HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-31 - Newport Harbor EnsignA Brand rlew Look At 8oatiDF P ... I • TID DWPORT INSlGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 3f (: .. ) "' 3-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31, 1982 • 25 CDIIS TIM fuhue UM of the vacant Coroaa del War ll.ment~ Sollool re8a&ined UDder a ques- tk* aaark yesterday u attorneys tried to decide whether or not U., would .. k to revene a re- oeat Couta) Commission rulinQ w!Ucla prohibited ita use by the thUYenity of Southern C.Wor- nJa. Meanwhile, Diatr&ct Superintendent John Nicholl and a "J)reMDtative from USC were echecluled to tour Costa Mesa IBQla School y .. terday in what Nic:laoU de.cribed u "simply a pruc1ent fallback to ... what pcetbiliHe. miQht lie there lf we CU riclez YariOU.S alternAtiVes." PoiGbiliti• still exist, this u uapa,per wu told by other IOUeM, that: -TIM ~ eo.uu.aon oOUI M ..ad to reooaaider ita cleeWoD OD tM b.ia of "new _..ace,. -wllic:ll waa oot 't ..... .,:.;a.. Of both of the parties coaW ..k a writ of ma.ndamua to oftrthJOW ~e decision-but woWd have to aroue auccessfu)- )y tUt tlae colllJiliaion had abus- ed lta di.cretioD. It al8o U. been ~ulated that if tlle diatrict cannot meet USC'a requirementa, it miQht have to !DUe a refund on the $69,000 annual, live-year )ease ud reopen biddino on use of the elementary echool. Citbena lor R•ponsible Use of Neioh.borhood Schools, a ....U oroup led by Joe Stewart , t..aified before the comnuss&on tlaat tba projected niQhttime UM of tbe facility wou.Jd brin9 diu'uptive not., liohta and tral· f:k: to the arM. 'nle comm&U&on ..apporled tlUa view. Ne&nwhile, NJcholl said, "I haw Qiven inatnactiona to our a~ to meet wlth USC, and ..eJalDe what Hcla party p .... n to do. We have two ....._ left in wh1ch to take the ..... r back to the coutal COIDalaion-lf that aa the deca· aioa. ''The echool board would have to CODcur m such a move, oJ CO\U'M.'' -lwt Sima Chris Matson faces forectosure proceedings on hfs houae. by Burt Sims lJ the ~eenano under preparation by the Newport Hazbor ArM Junior Chamber of Commerce ma.kea it into prociuction, the belaaoured sculptor of the John Wayne memorial may be rescued trom the mortqac;,e Indiana. But time ia runnLDQ out. Andy Mat..on, aon of Christie Mataon, the a.rtiat, responded to th&a yesterday with the comment, "The Jn. duma are already on top oJ the atac;,ecoach." MaanwJWe, the Jayceu, under pre11dent Bill Finater and Wayne Fund chairma.n Bill Utttlelon, are planninQ at least two, and perhas- three, eventa jo raiN the $13,000 that Christie Mataon, 64, oJ Corona dal Nar. aaya il owed on the bronze baa- relief. "We need aU the pubbc help in the form of contrihu- tiotu and support that we can qet," said Fiuter. "We'll plan the proc;rrama, and make aU the arranqementa-but we do need support. I viaited Watson, and aaw the eculpt, and it'a really UDpreaive; a line piece of work the city'U be proud•of. I'm sure." Howner, Andy W.taoa, 37-yMI-old aaleam.u tor a patrol MTVlCee and ..cunty linD, told n.. E.tWgr; lba1 )Ua t.ther may h.a.e to •U the art work aod repay ita hmd· lno to tlli.a poblt, in order to ayoid lorecloture on his home. "He up.ly cu't wait U.Dli1 June, which ta wlMa the Jayc .... ,.. &alkino about b.tvtJl9 rabed ,.._ mOMy," ~aa9 Naa-Mid. "I cba't wut ay .,.,. .. ~t out oa ................... • ~ au.. we. AM .-... P*'-ill tfOitla -.,... ...... Ia '*-9 ............ ._. ..................... IMt-.. chntr llrlaw .._. ........................ ................. •:-·;. ......... • Staff pnoao by Barry Slobtn olaaiciata Frederic Rem- inQton and Chadea RuaaeU- bad submitted a b1d of $17,500. A. the work proqraaed, be auQqeeted enlarqino the aoope oJ the SUI-foot by three-foot baa-relief to mclude a eculptured ataqe- coach and pasaenQera on a deeart roadbed. He wu cpven authority to do ao, he Mid, by a commJtt .. member. The taQ eventually aecalated to $30,000 due in considerable part, the younqez Mallon Mid, to increues in pric" for material and aupph". "People should remember that aomebody elM'• memorial, the aix-foot brooze statue of Wayne commiaion· ed tor the airport, ca.t $300,000-.U contributed by mdivw:luala, ma~~t of them in Newport and lrvlDe." be Nld. Even thouc;,h Chns Natson had no written aqr .. ~nt , "He just put everythino elM aside," Mid Andy Naa.<>n. "to concentrate on this. He turned dowu other )0~. He bouowed money for SllP· pU•, and to Un on. He was told by a couple of com- mitt., members not to wony. the mooey would be COJIUDQ. But ~ta kept qomo up, and the IDOileJ came very -aowly boa tlae committ... Tbe_n tor alae* a year, practically notbi.no happened. Ny dad kept work!A9 on &t. He even oot the fouAclry to red\lce ats coat.a. "He borrowed on a house a,..m ud aoalll. to k-.p OOlD9-Wy ..ottlier wulla~~pa­ taliMCl. n.r. ....... a 10t of ~. W\tll DOtkiDo cOat.ao u.. Ha .uted dM cn- ty to ...... b\al 'IIOW ... 1M1i M laMia't beea treaMcl Wtty.· .. w. ... · ...... ~ ,.._....t\lallr•t 1llo ..................... -.. ... .......... ,... .. ... lrir\lj ~ ...... ,.. ... .... Ban~ngTrafflc Impact Flgu•es Vary, Disputed bylu.rtSU. The scaled-down concept lor the Beeco-BanrunQopro)ect ofJers lea total traffic lmpact than a plan oriqin.Uy propoMd by a c;,roup now trymq to overturn at. This was the vtew of c1ly plan· ning experla aa the West Newport leqislahve Alliance wu joined by Stop Polluting Our Newport (SPON) and Real- dents' Action Plan (RAP) at a Monday press conference to CWQ8 the COUOCU UJ irreapoDSI• ble. The groups seek a referendum on a City Councll action Qrant- lDQ William (Bill) Hancock Ban· IWlQ m approval lor an indua- trial-office-r .. identJal develop· menton 64 acr" of the la.mily'a former ah .. p ra.nca-an area now baariao ..,.31 oil ri9a in Weet Newport-ui41-.a .d;o&. LD<J U .S l::tea owned by ,},e Newport-W.S. Unified ~ool Oiatnct. "Buuuno's onolnal request for General Plan Amendment 81-1," sa&d Fred Talanco, c aty envaronmeotal coo.rchnator and pro}ect planner. "called for 170 homes, 300,000 ~qUare f .. t of mdustnal apace, 430,000 square f .. t of ofJ&ce lootaQe, and a 75,000-square fool shopping center. Th&a wu protected to bnnQ 14,293 car tnpa a day " Bannmq propoeed to spend some S4 mallton for road amprovementa to cope w1th thas am pact "A lot of people thouQht that was too many can," saad Tala.nco. "The Alhance-wh1ch wanla more reatdenhal- proposed 300 homes, ehnunate the ofhces, cut the mdustnal to 100,000 square t .. t, and keep the 75,000 square teet of com· merc1al. "They hqured lhu would branQ an acceptable 9,317 car lnpa a day " However, the Ctly Councu raaed the res1deotaaJ allotment to 406 homes, cu i the total of Bannanq's mdualnal-office· commercaaJ apace more tban baU, and reduced the prOJected Newpa~tFac Ju~~~ptn---~ ,. " car tnps to 7 712 &nnmg shll was held 10 the road &mp rove menls "They ehmmated the shop pmQ center," sa ad TaJanco. "wb1 ch would have done JUSI what the Allaance dadn't want generate a lot of tralhc By approv&ng ctll thas the councal cut the pro,ected c ar traps 1 545 under what lhf' All&ancf' sa &d was acceptable and now the All&ance SdVS thas tsn't ctccep table " Both Talanco and Pat Temple, sen1or planner for the c1ty , emphasued thAI the retenhon of the scaled-down mdustnal-'ofhce space would provade • smoother flow to w .. keod trafiac becauM workers would not be coml.D; m then "Tlus means that Bluft Road, whacb BanDing as committed to buald , Wtll take a lot of the load otf Supenor Avenue and (Continued OD paCJe 11) Arvt*~ Jlamecl GeorQ~e L. Arqyro. of Newport IMch, a priDcipel ahareholder of A£rc.I and. priDe PAl oWDer of tM S..W. Nuinen hil•b.ll ..... U. beeo appointed to the iaduetry Advi8ol'y Board of the U.S. Coiao~ODal Travel and T<Nriaa Caucu by Rep. Robert E. B.dhaa (R-Newport Beach). Badham, vice chairJDall of the caacu I1Dce 19'19, Mid that becaue oJ Arqyro.' eminellt ~ti.oa iD U.. travel and enter· taiDJMnt ba•an .. M will be a valuable aclclition to the 39- .. aber Advt.ory Board for 1982. Neaben are •lected from a broad ranoe of indu.alry .elora to provide repreMiltation for the IIILAilJ divene -omenta of travel ud touritm. New Parking Jan The City Couocil hu adopted a r..olution prohi.bitiDq pukiDo 'ne TrUBc A8a1n Coaa~tt .. eUcl tJaie woWd ~ .. a third laJle for traffic leaviDo the pen.iuWa &o. 15th Street to wMr. &.lboa and Newport boulevanb come tOQether. Jlc:KIDley Tratu Pvt. Alan W. NcDIUey, ton of Nonau ud ltuey Mclti:Dley of 2551 Viata Drive, Newport .IMch, h4l completecl one Ita· tioD WLit trainino (OSUT) at the U.S. Anay lnf.antry School, Fort Bennmo, Ga. OSUT ia a 12-week period which combiD .. buic COJD.b.t baillinQ and advanced indi- vidual tr~o. and quali.ti• the eold.ier u a Uollt-weapona i.D- futryma.n and u an indirect- fire crewman. CoDUDlalonen Wanted Qulitied electon are beiDo iDvited to apply to fill vacanci• which are occurrillo on the ci- ty'• board of Ubrary tru.at ... , ci- ty arte commi•ion, civil •mce board, perb, beacha and recreation comaaiaion and the plallni.Do commi•ion, the City Council announced. Deadline for filiDq applica· tiou ia 5 p.m., Nay 10. Jn. formation is avai.la.ble h om City Clerk Wanda E. Alldenen. The Great EscaP9. for$5.50 Cono's now offers a fast lunch in the bar, Monday through Friday, 11':30-3:30. Choose one of our Doily Specials including a complltnen1dry gloss of wine. Guaranteed one hour service. 22Al w Poctftc Coalt Highwcrf Newport leach 631·1311 mq. Rob.t Frcmk • I .~ . ~ Heather (Colltinued from pao-1) N. ldalatpour) will let her. "While Hoa9 ia excellent, St. Jude'• offen advanced rehabilitation with ita home-like atmo.phere-ltitchelll, Staff photo by &.fry Slobln bedrooms-that helpe people adapt to take care of theJDMlvea at home." Tbat'a where Heather ia tryi.Do to qet "u lOOn U poaible," he Mid. ~whUe,~yorProT~ !velJil Hart hu &aWDed the duU.. of office. Or~ Cout7 ....._ clriv- lDQ oaevictiaU tacnaud DM.rly 12 perceat ~·• tM ltateowide fiQ1ue of 7 petceat loi 1811, the atate~toiW., Veb.iclel Mid 1Mt week. The cowaty licjlue of 16,919 oooYictioD.I, U CODUutecl with 1•.~ the p....wu .,..,, placed OruQe CowrtJ eecoDd Ollly to to.AnQe .... Oran~ Cowaty al8o b.ad 141 co11victiou tor clriviDQ wader the lnfh:aenc:e of cbuQa, ~ blQh..t 1D the ltate. Su. Clara Cowaty'e z:n ranbcl MCODd. to. AnQel• County, the ttate'• m~ populowt, recorded 6C,837 ciruD.bn clriviDQ COnViC· tiou lut yeu-more tbD a fourth of the ltate'• total. It abo had 62,058 COJlvietloJll for driv. i.DQ under the i.Dflunce of dzuQI. IMpartment director Doria V .• AI.m poi.Dted out that 11ew dnmken d.riviDO laW8 with llilier penaltie• weD\ lDto effect January 1,1982. The DMV etatistice allowed that of the 231,396 clru.Jl.kell d.rivin9 conviction• in 1981, 70.7 percent were firat offenc:len. Disney A warda Due Mem.ben of 58 orCJaniaationa iD the Hatbor ArM have their ey .. on the 25th &Dilual Di.aney- land ColiUDun.ity Service Awarde totalino $150,000 which will be announced Thunday, Aprill. The oroupe include 'n from Newport Beach, 17 from Cotta Meaa and 14 from Irvine. There will be 63 awarde, for which 483 oroaniaatiOJll throuqhout the county arG competino. • • sa. rrta IDCIM Sclui 1ut. Repu stat., whicl aupp '" chall Den lion Diatr C.R. loan~ 69th NeW) Cc one • aeelr: for t only lion wu were del• n SeJu ~ ~ TJ bu. 9 0 0< rece Sen a la Sch the Loe Alh " l&Q• S.Jl lio.J "Jo, iD J isu• alai anc M Jl 1 Ha.. We "W not mo Sc && .. A-aablJJUD Nolan got • p.,.. of &Del Stale S..t~ John ;,cJUDJt.l QIOt a choru of boot ... bad .. u.. Caliioraia a.JJU»UCHIII A-mhJy MLcl Sb 1tat.ewllde conv.nttc. to cl.ecide Republica c&Delicbt" to ·~•port 1D the June primAry. l'ril:aalJ.e, who la belDg clULUe.aq41~ by Irvtne Mayor O.vid SW. for the party aom.1na- 1D tbe 69th A ... mbly Diatrict, will oet $4,000 from C.R.A . i.D primary C&lll~qn loan.a. Silla will oet nothia.o. The 69th iDclud" Coeta N ... , Newport and Irvine. Corona del W.r'e Schm.ita, one of Mveral GOP ca..ndldat .. aeakino tbe C .R.A. endorMment for u. s. Senate, oot the vot .. af only 9 delac;JatN at the COJlve.n- tion in FreeJlo. When bia name wu placec:llD nomination, there were loud booe from the delavat .. on the Ooor. The co.nvention o•v• italJ.S Senate endorMment to Con- gJ. 'D Robert Dons.q of Su- .. Moeica, who Od 198 vatu. The C.B.A., a llAtewicle gr ... ooe. orvuJutio.n of coo- Mrvatl¥e &ep\&blic.u, t.aJled lo udoue .U... W1ke Curb ~ Geo19e Deubaejian for qOYer- nor. Curb Jell juat abort of the two-t.hirda vote needed for en· donement, g•tting 203 vot .. to 0.\lkmajiu'• 104. The alatewide C .R.A. oroubation does not endorM State A..-mbly or State Senate cudidat•, but does parcel out cuap&iqn donatione to a few who h.lve received alrono local C .R.A. endonementa. Friaaalle, a jo,mer C .B.A. alate prNident, h&d the endonement of the C .R.A. '• Oranoe County oro&D.il&tion. Loc6l C .R.A. mem.ben at the convention included Senator Scb.mita' wife Mary of Corona del War, LJ'llll Turner of Newport Beach and Jim Emerton and Ruthe Bentley of Co.ta Meaa. State's ~ense Of Schmitz Draws Won aen's Group Fi'e The Women'• Network Alert, hued in Newport Beach, h41 gone on record to oppoae the recent deciaion of the 1tate Senate Rut .. CommittH to hire a lawyer to defend Senator John Schmita (R-Corona del Mar) in the lawsuit filed againlt rum by Loe Anoelft attorney Gloria Allred. "We •rioualy qu .. tion the leqal buia foz (chairman) Senator David Roberti'• deci- •ion," the WNA 1talement aaid. "John Schmlta w41 not enoaoed in his official duu .. when he isued a pr ... releue on alate stationery c.utioatino Me. Allred and othert in Mxilt and anb- ~emitic ternu.'' Leonore PenfU and Vivian Hall, founding memben of the Women's Network Alert, added, "We uroe all tupayeze who do not want their bud-earned lax money to be uaad to deland Sch.tnita's reprehenaible remarb to include a letter of prot .. t with their state lax returns. Citiaene of California should teU the sfllte that no tax money should be spent on the defense ot Scbmib." The Women's Network Alert, an ad hoc committee of com- munity activist&, is a broad net· work oJ mem.ben oJ communtly, civic and cultural groups 1D Orange County and throuobout the alate of Ca.lilonua. P.nfil wd participatino organizallona include American A.uociation of U~Jiversity Women (AUW). League of Women Voters, Democratic Party, Republican Party, National Councll of Church Women, American Jewish Committee, National Oroanization of Women, Na- tional Women'• Political Caucua, Lawyer'• Wav ... Women in Communication•. Women in Bu.ainea, Society of Women Enqineeza, and HadaiNb. LY L.A. Mayor Tom Btadtey meets teachers he hopes will support his gubemMorial bid. Photo b¥ Stew c.nc.. ' Teachers Hear Bradley Pledge To Aid System Offering hi. own eaperle.nce u proof that Cal.i.fomla'e public .c:hool.,atem can help people ·reec:ll for auccea, Loe Anoeles W.JOr Tom Bradley told N.wport-W... sc:hool teachers lut nunday that he i.e commit- ted to helpino them improve the system. Bradley, a ca.ndidate tor the Democratic Party nomination as California governor. •poke to a rainy-day crowd of about 75 teaohera who abowed up at Eatancia Hiqh School in Costa w ... to hNJ" him keynote a tpeeial m .. uno at which teach.ino materiala were d.Wplayed. He w.u invited by the Newport-W... Federation of Teachen, the uruon which repr ... nta the district's 800-plus teacher~. "Whether we like tt or not," aaid federabon president Adel Kopecke u ahe 1Dtroduced Bradley, "the next governor will play a major role in ahap1Dg the future of education here, and in helping d.term.ine where the fundino will come from to pay for it." Bradley aaid he would find more money for education. The money would come, be said, from edd.cl revenae that would be produced by an upauroe in bwdlt-in the alate, or from NO E new taxea. Would he favor the splat-roU property tu system proposed by tome Cahforruana, whtch would tax b usineu property at a hloher rate than res1dentJal property? "There are tnequtltes tn Prop· Olrilion 13," he satd, "t.ncludlng the fa ct that some homeowners pay muc h hu;Jher taxes than their next·door netgbbor1 who have owned homes lonqer. But, I will explore aJJ posstbtlthes before hopptng on any tdea, such as the spht roll. as the an1wer-but somethmg must be done, or we w11l have the same kind of tax revolullon that caus· ed property owners to revolt and pass Prop . 13 t.n the ftrst place IJ the spltt roU seems to be the best source, I'll turn to 11 " Bradley satd be favors conltn· uino bilinouaJ educalton. Ren...t effort toward pleci.Do a teQioD.al allport at either C1Uno H.U.J. or Sutia90 Canyon wu iAd.ic:ated y..terday u .. abe,.. of a BlueiUbboD ate loc:.tlon c:oamittee di8ou.uect poeG.ble &ltemativ ... Subcommin ... of the panel eubmilled reports, one of whlcb SUCJQftts that the Board of Supervbon return the *u• to the federal Avi&tion Aqency- which recently *ued a •tate- ment that a.irapace above th ... two areAl would not accept w · diuonal traffic. That view came foUowmg recommendation by the Southern California A.aoc:l&bon of Government• (SCAG) that th ... satH be explored 41 poat· ble cancbdat ... Howevez, 1t was po1Dted out by 1ubcom.auttee mem.nbera that the FAA may well have b.ued tta 1tatement 10lely on pr ... nt conditions, and abould be aaked to investigate alternative pouibilities~a auggeshon, 1D· cidentally, advanced 1D an edltorial in this new1paper last February 24. The full committee took under advisement the recommendallon that the FAA be contacted Wllh thU ~tion: Auum.ing that there aze facilities 1D e1ther Ch1Do HUla or Sanuaqo Canyon. how would you make the auapace compall· ble? The committee, cout.Sl1Dg of bua1nesa, indu.atnal and cav1c leaders, was appo1Dted by the Board of Superviaors 1D March of last year. It J.S expected to pr ... nl1tl hnal report on May 11 . It has been alated that even FROM START: OUR PLEDGE TO YOU IS QUALITY AND SERVICE With 82 Years· E~ YouC n~On TO fiNISH: T o reach ne" hetght' o f ~rvtce ~nd performance, even dun ng changmg Urnes .. tht ta"'cs somcthtng spectal. At Great Amencan Federal thar something spec1al ts a unaquc rombmauon of experience. ~urces. and a commatmcnt to excellence an meetang the tndtvtdual neech of each cu tomer. The e'pcricncc rtsults from almost a cen1ury of u m money managemenl Cahfornia'i oldest federal savtnp and loan ha srown teadily. bulldin& services. facilitie and resource to become one of &he nat;on· larcnc financial insti&uti Tiw MtHt~ Ctruu-for m rt' tban a half· millaon ~ pie •ho enjoy ~neft such as lhese: • Sealritl of a cntury· tr; 1 nanciat inlc.it"Uuoa wboee cuourca 10011 wiU e.ceed S4 bi»ioa. • Coaveniela ol OM of the natto.•a li,.st branch 100ft 10 lOW \44 cA:a lluoupout Caliloni.a. n., Ms.F ... A '!(--....... ..._ ..... wtth &DOther locatioD ..&.ct.d. pr...ure will costtiou. to .... for grMtft u.ee ol Joke Wa,... Alrporl; Bot only to .c· . coaa•oct.te the growtlt of s--· IIWlellt populatioa aDd bN6 - here but beca.DM 98tfi.D9 a ... rav•o.DA! auporl into opecatiaa collld take .. veral y .. ra of pJ.a. n1DQ , en vuonmental arqu~Dallt and ac tual construction. -lartlt.. Some Of It Comes Back The thrM Harboz ArM cit* rece1ved a total of $1,873,lil from the alate 1D the Watch &lloe&Uon of aa.t. ud UM t&ue WminWered by the Bo&rd of !qualiutioll. Addibollally. the county received $1,019,457 1D ..-ud UM tax ... and anotUr $3,128,· 654 for lt1 loc&1 tr~ fund. Ern .. t J. Dronenbuzo Jr., board member, .tated U..t $108.9 million had been datribuled to oiti .. , ad $18.2 million to the countiM hom tlle one percent 1~ aal• ad ue tu, and an additional $31.7 million wu paid to countiM from the querter-pezcent local tal• and UM tax ...nn.arbd 1m county tran.portation fu.nda. He e.x:plained that the boud admmtaten both the lltat• and loc:..l a&l• and u. tax•. wtuc:h total 6 percent tbrOQ9hout _.. of the alate, and 6~ perceat iA thoee counbel wb.icb hav. tru- lit dimlcts. Coca W... received $1,133,- 100; lrvtne, Snl,l04, and Newport Be.ch, $662,987. • It's A ShOcker • t1ae namon are poppitu;r up ac;rain-that what's ~ to 10ae of the county's senior citizens on loW, fixed illcom• ahould happen to a dog; that they're ocCuionally piecinc;r out their meals with dog food toward the end of the month as they await their Social Seourity checb. Thia paper has yet to find a senior citizen who will admit to beinc;r in such a Pt:edicament-but what's about to happen to that same income strata, and many others, ~aJlb DNrly as ahoclting. The impact of projected increases in the costs of qtiliU.. i8 c;roinc;r to be painful. •And, once the cold WMther rolla around again, it could even qet excru- ciatinc;r. Newport Beach-particularly, Corona del Mar-and Coeta Mesa have a qreat number of retired individuals, here to enjoy the quieter life and the sun and the be.utiful environment. Many of them are limited in re.ources. Additionally, the young marrieds on the way up in car .. rs, as well as the mill oJ high-level profesaionals, ill c;rrowing communities such as Irvine, are conbonted with budgets stretched to purchase the necessities. Electricity and natural gas are among those neces- .m ... most usul'edly. Yet, projections are that costs of theM are about to soar at a critical rate for many of th ... families. State ofticial,put the blame for the imminent increase in natural c;ru cost squarely on a federal commission which hu approved it without heedinq CaliJornia's prot .. ts for more evaluation. Additionally, Southern California Edison has petition· .ed the sta• Public Utilities Commission for a general rate increase oJ more than 25 percent this year, and ne&rly another 3 percent next yeal'. One estimate is that the gas hike will add as much as 50 percent to some residential heating bills. The power hike is, oJ coune, another jolt. The utilities plead that increased costs, such as for fuel, are forcinq these moves. So, join the club. Increased costs have hammered the c;reneral public, now, for far too long. What the indivi· dual does, is do without. The suggestion is NOT to do without the fuel. But is it t~ naive and simplistic to au(J9eat that the big utilities can do wit.hout something? Shouldn't there. be public di.cloaure whicb will establish that all the cost- reduction posail:>le internally has been made before the bite comes to keep the pipelines and conduiti full of dollars? In other words, have there been assessments of worldoads and expenses; have there been cost-effective adjuatments in staJfing, 'and the use of company cars, and employee benefits? Has there been the kind of bullet-biting, soul-searching effort required these days oJ individuals and small businesses and large corpora· tiona not privy to state-granted support? Owning the only qame in town should require more than tappinq the public's pocket everytime the 'qoiilg c;rets touqh. U the utilities have made that effort, they should prove it with facta and figures. Before some folks run out of dog iood. -BRS Followinv are ta. Mld.r.... lor ~t&l rep.reMDtaUy• •nillv da.e lntne area: UJIDII) ITA TIS SDIATI AJ. ca .... •~ WAWwe 11wc~ .• ..._ 130, ~ Aattl , CA toa:U, (JIJ)IM-,..1. I . L ...,.,.._ S23 W. ldl 94., S.ute 112. &.. l•t•b , CA 10014, (213) --·· UIIITID ITATIB OONGUSS ....... a.cu.... ~ Dlltrict, JMw-....-....a..u.CA ~~ ...... STATISDA'R Job G. ScULita, 3101 DlariQ\, 4800 C..pu Dr., H.wpo~ leedl, CA 8180, m-117'0. STATI ASSDGL Y Wadu .. .-. 74dl Dllatct, 4!00 c..p. Drtt.. .... ,.., ~ ~.CA...,, 141-7441. IOA.ID or SUPUVJSOIS no.. r. u.,. Dlm1ct s, a.u o1 Me!e""•.UO.. 10 CMo C... Plua. Sbta Aal, CA 12201, &'M-31110- 27.211. COMt HWY .• Cotou clel Wu, CA ... 8880 ........... ..... ....... -.................................. .,..... ............................... _ .................. Cllwl ............. ~ ..... ~ ..... -.................... .. ,...._..,...... __ ................................ c.., .. """""""" ........ ,..... .. .............. . I' t •• ..,,_ -~-·- ........... Letters To The Editor. ia done ia be.t left to the prof ... aional city atafi with supervision fro!Jl the Plannino Commiaion a.nd the City CouncU. I certa.lnly hope the pre.ent referendum ·effort reoudino the Beeco application ia aoundly re- Jected by the people of Newport Beach. Phil Toaez Balboa Pavilion ·crux of Problem• To the Editor: · "Citiaeu' oroup" are spJ"outino up u thick u weeda in Newport Beach. Fint, we had RAP (Reaidenta' Action Plan) in Corona del Wu. TheD we had the CoiiUILitt .. of 4,000. Now we have the w .. t Newport 'Le9W.Uve Alliance. Th ... qroup a.re makino ODe dem.and; that ~. the City Council should rep.rneDI their reeidenli&l point of view and not the develOPer•'. Why hu thit atuation a.riaen? In the last election, the citisenry wu manipulated by Iaroe development firma to el.ct coun· cil persona out of .tep with the citiaena' ooa.la for the city. The Irvine Co. and other laro• development firma had careful aurveya made to learn the ciU&en.a• opinions, and then hired hiolaly-effective public relations firma to manJpulate the voteJ'I to elect an a..Dti- residentW, pro- commercia.l/induatnal city coun- cU. The crux of the problem 11 that the developer-controlled councU DUUority ia convertino the zoninc,t of l.uoe poJtiona of the city from residential to com- mercial/industrial with hiQh den.aity. Such convenion ia op- poMd by r .. identa who want to mAintain a r-.,idential character to the city. It ~this buic con- llict whicll hu brouoht about the impaaM betw .. n ciHten and city councU majority. Franc11 Robsart CONSUME Dear Collf\liDer LHvue: O.e day .. Imuec:l lhrout.ah • very ~r ·...aloMl~UCJA&iH I NW tllie ~·-.... Alii Mel to do .., iMll • ciMck lOr SlO plus 98 ceata forakapptaQ aAa 0.. UJMI aad ........... of 10 ot lllJ tr .. a.da wt.o qlat be · later ..... to IIlia ole.r. 0.C. tbe lil•W•yW...tMy..W ...cl .. 1200 WOida of , ... coiDI, or J20Q worda of rere ........... ' . Elltlats 'Scream· To the Editor: Ny hat's off to the Newport Beac h City Council majority. With their approval of the Beeco-Bannino project, they've moved industry and oomme.rce oceanward and alono with U ..f. fordable houaino for the pro: jecl'• worken. Aa everyone e~ted, the elitiata are tcreaminq their hMda off and puai.no a.round peUUcma. The elitiata wa.nt low- density houaiDQ and continued residential aonino. They have vi.aiona c:4 neivh.borbooda with U...lined atrwta and happy chllclren akippiDq down aidewalb wh.en wch develoJ)- JMGl la DOt u p.rotia..ble u comme.teia-Uadu.atrial develop- ment. 11ae .Uu.ta are worried about chemicals and ailt runnino off into \be bay. The feet la they axe the OD .. who IJve on the bay, and they're the on• who ahould pay for ita uplt"p and dredQino. · The elitiata claim the traffic will be made impa.aable by worken ooin9 to and from the B..co-Banntno project. I've Uv- ecl in New York and in Cleveland and I can hon..tly NY the traffic problem here is really not u bad u aome people clAim. Tlu. development will aimpJy extend· Coate Neu 'a mduabial· · commerciAl park and ita af. . fordable houaino ecroa the city line mto Newport Beach. Hu Co.ta MeN sunk into the oce&n becau" it baa induatry and af. fordable h.ouaino? No. And Newport,Beach won't aink into the ocean either if an induatrial- c:ommerctal park with low coat houaino ia built in W "' Newport. Deor Eliubeth Brachel Newport Beac h Wra. V. One, il on odverliMmtml 1• too GOOD lo be ,,.,.. Jl M prob- ably loo good to be rRW. J OUIUtAUSI-& J OURNAL by Jlm Feltoo A abort time aoo, we thor· ouohly enjoyed Dr . W.u.rioe Allard'• pr ... ntaUOD of "llijah," performed by the Oranoe Coun- ty Muter Chorale, ud we were particularly pJeaaed with Uttle Jenllifer Brown, who MilO the role of ''The Youth." Jezuiller muat have been all of 9 or 10 yean old, ud durlnq the inter· miaion, abe proudly minoled with the muaive chorale group, her father by her aide, beamtno with his pride. And it reminded ua of a time nea~ly 35 yMn aoo when one of our own .. no with the San Franciaco Opera Com- panya. At that time, I wu a atruo· olino youno account executive with Foote, Cone & Beldino, uaioned to the Lockheed account. Our family had orown futer than our income, but we still manaoed music leaou for the children, and eon David aano with Or. Lyou' Boya Choir in Puadena. David wu about 10. The choir peaked in ita per· formance juat before Chriatmu ao it could liDo carols at such plac• u the Broadway Depart- ment Store, and· NCb boy would receive two or thJ'M dollan, and proud parents packed the atore. One eveDino after rehea.nal, David announced brMtbleealy that eome of the boya were ooiDo to sino in an opera, and he wu ootno to be one of them. .The San Pranci.ICo Opera Com- pany, in ita annual visit to the Shrine Auditorium, had ulted Or. Lyou to provide a number of the boya to sino in the proc .. - aion in La TOICO. . While the femily wu excited, there wu no way we could aqu"ae funda,o attend. Pur· theJ", wbu we caUecl the Shrine, we found Toeca wu .old out. The nut day durino tlte noon how, I wu playino dominoes at the Univenity Club with eome advertiaino -..oci&t--Lou Scott, now of BaJ&hor•: lten Thuraton, th~ 91'Mt copywriter now Uvino in Carlile!, and Bill Hue, the ad repreeeotative for LUe maouine. I cuually men· Uoned that aon David wu ooino to be in the cut of a orand opera. Well, the effect wu more than I expected. You've oot to find a way to heaJ" him, they said. I tried broken all afternoon, to no nail. That evenino, the telephone rano. It waa Life maouine man Hue. "Jim, there a.re two tickets at the box office in your !lADle for Toaca Thwaday nivht." How BUl Hue oot tho. IJclteta 111 never know. But we went , aaltino in the fineat ... tam the orcb .. tra teetion, surround- ed by elegantly-dr-.d opera buffa. The m\laic wu ~JMrveloua -I'm • patsy fo.r Puccini-but we hardly hMrd it, ao iDteDt we.re w. on wailinq for the pro· ceuion&l~CeAe. It wuo't much-he wu there and von• m an inatut-but U wu t wuque uperlencelor Dnad. YtQ..t Y~. tM arclwleol· OCJillt who \lDM.rl.hed W.Mda ud wulater chief of llUf of the br .. u Army ud d-c>uty prelllier, lpob in lrviAe lut week ud r.t.d $630,000 for the United JewWa W.U.re FUild. fh.t &IDOUJlt WU pledged by 70 penoJU who attended the eveoillc;r with Yaclin at the Turtle Rock home of Harvey and Sandy Enc;rl&Dder. &DOtiMf vote in the ln .. et, tb. lar..U parUAJUnt, lut week. (Y.din ia • former member of the ~.n ... t.) "There are people who lib B.Qin and there are people who don~ like Bec;rin, but he will go down in hiatory, I uaure you," Yadlp aaid. Yac:lin ia m&k.inc;r a fund- raiainc;r tour of the U.S. H.ia hvine visit wu timely, cominc;r at the same time u controvenia.l ouatinc;ra of Arab mayo" on the bra.U-occupied Weet S.u of the Jord&n who are .,mpathetlc to the PaJ..une L.tberation Orc;raniution. The c;ru"ta' qu .. tiona reflected the anxietiea over the coming April 25 deadline for braeJ'a withdrawal from the Sinai Penm- .W. under the term.a of the 1979 Camp David ac;rr .. ment. Yaclin, who baa met With both men, provided wight into Eqyptian Preaident Joeeph Mubarek and hia predeceuor. Anwar Sadat, who was uaa.aam- ated by Arab zealots last October. Oh, Those Traffic Headaches-And Their Causes Motorists tra.eling Coast Highway 1n Newport Beach last week were caught coming and going '" some lengthy traff1c ueups At left. cars back up beyond the Balboa Bay Club as Caltrans worker prepares Upper Bay Bndge for lane-strlpmg Eastbound traffic was reduced to one lane all day At nght. traffiC "The incldenta on the w .. t Bank a.re hurtino the imaoe of brael," Yadin acknowledc;red, but, he aaJd, "The world ia dem&nclinc;r much more of larael than it doe8 anyone elM." He defended Prime Minister Menachem Beoin, who with.atood Jewilh WeUare Fund mon1" uai.st social services here m the U.S., Jews aroWld the world , and occupational training, education and immigration in larael. • Englander Group, a Newport 1 Beach-based consulting and pubuc relations fum. "We do th1s three or four ti mes a year." he scud of the vwt by Yadin to raise funds for Jewish weUare . EVERY DAY IN CLASSIFIED Englander lS preaident of the HOWTOWINAT HORSE RACING POOLS • DICE IDCH&ae your wianiqa, cut loeaet. Uae ow aim- pie uay-to-rememher compukrized ••Bank of Eqlucl" pmbliq 171tema (3). Seod $4.9S ch«k or mooey order to: PARUR DATRONIX, Box A-231. CS6800. Costa Me ... CA 92627 We Keep You Sm1ling ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p.m. A ll Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T . SMRECEK. JR .. DDS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 104 westbound through Corona del Mar IS reduced ro one lane as work8f'S ftom the Laguna Beach water department conduct routine maintenance at the Goldenrod intersection on an .underground vault wh1ch contains a pipeline link to the downcoast area. Photo. bv St~ C..nc.an and Bun Stm& Simple 1nterest on 18 month certificate accounts. Rates and terms on new fixed-ra te accounts are subject to change without not1ce Substantial tnterest penalty fOf eorty w1thdfawal Call fOf complete detatls ..... - Check our rates-you wtll be pleosontty surpnsed Rates and terms are subject to c hange. so call today fc:x the la1est tnformotl()('l . .. .. ·. ~ . ~ ... HUGE SELECTION OF NEW/USED MIYATA 5-R CENTURION ROSS SCHWINN UNIVEGA LAND CRUISERS *********************** s•s PEUGEOT DIAMOND-BACk MOUNTAIN BikES COOk BROS. 1881 Centurion ~~~01....---.-SAVE Semi-Pro Super LeM•na LeM•na Sport Dlx. .... ••• ... t71 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·ALL ACCESSORI ES •••••• Over 500 Bi cycles at Reduced Pr ices Sole Prrces Good Unti I Easter * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * YORkER J MC CYCLE PRO AND OTHERS 10SPEED NEW-MOTOBECA 30% r...day. Narda 23 CJUNIS Milton binoculars valued at $240 were reporttM! stolen from a boat h.loncpnc;J to Jan Pick in the Lido Shipyard . . . A Sony televilion, Z.nith VCR and a ailver watch, va.h1tM! at $4,000, wu reporttMI .tolen from Robert Bron.on Lewis in the 600 block of Via Lido Nord ... A televi- sion. valutM! at S500 wu reported stolen from EuQene Greytak in the 2..00 block of Holly. ARRESTS Randy I..roy Powen, 32, of Santa Ana, and Peter Valentine Haqer, 27, oJ Oranc;Je, were a.rreattM! on aupicion oJ lridnap- pinc;J and are h.inq held for $25,000 bail . . . Jerry Veluco, 26, of Fontana, wu arre.ted on •u.picion of auault with a dead- ly weapon on a police officer. Bail hu been Mt at $25,000 ... p.-,. J.-Joh·-· 31, cif Ntwpon ~ • .,.. u.-.:d on .upicloa ol pclrrrr I.D9 cocai.De for Mle •.. )&OhMJ Jeck loiio Jr., 23, of He~~. WM an....O \iacMr wanut ae -.pl- ciOAofb~ •• -~ Bea w..adOM, 28, of s.:Dta Aaa, wu etr.ted Oil aupidoia of but9lar1 ... Two mea ..,. &r· reeted on auplcion o( cl.rV.aibn drivinQ.. iachadiaa9 Georc;Je Wi.llJam Dix of Newporl Be.ch. WedDeeclay. llarch 24 CIUWIS A wa.l.let conta1ain9 $300 wa• reported stolen from Javier Jiminez at the Fuhion ialand Coco'• . . . A port.hle color televilion valued at $300 wu reporttMI ltolen hom a boat belollginq to Hed) S..od.erick moo.red in the 100 block of Jut Cout Hiqhway . . . A man's aport• jacket by Lynn Novak valued at $250 war reported ttolen from Robi.n.-oll'l in Fa.rhion Wand. The jacket is lOC pexcent aiDt tweed . . . A 36· inch lonq rabbit foot fem, valued at $125, wu reported stolen from Barbara R. Wilson in the 2000 block of East Ocean. ARRESTS Tarek Tewfilt Saleh, 21 , of Newport Beach, wu ur .. ted on su.spicioll of poaessinq cocaine . . . John Edward Ables, 25, of Pomona, w.u arrested OD •uapi- cion of d.runken drivinq. ThW11ClcJy. March 2$ ARRESTS Three Compton men, LaMar Tyrone Dykes, 18; Jam .. Parnell McDowell, 20, a.nd Jerome Wuhingtoll, 20, weze arrested on MacArthur and San Joaquin Hilla Road, on su.picion of bwqlary from a.n auto . . . Lewis Godlnea Melendez, 49, of Costa Mesa, wu arreated 011 sllSpicton of drunken drivinq. ,.......,, llrlrda • . CIJMI'S At.on.a........,.._.., $1;,120 wu .....,._. IO WUJA.a P1o,cl eoa..., --...... tlY -~,._. ~ cluria9 COla• •'wioa of the en... Col*a towul ""' property iD the arM uowad the 1800 block of Pt . Albau Niki.Dce, JM)lice NpOxted. The IU.Iped(r) DUde oft wt$ a 'l'V ,.._. c:onbol valU4icl at $!0 ... Jewelry and a ndio, valued at $1,350, ....-. r..,olted •oleA from Haney D. Grilllom in the 4100 block oJ Nepha.D.e . . • 40 ca.ehe ...,._ valued at $200 were reported .tolen hom Frank Jeff B.ruder in the 1200 block of Balboa. ARRJ:STS William lAuder Clemen. Jr., .SO, of Laquna Beach, wu .... ....ttM! UDder warrant on hlpi- cion of paanq bad cheeb ... John Steveu C\lll.DiD9bam, 26, of Newport Beach, wu an..ted oo ~icion of defraucf.i.D9 an inn· keeper . . . Fuh.d Naaer· teJuani, 30, of8ell.Oowet, wu ur•ted on w.picioD of ditorderly conduct ... Two men were ut..ted on ~cion of d.runken dririDq, neithel' from Newport Beach. Saturday. Jlal'ch 'D CRIMES A man wu reported expoeinq hi.mN1I in the 1200 block of Rutlalld ... An Ovation quita.r and ~ valutMI at $1,000 wu reporttM! stolen from Nark McGteady in the 100 block of McFadden . . . A Not.becane bicycle valued at $321.95 wu reporttMI .tolen from the Newport Bib Shop in the 2100 hlocek of R.wport. AD eiCJ)lt-by- ten loot plate 9lua window valued at $600 wu amaahed in the incident . . . Properly valued at $750 was reported ~t ... dte The body of Junella Pick, 32, an apparat .Weide, wu foWld iA her lutbhaff uea home Wedheeday, police reported. ln...tiqaton Mid ahe had ditMI of a bullet wound. An autopy w being coatducttMi. Automated wrought Iron secutty ~ • Intercom. telephone oocess entTy control • leosJrQ pOQfan CMJIIctie. condos. t'tomeowners ~ apaitltl&nts • Commerdol and lndUstna • ResidenttaL We Camp Are 8 NEWPORT ACCESS ENTRY CONTIOL LEASING CO. ~=- co•ONA DIL IIAI ~7007 For many years before his death in Septem6ir ~ 1980.narawiie store owner AJ Forgit ran a weekly personal-opinion ad in The Ensign. Soon, these will be published again in book form. Meanwhile, his widow Peg has decided to repeat some of the ads. This one appeared Aug. 26.' 1976. BOYS D ... cu ,. ... .., ~··~· .. ,., ........... . fto .. It claa't ...... --_ .. .., ........... ? ............ . llr~ Pa1ricl VMa ••· 11. ~ of the Nenport Beech Police e.,. ....• COl ........ .-. b'l ~ OWf CNrtes Qo. .,._ bling .-clad Nllliallll L8w Enbcen••t &pbiug o.iln•• M CMv-elialdun·s CIDI9-._.week in ~ .. ..__ PM .. ptonMM Uw Enbcernenl &poling 8C ....... 11_.191 ...,.,... b country. ()flk., Stan a....Mr -....... • a ....... ..... Salt photo., e..y 5W.t . THE LAST STRAW When our City Cound met the nigt)t al Man:h 12 in ..,.,a.t 1 • ora•. there was no TV ~-Just • wei ... if • villwlr hed gon.n «4» to get some coffee. he might twwe missed the wtMJie show. h cidt\'t tae the Counc:i long to put its rubber sr.mp on the massive Beeco--a.nning ~- . This il the a.t sn.wt The Counc:l YOJIMI on • fn1ior proiKI without eot...,ing Sl.gge5-- tapns coming during a public ._ing. How many tirna rnusa we tolerate finlll dec:iPons being made prior to the doaug of pubic ~inrga1 How mw.y times mua we •••lind the Council that they ... -..:ted 10 iepllll tl .. of the ..... not just the COttMt•cial interests? HcJw ~v .times will we allow CcM.wd .,....,.. to bed-mouth citizen ~~ just because their v.ws mffet from tt.o. al ctte .. ieian rnlbrs7 Too many times we Nlw toletated ilillppiOpiiMII ~iors from the Council maioritv. On the night of the final pubk heelir-sa. DMd Goff .....-.ct thet the Coud co. ... lllowiatg onfv 200,000 -.uare feet of induMrill/c:cn•••c:illl be buill wrti lhe CRUCIAL liNK o1 Bluff Road to 19th Street was in p&a(:e. Ina..,. • it...,., dw Council ignored thia very impor- tant question. And the result is • huge indultrial COIIttPex being buill without • through road out of the dty. Does the C<UlCil heer us? One c:ounc:iltNn tpOila of how wei the CowlCil isfened to the peope. tf that. true. why cldn't tMy «*:&• Bluff "'-11 What can .....,,ts do? lMy c.n inllia on twWlg a voice in mlior diKisiona. That•s why the West Newpon Aliance, RAP. and SPOH .. II endoning a ••"'•ldum. h is important to understand that there are honesl. tNijor clr.-•ICa of opinioo in our c:ily When i1 comes to future dewllopment. BUT. we'*'.._., put i1to • vote alii the peopa. We beliet~e the people of Newport a..:t. -.t me rights o1 a8llidlittts to be placed above the rights_ of COt'IVYWCial int.,.... We t 1f1we in the dJtitiOUMic ~ . So, while ~-Council peope c::ontinue 10 all ........ ,.,.. for ...... '9 • voice in ~ P land-uee dec_,.-.; we _.limply go to the ..... and_. tt.n to lign the REFEREN- DUM P£TlTlON insuring their ris;lht to t.w a voice in city gowett..,.d. 'f!'e •afet•Mtum outcome wil affect our city ...... R1 ·lirwtial or coo••••ciat? h's wour choice. That's why you, and I, should.._, mab 1hll .-ciaiota. Sign up today. Call"'-,..,... for .......... .,.. ........ 642--3125 145-~ IG--. WeHaveAGift For You CHOICE OF . ............. . OrLCD1'1111e._. M .......... LY .... Ill' Clw"*t•• Ly.dl "Aa ilIa the flnt y-r we've touched athletics," n. 8CI.ool boant of tM Nwaport-W... Unified conttnu.d lvau, "oolf wa c.tao.u a.c.uae it il 8cMol o..tdct ~ c:lecidecl to cut Q01f and rel.atiwe)J upeDaive for oae leec:heT to only tuch 9JW•r'k:e •...,.,. IPOI1!I at dimic:t 1UQ1a 10.121ddt, and~ wu choeen partially ..... al8 Alt~ ta.. dri+ta Ia th,e rwaJ:t of a becaue of the nwaber of putJoipaat. and .... •Mtk-ina dilb1ct priDcipals and. becaue it .. t1w uole--daagerou.a hioh -=Mol hoard "*• -..raJ ol.,_ af:leeted qu ... echool sporlia the utloD." t1aa 1M AHcwWe o1 tJa. clec:i8aD. The cli8trict could beve cut froah-eoph or junior "' a.... QICMe to ta.. ecJ.ool boud .....000'1 vanity a.vel proorama, but the opinion wu that abcNI diltrtct c::a, ad 1 U.. IUde the 8Q9~-8011letlUno wa needed at that level in .uch team tiaa tMI if ~My cat a proeraa, ~My llllwN.W cut • ~Ita u bA..ball, buketball, and football. ..,.-_,. •• orb ,._ bUMtt•n r ..... ntlter ·~w thole ~-t&l tMJU, and you make U... a ftDitJ Jm)VXAa nc)a • volf, .. apl&ined biq iaroacb iDto the vanity proor&JU,"Nid •=poa111ubor vo1f coec1a St... o,.. Ev&a.~. "We may have cut voU ud qym&D.Itica u n.-, tM bworitahle qnelt'oa ar.a. aa to why 04UIIpu.a 8pOrU, but tho.ltudeata .... qoino to 1M dilbld ct.c.e to cut a vanity program rather keep plaJing and they can ltill qualify for CIJ u..a .. ....s.n:t.. proqram. , competition. If we cut, or hindered, a team aport, eon.. cW ,.... '"'-h cool priJlci-·' Denni.l tho. .pam would limply disappear from the ......, ..-hioh ~'-ool '----•." a .... pt09id.d b.cbpowsd OD why ooU and -..,~ 9JW•.atfice _,. cJac.eD lor tenaia•lion. School admia.i.ltraton held the view that, ..,.._. hawe bee diatrict-wide cub for the put althouob the deciaion to elimiaate such indi· ... ,......, tJ.owJh aoM.Iy in the .,.. of which vidual aport. u 90lf and qymautica may apa.rk d 1 are to be taUQht,., explained Evh.. "And , controveny, the proper deciaion wu made for .,_ that ~p>rb -.na't immune, the decision 'the majority of .porta partidpana. •t d.iatrict hioh ._ ...._ to cut two procpuu this yea.r. I tchoola in ooatiaulag all levela of team aport.l. 1 C1ty Baskefhal Teama have completed leaoue play in the city recreatiOD department'• winter basketball 'A' Oivilion. PlayofJ Finabt . 'A' League .UU,Iry'a Tumao&an War O.nla Oranqe County Srara W L J 0 I 2 I 2 Boltollll Up Hooter• Johnaton Jacuu1 I 2 0 Aero 2 2 Vllginia Gute, ~ Councl cheirwoman for the Newport Hatbot ~ Art Mueeum's Run Your Art Out 10K 11111 Sunday, congralulates Susan Genthner Ueft) and Tom Cheese. winners in the 19-29 age bracket. StaH phoro by 6atTv SloOto 0 3 0 Of 8 0 Da.on Dnbb!.re 8 0 PacUIC Wutual 8 0 Suo O.vlla S 4 0 South Coaal Comm Churc h 2 S 4 0 South Coaat Comm Churc h I 3 6 0 Coopert & Lybrand 2 7 0 Armco 2 7 0 SYCR 2 7 0 Pa~U lterr Fortier 2 7 0 Lut wMk"• acor .. · O.on 55, Uf 52, PacLIIc 63. Armco 42, SCC No . 2 40. Slll1 O.V\&1 39; SYCR 58, Coopers 43 ; SCCC No I 41. Pannell JO Chapp~,Lopat Lead282 Who Ran Their Art. Out Ruben Chappinl, with a time of 30.52 miaut .. , and Rene Lopat, with 38.30, were men's and women'• overall wianera last SWlday in the third &nDual Run Your Art Out lOJt spon..ored by the Newport Harbor Art MUMUDl. poet-race refreshment. Other wmoers and times: Mal ... 14 and under Tom COQlllore 38 SO, 15-18 Moh Makeoa 32 58, Cl&,,. fell 39 36, 19 29 Tom Ch-Jl 41. S.a.o G.nthoel 44 .MJ0-34 HenlY Lance 33 46 f JO 39 Oebb1e Willten.eoo 40 01. I .ocala Fire A VoDey-Bat Miss Nine aqe diviaion.a for men and five for women competed on the out-.ad-baclt courae alonq Back Bay Drive, with a total ol 286 racera entenno the contest, 6CCOrdiaq to race oroanuer Roy fu.aMll. W3S-49 Bob Hill 35 21. 40-49 O.IUUI f1t&qe1ald 35 29. Sbero L~qntburn 41.26, F50 and ove r Gr&ha Sl•nloo (no h.me recorded) N45-49 ChriS Burke J6 27. WS0-59 Tracy Brown J6 30 N60 and ove1 Ed Noswn 46 04 '-7 a.._,t v Lpda Ccwpettag ia 1M Oraaoe eo..ty VoD.pll Cham~ s.taday, 1M lleaport Jlubor S.Oan ad 1M Co...-. cW ,.... s.. KiiiOa ........... of illp I 'N play durl.a.q 10 81tr.:tr ..;~&iut a number of ••'n'aclteuu. n. Sailon, UQdM ll..d coecll Oa Sim•oaa, opeaed the ..omiJa9 by aplittmo two oua• wllll Sea Vilew Leeoue .... r eo... ...... 15-9,6-15. .... played ....u, -u "9Nw• ...... • explained Sim----. -na.a I apW ap the .wt· ., ......, .a aU tM kida woWd play Ill .... two IUtcbM, wllic:h .,..,. ••• ybod, a kit (If u:pe- at.ce. I bew .. were~t't 9Dill9 k)-. a. •I trW lo accom- plilla • a..._ of other thiaoa, ...tl tlDU I cbd.· n. Sellon bkhed with a 2-8 r....a .... .,, spiWieQ willa Ocea V.. ill ta.. altemooa. friday aiq)at, t1w Sailon ~ve tlahwatJ .U it coaJd lwaclle, ~oat to a~ )eed, ls.l, lS-1. Rowevu, Newport c:laos4*lt» neat three ba a row k) ._ .._ daaace at v~ti.Do tM Sea View l.eeque leadez. DD..riaQ lu& .....,. play, ac- cordiao lo S.•ooa, the Sailora ...,. ..-rlced by the play of let- a. SMwa ma..ud ud outside Ia-. Greg HiU-.n. CciM. ~HUWlille, fiaiahed the s.tuday with a 7-3 record, tJOOCI ~ lor tJWd pJ.ce iD il8 poal. Howevet, oaly the lop An eves are on the bell as Corona dlt Mar tqUIId (left) competes in tournament. Steff pholo bv B.vrv Slobtn a tou1 ye&r letterman, the "ag- greaive and confident" net play of Joey Bardon, the blockino and1Utting of Soott Nawoombe, ud the conaiatency of Steve Martin, whom, along with Johnston, Weywrauch con11ders them~ complete player . two team.a advance to t.be quar· terfinala, t10 CdW mu.at be COil· tent to work on a nwn.ber of ....Jm ..... which ..m.c.d. The Sea Laqa miaMd 29 aerv• in lour oam• againat Weatmmster and Laguna BMch. "Serving ia ju.at con~tra· tion, "Mid Coach John Weywrauch. "AJthouqb we weren't ued to the ball, Mrving d 80 basic''. AJte.r .WMPinO Irvine and W..am.illater, the Sea ICiaqa .pUt two gam• with Fountain Valley, dropped two attaioht to Laguna Beach, thea ~wept ~on Vie· Jo. Friday Dioht, the Sea JC.inga dropped out oJ a Jour-way tie in the S.. ·View League u the r..wt ola 6-15, 15-12, 14-16, 6-15 &o. to J.tanci.a. Aa in the put, CdW wu u.uhle t6 win " crucial tll.ird aet a.fter splittino the fint two gam•. To this point, the Sea Lnga have been led by the eettino and l.edentup of WicbMI Johnaton. ln addition, the pu&LDO and blocking of Mtke MciCJbben and Hadley Carpenter have helped c reate a b&.lanced Sea JUno at· tack u they .tart the aeoond half oJ the Sea View leaou• achedule at lrvme Fnday nu~ht. The ru.n wu spon..ored by the Buain ... CouncU of the mu.eeum, and chauwowom&Jl wu Viroiaia Gute, of V1rtue and Scheck, law firm. Und.rwrttera included The Ir- vine Co., Odetica, Inc., and Touche Roa and Co., with Olympia Brewing Co. provid.ino Tlae7'reAII-...... e Byron Ball, Newport Hazbor llioh, and Nib H.. and Chras Lyuch, ColOn& cW War, have been uJMCl to the Sea View ~ all...W bubtbal1 team by tM }Mqa.e'a ooecM-. Baak Goebel. Core.. cW Mar, JUde the ..coad ,~. and Steve Peliteze, Newport Harboz, received honorable m..ent.ion. llta.ncia Coach Larry Sunderland wu named Coach of the Ye&r. Coolr'a A SwMthecut Newport Beach'• Betty Cook, deJendinQ 1981 offahore power boat champion, captured first place recently in the Marathon Boat Racmg .A.ociauon'• Sweeth-n Race at Manna del Rey. She outdrove • held of 27 m the 109-mile ru.n lapped betw .. n NariDa del Bey ud the Pa.loa VerdM Paiuula, at the belm of her Nicbelob Ligbt cat&mat&ll. RONNING ON by Dan Logan The Echpse Sun Run IV. the thud race m the Cluoa Cup S.nes, will be held Satuzday, AprU 17 at Mason Park 10 Irvine The SK wlll start at 7:30 a .m., the lOK at 8 a.m. Pre-registra· tion 1.1 S8 wtlh t-sbnt, $4 race only . Race day reoi.ltnhon 1.1 $5, race only. For more m.for - mahon e&ll 966-0556. . . The Filth Aaaual YMCA <A-uoe Couaty W.Xa.thon atatta at Featherly Req1onal Park off tb. Rtvemde Freeway at 7:30 a m. Saturday, Apnl 17. Tbia year the courae will fml.Sh on the Santa A na fbveJ btke trail &bout a quarteJ-mue from the Pacu1c Coast Highway Entry fees are S8 wttb t-sh1rt, $3 race o.nly by Apru 10, $10 and SS ther..Uter. For more · mformation call Dave Harding at 642-9990 o r Kevin Whitley at 635-9622 Future races March of Dtmes SK ctnd 1 OK Apnl 24 stctrtmg ctl Harbor Muntc 1paJ Co11rt lD Irvme and Spnng Tuneup SK and lOK atarhng at Ford Aerospace fac uJty on Jamboree 10 Newport Beach May 1 7·15?GIItlato ATaa •JI•III They're Flippin' Over OCC's GJIIIDillll.s l.eaque record to 1·2 with a 7-1 Jc. to Co.ta W.... The Sailon were held to only two hit., one eac:ll by lten Terry and lterry L:alma. The Corona del War bueball t4M.JD, uad.r Coach Tom Trager, blew out 5a<dd.llebecJilllietlll••· c:Yy, 22·6. ~urt the wiDDID9 pitcMt U Kiaqa collected 21 Wh.Ue ..at 4 for 4, for t.hr• doubles RBI' e. Ll eddition, .• for a witb tk .. Go.dao Woa Ud ...... ~. Bleaed wttb talent and depth, coach Barbara Wnoht Iabeli her 1982 Oranoe Coaat College women'• QYULDuUca aquad "the best rn the achool'a luatory." The atate championabJpa are alated lor Apnl 30 and May 1 at Solano Coleoe m Sui.lun City, but that compehhon may be purely ac.dem1c. 1n ateanuoU· ino to a perfect 8-0 record 10 far thia ae.uon. the Pirat" have already handuy defeated all the top teama m the atate-team.a ltke El Canuao, Lono Beach Ci· ty, L.A. Valley, Ol.blo Valley, w .. t Valley, and Santa Ro.a. In fact, the Plrat81 demonstrated that tbey have the abaltty to be a power at the lout· yHr colJ8QJale !.vel th1.1 y~. The Buca nip))e<i San Franc\.ICO State, Ole fifth-ra.nhd NCAA Oivilion 2 ecbooJ Ul the naUon, at a March 20 m .. t on the Mil Francisco campua Depth and ex~ri.ence are key f.lctora for the Ptratea th\a TAlENTED OCC GYMNASTS-These gymnasts ~ve made Ofange Coes• Cohgl'a women's gym~cia team the number one ~quad in the &l•te. The quaf1et includes: (top row. l ·RI Lynn Hoffman af\d Suun Spr' .. tgef; and (bottom row. l Rl Tem Manma end Teri Truebe. AU of you aallora who lib to do a little · ooclUnq, pUJDpinc;r and rockiaq wlt.n you race c:.D brMthe a little euier-tbe UDited Stat• Yacht Recinc;r Union, which ia the qoveminc;r body of all yacht racing, has decided to delete inter- natiollal racing rule 60 . .f which qoverns prote.t under rule 60 (mea.n.a of pxopulaJon by uaino body movements) and you will DOW be judged to be innocent until pro- vell outlty. Before the Milor accuaed of doing th .. illegal "Th1$ no mN.DS to discouraqe rule 60 pro- '"'-by competitors. The more sailors police themselves, the less (on the water) juries will feel obliged to." Thi8 has always been a hard rule to enforce aince the youn9 Laser and Finn skippers have been uaiDg kinetics as part of their raci11g technique for a long time. commiss- Ioning and repair on both sail and power bOats. number of Califofllla ::oDICJe students com- peted in the third and fourth rae. of the ln- tercolleqiate Southern S.1181 here lui Sun- day. Racing the two man (or woman) Flymg Jr. dinghys around the harbor in bluatery winds and occuional showera, Lono Beac h . State and the Universi- ty of Southern Califor- nia finished in the top spots. The scores were: Third rac.-1. Lbs, 38; 2. USC, 91; 3. OCC, 96; 4 . UCI, 99; UCSB. 106; Fourth race-1. USC, 42; 2. Stanford, 52; 3. Lba, 58; 4. UCSB. 90; 5. UCI, 95. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Angebnan Sed" No . 1 There was a laroe turnout of PHRF boats for the first race of this important series last Saturday. Wmners were: PHRF-A-1. Temen· ty, Ted Kerr (BCYC); 2. Olson 30, Richard Schlesinger (SSYC}; 3. Pe/e, Jim Emmi (BCYC). PHRF-B-1. Stress Breolcer, Jack and Bruce Laraon (BCYC); 2. MarJposa, Dlck Hayden (BCYC); 3. F7ying Cucus, N1c k Toloman (BYC}. PHRF -C-1. Scotch Mist, Don Anderson (BYC}; 2. Aloha II. Sal/boarding-The Sport of the '80s ~(Bi¢} ForrMity the Dufour Wing $699Complete IUD·CTa·r nc S COST HOBIE NEWPORT BIC Boa•d H.gh W1tld Sail O'Neill Wer Suu o·~liJacker Bootaes $699 Wulds • S I 05C! CO. 110 Sa•l 1100W.CoutHwy. r.a, Racto; 105 Suu 85 Jdclo:e Na•pcwt ~ 35 Bo<>'K'~ (714) MS-2012 "l'} ra, Rilck T ,.,,, Contact ua fora prompt quot~or con1&dtotion on your 1Gil need•. W • tJiiu you wiU lilt• wluJt you ~Nor. Glen R.-d (SSYC); 3. Blueb.rry NuHin, K.ren Muon (BCYC). Trophy winnen in the Newport Ha~bor Yacht Clu.b Mother Sabota Winter Invita- tional were: Class A-1. Jacltie Smiley (BYC); 2. Nancy Hut- chinaon (NHYC). Clau B-L. and J. Willita (BYC); 2. Audrey Nye (NHYC). Class C-1. Helen WiUiama (BYC). In Balboa Yacht Club Sea Gals Soup ADd &.bot Reqatta Bet- ty Andrews and Jackie Smiley tied for first place. Both are from BYC. UPCOMING EVENTS-South Shore Yacht Club will hold the lirst race of its Hi- l!oint Series for PHRF and ORCA boata on Saturday and Balboa Yacht Club will host a One-Design Regatta both S.huday and Sunday. . Safety Insurance A n•w concept in boating aalety was in- troduced at the recent ln-The-Water Boat Show in Newpo~ Beach. It'-called Cruise Safe and 11 aim.ilar to the idea of pilota of private airplanea fiUno flic;rht plana before they atarl on a atrip 10 1J they do not show up at their declination in a reuonabJe length of lime aomeone can atarl looking for them. A aim.Uar aervtce lS beinc;r offered to boatera by CrulM Sale Inc. It i8 a compulertz- ed float plan moOltor- inc;r aervice. When a boater joins Cruise Safe he will be assic;rn· ed a penonal code number and be re- quired to complete a fact sheet with all in- formation on his boat, ita equipment and a brief description of the skipper's boahng ex- perience. This 1S pro- grammed 1nto the Cruise Safe computer ready to be activated when he calls then toll free number to file a Float Plan. The Float Plan c;rives the port of departure, time, cllly stopa on the way. ADd the ETA (estimated hme of ar· rival) at the deshna- Uon. Upon arrival the boater just notifies Cruiae Sa.fe . If this (0::-H•uci Oil paoe V) CARVER 27St WEST PACIFIC COASTHWY .. NEWPORT BEACH. CA (714)MS-17N fxciCJSive Northern California Dealer CARVER FAM/L Y CRUISERS LA BELLE-THE NEWEST IN TRAWLERS NE.W-UsfD-MOKE.RAGE. • Preventive Maintenance Service 1atLocatlon A total eombfnMion ot rnMIM Mntk:es tOt both po.,., and sall~ts Gas & Otesetn~ds . Out~da . Ste~r~ Otlves Sc:necsv•ecs monttwy seniees on englftft. Sc~led •uhdowns & cleanupl. Olvlng MtVI~ · Sailboat Al9olno . Mast WOik • Haul outs · Gen.raiOt Mntlee S.rvlce Dept. 1135 WhttUer A"·• F-t Coat• Mea, CA t2t27 STORE LOCATION toOW. Co .. t Hwy. Newport Be•ch, CA 12680 a11iseh Service Center 2nd Location A complete tentice, par11 & aeeeuol)' outlet lor Inboards · Oulboalrds · Stern Oti~<ea . F11hlng tackle ·~~~ and much much more! our shop or your slip The only established complete preventive marine service in the southland. (714) 631-1494 ... (llfAIION CXUftiSS mot. Foat. atlle ~ yacht wit\ pUh oc:convnodalloi.. 110 ~ die. 6.5kw gen. lOeb. SSI. ~ ttMmg. 7 baQL Much mae. $110,000. ... wport leocl\. NEWM£RK'l NIWPORT NIW LOCATION: 2751 W.CoastHighwOy Newport BeaCh 4 LOCATIONS TO IIIVI YOU K-•\ACln <t'iTlHUfftt"'t'•t•••'-"II!Wf'tlT .. _.,.__. "'........._ ... """' .. a l .-.-.t ...... llt .. ,\_...._.,,. •• ,,,.,...,., ... AC'H•~•..,.,....,.•rett~twV.. 11~t -"""'(•-...et., rtl .. 6rt!.,_ •••'tA.I"io\Ml..IUot' •J•• .... ,_... ·~ tWA~ "nt1.UI~ -·~"'OIEGOI•~~IIor.C--.,....,_•~•·m•n:o.•- Schock Boats is the offielal sales, rentatand Service Center for Duffield Electric Boats. F or thO.e who desire stylish protection from the elements. A clear curtain surrounds the interior that can also be rolled up to enjoy a nice warm c:kly. The Classic Model is best suited for those who enjoy the elements. The simple layout offers •nr•nnn.n•·nmising comfort for all ngers. qu1 hve the last thiS fees Safety_ Olympic Racing Clinic At AlamitQS Bay (Continued from paoe 8) nohhcahon 1s not Guard and g1ve them rece1ved 1n a all the mformahon reasonable length of About the boat, 1ls hme Cru1se Safe w1ll cru1se plan and the contact the Coast number of persons aboard New Catalina Fees Announced The Catalina Moor· mg Servace bas releas· ed tis Moonng Rental Fee Schedule for 1982 and is already collec hng the fees at all of the coves and harbors 1t controls on the 1sland. Smce the new T1delands Moorm9 LeaH awarded lo the Catahna IslanCl Co re· quues that they pay fi ve hmes as much to the state. from $19,000 last year to $1 25,000, th1s yeaz, the moonng fees have had to be ralSed. Howeve~ they are not exorbllant and the new deal guarantees that once you have pa1d for youz designated moonn9 you will not be put off by a late arravmg moormg owner. The moonn9 owners must notify the Catahna MoorinQ Serv1ce u they mtend to use theu moormgs. If they do not, the serv1ce can ass1gn them to other boaters. TRANSlENT MOORING n:ts SIZE DAJLY SATURDAY WEEUY HOUDAY 13Doy Manamuml S•rora•J Lol•' s~uc SQlk S H UO \28 00 I< s 'Ut S II ()( s f,(, c .. , SJ6 00 I, II Sl Ut S lll.K s Vi (XI $40 ')() I "" ')I I l• Sib Ol ; !'\ll Oll ~8 00 • ' bll SJL. 00 s 17 Uti S '16 I)( S56 00 .. 10' Sl7 UO Sll !Jt• S! I! Ll(l $64 00 () ,., /(1' ;](I (1(1 S,ll IKI S I )M II\ S7') 00 '. 'D•v II,. f , .. lltod··•.' H ' f , •.. Sponsored by the Califomia International Sailmo Association, an Olymp1c &cin9 Chruc conducted by Umted Stat" Yacht Racmg Un1ona in•tructors Dave Perry and Mark Laura will be held lor sa.Uors 16 years of age or older at Alarrutos Bay Yac ht Club Apnl 3. 4, 5. They will be selected lor thelf saUing ex· perience and racmg record since th1s 1s a very h1gh level pro- Qram. Parhcipants w11l be hm1ted to 30 Laser crews and 15 Laser II c rews. C rews w1thou1 sluppers can be match· ed w1th skippers. A number ol Lasez lis w1ll be provided but 1f posa1ble sailors are asked to brinQ theu own boat. The program w1ll have cahsthen.cs, lee· lure and on·the-water dnlls including taches, sa1l tum, etc., as well as mformalion on what 1s requ1red for an O lymp1c effort in the form of money, hme, travel and personal ef- fort. Apphcahons should be sent to Dave C rockett, 2062 T1<~er· taiJ Drive, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 . Phone (213) 598-1414 The prunary purpose of the CaWorn1a Inter· national Sailing Aaociation lS to assiSt amateur yachtsmen 10 the lr&iJUDQ for and partictpahon 10 inter· national and mtersec · honal compelltlon tn· cludtn9 the Olymp1c Games, Pan American Games and Wo rld and NahonaJ Champion· ships. It is preJ)AJ'ed to Qive lina.nc1a.l support also to quahhed ap- plicants who wiSh to compete 10 nahonal and mtemahonal events. Dunng Easter Week, beQinmng on Monday Alamttos Bay Yacht Club will be holchog a seminar for sabot SclllOfS With three separate programs, one for Begmner,s one for Intermediate and one for Advanced sailors. Perry Wl!l also be the instructor for this event. He 11 a member of the USYRU Youth Comnullee, and was the All-Amencan Cap- lain of the Yale Sailing Team. Sabot sa1lors can enroll 10 lh1s sem111ar by contachng the Alamitos Bay Yacht C lub, 7201 E. Ocean Blvd .. Long Beach, Ca 90803 . Today and 1n the weeks and months to come, our readers, over 281 ,000 of them, will be entovmq Caldorn1a Manner Take advantage ollhe spec1ally reduced rates for thlS section dunng the b19gest buymq sea· son of the year For free copy. layout and consultation assiStance call your newspaper representallve or Frank Manmno at 673-0550 lfte..w a •'•._ fa U Nert .. U. f'ut C..ra •ill t~C'h you e'crythiBJ w.-. .. •now"'t ,..._, uiltri• .... ri~ han&BJ a.-4 C'f'CW worl. C..nt ._....,ell pen ltduren. aiWa aM fil-. tlw-iU..-rat~ Nortll V. .... wit .. .,m.t..._rd aNh. 1125 per person SlOS per per on aroups of lor more S 80 per penon aroup~ of 10 or mOfe S105 und~r 18 yean old •••io• wia~ P""n •i••"- ' The ••pan !Mip Wect=r•c&ay. Natct. J. 1-.... I BRI G THE HUGE BEECO WEST NEWPORT INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL, HIGH DENSITY • PROJECT TO A VOTE The City Council hu ji&St IPCJ(Oved an tndustrial, Commet'till High Dlnsity 0eve. opment ntlf Petific Cout Highway, Newport Boulevwd. Bllboa Boulevard, lftd Supericw AVIIM. h willdd lbout 2,000 conwnuters llld thousandl of c.s to an •tidy ilmmld road system. It wil inert .. lirport dlmlnd by 1ft estimated 10,000 trips. The pr~t coukf impair ~m~~gency KtW to Holt Hospital. Strq pafiticll po .. s .,, attempting ro change the city's General Pfln away from 1 low dlnsity midlntial r~t~tation community to a high density Commercial tndustrial city. The Betco project chanQes the cunent General Plan in e•actty thts fashion. H,., ,..,. dmw detli IMn • n,Jn,. .,,. • ,..., ,._,..,.,.., ........... «- 1. Sip MMr. "circ:tllatof"' IRd. "flgistftd VOtef." 2. c.t• lignabns of otfler regist•ld wot•s. 3. Cut out lid IMI!ty Apri 5. 1982 to ldlhlas lhown 1t bottom of page. 4. Cll 842·3125 • 845-1686 or 642·199811 VC* w111t to..., WEST IEWPORT lEGIS LA liVE AlliAICE-REFEREIDUM PETITIO I PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IEWPORT BEACH PROTESTIIG THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIOI 10. 82-41 To the City Coooc~ of the City of Newport Beach, California: Under Elections Code Section 4051 , we the llldersigned. more than ten percent of the regiat1red qulified voters of this city, hereby present this petition protestllg adoption on March 12, 1982, of Resolution th 82-41 . This Resolution is Ger.-11 Plln ......_, 81·1 and cals for chlnging the de$9lated lind use "* the prlllllt S..ll P\ln from rtsidlntill to 1 a.nd use I1D of residential, commerciat-otfice nt incbtrial space. 1 2 3 We request that thi.s resolution. No. 82 ·41 , be enti'ely repaled by you. Of be sabnitted. as presctUd by Jaw to: A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE REGISTERED VOTERS OF IEWPORT BEACH lAMES ADDRESSES OFFICE USE SIG. ST. &NO. PfhNT tmiTOWN g&, ST. a NO. ~INT CITY/lOWM saG. ST. &MO PAWl CmiTOWN AFFIDAVIT OF PETITION CIRCULATOR I am registnd to vote in the City of Newport Beach. Each signature to this petition was signtd in my presence. Each s9lature to th&s petition is, to the bat ot my knowledge and beief. the genuine signa- ture of the penon whose name it purports to be. AI s9latwes were obtained between M•ch 13. 1982 and April 12. 1982. I '*'-• ooder l*'lhY of I*Pv that my statements on ttu Atf~ daYit •• true lnd comet lnd that this Affidavit was uecuted on _ _____ 1982 at Newport Beach. California Suong poita powers •• attiiQPting to change the city's. General~ eway hum a low .. ., ~ riCJIItioft cornn.My to a high dlntity eo..c:iiiiRMtrill city. The S.0 project changes the CW· rent S..ll Ptln in aacdy this tashiaa. cm•TDW I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I ••• ., .. c ...... ......... ....... J'W1ttt .......... ,... .. r' ...... ~ .... .................. ........... ,~ ........ Wa~Chcl t., ... , OIIM ooa- by'a taip c ... , · 9Joepa ad hat,.,. .. Mfta9 .......... . peGt ...... qaality of tM utioa'a Datri• tlaMllaMitla. WJule ~ Jllcdella .... puhUc .......... ~oao .... 901. ~ echac&t. c aDW•an U.O..t autrl- tka,al...._iaU..U ........ il_tMl ... pd .... iadub1et .......... NetMir ..,.,.,_ to ooattau. tM proDIIae. laNGe: of Muall• a1 Nabltioa ..... ,ud ... tD ...... al C1lt- --Ia al&tritiall-~pnpe-• ... ,,. ..... QDia. pua.We nola • Market ............. work. iD9 to~ the OQD• auaer wttll -.ore ID· depth atlbttiaaal baJor- .. tioD. Aa w.o..u .. la-ltoM Pf091' .. Mm9 hap'•••t.ci., tU Soathem Califomia- hued cMia ... tM way ior aupanaartr.l puticipaUaa Ja t.lfill· iD9 tM couu .. r', a1dritk1Dal aeede. WubtBubt'apm- cp .. , wtucll ~ U.. lood alaopper with a1dritioDallabeUn9 for ...a. ud produce at u.. poillt-of-aale, Lt &D oa~ com•ibuut tM 88-ltora c1leiD hu ... to U.. c::ounmar. Worlda9 h.uad-iD-h.uad wit1a W.ral9ovam- ...t 1&baliD9 require- --*-· tU procpaa aUowa alt.oppan to JMke wiM Dutri\ioul ~. wllila tl.op- pla9. Accordia9 to RouJd Deat.ch, Doted AUtri· Uaa apart UAl oouuJ • .... ior Watbt Bubt ALL.OUilSTOilES .JOIN·IN THE WDTCOVINA D TID Accoldia9 to home acoao-•tf•. the type. .... ua ..... the color 01 the at-.o, u well ...-.~pJ.oa lMJa ia the OVM, CUl )la.,. a caukierabla af. t.ict9 Oil bUia9 ,..Wta . .......... ~. Uou tlaat cu help lla- pnwetha~ol you babel ptOclacta. ror calrM Ucl ~ ... alualDua caD pau aacl oookia ........TMa&UiiDaa will ............. a...ly • ..,... clark pau aheorb Met ucl mab~ \UlaveD • iia111fDCJI't Joulevan:l, par1jcu}ar)y OD thOM AMvy summer WNk- Mid Talarico. At Mond&y'e pr ... conference, Wike John.on, chainnan of the ~cu~-. referendum co~naull .. , Mid Blaff Road could lMd lo new orolbltlmt becauM Banning hu not dllclOMd what ia in prospect the re10alnder of hi• 500 acrft which liM wftt of the road an territory. "The l.uue boib down to our havinq an unrftponaave councal ma- ," Mid Johneon. "It il changing ut from a low-denaily reaiden- recreation area to a hlgh-denaity, commercial-induatnal city. ahouJd have the right to vote on euch a radical cham~•· "Let'e put thia to a vole. IJ the p4t0ple support the referendum, council knows il'e goinq down the wronq track. "I don't believe there are enouqh mitigations to offset the ampacta thil project." • On the progreu of the drive for 4,300 valid pelihon signatures April 12, Johneon •id he felt it was going well; "people seem to aware of the denaity problema". He did not have figures on the of 1ignaturu obtained to thia point, nor the number of per- circulating the doc::umenta, stating he had been out of town had been told "there ia no difficulty. But time ts growang abort a matter of reachanq enouqh people." He alto advt.aed hsteners to "be cauhous" about how many per- sona are reported supporting or opposang the d rive. He was flanked an the City Hall conference room by Jean Wall, Mike Johnaon makes a point as Jean Watt lleft) and Pat Hollander join him at press conference. Staff photo bv &any Slobn Qlrf S cout Coundl Officers Several Harbor Area figures were annoUDced u of:ticen and memben of the Girl Scout CoUDcU of Orange Couty at its 1 recent annual mNting at the South Coast Repertory Tb.eeter in Cotta W.... They included: New board memben: Diana Kent and t.e 0 . Stewart, lnine; THE 'I El EPHONE POU.. - ,.~ ......... , .. Do you auppor1 FecWral agen- c:y'e ~--for a $3.4-billion ,aeyeD-yeu civil c:letenae pro. ~ram? fto .O.e YES. call 175 tlto. To ~• ItO. calll7&-7020. . Cali uyti.JM betwea aow 'and 8 a.m. Wcoday to cut JOUl' \JOte. ,._..will be.., ... ,._ ilao....tao..ak. ft.~ upH eoud ,oa bear ill JOG.,. bei.D9r~. ~w.a ........ , F"d-t• Should the City Cowacil'a approval of the B.eco-Lnai119 protec1 be put to a r.-NDdwa? YES 61% NO 59~. Mary-T-. -Wo.la--y-,-N.wpo--.-rt-.-hac-~~. ~.7,..-.e-.....-:N-ew-. -... ~-~ .• -.-ben~--:."""~,~ .. ·Jiom--,M-.U--"9- and !lla R. Nimn, Cc.ta W.... committM: Juci9e Ca!Wll. Carry-onr board: Donald !. Sc:h.zaidt and Jamae I . WiJ.Mba, CoDdit, p..adeet; Jacquelm. Newport Beach. Scla&ar, nc:. preeidftt; Loru Carryover m.emben: n.c-.u JC. CuroU &Dei 1J.J..i.u Crawford, A. Ju.eDt .. , Newport leach; all eo.ta W.., and Jud9e Barbara Gl'ady, Co.t. W... ad president of SPON. and Pat Hollander, represenhng :.D..:.ic:.:lc_::_N.:..:'c:.:h_:o.:..:ls:..:..· ___________________________________________________ _ president of RAP. Robert J. Polls, Newport Beech. RicU.rd A. X.Ut, tmz.. .. Watt re~ted her charge of last week that the City Council is following "a double atandard that lavon lh. large landowners" and developera a.t the expense of the reeidentia.l property owners. "The council ia forc\P,9 ua to change the General Plan before having a eurvey of the J'e<)ple to ... if that'• what they want," ehe said. She Mid the believH developer• are uaing up the capacity of intenections permitted by the city's Tra.ffio Ph&liiU1 Ordinance without leaving any room lor enyt)Ung that might come later. She Mid public financing and private financ- in9 ahould be "wol'ked out" ln lon9range plan- ning before developen are permitted to proceed. Aaked whether abe had intereat in recalling council memben, she said, "Who aerves on the council il not the i.uue. I don't care who serves. The iaue 1a the juues." Hollandez rMd • letter from Nicholl calling .sttention to the uncommitted county property alonglide the Beeco development, and urging that no roads be tied-in until there ia an annex- ation a9rHment which would make the entire property subject to the Newport Beach General Plan. O.ve Goff, formerly co-ohairman of the Alliance, recently r .. igned, saying he felt the plan adopted by the council achieved "a good compromiM." JohnsoA issued • letter disputing GoWa RJ~unary of the conditions. Aaked reqarding the effect on aurrounding citi• and downcout, Talarico said, "We look at the cumulative impacts of these projects and regioul qrowth and development better than any local juu .. diction I know. We have consulted with CG.:da Mesa, for ezample, which wu concemed abo• •atfic goln9 ~ir way. They u~O. ... concema be t.Acluded in our atudy. They were. TheN'& atill a lot more mitigation to be added. Whe• Banning comH h.ck with a tentative tract map we'll .. what elae has to be done." )MD Watt told the coaference the did not believe "traffic pla.nnen are being bald accoun- table by other citiH." She alto said the City Council ia "irr .. ponaible in that it do..n't look at cumulative impacts." The ~lieat date for a. vote would be November. Talarico and Temple cited aeveral mitigations in the Banrung proposal aa "major contributions" to Newport'• traffic problenu. The clly approval 1a conditioned on the following: -Construct Blu.tf Road from Pacific Coast Hi9hway to 19th StrNt, as development pro- ceeds. -~prove several 1nterMChons by wtdening Pacific Coast Hi9bway or antroductng turnang tan .. udlwta..lling or revtaanq traff1c s1gnals from Oraw;ae Street in the wHtem-most direction to Juabol'M Road to the east. -Some of the unprovement• are to anclude adding a third wntbound through lane at Orange, and at Proepect; crHting an eastbound tura l&Ae, a thud wntbound through lane and thrM l&n• aouthbound on Bluff and two lanes northbound, all at the Bluff Road-Cout Bigllway lntenecUon; -RttcoD.struct the Coast Highway-Superior Avenue·lelboa Boulevard anterMCtion per cunent city plans, add a thud w .. tbound through lane and a weatbound right-turn lane, and widen eouthbound Superior to provide one lelt, two tlarough and two right-tum lanes; reconatruct intersection• at Coast Highway and Dover, aod Ca.et Highway and Baya1de, per Caltraoa; modify traffic-a1gnal phuing at Bayaide Drlv•; modify .out.bboUDCl Jam.bo.ree at Coast Highway to provide a left-tun~ lane, two tbrou9b lan•, two right-turn lanea, and add a third west- baud through la.ne; add • Meend northbound leJt lue at Newport Boulevard and HoapitaJ Road; add a third Mltbound through lane to Cout Htghway from w .. t.rly of Bluff Ra.d to ..... rly oi s.lpenor, to uadle the ...... peak traf· fie; ~ eoutabouod Jbvemde to add • eec cwt ~t·hara &a .. ; ~·• 1a SO perc.nt of all coet. for • ~ Uct ~-briclqe ov•r Cout Hicjll,..y ~tellae W..c Newport Park. -Pioftlle a lkleW&lk f«* 15th Str ... e•nded 10 ~nor Aftaue on the north lide of Coaat ~'IV-• Allo, ... ~la of way oWMCi bJ the applicant ucl ~to WWea tlle DOrtMrly oae·balt at CoMI,].,.~J \0 cnanwat ....., ~ .. aD_,. ..... w ... ,...,_. .,.. wUJ »e cledkaled lo "'- ~til •wPCMt Ieee~ ... ~ ....... lly wUI be of ..., .we..a. ~ • ill' tO ... COIUliiiLlfJ, H ..W ht r~. "We --_.dey Pacd6o COMI HIP._ a.a W p'fg lirl ... ~ ... U lM DIPJHtutiJ I091tl .. ~ ... , ...... , ........... ,... , .............. PlOt .......... e .... •· ._ 1 _. a1 .,,unm ••IJ he ................. . ............................... =-. lo --~ CRirl,. ... JIIIO-...... r .. aaull. • Open 6 a.m. to 10:30 a .m . 632 LIDO PARK DRtVE NEWPORT BEACH • ON THE WATER NEXT TO ~S RESTAURANT • Rent a spaciOUs. luxunous house or condomtntum. So much niCer to come hOme to after a day on the slopes The two-bedroom condos sleep S&X P80P'e and the three~ tour- bedroom houses can easity sleep two Of more who6e famities. VIII SKI PARI aTY. MARCH a APRIL-STAY 7 NIGHTS, PAYFOR 6 An authentically restored Stiver m1n1ng town nght out of the 18CX:ls. Park. C1ty IS the hottest new cold spot tn the West Easy to get to by plane or tra~n Only 30 QUICk. m1nutes from ~wn- For more •nformahon and our weeKly rental rates. just town Salt Lake Ctty ... •• CI'J"r contact Park City Accommodattons. P. 0 . Box 2025. Park Crty. Utah 84060 (801) s-9-6201 and l001 1649-5333 ~O..IUI .. 1tf!IIC88 (8Cent~ln) ~ CAU.a. A rom.ntic rOt\'1) wtth w.ntr Manhau M a widowed a~rgeon dtttm*led to tab ~(Man. tagt of his new ~ ttatua and ~ JacQon u "' a«ractive ctvofc. who holda mort ~ tiYt .,_ on kM end,.,.,... Ar1 Carney Ia the hospltara chief of aurgtry, whoat abatnt-mlnded bthlviof end outmoded medical techniques, h .. everyone In ~ bul a1ikhes S NEll FUJITA DESIGN y~ Americefl.,.... Et9llh gif1ln wet·torn 8rttaln. One of 18N'a OVtr·loc*td llttlt geme. Rk:Mrd Gert, • Yenuae Rtdgravt, Llaa Elen)m and the alwllya txc:ttltnt Wllllm~. ..... Nee (7~ n.IODwmt.,....,...HM.O. To PfO\It ht Ia worthy of htewn, a 12-y.er old wayward anget (Gary Cdtmtn) Is returned to Earth, wtwft ht'a to petch up broken Nvet and .aw tl'lrtt famitltl. With · Ray Wallton. Robert Guillaume, June Allyaon, Gtolg StwWfd Brown, Kim Fltldl, Muon Adlma. Llni O'Grady, Ttlml HoPdnl and .John~. aaftNABC C7:30CtntJMt.) YOU OM.Y LNI ~ ,.,.,_ Bond CIU,._ ~and Amtflctn IPtCt CIIPII .... ttvough I ~OUI world of lifthal .,_,... f'-1'1, a ntrvoul ~ and ItCh vtJialn Ernst Str....o BloMtcfl la*t IChtmt to rule the world. With the orlginet 007, of COUtM, s.n Connely, and Donald ~. tha ~ of the cat·ltroldng 8lottldL .... ABC (I~) lilY .OOV, lilY CHLD. A ....-Jng ltofy of a midtll lloed woman teeing Kitgs: 2 mg. "tat," 0.3 mg. rnconne; lOOa; 4 mg. "tar." 0.5 mg. nicotine rv. per ciglnttt. FTC Report Otctmber 1981. 0 LDniDod, U S A • 1.:2 lb\llowTar .. ,...086 (80ent~) ~ LMT lONG. lynda Car1tf u a young mother forced on 1 trail of terror btcaUM aht unknowingly hoed~ .,. gy to • dMcly CO'ItfUP, lyndl'a flrtt dramatic rOit, K you don't count alt that ~, ~ atuH specials -------------------- .. ,.,.. NBC (9~•Mounteln) ITftl IIAimN'a Mal SHOW IVIR. The Emmy and Grammy Jward!wlnnlng comedlen stars In hie fourth IPf(:lal. I t \ 1'1 I I • • .,. N8C (7:30Cent1Mt) THI.IIMNITAINIIAM'IAI- TillliURfNII. .. ,..cas (8 CentraNountaln) COUNTRY COIII8 MOIII. A galuy of country n-...lc a..c. ....... sports ----------------- a• ... ABC (2:30CentAft.) NO IOWUM TOUR. t:• IN N8C (3:30CenUMt.) GOLP. Nablaco Dinah Short kwttetlonet ..,.fine! ~ MilliMe~~ T~MCI-.Tht Flortdl ~ frcm OuMMreem hrk. a:-...NBC (1:30CentJMount) WORiawoN.D. Hoftt racing: tht ~ Nationel S1MQ~tchue from Alntree, Enatenct taM:IIPIIABC (2:30CentJMt.) U.&A. VI. ,_WORLD IN OLYII> pee WOII'fa. Only from ABC • ..... ..c (3~) GOLJ. ANI round of lht Nebisc:o Dinah Shott Open from Cellfomia. t:at .II ABC (3:30CentJ Mt.) W1D1 WON.D Of' IPOirTa. 45th s.nte Anita Oelby . tl • . \ 1'1'11 tt:»~C8S (10:30CtntNt.) 001.1. Update on tht caYs' J*Y at tht Wut«a Toumernent from Gtol- gla'a AuQut1a National Golf Club. n:a.ftliPIIC88 (10:30Ctnt./Mt.) GOLP. A look at the laltt1 from the ongoing Mulera Tournament. • :·. 1 \ '11 II lo4NI N8C (1 c.ntrtll~ TaNNta. The Family Circle Cup 1:» ... ABC (2:30CentJMount ) NO 80WUM TOUfl .... cas (3CentraNountatn) GOLF. Stml-flnal round of tl'lt Mut«a Tournament from Augusta (Gtolgla) NatiON! Galt Club. 4NC. rtutlrRNBC (3c.ntJMt.) UIIMU I M•IIIMABC (4CtnetarMountaln) -....,Of' lfiOIIla. WPIIC88 (12 NoonCtntJMount.) _,. CMMI Ofll TMIWIB. a:• ••cas (2:30CenUMount.) GOLF. Final round c::over~Qt of the Muttra Tournament at National Golf Club In Augusta, Georgia. INC Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. (Co sse ... ~ ,.)J OWl .,.. ch4 ., 'flu J bet vol rail th• $1~ ( lu offl itv COf wo IM'! did u.J ift the the tzy the 1 act rtJ A1l I o.: foz COl b. Tb wr Kir Ne Tb bu tri ret wi Th of of ttt tht ha di in• M• G , Re Kc ac $900 a WMk. ,.., a WMk, i.Dter- ..e to tbe ~d~ oompuy- &Dd fla up the )iw)..,. eo it llllgllt ..U," tJae eoD aid. "&DOW ow. tbt coapuy $124,000, becaue of 101ae practic .. w.'re obeckbag out. . "Wllere wotald they live? Tlaat'• • goocl quettio.o." Althouglleome $20,000 bu been rai.Mcl by the Jaya.ee, who voJuat .. red to be the fuod- r&lal.Dg eQeucy 1D the ~lag, they My W.teon aill 11 owed $13,000. City CouacU took the position 1ut week that ai.Dce it had not offici&Uy made the coaunJt.ment, it wu not reepon.tble for the co.t.. IJttleton Mid the Jayceea would not aiqn a.n agr .. ment to pay the $13,000 becaU... they did not wiah to be open to 1uch· liability. However, he aaid that i.l the couacil would not approve the payment out of city fundi the Jayc ... would continue to try to ra..Lie the money; heace, the prooram now under way. The ooucU withheld fu..rther action awaitlDg a proor ... report at ita next m .. ting on April12. Meanwhile, the Jayc ... are galloping along. Jim Dale, former pr .. ideat a.nd a.n orlqinal collllllitt .. me.mber. cmclOMd a benefit preview ol "See How They Run," a British ~medy written by America PhUUp King, will be held at the Newport Theatre Arta Center on Thunday. April 15. The $25 ticket will l.Dclude a bu.ffet dinner cat,red a.nd con- tributed by Dale'a Villa Nova re.taura.nt, a.nd the proceeclt will go towatd the W.t..on debt. The theater ,..,, 125 pereou. Patti Jean'Sampeon, preaident of the center a.nd abo a member of that Wayne memorial coiD.IDit- tM, Mid, "Thia play ia a farce the entire family will enjoy. It hu a very aeuoned, fine cut directed by Kent John.eon. It includea Beth Tlhul, Valerie NcDroy, Betty Youg, John Gr .. aalade, Let Reed, Tom Reqan, Colin Guiver and Neal Kopit. They're all well known u accompliabed performera; we ~Wannup Marianne Hinrichs Cleft) and Miriam Katz "test" quilt made by members of their Irvine Terrace Philharmonic Group. It contains a aquare for each state with the state flower. It will be raffled April 18 at a Spring Fling champagne brunch at South Shore Yacht Club to benefit the Orange County Philharmonic Society and mark the group's 25th anniversary. Reset'Vations deadline: April 5. Staff photo by Burt Suns really couldn't do any better." Jinater aaid other fundraising project• 11nder con1ideration include a John Wayne Film Festival, posaibly at die Edwards Cinema in Newport Center. in May, and a Noatal9ia Night at the Balboa Fun Zone in J11ne, with a DiXieland band. "I've also bad some phone calla offering time and cub con- tributiona," be Mid. "Tbia we rea!Jy would appreciate. Our board already hu pledqed a Jllin.imum contribution of $1 ,000. "Anyone may send checb to the John Wayne Sculpture Fund, addresaed to the Newport Harbor Jayc .. s, in care of the Newport Harbor Area Cha.rnber of Commerce, 1470 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660. "A lot of people out there want to help." aaid Finster. "I even had a call from a. guy back in the midwest who had heard about thil, and thought some of Wayne'a thinga might be for aa.le. "He wanted to buy the hat Wayne wore in 'True Grit'." In the true Wayne tradition, that'a what the Jaycees figure m.ay get them through this one: True Grit. Hoag 'Pins' Vokmteers The board of directors of the auxiliary of Haag Memorial Hospital Pre1byterian, at ita monthly m .. ting, approved ser- vice award pins to the followinq au.ziliary membera, in recoon1· lion of volunteer work perform· ed at the hoapita.l: 2,000 houra, Mra. James Bradford (Ulhan); 1,000 houn, Mn. Michael Leverao (Mary); 500 hours, Mr. Lewia F. Ellmore (Dorothy), Mrs. John Sloan (Vivian); 250 hours, Nra. Robert Miller (Betty), Mrs. lOMph Murphy (Manon); 100 houra, Mra. F.M. Bruaeau (Clarice), Mra. Joan Jeter, Mrs. Don Preston (Maxine), Mrs. Mahin Rad and Mrs. Myrna Sitler. SPRIIIIi UPHOLSTERY SALE All of our fine lines of upholstery reduced for this event. Woodmark Chairs, Stanton Cooper Sofas, Marge Carsen, Landmark, Vanguard and much more. We are overflowing , so the prices are very attractive. • u LIP WOitLD'I LA MilT NTITORI RSlJNt-ri f.AS't~vEC\1\\.. PAIHION lll;UtO ................ .Q9.ec MtiTOl JOWN •couenn ...... ,..,.,... ,...,. ... MoM .•.•••........ u~n LAeuMAM&UIIAI.L ................ JUt Quick-Quick Copy/Print 17~ S Hmtul \1 BRISTOL TOWN & COUNTRY CENTER 11.11 ~ hid" \,tr'l t \n.t 966-2401 ~or t~ll vour prtnt m.; .~ncl Xt·ro " l o ptE'\ THE GIRLS' GYM A TOTAL FITNESS CENTER FOR WOMEN ONLY Pov Per CIOal • 12 Week Sessions ()( Full Membership Showers • loctcers • .JocUZ2i • Sauna LAGUNA NEWPORT 497-5464 646-8828 :?t0CA10N::. 10 5£RVE 't'VU Raymond's Jewelry 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE DtAMONDS • ..lWElRY GEMSTONES • CUSTOM OROERS • REPAIRS 100 F 17th 51 lt.9SIC" ,. :)vQIP slo Me\0' 1 ' • Kl"ii<.O'S COPY CENTER P•·~ • ·t •• Re.J-c • ' ... c. ' 8 "d ~q 8,, •" Ce•d• ~ .. bbe• ')o.-.,n ~ "" ' 0 17 7 A•va.-aoo a O••v• ....,,. c •t;-... ...,., •· o.-..,c•t NllW~ton aa.c; ... <:A eaaea c7t-41 631-8 703 D NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC VISION CENTER STEVEN L VENSANO. 0 .0 0 D NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC .v~ CDittR snvEN l.. v~NO. o.o FREE I Lba. labblt Peleta with purchase ot any rabbit HUGE SELECTION I-AI Cok>fs French Lops • Dutch Midgets Dwarfs, Htmolyon. Rex. etc. Expres 4-~2 100 PRINTED COPIES K , 11 10 lb whttP honrl •lllh $]99 (\1\tthcouponl X~ROX COPIES -44 •• 11 ""'' I I I I I ----···--··--·-····· •••••~COUPON••--••••• I Classes • Weight Training I I I I I I Introductory Class 1 1 S5 Value I ---················· ••••••••IICOUPON•••••••1 .. -"'"~ AU VIN COQ VlllES I ST.JACQUES DUCK ~F 11 A l'ORANGE BOURGUINON ••••••••••nWEWEWE• Spring Specials 15%01, dttemstnStoclr lOVe J~ Oft liP llln ,..... ............ (llnofted) $25 EJrPres 4-30-32 (With INs coupon) Gold Chatn Soider'"'O $7 -•••••••••n••••••••l ••--•.COUPON•••••••• COPIES i 4c ! PERCOPY I M INIMUM lOO COPIE S PfR GRIGtl\jA,L I LIMITED OfFER ..................... Frames) FROM WHeCH fO <:::HOOif ~,...,COttoa We foUd the hredi. C. 10 clelightful on our firat viait ....... Nh&J1led the aut Week to he....,. we wereD't chMIDiao. La nted ill NewPort C..ter, the 161e al tlae tonMr Aped,ea11, tlae ...a.uut !au been li9htenecl Ud lwtqllteaecl ., U..t oae .... to he dinl.no in • Qt~rden. Tlaere liN QreeUOUM on each aide of the Mlranoe, and tM din.int.J rooa i8 91&--enclo.• •. 'n.. decor ua IDOOd ue of tM clulic San Pruci8co or Mew York calee of the 19301, With lola of wooda accented by br-ud cheerful colon of rich 9NU ud gold. There •re two Dower-filled patio. ju.at outside .. tho.. who wish to dine al &.co, and even. a walk-up tudwich bu offerino box lun- CU. to picnic in the pad: adja· cent. We beqan our dinner with Parlldi.e Potato SJtiu, lU8Ciou.a c.lifo..ru. cniar and eour crMJD •top deep· hied potato abu, ud M.utiful.ly ~red-fol' fNeh mutMU. •rved in the shell in an aromatic broth of butter and oarlic. I choee the 80Up of the day, a crNtive and cleOO.te &..Ia crNJD of water· c ...... Ny companion opted for the Mllld, ud pTai8ed the drea· lno ~ ef wllblut oil uacl rupbeny Ylll~u. OD our aut viait, he enjoyed • bowl of &eU ::rMJD of broccoli 10\ap, ud I ntolled the tuty MJ.d ctr..iuo. Ny choice both ...wags wu E.eeh fieh, oae tiMe u apertly- prep~~red .. bu. Mut.ed ia leatOD butter; t.M aut, Do.er Sole prep&Nd with wine, cllivee a.od butter. I tutecl Sc.tlope Oore', Mrvecl en cu.. role l.n a surplUino bTOWD Muce, eleoant with accent. of nutm~ ud !.moa, colorful witllliny OI"Il p.-pods and pimento julienne. There wu • lu.eclou. Veal Florentine, rich witll cJae.e and spinach, ud cNp-ateamed auc- chini, canob and wl.ntez aquuh were offered with tile entree . We fini.ahed with a chocolate fondue on ODe vUlt, Udbita of frnh pineapple, atrawberrtea and apple to be dipped into a rich hot chocolat• Muce. Another time my companion fell prey to the Chocol.te Decadence, a towerino creation of chocolate crut topped. with inches of rich chocolll~u.ae, capped with a thick chocolate sauce. Prices at the Paradl.. Cafe are moderate. Appetiaen of .-carqola, pate', oysters, fried Clllamari, llftoked aalmon ud Stop tiAfl' ...... ~, ... -~~ JS ........ Coli -~ ctllec" ., f'I'\OI'Irl"p Otdtf' 10 o-l--o..c..-. .. WIIIw<o ... Ne..IOll ~ .... C. .. ltt tJIJtttS M4S ,s-.. --·· ----...,.....,... .......... pAClllf'"fi\IIIC .. ... -. .,._ ....... _ ,_ fl'tw,., ..... ~I' \ot1\ M t'f'Mitt• ............ SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA a FOOD TO GO What • ,,.., Try Our Delicious Deep-Dish Sicilian Pizza SAYJE TAIME FOf that intimate rendezvous "Say JET' AIME" at the Pleeunt Peasant. FOf the French exempti>- flel the true meaning of romance. and the culinary delights of fine food I The Pleasant PeaNnt in ~ BeKh. located at MecArthut Squwe offers V9U the embience of a French Country Inn. whhou1 the "haute" Pfices. ., . ·~ .. apeech ia very good, -· ..... n~y cloee • ....,.., of tMt approech tor liM ..... a. tbe ...... TMN • •a aon to lo.,. U.U • .... ben. Jerry IJttletoe Je .. UaiA9 eYeD W1th ... .coeat tut .. wacertala af u.u. Ilia diCUoa could a110 be Japi'OWed. ReQma l:.ty Repn i8 a O&t Nlldje, and yet tb ia one of the betlt parts in the show. Barbara ldivan· ia plNMnt eaou9b but Andy HecldeD ia too UpbiYe and overdooe u Sal. The comedy etema tro. the aaa'a total reJect loll and hia louay ..U·Uu9e· He ia pathetic, 'Ucl therelore &JDui.DQ. Hedden •h d the poi.nt. Cuol Mack ia au.cut. The play oot loud J.uoha ud the cut even -.med to be en· joylllo the~DMivee. I liked it, too-~p to a point. The Grinder tS PfOUd 10 IMOUnce the servtng of Fresh Ftth on Friday and Saturday even•nos only. lightly breaded and gttll.cj to a golden brown Only$4.45 C.hiOin&a S~ lopped Wtth a mild Spanish Sauce and shced tomato and avocadO Only$4.1M5 THE AIUZONA SUN is plentiful ~ Invites you to Mvrlott's Cl,..lback 1M durin& the Euter hotlcby SQSOn ! •ACI 81 Ow ..-dlt holl(by e¥ents indudo a complete ~lal AVAILMU pr~am with daily aaivities for a.llaJD 11oups. Yow entire APRIL 4-11. WnUy can enjoy western steak frys Mld brukfu t trail rides 1112 hi-laf\tlld by our Camelblck Country Clrnfval. You can also tnfoy 36 holes of championship aolf, tennis -1 0 courts, 2 poo8 plus nfahtly enteruinment. CIJI • IGday and our reservationisu wUI be happy to tancUe yo411 hoU~y needs. ••••• ••••• EbdAida Chldren m.en a. oa ••port leecll .. ......, .-.wetlau·lor '"ow IIIDit ..,...._t clay trip Of lite yeu,"~to~ .uc... cM.lnau of tM .... t ~Wdl......W.lO~ &oia tM Altiert SlttoD Ho.e. TM a.D 9J'OUP wOl,ed M J.olt111 1 lor tM ycaeg•n at l the au DM9o Wllcl AaJa&l Pa:rk oo ,.._..,, APril e. JUonaa. tioD: ~ Ol' 8'13-3310. Salty's We SerVe Olneleltel HAMIUitCfltS FISH AND CHIPS AND MUCH MOlt£ You're w.lcorM to brine tn your own wine and beer SAlTY'SIUitGEIS (All bu,.ws MtWd with fr.nc:h fries or Cofe Slaw} Fat IUl<ia Batter fned fish MfVed. on a anlled ..same lftd bun with tarUr sauce. lettuce and a slke of tomato S2 lS W WW 1l11fi11 Th.s 11 stmilar tn wte to abalone and b MfWd on a anllt!d MUme seed bun wtth tarUr sauce. lettuce and tomato Sl.JS SHANTY ltJaGa A quarter pound patty 5efVed on a MUme seed bun wtth lettuce. tomato. ptckle and Salty's s,pec11l sauce S2.SO OtM -..c;a To the Sh.nty Buraet we add,, .... oliws In a apt< III sauce S2 .SS lACON~ S2.SS a.DQAa OIIISIMJIGB . SJ 2S MlaiM)OM IUIGB s2.M OIU IURCB . . S2 95 OlntGA AND SWISS IUIGEa S2 85 29J1 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar • 673-0921 You .. , 1M able ~ do IMUer few your comp&ny and your ~, if you con&ider a .ua..uon from one .ue- e...tul bUiin .. DUIDafet': ad: your empk)y... for help. lt'a a way ol alvinc them a feellnc of belonlint and belpe buUd their aelf .. .wem. l+A a r .. ult, they will be arudoua to work hardet' than e...-.· What ia juat u lmpor· tallt, they may well ha•• ~~~~~---4~----~----~--~----~ ~ id~ ~t may MYel' ""!! ,IM u.ed unle. you .U few . them. HINA PALACE RESTAURANT THE FIRST ~ONLY SZE6fw AN STYlE O..fSE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH Specializina in Szechwan, Shanahai & Mandarin Cuisine (tO.a IPlOAL lY NOT SfiCY fO()Ot BEER & WINE SERVED LUNCH & DINNER SERVED FROM 11:30 AM-10:30 PM 7DAYSAWEEk ALSO-Food to ao orders (714) 631-8031 1930 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT IEAOI, (714) 631-8031 BIAftCO ALCAJIIIO 1980, FIUJIEPREDDO Pleasant, fruity werv day white. REO~ t3.09 .1.99 REG. $3.15 Sale prices effective through April 7, 1982 All items to prior sale BRUNGIWI1H 1HE EASTER UNNY ~ kidla will kwt' uur Eoasc.t'f lulfn l'r\&N.h _,,~ lun!11 wet) t. chtrt' cl:;e•tt t'M hunc "' 11:\0 A. M Y•*'H e.~ It '"' &ht f•kMI' •ut.ay ul l~t " A.nttp.dtl• .. ,_,. f frmc S.al.~ H.am.. Turkti 01n..l l't~f T•r' :1 l.a l~ut\4-h Chtlk-d Sf,(,.-1 Muu w in P.~t') <:hed&m <:ew.,.r 1\M&.nrd ~'"" h I' .A»erir~ H.• Cn•lun And ¥-kti Much M.~ more aod more to t.be pravate Metor to abeorb eome ot the cQR.e ol develop1D9 aDd .am· ·~the day.'' SlUt 1Dfttioaed the nqui,. meata lor deve)open to kild ..o.d8, u aa eumple. Lut week'• reeolution Mid that cui .. "are ....-ely rearlcted ln methods which can be u.ed to ~nerate revenue" to meet auch "ezce.ive ~, to provtde adequate atr..t liQbtinQ, and pointed out that poorly-lit communiti" "are thoae with the hi9h"' incidence of crime." It &lao noted the Qeneral rate increue "will cTeate undue hazdahip on lar9e aeqmenta of the populace who are either amon9 thoee cuuently employed Tbe •wport !Hlp w ..... a_ley or nMUed on fixed ~ ... AltboQ9h the ltate PUblic Utiliti• eo.••wioa ..,_ta.Ub will ...._.. lilow the utural 9U price~ 1MY be d.WrlDUted, it wu ..tiJUted that UDder a Southern C.Womiol Gu Co. proJection a typical remden· Ua) cu.toawr with a pr ... nt monthly bill oJ $33.27 could find $18 add.d to that. !arUer in the month, Gov. Jerry Brown WTote the PUC uk· in9 that electric rat" be reduc· ed becauae thil MUOn'• "ample rainJall mean• that conaiderable amount• of hydzo-electricity ahould be available," and attac"ed ptocticee of power compani ... He alao wrote the Federal Euerqy Requlatory Photo b'f Stfte ~ (.;o~a demaad.Ulq tMt it "halt lb &nti•<:ODftlller 'adwinia. trative decontrol'.'' ---.• J affordable taste of France ... 6 [ xper•t>nct> tht> romdnttc ~tttna of T~ French Quarte-r Restaurant here 1n Corona del Mc1r Tht'i '' truly a dmtna ~•~n~ncr vou II not wdnt to mts\ frt'nch c u•s•~ prt!- pdred by our mdst~r Chef ~ SUNDAY .RUNCH COCKTAIL8 LUNCH AND DINNIIR P.a:ATURING OUR~ W~ ~ • • • .. • .., 1WMn J. J)u .... foonaic r...arch often iawoh.an ul.,. and PJOJection of .... Jad.wp- ply ~d proj- ect.d muket Due for anew product. The primary objective of Nch r.-.rch is JMNI)' to rMuoe rilk, aiDe. it il DeVer poeaible to _atmiute it. Thera- .. W-ar A.oclat•, a Newport Beach-baaed ahoppinq center cieYelopmnt finn, bu opened Pala SpiDgs Square, a 60,000- 8QUre loot neiolborhood center ill that desert coJDJDunity, ac- cordino to Weatyar preaident Robert T. leal. He aaicl future such propjecta are tcheduled for O...rt Heft SprinCJS, Rancho Wirage, Palm Sprinoa, Walnut and Rollinq Hilla lttat• . . . Slemou H.rltage HoUM in Corona del N.u ia fMttm.nq imported, quality antique repro- ductions and handcrafted furni· t~ from Europe and the United Stat .... aa well u a wide array ol Orintal and Persi&D ruqa, deooratinq acceuorl• and ~ utique collectibt ..... Two 10-week aem.inara on efMctive manaqement for small buain ..... will be tauqht by ~ty PaeU~a n.o ... R. Bay ud Scott MouoD bec:Jin· • Uonale ud methodoloqy an much the NJDe, whether the product ia toothpute, an automobile, a houee, or a coa- mercial/i.ndutrial developJMnt. Ttaditlonally, one of tJ.e atrooqeM neecb fOJ' reMUCh ia in land development btcau.e pf the qrMt fiDucial riab involved ud the need for lonq-term capltal. A typic.J econmic u.al78ia for a development in· volv• th.r .. phue8: (1) qeneral econoaaic analyaia ol the reqion; (2) apecifio JQarket atudiee fox Jlinq Tu.clay, April6, and Tbunc:lay, April 8, at bank offic. at 4000 MacArthur Blvd., 7 p.m. The $225 fee includ• tot Ud materials. Information: (213)61~ .... ·. t: '. '; ""• . - -factors are th• overall orowtb rate, and the way thil growth r..Wta in iocreued dema.nda for oooda and Nrvic•. !m.J>loyment qaina by industry qroupe deeerve particularly careful analysil to determine the atr.Oqth ud 'divenity of an area'• entiat. Growth in buic after workinq in New York . . . The llcremoncl Co., a Newport Beach-hued morloaoe baakiao finn, reponed ita new buain .. for the firtt th.r .. quarters of ita fiscal y.-r wu up 29.2 peroent in terms of lout, ucl 79.8 perceat in dollara. Preeident n.o.c. T. limp "''Dd Said, "In our fint thr .. quarters, ndiao Dec., 31, w• recorded 2,006l<*lt for a total of some $200.2 million." ... Jamee R. CollDW, an audit JUDaqer with Colemcm • Grcmt, one of the county's l&rqat accounlino f:i.nna, baa been admitted. aa a partner . . . The orancl open.inq of more than 30 FGDtCIIdlc Sam'• hair • salona .crou Southem Caliior- nia t)Ua Sunday, Watch 28, will Robert W. luerJd baa been ,appointed vice pr..adent and JUDaou of ValeDda lcmk'• new N.wport Beach offic::. in the Pacific Mutual Tower on Newport Center Drive. The offic::. ia to open nezt month . . . Sbaroa L. Smith hu joined Cox • hrcb Achwt1alDg .. public relations coordinator, fMture a major fu.nd-railinq eHort for Ea.t• SeaJa. Customers who contribute $5 or more to the charity will receive a tr .. haircut. The newly- opened FCIDIG8tk Sam'• r~ ia ·operated by two former vice prnidenta of C.Dtury 21 real estate corporation, Plalllp Bcm.- dauo and Demel BobMe •••. ~-~··· ... ~ .... ell popoliiMoe 91'0UP'· WanufacturiJa9, b aaaple, producee prochett to be told out.ide the ar• aDd, therefore, bri.nv-in "aew" ..ey. A forecut Ia t1aea _.. of the overall eeoDOIIlic .mac:tu ... of the arM for a 10-to 18-JMr period. It includee epeclfic future aeedt. At W. poiat, the relative .. ,...gth of • Qivo area c&n lead to a deoWou to pro. ceecl or to couider alternative ID&J'bt.. For houamo projects, the market an~ tocu.l OG houa- inq sa1ee by project, al• . pric., unit aiMe, pricee per square foot, featur. illeluded, and related iactora. For CQIIlJUrcial/iaduatrlal developments, thil8e001ld phue involv. a thorou.ph review of equN ~ al.orbetl e.ch ,..r, U.. .. umber of oew MOil· iU., available invotory, vecot ~. put abeorpti_on recorda, space planned udlor ~ coutrucUon, azad rent.! rat•. Th1l r .... rch ... b to tbad wuaet needt Of opportunlli• fo.r saew develop~HDta. 'nl• b69 qu•Uooa are always the mae of the market, bow it il di-~ided -..ono current developers, and what market share a new pfQject ' Redeooratmo of the Newport leach Marriott Hot.l a teuJa Clp .. a oc.l of IDON tJaaa ~ mlllioa U. ben coJQpleted, ecconlblg to Jon Loeb, qeural can hope to obtain. For the projects under study, the third ud final pbaae in· '#olvee inte.rviewa with prospects u homebuyers or commercial teaanta. They are asked to pro- ject future requirements, the type of houae or apac::. required, ranltino of proepective locations, faciliti• needed, their inclina- JUAaqer. All rooma were stripped to the bare w.U,., then decorated with new wallpaper, draP", carpetiao aad fullliture. Recrea- liQQal ......._ were renovated. tion to move, etc. Partv Hel"ra, Unltd. -l•rty COOfdiMtcn ANNOUNCES Exciting New Catering e Banqpet, Buffet or Family Style • Intimate Me41s for Small Groups e In-Office Luncheons e Fondue Parties Rush Events, Theme Parties (We also coordinate vents at hotels, restaurants. clubs, ~tc.) • entertainment • photographers/florist • baker • bartenders/waiters ,714) 527-()452 (Refreshments and Free Gifts to those signing up that doyl) A .......... 11 OA't-CAMP :oect, Grades 1·4 $125 per session f1 June 21 -July 2 f2 July S-16 f3 Julv 19-30 U Aug. 2-13 15 Aug. 1 f>.--27 f6 Aug. 30-$ept. 10 Dolly hours from ??? btended hours ovoil- able. . • Activiti" include crofts, swimming, beach days, sports, 8IQs ond one trip eoch .... ion to o major ottrOC1ion like Morinekrnd. o;.ney. lond, S.O World. Atii.....,.N2 ~DAY CAIN' Coed, ~5-7 liD ,., one-Week .-. .... Girls 9·12, July 2.4-31 $1~ per seuion Swimming, ing, crofts, fishing, cono. ing, comprng under the stars, ~ports, campfires, chapel service. Adw ..... ,. FAMILY CAMP July 2·5 ot Loke Silver· wood' $10 odu1ts, 16 child Sept.~ ~Camp Olceolo Pt adults. $28 chUd 3 ond unc:Mr ft .. SUv.wood ptogrom in.- dudea swlmmine. boot· ing, fiihtng, htlung, compfJtet. ••"9 yCNf *'' and own food. O.C.oto ptogrom ln- c"*t ewimm~ arll ond cfaftl, Canoeingi fltt\1,._ h*ing cind no cOokiftg f11 dilhwalhi-o. Ft. indvdtit fOod and ~ ... July 13-29 $SO per child Music, stories, crofts, running, jumping, climbing up ladders, down slides, through tunnels ondd over bolonat beams. ........... HAWAIIAN ISCANO CNUi.VAN Coed, C9K 13-17 June a-July 12 1495 plus o•rfore On me 161ond of Kowoi the ~ogrom Includes surflne, soiling, *~·no. hotMbock ridino; ~· boord-ing. ~ aurl"'e. hik- Ing Ond beOthCombi"9. 2300 UNIVERSITY DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH f.ntr~lbN ADVENTURE Coed, ages 1 2-14 Aug. 28 to Sept. 4 $155 per penon Explorl09 the beautiful High Sierro from Nom- moth fo YOMmite National Pork ~~& ZION AOV(NTUR£ I • Coed, ages 12..-17 July 10.17 St45~~ A vltit to Gioftd Conyon ond Zlon Natlonol Patks, Pfus lake Meod ond Lake PoWell, pfus Hoo.,., ond Glen Con- von OomL ~~NING EXT~VAGANZA Coed, ages 1,._18 July 19-30 $135 per pertOn Ten exciting evenings of summer fun Induct. i"9 such odventurM os ploys, midnight Rocky HOtror Picture Show, Disneyland, roll.,. skating on the penin- sula, Poe-Non Night. ~J2 ADWNT\Jit£ COed.~ 12-11 Augwt12~19 ....,penon historic towns along Highway 49 plus two exciting doys rafting on the American River. ~14 CARAVAN Coed. ages 13-16 $110 Amtrak to Son Luis Obispo ond then we will bike 2SO mil" vio Coast Highway to Newport 642-9990 ~ ~ .... ............ feminine$1nd MJrf PAJAMAS l(X)%SILK BYBUOU • nto Today lauren has estobltshed h1s own 1d1om of women's wear closs1cs but he con no longer be defined as solely "mon-to1lored." Not after you've worn one of his ultro-femmme hondkerch1ef linen and lace blouses! Shown is one of h1s hand-stenciled linen camisoles sliding ofl the shoulder, pcmed w1th on eyelet peHicoo1. And among the mony good suggestions given at a Nordstrom btdfoat show- ing by Koren OemcM'est, merchand1s1ng monoger of Glomovt I'TIOgOZtne, was the weotlng of a femln- tne peHicoo1 under thot doted front-buttoned dress with the deep slit! She emphoaezed, of course, that you unbuHon the skirt to the woisttine and do try thts in front of a mm-or. See 1n11de story for on tn-depth report on GJomovr's new PACE (Per- sonoltzed Apparel Computer Evoluotton) Glomovr I'TIOgOZtne confirmed the tmportonce of slides, sweaters and strtpes, even the sweep of Iorge scarves, folded and Mked under the belt, fore and oft. Shown 11 a strtped tun•c softly belted over slim ponts wh1ch stop at mtd-cotf Note the te•tured dor1t leg and the flat shoes A newer nome 1n the fosh1on world, Henry Grethel, also has on S word sm1lel "Women wont happy, fun clothes thot moke them sm1le," he sold. Grethel launched h•s f•rst men's des•gner sportswear collect1on •n foil '79 and he debuted h1s first women's lme m 1980 both of wh1ch ore mak- Ing him a motor force m the fosh1on world As yov con see, h1s models ore oil sm•lingl He equates stripes wtth sm1les, porhculorly tn sweater KNIT BY JAYNA M~S (Please see Slide Into Sprmg •ns1de) 3415 VIAOPORTO. U[X) VILlAGE. NE'NPCX<T • • Casool For Men ... • ~ Yve. SoHtt Lourent'a IIJC-bulbt polyl11llc w•l in conhd alrlpmg, from Spring Col/e<tlon '12 . . the very best for far less Gary Compton & Co. create - A FRESH NEW LOOK FOR SPRING! HAIR CARE AND STYLING • A haircut that is customized for you and your lifestyle • Choice of permanents and body waves for carefree maintenance • Color, weaving and henna skillfully applied for a natural look PERSONALIZED SKIN CARE AND MAKEUP • Custom blended makeup base • Make up lessons • Individual lashes • Waxing • Permanent Hair Removal COMING SOON Jazz • Exercise • Dance Classes Massage • Body Wrap 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 642~164 • Computers Enter the Fashion Closet byMJidredMeod Folhron, on area that Ia aU too often a "hit and ml•" propo.Jtlon, It the lateat to benefit from Space k.e technology thonb to a unique program put togethet bv ~ mogcglne. This well-known slick hot Introduced a ,.volu- tlonory concept If\ wardrobe planning coiled PACE (Petsonollzed Apporet Computer Eva luation) In wardrobe planning. In Nordetro m's South Coost Plozo store recently Koren Demor .. t, merchandis- Ing manager ot Glamour, eold "Todoy's foahion- wiM ~onsumer knows the hozatda of impuiM shopping and thot't why PACE woa developed." PAC! provides gvktelinet to planning o word- robe that Is tollored to Individual needs, toking into consideration lif .. tyle, fJgure problems, color and clothing preferences. "With clothing costs still on the riM, buying o new garment should be considered on Investment," Demorest continued, "ond PAC£ helps eliminate the mlstoltes. "Every woman has fashion classics in her closet and the fashion-conscious shopper would be fool- hardy to ignore these importont pieces. PAC£ helps the customer toke o good hard look inside her closet to build on what she already owns." The shopper begins by filling out on eight-page questionnaire, available for o fee in local deport- ment stores. The responses ore run through o com- puter and the result Is o detailed 30-poge analysis of what the customer should keep in her existing wardrobe and what she should purchase to help her work within her budget. Data is Included on silhouenes to flatter her figure, fobtic information and ideas on using accessories to update current looks. Mix ond match color charts and lingerie dos and don'ts ore outlin- ed. PAC£ suggests what to buy ond where it con be purcholed locally. Demorest, with the help of Ooina Hulet, Glamour Mogozlne's West Coast Editor, proceeded to demonstrate the mixing of colors and textures, the changes accessories con make in the look of o wardrobe. Two models changed on stage as the G'omour team onJwered questions from the stand- ing-room only audience. longer and fuller proportions g ive balance to the short skirts and lorge-scoled jewelry g ives dimension to this over-sized look. After many questions from the Nordstrom customers, there was o question from the mike on stoge. "How many of you ore wearing the m ini?" Only two or three hands went up in this predominantly young group of working women a nd houMwlves. Then, another question. "How many of you o,. thinking of wearing the mini?" We foiled to spot o single hand raised I The report from PAC£ will also provide odvonce information on current trends, highlighting those which best fit the wardrobe needs of the respon- dent. "But, remember," Demorest reminded the oudl•nc•. "the computer is just o big fat type- writer. It tells you what we told them to tell you." Glomour Mogcul,. at~ o •tr;p.d 1vn1c ov.r ~hone~ ponta It con be worn belted or unb.tt.d. l'hoi'Ofjyoph repTodvced with permlu ion ~ ~. • Scarves, concl'to belts, Iorge drop eorrlnga, btoce lets, necl!lcxet ottd Iorge pint-ltle ·~·· ol lf1'1ng 1912. ~ reprtnted wllh .,.,mialiOn of ~. a full service sa lo n convenient to home and office BRISTOL TOWN 8c COUNTRY 37 40 S. Bristol, Sa nta Ana Day ~nd r~ven ing . 55 7 .{)1 DE~IGRER S. IMPOR'rED EXCLUSIVE PURCHASESI from New York's Top Designers' Sample Rooms SAVI GS OF UP TO 500Ja- IF FOUND IN LOCAL STORESI • 1001. IILKI • IIIIIOIITID LININI • IIIIIOIITID COnONI • DII .... IIIIIIPOn WOOLINI • NOVILYY fAMICI • WOOL AND WOOL ILINDI • Vllll OUIIIAUllfUL NIW UIDAI.IOUMUI • • • • ~our dienta with o ~t, ~ot.. ._. _... and tervN)o them tn o quollf*t ..... ~ ... lora-"lle Proer• goof when 'ahe open-o M .... , -Hair ._ fall. locoted m •tstol lOIIIfft I Ceunrt ~Center, fhl. ellpett MW ..._ .._. ~••• ~ terYM* foriM>• men ciftd ~ Not on~ ore they ccwwenlently locot· ed but, ~her. ore ev.nlng appointments ovoUoble fGr thole wt\oM worittng schedule neceultotes o IOeiJr hour. • Hoircuttlng, penna ond .peclolized · coloring Melhoda Including corrective coloring and .weov· ~ CMiitoble. '-sonal~ attention is quite .OVioUa c:a they ct.ign o holr style oppropriote for you ond 'fOUl ltt.style. Ttte fociol ond skin core center feotures PrMcrlp-..n Plw producta, which ore indivlduolly mixed for each dienr's portkulor akin neeck. A mok•up bar ond ovollable lnatructlon provide the finishing touche&. Manicuring services Include ocry.lic nails ond nail wrap. lonnvoge is a fomlly offoir from the very Mginning. The nome for the business is o com- bination ollonnle's no~ and that of her husband aog.r ond their son Treovor. Bonn;.'s design talents Ue not only in cosmetology (over 14 years ol e..,_lence) but olso in interior design. The el1gont eolon tastefully decorated in shades of mauve and gray was planned by Bonnie herself. Rogel, o genetal controctor, did all the construc- tion work. lonnie ond her staff invite you to stop in today. --------- Bedroom Fantasy Sale Sheetc-and EMemble Sale o.-·~·-··end. ~ trom our •ge .-.c· tkln ol ..... lhNkaM lf'd .,...,tie ... ~- Now lh!ough April JOih Scandia oawn• preeenta ••• ............ ~ .... nd ~ ...... 1 0-40"-OFF •s-.-.c;t to .todl on hand • 2ME.C:C..Hwy. Conlna diiMir, CA taa •sa• BID Aida,..._.., l..lieUN .... CA..a3 cne-..-. • A Touch o£ Class frOm the Past SpecMitlalng In ciOmanda and •tate Jewelry, Wlntton's t~t .-eler'a enc~ over 1 .~ ~ tMt; enabling him to offer cuseom.rs the mo.t vor'id •ledion In the area. LoeoMd on lon ~ • · obfe and Wlntton hoa re-c:ott old cloa ringa Ot old leQutlful dlomorida at fonea.Hc ICWiftet .. one of ~ Into modern ~ fOt monv, mGI'Y peopte their trodemofb, Alto, '.hey hcWe been OflpiDIIng In the orea. GrodUote ~~ Clf'td GIA op- to yovng couP-with ptoinot60fta '~ ~· • ptOJeola ore o~iaoble on ..a.cted te'M 01 .-11. tlmea a year Olteril'g fNe T~ Mttlnga 01 weU Wlnaton and lorbata offer tome ol the mott oa teaching their cuMOmerl about the tmpottont unu.uol and Woutlful lteme you will ..,., ... In thr ... "C:a" of dlomonda color, cut ond clarity. all of ()ronoe County. Remember, their prtcea ore • ...,.wport loulevcitd near the lntenection of 17th Str .. t In Caata Melo, Wlnsf9n's Ia owned and operated by Wlnaton Ond ~ Ver o-..lt. Hav- 1~ just completed thieir 13th year serving th4t Har- bor Otea, they decided to remodel their shop, creating a wormer, Inviting orea in which to Full oppraital aervk• are ovoUable, oa well 01 olwoy~ 30-10-leu than any retail shop. It truly Is jewelry and watch repairs. Cu.tom delign Is ovoll-"a touch of cloaa." ~. . You won't wont to miss one of their favorite showpi~es (not available for soleHivis Presley's own juke box containing 100 of his original ~ rpm records 01 pr ... nted to him by RCA Victor. Borbora and Winston have ttlwoyt hod on in- terest ln. antiques and estate jewelry. They offer turn-of-the-century antique sterling silver jewelry, holloware' and flatware obfec1s crart from Europe and the Orient, paintings, and much mOte. People shop at Winston's who are looking for the unique and the unusual. Their "antique" Image hoa been enhanced by the exterior decor of the shop with white wrought iron, antique benches, and Victor- Slide Into Spring SPORTCOAI SPECIAL upto68%0FF $29.99 • Value -., 115.00 ASSORTED COATS: Lev• • Angels Fhght 100'Mt. PURe WOOL BLAZERS; Trad1tlonal Styling · Ameticah Made l<lavy. Camei. Brown and Grey $69.99 Value to $125 00 PURR IUI.OI COATS: Buy of a lifetime • If you have ever wanted to own an exoens•ve garment -this is itl $99.99 Value to $175 00 -NICE$ ARE IN EFFECT NOW THIIOUGH USTEII - APRIL SPECIAL: HAGGAR SLACKS -$19.99 Continental Style with Maple Stretch Waistband ~.., S28 oo -oiiAN8I COUNTY'I NO. I .. N'I DIICOUNT ITOir In The Harbor Center •. t •. t 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 540-8818 . Mon.· Thurs. 1 o-7 Friday Til 9 Saturday 1 o-e Sunday 11-5 • Prec•uon H•" Cuthnt • DtrMnJIOIYI H•" Color•fll • H•" WNv•nt artd luah. f•lht•fll • ~rrwne-n1 Wnlltf • ~~1- tz«l Slun Care • f •c,.ls • Wllltlf • ""'· sorwl11«l Mu .. up • Mamcu,. • t>.o~ cure • l(rystll N11h 240 Newport Center Drive, Suete 220 Newport Beach (o.#llfld f. ~-y HI 0..., ,lui) ENN Y"S aaaa 111. coAaT HWY CO~ONA DilL MAR HAIR DESIGN Jot WomM ana fMA\ FRAMESI OF ITALY CMatw. "* ~ ~ ~ to~ooLx . ~~f..~ non~ ~~-~J..-GAO ~ at tl.e O(MM ~-~f $25 tD $85. eJlfot~~ DIE PERSIAN GARDF.N COIJEC'ItON S,.W, ~ shadn, no« qu•re bnatu t-.uc n~v~:r ~el. .. thew cultlh hurn. whbpn, M~f sht101 lnsptr-N hy fash~t'lfl tr~nJ. inferp'ef~ hy M~rl~ Nt>nnan klf )'IUf new spn .JC miak~urs C•m~: tn ••• anJ (,nJ yt>U r uwn raJI-.mce ... 1n ~rs101n Vkl~l. Pen1an Penwmk~. Poen~o~n Sall'f. Pl'n Jan Leaf l'~l' cui•"' Penwl Iris bl~r ... Poemo~n Hyacmrh anJ Ptrsian Plurnl-l<""'m lip w lun with Persian L•lac l •r P~il Plus. S« ttw ct~ll«:r~tm ... "~ the ctHors. An exculn11 new ''"'" f,~r you this sprlna. 87·5·0823 • A. "'"" "~'"" N..o~o. .. 11«' I.V.-1\.J. ............. ~(K\ (', N~t <..A.:w .... ._ ~.._"'" H OO O.Lor ........... k>OO L lOI' l'mcol "'-S. 00 1\1. 1969 ., , ... ~udltt) ....... A LIFE ·SWLE J'he elton, aJim tfrlft bolcJn<ed wort\ 0 10ft, OVet'SIZed lOp, lhe petfect bocltgr-ound fa, otnpol'fonl 1e welry From Glomovr Mogcul,., EASTER GIFTS!! OM ol ourpMrous donon hu ftWide AV .... lrMd new desipef t.shions • Uno wa Jt'cl"' Ho quc1lotv blut-dl'nom w1th c1 <.lotctwd had, poe kl't 19 '*~ Half tht-< o-t ot de~ollnt•r tf'an• ott thl' ldn< y' 'tOrt'' • Mf'n' lo11ht ll't'V (bO% cotton 4(J% polvl < d'udl •ummf.r p.tnt<. C ool" '* 9'i 1\ ll'l'dl bcHtC·l•n' • Spto< o.tl proc P\ on tlw<.f' almo't n+•w ott-m' I pc ~ctoono~l-11rt't'n \2(1() Muho lloro~l couch S1 !'i Oil Good \bclpto • 10% off woth tho\ <1d Hclvt' ol ""''th 'VOU' EfJbi,&ETBRJ EBTTA&E A UNtOUE THRIFT SHOP 789 W. 19TH ST. • COSTA MESA 714 631 .. 30 Oca:w*" • ~ 1111 alan ot l*tal JCIINoN loOt Weill~ A...,_. SenD lila. ca.:wno 92703 (7W)53H&71 John £. 'BCom. CUSTOM PHtrrOGRAPHY WeAn PROUD To Ha•• Pla1a.pQ••• •.. ERIN WARMINGTON .......................... k.,.. Slide Into Spring Slro,.d If>' spr•ng-Henty c;,ertlel loglltens up sweater dr•u•ng kH spr1ng 1912 w olh o .elecr.on ol crew and v n•d pullove rs on r.ool. com~• 100 percenr cotlon Springtime at NOT R~ PLACI; Better Women's Clothing at Better Prices New fashions for spring are arriving weekly. We've selected the loveliest styles and colors in today's fabulous fabrics-all offered at substantk:ll savings. Sizes 4-12. Do come in soon whik the selection is at its best. HOURS 10~4:00 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 170 E. 17TH ST.. SUITE 211 COSTA MESA. 548-3035 CUSTOM WAADROeE J CO-oROINATIOH AVAILABlE BY APPOINTMENT JOAN LIPPMAN LYNNE KOFFLER 341 BAYSIDE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH . CA.92660 Come tn and met-t Barv~rA and Wenston Vf'rOuh Ownt>u of Wtnston's NPWport J~~t-1.-r" I T~v wtll personally tak~ cart> of your lt'~t>lr) .md ll'ft nM>d' You can purc hase mc~aneftct>nt f'Statt> ptf'Ct"S from Mound thf' world. or havf' a 1ttwelry custom ck>~tgnf"d Now " tht' tlmt> to take adv•ntaae of low world gold prectts Stop tn ttnd '"vE' t~yl ~lwtth p~ofesseonals Wtnston and Barb a art> membfor\ of :t!'.-the <AIIfOfnta Jewelers' Board of Trade af1]11 h ve ~n en tht> Nme loc1t10n for 14 vears Cemoloaeul ututt' Appra•"•b are av.ttl•bl• on setect~ tnvt>Stm nt aract. dh•monds It's., nece to know you have a ne•ahborhood jeweler with whol w le pfiCM We .,_.,an our qu ltty •nd prtces-Of your money back Come Celebrate Spring and Summer 1982 at ~itt~ All of our fastuons are freshly pecked for you. New arrivals Datlyl The Easter Bunny ts leaving little surpnses for all of our speceal small customers. • Sc.entlfiC SOlOn lac lOis • CorrectlOf\ of skin problemS • WOXIf'Q ~LOA ! NeE' l iSE: M A N BETTI TERRELL /F ISCHEL Pl TIT BATf AU ABSORBA 369 E. l7th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 642·4714 I • Cosmetic peels • Tne most con (liMe ond sopt•ttcoted set a evoo-ce sUI c:x:M proO.cts • sa. dllftzw 0 and ~bodv core Dtod.oc11 l .hnst1~ \;lim, sl1n Cdrt~ \ 1k Y1S 3431 Via OportO; Suite A, Newport Beach, CA 92663 714/675-5700 1o\ • (. \. / - ': ~ r 4 , / ~~ • • • • • ofJ~ by Mildred Meod M1 h a I• ·~· lflcbdlne the klftd you wear Of ..... .,.,. .... -• ...... ehouWn*t be cliHM .. , Jt ... ~. lwWI .. .., II tong ~ When ............ ~ ............... rOcb .. 011 ~-. tt ..., hat "-trinlk value beCoule of ita contem.- porary ~. ttl In'-""• of ~lne tton. ond -..oelc .e a •· aned ond mouw.d gold, onyx, rock ~ ond ontiqye ontfoc:t. of collector's ~......_Today jewe&fy rep-n• o dKOfOtive minor art form. The Alexis Klrit collection of ;...lty ond behl for ~Prine 1982 <Ombfnea eemi..precloul ...,.._ like ~ c:orol, turquoile, roee quartz. jade or CICIIPftitlian In long, ecay-to .. monap stri,.._ "I like the ...,. .,._.. of mi.-d hue& and mixed ti-. In ~ •• 1 dally baroque pearls ond I combine them with ott. aeon.. ''laid Alexis. ~ .. her "Mojorco Magic,.. 0 wonderful c~ftOHon of precious ond aemi~ous motor- co peorta. Wood atones. abalone, ;et ond wood *""' omo block COfding with boubles of pewter ._.,,.,.,_,In 1• korot ~ ond 18 kcll'ot gold. Isn't it JpeCtDcvlar wwGf*PM around the body? Alexis Klrit poine.d out that in thit collection, the boaic Metal .. ....... that is .,.. of lead. "Our own .-~a~ ~. It will ,.,_ tarnish ond, even ~ l,.aeutt, tt will Nwr harm the body.·· Another ~ry deaigner to wotch Is Son Fran.. ciiCO'a SaUte Kelly. Het flrat collection was receiv- ed by~ Woldy on Bayside Drive recently, but unl-you were there early the firat day, you foil. ed to ... the mony antique pieces she combined with jod.e ond onyx beads, with coral ond omethy.t beodl, or onyx ond pale coral-smashing combination~. Kelty chotl111 the antique pieces in Chino h...tf, combining into apectocular necklaces. An old ~ h'OfY do'l, carved fish, o religious coral figurine---to .. is to WQf'IH Ow EtiFIMf .. ,... .... ,_, of tlw _,..,io,. to ,.., .__ ... ,.., .......... til ow OtM .,. .... to..,.,. 1M A ... .._. ftOIIO-'e .y.- t.a HeN. • wnt•r for rw s 1 eli,.. • pu•Uc.tiola IN• tlwl'eiiUOilCo~. --., .... or tiN «0· ~--ill ••• A ... ,. • ... ettit»>Ne cu .. c,.,...., ftw. wtt• toiiiOrro ... Ia U.. IDicl-1970.. wMa ~~ ........ ........ &W tiM u.s. ecoa- .,.,. .. u.iU.. aad .. .-..... " could, il ... ~ IIHeel. •,.art aa ...-. • rWIJt • t cl of lmllc; .,... .... joba. proftle • n'i• •diceS care UMI 1M.,.;. ... , .. ; .... -*" a-.. d .. of Wildll. w. le., -...... olodlcr.,.W. .... II ....... ... u.. .... u.t ... A rle•~coulddo ....,..... ,_ pro*cr1 ....... e&tit ... u.t ..... IMipecl ~ ow ceo· ...... ..,.U.: ........ . die ... equal oppomaaiQ • n·U.C .... ,_. .a.o.tcl ........ -...au.ne.ea &a.. l&art-io eq..at&y CNI:J· .. ....... c...-out .... -.. die tmieh. Aad .. ca-.,.1 .,..,_t willa .... I £ "bilit,. of ....... eco-•ic aad eocW .,... • .... ; .. &ool: .... ., .. ,- ..._. towwd 110* rat aad "''* -; aad, n-IIJ. .. beJ1ea to look e& oa work wit.la ..,. .,.-. No ..,..._ COI1Mat wi&la a .a.dJ ..,.cMe~t ... job FIEIICW'it7. .. FlOW cf P 1 I 1 PQciM»- falial t~·--­..,.. .. work. In &Ilia l&at. ol ..-.. _, of • rcjKt• .. die.._ of ~lfa. ,.. .,..__ .. ..I .... _.. .. ...,. ...... c;.mone•s In ailb, cottons, linena tionol ronge of colors. . Dione Myenon, owner, Ia also dlenad for spr- Ing. She is wearing Fronk Maaondrea•s cotton ond loce blouse with tudtirig detail ond the springiest pole lovendor taffeto •~n. with o controating seofoom blue cummerbund. Dione t.els this it the mo.t ei(Citing spring co'- lection ever. ''Thete ore no ru'-.-she 10id. "irs our chance to really dr.. ca inclividuah." Every spring Dione looks forWCiid to ~..ang the motheR of the many .._port Beach brides. "Irs a treat eo be o port of such o happy time," ahe continued, "ond c;.Mane's otways offws a wide range of chok.s. N The 110re offera from • to 1•. ond wiU do teledive buying RUFFLED Bl.OOSES BRIGEI IE BAADOT - PANTS .. ........ __ .... ol purple. khoki ond ton. ~ we ~ odd .. lOlling" to our Co&lec- tion Gl $ __,. beco.• noutkol II o great loOk for ~.,.._..., 1912. So alide Into 'f04II alrlped .. 1 aa ond go to lunch Of foro toUt AlwJ llnlt.l Delicious Dressing for all your salad days. J. G. HOOK'S fresh, thoroughly engaging seersucker A-line, with dermed elastic waist, crisp white rib knit collar, and garnished with its own striped grosgrain belt. In four flavors, sized 4-16. R'mareeS eastbtuff center (7\4) 640-1232 2525 eastbluff atve. newport beach. ca. 92660 DIETING PROMOTES OBESITY Ferrari • Jaguar Rover ~, \ •c • • .. l;r!MM.-.... <Jiona _. lllak Canu' .......... Mttia9 lot • hlaoMC., ~ br A to Z CibaiiMl, ...t a WhAQD dow tioia ·~· ~ Aajoai.u aMiNd dU8 ..-t l.oeorla9 the patrca 1 •• 1 al tM Sowad ol Muic Oaptv of u.. oc ~A.NC.Oter. Gleda ucl Nick receatly eo•d ~&only Ia .... There wu •VIOla ~tloD u to wla.at Gloria wu CJOiD9 to do with laar u'Yiwa•t appoiDtmut. wlaila tM, u. Jiwba9 iA Greece for the aattwoYMra. Aaoe9 tM 1!0 palrOD ..... aDd ~ wlao attandoec:l thia lovely tw.ctioD were B.tty ......... Wary Aim Goldman, Waa1)ya H.eley, Mary Hu9hes, LiDcla a..&.y (lookiA9 .. vh'"9), La Vera Bums, Cookie Moratta ud Bet.y Van O,ka. • • • SeeD lucbl"9 at Lo Strada .._. CJOOCl frl.ada 1ouM Stone oi W-Air ucl Bobbi &abler. BObbi, foi1MJ' pzuy ol the AdopUaa Quil4, .. 00 the '82 .,.,..m .. for the patron .. tea to be Mid A,prll 26; the prelude to tiM t.mi8 tournament benefit lwld ill &ate NAy . At another table, Virginia hi9bt, the iotamationally acc&ateed lDtarior de&ignar (she did the W•tam White Houae), wu with h99Y Cottcm, director for the National Fect.ra.ticm of Pt .. Women convention to be bald June ~-13; Josie Vucoura, rapreMDtin9 the Nardikian car, the lint car to be built in OC, ud Vick Llight. VirC)i.nia will deaiqn Lo Bibeoleco di Cormelo. The libruy will Mrva a dual pur- poee: u a privata din.in9 and a *lealrcD 1'00ID cootala1D9 boob ud peJiocllcalt written in ud about Orue)e County. Vick u pl'ay of lAII Caabrot:J.. con Liblw, which ... ts at the SMT· JDaA found.ticm, hu committed all OC authors to donate their boob. • • • Susan Barlow opened her home for a bigb teo catazad by Doremva (that'• ri9htl). Tha occuion wu the fint formal meeting of the Harbor Ridge Women'• Club. Dynamic ud gregarious Lia Schneppla fou.Dded the club, which alreedy hu 55 active and 10 auociate members. Thil yaa.r'a officers are JoAnne Mill, Vu91Dia Campbell, Na.rilyn S...., Lia, Audrey Jtapelus, Glenda Eml9h, Emily BuU•r, Susa.n, Tarl Newman, Gioa Shear and Ruth Din9. • • • Spaakin9 of Gina and Ruth, they are co-chairin9 the Chamber Syaphcmy Society of Califoroia'• AJJegro Mandarin Boll to be bald Nay 26 at the Beverly Wilshire. Gina and Ruth have worked azcaedingly hard to malte this an eJtciting fund-raiser. It aoU.Dcla like a sell- out. They have the comnutment of Bob Hope, Ehem Zimbalist, Jr., Gr8(JJory Peck, Anna Buter, Ray Bradbury, plus many more stars who plan to attend. • • • George Bemique ia a wall· Jtnown French Impreuionistic painter, who h.u been a lonQ- time reaident of the Harbor Area. For the put Mveral years, GeorC)a SUJtaioad MriOUI heart problema, which iocapac itated his ability to paint. One day Proof al .. ..-c. Ia aip-code ueu Will be ~ Jor •rt»ta wiahl.D9 to ublblt ia tM ~· Beach 1982 1..U.al of Aria, of- ficiala have •onou.Doed. Jwyill9 la Mt for Sat\Uday, April 17, lD lrviDa Bowl, 650 l..a9uaa Ca- nyon Road. Before beio9 allowed to lHve worb for juryio9, u applicut will be r~red to produce a valid documaot altowiDQ the cor- rect r .. ldance. Alon9 with prooJ of reeidence, thrM piec .. of art.Wts' WOl'k iA each medium mu.t be 1\lbmUted between 7 a .m. and 10 a.m . tla.at day. Juryiog will tab plAce bet- wMn 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., after which artists may pick up tlaair worb -not t.tar tho S p .m. This year there will be no limit oo the number of mac:l..t. par penon but a f .. of $S will be chuqed for each medium submitted. Patrons Jim Reed and Mllmie Fluor Reed (•ft) end~ and Bryon Tamutzer at the ATSC Chams-El'Yfi"S Ball. Richard Allan, Suaan and Bob Bertone, Bazbara and Alell Bowie, Nary, Bruce, Cecilia and Oliver C rary, Norma Curley, Mamie Reed (looking most dUe), Joan ud George Duhi.U, Jed and Jack Owen, LouiN ud Jt .. Ewin9, Martha and Bob Fluor, Vicki ud Mike Gerin9 (chairman of the ball), Pam and Don Gilmour, Nora and Chart .. H .. tar ud Jean l.al)ldala, !liC)ihla are&~ are in aip coda. 92624, 92625, 92629, 92651, 92660, 92661, 92662, 92663, 92672 and 92617 (Newport Beach to San Clemente). Ap- plicants mUJt have ra.idacl in one of thoea UH.I Oi• yaa.r prior to the atarl of tAa F..tival. prior to hla 75th birthday, he read u article iD the October 1980 i.uua of the Reader'• Dio..t on father Ritter'• Home for Wayward ud AbU8ed Ch.ildren. Noved by the efforta of thia FranciND priaet, George vowed if he livaCl, he would dcmata all prooeeda from the ale of hla paiotiAC)I to this worthy cau.ae. In the put y....,, Geor9e hu not au.taioed cma incideDt oJ heart trouble and wu able to paint 30 canv ..... N&ocy ud Jack Caldw.U have C)r&cioUaly oHerred to host a cocktail recap- tion io order to sell tb.a 30 lovely paintings. The data selected is Palm SU.Dday. Let's hope this traditional day will bring as much joy to Father Ritter's home. . . . The premiere showin9 of Neil Simon's "I Ought To Be in Pic turft" was the CarOUMl Chapter's annual benefit for OCPAC. In the crowd were Bambi and Dave Aroold, Lortnda and Gerard Guyod, Joyce and Georqe Spiueri, Shirley and Bud Gilbert, Betty Belden, Stave Bowie , the Patrick Car- digans, Anita and Gil rergu.IOil, Richard Spooner, Steven Ha..rria, Liane Langevin, Guy Wain- atein, Saay Luby with dau9htar Chriatioe McCartney (Suey ud R09a~ recenUy retwned from Wuhioc;rton, DC after attending WoU Trap's annual function; Sauy ia a mem.be~ oJ the board). The David Kenigau, Becky l.oC)an and Lealie Petro.ky. • • • SloH photo by Dino von Bu,.,.r. Workshop. After thla the crowd went ioto the main ballroom to partake of the C)Ourmat meal and auction am\l.lingly QOnOuctad by Denny Carpenter and J.E.T. Rutter (J.E.T.'a bid won the mink for wile Jtit). Amon9 the CJU .. ta ware JU.De and Bill Adams, Jean and Dan Aldrich (Dan'• bid won the 18- carat diamond bracelet for his lovely wile. Their daughter l.i% Toomey, wu PR chairman for this evant and alie did an outsta.ndiog job ), Patn cia and Others ware Mandy and Jim Reed, Patti and Gaor9a Hoa9, Nora ud Vin JorC)eDMn, Lucy and Walter BurrouC)ha, SUJan and Tim Strader, Judy and Steve Smith (Steve shared that he had attended a San Franct.co dinner party iD which 10 forb were at the place •ttingl), Trlah ud John O'Donnell, the W a.nning- to~a-Loria ud Bob and Vicki and Jim, Jackie and Jam .. Rodgers, lm.ola Jua and Tom Riley, and Lyon and Wally Gayner. The r .. uval will run from July 10 throu9h Au9. 29 . CrltteDtOD AwdUary Tba S.. ClrcJ. Auiliary oJ Florence Crittenton S.nicee will hoet it. 14th annu.al Day at tha Races, Waclna.day, Wuch 31, at Santa Anita, to ra.L. funda for ita charitable eernc.. au- will lea" the Irvine Cout, BiC) Cuycm ud Santa Au Cowatry cluhe at 10:30 a .m. Tickets ua $25. Be.IUltlully engr.lvt•d lor d)l ou.ilstOn<, • ANNIVERSARY • 81RT If DAYS • GRADUATION • BABY THINGS EXECUTIVES WEDDINGS OUt liTH ANNVBtSAIY sawotG Tltl lOCAL AliA NOACK TROPHY 170 E.17th Street, No.11 7 Costa Mesa across from Von's Shoppin& Center) 646-,)4) PLANT NOW free SANTA ANA 2800 N. TUSTIN AVENt!E LARGE BULBS SPECTACULAR NEW ... RAINBOW GLADIOLUS VALUE $1.00 Wint THIS COUPON These 4large bulbs will reward you with spectacular color in your garden this Spring. limit one package per family. If you•d like more you can get 10 for $2.00 -UMITED SUPPL V. COSTAIIE8A 2700 BRISTOL STREET ~.J¥ot -- -• s.-. c-,.._ ~n 7 Days 'til 5:30 p.m. Gloria Carras, Marilyn Bean. Maralou Ingold, Arpy Anjozian and Carolyn DeWatd (left to right) receive guests at the Sound of Music The well-dressed gu..ta who attended the Chams-ElyMfM Boll, which benefits the Aaeu- mant Traatmeut and Service. Canter, first gathered io the atrium of the Newport Marriott for cocktaila. WhiJ. there, they enjoyed a variety of french dane. .. performed by u.. South Cout Cultuzal S.rvic .. Leaque'a Youn9 ParlonDar'a Open 7 0dys 'ttl 5 JO p m. (714) 633-9200 (714) 754 6661 patroness luncheon. Staff photo by 0tna von Butg« RENT AN ARCADE VIDEO GAME CAlL GAL XY GAMIS-673dl245 WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR ~WI•t -fH•rflwood & Soltwoofl) Wae4 ,.,. ... , lteh ..... -fO•Ic & H .. IOcll) . .o .. ·•cea1 ..,. • ., c.-. ........ v·· at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art through April 15. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 11:30 am. to 4:30p.m. Polntl•m art by Italian artist lucia Fortuny at Mildred Seamster Art Gallery. 3341 Newport Blvd. Call 673-0400 for gallery hours. Photogrephy by Olivia Pwtuw at the Susan Spiritus Gallery. 3336 V.a lido in Newport Beach. Hours. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m Tuesday-Saturday. lllu8tl'ationa by KarenW...... through April 30 at the Huntington Beach Library and Cultural Resources Center . 7111 Talbert, Huntington Beach. The flnt major ••- hlbltlon by David Rau opens at Orangerie Gallery, 1492 South Coast Highway in Laguna Beach April 17 Call 494-5656 for hours Splendora of the Sohltea presented by the Metropolitan Con tainer of Art April 1 through 29 in UCI's Fin1 Arts Gallery. lltuatretions by OCC atuct.nta are included in a show focusing on medical art through June 6 at the Mills House Visual Arts Complex. 12732 Main Street. Garden Grove Hours: noon-4 p.m VVednesday through Sunday. WOffla by Larry Bell in glass sculpture. vapor drawings and furniture at the NewPQn Harbor Art Museum. Exhibit runs through May 2 Aluminum acuJpture by Johanna Jordan through April 24 at the Abraxas Gallery, 2815 Villa VVay, Newport Beach c ... o1 unc~er~~ota.r recent works Apr~l 13 17 at UCI's Fine Arts Gallery. ao..11. a tableau created by Edward and Nancy Kienholz. will be on display at the Newport Harbor Art Museum through April 25. Gallery hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Wet.rco~on end monoprlnta by Margaret Bedell of Cor- ona del Mar on view at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery. 3300 Newport Blvd .. through April 23. ''Cernellmeee-'' -an Invitational group show of 40 artists March 31 through April 23 at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art. 3621 VVest MacAfthur Blvd .. Space 111 . Santa Ana. Cover peintinp from 50 ,...,.. of Orange County Illustrated through May 1 at the Museum Shop, 2754 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. All are offered for sale . Gallery hours: 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m . Tuesday-Saturday. Club& The "Het Lady'' will entertain with stones imd anecdotes at the Aprtl 1 Mesa-Harbor Club meeting. Soc1al hour starts at 10:30 w1th luncheon and program beginning at 11 . Public is welcome. Reserva- tions: Irene Brown at 962-9847. Meeting place: Costa Mesa Country Club. Ebell Club of Newpot't 8eech 1s presenting a spring fashion show and luncheon noon THurs· day. April 15 at the Amertcan Legion Hall in Newport Beach. Dona- tions are $15. call Ruth Kellogg. 546-:l)66, or Olga Piefer. 541-8978 for reservations. Pro- ceeds will assist the Orange County Mus1c Center Newcomera Club of Newport a..ch w11t meet for a pot-luck salad luncheon 10 a.m Wednesday. Mar .:h 31 Call 760-9787 or 646-4996 for further m forma11on and location ........... of. vine are invited to the Newcomers Club lunch eon 11 a.m . Tuesday, April 13 at Surf & Sand in Laguna Beach. Phone Oorie Gomsrude. 562-8061 for reserva- tions and information. Der.cere-en.ntlonl Tea Dances-Concerts are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Center throughout the spring at 4:30 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information, call 754-3643. Irvine Ienior Center invites Duplicate Bridge players to bring their favorite partners every VVednesday from 12:15- 3:30 p .m . for an exciting afternoon at the Senior Center. 3 Sandburg. Irvine. Cen'-Club Slftgl• meet 5 p.m. Saturday, April 3 at Advanced Health Center. 1300 Bristol Street North, Newport Beach. Ann Martin will lead a discussion entitled "Growing Better. Stronger. Happier." Singles of all ages are welcome. Admission charge of $3 includes refreshments. Sl ..... T ... a Harbor area communication and social network is being led 7:30 p.m. every Monday by Kay Carvotta of the Tustin Associates for Human Development, 14742 Newport Ave .. Suite 104. Tustin. Fee is $5. Nlghtlngele Chepw of Auxlllery of Hoag Memorial Hospital will hold a luncheon meeting 11 a.m. Tues- day. April 6 at le Biar- ritz French Restaurant. 414 N. Newport Blvd. Pat Blow of the Con· sumer League will speak. Newport Achlevera Toastmasters Club meets VVednesday mornings from 7 to 8:30 a.m . VVestern Federal Sav1ngs. 4 Corporate Plaza. Newport Beach Speeches will be video taped. For tnformation call 675-7196. If you think California beef is good, wait ·til you try ours from Colorado. • QUALITY- WEIGHT- COST- SUVICE- Sof eef U.S 0 A. Choice U.S. yield one• Natural fed-no hormones 330 to 360 pounds S l 69 a pound EXA 337 pounds $569 .00 Cut your way-frozen-labele~ guaranteed-delivered and put your freezer PAYIDIIT-Cash-check-BOFA -Masterchar~ -Visa or The Jlewport E-tp Wednoaday. March 31 . JIIZ P.!IVIt IS .,... CIS ••• T o.trnMten meet Monday mornings at 7 at 2151 Michael8on. Suite 166x. Information: Bob Davis. 752·1111 . Newport C..... Tout masters meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m .• Pacific Mutual Building, Fashion Island. For information call Dr. Annamaria Ballin at 640-0838 or Mel Creighton at 556-1171 . Blma ,,.. chMen'e ftlma at the Newport Beach Public library. Newport Center Branch, 8S6 San Clemente Drive, 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoons. In- formation, 640-2246. Features will include: April 6: "The VVhite Seal" The UCI Film Society screens a variety of classic films 6:30p.m . Saturdays. Tickets are $2 general. $1 UCI students. At least two films are shown each night. Scheduled: April 3: "Arsenic and Old Lace", !U.S .-19441. by Frank Capra; and "The Lacemaker", 1Swiss-19n) by Claude Goretta. Onnge Coat Col- ...... Seturdey Evening Film Series is held in OCC's Forum. Series tickets are $15, available in the Ticket Office. Tickets are $2. All movies start at 7:30 p.m. Films include: "The Robe". April 3 Lequres Trewlle.....,at Firstworld Travel Agen- cy in Corona del Mar. 6 p .m. VVednesday, March 31 . "Cruises of the VVor1d" is this mon- th· s topic. Wine and cheese will be served. Free. but phone 673-7930 for reserva- tions. L8 ............... ...... at ()qnge eo.t College thil week indUde: .......... a1 -Afreer.u~ 8:30 a.m. In room 112 of the Home Economica Building. n.. .. NIIIIIII ... I .. J,.., 1 -Butinea l8minar focusing on Inter- persoN~ commun!Q. tiona; Or. Claude Farley. lecturer. 7 p.m. in F"tne Am Halt 119. Admie- sion is $5. , ..... ,. Apttl2 -"The Steftar Thread" planetarium program; runs Friday nights, 7-8:30 p.m. at the OCC Ptanetarium. Admission is $1 .50, adults; $1 children under 12. Seating is limited. -"Wrongful Discharge: Developing Legal Re- straints in the Term- ination of Employees" Elmer 0 . Montano, lec- turer. 7:30 p.m. in Science Lecture Hall 1. Admission is $4. -"An Evening to Reach Out For Cou- ples"; Or. Steven VViner. lecturer. 7 p .m . in the Faculty House. Admission is $8 per couple. -A close look at In- dividual Retirement Ac- counts (IRAs). Richard Lombardi, lecturer. 7 p.m. in Science lecture Hall 2. Admission is $5. -"Your Relationship VVith Your Mother"; Lo~ Miller. lecturer. 7:30p.m. in Fine Arts 119. Admission is $4. -Ingredients for suc- cess; rwo-part series. Donna M. VVack . lec- turer. 7 p.m . in Admis- sions and Records room 113. and 9 a.m. Satur- day, April 3. Admission is $5 per lecture or $8 for the series. S.turdey, Mercte3 -"Risk Management for Small and Medium Size Businesses"; Tom Doyle, lecturer. 10 a.m . in Fine Arts 116. Admis- sion $5. Mondey. April 5 -"Insights on Increas- ing Sales"; several speakers are expected. 9:15a.m. in Fine Arts Hall 119. Fee of $30 ~lunch and mecerilllla. Crw••C•••~ tyCJII&l. t91B-QJ11 , .... a. ... offering .,...., worilllhopa and lect~ M several toea-- tiona. including: Mn f •· Aprll12 -"AffirrNtions: Putting Yow Personal Power to Work"; Or. Sioux ~ is lecturer for thia eeries, which runs through May 3. 7-10 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Church. C~ Mesa. Registra· tion fee is $15. Flcdan ••••• ....... UCI begins noon April 6 in room 126 of Humanities Of- fice Building. Author and faculty member Oakley Hall will begin the series. Admission is free. . ....... , ... , .... "' et UCI comes together April 8-1 1 for a seminar on the German wri~, commemorating the 150th anniversary of h death. Sessions begin at 9:30 a.m . in the UCI Campus Village Com· munity Center and run through earty afternoon Aprit 8-10. A two-hour session will begin at 10 a.m . April 11 . The sym- posium is free. and reservations should b made by calling loge Rudman, 833-6404. Ptotlam ....... lnalana for I..,. pwenawe conducted by Mary Eastman Rigney. presented by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce 7:30a.m. Thursday, April 1 at the Marriott Hotel Catamaran Room. Newport Beach. Reser- vations: 644-8211 . on an Marion Court • Collectors Solarian This classic design from Collectors Solarian offers the richest textlft, most dramatic diJnm. sion ever. Available in fiYC oatunl cokntions, Marioo Court is perfect for any room. • ln.IUd vinyl coostruetioo allen areater durability and resisw¥::e to iDdauatiooA • No-wu Mirabood• surfxc keqJa Marion eoun·s lustrous "like-new'. look without wuina far looau than vinyl ~wa Ooon. Hurry an GeM because tbis ipdal offer ends ...... -· ..&lL---- Mlece"•llf ~ ~ -a:J3..6319. .......... ..... age 12·15 rpon- aored bv Orange Coast VMCA 8:3().10:30 p.m . Tuesday, April6. Transportation to and from rink leaves from the "Y '. alO Unive-'Si- ty Drive, Newport Beech. Reservations should be made before April 5 at 642-9990. E ..... I .. Hunt to be held 1 p.m . Friday, April 9 at the Orange Coast YMCA. Seperate hunting for younger and older participants. Ad· mission is 50 cents, B.Y .O.B. (Bring Your Own Basketll. Registra- tion deadline is April 6. call 642-9990. ,..blood_.. ...... testing 9-11 a.m . at Oasis Senior Center Tuesday. April 5. No appointment needed. ..... ,.. Dencera Wentedl Costa Mesa Senior Citizen's Square Dance Club meets e"ery Thursday morning at 11 a.m . at the Downtown Neighborhood Com- munity Center. 1860 Anaheim. Costa Mesa Call 545-5669. Mtwlc c ..... , ...... classical pianist, will appear with UCI's quartet -in-residence 8:30p.m. Monday, April 5 m the Fine Ans Village Theatre. Tickets are $10 each, $4 for UCI ............. ....... ~ ........ stea•IRu by Petet Weiss. 8 p .m . Wednes day. Mafeh 31 through April 3 in UCI'$ Rne Arts Studio Theatre. rackets are $3 general. $2 for students. UCI Fine Arts 8o• Office: 83J..6617. A••• .. Oifenew pley. "Higher Educa- tion" by YOfba Linda playwr1te Lew Riley ~~ be held 7 p.m . Sunday, April 4 in OCC's Science lecture Hall 1. Adm1ssion is fTee South Coeet Reper- tory pwaeente "He111y IV. Part I" by \Nilharn Shakespeare through April 4 on the Main - stage "DA" by Hugh Leonard will open April 13 and run through May 16 on he Malllstage Also. "Com1nH Attrac- tions" by Ted Tally w1ll run on the Second Stage Aptil 21 -May 9 SCR Box Off1ce 957-4033. "CeNmOfty of lnno- ~,. by Ronald Rib man 8 p.m ThUtsday Saturday Aprtl t 3 111 OCC's'OrarHa Lab Theatet. Tickets are $3. Ticket Offace: 556 r:h27 "G ....... Will be presented by the Newport Beach Parks. Beaches and Recreation Department Apnl 16-18, 23·25. JO.May 2 at lin coin School For ticket inforrHattort, call 640-2271 WE PAY TOP s FOIIOOD CLEAI USED CAMEIAI &reno Your C.... a « ftl'lt ~C9811Nt Equip "' tof • mtE lllP •h 81. CAL'S Average 9x 12 Kitchen • Totally Installed -.-.e- N: - 1 • ' • ...., ... ICAIWW-=••• n. ........ .--..... ....,. • ..aw~aa,w. ............ c.. ..... c:A ... ~ ......... -... ..,. ,..._....._oa_;._ ..... .................... -.... CA; ..._. ...... ilf W. 1M a. c... ..... c--. ......................... :==~ ............... ...................... ,... __ ....... ~~.ea.....o..e­........ 1'11¢111* Moe. 14. 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Sde lOl, rm.... c. 112715 (714) 833-38!!11S. ~ War. 24, 31, Ap.r. 7, UIG ta !H N.wport L · DiD-' Jfla ....c.cmca --rcuno••---~ ,.. ......... ,...._ .... ......_. • U.U PAU D &.TO., .-o V• ""--A-. hlllo -· ........ -....c.~....,.w ...... ,... llll1 .......... o... c.-., ..... CA am; ...,._ •· ..,_,.._ 1100 w . ..,, ..... c. .... w.-...A .......,,...._...,, ~ ....... C...s\; ...... 1 ..... 234 w &., ..,. ..... Ieee ..... n...u.aa ftoio .._ ............. ..,. ~ ,..,_... ......,., a.a..n w ..__ no. __ ..._ ....... c...., a... ... a.-c-, -..... u.a~a ........, ..... ~ ll, ,.. 7, 14, l.alloft....._. ...... ~ , .... • ....:IJO'ID , su~c.·•·•c 1 0.-C.HCJIIW---... -n. ......... ,.... ............ . ... _ ......... ..... -,. oocm1 o nca. ............... ..... c:A ..al. n. ...... --.._ ........ ....... _ ..... o.-...,.c-, -o-11.1.1 ..... GeMMio. ... ca....a... ............................ 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Avo No .. porr -~h CA '11663 CI80'I 0.0·~ T r Y• JlS S.flte Ar-e A•• No"'J>>tl a.oc~ CA 9261)J WC'Jt Tt.,, b .... ,,..,.'1 '' nd~ot• •ed o• • dt • .dv•t S.Qr.ed G-c.ro-T J Y • Tfttt •·•••••n• ••• ltleod ... 1ft C(,lw••• c .. ,, ,f o,.nqwo ( Woo ~ 1911 ,\tbh•h N•• t • Apr I ~ t ' 1~ '" Tlw N••po•' [n••t~,. rt860n wr ·• PUIUC IK)T1C[ ••us ncTtnOUS IUSIIIESS MAIU STA TDU:JIT n.. •oiJcW'ti\Q J)efWr) d ·ol f b ....... •• NICHAEL II CINAII<JN & ASSOCI.ATlS 5I.N Jo,o S• s.,,, 101 N•wPQrt ... "h C. 92'b6 t ,_.,~. R c ... '"•"w•'' ll,<aftl w-~•r ,. o, "" Hwnttn"'"'" ........ h C'• ~~· Tt.u b"''""• ,, C""'ndw( 1.-c;t lr; dtW•dw•l S,q ..d W••• R (" "" "'•tr·.a t Th" ,,.,.,...,,, ...... t.t.d .... tP~ •h• l.. •Unly Ct.t• I O••I'!QP' l v"''" Nor IC. l'leJ ,fll .. lul't w., lo Apr • • ll 1982 n T"-H••P...•' (-. 1 fl &4361 N f.IJX PVIUC NOTICE ncTlTIOVI IUSIMESS N.UU: STA T'DIDIT r-.. t,tl~••nQ ,..., ,. d '"~ lh. .. .-,.GIJII['S ,. II CAI"I'T tClOO Nv.A, • ., .. , .h.. S~o~ • tt.JOO ... ~, a.. tr. 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N .... .,"'' ,,,.,,,, NPt~J, PUIUCMOTlCI: IIUOLUTION MO I03t A Rt:SOLUTIOH Or THI CITY COUNCIL o r THl CITY or NtWPOIIT IUCH ADOI'TING THl DIIIECTOII Of THI OUAJTWlNT OJ INDUSTIItAl IIUATION S OITtll WINATIOH or THl PIIEVAILING WAGI IIATES JOII OIIANGf COUN TY WHllllAS S... I T/1 ·•~ L.bt.• C ..d• t ••. S •. ,. i C•'·'"'" • , ... _." .... • • • •• ._, h• k· ~;~ ..... , ... P•••••••to:.J •e•• .t r•• d .• ,., •e..:t• ... ,.n b. p .. .d •II • ••""~· ~"''-'' \....t Pwbl..r •"-•~• ru._,,., • •e...i WHllllAS 5.<•,.,. 11/J r • ~~ Cwt• ,.1 .. ,. $1•·• I C•l I '""' , • ._...,,,.. •lltet ..... ~. ••••d••·ll •t.• vubl.c-•"''h C"'-<ttlf•C'i •h•H "-..,,. •t ... ~, ... , •• p ..... e.l.,.., ••·f ......... ,. .. ... o.,~'"'' , h• O.pa''"-•" ,,, '" dv••r••) 1141•t '"' •rod WHfiiEAS S... o. " 1111 i "t h• l..bvt c,~. '" w.d.. tl,. If f,., o "'P"Ctf'r•"'J •t-• .,. ,,.,,., ,,,..,,.d,nq • tc:»• ••t•• ;r'l tt, .. 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VIIM ,._..,., P••• CA ti.UO no.. c ,_ ~ Ct_,_ Onw ~ IMclo CA Gill ..._., L r-t 115 Vollrt v .... ea-nik> CA 13010 lute W n...ap -"" ... ~.c-,. .._,. ~Melt CAGI&J TUo -• cea4IOCMOII Itt • -·al ,.-.... s..--1 ~.. ... w Ar...W n... -· .... hl..t --~ .... C...uy a..• .. o.-c_..., oa , .. u 11112 P..w.. Mot 10 17 24 ll IIG .. n.. ........ "'-te ,.13731 ~ __ .. __ ~·····- - tl)l--........ ...... ,. __ ....... lwtlll )Wild lwti&S-.. _ ......... _. -----_ _... , ................................. _. __ ..................... ~ Clauln c1 ,.._,..._..,__ ................. . r-'--~ ----~------~~­~ ~~-----1------~~~ ~-----+------+------4 ~ ~------~----~~----~·~­~-----+------._----~·~ ~-----+------._ ____ ~(~ CJI) t------+------+----~ c.ltlt ~----~------~----~~ ~----~·-------+------~~ ~----~------~----~u. ~-----L------~----~c~ ._._....... ----.... o.,._ ......... . .... ......._ PVIUC IIOnc& PC II iiOUi IDaDI IUJIK ITA,._., n. ~ -.. olo<t.q ......._ oo ..C COWPAJn Jllll Voo Z..t-14-v..,.. CA ~· 1\odan c -.:...• 26891 v • Z..t-w ...... a Voo< CA 9:269, T~ b~-~ coodwc .... by •• ia dOftdwol Soqoed llod..., C ll.od """' .W ...... I ... f.Jed W1l., tU Co.aatv Cler~ of Oru~ Co.••., .,.. ..... 121~ Pv.bl.4 Nor 11 l 4 )l Apt 11112 Ul fM "-" LoOIQD PI.,IU9 li:DSI PUIUC IK)TJCE ncnnous IVSIIfESS NAIU STA TUaJIT Th• lc,.llo-lftO ~1"'-0 dv•n\1 b~•on ... •• HEIIrTAG£ LANDSCAP INC: & T,_U StiiVlCI 1 S..••r.•h I• v,~. CA ~2714 D•".u••t Mo•b•" ~•b·• IS. • .-~,. .. lrv·"• C1 02714 Tht• llutttl..._ •• unJ .. r~-d Oy •' .1, • .c:t~o~•l S,qn.-.cl 0..1'1 •I N M•b• .. Tht• •••·•~•"' ••• •.t.-d ••'"' '"'• C ~r,., Cl•1• •f Or•r J"' C .,.., ' ,..," ., 1418} '"bl "'" .... , "' 1...,.1 , r .... N•WJ-• [,. , f ,_., PVIUC iiOtJC£ 'l .. -·~· ~IVIDIISS RAMa ITATDIDT Tlo. ............ -oro dooDQ ...._,._ •• JIOIT11 ClAY UC VISTWDfTS 17 c-ry iLIIo a..- ...._, IMclo CA m60 Or L-oord A S.r••l• h l61C Gr.,...... 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Tlw. .. ._.., ..._. t.a.. .,._, &a.. c-.r. o... of o,.._ eo,...., .. ..... '111:2 p,.w,.. W.o oil • 14 Jl IIG ,. n.. ~, "-"• J ll4!!0 lfii20 PVIUC IIOnc& ncnnoos ...... U..ITA,._., ,.. ....._--......... -• S C N II&Al.1011 4001 w-rl• Placo Mo 117 ,.__, .._... CA ~ Sloolall a,...,..._., 101 U.... Pon On .. S A ,.__, ....._. CAUI6J n...-. ........ ~a.,. •• u. .. .,wj ... J Soq:,.o.d ,.._ a. ........ . TUo -· --...... _.. .. Co,..,. Cl.r• o4 0.-c-.. ,.. .... 4 \11:2 P..W.. Nat 10 I 1 a4 )I 111:2 oa Tlo."-"Lo•q• r l&weo ...,.. rv.uc..ona PICTmOUI~ UJIIITA1"DDDDT n. loU..• .. -.. "-9 -.. GIIOUPI anY 1G1 s.. d~ t. .. "-"~It CA ~ ..... At--IGIS.. d.Uwoaol t... "-" ._,. CA ~ n..~ .---.. ....... _ ..... S.. .... la•W At-._ TUo-......... -· .... c.-.. Clo.• .. 0.-c....., -....... 11:2 ,....... W.t 10 17 ~ )I 11112 tA n...._..._ ,. .. I,. lfD47 ..,..;-.mcz ---....... JIOA ..... --"·~ "-.......__ ........ --~'nlt4 I?MI ..... A• .,_ CA .,l4 O..W I ...... 17NI ..... ,. ... .,_ c. wn• Doowo~ ...._ -,.. ,_ s.o.-CA.,_ ...... e- ...... -... a..a-T-,.. ' lllco.-w • ._ ... ....... DooD.. ,._ -liloel c: ..__ -l ..... ,_, o.a.. t-lUJ\ n...~ • ........-.,.-- ............ ...... ~·•14 • .._. no. __ __. ......... c.-, """ ., a.-c-. -... .,, . ,_.... .... 10 n "n t•,. ~.._.. ..... n _... .....c: .a'IICil rtCono.-... a.a-. ,.. ........ __ ....,. ~-c:a:s. ..-.a. .......... .....-...... c:. _,. ....,.,_ ........... -. ....._ Plee. 0...... CA ._, T .. t ..... ~.., s ....... "'""'" o.-c:. .-:7 n..---. _.......,. _a~...,_..,..._.. r_. ........... n.. •-• -IIW ..-a. c-ry Cl.ri .. ex-c-..y - ..... 12 11112 -...... 17 a. Jl ._, 7, 11112 .. n.. ,..._.... '-,. e un 111113 PVIUC .cmtll .... f'k!iiiia.---.... .,.,...., r~o. ......_ -• ._ II••••••• •• IIT···ATIO.AL Da\.OTD'S CO 0# IDI hdo ....................... CA-.,._ rNa) o-..to: IDI hdl ........,,. ........... ~a..CA­ n.. -• ......._.... "' .... ••••dwal St,....t ..... ri ,,_.. 0.0.~ n..-·-............. c-O..• .. a.-c-y - , ... l2 111:2 ........ .... 10 17 ~ Jl 111:2 -,......_.._ nu. .... PVaiC: -.mcz '"' utiOoia __. .,._IT~ n.. ......... _ ... ._ -• A ...... A. IYAIIDA.IID SUV1CIS n.t"" ~ ..... c-W... CA laiZ7 C.., L ~ ZSZ4 t. .... t-. c-.... CA Oln "-C .._ mt Lao.NI L6ow c--CA laiZ7 n..-.. -..-~oy. -•al ,.,_.,. ,.,....... .._.. L o..-n..--........... c-..., cr.rto "' o.-c.-. - W.t ' 11112 .............. 10 17 a. ll ~-­n.......,.., .. Lo_. 'IMS41 ... P'Vax: .,.;a ..... 11Ciil.,.._ .,....,._, no......._-• ._ lto~oa•n ot MOnL MOTU USTAULUT LUI ~fiOII IUI I'wlo~ .............. CA-...._ ,_ 0...0.. IIIII ,...~...,_.....,CA -n. "'-• .......,._ .,._ • .. ......... 1 ........ ~ ,,_.. 0...~ ~--._. ...... c:-.ty a.rto .. o.-c-. - ,.. Ja_ ~- .............. 17 ~ ll ~-­n.. ........ --. r JI3al ,_., ....C:.oftel --.... , ... _ ...._ ... , I ~...._ __ .... ....__ .. 1ICJLUIO au IUIA. ..a ............. .. ......... ...._CA_. ..... . ... , ....... .._c.~ ..... , .... , ... c...c-...... c.-no.-.--........... _. ... .................... ... ,_....,.._ ...... .. c..... a...t .. a-.; 0.0... -.... ·-...... .. •"···· ........... ,__ • HOlT r AWUIIS .,.,_~ ...ud for IMP qu.biJ Swecliala ... a..... lllldeat. for 1112-1113. 4W-MS. BOOK SALE 20th Anniverauy Celebration IYerytluacJ dilc:ounled 30"' to so"' Apollo Book Shop 54.5 W. 18th St COlla w- IATIOU'EY UHDUPTCY: Stop laWINill, r..u ... enb - oee clay. Free couu.lta- tioa. &.periloced at- lonle)'. Wt. Wanh. 835· 1443. I PEIIIORALS AIOITION AXD nD p.f'IIJUIICJ '-*iD9: p.,. -..I aad c:oatidenbal c:aa. Low ... i.Dclud.. oo--'iDQ. lab ...... ..,...,.,, ....t.icabota aad poet-operaUve ••a•. G..T&l (aaleep) or local .....,.."-'• avea.l· able ..,_,..a for bud- aid 1teralhataoa (feaale), va..c:toay (aaJe). aad &.Ill abor- tioll proc:edWII w.dl· c.J ud JUUrue. IC· ~ Call Cahlor:ll.ll Prepucy eo-.luto s.r.tc. for aAJormauoa or I.IHied.aale appomt- •••t. Ia Newport BMc:la. (714) 752-0053; iD &uta Ana. (714) G72-3104. UICBOOI.SII IIISTR1JCnOM nnoRDIG· Creden- tialed. Ill your lllome t.penenced, paout w.tla. alqebre. geom• try. F reoc: Ia, Sp.Jlllll. reed..attq, ~. In· t.la. all profac_c:_, c:oDeQe boarcb 673 8013 RIPLACE CHILDCAR£ walla aa ed~~c:~hoa at lo•toa N oniii80rt S c:laoolbou•• (SSO w..Jd,, ~--2-12) R01· toll Moat-n Sc:bool· laoll8e. 495 5040. 831 0861 TUTORDIG NolllllhiiC18. l 12 and c:olleQe Day, eYI111DQ aad 111mmer S4 per laour. Mr ~organ, 1542-9033 I GIVE INTERIO R DECORATING I C:C:IS- IOry deston clAIM'S Call to reol•ter 1odey 552-«W ltPETS• UVESTOC& ADAMS PET CUHIC Meeday·Frlder i -6. ..... , 8-12 Ho\181 MW pet• aad bard• ....... ..ct Brootil•nl. AJ1Htrt10a'• Center, ........ 0.DA(I 6 J P w.ca. CaU .. 1605 GIA•D OPIMIMG 'Na9e for pnN;"IOIU ...... 0MittJ ..,OOID~' 10.. off •••'*'-Dr kleaced p,.oqr••• .,..... .. IIM'p ...... 2)52 ..... rt. Colla WeN. ..... 11 SWAPIGZT 1...,.a..ca,,ea.a . to !.. I!··· ()rave eo.e cou.ve. r.mww ad Arbaqto., eo. MMe. s.u.r ~­fo~. c:all 558-!810. lO TIARS, -10 PIOPLI. FuJDilare, 2 r.triQ· enton, kitdleD n-., Ja~. clotJMe Iiiii 5 ud lola ao,.. 3802 Pro- Yiacetcnnl (Culver ud WalDut), ltvi.De. S.hu· cNJ oulJ, 8 to 4. liBEALTH LOSI WIIGJn' HOW. 10 to 29 lbe. iD 30 c~.,. or JOGf S31. 7'5 for 1- aoat.la'• N~l . NtuJD. eel. Call HD8ALIFI dWrib\ltor, Nich.U., 645-SUJ. 17TBAVELI VACATIOR DISCOUNT All- PARIS: H.w&IJ S218, New Ton S358, Waic:o s u,. sm air &Dd Lud. Wlay look ... where? LoeaJ Newport travel upert. Wart.lyn WJtc:heU, (714) 631- 11047. 11 ElhERTADI BALLOON BOUQUETS Ullique, peno....u...d CJih. ' o.u,.red. locaD,. Orcler todaJ. "a.Doou of Newport," 645-6445. THE BILL YDAifCD Studio -CdW often et.:rt&l.lalllat for all oe- caaou ud c~ iD the art oi bellyduce. Call731...s74. WHITI RABBIT surrs for Iuter. l iQ b.ect. or boocl. . .._ ... _ Tlleatrt- c:&l Staowc:-. 541-Si!ISl. II GIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS Sed .-..ooe )'OG love a bouqat oi 30 beliWD balloo11..1. Penon&! --UQe-Perfect for uy oc:- caaoa. We deliver. 673-4419. S.vw th.ll.ct. EAITDIDU Look folbl No c:avltiell tn.t .. d. a C\l .. etuH.d toy Penoaal deJj,.ry iD arM. Call Ginny, 76().. 1940. Unique Qlhl for all oc:caaaoaa. 23BELP WMCTED PRISTJGJOUS RIAL ESTATI omc1 lA Jr. VUII loolrmQ for top qu.&hty aqeat.. Good COIS~D eplit. No d-.11 ,_ 851-0829. 752-14i3. • 23HELP iA.RH $380 TO $700 A WDJ[ with OUt provea ••••lope proora• ~ froa bOJM. tree d.ta!l.. IDdoMcl .... ~.Phto Co.. t 6,1744 W. 0..0., ~o. D-l.iDoil..,. IAJUif tl PD HOUR .Ili.DQ A.oa proch&c:ta. Part-tiae •-r JOur ho.e or iD yow work pJ.c.. Call Cerol Skel-,,. 540-~J. CIUISI SJUP JOBS. Gt.at iDcollle ~Hal. all oc:c:upatiou. For iD· foraatioa c:all (602) i47-7251, ext. 313. c.u reiwwlable. SUBS1'ITUTI GJlA.Ht). WA w&A'-ci for occa- llioDal babyeHUa9 oJ 1~-yMr-olcl boJ. p,.J.r ISJ Woodbrid91 home. 867-8741. NDDID: Active retired c:ouple 1o a.ilt owa.r iD lllU&9ill9 ...u rMOrt 011 lM baub of Col- oradolivwr. 511-0e8. DRIVD HDDID I.Ja. aaediatel, to olaav.ffeur ..Mean.~. LIVJ..IN HOUSID&P- IIl/babJIIiner w&Aled. SlOO, 511 cl.y ~~Nell; $10 for ~Y ..L Pa.IIWe wMkeacl oulr .. abo. SpuJM OL Call k:U-fr~~ auaber 1-80().!132. 3972, u11 for P .... JMYir Adwatcb W»lOU HOUSIKIIPIR Llw-iD uedecl. 3 bop, Mo.day-friday. l...Qwaa Ni.Quel. 184-3818 da,., 131-0768IYIIllllGt. IICITJNG SALIS CAAIIR 14 dec:orati.DQ wtth wall aad other ac- c:.-ort.e.f\llllblle,part llllll. laceiJeDt OOIIIIDI8· lioil. 552-8023. •uCERSED CIIILDCARE STATI LAW 11- 0UDliS tbet penoD.I wt.o provld. clUld c.re LD their home be be: ... ed. For 1Afotaat1011 oe bow lo obWa I.c.ue i.D OrUQe Cow!ty, c:a1l (714) 834-5172. SZCOHD INCOWI for 8IUTISH NAHHIIS are prot-out. aad DOG· r~ ..ct trai.Decl prole.Joaa.le Whole-for claild cere. Loodoa salelreUil merc:h.ud»-ltidQI A9111CJ 11 mter- ano. llltnUDua lA~-~Ua'J la..U.. for 1111n1 St.,er Inter-li82. 752·1•76. pr~. 857·5188 aJt.r WILL IABTSJT part· or 6 p Ill hill·tiae Ia ., ~a-. w~ AT ROME Jobe Mature. eapeneac:ed avellable Sub81.ataal -.-. Pk:ll '-P avaa.I- Mrnmo• poatble. Call able. lai, 558-1333 (504) 641-8003. •••· ne lor taJormahon. r/ IJTUATIOftS JOB IHJORWATJoN· WARTED Dal .... Houaton. Ovver-MALl LVN SilKS -· A ... lra S20.000 to d.ytaae work iA HIDe or $50,000 per Jill poeel-hc.pital c.,.. 12 ,. .. ,. b&e. Ca~602) M-0426, IJI~rMIDCI, $8/H1.1r ~j~b&e Pboa. c:a1l ~ lllcluclee iD- ....... eare, ....-.baa~ PIIOMJlfEMT PHOTO cuc:.r pau.&t.. Wail all STUDIO ta N.wpon &Aqultlel to: P.u,. Beac:lt de•lre• per· MYir, P.O. loa ....o:rz. .nab&., -u-.roomed 271533 Puem ...._., W.. periOD • a rec:eptJOillllt 8ioe V'-fo. CA 83181. aadha111aar.C.Ufo11p-PA.BT-TnO -IAIY- fiOIDt•eot Thrlday, arnurG l•2c~ Fraday or Mooclay, 10 &a ay t.o.. W.t.,. woaaa. ·-· • • to 1 p • 11C).m7 ~-'--....11 WAWTID· Jl'fi&SI.I ....... _. 1 hvvf, .-:Miry for lanl~y IWI-1- •omt .. Call D1' Doe, LlVI·I" IOIITlON lt-',13l4»Jt • ..,.., ~ .... .. HOOSIHOU> HILl' lot ,...r...ow ........ W,. 9~nerel cleaa111e. Good Wlda c!UWN. aM w..w..,.. I to 10 a.a . ~Mhaworll lfilla ...., • Coroea del Wer. -CM C.IJ toUirM ............ ...., .. c. ... ~ 1.a.m..wn. req111red. Spnltlt ... fof .... ,...._ M · ..,...""' .cc:ep&aa~le . ..ec~ ..... . • • 'l'l srruAnon WANTED WIDOW HAS WONIY for T....t Deeck. $10,000 up. Ho credit cJ.ec:blao peu)ty. Call o.m- A.ociatee, 673-7311. I RA VI WONn to lou Oil yow ~~o ... Low ... t.,..e,h-~.7- cNJ III'Viol, cr.dit DO ;:';'-. BW. (714) 185. JUW80 SICOHDS - Co•petltlve ret••· Brobr iDq1&.lriM i.llvited. Jamediate fllDdtao. Broker, 147.eoo8. WOHIY, WON IT, laoaeowDen: Loa.u bJ phoae , Ad aad 3rd Tnaet Deed. tailored. to yow atuatioa or .....t.. Call Jill. UJ, IUQiat, _._._ .. 8127. 301U81REBS OPn''t'S CUP HIWSPAPD AR- TICLDI S2 to SIO -=AI s-d~~~&~aped.~ ed •ve)ope for free d.NU.. 574-C Bellefoa- .... Puttdeu. CA 81105. Sl DfVEITIIEifT OPPrYI mfG DDIUSPIING .u.tua ~ .... _,., ueed. Wortll S53C). S.crlfice U48 clel. Never uecl ca-ea·lilll, wortll $388 -c.-oeJy $218 cW. U..Uy laoae. 75(..73!0. DDmiG JIC!)()W Ul'. 4 •lde/2 .,. chaire, .oat(). lac.u-t c:oad.l- tioa, $350. Coraer ~. $200. 830-4228. FUIDfiTUJll AND AN- TJQUIS: SalliaQ laou..- ful of cieelqaer fw. D.illaiD9• ud -~ fro• worlcl traveb . 8&f9&lu lor d.Wcria- tutiag. buyen. Detail~ availeWe. 511-1625.. JURNITURI PUR- CHASID feb. 15tla (kaYe r~). lia9- lbe bed -COlt suoo ~ ...... oa. over $600. ....utul S- 11'-·-k:ppcd ... iav _. -COIIl SIOO. Alilda9 MOO._, _ _,.,, UAPPUA.a:B UOPPICE EQUmiPKIJiii"..,.."I'T IBW WAG CA.ID D word P,.,.._NJ .,...._. Ia cell••• c:oacliUoa. S4,8orMIIlotiw.C.U S.U,, (714) M)..OlOO. .. DIAJIOIU)8. JEWEI,IlT 1ST A Tl I fiiOON1). H.AJfD RWU.IT ..ct ... ,llDIJ o.ew.u. COlD aucJit ._at .. u.y,, l20 I . 17\la St.. Colla W...tel!ll IOIIIIC'Il UIIIOOI A.WWAT PllOIKJC1'S ~~,oe.~­ bolt ........... or---..,~---1143 ...... PUBLISHIJl DOIS COAST HOUSIMATES NOT ACCIPT lkbillty -C011vwaJ.at room- for i.Dc:ot"rec:t ~I.UDQ, _.. ~ proW. Qraaaabc&l Lucc:ur· ~-Call tollhw .ciel, or typOQraplllc:.I aua.Mr 1-800-532-39'12, enon iD uJ eclver· ull for p._.,..,., Ad· U...e~~t. p~ed iD -tell COlO. lM Cout w.d.la New. LOVU. T l..Aquu Hiqual Gto.p. home . Hoa·••olter, BOOD-OLD, llAU Cllriebu, tlllii.W, pool . aacl out-of-prillt. We $.250 pju. 113 llti.litiel. buJ aacl ..U. "'ut-of-..;::83:::;1::.,.-1606.::;:::;:;·;_..,.=""'.,._.,._- Prillt boob ou .,.a..a. WATUU RNA~ to IJ ... Hetloawide Seerc:la U.re 2-bedrOOIIl. 2· S.rva, look Vault, bath coodo Un.hmusb· :J682.A S. lhileol, Suta ed bedroo•. t-Way Au, 548-8548. bt S300 plu. 112 RIDWOOD 2d d.c:lr· utwh•. 559-58PW lD9 -4-20' loAQ, 25-~-===-==---. cat. fool. Jllll, N&- BS,u~. BIDSPRIADS. WAJfU. fACTUilDS OUTLIT: Lar911t ia Oraao• CouiJ. Beddla9 a .... reed HoUM, 1440 S. WaiD & .. S..ta Aaa, lcltaoer/Mala. ~S- 1611. FOR SA.LI: 1 pau akw, 1!10 c:a, $25. 1 pau &kJ boola, -. 3, $JO. Oval ilaa9 liM f\l9• OraDQe aad browa with beiQe c:olon, S15. W.U bowl- lDIJ ball, AlD. Ia urr)'· lD9 -· watll ..t.o., ....... ~.5oluOIM &ad -..o...-. cla.ailaQ cla.a.an, chroae -d oruo• c:olo•, S2S e.cla or all 5 lor $100. Beck pac:k, S10 Claald'• 11-pillo c:ot, S3. 644-4687. BUTTONS, BUMPIR STJCURS, relnoerator lllaCJHII, 0\Mik)a made -ap ......... CIIUJ MJiD91 aad roc:ll but- loll..l iD ltOoll. lnl.ll• Cowboy, 558-l&U. naiiA.IacVT Walelfeaale •od•J. ...ad lor d.eaoll..ltra· UoD by edvuceclllytw. ..... llllua S5 product our91 for pef'ID..I ud c:olon. 863-0408 HOiiTJ.sT -sw-t oJ.. 11\lppU.., oA.a. lead, eolder, •••c:ellaaeou• 131--:;.:n Loaa Vente. V•to WHIILCRAIR. S17'5. foWJiDQ w.U.., $250 o..,.v.. ~~. S30 0Qv-~tor (H). sao. c.n 7'52.Q273. 51WAJn'TO IVY WAMID: OLD GUNS, rtO.. ~. pocket watclae1, mahtarJ IWOrda. Serio\l8 coU.C- tor -pap lllOrl tho aay cNaler. 511-81'10. WAHTID. USID FUJl. NJTURI, •odernla.a· Uq••· RehiQeraton, ...... n . dryen (worlt- J.Dt, DOD·work.aa4) t., IIS7-8133 . ----- WAMTID. fURNJ. TUU. appbaoc. ( .. frtQereton, w .. ~a.,., ~n. TV'•• work1A9J -·workaDQ, AlltJqwe, p.uoe, ottac. flll1lltlJ~ sacAJ. (714) 81S'7-Iltl. ---. . SOIIIICEL· t.cNtltal ... wport C.at.r olbc:e walh Wit ol receptloa, coaJer- ence room. lutcbeo. pboae, ..cr•la nal aad word proc:~. Wall aad ~ .. ,. ~ evailable ~~­ etely af ct.ei.red c.ua.uy (11 •• 711-01. ROOMMATI WAHTID -to share beellliful home, North IAQwaa. 111p1 hom beac:b. Pn'fate rooa watla freradl cloon &Ad ~­&cab..._. prcf.-C'!Nil pereoa o1a!1. S300 •oatlalJ. Faut/1 .. t. Referuc:. required. Call toWree a.o..,_r 1-800-532-lVn. ... lor. PlllDJMYir Adwatcll ........ WATUU rEMAL1 to share 2-beclJoom, 2- batb coado. Ua.fulll.lah· ed bedroom. Lee. Way lat. $300 plu. 1/2 utillta.. 559-!58??. p.m. W AHTID -Cluislian pema.auntly llllplo)'ed or reured penoa 1o .....,. coado. 2 blocb fro• Hoe.o Boeplt&l, Newport &-c:b area. Noa-1moker. Pool. Refer-ucbauoed. 541-31562. riWALI WlSHKS TO s~ a-2-bed- rooa/2-bal.la apatbD.eul lA Ru11tillqtoa a....c:h. Pool, )aca.ui. '--· fir~•. ~~~~erowa,., 9ame room $300 848-3414. DANA POINT lliNT AL -~ view. lAroe 2 + 2, lirepl.ec:e, IPlit· leYel epartmeat $675. Adult.. 4-.o2'71. NOW RIHTING. 1-aad 2 -bedrooiS oerdao aparta-18. C&o. to freeway, beech aad wa1ll to sbowi.Do. Hll.Dt· iDQtoa &..c:lur11 (714) 847-606t. UHJOUI APART· MINTS ud towaho~ with cathadr&l celli.aQ•. breplec:el. wet ban, an c:oadtllonloo, poole, MWI&I. Cl)'lD, 111Ull8 c:oun.. lmmedLII4 avail· able: 1 bedroom and deB, 1 badroom, 2 bed· room/2 bath town· HUN. from $390. Sorry, DO pet.. 2400 &tbor Blvd., Co.ta w-. 557-8020 . t7S.OSSO Clault'-4 S. APAR111Ein'S FU1UOSBED BALBOA ISLAND ClaanluAq pnvat. 1 bed.roo•. 1-bath, lallA· clry. No pea.. Gar~WJe opUoaal. S750/yeer1y ..__ (213) 4!0-1061 --· (213) ~:Ul2 cl.p. OlCI IIDROOW par· b&Uy ha.nusbed Mc:ODd · .,..,. • oc:llll view S5SO IIIODthly 494-!45e, .,.DlD9'· l y owa.r 58 HOUSES UNFURN. HOUSE FOR RKHT - 3 -bedroona, 2-bath, oc:.eo view home No doo•-S850 moathly By OWDer, 833-8881 dap. 49f..f018 IVIDLDQI 2-STORT HOME tn lr· ruae. S.bedroom, 2~­ bath, pnvat. duunq room. t..Datly room. 2 ftreplac:••· double garao• watb door opeaen, covered pllto -pool. jee\lUI, ._. lUll, park ud ec:hoot. Sl ,OSO p•r moetla 552-4452 ~-- 51 ROUSES URFUIUf SOUTH LAGUNA rent· aJ: 2-J_,·old ••ec:uttv• 3 + 3. Teaail court., oc:eaD VIIW, Mc:Unty qat•. $1,300 monthly. Call toWrM aumber 1-800-532-3972, uk tor Peuy .. ver Adwatch M5581 WOODBJUOOE WaAd- IOr lllat. Plu 4. 2,255 aq fl.. 2-etory, 4-bed· rooa, 2~-bath, lauuly with brr.•-a..ub· fully 1u peel, qrMt 11oc:ataoa No pel•. $1,000 per moath. Avaalable April 15 or polllhly .ooaar. Sandi, ~QeDt. (714) 4SM-0791. SOUTH lRVDll aew 2· bedroom, 2-balh home. Beclryard, pool and _,a S8!!IO per moath. 64(). 7631. 760-1996. 3 BIDROOW, 2 BATH. t..ma.ly room, fireplace. ~. Dill ec:hoot. and parlu Showa by ap- po1Atalllt oaly. Call betwMD 12·5. 857-1184. HOUSI FOR LEASE - I..Quna &..c:h 4-bed· room, 3-bath, 2 fu• placee. leroe deck, OC:IU and C:allJOD VIeW $1,000. 494-1003 LAXI FORIST ROME -4-bedtooa. 3-bath, Uraplec e , c:lub ~tiYIJeo•. S925 per aoath 831-8884 cl.p, 60-1747 r.-.o.UlQL Jl!HTAL -Oc:eufroal l.Aquaa, 2 bedroom, 2 batla $950 •oathly 497~, by OWilll 5I COI(I)()S/ TOWIOISES FOR RENT NEWPORT BEACH 2· bedroom c:ondo for rent. Dea, paho, gareo•. uporaded Av•alable Apral 111. Phone 640-5324 NEW CONDOS hat c:onapleted Be the flrat to bYe m 1· and 2· bed room coo do• Woodbununq luepl.c:e, double qar•o•. d!y 11911118. &.ro• pnvall patao S565 per aoatla 631·5809, 1872 Non- rovaa, C<.ta w- LAGUNA BEAC .. I lOS N. c_. Hwv 4M-1 177 • NANCY CA..-• T .. Pwt ... c• ...... .. . 51 CONDOS/ TOWIOISES FORREMT WOODBRJDGI WIAcHof !alate Plu • 2,255 aq. ft . 2-etory, 4· bedroom, 2~-bath, lam.tly .nth llieplaee. Beeuttlul aaterlor pluter, larv• ieDc«1 yard with auto. IPriDir · len. au, Q&fllllr. 1 ,_, old. Beautifu.Uy lud-~ped. qreat loc:aboo, oo pet.. $1,000 per moa th. A vaa.la.ble April 15 or poaably .ooaer S.ada, egeot, (714) 494-0191. OCEAN VIEW CON· DO: 3-bedrooa. 2-beth Wl11. Perlec:t et.rtalD· IAQ, beau llfull y UP'J r .ct · ed throuQhout, dry bar. lueplac:e, minored warclrobe, washer/dry· er. trash compactor The pool, c:lubhou., bill.i.ard room. hilly· equipped 9YIIl are ouly tome of the _., .. Ia th.t. MC\1 rily bu..llcluaQ . AU adult.. $1,200 per month. For i.Dformatloa, 641·6666, ut. 2063 LEAS~ OM HIGun GoU ~ne Co.ado. c:'-n, q\lllt 3-bed- rooa. 2-batla. wuher/ dryw. $725. 831-1678 SIYACADOW REifTAI.S BIG 8VJI CABiN Sk:a 1119 .. .uu oood. •led. chAo. lailu.DcJ. 3 bed-roo ... 2 batJu, .Jeep g fueplace, COJDPiewJy lurna•hed Weekly. wMitead ralel. Noa- amolren 831-i766, 492-2951. H.A WAD VACAnOH rea t&l: OaA u beec: lafr0111 1-bad.Toom c:oDdo. FWly fumlsbed, 1111.,_ 4. Weellly/moothly. 545- 2250 Lllv• ••-o•. SJtJ WAWMOTH - Suamat c:oDdo JU•I atep• from c:hAu 15. Sleep• 4-6 Jecu.u, Jaacro-wave, c:oklr TV, llereo, uad••o•oud parluao lor veo or otlaer Avatla.ble Marc h 2i- Apnl2, Apnl 10..31, Fri cl.y aad S.turcA.y S75 per nlqhl. SuadaJ· Tbu.nday $65 pel ~Uqht 752-0WI (¥ 83J.2&81 • HOUSES FOR SALE 1'be Newport &a.~p w ..... ay. a..ct. ''·•• hpa L 1.~Y~AC~C&~~11~-c~Ne~f.~.a~-~-:=.~P~C.~f;.~IIOUU'.I~~~FO:Il~~-~IIO~-G~IWIIitca;~r1.~COIU)~~~-oe~~/~~~1l~LO~~TI~.~~~~ ~.~I!I()WI~~~~IDCES~~~IIS~YA~-~~/'TilCI.S~~~~nA~T~~~~T-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. IIDrAI.I •••• SALE IAI.I TOWIUJII:S ACIIUGJ FOR SALE TOYOTA HAWAII ~ -UCJlJDfT auv -1m nAT 1150 Sflor1 ......_....., LAICU LAGUNA J. W. PITD.S LAND-LUXURY •• HOW.-.-FOIIIAI.E PRIWI ACUAGl 11m aobU. bo-. 2 li'JO DODGE 314 toa Spider Very eiMA. lib S1!7'5 TOLJ~ •. crr.~L CoroAallr• 1.-...,U.J.ecll, W.u.i, IIAC lNG Plea 4 _ 2.!100 aq. Pr..tioiOIY area, all lAST 1811l STUIT, LOTS, Saa Ju.u., C.pia '-trooa. 2 b.t.b, &n p~ekup. Caaaper Spe new S2.000 Call loU-n <» ~• .. Pap&M.," 2 Wroo., H 3-beclrooa, 2-11 4 bectzoo 2~ leraa cooaldered . Co.e.W... Towaho .... lraoo. S~clacvlat haa Caputuno eaal.•H .. vy duty eqwp-fr• o.WD.ber 1-80()..532. AM/N, -uadJ.&_t., 2 ~ ~Y Nr· belh. ly ow.er. Pnv&te ~lh, t.mUy, l:!;.rio~Y WvUOA Hilll. $300,000 3-bedroom, 2~-b.lh, 1_ v1... of oceu ud $21,!100 Owllar wall p.d AM/PW, po-r 3973, Mil lor P-o.yuvttr ori(Ji.Ml ~ 30 IDPQ .w..d, .a..p. I . 180 clll-de-uc. lacellent aasler tulle, 1.,.... By owoer. Call loWr• ld 1 •• ,._ 2 valley. lace~ tenul, ceny. Call lo1lfr•• •••nn.o a.o.d bralt... Adwelch W9102 b c.U.-ot. $4,1Q5/beal ~I --··• ___ .. ~tloll 10..._ do-.. y...--o · ... .,. pa ..... , · froaa Sl-.000. oot----t..-l ON\.,.., ........, 1'-u --111 137 221 " · .._,_ -· ' " -a. coun•-kltcJ.eo with bey awaber 1--800-532-39'12, s1•• 000 -o-r • ....,.,..._.JWu., •utoma ... Irani , &u -.ILII ..., • • ly --~ , •• -lro r wW ft., ... n-'• ~, .. L I p car qar419•· ~. . corary •-., ...... ott, __ .. I p ·d nd ·-d b FORD -·-.J __ .. __ .... ---• w ., "" wtadow, 2 ftrepl.cee, ... or eonyaaver Ad· 20,. clowa. 14,. lAter• .. -or -oyuver ~ · co .. uc;>r en umper, eve ..... vww-~~CII08CONDO. =~~~oTo~ottzo~u!; air, beautifully lud-wetcllW8281. ollly oo balaAc.. No AC., 581-UIOO. welollWi1t2. ~'9 wide h:;-:_-dutJ 18'19WUSTAliG GHlA 1m TOYOTA CeUca --...an al 10 ,,. $238 000 4Vl acap.d. A-.. ... ba. li-LAGUNA NlGUn -polota. 838.-89U JALLI~OOl by GWDer MIOATS. uM oo rMr, ao V 8, Ylftyl top, A.MIJ'W, GT 5-IIJ)MCI, au, po-r t!v:· 2~.;.::. I~ m . . . . . wu./~9~' (~1'f, qR:tokc~-bSylows.~, !~' IOUTIILOCACOfl!>~.. ~!s.;:: •. Prc,oo.i:; ~'.:ci .. 's:soor c~ :: qll~naw, :~~U.at~"o'!:· ~~:~*ii:~,40·~d~= ~' akrowave, color SlO 000 DOWN ...._. """"'1 --· .,.. -· r-b 1 li h'-.a f!QUIPIIENT beet oUer Wolltredelor ' 4-bed-4-v•• . celleol lertaa, 4 bed-S~iOILI 2-becboom, ome, poo • 0 -leA BOAT TRAlL!R auto 644-4687 liOn $5,000 Call toU· SS,JOO Call toWr .. • lec1tUia, Mllll&, room, 3-belh lake view room, 3 h.lh, 3,200 ~ 2,L ........ d 011, horae eorralt _ lr• nuabe1 1-800-532-nwaber 1-~!532-3972, coute.y ••· S45-1302, holM lo Lab Poreat. WOODBRIDGE fl. Call 858-1560. n~ua, t' -~~~ 2' SieO,OOO Owller will Hll2, DA~Yer been UNCi. 1979 'ORO RO NCO 3972, uk lor P~nyaav•• uk for PeAAyta¥9r Ad S45-13CM. O.CJr ud air. Aaume Wlnd.or latete, Plu 4. LAGUNA HILLS ~': oar'::.. 1();:;;· h: IJede &Ad llll.-at Hold up to 17 -$425 XLT Aulomellc, 4 Adwateh W8306 watc:la N898'1 GRI.AT IIG liAR 1111 aod hd. Owur will Wo.t popular model, Aauraa $176,000 llUCed al 13 ... S159 . 10... 495-3622, 645-~r~~~S:!::x>l; 859-wh•l dnve, 33,000 VINTAGI FORD 1955 ------ c&bia Ja tile..__ '_.._ carry3zd. Pn.oc,p&e.oa-2,2:55 aq. ft., 4-bed-11, ... u ,___ 3 .._....,. OOO. ' 5000eal 208 mal. Aaluno $8,000 ra•r'·ft• Vacto~& ._. __ d YO' .. II!~A,..-· 3-.. _ ... ___ -.t ........ , ly. 858-1201,768--4245. room 2~ h.lh t&aaily """' IVOIJI, -· una 25'S" 1'HUlfDlR· 559-6333 ..... 6 p m ... ~ ·-...... _...,. ~ ----· wt .. every-• " -, ___ • fOOIU, 2 lireplac:•. ~llecalty BIJlD r ,_ c lop, 2 lona, V-8. 3-lh.io.Q. Coklr TV, lue-PRJCID WITH TIRMS. roo•, urepw...., countzy $202,000 Owaer. Call •ta..-..oea orau.. atl· 314 TON OODGE walh .peed d 1972 SUPD BErrU: pl.ace, ek:. Only $50 per Paoor&llllc -.o view. kitc:heA, bay wtndow, toWr• owaber 1-800-ua.t122 131 .. 11 away, Were 260 'u.U Open Road e•bover oood eo~d~:ao~v~2 ~ New eaql.lle, ~ roof dey.l44-8181 10,. doWll. Gr.at u-tu.,. liviAQ room, par--S32-3972,a~forPft.Ay-eanvu, electronte•. ciJIIpez $2,200/otler trade lor economy ear e •uelte S2 ,900 PALW SPRDfGS 1 .... Na&bleloaaa. n.. e~a.~-~ul~{y' ~~~ Mver Adwatch W88TJ LAGUNA HD..LS CON-72 RESORT ~~S~~ 0~ ~ra;l,:: S4 000 reta.U 495-6892 495 64n 552-10'10 ~ lota-bllih 3-bedroom/ _... 00 lor tale -1-bed· PROPERTY 1965 VOUSWAGEN ~ Jwuuy condo 2-h.tll home h.u been Wllh •uto tpnnklere. LAGUNA NIGUIL room lo 0ua11 Creek. Claude, 520-1745 97 AUTOS 1978 f1 EST A Or191Jlal OWDeJ, rune SIMp. 4. Swuamlno. .-... -oral--' __ _. ,_ 111 Very taro• yetd. Tue home by owaer -2-Au, fi..-tae.. taDJUa I • -T. uol •••• -985-4454 w. UTED Salver/blaell Ulleraor .... _ ... ..... .. 1 d 2 d T D ._ _ _. 2 .__ h •--·-r ~ nn nnan .nn I •-ood or .. t, new u:atenor ,.cv.n.l, tellllia. Avaal-l..at.Juculale condibon. over •• ao n · · ..... room, .... l ' ...-oe aod pool. SS,OOO down 4,000 aq fl of lJYloQ lllnroo ' e...r... 0 body perfect S2,400 eble _..eocb aod Z..,. v .. w from o.eu1y all wat.b no' quahJylllQ nee· lulclaen, allylaQiala, Phone Wr. Gorbett, LivillQ room walh fire-ISIOAT USED C ARS WANTED condallon S3,000 498-I95S ter WMII A-nable rooJU. The owneJ will _,.,.Priced lo ..U am-hrepl.ce, au, uporad-897-2515 or 97S-0684 pl.ce, dUuno room, Jut-CHARTER -Up to SSOO p.ud RWl 770 5217 ratea. 846-3188 or carry fLAancu:ao aod la.u med.Lale1y at $229,000. ed, laAcbeap.d MIUII· even.lno-. chaD aod lua.ily room nanq o r not Alao 1966 WUSTANG V-8 1973 VW THINGCoa 545-7668-. J\Ut reduced' price lo Call Saodi Silb, aoenl, abl.loaA 12~ ... $168,-OCUN VII'W CONDO with fireplace, bar, rae IMMACULATE wrec:ka Ask lot lack Eacellenl condallon vemble b ceU.nt eon .IG ••••c••rv _2_ ..... ~000 ,.. ___ R-·' (714)"94-0791. 000. CaU lolllree d 3 21'.a.'IOATS 8479478 M"*IMII'S86-IS67 dataon Newlftud out DC.ft" ft.DU'I -· • v.ooD ... .._ .. _ 1 800 ., .. 2 -.~ -Stwpa to beach. 2-fOOID, lA oor ~ACUna, -Wu.t S3 995 ~ bedroom plu• loll lat&le, (714) 493-8901. ~~~ 'p · . ...., ·<R~Aid~o, bedroom, 1 ~-bath . bedroom, 3\IS b.lh, piau 6.12 _,.plano P•-·d ..... PUBLISHER DOES toWr ..... numb.r ·1.8()().. Sleepai.S.10•tAul .. to WHITEWATER VIEW ... or eo.nyMver · l.J .... e ..... ••o.Low..tpnc-1,600 {· h CJ&rao• 2 Ulll•o••II•Kt...Moot•e> NOT ACCEPT habahty HONDA Snow Su-11. •"" tj.' BEST VALUE FOR Vactoria S..Ch. 1 bJock watch M264S. --' .. co~r-L'-.. ~•1 on bloc: .. _ rom '-L• wath ••d t-•• f ll 532-3972, asll for Penoy-~ PRJC -... ~...-..., .. ~ ... ... or ancorrect spa anq. 1980 HONDA Prelude •v•r Adwaleb N9131. niQlal. S70 refund. 1e II w. bela.eve ,, to oc:eao. 2-bedroom NELI.mo GAlL SRA3 NCH w-... c--.... 147,500. vaew, 1 bloc:lt from ~I ........ d.lll<o•!2ll1813 4064 Qrammehcal tnaccur I C ill L.. '"·d 1 f d c tt 1L 1 OOOO -....,, • bo 1 S.ll • ..a Newpott ... ok(714)96459114 Gold,l\lnroo ,caaelle. ASS-u-~•co tco .a o• 1981 MC\lrily depoaal. all ~-... ::-r f 0 lhn • ~_ ... •o•, Wli500AJ perm,• d-wbner, . Ron Poulton, broker, w . 0 1 lr..... ac .... or lypoqrapbaeal 17,000 mu.. S7,900 vw R~b • .._._l ""---1 No loWrM number 1-800-uwtter v .. ue or • ome r.-.y or • tq. I. own, IQ home, 1/2 498-2510. (213) !!67-2103. erron an •ny •dver 5 5086 .... .,_ 532-3972, u& lor Penny-in tile Soulh Cout ar... addition. S285,000 walh acre. 831-8593, daya 81 AUTO h.sement1 publiShed an 67 paym-ta unlll Way 10 uver Adwalch W!5688. Located o .. r b.ech aod eaeeUenl Ierma. By 581-6050 .. ---.... ~~-~ UPHOLSTERY the Coast Meche Newa 1979-HOtroA CrYIC -11,000 nul .. , 46 mP9 SNO W llO" will! 12 ... park. Tlua 1,800 IQ. h. owner, 497-3505. -HUNT'IMGTON PALW SPRlNGS -1-Group Onoanal owner. n eel-Call toW.-number 3-bedroom/2-balh ~~~/ uaa-.-R bedroom condo for Mle, EICUPSE lrrPS, CARS PICK len I condihon, 9• 1-800-532-3972, uk for new. w.-ot.b condo, home walh f&~~~Uy room QUALITY anterior ~ n.fto.I1MV Ume thar.-.e•eha.no• AUTO UPHOLSTERY LJ:. u ver, a1ereo 837-7384. Pennyaaver Adwateh 3-bedroom, 3-balh, wu eu.tom bUilt 5 yean upqraded. Wu.al MU! 3-fOWMDD CUSTOM able, 1 or 2 w .. h Carpeta, h .. dlanera or UPS from SJS Av.ul Kahe, daya W7405. )acuam, MUA., l'll.icro-aoo. The owner bu bedzoom, 2-b.th home, rca IAI.I FURNISHED S4,000 per ••k or trade vu:ayl tope: S90 moat Able al loc:al Govern ~~~~~~~~~ we ... , fireplace, Wlde,.. moved 10 s.n Dlec;o aod quiel ne1obborhood • for? 951-2654 Amenc•n can W•••n•l mant Auchons f or vroi&Ad parkino avail-will caz-ry lhe hnaucmo. Ouly $125,000. SiD,OOO SAN JUAN (Apl.llraoo Spec1.Uy detioo.ed haoh quahty llltenor d.uectory call Surplus able. Apnl 15 on $144,900. Caoon Beal u:a Joana. 28921 Aloma, ooodo forecloaure. IAienora, 2 Bdt., 2 73 BUSINESS ,..torahon economaeal Data Center (41 5) WEACIDIS '81 JOOCD lft ..... M"IIW'IIfti_..IF 833-0277. Eat.te, (714) 493-sg()l. ~. Nav 93 ":!:.... C:.~ w.ke ao oHer for the &., 2 car oarao•. 1 ly clone 646-1211 330-7800 SOUTH LAKI TAHOI, ~; 4 • ....._, _. cleed. S.turd.y, Apnl 3. bc:U. eonver1ed 1o PROPERTY Au. atereo, aiUiroof, avory A LruJy beauutul IUIO $.25 500 1i, TUo. 1.,... Lovely 2-for Mike, OWllez. 496-2876. p~>niW OLD ,.._..u jaeuua room Tenrua, ......._ ..._... bedzoo• coodo, aleepe .C....,...,.I:IIJoo!Oo•oCIIIII'CI.C..,...,..,..,.,,..,....,......,...,.IIDII".,,.4I.,......,......,.:t. 1 Purehue 4 alaopa oo 88MOTOR HOMES 6. 0... lllile CMlDOI, aka-poo ' .pa, aecunty Cout Hwy Great lor iJio. lacloor pool, ek: s ., oate. S265,000. owner/uaer Auwaable 1972 EXPLORER Clue A motorbom• S.U~ conleaned, loaded S7.250 or beet olter 494 1916. 722-9342 S7'0/ct.J.(714)646-2183 SAVe YOUR 425,000down ll\li~ lLAanciDQ plu.a ow~•· WAMWOTH CONDO bnanciD9 Brk (213) will e ury $!35,000 -Ski 1o WariiUOQ Hul U 421-04-47 Aoent, (1) 457-461 1 iiR&:718.SlMpe12. •· DOLLARS $ '-"'--~ SUPU SPRDfG SltJ.. ..,. lNG al W&mmolh Re- ---WUST SILL -LINDY motor home 22-loot Mlnl eondallon wath a.ll the ealrae 19.000 ma.J .. S..t olter over SlS,OOO Leave m.auo• lor Ron. (714) 851 -7258 N.y. su-•r rat .. tiar1 JllAe lat. Luury condo -all amenata• Daaly/ ducedrat•IAApnlaod $ SELLERS WILL $ ~ .. ~., o•n•r. (714) FINANCE!! VACAnON IN France wttla f&mlly by eacb.anv- IAO ho-dunnv July or Auvut. Hou.. in amall rrueh vlllaqe, 30 minvlet north of Paru. 4-becboom lo.eludano aulo. PteJ.r comparable boae lo Soulher11 Cali· fo......_ U bllereated, call (213) !m-2058. BJG liAR CABJN - w-~ . ..., e¥9-ry- lluav. ,..,.J.c:.. TV. elc La.t o~ lor Euler weell Day, wMke11d, or -~~ SSO per ruoht plu.a bonu.a l -21S.J75. 7821 a oFFICE/ COIOIERQAL DELUXE EXECUTIVE SUITES Newpor1 ... ch/lnoll c.o .. r. ruU wppor1 Mrvace. Othce bom $.438 pet lftOAlh. ()Q 1 eall, etc .. $165 per montla. THE BEADQUAilTDI , COIIPAIIY (71.) 151-0181 nDII OOIIOIIA 011. IIAI ~ ,..,.mcle4 ~ U.owrooa. ...., \o ........ .. .... 1.000 ... h .. . 11.-p.r 800tla. (ll U'l-4111. .. ornclllJITEI 130 lo 264 eq~e , ... '-so.. wilh pnvate n - lrance ~ Jloor-lo-cetliA9 wi.DCiow.. pllooe and Mc relanal aervac ea 1&00 Dove. No 330, 7!2-ed. MIOAJU> •CARE PIIV-Aft HOWl CARl lor elderly ambul.lory lJceued IliUM. .... ~ UQAMGE roauxr MO Pll WOJml .,,. OA!y .... r H.r- bot IIJQ~ Scllool aad Newport Heavlllta. f1S..O:M8 Sunny. bright Canyon Crest condo. walk to Gelsons. Rogers Gardens and NewportCenter. End unit beautifully decor- ated and seiJer will finance, $45.000 down 10.7~ on the balance. Sl.OOO.OO per month for 15 years! Call us today for your preview. WANT PEACE A QUIET? Here it ls! Upper Hazel Drive custom 2 bed· room. den. formal dining, new kitchen and faml.ly room with dty and ocean views. There's a basement. bomb shelter, 2 patios and elegant Oriental landscape. SeUer will fi- nance. Only $350.000. otDIIQ ~ vita. 36~-1 8. r:eoaJ ~., ~otona ~vita. 92625 . 673-849-1 ., r IPACI 10C>1j()c) IQ. tt. AT CULVER DIM Nb 1HE SANTA AHA ff&WAY IN .aTAGE PlAZA GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE N«) MO YOUR OWN OfRCl LIAIINeiNfO: 511·1231 Robers A Eilerbeli IIEAllOIS m The Welton lkAdrO SUte 228 UJ 2156 E. Coalt Hwy. • Corono dill Mar (714) 676-2373 lloken Of ICIIIIplople. fUll 011 porl _.,q tOL 1 you're gotne on Letter-Of-....._ do " ._... Ollc .. In Mewpoft leoch. Corona .. Mar. John Corey, .... 89 RECJU:AnON VEHICLES ltEN CRAYT 1971 -27' Hll-eontaaned lraaler Au, manl condataon $5,250 661-6332 1975 DODGE Conver aaoJI Loaded wath every eatra av.u.ble Cleao $4,100 640-9346 ---- IOSERVICE/ REPAIR BRITISH AUTO RE- PAJBS. )AQUU, Jeuen Keale-y, Tnu111ph WG. Tnumpb StAQ •nd moat olher Bnbah •uloa 1995 Harbor Blvd Cos:ta ...... 548 · 6226 HOB'S GARAGE AUTO REPAIR Fore1qn ' Dcm-ac E.noan• overhaul Tun• up, brak•. •lectnc•l C.U832-23n tl NTRCYCLES/ MOPEDS BEST BUY FOR t211CYCLES YOUR MONEY/ 2 ... G IRLS SCHWOOol 10 ~eed Eac•lleot HARBOR VIEW HILLS ~::.n~/~~~~ • 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, 646 6329 WENS SCHWINN Versa OCean VIeW ly lookli 11dea new • S.U.t S215 new Now Call Agent Nan ehoace S55 Led••• •. ______ s_•_•_·_2_m ______ ,. ~~very sharp s-49 Pete Barrett Realty presents SPACIOUS, NEW LIDO ISLE New custom home fe~~turing the finest in design and quality. Sotr· ing c:eili.np. akyligbta ... firepl.ca. and custom tile. Larp family room opening to entertainer's dream ldtcbm with separate wet bar. Beautiful detailina th.rooabout with cuat.om built annoiN bar in Uvi.Dg room and fabric cover.d walb ia ea.ant mast. auite with Ita prtvate aundecll. Plus 3 addJ· tioDa1 bedrooms. On la.rp et.reet t.o at.reet lot. BMW 1980 BMW 528a Black len BBS 5 speed, low nul.. r. ceU.nt Sl7000 C&JJ loWree number 1 800 532-3972 llSl! lor Peony aavar Adw11oh M9059 CADILLAC 1979 CADILLAC El Dorado Baarnt& Da-1 52,000 males, loaded S9,500 Cell lolllrH number 1·800 532 3972. .uk lor Pennysaver Ad watch M9148 CHEVROLET 1980 CHEVROLET Capnce 6-cyhnder, 20 mpq nlver pluah LD tenor, power .ur. tah, cnwwt. atereo eac.U.nl condllton S7 400 Call tolllrM Dl.lmber I 800· 532-3972, aslllor PeiLAy .. .,.r Adwetch M8283 DATSUN 2tiOZ -DATSUN 1974 E.aceUelll E1111a.t Au AMIFW. tape deck new uphot.Jerv S4 500 Call toWr-numb.r l 800 532-3972 uk for Penny aaver Adwetcb M8992 1977 280Z 2 • 2 Whale aar AM fM lap• stereo 5 r,:>eed cleAn 730 1897 davt 810 7108 eveoanq5 male a 770 9536 o r 951 6134 1981 MEJtCEDES 300TD Turbo alahonwaoon Cauelle AN/f'M radw, sunroof 8.000 aulM, hke brand new Under wanuly (I) 689-7406 S28,000 OLDSMOBILE 1979 OLDSWOBILE Toronado Whale , red anlenor fully eqwpped, 51.000 mll• S7,900 Call loWrH numb.r l-800-53t-3972 aak for Pennyaaver Adw11c h M9158 PORSCHE 1977 911S PORSCHE Bl.aelt on blaell lverytluno plu.ab b - cellenl coo.dataon SIS 500 Cell toiHr• number 1-~532-3972, uk lor PeDJiyuver Ad watch M8!in4 1978 924 PORSCl« Brown AN/FW, cu· aelle au euDIOOI S7 900 499 1848 1979 PORSCHE 924 S600 down S246 month ly 1.... 556 9710 768 9128 llltJNDEIWRD 1965 THUNOEJIBIJW CONVERTIBLE h eel l•nt condition SS 500 PP. 6-40 4046 FIND IT IN OUR CLASSIFIED$ DAGAL MOTORS Grand Opening Spec1alizing In MBZ BMW Paad• FERRARI LAMBORGHINI • 79 MBZ 300 D (420041 • 79 MBZ 450 SEL 6 9liMO ,92470) • 79 MBZ 450 SL (5-4939) • 7 9MBZ 300 D (11337 ) • 79 FERRRI 308 GTS (F106AE) $AVE 'AVE .SAvE .SAvE .$AvE SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE CAN BETTER ANY DEAL' We Welcome Special Orders 23151 Comm•c• Center Dr LegunaHIMe 17141 .... IW Aocx:>UN IIMG BOOllRPlNG T A.US -qu.artNI..-- ameJJ or MrtLQQ bl&.lt- n-&Ad UlCbvaduala welcome Double uv· lftQI, ~-rat• and prof.aionally com- petent MrVlo• Luoll pracUA::e before IRS 552-8394. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS CRAIG'S SPRAYED ACOUSTICAL CEIL- lNGS ~-Very reuouhle. frea -.b -·-(714) 526-7290 ADDmORS • RDIODELING GUWlCK & SON BUll.DDS -l!M7 A~. a..odeli•9. Doon, Wmdowa. Pablo Coven Plana. F.-ad Reu rat• 549-2170 Llc 310!M2 JUR CONDinOifJRG Lenoo11 Ceatral au cora dJbODlftQ WUtl W'bole aale prace. 10 public Call 533-4421 770 2209 ALTERAnONS/ DRESSMAKING COLLINS Cuatom DJ-manno Spectala 109 an dMJQD &nd alter• lions Pam trarned Z700 E Coett Hwy Ccrona del W.r. beJund Neda-Ra C.U 640-6063 lor eppo~tmenl VYE's Dreumakano-Alter~ lions Outek •rvtc-e R•uonabl• pflCfi Ccill S4G-3tU. PROFESSIO NAL DRESS MAJCING altere taoru For vour total loolr f athn9 an your home O.lav•rws Co\Jl b. •"•nqed Barber•'• N•• lmaq• lrvane lor appo111tmenl 955 1101 EXPERT ALT!RA TIONS •nd custom dreumalnnq Par~ Newpon 644 8831 DESIGNER/ SEAMSTRESS Weddano qowna lor m•l• lallonno aport• w•ar end alterahoru 548 2.454 642.2864 ASPHALT SEAL COATUtG/ DRIVEWAYS --ASPHAJ.T REP AlB s-Jc:o.tu:av ;:.~c.:-9 Co•..,-aal/ llal 1 r• IIIII Lac 387362 MHlll ALLSTATE PAWIGCO. ICX\JII I FPiiiG TrPIIeG IUIMI'U IDYICII looAtl!Mpt.q, TJP~. D c tatioe. 20 ,.. .... ~NI~ m-a• Here's a 5-spd. with pinstripes and 3-yr. paint warranty. Hurry! Won't last long at this price. Ser. 307797 Here's luxury and good gas mtleage too. weth ~cyl . auto. radeo and power.brakes Lee 897YBA ONE OF A KINO 78 OLDS CUTLASS SUPR.ME Thes beatJteful car es fully equepped weth aer condeteoneng. stereo. venyl roof. and power wendows Lee 055WFY GENERAL MANAGER SPECIAL Thes one es en lip top shape weth aer condeteoneng radeo and power st .. nng Ser 589465 This beauty is loaded with 5-spd .. perma plate. trim rings. bumper guards. carpeted floor mats and pinstripes. Ser: 106958. 1 82DL 2-Door Hardtop Here's a gas saving 5-spd. with perma plate and pinstripes. Ser. 306963 388 This darling 4 x 4 is equipped with pinstripes. 3-yr. paint warranty and plenty of fun! Ser. 500361 77 74 CHEVY NOVA Here·s a great deal on thes car weth auto rad•o and low miles Better hurry' Won t last long Lie 026PCM 1 1777 7e TOYOTA CELICA LinBACK Heres a sporty little 5-spd weth aer condetloneng and radeo LIC 052RGP • • Are you loolr1ng for· tbe flne print? There isn't ailyt Just brmg us a signed ~rlftable purchase order from ~ other V.W. or Isuzu dealer. We Will beat h18 deal. We'll glw.JOU more for )'OUr trade -extend JOU b~ disoount& At Jim llarino Volkswagen/Isuzuyou ~ less out the doOr for any of our exciting oars. It's deals l1ke tb1s that made us the *1 V.W. dealer 1n the WestlaStyea.r. So remember, 1f you didn't purobase or lease )'OUr V.W. or. Isuzu here, you paid to mwh. W.Mplie: ftja ... Fully Equippedl (3375) #18237 ... let ftia 1 with 5 sp .• a1r f:l more. (2881 ) #2223() atcker tlO,'IU You a.&8111 ....... ll,Mq TouO.eUI .• _...,1 ... ..-..a.. .... -• ....... ... ~ .... YOUB II&VIBG8 I 1781 'ft YW Ot 11r • 1\)p-t.op. Don't. .m. t.hla one (8889) -.-a1o••· 8UICk w/ power ~ IJnnwculat.e 1na1de " 01.&. ( 83aBZJIO) '80Y.W. 11'1 Ill • m.cll 'bMutiJ. 18.000 rn1lea Call ~ •eftfte t.hla one.< UlP8210> .,., • 'YlY.w.m _.. ar;, bl\» wlbJeak lldllr. V.,. law mu.. Xt.oL. CODd Too m.p t.o Jll'll». ~~~ -t.hla 0011. ( aetPIO) ---%81. • Maroon .-.. w/maroon inter. lmi"Mfttlete O()lldWon You'Ve _,. -tbJat ( 11167) '81.._._ l,Hlbec* la,QOO m.Oea. a.d .,..... anw. a.~ ~& u uu. 1ow pnoe. (~) 'ftWlll .. a..ac D& 1lbite wlbJeak eop. <'%)~ .......... IliaD. a.a It II& 01» low prtca. ( ..S.Oif) ID'aOIAL: 'f'JUij ••• 1 .. 1 •••• .u..-..;-..-.! .. IIIPIIMIIL, W&CJO• Fully eQUipped includes, air, WSW tires -more! (2366) •10284 P~gt 2......,. Heltlof "-1 btate For S. Mlrdt 31 . 1982 Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate 50 23e:au.ti(uf dfo~ CJ o cSh.ow 'You. . REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COllE WITH US ... TO BAYSHORES Prestigious bayfront vib. WrOUiJht iron gated COUft ylfd entry. Five bedrooms. Huge master suite with view balcony and private stairway to lowtf deck spa.. Stained glass ttwoughcM!t. Old church paneled dining room conceab ~ wine stCHaga. Elaborate sound system. y_, own the land. Change in famity plans prompt huge price rtduction of $450,000. 2500 Bayshore Drive Open Sunciay 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . Now $ 1.650.000 COllE WITH US ... TO SPYGLASS Hill An encredlbly beautiful home, both in. ply lfld ~rchllec tural dtstgn. Two stort belfnld ceifto IJv.ng room. Fonnal dllllllQ room. Femdy room w.th wet bar. lots of beMd glass. Ftve ~IOUS bedrooms. lu1urious master suite With spa and wtt bar. Gt)!d plated bathroom fiaturtS through out. You own the lind. Avadabfe by appomtment . . . . . . . . $1 ,500,000. COME WITH US ... TO HARBOR ISlAND ROAD. Bayfront. Owner wiU carry One ~ OoHar first trust deed. EntOv waterfront living to the fuftest. The nautical design of the home es so authentiC, and the view of the bay so breathtaking you could ea$ily imagine you 111 liv· 1ng aboard ship. Ftve bedrooms. den, mild's quarters. Sixty fNt on the watef With pief and slip for three large boaU. leasehold. 115 Hllbof Open S.l.ISoo. l 5 . . . ........... $1,500.000 COllE WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES EatriOfdlnlry f101neeng. WattJfront With t.tge P* and sltp DramatiC display of c11ftsmanship and lll'll*c:abll taste en empov.ng an alrudy beautiful home. V~ed tttl eng ~mg room. Three bechoms. Separate dlidr•'• wing. Dnng and ttmlly rooma. Built-in stlfiO syst-.n. Elcitino VIIW of night ights. You own the lind. AvllllbAe by ...-.tment . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,125.000 COllE WITH US •.. TO IRVINE TERRACE EntOY the IYifchinglng ocean view, with .. of tU moods. AI rooms •• apacioul tnduding huge living room. dining room. thr11 ....-ooma and dtnlbilliafdl room. Entwtaining •s a l)ttuure ilnuch a •tting. You own the land. Price lUll reduced tl 50.000. 1301 DolciNn Tenace Open S.t.ISun. 1 ·S . . . . . . . . . . . . Now $1,050.000 COME WITH US ••• TO SPYGLASS Hill PIIIOfll'lic view of oetan and '"~~" ltohts. Btauttfuly qrldtd "Sout-t" '"*I. DtcOfltOf Plfftct throughout. Poal. IPt and tirtllit. Two cowred Jttio erw wttll QlnlfOUJ UJe of lattice and Wid!. View from patiD and most rOCMftl. Pfict rtdlad $150,000. v ... OWit the land. Avei:.Ae by waint_.1 . . . . . . . . . . . Now ti50.000. COllE WITH US .•. TO DOVER SHORES Majntic home, yet cozy and convenient as a cottage. Four bedrooms. eech with private bath. french doors, casennt windows. GCHgeous view of bay and rught lights. Brick patio with pool, spa and fifepit. A great home for ent.-tatninQ. You own the land. PncH reduced $30.000. 1200 Polaris Dreve Open Sat.fSun. 1 5 . . . $795.000 COllE WITH US .•. TO DOVER SHORES Eaceltnt f~R~RC~RS~. Outstanding waterfront home wtth pter and sip. Ocamatec bay lnd city ltgllts vtew ITom ltveng room. diNng room and master bedroom. Family room w1th wet bar and fileptau. f._, bedrooms. Rtstful briC k pateo. leasehold.. Avat&able by appotntment . . . . . . . . . $ 700.000 COllE WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES 0wntf wil http finance. Magnificent two story Dover Stlorn home With lovely view hCHn kvmg room. dtntng room. kltc'*t and mast• bedroom. Ideal bedroom arrange ment with one downstliu and three upstairs. Huge rnester bedroom with fireplace. Sparkling pool in front cOUftyard. You own the lind. Availlbtt by ..,.,.,.,.tment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 700.000. COllE WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES Fon• MOdel home. PIAOfamic bay view from living room. cining room and mastlf btdfoom. Jbnerous upgrades. ,._root. Melictn pewrs in living room and dining room • kitct.l and hallway. ~ family home With !tva t.t--. Tbr• car garage. y_, own the land. Av..,.. by lppOtntMtnt . . . . . . . ...... $675,000. COME WITII US ... TO DOVER SHORES lo~ hom~ * .. ._ Watwfront. on the middle fi!Qtf of tM Ny. 20•40 toot dodt SpaciOUS tour bedroom home. Highly upgreded eow~try krtchen.. Top quality wall c~ tlvoughaut Two car hoalby shop. plus two tlf ~~~'• l.tutMid 400 Evening Star lane 0.,. Sunday ' 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $650,000 COllE WITH US ... TO BAY CREST. bullftt finw.int. MltPWficantly Waded five bedroom. tour Nth ..._ Ole -.~room and bath sufficiently priveta fOf lfttid Of it-law ..... S. lMiy pool. Mouefll ifon f.., for ..,.._ of llftll cMthn. AI rooma SQ ...._ they .W ecc__.tt IIIOSt any fllfArture. y_, ........ •• "' ~----· .............. $600,000. COME WITH US ... TO BALBOA Excellent financtng. Exciting NEW WOftd of soW brass. marble and oak; of creativity in claign and Jl*l; of com tOft, qualtty and w~~mth. Fow ..__ 3)1, bath flllllly home. Steps to lily and OCMn. Jttuui. ctlttral vacuum. security system. You own the land, Av11lablt by appomtment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $~9.500 COME WITH US ... TO HARBOR RJOGE Spectacular front row VIIW of .--. city ipts and lak•bke resefVOII. Three bt*ooM """'lisslnce" floor plan. l.tbtary/lott ovtrioob hull hilt fVOII. Wet blf: mu rortd wardrobe doors. Thr11 view decks. Community pools and tennts You own the land. Avatlable by appotnlmtnt . . . . . . . . . . . . S51 0.000 COME WITH US ... TO BA YCREST Chlfm has become a trite word. llut thi.t c:ustCHn buill home 1s really "custCHn"-and the dwM will .,.all for 1tstlf F1ve bedrooms. Flfnily room. dinino room. Two fireplaces. Island type kitchen. Buitt·in balblcue, bnck patiO. Pool silt Ylfd. Pedcle tennis cout. Three car garage. You own the land. Available by appo~ntment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $495.000 COME WITH US ... TO liDO ISLE Eactlant fmanctnG-Attrectivt two llery boN on Wide str11t to strldl lot. Four ......_ a-. room. llwtttng patiO With your owo l'ftiCidlftU nut ne. Tastefuly decorated. y_, own the lind. Availab6e by IIIPC)intmant ....••........ $494.000 COllE WITH US .•• TO BA YCREST Magribt Here 11 bteuty • rn dtllt i1 -....., an 111 stant love aHiir wit" * -. n. .._. of c*s both tn floor and waM ecwwi .. ia • tattW fll Wlftf to 111 down and let it al come to you. $pedM fM llle*ooms. FOtmal dining room lnd femity 1wooa You OWII U.IMd.. Av.W. by IIIPC)intqnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $495.000 COllE WITH US .•. TO NEWPORT ISlAND Excellent financine. l 16' of ••tt..a. 1llrw lll*ooms large den Of bonus room. ~ tfiCI tw W11r4a tabla Huge patio. You own pier 1M Rlet. y.., OWl 1111 11M Available by IIICJC*Il,_t . . . • • . . . . • • . . . t479,000 M11ch 31 . 1982 Ntw,ort Hdof AU Estate For Sale P~g~ 3 Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate 30 Ef{icie.nt 9tofr.~~ion.a& CJ 0 c)e. 'tc.TE. <11 ou . . . REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US ... TO BAYCREST Elegant four bedroom home. All rooms we tacepteonally IlK-inluding IMng. dininv and family room. two huge fitep~Kts. wet blf, 3,000 sq. ft. of ~ving ~e. You own the lind. Avlillblt by appo~nan.t\t , . • . . $449,500 COME WITH US ... TO BALBOA New ...... llullity built. Two be*ooms ·~ un~t Fu· plect • !MAg rGalll The tltensiw use of tilt lends to the chlnn. Two ,.nine ~Pi* per unit located just one IIMck '""' ocaan M.dl Y-own the land. Av-.... by ...,oint_,t . . . . . . . . . . . . . $399.500. COllE WITH US •.• TO IRVINE TERRACE letter tMA MW. Mlgnifictntty .,., .... *• bedroom .._. on 62a1l5 lot. New tlfPtting tlwoueftclut. French wi._s lnd doors. Crown mailings. 8rm "-tdw•e. Skytiotlt in defl. to.p!etety new kitcflln. Two becrOOMS havt chllrful bly -.w.s. Single story. You own the w 1524 Slllttnella Terrace Open S.tutdly 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $395,000 COME WITH US ... TO BAYCREST bc:tllnt fenanc~ng. Attraetive four bedroom home. Slplrate mast• SUite w1th wnllen Roman tub. K1tchen lfld femdy room completely upgrildtd. 0. c:abll'letry, bumtd ~ sttyfigtlts 111 kttchen lAd family room. wet blf With Wtnt reek end refugerato.. You own the IMd. Open Sat.ISun. 1 5 1315 AntigUa Way $360.000 COME WITH US ... TO CORONA OH MAR u~t Mencll'f. Corner lot Just • p!tcb and a putt to 0tt1n a..vn Two be*ooms. Wood ....-. ... mng ,_ Ctn...,_lrY dlslgn. YltW of ottan lAd jetty. Wad $35,000. You own the ~~Rd. ...... by ..,.tmlftt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $340.000. $330.000. COME WITH US ... TO IRVINE Expanded Kensmgton modtl. Restful bay wmdow eatmg area in l~m~ly room. Four spac1ous bedrooms. two fireplaces. Brtck patio w1th barbecue plus gtass play yard. Decor in uctllent taste. Comfortable home with atr cond1 t10n1ng. You own the land. Availlblt by appcNntment . . . . $285.000. COME WITH US ... TO HARBOR HIGHLANDS hnllly 001nttd ~ four bedroom home. Three and one-h.tf blths. Ytry pr!Watt up.staMs master SUite. PrOCJtrty louted on QUill tr•lintd street You own the land. Av..W. by ICJPOIIltmtnt . . . . . . • . . . . . S270.000 COllE WITH US ... TO TURTLE ROCK VISTA nw. ~ bedrooms and t4nvtftible den. Family room. Property m imrnlculatt condit.ion. Conwnient to commun.ty pool and tennts courts. View of mountains and c1ty lights. You own the land. Awadlblt by ~tment . . . . . ..... $269,500 COllE WITH US ... TO HARBOR VIEW HOMES Tht popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpeting.. SpaciOUS patiO. luxunant garden. Property 10 top conditiOfl You own the 18fld 1930 Port Bnstol Cercle Open Sunday 1 5 $268.500 COME WIT H US ... TO WESTCUFF httltnt ftnanctng . • Owner w.ll t~r lease·optJOn or .... Conven.ently located three ~OGm. two blth home. $paetous open floof plan. ~ fireplace. Poollspa Bwh 111 brtakfroat in ~ room. Ntw C¥J~tts and pa.nt tht~t You own the land. 1016 Dom Dnn Open Sat./Sun. 1 5 .. COllE WITH US ... TO WESTCllff $265.000 s,.c-. three ~ two blth honla. Higll btlmld llllllp in hint 1'001\. Two sep~~ate y•a '*air suited fir tllllly wit' .... Cllidrlft. A poaf il -yard-pley yard iA dll ..,, Anaystem. You own tht lind. AW111W111 ~ ~._..t .............. $260.000 COllE Willi US ..• TO THE BlUFFS fu r t ,._, .. Tille I!IIIIUdl ...... ett. "Dolora" ...._EM.n ............. ,,hMW.Niutl"'ll hM till il .cry, .. ~ ... ,.. .... lutdwl. Tlrw ....... c.w..... lO scboot Ifill! ...... .. te ...... . A..-...-.~·~ .............. UJ.4,500 COME WITH US ... TO BACK BAY l1ke new two btdfoom t4ndo. FarrMiy room. Ommg room. Beautiful atr~um. 2, 146 squa~e feet of living space. Two car garage Pnvate patiO. Some w~ew of Back Bay. Ea traouimarv hnancmg. You own the land. Avatlable by appomtment . . . . . . $199.900 COME WITH US ... TO CAMEO HIGHLANDS Exctllnt fNllllCflQ. 0.0. '* bought anothtf homt-WII considef 15 perctnt down to quMfitd buyer wtlo can WtJne txiSttng $150.000 "*'· TlwM SIIKQ&S bedrooms, two blths plus IUIWOUS ..,.ties. large ylfd Wtttl ~ pool Ouett cui • SIC location.. l~. 512 Rockford fltaa Open Sat./ Sun. 1 5 . . . . . . s 199.900 COllE WITH US ... TO RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN Exctllnt financing. Grut ~unity. Fabulous view of golf tOUfse and grttnbelt. Two bedrooms and dtn. End untl. You own the land. Ptu reduced $25.500. A viAble by appomtment . S 189,500 COME WITH US ... TO THE BLUFFS hc:tllnt finlnc.ng. The very functiOnal "X" plan condo. Thr• bedrooms and family room. formal dining room. Fresh pllflt and new carpet. Private, enclosed patiO leasehold. Available by appomtment $ 189.500 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT SHORES Excellent ftnanc!O!J. Htghty upgraded beach home fan ab ~tt doll house). Htgh beamed ced4ng 1n hvmg room. Cu$tom waltplptr throughout. Silylllghted kitchen Atnum off master bedroom. 5ep¥ate chaldr~r~'s floor ~nth bonus room-two bedrooms and bath..Walk to beach le~ Awlllable by appocntment $1 79.900 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT PENINSUlA hctlltflt financtng. Rt:sor1 ltvtng ytlf round In thts CO!We- Ntllt ttw. bedroom. two blth home w1th lksllablt bad*or untt to '-With payments. Exctllnt start• home or rtllrtmtftt pltasuru. ~- Aw..,.,. by -*''"""' $ 1 79.500 COME WITH US ... TO MESA VERDE betllnt finlncing. ~ tout bedroom homt located on ...,., cui dl SIC clfd.. 40' -., heated pool Built 1ft blrbtcue and sllufftebolnl court. Conv•lilnt to ldlfots. Price ttdlad s 1 0.000. You own tt1t lind. 1658 Utafl C•dl -s...y 1 5 . ,.,. s 175.000 COllE WITH US ... TO COST A MESA b~ Wll louted. c.nw..-t to ....... yet ..,., IIIIWife and quilt nr. ....... ~ roof. &1M '-* ...., -. S...t ~-to • your OMI a.. 60a135 lit. You OlllllltliiiW Av...._-. •u··r_.t . . . . . . . . . t162.500 COMI Willi US ... TO COSTA MESA ElaiiM ........ c......., ·-·~d .............. two bldt ..... Sk~ .............. --llllhaa Two ~~~~~ ~ ...... Md ,.. reel , .. own 1M IMd. Aw...._.., by...-'-'' . . . $142.500 Cllril f11 1t I ll .......... ..... ' ... --... liGHT HOUSE ESTATE IIAIIOIISI.AID Hind mfted-tnlly a -. of uCIIIIcl. Slltl rolf, ~~fa cewtylfd •nr~ne~, wood floors. ................. CIMd doofs. """ --......... trtt tQf balconies and cNnn. ForM dinint ,_, 9 ..._ Nach. pier • lip to '"ommoctate 95 foot yadlt. $7,000.000. BarWa AUM 642·8235. BAY SHORES lA YFROIT &chanting c.-CtMI _.. 63' • ..._ u,. s,.c;.. ,... _. ... ,... ttoors in fanity "*" with .... Mr ... .... ........ Four lledroiMt lcMty ..... .... brick t~nt• ccurtv•d. n.ooo.ooo .... print liM. Cattty ScftMict-' 642-8235. COROIA DEl liAR lA YFROIT light and bright .., ....-.. 4 If 5 .._ f~ ...._ F .. tatic !Min bay view. docl _, aCIIIAt finlncing tncror .._ option. $1,895,000 FE£. Martha Macn111642·823S. 50' BAYFROIT! Wlltf, Wltef ~~ ... Ibn .. WI'-wiiWI from al tM hing lfi&S of thi$ innovativtly desigNd bomt on 1 SO' lot wiD u~t dDckifto faciitin. Four ~~doom. 4 bath. flmity r-. lining r-. W. wil cany llrgt 2nd. Bat price iA town $1.550.000 indudng IIDIL 0.. a.a. .. 842·8235. BIG CAIYOIIROADMOOR large 4 bechoiR. 3 laadl ,.... 11. S.CiM f1llliy oriMtld "-with NAY llfttlf· tliMwn nu ..._. inlilltt CMWneliln .... llrge fiMity room, patios and Y•~ l .... ~ liad lit wittt ,_ .. MJI a·m Pool llftd ... WMNt. 0.. wl cany. $750,000.l.-v ..... 144-6200. SUPEI SWEEPIISIAY VIEWS llf'll print trW Tlf'1'a ..... Milt CIAjU. .. -' wilwa tn. 3 ro.a. .............. bly " ...... Fe. ....... 21 ..... Oww wil cany .... 1st T.O. U25.000 indalf. W s-.a Gr.,. 844-6200. YOU DOirT HAVE TOM A -~ To own • .... il ...._, ...._ nil --c.-. Wt .._ is in btsllif..e c•j• T• .._ ...,.._ 1trt1 ,.._ • eM ller .... ...., W1t • ae ., _ _... • fir~t~'ua nne..._ •,.. .. -.. tl25.ooo fa ......... 842-8235. . 35' BOAT DOCK-FIRST CAlli DUAliTY C111 bl found in this spacious dr1m1tic executive hoMe Oft T ,.._. blind in Hurtt- ington Htfbour. Huge mast• suite with fireplace. 2 &argt ~~CG~MIIry ........ custont ,........ filMy room with fifeplact and wet blf. $399,950 with lend. IWe Chase l11 644-6200. JASMIIE CREEK lovely f'tln 5 with 3 bt*ooms. 2Yt baths. INSttf suite. patios with ....., upgrldes.lmmltulate $395.000 including laRd. Dd .....,.,_ 642-8235. LIDO ISlE liYIIGI Grut possibilitjes await you en the floor pben of tha 2·stOty ~ bit ...._ wit'-3 bdOOIDS. 1Mn llld famiy room. $395.000. Tom AlsDfi/Ttfry Hanes 842·8235. AFFORDABlE IRVIIE TERRACE! C~ 4·becnom home wittl pool atuattd on extra large lot FIWaus c:ounlly kitdlerl and blaut1ful dKOI. bctlent terms with low down. A t11••..taus •• at $360.000 including land. Claucia DinG Mtulltr 644-6200. WESTCliFF POOl HOME AI the tomforts and wlfm dsc01. bNm cting. custom stluttn ~ paot. proftaionll lllldsc~C~ing in this 3-bldroom and f.mily room Westciff ....._ $269,000 indudino land. Jane Paquin 642-7235. BIG CAIYOI EID UIIT Delightful .... story 3·Woont BordtluJ. ftmNII hint f'OIMI. ... t ...., 11itt ope~~~ to pdln. Custom ftoor and wal eowt~ilp. Priwate cwtylfd llld .. e. r•d with room f01 poof. s.M • '-t .,._ $475,000. LyMe V...._ 844-6200. • .... - HARBOR VIEW HOMES Custa.illd IIIIHf·•kind .... Four-..... flllily,... .., ... ~ .......... noon. wood ..... ceiAp. ........... ..., .... ·-War will -*t weD ......... l"'' llCfOW ,....... $285,000 fee .... Jeyce EftiN 842·8235. BEST YAlUEU Just ....._. to $128.000 for fat ... Two WOOMS. 2 M*1. IIJib tt ...._ ~Bed Mldras. ..... Wood 844-6200. EXCfllEIT UVIIG II EASTilUFF Priwate courty•d MtfMCa IMds to trscioua .. ......_ Two patill. ._ of Catalina.llrtt fllllily rOOift,lntlfat .... 3 w-. 2 ,,.,,u. o.. wil ce-., ..... fi..ang. $245,000 ................ A.-842-8235. EASTBlUFf CHARliER s,.u.g _ ...................... 3-.... ,.. filii¥ .... lult ~y . .....,_ Wltlll ftatures end ..,.. "'wtv 1•1 u,., wia •·• ,_ yard. 1lis ..... lib a ,_ '-'tl EICIIIM 1ocau. .... te .... $239,500. J• ,..,. 842·8235. 5 TU~tte Roell • ......,_ •....• =000 5 T"'* Aodl ........ . . . . . . 100 5TUitte~t ............ t425.000 4 TurUe ~ T.,.. ............. 000 4 TUttle~ HlgNeldl ...... ~100 4 TUttte...,.. ._..... . . . . . . ,000 4 T~ ,_. ........ . . . . . . 100 4 Turtle "-" ...,. . . . . . . ,000 4 Tuttle Aoc* :Z::........ .. 000 4 Turtle Aocll Geen . . • • • . .. . . • 000 4 Turtle Aocll eto.clmoor ..... IDt.too 4 Tune. Roell ...,_..,. . 0 •••• --.ooo 4Tu,.,.-o-.... ..... ~ooa 3 TUttte AGel Olen .. . . . .. .. .. ,100 3 Turtle Roell Vieta • . . . . . . . . . . 100 3 Tuttle ~-v• .......... 0 ooo 3 Turtle ~It ,.. .. .. . • . .. . too 3 Tuttle ~ c.mpu. View ... 17,000 3 Tuttle Aocll Viata ......•..•. ~ooo 3 Turtle Rock Via1a . . . . . . . . . . . too 3 Turtle Aocl HigMenda . . . . . . 000 3 Tuttle Roell Olen . . . . . . . . . . . 100 3 Turtle Roell Hillt ............ =·100 3 Turtle Aoctc Glen .. .. .. . .. .. .500 2 Turtle Aoctc VIsta .. .. .. . .. .. .000 2 Trutle Rod& Htghlands ...... $2e7.500 2 Turtle Aodl Highlands ...... $232,500 o.rtene Herman . . . . 762-1414 Olll1ene ~ .... 762-1414 Lof'fWne "-We . . . . 762-1414 ~ er.wtord . 752--1414 ~Rennie .... 762-1414 Lomine Rennie .... 762-1414 Lorreine Rennie ... 0 752-1414 ANta Bfadlhaw . 0 .. 752•1414 Dorothy L...ta ...... 752-1414 Scott AlMon ........ 551 ... 700 em Wectmore ....... 551 ... 700 lomaiM Reid ...... 551-e700 lorraiM Reid ...... 551-1700 NataHe Benjamin ... 762•1414 Lite~ ......... 752-1414 ........ 8enjamin ... 762-1414 Oettene Herman . . . . 752-1414 Mede&ine Crawford . 752~1414 JuNe VanWieren ... 752-1414 Oettene Herman . . . . 752-1414 Oertene Herman . . . . 762·1414 Lorraine Rennie . . . . 752·1414 t.tedeline Crewford . 752-1414 Scott Alston . . . . . . . . ~ 1 ... 700 Jactlle Archer ...... 7$2-1414 Jeanne Newman . . . 752-1414 Jeenne Newman. . 752-1414 •RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN• 3 Ranc:ho San Joaquin ..... 0 .. $240,000 Alan 8eel .......... 551-1700 2 Rancho San Jo.qutn ........ $118,000 Madel•ne Crawford . 752-14 14 2 Rancho San Joaquin ........ $141.100 Madeline Crawford 752-1414 •CULVEADALE• 4 Cutverdale ................. $181,000 4 Cutverdlle .......•. 0 .. 0 .. 0 . $1&7,000 3 Cutverdale ........ o ........ $135.100 2 Cutverdate ........ 0 0 ....... $128,100 P11 Oakaon . Pat Oakaon . Pat Oakaon Pat Oakson •WALNUT• 4 Cotaeg. P1rk ..... o ...... $183,000 4 Cotaeg. P1rk .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $175,000 4 Cola.Qe P1rk ............... $175.000 3 The Colony . . ............. $186.000 Jon~ F1sher Myrna Boom Alan Beet .. Alan S..l 752-1414 752-1414 752·1414 752·1414 551·8700 551-3700 551·8700 551·8700 ...... ARIA ~ AGIJfT •WOODBRIDGE• 2 Woodbridge Plrtl Vtata ....• 1112.150 2 Woodbridge Atbonalle ...... 1111.100 2 Woodbridge <;ottee• ....... 1164,100 2 Woodbridge Cottagea . . . . . . . 141,000 2 Woodbridge Faltfietd . . . . . . . 131.100 2 Woodbridge Arbotteke . . . . . . 1•.100 2 Woodbridge oa.n ........... $123.500 2 WOOdbridge Arbofe.ke ...... $117,5()0 2 Woodbridge Estates ........ $112,500 2 Woodbridge Townhornes ... $185,500 2 Woodbridge ChatMux ...... $182,000 2 Woodbridge Parklide ....... $142,000 2 Woodbridge Con.g. ....... $144,500 2 Woodbridge Estates ........ $189,500 2 Woodbridge Eatatu ........ $174,000 Lorraine Jec:kaon ... 551-8700 Lorraine Retd ....... 551-1700 Lorraine Reid ....... 551-1700 O.rlene Peint•nger .. 551-1700 Den Johnson ....... 551-1700 lorraine Reid ....... 551-8700 Anne Hall .... 0 ..... 551-8700 Myrna Boom .. 0 ..... 551-1700 Glnl McGhee ....... 551-8700 Mack Hanson ... 0 0 0 0 551-1700 Jeanne Newman . 0 .. 752·1414 Jean Laten ... 0 ..... 752-1414 Lila Harper ..... 0. 0 752-1414 Natalie 8en1amen . 752-1414 Jeanne Newman . . 752·1414 •EL CAMINO REAL• 4 California Homes ......... 0. $157,100 4 Irvine Grove ........ 0 0 0 . $158.000 4 The Ranch ................. $1!Ha,OOO 3 Oeetfield Patio Homes ..... $147.500 3 Irvine Grove . . . . 0 ...... $149.900 3 o.m.td Plrtl HOtMS ...... $161.500 3 a,..,..,,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 S145.ooo l Deerlietd Ptrk Homes .•... $165.000 3 California Home$ S 143,000 3 Heritage Park 0.... . $112.500 3 Walnut Square . . $111 .900 2 Deerflefd P1110 Homes $142,000 2 Sm~etree .. 0. $1 29.900 2 Deerfield Townhomes $1380000 2 The Meadows . . S 59,000 2 o..rlteld Townhomes $126.000 Mack Hanson • 0 • RoM Gammon ... Darlene Petnt.nget Mack Hanson ... Darlene Hetman Anne Tterney .. 551.:S 700 . 752-1414 551-1700 551-8700 752-1414 551·8700 752·1414 551-8700 Jack .. Archer Ma110n F r~uelt Mack Hanson Martan Hanson Jon• F•sher . 0 0 551 ·8700 551-8700 551 -8700 551 -8700 752-1414 551 -8700 55 1·8700 551·8700 Manon Ft~zzell Rose Gammon Susee WetS$ Lorratne Reed Darlene Pemt.nger •ORANGETREE• 2 Orange Tree Pat10 . $132.500 2 Orange Tree Pat1o Homes $129,900 1 Orange Tree Condomtntums $81 0500 Dorothy l ew•s Anne Hall Sus•e Wetss •NORTHWOOD• 4 Northwood WOOds•de . 0 $228.500 4 NorthwOOd Shadow Run $219,000 4 Northwood Place .. 0 0 $275 000 4 Northwood WOOdstde $250 000 4 Northwood Influential Homes $.225 000 4 Northwood Sundance $189 500 4 Northwood Meadows S 198 000 4 Northwood Woodside . $315.000 4 Northwood W1ndstream $389.900 3 Northwood WindatrMm . . $268.000 3 Northwood Pepperm1ll $239,500 3 Northwood Plrtlstde . S1&4.i00 3 Northwood SMdy HoUow . S 179,100 3 Northwood ~. . . . . $169.500 3 Northwood Custom Bu11t $.235,000 3 Northwood Influential Homes $175,000 3 Northwood Pwtl Paeo ... S1U,IOO 2 Northwood Su~. . . .. $155,000 2 Hof1hwood The lakes ... $1 27,300 2 Northwood The Lakes . . . $1 31 ,500 2 Northwood Canyon C,... . $.23!,900 Jeanne LaF ourcade Alan BHI Anne Hall Myrna Boom Alan Beet VtCkt BoSl Young Park Pat Oakson Darlene Herman Lorra•ne Rennte Darlene Pemtmger Jeanne LaFourcade Lorra1ne Reed V1Ck1 Bosz Lorrau'l Jackson Alan Beet Jortt FISher VICki 8osz . 0 • Pat Oakson Jean La .. n .. Lorra•ne Renn•• •OTHER AREAS• 5 Corona def Mar . . • .•.•.. $1.100.000 5 Santa Ane. . . . . . . . . . 0 .. $4,300.000 4 Anaheim Htlta . . . 0 . . . . . 1:20,000 4 Or•• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.000 4 HarbOr Ridge Crest 0 . • . 15.000 4 L8!gU.na N iguel . $231,500 3 ~na Hills . . . $144.500 3 COtona del Mar . $72V.900 3 Newport Bay . . . $1 ,750.000 3 Tuattn Laurefwood $14e,OOO 3 Fulletton . . . . . . . . . $100,500 2 Santa AM. . .. . . . • . $98.500 2 t1a.tbOt Rtctge Estates . S5t5 000 2 Santa Ane . . . . . . . $14.500 2 ~ 8Mc:tl . .. .. .. $.217,500 2 '-' VIejo . . .. $154.500 2 Newport 8eec:h . .. $t52 500 2 Tu.-.litl . . . . . . . . . $121.500 t Santa AM. . . . . . . $74.500 2•3 Duptu-BalbOe Ptpensula $325.000 ).3 Oup...Coata Mesa . 1250.000 3•3 Ouptu~ ••••.....• ' $20'7'.500 2•.._ 0upex...eo, <Mt -..., .. m.s.ooo 1 Condo .... 1)0.1 hach . . . . . ••• !00 41..egune Neouet • • • • • • • . . . . $301.000 Myrna Boom Alan Bee! Bobb• Ryan .. Bobbt Ryan 0 0 Darlene Herman Jac•ll• W•ley . Madehne Crawford Darlene Herman Bobb• Ryan Lorraene Rennee L •nda Morgan Madeline Crawford An•ta Bradshaw Madehne Crawtorc:t B•ll Wedmore Sua•ew .. u Darlene P .. nt•ng..- VIC'tll Bosz .HIM~ Laten Juhe Van W•eren Natal .. Bentam•n M)'me Boom P .. Oakaon 8i11W~ 8111 Wedmore 752·1414 551·8700 551·8700 551-8700 551·8700 551·8 700 551-8700 551-8700 551 -8 700 551-8700 752·1414 752-1414 752-1414 551-8700 551 -8700 551-8700 551 ·8700 S.SHS700 551·8700 551·8700 551 -8700 752-1414 752-1414 752·1414 55 1-8700 55 1-8700 752·1414 752·1414 752·1414 551 ·8700 752-1414 .. 52 1.14 ;'52·1 '14 .. 52·1 414 551 8700 ~52-:•14 ;52-1414 -52·1414 551·8700 551-8700 551 ·8700 551·8700 .. 52-1414 -52·1414 -52·1414 551·1700 ;'52-1414 551-8700 551-8700 TOTAL llltVICL TOTALIATIIFACTION. . Woodbridge Vlllage Center 4764 !arranoa Parlcw&.y Irn.na. CA 98714 IEAVIIW tfUE Feu bldloornl. 3 .,.., ..., -{'0011\, clnlng room. ely .... OCIG't ... 8uard gall. pool and ....... tUOO per monlla. 101 or DOYlE KOOP, 758-1221. 10 Utili wnH CASH ROW I A nn lllnl lrMIIId In toclaf• mc~Wt "*'Y lnod )t' ...... apartMa.ln CIIIKIIIrf ~ tiDn. ~neon on ._. IMNI lncnalld 501 In .... ''h ~ fGr .... IIIIDmlallon cal 101 LICATA.....,._....,, 5-1221. Mwdl 31, 1982111twport......, Real Estate FOJ s• Pege 7 ., + coTr nrnLTT @ InvrsTnrnr conrnnr BAYSIDE CUSTOM-NEW LISTING Truly the "Creme de Ia creme" of waterfront living. Over 8.500 sq. ft. of the finest quality constructton ava1lable. located on the main channel with its own white sandy beach. amenities 1nclude a pool, spa, seven bedrooms and a v1ew from all rooms. $5 75 million. HARBOR ISlAND CUSTOM-MAIM CHANNEl The finest watttfront home with the best location in Ntwpoft ~ Over 5.000 squ111 f•t lftd a P11f fOJ a 100 foot yadll. Unusully large bayhont lawn. The pntt " $5 million and the ownlf Will f~t~nee a notable amount. liNDA ISlE CUSTOM-MAIM CHAIIEl Bruthtalung v .. ws of the l'llllft channel from rmy importlflt room in the home Over 76 feet on the watlf, 6.500 squwe feet of sheer ~anu The pr~eetS $3.6 rntMtOn HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM-INCOMPARABlE VIEW This Country FriOCh estate offlfs one of the finest bay lftd ocean YttWS tvtr. Over 5.300 ~e feet of the finest craftsmanship The pr~ee ts S2.3 million. 3 San ~ hlfl. Open Sun.. 1 5. BIG CANYON CUSTOM-OM THE GOlF COURSE If Country Ef9sh lftd privacy are Y""' tholte. tilts 6.200 square fttt est1te wtth new poollftd ~IS the 11\SWif. Right on the 10th fMway The price is $2 .3 Rdion w.th over a1 million of~ rWIII\CiftQ BIG CANYON CUSTOM-OM THE GOlF COURSE Truty the best family home wtth 6 lwge bt*ooms 1\dudrlg a separ•t• 2 bedroom .we with Its own liv.ng room. On tht 9th fwway With prtvatt pool lhe pra 11 • 1. 8 millon. liDO ISlE-WATERFRONT CUSTOM Siqlly the fNSt watwtront on lido Of\ the Nrktt tcldly P* lftd sfi9 '*" oversutd lot and $1 4 mlllon tn ~ hnantllg. The priCe 1s S2.25 lftllion. 219 Vta ltdo Soud Open Sundly 1 5. liiDA ISLE-MAll CHAIIEL ftwt bedrooms. II ensuite. end 9t on t'-watlf with your own Pllf lftd _, for ..... boltL Owner Will fiOIOCI over a 1 rnlllon. Cal for appointlnlflt. Tht pnca 1s $1.85 nllon. BIG CAIYOI CUSTOII-01 THE GOLF COURSE This ............... Oft tht 7th flifway IS CO.try dub iVtftG It tU ftnal. 0vw 4.000 ......... wttll *-tiC lfdwttctln lftd LARGE rooms. r-. IIOtl IS $1.75 ..-.with owner~ ~ BIG CAIYOI CUITOM-IREATHTAICIIG VIEW AdjDinMe ill DWft priwett 2.25 1Ctt ..-t lhl 6 lll*oom Nnll is V~~Unt MCI rHdy to .. ift. 0. 5,500 ...,. ltel •ttl a vtRV privlte pool end spa. The price IS t 1. 585 INiiOft. 70 HiltttG ()pM Set./S.. 1 5. ll DA ISlE CUSTOit- nia 3 ~ hailll il f OftCI 1ft I w.tiMI ..... 811ftY. f(£ SfMPl£ Of\ Lilia lAd tM .-wil finlla. Eaalllt ...-nunky. 1\t pnce • t1.4 ....... (714} . DOVER SHORES AREA CUSTOM-OVER 1.1 ACRES Out of the flight Pith. this custom home offers ~Y~~gntficent OCII)Ortunttees. Separate guest home and pnvate pool IOd 191. Owntt w.• finance enttre loan The PtiCt 1s $985.000. BIG CAIYOI TOWNHOME-DElUXE POOl An "end untt" Deane townhome. thiS rn property offtts an ucephon.l yard wtth custom pool, Sl)ltnd sauna. ThfH bedrooms and over 3,400 square fHt Tht puce IS $895.000. BIG CANYON TOWIHOME-CATAliNA VIEW hqutS~te " emy dltai, this 3 bedroom. 3.000 square feet home offers multiple use of skyhghts .and tnOJmous pnvacy Htohly upgraded Tht pnce IS $675.000 LIDO TOWIHOME-WIBOATSLIP 01 THE WATER "Rehned" IS the duct~WJtNe word for thts lovefy 2 bedfoom plus den 13rd bedrooml and 3 full baths. 0v8f 2.500 square fnt and a BOATSliPI The pnce IS $595,000 WEST NEWPORT DUPLEX-WATERfRONT Spae1011s wattrfront home wrth 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3 p.., and float hc._,t Owntf fmnmg fOf qulhfied buyer. Tht priCI IS $545.000. BIG CAIYOI TOWNHOME-CANYON'S BEST BUY Thu new to the market home often 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on 1ts own comer Ea ctltnt assumable hnanc..ng. ExcluSive wrth Cote Rt~Jty The pnct 1s $500.000 1 Rue Fontllllebleau 01*1 Sat.ISun. 1 5 VIllA BAlBOA TOWIHOME-HIGHL Y UPGRADED ThtJ lovtfy 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offlfs the ult~m~tt ., lu.awv wtth huge IS.WfNbtt finlnang lftd owntr Wll Cllfl. Tht priCe IS $239 OQQ NEWPORT CREST TOWIHOME-SUPER TERMS For the young at heart, nell the beach. tenm. pool and the good kft largest New~1011 Crest condo w1th 4 bedrooms. tlmtly room. 2Y, baths S225.000 and fltllt»e hnanc:tng WESTCliFF TOWIHOME-CAI YOU BEliEVE IT7 A 2 bt*oom. 2 Nth homt with pool and I huge assumablt '-'· Stier Will lust OCIIIOJI wrtll tS.OOO down. Tht pnce IS$ 123.900 Open Sun 1 5 1214 Rutland Rotd. LEASES BAlBOA PENINSUlA-WITH PIER & SliP Offlf~nt 4 bechom.s lftd 4 baths with poolal fOJ $3,000 '*month Adults only' 816 CAIYOI TOWIHOME-01 THE GOlF COURSE ...,., ........... lila 3 lle*oom. 2.850 .-r• fttt horne has tt all Move '" ngflt now. $2,600 per lftOftlh. WEST IEWPORT -01 THE WATER nw. ..._. llld 2 MIM ,., on till wttlf .., • cpet ~ lease onty for $1 ,100 I* II1IOfttll Or 4 bechoms tnd 3 baths w.th ~talhw dlannaf V1IW fOf t1,300 ... !RIIdl. 2076 San Joaquin Hills, Road • N«rffl))rt Beach, California 92660 , ... 8 .................. biMI ftl S.lllrO 31. 1182 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES N EWPORT BEACH HARIIOII VIIW'HOMI8 t2M.OOO You'll fall In love with this gorgeous 4-bedroom Montego. Gourmet kitchen with all new op- plianc.,, decorator wall coverings and drapes, brick pavers. Skylights and on and on. Hard to resist. aAYCRE8T t385,000 One·story custom home on a quiet tree-lined street. Move-in condition to be sure! Four bedroom. family room, formal dining room and exceptional pool, spo and patio area. Realistic owner transferred. Terms available. IA8TaLUff t2U,OOO Sporkling cond1tion and a super location make this a true value. New paint and carpets and drapes. Pool-sized yard with a Iorge patio. IN- ClUDES THE lAND. The owner will help finance. aAY8 1DE COVE t880,000 Upper and lower 8ays1de decks allow for gracious livmg ond enterto1ning from this highly upgraded property. Two bedrooms, formal dining room. wet bar, beam ce1lmgs. Owner will assist 1n financmg. WE8TCUFF t455,000 The perfect fomdy home IS fenally here. Five spoc1ous bedrooms; Iorge worm fom1ly kitchen, livmg room w•th wood floors, french doors, fire- place, formal dinmg room. Beautiful pool/spa and deck area. You won't buy any other! NEWPORT aiACH t225,000 You bet It's fabulous to open your door and walk onto a sandy beach! Three bedrooms, waterside deck and patio, beom ceelif\9$, built-in cobinets, community pool and tennis. A great value for you aEAWIND t435,000 Forever VIEW. • bedroom, famely room, bonus room. country French decor. Highly upgraded. You own the land and the financing desentes your attent1on. aiG CANYON t2,300,000 Four-bedroom custom home on golf course. library. wood floors, formal dining room. ~utifully decorated and appointed. Used brick patio, pool and spa, MCurity aystem. air condi- tioning. aiG CANYON t371,000 Long-owoited Augusta model. Three bedroom, wood flooring and eorthtone decor Fabulou' golf course veew. P\'ivate location. CORONA DEL MAR COROllA DEL MAR t3M,OOO This 2-bedtoom wins the personality contest! South of the highway · and full of charm, style and taste. Just steps to the beach or enjoy o dip in the "hot tub" situated in the secluded patio. .JA8MINE CREEK t335,000 Desirable 2-bedroom and den decorator's home in sunny pastels. Ideal end unit. Air cond., charming gardens. Priced right. SHORICLIFF t4H,OOO Three-bedroom and family room in o most ~irable area. Charming split level with plan' to remodel-surrounded by more expensive proper- ties. Owner says make on offer today. JA8MINE CREEK t380,000 Got~ded community, 2 bedroom, den, large spa, Iorge patios, front and rear. Extremely private location in cul.de-soc. Professionally land- scaped ond decorated. CAMEO 8HORI8 t515,000 Beautiful ocean view, 2-bedroom and den residence. Extra large courtyard, nicely land- scaped. Great home for remodel or odd on. Owner will help finance. Fee Fee Fee. CORONA DEL MAR t425,000 Thr .. ·bedroom home in a very desirable I~ tion. large lot with some ocean view. Great for remodel or odd on. Hurry builder$! fhis could be your ~eam come true. IRVIIIII TIRII&ACE t331,000 Walk to Balboa tsJOnd boy. beaches and Foahion Island from this delightful 3-bedroom country kit- chen home. brick patios, beamed ceitlngs, wood floors and a prestigious and private corner loco- lion. IRVINE TIRII&ACE ..... 000 A ll9ht spocJous 4-bedroom plus den home with pool ond gorgeous view of entire horbor. Owner will corry with approximately 20"-down. Great potential fat uHf' or investor. 8PY8LAU •2.400.000 Custom Medlterroneon on top of hilll Superb detailing in every room. Five bedroom, 7 boths with master su1te, security ~tems, pool,, sou no, family room, cantino, • fireploces and "the world .n front." BEACH COMMUN ,'TIE \ UDO la&.AND .MI,OOO Enjoy private beoch and tennis coum. Close by. Two bedroom, Iorge family room on J.S..foot str .. t-to-street lot. Excellent home and invest· men I. LIDO 18LE tl21,000 Excellent financing. large remodeled 4-bedroom on .S..foot lot. Spacious moin rooms and upstairs moster suite. Immediate occupancy. aAL80A ISLAND t4e7.,100 One of o kind. Three bedroom and loft, high beam ceilings in each room. French doors and windows, custom jocuui. Unique cobblestone floor, dining room. Charm. charm, charm and large assumable loon. PENINSULA POINT t~,IOO Prede of ownership doll house. Three bedroom, new kitchen. Open, spacious living orea downs1airs. Oversized gotoge. Pfeasont breck front polio enclosed with wlaite picket fence. Fan- tastic f inancmg. aA&.aOA t2H~OOO Within steps of the boy and beach. Buy for the summer, owner will help with financing. Charm· •ng and 1mmoculate 2·bedroom, 2·both and fami- ly room with slc.¥1ight. u vaHOMa t710~ooo Very lpOCious 4-bedraom, •YJ-both residence full of chotm and privacy. Watch the booting acene or become o port of it. Owners will do on ex- cha~. Submit today. PENINSULA •7H,OOO A most e•qulsite French country custom home. Built by Tom ond Beth Corney. No detail apored. A truly quality 3-bedtoom catner lot home PlUS AN ()C(AN VIEW. UDO ISU t410,000 Newly llar.ct on beautiful catner locotion. Four· bedroom home featuring cothedro l living room ceiling and wonderful light expoaurel One blodt to oil Lido amenities. Excellent owner castated flnoncing. UDO ISU .A7,100 Elegant and lpOCiovt 4-bedraom on utro-wlde lot. lush private potlo with greenhouw. Fobulous living. Steps to boy, beoch, lenni$ ond eolling. Owner will UKry low in..,.. loon. WATERFRONT ML80A181AND t1,110,000 large 2-bedroom and den, ow~·s unit. Newly remodeled baths, center isle kitchen, boyfront ct.ck w ith exciting view of Newport's main chon- net Income unit, 3-bedroom, 2-both, boyside patio. YACHT8MANa COVE .1,7H,OOO Four-bedroom, family room, very new residence. Lorve spacious home with ott neutral colors. Light and airy, space for 2 Iorge boots plus o side tie. bcetlent financing ovoiloble. IJIIDA.... t810,000 leott ~nslve home on this gate-guarded ialond. Five bedroom, family room, Iorge pier and slip for 3 boots. lovely bayside deck and locoted oaoss from tennis and sandy beach. Ex- cellent financing. PININSULA .2,200,000 70' on main Turning 8osi:l with o delightful 5- bedroom home. Three-cor goroge, paddle tenniS court plus pier, float ond white sandy beach on Fee land. NNINaULA .585,000 Unique oceanfront with the beach as your front yard. Two bedroom, 3-cor goroge with private finonc:ing 1ndudlng o subordination clause. Fee lond. N....ULA t1.eoo.ooo S.Ciualon on the boy in this chormino S-bedroom home complete with exquisite fumishlf9. Among the many amenities ore 2 fireplaces, spore lot, pier, slip, aondy beach, oil on Fee lond. WOONRIIMII t281,000 Cholc. 4-bedroom home in terrific fomlly neighborhood. Excellent condition! Excellent financing I lovely spa, brickwork ond trellises. MLD MY •ee&,OOO ()won view ..._bedroom family home, mint condi- tion, neor pools, tennia court and private beach. New corpets, point, move In tomorrow. An omoz- ing value and on extraordinary price. . ~ ll, 1982 ................... Eatltt ftf s.,. 9 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES DUPLEXES CORONA ML MAR •e10,000 View the jetty, heor the surf! Sip your afternoon teo in the garden that's the gracious style this 'J)eCiol custom 2-bedroom plus den offers. •ALaOA laLAND .810,000 Thr ... bedroom guest quarters and 2-bedroom apartment. Unobstructed boyfront view from front unit. located on IOf"ge oversize corner lot. Owner will help with financing. Move in for the sum- mer. PENINSULA .321,000 Todoy's buy, tomorrow's security on West Boy Avenue. Three bedroom '" the motn unit w1th prtvote garden potio. WEST NEWPORT .321,000 For the investor. Eosily rentable duplex near pork and oceon. Three bedroom and two bedroom, both with fireplaces. Good financing available. 8ALaOA ISLAND .326,000 Just whot you've been looking for. Good rental, super future remodel or rebuild potential Greot locot1on. Full s1ze lot. Seller will help finance. .A&.aoA ISlAND t588,500 Owner will corry first trust deed. View from 2- bedroom, den home ond view from 2-bedroom oportment. Lorge separate guest oreo w1th both. Steps to pr1me South Boyfront beach. OTHER AREAS TURTLEROCK GLEN .285,000 Highly upgraded. Beautifully decorated 3- bedroom condominium on a lush greenbelt. THill I ARCH MY t1,286,000 Exciting older OCEANFRONT 1n pr1vo1e communt· ty. Four bedroom, ,. both, study and elevator Gorgeous garden ond patio overlooks p1cturesque boy, surl and sunsets. Fabulous remodel poten ttol. Anrocttve terms. .. CONDOMINIUMS THI .LUFFS .311,000 Very rare 3-bedroom tn-level "Roberto" model. Outstanding view of Bird Sonctuory and Dover Shores. End unit in quiet cui-de-soc . Absolutely move-in condition and morvelous financing. NEWPORT •EACH .5 ... 100 Two-bedroom, 2-both condo in exclusive secured building. Enjoy sauna, spa, pool and rec. focilittes. Conven1ent to lido shopping and restaurants. Excellent financtng. VILLA •ALaOA .2 ... 000 Oozzltng, extroordtnory condo w1th 2 master bedrooms. Mtrrored walls, h1gh ce1hngs, postel tones, custom des1gned furniShings and art ob- Jects blend to create a rare emmonment BIG CANYON •sa5,ooo Four-bedroom Deauv1lle model above the s1xth fatrway w1th a lovely v1ew, completely customtz· ed. Dromollc ltvmg and dtnmg room. large deck and spo. Atr cond111oned. BIG CANYON .775,000 Dramottc Deane Townhome overlookmg the golf course tn 1h1s pt"eStiQIOUS gote-guorded commun1 ty H1gh cetl1ngs, 3 Iorge bedrooms beout1fully decorated and '" perfect condttlon BLUFFS .174,000 Th1s 3-bedroom condo 1S '" mtnt cond111on Plus neutral carpets ond good locat1on Pnced for a fost sole. ~eot assumable loon, tool TURTLE ROCK .217,750 Ternflc terms on ,.~bedroom 1mmaculate home w1th upgrades everywhere you look Neor schools. pork and pool, parquet floors, m1rrored wardrobes You cannot ftnd better f1nancmg. LAGUNA BEACH .1.260.000 Prtvote estate an 31,. acre tucked onto mature garden and trees w1th ponorom1c v1~! Three bedroom plus mo1d's Recently remodeled Hard wood floors, beamed cetlmgs and Old World charm Nothtng like 1t anywhere m areo ; • I I I I I . i I I I ' j" I I l i p• 10 Newpcwt Hlfbol Real Estate For S* Mirth 31 , 1982 NEW EST ATE-TENNIS COURT I Convenient Laguna Beach address tiWay from the crowds, but close to all. A nature lover's paradise on 1.88 acres with commanding pastoral \/lEW of ocean, hitls and night lights. Total sec~ity. privacy and serenity. This quality 1raditionaf home on 3 levels offers the ultimate in finished details. Four bedrooms including 1,000 sq. ft. master suite, tennis room with futl oak bar with brass rail, family room, sauna room, locker and weight exercise room. wine oeUar and other details for the disaiminatingl Y01.11 own regulation lighted and fenced tennis court with ample observation areas. For a vtewing and appoint- ment. 673-6900. $2.MX>.OOO HARBOR RIDGE-fRENCH MANOR 1a> degree \/lEW of Bay, Ocean and night lights. Magnificent quality and detail throughout this ~ 7'00 sq. fl res;dence. F01mal home with 4 bed- rooms, library, foml8l dining room. irTVnense famity room and glamorous mas1er suite with fire- place, sundeck sauna and spa. Impressive and custom f01 the particular homeowner, in the best tradition of this lolis XIV Manor house. $2.2()0,000 fee. VU-lOCATION-VU I TERMS I Especialy *ge ·~ home with beautiful decor by declorator throughout. Hospi1ality and luxury in this 3 bedroom. formal and mi'rored dining room, huge family room pka large bitiard room suite. For the "health enthusiesr 1 sauna room plus pri- WIIe 1PL UNQJES110NABlE Vtf.W Of OCEAN AND BA YFRONT doee-up. Owner wil help ~.*895,000. UNOISTRUCTED VU-FRONT ROW Premium street with •tate size grounds, 76 ft. frontage, 2 legal lou and panoramic \/lEW o1 ocean and jetty. Earty Newport r-'dence with the c:t.m and quaity of bygone dllys-wood '**" ing. mouldings and •ge rooms. •1.360,000. 831- 1400. Owner wi. help finance. I EAUnFUL ON WATEI I lrnpecab .. quelty and good ... tn thia w.rm n open femiy home on 1he waae.r. a..ic ineerior with 2 bedloon. pU den ..., tlrge lllldecap«t patio with tpe, -... n n fire ~ Your own bolllllip right out yow door f01 IB boa Owner will hMp fiw•a tot qa SAid buyer. •11.000 on ._lind. G1-l«n *SPECTACULAR lA YFIONT WITH PIU* A dominaling reeidefldll property with 1 priwte dock for 2 boats. St\.lpeneba VIEW on South . Bayfront with two •ve ~ wMta. bch unit .. t.ger then mo.t homes end ._ 4 bedrooma, 314. baths, dining end flmily room-. pU 2 ...... end 2 bMx.lin. Owner wi. help finance to qualified buyer. t2.200.000 fee. 873- 6900. *BA YFRONT ·NEW ON MARKET* Great location ON THE WATER with doc* fof 2 boats. Old Newport charm 2-stofy with 3 bedrooms and la'ge patio. ~t for remodel. Call for financing details $1.200,000. Fee. *NEWPORT HEIGHTS * Super location on ~-street. Large lot with trees, flowers and beautifut poot. Perfect family home with 3 bedrooms and fc.nify room. low C88h down end owner will csny. Call for financing details $219,000. LEASE/OPTION OPPORTUNITY I New luxwy condos, jUit steps to Newport, Bey- front end walk to beech! c:;r.t location end ur» sual quality in this 2-bedroom ~ condo. Oner offers ,....,.. terrna o1 $1 ~000 eaeh down, $2,000 pel month te.. end. one-year option to ptKct.e for $319,000. Four to1111 condo units availllbae with flexible fii•ICing ~ Brochures and detaitl.v-... on lite at 2<&215 19th Street off Balboa Bouleverd. 631-1400, COUNTRY ELEGANCE, UnLE IS. Charm, elegance end fNetY deconl10r amenity in this 3 bedroom home wi1h brick patio and french doors. Allo one bedroom I}U maid's unit on ocw- ner. Easy steps to bay. t675,000. 87'3-aJOO. 1510 Abalone Place, Bet .... UDO ISLE CLASSIC T otalty remode'-d end decorated 2--storv in the best Medit•ra..-n ftllwr. Open, bri{l\t 4 ~ room, 4 bath wjth 2 patios for • mwwtliiiQ in and out. Stained glela. and open beena. CHI fill8nCI8 with tow c.h down peynw1t. $446,000. CONTEMPOIAIY NEAl IIA Y Open with "-di of wood. gilllla and WWiiiltt. Young 2·stOfY with 80iring ~. ,...., .- with beloonv OWttoddng IMnQ room pq 2 oct. ~ tlrnlv fOOm and dirq fOOm. Excelent .. gold co.&'' «•kn Cal tor ct.t11a on loan ....... M38.000 131-1400, 10% CASH-VIEW PltOP&IIn'Y Super Newport k»ccllion on a.gtt tot with two 2 bedroom unn.. LNe in one end ,_,. 1he Olher 01 build a new home ptw QU11i1 howa. PIIN epprowd. Amoet bt--. $416,000. Owww will conlider leeM/optb\.,. Submit. IMMACULA 11/FIISH IALIOA IS. 0... ol ._bell priced ttorn. on the~ ,_, ..... Spell-2 bedroom~ brk* Patio. •a.ooo. 8'13.-oG. 111 MlrineAwnue. COlONA Dll MAl CONDOS Soering 2lr open t..nil..., giMa; MW ... pU inlef..,tg.._ end ~·aw IOOmL UniqUe 3 bedfoam pau. din an COfnlr, .-~ a..JII• lnd ao. ol ~ IM«<IO'· «<IQ.ODD W. ..._. 2 ..... , .... ODD. • lA YFRONT LANDMAIK EST ATE with 80' on Newport S.V. Stow aping. paroa11ic vMiw, from the Pavilion to the moootair& An / authentic wchitectur-' ...,...,. of bygone ct.ys ~ thia 3 IIDly residence pU -floor ~ tower. The QW~iitv end c:nlftmiNhip in 1hil dqlified structure offef speciQ • rooma and prMc:y. in eddition to gener~ indoor .-ld outdoor beloolliel, petios end courtyMt ... try. This megnific:ent villa offers t'M> wings for priYID living. Thia indudM 8 bedrooms and 6 bath~ • formal dining room. 2 kiSdw as. fonNII IMng room, terge famity room and much more. A sepeme eetf.-Qon111ined manw 1Ui1e. Large pier end fto8l will eeoommodate • 80', ph.-two o1tw boets. A detailed brodue wil be ~ upon ~-•2.860.000 . Fee land. Adjoinng guell ~. ... 3 '* _. availlb6e for t396,000. One~6100ft.kJt LINDA ISLE-FIE LAND I An exception~~~ r81idefa with apec0 as rooma and winding ..,.. to 4 bedroon• plus 881* .. m8da ~ Open lnd 'iWI ..... ~ room. t.m1v and tonnel dirq room ..t"J*• ~~~ t.. PW 11\d llip tor 3 balta. A ~home tot ••"""'e lnd dllitv livirv- *2.750,000. Own. wii-=Nnge Of ..anit. lA YFIONT--l.AIGI & LOVElY Unobaruded wide ..... Oil~ view from .. open end ~ home with llrge brick ... lnd pier tot t'M> 66' yecMa. eonwr.na ~ end~ ... IMng room. ....... dirq room, llrge t.. t.mitv room. pka illlnd ldlcNn: Six beckooma. huge,_., tuille whh nwble _.. pe.c. n bf~ view of ... A wry com- foltlble floor plln whh • ~ of ~ .1,9fi0.000 lndudee lind. 831 -1400. * IIASSIVE eust• fiiEPlACE * ..,._ .._ R)IIMI1Ic •IRII911a1Wllllln .. p hm tNI mGIIM nr. ........... ..,. ... bellla• .... •ldlllf loc .... '*»1110 w ..... -IIIII -.cl 8oldln w• ~ 1032 AdciM. HulA-leoc:h. 556-JOSI. * SIX.AlOT• .. '*'Ill OIIOMiaf In .......... ..a~ CUIIa .... M tal one e.c.nr. ... _. ._. MCIIIf b.-,a lad. MD dilated ...... Mila. Alldng ..a.OOO.I032Adcllll: Hu:A41'Uft ....._ 581-1035. • t3.•1E1An • ...._ ........ on tftll IWtgM &llld ~ 4 ..nom, 1"' balh home PlUS ...... • 1M a t3.000,...... Cf C.0.£.1032 Adami, Hunlngton Beach. ,5Sl031. * $11.-IUYS ITII * Ullll__. • wlft aood ._. ....... Localed 1n • lholllino etn11r. ......,,......1032Adami.Hul .......... 558-7035. * ZBIG DOWI PAY..-r* Oft ... -· Pltce ..... tlO.OOO tD t2M,800. Owner wll ftnance .... ~f11 UIIMIJ dlcolated~ID modal ....... tdclcll. 55&-7035. * 1/3 ACIE ESTATE* CDnri'IIIIIU ••lOdllld ..,. ... ,_ llldMn ......_.CUllom oak call6- .. ...,.. ~and tr0111 CC11ft1*11:W. Lql tarma1 ciMtO room hal ............. and cabNia. ............... "' bee and ..... ...., ................ SaatlciiDrtT74.10().556-7035. * TAIEOVEI 11.2% lUI * ... 31,1112 ............... ~ftrl*,.11 * IBIIM• t21,000 DOWk s..tanonal ~home .. t104,000 In- .... lnandng. Col todaf. 2t70 San ...... DINt. ........ Beclc*. J58..1501 or 752-7373. •t31MDIIIM•11AfiMWII&• Avalallhlll fabUoulltJITl.elOa( VISTA~ Fealwtng ~ thp6oce. gourmlt diNng and ..... cowtyard. Onl¥ t210,000. 2810 s.- lilgull Or., Nl\4*f Bec:ld\. 79-1501 or 752-7373. * AIIBmOI: ..... * HeM two w.ls now-buld anoiMr Icier? 0..101*'1 Colla ...., cnCL 6ood ftnanclng. t131,.500. 2170 San Miguel Dr .. NlttrpOrt leadl. 159-1501 or 752- 7373. ...... Colla .... s,ac:tDUI ~ dltacMd home wlh age yard. Ff'llblf IM*IIId. 2llO San lllgUII Dr., Nl IPOft leadl. 751-1501 or 752-5353. * 11IIT1BIJCI * t1.ml PER MDI11I * II al ,u PCifwMn ~--CMf ....... ltf T.D. 51**M ~ eacu- tM dltocMd bom& F....mg formal c1NnQ. famllt room and ftrepklc& ~ t213.500 F&. 2110 San.....,.. Or.,, .. 4acNf 8eoc:ft 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WES'1UR•12l%~-· When VOU taM CMf ...... loans on"* DECUTM HOME tec:l\l1ng 4 bed- ,__ 21h batM and pool AIGad $218,000 FEf Land. 2670 San lilgull Dr., t....,..llodt. ,_1501 or 752-1313. * WAIEII'at .._ * PIIVATE IIEADI * SlniCIIbKII ~ homllmadl on 1M wcnr1t fecf\ltng hnd\ elDen thpbce. PI._Dnaly deccMatld and prMie SANDY BfAat. Only U..OOO .cl .... wll cany AITOI 2870 San lllgUII Dr .• Newpon lead\. 75e-1501 or 752-1313.. * JASISF Cl&l * DEaJMTCII'S DBiilfT * ~-·· popWar ~ '*" ................. dlcolalfna. .... place, giMIMt lllancllllcMn. formal clnlfta taniiW room and lrHiou. a. dry. M INI and men tor only t31S.OOO F&. 2870 San Mlgull Dr., f1t ~pt leadL 158-ISQl or 752-1373. • 18% RUialli * •alB QOSBIIT • Awl;allll on brand ,_, ~ Fea1wtnQ two rn0111r ..... -*-d ............... CCUfJGrd. Only tll4,150. 2t70 San ..... Dr .. t ..... llock 'J58.150lor752-1373. •ta.•IBAn• a. llraiMI new........., Ftalurtnl _.,, •,.... .._and.,. ....... ...... ...... -tl23.150. 21110 San ...... Or.,~ a.:h. .,..1101 Of 7U-l373. ...... ,. ··••fill'S ,. • J I .. , . ' . ' ONE OF A KIND-View of the ocean and sunset. Professionally decorated. a real beauty-has extras galore. End unit with 3 bedrooms or 2 bedrooms plus den. Everything you could ask for. even price. $144.900. UNIQUE IN JASMINE CREEK- ~. 3 bedrooms. family room. one leYel. s.prinlders. Secluded patios and ~assumable loans. $387.500. • U~IU.J~ ~~ REALTORS.675~ I~ EAST PACIF1C C0451 ttaGHWAY CotiONA 00. MAll. C~ tl6l5 UNIQUE IJNDER $400.000 IN NEWPORT BAYVIEW FROM BALBOA Island- quaint 4 bedroom home on the peace- ful little island. neat spot to live. Call for an appointment. $375.000. UNIQIJEIN OLD C080NA DEL liAR CORONA DEL MAR COTI AGE-on a canyon lot. This quiet uncongested part of old Corona del Mar incorpor- ates a view of the canyon and moun- tains. owe terms $275.000. UNPARALLED PAVIUON View- from this terriftc triplex. Imagine this location and income units too. $1.250.000. lJNIQlJE IN COSTA ESA THREE BEDROOMS, FamilY room. assume ftnMdng, large yard make this a home to see. Owner agent will consider all. $159.500. WHY RENT, when you can buy this -great starter home 2 bedrooms, 1 bath income possible. owe. $155,000. INVESTMENT PACKAGE-five condos ln Costa Mesa only 3 years old with ftrepiM>eS and great tenns. All ftve for $664,000. THIS 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH bouse has new~. JedWiood deck. priva- cy and owner ftnandng. AU for $128.500. . Merct. 31. 1982 ............ ,., &lite F1w s.,. 13 UNIQlJE IN IRVINE ROMANTIC & ELEGANT -in Tur· tlerock Glen. enter thru a courtyard into tbik 4 bedroom home with centeT atrium, spa and flre ring. A real win- ner at $310.000. UNIQUE IN RANCHO SAN Joaquin -This 2 bedroom plus den home is near the park, college. and shoppJng. Call right now for an appointment to see at $185.000. UNIQUE IN WOODBRIDGE-3 bedroom. 2 plus baths, this condo is easy tomalntain, patio has sprinklers -2 good loans and Woodbridge area. $157.500. NICE IN NORTHWOOD-Spacious 3 bedroom family room. fireplace, s pa and near a 2().acre park. owe with a 45K down. $199.000. UNIVERSITY PARK TOWNHOME -On quiet greenbelt with private patio. large kitchen. fireplace. 3 bed· rooms and 2 ~ baths $137.500. UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR AND NEWPORT "THIS BLUE WATER VIEW-Will In- spire you as your remodeling talents go lnto action. Three bedrooms on a large lot and in the center of down coast growth can be had with estate financing. $329.000. CLOSE BY IN CORONA Highlands -3 bedrooms. 1 ~ baths. lots of charm. inside and out. Owner will help finance. Access to private beach. $295.000. UNIQUE ON THE WATER BEAUnFUL BEACON BAY BAY· front-we have two homes listed on thl beach. Community tennis. park, boat slips. tranquility and no trafflc hassle. Beacon Bay is a cheam come true. Next to lJnd8 and H•bor Is· lands at $924,000 and 11~.000. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING-For· ever view of ~te ~ bach and rocks. This hOme hU a pool. spa, and heated ftsh pood .... The coeaplete securtty aYftem lncluda TV monitors round the houM and grounds. the ftnat In aeo ~Uipment thro•· out. Uabellevably wOndelful. Your own fortr an<t worth the prlce.. 13.300.000. ~---~ I .. .. &AtOOit _.,. a..• Thtl biCIIaN ~~II rtgN on-. MG wall wit\ tM sand ond IUif cllredlf off your front palto. 1lnl • • of ocean *-· "* un1 can be pwd\CMd Uy fw'niiMd. &lremlly Wll prtcec:t a tMS .. ooo. LMIIau r•• ,._.._ ........................ so... ... . ..... lftl and 0--ol-............... .,.,, JIO.IIll. .,.....,.... "' - ... ..,.. • WIVIIIIn PAll. Ideally loc<rld and lmmoeukltltf kept. Spa- cioUS '*'a area With cozy flreploc:e and beamed ce11ng. Molter bedroom o•- IOob pool and spa areo. Greu nnanctng ovalable. See lt You wt11 love lt ••• 500. ow• ~. This lmmocukre 2--bedroorn, 2-bcrh home ftUures lovely WQOCI deck pcrto and has ~ *Y Will ITKindnecl Walking clstonce to shop- ping. lllfaly and sports foelllles. Own• may corry $55,000 for quolned ........ 125.000 . .. UITIJII 'TNI brand new USing Is an lmmocticre ~oom end un• ,._ on a major ~-Absoklety spotless ond profeB>nolly <Secormed. 8ood owner ftnan<*tg possba $149,500. M.V.NLI.tl8.000 down, $1,538 P/1 payments per mon1tt. Four be«ooms. 2'11 bciiM. COR* lot. Customized step-up dining room wlh French doors and WlnciDWL Call tor oddltonal ftnanclng details. $183,500. Match 31. 1982 Newport ...... Rill Estate fOf S. P111 15 WOOGI.._ This cozy home has 2 bedrooms. l lf, bathS and a 2-cor garage Witt $35,000 doWn, you con assume tne l0.6~ 1sf T.D. and the own• wttt ccny a 2nd. SUbml on lease optton. $152.950. 111V11S1'1Y PAll. No qualtfylng to toke over high exisrlng loan on this beo~ "*Y upgraded ~. 2-bcrh condo pnced cr just $131.500 Owner wtll co- nsider uc:hc:llglng for mountakl propeffy. nan.aoca.. Biggest modet In the Turtteroca BfoOdmoorS. FoUf bedrooms pkas bonUs room. Three baths, separate mosr• sute, 3-<:or garage. Colt for n- nandng. $229,000. WOOGI..._ Less than tlO,OOO down and good payments ro quollfted bUylr. Tcu owr '"SAM tr ftnonctng on "'ts cute home. Ideal starter home. cto- • to pool partes and ~.-belts. ..waRY PAll CO.O. 1bls 3-bedroom condo has a choice loc<fton on a rollng "a. belt. Newty upgraec1 Call for terms. $113,000. COUIII PAIIllmmoc'*fe 4-bedroom Berketey. Shows like a modet. The ow- ner Is ftuable 10 be~-Sl89,000. In Irvine 11124 eua ..... Drive ~n~ ... c. 92715 - - ·- ; • SATURDAY AND/OR SUNDAY, AP RETAIN THIS DIIIECTOIIY. AND KElP IT WITH YOU AS YOU 80 HOIII-VIIWIH T 0 E 0 THREE BEDROOMS FOUR BEDROOMS 4521 Fna.•at. CAMEO SHORES. ... ·~· $595.000. s.t./S... 1-5 6M-9060. 45 R~ ....._ 1UR1'LEROCK. Open ~ 1-5.. 1175.000.644-9060. 79 s-W.-d. BIG CANYON. 1315.000. S.r ~ 1-5. 6M-9060. 1114 Ra1IMd Hoed. WESTWFF. 1113.000. ()pea Srashy 1·56t&-5777. 1228 Rlldud Roed. l WESTCUFF. 1139,500~ OpeD s rhy 1-5 6.11 -7300. 109 19th St., BA1.80A PENINSULA. ~ 2 ..... 1319.000. s.t./Sua. 1-5 631-1400. 114 ~BALBOA ISLAND. 1450.000. Saturday 1·5 673-6900. 700 Udo Park Drive, UOO PENINSULA. ...... home. $54,500. Sat./Sun. l-5 631·1400. 10 IWboa Cows. NEWPORT BEACH. b.yfront, family room.. $595.000 Open S.t./Sun. 12·5 M2-8235. THREE BEDROOMS 1301 ~ Tarace. IRVINE TERRACE. ~-$1 ,050.000. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 6.11-7300. 1930 Port 8rtRol C.de, HARBOR VIEW HOMES. $261,500. Open Sun. 1-5 631·7300. 1016 Doua DrM. WESTCUFF. pool/spa. $265.000. Open SAL/Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 152A s...n...la Tet"'IICCe. IRVINE TERRACE. 1395.000. Open Saturday 1-5 6.11·7•. 512 Roddonl PIKe. CAMEO HIGHI.ANDS.IIOOIMew.l199.900. Open Sat./SuA. 1-5 631-,. 3M Gelid I Mod. CORONA DEL MAR. 1539.000. 0,. Suetlty 1·5 675-6000. 16 R1lnll ow f .... 1URTl.EROCK. S..t.y 1·5. 6M-9060. 2100 E. 0.:... aw... f£NINSUl.A. 1195.000. s.t.JS... 1-5 6M-9060 .. 312 Poppv, COIIONA DEL MAR. 1395.000: Open SuM.y 1·5 64M060. 1543 Serenlde Ten .• CORONA DEL MAR. ... ta.ly. 1335.000 6M-9060~ 214 A~ BALBOA ISLAND. plus loft. M69.500. 64+9060. 2307 Port Carlele. SEAWIND. $259.000. Open Sunday 1·5 675-6000. 123 Grud c.-a, BALBOA ISLAND. ~ 1650.000. Open s..uxt.y 1·5 FOUR BEDROOMS 1658 UQh Orde. MESA VEJtD£. $175.000. Ope~ 1·5 631·7300. 1315 ~ W~. BAYCREST. $360,000. ()pea Sat./S... 1·5 6S1·7300. 1200 Poluta DrM. DOVER StiORES. pool/ ...... 1795,000. 0,. s.t./Sua. 1·5 6.11-)300.. 400 E~ Star "--. DOVER SHORES. clodl 1650.000. Op.a Swwh, 1·5 Ul-7300. 1101 YM:IIt ~ SEAVIEW, 1515.000. '"9990. ~ s--, 1-5. S S... W •"'"· HARBOR JUDGE. $1.3 ==~ Yliw. s •••• , 1·5640-Sm. 4 ~HARBOR JUDGE, e-lv roc.. SUOQ.OOO. 0,. SM./Sua. .... 631·1~. . 11 La R«h Ell, HARBOR RIDGE. pool. 11.450.000. Sundlly 1·5 644 , •• 1805 Gl r at d. BA YCREST ..... ta..lly. 1395.000. Sat./Sua. 1·5 , •• 9010 2651 :=?• .._ BAYSHORES. plu. ~ 1750. s-. 1·5 ... 9060 10!l11 ..,._ W-.y, HARBOR VIEW ttOMES. .... ~-1369.000. SManlay 1·5. 64+9060. 1617 B..,ehore DIM. YAOfTSMANS COVE. .... ......,. 11.795.000. ()pin s.,. clay 1·5 64+9060. 2482 Bayehons Drive. BA YSHORES. 11.650,000. OpeD Suaday 1·5 6M-9060. 2404 VIMa Hogu, BLUFFS. Sunday 1·5 $185.500. 6M-9060. 3801 TGplllde. CORONA DEL MAR. plus ·~ S315,00. S.Uclay 1·5 644-9060. 1836 Port WI .......... HARBOR VIEW HOMES. ..... t..~v. ~ 1·5 S26t.OOO 6t4-9060. 2011 Port ···='· HARBOR VIEW I HONES. 1335. s.t./S... 1-5 67HOOO. 971 Su • •a• • HARBOR VIEW H1US. 1315.000.: Swwhy 1·5 67~ FIVE OR MORE BEDROO S