HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignE ryh led ·eBelow ... I • THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • !STABUSHED 1948 • ~TH YL\.R • NUWUR 32 (n4) 673 OSSO . • SD~G ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA D!L WAR • WIDNISDAY. WARCH 17, 1982 • 25 CDrl'l c lmpactArgueclln To Him, The $6el Million Verdict Isn't Everything bylodyJ.car.. lrlc Berk.u conced" that it may be quite awhile before be .... that $6.1 mlllion he won u the larg..t pereonal d.amag• award in the biatory of Orange County-but he bu other aatiafaationa. He il gratified bil cue age.inat the Upjobn Phar- maceutical Co. received auch wide attention from local and national new• media. "It ien't winning the cue that'• 10 imporl&nt," the 24- JMr old Newport Beach col- lege •nior told f'be ErWgn. "Jt'a pu.blictaing tbia rital inbaaUon. Hopefully, my CMe will put IOJIUt pt ... ure OG the Federal Dtug Ad..uUn- '-"•ll.oD 110 tab tJUe dna C'W'~•) off th• marU.. "At t.ut, &t may ioree the COJDp&DY to put a warning on tlae label." The verdict loJ' S.rkan wu oompeuetion fot the lou of vital organ• and other da.m.ege that will force him lnto dialyai1 poaibly the '"' of hie life. The dect11on came after a Mven-week jury trial before Superior Court Judge Phillip Petty. S.rkan waa attendlng Cor- ona del Mar High School in December 1975 when d wu t•tified that Lt.ncoctn wu preecribed lor b1a acne by • 10061 dermatoloqi.at. Barkan ct..crtbed bun.MU u "a healthy individual at the time . . . going on a alu tnp Wte a noi"IDAl hiqh tebool 1tudent," wben be noticed unuaual swelling around b&a •Y" and ..... He Mid be diacontinued uae of the dntg, but the advene .U.Cta became exag· gerated. He wu retaining fluids to auch a de<JrH that he upenenced a 40-pound weigat gain. Complicat1on1 perailted, and it 100n became apparent that he b.ad 1'\liferec:l •vere k.id.Dey cia·•~· Buk.u and bia fetMr loUatlJ IW n.1t •lut Upjob ..... tsataq C..remo:\t attomey Halbert Hefif. Since Ba.rb.D wu tint afflicted, he b.u b.ad both bi.l kidneya and tpleen maovec:l. He mu.t undergo c:l1.1yaia, an utlficial cleanaln9 of tbe blood, for fou.r boun, every other day. During the trial, Barkan'• attorney and uailtant lil"n Moore uqued that Upjobn wu neglioent u it attempted to cover up repott. of "adverM eHect" and dld not provide warnln91 either ln the Phyaiciana O.U Refer· ence OJ' the packaging of the multi-million dollu profit- producinq dru9. Upjobn aubMquently ameuded ita initial cla1m that it knew of no ca.-oJ "advetM effect," aclnuttin9 that it wu aware of 18 cuea. After Upjobn opened ita volu.minou. fil•, Moore waa able to produce 125 addi- tional document• cttulg adverM effects u related to LincociD. The award includes Sl. 7 (Continued on p.t9e 3) TM ... Ribboll CommittH n•med to reooe...,d a aile for a ~ couaty atrpott "il in a very ~ polltion. without uy QOOCI .....,.., " lt8 ca...t.rm.au told Uda ~· yeetercky. Iva the ..-••n.. lteelJ fail. eel to oa.e up with sufficient muaben to bold a ec:bedwed meettno, aa1d Ceith Murdoch, of A.uheim, tt. cb&irman. ''Too m&DJ b.ad other com- m.ltmenta," be Mid. Wudocb Mid the varioua .ub- cOIIUII.ltt .. were runn.l.ng out of potau.l cadiclat• to 1\lg; .. t for .tudy bJ tM Boa.rd of Super- Yilon u feclet&l Avt.Uon Aoen- t:JJ view~ .act other reMe.Jca ware tnoupt to the a\lrlAce. " ........ u.-o.nb ~ Uooa lwrve lett :.) toolt at. l!a Mkt, "are 11 Toro (W.riae Bue), or Camp Pendleton-or tbat oftahon lite wblcb SCAG (SoutJaeru c.J.Uornia Auociahon of Governmentl) b.u 1\lQ· g..ted." Reoea~y Irvine W.yor O.v1d Silll uked a cnty atatf to prepare material which could be \laed to oppoee trauforming the El Toro facility tDto a reqional airport. "We're aJ.o lookino hard at recommendino that eome oJ the reatrlctiou be lifted at aU f.aciliUea," laid Murdoch. Aaked 11 tlata mMAt aucb r..trlct.ic~Lt u the present curlew ud limltation oJ •1 averaqe ruohtl • clay out oJ John Wayne Airpott Orange County. be said: •-n.c.. restnction.a are there for C}OOd rMaon. ht no one ai.rftelct will be able to meet the demand. "Sooner or later, we'll have to bite that bullet. Even lf we had a lite to recoJDJDend rt9at now. at could take 12 yean before there'd be uythin9 flying off of lt." Among tJM fmd1nga to date. however, ia the fact Ontano A1r (Continued on page 3) byftogw~le The hoped-for uten.a1on of an important right-tum lane on the new Upper Newport Bay bndge ia being held up, city aourcea aay, by lack of cooperation from a mobt.le home park owner. Traff1c capacity on the west- bound ian• t. perbapa one- fourth 1 ... than 11 ahould be, say enginHrl m the Pubhc Worb department The tum lue leada to Dover and was the ma1n reaaon the c1ty wanted to bu&ld the bndve. aatd V6T10\ll Clly IOUlCeJ The c1ty ~·d S 1 mtlhon to ••- tend the lane u far u 1t baa, to help aolve wbat 11 caUed the worst traff1c bottleneck 1n the Cl· ty . CalTran.a, wbtcb de119ned the bndge, bad ongmaUy plu- ned to end the Dover Onve nght-turn lane on the west 11de of the bndge, caly eng1n .. u Mid The caty had hoped that the nght-turn lane could be extend- ed eutward to leyside Drtn, about 400 f .. t further than it doe8 now, and later anotheJ' 300 to 400 fHt ... twud put S.ywide. Tlle ren.ltiag lineup of t.n. .. could provide quicker ~9e aero. the b:rid9e and up Dover for perb.apt 20,000 can a clay, the enginMn aakl. "It would have been be.ut.iful," Nld one encpn .. r. But the uten.aaou ue be1n9 held up b, De Ansa Corpora - bon of Beverly Hilll, Mid Don Webb, city eogaMr, and Hont Hlawaty. civil engillMr The engm"n MJ the Irvine Co . whlcb own.a the t.Dd, wu eaqeT to dedJcate the ngbta to the area, roughly 15 fHt wide by 400 fMt long. But 0. Ansa, wh1ch 1 ..... the i&nd and OWDI 0. Anu Beyside Villaqe Nobile Home Park, wu not will.ing to give up Ill l....d nght to the land, aa1d Webb and (Contmued on page 3) Pros And Cons And; Meeting Scheduled ~hrtSU. CUtv-that lua pro~ed deftlopment would place an m· tolerable load on nei9hboraood iateneotiona in Newport IMcll aad eo.t. Neea drew cou.nt.r· fire y..terday from Jill Bennin9 u opponent• ~eel &heed with piau to .. & a reietendum. After IC&ling dowD the or1¢A&l CODcept, City Council lut week approved, 4·2, the propoeal fo• commerd&l, in- cturial and remdati&l COD· ~c:tion on '" acr• oi 0... 6onMJ Lnntag .a...p r~ nta toucaecl cit tJa. ..... W1ot baN. in ~ a II pffw· ~ 9TO'-'P triee 110 ...... '"ttlqw.eat b, ~ • at, eo.a.ou ectMa- ,_ a aoat& em., ftii II ~Co. 11·~-· baildoat of, N.wport c.iilr Ill the face of a wocelllv.l AIMND· dwa d.rive by cppooeata. A. accepted by the oouctl, the Banniag proJect ca1la jor m bom• ud 400,00Q tqUre fMt of otiic• and iAdUitri&l ~. tbe latter couideJ'ably 1.1 t.baa originally requeated. Now a referendum comm.itt .. hMded by ttike Johuozl, of W..t Newport , hu called a p\lbl.ic mMting m City Coune»l oham.ben-rented by the W• Newport IA91elative Alliance for $17-to beqtn at 9:30 t)a.ia Satur- day IDOJ1Wlg . "We're after support to qet t.hu to a pubhc ballot." l&1d Jobn.on "We C6D't CODtinue to cloq our atreeta We don't beheve the ID.ltlqatin; factors (in Bannino'• propoeal) r..Uy meet tbe need O¥er 2,000 can of employ ... would be ;omg 1n and out at ~.k houra. "We're concerued &beNt all that trafhc bemg dumped on Pacthc Coaa1 Htgbway, and bleeding over to Supenor and Newport boulevard " "Also, I'm told by a Co.ta (Contin\led on J)a9e 5) ........ •lh7· .....a. 11. ·-n. ............. IN SHORT Hair._ IUcmd 1lepdeft' CoUAtySupervilonb.ave Qt._ Herbor Ulaod r.idente 60 daJilD wbJch to Mek state le9Watioo tq f.acWtate a land- .. .., clee1 involvtno home im· prO\• .... ote. Siocelm the county hu levied ao eoual rental fM for ... wan., plantiooa and other "eocroachmeote" the 28 famil.i .. have placed on couoty- eupeJViHd tidelanda. of WUllam Lanve lD N.wport BMch. ~: 640 4890 ... NDillAo foz the Repu.Wacu a.oaiNtioo iD the 43rcl oooqree- 110Dal d.iatrict-eoulh Oruve CoUilty ud oortb Sta Ol.cJo County. He aaya hit IQJ)porten include Georoe Arqyroe, William Lyon, John Virtue ed Frank O'Bryan. . . John l.mmon, principal of Ir- vine'• Rancho S.O Joaquin In- termediate School, ~ challeno- ino Robert Petenoo, county superintendent of achoola. . . AppltM• greeced tNt lineup of former Newpon Harbor Area Chamber of CorM*ce pretNdents-and they returned the salutation at the organization's 75th Diamond Jubilee dinner denoe lett Friday night in the Balboa Bay Club. Seated are Carol South (right), current preeidel•t,lnd Georgie Spooner, rtpf .. nting h« late hUiblnd, Richard. Standing, from left: Jeck Vtbert, Edgar Hirth, William D. Lusk, MichMf Gering, John Macnab, Edgar (Ned) Hill, RudY Baron, Gorodon West, William Ring, James Parker and Richard Stevens. Smt photo by Bafry Slobln ••••'aTe_.a ......... row... Politica Ud Too will be the tlt.e .. olu .U-d.aJ COD· -~ ..,oaorecl bJ the .... Uooal WOIHD'I Politic&l Caucua at the AlrpOrter HotellD lmne Saturday. W.roh 20. Speaken aod topic. will iD· elude N . Jou..oeliabez, director of epecial proqraJU, Loyola Ma.rymount University, Power iD Penpecti.,..._How to v-t lt, UM it aod ltMp U; Ao.o Coil aod Jeao Ball.back, CUMr COn· •u.ltante, Prof ... iooal Power-Up the corporate ladder; Rou.lie Kfoury, profeuor, Coutlioe Community ColleQe, Penonal Powe.r-Time aod .u ... manaoement, and an add., ... on auertive communication~ aod perauuive apea.ltino, by Rita M. Tlte board y .. terd.ay propoeed the r.Udenta try to Mt up ar· ranqemente whereby they could purchue led ebewhere, and trade it for title to the property on which they're now paytno rent. .._ ________________________________ .Whitely, Ph.D., UC lrvioe. Laro..t fee-payer, now in ar- I'Nn, ~ the AhmADIOn •tate, cnri.no $35, 585. accordino to county recorda. The Polltlcal Pathway• Republican Rep. Pete Mc- Cloeltey, ... kino nomination to the U.,S. Senate, will address the Newport/Irvine Rotary Chili tomorrow. March 18, at 1 p.m. at the Airporter Inn, foUowino a noon luncheon. A reception for McCloskey will be held from S· 7 p.m. at the Harbor Ridoe home USC Bea:riDg Set Application by the Univeraity of Southem California ed the Newport..W ... Uni.fied School Oi.trtct to convert the Corou del Mar Elementary School to an extenaion campus will be heard by the state Coutal Com..miaion tomorrow, March 18. · Thursday's aoenda it to beoiD at 9 a.m. in the AmJac HoteL 8601 Lincoln blvd., Loa Anoelea (near LAX). Auemblywoman Marian Beroaoo (R-Newport Beach) will brino a local and Sacramen- to update to a aalad luncheon meetino Friday, March 19, of the Newport Harbor Republican Women at St. Michael and All Anoell Church, Corona del Mar ... Jerry Shaw, president of the county board of education. is Boats On Display Some of the lafo"t boats ever ... o on the we1t coa.at will be on cli.aplay today throuoh March 21 at the ninth annual Newport Harbor In-The-Water Boat Show, accordin.o to promoter Duncan Mcintosh. Some $35 million in power· boat. will be available at the Lido Marina Villaoe wharf acw.s. BROWSE. SHOP. SIPaSUP on the waterfront in Newport Beach Where you 'II find the latest In designer fash- ions. fine jewelry. exotic gifts. unusual impons. anuques. yachts and superb foods while strolling the boardwalk or qualm cobblestone streets. Come enjoy the feeling. Newport Blvd. a Vta Ltdo. south of Pacific Coast Hwy. WINSTON'S NEWPORT JEWELRY is having an EXCITING MILLION DOLLAR EST ATE SALE & AUCTION a 3-day Extravaganza of Bargains EVERYTHING GOES! I Fri., Mar. 16th; Sat., Mar. 17th; Sun. Mar. 18th J CHECK OUR AD IN NEXT WEEK'S NEWSPAPER fOI FUITHEA DIT AilS OR CAll 645·5595 . WNSTON'S NEWPORT JEWB.ERS 1 LJ • ,-~~-r· I·J 1761 NEWPOIT avo., COSTA MESA ' --· ·:::. · Stop PoJshioa Your SiNerwv-e '~'*DOl ILHWAA( I'OUCHU A ..... s...,T•• .... ,.u .,_,. CaW r~u · Send tht<k or MON't orw to o-tnr_._ 0,. CMN 1)6 w ........ d No 10:10 le•orly Holl C. 'ICU II lllltUS M4S , S Wt\M p.nt...-f\ .,.. rOw toot.'"l for' ...,..,_-. Howe _. ,.Ulertt "'-"< "- "'' -· w-..... ~.... c-.... -.............. .._ --.... the tops. naturally. When It comes to ...._good cheeM. S.g~~lllo .. the ..... -. hm ~ frelh. puN ~ ••• for the kht d nllb.ll1ll ~ that's ~ • rwne for us. In 'MIIc<MIIIn. And the Statea. And now It wll ~ cents for you. tool not a big cheese. just a better one. ·---------------------------------· .. b. w ,. c A Vt 81 pl PI ol tll 0 I( ai p: h· tb in fc tr pl w in I( 81. Cl AI ., d• •• a AI w H to B. D th ol m he Ct ~· n! ! OK On State Park Will Shift Stables HoJMback ridino on the beach alono the Irvine Cout · will become loo&l !p.ttory u a '"ult of lut ... k'a StAte Pub Coaimiuion m..tino 1n Santa Ana. Tbe co~ion, on an 8-0 vote, unanimoualy approved the State Pub Department oeneral plan for Cryatal Cove Stat, Park, which included relocation of the atablee now operatino on the beach near Cameo Shore•. State Parka Director Pete Da.noermond said Au.o Canyon, aoutheut of the park and out- aide it. boundari .. , ia the "moet promiaino" location for new horMit&bl ... In the meantime, the p.,...nt at&bl• may remain in operation. The park plan calle for 17 mil" of ridino and bllunq traila. Oanqermond .,tao said the ftrat phue of the park'• development will include an equestrian staq- inq area 1n Moro Canyon. It is scheduled for completion by summer of 1983. Crystal Cove State Park, to be developed over 20 years, w1ll boast 3.5 miles of beach, four campc;,tound.s, six pacnic areas, and parkino for 1,890 cars. A spokesman said tb1a level of development il anticapated to accommodate 2.8 mUhon vas1tora a year. The au-lane Pehcan Hall Road and two-lane Sand Canyon Road will extend from Pacahc Coast Hiqhway throuqb the park area to Irvine and on to MacArthur Blvd., Culver Drive and the San Oieqo Freeway. to the State of Call1ornia for the park in two separate trauac- tiona, in 1979 and 1981. The $36.1 million paid 1.1 the m011t ever for a Cali1ornia stAte park. Dave Allan, project manaoer, said he .... ''no problem" in oettino alate funds for develop- ment and hirino of park ranoera because of the park's hioh priority in the Leol.llature. The mobile home reaident. at Moro Cove near the Laouna Beach city limits will be a.llowed to remain where they are for 20 years but relidenta of the luatoric cottaqes overlookino Crystal Cove, nearer Newport Beach, will be evicted. A spokesman told the parka commiuion last week he plana to file a lawsuit on behalf of the coltaqe residents. DrYgSuit (Continued from paqe 1) million for potential lost earn- inqa, $3 million for emotional anguish, $1.2 million for future medical expense and $200,000 for paat medical expenses. However. it may be a lonq time before Barkan actually .... any of the money, be sa1d. UpJobn is expected to hle for an appeal, clainung procedural infrachons. Tenitoly Toudl-(Jp Thae "Tree-Well Troops," as beautification committee chairman Lee Spencer christened them. were among the 15 volunteers who cleared 110 sites atong East Pacific Coast Highway last Saturday as a service of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. From left are Louise Harman, branch manager for Bank of Amer1ca; Luvena HaYton. of HaYton 's Bay Window and a chamber board member. an<! A nn Spencer, chamber member and Wtfe of (Cont.inued from paqe 1) Hlawaty. Several De Anza represen- tatives wete uked for comment. Sam Ni<Jro, manaoer of Baylide Villaoe, said De Anza thouqht the dedication request "didn't ma.ke Mnae" because a Sanitation Oiatrict aewaqe pwnp- inq station was in the way. . Lee Flower seeds were planted tn the tree wells after the weed and trash cleanup, WhiCh took a raan spnnkled four hours. the ded1calion was stalled 1n a CalTrans condemnation action w1tb Lhe lrvtne Co . and referred questions to an attorney, Richard Eaterkin Esterkm sa1d he would v1olate the attorney-client pnv1leqe Lf be answered. He would attempt to reach De Anza Pres1den t Aubrey Meyerson, "who 1s real- ly the only person who can c om- ment." Esterlt1n called bac k, saymg Meyerson was out of tr rrn a.nd unavatla ble for comment StaH photo bv Batry SlvO." AirP-ort (Cont10ued from paqe 1) port must be enlarged H1s committee 1B "lookm g much more" at L.A. lnte rna· t10nal and Long Beach a1rports, sa1d Murdoch. The panel had a self-1mposed deadhne of February to come up w1th a recommendation, Mur doch added, b ut "mfo rmahon d1dn't come down qu1cldy enough " He sa1d tha t the co m nuttee plans to convene pro ThlsG..-.ge HasAGnuld Concept Want to buy an uhque Rolls Royce Lhe world'a f..mest marl10 hahmq rod ... tanta.sbc oarden tools from lnoland ... a plashc -encaaed d09 wash muaewn-qua.lity fur- n•lure ., Th1a 1s a small sample of the 1nventory Alan Rypmski plana to offer 1n ha G rand Gara(Je, openmg next month m Corona del Mar Rypmslu who ran a $1 ,000 m - vestment 1nto a fortune with the dtscovery of Armor All. en- thuslashc ally revealed his plana yesterday at a breakfast meetulq of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce 1n Sherman Gardens I 'There'll be everythmg and ' anythwy you nuqht e~pect to fmd m the ulhmate garage'," Ryp1nslu sa1d "It's fo r motorl.Sts , sportsmen and collectors, the dreamiest of all re ta tl stores "Everyth mg won't be for super wealthy people; we'll have 1tems for eve ryone. But Pat (his wtfe) and I have worked together lor years. and we see tht~ as our most lantashc venture yet lt'~ a real JOY -but I can't watt to se e the cash fl oWJng m, mstead of out ' He has transformed the fo rmer Wh1tma n s Garage on East Coast H1ghwa y tnto h1s ma m showroom. and wtll add a two- story bu1 ldmg ner t door. Many I of h1 s larger 1tems. such as hne automobiles and speedboats, I wdl be warehoused tn Cotrta Mes.1 The roads were approved by the Coastal Commiuion u part of a ma)or Irvme Co. develop- ment plan for up to 2,000 homes, two hotels, a conJerence center, shopplnq areas and j>ffice buildlnqs adjacent to the new park. Barkan now is a sen1or at UC San Daeqo as a paycholoqy- bioloqy major. He bas applied to nwnerous medical schoola, but understands that he may not be considered as an ideal· candi- date by admissions committees becauae his career could be abort-circuited by h1s illness. Barkan feels that ". . . those concerns are totally unwar- ranted." Webb said, "The Sa.nitauon Oi.atrict hu qranted easements and il awaitino conatruction of a modification to the station and two of its valves. The bn dge was first approved by C 1ty Counc il 10 f ebrua ry . 1972. bably on March 30 Burt Sims I Burt Sims The company sold 2,791 acres Did you know that you can build your own custom frame here at Th~ Framery? That's right-and we 'U help you do a job you 'U be proud of. And saue money, too! -rt..-. a...---· ... --5tL. P6nrport ac...ca. a.-:;.-.-...... -.7 ...... a-...s-..a~ ' FREE MARKI1 IVALUATION ONYOUIHO- ~ANALVStS IJit Your Home .. lOa IA.LI" In...,.... Udng look THE ~EAL ESTATE:RS "The structure would be lowered to a.llow the bridqeway to qo over it." De Anza Vice President Dan Packard said in Loa AnCJeles that HAWAII ~T~P'28900 COMPlETE 1 WEEK TOUR PACKAGE FROM • J37400 PER PERSON Saturday Departures--LIMITED SPACE CoiiTodoyt I 642·44031 Pacific Plaz.a/Travel Network 234 E. 17TH ST., NO. foe; COSTA MESA 92627 ,...~ .... ~~ arr two h~:a.t tnttrrst on or KEOGH . .tnd b..•th pn~r,\m~ iJ rt' tnsurt>d I(U.H<ln lt>t'J s<lfr bv tht tt•Jnt~l .:•l\ rrnmt>nt ONtdt h•lt"lo. •n 111 hld.tv., htl(h r,tl"' f.,r ll•m••rn•w -. ht~h rt>IUrn' l h'""t' 1he m.>llH tl\ d ,\lt' th.tl V\IU "'-"111 ""' .... ht•re tn •m lt\ m.mth' "' ll' "'"'" C..,tll'll tht• '"' d l'll'lft'd rl,tn th.tl mt-t'h \I•Ur nt>t>J , l .tll ,., ~'"I' b\' h...l.t\ o~nJ "'"' t•ur S.l-ytn~~ lt•un~t>lt•rs h • twlr "''u ''~" tht• 'IJt~'-r..r I H.tlb."' ~.IVtn~f lndt\ tdu•l Rt't•rt•m .. nt -\, .. •unt ,,, KEO(.H rlo~n th.tt ""'" ~TOP H~N(. Mt._H ro THliJ~' Ul'lN A N[WI'Uilr BALIUA ~~~~' IR \ • "ONLY WHEN I LAUGH" also • Scanners • The Howling • Dumbo yw.. C•llllle aeallll • Carbon Copy .,. c-=: =~::_::i, • No club to Join, no membership t ... 1 OOOs of movies available, all .,... .• II!Lfll •• Oe.pite the IIWlY attempta to briq a ahup focu to probJ.ma which onrlap the atU. of Newport Btada, Coata W... aad lniDe-&Dd aith.r al1ad bdo or invade &om the nr1011Ddia9 comaniMtt .. .till .,. far too unof9aniMd for UDJ.t.cl ... uta. But then.'• a potltlft force waitin9 out thent. The probleJU are much CJl'Mter than ODe mUDJcipaljty can dve, for they are too divtnt, and at the N.llle time too inter-rel&t.cl. Couider an elemntuy eqmple of how activity iD one city becom• the problem of &D.other: Driven li'rin9 in lniDe, workin9 in Newport S..Cla aDd ahoppinq iD CottA W...-or turn that one every which way but looM impact three citiet' road., foul up the air, require more police &D.d paramedic fon:•, and JDiz the taz but 80 we're not alwaya nre the mcmey 9011 where it wu intnded. Try u they mi9ht, the thr .. citiM are unable t9 do more than call re¢on-wide problema to the attntion of auch Nqlon-wide &CJeDciM u the county or .tate Dl4Y have in place. But a few eveniDcp 490 at the &llllual JDMtiDCJ of the lndu.trial LMCJue of Oru9e County, formerly the more- provincial GrMter lrrine Iudutrial Leaqu..-..veral point. .urfac.d which are worth putiDCJ in ou hard- hat.. Walter Gerken, pre.idat of Newport-baNd PacifiJc Nutual Life luurance and a member of eeveral prntiqioua boucb and coDUDitte.., wu the keynote apeabr. He'• widely r19uded u a keen thinker; a Dl4D with a clear eye on the 81D099Y future. The thru.at of hi. m ... Qe wu that now that the ILOC ia refocusiJ19 to broader homolll, it ahould become more iDYOIYed with CJOVei'JlJUDt. He pointed toward the parallel inter..ta the n.W ILOC hu with California Roundtable, an orC)ani.uticm of the .tate'• 80 lar9..t employen, in auch areu u water r..ou.rc• (Periplaeral Caaal), affordable housl..nC) (80 Oran9e County may attract the worbn who are the life-npport of ita grow- inC) illdutriea), transportation improvemata {to worbu may 9et in, 9oocb 9.t out), and entr9Y clnelopment. Pdvate buain-often can npply the ataffa and etudiee beyond tho. of time-mapped, buclqet- coutricted municipalitiet. However, 10111.tim• the bua:ineu view t. 1 .. thaa pv.ly objeotive. Yet, city CJOVemmeDta IOIDetim• are CJVJdecl-.or• bJ political ideol09* and emoticmal iDJIUDCM thaD by ecouomic reality. All lb... element., ol cour., are to be re.pected~ ud, under ideal cODditioll.l, belaaced. The U.OC and the Roaadtable are powerful retourc•. They, and our local CJO"Nlii.IDel1ta. with elected repr.-utativ. .CCOUDYble to the ~n, ahouJd work toward a cloeer aDince. Therein U.. the potatial for a truly impreaive reqioDal team. Why Wait? -BBS Speekiuq of local problema and their r.qioDal iapect, look DO further thaD the d.YelopJDeDt of C...,..t.al Con State Park c. the outaki.rta of the city. Onr the put -..ral y-.n, the cleulty of recideutial and co~~U~aercial de.elopment for U.O. beautiful rolli.JuJ hilll ad dMp canyou wu redaced ~ from u cn:iqjD.al conc.pt. It ia to the enrla.tiJ19 crecltt oJ the deci.:ioD-..U.n that parklad now ia gaarmateed for th.o. 2, 791 acr•. But then'U be lob of ccapuy coaiJl9 to towa. AlrMdy, Pacific Coat lliqbway a-a huaper-to- buaper eHect illtlae Ca•eo Shont r~Qio~a•••t a~GJD­mv. Mall oJ you bow whAt SaudaY8 are lib ta .priJI9 and ...,. • ..,. 8ooD the attnctiou will 1111 •ucla ~r. Ira put tUDe to Of9&D.iae a South Coat Tuk force, to join ba COUDty and ..... atudiet of i~ ad ,....... . Aay YOl1111teeu? • ,. 0 • ...., ••• t 0 j ,, ... _. ... ,.__ID~ Letters To The Emt6r Pet.ttloD DrtYe To the lclttor: Tb. W..t Newport {Agial.att.e Allw.c-. willlawac:h a...,_ __ dum P.titicm Orin Saturday, lUrch 20 at i :30 •.•. at u.. City BaD Coauci1 Ch..mben to allow c:tty reaideut. to ~,.. u..u opbUca of the haqe 7S- 8CB Beeco prot-ct, • high. deuity iAdulrial/com .. rciAJ cWnlovn••· n.. CHy CoaDCi1 hu just appaowecl tJU. Beeco Pl'oted o.ear Pacific Cout mpway, Newport BoW..anl, •fhoe loal.n.rd ad Saperior AftiDae. It will add 2,000 com· muten a.od tlaoaaDda of can to .. aheedy ... -.. I08d.,...... .. ..u-.... .,. f:J acce-to Roao lbpi1al. Thia project, toqeth.r wtt.b adler .. Jor OOIDlDIUCial project~~ appnwed by or p~ to U.. City Coaacil, .. rapidly clwlq. inQ the clindiat of oar city'• dftelop =t A1AY &o. • low ct.a.ity ••kiMttal/~1 o••••tty wiUc:la • dae ....a.. liMed 9CNil of the City G.a.al PI&D. Sacla piec»-..U ... -- of the Newporl Beec* a...al PlaD ~ • ..-1-""wlmq, cuaa.latift ..t .... ••a...:t ca u..~----· ltyJ. of lJd. c:IIJ'• I •&• w. ~ .... •wpolt -..ell res&"' e. ..W Jan. t1Mt d9)d to ftllte oa ~ Adical ch=l" to their ha.e ... ta•e •* D JOQ aqne, ...... JOIU actift .appod to obtaia tM nee I I II'Y ~ ~ t.lan April 5 ...... joia-~, Much 20, at 8-:30 ....... City HaD. WibJc+--.~ P f ,.., tua Cc-•'"u ...... pwt ~AIJAeeoe are apmq, and that the act b DOt a 1711lpathetic re.pcm.M to the ~ of au emotionally- chuc;red aeiqhbor. We ahou.ld refue to 89n a petition u.uia. the petitioDar CAD calmly pre- ._, the tact. ou the subject and a.uww aD qua8tiODI to our Mu.&action. Upon siqni.Dq the petitioD, we then accept tha JWpOUibility of qoiDo to the polla and aykin9 au educated cledaioa. U we want to par- tictpalle ill the democratic pro- c.., we mut be prepared to a-uJDa ib ilm&te re.poa- aialitie8. While Newport Beach CltiHJU npeacl tMtt eDeiQW and ~ ill dnisive actio111 to cwtai1 pl&a.aed cpowth and the ueociated rOAd improveautab, the em. .unonadlaq Newport S..Ch aaenily continue their n · puLsion plus and MnCI their traftic crt.c:ro.Ulq our com- •11Dity. B you .. thi8 traffic .toppiaq iD Newport Beach, tolb-tra doa&fu1 lll., are .eoppiDq to palrOili.z.e OUT local aaerchant.-th.y're probably jullltuck on ou.r conqeated ..,..., Call It B•SSSS To tM &ditoT~ CArol South n.. HiSSSS (HWoriully Selftele Soct.tistlc ~ IoeWy) .. coilinq to~ ltrib clowa .mother Americaa'• prop- erty riQ,hts. T1ai1 tilDe thoee of a loao·ti.JM Joc:.l r.md.Dt, 8i1J Bammq, who .... imprond daeU .. qulity of lite" willl bJa ~ and dedJcatioa to the uta, beentific:aboa and ha&lth care witm the aty. How c:oWd they -tJJDe be waal.ed to delbot that IIOtf? We ...... saHer.d HiSSSS'• city c:oucill tluouqh t.he ,..,... Wida IUAY loaDq their hom., or opportu.aitiee to lmpro... tbeU property aad liviAQ.wulezda, bJ llleU coa.acil'1 arbitrary actio01. But aow that .. have a praq:matic COUDcll that under- ataada the need Aor pToqr-, they want to recall Council·· ~ Ruth.elyn Pl1111UDer becaue lhe will DOt adhere to their totalita.riaa edk:ta to llop other people from asillq their property. Th1l t.i.JM they want to atop, or qrMtly reduce, the development of the Baaaiaq Ranch. Would they ratheT it revert.d beck to a ~beep ranch? Hi.. OD HlSSSS. J.Ue..ScmDg 'To the ldltor: Go1cl1e Joeeph Newport Beech Thub to the tr.__doua aupport ol ...dia c:hartq the put yeu, the A.eriou Caaoer Socl.ty h.u beeD .,.. auoc•• fuJ thaD ..... ill ~ u. lile- ariDq •-•ge &boat c.uaoer pre.atioa to the pabbc. It ill •mated that more than 290,000 people DOW li'riDq ill Oraqe Couaty wfl1 OODttact caace7 ..... t1lu ch&.rbaq their u .... Tlae majority oJ U.... u ... coWd be ....t U they r.-pcmd· ecl~acl~tot.he oaacer W&lllia9 ...,. ••. It ill ou lbaceTellape that n.. Newport 6«<QrD ou OCIIltbnle to n.pcacl to the uv-t uecl b ~r oaDOK ....-ta Oruqe eoaa, b, PJOridba4l ftlaahle ~ Ia JOU pablica- ta. OJa bMaJJ ol the Or .... CoaAty Ud ad tlaoee wll.c.e Un. will a._.... b.c:aue oJ euly cleh~ iD 1•1-12, tlaaDk you. JrwG.IWW hbbc WonMtJc. Dizeetor A-.co.. C... Soc-.y Or:-.. eo..tJ Uatt CONSUMER CORNER JOORNAUSI'S JOURNAL bFJlaPelto~a It may .... .u&AQe, bat oa.e of t.he IDOM luplJtaq ud a - clti.Dq IDOnUDQa WU ODe IPftt reontly ~ bJ 3,200 fifth a.od IDth qraden. Jut the thouoht o4 belao lD u.. mut.t of that JUDY bo,. ud qirlr, •oee 10 to 12, 11 aiad-boqoliaq. The ldda weN from Newport Beach and 1mu ud eo.ta W... ud ma.t othez ~ ol Oraao- County, from 21.epua .. echool cli8triota, aad they had been bued to the Nelodyluci Chria· tiaa Cater Ia Anaheim by their owa 10hoola. Why were they thare? To ... Staz Wan? To mMt the A.tronauu? The play .tdeo oam-? Not OD yov.r life. Tha JOUDO atudeDta were at- teadiao their tint qmpboay coooert-oae of eiQht IPOUOred by t.he WoJDP'I Commftt .. of tha Oranqa County Pb.llhar- mon.lc Society. Hey, that'• loaq-h&lr 1tuff. For equar•. You coulcl.a't eYeD have a baq of popcom. It'• aot for lrida, riqht? WrODq. H.nry BzaadoG ud the WOIUD ~ohuateen Ia the PIUl.ba.nDaa1c SocMty made the monai.aq mwninoful ud aa.morabla, uad the.re wu decol'UID ud J)MCe throuqhout the pr...utation of ala IJ1D· phoaic worb. Brandou b the ID08t strilri.a.q pjecl piper you1levar bow. He 11 a COJIUD&Ddi.aq fiqure on llle ... ,.,., ud he ipMb tha luquaqe ol the claildru, ud yoa h.ve a fee1mq that be loY• them all. Hl8 npaillQIMdley cauq)at t.wtlla-r chllche•'• u.... ,..... Iliad wac., Old MM'O.tWJWAJ.,., eto., .. c. ,._ ... ciJoDclucrted. IYDl• phomc falrtyaJ.-Pu, the Plper,-ia which he iatrod'UC*l .nry iDdividul ~ Ia the orclaeltra, lD a fudful- nea fa.r-t.tcb.d--.tory of how au orche.Ua miqkt u~e oriqiDated. Tb. pl'OOTUl ~ llMdy U hour, iaclwllD9 IOIIla muffled wh.tatla. whea a 16ciy bau.t ducer appea.red, a.od ell-out applau.ee wha tha otcM.tra- tha Califom.t. SymphODy- played the b.ckqround muak: to Star Wan. A choral qnnap boat our h1qh ~ehoolr joined tM or- ch.tr• ill a fiaal au.aaher--the Betti. HJ1D.D of the Repalalic. It waa't ., much wut wu played but that u wu oleMcaJ mule, u iatroduction b mc.t of the clalJclra, brouqht to them at DO 00111 to tt.e.. 11ae Oruo- Couty ~ SocWy, tkfOa9h ltcl II ubble _...a•1 ~. acl the Walk'IDI .AwociaU., Loc.l 7, A.J .W., 1p011801 ad fbaaaoe tbe att.re operata.. a..oe tM Yoatla Coo· cen. beta • .,... tka 250,000 J'OU9 people ..... mjoyecl tMieproqraJU. DwiA9 a break ia tbe pro- qram, I tpOb to Jue Gtte., Ia alwve ol the ooeoetta ...... JMf, ad to llef.ct.W llna..aut, Dorothy Wrt•. At nery eec· dca .. the lOUd uu, ~ = ~ Plal.llaa.rwacaio SoclMy api'GM 01' ..ocb llklocl1f~D &op!IINJ Met .... ... .... c1ut fro. wut IClaool woalcl ... lD what ..... at wlaat u... ,. Jaaw eoo..., ~ b lleotioG• 1aM 2,'~ a .... awe. M ID ........ Wutecl to ..... J... .......... -..... . pe.l ,..,.., •• to DleualaJ, ud .._ "''•'w,.... tnllluci& O...W., ..a a • NNIIII I -Mud ---.. ........ .......... ... .. , ..... _ .. ,.. ._ ............. . ......... 'p .... .., IIF'Jir ... a.: --... -· Gerken (Ccatiaud tra. peQe 1) ,.... eoo lo obta1a • eepuate Caltrau DJ.trio1 de.toutSoa lor dale oouty. TU nat\aal IUCCell of that etn190le, he eaJd, ~ the '"'"' ~ the OruQe County delevatlaD la S.oraJDellto when tJ •ut.n the proper tupport of bu••-· n.. .... eftort by the TrauportatioD Coalition helped ohtam the recent pueaoe of l.pl.atloa which will fwad hiobway laapl'OYeJDe!lta and pre>e vide tile COUJlty with $20 millioa per ,.., throuoh 1986, ud an addWoaal SlO mil.Uoa per yMr .wtiDotal986-87,NJd Gerkell. But trauportatlon matten will wor.o before they oet beHer, he projected. "BecaUM of the lead t1IH nece.ury for a hiobway or other traD.~pCrtation project to come oo line, the eHi- c:iency and adequacy of Oranoe County llauportation not only willltollmprove, but will decl.lae within the nut 10 yMI'I," be eaid. The F~ Is Mutual "The Corona del Mar Freeway, the San Joaquin Hilla aDd the Foothill Tr&MpOrtation corridon, and eapa.nded public tran.portation are amono the ....uu.ala we mu.at pr ... for," he eaid. Gerken .t.ted flatly that the .tate dOM not have the money. aDd CaltraJU doem't have the inter..a, to m•t the county's need.. City approval tor construction of Pacific Mutual Plaza In Newpon Center Involved a pledge by the company to spend approxlmetefy 1 percent of construction costa lt24 million) on art worka. The Ptaza opened officially yesterday-and here are two of the new sculpture garden's four major pieces obtained for a total of $240,000. Above. Tony Delap's "The Levitation of Princess Asrah"; at right. Stephen OeStaebler's "Canyon." FASHION NAILS Grand Opening Special =:::-:ar--. THERE IS A CAR SHOW EVERY DAY IN CLASSIFIED Fire Islander· --illallkln pl.na........, .. ... -... --.~ .... ................. b= ....... -. ................ __.,a II mol f.-.P pr4 I ..... .............. c:lllllk ..................... ................. M ..... orx.ta Buur ll6.00 Pa~~t U.f.OO S\•" t22.00 Spring Faceworks A bouQuet of produc1s for the freshest looks this seoaont A 127.00 velue tof only St.IO with a~ of .._..,or more from our ell.,..,_." Gerden Colection fof 8pr1ng The prtltt,..t bOuqueC thiS season our S(>rng Facewor~tS hied With Sun F n Stl UQu•d Makeup 3 Creamy Powder Shec)ows L•P Malt~p Boav M<>stuMer lu><•va Eye Creme FIOrent.ne Face and Body S/'u!Tme( MN Aerosol Fragrance Purser and more' Ask your Beauty Mv•&Otto show you how to use these products w•th ltle new Persoan Garden colOrs caN today I()( a tree Makeovef and get a fTesh new look tor Spf.ng TtM 'lOa R 4U na.e OORIIRl. ,. ......... c.-~· ··-~ .... 646-4CD6 :1711Mt 171ft Street, Coat& Tbe Rewpo11 tnetp Wa 'D rathry, March 11. 1111 PQ9e 5 Beeco (CoiDtbuaed tro. peqe 1) THE I El EPHONE POll. W... city offioJa1 that lh.J are veYJ oaacemed ap the~ el»at the t.peot of DeW tJafflc OD 17th, 18th ud 18th .tr..ta." Lonlao, wbo ... with Joh.n8oa and 101M 2S OOJDDMrD· ed muaben of the W..t Newport oroup 1ut Suday in "a very oorcllal", di8cuaton, took laue with the orlticiam. "Newport Bea.oh bu a very lltrlot Traffic Phulno Ordinance which NJI we have to take care of th ... impacta befo~ we C&n proceed," be NJd. "We would commit eome S4 million to do that. Tb.1a would include widen· ino of Pacific Cout Hiohway, addino atr•t la.n.e, rev1tino the traffic aiona.l.a aylltem, buildino new ro.cla, aDd other im· provementa.". Bannino added, "The fiour .. are very revealino. Ten critical intenection.a have been atud.ied. Generally ~o. without our project, their volume will be up by aD •timated 27 percent in the neat five yMra. But our m..iUoation m ... ur• would not only take care of our impacts. they would brino thoee interaec- tion.a down to Ntt.factory condt· . tiona. "In fact, our mitioation m ... ur .. would be even more effecbve, becaUM City Council reduced our office apace and cut down the reaidentJal denat· ty., The controveny plac .. a queation mark over the pur· Should the City Council's approval of the Beeco-Banntno project be put to a referendum? (S.. Paoe 1.) To .ote YES. call 175 tltO. To 'I'Ote ItO. call 11&.7020. CaJl anytime b.twMD DOW and 8 a.m. Moacl.ay to cut yow .rsrtL chue of Calu&lll w .. t. eome 18 acr• west of Superior Avenue aDd Cout Hiohway. Ban nino'• projected payment of eome $1 .5 million to $1 .8 million of 1D ueu f .... in order to proceed WJth h.i.a devlopment, wu ... u u a reeource for ,puzchumo tha property hom the .tate and c reatinq a lonq·dee:ired park for J he neiohborhood. Councilwoma.n !velyn Hart, acting mayor, who op posed the project until it wu revamped, Mid abe wu "very dlsap· pointed" at the referendum move . "1 really d.idn't hear that many people oppoCl.DQ the pro· ject at our public hearrnoa. "It would provide a reasonable balance between the many com· \1/hale watch Cruises March 20ttt & 21st 9:JOo.m. & I :JOp.m. it elf Ullt ran wldl Ad -·~ ... -luvlnl From The BALBOA PAVIUON There will be no riDo . n..r. 1a DO Deed to talk. The "hano up" eoud JOQ li.MJ' 1a your YOte beino recorded. 't.c.t ...ar'a qu .. ._, \ SbouJd Preaident ReaqaD reduce projected defenM ezpendihuea toward balancrno the budqet? y .. No 88 % 12% pellDQ rnter .. ta, and would beneht the c1ty 1n many, vanou.a ways " Ctty Clerk Wanda AnderMn NJd that 11 the referendum peti- tion.a are aucceaful, the ~&~ue probably would be combrned with the ctty elecllon on the November ballot. Otberwue, she aa1d, a apec1al election would cost the c1ty approlUmately $25,000 Johnaon sa1d , "We'll need about 6,000 s1qnaturea; we hope to qet more than 8,000." BannlllQ sa1d , "We really don'l know If we can do the pro· )eel, w1th all the cutbacu now It wtU co.t a lot of money Just to find out if tta's feuJ.ble " .Cfll'h .. ...... Adult. $8. Chil~n $5 ....... •rv••••"n ono (71-4) 673-)2-4 yovowa ........ CMII X r-ay ...... COS I UIDS • P&m&SY PUll 308 Ma.rtne Ave • Balboa l.sland • 673-7372 FASHION IS ••• C•su•l ... tailored top to toe m sleek des1gner clothes Nost•lwic ... the lavish look of r1bbon s. ruffles, deliCate la ce . , Ele11•nt ... h1gh tash1on att1re for the after f1 ve s1de of you Dorid L. c;.-. • II Malor ,_,.., Ia Me.el, Joc:oJ:., PJ.r- 80 • GentA, wit.b oiiJc. ilt llewpon ~ Lo. Angel., • ~to ODd WCIIAingtoo. H. • 111!pedaJi.t Jn po.rtnerab.ip Gad CO¥pOiote Jaw. He u o ~ ol tJJ. Harvard Law Scbool, wl»re 1M ww an flditor o/IA. Harvud Law Review. He boldJ 11 /tla.ter ol &&/ness A.tbaitJJMration degree hom tbe Vmvenity ol ColiJomia at Lo. ~ and u a C•rtified Public Accountant. He u a ..._,., ol tbe Executive Com- .m.. ol tbe ~Low S.C- tioa ol the Stole Bor and IWt CboJnaaD ol tbe Partn•rab.ip Ow•iltM ol tJJ. s..wn... ~ s.ctioD and tbe Drolting Com- llllltM lor tJJ. CU'A. byDaWIL.O.. 'nenew C.Wom"- Limited Parl- nerabip Act ltreugtheu the liability limit of limited ~tnen and bolaten their ability to participate in the affain ol the parluerah.ip without becom.inq qenerally Uable ,or ita debt a. The nu.aber of limited p.ut- nerah.ipe ill <.:a..Wonlia- currently ovez 100,000-will probably increue UDder the new liberaliud law. To protect the rtqiata of limited partnen, the act clarlJi .. the participation which limited part. Den .. , ..... ia u.. afWn of the ~rt.Mdla.i,p without becom- i.A9 QeaeJ'.U, liable for ita debtl. Th1i baa beu ODe ol the· cloudl..t areui.D limit.d put. nenhlp law, CrHti.D9 a1c)IU.fioant problema for baited putaen. 111£. V18111NG EXPERT For iut.uce, a limited parl.Dez who il the employ .. ol the part- nership and ecta for it in hia em.pl0}'1DMlt c~city, will now be clearly protected. In addi- tion, the act deecribee az- rugemen-. betwMn the put- ·!John £. 'BCont UPHOLSTERY SPECIAL CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPH1'" WeAre PROUD To HanP~~ .. LAUREN DIU + eMetl ...... Da.WDW ESTIMATES CAll 540-6011 645-1313 any upholstered chair cleaned ·FREE with sofa cleaning at reg. pnce SAVE · $35 or more EXPIRES 3-25-82 1 71 0 Santa Ana Blvd. • Costa Mesa Mn if U... 1a ao wdttea ~ .-t to tM OODU&J'Y. ,. ... CaJJ6ona.la IJ.aited Part:Den~Up Aat will becolu ef. '-ottve u of Jaa. 1, le82, replAotaQ c.1lfoml.a'e Uadot'lll Limited Part:Denhlp Act, which baa heeD· ,..,..J.d. Tbe DeW act refleota the b'efd of judicial decialoa.a ID callfonaJa to further protect lbDlted putnen from lia.bU.lty ud COD&abl.l muy I.D- novattve chaogee I.D the law qove.TDJ.Dg limited partnerahipa . For n.ample, the Califonlia Limited PartnerahJp Act Qivee the limited partnen improved a~ to lnfonn.atiOA. Auyone who hu been involved 1D a limited partAerabip bow. how WE PAY TOP CAl'SC.IAS 1770 *"t*111u1Mfd Costa Meu, Calitomia 12127 (714) 141-UU cl.lWcNlt ll il at ti8aee to 9et J.D. f01'1aAUoD oa the .CU•iU. ol the ~. ,. ... act a11oWt MCia ........ partier, UpOD NIIC!MW.. NqUIIt, to u..p.ct aud oopy partaeaMlp MOOCda ud to obt&1a tM Part-nllip'• lederal, ..... , ..clloc:.J lncome tu retw:u, or ialor8etlcD Nlvu, 6or Nell year. Ia addl- tloD, U.. eel NqUi,_ cerl&in otMI 8aaclal lllateJMDta to be prep&Nd for U.Uted part.Der- ab.ipe with acre thaD 35 ~rt­ nen. The act a1ao requiree central film9 and •ta up • aame , ... ,. ••UoD .,.tem. 1'b.la aolvee a aiQDificut prob.a.. UDct.r cur- rut law uce tt t.1 now difficult to det...me if a liaUed partuer- lhip em.te, or to tell oae from uother ace ..uy _.the .... JWU, Al.o, • liaited pa.rt- Mnhip will beooau tdmpler to form, the liability limitatiou of a limited partner will be UIUled upon filing. BRIEFS llldaael C. o.tDg. formez •nlor ~riDer with VlmM CIDCl Scb.ck. baa opeud h1a own law officee at 4040 MacArthur Blvd. He receotly completed a yeer'a term u preeident of the leewport Harbor Ana Chamber of CoJ~~~.~De~ce. Jte UnOWlced that St•liAg A. Smith will be an a.aooiate ... Scm MarlDo ScrriDgll cmd Locm has opened ita first Orange CoUDty office, at WHt Cout Highway ud Dover in leewport leaQ . . . A ·$500,000 print campaiQD for ita fiah.inq roda has been •t by KWI.DCID Tadtle Co. of W~•. acoord.inQ to Jolm C. Cox. h .. preaident of Cox • lurch. the firm'• Newport J.ac:h agency All you'll Pier need to know about florists: . 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa Simple Interest on 18 month Certtftcate acoounts. Rates and terms on new fixed-rote accounts ore subject to change wtthout noHce. Substantial Interest penalty for eorty wtthctawa. Call for c omplete detcils. 'ti70/n~ §~-~ ~m-lk~ We Would Be PROUD To PhotOIJ'apb Your Child Nll -·· s.n.. CaN. s.-w ....... ~ ... 7 ..... 787 JNI E. Padfie Cout Hwy. c ....... lllu,CA DO YOU HAVE A CHOICE? Contrary to what you have heard, cremation, memorial or burial societies have no exclusivity on low cost funeral arrangements. As a highly respected and long establish- ed mortuary, Baltz-Bergeron, Smith and Tuthill can carry out your wishes, often at a lower cost and without any membership fee. The dignity of death can be main- tained as simply or elegantly as you would wish through cremation, alter!Ulte service or a tradition-.1 funeral by consulting with a member of the Baltz-Bergeron, Smith and Tuthill staff. You DO have a choice-so before investing in a membership, call Baltz- Bergeron, Smith and Tuthill for in- formation about the lowest cost and type of eervice that best suits your needs and desires. In the Baltz·Betgeron, Smith and Tuthill tradition, we assure you ... e NO MEMBERSHIP FEE e GUARANTEED PRICES e Full disclosure of costa • Understandina • Freedom of Choice • Experience • Respect of belief and customs ' ~oflko/J~ LN8 Is the ori-( bonk witt\ a trust depa tt t tent In Laguna Beach. See James P. Ready. Trust Offlcer. for help wtth ol ycu estate pkrnng needs. We have the frame that's right for your hQme or office decor. The perfect setting for all your pictures. oil paintings, etchings. lithographs, certificates, diplomas, needle- point, crewel, antiques and coins. • CREATIVE CUSTOM • UNIQUE MATTINGS FRAMES • CONVEX GLASS • • READY MADE • NON-GLARE~._,.~ STANDARDS • MUSEUM FAN CASES MOUNTING ESCROW DEPT. Ellie Roy, Senior Escrow Otflcer.ls prepared to assist you wtth ol types of real estate transactions. Please feel tree to edt her for an appointment. "'tit' •om' l~u llott (0' 15 veor1 1803 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA (714) 548-4511 • THENE ATH Maybe they've discovered the New Math at City Hall. How else can we ex- plain some of the recent puzzling deductions that have been reached by City Council? We first suspected the New Math approach when the council decided to allow the Marriott Hotel to go ahead with its expansion. The law seemed to say that all Newport Center expansion under the General P.lan 80-3 chantes would be held up for at least a year. Under the rules of Old Math, which says The Whole is Equal to the Sum of its Parts, the Marriott would have been part of the sum total of the 80-3 Newport Center expansion scheme . Ap- parentty, the New Math says The Whole Is Equal to MOST of its Parts, and political tricks can be figured into th~ equation. When the council came up with its amazing Marriott vote. we figured they had ;u.t made a one-time error. We were wrong. They did it again Friday night. This convinces us they're using some kind of New Math. Coun- cilWoman Evelyn Hart explained it to us: "I didn't want to be an obstruc- tionist and cause a council deadlock," she said. With Mayor Heather in the hotpital and juat six council members present to vote on the big Beeco-Ban- nlng project in West Newport, Mrs. Hart, who had earlier said she opposed an imJ)9rtant upect of the project, voted for Beeco-Banning, thus enabling the pr~t to get council approval. Councilwoman Hart has obviously taken the New Math courae. Else, how could lhe approve of the whole while diaapproving aome of ita parta. ~ we need to Mt up a Back to Buies School for aome of our council members before th'-numbers game geta any further out of tfand . ' ' -Magee Oat; So lsUCI LAM-Life After W.QM- beoan at UC Irvine lut w .. k. Two-time bubtball All- America ltevin Mao" tore a vuh in hia band requuinQ nine atitch .. in a firat ·round National Invitational Tournament oam• Friday niQht at San Dieoo State. UCI won ita hrat NIT victory ever anyway, 70-69. NaQee's wound occured when he became entanQled with the rim of the basket wbue leepinQ to block a shot. The 6-foot 8-mch center had played his final Qame for the Anteaters. He was unable to QO Monday niqht a• UCllost a 17- point lead and fell to Oklah-:-rna, 8().. 77, in Norman, Okla. in the NlT'a aecond round. Kevin Fuller and Randy Whieldon led the Maqee-leu Anteaters with 18 point• apiece. Friday DlQht's mjury ended Maq .. 'a car"r and UCI'• chanc .. for a NIT title. It also atopped Maqee short of a bag acorinQ ruqht aqaanst an ill· adviaed San DleQo State man· l<>r·man defenae. UFE Abborne Defense Naqee scored 20 pomts, 19 m the fint haU before slamounq an· to the nm and leavano the game. and UCI basketball. High enough. but not quite quick enough -and the ball goes by Corona del Mar's Mike McKibben in hatd-fought tilt last week won by Costa Mesa. Sea Kings buckled. 15-10, 16-14 and 15-9 Standing by for action is Mike Johnston ( 1 ) . City Beekethd St11H photo by 8att"f Slobtn Teama have completed eiqht wHb of leaque play in the city recrHtion department'• winter buketball 'A' Diviaion. Here's Where They're Runriing PlayoU Tournament rowlh-plac:e lo~Dhn ... llnt·ploc. T ... alp W• De'ltla tlr MCODd• ,... Mal41rky'l "· thlrd-ploH oc .... •• etghth·plaee A«o 41. Wth· .-. loHoma Up ltr .... ,.,t..pklc. ........ a . etath-place Jollutoa JoC\ll· IJ u . by Dcm Logcm The Fourth Annual AntHier SIC and lOX llacheduled Satur· day at UC Irvine. The former atarta at 8 a .m., the latter at 9 a .m. Race day entry fee ll SQ with T ·ahirt, $5 race only. Call 833-8288 or 833-6~ . • • • CLAII C DIVWOM w L T The N.wport Harbor Art RIP 7 0 0 N\l.Mum'• RuD Your Art Out O.Oo Dubbl•n 7 0 0 lOX will be ulcl Sunday' W..rcb Ptfiko N-.111•1 I I 0 21 at I a .a . ltartillO at tbe l~ll• 4 3 o Ntwporttr lu. IDtr& .. alter lo~&tll Coaat Cumm Ch11rch .l 4 1 o Narob 18.,. Ill wub T-thlrt, Coupe•• t Lvlil,.rttf 2 !I 0 Ara • 2 a c 14 r•oe oely, T·lh.&rta for lalt IYCR I I 0 utf&M may Dot be av&&Jable PauU le11 'o••••• I I 0 Call 788·1122 01 R.oe Dtr.olot lo Cuot Comm Chureh I I I 0 • r 11 •e1 7303 Wll wMit'• K'otft O.on 4V. l'•nn•ll nOY UIM At 101 • Ot 41, Rlf Jt, l11n O.vtl• :18, Armco ~. ISI·7330. IYCA 0 (lot leu), ICCC I 111, Coop••• Jl, Pntltc 117, ICCC 2 44 woua• Htoutl'a N•roh Into Beach O ab In Two Swim Meetl lwtllliDart from the Newport MOUOA of IMob lwua Chab ooapettd 1A two ''AI" a~e Qroup mttta at Cypr ... CoUeot reoaatly. ftMulta of the younQtr "AI" lllHI: •ao Ollie ·a·, S.ra l11111h. Slh. 100 IN 12314 11·11 Quia "'1"1 CHof9t•• lratt~, ht. 10 ...0. a4 41. aAMte "A''. 284, 100 a...II.11137,_. .. A "a.auo.. lettll, tad. SO Wtt. lS 00, a.de "A'', W . SO hM, 21 II. IN4e "A", 4th, 100 ,,.., 1 04 zs. 5th, 100 fly, 1 17 2t ll·ll Oirla ·A·, a. .. at~ S.uh, lth, 100 ",...,, 1 11 oe. ltt, 400 ._.,., relay. Georvsna •ad S.~nut~ la11h. Kat .. a. .. au Pel&la At.tty, aed. 300 ,,.. ret.,, laull, latth, "•" •"4 Rlley R.lwtt of older "AI" mMt: llol • ..,. ... , ... Mtll&Uio. 4tlt. JOO IM ,l :Mk, -..."A " llol• a.,. •A•s WNW s.. .... 2nd, 300 .,.._, I •. 44, IM, 100 ",....· I 01 lal 41~. 400 I.W . 4 41 J0 Ro" ~-~-1001l ........ ll02t A1lo IWLAalaf W6l AI. C,...w 1a.11 Owa. ·&•a ~..,.. Cr~~aoa. 2ad 300 ",.....· 2.41 30: Jnt 100 ",.....· 117.31. 1a.11 leye •&•I P\p.er A.ftt~IUIO, 41h, 1810 ltM, 17:41 II 17-ll leye •&•, Cllne WoolJoUI, 111, 300 l.W., 2:01.31; Itt. 300 Qy, 3.02.11 Stun '-l~ W . 100 ,,.., Sl 70; 4tJ\, 400 I.W • 4:3431 MARINE SCENE bor Mary Wa~r I Twitchell (VYC), 2 Saloc10w, b:h&rd The Conor ... ional Cup Match Schi.Uver (SSYC). 3 Po,., r., BeclDQ S.rl .. , which ll eeccmd lk:~ Raid (SSYC) --• th Am • C D---Cla. I ; 1 M. and,.,., Fyt./Cor V&UJ to • erica • up ,..... wte~ (VYC); 2. Lollipop. I.a.-llull ta importance in yaoht raCillQ, Jo-,c. ~r (ICYC) l NoNa.. will be held at Lono Beach lc* ,_,_ (SSYC) Yec:ht Club thu ... 11:. 0.. C l l•.oTGi IIJttonty Paw There are bve fozelCJil akip· 11uk {SSYC). 2 T01 So.J, Lyl. Wlllita th u_ (SSYC}. 3 lc* hlenoo (SSYC) S.n10r pen on e roeter: n.rry ~-1 Ietty Ia~ (SSYC). 2 Gtl Wc:LauohUn, c.n.da; Phil Ia.._ (SSYC). 3 Dulef J.c:boa Crebbin, IDqland; Pele Peter· (SSYC) eoa, SwecleD; John Bertrand, Juk>r s..boa I Wort~ Hoyq~to• Aut.r&!Ja· and Harold Cudmore (SSYC); 2· ht.et ZU.. (SM Sco"•>· •-•--~ .:.... , th ,._ • l . W.U tc-11 (SSYC) ~· AU OJ ... aleD -ve bea deelq.nated u a.k:ippe11 for ~ 1883 Araartca'a Cup trials. Otlaera compeUn9 wW be Rod Davll, la.at ,..,., w\DDer who ll boa ~e h~ club; Dania ~. two-U.e willDe1 (liN ud 1110) tro. Newport Hubo.r Y*t Clu; DIQ O..ve.r, al8o two--......, (11'.11 ucl 1878) bOa toe~ Yaclat Clab; IDoet hfr.J, Aeaepobe kllloo ......,_: ..... _., ~ . ._YorkY-.ou. ,.., ................ 4S racM .......... ,~.~ ...... -,. 'n!eJ ... ... c ........ .. • • • IAJ:U.A COI.DfTKLAN YACHT CLUJ ST PATJICI'S DAY UGATTA • • • ~ ~ .. ... , .... a. ......... o.. .... .............. -........ Sprlno SIC and 10K beQin at the Ziqqurat Builchnq on La Paa Saturday, March 25. n.. ....... ,..,.. ... • •• .,, ...... 17. ·-,_' The Way VInce Sees It: AVes And A No bor~L~ Vince Fen&Q&JDO, former Loe Anqelee Rama and current Won- treal Alouett• qua.rterbeclr, c:li8culeed h.la put, pr ... nt a.od future at the Ora.oo• County JoUJ'Uliam Auoci.aUon hiQh achool wdteoffa S.hud.ay at Ir- vine HiQh . Appropriately enouoh, the Ir- vine reaident, lamed for h.la ability to "throw the ball fu enouQh for a QUY to run under at and catch it", deec:ribed hia future u "up in the air." "I'm not sure of my future," he upla.ined. "I'm waitinQ on the Rams, the Rams a.re waitmq on the AlouettH, and the Alouett .. are waitinQ on me. "I've been mrrounded by con· troveny all of my carHr. I have h.ad a lot of tbinqa written about me, a.od I've aold a lot of newapapera." Indeed, controversy baa been hia companion Iince hia daya at BanninQ HiQh School under Coach Chria Ferraqamo, lua older brother, and and hls col- leQe daya at Berkeley Following two yean at Berkeley and two au.beequent yean of pre-med atudies and football at Nebraab, Ferraqamo wu drafted in the fourth round by the Rama and )Omed them m 1977. After two leUODa of play- lDQ behind the aglDQ Joe Namat.h. and Pat Haden. Fer· ragamo became truatrated wtth hia playing tune and took has cue chrectly to owner Caroll Rosenbloom lD 1979. "I was convinced by Roeenbloom that the quarter- back job wu not to be pre· detenDl.Ded that yHr," Fer- raqamo said. "But after a very productive tra..ininq camp, latill wu a r ... rve." The JWu 1o.t aia of their tint deta.ila. WhtD 1 compued the Ram offer to the en. deal, I had no real choice." After a "cli.aaal" 1981 ....,n in the en., Jenaoamo .. once •vain mter..ted in playiA9 in the NFL, and the JWu pc•••• DtQOUatinQ nqhta. "I t.h.mk I am able to utiliu the Ram tMJD, and HCh indlridu.aJ talent well. I believe that the players still have a atronQ ad- a:urahon for me, and I for V1NCE FEARAGAMO them," he NJd. eleYeD be1ore Ferragamo took FerraQamo, who attendeJ over after an injury to Haden medical acbool at UC Irvine FollowinQ a lc:. to Tampa Bay pnor to h.aa thud year with the 1D hia fint atartinq role. Fer· Rams. aaya Oranqe County fana raQamo led the Rama to bve daerve • qood team. straiqht victonee and the NJ'C · When fJUfttloned u to how he championship . They feU to the J, w~n f' heard &ma fana Pittaburvh St .. lera m Su~r r,.. ' o Haden 10 the 1980 Bowlll\', 31-19. .,1 'f ~nand chant109 lua name, The.lo'nowi.nq year, however, ·• ·p~· amo said. "The Ram fana Haden was once 4Q41Il :Qiven t~-•re 1 ucated and should have a atartino berth, and once aqaan , ·. v . choace lD the quarterback wu hurt. this time in the fust coot overay. '' qame of the year. AgaJn Fer· "I would prefer to play m the raqamo led the Rams to the Nn," concluded Ferraqamo. playotfa before loeing to the "Bes1de• the fact that my Dallas Cowboya m the NrC abu1h" bt m better, I love the championahiJ». That was to be caty (Los Angel .. ) and the Ferraqamo'a last qame 10 a . ~hance to play an lront of my Ra.m'a uniform. fauuly " Testing the frH aqent market pnor to the 1981 sea.son. Fer· raQamo found no Nabonal Foot- b&ll Leaoue team was mterested. "I wu crucified by the NFL fr" aQ8nt policy," he ez:pla.med. "Teams !mew they'd have to compenaate the Ra.m.a wtth draft choacea u they mqned me, wh.acb they weren't wilhnq to do." So Ferraqamo aiqned with the Canadian Football lAaque Aloutt• for $450,000 per year. "It wun 't a matter of doU.n and centa, a deal can alway• be worked out. I h.ad to con.~ider a no trade clauae and other The V10ce ferraqamo aaQa cont10u.. The Alouettea under new duef operallng officer and former Rams co.ch coach Georoe Allen are lfJl.D<J to Mil lua contract to the Rama, the Rams want FerraQ&mO, and Fer· raQamo wants to play for the Rama aQalD, yet no poeillve ac· bon lS be109 taken. It would aeem that controversy and Vmce Ferragamo will con- tmue to Mll new.p4pera. However, whether the papen will be in Montreal or in Orano• County ia aomethinq that Fer- raqamo ia unable to predict. STAY Rent • lpACioua tua~moul hoUM ot condominium So • ,_ f.l.l. ...... _ liB :: .,. '" .. '"' • mucn nle»t to gome hOme to .aft , • Cllly on '"-''ope r,. two-DeeltOOm OOMdOIIIetp lla ~ana tnt ,,,.. ana four· O.Otoom "'ou oan Milly 11.-p two or mote w~ tamlll• Ylll SKI Pill CITY. MARCH .APRIL-STAY 7 NtQHTS, PAVFOR6 -n. ........ ~ ....... .._ ..._ ... owallnecle. n.. n.. lloocl hot br,_.•n•• THEAtER abe •ndt • p1ctuJ'.....and abe '- whJte. S~y. all of the ten· alou, thAa aqonlee ol racial pse- Jgclioe briog about a tenM con- frontation betw.u the two brothen, They indulge in oames lh.t 1\lrqe lharply to the .uriace ud reveal their own private -oonl•. BON APPEITIO prioM ..... ~: MDd- ....... $3.88 llin'eCl wltlltoQp c. -'rd, fNDcla.Jriel, ucl qat· .u.Md wit~ ~ fnalt; ...t.da at $2 to u .so. Priile Rib. •ned with cho6oe oleoup or -'rd, • babel potato, &.!a-babel AtW J-.qa.rd II a writer who wrtt. wtOa • p a 'oeate coaalt· _. to U.. .WU. ol rad&l p,._ .......... ~ ...... a.Jau a~wa,. t.:.•·tred away at W. u....., ~lleriaq hie p&a,. in South Afdca, hJe OWD Jud. &aca dMp ooaoatratlon oa the f.llnee ia utural whn ODe ccm- lld.n the OOUDil'J'I ~eid poliotee, aacl J•va.rd coattau• td be • vo6ce ol pzoteet with the theater u ~ anaa. South Cout Reperiofy'• Second Staqe hu one ol hia etronv-t worb in ''The Blood hot ... ~aDa U.. otMr d.uk, Wont., tM liPt·eidnned OU, ia • ontle, poetic a.u who &enda to hie brotUr with love ud cu ud wJao aop. OM day to eave ..aQ9b ..., to ky aoae JaM, ZUouiaJa, tM other bn:itMr, U... ol U.. MJDen .. of 111e Ud wuta aon ol wiDe and '" r . He 11 u eaploeive in· clivlclul, bulc ia IUa h.alc huaa.a n...W. Worrll hita on the idea ol Zach'• beoo•iao • pen pal 80 )M wri ... for Zach (who ~ rMd or write) a letteJ' ill ....... to u ad pl.aced by • wom.a w111o wutl to cor .... pond with a a.u. WJ.ea lbe repU.. The play aoan with power. At tlmN it talb a little too much, u in the aeooad act, and it ia occasionally l'epeUtive. But one cannot overlook the out-level hon•ty of the work .,lt IDU•• one think, and it 1J difficult not to be touched by the depth of the bJ'othen' conbontation, It la not everyone'• cup of tea but for the true tlwater-ooer it is indeed aJonificant. br Petm Co4toD o-rai.Dy ft'eD.!Ao we stopped 1D at the Patio Cal. OD the P.,.inwJ., a IDU9 Uttle UveA which h.u bMA atttactively NIDadeled from a f.ut.food operatioD. It ia c1eaD and n .. t and wu buy with cuatomen who_.. to be requla.r patron.~. The printed mnu offers breaW.wt, lu.nch and dinnel'. with a iew 8p8C'ia.la cha.J.ked OD a boa.rd at the utry. Ny com pan· loll choee the Chili Bowl, a 1&nJe bowl filled with ~0 chili made with ch .... , OJUOil.l and ortega peppers. It ia Mrved with a Nlad and a demi-loaf of very qooc:t fresh-hUed bJ'ead. He ujoyed the chili, but found it timid for b.ia lute, My choice wu .1 Reuben sandwich, weU -made, tuty, and 10 1arqe that 1 took half home for Ding clam chowdel', uturally th..icbDed, b.lt witll more potato. than cluaa. rroaa the dnurt ·~. which iDcl\lde llaqeD 0... ice c....m, a New York-ltyle ch ... cab, and &.nch-fried ice creem b&ll with hot fudqe eauce, my compaaiOD choee the br .. d puddinq. It wu made with the I home-made br'Nd ol the cafe, filled with raiaiua, and topped with a aaooth hot vanilla eauce. After c:liD.DeJ', we Yiaited with proprietol' Fran Urahini, and learned lh.t after two yean ol sellin9 f.ut food and rutino u.mbrellaa on the beach, he •nt to Chicaoo for hit nephew • I Renaldo. The two of them renovated thi.a buildino, addttd booths and tahl• for outdoor servino, and 11 montb.a aoo opened the Patio Cafe· another meal. Crisp, thick, hot Nephew Renaldo, a caterino and tuty bench fries ue •rved chef, properly achooled at Hart- with the aandwtch, and th_ere ford'a Counecticut Culinary wu a qa.rniah of freab fruit. Also I Inmtute, pre~ hia own offend wu aoup, on thi.a eve- br.ad, ud co.t. $6.08, Bube- cued ch.lckn witll dbe ia •ned with fr-.h ooleelew ud &ench- frl. ud coeta $4.50, There ia beer-h.tter, deep-fri.d lcelu- clic fillet. ol cod at $4.95, ud Terlyaki .teak, beef .tew, deep- fried ab.rlmp and a ha.t of ham- burqer pfti)Uationa. na. P.UO Cafe w opea ...,_ d.aya • week boa 7 •·•· -b.l 9 p .a ., ud b~ Ia _.,.s &lJ d.ay. Locat.d at 1100 w.-Balboa JD..t .• iD Newport Beec!l, the pJ.oo.e -~ .. m-1401. nu. il u inteD.Mly dr&IDatic piece, aprinkled with cA.oice blta ol hwaor and with language lh.t ia abeeJ' poetry. TheN il tenderu .. , too, in UU. ai.mple .tory of two brot.hen, one liq.bt- TMf t-'11~'T JMfHRt . .. . ~ 873-0550 aRCULAnOH Distinctive W.ltelfront Qining Oyster Bar· Cocktails c.taM F-. .... CICUII-w ,.. .... ,. ... £ ....... .... ~ ..... -=-411 .,,___ ........ .ll13 W. Paclfic Coast Highway, N.B,. 642-2295 SAY JE T'AIME For that intimate rendezvous "Say JE T'AIME" at the PIMunt Peasant. For the French e•empli- fies the true meaning of romance, and the culinary delights of fine food! The Pleasant Peasant in Newport Beach located at MacArthur Squar~ offett you the ambience of a French Country Inn, without the "haute" prices The Pleasant Peaunt lervet lunch and dinner with a tine selection of domestic and imported wines. We ptclUdly KCtpl 8 of A, Meltef ChafQe eo\d Ameuc.n Exptea I? now Appearirq ~ SffilTH drrl JOnES JJJJ W, Coast Htahway Newpon Beach. C&Jifomia Watch these SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA & FOOD TO GO For c1 Hearty and Delicious Dmnpr Try Our Homemade Lasagna Rco•dv to t•kco homf' dnd he•• •lone woth our ltf'>hly m.tdco bfNd Top 11 off w1th spumon1 fO< dt>ssera• For all Yo alerlng Needs COME TO SAM'S 1909 Harbor Blvd. at 19th St. Costa Mesa • 548-7822 For your Informal family dlnlna' EtUov our rich and nutritious IOUp and salad bar with french country style spcclalua and our excellent mouaewes TWa .... '. , .... oa: Petit Filet MIQnon wtth nee ToiTWtto SupriK Mousse eu chocolat ~~;:~::: or Pach melba S 7 25 tncludtnc IOUp or salad and 1 flus of Wloe CH'+a'eS,.CW Mickey MOUS« Buracr and dcsscrt With COM S3 50 French country Dining pages for 8 251 M•rtlngale Way. Newport Such BIGGER (In MacArthur Square) a.ttel' A HISTORIC WATERFROIT RESTAURANT '--------Telephone (?l 4 > 95~275~ Bill of Fare fresh LOCAL ABALONE .... ._ en•) 675-5777 ·~ IElCII C1111 E1111111 tl LIM IIIIM) ,. .. CHAMPAGIIE BRUIICH CRUISES EVERY SUIIDAY f• ....... CIU IJJ .. J522 •. ,..., I . , • . • • ~ .. ,. ... -.. -.. .. --.. --.. • -• ' .. "' • • • • • I I • I • , ' , ' • • • • • ' • • ~ ' , ' • ' • . ' • • • • ' • ' • ' .. • .. • • • ' • • ' • ' • '\ • ' -' • ' • • • I • 1li Fast are M~ and PT.4 San A p • 75 C( ,.~, ,,. ~ frl4 H( ... ~ tOI ~ wit on~ ·~ ~ ••• .., ~ a f (~ ·~ These Are M~ Kids Fashion models? You bet. And obviously pleased at the prospect are (from left) Meredith Mcl.arand, 9; Amy Tygart, 11 , and Megan Fleener, 5. local merchants are providing the clothes- and theae and other youngsters are an added attraction-for the PTA meeting at Newport Heights Elementary School, 15th and Santa Ana, next Tuesday evening at 7. Steff photo by BMI'V Slobln CHINA PALACE RESTAURAJIT ..... .I my. llarcll • CIDCIS &:u.. B. Walbr report.d beia9 robbed .. kal.f.pomt of a Jed~ ud dkmosad riJa9 ftluclat s1 ,eoo uc1 seo cub bl u.. uoo bkd: of Suati.l90 . . . A plat• qlul wtDdow vehaed el S300 wu r.porled brobD b, v&Ddal. at 8p6o 6 Spu ClMnera iD the 2800 block of Newport ... livht c.rtou of ice crMJD N.Ddwich• and 10 cartou of ju.tc. bus were reported lltoJ.o from the hqlall School cafetma . . . A teula racket and two pain of tennia aho. valued at $81 were reported ltoleD from the locker of Tammy Wade PUq.born at Newport Rubor Hlqh . . . O.vid Harold Schmidt n.ffered a frac- tured DON ....wtba9 from beiD9 J)Wlcheci b, cme ol two IMil who NporiecilJ puaheci put his roommate mto h.ia bedroom, d.mand.lnq to ..,.U with .ame- ODe who do. Dot live at the reeidence lD the 100 block of 28th ... Cow totalblv $72 were reported stole11 from city parkiDq meten iD thne iDci- denb oa the 2300-2800 blocks ud the 2800-2900 blocks of Newport, ud the 2300-2500 blocb of Balboa ... Jewelry u d other itezu valued at $1,125 were reported stolen from Alva H. NcCllitiOD ill a reeidential THE RRST & ONLY SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH BEER & WINE SERVED LUNCH & DINNER SERVED FRO M 11 :30 AM-10:30 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in ALSO-Food to ao o rde rs Szechwan, Shanghai ~ (714)631--8031 cs & Mandarin Cuisine ? CMINAPALAC. n n ~ ~ -g&IIINO > (HOUSISftOAI. n HOT SIICY fOOOt z cOAST .-v x 2930W.COASTHWY. NEWPORT BEAOI, (714) 631-8031 Sale Prices Effective Thru March 21 , 1982 All hems Subject to Prior Sale A Oautaadmtl8electlcua & 8er¥1ce "~ •t EYe17 .. 7 Dt.coaat Prlcee ANDRECIIAMPAGNE $1.99 ~RA DRY. 750 ML .• LIMIT 1 CASE REO. $3.09 .BERINGER 1880CHENINBLANC $2.99 750 Ml., LIMIT 2 CASES REO. t 4 .49 The gift for all Maeona and occ::aaa~cma For any good reunn! ... Anntversary. birthday. graduation ... Purchue for your '**'-to give to cuatomera- T AX DEDUCTIBLE! COUJt••A RarK h •w with t..cOf\ sa us-.e. ham 01 l)'tl\' sented with home fr1e1 and \OUr douah to.1t U 2S ENSIGN RarKh t'll) Mrv.d wllh ~ fn~ and tOur douth toast U 20 OMIUTTES ... ttOUDA" HOU5l An omelette of three ~ wtth dvtmp avocado, and ci'IMM. MfWd wtth home fr~ .and SOUl douah tout ts n coaoNA An omelette of r.arKh ..at wletl dwddat chMM and wutMd IUCChtnt, Oftion\ and tofNt~ ~ Wtth home fne1 •nd 10Uf douih tO.SI t J J5 CATAliNA An omet.ue of ttv.. ""' with t~ tomato and <"~' chHM "'* wjth home~ , .. , and \OUr douah toe\t t l 25 llAICI An OtiWtethr o4 ranch ._. with f,...h MUtlwoofM. d~ bKon and ~ ,......., MNed with home ,.., aftd tGUf ....._ tMtl . tl " • Ainu M OIIMt.tte of rarw;h eep W.. cMI .,_. ,...._, ,._,.., MfWCI with ........... .,._....,..t '''" 104WW_. ""OliN .. ._ o1 ta"(h .. , ....... ~.-...aftd·~ ..................... ,,.. .... ....,.._....... • t). ~y Y M •• atane -., nN'Ch W1tt\ -.... ....., e:e... ~ ..... ....................... ,,,. MY -0 I • .. *"" .... , C ~ ....... -.-.--.................. ~~~ IliA • I HI el r..c" ... -"" ........................ ___ ,......__ ll. Op.n •6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 ~•--ll JUla.t.c.Jl c:.-a .. ..., 173-0821 ............... n..-.;-.. .... -.c.oa...tsxt • <.A Qa D8JQfT An ~ of t'L ...._ ,........, ~ chile-s, tOINt~ on~ • ..-,._...., ct.w. MfV4ICI wtth hoMe fr.-t •ftd sour douah to.'t '1 •~ AVINT\JaA An OI'Niette of r•Mh eu~ a~ ... c~ tom•to c~ onton and cheddar ci\HM M'f"Wd wtth holM fr~~H •ftd *" doufh toest t-4 l\ sraa ..c:Ml An onw .. tt. of ·~ _. wtth b.KOI\ c~r cheew and coma._., ~ w1th honw fflft and tOuf ~h~~ tl ~ The ... wport £Map Wed rslq, ~~arch 17. a• Page I rr======================:::-, ~1. o1 ••port a..ct. .... ..,...._. oa ...,Ide. ~ peUy POUCE BLOII ER tla.ft • . . JlJl Si..,.., 23, ~ Netwpod Beed, ... &JI .. .i ill ~200blockol...,..oa burvl&rJ ill the 500 block of Avoc.cto . . . AD IBW ISC Coapoeer typewrite r valu.ed at $1~.000 wu reported lllola from mtematioJW DJploma to the 200 block of Newport Center Drive . . . Two potted pla.Dtt valu.ed at $150 were reported atoleD hom the 600 block Via Lido Soud re.ideDce of BurtoD Romberv•r . . . DJau Ma.ria Weyer reported fiDcl.iD9 ...,.ral bumiD9 fl.replace match• iD.Mrted into her pick-up'• vu tuak fill tube, parked ill fro11t of her 500 block MariqoJd re.i- dence. The CJU cap wu Nport- ed miMi.Dq m the attempted anon . ARRESTS MichAel Steve o.drlck, 31, of w ..... in•t•r .... ., .. ted OD suspiciOD of d.i8ord.erly COD· duct ud illloDcation by druqe . . . Jour motort.ta were u - reeted OD IIU8pic:iOD of dru.DJren d:riviDq, none from Newport Beach. Tueeday, March I CJUlaS V udal. reportedly cau.Md $500 damav• to Ter ... Lee Brock'a car, parked on the 800 block of w..a Bey ... Jewelry valued at $2,000 wu reported .. olen from JOeo Rae lC.ant ill the 1700 block of TredewiDd.a ARRISTS Greqory Nark Mulder, 26, of ~...,...,tortM 8ourmet touch on ..a.ca See whet their ulty. tangy flavor doee tor steaa and hamburger eo.t. W..., wu ureeted on napicioa of commercial burvlarY ... Robert Raymond C.ppe, 41, of eo. .. W.., ... arr.ted 011 auapicioD of d.l8orderly conduct ud beill9 cUunk ill a car . . . John Joeeph Pic&, 25, oJ SaD CleJDeDte, wu an..ted 011 .uspicion oJ drun.ken d.rlviDQ. Wedn •day. llarc:h 10 CRDliS A man wu ,.ported COD· ductiD9 lewd .ctiou ill pu.bUc m the 3900 block of Birch. Thu.nday. March 11 CBDaS A qold riD9 with 22 d.i.amond.a valued at $3,800 wu reported ltolen hom Jewelry by Wardo m the 3000 block of Via Oporto ... 48 bottl• of wiDe valued at $131 were reported .. oleD from the Spaqhetti Bender Re.taurut m the 6000 block of w .. t Cout Hiqhway . . . A parkiDCJ meter valued at $250, tool.a valued at $300 ud aki.a valued at $445 were reported stolen from Neal R. Tipton man automobile bur9lary iD the 400 block of Heliotrope ... Two Roll.a Royce bubcape valued at $320 Ncb were reported atolen hom S.ra- jue Ha.rtliDQ m th.e .400() block of Jam.bor ... ARBESTS Rtcha.rd Oa.m.ien McNamara, Thta amotty. tangy ~ .. excellent ., lasagna .-Mt raviotl U.. It on ...,_ wtches and witt'! ...,.... pears tor • c:Muert treat Wl!pidce ol petty th.ft ... J- Jo)m o..cu. 40, of c.o.. ......... ~ bD IQIIJ)iciaD. of ... ult wida a deadly ... poll Prtclay. Narda 12 CRDOS Property val...d at $1,620 wu reported atoleo from Rich A. Sutton iDa burqluy ill the 400 block of S..ward . . . A white miDk jacket with a white leather belt valu.d at $5,000 wu reported atoleD from Gail X.tbleeD Koch ill the 1000 block of Ba,.ude ... A pocket tMtcll and qoJd c.b.aiD valu.d at $,575 ... reported atoJ.o hom X.thleen ADD Tweter ill a burqla.ry m the 500 block of Avocado . . . Blanket.. pillowa, towela, becbpreeda, U...., a TV co11trol and a coffee pot, valu.cl at $402, were repon.d atoleo from The Newporter by a lady who checked iDto a room. 'Ille supecl left the room UJ OD the ~r. pollee Mid ... AR.USTS Timothy Scott KiDc;J, 18, lilted u a tranaieDt, wu an..ted on auapiciOD of treepau.iDQ ... ltim-Anh Thl Nquyen, 35, o1 Gard.eD Grove, wu arreeted on the 2000 block of Quail 011 wapiciou of pro.btutiOD ... ~viD Carl 0.rma.J1D, 20, of Co.ta W..., ud Frucea Ann Halter, 18, of Newport Beach, were errnted 011 wapicion of burqlary m the 800 block oJ 15th Street •• CoiJr..S MeN •• ,., '** tts nu1-Hke navor •• enjored In CUMtotee. fondu.. u • undWICh or ~· Try It wit" ff\Ht tor.~ ... deMert A subtle and m ld n.vor Try both tor t,pC)ettzers. snacks and sandWich• Ch ldren love it ' A ten\Uy tavonte U.. M en ~. In Mledla. ~ ...... ~ end ~ A. nutritioul enadl .... fruit Serve cheese a Ia Wtsc ons•n• Look to r the Wtsconstn Cheese Festtval at your supermarket Now's the ttme to stock up on a variety ot purety-dehctous ch ... a. You·u be amazed at the tremendous setechon ot cheese your grocer has avatlabte tor you 01scover why Wisconatn is the NUMBER ONE cheese state across the U.S.A Shop now! tt'a Wisconsin Cheese Festival Time . don't miu it• cQOIII~ • 0 25e .-en , ....... """' ... ~CIO" belOW) \ If~. ~·~·~·~·~~·~~~~~· -~~-~·~~17~.~~~~-~n..~~·~-~ .. ;~' Stdp r ---a~ FOOD Laab-tha chelt..,. ola IIWI9lf luoilyudtt'oaoiN _ .... ,_~· lloiU. ,With thaoo ....,. nJeDt ....... II .wtecl for • YVIety oi cut. ou will ......, be • ...,.,.. ..... tH ... Aad. J'0\1. cloa'tu .... _, Oou.t Dutdtloa with laab .. tho table. Laab CIU1o RoO..... 800t'rillgo z.,..,c~oi....vn>und laJDb lteupooacblll powdot l tMipOOit ..J.t • lor 20 tO 2S JDiDuloo per JIO'U'd, or wt.til ... t O..riDQIIllelter ,.._.,. 140'F. ior ru., tea-r. tor ...tlua Or 170'F. tor woll-dc ... BtuOI> laJDb U...-~rcaM,rg. -'-loMID-aG ----..... iDO'· S.... willa ts··t.~ fD9NGOe. Spicy ... _ Laab . 8puerillo 4•tV!ago . 3 pcundo lattth IIJ)UWibe, cu.t ir.to •r- viDg--w ... , lt....,...oalt llltiMIPOQD. pepper l/4 wpaoh••• 1.14 -linoly pocUd ---1/3--- 1 tMir 1!11 OCD fltl'l •*-2 teNIIIPOQU prepued ...... 1/3-cld.r viDavar 1 tahealpO(IIl Wote~~terU.ire Nuce 2 d ..... liquid bol peppNN\loe 113 cJo.re oarllc, ..me- ad 118 -..pgoa lpOWld -••• 3/4 pow1d W...teroy Jd cAntt, gnt.d 314 pound IOild cbad- dor 0< Colby cboooo, grated 2 cu.t (7 O\Ulcet Mch) wlU.Ie cpMD ch.i1iel 6 evv•. beaten 1 pint dairy 10\ll CI'Mm 1 cu. (7 ou..a.c..) gr"n cb.ili Mlu In laro• akillet, over medium-lUvh heat, browu lul.b, choppino bato 91UW.. with wooden lpOOJl. Drain drlppiD ... Add cblll powder, Nlt ud ~p­ P"'· MU woll. S.t uide. In gr....d 9 z 13-IDcb bUiag diall, arranoe layer of chili•• opllt opot1 ood latd flat. Sprinkle Monterey Jack ca...t evu.ly over 9tMll chili ... Sprud. coobcl lamb over cb ..... Add uother layer of vrMn ch.J.l1., the IPI'Nd cheddar or Colby ch .... over gr"a chili ... ln mix· iDQ bowl. combine evo• and 10ur crMJD.. Pour onr cb ..... Bah 1D. ovu. preheated to 380'1. for about l hour, or UD.ttllmile iD- •rtecllA cea.t• oom• out cleu.. Pou.r greeD clilli M1M ....Uy over top. llaka allovt IS IILLaut. lollgrer. Applo·S-t, Pro· Sliced ShoWder of Lallli> 4 .. rvinos 4 to 5 pound pre-diced and ti.cl lamb ahoulc:t.r Salt Papper 1 apple, thi.nly slictM:I l/3 cup tart red }elly 1 t&bletpOOn lemon juice 1/3 cup IIHdl ... r&iliina IIOU:ed in 2 t.bl .. poon.a water 1/4 cup finely chopped onion Place lamb iD routinq pan. Sprinkle oanarou.aly with .e&lt aDd pep~r . Cook in oven prlthMied to 325°F. Jor 1 1/2 houn. Pr .. rows oJ apple alic• b.twHn m .. t .Wcoo.ID....U Mucepan, brinQ ra- m.ainin9 ingred.ianls to boil. Bnuh over l&mh . Retum lamb to oven tor 30 mi.Jlut .. , or u.ntil JDMt thennometer ~•n l6()0f. for med.iWD or 170'1. tor .. U-done,brwdtin; ooeuiOD.Uy with Nuce. Remc,.~• atrings, &.. l&qUa .UC. trom boDe ud Mrve with re- ••laing auce. S.., Log ot Lallli> 6 to 10 •rvtn~ (clopudlog ........ lallli>) Log of Lallli> (S to g pmt .... ) 112 cup apricot p.-r'NI 112-._. oalad "'-"'9 3 .... JIIJCIM. '-meta ._, ......... +rPr•n ... ,pur. _._21fiT, a lin ........ ..... w lilt· -· ........ .......... -. ..... Na_._DI'W'1 Nawral ••Mk• .,... •x t me • ........ AI &Alit ·-~ Honeydew Melons • .49 ..... '*' Mushrooms SAVE ··-· •• l'lac<o _..-"' •uclolot-2t&bi~IIOJ •uo&ard .._ .. _with _..-.. P""" ..... 4 Idol> oboolder oloopo --conr. Add -.lt, pep-llnollwlllo-2~ctcler 0111 314-IDclo llok:k per aad ...., to CJOMI'. --.-........ CO¥er ud .....,, 1 ___ .. ._ or dry wlolte la..Ubowl,aia bouz, or utll '-"'-'· laMI,obooatiO--_..,.U~to W....wlollo. ID • ..U .. _.. -· bnolllag z tabloopoouo miD...! "-' laab •"-· M1JOtiP"D1 C(!Wht" ,... ooc ... , •• u, witll -llnolllaabc"- matn••v lDQrttdieat.. NUO.o 113 leupooD oalt _...,..jywtllooo ... Cook OW'el low hMt Wl• udlol -lltalu . Ill bleDdecl. Wtth Ort ... tal Lallli> ~ 1/8 teupooD ground GrlD laab ""-3 to s toa~. remo.e ••J'Ybag~~ poppet ... ---.. spareorib. aad place in 1/4 teupooo ground boat lor .-I I alaollow bUiag -· 1/4 -....,., oil glage-r mJ.D.ut• PN aide, or Dt.c.nt .. ter. Trim u 2 l•hltllJlOCIU ....,. l/4teupooDdry until cMeired _doa-... CUT MO WI.Vftt fill( u. . 75 . ..... !* ~Sti;i 'Chickens .... !lt! Turbot Fillet • 1.99 . 79 ~· • .... w 1.29 ..... ~ Whole Catfish • 1.59 ·~·,AU;,.,... it Chicken Breasts • 1.19 '';." 1.33 '* it'Oi 'i~i.O chick".:. .. 1. 98 --· .1.59 it Turkey Roast ' .79 +1t CuiAiMftiiii ... "'_ ... ,.,.. itSIIIIIttdHam D YV • I • • A mastodon tusk IIA)roximatefy • minion years old. found in the Sen Joequin Hilts, end lhetls e.timeted et 16 million years, ere pan of werehoule treasures displayed by Tom Egan, boerd member, and Judy Heidinger, prelident of Natural History Foundation of Orange County. Mlfllt a..t CllifU, af NHFOC, chM ....... .,.,tl .. .,.., thet.¥. Fe • J .... Mmeted .. tome 100~000 .,_,.. old, found in loclll 'dig.' 1'M ....... I 1;p WI trill.,, ..... IJ,l_._ U Familiar scene for natural histpory "digg••" • this type of ectMty in N.'tr!lpOft lrM. From left: Join Kitchen. foundation member, handtellifting .creen while CamiRe w .... ecting cumat for NHFOC, shovets. Lurline Twist, NHFOC vice prellldetat, ello eifta-end Jim A.IH:Yv. paleo monitor who's in chwge of monitoring the land as it's being gr.c»d, ct..cks for fossils. They're Digging Into Orange County History , ..... u.,.,. about mixinQ up a batch of cold pluter of Paris and 80akino atnpa of burlap to wzap azound a carefully ezcavated bunch of old bones? If you happen to also be the per10n who duo up those bones-or ahaze the ezcatement and ooa.la of a oroup that wu launched an the Newport-lrvme· Costa Wesa area nearly ••oht yura aoo--tbe reason• aze myriad. Some members oJ the Natural History Fou.aclatiOD of Orano• Couoty MJ it's aci4jctiDg to e.z. perience the ezcatemebt of be- inQ the tint to uncover a beautiful shell, or a bone from an ezbnct oround sloth, mam- moth or whale thousands of yun old. Otben enJOY wonder- UlQ at the relabon of the apecameo they have found to others an cWUerent qeoloqic aqes in other sechons of the county. Some Slmply hnd pleuure in the outdoor envaronment, the challeoqe of the March. Whatever the rusons, members aqree that at present there is an overridano concern that the specimen• belllQ found should be kept available for acaentuts to study and future o•nerallons to see. They are concerned that many of the 200 million years of foaila an Oranoe County's aoils end up an private, uncurated collec· hons, are lost, or are taken out of the county. Tbia UM 11 one of the w..JW•t in the world , 1ll tenu of pre-history. Ita location on the edoe of the Continental Plate, where earth levels are beino constantly Wted, a.nd its ranqe of elevations and strata from the sea to Santiago Peak form a great resource For example, a fraqment of a I HARBORUTES I ~=====-========~ by DtDa .ala hrv- Paul Salat.'a new fuluon hne for '82 tumed out to be patch· work tl'Ou.en, running ahoee and a tux W;:btl And, one giant poir ol overoll•. lveryoue who attended thia fund-r~r for Nola.n friu.U.'s UJDpaicps at the Jle9istry enjoy- ed not OD.ly the ribbinq Paul received but the lovely l'fiOI faMJOILI provkled by wch Oran(Je County bouUqu• u Su oJ TustiD, La Galleria, DeaiQD Comer, La Grec., Ju.U. .rte ucl Lillie hbin. AaoD9 u.. ~ ... ,..Bud Tlppeu, Jo,ce SWaford, Judy &Ad ldl h.rcell, Ginny and Jolua Qrorkoe, Karma aDd Jua laiUl, Meat" JOG .. , IJa., O.vi aac~ ., ..... rn.a.u., 0oaaa ...,, ucl M.niU • Butler, Bill Luak, N.ralou In9Qid, Irene and Ray Hajek AJld Tom Maya. • • The Yale Club of Orano• County toqether with the fiDe Art Patron.s had a deliohtful party at the Newporl &rbor Art Wuaeum. Chulene and Richard Ale•· uder orqa.n.iaed the dinner event, which &lao fMtured Jlle ~-The "Whifa" u tMy are affecbonately c.n.d by the Yali• MAg to the aha. .. uad paoepective Yale ltuduta, w~ will bow lf they ba.e bMQ tliC'- cepted to the U.Difttlity ia J .... Amooq thoee at .. D~ -. AAD..W.ry and W.e Jonlea, AlviDPaip,Ka .... Mew ....... Ta&M dinONur jaw bu been ditlcoYered lD the Santiago Mountalna. laormou fossil ah.uk ~bYe been found nut to tM "'--eli Ice Age m•mmall. ODe .... hu been eatiJutec:l a.t 12-lS million yean old, Olle oiJ Upper Newport Bay at 100,000 yMn. Th~ recoqnitlon of the tree.aure h.re motivates one of the found.tion'a major projecta: An ongoino eftor1 to plan, hnance and buud an Oranqe County Natural Hiltory Center wlucb WOIJld cazry on the work under ecie!ltilic morutorino and prov\de a public Wllldow on prehtstorie tim•. At the momenl, members' garaqe'l and spare bedrooms and baths have been the sates for cleamno, tdenhfymo and labellllQ foaatls. However, aa1d Margo Stuart, of Newpor1 B.acb, the foundahon's develop- ment coordinator, plans are nearly completed to rent space for fossal preparation Ul a com- mwtity center tn Cos•a Mesa-a small step toward the ulttmate natural h1story center some day an thas area "Our bones need a home," sa ad Judy Hatdanger. of Newport Be4c h, NHFOC prestdenl ''Tons of fossals are wa1tmg 10 the wa rehouse we're us1ng an Santa Jon a.o.b. Anneroee Beech, Beverly Nestande and Mr . end Mr$ MichMI '-rev 1'-ft. to right) at the 75th Anmversary Party of the Newpon Heroor Area Chlmber of Commerce St•H ON>Io b~ S...•v Slobtn and Ann·W.roaret at the new Edward. Cmema tn Town Center. PrecedioQ the shOWUl<J u utravaoant buftet wtll be •rved ua the Piau Ballroom of the W .. tin South Coaat Plua Hotel (another new name). Chamnq thas event 11 Lmber- ly Rothwell Wlth the uautance of SU.MD Franklin, Mlnu Hoqan, C&role St .. le, Lonoda Guyod, Pt .. Bear, Bren Lewure, SuND Slinqaby, Bar bat a Bray and fNan Utman • • • Ana. Tb .... plua thoee waitin9 to be collected, will prooride the miuino piecN iD the giant JlCJNw puule of Orange Couoty'a lllilhou-yeu-old put. Beino aware of th.ia put PQta the pr .. nt in penpective ... A.iatance baa come hom busiDetiN8 as well as in- cLvlduala. A corporate member- sruJ)8 category •tabhahed lut yeaz has drawn the auppor1 of The Irvine Co., Pacilic Wutual Life l.uurance, the Jack G. Raub· Co .• PonderON Hom.e8, the William Lyon Co. and 11 other corporations countywlde lt U:K:ludes partlcipabon u weU u C»Dtributiona. for eli&Jil· ple, Jack Raub, pzeaident oJ the Costa Mesa englll .. nno and pla.nninQ fum, ts a vice prNJ dent of the foundation Not all the prO<pams 10voJve dartymg your banda. The CoqsheU., for ••ample, 1s a 9roup of docenll 10 ther Newpor1-MeN Un1hed School Charl• Hu.cb, Jea.n and John W.cna.b, Dona Sutton, Joan and Otc k Stevena, Clyde Zulc h, Otane Patt..on and I.tnda and Ruah Hill, A pr .. St.Patnck'a Day lunch - ecm and fub.ton abow wu held at the 8a.l.boa Bay Club to r..- funda for the norene• Cnt1ea· 10n S.rvicee of Orano• County Su&y Sutton chaared the event, wath the ua1atance of Patnc•a Groth, Mary Barrett Bl&ke, Jodie JUnod, Mn. Gen11 l.awamura and Gwenda Wat.on Spon.ars were the Commerce Bank, Nora and CbariN H..ter, Lynn Hirach, Tona Ollp.b&Jlt, Oia.ne Rinker, J ... te Wee and Cecil Shuar, and Suzy and Herb Sut1on. Specta.l door pna• were donated by Sab FifUI Aven~ae, &ny Aaene, Au.. Colin, JoAn ... Wl.ll. Lippe War- rea, Aab.-a, C\epteoleJr, w C"'iaiae ud 1M lib. s... lD the c:naal. ... ft cu.. Hill, Petncia t.c ........ ..,.. t.ow.lt ..._, Hoocl ...... Cirkle, Pat Coli, o.l S.U..... Judy Afwroe, WAry aoo..vek Distnct which pr .. nll b&nd8-on kita in the local ele--.nt&ry ~ehoob accompanied with lec- tu!' .. on how fo.ile ue ....0., U.. story oJ the lut.blu.ff Upper N.wport Bey fOMil tinct., d.inoeaura, arcb..oloqy and other sub)ecll. Chns McKinley, of Corona del Mar, as 10 cbaro• of the docenll' DlDe·week trauunQ pro- oram each lall lrvme'a l.Aune Nltchell, the Uu.on of the Paclhc Az. chaeoloqtcal Society to the NHJ'OC, aaya more dooellta are needed to ata.ff a pl.umecl -.pu. atou of U.... proqraaa lo the lr· viDe Unilied Sclwol Dbtrict. Potentaal memben are welcome to JOID the NH1'0C t.bJ.e Fnday eventnQ, March 19, •t ttl •annual m .. tUlQ. It will be heJd at 7.30 at the UC lrvme Uhrary-pre .. ot aite ol AJl enqrOIISIDQ fo.tl e:dubtt lnformahon 545-8967 Go-and cLg •nto at (who menlloned that Jam• hu yet to ... or read the oew btoqraphy on bu l&DU.ly}, Mane O'Hora and N.rcte N ulv•lle Pa.tacnpts The Spyolasa full Garden Club's annual W 10ter Cockt..U and Ihnnfr Party wu a lovely affau . • The Aaautance l.eaqu• of Newport Beach and Laoun• Beach Town HaJJ Celebnty S.nes features Patncaa Neal on N.uch 22 • The South Cout Chapter of OCCP A held theu a.nJluaJ bndc;re-lecture a t the Reqmry • B19 Canyon Home and Garden Club members w•r• Qtven a tour of the Bec k Bay by Chuck Scbn .. beck of Fullerton College • The Junaor l.Mqua oJ Newport Harbor hosted a recep tion a t NHAW to celebrate the a.pt step of New Duechona COIIJDUA.Jty program • The Har- bot v;.. Hilla Garden Club w\ll ~a oarao• tale to beoefit OCCPA, NRAW and New Dlrec· Uoaa. • Mn Ravmonct O.l4ot1 wea elected pr•adent of the Newport &rbor A.u1lhuy of C&Udren'a Home Soctety. I I \ I . ...... h ............ .,.. •• _ ....... \ BRIDES AND GROOMS TRAY UPLINGER. JOHN BYERS Tt.,. ~. "-Port .._ ... aad Job .,.,., OIUo. laAd tlwu -.idut9 b.W at the Cnq~tJOa&l eo.•-ity C'h1U'CII m CofOD.il. del M.r with • r..:epboa kNlowL119 at • lnesad'• llo-. ur. Newpon S..Ch. T\e bndal coupW bo~ 1.11 H.w&Ji ud plu to .U. t.Mu ao.. 1n Sat! fra.nc:JKO. KIMBERLY ANNE INGRAHAM. FRANK CORDERO/B. L-.Nrly lulae hu;rr1Mm. ol Co.te M .... 1nd Frank Cord1ro h . ot lrwi.ae bad their -..ddiag and ...c.phon 11 Tivoli Ten&CI ut l.t.QU.Il& BNcb. The coo.~p .. pl.n to ~~ Ill lAQun.. LOBI ANN FOSTER. BARON HUNTER Lori Azul fo.._r ~from N-port S..ch 1nd ••• wed to S.ron H\l.II.Mr ol Co.ta w-. n.. bridal couple h•d tbe•r w.,dd:JDQ •• Si Andrew'• Pr..byterlAn Church 1n H1wpor1 B<Nch w1th a r.c:1phon lollowuull 11 the 8&1bo.. Pavilion t,; .......... , •• ,., •• , ...... v~., .......... ,.,......, .. ,, .... , •• &l'.,, ••. , .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............ !:@:!lilt WEDDING SERVICES DIRECTORY 1:SI'> .... ,.,..,.,..,.,..,.,..., ... ,.,,..,,.,..,,.~r•••¥Aii:ai ... ,. ~~.-.~~~•·••••••"'i••P~,.,,.,~~~~~~~~~~ A LOVELY SELECTION OF FINE GIFTS ,nclud1ng ' Crystal -Porcelain F1Qt11nes -Bross Wilton Armetole -Serv1ng Accessones Photo Frames -F1ne Wor:xJ Products Complete une of Custom Wedd1nq lnVltot=s. St0 t1()()ery and Po1y Goods AVOIIOble . .,., K.C:I ~·u-..L /HOP 2300HAAIIOIIBLVO • HAAIIOIIC£NIBI• COSTA MESA • 979-~ / "L ike no other , bridal store in America. ,., ~c.wrw,_~ L.,.., ,._.,_. ol8tHMI Fnh•ont'' ... alao tu•adcM. diemondl. b china. alltfer. ·~ -. ...... catetinf. 3404 W ................ A .. • ...,_AM • (7t•) $31·1171 John £. 'Bfom n. .,.. ..... "'"' her Mck .... co.~ her llouquH. -aooct- ..,. to fwnity lAd ,...~~ty--pchered ............ puc •'~'~)' n... _..,..._, __ ......................... moment '-· jusC • k hweNd.ln colour~IAd~ by _ .... PodllcC..JIIPway 780-6717 C... ...... CA- 37110S. BriMol St. (loc;aWd tn bkk) san"& &ItA • -2401 ..,.,.,,,,~ e"'f•ved ~inc a•fts includ\n& fRAYS, BOWLS, ICl BUCICETS, TOASTING COBUTS, A TTINOAHTS' CIFTS (f(ASti:S, CHAIMS, CROSS PlNS. TANkARDS, KEY RINCS, f~S. lTC.) 1m."" ~"MWe itftns c:aft'be ~lallv Ofdloredl NOACK TIOPIIY 170 E.171h Street. No 117 Cost• Mesa from VOn's · CentPr) 646- %c.U\1 .f ~ .. 'fl<>tl '!B. .. .h FLO FINE "FOR THE • BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OVER A CENTURY • Elegant selection of Engagement and Wedding Rings • Crane Engraved Invitations • Bridal Registry • Fine collection of china, silver and crystal • Beautiful wedding and shower gifts B.D. HOWES and SON FINE JEWELERS FOR FOlJR GENERATIONS NEWPORT lfACH ' 341 2 Via Lido/675-2731 LOS ANC(llSJPASA0£NNSANT A BARBARA PAlM SPI!:INGS/SAN rRAN(ISCOIHAWAII A MAllER OF CONFIDENCE ... anti Jllt'Kiof ......... fcmd'Naa • ~'"' .. Of tina AnQ.h:. r ..... ll'l .... • Wloltft\--.Ho.6 • Cc.ta~cc.on1a92*17 • (7W)6o16 Mfl /hone Barnes' lojiC>rt'Ci ~'" •rt.weor lor men and women lf"atur"' o powder po:. tel and block r:elf"siiUI .odor ~uti tn silk ltnen and cull~>n Kntl and W<•vf'n coordtnoles 01(' , ... n!tnued Ill hi!. "'''* cotlon and lmt'r· '"'f"ed !>.J~~It!d blouson WJih lcnJI cr•Jior •tnd 'r m Hb >IJOCf" d~·ed col/on par •, hu•·4• lu •nel p/<!'ot"' and ore wurn wtlh 11 t!J. ~nd ·II n b>atcr,.,... flf"Cir ~Wf"01t'' the message I IS by Mildred Mead This 1s the second and con duchng report on fobncs of the future, w1th prediCtiOns on unusual combmot1ons and colors lor 1983 The short and lunq •I tt b~ R,. h.lt-11.. df"s,qn••d t> R '>•ud md IJ ... e Po ull lor Ron Amf"y Nohce how hqht the woolens are today? Light, hcury moha1rs, softest, aupple, wool flannels a.nd paale~ plua Stlk crepe con hnues the cho1ce of many ~~ ,_//lalcillfl • ,~,1 n/f,u.lit-~ • ~.,,.,., r'-/U-,.l • tkjtlt~•l' fn•uA.il,.l • t•wji4'H61 ,J,,u-,m 0 .Yr-H 'xfl'tHH-r#'d dl#'~mnk,J 0 5i-" J.#'flllt.l/a#',).U'.l ''· J.#'l-,,.,~ rJZJ ~~~i("';~t/J 2435 I Cout Hwy No S UIU.J SAT AHO lVIS Corou ckllil.u 673-3264 rN N'f'f ~n Mon -Fn t 0 a m 5 p m , If you could lose weight by yourself, you would haue done so by now. c.l todlly for • "" introductcwy ~··adonl LENNY'S hair design----.... tor women and men 675-0823 HAIR PIGMENT ART FRAMESI of ITALY Ovef 70 VIVId Shades S25 Fod Highlightrng and SpeciOI Effects 1nnov0ttve Perm SVstema ~.cut and stvte ~ Sl5 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 55 ott ro newoo"""~ Hours Q o T ue~ rtvu Sol 2333 E. Coast ., Corona dej Mol net-.n.:, .... ~' dMiqnera for day1ime and eve ning, 110metimea printed Ul Art Deco motm, country land- acapea, hazy fiora.ls, borders .ud paneb. Pwleya are agam pnnted on challia, but with a d.ilierence Yam dyea with wup, woof sn dilierent colon, look almost thr .. ·dunensional, then over- printed with tiny fiorab. Th1s aame technique is used for printed argyles, lookmg very direchonal when overpnnted with tiny flowers. The ·hiqh faaluon colors to watch for, and invest rn, are the winter whites, black&, reds, :,reys, blues and a few surpnse colon like ochre yellow, mauve. violet, tena cotta and sage. You thought purple bad "had 1t"? It seems that Parma v1olet to purple haan't. It's shll on the color charta for '82-'83, and climbing! The pearly greys were very strong in many collechons, both Amencan and Eu ropean, and now being combmed w1th pmk, wh1te and wheat. (Watch Romanuc Pink take off thts summer!) Lota of grey-leather ballet Oats, grey-pearlized stockmgs, handbags, too W 1th so many menswear mornmg-su1t stnpes bemg used, grey 1s a natural for fall 1982 So bow do we shop for summer 1982? We look for quality fabncs, new colorations and destqners w1th ded1cahon and versatthty. One fum lS Richllene who started 10 years ago with the then-novel 1dea of des1gnmg from the fabnc out Thesr coUectlon for tlus season 1s R1chard and llene Pacun's overv1ew of the general trends and proporttons wtlh what R1chard calls a "year round mtent." He also &ald "A woman doesn't want her 1mportant formal dress to date, even by the season. She wants to feel new, but not extreme. She ltkes 752-6633 fabncs w1th pattern and te•tural mteres1 other than Dowers." "So far," he continu.d, "llene and I beheve altirt lenqth• will contmue to touch below the knee, at least. Very abort ahrts foreshorten the bqure and women are too phyalcal-titneu- proud to accept unllattering outlmes" Tell that to Pans, Rlchard. Short slurts are bemg strongly endorsed by the couture. Shown are two Rlchlene (clever combination of the two names of the destqnen) dresse& from the1r sprmg collection . The dayt1me dress 1S of vtvtdly- patterned Jacquard on pure sillc laconne by Abraham. The eve- nsng dress of pure s1lk cbillon, the body of taupe w1th accents of hlac and mmt Another new name m the lash10n tndustry 1s Jhane Barnes who at 26 has parlayed a $5,000 loan from her b1ology professor, long repa1d, 1nto a mulu-million do llar bustness In 1980 she rece1ved the Cully Sark Award as Amenca s Most Prom~smg Des1gner That same year, she was the youngest person and hrst woman ever to recetve the coveted Amencan Fasb1on Cnhcs' Coty Award for Menswear Yes, she des1gns both mens- wear and womenswear! And from fabucs produced m her own mtlls "I found color and texture 10 womenswear fabr1cs, but the qual1ty was poor," she sa1d She convmced a womenswear m1ll to tighten the construchons of the1r fabncs, and the results were so exc1hng the mill soon was allo w1ng her to recolor yarns 1n the fabncs wtth colors she had dyed Now her ret.ulers come to her New York showroom months before collections are to be shown, JUSt to place r ... rva- hons lor the labnc SHE bas de11gnedt Remember the name, Jhane Barnes' Appointments Available 7 a m t o 7 p n1 A ll Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for S en tors 24 Hour Emergency Servtce PETER T SMRECEK. J R ODS INl 396l MacArthur Blvd .. ..,u,ll 10-l WE THINK YOUR HOME SHOULD BE THE NICEST PLACE YOU GO .... At World of Moulding You Will find A Wkte Variety Of: Mo1.1ldeng Wood T1.1rnengt Stair 'ortt Oak 4 Hem1o·' Galle y loll "ct1,1re Fro"'•' lor lotlt c,., R•lls S•s•s Ctowns Cu n9s Mas&ctl'hMCt i V ... .. !HMUy.lO-t lunillv Cklwd Sunday lD F UL lNG \ ----- ..... 1.1WIIIssoiiM .. I•.,r .• ••• 17. Jill n. ••pwt '=dp 10 triUeh 10 thet It boM ... .., ... .,.. ... tromtonlgN .. .... ...... NBC (8CentraNounta6n) TM1 cut. Sc:t.nce nctton W1C1 hOrrot" n.ning on a1t _.. qollndltl aa a mystttrtou&. dllwf'lna ·automoblte *torizea • .,.. tciWft. ...,.. 8roMn Mct~eo. . ..._on......., I??FFMCI$ (7~ ~ ..,. ........ cPM. ~tefy wtrh ~ ....... 1n a rtlfY-..nt~ . .,..tingling stoty aprMd across t~ richneu and ~ry 01 "'YYhtrioul era-.. wan Oiwley's lil8t WllhotJunlt co-stat~ Eli Wallach, ,.,., Wc:Enery, hane Mn GJMnWOOd and the .......... ·-..: ·~ THETOWUIIIQINPUNO.fWt1t 1ft grand opening tin"'t ror a 138-staty glass Wid lltel Sky$craper in San Franciaco De1nQ dediceted. Eyery. thing II swanll unlil tuddenty lire bl'eaks out and hundrtldls of people are trapotld and the opening endl ln Oiaastar. A great cut. PM 1Wo ...,. time tomorrow night. .. ,.. ABC (SCentrti'Wc::ultaJn) TCittC RlJOW'IQ&D. Terror strikes a coupte taking patt In an experiment 1t1 which they'll beeomel)llrents oil he t•rat ~ grown entirely ou~ the "''"'•" """' •11PMNBC (8Cintra~Wountaln) _...,..__(c.. • J'l .. '"Who .shall lhle and whc shall die?" •• producerldlsaater tn~~wn trwlnAAen ta so fond of a:Min;. . . Fagin, in a new ..,.,..,.. of Dldc_. timrtMt8l c:l&ssk: lbout an orphan ralaed Ina ~whoMCtur•a series of he.~ and W4nlur• befofa discowting the MCret of hll ancestry. RlcNrd Cha,.. Oetlt.its as Oliwr and dll!ltingu!Shed British actor MiehNI Hordern II .,.,_ Brownlow. """' "_!no"""": •nPMcas (8Centra11Mc:u"ttaln) GIDEOtn TRU• ET. Henry Fondl in • drama biiMd on Anthony L.ewW 1964 ~fiCtion KCOUt'll of how an obscure Floride convict drutk:alty changed the COUfiMt of ""'-'lean legal histcwy. .. ..,.cas (&on~ THIINIHTH HN.IAI CHOICE AWARDS. Amerlca'a favorl1e perfot'r'Mrl, leleYiaiCin pro- Iii'•~. moviefl and rruaic will ba ........ , \! \1 'I I H ...,..ABC (7Centr111Mcunta'n) T..J. HOOKER. An actlanl'a6ooenture aeries debUts wi1tl WiNiam Shetner In the tine rOle ot a potice, sergeant. lings Reg,. 100s Men, 7 "'i· "ur." 0.7 "'i· nr<OIIIl~ Kings llzn., 8 mg. "llf." 0.7 "'i· 0<0111\ .. 1()0s. 1 mg. "11<." 0.8 mg. rico,.,. "· per CIPf"' flt Roporo llocllllbor '8l 'lLnilll. n. s.r ... Gt.ll Ill$ Ott••i•ed 'IIIII Cia•• S••li11111Dr1n• •Y• Hu». • I mar1dng the 250th annlverury 01 Gecwge 'Nashlngton's birthday. Some 01 the neHon'a top talent join the t•fMIIn including Kenny Rogers. Pur1 LAncutef. ~ Harpet. Jadl ~-Jan. Fondl, The ~Is, a.ba Str.-..nd and Frank' Sinatra. Co-chelrpersons are fOrmer ,.. .. !dent Gerpj A. Ford, fOrmer First Lady Wrs. lyndon B . ..IOhn8on lind dlatingutahed broadcaster Walter CtonkJte. Spirited. ........ 1Ct1MIICBS (8:45CCJ Mt.) COLUHIL' tN SPACE: THE THIN) JQV...V. Uve ccwer.ge of the: Cokmbla'a third flight ln&o apace. o.n Rathef anc:hCira !rom ~Yen ..__.cas (7Cintr&I/Wount•ln) n"'i ~ CHARLIE •ROWN. 6r'loc:lpy bac:omea a Mlf-atyted star of a n-c;c: .now and proceedlto rendlet 0\arlle inYieib+e and leYi11te LucY into -· Ito!, \-1.\ll(~! ..... cas (7Centrai/Mountain) Q.E.D. Prerriere Of a multi-faceted aa...nture series about an American aclence protesaor In 1912 Engtand pursuing his elq)ltflments·• prof far ahead ol hia lime whO getS Involved In eecapac~es II'*S with hUmor- .._.NBC (3Centra11Mountaln} III'ORTS.QM.D. (3:30c.ntJMC.) Gott on Hlllon HMd IUind, Souttl CaroMM. tM IPMC86 (2:30Cent.!Mt.) NCAA rttiAL FOU ... tM 1 -II NBC (1:30CentAit.) ~...,..,.._A ac~ledt5-rounct W8C ben~t chi~ bout between Jeff Chandler and ~Carter.lliYe). a:M -NIC (2:30CenlrM'Mounf.l PliO MMLEM TOUR. 1135.000 .....,. Htgtl ure Open tram lha Red C.rpet: Celetwity l8nea In WihMukM. WlaCCIIIalh. •• IPMNSC 13:30Canlraii'Wount) WOIIUf'S KIMPU OII'D. The Mfl"'l.ftNI round, IMturing aome of ~· top temaM goltefl ltv. from the ~ l<aarept.ll GCIII' Cour• on tM •• •ilan ~ of Maul. • ~ . • • P'* SF ,_.by tUIIien ... Luda Fortuny • .,..ed s.,..., Art Gaiety, 3341 Newport Bhld. Cal 673-0400 for ge11ety houtw. ..... ..,a..,. ... in gt._ aeulpture, vapor drawing~ and fumtnn 81 the PMwpon Harbor Art Mueeum. Exhfbh rune through May 2. ....... -.......... _.... Oifford Silby on view Tueedays through Sundays at Mildred S.....wter GeMtwy, 3:M1 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech. lnformetion: 6'73-0400. Dtu n a w Art witl be feetured one night only. 7:30 Friday, Match 19 at UCI'alibrrf. Sponeored by the Natural History Foundation of Orange County, memberships avaiJab68 at the door. Information: se&8967. WOfbbyet.'........t •••~•-lk:ltaDiat UCYs Rne Am Gallery through Saturday, March 20. Hours: T ues- d&y through Saturday. noon to 5 p.m. ................. ,.., ......... 8tthe Susan Spiritus Gatlety. 3336 Vaa lido in Newport Beach. Hours: 11 a.m . to 5 p .m. T uesd8y-Saturday. c...... ......... by David T e;acta on ex- hibit at the Bebon Gahty, 3720 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. Gallery hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p .m. Monday through Thursday. ADDRESS - ' C I ......... '-turing mc:MIIOP*iltta end WDfb on Pill*. Gllery houra .. Tue. dly ctvough Thuray, 11 a.m . to 5 p.m •• Fri- dlryend~.11 a.m. to 10 p.m . and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . Gallery il loc.&Wd In c.v.v Village, 2811 VIla Wwt. Nwspon Beech. <: .... . ,, .. ,, ..... ..... -wilbe preeenting • f8lhion show dutfng ita Spring Schc*nhip Benefit, 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 20 at Mesa V•de Counuv Club, 3000 CtubhouM Roed, eo.ta Mesa. Fashions wll be from Nordltrom eo.t of the luncheon .wm il $10. lnf~ tion: Marcia Martyn, &t0-C325. .. A.,. O'lnland .. is the theme of the Newpon Beech eM. tien Women· s Club lun- cheon to be hekf 11 :46 Wedl.cSey, March 17 at the Airporter Inn. Cost • t6.50 ... women .. invited. Free nursery. Re~eN&tiona: Mrs. Jim Dority 544-2921 . ......... v....., ........... ia planning a St. Patrick's Day luncheon and fashion show. 11 :30 a.m . w.ctne.day. Mitch 17 at the Newponed Inn, Monte Carlo Room. Donations are $20 each. Door pri2ee include a signed 81rbra Wood 1~. 01 •• c ...... •• r\1 lnht ._nw. P.I.O. w11 mMt .. 3> a.m. Fridev, Mlrch 19 et Ga. ... Federal S.V- Inga, 100 N.wport Center Driw in Newport Beech. For further in- formation cal Mrs. Margllr8t W•t. 492-2534. ..,.._ 8anlor Cualac inYttea Oupbte Bridge players to bring their f&write pertnera fiVefY Wedl--»y from 12:15-a:JO p.m. for an excfting afternoon at the Senior Center, 3 Sandburg, Irvine. .._ HI pth&l'a Pull a_, lhtt 211811111 Dft group will meet 1:30 p .m. Wednelday, Men:h 17 in the holpitara 7th Roor lobby. Oitrcussion topics include 'When Will Be Cutedr' and "To Cure or to ..._, ... Information: 780-5831 . ............. c .. wil meet 10 a.m . Wednelday, March 24 at lloyd's N~. 2038 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. A lecture on feme and african violets will be featured. Guests .. welcome. In- formation: Lorena Hastings, 562-8126 . Nawpart-..... ..... of~ A•aclatloft of Univer- sity Women will meet · noon Saturday. March 20 at the Newport- Bal)oa Savings, 1100 lr vine Avenue. Newport Beach. S~ers will in-cruae Pat Blow of the Consumer league. Each member should bring a box lunch. .... ...... . Cl, ,. ..... on Wed!~~ 81 10 a.m. fot a fun-filtld day of Pnw:te. On ~at 10 a.m . they play llhuf. ttetx.d. Menif~ga are held at the Zonta Building, located at 15tt- and Irvine Avenue in Newport BeKh. ................. 81 the Newport Beach Public Ubraly, Newport Center Branch, 866 San Oemente Drive, 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoons. In- formation, 640-2246. Features witl include: Match 23: "Follow the North Star". o. .... c....Co6-...... ........, Evening Film Series begins Saturday, Feb. 20 in OCC's Forum . Series tickets are $15, availab&e in the r teket Offtee. TICkets are $2. All movies start at 7:30 p.m. Films include: "The King And I", March 20 . ~ ..,.... Art of lJvltt wadlpM:e'' lecture by Melinda Wortz 4 p.m Sunday. March 21 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Lecture to focus on larry Bell exhibit. Wine and cheese get-together to follow the lecture. Fee 1s $2.50 for members, $3 for non-members, purchase of pre-sale tickets IS advised Phone· ~1122. ~---­-... I "-..._ __ .._ ~. ~ ....... .......,. or LAG~at •• c.--...~..-.... "-._ .......... . c........--......... ' ._....,.CA_, fW-.-. _._. .... -_._ ........... ....... ................. _ .......... _ ......... e...., a.. .. a.-.. c....... -Mrt ..... .. "''',.)I ........ ...... Cia • lc ....... , ... _.. ........ ..,Shem .... Llnry end O.dlt•. *' fMI eo-Highwr(, Corona cW Mar. f73..2281. ,; -Care end remounting of SWghom lema, 9:30 a.m . S8tutd8y, Mwch 20.Ftwe. -Indoor ~ Care, 9:30 a.m. Wedr.cSiry. March 24. Preregistr&- tion required, fee •12. ''Rolftne-The Integration of Human Structure:· by R. Grant Powers. certified roffer, Wednesday. March 24, 7 p.m., 488 E. 17th St., Suite 221 , Coeta Mesa. Information and releMitions call ~7681 . •• A Looll et Art In c .................. prn 1101._ to To- .,... by Or. W"tiam Otton. director of the laguna Beach Museum of Art, 'X17 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach. Two· part lecture to be held 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays, March 17 and 24 at the museum. Admtssion is $10 for members, $15 for non-members, in- cluding Califomia-styte breakfast. ReseMJtions: 494-6631 . ''TheE_.......• Prollt&lft end How E ...... aart. .. le t.eer. .... to Cope wflh W' lecture by Or. Robert Engtekirk 7:30 p .m. Sunday, March 21 in UCI's Science l ecture Hall. TICkets are $10 general. $4 to UCI students. Information: 833-6379. Thne~ lecture to be held 10 a.m . Wednesday, March 24 at the Women's Opportunities Center in Irvine Town Center on Campus Drive. More informa· tion: 833-7128. I'VK.IC 80'TIC% ncnr1001._ u.na,....-r ......__ ......... -UARa'f DIVDt04I :MO ....._. c-... o. ... __ .._. CA~ c...,. • c..w. ...... I«) ......_, c-... ,.... .100 ......,.. a-ce. c. n.. .......... , ... hied --··" ,._,. ~._,., Cl.•• 14 0• • ...,.. Co•••• a. ;16 IM:l ,.,_ W.o I 10 1 lo ltll o ~~~a .... "14010 ,. p ,} rvauc II011IC% STATDIIII'T C.~ C. au a. ncnnoos IIUSIIIUS II Ala TN ·~~-~ ~noat Uv-• •N_...,~~e .. ,.. _. • ,-.., t.c-hhO'-J .. "'., • ._ .,._ IOOilSHOf nfl ISLAND a w. • .-A-ll..t.n. louM CA ta6l Tk t.cr,r . ""• b .. ._ ...... M•• , ... ,.., eo .....,._. .... t.'-d • ... ~ .. h Of! w.., 1 ••• O..•MI • .,.,, •d oQ)J ... .....,., t..... J,....,.. CA -tn.~ ~tot War 111-rd 4ilJ ........ ......d t.&W a,.,.., CA V71~ n ......... ~ .... ~, .d .. , •• ....... _J s...-O..•od .... .... n. .... ,... • ... '.Md .,, ... ,.... 177 ........ o •.•• So··· , N...,.,,., a..-1o CA tALl ••· D I t'4 l!t.ll W s.. • ..._. S.••• A .. C A t2lliJ"7 o.. ... o .... c .......... . ll06 C.-· A-II (l c,.,... -CA.aJ!I n. .. ..... ,.ij • •• , ~ --'~ •h· C.,..,, Ct.t• "' c-.. ... 0"" Cn-."•• ,. ··~ 1& Ita/ , .... ~ ..... 14 ., .. I , .......... ,, c..._..., ,,~ .. UV4 PVILIC liOnel IlOna OIY'IGSl'iZ' IAU ... lll77 T I "'' •a 01~ IN Oa w...-• • 1-.J •' tIS erlo<l . . .., ,, ................ , ..,, ...... .......... o.._ ·--c-.-. ._ __ ....... Aloe ..... -· ..._. ,. tM .. -.., S..0. a.. c~ •• w .__...,_ c-. • c-..~.. .......,..,.,_ •• ,_ .. ,....,..,.r, .. -• ..---....... __ ........... .. I a--L ...... M l-w ...,_ • ...,..,_ ........,l ... n ••• -.... _ .. :aut ....... ttl• ,_ " ... Oll.....a .__ .. o.-C::..~ CA -ooll., .... ~ --.. ·~ ....-......... ¢ ... ............. _,_ ... , ... u. ..... .._ ....... _ ...... ·~-_..,.. .. --..... "' ~ --..... -.... -... no. -"" ................ c::..~ .... ................ ........... ,-~ .. .......,.....,.. ___ ~ ,_ ............. .._ ...... .. ._ .... c-.. ,---.. ..... e-n. .. .-.-.-............ ._ _ ............. ....... ....... ...._ ... ...._. ...... CA ..... _ ................ _ ......... --.. ... .................... _ ... .....,__...., ........ .......................... _ _.., .. _.......,._,. .... .,....._ ........... .. __ ....,... .......... .. ................ _ .. .. .......................... ---· .... MII l•I•W D ~-~c:....•• ...... .. *" ~-=-..,.m '·-..... _.., .._ ........... _ ... a.-....... , . " . .._ .. n.. Newpwt E.,..p WM·n*ay, Marcb 17. 1• P-u ....... ... .... ~MJf "YUtWftYI... ---• .. _.;..;;r. ......, ..., ._ TlcQu .. •.50 end Cw llllu c.11 Dinner ~1h • l•••u dinnet te.&O. wfth dlecourtb Theater il p~•e tdng liectl.n by Or. Amnon for ..,.,.. and "Caberet" 1twough Apr,l Cohen, ~ by atudenta. Raeerva1ioN: 18. The theM• it the World Affaire Coun-5&1-1687. located at .0 EJ ci1 of Orwlge County, "MI ..... Ild Cemino Reel, Tuati". 7:30p.m. Thureday, .... ...._ .. futunng For r...-vat:ior.-call March 25 It the Sconiah tv pefWOI'l8tity q.1540 SlwMon ~. John 0 . Maclennan "A D&tlaa .. TicUtl .,.. •14.50 each. end • troupe of einger•. ear. 110a'' by Edward lnfat"m8'tion: ~2664. dancers and musiclarw Albee 11 ~ng Ml~ee!env__ from the Blro.h u .. 8 preeented by the lrvine ~.3-p.m. Friday, March 19 Commun•tY Theater. at •• I. 0..UN Wanted~ Costa Mesa Senior Citizen's Square Dance Club meeu f!NerY Thursday morning at 11 a.m. 11 the Downtown Neighborhood Com- munity Center, 1880 Anaheim. Ca.ta Mesa. Call ~5889. ... An•......rontothe lontl 8eaoh Ctwlo Uaht OtMra production of '"The Desert Song" takes off 7l).m. from OCC's Auditorium parking lot on Wednesday. March 17. T-tekets are $15, available at the campos ticket office. 14th Annual occ .laa ,.....,., features 36 college, high school. junior high and efemen- tary school bands March 2f;'Z1 in OCC's Auditorium. Advance seats cost $8 each. or $9 a1 the door every evening. Tteket package for all,three big band performance nights is available for $21 . Com- petitions. 9 a.m.-5 p.m Thursday, 8:30 a.m .-5 p.m. Friday, and 9 a.m .-3 p.m. Saturday, are free. Ticket in forma tion: ~5627. Irvine lymphony ~ will feature guest conductor H. Colin Slim during a performance 8 p.m Saturday. March 20 at Newport Harbor High rvJUC II011C2 nc1 I JIOUS 101D1DS ..-naTDIDIT TW ~ .,._ .,. ot..,. "'-• COft A WillA DCDaiJI CT PlfTSIC'tAIII lOI Yo<W<,. It C-. -C A taol7 --~ A "'"' ~ Jr lif D &.c • Ctlol«•"' ~.,-111111 AodLb&iof A .. C-CA tl7l0 l., ... , M Head .. 0 ..... • c.w... ... ..... -·•-.00 II lc.ho. S c:w.-....1o CA tUD6 Woe....., ,....., W '"' N 0 WOO v .. Co .. tJ Aoall••• CA 9:21107 '•~I N U•ol W 0 lftr • C•htor••• torpo1• •C• '110 IJ..-... , t."'• H-.12 ·~•\joe a.. • CA~ n... h•~ • oed ''.d ,... • ~ ~.J p..,, .. ,...,. $..;,a.-* Rnet, A More._ I• W D lv n.. ........ ,.., •• _. l•iollod • '" "'" Co.nr, Cl••• 1 f'h •""l• C •"''• ,, rtb 21 IilLI Publl.h MAt I I Tlt..N.-·pc ,., ·"O"' ,,_ ,. ., . PVIUC IIOTICl ncnnovs W1UII:IS IIAJCIITA~ Ta. toUow tftQ pen(: ft • t~H'l•l b,..,,._ .. ol AITU CO b MAillt C SCttC>Of.oo(ll ''" b I• •• • ~ .. ._.,. C .. r. CA ~~· !'~-•••• A.a., 1\416 I• h oo S,. W 1••• '' Co l»~ n . -.... .......... r...,-.d ...... t• 11ft d,.._,.,.., ~a.d ~. 4H• r-... .. •.•••• , ••. t ......, .. ,. "" Co~n•• C"\er• ,, rh ., J• •"'' , h b 26 l q(IJ Pwbl•h W•t l \II 4 •• , n ... ~''""•t4 r 1401 "r• PVIUC IIOTICE ncnTIOUS I USIJtDI II AMI IT ATOUJfT Tl\...-.,., -I ..... ... • "t) b•• ,..,... •• ,....(.'lAST Pl4.N llf.MltN t *\~ a. .. ,rt ... • 0 ., .. .,. H .. ...... "' ...... ..... ..~ # .... ~ .......... ... T• • to •• 1"11" • I ..... • • 1 .,.,f ·• ~ J"'...,. M .... a. T""'" ••• ,~··· •• f~l • ( 'Itt (". • of I),_. I" ' ... . ,. ....... ' .. , 111\-tltl .... "IIL.IC IK>TICE flCT1T'IOQS IUJIJIDS II.AMt STATOIIEJn ,., t t ...... , ·-·-.. t I , -, NI'W TOIII <;Ill ... -y k M f L ..._.,. '' t ..... , • .... • (',. . ..,.. \..... ,,_.., .... , I ...... .,d ......... . dtw.du•l S..tt .. ,t V •'-• • , •• '' t, '"•· .,....,.,...,., ., • I~ ..... • •• ( ., ... I 'I (.."L, ~ I 0 • I .. ( ,_.. " ..... ,.,.w .. -. r t • ... ,..., .• """" .. •r.' [,. ••• , •.u•t ,.,_ I'V1UC IlOna PICnnoUIIUIIIQU ..-na~ T\• .................. , • .....,.,.~ ...... _ •• Ol.t. .. QI COUWTt IIIDAl I UYIC I S IOlt• •-A.. ca.-o-<'• .,...J e....... C'·~·· ,..,... ·-A.. ca., .... o-C'A aM) au...r .. ..,_ n• w c- -~~~~ '""--CA ¥•-U••••..... tl:a4 w..-....... A .. a... a.-C.A .. ) ,, ......... ,, p,,.,_ 1101 I 0...-4 ,__ L ._ •• A-CA llr* '••• .A-,,....,. ..... II. I Loooft. A-0.-,. CA .. _ ... ,..... ...... IOIH ·-Aw Gn"'-a.-CA _., 0...... .,.,.. ~ n "'" ._. ._ 0..... CA a_... V"""'--I .... o.-CA ... •• • aa-.. , ... c-Wn .......... CAL .-&-......... ... o.....,..c:a 'be----• .........._ ..... -·· ........... ~...... .... ·-· , ........ c-.-. ' "'"'--.............. ~ C>ot .... o.-e-... -MU I-...... ,,. IJ .. "-.._.._ nanr in UCI's Crawford Hall. Turtle Roc::k Communty Tickets are •s general, Park, through March 6 $3 fOf UCI ttudents and Reservations: 754-3543 M for other ttuderlts Information: 651-TJ!JJ and seniors. ••n. Ceremony of WOitw by lnaocenoe" by Ronald ••• Dfl 1t1y end Ribman opens Thurs- 8nlltowen by pianist day, March 18 in OCC's Sondra Tamrnam 8 Drama Lab Theater p.m. Tuetday, March Curtain ts set at 8 p m 23 at UCI's Ane Arts Tickets are $3 Will run Concert Hall. TICkets March 18-20 and 25-27 are $5 general, $3 UCI Matinee is set for 2 students and $4 for s -... ~ M h p.m. u .. ..-y, arc other students and 28. seniors. "Dhtalaan Street'' by ''TheSawanY.., ttc~t•• by George Ax- elrod 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Westminster Communi· ty Theatre, 7'Z12 Maple Street, Westminster. General admission $4, special rates for seniors and groups. Reserva tions: 995-4113 Steve Tesich opens 8 p.m. Friday, March 19 and will run T uesdavs through Saturdays through April 10 at Laguna Moulton Com mun1tv Playhouse. 606 laguna Canyon Road, laguna Beach. Sunday matinees w1ll be presented at 2.30 p m March 21 and Apt•l 4 Ttekets are $8 and S9 lnformat10n 494-u /43 Slalon No. l-Wtd .. March 241h and 31S. 7-9 Sestk)n No. 2-Sat .• March 'Zl.' Aprl 3.10-12 t15 plus suppttes April-May 8h IITEIIIED. CAKE-DEC. POICEI.AIII DOll CLASSES M per class, plus suppll~ UU.I'OI~AtiOU I Fl.,,. ' "LS THE FROST 'r " SE B.t ~£WPQ11 . -4tl ~lt.f .-vt~M ;: .~ .Q!b 1~ ·~ PVIUCIIO~ ncT'ITIOQS IUSJUSS IIAIU ST A TDCDI'T r~ ' u )., .. ., JM'UCH"l ,) flil to~••••" u IIIWPO IIT VIDfO CIMTD llllll c-H..., C'"""' d.' Wa1 C'e ~ o.. • ..-l W c.tf!t' ,.~ stiJf l-4 • A .. • ._ "'0 a.. 9lcli05 Ne , D W '•"9 J' ("' "•• a·...; c .............. c.911> ... r ... ., , ,.... .. 4 ..:" ... tt~ ~ • " j • 5 J"~ [\. •.d l w • tr j t" • .. • ........ .... 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Co. ..., lt.bo Da•-"'P-' Corp , • CAIIftor... co,...•••-· 10 ,....._ w..l, M.WpcMI a..cll, Co ..0 TUo ...._ ,. ooeciiOCied by • cor poor..-. ...._. ~. 0. eta••••' Corp I ,... s--, ,_, ... ., T11to ---IUod "'llo tllo eo..r, C*~ el Otoooo Oooaaty o• , ..... 1\IG ... w.. ,... ~. ..... 3, 10. 17, leG•• TN "-'>orl l.u~qa rta'IIS NUfi7 PVJU:.O'I'ICS ...... ,.,.__. .... tT&..-r n......__ ........... a.-• SIAM CUI10M BAN· lltOiaUI JIGT .U ITCJCDIGS. 3122 eo... o.-... 123, ............. ...... CAIQIID ~Laae.l.lcl , • c.wo.... corp ; 3122 c.. .... 01'1... ... I 23, ........ It leoecll. CA ..., Tllla ..._ • coedooclecl ..., • - --s..-1 ltL .... ..._ ..... -t-1.lcl I s.e.-.,IT-.... Tllla -· ... lolecl ..... , ... c-.ty c...• ... o..._ c-at. - Polt 17, IIG ........... ...., 3 10 11 a4 l!llll •• n. ........... lutqtt J113317 NI!IO:I fVIIUC IIOTlC& nc IIDOUIIUII:.'fiSS .... ITAtDCDft n............. ...... ~-- .._ • OOAST lOt "'t Pr ~ DUCTf()IIIS, lllll ........ , s ~ CA tan W.U..• r r- llJil .._,..., s t,.IJ,...., c. lllfT7. J,,., ,_ ..... 1•114 )1$)6 w •• s. . 1 '-"-· CA ~n n... ......,_ • ~ _,. •ctecl ,., • -•o.l poJIADt•b 1 Siljoecl w,u....,. , ,_ 'nolo -·• .,.. ht.d wllb tb• eo-., C\orll ... 0··-c ...... , ... ..... 12 1\IG .......... ...,, 17, ~ ll Apt 7 1112 .. n. ...._. '-<!• Jl-lflll6l fVIUC li07'IC& ...... .,..._ .... naf'DIDJT n. lol.loowlao .. -••• douoq ...._ ., NOtfTlCWOOO U CUIU TT INC I 131:25 Yd. .... s ..... liO I,_, CA G714 IJielt~woool a.c.,,.,, ... t • c.wor-...._.._ l W~r......CAG714 n... .._ • ooeci>OCW .... ""' --....... Ooroo~y WcCo.liey ........,_1 llonlowoool S.C,.nty hoc T1ooo -· ... filed Wllil the C:O....Uy Cle•• ol OruQe Co.toty 011 .... 12,1812 ,_...... ...,, 17 24, l l Apr 7 IIG oa TIM llewpott '-" riiiSIOO tclll6l PVIUC JeOTICE ...... ROTICE or DeATH or LAWDIICE L GAETA AJm or PETI110R TO ADIUJUIYD ESTATE leO. AIIUII To all IMrin, b.nef1cuanee, credlton , coob.Dqeal credlt· on, &Ad pe,_. who -r b. ~ illlu.-led 10 tbe ..W or eltale of Lewr-ce E GMt., dec:edeol: A pebbo.o lllu bea Wed by Loula T. Geeta 10 the SuperiOr Court ol Oran~Je Co110ty reqvMtloq !Mt Lowe T. Gaeta b. •P· potated u penoul rep,_.,. latnr. lo ad11un!*r the ..... of o.. ~· n. pebbo.o ~ utllority to adau.o· ltiMr the _.... under the Ua· clepeDdeat Adeuultrahoo of &.tat. Act. A lae&rtoo O.D the petition wUl b. U&cl 111 Dept No. 3 at 700 Ci.SC C.ter Dnve W..t, Sute Aaa. CA !tZ701 on Ap •. 7, 1-.z •• t:30. Ill D' TOU OIJICT 1o Ill• oraatio9 of the petttloo, you aMukt eitber ~PM' at the M.rill9 ud ,..t• your obi«!· tiGM 01 fU. wnttea objec;tioua wldl U.. couri b.for• th• Muta9. Yout appeetance aey ... 1a penoa or by your .. ,...,. If W)U AU A CUDJT- 01 or • coot1.09eDt cred.1Aor ~ tltoe -...-. you au& W. ro-• c1.UB wi~ the eourt ~ p,_l U to tla. penoA&l aep~na1laUve ~~~toed by .... ~ wtthia tow __.... ._. .......... ~ ..... ~ ~ ........ proftt6eci tD tiC· u.. 700 ~ .a-c~ ..... c-.. ,.... tiiM lor tlllat cW.. wUl eot ..,.,.. p1to1 eo lou __... tn. tile .... .. dttl ...... eotioed ....... YOU NAT IIAMDII tM t..t. .... )J ~ OMit. I ,.. ... ,.... .. liP ..... ... ....... ,...-y .... ....... ....................... .... .--~ ....... .. law.I!Oq ...... --... Oii .. JIW'rnr. MIU .... ... ,...._, ... ........ ... ._ C1" r. .... ~c... ................... N ~~-. .... ~-=-····c. .. ~ ..... 11, M, 11, ~ ....... = .-..c IIOftCI ,..,., .... __. .... "'",_, "-......... ,._ ....... ~ •IDVIUC IIALft • IM- YDTWa'r, JUI IJCMAIIk1 .... , llllelot.,..._..._..CA_ ............ ,...., 0.0 .• c:.w.;,... -·--· lUI ........ ~, ..... INial~........., looooclo. CA-,...~ ....... .....,..,._. ,...._ • ..._., WIIJI&a W W.... ............ ....,.w.. n....cwea.. Tlllo--..,.... • u.. c-., Clerllel a.-c-.... , ... 22, Ita ........., .._, l. LD, IT, 34 1112 .. n......_.._ Fl..., 111101 l'VILIC .mea .... .., PICI7TIOGI-U..ITA,.....-r TN tolloooruoq -.._ ••IW•••• .... _ ... ,__._ .. ,.,_.. ·~~~ .... o.lw9 .......... toe-. ...._ -"' _,.. IAAMD LUtCM COMPANY, T.-Mm3 ,_ ,_., a ._. c...... Olrhoo ..... .. 100, Mowpott leecllo CA UIIO ™""""-"----· _,...,11M .. ,_ ...... •oo. w.doo 1 ..... 1,117t .. e~~oc ..... , ... o..._ n. t.ll .. _ ..... ,.......,.,. of .... -WIIWrewlaq .. o partaao lo a._.., L ltt,..,lo, J10 ........... 0.... DttYO, huo M·IOO ..... port leoecll CAUIIO ........ a-., L l!Jnr:lo n... ...... _ .................. ... c-..o, ca..~ ., o..._ c-, .. Fol> 10, 1813 FU1732 ~ '" ~ ...... c:lo l , 10, 17, l eal .. TIM Mowpott '-• 1Jf1171 PVIUC IKITICI •u• ncnnooii- UII&ITAT'DIDrr TIM......._-., • ...._., .... .,._ u U7ntki.IUJJTAGI ASSOCLAT'IS. 4020 •rc~o Sl S.uo 107 .......,, leoecll CA 13110 Wet-........ Colalonuo, lac •• Cohlorooo. c:o,...reltOo 4020 .,.,,. S., Sw110 107 "-" --..~. Co UIIO, Nohoul Haui•QO lqw111M Corp • "••• e<>Tporahoa, J03 S ltM ll•d , 1, .. CA83121 n... b....-10 coed~ctecl by • _ ... ..,_....,. S..eel C'll.or1MC ... , .. Pvbloolo ,_. 24 M.r 10 IT I Ill•• Tloo "-"'--a Jlll711 Nlllll PV.uc IKITICE P'IC'1'TnOUS IUSIIfEIS IIAMS 11 A 1'PIEifT Tl>o lollowiA'I perwoa 10 do.oo 1 .... -011 S.PUUTUS WA.IIltrTUIG (II A .oco06o St S...lo 235 .......... ... ~ CA AND Patrtc,. S... , ... 11100 ,..,~ llowpofl No t02 llowp..r leoeclo, Co. AND Tt..., b"-~_.... .. C'Oftdy,ce.d ._., •• ~• da•udw.AJ S10-..d P•tr..c .. S Spuulll.l Th .. "•••••nt ... h).d ••'~ '"• Co\laty CLer• ol Otenq.~ Covnh on rob 1 19112 Publ11h Fob 24 lotar 10 17 lil2 •• TM N••porl ta..qa Flt2218 NUS~ PIJ&IC IlOTta nctm001IUSIIDS !lAME ITATDIDfT fM toUowt"'CC pe,...• •1• dou•Q bw11n-u PAWWAIIY"S 703 C•n••• So Coo.,. w-Co ial7 P•••l• I ..,,.......,, ,.. c-. .. c-. lot-Ca t26J7 lbry laM P,1ADIO t&Jl Po-• A•• c-. w.... CA 9.1617 T'hu bva••--~ C(IOdwC't.cj bY • o•••r•t ~,,.,.,.,... s.q_....., , ... a. I Ncr~ Tlu• M•t•..,."' ••• l&J.t.d •• ,,., '"• Cow••w Ct.rt of O••"'o-C ',., ,.~. 18 1912 Pwbl1oh ht> 14 Nor I ICI 17 1 ill 1n T"• Newport l nttQJ'I n IJo408 N £1177 PUniC ROT1CE JeOTICE OF DEATH OF RJCIIAIU) DEAR BOWELL AJU) OF rililk>N to ADIGJOSTER ESTATE RO. AllUOI To all h.tn, beDehcaa,_, creditor~, coollnqeat credit· on, and penoM who may h. oth•nriN l.nte..-.d ill the will or _.. .. of b:h&rd O.U &w.ll. clecedat~t: A pettboll hu been bled by Vuouua Ctau. How.ll 1.o 1M S11perlor Court of Oruo• County ,... q~ th.al Virqbua Cl&lre Ho-ll b. appoi.Dted u per· eonal rep,..lllaU¥• to ad atJWIIer 1M ..tat. of the dec:ecMsal. fM petltloD re· qllellb a~a.thonty lo admUlilter the ....... 11.nder the lAdepen d.e.ol Aclmilu8tlebon ol 18tat .. Ac:t. A heuLDQ oa the petlhon will be held LD Dept No 3 at 700 C1vic C.111er I>nve w .. t. Sana. Au. CA i2701 on Apr 7, 1Q82atg:JOa.a II' YOU OBJICT to the oruliDQ of the petibo.D, you IMWd eather appea.r at the hearUIQ ud ..... yout ob~· Uoa.l or fU. written ob,ecU011.1 with the court befont IM ta..rillo Your appeeranc• may b. til pereon ot by your allomey tr TOU AU A CRJDJT. Olt or • cOIIb.D!Jellt creditor m 1M elec--t. rou •ut W. yo11.r claim with U.. ooort of pr-1 lt 1o the penooal r.prweoaatative appoltltoed by U.. OOUit wttWA loor •oadla boa tile dat• of hnl --.c. oi .._,. u provW.cl l.o tiC· doll '100 ~ &a.. C.lilom.t.a Proa..te Code n. u .. lor tWq olaiAI will Dot uplN prkn lo icM.tr IDOA~ ftOJII tla. d.e... oi ~ MeMO ftOdeed Mo.. . YOU WAT UAWJMI ~ W. .....,. by ~ ooeft. I f'O'I ..... pe._ ........... ..... ..... ,. .. , ..... ~ ~ .......... ., ...... .... cMl ..... ~~ ........ .. iaCI .. ffY ......... _.. .... .... ~ ....... ~ ........ .................... 1lDD., ... Cell ~,,... ... ~ . b •• , lot ...... .. .._.&.-Jr., ..... . .... .,. • .a._ ... ... ................. W..CA_,. ~ Mer. 11, 3t, 31, .... ,.. ............... _, I ...UCRCmCI ..... _ICiiliOW-.._I!A.,..., n. ......... ,._ ~·· ...... hoi~-.. I'&'TI.UOif DIIII.L. lf'nll a IIIOWN, IJDI 0.... S., ....... S70 • ...._.1Me,CAaiiO ..__ ,_._ ... o. ...... C.~_.,_, 1201 0.... Ill . hlta $70, ........... a..ca. c. ...,, ,,.._ o.q. .• • c~ .......,.. •. ....., 1)01 o... 11 • ._._no ............ leeclo, C. IQIID, II I DloeiiJ floc,, o. C ....... ,....,.,_, IJDI Dl>w St., ..... 110. ..__.. Ieee' c. .... ........ I.....,.."--.'-· • ~ _,.-. lJOl 0... Sl • ...... $70. ~ ....... CAGIIO Tlloa .._ .. e...tedecl loy • _ ........................ _... Doolot ............ 'nolo --· .... bJecl ...... .... Co~ety CJ.rk ol O.ut• Co..,.ty oe , .. 10,1112 hw.lo P.b M, ...,, J, 10, 17, 1112 .. n. ,...,_. "'~· , 112921 .... fVIUC .one:~ ra::mw.-aa .... ITA~ TIM~.,._..,. .... '1 ......_ • SAJnO 10LLDI, LTD , 1?2 Hol,vtl, "--' ~. CA 13M3: 1o1oa N. lAalooc*, ld-rd I t..a.back. m Holyord, ....... . ~Me~~. CA tall T1ua b-.. -.I>OCW by • balled poooerU.p Stqaed Jo•• W t.-loec~ ftlo ... -WM lt,lecl Wl\11 .... ~ C*k .. O.·-c-at. .. , .... 1112 ,,....... ...,, l, ID 17, )4 IIG lo TN,._,.,.. 1-.• , 1114033 Mill I 0 .vJUC IIOT1CI nc:TmOUIIUIIRDI !LUI& ITATDII:Irf Tllo ~ ...... It "-9 ·-.. PUWAf\IND Ol'ftltNA· TIONAL. aoes s... eo... a..... c-. w-.. CA eau7 ..... C41Ma faltqet -l04S s.. c-t.o.. c-..... CAe2627 Tlw .._ .. _.,..., .... by ... .. d;-.ad~o.l Stqud , .... c '•IIIJ•• .. . Tlu• .... _, wo.a w.d wttlo tloo Cou.oty Clerk "' 0••114• eo .... , on , ..... 1812 Pvblto.lo ..... l 10, 17, 24' 1812 •• n • ......_.'-• "14041 111176 PO'IUC IIO'I'ICS nc:r II toUI IVIIIIDI Mil& I!ATDIIIIT Tllo ....._ .. ,_ ..,. clotAt b....._ oo C.U.COII nNAJtC'IAL SUYICIS, 4041 W..:Art ... , IJ...t I Swto 2t0. 11-tt a-cit, CA 82660 Co.l4bor Corpo101-. a Co.ltlo•••• coo poral-. 4041 ...,,.Artour II"" SwJIO 210 Newport leoecll CA ~. Cot Ho.a Corpotat>M • Co.hJo••"' cot por.._, 4041 W..CAnlloJ 11-.d S....e 210. ,._,..,a..ca CA UIIO n... a.-• cced•ciOCI loy • -·o.l pe~p Soq...t Albert Cor., KAMe•. '•&&ado•• Cor Hoa Co.cpo1aUOa Tlwt ....... pf ••• ht.d Wilt. ... Co••"' Cler~ ol OtnQe Co.._.,, oo W.r 12. IIG hl>llo.lo W.t 17, 24 ll Apt 1 1812,. TIM Newport "'-• JliiS 102 K1lJa .....:.one:~ ncnftOOI ...... UIG ITA TDII:Irf Tloo lollowiiO'I --10 ........ b..-ao a) CASH CA.O, b) CASH 01SCOUIIT CAIIO o r AWDJCA. 474 I 17111 St S\ltlo 205.. c .......... CA I3Q? loll I C•rto•. 117 r llt .. node AYO M-porl leoecll, C.UIIJ TbJ& .,_ .. coo<l..ctecl by o.a ,. d1Yld....t S19oecl t.ll I C.rter 1'1lu.a ......... ..... ltled • •"' t.M c ..... .., Cltook ol Oouoo Cowoty on .... 121813 .................. 17 ]4 ll ~· 1 1!182 "'TIM M.wpon lu~<l• "8S 105 Nl864; P1B1JC NOTICE ...... NOTICE OJ' DEAtH OF DAU 'IBOIUIIJGTB. aka D. 1BOIIAI UII11J AJID OF Pi I I I iOie TO .\DIIIIt- ISTEll ESTATE leO. AllUOI To all la.ell'l, beaefJcWiet, credilon, conuno•nt credit· on, ud peno&U who IDAY b. oth.nn. bl..,.a.d iD lhe will or _..._ of o..le Tlao~a&~ Sauth, U. D ThoJaM Sllllth, cieoedeDt: A peUtioD h.u been fUed b) Inc A. Aah.toa In the Supenor Court of Orano• CollDiy requ..tmo that £ric ~. A.htoo b. ap- pol.nted u penooaJ repr-- labve to adailulller tha .-.te of the dec:ed-1. TN pebtioo requMtt,authonay 1o ad.Jiuo. later lhe _.. .. IUldar the lD- depe.odenl Admtll~rabO.D of Ettat• Act. A bMI'UlQ 011 the pelillOD will h. held l.o Dept. No 3 at 700 CtYlC C.oter Dnve W..t, Santa Alia, CA !tZ701 on Apr 7, 1M2 at 9:30 • 111. 11 YOU OIIICT to ·1M grul~ of lM pebhon, you abollld e~ther appe&r at the hMrtftQ aod .Ut• your ohlec: IIOtU or We writlti:A objKttOa. with tt.. court b.foN the hMnnQ. YcMu eppeetanc• lll8f ... lA penoe or by your .tlor~WJ lf YOU AU A CJliDrT- OR or a cOC\u.o-1 cndllor of the Mil ad, you mlllll file you.r ol&lal with 1M court of preMGI u to 1M penonal rep.-..-tatlw appobated by lhe court widW! lcM.t.r mOiltha boaU..4a. .. otU..~ ol ..... ,. .. proWled Ill Me Goa '100 ol 1M C&lilonaia P.ob.te Cock fte biN lor fllia9 cletal wUI 110t .... ,,. priOr to '"' .,.&M boa U.. ..._ ol ..,_ t.Mrla9 ~tlced ...... TOU MAt UAMIHI U.. w. ..... by 1M OQOft. u JOlt ............... lh.U.tile ..... ,.. .. ., ... '*~'*' .................... cialililtiiMol ........... ...................... ..................... ~·· ........... ) ..... ~ ... a... c.. ................. .....__; ...... . . ............ . 3 'ah, CA ta.a (213') ....,... ........ 1 ..... l7, at, 1 • •*'-""~ ......... ...,. ....:.mea ncnno.-.,...,.,_., tM~,.._ ...... ...._ 411 I(IW U'l C<*ST1lUC· note, 1111 lNt IL C.. .._, C. aa7 ...._L Su.-,WI Ill,. S. ,C..W...CAaa7 Tllltt ...._ 10 _,.....,.... _, .... .UYMI....J .....,., .._. .. L. Hou- TIIto otole-1 woo IIW wllll 11M Oo1taly Cler~ "' o.._ Covllly oo F.b lt,lll2 ,...~. Polt M. Mar 3, 10, 17, 1812 .. n........,. ........ r1ll* ......: .one:~ nc:rmoGI-..-na'I'DIDn' TIM......_._ ...... 9 ,.~••••.. u PATIICI HINIY GAJlOCNS. QS lSI Aaa'o, ......... .....,,, Co 82Ci$l. PotrMI~ "-" Do"9hotl)l, I2S Sl Ana'a, l.oq~tae lo.Ac:ll. Co. 113M I Tlllo ......_ • _.,...,..... .., ..... oll•~<lul Soe•ed Potnc~ H Oo.ttlolet, 'ht.la ... ,_, ... ltlo<l ..... liM c-.., Cloo1o ol a.-c-.., .. , ... It, 1813. Pu.bllolo ,.... 24, ..... l, ID, I 7 I ~~ .. n. ........... c.... r i1Q412 .....:.mea tlCTITIOIIIa-.,....,.,......, TIM ........ ...--..... ~ • aoc:KDI IIPUSS. zarn w ....................... a..ca.c. .-:3 ...... .......,.._,., s . Sw6r "--• 0.-. CA ._.,, Tao.t0 Nod;..boe, 410 S S..clu "'""'"· o. .. .,... c...., Tllll ......._ • -.~~ loy • .,_, ... pertMnlup SIQud. ,.,_.. NecljaJ'Ioola. n... ... _. ... hlecl ••llo .... Cowal)l O..k "' o..._ c-ar, oo .... , lZ,IIa ... w.. W.. 17 M. ll Apr 1 1112o.fte....._,&ao.q • PIIISI07 Nll63 ,.,... ii0'!1C& nctmOUII---..... ,,.TIMDIT TIM loDowlnlq -..,. dOUiq II oalD-•• SUlfOAMCIJI, SUN DANCIJI OF SOUTHIM CAWOII NIA SUNDAIICD 01 ~A.IIal CO a SAN IUMAIDIMO CO SOUTHIJIN CALIPOIMlA SUM DAIICII SUIIDANCI. INC CAU.rOIXlA SUMDANCD IHC .. , 1711151 No za.c-w-c. llll27; c.wo..... s........,.. IK • c.JoJora ... corporal-295 Sloe........, C .... o ...... CA 9262'7, F...dette~ E tt..lut m Slwrwood, Coat• w-. CA ~ Til• b-• coedw~IOCI ,., • cor po,.uoe S•Q•H Syl••• l u'h• S.CroiAry c.Jtlor.,. S.~r l.oc Tlota oiato-• •u bJecl •tt~ tllo Cowo•Y Ct.n o1 o.-c-• ., oe W.t 12 1112 l'u.lll.tolt Wo.J 17 2• l l Apt 7 1812 &a Tllo M."""" "--I• FIISIOJ MD~ nGiiliOOIIUIIUA u.ai!A~ , ............. -It ... 110'1 1>-.-0.1 rLAnD STAMPS, U!l ........... "" t ............. Ieee~: c. .., _.,_a..... ........ t2t lli ......... A .. .....,_. ..... It CA Glf3 n... bwo-10 eoed.toel ... ..., •• lo d.tYMiu.l Slqtoecl w,,_ C.OrQO Pial teo Th10 ototo•oo.t ••• 1t1ec1 w11ll 1 ... Couty Clor~ o1 O.uqe c.....,,, oe Nat IZ, lll:l "'-bboo.lo ...,, 17, :M ll Apr 7 1812ooftellewpon&u.q,. FIIISIOI MD52 PVIUC IIOT'ICE IIOTICI: or ntvan:n.JAU NW·121n No '11!133 0.. W.rch 24 1812 ol 10 • • IN PIIIIAL COIIPO IIATIO II O r AWIJIJCA, .. duly appou~teel Tovot- ~"d•r ud ~wrtu.nt ka o..c:t ol r ....... ,..,.,..... ....... 30, 19711, ....... No 4301!1 ....... 1)(118 -113 ol 04 ,..,,., "-cordo onc>~IOCI ,.? lol>.o Ho. .. &II "._ .. .n....t ... u t~r 111 •llo oHIC'O ot tllo C:O.otry tl.cor<kr ol o.._ c ...... ..,, S..•• ol Cob ........ Will Sill AT P\lllJC AUCTIOII TO HIGHUT IIDDU FOil CASH (p<~yo.Wo at ,,_ ol .. t. on t.wfwl ...,..., ol .... u....... S..l .. ) •• • ... North troot .. hAacoe to th. Cowaty , Covrt'-o¥•. 100 C1YlC: c .. ,., Or·t" w... a ... ~a Au CA ..U , .. lot ltlie .......... ,_ _....,.., 10 .... -~ ..... .., ............ o..d .. y, ..... , ... P•-"? .............. .., c_., ...., .... -..... ... Lo< II"' lloct II ucopo tllo llortto.r I• 5 00 ........ .-~ ........ Jlorillotly 6 00 J.oo ol Lol Ill •• 11oc:• II ..U of Trert No m <e tllo Crty ol Nowl'Orl ... ct., t t thowa on • ••P th..reol 10\"0tded Oft bc>ot lJ -• W!Koll.o-W.po t«otclo ol w od o. .... c ....... L~ ell ., .... , .... (u.clu.dlf'CI h t ftOI II••'"' to o.l 4M t.d otMt l!.,dtoc:•rllllo• -~l •• •~d ..... , .. d II•~• •• , be l'rod.c:ecl 1r-tllo tboM d~ubed &.nd •nd til rtQt.lt ~,...,.,., kt M.Mf ••••r•l• (lncl\lochao b-.t MK h ... tect to. ,~ ... c-a..-..... r...-..h• k.l ••Pkl•• to.-dull ku d•v.top pro d\ice a.nd •atrtcl M..cl ••n•rtt.) toqtthe• .,,,_ the ••clv.t•v• uoht lo dr-11 thro•oh tllo al>oYo do.crtbocl t.o.cl f..,, '"• suo~r-poM~t ol npk.u~ 'or .-,.u ta.l tor ct...-.top1"4 .,Oiii_,C,"O tn4 •• h K''-"'0 ~HI Q ..... c1 ot:e..t hfdroc•,.._ •w'"'&M" •• ........ , ot"-•• &...It -~.ct. wtd ..... ,.a. t nd ..d .-..tr.4• •r• "'•••b• , ... ,..,.. ua1o G•••Uot 1tt '"c <""-....ou •f'd •tiHt"' h t tl tho. •••rc~ of M Hf "qhlt Qr.aiOt lh t\K~rt •"d .--ua•• •Jr.•U out .nl•t wpoa th• OlltiKa ... lho AMYO ....... ...., ie041 01 ,,.. ...... ,1_ e4 .. _ ........ • ... 6opth ol !100 ................ ·~·ton AtiOfthO~ ..... _.... ...... ID<'I , .... , I~• ool "'' ,. ·~ lr-tile .......... tOft t" ..... .., ........... , ,.!on ........ • liM oo-ol a '"' C ..... t ol o ............ M.till l)e..t ol Trnl ••II •loo .,...,., ...... "" ooc.., ·-The ••r..t .-dr .. •..d .. ,.., c .. ............ _ ,, .............. 1 , .... ,.., .................... '"_ .... 10 1M w ·-· ,._ ......... ._lo CA'*l TIM .... _.....,,_ ........ .. ... loe.INM lih .. , --·-el .......................... ~- ~ .. ,-.............. _ ........ wJI 1M ... ~Mot •II~ ...... .,..... , .. ,,,.,.._ .... I!A..-T n. ....... ,._.-.... ......_ .. ..-wi'OIT ~ncau MAIL c;;DI1'Q, •• , ,.__. ...... ....._. .... c. .., 101 c.. ---• c:..w...-...._-. .. ) ........ """. "-""' ......... CAttaiU. n.telt-.. -.lllctad loy.-·· --· ....... J ·~ o. 1-. ............ c... . Tlllr--I.W ... lllo Ooouoly C*k ... 0.-c-.ty - , .. ll.ltl2 ......... Jolt 24, W.. S, 10, 11 1112,. TIM......_.&....,.. ,.,..., al4l ..a.ICII0'11C2 ......... ._.. .... ..,.,_, n.,......_ ........ ......... • PIIINIUM I'IOGS. )OJ Vioo 0..0. Mo JDI, "--' .._._ CA lal3>. W..._ w.-~. 31 II. ~ ...... ~ ~. CA 13177. n... ......_ ............... loy. _ol........., ......... liMa I~ ,.. -............... c....., 0..11 .. 0.-eo..t, 011 ....... I. ~ ..... ~. 10. 17, )4 1812 Ia n.•-~ P1140M .....:: ...... KIIOt U. ITATDIIIrT n. ........... --• doraq -.. QWPOII1' WDIDOW NADn'DIANCI liDO .,.,._ A.,. ~ leeclo, Co. t:liiO ,_ .... . ......... liDO ....... A ... I ......... I ....... c...., Tlllo .. _ .. .......,..., .... "' ..... .S.Yad\rol . .,.... Joo ....... . no.. ...._., ... hMd ........ . eo.. • ., ca..~ .. 0··-c-., on , .. 11.1112 ~ ,... 24 .... 3, 10, 17 1112 .. n.........,.c.... Plll071 NIUe .onc:1 lfiiiJ #ICftiW-.... ITA..-r n.~,. ............. a.-• ..C COMPAMY. lllllll v.. w-. "'-Vwjo, CA aa.1 ......, C Bloc• aMIII Voo. Zu-• .._ v ..... CA 12111 Tlllo ...._ 1o ooeclucoecl loy aa "' ~ ~ lootlaoo1 c -.ct. 'nolo-·-bW ......... c-., O.k ol o..._ c.-.., - W.. U,l813 ~ ..... 17, ~. ll, Apr 1 1812 .. n. Nowper~lrwqll FIIISIOI ru.uc IIOT1CI NbS I ncn1'IOVS IUSDIDS IU.IO ITATDCPT n.. lollowtaq ........ .. do••q b-•-.. ~Cot! SUUAII'TS 2141.\ Owuoood, a..u- lo&o.o.cl CA --.a II._. Co.raa ,.,._, 214\o; o...o.d lolboa loluod Co ta62 ft• ~ ._ coad:vce.d by •a •n dtvad\rol S......t 11'-• C Pooar TlUoo ot•-' woo. IUorl W1111 tiM Cowoty c..r• ol Ora11qo Cowoly "" r.b IV, 1112 1'\dobo.. ,... 14, ...., ) 10 17 11121&.,.. ,._,_,~ao.tq. nu.a 111111 flCIIIIOCa ._... .,._I!ATIMDIT TIM loflowut9 -• "-••••••u •• cowrUtiiiUD JUIDCDI WACHDISS SDVICU, l3S T..Jor-A.. No I , o..._, CA 1121166 Nooao I Wcloy, ll!l • f'loiemoo A,.. , No I . Or o&QO C A ... Tlo ... b.....-.. cood.c:.-by o.o ,. tiMtf....J Itt ..... N_, I We loy 'nolo Nto-1 •u bW ••til tllo eo-.., Clad ... o ....... c-.. , ... .... 12.ltG ~ ...,, 17 24 31 Apt 1 IIG,. n. Mowpot1 '-• Pl851De N1814 PURJC NOTICE ...... ..01"1CE OF Datil OF Run •-lftllOII.. alia avrt uuaa. MD or .....OIIO!Q WO'IDO#WIW eMI -0. ... d ... 1111 ... ,, ••• ~ •"D'C•• Tft'U ~ C<*· ,,..,,. ~ --411 ~ .. ....,_ ,.,._-.......... ,.,_ ...... -l)e..t ol ,_. _...... loy ._. I . ....... .. __,..,. -· ... .......,. ..,. u, am. • .........- ... lMl, Ia loooolt 1)301. -Mt, .. Olllc6el ........ o.-c...tJ, ~ .... .-.to .. ..W. --of IW&tolt .... a...-.. w ........... -"""" o.o.-.. .. ltlJ ---· IQl .. Itt ..... &4)l4. -... , .. Olk6oJ ._. ol ..... c-., ............. ....-.. ..... 0... .:. '""" .. el ...... -· -... ...... !.wfool -ol .... u.~~..t .......... A-leo, ..... --~·-10 "'• ,. __ 'hlloo .... --c-... , 1oco1ec1 ., 114 1 • lSI., .. liM aly ol .... A-, Colilor ala, all ...... ~. lido .... - ,._.....,.., to o...t -MW by Y ...._ ..... l)e..t ol '""" .. tiM _, .......... ....... c-.ty ......... "-cTIJo.cl aor n. ""'*·-·., 4S -ol l.cM .. llood a ........ c.a-, Tree~. • ............ --... ...... 7. ...-a o1 w~ooeu ............... . ·-· ol ....... Coo.aly .... .. ._ ~_,..."'-11M -rta.-r I)' liM ol Mill lot, \llo -.a.-rty liM '""'"' IM109 P• ••ll•l to oh ~lyllaeoiMicl ... TIM.,_ ..w,_ oo ..... , -oe ...., -....... p_.tf ...... ....... lo ... 1?01 .......... 0...., ....._.Ieee' c.wor ... .... .... ..abe ..... •""-•- .... 01 wanuty, up.-.,. ._pb..t,• u lo IItie, -or ...,,.},,_ 10 ooll.lly tllo YO .... loelrt..,. duo o• tiM-.oraoieo-.....ti>J..Ido..d ol T.-. 1o wol· Slli,O» liS, phu tllo loflo-· ......... -· ··-...., ...,_ ........... ol , .... ta.lt-' ~-.. ..... ..,...,. ol ,.. U ,T4S lJ Ftr• ,._..,_ Tltla '-•-C.. ... , •• Cololoo ... -···-· 0... e>r-to4, Avtbor1Mcl ()ft..,., 114 I '"' • I Sui& ....... CA ti210l (714) ' 5SI :1211 Dolecl W.rch I, 11112 Pvbloo.lo w.,ch 17, 24, ll 11112 1n Tlw Newporl Lo.tq. NU?0 PQ1iuc IIOT1CI ncnnous IOIDIDI u.aiTATIMDIT Tloo loOowlaq ...... .. doraq ......__ .. AJIW$l1IOitG OIIJIQY SYST1:NS 1120 I s ... ,_., A-. I r ullofl<>e, c. t2631 Wolloa• Oo.ttiM Jroo~o.U JSIS Croolteel C•-• 0.. a ond S.r Co. &1715 Tlua bu-,. """"•olecl b, •• •• do•odual Stteecl Will,.,. D ltoo.W T'-.. N• .. ••a• • ., ha.d ..... •h• Cowoty Clert ol Ou-Coontr "" , ... 1812 r.l>llo.lo ,_.. 24 W.r l 10 IT 1112•" n. ....._. '-• FIPliS MIMJ PVIUC II011Cl IIOT1CI or naua1 ua u.u: 1-0.. Apnl t , 1\IG, rot ll • • nut AMDJCAN nTU UISUII AHCI COWJANT, • C.l1Jore.la cor potal.oo M T~ or SwCC"'IeMM!t Tr-or S...tlaleel Tr-ol tloaJ --o..d ol T...... .__,_.... ..., .. ,..,...,._.C....Ioaloo he ,..... ............. _. __ .. ,.., ,...,,..... ~nl I 1812 .. ,.., ..... , oo a1S1 ... bock 1..ooe -1m ol OOocl&l .....,. ol O..aqo c-o ty, c.lJtora ... .ad P•H•u.&8• to tMI cori&IJI NotK'O ol O.laoll ao.cl liechon 10 s.u ............ ,..,...,. Ow& • bet 2 •• 1 ............... DO IIIII •• "* 14JII7 -· 15'/tl ol 011oc..J loocercla ... ...., c-• ., wUI .... oeel porwo.at 10 oucl Deed ol T,,.., ..u .. p~ ..... ,_ lor .... t.wlol _..,,thoU.tleciS..,.. ... A_ 1101 •• ,... .... ....,~ ~ ,,,... A•••IIC•• T\et. IAwruc• Co.~,.., localod •• 114 l Sth 54 •• olio •••• ol S.1t• Aaa C•lelortu• all ih.At rw,~t Ill ... aod ~,.,... c-o•v..,.d '" •"" -loold loy u ......... ad o..d of Tr... •• 11M .,_, Olfo&lod •• ...... eo-.,...., ....... _ ........... l.cM 1 ol Tract No JOG o.o ,., ...,P ,_..... ........ 111-llud I) ol .. ....u.-.. ... .,. •• .... olt.c. ol .... c.. ••• tl.cor<kt ol .. .., c-. ., Tk tllree4 ... , ... or ott\er co~ ~ft4110e ol o.oMI proper1• •• '"'' --to be 1100 IN,.,. A•• N.w pofl leoec~. c.t.Jonuo lud .... w.U be ..... wtiJoo..t co• ....,.. or ••n••t• •JPr.. or •• ploecl .. lo ·~'--.. .. ""·"'-10 .. ......, ............ bol ........... ,,.._.., __ ........ .., ...... o-.1 of y,..... 10 "'' Slot.• • ,.hta tiM lollowoaq •• _ .... _ ... _ ........ _ ... 11M .. _ ol tiM tali..S p .. bllc. ..... .... ......_ ....... Sl 521. Plnl A-riCalt T1tlo l"""raaco c-• . Co.ltlor.... coTporal- 0... . o;'-r..t. Autloon.o... 011\cor 114 I 51~ 5I So.alo Ao.o CA 112102 (714)!!Jii..UII Duorl...,rch 5 leal ... w.. Mud 17 :M Jl 1112 •• TIM"--'...... ICII7l .vauc II0'11C2 IICftno.IIOIDIDa .,...,.~ n. ............ ,.._ .......... "--• J a .. 00. OONPAIIT DfC , MID I c-....., c.. ..... ...,_, C. ~ a-I O.tJM., )IMI e-Mil Laroe • ...._.. CA 113003 (Mry I ~r. IJill T .......... Laroe ~ W11oclo CA lOili I a W 0.1 Co -• c.. ...... ~a ......_ ... _ MID I C.... H.,., c..-. ,._. .a.r CAt~ Til• "--•-• ~liiCiod loy • _.ol ................ a-it O..loer Tlllo - -ht.cl ....... CeouoiJ Q.rll .. o.-C..etl -ro~t II.IIG ...... ..., 17, a. ll .... '· l ... n.......,r-.. P\UPJ -....:: IIO'I'ICS ITAt.-rOIDA• I EF O#_OI,..UIW-.... n. ............ -..... ,.. ......... tiM-.. llle ......... ..__- c:atlilftii"'AL .. ~ .UI_,.,_.C._,It n.,...._...__ .......... ........ -........ o. .... e... ..... ........ ,.1,1-, .. -............ """" .....,.. 4U2&.-.Ir•-C.lint4 ,... .............. .., ... ......................... ftlt--............ ~ Cit~* .. o...toa a....... -.... "' .. ........ tf, a.» , ................... .-.:.:m::a IIO!ICII 0# ......c:&notl 10~ MOO"''Cin'DAG&I ,. WNa .... e-n ca,.Ao .,.... .. ....,... .... ~ .. ,...... ....,_ 0..-.1 ... "'7111'C*IMea-.... WIM10oell .......... -.. ..... 2211 w ............. ~ a..ca. Co. ..a . ........... ...W.17. )4, )l, 1112 .. n. .__.~too~., am ....:.ones ,.,.n • .,._ .... ..,~ TIM .......... ..,_ It tlcMat ...,.._ • <*11ft AWAJIOS, ltiO ·-A ... C.. M.., CA t:aiZ'7 ~~Moot a.-a...M, 2Sa I w.-...... c-w-.cAaa7 'nolo ~ .. .,_.....,. loy ..... .u.wu~.lio_. ........ a ~ TWo_. ... , ............... Oooaol)l Clood el o...,.. Conly oo ..... ll,ltiZ hWWo W.. IT, ~. ll, ~r. 7, Ita lA TN........,..._ FliSlDI lfll8'7 ...,.; IIO'I'ICS fiCftiia...-...." . ......., TIM ............... II ..... a.-.. PIIVATI COACKIMO FOI PUIUC SPIAIUlfO, 3110 W-.ty .,..,., Newport leoecll, CA US«~· M4ocJ W..r, 14U I 0.:...· lr-. ..U.O... CA a.1 n... ....._ .. coediOCiecl .., ..... .U....n.l lio .... ll.ucy ~.-. 'nolo -· ... bJecl "'" ..... eo..t, C\orll ... o..._ eo-., .. .... U.lla P..w..ll .... 17. 24 31, ~· 1 1112 .. n. M.wpo.i lao.lqo PIISIID NUll PVIUCII011a IIOTICI 0# TIIUSTID' &AU ,...., , ...... IIIU 0. ~ril I , 1112 at II • • J1JtST AMDICAN TrTU IXSUII A.MC1 eotfiANT o ColaJon>,o co• pot.U. .. T.-. OJ ~ T....-Of ...,..., ...... T·-· ol ...... c.11out 0... ol ,..... • .. ....., ..., J.ny loaloo ud Co••·" ...... ~ ... l>o.ocl ............ 101•1 ........ ... ,_,..... A,rll •• 1812, .. ....,,.,_, -IIIII, 1o loool 14008. -lt77. ,;1 OHict&l leoorclo. ol O.a•QO Coua ty, c.wo..... ..... ............ 10 ..... , eol1oollt ~ ol o.t. .. b a...! llect- lo Sell ..... _ .... , .~ .............. ,.., lO I.J .. --·-·-Xlll1, .. boc~ 14304, -51'S, ol Oilic..J a.c...da ol oucl C:O.•IJ, will o<kr uc1 pv.-ool 10 UJcl Deed ol l,... ooll •• pu.bltc ·--'"' .,.... .. .... 1 -•Y ol Ill• Ootlecl Stat .. ol Aaor ~. •• th. aaJa •onaac• to fuwt Aaorocoa T\U. IMouo.eco Co....,., located al 114 I 51~ Sc •• tllo c>IJ o1 ..... A-c~. o.11 ...... r)9hl lltie ud taiOI_, cou..,.d lo o.od -· lleld lrt ol ,..,., UJcl OMd of Trw• '" tllo P'-"' ....... ,. ....teo .............. -.. ...., .. l.cM 7 ol T ,...,, No l012, o.o per Mop _.., 1o .... Ill ..-12 ud ll ol w-.u..-.,..,. •• ~ ...._ ol tllo Cotoaty "-cord.• ol UJcl Cow&• ,, Ta.. MfM4 edd_r ... Ot cMN-1 c;-oaao:a c:I.Gquhoa of w.d propeu• • ~· porlecl 10 be 1100 It• .. • A.. New ,_. leoec~ C6blon"• So.ad .... ...., 1M ... do ·"-' .,... •a&al u-t •• ,._...,. ••P'-or •• pl»d •• tO lllM ~ or •• Cll.oobt&JOCW 10 Wloil' IM \IOpaod N) arace d\6e o• •~ a~• or aoot. M cuted by Nild o...d ol Tn1• to Wit \56,0Jl )4 plva tit• lollowtoq _,,.., ed c-. • ..,.._ arwf .d••-.c• at th• h ae of U.. IDit\al p"-.bbte:attOII o& ...... ".....,.of a.t. " I. 14 ru11 Aaeuc•• T••t. 1...,.~ Cota~•Y • c.&Aiot•..,. C'OfllOI•&.aoe 0.• O.•orocl Awt .. ouaeel oo-r, 114 ' ,... • s. ••• AM CA 112102 (714) !51 llll O.lecl rob M IIG ""bho.h ...,,c~ 17 24 )I l!llll 10 n.. N<t•pott [aatqn MD? I ....:mnc::a iCIUWW._. .... ".,_, n. ....... ,.,_-... ~ • a.u CCIIIIUltA.Wn. m'II ..... A•.O......_CA aa7·~ ........... »271 ......... c-. ..... c. aa7, ....,_ G. ........ 131 lil.aiiiM A .. , ... I I ...... Y01ll 11'111 ,... ...... • _...... loy • 1ia11eo1 ....--.. ....... ~ I zu.- 'Bionlla--IIWwiU.Lio. c_., 0.11 .. 0.-c_., ... .... 1.2.1111 .......... .... 17, )4, 31 ~ 1, llalafte........., ..... ,1.10. ..... ....:mnc::a WOlD Of IWIID IAI& &-... IIC 1..-..noll , ...... , ...... KDMII rDIAMClA.I. COIUJOIIA. TION, • cl.otr __ ..., .,.._ ................. ~ ........ ,,.... WILL IILL AT I'Um.IC AUC T10if 10 nil HIQIID1' IG)OD POl CAlli ~ ., -e1 .... .. !.wfool -....... u .... .._, .at .................. _..,... to uci-MWioyll .... .... o..d .. ,..... .. ,,.. ..,_tr ~~-. ftUSTOII. a.,_. I . ~ ucl .1411& L. ...,_, ................... IIMUlClA.IY: w...,.,., .. ,._ ...t Lou ~-•• c.J ..... ---.....,.... .... , II, 1•1 ... IUI:no· -· -»:nn. Ia ,..... 1 ... -Ia , .. otllcMI ..._. ....... ..... ol ..... .__.. .. 0.'-eo..t,, ..... ............. ~ ..... ~o~~o .... P'-""' 'l.cM 4 ol ,,...,. .... liOO. .. ,,.. c.., ol Newporl ........ C:O.oty ol 0.-. Stole ol c.t. ........ pe• -p •-" eel .. loool 13:l -14, IS ucl II o1 ••"'!d'r OCAt ..,.. ua tr.. olboe ol 1M._., ,_,.., oiMicl .-.'Y 1100 H~qi!M ... Du... .......,,, leoecll CA \U • ·-_.,_ 01 ..... _ "---........................ . ,...., .......... lo ....... .,a-.- Of correct...) .. TN ........,...., ,..,., Mid Deed ol Ttv.ol, loy ,_ ol o lorMCII or .S.S.tolt •• ..... ~ .., ... eel ....... , ............... _ .... .... d.ltvo..O lo 1M~ • ••'*- Dwt.••'-... o.lotolt .... o.-M lor ,.. .... ·--.. ~..., .. ...... ~toe.-...... ... ....... 10 ....... ~10 ..... . ...... ..w-•-.... ,,.....,... , ... ... .t. ........ co ...... -•01-ol 1>.-..cll ...... .a.n-lo ... _.. ...... Ow 7. 1•1. u laoolr No 1011 Ill ...... 14314 -&10. ol ..... Otltcl&l tl.cordo Soocl ...-wUI 1M _.,.. lowl Wllllowt eo..,.. .. , or wututJ ._.,.,,.. ot \a ploecl _.,.. •lllot -... ....,.....,,.__, lo .. , , ... ·-ptifl<:~ -• "' 11M -oooc.recl by ..... o..d ... T.-Willi laloT ... U .. .....t-pr""""-d, ..... -. .J .., ............ -ol ...a o..d of Trwll, ..... c...,._ &D<I .. _ of Ito. Tr ........... of lllo trlllla .,,..,eel by uad Deed ol T ..-s..d wle will tMo ~old oo TIIYndoy Apul I l~ •• l p • at U.. ~pee• A• .. v.• •• .. ...,. 10 .... c .. .., c..... hlld~ J00 l C'll.oPIO .. A.. .. tllo Cll~ ol O.·-c. A• tllo ,_. ot .. 11 ... 1 pwbhcot-ol ,.._.. .ot~ ~~ tot6J a•lol••• ot ,.._ ...... ad ~oo~.o..,. ol tllo obloe<U- -~,eel by .......... -.. ...., <keel ot huM a•d ..waat..t oo.l• .... ,.M~M ud ect • ..,.,.. .. '171 1100" To ,...., • ._.. t~ opetuao bid f'Ow .. v c•ll(714)137 OM6 H•r... r .... u...J CotpotaHoe •• ..... Tr-by T 0 S.•~•u c- peoy -• by Lot,,. Wo-..ck "-·· s.e...... o... c... """ W..e o..._ CA t2Mt 17UI ll5lal O.IOCIM.rclo9 I~ Publ..a W.rdo 17 2• ll l'illl •• TN"""""" ln•1<1• Nh7l POIUC IKITICI -~· l'f1IONII c:w no: AIOIUA.L ITATDIDI'T IALIOA IHSUIANCl CONPAIIY t20 llowp ·•' c.,.,., Dt·•• No•oo•• .... h CoilMO ''ioor lo.clecl Owo•tMo r J l INI Tot.olod••"eel •-• (P-2. h .. Ul T .... lloob•lll ... (PaQO l hM :ll) \171 404 W4 Ill 7)9 SJ7 Spec..! twrph .. lwo.clta IP•" l . h110 24) Copuo.l poMI up/G~~oa•••IY C.ptloVStchrtory Oepoott (P-3 hD02$A) Gr-potcl &a ud ._,,....,,eel •u•pltu (P-J 1-a6A1 u-oec~ ,..,.! ... IPIWI tP ... , 1-»a.»Cl l )!I) 000 ltlS7415 54..,~ S. rplu .. ._,. ~yloow.ro (PaQe l t. .. rn ~ ......... cr-u ~-., Otoloa._ ..... ,_,(P ... Ill..,.lt) 7li6S 157 101 241072 91 ,....,. w .... ~ .,......,. tWt , .... ~ , .... •r• •• ..c. orc&.~tre .,,._.,.._ A••-wl Slele-1 IDt liM .-r ....... Dw••.lltor )I 1•1 .... IO IM la..,toeco C- ·-oftllo ..... ., Co.hlof•JA po-.allo .. . T N W-IM..-r y..._ ,,_.,.,, L A ... , ...... ,_. s.c, ... ,, ""bl..to Wotch IJ, )4 ll Apttl7 14 1112 10 TIM llowport llo•t<~• Hl91\ f'GIUC FIOTa::l .I .. • .,....O#T-. AaQAL l'rATDGifT aaT l.llo A-raac. Coapo.o• "' C.W.t ... 4JOt L rch Sr llowpot• .... ~ C.QIIO Yoor Ia.._. Dwo_...r )I 1•1 ,....., .......... -~_, '-* Total~ cr-l ..... »1 Cy.&al,.tcl•piP-l l•••lTA) a.-"""" .......................... , .... (,_ ), lt•• al) u._.., 1-nc1o c.~•,. ... l cr-1. tt .. a~ltCI Oola (lAM) 1--··-(P-4 hull) &toc:-t~) .. C.pttolaociS..rpl.,.,.nCIJ 1•1 (P-) 11M lO 1•1 •tau ltiO) '--'-.. '·-... ,_..,. cr-•s a...u c.. IOWM~o....u.n) A~ .... ~·-·•--lo ..... <aieHCCol ll•-11 ._,...,. .. ,_ C.Wor ... ....._ ,_ (L>ao 2l r .... n A~,_. *""'P-·•-o~.- I 000 000 2,417 901 (1833141 121 912 ,,. .... 2 4111. 1.0 an· Coltlola .. ....._,...tu••ZS Cot 2l 117 »4 ·cooo-... .,., We ......., c..-kt, .,., Ike •bocw• ,, .... ,. u• 4C'COfda~ ... ~ th• Aa~\6.&1 ·-· ... , ........ ...,... Ow--· Jl. 1.1 .... lo .... t-race• c- -rofU.. ..... oiC.Ioloraoo. poo-IOt.• n.o.-I Calilt\, Pt ...... k1U C ,.....,.,. .. , .. 1 s.e..-.,. r..w.lo ... telo 17 a. )I ~ ... , 14 1-.. n. ......... ~-· ....::mnc::a .,.. ..,.,...0#,.. .-GAL I!&TDDT NDITPLAII UI$UIIAitCI co.tPUT tl» ~rt C-to• 0.••• ..... _, ~Melt, C.~ YMI w ... o-... ,.., Jl 1.1 T .. .Uocl•lllecla-IP-2 1,.,.l2! -.-..u ToW J.o .. thl_ ,,_ J, h .. 2l) ~ M l s,.n.~ .. ,,....~ ..... cr-J ,.,,. 24) to (Ap.\ol .... lli"Q.r.roel' C..,..oi/IIAI·-· o.-t cr ... lW.JIA) l,ao.a Ore-,... ta uclc-lr ........ wrpi••!'-2.. h .. AA) l .. llt u._..... .... , .. ,.....,tt ... l ~oeaaeac! Ja .• ........ ._ .. ,e~.c,.....n(P-l. a...n) Ud •1 ~-U..-r( .... U "-I ,.,. o...o-• Mtllto ... , (P-a-. to.l., I 1• Dl ................ , lloal 1M ..... -... Ill -~ -uto ,,.. A••• 11-.pe. ..... -· ~ .._ .... Jl, 1.1 .............. -C'Mi ......... M ........ C...._ . ._._... .. '- f • ........._ ... ¥_,_.,. LA .......... Aoat ....,,...,. ...loW\ ,... .. a. ""f'tb' 10, If ·-.. n. ..._., ...... ....,.,.. .... ..... 01,.. ..._IYA-' ..WJIOif ~ co.tA.WY, ........ _. D.,.• "'-••· ., __ 1 1.1 I ~-­~.-.- R.lll,lll IW- ....:.mea ---ftCIIIMWe- U.ITAt'IIIID'f n.. ..... Wit-....... ~ ......... uu.oo., an ~·A .. e..-...... c. ..... ,. ................ . A .. C_..,..._ CA ... LIM ......... ._ IU w..-.., A .. e-.. w..e • ..a. n.. .._ ............... . ...., .. ,.,U..IWfl ...... t..rtr A --Tiilto --W.. wllll tile c... •• , c.... .. o..... c •.•. , .. , ...... ......... ,ell M, .._, I 10 17 , .... n......_,.,..... Jill"' .... .....,IIO'nCI .... " non,__ MMITA,_, n.. hlllwiM ,.,_ ole ..... ..__ .. YllfWUT fACNtl IMO an • .. _.. a .. , ....,,..t ....... OA ~ YHt•N ,., .... litH-. IM • .... '"~ "'""'-· IUt llleMMe a...41 . ...,...._ ....... IIOlO 'hie IH4ill ..... ..all ....... , .... ,.,..... ........ ..._ lillie•• ........ ., .. , .. , ...... .. .. _ ... '"" ..._, -llletl -~· IM c .... , Cht•• .. 1:),·-o....... " ...... , ... "-·--.... It 11 ,. 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PMAIOI'N PKIIDQ.I MAll.OI or LACWIIA, .00 I c-....., , t..v .. IMQ,CAUtll n.. llotloiiG•• .................. .... lo ... -b.a.tl •• o ..... C•IUIIy d•l w •• C4 ,,.1\ o.,,d 1 w"''. \1 1Je6, L•""u' A•• L , a.,. ~ Cot Ill*>'! Th,. bo.~~.~-· • I d ,, .. d l-\1 llf d.v d •14 S1qn-.d D., d I W ''''''' -·-ol !loa •·--· ,._,.....,. .. 1o11o,. 11M L a..tM6 live . kllilo& ,,_., 10 -· .......... ... ............ .. • ~ .. , 10 llie o.,. .. . .. A ... ll.lt71.FikNo ~ c...a w ~..o-. 1m a.. • .w a., Lo9""" IMc~. CA taMJ Ak•• tlul dat• oo P•""•' ot tU pet1u,...lp li•• e"thout1 to blad the por1unlup Tth .~ .... ,... ... t, ..... t.! .. J •. h I~ ••no ol Alcoltoll<" ..,._,_ Coeuol lor ...... ce ol All alcoholic kooraqo 1..,.,... lor t"-.,,.._ u lollowo Tluo ....... _ ... c ......... ,.., "'' •• 1aoll•wi.W 119•., Ca rol W &.. .... O'Dou •U a lredoto o Collto•••• ·····•1 po rleotolup ... c-. .,._ l w.t.n .. Yntute a C.htorn•• q.ceral por1 .. nlu., llo G.-raJ Po11aor ly lohe D O'Doaoell c ·''" c~,. , c1,. ,. c .. ,, '""" ..... _. .... bled •llh .... c .... aly Ct.rlo of Oruv-Co•aty oo re~~ 17, Ita , • ., H 1 ... 1 ''41" 0. kle ... , ucl WIM (PI.I>hc P ol.llt•h '"' /4 M '' l ...fBJ ,,, Th• N ..... ' f.,. I ll:.ttaq Pl.oc•l v..a. ... t.n• r-. .. P,a.tlah ~"'~ 10 11 24. Ita 1• P,.Wialt w.. 10 11 )4 l l 1M2 •• hl>hall w .. ~-10 191l .n n . , t!U6!~ ""'"' T.._ "-""" ~-Na4l Tloo N_., la"'9o NUllO N...,..n lao.~P NDJJ ANMOUMCEMNTS 1 Fwaeral Nohc:• 2 F~&neral Ouec:tora 3 Cemetery Crypta & Lota 4 Nemor&&l S Plo nata 6 Announcement• 7 Ac:c:ouniAnta 8 Allorney 9 Penon&b 10 Lo.l and Found 11 Sclboolallnatructn 12 8~&aln-Peraon.sla 13 BanktnQ 14 Peta and L Yellod IS G.rAQe s.J .. 16 H .. Jth 17 Tra..,.liVAcahon 18 Enter1aanment 1g Gdt SuQqeataooa 20 Cluropr•c:hc EMPLOYMENT 23 H.lp Wanl«i 24 Eaploy-ot A9c:y 25 Coun.aelul9 SYc 26 Lac:enMd Cbldcr• 77 Saluauoru Wanted FDIANCIAL 28 Woney Wanted 29 Woney To Lo.n 30 Bu.ana•• Op_por 31 lnv•tmeut Oppo1 32 Trust O..CU •nd W.ortq•CJ" 33 Auto F'ooanc•no 34 Insurance IURCHANDJSE 3S laulle S.J.e 38 SportJnq Goods 37 Art l8 Aahqu• lt Auc:l\001 41 f'llnuhue 42 ~pllaoe• 43te~e..oe 44 N..ae.J lulnaa.ata .a~ lqwp••• 41 S..apt aad Cow 47 S.W1a9 N.chln• •r.a.nc. 41 D&.aaoDCMIJe,.Jry •a&ce&&e ....... 11 Waat to•y 11111'&1.1 ........ t ......... ........ u ..... .. ~ .. ,..,. ...... u ...... .,.._,_,...... .~ .... ,., ... , ·~v--; ... ~ ... i:: ... -=.11 .... ,.. .. Oldu'rn'•• ,. ... , ............. 1 • ............. ,. ..... """" ,. ...... c.~a..a '-• ,, :t:=: .. J ,, I MOilLE HONES 80 Nobile Hom• 81 WobU. Hom .. Wanted 82 Woblle Home Ptu BOATS 84 8oalallqpmo I 8S Boet Cb.rter 86 Boet Shpa 3CEMETERY CRYPTS• LOTS CENETERY LOT WMtmiJlller Nemorw P•rk to l.be G.rdeo of NOMa $500 Call toll· tr .. number 1·800-532· 3972. uk lor PeDDy· MYer Adwatch MS8SS PUILISHJ:R DOES NOT ACCEPT habahty lor IDC:orrec:t ~pellliiQ, qr•mmahc al rnac:c:ur• c aft, or t'J'P09replucal errore on aAy adver tLMmenta p~&blaab.d lll the Coul Wecba News G rol&p HOST f' AN ILlES u rqently nMCled lo r haqb quelaly Swedath ••· cll•ov• •haclenle lo r 1982·83 4W7·21165 IATTOJUCEY IANUUPTCY: Stop &e .. ~o~ltt, b&t ..... tua - OIM ck} ,,... eoot~~ha· l.kle Ia~ ••• loruy. lit. W.,U, 13$. 1443. II SCHOOLS• IMSTBUCTION PA.R.INTS: Gave your clu.ldreu the cUiac• to etluc:ate then boda• Tiny Tots tun .. and CJYJIIDUUC:.. 8oyt, quJ.t, all aq•. Ezaroll now: IJ. v\ne Gymouhce, 546· 1218. TUTORING· Credea· llaled. ID your bome h~_rtenced, ~hent Walb, aiQebre, qeom• try, French, S~nwh. rHCilnQ, tpel.hnQ, ID· ltsh. all prohcteoca•, colleqe boards 673· 6013. TUTORING Wo.t •ub1ec:u. lt·12 ud colleqe O.y, e¥eOID9 and .wamer $4 ~r hour Wr Worqao, ~·9033. REPLACE C HILD CAlli wath an ed~&c•IJOfl al ft~on Noolnoru Sc boolbouae (SSO w .. kly.) A9• 2·12 831·0961 or 495·5040 CALl CLASSIFIE.D /NVE.STM£NTS 173·1551 ~ It PETS. UVESTOCK I II HEALTH LOSI WIJGHT NOW 10 lo 29 !be ID 30 day• or your SJl 75 lor 1· moul.b'a Npply ,.tum· ed Call IURBALin d111rabutor, Nacbelle, 645·5423 17TRAVEL/ VACATION DISCOUNT AIR · FARES Haw&ll S298. N-York S258. Ne•teo S d.ye \.179 au ud l.nd Wily look elM· where? Local Newport lravel upert W..nlyn Watc:hell, (714) 631 g()47 18 ENTERTAIN IRISH BALLOONS Uolque. per~alned qlft. O.hvered locally Order toda~ Mklloont ol Newport, ~ THI BILL YOANCIR Studao -CdW offer~ M .. r!Aonment lor all OC:· CUIOD.a &Dd 0'-a 10 the arl of b.ll,.ct.nc:e Call731·457 •. BINGO. c.;h p-;u .. , St Catbertne'e Pan.ah Kall (nnt lo Ouk•). So~&th Co.•t Haqllway, Laq,lllla t..ca Tla~&n· .&.y, 7.30 p a larly lanl-7.15 WHnl IADif SUM'S lot a.... ..... aeec~a or lloocl. ......... 1\eeht c.J Aowc:Me. 141-18al --- liQIJ'T IDIAI I.OYI IALtOORI ... -····-"" le" ~ ... .... . ... .. . ..... ~hrttcl ... •Y ..... ·, Wt .... .... m-4411 ..... w. .. I 23HELP WANTED MAKE EXTRA NONEY DURING YOUR SPARETTMEI Show our new l1.11e ol calendan , ~na •nd ad· Yertis•n9 o t.lta lo local hrma. Prompt, lrieudly Mrv1celrom 73·yeAI·old AAA·l company W-kly CommaaSIOIII No IJlv .. tmeol or collec: bona. Ba yo\U own boea Full·hme potential No e11penence n~ry Wnte Fr•n.k Buckley, NeWlon NJq Co Dept 1286, Newlon Iowa 50208 waou ......... .,. MECHANICAL DE SlGNER II you are • mecaantcotl deaaqner w1tb al t ... t S yeArs combllled expenence tn •ntec:hon molded plu lacs •ncl elec tro mec:hAn•C:•I component d .. IQD. we n..d youl Come toan • lut qrow 1119 company an lhe conunerc1al relay And onlercom held £• c.llenl Nl•ry/benelota CAll Ron Lowe, Am•• ac:An Zettler, IIYone. (714) 540·4190. ahel S ~ p m (714) 821 5089 HELP WANTED AlOES Trav.ltoq •l<i• lo -• ~U.nta w1th bethm9, 9rooa1D9 •ad cooltU19 2 ~~~n per vlait. ~ 1o 4 p.Uuta per d.ay c.u 0\a&ltty c.,. H11111a1f S.rvle e et 771-2113 JOIS OVUUAS 119 ·-·., .... uo.ooo to uo.ooo pl"" ,., ~~ Call 1 7ll·t42·1000, ... 3311 HOUUUIPU NJa). II), 11111·"-&l~la l.que ....... J c"''' ....... , .... ,.. Ul•07IIewt J(IIDID: f 11ll II•• all.W .. ,.. J ah&Wtell ......... MlliiC ... IIIDf nr w.-.,14 .. . ... .. ..•. , . •···· ... ' .. ••• ..,., •• 11 ••• ~~ ... ,.. . ··~· c.u ~.,._ PIIC~­IMRIT~ ..... ...._ ,.._ ... .... ._.. ........... elo ~c--........ c-e>n ... ...,_. ......_ CA-"-'4 c . ._.,, .. a..-.... . '-t ..... C&-~.-...... . ... ..,_,., m w...,. ....,., ............. c:A-1. ,...~ ........... . _ .. ,.._ .... ~ --~ c......, ""-.._.-........... ~ a... .. 0..... c....., -...... .. ,. ........ MN It, If, M. Jl, 1-wt "-............ ,,..... ..u ..,; .... ••m••-.,.....,.,_. .!:.. ~=-~wfie ~ I OAIOU IUYIOI , 1141 w--C.... ...... CA _,., ......., ........... _. C:..M.a.CA_, ,........._ ................ .. ollolf..., ..... MieMail Willie ....... ........ _'""" ... '""' o...u, c:t..• .. o. ..... e...., .. ........ ,. ,..... Mel 10 If M II 1 .. ta ................. ,...... .. ... ......... ··"···-.W.IfA,_, ~~..,~· DUOTIC*II ~ V1IIO MCUDA. ~ ..... , l.elta Dt1oo L..twa Mille OA _. lutt D GH~O....I ......... 1&. ... o. ... ,...,...ew.,ca..., !\at~ .. _. ........... . .... -..~ ..... 0...1._ fill ......... -111M Willi 1M O.tlllr t:ltl• ol Otta,.. o-,, .. ...... , ... "-IMIM .... 10 11. M a1 1-ua n..~~.t.,.,. ....... . "1414J lflll1 ,.,.... IIOtiCII riOftYICMII-IWIIItA,_, Tille t~ ..... 11 ""'"" lovo~e-u IUIJDOO. MU ....... " llvo~ ...... " laetll, CA ....., Wtlhoa Q ... '"'"• I,_.. a., '"' II• D. l19tM. CA Wfl4 ,~ .. lott.llilo-.. _ ..... ~ "' .. , • """•~I ....... Will••• 0 fill•• fltv ••-• ... ha.t Willi IM c .... , e.... .. o.._ o .... ,, .. ..... 1 .. P,l~Ud llloo tO I 7 at Jl IIU •• TM 11••,.11 IMtta rlktd N-PVIUOMmCI ncnnoua-..,..,A,..., ,...~,._."..._ ......._ .. 1 a DfTIUIIIIII a J Cor~Nt ... llleao "'* 101 ....,.,. ..._~ CA -Wlllaea I ... 117Wove ............... CA .. I W.U..• II L-I C..,..tt• ...... l lllt• JOI ................ CA _,, Au ............. ) e..... ... llleM 1•11• JOI ..._, ..._. CA _,, ._.,, .......... 11 L..... ) C.r~Nr­ Piua t..11o JOI ......,, ....,, CA ...,, , .... 1 a ... a.. , c.._ ... P1AM t..;1e 101 .._.,,. IMc~ CA. 113110. lt1.o M Wtak l....,. l C.r po•••• Pt... ...... 101 "-" IMclo CAQIIO n.. a...a~a-.. ..... ... ot., "' • ., ... raJ por1M..I.Ip lttD... Willi&• . ..., Til" .,.,. ... , wu hied •II~ the Couly Ct.•• of o. .. .,. Coua1y oa w •• s. lila Pl.llltall .... 10 11 )4 l l lla ,. TuN...,..,. a.....,. r i..W lCDQI 23RELP WANTED 23RELP WAifTED EARN S6 PER HO UR MJ.hnq Avon produc:ta P•rl ·hme ne•r yol&r home or tn your work pl.ce Call C•rol Skel ly, 540· 7041 BABYSITTER T~&eacUy and Thur.day lor twtn Qtrlt, 6 montha old Reltable own lraoapo rl•tton, non emoke• colle.;,e studenl $3 SO per hour Rele• enc .. preferable 640 7016 HARBOR MUNIClPAL COURT hu opeoonoa for meo and wo~aeo U you lype 40 wpm •nd are 1nle reated on •• ceUent benel11s w1th • ltArhnO Mlary of S5 65 per hour/40 boure pel ... 11 c•ll 833 04 11, ••• 332 lor tnlei'V\ew 4601 Jambor.. Blvd Newport IHch t O £ INFO RMATION ON ALASKAN •nd over -· ,oba $20,000 IO SSO,OOO per yHI poa 1 ble Call (602) 998 0426. Dept 8963 SAVINGS REPRE- SENTATIVE full Tame JrenlwOOd S.YiftQI and Loan h .. an '"' med1ate 0pe111n9 on our C o1ona de l Wa1 '-r•nch lot all et~th1.1a I.MIIe tft41tvHI~o~al who hel priOr I I L at Mltllftt etpenenoe ll ~~~· .. looklllt ,., • f11l11rt career Ia Milk· '"' an4 ,..,w hlle lo wortt 111 • war• and lrlell-'1. eiiYII'OII l .. ft I we tv&:;;:' (1~·· Jnat1oi0Cl ••laflll.oen Allooa.U.on NUD WA TURE. LOV lNG LADY to babyw~l 7 30 a m to 4 30 p m . Wood.y·r nday lor 3· month old qui, pre lera.bly 10 my Newport Beech home Soma llobl bouaec:IH.1uno duh .. Non·ltnOker Own lrana· ~= Good .. t.ry HILP WANTED HouseltHpaoQ, lull/ perl·hme poaaoou now open Dubee cookmq lave -an . cleaoa no l...aq~&na Hilla n~lleul Mlary benehta, room •od boaltt NurM'• a.de e1penen~ a auut In da.o Summer Home 951 89!10 HELP WANTED *retary to tha Director ol Nu rSUlQ n us positiOn ~\&UN top·notch cler tc:•l •kllla The od .. l candodAta w1ll b. • .,.u ll•fler •nd well DrQADII ed i•penence 10 men l•l llHilb held end prepenno 11m• achedule ua a plus ExceUenl beae.lola and pi .. N nl worlttnQ envuonmenl Captatr•no by che S.. HCMtpltal. 496-5702 FASHIOft FACTS & FIGURES ..... WUTID .....: IIOftCI fiJftliOW---.... na.-r Tlooo ....... __ ..... ...__ .., PAc:vlc IIPAJI &» c..-~ ........ C&ll7'0e ....,.. ...._ ...... uo c:.r- c.,. ..... ... c.a .,.. ·-~ , ..... c... .. c-t.. .._._ca.,.. n. ....._ .......... .., • ................_ ....... _, .... ,..... __ ........... a....., a. .... o.-c-.. ...... ,. hatiiala• W.r lO, 17 k II 1-.. n.. .............. ,.... .. .. ......0..,.. rwmn•-MMtrA,_, n.. ...u.... ,_,_ .... --.. I 0 M liAS. TOll 4001 __ ., ...... h 117, ........ .... .. OA-...-. Ckity Malto. •1 W. .._. Dt1 ... l A . ...,..., .... ... ca-. flu. .__ • _. ...... "" •••• .; ..... 1 ............. ~...., na. - -IIW ••" ,.,. o. ... , C:t.lt .. o.-c:....... .. ... ,.1 • PUialla Mel It U M U 1• •• ,. ............... ..... ---... .... ftlllil.a-..."'~ "" ,...... ,.._ ......... ._ 11 OJIC:MIN C*l.f 1• a.. ..,_. "-"'*'-._. C:A -a.. .. .,..,_, .. ... ~ 1o6M ,._...., ..... CA .... 'hie ...._ ............... , •••• .. ... ..., ..... a.. ..... __ na. -· ... II ... -~~ Ito. ~ c:let• .. o...... c..... .. ......... PllWiM M.tr II If H ll 1 .. to ,.. ....... '- "141ft lll!N1 PVMMIIIOftCII .. ... NIIIIOIM ..... IWIIHI\'IIIIIrt , ... ..u..... ,._ .......... """'-•• CIIOW fWC:A I ttl I '"~11 A.. 1,.,.. CA _,14 l)o,oltt a 11..-11 1""' ,...,. a.. ...~ ... c. • .,.. o. • .; .. ~. .,.... ""' ..... .... 0...,.. CA tliO. Marl4• c.- .. •·~ Doou... r .... ~ 1 ... Dt.NW Will~.&a• 400e 1 ... 1 ... o.u... ,_ .,.. ,... e ""··-IIOI M-To~o~~ ~ t-NJI f\10 ·--10 ........... lit I 1 ... 11 ... :::::····· ·~·~--o..... ' 'hlo _, ... I.W -~· .._ c.-• ctot~ "' o.-e ...... . Fell !2 Ita ~ lll~o ,o 11 14 )I Ita .. n.o ......... ~. raa.a N~ NIUe~ ... .. ncmtOUI--.....,.,.._, Tile ....__,._ on ..... a.-u C110W llliCMIUOM I ?ttl! 'u•~ ,,..._ CA 13'714 Kart.o c... .. ••••ler4 o.u... ,_ 7UOe I lllcO.....W Wtll..__ 400e c..c.... o.u... ,_ 7UOS , ... c ..,.,_ k2t WlltMII••• DeU... T-7W l O...W t..tro 30l4 I Ocwo.alrMI lollilo& CA ·-I o...w II...U 1,..1 F11<11 Lf,.,_ Colnl4 n. ...... _ .. _ • ...,1 ... "' • u ...... ,. ..... w, ....... Do..W ...... ~ .....,..., ••• h.a.d wu• the Co•••Y Clor" ol Ord .. Cowoly oa ha. !2 Ita P..w..lt W..o 10 •1 l4 )I lla •• n.. t&.wpol' "-!• PI~ ND4J 23BELP WANTED f'l SITUATIONS WANTED PRISTIGIO US REAl EST An: OFFICE Ill lr vLOe 1oolrulq lor top qu.laty •qenta Good c:ommiMlon spill No d..k r-sst 0829 752·1493 S~ PER HUNDRtD ~d for proc-no ruao.l from aom• Eapen enc• uooec:-ry Inion~~• 110 11 send ••II o11d dr-ct, IIAullped ooYe lope, TYLU. Bo• 707 l.tVUioaton. NJ 07039 WAH-TO URN 1180 w .. .k Work. I 2 boun dally stu.fllAQ enyeJopea Seod Mil •dd rened stamped enYe lope lo Req•l 424 W Com monwN.Ith Dept L f Wlertoo CA 92632 SECOND INCOME lo• prol.-aon•la and non p1ol-on•lt Wbol• Mia retaol m•rcb•ndts anq meal pn- 6p m IIIIOimUIII UIY4'1 Steye r Enlolll 857 SHI8 alter MANICURIST end SculpHue N••l Qtrl• Rent booth SJO per w .. k Shuley's Nail r ac:lory. 645 8290 at••• 5 646·3313 llEG IST'EUD NURSI -kl p11vate duty any alltJI Non llllok•• •nd loc:•l r-eterencN CM News G roup 8o1 039 m 1 £ Cout Hwy Coron• del M•t. 92625 l iV£ IN POSITIO N w•nte d Comp•nton ae c r e t•rv l1 ob• ho uaelaeepano Edu cated hnelled hved E~>rope 8 vHrs Dnve t oc•l re fere nc •• L•quna •r•• C•ll 631 9523 BABYSITTER Ho uee laHper u pe ue nced tNCM r ... D )IW ID posotaon C•ll 1olll r" oumb.r I 800 532 J972 u k lor PeiUiywYer Ad ••tda W600!5 MALI LVN SUitS d•y11m• woolr 111 home ot aOIIptiA) cue 12 .., •• , e1pe t1eiiColl $8 hOUI Llpenence ondud" 1n tenarYoll c•r• •••m•n•l r •nc-eo pAtlenla Ma1l &II 1nqu111N to Penny .. v., P o ao. 484032 n sSJ3 Puerta R .. t. M .. SIOII v ,.,o CA 92691 28MONEY WANTED MUD SWALl LO AN on '1!0,000 equtly on Cor ou del Wa1 home 7eO i4l2 PJUVA TI PARTY NUDS ahon·tera con llf\ICti!OO ~o to b1o11.Jd laally hoae 1n ncl" tJ~..,.. w~ ~' 2-. ""~ .. ~ lllali!O .C• eout ra• C.U toUr,.. n~.tahr 1 800-W 3172 au lor hu,..ver Ad wato~ Wlal 29MONEYTO LOM WIDOW HAS WONIY lo1 Tna.t~~ o..da SlO.OOO up No c red11 c bec:ka/oo p•n•hy CaJ.l Dea.-on Aaaoc:tAl .. 673·7311 I ruMBO SI:CONDS - Coape iiiiYe ra iN Broker 1nqutn• IDVlled lmmedu,le lund•oo l Brolrer 847 ti006 MO NE Y MO NIY home< wnwrs lo.na by phone 2nd •nd l rd Tr u.tl Deed• t•olored to your •1lu&hvn or oeed.e Call lam d "v naqht wHirends 586 9127 30BUSINESS OPPTYS l2QM INVEST • S60M ret~&rned ilrel v .. r Comput•rued bu.ymq and Mllanq rt•lem lot everybody 1 .ae 642 3723 SECOND INCO M£ lur prot .. Jon.t. end non prof-tonal. Whole Nl• retaol metcllanclJa tDQ mumnum on..- ment Steyer l Ater pn... 157 51.. att.• lp .. I USINISS OPPOI' TUMtTT Saall bua&...- •ad or 1\ou_..IJee IJI crMM U.. cull 0... Araou·IMiecl eoa,..Y D... .-.Je Ia P'U arM ,.;vttill u .. Qall aaWUCNt ~'*poly Call (714) ........ ..,_ ··~ OfJIIt .. I • I i! r t ·---··-........ ... ·~ ·-·-.... ....... t ,..,, ... 17.1•'~'-•· .... -... •• FUlUGTUIIE r.UftNITUaJ NIVIR USJI); o--bed~ with t.l, tseo. Glul- top dia.tt., sns. w.t- t~· IPM9-: twla sao. hall sao, qu-o. 1130. Ro.., T10-0901. WAT'IImiD. _..,_,. oki: l-D t..p ••ttt-. c..._..-u.tM, Tv.ck- a-Liur, fr&JD•, .-.... t&l. IMt off.r oorer 115 l&k. lt. Call Doa , 873-7501. LM.,. •- M ... 81 HOUIIES FOR SALE I { J U DIAMOIIDS • JEWELRY BU.UTlFUL LADlES qo1d br~. lU: ~. 14 wrasu. Sl,OOO or Met oJI•I. Call tolllr- IIUI.ber l-80Q..S32-:w12, Nk lor PIRUI.JMY•r Ad- wak:lriW!826. cocnAIL BJNG, g CU...O.cb, appraiMd at S3,400. Sollmo 52 ..... 492-7201 .tMr 6:30 p . .lll. II HOUSES FOR SALE BUTTONS. BUWPIR mc~s. reln~r•tw ...,.a•, culo• ..de tw&p -ten, CrAIY liUDQ'I uu:l roc:k b\l.hoalo 1D .aoclt. lrriM Cowboy, .... , .. ,, 1 1....1~ 81 HOUSEII FOR SALE . ""!!C!"'b~l -home In gale guarded Harbor Ridge, lhal '""* conoiNcllon _., ooon. wll be one otlhe llnellln !he area. 1he olyte II Englllh Tudor. AI !he blueprlnls are In .,... ol!lc:e. You are welcome lo lnopecllhem at any lime. -coli Ul. 2 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach 759-9100 JUDY JORDAN and ED ESCANO A Top-Producing Team Proudly Present HARBOR RIDGE f o Me tMw 111'14 ~"-Ot .. _, oC the ....... lilt ltOtl'l ......... fA"-"-lldtt-uiJ~,.r.~.,. 1 644·7020 IIWAIIT'IO IVr 81 HOUIIES FOR SALE 81 HOUSEII FOil SALE LAGUNA BEAOf II OS N. <:-Hwy. 490-1177 EASY F'Jir(A.HCirfC.A 2 hr. calldu wilh -1.-_...a*' Wet C,... i.....-. ,....a./wi* M w,.r --.bit -1M -d.. ~ lll-a.. .. •rt ..a.ir all offen! .•.........•.... 1138.500 MIA-f'rw. ...t..nl ~ with la•y duty ,_~. dfoceo. WI*'IW ••-.-1 llo.,. .. • ~ ennfv lt«M lol. G-1 ~ Ow,.., will help wilh r--. ........................ 1111,000 • EMUAU)I.AY-A ....w.l~ Jl.. "-'i. W. ad.i" pri•ur -~ 10 all ........_ .....,..ely h.rdwead flooR. -s-ra• -... I'OOIL ,.....,. -.lid -y n-0.-will hdpl;..~ ..... 1$50,000 OC£ANSIDE ~ ·-• "'-''-2 llf. illld '-tly 10<1111 '-Wll~~ IIIC..V -· 'ft...t. • -c:aWotR-l_,10 ~ IDI ~u bo.old..-.­ • well!. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .... 1150.000 LINGO PRESTIGE _....., ARE OUR "lWPOIU ~IJ!.CH 644·7020 SIVACAnON REIITALS BIG liAR CABIN -2- b.dtoo• phu loll. &.p.f. S-10~\llMio &1ow Summit. S!IO per Jl191ll. S70 r.lund&bla MCUrily dapollil. Cali lollfr .. Dumber l -800- !J2.3VJ2, dk lor hnAY· .._.,., Adwatc-h W5688. WORI SNOW! Avail- able DOW. GtMI Nal!l· asQlll coMo. Sprin9 t.k>· biQ CODditiou. 661· .. } .. - .... 4-6. J.e\1-ui, -... colot TV, -.~. TU~derqrouad pulriaq lor "all or otb.er . Available lUrch 7-12, 22-26, li-Aptill, April 10-31, friday.~ Satw· ct.r S7S pet mobt, s-d•r· Thul'8day S65 pet !Dqhl. 7!J.Q.t9'J Of 833-Ml. NORI SNOW! A.,.ilable aow. GrMI Wa!llm o1b. c:oado! Spnao alrtino c:oDdi- tiona. &61 -!iiSli. uomCEJ COMMEIICIAL .. ...... II I.IM 100-1100-ft. ATOJI.YaDWilAHDM SANTA N>1A fflf;PNAY IN IRYAGII'\AZA. ~OUTOf~HOUSE N«>INJO~OWNOffiCI! LIAIIMINfO: II HOUSES FOR SALE St. Patrick's ~ ..... Special $347.000 Harbor View Hil 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, view. For Appointm•nt Coli Agent Nan M4-2999 .••u't,•• '11 , ..... --· ..... -....... .. ... ., ..... ~ .. , .... ..... -· ·-·· ..... 0 ............... -. • . _ .............. ... L..OIKINOM • ........................ , l 141 :;::::.,.=--- -1 ... .._. • on en a ••• n ...... -. ~ .......... .. 'uf•a liuUtZSOinl' ' &...-. .......... , t ............ -. ... -. ...... , .. ............... . .... .............. The .. wpor1 'ndga ... = .. -,. llec:la .,. ·-..... II AOTOMO'I'IVE llROOMSFOR llEin aomCE/ COIOIERCIA.L DELUXE EXECUTIVE SUITES Newport S..chlltJloll C.Jiter. Fllll wpport .. rvlce. Otbce from kJ6 per IDOJIIb. 0D call, etc:., $165 per month. THE HEADQUARTERS COICPMY (71.) 851-0681 MAIL.MESSAGE SERVICE with occuio1wl UN of office andlor confer· ence room. Photo copy· u1q, word proc-mq, booklreeplnfJ, tela· copyiDQ, toWr-800 lme evulable. GrMI N-port Center &ddr- eod location Call ~thy. (71.) 760-0100 PRJ)(I CORONA DEL MAR hu~hly upqraded dealqner ahowroom. Ready to JLW open the door. 1,000 aq It , $1,500 pu month. (714) 457-'4611 MIOARD •CARE PRIVA T£ HOME CARE for elderly ambulatory Llceued nurM 540-2512. 24-HOUR ROOWI Board/C ere lrom $850 /month A lao daycare. bot mMI.a Welcome Mn&or Clh · xena Rozella, 855-6221 17 IlEAL !IT ATE DANA POJHT DtTPLD -3,...,. -· 9ood Ill· co-. 2 aillta'-boa be.acll and aulae Lovely 3-bechoom o.--t'a WliJ, ud tiM 2- b.d.room r.etel wt. 2 ~ endoeed 94· raq•. Ntnut• to major ahoppiAQ ..U. Alford· ab.ly P~ by OWDer. See/aeb oHe•. o--r -ill h~ fmaaciJIQ Co-.il*m to brotr.ra. C.U toW... Dumber 1·800-532-3972, uk for PenJiyNver Adw•toh W5442. CALl CLASSIFIE..O 173-1551 II HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER -J bed- room, 2 beth, rec ... llon room. Vi-. air. S12S,· 000, auume 8 ,.. W~lr Col- leQe. Cell tolllr- number 1.8()G.SJ2.J972, uk lor Peu.,..ver Ad· watcll N3186. LAGUNA NIGUEL drMJD home, $115,000. 4-bedroolll, YWW, owner wall carry -1m. 496- 2528 WOODBRIDGE oo the t..ke New 3,000 aq It hoJU IMutilul "'lulq Pnv••• party. 26 Ou••• Woon. $398,000. 8J8. 3890. PRICID WITH TERMS. P4Uiora.auc ocM.D <neW 10~ dowu G,..t ... IJUIU.bleloau. Tllia cu. tom-built 3-bedroom/ 2-beth home hu been redecorated aad 1.a tD Immac ulate cond1bon v.-from n .. rly all roorna. Tb. owuer w11l carry h114DCID9 4Jid b .. JUII reduced pnc:e to $224,000. C4UIOa "-1 E.late, (714) ~-8901 II HOUSES FOR SALE • BOOSEI FOR • 110USD POll SAIZ IALI BIST VALUI POll LAD rolliST D by PIUCII We ......._ It OWMr. L.a. Po ....... OWD wW be lloard to ttad e dook. Popular, w,p!y better veiM for • lao-llP9rad.cl Del Woe-.. lD 1M South COMt ...... 314 .... _ .. __ ~-~-.... --... Loc•tecl _, be.cll ud ft ., prt••'-..,., s-• perk. Thi8 1.100 aq. II. S.U Clab ...abenhlp. 3-bedroom/2-betll hoc• Pnc:«< below marbt •t with l&aily room wu S2S18,000 or belt ofte• cutom built 5 ,...n with ucell•• fiuac. 490. T'be owaer hu IJIQ. Cell M1-HI30 .0011008/ TOft BID t'OIIIALE lAST lltll STUIT. Coet.W...T~. 3-~. 2\.o\-~. 1· ,_,.,oW l..u9e patio, 2· ~ quec,e. $155,000. ~ dowD. 14~ later_. oa.ly oa belaace. No poiDII. 838-tlll. moftdtoS...~ud ··~ will cuty tM fiaaDeiav. fli.OTS • 1144,800. c.-R.&J II ,__1 •-e•GE ~Mate, (714) 4Q3...8101. '-'-~ -.....- CORONA DEL MAR: 10WJOIIES GRASS VALLn -20- 0cM.Dview, 3-bedroom, FOB SALE acre loti. Plla., oeb, 2~-b.th, GMI Puhlon ~~;;====~~,~ .. r ..... , baj)r:ov.d, off lalaad. 3 fireplec•, 3-Jl Hwy. 41. $10,000 per c er 9•r•9•. O nly lot, 10.. dowD, balaDce $349,500. Owner will BAiliOil 4.1 1096 lor -,...,.. Cuty l.t..oe:DCIAQ BrobT, CU'S1011 o.-. (918} 2'73-4419, 5151..8181. (714) 402..8162, (714) WOODBRIDGE FU1UUSJ1ED 147·7784 . Wllld.or J.ttie, PleJI 4. Spec:ielly de.lt~ned 8-..;_1;..,0.:..,A;_:CU;,.;,:...,,...R __ UB.AL ___ LOT_ Noet popi.IW model, llltenora, 2 Bctr., 2 In Stonendqe. (All 2.255 aq. ft ., 4-b.d· Ia., 2 car queqe, 1 cCutoa Iota.) S... I~ room, 2~-beth, family 'bclr. cooverted to •plltreoo area . room, lu"t:l&c:e, coUDI%Y T 1185,000. 4•3015. ... , h --'~~ J4C\L&&I room. fti.Dia, .utc en, y ......... ow, HAWAII -819 Waad. luQe hY1DQ room, pe.r· pool. ..,., ..clarity Oc.ulJODt .._.._Mild.. qu.t 0oo 1 qate. $265,000. .... ___ .. ___.... ..,_1 ,_. r, au, .,.... m .ooo dowu. ll~.. -· .._....... ..... leatillfully laodecepecl $32!,000. 20,. dowu. with auto. ~priJlJtJ.ra. ~q Irk. (213) (213) 8J2...orl Very luQe y-.d. Tab 421-0447. o..,.r 1at 4Uid 2Dd T.D. 1'--------• with no q~oq nee· -%Y-Pnced to ..U UD· med~tely al $229,000. Call Seadt Silb, eqeat, (714) 49W791. J 0 ... PniJlS LA.ND- [NG Plea 4 -2,500 aq It , 4 bedroom, 2~ beth, le.auly, h&at~rlol&l m .. ler lUIIe, lerQe c::oUDtry btcbeo with bey wmdow, 2 lueplec•. •u, bMuhtlllly land- ac:aped. A.wnab&e h· aencuaq. $294,900 Call Se.acil Sillla, aqeot, (714) 494-0'191 EASDLUFF Aaeume 11-518~ 30· yMr 1'--ed·r•t• loaD. 4 bedroom, office/den, 3 betha, 3 petloa. S235,000, 20~ down. By owuer. E.ly tenu on bala nce 644·1 506, 644..8126 81 HOUSES FOR SALE SACRlJICING BEST VIEW CONDO OD Lab ~VIejo, Fuu.terr• C<IJD.IIlwaity w.. lint wut picked 111 lote.ry. 1978, dM to top floor lit\aebou 111 ollly oortA- fec111Q bwld&oq afford- 1119 UDmetcaed, tllll new of lake aad Sed· dlebaclr MoUDtaia . Hu been appraaed $253,· 000 In lociay' I me.lret. (Aiad tD.lenor wut 10 -a bwldtDiiJ 1.a cur· really ~ 1275,000.) 111 ..U for fu !e. - Fuat buyer wiJlmQ u-wm• e•ilttDQ $169,000 fmeJlctDq, co..,.r -.n payJU.ol arr .. raqe aad cloaill9 co111, plua $10,000 for me, tu• '' o--r, 710-1140 (dep) or 951 -2017 A9anta -lcome 88HOUSES FOR SALE 72RESORT PROPERTY LAD TAHOI ARIA - 4,000 aq. It. of bYioq UYUIQ room Wlth we- piece, cliJuJIQ I'"OOm, bl· ch-aad IAmiJy room With tueplece, bar, rec:. room, mdoor )4C\!Ui, 3 bed•oom, 3~ beth, plua 1,800 ,. lt. qaraqe 2 bloc:b rom l&b With new. 1 bloclr from ab bowl Sell or trade. (213) 567-2103 7SPROPERTY MAKAGEJINT R.l BRO~U Will maaaQe your othce bwldUIQ 111 reh&rn lor of· bee Bookk.-p1119 .. ,. ICe avatlab&e 548-1927 II HOUSES FOR SALE If-._. .... -· ,... _____ ..,.. .. ........ ~-­. .......... ,. ......... ,........._ ........ _ ......... Thll _.,.._... ... .._.,. lO .,..., by !he cta .. iliod •oventeme *••-lfi &Ninc•-.,..., __ Cbwi ... Mio ....... o..,.. •• MIOAtS• EQUIPJIENT 10' SAILING d.ul4lty . seoo. r lluli.o9 ..bot. $450. Wall trade lor luQer Milboat. (213) 472-9445. 10' FIBERGLASS DrNGHY. T.U trtm, bwlt-111 lloteboJI, oan, carpet. $.450. 963-9246 1510AT CHARTER DOIACULATE 21'-34'.0ATS "I l-Ilt p&.M pt_..tl·-lll., __ lt _....._ obp ud~ ....... 4.1 .... (21J)IZJ .. ........... a..c .. nt•l ... ,... .IOATSIJPS An'DfTION: Sa.Jbo.t ownen. 40-foot ahp av••leble. No live · a.boarda, qw.ec peop&e Call 67S-0068 II MOTOR BOllES 1m nA.NXLIN 20' ss mUeaqe, uceiJnt COD· dlliOII, lully eqwpped RooUdesh au, aW1WlQ ~---------.-1 S7,SI50. Cub ollly Wl&l1 88 WANT /RENT OREXCBMGE HO USE RINT A.L Deed ed Apnl 1 Prof-.onal couple/4 -year-old Need 2 b.droorna. 2 batha ClMD, modem Referenc... 1-213-306 3371 GUWAN WALE -;,eed.a lurn&ahed room W1th family? (1..~-N-· port ar•) Apnll -hdy I 27 yMn old, non amolrer 494-4207 61 REAL ESTATE LOWDOWN lEACH TRIPLEX Llke new L.rqe =••• 135,000 dowu 12~ II D4JICinQ Chart• Realty •lnvemnenta Ul-1122 831 ~8811 INVESTORS Newport S..ch duplea 1425 000 Owner only n..d. $25.000 cub' A.aume 1st ol 1223.352 at 12"•~ four bedroom and thr-bedroom Call ldrene, 830-9989 or 710 1980 Landmuk Aa.oc:ial .. II HOUSES FOR SALE $129,950 Atradable beaCh houle 3 bed- rooms. 2 baths. new roof, fire- place, beam cetlngs. With 2~ down owner offers~ tenns. Sll9,900 Waterfront 4& bedroOm 2~ baths. beaCh IMnO at Its belt. low ~ terest loan fa buyer wtth 2~ down payment. $250,000 ... 3 beaooms. 2 bathl ~arne. 2 cor garage, 1 block to beaCh. Excelent assumable loan NINFA • awG O'BRfEN DOCKSIDE REAL ESTATE M0-1201 Roben A Eilerbeli The W.lfcn-= ~ 228 IB 2tell. Coalf Hwy. Corona c-. Mar (714) 67~7l will be with you when you make your appointment to see our little olde tax beaters! 513-5131/a Jasmine 71 (). 71 0 1/a Fern leaf No. 10 Crest Circle *235,000 *250,000 •t65,000 JJ vlt.t ~ •• , .... 364~ 8. ~«HH ~., ~-·~~~-JJ .AI.• !JitiiS 671-81!J.f ..u UDmecbAtely Call toW.-D IUI!lber 1-800 532-m2, uk for PenJiy ,._r Ad watch W3164 IOSEBVICEI REPAIR !JUTISH AUTO U. PAIRS )equeJ, 1- He.Wy, TmuaJIIa, NG, T-pll 5e.v ...1 .- odler ISntillll auto. UJ8S Harbor Blvd , Co&a w.... 548-6226. K.Ellii'S GABAGI. AUTO REPAIR Fore1911 I DomeatiC loq111e overh.aul Tune up. brakes. elec:tncal C.ll 832 ° ZJT1 r1 AUTOS WAR'RD USED CIJlS W ANTm Up t.o SSOO J»ld Run n1aq or DOl AL•o wreck• Ad lor l•d 847 ~78 PUBLISH!I DOIS NOT ACCIPT l~thly lor •nconect .pelhaq qraaaatiC•I •~cur ac~ea or rypoqreph1Cal enon ID uy edver h••--'" puhlashed 1n til. eo... w.ct ....... Group JED'S CAliS P1CIC UP'S hom S3S A n 1J ab&e •• local Go.erD •••• Auc:t.oae fo r d1..-ectory call Surplue Oete C.ater (4 1~) l30 7100 CfMIN; DODGE 1m DODGI COLT - A.NirN c...-.. ..de lD J4pa11 Low OD a&IMqe Call J-. SS2-51W7 JACVAII 1171 JACWAA IJ UL. 4I,OCIO ail.,........_. ed..,. a eacs'knt COD· dMoe lloow ........ fSd t.Usrio•. SI,!OO IN- I2AI 11713 JIJfSIIf·KIAL Y 4· tpe.d. ~ ..-no.., bJac:k .......,., 9QOd coad1tioa Bob. 8'73- Jlt7. PC4DIE FORD 18fi6 MUSTAXG hu qood. Loob qood. N•ny Dew p4rla. lllad aeh $2 ,29!1 . ~-242.4 lOLLS IOYCI m..-t COLLICTOR -1m llr78 .o.ooo mJl.e ...... c-heel· $42,000. M4-7M7. 1m 9V1LU Sal-r witll bhae Ultenol, ~­ ed, au, wu-e wbeela $7,9!10. 495-1317 CBEVBOLET 19'74~ CAPRJ 2000 4- ..,.ed. 52,000 mJl•. AWP'W •reo. u.w Ur• •nd bralrH. clean 12,095. 857-5214 or 833-7329. 197'9 CORVETTE T·top Fu.lly ~. low lll.llMQe, .. cellent COD· d!bou.S 11,000 643- 0220 1971 C HEVROLET Nova for ..Je Good coDdllsoo 1 1.300 640-5892 DATSUK DATSUN 1i82 w.au.. 810 M OOD W&qOD )Mw, haJly loaded, wood QU111 t.qbt -b lue color $11,800 641-1474 deya, 759-0328 aJwr 6 p • 1~72 FORD Graod To..-lno Air, power brak-.'aleerr.DQ, 4 -radWI. Low aJJ.eqe. $1,350.840-5270-. 1977 fORD Gr~ LoacMd with air• 4· door, $.2,800. Very qood coDdJboa C.U lOW%,. a Wilber 1-100-532·3972. ak lor P-..,__, Ad- watchNS&!I2 CAPRI 1W71 ~ pamt, awuoof. 1950 Leande, 770-6777 or Jeaoy, 770-8864. 1977 CAPRI liii.IUCll· la-.1 ~r. low ~ a-. oltaT or wlloJ.sle pnce W-.la- er, ~. refr19•••tor 85-0682 HOlm A 1979 HOMDA Cmc Onvuael ow-.. eK•l· JeD! CODdiiiOD, Qa• .... r. l&ereo 837 73&4 . l.ane, deya JAGUAR lW74 JAGUAR IJ6L Low mU.a . .._ eoqiae. braud ..., paml N111tl S7,001oUer C.U toW,.. Dumber 1.8()G.5J2.:Ji72, ..U for P$AIIy.a-r Ad- watc:h N5736 lstst coodWoo. Wake oi- t.. 581-«l'21. MtJM za•a IDIZ KG 11ni NGB Li.a.lted ldl- boJI BJ.clt, ueelleot CODcilboJI, •reo cu- Mtte 24,000 ••J.a $6,700 Call Pet, after· DOOU , !158-5010 OLDSIIOIILE lt77 OLDSNOBIU o.lte 88 s 1,900 ,._ brake• aad tue• 581-4266 UNtO _O_L_D_S_W--0 8-1-Ll CuU... Supreme o-1 43,000 m1lea, au, power, ANJnc S5. 900 499-3015 1979 CUTl.ASS Su· prea. ltroQQAam Low ~. loaded .... c.O..t $5,500 Alter 5, 710-2447 POifTIAC 1978~ PONTI AC Graad Pna SJ 14,700 ......... te.thar 111tenor -'ec11--..roof, all po .. 1b le ophooa S6,400 768-5113 DAGAL MOTORS Grand Opening Prices '79 MBZ 300 D (4.2604) '79 WBZ 450 SEL ...... . 6 9 uwo (92470) '79 MBZ 450 SL (54939} '79 mbz 300 D . (11337) 79 FERRARI 308 GTS (Fl06AE} SpecialblDg Ia MBZ -IMW -PORSCIIE FERRARI -LAJIIORGRINI WeCcmBeatAny Deal You BrlDg Us! S~alOrden No Problem S22 ,650 S33.700 530,600 Sl8, 148 S36,500 10YOTA um TOTOfA Corolla. 2-door .-... clelue, &ldo , e--u-t cOGdi- ~ Oaly 36,000 --Owaer. 175-1517 $3,!188 1QI1 TOYOfA CoroU.. utilDil waqoa ct.luae. S- a peed, w coad . AMIJN--~. luQ9&qe reck. $6,1501 offer. t51-ld4 VOLDWAGER OUTSTA.NDDfG 1W74 VW Supe r Beetle. Supenor I'IUlJWI9 eooc:b· boa $3,250.488-7113 1971 VW lebu11t enqLDe, ANIPN, _. pe~.al $.2,~ oft.r l•cellest cond1hon Call toWr,. auaber t.aoo-532-38'72, uk tor Peaoyaaver Adwatca N9726 11Mi5 VOUSWAGDI OnQLDel ow-. Rwu QrM I, -111lerM)r, body penec1 s.2.coo 4i&-19158 1974 VW CONVDT1- BLl N.w u.r.lbnbs, .wreo c.-tte. $3,4001 be.s otJer. Cell tol.lfree auaber l-800-532-:w72, ull lor PeoAJMvet Ad· watcb "(W723 ___ _ CdO r',._. 673-0550 OP . I •. • I I~-.. AL TERAnOMS/ DRESSMUIJtG COLLINS C"ato m Dr-m.k1119 S~.a1u IDCJ 111 deaqn aad altere Ilona Pan• lrA1n.d 2700 £ Cout HWl Cor-. !HI ~r ta.bu\d Ned• Ra C.U 640..fi06J VYE"• Dreaamalun9 -Altttr• hone Ou~e~ wrvK"o A-abl• priC• Cc11WO-S415 PR O fE SSIO NA l DRiSS MAICING all••• lloDI For vout total look f 1rt1nq •n your ho.,tt O,.l, .. rt .. c•n b. attanQed Barb••• • New lm•q• lrvma for •Ppo•ntm•nt 955 1101 ASPHALT S£Al COATUIG/ DIUVEWA\'S ASPBAL T REPA.IIl S..lco-.1~~~ Com•erc-.llll~nt~l ,,.. .... 1M: mJ&2 MJ-1111 AUnATE PAW.OOO. ATTOIUIE'l DIVOIICI -_..., .., fro. tl• ..... ...... (,pl.ua ~} •• 1•r-'••10 ace • II, potOGC .... ., 'tiC a'"' o..M ...... All wt. ...... CUIIIftiY SPSC'IAL· TT -,:ret • . Nda· ~ ......... .-~oo...ar....,s. Rod..-':;] • .., Ia· p.tOVI mt, 1-.lQCM. CAmfiTI a CARliN· ftY -s..D job. ud ,....us. , ... ..tlaa .... M&-3003. CADIWIAY BUCK DOORS-eo.,we ••n.~ ua • ..W opeala9 or to rwpJ.ce 9*-.JJdiJUJ cAocm ud willdows. Worlr vuu..-d. R.- _.. l.ac1111 ~ COD· ~actor, f73.7'l83, Tom Hoopu.lJc.~. CA.RPIII'I'RY WOU - Patio COftU, clec:b, 9u~ ltoraqe Ulli ... '-:. ,...U. AD tw- ol c.....-try. No job too 8a&ll. Tom, 551·2513. CA.RPIIf'RR: SNALL JOB .-c..lllt. Cab-....... ..u VJUta, p-.~. IDCJ, aacr.alc:hat. ~ lltor~. d.cb. IMur.d, ,,.. ~-. w.cler'• Hudyworb, 6U-378U. CALL Pax tll.e Fbup WAD; ...u CarpeD .. , ud ocid r.pa~r )Obe. ll.L. Perkill• (Scot/ ~.nab). fm.aof7. CUSTOW rt1RNJTURE DISJGHID ud bv.Ut IO you Deed -wall wu ... ~.taW., c.b- ..... ..oraqe uai .. , ban. C.U JolLa at "Jvr· aitwe Woodcraft," 855- .. 17or551-t104. CA.RPIMTD -r~. llalCa work, c:u1oa ca.b- lllet., book ........ , ~ cahi.Deta, liaiU work. 23 ,.an ape- neac». c.u •• =· HJ.eosa. MJ.s 2. Thank JOI&, Jerry. CHAR REifOVATING Com~ aatenor/ea *-·c..--cabiAN loal/t)ock Jaepatr 2S .,..,.. MS-3749 PUNCH DOOitS. bay wuacto... pabo COV.rl, d.cb, fre.aJJ19, ~. '-c., wood 0oofUICJ Pr.. N'llm•tes Ia celleDt reference• UDiac eDaed Jo hn, 175-6002 Relerr.ts-AII Work Ouarant.ud ISI·:JU:J ~n PAftOI• ~AYS W_.. pabo coven, .n tn--No job too WIJf..UU. No. 2tl235. Ad lorlla, 541>7102. OOIICJITI AND WA· SOifltT P•Uoe, ct.cb, brtek ualaJ, ct.m.w.,. Willi -WI re.ov~l pl.ut.n, u,. r~Dq~. IDIOC.Ir .an.. r ... ........ Du~ 536-7440. (Lie. 383422) nD ISTDCATIS oa -.1, block Ol briclr· work, MW coa.trvcUon or=n. Lic:.294622 C.U 0139 u,tiae. JOI a G CIWIMT: DrlftwaJI, pahol, ..lb ... ..,.. -~ fou.n· clatioo.e. ~t, COD· c rete remova.l. Bcmded, liceue 368186. ,,.. amm•t•. CAll 552· 3454. CLEAJONG SVC DIBTT JIJHD CIMIU.D9 Service Naai·bUDda ud Levolon. R-o· e.ble rat•. 952·3288; ~·· 84().2779. COitCRETE I SPIClAUZI a.n ,eck· b.a-er worlr aDd re· mov•l of concrete (patioe, lldewa.lb •nd cldwwap). A.t.o cutt.ano ud h&DdMWIJl9. Not ltale be. w .. k·· Coo· crete Removal. 631· 2610. CONCRETE& ASPHALT JREAJC.ING &llEWOVAL Skaplo•der, dump tnack, J.CI h.ammer Low rat•. e:aperieocecl, quality work, wurecl, , .. e~W~~at•. 157-G52 I . N&SONS - Bunct..n. rr-nh ...... 3D ,..,. upen .ace. 8oedecl Lk:. No 3S7487. &d-1740. JlDIJ)OTJAL. COlD· ....-dal,..._la. Poe~ Cout:n&coo4 Co Fuuah won, redwood dec:b. patio coven, !lome liD· p-eota. Very , ... 110~le. R.Jereoce• , ... ...uu.... 857 28 DRYWALL DRYWALL. ACOUS nc SERVICES Small patch.. 10 room adda IIODJI fr" estamal• All wo rk CJU•rant..d Lac 411528 •nd bond eel. S48-187l ·-----•llllllill DRYWAll HanQa.nq, tapaoQ and c raal&ve hand tnlur• £..pert work Call Jeff 631 5913 A.W:IIliCA..N GAIDDJ. a -Yud cJMa...,., tree triaeiq, lud- ecaplll4jJ. 7 .,..,. e:a• perience. r,.. _., . ....... o.a. e.e.swe. R!LlABLI AND.ICAN GarclaoiA9. The bell ~ care for ,our bo .. or bui.D-. Treee piWied, IIS)ta,..d ud r-oved. WWD NDOVA· IJOA. O.ve, s.G-1113. ROTOTILLING DONI DIRT o" .. P· GardMLI, Uower bed1, laWQI, laAdecapi.Jl9. R-•· e.ble rat•. r, .. ad~. 646-7119 uytmle. DOWN TO EARTH WW11 aDd Garden S.rv· ace. Complete inlt&lla· hOD, feDOVaboD aJid maU~IeoaDce. Quality Hrvice •t dowo·lO· .. .rtlt prlc•. S.tllfled cu11omer• our flrel pnonty Call aayhme, 646-7819 RWABU: GAftDDf. lNG, lawn matJitenuce, cleaDupe larqe aad ama.11. Tr.. truD llllD9 •Del remove!. Free .t.&.Ja&tM. 548-6065 EXPERIENCID GAJt. DINER. SpnnQ ferllliM· tloo, tr" trirluaiBQ, lawru, eprinkler Mrvlce, cleuup. '151·3592. ANI.JUCAH QARDDf. D -Compt.le lawo ID&Ult~ • .,.. trim· lllirlq ud uullllQ •way. Qua.l.aty WW11 s.~. 631-4535. MR. OIUERTAL GARDElfER oam.e from • lonq w•y wath nature Speclahu ao he•vy cleaDup, reQular maa.nluaoce , repa.u hrecl y•rd, uut.U new laadecape. buck pl•nten 131-1198 GARDENING SERV. ICI: Co-ercai!R.I· denta•l. CleaD·upl, prwunQ Now .od/plut· i DQ Rea•oQ•ble ChaoQ'I G•rdenano' S.rvace, 64.2·101i10. •R-odahDCJ • F ut-11 S.rYJce Cupenlry, plumh1119, f'leclracal laaas bed carpentry, doon, moldanql. cabanell, sbelvang faucela lo qarage door .pnnos f.ul, ethcaenl servace l ac 835 2651 95 HAULING• MOVING PROFESSIONALSERV· lCES -H•uhnCJ, buald· anq maanlenance, h•n· dyman work , epra.nlller ayatenu y•rd cleanup rr.. •hm•• 613· 0548 lNCOME TAX OFBOSIN NI:IJIL()CK W..O.t'J. lriek, blocl. .-oe.. Uoor tiS., d«or•l vw, ::tliUDetlve lolerlon, all· terlon, w.U., plaotan, pat~. a.t.reoc:., IJ. ~. boodad. lab· ....... 551·1370. WW. H. ANDIRSON W..Oof'l: B&oclr, briolr, 1to11e, leoe... patiol, pluten, walla. later· ~r/e:aterior. r... .. ti_..., (Lie. 380821) Boaded. luured. 842· 9699. BOUSEBITT'IRG JOR THOSI WHO DISDVI nil BIST. lamacW..te ~tllllq .. .... iiiil!iiiiiii ........ tl &ad a.oa.cleaala9 •rv· ieee. ao.ded. m..ms. MIRROR HOUSICLIANING. CoeapJ.N holuec:leaa· lll9. ~·· bo-. condo•. ll•••oaable , ..... R.Jeruooee. c.n altar 4 p.a ., 1Mi2·2531, Debora.ll. HAPPINISS IS HA V • lNG TDCIIot JOUIWU. 1At 11.1 b.aoclle )'OUr oleuiDCJ .-.. V(e do u allr ba busin .. tliDc:e lVlS. The Woppetta. llfi6..1300. CLEANING UNLIN· ITID. Jor uc.U.oee ua hoUMCieaaiaq, prorid· lllq all ~ppU.. lllc:lud· iD9 yecuaa. Tr11.1t· wo.rtlty ud depeoda.ble. c.n &oct., lor ..u. .... ~. HOUSICLIANlNG: owaer operated. I do all the work m,..U. WiDclow• •1 ~­ A.t.o complete bou.M-ct.Mo.lD9. Call O.vid lcbrt. &61-7281. TOP UASS Cleuioq s.mc... Ho.._,•.PUt· meatal coadoal reD ••I•. Atford•ble r•te1. 642-0190. ServlaQ OrUCJe Cowaty. HOUSICLIAMING - 12 ,..... eapenence. Good referenc e•. w .. kclay• •ad S.tur· eta,. Call lD eveninCJ•. 54J.654(), 8Jivia. SIEVE"S CAI1U CI.EIUGRQ 3bclna/1 bath: m 4 bdno/1 ~ balk: ,35 We'U cLeao JOI&' cutle withGObaalle.C.U Ms-.5120 WI WAD IT SHINE - Profe11looal laou••· c~ wW. • pei"'ICl&l touc". Satlafactlon gaaraal..d. ..Jiaer Broe. C\e&nUUJ Serv· ·~. 545-3151. LYNN'S WOP 'N BUCDT Cleu.ino S.r· ~-You ... it up - we clean II upl Call LyDD, 552·'M2. Oa c.U w..Jdy, bl·lftOnthlJ and monthly HOUSICLIANING Filldera ~oency. J'loor carpeta, w112do... kat· chena, bathroom•. 760· 7118; alter 6, 835-6356. SWEDISH CLEA.NlNG Service -Complete laoueecleaoinq/ap•rl· meol empbel •od wlD· dowa. boe11ent work by profeaionala. We do what otAen pro..U. -!Mt'a why _.,. the baM. R.uooahl. rat• 7JO.o:ze8 wn•iiii HOUIIQ 1 1""'0 bperWilced. O.~D d.abla C.U S..o, (714) 54().3131 DICOJIETAX HOUSISlniNG W.ture, ~red. D0Jl•lmolr1D9 OOupJa available for hollM ud pelll~. Sl.ort or loo9 lana. Were-. 646· 7878. NlRIOft BRIA~S: lnlaroe roo111.1, otfic•. what.verl -with mir· ror. Ally wall 8':al2', 1/4 plata, S336 illll.Uecl. At.o tublahower eD· cl01n1r•. 531-6300. PETS.,. MOVIRG • ,. StORAGE PLASTEIUMG RE·STUCCO -later- ior/l:aterior P•tchlow. 30 ,...... e:aperleoce N .. t work. Call Paw, INCOME TAX INCONJ TAl AccouAI· lho lor i.Ddivid\l&la, part· DenMJM ud corpore· taou. Avatlable year· ro1111d. Looal oJfioe. R-D&ble. 751·9040. Unique Accountloo S.mc.. TAX n.t:PAilATIOi by e:apert prol..tooal. Ap· potntme11t arraoQed clap or eveniAcJI, your home/my oltice. ft ... eonable ret•. Ple&M c.U Art, 857.0133. T AI RITURNS by •P· poiDtment, y"r·rouocl. Hiqh quality •t • '" · aooable c~. Iapan· eaced couult&DI who .. enrolled to _ practiCe before 1M IRS. 549- 2418. oecoll! TA.IIER'flCE 8~ •od Pen10oal R. DiAoD, Public Ac· COIIJitUt, 18031 II"VLDe Blvd., Tu11111, (714) S44·1C2. • PIRSONAL AND JUSINISS 1NCOWE TAX retum prepar•taoo Ava&labla for eYentDCJI ud weekaod office or home Apf!O&olmenla Jam .. L. Zimmerman, CPA, 645-4212 INTERIOR/ EltERJOR DEBIGM MOVIJ)I? DOROl'HY NAP~II lNTElliORS ou help you 9et_ it all 109~ber COWPLITI DICORI (11 y-n wath W&J Sloue ) 548-9798. m~e642·1691 ----DECORAnY! cia•Qoo•l cedar wall Quiet beau· ly oJ wood Call C•lab Howard, 554·7974 LAJfD8CAPllfG YARD I\EJUVEIQ'nOM Clauu[. • Tr .. Trim· minQ • wn Reaov•tion • Relan.dac:ap1Jl9 • S.rv· lno Harbor ArN n1oe yean Stale llceDHc:l , an· au red ''" ••am•l .. CALL JOB ...... LEI'S LANDSCAPING SERVlCI Bric:lr, bloclt. concrete work. Spnnlt lam, t.wu matai.Jed ''" •lim•t• 494 5390, 494.0Sl4. ---GARDENING SU·lfn ABC MOVING SAMCHIZ PLUMBING l:aperleocecl, prof••· -Reaideou.l/Co-r· lioD&l, low ... rat•, lrH ci&l. SpecialiaiDq iD eetim•taa. ()ulok, c•r• copper replp• aad fw Mrvice. rep&an. Uc.ue No. Je0887. Call lor fNe 552-CM10 Mtiaate. 842·3394. STARVING ACTORS' PLUliiiiiO REPAIRS MOVING COMPANY. Dra1111 oiNred. IMI.U.· Cbuqa.nQ cutlee? No tiona. GarbaQ• dla· baaleel We bll.ltle wath poNl. Water h .. ler. our mUIClell Lic-..d, Gu, tollete, f•ucet 1111\Ued. 673.()853. repipLDQ. "SWIFT MOVING": Marce~a~lag Loweet r•t•. raw ill· b.o-eltilaa._ a.u-DRAINS CLIARID: Amerlcard 'w..ter from $10. Toilet maiDa Cb.arQe. ~ ~. from S15. r ... p111JDb,. (714) 545-. UIQ repa.u ..WOaiM. Guarutaed wotk. Call aaytime. "W & M" Root· PACKING. SlOPPING GLOB! PACICING SIRVICI -We boa, wr•p ucl c r•te. We 11M all aluppiDCJ l)'ltem•. 645·0980, 645-9090, 979~144. PAINTING er, 642·9033. GUSTAVSON PLUMB· lNG & H .. IIDCJ. fta. pa.tl"', remodele, r• plpea, <~•rbaCJ• ciJ.apoe· .a.. • ••• , h........ Au about bome wanuly. Lie . 409526. S48-86fi6, 838...SOS. AAA·1 PLUMBING, HNUnQ, Rolor Service: S.rvace c•U low u Sl2.!SO Wa do at .U ud MVe you mooeyl (714) 962·6534. (714) 631· 3006. n.EE DTIMATES • Copper Repapa.nQ • Pluaba.nQ aad H .. tUICJ • a..t pnc .. and reJer· eoc• C•Uwrry •••eoa 15~ on-ALL SERV· ICE Labor Specaa.ltliDcJ 112 all typn ot plumblnQ. DepeDdable. r,pul&ble. ecooom1c•l LtceDie 373862. Tot•l PlumblDCJ, 951·3548 CARPET CLEANING CARPIT UPHOLSTERY clealwaQ -W.rch .pe· ca•l Hydro•te•m . cModon•. defJ.a 2 rootu, Sl3 50, 5 rooms, S31.50; aofa. S19 75 CafJ'tl', upho'-tery ct,._ IDCJ (60 y•nia). Sco4ch CJ•rd, pre·COMJlJOII&nQ opiJOaal CArpet W.. len, 54().) .. 9 ELECTRICIAN RISIDDfTlAl I CON MERCIAL Electrac our apectalty Cle•n. quac lt , dependable We do •ny aue tob Peter S Rodqen •••••••••'-•••••••• WAHTED MOWIDCJ, eci9lnc,J, r•lr· 1129, .-pa119 Fr .. " um••• 64s-.372 or MS-5737 P rop•rty lmprove ment. 631 2345 UCENSED ELECTRI ClAN Dependable qu•h•y worlt Reuon ahla rat• rr ...... mat• CAll Tom 631 5072 EIZC11UCAL P8011.DCS? CaU HCt S.rYJce Com pa.ray Wa do , .. ,dan llotl, commercwal. lft du1tr&&l wlrlnQ No tob 100 1111all 24·hour Mrv· --------•1 ICe IJ.De (714) 631·5999 CAilPET JaSTALLA'nOK IIU'SCARPET suv. fCI tucaU.tioe aod repau-s Quality work, at feu ;;• • C.U IIU at 552· .. eiiU191 Uc 415233 FUUITUJtE REPAIIt. II!ITOIE .....o8 CaAe a Wlcllw ..,.., Sweet tab ... -. rv.aluno IJO r. 11111 a. . Com w .... (114) 145.at48 JIFilUIHfNG. RE PAIIUJfG. re·oluano. aahqlltlf, caoerette buru, ber·top flntlh" ~ Hou• Puma• ltl-1810 53(). KATHLEEN FUUfAGAM ACCOtnn'UfO. TAX SERVICE • Sml & Med. Size Busineases • Corporation Partnerships •Individual Talles • financial Statements • Payroll • Quarterly Tall Returna. For 1981 Tax Appt. OaJJ r I I .................. FEDERATED INCOME TAX SERVICE t t t 1822112 Nowport Blvd Cosla Mesa Cal1831-4871 1 I I l l Qll£DsCDE WW11. tr-. IArv.be lo ..,.llahoo, rotocalluiQ aod ¥eQetable 9erdena rr .. •hm••• Alter 4 p m , 646-1578 SPRJNG IS HUE Get J OUr l•ndec•pe ID ah•pe. Wa oltar Mrvac:n covennq •II •r... of landec•pe need. H•r · bor ArM apec:aal111• Pr" •hm•ln Newporl B..ch Lawn S.rvace. 6'15·3730 IIAIOMRY taCASOHJY OUI SPE· ClALTY -T1la -Con· crate -Block and lrack Ou~k. cl .. o. clapeecld!.. Peter S R~n. Proper!' laa · pr~t, 631·2345 IIAIOIIIlY lnck, 11oc•. J11.,.LKe. eooc ..... wor •. c.u ld. -·11 PAPERDOIKG ORCHARD COVIIUNG l•part llnpplnQfiDII•ll•IIOII ~ntble ratn. ,,.. eettmaln R.ferancet C.lllrme, 631-4516 WAWAPIJWeQ bperHinced, bonded, llceoMCI Dttcotutle on wall covenav. r,.. ... ....... Rod, 7» !5800 PllOPDTY IIIUCAGDIDT y..,. ol loen..ce - SWALL SHOPPING CINTIIlS, SlNGLI· JAWILY HOWD. "B1.1y ~Deueuive Peec:e of Wille!... c.u ... ,., Mqat •• 54i-136e. IWifQUtiERS llAINGUTI'IRS: C11.1· toa a.lwaunua ... mr-. wu.au apeelall s 1. 481 tbot lll•talled. free ..almat... (714) 968· 83'12. RDIODELDfG ll'iPLACI UfCHIN COUNTIR TOPS. We've popular colon ln etock. Aleo kltc)lea remodelioq. ,,.. ..ti· IUtM. Nooretope, (714) 558-3888. ROOFIKG QUALm RQOFING for a-. 0~ ud D- coutrv.cUOD. IJceneeci, iJllllred and bo11ded. RefereDcn •vailable. CaJJ lteDDJ funke, UY· lime, 645-0113. U Y'S ROOFING CO. S.rvioq all of Oranoe Co1111ty. AU typee. Fr .. ..U..•t•. lnaured. Lie: 361042. AD won 91.1a-r· uteed. 559-1368. IIUIER ROOfiNG AU typee. New, recover, dec:b. Lac 41 1802. ~..,. RIPA.mS fOR LISS - Plat, Tlla, Shlnql•. Oec:b, Coating. Fr .. Mtlm•t• 77().2725 ROOM ADDITIONS ROON ADDmONS - ltitcb.au, batluoo .... wet ban, paboOI. Waeoory, alaclrlcal Peter S Rodgen, Property Jm. pro,.manl, 631·2345 SECRETARIAL VIUATIL£ Of'nCEID~ AdmlotllraUve, light book.k"plDCJ, complete eec:retarlal •rvac• •nd word proc-mo. Lillau Watcb.all, 957·3963 UYUGHTS SIYLJGHTS 50~ OfF akyl.iqlata. Coo· MfVe -f'qt, IDC,_ value Sol•r SkybQhta Liceo•ed 498-51 J 2, 498·2381 STAINED GLASS IT AIMED CLASS Cu1tom wiadow1, lamp•. etc C.Woml• hceDHc:l Award·wln D1D9 ct.a&ou at puc• below market. Commer ca•I I R•••deolt •l ULIJDOSCOPI. S49 7541 tiLl IRITALLAnoll DYNA.WJC CDAWJC. to. aa.J.latioa, later· lor/ .. tenor, ud re- 5 . , ...... lma .... rcbaM .U .. ~en.J 1'0\l9h ... Up to 40t6 d¥1co1111t.) Hooeet work . -~~1. CUSTOM TILl WOUI AU typee laltallaUou - epeclalialov Ia r•· •odeUDv kitcbea ud bath. OualltJ WOOau· a!Up. ,,.. ....... t ... Refereoo ee. Roo. 831·'77Vl. CERAMIC tu.E N-and RemodelioQ Kitchen-Tube-Floor ''" ntim•t•. 1·1Nr CJI.Iai&D t ... Call Sc:ou. 157·1• ClllAIGC TD.E F1oon -Co1.10 .. r Topa -Showen. bpert iD· ...U.IIoo. Guaruteed work, tr.. eatuo.t•. 545-5206 Off to. Oood St.t TheC......,ed· w~ 673-0550 TOPSOIL TOll SOD. -DIS· COUNT PRICISI lstr• ct .. a. 8 yucil, only SS6.1)9. Local delivery oo charCJ• Mike. 633· 1665. TREES ---NOW IS THE TDll to prune your tr-. C.U ''Tlwa E:apen.," JO YNrl ••rvace an OraDoe County. 548·3239 G.or9e, 24 houn. EXPERT TRD SERV· ICE· Tr.. aDd dlrub tra-JDQ aad r-oval Y•rd d euup. Fr .. •· nm••• C•U ~5912. -"TREES IXPIRTL Y TRlMN'lD aDd remov- ed." •1110 yard aad CJ•rdeo ...U. Rauen•· ble, r•ll•ble. Call tor tr.. ••hmelel. Art. 548-7802. RON;s TR£i: -SERVICE -Tnmmmq. loppiDq, ahepa11Q. ,,.. remove!, alump removal. Y•rd cleanup LiceD.Hd •nd 111111red Ouallly work ,,.. _.lmaiM 646· 5394 TV REPAIR EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE 15 y..,.. all· partance O.y/olqht/ w .. keoda Low rat" lo·hom• ••tam••••· $6.95 C•ll Harvey, 966-1764 TYPIMG TYPIHG' 4 YNfl •• leQal eec:rel•ry NHI, prol-on•l •nd acc ur· ale tob done on you r report.. papera, etc Carole, 640·5964. altar 6p.m POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT TUIS/SPAS UPHOUITIRY ··25 .. orr ALL ru.. JUCS•• u,a.o .. lllll ., ~liOta. ~ .. .,..,., ,_ ..... ud ~ . .._. bat.rion,IS1.0121. UP TO so .. 0 NATDJALS ........ holalef'l, Drapert .. , CU.. Wotk. ,._ • ttm.a.. South roaa• U p"oletery, Let••• HW., 718·9008. Ecooa•w VIdeo Setvtc. ,.... your INmOIIIIIet ~ ......... fkOf'd«J Ott ...-o ..... •Weeki!• • Rltlgloul C..wtloonift • B.nqueii!P.- ·~Ewn~a •Shows/~ • "You Nime lt"l C .. Fred Slllllf .. (714) 556-7W1 B WAI.LPAP..-cl cusrdw wALifA· PIRIMG ..ct ,...._., 10 y .. ,. ...,.,...,... Refereocee. G.at ....... work. Call Job, ,. 3)63. WAUP l .xperl•ace. boatW. llcueed Dbcoual • wall coveriA91. FNe ..u-... Call Da-M. 5$1-$117. wnmow CLEAJOitG WINDOWS SPAll· LING Cl.IAN -AYW· •v• 2·elory $38 (15-17 window1) $15 •Ia!· mum Scr""" lncludecl. Phone •nnwt•. 8eluaer 81oe .• 54$-3158, ORMG_E_OO_Aat~ A .. raqe bo-130. ,, ............ . 542-1031 WINDOW W ASHIMG. H•ve eparllliDQ c.._ wandow• at reaeaouW. rat•. Scr"111 cleaaed ,,.. Call Or.. at .... 41136 ni9hll for free -·~~~~··· WJJO)()W COV'EIUitGS STARJ.IO.rr--IJin. TERS -~ off our quality ahulten Pr .. ,.hmaln. '154·7147 POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT TUIS/SPAI • Acrylc. ~~· n AI-r.. RodL. ... G4anlee&p. • POfUWeaanda....o. • Sollar. Oo 0 1&: lltot ............ poe& •JettadS.theube &ALa a INSTALLATION8 Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME Willa ... TO IAYSHORES DJI#IW..,.... ...... I ............. ylt II 1111-I 'uc• If IIEIRIW. &Nit .. I 11th ....... t ......... CJIIblt_ ... .., .. --,..... ... .-. ...., ...... .. ... r.a'u FMWu 1 e••• _. .,.._ ,. -....... All .. Qria ............. crt. A_..~ 401' t I , ............ U.100.000 c.-111T11 II ••• TO SPYGI.ASS till DLemll &llli* T •. fM ..... MIN IPI TWI .-y lllillc ,._._. ..... c.-Fe.~~ .... ,.._ F.- .,,.. ..................... &IM ..... ........ ,.I -----·-IIIia fw r. 4'11• fw c. .... All fir D1ttia AIL1n. ........ ~ OJ ., •• t ... 2 ••• 2 ••••• t1 ,500.000 COME Willi US .•. TO HAMOR &SlMD ROAD " ... IN ,_ ............. ..,.. IIIII ...... lllllrill ICtiwity, yau'l 11M tlil .....aly dLi,ud ..... f'Nt -....., Jllllils ........ Sixty feet • dll .... wida pier ....... two large bolts Of fGur ... ... 0... wil Clnl One -Dollr fnt tMt .... .. for Hlrril1 """· 115 ...., ..... Rolllf a.-Sat/Sun. 12 5 ................. $1 ,500,000 COllE Will US •.. TO DOVER SHORES bu•l ., ... lilt .............. .. • IJrarlllic ....., If a.-... lllhif ... U JIIC ... , ... il l¥1 ... ...., ............ v ... -.. ~ .-. n.. ... IIPI s ..... ~·· .... Oilila .. ...., .................... bcitilt .. " ... ..,.. ,. -............ Dtril ...... 1031 ,.,. on. .,......., 12 5 .... 2 ••••••••••••• t1,l25,000 45 Clllllflril a.-..... 1·5 ................... ttsD.OOO c.-Will US ••• TO DOVER SHORES f I llmcht .... ...._,...__,-. llhLI. I CilltiiL ,_Willi titt • ,.... ... ftlldl .... Cll I tt L "'"'. ;' • .......................... , ..... ............................... 1100NlliiDIM .. Sit/Slit. 1·5 • • • • • • • • • . • . •••• ; • t11S.OOO C.. WITI ••.• 10 OCMISIIOIES E• I I • ... OWl II , ' I ' I ...... ............................. ........... -..... Will fiiJif ... ... -.... ·~·· Ft. ...... , ........... ... ..... , . .., ........ .. l ... 'W JJ '2 I I ........ ,, .. · $700,000. COllE WIT1I a ... TO DOVER SHORES (IC A ••• lilt o.aa--. ' ......... . .... Dr.-My .. city ill* ......... ..... .......... _ ... ,,. n.~r------ 111111. / I fw Mell PI RlltW Mdl -A* fw r.a.., ....... AI ....... a.-...~ auf ,_.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . noo.ooo COME Will • •.. TO l.I)O ISLE balllt • .. ........ -.., .... .. .... ......... * ........... ..... .. willa w-.. Ell 9 ' -.... , .... ...,, ............ AWIIIIMt-4J 't 1 """",.,. .. MM.OOO COME Will a ... TO IAYCREST f• I I • I i. c-..... Wll I fllllr .................. _... ............. '-'lc• lrid,.... Pill • ,_,... _. CIMl n..ar1J11111.l* .. ,..D'AIM. AwiiLMt~ 40 I 1 1 ............. MH.OOO COME WITIIa ••• TO ll\WOIIT ._, f brta.dllt30' II ........ .... C... lit. Twt .... W: C., 11 J' t C..... ... .-~ ...... Y•-dlllilll AM far Villiil&lla AwiiLMI~ tJ~f t t .............. t485,000 C .. Willi US ••• TO NEWPORT ISLAND bctRIRt ---118' .. xtlF .... llnl ... ... Larte ......... ,.... Alllflt ........... .... Hull ,.... Yw .-jiJilr • ftlll. Y• owe dll 11M. .. for Yqllllil SWa AWIIiiiWI~ 4Jf l I II ..•••••••••••• t479,DOO COME Willi Ul ••• TO LIDO ISU s,.a.. ............ File Mell ........ ... W<n••,.. ..._~fiJI • ._.... .-. Ftr· _. .... ..-C•n·na " ...._ Wild 1lllliL 0,. ,...Jiitt.. .. . .. 1 , ........... .. ............ A...._~ us . l t .............. M75,000 Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE-SINCE 1949 COME WITH US ••• TO BA YCREST ballnt fiMncillt. AHractiw four Woam home. Seplratt mat• lOOt with sunken Roman tub. Kitdltn end femily room completely upgrtdilcl Oa* cabinetry. Betmtd ceilinp. Skyfiehts in kitchen end family room. Wtt bar with wine radt and refrigerator. You own the land.. Ask fOf Ronnie Mtrtvidl. 1315 Antigua Way Open Soodty 1·5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $360.000 COME WllH US ... TO CORONA OEL MAR E.utllat ~ Comer lot Jutt • phd\ IDd • putt to 0.. a...llvri Two Ill*-. Wood ...... It hing r-. C• .. llf•Y ...... V'IIW oi a. .... jetty. ...... t35.0CJl. Aa ....... 8trquiat. 222 Marigold Open Suncaly 1·5 ................... $340.000 COllE WITH US ••• TO HARBOR VIEW HILLS &joy tM COftWIIiiiCI ef ......... W beldles Ytt ..... yew .. clltd you c. -, ....... ..-.. end • occllioMI foil ,...-. in tile ~ f"M ....... end M Two fw--bllnliw vilw clldant-tonv. ilnt tine car ...... Alit fer V'qiM SWen. 1 034 s.n.lcutlt Driw 0,.. Sttwdly 1-S .................. $330.000 COME Willi US ••• TO WESTCllff Urty ---........... .._. Oulity built. eo.. pleclly ..... d ....... _...... ftlofs. fonMI dining ...... .. Clf1lllill, .................. tfl. ,... .. yd. ......... leudoft. A-...-. 4$. -.1 ............. t318.000 C-WITII Ul ••• TO CORONA OEL MAR &t I 1 I I rile '-"' II ~· Two .-y. two ........................... T' ...... Alk .. Dlnit ...... At R' I ., " 3 t 1 . . . • • . • . . . . • • • U98.500 COME WITH US ..• TO TURTlE ROCK VISTA Thr1t spacious taecnoms and convtrtiblt den. Family room. Property in immtcutatt condition. Convenient to commumty pool and tennis cowts. View of mountains and city lights. You own the land. Ask for Norma Fanntf. AvaihlbM by appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . $269.500 COME WITH US ... TO HARBOR VIEW HOMES The popu&ar "Cannel'' modll. Thrtt bdooms. New car peting. ~ patio. lulurient g.-din. Proplfty in top concition. You own the lind. Au fOf Joan Bitdsal. 1930 POft Bristol Circle Open Sunday 1-5 ................... $268.500 COllE Willi US •.. TO WESTCLIFF bcllllt ..._.. ... Owner wl c.GNidlr -..option or .. ConwNttly loclted tint btcncln, two bath home. _.,. ~PM fiDof pUn. Doutllt fir"*'-Buih·in brnlltfnMt in dining room. New ttrptts tnd plint •••• Ill A* fOf Pit O'Auria. 1 0 18 Dover Drive 0,.. Sundly 1-5 .............. : .... $265.000 COME WITH US •.• TO WESTCLIFF Spacioua dw• Woom two blth home. High beamed c-. inp in IMne IOOift. Two ...,. .. , y•da. kMtly suittd fOf fllllily wi* IIMI cMht. A pool in one yri-play yen! in tM other. Allrm syst..ltt for Susen Frost. ...... by ........................ $260,000 COME WITH US ... TO MESA VERDE bcellnt finlnmg. T astefuly ......,..... exec:utlvt home . Fow Wlnat forma' dining room. a.-ate ......,tturt ...... wine real\ .... faMily ,... Pool lim yard .... ,_"' ..... • tr •. AM for Gayle ._o. AvtiJMI-. ...--4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t250.000 taiiE Willi Ul ••• TO THE BlUFFS be I t ...._... n. ...ct. IM!Iln-tftlt "Dolom" .... w -.................. Nlutrtl ... lifl IR -.. ~witt ,.., ... ,._ ..t 11iUMn. 1'llnl ..._ •• , C.waiul eo...., llld *""n" A* .. cw....._ • .-..alii. A....,_W.,.tht :1 .•••.....••... $234,500 c.-MTIIUS ••• TO THE BlUFFS .,......~· ....... n.....-... ....... ..._c. ........... ..... lllli:L ARia --. TWI .. -Ltd ... ILIII.._ llf ..... ~ .. '*"-...... AM fer vqilil ..... 885VliUIIMI a,.~ 1·5 .................. $232.500 CO..,.. ..... TO CAMEO HIGHLANDS E1R ...... .,_._._...._......__. --15 ,.w •*• ....... ..,. ... tift _ .... t150.000 .............. I twl ....... I ILJM •t ......... ~ wittl '""'~a.. ........... Aa fw Pie O'Airia. i12 ....... .... O,..llli.llla 1·5 ......... .:.:...:. ...... tlat,900 c.-....... TO IWICHO SM ... . ' n 1 ... s: _, ••· r a , .. 1t ..., -.. , at T• ••• • _. • E.-• ,. -................ •tuoo. -.. "' ....... • a u ". ; ) J " • " .. 0 0 ,. • • • •••• 1117 W.tcUH Drive, NeWPQ!' Beach. C.Ufornla 82880 (714) 631-7300 COME WITH US •.. TO THE BLUFFS Excelltnt financing. The very functional "X" plan condo. ThrH bedrooms and famtly room. Formal dtntng room. Fresh pamt and new carpet. Pnvate, enclosed patiO As!~ for Jo..-. Bildsail. Available by ~C~pointment . . . . . . . $189,500 COME WITH US ... TO MESA VERDE Excellent finlf'lcini SpatlOUs four bedroom home located on quiet cul·de·sac circle. 40' sol11 heated pool. Butlt·IO barbecue and shuHitboard court. Conven..nt to schools. Price rtduttd $10,000. Ask for Sally Nt«el. 1658 Utah Circle Open Sunday 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175.000 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT PENINSULA bcMt finenciftl. Rts0r1 living v•• round "' th4s con..- nient thrM belhom. two ba1h homt with desirable bad* 1M to htlp with paynw~ts. Eactltnt starttr home Of retir...-t ptu.sures. Ask fOf Jove• LUitblt. Av...,.. by ..,.,ointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . $179,500 COME WITH US ... TO COST A MESA hctltnt ftn~ Completely remodtltd three bedroom. two bath home. Sflylights 111 solarium and master bedroom. Two patios. COPe* plumbing and new root. Ask fOf Joyce luitNt. Avaiiablt by fiiiPOintmtnt . . . . . $142.500 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT TERRACE EacMt finw:ine-Nut dwlt bedroom condo. Pnvacy lfld oc:un view. Many t~tras in this lovely Newport 8ttdl m,..at. Price raduttd $22,600. Ask for R09" 811· quist. Aw-... by IIIJI)Oint"*1t Now S 136.900 COME WITH US ... TO THE VERSAILLE L.lt ... ont ....... ~ in the luxurious V•uillt It 1111 ......... ~ ..... window COMip. last wenl in con....-.:. inclullnt Mttor _.. end ina parDg fof two cars. &or..-dalbhoull. poof ..... ... GunM ptt. A1k fOf Elaine Sft~Man. AvlillfLII by IPPQintment . . . . . . . . . . . S 130,000 COli£ Willi US •.. TO WESTCUFF CIMn ... cc.N I ·a t condo. One bedrtom. lcmly bakony. Two yw old kftdlln. fratlly 11furbitMd int.-iof. ~ iftg pool C...,....,..... t59.000 INn. low intnat AsltfofV'qiliiS... A.-..by 45 I '-It . . . . . . . S99,500 LEASES 816 CANYON. lux.._ ttv• bedrooms. Two batha. 3,000 IQ. ft. Jaui. t2,050 ~~~~~nth. Y..ty ....._ wt HAY£ 01ltfRS. PlEAS( CAll US FOR YOUR NUDS • . AUITII. TUAI a.b ,_.. lS.IS 1Cnt. ~ ..,.., t. 55 ............ ~ ............ •.t---... 11 • ... I.W ll:r::LhJREtt. .......... ..... f .... . c.; ........................ ••53.000 N EWPOR T BEACH aiG CANYON ·-.000 Four bedroom overlooking 6th fa irway on o very private cui-de-soc. Beautifully decorated. Air conditioned. Lorge deck and spa. lovely low maintenance YOf'd. EAST8LUFF •110,000 Terrific lusk floor plan that features 3 bedroom family ream with fireplace, sunny patio, and con- venience to schools and shopping. Best price and financing in the cwea. NEWPORT MACH •221.000 You bet it's fobulous to open your door and walk onto o sandy beoc:hl Thr .. bedroom, watenide deck and patio, beam ceilinga, 811 cobineta, communety pool and tennis. A great value for you. aAYCIIIST .381,000 Great community, great str .. t, great value ore some virtues of this four bedroom custom home. Lorge living room with stone firepkxe. Spoclous family room, fcwmol dining room, super pool side entef1olnment area. WISTCUFF tae.IOO lots of potential In this marvelous 4 ~oom family home, o toate of 1M traditional. Four bedrooms, &or~ comfortable family room, pool, apo, kitchen eating qreo.. Ownw trorwfwred. Terms ovoilabie. a..t buy. UYCUIJT .12 .. 000 Traditional custom home, 3 bedroom, fomlty room, French door1 leod to beoutifully lo~ scoped patio. Owner will conakter all off.,. and will hetp with finondng. HA ... VIIW HOMU t2M.OOe One of the aharpett " bedroom Mon...,_ ~­ Highly upspoded with brldt paver~. lkytighta. remade~ kitchen. Include. some turni~ Truly hotd to ,...lat . ._,.•u•• •2-.ooo Sfxarkllng condition ond o aupet location ,.,.._ thlt o true YOiue. New point and eo~pelt and drapeL ~ ~ with o b:oe pat6o. IN- QUDES THE LAND. The owner will~ flnonc.. I ( l '"? 0 N '\ 0 f: L A,1 ~\ " IIIVIM TIMACI tMO,OOO F.. land In this perfectly located area. Country French ot its best. Tiles. French door ond charm galore. ~ shaded gordena and lawn. Just waiting foro happy active family. COIIOIIA DIL ltAa .... 000 If you like hardwood floors, brid flrepkxes, "hot. tube, .. French doon ond private patio. you'll love this smart h&deawoy. just s..,_ from the beach. Treat yourself and ... it today. HAll .. VIIW HIU.S .... 000 Con you imagine ~ bedreoms, o seporo,. family room with wet bot plus o cozy fir~e ond o dec01 to welcome you oil owiloble in one home? This Is it ond tf that wwen't enough there's o water view, tool MAIItAI .1.000.000 Not for everyone but almost everything for so me one who demonda the b.t. The total exhiletotion of living on the water In the heort ol Newpor1 Beoch. Thr .. bedroom, pool. Exciting terma. C01MN1A INILIIAil ti47,7M Exc.tlent c&o.e to the oc.on location. $pldoul two bedroom home wift\ o 2 rOOM guettl,.tof. Extro wide ~2 lot. Owner finondng with 25 per- cent down. JAIMI-~· •aeo.ooo Two bedroom, deft, two ~ Iorge IPD- Very privote locot6or;. Natty CUitom ....,.._ plus hon:fwood flooring In entry, den ond kitchen, plontotion ahuttwa tfwou9hout. au .... B E ~ c H c OM ~1 u N I T ' ~ ·:. uoo-. •ue,ooo Completely custom remodeled Iorge four bedroom with h~ upstoirs master suite. Enjoy private beaches ond tennis courts. Owner ftnonc- ingovoiloble. UDO 18LAND tiM,IOO Newly remodeled apoclous 3 bedroom ond den home on 52 ft. lot. French foora opening to pool for Indoor-outdoor family entertaining. PENIN8ULA .100,000 Smart move to this duplex and guest unit. s._.. to beOch ond boy. Fireplace ond beamed ceiling. bterlcw just paint.d. New carpet ond point upstoir. Assumable 1st and owner will assist. aAYaHOI'II .U.,IOO belting use of stained gkass. wood, tile, woll covering~ and o true "garden f .. ting. '* Cloee to prlvote beach. ond lolboo Boy Club. Spo. billiard room ond 3 bedroom. UDOI8LI •745.000 DOU8lE COINER LOT ON PIAZZA. Thr .. bedroom each with own both. Family rOOM ond den, for- mol dining room, living room, with ~beam ceiling. 1\YO PAnos-..cwtom brld ond tte.tpO. UYaHOIIal .,,.0,000 Front row cenw for the best wowfvont ahow In townl The lorve c:outtyard potiO ond boy~vlew deck Invite en"""'nlng. A guarded go8e entry. Fee lond ond ftnondng ore pfuee&. MY811D.II tl4t,IIO ......., live. ~ home, ~ llCWMon ond prM* beoct.... Owner will COfWdet trade for uflxer," ~ or conwn.dal. See thl$ special 3 bedroom, den, br'oht, WMy home. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 'wVA TERFRON T UI.80A 181 AND .1,110,000 large 2 bedroom and den, ownet's unit. Newly remodeled boths, cen,., isle kitchen. Boyfront deck with exciting view of Newport's moln chon- net Income unit 3 bedroom, 2 both bayside patio. HNIMeUU w lower '-nlnaulo oceanfront without wotk on the beach. Two bedroom w th car oooge. Prlvote financing including subord' tion clouM. PIMI-ULA •2.200.000 70' on moln Turning Basin with o delightful S bedroom home, 3 cor garage, paddle tennis CO\Wt plus pier, float and white sandy beach on fee land. PINI.ULA tl71,ooo four bedroom Bolboon oceanfront with wood ahok• and o .,real front" porch. On site pcrtlng and fontaltic ocean view makes this on el(cellent buy on fee. ..wPCMIT •110.000 Serious .. n.r Is oHerlng o fontastlc flnonciol pod.oge 01 well 01 on ocean front duplex w ith on up.toira 3 bedroom unit and o 2 bedroom unit. Owner-UMr 01 lnvestment oppor1unityll MftiDICOVI •eeo.ooo Gorgeowty appointed waterfront condo. Trodi- tlonol cuatomw ng includes pine beaming. EngiWt ·~ flteploce, hcwdwood flocn and 10 much more. fumilhlnga cwoUoWe. WOQIIeaaNI tUiwOOO Gotgeous Tudot style • plus bedroom ~oH, c»n with full wet bar ls ~ect for exec:utlv. enWtalnino. Thoughtful amenities for the ditcrtmlnote buyer. Auume 1st and owner w ill cony 2nd. LAau.A .2.210,GOe Six opcahnents, flrepktcea ond tocuul. bcfuslv. North loguno Cove. Soli o ca1omoron from your front ~h. Pluah ownet'a unit. Owner flnoncea with small down. DUPL EXES c:oiM*A .. L IIAJI .2 ... 100 8oalc charmer on o good atr .. t. Each unit is separate giving excellent privacy. Assumable ht. Owner will cony o 2nd. SUBMJT OfFRR aAI.80A 18LAND .321,000 Just what you've been looking for. Good rental SUpef future remodel 01 rebuild potential. Greot location. fuN size lot. Seller will help finance . COIMMI.A ML liAR .2.,000 Beautifully refurbished duplex in on excellent locotion offers and owner or investor pride of ownership. Spxious 2 bedroom front house plus o separate 1 bedroom rental unit. WlaT NIWPORT .328.000 for the in.,..tor. Easily rentable duplex near pork ond ocean. nv .. bedroom and 2 bedroom both with fireplaces. Good financing ovoiloble. PINIIIIISULA .HO.OOO Bay and ocean view from this duplex located by the Newpor1 Harbor Yacht Oub. Custom w ith hi9h bealn ceilinga, fireploces plua financing. ............ Today'a buy tom~• Av.nue. Thr .. t.droom privote owcten potion. •ua.ooo security on West Bay in the main unit with OTHER AREAS 80UTH LA8UIIA •1.210.000 Stoin glc. windows carved. beam cellinga em- phosi.ze the apociouaness of this ovts)Qnding 3 bedroom home nested in the hills. Exponaive view from ...,_., room. Oinlng room, fa mily room, guest quarters. co.TA •u •us,ooo A tewel of o houee in ot.ofutely mov•in condi- tion. Total charm In this great locotion near schoob, &hopping. pen, library. Wonderfully decorated and upgroded. CONDOMINIUMS aiG CANYON .775,000 Dromotic Deane Town Home overlooliing the golf courM in this prestig ious gate guarded communi· ty. High ce ilings 3 Iorge bedrooms beautifully decorated a nd in perfect condition. aLUFFS .185,&00 Priced for immedia te sole i Owner will corry financing on this well cored for • bedroom home near pools, schools a nd shops. Enjoy cool oceon breezes. sunny patio tn Bluffs Plozo locotion NEWPORT aEACH •ua,&OO Exclu11ve locot•on neor l•do shops ond restaurants. Custom decorated 2 bedroom, 2 both, first floor condo. Immediate occupancy Ex- celle nt f.noncing. THE aLW:FS .315,000 This beouhful 3 bedroom, spoctovs tr1-level nos a spectacula r view pf the B~rd Sanctuary An end unit, absolute ly i~moculote ond fab ulous ftnonc- •ng. Absolutely outstanding property. VERSAILLES Executive liv•ng. One bedroom penthouse locoted •n secunty guarded adult community En,oy vtew of fountotns and beautiful courtyard . Toke over exiSting f•nanc•ng w1th 30 percent down I aae CANYON t375,000 A. mognif•ce nt Townhome located on the 6th fa,. woy. The English decor w•ll soon be featured tn Orange County Home a nd Gorden. Good ftnonc •no is ovoiloble . UNIVIUITY PARK .178 .. .00 Pr•ced below the l'nOf'litet. Gorgeous 2 bedroom Deane Home. Vaulted ce tltngs. Professtonol lond- scopeng, new corpettng Super ftnonc.ng available TUIITU.OCK t185,000 Price ala&hed another S 15,<XX> for tmmed•ote sole on this 4 bedroom and spa '" preshg•ous Turtlerock. Communety tennts ond pooll. Now lowest • bedroom on Fee land Coli today. AYOFLIFE UNIQUE UNDEa MOO.OOO IN NEWPORT WEST NEWPORT CONDO In Newport Terrace. End unit, new carpet and paint. t.n&c terms. 2 story, shows well $123,900. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS relax with a panoramic view of the ocean. canyon and rolling biDs. Th1a home Ia situated In one of the ~ desirable fMtdy areaa and has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Seller Is mottvat.t. 1325,000. FEE IN IRVINE TERRACE 0\annlng 3 bedroom home on corner location with fonaal ctmlng room, ~ family room and patio. Worbhop In gaqge. Call about great financing. S395.000. ONE OF A KIND view of the ocean and ameet. Prote.k»nally decorated, a real beauty. Hae extru galore. End unit with 3 bec:boom or 2 bedroom plus den, everything you could ask for. Even price S154.900. UNIQUE IN SEAWIND-Dramatk Portoflno model with enclosed entry; See this charmer with Mexialn pavers, skylight IIMI French doors. h wlllmock your eoc:ka oH1 Well decorllt.t and owner will help finance $339,999. UNIQUE IN .IASMINE c..ek-Spa. 3 bldroom. family room, ooe level, IPrlnklen eecludecl ,..._ and grat ~1NnaS317,500. SETTLE IN SEAVIEW-tta.Dpton model with ·s bedroom on quilt CUI- de-aac, guarcW gate, ... pool and tennla. $S95,000. GREAT STREET NEAR The Beach. Thr•. bedroom, 45 ....... lot In old Corona del Mar. eouth ol highway, R·2 aoalng, owner ftnandnt at M15,000. · UNIQUE IN OLD COIIONA DEL NAil ·CORONA DEL MAR COlT AGE on a canyon lot. 1bls quiet unc::ongested part of old Corona del Mar inc::orpor.tes a view of the emyon and mountains. owe ·terms $275,000. LOADED WITH CHARM-This duplex hu 2 bedrooma In the front bowie and a 1 bedroom plus an In· law Wtit. Be""'C'd ceiMnp and lueh land8caplng makee you want to e1t down 8tay. owe $349,500. UNIQUE THREE HOUSE-S bedrooaa, s ....... s IUDdecb. ...ct S car .,_ m.U 1hle S year old ell.-ID old Corona del M.r, a trem•clou value. Skylights. ... -~andbodaualta ... ftnpl.-tool Owner ....... Oil ftMnc:lna $391.500. ELEGANT HOME PWS moe-e. aouth of hlghw.v. Fnach doon. vaulted cetlln1•· courtyard. E'lallllnt ftnaDdnt $495,000. ARCHITECT'S OWN CUSTOM Three bedroom, 8npl.:e, Iota of wood and ..... and natural ..... Sellers are very motivated. $425.000. UNPARAII ED PAVIUON VIEW from...._ ••lie triplex. ._....,.. tbla kJcadoG .ad looome unb too. Sl,150,000. IJNIQIJEIN COSTA MESA UNIQUE NEAR SOUTH COAST Plaza, this 3 bedroom, famlly room, tri·knlel condo sits among lush trees and n.mnlng streams. Close to ahopplng (you can walk). CalJ for an appointment $139,900. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RICH to enjoy the community tennis or pool. nor to enjoy the light and airy decor, but be practical and appreciate this solar-assisted 2 bedroom and den home with attractive financing and only $152.000. 3 BEDROOM, FAMILY ROOM. aaaume ftnandng, large yard make this a home to see. Owner agent will consider all. $159,500. WHY RENT. when you can buy this great starter home 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Income posslb1e OWC $155,000. CHECK THESE Chokes-Four 2 bedroom condos to choose from. All 3 yean old, wttb flreplaoes and great terms. Buy one or all $132,000 each. THIS 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH house hu new carpet. redwood deck, privacy ~d owner financing. All for l128.500. lJNIQlJE IN IRVINE UNIQUE IN RANCHO San ~·•-This 2 bedroom plus den home Ia near the park, coUege, and UNIQUE IN WOODBRIDGE- Three bedroom. 2 plu. baths. this condo Ia -y to maintain. Patio has ~!,~. =~s and NICE IN NORTHWOOD-Spacious 3 bedloom family room. ftreplace, ..,. and near • 20 acre park. owe with a UK down. $199.000. LEARN ABOUT University Park-. Thle condo on a quiet greenbelt has 3 Mdroom and earthtone decor. CaD now to-. $139,500. lJNtQUEIN CO ONA DEL JIA8 ANDNEWP08T U~IIC)UI: ~' REALTORS,675~ t4oU EAST PACIF'IC COAST HIGHWAY COIIONA DEL MAIL CAI60eiiA 9l6tS UNIQUE ON LIDO-This 3 bedroom, 2 baths home sits On almost a double lot. Needs love and care and the sdler will help on flnandng $560,000. 8A VVIEW IN BA YSHORE-Finest details gowmet kitchen. charming floor plan and a bay view $650.000. HARBOR RIDGE and City Ughts make this expanded dynasty model one of the more unusual condos in our dty. Two bedroom plus den with an enclosed porch for viewing the raavoir, dty lights and moWltains $425,000. UNIQUE IN HARBOR View Hllla-ThJs home has 'a dramatic entrance. center court yard for entertaining and 4 bedrooms. Owner wll1 heJp ftn.-.ce 1495.000. SPECTACULAR Shorecllffa-Be the proud owner of this warm and Inviting 3 bedroom, den home with Dutch doors. hardwood floors, French doors and ~ 1 block &om private beach. Asldng $515,000 fee. CLOSE BY IN CORONA Hlgh- landa-3 bedroomp 1~ baths, tots of charm, tn.S. and out. Owner wll help ftnanc:e. Acxas to prlvate beach. 1295,000. . TOTAL PANACHEI-Country kitchen. oak cabinets. skylights. bnck flrepl.... pool view. 4 bed· room. S.Uidonal S559,000. Marth 17. 1982 Nlwport Hdor Rul Eautl for s. p ... 7 UNIQUE IN EASTBLUFF THE BLUFFS TENNIS ONE BLOCK AWAY- This lDllque condo In the Bluffs is dose to shops and schOQI. The owner ls motivated $195.500. THIS 4 BEDROOM BLUFFS condo has it all. Beam cellings with added skylights, upgraded kitctwn. central air-conditioning with humdifler. great location, good ftnandng and in move-in condition. $249.500. LOVELY FAMILY HOME-Spa. patio, 3 bedroom, 2 baths. fireplace , skylights and new carpet. All this and you own the land $329.000. FINE IN EVERY INCH-This 4 bedroom plus bonus room home that was just remodeled includes fireplace and air conditioning. The Bluffs. $275.000. GREAT GREEN BELTS-See this 3 condo In the Bluffs. Two patios and the owner may help finance . $157.500. tJNIQtJE ON THE WATER COMFORTABLE AND WARM thtoughout-3 bedroom and den on Balboa Island. Right on the Grand Canal. This home even has an lnoome unit. Owner will help with financing. S650,000. NEVER A DULL MOMENT from any window-Bayfro nt duplex overlooking the pavilion. 10 years new. $995,000. THE MOST ROMANTIC Special. private spot in Newport is Beaco n Bay. We have two homes for sale o n the beach one wlth a 40' front and one wlth 70'. The area has boat slips, tennis and ls near Balboa Island, Harbor and linda Isle. but without traffic hassle. Imagine ~c:hlng the boat parade from your living room. $924.000 to $1.250.000. ONLY THE RICH NEED APPLY- Rk:h in _.,predation of life's finer things such .. heated fish pond. pool and s pa. Overlooking the prt· vate eandy beach past the rocks on out toward the jetty. Complete se- c::urtty ay.tan wtth TV monitor • barbed wire fencing. complete stereo ystem throughout the house. but ma.tly only the rich ln mo ney be-- ause tt' • 13.300.000. • ·~ Sl (J1 1(1) ., :J c... f! ~~ •!J 1 1 !J f8:· h ~ 11 11 11 IJ! c-f ~~J'e l I t -· . '...,. t f ; : ,.. :: t: i rl •. t 1-~~" li ! .-! '=J & 'or:= i · ; i', .... 1,;:& lf:~ ·-· t:l· ; .... , ~·.~= _:,fi.! r::: tl·~¥ . i'l;= ., tO 1 , ,~ ·S ... ~ .. 1 •• s:: a . U'~ J ~:1 .... I I i • ...,I ~ o : 1 :;. i s . ~ ttl C!f'il f,t,::IJ:I:I •:':J'{;rJ, 'fl'lf l ~~·:1. r . II •. ,., ir•l.111~ Ua,UI l :~:·:tn: ,. 1''1 .. ,ill:t, ~~ fl ·;I Jlbn:l .• J:r·.J ~1 ' I !1•1' r'l,fa:, l'lli,if· 'll i u•!•u i'lll:ll ,n,~~t '~J,,:''I ~'I.J:I~l:! !:J:Jtt .. 1·1 :1 i)dffll'l .. tl II i f i' i J i ;J I!· i I ll II' if tr ..,1 ! lJ:; ;;I!; '& "I Jlt lrl IJ g i'J C fJ. l1 c f 1 g . !I H! i i a B)!!: I ~~~ J-: l l :II J• ~ !s I . •" t•·~ ~,.. s»1 n ... .. c: • -i It 7' :.-c:: f. ~ .. I fn I • f t fn l : 'li &r T !:'= JJr i j •·.:= l • 'I I El i i!I ll;i ~Ji lli ill ~~i it,• ,. :!! i'1 : l S t:lm 1:1·.~ ~t .e .~.1 ~ 1 = t 1 r;; •··1 _1 111. •a ! n a· 1r · c. ...,· !: • I . !.I -~ t ,. :-" l I · g.· El l... -·... t~. I ! !,.. t f nl i · -1 ~ i· l ~ tt ~g :1'! t l 2.1 Jl i if -! f I i ~IJ if s.l ~ lt· r I ~ c 1:::!'11 1 gS.• I I! ~f ~ ' Q i ll i ··~ .•&f s.(a !L -4 ,= Hf f1 ' :•1 it·i i::( l • til ~i l WI·,.. eDt··· r s , ... ~~; ! "' 4 -i 'W ..... 5 g 0) ili Iii . -· ·~-r~i i iff I tt! iii t:rE -l(a .• s I !!:' !I I •r~ iJa: l!l ~§,.. "' u -~~ Q,. - c-~ ( ) . ) a a. l ,., a 11 -. u , a all l II ::::u • • l "' • J • < ~ l • I I r I i' ,, I -:"' -! Ill BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-DELUXE POOL An "IM lllit" a-townllolal. this flnt property tff•s 1ft uctptionll ywd With custom pool .,. WIIUM. l'hrM bdooms lnd ov• 3,400 squatt tnt. The pric.e is $895.000. BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-CATALIIAVIEW El_.. in MfY *"li. this 3 bedroom. 3.000 souare f•t home off.s multiole usa of 6 *~ lfld enormous privacy. Hllohf'f upgradld. The price •s $675.000. 7 fWt Chateeu Royal. 0,. s.My 1·5. of UDO TOWIHOME-WIBOATSLIP 01 THE WATER "AifM'" il ........ -d to. tillS lovely 2 bllhom plus dlft llfd blctrooml end 3 ful UtM. 0.. 2.500 ..... t.t _,a BOATSUP! The price is $595.000. WEST IEWPORT DUPLEX-WATERFROIT s.--. ........... , """' wittl 7 be*OOftll 0( 4 end 3. Pier end Holt. Extelent owntf m.cillt tor .... lluytr. The price is $545,000. IIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-CAIYOI'S BEST BUY This ... to 1M ..ut horM often 3 bdooms end 3 beths on ita own comer. Eacallent .. •''• ~ Eadusivt wittl Cote Realty. The price is $500.000. 1 Rue F~ tailiMu ~ -.s.t./Suft. 1·5. VILLA BALBOA TOWIHOME-HIGHLY UPGRADED This IMtt 2 llllchonl. 2 bath home off•s the ultmate in lulury With ._. aasumal* lmJn-cine_,...., wil carry. The pritt is $239.000. IEWPORT CREST TOWIHOME-SUPER TERMS Ofttrile 4 W 11 Md 2"' bllhs. this home has it al. CGnnuNfy pool end tenm. Yeunt _. f'IIIIW eo ... a t.e~•tv....._ The price is t 225.ooo. WESTCUFF TOWIHOIIE-CAI YOU BELI£V£ In A 2 .... L 2 -... wia ,... Md I ..... u= md:h INn. S* will .... CJC1110n widt t S.OOO ..._ n. pra i1 $123.900. ()pins.. 1·5. 121 4 RudiM Aud. LEASES ULlOA PEIIISULA-WITH PIER I SUP Offtrill4 WMLM and 4 bltf\s with poolal for $3,000 I* monttl. Adults only ' 116 CAIYOI TOWIHOME-01 THE GOLF COURSE ......., •*' ttis 3 btchom. 2.850 square lnt home hu it al! Move en nght now $2,800,., tiOftlh WEST IEWPORT -01 TH£ WATER Tlnl ... ._ lllld 2 Mc'-a ,_. "' tt1t watw r1 a .-• ~ leas. only lcw t1.1 00 ~ ..... Of 4 ........... 3 baths wi1tl SC~~Ctac.ullf ....... WltW fOf s 1.300 ,., ..... RT ACH -ca.Y ....... ·AIIIl-ISYAft "~ .... ~ ............ 1 1 1111., ....................... --·-· .,_ e h1C I I 4 a.100 ................ -Ill._.. 2.2a ACU ~Me .. ... Il l ' 0.-... Fl .......... ~ ............. _, a ..... ...... ...... .,. ...... 1 111 ....................... -·£[ ., ..... ....... .......... 1 •••• ,.,...,. __ .,. ..................... ,_ ....... .. .............................. TMprice .. I 1.1H...-..n. u.e_._.YeiiWAI mem•••· H a ...... &Me Mt ttle .... .,_ ....... ._ ..... 4.100 .,._. .... .._ .._ • .. 0 a 'I t .. _...._...,esc 1dl!t .._ _. •-" --• =• ao ._, .. , 4••~••• ..,...,.. . ....,_. ......... ..., _..,._,......_,. ....... ,2.H---.. 1.1a &ar••~•n -TelleAIIIMY.8M' .......... ,..-......... ..,.,.a,, ... ·o c ,......,. ,.. .... ,., 0 ...................................... n.t'• ......... 1.1 ._..,a n t...,,. u ., a. , n • • u tt ..-.. ,., ' .. , ..................... $ ................ ... ...__. •• 1 ...,_..,. ......... a ,_.......,..,.._ .. tl , •••• _.____ ..... ..... *NEW EXCLUSIVES THIS WEEK* *SPECTACULAR lA YFIONT WITH PIER* A dominlting ....-.llill property with a private dock for 2 boe1ll. S1upendow V1EW on South Beyfralt with two a-ge ~ units. EliCh unit is larger ,.,.. moat homea .net ,_ 4 ~. 314 blltw. dining and t.nly roonw. plul2 fir~ and 2 bllcoflieL Own. will hetp fw•a to QUifified buyer. $2.200.00 tee. ~ 8800. *lA YFIONT -NEW ON MARKET* Gr• loc:llion ON THE WA TEA with dock for 2 boetL Old NwipOft c:twm 2..-,y with 3 bdoonw lnd llrge Pldo. v.t.ct for retiiOdel. CaN tor financing dltlillt1,200.000. Fee. *NEWPORT HEIGHTS NEW EX I* Super eoc..bt on ~ .,.._ t..ge lot with nes. flowers .-1d beMifut pool. Pwtect fernily heme with 3 bdoonw end flmiiY room. low cash down end owrw-wil ~· Cal for fli•ICing daila $279,000. HAIIOI IIDGE-FIENCH MANOI ,., --vtf.W d e.v. ac.n .-1d night iftitL Megnifioll It quality .net dial ttwoughout ... 5,700 aq. ft. • .-.-=e. Formll home with 4 beO- rooma. lbqry, tonn.l dirq room. Immel• femitv room and g~Mtcroua mM1IIf .n. whh fh. place, aonder:t ..,.. end 1PL lmtpl1111we lnd aa10m tor the s-1iaJIIr hoci*JIMW, in ttw belt ndition of 1hil Louie XIV Ma1or ~­ t2.2DO.OOO fee. VU-lOCA TION-VU I &pecisly lilrga ......_home with t.Miful dllcor by decol8b throughcu HwJ;Itdty ... Mcury in 1hil3 bedroorr\ faiNt end rMiaM clrq ream. huge Wnly "*" .. llrge biiMt fQOm ...... Forttw ·~ ................. lOOm ... ~ Will 1PL UNaJEST10NA8lE VfEW OF OCEAN AND IAYFAONT doiHip. awn. wil help ·----~ UNOaSTIUCTED VU FltONT lOW PNnium ..................... 75ft. ---2 .._ -and PMQi8ilk: VfE.W d oc.\ 8f'd jlny. e.tr N«cport ......,._ wilh the dwm and quality d bvoal• ---wood .... ina rnou6dinga end ... roorN. t1,350.000.131- 1«n The~ eddt-· 1heendot • priwle fwd. The~ .. a.,...lowr'a~. The qulllity Md dwillw.-.. ~dill din del9l for funcdonll IMng.IMin •••tina and helflhy •tae.don. NEW mATE-TENNIS COURT I Conwnient LJigW\a 8eec:h Mldr.. Wlflt( from the CIVWda. but cloee to en. A reue lcNe(a ~on 1• .a. with commending ps•n VtEW « oc."~, t6 .-1d night ligh1a. ·TOCII MCUCy, prMc:y and .-.nity. Thil QUilty trdiol., home on 3 ~ ott.. the ullinwte In flnilhed d8l6. Four bedrOCliN inducing 1 /XX) aq. ft. ,_.., euitl, tennie room with ful a* bar whh tn. ,._ llmlv room • ...-. room, lock.- and Wlight ~ room, wine ceiM" and OChlr dltaila tor 1he clauin.~l You own ~ion ~ and t.nced ... court with emple observat~n ..... For • viewing and IIPP'C*IIIIIII'tt. 873.-oo. LEASE/OPTION OPPORTUNITY I New luKwy conetoe. ju.t ._. to N.wpott. S.V~ fronr and Milk to beKhJ Gr.-location lnd unu- ... ~ in .. 2 bedroom IDWMowe eondo.. Owner ~ ...... ...,. d t15.QOO. c.h down. t2.000 ..-mcnh ._.and • one~ • don to ~ for «Jli,OOO. Four 1olll condo ~ • In* wleh ft Nt flrwaug pllna. ~ c:tuea a'MI dllllill ••nlaiAe on lite at D-215 19ltl St. off ...... Bewd.. . COUNTRY ELEGANCE, LITTLE IS. a..n, 1l1g~n» end .,.., deootwu .,..*¥ in ... 3 bedloom home wilh bric* pMio and trencft door&. Allo one bldloom .._ meld" a unit on cor~ '*· f.-.. to~-t675,000. ~ 1610 AbllonaPiilce,IILIIL LIDO ISLI CLASSIC T~ •nodr'rd end daclc nad 2~ in ttw a-a M ... ;wan lwaf. ep.n. bfWwt 4 ~ room. 4 Nih wllh 2 ~tor ·--•~~~ in end out. StiiMd glwsa.lnd ap~n t..mn. c:JN ••a ., lowc:.lh down~ ... ,000. CONTIMPOIAD NEAl lAY Open wilh ... al wood. ...... end ........ Yaung 2...-ory .... w •• c .... .,...., .... wllh bsbJiw, ~ ........ fOQfft ... 2-- .... DIWMI --........... ~ Ew '1 ........ ~ta .,.w.CalfardM?Iaon '-'• , .......... ., .. 1400. ..... ,.._ ... " ...... -..... ..,. .. ..., 2 ~ unllrt. lM In .......... CJIMr Of buld • ,_ .......... howe. .... ~· ~ IDe -.. Ill M11,000. Owrw .. cansider ._,Gildon ..... ILtbmit. HISTORIC MEDITRIANIAN LANDMAIK BTATE with 80' on NM-plfl a.v. Sbtt ~ s-o••eic view, from the Pavilion to the moune.inL An auttewdc ~........,... d b¥1of• .._ ttwoughout til 3 110ry •••• wa ..,. -. ._ oblawdon tow.. The quslhy and crilftt•.-..Np in thil diglllled ~WCUe oftw __.,.. rooma and priYK'y, in ...... to ~ Indoor and outdoor ~-...... and ~ .....,. TNa msgelifiDIIwt. oftlra two wingl tor~ living. ,. indudM. bedloome and. t.ltiiOOint. • fof!nsl clrq room. 2 ........ brNI ~ roam. large ...,. roam __, much more. A .......... ~ .......................... .. and ... will a:A)OilitllOdlle • .,. • .,... .., ott. ~A<Jf1ail1d bRJduewll be .. !1 .. upon ,..._ t2.-.ooo . r. land. AdJoil•;g ~ ~·~ '*'-3 c. gsrllgll .. I I He tar .-.em. Ort ....... 100ft.~ UNDA llli-FII LAND I An~l ..... tea ......... ~ and whtiiQ ... to 4 bechoma ....... .. ~ ...... Oplnlnd ......... ... I'OOrl\ tlrnl¥ end forrnlll-.. room and llf r sa ~ ... "" lnCf tip IDr 3 ---. A specl.a ... horne tar ...... *Ill and cfllr, ..... t2.7!10,. Own.wii_, ... Of ...... lA YFIONT--6110100MS UnaiiiMdld .. ~ .. from .. Gpln and ...... hom. ., ... bftc* p.alo ... pier far ..... --earr.. ... lac:sllfoo• and ..,.. I lw llrga '*'g fOOn\ a•ad c1M'8 roam. ........ ~ ......... Island klllcMn. ~ ,_ .......... ,..,... ...... lnd ~ ... alai.A WIYCOIIIkw .... taor '*" ... tea~~'~ of~ t1,810.000 ....... land. G1-MOD. . .. ~~ Pi e n• •1 · tJJJ 111 I!! 111 Iii ~~~ . 11 I.:. P.!. it 1!1. ! .. ~ J;b lh it !u ~t.l n·l z "' Mll ~~ ; iii i ~~: ~~~~~ ;11 !i ~ !i! 5 ~~~ ;i~ = ~~ II ~ ~~ I! • ~ : 11) 'I i! it.. i:··l iU • ~ h i Ml f Ji, fl !f r ft '---------' Mn ~~: j iJ: II~ (fJi i;l IlL It~ ~l!i Ul; i J:~ 1 illii~UihiUU~ !f1; n!~in~~~!~l~!n Qa s -s.J ~ ;I Q I ;; : a z • ~ ~ I ~ a z a ~ 81 J;j it I t: ,-•I ~ I~ ~~-"' . ---I -O!lt-t.~te.'la ....... 'R_~ a----~CI· ~ ....... ,. lA ~ 1 • ~ 1 • ffi ~! J; ! 1 ~i 'i & f; 1 1 i ~ ! 1 : -~ 1 ~ 1 r 1 i = o'1 i i • • c: I]. ., _in a Sl ~ I o,.. ~ r.: ~ • • _ ~ 11 • ;1-,1 ~~~ 1 1i i ~~~ ~iii n,· tU ;t itl 1 in· • p I • . ~Ill _,N ,,, II f:'jt '---------~ ' I I r ( i r i -- .. -. IEWPORTIEAC~EMSTRIAII loCited • 2.4 .... ....-rtY ..... ~ ........... ,... -Mllltifulr ...u.tic ~ c... ................ ,..., .... ly ....., • _. fllllila ...,.,.. ExchtJir:etw ,,._.. n.200.000 . ...,.. .._.. 642·8235. IAYSHOIIE IAYFIOIT Watdl 1M ... ICtillt _, -dial . 4 C.· c.t 4 ..,_ ho-. Hri wood ............ ~ '1¥1111 flllllr ,.. ............... w. 83 ft. "' 1M My. Tine ur ...... $2,000,000 iada t 1 .... ....._ c.Gy Sd ,·~·•t 642·8235. lOTS, lOTS, lOTS ~t Clif. $plnilh e.a-• lets of _....,....7-ltta of blths-8-Md lluilt • 3 ..-1Dt1 on U. W.. IMtt --a 1erJ1 CNtylfd 1M ,... ..t --• wl ,.... finance. tttl $1,250.000 Tom ~ tr T.-ry .._ 642·8235. HARIOR VIEW HillS Mr,ificiiM oc.~ 1M NrW ._ willa 1111......., ill ,.W~ew on • *"--tot F.....ac ._..._.wid~ 4 _...,... ~ _.. ti111, ... CIMiilp _, *YiiiMf. ......... lan61c .... ,.... ..t ..,.... wi* lqa ,.a1 ..t ~ • 750.000. Lynne v•tint 844-6200. CIIIIA COVE WITH VIEW OciM _. bly views tn. ......... 3 sttry ...__ Fllllily ..._... • priwltt __, floor wid! ...., auitt on ..,_ tMI. ANnitia itcWI .-.a, ... ... _. .._ rw •ph ca. _. .... S1tpl to btldL t&t5.ooo Ly. v....- 844-&200. AITI&UAWAY ~ ia • ntn ;tut of •a• 1 il dlil *-tic ,........_ D1 ·a Jd .... .................... tlllirrMd w ... tilt,.... ..... ~ ... Ftllllllililll ,_ ... ......, .... c., ........................ . fll. f. M*atWI ....... ful --'ty syst-.. $875,000 .... lilt Clllry Sda .-~ • .,.. 842·8235. _ SEAVIEW lWE Two '-*-lnll • 2 uaa .... ,..., 1ant in pttd CMIIURity will ,... • i end tiMis. Dlcofettd in wth tOMS. w ... and pdnntr includng t1.2~ s.die Fix 644-6200 TURTlE ROCIUIIDEI HOllE Br•Monttdto model bNutifuly dlcorltld end tli;lly ...,...._ Tine ..--. fllllily room. 2 firi,'Rtl 1M ..... CNt Greet local-. • ••uc whit vilw ot ....,., ... c.-unity..., 1M, .... nes.ooo ~ s..idii44-8200. M YM UIE PIIVACY? ................. iJ s;,; ........ ,.. tt ....... jJit .. jlyJ ftnMt ......... ~ • ~ ... it IIIia ..... ..... Offnd .. $485.000 irt f ...... swe-. w.. 144-1200. VIEW-VIEW-VIEW LMiy 3 ......... ...., "'*' 2 iJ p' IM jlazJi. h u•ll "f.uatic. .. r..aag .. ..._ t425.ooo llrit llldiJI 142-8235. YOUIOWI._D Awlita it dlil ._ w• **' wi* lilllll •h••• ....._ .,. ,...~CUM~ I'Oif. Llrge 4 ._ 1M ~*' it ltyte widl at•u• ...-ill llwa• .-. Slllf wl CGMilllr trMa ...... ill'' a. $42!,000 Ftt .... ,.... 842·8235. IAYCIUT--IUTIUY tven .. 4 lllchall. 3 Mill ...., ._ II .at 11111tiai1 u1 ~ C r •ill IDcllia l•tulltlt willa ..-IIY ceMIInlc.-_, -'ll .my • .... tDt. Outst ... ~ ..... t14.000. t33UOO ._. .... 842·8235. WGIIDEifUI. t2 .... AIIUMIILE lUll Fcwa-ulttuJO..._.._ .. ,..,.II t-•••._.,,_ • ....... c.. ... $318.500ut ....... ,., ....... 2 .. 23J. REIMICEDI .. 1 VIEW F111l.fl I S. , .. Mit ........ C... ........ ,.... .... K4li- ill ....., ,... ....... Wa .. , ....... -: .. Brill ... ott.!-........ , .2 •• 000 ..... ~ 842-1235 CAMEO SHORES ,... CICeiA -coutliM view 3 bedroom, 3 bath. .._. ... ,..... flmily room. study, llfvl poollfld ewtyri _,..... bHches. $925.000 Fa Bob 01' .... K-. 759-1221 . USOLUTE STEAL! I I atlb "'Y ._arion on tht FACT that this is the lEST IllY it ....,... Beadl. If you are a ltt;timate .._ tAU. • 011cn v and you w11 111 -. ..... .UT IUYI OCW VIEW. WGt 4 BEDROOM. PRO. fi_,.UY DltORAT£0. 110C1t 1P1. and lib new .. .. • $378.500. A u• wil Ill ClftliiMrtd. You _., WM it .ei you -it Cal PA TRIQC TENORE ~51-1221 "'760-8706 TODAY! TRADE FOR HOIOLUlU TOWIHOUSE ~2 ....... 2Mdl•W ... Bay .-.. " Pwdect. n .,.. tor ~-. in 0r111t c-ty or L.u Anowttud Alkilg t199.500 _. ..... .._ of t85.000. fEE SIMPll CRAIG aASS 759-1221 . GET lEW BEIEFITS F.-,.. ..,_.., rill estate IMSt"*'1s. FOI' c~ -., ..,... eaMng. nchlnga. cal H. Rosanbq (714l758-1221. llUFFS BEST &REEIIEL T VU LMIIt ,..... .... r-. IIIStlf suite ~ piM room 11 1ak 1111 ._ ,mitt ,.t-1111• lltt... AI lltWiy .. I 111M ........... Geod ••• I .,'] 111 TO ... ... .. • with ...... Cll H. Aottflblrg 7Q.1221. OCEAIFROIT-OCEAIFROIT Convert tflis IL largl ~~ tO your privati ~ and ht on tht fiRest btldl on me cout. $170.000 1st at 11 ~. 2nd of $250,000 at 1 0~. Still It $650.000. Boll or Oovie Koot~-759-1221. LIIDA ISLE TRADE Brtathtlking bay vilw. 2 boat docb. room 101' 4 boats up to 7 4 ft. 5 lll*ocns. 6 MtM. a-room. formal dining. ..,.ate guest ring. pool. Slllr e.ry 1st TD or ltd ~ or office buildino· $2.100.000. Bob 01' DoW. Koap 759-1221 . HARBOR RIDGE lEASE Four btdr-. 3--. fomlll ... ,_, tllllity room. study. blautituly dlcorltad. llfgl dlcb. ,...._view. Privata IUifdM pta. pool _, ....a. t2.900 I month. a. or Dowie Koop 7 59· 1221 . CAMEO HlliHLAIDS Oc .... view, ................... 3 ~~~cham. 2 bath. formll ..... Very llrgt yri privata llad\. $339,000. Boll or Dowie Koop. 759-1221 . ''2" IEWPORT CREST COIDOS l.lfl'l1 _... wittl My llld -Mws. 4 Ndl•-. 3 Mdt.s. Fr. wet bar. OutSIIAiing buys at $210.000 ...... Davie I( .. 759-1221. POSITIVE CASH flOWI A ,... '" .._ ill .-.ra ..tlld lllirty ...... 'a' ._ ..... bit • aCIIIM-..-.-.. on tM1t ..... D0U1U0 in P11t 4Y. v-si For "*' in-f.....-calM Ucatalnbr·--759-1221. LOW, lOW DOWI Two 1 WOCIIB COIIIfy ..-. ..._. ........,._ $73,500 .... Mlrcia Atdidl 751-'t2 t 75S.1221 ' Mirth 17. 1982 Newport Hlrtlar RMt Estate fGr S. P111 13 COSTA IIESA R-2 E. SIDE · large 2 bedroom, 2 bitt\ den. Huge ~ving room with lining combo. large comer lot wtth room to part 6 autos. $130.000. Bob 01 OoVte Koop. 759-1221. IEWPORT CREST COIDO Two bedrooms, 2% baths. loft. tliFIY upgrade. ollt floors. bnutiful ~s. ocean VIeW. $98.000 1st It 12\. Priced 11 $1 70,000 Bob or Oov~e l(oop 759-1221 . SEAVIEW LEASE Four lll*ooma. 3 laatk f.My room. clining room. city -......... Gulrd pta. pool and ..... $1,700 per month. Bob 01' DoW. K~. 759-1221 . liOR&EOUS SUISETS-POOL-SPA Gatall ,.,._ .... to lop of .. ..... vns ttwqh .... of ...... ~ stQrl ......... ..... flllily .t ....... dilillt I'1IIOiftS. Move II conditioft. Anlioa. ~-lllilttd financiiQ. • 2 75.000. c.a NANCY tMBERIINO. 759-1221 or 644·6636. FAITASnC VALUE! t3D,IGG 0.11% IIT.-10 YRS. 0.. ~no llndlr ~I Tlw-. llldlooms.. 2 ba~ Quil1 aUt-sac. Par• .,try. bncl firtp11c1. hoiMy llitdlln. f.aily room. water soh- _, fib. Tub ... RV pad. ..... patio. btra stor .. Wad to 1167.0001 Hurry, til Bob l.al' 75&-1221 RARE SllliLE STORY OFFERIIG ~ ~--and ....., &jty • 101 titia .. ......... CltltUily. TM ~ .... ... ............ " ................ ~ SM.. lly .,. .. Llt I ..... $255,000.. MAJICl ltl- 8£_,, 759-1221• 844-8838. 1 S CORPORATE PlAZA. IEWPORT BEACH 131·1111 ......,., PAK-tiV. SpanWt lnftUence rlftec:ted througho" tom the red tMI rod to the p~ctw• on 1M wall Truly a pkJCe to come home to. Coot olf In vow Pf1vatt pool or rttax In the spa. It can be yours tor $199,500. wooarn•• .. """" C4f.4Hac aocatton. "* ~PQttn• .. ..,c:t\M .... " prtced to .... -nw.. beChoml. 11/1 balM. ~ -and cenkal •. AludoUI.,.. wll corry largl2nd TO. A ... Cf t121.100. • • • ICES ge Propertl r ILL EVE liAII OPnOa I howe four lease options CM.IMobte In the Bluffs. Some dbtress sluc*Jns and a ycrilty of sizes and prices. Ph~ Gogglo, ~9678. IUAUIY ...... CCMIDO Unusual "G" plan with full b<llcony across the front tor ~Ming bodl bay and sunsets. Protess6onoMy dlcorcll.s and remod•• d In *' Ulmcfe of good 10ft lldUdld pdtos wlh wood dlctdng. ..t brtctc and jnCID Cloll to pool and pulttng ~. end unt '*' rnoldmum Ull of gloss. ... em,.,..._ MOO,OOO. Mlrdt 17. 1982 ~...._Rail Estatt for S. P• 15 " I • ELOWE ... . ~ . WYaAII OCUli ftW ~ 'WQdld Trodlwlndl model Wlltl a tpedOcUior ocean and ely IWif vtew. Thb former model home has 4 blchoml. famlr room, Cl\d huge yard Wlltl spa and many more temns. t828.000. IIOiniiUJffS •IT COIDI'f'IOIThls beotlttUI 3 bedroom hos been recentty remodllld witt new carpees, opptlonces. point, wol and wtndow co~ Huge wrap cnwKI pcfto Is waled for pmocy. Wlh assumable loons at an owroge rate of 12/16t., tt\ts IS Will Pf1ced at $245.000. Submit on lease option ..vat1n 'All T'hts lmmocticfe 2 bedroom. 2 ~ home features lovely wood deck paltos and has.,_, vwy wt1 molntc*\ed. Walking dtstonce to lhopplng.lbrary and sports foclllll. • Is lind for Just $125,000 ....au •••rn CAN COO Fobutous kJrge COpe Cod tamty home Will aocc..d lin tiRJPQrt ,...._._Four bldrooml piUS f~ room. Lorge bock yooi for a~ family. bell ad to t250,()()()-.anJdous owner. DOVII IMOI R CUITOII This lovety 5 bedroom home has 3112 bOth$. 3 cor garoo~, 2 bltdl tlreptQca formal diNng room and a spedacula vtew of fht mo....._ boctl bay, harbor and ocean. Becnd"ly ~ed and 1mrnocuc.11y Upt, "* dlllgtlrf\f famlty home Is offered tor $625,000. with Professionalism and Integrity -...r,... Tony Wtlablr Edlan Don :nuunc =:=... .. Dl8ruc:do JaiMt ... OIMr.eAaram 1ft Irvine 181M Culver Drive ~rv~ ... c. 92715 7500 • ' • SATURDAY AND/OR SUNDAY, MARCH 20.21 RETAIN THIS DIRECTORY. AND KElP IT WITH YOU A8 YOU GO HOMI-VIaWIH ~ TWO BEDROOMS THREE BEDROOMS FOUR BEDROOMS -....... .a. a.DNA DEL NAIL V.... DIO.OOO. C,...S..1 .. 611•,.. W ...... ~WES1'Q.WF.SID-0,. ........ MN777. -~ .. .Oc.vnat. --.-o.-s.., 1-5 611·1 ... ~~~ E. ec-. PENNSUI.A POOIT. azs.ooo. 0,. s-.. l-5 611·1 ... u•t eo'' LWIIM»-+.MO.It•.-oo,-s.&/11& ... 61l4lla. -IM 5I.. ..... A "*'f.IS19.000 0,. ....,... ........ ... 19ll·ltll~ c. 0... OJFFHAVEN. duplal/1 . ...... a.-s-.,-1-5 6SJ·1t00. U61 Fn.ont. CAMEO SHORES. 1595.000. Open s.t./Sun. 1·5 ... ...., 511 tta.llton lH. COSTA MESA. 1114.950. Open s.&./Sun. 1-5. 759-1501. 511 H· ''tOft A-1. COSTA MESA. 1123.950. Open Sa/Sun. 1·5, 7 s. uo 1. THREE BEDROOMS 1301 ()olphm T..na, lRV'II'fE TERRACE. spa. view. 11.110.000. 0,. ~ 1·5 631·7.,, StJ ~. a.oNA DEl. MAR. $395.000. Ope ........ 5 ..... Mil ......_ IIWf'FS .... SSl&.OGO Open SetJSun. ...... t060 511 ....,a•• ,.._ CAMEO HIGt&ANDS. pool ... ........ a.-~ 1-5 631·7300. .. \IIIIa ..... auFF5. a:n 500 0,.. s..unt.y , ...... , .. *'Do.. DIM. WE$10.1FF .......... 1265.000 o.-......... 611·7310. 1-,._. ...._.~ HA ... VIEW HOMES. ., __ 0,...., ... 611·,.., l1ll v... •sen t awn. ... a75.000. 0,. f I :kt 1 ...... ,.._ 1016 ......_DIM. DOYEIISHOMS. .... Sl.IM-0,. S...I-L 611·7300. ~13 s d 4 leWPOIIT IEAOt. I ..... ..... a.-............. _ I .. P ' " IIG CANYOfl. lilt ... qp. ...,.... .... MN777. 1 .. a , .,.., 8IG CNm:J~C. t675.-a.- s-.~~~w ... .....,.,_ • ... -.... A.e..I!IIIDifOU tEIGHTf. ....... ......... M» ... ISUlA. ..... a.- 111&./81i1L ....... ... .... , 0 I ...... ML.oA ISI.NC), 157S... a.-s..., I.a. ",..... 30M ~ Blud., CX)R()NA DEL MAR. 11,395.000 0,. s.&,Js-. 1-5 631·1400. Ylll S .. boN. NEWPORT BEACH. OClUIIfTont. suo.ooa. o,-s...s.v 1·5 '"6200. 6 .......,, .IASNIN£ CR££X. COIIUIIUIIlty pool 1317.500 Ope~ 1·5 7S.I746. 1031 S. ~ MESA VERDE. 1159,500 Ope s.t- ct.y 1·5 67WOOO. 1M3 s.-.da.IRVINE TER.RACE.I335.0000pe ~ I-5MtAJ060 3100 ~a.,. HARBOR VIEW HIU.S. 1395.000 Op. ~ 1·5 644-9060. FOUR BEDROOMS 1658 llw-Qlde. MESA VERDe. pool 1175,000. 0,. ....., 1-6 631·7300. 1315 AMIIu w_,. IAYCREST, 1360.000. ap. S.. ., 1-5. 631·7300. 1100 ,.. Dr-. DOV£R SHORES. Pool. ... \llaw S7M.OGO. 0,.. s-;s.._ I,S 631·1JOO. s s. s•.-t HARBOaiUDGl!. a.a ....._ ....,, ...._..sS. MMrn. 1101 Yar:N ~SEAVIEW, 1525,000. e..t1y r-.. 4 NMti a 1 HARIIOR RIDGE. 11.100.000. 0,. SMJ·s-. 1·5 631·1400. ..,. Oltt f ..... MI..80.\ ~LA.-.. -·.,... o,e.~~~e.~ ...... 6Sl·14GO. .. .... "'..,. .-w H1I..U. ....... a.-........... ... m t 1 t • ~VIEW taLl. ...... ·-·-a.-......... .,...... au,........_~VIEW~ .. .... o.-1 ...... 1-L Qw.& ...._~,..••u....-r.Ma..-. oa-....,.__ ....... ... ..,. I W 1 JJ I L-. ........ YEW tlll.l.£ ~ ~-----a.-~·· ........... ~ ............. .. ····-.... a.-a.&./Sia ... .,...... 1617 ....... Dille. YACKT'SMAN CXJW. 11.7tiMI. a.-.............. 1507 ••ha. EASTBUJFF. n-.ooo. o,-s-- clllyl-5.~. 1140 T......_.nrle BAYCREST,1395.,000. 0p.n S... -1·5. MM060. 19531 SMna C.O... 1\JRTL£ ROCK. 11M .._.,. 117~ Op.n s.t..rd.y 1·5. ~ 1007 T1llr WQ. HARBOR VIEW HTU. '*-t..Jiy. $369,000 Op. ~ 1·5. MM060. 3100 ~ad., C'ORONA DEL MAR .... ..._ 11.100.000. a.-s-., 1·5. FIVE OR MORE BEDROOMS 1034 S k th DIM. HARBOR VIEW HJU.S. *-· ..... a.-s 1 -1·$. 611·7300. lUI S1 M 1a Dr-. MYCREST. poo4 1600.000. 0,. s..... 1-5. 611·7300. 116 ............ Reed. HAJteOiliSLAHD. ....... pW/IIp, ... tt.-oao. a,.~ 1·5631·7300. tS 0 ' ... srtGlASS HILl.. ........... ....... 0,.---1·5 611·7300. 70 , ...... BIG CANYON • ....,, pool..._ ...... • .......... a.-s-.. 1-5 ... ,717. ,., £. .... .a.~a~ 4 flOIHf ........ -.. -· 0,. ..... -'v l..S. 61l·14GO. 1M W ..... IAI..aO.\ ~ oe ........ 11.495.000. 0,. ~ .... 631·1400. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY 2005 Do•er Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Telephone: 640-2194 SANTIAGO Ll~qy 3YSTEM -Packet #5 Available March 1 -April 22, 1982 l&rm Filma BEST HORS E 28 min. Colo r Family conflict develops when Wendy wants to enter a r udeo with her horse Kic k. Wendy's mother is determined that her daughter de vo t e her time to mo r e lady-like pur suits. BIOGRAPHY OF THE UNBORN (Spanish Language) 17 min . B & W Photomicrography, animation, live action, and X-rays record th~ develop1nent of the embr yo and the fetus in the mother 's womb. BRIA.~'S SO~G (Spanish Language ) 'pa rts 77 min. Color A dramcl a bout t he de ep friends hip be tween Gail !-..1yer ., black h.1 l f back ,and wh ite teamma l c Brian Pi ~colo , who die d of c a n cer in 19 /0 . BURDEN fu~U THE GLORY 2 parts S2 min. B & W Examines some of the g re.:t t events that occurred dur i115 thto• Pr es Ld enc y of Joh n Kenn .. ·d y . includin;; the inaugur a l address, t he Bay of Pi1,;:~ inva s i.~~n , the nucl t;•,11 Ll'St h<lll treaty , a~d t he Cuba n ~is ~e Crisi s . BUSY BODIES 20 mi n . H 1 \.J In t hi .;; !4 ~1 l1u~~ ~'"'"V"l!d"'g ~rod\!'7 ti t•n , St "t !"l m d ()11 i e .... "' empl.,y~d :1t .1 c;.'\'.1 m[ II . CATE RPlLLER 16 min . Co lor A.'"l animated fantasy about a young boy who plays ,, !l.trtnliOI C:.l and a r at e r pi]Jcr wh,> ~n.i(,y ~. danc i ng to t he young boy 's music . CINCO VID:\S 2 parts 50 min. c;(,l(l r A s t udy of f i ve peoplcJ a gran dmo the r, an elementa r y schuol princ ip •. ll , a lawyer , a gardene r, a nd a commu nit y wo rkt r living in the e.t~t Los An gel e .; harrJ •>· Tneir S truggle t O naintain their CUltural herita ge i s depi v t ed With ins i~ht ,tnd St'OSiti Vlt )'. The film cen ters on h opes a nd aspir ations. FALL Or 8.\.BYLO~ 27 min. 8 t. W Presents D. \~. Gr iffith's produc t ion of "F~\11 of Babylu n", maJe nea rly 50 vel\r s ago . Shows fu l l-scale sets of o ld Babylon , battle scenes . a nd r econs tru c t i o ns of the li f ~, habits , and cu s tom of the anc ients. FRIE~DSHI? 2 parts 58 min. Co l or As tronau t Jonu Gl e nn's firs t his t o r ical orbi tal sp.1 c~ flight i !'> doc u.:n~nted alt,ng with tht> whole ~e rc ury space progr am, inc luding ~ c l ose Loo k a t t racking s t ations a r ound t he \J or ld . HISTORY OF SOt;TH ERN CALlfO~~IA , PART ONE .,; lb mln . Pl a c e s t he hi.s t o ry of southe rn Califo rn ia in pers po::ct i vt:! with th.lt of t he west. and t he nation. De picts Indian e conomy and the e s t.:tbl isl~enl presid ios . a~d pueblo ~ CO LOi{ northern Calit o rnJa, o( t he missions, .. -~ HISTORY 0::' SOUTHER.'l CALIFOit.'llA, PART TWO l H mi n. Color Stresse~ economic and c ultural lLf~ of th~ period. Depicts miss ion life, establishment of the ranchos, the role of mountain trad~r s and clipper ships, and the decline of Indian civilization and Spa nis h influence . ISLA.'H> EDEN 24 min. Color Lacy waterfalls, s hining mountains, lush fore sts, f l owers in profusion: All are found on Vancouver Island in Br~ tish Columbia. JERuSAL~~: THE HOLY CITY 10 CoJ.or Pictures the pagentry of Jerusalem and the histo r ical shrines s ac red to three religious traditions: Jewish, Christian, and Nohammedan. JOHN MUI R'S HIGH SIERRA 27 ruin. Color In 197 1 filmmaker Dewitt Jones wandered through Yosemite National Park following the path t aken by John Muir, the man c redited with beginning the·national park system. KU KLUX .KLAN 47 min. 8 & w ~ses interviews and news reel footage t o depic t the KKK activities in the U.S. Reveals how the Klan's use of violence contradicts the American concept s of justice and h\~n rights. LADY BUGS ~'lD GIRAFFE 4 min. Color S~ows that it is poss ible t o maintain na ture's balance. ~'.t)'{ FI SHBOURN E 6 min. Color Hilarious animated film for childre n and adults h.1 s the ans wer to almost every point of etiquette one may e ncount.r wh i l e d i ning. LITTLE P R L ~CE 30 min. Color A little prince comes from outer s pa ce ;\nd shows o tla e rs how to achieve happiness. Filmed us ing c l ay a nima tion. LITTLE RED L l~HTHOUSE 9 min. Color An i conographic film t~lling the s t or y of a light house who learns he i s still useful even i f a nore powe rful light has been i ns talled on the gr~at bridge. HA.~ I N ETHIOPIA 35 min. Color Shows the life and r eligion of modern Ethiop i.l. ~:O~£ENTS OF THE RUNNER 35 ml n. Color Shows the marathon races of Chicago, New York, and San Francisco. NAT~RE'S HALF ACRE 33 min. Color Fif teen naturalist-photographers contributed the ir rar~ footage to depi c t the continuity of the life of birds , pl a nts, and insects to show the interdependence of one life on the o ther. NIGHTMARE IN REO 2 parts 55 min. Color The firs t authentic recons truc t ion of t he h isto r i~a l dra~a of communism in Russia, covers the old czarist order, t he revo lutions of 1905 nd 191 7 . NOR.'IAJ'I ROCKWELL 30 mln. Color A biogra phy o f the w.orld famous artis t. As the story of his life unfolds many of his paintln&s are s hown. PEEWEE'S PIANOLA 16 min. Color Shows how the magnificent 6~ gong s tumbles upon n pluyer plano in the country and encount~r adv~ntures ge tting it bac k to the c ity. 2 , .. .. . , PETER A..'iv THE WOLF 14 min. Color An e xcer pt froo the fea ture l ength filro "f-lake Min~ Nusic" which is a n adaptation of s~rge. Prokofie"' 's f a mous composition in which Lh~ cha ra c ters in the tale are repre- sented by differ e nt musical instruments . PET~~IA 10 min Tell ~ t h~ story of Pe tun ia, a silly goose who learns a she cannot r~ad the book she carries under her wing. Colo r bit of philosophy even though PHILLIP ~~D THE WHITE COLT 23 min . Co l or Ten-year-old Phillip stopped t alking a t the ag~ o( five. One day he discovers a b~autiful blue-eyed col t , and learns t o ride . A s trong bond betwe~n the horse and t he boy develops. R.C.M.P. ~US I CAL RIDE 11 min. (nl o r Shows scefl es of a performance of the Royal Ca n.1Jian Haunted P~)li ·e in which t he hn ni!men execute compli cated format ions with prec is ion. RUN AP PALOOSA R~~ 48 min. Cu l \J r Na r y Sla.:kf~.·athe r, "'Hez Pe rce lndian1 fi.ghts trib.1l t radition t o r j Je in the He ll 'b ~fountain Suicide Race. SA I;.. A'.;AY 18 min . Co l u r Portra ys t lte f antasy-~ome-true adventure vt a young b0y wh e n h~ a cc epts a n inv itat i on t o sail for seve ral ddys on the ocean, learn ing ~b0 11t sea lifP from his compa ni on. ,5 _\,.'!l' AS FA..'Il L Y 16 m ln. B & W The story of families who live and make their living aboard the small Chinese r iver coats known as Sampans. Si::AL I3LAND n min. Color Jcenes of the life o f the seal colony wtnch each year dur1ng ~ay and J une i nhab1.ts r ocky shores of the Pribilof Islands i n tne Bering ~ea . From tne True Life Adventu re Nature Series. Sc:.lliCHii~G EYE 18 min. Color Vi ews the world under the sea, t he wor ld of past g~ological f ormations, t he inner wo rld of aucro scopic creatures, the ~rooess of growth and fruition, and th~ world of outer space. 3ELF13H GIANT 27 min . Col or A beaut1f ul e arden is beset by perpetua l w1.nter when a greedy g1.ant for b1ds cm:dren to play 1.n 1t. One day after he i s compelled to help a mysterious child , spr1n«t1me returns. From a snort story by Oscar Wilde. I' SOURCI:: OF '.iONDER : r-rl.E CALGARY ZOO 14 nun. Co 1 or Here, reatr1ctive cages are a thi ng of t he past . The ~oo has &n1m&la from the l world oTer. 'rhe animals live in near-to -natural env1ronments. ..:rcRt-1 BOY 30 min. 3t orm boy lives with hi s father i n a beach hou~e and Fingerbone Bill, an aborigine_,become f'tiends Color in Southern Australia. ~torm Boy as t hey save three orpnaned pel1.cans. ,·:t ~RTY Sl::COND URZAM 20 min. Color TV commerci als are used in t his film to s how how advert1s1n& influences our live•. ' WHAT M&~ SHALL LIVE AND SEE DEATH 2 parts SO min. Color Studies the subject of death and how Americana deal wi th it. WILD MolD \.."O~Dc:RFUL WORLD OF AUTO RAC.ING 32 min. Color Examines and compares the four major kinds of au to racing; stocks. sports. drags. and Indianapolis Championship races. THE WI ZARD WHO SPAT 0~ THE FLOOR 41 min. 2 parts Color An intriguing study of the life of Thomas Alva Edison. which includes rare i nte rviews wi th Edison's only living daughter1 and actual foota&e of famous moments wi th "the great inventor who revolutionized the lifes tyle of the world. \ BOOKS ABOUT . 'NEWPORT - BEACH fh1a 7ear Newpor1 Beach cele- bra'Ha 1-ta ?.S'th ann1veraaJ7. · In bonor ot the even1, 1he ~ leach Public L1brar7 bU ~" W..U.U a 11a1 ot _.. aMut Ule c1 17 and 1ta -la1a1~. ... k, Joseph Allaa. MLIOA ISI.Aie YAINI. NI"JKt leecla: INk. lMt. lecolleetlou of tiM people ud tlae ••ts dUI'ilrl tM euly clays of tlae islud's dwelosa.•t.. C.l ... 171.496 Califonia State Uaiv•slty. Pull•'-• 01'&1 llistoi'J ~. CAIIDLL 1. 1111. latent .... ltJ IHp S. 11&1"'. 'taltfonia State Uaivel'aity, Pull•'-• 1171. Taped lat.vlwa vltla lalltoa piOMel', CUToll I. -.. with acc..-rilrl ,_tcllftPU· c.w. 171.416 CalifOI'aia State UDlv•slty. Pullel'tOa. Onl Hlstol'y flolr•· DICI ~ Jllllll IIQIAID: t•I•OIT IUOI Ale 11~'1 LIDO MMDT. latuvt...a t.y ._,_ S. Malt .. )'. catu.ala State uatv•sity. Punenoa. 1171. ec.putoa to tlae .-e vo~. c .~. 171.416 Clucas. CuoliM ud le"'lolJia Clucas. •ttol'a. ••OIT IIM:II: ... ITAGI Ne ........ llaNJ IliuM Mllllti. ~. 1175. lauveair f'lltllcatl• of tM llc•t I I tal Cltt..a 'Mwt~ozy Ca.ittM -aa!! ~ ~lttM of tM City C..Cll. ~ c.w. 171.416 Couffu. Jack ... IUU Cclulf•· IALT ,._ ••• • Ci. '· IU'-'• Sou, lt71. .,.._iNa tM wlWllfe of a. .,.__ Rt!lfll't 1a1 Salt NU'IIl _. * effwU of WioaW WliMiala t. .. e it ... its IUI'IOUIIIIS.. •• tn. acneolat• "clwUlaatiea." I 117.MN ' Howlud, Naqant. IllER'S PAIADISE: A IJCYCLIIIi GUIDE 10 11IE ....,. HMIOI AliA. Howlaad, 1976. Cyclists' .aps of the •• witla descriptive ca.•tary by the .uthor. Ref .C917. 9496 (also eire.} Jacolaaoa, ltMl. 'DIE CATS Of SEA-CLIFF CASTLE . Pbotoanphs by Plor•c• Hanisoa. •u.t-litchie Press, 1972. Deluit»es the life ol the eats-wbo live fr•ly 1a a cliff oa Newport Harbor, reeeiY~ oc:easioaal help frc. 1aaaD friads. C 779.32 Johaatoa, Steve. 1111S IS NE1IPORT II!AOI, A JOURNEY ntiOOGH LAND- IMID OLD All) NEll. Illustrated by Mark Ley••· Ad Vutaae, 1172. Th.ebnail sketches of popular sites. C.Ref. 917.9496 Lee, Ill• I. ..-oiT MY, A PIONEER HISTORY. Forevold by Don C. N•••••· N1'190rt t.ch Historical Society, Fullerton: Sultana Pnu, 1173. fte •st up-to-elate history of the ar ... profuse- ly llluatnted. Ref .c. 979.416 Lee, Ill• 1., .. ltor. OLD NDJIOIT, 11IE SIAPOIT YIAIS. lllustrat- .. ., fteiM Paddock Hope. H..aricka, 1970. Clai141Mocl r•i- alactM .. ol '••• Durte Castle. wlao vas raiMd 1a Na.,_t l•c~ la tlae euly t-tieth c•tui'J· Deal X 979.416 Ndlilla, ~ I. IUCII IAT DAYS. N_,ort Hart.or lu~, 1973. A .-le lato N ... DI't's put by a life-10111 reaW•t. NallJ ,...._...,.... C 92 McMillan " IUCH IAT Pll OF IUGII I. Nc:NILLAN. Nftport 1175. A colleetioa of Ml'ly pllo"tr.,U of C 171.4K Orqe Couaty, Califonia Harbor District. 1HIRTIE'111 ANNIVEISAIY • ltl4-1H4. Ora~t~• COUDty. INS. ea..ontive ia.ae cel.Uat- ina Newport's c•iDa of ••· c t7t.4M (Also Ref • Juv) Osbun, Mrs. lubara Steph... lAY ISLAND CWI, lHl-lMO. Hadricb, 1M2. The dwelo,.•t of lay Ialud, a .. 11 resi- dential c~ity in N.,ort Harbor. Office Ref.C.t7t.4t6 Shera&D, a.ary Lucey, cc.pil•. A HISTOIY OF NDPOIT IIAOI. City of Net~pCWt leach, 1131. The orqiDal history of ~t lach cc.piled by a pioDMI' reaid•t frc. witt• recorda, p•acmal bowled&• ad iDterviwa. Ref .C.t?I.4M Soilud, Albert. '1111 SAGA OF NJIOIOIT lAY All» NI80IT HAUOI YACHT CWI. Loa Alalelu. 1136. 1M fOJMti• of ta .....,_t Huboi' Yacht Club ud ita put iJa the lNay' 1 lda'-7 ad dwel- ot-•t. Ref .C .171.4M