HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignMISSING ISSUE- PLEASE LEAVE SPACE HERE • • • On March 12, 1907, 16 men who called them•lves "Harbor Boosters' organized this city's tint Chamber of Commerce-actually, seven weeb before we were a city. Here are a few recollections of the business com- mwlity u it beqan to grow. This week, the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce salutes thoee leadera, and the decades since. . HARBORLITES I by DlDa YOD Burger created by floral Decor and Undoubtedly, Sab FLftb lntenon. Denny Carpenter and Avenue'• fuh.aoo pr ... nlahon J.E.T. Ruttez will be auctlonmq wu one oJ the moat laVJ.&h pro· such items u a Buddy Bombard ductiODS yet Mell by.members oJ , bot air balloon tour of the the Ch.UdreD'a H~pital oJ French W1.l18 country and a tnp Oraooe County Qwlda m u. 20-for two to Rome Wtth accom- ,..r hiatoryl modatioos at the luxurioua Carol Cll.aby chaued tlua H.ualez Hotel. eatravaQanu, Wlth the help of the 14 vuUda. A total of 1455 mem.bera and CJUula attended thi.a luncheon at the Anaheuo Waniott. Seen ill the cruah were Emma Jue Riley, Carmel Bundle, Evelya Lowell, Shid" GuCJ- QeU.im (Siurt.. and Bob just rehamed from a H.wilan vaca- tioa), •rtha Penon, Jane Faulkner, ViYian BrouniDCJ, Waty Reuland, ilalne Svechc, Sllirley hppuu;,, Jean Upton aad O.W. Gray. • • General chairmen ue Vaclu and Micbul GeriDQ. Some oJ the pat rona are Mazy and RoQer Turner, MuQuet ud Howud Richa«i80n, Nora and Charlea H.ter. Nar9it and L.D. Chris- ti&Do, llaine and Wil.Uam Padter, Ca rolyo ud RuaeeU Laud, Ellen and Bob Wllcox, Vickie and Jim WazDWl(JtOO, Frucie and Roy Caner, Susan and T'lDl Shader. Vir91J:Ua and I .G. Wano.iD(Jton, and Joan and Georve Dashiell. . . . n..•~, ........... am,.••c~tll.l• .... u Newport Beoc:b bad tn:tllic even early m the century. '17u. collection starts witb aucb a «"eDe on Bal.boo'• Main Street, DeO.T the lamed Povihon. Others clochrise from lb.re: one of tbe lint busineae., the SoJt Worh, Upper Newport Boy; a lumber ~~ebooner dehvering 750,{)()() bocud feet to Newport, Pier; tbe gondola wbicb .tmted today'• CJmstmas Boot Porode; McFadden s Hotel, the lint; Newport Center as il was launched-end a 1905 bwldmg that became tbelint City Hall. Tllanb to Plu/ Tozer T1t. Newport Chamber and ltm F•lton Ginny Frova (left), Eve Holmgren. preSKtent of the, Cinderella gutld, and Carof McCann. patroness chairman fOf' CHOC s All Gutld luncheon, were hav1ng a gre.t time at the benefit ' d v.:-.a.· r........;..,., Cleftt Martha Mcfarland and Jon and FritZI M•ke an """'' .._." 'll • R Storw era-well, not oJJ the musac played by Nun•y Korda's Or- chestra Wlll be au three-quarter IJme. The Benefactor's Comm1tt-of South Coat Repertory ho.ted a recepbon hooonno Carter H.wley Hale ior ds $10,000 coo lnbuliOll wlucla LS parl of the t.laird a.nat•llmeot of a b~year $50,000 pJedoe to support the th•te•. St.,. ptlOio bot ~ ""' Bu·~ Amonq thoee who attended •nd were FlJ"St Nlqhten al Henry N Port 1 were Vackt •nd Geof frey Stack, Barbara Aune. Bob and ¥!!_e Bad.bam, Dot and Ralph Clock, Joyce and Greq Dtlbe:ozo, Louae and l.ae lWtDO, Warren IUacock Hedda ud Stephen W.roa, S...., and fto9er Luby. Suaa od Gene Spuitua ud St....-t Woodw&J"d • • McClintock en,oy the SCR Benefactor s Partv P... I"'Y " Postc npts -Marc h 11 The Thursday Moml.DCJ C lub wul hold a meeting and luncheon at the Balboa S.y Club • Later that evtnung at the Reqmry Hotel, the hrst annnual Paul Salata Memonal Fash1on Sbow w11l beneht Nol.n Fnu:eUe Thu black-he ophon.U. fund-raa.ser should be a lot oJ fun DDCe II Wlll r~ Paul's "new bne" lor '82, u well u some ••qw~nte ~JODS (rom Oranqe County's bu. ... bovhqlleS -Warcb 15 (the Ides ol /llarcb ore upon you) The florence Cntteuloo S.rnces of OruaQe County aacl Seb l1fOl A..aoe bolt a IUAcheoa at the a.Jboa ., Club .• Oa tlae .... cl.y ud 1aow, Canaelo Manto ~ lA Slrodo lot tDDCJa . A t..o.t al c::eWm.bes aDd bubo•- ... wUl be us ...-..c.. -w.rcla 18 on.maJ F--., .. ~ ul .............. . 8DNC1 b, Lee...._ A....W.ry of U. AM.,..,. Leeq.e. tH J~toi.Wd .. tM ••port Muiiott will ... lolaa-· .. ., ....... of~ 'rlkae trc. lob ...... ,.. ...... cMirecl ~ ...... hv· staff Gavna Harr1man and Juhe A:aelson wtll ciOS@ Wllh a draw mq lor a d1amond nnQ anonymou sly dona:ed bv a rn~mb.r ct Las Remas Wa rc-h 19 What an eve • • BON APPEI'fl' .,.....,ceo. A ... IMde fNDcll rMawut haa~wdiathe~ lo,..)y Mid by PtJ.v Wayne'• Fenleal CaB., ad tM UIH ia appropriMely "'nae rr-.cll Qurter.• We cbOI)I*i by tor JllDcla' nceally. ud Jowad ... ~well wader cootrol ... a real accawpiW.IMDt tor an eltabl•lh--t open jut one ... k. 'lha aplan•tioll p%0bably li• ill the fact that the new ownen, lAwrence ud Judith Bucbell, are aperiencad reltau•1•wa, ud ltill operate the popular t. Brochette in San- ta MoDica. TM little houae, QUrtly decoratad in lllwl• ol dark vreen ud apricot, deftly ac- c.ntad wlah J,uge minora to Qive the Ulu.aioll of ..,ace, ia much the ..... The Guebo Room, an outdoor dininQ room, hu replaced the tonnu deck, and ia reachad thrw:!:J. pair of wrought-iron . Tabl• are apread with colorful clothe, qreenery and Dowering plants a~nt the area, ud two m.uvelo\U chand.Uen, plu • large apace heater, make the room \&Mhle in the eveninQ, even when it ia cool. Serving peraonnel are outfit- tad in French coatwnes, and have been w.U-echooled in both meDU and win•. Thelucheon IIUlllU ia nearly flaw._, with u.tiacp of appetiaen, 10upee, aa)act., aandwich•, oeW., a qUc:he, and a ..taction of fish• and JDMta. De.ert ia choeen from the cart. TM wine u.t ia well-choeen, and with fair prtc.a. There are no rare win• u ,.t, but we were aaurad they will come u .torav• apace ia available. We began with a ahaJ'ed ap- petiur of calam•ri, whole amal1 equid, deep-hied, and •rvad with. fin• piquant d.ippiDQ aauce. The bread wu hot and cl'\18ty, in a napkin-covered buket, and wu aerved with a little plate of butter pata, bl....dly uadorned with foil. Ny entree wu an expertly- made omelette, filled with bay ahrimp, crabmNt and muah- rooma, bathad in • ailky aauce herbed with buil and laced with aherry. Veqetabl .. werelovinQly cared for, broccoli, caWiflower and carrot al.ica, .tMmad j\l.ll- crt.p, and aauced with an herb butter. Ny companion choae the Salmon Mo\I.ISe Melt, • acoop of fresh almon prepared in • tex- tured mo\lSM, aerved on whole wheat bread and topped with AWARD WINNING 1 New York Style s CHEESECAKE ., ~ waa•naAW8BilllY (;••aKA&• MAKES ANat.a6t~ •aat:aT ............... ... _....rtaven MR. D'S CHEESECAKE CO. ftif SMifU -w 191\ Sl TO P\ltCHASf COSTA YlSA 63~5318 t41i10111S.I .... · The french ()u.rteJ' ia open fo.r lu.nclleon durtDg the week, and diluaer ucept for Suday. Lucheon with appetiaer or 10up and entr .. will c<* about $25 for two (without wine), and atn.JMr, alto without wine, about $40 for two. Chef Narc Llobell ia acoOIDpliahed, and we intend to returu to aample au.ch •tic- inQ of:ferlnva u Po\llet Fram- boiM Salad (breut ~ c:hicbn, fneb mu.ahrooma, broccoli neurett .. , papaya, wUh rupberry vinaiqrette), Crevett• Camembert (jumbo prawu with caa.mbert in aherry wine aauce), and Rack of Lamb prepared with Cointreau in a ginger glace. The fHDch Quarter ia at 2640 I . Cout lhty. in Corona d.l Mar. Cal1640-6446 for r ... rva- tiona. ~JY.Part .. "r"J-'Pa'INd ............ .Wly, ... Co..e 'II' .... , ... .., JV,hltl ..... ......., .... . pnta._ of tM PWit•try ad 8We1P of A•h II tue'e lt.Woi- ic.! alalllc .... --tt 00.... to clealbl9 1llltll tM IaDer 10W. of 80IM ol the people Ia the aega, it doe.'t quite .... lt. Tile procluctioo doee not coo- utently co-. NJ91ng to life. Parte of It u. tedJoWI ud .trancJely re.ote. At ~ it hlta the Mart, and at otUr U.. tt waftn ud b.ooiMe mlinterelt- ing. Direotoa-Jolua AlU8on hu directed witll a fine 8aU for buy buba-and ba-.-tift tooca.. Ilia ..... wltll ~ FU~aff ud tM ~-are .tYkl wJtJl ~and ~ De'*U. a. ..... ftey al8o .,.,. with bilie\tabillty. Ira acWI- tlaa, ... p\lta .... uci ..... t ill --of the battle~. ad u gift~ clellcllcy aacleu- lbtftty to tM eoae betwllll llcapur uul hia wde. lklt when It co-... to tiM .-ctJooa with Thomaa Percy, Henry Percy, lCortim.eJ', Glendower, the fore. oppcMilJag ifeDry IV, there ia a at.Utad, cudboard effect. The people do not...._ real. Conlequently, the play la thrown off balance betwMD laaiptfW directorial touch• and plodding acen• that ..U.. Of the perloraen, O.Tid Cllemel u Prince Hal, David Dulow u Hottpur ucl, ~ coww, Thomu Hill u r~ are perhape lila ma.t impr_. • ~ .... 0.., ..... tM Mit • .-.~~ roa.e. o-• .. • daehla9 &p.r., rc•pentlc ill ap- pearuoe, ua ..... qUit. good, ~ OM oouJd willa ioJ' a blt aore depdl ba ..,.. eon•, putkna)&rly ill the aeecl toT JDOn --of fu ill tu. .,.... with ru.•,uda~rMMiag~ love ud wanntll tor lila JMD. H1t emotloe&l..,..ch• at tile d .. th of Hot8pur ud at tile np- poeecl deatll of ral8tAB could be more t•cler 1 IDON loving. David O.rlow ia • patient, lnt_.. ud always vital Hoa.pur, ud ThoiUI Hill ia a IOIUWUt IU.hduad ralatati but witlliOIU ma.nelouly w.btla oomady touch•, u in tha "hODOr" ~PMCh· WaJUe Grace tri• to bring ..-Jity to Beary IV but cu't qWte make it. 'lha role ll not that illteralting. Ban Bou· IOID ia JUJ'"NioulY fu.ny U the comic Poinl, a real clown. THf PORT THEHRE ••• BUT WANT ADS NEVER MISS . ... . c .. Youngsters \Vho get ahead manage our newspaper routes 873-0550 CJRCUJ.AnON PIZZA &: FOOD TO GO Thru Aprtl 11 t 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special *2.99 L.>a..,uncuvc Waterfront OJ rung Oyster Bar· Cockt.;uls .\.\lJ W l'acahc.: Ct'r;l~ Hl,.way, N.&• 642-2295 • Treat ycu tavatt. ~ tocu deep dllh Slcb\ Pkzo or one of cu t6moua Party Platten For ... Y o• Caterina Neects COME TO SAM'S It's a trut that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, out crispy fish fU~. plus ff)la, slew & h~! Shrimply delicious! ------------------------- ACE St PatriCk's Day in the Main Brace u 10 Y• In pr ole Pb pll frc s. Dl jet St. co Ml Pl. pe pe Bi It' c. tht At M an of c. l • - Help Sought For Students Ha.t f&mJ.U• for ioN!Q'D ucbanqe ltudent.a are bei.Dq eouqht tor IU.Dl.IUr and echool- JM.r procpuu by tlae Alurlc:an Intercultural Student lachange procpam. The ltudent.a are 15-17 yMn old and are from Europe and the PhilJppinM. Jive-wMk awDmer vialta are planned for a group ot students from Finland. School-yMr viall.a..,. planned for ltudeDt. from Spain, Ger- muy and the PhilipplD•. The ltudent.a are fluent lD lngl.lah and have their own apendlDg money and medical wurance. The program ia non-profit and tu-uempt. Information: Jo Ann Brown, 633-1956. Jazz/Pop Concert Set For Sunday Artistic Fundralser Sw"t Alice Music pr ... nta S.A.M. reoordlDg artiata Mark Davidaon, Marahall Otwell, their jan trioa, and the Iarael Baker Strinq Quartet in a jan/pop concert at 7 p .m. Sunday, March 1-6th, at South Cout Plua Hotel. Th ... arWit.a ap- peared tooether lD a eold-out performance lut November at Bill Medley's club. hia own trio and the Baker Str- lDQ Quartet playinQ ar- ranQementa written for the full aQQreQation by Tom Rainier. Otwell, and Davidaon. Pianist Davidaon, an OranQe County favorite, will offer an en- COI'ona del Mar Artist Clyde Zulch helps Jessie Hill of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce and Nancy Fuentes hang Zulch prints in Corona del Mar branch. Newport Balboa Savtngs, wh1ch Nancy manages. Sales of Zulch prints exhibited will yiefd funds to Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. tire aet of Beatl• 10nqs written by Lennon and McArtney. Season Changes Can Be Hair-Razing Each pianiat will appea~ with All aeata are reserved, and aeatmq ia limited. It's The Perfonnlng Arts Center The OranQe County Music Center hu chanQed ita name to the OranQe County PerforminQ Arts Ce11ter, accordlDQ to John M. Rau, the center's president and chief ellecutive officer. BecaUH of the c loee prollimity of the Loa AllQelea Music • Center, the center's Board of Directors hu approved a name c hanQe to eliminate any confu- sion in the pubUc's mind. The board also felt that "Per· forming Arts Center" better deecri..bed the broad spectrum of world class productions of musical theater, symphony, ballet, opera and theater that will be presented there. S.a.anal chanQea have prompted Condren Hampton, Newport Beach atyliat, to offer five tips for the maintenance of healthy, vlhrant hair. "Newport Beach ia famo\U for the abundance and quality of ita outdoor ac tivities," he said. "But intensive ellpoaure to sun, surf and wind can abuse hair's natur- al beauty." He sugqeated these gutde- hnea: THERE IS A WE PAY TOP We're '" the busjness ot t>rtnglng homes and famll•es HOME SHOW EVERY DAY IN CLASSIFIED s~ctal home for your fam1ty. check out ctasstlted·s home show sss FOR GOOD CLEAN USED CAIIEIAS Bnng Yow Camera Of any Pt\ot~aphic Equtp tn IOf a FR E tp9ralaal CAL'S CAMERAS Always nnae wtth freah water to cleanse away the cauahc and corrosive elements of salt and chlorme that destroy han sheen and lu.atre; wear a hat, scarf or turban to protect the haar from the sun's drying and dulhng effect; use a PH-balanced sham poo to clea.nae hair and mamtam natural oil..; use a cond1tioner to replenish the ammo actd s a.nd proteins lost through exposure, 6lld adopt a reqular program of professional care to msure the shape and tnte<;Jnty of an md1· vidual han style. together II you·ve been tooktng for a mo Newport Boulmrd Cos~ Mesa. Cl111ofnli 92627 (714) ... 1313 RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR Lunch & Sunday Brunch For Reservations 759-1 854 3901 EAST COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR lunch I I 30-2 00 Sunday Brunch I I : 00-l 00 ,.,AI:IA(t~ t 900 Weal Ba&boa Blvd. Newport Beach • 6 7 3· I 40 t PINNER SPECIALS Monday-Stuffed pork chop •5.25 Tue~y -Latagna, Nled, garlic biNd M.96 Wednetday-~ Fri«t chJd(en, cole alaw. french fffel M.25 Thurtday-Spaghettl-.. you can Nt. garlfc breed. salad t3.50 Ftidey -Prime rib ... 86 o..p fried filtl, cote slaw, clam chowder tJ.96 Satudey-Prime rib tl.96 Maryland Crab Cak• M .SI6 Sundev-Prime rib.... Red Sn~pper .5.t6 DM'ti'Wa ~ ~. llllld ~ ol pOt o Of ra AJ'';"fl!fX ~itt Cot1JP/inJIH1MifY Y~llCMteJ~Mte mcJUMe c-. ._. ..._..10 w.ll' v.,...a.uc. DtHHlfti4·1PM, FRIANOSAT'Til 10 • •111\W ...... bllk'tl.lliiiNin' PREVIEW OPINING COCKTAILS LUNCH-DINNER-SUNDAY BRUNCH We would like you to meet our aworG-wtrnng chet, MARK ll08Ell Rf:SER'V A TIONS PlEASE 2640 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar 6C0-7092 (CL<)SfO MONDA V) Colltomla's Largest --------. Selection or Bridal Fashions OalfoiNa'tlalglllt Saea CIIOh ot ~ FoiNonl 34011 Well Weslmrlllilf A-"A Sar>to 11ro ColttomiO rn 100 (714) 531 187' 0,. 6 a. ea. totO P.IIL 7 dlwe a ..,.k 2001 E. Coas& Highway Corona Del Mar e 92015 deptlone 673 ~· ............... ,..... .... ~ ....... The N•wpor• Enalgo Weclo.Mdoy. March 10. 1112 Pap J3 ·Here's Something To Sing About A. a spring gift to the com· A.nocaaUoo will p!WM111 a bM munity, the Newport Beach Ctty St Patnck's CommUlllty Smg A.rta Commi.uion and the F .. t on Sunday, March 14 at fuhion Wand Mercba.nta' 1 15 p m ill the Main Court, Laguna Museum Has A 'Connection' Two evening lecture events are planned in con)unc hon wtth "California CollDechona: Sacramento" at l.aQuna Beach Muaeum of Art March 12-Apnl 22 Th.is show, the hrst m a group of exhib1tions which will sh owca.ae the VlBUal arts of a particula.r reqion m Cahforn1a, 11 a survey of artwork from the e&rly '70s created by 35 a rhst leachen and qraduates who were then worlo11g at Cal State Sacramen to. One aiqnificant "connection' 1a that Dr. Bill Otten, LBMA Duector, was among those atudenta . .Many of the art1sts repr ... nted tncludlDg Joan Brown, Jim Nutt , Carlos VIlla. William Allen, and Joseph Raphael, have subsequently 10 fluenced the chrechon of West Cout art. Tuesday, Marc h 16. at 8 the everung aeries wtll begm whe~; John Fib Gibbon, curator lor the ez.hibihon and professor of art at Sacramento State, wdl give a slide-illustrated lecture entitled "What's Natural about Nature m Northern Caldorn1a Art." F ashton laland, Newport Center, Newpor1 Beac h. The 200 or 10 community 11ngera will be led by popular stnQer and aong leader Sarah Kerr who will be accompanied by Jean Tandowaky, p1ano, alld a group of local mua1cianl. The Comrountty SIDQ Fest 1a open to the pubhc All are welcome and 1t 1s free of charge Dolphins Trade Fair The Annua l Trade Fan Lun- cheon lor the Dolphtna, Women's Otvtston of the Newport Harbor Area Cha.m.ber I ol Commerce, Wlll be held at the Balboa ~Y Club Tuesday, March IS I Vickers WDI Sing A concert by stnqer Suzy V1c kers of Newport Beach will be featured Sunday, March 14 , when the Ida Mayer Cummmga I Au x1hary of the Jewtah Homes lor the Agmg holds a noon lun- c-heon and tea dance lD the Beverly H1lton Hotel, Beverly Hills V1c kers. former prestdent of the Central Newpo rt Beach 1 Commun1ty Association, will be 1omed by Murray Korda and his orchestra plus comed.J4ll Jackie Kahone Dalebout Bay& Beach .Rea I Estate COllE WITH US ... TO BAYSHORES WA TERFRONT Brill1111 lngeneoos. Unexpect!d Avatlable for the lust 11me Just try to reSJst the dash and glamour of th1s well appomtid well located hve bedroom offenng An awesome eapenence awatts vou s 2 100 000 161 7 Westcl1ff Drrve. Newport Beach f 7 1 4) 63 1 . 7 300 I JACKET S38 BlOUSES FROM 518 SI<IRTSS16 TOS20 @ MAJOR CREDIT CARDS \. Mory Mdodthn 'a • 'morll" p#ecMttf is liNd for on •VOIY colvmncw codrfoil chll wMI ~ m..t. worlced with ~ of W.. pleat;,. .. fwm W.. roo\• ond aiHves. The brote/et ~ t.td-folved bnJu d•PP«J m m {IOid. by Mory ~ for tes hmord the magic of mixes lnatonlly recogn11oble-Mory M e· Fodden'a Olm« design,"'" gauze s.lurt •• lopped with o s.llfc-/1'*' lnnged over- IVnlc. A rvsl cot1on ond tlllc alole It worn over the shov~. A slUe~ M~h '<llfhh bo«<, btu.~­ pomred ~k designs on one aiHve ond one side ol the Mlrt, from Mary Mcfadden'• Olm« CoiiKtion. c. 1200- 600 I .C. o purple crepe de chine sash crlu -crosses the front. The #obr•c design •• .. Oim« .. In~~ co/(), bonds on the ~inr.d, diiHon overi\H'I1c worn over o ~Nd. onlcl .. lenglh "'mot'if'' pleoled pan I, wrap- P«< 01 the WOISt w•th f10id /urex cords, fi'IOCTOI\'Ied '" onllque fiO#d. 8y Mory McFadden. : ......... ..... Uncertainty in todoy's economy has the consumer making pur- choses with on eye toward quality AND fashion. The consumer'hos become selective, shying away from rondom, impulse shopping and is now more concerned with budgeting lifestyle needs. With a "les.s is more" onitude, fabric mills for fall 1982 ore generally concentrating on quality rather than quantity. The important neW$ for this season is how fabrics con be used to create delightful panern mixes, the combinations of rich and rustic textures, the color blocking and the details. For the first time in our 1 S-year career of reporting an fashion, we are doing o two-part column on fabric 51nd color, so please read next week's column, also. One of the most msk:Jntly recogn•zable fabrics today is /INKy Mcfodden's "marii" pleating. At a recent Neiman-Marcus showing her ivory "morii" pleated togo dress in the columnar style brought the greatest applause. Ivory, which Mcfdttden says Is the off-color of white, is the strength of her Olmec Collection for Sprifl9/Summer 1982. White, the symbol of youth, floW$ through cocktail wear Into evening hours, from ivory bracelets to bleached feathers and alabaster leather sandals. Jewels by Mary Mcfadden for·les Bernard are shown w ith oil her fashions. The Olmec period is marked os the Mother civilization of ancient Mexico, bound in religion ond ritual. Animals and plants were held equal to men, and all phenoQ'lena were thought to possess o life force. Mcfadden's Olmec Collection, In its uM of primitive symbols, br- •ngs into focus a new architectural approach to O..gonzo, silk gauze, conan and wool blends. Skirts ore slit up sides, or cut into flying panels. Butterfly Jurex chemises billow over pleated, lace. edged knickers. Shawls in Pre-Columbian geometries are discoveries on how to toke cloth, wrap It for your fantosy and hove it move with the body. lengths ore for day ot mid-calf-for the evening shor1 and then Jolin £. ~Cont LENNY'S hair design----.... for women and men ~'""""!~·~~~=~~-=-~:.. CUSTO M PHLITOGRAPH1" WeAre PROUD To HaYe PJ.ot..,W ... The DON REDFERN Family 675-0823 HAIR PIGMENT ART FRAMIII of ITALY Over 70 VMd Shades ... $25 Fol Highlighting and Special Effects .. lmoYaltYe '-"" ~ ......... $45 .-o~cutanda¥e ....... . $15 SMriZIAl INTRODUCTORY OFFER 15 otr tonewpotyons • Hours 9-6 Tues. ttYu Sat .. Corona del Mar beNnd swenacn floor lengths that curl like open tulips. Quilted jackets and coots are Inspired body structures. Jackets ore like blocks of ice, blouses ore squared-off. Grosgrain ribbons and lace ore combined with conan, wide-stitched, for o new sweater series. Strokes of red and block odd drama. Opalescent sequins odd glamor to after~rk. And Mary Mcfadden emphoslz.es, "The post Is once ogoin reseen In our times." The 1980a hove olreody seen this designer's creativity translated to several new oreaa. Her line of moderately-priced silk dresaes·for Jock Mulqueen-"Couture for the Working Woman" -has been extended to Include separates ond blouses. And the Mcfadden- designed dress panerns for Jock Mulqu"n hove now been mode available to the home sewer by the Simplicity Pattern Co. There's o stunning new line of Mory Mcfadden Knitwear for Status Signatures to be unveiled next month, and a new pleated-scarf collection design.d for Glentex, all available in most department stores, specialty shopa, Including Amen Wordy on Bayside Drive. To be continued! BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS We Would Be PROUD To Photograph Your.Family ' OR OVER A CENTURY • • ..4 .. ,, d • A n ' • vi s s N p rr D fe 7: u b• Fe c 81 lr c c s tt' al .... c B ~ A d. 1 lr c IC " p4 st s 1" M v. 3C C• w c. 8\ tic 6t CAl -EN DAR ''A ... O'lrdL ld'' it .......... ,... .... Art the theme of the New-........... port Beech Chriatian a.-... ia plannklg a St. .... ..,...., ... Women'e Club lunch-Patrick's Day lunch«>n In gta. ecutpture. vapor eon to be held 11 :45 and feehion lhow. 11 :30 drawfnge and furniture Wednesday, March 17 a.m. Wednelday, at the Newpon Harbor at the Alrporter Inn. March 17 at the Art Mueeum. Exhibh Cost is $6.60, all Newportef IM, Monte runs through May 2. women are invited. Free Carlo Room. Donations .. _... olle by french nursery. Reservations: are $20 MCh. Door _.. Clmord Silaby on Mrs. Jim Dority prizee Include a stgned view Tuesdays through 544-2921 . Barbra Wood litho-Sundays at Mildred PwiM Perty for graph. Seamster Gallery. 3341 ... .,... ...., Ch"llcen eo. ..... Chep ... Newport Blvd., New-2 p.m. Sunday, March ............. w ...... port Beach. lnfor-14 at South Coat Com-to meet 8 p.m. Wed-mation: 673-0400. muniities Jewish nelday, March 10 in the Dlno••• Art will be Center, 298 Broadway, community room of featured one night only, laguna Beach. Children Merit Savings and 7:30 Friday, March 19 at should come in cos-Loan. 5392 Walnut, UCI's library. Sponsored tumes. Coet is $5 per Irvine. Information and by the Natural History familly, R.S.V.P. Cheri rides: 897-2466. Foundation of Orange Kessner. 562-5191 or Perlllneon'alduca--County, memberships the center. 497-2070. donel Pl'o8r ... meets available at the door. lrwtne ••nlor c.m.r 7:30p.m. Friday, March Information: 545-8967. invites Duplicate Bridge 12 in Park Newport California players to bring their Apartments SPA . Or. ~: favorite partners every David R. Engstrom will Sacramento showcases Wednesday from 12:15-lecture on "Biofeed-that city's visual arts, 3:30 p .m. for an ex-back-what it is-can it along with portraits of citing afternoon at the help Parkinson's?". working Southern Senior Center. 3 Sand-Information: 640-0218. California artists by AI burg, Irvine. ,..._.....,.. Belson at Laguna Beach Irvine Chepter of the c....,._,Cttyof Museum of Art through Hope will hold a April 22 . Hours: Tues· AIMric8n......._ general meeting 7:30 day through Sunday, Wotnen'a Association p.m. Tuesday, March 11 :30 a.m . to 4:30p.m. will hold their annual 16 at Newport Sheraton Information: 494-6631 Fashion Show Lunch-Hotel, Newport Beach. eon March 13 at the Public is welcome. Clubs Sheraton Anaheim Information: 540-1338. Hotel. Invitation only. .......... Gem-Information: Maggie T......._,MGmlng me Alum.'"\M will be Nelson. 861-3{83 or Club of NeW11 011 presenting a fashion Barbara Zediker, •••oh meets 11 a.m. show during its Spring 967-3000. Thursday. March 11 at Scholarship Benefit, Amertcen Aaeocl• the Balboa Bay Club. 11 :30 a.m. Saturday, tiOft of un.-,.,..,.y Palmist Sydney Rusha- March 20 at Mesa Women will hold a koff will entertain. Verde Country Club, general meeting 7:30 F,.....ofSCII, 3000 Clubhouse Road, p.m . Wednesday, Irvine GuMd to meet Costa Mesa . Fashions March 10 at the Irvine 10 a.m. Wednesday, will be from Nordstrom. Senior Center. 3807 March 17. at the Costa Cost of the luncheon Sandburg Way. Or. Mesa theatre. lnforma-event is $10. lnforma· Judith Rosener will tion, contact Donna tion: Marcia Martyn, speak. Brownell. 551-4305 640-4325. Take a Quick Luncheon Cruise at Cano's NO'S NOW SERVES LUNCH IN THE BAR Dolly Speck:JJ$; Monday thru Friday 11:30-3:30 Zl4l w. Coast Highway Newport Beach Reservations Accepted 63l-l381 WE THINK YOUR HOME SHOtJLD a£ THE NICEST PLACE. YOU GO •••• At WtrM tl Mnl .. 1 Y• n .,.. A ww.v.., •• ~vhll"e (He td wt004 'Soli wood J W•Mf Yvntl--e t l teh Per tt fO t lt ' H•mtocltJ Oealey leU -Plch•r• •••••• -h r lellt Chair,.., •....... 0TOWN c •• ,~ VtsUOurS~ ~----- "-" .... ..., . ., .... , ........ ..... 1ft group • meet 1:30 p.m. Wedneldey, March 17 in the ~ tar • 7th ftoof lobby. Oltcuulon topic8 in- elude ''When Will I Be Cured?" and "To Cure or to Heal." lnforma- tlon: ~5831 . UCI Town ..... Gown meets 9:30a.m. Mon- day, March 15 in Social Science Tower 220 . Political Science pro- fessor Or. WiJIIam R. Sc:honfetd will speak on "Francois Mitterrand: De Gaulle Resurrect- ed?" Herbor••nac.c.._ aene..-..on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. for a fun-filled day of Pinnocle. On Friday at 10 a.m. they play shuf- fleboard. Mettings are held at the Zonta Build- ing. located at 15th and Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. Lectures Lec:tuNe end wort&- ahope at Orange Coast College this week in- elude: Wed., M.ch 10 -"Ward~obe Review" four-part mini course meeting Wednesday evenings, 7 p.m. in Home Economics Room 112. Fee is $20. T...._.y,...,ch11 -"Getting Organiz- ed"; Sahron Fleming, seminar lecturer. 7 p.m. in Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission is $4. -Orientation lecture explaining purpose of building solar collectors 7 p.m. in Technology PVt.LIC IIOTICI: ncTTnOUI tUIIIIESS IUUUITA TDUJIT n.. kl4aow.n• ",.,... • ,. dut-o ..,.,_. •• IIOCII:Y POlin 1280 U,_.rrtD lit Jltrwpcw· c .. ,., oY •• S..•• 116 "-'•""'•' a-..k CA -a.•·•• '" • c.a.tor. • '" ,. '"" ll~ H J.•h ~· 1.1-l<l.ood CA 9Ml s. • .,._ H.Jl Lid • Colo"'•••• ...... -d Orott't'l••thtJ: 51 tO c ··~· o,,,. "-•"J'C:·r•~.,. CA ~. Th,_. t. ..... -..~ ., 'd"f" ,__, b• • t pn••• ~~~ S -'~'~~ G 1b.,• '•''1"'.,." s.r •••• ,, c ........ .. T._,, ''•'•"'•""' ,.. ,, .. , • "' , ... c ;"'• c,.,~ ol o •• ~ c: '"'"~ '•*' l• ~, '\ib,.... r .. t • ,. w.. , c 191J .n r .... H·-r-~' (MtQf' rl~104l NW~ PVt.UC IIOT1C% r1CT1T'IOUS IUSIIttSS IIAJIIITATDlDIT T.., toUowuwa .,. ..... , ••• <k••h~ a......... •. rourw co IJ71 H.ol••td """""" lo.c~ C:A 921561 loha W .._,....,~ r71 Hol,•ul ""-Po•• .. .,.., C• 'Ual Ll•ord I u-~~ en H.J .. erd N••PO• .._. .. CA~I n .. t.~....... '" t't....d.~,.. o, _. ~·•' .,.,....-.,.Jup $.qa.-d Jo~~~tr. ,. e...uw. n... ........ , ..... tJ.d • ·~ ..... Co.aty c .. ,. of O.a..., C ... ,..., " , •• )6 l'lltl P.tlol.o~ Mt• I 10 17 lo 9e1 o n •• .........,,, "'""" "1100 .. lf[llU<; PVIUC IIOTlC% ncnTJOUIIUSDIUS IIAIIII: IT A TDftJfT f • I •tt. ••IIIMI .. ~ • d "I I ••••• Cl.HTIJ!JOiltl CON 'IUl TA!lTS J •• o.. .. ood J. t.. .. l•t•lllld r A ~ •" "'• c ., •• r,;., •• I 4 , o ..... ·•d a.1b .. l•l•N C'' -.JMJ , ..... ~"'.1..... .. ·~W" .... b. .... P! tHI ...... s. t'"-d lith~• C ,(t,hff r._... • ... ,._~· .... t.h.d .,.~ "-• ( """'' C"t.t• I 0.•aq. \.01otf\,. "" ' .. 19 1'1111 ' t•l·d• '•• I 11!4 .. r l 0 • ..-. ·"' Th.. Jll••r ,, 1. .... ·•·· I ~<4411 NO., PV8LICMme:a ncrmooa...._ IIAJQITA~ n.. ~o~~c->-. -... ·~· b~.,•-• VITTl 6 WILD .O.l W.CA•tl>•• .... ... ... 110 ........,,, t..cl> Co ~ '"''"-' M v,.., llJ I ... ..,.!JI.o, ...._,.._, CA ~~ ~<>~• I w,._ Wll L. ""••• •• ~...q ........ ..~ c. qn "'.. -............. ~ C"'-ciK"led b, • .. .,..,., ,., .... .._._.. s..... to .. ~ I ............. , ................... t.W ....... ..... Co•••• Cle•~ ol o..... C..ee, -, .. 11 ,..., PloW ... , .. ~ .... J 10 17 • .a •• n..~a-"mu ,.._ .....:.:mea ......... _ ....... ~ .,........_ __ -. ...._.,._ •• nrran DtiA"·T IIUIIftlrAC'NaM .-, ' • ...._ .,..... c. --loll a.-'" ....... _ ... c-.. .... c. .. IHf-t ..... 111 ... _... c..-...... c. ... n. •• ~ ............... . _., ..... -........ .. o.-n..--....... ~."" QM.., C'looo\ .. o..-c-.... .. , ... , .... ....... ,.. it .... ) 10 ., .•. ,..,. .......... ....... , -...,g .,..;:a ..... ICWI- B uildfng Room 1170. art of henc»-on wortc. lhop In which perti-- c:iper tta buikl their own -., coMec1ora. Orienta- tion~a.he. p ..... ,, .... ,2 -'1M St..., Threed" ~program; rune F"*f nighU, 1 -8:30 p.m . 8t the OCC Planetarium. Admlaion Is t1.60, aduttl; t1 children under 12. Seating .. limited. t -"FtHN!e Sexuatity''; Or. Mona Cat•. lec- urer. 7:30 p.m. in Fine Arta Hell 119. Fee is M . -"Surviving Mountain and Oe8ert Sports"; f our-pert llries. Don Cornett, lecturer. 7:30 p.m . in Chemistry Building Room 207. Series fee is •1 0. $4 single teSSion. A flefd trip to Joshua Tree Na- tional Monument is also pfanned. ...... ,,M.-ch13 -"The World Chess Championship": seminar. Chessmaster Robert M . Snyder, lec- turer. 10 a.m. in Business Education Building Room 103A. Admission is $8. -Female sexuality seminar for men; Shirley A. Lampert, lee· turer. 9 a.m. in Coun· seling and Admissions Room 114. Fee is $6. -"Small Computers for Small Businesses- Preparing for Growth in the·~·; seminar John Short. lecturer 9 a.m . in Fine Arts Hall 116. Ttekets $5 -"Successfully Single"; Donna Mack. lecturer. 9 a.m. in Counseling and Admis- sions Room 113. Fe is $8 singles. $10 for couples. -"A New Weigh of Life"; Robin Freeman, lecturer. 9 a.m. in Science Lecture Hall 1 Fee is $8. PVIUC IIOt1CI fiCiiiiiOUa .,__ llUGSTAn.:wT n.. lo.llo.--... d?oiOQ •--... UASDT IJfVI.Sl'OII STSTDCS 240 .....__ c..,,., 0.••• s.,,. lOO ....._, ... <. C A 1M(' t.......h s,....._. Co~ • C.J•to. ..... corpor••.o-)tO N.-wpor't c.,.,., o.... ,..,,. }00 M.-p. ...... ' c. 9adO T\• ........ •• .. 4~ b¥ • COl po•••tGC s-.n.-d c., Ill A GutdVII s.c, ... ,., t......l'\0 ,..,., ..... ("' If n. ... .... ". ... t,&.r:~ ,..," •b• COQ•'• O.r~ of o,.,.,._ Cu••"'" c-. '•b 26 IW2 l'obl .. ll w.,, 1 10 , 1 J4 1'181 • n .... ,.,..,,, a..tO" fl t«llO '11:9 u I'VIUC IIOTICE STATDUirT cw ~ or "'' or ncTn10UI IUSUI'OS ..... TM toUOwtOQ ~·--· --. •••• t..ado. .,cf ~h. ~.~. ot th• hcht~~t.t• bill•,, .. •• ,..,. toor;SHOr ON TltE ISLAMD ., ...... ,.. A,..,. a.ttK .. , ••• ~ CA 'I~J Tt.. ... '''""'"'' \.oh,.,... ,.. •• , • ._,,"""':f •M.,. ••• f•t.d IP\ r "'' MAr J<lfl o. .. c~ w.,..,,d 49ll a. .... , LA,.. lr.," .. CA q-z'71~ ~••o• \lrru ~d .. }J a.. •••. ...,d t,..,.,. lr••,_ CA Q2715 fi,. 0...-·~ ••• o.du ·-d l:'<t .,\ J>d•'oddoi S.~,.... 0.•-4 W•wtor.i r"•• ..... fi't... •n l l...t ..... ~ c"""'• ....... ,, • Or."". cO\,rw• "" f•b "' Q8J ,.~ .• ~ ..... ' ~ " /4 • .-~ n.. ... .,. 'I ~· ruiUC 110t1e1 f1C11T100S aoiiiiiSI IIAIG: ITA TDUJIT n.. W)o.... ..,..,.. •'• ....... J av .. -., r.AIISAMUK'A 1..110\J,. J n " .... ...,.... o.,.. S.·t"' • ..... J.' ,, a...-h CA '*l ....,_, 0 ~ P• ~ll W ... ftow., S.••• A•~ ( A ~ o.,..,. .. 0.•4 (",1\,, • .,IIJt •• JlO. C..qoo A.. M D o• _.... "'- CA~ n... btt .. lllo... • C~4 I 1-J fy • 9-•"•'•1 p.etiiiM'n thp S.ctr -.d ,.,_ '• • D Kopo n ... , ..... ~. ••• ' ·~ ., , Co,."'' CS.•• ot o. • .-.,. l , ... ~ 1911 l'.hl _. M4• I ICJ • '¥ T._. ""-"'''' llo.,.• rlt«ll"' .. , ..... PVIUC IIOt1CI IIOnc& ~ 1'irWTIE' IA.U: ""''"' T S II 0164 IW 0.. ..,,,.., A ,_, ., • I~ ~ ... , • • -'Mil ,, ... ., ., ..... ,.,... ."' ..... .. .. ,_ oW Or-.... ...,. ••• Ch,,.._,_,. .... ...... N ..... A•• • .,.., ......... ""' t,.c. .................... s. .... . A .. CA r• W ---··-Cot' • c ........... rorof"IIJOf..... •• r.-.... ...,...,..., r •• -....... ............. ..r ......... w., •• s r •••• ..,.. L,...... 11111 •··~· ....... c•IW T.-,_.,. lool• ll 1111 ......... _ ... JllUI .. .... 141W ,_ ..... ()lt..-..t .... $ .... .. Ot-C...•" CA .,,_. .. .,....,.,. __._ ......................... -,........... .. ......., -o~ .... u • .-.._ .... ,_ ........... - ~ ...... _ ........... .. ,_.,...,...,._ofltwltoiM ,._,. ............ C..··~ OM .............. '--14 ........ ,_ A.W•t-.. ....._. ........ -"'"-_..... ....... ,.... ................. ... ....... c... ................ .. c-.. ._..._ ........ _ ... -· ··-... , ...... ~ ............. ...._ ....... CA ............. _...,.._ , __ ..... __ _ ncb ....... .._ .. ...,_ .. ''"' .............. ... ............................ _ ........................ .... ......................... --~...__ ..... _ ..... ......., ... _ .. .. .................... ....... ...... 0 ;Kr•O... I ._. .. ........,. CA-m• ...... ,._ .. ---.~ ... ,...... I "'"~ .... The Rewpwt ENp W..t....tay.lla:rctllO. 1-Pap U .............. ,. -.. ~01'1 of Ff'11nee''; •tr~~t.a­ tion by Atlen Hubbwd. 4 p.m. in the Audhor- lufn. Tlckata.,.. t3, .2 for eeniorl and kidl ~12. ...... ~UDiftea , ......... ........ , ... ._. • eeminar by David Ro., 1 p.m. Saturday, March 13 in the N8'hp0rt Harbor High School Audi- torium. eo.t is $35. Information: 567-6015. ~~4-- Audll ........... How They ..._ •• to be presented by Friendl of the Newport Theatre Arts Center. 2.501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach at 7:30 p.m. March 8 and 9. Three women and six men are need~ ed. Information: 61f>.3143 Of 642-8119. -.,.,. Dencera Wanted! Costa Mesa Senior Citizen's Square Dance Club meets every Thursday morning at 11 a.m. at the Downtown Neighborhood Commu- nity Center. 1860 Anaheim, Costa Mesa. Call 54S-5669. c.,.. FIN Art E•- hablt ..... Auction 7 p.m. Friday, March 12 at Irvine Coast Country Club. 1600 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Works by Oali, Rosenthal. Neiman. Rockwefl, Kelty and lesser known artists will be offered. Admission is $1 donation, and there will be a no-host bar. Funds raised will go to the non-profit youth agency. Art cl•••• few klda an 8-week program beginning Saturday. March 13 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Gael Theroux PVIUC IIOfCCI: P'ICIIillOOi __.. U..ITAn.DIT !'1M ..... ,. ~ .,. 0..,.,"14J .,_.,COSTA MISA lWOGDi C"1' P'H\'SIClAJIS lO I V ~... 5t c ..... ..._ c.-IU6l7 a ..... A """' cr-.-, .. h W D l.-r: • CaJ•'ore ... ~,.....,_ 9016 Arr~ld A- C...:••-..., CA ~17Jfl lw•'-• N H.ftd N D r..., • C•Okt-..-.... r-ot ...,,.,._ tOll II .... to.l 5t G~lo CA t l JC» ..,,..,._, G<-•dc>o Womo W 0 ..00 v.,. Co"••• A"•h••• \A '1401 f'••i M u., ~ '4 D I" C.l.lo,Au ~'" '"' .. 7 • .. "' ..... , ..... ~ CA 9'~9 Th11 ttt~Y40.,.. • oad .... ted bt • 1•,. •••• p.et1-..ntup S.oo.cf fltM,., A w., ~-lo ltC D 1 .. fb&J -•'•••'~' ••• I , .. t • "' n• l OWl'" C"ioeJit <" Ot.-~..)• c-._... • ' Job lf> l-1111 , .til•' w., J Th• H.• PI "' l et.q , ,,....., ' .. ~ ~ .. "'IUC IIOnct ncTmC)os wsun:ss IIUO: ST A TUOJrT Ttw J &h. • • ., ;. • { ..... ,__ ... A.tT£1 C't ' SCHO~UIG(ll ._. f • " ftt,. t-..... fl'... .. n4 .,. .. , e. • .......... S..l•~• ~~t ., ....... . y._,. ... ...... •• • -· ... C a•• ("'1••• • "' ,. '•t:"' •• '-~·"' ~ . -~ ,.._1"'V. ''" .,,., f ,k_l ""' ... PV11UC IIOnct ncTTTlOU$ IUSIJU:SS llAJII ITA TOt arT r..,.. • U·····•<~ ~,~ • , •• ..... • C'OAST PLAN otsll -" 4 •l &--.. -. ... n [),,.,. N l# H J 'QI ~. h (. • ....... ~ .. •-· • " •• • ~ .......... h ,,. •• " •• ,.,,,....,4M ..... ~ t #I> ~ ...... r .... " • "....,. .. ..d ,, •.-.J t, , t •·<flit •' -\. '"' ...... N ·-·• It,'" .. ~ . " ~ .. I'VIUC IIOTICf ncttnOVS IUSIJH:SS IIAIU Sl" TtltDfT "'"' ..,.. • ' r• ' ~ •• OjJ~ l >fl~ ''·'"'"' ... , ... .... • • • t ..,,. • ' e.. • • f • ,..,.. '·· .. r •. • • 'W ,j ,_ ... • t 1!1. I .. ·-r~~o. • .. ,,._ ... .t -1 "• • t •• "' ~· .......... t .. , ...... . 1'• ........ fllfl• ...... • II. II'W t ...... ,. ~lP·• ... o.. ,.. r ... 17 ,.., P\.u .. a-,....,_ J• .,.,., ' ,.., • r ... ""·•·. ' fiiiiJ il "'""' fiV8UC: IIOl'la fCftiiOUi __.. ...-nA1'a.Jrt n.. ... ""'-... ,.......,.,... •t• ,('IN.,.. ~""'""' •• OIAIICI C(.)UMTY IIIOAL U IYICIS 101t4 •-·-a.. a. ...... a.-c • tl60 c....... c..... ton• W••·-A.. g.,...., Q,... CA .-.1 ""-' ,_ 111 w c- --.. '•"--CA y,..., u ....... lei* ............. A .. C.... c-CA .-.J ,,...._,, .......... 1101 I 0. .... .,,,. L S.a ,. ...__ CA W1Ut '••' A-.,., .... , •• t Ll-o4&o A-o.- CA ~ ...... a..,,. IOIJJ .---•-.....,c-c.-_, o....a.-........_ n c-. llooi...._O....,.C AA ...... ....... ... ....... Ot_ • 0 0 , ... ''0. c..-... AMt.. c .. ~"-..._ ....... o.-,CA n.._ ............. --· ... ..__..... ..... .,..-...... ~c...o. ... T\e - -..... ""' C'loooeoft a..• oil o.- "*11. .......... be .. wUt lnMrl.IQ. Tuition 18 t50 fOf member~. teo for non-members. Cafl 758-1122 fOf sign-up and inforrn8tion An ......... to .... ........ lttc:Mo u.ht .,._. produc· tioll of "The o.ert Song" takes off 7 p.m from OCC's Auditorium ~rking lot on Wednnday. March 17. TICkets are $15, 8\jlBIIabfe at the campus ticket office. ..... 7 .............. entedbytheFtwe _......, Opere 8 p.m March 5,6, 12 & 13 tn the OCC Auditoreum Reserved seating only. $5. lnformateon 566-f627 OCC'a 14tt. A...,.l Juz En18mble F .. t1we1 is stated for March 25-'Zl. Ttekets are now on sate. only $8 each pre-sale, $9 each at the door. Ticket infor- mation: 566-588> .,.... ......... ......... c:oncart by keyboet-diat Mark SMmON 8 p.m. Satur- day, March 13 en OCC's Fene Arts Hall 119. Tteketa are 83 presale. t4 at the doOf ....._.Youth .,......_., Orchestra W111 perform works by Vivaldi. Saint-Saens and Beethoven 2:30 p.m. Sunday. March 14 ~ Golden West College. Forum II. Tickets are $2. UCI Wind E.,...,.,.. will perform 8 p.m Fn day and Saturday. March 12 and 13 •n the school's Fene Arts Village Theatre T•ckets are $3 general. $2 for students "TheG~6ere" G1lbert and Sullivan's corrnc opera to be presented by the UCI Drama Workshop 8 p.m. March 10 through 13 1n UCI's Fine Arts Little Theatre. HH 161 Tickets are $3 general, $2 for students. RECORD SWAP MEET ORANGE COUNTY, CA. Sunday, March 14 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (lnd the eecond Sundtly of every month.) HOLIDAY INN • COSTA MESA S.D. Fwy (~) .. an..ot, bit South BUY • SEU.. • TRADE ALBUMS • ~·, • 71'1 • NEW AND USED • PROMOS TAPES • POSTERS • BUTTONS • PINS • IM~TS COLLECT ABLES • CUT .OUTS • MANY BARGINS ,Of lttlui I 1111 on' 11a1M1~ o..rs.....a:ee- n .. • ..... .. . C'£N'Tt.-i'WI"'' C .. ., H., ~ ,...., c •..... ~ o.,.n l ,. • ' \a ,6 l••o• A • [ ,, J ... ,. ~ ~."k, tt W •• n., J l "'•• ... d (" t ......... C'· ... ,.,}'-. .... .. '~-.. ... ,.. 1'\nUC II()TlC[ IIOnct Of T11US Ttl' 'S SAU fr"' ... , f. • . .... s -- ,.,_ .0 "'• '-I ~· •I • • t,._., • T • .,., .. ..,. t:• 'ot/11• •j H ......, •... , ' • .. f ... ., .. ~~~~~~-·· • •1'\d .. .. t-t ""' .,.. t, ,. ,... , lid._., ..... A • • •rd c;~,,' 4 •''•' l'll•o•hootro; • w'"'"' h •. T ..... ""ct• •• .. ,, • (";,.,.A W,1._ t-••-t [lo.-"' """'~· • ..~,...,., ... , ..... ,. •"" t w , .... I r, 4 t t • •• r .,.d .,,. "'' Ill •• ••ut ~r••• I"' r-r•• •" t , ..... ,,.....i M•• " ' 19ft ............... " ~. ~· ,..._,, ,'40• 14 .. 1 I lloff,, • R..._ Cl"ct~ oi 0taf\q• 1o. tit • l .th. •••• u•d p.,,,,...,". , .... ••••' N ... " I O.l•wt' •-'d f ·~ 6;1. • ~II "•r• tl\·t• ,_.Ot6.t Clt-• &w• • ~ • n•l w W\ ... '1'1' tli.r"l • 411 to-... I •• ' L ·~ I .. -~~ , ...... _.., ,.,., ......... "" ..... ~...-'~·tw-• ..... ,,._.. ...... )\1\ A. .... ( .. ~,,.. , .......... v.u., "· o. ... -, ... ,, k • ..,. ·~ .. ~,, .... , ...... \..... .... ,..,.,....l,.. .... 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AS~ .-14 II f " "' c;, • ... .... J • • ' -,__ "UI UC "''TI I llCllTlOU<. IU~NI':S' IIIAMr SU t £MUfT .... • I Vf I< I' !A 1 H ' .. ,. .. ' ' ... " .. 4 •• ., .. loi'.. • • \ I ~ t .. . ' ,. ... , .. kl ,, iliii t ., ....... " I . . ~ . .. PVaUC IIOTICT nc;TIT'ICMA IVSPIDS llAilil n Anwan .. ...... f\. t.t~ww ......... -• ... 1••.,•-•• UVlllllf ltiAIIA\;rwpn 5t1VtCU .... , I "~ ~ a~ . ._ '"' ............ .... h c--.-• .,.,.. )A~~ ,, ......... o..... ' 1 ~ .... -. c .. -. Mwoh-..... ~ CA t.11>4e Th1• .,... .. ,......,. .. r Md1K .... •• t n •t ....... _! ................ '--IIlL I.,_, ... .... n... """'• .. •• ••• hW .... ,_.. c. ..... c .... ~ (')...,... C':nw•1f ... , ... 111.1 .......... M•r I 10 17 ,. ltlN"' n...._ ... _ .. "~ PUIUC .OtiCI ... ,,,.,. ..... U.ITA~ r~. ~ ......... ,_. .... ...,..,. ..., ... _ .. U OIVIITOIIS. 4410 Voo IC...... Aw ~!..port ~Nell. 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"' .... ha.d Wll~ ·~ Cov~t.&y c .. ,at of o,."~ CO\olftiY o• fob 16 1M2 Pvblooh rob 24 Wor I 0 17 1M2 •• n..ll.-poll t:n.,qo 1113065 NUI5 PUIUC !tOne% AJUHI T.a ...... ..,. NOT'IC!: Of' T11USTU'S &AU 0.. W.rclt II 1M2 ol I I • • "JIST AWPICAII TrTU INSUJIAifC[ COWPAJrrCT • C•hktt .... cotpof•ttOft •t f i\UI.. VI ~<" ....... , l1~ Of Sw~thHed r....... of Uw.l C.t\eU\ o-d ..t Tr~• •..c~to4 ~~~ Alloo W s. ... u •od H•t.n G S.••" ofld r-.cetded W.y ll 1910 ., tft..Mtu•ee fto 12471 •• boo• IJ61) ~qo TIO ol Ott~ .. l Rerc.c..td~ "' Ot•oo-CV¥"'' C•l1t.Gt•.. •ftd pwt•WDI t(t th41t ~ft.tn N~ec• o4 o.t. .. h •a4 D.r1kJA K S.ll th•••~-.d•t rKord.d No~t~ 4 l 'lflt .. . ,_..,_.,..,., nu lSSI tn ~· I47'N pot..,. nw uf Olltc .. l "--co•d• uf .... d c~""" wtU unO•• •«Mf pun .,.•nl •• ..,~d o..d ~ Ttwtl .. u •• p-..biM 1 11( 'to" tot < .. .,. le•twl I!N;tfll•'f uf ,,.. 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'"'d ....,._.c_ •• '""' ,,,.,. o• tkfo ,,.,,.,., r_.bf\c-••~ uf '""' ~-.. 1 S.l-o u '>74 •s O.rrd '•·l II lf.Jif!J ' , r A,_ .. ,., .,. t ,j,. '""'"''•• • Ct."tt·••·' • c.t.t, ,, .... utt"uf•'wt. • S ~~· Jt-4 T'" ...,.. 0.• Q,,. .. ,vd Au•t,•' a.-d Ott • .-•• 114 t ~" S. S.••• A .... C A ~nOJ ''"' ~ )JII P otJI,,.f, f l ... W u• ~ I (,j j lfo T~. N•·"'t , f t '" NUl,. ruauc NOncE NOTICE or DEA Til OF ROD:IIT A1AK CAMP AND OF PmTlOM TO AI>MIJIISTEJl ESTATE NO. Allllll To ell 1\etB, b.oeftctenM, cred1tor•. conhnqenl cr.d1l· ors, end pereona who mey be otberw... •nter .. e.ct .,, the wul or ... ete of ftob.n Alan Cemp. decect.ot A peliiJOn h.. Men lu.d by o.n .. J Letqblon, (CoOMrvetor or the Pereon ud Llete of Betty Holl<iey C•mp) 1n the 5\ipet 101 Co~&r1 of Ore nqe Co~&nty req~&eellnq thet Den1el lete~hton be eppo101ed u penonel repr-n~hve to ed mLn..Cer the •••• of the decedent The pe11110n re qu..te eutbonty to edmuueler the eetele ~&oder the lndepen d@nt Adm1n1Airehon of EatetM Act A hNrtDQ on the petition w1U be held to Dept No 3 et 700 CIVIC C.nter I>nve w.-. S.,nt• Ane. CA 92701 on Mer 17,li82•t9l0em l1 YOU OBJECT lo the qrenllAQ of the pelthoa , you •hould •••her •PPM• el the h .. rlllq end sta le your ob)ec· 110M or It&. wntlen ob,.cttODI w1tlt the cour1 Mfore the h .. nnq Yovr ep.,..rance .. Y be til penon or by your attorney l1 YOU Alll A CIEDIT 0 11 or • c:ollll1J19elll c~edttor ot tiM clec....d, you •Will I•&. yOvr ca.1• wdll ~lite covn or p.-1 u 10 ,.,. penoaa.l .... , ...... ~--by tt.. CC~\~11 wttht.a lour •oolha fro• tlae d.te of hnl -ace ol ._...,. M provld.d lA MC· IIOA 700 of Lll• Cahlorna. Pr* .. 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M\lry Corono .S.I Nor, CA 8~ FernlooJ C•le. o Cohlo•••• ""'""'"'-· 2640 I Cooot H•Y Coroao •• W.r CA 9Xl5 Tit ....... ..,_ ,. -...l..ctod br • ~· porot-!tq...d lod•lh A hoci\...Jl Voce Pt .. ..S.or '•••IMI C•l• Th.. ...,.._, ••• hlod w111t the c ...... , ct..~ ol o. ...... c-....... Feb 16 1111:1 P,bl..... r.b 17 24 .... 10. ltG 10 Tlto Mowport loo..,o tltl04S rwuc..ana nc:TmOUIIIUIIRDa U.ITATDIJ:Irf TM ~o~~ow... ..,_ ,. clout<! bwar-o.o rAil Dn'OlPAISlS le!f7 lrrch !It s.,,. SSl "-•port a..clo CA 82MO .._, Dol. W.r~t.ood J+OI llod Hrll A.. No a T••"• CA 92610 fh..-b~'lt .... .a CvadYCt-ci by .,. '" .s ....... , s.., .... ,._, w •••• .,.., Th... • ....... "' ••• hJ..d ••th th.- Covntv c .. ,., ol Ot•n.o-C.~tuuy on , •• Zl 1M2 Pwbl'"" '•b 17 l• Wor 10 IM2ro T ... llowport Eo .. "" rt 12002 N 1!648 PVK.IC NOnct ncnnc>UIIUSIIfEIS IUUO aT A 1tMzJrT n.. loUowlllQ ~rtiiOtt• .,. dotaq boom-.. GaNINI ~AIICIAL. 4 COlt POllAn; ri.A.Z.A SUITI 205 Newport Ieee~ CA t2MO 11•-11 VetDon NQIM l W.tnN •I Co1of\• d•l ..... c. 82625 Thn bu••,.... •• rvoduct..d b'l • ltf'Wrt.d ,.rln•r•h•P StQn.d M-.....!f V .. _ Tht• •••-.••n •u ht.d ••'h th• Count'f c .. ,. ol Otenq• C -tv"'• OM Fob IIi 11111 P..blt.ll Job 17 24 W.r J Ill lMJ •• n.. N•wporl !A..qft r tal04t MillO ruiLIC NOna ncnnovs IUIII'UI "AM liT ATOUJrf n.. ~ •. ...., .,., .... "' .. ~ b-o n l'lNG OUTCHNA" RES.tAJICH C'< .. J 0. ••• On•• s.. ... lJ ~~..,. • ... I CA ~ Got-I f••·n>t. M S..a4 ,..., Ou""• ._.1 a. .c., CA ft.h 4t n ... ~..... • d-.. ...:t b •• ,,. d,.,.,.. .... , s"'' ...... c,., •• t r ...... " ... Tlh-. _..,_.,.,., ••• t.l-d ••lr. IM CCNoly c&... ' n, .... ,.. c: ""'"'' Ofl ... ll ltll '"blo~h r... 1 J• w-, ao 1982 I" Tt-. ...... P' , l n-.Ht• fi81.U7 ,.U5S ..vauc 110na: nc:TITIOUS IUIIIRDS M.Ufl! STATDUJn Tl\• kHto•••• ,.,~•• •r• do•no b .... _ •• POITWIST PIIOI'IJITlU INVlSTOilS J 1:2 1000 O...tl s~,,. no Nowpotl a..,.h CA 4121110 '-h w c .... p<>l. 226<1 hrnw<>Od ll TvrCI C• 926JQ Ttt~ b"'''"~ .-' ud., t.d bY • h,.,,~ J'•''"•••'-'P s .. 4-.H 1 •r·t- Cuu •PO•• re-.. ..., ... o. .., t.t..M ,..,,._ lh• Cov111t• C .. ,~ of o .• ,...,.. Cuu_._,,. , .. 16 1'117 r,.bl.oll h i> t 7 14 Na• I tO ~~ •ll Ttw ,..,.._PY'' '""~" "1.104' MtJI IJ PWUCNOnct rtCTIT10CIS I UIUfDI "AMl:ITATDCEIIT Th.-kll •••<~ ,.,-.,"' .,. .._,.. t b ~ • THl 111£>K'H OUAIITlll C:HACUTO ll AN110UES 2Nv t c .. I H-.., c If • d• .... CA, ~~ Jud,th Ar a. .-e-,.•11 ,._,.. fll ~•• L .. .-.. H••""''' .... h C A tlbtt&J ~ .. ,.tt'• Ve"q._,, I ~~~t .. ~1 1\16 Mu•to. l••·• N.r•P'I'•' ...... ._ CA ll614 Th·• ..... n ... • '' ~ ,.,,ff.,, t.d 'h • l}'"'n•••' ,._.,,,_, .. h,( S.t:tt .-d f •-' ._ A •• w "-" '.... ... ••• ._ •• 4 ..,. hHtd •·'" ••• Cu "''' c .... ~ I (), .. ,.,,. c.,. ,,, r,.,. I 6 I '117 , oMI..J\ ,,.b / 1• M .. , .l Itt I #Al '" T~ ~·r •• [o '''' ""1()4~ IHA/1 PUIUC .one& ncTI'1'IC:lW-a.u.na,....., n.. ~ .. -......... . ~ ... ,.... •• IOUTM 'tOWIII UNJTIJ) .. ........... ..... .. ... .J05 ._.,hoc~ CA ~ A_.._.~ C••-0. rh1 • ... C-.. • Col koro .. .,.,..._ .._ "-cAr .................................. Cot.c n. .. -.. ._.._..... .... ~.. .... ,..,,_,.... ... -o. .. "- n. .. -·-~.w-... c ...... a. .... 0.·-c ....... , -Felt I IIG ,......, Not ) 10 17 14 IIG •• '~---ea... rw. .._, , .......... _ .... IU,....., no ....... ,.....,_-._. ......_ • IIJIUR.IC IIALn a • VUTIIftii'T 1411 ... At!kt ~ hrtela .............. CA-..... ...,,..,..._,.0..,.•~ t...,.._ J41.t ............. s....aoo, .._._"c .... n...._.~ ... ---.............. ..._ • ........ .,...., ......... a.,. n. .. -..-_ ............. c-•• ~ ~ o.o.-a-..-• ,,. a .... ,........ Not I IO 11 ~l-• ............... ,...., fVIUCieOI'ICZ '"'"IIOUe ...... ....-nATDmn' no. ......... .....-" ...... ..__ .. .... m C'C*S'111UC TIC*, 212 1-'"" It . C.. ..... C:. Ull7 ~ L Ku-212 I t•ll 11 .c-..... c._., n .. -...... it~ ... .., ..... .,,......,,_... ....... LILu,_ n... ---IIW ....a tlto c_., C\od <I q..... c ......... .... 18,11G P,WW. ,... J4. .... l. 1(!. 17 ltG .. n......._. ..... ,~~~~ riCtlnoat._.. .... ITAftMDIT n.. ........... -• """"o bur•-o.o PATILCI JtiJIIY GUDDrS. m a. ,...., w.--.....,... c:. taal ... ...-Ho.ry' O....,~ttp. Ia .. ....... w..- ...., ... C. .. I n........_.~ ... ..., .... tl••otlool s....... Polttc k K ~tory n .. _,_, ... ..,.,,.,. c-·•• c~a •• o1 o.-eo...t, ... , .. 18.11G P,bbalo ,. :l4, .... l . 10. 11. 1M2 •• ,.... ........... l&o"'• , 113412 .uaiC .one& nc!I110WICIUd:U IIAIIIIIT AnJIIIIT Tho lollo-,..._ .. tlouq b-.. NIWPOtT WllfDOW liiADn'IMANCI, 1100 In-"". ...._...,, IIHclo. C. llaNO loo ..... ....... 1100 b•••• A•• • Nowporl IIHcli.C.qaQ Tluo ...._ .. corod!Ktotl ..., .... do• rd...! ........ loa I htero Tkoo ... _, -hlo4 wotlo ,.,. c-• .., a... ol o.._ eo.... Oft '"' 16 IIG ......... ,... 24 .... l 10 11 IIG •• n.. ...._, '-ra r IIJ011 PVILIC II01ICK nc:IJIIOGS..._.. iiAIG ITATDIDIT n.. .......__ ........ .,__ o.o CASaAM PIIOOUCTlOIC$ 4lS c..n..•-A-Co<oao ,... Not CA lli2S Cotoody le...a..t 435 c.,.. •-A.,. Co•""• tlool Nor CA 82GS Tlla too..-10 corodvclod by •• •• .. , • ..,,.., Soq...t Cuody .. ....._, T ......... _, -hlod ...... IM CO\Ioly Clor~ .,. 0.•-c-oly oo ,.., .. 1M2 Plli>lulo ,.., 17. 24 Nor l tO I M2 '" Tloo I'.WJ>C>*I "-<!• ti130J8 MU34 n.. lollowuoq -'" d<><oq but.-•• SJtATIIX. 17910 Sh Puo c .. cle trvtne, Co 82'714 w,n .... o.. " .. · m•• torcL-. w ... ..,n v-CA 8~ nu. bu .. ~ ... conduci.d bw •• tn dtw.d .. l S>Qnod Wlllt11,. Ora a .. Tit• _. ...... , ... bW wtth •k• Co-untY C'-rlrl of 0.·~ Co.••• c,a '" 16 1M2 Pobl.... fMI 17 2• Nor 10 1812 •• T~ lf.wpon lroooQa f ltl047 NU21 nC!IIIW 8USIXfSS .,..ITATINDT no.........__ • .,..,. ~~-• C\.ASSIC IICTDPIIJSIS 177 , .......... o. ................ ....,. tCA 9aMl """'-' I a.-. J7SI I•~ Ito-lloaolallo HJ ..a T" .. .,.._ .. corod!Ktotl by •• •• dtw ... o.t ,..,_.. Noc"-1 I a.- n....--t.w"""'"" c-··· Cleol ol o.-c-... .... , .. 16 1M2 P.bb~ 'o~ 17 :H. Ill•• l 10 ,.., •• n . M•WJJO'' a....,q,. rtllO<U I'VIUC ..ana: IK)nCE 06 ftuniZ"I SALE NW·8377 llo r ISJ3 Oo Word• 2•. 1812 ot 10 • ,. 1111 PUIAL COJIPOIIATIOM Of AMUICA ... doly _..., T....- v•det ••cl pw~t 10 0.... ot Tr_. t«''f-NoKit J0 19?9 M t-t Jto 4lOSI _. ll08. -0 113 ol 01 loctt~l ~ordo • .....,..., by loh Ho... •• .. n .. n ...t .... a.a tr~ •• ,.,. olhu ol ,.... eo.,.,,., ilecotdot ol Oruqo c-oty S.... of C:.h...._.. WJU SlU AT PVJUC AUC"ne* TO HIGHEST JIDOU rO ll CASK lp.yo..W •• •-ol oolo "' lo..t".J _,., "' ·~ u ....... ._, ...... Nott.. lr-Of'l ..,...,.~ lo .. c.-••• • Co~utlw-M 100 Ct¥1C' c-.. , Dnw w .. , s. ..... A... CA oU ,..... r.tlo .... ..... , ... COlt ...... .., ....... ._.... b\' .............. 0.... ol Ttw.ll LA , .. prb p.tl' ........... 1a ..... Co..t .. ly • . .d: St•,.d-.cn._. M Loo 1a ,. llod II __..,. ~~ ..,,_ •• s 00 -.......................... . • 00 ,_ ol Lot It •I 111oc• It oil ol Tr..-. Mo m •• ·~ Ctlv ol -..._, .. K" .. .a.o.a -• a.p ter.t.of ,_,......, .. _. ZJ -• ... __ ..... toeof. ol .... o.._c_ r • .,.,.. • ·-·• ,..,..,..-,.., ...,, -.._,.... .. otl --ooll•r ....... roc-.,-. ... .,..,..,..., ........ ..... ..... rltor _, be pr..t....,. lro• , ... ·-........... ....., ............ .. •••••Ateq to .. ...t • ..., ... 4.c-t~ b~l ..ot )u.lMCI fO ...... ct ............ . to ... pkw• ku ctnll for ~ pro d JCe ead ••h•C't ..... • ........ , ,~ .. , ..... , ..... ,.h,., ..... tft dtrll •h-" ........... .t.c ......... .... lor ,.,. .,.._ .. ftplot-lot tlt.U ,.., ............... p ..... .,.,_ ........ tt.ch.,. od qM ..... ...,...,., .. .,..~.,..• ... ..... -"" ... '" •tMI _,,.., ....... .... 'lfe.tee-..,., ...... ..& ......... ,....,. 6H ... .. ~ -·--a..~ .... - (.....ofa .ad._..... tM.t ... tU •~ ot ...... ,_."'' c.,.-... .. ......... ......,.,.. oo4 _ .. •oil -... ,.. -)W wol_.,,...-~,.._,._.,., .............. ......-. .,.. ............ ... .... "'--IIH.-....... ..... 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IICftfiOW-.... .,A,.._ n.. ......... ...--...... '-'-• ACI W.. lliiDDfQ • ,,......noti, IUCI Y-a.-. ,_ V_...,, CA WJIDI. ...._, v..-. lloctat a.-lUC T- ·-· ·-V.._,, CA .nat; H•••••elltltle ..... •••1. llo~tl V...&.. HJ40 Y-....... , .. .-V...,. CA .a101; Aalle v..-. ~ VaN&. a.... 11J40 T-~~. ,__ V....,, CA enot: llolpll VaN&., "-1 0 v..-, IIJ40 T-lb-, ,..,..lallo V.U.,.. CA .,.. n.....__.~~· ~_...... ............. v ..... -..-no. ..._, -w.l wr&a doe c-ty C\oflr .. o.-c-ary - .... 411G ........... Mar 10, 17, J4, ll IIG ,. n..M.wpona..... FII:MIM ..., PVIUC leOI1CZ ...... ncnltJOc.-..,....,,.,...., n.. ......... ...-........ lroeoteeoo •• IUI"A PAll A.DOCIATII NO l. 110 ...._. c..-o-. ....... JZ21, ........... .._... c. ... o...w .._ . 5410 n. T ........ '-a-ct.. CA 90103. no-0 L.t.M. lOG3 ~­ .... M~ Loq... M..-J. CA GIT7 no. ......_ it.,..,..._.. ..., • !.ailed .................. o...w._. n.to -... blo4 ....... c-... Ck•• .,. o.._ Couty - W..4.1111:1 .........., Nor 10, 17 24, ll JIG Ia T~....._.._. FII4JIII HI* PVIUC IIOTIC2 ii011CS 06ILICTIOIII N011CI IS ta:aDY OIVDI rt..t • ....... ..,_, _ ............. ........ ~ a..-. Will ... ........... c .. ,., .......... .._.._ T__...y, J,... I IIG ... ....._,. •,.... _ .. ........,.._ .. "St..JI a.c-l II~ el ... ........... hoclo .......... C-'o ~ ......,...,_ .. r.-Oc ...,..._.,, .. ,_ .... __ , (6"1 .... -........ .., _. ...... -·-· ..... --tft, .... .-u. ........... __ .. ~ ..... ...., .. ___ ...... .. ...... .. ~1.1111. ......... ... ..._..,......~.A.tlodemJ.Iol .,...,.Co•••...,_..,~ .. ~_., __ _....,...., .... __ .......... , ........... . ,..,..... of .... -"' .....-4 .... _ .. .... ............. ~ ........ ,.. n.. .,.u. .. .u ... -.... _ .... .....,. el -o'dor• • • Mel _...., o"cloc• p • w ..... l ~ c..,.a..~ o-.1 Motdoll 1112 ~._. Norell 10. 1M2 ,. T~ ...._.._. ...., P1DUC W011CE -~~-JeO'IIC:Z Of' o.ATB or aVJT ... umoa.. aka avu IJUGII. AIID OF Pl1nl<* TO u.IIIIIID DYAd 110. Alla.l ToaDIMin.~ • c:TedUon. cootbt9ftl credit· on, aad pe~ wlllo -Y b. otbenrile lllle~ 1.11 tU wUI or ....... of lu.by W SpMq.l, ab Ruby Sptravel, ~ A petiboa lllu be.. bJ.d by lac~ S WurphJ . elt:a JacqueiiDe Sp~el Wurp~J 111 tile Sllpenor Covt of Oraac:~• Cocutty r~ that Jac· q1M11.uM S WlllpltJ be ep· po4.1lteci .. ~_. rep,_. aaa .. to ........ ,... tlle .,.. .. of tU ~ •. n.. J*jbos reque.ta eulJiority 10 .daJ.D • ...., lU ....... IJJ!d.T lU lD· cJ.wpeecletlt AdablWraboD of ..... Act A ~ oo tU petllioA .W b. IMtld ID Ot.pt. Ho 3 at 700 Ctnc c.. Dri,. w .... Saar. Aa., CA IIZ'101 oe Mar 24,1tG.-t:lO•.• II YOU Q8JICT to tlae 9'Uiill9 o4 tile peellioa, )'011 ._.. •u..r .,.,..., •• • ... -.n..o ea4 ..... JOilf o.bt-c· t-.. or fila wrlnera oii)«:UC~u witll tlle c-.rt ...,. tile ...... riA9 ,_, eppeal- .., M l!a ,.1"100 Of b, your etto,_, IJ YOU AU A ClliDI'f, 011 or a C'Oia6BIII1 ~ ., .... '-••• JW .... .. ,_, eWa ....... 001lr1 ........................ "'" I ......_ qp I ... ~ ... _".,...,.,., ...... boa llte4Wefll .... ._,, o4 ..... , ........ -=· .._ '100 .. .._ Csletnat,a ........ c...n. ....... ................... ........... , ...... ~..-... ... al .......... .....,.,.. ..... YOU MAY a ..... lite .... .... -.., ... _._.,_ _.,._, 0 1 , .. ... ......... .., ... ....... ..................... del_ ......... .. ... 1 ......... _ ... ..... , ....... ... ......, 1···-........ c· ,.. a... ewe:. ................ AI· ...... ..... Ill W' ....... ~ o. .... . ...... -....... . -···· .....uc tiOI'iCI ncnnocra ..... U.l'fA~ Tloo .......... ,._ II ..... .._ .....,_ • UTTIIII IIIOf'1SIIOIIAL IDV1CD. l:aD ~ lr . ._I 8Mclo, CA 1*3 0.... lt.IMI "-· 1:10 ... .. ......,..." .._ ... c:. eat3 Tb ..__ 10 eorwlo>e ... "' .. • ... ~ ....... a...u-,... __ ............... c;_..., 0..~ .,. O.o-C-.ty - , ... 11,1812 ~ ,.. 17. J4. .... J. 10. lta.n..l4ew_t ....... r tiJOC ND45 PVIUtC IKmC& nc•moc~~­u.na~ n.. .......... -II 4oleq --• GaAIHIC c:otrOruJDCA noMS. liD ,_....., ,_, I ....._.. ~. CA 93110 0...111 ltdleltl tt.... 243112 o--c ...... .....,_lliq1tel. CA qa ,..... ......_ • corodadetl ..., .... d,.,.. ........... Dll l.u• n ..... _. ... ....., "~" ,.,. c .... ,, Cl«~ of o.-c_.,, o• , ... II. 1M2 P,i>b.tl ,... 17. a4, Nor l 10 1111:1 .. ,.... N.Wpofl "'""'" rt83041 NUll PUIUC.:mal .... ,. f'iCIIItJOc.-U.ITAn.rn' ""~ ....-.......... '-'-oo YD1WD't T AC1ITa IMC • 171·· ......... ·-· .._. ........ CA 1*3: V-.e Yec ... ..,__, lac . o ... Tad ~-. ltla "'-"-....... .....,._, l4ew Toth II~ n.. ,.__ • ........_... .., • OOf• .....-......,. s.-a•n•. Soc-.,. v_,. ,..,._ ........_ .... '""'--lilo4 ......... c-.ty C\ort ... o.-c-ary .... Mar •• IIG ............ 10. 17 l4. ll. 1112 .. ,.... ............... ,I...., -..cmaa......::u ..cmaa • aaoc:ao. JIOa LA .... a • Dr\ A..O ~-...... ~-_......_ .. ._a-.. .. ........... _ tt' ... a..... ................ _ • ........ I .... __... __ .. ...,.._ ....... -.... • rtf t. .._... .. , .... ..., ~......,..... ... .............. __ .. ....... ..., ........ o.-- -Tl I .. .W-,_ -to ,.,) ..., ....,_ ........ pet .... __... ........ ~a .... ,.- (l'llo) ..., ................... pet •' __..._,_....,. _ _,_ ...... ........... ~ ..... l .._._ .. , .......... l ... y -ft I ........ ~---.__,. ................ .. c ......... -.... ................ _ .. _ ....... ___ _ _....._,_.......,._ _ ........... _. _._ .. -r ... .._.. .. __ ......__ .. ...._ .... _ .... _, ........ .. ---..... ~.. ......... .__ ..... t , ........... _ .. 1_ ....... ..0 ... 1-... n.. ......,_......,.. .., l'VIUC .:mc:E TIIYS I'Onca 06 TIUStllt"l SALE T S llo 1171 0.. W.rc:" 17 IIG or 10 • • So.oh ..., r-.a.o~ eo..., ..... ,, •P ........... T...-..................... .. o.-1 _, T"'"' ,..,..doll A~., II. I_,, .. .... Mo *» ........... 1.1701 - 7l2 r>1 Ofl.e\oJ llco•• ta rlw oltrco ol ,.,. c-y ....,,....,. o1 o._ c-•• , ..... ol c.w... ... LeceAo4 "' ""'"-• L Worudoaro. WIU S1U AT ru•uc AUCT10111 TO KIGJUST JIODIA r0 1 C ASK , .. ~ ...... ol ........... _, _,. "' ,... u.-Stet.> •• ,.,. ..... ·-1 -·--"' .... ...... ... c .... ~ 1'00 c.-c-.. , On .. w-S.elo A.. CoW .tl •011•• t~t. ........................ _., __ lrt II ...... Mrd o-d ol Trw! •• , ... P<-"Y IIIOMod ,. -Co.ary _., ..... -......... A.._.......-.. ,_..., ............. ... -....... o.-. 15 1113 o• --"' .... a.... c:. • c.t6oo .. ~···--.......... " ... -·-Loed Co -"-(lot • .. ,..., co-_,,.. -Oct IS 1•1 ·-_.,, .. -On 14 :aDlll ·-..... ..._.. 10 •II el I~...,.,.-..... c...,_.,.,., ... ..,..., .. ......,. .., ,.,.._.._, » t95J •• ._. •u ,_ I. ()If..,,., ~ ..... ol 0.- Covaty c.w.,-• .,. n.. ............... "-...... .. -,_ ..co -" 10 Ae1"'-• l w..~ ................ . --............... 14. lt11 .... -• ...... ""'"' IS 1171 oo '-••-... Ill ....... "" ..._ "-' -' a.c...lo to oo4 10 ,.. .. .,., .. .,. tool •• _...,, .,. ... ..ct c..,.A •• .....,.,....,.. .. ......... ........... Tr..cl "''· lA .... c~, ol ......,.. INclo C:O.wr., ol o,._ a-o1 C.n~ot ... or ........ on • ~ . ....... ,..,......., ....... I. ·-. ............ ..a..... . .. --- "' •IM..,.....,. tl># c-olO ..._..,., ol .... eo-., ,.... ~ "' • 0.·"' 0.... •• _..., by ···-· l -.... •'•••v--., A_..._., ~ ... ,.... • ..., oo4 Sod_, A Wore....._ ~o .... o4 .... , .... ,.,.... ... i'4 ....... ... ,....,,....,. W.rch 6 lt14 •• ._. '1a. , ... a:ao o u.r .. c ....,.. ... 1•<4··-· ... n.. -ol • o.......... Doootl o• K ..... ~ ....,_., A a.... ....... ............... ......,.A~-o.-.............. ~. ............... . ............... QN .... '~ 0r1 • •m .. tw• .. ,., •-171l Olbrwt .... 0,. •. IMI••-.. ,, .. . Tlw ...... ...,_,_ .......... ..-_ .... __ ........... ~ .... •• -... ....,,......, ·-...... _lo4 llo lw • ., Ce,.... Ottw ~ ~" CAD2' ,.... ··---y,_ 4.-.... , .. , .............. -· -·--.. .... _....__ ........... ,__ . ..... -,4··· ...... ... ..... ............................ . IVIUC~ ....... I'IC1mOGI-!U.IaiTI~ n..~...-....... .., ...... _ • Cf ll!IOitTQAOI COW· PANT. o ~-.._ ....... n..,. ..... ll c..-• ........ ..._. a..c~o. C.WO.a .. ._, Cl ......._ eo,...,.,_ c-&J ...... ,,. • c..w...... ............ It eo.-·· Ploao. ,._. e..c11. CA UIIO n.. ......._ .. .,...._..., ..... ......... .....-.. ....... '-" P.W. lr ,.......,. Cl lllot19-c..,. n.. ..... _. .... l;lod ...... • ... c-.., a... o1 o. .... c--·~ -, .. I.IIG ........... Felo 17 )t, Nor ) 10 ltG .. n.. ................. Pll2tl2 ND4l ..-ax: IK)J1CI tvPDaOII ~ 06 CAI..IrOIUtiA. OOOJITT 06IIYDIIO& 1'0.1_., atATIOIII OOMPAMC* ADOPnOit A1U1 01 TKI WAnD OP 1~ '•"Ito" ol SUSAN CAIIOI. lll.VA. oe helloll ol TOOO HUTCHINS DAIUJ)IG. o W1oor lor ,,.....,_ ,,_ C..-1• o...t Con trol ol ........ ,.,~-.. Tlto _ .. of .... lute o1 Col<looftiO To 0..,.. Al.lreot O.rll1>9 YOU AU MDQT CITID oad •• quu-.d to .,.., ta th4 Su~tlOt Cowrt ol tlto St•te ol C.hkoro,. CO\Ialy ol a. .. rooclo e1 4010 Woto lr R .......... C•hlor,... ~ loefote the 1...,_ ol ..... Co"rt \a O.,.rt .. al (to be .-to• o4) ol .... c-.. . ..... c-•• -..... olo• Crry ol .,_,_ Colt .... ., on W.rclo l2 IIG or I 30 o • ..d ""'" aa4 tk.te to ..... C!<aW-. tf •• , 'f'CN ...... wily ...,._., SUSAJI CAIIOL SU.VA"ll ,....,_ 10 -lore •..o• 10 wol TODD KVTCNINS OU LDfG t- Iro. -· .,......., oo4 cooorvl ood loo • oolo c......,., order .... ,.,.. 801 ..., "'...... ...t •"• ..., .,,..,, cloold ..._ld -"" ...,...., by SUSAII CAIIOL !W.VA"ll _.. 10 '"" rault CDVAJITD Sll.VA Ill .... -.o •• .,or., coe.et O.lod fMI 8 IIG O....ld D s.u . ., •• CJe,. Al~rl J WOfCI~. Attoti!OY ol Lo• 810 I no, .... A.. Souto C J H.m•t Cot.loo ... lal43 (714) l5a !MW7 Pwbhoh '•II 17, 24 W•rrlr l. 10 IM2ro TIM N-rt J,..lon lfr&:l7 ~.onc:a IIOT1Ct II MIJIQT QJVPI tt.or • P,.W.C h..,..,o _., City Co.o.c.c.l --...u ~ .......... w -... ,., .. l2 1M2 .. 7 :ao p ••• _........, ....... _ c-.-A .......... ef U. ,.,_,, Mo ~ .... T ......... ~.·- ol UlU. • Vu T ... ,._,.,_ lac . to __.. .... -·lOCf-.. ,..,_, ~ ....... '-'-........ ......_ ..... .. ""' Uac........, Doolnco .... , n .......... ~ ................. , ... laMO ,_ .._... ~ Doolr"" n.. • ..._, ..... _....._ ·~ -ol ...... 0 •• ...... t.nlttr. ..... • ..woe-...... '-'-4 c.. 00 .. •.U...IIo._ef _ _.Mf-.... __ ..... ,_.... ·- ........ -.,._.., ._,..., .. 1522 ,._, ... ,..,.... n.. ,...-.. coe ...._ o T•elllc ..... ,. oo ... o ,._.., J7.-... " .......... .....,...._ ............... _Doc ........ .... ..._ ,._,... lip doe Ctt~ .,. .._,.., a-to .~ ........ ~. -........ ·-....... ol .... C.,. te ecc-.t "'-......,,.. o.cJ.,••--" _,.... ....,__,. n.. Cory __ ................. _, .. ,..w.c .. ·-.... --... lhto ......._ .. _ ,._ •• ..,.... .. lot ,..W.. ,..,..... u d ~ oJ tlto ..._ o.....-• m•a MO-z1-n ...... ......,. ........ "'"" tltol ...... ,..W.C a.o..n.oo will ~ lo.w •• 1.,. Crty IWI c-..:tl C,._""""· noo ........ n lhcl . lfewpon .._ .. ........ Aa6er-. c .. , c .... r..w..lro w..... 10 1M2 .. Tho ........... '-• Nlllel PVIUC .OTIC& .onc&06 aiDI"'* TO DOAOE llln&IALI06~1C ..-ruaD To WMa t ...,. O....,a ~· • -..... Icc-. -""" ... __ ........,.,_, ..... ~ ....... _...,_ ..... ~ ....... _ .. ·~ ··--......... -...... nil w .. ,-.. .... .._ Ileac.. Ulll ......... 10 _.. -!loa .................. ._ ...,... ,. .. o.....-• el Al<o~Mk ..... _c-.o~ ... -.... olooelwtloc --~ _ ..... ~-1 ._.__ .. ....._ llll W a.a... ~' ....._. INch .41° 0. ........... w ... ~ltc ""'"'" ""-I ........ C..,. T ....... ~ , ... 34. Matdo l 10 IIG ..n.. ........... a.-~ fniJIC tiCmCI riCrlhOOI-- .... ITAT..an fM Wlow6a41 ,.no .. ••• do•eg ...,.._ • PIDIJUM st<»>U l4Jl v .. o.-1o • aot ......, ...., .. CA ~ w.u... ""'--,_.. .. IC. •• Lo .............. a...c~o CA ..., n .. ~.c...........,.,. -··• """ .. , ... , ... ,..... wtn ...... I T_,.. .. . nu. ........................ .... c-.ty 0..• ef O.o..,. Co.fttY aa '·~ . ,.., ~ " .... ) 10 17 l4 1-.J •• ,......_..leo_ FIMOll NIIOt PUMJC PUauc: IIOftl:2 ...,,m ncnnotiiiUIIIRD.I U.ITATDIPT n.. lollowUIII ,..,_. ore dot•CJ "'--M Tll\l nJfAJICIHQ CON· PAMY. :13111 ·-Conooo. S.. l"•• Co.piolttoao. CA GI7S laterut...,..l n.. o .... , . ..., ........ llod ...... QO. ....,.,,, Hille. CA IICQI1 ,.., tonuae. Tu•. lac • • C.h••• .. cor ....... -. :13171 ,_ c........ ... ,,... c.,.,, • .., CA t»7S n ..... _ 10 coediH."Iod by 0 COl --a.q..., Iaten••..,., Tu• 0-~ lauo.d T~t• lK I S...le• Ootoloelr • .....,_, 'TIDoo --•• ,... hlod oollh the C:O..al) Cloc~ ol Ot•-CO<&aty 011 loa :ao 1112 PvWIOI> ,_., 17. 24 Nor 3 10 IIG,. Tlw N.wpotrla""'• 11tlll8 Nl841 I'VIUC 1t0na ncTI110VS IVIIJfiSJ ....ITATDCDfT Tloo lollowlii<JI ... ,..... oro tlorDO ""•-o.o 1!105 MOI:TH WAIN COt fAJfl', 1!105 llorllt w .... St S..lo Aao . CA 12?01 0.•111 It n.lreriJ 505 Ill NorA It S.ato ,_,. Co. 12?01. t...• I Ploheny 505 H at." Si S....to Au , CA .VOl. Po..l I Holer. 1!105 If Wore So • Boat• Aoo Co. 82701 Pomcoo Koloo. 50S If Worn Sr . Son to AM CA 82701, &rot T lur,. h 20U Pool Clio._. Pl.co, N••J>O" a-c .. , CA 8:2660, J....... IC '"'" j 3H$ PoJt Cltol-Pt.-N•wpoll S..Cit. CA 8"264105 • n... ""'"'.... ~ c:orwfvct.d by • Qoo.,ol ~,. .. ,.,.,,. S.vood O.•ltl I ,.. ... ,,. n.. ......... ... fu.d Wllh th• c ...... ,, Ct.r~ of o ••• .,. Cow••• , •• 9 1112 ·~bl..... '•I> 11 24 .... 10 IM2.aT11oN.w-•Lo...,. r tl7151 111132 rv.uc IIO'nCI ncnnooa aOIIJias ltAJIE at A I"DCDn n.. lollo•,.•o .,.,._. ••• douoo "'--o.o UTTUI PVIJIOMIIIDfTS l ANOSCAn 5112 llte .. I..W Y•rbe ......._ CA tla6ll T .. otht Aile• Wobor 9 Swolt e-n N .. poll a..ch C. ~ To• S•rlh 5112 IIK:hhold T•rbo ........ CA ~ h• ''•"' 5111 Ro~hlteld y.,,..., L .. .s. CA A6ll nu bvtJn ... \1 \.ond\lct.d ltv • q•aer.J JM''"•nh•p 5aooed T ... othy A WelDor Tlu.t ttetea•rU ••• h'-d ,..uh Uu• Cov.nt' Cl••il of Or•nqe Cc•v•tv o• Jon 27 1!1111 '•IDirolo F•ID 17 l• 114•• tO 1IJI2 an th. N ... potl f natqn '""* P11IUC NO'MCI ncnnoua eU~~~Rus IIA.IU STATDCIIn' NUll! Th• loUo•••Q p.reon.a •r• ~inQ b••••-•• ltOll C DITE.R LIIVI~l NUNilll TWO ~90 Von 1(.,.,.. ~;.. "-•P"•' Ieee> CA 9"26eO llolt P••'•• A.eoc: •• , .. • Celaf9,.., .. ~"-•••• ,.,tn•r.a,p ~ Vr>• l•r••• A .. • M•wporl a..ch C A .12660 Conn .. hcwt 0."•••1 l•t• ln.vtan • Cu•r•~ .. • Co"....-c-teCu1 ro•por•t.or ~~ C ~~· G•c.v• Au.d H..,u td Co••' 0&157 Th,. bu••fl'..,. ,, eGAd .. ~ b., • l•••t.d p.enna,.tup $.q."ad Toii'Oih• I. ... .., .. , K.otl c .nY t .,,.," .. Nw•b.• II b• 1.~1 P•r••• A_..oc-.. •• c. •• ,. r-. ... "'• •••"-•• ttlfld ... ._ ~". CCNr-ly c .... ol o •• , t• (•, ... ,. t•ID lb I'MJ P,~luh FriD 17 l4 M. It 1912 '" TM "'••pur• l n•.q flt.)(IJO fVIUC ltOTtCE nc:TmOUIIVGIIUI IUUO IT A.J'DUIIT Nf71/ Tirol.• toUowtftQ ~1.0. • 6otttq bu••"--II!SOrC CONSTliUcnoN IIIOICIJI lOOi A o.-,trortr w .. , N.,.port '-ell c. 82663 Chod•·~• W C••pto.ll ~ A o.-..,.t,o~• w .. ,N....,..ro a.orh CA9266l f"'-tt bU-J•Q ... Ut Coi'Jduci.,.J by ett 1~ dt¥.du•l S.~,Jn<lld <!hMi•K'• w c."''"' to.ll n.. . .. ,......... .... ht.d .,,.. ,,.. Co"•'., C•••• ol Or•,.q• COJ"'"'" (Jt hb 16 1982 P .. bh.a feb l7 14 w., 1(1 19112 tP The N••P'<'tt fa..,qn FlllOJI PUIUC IIOTIC& ncnnovs tuiUR:II MAllE ITA TDCIJIT Ta. toUc,.teq ,.,""'"' .,. do•"·J b~on-oo NIIIIOII WO~D O f CAU FOII"IA I'll! I Ao"..W Sr c.,. • ...._ CA 92lllJ6 Wau Dur. ... ·h-a•a At•otd $1 C~.-·• N.,.. CA ~ r, ..... ,\. Cllll ArN 4 s. ceoe~. ~~~-CA 'I:ntlt n •• ""'"...... vnc;~.,.....,.. '" • _....,..... ..-ttR•r•t..s: $,.g .. N W.. a Do.oot'"'" f).tf ..... ~·t 'fila• t.t,.d •Ht '"'• c ... ".~ c-.. ..,, o •• ....,., ~""·••• r~ It 1M2 Plobi.U '•b 17 l4 NM I II) lM2 •• Ttw ....._,..,.,,1ru-.q" f lllOJ4 PV.uc II()T'Ia ncnnous aU~~~Ras -.ua STAT1JIDn' t~• t~kJ.-•n'l f"ffiOft• ••• <k·•n•1 r. ... ,._ •• NfWPOIIT natVI THill' WAIL CUITill. laJJ Nowp..fl Jl.ll ll•wpo.rr ..... h C. li<'MI (01 C • JIIOIAIIOO* • C.,........ ..,,...,, •. to' ltl' .. JIG" at•d N~•t u .... ~ C A82MJ n,. b.......... .. vnd··· ........ '"' ,.,.,_ ..... o4 ·-· 0 ~. ••• ''-"'""' IOIC.rp Tltt ..... ""'.. •·u t,._..i •.JI ho (. '"'' ("t.rl ·f Ou J f• (". uooi f " r•lt 1'1 l~tl/ ,,.......... '·•· 14 ... , l~.t .. T~'~'"'" I ,,,1417 ~~·- I YMI l\'110fta 011 TU ....UALITA~ JtD.rTIUUI OQ.UIAMCr CONPAIO' 6JU ....._,_,, c .... ~ o.... ... .,. , .._ .. c.-y,.,l...,.o-.... ~w." , ... , .............. _,,_, ..... "' """""'"' ,_,,,. ...... _(,_I t.-71) ..... ...,, .,_,.,.,,.._le.,..,CP-J kw.HI "' e-oJ .,.. ... ·~••n•• c....,,.,,....,.,..,. 0. 1• .,, (P-J t-7.\AI I lllllo Q,,_,.., 10 oo4~ ..... .-.. ...... ,ojwofP-I '''" ...,., I ~ tl9 ..,_ ......... (-r"'*l('-I ...... Af «l I 1m~ .. ....... ,_ ...................... ""-) ...... )"1) ... ,." ,_ ....... _,.,_1),1-· I !llll7'1J O.IN•-•.,Iito olw""rC,_I) ltM It) I IM .ttl •• ......... ,.,.~ ..._ tt. ....... .._. ,..., •• .,. •••4..••,. •••• ,..,_ A••.....t ..._.. ... .._ -....... 0H-..w. Jl IWI ..-, tv , .... ,.,,.,,.., .... c-• ....,,.,.,_,....,._ .. c ........... ,.,_ ...... ._ T. ~-·-V_,......,.,,,LA ... , ....... A-t...,.,..,.,. ,_.....,. M .,,:1.4 .....,~:J It, U I.,,.......... t•• II ....OWrllca ...... ..... 0/IYWI -... ~ AIIC't ~ 1•10 th o.-~ ... I_ • I -' -' .., .. ..., , ~ t. • A • c: • II II , , c • .. 0 ~ .. ... 0 " • • .. :M "' ~ .. " A. Ia ... Ill ~· ... •• •• dr I( .. ... •• .... .... 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IOoW>Iv,_. ,, .. ,.. ol , ... , .. ,..,. 0.... .. f•w• •-••.d loy 11-1 C I &.riM ..... ,..,.,.., lvly 14 1.1 .. ,..., .... , .. 1m1 ........ ~ lt 140 -157 el Olhe .. l lleco.. .. o. .... c ..... ,, c.~........ ...., ..,, -• 1o , ... , •••w• .._K. o1 Dot4o.to • ~ ~~oe~-... loll .............. _ ... .. ,..,......, • IMI .. -··-· .. )541 .. -14l7t -17tl .. Of loc1.al .._,.of .... C...n, w\11 "!1'4o• ood ,,., ..... , ,. ...., 0.... ol 'lc.• ..U •' pttW.C •"e••• .., c...- lawl\01 -• of tllo Uo•I04 Stat" .,. A-..nce •• th.e -... .... , • .,.. to J....-tt ·-..,·· y,,.. '"·"·-.-. c-... , loceled •• 114 I Stll II•-10 , ... C\ty al a..oo Aao c.ltlor•,. oil liltol ,,.lot ·~ ......... w. ... ._ .. .,.. to ...... lloW l>y 11 ~·•• oo;d Deed ol Tr•ol "' , ... ,._,., .. , .. ,.,. tn oootl c-••r ......... .,.., .. IMd .. IAt • foaco lt44 a-• )14 '"'" n ll ... c~...... of ... _u·-· w..,. •n I~• ott.e• ol •'-• Cow~tt' l ecord•r •' Mtd Co••t' No•• aft<l ..Wr-ol tho ....... ,.,,.,, at wll-req..-.1 the .... ., IMtlt C'Of'l <i•el04 Wtll•o"' M a.kl'"" 4000 WKAr•h•• IN•d 5 MOO ""•PO" IIMclo Co I2MO DhteiMtftt to tt-e •bo¥e ''opef1¥ fftey '-o~ta•nM •l' r~u ... t•G M M• "' wuuat fro• ttM IMrte·hc•••t •••hut 10 4•Y• lro"' •h• lu~ pvbhcauon of th•• •ot.ce ........ Will ... M.ck WllhOw.l ('OY• ,. .. , ., •• ,.,_., .... , .... , ••pl..t •• to lltl• ~~ o• ef'Cwfl'tllttet~~C'" to .. ,..,., the lifrtNtlll IMJance 4u• Oft the aote o• f\Oi .. ...cur.4 lltt .. t4 o...d ol frwtt '" ••• U\ llJ I? ,.lwe th.e toflowHHI .. IIM•!ed CM'I eaJMft ... ••d t4•••c" •• th• "•• ef •h• "''' .. 1 P"~ltC•'•OPt ol 1111•• Mohc• of .... tmoo Deoed ,_. 19 1112 Den o.-..... Attt~u .... Othc•• r.,., A•••.c•• T• , .. '-'w••..a CORI.,.fll!t • C•li~rnte <OrPOrOfiOft 114 I '-lo So S.o•• A ... Ca ll70l (71t l "' llll ""l>hth roll l4 Wore~ l 10 Ita "Tt.. Newpott '""q" N~ PUIUC lfOTlCI ncnnoua IIJIUIIE:U NAME ITATIMPT Tt-t. '• n •• , .,~ "., .... ~"~ J .r , ~"""-•• I'ACtriC COASt AUDIC' YIOIO 1•1• l C •• Ko.. C '" • d•• ... ~, < ...... It\,., u ... ,j l w..,,. "'~ '861 l•"" A.,,. I.,,.,. &.,.,-,_ ('"" OQIII>' y.,. ,.., ,,. "". •flod t ..... , .. d,y,d ,1 (t, ~~ ..,j u • ., .. t l W Iiiii••~ ,. ' •'"" -·. • .... ·····J ...... ,., ... c '··~ Cl .. ,t t I jl . ,, C'··~f'lh ···-. ~~· , ttl I .h '""t 14 M H I JU J .' 111118, .,, n ... N .... , , 1 •• , '".II>'" ~~ fCiiliiOW..-a u.na~ "'-.......__ ....... -., ,.._ "-''" COO&P ~~ Voo ....... .._,.., ._.. CA .... ._, ~ .. 10 ....... ,.._._ CA MXI n......._.,....,......., b••• ·r .................. "-<-•S...C•• Til;& __ ......... ... c-.,., et..~ .. o.-c-.. , "" ,_. •• llli r .. ~~o~oo~o ,_. 17. ~ w., l 10 I ~&loan.. M.w-t a • ..,.. flllOU N~ PWUC IICmQI; ..ate ,..,,,,..,.. __ u.naftlmlf n........__ ....... .....,._ .. .,., llfVaniDml • .,, atrch II . ..._,.,. ...... CA -.cl. c , .. ,_. n.u., .. _ , ..... .u. 4t01 ~~~~~ So , "-Mfl a..c1o. CA tlMO, ......, Nc<).o .... , .. c , ...... •1101 • ..-lo II , .._..,. .._,.. CA NIIO, ~ C '-leD. ,._ P ..._ •• .,, ............. po .. a..clo. CA -· De.W II Wlo,.. U 4101 .. ell II • ......_, ........ CA. -Tb ..__ • ~~ .., • _ ... ,.._...,. ....... , ......... , .. _. ,..._,_bW ........ c-• .., a... of o.-c-•• ,- ,. Jl.llll ........ W.t 10 17 :M )I Ita ,. n.M.wpo ....... rl~ Jib» ...uc.onca .. l. ...... ..,.. ...... .... tA,...., n........._._ ....... ....__ ., OOIIaUWU DGITAl. lfKTWOIIl, lG2 c-......... 211, ...._. ........ C. -t...IIINrk ..... _ 1M • 0 Ca.iiiNa>e CO'?M-· liD c..-...... 211, "-PD .. .... lo.CA- Tiolt ..,._ 10 .-4..-.... br • oor· porol-"'-" O...oo roall Laftd· -··laM·-* Tlolo ... -... 1 ... tiled ...... • ... C...ry C\owk ol Otoo.. Covoty .., r• •. 1113 hlloholo W.• 10, 17, 34. Jl ltiZ lo , ... M.wpofl l& ... ft rla.l lfll37 PVIUCIIOnc& ..u .. PiCIIIIOW-...,.If&ftlmlf no ~e~~oow-. _... ••• douoe ..__ • .. AUII IOUAM or. nca auu..&lOtG. t100 o..... A .. c,,_ CA IOilO c.a •• .._. &olo10 r .. e4. 4401 Allatlue A.. Ito 400. t.... ....... CA. IC*)7 n... ..__ .. o.4..ct<oll .., ....... .. --...... .....,.V W.C.r ., Col·-a.~ .... , .... ,..._, ... aw..,..., ... c-" ~·• .. a.-c .... .., ... r• 17 Ita t..w ........ 10 17 24 Jl ltiZ .. flooM.wpor1&&..ea rtllln llbJI PVIUC IIO'nCS IIOnC&Otr MIUiiiOii TO DOAOI .. YD uu or ALCC*OUC ICYGAOD T. Wloo• It w., Coocoro S..lor«• ~ .--.aac• of •"-bc:ea. app4.-f '->• Dot~ ..... , ... ,. ..... 1Wt lhe lill&c'-t ooqo.d ,,_ to tell alcot.olrc M-¥•·~ •• lh ,,...... fi.ac:r.'-"d .. lollowo 704 I a.tka tA.d .. ltto. Pu,.u...at to ·~~~ uuH uo11 , ... vlldorooq .. d ,. applytoe lo rite O.,..ro .,.,., o1 Alc-oloolrc .... ,.... C01tuol lor -...-. of oo Aleoho!K .,. .. ,..,. Ire-lot t"-••-•-N lollowo "41" 0. l&le .... .., w ... ("-loloc &ou .. , "-> v.a.. .. L, .... , __ " ......... M-0411 10, 17 :It '* .. no....._....... ...... .....:eonc:a .., . ,..,,,,.,..~ u.na.,...._, n.. .......... ,__ ___ ......_ ... IIOWt1l CLA f Ill VD'nttiD I I ll Clloottt MA a.- ..._. ....... CA UMO Dt W..utd A lot ••lo It . ltiO o ........... o..loodtt ..... 11101 , .. •-· 7111 W o.---Ar ..... CA 11001. '--' A .......... l.Z Ww-._.,.._t,f•- ...,_, .._ OUOI, .. o.r .. ~ ..... c.w..---· -. 17 a-., Mollo .......... a-c ... CA- n...~ .................. . _ ...................... b o..... ,t ........ , .... o .. ,,. "--'- ,.... ·-· ... fll..a ..... tho c-.., a... ol o.._ Co.n., •• , ... l!e.ltl2 hltltolo ..... 10, 17 24 Jl lw.t •• floe.....,..," .._. r&UIII "~'~~~ ...UCIIOTIC'& nc'm~C)W­.... , . ......, n.. ............ --....... ... ......_ .. COUSDII IIAJICH COW tAJI'f. 1121 ... ~m~t.~r. ....... "-" INcll, CA t3IID Lam W AtMid 1111 ...................... " INcll C. -o., 0 A~ »IS C.tt. V.U. v ............ ...,Per~ CA tiJ20 .,.._., c r-lltiG c,..,._ Dttw ....._. ....... CA UMJ -._, L r-. liS V..U., Y1010 ~. CA 13010 A.,. w TM.• -... l ... ~c-........... ....-..ca--., ,.. ....__ . ~-... .., . _ .. pofl........ ...... Leu, M AnoW ,.. --· .... lu.tl .... • ... c-.., ~~~ o1 o. .. .-c .... ,, - ro~o ».1113 "'-"~.loll W.o 10 17 ~ ll 1112 10 no ......... .._ • Plllnt ""2t PVJUC IIOnca -·~· ncnT'IOWilUaDIDI u.-nafDCIIIT no Wlowt.. ...,_. ••• "'"' .,__ oo 1) YAUn IIDfT A r&JfCI CO , 3) IIATlOM.AL !111fT A r&JfCI CO 1101 I 1111 So toaoo "-· CA 13?01 "ooiOIUJ Wuo •D<i W.W Co.,. • Celltera,. eorporatooft 10403 Gl-a. ... Poco••• CA 81:131 n.. ..,._ ,. coftdoteled loy o eor ,oreuo• .,, •• 4 w. a.c-.att1 ......_,.... ,,....... .. ...... , w ... oacfW.oiC•t? flue ......... wu h~ .,.,_ , ... Cou•ty CW•' of Otaoqe Co•••• o-t ,. Jl,ltl2 "-Wlolo W.• 10 17 )4 )I ltl2 •• flo. ll.wportlo .. oo ,.._, NUl4 PVIUCIIOTIC'& -··· eTAfDIIIrfor ~or vu ~ ncnnoua IICMIIIDI .... Tlo.loNiow_ .................. od lt.. Ulll of th• fJC"tthO\ilt ~ •• _,.._ ._.,... PMAifMTI N UDQJ PMAIILOII or LAQUliA. lOO I c-H•• 1..4••• ..... ~ CANIIJ Tlte llcl----, ... .,od lo ·~ ._ ltW ..-Oraae• Cown•• oo A•• IS 1171. r ole Ito J'OII<l94 Corof N La.. IDS &.oraW ... La.,., .. a-.:11. CA Gil n.. ~.._ • .._ ••• c:oMwct.4 b, • .-. oftdo•odoUI Ito-" Carol W Lawt flu• ••-•• ,... !tied wllh th• eo..., c ... ~ o1 o...... c ..... , "" r• 17. ltiZ ,....... W.. 10 17 24 )I lela tn Tt.o .._, ........ WUI!(, IV..: IIOftCI IIOI'ICI or nnTD'a IALf IN. ., ................. .... ~loy Won " ........ .... c._,.~ 0. r....... .... .. 2 Ita. •• t " o • l• A ....... f, ... •.d ,,..., 0.... c--....... -104 ,,_ ...... .... -.. "-' 114 '"""' ,_.., ...., 16. .... --.. ''* .. Mall 1.. -114'1 .. o...w, .._. .......... .. c.-, ......... a.-.. c:_., ~ WiU II1L AT 'VIUC AUC'TIOtl ro IOCH.IIT ldlOD roll CASH t.er..,.. .. u-.. oelo • .. ....., ._ .. ,.,. u..-._, ., .... 1-.... _ ..... oW o.-c ..... , c ...... ~ 1oc....., ..... 1. ,_ ..... ....._ '""'-•• • ..4 1,...,._, S.n<• AN C.tol aU ,,.~, tHa. •M .... ...., e...,..,... to e_ed oo• ~·W .... II ........ M,d Ooood ol ,, ... to • ...... ...,..., ... .-...... c-•• , •o4 ........... IMd .. flo. ""ll.lt-•1, II? !WI '-' of 1 ... _ ........ ., 472 w .... ol Lot ., ol ""•...... ,._,_., .. -.. .... '"'' "" N...-pon INclo. C..,..ty al O.o..,. ...... ol c .. w.. ............ -• -· •-o·-.. loot 4 P..,. 13 ol .. ,_,..._ W.po .... olbco ol tloo ...... , rocottlot ol..,.. C.... or T\. .,.,_. .ddt.,. e..t oU..t co• -........ _ tJ .. , ol .... to.! p<-tlf ~robed ....,_ .. P•rpc>rtod ..... ~ u.... .. "-"""' ....... CA UMO no.,.........,...,.........._ .. , ~ llo1 MY UKOn~ ol tN .,... ......,_ .... otMt c:o.•oa ......_._,, .. , .......... ,_ s.od oelo ...Ua.. .......... ....-. ~·· Of .... ,, .. ,, e_,.--Of lA ....... r .. or ..... ttllo -.Of .......... ._ ..... , ..... ..-.... •""'.-! -...... _..,,, _..,... .., Mtol 0.... ol Tr-..U. -, ... ,_ oo .,_....., ,. ...., a.ooo(o) .d•-. lf on, ..dot , ... 1.,_ of .... o..ol .. ,...... ... .... ._ ..... ·-ol .... , .............. .... .,,..,. crMI04 loy ..,.. 0.... .. Trv•, ....... 1335-- Ta.. lto.,.flc~e•r vto6or 001<1 o..ol ol y,_,,, ltetetofor• ••••"••ct aact cloltvoo.d to tloo n tlo,..aod o Wflll.., O.Ciooo•-ol Dalnlt u4 o....ol lor S.lo ......... " ........ _ of Dot4o..Jt .... ~~oct-,. a.u n. ,..........,.... r•"ood ...., ""'-ol DoMoo~ .... lloo tae •• .. II 1o bo ,...,,.., •• tloo c'""' ,, -~··· ........ ,._ .. , .. loc ..... "••• .. ,_ ..w.-............. •'6•._, .t trutw Of ,.,... c-oa """""' .... •• QT .. .,_ Corp .. 7 tc.u, ...... Wn lurboo~ CA tiiOS tliJ1641.., O.to rei> II 1M2 t.. AAeeMo Tt olo ...a TrWI o..d Co .. T,... "' OT k r•"'• Corp A,...o It, Lo ...... T.lor A., ................. ,. P~bl-W.r 10 17 24 ltl2 ta flo. .. ....... '-v• lfbC)O PvaUC IIOftCI ...... IIOnc& or ~cmoll UID ~orAvi**h 0 DOIIIIIU.6 biJlCJIO o .. rtoor •h•e> ooo-••• o1 I,.._,. Coot.u.< lac • CeliJo•••• C'O,.,.,.,toa ead c~. ..... ...__... v.,w,.. • CehloroJO 40f!Ot.t po........ wll>eh ft•• can-..dl on u. ~ aJ llOI Do .. It S...uo 7tO .....,_, ..... ~ CA i2teO • .., cl._j..d oH.<-Io•• Dor .... t.r II 1•1 Ah•t •••• date eo P•rta•t ot t.._ P•''"•'•'P h., •utknh to btad lM par••••••P 0 Donull • l rodoro • c .. J;to .... q•n•r•l p•ttft•r.-ip h Cott• W... 8-..••"• .. y.,..,,.,. • Cablora•• ..,. •• ,.J P•''"•t--IP lie O.O.ta.l Pertoe1 ~ lulln 0 ()'Do<. noll 'vbh.a. W•orh 10 Ita lA TW ll•wport lo.qa Qa33 CLASSIFlfl) DfDEX IlEAL EaT ATE wa,.. 11 SCHOOLS• 15GARAGE SALES AJOIOUifCEMJn'S 1 Funeral Nohc" 2 Funeral Dlrectora 3 Cemetery Crypts & Lola 4 M•monal S Flo rwls 6 Announcemttnll 7 Account•nla 8 Allorney 9 Pereonal. 10 Lott and Found II Sc:boolallns!ru('tn 12 8u•-Pereon•lt 13 Banka.oq 14 Pwta end ll'l•ntoclt 15 Gar49• S.lee 16 tt..bll 17 Tra,.!Necalton 18 tn .. t1atnmenl 19 Gdt Suooettt10n• 20 CluroprKhc DIPLOYMDIT 23 H.lp Wuted l4 a.paoy ... , Aoc y 25 Coun.ha9 S¥C 26 L.c....ct Ch.ldcre 'l7 Sthaehoas Wanl.d f1JUJIClA1 21 WotWY Wanted 29 w-.., To Loan 30h..o-Owor 31 IAYeslrunl Oppor 32 Trutll Dteds end Won~•o" 33 Auto Fananctno 34 lnt\lto~~nca 76 lnco~ae/lnduttnal Properly n ,. .. , Ltat• W entediiJichanqe MOilLE HOMES 80 Wobtle Hom .. 81 Nobale Komes Wen ted 82 Mobile Home Prlt• BOATS S4 Bo.aal[qpmnl 85 8oe1 Charter 86 &.1 Sltpoa AUTOIIOnvE 87 Aulo Uphol.tery 88 Wotor Ho,. .. • ~rtJt Vd~e._ go S. rnce/ll.ep•" 91 Wo4orcycl~· Mopeds i2 Btcyclee aJ Vans/Trucks For Sale 94 Tnacka/Van• Wanted iS Aulo Par1sl Ace-. ... i6 AvloiTrclt Leuno 97 A"toe Wanted lu» I .. ,. I PERSONALS ABORTION AND FREI pr«Jnancy '-'•nq Per tooal and ooraJadenhaJ c.~• Low 1-111c!ud .. couDMlmq, lAb teeta, surqery, m.d~eahon and poat·o~rahve •••m General (asleep) o r local an-.11\-avatl able Referral lor t-Id· ••d ale11ltaataoa (female). veaectomy (male), &Dd !.le abor hOD proc;ed~UN w.dJ. Cal and a.onra6Ce arc· cep~ed Call C.W0r1114 PTeo;n.aacy Co\UlMianq S.nnce lor onlon.at10n or un.mechale appotnl aeal In Newporl S..Ch. (71 4) 7'52.Q0!53, an Suta A.na. (714) 972-3104 AJUSTOCJA TIC TYPI LADY. SO.. -~~a a.a ume ao-qroup q.el._ taaa lor coaparuoaah1p O.:r.et aad oouneoue C W Newa Grotap. len o1• m11 eo.. H.., Corona del Mar. 9a2S IOLOST• FOURD UfSTRUCTlON PARDfTS Gtve your duldren lba chanc • lo educate theu bod ... Tony Tott ftln-and IJymnashca 8oya, oult, all aqM lnroll now lr vme Gvmoa.ahca, 546 1218 14 PETS. UVESTOCK ADAMS PIT CUHIC Wonda y Fnday 9-6 S.lvrday 9 12 Hou.w hold J)Ma and btrd• AdaJU and lhoolt.hunl Alberlton's Cenle t behond O.ony • & I P Nac lu c .. n964 lfiOS COCKER SPANIEL pupp-AIC 6 w"k• blond. m•IM \200 ~.a.-S225 496 4190 TW.OW LAB. lemale AXC Lo•abl. l•m•lv ,.. 150 552 0236 IS GARAGE SALES MUST SI:Ll MO V DIG! Tahi-r ~• S240, uo .. ,. and Nndot S45 O..~nera d .. tr wtth cllatr '350 Ar111qu .. talk houMhold lur nthue and tlem• Out door lurnalu•• plants, auch aore Come oo by aod ..... lolt of 'sss S.. Radoe Condo• U752 s-.hell w ••. O.n• Po111t Golden W..t•rn to W.rtd•;tn 10 North St&r 496 l376 g • • to&p • talleold liiiEALTB SWAP MEET ~~ Sunday, 8 a 1D IO 3 p m Orano• Cout CoiJeqe r aarYJeW and Arltnqton, Ca.ca M ... Seller r-rvahorulon lormahon, call 556 5880 G ARAGE SAll Multt Famtly Salurday. Narcb 13. 9 lo 3 79 Panewood , Wood bndo• IlVIa• II HEALTH LOSE WEIGHT NO W 10 to 29 lbe ua )I) daya or your SJl 7'5 for 1 .. oath's aupp_l}' _ recum .ct Call HDUIAun d,.lttbulor N ochelle 6455423 GREEN IS cu:A.M Do you lutow a.oy 10Q o•,. or tued people' Enarqta.e them wtlh our GrNn Gold, Wtldflre and Sao Slu D.ua Fr .. samples Call Ste•• 551 6975 IS DR ANA APLAH'S 0flq~nel GIROIUTAL G A.) the lountatn ol youth 1 thane , 4._31'17, 661 6061 11TRAVEL/ VACAnON DISCOU NT AIR F M IS H.wau $2118, Ne• York Sl:SI, W..JCO S dey• $271 au aod laftd Wltty 1ool .. where) Loe.l N.wport tra11el e11pert W.nl)11 Wtl<'hell (714) 631 ~7 IIHfAl.Tft NATURAL HEALTH CARE LECTURE • Jndoloqy • Homeop•thy • Herbal Remedan • Refleaoloqy f"ftUC .ora nc:nnow-._ITA.....,., n.......__ ... ...... .._ .. IOfll II:IITDPIUSII .. . c.., c-• ~c-. o,,.,. ..._. ....... CA- .,._,. c: ......... o.-· A .. L-. ....... CA .., a.r-W..o -~ 731W .......... ..__. ..... CA-l ,.......,...ll ........... loyo _ ... .........,.. ............ ~ c....., n.-.............. .. c-.., ca... w1 o.-c-•• .... .... 1.1112 "'artt.llt .... 10 17 14 ll 1112 •• "'-.................. . ,1~ "'t:n I'VIU: IIO'TICI nc:nJIOel.,..._ Mill ftA1'11tftWT no. tcollo---.. .. ..... ..._._ .. DOWW to IAIITM LAWN e O AaO&II IUVICI U 4e W..uo•-•• C..a M-CA t2t17 Nic. ...... I Wwlo l'l4e w ... ., .... , c-. w-CA t:Xl7 no.. "-.. <'OfldiOCied .. , u •• 41""'-1 lloqood W.Ciooolll W.tlo n... .. ..... t .... hHd •"" ·~· eo .. ,. c••• o1 a.-c-.. , u ..... 1112 .. ........ w., 10 17 24 Jl IIIJ ,. Tloe""wpon&o..q • rl..,.. ""24 PVa&JCIIOna FIC11T'I()ft ~ IIAMaftATDIDrT n. ........... --........ "--.. •I VW.O IVIJrt PliO DUCT10MI lo) VU.O HOUnA 't P1IODUCT10tfS :Me'll ...... o. ... a... .... IIWo CA. 12M3 g.,,. D Qlt-0....0 I o..-l 49JI Lateo 0.••• w.,,... tl.U. CA tall n.. b-.. <-"..ct<oll loy •• ,. ...... ~1 ...... 0....1 0.•-nu. ....... , ............ •tllit .... Couty Clo1~ ol 0.-c.,..,, oft "'"' I ltl2 ,._ .... 10 17 l4 )I Ita Oft Tt.o "-" C..,o ,. .. kl Nlm PVIUC IIO'TICI ncrmoutiVIIIIIlU "AIGITAfDIDT no foU....... --•• doln• ..,._ oo IUII1000 3tl3 "-" ai.O "-" IMcll CA II2Ml W.U..• Oleo To•-17945 1~, r •• ~ ... D lrrtae CA. t:r714 Tlooo ""-,. -"•o•ed "' •• •• «<•odvol ....... Woll••• Q To••• nu .....___, .,.. bW .... lhe c .... .., ca..~ o1 o ..... c • ..,,, .., ..... s ltl2 P\o.Wlolo .... 10 17 24 ll IMJ •• n.Mo..,..,loooeft ,. .. ,.2 lfltzt PVIUCIIOnct nc; IIIIOUa IVID'DI .... ,.TDIDrT Tt.o ~_...oro ..,,... "'--.. a I IJfTDn1IU U l eo,po. ... Pluo ...... JOI llowPOI1 looec:lo CA 13110 Willie• I ll1aq 151 Wa" a... ........ ~ CA lntSI W•llt.o• II Looc:oo l C..PO•••• PIAu '"''" JOI 11..._. a..c1o C A. GMO o\oe w ........... ) eorpo •••• ,. •• ''"'" JOI "•wpon ..... k CA t2MO W.s9ar.. K.q•r1 l-..c.. J Cor-p<tt•••• Plou S..oto JOI .....,..,, ... ~k CA. 12180 Je ... I Q,OI.. J Corpot•t• Plo.. SuJIO 101 ~~ e..<b C A ~ Inc M W.Uol••"" J Cor por••• Pl.a.u s.... 101 N•wport '-ch CA tliiO n.. r.v..... .. ee.ctw .... ..:t b'f • (le1Mrel 1Mr1111.,. •• , I..Q•.d w,u,.'" I~ Tlu• ....... , wu hJMt •••til ,._. Coury Cl.t~ ef O raaqt c~'"'' "' .... s lela ........... Wo1 10 17 l4 II 11111 •• ,........,..,..._. ,. .. ,.. NhOI ruauc: IIOftCI ...1 .. IIOTCICW~ AJID l.llm cw • .,.,.,.., CA..-oGI 'Alii AIIOClA . ,_.,..... --.. 1·-· e-.. ...... .., ., ................... . •-•.4 c.-. w-. ....... v.,.,, a • co~ ..... _...., ,.,_,o~o ......... _, .... -... to--• a•l 0.... • ...,,. 7tO ,..,,..,..n IMcll Coltlot•w UNO ... 4-'_. ....,..-~~···· A.M.. ... -. .... ~nn..• ,.,. tiM .. .._. .......... O..,lfo, ... IO .......... ... -.... c .. ~,.q. ,.,. AM'-rCtet•• • Collier.... _... .............. ~ • COI&e ..... a_.., .... YNt\lr• U • c.......... "...... ,...,. ..... ~.5' to. O...ral ,..., .. ,. t r lolta D 0'0.,. ..... P'vW..t. M•rc~ 10 1M2 •• T ... N-port c....,. NUl? PVWUC IIOTICI nc:Tft110UIIVIURU "AMIITATDIDrT no. folio.,., ,..,..,. ,. dooo.q .. ...,,._ .. ll.SDI 11m POOL SO Y1C1 4401 c....... .. "•"PP" .....,. CA ~ w..u-r l'.tlo lr 4401 Cll•ao.t It ........... a..c-11 CA ,.... ~ .. coed..ned ....... dt•odvol .... ~ Wtolltoa r ,.. lr n... ••~• ... bled "'m eh c ...... Clot~ ol o ..... c ...... , - No r ' ltiZ ........... Woo 10 17 :M II IM:I •• , ... ,._,_....._ "64147 JCEtlt tvaiC IIOnC& ncTI'I'IOVS IGIDQM IIAMaiTAf'DIIII'I no. tollow--.. ...'""' bw·•-.. IIIOWJflliQ 110 1 LTt) !WI& c .. , ,.,._., w No eoo o,.,... CA 112M .._, L n od .. ,., soe Clt9 t or"-•• W Mo tDO o..,. .. CAatM r-.. ·-....... ~~.4 ....... dt•>d.,.l •••ad lloloor1 L Flick'-• ra. ......... , ................ .. c ••• ,, Ct.•• o1 o •• _ c ... ,, - Moo 5 1112 Pvbhalo .... 10 17 24 Jl 1112 •• Tho Noorpoti ~uo .. PI64W Nltll PUIWO !lOne:& ncT1T10Va IUUIDI "AMI naTDrDrr n . follow .. , ... -.. .,_, "'"'•••-.. rT AJfDIIJWI t l2 LTD !WI& c... Porlr ... , w llo tDO Or .. e• CA eatel ...... fl L ntc• .,. .. , Q Cwy Por.-w., W llo 400 O.ao~ CAI*t Thn llt••J.•-.. eoachKted by •• \a ........ .., ~~ 11oo., L n .. ~ouoq., y-..,. ......... ••• h... WlUI ·~· Cowaty C'J.r~ ol Orenqoe Co\fat' Of'J .... , 1112 P...blooll War 10 17 l4 ll I~ •• T ... Mowpert ...... "14549 "Ull PUJUC IIO'TICI ncrmova awan:u IA.IatTATDIDT n.. lollowtae ,...... ... 4oU>9 b•--.. lA YVDI CUAJIIIIS AHD LAUNOIIT 1056 lo,oo4• o,. .. Jf..,po, ...... CA GMO A""' 1.JV.... uoo ,., c •• ~ .... "-• ...._..,, e..cll CA 92tflltl N, ... Heutern• IMl Po" II•~ Pl..-• "-" ....... CA t2eiO Luu I ""YWiaC'V 2lOO h rt c.,1~ .. Plec• N-PO" a..c~ CA ~lMO I'••-"' H.cetor,•n l t4l Port M•l.eo• PL.c• Nupot1 .... ~ CA 92tl() Tlila. bY-At... ... t'Ocd~ted b; .. ..... ,.. ...,. ..... up s.'lr;•d p He('ator,•tl Tllw .... ,.,.."' ••• hied •t•h "• C~at; CJ.r\' ot Oreftq• Co~•'Y Vf· ..... 5 1~1 Pvbhalo Mot ~0 17 14 lo '~' • T~• M••port Lu.qr~ fii4'1V HI~ lftUI: II01ICIE ncTII'IOUa IIOIIJII:. aa.aTATDIIIrl n. N.Ur.. ............ ,. ~ IMo••••• .. PActn<' Q:PAJII tJU (".,,.,. Cu<t. &...to Au CA tn04 ,..,,.... lw'f... M.u....-1 .Jlj r: I Wtll C ,, •• '>o••• Aoo CA '-!1Uo ,,,.. ..,.,,.,_ ,....._..__.. W.l Cc;.•••" Cu .., """'• "-l A lln'tl4 Ttuo a....-,. .....Ju ..... "" • .,..., ... p.ena•t .. ,p ........ a.._. I ,_ ... .. ~ .......... , ............... , .. c._,.... c..... 6J 0• ···~ (" ovttl'f -~ .... , ·~ """>M Wot Ill II l4 ll lliiiJ "' PIBUC liOnel nctrnOUI IU .. IU:N "AIIIIEITATDd:lfT lb• toUowtoq ..,.,_,. " ;iuu -1 bu•••-•• S G W tU'ALTOIIS '"' W..-4erlot Pl..c• Jt4o 117 ,. • .,.._..,. .._h CA ~-Slout.h Guo•• Woho 80l Ltd Pert Dt•w• 'l A frrii••J ,, iiMch CA9.M6l flu. ., .... ,,..... ~• o•d" t..:f bt .,, '" d1•td\6el S.qt ..d ~hu~'-Gw••• ,_.•to~t T'Jiu.e f'•l••.-n• ••• fll.t Wllh ~~ • co~"'' c .. ,. I O···~ Ct~t .. ftl'l Vfl Wa• 4 Iii/ P~bh•h w., 17 l4 II l'i<ll• • , ... H•"'JJI•' lll••~JII rl64400 11r..-• ruauc lfOna; nc:TtnOUI I IISIIfDI N.UU eTA TDCDI1 Ttre lfoH.k>w,a,q ~recr-, t6 .lft.Q b-•-u GIIOUI'S Olll Y I~ s. . clo.euod 1..... II••PO•· .... • C' A ;lie() l1111a W Auutr,..-l JI.W ~~~~ ct.a ... .od L.. • H-po•~ a.. , r A VM61. Tliul b~•... • ,,j ,_, b• .,., '• dJ•14~o~.• 5,,, . .; '-• W A"".-'' r.~ Th.. •'•'•m•nl ••• I H •1tJ. 1h• Cowaly c •• ,. ~· o •• 9• c,,_ .... Ul Mat I IMl ,..., .... Wet " l J4 ~ 1981 U'l T~• Ne wpor• lftta~f ,1 .. ~79 1111041 ruauc lfOncE ..... ., ncTITlOUe eUIIIIIN II AM! IT A TDCIDI'T TU to.Uo••ov pet-on• ... do·n~ ....... _ •• CIIOW YWCA 171041 ,,.. n A.. lma• CA e27U Donol<l l Jllw...U 1794. Pth:ft Awe lrwu,. Ca i 271 4 O. .. cl W.Loo J6)5 ,,o Poe" kt> o...,. CA VloiA H•• •• Coo. )105 lt1etford De ._.. ...... 7'M W.eDouW Willi••• 4004 ,,, ool O.U•• T eu• 11004} loa C '•~•••:~or 1"101 W.OM r •• a o ••• r .... 111QJ, T"-*' bw111' ... • oo•w ed •• • •• te-d part"•uft p S ~a•d 0 ,.. 1i I '"·--· T~ • ..-•••••" ••• t ed • ,._ ~. Co'-"'" Cl•r• f tJ•e ~ C 411•'1 I ,.. 22 lllll ,............ ,. h ~· • TU IC•111f'1110,.. L.e or J tll~ 'If.-, PUIUC lfOT1Cl Jrttlll4 ncTmOUI I UIIlfiN "AIGeTATDCaT ;h• aom •·•9 pe,tOf'lt et• IS II J b•• ... , •• CIIOW WICKI UIO,., J1i4o p,, "" J,..,,.,. CA 9n • H11••"" Cro• 110§ s~ .. -~ rd D•u•• l•••• 7~M I W O..••·l W .~ .• ,., 40(;4 IY ttd De •• l•••• '~~ I •I C P.•'•r.oa 'Ml9 W •·•ft '"' Oal •• T•••• 1U\, ~~ • 1 'i ·~ JC.IJ.4 I 0.: w nhont L IIK-. ,.... A ~/te l Dr·r1••oj R ... n J 194 ,,.,.,. '"'~· c. V?t• Tt\t• 'DwA'n.-f Md~ ·~ b• I 11~1••d Cl•r'h•n"' ,.-. Stoned Oo••W S"tt" f t\,, •'•'•""•r• ••• '11-d •ill' h• C:o"ah t I••• •t Uttr· J• \i.f!1t' ••b n 1MJ P ... bl._.r. ,. .. , tO T~• N••P-, Ltt l n r .usc;o Nl941 .....C:.oncl ---rwc:JIIIOW .._.. UICifA.,..., r ... ....._-.. ._ t. ... oau ot IIIIIIIIIAfiOliAL IWP'\.0\'V e C"' Oil I UO ..... H••~•" ..... _ .... ~ C"A .-a "'.... ..... ~... ,,.., ·-· ,._,..__. ...... cA- n...-.. ~ ..... -........ 4 t1u4-.•l 1 .. ••4 tii•M rl rraei O...ro.i T .............. laW -~ ••• C•w••• cw.,~ ¥1 Ot-c-.., oe ,. .. u 11114 '•ltlrolo Woo 10 II 14 )I 1112 •• TM N•..,..<~C....• "•»~ lfi:N4 PUIUC IlOna 1'1CTTT10UIIVSIIIIM MUG ITA T'DtDIT Th• l.,u •• lAQ ,.,..... ••• ..._. .. ., ~ .. ,._ .. oUIIIUCU ITIU!IOAA(I S£11YIC t8 l24t"> Newport 11.-.1 c.... w-. CA ~»n a.u, t OI·J""tb lS.U w.,.t a..... C011t• ...... CA vA17 Aaa• C "-l'-24 ~.o .... ~.. ... c-.w... CA926n r~~t~ 0,,1... •• coed-. .... ot.d "' • ,~ ••• ,. ~,., •• u .. u'" s.q~..... c.u, L '.Jill'-•• Tl.wt ....... e'f'' ••• ,.,.. wrtlol ... Co .... ,, CJ.r• I :.uuq• C4Nan oa ...... ltel , .. w .. ~ w., a7 J• Jl 111tl •• h • N••'PO" E-qo , 14~ 11(104< f'UIUC lfOncl ..... , .. ncTTnOVaiUIIIa:U .,.. lf.II"DCDrT n,. •on.•,•e ,._..._. • 4o.aq ""' •••• oo MOTt l MOTIL IIUTAISlV.JIT I.U ASIOCIAT1011 1Sl0 r •• ~ ,._.. "-" a..c-a CA 93MO loa..ro ,, .. , D•o•o~ am '••• ·-PO" lfo'"""" a..c11 CA tzt«J rt..-."'..... .,. <"OA4uC1ed " •• ,. dn•ldv•l l •o•ed ~o••• 'te a & D•ora_Ja fio.• 111•1-eN efll ••• tJied •11t:J IN Cow•tt Ct.rl of Ot&noe Cov•1• OCI ,.., u 1112 P•loluh w., ~0 17 14 Jl 1112 '" Th• fii••JNJrt "'-••9" rltl5$l Pl1tiJC lf011tCl .... I .. ncnnoua avuaa IIAIG lf.ln:MDT T\• toUo•••'f ,...--.ou a.-. 4ota9 ~ ..... _ .. IIOLUHG HILLS Pl.AZA ~~ l..,•loorM ._. Suu• 130 No~" a..c-• C A neeD W.Ct. .. J W 11.. l Hill<!•-1,.-Co 1271• flo...,. t ._ 2 lad• Cow c_. <i.ol Mot Ca ta2! Th~ ............ ill c:va4w~ .,.. • ha •Mcl ,..,.,.,...,., ........ ,. ........ w .. _ T.h • ... .._ .. , •• f W .... , .. 1t.• Cowat• C\e..-t ,..,. Ora~ CCN~~o"'t' or r •• lS .~ '·eN· .... , 1!1 .,. •• 1--~ ,- .._. M•.rpor lallq"' '•lml NUoC I'VJUC IIOTICI ....... ncTI'tiOUIIVID'DI "AIC ITA TDCUi'T r~. toUo••at; ,_,.._.. ••• 6outQ •"•••-u tlll COMitllnflCAnOM& COMPANY Ul y ,,. M•<l••• i'IO"'''f' ... • c A ~ l.oooo t-1 Snt•-•• tn~ • C.!,totc • --orpcu•t.o"" 161}(; Q,.,. .J• A..,• P•,•eo..~tl CA 'len~ T.,.,. b~ou•n ... .-eond.tet.d In • !"Cit p.:. ,.,. •n S.oned S\lu nr-• l l.o•r"f '•MMiHt ~...t SV9t ... lac T)l• ,. •• ._..._, ••• ft!ed •"" -.. ( ""'" C1•r~ ~ Or• no• C •ur•• •f\ r.b l4 1112 '"bhffiJ ... , r~ • .._ .. , ... q, fl~ 11 ENTERT AIM IRISH 23HELP WAMTEI> 23JIELP WARTED 27 SJTUAnOMS WANTED CALl CLASSIFIED INVESTMENTS BALLOONS Un1que pereonalo1ed qth O.hvered locally Order today "&lloont of Newport " &45 6445 TH[ BELLYDANC[R Stud•o CdM oflera enlerlammeot lor all oc caa1ons and cia-on the arl of bellvdance Call 731 4574 nNE MUSIC for all oc cation• Penumbro &nd All JUondarda lo rock CaJJ 645 9368 BlH":iO C uh pm .. • 54 ~theune a Pa11ah Hall (neJit to 0\.ltn) South Co.u1 Htobwav L..ouna S..C'h Thu11 day 7 )() p m &.rlv Bud 7 IS 19GIFT SUGGES-noNS LOVE BALLOONS S.nd eomeone you '""" a bouquet of )I) heltum belloon.a GrMn for S1 Palnolt'a Dey PerAUn"'l rn-q• We daltvttt 673 4419 S.ve thoa •<I 2311ELP WANTED JOBS OVDSIAS 819 111004'1 .... ~ 000 lo 150,000 plu. per year Cell I 716 142 6000 ••• 3215 INF08NATIO N o n Al.ukan •nd overwo•• ,oba '20 000 lo SSO 000 per )'Mr po.tbt. c.n (602) -0426 d•p• 83 CHlLD C A81 MUDFO your holae. lor 8 •onah old Monday 8 30 to 7 lO. T..-t.v 8 JO to 5 JO t.ferenc.. I 4\n aeo HOUSUDPU NUD ro. t.U·Il.. lotra tn Laquaa N~uel J chll cl,. .... chyt, Ill~ .. .. MAKE EXTRA MO N£Y DURING YOUR SPARE TIMEt Show our new ltne of calendars. pena and •d verltllnf,l Qoht lo loc•l ftrmt Prompt luendlv MlrVIC'•fr om 73 ye.t r old AAA I co mpa nv Weelrl• o mmos~11•n• No onvetlmenl or 'ollt'< liOn' Bt> vour own boa• Full lime potenllotl Nr .. xpertence oec-KUrY Wttle Frank Budrlev Newlon Nto Co O.pt 1286 Newlon h .. ot 50208 EARN S6 PER HOUR MlhnQ Av< n produ, I P•rt h mtt nfl'•r .., '~' hum• r u~ vu ur w rk plac .. c.u c .rd s~ .. l tv 540 7041 PRESTIG IOUS REA L ESTATE O FfiC E •n lr ~•n• looltonq lo t lop '" t!.tv •o•nls Good )mm•••on aph1 No tfnk f_, 851 082Q 751 1493 S l(l PER HUNDRED J•<lld I " prOC'-tnq maol h om ho me E•peroenc• unnN""•-.ry Inform• 1o u ••nd ••If ad Jtot4...-d tlam~ env• lnp" TYLER Boa 707 lo••ntl•ton Nl 07039 lEARN TO EARN SIBtl ·-• Work I l hc•u•• d•oly ttulfonq enotelo~• Sand toll "ddrened Jlamp.d en,elope to R.cJ•I 424 W Com "'onwealth O.pl l f ulle rlon C A 92632 BABYSJTTI:R Tundu and Thurtcfav Mu•t .. n "'" playonq wat h 2 v-r old •nd be r•l~<~ble Own lr•n•porlalle>n Non •mC\Iter Colleqe .audenl O Jt l3 per h ou r R•falal'l c et 673 734J SECOND rNCOWI tor prol..-o...ll and non pro ... tOnalt W\ole Nlelret.all m•rcha.ndl• anq. llllllt•u• u1vett 111ea1 Sttr)'et lol•r xr.-. t57·tl .. •h•l P"'---- PEOPLE WHO LIKE t..wnv peop&e wt11 lov. UaJI Jobl W• oeed •ervetie. anJculate people to o.ll fta. OUI offlc.. JvJl 01 pelt be. n., Of ""'ll9 llatfte .... a.w.. laut&DO .UU, 14/lMNr. No -.pet· '-Oe WI r uy. W•wiUlrala f'CN . CdMt••••l•·•· aacllp.a . Jot ....... CN a....r~, (714) !MS. ••• BABYSITTER H u5• lt:Hper want.d l ov tnQ nutrolton cou~•<•u• per&On lor 2 chtldr•n aoes 41 > ot nd I .,e.,, Mu•• drove ltovt' dul d r•n oc k ••mplt- 1 m&otls otnd h•v" reltor ences Non •m ~ .. , S..n I Juan Capullr-4nu Ca11 11ollfr-nurnb..t I 8()( 5 U J97.l ur lor Pon n, w ver Adwalch M<;Q-45 HELP WAN TE D Subshlula U•achr r P"' I school C .. 11 Sut.an ,. Garber • Ch ,j,.,., Center 640 88lt 26 Uet:NSED CHJLDCARE STATE l AW RE QUIRES •h .. • 1 ,.,., n• wh 1:.'1 ••d• 1\,f t At,. .n theu 1\omt' t... lo<••r • eel For onl ''"'"'' r n how lo obtam I",., • Orotnqe Count> " (714) 834 5172 BRITISH NANNIES .,,. rHponaoble u d ••••n"":l lt.r c hold Cllt" I ~rd r Brodqe Aqen. v '"'"' vtewrnq lam II'"' I ' 1982 7'52 1476 27 SJTUA nONS WAHTED JWTEtliGENT \4 y .. ,., old t .. male B A tpe«:h and ..... ,,n 1 educ ahon "!lr'f'"""' •<I wtlh handoc~r r"d Go>od ~ommun•c-a•o• hqht OtliC'.. 1lt11it "' paroen< ad tl'l '""' HI~ Wtll C'onstder au\ te410 114blt> I" lol'r. C ot ll Ellt-n 21l) 935 2J9Co RtG lSTtRED NURSl -b pnvale dutv •'~Y atuh Non trnolt•r •nd loc•l referencH C M ,.._ Grou_p J..,. 039 mt 1 eo.s~ H .. ., Corona d•l W.t Q262S MAR Y POPPIN$ ot w !own BroQhl tnd ~tt.,..., I ul n"nnv O •••ltf•.ct otnd ... p .. roenC'.-d tn hold f oUe ,oncf on lOIII U( liOn I r '""'' Aloe spHh G .. rm"n fl•renllv lov" on 11 "'' p v •lh r, "A ifh l<~moh S lla• v llf'<l<''tot bla furonltt ~·loot~•all 7\4) l:i7l 6lll ulr lcor Suzar l!Vf IN POSITION ••o•ad c mr .. n 1'1 • .. I .. , .. I ' I 1 .. 1 h J.,•\o•epu q E1 u C',.,,.d •rot•elled I ved I [,.., r .. H ,..,.,. D,, .. l • , ..-l ..... n:c-• 4o l • l " If fit~ ~ r,' • , 673-ISst 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES ·w~s 2o ooo \}'5 000 2nd Trual I D.MKl' Subm1t onler"l H•ve Laquna properly S I 7 000 S•t SlOO 000 v •lu .. 495 4486 3S ESTATE SALES lST ATE r ... r • ..,h , .... I 'l VY. SAl£ 29 MONEY TO ,.. J• LOAN 4 J ruRNITVRE Y,l[JJ ..... HA~ MU NlY Nl:VER USED FURNI ll T "' o.-1\ S I~ IX I TURE Gl•.-'"I' cl•n"" 'I N ~ r.-d ' ::._ 1 ' I S225 Ou-n bf.d r~'Om '•' • • '' c-.tt ~-··" sc;sa s ,,., •ovt>u!ll' A '''" ti' ~ ., 11 Sl()( Bunk, SXlf M.t~• JUMBo.. SFCONDS c "'""''''"· ,., ... I Br k .. r '"'l"'"'" trtvtl.-d I n' mod 11 • II• n d 1 1 Bt, ""' Ji-47 t>t'lOf MC'NE Y M O NF:Y hom .. ,.,,.,. L<. ... ,. bv phon• .?nd •nd ~rd I Tr 1•' o...dJ •••lor.d h• vour "'""!ton "' u..d, c;_,ll 1om ""' n•ilhl ...... ~ .. " j . Sfl6 Q 117 30 BUSINESS OPPTYS \}(IM UlVt ST ••I urn• I ltnt v••• Comr111eru.ct buYoi'IQ .ond ..,u,n.., '"'lem kr •v•rvt-..-.ct••• u.., M2 l7~' SICOND INCOME for proi-IOn•l• •nd non p•of-•onala Wh* Ml•lrttlatl mlttTchaJtd~ tnq, "''"'""1• u•..-••n' Steyer InleT ptt-8!17 51 88 •fler 6p m ••-• boa ipllnQ> IW1t1 UIO lull S90 4UH>n S l lO All nt>ver .~ R '" no 09Q 1 ICING INNERSPRING "l it • I r m math.-u 50>' ,,,.v .. r ,._. Worth SSJ(l S-t nlo( • \248 dttl N•var uwd q\l ... n aue wo rth S399 ~uh unlv \.218 d .. t u.u .. llv hom• 1 ;-s.. nso ANTIQUE OAX ••f • rlu lion lurnotur• w,.r .. hvuw no"' OP'f'1'1 10 th• POJ bite Buv :1 tri'C llon from O JI mtlltOrt dollar tnvenl<uv Mcndav r r dav 10 4 10 S.•urday 10 \ Suod.., 12 S ll081 C41111 tnt Cq a• lrano San Juan Capta "•no 4~3 1247 WAT&aBID, Ot'llt , ••• old 3 D up •attr- a.r...a.allMiar T.cl< a Lmer. ham. peeS.. lal ... oUer o .. r S'I'S tabe II C.U Ooa m . 1101 .._,. ·- 'fD TOU CAR WAD WONIT noM TOOl OWM HOMI ..... _ ... ...,--._...., .................... , _.,. .. ........ '"""' ... _ ,.....,_ -~ ... -IIOW to ce.A n -.nAt UUOC* -lOW 10..,.,..,. -.awtO~nc ... ......... ,. _____ .. ,..._,_,.., r IBW MAG CAa.D D wordp~~~~­ laceUenl coodlhoA. $4,-4SO or beet oJfer. Call Sally, (714) 7e0-0100. OFfiCI FUJllllTUJll: Traditloaal. Stow O.Yil d.U. credeou, couch. ad tab* ...... m...t chair ud 2 ana cU!n. (213) m -08118. at.m W hiC \ biKk ..n.ce ¥ld roud ~• o•cr' Our ClASS/FifO S«.- 17J.t5St 49 DIAJIOICDS • JEWELRY ESTAn I SICOND- HAND JIWILRY and aterUnCJ flatware cOitl much 1-at Bentley'a, 220 E 17th St., eo.ta MeN. 66-fie&S. GRAND OPEIOMG The Co«a W.. ColA It Jewelry !achanCJe, 2426 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, buyt and •U. use<! )ewelry. acrap gold, dental, watch•. COinl, ib.lver. 631-5933. IIDSPitiADS. WAHU• PACTURIRS OUTUT: Larqeat in Oruqe County. Beddllu) & BedaprMd Hou., 1<640 S. Wala St., S..ta Au, ldlnQer/NaiA 835· 1811. 10R SALI: 1 pau akia, 150 c•, $25. 1 pau alti booll, ... 3, S10. Oval &b..9 UN NIJ, orUCJe and brown with bet9e colon, $15. Wen• bow1- lllCJ ba.ll, AWF. lD carry· lACJ c.... with ahoet, ·-· me 9~. !S cluome and lMtbentte dinin9 cha.1n, chrome aAd oran~ color. S25 each or a.ll !S for $100. Back pack, S10 Chald'• a1eeptn9 cot, S3. 64-4-~. SACRIFICE 50~ oJ PUILJSHU OOIS 1fOr ACCIPT liabiUty 1M lacon.at apel1lJI4. VJ"amaaUcal illacour-· ac..,., or IYJ)09replUcal erron lD uy edwr· tiiNlnll pubu.Md ta tM CoMe W.C:U. News Group. BOOD-OLD, RARI ud out-of-priDt. We buy and ..U. "'ut-of· priat boob 0\U apeci&l. ty.H Natloawide Search S.mc., Book Vawt, 3682-A S. Briatol, Santa Au, 549-9548. RIDWOOD 2x6 deck-u.q -4·20' loaCJ. 25- oeata foot. Jim, 646- S.S, anytune. ARCADI GAJaS. $199 c .. h. 831-7730 or 861-3975. value -Phone-mat.,. 1-,.------.. remote Sl75. 14~ II LonqiDel , diamond watch S1,175. Wedd.inq 9own, 111e 7-8, S17S. Diamond weddmq rin9 tel $495. Nordica women'• alu boola, aile S1'0CKIIAIICT Have fuD and man money. tool U you b.ave ever wanted to CJ•t iAio the atock market, but thouqhl II colt too mucla, you need to lmow about $lWART10 IUY WANTID: JUIKI· TUII,~(re­ frlCJeraton, weallen, dzyen, TV'•· worlriaQ/ aoa•work!a9, Aa~, piaol, office fva.iture. SSCAS, (714) 887-1181. w AHTID: usm FUR· NITURI. aod.mlu· tlqlle. RefriQeraton, waaben. cizyen (work· llliJ, non•worJda9). Lee, 957-8133. 52 RENTALS TO SHARE WALI/PINALI, Irvt.a.. 2-bedroom, 2-bat!t con· do OD the l.ab. tt.ar pool/leAnJa courtl. Jecllui, ~~pa, OYa· $31S. 857·6052. LAD fORIST towu hou. to ab.are. FurnJab· ed. SUD a s..u Club. 1260 moath, DOD· amolter. C..U Steve. 768-9412. OU11T, STUJGHT aoa-.. olda9 ••1•. 30-40. _ ... to .... 3-a-booa ha.raJJMcllr- .. ---· Pool aact ----· ...... a7S IWietL c-. .1-1578, .... SHARI CONI)() - OcMa view. Walk New· pod IMc:b. ~.ecqu~. ball, ~. pool, ........ ---·~1~,.,~· a.acb JaQn. $300. (714) 54a-3538. What's biKil ...tliaa and rtld Ill OIIW! DANA POINT UNTAL -ac.u view, lar9e 2 + 2. t1ntplace. IPlil· .... ......... ~­ No .,.a. 48f.oa71. DANA POIN'l' cWue ......... 2-bedrooa. 2-bada. tireplaoe. 1~· eacloeed Qat~~Qe. S57S. 4tl-02'11. U AP,UTWilii I 8 UHPUU NOW UM"'''MM: 1· _. 2-bechoo• ~ vardea apartsea•. C1oee ·to ...... ,. beach ad walk to lhoppiJICJ. HUDI· IBqtonleaclt ..,... (714) 84?-8064. UNIOUI APAIT- WIHTS ud towallo-wt~ catMdral ceiliava. Unpa..c. .... bara. &lr c:oadihoaio9, poole, .UDal. ~. t....U. courts. buoediate avail~ a.bt.: 1 bedrooa ad cl.n, 1 bedroom, 2 bed· roo•/2 batb lowa-boueL Sorry. ao opeta. 2400 H.a.rbol ll..t .• eo. ..... 557..102(). OCIAHJ'IlONT JtiNT. AL -Woat e1e9u.t apartlll-1 b\&!Jd..UtQ lD l.aQwaa ~-Jia..e locatioa 11llowu. l...th· taldao 'riewl. All bullt· w , beated pool. Sul>- terr-var?i, .a. valor. I-. · . S8SO ad up. Royal a.b..itiu Apart~Mata, 330 C1iH Dr .• 494-8083. PURNISHID LaQillla leaclt lwruriou.a lludio. Spa, TV. m&icl •moe. phoae. $125 ...ady. 499-2227. MAfUIWIWii NIN111• IAUOA JJU.IID. o.n..... ....... 1· bellrooa, l..hadl. J.ua. dry, 9Mf~Qer5 Ko peaa. !.Me. (H3) lOS ...... (213) 8S3Cl2 daJI. WOOOIIIDCD Wbld- eor r.w. Plu 4. 2,8 aq. ft.. 24orp, 4-bed· rooa, 2~-balll. fua1ly .. ~ ~ .... fully • 9I'Ml locaUoa. o peta. $1,000 .,., aontJa. Av..U.W. AprlJ 15 or ~ eooDef, s-d!. ~·· (714)4SM-O'Itl. SAN CI.IWIN'TI....eal. 2-bechooa. 1-batb. oceu .WW, flnplaoe, relr~qerator. $425 moaWy. Call ~Me a1&aberl-G)..!S32-31'12, ...... ,....Ad. watcb.-:J. ..... ., ... oOidi& IE MAl ........, J.Wao-' ,_._., 2 ....... o •• 2· car ....... aa.aoo.,, sierowft, ... a:.... Garclea er, L••••· Sli210 per aoatll. IIIJ ............. . OLD OIM ~. ftiiiiiDg -... 3 ... . -.2 ..... 2,000 .. . It, 1\.t WoaD to.._.., suoo,...a.-.. •to at. 72 or 8113-1• . SOUTH LAGUIIA ...a- al: 2·,...,-oW U.CIItlft 3 +3. r...-coula, oc..a ..... eeoutty v .... 11,300 ~. Call toll&. a..ber 1-100-532·38'12, ... 1M PeaaJNver Adwatcla W!l!el. IIARINE SUPI'f.IES? rucl Clauffled ··~POll ..., iOOii JOi liNT Ia lr-.u... llear coUecre. s..r. ...._ sao. SS2-aal~7p.a. ................. c-.. oftice wid& \AM ol ._.._. coaftef. .-c. rooa. kUc...._ plilo... aec:relarial ... -.4 p__..,. . IIWJ Ullll _... ., . .a eva.Ua.ble ...,.,. at.ly II claared. c.ua.u, (71.,,... •• PIJV ATI JliOMI CAlli 1M .W.ly ..Miatory. Uc•*· reeu.d ....... IM0-2!112. 24-HOUI llOOW/ loud/Care hoa $150/aoatll. A lao d.Qcue ........ w--. -'or c:Mt· .... Ro.Ua, -..a221. • *DIAMOND* • to batt oUer. U.1111ated value S2,013; 113 carat or 32 weight Call tolliree number 1-800·532·3972, ill lor Pennyaaver Ad- watch N547l. 7, UMd once, S7S. Heul altua, 1701, Geae bm· dmCJI, top condition, S17S. Call to1Ur .. number 1·800-532·3972, ult lor Peonyunr Ad· watch W6118. 4 FRENCH WINDOWS, appro&~mate1y 26\l.t a 74~, $50 MCh. MMt thcer, $350. StA.llll- .tteal llPOCJht frM&er, need~ work 497-1905. UBOUSES FOR SALE 18 HOUSES FOR SALE II ROUSES FOR SALE 18 :sES FOR 1• :h:USEB FOR UIIOOSI8 FOR 8AI.I "::""':"'====-===-. II IIOUSEI FOR SALE II HOUSES FOil SALE DlANOND STUD paerc· ed earrin91. 113 carat each, nu&.ll Mil 859- 0944. 581-0900 SO MISCEL- LANEOUS NlltO NJS m UDder· wawter camera, 35mm lena, ntru L&.lte new S300 661-5928 ANWAY PRODUCTS come to yo11 Sat...ta.::· t•oo guaranteed or money back SSG-5543. FOR SAL!· Wro1.19ht &ron 91t ... ahe1vm1J, of· lace furniture, and other atema. 494-1141 Pottery Shack, 1212 S. Coast Hwy . WCJUDa S..Ch ·=· 1()()-1 IQ. ft. AT CULV&t DIIVl AN> THE SANTA AMA FEWAY IN t&TAGE PlAZA. GET OUY Of VOUR HOUSE AND MO VOUR OWN OFRC::f LIAIINCIINfO: 111·1231 UHOUSESFOR SALE .. ROUSES FOR SALE Roben A Eilerbea ~ The Welton~ SUte 228 2156 E. Coalt Hwy. Coronae-. Mar (71~) 675-2373 [H Award-winning Coso Blanco with spectacular view of ocean and city lights. Three bedrooms. fomUy room. formal din- ing. Gated courtyard en- try and spa. Great assum- able tinaf1Cing.$555,000. ULU PARtCH e ...... 200 BllLCRUNOY Rf~lTuR PINIIIMaAMOMB S111 .. AM•a a..IIUN1.S ·-an I .. •• C J t D 11£4 J ..... _ ....... --........ . w.~...,.. ... ._.._,....._._... .. ,.... ,, ..... ~ o., ....... ~ .............. . . ..... ,. .... ,. ....... ··-- LIDO 111.1 HOMII ....................... , •• ,. s ..... ~~ ..... , ......... ..... _.. LINGO REAL ESTATE WELCOMES CINDY DAVIDSON TO THEIR S<XJTH LAGUNA OFFICE A five year local resident. Cindy Davidson comes to LINGO REAL ESTATE an South Laguna with 5 years of real estate experienc e including new ho me sales. Prk>r to commencing her r eal estate c areer. Cindy was a sch ool teac her in Orange County for 2 years. Cindy o btained her Bac helor of Art.s Degree an History and h er teac hing c redential from the Califo r-- nia State University L o ng Bea(:h. She is an active member o f the John Wayne Tennis C lub In Newport Beach. the Laguna Nig uel Racquet C lub and the Stagedoor C hapter of Irvin e whe re she as anvolved in fund raising for the Orange County Music Center H e r enthusaasm and ene rgy a re a welc ome addatio n LINGO REAL ESTATE sales effo rt in S outh Laguna . You c an re ac h Cindy a t 499-455 I Ll·ngo 31706COASTHWY. SOOTH LAGUNA Aul &un "In South LagUI)IJ · Look to Lingo First/'" -~ . . ........ , ... ..,.._ ....... , ............. "" _ ....... __ ... ,... -_ .. _ ... -... ,.\ ..... I '~~~~a,;: . ....11'.11·.·~ --.-. ' IDL-~T. """-"" u--~ ................ ., ....... """""----...._.....,. ... ~ ..... --............ , ... ,.,. ... ---..... ., -- .-....-. ........ . __ ..._..,._,_ , __ --....... ,...,..... .... -,., ... , .. ·-.... .... HAVE YOU CONSIDERED B(JILDINQ A HOME IN PICTURESQUE LAGUNA BEACH? Here's an opportunity to purchue one or more ocean view home sites from a chok:e ol8 contiguous street-to-street sites. &.kl your 01m home In (.lpptf Woods eo~e jill& • short wall to the bNch' ThHe 51tH c en ~ pwch.ued wp~~ttel)< Of IS ' p.l(kotge A Pfiv•te ICCHS dove wall be J>fc>vlded to .. ol the lou end plan$ by • renowned locaiMchltect hrle been 'PPfc>ved by the coastal comm.s S.OO f Of ~ olt he Sll6 Seller IS mo4 ntal ed and lot$ Mve ~ pnced .. BELOW re cenc M A I 'Wf..wi! Pnce<tfrom tll2.500to tl48,500 TERMS. Just 10·201. down wilhl*tt· bit subordlnltioo. Aaumablt fnt end Second T .O.'und seler wl ca-yy a lrd (Second IS at 91. Witt\ QO ~ Lingo Aut&.. THE LC>CA TION I MAUREEN RIGGS HAS THREE HOMES TO SHOW YOU IN SAN JUAN I LO¥I .\ COfMTIY a1 I ihJQ) lfle1t yo. I lo~ dlla ) ~ .... , •• l~ ~ ....... . .._. .......................... ... e1-...,..... IIMs ••••c"'~ cOftl•~~~~~tr .... ,..,,..,.... Jac s AuwnMAI f!NfiC· .............. ········ .. ··-·- - ... -I - 0 Lt .. R l • u PI .. ~ .. c •• 4 Ill la .. (1 w u be " .. 31 C1 be ac PI •• 10 -loa 2-1 ,. a.- Vi roo ca Jill S2 .. ii 00 b. b. co to l: <A sz .. sli be vM Fo ,.. 0. Pri Ul DJ ate 4-f 2,t 141 u. ri: La ... bet "" up Lao iA -cAo liP lH h .• Sea Pri S2t ri ••• ~ • rtaAI.D'UD ••• JCM a.'-IADt Oc....... 4-plea. f..uve _..., .... n .. , ..... l'lauced .. 13 ... US,IOO. a.-...., .... a ftn -.aut .1 ... 11 ..... Yow c.? c.IC "'1M I t 73-0550 WOODeiUDGI OD the lode ...... 3,000 llq. fl. ~-a.alltiful eettuav. rm• puty. ll 0\l~et WooD. 1311,000. 838- 3880. AD YOU A IIGIMiMiii'P CMc:k out til» lo-a, ._ bed.rooa J.o.. Oil l/4 ec:re. Rol.li.Q lull ,..._, privat. pool ud llpA. ~ ·-· No ~ify­IA9. u.g,!SOC). ar..n.llealty ........ -.alii Dl .. ll PIUC3D wrrH TDWS. P..or-.ue-"riew. 10.. dowa. GrMt •-.....We kau.a. n.. c;-us loa-b\ult 3-bectrooa/ 2-b.tla -.o-... heeD reclecorated &Ad ill iD iaaec:Wate coaditioR. V..._ hoa uuly all .-. n. OWAer Will c.ny~aadbu rul NChcecl p~ to $234,000. c.-a..J ....... (714) 4m-880l. UCLUSIVI IUCH oo-IUI.ity. W\Uit ..U bee\l~ 3-bechoom/2- b.tla boae iD prlvat. c:oaa\Ulity. Short walk to ........,.. 00\art, pool. l:::na, p&rk aDd b A..aaable loaD. o..-.-aauiou. Oaty $211,000. 494-6545, G:J.-Mll, uk lor WaM. $10,000 DOWN -4· bedroom, 3-t..dl, lab Yiew boa• ta Lake For.t Deck aad au. -'--hl aad 2ad. O...r .W carry Jrd PnDC~ oaly. ~ 1201, 45. DANA PODn' loJ:aey atodel boae aal&lleue. 4-beclroom, 3-batb, :uoo eq. ft ~&bJe 14... JO.,.u tu.d. u.o.ooo. 552-5442. JOI SAU 81' OWND. Lake Pore1t S6S Parkwood ~~late. 3- bed.rooa, 2-batll, l&mily room, aar, beeul:ltul •P9rad••· $173,900. Low·-· 516-336 LAD JOUST D by owa.. lode Joreet, o- cloc:k. Popu.Lu, hl91lly llp9faded Del Wora .. 314 bed.rooa. 2,200 Ill\ ft., pn'la .. lip&, Su..a 6 s.&l Cld --r*ap Pnced below aa.rbt at s-.000 or ..._ otter witJ. e1rc:eU.at ba.uc · aa9. Call 661 ·1630 aaybae WOODIRIDGI Wi.Ddllor a.tu., Plaa 4. ... popular aodel, l ,2SS eq. ft., 4-bed- rooa, 2~ -b&la. faaity ,_, ~. cowatry kilella.a, bay wiAdow. Lu~ livill9 rooa, pu· gu.et floor, ail, 1 YM~'· lleautih&lly laDd.ac&ped wi1Jl &\lto. tpdaklen. Very Lu9e yard. Take o"r he &ad 2Dd T.D. W\tb DO ~ DC-_,.,. Priced ~ ..u .... aedi&le1' ae sm.ooo. Call Saacli Sitka, ACJ"t, (714) *-0791. J. M. PITUS LAHDs lNG flu 4 -2,500 eq. ft., 4 bec~Yoom, 2\1\ batb, l&aily. lu.alln0\11 muter lUIIe, 1&rCJe COilAlry kitc:heD W\tb bay wuuiow, 2 fuepl.ac:•. ail, beeutahally l&Dd- ICaped. A..aaable h· D&DCia<J. $294,900. Call Sud! Silb, IIQeot, (714) 4~·0'191. OLD CclW a«:hatect'a c:llltom bome. 3 bed- room, 2 batb, 2,000 1Q ft ., 1 ~ b&oc:b IO beach $425,000. SS6-f610 e.&l 72 or 553-1299 II ROUSES FOR SALE IICOICDOS/ TOWIOISES FOR SALE lAST 18tla STaat, eo... w... 3 bedlOOIIl, 2\1\ batb. l ,S451q. h., 2- c&r CJUacpt. 1 of 5 IOWD· boa.. r .. auaple lot. 1155,000. Lau.r• JMIIIO. ~ opUoo available. 838-8911. BY OWNER -S..utafv.l 2-beclroom furDIIhed coaclo, o"dookaa9 voU COilrM Ill La COlla. $105,000. 768-N28. 3-BEDROON Maalon Vaelo townhoUM, 1 ~ b&tha, uaw:D&ble io&al. $5,000 doWD. 855-2108. BRIGHT I -STORY. 2- bedzoom SJC c:oDdo $8,500 do-n S857 IDODtbJy 496-2876 68 HOUSES FOR SAL£ LAGUNA BEACH II OS N. C .. tt Hw v 494-1177 £.-aAL0 8A Y · A ,..." ol • '-w •• rhos t,,.f"l, ,.. .. -T ~ ~ wllh nrw I ..mol' lu•r'-. -b.rt.roc.. and O(ftll ·-d.cl.. Yow 11 tall '" lo¥~ wtdl aa. ww! . . . 1450,000 • Da.UM11C NEW ~."'''" ~ ·-· Ill Wid .... ..f .... ...,. "' ·~ "'-ch. Til. _... .. ,.. f ... ,,.," a tpft'oalh nwnm''"""' v W10r*l • ........ .-1 2 -bdl-.. pM wp.ot•lr IUftl q11M1Pn. IMNI\-Wllh .......... ~ ..... c~ * olf~ . 11,115,000 Speci&lly cl.ivaed mterlon, 2 ldr., 2 8& •• 2 car <J&riiQe, 1, 'bdr. coa,.rted to )ACUUl room. T IIIUlill, pool, tp&, ..c:u.nty v•t• S26s.ooo 425.000 dowa 11 ~ .. fill&ac:t.Dc.J . lhk. (:1113) 421-0647. nBESORT PllOPERTY LAD TAHO& ARIA - 4,000 eq. fl. of liviraCJ . Lrviaq roolll wi1Jl fir• place, dUU.ov room, kit· cbea aacl laaUy rooa witll lireplace. bar. rec:. rooa, mdoor )llc:uui, 3 bedroom. 3\1\ t..dl. pl\11 UIOO eq. tt var~ 2 bloc:b lroa lab with ,...., 1 block fi'OIIl lib bowl. S.U or trade. "'"'"-----....... (213) 567-2103. 71 LOTS• ACREAGE 8-ACRI RUllAL LOT Ill &oaericl9e (AU c:uom lob.) Su Juaa Cap· llltrauo area. $185,000. Will 1ubordaaate. $100,000. 499-3015. OPPORTUNITY WiD ..U part i.Dte,_ ua waterlroat property &I dilc:oUAI to rawe c ub .... (714) 782-2747 88 HOUSES FOR SALE NANCY CA.SEDIER Top,...._.. ie 1981 PALN SPRINGS COH- DO -CauyoD lat&tM area. 9¥. ~ __.,._ Caty/moWit&UI .-. By owner Wl&lt ..Uf Fur- D.I&hed. 496-0374. 75PROPERTY MANAGEMMT 8.1 BRO~ER will ID&aa<Je your office bwlcluac;~ 1.11 .-una for of- face. Bookkeepmq Ml'l'· 1ce avaalable. 548-1927. 88-HOUSES FOR SAL£ MICKEY ROWE T OfM ia Uatiat• LOOK..C FOR STYLE? n,., t,....,.,. MD,,.. • o&atrmrnl I•• ., • .d &.tiP unperallriood 1n rho• .,.... 0. ..CIW'(! ••• .. ..,..._ ,.h., " .. ,....,.,..w<~ ''' .-nr...ta•n•,.. "" • l."'h ... lr I ... l<'d "' .-ul '\,,U<'r, P<ftll'fllliUl • roUQI rt""""'"''.n I -1.... r.r~ -.lNibW k.n. Sho''"' b, P''"' APf"•"'"""'' """ , 1439.000 AOTOMO'I'IVE .... .ww 530. ..allhal e.r. 4-tpeed, ..root. .... , ..., ... Wut -· Greet bay. S7,600. (11&4) "· 8515-1730, 752-!CXM -.ve. 1 it 1 IWW 3201 673-0550 Metailic .OV., IWiroof, au, low ail.AQe, U · c:elleDt c:oadahoa S14,000 C..U tolltree -------....::• au.a.be. 1-4JOO..S32-J972, •IOATSUPS A TTINTtON: Salbo&t o.-n. 40-foot altp available No h••- abo.rdl, quiet J*)ple. CalJ 675-0068. NIWPORT BIACH MoTe laOOnDCJ wtth 9' lkaff. no-1440. •MOTOR HOMES urn roRD IOLLA- LONG motoshome. ll', 460 eDCJIAe, loeded. Nu -to appreciate S86-«T13 II RECREATION VEIDCLES Ur18 llW SEU-CON- TA lNID Dreamer Camper. L.tlr:e new. S3,9001beet ott.r. Call tolltree Duaber 1-800- 532-3972, .U for PeD.Dy· Nver Adwatc:h NS418 90SERVJCE/ R.EPAIR BRIT1SH AUTO RE· PAIRS: )IIQI.l&r, ·-n Healey, Tnwaph, MG, Tnwapb ~ aad m<* other Bnblh aulol. 1995 Harbor Btvd.. C<Mt• ...... 548-6226. HDB'S GARAGE. AUTO REPAIR Foreavn I Domfthc EnvLD.e overhaul. Tune up, br&kel, elec:tncal Call 832-2377 . 91 NTRCYCLES/ MOPEDS 1981 HONDA ATC 185 Eac elleol c:oodtllon Call alter 6 p. m , 661 -6254 H.AI\UY DAVIDSON 19"10 SpomteY. Bwlt belore AWF. $1,900 or belt 493-&US 1G'Ji T AW.AHA l.S6SO Specl&l 15,000 aat.. •~celleDI ooodltton W\.1.11 •Ill Many. e:atru Sl.IOO/belt otter. Call tolllrM Dwa.ber 1-80().. 532·3972, uk lor Penny Nve• Adwatc:h M1314 921JCYCLES taNS tO-SPEED. Name braad Allo 5--speed Look, run Wte oew t:.c:h U9 cub 548- 8066 93 VANS/TReKS f"ORSAI..E 1978 FORD COURJ.DI Lon9bed Tlllbo ch•rCJ ed, 2 3 latre, 1t1c:k. •tereo, mull c:ondahon Will dMl' C..U lo1UrM n~mber 1·800·532-3971, uk lor PennyNver Ad watC'h WS711 CLASSJC 1951 w .ellp )Mpster 4:a4 Very t- Ill u..-tence SJ. 90Cl 493 5446 DIESEL PICKUP 1981 vw LX 42 pl\11 IDPCJ 5- speed, alr, Bl&upllllkt AMIFM c.-tte 18.000 .W.. Slate vray 493 9574 ---1974 Dn'DNATlONAL 24' Ha·Cuba funuture truck New eACJane . .II for PeDAyuve~ Ad- wak:bM~. 1W16 IWW S30t b - c:.D.at C:Oildllioo ft. ltored. '-VUI<J, mlllt .u 661-1344. 1916 BMW 2002 4- •peed, &ar coDd . A.M/f'W ~-. CCIIII· plet.ay rebwlt eoCJua•. Dew clutch, bra.ke ud Mich.ti.AI $6,800 or b.! offer 646-0218 BUICK 1• IUlCit RJVtera SUArool, 4 oew 11JM, ••- c ellent coodataon tbrOIICJhoul Low mal••v• Onoaoa l owner. $1 ,200 C..U 675-0068 1975 BUICK La Sabre convertr.ble Lab new, alW&YII CJU&qed. AU •r· vace rec:ordl. SJ,900 Call lolllrM Dua.ber 1-800-532 ·3972, u.k for Pennyuver Adw•tch WS722 CADILLAC FOR SALE: 1964 Cadu- l.tc Deville Coavertlble Did you waul ou wbeA n•w' Did you hAve orw wbea new? You c&n do II ACJ&Ul bec:&UM tJua metacuJolaly mal.Dt&Uied &lid onomal C.Woma. eumpt. loob &nd oper aiM Wte new. lo every recpec:1 tbe coadtlloo of tha •uto 1Niy bah• tit 18-year vmtaqe Y•. II h .. lana Tlul model w&l the luaa.l ,.ar lor the t..aJ. ed lta CecW.Lac: whach ended a coatun.t01.11 Cad .tyluao theme be<;lun 1n 1948 Reuoaably pnc ed •• • naqota&ble S4,50() £n10y tl DOW or •• • toltd loDq-lerm 1.11 veatme at ~l• An e:aceUeot tu deducuon for your buam-&I well Phone 848-8377 eveDlDOI only, auy1uDe eher 9 p m IC.eep try IDQ 1973 CADILLAC Seci&n de Ville. 100,000 aulw S800 Good c:oadthoD 493-8181, •• , 200, 581-1734 os call tolllr" number 1-800-532-3972, uk lor PeaAyu¥er Ad- watch WS723 1978 SIDA.N de Valle E:acellenl condthon SS.SOO By appoLDiment. 640 6221 Monday frrd.y Leo loaeU CHEVROL.ET 1981 C HEVROL..ETC•t• hon X 11 Au. slereo. hit, power 111"unq• brak• complete per lormauce pac:k6CJ• Call toiUr.. oumbar I 800 S32 3972 ask lor Peony wver Adwatc b NS640 1974' I CAPRI 2000 4 apeed. 52.000 m tiM AN fM stereo. new I liN and br4kea clean $2 ,095 857 5214 0 1 833 7329 DATSUN DODGE 1m DOOGI OOI.T - A.MIN ~. aede U1 Jap&D. Low OD ..a...g.. Call ·-· Sl52-5197 nAT uns nAT 128. New top, well t&lt.a c:are ot S3,800/oties. C.U toU- t ree ruaa.ber I -tOO-532- 3972, _.. lor Peaayu"' Ad-~M5683 WANT TO TRA.Dl ay 1975 fiat X1/9 m 9ood aoccliboD, for your lic;~ht vaD c:oavenion or Volbw~ b\18 Call toUhee DWDbar }.80().. 532-3972, uk for Pnny- NYeT Adwatc b M6136 JAGUAR 1976 JAGUAR XJl2L 48,000 'lai.lel, at~I&UI· eel and lA uc:elleat COD· clrtoa. SDOw wlule, red IAWno•. S8,500 864- 6248. JAGUAR 1976 XJ6l bc:eUeat care R.bwll eDQille, pru:Dr~ reol- low. $8,5001oH••. Call tolllree auabar 1-80().. 532-3972, uk for Peaay- .. ,.r Adw.tc:h WS71S. JOR SALI· 1969 J119u.r xn c:oovertab1e 6 cylr..ader. .u-r -o rNa. wtre whe.ll, D-rabeep· a.Wa _.. 70,000 aJ. Well cared for S12,000 493-8984 1969 XU CONVI.Rn. BLI Orae oJ the AICMI S l2, 500. Call toUtree Dwabes 1-80()..532 3972, u.k for PeD.IIyuver Ad W&tc:h W6121.t JENSEN 1974 JENSEN HI.AL Y c:onvertlble Want concL boD, ~~-p&.LQt S5.eoo Call tolllr" number 1-8Q0..532-3972, u.k lor Penayuver Adw•tch MS590. MAZDA 1110 WAZDA D7. 5- tpeed, loed.t.l.. low ..-. (n.AWI •J· PP • .. to. a-. ~1'01115 afar 6; or daya, 848-1851 MERCEDES IEIQ MIRCIDIS 4SOSL 1m Browralbaaboo. 28.000 .we. Lift -· $25,500 4fM.W16 1m MDCmiS UNZ 2SOC. Loed.d. eac:.l- leDt c:oDdahoD. PP, $6,200 160-0820 LINCOLR- MERCURY 1979 WIRCURY CAPRI Au. r.d.xl, 4- lpeed O...r tre..u'-r- red oft,_ $4,8SO - quack aale C..U toWrM oiUilbet 1-800-532-3972, u.k for PeaAyuver Ad· walc:h M.5942 CLASSIC 1972 l.I.Dc:oba Wark IV Low~· \4,000 lvcuav• or -nodi. 830-3264 MG 1979 NGB Luruted EdJ. oon Blec:lr:, eaoelleot c:ondllloD, llereo ca.a- Ntle 24,000 mal .. \6,700 Call Pat, after- raoou. 559-5070 PONTIAC RAC E C AR 1965 CheoveU. SS BloWD eo9m• Dana 60 6 pt. roll b.r Pari• by Woroao. FeubeD..lu, Hur.t. H-/'fl. Cr~r. mAAy more Perfect bracket car Day• 768-2106, after 5 p m , 768-6178 PORSCHE PORSCKE 924 1978. Brown. AMITW tape deck, suarool, au S8,900/b.t 499 1848 &fler 3 p ID toYOTA TOYOTA C080LLA 18'11. S•per clM.rt ......U.C buvUDCIJ. LIM ·-· 23,000 .u ••. $4,300/beet. 1151-3820 ~· VOLDWAGER lg&? VOU.SWAGDI BUG et-c. r•a• CJOOCi. S1,400. 4fD-0428. 19"10 VOU.SWAGDf BUG AMirM c.u.lte, c:u.Molll !a&CJIIradt&la. lllDI CJOod, ..., cleea S1. 750 4i3-s..6. 1972 SUI'Dl.. BDTL.i C\uuc: R~y r• llored to miDI coodaboD. New eDCJUle, D-tu., uew paaal, r..t raheep- lkira.a, r&UICJ\IArcl. Sauyo ...,., c....ete pia.,.. S3,600 C&ll toW:ree au.aber 1-800-532-3972, ulr lor PeDAyuver Ad- watc:ll MS494 1974 VW BUG Craaq .teno. pua.ltnpiACJ. AeW I ran•IDIIIIODIC1utc:h/ br&.lr:• bceUeat coodt· boo S2, 500/belt. 8J6.. 8644 1968 VW JUG Mew ea- qtoe, tuoroot, Dew ~ $1,8001 ..._ otier CaJ.1 tolltree oua.ber 1 8QO..S32-3972h ulr lor PeADyuver Ad· walch M5673 1972 VW BUG New rebu.a.lt eoqme RILDI qr-t S3,100 Call 497-2713 eveDIIlCJI, 957 .638() cUYII USED CARS WEEKDAY 10-14 SUPERtl.EM! tm ~lSIMSAUTOTIMU'OltllR ST£UIIIG (Z2S71l NOIIY PLUS! 1975 CH£VYVE&A 4 ~ 4$''([0 (.SO Lfll RUNS LIKE NEW! I ,74 TOYOTA C1{ 4 StUD RADIO UM MUS (91' lHA) PASS UP ntiS ONE .OICURY l£PHER V AUTO TitANS. POWlR STE£Rti!IG AMif'M STU£0 tASS ( ICTPllll SPOrn 197, TOYOTA C£LICAI. UniiACII. ~ SI'D RADIO (~2 IGP 1 ONE OWNER lOWMil£S (~llSM) 1910 FOttO IIUSTAIIG 4CYUNDUI 4 SI'D rwtS ,_ STR LIKE NEW LUXURY WITH a.ASS 1910 l1 MCOI..N COtlllfiUU AL. HAS AlMOST E'fERYT KIIIIG $3088 •........................... traalma-.,on bceUenl $6,900 768-7610 1919 DATSUN 280ZX S a peed browo tan, 39,000 rrules. mtnl con dllton \7 950 (306WZX) PP 552 6451 TRANSPORTATION CAR ......... "'.-n-Il tor you andYQIA 2 hOfNI. ~ 2 oedfOOM ~ '*"""' ~··a. Cllal:*f. ... --...., ...... -aa.g.....,.. ............ 2 ........ 2 babGa0114f 0 .t.cor gGIIQQIIt ..... ~$210.000 ....... " ...... ttl .. 1!Mi1 DODG.t 314 ton CAlliper truck "Open Load " 11 loot S2.4SO ~6892 ri AUTOS WANTED USED CMS WANTED -Up to lSOO paad Run lltDCJ or DOl Alao wrec:b Aak for l•clt 147SM71 PUILISHU DOlS NOT ACCIPT h&balrty tor t.DCOnec:t ~peiLao vr .. a&tacal u1ec:c ur &e._, or typoCJrapi'ltc•l enon tn uy edver a.-aeall pub~ ID t1le eo.. w.da. N.w. Grovp IDPS. CARS. PICIC UPS !:rom SJS A•••l .W,. &t loc-&1 Go¥etn ... , A~actiODI For clarectoty. call Surplu• O.t• Center. (415) 330 7100 8382~ 1979 DATSUN 280Z.X 21 000 nul• \12 900 (ClP702) PP (714) 750 9333. 176~ 1007 1980 DATSUN 280ZX Lo.ded li.OOO ••I•. .. cellent c:ond1hon 2 yMr w•rriiUIIy bl•c k! m.u oon Lo uveta (465ZBU) PP (71 4) 1910 VOl'IO WAGOtt AliTO TRANS RADIO 861 1325 t gn 280Z ucelleot ~::m••EIIII::D:l~EIIIIECSZ:Bl~::JJ:I[il!]•mm:~ cond111on Sunroof f'W C&-'1•, au. Racaro tHII m~ny e:atr&l $6,650 o.,. 768-0'm, even enos 768--49:ZS DODGE . DIRECTORYOFBOSIN ........ CRAIG'S S:PIATID AOOUSTICAJ. em.. DIGS. Repma. VWJ .._.able. ,,.. ... ...... <?14) sa-7290. ADDI1101CS •REMODELING GUWlCK & SON ISUlLDIIlS aiDce 19t7. AddiAioD.I, R-od•Uag, ·Doon, WiDdo-. ·Patio eo-n. Piau. fJM .... leu. Ia.... 54~21'10. Lie. 310962. a.a::nuau IISIDDITIAL I OQM. wacuu.-~ OU' ~-a... ~~alok, clepeaclabw. We clo .. , a. job. Peter S. lochrera, Property laprov•· .-t,I31-ZMS. IJCDISII) ILICTIU· CWf -o..-c~.w., ~ worll. R.uoal· altle ,..... free ..U· ..-. Call Toa, 831· scm. II.IIC11UCA1 PIIOaDIIt ALTERA'YIOMS/ CARPET Call HCI Service Com· paay. w. do ~­ tial. co ... n:iAl, lll· duarial wiriA9. No job II *oo -all. 24-hour MIY· ice linesiJ.i4) 831-599tl, Llc.41 . DRISSIIMJNG CLEAIIDfG COL LIN S C vato m 1-=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;::=:...l FUIUGTURE aDAIR• RIS10RE ~amQ. Spec:ial.ia· iAQ In cleeip and ah.ta-tio~. Pari& trelaed. 7100 E. Cout Hwy., Coroua c:lel Mar , behind Nedi-Jb. Call ~ tot appoin'-'· WIJII)8()a ea.. • WJcM. &.pair. Swecl· w. ........ rwahing. 130 1. no. St •• eo.. w-. (714) 645-M48. VYE"a Drenmaking-Ahera· GARDEIOftG t.aou. QWc:lt •mce. COMPLITI GAJU>IN· Reuonable pric•-lNG SIRVICI. w .. ltly, Call~· ~========:...1 bi-weekly, moDthly P R 0 F I S S I 0 N A L CARPET maiDteaac::e. Spdakler DRISSWAKIHG altere· IJIIS'f.ALJ.AnON ~. tr.-work ud Uou. For JOill h&llll.la9. Fr .. ..u... .... look. FittinQ m your IILL'S CARPIT SIBV-549-4981, 9 a.m. to 10 home. O.Uveriee c:.m be ICI. In•alletion ud P:-::·•-=· =,-:-::-,,.....-:~----,.,.­ anuQed. .Barbara'• rep&in. Qv..ljty work, at ANBIIC.AH GA.RD.IN· Hew lmag•, lrviAe, for I &II =-· Call BW at D -Yard cle&DuJ)&, appointaent, 955-1101. 552· evenillQI. tr.-triJiuaing, lend· 8Capinq. 7 yMn e:a· ASPHALT SEAL COATIMG/ DIUVEWAYS ASPHALT REPAIR S.UCO.tiD9 • StrlppiDQ :oamerc~ential Fr .. Itt. Llc. 397362 MS-1111 IUJ.STATE PAVDIGCO. AnOMEY DIVORCE -with attor· D., {rom $195 IIJ1CO.D· ...... (pliUI coeta). la· ,,ariwavto aoc:1ci.Ab. pereent&cJ• oJ reoo¥ery. David Bat•. Attoi"IWY. 54().6441 JAR TENDERS HAVING A ST. PAT· RICK'S PARTY? Wecl· diaQ? Baraibv&b? Add IJwlt ..,.cM.I tovchl Let • profe.iooal barteader pour your clriD.b. ft.J. ereoc.. Vic, 964 6404. BEAUTY SVCS/ FI1'NDS SALLY'S BEAUTY HOOK, 188 I . 17th St., eo.ta w-. Pennanenll from $11.50 up. TlnhnQ, $8.00 up. S!.ampoo and leta, $4.50. FroM.lnQ. $12.00 vp. HaarcuthnQ, $3.50. &42-7M2. JOOUEEPING TYPOtG IUSIMESS SERVICES Boolt.bepiUQ, typmQ. D1c:tahoD 20 year1 eecretatialea,-neaee t11-1106 THE nNIST m c:om · mere...! ud n..adeut~al c:abmetry, shelvulQ, har1, eouDter a.nd qeD· eral woodwork J&B Coll.lltruel.lon, Millwork OwltlOn Uc:enM No 3!10878 (714) 631-4260 CABINETS -Custom m.de, llitc:he.oa. book· c: ... , ban, IJar&t~• and eb&ir ralll. 641·6921 dey1, 640-7154 .ve· llinQI. Alk lor Tom C.UJNITRY SPIClA-L· TY -JC.ltchu•. bath· roo. aJid wet han. No ;ob too amalll Peter S. Rod9•r• Pro,-rty lm· proVftteDt, 631·2004 C.UJ.HITS & CA.RP£N. TRY -Sa.U 10b1 and ....,.tn. Fr .. eatliiUit ... NS-2003. CA1'ERIItG THI liST PARTIIS are catered by WartiDelli Cateriaq. So let War· tinelli't plan JOur nut eveal. (71•) 739-9636. (714) 847·9448. "Nola." ,-rt.aee. Fr.. eetl· m.atel. Dan. M&--9239. ULIABLI ANIJUC.AH GarcMnin9. n. be.! ~ can for your home or b\Uiin-. tr- prunecl, aprayecl and CEMENT remoYed. WWII renova· OOWCIIETE tioA. O.ve, 540-1193. PAnOS • OIUVIWAYS ROTOTlLLIHG DONI Wood-patio co1ren, DIRT cheap. Garclen~, all typee. No ~ *oo flower b«<1, lawna, bagi...U. No. 2SU235. l&ndac•plllQ. Reuon· Ailr fodim, 548-7102. able rat•. free advk:e. COHCUTI AND WA· fi46.7819anytime. SONRY Patioa, DOWN TO lARTH deeu, brick inlay, LaWII and Garden S.rv· drivewa)'ll with uph&ll ice. Complete tn.talla· removal, pu .. n , fire. tloa, renovation and riDQI, block w.U.. Fr.. Quality ..umal•. 0.:0, 536-Mrvice at down·lo· 7440. (Lie. 393422) Htlh pno•. S.uafiecl ntiE ESTIMATES on cuatomera our flrtt ce-nt. block or brick· prionty. Call anytime, work. _,. co~ s.6-.:;;;;-:-78~1=:9:-::. =---=-~~ OJ' ~in. Lie. 2!MW. R.&LlA.BLI GARDIN· CallM-063i uyttae. l&wa lll&i.D.teal.llce, JOI & G CDONT: larga and Drlvewayt, patiot, Tr.. trimminQ wa.lb. 1tepe, and fo1111. and removal. Free detiona. JUphaJt, COD· ..timet ... 548-6065. crete removal. Bondecl, D.PIJUEHCID GAR· liceDM 368186. Fr .. DEMIR. SpriDQ tertiliaa· •hmat• Call 552· bon, t1M tnaurau19, 3454. lawn~, tlo-r apnnltler CIIDINEY SWEEP CHDOD:Y SWEEP The tool tn your ehun· ney II a torch. Clean, fatt. aafe. rr.. eJtl. mat•. S.rvmQ Orange County 551-3273. Fraalt. CONCRETE Mrvloe, cleeaup. 751· 3592. LJW?<bi IIORT'S • Home i;J,au • Remod.linQ • Fu-It S.rvlc:e Carpentry, plumb\DQ eleetnc:al. hn11hed carpentry, doou, moldmgs, c:ab1oets dielvtoQ. Faucet• t~ ~uaQe door apriOQI Fast, ellic1enl Mrvac:e Lac:. 835-2651 BAU'IJifG• IIOVIRG PIIOIISSIONAl SDV· ICIS -Kai&I&D9, bWJd- la9 ............. it,u. d}'IUit work, ~kler ..,....., • y&.rd . up. rM ...U..t.. 67J.. 0548 • HOllE DIPilOVEIIEin'S TOUCH Of CLASS Ro .. bap~.Pa· lJoja, coven. Frach cioon, windo-. llre- plaee mantela, con· c,..., Jt\l.c:co. 25 ,.an. AIM refel"eQCW. Bob, 636-5298. DALY 1a1JIIIIJ• nHCI PATIOS SPAS ,DICit.$ ~11· HOUSE CLEA1GNG HOUSICLIANING: OWIIer ~ratecl. I do all the work my..U. wmc~o-my apeeialty. AJ.o complete bou.-cleaninq. _ Call David Eckert. 646-7281. TOP BRASS CleuinQ S.rvioee. Hou.Mtl•part· mental condo a/ rental•. Affordable rat••· 642-0190. ServlnQ Oran9e CoWlty. HOUSECLEANING - 12 yean e:q>e~~&qee. Good reference•. WeekdAyw and S.tur· day. C.U in eveninQa, !UJ..6540, Sylvia. STEVE"S CASTLE CLE#.JONG 3 bclrm/1 bath: $25 4 bdrmll ~ hath: S35 We11 eJ.a::l. your cutle with llO hAllie. Call ~5120 WI MAD IT SHIH! - ProfeuloDal house· c:leanin9 with a pe.-.onal touch. SatiafaohoD 'JUarant .. d . Benner Broa. ClealliaQ S.rv· ic ... 545-3158. LYNN'S NOP 'N BUCXIT Ci.anlDQ S.r· nee. You m• it up - we clean It up! Call Lynn, 552-7692. Ou e&ll w .. kly, bi·monthly and lllonthly. HOUSECLEANING by dey. 10 yMn ape· rienee. Call fr&JWaea 552-3164. . WORXING WOMZN: EnJOY a clean boUM I w1ll do II while you work Hon .. t, reliable. Relerenc:". 631 -1652, Sua.o. alter S. SWEDISH CL.EANING Service -Complete hou••e leao•ovl apart· ment emphes aod wm· dowa. h c:eUenl work by prol-..ioMit. W• do what othera prol!UM - that'• why we're the beat. RMIOnable rat•. 730-0'268. INCOME TAX HOUSICLIAHJHG. ~ ll<*eeleu· iD9 • ..,.,... .... a.o.-. coadot. Ree.80aable ....... ~.c.u after 4 p. •. • 162-.2$.11, Debot&b. HAPPDfiSS IS HA V. lNG TDa b yoa.nelt. Let u . Uadle JOW cleu~Jat aeeda. We clo It all! 1a b~ ldnce uns. Th• .... __ _..... 886-1300. ...,.,.... ... CUAHING UHLO.· ITm. For eac.IJeDce ill boueclea.raia9, provld· in9 all IUppU.. iDchad- iDQ vecuum. Truat· worthy aad dependable. Call today for elll..illl&te. 546-3726. HOUSICLIAHIHG Fladen A9-cy. Fk»or carpel&, wtndo-. kit· elaeol, b&tluooma. 760· 7118; after6, 835-6356. BOUSfZEEPU'fG COWPLITI bouebep· iDQ .. me.. (cookiDg, 1peeial c...,. -eeptecl). l:aperienced, teler· ene• ev&il&.ble. Call LiM. 548-6857. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS A.WW A Y PRODUCTS come to you. S.liafec· liol1 QU&r&ateed or your mouy haclr. Call Judy, 857·5188, alter 6 p.m. ANWAY PRODUC'IS? Find out why _..,_ bet- ter. ~tve $5 ill ptod· uc:b b.. foJ' lettiaQ lUI ahow you a de-nonatra· \ion. 857-2582. HOUSESITTIMG FOR THOSI WHO DESERVE THE UST. Immaculate Servtc" Ho~tiDQ. Boad.d. 675-9755. IHCOIIE TAX INCOWZ TAX Acco1111t· iAQ for iAdiriduala, JHLrt· aenhi):Na and corpora· tiona. Avai)&)lle year· ro1111d. Local oUice. Reuonable. 751-SO.O, Unique AeoounllnQ S..Mce. TAX PID.ARAnOM by e:apert pro~nal. Ap· poinlmant ananQed days or eveningt, your b.ome/my olfic:e. Rea· aonable ret•. P!eue c:e1l Art, 851-0133. TAX UTUBNS by ap· poilttment, JMl·roiiJld. Hi4h quality •• a tM· aonable cOli. l:aperi· need coDftlllant who Ia enrolled to . _ praetlce beJore the lRS. 549- 2418. UtOOJIE TAl SERVICE 8\lGn .. cd Pe~nal. R. Oi.aon, Pu.bUcl Ac· eoiiJltant, 18031 IrviDe Blvd., TuUn, (714) 544-1432. PERSONAL AND 8USI}{ESS lNCONI TAX return preparation, A veilable for eveninqt and w .. kend office or home appolntmenlt. Jam.. L. ZirnmermaD, CPA, 64S-42.L2. lNTEIUOR/ EltEIUOR DESIGN WOVED!? DOROTHY NAP~lE INTI.JUORS can help yov qet_ it all too-ther. COWPLITI OICOJU (ll YMn with W&J SJo&ne.) 548-9798, m-Q• 642·1681. DECORA TIVl cia&Qoll61 cedar wall. OWet beau· ty of wood. Call C&Mb Howard, 554-7974. WW. H. AJIDII90if w-.,: JJocJt, bnc.k. ...... t.oee. ~. plua..,., .... Jatw. k)r/eaieriot. Fr.-.. ....... (Lie. 380821) Bo.ded, tuured . ..a. ... WA.SONRY OUJI SPI· ClALTY -Tile -Coo· cnlte -Block ud lriok, OWck. oleea. depeodable. p..... s. Bod9ea. Property fa. pro-t. e:u-2345. 110wea• STORAGE Till SfARVDfG COL· LIGI STUDDITS Nov· ill~ haec::· (Uc. ~~641~ ABCIIOVING hperie&lcecl, proJ ... Ilona!, lo.-, ..... bee eetilu'-· Qwok, car• fulMrvice. 552-0tlO sr A.RVING ACTORS' WOVING COWP.Aln. Chan91D9 ca.atJ.a? No bualeel w. llutle with our all8Clell Liceaaed, l.alnLrecl 673-0853. "SWifT . WOVING": tow.t r..... ,.,.. la· ho-~-Bank· Amerlcarcl, Waater Ch&roe. (714) 'JS'-0808. (714)~. PAamG• ~ACIHNG SDVICI -We boa, wrap and crU.. We ua all alllppi.DQ l)'llteiU. 645·0980. 6-45-9090. ~144. PAOmNG PAINTING: Interior/ lxt.rioi. towe.t rat ... proa~t. uat •rvice. Ia ., .. lot 10 ,...... ,,.. ettilll&.... (714) 848- 5684, (714) 636-71-'9. PAJHTING: B.auUiy HANGING: $10 A ROU. p~ ~tripping. Qullty, &. ..um.at ... DUcout oa wallpaper. ViaaudWC. F~IDterior Deilp Call Scott. &B-9325. QUALl'fT PAPIR HANGING. pai.DtinQ, interio• ~'roblema. Joila, 9r Ill, tr .. ..eimata. Ftn. lwo· peu cratt.un. Call Bnocl.u. (714) 968- 7471. WAU.PAPIIIJJfG lxperieec.d. boJlded .• liceued.. Dt.couots on wall oovertnq. Free .. ttaatee. Rod, 739-5800. PLASTERING U.STUCOO -later· torlbterior PatehinQ. 30 .,..n u:peM.Doe. Neat work. Call Paul, $65-,., ALL PHASES of PLAS· TIJUHG: Re-atuoeo, tutu.rillQ, interior/u - terior petclaworlt. Room adclitio» and eW!tola hom... Fr:.. eetilll&bt. Uc. Jt8781. John, 9fl0..3786. your home lor '82. Col· Pl.,_....,. on ecld DeW JU. ud "-- protect yow iDYellaeat. -~ QuAlity work ud a&ter· ... .,........,. aBPASBS i&lt. FJM lllltizUt•. Dra.iaa c:lMrecl. la.atalla· Freel, 536-3471. tfon~. G.tha9• dia· poMl. Water h .. ter. PADITING -Interior/ G... toU.ta, (&uc:el eaterlor. Reetcl•nti&l, repjpln9. coamerc:ial, prot-ion· al, cleu. fU'IIl quality. ~·aflumbba,g AU WOJ'k Qu&ranteed. "'-2 R.uoa.abl. prtcee. Free DIIAIHS CUAR.ID: ••tilllate. Call Bill. from $10. Toilet maiD.J 646-2328. fro• $15. Free pJWD.b- SPICTRUW P AINTI.RS in9 ....,..U etlliJD.&tea. -ClllltOJD interiors a.nd Guaranteed work. Call uterion. Gur:ant .. 2 uytiaa. "')CaN" Root· yMIJ. Refereoo.a, free .,, 642·9033. eatiJuMe. Call (714) GUSTAVSON PLtJNB.. 964-4828. LM•• ..... DIG a llealiDQ. ft.. MQe. p&lD. reaodaa. r•· STEVEN'S PAIMTING 11 plpea, garbeQe dt.poa· back! How 1pecializinQ ala, water heaten. AU Ill -.terk)n. tr.-it.eaia· about llo•• warranty. eel ..U.at ... CAll lor Lie. 40111526. 548-8&66. _,pointment now. AU 838-4805. lor Charlea, 665.3348, AAA·1 PLUNBING, 546...s&1. Heating, Rotor Service: DVAWSPOOL SIRV· ICI. R.identi&liApart· aenta/Commerclal. Acid ... and repaln. ROMit ud d.~J.. ~- POOL SIRVICI, S3S aonth. Spa •rvice, $25 montll. Guaranteed. Call lor bee ilulpectl.cm. 631-2720. PROPERTY IIAMAGEMEMT y..,. of ~&pen.ace - SWALL SHOPPING CIHTIRS, SINGLE· FAMILY HOWES. "Buy lne:apenli1re P.ace of Mind." Call Meyer W,gml., ~1366. MJMGOTI ERS RAIHGU'ITERS: Cu· tom alwalrlum ~­Winter apeelall Sl.49/ loot lnatalled. Free eltimat... (714) 968- 8312. RDIODELING R.IPLACI ltlTCHIN COUHTIR TOPS. We've popular colon In atock. Al10 ltitehen remodelinQ. Free elb· mat•. Nooretops, (714) 558-3888. ROOFtNG QUALITY ROOFtHG lor J... Old and n- ooiiJitructlon. Uoen.MCI, lan~ and bonded. 1\eferanc:-. available. Call Kenny Funke. any· nm..~Ol93. ROOf UAit? Roof problema, all typee, repain, rwootia9. -roof, dad coating, QV.t· ten, dowupoub, rM· JODable, Quaranteed • fr.. ...l.mate. BaR. M&--2328. ROOnNG All typee, new, old, repain, decb, wa\•r· proo!I.JI9. Call Bob: 548-0789 Uc. No. 406022 RAY'S ROOriHG CO. S.rvinQ all of OranQ• CoWlty. All typee. 1 '" &~timet•. Uuwed. Lie. 36lo.2. All work quar· eat.-d. 559-9369. ROOf UAK? Why reroof when you can repait ala lr~ of tM cOli? JlaiDy Day ftoof Rep.ili S.rvic•. Dick, (213) 986·3837; Kevin, (714) 646-54'10. RUlER ROOFING All typee. Hew, reoover. cleeka. Uc 411802. Wl-1134 BIPAlRS FOR LESS - Flat, Tile, Slunql•. O.CIIa, Coatia9 .. FrM ... Uu .... 7'10-ms. CUSTOU PAINTING _ Service call low u bte.rior/i.aterior. Bruah, $12.!!10. We do 11 all and roller, apray. ()aaljty MYe you mon.,r (714) m&terial on1y. 20 ,..,. ~. (714) 631· uperieoce. Free •U· 3006. ROOM mat••. lnternatloul P'111 D1'UIATEI ADDltloNS Pa1nti.Dq, Lie. No. •Copperll.p.plD9 380116.556-1631. • Pluabin9 ud H..tiDQ ROOW ADDITIONS COAT Of W.AHY COL-• 1leat prtc. and refer· ~ C:,.~;: :;:: 01\S pe.latiaq -loter-eacea. '"'-" , _ ~ OWD.ecl anti 0 .... retecl. torl••tetioJ', aco'l&.lllic&l ......., -rry r-cellinge. S..rv!J19 lrri.na ltl 1012 rM ..t~.m.-. lk.-. and •unou.ndiDq .,.... 15~ orr-ALL SERV-eel. bou.ded. Since 1980. Call 540-0240. (lJc:. ICI labor. ~lali.liaQ 95.~1:-.::-0269~~· ===-=--1!8400) m _.. •··-u-ROOW ADDITIO.NS -P•~ ~ P•wa.uwQ. ltlolaee, botduoo..•. wet ...... ..._ ~W.. reputebl., ban IQI N.uo R.licieatiaiiCoam•rcial ecoaoalcal. l.lcenM elecirt:\. · p ... , $: O,.ality Worlawathtp. =.~otal Pbnahlnq, ftoclo.,., Ptvperty lm· r,.. tlltbu.... Rea· proYetUDt, 131·2345 aoubJ. price&. Lie. ~. Jt.a w .... 541· ~~--'!!11~.-.--.. 1 3280. STAIIID Gl US ITIIIIID GUll c .. ato,. wlaciowa, -.... etc. Celilonia lk:euecl. Award-wla· DiA9 ....... et pricea below....,.., eo...r. olai/Ruldeatial . ULIIJ)()SC()PI, 54$. 7541. custow TU.I wour All tJpee lnatallatioaa - tpeci.alJainQ in re· modeliDq lntchen ud hath. Oue1ity worlrm.an· ahip. Free Mtlmat.. Reference•. Ron, 831-'ml. CERAIIIC m.E N-and ll.emod.lmQ Kitchen-Tuba-floor Fr.. lllti.ID.&.... 1-year guarant ... Call Scott.IS1·l- CEUIIICTILE floon -CoWlter Tope -Sho-~. hpert ill· Jtallation. Guaranteed work, free eatimat•. 545-5206. tOPSOIL TO.P SOIL -DIS-COUNT PRJCISI Z.Ue 0~-8 y~. Oldy $56.9e. Loc&l ct.U-ry oo eh&Jve. Wilte, 633- 1665. NOW IS THE TDG to pru.u your treea. Call "TIM kp.rta ... 30 ,..,. aerviee in Oru(le Couty. 548-3239. GeoJQe, 24 boun. ll'PIR'f TRD SI:RV. 1<3: 11M toad aluub triiD.Jiailtg and removal. Yard e~up. Fr.-.. tlmat•. Call963-S982. RON'S TRU SIRVICI -Trimming, loppiaq, IAa,pinQ, 11M ~al. lliLIDP removal. Yard c:leanu.p. l.iceuacl and insurecl. Qullty work. F-..tiiii&Jea. M&-- 5»4. POOJ.S/ SA URAl/ HOT TUIS/SPAS Off to • Oooct atM The Claulfecl Way 173.0550 TYRIPADl DPDT TILJV)SlON suVJa: 15 ,....,. -· p41ft.llCe. D&ylai•latl •• .-... Low rat•. la·llo•• ••II•••••· 18.85. Call Huv-r. eee-1764 . TTPDIG: 4 ,_,. u lepl aecretuy. Heat. r-ro' rlooal u.d a~:eur· ate job doae OD JOUI mportll, papen. ..c. <Arole. 640-!1864, alter &p.m. UPBOI.Sn:RY • "251K OJf ALL r Ai. RJCS" • UpholateNn oi dutiac:tioa. Aatiqu lo moderD. Free pioltur-aDCl cWiYery. So-n laterion, 957..()128. UP TO SOIK OfF NA TIIUALS ... Reup· holatery. Draperiee, C~&~toa Work. Fr.--Umat•. Soutll Poiltte Upbol•tery, LaQvDa HAlla, 768-9009. VIDEO WIIOf.EI,AJ,E PRICES All brand. and aodela. Aoc.uorl••· audio/ v\cMo, CltiMn wa.tch•. Plooeer/SaDyO car stereo&, ud moM major brucll. 150-0535. WALLPAPERDIG CUSTOM WALLPA· PIRJNG and pemtillQ, 10 yean uperience. R.fereaoe.. Guaranteed work. Call John, 730- 2053. WAU. PAPEIURG hperie.ace, boAded, liceued. DiacoWlt OD wall oo¥eri.aq•. r ... .. .a-en.. CaU o-.. SU.U17. WINDOWS SPARK· LING CUAH -A1rer· ~ 2-*>rt $38 (l!>-17 wiDdo-). S15 lllin.i· mua.. ScreeD~ mcluct.d. Pho~~e •U.aat-. Be~UH~r lr:oa.. 545-3158. ORAMOEOOAST A"'~ ho,_ $30. , rM &lltilll.a.t•. 542-9031 WINDOW WASHING. 'P&J'kliDg clean wi.ndo-.. tMJOnable rat•. Screena clMDed lree. CAll Drew at 544· -4136 lliQhb for free ..U.Ute. WINDOW OOVEIUNGS SHUT- taa -~ off our qullty thutten. Free ..umat •. 7$4-7l47. POOJ.S/ SAUKAS/ HOT TUJS/SPAS SALE86 INSTALLATIONS .....n ,.._..._Spanllta-..rlll_.llla.....,.._ .. ,.. .. ,.to ...... ontMwalllulr•piDDttD_. ....... Cool Gil In ,.,_..,.... pooe 01l'llallnlll ... • .. •wounflr ••500. DB._ 10 IIM.IOOIIlNIIN ....._.holM In..._ follltll ........ -. ......... CIMI ._ ........ , ....... -Talll o.. .. IIWII•••WTD_. ........ ca~Ya21d.DII,__c.Ma .. aMWIIIflhlpla ...... ae~~.~t and tal dub. tUIRY1 WCIDII .... Pl1mle8di10Ciacl:aln.IIIIJpatl• "''lrda-_. .. prtced tD ... -nne ........... 1'/z ...... CIMfld ....... eN ClnliGI •. AnldoUI owner .. c:any larg12nd TD. A ... at tl21.1()0 . ..,Oirf •• WIW 5upll' bur tor._.,.._ ••te•lf•r. fWit4*-. ,_ •· .-.. Cll**iO, Palol Vtnlll ... ..,. ....__ 1~ tMIIII; IRa..-.. dalarcna. a.. .. ...._ Wonl•at M15.000. • • I.I.MUICIIII.MYM II NDnlldto_,.,._ ..... . •• .. --fiiNI toltiN 3........., ...... COt&lllrf ........ .. ••• ••••.-lnG'adng. You .. 11M .. 2...., llrtdt ..-... ..-. ........ ....,.,. and 1M warm -.c.,,..,_ .... .-...-. GDI ...... 50(). . --..,.YOU • ... to 1NI ..._ Nm o.rt aaMD. 11...., .... ~-.,.. IUmMIMt pool enG. 1Wo Ill-. 2 ..... ..., ........ ., * ac~~...-... .-... t111c1a to ......_. -·" .-z•a .. , ... at -.500. .._,. 10. 1982 ......,. Hdlr ,_. &tate For s-. P• 3 ILL EVER BE LOWERI IMD All usa lhllpqtPIRe. aeNM home hal ~~t•oe. prtwacy and aoc:atlcln. aoc:atkl\.loccfloftll Awe bedloornl. pllr and lip on Lnto ..._.,lagoon. CCM.my ~~~chen .th •II*D-tonna1 ciMtg room wlh blvllad g1ca doors. ..................... and IRI"G room. and"" IICUrly ~ ....,.,., onty gcftd llland. 71 Uncia - lM LlllnLI Almod .. ld UdD ... home ... 4 bedrooms and 3 piUs~ l*fKt tor family and ••~~**IQ. This home hal good ~ and owner rncJf CGnlkllr a '-Qllllon 01 rodls. Enjoy 1M dalllc lwlng of Nlwport's largelt llklncl Olftnd at M85.000. -.aun a· " oa• o ......... --a-p1an .. u bGklonf aero. 1M ten ... ~· ~ .. IMick .., .... -,.., ••• ..., CllccMalld and rtmodllld In ......... ol gDGd ............. .,.. ... wood dldllnO. Ulld lltctl and --aa. to pool and ........... -...... mallnun ~ ol glaa ... em upo~~n. MOO.OOO. I II! ........ 2....._M ... IIao.ti ..... IMII~ ...... , ... _._ ...................... tn .. ortg. ._--. 0.. II ..... tM .. cany• MD .. 20S diMn. Gli.OOO. ........ Claln. ... _. Nlt .. cCIIICI ..... WOW'I M 1NI ..... ~······--.............. ,El ..... _.,., ... .................... AtA'I ..... ....._tNICit .. , ..... ,. ..... ,.. .... apeaa.-.K2101YacMaa~~r• 'l"aiiRC LOCAT'Dh-Thts Plaza mod• In the Turtt•ock Vistas has tr ott. Dromcrlc spit -.. floor pian wth three spodous bedrooms. family room and tormal clnlng room. Thts Is o pfflole end unt overtooklng expanSIVe • ._ biDs and tree~. t251..500. ...,. ...a •IT COIIDmOI This beautiful 3 bedroom has been recentty remodllld wlh MW c:orpeiS. appliances, point woN and wtndow covertngs. Huge wrap c.o"'d patk> Is walled for prtvocy. Wth ossumobfe loans at on average rate of 12/lR. this ts we" Pftced at $245,000. Submlf on lease option. ...-...n PAll T1Us lmmocWatt 2 bedroom, 2 beth hOme fe<rures lovety wood dick patios and haS blln vwy Mil maintained. WaliJng dlsfanc. to lhopplng.lbray and lpOftS fac~Mea. lis ltlttd for just $125.000. ...,.... ••11111 CAN coo FiiWoul aorge Cope Cod tamly home _. ~ In til' Jport tlelgla Four bedrooms plus famly room. large bock yard lura~ bn?y. hduced to t250,()()().-a\Jioul owner. DOni IIIG II oun. Thtl kM1Y 5 bedroom home has 3 '/1 balhs. 3 cor gnga. 2 11tc11 11..-.. bmal dining room and o spec:IOCUiar Nlw of tW mowMif. liar* baf. harbor and ocean. Beald\My decorated and .....,._.., •· "* diiWIN famly home as otfad tor t825.000 . with Professionalism and Integrity Conn~~ .. MXM'II .......... ClllfW. DtnW.. .... ClcoiiD ............ .......... ..., ....... .-n.a t.,w .. &I .. o.tmra ~=-......... ...... ..,. ...... • In lntl1te 18124 Culver Drive Irvine, C. 92715 Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US .•. TO BA YSHORES Not I kiftt-just 1M likl OMI When you live in ttis pr---blyft'ont villi. milion dollf -.ta --. routillf Huee hint ,_ with lql .....-. ... ••· tliniftg I ........ fotWI dininl ,_ ..... Ollt IM'Itll firllllltt. ,.. ... " ....... Ute witt. ..... .... also ~WMt• .,. iron atlirtalto Plht ... Fw IM- tionll ......_ ~ely finiaMd t1wet c. ..,.. You .... die lind. en Pndlla and Jq,e O'Lea. Avlilbltlty IIPPQinlniMt 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,100,000 COME WITH US ..• TO SPYGLASS HILL bctiiM finlncMg. ~ etlhlllll Tudlr c:uatonl hona Situated It tt. wery top of SttYtllll HI. Two story hing r-. ForM ci1i1e roo-. Fllliy ,_ _.. Mt •. Gounnlt ~ 6oW .......... fil1llra s.. .... Wit Nr in _.., IUitt. Fw c. .... YCMI 0W1t thl t.d. Dottie Auat•o. Av._lty .,.-n._t ..... o o 0 0 o • o o t1 ,500,000 COME WITH US 0 0 0 TO HARBOR IStM) ROAD ..,.._ 0,.. • CIIIY 0. -Dlllr till ..... ..... &Iii¥ ............ " ........ n. ..... .... " ............ ··--.... " ... ............................. ill...._ .... FM _.I a ... rllllila ..-. Sirry ....... _ .... .., ................. ..... ...... '-"Yo -------- co• Willi US ••• TO DOVER SHORES hcclllt fit•dlt lllilltic ,__yet CllY and coave- nilllt • • ~ fw '-*-__. witJl priqte .. f..tl .... CIIIIFlll • 0 ... L nr. & ....... lridt ..... ,.... S,.. ....... Mr .. 0 YCMI 0W11 the ... Prict,.... t30.000 .......... ... 1200'*i1Driw a.-s. .. 1-5 0 •••••••••••• 0 ... t795.000 C-Willi US ... TO DOVER SHORES be n 1 llluill-Out ................. -... .... Orllllltic My -city ...... .. .,.. hing ..-... ... ,_ _......, ......._ Flllliy rOCMil with Wit .. and .......... F-. ...... Aeatful brick patio. TOII&Mylld ...... AI .... .... AniiiMIIty .,,. -~ 0 ••• 0 0 0 •••• 0 0 0 HOO.OOO COllE Willi US ••• TO DOVER SHORES 0... wl ... r.... M¢ 'laiwl two atcwy Dower ...................... ,...cllillg ,.., ....... ..., .. ,1 .......... ..... ....... _ .......................... .... ........ e' .... 0 .... it .,.. c.tyri w..-.......... ... t ' " ., 1$$ • J J o • o • • • • • • • • • • • $700,000 COME WITH US .•• TO BA YCREST bellini fillnc:ifte. C.to. built fM ··~-f.-ly ,_ Diniftg 1'10& ..... -..... ---. .... ....... Brick,.. ,... .. ""'" ,.... ... wwt. Tllrtt c. .... Pit D' Mil. Av.-...lty ..,...._., 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 •• 0 • 0 • M81,000 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT ISWI) Elc.llnt .._.., 30' waterflolt .-,;,; _. ...._ Conw lol Two spiCieul M*n•L C., II g' t Covered patio with brick blftltcut. YCMI Nft .. 111M. V"r-giiaSwan Aw-... by wointnw~t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •••• 0 $485,000 COME WITH US .•. TO NEWPORT lSI Nil El~ fia•tile-118' of WllliftM. T1nl .. II I u. ...... ,... ........ ~ ..... ... ,.rio. Y• IMft ... _,tiNt. Y• .. -.~~~~& v-..-s.. AlliiiiiiiiJ¥ "1 1 ._, 0. 0 0 0. 0 ••••••• M7UOO CO. WITII Ul .•• TO Clff NAVEl Vtry ................. LL ....... .... .. ....................... ... .. ...... 0 it • (. ¢1' ••• " .., a. -......... ,.. ........ ... o.a. . ,.. ... ... 1211 kiltl ... O...S.US.. 1·5 0 •••••• 0 ••••• 0 0 ••• M71,0G0 COllE Willi US ••• TO BA YCREST EJaealt '-..._ ..._ AI ,_ • •r•o at; .................. -lleiiiJ!If!lllh&. .. .. .. ... T• .... fa I I I .. ~~ ._ ftlfiMIIe ........ O' ... Ani~~M~Ity ..,.._, 0 0 ••••• 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 M48,500 C-MTII Ul ... TO IW.IOA ::::-· fiUiilt Tw ... ¢/ I -..... 1J11111 widl ...... twl WI I '"" ..... 48tll Strlll wia two ... 1W1 Wi 1 W ;.a - IIIDck M Da Oftwed ....... • ....._,, C111L Y• .. 1M ...... s-fftllt AviMIIIty JJI~l •. 0 •••••••• •311.500_. Dale bout Bay& Beach Real Estate Mwdl 10. 1982 Nlwpot1 Hlftlot Rul Estate For S. ,. 5 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENC~ SINCE 1949 COllE Willi US ••• TO HARBOR VIEW HILLS bjly dll •n ·me If ...._ .,.. a _. ..,... "' .... .,.., ..... ,.. Cia -,..... ...... end ..... ,.,,_,..... •• _,_FM....._. _. M Two &111lu• &..-. .. dldlilt-C.V. -..._ur..,.v..-s-. 1034 S II f ~ Mdt Oriw a.s..r 1·5 ................... $330,000 CIMI WITII US ••• TO WESTCUFF &tty ~ ........... o.ity buill ec.... ptettly ..,--. ,...... ,..,.... ...... fonalt ciJing raoa Naw ~ ...... ..,.. lnd nuen.. Peaf a yri .._ ptW of o.,.,.,. Yov ~ t .. lind. .,.. Loudin 1100C..iclgellnt Open Fr*t 10.2 ................... $316,000 COllE WITH US •.• TO CORONA OEl MAR ucA tl ,._tile. South of .... If. Two story. two lltitroc. cW ,_. in froM. OM bt*oom unit iD r•. Two c.,.,._ Dottie Ault•o Anillblt by ...-..nnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299,500 COME WITII US ••. TO IRVINE E...., ~tol ...W. Rlattul bay window lltino .... iD flllily ,...,., Four ..._ ....._ Two .... -Brill .................... liMY Jlfd. 0.. iltiO: ,, :t tlltt. c.~tart ....... with ;r eon6 ......... ,_ ....... ~ ....................... $285,000 ~ Willi Ul ••• TO THE BlUFFS r•.,c•c• o... .. c.lil:t ~ • ... 6,.. .... .., .......... llinl ... ..... '""" l'1lnl ~ ~ .,.,., .... Ca er lfw w••• ..._ r..-..ny _....._ Just ....... *20,000.,.,., ....... AYiilllll8 ~ 100r' -...t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t275.000. C.. Willi US •.• TO HARBOR HIGHI.ANOS ,_., ..._.. •WW••• Ftw .._. ..._ nw. ........... Very ......... __ ... ~--11! .......... IUIIL S..ffelt. ........ ~ .... i-· .............. *270.000 1·1 ........... ._. : ... ··--· ... . COME WITH US .•. TO WESTCUFF EICtllalt finiRcina ... owner will c:onUr -..option or a C.aianty IDcltld thr1t bldroal\ two beth home. s,.a.s ... ftoclf ..... OMit ......... Buih-in breakfront il lining room. New COfPitS lnd p.Wit throughout Pil D' Auria 1016 Dowtr Drift Open Sundty 1-5 ................... $265.000 COME WITH US ••• TO WESTCLIFF s,edoul ........ two beth home. High bumld ceil- .. in living roca Two _.ate yards. ldlaly suited tor flmity with SIMI chil*en. A pool in one yard-play yard in 1M otlw. Allnn system. Susan Frost Avaitabll by ICIIJC)intment . . . . . . . . . • • . $260.000 COME WITH US ... TO MESA VERDE Emllnt finaocint. T asttfuly upgraded uec:utive home. Four btdrooa~S. formal dinine room. a.borltt ttmptflhKe controltd wint room. Huge femily 1'0011\. Pool size yard with room for boat or trailtr. Styli Amato Avaitabll by ~tment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250.000 COllE wtTH US .•. TO THE BLUFFS bcallnt flnlncing. Tht much .... after "Dololts" ...... End lllit. Mountain end ........ YiN. Nlutral h ... * in Ultry, living ,..,.., ....... Sid kitcMn. Tint •--. eo.v.Mnt to sdlool lnd ~ Chris Pitchaa and,... O'laa Awllab6t by woifttn.t . . . . . . . . . . . • • . $234.500 COllE WITH US ... TO Tiff BlUFFS 1M('...., '"frUICixlft" _.. condb. nw. ..,ac1ous ~II JL Seand bt*oom can 0pU1 into mast• lllchom IUitl. Alrilll astrallCI. Two tiled petios lnd gas barMcue. T., .-.v wpet UICI cust01n chpa. Vqjnia HIUif AvtitiiWI ~y .....,..._.. .............. $232.500 COllE Willi US ... TO CAMEO HIGHLAMOS b 0 1 ··~-o--'*tiM .... ..._ .. _..., 15 .. .._ to ..-lfied lluyw wllil can - .... *1150.000 .... 1'1nl tptCioul M*ooml. two u. .... --.,.. lqt pnt ~ .. king -Olilt ttl. •lladllt. ... D' Auril 512Wiant,... o.-s.en.v 1·5 .................. $199,900 ~Willa ... TO RANCHO SAl JOAOUit be T I Ills tilt &net IN I ttaty. F ... wilw tf ...... _, , • ......_ f• -..n•• _, .._ EM .._ Yw .. dll ...._ Price ,..... U-5.500 Pil D'Awit A I U ., "'" • a 1 ••••••••...... U88.SOO 1117 W.tcllff Drive. Newpqrt Beach, California 92660 (714) 631-7300 COME WITH US ••• TO MESA VERDE bCIR&n ......... s,.aa. ..... ~ "-' located Oft .... cut. lit cirdl. 40' ... hNtld port Buih·in batecul Sid *''~ cwt. toav.nitnt to ldloab.. Sally Netttl 1858 U1Jih Cftil 0,. s..y 1·5 ................... $185.000 COME WITH US ••. TO NEWPORT PENINSULA betS I --~-Resort hing yw round in this conv. niatt ..... ~ two bad\ home with desirable bldlllor unit to help witb payments. Excellent starter home or retnm.nt pleasures. Joyu Ui1!* Aw.ab&t by ICIPOintnwlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $179,500 COME WITH US ••• TO COSTA MESA btll&lt financing. c~ ,......, three bedroom, two bath home. Stytigtrts in soflrium and master bedroom. Two pat~ Coppet pkwnbing and new roof. Joyu luittlle Av-...byiiiiJOittment ........ . . . $142.500 COME WITH US ••. TO NEWPORT TERRACE bc:ellnt ~ Nut ttne bedroom tondG. Pnvacv end ocean view. Many htras in this lovely Newport BMdl retJ11l Price rld&ad $22.600. Roger 8arquast Available by IPCIOintmtnt ........... Now $136.900 COME WITH US ••• TO THE VERSAILLE lite new one M*oom ~ in the lulunovs V•salllt at ......_ High quaity WIM lnd window cowetiftts. Last WOfd in conveniaa inctulit'l ••tor .via Sid Nidi 1*\ino for two tarl. liorgalus ell...... pool lnd spa. s.dtd gilt. fJin s....n Awailellll by IIIJIOintnnt . . . . . . . . . S 130,000 COME Willi US •.• TO WESTCLIFF CIIUI and conw&lient condo. One bedroom. ltmty balcony Two year old kitdl&l.. Fmhty ~ lllttriol. Sp¥\1 1111 pool Clf'POII. Assumlbll $59,000 loan. low tnterat. VWJinia Sw&l Avaitabll by ippC)intlllllftt . . . . . $ 99. 500 lEASES 116 CAIYOI l~ ... ~ ..... two bilk. 3,000 sq. tt. JICUl zi $2,050 month. Y..ty ...... WI MYI OTMRS.. PUASI CAlL US FINI YOUI .101. COMMDCIAI. COME WITH US .•• TO OlO NEWPORT 0... .. ,.., ..._ balalt ..._. C·3 ZOOiflll. ...... ,20 ............ u. .. --. ...... ot 4,000 "' ft. • ._, 10.D "' ll '• .-die lilllllll. ......... • ....,....., n 11 1 . . . . . . . . . • • • t715.ooo 111111.liW Clllb .W 13..15 .,._ S., [I $' t .. 55 .................... ·,t-~ .. l ......... ]'¢ t ... _._.. •• us ' a-. C.O .... ·-· t1r..... . . . .. US3.000 HARBOR RIDGE ESTATE -OPIN THIS WIIKIND N0.3 MONACO B~LBO~ I~L~ND OPEN SAT./SUN.12·4 211 OPAL TODAY Envision the futur• of Balboa Island. The opportunity to own o ...S'Iot, a two story beach house that haa rung with musk and loughter. TOMORROW Develop the property to Its full potential, capturing o view of the bay and histolic Bal. Pavilion. Own. offering workable financing and will listen to reosonobl• off.,.. Pondw ond this houw will be sold. $525,000. 118 Tourquois, Balboa lslond. ~5754. NEW CONDO MAXIMUM IN OLD CDM Surrounded with sto-.ly tr..s, north of highway. T.nnt. coum a serv• owoy. $360,000. 2721 Fifth Ave., Corona del Mar ~5154. LAGUNA HILLS Ftv. bedroom, 3 both, new hom. with G)' bonus room. NO DOWN. Builder involv.d in new proj~t. R.ap th. b.Mtits. $2.e5,000. PALM SPRINGS Secluded hacienda. Tennis club or.a perfect for o cotp. or shored ownetlhip. $475,000. l.o C:O.to spacious T bedroom condo on gotf courM. $125,000. IRVINE NORTHWOOD& New custom built 4 bedroom, 2~ bo1h. OAIQ.fN. ~ upgrades lnduding skylight, th. use of oak, ond quarry tile. $212.950. Sot./Sun. 1-5 8AL80A PENINSULA Thr" bedroom, 1 ~ both, Sponl$h style home. Built when loth ond ptoa.., woe croftlmon fane. locoted In on. of the beat peninsula r•i- dentiol locotlona. Includes tile roof, beam celllnga and quarry tUe floors, $335,000. C08TAME8A New 2 untta with large WCNWq. near trona. and shopping. f:och unit 2 bedr001n1, 1 both, many enc.. $235,000, 2M OgM. NEWPORT.EACHCONDO Two bedrooma, 2 bob, quiet end unit. $129,000. Pool, f~, etc. Call Don 0t 6U-5754 01 fOri ot 64 I~ l. NEW BAYFRO T CONDOS Three-story bulldlna'4 condomlnluma. ~ramie bach and main bay views. Seduded street. Three bedroom, 3~ bath models and 2 bedroom 2 ~ bath models available. 2,100 to 2,700 sq. ft. Gunite 'Spa. Steam shower in master bath. Intercom/radios. FuD eecurtty. Open Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. 1815 West Bay Avenue, on the peninsula. $350,000 to $490,000. NEW~Y VIUAGE DUPLEX Cape Cod 2-story buiJdillg with calar akal'l and U8ed bricks, 2,800 eq. ft. Five· car parking. R~offtce .......... Retail clowMtaln. Rooftop cleQ for garden or enleitalnlng. 1375,000. Drive by 41031etSt. NEW CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION Stepe to Lido Village. Pier and float fo_r a 30' boat. Three bedrooms, 2~ baths.. Formal dlotatg room. Oak sp~r.a stairway. Spacious master bath with jannri and .._m I'OOIIL S650.000. Go look at 603 36th Street. N = -d -; ! 25 ... • • ... ..., I ! I Costa Mesa • ~ 1 s E. 17th St. IJ AEGIR PROPERTIES, INC. ~ DALEBOUT B.AY lAND BEACH 308 Marine Ave. 875-4000 1817 Westcllff Drlive 831·7300 m CANNERY VILLAGE REALTY ~HASTINGS AND iCO., REALTORS 510 30th St. 873-8778 2503 Eastbluff, Suite 203 840-5580 m COLDWELL BANKER m MACNAB·IRVINE REALTY 2181 San Joaquin Hilla 844-90&0 901 Dover Drive , 842-8235 II!] 1848 San Miguel. Drive 844 8200 IIJ REIMAX REAL TORS 15 Corporate·PIU. Dilwe 7Sl221 II UNIQUE HOMES 2443 E. Coeat Hwy • m COTE REALTY . IIJ MARSHALL, D.M. REALTORS il 2075 S.n Jo.quln Hills 840-Sm 2 Corporate Plezjl om. MUIIO M•rtae _ _ _ -T " : : 1 _ , I * PAIORAMIC OCEAII BAY VIEW Cliff HAVEl* ~ VIEW from spacious 3 bedroom home on extremely large tot cwertooklng Balboa Bay Ctub mld Channel $650,000 F£E wth greatterms12670 Son Miguel Drive, Newpoft Beach. 75&-1501 or 75~7373.. * 12.1% IITEREST HARBOR VIEW HOME * lmrnoc:uk'fe MONACO moc111 featurtng 2 bedroom/din, ftnpklce and spot low ...... ftnanc*tg CMJiable. $241,500. FEE. 2870 Son t.lguet Drive, New- DOlt Bead\. 751-1501 or 752-7373. * t30,000 11.48% FIIAICIIG * A~ FoiUoul 1lJRTlERO()( VIsta townhome. Ftaf\11ng 3 bGooms, ftr1ploce. gotlmtt dining and PfMR cowtyard. Onty t280.000. 2870 San • llgUel om.. Mlwport Beoct\. ~1501 or 752-7373. * WESTCUFF 1214 FIIWICIIG * When ¥OU IOU owr lldltlng loaM on 1NI EXECUTM HOME fecNing 4 bed- ~ 21ft bdM and pooa. Only t338.aoo. 3870 San ._.,.. 15t-1501 Of 752-7373. * 12Y.% FIIIAICIIC * CMJII*' on brand new townhornel f«<lurtna 2 mGIIW ....._ endoMd gar- .. and PfMIIe cowtyanl onty tl14,850. 2ii70 San aiQUII DIM. NMrtport leacfL 75t-1501 or752-7373. * JASIIIIE CREEK PlAII 4 * E»>••• po~ ~plan mognMcent decor-. nr. plaCe. gcMI'IMt tlland ldtc:htn, formal CIM\g. family room and ~ laundry. AI tNI and mort tor only $388,000. ~ 2870 San Mig&* OrNe, NesUOOd IIGctl. Jl8.1501 01752-7373. * WOOOIMDGE GLEI 13.20% FIIAIICIIG • Senlaltonae 3 bedroom. 2 IIOrf toWn."*"' with ~UP" ftnandng "Beach Modlr CINf t13\500. 2670 San llgull79-1501 0115~7373. ** PALERMO HARBOR VIEW HOME • • Tody rem a dilil jj ca"""*" f«<lurtna hnd\ docn, wooden "'"""' .... ...._ _.. lite* and pool and 1PCL FH land wlh ""' tlrmlt 2870 ._ ..... .,..., Nlllpolt leocft. 751-1501 or 752-7313. -. . • IIVIIE GROVES IY. FIIIAICliG * ~~·=-a:-~~San~~0=2-~ Only * IEWPORT CREST * Dlcoil-.ta diiiGNt s.n.nonat condo wteh a1 the tr1mtnmga. Only t188,900. CGI75e.l501 or752-7373. • ti,OOO REBATE• On brand n•townhomlf Featuring pmacy, 2 monr su1t11 and de/1oft OWf· loolllng M'O roam. Only t123,9e0. 2870 Son alguet onv.. Ntwport 8eocfl 75t-l50l 01752-7313. * HEIIT A&£ PARI SEllER FIIAICIIG • * WATERFROIIT HOME PRIVATE BEACH* Sensattonat 4 bedroom home smock on the woteftl Featuring trench doors, ~tploce, prornstonaMy decofattd and p~Mfe SANOY BEACH. Only $249,000 and ..... wttl cony AITDI 2670 SOn Miguel OrNe, Newport Beodl 75&-1501 Of 752-7373. • TURTLEROCK $1,279 PER MOIITH ... * Is all ~u pay When you takeover ulsttng 1st T.O. Spacious 4 bedroom execu- tive dltoehed home. Fecf\mg fonnal cln~ fomtty room and nreplace. Only $213.500 FEE. 2870 San Mia'* DrM. Newoott Beach. 75&-1501 or 752-1373. * 10% DOWI 12.33% IITEREST * On tt\1s sensational 2 bGoom townhome. FeofUring beoUttful upgrades and a SPA In the pGto tor relaXIng wentngs m home. Only $139,500. 2670 son Mlguet OrNe, Newport Beoch 75&-1501 or752-7313. MASSIVE CUSTOM FIREPLACE Spend thole romantk: IVInlngs balking In ttte glow from this massive nre- ploce. This spacious tow bedroom home Is Ideally tocmed close to W8Simln- tt• Mal and Golden w• College. 9032 Adams. Huntln"on Beoctl. 556- 7035. BIXBY KIOLLS BEAUTY If you enjoy the chorm and ltOtety grace d on era gone by. rtlls 4 bedroom. 2 bath home Is tor you. large formal dtnlng room wtth vtew of beouttfully lon~ scoped grounds. Guest house m rear of Pfopef1'y Offered" S239.500. 556- 7035. 1/3 ACRE ESTATE Compt•ety remodeled home wtth new ldtehen fecfurlng cusrom oak cot* nets.~ microwave. and trustt compodor Lorge formal dining room has butl-tn oak bufflf and celt*\lfs. Huge dtfoehed garoge nos 1 • boftl and co~d be eosAty convened to guesr house. SOcrtftce for $174.900 556-7035 ZERO DOWI PAYMEIIT On the wtnr. PriCe sMJshed SlO,OOO to t2l4,900 Owner wUI nnonce tOfally. Profess6ono0y decorefed tt\roughoiA to model nome standards. 556-7035 * PAIIORAMIC OCEAII AID BAY VIEW-CLIFfHAVEII * ~ VIEW from spodous 3 bedroom home on extremely klfge lot CMI1ooklng Balboa Bay Club and Channel. S850.000 FEE wfttl greol termst CC11175&-1501 or 752-1373. *LOW, LOW IITEREST RATES • When you toke OYef exlsttng financing on SUpet' town hornet Feoturtng 2 master suttes. ftrepkJce and $137,500 price 2670 Son Miguel Drtve. Newport Beach. 75a-l501 Of 752-7373 * •IIIVESTORS• • BJtng builders and controctorslt Hove two unls now-bUild onomer later? Oritloptng Cosro Meso area Grtot nnonctng. S135.850 75&-1501 Of 752- 7373. * PAIORAMIC PEITHOUSE VIEW SECURITY BUILDIIG * BreGhtakJng .,_ from prot.-onotty decoroted PENnoJSfl FeUurtng m-.r suites and au CJmtflltel. M50,000 FEE 2870 son MgUtl ()M. New- port Beoc:t\. 75&-1501 017S2-7313. COlliiS ISLE IWISIOI Of-tic llld ... widt 117' of ~t _, *" •..,.. 5,850 ... ft ••• 5 ........ 8 IMitM. fiMily ,.. with huge blr. 11rt11 pllyfOOIII fw bikds. Mil ••• kitdllft. two ltlir· ca. pills ~ to roof e-den. Priced at $3,800.000 itducllle 11M S. will finance. Cathy Schwlidlert 642·82351C12l. BACK BAY iSTATE Ellpa lfMI craft..,. ot anothlr •e-two Krt-lis bldfoom s,.nislt styled Hlciendl. Private tiMil court-80 ft. pool Mlstlf suite with fw..,UC.. ~aun~, spa lnd view. S.,.att Nids quertlft. Fi¥1 car gar~g~. $2,900.000 LyMe Vlllntinl644·6200 IC13). RARE OPPORTUIITY -BIG CAIYOI GOLF COURSE lOT Build your ch• hon on tlia prilll ..., c:our-. tit wiG OVII 100 feet of frontag~ on tM 14tll .,... Spect.U. Mwl of ..,..tins Md •t liglttt. t1,050,000 Cal for dNII-CIIucil Dillg ....... 644-8200 IC 15). . CUSTOM HOME BUILDIIG SRE Rile QtltiOrtllftity to lluld yw OM CUIIMl ,_. it ..,......... .. te gu~rdld COifiiiiUIIity of Big C•yon. A,.oaiMtlly 15,000 sq. ft. on tui-.. IIC OVIflooUie private ,-•.. IDEAL LOCAOON $895.000 Lyme VlllntiRI 844-8200 IC16l. A nEITIOI BUILDERS! Two R· 1 Iota, nortJI of highway in Corou ., Mer on one of nicat atrlltt. IT HAS 2 llllh•• 1 llldt ""'-wittl ocan -' t~nyon views. S675.000 HelM Wood 644-8200 IC17l. IEWPORT BEACH ESTATE Semi-Qastom tuCUIM ._ .-. 8 .._, 4 blths. 43' by 18' Greciln pool • .,....-, bi,..., dliWrtn'a ........ r•d. overliad bolt or RV • ....., 3 ~ .... 1/3 ecn lot t.dlritg netw• ..-. New • "*"' t569,ooo s.. w1 c.ry r...-.. F•lllld Joyce E.._ 642·8235 (C181. FAITASTIC PRICE REDUCTIOII 2211 Wetlffront-Oict eo.-dll Mer • a P1'1 t *-on 3 1M1s. Tb ..._ 3 Mtlla • ~ 1 ....... guilt uM. Bey ......... to ••as,ooo f-. ....... offln .... tftl .._... 642.e235 (Cl8~. REDUCED TO SELL Bey.,_ 5 ....... f.., ,.. &Nit ,....... room to add. 2 liliiiiAI pltiol. a.--' llricb, low. $235.000 LH 8Mrty Moqahy 642-8235 (C221. EIJOY BEACH LIVIIG Four bldfoom plus ,... boftus room ..., dln-allort jog to ocan. Gcett COftlllllnitv wittl pool end dub houa o.ty $279,500 lind. Owner will cerry-11......_ s..;.ct to t ... t ..._ Merdt 1982. Sellr fledlll OR finenant. J-PICIUin 642·82351C231. WESTCUFF AREA POOL HOME DligMful 3 ....... fllliy ... 8eeutiful llrfl pool end patio •• lltny utr• lftd ....... s.llr aba t1t1 1110tivatld. A bat buy. t249.000 s.az... sa.. 842-8235 IC24l. EXCELLEIT UVIIG II EASTBLUFF Privati CMtyn ...,.. .... to ... ....,.. ............ flllily Mig _, ..-......-.. Two petiol, wilw of Ctttlinl. lql fiMily .-, ......... Tllrte ......... 2 firttll ~-. I ..... • todl(l ...... a.-.. *t*att in finlncilg. t245.000 lemhJid Blrblra A.-842·82351C25) . A SPECIAL HOME CNnD end style prtVIila in Ulil lliiNY Clllao.izld EIIIWuff hom& l.&llt -.a wit~ 3 ...... ,.. .... fMiity """' -...., .. ~roam. Ptrk·lib yn.,... fiiiNy llldlcepld. t239.500 Jn Plqtin 642·82351C28). IEWILUFFS R•• Y plan to_,a• • willl , ....... Uwldld. lrtisticaly decorltld. 3 ....-. 2l' MtM.-ptt1o. t22a.ooo LH. oa H " -. 842·8235tC2n IEWPORT CREST--T COIDITIOI Conu · dy ..._. ..-4 ..._ 21 -flllly r-. _, uM ... t.Mir-., il ' II .......... Pertill OCIIIft wilw.3 .... -.u My••-'tiMit.,.._ to tl8t,950 I* a.. lll 844-8200 IC28). ·-· -· .......... Ttln ...... • ..... ~ ..... I 5G ft. IIC widl ......................... ~ • I 8 • lilt .. Ctht 12 •142-1235 (Cl4). ............ _ .... . .. ~.._ .. , ,.. ..... . lqa 2M. ... -...... t1,5i0.000 LOTS, lOTS, LOTS M.gnificent Calif. s,.istl home with lots of bectroomt-7-lots of bathl-6-lnd built on 3 prime lots on lido Ia Built •ound a large courty•d and pool lnd owr.s wil hltp flftlnCI, Joo! $1.250.000 Tom Alinson 01 Twry H~n~~ 642·8235. FABULOUS LOCATIOI II VIllAGE OF BAYSIDE Buutitul 3 bedroom home newly dlsjgnld to Mit ~ A spiCious floorptan on 1 stcwy with upaMive pool n1 provdl for llfacious l'lluilo and entlrt..... S,.·king dec« with high tailings and lots of glass. All uctllnt value at $750.000 • tiucing land. ClauiH Ding Muller 6«·8200. LOOKIIG FOR A LOT? In old Corona dlt Mer. Til ttlis OMI Dlrine 1 bedroom tottlgl with ~litlllf U., it rented 01 build the haml of your dloicl. T~m~av-... *225,000 Holy Mlrbs 644-6200. EXClUSIVE, IRVIIE TERRACE Problally the best buy on "FU" IMd in Irvine T.-raca. Two bedrooma. 2 baths. and sunlit views. Bring "tendlr loving care" with yu ott. toclly. *259,500 Holy...,.,.. 844-8200. FIIEST HARBOR RIDGE VIEW The priDd Dftan~M• .. llfMIM.... .. IDcltian. Highly Ul9ldad with IMftY bNutiful utlll. F'"' ........ 3)1, baths. Ex Client uist~ finlncing. $1 ,100,000 WI P.ndl 644-6200. WOODBRIDGE COIDO Chlnnine "Redwood"' mocW-3 blchan\ 2Ya baths. dinllg .,... profassionlly dlcGntld in """' co6on. IArve patio-air toneifiGn. ad. ton.uity pool ttnru courtl lnd lib. t1 59.900 Fee Donna GodsW 644·6200. SEAVIEW lEASE Two bedrooms. 2 balM ,... M Nlnhlebt Plln dlawatld in llrthtOMI-privltl ptld can~•• ity wi1tl pool lnd t...a. Wat• lnd prcNr incMW t1,250/per ...... s.... Fil844-8200. TWO WAYS TO IUY II WTILUFF You 111w die ·~··.-., te fllfy .. 4 ...._ t...l PlenA for t219.500 lS • *370.000 fa nil ._. ie llciMd c. -.. bld!Wf't -llrtlb .. -...... tf c.t.lill ... , .. v ......... ""'144-8200. IIAIIIOI VIEW •ls ....... ClrfJIIill ............... tt#lllt dlillak Wt3 .......... a.... ................ ..,... .. s. k.,... • 1t.. n•.500 .._""" 144-1200. Mlrda 10. 1982 ......., ..... I'-' Est1t1 For S. P~ge 11 BAY VIEW COIDO-LEASE OPTIOI Own. anxious to ... Of laas.-option beautiful 2 be*oom plus din condD in the COVIS. Til 8 month ltall option It $2,000/month wittl $20,000 option money 01 $484.000. High assumables. Deb- bie Frttt 642·8235. THE COVES 30' Boat •prrvecy·axclusiva lftl 111 Newport Beach wtth v~ew of bay to be enjoyed 111 this 2 bedroom condo. $325.000 Cookte Uson 642·8235. BALBOA PEIIISULA COTTAGE Absolutltt c:ftarnw'Q 3 bedroom baadl cottage located on superb Balboa ..-.. comar lot. StiC)S to Plf1t lnd buches.. Outstan cing terms! True .... motrvatiOI\. $325.000 Suzanna Shuler 642·8235. PRICED TO SELL With terms to match. Buu1ifuly dlcofatld Spygta.s Portsmoutlt- luiNy llndsupld courtyard urounds a pool and spa. $495.000 Tom Mnson Of lllfY Hanes f01 financing. 642·8235. LOVELY "UIDA" PlAI ~ story condo in the IIIWif Bluffs. End 111ft with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths and 2 patiOS. Gr-*ft view. $190.000 leasehold. Dltk Hlldaiilltl BAYFROIT FOR OILY $625.000 On Nlwport Island. Two lqa fnplaca. Wit bar·mambls jNIIO on dll bay and privata dick fOf sunblti!Mg. Masttr SUI1e tw YIIW and rw..-._ Blrbafa Aunt 642 82 35 45' 01 LIDO BAYFROIT Mecit.-r-graaous ltving. 0.StMCtlft arcMecturll datllb. • be*ooms. famiy room. rnart11e. custom tiles. Mast• SUitt Mth 2 ful baths. and skylight draslne room. Dock tOf lqa boat *2.250.000 Dona Chidlal• 642 8235 IRVIIE TERRACE-FROIT ROW Sensationll view of bay, ocun and Cat.-.! Btaltifuly remodllld and appointed. Tina spacious bedrooms. ,..,.,. kltcMR. .. bililrd roont. cozy din. $695,000 ltaseho6d.. Cathy Sc:hWIIIc:tlrt 642-8235. A JEWEl 01 THE BAY Wttarfrant·· for 35' ....._ C1 ;ktwty ....... ~ _. .. .... , Lily .......... ballllle fiPJ ~ ... u... u ..... t585.000 Miry u.. .. 842-8235.. QUAliTY CIAFTSIIAISIIIP 011 1 fill -. lilt widl 4 ..,.so a .. .., Md ...a. E•J1fli I ................ M. I .,, I tloocl ..0 tlf ill....._ ••.ooo c-. wn 842 8235. cort nrl\Lrr @ InvrsmrnT conrnm .. CAIIY .. C.8'11Mit4 F?II.IIRAft N .............. lll 111 .... AIIIII ., .......................... ,..., ... I ht*l••• 1.100 ......... .._-l1a-2.H ACM ..... .._ 11 ... ltmh •• .. ••••te. ..._... ~ .... _. _.. ... • ..., ..,.. tlaciL 'rNa . ....., I Ill • I.....,.._ Ia.. I .............. ...., ........ II •••• , .. '''C&nlala ......................... ..... .................... ..... n.. ........ , .... ...... ........ _YeiiWAI melft.aMI Nac--rl.We•••,.._,..,_....__ ...... _ ......... .._ .... It ... o. ............. ......., •• t t ........... ..., -.......... .._ cr.:t. ldCsteu:. • •• •~ 1 n 1 .,_ ..., • ...., .... 1 ~ Ptar .......... , ..... ,... ........ 2,H ...... Mtrch 1 0. 1982 NeW1)0ft H,al'bof Rea• Estate klr SMe Paoe 13 , + coTr nrru.TT @ InvrsTnrnT conrnnr FROM TOP TO BOTTOM-THE FINEST HOMES IN NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR ISLAID CUSTOM-MAll CHAIIEL n. finest wat•fnlnt home with the btst location in Newport Beach. Over 5.000 ....,, flit end 1 pier fOf 1 1 00 toot yacht. Urwsuafty large bay front lawn. Tht price is 15 million Md the ownet wilt finance a notlble lmOI.flt. liiDA ISLE CUSTOM-MAll CHAIIEL Brtatht.U. Nwl of the m.n channel hom every ~ant room 1n the home Over 78 flit • the Wlllf, 6,500 squ.rt f•t of slater eleganee. The ptiCt 1s $3.6 mellon HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM-INCOMPARABLE VIEW T1lis eo-try Frtndl estate otfefS one of the finest bay and ocean NWS em Over 5.300 ..-. lttt of the hnest crattsmanshJP. The pnce IS $2.3 fl'llhon. 3 San Sebas --~ 15 BIG CAIYON CUSTOM-ON THE GOLF COURSE If Country English and pnvacy are your choiCe. th1s 6,200 squ11e feet estate w1th new pool and spa IS the answer Right on the I Oth ta•rwav The pr~ee 1s S 2.3 l'lllfl1011 with over S 1 milan of assumable fmanc1ng. BIG CAIYOI CUSTOM-01 THE GOLF COURSE Tf\lly the bat flmlly home Wtth 6 large btdroonu includinQ a tep~rate 2 bedroom Ntt With its own living room On the 9th fatrway w.th pnvatt pool. Tht pnce JS 11.8 ftllon. LIDO ISLE-WATERFRONT CUSTOM ~ U. hMit watarlront on ldl on the ,_.at today Pllr and slicl Pus DvtfSIZ1d IDt _. t 1 4 million ift assumabtt fNflCinQ. The pnce " s 2.2 5 mAon. UIDA ISLE-MAll CHAIIEL F'M M* a II ~r~•ta. end ngtn on the Wltlf wtth y001 own pett anct slip for ........... awn. .. fNnce OVII $ 1 million. Cll fOf ---tmtnt The pnce IS $1.85 ...... II& CAIYOI CUSTOM-01 THE GOLF COURSE T1lil ...,.._..... haml. on the 7th fwway 11 country cklb ~vine tt tts tnst. Ov. 4,000 ..... t.t with chmatec: lfthittelurt end LARGE rooms. The PJD IS SUS .._ .-m ""* mlflcint. HAR10R RIDGE CUSTOM-BRAID SPAIIIIG lEW Dlptt c..tYy f,.C 111111 wsth rht ftNSt .,...;tiel. T ttTific WIIWI W CMJ 5,000 .... t.l VERY utaeM flftlfldnt evlliWIM. The pnce ~ $1,595 milion. 7 Trlf ..... 0,. SltJSUn, 1 5. •& CAIYOI CUSTOM-BRUTHTAIIIG VIEW 6 11 . i lb IWft ,Watt 2.25 ICII Plfl dill 8 ~ -~ nc.f n..... ... ~ t. .. i1t. 0. 5.500 .... , ftiC wit:tl 1 VERY pnvtte --If&. ,,.. liD es $1.515 ...... 70..,.. 0,. Slt.i&a 1·5 . .. DCMIIIIORES AREA CUSTOII-0¥111 .1 ACIES 01111 tf till .... -till QII1IM .._ ttt.n 7 I •• , .. IJJ IN "aia S.,..t ........ ~.-...... o-. ............. ,..,.~. ···- LIIDA ISLE CUSTOM- ThiS 3 bedroom home IS a once in 1 lifl1iml opport!Rty. FEE SIMPtE on Ltndl and the Owntf wil fNnee. bceltnt opportuntty. The Pf"ICI 1$ $1 .4 million. BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-DELUXE POOL An "end lftt" 0... tow!~. this fine prQCltfty offlfs 1111 uceptiOMI yard wrth custom poal spa end sauna. Thm bedrooms and ~Mr 3.400 SQU¥t tnt The pnce IS $895.000. BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-CATALIIA VIEW Eaqut11t1 "' nery dlttil. thts 3 bedroom. 3,000 square feat home otters muh• .. use of skyigttts and enonnous PfiVaty Highly upQradtd. The pnce IS $675.000 LIDO TOWIHOME-WIBOATSLIP 01 THE WATER "Refined'" is the descnptiYt word for this lovely 2 bedroom plus den 13rd bedfOoml ~t~d 3 fuU baths. Over 2.500 squlft fnt and a BOATSLIPI The pnce 1s $595,000 WEST IEWPORT DUPLEX-WATERFRONT Spaaous waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3 P1tf and tloat Eacelleot OWMr financing f01 qutlified buyer. The ptiCtiS $545,000 BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-CAIYOI'S BEST BUY This IIIW to .,_. ..tet home otf•s 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on rts own comer Es eeltnt anRIIIIfe financing. Eadusrvt With Cote Realty The p.-.ce 1s $500 000 1 Rue Fontlintb6uu. Open Stt./Soo 1 5 VILLA BALBOA TOWIHOME-HIGHL Y UPGRADED Thts lovtty 2 bechom. 2 bath home otftts tht uftlmtte "' 1\uury With huge ass.Jnable hnancing 8Ad owner wtl ttfll Tht pntl IS $239,000 IEWPORT CREST TOWIHOME-SUPER TERMS Offnlg 4 be*ooml lftd 2% baths. thts home has It 11. c-uty pool and tiiWS. Vaant tnd rudy to move 11\.lMQI loan avlilablt. The pra IS S225.000. WESTCUFF TOWIHOME-CAI YOU BELIEVE Ill A 2 ~ 2 btdl home With pool and I huge ........... INn. Slier .. leaR optiOn _. tS.OOO down.. The pnc:e IS $123.900. Open Sun. 1 5 1214 Rutland Rotd. LEASES BALBOA PEIIISULA-WITH PIER & SLIP Ottenng 4 lllchoms Md 4 baths With pool II !Of SJ,OOO PI' 1110ntfl. Wts only' 116 CAIYOI TOWIHOME-01 THE GOLF COURSE ....... -tl ~ .. 3 btdroofll. 2,850 ...... ·-.... has It .. , Mowt In right ... u.eoo,.....,. WESTIEWPORT-01 THE WATER nn. r...n • "" 2 Ida ,.. • 11111 •• • 1 ..-. ·au ""DM. ~ ontv ... 1.100,...a0r4W ,_,3~--....-~-for $1,300,.-a. (714) 640.5777 2075 San Joaquin Hilla Road • Newport Beach, California 92860 The uttimlte llddl- .. the end of. prMie tu.l .The........._ .. . ..... ~ewer' ........ ...., ~ cNrilme Gl ...... .. f--~·UI'I$0 a' ~inclllignfar fundiol .. ~wino. ......... ... helltthy iectellicM&. Featur .. & Amenities • Dw••.-ic two-lloly .-y .. ~ ... '-ted ~ lleined gllla cbar an ...... ,.. pNol • nw. ~tor-GIIMng Md ••aww • cuseom tie. ~ 8ld Olk ....... throughout • Feu II)Kioul bedroorna with ~ bllltw; inducing 1.000 eq. "-........ wilh .. e s.ven toe.~ bldiiOUiiW • Ollt-Giiir9'd a..d or pilno room • Tennia room .with U t. in Olk widt bt-. railing • Formelhing room • Formel clfq room with wet t. • lodler dw9 room . ~ .... .w.,..e..a.room • n.. Wine c... •Feu•-.....:-• Mect.lliat .-ylllundry ,..... .~ .... i 2 .,. ................ ..., • Cullom F.o ....... 41*1 • Two eir-eorod?iuw41 Md • ..c • ••••• eTwo.._._. •Sold wood--. ,..... .............. .. ... t ..... ... •I • ANew---~ Private Estate MYFIIONT~ IIDilOOMS tkd 2 .......... '\ .......... foom .. apM ................... lqe bridl ptlio ............. ,..., c:orw.•· ~cation ...... 5 •• lqe ... 100ft\ --d clrq IIDGIO\ ........ t.rnlf IIDGm ... illlnd k*:Mn. ..... _ ................ .net ......._.. ._ ot.a. A wry c:cwotfot..._loor -.... t.lrlo of pMtyt t1.B,OOO indudee llnd.CH-MGD. .U.GINA liVE OCEANFilONT ... 04Qneola....,. 8nd ,..toba dl .. -.tl Ardlt- ..,. ... clllgtol on ,_., ._.,. wtlh two homee lllula2badloaou..-••••..Sau-t~ In ......... IDe ...... t1.860.000 Cal tor • pri-.......... PENINSULA lA YFRONT-FEE Large end tpedoa• with forever VIEW neer yach1 dub. TV«HtofV 5 bedroom pkas patio and green- ery. Allumlble 1oen of $900,000. Owner win ex- change. Reduced to $1 ,496,000. ENCHANTING WA TIRFRONT Courtyard entry into ooordi,.ted eMglnce and good .... ~lighta of thia home include • pro- fa.ionel pt.&blr wi1h a.rge family room, formal dining room with fifeplece. ~ glamorous rY*tilr IUite pM 3 bedroonw. Pier/elip for larger yec:ht. Owner wUI f2lfY large note .net T.D. Reduced to .1 ,500,000. LINDA ISLE DIAMA nc I Veru1ile floor plln wtth 8eCUrity and priwcy of court.,.rd entry. l.age rMin rooma for ._..... lng In .net out. LoYity 5 bedN)om -.,.down fwnilv room with blr, pier end lip. Aoible firw» ~Of IUbmit uc:hlngt. Reduced to •1.a.ooo. Owner wtM '*'Y. 10"" iiMieat. IEAUnfUL ON WATIRI lmpecaible quelty end good --In ... w.m .net open t.mty home on 1he ~. CIMiic inlerior whh 2 bedfooml plua den end llrge ...-.c.-pa, with ..,._ toun18i n lnd fire ring. YOUf' own_. lip right out YCN1 door for *i boM, Owner will help fto*'Ce for quMfied buyer. M18.000 on tee lind. 831-1400. 2 WATER CONDOS--aAL.ISLE FANTASTlC .... coudo. ON WATER with ~t VIEW. A "Nritv'' oo Balboa f1iend, tt... two townhouNe hlw baM docb and .. a.ger tt.n motlt homea. Elch unit -3 bedroorne. 3 blithe. 2 c:er ~ end peb. Sold fumilhed. Gtw1 renWI or tor YMf 'rOWld reeidelal Owner ftiDCibte or will c:oneider exchange. •1.100,000 FEE. 873-e800 • WA TIIFIONT IETIIA Tl Fabu~Qa s-ncnmic viiW CCH)p oo Lido Penir&tta in • MCWitv building doel to .... Bright cheerful, open ~ One bedroom. Own. wll c:llllfY tnt T.O. 8t 12 peiCIIIt. ,_.ad to t261.000. ON WA 1111-fiONT lOW Newty decaf•• II 2 badloorn, 2 bMh coop. Gor- geoue C.talina end turning bMin view. ~ ta.\. Sellr wll ..... In ... ICing • ... tlip ... 711ble. ~000. FRONT OMES, INC. REALTORS . DUPLEX ACROSS TO WATER A great Newport location near Lido shops and beech. Two IP8Cioos 3 bedroom units of quality construction. S1reet to street location. $299,000. CONTEMPORARY NEAR BAY Open with loedl of wood, glass and warmth. Young 2-story with eoaring ceilings, master suite with bek:ony overtooking living room plus 2 other bedrooms, t.mily room and dining room. Excellent "gold ooaat" location. Call for details on loan avaMble. M38,000 631 -1400. LARGE DUPLEX BY BEACH Greet condition and good tenants in this 4 and 2 ~ property. Some view and just a "stone's ttwow'' to beec:t\. Good financing available . •• ,sx). MAGNFICENT LIDO lSLE PWt.ct in fMIIY de18il on Lido Isle. Gorgeous Country French 4 bedroom, 3~ baths, 3 ftt&- plecea, ~tation shutters, bfass fixtures. Hard- wood flocn, beartiful ti*, golden oak staircase, mil~ Milt coveringa. Maater suite with spa and flrepllc:e. l.Mldlalped by Roger$ Gardens. \'a.w from rMIW IUite. Reduced to $5a>,OOO. 831·1400. LIDO ISLE CLASSIC Toalty remod1f1d and deoonlted 2-stOIY in the t.t ~ ftevof. Open, bright 4 bed· roort\, 4 beth with 2 pMios for entertaining in and out. Stllined gtiM. and open beems. OW finance wtlh tow G-" down payment. $446,000. CHARMING OCEANFRONT Greet toc:ation with 4 and 2 bedroom units you couldn't dupticate today. Reduced to $525,000. IMMACULA Tl/FRESH BALBOA IS. One of the *' priced hamel on the Island, near .. ~hope. Spo1tess 2 bedroom plus brick patio. $216.000. ~ 117 Marine Avenue. COlONA iSEL MAR CONDOS Scer""li8 a' open beenw. IOief' glesl, new spa plus ~ ....,. and generous rooms. Unique 3 bedroom..,.dln on comer, wi1h many amenines end lola of lqUire fooe.age. $360,000. We hft'e 2 .. ~. 1 at t325.000. EXCLUSIVE VIEW HOME Pll~ cto. up Yt.w of bav. oceen and night lgtlla. ~ open and potentially formal home Mth 1trge IMng room, family room. formal ~room pg 3 bedrooma. M.ble bath mastet ...... 211rge view decb. •796.000 FEE. OCIANPIONT HOME Quilt belicNwont with Ol1gltwl ownert who take ..... In their home. Superior ''ait-down'' oc:een Wlw from thie 3 bedroom pkls bonus room home Superior ~ OW carry first TO fof the .... a.uv-. t7a.GO(). 031-1400. Meidl 1 o. 1982 New,ort ~ ... Eat Ita fOf s. ,... 15 * LANDMARK BA YFRONT EST ATE * Historic Mediten'aneen landmeft( •ta• wfth eo' on Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic views from 1he Pavillion to the moun..._ An authentic •chitectural ~t of bygone days throughout this J.-storv residenoe, plus four1h floof oblervation tower. The quality and ~ in this dignified structure offers spacious rooms and privecy, in addition to generous indoor and outdoor belconies , patiol and courtyard entty. Thie magnificent vi .. offers two wings for private living. This includes 6 bedrooms end 6 bathrooms, a formal dning room. 2 khdlenl, fom\11 Jiving room, large family room and much more. A separate, aetf-<:ontained mlatef aHtl. large pier and float w ilt aooommodate a 60', plus two other boats. A detailed brodnn will be availat* upon request. •2.8 ,000. Fee lanc:l. Adfoirnng guest CIO!Wt- ment. plus 3 car garage avai&ab&e fof $395,000, on a separate 461c100 ft lot. lEASE /OPTION OPPORTUNITY I New luxury condos, just steps to Newport. Bay- front and walk to beach! Greet location and unu- sual quality in this 2 bedroom townhouse condo. Owner offer. flexit* 1em'W of $15.000. Cash down, $2,000 per month..._. and a one veer op. tion to purcNM fOf $319,000. Four t0181 condo units available wnh flexible flf\lncing p&ans. Bro- chures and ctet.i61 .......,. on site • 20&-215 191h St. off 8etboa Btvd. CLOSE VIEW LARGE LOT. FEE Exceptional view Pf'OI*tY wfth lerge lot and room to expend. Plana for home piUI guest houle. Has two 2 bedroom units. In 1n •• of lovely homes. $415,000 FEEl CLIFF HAVEN DUPLEX Charming 2 bedwoom home wfth skv'ghts. Plus 1 bedroom rentll ~ 8oCtl heYe fireplecea. On large lot. So&lw t..ted pool end ep~. Three pata . Super loc8tJon.. Ad~ to UZS,OOO. A nENTION DEVELOPERS I Prime Newport lot ,_, Holle Holpftal Best uee: rruttipte condo uni1a. Owner will help finance. ~ by and don't dilut 1425 Superior. LMge 50x230 tt. rot. .-ooa COUNTRY ELEGANCE, LITTLE lS. Cham\, elegance and every decoottor amenity '" thas 3 bedroom home with bridt patio and french doors. Aleo one bedroom plus matd's unit on cor ner. Easy steps to bay $575.000 673-6900. 151 0 Abalone Place, Bal. Is BALBOA ISLAND ADORABlE I Bnck, beams and warmth in this 3 bedroom home en a !lUper location. L•ve in it the way it is 01 you can build a new Cape Cod. Plans are included lfl ptice. See this great value. 631-1400. $335,000. IALIOA ISL. LOT • PLANS Orave by 309 Sapphint and call for detaiL *"-ns for single t.nily home lppfOV8d and 1'-'v to build. Ad.toed to $329,500. OW build toUt for total pec:kege. 1600,000. I UNITS PLUS HOME Two bedroom home end 8 uni1:l only one blodt to beech in Sen Clemente. Won ·~ .. ewatd ~ loan and owner wt1 help finance. M95.000. WATERFRONT HOMES,INC. REALTORS Salea. Ren....., Property Mal)a9ement IJNIQOEIN OLD COIIONA DEL JIAII NEAT ON NARCISSUS one block to the beachp this 2 story home ls south of the highway with new car- pet, rich charm and super street appeal. Owner is extremely modv.- ed and will consldu any offer. $529,000. 11/2 BLOCKS TO BfACH, 3 bed- room, 3 baths, large ass•nable loan. Completely remodeled for you to move ln. $550,000. ELEGANT HOME PLUS Income- south of highway. fnndl doors, vaulted ceilings, courtyard. Excel· lent financing. $495,000. PRIME CORONA DEL MAR loca- tion. 5 bedrooms, 4 &replaces. super look and totally remocJeled. Great terms. $625,000. ARCHITECT'S OWN custom 3 bed· room, &replace. lots of wood and glass and natural light. Sellers ue very motivated. 425,000. UNPARALLELED PAVWON View from this terrifk triplex. Imagine this location and income units too. $1.250.000. ' ' lJNIQIJE IN NEAIIBY LOCATIONS HUNTINGTON BEACH COZY GREAT BEGINNING • home-2 bedrooms* ftnpiKe, .un· deck. and more neu beach. $92,500. SANTA ANA SUPER CONVENIENT LOCATION -wooc1 .. c1r v-. CaBc~o. 2 .... roo.s, I WM a.. urpllt. ~ ,._ ~ .. 116,900. IJNIQUEIN EAs-1-BLUFF/'IHE BLIJFFS LOVELY FAMILY HOME, spa, plldo. 3 ........... 2 ba~ ...... place, akylltJhta mel new carpet. AD this and you own your own land. $329.000 .. • .-~ ,·~ .,. I I ...... . I .. ' ,-• ., • • -,.---. ~ If-~ I • I ~l· ~. • • • • • • •t ·-·: .... i:-1 ---.:1 UNIQU,E IN COSTA MESA UNIQUE NEAR SOUTH COAST Plua-thla S beclroo., family room tri·lewl condo .... among lush trees and running ......._. Cloee to shop- ping (~ can walk) c:all for an appointment. 1139,900. HANDY TO EVERYTHING l..oclldon-3 bedroom•. end unit, "*' lkylgbt, new~ ftnandne. SlSl,~ =·~ cS ; UNIQUE.UNDEa MOO.OOO IN NEWPORT ONE OFA KIND -.of the~ -.d •••· Proltndoaely decullt- ed. • r..a bautv hae uta• plor. Eod unit with 3 bedrooms or 2 bed- rooms plua den. Everything you could uk forzeven price $154,900. UNIQUE IN SEAWIND-Dramatk PortoflDo model with encloMCI entry. See this charmer wMh ~ QO pawn. skylight and french doon-tl wiD bock your 80Cka off1 Well decorated and owner wll IMip &n.nc. ssso.ooo. UNIQUE IN JASMINE CREEK- Spa. 3 bedrooms. fM~Iy room. one Sew~. sprinklers. tedllded pattoa and great ._..,..ble loans. $387,500. ACCENTS ON DETAILS-Make thla JMIIllne Creek aHMio an out- standng be•uty. Tbls pl-. 3 .... s bediOOIDa and a family room • on one level-with a Lavishly ~ sc..-tl*b-•most populu mocW In • very popular area. Hurry $375.000. CAMEO SHORES F.._ -1M -=-t._ ._ 3 Mchofn. 3 ta.ttl. ......... ,.... fllily .... lt'ltt. llfgt '*' end ~ ,._ ---$925,000 Fa Boa. Of DNI._ 759-1221. CArl IUT THIS ·~--.................. $420,000. 3 .. II ••••.ooo. ·~ ITUl. ........ wita. ..... a.. ....... JIMi. A$SIM 12,. .... •a. ...... 4 ..._ wid! POOl ANO SPA. ._ 11.1ft. ......... . •c 11W ~ 1 AaE ESTAlt .-.... _, ~-·WI I ........ 74.000. •IICIIIn Mll Nil VIOl 2 ..... ...._ ib ... .__, ............ . W ...... T_,.751-1221 J .... STW.I ......... , ... 1 t .......... cw-. .. tl .... Try t2G.DOO .._. a-10" in- ............. P...aT--.IIl759-1221. gnr lET lEW IEIEFITS r-,__.-..., .... ilea 1 1 ts. F.~ iia ,..._ ...... ach IlL ell H. P. ' e. (11 .. 1$1-1221. RUffi.IT GIEEIRI.T W lJIIi!lt .................... ...... ................................ I 1 I .. CWI ... &.II M 1U1 lit TO_, -......... ~ til H. ......... 711-1221. OCEAIFROIT-OCEAIFROIT Convert tNs u . larJI duplu to your private midlnct end be OA the fNit budl on thl coast. $70.000 1st at 1 "· 2ftd of $250,000 at 1 0~. Stul at $650,000. Bob Of Dovie l(oap. 759-1221 . liiDA ISLE TRADE & .. thtlking bey .... 2 .... .-cts. rooal fOf 4 boata .. te 74 ft. 5 -.. .... 6 Mlk ... r-. fonMt ..... ..,. ....... ,.., -War Clfl'y lit TO w tr.. H uW • effie~ ...... 12.100,000. M• DIMIK.., 759-1221. CAMEO HIIHlAIDS Oc-. .................... 3 '-*'-' 2 lal~ ,.... ..... Very llrge ytrd. priqta lllldl $338,000 .... Dowill( .. 759-1221 . "2" IEWPOIT CIEST CO DOS llflllt--------.4 Ill*.._. 3 bilk Fr. • w. ~ ~ at $210,000. .... DowiiK .. 759-1221. COIDOS "3 IUlAOOIIS.. 2 lAm-sHARP! TRY 110.000 00..• .... CWy ., '5.000. • 3 M*II l 2 McN, .. UO,OOO dDwD.. A -... ty ll 1152.500. '-ict T--.758-1221. COSTA IIESA R-2 E. SIDE l~tgt 2 bedroom. 2 ta.dl. din. Huge living room Wltfl dlni'O awnbo. lMge a)f1W lot with room to pn 6 wto.s. $130.000. Bob Of Dovie Koop. 759·122 1 IEWPORT CREST COIDO Two bechoml, 2l'l ta.dls. loft. highly upgnda. oa floors. betutitul Pll*'l. oce• MW. $98.000 1st at 12~. Pnced It • 170.000 Bob Of Dovie Koop 759·1221. SEAVIEW LEASE F.. ...... 3 --filii¥ ......... .-. city ..._ ............................. ,.700 .. ........ o.ia "-751-1221. IAYFIOIT LEASE Two ~••• 2 ......, ..... hilt r-. ... ~. $750-.... OcMe K..,. 759-1221 . FAITASTIC VAlUE! tlo.• Dlf.11~ m.-11 YRS. 0.. (Q Clll M ..... f ........ Tine ~~ 2 bilk a.. ....... ,.,.... ... ,. WQ ,....., ......, kitct., fllily ......... •"- .. filtlr. r.-1PL RV pad. ._ pM1o. btra ...... Reduced " $187.0001 HilTy, ul Bob tat .. 759-1221. SEAVIEW I LMue 3 ~ dan. 2 r.--. toma1 ._. room. • lUI* .... Owner wil ~ Pltndt r ..... 758-1221 REALTORS• NEWPORT BEACH 8AYCRIST •110,000 Beautiful custom Spanish home will bring bock memories of Old California. This 5 bedroom, for- mol dining ond family room has o fiesta size patio w1th pool, spa and tournament area on fee lond. 810 CANYON .1,395,000 Custom home on the golf course w1th -1 bedrooms, fom1ly room, 3 f ireplaces, french doors, skyl1ghl$ and crown moldings. No expense spored. Owner ftnancing available. 84YCREST .3&1,000 Undet$toted elegance, spacious 4 bedroom overloc*ing sparkling pool/spa. Enlarged and remodeled kitchen with Gorden eating area. Pic- ture petfect. Assume first and owner w ill corry Iorge 2nd. 810 CANYON .131,000 Charming ~o model priced to SEUI Three bedrooms, very private lot, freshly pointed and landscaped. Owner will help finance. Before you buy, you should lac* at this onel 81G CAIIYON .2,300,000 Four bedroom custom country French residence. Above 8th foinNOy of Big Canyon Golf Course. library, 4~ baths, wood floors. AU the amenities one could wish for-f)OOI and spa. a&.u.,. •174,000 nw.. bedroom v plan with great aaumob'- loon. 8eoutiful carpets and upgrades. Good loca- tion. A must to ... , aAYCU8T •2a,000 Special. Special. Special. CompOfe this 3 bedroom home with others in area. Compare terms, lorotlon, condition and we think you'll OQ'" ... This home is something special. • REIIDINTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES CORONA DEL f<w1 A R CAMIO aHORES •IM,OOO Stunning view of the Pacific. Two bedrooms and o den. Extra Iorge lot to odd on. Owner will help finance. Fee. Fee. CORONA DEL MAR .425,000 lovely street, partial ocean v1ew, ond des1roble location make this home o must for the builder or smart 1nvestor. Only one block to beaches. Great- ly reduced! CORONA DEL MAR .421,000 Three bedroom home in old Corona del Mar. One block to beaches. Good sized lot to odd on. Some v1ew. Plus lots of charm. UIVINE TERRACE .310,000 Walk to Balboa Island, boy, beaches and Fashion Island from this delightful 3 bedroom country kit- chen home, brick patios, beamed ceilings, wood floon and o pt'fltigious and private corner loco- han. CORONA DEL M.AR •e10,000 Quiet elegance just o few doors from ocean. Beautifully appointed, unique residence on 30x118 lot with leoMhold rights to the adjoining parcel. Two bedrooms plus den. COIKNIA DtiL MAll •248,800 20~ down wtll get you Into this t..Gutiful 2 bedroom plus den doll house. Chormet. Gteot location, condition and terms. MAt Ul •1.000.000 Not fOf everyone but almost evetythlng for ao- meone who demonda the bMt. The ~ e•· hllorotion of living on the water In the heart of Newport 8eoch. Ttvee bedrooms, pool. fxcitl~ terms . BEACH COMMUNI Tl fS UDO ISLE .415,000 Extra Iorge lot, extra Iorge home. Fabulous potential. Formal dining room, 5 bedrooms, den and spa. Lorge sundeck could be beautiful garden room. Owner will consider oil offers. PENINSULA t 725,000 Count your steps to the boy-irs that close! ThiS NEW 4 bedroom country styled home offers the ultimate in quality of craftsmanship. "Extras" abound make thi~ o very special property 8AYaHORES t431,000 FEE Gfeat potential for remodel in this 3 bedroom and den home. Close to beaches in this private, gate guarded area. Owner will assist with creative financing. Submit all offers. Fee land. 8AL80A ISLAND .488,000 One of o kind. Three bedrooms and loft, high beam ceilings in eoch room. French door$ and w indows, custom jacuzzi. Unique cobblestone floor, dining room. Charm, charm, charm, and large assumable loan. LIDO taLE .410.000 Comer location affords beautiful light expo.ure In this 4 bedroom home one block ffom clubhouse, .. nnis and beaches. Owner oalsted financing with excellent terms. Priced to •II im- mediately. UDOI8U .7 .... 000 DOUIU c:oRNER lOT ON PIAZZA. nw.. bedrooms each with own bath. Fomlty room and den, formal dining room, living room with high beam c.lllng. TWO PATlOS-<ustom brick and tile spa. LIDO_. •• -.ooo fOUf bedroom den, fOfmal dfnlng room, gourmet l(ltchen. ElfGNQ ABOUNDS In tt\is ideollamlly home. Sell• cM.rlng exc.llent financing at a vety low interest ro ... .VA TERFRONT PINI..ULA .575,000 Rustle chotm on the ocean front 1n this 4 bedroom Balboon home. On site parking w1th o apec:toculor Cotolina Island View makes thiS o buy on F ... NEWPORT aEACH •598,500 Exclusive location near L1do shops and restaurants. Custom decorated 2 bedroom 2 both, first flO()( condo. lmmed1ote occupancy Ex cellent finoncmg. YACMTUIANS COVE •1, 795,000 Four bedroom family room. Very new res1dence lorge spocious home with all neutral colors. L1ght and airy, spoce for two Iorge boots plus o s•de he. bcellent finonc1ng ova1loble UL80A 181.1 •1 ,250,000 nw.. bedroom and a bo(lus room on Balboa tUond.. View of the turn1ng bos1n. Great for booting. l..c:Jrge alip and 2 side hes. Good financ- Ing CJWJUable. UllOA aaa .180.000 l.ecal e~lve home on th1s gate guarded ialand. fi~ bedrooms, fom1ly room, Iorge pter ond slip few 3 boot&. lovely bayside deck and lac:ot.d oc:rau from tennis and sandy beach. Ex- celt.nt financing. .. _... t1.200,000 Trodttlonol charm 11 found 1n th1s Nf.W Cope Cod wUh pier and slip. Security ~tem. Two ~ Maater sui... Sweep1ng boy v•eW$ f1exlbfe finanang. TUII'I'L.IIIOCK t1 79,500 Mountoln views. Peace and seren1ty owott you 11'1 this hght, a•ry 2 bedroom Condo Shows t.ke a moct.l with neutral decor and a h1gh assumable loon. T\MTUROCK t178,000 Plan 2 home in lovely condttton Ideal locahon &~Item tetms. Best buy around . RESIDENnAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 0 DUPLEXE S WEST NEWPORT tla,OOO Newer 2 bedroom-3 bedroom duplex near pork 8oth units w ith fireplaces, upper unit has deck w1th v1ew of the channel. Outstanding tnvest- ment Ftnancmg ava1loble. PENINSULA t300,000 Th1s could be your smort move. L•ve •n chormmg 2 bedroom un1t w 1th ~1ck fireplcxe and rent out 2 bedroom w tth cathedral ceilings and st•ll hove summer guest quorters. Good f inancing too 8ALaOA ISLAND ••10.000 Three bedroom guest quorten and 2 bedroom apartment Unobstructed bayfront view from front untt Located on Iorge oversize comer lot Owner wtll help w1th fmoncmg. Move in for the sum- mer 8ALaOA ISLAND •ua.100 Owner w1ll cony first trust deed. View from 2 bedroom, den home and vtew from 2 bedroom apartment. large separate guest area w ith both Steps to prime south boyfront beach. CORONA DEL IIAII .2 •• 500 Two ~aom front house ~ .. ty dtetoched from o spoctous 2 bedroom and den rear unit. An tnvestor or user wtllltke thischcailtef. WESl' NIWPOIIT •ae.ooo Walk to the beach from thes klrge 3 bedroom and 2 ~oom plus bachelor duplex w•th high •~ come and tow ex.,.,_. Seller will flnance ond has pr•ced 10 sell qu•ckty. OTHER AREAS TUIITUIIOCK t243.100 luSCIOUS garden home 3 bedroom populor larkspur w tth fomtly room and bonus room Toke over low tnteresl 1st TD Owner will cony 2nd TO Total ftnancmg under 12,. MillFIELD t224, 750 Larger ~ bedroom famtly room. dtnii''Q room pool, s.po, near pork and school. A. must see for anyone looking for fomtly home. With 20~ down we con develop ellctting ...-ms that are hard to duplteate anywhere CONDOMINIUMS HAIIaGR RIDGE .450,000 Oynom•c Dynasty model 2 ~oom h1ghly upgraded. Shuners, off-white corpettng, skyltghts Understated elegance. Owner w1ll help f1nance Sole/lease option/or stra1ght lease NEWPORT CREST t240,000 Spectacular OCfAN-CATAliNA VIEW .n Newport lmpos.s1ble1 Professionally decorored 3 oedroo, condo w 1th ,oulted ce .l•ngs f.reploce decll~ comm un1ty pool s.po and renn1s 81GCANYON t685,000 Four bedroom Deouvtlle model above the 6th fa1rwoy w1rh o lovely vtew completely cusro....,IZ ed Oromaltc ltvtng and d1n1ng room Large de<k and s.po A~r cond111oned 81G CANYON • 775,000 Deane Oeouvtlle Svperb locat1on overloolung rhe 18th fo1rwoy. Th1s dramar•c 3 bedroom fomtly room townhome has 1t a ll Huge master ~u•re gloss enclosed pot10 for ou~oor l•v•ng THEaLUFFS .219.100 Thr.. bedrooms Cormel1kJ w11h pr1vate poliO avwl~tng pun•ng green and pool Very CR£ATM FINANCING and pos.s•ble lease opt1on Prtce reduced VIUAULaOA t215,000 Two bedrooms or 1 bedroom. den tugh secun l'y and marvelous amen1t1es go w tth th1s charmtng condo. Sunsets and satls forever Pool l arge assumable loan and sellet wtll cony 2nd EMERALD 8AY t865,000 Oes•rable for the P"vate beoch tenn1s courts ·~ pools parks, sunsets ocean breezes Oestrobl~ because tt's a great 4 bedroom fam•''l' 1--\o,.,.,e ~ move-tn cond1tton A superb .. alue •n the gh• ploce LAGUNA NIGUEL t583,500 Etched on a gentle bluff w ttn ponorom1c v1e.,. ore ftve new c.ntom ho~ Eoch 1s o mosterp•ece of des~ eaqurst .. deto1l1ng and croftsmonshtp Let us show you the future A WAYOFLIFE • • .. ,. SATURDAY AND/OR SUNDAY, MARCH 13-14 RETAIN THI8 DIRECTORY, AND KIIP IT WITH YOU A8 YOU 80 HOME-VIEWING TWO BEDROOMS 1575 \'\Ia c.p.t.lAGUNA 8EAat IIU.OOO()pen sa 1·5 67&-6000. 19 s-d Dolar, NEWPORT TEilllACE 1123.900 0,.. Sun. 1·5 675-6000. 109 19th St.. BALBOA PENINSULA. CDDdoL 13lt,OOO 0... s.t./S... 1-5 631·1400. 2137 E. oman. PENINSUlA POINT. 1323.000 Open Sun. 1·5 631-1400. 1911 Cliff DrM. OJFFHAVEN. dupla. $323,000 Open Sun. 1·5 631-1400. 1214 Rutland RoM. WESTCl.IFF, 1123.000 Open Sun. 1·5 64&5777. 10M Bayside Cow E.. THE COVE. 1680.000 Sun. 1·5 6M-9060. 4521 Ttem0nt CAMEO SHORES $595,000. S.t./Swl. 1·5 644-9060. 227 Vle Ghleb. UDO ISLE. plus family 1345,000. S.t. 1·5. 644-9060. THREE BEDROOMS 1 Ru. FOG......... I BIG CANYON. 1500.000. s.tJSun. 1·5 640-5777. 1100 Cllalbrtdle lADe. WESTOJFF. 1216.000 Open Fltdey 10.2 631·7300. 1301 DolpiM T......._IRVINE TEaltACE. 11.050.000. 0,.. SM./Sua. 1-5. 631·7300. 1211 Ki1181 Roell. aJFF HAVEN. 1475.000 Open s.t./S... 1·5 631·7300.. 1957 S. InDo. THE RUFFS. 1157.500 0,. ..., 1-5 675-6000. 4151....,.opc. OLD COM. 1495,.000. Open Sun. 1·5. 675-6000. U07 Pon CarWe. HARBOR VIEW HOMES. 11&9.000 Open Sua. 1·5. 67HOOO. 1930 Port Brletol Orda. HARIIOR VIEW HOMES, $16&.500 Open Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 1016 Dov.r Ortw. WESTOJFF. $2165,000 Open Sun. 1-5 631·7300. 512 Rcdfot'd PW... CAMEO HIGHlANDS. Sl99,900 o,.n S.t. t-5.. 631·7300. 11 H.~ BIG CANYON. 147&,000 Open s.t. ...... ~ liM tr a + T....,.. IRVINE TDIIACE. ..... 0,. s-. l-5. .., •• ,... .._ ..... 11M. <X*liM 011. MAIL_,_.. l t ... ..,.,.. ...... -· THREE BEDROMS 123 G,_. c-.1. MI.80A ISLAND,~ $650,000 0,.. SM./S.. 1-5. 675-6000. !117 Pill I -old CORONA 0£1. MAR. 1425.000 0,. Se&Js-. 67UOO.. r77 ....... c.,.. SHOREOJFF. $515.000 Open Set./S.. 1·5 67HOIO. 16 ltMM ow ..... nJR1l.EROCI<. ...... t.mlly. 1265.000. Sun. 1-5. 6M-9060. 2100 E. Owu ...... P£NJNSUI..A. plus den. S795.000. Sun. 1·5. 6M-9060. 2611 Orde DrM, BAYSHORES. plus den. $349,000. Sun.l-5.~ 2415 NoW.. THE BLUFFS. \IMw. S315.000. Sat/Sun. 1·5. 64ot-9060. 2721 5th Av... CORONA DEL MAR. $360,000. S.t./Sun. 1·5. 644-5756 6 Jetty, JASMINE CREEK. 1387,500. Open 5un. only 1·5.. 675-6000. 1723 Au. diA Sur, PENINSUlA POINT. 1295.000. Open S.&JS-. 1·5. 631·1400. 701 GoWiarocl. CX>RONA DEL MAR. 1350.000. 0,. s... oalv 1·$. 631·14410. 1510 A'h' ... BA1..80A ISLAND, 1575.000. 0,. s.tJS-. 1-5 67341110. 5011 s.-.. IIALIIO.\ PfMINSUlA. 1431.000. 0,.. S.t,J&a 1·5 631·1400. FOUR BEDROOMS 7 lb. Q , RGpll. BIG CANYON. 1675.000. Sun. 1-5~. 7 T ......... HARBOR RIDGE. $1 ,59$,000 vtew., S.t./Sm. l·S 640-5777. 3 San~ HAJUK)Il RIDGE. U.S......_._, Swl. 1·5. 640-5777. FOUR BEDROOMS 1100 Oc.a BML. CORONA DEL~ .... ~ 11.1op.ooo. s-. 1·5 6M-9060. 11 0... NOil11fWOOO ~ 1111..950 <>P-SM./Sua. I.S Mt-5756 01r 641 .... 1. 1658 U.. Clldl, MESA VERDE. 1115.000. 0,. s.. 1·5. 631·7300. 1315 An ..... W8y, BAYCREST, you own land. SS60,000. 0,. s-. only 1·5. 631·7300. 1100 .,.,.. DIM. DOVER SHORES. 1795.000. Open S.t.JSun. 1·5.. 631·7300. 510 S. Bay Froat. BALBOA ISlAND. 1995.000. Open SM./Sun. 1-5. 675-6000. r706 ~lane. HARBOR VIEW HIU.S. 1495.000. Open Sat./Sun. 1-5 675-6000. 6 Wlaged Foot, BIG CANYON, 1615,000. Open Sun. only 1·5 67&-6000. l10t Vim a...u.do, THE BLUFFS, U49,500 Open S.t. 1·5 675-6000. 111 TCIW'qUOiile. BA1.80A ISLAND,·SS25,000. Set/Sun. 1·5. 644-575t. 4 ~ HARBOR RIDGE. SUOO.OOO. ()pee s.,tS.a. 1·5 631·1400. _. W. o. hoM. BA.I.80A PDIINSULA. _1711._ ~ Set. _._, 1-5. 6Sl·140e. 1115 W. &.w. ON THE P£NIINSUlA. ...,.._ ~ .._ 0,. Sai..IS-. 1-5. 67H776. FIVEOR ORE BEDROOMS 70 tw.a-. BIG CANYON. \'llw, pool..,.. .... $1.595 ....... Sat..Js-. 1·56106777. 9SI V.. Udo Soud. UDO ISLE. ,._ .....,, 1150.000. Sun. I·$........,, 124 W. Bev. NEWPOin PENINSULA. 11.495.000. 0,. s.&/St& 1-5 631·1400. 16 llcdil Polm. SPYGLASS HILL. ... 11.1010,010. 0,.. s... 1·$ ... 6100. 45 c ..... SPYGlASS HillS. 110 ........ Rrl -4 SUO.OOO eo IMO.OOO. 0,.. SM. 1-5 . 631·7110.