HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign'111E Heather's Black, Vows ODFight fltayor Wll Preside Next~Night See Below AJetRide With A Blue Angel Our Co-Publisher Gives It AGo S eP Pu qe J SeePoge3 • THI NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 39 (114) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 • 25 CENTS George Oeukmejian had just been endorsed by Bob Badham jrear) and Marian Bergeson. Mike Curb was first to take the microphone as Candidates' Night got underway. A state Parks Department· team made what some sources called a "surprise" inspection of Crystal Cove yesterday on orders to rush a prOQram for public use of the historic 44 cot- taqes. However, four of the famihes involved rejected state requests to enter their homes, and one bu made a proviso the inapec· lion may be done only before 7:45a.m . or alter 8 p .m .. 1f the occupant is home, it was learn· ed. Just two weeks aqo the stale Coa.stal Cotnm1SIIion refused to approve the park department's propoMd qeneral plan until it could establish Justification fo r evicting some of the cove t•ideuta within 9C) daya, aa 11 Md .,ropo.ed. Parka Oitector Pete Danger- mond has i.Mued ordera th.tt a use plan, based on mspectio ns of the cottaqes and bow they might possibly be transformed to publtc availability, be on hts desk by June l . this newspaper learned yesterday. This would be a reqwrement to make a c ase before the Coa.stal Commiu1on, 11 was undentood. Meanwhile, the Newport Beach office of Assemblywoman Marian Berqeson (R-Newport Beach), who was mstrumental 10 obtaining park purchase funds and hu been in the forefront of the controversy over the fate of the cove residents, said she had not been noUhed the depart· ment'a Inspection team was com· mg into her district. Such notlficahon lS a custom of polibcal protocol, but the pa~b department 1.s not bound to make auch an announcement of intention, S&.ld Julie Froberq , Berqeson's admmistrahve ass1s· tant. "We didn't know they were there," she sa1d. ''1 had hoped Yle might have had better com· (Coatmued on page 6) OD Back at the gavel agam. Mayor Heather "tunes up" f01 next City Council session S1aH pll(>tn bv Batrv Sk>btn Heather Seta Prlodtlea AsSheReSIIDie&~. A concerted attempt to pre- vent oil dnlhnq offshore of Newport Beach tops the hst of pnorilles Mayor Jack1e Heather has assembled a.s she resumes her offic1al dulles,. Althouqh she 1s taking rehabilitation phys1cal therapy two or three limes a week a.s a Hoaq Memonal Hospital outpa- tient, the mayor took over the munic1paJ rema last week follow- Ing some seven weeks of con· valucence alter suHermg a stroke March 7 She will pres1de over the next C1ty Council meehnq, aet for May 10, she &ald ''I'm f..tinq just hne," she said yesterday, "and qlAd to be back m the oHice-but I'm still bea.nng down on getting back to full phyatcal strenqtb.' She said her left arm and left leq-"still need a little work. "So far u the oty ia concern· ed, however, I t .. l w. have marshaled our forces well to deal Wlth the of:fahore oil utua- tion. The federalleuea were to come up for b1d on June 2--.nd that now bas been pc»tponed. I thtnk they're getlinq a lot of heat They have to g1ve u.s & 30- there reportedly im't a whole lot there. Why wute money ou (ContiDued OD paQe 6) Y OwneniAncl Residents . Heard On Paddng A c rackdown on street park- lDO oJ r.c,..tional vehicles or detached trailers will be tng· ~reel if an ordinance up for public hMnno nest Monday •~DiDo '-• adopted by Clly Council. n.e ~ulahon would apply to c~a, trailera and motor ho ... and any vehicle in eac ... oJ 84 tnchM wide. Owoen of auch veh.Jc lM •• well u proponeuta of tighter ~Uooa h.ave be.n mvited to ~~ at out Nonday'a ... tioo. accorclinq to Jerry lolint, auiltant caty aaoa~r. who Mld he bed •at letten of n.ot\h.c.tion to all the lloaeownen' aaocla- tlOna in llle cUy. na. ordlnuce •• the retult of revl..,. by both ~. councU ud Ita Tte.f6o A•in Ccnaaitt ... ~ CUy Mii-IWI9M .a, WJDo . ,.. •biect Ma ........ , ~ ~&ace ......... ,. "1\e ~ oeed ot4iMace .... "' ·~ .... city,,. ... wlidre~ PIG~h•" wlaoe· ...... ~kla9 ......... , .,... have narrow sh eets. and thai a "substantial mflux'' of v1sators adds lo the parlu ng problem Th1s presents a safely huard and conshtutes a "neqahve aesthehc facto r" an resadentaal ne1qhborhooda. the pro posed requlataon notes It would proh1b1t parluno "any larqe moto r veh1cle, or heavy· duty commercu~l veh1cle or non · motonaed veh1cle" on any reatdenhal street other than to actively load or unload 1l , Of make dehvenea Of repaara "of an emerQency nature". Heavy duty commerctal vehacl• are dehned u thoM havin9 more than two ad .. or uy linQll conunercaal vehtcle or combtnation of Mid vehiCle~ whicl\ uceed 20 '-1 n len~ 84 a.nch" In W\dta • . • or haV1D9. qrc. v.laacle weeo .. t retloQ of l0,000 pouAcM or •o.-." Ia a NCeDt couocd cl~ u w oot.d tue .... ,. ~ t.e (C.tla--.... ., J IN SHORT ROOM•elt b Speaker J .... Rooeevelt, eldest .on of the J.te President Rooeevell and lt..d of a Newport Beach con- sultiJ:ag fnm, will h. ou .. l spe.lter Nooday, Nay 10, at the Outatandang Student Awards banquet of the Orange County Savings and Loan League. Scheduled for The Newporler al 6 p.m , the event waU honor some 75 oraduahng members of each Orange Coun- ty .chool wath bronze medalltons and cash awarc:b an recognahon of lhear superaor achaevements an cahzenshap, leadershap and ~holarshap This Speaks Volumes Great book bargaana, slarhng at 25 cents, waU be avaJ.lable at the 1982 Book Sale sponsored by Ji'raends of the Newport Beac h Pubhc Labrary Thur8day thro ugh Saturday, May 8, an the com- munaly room of the Newport Center branc h, 856 Sao Clemente Drave. Coins Show Slated More than $250,000 an rare Unated Stales coans wall be avaalable to collectors and an - vestors Saturday, May 8 , at the Newport Marraoll from 9 a m unlll uoon. Presented by the Newport Beach offace of North Ameracan Coan & Currency, the dasplays wall anclude the 1879 "Flowang H..u" S4 gold paece, valued at SSO,OOO, the 19310 St. Gaudens $20 gold MS65 valued at $31,500, and o ther such raralles 1,347 milee before landang an North Dakota. Last November they com- pleted the hrsl lrana-Pactfac balloon flaght from Japan lo Amenca . Numerous events throughout the day will mclude tethered bot-air balloon rides, a parachute drop anto the park, a celebrity balloon race, an anhque baplanes fly-by, other races, and numerous dasplays Free Pressure Tests Ji'ree blood-pressure checks are betng ofiered to the pubhc each Tuesday aJternbon at Hoag Nemonal Hosp11al Presbylenan, 301 Newport Boulevard. Readmgs w1ll be taken by reglStered nurses from 1 p.m · 3 p.m., on I he farst floor next to the medacal Lbrary. No appoant - ments are necessary. Informa- tion: 760-5923·. Friends Of The Bay The enhre populahon of the endangered, hght-fooled clap· per rail is eahmated at no more than 200, and the Upper New-. pori Bay Ecologacal Reserve has more than a third of these birds ThlS and other informahon about hfe an the upper bay wall be d ascussed by Dlc k Zemba), U.S . FlSh and Wildlife S.rvace b1ologasl, at a meetmg tontght, May 5, of the Ji'nends of Upper Newport S.y, ~rdang to preeideGI S.rt Ellerbroelt. Tha.a l41h annual ~the~r&ag wtU be at 7:30, an the recr .. hon hall of the Park Newport apert- menls, at Jambor" and San Ja.- qutn Htlla ro.c:le. A new government film, "Amencan Wetlanc:b," will h. shown. The 741-acre reserve a.a owned by the slate and managed by the O.p.ulment of Fash and Game. Hug A Nurse Tomorrow Conqr ... has designated Thursday, May 6, as Nahonal Recognition Day for Nurses, Upjohn Health Care Servaces of Newport Beach po'nled out. "Today's nurses share the compus1on and dedicahon thai are florence Nightmgale legac- '"·" said a company statement, "but they ue better educated, have wade responsibilities and are more tmporlanl members of the health team titan wthen the role was hmated lo 'Doctor's Helper'. It's a day to thank your nearest nurse. League to Meet Members of League of Women Voters from Newport Beach, lr- vane, Costa Mesa and numerous other Orange Coast com- munihes will bear Or. Ray Catalano, assocaale professopr of ~ial ecology at UC lrv10e, at their 21st annual meeting scheduled Saturday, May 8. The all-day sess1on Will be held al Glendale federal Sav- mgs, an Laguna Hills. Or. Catalano's luncheon address wall be on "The Social Effects of Undef the guidance of The Irvine Co .. and with the particepataon of the J .W. Peters Co., Pactfic Mutual Life and The Koll Co .. the inter~tion of Jamboree Road and PacifiC Coast Highway as being ''flared." Thas invo'ves adding a lane several hundred feet before and after the crossing, to facilitate movement through 11 This is one of 14 intersections to be improved and paid for by 1 he developers. Cost of this one is is calculated at $200,000 plus. with the Lumsdain Construction Co .. Irvine. and Smnh Electric, Stanton, involved. S aH ph .. n by S eve C.u>r•·•" Development in the South Coun- ty, With An Emphasts on Transporlahon." The m"hng's agenda m- cludes adoption of the local pro- grams for study dunnq the up- commg year. 'Y• Club Programs New members may jo10 the Orange Coast YWCA parent- cluld programs by Slgnang up this Salu_rday, May 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p .m., at 2300 Unavers•· ly Drive. Interested parents and young~ters from kmderqarten lbrouqb 5th grade may c hoose from numerous programs. Nem.bersMp mixes vary between boyslqirls and moms/dads. Details: 642-9990. w.dine Carpenter and Chao- de Bud.habhalh, of Newprl IMclt, ruuah.-d tenth I.D a held of 44 women palota who raced hom Long BeacJ\ to BaJa Calafomaa over the weekend. They made the best showmg of aeveral Harbor Area flyers competinq for the $10,000 an prize money. Their team collected S200. Carpenter sa1d she was donatang her half loa La P.u orphanage, and Budhabhath, the third woman palot ever cerhfaed an In- dia, saad she would gave her $100 to such a fund for trammg women p1lols an lndaa. The 1,007-stalute rrules race was won by Stgrad Ramella, of Seal Beach, Uyang watb Dolores Reed, of Torrance. Strong head- wands were encountered on the final leg of the tnp. Carpenter and Budhabhall• were sponsored by the Bank of Newport Harbour, where Carpenter as a member of the board o f duecto rs Edison Pays Southern Caltfomaa Edison has paid Orange County some $4.3 million as the second in- stallment of property taxes due in April, company officials an- nounced. The semanar as free Reserva· hons 759-0406 Up. Up and Away CALL NOW DIAMOND CO. (714) 7S2·22QI _ Semlnor is for edvcotionol wrpo.ses only Aeronauts from lave nalao ns wall converge on Fountaan Valley's Mlle Square Park thas SaJurday, May 8 , for the launch of the annual Gordon Bennett long-dastance balloon race Ben Abruzzo and Roclcy Aoka flying the Japanese balloon "Bemhana," wall return to defend the IItie caplu red last yHr wath a world record of FRESH FISH from Marseille We COfdolty rnvite you to join us fOf a unique dlneng experience. Our fish Is flown in doily from Marseille. on the Riviera. fresh from the Medter- raneon Come and shale our exctting <irYler with U$ LUNUt e DINNDC e UNDAY BIU W T .. IOT Kl" SKUl Ill o.ANCI COUI'«Y 2113 Villa ··~ • Can.wry Villa~~ ,~._f."H'I lkiH"h • 67S-47Zt • GEMOLOGICAL SERVIGS T at the World of Molildiag you will find the largest selection of: MOULDINGS (IN HARDWOODS AND SOFTWOODS) TURNED POSTS GALLEY RAILINGS BAR RAILS OAK & HEMLOCK STAIR PARTS PICTURE FRAMES CORBELS (IN OAK AND PINE) HARDWOOD APPLIQUES AND MUCH MUCH MORE • " ......... .... ••••••• • f by lwtS... The UJU"Yeftity ol Sou.til•ra C.WO.raaa &ad t.M N.wpon- W... Uai.IMd Scilool Duenct h.a"N ~teed to eaDC»l USC'a abort.cl a.... oa tu Yac&DI Cor· oaa delWa.r lletMotart School. tiaw n~peT bae l.a.rDed. Now the ..uc:h to find • Har · bor Aru h~ for th• uoav•n•· ty1a satellite buam ... ac:hool w on again. A late afternoon meeting be, hqbta aod nowe Soon t.M...ft•r. the Coutal Commaa· aioa reJused to lUue a permal for auc:b a Ide 0 The distnct corwdered fi9htmg tilaa on appeal Wean waul•, a 8iluataon exaated tn whlch USC wu bound to a lease for a plut at couldn't UM The ne:a:l move for the dtaluct ~a to decade what It~ do wa lh the vacant plant whether lo put at up for leaM btd agaan . or try to sell tl , or put 11 to some c:Lstract use NtcoU saad the latter ukehhood was remote Smith Gets Degree Second l t Bradley H Smtih son of Ouenhn R and Beverlv Bob Payson gets • helmet from cr.w chief 8ob ~ Blue Angets lay a smoke pattern. y .. terday of the ac:hool boud approved a q•neral agr .. m•nt in wilac:b each aide rel ..... the other of any obhgahon reqar· ding the onqtnal $69,000-a-y .. r t.... USC had taken on the el•meotary ac:hool, wh1c:b h.d been cloeed becau..ae of falhn9 enrollment . The c:liatncl provaded uae of room.a at Corona del Mar Htqh temporarily, and the $6,000 USC had pa1d on the 1 .... wtll take cate of the h1gh school use Dr. John Nicoll, ac:bool superintendent, ezplatoed N.wport Harbor Hlgh ha.~ been •lected lemporanly a.s a "summ•r home" wtule the d.tatnct and USC look at poutble altemat• 1n Newport Beac h and Coeta W..., NtchoU aaad S Smtih, 402 Clubhous.e Ave . Newport Beach, has completed the Aar Foret" lnslllule of Technology (AFIT) program and receaved a bachelor's deqr~ an .seronauhcctl enganeerang . WlthA Angel by lob Pay.oo Co-Publiaher Cout Medla Newa Group We took off 1.0 the Blue An9els A -4 jet at 150 miles an hour. A. the runway of El Toro Marine Air Station fell far behind, Lt. Scott Anderson, in the forward Mat, atarted into a senea of aenal maneuv•rs. We did a 360~deqr" roll and a half-suck de1lection roll-each aD seconds or leu. Then we started tnto a st .. p verhcal climb. AJter that we Uew ups1de down, and the dual partaclea from the cockp1t Door filled the cabtn. Scott gave me a qo-abud and I took the shck. I dad a couple of rolla and a haU-hqure etqhl. "I'm feeh.n9 good," I 1a1d. "Ia there anythanq more rachcal you can do?" "Okay." he reaponded, and we went tnlo a jarrmq-and spectacular when viewed from below-four·poml hes1talion roll. Twenty mmutes aloft passed all too quickly. I had flown with the BJue Angels . We bad arnved to fand a reporter for another newapaper tn a prone poaahon on the Uoor of the VlP loun9e of the El Toro pa..uenqer termlDal. Th• reporter'• skm wu pale and has head wu buried lD hta hands. (He later recov•red and wu fHl&DQ ftne ) We watched u Susan Hahn of KNBC Televtaton landed to the A-4 Skyhawk. com· plehng her medta fltQbl. Then came our chance Afterwards, we sat an the lounQe talkanq o ver ' th6 fhght wtlh Anderson-and waahng for the mam conhnQent of the Blue Anqels to arnve from thear home base an Pensacola, Fla "What we dad m yo\u flaqht was atart oU With slow, easy pro· qresstve stuff," aatd Scott. He 11 a 28-year· old bac helo r. graduate of the Naval Academy, and veteran of more than 1,600 fltqht hours and 300 earner land· 1091 dunng two lours aboard the USS For· restol S·aH ph""" bv S·ew.• A Canc:~o~" S1aH pno1n bv Barry Sltlbon It Was A 400,000 Weekend For The Marines' Air Show "Larry Farber, your ch.Ud:ren are at t.be car." A ateedy .u... oJ public ~ ~ta 10\l(IJht to liAk to.t children with parents u 11 Toro W&Dne Air Station apt pace will. tlle larg..t crowcb iD hiatcny totaling 400,000 penou for its open hou.. and air ahow Saturday and Su.nday 0 The Nari.n• •timated 250,000 per10D8 vi.lited the atalioo Saturday and anoth•r 150,000 Sunday to watch the Blu• Angela Navy lligbt d•mou.atratioo team and other aircraft perform. Suday'a hue clM.red away momeots betor• the Blue AD(!Jela' takeoff, pennittiag them to ~ out tMir all-out "high allow." (Th• weath•r ceiling may d.ict&te th• te. apectaculu "low ahow'' or ''flat allow.") There wu littl• that wu flat in Suoday'a performance, with ..,.cta.cular delta, diamood and ecbeloo tormatiooa, bruthtak- iog puaea by the solo pUots and inverted, upaide-down puae~. . It wu the team'• liltth ahow o1 the yur. However, it wu its lint heJe Iince th• tragic Ja.Auary accident which tooJt the W. oJ lMd aolo pilot Lt. Stu Powrle. In Sunday'• warmup, th• crowd watched u Art Scholl atood &Ad waved-which .. ma routtn. eaough, except that SchoU wu flying by iD hia "PeD.IUOU Supez Chipmunlt" airple• at th• time. Scholl, abeent from lut yM.r'l allow, mad• an audaciou.. r•tum with hia apectacular cloang ltuot. After •v•ral bzuthtalting loops and atalla, the noted movie stunt pUot fl•w paat, opeoed the canopy. at•pped out on the wing, and waved. Ne&owh.ile, the Marines' new F/A-18 Homet wu iD the allow for the tint time. It made some pueea and a demonstration of its vertical rate of climb, qiviog residents a view of the aircraft whacb will replace the F-.f Pbao· tom u the m&1.ll J•l fighter at El Toro sometim• next year. There wu a good dul of ioter .. t io the annual· demooatration by the British- built AV-8A Harrier from MCAS Yuma, becaUH it ia the attack aircraft type that ia aboard the Britiah carriers now iD the Fa.lltlanda War. An American· built v•raion of the Harrier reportedly il scheduled to replace the A-4 Skyhawk iD attack squadrons at El Toro . Come join us at the vYe+J~9~re~ The Newport Beoch Tennas Club IS the SJte o1 such presttQIOUS events os the 1977 Dovts Cup. the Annuol PacifiC Southwest Senias Toumo- ment. the Oonge County Adoption Guild Toumoment ond others ~ ho~Nevef. seldom ftnd themsetves wotting fOI one of the 19 oourts. The 0\Jb <*o boastsa.Junlot Otympic-slze pool. jOcuul. dif)ing room. ono bor Members hequentty tot<e OdvOntoge of the ot1roc- tave focilltles fa prNote parties. weddlog receptions. etc. Othef soclol octMtles Include bridge. bOCk· gammon. ac:robble. aerobics. ond our ntt¥W sem1· nor on ''8odv SUccess .. Instructed by Phil Johnson FOf your convenience. try out our ntt¥W "MATCH MATE'" boll mochlnel. A limited numbel of Regular. Corporate. SW1m. Assc> ciate, ond Junior Executive MembershiPS ore row OVOtl· able; J)M our new .. ANNUAl MEMBERSHIP' ond JUNIOP MEMBERSHIP'' ( 1~16 ~) Starting June 14th -!MJrnmef Juno Tennts Chntes Will be ~ for beginners through od\lonoed Fa further Information please call our teaching center o t 644·0056 For more Information~ con our Sales Director ot 644-<)()50 ~~~A ~~t:&tf 260t EASfll.Uff ORM, NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFOQNIA 92660 The bnt roadblock bad come from school ne•Qbbora, pro· t"llnq poatble ruqbtllme traf· "We parted fn•nd.s; no btg problem," reqardtog the ac:hool lea.M, N1coll S&Jd located at Wnght-Pallerson A1r Force Base Ohao AFIT pro- vtdes accredated graduate level restdent education for selected Atr Force membf'rs an the sctences enqanPeranq technology management and rel4ted held~ A.O.IIOtOIIt. FREE A ftoNt II o dl•• It matter. n..·a arlit oneOcft K~. MARKET EVAlUATION ON YOUR HOME COWUTII ANAL Ylll No Cost Of Ot::ligab I uat Your Nome MfOit IALr In ....... Uatll.loolr 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa A* For LORETTACURO Otftce (7M) 67J-IIIO For~ rtmel•t THE ~EA L ESTATERS For many years. before his death in September 198>, hardware dealer AI Forg•• ran hts own personal opinion ads an The Enstgn In antiCipation of a book to be published soon •n- corpo~ating hlS ads. his w1dow Peg IS re-pubhshang some of them Th1s one was wntten tn Jan. 1974 THAT'S OIL, FOLKS! Have you heard the latest solutton to the energy cnSJs7 The federal government wants to take over the oil busmess-"nationalize" it, JUS I like the soc1ahst countrieS I can see 11 now Gas stations would be run by commtttees, JUSt hke everythtng else the government touches If you thank being closed on Sundays IS a pa1n tn the neck . JUSt th1nk of all these holidays the federal workers get off The stations would be closed almost as much as they would be open Think of those 11 long weekends that our c1v1l servants take off And JUSt watt unttl you get your tax bill for all of those dry holes that the government drtlhng ngs would come up with Each serv1ce statton would have to h1re at least one member of each manO"'" 1wup And you would have to convene a cavtl service board to ftre one o f the a11endants The government has never made a success of any of us many busmess ven·ur~ so why do the pohttc~ans thrnk they could succeed 1n the otl game? We would prubabty end ltP pay 1ng $2 per gallon for gas. then paytng taxes to cover the losses Let's face 1t. the pohucaans. who are really partly responSible f(lr thtl> crts•s liP nnw trvtng to make no1ses that wtll get them re-elected to solve 11 Instead wP should k•ct.. ALL )f •he bums out of otf1ce An energy expert . Or Ehncke. who spoke here the other n•gh t remtndE'd us lt)a· 1he po1t11 Clans were warned 9 years ago that a cnsas was com1ng They dtd nnthtnq Meanwhtle Detroit. the 011 compantes and the uttlit1es urged us to buy b1gger cars l1ve •n <ill electro(" "Gold Medallion" homes. buy ele<:trtc toothbrushes can openers and nthf>r qadqers What a far ce• Let's tell our pohuc1ans and corporate g1ants w come up w1•t .t bold prnqran f 11 (astnu nuclear and solar energy -or move over and let somt>bndy +>1St> hdvC' .1 ..,ho· a· S••lvt" 1 • "~" mess THEY have gotten us tnto To reserve your copy of the book "'Fearless Forg1t "ftll out the coupon and matt to Peg FOfgtt, ~ W Balboa Blvd Newpon Beach CA 92663 NAME -ADDRESS 1-lelp ,;s eelebrate! Hoag Me mona I Ho~pt tal P~'h}tenan enter' "' 'Oth 'e.tr. "~ tn' ttc you to join us in celebraung. As a communtt) re'(lurce . we rec~lgntze o ur rc~ponsibihty to area citizens Not only to help )OU get hetter wMn ~(lu ·rc "'ck.. But also to keep you well b) pro\1\.hng heallh educauon. hlood pre' ~ure checks and special event~ Here ·, .. calendar ot happcntng' tllr the ne~t few day Joan U!>, won 't you} Your good health '' our he't h•nhda) pre~nt Do you ot ~ cto~ to you have an«t nd need~ emocioaal '"P" See a play aboua loMh· ne'-'· Conft~nce Center I .JO p.m. Frtt Now ·, the ~~~~ to toak.e ., CPR cou~ . . no1 • 'loller · · CPR Hean Saver cour-.e~ ~ate offered every Th\nday e~c•inJ at ahc tmpral C•ll 76G-S9l.l for re •· lion.' wdl an ICtv ffttc. - 119"'~ A t!l*ial mccf\ 1M of • "' .... ...,,. .... Tuc · 5 p.•. Call ... Empkl~ celebnft tb- 141 eck w.a c.U for all .. -for ftKft in ormetioe COIIIIICt: 110.\G ' ' The Refugees Football The state and federal governments are fighhng again over how much money should come from Washington to help the state take care of some Southeast Asian refuqeea. State administration officials claim Waahinqton owes California $10~ million more than 1s beinq paid the first half of this fiscal year. Federal responsibility for the refugees is based upon . the fact that our involvements in Southeast Asia were matters of national policy. The refugees cr~ted by the war in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were admitted to this country by the federal government. Many were settled-by federal decree-in California. while other states got fewer refugees. Like other refugees who have come before them, some of the Southeast Asians have needed some help m getting settled and employed. The federal government has recoc;rnized its basic responsiblity to help state and local governments meet the expenses of that help. But now, with political season underway, there are charges that CaWomia's refugee aid is being cut to embarrass Gov. Jerry Brown, who wants to be our next U .S . Senator. The refuc;rees and the local taxpayers are c auc;rht m the crossfire of this petty political war. Refuc;rees, after all, d on't have much political clout. So, added to their other -troubles, which include a racist attitude by some Americ~s. the refugees now become vaclims of the fallout of partisan political bombast . Fortunately, the Southeast Asians are asstmilahng mto the mainstream of Amencan society much more successfully than dtd most people who came to these shores in earher waves of magration. A look at the honors lists of local schools shows a disproportionate ly hic;rh number of these immigrants. They are trying hard-and with considerable success-to become good, produc tive Americans as quickly as possible. These are not illegal ahens. They came here at our national invttahon to escape life under communisut. In the long run, many will put more into Amenca than they take out. Can the same be satd of some of the politictans who are us mg them as pohllcal footballs? -FLD CONSliMERCORNER Dea1 Consume r League. In Narc h I decaded I needed aD overhang to shade my paho I very carefully drew some pac · lure. of how I wanted 11 to look I did all the measuru1q myself, and bought JUSI the ughl amount of each type of wood Everythmg was hgured perfect· ly, and all ready to go. All be h.d to do was sank the support pol .. m cement and naal the boarcb together 10 the exact order I had the m laad on the ya1d. Pat, you have ne ver seen such a sloppy )obi He dadn'l stok the support poles two feet lake 1 told hua, there as not enough cement around the poles to hold them steady, the whole thmq leands to the left. and sways baclc and forth 10 tusl the shghtest breeze Thu JUSI wtll not do' l have ask ed htm to do 1t over But he says he aa an accountant not a bwlder af 1 don't lake what he haa done-h1re someone else to do at. Mrs. 8 . Deor Nrs. B When I called y11ut h<~m~ lo atlik why you used u11 un:ounlonl to bu1ld on uverhonq and you onnvered, "Because h~ IS my husbond, " I really d1dn 'I me<m to hong up on you; I JU.SI drop - ped the phone The Consum~r L~ue wo uldn 'I /ouch thJs comp/oml Wlfh 0 JQ.foof SUpporf pol~ w~ ONLY handle complaints bet· w~n consumers and people who odverl1se !hal they ore m a cerlrun busmess or trade. II you deal w1th o me~r oJ your lamJy, ne1ghbors and lr1ends, who hove not dJTKIIy solJcJted you lor the worJc, ~ hold that you hove not mode o busmess deal, b ut a peiSOnal ogr~ment Howev~r. pi~~ don 'I be too hard on your husbond-h~ chd as good o con· s/ructtan JOb as any accountonl I kno w Pot Blo w Consum~r L~u~ • Th .. Con,um,., LPaqu .. •• • qruup ul mt~r. and womt'fl wh' """'• b.nd.d loqeth.,r to ~II•·• ha ndle thetr consumer •comptault$ T"l' IE>aque ~oo~y~ 11 offer~ complaint handhn<J w1th qruup ck>ut referral servtCf' UP!Oe.uc h w rv1c" and a newaleuer Tht"re '" a •mall annual ... lor a ta mtlv memb.nhtp Thf' tN que •• • 'l@rvtc,. qruup that ~rv•• ''' uwn There are no mandaturv meellnq or prut«ts Addre.-. •nqutrt("> tu 4642 Walnut Irvine C A 9.2714 or tt>lephun• SSt .1987 7Tlll eo.. tlwy • Corou .W Mu. CA GI;ZS._, hWMMd~oaW....._, ldatonal a.d Sea-,.._. -m.(8) IICHA.ID.....U ............. . IOefA ..... mftiiAIILAJa) . IUIT ................. . •a·•~ ......... . -.~----··--....,._ ..................... _....., .., -............................. -...... " ..... .__ Clloooil .... c.r.-. .. a...a ...... ~ ... .,_ ......................... .. ...,..._ ....... .... ............................... 6tc., .. .._.. ................ .....,._ .... .., eo ..... ... -.a.a ..... •• "' a •• ~...._ ......... a... ....... ~-................. 4 • Letters To The Editor nu. ~ we~c:oa.· your view.. lAtlen ... be UgDed, ODd .. pre/tu to .,.. na.m.-buJ iD.itioJa ODly will be w.d, upoD ~. We ~ /be right to concMa.e. ~lent'• your c:bCIIIC'e lo .,eat ouJ. M~u.re The Value To the Editor: Rec;,azdineJ the l.tte1 to the editoz on "NectiD9 Grounds" trom Jan D. Vandenloot, N .D., appearing in the April 21, 1982 iaue: We ue a.m.ued to discover that two species of Hawaiian Rail buds no lono~u elDSt. Frankly, we h.eve not llll.iaMd them at aU. Abo, the threat of the Light Footed Cl.pper Rail, Califonua IAut Tem and Belding. Suan· nah Sp&rrow bemg on the en· d&.n(Jered liat doe. not overly concem u.s at all, u well. What i.a oJ concem ia thAt Oranoe County ... fit to spend over $75,000 a .,.ar of taz money to feed the 1Aut Terua alone. when that money could go to old people living on cann- ed doq food and to other desperately needy a.reaa oJ ow IOciety. It b.u to be a crim.ina.l act to favor thoee ···-Terns ove1 OUl D~ needy. AI. to the Clappe~ Bail and Savannah Sp&now bei.nq pro- VIded wetlands lor their comfort and SUIV'lva.l, to the sacrifice oJ a vtlally o..c:t.d uteuion of Uruven.aty Dnve, .. b.ve to meuun Ute value to 118 011 thOI!Ie birds aoainat the b.\&JUD u,.. a.od property lo.t al t.be intersec- tion of Jambor .. and Briatol roecb throueJh accidellta c.u.sed by the tr.UJC conqestion ~e~ulhnq becau. lbe Ulliven.ity Dnve extenaaon doe. not emst. ~t about 80IDe coacem lor the f&mily ADd lrienda 011 thoee victims, w&ic:h in all probebility .. re needlealy" eacrificed? AJ.o, Mt'a Dot OMJiook ilte preciou.s momenta that could be Mved by the use of U:n.ivenity Drive by ambulanc. and puAJD.edjca ruah.Ua9 petileata to HoaCJ and Co&ta W... Neaoria.l Ho.pita.la. Li,_ are JOlt ~ ju.st a moment of ~ <Way. View the J.a.bo.ree ADd Bristol trafbc from 3 p..a. to 6 p.m.ud you will .....U.. U.. bo.nendou.s problem the d:ri.-rs face. We h.eve not even ~tioned tlae ~Vlllcp lD tuDe~ q.a .d CJeneTal weer and teu C8 the nen• U... co.ld a.. a-..d b, decidinCJ in favo1 of the Uni.er- sity Dnve menaaon over the.. ----birds. Va.odenloot'a stAte--.nl thAt the Newport City Cou.ocil "needs a more r.pGDsa.ble. 1 .. myopic, n.w 011 the p.Nciou hi· tle coutal wildli» h.abitatH bu to be the moet luAe .....,k of t.hU yoeu. 01' uy other yeu loz 'that m.aHer. 'nle council ha heeD abeolutel riq.ht OD thia m.at- ter, a.od .. allould damonatrate mot"e ..ndeace oJ ow .upport for their viewpoint. We bouCJ.ht and b.-on pro- perty ovezlookino the Upper Bay. We weJe to&d beiore b.ly- iaQ t&at the piAu lor t.lae Uppu Bay e:nriMQed mmmmq be.cll ... aailinCJ areu, a crew rae. cou:.e, etc. We b.d YiaJou of -..tclu.no chilcl.ren playinq and other aport acbntiea. Ja. steed, .. h.a.-a viaual, coa- plet. -wiltl Tetu. laila a.nd Sparrow. repl.aet.Dq thellea.lt.by ..,am pu.nuita 011 b.UID&D beilloa. The only coaclumcm you c&D co~ae to ia, "WUt a revoltinCJ ~· thia ia." The elldu~red ~i• are beia9 r.pl.aced by the mo.t cluc)erou ~ of all-the Vudenloot apec:iee. If they prevail, God help u.s a.ll! Henry H. Burke Newport Beach &.geeoo Aab Help To tile Editor. Tki8 ....,_ '-a pl.. to all u.o. CCM*a.ci with provid..ulg pablic ~to the atate'a ~ additioa to the ute puk ..,..._, ~ CoM Slate Puk. All chly Bill 628, wb.ich I in· tft ac.t to euJMJk rneDue. tra. the pad lor its Meunty, m.aiatenance ADd onlerly de•.&opment. baa puaed the ~ &DCI will~ be ,.,..red by the 9()Ventor. Tbe 90weuaor'a ataH ia UICJiD9 that he wto AB 628 ~ that monies from Cryst.J Cove State Park ca.n be u.d to oH.t the alate'a ~Jenera! hmd deficit. We need to let the CJOveruor bow that public acce. to er,.&.a.l Cove State Puk 1.1 ua • port&Dt to u.s, ADd that the lllOiliee QeDerated on tbe puk property ahould be ued to lacj)itate Ute puk'a Meda-not staleD away loT uadefiDed pw- ~ iD the u.te qene.a.l hmd. Pleae joiD me m eocowaQi.Dq the 90vemor to G9Jl AB 628 by writiDq to h.im at tbe St.ate C.patol, S.Cra.aaento, CA 95814. Yow letters can mab • dll· ferenoe. Marl&Jl Be1~ "-m.blr-oma.o. 74th Daatnct GOP's Candidates Forum Spits~ Choices lnqful voluntMT co-malty work. She m.de a stron.o Mt• ment lor well.ale relollll, attack- ed the CJrowth of tile food ataa.- PI091Ul uad wveci t.la&t jot. be ~uQ.ht ill Ute private ..ctof, then in the public ..c:tor aacl t.Mt fiu..Uy iob trai:DiDq be ~ vided, in a three-pzODre)ed polacy Wce\oUey aketcMcl a th,.... pomt Pf091&1D Ml&id lae bew woWd be uapopW.r t.&l t.. WI waa Yil&l. l1Ua would ua~ cuHia9 t.M c:Wn. ~by $14 billioa, lftlaaia9 ..... 11!0- jected t.u cuta by S40 bdl.loa ud cuttiAq bea.fa• by US bdboo. He Mid ... ~ lM puWic:~~-~ ~n:.at ncloctioe &a ...... COlt oa u~ u.cr, , to 9M cw oa 10 ,..roeoa ........ IN& .._. ie a J.d of wiD ud co.reve • ~ to Cld ••••• v . • JOURrtAUST'S JOURnAL bylbaFeltoe He wu JOWl9, with a heevy btrd ADd a eocial cfjed.ejn to match. He .peel b.ia opee~&..m. dune b.19V1 th.rougll OIU quiet remdential neiQhbomood, tum· eel illto a neubJ -=t.ool puking lot, raced the enqille eo that the dual ellhau..ta eoundecllib AD ll Toro ;et wuminq up. T1aen be wb.i.rlec:l hia noisy motoriaed beast around, cpowlinq up ADd down the street. totally wiping out the peace of the Sunday aJtemoon. A few minut .. latei, a 12- ye.u-old roared down t.be atr .. l on h.1l motoriHd bib, then lMped the curb and raced up ADd down a CJr&ay embankment m the pa.rk.,.. ma.intained at au}).t&Dtial expell.M to the homeowners. A num..ber of oth.e. ncid.Ata scowled their d..Wquat. "You can't blame the kids; you h.eve to blAme the parents," a neiqhbor co~DJDeDted, ud to • dec;,ree be wu rioht. ADd then I tbouC)ht of two evenb I aHended recently. If you are C}Oi.Dq to blame puenb lor enan.t younQten, you a!.o mu.t com- pliment the pareAta of out.lan· dinq children. At th-two events, I met nearly 100 web younq people wbo .. ,. eo ter· rific that the comm\Ulity mu.st aalute them and their aupportive parents. . One wu the JADe Gray Porte1 Scbol&rship audition.a apon10l'ed by the Oran~Je CoWlty Philhar· monic Society. Some 481Uqb echool a.od col1eoe mu&ieiana competed lor $5,500 ill cuh .cbola.nhq.. The otbew nent waa the AIUlU&l:i:Dhip awuda bn.ekf -ad by the Commoclo u.b of the Newpon Beach Chamber of Commerce. For oeady hve boun, young m&lSIClAU filled the UCI Con· oert Hall with gre&t auic, and tlaere wet"e teua and IDADY bTavo. when W.h..a To.la of Co&ta W... won a $750 .:hol&l· ahip u the b..t colleoe .oca1.iat. and lm.ily lhut oJ W9UDa Beach, who attend. St. Ntchael'a Church ill Corona del W.r. won SSOO u the beet h.iqb achool ain9er. Daniel Shapilo oJ Corona del Mar won Sl,OOO With vu1goeo performuc. on the piano, and botllluuone Dale Tracy of Coata W... a.od Jen. niter Wa.lone, harpist froa b - Vl.De, woe $150 At the echolanhip brwldtll. nMJ'ly 40 ...uon tr.. Newport Rubor H.iqh ADd Coroa.a del Nat Hiqh weJe !lttcmoNd lor O.eu lofty cpade a~a.lmo.t all slraagbt A'a-m low YM.rs of luCJh ~hool. ODe after another . young men aad womeo ttepped forward u Thom.u Jac:obloe a.od O.llDl.l lvan.a, principa.la of Newporl S.rbor ud Coroo.a deJ Mar, told how thee .tudents es· celled i.n aporta and other .cltool achvitiel u well u .audie.a. When the .tuduta illdicated the con.c;,.. that heel accepted tlae•, you IMatd the nuae.a of the touqb on•. bowt.Dg tlae coet of tuitioo AI the CJR&l \liUV.MU.., ucl the coet ot auicallutnaetioD, ADd lmowl.DCJ ta.. -.cour~Qt tb-JOUDQ peopM ..... recelY· ed 6or eo "-o. all "-MoJu &Ad Deda wltao are ''lo.eDCJia9 6a lMre" ~~ ,..,. • p.talic'a e:t..er. ........ 1M~ .t1't'!l IIi: AI CGnu d.& ... ,, lD ..... too ••••........ c..Na.~c .. ,., ~~.tile ~ .... JWM-.1. c:..c.IIIM ....,, aM, ........ ,.. ~~Mia. Aa. ..... . ~ .... ......,. ... . ..,.. ......... ~ra .... . ......................... ......., .... '1, .............. •h I . -Ill hJR -~--le C.c , ••· .~fit!•~• ln' •·----~-·~ • The Newpcwt Eaalp Wednnday. May $. 1112 Page $ F•··-~Pievlewaet 84 JlllllloD IIpper Bay " . For ,...~. ~~--MAW .. • ..sc-wad of ut ONUed bJkpe=-~--· NoQac*l. wW be ....... eel r-.lay, W.y 11, ..._. Fri- day, ..., 14 ill ~ eo-a Piau fowa C.... Ia CoMa w.... n.. a.rUIIl'• ecu1ptval QU'd. la~cf ..... tor ei---~...W.oit.M plkJ'IIIcel boea tMt ....... NQka. ,... l.e..o.. ...... ....,.. -.. opeD..., coutyud, ud Ia h...t bJ nlectift ... bPikliD9t ud •iootJaio,ll ,.,... ..u.. Duiav tMl .... lou ut- ..,..8NMip cqenlytkJM will M.l oe&.bratioa ldtritiea la wlaicla U.., will ~ clrNlop. -.)or .... -.cia a..i9)lt of ..... iou-day ..... . OD ,.,...._,,Nay 11, the JapAB .... AIDericu CWtual ud eo..l&Aity Cellae. will utilbe an ur .. ake , .. c.~, and u.dltioaal ....,__ Wwdc ud O..c:. to pay tribute to N()9QCIU and the va.rdeu from 7 to 9 p .m. 0. Wecla.eaday, Nay 12, the Wu.wa oi Cow:ateaporary Art (MOCA) willlpCIUOr u ..._ .... ~.,...... ...... a. 'lluu.l.y, May 13, ... Or..,. c:o..t, ....... An. C..ter ..... .,......_.., Jepe•-•• tia9 of -...naia---·. ,... .-k-'-9 oeMbatiae wtll cnalalaale ca Fdday .... Dla9 wUJ. • ~tiala of the w ......... by the OraD~Je Cou.aty AN Allience. ~by .... art mtic8 • tM wodcl'a ~ liftav ~ ud bJ n.-'PNJft .... utM"pze 1 , .. , A'Mdou ~.-........... Ill Loa Aage'm 71 yeus ego . ~to Nopclal. tM .. el•••• of .. vudee.,. ciT Jlpoed 110 cr.lie "a truqu.il ..tUDg ill • cbeeetic u.traat of C.lttomia -~t ... Graaite beDcMa !.." beea plecec:l b ...... Go --to ... ucl n8ect la the peacefv.l-yet ltilaulatia.g -~· creat.d by NopclU. S..Wal ..... .,. ludecapecl with GlUt elaCalyptu, Palo Verde, plak no-tre. aacl .. u .. CaliJonaia reclwooda to bd.Jav acktltkmal eereaitJ aacl balance to tM qudeD. n.. vudeD ja opeJl b public ftewiDq from 8 •.•. to lOp.a . Y~ Stars Of Jcunallsm Thr .. bucldanq young )OUrna· lttta who. work us seen Wllh lDCNUmq frequency an the Cout Nedua News Group-Thf> Newport EnSJqn. Costa M~so New. and lrvtn~ Tocloy-were recently honored at the Orange County )ournaham Educators Wrate -Off at lrvane Htgh school C hnatopher Lynch cap tured brat place and a S40 award an sports wnhnq Steve Canc1an look hrst prizes and $40 an both sports and news photoqraphy. anct a second 111 tealure photos Jody Becker was awarded thud place tn ed1lonal wnltnq All three arE> senaors a1 Corona del Mar H'aqh School whach placed second overall tn the faeld of 27 compettnq Oranqe County htqh school!> DedtatlonllnderWay A lonq-aw&lted fanl alep us hoapatal aaec)e foUowanq a uroke, beets taken to actu.ally beQan wu )Otned an the "launch oe,.. ched9lo9 Newport Beach'a bac~ mona"" by Aaemblywoma.n h.y and mst.Utnq c:l.aulahon Manan Berqe80n (R-Newport lacilit'-to pr~rve the '"ult Beach), Fafth Dtttnct SupervliOr With city, county and _.ate Tom Raley, lrvane Mayor O.vad rept ... ntativ" to attendance, Salta, Fred Worthley of state f ash the J.W. Mitchell Co., of Irvme, and Game, Carolyn EW109 ot .Nt to work Friday carrymq out the Reqaonal Water Quality f ita low b id of $2 ,783,000. Contreol Board, Tom NieJ.n, In {act, the bad waa 10 far Irvane Co .. oaor vace pruident. wader a projected $3,400,000, 4nd .everal others. Mid Newport Beach Public Heather and Bergeson ~- Woru Director Ben Nolan, that ed Sac ramento olftc&&b for atate it'a poaible another 180,000 hoancaal ass1ataoce, and JWey c ubic yards of 1ut may be helped orqanaze county aupport removed und er the proqram's The Irvane Co. provaded a budqet. AI Clly Councu duec· ' daiJ>OUl sale valued at $1 11ulhon · tioo, be ia pre~nnq such a pro· tn the fa scal analysLS whacb poul for aubml.Sllaon to the 1tate obtaaned aome of the matchrnq Wate r R.ou.ro .. Board and Fash funds and Game department. Funds were us1gned from the The $3,700,000 .ctua.lly 1tate Clean Water Bond Act tarqeted for spending now w11l $1 ,«6,000, state Enercn do two lhioga, Nolan explaaned Reaovrc • Fund, $1 ,304,000; "It will pertially '"tore to an state »epartment of Fush and eatuarine condihoo an a.rea that Game, $700,000, c aty of hu been .Uted ln ov.r the Newport Beach. $83,400; county years, and provade lor the mter· of Orange, $83,300, the lrv1ne ception of sand and some of the Co., $83,300. silt that otherwise would qo ant o The proJect , onganally expect· the bay." ed to be completed October 15, Mayo r laclue Heather. to one probably wall be extended to of he r lint oHicaa1 appearances accommodate the addlhonal sillce retuminq home from a dredomo c~webb-M~~~etJ · . \t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• of Newport Beach PAIIPIRMOM ••• _._ .. .,.,..,_ ........... We Keep You Smiling ... • .....~ ...... ~ta.ca· ~Mil~ • ~ liM ol n.;. ol t..Mia We UPS uywt.n ....-pdJ ud __._.., ....... In-, .. Lc....t.., .............. S.W Sl 75 for ow ~ mol ...,~ PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p.m . All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniofs 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T . SMRECEK, J R., DDS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd., Suite t 04 ••What's black/white and read all over~'' OUI CLASSIFIID SICTION • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IIIILCOUY..,. • ce•o•a .. M•R. CA 92625 II.IIDtl•l IIU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • e • • • • • • • • • • e • • • e • ···················••e••········ EDUCATING VOTERS 17S.II Mayor Jackie Heather is back at work as mayor af Newport We con gratulate her on her recovery and we wish her well • Citizens Property Rights Committee Mayor Heather was quoted last week as saytng she looks forward to voters deciding the future of the Beeco-Banning proper ty ·'I'm wlllinq 10 let thts election set the tone for development tn Newport." she sa1d We couldn't agree more There wtll be a lot of norse made between nnw and the November elect ton. and tt ts very tmportant t hdt tile v~lters look for facts among all the words. You will hear SPON called a "no growth" organ•zat1on That s1mply 1sn't true. For every major development proJeCt over wh1ch we have ratsed ObJeC tions. w e have come up with professionally-done allernattve plans thai w ould allow development to go ahead with less tmpacl on the lives of people w ho live here. W e are happy to have any of these alternattves dtscussed tn any public forum. particularly in the City Counctl But thE' COlii1Ctl has no1 seen fit to discuss them publicly. Political propagandists will say that SPON wants to "tear down" w hat is here. Nothing could be further from the truth W e ltke what's here. What's here is basically a residential community supported by some needed commer- cial zones. What w e object to is OVEROEVELOPMENT of oHtce commercial which does not provide services for residents. We are going to stick to our guns on those stmple. baste tssues. Seen through the looking glass of those with strictly commercial interests. ow views may appear distorted. But, if you look at the issue of growth through a clear under~tanding of w hat you want YOUR city to be. moderation makes more sen•. doesn't it? We agr" w ith the mayor that voters educated w1th the facts will m.u a pr~chOice . .. ' The \\ttSt we've ever done is 50% a year. E.ch January. Manne. T~ ee&ects a Ust ol undaa....ct liMr cloU.ra. In 1981. wh1le bull1on. stocb and real estate went soft, our II t sull managed SO"" apprt'- CiatiOn We ve done better 1978's list appre· caar~d II 3'l. 1979'~ a r~markable l }I" .. 2Jf',, m one year Even more remark· ably, 1978':. list 1s w dat~. up 1094",, Compare thar 1<1 any other 4~z-yc.tr mvestmt·nt The trrck ,., fmdsng th~ rr"ht COin'> And Hanne<. Tulvang •~ one of nnh· 1M reco~mz~d ex~n .. on Morgan and Pcan• "liver dollar:. And were rhc only U S rare et11n f~rm that Je;JI' C:X\.ht\1\ ch wuh In\ t''tur., Ever'y rare l(('ld or s1lver COin \\ c '>ell cnmc' \\ uh the mdu,. try's Mmngest wr<~dc and buv·back )luar antce' our N_"' dil\ mnnev·b:t( k rolll \ .1nJ the bc.,r llqUJd.won prul(ram .. ,1\'iHI:lhll· For m<lf{' on 11ur manaw(·d p<'r'4m:t l li\rc com In\ t''ttmcnt J'(lrff11l11" ;'IOd r,Hl' CtliO•b<lckeJ rwn,lon or pru(u ,hnrrn~e pbn'. call MOO HS4-~1~ In Cnllf<lrnl.l. t7141 1iSH:IlOZ Or rt•turn tht• l'IIUJ'tiO fur a frt·c 1nforma11on p:Kkc:t And do 11 '41(\n After all at 1094'',. (1\'er <fll year... lm:II(UlC wh:u you 're kl5mJC cnch dnv you delay I I I ••\' M.kA"hur 1\1,,( I I ~ .... '!•' I I s ... ,..on e.-... h (;A'~!""'-' 1 t7HIII'l·111M I Ou!Mik CAIII\otniol I 1 "' ~tS.fll'~~> 1 I I I 0 """" (I .. l»(t tnl" I J ~.,. .. rc-qutfl"• I"~"'"""''""""~' I I 0 l'ter1!ot llfftd .""..., .,,.......,k'" I 1 "" "..,. ,.... n"n r-m•• 1 I I muoic:&Uoo." Beroeeoo, it 18 known, hu at- teJDpted to 'aa.&inlein cloee con- teet with D&ooermood and h.a 1taff over the ltormy course of the C~taJ Cove l•ues. Rua Wakely, a cove occupant wboee family bu handled the muter le.ue on the property for ma.ny yean, Nid y"terday the viait ha.d come suddenly. "We knew they were comang sooner or later," be said, "but all of a sudden I qot the word Monday, and I called all day and moat of the niqht tryano to o•t perl!Ussion from people to let theae quy1 in." He sa ad per- miaion was qranted on 39 of the -H hom ... Allhouoh the parka de~rt­ ment ll JDAkanq aa elforl to move out "~rt-lime" resldent1 ahe.d of lboee who do not have hom., el•where, W.kely aid, "We're one oroup We don't inteQCI to be •panted." The department take• the posihoo that the Leqwah.ue, which has spent a record $36 million for the 2700-acre park1ands between Newport Beach and Laquna Beech, has mandated an early turnover to pubUc use. Davad L. Allen, project manaqer for the park's oeneral plan, has made numerous tripe lo conduct surveys and seek an amaable contact with residents. He said yesterday that on this occa.sion he had brouobt Ron Vauohn, "an architect who is an expert m old buildinos. We'll BAC!iicft!lore' Next to the Irvine Ranch Farmer•s· Market PEATU.ING T HE PINEST IN SPIRIT8 Day Specials a.MIWI'a" $11.97 Georp Killjae'a Jrialt Red AJ.e ~Ltrou~-••lholllnlo(cOIOIMI-Tosty1SOml o.e Sale $Z.t7 FortfiJSIIC ,.., leer -o{IM...,_ ~o{ffM ..._.~~"' llle councy O,.S-Wt-t n-s.tt-lt 2651 IRVINE AVE. (at Mesa Dr.) Newport Beach • Costa Mesa 642-4774 DELIVERY SERVICE AVA.ILABL~ pbotOQraph .. eh of th .... and tketch the floor plan•. "IUeeD Hook, who 11 an •a- pert on i.Aief])retive planning- how we Jllight UN thie area to Lnlerpret hittory to the public-abo 1a wath me. And we'll have John NcAl-t, of our retourc" protection dJVl· aion, who ll a hlltorlen and an archeolooisl." Meanwhile, AIMmblywoman Bergeson planlled to attend a Sac ramen- to m .. lino Thur.day mo rmng of the Way• and Means Com- mitt"'' •ubcommatlee on re1ources, whach will be ex- aminino a $4 milhon oovernor't-budqel alem for the parka department. Thas 1s ask- ed to start 1ome ol the work on trail• and other fac ahhes. Berqeaon, who had wrallen Danoermond Monday com· menhnq on several poants al asaue, as expected to sugqesl lo the tubcommallee thai al stipulate the budqet 1tem wall be ducussed aqam when the parks department has for- mulated 1la use plan for Cry1tal Cove. She has satd she does not wish to hold up the develop· ment or public use of the park. but does wash p roper con· sjderahon for th e cove restdenls. Her leiter lo Oangermond noted that she would recom- mend thai the Legaslaluure "have the opportunaly lo revaew and approve the use plan for I he collages ." It "would not be appropraale" that park ranqers lake up reaadency an some of I he col- taqes, as had been suqgesled , she saad . Bw1 Sims Heather (Cc-MP•r•llara .... l) day notice. (So.. 80 tqUre JDJlee ol tact. rMOhlq lllto the Cateliaa Oaanel ..,. mvolved.) "We &ave rouc:W Q n.pport from...._~. ucl Gover- nor Jerry Browa; ..,.. the Coutel Commt•ton, which wu an uuu.al ally. I made a trip to Wub.iagtoo tD wbiob the city made llUe the Department of Interior Wlderstood what wu involved here." Heather Nid, "We will be reedy to JDOVe u eoon u the fedeTal govemment qeta 10me bidden. O..U hope w lh.t pr"· eu.r• we C&D brino to bear will make U....-... u unattrac- tive u po.ible. "For oae tbino, the oilli .. very deep, perhape beyond preeent t.chnolocn to brinq up without norbltant co.t. And auch projeca?" Another matter of hioh prior- ity, abe aid, t. the onqoino caty budqet reYiew and the m .. t. and-confer ..a~ now under- way with the city employ .. auociaUou on ~Y .cal••· "The city 1a virtually up to full strength in all department•, and morale il oood," abe Mid. "We really have to qear up for the summer oll.lkugbt of visitors. I've already received report• that 1ut weekend bad a 'lot of action'. "The Uqhter economy means we're a real target for crime, and I continue to believe it il imporl&nt that our public: ufety component il at full atreDgtb." Heathel' aid abe wu pleased that the city '-in "such oood financial coudition. Tbat'a a I credit to (City Wuaoe•) Bob Wynu, for h1a e:aceU.at llewatd- -L· " IIDlP- A tWrd prionty, the aeyor l&id, tnvolv .. the activity at John Wayne Airport-Oranoe Cou.nty. Tile city aucc..tully challAtnoed the cou.oty't l:nviron- mentallmpect Report and ita proc..,_, and t. awailiDo a court order to lp8}l out inlhuc- Uozu to the county. Superior Court J'Udge Bruce W. SUJDDer wu to *u• his final order last Tbuuday, but or anted a requ"t by county special counMl Michael Gabke for a continuance to May 27. "We'll be r•pondino to what- ever airport plan com .. out of this," said Heather. One ol her first appearances upon retumiug to office laat w"k was at the start ol the S4 million Back Bay clea.Dup and desaltahon project. Heather played a prominent role lD obtaamoq the state funds involv· ed. "I'm so qlad I stayed with it, and I appreciate the help of others on this," abe said. "It's qoing to be aomethino of a maracle to see water up there after fiqhting for it for 10 years." -lurt Sima Council (Continued from paoe 1) some ddhcully an poshnq a notic e at all possable entrances to the caly that thas restrichon was 1n effect So fa r as suggesting alternale parkang places for the RVs &nd other large vehacles, casual commenl meolloned Costa Mesa and pnvale parkmq lois and struc tures. but the ordrnance does not dasc uss lh1s ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PUILIC ItO net MCaU TIOIIA1 VDDCU PAII&u.o llES T1UCTIOIIS fhp N•wporl a..,-h. Ctt\1 Cvm., ol ••~ N • ., 10 191.2 •ttl "-<~o~ld • publ.,-t •·•• lntf Ju C"U"'.c:ff'f th• 41-d f'llll ft f f•Of , •• '' ·n•l v~h.r'-"''d d-••r-1-fl'd !tad .. , .,.,~.~~~ l~lr•C"'Iu Ill It •d• fll-d <lu • I p,f...' .... tt., , . .,., .. !IIQ ' •• ,if . '• ..... , ~ •••r.,...J .. ~ • flt<\t +t l+t publtr h~• If• ,..,.td~nfhtl .,... "' • ,.. ... ,,.., .. ··•t.•p• ..... '•"'""'',.'' L.. ...... h "' •••• ,., k,.d"" fftl~d 1 Prof'ltb.' f~ ~'~'"'Q •+ • ., w ,., t; ,,.. f"wbl.-•'reo~H '" '"'.d•r -. 1•,.•• •"• d•••r"-d ,,.,..,, ut "*'"•l•r li•,..r• Th• C,,., Cc.Kutt 11 .. -"'\f W • ..- lOt.., ••II r, Mr'l'"~'~ ... ,. •' 7 JO r ""' •t.• c.,. c I Ch.~.,.., IJOO "••PLo•* lllvd p .• bf,,to~ Ap~tl » T"'~ N •• po,. r.n.qPt .... ~ II fo llow thou me 1912 N[lc;<l We took tOday m all diiE.'Chons for leader~ Yet Jesus gave u~ teadetsllep 10 tollow for all ltme He taughl and ltveo thP Golden Rule de1'0it-d nrs ltfe lo :.ervtnq olhers rtnO Ord •I dll d ! GodS diiPctrOn prov1ng Gods ~wcr over srn deseasP and d eath And t1e ~a•d He rnar bel•evt.>lh on me the works lhal 1 ao snan he oo also Ou• Les~ SPrrnor Jhrs week c.an help anvonP see bener now 10 fOllow Chr•s• Jesus You re env1ted to come Christian Science Su~s.rYic. Sundav School MIY ~ at lOa.m. I11MCIC*urcft .. Cb .. ......... 3100 Paalc VIew Or. Corona del Mar ; lA YIIDI CENTER NOW UNDII NIW OWNIIIHIP 'NE TREAT YOUR • Suede and Leather Cleaning CLOTHES WITH LOVING • Shirts.Laundered CARE • Bedspreads, Blankets & Household Items • Expert Drapery Cleaning • Presents their collection of MOTHER OF THE BRIDE Gowns and Spring Fashions 3415 via oporb newport beach, coMf. Q2bb0 (714) b75-J201 : NOTICE : : TO FAMI~IES of : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DECEASED VETERANS In honor a Veterarw who have died, Harbor lawn Memortal Pork Is dedcotlng oddtttonol flogs to Its "Averoe ol Aagl" on MEMORIAl DAY, MAY 31 , 1982 An/ romtt who hal a Veteto • Ftog and would like to haYe It dedoated and Cldded to the Averue of Flags. mav cal 01 ~ the flag to Harbor lawn Memorial Porte omc. no later than Mav 25. 1981. The Veteran need not be burled In Harbor lawn to have his ftag ~at .. dedication oefemOnV . (Ragl wtl be atofied a t Haft')ot lawn for future dlsplay at no~ to the family.) Harbor Lawu · Mount 0100 Mortuary· Cemetery Crematory .. S.IWIQ AU FaUh&" 1625GWerA~ • CoatoMeeo • Phone (71·)~ COStA ..sA'SOfi.VCOM\m FUNBW. FACl.f11(S • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FA· TASY Mother's Day, May 9th Give fra.,~ ... for all the liws shr leads. Today·, moth4?r is as muhe-faceted as a deamond. Gtve ht-r .1 vc1netv oi 1rc1granc:e-s ect<h orw> crec1ted to r~lect d mood. d lll(>m<>ry appropo<. IOf c1ll tht> ltves she led<h Come to Merle Norm.1n . we'll ht-lp you MN choose or1e your mother well love f rom S7 00 The '10sR4U OORfTRl' hthPCu..-..fwf-'' RECREA TJaW.. VEHICLE P ARKINC RES1'RIC110NS has the perfect gift for Mother! ....... ~ SSOoFF • ~ ·; ., ALL REGISTERED .. ~} !\ PUPPIES a KITTENS --------tJJ· large . ~~ selection to choose from PCX:>DLES. CARIN$. LHASAS COCKERS. PERS!AN. HIMAL VAN. ETC AVE30%oN on Hummingbird and Wild Bird feeders FREE PARAKEET Nail and Skin care Salon t The ••pwtt:.lp • .......,.lilly$ .•• ._, '~ nred o1 nowers fading. cordv adding edra pounds? GMt the k:Jdy in you .. a rekJxjng. pleas.- llable lntertude. wtae she con erlOv hcMnO a tocial mcri- C\n and peclcure for just $45.00. Glt e«ttftcotes ~ abMt tor al 18Mces. . 2614 E. Pacific Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar (714) 720-1810 a..or lit tMt tiUa group of 40 1a&IMa acw...d t ... 9Qa1 of UQO,OOO. Lee'• hope ao lor the CWicbea'• Haadicepped CliD- ica. Amc.g tM 1,200 wbo al8o uq.d to achieYe tM 9Qa1 were Lacille ud Frank Jolly, the Cad Mcl.aruck, Sandy (Ooriat chair- lUll) ud t.wreace W....U, the Jolm Willa, Joaue Clark, Sue (pi'OC)l' ... chainua) and Wichael Hall, Jade-wearing a .twaning Blachell-and Rould HiQ91na, Nanhall Juvie, Julie (qrud raffle chairman) and Nick Lee, Marty ~rdick ud aon Tom (daughter Noya ud Stephanie Zeepfel helped by ..tliDg photo ticbta), Dcnlg s~. the Howard Dippella, Bubua and Georve Karl, Beth Lue, Welba Fiqqe (without the cameruf), Glom Carru, Mazy ud Taylor R.icharcbon, Chrilli.Da Fndenon, Wary an4 Fred Niedringhaua, who woo the grud raffl.-O.lta Ticket• to New OrlMU ud two weeka aboard the Delta Qu .. n. Delighted over wiDDinq, their only concern wu when ~ • good time to go-'til difficult to ()et away with aeven children; Wicbael Von Funtenberg, WicbeU. and Paul Miller, Sua1e Ruby and Ron Nalouf, Judy Suun ~·. ~ "As Time ~ By" was winner of Las Aorist•' Prelident's Trophy. WcPIW.l and Roque Remley, and Coll .. n Uoyd with Nazti.D ~rdick, Jr. • • • The Spyqlus Committ .. oJ OCPS had a lovely a&ir at Magic Ialond. Amonq the 250 qu .. ta who attended the dinner For MamlllaS, Wites A Sweetie-Pies! ud abowa were Nary and Jam .. Roonelt, Anna and DoDDa Hillard, Jean and John Nacnab, Pat and Robert Ganiaon, and r LouiN and KaelwiDg. • • • Nembera ud vueet• of the Showboat Chapter'• fund-rai.Mr, Motlaer't Day Dial~~& • tlte waterfr•t SundayMay9 T rut ',,ur f.tvuntc l.tdics to a spedat cYenina of win· '"It· denenJ o~nd wn1 .al the world-famous Warehouse R~taur.tnt uvertooluftJ the water. fresh seafood. f'rtmi: hecf. f:amou\ M:alay"an shrimp and special d .l"l\: Jnurmel cntren will be prepared just ror ',,u o~nd your ... Sa~ H;~ppy Mother's Day w1th c:tau. ll\1! cntcrtaenmcnt by .. Sweet Talk" &t colorful h.elhkln ht~uet~. ~~~fl ..... ~ .. . -. • • ~~MM '&!~ •\), of""'"-....... toottnO.,. ("--,.· ....._C...LA..._ &-f.--. ......-...,..... For ~ ,.. 4Jo·Jilo """' It -. W. ll t.r.. CA tteut .,.. SJII+A "-llcr fl4.:,.> • • • The Adoption Guild celebrated ita 2lat u - Divenary at a Cham- J)a9ne TM held at ..... ho.. of Cbria uwl ld- wanl Foley. 0¥.200 patroG •••• aH.-ci iD aupport lor the lorth- coJDi.D9 tea.Dia tounaa- .. nt which will begin Way 2e with linala Oil June 6th at the Newport Beach Tennia Club. • • • Poetcripta: The Foa6ionob/• bad a cWi9htful luncMon ud tuh.ic. .bow at O..piMD Coll898 .• ao.. Dey, Warlene Ber~uul &.mary DlSanso were &IIIOilg the 36 ladi• noai.Dated to be the '82 CatboUc WoJD&D of the Y eaz. And the wiaDer ia- &D.DOuncec:l Wc;,r. Mic hael Oriacoll- Nildred Ronca of SJC. • o,j) ~ c·· @;j~· o 0 ·o o 0 () 0 0 "" 0 ' Q Co t-~ o () ov 0 ~ t'J 0 Creative Jewelers, Inc. Wonderful Mothet's Day Gift Ideas for that special I~ in your life. J~cv treasures ... to be lowd and cherised ... from the contempcwary, hiah fashion . . . to the traditional, the · heirlooms of tomorrow. IAD'M I. JAQION. nationally lu~n. awaf'd.winninc jewelry desilf*, brines personalized service and orialnality of des ian to the Newport Area. £ nter into the wondlous world of beautiful aems and fine jewelry ... RA~ .•• ~ ~ • CUSTOM IE51'Yll«i .ltiSITDKi e A DISIQB COUICTION OF GOlD • PIATJ-IUM )£WILlY e ~ .e PIAilS e OJSTOM JEWElRY MANUFACT\811G MD liP~ (714) 710-17H 2e10 ._. ,. ••• eo..ttlllh••r ·c..-. ... ...,, Celtadlll ACfOII ffOtft She8Mn C.,._ •· We .capt~ liiPf'HS. Vrsa and Mu~•rd .. Art Museum To Become ·Grand Casillo For A Night The Newport H&.rbor A.rt MUMWD will be tran.eformeclmto all "Oriental rutuy" for , .. an- nual I.e Gzud Cuino fund- raiMz Saturday, Way 8. The blAck-he event, one of the .ocial bivhliQbla of the year, 1s limited to 500 queata who will sip cocktail• and en1o~ fancy bora d'oeuvr", dine ou a lua- cioua buffet, dance to the musk of Bill Tole and h11 major-studio orch .. tra, and pa.rhcipate m caaino atyle qamea from 6:30 p.m. to la.m. An elaborate array of pnaea, ruQiD9 trom the exotic to the practical, bu been arranqed. Roy Carver Rolla Royce-BMW hu donated tbe leue of a Rolla Rpyce Silver Spirit for a year. A trip to Paril for two il with the compliment• of Jean Claude Nurat, a barqe trip on the Tham• for two l.l throuqb tht courta.y of ContinentAl Water- way, Ltd., a wMk'a vacation in Puerta Va.llarta is contnbuted by Nr. ud Mrs. Edward Giddinqs, and a t.mily membership in the John Wayne Tennil Club baa been donated by Mr. and Mrs. Albert A . Ad6ID.I. Fifty $100 qift certificate• from local busin .... a will be drawn. HoDOrary ch•ume•n ol the event u e Nr. ud N n John !oC.nan ShN St .. nno coamtll" -mbert ••• Nra Albert A Acl&m.a. Nn EJDHI C Wtlaon lr , and Wn. Harvey Somers CommaiiH meaben are Nra. Robert f Ander eon. Mrs. G.y Lrl W. Wra Ruth Jenaen, Nn. R.ICbMd S Jonu, W. Ch.dlyn Jonee, w_,._ WUI&Iow Lmcoln, Nn lllober1 Nel.aUI, Nn Rlehard N&Itul, Wn T PNllipe Norou. Wn lt.c:hard Newqu .... Nn Huoh Obero and Nn RaacUU P...eiey A•ono .. )Or c011tnbuton uoder wnllno th. .tf.Jz ..,. nvor Corp . Nr •lid Nn Sh ... w~ and Nn Era_. A Bryant m. U..lat..ee of a..ver Porter, Roben TaUer, l•m" I Pw:k, Donald HaalteU. OccadOJntAI R-rch Corp Mr and Mrs R< ... b• r• ( • JOO•nhetm, !wano, Cre<~th Mad Br .. u S.Cu 111~ Inc , P .. c•h~ Mutu.al L1f• lnsur.ance Cu , PHI, Warw1ck WttcbwU .and Co , Pnce W•terbollM and Co , RayQAll O...on A.octat•. St.nd.rd·P•c LI.c: Corp . ComArk Com~u-. Avco Fauncw Senne.., H.ter O.ve)op-ot Co Col· dwell Buker, Lui ud WluaDey, Latham and Wethoa, A.oc~ Coo· crete ~oducb hlc • Sh.pperd, Nullio, Rachter and Ha.apt011, O.vad Sle&nmeta, lobo KJuq, Commercelaok and IMcoo Bay lnterp,_ Commercelank wall a1ao provu:l. aaa t.Uen for U.. CMU)O bank ' E.cb gua.t will receive a com- plimentary bav of chipe, and there will be a hoetecl open baz and bora d'oeuvres m the Irvine Gallery. Dinner, catered by Rococo of Loe Angeles, with tbr .. entr ... -Sbrimp Virvinia, Curried Chicken, and Chateau of Beef Sirloin-and a deuert tAble laden with tArts, Oan, cakes, and cucading freab fruita, will be •rved continuoua- ly from 8:30p.m. throuqb 11 p .m. A.maretto coffee will be served iD the Hester Gallery. The event il limited to 50 tables oJ 10, with only a few still available. Information: 759-1122. ADD SHEEN CONDITION and COLOR NATURAllY with FRA~ESI U .S .A . COLOR . . . . . . . $28.00 PERMS . . . . . . . $80.00 SHAMPOO. CUT AND STYLE \ ... $18.00 onstage cosmetics & skin care LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN r men ana Women 2SSS IE. COAST HWY 675·0823 CO"ONA DIEL MA" ~ IIOntla'l DAY JEAla.laaJ( ROUSE i Lcwe YCXJ Mom" Aeo. eo. Our Prtce 24.76 IAV.ei21.U fOII-.GiH COlORED SlJ( KNT TOP AN) SHin (SHOWNHEIE> "So cornfoftob6e 1 wore them hOmer' Top~ 58. Our Price 26.89. SkWt Reg. 66. Our Pl1ce 33.96 IAV1 ... 163.1S twmCAL $1RftO EASY-CARE T-SHeRT "Says trs Summer '82!" Reg. 11. Our Price a 96 IAV .... II.CM WMTE COTTON PlEATED PANTS "They go wtth everything." Reg. 48. Our Price 21.94 IAVINel 26.06 MADRAS PRA& SKIRT "To kJck '-'> mv heek 1n right ttru taU · Reg. 52. Our Price 26.89 IAVIN81 .2~1~ HIGH NEOCEDCQnON aOUSE CAOCHmD ACCENTS "Sooo romarwttc." Reo 58. Our Price 28.n IAVINel29.21 PALE GaY DESIGNER LAMB SUEDE BOAT NECK TOP "My big splurg&-to wear toreven" • Reg. 180. Our Price 79.95 IAV1Nei100.Ga • RUFR Y MNI OAE.SS IN IRIDESCENT PASlB.IROCA.OE "Perfect fa mv girffriend's July wedding" Reg. l60 <M Price 59.91 lA V1Nel100.09 POll Hill PINK COnON OXFORD SHIRT AND STRftO PASla TIE "He'l wear piN(. won't he?" Shirt Reg. 35. Our Price 18.87 ne Reg. 23. Our Price 9. 91 IAVIN8129.22 KHAIO PANTS WJTH LOTS Of POCKUS ''fo4.6 our "Safaris' in Jost-o:J Tree .. Reg. 30. Our Price 13.91 lA VINel16.09 POIYMIKID IIIOTHIIt'l 81ADUATION HAWAIIAN SHtllJ IN A WILD PRINT "Congotukltlonslt can't believe it1" Reg. 23. CU Price 15.80 IAVINeS7.20 ;~~~ •• 429.48 HIGH FASHION • LON PRICES Costa Meta Venice CAYer City I Roast Beef ~ Fresh Salads Roast Lamb ~ & Much More Bourbon Glazed Ham Decorative Marriott .fee Carvinas Marriott's Famous Twin Pianos OUR FAMILY HOLIDAY DINNERS ARE BECOMING A TRADITION. 90t Newport Cneu 0.... MOTHER'S DAY USIRVAnONS BRUNCH lOAM DINNER .f PM 7 1854 190 I EAST COAST HWY . CO"ONA OEL P1AA Lund~ II: )0..1:00 z ~ z <( I z z > ....J 0 ~ ~ UJ ....J ~ ~ > C::: ....J ~ 0 z ~ <{ I VJ ' UJ 0 0 ;> Mere Madre Mama Mutter • .,,lil ,aN , MOder -eafJ~6€p I AIJycl ·~A,tti ·~b,(~.Jt.:h;.i Mayr M;eiY~'D .., I ((lJ~Mor i f1fKIIaJ 1 No maner t"llN vou !Ot rt K1 orrv language au molhefs are Jpee.IOI lhtS Mothef"s Day, May 9th. the Gdnder Gourm8t Cotlee 5tq)pes wtl honor eoctl mom~ an OIChld. )ust to IOf 'thOr* you b being you twit • Wda nlwr. lley s. 1• The W.wport Enaivn FOOD flu .. Y be the iMel cJ.oice if yoar ..._ oouwe ill apicy. A oge .... to Aaeric.a . ~..ur...c~a ca-e cer..-.1, flu i8 •liP• MeDcu ct-rt \r.tMio-ally een.cl .... ~.lpicy...t. a •• cWiciou way to oool oM the lute bud.e ~ prowidUIQ • .-od..h, CIMJHy chenp of tmue hom IM-..incourM. nu. flu CaD &lao be Mnecl at a eoU.. k1alcia iutMCI of a MPy cake or pie. SU.O. the recipe Mrv .. 12 people, it il nitable lor ... , kiDda of iD· to.nut' eaterl&iniD9. A ncc...tul flan re- qaine cueful bakinCJ . U uderoooked, it will tall apart who taken oot of the mold. U ONJcoobd, the 899 will touqha ud the aiJdure willMparate. To ._. whether the flan 11M been baked lonc;J aouqh, inMrt a knife aae lDch from the oeater of the mold. Yow Dan il ready if U.. bu. il clean wh4tn pWied out. 1 112 cups auoar 8 8991 1 teaspoon aalt 2 cupe lnstaDt nonfat chy milk plua water to ...U 3 3/4 cupe 2 teupoona vaniJU Welt 1/2 cup au(Jar tA 6-cup mold over )ow beAt, atirnn(J conatant- ly, u.ntU IUCJar turn• to a QOlden brown -rrup. Tip the mold and t \un to coat lDilcM watb iyrup. S.t uuie to cook 15 to 20 mmutea . .. , 899• utU well- Wended, an l.ar9e ma:a- er bowl. Add 1 cup ft9ar ud aalt. Beat jut w:atU blended Combme noutat dry ailk a.nd water to make 3 314 cupe. Blend tJaorou(JhlY. Add Uquad iu&&Dt milk and vualla to 899 a:aisture; blend. Skim foem from top of amure. (Foem wUl ._OWD quicker than cutududap- peuuee will be unal· tractin.) Pour mto car ... J.ooated aold. Place in pu arOUAd 2 112-tach• deep. Pour ~ water around aold to l-inch depth. IDe ia IIOderate oven (3500 r.) 40 to !0 IDiDut .. or -til lmU.r inaerted 1 &act. bola center of o..e.rcl COIUI out oleua.a..ovebom pea. Cool oo wire reo•. Clllll eeveral -.,. betoJ'e .. JYlJafJ. fo •a.,W, run knUe ......Uedo.ofmolcl. Dip liloW ;a laot water ...... ~. ~ •mav p&at, ou tlpalllold; ta..n . ..._ eeaU, uaUJ ............. outot ..... c .. iato 12 "'"" ......... ,. II M.•too, Mleoora .................... • delicioua vera. MID· ed~qull• C...lrole." · "ChUaquil" actually IDMDI a brokea·up old aoabrero. A. the name lmpli .. , the tortillu are tom or cut into .ertpe or ~c,ee. theD tried i.a t.ot oil UA tU •il ud to.&Q.h -but dOa't let lMm become CNf Ud bTOWD liJre ctupe. ChilaquU .. c ... roa. calla for ahredcMd chicken, but a.hredcied beef, fJTOund beef or ahredded turkey would be equ&}· ly delicioua. Just aim· pter the meat or pou~lry with oniona, ca.opp.d toaatoee, chicken broth and ripe olive~~. Layer in a · c ... role with the tor· hllu, top wdh 10ur cream, ch .... and ohv.,, ud bake. lt'a quick, eaay and economical. 1 dozen atale corn tor· tillu 112 cup chopped onion • • 2 t•h! 1p a a.. oil 2 .... ta.aao.., fiMly c~ 1/2 pouAd ccdted and urecldecl cbickeo (about 2 cupe) 1 10..0W.C. cu chicba broth or 1 1/4 cupe homeiBMie atock l uvelope (11/4 ouoce) taco ..-c>lllAfJ au. 1 4-ou.oce cu chopPI'CI CJr"n chil .. 1 cup pitted California ripe oliv.- 112 cup aour cream 1 cup (Jtaled aharp Chedd.ar ~ .... · Ga......_: whole pit· aed ripe olive~~, r.diah ra.e, .ar.clded let· hace, chopped ooion, cilantro, aVOC*Io .uc... U tottillu ue not atale, chy alowly in a low (200 de9ree) oven for 20 miDut" to one hour. Cut tortillas into • atrape 6r wedoee and fry m hot oU uotU chewy ud toU(Jh-nol crt.p. DraiD well on paper towela and aall li9htly. Slice the ripe olav.,, reeervln9 four for the top. Ill a l.aroe akUlet • aaute onlona iD oU unhl traupuent. Add tc.aatoee and oook briefly. Add ahredded chic ken, chacken broth, taco ....ona09 Mill and 9,.. chU ... Simmer uneoveed 10-15 minut•. Shr alic- ed oliv" into chile mi•ture. Wake •veral l.ayen each of tortallu and the chile mixture in a 2-quart cauerole. Spread lop with 10ur ch..,., then r ... rved oUv... Ba.ke uncovered at 375 de(Jr.., foz 20 minutes. Serve with CJ•Vnaah ... Serve• 6. U.S.O.A. Choice Beef LOin t..aone steak Dolrls The Topic A MWiMr e.peci&Uy for WOIMil OD ~~ tu ud ...... plepning will be MW at HoeQ W.JIIOI'ial Jbptt&l . ~ODTba.r. day, Way 8 ud Tbun- day, Way 13, tro. 9 a .m. watilnOOD 1D the Grace Hoag Colder- ence Ceoter OD the boq>italgrouocb. Puel c:U.ouuion• will teeture prominent attorn.,., accou.ntant., trut ofticera, banktn9 officen, life inauruce u..nderwriten, ud fm&ncw pl•nnera who will provid. iD-deptb espluatkm.a oi fi.n.an. cial plu.niDg tecb- Diqu .. for women. The •Jilin&r i.t preMDted by the 552 Club, a support group of the bo.pital a.nd by the Hoa9 Ausiliary. There i.t not cb&.r9e. ReeervaUou: 760-5917. BIRtHS Several Newport B.ach-CoroDa del Mar fami.li• have bad addi· tiona recently. They include: m Hoa9 Memon al PreabyteriaD: Mr. and Mn. Vincent Von der Abe, c;Prl; Mr. and Mn. Luty Sbioma, qirl; Mr. ADd Mn . Jerry Carlton , boy; Mr. and Mra. Cr&g Roba- IOD, boy; Mr. and Mu . Lury Arnold, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith, q id ; Mr. and M.n. Jerome Stone, boy; Mr. and Nn . Melld.i Far11an, q irl; Mr. and Mn . Timothy Friday, garl; Mr. and Nn. Robert Moaier, c;rirl; Mr . and Mr1. Albert Broob , Qirl; Mr. ud Mr1. Timothy Almond, qirl; Mr. and Mn. Will.Wn Wallen, qirl; Mr. and Mn. Jef- frey Dore, qul; Mr. ud Mn. Gary Rorden. bo,; Mr. and Mri:" Frederick Dul.J.n, gul; Mr. and Nr1. Robert Peter10n, boy; Nr. and Mr1. Roger Porter. qirl; Nr. and Mr.. Lee Hernandez, boy; Mr. and Mr1. Ru.Mll Wyly. boy; Nr. and Mr1. ~nneth Wiedemann. 9irl; Mr. and Mn. Robert Bailey, 9ul. m w .. tern MecbcaJ Center, S.Ota Ana: Nr. and Mn . Don Gr .. n, qirl. m Niaton Communi· ty Ha.pital: Mr. and Mr.. ~eth HUDDel. qirl; Mr. and Nn. Michael Doyle, 9ul Stallons Show Set The ~Qdom of Dancing Stalliou, • mult:iaillioo-dolla.r entertain.ment complez fMturiDg muaical pro- duction~ at.urin9 36 wbJte Spalliab dancing ho.nee, will bold itl invit.tional openin9 on Tu..day, May 11 , and will operate every day ucept Nondayt yMr- round. The 1,400-_.t 9rand ridinQ ball 11 at 7662 Beech Blvd., m Bu.u Park, one block north oi Knott'• Berry Farm. AAUW ~ , ..... ~Our Gland excellence). gives pnce ODealna Celeblatlon. ranges, suggests what to Thisremarkable768-page ween: how to tip. where to book contaiJl$ evety'thing find dancing. entertain- you ever wanted to know ment.late dining and about Southern California brunch. You'll learn which restaurants. And now. to wines to order and how to celehtate the grand open-translate foreign menu ~of our new branch, it's items. Along with many YQUIS with our compliments. other useful swprtses. Jau1 W"dlach's 1982 1b receive your very own "Guide to the Restaurants copy of this valuable book. of Southern California" simply drop into our new ~res150 dUes and branch office and ask. It's GamineS O'NI 1.000 restau-yours, from Southern Cali· JaDia.lt'l pqcked with infor-fomta Savings, the oldest mciUon cmd well-seasoned savings tnstitutton in Los Wttb tb8 'MJllach wit. ~les. now serving you WJ11acbratesrestaurants with~46 offices and over for exceuence (or non-$1 b1llion in assets The Newport £ns1gn WednHdoy. MayS. 1112 Pa~ IJ Plus-aV.ry Special bent at 11\8 Ritz Restaurant. Visit our new Newport Beach branch and learn how you can enjoy a dinner for four at The Ritz. Hans Prager's wonderful restaurant experience. t. Ill wport ••cac::b 2727 Newport Boulevard Open Sat 9 1 • • • • I JC~¥.1~ Costa Meso 646-5021 IUNDIII ~-. SPECIAL 6'' AI:¥.# a. r#v I r./Jft<A • ')l.Jr'()Q( ~':J ', teMK. t (U.JI fi'J'I'..(It• tr(J(r t6"14Jfol1f ~ W'l QW'..J(1'YJ CJ(Iflfl MitMitle\ Q..nntm.t Lxrllf4jltj ot Y:;,Per~, (,(Iff() ~~J LADI I' IHOII 5%0f' .,.3'' OI'IQtiW~ ~!I'M,... -~~toll N~~ ~ .-.,p ..e4ri ..-,;.QO* #<till C(Mjf. ~ ~al ~~ r.,At~J ....., • STOlt! HOURS ........ .... , .. ., ... ... aas»e UOUMIES lJI(E "HIIIODin" TOO! VICIO'S SaneNae Jlactoly rnM WAJJWAV) h•...Os ........ Dey" ... ..._ da8nden,... lsss1e-IA?Iff ... , oorrmssoua SPitiiiG UIB Now thtu May 16 V&Lnt VP 1'0 10" OfJ SAI.E llodl.a-'1 SPECIALS 20%0 .. ------~ Orange~· No. 1 Men's Dllcount Store LEE CORDS DESIGNER-----MEN'S FASHIONS NAME BRANDS DIICOUNTID 2~ 366 OAVS A VIM ---.48 ..... ao. •· 38 .... I lO. 10, 37. • •• ,., , •. 30. II , Slacks '19'' l/2o., r.tr.~ll VUDVSU Drelllhlrtl '12'' Preclou Moments Last Forever K.c.·/~/MOP . Orenge Coast Cofteg41 is rn the lead itQatnll U<. Bflrlr "tf·y lfar -.helll and UC ';anta Barbitrd bu' Cal's f1nal IC)Urt captUted thiS 2.000-meter race The OCC Crew: Win A Few, Lose A Few A Dl~land band wu play mq. vendore were Nlhnq theu wer" end a cc.ol ocean br .. 1e wu blowtnq to m•lr• for a f•tlve atmoephere at S.turday'a 17th aonu.J NeWJX~rl R.qatta Adc:tinq to the exc •ternent wa• the preeenc e of 110me of the top ere .. on the We•t C<~ .. t, 1ncludtoq UC Berkeley. UCLA, and local repr ... ntallves UC lrvane and Oranqe Coaet Col '-9• And, 1n the end, the Wc:ala dadn't d&NppoJnl the estimated c rowd of 300 In the hnal race of the day, UC1 hnaehed a eurpraaanq thard "' the ""r'lllf «HJhl r '.;mpelala•,r• ~h1nd Ct~l wt11r t, W fJO lhf' rae•. a nd UCLA P11<Jr to th"t r11c e . th., Ante~tletl' beat ftn11h waa f<Ju rth ttr ' ,,mplaahed Ly th41 fr.,.hm•r• eaqht the va raaly fr,ur and th~ Jur"''' """''Y lttf)hr f JCC. d,.•r)•l" l,4,ar,q IIJIII a twr, y .. IJ, v t,,,,.,l haa eatat.~laah11d d ~·If 'I, It IIO,II<JIIo\J P<~W•r 10 th,. lr,.•hm,.,. ar d IV r.iavl\aon\ hnd 1, I g.,·, .J rdA 1 d.d ,,,,thanq It, tarr .. ah •' ama'l" Th• PrratH h.-.d tw rJ Ia rat r•IM .. t.ruehe., I WI.; ,..r r,ndll otnd It thud I(.J h1ghlu~h1 lhft llfJVICf' diVI.IIJO, N lliOifl'J thf'• ftlfJhl man rar 11 tn h 45 00. 1u111 ah~ad ()f ae< vnd pl.sce UCLA Nhach waa cloclr~ at 6 -4'5 67 Ira thf'l fi<J'IICe lc.. H rilr~< OCC ~at 8 ' won wath il lam.-,,1 I')() ahead c..f Cal .,,d l,.r,yr,la In th~t ""m" rM,.. CJCC'" A Lr .. ot llnlahttd fr,u rtt., 10 a 2CJ OCC tr,r.,~ ~~ r.,nd If• Loth I h• lr .. hmen earJhl ilnd V'l rlllly lr,ur rae ... lan!Ahanq b.-h1nd C ol •ach IJ me C al'a w1n vnded a eire•~ <If hve altalf~ht lrflhmen eaQIII And an the JV e aQht rac..e, 1h,. Puat•s' maan apecaally, they fan11hed thud wath a lime of 6 S4 , behand wann-.r C al (6 47) and aec<Jnd place UCLA (6 51 92) Ae the bo.ta puaed th,.. boathouse vaewanq area, w.-11 paet the halfway mark <Jf the 2.000 meter race. OCC had th~t lead but a epurt by C al p ut thf! Golden S..ra an front. a nd UCLA n<Aed the ParaiM out b·f 1 ... than a boat lenqth at th41! hoaah lane ~ Coroaa del JWIM·Jn Baaeb=D Pla~offa R(JftftJ'NQ Oft II by Chrlato pher Lynch --=----=-=::: fr .. J The Cvr<~na del Mar baNball L:============= ,,.. m r h nr h,.d a playo ff berth PREPS w1th a ] 2. ••Qhl ann1nq vactory RO<Jt.I[)(Jp by Dan Logon Men• than l. SO() nwnen were 1pht evenly betw .. n the SIC and 10l racM at Saturday'• Ford Aeroepac• Spranq Tune Up The race etarted and fan1ahed nNr th• h1qhMI poant of Jam bor .. Ro.d overloolunQ Newport H.rbor Sance 11 ... m• that fu r every downhall there m uat be .,, uphall, both rac;M had aome etwp qrac:S.a f(lr the runnen ,,., neqot~t• O.•pate the hilly courN, former UCJ runner Ralph S.r ""' won the IOK an ')() 29, alm<J•t h.lf a manute ahead of the aecond-place hnaehet Ther,. wae eJ~t a two manule gap t.ew .. n eecond end thrrd pt.c .. Yvonne Yanke uf Lot Angele• won th• WOJI)en'• lOX In the 5JC rae., Watt Sam peon ftna ,hed 1n 15 28 to beat Greq loOQh (15 41) and Paul Me .. r (15.45) Cheme L19htburn• <~f Corona del W.r hnaehed the wo,...o'e div&alon 1n 19·27 S.tur<S.y w1U be en n~lally bao ct.y for Socel runnere The Around the a., In W.y 10 Mal•r beqla. at I a . m at the Duo .. '" Newport IHch The nlry IH as S8 rae• day T ·ahltt• ar• S5 extra Call ee8 0556 for more Information The hfth annuel Leatherneck W.rathon Q<*l off S.tuniey at 7 •·•· at ll Toro W.rtne Air Sta UOa. nae r-.ce dey entry ... ,. Sl wub t·ehut, S5 without. Call 3118 tor more Information CJvor r rt.lll• tuwn 11vltl NewprJrl I-, H.u t,br f r~day ,fternr;;n The s. ... Kui!JI l-4 i r.m thf! yea r <~nd 10 I. 1n S.a V1ew L.aquf' ~I"Y er• preMntl y ranlr I ed th1rd r· thfl C lf 2A P<~ll Tti•Y tuuJ.,d 2 0 •ntennq th .. \f'VPr&lh IIIOIIIIj kJf'lr!Q h'IJd IO tw,, tun" ,,. \IX Hllltnqa by Ron N ,,,,.,., H,, • .,.,,., the S.a K•nq• 'I''' ' •,ra t• t1tJI '"''Jif' by $r r,ll l.th• 4 r 111 v rn1nq dc,uble krt l.Mv,. A 11 ~tnd a rw(J r,ut "nqle by Gr41 Wynn tr., .core A ,. .. 'lrtd ltlt 11 ·•P In tt1~· ••••lt•th wn1nq , Chraa W h1tt-~ ,,,,.,J ,,, " M1~., H ..... \lfl'l lf' tc, '''"~ tt. .. S.a K111'-J th,.., tharci "lf'ICJIY C.;Vt·r thtt I II S.dor11 tl11 year Pat<.hen Kurt PeterM'r• .u.d W hllf' r.omban-.d ''' 'JIV" CdM a r.,ne 'JIIme I aque l••d wrth ,,,.Jy lw•, 'l•m•• re maananq H••• al111, wa• tt. .. "'"r ol Wednesd•v'• ') 1 v1c to ry 0 v•r El Ta ro aa h,. t11t • thr~~re run hu m• rura 1n thf'l lull 111r11nQ Dave RrJhd• (6 0) WM the wannwq pal< her. allr1Wit1CI t hA Chtt rqen mdy thr ,. h at 11 The S.a Ka nq w11l hv'l E.totu raa tha• aflern(J(Jn ar.d travPI lrJ Uruveraaty f nd.ay .,ftttrn(J(,n , "' temptanq lu 'IVenqn a 1011'1 111 the lanl r<Jund ,,f J,.IUjU .. SJiitY In Saturd~tv'• Nftwp<Jtl H,os rb<,r !lunny Halla lnv1tAI1<-n•l ~ ..,,m m .. t the Newp<Jrl Harbor boya.' ,.., .. m dommat.-d takwq '"" 111 o~ll but <Jne •vent Newport's I<Jhn Mutlet, tJ..,• known f(lr ha,. exploata an b reaatrolre wrm the ')() and • ){J tr ... tyl• ev•nta Motlet c . .~l .r ThomptKJn otnd A rthur J..,N_... •w..,pt the 100 frM "nd all 4uala faed lr.~r the C lf playo ff• Grant St,.lllfly won the 100 bac kat rok-. 111 S7 4 wh ale Chr" Woolfolk wr.~n the 100 butterfly an 54 and the 20() lndavad u•l Medley 111 " 11me of 2 02 A1 af that wa•n't eno uqh. I'IVJoot• T<1m KArrllliJn, wht, had tM!en ,,ut of the water lt,r I I day• becauae r1f .Jlne11, wc:.n I t1" 200 and '500 The Corona del M•r boy•' vollr;ball team clanc hed thud place an the S.a Vaew Leaque behmd C~ta M41N and !ata nna wath • VICtory o ver Unaven•ty Thuraday naqht Enteranq a Wedneaday rr..;nt4111lt wath Eatanc•a. the S.a K~nqa were one qame ahead o f f<Ju rt h plar e Unavenaty 0.1prte a lc.~u tc ... Eatanc 1a CdM lrept that m•rqtn aa Un1veraJty wa u J•~~• by N•wp<Jrl Harb<Jr 10 lav4'! I <Jamea Ae a re•ull, the S.a K1n'l" will ..nter the err playuffl '"' the fuel lime ''nee 197-4 S.hand •h• pla y of Hiler Marhael J<Jhnatrm hatter Joe &rden and conllll~>nt play of Steve M•rttn CdM w.ll ,,pen C IF c<Jmpehhcm F11day ruQht The S.a V1ew L.aQue tennaa f.na l• wall be held May 10 12 •nd 14 at lrvan• Haqh Cor<Jn• ciel Mar under Coach Dave He ffern wall enter •• th~ l•v<~tlte whale N•wp<~rl H.cubt.r duected by Chari•• Blealr•r , " 1\eC'Ond ranked Bast And Fans Take Prizes Alter the dual had .. ttled J,,., f ·aday naqht at the apeedway rae'" at Or•nqe County Faar qruunda. Make B.ttt and the f•n• cam• away the wannera S..t won the ecratc h maan eveut, aod , ... Sl.OOO purN Sora• o f the 7.107 lane wura on fraday naqht, luo, •• 7 Up qav• away a wt<h va11ety of puaea M•nv took horne 11• pee:~• of 1 Up end ace c hest• In the hend1r.ep mean event, Den WcNeal *' O.nn11 I ran• lord to tau'" Sl,!OO pn•• aoaey ln th• anterma•1on match race. th••• wu a or .. t contMI ~tweeo W1k• Cureo and Dubb f•rreU. who later lama ed ond tD the ~eratch •••n CuriO capttah..ct on e qood •art to la • ll!.e win n.. aatch ra~ ... ...s t t.t the .ott popular wuh the fana lor the .V.DJAQ uttmWAT The •·~ Ead .. We t •• ., • ..., L •• .... II 11 •rttdtl•••ll•t "'' ''•'Y rl1111l"'"l I ••• "r .. H • • '•• h• Suits 'Em To A Tee Golfta88eaKIDp 81aoot P or CIF by Ch11ttopheT Lynch c;,,,,,n,. 1 .. M, • \ ~ II .... rr uradf'r thP I '"' • '' f lar ~ lr r ll.;r, M t.d .. ' "ltd T ,,,..,,j.., v cr,mpetf'd t 1tu S .. .s v,,.w L.•qu .. '"'·I· .. ,., •t ... "r .,, .. r "'dvantH•II ' tr•· If r.d ,..,,d .... l h•mP'''""t tl Lut v~"' •t • , .. , K"'l' "'"'' ,.d lr ur•h " ,,. .. •m r. mp••f a '''Jn ,,f CJ ~ .,,tof t .. , v••~tr lar.u.t. •d ~ ,,,, J ara t•••' ~u•• ,.,,mp••li IHJI HIJ W,..V"I f.r lllrfo 1 t • toh rJ,.r 1 lh•• t .. , • 1 I ur pl•v••r ., •• r ap•blf' crf !jf'll11 1 ' tl.•• !111 \l .J C lf' andnmJ,, ,1 .. J,lf w,,.,,,, r ... J N.,,,,, c .,v Svad••n• .,.d l.rn I .. ,~" ,..,,. "" v•rv r ''''"lllrn• tnd "''' Al l '''" c.om~,..,,,o,, .. *'lplamed Er 11••r I 1 .. 1 tiH•I al r ,., pi,. duJOt tt.J theu "bdaty lh••v ,t,r,.Jirf <J"I '•• the team f•u•lto "" w•ll Bu• th, v r:an't ho11v" A t.,.d day th•y h1111r to b. r '''"'"'""' " In 4dd.tu.rl tu th• luJ• lotll rt,,. s. .. K1nQ1 wtll rf'IY un Rc, ,..., Sc:hmentt Anrf Gr,.(J Rolru whom Erruua • rona.d11r1 VflltY rmportant lfj t~> \m pl•v aqa1n"t qu•htv tn•m' Th .. Sc-• K,,.,,, ltt•l•h.d th,. ye•r wath " 14 l r~urd, Jr .. IOrJ both q•m tu l•l'lq ue r hamp1o11 Unav•raatv Coat h rtl••n ', • u mmenta un I he top lr.u r J•l•ven apJ141ar below l.fl w,..,, A "'-•••• .,.,.,,~ , .. ,.,..,.n l•l• NewptJrl H•rbor qoll coarh St,.Vf' Dy .. r~>' r..qn•zes ~·l•n•··l 1n hu, qt,lf tf'am devo1d of ""'""and ' r.rolllllnQ ma1nly ol ... .~phvmuretL Hf.J w,.ver becauM <A d1alrar t r ut• th~r., wdl b. n<J •Jvll n••• y .... , n 'h" 114t111Y l,.vf'l Wt< ...,., " .••r'( vuur.q ••am whtch wdl b• vf'orV Qood •n • lew v•a ra but t•nlv d therf' 11 a qt)ll team "&.~ad Dvc Pa rf'nt• ar• c.rqan azanQ uppvrr lor the pnn rpl• (Jf " v•r~f'd liberal aria •du< "''" n wl11r h mNna kMplnq Qull I t, • ..,,. fto( , .. mm•nded that th• dratnr I r r""'• ., fr o•h aoph b•alrc•ab.o.ll , ... rn and d" the aam• 111 ba~btt ll whtch wo uld rut • ............ .,.Jin s. ·-Tbe ... wpcwt t.lp BON APPEl II by Peggy Cotton Nother'a O.y 1a the bu.ai..t hohday of the yHr tor the restaurant mduary, and for those oJ you who plan to take Mom out to dmoer or brunch, we have com· plied a hit of 10me of the special celebrahons to be held. We aug9est eazly r ... rvationa 10 you won't be dilap- pointed on Sunday, May 9. The Sheraton Newport 11 preparm9 a Mother'• Day Brunch of 78 selechona to be featured at the buffet, plus tree champa9ne, a fam1ly portra1t, an art show and cancature drawm9s, p1ano mus1c to entertain, and fr .. tuhps for all moms. The pnce will be $11.95 for adults. and $5.95 for Mmor citizens and children. Brunch w1U be aerved from 10:30 a.m. untU 2:30p.m. Call833-0507 to reserve. The Newporter has arran9ed for playful clowns to entertain children from 3 lo 12 years of a9e. toys and 9ames, while Mom en· joys Sunday Brunch. There will be a ch1ldren's brunch for $2.50 per child, and th1s c reahve sillm9 ser· v1ce will ta.ke place m the Empne Room. Meanwh1le, Mom wul THEA'I'ER See How They Run by Jack Holland Pbu1p Kin9'a lon9 lime farc1cal h1t 1s get- ling another show•n9 - th11 hme at the Newport Theatre Arts Center. And the lau9hs shU come m an uproanou. fuhton. The play 1a a mad melan9e of m••f•t•. m11taken Jdenllh ... mau coafu.1on, general hyateua, and total mayhem. Lttle of II mak .. any MOM There are uo- probabJllhes galore, auch u any IOQ1cal ez- planahon for the ata1d V1car'a sudden decent mto total msamty u he romps through the room (for some unac- countable reason) dreued m shorts and undershut No one seems obligated, least of all the author, to ex· plam why he should do such a sudden tur nabout an behav1or And then there are the broadly eaaQ9erated characters who fill the J1la9e a franllc a nd fussy B1sh1p, a mmcy and fey Rev Hum· phrey who looks and a cta hke a butterfly dec1din9 to 90 back an· to 111 cocoon. There are some behevable people, but as done here 1t's simply a cue of aiJ of them comm9 out of the same madhouse. Under Kent Johnson's Jet-paced duechon, the play moves diuUy from one cluoax to another There u scarcely hme lo breathe. There are moments-several of them-of charaders QOUl9 too broad and forgeltm9 that th1s kmd of farc1cal comedy muat stem first of aU from beUevabihty and not from the belief that lau9h1 ~ust come only If you alam-ban9 your way throu9hout with only one thou9ht m mmd-9et the lau9hs. A little aubtlety would have been good at limes. Valene McJ!roy started out w1th all the ham neatly shced but mana9ed to 9el under control and deLver a brauy, com1c per- formance. Betty Youn9 u the fng1d and ruJ•d )(up her out of the kttcMI1 thb Mother' a Day r.aa._.on "I'CIOVI1 11AUA JC,.,.dv to t•b ~\ott'" dnd tu••t •lon., "'llh our """hi, m.wf• btud Top It ofl with ~pumo•h fot c~~o~\f'tt• have a choice of thr .. Mllingt, La P&lme, the Library Lounge, or the Monte Carlo Room, and will receive a lonQ·slemmed ro ... In La Palm• and the IJbruy, the buffet will be •rved from 1 a.m. until 2 p.m, and wt!l feature crableqa. ome1ettft, Belgian wa.J-n... roaat beef and bam, tr .. h filh, sausages, bacon &nd corned beef huh. Another table will bold JUicea, fresh frull, and ahrimp, potato and macaroni salads. Croissants, paslrlft, muffins. Damsh and hot coffee will be serv- ed, and desserts will include mousses, trifle, cake• and pies. The tariff 11 $12.25 for adults, and $6.25 for c hildren. The same menu m the Monte C arlo Room will be Mus Sktllon wu pro- perty stuffy and giddy. while Richard Allen as the V1c ar was neatly pompous-so much so that no one could believe his transforma- tion. Beth Tilua waa a spinted Penolope, and Tom Reqan a per· suu1ve Corporal. Stan Tudor •mposin9ly and sharply made the Bishop franhc, panicky. and amuam9 whLle Cohn Gwver overcLd bl.S reactJona. They were not n~ry beceuM be wu the perfect type for the role with a Qood senae of comedy that was marred only by superficial buay busineN-such u the shaking kn .... Alan Schne1der and Neal Kopt were adequate. Director Johnson did the attractive ael. Show closes May 15. $14.85 lor adults end $8.50 for children, and will be •rved from 10 a.m. uotU 3 p.m. There will be sl rolling vioUnilta to entertain. For r ... rvatiooa call 644-1700. ext. 533. The populu twin pianoa will eDtertain at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel's Mother's D.y Dinner to be held in the Pacific &llroom, with seatings at 11 a .m. and 2 p.m. !ntr ... will include hem, beroa of t.~ab, ltMathip rou.ad of beef end ...food CTeOle. A variety of ..... aJad ,.......will be oBered, end ua elaborete -...Tt t&ble will coaplete the dia- aer. The price 1.1 $12.7! for adults end $5.50 for children under 12 yeen of a9e, and doea not include tu. Lut yMr lhia buf- fet wu e ..U-out, 10 Mrly r ... rvetiooa ere recommended. Call 640~4000. ext. 6101. Chez Cary will honor Mother with a roae end atrollba9 violioa at a special din- ner to be¢n at 4:30 p .m. The new menu mclud" such appe- tizers u crepes with sour crMJD end caviar. Coquille St. Jecquft, crab &nd lob.ter in .. uce, and pate mai10n. Entr ... will be friG PC>6Clted ulmon: due~ O..•ed with epriCol brandy, YMI loba U. celvecto.. or e eu&Ma IIMJr Muleed with ciecbd .-pper. D ure..,. deU9hta tt.aela M Aaar.tto Souffle, •rewbeJTM. baject.t with Grend Nemier end dipped •n chocolAte, and frfth rupberd ... For your reMrvetiou, c.U 542-3585. Tile w etellouae il plunio9 e ~peeial dinner party for moms, wU.h gounDet entrees &llCl colorful balloon bouquet•. Chef Curlee Xale9ien will prepare filet de 10le a la bretonne in wine uuce end a puree of 1 .. 11 ($14.95), and Wet de beef marcha.od au Yin •rved with ducb .. potatoea &nd Jr.b ft9etabl• ($16.95). The requlaz OTHER DAYIIEIIU • Complimentary Chilled Fruit Daquari • • Our Fresh Fruit Cart • Choice Of: • Ham Glace/Boeuf au Jus/Breast of Turkey • • Osso Bucco/ Oeufs • Agneau Parisienne/Oeufs • • Oeufs/MarseiUes • Vol Au Vent de'Mer • fill OP PltlmCB IIIPOUBD VIOLET P&STD liS CAJIDIBS (PUSDDD tO UCB .01'11U) ZMOButCoutBwy. 140-7092 C...delllu aeeu wdl al«~ be avetlable from S p .m. Cb&JBpaQoe brunch wUl be aerved from 10 e .•. UDtU 3 p.a . a...rvatlona for lar9e partaM ooly, c.U 673-4'100. The Spmd.rifter on Newport Bey will prepare e champagne brunch for Mother's Day with homemade blueberry muthna and frMh fnuts There wiU be E99s S.rdu, ...Jood c repes. Huevoa Ranc h eroa. Nonie Cuso Modw1ch~ and f:99s Bened1c l, aU from the reqular menu Numerous other Harbor Area rftlau- raots are planntoQ menus for Mom. Checlc 1n advance wllh your favorite, as reserva- hona may be adv1sable. AWA8DWINNING ,_ ... ,_......_~~o_,-. New York Style ---~-• CHEESECAKE Watda For Ow. 2adMr. o•• openiDg ~ in the Lake For• P\aza ln El Toro MR. o•s CHEESECAKE CO. At& SMNU 898 w 19ltl sr 'ltDTO~ COSTAMESA 631·53\8 OPENING SOON OI'IN .... 1o101..w 23100 ROCt<RELO, R TORO To cetebrote the 5th ci Mav. the Gfindef Gourmet Coffee Shoppes will offer Chtli &. Beans toc only "ctnco centavos" per cup toc Cinco de Moyo tDelicioso! Regtster toc "una ptt'\ota grande" ftlled wtfh all the extras• llv'U May 22. 1982 Fish & Chicken Dinner Only •239 We've t.n known to be a ... hlrd to Ind. tu once )'OU lnd • )OU' .. tn lor • P' r c It awprt1e. Et*f Chez l.Urec. • Qultlnl F*'Ch 1M 1ie1tunng lhe ~ ~-o.i11r8 d F~ n.ctt. &..Arec c-. toh ronwllk who leek h •ldw•r,... ole h F..-:h IN\ To.._ ell> cr:nw_.., ..._ .,_ ...._ h ~ I t4t cWW* bnt~tnh~-dFNnd\~ ~laae&hll MlecouMIIIIIOnol-*- tlfld ............... ~--d. Pllltllln .... enc.. ...... M ....... M pdca 0. l.-..c din .......... --d-__,..,.....,llhP!IfJ .......... 11 -~ nlld,.....,.d ... ~c:W.d~-~ ~mn.--~~-2 ,,.,.,._., ~ lrom. we*> Pltdl ~In ow 1 t'r ctd __..,..,. d FN!nd\ w.n. w .,..._ wNch _. • ._a MY "*' ~ noc J* ~-"' •~ _._. h • d Udo .. t-. ...... bn:P I ')Bon Appall'', ~ Oet two greet tastes In our Fish & Chicken Dinner. Eech diMer has e critpy fWt flllet end two tender whitemeet Chicken Ptanks,• served with frellh c:c* slaw and golden fryea.. lt7U Jeffrey Road . "'t Walnut (just off Santa Ana Fr .. way) lrYiM E~4?Y uy of t.M followiilg dinners for two for~ 11.00 more than the price for one. Mon. thru Thura. 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. QIIJY. Offer expires May 31. 1982. BEEF MOU8Nk• ,. ,... l•ltHIJJ 15.16 Prial for one YBM18TES DOMATE UPIP&RI£8 POUCE BLOII'ER ~.AprU CRJlG8. A te.t.phou cud .,.._, "KSU" brad WocW 308 with P«""r npply ud batlelooa path, valued at $2,100, ... reported ltoJ. from Robert J. Loreuetti ud Co. 1D Ups-r Newport Piau ... A er .... hue quit.• ucl c._, vah.ecl at $675, ... reporled ... f:roa Shannon Todd Sp.ce ill • burqla.ry lD Rocky Pomt. AUIS'I'S Job Aathoay loito, 25, of 11 Toro, wu ur..t.cl OD aupicl011 of di8ord.erly conduct ad IIOlicttiDq Ltwd acta . . . ADthony Joeeph Wisi.ak, 28, of Yorba LiD- de, wu ur..ted on .uepicioll of "Punu 'nq JMtb.aqu.uJou · · · Rojillio Ramirea S.DC!.ea, 67, of Coate W..., wu ur..ted on au.~picion of feloay clrwakea • OMELETTES • BURGERS • SALADS • AND OTHER THINGS 2931 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DR MAR 67]..0921 clrtviDQ acl oa811JaQ bajUy ·to a.ac6er ... Two people ... arr-.d OD -.pk!lcm of clnmkeD cbiWwJ, bacladf:llq Patri.cia Jean lai8et of lelboa. 'hnlloq. Apd1 rl ClliWIS Prop.Jty valu.cl at $5,420 wu reported lltolea hom David Lite lD .... 1!00 block of Irvine . . . A prowle• wu nponed ln the 300 block of Narci8aua . . . Two to da.N. 91-... ~ OOIIIUD.ezclal coc.lDe valued at $6 wu reported llo&a from lmexqency Doctor's 08ioe ia the 4000 bloak of Bbcla. AJUliSTS lnnqeltne YOWlCJ, rJ, of Loa AD.ve&-, ud DarLtne Spean, 31, of C\llver City, were ar- ....ted Oil ~Oil of bvqlAry ... Babak Slaahr..tanti, 19, ~ BRING MOM TO THE PIRATES INN THIS MOTHER'S DAY opea 5 p.m. for Dilmer -FEATURING- • CHICKEN GRECCO • • VEAL CORDON BLEU • e FlLET MIGNON BUCANEER • Full course Oinnen from S8.35 HAPPY DINING! BUCANEER J9HN-YOUR HO$T Newport Beech, ... a.n.ted Oil 11Up1cioa of foJ"Qi.Aq a D&ID8 oD a credit card. ..... .,.A,.u. CRIWIS A WJea rtDq willa • dw•ond aettia9 ud two Joc.e d .. •ondl valu.det $1,100 were reported lto*a from J..-Y. Watt iD a buf9)ary OD Harbor la1ud ... Rblqa a.ad jewelry Yalued at $1,580 went reported lltolen hom Robert B. Leibe lD the 1400 block of Sutiaqo . . . A cam- pua, • rn.ariae radio ud • depth findex valued at $800 were reported lllolen from a boat belonqing to Jeuette Ruth Graveline iD Newport DuD •. ARJliSTS Terry NaniW1 Poe, 42, of Newport Be.cla, wu ureetecl oD 1uapicion of~-· riDCJ cocaine for tale . . . Dale AnD Ber- nadou, 31, of W9UJ14 Hilll, wu a.rr..aed on .-upicion of po•••· inq cocaiDe . . . Gxeqory Xill9 Beary, 28, of HUDtiD.qton Beach, ud , ... David a.m.,. 29, of L&quna Beach, were ur..ted oD au.~picioa of pou .. iDq a hypodermic needle and ayrinqe . . . Michael Lee Hanenbu.rq, 18, and Paul Nathan Shaw, 18, both oJ Buena Park, were a.r· rested on IU.Ipicion of petty theft . . . nu .. men were a.rr..ted on IU8picion of chu.nbA drlvinq, includinq Michael J[ent Han- cock of Newport IMch. Thunday. April 21 CRIMES Oia.moDd and qold jewelry valued at $6,000 wu reported stoleD from Janet Maa. ill a burglary OD Goodwill Court . . . A ... •a-and-a-ha.U horMpower outboud motor, Honda brand, valued at $800, wu reported stolen from a uilboat lo the Licio Shipyard . . . A four-and-a-ha.U honepower Joh!uon bzand out· boaxd motor, valued at $760, wu reported stolen hom Michael Jrancia Jehl in a burvluy oe klboe eo.-. AIUliSTS S.... Tarb.t Nne., 21, a.ad ADd.nrw Dand Poweza, 18, bodl ~ Hu.atiaQtoa Be.cla, _.... ., • reet.ci OD 8Upic:lal ~ Yo' I I I I lJI9 cocaiM fur ..S. ... Oae IU.D ._ .,.,..aed OD ~ of cln..D.bm cbtvba4. DOt from Jlewport Beech. Frtday. AprU • CRDOS Sia VHr ID&I'iJul r.dioa of ~ bruda vehMcl at $3,500 were IWipOJ'tecl atGlen ill a bu~luy of bo&ta bl the IJdo Sllipyard ... A clWlwubex, two kitchen clrawen, a br .. ..tba.r t.uc.t, two Jow.boy type toiJ.ta and a Whirlpool trMh COIIl· pacter valued at $1,270, were reported ltoleD from William Luff ill the 2700 block of 5th St., where two oondomtniwu are under conatructiOD . . . A Schwi.Jm bieycLt Yalu.cl at $1,.200 wu reponed atoJeD from Gxand Pria Motor Bo.ltique lo the 3600 block of Newport. ABRISTS franklin Jamee Stour, 18, of Newport Beach, wu ur..ted OD au.picioD of burCJI.uy . . . Nicholu Ja.eph W&riani, 23, of TUC80ll, Aria.. wu arr.a.d on au.picion of pc 1 sdrq Alll· pheta.m.in• . . -rouz IDetl .. r. ur-*ed on .-upiciOD of clru.D..bD driving, ODe from Newport Beach. Satwclay. May I CRINIS S.Vexallocliridu.ala ideotified by wibu • 11 u "pun..k rock" type. .. r• ~rted vandalizing cloth ad,.rtiai.Dg lliqDa a.ad ahootin.g • pelle into • plate gl&. wlodow, cauai.nq an estim.ated $800 d.am&qe to New York Su.bway-lta.lia.o Deli on Balboa. ARRISTS Diane Jamiton, 35, of Studio City, wu ur..ted on .-upicion oJ qrand theJt of property . . . The tt.wpcw~ t.ip ·~· lloy $. ~-~ 15 1Wa -..1(8.. s:-• 'l'bere wiD be DO riD9. "n.ue Sho~ at.te provade lwo-year 18 DO D..d to talk. t1ae .. Mil9 1 .... to Crystal Cove up" aou.ad you b.e.r Ia JO"U vote homeowners who rMlde lhere bein9 recorded. part-time? (Story on Paqe I ) 0 ,... 'fEB. call 175 ••• To woe. 80. cal1175-7021. Due to ao electrieaJ aaa.1f-tla.Dc. lion. last week's poll WCIII.Dac·' c:wate. It ia being repeated. ed ~ between 20 ~d 24 yean old, 5'11"-6'1", 170 la., and wlute, wtth feathered brown hair. entered the restaurant ann- eel with • revolver and demand· ed that a.n employ .. qet the ma.naqer. PUJ.Dl apparently wu qoing to comply, but inatead uited throuqh a door. Ac- cording to wttneuee, he wu yellmq to attract attentlon. When the suspect tried to follow him out the door it wa.s Jammed, apparently be!und held by Puini. The suspect fired one shot tluouqh the door and fled thzouqh the kltchen. ARRESTS Richard Rex Sea.lar, 21 , of W estm.inlter, was arrested on ll18picion of assault with a dead- ly weapon on a pollee offtcer . . . Edward Zwettler, 24, of Garden Grove, wu arrested on au.picion of CArfYUlCJ a loaded firearm in a pubhc place . . . Kevin Vito Loftus, 22, of Newport Beach, was arr..ted on suspicion of contnbutmg to the delinqueDcy of a IDlDOr . . . Seven men were arrested on au.pacaon of c::lru.nken d.nVlDq. mcludmg two from Newport Beach: Eric Edward Poteet and Howard Jam• Kyle. "Homate 110 Uncoln .. by SALV AOOR DALI ......... Collfomia's Largest Selection of 8rkial Fashions Cc80oMrl ~ , •• =-·of Mclal ~ loll()& W.l w.----"~ Santo Arc ~ ~2 'OJ [7141 ~~ 187• Jofm L. tJJCotn We Aft PROUD To Ha•e Pwacraplaed ... ANDREW & NICHOLAS -., ........ SirNa c.w.l • MOTIIER'S DAY R BUFFET BRUNGI Our Muf~r s Day INnd\ as sumpt\J•IU) .mJ ~r.Auuu) Y uu II lun 11 fi•f t hr fabu"~ .Atr .A)' uf t.l\l)' spn 1..1h It'~ y Cumplm\riu.ary C.b.amp.t&Dr ~.1\-IH\..al frull'. W .~JJurf S..alo~J Ru~t$1 B.uun oi led <•.arJc-n Frnh vt',..ot-t.Abl" ~JLI\1 complete olnnera flom es.as to ss.es . 5 :00 PM • 7 :00 PM Dally 8.lknl H .am. R.usan Sauu• Puuaun Ju ( •r.aun t:~,. lk~kl Chi!Ckm Ch.asxur Sc-.a"•ed Newbura <.mer y,.,r Own Omr~'" H~rn"-m Suur Ctcam ASIUI'tcd F~.-.h i>.u4ftn vnur d\Cl6Cc oiSO\IP Of salad and one.--of lht"S(· t•ntrt't-s Feeeuctnl ·Nc~·- Tht• W • ..,.. Watchef -hrokd. ~Uroood Kc.-<•f counlty Fatt· -broiled. hreiiCIL"d a•urk Ct\clf').'i • Fblh and ChiP~' omek11c.· dU Jour Cn~u.anh And N--.h. Nlkh MOft ~~,.,Gal mqnmc.n. Grend B.aUn.un. AJutu Sl! W Ouldr.-n S6 00 Or in rhr tlltpa pnv.k'J ul dw (jr.and Pur~.._ R.nuur.aN Adutta 114 )() Children 1&00 G.,., ... _. c'*ftil•nnwnc Rnc-,-..ttions av.ul.aWr ~anf\~Qa tO • m (...aU H.!-.1777 THE REGISTRY HOTEL ,.., ae.A,._r ~M\i. 1"'-1U.a771 Tllit ~ Ho.wt C """""'"" IWA. y....,. . , • • ! L Research Results . CoFlelusive: L•ndmark smoker study confirms · that the majority of higher tar ~n1okers \vho have S\vitched to MERIT have one thing in common -Prai se for MERIT taste. ~! Nation\vide survey rc\'ca l~ o\'cr 90°~) of MERIT n1okers \\·h<) switched from higher Llr 4 p · ~· '-I they did. In fact 94°. miss th e ;..,. fon ru·, i,, Fun l , 1 '' '! t\ , •· • •l 10 forn1l t n ighl·l t.l r . 11 ) cr~ report MERil <tt l easy su,itch , that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-tasting low tar they ve et,er tried. Warnif)J : The Surgeon General Has Determined Thit Ciglllui S~ Is ~ous to Yovt Heahh. . . laste \b'dict: MERIT. Further, extensive Utlm arked- pack tests confirm that MERIT d elivers a winning combination of taste and lo\v tar when compared \Vi th higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The overwhelming lnajority of smokers reported \t1ERIT taste equal to-or better than -leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste a lternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. Kmgs 7 mg .. ,.:· 0.5 mg nicortne-100's Rtg: 10 mg "tat:' 0.7 mg ntcottftl-100's Men: 9 ~ .... :· 0.7 1:11 lliCOCtnt IV ,_ '""'*· FTC fttpon O.c:81 Spnnq 1--. trend_,., by Oleor de lo /Iento. A ~ppl. tumc o/ bold·aln,J.d .Uit m purple, myo/ blu• ond q.old s/11,_. ,. I/IIOtn ov.r o norrow, myo}·blu• wnul JeTWY .ktrt .~ r or Olcor d. Jo /lenlo'a /obu/ .. us ~.,., ~mrwd tuniCt m psnpc•mt .eqt/1116 Cl?Oitnq on tltort polt•rn • •n clt,/lo11. On. II ShCiwfl Wlfh 0 w/11tr cltoTm•~ uut ond th• •>IMr .,..,,h .,.,,.,,. cltarm•vsr •v•mnq ponl$ n.. .. wpon £.-lp Wedar·~·...., 1. l-.... 17 ., •• de Ia Rente's REFINED SIMPLICITY ..... --.... ~ IIIWNcllleacl " ... 11tiful cloth .. have a We of tWr own, H C:OIDllleated ICen· aecb Fruer, New Yorker WHJt•ine'a fuhion critic:, in her proYOCative new book, ne ,oMionobJe Jlind. O.CU de 1a Renta, the Amerlc:aD ct.iQner me* ideD- Ufied with brinoinq beautiJul cloth• and olamoroWI wome11 tOQ'etlaeJ' in elt19ant ha.rmony, aqr._ With Fr ... r . And hie apr- inO 1982 collec:tion iorecuta a doubl. !if. ior fuhiona.ble cloth•. A new element, refined lilllpUcity. pervad• tb.ia de la Reota coU.ction. The cloth• for both day and evening ue pwe, c:leu-Uned. The coat dr .... and IU.ita are lutidioua in lin• ud det&ila. There ue alao UDAll, topped fitted jacket. over ahort, alim skirts, 80metim .. top· piD.Q hall c:ulott• or tailored trou.era fol' day. A bum of aumptuoua d.uale dram.ati.aee O.C::ar de la Rent a' a eveninQ cloth ... The glamour quotient il hi.a cho1c:e oJ precioua J:UteriaU from the at· moepberic liohtn ... of silk ouar to MliJl chifJon in a moire pat- tem and tailored white satin. Plua, of coune, the in.im.itable de 1a Renta dilplay of hand- beadiDo and aequill embroid.ry. How ¥BY will remember ailk Q&&&r, the aatiny oroanu star· ags Th~ n«-w q>t1nq harmony by CAcor rJ. lo R~nto L~lt o •uclc-pk-o•~ I '" ~ PJ~ fOCir~t ~ w .. rn W1lh o most lm«-n·bl«-mi shm ~"' And r q'> ' pl~t.d pon~J rtod su~• 1~•1 IS wqrn o vr r '"• I· >OS' .c· "P·' ,_ct slHv•l"ss I<'P ond motchmq p/•ot.d ponts ' ' red by &lencaaQa rn the l9so.? Thu New York d .. aq11er revav .. thll fabnc m a spectacular way, Wllh a leal-blue suJr, gaur ballqown Wlth a htted bodlce ablaze With Qold embroad.ry. The large, puffed st .. v .. and the bou.Hant slmt are all aa.ry sohn .... And a four-star ct.uler rn the evenmq collechon aa the sen .. of sohdly·paved, evenmq tunaca, hand paalletted 10 pm- poanl MqUlllS on mtraculoualy weaQhtless cbaHon Tlua season's Oscaz d•la R.n- Ia llQnature pattern as bold- stnped silll crepe de chwe for dayhme wear And wool tersey an classJc spnoQ navy or black cashmere LS com.bmed walb what• handhrchaef unen One eleqant coat dress of black wool J•r .. y has deep, whale-lmen lapel facmqs . It was shown Wlth a aluny black straw hat and black textured stoclttnqs As we assess the Pans and MJan shoWloqs for fall, WJth black playan9 a dorrunant role, accented With whale or red, we should be alert to markdowns an the stores. especaally the llmeless and non·seaaonal desaQner clothes such as O.Car de la Renla The fall mercban- dtse wtll be arravanq m August and at's al:eady been pubhcued, the expected mc rease of 20 per- cent Now's the hme for caretul shoppanq • • • • • . .,.. ........ ..... -c .. •• .. ,. a Ptl a ••. by 25 .,-. ltvough June 10 at tegune 8aach ~ of Art. 31)7 C1iff OrNe. t..guna 8each. Gellery. open 1~30 a.m ... :30 p.m. deily except Monday. · • C a ,wax-process " doth by Jim Barry, ceramics by Seward Clark through May 18 a East/W est Primatives l td .• 384 Forest llumbetyerd Plaza). Laguna a.ach. Hours: 11 a.m.-5 •-""· W ed,...•· Sunday. Phone: 491-5615. PalntllteL ........ Lawt .... MirMh on view Tuesdays through Sundays at MiJdfed Seamster Gallery. 3341 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach. Information: 673-0400 8atas1a 1..,_ •s featuring monoprints and works on paper Gallery hours are Tuesday through Thurwday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m .• Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m . to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gallery is located in Cannery Village. 2811 Villa Way. Newport Beach. 10 c:..o-Ftam .. lllewYorllw original works dating from 1939 to 19tll through June 10. Special reception 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fnday, May 7. at the Museum Shop, 2754 East Coast Highway, C01ona del Mar. Gaiety hours: 10:30 a.m -5::.> p m Tuesday-Saturday k £& .. o ..__. end ..... .,..., II.IMII .... will make a rwe Orange County appeatance 1-4 p.m. Sunday, May 2 at Whit- man's Galleries, 3545 E Coast Highway •n Cor- ona del Mar. tn con 1unction with an exhibi- tion there of 200 of h1s prints. More 1nforma t1on : Bonnte Whttman 67S-2478 ...... Gnneet world-famous wlldhfe arttst. will make a pet sona1 appearance at Bailey Banks and B1d d&e, South Coast Plaza. 2-7 p m Wednesday, May 19 c .... The Oral .. County ce..,w of Scnpps Cotlege Alumnae Aaociation has formed a p.-ofesslonaJ alkance of wortung alumnae The network meets __ ,_....... .. -·· ( ............... _.....,..... .... , ,_..., .....,..__. ,_ ........ .......,._ ._.....__ ..... .... ~ ... .._ ........ "-'"-' IIIIAUa wua Mo\, ... .. ~----­·- 11:30 a.m. on alter- nating Fridays, at the home of Hiroko Ogata. 1014 Mariner's Drive, Newport BMch. For irr formation, call Ogata at 752·2197 or Barbara Stewart. 54&5464. ...... TOI&P d&tr&ll C.. will hokf its regular meeting 11 :30 a.m. Monday, May 10 at the Newport/Balboa Savings and loan. 1100 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach. Information: Pat, 731-4041. Newca•.,.a..of Newpart .. lalawill hold a general meeting 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 5. at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. Newcomers are welcome. Inf ormation: ~s:Bt or ~0294. Phi .... of 8outh eo.t wiJI install new officers before a lun- cheon meeting 10:30 a.m. Thunday, May 13 at OeAnza Bayside Clubhouse. Information: Ruth Walley, 673-2738. IDT~agroup for recently widowed men and women seek- ing support and new friends meets 3-5 p m. every Thursday at OASIS in Corona del Mar Clwll Air Patrol Mll .... 8p.m. Thursdays at Air Na tional Guard Center. 2651 Newport 81vd . Costa Mesa. Everybody IS welcome. Informa- tion: 881 -8860. Newp Oft Harbor P••sl anic will spon- SOf its dnnual Mother- Daughter Information Party 2 p .m. Saturday. May 8, at St. Michael and All Angels Pansh Center 1n C01ona del Mar. Invitations available in the student affairs office at OCC tmn.aan~otc:.m. invites Oupficate Bridge pqsyers to bring their favorite partners every Wednesday from 12:15-3:30 p.m . for an exciting afternoon at the Senior Center. 3 Sandburg, Irvine c...-. .. a .. tatot .................. meet 8 p.m . Wednes- day, May 12 in the Community Room of Mefit Savings and Loan. 5392 Walnut tn lr vme All women •nv1ted to attend. lnformatton. directions or rides . 897-2456 HartMr .._...,,. Meets Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m . at Presbyterian Church of the Cove nant. Fatrvtew Road. Costa Mesa. Anyone who .,joys singing and can carry a tune may join. Further informa tion, call Joyce at 548-2733 or 546-7660 or Pat at 494-8119. ...... ... .,.. CW ....... t on Wednesdays at 10 a.m for a fun-filled day of Pinnacle. On Friday at 10 a.m they play shuf fleboard. Mettings are t*d at the Zonta Building, located at 15th and Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. .... cteltd ..... ftllma at the Newport Beach Public library. Newport Center Branch, 856 San Oemente Drive. 4 p.m Tuesday afternoons. In- formation. 640-2246. Features will include. May 11 : "Angel and B1g Joe" and "Snow- bound" The UCI Film aodety screens a variety of films 6:30p.m. Satur days. Ttekets are $2 general. $1 UCI students. At least two films are shown each night. Scheduled: May 8: Bustet' Keaton shorts and "The Horse's Mouth" by Ronald Neame IGreat Britan. 1958). "TI .... ••ndlta" IS be ing presented 7-9:30 p.m. Friday and Satur day, May 7-8 in UCI's Sceence lecture Hall Tickets are $2 general. $1.50 for students l.ecl""" Lecue..._. work.t.ope at Orange Coast College th1s week 1nclude: Frldey, May 7 -"To Worlds Un known" planetar~um program; runs Fr~day ntghts. 7-8:30 p m at the OCC Planetarium Admassion is $1 . 50. adults; $1 children under 12. Seattng IS limited. a.twday,May l "Communicating Non Oefenswly". Sharon Flemtng, lecturer 9 a m noon 1n Ftne Arts 116 Cost IS $5 -"Interview Strategy". Donna Wack. lecturer 9 a m -1 p m 1n Fine Arts 119 Fee IS $6 CuhuqiAwannaaa 8&...._ by Madelyn Benson and Frank Pangbom of Saddlebltck Community College, North Campus, 9:30a.m 3 p m Wednesday. May 12 at the Atrporter Inn Fee ,IS $55 Registration tnformat1on 831 4646, or 569-1313 (mel.-..--. Gila.,_, li~~e au;•) AU.MYt28 '12MYtl4 • ,.TMiwDp&an Ortglnaot•sla~~t'' first of two-part lecture series by Or . Lynn Gamwett. 9-11 a.m. at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission is $10 for members, $15 for non-members and in- cludes a "real" breakfast. Telephone: 494-6531 . ..... end ........ OrchMr' lecture slide present arion by Or. • Joseph Arditti 7:30p.m. Wednesday, May 12 at Sherman Library and Gardens. 2647 East Coast Highway in Cor- ona del Mar. Free, but reservations are necessary. Call 673-2261 ''The Adult And Child ~oflla .. workshop by Barbara lee and Associates 9 a.m .-noon Saturday, May 8 at the Mariott Hotel Includes in- depth analysis of a per- sonal profile of each person attending. Cost is $35, tncludes con- ttnental breakfast. In- formation: 754-41~. Ut.ary Cotnpethlon fOt' youth ages 17 and under are inviled to compete at the Orange County All American Fair. No entry fee, but entries must be received before Monday, May 10 More complete Information: 751 -FAIR. Southern California's Woodenbollt F .. tlnl will be held June 5&6 in Newport Beach. Reservations are presently being taken for d1splays, exhibtts. yachts and boats. Information: 67>9140. Poetry 11•••-. Josephine Jacobsen. author of "The Chinese lnsominacs" will read from her works noon Wednesday. May 5 in room 126 of Humanities OH1ce Building at UCI Free Art Auction benefitting the Youth Employment Service of the Harbor Area 7 p m Fnday. May 7 81 the Zonta Club Building tn Newport Beach. Wine. hors d'oeuvres. coffee and dessert wiM be served Donation is $2 50 Aala~L••••ot Newpcwtlleach is holdmg an open house celebratmg their new Day Care Center bpans1on 10 a m -2 p m Saturday. Mav 8 at 2032 Orange Avenue. Costa Ma.a. All are invited. ....... ,. Denoera • .,....., Costa Mesa Senior Citizen•s Square Dance Club meets every Thursday morning at 11 a.m. at the Downtown Neighborhood Community Center. 1860 Anahe1m. Costa Mesa. Call 545 5669. a.na.tlonaiTM o.nc.a at Oasis Sentor Center, 800 Marguertte Avenue. Corona del Mar, 2 p.m. second Sunday of every month . Donation is $2 . Mtwlc lluaalan F• songs on balalaika and piano. including gypsy love songs and village tunes by lynn Carpenter and Alexander Eppler. 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday, May 7-8 in UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. Admission IS $5 general. $3 UCI students and $4 other students and seniors Lutenlat John ............... " performs Renaissance selections 8 p.m . Tuesday. May 11 . in UCI's Fine Arts Concert Hall. Admission ts $5 general, $3 UCI students and $4 other students and seniors J1vatcr '' ... HowTMy 11..-.•• by Philip King, directed by Kent Johnson. 8 p m Fndays and Saturdays through May 15 at the Newport Theatre Arts Center. 2501 Chff Onve, Newport Beach Elox Office: 67>3143 or 642-8119. ''Pippin" a mus1cal fantasy by Roger 0 Hiraon and Stephen Schwartz, will be presented 8 p.m May 5-8 and 11 15 tn UCI's Fine Arts Concert Hall. A 2:30 p .m matinee IS slated for Saturday, May 15 Ttekets are $6 general. $3 students ijox off1ce. 833-6617 SouthCoeet ~preaanta "DA" by Hugh Leonard, through May 16 on the Mainstage . Also, "Coming Attractions" bv Ted Tally will run on the Second Stage through May 9. SCR Bo• Office. 967-«m. lllaabethHowerd'• Curtain Call Dinner Theatef is p.-esenting "Oklahoma" through June 27. The theater IS located at 690 El Camino Real. Tustin. For reservations call ~1540. Buy One Pizza Although be .... "80me k1nd of recovery" becp.nnmq withln tbe aem two or thr .. moatha, Darrell J. W iaricb, Newport Beach mve.tmenl cou.naelor and KABC radio commentator, e:a· pecta .... will endure a lot more economic paan" fo.r awhale. "l'hd wu hia m .... ge to a luncheon m"hng at The Newpoi1er sponsored Jut week by the Newport Harbor Area C hamber of Commerce's bUSl.Deu development and governmental affalfs comm1t· tees. Darr~ll J . Winrich lleft) discusses economtcs with chamber vice president Chuck H~rsch S•aH 0.,,.,. ov Bu• s.,.,5 Introduced by chamber v1ce president Chuck Harsch, Wmrich first traced recent economic patterns. money chasang goods-and we get mfJahon." Smce 1979, he sa1d, two forces bave helped c npple the economy. He descnbed these as tbe Federal Reserve Bank's "squeeze on the money supply" and the rismg federaJ spend1ng leadmg to huge deftc 1ts : mmor resurgence m busmess wtth the 1mpend1ng leu cut and Soc1aJ Secunly cost-of-hvanq 1ncrease, Wmnch expects an teres! rates to nse agam as Jobs are f1Ued and plant capac1hes are reached, because of a p1cltup 10 credit demand "Sal" began dedminq m the sprmg of '81," he lAid, "but producers conhnued to pro- duce. Autos began to fall an sales-but produc tion mcreaaed. lnventones became super·hlgb Th1s creates an excess1ve demand for money Without suff.. Cient supply, he sa1d, "every body b&ds the pnce up," and Interest rates c hmb One reason he gave for expecting conllnumg econom1c problems was that he sees "no ev1dence of meanmgful reduc lions Ln government spendmq " AlthouQh be pred1cted a He as a partner m W1nnch, Kase and O'Connor, Inc "The reels had slowed down the money growth. Th1s was not the tole cause, but 11 con- tnbuted to the recess1on Trade balance detenorated, and mter- est rates were boosted lnlerna· honally u well u at home." The ncioua weather of last fall and winter contnbuted funber to the groWl.Jlg merc band1smg 1mba.l•nce, he sa1d. Wi.nnch taJd pollt1c1ans try to shmu.la.te ec:onom1c qrowth wtth "tremendous government spend- IDQ." Th.is Jeada tO nsmg ta:aa- IIOD, and hnally defac1ts, he added Mildred Mead's The Best Mildred Mead, fa sh1on colum- ntsl for th1s newspaper, has won ftrst pnze -agam m the Cahforn1a Press Wo men's an nuaJ commun1callo ns comprh lion Th1s was the fourth l1me m SIX years that Mead has entered, and 1n that per~od s he has cap lured two f11 st places and two seconds Wmners were honored last Saturday at a banquet 1n Fresno A Newport Beach and Hawa11 res1dent, Mead has acqu11ed a reputation 10 the fas hon mduslry for bemg knowledgeable, and fo r her acc urac y and atlenhon "The banks and the Federal Reserve belp hnance the deh- clts, a.nd you have a lot more to detail MILDRED MEAD C~, ... R.oo•• ...t CQ'Mfou~ "' o...,., r,.,.., c •P'4""' ut t •l·kt•• ... l'{x•• •• ~,, a..c.. Ou~ Co-t~"w• C•t•kt•,.•• 92160 .u .• f -~ "' .... _.,. N.orch )I 1112 lo•• No> II T7 ASSITS ~~-... ._~ J u a t .... ~ .. v ..cvul ... OoUa• A~n•' '" ~ ..... 4 n t ~ ...... 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I t ' I • ·--~~~~···~ .. ,, M .... ., •• ,.. •• h .. lkft .. ,, .., •t-..4 fl>• ~ f 0... t ,, ... ~. ....... • ~ ..... ..-...... • •41 .......... ....... ..., I I • ~ .... ..._ •,. -' ...... ~ ,, ..... ...... .... ~~ j ,,_. ,,...__ ."'411 t .... , ....... f .................... c...... ., ..... n. .......... ~. .. ~· • "-~-... ....... -, .... r... .. ,. .... , .. " ........................... ..... ........... ..,....._. ..... .. ....... .. ....... . p .. W..r••~ Hf .,. k)t 'a , ............................. ~~ Wedr 11 tay. May S. •• Page II Jll118tA P.••ap.SlJie BRIEFS Kenneth L.venthal u 104An<:J.r and co-monogmg partner ol Kenneth Leventhal I Co , a no- tJonaJ CPA lzrm q»cJo141ng m real estate •xperlw. He he. played a catalytiC role m many ossJgnmflnla mvolvinq complex real •stoleJ>robl•ms Fortune m~~ ~rlb.d hu firm a. hovm9 on "ott•ntJon-geltinq frock rfiCOrd ollmonc:Jol mnovo· l1on " tenJD leaden will recp.ue • peroeDtaqe of the ecUoo or cbrect OWDenlup tro. baiklen .. pm of the ~ ol Joua u u.. Garn bill or ita eqw.a&eot worb 1t way throuqh CaecJr-. la uy ..,.nt, tM fm.aacaalm· THE VISrTifiQ EXPERT Joan Chwcb AdvertL.ing • Graphic Design. Inc. was a top wmner for the second consecu - hve year at the annual Beld1ng Awards sponsored by the Adver1ts10g Club of Los Angeles The fum was tudged best under the Direct Mall Categoues for worlr wh1ch Smc:e 1/s JounchJn9 m 1949, Kenneth Leventhal & Co. ha. 9rown to become the 16th largest CPA hrm m the country w1th 11 oH1cies not1ono1Jy '/'he fum opened on oH1ce UJ Newporl Beach m 1974 sbluboa will h." a moch bag- qer paece of the pie. The ~n woWd make the U.S . b&nb more hb theu EuropN.D COUDlerparta, .,.,. hcularly lD France, although thu country's matitution.a would contmue to tDSUre depoeitora. lathe long run, the eftect of the propoeed ch.ao~ couJd change the U.S. buildeJ' to "promoter" statUI aimil&J' to the F reach system. •ncluded a poster and c atalog des1gned for Mead Paper's 1nler· nahonal punllng papers d1v1 11on Church also was not1hed s1x of It s p1eces w•ll tour the by Ke~meth i.e..atiMal U S , Europe and As1a w1th the New York Art Otrectors Club 6lst annual exh1b11tou CongrM· saonal pro- posals to strengthen U S. hnancaal an- shtuhona will requare bwlders to cpve lenders a muc h Connell • ChoJJin Commer· ciol Interiors. lnc. bas been Signed to des1gn the 1ntenors fo r the S63-mtllio n . 534-room Waverly Hotel under construe lion as part of the Atlanta Galleria, 11 was d1sclosed by pres1dent Bruce Archibald greater "paece of the pie French real eatate developen, cel.led promoters, UMmh&e the land and get the proJect UDder- way for a "promoter'a" 1 ... The hnancla.llDSbtuhon ia the ~rty at ri.ak , a.nd suppli• the moDey, bWld.. the project, and ult:i!Mt• ly Mlla or leues the property to the coo.au..mer or uaer. Page Jenkins Associates, a new CPA firm spec1aliz1ng 1n busmess and tax law, has open ed off1ces at 260 Newpcrt Center Duve Ultunately. the etfect of pen- dmg lequlahon and proposala made by the Preaadent's Com- mLSSIOD on Housmg could c hange the role o f the en- trepreneurial bu1lder to the status oi the Western European "promoter " leQtalahon proposed by Rep. Jake Garn (R-Utah) would great- ly expand the authonly of sav- Ings and loans and banh m an effor1 to strenqthen them The b1U would allow tbem to under- wnte and deal 10 murucapal revenue bonds and otfer munac1paJ funds. and expand powers under the Bank Holdlng Company Act to mclude reaJ estate development, uuurance, underwntmg and brokerage It w clear that the RMga.n Ad- m.iniatration w s~qn.lling a dellberale federal daenqaqe- ment lrom the houaing and con- struction buain.., bavtDQ written off pn>qrAJJ~a that aubaadise con- struchon u co.tly la.ilur ... fro ntier Airlines plans to Introduce the Mc Donnell Doug las Super 80 on May 20 on 11s serv1ce between John Wayne Airport and Denver and Las V~gas, replac mg 8oe1ng 737s B•••OfNewp•-' M. John L1ppmon who has been 10 the pens1on 1ndustry fo r 23 years. now 1s executive v1ce pres1denl and ch1ef hnanc1al of ftcer for Bankers Pension Sen•· ices He was responstble for the draltmq of several prov1s1ons of the Employee Retuement ln come Secur~tv Ac t enacted an 1974 The banh and tbnft mshtu t10ns, as a result, would be able to be duectly mvolved 1n developmg real estate, m- cludlng ownership and con· struct1on powers Buk of Newpon p~t Ronald L. ftod.qen hu ,. ... Nd the bank's 1981 Je.&.r-eDd ....wt., which were luqh.hghted by net mc:ome in ezoeee of $2 millioD and total ....U of ove.r $200 au.llion. In additiOJl, Rodqera an· noWlced tb.t the total c•pit&l not• ud atockaolden' equity reached a total of $17,648,934, mcluchng $14,648,943 m atockholden eqwty. Rodqen a.L.o revealed plAna for Buk of Newport's new lrnae ottioe, which ia acheduled to open e.u}y thu su.mmer, ruauc IIOnct IIOnct 01' Alft.ICA nc:>tl rOll ~ .. OWWDSJUP 01' .4UCOtiOUC UVOACa UCOISL t •""'"'"' ... ., ,.. .,"' c ... ,._ bf d'l• "•'" 1•••• .. • "•I y. •<~""· , .. ••t .. '"'~"' ... r'-twtt ,...,oft t A " I ..... ,. • tJii ... , •• • • • ...... .... . ··~ • t 1,•~ ~I .. I'VUtC IIOTlC{ I'IOTlC£ or TliUS~ SAU: AMI U S r s " • tl ... . • I f ... , .... , l .. -.d • .., .. t :--· f "• ~ ...... t\ J • ' ..... 4 f • .-.;: • • "" r..;~~"' .. r. • • ..,. t•~,..-4"'• .. -~ .. ,, -.... ,.,. ' , .. t I fu • -t .... ... . . .. • I"" ... o ,,., •• ., t ... ··-· ·~ . ' ...... 'I . ,. .. .. . .. , 0 t J-. • • I • w., I .... ·-•1 -· ' ~. )\ ·~ . ' .. \4 •• ,, .... . . ,, .... . " .... t •• ( .j• ·-... •• • .... I • :i 'l ' . .. .. .. ""• ••-..... ••• • I .... ..... . .... ' ... p '. • ..... t-t .. c-,.,. .._ .... -J ... ........ ~-·· '" ....... ,"' t .... .. • • •••• •a•-1 f• ..... • .. • .. , .o •• ,., ' .......... ... -•.. _.. , ... , .... . ,.., , ...... "', ... . .............. -· -.. ,... ..... .. 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U I '-" ., "...._ •••• ~ • (_,....,. .. m-~ ..._1 •• ., Ar:••• ....................................................... .... .. a......._ , .. ~·~u~, ........... -. ......... --...... _, m•• • ·~ ........ _ ... ~--1 .. _.. ... ,..onn II ,_.. .... _. Sv* r; ._..,.Towne-.. c.rn..T..__. Rain FONU-Na~ Parks· Weal& on "GrMt &.rrier ........ ~.touii.U rru .. onadon, m~t ...... '2518 Edltca~ . ~ Cr.clt Avalt.bW For lnfonnation A 4 LNI'IIIolllnl'"ro'"" Ju.-. 17•July 4 July »Aut. l~t~ 1sa.,.s••·•• TaNU.Moore.-T•Uaroe . lndudn: Jodspng. tours. .U transportAdon, 110m~ ....... 8 1765 Of\11/r\W Nor-.a Cole Pr~.or 2SS Sat~ Joequ6t~ lor Brochura CAll 49'1·1818 u.. ... a...ch '--= IIOft:l I II -~ ...-r ._. CIOIIft.YI'T 0.. .. 1_ .._ .... ~ ol oltorr .• , lot ............... A L..oo ~ ........ ...... ..... 710 ...... ,, IWio,CAIIIIlUIZI3)m43JO 1 PL.AJiftlrJ lo-..U... C Y1d •od ......,..s Vock • DIIDIDAJrT 1-r L. Woll..co c ... ..,., Jl WAoo v .. ,.. a..llf N., h.-. Alca... lt•odtol ...t Ooeo 1 ~·.-...... IIO'nCI! '"" ~ .. -· ...... n.. ~ .... , 4.r ....... ,ow ••'""' ,.., ........... ,., ...-, .... ·--d ...... JD .... ,.. ~ .... ..Jorouloo• ....... u,__.. .. _. .......... o~ .. _...., ...... _ ........ ....w .. -.,........, .. ..... ,OV,t ....... . ,.._,,._, .. , ... ~.w .. ... •AV'IIO! u.M a.. _. 4e-u4 ... o II ,._., ..... .., ......... \Jd -..._... __ IU '-"""' J _ .. JD ... .._ ......... ~­_ .... .u.... ..... ~ ... ~ ... -· -~---"' ......... ~ ................. 4• •• ,. __,_ .............. _, ..... ~, .,....., ...... _......., ..... ,_po lO nil wriiiDA.IIT A <••d co. ~ .... -... ..W loy ra.. plo1a1 _.._a_..,. .. ..._...,, .. _... --...... JD """ •h .... _ ......... ..... -.... ~ .. ·---101 ........., u.-,_ ........... ........ a.. -..4 • •N>IK'al- ol .... ~. o.-4 tluo eo..rl .. , • .., o ,...,._. --..,.. lor rhe ..................... ~ .. •Wil -w _.. ............ ol -...... el-Of pr-rty or ....., ..... ,..._.. • .... co•plo1n1 o.eM Ort II, 1•1. lo-I H.r .... Ow\. loy c..-a...... 0...•1• .......... Afonl a . ...,, ' 11 19. IIGIA~._...,..... Mil ... :..-:.. I ... .,.,_,. n. ....._. -• .-o. • ., .._ • ,_ AA'ft PA.IM'TVIG DO A-.. a • I c-..._ Co an ,_ Aw-A"a..a. no ,._.. •• I. C... ..... CA gzJ n.~ ................ .. ........, ...... T....rA A .. a..a. n. __ ........ l ... c-~ .. o.-c-. .. - 116oy l. ~-...... ..., s. 11 It ll 1112 10 n...._. ....... Fl.al ....:.ona fW::iiiiOW---.... IU!DIIIrT n. ....._.-.......... -• IIWC I I DfVUTWD'TS 1M ..... Dloooe. eo..-6ol .... CA-~ I Toylo• 1101' ....... eo.-... ...,, CA txaS l ., __ , ..... ,. ..... eo. .... ' .. ....... CA..._...,,.... ""'''" ~~ I ..,.._, .... w-4. CA 1*1 n. -.. _.."""' ... • _., ,.._..,. ... eo~ c~ ... ,.,... t\lo -· -ble4 ..... .. c-, a... .. o.-c.. ... , .. "'"'J. ~-......... .._, S U It ll 1111 .. n. .......... r~.-a ....:.:mea ........ ..,._ ... .,.~ I "'-........... --~ ..__ • TRa LAW ~ns lit c.-c-o.w. ...... liD. ...... Aao, CA lllJDL ........ L ........ 111 c._ c-o..- 1••. • JOl, ..... Aao. CA lllJDI. ... , ~.euo-c-o.-1•• .• liD . .._ Aao. CA lllJDI n...__ • ......_..,., __ ____ .._. .. ,_ ..... .,..... b:lt.&r4 L ........ T\oo--t.W..-ra.. c-ty O.k ... 0.-c.lur, -~I. Ita I ....... ,.., 14, ll • ...., ' IIGIAT'ioo ........ ._ ,._ .... t ~.:mea . I .:mc:ao.a•~ o. ....... ..- .... _ ........ 110t(4) ol .... la-1 ..._ .. c..... --• .......,.,_ ............. -~ ......... .... ......, ,... ....... ~~~~old> 1113 ol ,_ "• """-'-_,. , ..... c .... wuw... '--b .. .....-.• ,....._ ........ _ .... ~ ..... ........ -_ ........... ._u. 4! • ...., ...... ..__ .._.. ,_ • • • ... s p -loy .. , -...... ·-d ........ 110 .... ,. ....... ta.. ...... ........ ,.. ...... _ n.........__,....__ a..c-ol Ill» ...,_ .... llo 100 T-CA T'ioo ptuo.e~ • .._, ol .... lotoa .. I_ to "*-I """"'-C. A ... ... Job I Aa4o.-CPA I ,.,._ "'"' 5 tiG .. n.. lloowopon 1'-• Jill. fW::iilW-.... IU1'Dmi'Y ~,.._-..... ......__-c•••••n ~ CDTD, .-> \'• c...-A-._, ~ CA ._, a..! I~.--.-.... ..,._ C.U... Aft -._, a...d. CA UIIO U,.._• ..... o. ... c..~o.a..~~ v-·· 410 I No • a-1100 o-... c ..... .u~~a T\to -• CGell_.... .., • _., ,...,._.. ....... c.. .... ........ c.... .... l:ol Corloltoa4 ~ .. -.., n.. ilGM C..-··.., T_.,,L !or ..... Tluo ,.._, ... hW .... ~ .,.. c .... .., Pod ol o.._ c.. ... ., - 116oy) Ita .....W li6oy S. U It • IIG ,. n......_...._. ... u Small bu,ta w,-...·, u t·iitt' two oul of"'~"~ thn•t• tnb' 111 A1nt't ".A I, aht• ,mall bu tnt'\-' pavdw< k pnwidt•!l lht· lav(•hhood more 1h1.an 100 million Ame nc "'"' Small bu"inc.''' not onlv kHpt Am~rica workmK i1 makt·~ Amt·rico wt•rk REAL ESTATE 67 Re.IJ.tate 68 Hou.a For S&le 69 Coodo./Twnh- For s.I. 71 Lota ud Ac rMqe 72 R.ort Property 73 ~ Property 74 1Deo-'Coaunrcl Property 7S Property MnQmnt 76 Iacoa.llndu.anal Property n RM.I lasete Waaled/hcb&aoe MOBILE HOMES 80 Nobile Hom• 81 Nobile Hom• Waat.d 82 Woba.le Hom• Pro BOATS 84 Bo.tallqpmnl 85 Boat Ch.trter 86 Boet SUpa AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Upholstery 88 Wotor Hom• 88 Recrtn Velucl.. 90 S.rvlCei'Rep6u 91 NotorcyciMI Moped. 92 B~<:ycl• 93 V anafT NC Its For S&le 94 Tn~cluiV•za Wuted 95 Auto P•rt&l Ac~rt.. 96 Auto/Trek lA.unc;J 97 Aulae Wnted PUBLJSHIR DOES NOT ACC.vf l..baJaty lor aocorTecl .-pellinq, 9 reJJU:D41tJCal an.ccur•· ca•, or typoqr•plucal e rrora 10 •ny edver· h•m•ota publ.tahed 1.11 tbe Coe.t Weda. Newa G roup HOSTS URGINTL Y MimED lor btqh quah ty Sweduh eachanQe aludeota lor 11)82 1983 497·~ "OR.ISS UP" -R-.1• Boubqu• lua1 o~n and b..ppy to COIUlqD your uowaoted luhlona Ac-nee, too (714) 631-«NN, ~ Weatchll Or . N.wpott"&..ch SUNSET CHAMPAGNE niGHTS Two to fou r pea ple. coclcla1ls 1 sl c lass, S 150 00 S.. th~ coa st' S..tbe Mountaans S..Calalana Apprectale the S~.anset and live Contact: SPIRIT A VIA nON (714) 540-5025 tPEIIOIULS A.IOJ'TIOM AMJ) n.a p~~:Per· .oo.al ud oo11.ikMotia.l cu.. Low ... l.racl~ cowa.eeliaQ, lab ._.., Nf(Jery, cecliC'•boa ud po.t·opereUve eaa~a. Gerleral (u-p) or k!C'a.l ueetli...M .,a~.~. a.bJ.. IWenal tor bead· •td ater lliaaltoft (leaeJe), Yaae<:IOIDY (-»). ud late a.bor- lloa prooecharee. w.dt· C&l ud rAWran.ce ac· cepteci Call Cahtonu.a Preqo&ftCy Cou.n..hnQ S.lVlc:e for lAiozaatJoo or &.aJDeCU.le appomt· aeDI 1o Newport BM<:b, (714) 752-0053. lD S..t.a An.. (714) m .J104. WORLD FA NO U S PSYCHJC "O.nd Gnr· citfto" -Wake lnends come to yO\U btdd.tAq m love.~ • ...&Jtb I am wcc..tu.l C•ll 645·1496 . WOULD LJICE TO NErr oolleqe-educated ledy, 45 to 55. Have lovely bo1De, no cluJ· dren. P 0 . Boll 5763. m1 I. Coe.t Hwy . Coroo• del War WONEY PAID lor •v.u.able apace lor b.od rebea....J S.nouaiDUid· ed ID\WC~a.De. Call toll· h .. num.ber l-800-532· 3972, uk for PenJJyuver Adw•tcb W2886 lOLOST. FOUMD LOST· GOLD RrNG, 4 pearl. and 7 small ametby.a. lD Fu.luoo lal•od are• C•ll 644-4136 LOST· Stnfl9 ol pe41b, May 1 Cypr-Onve betw .. o Popw/A.ter or Hem.aaqway'• R•t•u- r&nt. Corou del Mar Reward. 494·1793. k .. p c:allioq 11 SCHOOLS• INSTRUcnON TUTORING. Creden· heled, ut your bome lllpen enced. p•taenl Natb, alqebr•. c;Je<>me· lry, French, Sparush, readlAQ, spellinq, [n. bah, ..U prolicrencr•. colleqe boards 673· 6013. WUSIC -A G IFT FOil U F'£1 Voac:e traJ.JWic;J . pta.no orqa.o '-n.a All level. R-na.ble bpenenced 13 yMn Weu Verde. Coat• M-. Nancy Bam .. 545-3722 · • Y CAMP •' Your cbaJd'• w•y to • aummer ol !1111 and v.Ju.. O.y C •mpa. Wouota 1a Campa ud Caraven.a lor Qred•lt-12 YMCA 83().11622 14PETS• UVESTOCI lSOAR.&GE SAI.E8 LIONS CLU B GUGANTIC SWAP WUT. Aauque. •rt. ...d crafta, new ud ua ed ud Qat*J• .ale. Nay 23, 9 •·• to 3 p m ZAQ· QIUet lhuld.uac;J, perlwlq lot C, L. Pu/Ab.o C reek 500 plua ell Jub&ton S.llinq IIHIC .. -S101 Geoeral .dJa ... 11100 Sl. chtldren under 12 tr.. Pro!Jta toward cb•utable ou~anaa• oo1u Call C•rol Z.vtn al (714) 495-3300 ANTIQUE G ARAGE SALI Lac:e ud lmeu. 50 oena. to S4 0aJ paul I LDQ SlO, tude teble S15, be,..led aunor 120, col l .. table S25. pollery 50 oeoi8-S5, pme breplece mea tel 135, prc tufte &nd ham• Sl S5, dtab.. ud b nc:·•·brac: 50 c enta-SJ, pleyer piAno S600, ,.. elry 50 centa·S5 Fnday and S.turd•y, 1622 NoorovU& (down ..Uey LD CJ•rac;Je), betwMD 16th •od 17th atr•ta, Co.t• M .... l&HEALTB . LOS! WlJGHT NOW 10 to 29 l.be lD 30 de Yl or your S31 7S lor 1 monlh'a 1upply re tui"D ed Call KERBAUJ'I cLstnbulor. Wtchelle, 645-5423 WANTED: 100 O V"IRWIIG HT PIO PLE lor new we1c;Jht 1oM prOc;Jram 100~ c;JU•ranleed C a ll Chruhna 730-0288 LOSE WllGHT' f'Ul. GRlAT! S b•pe up lor ~nDc;J al P•t'a Pt.ce of Enrcaw, 24 11 E Coe.t Htqhway, Corone del Mar Call lor acbadule LD comphmenlary ct .. 559-4150 THE fTTNEss ST A TION -a comple te home qym mac bl.041 ,IJ fordable, ..Je, venetue, convenaeot For •II mem.bera of the lamaJy Ideal lor atrenqtb 1ro1.1n U)c;), body IOD.UICJ, ~rta coodataooanQ. be•lth. mauat-oc:e Cell toll· tr.. o!Uilber I 800 S32 3972, aall lor PelUiyuver Adw•tcb N S501 rNHIBlT -The lliUQUe •t•rcb blocker becked by Or 0'1 Lo• 300 to 500 calor ... • day All n•tur.J C•ll 979·6348 ulllor Ooru 17TRAVEL/ VACAnON ALBINO COCKATU:L E.XPLORI THE GALA '"t.b c •g•. \35 PAGOS ISLANDS SAri 552~ walh weiJ.lmown ree~ GOLDIN RETJUEVD dent luultea on tbeu pupa, c h•mpaonahrp pnv•t• yacbl ev•tleble lane A II s bois for 2·8 ~....OM year 833-1418 uo1111d Plan your own LADY or NO RTH lllDerary F'or Info, COD WOOD b.a.a bed be tact Wary Crowley 1709 pupa Golde n Retneve r BndQeway, S.uNlrloe AICC. OSA champror~ ~1 94965 (4 15) 332 ore Lute bred Even IJI~, 731-5588 YELLOW LAB PUPS AICC ~·red c b..m p.oo lLD•. 6h w .. u \250 1 .... 4~127 15GARAGE SALES NIWPORT BEAC H BEST GARAGI SAU ever' S.hlrday, War 8 from 9 a Ill u e.Uelll rtema, low pnc• to clean out lut! From Coe.t HaQhw•.,. ham rn l•nd oil l•mbor .. Roed left on Eaat Bhili On ve lef1 on V&tt• del Sol to !tnt f!Clhl -2610 V•at• del Oro (•croae lrom element•rY sc hool) G.areqe lft rMr uA VING NAY 14th N .ddJe-eqe couple w1tb reference wl.ll dehver yollJ velucle to t..a mqtOD, 0 , or C hr,caqo a rM For ·~ only c.u 644-6258 • TRAvtt ctui • Y • m1qht havf• all •It• m, Oft'" Vt. 1 w• I t r f'f'd I ••ul lu ·k • 1h1•1 FUN MO NEY TR AVEL lk , r .... l Con.ul! • N , ln•r• 1 IV • Nu Cum~•·l•th.'' • N, a. "H-f>IM~l F .• b .. k''" Fr-r, .... Imp. ''"' Mt'f't,t~q . -------- ----------------~ 11 EMTEilT AIR BALLOONS FOR NOM IA1'10MEY UMUUPtC'T Slop '--"'••· h.tl-.c&w - oee dolL,,... cocmah• 1..oe .. penenced •• lcnM7 Mr W.rah 835 8M3 I A1'10JUU:Y DANIELA. VEREKER SWAP MEET ,..,., SllOday, 8 •• I< J p m Oraaq• c-.. CoUeqe, f&&rv\eW u d Arluaq1oll, C:O.. W... S.U.r ,_rv•booallll lona.hon c:a U 551 5.o HUGl NIIGHBO R HOOD Gar~ s.-. N-and ued hlm•hue cbtld rea'a hara1ure. COitC.... t.ab.... bed roo• ..U Lota ol ••• rytluaq S. huda y only. t-t . ~ v .. 10 .,.. 2SS ONUaao. oH t.. Paa IMil rtqhl 83'7 ,,., Uarque penoAAhaed qill O.la'Nred locally Order roday "a.Uoou ot Newport ~ 645-6445 THE lll.LYOANC IR Stucbo -CdW off•ra u ter1&1JU11ent tor .u oc cM>OIU aad c &-111 tile •rt of liloell,danc. Call 731 4574 WUSIC -lor YOVf .J l•u AU tty... SlaQie. diiO ~~. ~ . "-" al:l'-~l'T.Z2 tJJ. l2'7S SMALL BUSINESS WEEK MAY 9-15 ATTORNEY AT LAW n • Mil Admimttralion A,..., ..,.,....lllllw,.._., ltGIPT IDEAS LOVE ULLOONS Seod .omeo-you love • ~ o4 30 heliWD ba.Uoou Beeuhlw lor Wota.r'a O.y Perfect lor all oc:cealoo.t W • d•hver 87'3-4419 S.ve tb.d 23HELP WAICTED PUSTIGIOUS RV.l. ESTATI omc1 lD lJ. vme lookinc;J for top qu.ahly 119-la. Good co,._n ~ltt No deU '-851 0829. 7S2 14~ JOB -nfroRMA TION O.U.., Kouoo, Over· ..... Alaaka $20.000 to ~.000 per yMr poet~· ble. Cal1~602) 9QB..o.26 d~l Phone caU r.NodAble. -------PmrtON CI'ftC\Jl.A. TORS -FulUpert·ta.m• S6 lo S9 per hour O.uy JNI..!._ 84().6912 WANTED SHARP PWPLI to dr.atnbute Amw•y producta Earn LAqa llDI.uD1ted Cell w oody. 998-3944 INFO RWATION -ON C RUISE ahap robe GrMt LDcome potentaal, all occ upetlon.a C. U (602) 947-7251, eal 313 Call refuo.dable HUNDREDS ~LY1 Stuihnq envelope. al home No ezpen-ce oec:eaaary' Pouable Fr.. det.ula tncloee ataaaped envelope Mer cury Compelly. Boa 1762, Evalla1on, lllLDoiS 60204 JOBS OVUSlAS - B)Q money fur S20.000 to S50,000 plua pet yMr c .11 1 716·842·6000 eat 3215 LO VING . NATURE AOUL T to ba.b~t lor rny ll·monlh·old 100, pa n·hme, 1n my Coeta M.... home preferably 545-1330 UF'EGUARD -S4 76 per bour Swammang ao atNc tor, S6 90 per hour C•ll 968-0011 HiLP WANTED Lave·LD clulcl care and ho~ANworlr:, hqht cooll LDq. II Toro arM SpaiUAh ~ O lt Call toWr.. number 1 8()0..532-3972. ulr to, Pe,nyuver Adw•tch W2872 HELP WANTE D Mauger lrAlD.. 2 S YM B aaJ.. IDAJWc;)e meat or will lro~.~n A per10n can make oJ qualahed S65 000 a yMr alter 4 months 1raanrn9 C•ll Don Oui.LD. 851 6495 lor ap po1ntment B.!nkonq NEW ACCOUNTS TELLER NOTE TELLER Th4' ab..~V4' pv~ll n-., .. nuw avaolabl,. ,, "' N4'wpor! S..a~ ~ C r pora!e Ofhc4' p, .. banln n<J 4'XPP ,. r.-.Ju rood Wt> lf•r • vPIV Vff '<llarv ""nPn PP"-r•u:-•1 ~\ J" d 4 'OIIIpl•14' p.t• lr •o.. I t>.n4'frl• T •l"r . f'INIM' •II Brt _;," • 14) 667 12<17 UOYDSBAKI CALIFORNIA FIND IT IN OUR CLASSIFIE 21 UCENSED CHILDCAR£ STA TE tAW R£ OUDUS that ~rworu who provlde chrld ca re IJI t.bear b.-be llceru ed For LDiono.tlOII on how to ~ bc: .. o• rD Ou11~ Cout~IY call The Newport £nalgn Wectn..doy. Moy S. 1112 Page 21 21 SJTUAnONS WANTED PR O F&SSI O NA L GRANOWOTH!R to .__. motben wr!b new baby vac:afl(lllt bou.MC le&rung loddJen and older cnrl dren ho...-alltoq .doth convai-.- LDQicompenaon Non amoker/drmker •llc•l lent reterencea C 4ll Martone. 642-0396 HOUS!MAN Relod ble, ~r.oneble wolh relerenc• h•s dav evatle.ble lor chaull•u r rllc;J, qardentnq a nd au«: bo\>Mhold dull" lveDIDc;J& 675 8 138 855-2171 HOUSE S1TTING I will c•r• lor your home wlule you are on v•ca taon tJus summer C.ll loWr.. number I 800 532·3972, ulr. lor Peony Mver Adw•tch M292& HOUSESmtNG SER VICES -You.nq £4•• Coast couple d"u• summer loc •tro n '" L..qww Wtll aa.leq u.srd bom• and t•k• c are of hoUMhold duhu Ea cellenl referenc es Greq end Gtnnv C•ll collec1.(413)256·018S 29MONEYTO LOAN wtOOW HAS MO N£Y lor Tru.lt o..da S10 000 up No c redat c heckatno pe.oalty Call O.n~n A..aca.t• 673 7311 I HAVE MONEY to loan on your home Low on ,., .... lrM appraawl 7 day Mrvace crf'dll no problem Btll (7)4l 964-3195 JUMBO SECONDS Compet1tove re~ll' Broker anqutrres 1nvr!~ lmmedoate lund"'"' Broker, 847 6006 MONEY MO NEY Homeowners Loan~ bv pkone. 2nd Alld 3rd Trust o..da laalored to youJ' Sltuahon or netod~ C all hm d•y nrqht w-kends 586 9127 30BUSIMESS OPPTYS O WN YOU R O WN le•n Spo rtawear or lnl•n• P ret-n S1or• J-.an Proqram .,. Sboe Atbl•ll( Sh ,. 32 TRUST DEEDS AlU) MORTGAGES 2Jol0 T 0 'a, 15 YIAR lulty •rnoftued 17Vo1 o Low poants C•ll 964 2519 fo1 quot41 38SPORTIMG GOODS DJSCOUJn' P roc .. a n popu.l.tu br•nd brcyclee, clothulcJ and ,c c...ort• SAVE AT SLIPSON'S CYCURY 2991 Grace L.oe Ca.ta ...... 1\ •• , .... , .... '···"'- S4&-4130 38A.NnQUES F'R£! AHTlOOI CHA1R G re•l q&lt lor Mothe r's Day Or•wiDq on S.turday II S Ge~ ma ny cupa and MllC'en SIO Minton pt.t ... SIO Srgned France lll•m w.s re. SS Occ ... aonal r-hau, \'2S Bedroom rocker \JS Handtted Oroent•l cuqe, SlJS Many more beeuhlul lh1nga to c bOOM from Cornucop.. Aohqu• • 409 3 ht St Newport Beac h on the Penm • ..u. BEAUTIFUL LLADRO and Roya l On ultun lrqurrnn Alao Hummal IJIOUp R•uon•ble Provale colleclaon 497 6479 HUMNEL COLLIC TION lor sa.Je Pnvate parry c .ll .Jier 3 p m 95127JIJ .. 'rUST CONSJGNID al G ALURT ON& 3 F'renc b Wuquelry tabl" mahOQ&nY MW tn9 table (c•rc:a 1840), F'r•nch enamel d,_r tel Lomuqn chrn• (Mr v1ce lor 12) Hummel lrqurtnea bella •nd pia'" \1971 1981 ) L..h QUI' Sleuben, Stelter and Brune• st•tu" Eurup•an htko9 rapb Lola ol t~lver coli .. and tea Wll laney bowls P•lche,., gravy bowl. lrayJ E.t•te ..... 1,., ou"tandtnq tOurln•hne (9 •rata) droner t~nq land Ntnnqa surro1111d ed bv d1amonda. 2 c•ral M•r ;auiM da.mond plait num t1DQ 68 carat da. mond nr•g (only S 1.000 appr••••d S2 300) Gre•t valu" IJI pearls coral t•d• ... ethyst garneta L•p18 Specwl I 2 prrc• ••blf"C dun• ~lauwu• ttent•l ,t•m• ~river orl pdllll lnQ• OfiWe lrV 1220 Nor1h c_.. Hwv La qun• B~ach O p•n 12 tO b p m Wednu dav Sundav 49-4 4444 494 9'1166 Store} Ofle11nq •II "" 11onally ltnown brandt sucb u Jordacl'l• Cht L-lAvo Vandflrbrh C•lvan J(leLD Wranqler ov•r 100 >lhet brand• S7900 to Sl9SOO rn eludes beQrnnonq •nven I tory 1Urfdt8 lor ·n• r Faduon C-.nl•r """ 41 F'URNtTUR.£ tnq laalu r.,.. Grand ENG liSH DI N ING Openonq Promnl" nt SET Dark wood wllh C&l.l Wt Louqhl11. bl.. ~•• barn and .. rver 8JS.IJ04 N•w Boughl S3.600 CUP NEWSPAPER AR S"ll \1 600 ~~ oll4'r TICLES' \2 1o \lu •• 1'1' 71. lb84 Send stamped addu._ SOFA REC LINERS ed env-.lope lot lrH "'"" •nd t•blM color dei4Us 574 C B•llelur TV dr4'u•" d•slr leme Paudena C A 1 oorAIQ4' tabu~ts daneHe 91105 • d morfl SS2 6663 ->r SAU: AGENTS WANT "1"-S • 588 ED Stan tmmf'do•l•h RATTAN ~SEAT BAR Full or p•r• m,. N.,,. ... rn 4 stools ~ C.sll •ftcr•d•b v ~ rol • slier 4 p m 540 4n3 malunq bu"""" E~ CHILO CRAFT CRI.B Clh.DCJ mon•v oppor1ur.l \75 Rocilnn ch••• SSO tv f u.U delarls S I OC fer ... hand hng Ken• [0 1.,, 833 2648 pr.-s P 0 s...., 4:'74 1 POOL TABLE lrvul~• 92714 !o-4 'oJn' .. •••om CUSTOM EN G RAV R•naov..tnc" -m;-l .. t• tNG SIGN CO R,. w.•t-o ... ~ and b•ll. T .rna menl ~~~• s-4 500 vAitH• \:l SOC You m ... C All • ltr"• .mt-"r , !lOll 'B2 J<l72 ... fm Pf'nnvwv•• Ad ... , t1 M1743 tJ DIAMORDS • )EWEIJ\Y ISTATI I SICONlJ HAKO IIWlliiY ""'t a1•rhnQ fl•l-.. r<:r<I+P milCh '-.. ftoo.,tl'"'l • ~ ! J'lth S• C•...,. • ...... 645 bsa'S GRAMD OPEJCIMG The COllie We-oa C r on & Jewelry Eachar:oo-212t Newp<~rt Blvd Cv•t • w... buys .u•d •II u..d 1•w•lry •t ,., 9old , d~nt•l, w It t..- cc.rna. ~lv,.r (,II ~ 1 I 5010SCEL· l.AJ'fEOUS PUBLIS HER--I.JUU NOT ACCEPT llabrblv lor m<;urrf'CI spt>IJonq Qr•mmall• 1l tna • "r aco ... or lypo rq••l h•· al esro•• 10 tny ,.J., ... , tawmenls 1-'ubl•"h ... t • 1 I he Cc..ut M...J... N ... ,, Gruup BOOKS (JLD MAR~ and out t.ol ~-'""' w. buy and sell Oul '·I pronl bvolta • ur •l!toC.,.I ty " Nataonwode S&art!, S.rvrce, 8<><>~ V,IUI' 3682 A S B~tstc•l, S.Snl.~ Ana, 549-954~ REDWOOD l ab .J...-~ tng 4 2\)' loJnU 2'> cents l0<1f lun 64f 9885, .snyhm• BEDSPREADS MANU F'ACTURERS OUTU I Lar9e'l tn Ora P<J .. Counly s ... t.ho., 'W &ed.pr...d He uc., 144<1 S Warn St S..n•• Ana Edtnqer M • on II t' 1611 fOR SAU I pau .a.. 150 em, 175 I pau •lu boou. atM 3 SlO ~al a.b.q •r .. rug, oranQ" &Dd brown ••lh },.. • .., •. colors "S M•n• I> .. ang bell, AMf. tn ,.,, tnq car~ wolh ~~w.­ m•D.IIIZe 91 I 1)44 4f-tl i WHEELCHALR SIVJ Fo&danq walla'"r \II' O.y9•a c.,., .. , v · O.yqen rl'qulatn• (H sso c.u 7S2 un • CONSIGNH MU51 SAC RIFICE 1 I ""'"" .. v•••• aulh•rol• Clun-rub-1 ... ,, Navato bl•n~,., S~ "" llhawl 0\d (.;lo..rv 7 .. S CC>Ql Hwy lA•JII • a..ch F' AMIL Y NEMBf:RSHII -John Wam" T.,o, Club \8~ S46 «»...t 1 WARRlAG! wuh "' A' hq-Carr..,q.. C" rl4Q• ht "w ,r.4 f f t"' t mAn j)V ttt ll1ff I tt P bnde •rod qr·~m '"' lh•' alPqant pr ~·.._1CJ11 ,.,f, Brochu,.. or f, ,...,. ,,, A.Od , ...... r\ ''• f" ,. • •n y <p• 1111 • "r ca.... C'orr••oJ•• 171: 6J9..1.UU SANDAK ltA n Y F'EET Sttu l 1 1 "'' " Ia molY "i v .. If IU If A I•• S7 ~c ~l h 11, Outrobu!ur< w "'"' 548 JJQ1 ?/17 M I. C<·~'• ...... J 1 8 BRO WN NAU(;" HYDE L'UtH.'H • • , l•n1 ,,,nd••1" S 1. Old sl•rP Wl' c•b rn,.l l ~· 1 h Pow•• ..., ,. •. , St:, 642 I}']QQ COTO uf u·. ••mber•tup I r o.•l· \750 c.u '"""' •. number 1 8lXJ SJ2 lln2 .U IOJ P•nM"'"" .. ' AJ W41Cb W2711} 51 WANT TO BUY W AN'TED l>l (J LtUN ,.n~ ahc-•o•,.·• ; t. • WAf h f't .. , I !I~ tw• rd• S.•rou• .-•11.- tOf J av..-r, t• •h 11 anv d•"'-' '" .. ., 'It qu~res amall 'P"·" [nqravtnc;J m• h11 • labr~eallnQ tabiP "'' J !>.vel plu• ID~nror~ S month• old w11h ••lab hahed •ccounts \5 4~ Sold n-SS 950 71 4 CUl1NTRY fRENC H WANT[ll TORE '''' • tr1Q•T"f..JI4 o-lilA• tbl• 60"aJO'' W! NEED DEALERS I• r m~• 1 1 "J fOnd •able 4( ••';' bflvel.d .,laM 642 4019 new st&nd up co<>lo.b<."''~ 111.,,11, t:MII , law 1.,., Free dalatlt w,. •' B 1 S 1 Publla)unq Cc S.. I '>II< •••"' Ill r ICe W.a.n Sr ) O.pl S p 0 tl••' •' S...'il 49-4 I \71 Boa 164 [n.;Jif'w l >4. ~ OH .s.l21 'OISTIIIBUTO RS HIPS ava1lable' H.,. nehru " ly adv•rlts4'd ••'" STARC HLITE l LeechDCJ st•rch t •l(lrot• bJoclt tD9 •Mf C.ll I •II ,,.. number l 800 "'i2 l9n •~It lor P•nnv~v .. r Adw•tck C698S •2 APPUAJeCES .. AWANA WICRO WA.Vt•• New 1n bo-. w.lh wa n •ntv S 18'9 TR !!S'i 6209 .. ' IV nor w r rlt., 1 -tl. .. ~ ;. . ' ..... I141W• " • ' f SSCAS .tt WANTEI> I ,~II NITURf I ~~ hque k· 1 J , • wu:h.t• '' •, ,.,. mq '"" ... ,. , r. 9157 1'1 •I C ASH l-Alla H• OUALrTY A~Tit.)\H.5 tewe lry (" ••••• d..moncls , ..... ,., .. b • (714>834 !In • UMUSICAL IKSTRIOO'S \.i UL BRAN SE N O I'IG AN Wodtt l hot11e ties dr~• • ~·· ,. ,. • Ql•• ' •.,n~ "•h·•• oraeot•h 1;A1 Lf:RY OKI 4~ ~U44 4''4 IAITIIT1'1RO RJGIITI/ W£iiLiliADS Go ovt lor danDer • ....,. 111119 ct-aonee bMith c lub ahoppooq , ...... , tilly c... a..._U.W. wh1t. '(0'1lr own a:ltt.f .. •••Y 157-at 33 F'OII.IX10SE SERVJCEI 31 IMVEST1CDn OPPTYS AniNTJO N INVES TOkSI "-q u ore \8 000 •' 20~ rnter_, lor 120 d•ys MCured by 12$ 000 lrd lrutl d.ed 493 6468 33 F'ORCLOSURE SDV1CES 1 club 2 lull 11.., bn.rdt lu.ll b.. JM"d•l• "4onl cond1tt0n One .;)wner 493~ PlANO C•hle N•l~n studto n < ellellt con<I.JIIQII Nov ID~ ,. .... ..u Sl CIIJ5 4~ 5297 • 't I I I' } ; •• !f U I VI APAa1'-.......... ............ -.. I a' ...... ~~ anflttoa.&.ae, _..,, -. .,. ....... ....... > ............ ... 1 ..aaoc.. .... ... lt.lvr-.2llloll-....n INtJa towa-~lany •• ...._ a. ...,._ ....... O..Mooa.ll7.-ao.. U.m.alll8 -r .. .. ' 'nvi.Ltol ......a. .-I.....,... .. ,, I _.., AAA ........ a.u. .,, ~~· ......... ....... ..... s. == .,.. . . ... - M AI'AIIDiDI II ,......, • .,_II IJWi'UM WOCX'aJDGI Wl.od-_ .......... 4.2,255 ...... ~--ry. 4-bed- .-. Z~·betll, taa.Ur .-.. coaatry ~. aiJ, Luve yard, nper ~. oud-r. ao ..-.ll.OOO .-aoatll. a...&i, IICJeal, (714) 41M-0711. wooos con beacA .-tal. Or.a.naia9. lpa· criolla, clt.aral.D4, 2-beci· .-, 2-b.th duplell. &aclecoraMd, lu.dacap- l.D4. ~. view, 91faoe. 11.000. Adu.Ja., ao p.ta. 497-2277. PUIUSHIR DOES NOT ACCIPT liability tor i.Dcor:r..::t apellmq, 91...aticaJ lll&CC W · aciel, or typovrap)uc:al enon 1.11 any adver· dill W .U. pubJ•Ihed iD tile Coa.t Media N ... GnNp. 51CC*DOeJ TOw••a POaBDIT 51 VACATION RDTAl.S MAWWOTH CONDO at Utt 7, a. 18 .M 11 L&rv• 2-bedloom. bre- p&.ce, .uc:rowav•. colcu ty. tK\&dl8. Mtil.U, CO\lJ'te.y van 545-1302, 545-1304. PALN SPIUNGS hu .u.b.d lu.aauy vUU. Sleepa 4. Sw.-illq. ~. teA&». Av&il- .W. .-bDda or loDQ lena. C.C. allao.pllen. Reuo-w. ,.1. Call 1", 846-31• or 545- 7668. BIG UAlt CA.BIN -2- beclrooa pl•• loft . Sleepe 9. 5-10 lllilllltel lo SDow Swa.ait. S50 per nialat. S'JO ~ leCUnly cMpo.!t. Call toWree DI:Uilber 1-800· 132-3972, uk for haay- u"r Adwa~lt M5688. STILL LOTS OF SHOW. Nullaotll COil· do, 3-beciroom, 3-b.tll, JIICUUI, Mila., llllCfO- wa .. , fueplac:., wader- grolllld p4U'hng Spnnq akuDq .pec:1al 833- UOFfiC&/ OO'QCDC!AL DELUD EJF:CUYIYE 81JI1D Newport a..c~oU c-... hll NPPOrt ~-Ottice boa k3l per~. CD call, etc:., S185 per aoath. TU IIUDQVAilTEIIS OOIIPAIIT (71') 151-0111 .worna..as 130tol&t ~ ''Sooae Wlth private --u-." Jloor-to-ceal..ul9 .,..,_, ~ and aeer•tar1aJ Nnlc••· 1800 Do.., No. 330, 752..e408. IJVlNI INDUSTJUAL PARK, TW1t111 (Wylordl Wa!Dut) at&:. 111 n- bu.ilcboq wtth adcbtioll&l warelloi&M ~paee. Da11 731-0914, eveDID91 833-1719. 0271. --:-::-::-~ •BOUIDFOB . ~~ ~i _...;;MI;;;;;;;;;;;:;E:;._ ___ j SJeepe 4, 6 ud 8. All IDCUTJVI orriCIS with 1,800 lq. ft. adjoi.D· LOQ war.Aio-. PrUu locatloa Clo•• to Or1114e Co!UU)' airport and all fr-way1. A•aal.abloe lor co-op w 1..... Pt-.. call Trac.y, (114) 8!!10-1 520, 10.5, Woad41y-rrld.ay. OrncJ SPAC. roll UNT: Marmer Mecbc;a1 Plau, ••ar Hoaq Hoapital. P•rc lao - tll.npjat. 631-0484. N.1118ULA HOMI8 f)(CB.LfNT lBtMSI ~led tra- ditional 3 bedroom, den, 3 both, tedyced to $395,000. M.te W•t Boy boyfront. Slips fOf 2 boats, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 both $1,200,000. ec.on and l•tty views. Morine room. ~ bedrooms, 3 baths, 3, 700 tq. ft. $1,385,000. LIDO 18LE HOMES Ptime lido Nord boyfront. Five bed- room&, 5~ baths. Lorge living room, 2 boat alipa. $1 ,500,000. Remodes.d 3 bedroom, 2 bo,th plus Iorge rec. room, beam ceilings, fur- nished, potio&. $-G),OOO. u•DA 18LE 8AYFIIONT Lagoon view from 6 bedroom, S both, pklyroom. dark room, den, boot alfp .••• lS>,OOO. 8AY81DE COVE Spectoculor tloyfront view 2 bed- room, 2 both up; 2 bedroom, 2 both down. Twoboatslipa. $1 ,'900,000. ..-..utw. 30 to~ di.coullt (213) 685- 6441. BIG BW CABIN -rWun9 qood. back· paclwlq, 3-becirooa, 2· b.tll, sleepe 9 ,,,.. pJ.ce, completely hu· llllhed w .. kly. -~~­end rat• Noa·IIJIIOkera 831 ·9'766, 492-2951 OC EAN FRO NT STUDIO -Poipu, ~1111. S38 per day. 492-8721 UUAI oc.a~~front oon· do S38 dady. al-p1 4 CaU661·6m. 81 ROOMS FOR R.EICT JJIWPORT BEACH BLUFFS B .. ullful qarden·lypa In-level cotldo rurn&alwcl, lut- cb.D pnvUev-. pool NMS r uluon lal.ud S2SlO A•a£l&ble aow 759-1341 •sousa FOR SALE OffiCI SP ACI lor .__ v • ., .-...oD&ble. r llf'IWibed aDd wafur-ll~Ahed ']68...()818. a.-utuJ ........ Cent•r ofhc:e wtth llM of receptaoa, cODJer· aoce room, lutclteD. plaoa•. ~retaraal and word pr-..aq W.Ualld~·..,. vace av&alablle .-par etely af ct.ued CaD Ialiy (7l.) ,.,. •• 8410ARD It CARE PRJVAn HOW. CARl for elderly aabW.tory LQilaed n~&ne. St0-2512. • ROUSES FOB SALE IU&.X.S rt-e Welton~~Z21 2155l. COGit Hwy. COfono del Mar (71~ 676-2.373 SOLAR Dom .. tic Hot Wat•r Spu&Poola WHY PAY SALIS coaaauaon•? l uy du.ct. Des19n. MI., aaata llahon Lac 407992 •WART/UIIt oa ac :iiliGE HOUSIIAPr. WAJr!ID -w..t be "'"H•d, 2-3 becbooa. }lab ~ A.r,1llll 15. ... Mecll or oc.utn.t. c.D toll. tree....-1.aoo.m . 3972, .... hu,.._ ~aGNS . SUWWII SUaLIT WAHTID: 29-yoear-old l.aw tttud.Jt wldl la.r~. w.U-traiaed clov, wort· iDO llMS ebpori. Ju.M and Jaly CJD.Iy. Neu beach. WuiaiiJB $400 111011111. IIW, (213) 747· 67-'3. HOUSI1.:• Balboa laland. --bed· rooaa, . (213) 9t5-4812. out•r. aarJNID LADY, lua.Ued lac:oae, .... ~011'111* hoa., llhldio apt. lor ..U ud tuM ned ha.r· aihn•. • a.J • .-.ac ... Hov--em109 pclllliWe. 11oa SD, m1 1. eo..e Hwy., eon.. cW M.aa.r, CA92125. 17REALEBTATE FOUB-PLD -CCIII'a ..... $1 •• 000. Loat· l-fiA&DdD9. $20,000 dowll. S250 per -~.~a. Neqath•. Prlllcipala oaly. John, aqeDt, 646-1860. •ROUSES FOR SAI.E LAGUNA HILLS - "--$118,000 -11~.. &au. 3 bed· roo... 2 l:ireplacea, 1202,000. o.n.r. CaD J.ollfree awaber 1..80().. 532-3872, uk for hoar· ..... Adw&lda W6/TI7. NO QUAIJTfDIG -A.na·~~ c oatraet willa 1W pa~~ora••c v1ew of Oruq. ud L.A. COGII· bM. 3 ~. 2 betll, laaily roo a , fully up9raded, S10,000 dowa.. ., ow... CaD toUf_,_ 11\&&ber 1-100- 532-3172 .... for .... y. .. _ Adwalda lillllSI. CORONADO CAYS Coronado Island cust. boyfront lot. 85' boat dock. Pions avail $.425,000 with..,ma. HUUY! W011VATm sn.LIR ueda aoti'fat· eel bvyer. ~ priced J .w. ,..... l.&Ddlll9 P1aa 4 m WoodbJidoe. Pnc.d below ..,ket. 2,500 lq. h. ~ao... 4 bedrooa, 2~ b.tll, luaily rooa, luallriooua ~---11111111111 .... ~~-aut•r 111ile, 1arqe TRE8 VISTAS- MIUION YIE..IO New French Nonnondy ~ bedroom, • bath, guest house, pool. Near LAGUNA BEACH I lOS N. Ccwt Hw~ 4N-1177 • ~ ... ) CCNAb'y kitc:lJ.a, 2 lia- pac-, au, bendtaliy J.aDCiacep.d. Asu•ew- ud ..u.r h~. n. • tile -yv~~• ... beea w11ba9 lor. sa8.500. CaD s-cb, a.oea~. (714) 4N-ON1 . -IIOOIIDC.a' TOWMH*D FOiliAJ.E LAI<D 3-aiJ.)IK)()W, 2~-betll c-.. ..... tOWllllo••· 1155,000. 13.!5 .. -30,.., liua- CIIl9· lit r-.r at ~. 347 I. lllk St . 181- 2233 • BOUII:I FOa IALI JOW¥ II nauu llda Clln'UD 10Wif- HOUU a..-n. .. ta . StJ&tford oa AYOa, lqlnd s.-.a ... lor ... Of ..... Slut- illq at sa.ooo. Carpet- ed, ~. ahar-.w..d. Call ..,_. ...... 1-tQD.SJ:Z-38'12, ......... ,. .. Act-..... aaam. IIC»K>LUW llOMI -W.'w ...... eqdy - 0rUI9¥ Cout, ~ ~·>· ._.....__ ueo.ooo ...... bl. $140,000. P.O. Boa 280.4, Hoaolals, Bawa.U 11825. 0.:... CaD toJ1Iree aaaber l-I00-5:rl·lt7'2, aalr lor • ... ,..,., Adwatcll ..... OWID UQUIDA1D Makle ... , llodll Lido coaplea, l ·1lory, ooeu.-., 7 oWe• --. Allo. a -..pon loll: SIS. 000 eacla. owe. 611-4111. 71DIOCI&' --·aw. ...... " 110,000 lliDUCTIOII -............. t..IDI ,...... 10 •• u •. SlOO,OOO dowa. 0...... wdl cvry. c.u tclllbM ..... 1-100-132-31"12 • -lor ... ,...... Ad-wek:liiG'111. 77 IIIW. DTATE WAftm/ EICBMG£ MOiml LIDO COW· PLD -~ p.ro- fu< .. • ~. 3-*-Y. 1-ol .......... ...., caMdu 1031 wttll -· _. bayboat oceu- ,._, f-. New pda· cipMI oa)y. a.-.. 131-417'1. .IIOTOR IIOIIEI WUST SIU -LDfDY ...., ..... 22-loot. Mlat coaditioa wttJa aD tM ..u ... 18,000 ..u-. .... oft. -$15,000. Lea" •-•oe Aot ao.. (714) 710-0100. VACAnoN UNTAL -~· T1to9a Woto•- laoae. Lib -.... 8. AD ..U-coDtai.Md. Cl radio, fuJ1 b.th, eecudtJ depc.it pllll sm -tty. pllll a. a.ata per aile. for .-natiou caD toUiree ·--1-ac».SJ:Z-3812, uk for.._.,.. ... Ad- wakla W2'722. IDIT 1•1 OVIILA.ND OIOtOr ..... 30', .....,. 7. ~. !keatal aile. 152-0853. IL DOIAOO alaa •otorla oae. 1873 DodGe. 'lJ)'. ..,.U..t ~.~. ac-t ... ..,.. .. -... ha.b. M.!DO. 710-1243. 1871 OVIILA.D ..oe~.-.-.. e. f.n, ..u-coeaa...t. au cood.. ve-rator. 8,000 .ul.. Too ._y ...... lo b.e. $28,000. CAll toWree Dual~. 1~532..3872, uk lor PeDAyaa•er Adwatc la M1 •. •RECREATIOM VEIIICLD DUD IUGGT -.tr_. '-9al. 1-..ul9 .,. pu, coa_pa...ly bhle- pdated. Conatr cone -viae. vw tr__.. ... S3.500 CaD miJ. b. •-"' 1~53Z-3872, Mil lor p_.,..,.., ~ .... •u:aYJCE/ UP AIR 11~/ 'GUAT TI.AJIIPOII. TAUC* bef91ial Willi ......... 1., . .-. D 400 lpedal. l.- .._l,OO-....tiS•P9· ~ coa4Uoa, ..... .... $1,27'5/ ....... Cal (714) tll.JIIIOS •.cn:::ua 17AUYOI WAift"ID usm cos wA.NTID -Up to S!IOO pMd.. ·--at.ao or aot. Al.o wrec:lla. AU for lack, 147-N71. JIIPS. CAAS, PICK-UPS boa $38. AniJ- .W. at k»caa ao..r.-••t A•ctiou. for clinctory, call (105) 887-«100, ut. 2306. Call NludabM. CIIIVIIOLET 1871 CHIVROLIT Woua Towue Coupe. Air COild.. AM/FM caue tte, 4 -•p•ed. u .ooo. Low ..U..O•. oood coocliUoD. Call toUIIW DuaMr 1-800- SJ:Z-38'12, uk for PeADJ· .. ,... Adwatcla M4483. 1871 CORVITTI SO..• AaAi"rMfY lclUioD. 21,000 ..u... air coed .• all poweY, AWIN 8- IJ'acb: .-.o, 4-..,.d • eacell•at coDdJtioa . Sll,OOO. CAll loUfree Duab. 1..tQ0..!32-3fl12, -kw p ... ,.. .. , Ad· -k:lwa26. DODGE 1m DOI)GI ASPIN -~ lcbtioa. 81acl/ w\ite laterlor, au, po'ftf pacu.g., AWifW an10, -~ Ill vnlll ooadJtioa. $2,500. CAll &oW:r.e llwaMr 1-too-532-3872, uk for P•••ruv•r Adwatcla )GSMO. FORD UAU11J'UL '85 M..euq Coe..mble Garaoe Jr.pt, ~ac\ll\tJ ay1taa. AU wla1te, 53.000 actual .U.. 14().7765 HOJG)A 18'78 HONDA ACCORD -A.u, .uurw. -UrM, ••rr clea~~. $5,000. m-3545. JAGUAR 1-JAGUAI COUPI -.... e&91M aad tn-IM4oo. bcelleet coodWoa a-t olfer. Call 174-5125. ICERCEDEB IEIU 1.1 WDlCIIJIES 300SD Turbo o.-1. Llll• -. )ow .u...o.. loaded t33,500. el2-1887 MIICIDIS BINZ JSOSL -Dark 9- !Ml&Wc. qreeD '-t1le• l.llteriOr, 2 tope, loecl.ed. N.ult coad.atioo. AWG. froat aDd bed IJ)Oiler. ~.. .. 1m. 23,000 .w-. 4815-3514. OP f · . · I I ..,. . · . uTallll rr...t..•aa•• ~ IDftCII flA&DciAI Ntea-ta, paJIOU, ~ly tu reba.rlla, eMil a.uave--•. b..,_.,...... aDd procedW'M, aDd ~ illcolae tu•. M$-4211 ADDIT101CS 1r RDIODELIMO WBYIIOftt DDIIC)ftl Rooa eddltloa aad r.-od.&. Hllbbell Coo- .tructioa Co. 511-7111 ASPBALT SEAL OOATIMG/ DRJYEWAYS ASP11A1. T BEPAII ~::. ,,.. ..... Uc:. 387312 ... ... AI.LITATE PAYIRGCO • DUIU11'1"G GAADJNG a PAVING •a..kl-tiaJ •Coaaerdal ·~397104 M2--lniD IAJl1'EIU)ER8 PBOJIISJONAL BAR- TIMDD IOJ' ,_, -to edd tllat tpaci&ltcNcla to tllat ipeCia.l ooc.-.1 CaD: m.t002. IEAUTY SYCS/ FlfftEIS SALLY'S BIAUTY NOOK, 1• I . 17111 St., eo.w-........ bola S11.!!0 sp. T'mtiaQ, SI.OO sp. SlauaPoo ud ..... $4.50. froebDq, Sll. 00 sp. Hairc:'ll ttill9 , S3.!!0. M2-'J&G. CO WPUTIIIZID IOOJLDIPUIG boa $15 par aoalll. PayroU, T.A.C. (114) 131-2720. CAaDQTS -Cllllloa -.d., luk:...... booll-~. ban, qaraoea &Del CMu Ta.&Jia. 841-8827 cl.ap, 140-7154 .... ai.D9I-A.ak lor Toa CUPDITIT CALL PIU ._ r~ W...; ...u _,.. .. ud CMlcl ftlplir _... I .L hrbu (Scov lnlla), m-1047. JJINCH 000118- Coa~ luM.Datioa la .... ~orto repa.c. o'-' ...._. doon .ad wmc6owa. W0tk 9MJ&a'-d. a. '-rU.. IJceu.d COli· lr<Jetor, 173-7383, Toa Hoopw.Uc. ~- C AU'DI'BY WOU - Patio C>Ofta, decb, r:-*•&9& lllli ... ..,.U. AU typee of ~ti'J. No lob k>o IIIUlL To.a, 1551-2!13. CARPIN'TIR: SMALL JOB ~~pec:ialU!t c.b· &AMI. w.U ILillta, p&oel· IAQ, aO\&ldLDCJ, Q .. ~ ltor~~Qe, cMc:b Fr .. eallaalea. Nader' • HaDd~rb, &4.2-3789. CUSTOM FURNITURI DISIGNKD ud bwh to ,our 11.-d -w.U Wlita, boolrc-. labt.., cab- ta.U, "oreQe IUllla, ban. Call Jobn al •Fur· nature Woodcraft," 855- 8417 01' 558-8104 --- CARPET CLEAIUNG CA.RPnS CLIA.NED: Ca rpell ate• mi d ry cleaMCI Floor atnp- piAg/wuiAQ. Soutll .... WaLDtnuc:e. (714) 751· 8001 DCEU.EJn CADET CAllE Apa~tmenl, apbol.tery, ., .. ruv cle&Du!o. Worlr QU6f&llleed. , ........ -••· Jeck luitl.aQ1on, owaer/operalor 645· 1771. BOllE SERVICE C.rpe« dJelDQ, clM.D· LDQ, rep4Un, •••rvenc y flood, upbolatery cle&r~· lDCJ, dJeLDQ, porcei&LD clup repaua, hberv'- tu.b rehnialuDQ, repatra, tile clMJ~LDCJ. pohduno l ac. A-CONBS 131-$123 oc.ca•••• AU'IIALT MKQIIIQ •DIIO'fiU. Sltiploader, d••P lNc•. ~It Mlaaer. Low ra .... aperiftoced, qu&Uty work, luwed, .... ..u.. .... 157-IUI STAWPD>CONCUTI. NaaJ colon, ~ru DrlveweJ•. pello•, eld.walb. rr.. ...,. aal• L.c. 377651. (71.)552-8751 CONCUTJ DRIVI- WAYS. Sadewalb. pahoa, bloc:lt walla, ~ . .u typee brick. ~-(714) 842· 3002 CDIDCIWOD l..apoaed awreoate pool deck Qwility work at a r-nable price r,.. eatlmalea, liceaMd, booded, 10au.ed 855- 8588, Toay 6J9.1.a8, Milo IB'IIIIPIOOBI: TM t.Jl ..mo. UfP&l .-ore. • .. hanll9 wood. 'Nlfl, cer..UC. Low p~ ....... Pl&u ~In). (714) !11· . Loce.ll, OWII!ed. IIAIIINE SUPPLIES? read Cl•u4fled FUJUOTURE REPAIR• RESTOJlE HAND STRIPPING. repalr i119. Anllq•••· rattan, ~ fu.ruthA,. Cbail cul.ov. naaluA9 SPIClAL -aay chtil. anJ color, baad- atnpped 01 reoloed -11~.15. A TOQC:ll ol eta. IDt.non, 711 W 17th St., A-2, Coate w-. &U-7712. STIUPPING AND RJ. fiNlSHJNG -No cLp- Plll9. Haacl Nh oft ace aACI pallo huatlure, pamled 10 &oak bke ~. c;-.reboD.a of e.apen· eAoe. GARAGE DOOR OPEMERS GARAGI DOOR SPIUMGS: Hardware, electroalc openers l veal.a9•· weekend• A..tl[ Door Company. (714) 883-1471 GARDEIOMG B WlLSON a SONS -Bulldara. Jr.. ..u. COMPLITI GAllDD· ..... JO ,_,. e~rt· lNG SDVJCI. W .. kl,, ence Boad.d Lac No ba ·weeldJ, montbly 357487 646-1740. lllaiD._ • ...,. Spnnkler repau, "" worlr a.nd llEIIDEift1A.L ulllmv rr .. .mmatN ~dal.-od.a 549-a1, ~ • m to 10 Poet ColUilnw:tiola Co p .m ruuah work, redwood decltt, pebo eov.n, AWIIUCAN GARDIN· ho •• uapro•ea eala D -Yard cle&Dupe, Very reuoaable INe tnaatJ~Q, Land RelereAC•. Jr.. ..U· -=-PLDO 7 .,_.. n · 11141M 857-2989. perieac:e J r.. Mh· OVIRHOLT Co.uiNC· 111 ..... Dan. 646-ln39. bon. RemodelLDo a.nd riRS'f INPRISSION etc Jraa.1.D9, draJW.U, Total I.A.ad8eape S.rv· baJ Wllldowa. Freocla !Qea. lule.ll.ataon a.nd doon Qwlhty et low mamlen&JlCe Tr .. •rv· pne.. Cell lrJ&n. 1ee ead c leenupl ..._ ___ ,...., ___ ,) 54..;.i-~'n=76;.7..,.,.......__ Sp ra ale leu, low • MJP Ea._.,n-teiiiO.adoa We do II CARPET DYEIMG ~a:~r'lD .u . ., c&ll• nn. DYE YOUR C UPIT· b.nJ.ah c~lry Your ROTOTII.LlNG J)()NE Coven led1.nQ, lllama bouae 11 you pa~.c.• Dl1tT ct...p G&rdau, Co lora /ermaaent. 631-21841642·3672 Oo-r beda. l•wu. lluarantee C ualolll t.ad.c:AplDq &ea.oa 0yen,(7~)760-7170. t-----====.;;;..~.Jable •••· rr .. ad-nee ~ 646-11liaa~ CARPET IHCW.TIU DOWN TO EARTH INST ALLA noN '-"' ..._ t..wa and Gardea S.rv ......... 1011 Coap&ete uaata.lle BILL'S CAA.PIT SDV. ..,.. c..e. ....... _, taoo, ,.aovatioa ud ICI. lnatallahoo and ._.11 11 IDaiJiteaaace ()u&hty rep&&n. Ouallly wo rk. el Jet -.-z Mnlce et down-to· lau pracea C.U 8111 •t eutla pncea S.11afaed S52-5826 ev•nUIQt 1714) 142·01l7 eutoae fl our fuel CARPIT INSTAiJ.D Jl-.....;.-~;..;.;::;..;.;;~--'1 (monty C.U uy11me, av4l1l.ble. fte.paln 11 64&-..:.:.....:,11::.;1:.:,~="'-=-==- ,_,. eape.-.-c• c.u CUSTOM cuaeiCERE Rua, 548·9265 WOODWOU Lawa IDAIDie aaace . clM nYpl large and ~--------~~~~ ...u r ... lriJDmtnQ CAR WASIUNG • aad reaoval free NOBILl SDVJCI at MbaaiN 548-606!1 or your home or office 646-1578 c--.. band wuluao GARDEIUNG and LD._nor deta.ilinQ e.aw~ IJ & S GardenmQ S.r ''Tre.dllloNI Detader .. Refwat.-AI WOfil V'lce Geur&l eleu-up, Ofhce boun· 8 a • 11 au., ttnteed ma1ntenaace . edQe, e 111 l..ac UnQ• 11 a • · 131~3 w..diDQ. ferhh11nQ 11 p.a . 173-2244 --------~Call Jolt. (114) 551-H 0 0 S I C A L L S FULL WA.IN'RNANCI Cutoa ear waa and DRAPERIES and clea.n-vp Speclo&ha d.t&d YO\&.I cer r.tlecu lD9 lD coaaen:ial ud you. AU work Quaran· ahopplnQ oen._n Call teed. (714) 547-8241, TODJ, 646-7!56. (714) 633-iOXl R.uon· ~ 20% IUI'Uf I SPI.ING IS HERI. G.l able ra ... C.U ToaJ Off tU.ftM.a JOur laodacape til Or=" ahape We ofJer •rvac• CATERING •. 1':.~ ~~'111'1 I cov.naQ •ll •r-of e ht~~ ~-Uil & Del·~ landac:ape n..da Her THI UST PARTIES ere e llllllff wor14 Rtfe!t!ICU bor ArM apecl&lutta eetered by W..maeU1 • ,,. h tun tn I ''" Ntuaat• Newport Calenao So let M.r· lMIII*'I'' w .. ,l 1 a..eh I.Awa Sennce, tta.lli'a pr.o your neal L ---675-3730 ...... (714) 7li-M36. (714) 141-8441 "Nola - OOIICUTE PAnos • DIUVIWAYS Wood.-pebo co...-.. all IJJ* Mo jOb loc b191...D No 2V1235 AI) lot ha. 546-7102 DRYWAU IAUIS DRYWALL - flaDCJIDQ , tar. 8COI.LihC: cellinQ en wall le.a· turM Lac 415197 551-.wl DRYWALL TAPDIG A ll le•turu and aeo\LIUc. llooa .deb· IMIOI aad rata daa&CJ• fr• ..Uaa.... It"'-· m-.. GLASS W00181DGI GLASS IIIDCII•ICUDI "--deatt..l. eontiDeJci.al ql.ua tor aU PllfP08M ~lty worll ~n able r• ... 1157-0771 WJUOUI WIUOJSI WlallOISI Wanltobe aiuor c&oon. w.U. of a.lrror. lock'• Glua, (714) S30-7m IIAKDYMAR 'ADITUIG. PLUWi IMG, .a.ctnc&l &Ad oea etal ~~ Work QI.Uir· utMCi. r .... ..U.eiN lob, (714) 135-21.!!._ HAUUMG• MOVIMG PROP'ISSJON.Al SIRV ICI -Heuhno, mov LDCJ, tr" lrilaiD.lJ)9. yard oiMIUDQ. Unb.atable ..tim& .... 673-054.8 HOUSE CLEAJONG HOUSICLEANING Co111plete hou.-ciMA· LDQ, ep.tttmenta. bomN, coodoa Reeao neble raiM Relereoc.. C.U ..t .. r 4 p m . 962 2531, o.bore.h. HAPPtNESS IS KA V lNG TIWK for your .. U Let ua b.todle your cleaJuDQ aeecb We do 11 .Uf Ia b~aan-aance 19'75. Th. Noppelll 916-1300 CLIANING UNLIW· rTID. for e.aceUence 10 hoU.MClMJUDQ, prOVId · LDQ all auppUN 1nclud · ID9 vacuum Trual· worthy ud dependable C.U today lor •h mate $46-3726. HOUSJ:CUANlNG - 12 yMrl eapenence G ood referenc e • w .. k.days and S.tur d.ty C&IJ 111 even1nqa S43-6S40, Sylvte STE'IE"S CASTLE CLEA.NING 3 bdrm/1 beth. S25 • bdrm/1 Va beth SJS S.tl.liacllon QI.IAirant..d We'll clean your cu tle w1th no huale Call ~120 LYNN-=-s-N O P N BUCKET CleAOIDQ S.r v1ce You IIIN 11 up we ciMA 11 up' CaU lyun, 552-7692 On c•ll ~y, bi-IIIOnthJy and monthly SWIDiSH C L!.ANING S.rv~ce Complete houtecleanlnQ/ape rl me11t empltN and wlll dowa E..ac.U.nt work by p rof-aonab We d o what other• prom1M - tb.tl't why we re the beM Reaaona ble rates 730-0268. ---;ln•uL£ HOVSEC1.EAJ(l.NG L.AJifDSCAPilfG YARD R.FJUVEJtA noN CW...up • T,.. Tn• IIUDQ • I.AWII Reaove llo" • ~aplDQ • S.rv lDQ Kerbor AIN nUie yM ra Stete lace rued, 1n aured Fr .. N llmat• CAlL BOB ... t281 LEE'S LAHDSCAPING SDVIC I Bnclt, b1ocla conc rete worla Spnnk len lewna 1ns1alled Fr.. NUmat• •~ 5390. 4~ 0514 UGHTIMG MA LIBU LITE S rep4U red or lnatallecl Ou•laty work at " I<&H puce Repau rewor• c us tom d"1q ns Aooth er MIYICe from SPR£NK l!R SERVICE S48 2321 LOCKSMITH D EA DB O L T S IN STALLED 1" Kw1k set Shd1nq doon w1n dows ~urad JohniOn • Home S.Cunty No 01888 m•> 545.0541 MASONRY WHEELOCK MCDODrJ /CoiiCYe1e Bnc lt blocla stone floor llle. decorative d llttncttv• mteuora, ea le norJ walls, pl""ters patiO$ Relerenc" h censed bonded E~h maiN 551 I 370 WM H ANDERSON Mu cmry Block. bnck alone . lencM patios pla.nters walla Inter tor/eatenor r r.. @~ tuaetM 'L•• 380921) Bond..d tnsured &42 9699 MASONRY O UR SPE ClAL TY T •I• Con c reteo Bloc~ and S nell Ou1clt clf'ar. depend•ble Pl'ler S RC>dQe n PropertY lm provement 631 z.34<; MASONRY WOOD DALY Landscape FENCES PATK S SPAS DEC KS 673-1166 MIRROR E.apenenced O.pen da.bJe C.U Suwo (71.) MIRRO R BREAJC S S.0.3138 Ent.uqe room' thr • .......OF US I whatever' w11b m11 ror Any wall 8 xl2 I 4 Wall·w .. h mv. c•rpet plate ~J98 mstalled tbempoolnQ (uaan-1 Al.o llob Jhow<>r en ~lerday •bempoo) cloJur" ~tnd w"rdrvbc: SparlrhnQ ahowc ••e doorJ SJI OJ()() wUidow cleantnQ patc h plMtertno and petnhno BIG SALE MIRRORED AU ph-of houM w•rdrc.be d oon and ciMrunQ. 836 5429 shower doors C all S.m DIAHE'S HOUSEKEEP I (714) 996 3~10 714\ lNG: Tbo rOuQb. eapen 1 595 4.10<' eAced, hceued bond ed, ,_~Je Q64 MOVING a: 9766. everuno• STORAGE MOTHER 61 DAUGH TU w1ll ciM n your home IS yM II n peuenc e Eac e llent referenc.. Have lew opentaoa Call &.ckev or Fned4. 646-2251 IRTEIUORJ THE STARVING COL LEG E STUDENTS M<•v 109 Co ha5 grown l tr T 124436) Some Q -.--1 •erVlCf' Call 64 ! 84.27 ABC MOVING E•p•rten .d prof,.• "onal 1 .. .,.,.,, , ... ,.., """ Mllm"'"' Ou•clt .,,. hd • '"''tot SS2-0410 £XiERJOR STARVING ACTO RS DESIGN I MOVING COMPANY WOV&D!? OOROTH'Y I Ch.tnqlnQ atlle• Nr NAPJCIE INTEJUOR~ heulea1 W• nu<tl~ wt•h c&JI help vou qel 11 all our mur.clf'' L1c•n •' I a09ether COMPLffi I '"'"'"'1 tJ7l 0851 DICOR' (II V-B Wtlh W&J Sla.ne l S48 Q798 m-9• 642 1691 LANDSCAPING OllEEit SCENE lAwn tr-•brub• In rtallahoa rotolllllnQ trnam1n9 end remov .. l Fr .. Mhmat" Ah•r 4 p 111 , 646 1578 or S4R 606S VIC 'S LANDSCAPE NURSJNG CARE PRACTIC AL NURSE I proll!••onal d uly Me lot It•• d1wbled ;>n I "•I•• tn•J aq..d ,nd c-h roo1call~ II H .rlv ~ "'' ~<'tlv ratet .24 ho\11 W IVIC'. c .. u M" T""" &4'i ZCll7 PAlHTlNG ~Ulna YOUt C•r7 I C•ll Cluslned 673·0'50 PA.UrnNG PAINTING lnter•or !.ater1o r Lowe•t r•te. prompt, ll .. l .. rvtce ln a rM lo r 10 y .. r. r r .. eatiJDAies (714) 848 5684, (714) 636 71 49 SPECTRUM PAUlTERS Cuttom 1ntenors .. nd eate11ora Gu.uent-2 yMrs Reltorencf>s "" .. hm .. ,.. c.n '714! 964 4828 Leave mas MOe COAT O f MANY COL O RS p&~nlln~ In ter 10r/e:xleuor Jcousllcal ce1lw9• S.rvtnQ lrvto" and •urround lnQ •"~'" Call 540 0240 L.c 1 158400) PAlHTlHG Ren denttel!Commercta l OualtiV workmanshtp Fr.. Mhm•tes Reo tooahle prtre• L1c 389203 ltm Wes• S41 3290 JAE'S PAJN TING In tenoT [xt•rtor R .. tden I hal./Commerctal f rM "hmat•~ Call 171 4) 5-45 31JI JIM It CO. PAINTING • lnte11or • £:ate rt01 ~~ V&<IIS fr~ f"lomAlfiS The M.wport EoaJgn Wedn.eday. MayS. Ita Pop 1:3 PAPER HNGING POOLS/ O RC HARD WALL SAtJRAS/ CO V!IUNG Eape11 HOT _,_a/SPAS alrtppiAQ lnal.llala(lli IV~ R-nable retft tr.. ZEE'S .. llnaeiN Releren< • POOL SERVICE. Calllrme. 631 .. 57& I Compl•le ma1ntenu c-e WE GALS a.nd repear h c-eUenr SHOULD HANG rehe bl• work t ... w pnc" Owner t~per TOGETHER ated c.u 6J1 572S Wallpaper 1.0.1t.U.hoot1 KEV .U.S POOL StRV e nd pa~nhliQ ICE ~tdenu•l Apart 139-0730•554--4727 1 meola Co mmer c 14 l Ac 1d wa1 h and repe111 PREC ISJON WALLPA Hon .. t 6 nd d•pendahl• PER KANG~S b perl 548 4037 r r•l• m•n ~h~~ Jw ••'• 1r-••hmet• Cell uo •nd w ve 2(1~,. jQ '" v >U r P"" hot.., ul .,ellp .. par Ct~mm~<t Ctel R•••d<'nUal t-.42 20o47 HANG IN THER£ .,..,,., En • Wallp.ape1 F ,_ POOL SER VICE SJ~ month Sp• MtJICe '25 mo nth G uarotn le•d C .. U lor trw .Mpeclloll bJI 2720 WIND IAM MER POfh St." ,. Ouahlv pvc.l -au• re~ a ll• «up ph• .s.nd 0>4Utpmen• '71 4 960 4b89 e lorno•e rf'a ru bl"l rat.. ond pruteut 11ol I ••• •·c•• 549 141 I CAll CLASSifiE.D RAILROAD nES I RAILRO AD TIES 673-ISSt Govd lof'lec•ton ol \S c Sl4 ltN r .-dtoltver ... t pe<O .a I 2595 L..q u n• PET CARE/ I Canvt~n Ro•d 1..4q .. r,., GROOMING & .. ch 4~ 41&4 PAMPERED PEi lu es de'~ •unllllll lor ID•t,llnQ REMODEUNG ... ra.. ow Pfli'N I REPLAC E KITCHEN reduc e qualttv care •m COU NTtR TOPS pro " tx.uom hoe Heck I W h h , --L 1 • ve popular .•Jr• tr. wt1 •m .....,.,.,nq or l •toc~ Alo.o lrtl hf't ~n< lhPr ptot lcv1nQ ar· remodPllDQ Free "''' P ur.•o'ln~ nupnv Hul du• mal9• Mvt"etopl 71 4 SCREE1fS MOaiii ICilEEM DOCTOfl Reptir/fteplece Cut~o• • R.euoaable 131.aoG Leave~qe SrtUGHTS SKYLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY All wor• ou ra.nl..d One day tn•tallallo n W .. too eo-tnac11on (714) 913-1737 SPRINILERS SPIUJIII[LEJI SYSTEMS Rep'"' • Convefllona ValvN • Controll Commerc~o&l!ReaJdent~el W...nlellarlce 131- SPRINJCUJI REPAIRS Ouahty work et • la~r p uce Automa110ru r• pa111 rework cullom dMIQU r SPRJNitl.£R SE.RV1C E 548 2321 TELEPHONE ANSWEJUNG SERVICE MAll It MESSAGE SERVICE oOitll\ JCC U IOnal UN of TVREPADl UPIRT T'lilvJ.sl6tf SDVJCE 15 ,.._,. •· pe raeoc e Da,laavlttl .....boda Low r•'- ln horae eallaeiM , '6 95 c.u He~. 96{> 1764 TYPUfG TYPING SDVJCi w.dacal reports. , __ MNICe tt..M I'M1 eleclrocuc typewnler 832-5619, anytJ.- UPHOLSTERY UUPHOLSURY DR.APDJIS -C..toa Work Up to 50'\ oH melena!• ,,_ •• ttmeiM Sou\h PoLDie Upholatery. la9u ne HIU. 768-!1009 VIDEO SS9-SS19 PAINTING WALLPA PERING Ea•.-r. r '"'"' tor res1deo1 al cumme r amp•'-• ... 1 o. <;58 ~ I H 'f' All r•ilt.lv pr • et<1 t. ~rd.r.q oliO m1r ~ •• , li ~· 105<~2 t... ROOflNG tt,r ~t and or conJer .. n ,. room Phuto copy .n J w 1d proc-lnQ t.oclr tf'epmq 1ele opv r \I 1olllrw 800 hoe •v&tlctble G re•t New ~ VIdeo Servka ~~~ (JC(ofSIC)m P'~~ rro;O'd«J M lo4deo 11tpr c1al bu11n•'' t e~•au rants Aved!lbll' "'" mnqs w"ltend• Relet en<'es Don Ok.c 714 826 2496 DAVlO'S Ne ... po<' • m s• ••"' 1... J~ m 1M•r .Jt walkover r q u.d I'"'"' .nQ tor u .. tr u• I ... d un tOSldf' ond •U' f Jr tp P'-'tn'men• .,1: tt4'> 30'.), ~un• c .,nvon Rd L.. :.~••" e .. o'l( h 4<:M 01 41 1 PlANO/ORGAN TUNING PIANO TUNING fl,·r • 11r.·~ 1 ~I I ' > 3' , ... t~~··r. p.., K,., 953·92~7 I ' Owt J'l' PLASTERING QUALITY ROOFING P" n Ce n!er •ddr-and tor 1-O ld and n•w I I < <tltCln C.all JCetby 1 onstruCIIDn LlC&n.d (7 l_.) 760-0l ()() 10•un•d end bonded ,. Reler•ncf-u vauahle C ctll K•nnv Funke ar v •m" &45 01~3 ROOFING TILE lNSTALLAnON OYNAMJC C ERAMIC All •v~-n•w ·ld ,, pa11 o1Klu watror I tlf' .nstall•hon mter ~ r ltn l C-\11 Bcb aor e.tler1or and re 5 .. 8 0769 ~··"• Freooo estuoales ,. • P ,rc-h<>-"'" atl mater>&~ L. No 406022 •• ,. ~Qh "'. u~ IC 4()t., RAY S ROOFING CO I un· H ne wc rlt ·~ ·~c~ ·~P~ ·~E.-­·~b~ • 'You ~lf ' <All Freel Sl••• r •• (714) 556-7091 R AY S DISCOU NT PAINTING h .,., • .. , •t>r• I E., .. , t'r.C .. ,j le<!ISOnablt-f ,.._. e<1 ma te s ft.,f,..r,.n "' Chll 7!4 ).47 1132 ALL PHASES ,,, PLAS TFRING R,. •. c $4.rvtn J i I I Or•n l' ..t.4 504' l County AI: •ypo&S FrN> 1 WALLPAI'DIIIO e~uma'"' ,,, .r..d L CUSTO M TILE WORK ' LlceMed. e.qae~ J6!04Z A, w ·~ ~u"' A,ltvp•" '"51•11•1tons Pro let.t.Jonal qu•hty PACIFIC PAINTI~G CO I, • ..,, r •x'Pr 101 Es Pt • r11 l.Jct ••• and "'''"" R ..... r.c~t .. pnc e • ,_...,, ..l ;nrll .. , t" ··• ..-.J... 't~f~r enc p... F .. ,.,, ..,. "r ..... v•c~s -u( '· 1 4\1\r ever SPR N , SPECIAl PAI~Tl !o< , 1nt,..,. : ... , let 1 .,, ... ,fl.~'*'r ri'P Ou•ll•, ,. r ~ •nd m.t••· '"'' ·~""' wt...d Fr.-• Pl1tm .. te • f t"'i ~ ,.., 3471 PAJHT S.V.DILASTINC N •bodv N>s•• "'' 1 r• • Re11d"'n'"' • Comm .. r '' • lnd J<lrt' E.q :.f'r Pn ,..1 Younq ~I 1131 K K PAINTING . '• lr 'Pr''""' AA'•r r r~ ... u,-,,., l1d.t and \ ~THTH"frl\ ;,.,.. • 1tm"',. (', K 775 407<~ AM£R'C"~ PAJNTIHC SERVlet: "• """•II rAif'• I r <er f r...- ,...., mA'P M ,, ~ ~~ /ll.qc so·. ' It I ) I I· I A ... , .. , "r,.... 64~-30~1 [., I 1• I, HOU!>f DO< . .'TUR PaAnhnq quo\''" ¥eo r~ rroasontbiP pu.:.,. ft"~ "'llmc~te• S.'"'' .. • qu.ui nt_.t Cell ~t; ••. %01047 tnte>#iOf l •'•' .. Ae<xnltcol C e ~9\ Qe+e•e"<e' • '"h•'Nl Clovd•o ' PAINTING ·~• rlfi.;J r ~tn.,r ttl •.-r ~ &' r w '" R -.id •1 n< 1 J .. m ... , !.. <t'll ~:~ A U PHAStS O f 1 Pl ASTERIN G tlt •que r• '>r~ u;d ~··"nQ s.,..., t>< .... k 1'"1-s •i •' ... ~ t> "'4~. LATH • PLASTER r. 'P~ or •• ll,.,.~ • • > ·~<; S ..j,,.j I .... PLUMBING . A~L HEZ PLl'MB1NG H4',.den•ldl C ,.,rn,., Sr·" 1&! :111u r r•r r•r 'f'l ' ci .. r ' , ' L .,.., 'Sf» ~ b()Qo.!? \:: tl t I 1r-• ,,,. ~ ... , .... , DRAIN~ C'U ARf D f ·Ill s .. s. r • ..., • ., .. AI " • ~ 1o'l r ' '•.. R,. ... ,. r 'bl• r ~ '-.-rva ., a n 11 J Dr, M ,.,,., /,4 ... ~ N' , O fF AL: l A BUR sf. ....... , J r I ·~r •" I r rl"l r • 0f'l'"'n iat:o.e ... , "' •t ~ ,. m1 , l• .,.., , ... " o~.>\. r ., • 'Tit -~ PlliMBING RU AIR!> Ill j dr ~•n• R.~P ' ., !,x.• '~.! n .. • "" du; R .. .,. n tblf' r•••! .. s• n'.J\-4r.t S••v .. • l]l :Jll) PAYLESS DRAIN Pluml onQ ~H'I, Dr •tr•• l(>odr .. d C" r, .... 7., " j 1rfWi" •'(• m a'f' h "'VIC" All p u:nt r. l rf'P""' G t • tn"it"'d ~ ,.. •c;; tt:Jil ~ MAC K PlUMBING " HEA TING ('('I Rr1 , · .. ,, • ,. .... 'J1p ' •• 1-'. rr: rr. f'r ' '' ... t i"n'•• ._,..,. .., L , 1 ~r.t..d '\')'I H6ct 1,. 16IUtnQ •n re worlt JO~ d i8Ca-l oa on .de tr.J l1tcner. •nd w•L coverlDQS ,,.. HUBER ROOFING A1l tvp• N•... rec"v•r FIRE P ROC fiN G derh L1 41l!l01 ~· 9734 HENRY ROOflNG 5~·• •• _., rq •T' 'h•n.:J••c. I r hnf' homl'• S•dewall ~nj •hair,. L1c 4 . 'i2.l2 ~· 6213 HORIZON ftOOflNGCO . L .,. a ·,.. r r"P<' r • d .•. I l L ~2C ~8-3609 • t 6 73 osso ROOM ADDITIONS RLX:...M ADDITIGN ; l< • h•r t,. .. th•• ms ,.,., r.-.""' r ,,, .. M .. 'W\.. r-. P H • r ~ tt Pt-•fll• S R ... l1•" F · pen~ lrr rr w•mP I tJ\i 2\4' SECRETARI.AL £XECUTTVl: SECRET ARlAL SERVICES It\ • • • -• ' 1 '• V ·• • •r 1 1 .. 1 • ·-N. ~ .. , .. "" r B·' (7141 ~~·21.2 THt 8f.:-> w•t O~•l.•v worllman e s t1 ma te • Da•e ,,., ~ Fr,.. Mltm•tft I W -U17. Re te r enc-e • Ron WALLPAPER PAINT lol ll 7791 C lean eaperl worll CERANJC nu; Low raiN Fr .. eab r C T m•IN len'a Decoral rs ounte r ops 71•) 778-5416 Sh we" £.apert to •DO otall~tlton G uar•nt..d wvr k tr.. estlm•• .. 54'> 5206 SHOWl:Ft TUB PRO B LEMS ' We ""In Qual• ·•••m•C' • t.. rutall• '• L.,en~ f rH '"' "'~'.... 7:4 811 I;( l8 _!4 h Ull 714) ttr:;c J8u.l TIL£ rNST AL:..A TIO N F • ,u ••r•d t """''lr :'tj,.,., •..d • f r-t'«1 'Tl ,,,., 1<llt:i87 Cat. \.lA • ')4 'S4 f>"'.:j'l TILE WORK Ar , NAV ., u wa.nt ,• w .. l 4lm..>Jl '-:-"rl•e "NY)~ ' ·~&N CERAMIC UN OLEUM WEDDING OORSULTA'!lOJC, ' SERVICES WEDDIJIG MUSIC V erM hle 1111.U1te lor .U eoN C ereaon-. ,. • cepllo na. beoqt.Aet• Duos'lno• Neab.r, Afo4M Weddm9 aad ConventiOn S.rT~Ce of St.. Ca hl SSi-1333 WINDOW CLEANIJtfG WI NDOws-SPAU U NG CLIA.N A .. r •o• 2 atory U9 CIS-17 w1ndowa) SlS IDJ.ru mum Scr .. a..IDclud.d Phon• Ntlm•t.-Benner T • ~ 1 t. • ''" ' Bro.t S45-JIS8 ~·~ "'" 1 R•' "" t> " ORANG E CO AST W• IN,. vou wrlh • br o1h'"' ~u tlo ok ""•'•.:J" hou• 1.30 TR££5 rre• ••• m a te• F.XPERT TREf :>lRv 83(1 t-1. I ICE Tr"• ,nd •hrub WINDO W SERVIC. • mm r ; .... J ,.,m, v•l 1 ou.tr.nteed 0 1 mc>JNr y I. j l .. an p r ,..., ~ b•c-k A"v 11m• eoy "'• -... C • -"' <;\If!.' I plac-e Evenmqs oat-, 497 &46J 1av' 4i8 •RH. EXPfRTt Y bi4C TP.I M'-4 H .n.i '""'~ , WlNDOW$ WASHED .. ; ••• '\'•1 And ltvlne t h.lt &u•c I 1 •' I• • " R,.<\• '" Jlon S210 2 ttory, 1.30 I ,. .. •t.. ''" 1 • 1 Re d•n11el'co •10•r "'' TR H StRV f L1rJ• 'I I'll Tr...,. 1 .., Jt ltl'"' \l '-""' ' • "'t J '" t 1 I t Ul-1302 WROUGHT IRON THE IRON MAft • Wt"dow G uarda • f enc .. • Gal" • W .. ldtnQ Fabn.-allon Call De11Qna/lnstell a 110n Low _pnc ... baoh quah ty ca..n ups rep.ttrl R.terencea (714) 857 1!108 STEVENS PAINTING t~~~n "t .. l .. n•u., l -'1 t~ l.1 e n.,..i ~c,q II.~ '• l4 o.; ~ TRt E :-l R\'1('[ T r rr.m lt\1 IOJ'PIDQ .. r '~ 1r1 1 .,.,.. lf""ov&l 730-1400 WRO UGHT J:RON W1n dow GnU. DKorall•e. lue _.. burq&.r proal Low .. , prtc:•• Cell (714) 633 540 IIEIU\A LAJroSCME We reao~N o&d oraJ"O eod ~UNJI new 1oa1aot POOLS/ SAUNAS HOT TUIS SPAS POOLS/ SAUNAS HOT TU.S SPAS 1 .mp rromov '' Y •rd """ •r l , ....... ~ .. od r •u r-d 0•• •h•v ~~K>rlr f :,.. "•'•m"'4'• t'4tl '>I'W CONCJlDI AND NA· SOlfJY Pallot, dec:b, brick lalaJ, clt~ ..... ,. 1lriUI ~ r..o.&l, plu .. n . llnt-ri.a91, Woe• w.U. ,,... .......... o... !»-,..,, (1.ae. li:M2a) PLASTIRING. ~IC cemao We clo It all. ...................... CIQtcM. --1215 iiifijf:~:;::::taod '-wn We h4ve iii llu&9ra... lermud• is now offering spe Cials on e xten ors free item1zed est1mates many local references neat dependable work ASK FOP. CHARLES TREES SECUU YOUR NOPDfT wllh r-u.ma ..._.. •• oameatel ~ron AU -tk q oAar .. teed 1-5a-9811 Jill DTIMATII oa ~. WOc:-11 or bnek· '""'· ... coutneUoe -~..aa. Cal .. ..,.... COifCUTI WOJK. '•"••· 4 r \Ye•:J:.• bh a:w.a.. ,.. . \ .... , .. h'bos, ... c ..... Uc. ~. ,..., m.J:IIJ. 7'11-an. • ai\Cl Dlc:ondta .oct Low r!j~ l1c enud DY AJn'S LA.NOSC AP IMG -Complete lrM -~ LaWft r•nov• 110ft a11d lftHija iiOn lnck, atone block C:OIIC,...., ,.110 d nve· w•.,. Guarent..d, h ~. 1..-vred SJf 0114 ---r- (71 4) 6-4S-JJ.48 Of" S-46 4561 INTERIO R AND EXTERIO R W ORK INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • ACOUSTIC CIIUHGS RDAQfTlD • • PA~AJtiOlMG. liMO VAl. • • 0" UAITUCCO .. UAI .. • S YEAI OUARAin'tt/EXT. COWPLITI CLIAHING SUVlCE u •C..,..eOf.-.· • HJGH QUALITY- NOT HIGH PRICES • PlliSCon' ROBBINS ... • Acfvk. n..-..... ~ • PonaW. ..... o..e.o. • r. Do• • ... ....,, ........ pocll ............. ". T Pl'•d r •rtt cv •d ~l ... n up law" reoov• •,.n 7SI \4 /b • • I I . I I. • .... M WMr11lla,. Nay 5. 1-Th. ·~ £o.lp SKYHAWKS REGAL Nc*oe 10 8uyw -Tl'le IIWOioe 1otel lndudee fec1ory ~ ..s llllheiM19 MIOdllllon Elllllliill.ill ..S II no1 I,.. lec:tory COM Ptloe 101M...., The IIWOioe ~ lfllo not r-.:t 1M ul'llmelll COM o1 .. wHc:le In*"' ol .... ....,_......., optlonl.,..... ..s....,.,. .... lrOI'II .... menufec:t-10 .... ...., • CENTURY LE SA----- SUZU T UCKS • ••wnodelllki tracltkxd home with chace tot IOCCIIOn on Udo ll6e. FNe bedroom~. 5 •b:Jh powder room. ,.., and lip-room tor Outstanding vt.w. Priced at .. tty Kew lealty 673·1111 $375,000 FEE WITH VIEW UM Quiet end unit. Two bedfooms. 1 batt\ formal dlr *'0 room, 2 decks. garage door ~. Access to pool and tennis ccuts. Owtw-wel c:.tilttn~ $115.000 CALL10- 2732 E. COMT ttwV .• C'OIIONA DB. MAR CGI~7211 CM TRIPLEX $151,000 CORDIA DEl MAR-OCEAI VIEW A distingUIShed and spaciOUs home designed with swteping views from IVtfY !niL Four bedrooms. llfnity room. game room with antique blf vlfy private muter suite. Centlf roof ridge skytights. and tlv• levets of eatlfiOr dttkmg. $3,675.000 lynne VMintn 644·6200. SPYGlASS CUSTOM A luauriOUs country enghsh estate on the highest knol 10 Spyga.ss w1th spectacular v~ew Dwgned lor tht d!sc:rmnallng buyer, tlus 5 bedroom home 1ncludts gated entry. c•rcula1 stwcase and SC)XIOOS master su1te w1th I ~replace. $2,1 00.000 lynne Valtnllne 644 6200 50' BAYFROIT! Water. water evervwhtre There 1ft water vltWS from all the llvtng areas of th1s IMOVIttvefY deSigned home on a 50 It lot wit h eacellent dockeng fac.,.t1es Four bedrooms. 4 baths, family room. dining room. Seaef Wtll carry t.ge second Best puce tntown $1 ,550.000 llltludlng land Dona ChiChester 642 8235 CUSTOM HOME BUILDING SITE Rare opporturnty to bwld yOUf own custom home Iff pte.stiQIOUS gate guarded commum ty of Btg Canyon. Appro1imately 15.000 sq. lett on cui de sac overlooking p11vate park IOEAllOCA TION $895,000 lynne Valenttne 644 6200 OCEAN VIEW EST ATE Custom butlt 4 bedroom. 3 bath home w1th outstanding v1ews of surf sand and Clly hghts. A tremendous value w1th assumable l1rst Subm~t your terms Owner w1ll ca11y large 2nd $635 000 Ma11ne Propp 644 6200 PRICED TO SELL Wtth ttrms to match Beaut1luHv decorated Spyglass Portsmouth lushly landscaped courlyard surrounds a pool and spa $450.000 Tom Allmson Terry Hanes 642 8235 BALBOA ISLAND INVESTMENT Two story home wtth 3 bedrooms and 2 baths Bnck hrf1)1ace and prtvate deck Separate 2 bedroom IC)If1mtflt Wtth patiO entrance Near south baytront beaches. SUBMIT Owntf Will carry. Front un1t avlllable lor owner Good l"er $395 000 lynne Valent1ne 644 6200 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-FINANCING ! O~ntr hu moved feo~n tilts spac10us custom corner lot home Ready to sell J bedroom w1th formal dtnmg. large lam~ly room plus basemel't $369 000 Fee Beverly Morptly 642 8235 THE COVES f•r.lus1ve 2 bedroom condo wtlh vtew of bay and 30 hoat \ltp SJ}!.J .OOO C.tll Cookno Allison 642 8235 NEWPORT BEACH-DUPL EX "STEPS TO BEACH" h cl'llent rental otrea Two and 3 bechooms Both untts ha~e lueplace~ nr~ dlciPI'' .tnrf pamt Owner w1ll help w1th lmanc:.ng $320 000 641 82JC., HARBOR VIEW HILLS Nf~ be1qr r;npetmg accents lht OPf•n lerltng throughout thl\ lu~k bwlt ) btthOOn' homr Grnund large Pnough lor pool or "'pan~tnn SP.t' '' v11u II l(n,,. I S /!'19 !lOO Mlltttll Propp 644 6200 May 5, 1982 Newpon Hdof Rew Estate For Salt Page 3 SPRUCED UP FOR SPRING! Come take a look at large Bayshores home on good lot -2 patiOs. beams. perfect remodel but new tmprovements make 1t ready to sell Reduced to S299.000 l H Make offer' Beverly Morphy 642 8235 Make otter ' CORONA DEL MAR! Duplex! Charm~ng 2 bedroom house wtth vaulted wood ce1knys. buck lt~eplace and 2 bedroom rear untt with hreplace and sun deck-PLUS guest untt wtth ft~eplacl' too' Great locatiOn-great puce S289.900 Hotly Markas 644 6200. ENJOY BEACH LIVING Four bedfoom plus huge bonus room and den-shorl 109 to ocean Great commumty wtth pool and clubhouse Only S279 500 land Ownet w1ll ca11y leil$ehold Subfect to tenant lease March 1982 Seller lie~ on fmanc1ng Jane Paqum 642 8235 WESTCLIFF POOL HOME All the comforts and warm decor beam ce11tng custom shullers sparkling pool proles s1onal landscaptng m thiS 3 bedroom plus lam1ly room Westchll home $269 000 tn eludes land Jane Paqum 64 2 8235 WESTCLIFF B11gh t and sunny home tn yrec~t netghborhood Three bedrooms plus lanulv room lo w mamtenance yard Good l1nanctng Close to par ~ ~hopptniJ dlld schools Owner agent $249.000 Fee Jane Paqutn 642 823~ EXCELLENT LIVING IN EASTBLUFF P11vate courty.ud enHance leads 10 ljriiCIOUS entertammg Two lhllcn\ •'""" Jl Catalina larye tanllly room brpaklast area 1 bt'drnoms "! ltrpplarP~ o .... twr Will cooperate •n lmancmq $?4'> 000 lec~sehold 8arbJrcJ Aune 6·1:> R:'J'I EASTBLUFF CHARMER Sparlrhng emo11onal atmosphl'le pre11ath •n th•s 3 otus lam•lv • onrn lu\~ llf'dulv Numerous custom feature\ rtnd upqrade~ r.~.>wly landscaped wtlh pctr~l•lP •t•a• vatd Th1s shows hlrP a n~.>w hom!' b cellrnt lotalron ddtacPnt 10 u.ir~ $lJ9 ;ou )Jnr P,, qum 642 8235 SOPHISTICATED BLUFFS CONDO WITH PRIVATE SPA 8r•ght o1nd ~unnv 'G Plan l'nrl untl ll'cJhJitOij I h~·dronm ,IJIIt' • .u t "'"'h r •<lit hath Red~ood tfl'l ~ •Pd .,. th .tlltcJdcJ uvt•Ot""'• tllll lrntl!ll ~IdS\ .,.,,,,ISf.tl:l'll l """ 111 teres! assumdbll' I \I T 0 Pr.tt•rt unrfpt •niltlo.~>t '' L' lr, OOfl l "''q hr•hl P tttld Rr~ilv 642 8l3~l EASTBLUFF UNDER $200,000 W1• .trf' h~lcniJ ,J ~lll'rt tl huv Thrpp bl.'thn!lfl1 ·n ttw l11~k hwlt tr•··• •1 •ht• f ,, tblutl restdenr PS Q...,nrr olllolltl \ .1 It I , tit \ Y Jl I II' tltr k up rho VI' II ht•\1 hll•' $185 000 Cohv w,.,,, h1.' fl.' l'l PRICE REDUCTI ON FANTASTIC FINANCI NG For thl\ .' hr•rhontn 1 lt.cl" hun._. r ' ''' t ' )r , tt•• near Har llur Httlh S1 h(lnl 1~'11 ~ollu• ',,,~ ""1 !c~ t ~ , ' hn11 1 Donna riodshc1ll f, ~~ I '011 BICYCLE TO BEACH ! , tthl l'Vl'l ht•rh I• II ll I t "'''''' rlt l.tundt~ r Ill" ~"V ~~·~''"" rlt•.t h hu '" S I CH ...all .-TSCOIIDO 31Jf. 3 ba.,... e.-m •· quallf 111. 1119odld carp and -.... palto. ......... $155,00 IOIOIICMIU.,..1ZII IIAVIIW liA. • br. 3 bG. f.r .. d.t. ely and ~ w. Grd gale4 pool and ...... tT700 per mo. ... .,. 100Pa.12JI . 30 UIIRI AT 1.11110111 A JOlt bird lldledln todl(l ....... 'ltiMy lnOd ·n· .,._ ap-.111_. In Cll •c11111 ~ .... 1ncom1 on._ heM ancno.d IISS IR pGit ••11 yeant tor ,.,, lnlolmallon cd&: 101 LICAtA. ---..... RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES ... CA.YON t1,385,000 Spoctous 4 bec*oom custom home wtth sweep•ng view of golf course. Formal dtntng room w•th recessed ceiling. Forruly room wtth wet bar Goted oreo. Perfect for ochve family. ... CAMYON t7H,OOO Magnificent Verso1114n model overlooking golf course. Beouhfully londs.coped ond cored for w•th outstondmg cOOf'dinoted decor. Brmg all offers Own.r extremely motwoted. w•ll corry l~ge se· condTD. MYCIIEST t248,000 N"to#e fOf your money' Owner w•ll ftnonce wtth 20% down Of leose/ophon. Three bedtooms, 2'), both ranch home, well located. hponston poten- tial Very clean ond lots of charm NEWPORT CRIST t240,000 Sunsets ond seascapes owott you OCEAN VIEW luxury condo wtth $001tng ce•I•TIQ$. ftreploce, ond 3 bedrooms tncludmg master su•te Commun•ty pool ond tennts, walk to beach Fontoshc f.nonc •ng MAR.OR VIEW HOMES t223,900 Fee Monaco tn great private locohon Assume the ht TO and owner will corry the balance wtth 10"-down wtth no poymenls fOf 8 yean You can't beat the pr•ce ond terms! aLUFf:S t181,100 PTtced for tmmed10te sole' Owner w•ll corry ftnonctng on thts well cored for 4 bedroom home near pools. schools ond shops En1oy cool oceon bfeezes. sunny potto tn Bluffs Plozo locohon aLUFFS t138,100 Don't mtss thts e•cepttonol pt•ce' Cozy 2 bedroom spltt level condo Deck overlooktng w•de greenbelt Peaceful conventent orea Commun•ty pool ond sh~"9 neotby. U,IIIICUMINTI t1,180,000 Cyptul ShOfes oceanfront 4 bodroom home In guordvote community llk)it v•ewl Private beach, pool. spa ond tennts con be en1oyed tn this super spot on Southern ColtfOfn•o coastline Flextble financing. INEIUII&.D t224, 710 Lorger 4 bedroom fomtly room, dtntng room, pool. apo, necw pork and school. A mU1t s.-fOf onyone looking for fomtly home. W tth 20~ down we con develop exc•ttng ..,ms that ore hard to dupl co• onywhere. ' CORONA DEL MAR SfrfGLAU $2,400,000 The ulhmote Vtllo1 4-6 bedrooms, 7 baths. faun lotns, electnc gote, securtty, entertotnmenl oreos, pool, spa, ltbf~y. conhno, master sutle, tde floors The most glonous vtew '" all Newport Beach IRVINE TEIIIIACI $498,000 A super vtew home w•th pool lots of potenttol .n thts spoctOus 4 bedroom, each wtlh •ts own both Probate sole Pf•ced below market w•th f.nonctng ovotloble CORONA DIL MAR $384,500 4 bedroom plus 1 bedroom bu•lder owned duple• Features beouttfully detotled wood beams, paneled cetltngs, leaded gloss and custom ftntshtng Moster su•te wtth Japanese tub plus ony• s•nk Excellent f inoncmgt HAII.OII VIEW HILLS t379,900 Beautifully upgtoded 3 bedloom wtlh huge tree ltned yard. Spo, French doors. hardwood floors. beamed cetltngs Mony decorator touches You wtll be •mptssed by the terms ovotlable Don't m•ss th•s one .IASMINE CREEIC t 336,000 Destroble 2 bedroom ond den decorators home tn sunny pastels. Ideal end untt Atr condtltOntng chormtng gardens Prtced rtght CAMEO SHORES t299,000 Chorm•ng 3 bedroom plus famtly room Cameo Shores home 80x160' lot one of the largest .n town' Unltmtted e•pons•on poss•b•l•ttes plus room fOf o pool Home tn great condtllon w tth super terms Don't m•ss thts onet HARaGR VIEW HILLS t2H,OOO Here 11 ts l Your ~tuntty to enter thts top com muntty, and get o super 3 bedroom remodeled home all for under $300,000! Huge lot ond good ftnonctng. Coli for detotls ond v•ewtng IRVINE WOODaRIDGE Chotce 4 bedroom home •n temf•c family netghbothood Excellent condthont Excellent ftnonctngt lovely spa, bftckwork and trelltses UNIVI ... TY PAille t 113,000 Htghly upgtoded Deane Home, 3 bedroom ond fomtly lovety brtck potto on 2 stdes Parquet fiOOf's and remodeled kikhen. ltght, open o•ry feeltng Lorge assumable loon. Owners ore very mottvo .. to sell BEACH COMMUN I TI ES DOVIIISHCNIIS t•7a,ooo Waterfront under S 1,000,000 least eApenstve on boy tn Newport 8eoch. INCLUDES lAND ond dock for 55 fl boot. lovely open feel•ng wtth bftck ond worm wood throughout Secluded boys•de garden potto surrounded by mulh-mtllton dollar homes CORONA DEL MAll $591,000 htro Iorge 2 year old duple• nestled tn trees on Boystde Ortve Gfeat vtew from eoch un•t of boy and ocean Excellent fmonctng on th,s one of-o- k•nd ptoperty at a pttme locatton LIDO ISLE t540.000 ~ bedroom den. formal dmtng room gourmet ktl chen ElEGAI"'KE ABOUNDS In thts odeol fom.t-, l'lome Seller •s offertng e•cellent ftnonc,ng at o very low tnterest rote LIDO ISLE $510.000 Prtme locotton on overs•zed lo• lovely spoc•ous • bedroom w tth pttvote polio ond grenhouse Fabulous fomtly ltvtng Steps to boy. beach ond tennts Owner wtll carry low tnterest loon LIDO ISLE t425.000 Newly ltsted on beout•ful corner locat.on Four bedroom home feoturong cathedral ltvtng room cetltng ond wonderful ltght e•posure' One block to all l•do omen•hes Excellent owner ass•sted ftnonctng a A VSHORES t1 ,450,000 Spectacular 3 bedroom l'lome• Gorgeous boy v•ew' Newly remodeled and decorated All new k•tchen Feeltng of openness ond space w oth custom detotls Owner ass•sted ftnonc•ng PENINSULA t249,000 lowest pr•ced duple• tn tl'le oreo Newly furntsh ed Ideal rental or beach retreat fOf the fomtly Gfeot locotton near beach Seller f tnonc•ng avotloble UNIVIIISITY PARK t213.000 DEANE HOMES freshly po•nted and decorated, ready to move .nt 8eouttfully destgned polio bftngs the lush lon<hcop •ng rtght tnto thts super 4 bedroom fom•ly home DIANE HOMES t174,500 Oulstondtng buy •n Un•vers•ty Porllt Just reduced to below market pttce fOf tmmedtate solei Spoc•ous 2 bec*oom detached home wtth dromattc cathedral cetltngs Gleot ftnonc•ng ovotloble Dal.ebout Bay & B WEITCUfF ... ProblflltW U. best buys in Newport a..dl. Ont end two bl*eont units. Alstluf patio owtrloablt splf\ling ,_ Two Yllf .W ki1ct.s. FmNy reftdi~Md inlriln. C.· 1110'11. 0... will help fNnct. 0,. Saturdly 1· S 1728 WestcWt, MD. 1 .................. ,., . $99.~ 1124 WlllcM, .... 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $109.500 1W WIIIMI.f ... liU MW -'-*'-~ 1ft die -. ... v .................... ., ..... .... CMrillp> a-. ......... ,.,.. ..... ca'$. CIIM1 11:, _ _,..._...._ ..... Aveillllll II¥ JUh._,t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 125,000 WIITCUff . . . Anrlttiw two lll*0011t. two Nth c.a F~ Min1rld -••~• Gra.d ,.__ Will to shopa,. lillflfY .. -Price-,...., t 10.000. Av..._~ .,,,. a.nt .............. Now $129,500 ... vu. ... HigNy ....... ..., ........ Roof, ki1dlln ..... , .......... .., ctrJ~tiRt-11 .... wittlin dlt ._. two,..,.. C.v•il•t to.,_, act.oak.,. country ct.&O...wil .. ...... Av..,.by....-.... .................. $134,900 •WNIT TliUCI . . . bctlent fin1Aci111-Nut *'t M*eom con& Priw~ey end -wilw. M.r atres Ia dMs ...... Newport .... rttfell Price,..... $22,600. AwiiWIII~~ .............. Now$136,900 COSTA •u fW•' irdst ••• ..._... to Jll. ~ tar COlli lOft. Thrtl be* U-. two ~ CAIIIailld flllity ..... •"' *PIM'-1t._ c:~rMic tilt. cMirW tllllity r-. IOWiuM, COURtry kitdlen. Two palios. Pool tia yri uclllat ~ ......... a-......, ...-.t-t. ................. tt37.500 'All Ull ... ._, tnd dlln condo. Thr• ...... two lftd hllf Mdta. Electnc kltc:hen. lfldudint chtl...._. o.toob pool _, .. -. c....nc to .,.. ta.~ts w .....-. Quick poiiiDM, Av-... by -..ointmeot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 145.000 IALIOA N..SUU ... SMhtr·lllllftciaiiOO>inconlt! T1nt lll*ooms. two batbl. fif...-. tnd endDstd patio 1ft front. Ptus ~ 11M at ,.. widl IM'f view. ~ furnished tOt summer wint• rentll. 0... 1110t~ltld. Radl6l finlntino Av-... by ....-.tlftlftt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t1 79.SOO .£WPOIT u.ll ... High be....S tiling "' llmo room. ~vtlftted kltcMn. Atrun oft..-blctf-. Two Ndrooms llld bltll '*-' Mnul room upltairs. Wllk to beadl Aw.._ by wointNftt . . . . . . . . . . . S179,900 U... 1M ..... . . . beellat finlnciAe, Gttlt • pert•ty f....,_ ••* II toll COUIM end gr-*'t. Two IIII*OGiftlend-. t• ...... Pra,..., us.~. ., ...... by ....... "-'.. . . . . . . • . • . . . . . • . $189.500 REAL ESTATE EXCE ca.EO _.AIDS . . . Eaallnt ~ 0.. 1a1a ................... c..-15~ ...... ........ buytr .. Qft-uistillt $150,000 ..... TlwwlfiCiM ............. lql_ .......... ...... Awaillttll ~ nr· ot t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $188,800 UCI lAY ... liU -tw1 .._ c:.a F ... ,.._ ~ r-. turliW .-. 2148 ...,. ... II -. -... r .. c...,.... ,..._,.... s.. .. t1 9ldl ..,. u•••• •, tint r-. ........ ..., JO •• t .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . 1118.800 t• ••Fs ... n.,.., "h...._ ...... c.M. nne ............. Atn. -.a. Two tiM ...... _, .. ~ Av....._ ~ ~ .................. $232.500 Clllll Ill ...... F-. .. ~ Cory C.,. C.. ..._Two_...,...,_.._ ... ._._. • .._. .._.,ill fll of 1812. Wlct ,_ llit 1M Clltn .. , A_......., 05 .................. F,_ $259,000 WU1Cllff ... s,.ieua *" Mh-. t• Melt._.. Two ..,.,.... ,..._ idiiiJ ...... flllilf _. _. diM-. A ,...,._,.._...,._. .......... IPtt& AwaiiiMI~ IJJI. 1 t. ................. 1260.000 WUTe&.lff •.. &· , 1 Eo •• .. canMtr ..._ .-• .._ C. · .., .._ "*••4 ewe Mill -.. _.. .,. ,._ ....,_ Iii u· 1• ._ c.,.as ....... , 1 s..tdint a.s • ...,,.s 1016 Dower om. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285.000 ~ VIIW IIMU ... Tllt ..... "c-.r' ...._ Thl• ........ .. ~ s,.aou. patio. luaunent ..,....,.,..,h.ewtllia A .... ..., ........ ._ ................. $281,500 TUITll Mel VISTA ... T'hrw 1P1Cious Woon llld c.wr til* dM. fllllily rtOIIl -..,, cenetioa. C-....ity ,_. and tMiis CN\1. View of ,...llins end city liehts. ....... by....... . . . . . . . . . . . . $269,500 u.--Alii ... F.-., lfllft1td ~ Fow ~~~hom ..,_, V.-y PflYitt .,...._, lftlllt• SUitt. ,...._,, ........... u. ...... ,.... Awlllllllt..., ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . • S270.000 .,_ ... hJ •~ K•t'ntt• ...._ ltlllt.l ~ Window ........ il...., r-. Fe. ............. Two r. s' • lricl _..a Mi-.,...,_ • r•t Com '-'·--·· [] , .. , .. AwlilltiJIIt llf h . l I t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285.000 IAYCIUI ... a..-t *-...._ ._.. Jiltlt curb ....._....... . ...... ,. ...... 0.. ... lllrilt il -.y _,, StrlfiiiiL ..... Cllinp. Pool .. ytnl &r.t h • ., . ' .,... .. .... $190.000 I ttJ ... II lJ-314~ AVIIillllllt'¥ .,. I -.................. $289,500 CIIIU -Ul ... b ' I filtl rinf S.. of -...., , ............. _ ...... h ..... 0.......,. un!t ..... c .. ...... ........ ., .................. $299,500 11•111 I 1.1 ... &.1._ ........ ~ ,.. ...... ' • ~ ........ s.u--...... , ...... s. , .... 1 •• , .,_,..,_ ........ ..., ., . t 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $325.000 IAYCIQT ... Attrldive ...... _ ...._ lncl *-*•• Sllillflt "-t Alii die ........ ~ _. "Ctuntry Style' ... ,.. ............................ .. A,..,...., ••••• t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $339.000 IAYCIIIT ... EJaiEn fil1 c~ Anrectiw lour bedroom .._ ·~-... flllilw ._ C1 ;I .. , ..,...,_ Burned telliRp. ... w ....... ,.. ............. . AVIIliiOM by .. a-t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SJ60.000 CWf UVU ... Vary _,....., cwt• IMit ttlf• bedroom *-Mdl ..._ *"-" ...._,~~ettd """ of IMty end oceifl ...__ ......... Ot-.." '!91111 .... Ourd pcwauiOI1 ~ s.t.dty 1·5 lllllllp..... . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . S395.000 a.,. s..na., 1 5 1524 s. .... Terra . .. .. . • • . • . . . . . . S395.000 . . 1· May 5. 1982 ................. Eatatt For S. Page 7 each Rea ·l Estate LLENCE SINCE 1949 TO • W ...... lilt ...... Oulity built. Two bldrOGmS tldl unit. Fiw tJ'I ~• it IMII r-. &t-aw ua of tile lends to the cNma. T•..,.. lllfC8S • unit. located JUSt one block '""" OCtM ... Av-.... ~ It ' k&tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $399,500 UYCIU'f ••• a.-tw ...... .._ AI f'OGIRS WI II· CfW~IifMIIy ''. u T• .... iue'n• Wtt blf. 3,000 ................. Aw .... ~ ¥ . t I 1 • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . • $449.500 liiO .U ... AnriCtiwt two ltGfY hi-. on widt s1r•t to strlda Ill.. fw .... , a... ..... IIMtifte patio Mttl your .,... Met 1 't 11Ut tr-. T utthly -.attcl. Av ....... ,.,,_l ............... Now $450,000 ~ -•.. --· flllltt ...... Fiwt bldr ..... Of c:8Uid be ... w .,. .................. tlllllly room. fanllt .... --.tau · , .. ...,._., .... AvlliiiMt " '0 t' t 1 .................. $475,000 WEITCUff ••• fiiiJM ._ ..._ -.. C..,_el ttiines illhilll _.llliii,_,,_..-.FIWd._.tM. dows. .._.... ..... yri Rllttulpstio end ..... AVIillllll" .. , .. liiPl .................. t47S.OOO ••• , ....... 118' of wattrtn.M • .,... bt*oo.. lql ................. ., ........ .. AniiJMI-., '0 . 1 1 .................. $479,000 lA~ ••. bci1it1e fiw .,.._ 1Mna. TN me~ e-. ... a-. ........ ---.... ,..... ... ,.. .... .-. s...ttint .... s.a.rity aylt-. AvliiiMI" ., ' ,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t•95,000 UYCIQT ... C.. lluih """'-Five be*ooms. Fny roca Dililt --. T• fi /r1• Wind type kitchen. Buh·ln ~ lriD Jll• ,.. till y¥d. Pllllcll twns COUft. nw.c.w ...... AvliiiMI ~ eo 1 'lbial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $495.000 ..._-... &,.c1xMtr frCiftt rl)W Vtlw of mountllf\S, crty .... _, IJU.Iib ,_ ... 1llnt M*oom "ReftliSSinCe'' floor ..... Lir1rylltft MStDtb ..... living room. Wet bar. Mu rend ••..., •a. 11lr11 vinf dltks. Pools end tenn.s. Av.._~._...t..,............ . . . . . $510.000 MARIIR -••• Mtt!CIIIoutty upgtlded tlv• bedroom home. Rtlttlt ~ .,..., lind to the dwm of the entitt kVIflt ............ btl...,., libr•y loft With built In bc*c-C.... mJW'IIilp. MNttr bedroom on fwst l&oof ,._,..._ ........_ c,_..,, poo1.,.. tiMIS. A ....... _._. ••.......•••.... t525.000 • • IAliOA PfiiiiSUlA ... Tasttfuly dn.igntd. Oulity aaft· SII\INhio. Ntw tlk• story home. Four be*GOni:S. Formal dllw1t room. T1ne fir~!p~Ka. Centrelly klcattcl. ON btock to bly or OC8II\. Fltdlle fiMncina.o,. Swldly 1· 5 11 1 East lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $549.500 DIVIR •11m ... F.a.tic wilw. llfiJ hint ,_ with ,... ... ----owrt.IUit • laty. T1wlt ... tioMI ~-. FtrM -. ,.._ F-. ,... off ki1cMn. Wood p•Jil" 0.. fiuu-. Av-...-. ........_. .................. $550.000 uac u' . . . a. hilt left -'Y clfifomia tatate. s.. ....... WOIIIIIL .... hiRe roo& FerN ... roora. Sun- ny momine r-. ...._. Cliiftp. -.... ltOf• Tllrtt tiJ 111• NDr• tOrJ1I. Siparate a.. llfll ._... for tennis court. AvaiiiiiM ~ ......._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550,000 DOftl -· ... WaterfreM. 20.40 ._. dllck. s,.aous four ... II 1 Hiply ._._... ce.~ry ~ Two car bc*- by ... -two Clf.,.. '""',.... $100,000. Avllilllll~ IJJII~t .............. Now $550.000 IAYCRIIT ..• baiiM fNnciftt. ..... fantty IIPIJudld fivt ..._ fw taem ...._ lowty pttl ... wrought ifon fttad for'"'--of ... diM-. A,-...~ "' f l 111 . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . S600,000 DOYEl IPIAII .•. 0.. will saist _. ~ Ellpnt two story .._ lMitr • ... bc11J :1 ..... .,. ... ........ -..... lira ............. ~ pool in froM C1WtYri Iii ...t Pritt jilt,.._. t7S.OOO. Avlillllll-, SO 'I-................ $825.000 .,llAII tal ... Jwt httcl. Elepnt four Mdroom home. Dr~~t~~tit froat row vilw of oc.. lnCI aty lights. Book lfld tilt ..... y. Poolllld rpa. lillfll Cllttive fiNncirlo. Open S.tUiday 1 s 11 Cwmtlley Onw . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . $655,000 oovo see.s ... No ~.,.,._. '*'· fonnef model. ~tUI1 wwldows. ftvt spaciOUS btdrOOI'ftS. Formal dining room. lovely eourtywd suetablt tor poot or putt.ng g,.en. AviiWIIt by ~tnllnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . S675,000 DOYlR SMOIIS . . . bt._t ftMAC!fiQ. Outstlndlng wetlf front home with Pllf end stte~ Oramatic bay end crty lights view. F-. room with wtt bat ~nd frrtplact Four bedrooms Restful bnck pelio. Av..W. by ..-tll*'t S 700.000 DOYIA SMOIES ... Eatreordlnwy hnanctng. Alt rooms open 10 the ~tied •ndoof pool. P\ct"" wmdows PfOvtdl an Ill spwlfll viiW of the ocaan. ...,_ bay 11\d Fashion lslaN1 Thtee huge be*OOf'U. FOfmll dining roont end din A•liWIIII by .-tmtnt . . . . . . . . . S835.0,00 SPY8lASS Nell . . . PIOOfam.c vrew of oc.an and n9lt ligttta. Buutlfulty upgraded "Sout"'*t'' modti. Pool. spa ... tifecJit. Two tovtfed patiO a~eu With generous usa of "tta end brick. Avlilabll by IPIJOIIllrnent. . . . . S950.000 •v. TUIACE ... Milion dolw vrew-lfld et's al yours- not ~ Tlwtt spacioua bi*OOMS. Hugt famty fOIIItl. Tr..,..._ patio. gazebo_, spa. Dotn S.t.!Sun. 1 5 1301 Dolphn lena $1 ,050.000 MARIOI es&.AID ROAD . . • Blyfront Owner _. CMry One lllion Dollt first trat deed. The vrew of the bly • brlltht... you could tasity imlgn you •• lmfte llbolrct .._ Five lllchonls. den. !Mid's .,.mrs. S.a1y feet on die ••t• wrttt .., lfld slip tor tine a.11 boars. Ooen SAinclay 1 5 tl S Hwbor l*nd Road . . . $1 .500.000 IPYIUSI Mal . . . Eleptt Enfisl\ Tudor. frvt spaaous be*ooms. Two story htng roca formel dining room. hnily fCIOl'll witb ... blr. a.v.d ... throughout. Spa lAd wet blr "' mat• suite. Four fwep(aca. AI.._ f~ Anublt by ......,,,..,, . . . . . . . . $1,500.000 UYs..-s ... Blytront vlk 8Uih lib • fortress-yet lol6 td wrth cNnn. frvt btf;ooms.. P.-ct dtnlfll room. Hugt raast• SUitt Mttl vrew b*ony. Spa. Sound system Avllllablll by appotnt"*'t S I .650.000 LEASES IIWPOIT Mli6HTS-Fantastrc thfet ~oom home. Two st01y . lo-. wrew. C,...~n and pets wetcome. S 1.500 month. Ye.ty least. IUCOI lAY ... Sunvnet rental Btyhont wnh large boat shp and 6 bedrooms. AwaHable June. Juty and August $19.000 fOf tht thrtt months WE HAVE OTHERS. PLEASE CALL US FOR YOUR NEEDS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Medium s11ed m!llket Clean $60 000 month qross Grl'at lo< a 110n Call Roger B.arqUtsl 101 dtta~l.s AUSTIN TEXAS Chmce parcel 13 85 Krrs Study compH!t• tor r,r., ctuplt'•t5 or tOtK I* ICrt US~gt du91faes. condos apartments or '" !Mtrral dev~t Ntilf new homes and shopprng canter Cll AONIIt •~ tor dltMIJ $453.000 30 E{ficunt ~f&Uioruili Clo ~we. <you ... NEWPORT BEACH - "' A I ' Hlrttot Rtll hlllt For S. S. 1982 118 CANYON CUSTOII- IHATMYAIC .... VIIW AdtC**IQ II own prMJie 2.25 ocM pent, INI 6 ~ room ,..... • vocant and MCJdV to mcwe ln. 0\oef ~.500 ~ .... _.,oVIftpMJte POOL 1he pnc. Is $1.595 ~Open Sun. l-5. ·~Pt. HAIIOIIMDei- CUSTOM VIIW LOT PanoramiC view on ~ 1ov OAd flodRc Ocean """-loootion ()joe( $600,000 ol aaumabl ftnanctug.lest Olt<*Jble lOt on the Ridge. S 1,350,000. 760-1900 JJOIII:sport~~-Jlfi..,.,CA Cole. worthy & Co. ~\0, · A. ·rr~· 1.\11-"1'11 • ~Al ;Ht..TI;' • wE•vE MOVED TO ER OFFICES ... CANYON TOWNIIOUII NO. 11 CAIIYOII .. AIID 3 bec*.._.*'oa-m--. del\ I)Qtk> with..._, s6de ~ twance. ~ svstem. CWom decor In FMnch moftf. Truly outatondiiiQ In ~ ,_. pect. ~ $200.000 In asaumable ftnoncing. Pll-000 CIIANIIIL IIIF 21ft OOIAit avo.. <"'•> SI~XlOidciciQOL~II 2 b.aoom, 2 batt\ with ----•-•png-ww..· panomma d laV and Ocean Asloc. pool. IUI"deCtcl and boat ... APPox. $3001( d asaumable loanl. IAYIIDI CUilOM-MAINCMANNIL Trutv the "creme de Ia creme" ol watemont Mno. ()loer 8,500 IQ. ft. olthe Rnest QUOitv COIWfNCHon OYCJIIal)le. located on the me*\ chaMel with its own white .anc:tv beach. crnec .,.._ 6ncU:te a pool spa. seven bed- rootnl and a \Ww from al rooms.. $5.75 milan HAHOit IILAND CUITOM- MAINCMAI •• L .,... wc:Rrfra" home ..tl\ .. belt toclollon In Nftlporf leoct\. ()joe( 5.000 lqUOie .... and 0 pte~ a 100 toot yoc:N. ~ large bGyttont lawn price hal been~ to $.&.25 milan Owner wll ~notable amount. 760-1900 uo••••"c-Mr...._ ...... ,..._,CA 0n1v $30.000 down. EtiC¥ ocean and .... , views from tNa IC)Irv 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Ocit floora lvoughout, rich ltc*Jn tile. log-burr*lg fireplace ~ COIId In booklheNel, lllgoi)t dlr*lg area. AI new oac kitchen and VfiiiY pn. vote gcwden pat6o. ~ $192.000 pU OWl* ftnoncing. Submit tenna. May trade fOf unts Of ftxef-to... $3-e.OOO. A I -of ErY*ald lcJv. U¥e In"* 3 bedroom, 2 bath home OR tbc..-.up OR w.nt It out OR tear tt downt Plk:ed at k*vakJe fOf kilt tOle. Good term~. $299,000 . .... May 5, 1982 ~ Hlrtlor Rul Estate Few S. P-. 9 From Affordable ... To Affluent ... _.,....,..,.".,. ISLAND NEWPORT QUIET STREET On, cuNieMe, aurrowwted by trees. Comfor- tMie 3 bedroom, 2 bath with fireplace in country llltdwn Mel living room. Reduced to $160,000 fee. 67s-6900. COJIMERCIAL-NPT. Excellent COI"'M'f bu.u.e. property wtth es- tablillhed ten1nu OW help ftnance. Three W\lt8 with potential to expand.$1.175.000 tee. 6Sl·1400. BAYSIDE COVE BAYFRONT Prt.e Sea Dhm DGd pltD Oft one lewl with 2 bedrOCAU, 2 bifM, plus den. Bay view, pri- VIIU buch, pool and spa. &o.t slip aw.U.ble. Fee a-d. 1775.000. 6.11·1400. CORONA DEL liAR CONDOS Soutng 26 open buma, eolar glasa, new spa Aua lat••Ane t.wU and generous rooms. Unique 3 bedtoom plu den on comet. wtth IDinY MMnlda ..-.d lots of square footage. 1350.000. We hMie 2 walabJe. 1 at 1325.000. 631-1409. DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT Courtyanl ..oy Into coonloau.d elegance -.ad good t .... H._'lgtlu ol thta home In· dude..... I~ pub-bill with ..... '-'lly roo., lora=' ...... room with &replace. eep- .,... ............. Ute plus 3 ~ roc •• "-!alp lor lwgn yacht. Owner wW cany ..... .--.1 T.D. Recb:ed to SLIGO.-6.11-1400. UFF8 ON GREENBELT I I I I 3 .... OOID COftCio liD • ftne ...... t ,,.. ._., .......... Easy .,.. to ........... pool ........... 1205,000. 6.11-MOO- • EAUTIFUL BALBOA IS. Oalj t ,..,. ..., wtda aps I b 4 lfttedor. '-ttl • --... 3 blda ......... 1 beet- --.... 1 ' .................. aldMdllll + a flo. ~ to. -....-o'd• tlly 1110. a ...... u._m OWMr ~ .....-. s.-iRit ...... 1460.000. 67S-6900. BUT .. ICE ON •POINT ~ to a.ft a 3 beckoom, I bath ..... -................ Point. By the put. 1m Plua c1t1 s... w• eo bay and to.._,* MM~l. Reduced to 1275,000. 673· 6900. CU8TOM NEAll BEACH ..... , ............ 2 ~and •kv- ~ 1 ' ._ two-t~ory with 2 bedroom• '-lv roo.. Owna wll amy • MCOnd (Alb .. JM.Ins. 1310.000. ON WATEa-FRONT ROW NewlY 4111cotated 2 bedroom. 2 bath C(N)I). o.o...o-c. ... llld turnlne bMin "'-'· A .... aw. loan. Seller wUI aulst ln ......... tip .......... &115.000. EXQUISITE PROMONTORY BAY A home ON THE WATER wtth grace and character with pier/lllpfot 63' bold. plus lkle tie. Security syatem, private beach and ftne location for this 3 bedroom, formal dining room, f..ruly room raklen<:e on two levels. S2,200.000fee. 631-1400. SUPER BUY-SPYGLASS Bautlfully decorated .. Southport.. model with extenstw brid,~Mdtc.apng and panor- amic VIEWS OF OCEAN, CANYON. CITY UGHTS, .,.._.pUnned two-.ac,y home wtth 6 bedrooms, tmmen.e famJiy room, form.a dining room and llpldoua bonus room. OW help ftn.ance thl8 oc:.epdoMI property. $699.500. 631·1400. LINDA ISLE- PRESTIGE. PRIVATE A perfect oec:utlw home with pia/slip for luge yacht and 2 lkle des. lldewMer view from thla 5 bedroom hoae wltb all amenities for gndous I.Mnsllnd entertllining. owe o · chMge for OOIIIIIMJCilll or lndu8ulal pt'operty. $1,600.000.631-1400. ClASSIC COn AGE-WATER Just In dme to~ fOI' M'INDef on Grand c-.a. IWboa WaDel. a-odtltd lind ready to ~ thM I bedtot8, 2 bKb home. Pri- v•e pildo wtth ......... ptldo on water. Wandh Mid c:t.ana. .,.. ... klldMn. stained giMe .ad •ecleck C.. be .deled on to. 1595.000 .... 6'7S-6900. OCEANFRONT- lAGUNA-VIEW Thrw ......... m-... ~ 3 bedloom, 2 ._. ~. • ........ ..,.._. bkae '-8oon OOIDplex. C. tor ct.• oa the fla· ... ftundna ....... IK$.000. 631-1400. TE 81FIC INVESTJIENT- ....._ ........... n I , ....... t.-&-~ .,._... 1ft priiite .ad CCI a\•' I • C.0... NeulocAdoft. • ... ft. kJt ..ct qu.tley ....... ..... y .... AI Wlb h.-..., ...... 1249.500. 631· 1400. CLIFF IIAVEN- F08FAIIILY Spec:ioul 4 .......,_ ._.. wtda family room lind ... roo.. Ma._ -*e with Roman tab. OW Mlp ._iiClt ... Rae propary on • .......... 1165.000 .... 631-1400. ADORABLE Price jtWt reduced on this 2 bedroom. 2 bath home wlth remodeled be•m ceilings . paneling. Luge bnd plldo. owe this "free and dear'' home •t ·~ inte:rest with ~ cash down payment to qualified buye-r. $385,000. 673-6900. •TWo HOJIE• BAYFRONT- PIER A dooUn ... raklaldlll property wtth • pri- vate dock b 2 bolita. ~VIEW on South Bavtront wllh two large ... by-side Wltts. Each unit ls ~ thin moet homes •nd has 4 bedrooms. 3~ baths. ~ wMI family rooms. plus 2 ~Mel 2 balcon- Ies. Owner wll help ftnm<le to qualified buyer. &2.200.000 FEE. 673-6900. BAYFRONT- LAIIGE a LOVELY Unot.tn.c:ted wide .. ,.,.terfront .. view from this open.IIOd ~home with Luge brick patio and p6a for two 55' yKhts. Convenient location Met apedaiJy large lMng room. ae. vated clning room. large bar, f...Uy room. pk. w.nd ldtchen. Six bedrooms. huge mu- ter suite with ~DUbie ftreplace lind bftatht.ll- ing view of .U.. A very comfortable Boor pian with • feeing of prtv.cy! Sl. 950,000 lnduc»s land. 631-1400. WOODBRIDGE- ON WATER Gorgeous two1tory condo Mth ...,erb vtews •crosa greenery on l•k•. HUGE ASSUMABLE LOAN OF 1208.000 .. ID. Prole~ cMc:w•ed 3 bedloom. 2~ blltha.IMI.500 .... 631·1400. LiNDA ISLE-FEE lAND An aet~~~llclMI I I II t I ;pee wllh ..,...,... looms -.cl wtnclna ..... <I I I to 4 bedrooms plus ...,... IDIIkf• quuten. Open •nd .....,...._. ~ IOCIIIl, f&mdy room . fonul ..... roo. plus sMp=down bar and a... ldtc:Mn. Pier lnCI tip for 3 bo.n. a . 750.000. Owner ... od,anp or •bmtt? 6Sl-1400. NEW ESTATE- TENNIS couRn Conwnlent I ..-. 8eada lddt-•way froca dw cro.t but doee to .a. AnMure ~··s-..._ on 1.• Kra wtt.h oommMCI- Inil pa.tcw.a VIEW of ocun. hill-.d night lights. Totaleec:unty. prtv.cy Mid .....Uty. lllle ..,.aty trldttonal home on 3 lewis offua the uldtute 1ft tW.hed dftalk. Four beclrl()JrC)eU ~ LOOO -.. ft . .....-u IIU.lte. ..... roc.a wtth full oM bar wtah tw ... ndl. f~mJiy I'OOID, uun• room. loc:br -..d weight eurct. room. wtne ~ Met odla dttalls for the ~~ Your a.tt ,...._noo lighted aAd fenced tennis COW1 wtth lmpM ~ ....-. For • Alwll-s and l!ppOiftf:IIMIN. 67S-6900. 12.100.000. HAII.O RIDGE- F.ENCH MANOII 110 d111• VIEW ol ~. oc-. ead ftlaht ...... "'TO: C1nt quelty eoc~-.. duo. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. ::.,~ s~-::· ·~=~~=· = REALTORS• roc. • ._..._.. r..av room ..ct lllllnorow Sala,. Rentals.. Propetty MaM~ge~Mnt ..,...., ....._ wtlh ..-. • ....-:1&. uurwa and ........ Ill .. ..-.d C'UMota -the .,.,.. 2436 W. Coast Hwy. 315 Ma~~ ttaa&. t.G•tDWMr. tn the t.t u ... tkw\ of ~ a..ch B.,_ ..,....IU ..._~XIV M.nor houee.U.ao.ooo '-· ...... 1111!1111!1111!!!11!11111!1!-11 - ... . .( ·- VIEW VIEW VIEW + Cotolt"no, whitewater, canyon ond n1ght light v1ew ore your~ from th1~ un1que multi-level, one-of-o-lc.ind custom home The ulhmote fom.ty Of entertainment home fOf the buyer w•th flotr fOf the unusual. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. huge k1tchen, Iorge deck ond spa. Great finonctng ovotloble 5% DOWN -10-1/8% INTEREST New Cope Cod 2-bedroom '" prtvote commumty w tth pool ond 1ocuzz• Walking distance to everyth1ng $137,950 Open do1ly 11 o.m to 5 p.m. 548-2239. BRAND NEW LISTING Pr.me ond exceptionally quiet Newport Beach ne1ghborhood, feoturtng 4 bedrooms, 2'11 baths. Extremely ~poctous ond well montcured yard with plenty of room for pool, 1ocuzz• or odd- •ng on. Seller w.tl corry finonc.ng. $299,500. COZY 2-STORY, NEWPORT BEACH l ocated .n the beoullfully planned prtvote commun1ty of Sroodmoor Seov1ew. th•s 2•st0fy, 4-bedroom, 3-bath POft Royol home tllumtnotes custom elegance Pool ond tennts foctlthes ovo•loble $398.500 LEASE OPTION Prest•g•ous locohon plus v•ews of the c•ty l•ghts .n prtvote commun•ty of Newport Seoch features 3 bedrooms plus 1om• ·ly room Owner •s mot•voted and w.tl corry 2nd T D or lease optton $399,000 IRVINE TERRACE Smoshmg v•ews of sunsets ond sodboots ore en1oyed from th•s '>poc1ous 4 bedroom beautiful res•dence Gourmet kllchen plus swommtng pool Pr1ced to sell ot $895 000 . .ncludes the lond Seller will fononce - R.,- Q( ljU~0 Rl:A!Jl' 6 7 5-2311 548-2239 &JOOa Jslard fivii!J in cmamesa NEW FINANCING GARDEN lUI VIUAGE 41 New England designed townhomo2 & 3 &drooms/2~ Baths fro•$1 ,179~.1MoathlyPmt•. whla 5~ DOWNII Assumable/No Prepayment Penalty Cape Cod pool & spa. large private patios & balconies, Individual washer & dryer areas. wet bars. wood burning fireplaces, mi<:'rowaves, trash compactors. private 2 car garages w/access to home. Optiona~ air-conditioning and solar heat 0 ho• $137 9 950 (Pel) Fairview Road at Avacado ~BARbER.. . ,_ •.........,. a AS60CW£~ Open Daily: 11-5 Call (714) 548-2239 Broker Coopcradoa lavllecl 'l)~ap .... _.lor,_,_, .... ""'-. "'-""......, "' .,.,... I • Exciting near new homel Soaring cetlings, 2 fireplaces. wet bar. gourmet kitchen With sunny nook. spectacular master suite with skytlght. Lorge private yard features gazebo. community poet, spa ond tennb courts c ornptete tf'lis winnef. low Interest loan Mk1ng $255.000 ~030J. TO ~ FIVE MINUTES FROM THE OCEAN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO For Only mo. -'( .. .. "\.: -~ \ ' .. ~·. -.. t ... J. \ ••'\. . Now! An incredible financina ptan that presents you with a once-in·•· lifetime opportunity to purchase a quality townhome villa, ric h in heritaae. yet aophisticated in dcsicn and appolntmenu. Our plan allowa for lower monthly ~vments now. when they should be. For example. with a purchuc price of S 12 2. SOO, and a down payment of S lZ.lSO, we can offer a chir1v·vear first trust deed of S7l.SOO ( 17% A. P.R.) and a second trusc deed (18~ A.P.R.)of Sl6.7SO. due In Kvco yean. In aclcliclon, U.c bull*~ •Ill pay you Sl$4 ... 1 per IDOftCh for thrc• yean. MAid-. your total IDOftdaly principal uwl interest ,.~only 1815. ,.._,...,.-e. Our connntcnt IOCMtoia II-. •lnuHt fto.ft the O<ana p,,mt Har~n -.ho ppina or employment and'' "ct in a refresh· ma. ~urc .:n "\ arnnmC'nt. Come out tocbv an'-' ..e~ our J .. ,,rated two- and thr~C'·bedroum m.,dds. UH~Aio....,..: ~ ~ J-1'1 l' ... 'Oif'AI'Iu . l -\ •l•H \ ~" 0.1~ IPMa 1 '' -\\4 111Mt1 ' "' PM f ur &ft*--loft.\ "\'Wd Pndla" l ..... ,.., ·~ ·~7 From StU,~ • - .. - ·- ' TWO . . . ~ 4521 Tremont. CAMEO SHORES. .... family. Open SaL/Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 227 Via Orvteto. UOO, plus f.uly. Open Sund.y 1-5 6M-9060. 1228 Rutland Road. No.1. WESTCUff. $129,500. Open Sunday 1·5 631·7300. 1724 Watdff DIM. No.12, WESTCUff. $99,500. Open Saturday 1·5 631-7300. 1728 Watdtff Drtw. No. 1, WESTCUFF. $109.500. Open Saturday 1·5 631·7300. 2525 Ocean BNd •• CHANNEL REEF. vtew! 1499,000. Open Saturday 1·5 6e0-5560. 427-427 ~ OrdUd. CORONA DEL MAR. dupln. $269,500 wtth 12.9$ interest Joan. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 673-1400. 20919th St., BALBOA PENINSULA. coo- dominium. $319,000. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·1400. 214 Sl!pphire. BALBOA ISLAND. ~000. Open s.turday 1·5 673-6900. 225 Grand Caul. BALBOA ISLAND. $595,000 Open s.t./Sua. 1·5 673-6900. 45 Canyon a.&.nd DIM. BIG CANYON TOWNHOME. c11a. -.. s:ua.ooo. Open s.tunt.y 1-5 651·1400. ~--. --.. -~-- ' . ---. -----t -- 1016 Dowr Dr-. WESTaJFF. pOol .net ..... $2165.,000. a.-Slaicllllt l-5 631·7300. 1211 Klnge Hoed.. CUFF HAVEN, view 1395.000. ~ s...-1·5 631·7300. 152A s.n.-.lla T......, IRVINE TER· RACE. 139$,000. ~I rw.-1·5 651·7300 .. 1301 o.atp .. , T.....,.. IRVINE TEJIRACE. view, ..... 11.010.000 01-.it .... .., 1·5 631·7300.. 102 .......... SOt1llt LAGUNA. ~ op. SMI.OOO 0,... s.tJSun.. 11-6 631·1400. 1511 Kill..-Ro.d. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. f....tly ~ $599,000 Open Sllll./Sua. 1·5. 2211 W*'f•~ CORONA D£L MAR. ...-houM MtS.OOO fee. Op.a s.t./Sua. 1-4;30. 6t2-1235. 426 VIMa Par ... NEWPORT BEACH. ~. SM9.500 ~•rhold. Open Saaard.y 1-4:30.. 642-8235. 1036 Po1arte. DOVER SHORES, pb falni- ty $975.000. ()pea s-ct.y 1·5 64+9060. 133 Via Undine. UDO ISLE. $745.000 Open SuncS.y 1·5 644-9060. 1318 EswDe Lane. WESTCliFF. $183.500 Saturday 1·5 6M-9060. 11 landf .. ~NEWPORT CREST. $240.000. ap. s.tJS... 1·5 644-9060. 2100 E. ac.n ~. PENINSUlA S759.000 Sun. 1·5 64+9060. 1437 Serwm .. TetY-.e.lRVINE TER· RACE. U75.000 Fw. Open fdd.y only 1H. 67S.1111. 111 EMilltey. ML80A. 1549.500 0.. Sun. 1·5 631.7300. . 11 c.n-1 ~ DIM. SPYGLASS HILL. "'--· pool/~ --.ooo. Open Sat. 1·5. 631·7300. . ' 6110W. Oc1MfNat. NEWPORT BEAat. .,... Duplex 4/1 1116-000 Open ~y 1·5 631·1400. 18 Owny ttk BIG CANYON. ... family Sl.M5.000. S.. 1·5 Mt 9060. 17 Muir B II cia. SPYGLASS. .... family S2,.tOO.OOO S1lt. 1·5 64+9060. 115 ~ ..._.. Ro.d. BEACON BAY. ~ pier, .. view. $1.500,000. Open ~ 1·5 631·7300. 5 H. f~ BIG CANYON. plus den 1785.000 s.a. 1·5 MH060. 25 Bodega S.y, SPYGLASS. $549.000 SaL 1·5 644-9060. 4 beclrooma S1 .195.{mo. 631·7300 1 bedroc.a s ~mo. 631·7300 2 bedrooms S1.~IDO. 631·7300 3 bedroonaa S2.200{mo. 644-62100 4 beckQOIII• S2~mo. 644-62100 3 bediOOIU Sl~mo. 642-82S5 4 beclromM Sl.~IIM). 644-62100 4~ bedaOCMa S3.200(mo. 60-8235 s~ .. ..._....,. 631·1400 3 beckOOIII& S1.30Q'mo. 631·1400 3 bediOO.U 11.~-.o. 631-1400 2beclromM U..~nao. 631·1400 Sbedr~ 6.11·1400 I I Happy t otherSDa Saveto30% FAMOUS MAKERS lADIES' PRAIRIE TOPS are dressy and ultrafemmme Three fash1o n styles 1n polyester and cot- ton. and an array of colors SIZes S- M-L Reg to $18 SAVE TO 6.03 1197 FAMOUS MAKERS lADIES' SKIRTS '" pure. un- abashed cotton Choose from a rain· bow o f colors. 1n sazes 3-13 Reg $24 AVE 16~ 199 7 P.-1J Levrs WOMEN'S WEAR lADIES' BENDOVER PANTS will make mother love you. in polyester gabardine and great colors Sizes 6-16. Reg. $24 SAVE 33" 597 Levrs MEN'S ACTION SLACKS In 1 00% polyester with two-way stretch. Stretch waistband for extra comfort. too! Reg. $25 SAVE 9.03 597 TIFF ANY JA DE lADIES' KNIT TOPS ar~ v-rwck v..rth pleat sleeves! Beaut1ful colors. Silt'S S-M-L Rl'y $12 SAVE 33% 797 A. Cest Joli LADIES' WALKSHORTS bnyhll'n up the summer with colorful pinstripes SILl''> ':>·M· L. Reg. $15 SAVE 5.03 "997-· 8 . 7 c . Not all styl~• and colors ln all stor•s. VIDAL SASSOON lADIES' KNIT TOPS 111 1 ~ ..,(e\'\\.'S double v-nt>cks. gr\'dl color'> rn -.rnpec; ~-M·l Reg $15 SAVE 33% 99 7 0 . lADIES' PANTS 1n ..,heet 1n~ H d~.·n 111 fashion wans stand o ut rn gre.,t Ct>lnr-., .., /l'" {- U Reg 'i-24-~.W SAVE TO 10.03 E. MEWS TOPS are tlr.e short sleeve plaid shirts of th~o summer season. Poly/cotton for cool comfort. and ., great assortment of colors. Reg. $11 ~AVE 27" 797A. in MEN'S PANTS for a new summer you. 10~. cool cotton. Elastic back. Yl front belt. Pleats and nveb too! Temfk! Reg. $28 SAVE 8.03 l997a. A JEWS TOPS in d cotton. Designed for the tropiCs. dMtie Swiss Army style shirts work! They are cool short si11W1 too. Reg. $15 SAVE 33" 9 97 c. ) with stripes. stnpes and more sbipe:s. lots of variety. in terrys. mterlocks. and stlk acrylics. You can't mass Reg. $15-$24 SAVE TO 45~ 1297 E. P. ~S for the beach. patio. anywhere All cotton. comfort Is the answer. Wooden buttons and fresh assortment of colors Reg. $26 "\ Vl 6 03 l997 F. J ; ) NEWS TOPS tn 1~ canon. These ~~t polos are the paf«t antidote to summer's heat lnter· kd knit Mel a t.nt.tic array of ~t colors. Reg. $13 SAVE~ 997G; BOYS' PANTS in the class1c shrin k-to· fit style (302·0 11 7). Strong and long-lasting. Zipper front. blue den1m Reg. 17 99 SAVE 3.02 1497 A. ALLISON BOYS' MESH JERSEYS for any sport in the book. or just hanging around. Summer colors. crew neck. 1~ sii:'<.'Ve Rl:'g $8 SAVE 25% 597 B. ALLISON BOYS' SHIMMELS for the coolest way to spend the summer. Cool mesh and solid fabnc with assorted screen prints. Reg. $5 NOW 3.97 20%0FF c. Kt\lir-MATES lOC GIRLS' KNIT TOPS in boatneck. double v's. and ~ sleeve styles. Lots of colors! Reg. $8-$10 SAVE TO 40" 597 D. Sweet Suz na GIRLS' WOVEN TOPSin pastel pla1ds with banded collar. button front with roll tab sleeva. Reg. $12 SAVE 25" ---7 E. F. Make Mother Proud & Save to 40% " lADIES'LEATHERTHONGSwm make your summer com~e. ~net they'D last a long time. with leather uppen. R~g. 16.99 SAVE 2ft 97 Action Looks For Summer--Save to 50% .acidas MENS TOPS in thl! tradtllot)cllt.mk -.r\.1,· ·· you'll be a champton for sur\! '" tlw-.~·' ( ,,, .• \1 colors too Rl'Y SH SAVE 50% 397 MEN'S SHORTS tor the acttve hfe Choose solid gym style or twtll wtth cuntra~t ptptng Both styles wtth elastiC watsts for ec1") wear Reg. $7 & $14 SAVE TO 35% 497& 897 ocean pacific OFF Sl-i O rE '-.;;.. _____ ...;;;;;..._ ____ _. MEN'S SWIMWEAR m th~ clas:.tc WALLETS tn the popular nylon wtth velcro closure. Very secure and long-lastll)g Reg $10 to $13 SAVE TO 30" 6 97_8 97 JORDACHE ~ MEN'S BELTS Reg. $10-$16 20% OFF SAN FlfANCISCO WEBBED BELTS Reg. $3 SAVE 334Ja 197 NYLON BELTS Reg 1 so SAVE 33" ~--~ :2JCS Califomta look Prints and lots of dtff~rl!nt styles Reg $16-$22 SAVE TO 45" 1197 HEAD WRAPS th<'lt M'"' fun to \\ l'i'lt to p.uty o r plm,r in' Cnlnr<. ftn 1.'\ ,·~·thm~ fn •:n <\I.' I O~lC!> to dctlll 111. In dt <olllllll · R~.·~ ":-!"l SAVE 204Ja 397 ~-= P:lgc i All Shorts For Men And Ladies Save 35% MEN'S SHORTS put you right 1n the heat of things. Summer heat that Is. Elastic back and cargo pockets. Sheeting and cord- uroyforanewcoolyou. Reg. $14 SAVE35" lADIES' SHORTS In cnrd, sheeting. and calico for the maJlY looks that are you! Cargo style or button &ont. in exciting sumrn.r colors. Sizes 3-13. Reg. $14 SAVE SS" YOUR CHOICE ight now save up to 40% on our best selling carpets. A tempting range of styles. colors and textures that give you the kind of selection you expect from Harlow's. And you can choose with confidence because each and every item carrying a sale tag is from Harlow's regular stock. Great value at the regular price-and sensational value during our Big 51st Anniversary celebration. An eJeaant sculptured pattern of Anso IV nylon. Soft natural multi-tones in a swirled texture unmatched for beauty and wear Compare and save. A soft satiny plush-wonderfully rich. stylish and totally practical. It features Anso IV nylon yams for unbeatable soil and ·stain protection. Popular saxony plush with great eleaance and richness. Anso IV construction gives exceptional durability. With so many colors to choose from it's easy to find one to enhance any room in your home. Harlow's is ~lling fQ. 7Jl out a 18D18tional _ _ _ _ I, ueortmeot of carpets -~ ~ at unbeatable aavinp. \ . Choose from fashionable satiny _ , pluahes. decorator h,i.lows, and sculptures in a rainbow of delicious colon. Move up to Harlow Carpets, now at the. ~, ae~n·s lowest prices. o.r.... E.-.ra*•_.. .... ~~"~ ~oy a plush dfwianed for the fashion conscious at a price you can afford. Made of 100% Anso IV nylon fiben, it' a the juakight combination of fashion. oolar and value. Sale Priced '1 • ,.._ Tbe Look of real luxury in a plush style. Recharge your home with ooe of the JJUUlY beautiful colors. It' 1 CODitructed of 100 96 dacron polyester to pr.ovide ni&IBd durability. Sale Priced -t 1!\,.._ ~ the ultimate in carpet ~ with this velvety 10ft decorator plush of umniatakable beauty and comfort. Choose from 8 wide v~ of oolon in 10096 dacron PQlyelter. Sbowcue ~ deconU.. taleatl with this colorful cut 8Dd loc}p. Tbe buUt-ln performance of t 00% Antroo PluS yarn~ _.,. you of 1011. stain and Italic abock ~tion. Select from a wide variety of aubtle multi- color abadae. SUe Priced ft • td. t ·year's ~~.,.. v .... • .. _, Aln•n;W Smith Carpet ... S.we.... • _.aNI por•lar 1ty1e1 Glamorous ton&On-tone colorations in a versatile cut and loop pattern. Its 100" Anso IV nylon construction promises exceptionaJ soil, stain and static shock prevention Sale PriaM~ 811 "-. Vibrant good looks and rugged performance all wrapped up in one beautiful carpet. The multi-color yams are made of Dupont nylon to =~~~ality Sale Priced 813fiL A deep sculptured carpet styled for today' s decorating needs. Beautiful in a wide selection of rich. clear colors. Crafted of 1 00% Antron Plus nylon to assure carefree and Sale Pri_.~ 814 •• relaxed enjoyment. uq .,._ Richly styled. this deep plush pile will accent and beautify any room. It's crafted of 100% Antron yams , the outstanding carpet nylon that retains its beauty year after year. Available in many beautiful decorator colors. • - Antron Plus is the ultimate nylon carpet with built-in soil and stain protection. Crafted under the industry's most demanding construction specifications, it assures maximum ruggedness. durability and wear resistaooe. Give your home a dramatic flair with cuatom made dra..-from Harlow'a. a.oo.e from beautifUl antique aatina. ~ weav•. printa and more. Cuatom draperiell add that penonal touch to any room in your home. Come in today and aave to 35" on our mo.t popular decorator colon . • STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 am-&.30 pm Mon. & Fri. Till 9 GARDEN GROVE , .............. (714...., • en• .. 1111 ., .................... CERRITOS ,, .............. (11 .... ....... c.... .... LONG BEACH 140 .. -....... (11. aa.J221 .............. Armstrong is Number 1 in hard surface flooring. With superior styling and quality it's very easy to understand why. And to celebrate Harlow'a 51 years in businels. Armstrona floors have been reduced up to 25" on· IDM ~ttems.