HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-14 - Newport Harbor EnsignHE THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ISTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NlJMBt.R ,1 lllb7JO txJ -::::::::: CJ 0-~ ~o-o a" CTN 0 [Tl ':) ():) Ill • ~ N . t:=t:' (") c:: "1 >-~ cr ::: 0 I": \C)t)': N ...._ ~ z a> ::;:: Tennis TaUy: Some Power On Campus Profiles On The Local High School Players See Sporting Lile Don Porter Resigns As Chamber Director MCNe ~Surprise To Business Community See &low ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORO NA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14 lYRt • .~CENTS Taubaoan, Irvine Co. Chief, Meets With I easeholder FlntPbatoe ------------- A Homecoming For Heather City's annual budget and other official papers are Mayor Jackre Heathers reading material during weekend trip home from rehabilitation center as she eases back into routine These are first photos of Heather since she was hosprtalized last mon th Mayor Jaclue Heather spent "a rewarding" Ea..ter w .. kend at home Wlth her f&DU.ly, enjoytng "a pus" bom the advanced reha..bwtabon center at St Jude's m Fullerton. It wu her tint tnp to her Newport Beach r•ldence aince she auHered a stroke W..rcb 7, and wa.s perm1tted because abe bu ahown auch rap ad recovery, abe Mid. "I'm r...lly worldng at qebnq bac k to work," ahe said, "and making qood pro- greu. I'm leuninq a lot, u a qreat many people have bad to do , about shea manage· I ment. "1 won't go bac k to work before I'm ready-but we're still looking very strongly at beLng there to pres1de over the neil Caty C ounc1l m"tLng on Apnl 26 "Evelyn (Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Har1) as domg a fabulous JOb. I've spoken with her at lenqth, o n the phone, and wtth Bob Wynn (clly m&naqer), and Ken O.lino (executive au1stant) and other staff people. sta y· lng on top of what's g omQ on . I rMlly care about the c1 ty, and bow ita problems a re handled." r,, .. wo•ll c.;,,,:.., h'v •hp box !11 • ul .,, trr•' 11hlt' relephone rl• b.• ot! • r •nmer.ted about thl' llo• ,j \J! ,,., well w&shes no , • : • • 1 ••d Helms I {~At\ A irn11 "''J'o r J Lynn H .. Im ·v''=' to 1 rom1.se he "' u dr .r tl'o:tSP rhe noase 1~·. sl11 •I I hi! drrporl wh1le I wn •rw hos~ &tal. and Jerry Brc "'r , .. • '• that he thouqht 1 1 d .. 1r.., .... n.lt he wa:. domg ab t• 1 1 r.·~•rnQ offshore 01l drdl11. r ShP lauqht'd 'l d < 11 • r. " tb •u• any long rdl q • · rr m ...... , bul those wt•rl• ~ l •l'.rn ' tnouyhts · H •• ,·h .. · •dld she IS duto for '"'l '~'''' ·,, .. ,,},,,tJC'II' by doc rnr<. 11 l •h,·raptst!> later m lh• W~'l k Private Session With Scott Learned by Bwt Sima A AUred Taubman, cbamnan of the board of The lrvme Co., and Lou Scott, a member of the board oJ the Comm11tee of 4000 seelunQ barga1n1ng recoqn1hon from the land developer, bave held a pnvate meellng 10 New York, The Ens1gn has learned Meanwh1le the Comm1ttee bas called a rally m the Newport Marnott for th1s Wednesday, Apnl 14, at 7 30 p m . Members of the comm1ttee who learned unofhc tally of the Taubman-Scoll m"hng have ex- pressed hopes 11 could mean a posatble breakthrough, however slight, 1n theu eUorts to ad ueve recoqnJhon a.s a group and lorMtaH what they uy Me ~xor­ b1tant mcreases 1n p.syments on land they leaae m Newport Beach •nd {r VIDM However, an lrvLDe Co spokesman wbo confirmed the meehnq-wh1ch th1s newspaper had learned of from sources o ut- Side the c1ty mamtamed that the talks were he ld w1th the clear understandmg that only Scott's personal leasehold m the Bayaho res .chon of Newport Beach would be diSCussed The two met 1n Taubman's condomm1um m the Hotel P1erre. 11 was roported. after Taubman had di&C\4ssed the poss1b1hty wttb Peter Krelller . company pres1dent Barbara Young , pre sJdent of (Continued on ~qe 11) BridgeWork One westbound lane of the Upper Bay Bndqe on Pac1fl c Coast H1qhway wlll be closed from BaySide to Dove r th1s Wednesday. Apr&l 14. from 7 a m to 4 p m , C a lt rans an nounced An eastbound lane wtll be closed Thursday fo r the Mme penod, to accommodate wo rk crews Cny Cleric Wanda A Andersen Oeftl accep•s ubbOil t)e(! ~M box of pe11t1ons from refe rendum cC'n rmt'll'P chnr· • .1• ~1 ~ •' J• ,,,nson rght Others are (from left) Dr Mathe"' Rc•:... If ...,roc•N •1 ~s·d· r • Otck Nrchots, o f ResJdenr:) Act1on PI,, I' • t 1 I t '-( ;.~ • West Newport Legrslatrve Alliance p rt':.r 1•· Benning Project's Foes Report 6,305 Signers Opponents of the c1ty approved Bannmq development m West Newport now have a 30 day waJI to see 1f the&r efforts Will be rewaideC wt lh VICIOr)' On Monday they turned 1n 6 305 atgnaturea on pehhons seeltmq to have the C1ty C oun cil reacmd the approval of th e 1ndu.atnal·ofhce-res1deoha l pro )ect, o r put 11 to referendum A aunamum of 4.321 certlf1ed s1qnatures as requued sa1d C1ty Clerk Wanda A Andersen Sht' dehvered the pehho ns to thto county Rttglslrar of Voters The reoa.ttrar baa 30 days In which to determane tf the atqnaturea are tho.se of reoutered Newport Beach I vo•er~ ·w~ w ud r:· ... :O;'r rha• tn ... q o- 1 puol.c ' e,:d!"'cr ·han ''mplv I have •he "C't::1~'. rel; .nd a• · I "-<l d Milt> i ~:.H'r ·natrmdn o f thP We~t Newt><.:rt lt>QI'itcl'l ·p I Allrance :PtE'rerdum c<. m'T 1'te-e 1 We lef'. n<> •• n ·u hac; 'lOt reflecte1 •he Nt.l ! thepvple He as~\.o'"'d ''"''emf>• · c rod1hnq lhe st.CI"'f'"'~ ol 'he dnve de'>pt ,.. ~. IE'mE''".! wea'!'ler and vacatton~ · ~e dent& flea lion ol thE> pro P • ,. 3 m .,,.e a wav h c•m •ht ,., Gt>u .. ra l Plan 'q -1: ~,.I I '"' dt·l· '' restdenttll l 1 .. 1. ·c•nt,< u or '"''b He .,.,,d , at ol ·.-w Jld pr')vtdE> <lUI ,r, P I 'hE'<"" IJOC l 10 tultHE' iP ~ ;'~P-:11 de( ISIOnS 'Air War' A ares Over General Aviation Study Re.iqnalton ve-terday of Don K. Porter u esecuUYe du-ector of the tMwport Harbor ArM CMmbez of Commerc. took the buJin .. COJDJDUnity by SUrpn.M Porter .. id be bad been con· aicMriDc;r the move "foz quite awlllle. It'• a fOOd oroup to work wi~. and an .xcellent at&ff, but I clec:lded I waa rMdy tor a c._aA~. I ha~ •v•ral op~ Uou 1 want to COD.tkMr." He becaJU euaat " director m Ju.u 1m. after aa..rlD9 a peltJMiniUp Ul Ul JmM pUWC ..a.t~ou..,..oy,laberCoa· •\lalcattoeelateruuoul. Porter .... retired tro. .... u.s. FOI'ellt S.moe. CM•a.rpr.ldeatC.rol .......... ....... .. ,. • ., ...... ol ..... , ..... -..o~ .............. .,_ -~ ... M»····--•••• r ...... -..uMy. .......... kill ..... .. lt.il ..., ........... Surpra.e acbon wlucb last week utenct.d the March lo r a qeneral a~tion l.cility 11te Ul eoulk Orange County ha.s I<Jmt eel a w.r of viewpolnls betw .. n county IUpervilon. A 3-2 vote a.d by Supervisor &tlpll CJ.rk trashed the adv1ce of the county' a &irpor1 manaqer, Murry Cable, and ordered aoot.Mz atudy. C.We had cited Wlde com· mWlltJ oppocltion to tucb a p.rotect, and recommended 1t be chopped. RDey 'In Dleh"zr AJMI• • Report la-D II\ c A muntJ ..a me commun1ty re- I spon-.o':i h.we bee n unan1mou.a I o~ po 1n\J vote~ by the Sa..n Juan C.l ptstrano C1ty Counc1l and the S.ut Clem@nte C1ty Co uoc tl-a tot.sl r•prea.ntahon of nearly 45,000 south county r.aidenta- c\Qatnsl plactnQ such a fac1Uty Ln theu ared The con!lulhng turn had luted San Juan CrHit, nHrby Bell C Htvon Santaaqo Canyon and th Lvt-Alam1tos Armed Fore .. Ro erve Center aa four ''tech· n1callv lf'aalbl•" loeahona for • o ener I AVIc\hon ileld R1ley ~ad "l felt we'd bad a ltue r tlect•on o f th• oppo.tUon And my ma1l has made it clMrly e v1d nt. I don't put u lot of stock on th ~tters aU worded the m.e way. and ~..t It, d Uerent pees> ... Jut ~ U... bMn a I t oJ ot •n. I ......._ nd ow the •• Uoa peop&e felt bultrated-but ~., bMr It • n't 109 to ap~ . .. A d t Clark Mel Mn. Wteder started 1t happen1no aq&ul ... IWey Mtd be bad mterpreted Nn Wled.r'a attitude .U tb_rougb ea.rher dlac:u.aaiona "u a 'no' vote. rm IDON upeet with H.arri~ than with Clark. He n...-.r w U.tened to the vo ce of tll• wlt.ol.e cou..oty His aupport comee troa A.uheia C.nMt and DlmeyLand and thaw biq oper•ton up th•re-and he dole a job ku theJD. "a-at Mn. Wa.der cowd h.a•e clo.d it all wt. Wy CODOWD - aboGt O\U ~9 !AI II*' 1ato th1a llt.ia9 lo ...... lt .... " alaoWd ILa ..... r.alwd lM oth•r clay.'' (whlch Cl.rk said be wan ted) " Clark's mobon for another study aked for apeclfac pro1ec bou oc wb.at actwilly would be the nature of such upect. aa potenb&l b.nanClDg, ll&e and types ol auporta, noa.e UD~cts. oUJD.ber of aircraft beLOO COD .tdered, &andownen ' desued pnc., ov.J'I!MiDq authoraty &nd other f.acton 1n rel.tion to NCb of tlM Sou 1\l~ed at .. W'-det ud Sllpef"*UOr Roqer StutOD .w.d witA ClArk. lbley ud bo&rd ciWnu.n Bruc. ....._. ~ IQ&iut tlke mo· .sa.. "He (Clark) •joya a CJood op- pomwtJ,,. IUd Iiiey, la ob- rioM .... ...oe to tiM Met DOM olt.M .. , ... d ......... CleNI clilbict . ...,.. allport __ , ....... ialo )lie ....... Ia ............. lor u Oftllay ol •• :..,_ oa top ol \M "'*to.! ........ ...,.,. lbldy • a.n ••Hmr' ..... lM ... ...., llillooUI..a ......... .... ...... -~ ........ . 100 lllJr:l •• -... , .... .... .,.. ~ 0..~ (Auty .o. ............. u) .... I W~g ,. • .,. AprU 14. ltl2 The lMwpott Eaaip IN SHORT AD Ia...._ VIew OftUore oil clrl11U:lg beyond the Newport BeacA eopt u well ui.DdJu Uiain wtlJ be dl.cuu· eel bt loJ S....,..l, ct.puty ...WUt MCMt.uy of the ln· terior, OD friclay, April 16, at a 7:30 •·•· ...U.g ~o.ored by the bualn-clftelopment com· mitt .. of tile Newport Harbor ArM Cbaaber ol Commerce. The pu.hllc LllDvfted to the 1111ioa i.D the N.wport W.rriott Hotel. The S5 tioket iDcludee cooti.Dnt&l breakf.ut. RHtauraDt 'Showca:ae' Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce'• br..Jdut m"tino next Tu..day, April 20, will featwe a "Showcue of R..taurante", accordino to preaident Jim Wood. Owners aod cheb from many estabhahmeoll in Corona del Nar will adch ... the 7:30a.m. m"tinO at Sherman Gardena. That Tax Deadline Four area poetotfice• will re- main open Wlttl midoioht Thurs· day, AprU 15, to accept and poetmark federal and elate in· come tu return~. They are in Santa Ana, 2201 N. Grand Ave.; Anaheim, 701 N. Loua; Oranoe, 1075 N. Tu.tin Ave .. aod l.aQWla N1ouel, 29911 Niquel Road. Public Schools W .. k Newport Beach res1deote have been woed "to vwt our pubuc echoob dunno th1a period to aawne thea r .. pooeun.hty to leam the facti about our educ a- tional eystem and to mfonn themMlv" regul&rly of our ~ehool probJeme and proor .... " in a procla.maUon de.ionatino April 18-25 u Public School. w .. 1r. The encowaoement to join m the Grand Lodoe oJ Muon• commemoration of the week wu prepared by Wayor Jackie HMther before abe wu hoapital!Eed lut month. "Drl•lng Test Appoint- ments State o..,.rtment of Motor Vebicl .. chivino teate, beQl.JlD· 1n9 yeaterday, have been placed on an appointment buia whic h oUiciab aa.id is more efbcient and leu time-cooeuminq than the previou. wait-your-tum pro- cedure. Appointments may be made at the llme dnvers ucen.ae ap- plicants have completed the wntten port1on of their ezamina- tlon lJl the office, or by telephone any time after the written portion has been com- pleted, officials said. Caspers 'Open House' Exhibits by local nature centere, hiatorical oroupa, native American artiata and en- vironmental orqan1za.llooe will be a fealure of the county's "Open House" th1a Sunday, April 18, at Ronald W. Cupen Wilderness Park, on Orteqa Hiohway. There abo will be demonatra- hona by a bee-keeper. and a search and r..cue team, aa well as a live anunal exhuut and other attrachona. CARPET DRAPERY and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SPECIALIST 20o/o DISCOUNT (XPIA(S APRil 28TH 198:1 1710 lent• An• •••. C08TA-&A DO YOU HAVE A CHOICE? Contrary to what you have heard, cremation, memorial or burial societies have no exclusivity on low cost funeral arrangements. As a highly respected and long establish- ed mortuary. Baltz-Bergeron. Smith and Tuthill can carry out your wis hes, often at a lower cost and without any membership fee. The dignity of death can be main- tained as simply or elegantly as you would wish through cremation, alternate service or a traditional funeral by consulting with a member of the Baltz-Bergeron, Smith and Tuthill staff. You DO have a choice-so before investing in a membership, caU Baltz- Bergeron, Smith and Tuthill for in- formation about the lowest cost and type of service that best suits your needs and desires. In the Baltz-Bergeron, Smith and Tuthill tradition. we assure you ... • NO MEMBERSHIP FEE e GUARANTEED PRICES e Full disclos ure of costs • Understanding • Freedom of Choice • Experience • Respect of belief and customs .. ---.. ._.. .,._. ... -~ ... ~ ~ ~ .... -. -.._ ... --....----... ._ --··- PTA Awarcla n. Corou del Mar Hiqh 8cMOI PTA nceatly p,...nted Ullorary ~ ewudt to four ladl.wlula hom the PTA and twchteo ttaff at a fou..adere Day lwaclaecm. 'fte rec:lpleDa .. r. Pla.ie DuA!uo of the echool PI'A, and ~ rlah, a t•cher. AJ.o honored were Narioa lle.na.y, continuing •mce eward, u.d Joyce Au.tio, very IP80f,el penoll. TheM award. are COGMrred by PTA in epeci&l recoouJtioo of outlt&Dcllno •J'V· lee to ctilclren and youth. DMiouted fundi ue aeDt hom the PTA to Califom..t.e ~tate PTA in the name of the honor .. and a .. re donated to a .pecialecbola.r- ebip fund. Ho.ta Cal11om.ta Department of Pub and Recreation il recruit- inq volunt .. r camp boat. to .. rve in 54 parb throuqhout the elate. The department i.e loolrino for people who like to camp, who enjoy helpino people, and who have talenll they'd like to ahare with othen. Camp ho.ta welcome camp- era, acquaint viaiton with aotiv- iti" aod faciliti .. of the parb, and do minor maintenance job.. Tb.y enJoy tr .. campait•, eoae with hoolr-upe. Dan Flores (18) moves off IN~ at left • Lee Smith 119) takes the baton end ie cheered onward during relay. Contorted face mirrOtS lee Smhh • s gruelling effort. Newpon Police ChaDenge Death Valley Recollection.~ of the ord..t aa.i.Dute after midoiqht," w'd Employ ... Aaaocia\ion. of the Death Valley 116-mtle Officer Pete Perrin, one of Said Chief Pete Groa: marathon relay run late lut the racers, "and wu won by "Those men put out a month still eprinkle the coo-eo L.A. County Sheriff's tremendou. eUort. We're all veraatiooe of Newport Beech team in a record time of 12 proud of them." Police Department officers. hou.re, 34 minutes and 27 Said Perrin: "We'll do bet- Ninet"n of them formed ..conde." ter next year." the squad which fi.niahed an The officers competinn ff I 2 The race wu liuuted to " uno 1cia 1 th in a field of 32 were Mike Blitch, Lee Chap-_~. f th U five law enforcement anen-cuter one o • o icen wu "' man, John Desmond, Myles overcome with exhau.tion ci .. ; the L.A. Sheriffa, L.A. Ehinq, Dan Flor ... Bruce just SO yards from the fi.n18h Police Department, Newport Foater, Bob Gerard, Trent of his leo. Beach Police Department, Harris, John Kelley, Tom Each of 18 officers ran 6.2 California Hiohway Patrol Litt;e, Dave Noon, Tim and the U.S . SecTet Service. mUea (10 kilometers), with Newman, Greq Palmer, Pete the nineteenth ooino a Newport's aponeore who Paooa, Pete Perrin, Steve oruelliog four milea uphUl to helped defray ezpenMa were Sdrinoola, Lee Smith, Doug the finiah. Avco Financial Corp .. and Thomu and Ron VaUercamp. "The race etarted at one the Newport Beach PoUce _Burt Slma M.aaaeen Re•gr· wm AAt•• II YMCAaro.. ••• ad.y rel and Peqqy W1therspoon, all fey, of lrvme; PbyU1s Kn1ght, of Santa Ana; Sharon Mass, Newport Beach, and Barbara Anahe1m; Kathleen Hiooma, Shelton, Corona del Mar. "Volunteeriam: America'• H1gh Return Inv .. tment" wiU be the theme of the adchess to be g1ven by Maureen Reaoan, U.S. aenatonal candidate, at the 58th annual meelmg and dinner for the South Orange CoUDty YWCA at the Newporter on Wednesday, AprU 21. The followino women have accepted norrunahon to the YWC A board of duectors and will be 1nlroduced at the meehno: Jean Aldnch (Mrs. Daruel). Newport Beach; MarUyn Boyd, lrvme; Helen B)erum, Vida Dean, MarJone Kauth, Jane La.nd, Glona Sher· Laguna Beac h, and Glona Julagay, Garden Grove Harbor area res1dents conhnu 1ng on the board 1nclude Dmah Benson, Sharon Eaterley, Can· dace Bibby and Naroaret GaJ. Adv1sors from th1s area to be added to the board tnclude Rev. Jane Ann Moore, lrvme. DEALER It PUBLIC WELCOME when the occasion coils for d1amond oro gemologist CALL . . . DIAMOND CO. C714) 7&2-2203 GEMOLOGICAL SERVICES Reaervahona: 542-3577. We Keep You Sm11ing ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p.m. All Insurance Programs Welco'me Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergenc~ervice PETER T . SMJCEK. JR .. DDS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 104 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 155·12 155·13 165· 13 165~141 175·14 185·14 175/70/13 1 l3 49.82 49.82 55.82 59.82 59.82 88.82 5i.82 82 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • c F s J am. ha\ 18t , .. of 4 c., J Mit will the boc Mal will ' var taU: Eu IAQ oro w .. T COli w. and f. A F• Cu an Ne, Mo by waa CO• anc It hor COD mat per lng T M .. Ne• Ne• the the stat dev of ~ pul: City'sM Festival Scheduled All Oruoe County utilta, am.ateur u w.U u proJ ... icmal, b&ve been 1Dvtted to enter the 18th uaual Newport Beach Arta F..Uval acb«<u.led the w .. kend oJ April 24-25 at Newport C.nte r'a Juluon laland. All art media ia acceptable, a&id otficial.a, and Mveral prta .. will be a warded. Alto, some of the &rt.iata will b&ve dUplay bootha 1D which they may m&rket their work. Children'• art will be diapl.yed, u well. Arliaan.a will demonalrate varioua crafta, and live enter- ta.inment will 1nclude Mtddle !.utern and AJro-H.aat.._n dane· lllO, llDQell, aoloata, choral oroupe, orchMtru and banda, at wu announced. The 1Dtemational feauvalaa co.ponored by the Fuhion lalud Nerch&nta Auociation and the city A rta Commiaaion. Houra will be noon to 5. AaotherPIIper F•CoeetM..U. Culver City Mar-Vasta Journal, an 1ndependenl Journal Ne wspaper bued m Santa Monica, wu acquared tha week by Coaat Med1a Newapapers, at wu announced by Coast Mecha co-Publiahera Rlchard Bronner and Bob Payson. It will be dutnbuted to 16,500 homes, and will continue to be controlled carculahon wath total mullet covera9e reachtnQ 87 percent of Culver C1t~ dwell· 109 uruts. TbJa acqutaahon by Coast Media-whach publishes The Newport Em1gn, Cosio Meso News and lrvme Today-marks the 14th newspaper acquared by the company smce mad-1979, stated co-owner Payson All are devoted to l.ncLvadual coveraQe of the area 1n wbac h each a.a publiabed. ACADEMY UFE-ITWON'T BE THAT LAID-BACK, NEWPORT STYLE by Jocly Becker No ltereo. No televaaon No w .. kend fun The hfe style will certAinly be atypa~l for a youno man who ... about to oraduate from Corona del Mar H19h School. Davad South of Newport Beach 1.1 headed for the Unated States Au force Academy at Colorado SpnnQs, Colorado The son of Kent and R014he Smath of Newport Beac h . he racu up a Qrade- poant averaQe of 3.83, a a member of the htQh school varsaty swam team and the Symphomc Band, and was the 19al-1982 drum mato r He seems hke a pr1me can- dadate for the local •naver- sattes o ffenng lour years of "kack-back" fun 1n the sun and a lsttle bat of tame so the l1brary and lecture halls The dalference as that unlalce many of has class- mates , Smath wall fore90 the fratern&ty club parltes and sh1ny sports cars of southern Cahforn&a campus Isle to "hve Idee a monic " "I sometsmes wonder sf maybe I am a little crazy to be g&vtng all of thts up . but I realsze that Newport Beac h 1s a dream world," says Sm1th "People react d1fferently when l tell them I am g otng to a mtlttcHy school K1ds at school wtll tust loolc at me Iunny and say 'Oh. thctt's nsce'. I don't th1nlc too many o f them know what IS 1nvolv eel On the o ther hctnd. teachers and older members of the communsly have been really supportive Mv grand mo ther th1nks 1t's the greatest thmg a person could d o " Exactly what ts mvolved as a lot of hard wo rk It be9an th1s fall when Gm 1th hied hts prehmanary ctpphcatsons DA V ID SMITH FoiJowano the prehms. he wu requtred to take physacal strenQth teats and exam- lnahoru Next, he sought nomanahons from state offs. c1ala He was nornanated b y ConQreuman Robert &dhctm (R-Newport Beac h) AJter what he descrabes a.s "thousands of appltcatso n forma and essays," and waahnQ 10 suspense, Smsth waa n ohhed 1n mad-Marc h of has appomtment to the Au f orce Ac ademy He as to repo rt sn July He as look1nQ at a r1qo ro us scenano lor the next year GraduahnQ from h1g h school on June 17, he has only 10 days of vac ahon befo re he must report to basac traanmg (boot camp) at the academy After the summer s pent sn trasnmg, he wtll beQan ha!> mahtary educatson as ct plebe Obv1ously opt1mtsllc Smtih says he thanks the c hanQe of eovtronment wdl be "very exc1hn9 and !>hould buald c haracter " Smalh counters the neqa lave ctspects o f a mal1ta ry e x 1stenc e by poanllnQ out the outstandang advantaqes He wall be a computer sc1ence physacs maJor whose entue educahon wall be cost free ln add1taon to tu111on room and board and b<XJJ..s. hP wall rece1ve a monthly dlll owancf' of S-450 Alter compltotaon .Jl underqraduare atudae• liP Ntd, he w.tl pro bai..Jly ., .... ~.-d masters deqrt•t' u. phv'>w~ and then ..ervt> h,, t.v .. V"df commlllmt'nl a .. ol• oll1r ... r Vaewtnq rurrPnt mtl1lc1rv aflau!>, Sm11h .,.,e., El Salvado r cts a proLit-m Lu1 doubts the ~rcJbclbd1ty 'f U S lnlervf'ralcr,rc tllfiiJ th ... recent lt!Qt'>ld lltJII lhc:~t r•· qu1res Congre">stuudl c:1ppr .v al ~fore mubdlllf•rJ t roop~ "That wouldn't lAc-u rt-ol p roblem fc..r mt-~·nc..uc:~lly anyway bPrau to I'll l>t· wh.-.1 they c all d dP">~ mcuo " hf-' sa1d S~culc:~IIUII., d•ldt-Sm11h face:. h1 !> lutc;r .. w&lh <1 mdt- dnd lteep!> rf'mucduaq hcmseo ll that altt>r lrP<>hmdfc Vf'ttr lhtngs wdl prrJLdbi-1 Pll••ll t,.. a lattle fun J Perhapb somt>whc:1t '>lfficldr deCtSIOO<; dOd POVIfUilm('nb confr o nt lwu Lither lo~c:~l younqstt-r!> Badham abv c:~nn<m nced the appotntmf:ont t..f Caruly1c Spauld1ng dOd Ch~t~topht:r W ooiiCJik to W et.l Potnt Carntyn Spauld1nq llef11 w1tl tr)Jrl SISter Kathy lcenterl a t Wesa Prun• Wrll Kr&s 111P bfo n~~t > Spauldmq I'> " Newpo r• Beach rf''>ldent res1d1nq 111 1 Lvnd un ""'11h ht-r pcHenls ""'herP lw oltt'nds Lvndun Central HHJh Schvol Shf' 1• " member of 1ht-vars&ty lfOJievball baslretball and c rCJss country team!> and c dp taw:, h.-r var~11y tenn1s team A mpm ber ul 1 hto NatJOnct l Honur SCJru>Jy Spauld1nq wdl 1v1n t~ ... r -.1s1er Kathy presenrlv a tuniOr a t W est Po1 nt W oolfolw the ~n of Wr and Mrs Clifford Woolfo lk. 325 Vailta Bay Carcle. Costa Mesa w11l be qraduated from Newport Harbor HaQh School tn June He has been named to the ho nor roll every semester been a member of the vau1ty swamm1n9 and walto r polo teams and receav- ed lvp recoqnahon from the c tty ot Newport Beach LO 1978 lor ha!> AAU sw1mrn1DQ record TOGETHERNESS A ntct mdn tn Newport 's poltce department has done something that our clfy qovPrnment has been trytng -and fatltng -to do f or a long ttme: he has brought together the lrvtne Company, the environmentalists. the Fish and Game Department and City government •tself The organtzer o f these forces is Ttm Newman. o ur Ctty's ltller control officer The focus uf all o f 1 hts togetherness 1s a maJor bay cleanup program that w1l l happen on Saturday. Aprtl 24 That day. we wtll see youngsters from the Cal1fornia Conservation Corps JOtnmg w ith local c tttzens tn a cleanup sweep to tidy up our bcly SPON w111 furntsh the btg g reen plast•c lttter bags. NEW YORK DESIGNER It ~~ the ktnct c1f undertaktng that spaw ns prrde m o ur emmonment Political dtHerences Cdr• be put as1de for th1s day as we all ftnd some un1ty of purpose. SPRING FASHIONS women's men's fashlof's A ··command post" fo r thts war on lttter w tll be set up near the YMCA in the Back Bay area There •s a lot o f garbage m the Back Bay. too. and that area wtll certatnly be combed very closely by the antt-htter troops The Harbor Patrol w1ll help by concentratang on ptcktng up as much floatang debrts as poss•ble Refreshments wall be served to partacapanrs Several bustnessmen have o Hered ltletr help and d ondt1ons o f merchandtse to the eHo rt If you w e::trH to JOtn the antt ltlter drmy lor navy) that day. or if you have anythtng to offer ytve T rm N ewman a call at 644 3652 Tell htm you heard about 11 frorn SPON. and that yo.; want to help out You'll feel yood about tt and so wrll the bay at a 40· 70% discount S.P.O.N. COSTA MISA 17~ NIWPOIT ILVD. (714 ) 646·71SS CULVER CITV 9608 VENICE Bt VD 559-~8 T~ Multaple Sckrosas Suppoc1 Group meets the ~ond and fourth Sunday" of e"et} month Next meeuna Apnl H . 2-4 p m an the hosptlaJ ·~ so- c tal ~rv•ce~ off~ee Call 76().23~ for more tnfo APRIL HEALTH FAIR '82 Get • f ra '-alth le.Jl! Eye 1e t • twann1 lnb. pulmonary function • t • b6ood pn urc check • he•&N and weljhc mea. ~me .. and much. muctl more. 10 1.m.-S p.m. Hole HolcMl.ll Con· r....-. c~. t41Wk" f)llf'' B~weacomi. lr\'tne re~tdcnb' Prepared chlldbtnh c~ we taupr rtJhC tn your own nee& bofNlod 0 Call 76(). SC)40 for lunh and place~ ...----~-=- VENICE 8 HORIZON AVE 399-8890 H~\C ~illhtn~ pn,hkm' · Learn ho"' Ill 'hlp 'II~\~ tnJ Dt-.c'O\t'r hu"' e\er~•~ can ~lp f:onlercO\·e Cen tcr. t lOp m IX oor ~ue,t ' A psyc:bolo&tSt dt~l»~\ bow 10 cct lht mow t of ltfe. And 1 ~ll 1M lh-CJ lOme dovtn 10-ca.nll .tva about mcd"" ll.tOtn for b ulmcn Cl'llft· faHcc Cc.ftlltr. I.J.O r m EYC:t)oac we~ • STOP POllUTING OUR NEWPORT P.O. lOX 102, IALIOA ISLAIID. CA 12!112 Gflelp ~s eelebrate! \' Ho.s~ \lenwra.tl Ht"ptl..al Pre'b~tc.-n.tn enler' It\ lOth year. we tO\Ite \ttll It' ''"" u' 1n ~c.-khr ... ttn)..' -\' .t u'mmun1t) re~)un:e . we recogmu o ur fl''J"ln,rht hi\ "' ...~rc.-.s ~ollllt:n' '111 ••nh to help you get bcuer when )OU ·re 't'" ~ But .al''' ''' 11-eer ~ou "'dl h~ rw' tJtn~ health educ..ttton. blood pres.- 'urc.-1. he~. II., ,tnJ 'fteu..tl c:H~nh ,u~. h ..t' He..alth Fatr "K:! ...cheduled tor Apnl ~' Ht·re ' ...1 1. .tlenJ.tr 111 h.tppc.-ntng' lllr the ne\t lew da)':oo }tltO u' ''''" t '''U 't ,,ur g,);.J he..tlth 1' our bc.,l barthda) pre~nl Ke,tc"' .1 ...... ,., ... r,· J\,u l .atllt' '''' th••'4' ~A I~· h.a'' .AI~.Kh IJ~~o n prcp..ar~.·J 1.htiJh1nh ln,trUdlllO .at Htl.t~ H'''fllt.al T"'" "'' nm~ -.e"mn, I-ce \Ill CJII 7NI ~~,MO tur mnre rn ln HI IIi It , '-Jttnn.tl I thr .tr' \\ ed. '\111•11 throu)!h the h\hpt t tl ' mcJ~~o:..tl lshr.u\ l e.arn t~•ut h<.tlth ''"1<0\l.' llhr..tr •.an'h1p .mJ all(.-dk. .tl ter mm•'l''~) I ~ p m A muah wed.' Have )OW b~ pre~1ourc c hcc:tcd at ~~ Hoaa Ho ps&al HuJlh V n 11 Clct~ Bank. 2910 Hathor Boute"'ard. C~• ~it-Y& t ' p rn Frw 1>.. ad. the h~al ' A~nd an o\mcn~.:an Cancer Soctet) \top \lllOl.•na Cltis soon It ' ~ld ~aularf)' dunng the V.tt~ l1l ~~ hosptaJ C•ll 7'~ 8600 for tnfo A Siudy Of A Study? It ia commendable that, ocCasionally, elected oflicials realise they have not been automatically endowed with infinite wiadom upon takinq office, and they spend some tu do&n for the advice oJ qperls. However, there com .. a time when this claim that a study ia needed becom• 1uch a crass political ploy that it1 buic motivation ahould be held sharply to the light. Such occurred last week when, by a vote of 3-2, County Supervisor Ralph Clark was able to command still another outlay for a study on top of a study. ClaM to $100,000 of taxpayers' money already has been spent on what has been labeled a "technically feasible" look at four su9qested sites for a general avta· tion facility in the south county. Alonq the way, there was a miserable lack of communication-on purpose, or otherwise-between the board and the county residents most concerned wirh thoM four sites. Word qot out that the study was under- way, and a large number of folks, alarmed that no public hearings had been designated, feared the worst-that the board was about to run something around them. So they demanded, and very kindly received, permission to conduct hearings before their own city councils. This occurred in San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente-and the representatives of 45,000 residents reqiatered a unanimous negative to the idea of placing a general aviation facility in their area. Supervisor Tom Riley and board chairman Bruce Nestande got the pessaqe-scrub the idea. But Clark refused to accept this; he moved for another study with more specifics, since no actual pro- posal had been made incorporating these. Clark, Riley pointed out, "enjoys an opportunity; the airfield isn't goinq in his district." The people in the impacted communities are not in- terested in the specifics. They aren't interested in vary- ing scales of air traffic, safety and noise. They simply don't want any of it . They made that clear. Even Murry Cable, the county's airport manager, recommended the proposal be dropped. But Supervisors Harriett Wieder and Roger Stanton sided with Clark. Wieder's action completely dumb- founded Riley, despite her explanation later that she had decided a decision as important as this should be based on more facts. Wieder and Stanton, liie Clark, deliberately 1gnored one huoe fact: thousands of residents are against building a multi-million dollal' facility for a relahve handful of private aircraft owners. Those owners, righteous as their cause might be under many ctr· cumttances, are frustrated because what they want is totally aoainst the wishes of an overwhelming majority. Whatever size, a facility for 200 aircraft or 2,000, that majority didn't bother to ask; it knew it didn't want 1l 1n any configuration. It is indeed unfortunate that Clark, Wieder and Stanton do not hear that same overwhelm- ing majority. And because they don't, or won't, their a c hons are goinq to coat the taxpayers several more thousands of dollars . If those elected offic1als have to spend money. they should hnd a betteJ' place. BRS Where To Write Your Representatives Followtng are the addreuea for governmental repreMota IJvft Hrv1ng Costa Mesa UNITED STATES SENAT£ A&.n C ranllon. lO!IfiO Wolahue la..t . Room 920. Loa Anq•l• C A iOQ2A (213) 824 7&U S I H.tvakawa 523 W Sib St Sll&le 812, Los Anqelet CA 90014 (213) 688 6081 UNITID StATts CONGRESS Robert S.dhotm 180 Newport Center Drove Suol• l 40 Newport S..ch CA 92660 STATI SENATE Jobn G Sdurull. 36th DuoC 11ct 4600 Cuap~a Dr . Newpor1 S..ch CA 92660. 9N-9170 80A~D OF SUPDVISORS T~oau r l1loey. D~nct S. H•ll nf AdJil&n.-rahoa. 10 Ctvtc Center PJ.u. s-ta Ana. CA 92'701 834·3550 CITY COUNC il Weyor a&d Coty Council Cotl.t MeM Ctty H.U. P 0 Boa 1200 Cutt• W.... CA 92626 27211 COMC Hwy , Com~U cW W.r, CA 92625-9990 Ptlb&.aaaed ....kJy oa w-...-., EdJkJnal Uld su. p~-613-(lSSO IJCHA.RD IIONHD . Co·plolblulher 101 PAYSON Co pu.bU••• STKVI HA.Dl.A.JIIl) Geoe.r&l ~ IURT &INS , . ldltor LILAliD I()U)f1) A.oc:la .. lditot IIU ~ • . Adv•ltJi~JftO Oi.-c-.r JON WKm . . • . . .. lew! AdY«ttl8t.a9 ... M9fl MUCUS llii'IZ. CH.alS10YHII LlliCII . • . 8po11.t lotport.n u•n a..o. . . . PM~OGl•M• A.LAJif W &CHOir • . . . . . . . • • . . • ProdKbotl W.Jl41qer ,. ~ .._ (U8'1........,-.-....... ....... -... _ ... ~ ......... _ tty_,....._ ...... ...., 14. lttl, • ~ •-....... A 101.,_ oa ... _,., C-.• ....... c...., .. o.-..... ~ ...... -....-............. , ........ . ...... -.............. ... ,..~ .............. _ ...... c.., .. ._ ................. .. ~-..... .... ...._,..._ne..,_. CllrAW-................... ...... o-1......... tiS 11_,..,. ... .......... ............. ............. c-............. .._.. .._..._ ... "-'C...~ .. ,,......... ... ,_.., ............ --,.... .... ._.._ --..~ ......... ~ ... o... ......... a-.. .......... c.. ... --.. -- Letters To The Editor No-Growth Ideology To the Edtto r: We w1sh to com.tnend Coun- ctlwoma.o Ruthelyn Plummer for her co urageous stand on the Banmng Ranch development and he r past efforts towards help tng Newport Beac h become c1 progressive and dehghtful c tty for "all" of tts cthzens. The few disruptive groups who d tsp lay the arrogance 10 thetr !hmlung. namely, "If you don't meet our de mands and do tt our way 100 percent, we wulthreat· en you wtth a recall or refe ren dum," fortunately c1re not the maJorat y, desp1le thetr clatms We JUSt do not beheve lhal the great stlent ma)onty of Newport Beach Clh&ens a re of thts tlk a nd represent thlS lund of negative, no-g rowth td eoloqy These self·servmg forces, lackmg forestg ht and appa rent knowledge of common-sense e conOmiCS, wu), 1f the y have thetr way, force thts c1ty mto a stagnated , no·g rowth posture and a subsequent rende&vous with a second or lhtrd class ctty stc1 lure Certa mly the last elec- tion proved that th1s ts not what the ma)onty of our c 1hzens wanted from where do these g roups expect to obtam the funds for the bddly needed and long over· d ue h1ghway tmprovements tn ou r c1ty other than the funds offe red by the respective pr~vale property developers? Surely the past year has clearly andtcated very ltllle, tf any. fundmg wtU be lorth·commg from CaJTrans, desptte, the amou nt of gas taxes patd by lhe people of our c om muntly The c tty does not have lhe lt nanc1al muscle to accom pltsh the neM ed htghway tm· provements bemg ot Newport Beach will not be retarded and destroyed by narrow-mmded local walls ol no- growth and subsequent econ- omtc malaue whsch goes hand- in-band with job losses aDd the resultant detenoralion of the economtc hfe-blood of the com· munily. Fossil Lo•en To the Edltor: E. P. Beoaon Newport Beach We blew there were fouil lovers out there lD Ora.nQe County, but they didn't lmow that the Natural H.iatory FoUAda- hoo wu here untU you wrote the feature, "They're DiC)QUlQ Into Ora.oge C ounty lbatory" m Llfeatyle, March 17. Thank you for belpmg ua fi.nd the people who aC)r ... that Ora.oge County d ... rves a museum oJ natural h.i.atory, and pleaM uk your r.adera to call 545·8967 il they want to prepare fosstl.a and exhi.b1t.a at our new facuity m Rea Community Center lD CO&ta W.... Marqo Stuart Development Coorchnato.r Natural Hutory Foundation ol Orange County A Hard Look To the Edltor: An accura te hard look at the lrvme Co. downcout eKP&DalOD plan caU. for the con.atnlctio.o of Pelican Hill.. Road u a require- ment to developme.ot of 10-atory hotel. and officea, Wlth 2,000 estate boawe. The lrvtne Co 'a request for 1ncreued General Pl&n denaity ID ra.hion Wand from 79-1 to 81 -3 Wlth the carrot of Pelica.n Hllll Road ia like cpving two brid .. the aame ri.og u a token of reaonaibihty LD conaU~~UDating two deal.. Ronald KeJUledy Borin· Again! To the Edltor: .. .....,.,... ... It appean that Secretaty of the Interior James Watt IJI hell· bent on placi.og ou dnlli.og plat- forms off our Newport Beac h coast. I feel this i.ncunion can- not be ezpJai.oed away by Mr Watt's being a bori.o' aQai.o Christian. Alison-isms To the Editor: T. Duncan Stewart Corona del Mar I may atarl a JOUlllal re: my six-year-old daughter, Ahao.o, a.od call it, "CODU.Dg of AQe m Newport Beach." I wrote you when abe wu four, relati.no how her llttJe uund had uaim.ilated Chri&tmu to be conaa.atent with her Newport Beach upbrillqing. "Santa Claua does not have reind .. r," inaial· ed Aliao.o, be "hu a Nercedea Be.oz!" La.at year I again wrote you. Aliaon, now five, liate.oed intent- ly u I r.ad to beJ from her natute book. When I came to the pa.rl where the ook atated that the jaguat i.a the f.aat .. t land a.oimal, abe looked up a.nd a&id, "I thou9ht a Ferrari is (uter." Now for the lat..t bulletin. Lut niC)ht abe a.od another ural grader were Mrioualy diacualDg a problem the little lrie.od was havino. "I mow I abould.n't, but I )u..l can't help 1t. 1 love to eat crayon.a. 1 wi.ah I would atop." Al.i.aon pondered for a moment, then offered, "Maybe you should go to R&le1gh Hilla!" John D. ROMo Newport Beach TIU.t Mw.poper wel~ your vie...-.. !Allen mu.l be aigned, tmd we prefer to UN D(J.IIJM:-but il1il1ol8 OZl/y wJJJ be UMKJ, upon requ..t. w. 1'8ft1Ve tbe rigbtlo condeue. Here'• your cbOIJce lo .-peak out. The prevalltng theory of the ''no growth ac hv1sts" -that by dotng nothmg the trafhc congea- lton tn our c1l)' wtU ulltmately dtsappear wtll not prove out For example, the sta te w11l very soon start de velopment of the huge C rystal Cove park and then stud tes proJect th4l two mtlhoo Vl.ltlora wtlJ be attracted to the park area annually Tht.a added traff.tc waJl suHocate Corona del Mar and laguna Beac h unless by-pass road tmprovementa offered by deyel opera are constructed. The park tmprovemeol fund.log does not mclude hsghway tmprovemeola oula1de of the park proper. CONSUMER CORNER Wath the bloelraoe of the Newpor1 Center bua.ld-out and the Baruu.oo Ranch develop- runt, S38 mi.UJo.o wo.rth of eaM.DIUtl b ohway 111\PIOVemeD , whach h•ve been lono taUred about, wu.i be lost. Add Uoiv•rady Driv• •xt•Jl•klll, aJi you cu ,I'Mdlly ... wbJ •ay • ptOCJfi poutbl. h)!Qbway ••pron••tt ua Newport ~ trill • ..,.. pOIIlb~ -., the n891!UYe eltita of tlae DO- ~ . .aw. . .-.....~hyol .. We ..,. ~ tint, eo we en 901DO to ND tbe .... wUl 1A DO "AJ prodDC~e • ~, 1ttoo9 ud Ylai* Newport IMcb fa lh• ,..,.~. We hope "-• future eod .,.u. O..r Conaumer League A w.ek •oo I took my vacuum cle&ner to a re~ir ahop. The rePain were do.oe well atld th• vacuum woabd, eo J paid for the repalra. Then I realiaed tbet my vacu11a wu uoder warruty. 1 went b.lck to the aore, DOtt- ed them my warra.o.ty Uip and ubd icu my laODff bec.k . They aa1d I~ would .. act •• 1 check. WeU. I'" .U*I ud l'v. e&lled but D04.h.IA9 bu ~-I aa utkled to •J ·~ b.c:kJ AJeA't I? Worrantl• ant tb<»e little book.Je~ or p.iec. ol ~r lhol we alt1110p Joee. <Ale ol tlJe Con- •umer lAogue memben ba.lolc/ u• that th• belli ploce to t..p all your ti/I'Gri'OftU. u In tb. oltoch· menlltolder ol your vocuu.ca cleoDe.~. ftu Ju:mg tlteltold.r ID tiHf .. .,..,, .,...., ~ o/ )lOUr doael •• rou don't hove an ol#oc._.,.l ewe, 1 ~ o ploMJc ~ btlt(IAung on o iXMI Ill,.. . Patllow eo.n..r~ • JOURNAUSI~ JOURNAL by )lm F ehou "Would half a million dollar• push you i.nto a higher tu bracket?" That provocahve question came nudway through a radto commercsal for McOonald'a, the i.nternahonal hamburger auper· power, u I wa.s drivi.ng toward a supermarket. It was o.oe of the most interesting and enjoyable radio spots I had beard in a long time, pitching the current promotion by McDonald's. The come-on is one of those inaid- ioua games where you collect coupons or squares, match them to illuatrahons i.n a little booklet, hopi.ng to complete a picture and Wlll a big pri&e . It's very similar to promotions by several of the supermarket cha1os, notably Von's and Ralph's, a.od for weeks, u I've done some oJ the family shop- ptng, I've collected the squates a.od put them astde lD the lutcheo. Now the McDonald's commer- csaltngoered a response, a hope, a dream. There'• a little bit of make-believe in each of ua, a smoulderi.og hope that someday, With little or no effort, we would strike it nch, uncover that vei.o of gold in our own httle Sutter's mill, or puncture an otl guaher while oa.rdeoi.og. Why, who k.oowa, maybe that coiJectioo of aupennarket coupons or squares harbored a haven from fiscal anxiety. McDonald's lop pri&e is a nt.fty $500,000. The markets offer a.oythmg hom free mercha.od.lse -aD "ilulellll WIDDer" -to $50,000 for an "inata.ot wlD.Der" stamp o r a completed ptclure. Head.lng home, I bega.n to pscture what I would do with my wmnlDgs. Suppose I had a $50,000 wlDJler in that collecllo.o 10 the kttchen. I could buy a Cadillac to match my oeigh- bor'a. Or turn m our well-worn motor c oach on a fanc y new JOb. Or make a ma)Or down payment on that Hawauan condominium. Or ... the human i.maglDahon 1s colorful and boundless. Tbe little pue of folded coupons was still where I had left tl, along wtth some unre- turned telephone messages. I had p1cked up a booklet at the aupermarket, and now I could.o't wast to ex.unme the collecboo, teanng the conh.ning edqes nervoualy a.od bttulg coupon to matchmg ptcture. The.re were ma.ny duphcat .. that bad to be tO&Md. But there were aome elements to aome oJ the pages, and I aooo had at least one aquare filled on each page. Fo ur to au were requued to clatm a pn~e. I worked fast. At my age, you don't have time to aquander on the path to fame a.od fortune. Each new duplicate became more m.addenlDg. Each square required more atreogth to tear Paheoce a not one of my mO&I adm1rable tratta. But if b.com- mg a milhonaare w.u my objec- tive, 1 bad to peraevere. Suddenly, I was lucky Voila! A winDer! There 1a alwaya a MDM oJ elahon, of golden tnumph, when you lind the lucky Jelly bea.n , or tbe lucky ownber on a pu..ucb- card, or the three cherrte. in • row m a alot machme. You t .. l that your aklU had been rewud· ed. "I drew 13 .-pad .. at b,ldoe lut niC)ht; how'a that for p)ay- ino?" So even tf my pria.e wun't all that CJrut, tt w•• aU m1A•. II wu t.be lint atep toward bec:oelog a llliWoaa.Lre. W.U, maybe AOt • ltep;a ...U crawl. But J:O\l •ut crawl belote you .-.. ud walk be&o1'8 JOQ nm, rem-her. 1 .... Jutia Dart dklo'l be«m • a aillloaal1'8 o..J1U9~t. He Mel to et.utec•wJ.ere. H1 bo sic pr• Ea 0 hrat proj Cou Auc; dra1 B· proj d .. i Ne"' gr-. S2 ,j Mite A the prot 1ect s..o oJ S A 0.0 I Cha for wu mo~ by I E Spa A. haY COli lD I fro a Str• vill. f. pro Co1 the lor whJ "ga pol. volt ~~N8~~.--.--~.--=~~~~==~1 GOPm~~ The Newpott Enalgn W.dn.esdof. April 14. 1112 Page$ Caart Won't lcet PSA Add Flight. AtJobn Wayne ATreatForChldleil Hank Cordier. ownet" of the Bey Window cruise boat. has had a special door cut into the vessel's side so it may load wheelchair patients-and thus provide a method for creppled children to board Each veat. Cordier. the Newport Harbor Jaycees and the Ttektockers play host to Cnppled Ch1ldren's SocietY youngsters for an afternoon on the water. At left. Joy Wynkoop serves some treats. At right, Cordier and Dick Stoddard lrightl. of Jaycees, assist a passenger. St•ff photos bv Sceve CanCid'' Tbne-Sbare Walts, Bay Cleanup OK'd Oeciaton on Newport Beach's lint time·shariDQ condomillium project wu poatponed by City Council thaa w .. k until late AuQuat to 9ive the city tlme to draw a requlatinQ ordinance. But another conatruction pro1ect-tbe lonQ·&w&ited deailtatioo faciliti" for Upper Newport &y-were Qiven the oreen liQht with awardinQ of a $2,783,550,80 coJltract to J.W. Mitchell Co., Inc., of Irvine. At ita atudy ... 1on earlier. the council beQan retiew of the propoMd c1ty budget which pro· 1ectt eapenditu.r• of $40,814,955 u aQ&in.st revenuea of $42,892,900. At the f'e9War Muion, action on All aQreement with artiat Chri.a Mat.on .. kinQ payment for hU Johll Wayne .culpture wu ct.layecl until May 10 to monitor fulld·raiai.DQ activities by Newport Jaycees. Earlier, R.V. HOQan Co. and Spa.ngler/Scb.achtman and A.oclat•, Newport S..ch, who bave applied for a permit to coD.Itruct a 20-nnit condOID.UIJum u:a IJdo VillaQe, met oppoaition from CouncUma.n Ooll&Jd Stzau., in who. c:li.ltnct the villaoelies. He traced the biatory of the project tbrouob a Pl&rulUIO CommiwiOll dental, an appeal to the City CouncU and a requ•t lor a continuuce until May 10, wlucb be decned u "o&mumanabip". Strauu pointed out the councu bad voted in J&nuary not to take &e· hoo unhl a time·share ordinance was passed estabhshtog Qu.idelines. PlallJWlg Ouector hm Hewicker satd the staff bad been Qlven oumeroua other a.ssionmeots, and bad been unable to work on the suggested QI.Udehnes. Strauss' mohon that the matter be conhnued unhl August 23 to permat hme to work on a tune· share ordmance c.srned, 6-0. (Mayor Jackie Heather lS bo.pltalued.) The Upper Bay achon floated throuob u a calendar 1tem after mOlltha of leg1.1lahve work by Auemblywoman Ma raan BerQesoo, Mayor Heat~r and other ctty oUtctals. John Miller, an enQmeer who ba.a been ac· tive lD promohng bay cleanup, took the counc•l microphone lonq eoouqb to alate he was there, "Just to say hooray for the pro)ect" Fundlnq wtll come from the alate Water Resources Control Board, the ctty of Newport Beach, The Irvme Co., and 0Tanoe County. The at4te Department of Fi.ah and Game ll contnbuhnQ $700,000 u:a an &e· compa.nylllQ project. Ben Nolan, c1ty publlc worlts dlrector, reported the .cbedule ca.l1a for completloo of the work by October 15, 1982. It will involve e~cavatu:aq a low- Uow channel u:a San Otego cr .. k. d .. peninQ the creek I channel, 1natallino atructurea u:a the cb&DDel to catch .Ut, and excav&tillQ a buln 10 the upper bay beyond Jamboree Road. The biohest b1d noted on the publ.ac worb atall report was $5,727,000 from Pascal and Ludw19, Inc., lD Upland. Other councu achon tnclud ed: -Granhng (6-0) the Magac Island club u:a Lido Vtllage a padcu:aQ vanance which ats operator, Michael A. Calhe, sa1d would permit the opera· hoo of luncbtlme bus tours to the club and sboppmg mall He satd the buses would be parked two miles away. Coun calman John Cox successJully moved the operahoo be giVen a SlX·montb tnal. -At!kinQ tor further study on a be&Qbt-limit moratonum af· fectillQ blufJa1de homes m the Cltf:f Haven a.rea. Burt Sirn' A Bergeson Booster "The Bergeson Boosters" sup port qroup for As.semblywom.sn Manan Bergeson, 74th Assembly Dutnct, wtll sponsor a $15-a -hd:et beoebt performance of tbe "Royal fanuly" on F nday, Apnl 16, at the Newport Harbor Ac tors Theater. Nancy Ebseo, daector of the theater; and her husband, actor Buddy EbMn, &nd the cast will 1010 the audience at a refresh meot hour foUowu:aQ the per formance. Information· ~5133. For many years before his death 1n 19EK>. hardware store owner AI Forgn ran a weekly personal-opinion ad in The Ensign Soon. these w1ll be published agatn 1n book form Meanwhile, his widow Peg has dec1ded to repeat some of the ads Thrs one appeared April2, 19EK> Everybody was tallung about the budget . remember J BALANCING BUDGETS Now that election time is growing near. we hear the btg·shot pohlte18ns talk1ng about balanced budgets It IS sort of hke the flowers bloommg •n spring. the swallows returnmg to Cap.strano and the openmg o f baseball season Balance-the-Budget Season Wlll be Wtth us until November Thefe really are some s1mple ways to balance the federal budget. cf these guys are senous about it. They should knock off Federal Ae11enue Shanng Thcs IS probably the bcggest s1nglc waste of taxpayer money They collect bdhons from local people 1n federal taxes. then dole the money back out to local polrucans who don"t ha11e the guts to ask for local money for local programs Along the way. most of the money gets spent tor ''adm1mstratcve costs " Next. they should knock off tnhentance taxes and reduce income taxes Th1s mcomE' could be more than replaced by mcreastng the ta)(es on booze. Cigarettes. qambhnq dnd other 1u)(ur1eS ThiS makes a heck. of a lot more sense than pulltng a heavy tax on tht> gasoline thar the worktng man needs to get to work The huge hquor lobby fights to protect Itself. but I th1nk booze •s less tmportan r rha11 gasoline. so let's talC it Add SO oents tax to a can of beer $1 to a bottle of w•ne and hom $2 to $5, depending on the s1ze of the bottle. to hard hquor Cigarettes should be taxed until they cost $2 per pack A nybodv who 1s foolish enougt to ruin his health and the health of those around htm by mhahnq and exhaling IOlltC c1garette smoke should pay extremely htgh ta•es , Look at the expenses the public has to face because of booze and tobacco Acc1denrs caused by drunk drivers push up car 1nsurance rates Alcoholic wards at the pubhc and private hospitals are a huge e)(pense Restaurants and other busmeses. 1n an attempt lf.l protect the health of at least some of their customers, must provrde separate dtmng areds for ~era and non-smokers All of the customer$ pay for thiS extra expense The horae tracks and the gambling cas1nos should also be h1t 11ery hcav1ly wuh added taxes. They will ecream bk)ody murder, but to hefl Wtth them People who hve at the ex pense of ot~. without providing any benefit to anybody. should pay the max1mum Don't ltsten to thetr hogwash about how many people's jobs depend upon booze. c1gar eu• and ~ing. That'a e dumb argument If we can't keep people work.._g Wlthoot rnor1ing to that kind of garbage wotk. then we're doing t0me1hlng wrong Now. let'a see how lerioul Jimmy Pt nut and tM Oetn<>crat•c Congress really are about bNneing the budget young Leaders A majOr lNdenlup tnahtute lor studenta u:ater•ted u:a govenuDent and politlca aa beinQ offered by the Repu.bl.ac.n Party of Or&nQe County. &Dd r ... rn· tioua abould be m&iled by Tbun· dAy, April 22. the orQ&D.Uen ao.oounoed. lteynote ·~h ... policy •JD.Uia.rl and 1niormal m .. llilCJI with an array of d..a.atu:aquiahed ~n are programmed at the oonierencv lD the resort com· mwlity of Colo de Cua on Saturday. May 1. Or. Steven Rosen, sen tor analyal oJ the Rand Corporation and conatdered an expert on the Middle &ut, w1U be the dumer speaker. Hiqh school JUDtora and sentora and college studeoll are ehqtble to attend, wtth the S15 fee i.ncludloq bua transportatsoo lnfonnahoo: 646·6101 U S. Di.trict Court Judqe Terry Hatter refu.eed Monday to qr.nt Pacilic Southwe~~t Aulmea perm.i.Maoa to add two more lliQhta to ita d&&Jy achedule ua· &DQ Johll Wayne Auport. JudQe hatter told PSA at· tomeya they would have to tue tbe1r propoMl before Oraoqe County SupeJV\.IOn before .... · 109 a ruh.aQ from btm. lt ll unlikely that the super· VlSOJ'I will allow PSA to add two (hqhta to ita pr ... nt allotment of two thghta da&Jy . UpplnQ the number would vaolale the aupervaor·unpoMd haul of 41 puseo9er Jet fhohta dauy at the county auport. County otfJctal.a bad hoped JudQe Hatter would rule on the valadlty of that 41 -fllght hmll, but the tudqe poatpooed a deca 110n on th&t a.ue to May 10 The county bu been 1n an out of the cou rta u 1t t n .. to UDpolle a luxut on 1•t lliohta. JudQe Hat· ter re)ected one county plan which oave 85 percent oJ aU John Wayne thqhta to AlrCal and Repubhc The new ace .. plaJ1 a. baNd upon a com· phcated aystem that would even tuaUy grant more flsQbta to aulmes that fly q\ueler jell If the plan 11 approved, Au· Cal and Repubhc would gradually 10M then built·u:a ad· vaotaqe and the lhghta lost would be placed 10 a pool that would be dlvtded up a.mooo the "quletest" a.ulmes The plan's um aa to b.lp the aarport eventually m .. t alate &1J' noue standards w1thout SIQn&hcaoUy cuttmq th.e number of lhqhts uSlnQ the held. &\ Here's Your Invitatioo to ~ Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian's Health ir , . /' ., , . Sunday, April2S 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Grace Hoag Conference Center 301 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beacb • Blood pressure checks • Hearing screening • Eye tests • Pulmonary function tests • Body mechanics demonstrations • Facts on prepared childbirth • Dancerobu.;:s Free Health Lectures • Coo:>nary risk factors • Oral screening exam • Suicide prevention information • Helpful hints oo good nutrition • Height and weight measwemeots • Biofeedbaa readings • Stress management Plu.~ dlsplays from the American l..ung Assoctaoon. the American Cancer Soctet). the American Heart Association. Amencan Olabeses Assoclation. Alcoholism Council of Orange Counry. and Paramedic . Mc~y. Alma Hill, Marsha Paluci, JacquM O.Lobel and Paul WUJJama (maybe he will compoee the acore for Frankenheimer'a propoMd fUm). • • Maz9• and Jack Aru.on hoeted a reun.ion party for all the travelen who attended the Pa.ri.aian 8uCjJe Trip orgebed by Ruthie Jen.aen. Everyone wu requeated to br· in9 theu photot, which recalled thia fun trip. The group had auch a 9ood time that they have aiCjJDed up for the '83 uip Ruthie hu planned. Amono thoae who believe in Vive Paril were Jeno ed Alber· to Peuaon, Pat Fredencb, Gloria Ruaton, Amy Guton, Ellie and Dick Sa.ale, Joan and Dave Dorothy, Joan and Lyle Toni and Ken Oliphant (left) with Harry Allene and Mary lou Hopkins at The FB$hionables cookbook party. Photo by Peggy Darnell Stevens and Anne Cohn and and Ernie Bryant, Marguerite Gordon Jones. Shaw and David Steinmetz, Jack . . . Downie and Joanne Muir and Janet and Collis Holladay (left to nght) at the Caltech Associates dinner. Gr .. nway, Naomi Lauohinohouae, Roaarlo A9uirre, Robert Smith, Bly and Carl Loveljfren, Dede and Berlimi BoQart, Geruude and Sam Stockton, Lucille Kuehn, Gloria Rae, Sheri and Ab Lope:a, Joan and Suu.nne Brewer, ~ill Williama, Jo Wells, Fred Nicastro and Jackie Ballard. The A.aociatee of California lutitute of Technoloqy in the Oranoe County area met at the eleCjJADt Santa Ana Country Club for dinner. After dinner, ldwin Munqer, proJeaor of oeoqraphy-o at Caltech, and a leadino American authority on South Africa, spoke on the ilsues facinq that nation today. Roberta, Howard Adler, Maynard Anderaon, Dr. ed Mra. Arnold Beckman, the LMter Blounts, Erylan ed William Gould, Litt1e Hicb and Mac McCulley, Connie and Andzew Morthland, ed Helen O'Brien, HARBORLITES by Dina •oD lwger ThOM Fosl:tionable ladies and their oenteel men have done it &CjJain. They have come up Wlth a gr.at fund·raiMr- "fuhiona.ble FOO<i. from California." The cookbook 1s 8Cheduled for pnntinq m the early fall. But before the rec1pes ue accepted for prmt, the "t.-tino · tastino oonu11ttee" con· lilting of Norma Neyer, Mary O.vt., Annette Hurwit:a, Ton1 Oliphant, Myrna SaJtiq, Kay Turner, Dolores Virtue and Susie Grosa have dectded to have a series of parties to--what et.?-taste and test. The fint p.uty. chaired by Nary Lou Hopkins, was held at the attzactive residence of the Ken OUphants. Patty Brennan, Mary, Annette, Mildzed Mead, Nary Lou, Norma (who brought Dori deltnuJ's stuJfed mualuooms-dJd you know that Dori has opened a bouhque call· eel Tbe Lily Filly? A uruque upect ot Uorfa boutique tOJ' lit· tle qirla a that the cprla reqister what they would like to have.), Pe9w Cotton. Gloria Oabrlnk, Lynn Osen, Myrna, Kay Turner and Patricia Groth all brought appetizers for the men's commit· tee of Tbe Fosbionables for their taste and approval. A "Four Smile" response came hom the followmo: Donna and Ralph Anderson, Georqe Brenne, Les Cotton, Bill Davis (who is training for the Masters' NAAU swimming championships to be held m May m Austin, Texas), Jack Groth, Shulee and Bob Guggenheim, Rusty and Bill Hood, Mary and Chester Marcell, William Mead, Jonathan Meyer. Diane and Jim Myerson, Raymond O.bnnk, Jean Tandowsky and Bill Otm mit, Donald Osen, Ernest Saftig, John Turner, Peggy Darnell, Lmk Spurzem and Nora and Charles Hester. Midway through thts delightful party, dapper Harry bene announced, "Mary Lou has accepted to be my perma nent eocial secretary and Wlll siqn the contract in May." On Palm Sunday, Mary Lou and Harry were brunchmg at the Photo by V1ck1 Pearson BBC en laaune. They confided that was the day they choose to share theu joy with their respec· tive children: Bob and Bill Hopkina and Norm bene. Much happiness to this c harm· inq couple. Formula I racino is always 10 e xcitinq to watch. Combine the race with the eleqant party Noet et Chandan hosts at the Lono Beach Grand Prix and it's real.Jy excitmo. Jean Marie DuBoia opeM the BuUet .Campognarde (the menu is overwhelming; but to qive you 'an idea-it included smoked quall, foilt oras, patea, pastries, Hennessey cafe, etc., et al.) with the biggest bottle of cham· paone Moet et Chandan makes. Jean Marie taps the bottle with a ceremonial sword, out pops the cork, the champaqne flows and flows and flows-and the party begms. Some 2,000 were invited to watch the Lon9 Beach race on closed c u cuit television. Amonq them were Bebe Anderson, Ruth Jensen, Joanie and Bernard Caluer, Rhonda and ldward Stedler, John Frankeuheimer (who was researchino for another racing movie-he did Gran Pnx). Beatrice ed Bob The prevtew p.uty for Destgn· mg Women's annual "Color It OranCjJe," student art exlubit was held at the LaCjJuna Beach School of Art. Amono the members and questa who attended were Pat ed Richazd Allen, Polly Ober, Jo and Arthur Shapiro, Athalie Clazk, Nellie Reeves, Mwiel Reynolds and John BraUn, Ollie and Stan Hill, Mane McDev.iJ.t, Betty Turnbull, Barbara and Alex Bowie, Pat and Robert Hitt, Kathy and Benjamm Miller (Pat and Kathy are sisters and have donated a studio to the school in the name of their late mother, Vera Reilly.), Othera were Barbara and Gerald Evers, JoAnn Lll· moaworth, Joleen Parham, Kathy and Jack Schoellerman, Patricia and Terence Moran, Beth Koch, Lois and Roberl Thomas. Glona and John Nooney. Freces Bury and 'Thomu Swick, Joan and Dick PI no The Auociatea were founded in 1926. Today they have over 800 me:m.bera reeid.ino throuoh· out the w•tern world. This year'a president is Collis Holle· day of Newport Beach and San Marino. Amono the me:m.bera and qu..ta who attended were Gay Others were Robert McCook, Elba Smith, the Joseph Roseners, Suzene Rudolph, the Henry Swenertons, Chari•• Thomas. the Nick Uqrina, the Phillip Anthonys, Id Baum, the Daryl Butchers, the J. F. Bishops, the William Chapins, the Buzqea O.mpstera, Cluka Linderman and Dick Stemmler, the Nick Williams, and ACjJDel and Roscoe Howell. Robert and Pat Hitt (left) and Kathy and Benjamin Miller one of the student's exhibits at the "Color It Orange" preview party. l6g lcrMn lV ... 4-6 Happy Hour ,,.. Hof d'ouven The gjft for all seasons and oc;x:..a4tJns For any good reuonl .. ""---:-~ Paula's OPEN FOR LUNCH e come join us on the patio e RESERVATIONS 675-4720 2813 Villa Way Caanery Villqe, Newport Beada ) ·'~ ~:OQLL~RS SENSE ,. •• I • j U I'» Flnaaclal Man1gement Seminar forWorun .. .:. .. APAI~ 9-23 ~ .. • ao. 9 a.m ·S.,p.m. ~ ~ .. ,. Bt~• Bay Clu • N'w~ ~act? ,,. r ... \ , " '' ' ... Anniversary. birthday, graduation ... Purchase for your buaineu to give to customers- TAXD~! ADD SHEEN CONDITION and COLOR NA TURJ\U Y with FRANESI U.S.A . the low ammonta $2 5 0 0 hau color ftE .. MANII .. T WAVE . S48 SHAMPOO. CUT a aTYL& SIB b.ENNY/S H IR DESIGN WOm.M on(} tMn e7s-oea Sil"nPe t on 18 month certifiCOte accounts Rates and terfl)S orl w fixed-rate accounts are subject to change without notice Substantk:JI interest penalty fcx early Wlthci'awol Call fa complete detail$ Check ~,1otes-vou wtll be pteosontly upOsed. Rates and terms ~t to change. so call today tor the latest intormotiOt\ ~. ,...._ . .....,......,_.,:~~ -'· ._,. ._. ..,... -.---'r"-.-~ ' ~ I. ' f •.• • ••• ----· .• 1& ........ :...~, =-~-· . We have money to loon fa rear estate Aeose contact R.H "Oictc'' Tumcliff or Jonathan l<leswetter tor on opplcotlon and detOIIs. See James P. ~. Trust Offtcer. fOI ,._ wtth 01 VOl..,._ ~ need& Elie Roy, Escrow omoer. IS prepared to cUlt vou Withal types of real estate trar'liOCttOni. 11 Fa lk lD ll1 Ca-t4 fin all cuh day, A colle the J ahipa Cow The t nino at u• Th hono of th. She ' form dent w rece. clasa anstr Otl II c ... c -I .. . .. . The Newport EnsJgn Wednesday Apral 14. IW2 PQ98 1 11 Area Youths Compete Shoffner. Loynea Vows Exchanged NAWIC $5,000 Scholarships wen 1Ai9h Shoffner, Newport a...ch, a.nd Jack Rad- ford l.o,Dee, WQUD& Niquel, have uc~ weddtnq .ow. at the Gorda Lb lD Newport Beech, ud ue reUcliDQ iD ltcondido. Fashion Show Eleven young muaicuana hvang 10 lrnne, Newport Beec h and Mesa Wlll be among the finaliatl compehng for SS,OOO m cuh acholanhip &warda Sun- day, Aprtl 18. A total oJ 27 hagh school and colleqe atudenta Wlll audahon for the Jane Gray Porter Scholar- ship apo~ored by the Orange County Philharmonic Socaety The final• will .be held begin. ning at noon in the concert hall at UCI. The annual compehhon honors the lint woman prestdenl of the aociety, who d1ed 10 1977. She wu the wife of John Porter, formerly eJtecutive vace presa· dent of the Irv1ne Co Winnmg college students w1ll receive $1 ,000 10 eac h of three clasail:ications: voace, p1ano, and 10strumental other than paano WE PAY TOP sss FOIIIiOOD CLEAI USED CAMERAS Breng Your CM*I or llfY Photographic Equip ., tor 1 FREE ac>Pflls.l CAL'S CAMERAS 1770 Newport ao.vard Costa 11m. CMbiWI 92627 (714) ... 1313 A• • Stop Poltstunc Your S.tverw;~re .. , .... ..-. " ,, .. .. . . \" .. . ... .... ... . :. .. . .... ............ ._ .. .. .. ... -... '-..,._.,,_ ...... _ v ........ I"W .. "4)11'.... • 0 D~l f''P'~\ ()pi (MN '*..,.._ ......... 10)0 lr·f· .. --, (.t~l 1•1 •1) .. 4) APRIL 19 Beat hlqb achool mua1c1a~ Wlll rece1ve SSOO .. ch m the aame thrM cateqorl ... A apecial JUdQn &Ward of $500 wul be Qtven . The fmal competitive aud•- horu are open to the public . Student• wUl be admatted frM; other adulta will be charqed $1. The bride, dauqhter of Wr and Mn. Jerry Shoffner, Newport Beach, wu qraduated from Newport Harbor High and attended San Olec;ro State. The brideqroom, 110n of Wr . and Mn. Radford Loyn ... Laguna Niguel, wu graduated from San R&fael High a.nd &1110 attended San Dieqo State. He il A fuudraW.nQ brunch and luluon ahow apoa.ored by the Nation.al A.uoclAtion of Women ill Coa.truction, Saddlebackl C.pmra.no Chapter 221. will be held at the Mamott Hotel 1D Fuhion bland Saturday, Aprtl 17. The proceeda will aupport the chapter' 1 uauta.nce to the Women'• Tranaitional Center of Oranqe County, and scholar lh1p for atudenta pl&rlDtng a buildlllq induatry career Local young musician• who passed prelimlDary auditions and w11l now compete in the final• mclude baritone Charlea H. Lucu, pianilta David Peter Coppen and Daniel Shapiro, viohat Scott Gruber, and v1olincelliat Maria Lane, all of Newport Beach; harp11l JeDilifer Malone and pianists Oouqlu l.Jma and Mario Ornelaa of Irvme; and sopranQ Meliaa Toah, bantone Dale Tracy and oboea~t James baaca of Costa Mesa. employed by Floyd Re&lty, MR. AND MRS JACK LOYNES The 10:30 brunch will be followed by a Neiman-Marcua lhowinq oJ aprinQ fuhlO~ Information: 547-9571 lacondido. Beth Koch photo Ballet Pacifica In Weekend Show Plua Two" a.t.o by Zab, to Bach, contam• a geometrac concept "Boxed". choreographed an 1970 by J1U Sweet, completes Cluaical, neo-cl.uaical and modem worb will be performed by Ballet Pacifica dancen thia Playhouse in Laguna Beach "Ballet Portraatl, 18th Cen- tury" wu choreographed by LUa Zali to muaic by Corelh "Thr .. w .. kend at l.aquna Moulton - Are vou ready to vote on Propos't'on Q? Collfornto s experts wtll debo e Its contr::Ners l woter tSSue or APRIL 15th at 7:00 P.M. ~e Mornott HOte f'JevvPQrt Beocr SPEAKING ~ lHE CNW.- ~ KeniledV ~c; s• » ' *-., *" : ·.' 1· 1 '' 1\fte!t ..JC> I )I :..Kl'• ' Jeny Mefol [):>p.. "V • •¥"' )I SPEAKING ~NST THE CNW.-nrn lfk:ll (0111()1' j' ~ ')I ' ) I ~\0'1"-' Ed Gleemann AMCine'V r , ty-,s,...,.r· ,... : .. •• • I ....._, t .. ). 1-.. "r•'\ t .) } ;\:I ' •'ll"""f""!tf"W •,-w ~. ~ ,..'-_. ._ ·~ '( y I ' t • • the proqram. John £. 'BCotn CUSfOM PHCYTl1GRAPHY We Are PROUD To Have Plaotopaphecl . • • We Would Be PROUD To Photograph Your Child C\i'J -·· s,.;.. c..-St-ial 41i) New ..... Atril,.... CID 711-1717 lNt £. Pa.cific Ceut Hwy. C.....Ml-..,CA American Home~ MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: Your Money always earns what it· s worth at American Home T hrift and Loan! 9% ANNUALYIILD s.s~ Open 6 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. SIMPLI INYIUST 632 LIOO PARK DRtVE NEWPORT BEACH OHM WATER NEXT TO DElANEY'S AESTAURANf Sale starts Thursday, Apri l 15 . i l. • . \ ! ; . ( . ; PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS tAIIAcaDfl'lO f«) TERM IIUBINTS . f«) PENALTY BIRIHS S.ver&J Newport Beach-uM coup! .. added bab1n to tbeu bouMbolda recently B~rths reported by Hoag MemoriAl Hocpatal Presbytenan mcluJed: Mr and Mrs Ronald Peltz, o•rl; Mr and Mrs Earn•t Owena. boy, Mr and Nn. Richard Blac kwell, garl; Nz. and Mrs Dav1d New. boy; Mr. and Mn . JeHrey Jolly. boy; M~. a.nd Mra Davad Welllnqton, rprl; Mr. and Mrs John PauliCh, boy; Mr. and Mra John JenMD, qul; Mr . and Mrs. Donald :0..1, qul; Mr. and Mr1. Frank H.tnman, boy; Mr and Mrs Mark Cherry, boy, Mr. and Mrs Jeffrey Larrabee, boy; Mr and Mn. Randall A .... boy, Mr. and Mrs. John !nQlwh, Qtrl I • /2 OPF JUIDMOilE Till I BY MAL FilE 11W&ER (f flii)S 1500 MINIMUM Men's and Women's Sportswear ) . ; , :.._ ! : ... c ••• ,. .......... ...,. Y.W II .._.. • ---. c••en_... •ilJ. at·~-:-;:!t· ud--U. -.o~••s:ta '• ~ "'-'_._... ......... OnN#DAILY MoNDA~IDAY I ·5 P.M. Paya •• ~ .. U.l ~ 110.-.... ...... ~ ...... t.,I6L ..... CALL FOil CllllaENT ~TES • ..... I W .. t I hJ. ApU ... 1-The JCewpan Eallp D FOO Greek Easter Spedaltl" Gnek Iuter il april 18 thia yeu and ~ the mea important .. ent m the Greek Orthodox Chwch with celebra- Uou ud traditions atilt widely obeerv.d wherever there is a Greek family. It il the oJle tillle of year when Greeb abtoed try to come home. The date of Euler ia dete1'1Dined by the Julian calenc:t.r and mu.t always follow the Jewish Pusover. The early Gr .. k Chrlati.an.s ilnproviaed a speci&l brMd made on- ly of Dour ud water and ahaped it to retem· ble two anna folded in prayer. Toc:t.y thia il mown .. the pretzel. TheM breach were crwahec:l ud UMd u toppinqs for all kinds of dilhes. Lttle pretzeb floated in bowt. of lentil soup. During Easter week red eQCJa are exchang- ed among friends and g1ven to qu .. ts. lnsteacl of a handahake, eggs are cracked on greelmg. Here are some tradi- tional recipes: Tsoureka or Lampropsomo Greek Easter Bread For two loaves, braad- ed: 1 cup mtlk 1 shck sweet butter 2 packages dry yeast 1/2 cup sugar, plus a little more 1 tsp. salt 2 large eggs, beaten 1/4 c up fresh orange JUICe 2 tbsps. orange rmd or candled and hnely chopped 4 1/2-5 cups salted Uour melted butler/m.llk/eqg tor the glaze 6 red eqgs l /4 cup sesame teeds or sllvered and blanch- ed almonds. You will abo need two bread nngs or other SUJtable pan or baJung sheet In a small saucepan, combme the malk and butter over a low heat. unt1l the butte r melts Transfe r to a small maxmg bowl, and cool until lukewarm Add the yeast and 1/2 c up of sugar. sllrrang a ht- tle unhl at dassolves Leave an a warm place lo r 15 manutes o r unlll at ts loamy Add the beaten eggs, salt, hall the orange ruc ae and orange nnd Star well Stu m the s1hed flour enough to make a good dough you may need a httle an oven •t at 375°F (o,-25 DllDUte.. Remove and bruah the loevee with the olu ........ if uaino the m..ilk glue, uae ...ame...dsand aprinkle them over the loev~ Return to the OYell and bake lor another 15 llllnut• or . until tlle loavn eou.nd hollow when tApped on the bottom. Trander the loa.-to a rac:k and t.t cool. Iuter !gva l:olt.ina A voa 1 doa. eoc;ra (white) 2 cupt water or more 1/2 cup white wiJle vinegar reclfcod~t ino ud vlJleoat, to a cool. u .. kmo a --formezetb" {Udblta) c h .... wtth Oour, and ciepeoda on type boil aDd boll lor OM cond h.tch, add a little when •rvmg ouzo. when the olive oil Ia UMCI-1 e.p. ahou1d be miDute. Lower the 894iJS more wtneQU to the Uuno eather hot, fry the piecea of ~Ufficient. carefully bato the water. kefaloUn or kuaeri ch .... on both aid" N.B. A Uttle blu. ool-weter. m&ktnv ocae Who cool. aoak ch .... : cut the ch .... until oolden brown. orioq could a1eo be ad-.. ,. .. OD)y ia .... pan. 10111• cotton wool with inlo piec" of about an Sprinkle with lemon dec!. U there ueloo aany olin oil and wipe each inch M~UAre and l /2" Juice and a lillie Wub ud dry NCb ewa. mab • eecond 899 canfully. Wipe thick. In a heavy bot-ground pepper and 899· Leave the 8998 h.tch. with a dry cloth and tomed Mule pan (a serve very bot, maybe out of the refrigerator Si.auaer very oeully •noecold. amall two-handled pan on very thin piec" of UJltil they are al I'OOia for 20 minut• or Saoanaka ia traditionally UM<l) whole wheal bread, but temperature. lonoer. Bemove from (Fried ch .... ) heat enough olsve oil to thlS •• not neceasary. Brino the water, the water witll a alotted 1'hia ia a delSh that cover the bottom well together with the color-spoon and allow to can be made Dual the piecft of Happy Easter! more than the rectpe calla for Transfer the dough to a flo ured surface and knead we ll With hghtly floured hngers, fo r 15 mmutes, o r unhl the dough IS smooth R ed X P rodU('t." S.tlt" C ~ t ~· u t ll· r \ -, ,, " , l p I u \ v Place the dough m a laroe buttered bowl and leave m a warm pl.ce to nse unhlat w doubled lD bulk (Ap- pro x 3 hours). Punc h the dough down and cLv1de Lnto two parts Olv1de .. c h half IJltO two part. and iorm anto a rope Bratd the two ro.,_ together a1ld fonn alo a round loaf to fat the pu beLnO u..d S.peet pitla the NCOild b.tf of the dough, to 1Mb a •· cond loaf Pl.ce to the pan~ and put back m the ....n. p&.c. to nN lD. a futt.).. 1·2 houn, or doo.bJ.d a.D bulk. Plac:e the -vqs Uti the &o.J. 3 lD ..... W..nwkile ~pare a CJ).ue wUia lM .... m.aiaia9 0QA91t )la.lce, thelitt ...... rUcl IMal~or-. milkud•-- 809· .b the aoe ... &Jl s-.... ~ Fresh Mushrooms '*''--81 Fresh Spinach itt~; ....... ........ ilt Cantaloupe .... ~'-'-.. 1.1 Cllle Mix ... ., a.n··,.... c C..,lr er-11 .......... Punut luHer Olaat J ....., .99 ,,, .. .39 J • .29 J ,. .59 X 11111 .. 89 ... . (Ill Qllllr . "'''c..... .... " ....... I. Tomato Sauce .... .19 W Zest Bath Soap 2 •,; 1.00 Rib Roast 1.98 Cia • c.. c... .75 - .... J.: 2.01 U&IA C... ... .._ BathrMm Tissue ...... Mr. Clean ~ ~ Sirloin Tip Steak 2.48 ... • Cell c.-.55 w .79 tit ,..... ,._ ffYNII 1.39 Saltines , .... Gila Towels .. Chicken Breasts ... ,.. • c. c.. c a ., ...... ...... ,~ ....... Riel ~ 1. 79 tl Revlol Flex 't:' 1.68 Pork Chops • 1.59 1\t·\1 \. \,I~~ t I~ .,, I• t '> "''' •1,1 u.t--,. • ,, t1 .• ~ l•,~• t\ • d \. ~1 , 1 I •• I I , , , .69 .22 1.1 , ....... ., ........ .98 ... Game Hens ... ~~ • .. ~.,1.29 .,.,... ...... .41 II DrumstiCks • ": 2. 72 ,..,.. .31 Beet Tripe • I - - I - ~~ I.Ggelllfll :lcl I~ lilldal ,_... 34()C W.t ~-A.,..nue Sonrro Aro Cai'Omia 92703 (Jt•} ~· 1871 s... 110 Ana • o.w. -.... --Member NllliONI Bndal Servte~-.... -~ ~---- Bedroom Fantasy sale by ScancUa Down· Sbeetcue and EnMmble Sale Now 1hi0Ugh ~illOih SeancM Down'" pr...,.. •• •~• .. •uueft4t ................. 10..40~ OFF ............ MOdi.,. .... ZJIILc-Hwt. c.-• CA- The Newport £naign Wedneeday. April ••· ltl2 Po~ t Lagerfeld CLUES TO GROOMING Janey footworks for Spnno '82 h om Prerre C.rdan The lulty dovble lold.d puJf.d collar \ac.d liiOCCUJOn, the lwO tone perforat.d leather o.d ord, dnd th~ pan tuck moccuaon Amencan claMocs by Allyn Sr G t>Orqto t..lt 11 a tone on-tone hne qlen plAJd on soh blue qray hrqhhqhted ""'h accent~ of bnqhter blue and beaqe Raqht ., veat.d panstnpe an postman's blue worh subtle underlon• of laqht qr"y Both two-bullon sulla have sem• nalu ral, _,. sbolllder !ann and are an dacroo wool blend fabraca Thet unaque duh of eleqance an Geof frey Beene'• two-button ta cket aD " blend of poly•ter wool and 11lk The easy stvl IDQ mclud .. slriiiQhl !lap pockell and c·enter vent I by Mlldred Mead Readers of shck {ashton magazmes, "W" and thu column are famthar wath Karl Lagerfeld, destgner of the famed French Chloe hne And now there are Lagerfeld fragrance and groom tng accessones for men On Thursday, Apnl 29 at 6:30 p m . at the May Co. Wushae Tea Room, nallonally-lcno wn tastemalcers and model-agency owners JOtn men wath a Lager- leld amage to select the May Co L.lgerleld man from 15 hnahsts. He Wlll then be mtroduced to Southern Cahforma m a May Co ad What 1s a Lagerfeld man? Is tt you or someone you know? That's the queshon thousands of men, or the women tn the1r hves, a re expected to answer durmg May C o 's Search for the Lagerfeld Man. Aprtl 5 to 18 Accordmg to Lagerfeld experts, there IS a most Impor- tant unspoken language that ts conveyed by a man's appear- ance Some of these c lues and wha t they convey are Culls on trousers tnd1cate tradahonaJ c ustom tailo nng A gentleman a lwa ys cuffs h1s trousers, except fo r those worn wath " sportcoal -No Jewelry exc ept to r a watch and, If 1t appl1es, a weddlnci,...band The watch should have a dark leather band, although a Rolex 1s acceptable D1q1t al wa tches are TY? RENT AN ARCADE VIDEO GAME CALL GALAXY GAMES-673-8245 WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR dehmtely out -Socks and footwear should coordmate wath the shade of one's suat Contrary to some opmtons, dark blue socks should be worn w1th very dark brown shOM. Socks should always fit snugly over the calf NEVER wear loafers to JOb mtelVlews, and try to avo1d shoes that look too new -No school nngs or school ltes In the upper echelons these are consadered Slg ns of lmma- tunty o r tnsecunty, or both Untu recently, appearance may have been Judged m.unJy on the cut of one's clothes. But nowadays, mct)Ot corporahons look for execultves who pass muster w1th tnm wa1sthnes and exude a feeltng of health , youthful htness "There's no doubt that the corporate athtude demands a lean, healthy, well-toned appearance," say the c reators of Lagerfeld fragrance and groom· 1ng coUechon Quack to poant out that the growmg mterest 10 slc1n care dadn't happen overn1ght, they tell us the trend 1s "duectly traceable to act ave sports " And to the bus1nesa world, the conda- tton of a man's skm tells a lot about h1m Some of the clues are razor n1cks. Perhaps a poor planner, always rushmg to meet a .lead- lane Dryness and lmea often convey an 1mpress 1on of stress, the mab1hty to cope wtth prob- lems encountered on a day-to- day basts. Pallo r 1S a real De<Jatlve. It could mean poor health or samply dtstnterest to matnta1nmg htness. A well-known Amencan desagner. Geoffrey Beene, IS A LWAYS seen, and photo- graphed m , a tuxedo collar sweater but he does g1ve a umque dash of elegance to h1s haberdashery for men Shown are two examples of h1s classac stylmQ A new name 10 menswear 1s Allyn St George, known a.s "The Samt " "My concept ts sample-desaqn clothes for the m&ddle-mcome man, clothes that look ngbt not JUSt lor one season but for years, and that were reasonably pnced," be satd He truly behaves that the only clothes that are truly ltmeless are clASSICS . Check wath May C o NO W tl mterested 1n entenng the contest fo r The Lagerleld Man, hmated to men over 18. No purchase ts necessary to enter Entry blanks and mformahon at the l.Agerleld for Men counter The wanner (and hts compan- Ion') wtll be flown to Pans to meet the world-famous desagner Karl l.agerfeld. an etQht-day TWA GEtAWAY vacation. Does The Lagerleld Man res1de m our area? British Counby Tour EX CLUSIVE DEPARTURE SEPTEMBER 2 18 DAYS--ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES ACCOMMODATIONS IN HISTORI C COUNTRY INNSAND PUBS Includes Breakfast aad DiDMr Daily ~nl luq.e a.ad L.eedoe lkam Land Cost $1,590.00 Per Person Space Lam •ted PLAZA 234 E. 17th St., No. 108, Costa Mesa 92627 BONAPPEIII ..,...,Coetoa TM flnt u.. we miMe! Cbtu P~, a new ud fiDe addJtiou to WariDa•'• Wtle .. ,_.urut row," we ..t.cted one cllala eecb tro. the ~u .. , SMCllwu, SlauolW aDd Wud&ria. n. nr ... Flavor Sinl!n9 Rk:. Soup told ua at fint mp that then wu axpe.rb.-1ll the ltitcllen, ud the criJp b.roccoU aDd tnde1 bita of beef lll brown •uoe ccmbn:Decl it. Ow thud d.iab wu chiclwn, bot ud qucy, colorful witA QJ'MD pepper. 'n.. two m \18 left more of the leut thaD we ate, a.a.d vowed to briaq alola9 pula buket b.Jd a MVOJY COlD• baatioD of .hrimp, ecallopl and beef. Beef ~teak, teader and f.J.avo%.filled, wu bfOU9)at on • au•lipq plattez ud coobd be6ore ow eye~. o-rt wu ToMe. AppJ.., die. clipped in bot toflee, U.. plwa~ iAto ice .... to JonD • erWp qlue arowad tM wa.rm lna.it. WiU. clbmer we chu.k u Al•ed. C1sen.in Blue, choeen troa a Hmited but ~propriate u.t. WtD. ia available by the qla., abo hom AI•Nin, and there ia a MlectioD oi import.d and dolla..uc been. • • • A iew ...U A90 we chided Sea Tila)re..,..kal, ~UD&Qer of th.e Royal nw m w..a Newport, for .. ~, b.ia ~­w. haft Ntu.med, and can NPOrl tM.t traditioA&I ~ now b.ave aU tJa. fire ud ...t uaoci.at.d with that cuiai.De. w. lwrd Clwa-Lam, a IILbr of chick- en, pork, OILioDa and apicee w1apped arou..nd a.b.rlmp, d .. p- frlecl ud •rved on a bamboo trleDd. on ou.r next Yiait. We invited friend. who ~nd time in the Orient, and who are Cb.i.DeM-cuiaine butia, u are Clli:u Palace hu trauformed Newport Beach's "adulr' book- atore into a MJ"eDe u.cl pleua.Dt c:liniAq room, with decor 1A quiet beiQe accented with red. S.rv· ice ia pro'-lona.l a.ncl oflend with bowledqe of the cu.lalu, a.a.d the kitchen under th.e dlreo- we. We uJt.d owt:.ez Jack Nau to c.boo. ow d.inner, a fine idea for any J)4tron of a c~un ... re•taurant, for no matter bow lllformed your palAte or --------------- .opbl.tie.ted your tute, there are &lwaya debcactea apecw to each chef. We awed a Po Po Pl.attez, .. zved arouud a tall cbim.oey Wlth a candle for heat, and mu.ncb.d ou well- prepared, but not unuaua.l, appetuera of fned Won Ton, Tem- pura Shnmp, eQ9 roll, barbecued nba. and Chow Chow Beef ou a akewer, to be chpped an a aelection of aauc ... Our ne~t cour .. ahowcued the artutry of Ohef, a aoup made ' w1th chicken atock, com kem.U., and l.atUe putU of eQQ whate . Leat you tha.nk com .oup 11 aome lund of Amencan venaon of the preP4r•· hon, we learned that cocu wu brouQht by the Sp&JUaA and Por- tuQ\leM exploren to Ada, a.a.ct bM heeD a ataple of the ut for more than 400 YHll Whole fiah ... pr ... nted in a marve- loua, rich brown aauce, Qarnilhed wttb 1traw muahroom• a.a.d veQeta· bl .. , and a deucate Alan Bates and Maggie Smtth Salty's EGQ ..• COl~ Ranch qp wath bacon. wuw.ae. ham Of ~tty MfWd wath hotne fnes and tOUI dowp tout I ) 25 8eiGN bftch ..,S ww0 With home frteJ and tOUt douah tout S2 20 0Mflf11T5 ... H()U)A Y H0US1 An omelette ot ttv" q,s w•ttl lhtlmp. avocotdo. at'td ch.ae. MNeCI wrdl hotne fr..s .and IOUf doutfl to.Jt ts 25 coaoNA An omelette of ranch -as wlttl c'-dd., chefte and wutNd z~~edlinl. on1onJ and tom.t~ se:tWd with hotne I net and tour dowp CO.st 13 55 CAT~ An omelette of w .. qp w1th chopped tom.ato and chtdd.ar cheete. ~ with hofM fr..s and sour ~ I~JI 1325 ILAU An omeletw of ranch eus with lreth muJtvooms. c~ bacon and cheddlr cheew. terVed with home fnet and sour douah CO..st l l 55 -~ An omelette of ranch qp w"''th chill and cheddar cheeM, MtV.t with home frtes a.nd sour douah to&tt 13 6.5 IOATSW~ All omelette of ranch..., w1t.h c~ tomato, onton, at'td frfth muJhtoomt ~ w•dl home fr-and WIUf douah tout I))J JAY lAY An~ of ranch qp wid\ ham and cheddat ct.M. MMMI with home fr..s and JOUt douah ~,. IJ SO lAY An omelette of ranch ;.., w1tt. .-n papc~en, ontons, and com.toet. with home ,,... and tOUI ~ to.ut l l 2S" llfY An~ of ranch tUJ with baeon, cheete and onton1. wwd with home frlet •nd JOUI ~tout 11 SO -oPEJI- ' 6amtol0pm 7 dey. a week Ba1 R.IICH C4ll 67~21 -............. Port..,..... .... to <A»l Sw S • DIXIE OIUQfT An omeletw of qp. · choclcled Otteaa chalet. tomatoes, onioN and cheddAr chMM. MNed with home frlft and IOUf douah toast 1145 AVINTUIIA An omeletw of ranch ttl). 11ound beef, ctqaped tomato, chopped onion and cheddAr che.M MtVed wath home frift and sour dowcf\ to.ut ,.. 25 STIIU SPlOAl. An omea.tte of dwft .., wt~ bacon, cheddar cheete and ~t()ti, Mfved With home fr1e1 olnd .J0U1 douah toa~ IJ 50 ANDOlHEI~ ... SAIOT s.ut..s mushrooms ~ on touW ~ish mufftn wtth bacon ura,. and .. ked IIOINto IJ 6.5 *-CAT '"'-bunennilk panc&lces MfWd wtdiiM.IU. and tY'UI) 11 75 S1AP01R french to&Jt ~ wtt.h tOUt doufh btud and ~ with IM.Ittef and IVfVP 11 95 ~ SfiOAL A pancah wndwKh contiJtlne of two IM.Itwmulk ~" .. ped w th .., .. and Wfved w1th two .,ices of ba<:on u 95 With home frt• U 45 SAY JE T'AIME For that tnllmat• rendezvous "Say JE T'AIME" 8t the,.._.,, Peaunt FOf the ftenc:h u.empli~ f ... the true meaNng of romanc:a. and the cuNnary delights of fine toodl The Pleeunc P••• •t in Newport ee.ch. ~ It MlcAntu Squlr• offera you the ~ of a ffench Country Inn, without the "ha4.ne" PIC.. t n..:=r..aly' .,,.. __ . ftt. .,.,.. play a., a-ve 8. l.t•fnn ...a ldu r.-ill .-.... A••'=8n drwr ..,., • play dh ........ lcMa9 ~to .. ~ ........... . ~. laopea, peou aDd .... ~ .odd u ••h•t.ltw. "The ao,.a rudlJ" s. b.~, ba1lt aromacl 1M ~ ..,.,._,.. iaaOy I elf ...... 'Gb C....,k•h ........ an.c!aed to tiM Oeeboyaat ~tdcal ta.ily .... Suua Kellf'•l.llm d .... diNet:ka • ~ awlrwud, COD- trl•ed i.ullllld oi bebl9 llotally ltick, bot and .pc:y. tiJ.Mcl with WCl!Dd.rNJ Oavon.. Patpoa9 Chic.._ wu tatwed wttJ. cuMwa ud 8.NCl wttJ. ~ • ud Su•-.r Pa&.ce ... WU MIIMKooal wUJa a trio m Oavon, cmioa4 red ciUli ud u..aa a.tnt. To lna.,_ tbe Met, .. orderecl DiYi.De lice, • Jow.ly ciWl oi f:reeh crab clawab c:ooMd with rice, OD.iou ud egp. loyal Tb.ai ia located at 4001 W..t Cout Hiqhway. Call 6'13-3322 for r..arYatiou or for tab-out ozd.en. THEATER r I ...U. SM do. W4J'a98 ia p&.ac.. Lady of the ThHter. Jack 8yl'Oil to~ tlile ~ laeua-u Olear, John Saura'• flam. 1ty tJ.at lub ~1uMh tM re&1WD boyuac. u Tony, ud Liaa m tM c:ha.recten. Wilcoa u Gwen are the aa.t '!"be Ncwpon Huboi Acton conrincinQ. Tony Reve~ditto &a Tbeatre productioa • reepec:ta· very llti.ft, Jim nJIUl ia partly W., it ia DOt cliiiDited M wu the believabl. u Herbert 0..0, but CMe a while beck at l..a9uaa, Sonell WaJ~W ..... alway. to &ad it ahowa u ..,._. effort to be ~. to be actiaq. Geozv- t. true to 1M ba'-l of tM work. A. Bzadford ia too low-by u Yet, --•how lt doea't acwe Gilbert. P'Jorence Ihlen ud ODe .. fu..Dy u 11 ~-for l.arett OJ.nick are acceptable tn.aaace, faA.D)"• illapa..scmate u the •rvant., thouqh Na. ud joJful accouat oJ what Ihlen ia ofteD rathu u.Dilltellicp- U...IIer ...,... to Mw, Ju.lia'a ble. ...oriaq pz-U. for ber world, While thia ia not totally auc· ud odt.M ncla .tloDQ .cenee ceelful, 1t ia -another example of am daDe oa a .....tace lnel, not the noteworthy effort that Nucy deep iato tM beart. lbeen-aud Buddy Ebeu-ba.e Wary SW!Wan ia Julie C.MA· m.ade to crMle a reputa.ble COlD· diala, u.cllt Lt di&icult to .. ur pa.ny tn thia ana. They deeerve M tlle iaJnou8 act.-oi tM day. much credit for workiAQ .o ba.rd It 1a rathez lib -.i.DQ u actr... with a love oJ theater in their fiqlatinQ to qet i.uide the role. hearts. Incidentally. everyone A. fanuy, Pat Gilchrlat trial celebr•ted Buddy'• birthday very bard but ca.a.'t quite make openinQ ni9ht . What a fine man ua believe ahe ia the Gr_u_d_ ... -h.e_ -ial- THROMAY31, 1982 • hon 11 sc Waede 10 anoth1 what at u the way not to th I'm reall as a n ad man. I c the wbol I'm sure mohon. 1 board ha maJte SUI SIOD affe Cro lrQ It's l = = baa ti•down spaces occu- by 475 private aucraft, ac- to a recent county JUry report, &nd "appro~- 600 &lrcraft owners on ltsts." speakers at pubhc 118uwauuou m thu controversy uked why the county be seeking con.struchon tacu1ty that could cost up to aulhon for 1,000 or even pnvate &lrc raJt owners the proport1on of opposa- \S so overwhelmmg sa.ad. "Tr&nsportahon other decade may not be 1t ts tod.y. Auways will be way to commute It's wrong to thank an the btg p1cture. really trytng to look forward admmastrator and slates- . I cowd have deep-sued whole thmg. But my vote, u sure wu the mtent of Clark's ta to lllSure that the b.u all the facts before we such an tmportant dect· afiectmg O range County." f(ftase' To St.t PerfOiiilateeS Fdday Tlle c:tty Pub, S..Cb• aDd RecrMboa D.p.rtaa.at will pre- Mill the S.oedway hit aha., "Greue," at the l.&Acoln School AudJtonum, 3101 Peafic v .. w Onve, Corou del N.r, b.Q:&n.D- mq Fnday, ApnJ 16. AddJhon.al perform&Does ue a.chduled April 17, 18. 23, 24, 25, 30 aDd W.y 1 and 2. W.ttn.. ud everung bcbta are naalab&e thtoagb the recneboa office. 3300 Newport Blvd. TK:keta ue S3 per penon, or S2.50 per penon lor 10 or more hcketa. Director Robert COillad b.u rewntteD the onqiDAI Broadway a.cript to make the abow swta.ble for the ~tue family. "Greue" will be the lhfrd mu.stca.l producuon 011 wh1cb Conrad and produce.r Mel Maaurowaki b.ve coaa.bmed taleata on bebU of the e1ty oJ Newport Beech. Lut year they presented "Sound of Mu.slc" and "The MUSlc Man." She concluded wtth, "In the long run, the pubhc ia gomg to rec09'J1Ue there &a no place for general &Vlation m Orange County." Steve Naloae, a spokesman for Clark. expW.ned that the study C4D consume up to 90 days, and could co.t "perba~ $.40,000 to $50,000. We hope to have 90 percent of the cost a.uum.d by the Federal Avl&hon Admuuatr&tlon-a.nd I belleve they'll fund a study for at le.ut two ales." Tboee, be s&.ld, would be San Juan Creek a.nd S&.nU&qo Can- yon. "We'll be lookmg to tdentlfy the kinds ol tJuaga that could be mocWied," be added, "1o malre a location work. In other words, m the practical, real world out there ts there still the potenual to put one of these auhelds on one of thoee 'teduuca.Uy fea.a- ble' at .. ? "We also will uk, would the ca.t from the landowner, the coat oJ gracbno and other auch coata make d not t..abW." Fu·at, aaad Waloae, tM airport Leases (ec.tbl..t &o. peg. 1) the CoJIUIUttee of 4000, refened LDCJUU'*I about the T•u..bftl&n· Scott coo.J.rence to Scott Scott told th.a.s new.pAper. "My agreement wu that a.nytlung we talked about as oU the record I ~ave no further comment." The mfonullonal rally wall be held m the ballroom ol tbe Newport Na.rnott, Young an- nounced. "We11 dtscu.u Mveral pomta," abe aaad, "mcludJ.no some oJ the promuee from Thelrvme Co that have yet to matena.lue, the progr--or lack of d-lll r..olvmg the leuehold diSpute "We have some very unpor~ t..Ot new. to abate." The UISue of what Qwdellnes ahouJd be UMd 1n appr&laals by the company and the t .... holden bas been a maJOr pomt of coatenhon Young alao sa•d that rally SJ*lken wowd seek to duspel any rumon that the Commtllee w completed ats task and us a..bout to be diSmantled Speakers wowd mclude a uthor Joseph Wa.mbaugh, she saad "There shllas much work to be done." she s&ad, "and •t 's up to the leaseholders to do 11 " manager (Cable) must prepare a "sco~oJ-work" program; "what queations should be .uked." Then the county admm1Stca- tive officer must gather anforma- bon on what c;~roup, consorhum. private developers. &n &lrport authority or such specdac enhty would tAke on the proJect, arad wowd have suHtc wnt resources The Airport manaqer also must contact the landowners to deter· JDJ.De the avaUa.bJllty of those S1tes whach had been found "tecluucally feastble." Even though Rancho Ml.u1on V1e)o's opexator, Tony MoiSO, for esam- ple, bad wntten several pubhc ofhcaa.ls a letler wb.Jch opposed placmo the San Juan Creek facility on hts land, Malone sa1d tlua was "not ollic1al " "There has yet to be an actual proposal of what anyone mtends to put on a.ny ate," sa ad Malone "That's what SuperviSOr Clark wants the board to deal w1lh We want to go from some sort of a JDOd.l, such u wu used, to a re&U.tic propoeal to wb.Jch anyone ca.n re.pond." Ban Sims ~~~~~~~~~~----~ AI you ·u f!llef need to know ~ florists· CIN~ 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red HiU lwt. • Cos1.a Mesl IIAKIY IVALUATION ON YO. MG .. <:()WUI'ER ANAL~ THE ~EA L E!::lTA T E:RS The~ £o.aign WednMday. Aprill4. 1-Pop II Quick-Quick Copy/Print 3790 S Bmtol St IIUSTOL TOWN & COUNTRY CENTER I R.te ~ bld111 I \•n" """ ~2401 for all vour prmttni a nd Xf'ro~t cop1e~ 0 D NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC VIStON CENTER STEVEN·L . VENSANO. 0 .0 ,.,.,~•vc ~IN:OUU~ ~G 11 1•1 6Jt 3307 ~'~c.,_., NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC VIStON CENTER STEVEN L. VENSAND. 0 .0 . ~T$-Que.a~ p,., 6]1 Jl07 '"'-~•vc ~G '"'~' e~ACM c• ewa 0 0 NEWPORT OPTOMETRIC VtSION CENTER STEVEN L. VENSANO. 0 D ~IIIIUfT& MQUC.ITU> 1114) 631 330 7 • 77 •YOIItOI AVC auT'IG ~·~ca.-., ·F-AR WEs~ MOUNT AtNEEAING CO sroc1w-.g a complete line ot ooc .. pock r>g rock climbing and cross c J~,.ntrv skung eQutomer' 357 H. NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 12183 (714) 131-11M NEWPORT VACUUM CtNTfQ (114) 646·5144 Ul32 ~ Newport Blvd. • lnttrwctlon of Hubor .,d Ncwpon Bkt H Yeanlat .. •--•locadoa - THE BIZARRE BAZAAR Plants • Baskets • Plant Care Items Cards and Wrap • Potpourn Rag Rugs Etc .Iran~ l<•ul'ry \ lari"'' -..rl .. .:h• ·t ' ~asonabl' pnc~d I'I·'V~~P 41''• 1858 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA IIISA e 145·331J ARM ENS M id-Eost Restaurant WORLD 'S BEST SHISH K-808 2136 Aocerltta A-ve 100 PRIN1l.D COPIES 8 '/1 x 11 .20 lb whete bond onl-, $3 99 lweth coupon) XEROX COPIES -4• .... u ... -r~·· FOR 1 I EYE EXAMI I --••••R1.E1.G1.U1l1•A•R1•P~1•C•E1•~• .. u. .. 1 •. EYEGU:~;~~ .I 8.00 •. 00s FROM WHICH TO .................... ••~U~~•IICOUitON•••-••• .. --. EXTENDED WEAR CONTACT LENSES ~199 (LensFeesOOy) I F~ PAIR SUNGLASSES I WITH PURCHASE (SELECTED FRAMES) .................. OFF ANY TRAIL WISE, 1 CAMP 7 OR ...IANSPORT I GOOSE DOWN JACKET I 1 OFFER GOOD THRU 4120182 ..................... Why bay ew ••• wbea old caa clol SAVE15~ HOURS· I Mon -F rl 8 30 ·• 30 Oa d 1 S.t 8 »Noon Vaca .. Cleaa• Oowd Swl Pan• -• •• •lc. I Fa££ £STIIIAT£S •1 DA\' SE.VICE GOODTIIaU APIIIL ...... ••••• • prese nts Armen's RQt.ur•nt Mrddle Eastern Cu•s•ne 2 for 1 Special Comple .. LAMIIHANK DINNII Valid Wed ltus $7 95Value and SUn Exl:*es ~2\.&2 A quid& .... .._ .... frosUftt-......... . you ,.. ct nhta..,.. •• ...... .......... 1 .. .... 1. ~~--"=""'"" .. Page 11 Wed:Deeclay. AprU 14. 1982 The Newpcwt Ensign • ----__a __ . . • - l Ble bo] on• ... .. en Co "W l..oJ the an• An• ' CI sec Le tu• 9" so eel }&I ah di· of Tc St s. c: 1• w 54 hJ Eo &I r~ yt Je lu P' b. Vt • • 01 d q b b c II h .. II b r 1 ~ • I • c c The Tennis Tally H•llawOIIToAGoodStut; Under th. direction of Clsadie Bleiker, the Newport Razbor boya' tennia team ia qjoyino one of ita ~ aucceaful MUOna in a number of yea.ra. "We abould be ra.nbd third m CIF 4-A behind Miraleste and Corona del Nar,"aa.id Bleiker. "We've beeten tNJU aucb u Lonv Beach Wilson and others that will be leaque champion• and we've only la.t to Miraleate and Corona del Mar." Unfortunately, a third seed 1n CIJ' only quarenteea the Sailors second place in the Sea View Laaque behind Cd.W, who v1r· tually owns the leaque. "We lost to Cd.M 23-5, but the qames were closer than the score," explained Bleiker. Newport relies on the balanc· ed amc;rlea play of brothers James and John Myera, Joel Sun- ah.ine, and Bob Svenaen. In ad· dit.ion, the double com.binahona of Tim Macres-Rlck Conkey, Tom Hayes-Dean Stansel, and Stuart Smith will help move the Sailon toward a berth in the ClF playoffs. ' The squad will brst contmue league play by hostinq E.tanc1a WedJlesday and travelinq to S.dd.lebac k Fnday Coach Bleiket's comments on his top players appear below. Each ranlunq is based upon the annual Southern Cahfor01a ranlunqs: I&JDM Myers "R•nlted 25th ID the 16· YMr old dav .. aon LD Soutl\eru C.Worn ... lam. a. • very am.sr1, hMdY p&.yer He 1\M nace $hots &nd w&ll tl~ wath •n op pouent the whole wov He .. • orMI b.llplAyer " John Myen "John .. very st-.dy and .,.,., deteruuned He .. the lund ol p&.ver who ~ & 10lld Q&me, .and b.t• 10 auacb to Joe. be1J JU$1 keep la9btino H Joel SunaJune "Joel a. • tunic arh•l. an otav wotcb, be w1ll chanqe fPIMCi• &Dd dnbh1e b.U. over the net He b.u • 9 ... lU I dn"ft b.rd ballen CtAIY becauw be oets every baU b•ck " lob Sveo .. n "lob ... oood. IlNdy b.clrcourt plo1ye1 Haa alreooth as b~ •c cutacy, bas shoiS &re more ac<:urete than tho. of moet baoh .chool pl«yen " T1a Wacres·Rtclt Conkey "Both are ka.rd lulleu wtlb qood overhead• and sen• Ttm •• ranlred faith ID doubles 1n the l8'1, &nd toqelher they lorm • com baa.IIOft &$ oood .u any 1n C.hlorna& " To111 H..yes·O..n St&n•l "Tb-two rety on atronq .. rvM and oood volleyA Tbeu slrenotb IS tbeu abahty to over power people " Stuart Smatb "He hils lD and oul lor AllY pl«ver an ealher doubt.. le&m &ecauw of Stuart's abw'-. -c&ft p&.y M.crM &I •moles or doublM d~nci1n9 on where -need lulll Stuart .. • very depeftd&ble plAyer w When bi9h school tenn1s fans in Oranqe County, statewide or even nationwlde talk of teo01s aupze~, far more often than not th.re is o ne team that IS at the top of the list. sa of the peat seven years, except for last year, the Corona del Mar boy8 ten01s team bas won the CIF 4-A champ1onshtp , which uauaUy IS accompan1ed by recoquilion as the top biq b school team 1n the California and Un1ted States ranlunqs. This year. 1t appears that the Sea Kinqs are m much the same poatllon, ranked only beh md a Mualeste team to whom they lost Wlthout the benehl o l the play of theu No. 2 smqles player . Dave Gerken .. The Sea Kmqs a re undefeated and untested tn Sea V1ew Leaque play and defeated on the year only once under the duec· lion of Coac h Dave He ffern I CdM ia sparked by the play ol Greq Hayward, Gerken, Buan Sullivan, and Scott B.rownaburger. Grt'lJ Hoyw.srd Corona del Ma r. starts a smashing forehand. In addihon, CdM relies on the l"" • H· doubles combmahons of John ~ '~ t. Washer-Jeff Ew1nq and Dav1d v··, ~J'PI '-'nC'..d 'of'niOI Nllh l q.tm,. He was ranked .•h. r n CAidornoa l.tsl Propp-Jobn Hoste tler. and the C.s • .. A· ,~,., ~n1or "\so consu tent contnbuhon of 1 •• 1 S ,,h.,r n c .. tat r 1 , : , .. n~1:r.••"''' .t Grt!'q plctv sophomore Ian Aler m both 1 ., u.n 1 , .lar ... 14m~ Aller mau ainqles and doubles ,,, l .... , •• r;'l«lche• ... nh .,n .snkle 1n After a week oU for spnnq ,. , D • • · ·•llv •'lll"·'l ·n ·• break, the Sea Kmqs w1ll host ~,., S .. ll1v :a Onh • un1 r Bn•n Universlty Wednesday and I • .o b• fl'll"lillllv ' t ... , .... nt' player tJ J' ..... h •'-A .. .,~ n b "" ..-rvP and travel to lrvme Fn day to con h 1 1 , 1!..-v ~r.d 1 • ' mon 1 '' 1 e net " o hnue leaque compehhon '"l w ,, .• ~,. """ '""~' d ••.qhth m tho! Below a.re profiles of CdM's l!'t •• ,. n d ..... u top players accordlnQ to Hef-s. •· br v r uurq• r Or \ " StaH photo bv Barry Slobon Joh n Wuher "R.nlred 19th Ul the 16 VNt old davwon , be h•• • b19 Mrve and volley o•m• A am&rl player. be 11 All ou tllandanq doubles playet, and wall usually leam watb Jell twmq " Jell twano "He played doublet lui ve.u . and as" verv amart player He wu ra.Ued 39th 10 the 16's an Southern Cahloml& bec&uM of has oulsiAndonQ .. rve &nd voUey o•m• " t&n Aler "Jan lra.ruderred !rom Col orado where be w&l the number lour player an lhtt 16's He 11 playtnQ both doubles end sa.not .. •nd be hu • oood all •round game H11 strenqlba &re has qroundtlrolres volleys, but he stall needs fern. Wlth all Southern Cahfor-·1-JOCo:' •• , .. 1'"'511 .. i • nd '" ''"' s .. d v '"" l.t• "' •• "'"l'•·• lvurn•menl last eapettence nia ranlttin9s quoted taken from f"'" u .. hu. J A nh;n:y Em,.rson He" laat year's charta: b.J..Ically • o.s .. hne plave1 ~ he nHd• • • • c.::~re "''Odt on h>.S ,..,ve and volley for a GreQ H..yward. "P"'Y\D9 teo I tha 16-,..t aiD II• r.q n•tl.t tlw b.U lroa yMr, be hM a bl9 .. .._&Ad voiJey tbe b&Mtan~ · O.vad Propp John Ha.teller "PlAyt.no number two douhle., lb-t•o luda p"'y • ..... ., qa--.cl.elaouki b6 bl4 coo- lnbutor• as the '"' proq,_ .. IAM:als Sc:ore In Masters Swbn Gimue and Ron Cl.uk. Thirteen Newport Beac h SWlDl· Other top Newport swunmers IO<Jether Wlth LaqUDa Beach men won more than two doze n mcluded 21-year-old Diane resident Joan Barry, pulled in individual and another dozen Clark, wtth three hrsts; G lona nh.boruu for Newport in theii team honon recently m a Mdraentbal, w1tb a hrst and two 40-44 aqe group BilllAacb. a Southern Pacific Aasoc1ahon seconds and Bruce Sumner, coach and teacher at Corona Masten' Swunmin9 meet. The 13 w11h nbbons an backstroke a.nd del Mar Hioh School, placed m apluhera all represented the butterfly .,.vents the 200-yeard indlvidua.l medley Newport Beach M.uterawunmers Wtnr,.,r., of two awards ea ch and in the 100-yard free.tyle adult •'llrim c lub in the Long anduder-1 '1m Baker and Don Newport Beach M.uter8WUD· Beach competition. Renner ooth m the 45-49 aqe mera team pla.Jll to apon.or a Betty Garwood, Newport qroup <I well as Lou Hocker stroke clinic followed by • Beach Nuterawimmera member and l-1ck Garnaus. freestyle bene!Jt lonq-c:h.tance awim on ab.ip chairman, wu the qroup's spec:a lt Is Apnl 17. The• April actiVlb• top award WUUler. The 53-year· Seve ·1' v.~.H-old Evelyn a re Al.Dled to attract more adult old .::hoo1teac hez took four fu st Breaux wa:. another top award· swunmers to the q rowing r«un place. in her four dilierenl wwne r n 1bbtng IHst place in club evata. two lreestyle events The lle•pan ~ Wednesd.oT. Ap1tl 14. 1112 Pug. I' Slow-Pitch. Reglsb1111ts ~ation will beq1n Tues· clay, Apnl20, for ita summer adult Slow-Pitch SoJtball ~. and the followmq day for bu.ketba.ll team.a, the c1ty pub, beach. and recreabon department announced. Leaqu .. will be dlv1ded mto eiqht divi.a10n.a, hom AA for the auono-t down to D. All teams will play 11 c;ramea, sa1d recrea- tion supan-Uior Bob Gran9er: There are openinqs for 144 10ftba.ll and 24 basketball teams The $234 ($30 more Jor med1cal beneht) t .. for softball and S330 (S23 more for medic al beneht) fo.r basketball mcludes ump&re , ecoret .. per, balls and hrat- placa awards in each leaque la.ch tea.n will be allowed 15 playen for softball, and 12 for bu.ket.ball. The manaqer o r coach may not play unless helahe is inc luded on tba roster The softball qames will be played at Corona del Mar and Harbor HJqh schoola, Lncoln Scbool and the Commu01ty Youth Center. Baakethall qames will be scheduled for the two h1gh school courts. Clasa1 hca11on games begUt May 17 . and league play start. Nay 1 Wormahon 640-2271 T TFISH,GAME f mes assessed by Cahior· ta courts lor v10lahons of ISh and qame reQulauons ose 40 percent last year ve the prevtous year's ecord Sl m1lllon, oHac1als ave d1sclosed • Ned Dollah1te, c h1ef ot the ud.hJe protection branch. d that 1981 floes totaled 1,494.218 Thts lS nearly tn - le the amo unts bemq col- acted a decade dQO Wardens tagged 11 509 uhermen for ltshmq w1tbout hcense, a nd noted that avmg a loaded gun m a eh1cle led all huntlnq etta ons. as 1t usua ly does w1th ,487 1ssued The cou rts so suspended 45 sport htng l1censes RanwAie Going To Court H ere Ap•wtTbe Cban:hAII-8tars Slam-dunb ~natead of biULI - mq tackles will be the achon featured tha Saturday at Corona del Naz Hlqh school whe n members of the Lo. Anqeles Rams p!.y basketball aqamst the South Cout C om.muruty Church AU-Stan at 7 p.m . Ourlerback Jeff Rutledqe. basketball equad captAlll, sa1d he has lot. of depth, and p lans to IU.b.titute oJten to k .. p b.u playen h-.h. Hia rc.tet hats Ptello:o DeDauci, Cirk Coll.m.r.. Noiu Cromwell, fun Younoblood. Mike Guzman. Johnny Johnson, Ivory Sully. Leroy Irvin, Jac kie Slater. Carl Ekern, Douq South, JeH Moore Bill &in. Luc1ou. Snut.b, Bob Brucbin.sltJ, and Brad Budde of the K.nsa.a C 1ty C ruefs and Cbns f oot oJ the 8alh more C olts, u well u Rutledqe . Coach and captam ol the South Cout Communtty Church team IS Oouq Scbnetde r. who SAid 1us team would ha ve the ad vantaqe lD speed and supenot outstde ahoohng Ha roster mcludes Ken Bard sley, All-O ran9e County h1gh school and now a UCI scholar sh1p player, Glen Conley formerly WJth Athletes Ill Act1on John Vallelv UCLA All· Amencdn hm Moore, U. of Wyommg Denms Hamtlton former L A Lu:er Doug Bllnte UCLA Phd 0 £en lormer Rams defenstve end dnd Ttm Ttm mons, "cill campus at Cedar ville C ollege who also 1s church pastor 'Tbts game 1" <.ne oi many ac- llvthes sponsored by Men tn Mo- lton the men·~ group ol the church ' sa1d Ttmmons Ttclr.ets <\Cd tn! rmalloo 644 IJSO B IA GoU Tourney Deadlu:e 1or entenng the 15th annual g olf :c ... anamenl schedul- ed bv Orange Ct ur•v chapter Butldw~ lndustn Assoc.allon IS f ndav .A.rral 16 The sh tqu:: s•:ut .:1' noon o n Mondav Mc1v 3 wd! und the lteld ltmtted •o 144 ~olters C"l each I ,.,. " .:-outst>· Me~ Verdt-Countr C ub and lrvme C oas• Cc .n:rv CL.:b NumPt .~ 'I ll pr.zes ranqann !r :n B..: Re<;p ls and Sach!-S11bu• t ~-~ t-Pds I televtslot .• .,.~:, ~d\'(' bt-e-n made a" a da ble a::-ha \ ·• $4 (){)(\ an door prtze< ro-u n:ers satd Taken Mighty Joe Young, 'Fast Eddie' Lead UCI ,Belson The Newport U.rbor boya' track team, under Coach Eric Tweit, had superb repr .. nta· I.Jon m Sheldon BJockburc;rer and wee Bet80n laat S.tu.rday at the Valencia lnvllational at Valencia Hi9h School. lach took first place m h a r•pechve event, B&ookburoer 1n the triple JWDP and Betaon lD the pole vault. However, m adchtion to talnno home • lim-place trophy, Blockburoer aet a Newpo.rt school recol'd by jumpillq 43'9'' a.t.o.o vaulted 14 feet to come out oa top in the preettoioua an· vitalio.nal. ''lloc.kburQet is the h.t traple twaper iD the lea9ue, aod Bet- eaa ill ~ of t~• top two or tUM vaulten l-n CIF." Sbd r .. u. Ia ~ cl\a.al •eets. the S.UOn un U.O beea mym9 oa q\N,Iter-J"''~•r JoJO DubeUt ud •urca.K s..Ye Btu.. ~beN il our b.t perlonae.r ucl ~ ...... .,,.,, ud ., ... litM~cw~ belle ltUcllet ta tM ~. • coaclud- ecl TwU •• .,... ...... , ~ '- tMt .... ~~ ... TIM .. "PP.d tlra.' ttack ..._, -ltD • 2·1 a..v-e ~ ..... ...._ w bil ~ .. , m.em 1....,., (100,220, rware). heu DJI48f ~ ...... ··-· ~ ........... eM ..... , . • • e co -leaden Coata Mesa and Eatancia, will face Woodbridge J'nday ni9ht after tak.tnq on Mesa lui DlQht "We look to Woodlt>tllie even thou9h they yet, u juat another Coach John Wav•..-ra ....... the aame aa •nyon e brld98 is an unportant towant.. a CIF playoff The Sea Ktnoa w1U on set· ter N.Lck .. l Jobutoo, .uddle blocker Joe Bordon. aocl th• balanced play of Steve W.rhn • by Narcwa Diet. Early lut Saturday mom· mo. UC lrvlne trac k coach l.eVlD NcNAJJ had • httle talk Wl1h ba team. He talked .bout mollva- hoo, diacuaanq bow to qet "up'' for an ord..mary oppo- nent, m l..,_than-tde al con· dlbona. Ria Anteaters were eKperienC'lllQ the nud·Ma.son blahs. and the 33-year-old UCI mentor waa tfYlD O to pump aome treah blood mlo rathe.r ata911ant bod.les And aftex wlaesaulQ UC I's r.ultino 94-69 Vlctory over C&l Poly S&n Luu OblSJ)O. 11 18 fair to MY Ms pep talk WOJ'bd. ''Soae oJ the QUya were pretty tincl, lethar91C and 1t ~ like " wu QOlll9 to raiA," AatMiet Joe Young, wbo nuat t1ae 1,500 meten, Mklla •. "You bow, tJM 'Gee, 1 ... lite ....... a.l.r..dy Oftr1 IJDCiroae. He tuat kind of~ u up, and ahr • ~ ol reo., we were iDlo ll ... Jouq ... defutitely a oood .... ple of wut the riP• wocdt cui do. a.·. !wid • -.du fiPt bee &.te~J. kt oe SMludaJ, • tM ~ tll.nataa 1cl r b.at ...,._. oe.. ttuu.P witll ... lte tU ........ , ... .,. .... ,....., .......... tbll ~. ol 's:•.a. Welo8W.W...MIIof t3:47.t. to ...... a... Young ~~d a :-.ter .r. 'he ngbt dne.ctaon But tht> rea1 "rotlqht wa" on Eddae Ca:e"· UCI'c: talented c;pu n'Pr and ·h.Xl mete• ~I-t"Clah5t wh ' \'t>r came the doldrum!> tc• turn 10 another ,haq:. ptodormtloce Plagut"d b\' 1n t l:hf> tn hi!' s1de C.HP't jadn 1 run lhto 400·met t>r~ lednnq pos~&ble damaql! ro has .-t ppt'ndtx hf> Sdtd He sl Jd w1th tht> IOC <\OJ 200 m£>tt>r spnntc: .. md won both w1th te<>S-'..._.,1._.., •1mes of l0 6and 2l(l Ne1tht>r was do" to h1~ persona l best~ ol 10 3 and 20 6 but under the CHCUJl'J stances Carey was Qtah.hed Carey ltke Young w.td that he 11 tust now slartmQ lo blt bts peale and 1S lookmc;r fo rwa rd to competlnQ m the 400 •9•10 'ilunqs are tartmq to tall m place lor me n9hl now," the delendmc;r PCAA 200 m .. e r cba.mp&OD ... d .. 1 think J need to hne • really QOOd ra.oe to Qet me CJOUlO. Today waa _,.10, but therw really w.ua't a wboW.Iot ol -p!luaa on lilts m-.t. h bnd of took aa awh.Ue to o-1 90~ .......... aot·Ne~­ A.atniiJ .. Jlll!dlfthdJ.,.. ~ ....... (1:41.3). _. w.. a, t •·· Jult ............ ,. (14:31.4)1 ColJiomio ltlonne' ,. o ~r leotul'ft m lh•• neW$pO,., All .dllo11ol ropy wntten by #llory Woon•' Dieqo Yacht Club. VOYAGERS YACHT Cl.UB MARINE SCENE O.fendinc;r cham- pion, Barney nam rae· inq hia Flamboyant for Lonq BHch Yacht Club fi.niahed aecond, O.nnia Ourqu aa.ilinq Bill Palmer'• Shenan- doah for Newport Har- bor Yacht Club came in third and Dave Ullman, at the helm of John Aren'a Tomahawk repr ... nting Bal..boa Yacht Club finished in fourth place. Boqart S.ri•• No. 3 PHRF A-Spirit, Allen Brown (VYC). PHRP-8-Runoway 0, Sheryl Wiebel (VYC). ORCA-KriMine, Ed- die Arnold (BCYC). SORD-5orcerer, Den- nil RONne (VYC). by lla:ry Woper They won the Cressy Cup in 1979 and 1980 and the Mallory Cup in 1981. • Racinc;r Brooke Ann, a 41-foot Nelaon-Marek aloop, co-deaiqner Bruce Nelaon with thr .. firat place finiahM won the riqbt to take the eleqant old Lipton Cup down to the trophy cue of the San • • • SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB Hi-Point S.riM No. 1 PHRF-A·1. Cot'• Po· jomO!I, Carl Last (VYC) The Newport Harbor Hiqh School Milinq t--will be travelinq to Aan.poli8, Wd., thi.a ,.,..)r to compete aqaiut 26 hip 1ehooll ior the Mallory Trophy whicll ia awarded to the low point in· dividual team racinq a 420 in thia In· tenc:holutic Yacht &cinq Auociation Jleqatta and the Cressy Trophy which is award· eel for the team with the beat total .core in both 420a and a Luer. Harbor Hiqh won the Nallory Cup lut year and placed third overall for the Cressy Trophy. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Ensenada ••• Team mem.ben are skipper Michael Nub with Eric HaUMr u crew and skipper Steve Farwell with Heather Niblo u crew who will be racinq in 420.. Gor- don W an1 ... will be racinq in the ainqlehanded Laser Claaa. Sailinq is the only aport in which the local echooll compete on a national basia. In 1974 Coach Bill W alee man orqanbed the brat team at Harbor and entered national competition. They won the Cotton Bowl National ln- terecholutic Cham· pionship in Fort Wo rth, Tu., that year. Coach W a.keman drove the team to the event in hlS Volbwac;ron, but the buqe trophy they won there had to be flown back with one of the team mem.bera holc:hnq it on hia lap on a plane. In 1976 a booster club made up of parents and mterested yachtsmen was formed to help pay the team's expenses and smce then they have been able to compete not on· ly in Teua eac h Chnstmas but also m the Annapolu cham· pionshtp m the sprmQ In 1976 they WOO both events and repeated the vtctory m 1978 by Mary Wagner The stories about a boat t.hat thouc;rht it was c;roinq to Ensenada and ended up in Avalon and a skipper who radioed the committee boat to inquire i~ the s.uls should be up before the start of the race are JUSt two of the amusinq anecdotes told m the Newport Ocean Sailinc;r Associations' "The Ensenada Race- Thuty Years of Silver and Gold," a booklet wntten by Bud Desen.berq about the htstory of the "world's larqest international yacht race." In 1948 when the hrst race was schedul- ed they bad some delu- s1ons of qrandeur and decided to call it the Governor's Cup Race with two tropb1es, one r J -- m the name of the Governor of Californta and the other for the Governor of BaJa, Cahf. When Cahfornia qovernor Earl Warren did not appear 10 Enseoada for the Trophy Presentation ceremomes the name was promptly chanqed to the Newport Harbor to Ensenada lnterna· taonal Yacht Race That farst race was won by movae producer MUton Bren m hls 87- foot sloop Pursusl. The best corrected tame. BEST BUYS 28' UDi.Olte . . . . ..... 32· Uniflite . . . . . . . 33' Pace li80 ... 34· Uniflite li80 . 37' SUvetton TWIDSL . ..o· Defever Aft Cab. TW/OSL 40' Pace Sportfish •s· Viklq AIL Cbn ... .e· CAL 2146 Ketc 48' H•lteru Y1chL Ftl'lh $32.,500 141.500 111,500 sn,soo . $125,000 .. Sll,fOO 11M,OOO . ., .. 000 .. $111,500 5110,000 however, wu establish· ed by a woman, Mra. A .L. "Mickey" Barr of San Dieqo who sailed her husband's 46-foot PCC sloop Mickey. Because of heavy WUtd only 66 of the 122 boats entered finished the race. The second year it was sailed 40 percent of the boats dropped out because there was DO wind. The brst catamaran, Ailcane, raced m 1957 and set a world's record of 14h01m07 that has never been beaten. The Last to Fin1sh Trophy was won by a very devious sailor 10 1961. When the last two yachts were close to the hntsb lme each was tryinc;r to atay behmd the other to wm the trophy. Fmally one sJcipper dropped his sails and appeared to turn on bta enqine smce puffs of smoke showed clearly astern of the boat. The other sk1pper seeing this sall- ed triumphantly across the line. Looking back he saw a crew member on his opponent's boat holc:hng a smokinc;r h1bach1 aloft and fann - inc;r it to simulate ex-were clocked in. haust puffs. The tricky In 1965 one of the aailora then boiated boata ended up in their aails and won the Avalon. The akipper Last to Finiah Gahoon. sent & tel&(Jram to the 1963 saw the wildest race committM to endinq of the race notify bia family of the when 100 or more navic;rational enor ao yachta arrived at the they wouldn't c;ro down finiah line at the same to Enaenada to m .. t time. Since the line the boat. It wu embal'- wu only wide enouc;rb ruinc;r though, the to take 10 or so yachts Race Com.mitt .. posted at once it waa a scram-the telec;rram on the ble with "huJ:l.s bulletin board m scraped, spinnaker Ensenada. poles mapped, bows Also that year, just combing atems, crews before the start the pushinc;r off with feet race committee recetv- and bands and cap-ed a radio call from a tains cursinc;r and boat asking if the sails shouhnc;r 'stand clear. should be raised before or after the qun. The Race Committee Up until 1976 when had to use tape this hlstory waa written, recorders to note sail 9,209 boats bad taken numbers and finish part in Ensenada races timea but within 160 and 856 trophies had seconds 183 contestants been awarded. SPRING INVENTORY CLEARANCE DEPTH SQUfi()ER$ ~0~ Fuuno FE4(X)A r eie$()(1 lJOO Dotomonne 2700 remote Wesmor AP800 Hycto.JIIc plot With remote Roder Seoscon lOfQfl F1.1uno LC200 Silex 737 Silex 757 Site• 3 VHf President Q()Q VHF AutornohcDf NCllOO II£G. WI ..c::l SZ79 $1J'O S595 SG5 S75Q 5339 51M $1195 51029 S2QQ5 $2000 $1099 51099 $1299 52249 $329 5799 IARTELL MARINE ELECTRONICS 1577 MONROVIA AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 645-7040 30 VEARS SERVING NEWPORT BEACH For new Mil q~. ..u re.-n. roUufurliq conYenioM ud the besL eerva around. C.U Mike. Robin• Rod.-at: HOODSAIL ... KERS CA. M1 W. 111h St. C.ta ...... CAta27 Cf14) 141-3414 UPCOMING EVINTS-&hia Corin· thian Yacht Club will hold ita Anqelman S.riM No. 2 and Balboa Yacht Club will have a One-O..iqn rec;ratta for Outside ct ..... on Saturday. BYC will also host the Lido 14 Fl .. t for the two-day Harry Wood Reqatta and will co-host the "66" Senes and the Ocean Racinq Series with Newport Harbor Yacht Club on Sunday. Sallboardlng-The Sport of the 'lOa {BiC) Bic Board High Wind Sail O'Neill Wet Sutt o· Neill Jackel Booties Car Rack $699 110 105 85 36 22 NEWPOilTIII 112 •aY • ••• c .............. (Full Golleyll.tve &it) Winds····' Sail Suit Jacket BootteS C.ar Rack Total S COST $1 .060 7 7 7 ' 7 A Lot More CHANNEL ISLE AI.L•AYe t2S FllaiLAJH:I (Full Go/ley 'l"'• 8o•r) S AM-4 JOPM (INCLUDES BUNK) ROO & R£El $5 ~ HOBIE NEWPORT co. 1700 w. Coatttwy. ...... Oft .... (114) 145-2012 6AN. 12:30PM TWILIGHT (Storts June I) S:J0..9·30 PM ~&RfEl$4 SlNI~ CITIZENS 18 WEEKDAYS ..... DnALS Bayflahine 20-49 PASSENGERS CALL FOR DETAILS s'lllnt•,... (.nc/vdes MOICK, Gol and l1ve 8o•l) ALLDAY.28 1/2DAY •24 WhenYouFWI WlthUa G£T YC>Ua BONUS CARD MaL .... A .... •a•&MA 1 8/oclc Eost of So/boo Ferry ~~~·7····· 14 Fast, Roomy, Stable. A comfortable day sailor you can afford. A.n Ideal tnt boot tor the fa"niV r-t8'W to ~ A stor11ng 67. beam Pfcwldel st~ty PQWef and o spcxlous COCkpit with fuller-Qttl seats. No other boot con get you started .nto sa1ng w1th os much confidence and comfort ot such on a ffordable price 3401 W. FORDHAM-DEPT. 4A SANTA ANA CA 92704 (714) 979-9361 and if you ~wt now. sailing wilt be pan of your future. • • • Large bOeta need aJips or muac• cara.. Sllpa are hard to find. And..,., harder to pay for. The ama.U cera of the 80'1 won't be •* to tow and a.unch • a.rge traillerabte. T~ eotution ia Obvious. Small uUtx.ta offer the g,......t ptl •una for tta. .... t paln in boating today. The new genermlon of llftllllr, t+ghW tral~ayu....-.. cNilen. caaa. and ~n racert-:--'1 llMP you on tn. water. at the llland, 01ln the r.ce. And your lfNII Clf w6M not onty tow and •unch or~ your •lboat. but a11o ~ Kentm movies --------------- WALT ..._. Robert Newton II Long John SiNef and ~ DrilcOIIIs Jlm Hawkins In Robert Louis St~·· claalc tale of mutiny, piracy and burled tr.uure ..... 1.-...... MJd .. ......,. ••t:~II C8S (8 C..traVMountaln) U. ,...._ NEXT nAJl An old taw~ite returns with Alan Aide and Etten Burstyn In a ronwnho comedy baed on the long running BrOIONay play. H()IIN a llrst meeting between two ~ married people beCOme8 a onc.•yeer tryst Bed and bfaak· tnt kNe story. (Due to mature theme, pa,..tal discretion Ia acMaed.) OOf'lledV M a not-.c>charmlng rogue about to be hung tor I'Ma bed habits who II aaved by merrytng a young lady, O.C.r winner Mary StHn- bulgen. Al80 stare John Belulhl and Danny DeVIto. •nN ABC (8 CAntraliMountaln) ,ATIO. A cornedV of romence and calor,.• with the fabulous Dom Deluiee. Arne Bencraft (who .., c:lfec:t.c:O and c.dce Az:zaq, 'AROLE. Tetefllck with James Naughton as a dedicated Beeton parole officer whoM experiences with a troubled young parolee highlight the probleml many former offenders encounter The drama was filmed In Boston a.nd at the Mue- echusetts Correctional Institution at Wq,ole. Parental ciacretion lldYIMd. '-. .'\ I .\1 ' 1\ I I l ...... ces (7 c.ntra~~Mounta~n> WALT DISNEY: ,......... ....... C• •• 'atR COINEI IE IU...,._ Mark twn111 ts a high schoOl student who with hiS friend~~ rescue a Junked eorv.tte. With the laVtsl'l attention and aoe.. silfe behavior of car·crazed youths. they 0111'8 tt a face lift until the car Is truly the auto of their dreams. But suddenly the car di~rs Annie Pot1s keeps the wheelS and romance \ ' I ""., ~ I ~ i I I • ..... N8C (7CentraNountain) .......... TMI STORY OF 1'He OaliOMD '~Y. A musical r~tton of the famous family their •rly struggles and the rise to the top. t.eth and all A Pfen'\lere teteftidc e»atamng Joe Bot1ome •11NABC (8CentraVMountaln) TH1 IA8Y .-n'IA. Ew doinga With Wllltam Shatnet. P.ny Duke Asttn. \)\linn Cummings and Stephan1e rt)on't call me Jr 1 nrrc.• I ' \1' I; II THE JAV. -•• _..,_. Lonl A~Qraon portrays the actress from her arrival In Hollywood as a 21·yeat-o6d Wide eyed bfunette an ... rch ol stardom until her early death after a successful t1se to lame and fortune. Arnold ScP!Mrzenegger p&ays Jayne's betoYed second l'lus· band. bOdytlullder Miel(ey HarQitay The rise and fall of a MX queen '• \ I I • \I' llll '- honest coo caught tn a deadly game of power politics and pol•ce corrup. lion Ben Gauara. Paul Sorvtno. Robert Vaughn, Tony Rct>erts, Danny Aiello and Anthony Zerbe S.tttng rhe tr_, and moiling In for the IIIII ....,..ABC (7CAntraliMountaJn) NO SOA,, "ADtO Comedy premiefe whtctl goes careen•ng ot11n new directiOnS w1th a stream of rap!() ltre stght gags PlOt twiSts blackoYts and surpnses At the h4tlm as Steve Gu"enberg as the lhlld oeneratl()rl oroonetor of a seedy hOtel an AtlantiC C1ty The hoetelry also stars Btll Dana and fOfmer-MuncNun Jerry Maren .. 10PIIABC (7 Central/Mountain) THE LOW IOAT Da.ullng !'Iaure couture. 1ntngue and com.dy rule I he waves as Cepta1n Stublng and has mates conduct a ntzy cru1se to Acapulco .... ~~(8~~~~ DEAN MARTIN AT THE WILD AHIIIAl PARK 01no and guests Dom DeLUise Barbt Benton ana Jerry Reed take us on a viSit 10 !he Antmal Par11 an EscondiOO. Cahfornaa WhiCh as celet>rat'ng ats 10th annrver sary With many a tamattar haary guest • ..,liABC (7CAntra11Mountaln) YANKS. If ti'Ma ISI'I't '"yantl.ed' from the acheO.N egaln. you Will be able to finaUy ... one of t979'a little oems abOut an Al'neflcan bOy meeting an E~hah g~rl 1n war·torn Bntaln Richard Gefe, ....,_.. Redgrave. U.. Elchcwn and the atw.ys ex'*lent w-.no.wn.. -~ D fte 1'allldaD ==---------- .. ftiiiiiNBC (8 Centra11Mountain) QOIN' SOUTH Jack Nicholson directed and stars 1n a western S NEll FUJITA OESIGt-. .. ttllllltl!JC (7~) THE fiOIIIDON ADVINTUM. A or~ story abcut an oceen llnef fiClPed topsy-tutvy by a huge tGI wave Gene Hackman. Ernett Boto- n~ne, the ~ Stelia Stevena. Jac* At1ertson and SheHey Wint.,. doing a lalf ~rsonation, in dlaJect. yet, of an agtng whale. The photogf~. IOUnd effects and drenw wttl keeo you on the edge of your .ofa C88 (7Centra11Mounlaln) ACllaiiOMCW ~,A rrvetlng tate by Academy Award Wtnn•no author Budd Sctlulbarg about an King& 2 mg. "tar." 0.3 mg. n•conne: 100s: 4 mg. "tar." 0.5 mg. niCotine av. per cigarene. FTC Rapon December 1981. C~.USA .I~ Ultra Low Tar 1Q.t1P111 NBC c9CentraVMountaanl The Newpcw1 Enaago Wed....-doy. Aptal 14. 1!12 Poqe IS LOMTTA L~ THE Ullf -·THE LEQIEND The country -..perstar celebrates her 20th arwwersary In the buSiness On hand are l'lef wtet Crystal Gayle, SISSy Sc»c*. Holnrd Hesseman, the Oek Ridge Boys. Conway Twitty and Ernest TUbb 10-nNces (9c.ntraVMauntain) THE AIIPICAM-ISMIU CON- NECTION A close lootc at the compte•. personal t1ea between Israel and the U S Anchored by Correspondent A.I'Oew Lack. I Ill '-. •\PRII ' 4:»1c .... C8S (3.30CentJMt) ROUEM. ROOFTO.. AND WIT· CHES CBS Llbfary sen• with Tom Aldredge as '"The Father of the Arnencan Short Story • Afte1 a reYifNt ot the genestS and for m three snort stones a re dramatiZed 10-t1P111 NBC (9CentraLIMountall"l) PlEASUU DIWOS: THE QMAT AMERICAN HIGH The tow dawn on I'IOw the drug talnng habits of the coYnter culture of the 1960s have moved so rapidly 1nto the malflSIIeam of Amertean meddle-claSs ltfe and how we are copeng With the Ofoblem Edwin Newman aa the r~et J HI .\ I'HII ' M.,.. NBC (7 CentraiiMountaln) JOKE800K Anothel new one a last pac~ comedy .. 10PIIABC (8Centra11Mountat.n) FNDAYS A ormettme edltton ...... ABC (7 CentraNountaln) THE IIIYS'TOIOUS ..a.EM OF MAN Spelbndlng sorcery. Incred- Ible superhuman strengttland biZarre ceremorval ntes of ~ 1n exotiC. remota place& -....... t1:JDPIII.? C8S (10 30CAnt M ) IAIKiTIAU N8A regular ..,an <.,.\T .'\PRII . 1:3DPII-? NBC (12 30 Ct IMt ) tM *-" f .. turl~ New Y<>B van~c ... at o.trolt Tigers ~-U'IIABC (2:30CentJMt) ,., MM\.IM TOUa 1100,000 Greater Hartford Open. Bradley Bowl, Wlndlot L.oc:ka. Connecttcut Ul ... N8C (3.30 CAnt.IMount GOl-' ~tine! round d the Many Tournament of ~. 1M from the La eo.ta Countrv CU, tn C.r• *1 Caltfomla_ ~ABC (4Centra11Mountaln) THOAOUGH8MD MCaNQ T'he Wood Memorial from famed AQLieQICt In Mew Yen ,.... CBS (12 Noon Cenl1'11Naunt.) ._. DOUet IEHIADIIl Teema to be announced on tNt flnel ~ of regular ...eon COfi"C)elltlon a.~ ABC (t CentraVMountM\) II'OinaiAT One. agam, Howerd Coeell ripe the ltd off a toe>not·l(> handle ~~aoenea story ~ ..... ABC (1 30Cent./Mt.) A...cAN IPORTIIIAN. ~»4:JJPPI NBC (t · 30 Cent M ) OOU: Final round 00\lefiiQa of the Mony Tournament of Champions from La Costa Country Club •n Carebed. Callforn&a ~ABC (2"30Cent /Mt.) U.s.A. ft. THE WORLD IN OLYII- flte:W<Mtta ~ ... N8C (3 30CAntJMount ) »>On'SwoaLD Golden GkNel Association of NNrlcan Tournament of ~s from K¥n&U City. ~.II ABC (3.30Cent1Wount.) WIOI WOIILD cw woara. ,~ .. ' cas C10:30Cenl~Mcu'tt) ._. fi\AYOFF GAla Flrsl round. .... , NBC (NoonCenlJMount) UIHALL MaJor L~ Gwne at me Wee" teatuung St Louts Cardinels at PN'-delpNa Phlllles l:..,.ABC (2:30Cent./Mt.) ....0 .owuM TOUR 1200.000 Flf_,one Tour '*'lent of~. RMeta Lanet. Aaron. Ohio. ........ NBC (3Central1Mount.Ul) QOLF Golfl~ greata. such as Atnold Palmef and Sam Sneed ~ ,...ve .,.,.,..., a c:ont* led 1otal of t4S tournement ....::tor• ~nng their careera. are among the l'leedlil--. ~ ABC (4 CentraliMountUl) A8C UOin'l The Derby Trial from Churchill 0owna In L~ . \, ·. ' . '' ~CBS (12Noon~) ._. fi\AYCWF DOUeL..IMIAMJt ~NBC (t Cent~Mountu\) I 'ORTSWO"LD Fteg to·flaQ CO¥ef1I08 of the 1982 CART Atlanta 200 Indy-car raoe ...,.. NBC (3Centr~Wounta.n) QOLf F~nal round coo.4tlaQe of the Liberty Mutual Legends tournament IASEUU AAa/01 League Game of ..wOOH OONOV.v.~Tts ...c Warntn g: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. r,::::::::::::;:::;::;::::::;:;:::::;;::;:;::::::=:;:::::;=;:::::=::;:::===;-n ~Droy I wboee 4100 block of .. ~.~~ CRDGS bOIIl Lonai.Ae Stau.afield in the 1800 block of W Mt Balbo.. Columbus house ia b.ted for Mle, reported auapic1ou.s CIZ· C1Ialta.nc• to police after hnce lindln9 a man who stated he wea a realtor and wu ''preVleWU19 ~;:::±=:;:::;::;:;:;::=::;:::::;=~t::=::::::::========:::JI the residellce for a client"- BurqW. appa.natly pried open doon oo five Ou..U Street ollie•, at..U.9 $3,600 i.D IBN S.lectrica and $120 i.o cub ... A pune with contents valued at $446 wu raporled atoleD froa a parked auto belonqi.oq to Suan D. Whitaker in the 1800 block of West Coast Hlqhway ... A video caaette recorder valued at $1,200 wu reported stolen from Howard NMk in the 500 block of Du.naa. ARRESTS Gary Frank Baker, 44, of Balboa, wu an .. ted on suapa- ClOn of UMult wtth a deadly weapon . . . S.rqio C.ndeqas Martine&, 19, of Santa Ana, wu arrested on suspicion of receiv- 109 known stolen property . . . Ronald Allan Ouellette Jr., 21 , of Chmo, was arrested on suapa- cton of automobile theft . . . Michelle Marie B.dard, 24, of Los Anqeles, was arrested on suspicion of shoplifhnq . . . Two people were arrested on suspi- cion of drunken driving, in· cludinq Jill Simpson of Newport Beach. Tueeday. April 6 CRINES An original Rembrandt atone etchin9 valued at $1 ,000, an ondiDCJ&l ChagaU watercolor valued at $1,500, an original Niro llthoqraph valued at $800 and an oil by Cremera valued at $200 were amonCJ $25,8l0 worth of property stolen hom Jack H. O.Xruif in the 300 block of Milford . . . An employee of Southern CaliJorrua Electric, Michael Patnck Burak, 25, wu taken to Hoaq Hospatal for treat· ment of a poaa1ble broken ankle sustamed when he jumped off a tractor be believed was qoing to overturn ... A power-blower valued at $300 was reported stolen from R&B Enterprises in the 1800 block of Dove ... F1ve ta.bles, four lawn cbaars and a chaue lounqe valued at $1 ,125 were reported stolen from the Villa Balboa Homeowner's Assocaahon LD the 200 block of Nace ... Jewelry valued at $400 wu reported stolen from Patricia Ann Walsh 10 the 600 bJocJr of Vuta Boruta ... Jewelry and flower vases valued at $1,350 was reported stolen ARRJSTS Robert Alan Dyer, 28, of P-...dena, wu arrested on auaplcion of cpand theft of tnODey. to. Anqeles polle e in- v..Uo-aton made the arrest . . John Henry Va.n Uden In, 35, of Irvine, wu arrested on auapa- cion of receivinq known stolen property ... Elias David Col- lina, 23, of Hollywood, was ar- rftted on aus_picion of rfmden- Ual burglary ... Four men were arrested on ausp1C1on of drunken drivi.oq, includmq Jack WiUaam Farrar and Paul Curhss Huqhes, both of Newport Beach Wednesday. April 7 CRIMES A bomb threat was reportedly received at 5:30p.m. al The Finished Look an the 3800 block of Birch ... Property valued at $425 was reported stolen from Melinda M. Frohhng m the 200 block of Garnet. ARRESTS Eric Norman Vonherzen, 24, of Newport Beach, was arrested on suspicion of burqla.ry . . Roderick Allen Hunt, 31 , of Ap· ple Valley, was arrested on suspicion oJ petty theft . . . Jonathan Pate Swisher, 18, of Newport Beach, was arrested on suspicion of petty theft . Two men, Larry Anderson, 24 , of Los Anqeles, and Michael Anthony Thomas, 19, of Costa Mesa, both reported employed by the In- diana firm of Ameracan Com· munity S.rvaces, were arrested on suspicion of sohcatmg wat out business licenses . . Two men were arrested on susp1c1on of drunken driving, mcludmg Gary Lee Simon of Newport Beach. Thursday. April 8 CRIMES A Newport Beach man was hospitalized when an unknown asaa.ilant· attacked h1m wtth a two-by-s1x board m h1s garage on Mendoza Terrace . Accordan g to police, the vachm slated he belleves the assaslant was the same man who made a s1m1la r attack on bun last March Jewelry valued at $10,500 was reported stolen from Barbara Ann Moreland m an lma Loa burql.uy ... Frednclt H. alone. The man could not pr•- .. nt proper c redentials. Ac· cording to pohce, the man ap· parently used a key to q.un en· traQOe, and McDroy does have a lock-box for his listinq ... A waU ruq valued at $1 ,500 was reported stolen from Land Sea Air Leasang an the 1600 block of Dove. ARRESTS Paul Howard Wriqht, 21 , of Santa Ana, was arrested on suapacaon of burql.uy . . . Patnck Gulls Huqqins, 33, of Newport Beac h, was arrested on suspiCIOn of usmg a forged prescnphon . Four persons were arrested on suspicion of drunken dnvmg, mcluding one from Newport Beach · Patncia Mc Cabe Friday. April 9 CRlMES Timothy Thomas Read of Costa Mesa reporte<i he was walkmg m a parking lot on West Ocean Front when a veh1cle pulled alongs1de oJ h1m and two men yelled something un1ntelliqible at him. Read told pohce be told the men be wanted no trouble, at which poml the passenger jumped from the car and punched h1m an the face . The driver then ex- tied the car. walked up to Read and apoloqtzed, pollee report Both suspects then drove oU .. A man walked mto the Medt-RX Pharmacy on East Coast H1qhway near closmg tune and mformed a clerk that he was lookmg for an Easter present for h1s mother. Accordmq to police, he browsed unhl only a phar· mac tsl was left in the store, stuck hts hand m h1s pocked as tf armed and demanded drugs . The v1chm comphed, and the suspect left, escapmg with $165 80 of vanous drugs. ARRESTS Pedro Marc han Esparza, 19, of Costa Mesa, was arrested on SUSPICIOn of receiVIDCJ known stolen property . . Two men were a rrested on suspiCIOn of drunken dnvmq, ne 1ther fr om Newport Beach Satwday. April 10 C RIMES An armed robber escaped w1th about $250 alter holding up the Market &sleet on at 10 p .m .... Jewelry, ·~ad a televmon valued at $778.50 were reported atolea froa Walter W. Zi9L&r ln the 300 block of Poppy . . . C..era THE I Et ,EPHONE POLL equ pmeot ud tenllil racbb valued at $735 were reported stolen lrom Haney G. Leuon i.o the 2600 block of Oceu. A.RRl.STS 1'WII ....... 1" .,_s Should cowaty bave another .tudy on qeneral aviation facili- ty? (S.. Pave 1.) · to YOte YES. call 175 ••• To 910te RO. call875-7020. Cali anytime between now and 8 a.m. Woaday to cut yow lliPQte. There will be no rl.Dq. tbe:re 11 oo Deed to tal.lt. The "!t.u9 u~H eound you hear ill your Yote bet.Dv ~rded. r..t -.reek'• qundoo: Should the Umted States help aupp)y British forces in the Falkland islands dispute? YES NO 88% 14% Jo.epb Enc Nullenfeld, 21, of Northridqe, and ltarl Edward Mullenfeld, 19, of Sepulveda, were arrested on su.picion of c:U.turbing the peace . . . Uriel Rafael Altamirano, 22, of Costa Mesa, wu arrested on suspicion of poaeaaing amphetamines . . . Paul Joaeph Vandervort, «. of Garden Grove, wu arrested on susp1c1on of exposing tum..lf in publlc . . . Rolando Sanchez Noyola, 241, of Corpus Chrish, Tex., w.u arrested on suap1cion of contnbutmq to the delinquen- c y of a mmor . . . Alan Lewis Batdorf, 26, of l.aquna Beach, was arrested on suspic1on of res1shnq and obstructinq a pollee officer . . . Six men were arrested on susp1caon of drunken drivinq, none from Newport Beach ------------------~----~.------ PUILIC NOTlCt U:SOLUT10111t0 a.u A IIUOLUTION OF 1111 em COUNCIL Or THI CITY OF NCWPOIIT a&ACH OICLAIUHG ITS UfTSHT1011 TO HOLD A PVI UC HIAMIG TO COICSIOIII A U OUIST IY COMNUNrrT CAIUVI SIOtf COWPAIIY rOll A Mn Ill CUASI Ill THI rUS AND CKAJIQIS FOil CAlLI Al'tnNliA lU.IVWOIC SIJIVICI WKIJILI.S -ar.oa.., l4 1971 ehe Caty Cout~~t.J tJol ,.._ Cu., vt M.wpot a-ch odOptod Jl.eolwhoa No INSO •••..ol•d••q • ••~ teh.d"S. whteh Co•a\lntlf Cable•II•OD CoMp•IIIIY ,..ouLd ch..•v• 1;t twbecHO.u •••h•n •"' .. ,..,~. a rN '" th• Catv of N.-wpc;tr' S...:h ••d WHDUS Co•awft•l'f' C•blevla•on C""'~ny ••• •wbr•"•..t • r-.qu ... tot • tal• ••C'•.._.. an ,a.,. aOAthl'f' (.aba.. antenna ,.~,e.,.,..<H\ MrvK"e f... and •h•• ..:hatqN •~teh ••• ••• tolth on Eaa.tbtl .. A .. an.ched ~reto and WHIJilA!I S.C11on ~ 44 0~ of 1~ N•wpcrl a..ch Wwnu:•IMJ Code pro ~.d•-th•t pu• r to ay,thon~•no •h• C'hanQ• of an'f' •••• 01 cMna., by the holder ot • Co,..autl' Ant•on• Tei•V\11.00 rr.Mtu .. lk. C"ll'l C.)~ftctl hAIII lont odopl • R-lwt_, of lnlen hOD tu do ., and h• • hm• tot • J.l'-'btu h••tt•q tu t."oa•.det w•d pr-oroe -d C'~&O• NOW TKUIFOIU. II: IT lltSOLV lO loy th• C11, Co~IK•l ~I til• C o•v I N••potl &..Kh 1~1 • pvbbc a...unq , c--on.aKi•r a reQIH'Itt b'f' Cv••"'"''" ( .. t.t.,,,, Cc •P4•• fot • ••'• •• ,.,_... ~ ,.,. ,. .. "lht'f' abt. ••••naa •l..,•t•\olho w n•<• I...,. a~d .tMt .... ~·· ..... ''" ,,._ ,. •"• ""'· I A w1ll t. lwld ~• •lw J61• d•y o4 Ap•~ 1982 at •'-• ltcau -.tf 7 JO p 1ft •" ttrr.. c""'"' •• c~aat.r -·~ •• c ••• Hail tJOO "*•P"fl lt•d N••pc:wt I-.e~ c ••.•. ,,. .• II( IT rulllll£11 llf.SOL Vf 0 h•l 1t.. C•tf Cl•r• I ·~ C:•'• I H••vcr• S.ar,.. t.. ,. d "-•reb't' • d.rH't«t a ltd 4wlh\llll.-ci o J,111l-l th th._. .....,_•lu•• ,,. "' ln••••• n • •••• ~~· ••lhtn ltft...a f IS) d••• I II ••n l •'• .Juphon a..d Matl a 1 P• I ...at~J R.....,twitVft 10 H~h hf'Ld•t wl "' C .,.,.,r: ,,. Anl•nr.a l•l.Vt'\tOI f rettrhn• ••it.trt ·t\• Ctt'f' I N••P '"a. •• ADC.JPT£0 ~ • , '"' ••• t A1 ' 1!18J ['1•1\n ttat ~· 1 Pr T• m A '"' Wa•.daf lu •~,.,.,.., A YES I (.iUNC:It MlMB! II~ H""' ••I H,.,, • Plwm~•• S•t HI ....... , ... , HOES C'UIJN\11 M(MBtHS H-•·• A8Stlll t'OVNC'It M£MII£"S w ........ , MOIITHl Y S£11\ll<.t t:HAih;[S '. CHAifNEI.S M 11'\lhl" .,," ~ u~n••l "t l)r ., .. ~ ~ I n • h11• •" '•d•• d •• .., • .. ,. Ul b II~ f U Cwn .. ,' MA'• t4• I ... •-.i "•" I ., j,. J ''A o•r . w • ~~ ' ~. A.dtltll '. " . -hl fM I TV S2 (At Sl ~· l '""''. '--· •I 1 7\1 ·~ .. 1 lo I '10 11.<1·· s· ~. 80 JO• '-~ ~liD" S>l'ie. A.U1ttou"•' t. -~ln4 • f\ uoo \11.(1 PvloL•n A11 .. . ""' , .. lJI&.I''l~ tf IIW'MI Sunday. April 11 CRIMES Unknown suspects apparently had a beer party at Pactfic V1ew MemorlaJ Park, leav1n9 empty and broken beer bottles and brea.ldn9 Mveral glass vases and pottery pieces. The park superiDtendent had to hire I wo men to clean up the estimated $100 of debris on Euler SUDday-at double-time- costi.og the park approximately $250, pohce reported . . F1shmq rods and reels valued at $233 were reported stolen from a car belonqmq to Lyle Rodgers parked at 30th and Balboa ARRESTS Anthony Michel Saltkal, 22. of Tampa, Fla., was arrested on suspiCIOn of reckless dnvmg ... Randall Jon Harris, 20, of Buena Park, was arrested on susptcaon of giVang false in- formation lo a police officer. y-THES LINEN TORE We've ... Plastered, painted, and polished. And now we're ... Premiering, partying, and pampering. UTM luxurwJ of /if~ to liv~ with" 3701 East Coast Hiahway-Corona del Mar, California 92625-714-675-4994 At one time, women'• ro .. wu confmed to kitchen and kick. It 11 a picture that h.u chana41d p-eatly in ju.A a few yean. THBN: WbeD modem woman fint bepa ..UIDI • teatati" foot in the world of c:ommerc:e, it wu oRen in rielda that haft been termed "cottaae iDd~ ... Women tried their banda- and often aucce~~fully-.t endeaYOra inYOIYiat COIIIle- tica, fuhion, bandicrafta and bome producta. If you could lose weight by yourself, you would hove done so by now. Cal today fOI' ..... ·nw ,....,._., w._,. t.o.e w...,.,r 2865 E. Coast Hwy., Suite 206 COrcno dill Mar 67~.0111 I ~ I .. t ' J - - . •• -in rTl4 Ju He Co St1 Ho Wt Su w in dr" at At fUl ... Ll vie Sl Se NE Ne ln1 C4 Ct .. sho vis po Sc art La of He Sl 4:: 49 ,. .. II ~ Ca Ac He Th p.l p.l p.l p.l 11 '" ., hel da• 24- F&l tin mt ter pri. to $h. rm art a no . ........... .., occ ... llltnta .. Included in 1 lhow foculing on ~ art through June 8 at the Milta House Visual Arts Complex, 12732 Main Street, Garden Grove. Hours: noon-4 p.m . Wedneadly through Sunday. WCMbltyL.ry ... in glau scufpture, vapor drawings and furniture at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Exhibit runs through May 2. .................... Lawi:•10e HINch on view Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seamst• Gallefy. 3341 Newport Btvd., Newpor1 Beach. Information: 673-0400. c ........ COiw~teedone: ....... nto sho'WCIM8 that city's visual arts, ak>ng with port...tts of working Southern California artists by AI ~n at laguna Beach Museum of Art through April22. Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 11 :30 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. Information: 494-6631 . FirM ln .... Mdonel .. o ... ........ Exhlllldon through Aprit 25 in Gallery B at Cal State long Beach. Admiaion is free. Hours: Monday through Thursday. noon to 4 p.m . and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, noon to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, 1·5 p.m. 111h Annuel Newport leeoh City Alta ...... will be held noon-S p.m . Satur· day and Sunday. April 2~25 in the Mall area at Fashion latand. Con· tinuous live entertain· ment will accent the In- ternational theme. Cash prizes will be awarded to winners in a juried art show. and works by many Orange County artists will be displayed, and admission is free. \;U'""' photog~' .... by David Tejada on ex- hibit et the Bellon Ga6lety. 3'720 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. GaUer( hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday. "Hellrt of • Child ... f newty released lithograph by artist Alan Murray, along with his ~efs and charcoal drawings now on diaptay at Haggeomaker Galleries, 372 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beech. Hours: 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. daily. Vltrttaga photogr...,.y ,by IMGglft ~ ....,..... opens April 24 at the Susan Spiritus Gallery. 3336 Via Lido in Newport Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . Tuesday-Saturday. Ex· hibit shows through June 5. "Eaaance of Spdng". watercolors, oils. col· lage and sculpture and works by Shirley Am- burguey are on exhibit at the Sandstone Gallery, 384-A North Coast Highway. Laguna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m .-5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. lollle 1 7 a tableau created by Edward and Nancy Kienholz will be on display at the Newport Harbor Art Museum through April 25. Gallery hours 11 a.m . to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Waweolon and monoprlnte by Margaret Bedell of Cor- ona del Mar on view at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery. n.x> Newport Blvd , through April 23. ''Carnal 1......-·· an Invitational group show of 40 artists ttlrough April 23 at Orange County Center for Con- temporary Art, 3621 West MacArthur Blvd .• , Space 1 11 . Santa A na. Alumktum eculptun by Johanna Jordan through April 24 at the Abraxas Gallery, 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach. c ............. ..... 10 .,.. of Or8nge County ttluetreted through Mev 1 et the Museum Shop, 27'54 East Coast Highwey. Corona del Mer. All are offered for sale. Gallery hours: 10:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Tuelday~Saturday. ' I ......... .., K.,...Wieular through April '30 at the Huntington Beech Ubrary and Cuhural Resources Center. 7111 Talbert, Huntington Beach. Theflnt..,.u- hlbldon by David Rau opens at Orangerie Gallery, 1492 South Coast Highway in Laguna Beech April 17. Call 494-5866 for hours. ...... d..-of the lot..._. presented by the Metropolitan Con· tainer of Art through April 29 in UCI's Fine Arts Gallery. Art lhow end Aue> don sponsored by the International Order of Job's Daughters Bethel 167 6:30p.m. Saturday, April 17 at the laguna Beach Masonic Temple. 680 South Coast Highway. Featuring works by Dali, Calder, Rockwell, Curry. Miro and Kelly. Admission free. CluM "April Flow ... " is the theme of Newport Beach Christian Women's Club lun· cheon 11:45 a.m. Wednesday. April 21 at the Airporter Inn. A fashion show and mus1c will be featured. Reser- vations are $6.50; call Mrs. Jim Dority, 544-2921 . Free nursery is provided, all invtted. Slngl• T .. a Harbor area communication and social network IS being led 7:30 p.m . every Monday by Kay Carvotta of the Tustin Associates for Human I Newpcwt AoNevwa Toastmasters Club meets Wednesday mornings from 7 to 8:30 a.m .• Western Federal Newport to Avalon Savings, 4 Corporate Plea, Newport Beech. Speechee wiU be video teped. For information call 615-7196. tNewport c.m.r Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m .• Pacific Mutual Building, Fashion Island. For information call Or. Annamaria Ballin at ~ or Mel Creighton at 566-1171 . Irvine Complex Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 at 2151 Michaelson, Suite 166x. Information: Bob Davis. 752-1111. Irvine Senior Centw invites Duplicate Bridge players to bring their favorite partners every Wednesday from 12:1>3:30 p.m. for an exciting afternoon at the Senior Center. 3 Sandburg, Irvine . Oencera-attendonl Tea Dances-Concerts are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Center throughout the spring at 4:30 p.m. Sundays. Admission IS $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information. call 754-3643. Adventul'e wMh the Bible scripture studies for career women 7-8:30 p.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings Community Room, Westcliff Plaza in Newport Beach. Call 493~0296 for days and information. Intermediate Bridge class (699) is being of- fered Thursday evenings by the City of Irvine's Community Services department. Telephone ~3839 for more in- formation. Spygl11a Hill Garden Club will meet Wednesday, Apnl 21 at the home of Mrs. Roger Hughes. Jim McNulty will speak on "Bring1ng the Beauty of Your Garden into Your Home or Office" Information: Sharon Pence. 644 4443. o.. .... eo-tc• ...... __ , Even· 1ng Film Seriet is held 1n OCC's Forum. Ttekets are $2. AM movtet start at 7:30 p .m . Filma in- clude: "The Sound Of Muaic". April 17; "My Fa11 Lady", April 24; "Camek>t", May 1 The UCI film lodety screens a variery of classic films 6:30 p m Saturdays. Tickets are $2 general, $1 UCI students. At least two films are shown each night. Scheduled: April 17: ''Blood of a Poet", (French-1930). by Jean Cocteau; and "Kuroneko", (Japanese-19681, by Kaneto Shindo. April 24: Two shorts "Red Bailon", (French-1966), by Albert lamorisse. "Secrets of the Soul". (German-19281. by G.W . Pabst; and "World of Apu", (lndia-1959), by Satyajit Ray . ~ workahope at Orange Coast College this week in~~y,Aptil17 -"Getting Published" day-long seminar by Robert M . Howland, a senior aquiSitions editor at Prentice-Hall. 9 am 1n Fine Arts Hall 116 Fee •s $35, tncludes materials and refreshments -Defense workshop for men and women Marcella Muller, instructor 1 p m 1n the Student Center. Adm1ss•on tS $5, $8 for couples. Semi..., on•~• .. reduction 7:30 p.m . Tuesday, April 20 at Deerfield Park 1n lrvtne Karen Bohan will be guest speaker Information: 499-2295 Coa.dlne Community College. (963-~11 , ext 2561. •s offenng several workshops and lectures at several locat1ons, tncludtng Saturday, April 24 -"Your Bluepnnt for a Winning L•festyle". Terry Monroe. Ed M and Dr Lee Solow, lecturers 9 a m at Robmwood Learn1ng Center in Hunttngton Beach. Fee is $10. 11M Newport £nal9n Wednesday. April 14. 1112 Page 17 ucow•• Go••••IR'-The .,.. lh' lr'e a.o.. ..... Aff*'• features ~--lnotuding Pete Wilton. mayor of Sen Diego and United States Senate can- dtdate. John Seymour, rN'fOI of AMheim and candidate for state auembty, Kathleen O'Connell, director of housing for the city of Los Angeles, Ruth Yannatta·Gokfway. mayor of Santa Monica and Merrill Butler. pas1 president of NAHB. Sponsored by the Home Builder's Council, seminar will be held 8:30 a.m.· 11 :30 a.m. Wednesday, April 28, at the Airporter Inn Hotel n Irvine. R818Nations :ost $30 for HBC members, $36 for non- membera. and can be made by calling 12131 625-5n1, Mrs. Zena Golby. Mnelc "Muelc to Cal1blete ~pnng•• presented by OCC Chorale and Chamber Singers 8 p .m. Saturday, April 24 in the Auditorium. Tickets are $4 general. $3 students. seniors and kids under 12. Information: 556-5627. Sopl-ano a.werty Hochand~ .,..... Ph ..... will perform 7:30p.m. Wednesday, April 21 at Saddleback North Col- lege. 5500 irv1ne Center Dnve. Tickets are $7 and $6. Information: S&S-1313. Contempol'wy mue1c of Scodend by Silly Wizard 8 p.m . Sunday, April 18 at UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. Tickets are $5 general. $3 UCI students and $4 for other students and seniors. Tickets. 833-6379. Jbeetcr ''I Ought To .. In P~" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. 3602 S Harbor Blvd . Santa Ana Tuesday through Thursday at 8.15 p.m Fnday 9 p.m . Saturday 8:30 p m and Sunday at 7 30 p.m "South P'ecHk:" by Rodgers and Hammerstetn. at Sebastian's West Dtnner Playhouse, 140 Avenida Pk:o. San 23-25, 30 M.y 2 at Uft,. Clemente Show ttmea cofn School For ticket vwy T~ through Information. c.- Sunday until ~ 11 640-2271 . R81ef'Vattona· 492-99rl0 M'I ce~~~~- ''YWttoe lmell Plell..e'' presented by the Huntington Beech P\aynouse. Space 39, Seactiff Village Shopping Center. Yorktown and Ma1n Streets, Huntington Beach. Through May 22. ReMrvations and information 847-4465 .. Gypey" by Arthur laurents, music by Jule Styne and Iynes by Stephen Sondheim now through May 30 at the Grand Dinner Theatre. 1 Hotel Way. Anahetm ReservatiOns: n2-n10 "The De a &tty Game" IS running through Aprtl 24 at the Mission V•eJO Playhouse. ReservatiOns: 495-6559 or 830-9252 "Who'a On Fnt?" by Jack Sharkey, at the Turtle Rock Community Park Auditorium. Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine. Tickets are $4, available at the door. Information· 557 • T1!J7 . "The Front ...... ' by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur runs Apnl 23-May 22 at the Westminster Commun1 ry Theatre. 7272 Maple Street. Westmtnster Phone 996-4113 for tn- formatiOn and reserva ttons ''The Seven Veer Itch" by George Ax elrod 8:30p.m Fnday and Saturday at Westmmster Commun1 ry Theatre. 7272 Maple Street, Westminster General admiss1on $4. special rates for semors and groups Reserva tions: 996-4113 SouthC~Repw­ tcwy pe Uinta "DA" by Hugh Leonard. through May 16 on the Ma1nstage Also "Com tng Attract•ons' by Ted Talty wtll run on the Se cond Stage Apnl 21 Mav 9. SCR Box Offtce 967-4033 "0,....." Will be presented by the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreat1on Department Apnl 16-18, An. ·-·s-.. ..-Associated Oi.arders of ()Jange County is hoking 1 eelf· help group w~ at 7:30 p.m . at the Mariners Ubfary in Newport Beach. The free self-help therapy group ts dedicated to helptng persons with eat•ng disorders. Cooldfte d11111 offwed by fiiiiFO'• 2919 East Coast Highway. Corona def Mar. 1673-2343). mclude O.ytlnte ......... De~F~Ce C'-to start at OaSis. 800 Marguerite Avenue. Corona del Mar 10 a m.-noon Wednesday, April 14. Eight week course taught by Herb L.ethet Fee IS $20. Tow of J. hul Getty Museum is set for Saturday, April 17 with a bus leaving OCC Auditorium at 9 a.m. and returning around 2·30 p .m . Cost is $12 per person and tickets must be purchased at OCC 1n advance Tow of Joehua Tree N.donel ............. IS set tor Saturday. Apnl 17. with a bus teav1ng OCC Auditorium at 6:45 a.m . and returning at about 9 p.m . Cost is $25 per person and tickets must be purchased at OCC in advance. Prepare as you would for a day- hike. Bring a lunch! Appllc.atiofte .. avellallh for Camp Haverim at the Jewish Community Center of South Orange County. 298 Broadway. Laguna Beach Enrollment is hmtted and registrants should apply before May 1 lnformatton: Dale Glassef. 497-2070 Authcw of "Tint 1 I~ Jill", I Gregory ..... !Old will read sefections from hiS WOrk noon T uesdey, April 20 tn Room 126 of the Humanities Office Building at UCI Benford. a phVSJCS instructor at UCI, won the Nebula Award for "Timescape". FA\ORITE FLOOR • Over60,.n ... ...a~. • u.iaed •• -a,r Desipcr SolariaD, l\.mai(;a ·, favorite floor, w 1bc onlY oo-wu Door with the rich.DCIIIDd IDII'Vdous UDdcnftcd blk ofiiiWcl Cab"'. A1Kl, Armlll'ODI'• special ~ ~ ..... without wuin& far loQaer thaD rillyl ~wa noon. So act • ~ Ooor-u pat smop. But burry; this'* e:odt April 24. •M , _. ............... ~ .. ..,., ..... • BOmftESSBJUEFS Cc=wt'l • a.atftp Co-m •· cW ........ lac •• Newport IMcll. U. been aam.d by LUngt Jail to dMlp ita S8 ••JJioe OOfPOI'ate beedq\aarten p&.•pd lor tM loD C..U. IKniM oloe towen, precident .,_. AJdtlhca\ct &DAOunced. Completion ia tarqeted for Iaaury 1983 ... Se.:pMay b.lglat and Jean J...U, of J..U..b.lglat •nv ~. ue prOQruuning "Dollan aad Sen.te", a fiv•d.ay tmancial manaoement •minar io~ .Oma, April 19-23 at the lc6oa lay Club. Spe,aken will cli8cu.. economic trenda, per· toDal bancial p.lalln.mg, tu and elllate planninc;r, tax ~en,~~.~urities and real..aete. Information: (213) 375-7211, (213.1) 541-7330 ... ... ~. GNgory ~town, pcea- dat of Pad8c A.odatSoD Ad· ~. Mid if they tab advantave of the orqani.QUon'a n.. Card. Thia ia a plutic, credit -card ltyle identific:.tion card oHerinc;r avinqa at paz- ticipatiDc;r ltor .. , ahopa, travel and entertainment facUitiea, automobile dealen and other retailers. lnJonnation: f£1-0Tn ... Jula A. NorirJe, of Newport Beacb, a the .ubjecl of o new booJc by Jerry DerJOJbon. You Can Fly to the Heiqbta of Rappi· neu and Rich .. , Convenetion.a with Jul .. A. Marine contoin6 soJa tecltniqu .. taught by Morine in JU. •minon at the University of Col1/omio, Irvine. He ol1o conduct. aem.i.nat8 lor companies such as Dun ct Brod- atreet and Beckman Instrument., and on the Uruversity of Colilor- nio com~ of Berkeley and Santa Borbaro; Col State, North- ridge; and the University oJ Hawaii. Morine bas hod o multi- faceted COTHr as an attorney, Ke~meth Carlson, a vice reslouront-owner (tbe White president of Clty National House dnd Sandpiper l'ftlou- lcmk, 1a no w manager of the rants, Laguna); sola coruultonl bank's Lido Village oUace. He and, most recently, o lounc:ling will be responsible for bwuness dJrector ol Pocilic Notional development and authonzahon BonJc, Newport &ocb. of large loans . . . You Con Fly UO. Pelican Boob, )OCIJlDe Andrews, a former 22632 Claude Cucle, l..ak.e For..a, CA president of the Oranqe County 92630 Escrow Assn., has been appoUlt· by Jules A. Marine ed manager of Newport Center Many of the seU-belp prin-Escrow . . . 1 NCHALLY NASSEY SheJcloD Beet, former UDited ciples leach Tcry llc.Mally, formezly of Aidl.Dee vice president, baa have already Oraage Jtatloaal, lrYine Na· JOined Newporl Beach-baaed been sa1d by tJoDal and Coa.t banb, has A1rCal aa ell8Cutive vice presi-othen. But, I been named caabier at the dent and chief operating officer. try to qet peo· newly-opened Padflc National He filla the position vacated ple to take lcmlr. . . when Robert D. Gallaway left action on these Dcrrid Ma.ey, who bu been and su.beequently bec.une presi-proven ideas. A. Goethe Mid, Fort# i.mogi.natio generot ca~WD . . . or, o .trong lmoginoUon generotea thw event. Start actino now the way you want to become. Do what r ... azch baa ahown ma.t succeaful people do. Write down youz c;roals, u specifically aa pouible, and review them often. Before you can ..U anythino, you muat be aware of the foUow- ino fouz principle•: l. Attention: A chlef com· plaint buyers have is that aaJ .. people don't show a sincere inter .. t in them as people. lnq1Jire, and listen. THE VJSmNG EXPERT 2. lntertiat: You can 1 seU unless you get the person inter- ested in youz proposal or prod· uct. Don't juat oive him the facta. Tranalate them rnto the benel:il:f to him. 3. Desire: You can't mobvate anyone to do or buy anything unleu be desires it. Again . the bene/its. 4. Action: Oestre must be tra.n.alated into action. Failure to aalt for the order ia the qreatest wealmeu of most salespeople. There are many techn1quea foz cla.inc;r a aale. You miqht .tmply try the direct dose. Here you c;ret rlqbt to the point! "May [ fill out the order form?" Then, be silent. Wall for the reply. Should you receive objectiona, welc:ome them. You now have the opportunity to acknowledqe, repeat and anawer them. Remember, it'• always you and the customer versus the prob- lem. Never you versus the customer. Also, I'm a believer m finding a successful person who can become your center of influence (or mentor) and asking hun or her for aasiatance or advtce. Some people stick with the loeers who ;ripe and complain. This is a route to a wasted and un.succenful We. Be smart and couraoeoua enough to qo to an achiever and aak for help. As you aucceed, I ry to pass &long what you have learned. May I suc;rgesl, for example. that you clip llua arucle and share it w1th another who would benefit? Finally, life should be fun. Practice all the disciplines and techniques for auccess, but remember that We is a one-day trip and we should savor every minute of it. You can fly to the heights of happiness and riches. ~EleCt Officers For '82 The Oruc;re County Cbaptet of the Californ.ia Council of Civll !nc;riDMn and Land Surveyon ha.s announced ita 1982 officen and board of dirac- ton. I..wrence A. Wleaien, prin· cipalin JHH Conaultanta, a San- ta An.a-bued civll enqineerinc;r firm, wu elected p..-ident b) the profeuiona.J orqaniaatioo repr...nting more than 80 Oruc;re County civil enc;rlneez· inq and land planning firma. Othex ofbcen are David A. Boyle, pnnident of Santa Ana- baaed David A. Boyle Engineer- ing, president-elect; David L. Wa.Jden, principal in Newport Beach-hued Walden and Associates, aecretary-treaaurer, and Gerald F. Oldenberg, vice president and principal lll Irvine-baaed Williamson and Schmid Civtl Enqineen , un- med.iate past president. Directors mclude Roberl W . Bein, president of Newporl Beach-based Robert Bein, William Frost and Aaociatea; Ed Van Dell, pnncipal lll Newport Beach-based Van Dell and Associates; James Shamhecll, vice president of Costa Mesa-based Hall and Foreman Inc .; John Roberta, project manager at lrvllle·based VTN Consolidated lnc.; George Kern, president of Oranqe· based Sallun Enoineering Corp.; Kevm McHugh, Vlce pres1dent of Costa Mew-baaed Jac k G . Raub Co.; San Peteraon and Jim Rems. involved in numeroua teleVISion, dent of Texaa lnternatlonal "Allllltelligent tbouc;rhta have film and specialty act produc-AlrliDee already been thouoht; what is An .U-day business aeminar Corporate Way, Newport Beach, Art Groos, of Newport Beach, tiona u well u choreoqrapby, IS Madeli~~ Zuckerman Public necessary is only 10 try to think in Newport Beach on Saturday, from 8:-45a.m. to-4 :30p.m . SCORE Counselor and former teachinq beQinnino. in· Relatlons/AdYertlaing ha.s been them aqain." April 17, is designed to usist daector, Economic OeveJop- termediate and advanced JAZZ selected to develop aPR pro· We are all selhno every day. small buainea entrepreneurs, Co-sponaou are the Servtce ment, San Bernardino County. da.ncino at the Dorothy Jo gram for the National Golf Our services, products, tdeu. owners, and manaqera. Corpa of Rebred Ellecutives He will also be the moderator Dcmce St\&cllo in Corona del Foundation's GoU Car Commit-SellUlQ ourselves. And selJ.mg 18 (SCORE), and the Small for the semmar. easy. Before we get into diacu.u-f ~~ 1 Mar. · · t ... which ta comprised of 11us program will be held 10 Buainesa Administration. Reqastrataon ee lS ~. n· C!---consumera can .aYe ld d U Ulg sales techniques, let me '---The welcome wt"ll be ,..l·ve·" by formation: 836-2709. -~~-=~----~~--------------~m=a=J=o=r=·~w=o=r~w~t ~e--q_o __ c_a_' _________ s_h_a_re __ tb __ is_La __ h_n __ p_h_r_as __ e_w_it.::h~y~o~u~:~_th_e __ W __ e_s_te_rn __ Sa __ v_Ul_·_q_s_& __ ~ ____ ·_4 ________________________ v ___ ~------------------------------~ up ~ a..rage_ of $2.000 an-manuJacturers . PVIWC IIOnct: ncnnous tUSUttsS MAMt STATDUJrT Tho. k,U •• ·l p.t ~ ' b•.,•-• •I fliT£ P~OP(IITilS t ELITE HOWES t7">111 It . ., Ill ~ Su•t• 107 r-. ... ,, c. ,..lfwk "'* ".-,.t f,_...,.~ Ha•bt ... t -1-4 • t •t--•. r~··• .. Cur r .• J,.ol .W.,. A 'fo~..f'l~ fkn bw••K• ndu ...0 II• • i .. d.. ~ ... d p ,., t H--. •. ,." Tlrr!... I •\I • t Cv ,,. . ., L1 .. ,. • 0•• , .. f ul , Apt II b I·- Publ•., A, • 11 I !lf!C, PUIUC IIOTICL llCTITJOUS IUSIJU::SS RAIU SfATUCOIT ... . r,. hJlk.. .... ,., • !'\ .... , • bw••r·•4 " l ... f MAlt -:1 l!t ~H s S· .• It •• ft.d•••ci A , , A t l•.,t·• c~ -.1 • r,. . t-... .. ·""'H ,..,., • A f....oqJ" f jl\,. • ... ..., • ! ... A,., I ,JrH. r ~· , A r.. .. !'C ... .,._' • J t .. 5r> .... PVIWCIIO~ nCTmOUS I USIJU:SS NA.Nt SToll TOCOU •t... I • ' ,.,.,.._ ,..-I t."" ,n••• 4t • f tl\fMDSH\' YA\ HT C"HAIITlll!o 1 SHO£STIUN• • YA<'HT ! HART£Rft SERVIC"fS 1 It N fill ~ Y.O.C"Hl £ HA'Tt~S SJIIVII t ~~~~~ t. " ..,;,. • ' • f ', • .,., '' ... a...t. .. A I,... • ., .... ' •. 0. p. •• ... " (. . .. ~."' ~ ,. t• ... PUl l!(' NOT1Ct IIAN£ ~T"TT~(MT I t " ~ ... 4Nur• ..... .. 8o ' A • y .. A. tf ' .... .. ,.... ' I.,... PUIWC IIOnct: ncnnous t USIIIESS MAN! S1"ATDIDfT r..... t .~ I" •l T POWfll I'll() OL'tf W._ , .. , A • r ... 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PUIUCIIOT1CI: ..... ...,. 11CTTT10US aosnn:ss WAMl STAn.EW"T T~.. t ..f •'~'Q ..,.,..,,._. _,.., dc,.-.q L. ~ ,. lONE STAll PAIIn.EIIS ltlOl U· , .. Sw••• 140 N.,.P4.ftt a...c-t., C:A tlfM'I' N B l.q"''''*" lnf f'•l1t, ,,.,,,. •vv••t.vt~ 1001 Dv•• ~.,,._ 4 H••P'I" ~h C A 'Ub60 1.,.. l H .... u 1.-lllu• v.,.,. N••l-' r ••~ CA ~ W.•••• I ~~ .. .-. 1r ., C ~ .-. ct.t w ... c. •lWC. •• ,... N Oo·~ t-..u P ·•· o-.,,,, J' H.·~~· e....ch CA lflWJO fh,, b"e'""'" 1 HtAdW t.-d by • t"'t •••' tt••tr·•h h 1.'1 S.qrted •• ,.. .. H ' ·~ l1 • ""'"'" •n •• lu.d •lit\ ,., • ••• 1 <Jr••·~ C "'"'• , ....... Ap • ' II ... 'IIIII rt. H~-' , '"'IQI t "" ' 1'4EV4/ 'U.UC IIOnct IIOT1Ct OF TIIUSTU'S IAU "'" I S ltv I 71 81211 {lr J,..J • .,. Aa ul JU 1112 •I l Mv•• lwr~r i • ~ •' Sowth Fronr latrenc--• t ,.., Wf t ·"•IIJ·I• Co .. ••• Cowrttu-.*• fi• 1U t.ta.. • "".,. .... S..'-A•• I .. d h "' S.a•• A111• C.l.t~D•• • .,.. '" "'·•·• ...... .... c.a. ....... .. ''"......,. 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Apul 7 1982 l'vb1141t Apr 14 21 B lootar ~ • 'i81 1tl n . N.wpo•t l..a.t.t4n 191tl1A n.. "'••P. 11 Lah.oq" , lt11011 N£074 fi86117S Nf07S PVIUCIIOnc:E t.a~e s T1IOf'SIS or DU: AIQfUAL ITA1"DCDrT MUILO UNIUH UTl INSUIIANC£ COMPAJIY JWC ( c .... a. 1 ll..oct ,_••• A,, ~.t> y.. .. , ladecl o.c-he· Jl 1911 T ~.u .._,,-.a .-.c. P ~ .. la.a• ~ " '<7• So 416 0.0 1 .. p..d a e..J •'r.boa-.d .... .-p~~ P,.q.e J , ... 2$ s.,. • ~ •• .,. •• r.-,._ J r... n A \5CXI 000 '¥7161~ 0 .. ,., U-..,., • ..d '"•ch bt'pf_.l, r ... l I.a. Net C.. a l-< ... 1t f'1' , ........... ,.,.4 ~Ji 1.0 tiS •• , ..... ~ ~.... • C-.p,•aJ Md s.tl:, .. .:t••·"Q tm p,~ I • • 1i" ... ._ '1\l.Otd 1974 ... I 48S 000 >.•ec~~t. H C 0 ,_ l..rP U T~lalll J7t )()4, C•hlouo~..-a .. ~..,.. P•~ w. ~··c• .,. ,. ,..,., ,.,. •t.-.. ·• ••• .,. ·• •n:-td.illoa<• ••'" ....., A,. • .,..J s,._., •••• , t-, ~ t-. .....,., •ftd.d 0.. flfftNt ~ •ilt !D.d.-tk .... ._f4t"C'IP C ~ • .-.uor•• ,,,..c;,._. 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O.•• .,. o.-c-.. - Mor II IC .......... W.1 ;H )I A~ 14 • 'ill .. ~--'- f.~ fCIIIJIOIA_.. .... ST&,.....,. n. ....._--.. -.. C'OMJ'UTD COilAAL lJ011 --""' Ql ~ H11Ja CA GilD '-w.,.. ..._ ~~ ....... _ ""' -v .. c • ...a 0..... ........... .15101 ...._....., ac-v .. .., c...aa n...-.. ~-..., .... do•od...l Sloe-oct W... W...t n... --· -tiled _.. .... C' ,~ .... -. C\M~ .. o...,.. c ..... - ...... 1M2 P .. ttl... W.r 14 ll Apr 14 I'Ml •• ~ ....._, IMeqa , ltl4633 ldN5 PUIUC II01'ICit nc:Jii .... ._.. IIAien'&n.II'T n......_ __ ._. t>..--.. riWU.IT IT IDn -'···-.-4 ..... 101 .,.. c. U714 ......... _ ..._ Bl H.ot.-o..-c-N-c.aae s...;,. t.. ...._ m ,.__.. o.-<=-N-C AUDI n.-. ......,.,. "" _ _._..... .......... .. _ .,.._ __ ...... _... .... c_.., a.,., • o.-c-,- a&.r U 1M2 ............ .... )4 Jl "-' 14 I!JG.an..._..._ fl ... l _, PUaM: IKI'nCI M)11Cl(W "-"UC&na. TO SD.L 61 OOliOC 1C IR'f'I:UGa T Wt.v• ft ... , Coec-e r" :.-....... ''""' 0 .... ._... " ••• ·~r-••·•• ,... DeN······ •. A~ .._._c-....... '41" ..,,. ............ _, ... _.,.,_ "-c.l .......... ~ --•• 1111 ..._, ...... _ ........ c ..... .... ~ .... ~ .... 1 1 14 ll ltc .. , ... ......... ,_ Q:lllW NIUCIIOl1Q -- -. .. fVIUC IIOnClE ltOna C. PVIUC ii&UDIO wonct IS HDDT GIVD ,..., • P"lltltt a..11aq ••U bill ~t.U.d on A••ll » ltel ot 7 lO p • ,.., ......... o --Y1 IOIUT ..OY AJt MOVAI'S P'lACl •-'>"'1 1 ... ohc• -of .. "-""""' c-.-... pro•.J ol USI ~ fT .a 2061. oe pr-tty lctcotocl al 2I"M I Cout H..,, lO .......w..ar. • coe .. ta.l cl.ry c....._ I.Kihrr •• , ... C I DtalrOC'I ~ ••-' .._ ,_.,.._ • aod>llC'a ·-...... z-..... Cool. ...... ,.,...,_ • .,.,_ ol , ..... ....-......... .., • pott..-ot .... lecflilll" .. Olttal.-... ~ .... ........ ..._.., .... ...,......,. 10 ~......ell .. ,o tM ,.,._,....t lO toot .-..r ......... ..._ • .., .. 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GMO Gl ... a Woody '•••• c...J C....a...tl lar • C.WotGU cor porMtoe 15 CorporaJ• rt.u [),,._,.. llo 140 N.wporo '-'It CA IIZfi60 n .. ""'-... co.d~ ~ ... co• po• .. ro• s,q..., Gleaa Woody p,., .... , G1.aa Woody c--1.._.,. n... ....... , •• f~ wu-. 1M C.....ly Cl.r~ <>I o.-Co ... •• o~ Apnlt I!JG .... ..... Apnl 14 ll ll .... 5 11181 .. n. ,.._...,., laaroo n l1051 Nfll4 l PUtUC.ona t'1C1TTIOUIIUSDII:SS liJUU ITA T'D1DfT T\,e ~ pe...a. ••• doUlq b-u CKAWll.IOfl PIIOOUC TIOtiS 130 S Harper S. Sooro A... Co il704 a..-... 0 Lcohe• 9JC S Harper St Sut.o Aaa Co ~ a-• .,. 0 lacobet 9lO s Harpe• St S.at• Ao• C A 9Z704 T e rrt P lloMoo MOl Hall St S.noo A... CA 92?04 Oand f••l:roar 'iOI C W Alt<H> Son•• Aao CA92707 Ttu. bwat,.... .. eoGCt~o~cted by • .... ,&} ,.rt••••lup $.Q•ed G.oro- D l«obor n... ... t .... , .... hlild .. ". th• Co ... el'p C\.,., of Ora o.o-Cc~oaol-. ... ., Ap~tl9 11181 Pwt~..a Apo 14 21 l! ~. !> 1112 oa ~ Newpon "'-• fll706t Nt057 PVIUCIKinc:E ...... nett IIOOIICISMISI UIIIITATDID'T ~ .......... _ ....... "" ...__ .. WAAaDI WCVDG.H GaU'J'DI 6 SAY AGI 1420 1.-ol St N H.wpon '-'lt. CA 92MD JE.aa .. b I s. • ...,. .ll171 C..oato A.d...., ._ ... H.U. C. tlaSJ Wooteo Mev .. ~~ • Gnltt8 1ac • c ... .., .... .,...,...,_ 1420 l t\0001 S. N s.,,,. llO N.wpo<t '-'~ C. GNIO Tlt• h •n-11 C'CMd...n.d b-. • ~r&l P•''"•r-duet S.Oa..:t C..tl.ctl 'S.·-n.... tt•t••••• .,.. tU.O ..... ·~ C ·welt c .. ,. of O,.•..n~• Cu.,..ry on Apnll 1 .. ............ Apo 14 21 .l6 M.o• S l'JI2aa Tlt. Ho.•Pl>•t lnatqn Fl16So49 NIOn PVIUCIIOnc:E ncT1Tl()US IUIIJIESS IQICEITATDIDIT Th• tol~•1aq ~, .... , •r• dotn\1 bv .. n-.. 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Mwal... d•t..tt• a.c.rlG ............... d• •••••• •w re«p~•• ...rr••• •· h•• •lq"e" p~oaed.e .. , r.q1•h•d.. • h••P. l o th• 0.-...d•a.t A Ct¥11 "()lapl111 hM bMa ht.d b• 1h• pl•,nliH •fl••n. you IJ YOi.l •r.ah lu d•*•nJ 'hit t•w-." """ """•' •ntun lO d.t.,• •H•r •1'1 .. •··• ea.ooa "" .. ,...,_, on ,o., ftl. •"h •h•~ co"" • wutt•ft '"P"~"" ,, rk• t •"' pi.IQI Unl.M f0w d"' t( r ur J•l• .. l• will be enl•''"* ••n ·~pl,celt 11 J '"• pt..•olllt and tnot .-1)1,111 m .. , .,,,., ., tt.adqme nl •CJ••n•• t t. w lot th~t r.l .... t deM•tt.a.d !ft ~~. t.."'PI6or.l •1'11 II could r .. u11 1.n OAiftiihM•n (.of .,.•11•• 1U toQ o• Moe•., ., pw~rlw •h-r r•h•t r-.qu. .. led tD '"• ~ .ompL..n O.tecl r.. 9 1911 Lee A lr••• n CJ•ra b., ...__,c, W•QQua•• d•P"'" J • ..,. W '••••• oiOl Duw• ~ Swn• 410 Neotpo" IN • CA ~ibN C7J4) 91'S 0366 All· ,,..,. t"' PI•• ,, th P"biLtb Apr j4 1 •• ~ M111 r 5. .982 .n Tt.. H••Sk r• f ra • ..,, Hllr&,J PUIUC IIOnct IIOT1CE o r PUIUC Ht:AJUJIC NOnCE IS HIJ!UT GJV[N C• • Co-.•u·u I .,.. C •1 a..ct-"'' "11Ct1d • pvbl r "'••• 1 te>Q•rd.nQ .... ~ P'•UD I • • ., t .. • tG dow lh P • • t;.t .. .._, l •• fu~•' eAd W f..ad.t, p • • tovtfl•••••rl• 'JI' J.. t "• '•r-..ch'lq }l,, Pt• • ~•"" he nu •• ,... '"' d•s.qa•led ., • p.d • ., • •• NOnCl IS H£REIIY rUHTHfH GIVEN h• '"• ,. d r _.t ... , • J ••It bl> h•ld r ~'~• 'to•J\ t•.. ' A&-·•1 I 982 • 'h• I'll.# to~ f '4. r 'Tt I "'· c"'~nc,l Ch.mb.•~ I "'" r I'll H... I h• C11y ul I'4••J " B•• h l i t "' • • •h•· h •·m• tnd r \-. ... ~~. " •i p.r...cn• nt•r•tt-d l'n•'t •r c.,.., t J l•• h••rd 1h•r~ r W •nd• [ Ar.d"''"' 'Y t Newpvr· a. ... l .. &... .. t t Puol ... n A'"' Newpc.or~ Er .,...,, PUI UC HOT1Ct ltOT1C [ llfVIn,.C tl OS ~1.-d o,J,. ,.,., t-. ,.., ... -d • "'~• ~ • 1ft b. "'" Jhl" 3•'f' I "' t •' .. t~.ch ,, ..... "t. h-r.-~ r .. .d •rod ,.._d k.r PAIIItiNG LOT INPII<.JV(NlNTS . A ••d a s~, .. p.,.,, Q : W•·•• ln•••ll.et.,...- 2 tOttro. ~.... • ,. ... , , ' ,., ... .,L,.... J P'*c• '• • p.,~ q•M d.l • C n t t ' ~ [n~ '.,.. 'l.• ,.. • ., \.. • ' A,pr ,-rd b' ~, .1·~ j•' I '~' At Ar.d••w n C. • c-t•'• r to.pec•,v.-Dtdd•, t t .. bod t..I JII' ,..,. ,.,,.. 1 "• P .. c. W JJOl.. ""••c: • 1!1 •d "-••c. c·. i/bf'o' F I lui •n..-I ... _. o. ', • • l ~ .... . ~ P .. tH ,,. "'' •• ~. h .. .... , , ~ PUIUC ljQT1C[ ncTTTI0 11S I USINDS IIAMtSTAT'DIEifT ...... r-,., lt'llf .. n.., J .,... ' l.,,, ... •• INT£LollAT£0 IIN~N~ IAL SIRVIC£S , ' '-" 1" p,,.,.. [h •• .., ,44,.· H ... , I a.. , • '·"""""' ..;t. 0 ~ .j, ~ .... w.wp. I a.. t .... t:' •• fl_,. J •·J,.,. S" .. 1 L• • L ltr r"" ' •'• •r~..-• t.,""" ...... t• ... Ar• "' •· P ... tl ,,. A "'ItS. "'l y .......... , 1"' .4;. .... rUIUCHOnCE STATf:MIJfT Or WllliDIIAWAL f'IIOJI PAJilliDISKIP OPIJIA nMC UIIDD ncnn ous I USI.NtsS MAW[ ., .. , .. 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TlWIJFC)g, N IT RI:SOLV m SIIC'rtOM l Tbe C1ty c-... 11 ,...., ....... _ ud d4o: ........ . <be ,.... ..d o<IW• ~hou "-'nMd ...._ wlooell • ..,.. •-1M ,_ .. , ._u..,. toldoow.tb pet-yo ..d pn•e,&e p,...ny Wlt.h.ul tlile CU"'f 6re 6 p..l>IM:au-• SZCTlON 2 S.><l p~bhc ... -.~~.,.. ..... be ab.oi<Od I>• tiM ..... ...CIIOa oo r...o.•l IMt.-ol .ad aU own•n of pto peon, oe wa..ct. wca. P•.bbc ao1~ -.... ....., ........ ptl.blw: .. ,_. Ot ........,.. 1>8 •lloe~ OIKII p~ •........eM ...... ...u .,,~, ti.N,ay ........., ... ·-all •""' ,.w.c att~ or a.etll work .. .o lM dcae by U.. Cuy, •• wlhdo c.,.. til. ..,.. ol we~ -•k w.U loe .__. v-,.,. ludo lr-wlooell ...d/Ot •• IN ..... .... rM• ol wluct. .~ •--~ a.a.JI ..... bwo• d.lro,.d oo ,._...,. SICT10H ) n. c .. , c ... ...u d- .... ...., -,.._ ~ d•y ol Apnl lill at 7 lOp • •• ~ n .. and th.. Co"" col CIWaben 10 tb Colv lUll of til• Cot• ol M•wi>Ofl llaacll .. lb plac• kn ~n"Q o•.-c;ho ... ._o.ct P•'""'•••• to llw ptOipONd • tt. .... nt 1l IWf" h ·-SIC"'llH • Th. F11• Cho•t .,. k•r•.b, d.uected to .t••• ooc~ • •o th• ~ ot thu f.-.uh.•.oa I •h• Co .. a ed~a dtt.,.' ' ·II • ..... h publ • .... ~ ,...,., b. ,.,,flld b... ,,.. dwn.tehoo ar reMo~t•l •k•rKI .r•d I tM bae ..ad pl.C• wt I· f ~~. I '4t '' .... ,IDQ to C'Otu .. d•r ~· .-1 toOow•.o ..... , .... JiftQ ....... ·" j .... , puo• to '"• .... hsed bt 4111• c.•" Co\1-DC..I tor ~ .. r•nq v b .... hv.nt • poeteatd -:·•'"" "MK'• ot ,,._ -.,... Qt.c-. .. nd ~ ... r tta "•M•no • ... c~•r c , • • 10 •II r wn•tt of •••' prop.rey ~ .•• t tu •~·.-.~'~' k;r •h• ab.te•••• •orlt. duKted tv th• .d dt .. ol wtd ow .... ,. •• 1t1 .,.,. on tl\r lat-Co""'' '•• ,oiJ ADC>niD tho.A l2'h de• ...J Apr•' 151112 l ve .. n R Hett M•vo• p, T•M A• '"' WAnd• I And.etwn c,,., Ct.•~ P11bl••~ ~ ... 1 14 19&2 •• rh. H-tt b..o19o Nlll97 PVIUC ltOnc:E CMIDOIAIICE 110 11-t .ul CliiDIM.ucl Ql TH1 CITY 0 ' lfiWJIIOn IU.C H A)(DIDOIG SU: 110HS I lS 010 AH'D I lS OlO OF THI NIWPOAT II~CH )lfUMICIPAL COO& U OCLnlNG SIC'TIOHS U GA.aOOIG nti UNJ'TA TlON ON COII'nlaUTlON IY ~S SUP • POa'TIMG Oil O~G I A.U01 PIIOPOSJ1lOHS WMPSAS '"-C11y eo~oc•l ol '" C..y ol ,.._pori a-c.. .... • ........ ••rK>\U ptO<v,.,,~~tlt fO eonlrol lh• C'•m P.t9• coftlubuuont •ad lu••• th•u '"' d..M laU"~• uo poht.c•l t'•MP.HI"• ..... WH.UIAS • C"wu•a• prow~..e-f' b.-~ ... cotllnt."'KI«• •••" ••-'•••ftc• '" a.llot ... _ ............. WHIIIAS •h• Unotod 5•e••• S.pr••• co~rt 1ft .,,. • ...... c,,,,.,.. 000111•1 ,..,., Co"'" I "' (",I) J S.tA.J.y hu .If«:••..,..'• prohtb••-* c.._. tto~a ..._aorc•no '"'• Pfonuotu .-t itt C.•P-ta.o• Coetu.uhoa Or-dtn•ac:: • •liud• ••pclllre't li•••••tOG• •.d• o• coatnb'lllbO•• -...de •D •'-'pp.>'' ~~ ~· a.tto. ...... ~t ... NOW THIUIUOill til.• Cotv Cov• c.•t of the C••v ol N·~'' a..L"h DOIS ORDAIN •• toll"w' &lCTlOII l s.,..,..,, I 1!1 OIQ o1 •h• !l.wpotl a-cto Mu"oc•pal C""-,, ...._,...,. •••l'\d"' •nd t!WU ,.~·• r....S • loliowo I 25 010 lnt•n· aftd "-~ II •• lfru '"'••• of •h• :: •• ., c~hc.l ot .... c.,.,, NMt"'PQtl .. lKh tft ••.clilll4 \il1" Ch•pWt '" pl.c:• , .. , •• ,~ l ftd .... tore..W. I•••" on ih.-•t'li!Ov'll '" dlYlCI\o~•\t ••• C"''ft\hb"t• tO c."'I11M:. el caa,.t4M tor "'•etctp.l oth#"• T~ '"'t'JIOW •• •h·• c~~' .• , P, ..... C'O~ ~~ tt. •PPNt•.C• ol C'CH rwphoe •• tlrte poltlc•t pr-oc .. •~td •• ~¥4hM 1ft• , ... IIV9 f1"•n<' •I •bthly ~ penoe.t ro '""••"~• •til• outcome c t M\lnw:-tp.ll •IKh<W• n~· c •• , Co·.~~ •• hn.ch th•• Mun.rtp.' •1-cho"t ••• •uuc1~l •lt••u •od r-'"._,q""'''• • c ... , .. , C'lh ta Del p•...,..ptect •• _..,.J •••.,. L.• h.:;• NQ.,&..ttf'q c-on '''--"*'10&1 •• kw'al •e..t't.o.-. SICTIOII 1 Sa<-•-1 15 OlO ol th• ......,..,., a..c-M~aoctpel Cu.M .. ~retrt •M•nd.d t'Jd th•ll n· • r...:t u folio-a zs 010 c ...... M3" c~"'"b\lho"' L.l.t-.tiODt C"l COWTill.uTIOH IT PU50WS TO CAifDIDATU ll<o .,.,_ olo.JI .... ..ex.. .. ~ ..... , C'oeft ... hoe .,,. .,..,._.., ~ .. pt... lou for9\-oi loa.. ....a~ da-t .,....,. or pt... ol ~y .. nl ot u.tkt. ... ot .... ,.-1 v•tv. ~hoot tU" __.1 Pt--al 01 ,....,, ...... ~-.-... .... --.r- .. -......... a .......... l ....... o~. ........ " .._.., ,. Ulll .. tt.. ........ - .. ---.... c ............... u .. _, ........ _ ..... r ....... loy -· poo.-..... ·~ 10 • •089'- _,.. ltl ··-" ........ c ......... .. -" T-H......... Dollion cu.., (t) AltOW'fWOUS OOifTIIItU ,._A_.__...._ .. . ........... --........... .. _a ..... ___ _ ..,_... AI _,_ _ .. .._ _ ....................... -1 ... o-el , ........ City .,..f .... .. .............. ,..,_ .... ...,... .. _ .... -..~ ..__ -=now J n.. ~ ... loo ............ -.. 1M .... ~ ... .............. c.o; ...... -............. ....,(lll) .. .,. .. ................ n..o..--.......... ,. ...... --. ..... e...c-. .. .. c., ....................... .... ........ ...__I _._ .............. .., .. ~ .• ., .. ...._._ .... ... cx-=a a.-........ -· .......... c..._. ........ ... ~---­-· .-c• __ , ~ ................ .. ........ ....._Qira. ............ -... ......... - .-.:.one~ I~A~a...,_.WAl ....... OfDAftiO _. .... ~­..... n.. ............ ,..... .... ..w...-............................... .. _ ............. ~ .... - ..__ ..... of IIMIUI 11.U oaour. mu • ..._ ._. &...r-o ........ ~.., Tloe ~----­-.... tbe ,..,._...., -....... Doc •• I.II.III ... Cowai,olpr- t lc-..o n.t I¥U -.... r~ ol t ... _ ....................... n. ~ ..... c-•. mua .._ ..... . r..e-IQe...a. CA _,., ._... '-........ 1\11 _,-....,. .ra ._ c-., et.d .. Or-0....., •• Aprllt,lta h.bi.!Oio ~til 14, 21, •• ..., 5. Ita 1a no.~ t...,. ICIIMC) NIUC 1IO'IIQ .... ITAraa:lft or nt~....oe.Dn or ua 011 P'IC1mOUII ~ ..... Tbe lotlowraq poo-~ .. .._....,. ed .... -ol '"" hcttl-b---J R W ft.AMT OCSIGH, ot :1010 0...11 !It Mow-! a..clo. CA- Tb lte1ot10.,. ......_ -..._,, .... 10 ........... """' .. Mo. 17. lt71 loluo Fe.r....._ 100 lo-• .... CA ~~.c.,.,d w..._ot l4l4S 1 ll..-• Lea•••• 0.... """' li2C2t lolly G••d llll A•o11Hiot p,,_ S.Jt CJ..,...,,. C", Mark Wy•ro. lll A••n~ Punc-S.a Cl.• .. lo C. n... bwa4"._ w.. ~... by • _.,a1 .,.,. .. ~.., s.q....a toho ,.,..,w. nu ........ ~ ... hled .,... • ... CouaiY Cler., ol 0 1•.oq.eo Ccw"'' o• April 2 IUI1 Pvl>IIOII Ap1 14. 21 .Ill k.ov 5 151112 ~~ Th• M•wpc>tl lo•~qa fl()4112 HIO'lt PUIUCIIOTU ltOnc:E ~ IUU TIIAICSI'IJI To W..._ It ... , eo-.,, Mot., ... twr.Oy q.ve• tet ,..,. cr.dJton ol MM:......_ ..... r Pepaqeo1qo • Ill ••d l.l..ftO• P•p.o_,rQ•'• tr•n•t.rot{t). wha.e bu.1ut... addr-.. •• 23J3 I Poc•hc c .... , Hwy Coron• del We1 CouoiY of 0•••~ St••• of Ce.hlouu• c:b•t • btd~ 11an..a.r .. &!Jowl to be •ed• to ~,, Hot.. T,.....,,.. ,....,_ b ... ..,. .. .ddr ... ., 2240 Per~ N.,.port Ap• 304 ...._.,.., ....,., eo~.,. o1 O.anQO Stalo ol CeJtlo<noo 92ei0 Th• prol)ttly to ~ U•n-'•".d ,, lo<e•..d ol 2331 t Pot',hc Co..t Hwy Coroh• chl W..t Cou.nl~ o.f OtenQ• s .... o~ c.,,,"' ........ i2627 S..d pr~rtv •• d.crtb.d tn J•~ral • •IJ t tOC" In tr.O. lut•r" .qw•p ... , •IMI oood .-,U of th•t .c• cr.._. -.hop "\t61_.... •no•" • S••atoun't lc• c, .. ,. F•<'lorv end lo<aoed ot 1:Ul 1 P•ct.ftc C:O...t Hwt Cotona d•l Net COttal¥ of o,.,.4. St·•· l)f c .MouHe 92f>l7 Tlr.e owU lren.-t.c will " WJ•u• -.led .... , •tt•• •h.· 4th ~ .. of .... , 1912 ~cW e••••• ... be l,a..d •• w.u. '••'!·~ Ban~ II A wro. O.pa11a ... t !1. WIO .. N MJ .!114 660 ......... . C•a••• Du"• Suue 1230 N•wport S...ch Count., ot O••no• 54••• c-J Cel.lor11ue 92600 AH et..-.. ,."' t. '~"-.d et ••~• oddr-bv •lo• thml cia• ul ..... 151112 un .... lh.. bvt• tt•nWt •* t~trl"d .. ~• 't•n•l•r J hqvor l.c••• •• .tuch <•-.. .u t-l••--•w.M ~ r~t¥.d f'hOt th• d.le o • • ...._ h tllt.e I•Q"u' It• •n.M ••n•f•tfed b'i the O.~rlment ,f Ale ·ftvh'" S..v•••q• Conttol S.... t.r ... ~aown lo Ute trea.at•r ... a1J .... " .... •.d .ddr....,... w..cf b., '• I f I 1111• lhtM YHr• l..•t p.ul +,. ·~r h "' tM •be>.• ••• a •n• v ... • J AJ, 9 J iiS2 W.n Hoi,. P t ·•" Apnl 14 jQ&./ .,. TIM N••t• 1 [fl••Q• N€019 Puauc NOna: IIOTlC\: 01' "'IUC KJ:AIUNC HOTlC£ IS KlJII:BY GJV[N t~et .,. c.,. c .. , • '"' c... t , •• , ' &...r,. •• 1 ll'lf'lkt • ~ .. lol... .. •• , ~~~ ,.-q,.r•itn•J Ccr •''"' h r. 1 • ~.,.,PI 1h"'+~ pr,.,a•nd •'"•r. c "n••• •JI•~j r- l k .. ~ ~ Tt..c• Nt~ot i1 '"'"'q b-tw .. ,, JS~~ S•• .. • .,.d Ct.., S••~' •nd t-• .... ,.., a t " A"'•""'• "J U••n~" A"'""" I'IOfiCf IS H1:Rt:JIY ruiiTH£11 GJV[H '"'•' ·IIi• .,.,j pwbl..., ._ ... ,.no .... tl t. !'!f'ld " •h• 26th d•• t A~, , 98.l .. ·h• h'-'"' f 7 10 r ,., '" '"• Co"'"'"'' Ch•"'b."' vf th• C•'<r H•ll Jt •h• Ct,Y' C'll N•wpOfl S..c t. C•lik.trnut •' 'llfth• ~ ,,..,. •nd J:•l•~ • •nv •nd all J·euotJ• ••'•r-..;,...f .,.\' •PP".,., •nd ~ ..... ,d.~tec>,. W•-.d• £ AM••-..~ C,,., r •H .. 1 N••~>V• a.. flo '"bh•"' Ar., 14 =-· "' r ... N'••Pl rt f thh~n ._.[(IIQ l P\lalJCNOnCE MS-t:IM3 NOnCEOFDEATB or JODO.WOLUM IUO) OF PmTJON TO ADMIJGSTt:R ESTATE NO. Alln'TI To •II hetrs, benehc&en"· crechlora, conllnQenl credtt on . •nd penons who m•y be ocherwLM ltlter"ted 1t1 lb.e Wlll or eslele ol lobn 0 Wollren decedent A pehhoo hu been hied by P.IIIC&e l ~·hlavocb tn the Supenor Cour1 ol Or•n9e County re qunt109 tb•l Pelnc&e l Mtlav1ch (oemed lll Will u Leah P N tlavach) be .tp pomled u p.noneJ repr-n· l.thve to edmuuster the eat••• ol the decedeDI The p.hlton ,~.... eutbonly lo .dmul Liter IAe .. tete uDder the lo- dependat AcimJD.LIIr.tltOD of E.t.tl .. Acl A h .. rU\Q on the petJIJon w1ll be held sn O.p1 No 3 .tl 700 CsviC Center Onv• w .. t, S&nl• An•. CA 927'01 on M.y 5 1982 ... Sl JO. Ill lF YOU OBJECT lo lbe or.t.DIUIO of all. p.tltton. you ahould e1lb.er .tppeoer •I the h. .. nnQ .tnd at•t• your ob1ec hODS or hie wutten ob,echont Wlth the cour1 before the h .. nDQ Your .tppeoerance mey be 111 p.non or by your .tttorney IF YOU .ME A OEDIT O R ot • conlmoenl cr.dllor ol ttwl dec..-d. you mut hle your cleJID w11h the ootu1 ot pr.-.nl 11 lo !be p.noul repr-l•hve appouated by alae court wilh1n l01ar montlY from the dete ol fh .. lla~DC41 of lei'-"., pnrv~ tn ..C· liOn 700 ol lhe C•Wornle PRIM.. Co6e The taae fo• bba.t c\alas will ooC ftl)iN prior lo four a.ottllla lroa ~Ale cia.. of IJie lt..,IIIQ Dot!C*d u.ov. YOU WAY UAMJ.NI 1M w. ~ .. , lM C'O\U1 II .-ov ue • ,.,.,. Ill......., ua t.a. ....... ,_-..yw. ........ wttll ... CCMltl to **" ... c:w AOUe• o4 Ute fi1wl of ..._ lneetort ............. ... of u. ,...u... ~ ... ~ .....,;.11AM1cl Ia tt~etao. l_, .. ta. ~ Pro- ~C... ................ Aa· ....., ..... ,.-., .. w.. -~ ........... . ........ c. .. (71.,.,., .....l ~ ... 21 ••• ·-~~~· ......... ~ f!VIUC:~ --,..,,,.,.. _ ..... IT&TDmfT .,.,. ........ ,.._ ........ b...,_ ao IICUIIT'Y PACIP1C ........ C.ltln INC , 1300 o-11 a , lool'e D . ..,._. a..cto, CA -.... ..., ...,...., ,_c..,. • o.e..-............ 101* w .... c.-......, a.. o.... c. taiJI n.........._ .............. ..., ••• po•as-....... • , '*"""~ St Vtc. p, .. ,d•••· .... w"'' Peeilie PtaaacoCO<p '""" ..... _, -w.4 .......... Oo.o.oN Cle·• ol o.-C....t ..... .... 11.1112 ......... W... ll. """' l 14, It, . .., .. ,......_. '-,1.,. rv.uc.mc;s nc:TITIOW.- .... IT A 'rDIIJIT n.. lo"--.,._ .. clo.att "--.. 'ACI.Al. ADOalCS m p.-., II C.. W... Ce t1:ZU7 o.... ...,.. ,_,... m , .... , s. CooN...._, CA tx27 PVIUC II01IC:S t1IC:'I'mOW-...... ., .. ~ n. ........ _ ...... ~ .-LAGUMA COPT SHOP lMai C-tlwy ....... laedl. C. aMI Ch.t,_ M ~~~. 1407 W a., A.,. ........ leeclo, CA t:M63 """ ~ • ..-.~........ by •• .. dlvoci...J ....... Dttbta W 1a ... n.. ••'--~ -hltwl ... ,~ .... n .. ""--,. eoe4.~ by .. ,. d ... d..al s.t.raad C H Pwch Couat, Clod o1 o..... c ... ,, oe W.• lSitl2 n .. ~~-· .... tilood .. ..._ 11oo c-aty c ... ~ "'o..._ c-.. , .. ......... .... ll A.pr~ 7 14 21 Jill .. no..._ .. r..... ,. .. NIOll Apnl2. ltl:l P\oWIIolo Ap• 1 l4 J I • lll:l •• PVIUC 11011CIE ncrmoaa IUIIDfDI llAIIIITAftlllln Tbe ....,. .. ~Lwt• FltMI7 Tho tollawi'"l pe..ou ar• dOtoq .....,_ u ~U HOWl SICUIU TY 3157 .,.,~ 54 • Mo 532, Mowpatt -....~ CA 13110 Slwplooa L. ....... PVIUC liOltCE ncnnooa.._. lUlU ITA~ Tbe lollo.---.. ..... •••••••• •• TIADITIOttAL on AJUJII U4 v .. ~ •. ...._, a..c11 CA 11*3 t.,.l H Too~'-9. Z24 v.. ht..ce. Mowpon llaacll CA -:106 o.. ... A,.. lelbeo Weed c. l2eiJ lay SliM~ ............ c .. eN, Coo.,.,. dol W.o, CA ~ Th10 a.....n-.. coAducoed bt • v•u••l p.nn•,.h.•p S•q~Md s.._ .... L Rob>•- 112M3 , T~a b~ ~~ COAd\t!C't.cf by Ill\ Ut dovtduol SN;,aed Pewl H Tootbett Tlu.a _..._ ... , •M tt.'-" •~•h ttw CouatY Ct.•~ ol O.a.oq. Co .. ••• oa .... Zl lgez "'"....., W.t ll Apn.l 7 14 Jl n... .. •• _., .... llled .... tiM Couaty Cl.1k ol Otu .. Cou••• 011 Apnll 1112 • P\l..bl.o Ap. 1 1• 21 a 1112 .~ 1912 •• n..ll.wporl Eu.q. FlM082 Ml* Tbe Mowpoot ~· 'li65ZI rnuc ii011CZ CITY Q/UWf'Oitt NACN POUCI DDAa1MDIY Poioc<t uclauaed properly ...U loe ••ct....,. &llllo ..._,Ieee~~ O..On ••ot 170 S..ta a.tbaoe On,.. •• t • • . S..lirclay A.pr.l )4, ltl:l ~ .. ,. -. ...... ·-... ~ .... -....... ,..,...,... ...... _ .. _ ...... ,.,_., ·-be aede ,. ~...a. oo loc:el clloecb ~ .,_ • W 10 oc copt..l. aod all p,..,,...._. •"" be ,.._....t a.llloo_cl_ ol lloo•- Lot Mo I 2 ) • s 6 7 8 II 10 II 12 13 l4 lS l6 l7 ,. l!l lO 2l 22 :u 24 2S 26 27 28 29 lO ll l2 JJ )4 lS jb 37 ll )!I 40 41 •2 4) u ... 47 ., 49 ~ 51 5.2 S6 <7 58 59 60 61 hl oJ b4 M 1:16 67 !It 69 7i n 11 74 ~ 76 n 78 M 110 81 8l 81 ~ 85 ~ 87 .. 119 go 91 !If t'J 94 9S 96 9'1 • 99 100 101 101 IOJ 104 105 106 107 lOll 109 110 Ill II) Ill 114 115 116 117 l it l19 120 121 122 l2l tl4 l2S Ul In l. •• tlO 111 I» 111 IM ,. 1a IJ7 I. •• •• 14.1 143 10 \44 , .. 141 141 ,. 1.41 •• ... •• Ua.at I l I I I I I & tO O..C:r1pt10ft a.c,..,t. boy'• Zl" ,, ... Scllw1u. l opd a.c,..,t. boy'• x -w.c~ Sc,., .... loc-vcl. bor'• Tr red Sell•,... 10 fl1d Jrcycl. boy'• ••• ~. ............. ...,.,.,~. boy'• ·-bl.ca , .. ,.,., ltcY"'-boy'• X " ..t-H,.jty. lO ..... lkcydo looy'o 'ItT' clot.-O..aoAd leek lhU I ICY<'I., 91tl'o x• _,_ ScllwUla 10 opel l teyel.. ,,r, »" ,.UOw Scl.w,oa. lO ~ IM:yelo boy'• lT' bt-"-· lO ..... locycl. 9ttr. 'ItT' ..... ...,_ u..- IM:vclo bo7'• lT' wlute Weobet, 10..,.. a.nca.. bo7'• •-w.c• u .. _ 1tcvc.. ~ooy•, x · w ... kloo9~ ao ..... lw:Ydo, boy'• W' l&a H....,. 10 opel ..,c ... boy'• x-ted !ld•wraa. J ..... I IC"fclo qttl'o 26" bl ... "-• S ..... l~<:yclo. boy'• Zl" b.l ... Dotoilol. lO qocl lineN. boy'• lT' brow• Ceal..,._, lO opd .......... ,,,., .. r .................. l ..... I~CJCio. 9uro 'ItT' ,.uo. -.,.... u..- acye~o boy'o w .... ,.,_ s ..... Jrcyclo boy'l llf" lli.IM Ft-tnt lO ..... locY<'.. 9ul'• W' wlono AJlJ 3 opd l tCycle, tul'• llf" blue lklnnu 1...-oc:t. q11l'• 21" .... .,. lloyc:o Ua1011. lO qocl I ICYCN, Qlfl'o •• b•-· .. _ u..-J opd .... ,.. ........ 2.4" ...... J c ...... ,. 10 opd loc..,lo boo'• W ,..U.. lldow ... S opd l oeyclo boY• l7' qr-Sell..... 10 opel ltc.,.:lo 9•<h lT' w .. '--' 10 ..... lrcvct. .,,.r. •·· w,.. TtM<I\A9 locvcloo. boy'o 21" blue Sell....., lO apd l te•cl.. qui'• 24" bl ... llelo.qll ltncl• boo • 20" o••-O.tby ..... ct. bool'• a • bl-T·~·e \0 opd .... .,.. .. ""'I 26" r ... H .. lfy 10 ..... ......,., .. boJ'• lT' .. Uo• !lcllWiaa lO opd ltctrle boo, • lO' 9tey IWI ~,., l oeooclo boy'• 26" ....... Sc:~.... lO opel l~eyclo boy'o :ill" W.C~ H..tty l .cyel•. qul'o M" 91 .. • Puther 10 opd lltevcl• boy'• lei" b•-• llou""*. lO llpd l.te1t'lo boy'o W 111.,., ScloW\IIo l l<'vcl• bot• li" oed W-r• n.,., l oeyclo ,.,r. w ,.uo. I C ....,..., l • .,.. ltcYc:lo boy • tr ,_. .. __,... lO opd l o<"fclo -·lT' I>I<M:k Sdi101U 10 opel k•et. boyo ~ ••Uo• Haflor. lO opt I>Coclo Q~<l• lt" 91 .. 0 He~ l opel llcrd• 9•rl'• ~· '-• N_,,., S\artboard 6' ou"o• "lkJ• .. l.oJ.lJt,r• S.rlboard 6' ...... ·c~ • .,. O.oo' "'rlJooatd 7' y.llow o.._ eAd ...... .._ .. -·d ...., ...... .wceu...o .. C'(lefV .. ,. •• h, m.c.ro pl.ot• CJOid coloted IMOCt cw• .. llocuo ~,.· told co.lo•ed uootled rooo• t..ctv'• T1..-a •••ct. wet, , r~ •• _. •••~h L..cly'o S.1~0 welch L..cl• • 0quo -let •ole II ..... ,y._.. •• tch W.• • Hell""" wale~ ~rp •'-=•r•.c poe: fa_. c•k.-Maor ...,.._ calt~Laloo S..rt c•kvLetOf •"" t.a,- 0.'-caltul.oiOI L..dY• Tt••• ••tc" St•tr•tt •K'roaeMr AII.CO •"'0 .... c .... . ,.,ow~ leO c ... ,. Polaruod l3S c•-,. I tr.clr ~pet a.ed ~ c..._.., ll ... eiOCI.,.tlowbeck-\ lloal..,oc S. lOl >Clod ..,. ... ,.. a•pW..• $eftfQ caaMIM' .... _, •wt•e , ...... .c A.Nif'W ... ,_, e: ...... ,. 5&•""-"' '•-oc: ...... •""-' 11r 2.x1 z..,,, ll" WoK~ OAd .~ ... TV ll.o~p..a~ ~ Cal r ... JO H••aced I h..c~ cer Mpt pa.y.et l r.co 'lt.h.c eqw6hH• U-) M-U-AWFW ••to ,_,. c-•••• 10 .,.-•• ,._ lleelo.q ... __ , taM $Net;1nc ,...,.wru•• ""-""""'· ......... ,,.-.... _. '!lc:>obe~ ......... -·-·~·l WMco••u•.-.4..,...., Iliaci vw .... "•• '•"~tc: AMI'fW cet r•d10 I P4•t VOII ...... .. I ..... .....,._, bo<l 1-•u)a ... •ueq •"~'•• A ...... eo.,. .... , t.,. .. , ••. uaq......,., n S...•-.o I I I I I I t ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,.., ........ , -· llo .. ,... ............ l llo ~ ,_ • ......_. .... IIJH P ... ,..,.._, lwlo1119 1eel No !JQI , ..................... 9 .... llo 1.0 ,..... ~leech ...... 119 .... tlo t7 'Pt• ,__. --.... toO .... 1,.-,t.to .... ... ...... ,._.-.. .... ..... ,.,,._, , ........... Mo -, __ ._. .................. . ...... ,,._, ........... tlo ~ ................ ltolltfltl _. llo t1 Po .. '-t ....... he6olflll .... Mo II ,...._ ... _ , .... ,..,... ....... ,....,, ,.._,... ..... ,_, ,_,..,... ... _ ,....._ .......... _ , ..... ,........._ ,,.,.... ........ _ , ....... ,... .... _ ...__..,.u ..... .....,._ )47_. .......... alt I .....__,._ , . .,....-........ __. ............ ......- "'-.......... ... ...................... z..... ........... ............. .._ ........ ,.._,..,,.....~· ,.......... .,. , ...... ...._.? . ................. " , ................ ., ....... ................... ,, ,........ ,..,. ..._ .. .,.,.. - ~ ......... , ,.....,. ........ , ... ,..,..,. ........... , r .... .-~~r•a .. tt ...... __.,. ,.....,. ........... , ,..... .. ~, ,.....,...._.. ................ , ,_... ............. ... ...... ............ ,. I ........... .. . ................. . . ............ _ ... I ...... _ . ...._. I Ulllr ..... ...... ~···--"-........... Sc:EWIIUt caYP!'I• LOTI ·~ ... ,. -·· SHA.lfOlf WCGUJ'II. MM s-a. a...c .. eo...w... CA t:aea. Yo• ~voe lut-two t... tic ... to Cirou Var9u. "--~ 67).0111!1() • D.l . lAD, 121 K Warivokt. Corooa cW Wu. C. 912G!. YO\l ~.. "* WOil two lrM Uolleta to C lrou ~,.,. Pl.._ call LYNDA I'SMICX::JUJn, 7118 Su eo...w... CA Yo~a u.e j\&lll WOD two h .. t~Qil ... to Cire lli Var9u. "--oall67345!0. RUTH SMITH, 183l5 FOlt91oft Way, lmu, CA 11715. Y011 MW jut WOD lwO frM llc lleta to Clrc1u Var9u. Pl... n.ll 8'73-01550. TONY WILLII. 30'15 Tyler w.,. eo.t• W... CA 8Xl7. You uve jut woa two free llokela to Chc ua V •r.~ PlMM call 673 . WW. T . WCGBATH, 3404 Sama CLara Cbole, Coeta W... CA ~.You ~¥8 fu.l WOD two frM Uollet• 10 Cuou• ~.,...._call ARIJ HAIIIULLAH . U L l I Z 17462 Teadlen A.e., l.rviM, CA 11714. Yc>Q u.e ,_. -two bee tic:Jr,Ma to Circ u• Ver9a1. Pt... e&lJ 673-Qe!O. CASTANIDA , 776 HudtoD, Coala W... CA 82626. You Uve )u.l WOD two fr- llcketl to Clrcua ~. P'-cell CYNTHIA OUIN, 14 J.ecl Rock, lrviD., C. 12002 You kave jut WOD two frM bcbta to Cl.rc\&e. V ..,... P-... uU 6'73-0eeO. R.L. Ben, 124 OD~. Ba1boe Wand, C. ~. You b.ave Jut won two free bckeb to Circu• Var9e1. ,.... c.u 673-0550. Re9aae Vo lp;, 1848 Pt. C erd•oeo PlAce. N.wpon a.,c:h. C. a&o. Y01a beve lui -two h .. tiCkets to Clrou• Var9u . "--e&lJ 673-0550. lOtoft. fOVIID IS IIELP WAM'I"BD 13111LP WUTID 1ft CUIIIC: lllt>ad~J·fn.&a, .... .. 12, ....... uci ""* ud lrooUtunt, AUHI?Iaoa'• Ceater, ~ 0...7'• a •·• w.da Call IM-1105. GRAND OPINDIG: 'n1a4p b pnoto• .,..... OMIMy 9--.tlt.9· 1096 o.H aotrtalouDy b&laoecl provr•••· OocWa aa..pn-, 20S2 "-Pol1. eo. w... ..,..11. AIC SAWOYID PUPS -1a-ala 1111&1e.9 WMb. c;.ll tolltr- au.abu 1.8Q0.532.JWI2, .... .._,..verAd· ... WTI'lll. l$GAilAGE UtES WICIIAHIC MAINTENANCE SHEETMEIAL MECHANIC-SR • Rockwell IAt.raaUco&t'• s,._ Tn....,one· UOD ud s,...... G~CNp, • prtae coonactor ol llw Space Shuttle hu u uoeUeot oppor· LUDily tor u llldlvJdua.l wtiJI lll.lJuav• 5 yn. _,.r~eoce I.D IJie labr~e•tioD, .-.bly ucl l.ul4llauoo of a!leet a.elal parta and ..... bl-. You11 bwJd, repAir eAd a&llll&ul ~UCla I&IU .. ea compleM veoWanon, duat oollectiA4 ud air concbhoo l)'llemt, u well M r.frl~r.t· tioJl ducl\nQ. Yo u mu.t be .tbJ. to make lay· ou... on flat llook lor l~n. .pr.ad a.ro~ ~~q~r•lo·rou.Dd ~UQDI, otU.t t,ad CompoUJ¥l fllt1D9 uu.li.&.I.DQ COIUilnlC:hOD d.raw,mqa .Dcf D.atCi · ellowuce d&l.a. AddJ. ltoDally, 1be po«~Ucm reqwree kDowMdQe ud epphcehoo oJ trade prlche• ud pro- cedur" mcludiJIO the op.r.thOD of ~I met.! ha.nd .t.Dd power t.oot. Roc:kw.IJ oUera 1.11 o~aa.tudua9 Nlary ud beoehl ~lteqe, wluoh IDCII.Idettl hberal We, deDieJ, ud mediCe.l uaur.nce, OOIIIJI&DY· cootnbuhnQ MVLD~Jalmve~lmenl plan, q~r· terly coat·oi-I.JvJDQ \nc,.._, ud more PI-epply ID penoa or ceU hlD WcG1vem Spece Transpor1.thon Sy•lems Group Rockwell IAtem.,ioo.ti 12830 S. Cla.rk.Streel, (DA02) Downey. CA 80241 (213) 922·2SKH EqueJ Opponumly Employer Nlf U.S. Cltiaeuhlp Requ~red ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL t\VSGrK'UP 2 7 21 E. Coast Hwv <.oron.a d~l /11\ar 6 73·0550 1 WElK 6WEEI(S 13WEEKS 21WEE.KS S2WE£1(S Open 6 WEEKS 13WEEKS 26WEEKS 52 WEEKS I WEEK 3 WEEKS - 8WEEKS- ,.............,. ...... t 1 24 P« ,.,. 99per IHw a&per llne .,. P* line ... llne 112.96 10.46 10.20 940 8.50 ~ 95 fOt \8 wOtdS 10"-OCSCOUNT 20"' DISCOUNT JIO( ................. ,---·--------------------------------------------------' ' ' I I • I I • • • ll Cl Ill d Jut compute ~ow o KD a:ACI drop lt lJl the •aiL .-----·· +-------~------~ ----~--------~--------~ (3) (6) (9) (12) -------+-------4------~(1~ ~------~------4-------~(1~ (21) t----if------4------4 (at) h----it-----4-----4<n> r----~t------4---~c~ r------if-------4---------4 (~) ~------~--~~~-A--------J (~ _____ ........... --------'--·0. ............... .,. ~--~-------------.... --~~~· --~~ ~------~-· ' ' I I I ' I I I • I I I I ' ' I I I I • I • I I I I I • • • I I ' ' • • • • • • • 1. I I • ' •• I • • • ' I II HEALTH LOSI WEIGHT NOW 10 to 29 !be. ill 30 daya or your $31. 7S lor 1· mootll'a eupply . returD· .d. Call HKRBAUR liiatnhutor, Nag helle, 645-5423. WANTED: 100 OVIRWIIGHT PIOPLI for D•• we~oht· 10M prooram 100~ quauoteed C a ll Chrwtlll& 7~ 17TRAVELI VACAnO'N DISCOUNT AIR· r ARIS: Haw&JJ S298, Mew York $258, Nu.aco s d.,. sm au and land. Why look el.- wl:t•re? Local N.wpon travel npert NarilY11 Witcb•U, (714) 631· ~7. DPLORI THE GALA· PAGOS ISLANDS. Sail wtth well-lmown r••· dent famU'" on the~r pnvate yacht av.U&.ble lor 2-8 ~nona yNr around . Plan your owa 1tine.rary For LAfo, con tAct W..ry C rowley, 1709 BndQeway. S.u.e&Utoa. CA ~965. (415) 332 4681 PARTY BALLOONS UDJque, pereonallled qdt~ o.bvered looally. Order ~y "'lallooAI of Mewpor1, H 645-6445 THE BILLYDANCIJI StucbQ -Cd.N often eut•rt&uull.al lor &11 oc· C&llODI ud cl&Met tn the art of beUydanc• Cell731·4S74 It GIFT IDEAS LOVE BAUOONS 5.Dd IOIIleon• you love • bouquet of 30 bellum balloona Peraonal m• 1&9• Pert.ct lor aU oc CMaODI We deliver 67J.-4419 S.ve tha ... d 23BELP WARTED * •D R ~1. 621 YJ N&noold, Corona ct.l N.&r You baYe tWII woo two tr .. hckett to CLICut V a roa• PI••" call rn osso • •C ASTANEDA 766 Hud.on Colfl• M ... You have tutl won two fr-" llclwtJ to C~rcut Varq... PleaM call 673 0550 HOUSEHOLD HELP for 9•••ral cle~tntnQ w .. ltdan . 8 to 10. m Corona del Mar 644 4484 Relerencea requued Spantth a.,...kano acceptable 23BELP WAJCTED 23HELP WANTED PRISTIGIOUS RIAL EST A Tl OFFICI lo lr· v\ne lookmo lor top qualny eoeta. Good commamoo apUt. No dealt ..... 851·0829, 752·14113. WORJC AT HONK. Job. av&il&.ble Sub.tutt&l Mnu.DOI poaeiht.. C&ll <504> 641·8003. ut. na lor IA.lonulloD. JOB INFORWAnON: O...U..., Ho\Utoo, Over· \eu, AluU $20,000 to SSO,OOO per ye&r ~· ble C~) 9Q8.0426, dept. h ooe call ref ud&.ble PITITJON CIRCULA· TORS -6-8 boun, hill/ ~r1·tt.ae. S6 to Si ~r hour Datly pay. 84(). 6912 G!NIRAL OFFICI GlRL need.d lor Tu•· day and Wedneeday. Good oa phon" end &C· curacy for prwate club 557·7234. WAMTID LIVI·IN hou..k .. per watb aom• cluldca.re dutMe Salary and daya ofJ fle:&.~ble. C apllltrano Beech Call to.W.,.. number }.8()0.. SJ2.:wJ2, uk lor Pea.~~y· Nve.r Ad watch N7633 WAMTIO SHARP PEOPLI to duenhute Aaway producta. lan- 11191 u.nhauted Call Woody. 888-3844 IMPO JINATIO N O N C RUlSE ahap toba GrNI LAcoae potential, all occu~t10oa C&ll (602) 947.7251, ... 313. C&1l refwxl&.bt. DAD.YCASH OR REQUEST Prefer tnlelhoent tamale, 21 27 yean, m\UI eo,oy talltmo to public and be ln qood pbya•c•l coodahon w,u tra&n Hourly ••o• plua bonua 2 p m ·6 p m dally and Saturday all day CouJd INd to ••· cepllonal LACome 67J. 90'1'6, 9 • m to 9 p m SECRET A RY IRec ep· 1100111 Hotel manao• mentevelopment co -~~LAO ~nonAble 10 d&Vldual w1tb qood typ 1no abll.t lor 0 C Au· pori &rN otl~ee b cellellt .eartLA ...tary, full ben.fll prOQr&nl Apply 1n person Woaday Fuday bat ~ I and 4 p m to N r John Sanden 18013 S~rlr. Cu Suue 8, lrv111e KELP WANTED Dnv•r aeeded/aerv•c• to hotel• N u11 re11de wllhtn 2 aut. radtut of Dtaoeyla nd Walelle· male 496 1766, 7 • m to 10 • rn only PEOPLE WHO LIKE t•llnnq people will love tbu lobi We need eoerqehc, arhcW.te people to c&lJ {rom our ofbce full or .,.,, tliDe. O.y or evenano ahifu n&ll.able. St.erhao ..lary $4/bour. No eq>er- aence aeceaary We will train you. C.U betw .. n 9 a m. and S p.m. for det.alle. CPW Re ... rcb, (714) 545· 1458. 2 To•au,aa.: Send your name. address, and phone number to "TICKETS" c/o COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP. 272 1 E Coast Hwy , Corona del Mar 92625. 23HELP WANTED &.AR.N $350 TO S700 A ~ with ou.r proveo eovelope prooram P<*ihle hom hoae. tr .. clet..U.. LciOMd lt&mped eDvelope. Pluto Co., O.p&rtme~~t 6, 1744 W . O.Voo, CIUcaoo. u. liDoH 60660. IAJlN S6 Pill HOUR eellino AvoD producll Part·tim• near your home or 111 your work f,Jac.. C&1l Carol SUl ,, s.o-~1. 28UCENSED CBU.DCARE STATI LAW RE· OUIR.IS that penooa who provide cluld care 111 th•ir home be hceDI· eel. For Wormahon on how to obt&Ul licenM LA Oru9• County, call (714) 834·5172. BABYSITI'ING rn ~y hom•. 6 a .m to 6 p .m Nond.y·fnday Diaper b&b1ee welcome 9']9. l396,aakforPenny '1:1 SJTUADONS WAJfTED RETIRED TEAC HER w11l help atudent1, qrad• 1--4, wtth th~r .. ucL... C&ll N r Soot Sr , S59-6333. 29MONEYTO LOAN I HA VI NOMEY to loan on JOu.r bome Low •n ter..t, tree appr&.IMI 7· d.J Mrvtce, c redtt no problem Bill. (714) 964·3195. JUMBO SECONDS Compe1111ve ra1e1 Brobr rnquanes rnvll.d lmmedtate fund1nq Broker, 847·6006 MONE~ MO NEY. bomeownera. Loan• by phone. 2nd and 3rd Truat Deech latlor.d to your SIIU&tiOn Or needt Call hm. day, n•oht. w .. keudt 586·9127 30BUSINESS OPPTYS O WN YOUR O WN leaD Sport••••r or lnfant·PTel"n Sto re Jean Proqram (a lto Shoe, Athlette Shoe Store) Of:ter1110 all A&· t10nally k.oowa brandt 1\lCb .u Jord.che, Ch1c. Lee, Lev!, Vuderbtlt, CaiVlD Kletn. Wranoler over 100 other brandt S7,900 to Sl9,500 tn· claades be9111ntoo tnven tory aarlare lor oo• to f.uh.lon C..ter, trun LDO, (uturet, Gr4lld Openmo Promotion• C&ll Nr Louoblln. (612) 835-1304 CUP NEWSPAPER AR TICL.JSI l2 to SJO eac h' S.nd stamped, addr- .d envelo~ lor "" d.t.U. 574·C BeUelon t&Uia, Paudena C A 91105 SliNVESTliENT OPPits UIORT CO WANTS inv.ton 23'-retur-n 6 aoDtht. 90'-"'~"' oil G .. ruMed .. Y J.tler ol c Ndtt. 151-6848 !2 TRUST D£EDS AJU) MORTGAGES lND T.D 'a, 15-YIAII fvUy uaot'I•Nd 17 • -. Low pouata Call M4 a 1 e tor q\IIOte 31ANnQUES SULLIVAN'S AN · TIOUIS. 1237 S M&UI, Santa Ana. Now o~n 11·4. Ct.&.rance tale, multi lhopa and mall GALLIRY O NE o t LAGUNA -Sprrno LD to tpnnq wtlh new con· 110nmenta Lahque decanter and .. emware. l.unoo• c hma MrvJCe for 12, nnalJ mahOQany d•k carca 1840 ($450), aohque frenc h k.adney lhaped t&.bla, ltahao wood carved aunor, .. erlrn9 dr-r Mtl, re.re KPW chrna eooa. oulltandano w ..... a hounne oroup, one otal baabll, 1vory Netak.t col lee 1 •on. •" ate tewelry oval·cut d1a mond rLAQ (2 5 carate), pe.r·t.baped d1amond rlno (I carat), An NouvM u• di&mond!Np· pture nno, blood coral, lapll. t•de, ametby11 and ruby bead1, pe.rlt, cameo• Onqanal art by Mildred Scoheld, Irene Boro. HNrlod franlt ()pen 1·6 p m W.dn"· day Su.nday, 1220 North Coast Hwy . Laouna Beach 494 4444 , 4~ 9966 * •WRS A L BEAN. 124 Onyz, Balboa Wud. You have tu..! won two lrMI.Ic tt.ll to Clrcua Varqaa Pleaae call fi73..0S50 ,. f1JRN1TURE NEVD USIO Oueeo bedroom, ssao Sofa/ lov-t, SJOO Glua top drnetie. S22S Nat· tr.-/boa epr11101 llllOie sao. double S90. qu .. n Sl30 Roo, T10 0901 DESIGNER'S ENTIRE ESTATE lor a ale S..uh.lul pecan a.nd smo lt.d ola~~ cofiM end end table Ml w1th matcbLDq wall un111 CIU!om aola/love !INI nNr new Oraqmally Sl.600 S.cuhc• S6SO O..lt b.droom .. , b p1.ce, et.Qaot unused aola bed Soltd Slate 25" color conaole TV Sl95 No tu.nlr, can help move1 850 1860 F'URHITURI ANTIQUE lumahmqa N~Ut h qwdate 7 roofDI ol e a peAa~ve tlema Every tb1n0 UniiD&OID&ble Call toWree number I 800 532 3972, u.k lor Pe nuyNve r Adwetch W8582 COMPLITI PIA V £Y P A ayat-S~lren. amplm~.:~er Wtth equaJ taer 2 mtlraJ w1th •tandt LLSt Sl 200 Ask 1n9 S7'00 V1rtually new 497 1161 90r(Jeo-enllque ~hle Baby Grand Ltqbt oalr hnllh Coecert tun.d Perfect coadtlloa S2. 7!0 496 7763 45oma EQUIPMDn l8W WAG C AID 0 wordp~IYWI•m lac•lleat coad tnon $4, .SO or .._. ofier Call &lly. (714) 710 0100 ROTAL ILICTIUC IJp•wt~tet aelt con~t•~J! hall alte P•ICI $7115. aen1bee S375. Llb o•• W\1111 -,...IJIZ • * REG INA VOLPi, 1948 Pt. Card•oao PI . Newport Beach You have JUst won two tr .. hckell to Cucua Varqu Pl .... call673-0550 SO MISCEL- LANEOUS PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT ha.bllaty lor Ulcorrect spellrno, orammahc&l maccur· •c••· or typoorapbtcal errora LA any ad11er· h.Mmeoll pubhabed an the Coaat N.da. Newt Group. REDWOOD 2a6 deck· tnQ -4·20' lonq 25- cenll loot hm. 646· 9885, anytLme Sl WANT TO BUY WANTED OLD G UNS, nfl", ahotquna. pocket watc hea , mdllery -orda S.rtou.a collec tor -paya more than any dNler 581 8870 WANTEDTO BUY Two rotary band dula made by Nonb Brothert •n Pbuadelpba. under the Y ankH label Hat a center·shd1nq button lor 4 po1111ona Lock dull only, ratchet n qbt one duecllon Rac hel uqht LA two duectsona Muat be an oood cond•llon Pay S30 or more 496 ~w .. kzuqhll 25 56 HOUSES UNFURN WOODBRIDGE LAND· LNG I M P.cau Plan 4 2,500 ~ It ' 4- bedroom 211 bath, lamtly room, large yard. Q reel location atr cond oardener No ~>••• Sl,300 per month Sandi, (71 4) 497·4557 POOL SPA 2· b.droom plua den Bu~ pool and •P• m bea uhtul bac kyard Coal& W... S700 plua pool m&lll· teoance Av.U&.ble Ju.ne I Call now 752.0273 S8CONDOS/ TOWNH.SES FOR RENT The Newpo.-t Enalgn W.dn.ndoy. Aswll 14 . ltn Pave 21 I -----··----· ._ .. ,~ --·t.- • ., ' .. -·~· Look tor YfNI rwne 1n ..,. c·rn n a~t lleCtion. " you lnd 1t. you ,_,.won two lak.-to h AIHH.IIIIIOAT 8HOW lUll come to our n 1 Pill* oMol Will proper ...-c. lan. .nd ._ ...._ .,. youra _. our OOII'C*••• StVACAnON RENTALS SOUTH LAU T AHO£. Tahoe Keya Lovely 2 b.droom condo, siMp• 6 One mile CUUIOI sk1 100 f:ndoor pool, etc S701day (714) 646·2183 VACATION ~ Fr4t1ce ••tb family by .. c hano LDO hom• durUIQ July or AuQIUI Hou.. LA &JIIaU French villaqe 30 mLDut" north ol Paru 4·b.droom •nclucL.no auto Prefer comper&.ble hom• 111 Southern C..IJ. lorrua U rntereet.d. call (213) 593·2058 1'7 REAL ESTATE fOUR PL.ll Co•t• M... Sl86,000 Lonq term IUianCIDQ l20.000 down S2SO per month Neqellve Pnncapala only Jo bo aq ent. 646·7660 W ALJC TO BUCH hom llua dupJu With MPAI ate pnvate pat101 ud 9•reo• Pnc.d to .. u at S129,g()() Lc.U.nt fl. JL&DCinO Ch.a.rter "-lty & lnvettmenta 496 8122. 831.a&l1 $35,000 DOWN BUYS nus beauutul be.cll tn·ple:a b c.U.Ot LA come, CJrMI (lD&DCLAO $230,000 Charter Real ty 4t ln,.._ent•. 496 8122. 831-8811 88 HOUSES toR SALE f OR THE f AMlLY1 3 b.droom, 2 bath lamuy home 1n Dana Po1nt Cloae to perk and acbool Aaaaull&.ble lat. low •nterect, Mlt.r will help hnance $143,500 Kenl Realty lnvetl menta, San Clamente . (714) 492-4663 BEDSPREADS, ~U f ACT\JRERS OUTLET Laroeat an Orano• Couoty. Bedd•no & B.dapread Ho\LMI, 1440 S Naan St . Santa Ana, Edaoqer/Ma1n 835 1611 S2 RENTALS TO SHARE PUBLISHER DO ES NOT ACClP'T h&.bthty MATUIIE FEMALE 10 lo r •ncollect apaU1no. share 2 bedroom 2 1 oraromallcal •naccur betb condo Unlur01sh I aetas, or typoqraphacal ed bedroom Laue May e11on tn any adver 1st S300 plus I 2 lttemenll pubh•h.d 10 ulllJhea 559 5858 PM the Coati M.d1a News S.MO W. SNOW. NOR£ SNO W Mammoth con do. 3 bedroom, 3-bath J&Cl.liJJ, Nun&, mtCIO wav&. lueplace, u.nder qround parluno ev&ll· &.ble Apnl IS on 833·0277 uomCEJ COMMERCIAL PRI.MI CORONA DEL MAR btqbly upqred.d d euooer abowroom Ready to 1us1 o~n the SA.N C LDaMTI 4 PLlX plua booua room wtth betb 2S~o down O wner will c arry balance at llltJ"' U84,000 O..r.er, (714) 768-1636 SA VI-COMNISSION belore owner U.U 2 prune propert••• 3 b.droom• NCb IotA o.-ly r-emodeled wttll a rchite ctural pla na, larqe cloee·LA bwldabloe loll S365,000 and SSSO 000 Faotultc oc.-n vtawa Call loU· lr" ou.m.ber 1-800·532· ~. aalr for Pen.nyaaver Adwatch N8567 LAGUNA H ILLS ASStna -$176,000. 11 ~"' loan 3 bed· rooma, 2 lueplac" $202,000 Owner C..U toWr• number 1·800 532·3972. aalt lor Penny Nver Adwatcb M8977 F'O R SALE l pa11 skll, "ON THE SAND'" 1 Group 150 e m. S25 I pa.u skl 1 + l + 1, p11me Newport I WOODBRIDGE CON· • * Wm T McGrath, 3404 Senta Clara Car Cotta M ... You ha11e t\UI wo n two lr" 11cll:e11 to C~rcua Verqu Pt .... call 673 0550 boola, Ill& 3, SlO Oval location hu 11 all S-400 DO 3 b.droom, I'·• aheo arM ruq, orange luo, 645 7557 I bath uttlltv room aod brown wtlh beaqe C HRISTIAN WO MAN I covered patio carpo rt BY OWNER -_ Laroe. allraciJve 3-b.droom, 2 bath bome, nMr beach Sl 79,000 Low down Eacelt.nt tenus Call loiUr" number l-800 532 3972 u.k lor Pen~~T Nver Adwatdl W7787 L._ St•p• to renn•s and colon, SIS Mena bowl -JUJ1Q .wotber to sha.e Ol ed 1 d door I 000 sq It I 3 2 vmpiC 111 poo an tnQ ball AWf, 10 carry a ovely bedroom 14 < un t S700 month SI,SOO ~r month (I) 457 4611 68 HOUSES FOR SALE IIICI c&M, wath tho., batb lurmah..d hom• As• lor A In SS I 5489 mena .... 9YJ 5 chrome (wllh l•undl'l) Home Ll 751 6427 m Hunllnqton Baa< h NEW oma SUITES 130 10 264 aquare leet 'Some WltA pnvete en trance "Floor to·cetlmo WUldowa phone and sec retaual aervtc.i 1600 Dove No 330, 752.64(16 end INtherelle drnmq near S..ch Blvd clt>M NEW CONDOS liST VALUE F'O R PRJCI:1 We beheve rt will be ~rd to bnd • be«er vaJue lor • home •• th• South Coaat arM Located nNJ beecb and p6rk Th11 I 800 ~~q h 3 bedroom 2 b"h hom• w1tb larntly room w•• cl.lltom buut 5 year~ aqo The owner hu moved ro S..a I>.eoo •nd .. ,11 ca11v the ILAanctnQ Sl44 900 C anon Real u tate C71 4) 493 8901 SlO,OOO DOWN O R TRADE lor most any cbaua, chrome and to 405 Frwv aod PCH APRlt RDfT F'REE orano• color. S2S -ch Rent 11 only SJOO.monlh f resh 1 and 2 bedroom or all S lor SlOO &cit plus I 2 uhllll" Pl .... 1 condos Sl<yh qhls pac lr., SIO Cb.1ld's call Eve •• 848 6773 hreplac• patio 2 c•r slaap1nq cot S3 hom" Qlle l• SS35 1 S595 pe• tbUIQ S..uutul 4 bedroom 3 beth Mo quahtyr.AQ Sen Cle mwte 661 1548 644 4687 PRIVATE FEMALE mcnth 631 5909 1872 BUTTONS. BUMPER non •m )ktu Sh••• Munr"vr a Colla Mesa IRVINE ~DUSTRlAL PARK. TIU!rn Mvlord· Walnut) ff1ce •n new butldrnQ wtth .. ddtttona.l wtlrebo~..~ooW •p•c• D•Y• 73! 09 14 evPn.nq• !))3 8719 5BEDROON 3 200 ~ It pr..ttq1ous lux11rv home SJOO 000 Good .-uma.ble Own.-, wtll carry S.Jo w mar~.C Call tolll~ number I 800 S32 )972 .uA: lo r Pennvaav•r Adwatc h M0009 STICURS relnqeralor b.droom ondo P....ot J BEDROOM 1 • maooell. cWIIorn made J4CIUU lennll clow • BATH nMI 5..luth Cu ast I awap m .. ten, c razy 0 C Aarpo rt MS 2544 Plu.t ~ubi .. Q.traq& NYUIOI and roclr. but <JIIer S )() yard pool pd "-'ler tons LA stock lrvme 2 BEDROOM I , b.tlh 1o04'S n• n•h Dav" 540 C owboy, 559·1641 ,,.wnhom•· ex ..... ~IIOW l-421 54!1 062.2 lo4 l w f'REEHAIRCUT J n•pla ,. 1 \I tO Alt r N E Male/female models F' "m.tle 2'> lc· J~ I r•'"' haulllv l He .... pott c .. nt•r :tl!lcr -llh ··- PRJCEO WITH TERMS PanoramiC >C'e41l v••w IOq• down Great u wmdble Ivan• Th11 -u• needed lor demonstra r.-d Non •molt"' \2<;() I * * ARif HABIBUL hon by advanced stvlllt plu, I 2 111 ... LAH l '4b/ To•<\.:Ohf'r~ ' 'K"J'liOll Jnl•r I * • TONY MILLER l07S Tvler Wav Co11c11 Mulmum S5 product 76{) b'J&) A¥" l1 vrn" Yuu h.sve charqe lor pe•ms .tod HO USEMATE WANT IU•I wuu rwo lrf'tl IIC ifeU "" • rC>Om •. trh•n tom built I b4ildtoom ~hnn• •• ••'"""I Z bath home has boo-en Mev You hav• '"'' w<•n I IW< frH hcki!'IS te> C~tC'tn V uqu Pl .. .-a,. ' a ll 673 OS50 I 9630408 ED u I I"'Ctrt'u<VH'7'' Pll'oUP co ora I .... • w11l .'h Hfl I" .til b? 1 OS':.O AMWAY PRO DUCTS l.srq" 2 W•a< m • b.1tn ..,,J word pr <•s.•n<J rtodoco111ed o1nd ,. 1n M,.,t and mtt.wq• ,..., tmmaC'ulat• c ondtllon v,, • av•d .. blf' wf'" VtfiW lro m nN.ly •II ---come to you S..llst .. , hC'mf' 111 L.tlte f ,,..,., lion quarantH<l or mon wtl h "'m' full I''"' S9 VACATION ey back 559 5543 '~"' \.?.2'3 >1'" ! 2 ftr11t.rT • 'S ''", 1 de$11.-d rooma The •ner w11l Call Solly carry hnanc~nq and h•' 1 69CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR SALE ... ,,.,,,," R .. t., .. n .. s ~ ~ WHEELCHAIR \ l75 637 .'091 .,, ,., nq • 171 4•710 OlOO lutt reduced pnc• '" MAMMOTH C'ONfX l , \224 000 Canon "-• foldanq we.lke• \250 wp••t,.•nd• Osyqen caruer \JC O.yq•n regulator Hl \90 CaU 7S2 027 J CONSIGN££ MUST SAC RJflCE clc.•Acme v a s es authenta- CbLD-•obe lc11rqe Nava)O ~nht Sp4ntah shawl Old Glo ry 752 S Coast Hwv laquo• S..cb RANCHO SAN JOA QUINt Rancho Mesa Verde R.cqutr1 Club membership Couple Sl50 Call 751 2148 LOVELY LAG UNA NIGUEL h ....... T .. r,n•~ 1 C•l lull h , " ~.uv.!eq,.• S2SU pi •' , 3 ullhiiH Call '• Ill•..., numb.r I 800 5 12 1972 u • lor P,.nn'I'4Vf'r Ad WlliCb M725J ROOMMATt WANTED f•m4Je prefl!'rr.d I d•arf' ~ b..drO<Jm nd Mt•""" V•eto \lr:-v mnnth Jt.!tllMI and l"ll~ mem bf'nh1p '"''lu.t ... ~ AI 951 b8t>l evan11101 dav• 549 9866 t ~3 APARTMENTS REDWOOD PICNIC UNFURH TABLE and benches -Rectanqular ,.., ... ll,.nt NO W RENTI NG 1 u 1 I condthon SSO 6-40 l j,,.,j, 1 m .J~r i • 862~ •J•••'m•·n•• ("J,,..., tr..,w"v t:r .... h " I PHON£ MATE , .. I.. wd l~ lo .n( PPIOQ H ..... phone a nawennQ m.-.nqton &..-. h ,., .. " 171 4 c-b•n• S79 Wuh re B47 tiiJbol mote S14a W•rr•nlled U N I 0 U ~ ApAR T 1'50 3791 MfNTS •nd IOwnh, " ..... SHUPSDN COAT Eatra Iaroe ~~~• F'l-" hn•no Good cond1 t1on SJ00'olter 497 1161 51 WAMTTO JOY , WANTID USED F'UA NlTUJII aaodern an 11q"• llalnqeratc>rt waaltere dr.,..r• (wor~ tio, 11011 workm«J) Laa 1115'18ll3 '•CASH PAID l<>r Oual•I'Y Aattq"" Je ..Jry. d.141mc>Ada cam ... ..... • ••tc:h ... perl\&ae botU... cul oJ&.. cllm.a d..-• Mb, wpb. r11191 clotls, ~~ tloolal Gal letT ODe , 4$4 ........ .,.. WANTID· fUINI· 1'\IU, ~ lr• lnoerak)o, •••~en. .u,..n. TV's. WOilinOI DOit·-fblot Aat.-. ~· tanut•re UCAI. (714)157 .. 181 wllh Aln .. hAI .., .. ,t.n.a ,,.,, ........ tH b.u• ,., ond•r1<1n•n9 p v •I• w uu *' 1vm r•nn .. rour•• lmm41d•at.-"••I tbl" I b.droom •nd Jen I b.drooiJI. l t ... ,, toam J. b ath •o •n bou-Sc.rJY n~• p .. l• 2400 H••tkl• Blvd Ct>ot• M ... -.o;J 111120 LANDLORDS f ,_ ,.d.,•rltllnQ' Lost rental• and ,.,. •tve quAhh...:i c•ll•' AAA ll•nt.J Real tv O range C4>untv'• olde•t and laf9eel ••nt .. l ..... ". 97.38315 LI.AS.l South l.aquna oc-eanlro nt I bed room den apartment, ~I \go() mo nthly Owner Call loUJr .. nu .. ber 1 ~ SJ2 l$72, ~ lor Pei\DY'M"' Ad ••tclll WT1l7 Ll• 7 >~ It ~nd ,1 E.atate 71 41 493~1 LARGE 3 BEDROOM l4rl.l• • b.dr m '"" PERfECT FO R BUSI QU A LITY tnle roor 2' ·bath Costa NMA ph • m1 '"'"'~"P o l.-NESS o• prohtsaaonal upqradet w,..1 Mil' J lolwnhomf' S l55 000 TV 14 1:' ·rl" -..un<J b 000 aq I• .... verloolrLAQ b.droom 2 bath hom• 13 5~ )() YNr hnan oull•~ v~'l '>4'> lXI:! bdY 18 month •tth 36 I qu••• ne qhborbood CUIQ ht ., .. , 111 12~ '>4'5 I .104 month op••on lu•• Only Sl l8 'nJ S90 000 147 [ 18th St 838 C.REAT BIG BEAR 8elo"' m .. rke• .. alu• n I'"'"' 18921 Aloma 891 . 1b1n 1n '", •\ ' .. v C< v•red ~ "'"'"~ pot Ill L.aquM N,quel Call LARG E t:MMACULA TE t bfodrrx m w 1h ,.., .. 1, ·J•rd•n ".aec-uuv• ol 494 6545 493 8S39 .. ., lz b.droom 21, balb 1 11 •h.n11 C.: r T\ ',. '"'"' '••• F'a •h•vll lor M•lr• wner ·nd •ownhom'" M111 ~ 1 .. ,, tote Un . \~ • .. ltldnd ... alk buch S MAR T INVESTORS ~t.-s , South Cout t w Mb tl Ht Avatlable r> "' S.•• Plu.a and oc.-•n N ('I C w•ll approoctate' BIG BEA R l ABIN ~k vt~lue 10 rADI/f' ur Auum .. ble IM low •n ~u~thlviDQ 1 '3~ IID,.n< .n., •• ctolo I 1 ,,f'd '.V C all M-n f r '"',...' ..4111•• w•ll help onQ Sl59 000 Cbaner 044 9050 1 1 RHhv & •-v..am.al~ i mQ h.r ,, 1 • 11 ... 1 hn•nc • per tlf'l rent• ..., '"" "'' • tt••h ,1, ... 1," EXECUTIVE O FFIC E Sf<! t r;oo . 3 496 81l2 831 8811 h"•r•laco> •mpiNPh and rK•phon•sl .,.., Df',ir<•{ m• .2 batb• NO DOWN OR LOW lurnllhf'd w ...... ,_ PteltiOIOUS llovd~ Ban~ t.onu• l.>l m t .. m.Jv DOWN mOYfO& you Into wf' .. lt,.nd ,. .•• ~ N n budd1nq Newport ne•..:Jht...•rhe>od walk , tht& newly p111nted .m ~.,. ~ J, ~.'66 S.acb Appro a1marelv p•rl< K .. n, Rea ltv In c erp•ted 3 bedroom .2 114, .!9'>1 400sq It 833 ll73 vPIImenta S..n Cl• botrh condo tn l..aqu.na HAWAII VACATION 11 -, m"'"'" <7l414q2 46bJ Htll• Clo.., ro pool r•n•.;l ( >.oh t ,,, hlr ~· I F(JI(F.: ! HO RSE PROPERTY I P"'k 'f'nn•• SHl8 500 I t ''"' .• I 'I f' ,IJy I -,--I s .... l•dul • lOCI '<:! " Buv I With .. ,,_m•n• T lnt ul• bv own•• lu""'h"'l •I•"'J' 4 I I l W u 1<11r hum!' on ,,. liS? 454_. I WHkly muntl-&1• '>-It, 1 ~~· ----•~ bu ,, (.1\nvon Sill 000 o.Z"oi) t.. .. v"m"~·~· 1 _. -fu o v t m r• '"" F'OR SAL£ BY O WNtll SKI MAMMOTH =:.::. ~ \15 ~ ~ OU( .!own C.:l,.,nv Co"" C"ondo 1 S••mm•t C'On•i 111 1 ''"P• 1 -TcM&l t.c Own•• C all I< 111r-bedr"'"' I t...tb den t1a ,,m ~~;;:,.~S ~~P• ~~., ha,._.I\U'e ::·~~m~t ~e~:~~: l':.;~ """r <>< Nn 492 4449 .... v.. •·k, Tv ,,e,,.. •• ____.. __ .... ,..__~ ... ,, h M748? Gto• -~-·~ HONIUt " un !"rJ•ound ~ ulttn•1 lariAJ~ LA GUN A III IGU EL uaD.-ft I r v •r o1h•• ·~tCoolweecel home bv own•• Goll ~ A•"tlabl• M .. n h ~4 ·-,..uurwa v-• \..>ated CUSTOM Apull Arr•l 10 11 f u •Cc.po.t«!l.roz pnvacv 11 5'\ hnAnc f\1RNJSHEI) Ja\o 40d s .. turd..v Sl'l TM lalenOr "-'9 lnQ SPcliCIOUI 4 b.d p(l>r nu~h s .. nd•~ oa.n • ttopocal rOOIII ) beth hr•pt .. r e Thur<oda y ~o; pet n1qh1 ~ ~ wa Jamaly moDI pool fl'& ISl (14'l1, !U.I .268 1 po01a wtditTopica.l Laroe c-o rner lot PALM SPRINGS tut ud !'laM oa S419 000 4 0727 n1•btod )UYIIIY YIJIA Ll.at~ lp.oee • St .. r• 4 s ... ,mm.n9 ab)e ...._bora 1•• uaaa ••r•n•• AvA•I S100 For eppouil abl• w .. k-..,d-..,, lonQ c-p Dna.. at •t teu11 C C atmu phare fta.uonabt. r•t" Call lve 846 1188 o r 545 7ti68 llG HAll C ABIN 2 bedroo• plu• loll s~e.pe e s. 10 rnlaut• to Snow s.a.ll m .,., •t~C~~t S10 ref•odab .. MC:.Jlty ~ C.U lolJI.ree • •'-• l-100 Da.:ISI'n, _.leT Peany •"*M ttiOARD •CARE PRIVATI KON1 C ARl tor eJd.ly amltuL.10tT ~.u,.. 540-ISa. MIWONSS VJEW JUST 1129.950 Laqun• H•ll• lti~~Qhly tJM•ad.d ) b.droom C'ond., Ho•t• l•at .. 1w .. ..-ol S.ctd}• beck rnouniAtn aaJ be?t!ncl lnclucl" cleeor•tor ... It~ t, wood C\&eel ••• IIUIIOfl ftl f!We, t •• ltv rootrl. llttee\1••• I'OOIIl, ,.. s~ •• n., ct..l qned 111terrur• 2 Bch 2 B4 J ,.., qareqe 1 bd• cCln••l1.d to I4C'uu• room Tena" pool ·~"' ..cunt'f ~~··· 1215.000 425.000 <town 11 \i ~ f!A•&e\IIQ lrlt (213) U l-0447 71 LOTI. ACWE.\01 Cll C'r•"''ed **DOGn SWITH, 11311 ,_..,. Wey,lr- ,.._, Too J...,. jut woa twcS 1.-tidlellt 1o Cilcua ~-PI-caU --------•BOUIDPOR IAU 23' IOAT eed trailef. GLIIItn)Jl v -234. r..t lo 90 oceu llaltlllq. se.ooo. c..u taJ.Hr. aldder 1-800-Sl2-38'12, uk lor ,._~vw Ad· watch W0017. •aouu:aroa SALI LA ... NAIIACH _.. ... ALDIAY ONv $30.000 down. &;ov Ocean and ..... .... -.n "* llfJIItV 3 beCtoom. 2 bolt\ I"'If'na Oc* loOn ~. rich Mll*:ln-.~~~ CGeCI In ~ ~· clr*IO aNa. AI NW o<* lclc:fWn and W!1V prt.. vate OCJI'di'n pat1to. ~ $192,000 '*"owner ftnartc:ltnO. SUbmit *""-Mav ttocle for units 01 ... -hcue. $3.6&.000. AWOWVIIWI -d ~fm""-•-.ri<Jidlti --~In .. 3 beCtoom. 2 batt'l home Olt ..._.~ Olt ..-nt It out OR tear It downl Pl1ced at lot-wL!e for lalt .... Good ......... $299.000. CALL HI.1.E (AGENT) (7M).M t67. PININ8ULA HOlliS EXau.ENT TERMS! Remodeled tro~ ditionol 3 bedroom, den, 3 both, reduced to $395,000. Prize Wnt Boy boyfront. Slips for 2 boots, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 both $1,200,000. Ocean and jetty views. Morine room, ,. bedrooms, 3 boths, 3,700 sq. ft. $1 ,385,000. LIDO ISLE HOMES Prime lido Nord boyfront. Five bed~ rooms, 5 'h boths. Lorge living room, 2 boot sltps. $1 ,SOO,OOO. Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bo,th plus Iorge rec room, beom ce tlengs, fur- nished, pot1os. $.420,000 LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT lagoon v1ew from 6 bedroom, 5 both, playroom, dork room, den, boot sltp. $1,350,000. BAYSIDE COVE Spectoculor boyfront view 2 bed- room, 2 both up; 2 bedroom, 2 both down. Two boot sltps. $1, 9(X),000. CORONADO CAYS Coronado Island cust. boyfront lot. 85' boot dock. Pions avaiL $.425,000 w 1th terms. TRE8 VI IT AI- MISSION VIEJO New French Normandy,. bedroom, ,. both, guest house, pool. Neor • .'U ·-··· s~~~ CRU ~OY R~ ~~T ,._:~ IIU __.,._,........,_ Ulll_lo........._.._ .... .._.. ManMtlel-.,.(213)~ "'"-ta....:lo(1t•l ...... ~= .,. •IIOTOR 801118 WUST SILL -UMDY motor J.o.e, ~-loot. Niat COJldWoa willt all the uttu. 1i,000 ..U.. .... oht ovw $15,000. LM" ·~ lor Roa, (714) 851-728. CJIAWPION CLASS A motor iloae, SS,47S. HoDde Cl 360, SIIJO. Y........ hdl&rO 250, S395. CaU toutr .. auab. l-IQ0.532.Je72, -lor ... ~-A.d-watc:b W7252. • IIOUIEI FOB IALE 17' II...AZON ll&nltop tra&a.r.sa...,.I.C..v• tarp. Sl,!IOO. Oaoo4 coe- dUioe. CaU toW'" -~ 1-100-532-3172, ....... ,..""Ad· 1Niclta.81. SMOW WOIILIS: Y...U ...0, Sl ,!IOO. s..c ooaditioa. Sid Doo. ...0, S!IOO. .. 1733. •saYICII JIDADl una AUTO U -PADIS: Jcqur, ,___ HMMJ, Tri~. WG, Triwula St.ee ud ao.t otMr tritt.h a\lloe. 18185 Harbor alvd., Cou w.... 548-6226, HOB'S GAM <B. AUTO IIPAIR fo~ I Do~H~t!A:. laqtaa overhaul. TWle 11_p, brU... electrical c.u 132-2317' • IIOUIES FOB &11.1 Pe~ Barrett Realty presents THE LAKES E Dd unit 1 bedroom. large liviD& room with fireplace, dining area and roomy garden kitchen with eatin& area. Great location <tifect,. ly over your own garap. Beauti- fully landscaped with mature trees and lakes plus all the other amenities. Immediate poeeeaaion. 1100.000 with excellent uauma· bJe financing. 842-5200 Ietty I ... Realty A Pvzu,E Wb.\1 11M a .... yard and·~ Wllh • vww lrom lb. d.clt tlw.J t.a qrMI 3 bedrooma .a cared for and loved by 118 ma You c-..o .at off th. floor "on • pi.Je" So clo. to the b..cb lucb can 109 there Wllb J» or wallr to tb. shape Wlth th.u m.•t• U you think you c.n bMt tl, I lwtve to MY bM lA thouwnda tt'a 398 ? COME C4 YOVIlSELF A r41e 5 ye&~ n-3 bdrm. 2~ b. cuatom oc.an blulf home wttb panoramic whLie water vtew on th. bluffa LO San Cle· mente ad)OtDIDq petlu to the bMch. Favorably pnced at S77S,OOO Open for your v1-inq 1177 D400 -laoce'le• oa.tr •· oa17 1,000 odtiMI---~ ..... tr.M. LID IQW WOPID, $350. Call tollfr" au.aller 1-100-532-3872, .-lor ,_.~,., Acl- -lcltW'78. 1179 YAWAHA SX400, saoo tina. CaU klllhw ll~ 1-801)..S32-3172, .-lor hall~ver Ad· wetch.,.,. WOTOICYCLIS HaedM. mm -1M cliMic, lop c:ooditloa. Bl(410 a.IA Special - .. ltro4 OlM, w. .... 8SS-10!10. LADIIS COASTU }uU. o.w..t, allo 10· ..,..ct. Nell ......... -d bo,.' 10-apMd Sc:hwia.u. sse. All lib a.w.S48a:lll. DI800Uin Pncea oa papillar bread bic:yd.i, clotJUDca and acc.-orillll. SAVl AT S1.IPSON CYCl.DY. 2i81 Grace Laae eo.w-(N...._ .... ,.,__, $41.4130 Sat 12-5 p.m 13YARI/'TBCIS SUD. 12-5 p rn FOB SAtE Apnl l8 &Ad 19 2004 Calle de 18112 GWC PICIUP. J.oa A.la.mos ll. 000 dowraltab o,. San Clemente JN~· 1230 ..olllla-~~~~1!!!1~1~~~ ly. &el-7D. U HOUSES FOR SALE •IIOUIIS FOR SALE lim J'OI.D IOIICO ILT. Auto-lie:, 4- wla.Ml drift, 33,000 ..U... ~ SI,OOO. 558-U\l.tt.r 6 p.a . 1179 POIU> UOIICO ILT. Autoaabc:, 4- wMel drive. 33,000 --.. ~ sa.ooo. B-1333..._1p.a . 1-vw "Ct.. c..ta• pk:kQ. la.aac:W.. •· teriorleateaor. 11,!100 Ura. 130-94&4, 8-5 ... w.,.. 19'14 POID Couiu with ....u. $1,18).. Off. road tirel, oood coadi- lioD. CaJl lolUr .. allo.!Dber 1-100-m-39'12, uk b ha.ayuvw Ad- watcll~. .,AU1'08 WAJniD 1971 WIBCUIT W AJn'll>: MuqWa or Wollt.qo. 2-door, low .U..,., lop c:oodiboa. Caala. Private pa.rty. C.U toWree o-.ber 1-I00-532.3f112. uk lor Peaayaaver Adwatoh ..... .ROUSES FOR SAI.E CLOSE TO BEACH Perfect corporate retreat for weary, harried executives and their families! Approximately 5 acres with magnificient view , pool, two spas, outdoor entertaining area with brick barbecue, deck ond patio, room for tennis court, horses. Five bedrooms, 3 'h baths, family room w ith wet bar, librory, country kitchen with enormous pantry. Close to beach and riding facilities. t1,971,000 1 Corporate Plua, ~ leldt 759-9100 Sunny. b~ Canyon Crat c:cwlo. wall to Gelaons, Roeere Gardea• and ~-· End unit .... lii:J .... ......... ..__.1.-ce,MS. clown 10 . .,. oa .._ • ......,.. 11.000.10 .----• for 15 ~C. • tocllv fOr~ p~aA•. USID CAll WAII'I'ID -Op ao tiiOO fiUI . .._, ala9 or aot. Alao ~. AM f01 leek, .. 7-t418 • IDPS. CAIS, PfCJ[. UPS boa S3S. Avea.l- abloa .. loc.J Qo..,.. _, Aucbou. For ~· c.U (806) 887 • at. 2308 CaD~. FIND IT IN OUR 673-0550 WUST SILL lWJI 8WW 2002. New •~PM. air, atereo. S6,975Jbeat. 497-ZB. 1980 BWW 320t. 21,000 ..W.., loac:Md, heel ol· fer. C..U toUU.. auaber 1-8Q0.532-3872, uk lor PeDDJMVer Adwatch W7126. lUlCK 19'12 BUICK Skylark bc.Ueal cood1hoo $1,200 or beet 661 - 641M. 19'15 BUICK Le Sabre Ccmvertihle. lJlre o.ew, alwaya 94164*1· All •r· vice recorda. l3,900. t97-.f228. QMIAC ltiO CADILLAC Bi.tu· rita. 81ecla l:a black. IIUJl roof, 28,000 all•• $15,100. ·1-5713. 1m CADn.LAC Sed.u • van.. 4-door. load- ed ... cen-t CODdaboll. $2,100, -u. 49t- !1046. days 873-3882 187i ILDOIADO K..,-, .-. WW ..U lor low book. St.800 or '-lor S332 aoetW,, OAC. C.U toUhee auab. l-I00-532-l!n2, Mla lor '-a~"' Ad· watc}a WT130. 1i64 CORVITTI Roadater. Red, a\lto., au, pow.r '*"riAo/ br.U.. $13,000 or heel offer. 644-8325 or ~.~·----li58 ILOORADO Seville W.C:haJUCalJy e&ceUeol Chrome qood. S2,500. 633·11-48. 1112 CA.WA•o .......... Jac.U.Ot. Takle O¥el' ...... Call lollfne av.aMt 1-8100- 532-31'12, &M for haaJ- M¥el Adwetcb W7S81. 1975 CHIVROLIT Wou.a 4-apeed. Good aU..V., ciMal IIIII p&~Dted. Air, A.WJJW ~·· S3,!500. Call loUIN. auabef 1-800- 532·3872, uk lor Peoay- Mftr A.dwatcll W83SQ, 1980 CAPJU RS, V-t, &lllomal.le, air. JU(JJW c-«e. l7124 apq, na Uodh.n9. SJta.rpl S.S,SOO/offer. Call toU· trw auabe.-1-8100-532- 3972, uk for PeDDyuver Adwatcb Wi330. CBBYSLER 1969 CHRYSLIR Newport Exc.Uent coo - datlOil. Wany oew J»rtl . MS. 830-8187 DA'ISUM DATSUN 1977, 280Z. 4- apeed, aaqa, rN atereo c~le, oew radial., bralt•. battery. a..t of· fer. (714) 720-1413. DATSUN DILUXI 210B Weqoo, 1982. hurt hlte new. S7001beat offer Take over J»ymeot. O.t- IIUD 210B H.etch.baclt. 1974, t,~ood condthon Sl.200/bell offer 855-lm6 FIAT 1973 nAT 850 Sparta Spldef Very cle-..o Lib aew S2,000 837-8635 FORD 1978 FORD PliSTA S model Swuoof, Al4J P'M, e&ceU.Ill IJ)t•nor/ utenor. 770-5217 MERCEDES lEN% 1181 WDCIDG 300TD Turbo ata.lioDwaqoa c....tte, AWIPM racLo, IWU'OOf, 8,000 ..u.. l.&lae brand a-. UDder wananty (1) 61&-7406. ua.ooo YourCer? c.a CIIMIIIM 67:)..0550 MG lim WGB Lua1ted lch- taon Blac:k, fWly lo.d · ed, 24,000 mal" $6,100 C.U Pat _._ da,., 559-5070 YAMAHA 1979 ENDURO 7 $475 FIRM 642·9397 OLDUI()III.E 1179 O.LDSNOIIU ToiOUdo. Wllia, red IA .. rio., fully ~ped, 51,000 .U.. S1,to0. c.u toUhee .~r l-800-532..'R12, uk for Peaoyuver Adwalch W9158. lg&g OLDSWO door. t.o.cA.d with tr•-RebWJt -c tranam.-aoa t c:oodatioa. Wual -$650 OBO S51·2860 -- POBSCBE 1177 PORSCHI 9115. llec:-1 overb.au.l llec:· tric: auoroof, tt•r«~. Bnu.ah q:reen. Lc:elleot condataoa S15,000 840-5648. 1981 PORSCHI 924 T111bo. R.d 011 black Loacled. Tab Oftl pay- menta -S635 moothly 4~1i . STUDELUER 1921 ANTIQUE STUDI· BAJCD, $3,000 Call toWree nWIIlber 1-800· 532-3972, ult lor P.a.ay- uv.r Adwatch N7889. • VOLISWAGEN 1965 VW BUG. New 1600 cc, clean ln/oul New bres. R\1.118 qreet! $1,600. Call toUJne D\lmber 1-800-532·3972, uk for P.-,..ver Ad- watc h WTT12 1974 THING -2 ~ wb..U, 2 to~. ott..~ ••· tru Good coadmo11 C&U tollJree nlllllher 1-800-532-3972. uk lo r Penaysaver Adw•tclt l0797. ·------ OP -·· smmc:ra ADDI'I10RS • RDI()1)EI.IlfG GUWICI 6 SON BUD.DDS llaoe l!M7. Addlboa•, a-o::Lelta9, Doors. Willdo-. Pabo Coven. 1'\ua. Free ... R.u. ratea 549-21'10 Lie: 310CM2. ALtDATIOMS/ DRISSJIADfO YYE'a Dr-~lt>D9-Altera· UICaL QWd ~­ "I I -·bM pnc;ee. eau•Mis AIPIIALT lEAL OOA1'111Cl/ I*IVIWAYS UJ1IAL TRIP Am 6!:~u! ,,.. a.. IM:. 31'7312 1&5-1111 AU.ITA'IE PAWIOOO. UAUTTS'ICS/ IIIIU'.SI I ALL T'S UAUTT liOO&.. 1111. 1,. St ' C...W...Pwt II s• ._llUDIIIIF ~, .. oo., .. r.·--... M.!IO ........ 112.00•• ~. $3.!0;1a.11G. • . • I " ,, .. .. .. til ... Cf • c -c rl Cc • ~ do w fel trl He cJ Pa ~ ol Ill c1 IC iJM lll1 * '" ... CJ W4 &A R Irl a 01 yo bo lAI be IU.l 84 rli •• ca. be. .,. Cc DO 4211 cJ .... ... 9&. wo rie 96. n. ri wi.l d. ... rn ce Uc 61t c c cl b abo pu Mt 801 c ( I c t. • .. DIREctORY OFBUSIN ...... WOODif COSTOW ...................... JaiJ: ,,. all ,.., ~­ &110 ...... S. I • ._1 Ia oa!ale ~ • .................. IDQ. for Ina ...-.... C.U Teny . .gl4) 8l5- tll3, (114) ·52m. CUSTOM nJUlTUU DISIGNJI) &Dod built to yo\&1 ued --u uaJta, boollc-. t.W., c~ lAeb, ltoraqe u.itll. ban. CaD Jab at "f u - IUNN Woodcraft,-858- 8417or~10.. TKI FDfiST lA co•· aarct.al ad ~ cahaaetry. elle1v&DCiJ, ban, COWltw ud ~· ual woodwork. Jd CoutNcUoa. U.C... ao 3508'11. (714) 6Jl- 4l80. CA.IlPI:NTIB -r o.· auca wozlr, ~ ca.b- ua.te, book allal_., QU~ cabuMD, ~ -ra. 23 ,...,. ...,.... n.ace. CaD ~ 963-~. IMSJ-5982. n-.k yoll, ,.,..,.,. FRilfCll DOORS, bay wtado ... pMio oo,..n, decb. fraaiaV. ad.mc;J. lac•. wood 0oonDc;J. ,,_ ..U.•t• ... oeUeot relereoc .. Uahceaaed . lobo, 6'15-«)02 CA.llPI'TS Cl.IA.HID: l.ac.U..t work, ..-&· able pnc-. floor atrip- PIA9IWU1119 Soudl_. W41At--.~. (714) 7!1· 8001 CI.EAJURQ svc ' 11110-IUimS Prof <malty e~Maecl. lleaideatlal/Coaaer· cial. K$-1111 CORCRETE CUSTOM CDCINT ud bnc.kwoik. We do it all. No Jolt too ...n. ... t.are.c. ud ,_ ..... ........ 7 ....... 1 snCIALIZI lA ;.c.k· U....r work uci re- ao•al ot coacrete (patioe. .dewalb &Ad Cln.-.,.) AJ.ao C\lltlllc;J &Ad b.aaciMWl.DQ. Not ute lie. Weak'• Coil· cniM R..oval, 631· 2610. cONCU'Ra ASPHALTUK.UIMG aUWOVA.L S k1ploader, d~aap t.rv.clr, jeck aa.-.. Low r--. ~cecl. qi)Ality wozlr. laau.nd. lrMM'• .... 157-11$2 COIISTRUCnoJC I wn.soJI a SONS -l~atlclen. ,,_ ..a.i· '"*· 30 ~ uperi· •c•. loaded IJc No 3!51487. 646-1740 lllllla'T1A1 coa.-c:laJ>..re•a "'-"' Po.t ~Co Flaiah wor.ll, redwood d.cb. pablO covwe, lilo•• lapro••••ata Very reaeoaable Ra6ar40CN ,,_ _,. ~857-2881 lliW CONSTJlUCTION -W.jor r..aocW ru.ll ~ C:O. pJua _ ........ -----~· or bid Jr .. •'•.,_ cbm=. ~~..:.~: STIAM 01 08Y teed. U.wc--d ... .._. ~-~ -a UipW-Property Sei'Yic .. ," ---631-4171, ~ ....., ct.e•ee. Sp.. OVUBOLT CoutRc· c:~ Ia d.l!bt.At ta.bnca. o.-r op· l:loa, a-adehe9 ad etc. fraai.D9, draywall •rated, b..d lD bay wladcnn. fra.clil Lr-doon.. o-htr et low -----"_._1,_)_., _____ ., c:;m c.u lry.u, ATTOUET DANIEL A. VEREKER ATTORNEY AT LAW • DOMESTIC ~ELATIONS • I"E"SONAL INJUi' Y • aANK"Uf'TCY 779 W. 19th. Suite A Costa P&sa 752-54 16 ~TU • -. c::aoft IIOUUJIIIQ, ................ __.._, wall aaita, cahiaeta. &fliwood aolllliou • wood ptob- ..... 131-1$11. EI.EC1"'llQA.R lliSIDDITlAl. I COW- MDCIAL -JJ.ctne Oil~ ~ty. 0.... quick, depeadable. We do uy -JOb. Peter S. Rodc;Jera, Property laprove · -a. 631 -2345. UCDISID ILICTJU. C1All -Oap..d•We, qubty work a.,_. abLe ,.... ,,_ aab· _,.._ Call Tom, 631· son. FLOOIUKG IRVIRE FLOORS: n. ~ •rnc-e c:atpel _,,., Feat\lnra9 wood. vaayl. ceaak: Low pne-. Kerit.IQ• Plaia ~••n). (714) 551· . Loc.a1ly owa.ct. f'UIUU1'tJilE REPAIIl• RES10RE U:rllfiSBDIG, RI- PAJaDIG, l'e·911Wl9. aallq1ala9. cl9arette buu, bAt-top twaa-. o..o. aou. rami- "",..· 541-1-. ~ 2200. SPRING IS HDI. Gee your l.adacape ID ~ w. ou.. IUV\C-covw:iDQ aJ1 ..,_ ot ,......... aeeda. Ha.r· bor A.-..,.......,-. ,,.. ....... Newport IMch Lawa s.r.lc., 115-3'130. GLASS WOOC'I8I(IQE QLAIS ........... "" , dd tial,~ ~.-... all p~. . QQaDiy _._ ~-.we ....... 1157..fUil. WIJI()IS! WIIUIORSI WldOUI Wa.rdrobe ID1DOI elDon, • .u. ot fDUTOJ, ~lr'• Gla.. (714) 530-7a2 • • AeraodehDq • Ph-It Sa.rvlce CarpeGtry plumblDq elec:tracal t.aashed carpaolry doora raoldulq• eAb•oets aAelvmCiJ Fauc-. to gu~ door epnnqs f..a, eUJcwot •rYlce Uc 835-2651 HAULING• MOVIBG GIOaGI'S ~ haw· 1.1141, UO .,., ltlou, tnck &Dd drt,., Call SoU ~. nQJ'ISSIONAL SDV rca -Rallhac;J. aov· IAq, trM tna.a.le9. yard c:leaaia9 UU..tahla ...... atw.nl-01541. BOUSE CI..EAIUitG SWKDISH CUANING s.r.--c-pw.. liloaMCleaalaq/aparl __. -JK-ud W\D .,_ l.ac.U.Ct work by pro"-o... We do wliiM ~•n p.---tll.at'e wlily .. ·n the ..... •• ...... rat• ~ ..... .,.._.,,.., JIOUSIC1,IAIONG -De, ref·W•. ,.,._. .... o-tr.....,orta. a...E-liDIS. BOUSESITTIMG roa THOSE wifo DISDVI THI liST la.aacWat• bo-niaq &Dod ~!..nP'Q •n· ~ loaded ~97'56 PIIORSSJONAL n MAll, 32. noo·-olter. will eue ku JOIU houe, ~. pl.uw &D yow ....~ 4·...-k aJ..D.I· ai.Uil. ~ Wa!Mr. 7Sl 1400. u;t 2129 WOV!Df? DOROTHY NAP~tl INTIIUOIIS c&A help you qet at .U too«her COMP~ OCC08 ' < 11 ,_,. Wltb W4) Sloaoe I S48-9798 -~642 1691 PAamG• SBIPPJRG GLOII PAC KING SDVIC&-W• •. wrap .Ad crate We ~&a all = t.aCJ .,.._ 645 . 645-9090 9'79-6144 PAlNTDCG PAJJmleG R-.detltia.l!Comaerclal Qw.hty worlaoa.oahlp rr .. MIUILtt• R .. eooAble p ncN L.c J8Q203 IUD W eet 541 l290 ••pADmNG by TWO LADIES • • l.ntenor1b tenor, ooa hce n..d R.aeoaable u~Ueot I references C athy 731 -3787 J.U'S P AINTING l.n tenortLterlOr R~eo hel'Co-•rct.al Free .-ua&-Call (714) 1 545-3131 I JDI.CO. PAIICTIJtG •latanor •Ldenor 18 )'eUe ,,_ .-u.u•• $51-$$11 PADmNG I W A.LLPA· PilliNG ilrtef10r/m•· 10r .....M.taaVco-r na.i b.aa.a-. ,....\1 ,.... A•a&labJe ..,... IWlc;Je. -~cia Refer aacN. Doo Ot.IM. (714) ~2- DifiDi N-P'ort'• aOIIt aaclu.ve ,. .... , ol w.UCO...rmq aad paJ..DI lAq lor lu.atroua louU• &AAcie &Ad out ror 4P ~tm-• c.U 645- IIAY'S -DISCOUNT PADITING lotenor/a teuor l:apeneeced, -·bM ,,... ellb a ates Refereac•• Chlt. (714) 547 1132 PACJnC PAINTIJIG CO -la•~atef IOf Uc .. I.-J cp&lity &Ad~ ... ,, .... N.e. pi'IC'N ~ .... , ~-..... e-.u.at ..... _... Fo.t .. .,.,., •r vtON. c.U f1S.0411 TWJI1098 SPIDIG sncL\1. iM'Or at W'la._ , .. a...a., ._..l ..d .,..._ IAI .....,_..... r,_ -l---,,.., 531-:W71. , PLASTERING All PHASES of Pt.AS TIRING Re IIUCCO. te:atunoq, llltenor/u · tenor patc:llwork Rooa acid&bOU &Ad C\&AlOID llo... ,,_ ..aaate t1c 388781 lobo 960-3786 PLUIOING SAMCHIZ PLUMBING R-.denli&IJ Co-er C'W S~ID9 Ill cop.,.r ,._,1.,. .ad re paue L1eeo•• No l60991 Call lor lrM ....... e 642-3394 DRAINS CLEARED lrcMD SlO Tou.t ma.an.t bom SlS Fr .. plu.m.b ROOFIMG All typea. _., old, r~. deck:a, w•t•r proo.fmq c.n Bob 548-0781 Uc No t060Zl RAY'S -ROOf'tNG co S.rvulQ .U of Or.uCJII CoWJty All typea f rM MtiJBAat•, IAIU red Uc 36100 All worla quar &Ateed. 559-9369 8t1IER ROOFING All typea N-recover, deck:a Lc 4 11802 566-1'734 HENRY ROOFING Speca..WJ..DQ Ul aluoq1• lor hAe hom• s~-.u &Dod &babe Uc 41 5232 ~13 ROOM ADDmOMS ROOW ADDmONS ltuct.ea. bathroome . ..,. h.ra pat)()l W..Oory •lectucal Peter S Rodqera, Property la provemeot 631 2345 SECRET AR1AL 'IERSAT1LE omCE SDVlCES AdmtDlllrat•v• laqbt IDQ rep41r MIUDat• bookkMplDQ compl.4e Guarmteed worla Call MCretan&l MfVIC .. ud &Aytulle ~w 6r M Root I wo!'d p,_09 t..lh&A e.r, 642-9033 I Mate~~ GUSTAVSON PLUMB ~" II .. ~ I'HG & Ha.tulQ Re s~rowoaDrat p&ln r-oct.b re ~ 1 .ruu.n.io P•PN qarbaqe cl&.poe I SERVICES Ala, water ~Mien Aalt Wo!'d proc-..nq dlct• .bout home warranty awn QualJty a nd depeo Lie 409526 S48 8666 I dAbaluy R-..ooAble I• 138....ao5 N-port S..c h arM AAA 1 PLUMBING I (71.) 95.5-2142 fleeaDq Rotor S.rnce THE BIST -~ proapt ~ e.U low .. I prol...ooal lypl• IIW Sll .50 We do at .U &Ad 75 au-n aU yoiU IJl) ...,.. roo aocey' (714) 109 needs R-..onable 962·6534. (714) 631 ratw JO&A S51 4532 or 3006 559 5950(mNMCJ•l D~S C~ --- f rolll S4 50 f i'N -· I S'"" 'GHTS aat• All work quar ~-I. ... aoteed R .. •onable SKYLIGHTS pncN No Mr'o'lce call e llUCiJe 0tau1 Wouters SAVE ENERGY (714) 638-0953 All work quar.ateed PtUNBlNG RIJ'AffiS Ou-d•~ autallalloll and dratDt .-!Mred WeMG'a Coeatnactloo Replece fu1ur• water (714) 183-7737 heate rs d aaposala lteMOnabl.e rat" F ,_ ..elaat• s. • .,., 71 4' STAINED GLASS gn.Q236 PA YU:SS DRAIN and PlurablDQ S•rvtce Dr~ c&e.red !rom Sl2 SO 1 llour •rv•c• All p1uabul9 repatr• Guar•nteed .. o rlt gs'1 1609 POOLS/ SAUWASJ BOT TUBS/SPAS POOl. SDVlCl $35 ~ Sp. .. nne. Sl! aoatll Guataateed c.n ..,, tr .. ~lOll 131,zno ST ADOl> GLASS Cullom wando w• lampe. etc CaMom•• heeoaed Awud ••• nanq d-qD.J at pncn ba&ow mulaa4 Coram•t c t a l l•lldent1a l ULIIDOSCOPI 549 7541 TU.E IXST nON TILE WORK Aay ..., J'C)Q .act ,, Wall ala011tl a.-ta.. 6».018 No .... PBEICOTT'S PADmNG INRRIOIII£X7WRIOR • ~COUS1'1C CIJUNGS UI'AIIfTID • • PAID )(AJGIJfG a UNO VAL • • Da1WAU 6S"nnCCC llUAIII • S -....-GUARANTEE/EXT. CLIANJNG SOV1Cl Utilllil.,.ry•C.....,.. • Dr..-• w.Mow~ • HIGH QUALITY- NOT HIGH PJUCIS • PUSCOTT ROBBINS Local R deal ~ ......... ....... ~ ... ,. • TOPSOIL TOPSOIL 10 .arch, $610 Pla.illar m•• • v &.&1&bla T rK'tor work Grecimq .Ad r• IIIOY&J r f'M c:l.ebvery loully S57-1SM TREES NOW IS T1U TIWl to PI'\UW }'OIU ...... Call ''Tbe hperta, H 30 )'eUW ••rv1ce an Or•aqe Couoty 5 48-3239 Georc)e, 24 bou.ra "TRIIS E.IPIRTL Y TJti)Q(U) .od ,_ •. ed .. &leo yud ucl qa.rd.D tAab "--· ble, reha.ble Call lor II'M Nh mal" Art, S48-7802 RON'S TRII SDVlCI T nm.mJ..DQ . toppiAq, shapt.DQ, tf'M removal, stump removal Yud eleuup t..c-.d &Ad Ul.8W'ed ()l&ahty work. r I'M eetuaat• 646- 5394 DAVID'S TRD SDV · ICI &.pert Ina, top, stUIIlp l'eiiiOYal, ....ci, ~pe. baw away , f'M Ntlaat• Kl~ TV REPAIR ::.:_:_ __ UPERT Tll.IVISJON SERVICE 15 )'eUe •· peneoee Day/ruqllt/ wMkeocb Low rat• In home eallmatea. S6 95 Call Harve y. 966 1764 UPHOLSTERY 25~ on ALL 6i. SIGNU FABJUCS. &A· llquea to modem fi'N pac iNp .ad deL.,.ry All work qv.u&Ateed Sow. MD l.ntenon 957 0128 POOLS/ SAUMAS/ BOT TtJBS/SP AS UJIIlOta1'ID UUPIIOUTD'f DUPIIIII8 -0... Wod.. Up • SM 4 aateri&la. r,.. •· taalllll. ...... ..... Upulnery, &..t••• Rmt ..... f.c'll•a•w vw.os. ... HJw )OUr "-1101 ... oc:uwun.~ IW'OI'd«J Ott ...., .... ·~.,. • Religious c...mo.-. ·~p.,._ ·~£-­·~~ • ··vou Neme ., •. , C.. F ...... .. {714) 556-,.,, B CUSTOW WALLPA· PDING aAd ~. 10 .,..,. ...,.. .... R.le~.cea. Gu.u..-...i work Call )ob, 7» 2053 W ALLPAPD I PADrT· 0...., upett work. Low ratea. f.-eati· matea. '-'• DacoNt· IA9 (714) 778-5411. WI!DOIIeG MUSIC Venet:Ue ...-.c lor .a ~-c. ......... -ceptaoaa, buqa .. a . O.o.ttrto. w-IMr. Mo!W. Wedd.1aq ud eo._.-_ s.r..c. ot So Calif.' S-7333. WIJU)()W a.EA1UG WUIOOWS SPAU· UMG CLIAJ( -A--~ 1-IIIOr'Y S3l (15-17 ~ .. ) $15 .WU· ·-· Sc~ t.ctedecl Pl.ooe ........ ..._ lroe .. 545-31!1. WDmOW WASIIDfG. Ka... epu~ c-. W'llldoww at ,_,w,. , .... ~~ j,_, CaD 0... .. "" 4136 aaqlilw · lot t.. ......... OI.AliGI OO.ASt - w. ..." }'O'Il wtdl a brHJ~Ier o•t1ooll A~~ $310 Free eatlaatea 830-6111 WROUGHT IROR THE moae MAR •WtAdowG..- • Jancee • Gat. • W~abncalioa .,..)., WROUGHT DK»> Wta dow Gnlla Deco.r.u-. lu.-..Je, bW"Qlu proof LowNt prlc• Call (714) 633-4IM) POOLS/ SAUICAS/ HOT TVa/SPAS • ~crvtk. fltMl9 .. AI n... ~....,.. Gunt•§pes • Port.abMa and~ • SoNar Oo.Mslk: hoc wain ... and ,...,. • J~t'd Bathtubs SALES • INSTALlATIONS • t tX.ALL v OWNm A.NO OP£aA rm av ltC£NSU>~-... • • V£AAS EXI'tJU~ • INSURED 1\ND I.JVt AlU ~~ CALL TODAY FOR ESTIMATE 768-6116 . "'· ... • ave or au CHOICE OF 6 Blown Wine Glasses Or LCD Time Pen ABSOLUTELY FREE Limited offer one set per customer When you open a Passbook Account with $500 ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE No Minimum Balance, No Term, Interest Compounded Daily, Paid Quarterly, Thrift By Mail, We Pay Posta e Both Ways South Coast Thrift nd Loan • .