl- ed by 125 voluteer campaiou- en who .ue oellino oD YMCA members ud fri.enda, buaineu ud iDdu.atry, Mrvice cluba and fouudAtiona. The ioDDal campaiQD will run to Feb. 29. You Rpport iD the put hu heeD )aelphal iA improvino the quality of liJe iA Coeta W..., Newport BMc1a ud Irvine u we .. ,.. ov.r 12,000 youth and edult. &D.Dually. Editorials Are State Award-Winness (Co11ti.Dued from peoe 1) cover ahowiDo priaewinnen ud ectivtty iA the ennual Se.Adcutle cont..t. Jim Felton, whoee column appMn in ell three papers, wrote th. b.t one of U.. JMr, iD the j~' opiAJOD, wilen he deecrlbed the ohuce ~DMlinO oJ World WarD tiou .... from th.La area. ODe judoe ~eored it 100 poi.D .. out of • po-•Ne 100, and uoU.er OOJaJDeutecl tMt ttl quality of wriliDQ' wu "oood, twift, ezp,_.,e," TIM 6Mign'• award. tor a..a Seri• ai lditori&Lt a.oAO all w.ekll• WM p,.._t.d ~ eevu&l ciMJID9 wldl tM 000• lrOftnY Oft&' upeMID9 Job w.,.. ~.or .... Copty. JudcJee loud u.. ...-bJ auu, who ta ed.itor ol De .. ,. u well M cp~ eclUor, did e ~·~ ~ ia ~tia9 • ciMr, CGDC ... PkltUN ~ tM iUutioe,"' waa 'WA~JPlly, o&Mfly writt.D,"' ua·~ .... wp..,..lo% etqatllouoe, Writla9 ~' ucl •rrioe .., .... ~.....,. • JOURNAUSI'S JOURNAL by Jim Feltoa From all ovez the county they came to the chapel in Coata Weea-hom the Ouia Senior Center in Newport Beach, from the county'• Area Aoeacy oD Aqino, from MDior ceuters iD Anaheim and Fullerton ud Gard.aD Grove, ud from his beloved Irvine Senior Center which he fouoht for almo.t linole-handed.ly-and after each of u.s toued a trowel-ful or shovel-ful of freshly-turned ea.rth oDto hia coffin iA ita orave, we formed two rows, an aveDue of frleude and UIOCiat•, and the family walked throuoh u we aaid "Ha-ma-ltOM Y'ne-HD4. . . . "-may the Lord comfort you-becaUM the qrief over the pa.aaiDo of Iaadore Scluleider WU 10ul-deep. He wu iA hia 80th year. He had a small frame, but a bio heart, and he wu • fiohter ~o the end. A week before he wu strlckeD for the lut time, he reported on hia participatioD in the White HoUM Coofezence OD Aomo, aud he orowled hLa coD· tempt for the way the fteaoan Adminiatratiou tried to eteck committ ... to restrict proteat.a from the elderly. Rabbi Robert Berqman, who officiated at the aervic• for laadore Schueider, had an ex· pluatioD fer the fiesty little fiohter. "H.ta first Dame, iD Hebrew. Iarael, meua, 'One who has striven with God'," Rabbi Beroman said. "I am nue that this latter-day larael had hia a.ha.re of wr..t.li.Do with God." Thoee of u.s who bew and worked with INdore could hard- ly be mrpriMd to leun that he mioht have wr..u.d with God. ludore wu not draid oJ anyt)a.iao or anyou. He wu indomitable. One day at a meet· iDo 1attocMd Dot too ~o aqo, laadore aud another man became iAvolved iD • heated ud bitter ahoutino match and laadore ac:tu.ally iDvited the other man to .tep out.aide to settle the dbpute in open com· bat. He knew better, but u Rabbi Beroman uplained, "When he had a caUM, he wu a touoh fiohtu, u touoh u they come." "His aecoDd Dame, iD Hebrew. La YOD&h (in Enoliah, Jonall)," &bbi BerOJD&D said. 'Yonah meau '• dove.' And that deiCribed our laadcue Schueider. When he had to be. he waa a flobter. But m.ide, he wu a dove." Rabbi BerqmaD, aud Schueid.r's IOD-in-law, Ra.bb1 Uoyd Golctmn of Cbattuoooa. Te.on., told of INdore'• triumpha and c:te.palr. Twice at.ricbll with CAA081', helo.t • lwag ed und.arweut othe1' surqery, but alwaye returned to Ie.d the floht for MD.ior citizen p.rojecta, (or COlDDUa.nity bettenuut, ed to work for b.1. IJ'O•CJOCiJU8. He had heeD t.Qal cou.u.l for North Americe-Roc:kwell. Wla.atever he did, he roee lo leedeniUp ud eeneci b yean u pz..t· deot of tbe Oruqe Couty S.Sor CiUaeu Cowad1 u well u c1aa1.ma.aa of lke l.ntAe Senior Couacil. a. wu tir.a.. iD llLa service. \ ' POUCE BLO t•t'ER MODday. F.t». I CRIWIS Tools •alued at $2,360 were reported atolen from BounM Pa!Dtinq Co. in the fint block of Narboune . . . Ten city pal'kinq meten were broken into and $250 in cha.nqe atolen, nHr 31at and Lido Park Drive. One meter wu broken into at 2bt north of Newport Boulevard and $6 taken . . . A pair of diamond earrlnoa worth $12,000 and a oold rino worth $70 were reported atolen from Ellen D. Speyer in a caz burolary in the 4500 block of Martino ale. ARRESTS Ralph Aouirre, 28, of Midway City, wu arr .. ted on suspicion of receivlno known stolen prop- erty . . . Four motoriata were ar- r .. ted on suspicion oJ drunken drivlno, none from Newport Beach. Tueeday, Feb. 9 CRIMES Jewelry worth $25,273 wu reported atolen from Ben S. Bukewihoe, when burolars entered hit oaraoe and broke into the trunk of hit car, in the 1000 block of Polaris ... A TV Mt, cable attachment and two tablea worth $754 were reported stolen in a burglary in Promon· tory Point . . . A stereo cuaette player worth $175 waa reported stolen from Charl• John Priolo in a burQlary in the first block oJ Seabird Court. ARRESTS Robert AlJ&.n Tuckel', 18, of Costa W.., wu a.rr..ted oo auapicion of auto burqlary . . . Nich.Mlltirt Dodd, 28, of Newport Beech, wu warreated on a county warrant cha.rqino violation of parole . . . JC.azen Louis Preaton, 29, of Huntinoton Beach, wu aneeted on auapi· cion of puai.no bed checlta . . . AlJred Harutunian, 20, of Irvine, wu arrMted on auapi- cion of forqlno a name on a credit card . . . Chad .. Lyle John.aon, 35, of Santa Ana, wu arreated on auapicion of p?ana- ino amphetamin" . . . One motorist, not from Newport Beach, wu arrested on auapi- cion of drunken drivlno. Wecm..tay, Feb. 10 CJUMES Two five-foot potted palm trees worth $800 were reported stolen hom William J. Gillespie in the 3400 block oJ Catamaran Drive ... A 37-foot sailboat, valued at $95,000, wu reported stolen and recovered five days later. Owner Lee Thoma.a report- ed $18,000 worth oJ equipment atolen. The boat wu found tied to a private pier. ARRESTS Charles Scott Hamilton, 23, oJ Santa Ana, wu aneated on au.picion of r"idential burolary 1 chair c ... ned with any aofa ' . Estltutes ...... , --1311 cl .. nedat regular coat EXPIRES MARCH 4, 1982 PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE PROFESSIONAL CLEANING COMPlETE DRAPERY ClEANING SERVICE AVAILA8LE 1711 .... -.a ... CoeTA..aA LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART l OTH ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW 307 OJFJ OliVE C .tld Prt>vww -Thur'>dav ~t>b ]'; 'luppt'r & \\'tnt>' b·CJ PM \ \'l Pt•r Pt>f\On Don,H•on lum ht•un I P< turt> b, luht> ( oht>n { htnt'W ~ urn•turt> 1 'lrh 19th ( t>ntur\< "'•'wJ><>rt M.~rrtot t Hou•l I ndav ~t>b l b 11 \0 d m \.?'• •m ludm..: Show Entr\ f-RID A'r & ':>A TURDA't H H 26 & 27 NOON TO 8 PM SUNDAY .~ t B 28 NOON TO 6 PM $1 INClUDING CAT ALOCUE WERVA liONS 494-0Jl9 494-6531 ClPWN euA•••• UNDER L """ • ..., NEW OWNERSHIP NOW OFFERS HIGHER ALITYwoRK on your •u•d• ......... draperieaand all your clothing In New~ aeech 1058 8AYSIDE DR 7eo-G&50 • . . . Debw.Jl LJDD Manu, 25, of Aoah.lm, wu a.rre.ted on au.picion of re.iclent.i&l burqlary . . . Three motorists were an..t- ed on auapicloll of d:runbo drlv- inQ, tncluclioQ two from Newport Beech: Raymond Clyde Natter, 31, and D.n.lel Edward S.ens, 42. $1 ,780 wu reported atolan from Jam .. ft. W....k in a boet burolary in a •toraqe yard in the 1100 block of BAck Bay Ro.d Tbe Jl,ewpol"t !MigD W..t=wday. , • ...,, 11. 1• Posr-1 Thunclay. Feb. 11 CRDaS A atereo receiver worth $325 wu reported atolen from Alice Christina Horlick in a burolary in the 1300 block of Antiqua . . . Cuh tQtallino $300 wu reported atolen from The Toy Shop, 3101 !. Cout Hwy .. in a theft from a aafe. ARRESTS . . . Tools worth $31!5 wwe reported stolen from fto9er Charl• Relmer in a tlleft from hu car in the 2500 block of Maroaret Avenue ... A video oame machine wu reported stolen from Golden w ... Cleaners, 129 Aqate Ave., Balboa WAnd. The cleeAen '- owned by Dante Veaplqn&ni, and the machine by American Amusement Co. The machine it called "froqoer with Jroqa," and it valued at $3,000. AirCal {ContLDued from page 1) Teachers (CoDtiDU*i &oa paoe 1) apc;>keaL&n Mid Friday that, lf the tHCb.era dec1cled to rejeCt the district' a offer. the nezt move miqht have been a "Job action" vote. If the pay impuae 11 Mttled today, it will alto get the diatnct out from under a atem warnino hom county echoola aupertnten· dent Robert Peter110n, who lut week wed the diatrict to tubiDll to a ~cptment audit before ... lrino more alate school funds . The audit wu needed, Peterson said, because of uncertainty over the Newport Mesa d.satncl budget-an uocerta.anty brouoht about by Lulwe to reach a pay accord. Water Dlat.rtct Vote Two directors of the Coutal Wumcipa.l Water Oi.tnct wiU be elected on June 8 lrom clav11100.1 wbJch LO.Clude pub of Newport Beach, Coeta W... and Brea. first date for cancbd.at• to obtain nomi!latton papers wu lut Monday, Feb. 15, LD the Santa Ana office of the ft.cpauu of Voten, and complete form.a muat be filed by 5 p.m., March 12. 9'1 .000 Clams Net proceed. trom the recent etghth annual Clambake Week qM)'*'red by the 552 Club to raise funda-and friends-for Hoag Memonal Hospttal exceed- ed $91,000, Gene Baum, chau- man of the project, annoUDced lut week Dean Erne.t Schwuta, 24, of Newport Beach, wu arrested on suspicion of plantinq and cultivatinq marijuana . . . Jeb Brian Hawli.ah, 19, of Newport Beach, wu arrested on auapi- cion of vandaliam . . . Thr- motortata, none from Newport Beach, were arreated on suspi- cion of drunken driving . . . Robert Michael Tomerlin, 20, of Newport Beach, wu arrested on auapicion of commercial burg- lary. honal Auport, all passengers and a crew of five left the plane unhurt, said Peterson. Ounnq the Ontario approach, the pilot detected "contact wtth an obJect that was urudentabed," then "elected to abort" the lan- dtng, Pete non said. · THE ·rer.f:~HONE POll Friday. Feb. 12 CRIMES Two, five·-foot sago palm trees in redlfoocl pots, value $400, were reported stolen from Elaine Camaru in the 900 block of Sandcaatle. Saturday. Feb. 13 CRIMES Fishing eqwpment worth He decided to land at LAX because "It baa a longer runway and better mstrumentation," Peterson said. Later, AirCal found the plane's hydraulic brake lines had been cut and there wu a "large dent" an one engine cover. Allen Crawford, chief of the NTSB ofhce tn Loa Angeles, said tf early reports are accurate, the plane would have been above ita mmtmum-allowed altitude of 1, 240 feet above sea level. -Roger b gle nu ....-. qu..uoa· Should Newport-Mesa school · diatrict accept fact-finder'• recouunendation on teacher pay? (See Page 1.) To YOte YES~ call 875 ..... To .ote RO. c:all 875-7020. Call auytime b.tween now and 8 a.m. Monday to cut your Yote . There will be no ring. Theze it no need to talk. The "hano up'.' 80\Uld you he&r is yow vote be~o recorded. ...._. week's cru-Uo11: Do you agree wtth Ctty Co\ln· c u reacind.s.ng approval of General Plan Amendment 80-3? YES NO 29% 71 % Tht' farst time you shop for an offan :· computer, vou·re bound to be a little appreheosave. You don't know what to t'Xped WeU. we're here to put )"'llf mind at e-a.'ie. '\tan ang now Nobody should buy anythang the\ don't undt'r,t.mJ So well help you understand. At Tosluba information Systt>m..\ Centt:rs. we're -;ellan,..: offiCe computers and word processoC'. But we're giving away time. Tame to find out how your busarx'" .,..,..,.k.,. wh.Ir \l'tl expect from a computer. wh3t son ot probk'rm requare .... h.u capabeliues. whether or not you reall) l'l«.'ll .1 m mputt'f Time to sat you down and show \'OU how to work Y.ath .& computer or W«d proces-'iOr. TinY to make sure \'OU understarxl tht' rutu~ of tht- computer rt"V<>>ution in business applicahun~. Tunc to ~1\t.' vou clear answers in plain English; no computer-ee. no Jif~'llO, no buu words. If you want to know about our computl"f"S. we11 ~how vou what they can do. lf you decide you want to buy one ot our rocnpul~ we'll stick by you uncal you and )'OW' stafl know how to Wit it. W,ll providr )'0.1 with a mainrmance program swtt'd to your needs. and gi~ you hard fiC't about ~. (lbshiba systems~ CP/M• competib&e. givins )'OU the .. idtsc varifty o1 prosnrn1 to fat your panM:utar nftds. l ' We've goc time for your faC't tunc Owb4 ., • ....._ .1,99S ~ EW-100 Advan."e'd Word Processang System. Check out IBM. check out WANG. \-ou v.'OO·t tanJ another deilicattd word processsng systml wath the flexabtla[\ md advanced feature-sol the Toshabe EW-100 systml at thas Pft<."t' • Large storagt capaory-260 pages • Global search and repta..·l' • High quahty. ha~ pontmg -4~ charactft's pet'~ • Gbsary for up to 62 prestoted t~xt ~aemenrs • Exceptiooally easy operator usr • Starter kit anduded • Pra incl. daisy-wheel printer.~ kryboard. d.L1C dnvt"\. display SOftll and~~ word processm!{ !dtware. .... I .... II.'!IJ~ 1'--j 17. ~-1lae ............ care of," Bec._u. Mid. UCI woWd U.O loee • chuoe to enhaDce ill preetige u a medical center, he added. BeckmaD abo Mid 1D a wide- rangi.Jlg lnterriew: --Once an Irvine ba.pit&l it ill place be will back UCI'a ~ for an on-campu.a ambu- latory cue facility; -"lnth'Uiutic support" of Irvine ...mdeutl, ..U..dy demOD- atrated by the creation of People foz an lrri.ne Community Ho.pi- t&l, will be ~tial to wiD the aupport of health plannin.g aqen- ct .. and abo tile UC fteoenta; Sdgitz (Contmued from page 1) which would make diac:rimin.a- tiOD becau. of MX unconatitu- tion&l, abe baa said it would place women aide by aide with m.n in combat, "ill fozbolea." The new district will include IJ Toro; MiaaiOD Viejo, San CJeaa.te, San Juan Capistrano, C.platruo Beech, Dana Point, five precincts in South l.aQUDa, and tbr .. arMS in the county: Trabuco and Silverado canyons and the Orteqa area. Ra.idency in a U.S. Con<Jrea- aion&l District is not a require- ment for office. At presa time yesterday, Mrs. Scbmita waa the only candidate who bad filed. Monday was the firat day to file. Reqi.atration will continue tc Mareb 12. -HM.ltll plenwee a~ are~to"\aaiea..-....,... ...... ~ .. and ~·ude tMt it 11 OWW· tl I d;W, tha JniDe cJo.G't Med .... -.~; and -OiatJ by aoria9 DOW ceJl fu.rl.Mc lacre .... ba J..Utt. cue c<*a be noldecl. Beck-a• 111ecop1aect tater- natioDally 6or lUll OODI:ri.bGtlou to ICMDce, eduoatioD, l.Ddutry and envirODJW .. tal technolocn. He r.c.ived a Pb.D. boa CalTecJ. iA 1928. He fowaded Beo._an Iut:rum.nta lA a PuadeDa gu~ ana ,...,. later wh.ile • aeaber ol the faculty at Ilia a1aa .. ter. He w.Dt on to ct.velop the pH metez for IM&IUJ'i.Jl9 eciclity and albHDity; the H.lipot helical potutiometer, a pNC!Gon elec- tronic COJD.pODellt, ud the quam photoelectric 81*'- trophotoa..ter, an lutrwDent widely UMd ill chemical anal,.... Pastorinl (Continued from page 1) take sobriety teeta, Putorini con.aented to a breathalyser which ahowed "over .10 alcohol," or leqally intomcated, police said. The football player, who lives in Newport Beach, wu in jail until 3:45a.m. Monday, under atate law that require~ clnmken • drivin9 auapecta be held until sober. Arrai(JiliDent is scheduled for 8:30 a .m. March 1 in Harbor Municipal Court. Under the new law, Putorini, WbeD ... T Bealan.an'l IWU M ~MDtioud &JilOD9 pb,.sciu8, tb.y unally ~ bow tlMy ued hll iutnuMilta lA IMCileal eollool. While lA Rulli& 1D 197S at the lDvttatiOil of the Scmet ~•Y of Sciuc., Bea._an waa touted bJ a Ru.aeiu- ac:ade•iciu who Mid he could • not ba-n '**•eel bia doctbrate f lA bia Beld witllout lbe aid of the• Beclaua !lpeCt:rophotometer, , and Mid five of bia atudent. did I the ..... Becbau ia chairman emeritU' of u.. hoard of truteea of CalTecll ud a .. abet of the baud ol Hoao W.morlal Ha.ptt&l. He aita oa other bouda too nWDezou:8 to mentioa. U. bu received a balf-doaen honorary c~ecp .. from varioua UDiventtiea. He Ia one of the "Nr. Republicana" of Oranqe County. The iAterview bec;ran with a diacuaon of efforta by Beckman if convicted, could receive .c8 boura to aix mont.lu in jail. A fine of $375 to $500 could t. levied and a 90-day drivin9 reetriction could be impoMd. On the arreat report, Putorlni'a full name ia listed u Dante Anthony Putorini, Jr. His occupatiOD ia qiven u football player and hia employer aa Geor¢a Frontiere. He ia lingle, the arreat report aaid, bu a fow-inch ac:ar on hia riQbt ahoulder and a ac:ar on hia right kn ... An apparent traffit: warrant for $296.50 wu oubtudinq at the time of arreet, the report aaid. -Rogel' Angle Yes, you do! All you'll ever need to know about florists : anc:l otMn to bmd W..terlll World Weclical round.atioll tn the early 19'101. \ o. How Ia .... 0\Uiellt ~tal drt" dlff.reDt from tlaoee ol the put? A. 'nut W~ World WeciSoa1 FowadatioD wu prilurily a two-party urup- IUDt betw.en the UD.Ivenity of Caillomia lnine ud lloaQ Ho.pat&l. n dicba't WCOMd b two ,.. .... Oo.e ... the 1Dahll- Uy of U.. praoticfa9 ph,..sctus to aqree. TheN wu a Town and Gown eoJt ol ri•alry that preftllted the project from oolD9 U.ead. 'tWo, we bad mter- n&l probleJU. We coulcm't aqree with the UDiftnity about who wu QOillg to nm tile abow. 0 . Tb1t time there ia u.niver- aity tnvol .... ut. A. I hope that the anivenity will be lDYOlved. You .... I have to NCOIJ!IiM U..t whee the univenlty went on ita own path, When the ettasion eatasior Blegaa.-e NEWf'OIIT llACH 3412 v~ Lido I 675-2731 ohooelag to Uae op wlth-t.ak:e ewer U.. Oruoe Cowlty bc.pJ- lal-lt 18olat.cl ...... fro. ... of l.be Nllt ol tM ocam1Ull•. A 9J'OGP lA the lrriAa c:ommWllty, bMdecJ bJ 0.-n BabT, bu real- Jy puaJaecllD tbJ.a Cli.I'NII.t project and .o UCI ia o.ow 1D the po.t· tiOil of Mkmo to co .. m ud jobl the party. Q. Then inYOlvem.nt by Inine citiaeu mab. a lXg clitMreDce? A. 0D two or tbr.e countl. One, jf tb1a proJect •• oolnq to IUCCMd, lt'a going to require the enthu.aiutic and full aupporl oJ tile ctttaeu of Irvine. TllrO, the needa of the Irvine com- munity ue a major factor. They were not back 1D the early WMtem World roundation day., becau. the Irvine com- mUDity then wu pretty aull. The empbuia then wu, "What can we do to build the Univer· aity of California'• medical depa.rtmenl to make it a number ona medk:al 8Chool?" That wu the main thruat. Now, we've oot the actu.al medJcal Deeda of • growlng and anach lazger com- mWl.lty. Q . In yow many yean of medical experience, ia it ~i­ ble for a teaching ba.pital and • community ba.pilalto co-eabt? A . Oh, yee. I ... no problem, provided the people, both in the Wlivenity and in the delivery of b.Uth cue, app~ thia with a praqJD&tiC attitude and ere ~toc~p~.~ recoqni&e the problema that .. ch hu. There'• o.o reuon why it can't be very aucce.lul. Continqed in next wee.t'.s «Ji. lion. New Health Chief Dr. Chad .. D. ICema, who wu functiolling u interim uaia- tant d.irectoz of •ental health, bu been named director of the I county'a new Heald. Care A9en· cy. l~ ANCll.lS /~NA I SI\NlA ~ M1M SI'IINQ I ~ I IV.N05CO I HAWAJt 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa BRING THIS AD AND Save20% UNTIL MAR.l5 at The &amery ,...._Ito,, ..... .... .... ,,., ..... .. .................... ....., ............. ~ Watch these II\~ 1 pages for a ~ BIGGER Better Rent a spaciOUS. luxunous house ex condormntum. So much n.oer to come home to after a day on the slopes. The two-bedroom condos sleep six people and the three and four- bedroom houses can easily sleep two or more whote famtlles .YIIJ SKI PARI CITl MARCH • APRil-sTAY 7 NIGHTS_ PAY FOR 6 An authentically restored Sll~ mtneng town nght out of the 1800s. Part( Ctty is the hottest new cold spot tn the West Easy to get to by P'ane Of tratn. Only 30 QUICk mtnutes from do~ For more tnformattOn and our weekly rental rates. JUSt Bill of Fare town SaJt Lake City Jr.••• GftW' contact Park City Aocommodabons, P.O. Box ~. Park Ctty, Utah 84060 (801) 649-6201 and I€K> 11 649-5333 Whale Cruises \\ t ' .. , ) \' \ I f) \\I \\ I I •• I 'I ,~., ~ Jfl A \1 t.i I .141 P \1 l l":t' '"J t rHm lht• ..... WE THINK YOUR HOME SHOULD a£ 11IE NICEST PLACE YOU GO ••.• At Wartd flflh DC • You W11 ...... A Mil VlftltJ otJ Mevltfh•t -( H•rdWIIOOd & Soli WIIOOd ) Wee4 "''"'"'' Steh'•''' -fOalt a Hemlock) Gelley tell -,.cture Pre••• -ler leila Chair,.,,,, ...... -CfOW/11\1 -c .. lltfill VtsU Our Showroom IIIC Mlllt~n:hw./V ... .. 5DIIly.IO·I S.tutclay Cbed~ ' A convenient alternative to hospital emergency rooms: The ••• RQ.NCY DOCTORS OFFICI! A Fully Equipped Medical Office for Emergency Care: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough. Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed e Immediate Attention Given OPt!N: 1 DAft A ftiEK MaDAYSAYUJt 8 A.ll.•t t P.M. Be«:h (714) 752-8300 •••RQmteY DOCTORS OPPIC • ..000 Birch St. Suite 1 07 l Newport Beach . N Loceted In Commerce Aaza A special edition of UFFSTYLE Wednesday, February24 ~·,~ & • a br llary Wae-- The Sabot A Clua with 33 en· trt. had the larg•t turnout for the part oJ the "bi99ell reQatla 1D the world," the Sou them California YaebtiDc;r .Aaoc:iation Mldwi.nter ReQatla, aailed in Newport Beach lut weekend. In the Out.ide Rae•, which wen run by Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club and Balboa Yacht Club, the trophy winnera were: MARINE SCENE SORD-1. Nugie Too, hm NuQent (BYC); 2. PeraptcOciout, Jim Sltan9 (VYC); 3. Geno)o, Gene Berqe (BCYC). ITCKILLS 22-1 Cyrene. Art Rob111too (lfHYC); 2. 5.cond Wmd, DoYq Sher· wood, (SSYC); 3. Spmt, Porter!NaiOn (lfHYC) SAHTANA 20--1. Breaker, Do~aq T~ (BYC); 2. Wudlue, RK:It Kama (Cor YC); 3 Looney Tun••· Harry PaiUIOG (NKYC) SHIELDS-I /IIllA La.. Brkrl Keocb (UCISA), 2. han, Gordon Marlow (UCISA). ISLANDIR 30-1. Symphony, Tom Moore (SSYC), 2 PI Sea, Kart- au/Smath (BCYC). T-40-1 F,_ Run, Robert N.U.r (NHYC), 2 Rowlude, '-oy ICubn (Capo BYC) lnaide the bay, the racea were eo.hoeted by lJdo We Yac ht Club and Newport Harbor Y acbt Club, with Ted Hinahaw, the United Stat .. Olympic Yachting Chairman MrvinQ u the Race Committ .. chairmana. Trophy winner• were: SABOT A-1. J.J Gobeli (NHYC) who al8o won the North Pe~tual Trophy. 2 Paul Nonnq (NKYC); 3 Joann Noi1Jie.o (acYC); 4. M.Qan TiDQier (UYC); !5. Jim Oti.a (A.BYC). SABOT B-1. £rae how (BYC), 2. Jeff IOoee {NKYC), 3. Tr.cy Ku9ll• (SDYC); 4. hili• NorDian (ICYC). SABOT C-1 O.Da Raddklr (ABYC); 2. GeofJrey Smtth (NHYC); 3 AllMon Gr .. n (ABYC); 4 Wayne Zattel ()BYC) SAJK>T OYER 40-1 O.ve TiacJ .. r (UYC). 2 O.IUUe O'Bryon (SDYC); 3 hler Ga._ (ABYC); 4. JMn l~ama (OYC), S Clill Nath&aa (ABYC) LASilt A-1 C heri• Buckanqham (MHlC), 2 Cluaa Cuckler (HKYC) LAID B-1. Katatle w.rtlD (NHYC) SAlUOARDS-1 Bill W.rtan (NKYC) TM NidwLDier Req•tt• race~ _,. liaCMMd by y•chl club. hom W.nn• del Rey 10 San Oieqo. wath dalferenl cJ.- coapehnq an .. cb u.. Local MLion who traveJ.d to wan lropluee wen: SOUHG-1 Guion Ortia (BYC), 2 Scott Kaywud (NKYC) OLSON 30-2 SlulJelogh, Wantrode/X&aner (IYC) SANTANA 30-3. T11ple Crown, Bob W.nk•llJICeath R.y (NlfYC). NIW YORK 31-2. ltVOmty, Tom OlllollYndro/Wayoe Auero (NKYC) UDO 14 A-S Bill Nc:Co rd (8YC) SANTANA 525-F••· livol. Petnck Oaborn (VYC). S-O.S-1 Howerd Hena.lan (NHYC), 2 Don Ayrft (NHYC) PHU C -5 !koJch M•sJ. Don Andenon (BYC) • • li9ht teama have completed four weeb ot league play in the city .-.creation department'• winter basketball 'A' Dlviaion. Staoclloga W L T TuiDIJUaA Wer O.Vtla 4 0 0 Oranqe County Sten 3 l 0 Walerky'• 3 1 0 loUoaa Up 2 2 0 Hooten 2 l 0 loaben 2 2 0 Aero 0 4 0 Jolt.uloA ).C:IIItll 0 4 0 Luf -~~·1 ICOf-T_.nl&ll 63, Aero 54, W.t.r~·· 84, Joltoetoo 76, OC lean 70. Hooten 38, lomben 57, lot· ao.uUp41 CUUCDMUOR Pec:Ukl Wutua.l 3 0 0 0.0. DribbMn 3 0 0 .., 3 0 0 .. C0M1 eo-Churc .. l l l 0 ... Drt1la 2 1 0 Coopeft a Lybrand I l 0 P...U K.n fonler l 2 0 nca .. o1 o A11100 0 3 0 lo. COMl Coaa Ch11rch 1 0 3 0 a.. weela'a teO*· 0.0. !10. Coopen •; ICCC ~-2 41, Araoo 35. Peell.c a. ,..._.. 27. Dr S7. SYCII 47; IN" Dt.e.ll.~l40. .._...Top Iuter ,. .......... ~.no ...... .. I ...... ,...,... o;eilel eM ..... ... ........... , .......... .. • tt 'I • ·a ...._A.a. a,. ..... he. ... ••••• ., c;;a. ........ ,. c::w. .......... _._......_ ................................. .. = 0 c..~ ................ ..... .......... 11\ ....... ...,. ..... .. ......... _.., ......... , ..... ,., .... ..................... -.... .. ~==--=~. ............... ,. • TlM Mewp«t Ea.lp Wecloeeday. Febnaary 17. 1-.... 7 PREP R<XINDUP by Chwlatoph. Lpch The Newport Harbor c;rirl.a field hockey team, eecond place fintahera in the highly com· petittve S\I.D.Mt Leac;rue, opena the Clf 4-A playofU lhUt after· noon at 3:15 againat Colton. The game, to be played on the Newport camJ.Iua, featw• a con· teat betw .. n the aeventh ranked team m CIF (Newport) and the tenth ranked team. Sailor coach Sharon Pletrok admits that Colton i.a a qwck ,Iteam whtch h.u done well m previoua years, but mdJcatM optimam for her team. "They aze a good team which bu good teamwork and an excellent puamg game. But if we play our game we should win," she said. The Corona del Mar boy. 80C· cer team, entering ita ta.t w .. lt of Sea View League play, hu already cllDched a CIF playoff berth. The Sea Kings, ranked 11th m the latest CIF poll, ue pr ... ntly tied for fuat place in league with Estanc ia, at 8-4·2. Laser "skippers" try to whistle up a bfeeze as they sail Newport Bay tn Midwmter Regatta whrch drew btg .field SraH photos bv Barrv Stobm IUdJng a silt game wiruu.ng atreak, the CdM defense hu abut out ita lut sii opponents. Tb~.a afternoon, however, abould dee1de the lint place tie, u the Sea Kings travel to Eataneia today. Charles Buckingham turns the -narker as he heads for victory. Abraham (NHYC) fintahing sec· ond . Cl.us B was won by Ben Ben· nett'a Arriba (BYC), w1th AI Ca.uell'a Worrjor (BCYC) finishing third. • UCI Best?Tounuunent Could Change Ranldngs UC Irvine will have to wa1t unhl the Pac thc Coa.st Athlehc Association tournament two w .. b from now to prove II as the league's best team. Freano State overwhelmed the Anteater• 1.0 Frea.no l.ut week, 71-58, dropping UCI 1.0to a MCOnd-place tJe with tmprovmg Cal State-Fullerton. A week earlier, Fresno won an overtime v1ctory over UCJ at Long Beach Arena. It was not u close tb1s tune, although UCl dld close the mazgin to one pomt, 40-39, w1th 13:50 left. Fr .. no, normally a control team and the nation's defens1ve leader , put on an offensive bu rst and the 1ssue was dec1ded. Freano ta 20-2, 9-1 1.0 the PCAA, and ranked 16th 10 the nahon by UPI and 18th by AP Ali-Amenca.n center Kev1n Maqee scored 17 pomls and 16 rebounds for UCI "We kept commg back but there's a hm1l to how many hmes you can do that before you run out of gas," satd Anteaters Coa.ch B•ll Mulligan. It w.u a week m wh1ch the two PCAA powers were out of character f resno played run- and-gun to overpower UCI Two mghts earher the Anteaters. last year's nahonal sconng leader, played a slowdown game lo frustrate San Jose State, 68-61 "I hate to play thts way but I'm more tnto W's than leadmg the nahon 1n sconng," Mulhgan explamed. OCC MustWin Final Pair To Make Playoffs The O range Coast College basketball team has two Qames remammg m South Coast Coo ference play, and needs to wm both tn order to make 11 mto the conference's Shaughnessy tour· nament OCC \S alated to host Gross· mont ton1ght, and wtll close out South Coa.st achon next Wednesday (feb 24) at San D1ego Mesa Both contests bequ at 7 30 p m Last week the P~ret tes spltt a pan of conference contests The Bucs beat Cerrtlos last Wednes- day mght (Feb 10), 67 64, then dropped a 93 66 verdtcl to Mt San Anto niO on Saturday (f eb 13 ) CIF Playoffs: Sea Kings In, Sailors Out Last Friday afternoon, Cd.M demoliahed Newport Ha.rbor, 4-0. Juruor Scott McCrimmon scored 2 goa.ls and Andy Hallworth added one. The Corona del Mar WTeatltng team completed 111 88dl0n Thuraday, finishing titt.h 1.0 the Sea V 1ew Lea que tinals. The lone Cd.M champion wu 158· pound Randy Reyes, who along wlth ..c:ond place Wuaber S...O Loftua (148 pou.nda), will com- pete 1.0 the CIJ' preliminan• tbta Saturday at Cypr ... Junior Colleqe. I RUNNING I I ON by Dcm Logan The ovezcast on Valentine'• day made 11 JUst a l.tttle cooler during the Sweat1.0' Sweethearts 10-rruler, but none cla1med the race was any eas1er as a reault. UCLA runners won the 1.0d1· vtdual and team hUes but u a group they admttted that the Corona del Mar In Tie Flip Of Coin Puts Locals F or League Championship On The Road For Opener I h•llv tnp through Turtle Rock was a tough one Jon Butler of Hunhngton Beac h a UCLA freshman, by lla:rcua Diet. The buketball teams from Newport Harbor and Corona del MAr Hi9b. closed out the Sea View Lea,..ue eeuon lut w .. k 10 aomewhat leu than arhahc f.ub.ion. Newport Ha.rbor, au red in a m.id-..uon alump atnce the end of the f:irat round of play, drop- ped a 59-37 oonteat to Eatancia on Friday, alter beinQ beaten 63-61 by Un1veraity two daya earUer. The s~ulon thua eon- eluded leac;rue play with an 8 -6 muk, good for a fourth place he with Univeraity. Corona del Mar, meanwh1le, fell out oJ uncbaputed but place u a reault of ita 52-46 ·lou to latancia Oil Wedn..day. After both teama won on Fnday. the S.. ~c;r• by way of a 47-43 triWQph over Uruver11ty were heel all-too-bnefly for firat with the 2-2 Eagles It wu the eeeond time in thr" yean the two,_..,. u.d for the htle Fot aeecllD9 pufl)OMI for the \l.P'('OWtlD9 C11 playoffa, the tie wu broken by a coin toe~, ,rrhicla Coroaa ct.l War lott. lftia &.ely hack wu ac;ralut Mewpon·ar._ 1 .... lut weeki for Coroea clel War, t~0\19h, u..a., .... a.. ... kwuthe .. ulailto ... ..-, ,..,. ~ ................... .. uat , ........ p~eae . n. .. ~--·9~· t;tn.U..Wclud~ .................. -~'"" eu)y ..._. r~ at tM .d. 0...., ..... , .. 14 ..... lD ............. ....., ... ..... ...................... , lalo ............... .., ...... . ..... lG-4 ... ••h ... .... -····· Girls Could Use A Coin· Caller. Too As a result of a aud-week lou to Estanc1a and a lost com-fhp (sound fam1llar?), the Corona 'del Mar guls basketball team th1s week enters the C lf playoffs as the thnd-place team 10 the Sea Vtew League. FollowmQ a 49-37 loss to the Eagles, the Sea K1ngs were lied for second place wtlh Estanc1a However, followmg a fnday mght cotn-Uip, the CdM squad found 1tself 1n thnd place Consequently, the 91 rls will travel to La Oumta H1gh Saturday n1ght to face the fourth seeded La O umta team La Oumta \S the cham p1on of the Garden Grove League • Christopher Lynch "I wu really pl-.u.d with the way we came b.ck aQaiD.at Univeraity, after the loea to latancia," Corona del War coach Jack lrrion N d. "That wu • real tou9h loa. tou9h to aue, but~ ktda c&me back and played real hard, ud beat a 9ood team oa the .-oad." NewpoJ1 liar bot, meuwhUe, wu ellaln.ated from Cit conten- Uoa aptut Uoi"raty, aAd ~·.,. lltaae4& Lacked tlr.e lat~ty to ~top U.. p&ayoft· lluvry ~· Newport,.... o.a~oudacl32·14 ucl••ntd aU ... ~ ... tiWd ~'* fMW 9061 a~. IOOdD9 ,_ ooe potot IAIM.._.... by Marc:ua Diet:& Two loues last week aQa•nst Esta.ncta Hlgh-one 10 basket ball and one m a com toss- means that Corona del Mar Will open the 1982 CIF basketball playoff• a• the Sea Vtew League's second place team Aa a result, the Sea Kmgs w1ll beq1n the1r quest lor theH second consecuhve C IF htle. and third smce 1977. on the road Fnday 01ght at 7:30, when they Vlatt Sanhago lLgh. The Cavahera, the second-place h01shen 10 the Garden Grove League, went 8·2 m league play and 17-6 overall Actually, Corona del Mar concluded S.a Vtew play lied w&th Eatanc1a lor hrat·place honors, w1th both teams sportmg 12-2 league marks A com toss. though, at a local restaurant Qave the c rown to the Eagles, for CIF aeedlng purpoaes, whtc h 11 all that really matter• now anyway The •nd rNult IS obv1ous while lhe S.. Kmgs must travel to SAntlac;ro, a good aecond place team, latanc1a atays at home to play CantweU, 12-12, and the number thr .. tNm m the M.ltleion Lea9ue. "Th• nal lou (from the coln- tou) la that we hav• to play away, lD tbelr qym." Corona del )Ur c:o.eh Jack lrrioo aa d . ''Ca.Dtwellla not too ttronQ, I DOW lAat, and SantiaQO encle1atly w, but aJt.er the hnt 9• .. it (the draw) 0\ald make aocti.lle~." ~ 1.. Mid M clid oot bow. ~ ... abcnal Su· Ue90. llnoa ooaparecl tM C.vallen to Le OW.ata, l~ tea.m tUt ,...,.. Ute Gardtea Grow c~rcull tttle wrrh a 9 I mark and one Erraon knows qutte well Last vea r the Sea Kmgs defeated La Oumta, 48 29 an the semJolmals o f the playoll6 enroute to theu chetmpaonshtp 'They plav an up tempe game. based on theu score<.. wh1c h aze all rather htgh, ' Erraon satd "Thi>y're not an overlv tall team, ltke Newport Harbor thetr heaQhl as ptobablv more stmalar to Umvers1 ty's (whtch sports an average fr ont line of 6 4, appro1umatelv the- same as thi> Sea Kmgs') " Slgn•1pf' Urged For VoJieyheJJ Volleyball teams are b.mg urged to s1gn up for 11 weeks ol league play sponaored by the c1t y reereahon department "Leagues w1ll be clauafted men's 'A'. ·a·. 'Coed' and 'Women's Ihv•••on', dependmq upOD the ak1ll of th e playera," 141d Bob Granger, recreation superv11or "A practice MU1on w11l be .. t up for the clauafa cahopn of all teams." Tearna may be reQlatered at the parka, beac h" and recrea- lloo department m City H.aU . Gam .. are to be played at Corona <Ml Nar Hl9h beQlnninc;r the week of Tueeday, March 18, for CDR. and tu ne-.t day for eo·ed an.d wom.n'n team.~. "We'" qot the 9J1D, we'•• QOt the otiidale, aad we'ye ~ tM -ruJ,_..t, .. tdd GJU9e1'-"All we Deed to IMh ta.e pcOCJiaa oo ia yoa. Pona a ...... .ad 9M iDYOiftCI lD • Aut-~. ncits lAQ .cUoG ttpOtt ... flnashed hrst overall 1.0 49 39. healing George Mason's courM record bv 18 seconda. Butler had teamed w1th AnabeUe Vtllanueva, another UCLA lreshman. who lmt~hed an 59 36 to wm the women's dlv11ton Thetr comb10ed tune of 1 49 l 5 was more than two-and-a-h& f mmutes faster than tbe seco d· place team Butler and lus UC LA team· mate, Steve W ebb, had opened a lead at three muea, but at hve Butler began pulhng away. mcreasmg has lead to about etQbl m1les on the Rtdgehne OTJve downhtll Webb's hme for second place was 51 OS The race dav1s1ons were established bv the combmed ages of the team members, and wmners ol the 40 59 Qroup were M1tchell Harmatz and Sherry S1mons 10 l · 55 53 Mlke Ham1lton and Cheryl Butchera won the 60-79 divtaaon 10 2 06 22. wh1le Cherne wghtbume and Frank Duarte won 80-99 m 2.03.30. Layne Crlap and Lynn Roberta won lh• century divi11on an 2· 38.4S. Two hundred coupl• took part m the race • • Gift And Estate Tax Planning Jonathan A. Wright MrveB a vice pre6ident and counsel lor Union Bonlc's main Corporate Trust Administrollon . He is a member oJ tbe Probate and Trust Low section oJ the AmeriC'Wl, CoJJ/omio and Loli Angela. County bar associa- tions. He ~ivecl his under- graduate and J.D . degrees from the University oJ California at Los Angeles. by JoDCrthon A. -r~~•rnn Is your will up-to-date? Is your estate plan desuJned to minimize federal taxes? Do you lmow how much money you can ..-~a qive away without incurrinq oiJt taxes? ._ The Economic Recovery Ta.x Act of 1981 aub1tantially revises the federal taxation of gift• and estates, maktng it necessary for people to reconstder many of the tradihonal concepts of estate Bernard E. Schne1der ha.s been re-elected president of the Newport Center Assoc1ahon board of directors. He 18 a partner m the Newport Beac h law firm of V1rtue & Scheck, and a founder of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. A qraduate of University of Southern California Law School, Schneider receiVed his Master's · 1n Pohhcs/Psycholoqy from Kent State, and hlS B. A. in Political Science from Wh1ther Colleqe. Other board officers elected recently to a one-year term mcluded Jon Q. Loeb, qeneral manaqer of the Newport Mar- noll, v1ce prelldent; IUchard H. MaroWlll, owner of Newport Chlldren's Bootery and Westclif:f _ Shoes, v1ce president; Phillip D. planning. Four of the major changes in estate planning wbieh reeult from the new act ue briefly summad:r:ed: 1) Unified Ta.x Credit: Jn- creuea in the unified tu credit mean that larger estatee will now be ellempt from federal eetate tu. Previously, an eetate worth up to $115,625 wu ellempt from federal estate or gift tu li&bili- ty. 8ec)innino th.ia year, the eumption ia increated to $225,000. The incr ..... in the credit will be phued in over a sill-yNJ period, resulting in a credit oJ $192,800 in 1987 for an THE VISI11NG . EXPERT exemption equivalent of $600,000. 2) Tu Rat!. Reduction: The top tu rate on trandera of prop- erty is beinq reduced th.U year trom its previous 70 percent on BERNARD SCHNEIDER Rowe, C.L.U., agency manager, Connecticut General We, secretary, and Bob Harqi.a, uea administrator, Glendale Federal Savings and Loan., treuurer. Diiectors continuing on the board include Tboau C . transfers of property in nceea o1 $5,000,000 to 65 percent on tran1fen of $4,000,000 or more. The lower rates will be phued in over a four-year period, chop- ping to SO percent on trandera in exceaa of $2,500,000 in 1985. 3) Marital Deduction: Aa· a reault of ERT A, an unlimited marital deduction hu been adopted. BeqinJli.ng th.ia yeu, all lunita on tranafers of property to a ~UH have been removed, which me~ that you may give any amount to your 8pOUM and whatever you qive will be exempt from gift and estate tue1. However, because ID4DY emtino wills and trust. have provisions under which the amount of property transferred to a spouse is limited to the "maximum allowable marital deduction," ERTA provides that the new unlimited deduction will not apply under these "formula" clauMs. Therefore, iJ you have a will or trust with a "formula" clauee, it will be necessary for you to draw up a new will or revile your trust to specifically Ca.y, Fint American Trust Co.; David Dmohowaki, The Irvine Co.; Walter M. Florie Jr., Union Bank, and Earline N. Loop, AVCO Financial Serv- ices. New board members elected to a two-yeu term include Willard G . Borden, Pacific Mutual We; )ann Church, )ann Church Advertising & Graphic Design; William Cote, Cote Realty and Investment Co.; Lynne Curtia, Copy Works; Bonnie Puker, Great American Federal Savings and Loan., and Tim Parker, Nei.man-M.ucus. h -ollicio directors are Don K. Porter, executive director, Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, and Barbara Rop- polo, general manager, Fuhion lalaDd Shopping Centez. A Consumer Paper PrOd\ICts O•v Portland. Or-oon 9720C and 250 off i n't II you g t..e You get 400 sheets of 2-ply twen Quelted bathroom hssue that costs no more than the pnce of smgle pty hssue. You not only get good value en soft MD Bath Tessue. but you have the choece of pretty pastels or pure wh1te. So, hurry •nd enjoy our apeci•l v•lue offer on aoft MD B•th Tiaaue. fff ·---:----------------------:-. 41 1 • t-• I ~ I I I I I f . - I I I I I I I I IUillJoG the DeW walimJled deduction. •> Tu-fr-Gifta: With the ~qe of !RTA, the amount of money you can qive lall-fr-hu ben 9rMUy iDor..-d. Under 1M previou t.w, you could qive $3,000 ($6,000 if you ud JO\lf 'POQie make a jolllt Gift) Mch yeu to any num.ber of people aDd oot be liable for a oUt tax. The new aJlJlUal exclu.aion, beqi.nning thla year, is $10,000 ($20,000 per co"U)le) per recip- t.nt per year. Additionally, the new law let• you pay medical or tuition upenaee on behall of a reoipleot without having the amo\I.Jlt come out of the olft tu exclusion. For many, the newly- increued unified credit and the lowering of the t.u ratee eliminate the need to worry about feclezal tran.at.r tues. However, u.n1ea properly plan- ned, your Miate IDAY not be able to tUe full advantao• of the ta.z. ~aving methods availa.ble. In the future, moreover, inflation may cau.ae your estate to qrow to a ai&e at which federal estate and gift lallation becomes a factor again. Of coune, aome individual. will have •tates which uceed the "ellemption equivalent" of $600,000 in 1987. If they ue married, the ch8Jlqes made by ERTA in the marital deduction area will make it neceua.ry to reach difficult deci.aions on whether to save tu• on the firsi death, qiven the poaibility of greater tu• at the MCond death. Aa a result, respective agee, We upectancies, potential appreciation or depreciation in value oJ the ueet• and inflation will have to be taken into con- sideration. The unlimited marital deduc- tion will probably not be to the beat advantage for married couples with total combined estatu ill the ranqe of $500,000 to $1,200,000. ln this range, the property should probably be spllt S0-50 under the tradibonal method, since the newly-created unified credit Will be available after 1987 and will result in both estates passing free of tax if properly structured. Use of the A Racy Promotion The Phen\ed Phocolate Phive Hundred, to draw attention to the gourmet goodies in The Phocolate Phactory in Corona del Mar, included participants (from left) Laura Shell, Chris Galvin and Julene Jachacz. Left, Prentice 8 . Royal holds one of the battery-powered, phocolate-oovered cars built by Phred Welch. Staff pOOICMI by Bob Peterson unlimited IDArital deduction would mN.D the "waste" of one unified credit and poaibly more tu due on the second death. ln SUJillll&lY, ERT A not only reduces federal taxation on tranden of property, but alao incr ..... estate planning Oex- ibility by creatinq new planninQ mechani!IJM. 'S Every working American under age 70 ma,y shelter from Federal t.axes this year $2.000 on an individual return. $2.250 on a joint return with one workin(J spouse. or $4.000 on two salaries ... and build a retirement fund in either of these ways: VARIABLE RATE FIXED RATE 18months 3. 4. or 6 years If you prefer to make a series of deposits. If you deax-ita lump sum for a fixed term open a Variable Rate Account for 18 of 3. 4. or 5 years. you are guaranteed in· months. Add to it until you reach your terest for the full term at the rate for the maximum tax1heltered amount. Eight-week your account bearin.s. Rates for new een mont alter your first depc»it you accounts are announced each week . set at may move the total to any other account a rate hiaher than Treuury Securitie! without interest penalty. Your inter t with similar terms. Interest compounded will nuctuate and be compounded monthly. No additional deposits m13 be monthly. made to thi account. , - T'be ftewpori Eo.lgo Wed~. February 17. l tl2 Page I c:hblg 90 percent to through couider&ble mended pr~ th&t would be wt. to *W'Il FOOD r...terD COJDJDD.Dlcator for U.. ~Ju~Utute of Food Tee~. He told •• uu.se~~e~, mae. M••uaclltDq lree.h v.geta..bl•, a ...U UlOUDt of water a.hould .be UMd becaua vtt..i•lu ud ZDlaerale te.cll into the c:ookiAo water io con- liderable .. OWlla. &...mg Lt be.t. 100 pero.at oj the a..chbag illto the oool:-U:M:hade lltor~~qe ud U to t.U IUJlA9M. You wat•-.oluhle Yll&allu, iD9 water. b.udlhag at wuebOUM, c:e!1tialy CWl't pro.e to nch u 8-1, B-2 ud C lndutTJ St.&Dd&rct. tr&D.IpOitatioD, bJm that you d.id l)oa't .. eP'toaeD •·••l.lablbty ., Nl•• ••• ec..- rrdrro ~ wtth tnlh pro- ductal h.uad, there are u.a.wheD frOMD ~ue al:Mpon to the cook: n.,'re alwa,. an Uabl•, they're coa...U.Ot and C&D be ...d wlth 000· fide.aoe. Jut .. JOQ ~.be fUMY ill ..r.otino ud b.odl"-9 tt.b v~aoabould J'O\l ••rct.e cue in buyiDg and budlino the frOMD to~ ma.lntaio color, teJrtu.re, flavor and, mo.t important, nutrient. wheu you cook them. Sometimee hoaen veoetabi• have • pric. advutage over fr-.h. In gene ral, price. of the ho&en product nuc:tuata only tltghtly year round. J,..)a market pria .. ta d to vary with a vaila.bility from Muon to aeuon. Further- more, thel'e'• no wuta, no di8cuda.ble portion iD the froaao. What you buy ia what you .... Proper handling .begiu at home- before you ahop. C heck the tr .. aer and don't overbuy un..lea you have tpaee. Sal .. are atic:ing but avoid tha temptation to ltoc:k up on barg&Uu if you havao't enough space for proper etorage. The Laat Stop Make the etora'a freeaer teetion your lut ltop. AU the clark to pack all your frozen• together in one bao • ., . that they keep eac:b other cold longer. Stor• UMd to pl'ovide intulated baga but I bavao't ..en uy in my UN in •v••al yeara. What you might do if you have a lot of fro&en itema on your ahoppino list ia to tab along a tmall thermal i.naulated bag or cue, aepec:ially in hot weather. Plan to make grocery ahopping the lut Item oo your agenda if you have •varal anand.a. Dcm't atop to pick up dJ'y cleaninv. or broee ' 10 the c:a.rd or .boobtora or pick up the ldd.a, whUa perialu- ble perish in the trunk or .back of the ltaUon wavon. Freab fruit ud vevetahl .. aufJ.r too wbeu left in warm pl.c•. y 0\l C&D maint&lD hoaeo looda in the c:ouditioo th., were in lAthe m.uket heeur iJ you will ttora them at the proper tampentura .. IOOJl .. PQiti.bl• after pUl'chue. Sure, vegeta.blea are bMt wha they're ha~W~ted at their peak ud Hlea aoon alter tlt.ey are picked. But bow IDADJ oJ ua b.ava U..t advantage? We .... be tatlaf.led with proct.,. tb.at ..... aoa«._• been carried b waclnclt oi lllilet to JM.rMt . ADd while car· den ~.Ave tuuporta- tiola IWlclarcM they .... ~.tom. vUuUa k. jut a an 't M awalded. ()Ia tM ..... Si<M OatM~)wad, 'N9f'llr'r• tor freeaing ........... thelr ~. IOited Ucl 9racl- ... .,..... .... puled ...... , ...... tMD ~ ...... ....... ....... --....u, -... ..-.. .,.., ,... ..... Color .... ............ ............ .............. ............. ..... 1111'1'dn '-" .......... ............... .,~ befo ... ud aft. freea- lAo, It• Mid, i.e reepoo- able tor aubieot to.. and nl6c:iD la ret&Loed. A. a CCIIlnJMX, you deUvery, ud ret&il not!waq lo damaqe the In boiling water blu-have no cootrol OYer leveJ.a. quabty, but you may &.aino cto. DOt cla.Ju,oe the nutritift wahw oi food.t, I talked with Dr. Job GWa, adlwac:t profe.oJ' of Dutl'itioo, Dep&f'tJunt of Nutrition, New York Univereity, and the c:.hiDg, t.b.re't a reten-how Jooc:lb baudled put him on the alert. TIM IDOit tonaida.ble c:ulprtt .. u.. c:ooldAg. "Fru.tt and vege4&.bl• to be frozen are hlaocluM:l to .top bacterial activity th.t might d.Juqe flavor or color or c:aUM vitamio loa. In Iteam blan- tioo ol 68 pel'c:ent to 90 .beforw &.eaillg but IJ, when you open percent. The 615 pez-wbeo J'O\I buy a oood. the pecbge ud you You k.oow nutrien .. are fro&en right alonq with the vevet.abl• in commercial fr .. aing. lt't up to you to keep them wtlere t ~ey belong. "Fro-.~ abould be c:oobd at m.i.DJ.mum tem.J)eralur• and they mutt oot .be overc:oonct. A. with cat," Dr. Glab Mid, rel.i&ble brud you au are .we you bud.led at "would be u u -be quite ocmfident that properly, the OODlenla treme." etandarde eel by the look dJ'ied out, if Ninaralt are mora froaen iood indutry there'• lumpinq or aa. heatable. Lo. doe. oc:-have .been o.beerved. cryata.l. or change &n cur in home cooking, Theu coda •ta rec:om-color or texture, at ------------~------------~------------~~--~~~~~~ ETE )100 UllOA IUD .... ~ ... , .. IITUIIL liT I liS, SHAMPOOS, DIESSIIIS I SIICIS HAVE A TASTE FOil FIIUH lUll tlfMS WHICH YOU CAM WEIGH AND TAKE AS MUCH OlllllTlE AS YOU WAtll' lh TH( lUll FOODS SECTION WHICH CAIIIIIU YOUII FAVOIIIT( tlEMS NOIIMAll Y ASSOCIATED WITH HEAlTH FOOD STOIIES t1 fMS GOOD 0Nl Y AI 3100 IAliOA l l VO . CH(CI OUT IHf TIIEME NDOUS AIIIIAY OF NATUIIAl SU CKS NA IUU l lfVEIAGIS IIATUIIAl JUttfS AIID NATUIIAl DAIIIY I'IIDDUCTS All AVAilAIU FOil Y(IUII ll'tiiSONAl TASTl AliADEU l'fiOOUCTS All( A GIIUT FUTUIIE OJ lHf NUTIItliONAl SHO' Gtlla W ..... t, -~~. FrHiti7 Made At Store ~Peanut ~Butter ...... et a. ·~ ... ..... o.rv..w. .a M.L.O. Protein S399 ~Powder ~ a.a.n..Atfteet· ..... ~ Wlaole Wheat ~aa ... Wlllle ....... a...t L&$279 m T_._ Special Care 99e ~shampoo=- s-Oa.Pq. m .Dr ........... corn 99e ~Sesame .Chips ..... -.atM., ....... ~ Cltlco •• Orpalc 99e ~Rice Cakes ~Or -...rt Gnla Landbert~ S • 79 ~ Bro~n Rice ~ .& •~Modern ~Spike ~Seasoning 89e LOWER PRICES OVERALL GUARANTEED! •~--------------... · ..,..._ I : . ~ I • lll Fried 1 I I • Chicken • 91 .......... --.1 PltO. I , ... , ... »., N& "•-•••u-·-,...,. I • a..,_ UQ-•c.«oc WW1IICfS IIMCct-..,., -rs I-...... ... ~ ... ·-· '""'n ... .,. '" ,. ,_ .. rws 1 ... '" n ,., I L-----a&D-XCCMJPON -----· U IUY ON& ••• LTIL ORT'S OST CO PLET OT FOODS ·DELli WITH f'('"IIOIIt CMUSI MUSN~S 6 OllvtS •" •... ..... " .•.. A lllAl SltACII IIIlA! ·~~;~ .. ••a• . -/. ~ M*U WIIET S OWN 0TU llM COOIUD c .... .-... , OU f A.Sit!OtH D Pet ate ..... ' ...... -....... Whi•S.-wHr .. aa-L-. A•a.. U . •a..,.. L&. PORT'S OST COMPLETE FRESH HOT BAKERY! FIIUH IAIEO JUMIO IIAISIII ''* c•••a••• 2.oe ... • :""r aolla ., ~ _:~ flUSH 1-V.lD ~ Ill lOAI J 6ta ... -•••_...r.., 89e y~-a read ., I JIIUM lAUD ''' ~ . ..... A""-f 011 CHEIIIIY 11 ... as ~ .r:,...... ....... .. JllfSH lAUD I 1 lAYlll c~~·4•• 1Uhf1 t•Safl S IAII(U Will (ll COIUI II A tAll JCNI ""' Sf'ttiAl OCCASIOIII 1110• lllll ..... YS 10 wtOOIIItS fil UM IIIUll 1\ lA II( I 0Ail f movie-s . --- THI QMAT A IU'9hO Manne pdoC dedares .., on the home front when he tr• to ""*' his son eqctty In "'-own W'NIQ8. But his offspring has hll own ideas llbout haw he wants to live and lead his life. Robert Duvall. Blythe Danner and MIChael O'K .. fe star en this powerful drama. Both Dvvall and O'Keefe were nominated fOf Academy Awards fOf their performances as shOuld have been the exQUisite Ms. Denner. '-... 1 1 \. • ' '' • ,.. NBC (8Cantr11Atount_,) THI CA,TU-.E OF G,_IZZLY ADAMI. The fugrteve mountain men (Oan Haggerty) Is captured and sentenced to death after he leaves hi$ wsldefnesa hideout to prevent his l().year-dd daughter (S~ p.,.,y) lrom being sent to an orphanege. .,.....,; (ICentlliltMawrtteki A WIDIMN8 ON WAL TON•I IIICMffAIN. ~ of the ,..,..,. from the long runnlnl --are reunited in thi8 romentlc poat-¥1b'ld Wet TWo. dreme. It CC~ne*'traa. on the wedding _.. ol now-&CW Erin w..on end Paul Norttvlclge. .. _.cas (7~) ....ol. A new ._.,ion of the ctaak: ~ by SK wanar Scon wsth Anthony ArtdrWtS starring as the chlvalnc. a<Mintureeomeyoung 12th- century Saxon knight Al10 stars James Mason. Sem Neill, Michul Holdern, OIMa Huesey and Lysette Anthony Swaahbuc:kllng and suapeneeful during the time ot the sNeld. a helmet and tenc.e. I • t I H'' ~ . ••• anraCIII (3:30c.nuut.> ,........,_cw~•• TOll --e.n. -of. tc:had-girl ree&HNng hame tot a l'lolicay eo lind her llthlt'a hotel being r8Wiged by .. ,.,. and "--lk*-~ tnga. wteh Roec:Oe LM Browne. Phil Leedl and James Callahan. A Childleft'a ~ n..e. lfw*f. •ftllllca ~ (I~ .... DATa L.ND. Jchn end Caiot Cameron (Tom Atkins and Diane a..dc$ and their Children. Sandy and Sc:ott (Helen Hunt and Doug Mc:K..:~n). are an everage. middle c:laSI. aii-Amerlc:tln lamtly. whoee laves are lhattered when the kids beCome ~ wtth drugs, an all toooommon thing among their pee~a. A aenaitlve drlrna lmloMng a private war 8glllnlt druCJ abuse. r;, ·--~· -~ .,..cas <e CentrW~Mounta~n) MTH AMIIAL MA_., ,....,. SHOW. Leve from the Shrine AuditOftum In LOI Angetn, John Denvef hoats -~ABC (9Cantra11Mountaln) --. A a..t.ra w.ttera ll*ial ... NIC (ICentr~) UMAMIUNeMILANDTMI IIA ... flt •raa. .. ,.. N8C (9Centra11Moun1atn) THE ..UY c-.YSTAL COMIDY SHOW. Songs. akita and t*etc:heS and Ql.*t star Smolcey Aobil110n. .... N8C {7 Centlai/MourUin) lOa HON'I "'WOMIN I LOft ... MAU11FUL IUT fUNNY" BNu- ties and a IMSt wtth film c:-. Of the fabulOuS femmes Hope has WOf1ced wsth OYer the last \hr .. decadle. PIUS "IIYe-IIJlPMfancet by apedal gueeta, tnc:luding the ~ Lucy MrMif "'... ' ".. ... ~ ' .. . -.:-.. ~NBC (12 NDDnOentMt.) COLLI81 aAaKITaALL 'II: 'Met* sea .. at LOI ilil tw State WINIC86 (12 NoonC'4nt./Mount.) ......-ruu. NIIFMA8C (1Centr&MMountaln) MCWOIIrtiUl. ~-111PMA8C (1:30CentJM1) TMI ........ M:IIFMIIC (2Centla11Mountaln) ~LD . •••• C88 (2:30C'4nt./Mt.) 0011. Flnet round of the 12-Hole Glen~ Loa ,.,_.. Open. · *• • M ABC (3:30 CentJMt ) -WOM.DCWWOII1a. Willi..:: (12Noan ~) COl I Jll..-.rMIJ.- .. NYT: ~at UCONN ...,_ Mldleon at ODU Cindmati at Flcwlda State • Pur~ at MicNgan State TulSa at 8rdey NeCnab at Kansas State .. NYT: Syraa.e at St Johns Kentuc:ky at l$U .......,_,..at Iowa Iowa at Kaneas Sen Diego State at BYU SWC Wild Catd 1PII PT: UClA at Oregon lVII PT: U8C at Oregon State •• , •• C8$ (2:30CentJ M1.) 00&1. Thil WMk'• TM Tour stop Is the Dotal Open from....,.,., Florida. aM .. ABC (2:30Cent.Jt.tount.) .., ..... TOUil •~NBC (ICenfr~ ~:.v·=~= ....... c. (11AMc.nt.IUl) -4~ honOring of Acuff few tw tong.tme .., ~ con~ to lhe b!Ue-gressworld. ...,.. ...:: (1 Cent/Mount) It rs hoi'*' by another tongtwne cou-..-.ruu. a favor•te. Minnie Peart DePIUI llue Dlmanl 111111 on the FIQI'Iting lrilh at Notre o.N. MM:a a MM.L ....,. a M 111NA8C (2:30e.i'llitt) sports Pro,a:t PWcock hes.ntat1011 Is a U.8A W. TMa WOM.D • 0&..,.. Vl6Ual and musiCal proNe of "'The PIC WOIII&. Innocents" a newty IOfmed rock ...,.. NIK: (3CentraM"Mountatn) band With MIChael Hurt. lead Slnget. ..0.11WOM.D. -------------------... AND AU.. All .. ploslve drama of one man's bitter struggle ao-•nst the tnequrtees and corrupteons of the Amencan legal system A bravura role for AI Paceno A dtYor'c:ed I'TIOCher puts her life on the line as an undercover policewoman Baed on the boC* by Mery Glatzle. rt stars Karen Yalentene, John Getz. Anne DeSalvo. Robert Chrlstean. MIChael Pearlman and the great Vincent Gardenea Hetten' the streets Martin Ingle. baM gu~tar. Tommy MPIINBC (12NoonCent/Mount) 4. ...... C8S (3:15CentJMounl) •11NC86 (8Centra11Mountaln) Newman. keyboards. Tony Kowalskt, C01IIO'IAIICETUU-G0U FlnetroundoflheOotal()pen. THI *'LAWS. A wtld and wactty lead and Chns Kaye on drums 1PII NYT· Geofgetown at MiUoun Ma ~ OONOYAN ASSOCtAltS INC S NE IL FUJITA DESIGN Kmgs ~. lOOs Men : 7 mo, ....... 0.7 JnQ. ~ Ki9 u.,, 8 "'0 "ur." 0 7 MJ ...._ 100s 8 m~. "taf." 0.8 mg. n~toone .,, " c~ue. fTC Ripon Dec•lllr 'll . , PAOORAMS LISTED ARE CHOSEN f.T THE SOlE DISC$l£TION Of CORNELIUS DONOVAN ASSOCIATES INC 0 Larilald, U.S. A • l912 ' n.. Newport E.a.Jp W-J=ullay. rebnaary 1'1. ••,.... u Tender Care at Home Visiting NuJM lneh Torra checks the pulse rate of Gladys Oaypool. of Irvine, who ia recovering from a stroke. Gary lngleking, 26 •• quadt-aplegic as the result of a car accident, chats with VISiting Nurse Pat Hamalak. In Costa Mesa. Emmie Palm, bedndden for 23 years. IS checked by Visiting Nurse Kns Richmond. HAJm()RLrrES by DlDa .-on lur~ Remember whe.n you were lit- tle and you parenta allowed you to ~d the rugbt watb your very be./ lriencls? You prom1sed 80lem.nly to retue at the ap- pointed hou1, knowmg full well that bedbm' c:bd not necessanJy mean aleepbme, 10 you talked and la"9hed until the wee hours of the morntng. It wu such tun. 80 when you allowed your own childzen to do the same, it does bruu1 back nostalgic memones: Atc-Uy Rita Sprinkel ac· tu..U..ed tha.e childhood meaaoriee when abe hoaMd a tlWDber ~rty for grown-up! The kiM ~me to Rita becauM her hua.b.Dd, Reed, tor the put 18 yean hu atteoded .n ali- JD&Ie .au.abe~ party lD Acapulco! (In poiAl of fact, at as a ,..-on}y bu.aineu COD· ie....ce.) Ia aD evuta, before ... .t.Q aa tlUa &IUlu&l e.cur- lioa, leed Mlped Rita plan the WOiaeA-only eveniDQ ~d lllOrD- iAQ after: a cleUcioua NonNQi&n .... (lila ... bOna la No,..y), toll c wecl .., iaported dt.-. 1na1a. a canoe cab (you must ask Rtta for the rec1pe), ale1qht-of-hand antert4JJ1Dlent lrom Wayne HerMy of Nogic Island, lots oJ cheer and good talk and, in the monamg, break.Jut oJ your cbotce. (Rata bad asked her former housekeeper, Edna Sorensen, to help her present bouMkeeper. Frankie Bruce, because 40 lad1es lS a large qroup to. serve ) •· It was truly a nostalg1c (wllh a bat more of the royal trappmqa than in chudhood clays) a.nd delightful evening for Eva Strangbolm, ltuvya Bzadley, MaryLou JenMil, June Bu1e, Doria Anthony, Rita D'Amico, Gerda Tom.uino, Karen HanMn, Naril Swqidler, Gma Bennett, Sauy Luby (recently aamed to the boa.rd of Wolftrap), Lucy McClure, LID Noaa, Aatnd NU.On, Tenny O 'Connor, Conn1e Ord (Tenny ud Connie c.me up from Cor- onado), Barbara Goturd, Azliss ltirchner, Thelcu WuUer, Jo&n Steven.a and Bent Schenk (who bonowed her daughter's granny aitie, boot ... , ~ang beg, .ndMcl c:M, Mia bOw aDd arrived THE VISITING NURSE ANSWERS A NEED Some say hoUMCalb went out with cheap qu and the nickel candy bar, but they are atill alive and well in the Harbor Area thanka to an orqanization called the Viaitinq Nurse Auociation. Headquartered in Irvine, the Vwlliu.J Nune Assoctation of Orange County is a United Way agency •ta.bliahed in 1947 to provide akilled nursinq care, health C}Uidance and reha.bilita- hon Mrvices to area residents. The IJ)8Clal part of VNA's care is that it can be done in the patient's home. Not only does in- home care aave on bocpitalex- pen.MIS, but the home environ- ment often speeds a patlent's recovery. L.ut year, the VNA made 85,221 viaita throuqhout the county, helping both young and old in Ca.ta Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach and many other communih ... One example is 74-year-old Frank Schoepe of lr- vint~. "I want to stay independent, and the Vwting Nurse Asaocia· hon help me keep that in- dependence," said Schoepe. To Schoepe, Uving alone and reco~ from b TSOi mAJOr surgery, the VNA means the d.JJ- fezence between in-home con- valescence and a long hospital stay. Despite Ius lonq ordeal, he an this regalia at the new Sprinkel quest-house much to the amazement of her spouse and daughter but to the dehqht of Rtta.) Wasn't 11 understood way bock when that Mondays were days of rest? What happened? Stop-Gap held a receptlon Monday at the Newport Sheraton hononnq tis new board of duec- tors: Tana Annstrong, John Butler, Gene Jacobson. Shuleen Jones, Paula Marqeson and Har- net Nelson. Harnet was chosen to present a plaque to Tom Rtley for bts outstandtnq support of the aged and the abused. Stop-Gap, whtch was featured m our Sept. 2, 1981 Lafestyle, 1s an ac ronym for Sen1or Theater Outreach Proqram and Growth and Agmq Problems. Tlus group of dedtcated performen uses theater as a tberapeuhc tool for the elderly and has e~nded 111 proqram to mclude the abuaed. Here 1s another very worthwlule noo-proht orqan1zataon, whach needs your 1upport On the Mme Monday n1ght over at SCR, the Pac,bc Chorale under the dtrecllon of John Alexuder held a drea rehear· aal oJ Mlecti.ona from ata for· bu managed to keep hJ.a MnM of humor. "You've got to," Schoepe qwpped. "U you don't, you'll never make it!" "He'll ma.ke it, all nght, and types oJ health care " As wtth all U01ted Way agen cies, policy dec1stons lor the Viaitmg Nurse Aaaoc1ahon are made by a volunteer board of Symbolic of the tender care at home. a Visiting Nurse's hands are intertwined Wtth those of a patient. probably outlast all of ua," nbb- ed lneke Torra, Schoepe'a visltmg DUne. W.. Torra, a nune for 15 yMn, -... a vUih.ng n~ about a year and a haU ago aher dlscovennq the VNA "Bemg a vwhng nurse ll a very rewardJng eiP8nence," she explamed. "I feel there ll a close pahentlnune relahonalup, and in-home care offers a con- thcomtng concert senes. Some 400 attended th1s spec1al event followed by a dessert recephon aponaored bv the Fnends oJ the Pac1h c Chorale: Pat Allen, Nancy Baldwin, &rbara Bowae, Lo1s Brockmeyer, Dot Clock, Brenda Curne, Carol Dend.mqer. Lou1se Ewmq, BoDJlle IC1amer, Luc tlle Kuehn, Mary Lyons, Ann Miller. Anne Nutt, Tnsb O'Donnell, Valley Retlly, Jac kle Rodgers. Jean Rob1n10n, C10dy Searles, Carolyn SbN, Flo Speers, Lank Spurzem, Mardy Svendsen, Cathenne Thyen ADd Nary Wolfl. Then a qu1ck daah down to Tony Roma's Thaa Pacahc Coast Htghway eatabhahment was celebrating ala lOth anniversary They certamly know how to put on a party. The b..luce of the Harborlttes who were not at Stop-Gap and the Pac1hc Chorale funcbons were here en· )oytnq the entertamment and food Sao fahh Avenue boated a dehc1ou.a b.ru.ach and fuhaon show .. a fund-ralMr lor NHA.N'a Wueum Councll at 1ta South Coat Plua atore. n. luhtoa .a.ow eattded tmwty not av4lalble lD other duectora aelec1ed from the com- muruty. 1982 Board Premdent Su.e Umscbe1d worka for the c1ty oi Irvine as a sen1or ad- mmtatrahve assastant "I really feel that VNA lS hll mq a VItal need 10 Orang~ County," commented Umschead "And. as we con tinue to q row I see our commumtv respon· s1blhhes expandmg For exam "The Best o f Amencan Deslqners Collechon" featured the spunq couture of Oscar de Ia Renta . Btll Blass. Halston Geoffrey Beene Adele Srmp son. Mary Mc fadden Moi11e Parn1s cliid James Galanos (featured m rhrs weeks W) The response of the ISO ladres atlendtng thts ev~nl was remrn1s cent of "The One lor One !ashton showmgs wherem the soctalttes would b1d on rhe costume as though rhev were a r Sotheby Parke Berner and C hnsrv's1 Those arrendmq were Moth lyon Bobb1e Stabler Micha el Perkms. Corky Douett Glona Mooney E G Chamberlm {E G and Ward JUSt returned lrom a slcung trap to Sw1t zerland), Mary Jane McKtttnc k. Sue McGowan. Judy Slutzky Ruth Poole, Esther Outck. Nancy Brantly, Gmnv Smallwood. Anna Mary Jordan. Kay Sharpe Norgv Graves and Mulae Oyer (Mtllre and Tom celebrated rhe1r 40th wt'<id ang an.naversary on VaJenhne's Day Contlnued happ1ness to thas very ple, one new serv1ce that the VNA has 1ruhated IS a hosp1ce proqram destqned to help the termmally ill by provichng med1caJ, educahon4\A and emo- tional assistance to the patient and h11 or her fam1ly . Many ter- miDally iU.. are able to spend theu last hours at home with theu fnends and loved ones." One oJ VNA's pnme concerns for 1982 wtlJ be localmg new facallhea, accordlnq to U~be1d. "We've outqrown our offlce lD lrvtne," she ScUd. "Although we'd Wte to stay m lrviDe becau.se 11 IS centrally located and bas easy access to freeways, our maJOr problem will be m hndtnq larqer quarters here that also are affordable." Moat of the fees for a vwtinq nurse can be covered by a per- son's health insurance plan, ac- cordmq to VNA A.alStant Dlrec- tor. Landa Black. Additional fun- rung from the Uruted Way of Orange County North/South and pnvale donalions permit fee payment fleXIbtllty "Unated Way support means that we don't have to tum anybody away JUSt because of lmanc1al bardsb1p," Black com- mented. Watb today'a spuahnq medical coeta, the Vt~1hnq Nune A.oc:l•tion ... ma to be an 1dea wha.e tlme has come. For more tnformauon contact the VlslhDCJ Nurse Auoc1at10n ar tt's lrvme olf1ce (71 4) 979-7212 charmrnq couple ) Speakmg of Valenllne's Day Joe Sperrazaa opened hls Cole Ltdo (recentlv featured by our very own Peqgy Cotton m Bon Appeht) to hold a Sunday brunch fo r spectal fnends and the1r quests Some 30 Har borhles attended and raved o ver the menu 'Dollars lor Scholars" clii an nual luncheon and fash1on show presented bv John Hoga.n of Newport Center and narrated by 1~ Hoqan wa s held at the A11 porter lnn Thas beneht 1s spon sored by the Newport Harbor Panhellenrc whereto they honor 4 lady fro m the harbor ar~a for her outstandrnq servace to I he commun1tv The recetptent of the '82 Athena Award was Carol Brown for her work wtlh Harbor Keys and the Ch1ld Guadance Center Recetvmg the Adelph1 award was Margo Butler lor her c on tnbuhons to NHP BON APPEI'fl' . ........ a ........... ... Aa .. l•· MaitN D'•tM-Yeu 1o o-.trloe ,......_ ai JMllcoUI at AJlCO Plua, Loe Aa9e*-n.. Re.aaurateu.r·of·lh. Year Award weDt to Willi&ID Di8cenao of t. CuiaiDe of Newport Beach and Duaa Poult. Othen: Gow.loep&MAw..,..,..llo ~. llwportleecla; ~enuc~· •. ·-...... Loe AaoeA-; n. CeDar lcire·s·ut, r.u.tto.; 0.. Cuy, 0....; L~. Loe~; bf ~CoHoe • 70 poiata out of a ~e 100 Lk~~Miw • ..,...., Hilaoa, '"-lJ Hille; At a led, White and Blue were COD.IicleM for an' award. TM T-.. toe ~. ud t..d.r v~· •. ..._., Hi.ltoa. f" pia, oelebratiac) Preeiclnta' FiJW Ml«:tiou were mact. by a Loo.J wiuen, a., cUlM cMe9oZJ Day, U.. So.t~Mm Caliba.ta eecret ballot. · ..,.: ~ ~l'Y aa-. ~·· Re.taurant Writen pr .. ntecl TIM high..t award i.1 t1w WM.if, .....,rt IMcla Nuriotl.-d TM ~-•L·-37S A ..1. -· ~-rlt Go·~-C!--• i to Alca.; ............ lob ....... -· uwa war~ Ql ---.-... re, 9 ven a Paw'• "-roocte. Pir•• u, TCIIDy to wiAniD9 reetaurateun at the Mlect few, the "grand_. of U.. ~· .. v.a... Turtle Uld tile WJute Oak .-nth annual Awardt grand." Then, by cW.ine at 1M Newpon.r. A.T. Leo'• rec.tvecla Buaquet, held at the Anaheim category, a warda were pr"· WOIII Proallia9 Ne.c:o.er Awerd, CJivea MArriott Hotel. entecl: Gold to thoee judged ill eacla caleCJozy to reetalllufa ill b'IAii.Mela.. thea oae year. The Southem Ca.Ufom.ia "Totallacellence," Silver to ..., uc1 Steak C.t.9ory: Gulliver'• Re.taurant Writer• Inc. ia a DOD· "laceptional" restaurants, and woe 1M ~r Award. lronM wiJulerl profit corporation, formed under Bronn to thoee "Wall Above -r• c..k 'N CS..ver ud Victoria Sta- the lawa of the State of Califor· Average." lion.~ lor Bnmch were d Alfredo'•· Bea Brown'•· C..o'e. D.ta an operating a, a bua.in... The rntaurant writer• have Chutecla.ir, 11 Torito. W.nlott Hotel, 1.-gue ... kln9 to improve the establiahecla fund for acholar· Nu:well'•· Ne,rporter, ud the ~ of qulity of the ship to further the education of Warebouee. r .... urant iDdu.ttry. worthy inclividuala in the fialda Claiaeee cateCJory WUl.Un were Gold, Tile current Award Winnen of restaurant •rvica, the w-darha Gollllllet; SUveJ', La ChiDoUe --··---~ riod f d d Ul Lab ro..-. GiA UnCJ. S..ta he, we(a .._,,_. over • pe o culinary arta, an to atu e11ta in ud Yea Ch.i.DCJ, 0ra.J19e. A Jroue wiD· 12 montha from lJtarally hun· the field of enology. Durino the ••r wu S6u91aai Plae Gardea. drec:ta of r..tauranta hom Santa put thr .. yeara, acholarahipa Ill 1M CoDu-tal C.t~ry. Gold Barbara to the Mexican bordex. amount9In to $11,200 have been WlUen _,. Cll.uMclair ud The Rita. U _L SU..r _.,. -t to a.. Browa'e, Joa. ai.D9 • •riot criteria llll .. t, they pr...atecl to d ... rvino atudenta. IOir O...lee, s-a--.: c.ew..a-:a, were evaluated OD iood, •rvice, S----"•1 aw•r~---pr-... .. t ,...._ ,..__ .....__._ .. C .-.-a -I;UI ......... -• u.&IICJe; ,..._ ...... rlW rowu, ambience, and •ppxopriate eel Monday aven.ing to: Chef-of· Jf.nalapaye, S..Ut.cb oa Balbo& win•. Thoee ~iving at leut the-Year Roland Gibert of Wud. B.oaM .uu..n -r• C.pric:cao :;:;;:::;;:;;;~;;:;~;;:~;;:;::;;:;:~:;~;:;:::;;~~i::J~i'!ll~~~CaJe at 1M Warriott ud NWdooa'e. No.t SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA a FOOD TO GO An Easy and Delicious Winter Dinner Idea Homem~de usaan~ R•ady to tall• home And hqt alona with our freshly nJ.de bfHd Top It off wlth~l fOf dtswrt• You Catertl& Needs COME TO SAM'S ChaJbroikd to paidon. this *wmd . comb*lation o( thick lOp sirtoln strak and pkmlp shrimp ls setWd wtth tic~ pill and a broUcd Uewtl of iah mushrooms. onions• bd ~. plus 'f'O'Ir choice o( dam chowdu. soup a/the ctay or rNxid ~ 1.-:1 and a hal loaf OIMrm .._.butter. / " \ ,) I ' . ..... . r· . Oranae County Bridal Service cordially invites you to attend a bridal extravaaanza at Promontory Point on March 28. • An elabor'ate lu'ncheon. toaether with a bridal fashion show featurina the latest in bridal fashions will be present· ed. All facets of the weddina, from the weddina cake to ice sculptures, music to phot~ araphy will be on hand. Bridal service luncheon reservations now beina accepted. 537-2825 01642.()973. ......... aa•o•4ala.OUIII" ..,. a..t.ua· .. ~--INc~. Ud .... Wiae celkr et 1M N.wpon.r (,.. evalutecl '-ca ... ol -~niUp ol IN~). Ill 1M lllualc e&leCJOTf, tllelooal Goad winMr WM 8&119~ 3. N.tn.u.la woa • SUwr, ucl 1M loyal n,b.r woa a Noel Pro•ilia9 ~'award. Ia tM FNDCia o•*Jory, Go&d wlaHn _,. La cw.u.. ol 0... Pouat ud Le Biarriea of Newport a..caa. ~Wwr wia· .,.... ..,. Frucota, HWitiaetoa a..ch; ' La ........ Or .... ; La RocWJe. a..o.o. Wud; L 'lclalr, II Toro; II Saiat-Tropea, Newport INch, Mel Noll Claateau, II foro. lroue '"-n _,. Cbea LautNc, ftoUoal ,._... ud 1M RiYiera. louy J1ou9e ud La CW.U.. o4 ~,rt leecla woa •warda M Noet fro.. .-..••c on. _.._. ..... 1M._... e.iiiil,.._. woe GliiiiMion ........... ~ry ... dMI ................ ....., ewude ._, k G.Muo'e, ·Huti11411oa a..cla: La su.da, ....._.,.,, Proelo, Ud Ville Nova. ltoue ....... ..,. A•elia'e, Shalt Noocle, ud WNI'• C~l119 eli Newport JMcla. Aac&N6ao'e Uld hro Spicery WOD holaon M Noel Proaiela9 Newco•en. Jtoto woo U.. ooly Gokl eward ill the J.pu ... cat~ry. ead Silver awarde -llo Gee lt&l, CoroG& del W.r; Tei.ko, lrvl.M, ucl Y ... to ill Newport IMcla. Widori of Coaaa w-woo • lroue. ~ Ia n.tr T11De" •••rde -11t to rJ ,_.lllule whach MV'e witbetood thte ._. olliae. Local wluen of tkie award .,. Crab Co.ker, Dllliaa11'1, 11 Adobe,l.aebea I. W.. ud Tale of the WMio. Ia tlae Nulcu caM9ory. Sliver .....,. _ .. Ac~. C.. Y.U.rta, "11 Raac~. LM lnMI ud II Torno. BroaM wiuer wu Tortllla n... i.a Lfo9waa ~h . Wiuen ol lhe Novel Coec:.pt ewatd -re C.ny Hor. lt-.k ao...; Goldeta IWI; Good lartb, Newport c.a .... ; T~ and SyiD~Y ud lhe Wa.relloue, all &lver. lroue wbulen -r• Good lerth, South COMe Villa~; w.d.ly'e ud lothlcluld. ProaillJI9 Newco.... _,. Blue leal C.Je, Robert TM Greet, ud T~ie'e Nueic Hall at ....... ~- C.O'• woa • GoW award iA s..Jooct cale90ry. ud &tv.J' ....... .,.., to The Spilldriller ud Walt'• Wlaa.rf. lroue wl.llMn _,. Cwba.a.l.aDci1Q9 10 coe~. W...udNuwelra. Go&dn YID~ Waae C.Du Awazcb we11t lo A.broaa, AIDtoeeUo. Five Crowu, ~•YIIIa ~ .,.., Distinctive Watafroot Qi.ning Oyster Bar· Cocktails 3333 W. Pacafic Coast Hi,t\wa)i N.B.• 642·2295 8 30JXTI-\ OOJXTI OOC>pm-t30dm 3333 W Coast Heahway N~t Beach. C&hfomaa .. I • bvNSy1t~ Concert &rillly n.. lrriM Syapboay &cJt ... · tra will pr.-t it. tint coocezt .. n..ltufua9 Swaday ....uno. feb, 21 at 7 :30 p .m. at tile Newport Hubor A.rt Mueum. IDcluded oA the PT09faJD La "Peter ucl t.he Wolf'' by Proko- fiev ucl "Jlloht of the B\li:Dblebee" by R.i.IDaky Kona· koff. Roeaini'a "ltahan Girl in Aloiera" and Haydn'• ''Sym· phony No. 83 in G Minor" will abo be featured. Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich, chancellor of UC lrvi.ne, will narrate "Petez and the WoU." The other concerti in the seriea will be Saturday, Warch 20 at 8 p.m. at Newport Harbor DR. PETER ODEGARD Hiqh School and Saturday, April 10 at 7:30 p .m. at Uruver· sity Hiqh School ln Irvine. Dr. Peter Odeoard will con· duct the lirat and third concert. while H. Colin SUm of Canada will conduct the MC:ond. For ticket information cAll SSl-1567. Fund-Raiser Set By Federation The Medallioo Gifta Commit· tee of the Women'• Oivi.&ion of the United Jewiah WeUare Fund wtll hold ita annual luncheon event at Maqic Wand at 11 a .m., Monday, Feb. 22. Speakino on current iuuea and humanitArian need.a in Israel will be Zvi Kolita, author and theatrical producer. Co-chAirmen for the event are Ellie Burq of Corona del Mar and Lauren Goodman of Laquna Beach. Funds ra.11ed at the event will benefit Jewu.h FAnUly Service , the Community Relationa Com· mittee, the Community Center in Laguna Beach &nd Hillel aa well a.s social programs and resettlement in Israel. For more information on the event call the Women's Division of the Jewish Federation in Garden Grove, 530-6636, Ext. 205. '\ ~,. \0~ o,. l .,. Salty' WE'RE NEW INTOWft80 COME IN AND GET ACQUAiftTED. WE.ERYE OMELETTES • HAMBURGERS • FISH AND CHIPS • AND MUCH MORE ~I ~1~ Present this ad before 1 1 a.m. L Receive two breakfasts for the price of one. Void after Mar. 1, 1982. Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 days a week 2931 E oast High"'·ay o ro n a Del Mar e 92675 Telepho n e 673-0921 4 doors tro.. the Port Theatre I\CIId 10 Colonel s-.n "Aero. Ouz hlv1aible BonleY," a Uve-.lec:ture Mri• on Maico will be pr ... nted by the Sonp.,. CoUeoe Alwu.e Aao- ciatioA feb. 23 to Warch 26 at th. N.wport Harbor Art M\aeum. Lectur• ln t.he Mrl .. include: -"family lthnicity, and PoUuca ln Colonial Nexico," by Ramon Gutierrez Feb. 23 at 10 a.m. -"Acculturation and AdJust· ment in the U01ted Statea by People of Melllcan Deacent," by Raymond Buriel 10 a.m., March 2. -"The lmaqe of Mexic An Women u Refiected in Their Literature," by Su~&na Castillo, 10 a .m. March 9 . -"Mexico's Safety Valve: lmmioration ADd Econom1c Interdependence ," by Rosahnda Gonzalez 10 a.m. March 23. The final lecture will c over "Contemporary MexicAn Devel- opment: CulturAl &nd Material Problems" by Phillip Koldewyn at 6 :30p.m. March 26 at Som· brero Street, 719 N. Main, Santa Ana. For r ... rvations call Libby Greoory at 494-7960 or JoEllen Hueqy at 552-7914. Mardi Gras Dance TM ... wpon EM!p Wectneeday, Febnaary 11.1-..... , "How Pu.blic RelaUou SkW8 Can Boo.t Profit. and Pre.ti9e an Buna ... and Prin.te !.d. .. • the aubJect of • lecture to be 9(ven by Wort Stem at Ora.aqe eo.,. CoUeoe Saturday, feb. 21 from 10 a .m. to nooJl in Sdeace Lecture Hall2. Stein, a Newport Beach public relaUona conault&nt, will ahow how predatory, vac1oua, amozal conduct 1n busJneaa and per- aonal hfe CAD be counterprodGC'- hve m teri'D.I of reduced ...a .. , producbvaty, employee moraLe and mental health. The lecture a open to t.he p ubhc . Fee LS $5 with ~a­ h on at the door. Holladay Named President Of Group Dr Ketth Nelson and Alexandra Perkins welcome everyone to the second annual Mardi Gras. pre-l enten dinner dance at the par~sh center of St. Michael and All A ngels Church Friday, Feb 19 at 6:30p.m. Reservations at $15 per couple should be sent to Collts H Holladay Jr . of Newport Beac h has been elected 1982 presadent of the Auociat• of the Cahlorma lnshtute of Technology Holladay works an tnvestment manaqement. He IB a member of the execuhve comtDJitee of the National Socaety To Prevent Blandness and 1B on the board of 1ts Southern Cahforma affiliate.. Dr. Ketth Nelson at the church. 3233 Pacif ic View Dr . Corona del Mar. , e:=@fel.ido is now serving Lunch, Dinner & Cocktails for reservations : 675-2968 Amp~ parltin~ al 29M ~ewport Blvd. (corner ot 29th and Newport Blvd ) Newport Beach J 1 THE PO RT THEATRE 0 I j b.'&O STARTS FRIDAY "Te nder a nd En terta in rng" Tell Me A Riddle Starrtng M elvyn Douglas Brooke Adams (PG ) 1091 I COAS I IIW' COIIOU Oi.l •u Old fashioned, romantic dinner-dancing is back in style. and the (,rand Poruge no~ otfer.. vou an t"verung to compc:t~ \Vith your f.lvo ntt.· memo n ~tinkling dmner muM\.. dt"Wlnl t..rndldat tahk ~ui~. the ~ur of flamanll tahk:-.ade t.ookery The ultamately ~-eabk Fred Carro ll Tno ·~ fcaturt"d Thur.ida) chrough Saturday ..., to 12. and soft paa.no other t"\~~ \akr panun~ THE REGISTRY HOTEL z c &. :) o SJIIUI.SIJeD z TAYLOR CALIF. LIGHT WINES u HIMniQ-I No pulling No teorrng No 1<» t mnute ccv vtng Honey B<*ed Horns ore Pc:ed ae>U'ld tl'le bone "' a spttol rT'tQMe( so that each slice r~ place I <~~ll,..vod Eoch sloe a • unot01m., thK:kness and IM'\fOids easily (') Z We tnvented the sprat slieeo r\Om and we tl'wnk '' 0 f reolly 1s the best thing MCe sliced bfeod If setves C "" groups or lndlvlduob petfectly ond IS welcome ot , J 01 OCCOSIOOS both formal and Informal 0 UO Every Honey Bol(ed Ham II Sk>wty be*ed over Z ~t hlekOfY chrps ond glazed 'With o deioous I coohng of I'IOney ond es Try o rr ee sample "' I 01\Y ~or our stores ~taste buds wt bock I.() OUf Clom Fa. lhepottect compon.on we ~st V04J try Honey Bok:ed Hom Mvstord ~e It's the best thing me• Peed hOm ~ GIFT CERTIFICATES &. RIDUMAIU ANVTM A NEWI Chablis, Rhine. Rose ' st z. 99 R~•a•l ~ 5q fl'<. TAYLOR CALIF. 4lJUGS 6.39Rctall '8 O"i GALLO CHARDOftJIIA Y 75(1~1L 4.39 Rcta11 5.9S Salt Prku Effective thru feb. 2 8. I <t8~ Oatatandl ... •••ctlon G Service at EverJ DaJ Dlaco•nt Prlcea GRAND OPENING c .... ............ C.... ... brancnof the Americ:¥1 A~ tion of Univertity Women witt meet at Newport Balboa Sav- ings, 1100 Irvine BlVd .• Newport Beach, W.O. nesday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. Speeker is Sandy WterSema. 1 crim~ inologist with the Orange County Sh«iff's Department. .... DI't.IIIIliOwt ~ wiJI hold its next meeting 7 p.m. Thu,. day, Feb. 18 at the home of Mrs. George Simor of Tustin. New membefship is wetcom- ed: contact Mrs. Wil- liam Furlong, 496-9643. or Mrs. Paul Brumftetd. 499-4721 . a • ...,...acaOr• ... CCIUIIty is sponsoring whale watching tri~ 2 p.m. Friday aft~rnoons until March 13 at Dana Wharf Sportfishing. Dana Point Harbor. Tickets: $7 adults. $5 seniors and kids. Reser· vat ions and information: ~2388. Ask for Deb- bie or Jeff. NewpDI't ...... A......._ of Delta Oetta Oetta aorority is honoring Florence little- fteld with a Golden Cir· cle award, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 1227 Devon lane. New· port B~h. &..Me Phll...,eochoe .Sacl-'f of St. Pauls Greek Orthodo• Church will hold an art auction 6:~ p.m. Friday, Feb. 19 at the Montanoso Recreation Center on Montanoso Drive in Mission Vtejo. $5 fee will be charged at the door. Information: 752-0141 . CEXI& Clllt Y r I KnOw vour..er .net ,... 5 p.m. s.eurdlly, ~"; lect\ft--Feb. 210 .. the Mtlenc-fMturing gr~ ed HeMh c.nw. 1300 Betty Gilliland. 7:30 8rietof s .... North. p .m. in et."niltty Newpon a..c:t.. $3 • lhiildlno RoOm '1111 •... me-ion; Ann Merlin wilt admi•ion for tingle speak on ''What Are unions, t8 for three- We looking FOJ r•. pert ...... Information: 975-0700. -''Tapping YOUI T ........ _ .. Mind's Hidden Powers UCI meets 9:30 a .m. u.ing Setf-Hypnoeis'': MoncMy, Feb. 22 in the .... Evelyn Oelunea, fee- univefsity' s Socia! athiallu-AM:Ihcsr turer. 7 p.m. in Chern- Scienc:e Tower Room ,..~r·•'• isny 8uiklng R4>om 220. Speaker wit be Dr. Academy Award • 214. M edmitlion for Rita Pau .. en. Meeting nominee for ee.t single ..-on. t6 for is open to the public. Documentary. 7:30p.m . ~aeries. ........ n~ •• ~ ~.Feb.~at -"Tme Out to be _ .... on Corona def Met High Friendl and LCMtrS"; Wedne.c:teys at 10 a.m. School. 2201 Eastbluff Or. Chartes Are. lee- for a fun.-filfed day of Drive. Newport Beach. turer. 7:30 p.m. in Fme Pinnocle. On Friday at Admission is free. Arts Hall 116. Admis· 10 a.m. they play shuf-sion isM. fleboerd. Mettings are ,._ chll•en•a Rima -"An Evening To held at the Zonta Build-at the Newport Beach Reach Out"; Or. Steven ing, located at 15th and Public Ubrary, Newport Winer, lecturet'. 7 p.m . Center Branch, 866 Sar _ in OCC's Faculty Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. Clemente Drive. 4 p.m . House. Admission $5 Newporttlerbor Tuesday afternoons. In-per person. $8 per cou- ~oc~eeot•·-··rtth formation, 640-2246. pie. wiJI hold a dinner Features will include: -• • Assertive Family meeting 6:30 p.m. -Feb. 23: "Horrible Communication"; lou Thursday, Feb. 18 at Honchos" and "Seven Miner. lectur8f. 7:30 WIShes of Joanna p.m. in Science lecture the Barclay Inn in Santa Ana. Reservations: Peabody'' Hall 2. Admission M Charles Shindler. person, $5 for an entire 644-8758 or Jerry Stein. Lec:tulp family. -''Everybody Knows 562-0890. Somebody, Including Te•_h .. Ha-lecturM ..... WOfk-You"; lecture on Me'eloe in East Bluff. 8hopa at Orange Coast Newport Beach will pre-College this week alcohol and drug abuse. sent Or. Ruth B. include: 7:30 p.m. in Science Michaelson. who will Building ROOm 146. speak on "A Dialogue n...cs.y Feb. 18 Admission is $4. -"Women's Ne1--"How To Relax"; Between Mother and Son," 12:30 p.m. Mon· work"; Eileen Padberg, three-part series. Bob day, Feb. 22. lecturer. 7 p.m. in OCC Banka, lecturer. 7 p .m. Fine Arts Hall 119. in Counsefing and Ad- G .......... ofUCI Admission is $5. missions Room 114 . AJumnae Day will be -"Designing Your Series fee is $9, or $4 held 3 p.m. Saturday, Own Life -As A Single for individual lectt1res. Feb. 20 starting with a Adult"; Alan Bartick. ......,.Feb.20 lecture and ending with workshop director. 7 -Legal aspects for a basketball game bet-p .m. in Room 110 of small businesses will be ween the Anteaters and the Chemistry Building. explored; Paul Wein~ the Aggies. Ttekets are Fee $5. berg, lecturer. 9 a.m. in $12.50 each. lnforma-Fine Arts Hall 119. Ad- tion: 833-6247. ,...., Feb. 18 mission $5. -"The Write Way to -TRS-80 computers; FO~ ')ALf BY O W NE~ ,_. ~ ' ' Bud Schoellberg wil IMdthe-.,.•.la.m. 1n occ-. Sdenc» .... eo.ll•7.10, ... ,~ ndon • .eMil tf. -"~tgtime S.W. ing ... er.fte"; ...... I a.m . in Home Econ· oirice Room 114. Fee il t20. -''trlllde ~ tloNI C~tion"; GfegcMY Niemenn, lee- tunw. 9 a .m . in .Chemmry Building Room 214. Two-pert worlc.lhop: tee $20. ................ ·tillllw'··· ......... reey from ateeling your P'oc*tY rights. The Bulinesemen's Chapt• of the John Birch Society is hosting Joseph Mehrten, who witt cllcuss land~use controls 7:~ a .m . Wed~y. Feb. 24 at the Sheraton Newport, 4646 MacArthur Blvd. Cost $10 per person, RSVP Howard Cunning ham, 540-8630. Hood 81IIRY1k .. Wmter Sailing Seminar will be held Saturday. Feb. 20 and Sunday, Feb. 21 at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. For more information caU Hood SaiJmakers, 548-3464. MlaCelanr_ ~-....... and Associated Disorders of Orange · County is hoking e self- help group Wednesdays at 7:30 p .m. at the Mariners library in Newport Beach. The free telf-hefp therapy group • dedicated to helping persons with eating disordera. ..................... for Aprit 15," presented by Uoyd'• Bank and Kidder Peabody Tues.- day, Feb.23, Reg~try Hotel, 7:30a.m . For information or reserva- tiona caU Penny love at 975-0400. ""'--C .one:~ _.. .... -=u.A1'11:. iiiOTICI IS HDDT GIVDf tlo.o4 • .... It•• o-~. .............. . .._.....~ .. c-. .. ...._.. -...cto .. C'-IIC ....... Aa., l(tt 0 ,_ ·~ ··-le .... ·--..... ~ .. --...... c..., le ................. Owtetat-..... --. ._ __ n. Cr~ - --~ ....... _ .. ,...._ le -.... cea--Ill• ~c..-.............. Dod. .. ,_ ... ...,...........,_ _ • ......., ...... w.--...... .... .. .... n...,.. 0.,..-t. c.,. .. .....,..,, .._ .. :tlOO w ~ ........... _, a..c1o CA tlal6l. (114) Ml :1211 ,..,..,. ,... 17 • ., ---·~-- ................ ........ wilt .. dilcuaed 9:30a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20 at Shefne•1~in Corona def Mar. Admis- sion is free. lnforma- tion: 673-2261 . .................... in Tot., Rn11ncia1 Plan- ning," program at meeting of the South- ern California Chapter of Carttfied Commercial ln~t Membets. Feb. 17, Newport• Inn. 9Pen to pubeic. Charge $15 for non--members. Reservations call Ann Wek:h, (213, MJ..3771 . T ....... .,._Ethy lftiiLilT,.IIooM. in cooperation ·with Travel Network ot Pacific Plaza, is sponsoring an 18-day travel progrMl throughout England, Scotland and Wales. There il room for 20 passangera, who wilt leave Sept. 2. All inter- ested should attend "An evening in Eng- land" film preeentation, 7:30 p.m. in the Tea and Svn.ethy Tea Room. 388 E. 17th Street. Costa Mesa. Reservations are $2: call 642-4403 and 645-480. ··n. ..... oftM la_...y:n. .. .... "~·; Frank Cappiello, lee- turer. 10:30 a .m. Mon- day. Feb. 22 at Edwards Theater in F..nion tsJand. tn conjunction with the Assistance League of Newport Beach. Contact lois Riker. 76()..(8J6 for information. ....: .... rocan~­..-natamtT n. ...._ __ ..... ...._ • GiDaiJ nMAIICIU.. 4 C::O.OUTI PUlA. 'IUrft -...._.. ...... CA...O ..... ., ......... l .......... c--.. w..c...a ,_ .,_ ......... ..,. ...... ,.11 ...... ~ ._.' .... ,_ __ .._.. ....... c-., a.. .. o.-c-ty -, ...... ~ ,. 17. a.. .... ), 10, .... ,...~._ rw.. -........ ._.. .... .._,. n. ......... .,_It ..... ~ .. , ... ,., a.? .............................. CA-..... D.a. .......... IM21 ._.U A•. llo I, T-CA ~ "'·~·~ ........ ....................... ~ 'not ....... -........... c-·~ a.. .. ., ~ c-., • .... 1. ~ ... 1?. M, .... ), 10 ................... n----=--- • -...... uaPJLR, ..... til ..... a... dllftOuah ..... ...... T .... a.ilh OOftQfegEIIIoli Fftdlly, Feb. 11 .. 1t15 p.m. • ,.rtof~ W...TheTemPie ,.... • tWbOr em. tian Church. 2401 tr- Vine, NMpon BMch. n. .EE *'ulDI wiN be at the Harbor A-'Ofm Temple. 2100 Met Vleta from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Satut'dly, F.b. 20. c.Jt 1316-6181 for donation ..,.,ointments. -................ ............ ,. heturing Aliaon Baker. Johanna Mathewson and Ramon8 Mathew- aan 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21 at the OMb Senior Cante.:. a Marguerite, Corona def Mar. ............. .,... ...,.. •• ~ ..... will be sneented 10 a .m. Sunc:trt, Feb. 21 by the St. Jemee Choir and Orchestra, ~ Via Lido in Newport Beach. No charge! UCI 8y11111hony Or- ..._ •• will perform 8 p.m. Friday wld Sat- urday, Feb. 19-20 at the FeneArtsVIMage Theatre. TICkets are t3 ~; •2 for INdents. Information: 833--8617. .... ............. Peolflo Chef ... join for a JpeCiel perform- anee 8:30 p.m. Satur- day, Feb. 20 at the Santa Ana High School Auditorium. llckets are $5-$10. Information: 542-1709. UCialulll' .. ,_. dMI to be held 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. Satur- day, Feb. 20 in Campus Par\. Festival features Byron Benine and John Hickman, and there will be amateur competi- t.ions. Information: 8.13-5648. UCI IIhl a1u .. ca·'nncluffngk'e C.M I I I c:.rnNEI, ~ ......... _ ct.nC:e end ~ High- ~ling the WMt .. be the I -=oe Ah- t-t.itlln o.nc:. &..ttble .. I p.m. ~. Feb. 21. c.nw.a .-na .. 1 p.m. TiCketS .,. ts, t3 UCI atudents, M othel atudente ~ eeniofs. lnfomwtion: 833-6379. Drlf"' ··cw..ot ........ "'-a..·· by s.n Shepard wil be pree- entad bv the UCI Drwna WOfbhop Thlndly through Saturday. Feb. 18, 19 and 20. Per- formanc::ea are scheduJ.- ed for I p.m. in the Fine Arts Utde Theatre, HH161. TICkets.,. $3 general, t2 students. HoRry IV. P_.l by Shllkeepeere il being produced bv SCR Feb . 23-28 • S*t of SCR's Living Theatre Project. Performances are 8 p.m. Tueaday through Saturday, ·and Sunday at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Student tickets are $6, and regular~ is $15-.10. TICket inform&- tion: 957-«m. ... ,.n.._...._ .. runs each weeltend from Feb. 19 through March20at~ Theatre Arts Cent•, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beech. Curtain Fridays and Saturdays 8 p.m., matinee Sun- days at 2 p .m. Box Of. fioe: 6]5..3143 or 642-8119. "Dhtelon abaot•• will be presented by the Newport Harbor Actors Theatre through Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. Thuradey, Fri- day and Saturday and 2:~ p .m. Sunday. Theater located at 390 Monte Vasta, Costa Mesa. Ttekets are te. $4 seniors and etudents. Telephone: 631-5110. ftlll.lc~ .o'lll2 8l'fi1WQ .. ......~ ...... __. .... .... .. ... Oft 014, City .. ....._,......_s......_, ...... ....._. ...... CA .al. t1o11111 2 '• • NMdt I, 1-c--w .._ 2 ••• -... 1,. .. , .. f*-7 ·-.,-'do-.... ~ llloooll'lloo _... ............ fVIUIISII AltO lWSf.u.&. COM MU.ICATIO•t IOUIPNUT ~ t CIOMMUWICAnotfS CDrTD " ............ _,..__ ..... w..._ .... ceo~~..,..,. .... .... ..._. .,..,_, 170 ..... .....,. o.-. ...._.. ...., ... CA-. 1•• t•rt._, l ... r .. uoe. cell ..._. ............. .,...._ ....... (114)~ • ........ ,... ll, ,. • """ .._...... -.2 OOIONA Df.L MAR Do you know the flcts lbout •chdelmd"" by Mllctr.d Mead You hear both American and European fuhiona for aprinQ 1982 beinq described AI clulic, feminine and yes, even texy. WWD intists that New York is clea.ninq up aJter the biq .w .. p of fall 1981. So tt's the year of the personal ch01ce. Personally, I chOOM the Italians for recoqnwnq that in spring and summer one feela the need for somethmg new, REGISTER NOW! 10methin9 freeh and joyou.. The Milan collectiona were ju.at that with, of coune, Jmita playtDq a very prominent role. And Mlsaoru, that f.unou. Italian knitwear fiim, ... ms to have found new tech.noloqy this aeuon. In marvelou., colorful jacquard patterna there are new blouaon cardiqau with mat- ching al .. vel ... T-ahirta. These were ahown with cotton lmickera, but could be added to an exiltinq wardrobe lor a fresh and joyou.a 1prin9. In the Buile collection there is great optim.i.am ezp~ lD brilliant AI well u sophisticated remember, the model has her leqs apead-tt'a a flattenng, imaganahve skat. There are also very short bloomers 1n this line-half short akirt, half flounce, barely Vlltble beneath the collarles. lmen jacket. watb puffed-out sleeves. Printed ailk alurts are draped and lnll-fAitened to reveal shorts to the lmee, fresh and sophaticated. Fabnca aze hght woolens, sJl1c and wool matures, hght-woven and pnnted crepe, hght fatUe, with the atar of the collechon being linen of all sorts. The col- ors aze a complete, ncb and sophtaticated (there's that word personally, it's Italian! colon. This Italian hrm, lmown for ita fabrica and workmanahip, has combined aporty, qeometrac 1tems with imaqinative, sometim .. almoct baroque, items, to produce a new look for '82. One unportant deta.al 11 the inlay work, a true example of workmanship, in atronq shades or printed lilb with vaquely ut noveau qeometric patternt. In contrAil with their muculi.ne wool and linen J&cketa, Bulle hAl full ahrta of wool mu.ahn lD carmine, mtd- ruqht blue, ochre, with uneven edges and lOOMly fallinq ruffles. See photo herewith and again!) range that goes from bron%e to asphalt gray, then on to brown, 9T&pe, plum, ochre, and the bnlliants-such as red, light blue, orange and yellow are used for the detathng And as lD all the Mllan collechoru. black and whrte, of course, but wtth a dafference when com· bined wtth the Basale tnlav You will hnd Ba.sue lD many of our leachnq department stores and an February Amen Wardy on Bays1de Dnve wtll be rece1v ing an lD-depth collechon lD· cludinq the three mnovahve styles shown You are cordially invited to attend: a film aod preMntation on jilritisb t)ub ~our 1982 BEGIIIIIG CAKE DECORATING NEW CLASSES STARTING TUESDAY. MARCH 2ND GET READY FOR SPRING to be held at TEA AND SYIIPATHY tea room $20.00 plus supplies for 6 lessons IINTtRMEDIA TE ClASSES BEGIN APRil l 5 THI (CAll 548-CAKE fw iator .. tioal -LIMITED SEATtNG- ' THE FROSTING HOUSE 2384 NEWPORT BlVD .. COSTA MESA liN I Hi Af<'( A['~ 301 MARIN( AVENUE 8Al80A 1$lANO. CA t2M:Z t=~~==.,;;~;._ 471.1 675-3113 WE"RE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS lnvMtoq CIHtuc• FEB. 18,1 9,20 EVERYTHING 50% Off RUG YARNS. AND SHECTEO ITEMS 80% OFF San Miguel and Ford Road Newport Hills Center ALL DRESSES EACH All OTHER MERCHANDISE STILL 50% TO 80% OFF r Qll Poto Mary s Match C>es~~,~~r 3por t F1xtures Furniture & f qu,om"'nt T\JES .nlf 1030AM ~30 PM SUNOAY 12NOON C,PM LENNVShalr for women and men 67~0823 ~rgln EUROPEAN HAIR COlOR .... ~ $ot6 • on F 18th at 7:30p.m. E.acliah S.yk RefrnbmeDh Will be Ser.-ed ResetVOtiOnS A Must! contact Ia ttl3 PACIFIC PLAZA 1\1.1~ by lil' AudAl) • - ...... 1111111-·· ~ ... , 17 .... ~ •• , ...... ......CIIOnca recnnoaa- ..,.ITA1'DIIJIT NUl• n.. ~o~~ow-. -.. ..... a.-.. <:X*liiA DI:L w.u BOWl LO.UI, ~ L C.. It-, .. c-.W ....,, CA _., ..... W.W.. r--.. .00 0. lei& Ten-. c-.w ...... c...a. Tloio...._ .. ~..., ..... ............. , ...... , .... n.--IIW..allooe c-, Clod .. 0....0. eo-., - '-.22.1113 ...... ka 27. ,.., 3. 10, 17. IIG .. n..~-­ ntliD rnuc~ nc:JilJOU6--- .... ITAa.IIT KI7'Sl no.....__ ........ ~ .. ,...,.oo,aa& eo. .. ., . c--. .. ....... c. ..ZS· ~ Aaa ....,_,, .1. Aceae A" . eo.-clool ....... CA a:aal; .,_ a.., ~. J723 ........ Ott ... "-""" INc~, CA -1'-~oo c~lrt• -AI ,..,.. .......... ,...... o..o,..- Aaa....,_, 1'loio ·-· ... filed ..... IM c..ty O..k oA 0.-c ..... .., - ka71,11G. hWiell· re~t 3, 10, 17, :14, IIG ,. n..--.....&u~p r111m tVIUCIIOftCa ..... ,,..,._ ..,_ITA~ 1C1111 no. ......... _ .... ""--• AUU UQIITDIQ, 1- ..,_ Oode. CaM a.-. CA ... ..._ .......... ·-,.,. Cude, C......._CA ... 1'loio ..__ .. ~ "' ..... ~ ....... ---h .... _ Tloio __ ......... ... c...tJ a.n .. Or-c-..., - ka D.IIG ........ 1u 71, ,.., 3. 10. 17 IIG • no....._.'-" nil- PVIUC: 11011CK ncnliOGI-, .... STA~ ™ ........ -... ~ -.. 011111. MAJJl(l su VICIS. alii ll,.lo....... Cucle ~ Ktlle, c. .., R.ct..nl W.•k ""'*-· ~ H>e......... c .. c .... w.v.-ltlll.. c. I3I8J n.. ...._ .. c:oed~Kted ....... .t.•"'MI Soq...t a N Hlck- n.. ··-· ... hied ..... •b• c-o.~y o.n o1 o.._ eo...t., ... , .. 3,1113 .......... , ... 10, 17 24 w.. J 1112•• Th<t "'"''""' &.oo<Qo rii:Z)II PV1UC IIOftal .... ,, ..... _ .... ITA.,._,. NUl? ™ .................. ~ ......._ .. o) IIOCHil CltAPILLI 7 CIIIOWifS WIQ COOKl'·.o.DUUI CHAIJ.il IUaOUWDY WIIU COOI[T, Ill) MOIMAIIOf , ....... ....at JOU..T COOI[T 110 y.,...., Wor, ,_ CA G7LS A-leo 10. llOVor-Wo.,,lrriM, CAG71S n. .._ • c:oed.etooll "' .... ....... ..JS.. ... Wlc .... ~ n.. 14o-l -..... wlllt tt.. C..ay o..t. .. o.-c-.r, - 1-1.1112 ,...... , ... 3. 10. 17 a. 1112 .. ™ ........ .... ..... IIOftal 01' IWW I~ IALI ....... r.s.kn-..1 0. Mo~lo l , 1112 •• I o • Tnlo Ia ... ,._ .,... Tr .. c-.. ..,. • •vi, • _ .... Jr-........... P'OIMAIII to o.... o1 rnu~ .. ..., ......... a. a•• ,_..,. W.n:~ ), •• 1 .. .... ... ...... .._. ,.7. ,.... 102 •. oA 01 lie..,. !l.co•• •• ,.,. olf~eo ol tho c ... ,, ...,., o1 o..,... eo •• , •. C..lilono,., W1U &IU AT fUIUC AIJC'nOM TO HIGHCIT IIOOIJI roll C.UH, CASHID'I CKlCl 01 CIJI TITI&J) C1fJCit (.,., • ..,. •• ,... ol Mia •• lurt..l _., of lila UattM ,....,.) •I lila _,111 fro., .. .,.ace to .. ow o.._ C...•rr C...r~a.-._...., ..... :aoo "'-'• .......... . Aeo ...... (t.t-t"r w_. ... II ), a..u A.. Cab ....... •I '"~' tHio ........ ,._...,..,..,.._ ... w 1ooJ II ........ o..t ol 'f""" •• lh ~ .............. c ..... , .... .............. Lot 2J .... ~ ' .. &.1 ~. •• ''-~..., a1 ....,..., liNc'tl. C...arr al o.-....... c:.w..... .. ,.. _r_.... ....... ) _J7 .. ....... -· ..... • ...... ltc ... .. e-., ~ ...... c-.1'1 UIIO .. ,., ,_ ., ,_.., -...... w • _. w... A H.. tw.tl I ~I .... w.,.._, .. ~ "-• ..... no. ....... _ .......... _ -.__ " ...... tllla ~ ~--·~ ............. ,., .... • loa Ill W• Ot .. a P..-&, ~ a..tll..~ .. n. ......... ft ... ,,_ ........ ...... ~.~ ....... __ .. ..,._...._ ... ....., __ ............. ., . .-.-......... .............................. ._. ... --...... .... _ ----.... -..: ftiU ~ .-:La ..... -' -.rY M ,.,._ 11n.1 au IM:t • -..-.... ............. ~--. _..._......_ ..... ._.WILL tal..,.....:~ 10 ml _,_ JOic:.-... .................... a.& c...-. .................. _ .......... _ ..... _ .... ... 0... .......... .-.. ................ ~ ... I, Aucaal"'. .. • _...._ -.:IAiill Q.UT • l&oltrD. • ......... _ ...... .cmcz ItA,.._.., or WlftD&AWA.Io ,..,.. .... OfiliA~ ueDnenl_,_ ___ n. ......... ,....a... ....... ........... ,.._,_ ... ,.._. .............................. a.--.. lAICIIO IAJfTA W D1:L CDIO _..ISIOM ._ ~~UDCa ..., or ameo. 1m 1 O..ny .a-, ....,. C, s...a. A-. CA ta'IOI ,....._._ __ _ ........ ,.._...._.....,_ w., 11 •• .,. .. llooCo.aiyal"'-,all_ ... ....._ ...... _ •IIWr-W..l Oooopw,lOIDW IWI ..... o-no, CAI17a ..,....., W.A. c-t. .• VIc-e ,_.. ..... ..._ ....... .__lloc. hW06: F.a.. 10. 17. a.. .._, 3, .............. 1111,--.. .. ..,. .. --14117,... 1101 .. OMioolo1 .................. .. .......... O.....C....ay, .... .... .................................. ty. PAIIICa. 1 UOIII 111 • &..1 l:t. Ia .. c., .. ..._. ...... c:-uy .. o-. ........ c.ll6lnlll ......... ... ....... -... ....w. c-. ........... ,_..............., •· am. .. a.... t»ll. ,_ :n1. ()1. ..... ...... .. 0...0 c:_,, c ......... 'AIICI:L 2: a. ......... v ..... _ .. ..., .. a..u(--> .. or-.............. _ _... ..... aa. ........ ~ Uof'C I •• ~ _.. .. c.... c.-,.~ ...... ............ ..._ ...... .... no...._. c.... PI1DU ._........_.e ··•-u• ......... ..._ ..,. ....... -a.-.... - IIOTICif# &WIUIIAU ....... , ..... l-Oa ......,. •• I.IG. .. ll .. ... """" "--" Tllla ........... c-, .• CoiUor---u T..-. or ,_, T.-"' .............. ,,_, .......... .rtola n...a .. ,.,..... .......... ..., ....... Woo.t ..... m.- Wood, lt .............. 'lllt!llo ..... _.......Apr. 10. 1•1 .. -• 110 uuo ......... 14011. ,.... t74 .. OltiCioOI flecoroM oA Or-C.....ty • C.olllor.,., _. IP'lfiN&III lo 11wot coe•lllla No.,co of DoM..tl _. ~ lo Sell .... .-.... ,_....,. OetMao 71, ,., .. • ... ,_. .... 34t71. .. .._.. lU'IO, -ltG, .. OlbcW ..._. oA .. ..a <=-•IJ. -..11 ............... ............. o-a .. Ttut..Uat ,..W..: --1oo CMIII, la..tlol -of tllla Uat...S SW. ol A-. Ill liloe --_ .. _ .. f'IN .._... tllla .._,....,. c_, ......,..... .. 114 L ,... II .. Ill ... C"J ........... Cdk>,..., all dtet .,.iot. blla ~ •· ter-,_....,.... 10 ... -lllooW looJ II .......... o.... .. , ......... ._. ,, .. ......,. ...... c_." _....._ cleocnloe4 .. Pa~cal A A.a .......... 1l42loll - ...... to • a.-MW -.. nMIIIId "' .... -........... Oc1 l2. 1-. _..."._ ... Cola. a-.. • c..a..-... , ..... ,_ -......... v-. ..a "*· • Ca~Uora~a ~·· ·-· .. ._., ,_... OctaiMt n . ·-....... 413'7. -..... aollicYJ ,_., .............. "' ... .-,. -• .. ted Oc1 II, 1110, ,__..... Nov 25, 1110 •• ...... SD. -lll ol olfaclol .-do. ....,.U..r watlt IN eac1U1n n~~lw to v..-•ad OCC1IIPY • .,....... ....,._, ct..q...... .. Mo 7·0 .. tM ooa • ...,., ..,__, t.utldia9 u-a .. ,.,. ·v-. ..., l.tdo" •"" u ....,,...,_ r>Qitt 10,... &ad oc· """ lloot aorlala •--..lolle ....,._ opeoe ...... ...s .. No. II •ad IC ud .... _.. ....... ~-...9 P...-1 AI LcM l ud l oA T1oct Mo 115, .. ..._.. -...... -nled ... ~aoo• a , -43 _. .. o1 _.~ .. -........ __.. of ..... c-a:., ~ lila .,.,.,.....,,, lO.OO .......... 1.ool 3 AJooo ...,.,.. lila ..... "'"-•J.r 7 00 .... oA .._ 2 udl. Potcal A2 A .--eacl,....,. -_, __ .... __ ud ..,,_, .. ...,119 ..... n.. ..,,._.., 1 00 .... oA ..... -"'--rl' lO 00 .... oA .... l , ..... ... -"-"' 7 00 ...... lole 1 .... 3 .. TIOCI Mo liS ... -..... ,_. ............. -43 ...... .. ............... ..a.~• .. eo-ay ................... c-.., Po,_, I t.at 2, w.c:• "C" ol T•M1 No , .............................. , peq" ll 10 ll aocluaa•• of .-u..-. -· ........... ol .... eov&IY .......... ......,_ ..... ioeeeb<\M)' .. •"---... Mia .. ""'-9 -· .IOCted Coldon ....... _ ·~ P O loa 571, O.o,.... C.lt.l ~ ""• ,....,. .... o..oc ....... 10 .... •bo•• ... _,., _, a..-. ..... ...,.~ ...... .... ...., .. _ ... a....IICM6)' wtlt. .. 10 ...,,. lro. tiM h,.. pvblrc<ll-oA !loa --Sold ulo w..U a.. INdo •uhovl co••· ..... Of ... , •• ,, .. p.,... Of ,.pbed. •• to ul._, ~ oJ ..c\tabt~ to .. ,....., IM oAputl ""'--diM oa 11M -or ·-__ ..., loor ...,. Daoocl o1 ,,...., to ·~ W37.-01, plu IN lollowu~q Ml•••tM -· .,._ ...... ~ .. •t IIIIo II-of IIIIa .. ,ltlll poolllltcot»a .. tlwo ~ al lale u .m• O.IM r.a. I. JIG P1n1 ,._... Tttle 1-.eac• Co • c.wo ..... cor ........ o.. O...rod. "''""''-" ... tx.t. 11• I lllo ..... ,. AM C. t2702(714) 5!1-Ull ........., felt 10 ll. 14 1!112,. TM ....._.'-" Mlll7 PV1UC IIOt1Cl ..... nc:rmooa~ et.UIIITA~ TM loollow~aq-""' .... ..., .... _ .. PIGA$.IS COOtiD SIJl. V1CI. 311111 __ ,, .....,. ..... 101. ........ ,, ~Me~~. CA -.c> '-• 1M: • o Cohh>o... co...,•--· 3118 w-tty P~.a s..... 101 ....., .. ,; a..clo. c. llaiiO n .. ..,._ ,. .,_...,,... "' • eo• .... oJ-119"... ......... ... w ..... .................. tow n •• _, •• ·~ ...... ''"" c....... Clart. ol 0.••90 co ... ty on Jon 21,1113 Pubt..• I•• 2'1 '"" l 10. 11. IIG .. , ...... _ . .......,. ,. .. .,. Nl7411 _ .................... .. ....... -.............. _ _ ..... _ _... ......... ......,, _ _.~ .. _..... .. ca.-. o..au-.. ... A.-._....._.... .. ... o.der ....... iad ............. ....... __ "-...... _ ... . c._ .... ,, A•••••• , .......... . ,..._, lhilllolllot. ...... -...aloe, .... , ...... -.-.......... ......... ~ .A. proorWeol Ia llooe O.Ciar• -· lila _,..... ... -"-"• .......... ,_ ............... .. 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" ...... _,.., .. a.. ..w ........ ••tit -...... 1M ......... __ ... -. ...-.... ....._ ..... ,... ... t.reo~. "' m.• 77. .... ..w.c Tllla .....,_ ~ •• 01-.. f.atiy .......... Tllla Ja. _...... • ooqoor~. .. -~ T.-....... 1....,-, It, 1113. loy Q..,...._T,...,O....~ot-· po-. 1100 L at.ytoU A" . ~. c. ..., (714} 171 .. 10, "" Waldo I .... ,.,.._ ....w..: ••. '· 10. 17. 1113 .. n.. ........ IMp 107111 .....c.mca rcn•.,..._. --~~-~ no. ....... ,_ ....... a.-.. DA.Ln ..-nca. . ., ...... c-om. ......... ~ ....... c. tQIIO .....-.w .._ -•• Collltlraiot __ .. __ .......,C..Dii-.hlte ............... c...., . n. ................. "._ ,._ ._.. .......... , ..... .................... ... .... ~ lea. 71, r.a. S, tO, 11, l.a ..n..~-­ rtaliOII ICI'nl ....:~ ........ -...... I ,.. ............. _ .... .__ .. ~~ ~ ..... o... ...... • .a.. ...... CA-.....,. ....... ,_o..-.o. ....... C*la .._, CA -· ..._ ·--t-o--o. .. -. ao.c.. ...._CA _ ....... ......._ .. --..... 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'-• rtan Nau fVIUC IIOTlCII rrcn IIOUI IIGIDIDII UMaiTAJ'DGift ,.. lollow... -.. <loo.g b-.,. AJtAJf PHO!'O, liS 24llo II , .......... hooc~. CA .., I lleQ ........ us ~ 81., NewpM hooc~.CA~ n......._.~a., ..... clmdul ~·I ...... a.._. n..--I>Wwtliltlle c_, CIMll • a.-e-..r, .. , .. 5, IIG. .........., ,. 10, 17, :M. .... 3, IIG 1a Tloot ~ '-P- ri12S71 .... JIQIUC .:mea ..... 4fl IICIIIWW__.. .... n•~ n.. ~o~aoor... ..-... ..... a.-.,. STIWLD OOWPAIIY. I Ill s.a.n ... r--· eo.-. .w ....,, CA taGS; ~ ....... 1131 s.a.-.. r-.:.... c-.w ....... CA ua.as n.. ...._ .. c-.I~Kted "' • "••""' .............. 814...., ~ ....... n.. ..__, woo I.a..! ..... IIIIa CollAIJ Clo•k ol Oroa90 eo...~y oo luiii,IIG Ml~ loa n . ru 3. 10. 17. 11a •• n.. N-tt &.u~qo rtllm liD.S PV.uc 11011CK ..... I"'C IIIIOUI- UMaiTAa.IIT TIM lo0ow"'9 .,.... • ...._, ~ ... NAADfQ'S OOUlUdT DILl. llS n.c-u.. SoL. ... ...,_, INc~. CA ._ S.. .,.., 1121 SJwa.., .,_, C~rello, ,_._ v..aa., CA, "-lo 1\<u, 1121 sa.-•- Cuclo. r-V ...... CA n • ......_ .. ~a., .... <b....a..l ~---.,_ n.. ... __ ....,. __ llla c-.,., Clerk .. a.-c--, • ... lll.lla ........... ,... 71, ..... 3. 10, 17 ... ... n.. N__. &..ioe PliiDO ICO.S ..... ,.lOW ___ .... Ill&.,..., n.. .......... _ ........ ..._ .. 110ft' ...acu.ns. • c-o.m.. ..... ltcl, ........ ...... CA ,_, r-1 r .... ~ ~v._.., ...... v...,.c..-t. 1'loio .......... _....... a., -... ............ ._..,#hi ...... n.--IIWwllt.!Aoe Co.aly Ood& .. o.-eo.., .. .lu 22.1-,..... ._ 77. ,..,_ l. 10. n. 1112 .. no....._, ...... , ... ., ..,. ._. .... fC-- -·· F I ,.. ........ ,_ ..... ...... -CIOIIO&t -..... ... 1.01,11, -.. 0..... .,,, c-..aW..,CA~..._. .... ....... -DJtNa '--· c-..a-.,CA-,......._ .. _..... ........ ......, ~ ......... 41M ..... -,....-_llW ...... c.., a.. .. Ol .... c...ty -....... ,....., No. 10. n. a. ..... *· , ... no. ........ ~ flaln JIDtl ..-.ciOIICII ......... _ ... ".,_., Tlllo loU....... .,._. • ....., ~ula..., oo llfYIIMAtiOMAL NAAUTUeG IUJIAGIM.IMT. 110 ._..~~ c-... o. . •"" 110. .......... a..d, CA tQIIO· .._ A ~.a"'~-a .... c-.ww. •. c.aeaas . n.. ......_ .. _.._.... "' ..... ..........a~ ...... A&o.lolalo "'--•-IIW ...... !ioe c-..., c.... .. o.-c.-.., .. , ...... 1 • PloWiall ,... 10, 17. a.. ...... 3. , ... no. .............. rlamJ N.-ra IW:JiiJOW __.. ... ITA,._.., n.. ...._-...... ......._ ,. La.D RIIOif'l OilY CUAJDO ~ ,,., ..... Or.. c,.-. CA IOI:IDt .,_ "-? ....._, 11W7 ., .... C\1 .• c,-, CA 1111» n... .__ .. ......,..... "' ..... .......,......,II<_...__ ftio --liled ..... .. ~ c ...... o..-eo...., - , ... 1.1113 hWI.olll· ,... 10. 17. 14. ...... l . .... n. ............... fli2S7t lfiiOO ......IIOTICII ....... , ...... ~--­.... ltA!DIIIfr TM .......... ,._ Ia .olaq a.......... •• roatorueo au TAUUIIT, 2S2 llhldM., W.... Vlafo, CA .-1: Valotrio I t-ie, 22M1 w Oodalll . ...._ Vlafo, CA ..I n..-.-............. ..., ..... • ........._.....,..v.-.a.t-~oa n...--w..t ... ~t.lioe eo-tJ ~ "' a.-c-., .. ......... ,.,...., ,... 10, 17, 34. ..... :s. , ... no. ............. rlG141 ICIIOf ....:.:mea --rw:aaa ... ..-.. ---·~ • Tlllo ......... ,.._ .,.. ..... ......._-~ VDmJID Tatml, -... Mipel omo.. ...._. ....... CA ...,, ,_.. v-l't....&. ._ • • CaWen~o -· --· ........... on... . -._,......._c.a- nu. ........ coed ...... " • - por.,_ ..... A..all. T••"'"· V_,. ........ ....... v ........ , ....... lee. n.. --IIW ••" Ito. c-.., o..r. ... Or-eo...., - lu. 71. IIG. hlllliloll: ..... 10. 17. a.. w.. :t, llalatloot.....,...n.....,• 1lllM4 111101 PWUCII011CK ncm..,._ ..,_ITA~ n.. ......... ..-.... ~ a.-.. ,... vanvu. 3 .......... . a-.. '"-· CA 1:1715 I..U S ........ 3 ......... a-.. 1~. CA G71S: Wm-Jlanlt,a, 110311 A .... ~ ................. . CA Ull1. 1'loio ...._ .. _.....,... "' • ~ ........................... ......... 1'loio - -.... Wit ... c-., a.n .. a.-C..tr - ... 27,1113 ....... ,. 10. 17. a.. .... l liGI&Tioot...._.._. fllll7t MDIO ....U:IICmel ....... , ........ N011C1 01 TWU111'R'SIAU 0. ...,_ II, liD, .t 11 • • . Plrll ......-.. Tllla ......,....,. c-.,..,, • c.auo .... C'Of'PO,...._, M ,...,.,....., or ·-· '·-Of a.a..u ...... T.-, of 1M! ....-Daa4 al '""" _..,. "' a..-c.a. &.a. ...t .......... ,..... 11. 1-.. --.............. 1.1. ,_ -· .. <*cia~ a.eo.. .. o.-C....tJ. c.w.-.. .... ....-..... ""'""" ........... Dalaall .... l:loMIIoa 10 ... ............. ,_... Oataltet 71. 1.1 .. -ao XIZIO • 1oa1t 14ae ,_ ...... OMM .... ._...,_, c...,; Will ....... .... ,.......... .. .... o-loiT"""..UOI..,.a.ltc-- -a.. coe. a.wt-1 -., ~~ooe u ..... ._.,~ ... .-.. .... -. ...... .,_ .--.... ttdo a. __ eo.,-, ......,. .. u• 1 IIIII •• • IIIIa C"J al lut& A.., c.w.n.. .................... Ill -_...,... to ...t -a..w "' • ......... o.... .. , ...... , .. _ . ,, ............... ~ .......... ~-Lol ... ,_ .. .,...., .. -- _..... ........ 314. -71•31 .................. .......... .. ......... eo.." ......... .... PVaiC IIO'nCI .•- IICIIIICMM-.... _,.~ n.. .......... .,.._ ........ ..__ • na K.urr cooua. MU VI& &*, ~ ....... CA _,, ............... ., .... It .. tiiNJoe. CA .-ao ....... ~ .. ..........,..,...., .... .................... .._ .......... 1'loio -; -IIW ..... IAoe C_.q Clortl al 0.-c...t, oa , ......... . ~ r.a.. n, a., ...., ,, 10, .... no....._. ..... rta:JOO ....:.:me~ ...... ..... ~­... ., . .,..., n........_...,..__ ..... a..-a TIAVIL \'llf1VIIS, -S.. ........ o.;-, ~ ._., CA .._.._._v __ ,.....,...,, .~_......... .... ........ Dot .. , ....,._ ......._ CA -. n.. .__ II --.,., a., o -· ......-_. .....,., Aallll t.o-Vloa ........_,._..V_T....._ -n.. --tiled wtlil ... Cooo.ly a... ... o.._ c-.ay .. laa.17,1-. hWt.at: ,... 10, 17, :14, ..... 3, llalatloot.._,IM!q •. rill... lfllln ...... IIOnca ITA,..._t or W1TDIIAWAL ,..,.. ..... OfGA~ VIIDDnc•••.,_-.,. n.. ........... _ ........... oo • -AI,._ 1.-llooe ,._. ... _.... ........ ...,_. ......_ -ol VOLLI'fLUL IJI,. TDNAT10ll.AL a1 7U W. 17111 •• D-1l.c-a.-,CA..a7 ,........_ __ _ __ ... ~_....,_ 1.... 71, 1-• ... eo-ay .. Or-,.,. _ _...._ .... __ ~ .... Qloa .._......, l .. 0......., .a-.. .Ape. ll.~ CA .., • ......,oa.., ........ ......... re~o lO, 11. a4. ... l • IIG•Tioot...._...._. n41Qtl Q:NJ ...... IIOnca a...,.COCIUW~ c::o.!Tf:.Wt N ..0.1- c::rrA~ OOMP..,_AIIOI"11C* ... D1 TID MArna Of llooe ,__ oA 1USA11 CUOC. SILVA, • lllelllolf al TOOO HUTCIIDII DA&DIQ, • .,_, lot , ..... ,,_ c ..... , ..... Coe· trolal ... hlral ....... . ,.. ........... --.. c..JIIorato To Dn~ AIM! DuliDq. 'IOU AU IID.D'f CITID ..... •• ........ _ .... ...._.eo ... ........... ~o......,ol ............ .._ .. , .......... c..wor..&o -....... tllla ,...,. .. t1Uo Cart ,. o...-t (to t.-... ~ ........ Cooul. ..... ec...u.o-.. llooe0ryoll1--.. ~ .... w.n:~ za. JIG. oa ltlO • • . _. ,._ .... .... lo ..... -.... ,-a..-. ..,_ ,.__, SUSAII C..:lt. SILVA'S .,..._ 10 ......... -· ,. ri TODO IIV'TC.as OOI.JIIG. ,_ .,_ -c-.ly ... _.... ..... -..... ~ ............... -'- ....................... -c1loW e-w.., t. ....... ~toy IUaAII CAIIOI. SZLVA'S .....-. .. ""· raAJO: CIIV.urTII SILVA. II . ........ .,_._ o....t r.a. I. 1112. O...W D hllo ..... ,c::t.tll ..._, 1 w.,a.. ..__, .. w•. tiO I n..n.lo A-•• ..._ C.J. JM.a, c.w..-IZJQ(714) 112-M'J PuWiolll ,... 11, a.. w..rct. 3, 10, 1112 • TM w._. &...,. IQI31 ...... .cmca r .. nnoaa-uanA.,..., n.. ........... .-le ...... ""-• .r lfiWiiOII1' 8U'ILDDIG cotOAJIY, Ill) .....aliT M1IUIDIO ~.~ ........... ,. c.... ..... c. llllll7: Jolla ....... . a.a.w.--w.,.c........_CA GUJ. ....... a.-.. _.......... "' .. Ia-.....,.._., ....... ._ ....... --IIW wlllo llooe ~ a.d .. o.-c-, -,_ 22.1113 ......_ ,_ n . r.a. J~ 10. 11. 1112 .no. ...... .__ ru:t• ana .....:mtx:~ ...... ILIIiiOW.._.. ... .u~ ,.. ........... ,_ ...... .,__ .,. DAII'f D ...x:IA.TII Ltt>.. 4110 lllod II.. ..... lCM. .............. c..., w.. "--. lifO ....... ,_ c..-.w .... ,CA .. . n. ----• -........ "' • ............. •· •. -....:w..&.. .... Tloio __ ........... ~ a. .. """'-c......ay .. loa.11,11G. ,....., .... "· .... 3, 10. 17. 1113 .. no. ........... . rtiU3I Q7'M ..., ..... ''U..,.-::" ,.. ............. t.i: ........ ~-·-.,. ........................ . ICA_ ...... ,_ ..... ,.w. ._. ........ -Tioio---le ............ -.. ..........., ................. ...... ,_ __ ......... ... ~ a-. .. Or .... c....., -,. ... W.liG ~· ,. 17. a.. .... ,. 10. .... no. .... ~. ,l.... .... ......:: IIOI'ICa ILiiiiOW-.... ..,_., ,.. ~ ,.,_-....... .......,_ • 111& fiiMOK OUAITU lllttAUUwt. 3140 L c-ltwr., C.... .W ""''· CA li:M2t feralool e• .• Calalo«a.te _ ........ 3140 1 e-......,., c .. -.. .W W... CA -. ,........_ ............. ., .. __ ...-. ....,...., 1-'ltlll A a........u v ... ......_.,, .. a~oo~c.~.. Tloio-•oobWwtlt.llla Coaaly 0..~ .. o.-eo....tJ .. ra~tlt.IIG ~ ,... 17. a.. w.. l, 10, l .... n........_.~ r1ao.~ IID22 ..-..c.:mca ILIIIIOIIJ._.. ... ft&.,....., n.. ....... ___ ...... ...._ -1'111 ..-::M QU.uTD ~awnQUII. 3140 L 0.... lhy., c-.W ....,, CA .... ...... Aaa hacball. lUI ... '-a, ....... hoocll, CA tQIIO, w•-v....,. J.acll.aall, LUI lllolt.t-,...._,laado,CA- 'ntla ........ lo .,.....,...... "' • -AI~ a..-.1 ~~·A ........ Tloio __ IIW,.It.llla c:-uy Clood-.. Or-eo..., -1elll.li,IIG ~ ... 17. :14. ..... l , 10. ·-"' TlootMo.wporl ....... nll04l NUZJ niUC II011CK t'ICIII..,._ ..... STATIMIII"l n.. ............ -.. l6olaq a.-• KAftD, 17910 8lt:r P••• Cllcla. lrriooo. C. 1271• Wi.lllota Dla· lila, 71341 ,....._, ......_ Vwjo. CA taf7S. 1'loio """'-.............. "' ..... tbvld..J .._... w.m-o..... hio -~ -JiW wit~ IIIIa Co.aly a.n .. Ot-c ... .,. - , ... 11,1113 PUIAIIt.; ,... 17. a.. ...... 3. 10, , .................. ..... nDM'l lfllll ......IIOnca I01JCI Of' NWI&i 8 ULI Clot ~ 10, liD. .. 10 ••. ~ Cto. ...._ c_.,.., .. J.-.. ...._ T.-Of ............ ,...,.,....., .. '"""-- 0.... e1 '"""_......lop MAYO f'DI.QCIAL DIC., _.,.......I.., 71. 1.1 .. --.. ~ ... lllaola lAlM, ..... Q , al Olticiool ........ o. .... c-...,,~. ... 1011101 ................ .. ......._ ................. , ._.., ........... ), ..... -... _, ... , .......... 14nl. - Ml.alqM!cllll ............... eo. •. "· Will .......... ...._. to ..... 0.... .. ,,... ...... palllllott ·-loo coot.. a.ww-oA lila u ..... ._ ol-'-"' ·•lila ....... .._. ... ,_ to lila _,.., .......o.-. 700 et-c-Dol" Wall, a-t. Aaa, ~. all tt.oJ rl4l~l. IIIIa ....t Ia· -_...,... ...... -..... "' . ........... Deed.,,, .......... ._ ay ........ ,. ....t COilllty _. 11&1• ~ .. PAJICU I t.at 17 ol TIOCI Wo n-. .. 11oo c.a, o1 ..._.. hoocll. CouiT .. o.-........ Cal&lorata. ...... -~ .. ~~~ao~am ...... 17•22al ltba M JM ...... ••'-.... .. .-..c-ry .......... ..... ~ rAM:~~. 2 .... ---· ....... ._.-....,_ ... ..-...._...... Lot 10 .. .,_ ... 71 ............... ,_...... .. .... 711, ·-17 .. 22 -.a-.... Maac.lle-... s-,_,.. al ~-Coooaty, c..w.n... . ......-wlllt-.... ~ ... ..w. _, ........... , .............. Lot 10 ....... bocl ................ ... -· ... --Of~.· •'-" _.. .. -.,. -~ .. _.. ..... wtlil ~ -~ ........._ ....... _._ ..... nd-" riOitt ,. -tM laclbuM ........ ....... LotiO Tloot ._.,...,......._ ot otW1 ,__ ..,...._ ...... p_,oy llS ,..,.........,......,~.c. ....................... ~ .. ., oa "'-1oq ..... IIIIa aoJa II ...... et>ll ......... loooocll Laohllrlal _. ,,.....,. ~-, 1030 a s...u. r •. v ..... C.. I*) Du~loliloe ....... ~-J ........ "._......_ .. ..... ,_ ... ~ ... ~~~~a 10 .. ,. .,_ ........ ~-....... -....... will'-... ......_.--.. ..,...,, --..... ~ . ......... ,_.__.. .. . .. ......, ........ a..a.-... . ... _ .. _ _....., ..... o..t • rn.. .. .. sua.-.011, ,._ ..,. ....__.....-. ...... ... ...._ ..... .._ ..... ....., ..... _ ............ .. .........,_. ........ _ .. Sl_., .. ,... __ .... ._.. ......... a..a.-Ill • -.. J2" ... 7·1711 .. llr7 .. l ..... -_.. ........ sta.eoooo .... -• a-.... 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NIAJfCDIO CQM • PUT, 13171 ._C-. a-,..,. c .. --CA..,.. ~a-.-~ n.. can.. .... wue-....,., S..11o GD, ......., Rlla. CA IOaU ho ..._ 1'loe. a-.. • Colib:ate -· ....... l:sl11 ·-c..-.... J.,.. c...-.-. CA87S n. ........ -....... a., .. .,... --...... , .......... .._... TtJ• 0...,, 11r ..._.TUM t-. I lll.at., ~~ "" -·-biM .....,. ... c...., o.a. .. o.-c .. ..., -,. .. , . .......... , ... 17, a. ....... l . 10 .... ,.. .......... c.... rt••• Nll41 PVIUC: II011CK fCIJI .... -.... nATIIGT n.....,... .. __ ..,.. a.-.,. a MOirTM NAill CON ,...,.,, Dllenlt Mala., &uto A.., CA IZ701: Dnl<i L ~. a H .....a II., a.-Au. C. llmll. '-• I. n.a....,, !05 •· Mala II., S..t. A.., CA 112101; Poall ......... a N 111oua It, S..le AM, C. 112101, .. , .............................. .. AM. CA tz'IOl; Jkool t ... ,.. lr 3041 ..... a..a.. """"-· ... poll ....,It, CA 12110; ,..._ 1:. h!IO, »45 ..... a...... "-· .......... hoocli,CA .... 1'loio "-II ~ by • -ol ... ..-..... Stc!-al O...d I J'WteortJ ftla-•uliWw~!ioe c-.., Clood-.. o.-c-..y .. r.a. I, IIG. ,..,., ,.... 17, :14, ...... 3. 10 . IIGiaTioot......., ....... nl27!l MUU -.c.:mca ...,,,.lOW__. --ITA~ . n....,.. ___ ...., ...._ ... .rna DIVIIIOIQaJn'S U~AI'I. llU ~. T..a.. LIM&. CA _, • n.-, A11aa w.a.-. t 1or111 c-.,.~ hod, C. ..-,, T-1t.i11t.. SIU licloiMW T..... LaMa. CA .-, Jia 1ro_. sua ........ '"""' l.oacla. cA -· TWo "-'-.. .._._.... "' • _.,,..,.......,,. ~.r.--, AWalllao TWe --· ... IIW ....... IIIIa Cooury Cle<k al 0.-c-.a, oo ,.,.,71,1•1 hbllolll; ,.... 11. :14, ...... ) 10 IIG,.TiootNowpon .... e. fll1-MD3I PVIUC II011CK ne1'ftiOGI-.... n,.,....... n.. IDIIowl.-. -.,. ..." ...._ .. MJaaoa WOALD ~ CA..LIJOIIIIA, 1111 .......... II . c-. .,_,CA .... ~ Doaolno. 1•1 Anoold Ill CaM ""'-· CA talal. ,_ ilouM, •• l AmoW •• c-. .,__CA113131 n.. ......_ .. c:oed..n.l "" • _ ............. ~ ...... Doeebto n.. - -llled Wlllto lila c-.., a.• ol o.-c-.tr .. , .. 11,1113 ........ ,... 17. 14. w., 3. 10 . ... ,..~ ...... rte:m. II'DC7 rLIIIIOGii .... .... ITA~ no. .......... _.~ .._ • 11&1011 COWSTIUC11011 ..OI:D, 31101 A o.-...tr-1, Woet ......... ....,..c...,~· W c..,.a.u. lOOI 'A o.:-.heat W• ~ ....... CA 112163 nu. ...._. ~ "' ...... ........ ul ...... o....tw.ck w C..p IMoll n .. ..__, -~~~ec~ ,..,,. ,.,. Coueay Clef~ ol O.uqo c.,.. • .., oo .... 11.1-• ~ '""' 17, 24 w.. 3, 10 IC .. Tloot Nowpod '-'1• r 1130:11 lfiUI IPVIUC II011CK nc:uuow..- UM~nan.arr ,.. ......... -...... .._.,.c..... MOIIUCTIOIII. usc...-.a .... c.-.w...., CA-c:,.t, ....... ,USC.... -A ... c-.w ..... CA~ n..a..-.......... a., ... • ...., ...... c.tt ....... """ __ ........... c...tJ a. .. o.-c:_, .. .. l •. l • ......, r.u.~...,l.IO . llaiatloot ............ rtllal ....,. ..UCIIOI'Q *....,...._. ---~ n.........,.. __ .... ......_ • JQIIWDI P80tiitta 1.11'9Ui<* ~ lAIOO Q..oil, ..... 2JD ....._. ._.... 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''· :w, tea .. ~ ............... ...UCIIOftca ......... _.. -ftA~ ,........,._ ....... ...._.~LJD.,J!IOia­-.c-........ c.-...._. ...... _.___c.-... -.ca-. n. ................ ..,_ ,.,, ,....., ...... ......., ""-__ ......... .. c-., a-. .. 0...,.. c:.-ty -........... ....... ,__ D , r• I. II. If .... n. ....... '"'"'-"' ruw• 111741 ....C.:mc:ll fCiltliOM-.... IJA,_., ......... ,__ .. ._ ..__ • llAliOIIAL MTnUn POll -=ova'r .• ,., .._... A .... ""'-' ....... CA .-J C '-Y ........ ~e-n ....... ...... c._, ,......._.~.., .... . ~ ......... c.,_.,, .... .. ,_ __ IIW.,.....,_ c-y C1.ooto ., o-c......., ... •••••• ....a.: r.-. l . 10. 17. :W, Ita Ill ,....._. ...... fl8IN ...,.. ILIIIIOiii- ...... _,(IB-IY ,.. ........ ,_ ...... ._.UMCO.-W .._ .................... CA_,AIIoa ..... UJ ............... CA ~ 1'Wa ,._ II...._. It, aa --......L ........... ....., ,.. __ ..._. ..... c.., a.. .. 0.... c--....... ......., , .... l. 10, 17, :W. Ita Ia ,....._. ...... nan .,. ICUIJOW-... ftA,_, ~ ........ -...... ~ • WV a .-x:IATII,-..... a .. ..._. ...... CA _.,_06 .... ...,.... •. ............. CA.-J. ,... ....._ ill ...._.... It, .. Ia .............. ._a. •• !Wa __ ..._. ......... c-.ty a.. .. 01-. Coooaty -......... ~; M l, 10. 17, 24. Ita •• ,....._. ..... ,._ lfi7G IW::IIOOW._.. .... .,. .. ,_., n.. ........ _ ...... ._ -DnDD • .a ...... ....... CA -1. -hi\, c-..... CA ... W.._W .,._, _..._C.. ..... CA .. ,...._ ....... .., ..... ........ ......, .... .... ,.. __ ........ .. 0.., Cl.oll .. 0.... c-, -....... .... ... s. 10, 17, M. lta • ,........,........_ ,._ - ....:.:me~ ..... iLWW-- ....... T 1 ......... ._. ..... ..__ -IMC'I JIWIUIT IIJI,. ~.-.. c.-.· J, ........... c._,...., .... u ........ .-.c.., .. ,..._ .......... .., .... ...................... ,. --.,... ..... c-., a.. ., 0.... c-, -......... ........_,_,.,, r• J.to,n.~.z .................. fltlfO ..,.. ..uc.cmca .......... ._.. -•ram • ~ ........ -...... .....a-• now.wcn AlfD AMOCIA TU, no1 luC'Io s. . ..._. ..... c.~a-A. b .... W,. ". 22 ....._, ._, C. tinA. "" .._ .. .,.....,.... It, .... ........... ·~· ... : • ..,. .. A ' .... , n.--IIWWIII&U.. c-y a-t. .. o.-c--, -... za,.-. .........., s.. 27. , .... s. 10, 17. ·-......... .__ ntltlll Dn2 fW:illiOW---... .,.._......, ~ ........ -....... ...._ -~ lGU.J'OP DTATD. liOIU .,._. ....... S... I. "-· CA a7l4. ,__.,.. a.w. 1 ....._., ""'-· CA t:Z71S ,... ....._ ............ ..,. ....... ....--... ........ ..._....,.. ...... ,._ __ .............. c:-, Qoft .. o.-eo..., 011 ,_._, .. ~ r• l , 10. 17 24. Ita .. n.o ....... ..._ fla:D7 IU7I3 N!IDW>W ..... .... .,..111811T ~ .......... -........ ...._ • QIIUJ IAaTDit DrJD. .... S17M s. ....... s.-"-· CA a704, T S Woo. 1001 W ~­..._, ...... . ... •. s-.. "-· c. eno.. ,........_.~.., ..... ....... .._,~.00 ,... __ ,... ......... c-y a... .. o.._ c-.. 011 ,_.,._ ~ r.-l, 10. 17, 24 Ita ,. ,....._...._ ,._ lfDIS rem._.-. .... ~ n.o ........ --"'-' ...._ -~ lliSULA ~. m......., o.-c. _, ....w ._ .,__.. m ......._ o...-., CA tailS, a., __. 1*11 "--9. I.JDJ L h!Wo. .._AM. CA 1221'01 ,......._.~ ..... _..,..._,.. ....... ....WI. ..__ ,.. __ ............. c-..., a.. ., o.-c-, -... a . Ita .......... , ... l . 10. 17, 24 Ita .. . ........ '--· flU. ,..,.. fW::iiliOW--- .... I'UrDIDil n.o .......... _ ... .._ "-• CAlaOIIIIlA lltAIIAGI Nllrr coernot. S'f'STDIS ., Judo a. .... 11'1 • ...._. ....... CA ..0. ~ I &.u.ot, IIJIDI ................ ...-.- ..... CA..-. a.-C &.u.ot,. .......... Drs-. ....._. ....... CA..O "'".._.~..,. _..,.,. •.• ~.._c ......., ,._ __ I&W ...... c-, <::liod .. o.-c-., - .... •. lim ........... ,. l. 10. 17 24 lim .. ~------n.aua - •• T II -=--....,_ .,_ '--looln,. tw the ..., .....,_...,_ •• ~ n... ._._ plvs ......, ,_ ,........,.__ ..... .., ·-,_., _ .. (-~ ..... ,.,._ 01'1&-O..Nn 0 ............ _.. Call ......... ~, ·~-- "··-·" ,,...liON! ,._ ..... to..nd '" ..... N/Nt c..-Ced wtltl poe< ond .,.., Secur•~ ~ ,_ ......... Moo• .... -~"9 ....... ,., .... ._ ..... Gell'-...,eH~-• n~eoo PVaJC.,I'ICZ MOnc:&C.DUTB 011 AU.III &. FCAID.. JL Aim 06 Hili** TO IJl ID aTAD 110. &lit- ToaD ....... ~ • c.....,.. .......... c;ndja. 0111, .... ....---..., lae ....... , ...... .aD -...... al A.a.. A. ro.e..rr .. .._.._,:A....._ ............ tiWbFS....W, L liMa ia ..._ Sapedo• Cout al 01:-.e ec-., -._........_.a.....,LBab be eppoU-.d -per-.! ..... teh" to acl···-- the ....... of ... doec d-1. Tbe ,.._ Nq\MIIIIII aadaon· ty k) ad•m-.. tile......._ wadu ... .......,_,_! Ad· aiAJJit.ratioa of ......... Act. A. la.-rill9 -.. peba-wiD be l!l.ld Ia o.p No 3 at 100 cmc c-.. on-w .... Sua. AM, CA. lll10l oa Feb. :M,lCate:lOe.a . Ir YOU OBJZCT _, the 9r&abD!J of IJ.e petiboa, JOU ao.Jd .w-........ at ... bea.riag Uld ..... yow oh,.c:· bau Of ble wnn-ob~ with the COIUt ..,._ the Marllll9 y_, ·~ -y be UP s--01 by J01U attom.y. Ir YOU AU A. C1liDJT • OR or • ~ crecl.dor ol the clecu•d. you aUIII bJe yow cWa ,...... the ccnut oi p..-1 &t to the s--1 r.p,_lab .. eppoi.aMd by the cowt wUhm tow ao~~t.ba irOJil the date ol hnt ~ ol ....... -p.roridad Ill -=· tioa 100 ol Ita. Calafom» Probete Cod.. n. baa lor b.liaq daiaa will ~ eq»U. poor to lou aoatba t~ the dat. ol ... beum4J lloObC«t &booN. YOU MA. Y DANINI the w. ll.pt bF the cowt. u J01l .,.. a per.a m--....d tD the ........ you -y We a .-q-- Wltlt the c:oart lo ,__ lpe- ei&l DOtice ol ... hlmQ of the 18-toly al ..... --aDd of 1M p«Woaa. &QCOQata &Did repom d-=~ UP ..cboa 1.200 al 1M c.wo......... Pto- bat.Code A.tton.y foT ~ Ha&a 6 Ha1ua (W~ s J~. h .). 301 ! Col- orado 81Yd.. Swle 900, P---.. CA. 91101 h.hb.la: ret~. 3, 10. 11. 1912 Ia n. Newport l.a.aaQD Nl784 PUILICMnla .... , ........ _ ~ST&tllmrt n.o........,-.... ........, -.. COVIJI'TJT llffD PIUSIS. .. s-. ._ CA 12715 ... I. ._ Ull .... ........ c. 12'715 ........... ~ ...... , -.C.\12715 1"-.._ • ........_"". -· ----s...--..... l ._ 1"-__ ....,...,.,.. c:_, a... .. o.-c-Oy -...... ,.._ ,.. ) 10 27 24 tta2 .. n..._.._ ·~ ~ ....:....s IWI!JliW.__ --iii&IWIII n......__ ...... ......... Tl'••oa. ~ Lm..~ .......... ~ ..... ................ CA-.__,a--.,.~ ~ M.c-' ......... ................ c.- 1"-..__ ............. ....... ........, Goor, --· ............. , .._ . ..___ ,_ __ .....,._ .. c.-a.. .. c.-~ 011 .... , .. ,_... ... 27 r. l. 18. 17. Ita .n.o..._.._ n.aw ..,., #LiliW._. .,._llfliliiWlWI n....._. __ .... ......... ...a WI& • 00... JO» "--.c-..... CA.._ ...... , ·-11., ........... c--CAGQI~C ....._zm~ c-..._ CAia27 ,_ __ .........._-.. . _.. __.... s..-t ...... , "_.. ,._ __ ,...._ .. c-a.. .. o.-c:_, - -22.1ta .......... ... 71 , .. ) 10 17 a.:z .n......_.._. fiiJIGO IG:1D .....:11011C& fCiiiiOW-... ~ n.o......__ ..... ....... -~ I'IICXIUC T10IIS l303 S ~ ..... C-4 c--CA .-.a 0...... «:--. ....... 111171 s..-t-..... ~ ...... c. .... 1"-...._ • ........_~-­ •• ., ... al So9·--0.-..o ca... ....... 1"-- -,.... -... c-O..k ... o.-c-.. 011 1 .. 22 IS ,..._ 1 .. l7 ,.., l 10 17 Ita .. n.o__.._.. Flll-D1l4 fUaiC II011CZ .............. ._ u.na.,....., n.o.......,.. __ ___ .._ .. 5UlT'S SAJIQtGS, ''' r ..__... ,._ ...._, ...... CA GiiJ s.-A S......... G2 1: IM Sl c--CA tall 1"--.--.., ..... ........ ,.._ S... A s--, ~-_ ............... c...r, a..• 1111 o.-~ 011 ... l lta ,..._ ,.. J 10 17 24 ltl2 .. n......_.._.. rllllll'O IIDD3 fLiit ...... .-:. .._Sf&.,....., n. .__--• "'"""" -.,. lOSS AlltO DrtlliiiA l'IC*AL li!IS ~ "-e ._ P'M"a-cll CAUII!t...,..,....._ ll5'5 ,..._ "--...._. ....., .. CAGIID ~ ........ ~ ....... -. ......, s..-Eo:~ ... ~-·_,...._.. ... c-.~ O..• ol o..._ c-.~-·-6 1~ .....w... ,_ l 10 11 24 t'll!l2 .. tM -..,..&a.q. 111071 I !(laW PVaiC IIOT1IC% ............. ..__ 1M .......... ,...._ .. "- --.. A If IOClCZI:IIJ'DIG I S4l ....... ~ Sl 0.... C A 921117 A.-a. "--..., IS41 llooU H.~ 31 o.-CA 9:IIV n...-.. .---.. ... ,. ~~~--..... ,._ -·-w. ......... c-o..• .. o.._. c-.-lee II IIG ,_ f.a I PO 11 ~ IW:Z • n.o..._..:- Fl-.J ...,.. IO"JS --~ ~ .t .. .... ~ ('-._.. !._ }721 E CodH>wv Corona*f"'-r6 7l<Y.>~ lwtBt 6w&JtS 1JW&KS XW&JtS 52W&KS IW&JC JW&lS IW&KS - 51 ....... -·-11 2'6per..,. .per.._ ...... 7'S per.,.. .per.,.. .._. .. ~(~-home 011-boy '...._ ~ .. -· ,... and""' .... J ...... ...... l • .,...,._ "'te.ett ....._ -'-' -~t~ •• ceMe;w._~_........_ _. ...... wit. ,-----------------------------------------------------~ '-'''-...... -·--- I I "A n... cowld "-,_,-- U... "" ~ 2 .,.._ ""'' w•ltl ~od ..,.,..,... .... _, ... 2 ......_-Ph~ _..... .............. _..,....,.,... a....~ ... .. c..tfw-• ·-·· --.-c ,. ~ ..... '-' o.-... e...., ...,. ._.._, ........ ..,..._ ....... 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CA _, ....... 0..... 1000 a........o On.. ....._a-c .. c.-,..._ .......... ..., __ ......... s..--....,A Doou n...--IIWw\lloU.. c-a~y a... crl 0.-c-.,. .. 1 .. 22 JIG ,_ 1-l7 , .. l , 10 17 Ita .. n....._.'- fllt-JIC740 rv-.uc: M)TICI: nc:IIIIOUS .-al IIAIG: ITATDalf7 n.~-·-..., ,....,._ .. IMCO Jill ,,...,. A•• C-. ,._ CA 9:Ma a.au .. ......... }I 27 ........ ... c-. - CA~ n... -• eo.ol..coeol "" .... d•""-s..,....~..,.,_..._ ... ""·-·-tu... ..... dw c...~ c.... .. o.-c-... - , ... I IW:Z ~ J.a PO 17 14 W..r J I S .a 1M-.,_,,. '-" f iiZZB ....,. IDIPLonmrr BOATS 84 Boa~ [.qpmat 8S Boat CUrter 86 Boat Sbpe t PERSONAL5 A.BOimON A.HD rB.D: pr&qii&JK1' lteebnq P.r .ooal ud c otahd.abal c ue Low I• &DCIII<l• co~llAq l.a.b , .... , surqery !DecLcabOo aod po•l o~raltve eaaa Geueral (....._p) or local eo~ av..U AbM Rel.ne..l lor b&od a 1d eter dt aal:oa (lemale ), YaMCIOIIlY ( ...S.). &Ad laM a.bor 1100 proced~ w.cb c.J ud UYUraACe ac c.pted C.U C&Wonua Preq~y Couo..hnq S.rnce lor 111lormaho11 or uamecL.ate appotol me al Ia Newpo rt S.acb (714) 752-00SJ. 111 S.nta Ana. (7l4) m J104 MROURCDOn'S a r ~.J Macac:w 2 r -.a Dt..r-ecton JC-I 'Crn* • Loes 4 w-o..J 5 FlonMb 6 "---=-e. 7 A.cc.oa..alaala 8 ADot:.y g~ 10 Laet ..d Po.M 11 5C'~ L2 ...... h •• ew ll ~ 14 .... ..d Lt..-oc .. 15 Guec,e s.-. 16 Hee.ldt 17 T r....J.'V &C'.&liOe 18b~l 19Gdl~ 21) Qu'OprKbc: I 2l twp w ... ted 2A lap~t Aqo 25 eow-hDq S...-c: 26~ClUdCIIP n s.~ w a.aced mcAJfCIAl 28 w_., Wa.ated 29 W.O..., To Loa.a JO •-Oppor ]I I.D-1 Opper l2 T ru1 O...CU a.od ~ lJ A.ll1o r .-ocuaq 34J.-c- MEBaiAJU)IS[ JSr...S... J& Spom.a.q Good• l7 An _. AAtN~V• lll A11d10U 41 FtUUtur• GA.ppba.Acws 43 T...,_ Stereoo 44 W..e.J I.DstruJiutlt 45 ()the:. l.qwp•-t 41 ~&Did ColD.l 47 ~ Wec:iunae ., ra.~ma 49 O..aoods J-elry ~w...:.u--- 51 Wa.t To Bay 1 AUTOMOTIVE 87 A..,o Upbolater, 88 Motor Hom• 89 Recrtn Veb.Jcla 90 S.I'YIC'e Rep.a ar 91 Motorc-ycl• Moped• 92 S.C.,d .. 9J V aJlS. True Ia For 5Ala 94 TnacbVe.aa Waoted 95 Auto Pa ~ A.cc_,u• % Auto Trclr Leunq 97 Auto. Weoted 6 AKNOutfCE- IIEifTS PUILISHIB DOI::t NOT ACCEPT babt!Jty tor &.DCOrTeCI ~. qr..-bce.J t.D6CX'Wa ~ or lypocJr~ erro rs Ill uy ad .. r l-18 p~ ID ~ eo.... WedM ,..,.. Gro.p WODILS Aim YOUNG LA..DIES :J J'O'I t,. UP ........_, ..._. .. ,. .. r-n GAd, 111191&. ud ~lab m ~lor ,._ Ne.por1 IMc:A. eaD ........ laaa lawa, ..... .a. 22ad.. 41M- ..... ~l IATTOBJCEY SASSY LADY Be the bJ'III ua your cud• ol lneada lo hoet t1ua S..., Lady ~ Party 111 the pn•acr of your laoae Ac:t.lt loye, ,..... louo.. aod bDvene Gee.roua .. <Mil qllta Fot a ~rty cia,., uU Pat lll.:rot. Nsll66 w A.MT ro roa.w • ··well1•9•oa Letter" aadlot "lat.Bahoa&l Wo.-y t.a..• qroup Tu.d ol l&lbaq lo .,...u ka. 5152·16015 SUIGLl llf1111D P"" ... .t.ty • .,..-.. .. 11M ...... ._. tn-d ---·..d•tor "'-· ......... tf91, ..._._. ....... .... ....,... O.IIC' fl'Mt.I1Mial IIA.UGHTY LADY u-,_,_. .... ~ .............. II C. II LOft. POnD 11 SCHOOLS• IRSTllUC'nQR p A.RINTS GJ.. you c: bJ.Id.rwo the c:b&Ace lo educale t.beu bod-. Tmy Tott b._ eod qywo...-.ca Boy., quk, aU ·~ hroU -(r. .,uw G~ 540- 1218 TUTORING. Creel-· baled. 10 your lto.e l:a:per~. ~~t Walla, e..lqebn qeo-· try, freula, Sp.utw.a., reedlllq , ~mq, lo bah all p!'Obctenct•. coUeqe boards 673 6013 wUSlC IMSTBUcnON -Guitar, woodw&Dda aad br-WIYIC tlaeory L.ara lo llllprov, .. G!.G ThonPU~·Tnu~~p. S52 8855 PIUV ATE rRINC H IMAOaa w1tla oall•e r~a. penoa Call after6p •.• 551·1219 _ RIPLA.CI B.UTSIT TDfG Wtt.la u edwca bOa (S!O ....dy) &I Roeton .Woate .. on Sca.oollaollM Av•• 2 -1Z 495·5040 . 1314811 FliNCH A.JII'D DIG USH bi*'-J &....,· ...... ~--"'' .. ,_~ ct•' die: ~~ ()aje\. ... lldeat....._.. A.A. ec· c•r•t• traawtlo• 13).~ UI'LtlaiOOL A-... ....... ... ,.. .......... ... ... p 0 ........oa& •·1713 15GAILAGB prg II ihii8fADf nAilLS IN '1'111 PATI. JolA Sllerlock BobMe at a pdvee. cliAAer party. ~7T1S- DIIBLP WUTID ' QiiiiOVi JOI LeacliD9 co.etic eoa· panyl fWl·tim• .,_y, patt·tilu hounl WW PARTY traiD. StutRO'W, t&k.-.d· BAIJ.OORS YU~ of 1882 bUill· U --&"---" -· Call554S-8774. Diq.... pe.--CANVAC!!C>_ .. fo -•-qlft. O.U....d toc.Jb. ~ r ..... r OrcMr W.y. "'aUooM -ter b.eUAo. SS.OO per of Newport,,. 845-1445. ltOGr. c.n Patrick at TH1 IILLYDAJiic.;u 645-8838, .,_r 8 p.m. Stw1io -Cd.W often UVJ.IN HOUSUUP· •&ert.Ut.aut for .U OC· IR for IAmUy with 2 boy. cMiocl ud ct.-in (3 yean ud 1 year). the art· of bellyduce. Geaeral ~iDq, CaU 731-4574. ..~. bolli.Dq, alao PUPPIT SHOWS for eome child care. O.U. wry ~ bbthday lriDd, mature womu. part*, cl\lb or church W\l.lt love children. £a. ~ C..U Pat Wllaort, perlenc«i, ret.ruoee, 547-1080,881-3765. hqlish IJ>Mlri"O· 642· nNI NUSIC for .U OC· 2990:-.i-=":---::7"""=:---::=:-;; cuiona. Penumbza EARN S6 PIR HOUR Band. AU lt&Dd&rda to lellinq Avon productl. rock. CaU 645-9368. Part·tlme neu your l8HEALTH LOSI WEIGHT NOW. 10 to 29 lbe. in 30 cia,. or yollr $31.75 for 1· month'• wpply return· ed. C.ll HERBALIFE datrib11tor, Ntchelle, 645--SGJ. BOTHDED BY LOUD 1101-. from airport, lreewa,., lo11d mi.LIIc, barltul9 d091 oz anoriDq spo~? Solw yollZ noae problem now. Call yoll.l HNt"iDq Health Care DISTRIBUTOR. 551-9604. HOME CARl NURS· lNG available by .z. peu enoed, hcensed practical nurM. Refer· ences. Competitive rates. 6 hours mantmum. 960.00.S. 2SHELP WANTED BINGO: Caab pri.nel St. Catherine'• Pariah Kall (11u:t to Duk•). South Coalt Hiqhway, l.aqllDa S..Ch. Thun· day, 7:30 p.m. Euly Bird-7:15. "NURDER ON THI NINU," Sherlock Holm•: Victoria.D din· ner and mystery at yow patty. 835-7775. 19Gin SUGGES· noNS LOVE BALLOONS Sud eomeou you love a bouquet of 30 bellum b.noona. Perfect lor ''lb. Hobday Se&aoA." Penona.l m~•· We deliver. 673-,..19. S.v• tluaad. 23BELP WAMTED PEOPL.E WHO LIKE talking people will love this job! We need energetic, articulate people to call from our office. Full or part time. Day or evening shifts available. Starting salary $4/hour. No exper· ienoe necessary. We will train you. Call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for details. CPM Research, (714) 545· 1458. EARN $925.00 PER WEEK We .,. a National Company specializing In Hot Food Vending equipment f .. turlng National branct name foods such as HOR· MEL, Campbells ancl the like. Your ma- chines will be l~ted by professional to- caters In factories, schools, hOspitals, in- dustrial complexes and similar high traf· fie locations. Your machines have a one year factOtY warranty plus a l~tlon guarantee and company expansion pro- gram. With a twenty-ooe (21 ) machine minimum purchase for only $25,015.00 with just 16.5 sales per day, your route will earn MI.IOO.OO gross per year. If you have $25,000.00 CASH avatlable NOW and can atar1 immediately, have a serviceable auto and can operate from your home. CAll NOW TOll FREE -Thh offer expirea Feblwty 21. 1112. 1·800·535·2115 CCT1NGCLEP Clerk qeneral RE acc1 anq Computer tnpul a must N 8 ., ... $15,000 GEN'LOmCE Type 60, dacta phone. compoa• own, qoocl orqanaa er Learn word pro· CelllDQ $15.600 CONSULTANT oURomCE ~-u ......... . ,., .......... , . ., ................ ... lll·1111 HOUSING? A lAO THE CLAIRMFtiOI IIAIIIN£ SUHt.lalf 68 HOUSES FOR SALE lao-or ln yow work place. Call Carol Shl· ly, S40-7o.1. rR!I ROOM AND BOARD -HoutMit wlth 2 qrown c.hllc:1ru for trav•Unq parenta, auiat with erruds. 4~·1102. PRISTIGIOUS RV.L ISTATI omc1: in Jr. viDe looldnq for top quality aqenta. Good commillion split. No dMk ·-· 851-0829, 752-1493. LIVE-IN HOUSEDEP· IRJCOOJ( wuted. )(a. twa qizliMn.lor cittaen. Liqht hou.keepinq ud cooldnq. Non·llllolter. lnqliah speakinq. Room/boerd/aalary. C.U Vicky after 3 p.m .. 831· 2090. S30 PIR HUNDRED paid for proc--•no m&ll from home. lxpedeoce unn-ry. lnforma· lion: send self-ad· d~ • .tamped env•· lope, TYLER, Bos 707, Livinqaton, NJ 07039. LEAJlN TO EARN $1801 week. Work 1-2 hollra daily ltu.ffinq en..lopM. Send aelf-addreued stamped envelope to Reqal, 424 W. Com· monwM.Ith, O.pt. L, Fullerton, CA 92632. HELP! Career woman with 2 tMnaqera nMCia ateady esperle11c•d dom..UC help. 2·half da,. a week, S5 per holl.l. Referenc• r• quared. (714) 966-1886. 28UCENSED CHILDCARE LIC ENSED CHILD CARE -hvlne. Swinq and qrave·ya.rd ahift. Chtldren'a apecials, Seaame Slreet ud more video recordiDqs. "In· dlvidual need•" require Individual attentlo11. (714) 857-~. 28UCENSED CHILDCARE STATE LAW Rl· QUIRES that penona who provide cluld cue In their h001e be licena· ed. For lflformahon on how to obtain liceDM 111 Oruqe CollDty, call (714) 834-5172. 173-0SSO C..UIIfliiM CllewftA~¥ WldM 3 W 11111111 ....... Yltl•i YMI , ... wittl--CUI lOIII .. W ljll of'-iltl Ctttlilla ley tlew. US4.000 witt1 __. r....ae. !'rca 139t,OOO wlllllwt. 171-1111 JOB NiliMD &aa-d· tat.~y. lxJten.ced rc ~r t.h.na T8 net !It&t-Ill wttll MOre- l& d-.l/oUio• aaaaqe· mut UW. d.iree per- ••D•Dt emplo7meDt with pt.u&rat coapany. Noo ·•molter. Refer· enc... 549-8233, 559- 9078. 21110JCEY TO LOU J HA VI WOlfiT to loan OD JOUI hoae. Low ln· t.....t, t .... appra.iM.l. 7· day Mrvic., credit DO probleea. Bill, (714) 964-3195. CALL US LASTIII S11r· prllin~ere u• 2nd Truat availalll• at esceptioDelly low coat wlth compelitiv• intereet rat• and prompt MrY· ice. W• lnvi&e you to check ou.r reieruc ... 20 yean' ezperience in the lendin9 induttry. Purch.ue or equity 1oana on 1 to 4 w:Ull. Nlnlmum loan arranq•d i• $10,000. C&N firwlclal S.rvic• il a pereonal property broker neqo· tiator. AU &oana are col· latorallind by a com-biD&tiora~~l/penoruU property. C.U Steve Thompeon, (714) 836- 5982 da,., (714) 552· 2906 evelli.Dqa. JUMBO SICONDS - Competitive rat••· Brok.er inquiri• invited. lmmedlat• fundin9. Broker, 847~. MONEY , MONEY, homeownera: Loana by phone, 2nd and 3rd Truat OMda tailored to your aituallon oz needa. Call Jim, day, mqht, wMkendl. 586-9127. 30BUSINESS OPPTYS tJ SlOW JNVIST • S60N returned fir~ I year. Compu~ buyiDq and ..tliDq ~Y~t•m lor everybody'• liM. 642- 3723. 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES JUWBO 2ND Truat o..da on relidential or mcome property. To $5 millioD. AU inq111riea held ID ltrlCI COD· fldence. 760-1551. aak lor Steve or Duue. 38SPOR11MG GOODS RUBIERGUNS Wh&tevu h&ppened to them? THEY'D BACK. 8oye 8 to 80 are ujoy· inq old fulUOned fllD wtth the oriqi.D&l nlbber QllDI. For frM bro- chure, wrlt. or call The Orlqinal Rubber GilD Co., 1548-D Adame, O.pt. N-1, Co.ta M-. 92626, pbooe 641-1214. Wh.at • bl~<k whtl~ 'nd ro.., Ill onr' Out ClAS.SIFilD SKI>Orl 17).1Sst •AB110UBS ANTIQUI 3-SIDID -.llo9PJ .... $2,500 oz be.e oHer. C.U toU· hM nwaher 1-800-532· 3972, uk Jor h.~~.D.YMwr Aclwatoh WSS18. 41 FUJUOTQ'IU: FURNnn1RI NIVIJ USIDI lof-.'~t. $300. Gh?Fhp cn..tt., sm. Bedroo•. sseo. Nattre.eelboa I!PiiAP: IWiD $80, full $90, qQH $130. All .. ..., ueed. Bon. 170-0901. dAPPUANCES WASHIJliDRYIR. $135 each. Refri9erator, $225. hM.:. Co!Wva· meat •lore. Da7 859- 0682, 770-6585 ·--r:UDqa. NJCROWA VI Sllarp Cuoueel. N•w 111 bos, with wuruty, $225. TR, SSS-6209. 44111JSICAL INSTRIINTS THOWAS ORGAN, c.t.brlty Ro7al• COD· eole, full pedala, bud· mutu, rllytllm, upeq· qio. Nore. $4,800. All otfen con.aldered. 837- 9792. PIANO -Nuat ..U beautiful ...._ood ful1 uprlvht. 2 yean old. N\l.lt .. to appreciate. $2,900/obo. 832·!1282. csoma EQUJPIIEKT INDULGI YOURSILf: Roll-top deak ud cum. Aleo Nlnolta copwr, .-...oD&bl)' pric- ed. c.n .... 01" Marti, (714) 549-8810, (714) 962-8891. APPU U PLUS, 481:, COJI!JIU&er, dilc drive, NIC vrMD acr .. n, and aoftware. MUll Mll. $2,500/oUu. Richard, 494-2910. 49 DJAMOlfDS It JEWELR~ ESTATI I SICOND· HAHD JIWILRY ud 1ter11D9 flatware cotta much 1-at S.nU.7'1, 220 I . 17th St., Colt& w-. 64$-6!585. GENUINE Co&ombian emezaJcla. Your choicej only $20 per llorae &40-8688. SOMISCEL- LAKEOUS CHAUJ'RUJt AV AJLA. BLI to drt.-your per· aoruU ca.r for UJ occ•· aion. Referenc.. C.U Gary, 536-2015. FULL FAN.ILY member· elup. John Wayne Tu· nil Club. $1 ,000. 644· 4301. 17~50 .... z ... IJUI&OUI IOOU-OLD llAill ad oot~t. We b.a, ud -.r.·"o.at-ol· prtnt boob ou tpeei&l· ty." Natioa.W. Seucll S.mc., Joolt Vault, 3fi82·A S. -..eo&, San1a Aaa, SG.IIIWI. RIDWOOD 2a8 cleck· iD9 -4-Z' loclq, 25-e.oa. foot. lia, ... ia,u.,U.... ==~; Laroeet ta O raao• County. a.ddmo & lecbpr..d Houe, 1440 S. Wain St., Sutt& ADa, ldlnqer/Nata. 83!· 1611. AWW AY PRODUCTS come to JOU. S.u.fac· tlora quaranteecl or money back. 598-~. PIN AND INE SUTCH of your bo-or ~ for frammv/lt&UoDery. $75. Newport HoUM and Yacht Ptoduet, 675- 6915. WODIL RAILRO AD ern. O.tail luad.ecaped. 4'&8' board, 3 et.otric lwltchee. 2 enqin•, 6 eva. $250. 58&-3674. TARGIT BLOCK SAW, ueed 1 JDoath, new blade. $795. Sh.op com· p~%. 80-va}. tank, 3 hp. hoell-' condition. $895. 831..sa81. WUCASA H.now Bone China. Gold band, 4(). piece. Beet off•r. Call tow.... raunaber 1.80(). 532-3872, ult for hnny- uver Adwatcll W7S65. ruB COAT -full lenqth, me 11·12. Coa $1,400. Sell $600. 49'1·551118, 497-3U7. 51 WANT TO IUY W AHTID: OLD GUNS. rtn., ahotqUDI, pocket w•tchea, eilitary tworda. S.rlou.a coU.O· tor -paJI more thu anJ dealez. 581·8870. WANTID: PURNI- TUJll, applianc.. ( r•- friveratou, waah•r•. clryera, TV'e, workinol oon-worldnq, AAtlqu•, pieAol, of&. fu.ro.ihlre. ssc.u. (714) 981·8181. WANTID: USID fUR. NITURI. modern/an· tlque. Refrlveralort, wuben, d.ryen (work· IACJ, DOJ:I·WOikinQ). L.., 957-8133. 52 RENTALS TO S8AJlE SHAD HON:I, Wialon Viejo. L&rve becfroom, vl•w, prlvat• b.th. $300, 113 utiliU... Non· atraiQbt. c.n toW .... oumher 1.80().$32.3972, uk foz Pera.raJMver Ad· watch W7338. UDiftAL810 IBAU COAST KOUSDCATIS -Coo.,..,._t rooaa· aate pe110Gal prolile •rvlce. Call tolUrM rauaaber 1.80().832-39'12, uk for hnnJMwr Ad· .. ldlcoeo. QUilT DOD•1moJtin9 mel., 20-40, wuted to ..,,. 3-bedroom fur· aw..ci lrvtM boUM. Pool ud utiliu-. iDolud- ed. S27S mocth. ~-. 551·8578, evezWaql. NIWPORT IIACH - SUn lovely Harbor View hom•, .n conw- DHacee, nora-arao= prof..co-1 w,. IDC1l11cl•• utilitlea. 644a4136. JIWALI, DOD•GilOhr, DO pete. Bedzoom fw· lliiUcL u.. of whole lowl7 UYin9 qu&rten, 4 blocb from OCMD. $300 per month plua 112 11tlliU... J6S..40eO aft•r S p.m. w•kda,., Corona deiNara.rea. NON with 2-year-old looldn9 for Mme to 1llare 3-4 bedroom hoUM. ft..polllible pez· 100. Call lollfr•• number 1.80().532·3972, uk for P•nnyuver Ad· watch N7982. ROOMMATE TO SHARI 1ar;e South Lavuna apartment. Re.ponaihle employed adult, non·•molt•r. sm. 499-5781. 53 APARTMENTS UNFURN NOW RINTJNG: 1· and 2-bedroom qarden •putmenll. Cla.. to frMway, beach and walk to ahoppiDQ. HllDt· inqton Beach area. (714) 847-6064. UNIQUE APART· WINTS ud towuho- wlth cathedral ceilinc;,1, llreplac•, w•t ban, air conditloninq, pool•. UllDU, qym, leon>. courta. Immediate avail· able: 1 bedroom ud den, 1 bedroom. 2 bed· room/2 bath lown· ho~. Sorry, 110 pall. 2400 Harbor Blvd., Coeta M-. 557-8020. OCEANFRONT RENT· AL -No.t •jequt apan-nt bllildinq in l.&QilDa Beach. Fin•t location ln town. Breath- taki.nq vtew.. All buill· Ina, heat.cl pool. Sub· terranMD qar•9•· el•· valor. t-ee only. $850 ud up. 330 CUff Dr., 494-8083. OCIANRONT North l.aqllDa 2-bedroom/1· bath uniUIDlalled. ru.. place, IJ)eCit&cul&r view, S950 month. Boat eu. yon Apartmenta, 497 · 1725. DANA POINT r•nt.al. Oc.an view lar9• 2 + 2, fir•place, •plit-level aparlm•ol. $675 . Adult.. 496-0271. NIWPORT ISLAND. Small varaqe apart· aut, privat•. clean, co11. Suitable for only 1. Str... pa.rkin9. Per· eon m\l.lt be clee.n,1~ ud ~1•. IDODth, utlUti.. pa)d. 675-0819, (213) 377- ~- FURHfSHID La;uaa 8Meh luurloua atudlo. s.,., TV, maid .. me.. phorle. $115 weekly., 499•2227. 58 HOUSES 1J1V'URM RINTAL. LAGUNA IIACH -Spectaoulu vt.w, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, dera, dinlnq, d•ch, diehw .. h•r, ltove, var&9•· $1,050 morathly. Call toW .... n\Uil.ber 1-800-!532·3972, uk for feDnJNv•r Ad· watch N2002. $675 LOW month-to· m011th rent for Turtle Rock hoUM in •zchuge foz tena.nt maiDtaiDln9 •nd lhowinq for ..... Adulta only. 833-3698. FOR RENT -1.&91lD• Nlquel 4-beclroom hoUM with view. $795. fl ut/la•ll aec u rl ty . 495-3188. EXECUTIVE HOUSI for le&M. Lake For•l, 4· bedzoom, 3-car qaraqe. $1,200 month. Call toll· f .... number 1-800·532· 39'n, uk for Pennyaaver Adwatoh W7868. 4-BEDROOM, 3-BATH reDial. Spa, lake view. Kida OK. $1,200/month. EveniDoa 7'10-7180. 2 BLOCKS TO SAND: Newport Shor• 4-bed· room, 2V»-bath. 2,000 eq. ft., 2-car 9_ar.ti•· $975 month. Call RCA Inv•tmenll, 730-7888. 58 CONDOS/ TOWNBSES FORREICT fOR RENT -l.aquna Hilla townhouu, 3 bed· room, 2 bath, air, pool, tenn••· $700. Cell toWrM number 1·80(). 532-3972, uk for Penny· aaver Adwatch M2608. LAGUNA HILLS CON- 00 -2-bedroom, 2· bath, Ylew, pool, tpa, tennll. recreation room. $625 monthly. Call t.oU· frM nllmber 1-800-S32- 3972,aaklorP•nnyaaver Ad watch W727S. FOR RENT -Lab f or•t 2-bedroom con· do, C1\lb membenhlp. $600. Firet/laet/$200 d•poe1t. 855-4952 after 6p.m. S9VACAnON RENTALS SOUTH LAJC.E T AHOI -Lovely cont•mJ>Orary 2-bedzoom, 1 VI -bath, &lMpa6. Tahoe ~•Y•. 5 minute• to alti1D9 , cUlDoe. $75/niqht. (714) 646-2183. SKI VAIL Save 40,.. Rut direct fro111 owner. N.w 2·bed· room, 2-bath, &eplac•. color TV, jacuaai. S1Mpa 6. 60 inch• .DfW powder. Call Ralph, 551-1803. MAMMOTH CONDO neu Ch&.ar 15. Very hom•y. Av&llable now. 661-9519, 496-1459. EXECUTIVE SUITES Newport Beach Koll Center Full Support Service Office from $436 per month On Call etc. $165 per month THE HEADQUARTER~~ COMPANY (714) 85l-0681 S9VACAnOM RENTALS HA WAD CONDO ICMnap&IJ Beach, Waul, "PapaltM, H 2 bedroom, 2 bath, completely har· niahed, lleepe 8. $90 ni9ht. Special ..-. lJ/monthly l'llt... Bzo· chure. 851-0809. NANNOTH CONDO at Lift 7, 8, 16 and 17. l.arqe 2-bechoom, flr• .,__lace, microwave, color TV, ~. MUD&, COilrtMJ van. 545-1302, 545-1304. 81ROOMSFOR RENT ROOW ron RENT -Due Poiat hom• with eepuate bath, ltitebeD, wuber/dryer available, pool. jacu.ui, t.W.. weivht room, non--k· er. $245. Call WArlY cia,. 979•7100, after , p.m. 661-7995. ROOWS FOR RINT: Townhouee $.290 month plua ~bare utllitiee. h · vlne. Call tolUr- number 1..80()..532-3872, u)t foz hnnyavu Ad· watch N7849. BEAUTY, QUilT, prt· vacy. Kitc:MD pnvUe9• for eJQpJoy.cl-11Dook· ar, etc. $280. J.ut Bhalf. ~~. after 8 p.lli. or .? ~ 120mCE/ COIOIERCW. lecnatlhal ........ Ce11ter off.a. with \AM of rwcePUoa, cont.r· enee room, k.itcbn, phon•. aecrelanal and word pr-.DCJ. Mail and-~ .... vice available aepar· ately tJ delired. CcaUiallr (114),..100 OpenDoon ea.ooo ClrculatJon S7l-o550 13 REST BOllES ••SINJOR CITJDNS•• B10wa'1 Group Ho- fullJ accommodate• Maiora. a..utiful ho-•nviro~U~Wnt IJcelleed. (714) 855-Q21, (714) $81-3380. MIOARD It CARE PRIVATI HOWE CAD for eld.rly ambulatory. Uceued, retired nune. 540-.2562. BOARO AND CAU for t.cU. ud colQilM. a. Mhual food8 ud cue. .. UACby. bcluaiw ...U poq •. eo. ...... IU-3481. LOVING HOWl-LID CARl tOl" aved -WOII· cl•.rino, __., iJlcontl· neat. X.tella Gll .. t Hom... Aaalletm. $800 to $1,000. 778-B7, $35-1912. RISPONSJBLI CATK· ouc puty will tab )oir. t.Q. '-«~•r care ud pezeora.al a•etuce of o-elcM.rly pe%eora. ~..ani• beutiful .... Verde lao... Refer· eaa.a. 55e-8033. IS GARAGE FOB RENT GAJlAGI STORAGIJ cat. Coroca d.l War. IW0-71al. EALESTATE Rohen A EilertMa [B FR61AS BOUQUET OF D~ Model end unit Canyon Crest condo for only S165,000. Two bedrooms, 2 'h bath, dining- den, two patios. two fireplaces, lots of mirrors, new carpeting. Enjoy the lovely pool, tennis courts and great neiahbors. (P.S. lot is available at S80,000. No down payment, 10 y, " in- terest only for five years.) PllOfiTAIU PUN~' ANIIASUT SHOP Super Costa Mesa loc~tion. Only 538,000. FAST rooe.M IN Busy Corona del Mar loc~tion, SSS,OOO. .:4lJTY SALON Well established, attractive, Coast Highway. Corona dei'Mar. $35,000. - • • oe ... a-. ... TMOz ". .~::,., • 17UAI.IITATI 18 BOUSIII'Oil IAU AI lUI.,_ ftO GIIOGCI: UiMUi TW. le ll. Way Wow 0. ,_ ..... e .. ,.. :::':'~~ c.-eq'"IY In your Lo*Y 2..-ory mclllod. t.o.. b111 don't Wttll to 4 becllooa, 3 bath, ..... ~~ or refiNJtee, I e• Uy I'OOa, l'u.tic: eAec:trio "Pr-llfiQ e Qroup of ldtcMa, clUWa9 rooa, 'lt~O,. who wtll ,., ~~~v-playi'OOIID for ••· you laOAI .. Iy peym•nbo .-talaiA9, 2 tu.pJ.c., IIOW towerd your X~YWed patio. Larv- eqlltly whta. you r.on· tM-tNddeci lot. Pleety hDU to .. "P end h.,. tn tV parki.D9. 1365,000. Y0\11 ho111• For oulurm•· l~ dowa, owe~ tloe cell Tllom~ M at $1,900 pw montla. M11rph¥, lnv•••m••nl Ja.believ&ble. 631·7215 cou ... lor, et (714) 6~ ...... or546-5181. 11.9ll79il7il, dili.ii'liullr •ili"lliiii"'~t~"'ii.'~-~ lf OLD COJlONA DEL MAll -lucbltec:t'e c-~~~~~~~ tom bo-. 3 becltoota, 2 • IIOUIES FOR SALE • IIOUSES FOR IAI.E WOODBJUDGI ON Till LAD. 2-bediOOID phae deD, 2-beth, puoremlc laltehoDt view. Profe .. toDelly l&nd.tc:eped. S..Cb. -d teDII.ie club. Good fiD&D. CIJl9. Owller otf.red at $297,000. 562-8362. TIUNIT APAIITMINT COMPLI.X 20711M Jo ....... .-... Acfoee ,.._-CANYON ... .,... ..... I4N177 · · Merrill Lynch '· Realty DAIITO ......... O.JUIT LOOK .. fOI CUIYOII .uAL· m a ..-.cnoN bilLY ~10DAY ••• bath, 2,000 eq. ft. $450,000. 55e-e610 .... 72. 553-1.299. CORONA OIL WAll: Oceuview, 3-~t 2~-b&th. _, f · laleDd. 3 fueplec:., • car 9•••9•· Oaly $349,500. Own.r will carry ti.oaac1119. Brobr, 551-8181. PRICED WITH TOWS. Puor&lllic oc.&D '11-. 10"' down. Gr .. t ... •ll.ID&ble loam. nu. cu.etom-built 3-bed· room/2-batla boma bu been redec:oreted end ie in iiDIDeculele co.odi- tioo. View from nearly .U roome. The owoar will carry fi.D.a.Dct.DQ and bee jut reduc.d prlc. to $224,000. Ca:aoD R.el Ltete, (714) 4~-8901. 88HOUSESFOR SALE BIST VAlUI f OI PJUCIJ We be1w.. lt wU1 ... hud lo Uad • ~ •alae jor • a.o.. iD tM ScNill eo... ..... Located _, beeela -.1 perk. 1'b.it 1,100 1111· lt. 3-bedroom12-betJa t.Oa. with laally r~ wu cllolloa buJ.lt 5 r-an aoo. Tbe o...,_r w moved k) S.. ~ ud will chry lite hD&aclllo. $14UOO. Cuoo Reel letele, (714) 4Q3.8901. WOODBR IDGI WlDdeor r....te, Au 4. Wo.t popular aaocW. 2,255 eq. ft .. 4-bed· room, 2~·b&th, fara.ily fOOID, fireplac., COWltry kttcbeo, bay window. lerv-h¥lll9 rooa, per· cpet Ooor, eJz, 1 YMI BMutUWly 1&Dcbcaped ""~ eulo. tprlnklere. Very le.r9e yard. TU. over lit ud 2zld T.D. Wlth DO qulifyi.D4 Dec:• -ry. Pnc:.d to ..U Ia· mecl.ietely •• $229,000. Call Sud.! SUb, &CJeDI, (714)*-Cml. J. N. PITERS LAND- ING Plu 4 -2,500 eq. ft., 4 bedroom, 2~ b&th, leJDily, IWIIlr'lOIU muter 1uile. ler9• COIIDIIJ kitchen with b&y wiDdow, 2 lireplac•. au, b..utifv.Uy lud· eceped. ~le fi. D&Dci.D9. $299,000. Call Sud.i SUb, &9e.ol, (714) 494.()']91. 18BOUSESFOR . SALE LAGUNA BEACH 110'1 "" Cour H .. , 494-1 177 Then k:x)k ro more . tiW beOu1VU brand r-.w cuatom home toc:oted In ~ Ylklga II o nut -. tra taoa 4 bec:Woom. 2IJGt bah hal fNeiY ~ feat\.fe from ~ WOOdwCn ttYoughout to 0 urique bar wtth ~ts. ...,... ftooring and :_,;.. !&:-.. l!J - -~FOR STYLE?", ho. h.tmr""' "'• ""'' -'"' ~cl w...-ufll..r .. U..I..d '" rt... "'"" I )o...~nrd ............ -........ "''""'mrd ~· ~-"". ~..,..~~ .... a.. l ••. .,...j '" ,.,.,4 '-•....M\.-•oc,..,. • ,,..,...,, .. ., ·~ glaa wr.dows. Near shopplrQ. IChodL ~ poet and ..,.,.. ~to_. $264.900 He you C1alrliP Cal today 112·17M or sfq)bv klr o ~. 1447. CUlver Ortve, Irvine muNCW"-l_L ... ,,..,. ....... ~~ .. n "''""'"h' t""• ...,.,..n~mrn~ '"'" 1439.000 ITS UP 10 YOU. '-opaoa, trade or ptH· c:lY. ... -3-bed· rooa/2~-beth oceu .... hcnu iD ~ ... ctl. Offered at 1345,000. ldu Lud· dbec9 R.ltor 4 A.oc .. ....... IICORDOS/ TOW'JUISES FOR SALE JOG 2 BI.OCK.S to Ceplatruo ~cllee! 8 ri9ht 2·bedroom, 2· beth cODdo. Pool, ..,a, double • var&9e. $126,000. ·~" lo&D ud 1~ Ol VA Jia&Dc:. &A9 av&lle.ble. NotiYat.ci owaerleveot, 496-9786. $7,000 DOWJI -Owner mu.t MCJi6ce. 2· bed· rooJD, 1 ~-beth, - carpeta, 2-c:ar 9UA94t· c/eJz. A.a... sm,ooo. 3()...y .. ,. 11 ~ perceDI. $98,000. 1-661-11~. TWitiD. UST 18th STRUT, Co.ta w ... 3 bedroom. 2~ bath, 1,545 eq. ft .• 2· oar Q&reqe. 1 ol 5 towu· ilo••· r .. aimple lot. $155,000. La~Qe patio. Leue oplioo av..u.bt.. 838-8911. LEISURE WORLD coo· do lor ule by owner. 2 bedroom, 2 b&th, VW. Nove. GroWld J.eovel. IJSS.974J. 88BOUSESFOR SALE .OOIID08! TOWWW!S FOilllli.Z BY OWNU -2-hed· 100m coeclo. ~ below ....... $7,000 down. s.. .... Cat>• li&DO. 406-2876. SHIHY 881Gin 2-hed· r-, 2·bath eod COD· do. 2 blocb to beec:Ja. Pool, •r,•, do~a.ble 9areve. s 26,000. •~" &ou ud 1~ or VA fl.au:::J aulleble. MotJy OWJMII&q-t, 498-9788. BUJmlfGTOit IIAUOR CUSTOM FUIUOSIIED SpecW}y ct.avaed uuenon, 2 Bclr., 2 Be., 2 car 9&r&94t, 1 bdr. coave11ed to jacuui room. T.uue. pool, ape, eec:\lllty Q&la . $265,000. 4:z5,000doWD.ll~" hD&DClDQ. Brit. (213) 421-0447. 71 LOTS• ACREAGE 58-ACBI DISDT a..nd, r;ved road, util.IU.. ,000/ec,.. 1 .W. from towo. AQeDt o.uu. .._,Boa 522, Luc.,_ Valley, CA 92356. 61 HOUSES FOR SALE ' MICKEY ROWE PAm TRUMAN T OtM ia Saln T op1 in Latina• ~ BUILDINC · ()n • ••n •KI< ~ C.~ ~tt..., \PI""''m.H-4, ~7UO .. , or lS • """ ,_ .wt• plu. ''"""'"'"' ,,,,d,. II '"'"'"" 'I"",. '" llfl\Air 1.• $750,000 ·~,~ ~ r - ~--·a,.:. __ COAST ROYAL · ~ ... ul..• ' ..... ·• "•" ·-Jw, .~ •Ill! ,., thr -..nd It·"" rh.-; h.trm h,..,. ... ••h I "' t.o• ·~· ... we<" ~. "'""''"! ,..>, h. ........ 1~• "' tr .., '~") u U '" I .tX.lUl.X). u ,, th. 1 ...... ,,. ~~~, ~ "'.,. l.d.-d_ It n-tt .~ l..~ ·• ..... ,,,..n, •"•' ,, h.•• ,., ,.IL.-ftt '"",...,. '""'" , '"" S29S.OOO ~= .,.. 75noP!RTY IC.IUIAGDIIn 1 .1. BI O K.I.I will ... .,... yov office bv..l.ldia9 ba Ntura for of. b . loolt:lr.epi.Dq •rv- lce&Y.u..ble. 548-UI27. _,IIOatLE RICES UNT TOO KIGH? beha.u trailer ior ule OD cboioe IA9u.u mta W elk to town, ba&ch. '-b.U.494~123. STABCRAIT l2'a60' 2· bed.rooa ft.ally eqwp- ped, wa•her/dry•r. rec:rMboD roollllpool. Adu!t park, s.. Jll&D C.pt.tra:ao. S.cnhce $19, !00 Call toUb .. awa.ber 1-800-532-3972, uk for Pa1111yuver Ad· watch M6837 LAJlSEN 17W BOAT willa 100 hp lvlDrude olltboard motor aDd trailer. $1,950. ~ tollfree oum.ber 1·80().. 532·3972. ull for Pe1111y· Mver Ad watc h N7308. 12' SA.a.BOAT -Suork Se..Ddpaper 80 Ueed htnce. Wuet ucniace. .... ol.fer. no-4782 88BOUSESFOR SALE MIOATia EQUilid:ll SIIPJACX Ur71 24' n Low bows, loeded With attM, llliDt coaditioo. s-to epprec:iete. $11,900. 661-30915. 12' SUNFLOWIR ....u.boete. Comp&et.. Ia· celleot beo-"• boAt. U nei:alte.bfe a etc heel pair. $588. 768-0308. .U HOUSDOAT -12' beem, 4 ba&tatih&.l dec:b. v.. haul. ....r. 230 owe -91fte lib-· fully ..U-cootetDed. Au CODd., beatiDQ. v-•· etor, AW/FW, CB, aleepe 12. Pnvete ate- roo•. fully eqwpped btcJ.. aad beth.roollll ehower. Cepteia'1 wheel. Beeut&fully pADeled., coapletaly fuaieiled., dryee, carpeted taetde/out Barbee... Lda H.ve- w'• hAe.t. $39,900 1-Q8.2095, 770-1107. 1966 EVINIUDE 16' boat/trailer/cover. In· /olllbo&rd. 90 bone- power. $1,985. 493· 1472. ISIOAT CBARTER DIIIACULATE 21'~10ATS 6112 -u. piaM p..-111- u•-·-l""'-.t.p ......__ (,.. ....,_ .w ... (213) G3.4064 ...._.....,.(714) .. _ II HOUSES FOR SALE EASY FlNANCING . \..! hdrm ,......J., ""h , .• ., t.tt .,nd.~ro• l"f\ff"'n411Rtf'Ml (.rr .. , '"'-"'""'"1 \.,.lf.,.nh.t• "th ''' L.nr: .... ,...um...ha.-~en .at ~ .. tk...n '1uwnt , .. ,....,. t).."'' SI38.SOO EMERALD BAY -\ ,~... • , t,..,.. o th·· .. , ,.,, dt ,,f,,t J,4JI, ''"""Jrf...1 "''"' ,...,._ l.,mtl •h t\t n nr" t-..,thr• •..., .. •Ott . • •.• n ~ "~ ' ... II ,.,.u ,,, It~ , '""~ •h•· ·~' S487 .500 RENTAL DEPARTMENT I .-..~Ml B..,. !now. 4 bdnlo.. I b.och I ~ H.,.. •. lr l"""'hr.f •• ....tum ' bdnn I_.....,_ 11.-. l bdrwo l h.th v. ..... r. r ..... ~-z hdm. 1 t.•h S3SO ~.nh l ~· !. bdr. 1695 to UOO "~ Sh.""' ' hdm. l harh S I l(YJ V.l NHHc:.l MM .. .H HI-XI •\1 l.t-11~~"' v. ......... ~.,..j-....... • MOTIVE 1177 G a l M LIN. Acha•ttewee1eti0e, ,..~ ..... moo.cl.,r.._,...._, 11,1110, Cd .._ ........ l.-.sl2-3f72, ....... .....,..,._~. ,.......,.,, AUDI 1171 AUDI JO.I2·door. 52,000 ...... IIUli'OOf. &ll, AM/N. (477VW0) IP,no...-. 1110 AUDI 4000. Ia· ceUeet c:ood Uoo, cierk w-... 4•..-d. ANini •reo il,OOO aaJ., ------------••••r•ol . $8.100. ~) PP, 527· DATSUN DATSUN 1975DATSUN 280l h · 1972 DATSUN 240Z celleDt coodltloa Wuet -· $$,300 or belt $5 , !JOO or beet olfet (~) PP, (O.OOll) PP, '134·9Sl4. &32·4214 --------1174 DATSUN 26QZ. f1A T AWIN, al.r, 25.000 ..:...:;;;.;.;:,..,..,~--=---=-...a.. browa. k!OO ~.PP. ~~. 1t71 DATSUN aD. .... , w.. bt.ltr ~ "----$233 61/ --~ ....... Ma-o. sa.• ._ -..p UOe SlSO. .... "~'-· ofboe ., ..,, ..... 714-~ (401WDJ), Pf. MAZDA 1981 MAZDA U7 GS Loaded, S...-1. TO payment. plul S1,000 or be1t oller M•11 Mcrtbca (lCWCOIO) PP, 8U-li101. 1980 MAZDA IX7 GS Wlua.. uc:.~Jeat coadl· boA, au, lllAroof, S.. IP"Il•-· S8.200 or bellt otter (Ulna) PP.(714)~ . 1873 WAZDA U3 Wa901t Neede _,lM, bael otfet. 137-1(8), ut 441 de,., 493-SISI -·""P MDCII Ill lila MERCEDES BENZ PORTIAC • NlllClDIS 1979 .SOSL • Netalhc blue, poh•iled wh••h \21,7S> (ICYYllO) PP 67S.eo.4 or 6*-0226 1i70 NDCEDES HNZ 2IOSI la~t !&· •lde/oat1ide, 20,000 1m TRANS AN 50t.i1 AaolverMry ldthon ,. u.lly to.ded •·..-ct. T-top, 12,000 Oflc;JUI&l mt.J" Cell toutr- D ll.IDJ:Ier 1-«ll-532 -J/112, uk lor hu,...,..r Ad we tell W7S40 ....... -eDc;Jl.lloe, D-PO--tu• • .U..U., altenw~lor ._ . Sl,lOO.I31 2N2 POASCHI1t71, ~usc 11?0 NDCmiS aDa -l&eck -b&ack, 2SOC Au, all ~. ~. P7 bna, WI· &lltoaehc. eacelleat ~--. pl1 .... party, coadiUoo U .OOO . tow alMa. Lac:. 151VII ... 7l'n 71'$-8118. s.z2,SIS) 117'1 POI8CHI !a24 Alr e..t , ~t.lee.lJa er, aft Wae~eliaa 31.000 .... ~11 SlO,_,olto-.J:ftGl .... ,. .. , ..... ................ lt'JII JOIIICJII IUS. ,.... ......... polMMcl ..... ..,.IOOIIiCOD• ~anoa . ue.soo . (714) vw CAWPill -11111. 1,800 cc, 12 \'Olt, a&9 wb.el.t phaa aany ... tr.. laceU..I coocll· hoe $2,500/beet offer 495-03S8, ·- IOSEBVICE/ REPAIR BRmSH AUTO ft£. PAllS: 1&91lAI, ,_D H..t.,. TniLIDph, WG, TniLIDph 5teQ ud IDOII other Bntleh euloe 1995 Harbor Blvd • Coeta ...... 548-6226 HDB'S G.AJIAG.l AUTO RIPAIR foN~qD I Do-uc: lDq.L~~oe overheu..l TUBe up, brU.., •lactncel C..U832 23T1 91 MTRCYCLES/ MOPEDS INVEST your tn re4u.CD 1979 YAMAHA ludlliO 175 fiDe COD· di!Joll $475. 673·9118 after 6 p m 175cc 1979 YAMAHA Enduro. $475. 673-9118, -!t•r 6 p_.m ___ _ 1!n9 HONDA Twuaeter 185 Ltlte n.w. $600 557-9051. 951-8189. 1981 Y AWAHA 650 W.qa, black, -•, 89 au.l• $2,100 W..J1&9 wuher, S75 661 5922. 61 HOUSES FOR SALE 19'19 fORD I80NCO Raacber. Pluab UU.nor, quad •tereo, power et .. rln<;,/brek", maat coodlhoo. $7,900. 1156-4901. 1964 FORD !cooobDe veo. Bec:eut rebltilt eaq111e, $1,000. 1acea. MDI coa.ciltJO.D. 511· 1160 f'IAUTOS WAKTED USED CABS WAII'TID Up toSSOO pead. II\UI· "DID9 or DOl A.J.- WTecb A.a for Jeclr:, 847-9478. PUBLISHI.B DO.E.S NOT ACCEPT lte.bahty for lDCOIIec:l spelhDQ, qram~t.acal lll&CCilr- &cl•, or typoqrephJcal •rron LD ADY ed-.r· I&Mmeota p@u.bed ID the Cout w.die N.,.,. Group__, ___ _ JEEPS, CARS, PIC~­ UPS from S3S. Avail· ebl• et local Govem· meat AuctiODI. For d.uectory, call Surplu.e Oet• Ceoter, (415) 330·7800.:..:..:. ___ _ AlTTOS WANTED. Pa.Jd for or oot CODt.ct Hec· lor, 835-3840 61 HOUSES FOB SALE RARE NO. END LOCA TlON . \A .. r~ "' ,..,. ..... lf"lt tf,-. 1h.~ ,..,,, .• nc.t ttt~h ... ' hd'""' """n \ tltJf·u~ n •.nu ( )n 11-. • ,.,,n .,,, ot •h. h,~h" n tNi ,.ff,"f, .. i •• ...n .t-1•.-d ,,lolo ,... • Sl40.000 LAGUNA BEACH PORSCHE 1979 PORSCHE 911SC Coupe 34 000 mol ... r.dlcork, lo.ded 1m JDec: W.ta S2S 000 Den 527 51 21 ev•ftiDQI 951 4498 1973 PORSCHE 911T 5 ClS b cepttOn.l• Rwu 9r .. 1 $9,500 or b.l of· ter (tiiiMJPXR) PP. 738 37SS uno PORSCHI 914 Alloy w&l.els, aaoaU..t ooodJbOD $.3,i$0 hra (2SlZ1'S) PP, (714) -!1. lith \ <·-II"'' 494-1177 VOLKSWAGEN 1972 KHARNANN GHIA Rusted boch n..ds worlr to ,....o,. Br•nd n•w lr-ont chp Ev•ryt)unq lor Sl.OOO C.IJ K•tby 751 991• or ~lJTJ 1972 VW BUG M.wty r.O~t!.ll •nqUHt CJOOCI CODdtbOD, laq~l bha. S2 .l001o ltar Cell toUtt.e ...... t.aoo. Sl:l·lnZ, uk lor, .. ,. M¥Wl Ad-.tc~ W1SS7. ...... _ * •• DIRECfORYOF BUSIN SERVICES CRAIG'S SPRA nD ACOUSTICAL em. INGS. ll.p.J.ra. V _,. ,.....hie. , __ elti· ...... (714) 528-7210. ADOrn OilS •UMQDEIJMG GK.WlCK a SON BUILDDS u.c. UM7. A.fd!tio•, R .. ode.liDCJ, Doon. Wi.adowa, Pede eo-.. !\au. , __ .... ...... ,..... 549-2170. Llc.ll0842. ROOM AOOTIONS ~ ()()ORS SPAS AND POOlS PATIO coveRS ADDI1'IC)RB • REJIODILIIIG l~ ANANONG AVAJ.Aal Peffcnnonce Bond on Evecv Job .. COII8TIUCTION sri· tiAJfD'niAJl -C&r-ClAL'niS. Patio cloon. J*lb'Y. .......... .-,. wla&owa, dJllttl.ll, lQO, ~ ,._. !::J.~~a...AD~ Ilea. Joe WartiMe, (714) vur-t..d. leuoa· 642-0137. able. , __ ......... lliiiDDTlAl.. eoa· CalllaJ, 141-.2'321, ..ca.a nwacl•ll Poet PBOFIIIIOIIAL CoutnactioA Co. FIAiall SEirfiCES work. Ndwood ct.cb. HuJioCJ, b\lildlllCJ patio coven, boa• ia· IDAIIlt.-.ce, beady· prow .. eRta. v_., ,... IDaJI work, lpnakiel' ao~aellle. Jleferencee. ..,.._., yatd cleu-up. ,,.. .. iaa .... 8S7-r.-ee~i ...... 2919. .,... KrWCON~UcnOH .. !!Iall~ari -~ ,...,.,, fllllll nperviiiiOil. eo. plut OJ' .... , __ ~~-. All Newpor1 reJ.nacee. • 1ia-lt Ouality work quaru· Cupeotry, plu.abiJt91 teed. "RMI Property eleclrioel, faithea S.J"Yicea," 631 -4678, carpeatry, door1, 61'5-IOOl. moldidve. cabineta, ••~1 "-VJC•-ab.iVlDIJ. fa-.a to an.,.~ ~ .. ,.,.~ door tprillQe. Dl~. vrad.i.DQ. Low all, ~t •nu:.. ,...,, Additiou, altere· Lie. 835-2651 tiooa, ,..,.US, maiD· 151__., teoaace. deeiCJDi11CJ,..,_ ______ _ CODIIlltla9 MlVICII. 730-1111, gQS.738S-- DiatJa. COJnRACTORS a....u CIOKTMC-TOaw..a.to ~. Nb.dld or bW.Id uw cutoa bo-. hc:.l· &eat ---ea. ,__ .e&ll Scott &. PIW Coo· lll.nac:doo,13l -5424. 11011101 CRIATION CON. STIUC110N -OIW.sty HAUUHG -YA.RD CLL\HUP -Ho- ud 9Uao-· Tt..t.. ud Jud reaoftll. f .... efti- Cieot •nice . frM eltllll...._ Call uyti.ae, Bill &Dd Ra,, s.&-2328. YARD SlllVICI: CONITitUCTION CO. carp•Dtry, repalra, -..A-7A•a ~. llddibooa, 1 '"'" ~ pata. liid.m9. Aeler· .. ----------------~~~~~ -· tr.e llltlaAII ... Reaao~aab1e rate e. AlB COJIDITIOJONG ~ orr SALE . FDIUAIY oa.l:y! c-. tral &lJ' CODditioai.nCJ .,... leJU. lJaited off•. C&lJ Luce, 533-4421. APPLIANCES JIADOaADA AfPUAIICE ID'ftCE OD all aaUa ud mo· deb. ReiH,Jtn, freezen. llov•, wuhen, dr.,en, tru.b compac:ton, dlQ. wuMn. C&1J 549·3077 IJc:.ue 413422. Call 548-4168. DRYWALL DRYWALL, ACOUS· TlC SDVICIS.. s...n ~-lo IOOia addi· tiou. f.-lllltim-... AD work CJIIUUI..d Lie. 411521 ad boad· eel. 548-1871. DRTW ALL: Huvuav. tapiDQ ud crMtave ba.od texhu•. lzpert work. C&IJ Jeff, 631- 5913. CAJlPIT UPHOLSTIRY c~Maiav -febn&ry 'P"ial. H-,dtoet_., deodorize, cWiee: 2 mea., $13.50; 5 roowa, $31.50; ... $1i.7S. Carpet, uplloiMry d-,.. IDCJ (60 yarda), . Scotch· Qud, p~tioalDCJ opOoJI&i. Carpet W..- ten, 540-1849. ELEC'1'RJClAN ------~,.( RISIDDITIA.L I COW- ClM.zaup ud halllill9 truhor ~~ DIODthJy. Abo I I I~ the leWD OJ' iaprove- -· of you.r vardeo. (714) 88'3·1l4S. HAUlJliiG -CLIAN· UPS. Yud. oarav-. ,u.ak. Fr.. ...,_._ ao •. 540-0872. PBOPISSIONAL SDV · ICES -Bau.Uav. buJJd. 1.119 maillt~. hall· dymu work, ~er IY'f_., yatd c up. , ............. 673- 0548. HOUSJCLIAliiNG. CoapJntr• t.ou..c.._· -.~ ... llo-. eoadoa. ll•uoaable ,.... • ... .-eee. Call .,_ 4 p.a ., ta-2531, ~. CLUJIDfG UNUN-lTID. for~ 1.11 lloutec'-aiDCJ, proYid· tD9 all lllppliee lachad· IDCJ vacuua. Trust· wortlly ud cl.pend&hle. Call today ten eetua.te. 54&-3726. HOUSICLIANJHG : oWDeT operated. I do aU the work a.,..U. Wi:odowa m1 tpeel&lty. Alto coapl.ete bou..- cleuhav. Call David lc.brt. 646-7281. TOP BM.SS Cleb.lnq s.mc-. Hou../..,.n- .-bllcoudola. AJJord· able rate~ ltartiDCJ al $25. 642.0190. S.fVUlCJ Oruve'CoUDty. HOUSICLIAHING -12 JMn ezper\~. Good refereocea. Weeltd.aya ud Satur· clay. C&1J iD ev.otilve. 543-6540, Sylvia. STEVE'S OIQEIITAI. a.EAIGNG 3 bclJJQ/1 batt.: $25 4 bd.Qal1 ~ bath: S35 FuJJ bollleekla•ov IW--.cea. Call SU-51~ WI MAD rr SHINI - Prof ... ioaaJ hoUM· C~9 witlt a penoDaJ loocb. S.llafachoa I UU&Jlteed. Be11oer J'Oe. ~ S.rv- lcee, 54S-3158. HOUSEHOLD PRODVCTS AWWAY PRODUCTS coae to you. Sat.stac- lioll guar&Dieed or your aon.., back. Call Judy. 851-5188. DOROTHY INTUJORS ~ tJ~ii (11 .,..,. wllll WAJ !Qoe.M.) 541>t7'91 . a..-cr-M2·l•l. DICOU ttMG AND fHTIJUOJl DISIGN Mlp • 011 .... wa,. faaova Midwe .. •ro cleetvur, 30 ,...,. ex· .,.n-c.. will lpeDd F .bna.ry 011 Balbo. ~~Wad ~ lai.l .u.. paiall ud ~ .... He will work wllh .. lmutecl cJMDtele OD a ... b..u lor oo·U,...pot aolu- tiou. Call 61S-8291 for appoi.Dta-1. TID ITA.aVDIG COJ.. LIGI STUDDITS No.--~Co.a..~:·~­~ ... -.s. AICJIOVIRG ..... ~. pcof.a.. ...U,Iowellratel,frM ......... OWclt. c .... hal~. W.O.IO STAJlVDfG ACTORS' MOVING COMPANY . ~---.?No ....... , We !.lillie wllll oua..clell ~. m.r.l. 673-0153. "SWJn MOVING": r.o ........... , ... in· hoae ..uaat... Ballk· Aaerioard, Na1teJ' ~.~. lfUIISiliG CUE I"K::I!na Ccn bV "CAIINe PltOfiiiiONAl" .... LVNaCNAI Our ,.,... or. ICf ... led. bcwlded, lnlur.c:f and laC* ... d bv <-.. director otnut'lel. y_, eon.e•·· .... c.l NURIIPINDIRI wo I'IOIIof 101 ""'*'0 t~Mee~ 147-7117 1225W.l71HSU1'f6SA UfTEIUOB/ EifERIOR DmJGN PBOTOGBAPRY HANGING: SlO A BOLL. Paper llripplDIJ • OuJ.ity, ............. Dl.cout oo wallpapel'. F~haterl« D.elp Call Scott. &U-9325. QUALITY PAPII HAHGING, .,.mu.,, laMrioJ' decot probl .... Fo.I.Lt, CJTa.clodl, fr• .......... rm. l\lro- p.u craft.aall. Call Bnadu, (714) gee. 7427. SUPER WALLS P-rot.itkmal paperWQ· mo. C&1J Molly, 551- 1148. PA110S WOOD PAnO oov•n. cleoid, CODCI.te pet\oe. LlcenMd, IDtured. G .. ev Nilll, General Contractor, 549-2733. PHOTOGRAPHY CEDAR WALL: d.c:orall'" d.iaQooal 4w lo 6" board, 10' to 8' wood beautihtl wall, S50(). let~ OD otAel ••ll•. CaU ICaled Howud, 554-7974. LAMDSCAPING PRIVATE EYE Photgraphlc Inventories Audio. Visual WINTER SPECIAL - Coapiete ~p1119. Lawoa, pla.otl, II'M tnm· lll.JDO, aprtaklen, livht· 1119 ud 1110re. Reatoa· &bl• pnc... Fr.. .... mat•. r .. ereoc•. W&T Luclec&piDCJ, 953-8264 GARDENING WAJn'ED Mo WUlCJ, edoi.Do. rU· UlCJ, ..-piDCJ. fr ..... tilut... S.S-4312 645-5737. Property Documenlahon For Insurance, Income T.u, Estate S.ttl•ment II your hom• o' bu .. n.ss -r• robiHtd or bum«/ could you prollide proof o/ whotwos mll) (714} 646-4375 POPLI/ SAUKAI/ BOT TUISISPAS ZZE1J POOL UMfltZ. Complete -a~ ucl rep&ir. bceD.at reliable woJ'k. $38.90. Owaer operated. Call 131-5725. DVAN'S POOL SDV- ICI. ll'llid•UaV.Apart- meatt/Coaaercial . Acid wMil ud NP&ift. HoiMIIl ud d.pad&b.le. 548-4037. REIIODEI.IIfG RULACI KITCHIN COUNTII TOPS. w.·'" poplllu co&on ill elock. Alto kite~•• reeocieliDCJ. ,__ .... ....... Woo'*s-· (714) 558-3818. ROOrntG ROOf LIA~? Root problelu, all type~, repain, ,.roofuto, ... AQUARIUM SERVICE .~ WIRCIAL -1Jectr1c . :J:t1~f! I our lpeclalty Clean, -·•• • q~nck. clepend&ble. HOME OIPBOVEIIENTS TOUCH or CLASS Homelmpro~. Pa- ~. oo ....... rr~b doors, wuadowa. tu. pJ6ce lll&llle.la, COD· Crete, ltiiCCO. 2S YMR· , .......................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L....;;:.;.;-.;....;.;.~~......:;..~ ..... roof, deck ooetillv. CJ'l&l· ten, downtpoull, ,... ~enable, ouuuteed, fr• ..Umate. MR. 646-2328. AQUAJUU),I SERVlCI aDd Mtup for home or olhce. Beaaoo&bl• rat•. attftll'" .rvlC .. r....a. or Mit wet•. C&1J S.S-4616. ASPHALT SEAL COATIMG/ DRIVEWAYS ASP11AL T REPAIR s..Jcoati.DO • StnppmCJ Co!DIIIetc••IIReelde.oh&J ,, .. Est. Lie 397362 MS..flll ALLSTATE PAVING CO. AnORNEY DlVORCI --;.th attor a.., from Sl95 uncoo- tMled (plue coeta) U,. Junea/auto a.c:cuieota, percentav• of recovery O.v1d Bat•. Auoroey, 540-6441 IEAUTYSVCS/ FITNESS SA LLY'SBIAUTY NOOIC, 188 I 17th 51 . Cost• w... Pe1111uenll from Sl1 SO up TlDhDCJ, sa 00 up Sllaapoo ud ..... ""so frotllDCJ, Sl2 00 up HaucuttlllO, $3.50 S.2-7642 CDINETS THE FJHIST 10 com· ae«:W ud r~tal cabuaelty. elaeh1a9. ban. counter ud v-o eral woodwork. JaB Coaatrvc:boo, M1Uwork 0\Vl&IOII Lac-No 3S0818 (714) 831-4260 CABDriTS -C~&Mom .... kJJc:h.u, book c-. ban, oarev• ud chau r&l!a S.1-6937 d•1•. 140-7154 eve· auaqe. A.ak lor Tom STIAN oa DRY We do aoy aue IQb. ' c.rpet ·A tJpW. Peler S. Rodgera, ....., che••"'11· Sp. Property lap rove· c:i&liaiav Ul cWfacd -·· 531-2345. l&brtea. Ow.er op-UCKNSID ILICTJU. erated, baeed 1.a ClAN -Oep.ocl.abJe. bW... quahty worlt Jteuoo. ,, •• .,.., able ra .... ,,_ .... 6....-------•t aat• C&1J Tom, 631 5072 CARPET DtSTALLATIOft Bn.L 'S CABRT SDV · JCI. lutallatioD ud rep&lrf. Qu&hty work, at lau ~-C&lJ Bill at 552-.-mva. OOIICUTE PA TlOS • DIUVIW A YS Wooden pabo coven, all typee. No lOb too b•vl-all. No 2i1235 AM for JUII, 548-7102 CONCR.ITI A.ND MA· SONJlY Palloa. decb, bnck iAiay, dn_a.,. Wllil ~~~~pu.lt remov&J, plaate.n. fue. nDCJI, b1oc:k walll free ......... Du, SJ6. 7440 (Lt.c 3$34Zl) rRD ISTIMATIS OD c•m-1, blod or bnck· work, aew collllructiOD or re.paus Uc: a4G2 Call -.o6J9 uyt.- JOI .t G CDBNT. Dnvewaye, paliol, w&lka. IIepa. ucl fowl. dahooa AlpUlt, ooa· c rete removal loaded, Lie-Jl8188 r.- ..U.a.... c.ll SS2· 304 CIIUOIEY SWEEP CHDOfiY Cl.I.ANDrG. , __ ..,., .. ~, Cleu..a mlllbocla. f or IAfo,_,loa., c.u Op- Cor. 771-5a00. CHDOIIT SWIIJI -n.. _. &a JO'Jf dllll· Q~ .. a tord a.... lalll, ..... ,,... ...... ..... S.n1.q o....,. Couaty. 151·l273, fru}. COIICUii CUSTOM CIIGIIT ..d ~ .••• it .. . ..., JC* ........ .... ••••c.a ............ . ....... .., .... FERCIRG P'INCIS, GATES, IN· CLOSURIS. all typee. repaired, repJac.d, ad· ded feoce p&IAiinCJ AD woriiQ~&U&DJ..d. 15 YMR upe.-ce free eelllul... C&1J Ray, 646-m& FIREWOOD nuwooo FOR SALI -deli .. .red ud •ack ed, oak ud avoc:.do Cord -1/2 ud 1/4 cord IIi-avaJlabfe Call toiHree owabeY 1-800-532-3G12, uk for Peaoysaver Adwatcl:l M7415 GARAGE DOOR OPERERS GARA GI SPRINGS DOOR H.rdware, AIM r ... reoc•. Bob, 636-5298. BOUSE CI.EAlORG TIHDJI LOVING CLIAHING by &.... Cuatom cleaDIDCJ , r.uable, ,....,D&b~ ud rel•re11cea Let ua pa.aper you ud )'0111 lie-wtth oor ellpertl. 642-6149. LYNN'S MOP 'N BUCDT Cleanuto Ser- vice You .., .. 11 up - -cJeu It up! Call L YJLD, 552-*2 Oa e&1l .....kly, bJ-moothly ud IDODthJy HOUSECLIANING Fllld.n Aoeacy. floor carpeta, wllldows, lr:it- cbeu, batluooaa. 760- 7118; after IS, ~. SUNSHINI HOUSE- XJ.IPIHG -Gl,... your hoae t.Ut 1pliJt9 c:ieu- LDCJ look aU yeer·roiUlcl, W1lb quhty ud .... daWI work. F.-eetJ. ..,.,., ,...,_ce fllJ'IUSla . ed, bceo.-d ud bood- ed. 9152-3034, 731-5473. IIPIIT, lMMACU- lATI Cl.I.A.NlNG Will cleall youn Ukemy OOirQ. leuoubt.. releJ'eDCee !WO-OS75 UIWAY PII()I)OC'!St fiDd out wllr, -·~ het-ler. Rece1'" S.S 1.11 prod· uctl t.-for lenmv ut ahow you a deaoutra boa 857·2512 IMCOJIE TAX ....... urs COASTIJNE CLEANING CO. • COMMERCIAL , • INDUSTRIAL •UCENSED e FRE! ESTIMATES • HONEST & RELIABLE (714) 962-7967 INCOME TAX TAl JIUPAilA 110M by ezpen prof-.oaal. Ap- po•ala•al ur&Jloed cl.aya or ""D.UUCJI, rou r homwmy ofbce. Ree- IOM.bt. rat• Pl .... call An, 857-0133 IHCOWJ T AI Ac:couot- 1110 lor ~\lab. pen- u,....s-ud corpora- Uoa.t Av&ll.a.bt. )'MI· rou.ad. Local olJ~ee. RAMODable. 7'51-~ Uruq•• A.c:couolloQ Sernce. Off lO. Qood Start lheCtaulfed Way 673-0550 IHCOMETAX TAX llET\JRHS b-, ap- ~1. year·rou.ad Hlvh q\IAIJI)' .. • ,.. . 10uble 0011. l.a~n· eacecl coo.au.llalll who ll enrolled to practa b.lo... the lRS. 549-2411. u.coiiETAX PREPARAnON It COUNSEIJNG R~ODGbJ• Jtcrtee HOWARD B. REICH An'ORHIY AT LAW 9$3-7330 0. I3S-3IOO 1920 I . 11\b St., Suite 206 Santa ADa FEDERAtED INCOME TAX SERVICE t I ' Call 631-4871 l 1822~ Newport Blvd . CostaNesa GLOBI PACICJNG SDVICI -We bo~. wr-.> aad c:rate. We u.. .u ~ ..,.. .... 11115~. . 64S-90i0. m-.6144. PADn'tBG: btenor/ Ltqr. r.o.... ,. .... proaJ)t, .... •.rrice. ID area lor 10 yean Free ... ,...... (714) 848-5684,(714)~7149. PADfTIHG: Beautify yow boa. lor '82 Col- on add uw hie ud protect yollt us~e.11t. OulkJ work ud ••ter· ...... ,,.. ... u.. .... '*· 536-3471. PAIHTING -Luenor/ ut•rior. l .. icleat&A1, co-rcial, prof-.. al. dec, lint qulaty. All work ~ruteed. "-ubla pr\c ... ,, .. etlllaate. Call l lU, 64&-2328. SPICTIOM PADnDS -cu~oa &aterlon ud ~ Gv.arut .. 2 .,..... ~. free ..ua.t... C&IJ (71•) ..... Lee~ .... a-ve. CUS1'0N PADn"DfG - l.a1eri0r/uu.riot ....... rota. • .,.,. ~ .....w .,. JO .,.. .. ...... -.c. ........... •••• l~tte,.atioul P•!atl.llf, ; lJc. Wo ., ....... aa. arra PADn'IRI -Ja~r.O...U. ty cuP r rt'P a... lectMID~.Ia· ~~.c.u ... , ... Jli..STUCCO -lAter· lOr!Edenor Palclli.DCJ. 30 .,_. -.perMDce NM1 work. Call Paw, K5-JI7'7 PLASTD • STVOOO Repair No lob too ...U MS-4203, S.S. 41919 ALL PHASES of PUS. TIRlNG. Re-•tucco, texturi.GCJ, btlenor/u- terior ~tchwork Room additiooa ud custom lao••· 1r• eetUDate Ltc. 318781. Joho. 960-3786. PLUMIJNG ROOFUfG All l)'pead.c:"' okl, repain, watel'· proofiDo. Calllolt: S4l.o7ll Lie. No. tOI022 JlA Y'S ROOrDIO co. S.n\a9 all ol Onaqe Co\Ultf. AD ..,.,_. free llbllla.... IAnred. Lao. 36104.2. All work CJIIU· uleed. 558-8388. IKX>f LIAK? Wlay reroof -... pou caa repaU .. a bact1oa of tile c:oet? Jlalay Day Roof llepau s.mc.. Dk:k. (213) SM-3837; levill, (714) 666-5470. IIUHIIllOOf'llfG All ~)'pea. New, recower. clecb. lJc. 411102. Mt-tnt ROOJI ADDI1IOIG ROOM ADDinONS AND PATI08 -C.. IIllo CoumaeUoa. fa.ai. I.Yo...-...tC~~P«Med· , __ ........ Uceu-.... ..,..,.._a-e. IIIlO. 151~. 100M ADDITIONS -K.kMe.~ ... ban, pMiot. W...., . electrteal. Pet•r $ . Roctv...... Propwty Ia· pro-•eat, 631-2345. . .. -·~ \ *' .... .. '...... .. -' • y TOP SOJL -DJS. COUNT I'JUCISI htJ'a c ...... 8 , ... oo1} sse.ee. Local cWtv.ry 110 chaJ'~. Nib, 833· 1888. TilliS RIMOVID. Triaalllo ud ~prariDCJ. ~1. TYaEPAIR IIPDT TniVlSlON SDVJCI: 15 ,..,. ... ,.rience. Day/aiolt.t/ ..Mwada Low rat... la·tl.ome eallaat ... se.es. C&1J ~~e....,. ..17e4. IUIIMUS SCHOOL ... ,.. ,.., lyplaQ ._. oa ay mw &elec- trio D .,.._riter. Dl.ue, !1152-1488. nPING, TUJtSCml. lNG, lditia9 ud Wdi· mo a.mc... All to ... ..... ~ ...... J. w~. MewPGI1 ~.541-3854. fAST, UASONA.IU TYPIRG -Ac:cwate prootn..dbtq, c....u- f.rM.~ wri.ltao, OM orall.~. WA.U.PAPDURG CUSTOM WALLPA· PIIUJIG aacl .... t.i114J. 10 .,..... UJI«i•c•· ...... :..~ WOJ'k. C.U Job, 730- 3053,