HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-12 - Newport Harbor EnsignProp. New Prisons Or Not'? See Page 4 Sea Lead I Jst In THE CJF Playoffs And Cannons, Balloons And AD That Jazz Salute Yachtsmen St>P Sporf mq LdP ENSIGN THE NEWPORT ENSIG N • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 39 (714 '-73-0550 • SERVING ALL O F NEWPORT AND CORO NA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY . MAY 12, 1982 • 25 C ENTS ''Tt.e'a no way you cou&d QU~ the (tourist• ~ Jn those houses," says Russ Makety S·..tt P' • • bv B."'V Sl"bt•· ()ystaJ.Cove: Crisis In The Colony lll ..... cela Lea••• Fue .. The Fire .,..,, ...... 1'0\lr Uvea are here. What better coDMrvalora e:aast for tta ... cottaQes than these- cond and thard Qenerahona of Luaibn who bualt them or m&lDta med them and ptnerved th ear lraQahty? Let ua b.ve our lwllaQht years, an ttae tWlhQht of th ... collages, u wu aQreed to when the state t1Mde the offer an 1979. Then. as the natural order pZOQt ...... 10 be at . " Thia waa the emohon -laden Yiew 1ut w .. k of JCen Ga.bn el. tonne r Newport ~h buaan ... man who has re.aded io M ml-rehrement an a Crystal Cove cottaQe aance lf'IO wUb hu wale, Laune. .. who wu raaaed on th1• beech". H .. r .. ctton came aa con- lJOYeray continued to bo1l aroUDd the atete'a plana for 1M cowtec:l httle enclave Mtween Newport Beach and 11 Worro Wobjle Home Park downcout Wall some of the cove's 45 vantage homes become alate- operated but unoccupaed "h11tory centeu" aJter all the lamu1es are forced to sur- render them to publac use? Wlll others be weekend 1ounst accommodataons? Or wlll pendang hllQahon Ioree the slate to shelve ats plans to take over the colony? These were among the queshons left m the wake of a .wtlt m.spechon at madweek by sta le officaals who NJd they have been ordered to have a UM plan for the col taQes on State Parb and Recreahon Dnector Peter Dangermond's desk "by June 1" . H11 department 11 now 1n charQe of the 2. 791 a cres of Crystal Cove State Park- most of which wu bou9ht for a record S36 million. The department l.a anterprehnQ the Leq1alature's recent poaa· uon u "a mandate" to obtaan pubhc use of the cove cottages-so me 50 and 60 years old-wllhtn two years or leas Some have been thear occupants' permanent homes on the leased land lor up to 40 years Several have obsolete knob -and-tube wmng. sian hog floors, a lew cracks an the walls Some have showers or louata m adJacent struc· lures All are on sephc tanks. There's no way you could put the (tounst) publac 1n these houses," sa ad Russ Wakely, who hu laved here 25 years as the master leaseholder. farst under the lrvane Co , then under state ownershap - and whose lease now as about to expare. He 11 "negohaltng" to conhoue on as a "contrac· tor" ovarMelDQ the colony But the saasade selling as (CcmtiDued Oil paqe 3) Council Stands Fast on West Newport VJeWs by lwt Sims O f 6,563 pehllon sagnatures aubmatted an Apnl by the West Newport Legaslahve Alliance, 5,556 have been cerhhed by the county Reqastrar of Voten as va hd Tbas was more than enough to qua hJy a referendum-and the fa te of the bag Beeco-Bannang mdualraal-commercaa l- resadenttal complex once asp p roved for West Newport now wall be dec aded by a catywade vole Tbas was assured yesterday as a maJonly of the Caty Councal whach bad approved the 75-acre development by Wallaam (Blll) Hancock Banoang Ill vowed to slick by als poeahon lt had beeA ruled that 4,321 :ahd dqnaturM-10 parc.ut of the req~ered voters hera-were requued The councal voted on March 12, after a year of public hear angs and study to approve a scaled-down plan lor develop ment Onganally. at had called for less resadanhal, a maJO r shoppanq center and a greater emphaaas on the mdustraal and commercaal usage The Weal Newport Legaalatave Allaance headed by Louase Greeley, ammedaately o rganazed a pehlaons dnve at bad threaten ed dunng the councal debate. to make the councal reacand ap· proval or put at on a c1t y ballot Make Johnson, another West Newport rasadent, became chaar m.tn of t~l commallee Bannmg, anlormed by The En s1gn that sufhc aent sagnatures had been cerhlaed, saad, "I assumed they would be I have no comment, other than to say thas hu not changed my thank ang He would not e:aplaan however, whether o r not thas meant he ahll 11 commatted to the protect He had saad alter the counc al reduced has andusfraal·commarcaal usage that he was not sure the protect stall was v1able, and he would "have (CODtiAud on paqe S) gProject A $344,316Memo: City's Ahead On 00 The caty of Newport Beach bas apparently scored a SJ-«,316 v1ctory over Armstrong Petroleum Corp an the drawn out hght over 16 wells pumpmQ tidelands 011 Supenor Court Judge Bruce W Sumner assued a ''memoran· dum of antended decasaon" Jut week whach c aty offaca als hc1ve anterpreted as pro techog an award of $224.316 lor loaa of revenue dunng uhgallo n ove r the wells, and Sl20,000 compen satory dam.tges fo r such ex- penses as nearly 400 lalla sear· c hes and other costs The achon came an a favorable verdact on a lawa\.lat w.ct by U.. ctly as "mawaooe" lot an euhez move ln whteh 11 took possessaon of the welD by emanent domaan Tbat achon was taken repor1edJy becau .. of concern permane nt damage maght occur to the dnlhng system tf at sat tdle fo r a long peraod As as often the custom. the prevaalang attorney 10 thls case, Joel Kuperberg , of the law hrm of Rut.tn and Tuc ker, caty spectal counsel wall prepare a statement of decasaon, based on Sumner's gutdelanes The court then wall consader tha s and assue " formal decas10n The court also as qranllnq the CitY s requested dec ree of spectf ac performance Tha-. court order w1 1l a•quare Armstronq tc assaqn the catv the rec1l property nqhts where the wells are located and sell tht> equapment to the ca ly a t lau market value provtsaons whach wet e an tht> ortg an.tl lease Catv ollacvaals also expect tht-court w11l 1ssue clln tntunctaon .tqaanst Armslronq anterlenng wath the od produc I ton Caty Ma nager Bob Wvnn hai sa1d the wells now a re gro sang SlOO,OOO monthlv "and the nt-t as abpoual 60 percent Thne balance has bvHn goang lor legal tees that's a baqqte whach I exp eel w11l end scxm CdMChamber AsksYouTo Run or Walk plus payments tor electncal cotta, marn tenance. m repau, and to the contractor operato r (Norman Sampson, of Long Beach) "We don't operate the wells walh caty personnel "We're also payang some $180,000 a year on royaJtaes " Revenue hom the wells must be used lor such tadelands pur· JobnWayae Sculptor Ar1 tat Chru Matson w1U ~e• the S~.OO(), p]ua. be claJms LS long overdue the caty wtll ad vance the money clDd the Newport Harbor JaycE-es wtll trv to pav at back Thas was the formula wo rked out by Catv Counc1l Monday naght to end tt trusts the thrP& year old rommlSston for a John Wayne memoraal sculpture The actaon wac; taken on a 6 1 vote Councalman Pcllul Hummel casllng the negative Hummel maanlaaned 'Tha never has been a catv proJect W e ve been VIChmtzed If we advance the money 1t should lx-on a note " However Counctlwo man Evelvn Hart c: motton to approve the agreemt-nl wath Matson and ~ettle the cla1med debt paS5ed altt>r she observed there had b4.-en communatv contnbuhons ol several thousand doll.trs SlDCe the prOJeCt beqan mou• than twe; yean aqc and I let-1 m• rt> wall come tn All mdac.ttJOn-.. cHt' that tht-l.t vct-t-.., waJI .. ..,r.ttnuP lhear (lund ra1stnq ) eft0rts ·• Satd Mavor Jackae Heather 11 people could set> at (t he sculpt). tl would ht>lp I'll work to qet thP mnnev rPpaad · The t •tv e x~cts to t.tlct> pOSSt"'"' 'n soon' of thf' bt~tO .UI (Conb.nued on paQe 2) IN SHORT Flt~eu OD Tour Wor. lhaa 65,000 children will ba.v• ... n "The run ... Guael", South Coua Repe.r· lory'a 1982 touring educahonal production, by the time it cOn· eludea ita Southern Califom1a eehedule J\lne 11, aeeo.rding to SCR produeer-dneotor O.vid Em.m". ' Youngaten at Harbor Day School 10 Corona de1' Mar w11l ... the ongmal muaieal play nut Monday, May 17, al 1 p.m The produehon combmes eotertainmenJ w1th educahon about pbys1cal fitn ... and health. OCCA Speakers Auemblywoman Nar1an Bergeson (R-7-4th), Assembly- mao Nolan Fnuelle (R-73rd) and Superv1sor Thomas &ley. of the F1fth O.stnct, are the speakers fo1 the Leg1sJators' Day luncheon th1s Fnday, May 14, ·spomontd by the Orange Coun· ty Coast Assoc1ahon. The event in the Irvme Coast • Country Club beg&ns w&th a recephon at 11 :30. Top1cs w11l include s&tuahon reports on state and county measures affechng lhta area, accordmg to pres1dent Ken Fowler T1ckel 1nformahon 548-6280 May Fiesta Sunday Booths, t;rames, refreshments, live entertamment and pnzes w1U feature the fust annual May Ftesta thts Sunday, May 16, of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church an Newport Beac h The fesllv 111es will run from 11 am. to 7 p m on the church grounds at Mar V1sta Dnve and Dommgo , 10 Eastbluff. 'Dolly' At CdM "Hello, Dolly I" the mU&tcal adaptation of the "The Nat· chma.ke,U JDade famoua by Carol Channing, will be pr ... nted at Corona del Mar High on May 20, 21 and 22. It will alar Dana McCallum AS Dolly Gallagher, Scott Morrow AS Horace Vandergelder, Reg Rogers as Cornelius Hackl, Susan Appel as Irene Molloy, Larry O'Connor as Barnaby Tucker, and Helen Lemmon as Minnie Fay. Sean Loftus ts the student pro· ducer. "Hello, Dolly!" wtll be playmg at the Newport-Mesa D11tnct Auclitonum, 600 lrvme, Newport Beach Curtain ta at 8 p.m., and tickets are available at the school. Reserved seals are S4. Information: 760-3350. Honoring Law Dean Alumn1 and fnends of UCLA School of Law m Orange Coun· ty have been invited to a party honoring Deans William D. Warren and Susan WeslerberQ Prager on Fnday, May 14, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Newport Beach Marnoll Hotel and Ten01s Club. Prager, a law professor at UCLA smce 1972 and assoc&ate dean s1nce 1979, will become dean of the UCLA School of Law on July 1. Concludmg seven years as dean, Warren will step down to return full-hme to teaching Prager IS the first UCLA law school alumnus to be appotnted dean and the hrst woman to be selected a law school dean 10 the Univers1ty of California system. Reservahons: Bea Cameron, (213) 825-7049. FREE (eo....dbeai*Jel) ~f dep1clino Wayoe in • .,..tern aetting, wUh • molded b&ae ahow1ng a d ... rt.travelmQ st~ch a.nd p&aellgera. Com..miuioned in O.C.mber 19'N orlgmally on a bid of $17,500, the project grew to nearly $30,000 after Malson sa.ad he had been g1ven approval by members of an ad hoc commit· tee appointed by then-Mayor Paul Rycltolf and City Council to enlart;re the scope of the memona.l. Thu included sculptin9 the stagecoach model on a desert roadway. From the outset, fundtng had been a volunteer eUort spearheaded by the Jaycees. Matson Ul facint;r fo.-eclosure on hts home and ts lD bankrupt· cy proc: .. dmgs, he has reveal· ed. He h.u satd much of his ftnanctal phght resulted from h1s advancing funds for materials wht.Je he also was turning down other commisstons because of h1s dedication to the project. QUVk:tory (Collti.Du.ed from page 1) poNS as maintenance of the bar· bor, payin9 liJeguards, dredg· inQ and maintaining public beaches, said Wynn, under the trusteesh1p granted the city by the state. Armstrong's lease of the wells had provaded the city a reported S65,000 m 1980. His lease ex· ptred 10 January 1981, at wh1ch hme the c1ty sought to talce pOs&eSSlOD. Under ctly operahon, the wells are pro}ected to bnng 10 poss1bly three-quarters of a rrulhon dollars annually, "whtch would JUSt about taJte care of that hdela.nds delicti now bemg paad out of the city's general fund," Wynn commented. -Burt S ims A Poppy To Remember Leslie Van Elsberg,7, Poppy Girl for the Newport Harbor UM .No. 291 of the American Leg eon and its auxiliary. and Mayor Jackee Heather remind you that this is Poppy Month-and May 15 and May 15 are each a Poppy Day. Funds from sales of the paper flowers hand-made by disabled and hospitalized servece veterans assist needy veterans. Unit hopes to sell 6,500 S1Jff phnu> bv 8<11'\1 Slob•" Hoedown Asks Y' All Come A Western-style everung of enterta&nmenl, wtth country music and a c huck-wagon dm· ner, will be held at the Orange Coast YMCA on Unwerstty Dnve next Tueaday, May 18, to beneUt the Harbor Educational EXpenence Proqram. Newport Harbor, Corona del Ma.r and Back Bay h1gh schools, which p.rovide students and teachera wtth career-related ex· penencea, are mvoJved 10 the HOE prQ9ram. Busmessa people speak to c:laues, and teachers visit buameues aa part of the project developed by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber ·of Commerce and now operated •by the Newport Harbor Area Educahonal Fund m cooperahon wtlh the bustness commumty and the Newport-Mesa Umhed Sehool D1stnct Fund pres1dent IS Chuck Htrsch Barbara deBoom. who IS tn charge of the HOEDown, sa1d, "We hope th1s w11l be another step towards our goal of ratsmQ $40,000 to keep the program alive." Fund-ratsmg cha1rwoman 11 Suzy Baron Tax-deduchble tickets are pnced at $30, accordmQ to Jean Whitney, educahon coordinator for HOE. lnformallon: 644-8211. TAX SHELTER &c....-. LWOIIPI ... 1\at UJD.It wiUch tM city of Newport BeACh two yeara a9o put on oontrlbuUona in wpport of ballot meuur" i.l comin9 off Nay 13. Recent action by the City Council, at the reeom.mendahon of the city attorney's oflice, amended the Municipal Code to brinc;J tl into conformity with a recent U.S. Supreme Court . deci110n. The court ruled that a Berkeley ordmance limihng such contnbutlona to S250 was an impermlsaible restraint on freedom oJ asaoc:iation and freedom of apeech. In a memorandum to the c1ty l.ut fall, Robert H. Burnham, then actinQ ctty attorney, noted. however, that the court in another cue had upheld the ngbt of munictpa.)ities to impose hm1tahons on contributions to candtdates, and also the right of mun.icipahties to require con tributora to file statements revealing the amounts so con· tributed. The city at present bas a $200 hrnit on such assistance. City Attorney Michael Miller said his office was revaewing the Municipal Code's application to such matances, and possibly would aut;rgest further revision. ScegjcRun (Continued from page 1) Wood. "It'll be one of the most scentc courses you could have, paasmg through the restden· hal areas of old Corona del Mar, cross1ng that 50-year old footbndt;re , movmt;r along thos spectacular bluffs overloolung BtQ Corona Stale Beach . We even expect to have some Classic Cars to look at along the way." MARKET EVALUATION ON YOUR HOME COMPUTH ANALYSIS No eo.t Of ()blgo1ton Up to 6-1 Write Off-Yearly Return I PeRFORMANCE BOND CALL KEN 625·2M5 u.tYow Nome -.o11 w.r ....... LII-Iook ANIIONAL CNALLINel 11 s •ore to rec -• tfor"'Q ~ DVOioC ll)e(lkrQ oc •.no ana I9C 'Y"tC 01 \lt'Qf'9 Ol Of'e ~•ue110 Hotlv "'\81 no~ tl4ltt"'IJ sruoe"t or rne uot Art~ 101 an en111e hte '"'"'" >Nl ues.nf\ '"''' VY~1 o .ear I"ClfTIC)n(Q •r-'ll'' AI OQe\ 0(-fl ~n THE ~EAL. i::..~.J I A i ~RS Ar v ,.. "''i'f.,\1110 1(\ !"Me l)ll\ Olfl Sofufdcry. May 22 "•'IKl'O'-eorlf'oeen•et•oorvl 7pm ~ • 8 15pm S.nou ,.,._._ lfole. c-'1 ITM11t 666 W. 19TH ST., COSTA ~SA PAPor AilS ACI!OS~ ~lll(fl ()111\j ()(PAQIUfNl Of M()IQI! vfo-tr d Carpet, Drapery, Upholstery and Mini-Blind CLEANING SPECIALIST ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : NM~ ! • • • • TOFA ILl S of DEC A ID VITIRAN e • • • • •••••••••••••••• I We Keep You Smiling ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. All Insurance Programs W elcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T. SMRECEK. JR., ODS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 104 Newport Beach (next to Victoria Station) • (t p c ~ tl I- t] h 1: i• li • t ,. I I t ' I I • F\m At Center Enjoying the fun at the newiy-expanded Assis1ance League of Newport Beach Day Care Center on Orange Avenue in Costa Mesa are Todd Vicino, 5, and Lolita Want, 4, both oc Costa Mesa, with Diane Linderman. chairman of the center's expansion program. The center serves the children of low-income working parents. It is supported by the Assistance League Thrift Shop at 505 32nd St., Newport and by the Hoag Foundation. (Cc.Uaued m. pa9e 1) p ictu.resque, the homes quaant, the cove a place of natural beauty, with a Mnae of retreat 1 ... than thr" minutes from Pacific Coast Hi;hway. "We know bow to handle the differences," Mad M.akely. "lt'a Just a way of hving . You have to be a little different breed. Folks here 11mply love it-or leave. But seems like nobody ever wants to leave- except maybe a guest wakes up nervoua wttb a b1g wmd, or the wavea. Some of them JUit get up and ;o in the middle of the ni;ht." Cove ruidenta sharply ques- tion the fact they've been told they muat leave in two years or 1 ... -while ownen oJ the El Norro mobile hom• a mlie oz eo down the beach hAve been oiven 20 yean to relocate. Cove reeidenta label th11 aa depnvino tlleir colony of "equal protection ud eq\lal riQhta" under the law. .. Why should tAat be allow- ed?'' asked Gabriel. He quoted a report that atate of- ficiala had discovered 11 could COlt ~r~er.J million dollars to provide relocation funda for the 294 units at El Morro-and only h.Jf a millaon for the cove reaidenta. "So they are lethnQ Il Morro go along with a 20-year leaae of- fer made by the alate General S.rvtc•• a;ency-and tellinQ ua that we can't bold them to the Mme ofter, even thouoh they made it to ua," Gabnel Mld. He added, "I'm not trymg to start .ometblftg wath the 11 Morro .,.ople. I'm very olad S1aH phnln bv 8a11v Slnb<n ' they are able to Jt .. p their bomea for 20 years. They're even allowed to tranafer title, or aub-leaae-whicb we aren't. But I can't believe my alate, that our officials, would daacnminate like trua for money." On Monday of thta week, Auemblywoman Mauan Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) won at least a httle more hme for some of the re11dents facmg ev1ction. These are owners the atate considers "part-hme" becauae they have another place of residence. Members of the stale resources subscommtllee of Assembly Ways & Meana sup· ported her argument that the cottaoes should not be left va- cant while the Parks Department is preparang its use plan and it. as bemg considered by the Legwature. The team wbach toured the cottaoes for thr" days laat w .. k wu headed by Davad L. Allan, project manager for the park's oeneral plan. He was ac- companied by thr" atd .. who special.iae in "mterpretive hiatory'' and archltecture. Allan told th.u newspaper 11 was poaaible some of the homes maoht be tranaformed mto "mlerprelive history centers", such u has been done at Col- umbla, a goldfield town of the SO. an northern Cahfom1a whtch baa aome atructurea of near· muaeum quahty Title to the cottages may be the subject of lengthy lihQahon, however. The Irvine Co., which .old the state the parltlanda, dad not proVIde deeds to the hom". accordino to mformahon M.kely sa.1d he had been gaven "I kmd of doubt there are Ju.c~Qe ... 11 Polia .. ,. ..... • wntaa9 • Mttef' lo the OtPQe C.O..ety cupter 01 Wothen ~ul DnaAk Drivi.D9 (WAJ>D) to uk th .. for tpeeUic CMee i.D which tlley MY hUe ... Moient ln hia enteocin;. "Titey clauD to bave .. m•ny u • hAlJ-doaea cuee 10 whach tbey believe my eenteoetnQ wu le11ient, but l .want to know which of the cuea they're talk· lnQ about," Polis MJd. "I th1nk it's unt.ir to pack out one, two or tbr.. out of thouMnda I have handled and MY they are an example of the kind of Mnlencea I hand out." Polia, who was appointed a Harbor Nunacipal Court judge in 1979, occupaea the only Har- bor jud; .. hip which 11 on the June 8 b.llot. Poha 11 a r"idenl of the Irvine village of Unaveral· ly Park. P~;y Mejaa, chauman of the county chapter of MA.DD. c harged that Polia "b .. shown no expr ... 1on oJ f"hnQ for the vactima oJ crime whataoever." However, Poha strongly denied Metsa's charCJ" and acud he haa been endorHd by any," he Mid. "We all paid an vanoua law enfor~menl oUtcaals and pohce grou.,_ Tb ... 10clude the chaef depu- ty dtslnct attorney of the Harbor Court and the lrvme and Costa NeM Pohce Aaocaahona. In statement• IUued N on day. two police chaeta pr-.Hd Pol11 and stopped Jutt ahort of makmg endotMmenta. Leo Peart. lrvme Director of Pubhc Safety, and Pete Gross, Newport Beach Chief of Police, both sa1d they have pohciea against endou1ng anyone in pobllcal campaagns. "Our experience wtth Judqe Polu has been excellent," sald lrvane'a Peart. "He hu worked cloaely with vanous members of equal share of the tu .. on the Furtller, Cryat.J Cove's 12- land, and I fioured out the plua acres now are a federal u Mp&rate appraiaed value on well u a state Hiatoric O..tnct. each buildio;, and -.ch owner The Department of lnterior hu paid that-until the state took specified quidelin• on how 1t over. IJ .omebody el• owned should be treated. Some state tb ... buildin;a, wouldn't tlley plana aught violate theM. have been oetting the tu bill?" But back to thoee titl .. to the There are other clouda hover-hom ... Roae Butel, now m her 1n9 over the atate'a attempt to 90th year, MYI M.altely, got her take pouuaion. duectiona from Jam• Irvine A lawsuit by 89 Crystal Cove hn.n.Mlf. T1u.a would have been pl.mtifb again.at the parka and "J.l. ", James n. "She'll tell you recreation department, the Back in the 30a, he spread hia General Servic .. department banda toward that piece of and 10 unnamed tndividuala, ground abe baa, and Mid, c la.una fraud and miarepr ... nta-'Roee-you build your house hon, and ... Jta unapecilied nght here-and pay me S3 a d&maqes u well u decwatory month for the land." relief-and uka the ume long-State ofbc1ala may bnd at hard term a(Jreementa that have been to deal with that ktnd of a extended at 11 Morro. legacy OIM8s=hnc,....,,.a.nlr A__. Corona d.l Mar Hi;h School Mllion Chriatopher Lynch, Allen Menton and Scott Ricllmao weze recently r8C()9nised by the Baak of America Achievement Awa.rda Prooram. LYDch , IOD ot Wr. and Wn. W altez Lynch of Corona del Mar, h&a been • vanitY buket- ba.D standout, member oJ tlle band and orch..t.a, and uports reporter for the hi;h achool newspaper as well u for the En- aign. He placed aecond overall in tlle bank'a hberal a.rts com- petition, receivin; a S100 acholarahip. M.nton, aon of Wr. and Mrs. Seymow Menton of Newport Beach, who placed tint amon; atudenta from 12 echoola com- peliDQ in the fine a.rts cat.c}ory moet recently directed ud star- red in tlle Leonard Genhe AU you'll ~ need to know about florim: plaay, "Buttedli .. lue FrM". He ia president of the hioh school concert choir. Laat aummer Menton preformed u the piano accompa.niat lor the Newport Tb .. tr• Arts Center pzocluction oJ "Goct.pell". a. ta ..uNCi • .m..uaua $900 award ud ~ on to com~ in the Way 19 final. where he could win up to $2000. Richman, .on of Mr. and Mn. luac Richman of Newport Beach, placed aecond in the science-math category. He will a1ao receive a SlOO award. -Jocty lecbw Hourly Fee Basis TM •w-pon E.,... .,, , t.,. . .., 12. 1• ,... a our department aod h eide • apeca.J effort to provlde tr•antnq to our department "He meets on a r~u_lar baa-.s wath our lraffac davaSion . H11 workaog relahonahap Wllh Ul aa very C)OOd." Newport's Groa M1d oJ Polls. "Our uper~nce wath hJm bu been e.trem•ly favorable He's qone out of h11 way to assai us He'• been very lnter .. ted rn aee- tng that the court has all the anformahon 11 needs to make an tntellJ.Qenl decta1on." Pol.&.a a• opposed tn h11 race for re-elechon by Irvme allorney Paul Robbans, a d.puly prospec- tor for the ctty of Long &ach. Robbins reacted angnly after Polis' announcement laat week that the mcumbent JUdCJe has the endorMment of Attorney Gener.J George O.uimeJian, a candidate for the Aepubhcan nomuuahon for governor. O.ukmetian saad he made the endorHmenl because Pous 1s a lonq1u.n.e fnend "George O.ukmeJian has betrayed the voleza of the stale, he baa betrayed ha.a campa1gn workers and he haa betrayed Iff. Mtd he uranc:H that th4o •ttomey ~raJ wou&d malre O<l endorw~aeota sn the Oranqe CouAiy JUdqethlp race. "I t..l hke l'•e been double- c roued and stabbed lft the back, .. lobbuu Mid Deukme1~D responded by wyang he did not lr.now Pol11 had oppostllon Robfuna called Polaa' reoord o n crunanal sentences "atro· CIOUI " HoweYea;, Pat Geary, chaef deputy c:hstnct attorney of the Harbor Court, c.Jled Aobbans' c harge "pohllcal claptrap." Geary sa1d , "We all f .. J be (Po l11) 11 an eJicellenl tudge " Me11a of NADO pomted ou t that Pohs lacked the endorse- ment of the Or.nqe County Deputy Distract Attorneys Aaaoc1anon. However, a spokesman Mid the -.mberahap of the group voted noa to endorM becauM they weze not fam1har enough wtth the C4Dc:b· dates Natalie Stamires is visited by her grandmothef. Mrs. Nitsa Morphiadou, who traveled from Greece to anend Grandparents' Day at Hatbor Day School last week At right is Linda Thompson, chatrman of the event More than 4(X) grandparents participated Mr$ Morphiadou was g1ven an award for traveling the farthest Natahe, a seventh-grade student. IS the daughter of Or and Mrs. Oenms Stamtres. of Newport Beach. S•.tf pno1o bv s•-~ ............ YoebnB•••••· fl'ank Livinq.ton. h ., oJ Newport Hazboz Hlqh, ud ~n­ neth J. Yonkers, of Cozona del M.ar High, were amono 75 of the county's ou.atandanQ students honored Monday evenmg by the Orange County Savmgs and Lo&n League Jam• Rooeevelt, of Newport Be.ch, eld•t son of !'"resadent Rooeevelt and head of a buen-~tmg hna lilere, -.a the CJU-* ~peak•r noll.n9 the 2!th &D.Diveraary of tb. awards program A bronze medallion and cub were gaven 1n recoqrution of each seruor'a aupenor acluev• ment m Clllzenahlp, lead.rah.ap and scholarship The event wu held at Tb. Newporter WARDROBE REFINEMENT-APPAREL ADJUSTMENI'S J ULIE F OSTER, TAILORESS B y Appointment, In Y our Home (714)751 ·3088 (Q~ntkm~n by Per~onal R~t~~nc~ Only) rm......-· a .,. ................ -.-... 67J.J?It ............................ .., ................ 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 ~Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa THE SANDCASTLE Call the Gumness Book of World Records See tf there ts a w orld rec ord for digging holes an the sand at the beach If there IS a record. w e thtnk 11'1 about to be broken. The people w ho w an • '" bwld an nfface cnmn~rciat building tn 1 he middle of the Balbna Fun Znne SdV ·t•t"V •" e qotnq • n drg a hole 48 FEET DEEP in the sand And w hat are they go tng to put Ill h•s b•~l "''lc1 Cars T 131'5 nght. automobiles No. thiS as no t a new 1dea for bw y111t1 llmkcd cars Tl11s IS qotnf) to be a parkang garage under the huge b111ldtnq W e have been assured that thas enH•neert nq marvel w •ll '"'' cave "' And hydraulic hfts. they say, wall be used In m rwe cars up and dnwn C'n ·w n park ing levels T hey m1ght also need a crane to pack cars up nff the s:ree• because •he traffic c1rculatton pat tern betng prnposcd cnu ld result "' cars backinn up nal Bay Avenue tn trona of the garage exa:. 111us blocluno cars ttylllq tn net ou t nf the garage and ontn 1 he s1ree1 Will 1 hey qet down an 1 hts btfl mnl£' llol.e and not be able 10 get ou t ? Will a new underqrnund soctety de\letop Fun Zone1 T hose who are afratd tn drive theu cars nlto ·t.e b•O 1111 cars S(lrnewhere else and walk. But the P"'JCC' is Clllnln::l .... ,r-•• parking spaces, so parking will be even harder 1 n ftnd t I tW Maybe we should ch nge the name nf 1 he Fun Zflfte ,,. 'bo Twt1~ or the War Zone or something. ~ For many years now. OUf Fun zn., r has rei it and "marine rec:r lion." Does th t nlNl'l rl awimm ng pool? Th y wiP if that hnle fit w tth watm. ·YesOn~l ' .., (TJUs ;. the lim ol ~rie• of editoriallooh al the 12 .tate propositions appearing on the Ju ne 8 election bollol.) ~Nl It approved by v~r•. tl..it .a....-ure would enable the •tate to ..U $495 million in general obligation bonds to fin&nce new coubuction, remodeling and maintenance of state prison faeillties. Over a 20-year period, it is atimated that it would cost California tupayers more than Sl billion to pay oH the bonded indebtedness. The 12 pli.lona now operated by the state were built to lloUM about 25,000 inmat". There are 30,000 in the pn.on. now aad, with the public mood for adopting lllOre and more determinate-1e11tencing laws, that fiqure ilexpected to continue to climb. It can be argued that, if we insist upon locking up l"e people and for lonqer terms, we have to have iiaou to house them-otherwise, we must release some riaonen early just to make room for new ones, thus ef.atinq the puYpOSe of our get-touqh-on-criminals licy. Govemo.r Brown "timales that funds raised by Prop. 1 would provide prison cells for another 7,000 prisoners. .. Those opposing the proposition arque that new prilona should be financed from current state revenues, rather than putting taxpayers in debt by more than $1 billion. There is abo an arqument that, with interest rates at an all-time high (it is estimated that the bonds would have to be financed at about 11 percent annual interest), this is not a qood time to be adopting bond i.uues. Letters To The Editor There is also a point of view that surplus military facilities should be conve.rted to prison use, thus saving hundreds of millions of dollars in land and construction costs. We believe that, whatever the outcome of the funding decisions, any new prison construction or expansion 1hould be carried out only after very careful examina- tion of impacts on local communities. It maJces more •n• to house prisoners near urban centers, from which moat prisoners are arrested and sentenced. This makes it euier for their families to be nea.r them without mov- inq to another pa.rt of the state. When prWon8 are built or qreatly expanded n€ar smaller communities, those -communities are usually heavjly impacted by an influx of prisoners'· families and by the parolinq ot~Tisoners mto the small communities. We favor a YES votft on Prop. 1. Th~ newspape.r'1 positions on the 12 proposthons will be explained in our Jude 2 lSSUe. Political Powder-Keg By the time the November general elechon rolls :f around, the issue of whether or not the Newport Beach City Council speaks lor the majority of residents w1ll have become a polihcal powder-keg. The West Newport i.eqlSlahve Alhance wu able to obtatn sufficient valid stqnatures to fo rce a choice by the council of rescandmq the go-ahead on the Beeco development or puthng at to public vote. The latter appears certain. Unwillingly or not, the WNLA's success places a much broader mterpretahon on how the pubhc vaews the proposed development of the mduslnal-commercial· residential complex on what used to be the Banninq family's sheep ranch. A few months ago, threat of a referendum over the Irvine Co.'s pro)ected buaJ.dout of Ne wport Center ught company wathdrawal of the plan-but there was additional pressure caused by 1ts controversy w1th lea.-holders. lWr• was no such secondary assue here Unless the deyeloper backs off. Caty CouncaJ's JUdgment wall be up for second-quessmq -BHS .. ml L C.O.."--r .. Co.rou cW W.,, CA G62S-tiiO Oil Inventory To the Edttor: The forthcorrung Oil Lease Sale No. 68 m June, by Secretary of the Interior James Watt, as not as many t.lunk, his idea. He 11 followinq Law 95-372, Amendments to the OCS (outer continental sheW), paued by Congress in 1978. The 1980-85 Leuinq Schedule, which as ia following, ia part of at. Th.ia law requires that the otl and gas contained in the OCS be mventoned. the mOS"I aatidactory way that this can be accomplished ia by drilling. Anpther requi{ement ia th.t .u m~ll oU aDd t.u be extracted from the OCS aa pouible. National interest, which in· volvp redu.ci.Ag our dependence on foreign oll, .u well as variour financial benefila to our Dation, prevaili to aucb a.n extent that local and at.te governmeota wlll have little or no effect on per· manently stopp1ng certain leaH sales. Mr . Watt ia not following the law U he wtthdraws any tract for sale wathout good reason. Tract. which are withdrawn from sale could be rematalled later. WilJred Berla Balboa Island A Fun Zone SPON? To the Editor: Here we qo again. Another c:Jeverly-wntten .. , of half·trutha and mnuendo from thoae folb who live in an apparently pollution-fr" poat office box OJl Balbo. laland. lt'a a ahame there aa not ao orqaniution dedic•t.d to "Stop Polluting Our NeWlrpapera" with auch 1tema .u the11 broad.a:ade at the fun Zone. W.ybe we could form an orga11u•tion, and call it SPON Ul Some specifics: UDder the ex.iatlng zoninq codee oJ the c1ty of Newport Beach, thrN-story buildinqa axe aUow&ble with proper perm.lta and varlallc ... Nucb of the building pro~· ed lor the run Zolle will be desJqDa.ted for re..U UN (allop., arcad.s, r•ta\lraAit and thAt like). No &One ebanqe i.t .-.quired. even under the Gelleral ,..D. Resldellta in areu adj4lcelll to the current Full Zooe would • welcome the propoeed taaprov.- mnt lD the aaiety and ...theHc:a of the CCIIlmer$1 ., .. oJ Belboe. HOw doe. replaemQ e rua-c:towa, ~ .... .,...,,. witla u ~Uy p1ee•iaq, we&l- ~ed ... bulWaa9 t•na tlftpOrt INclt i.Dto ..,,... OO..r Uaft a nk:er lo lift? .alP Newpcwt IMcll The Aput.mat .Auoclation aympathi ... with the moliv• of the court iD bTiA<J to relieve the plight of pua .. Mek:iDg ahelter for them.telve. aad their ch.il- dren. However, we are convinc- ed that itl deciaiOJl to extend the meaning oJ tile Un.rull Civil Rigbta Act ia unfortunat. ud u.uound. Ita ultim.ate effeQt will be to prolOD<J the hou.ainq ahort- aqe in California ud thereby perpetuate the problem of auit&ble hO\Wng for the very chilchen it ...b to help. It ia a fAct thaJ developen ud build· en are lea lib1y to build apart- ment Wlita in the face of addi· tional qovemment r..trictiona. The chieJ vict.iJu of the eowt'a ct.ciDon will be the tenuta of apa.rtment bllil<lmgs, ud proepective tout. includ· in9 thoee with children. The decilion for-eably will require the expenditure of milliona of dol.l&n to modify emt.inq apartmenll whiell never were desiqned with children in mind. n ... mu.t be altered- drutically in !DAllY euee-to . protect children bom injury ud dHth. It ta expected that liability inluruce c011tl in moet apart· me.ntl will mer .... aharply in view oi the &.quenay of child· related accideDta. Becau... oJ increued COIIta facino the owuen oJ aputme11t propert.t., the deciaioD will llave • h .. .u, inflaticmuy impact. Tbit ia a traQic develop- ment indeed, comillQ at a tilDe wllen the entire nation il tryin<J dMperately to rev_. the i.Dfla- Uonuy trend which hu g:rtpped our ecoAOIDY Jo.r .0 IIUlDY yean. We already have llad numer· oua repo.rta of tenant r._nlment concern.i.Dg th.ia &bridqement of their freedom to ellooee the at- mo.phere in wla.ieh to live. Their prot..ta coAflrm the find.inqa oJ the recent Jielda Poll of (.;aJitor· Diana whe.reiD a cleu u.d d.imnct majority of respolldents supported the rtgllt of tenuta to chooee to live in adult-only apartme11ta. In California, we previoualy have been free to cbooee our own li.IMtyi.. That DO loJlqer ia true. n. Su,p.reme Court hu choeea to a.bl'kl9e that riqht. We hope the ate I.gialature will act to moderate the impact of thia deciatou. Peter S. C&rberry lxecutlve Director Aputmut Aun. oJ Oruge County Appreclat .. Support To the lditor: We are qratefu.l for yow support. We receive m&Dy calla bom CODUDUility people oHering theJr voluntMr Mrvicee u a r..Wt of your publication. Last YHr we placed 3,500 volunteen in eommwlity aqenciu. Tllank you for yow continu.ed aupport. Bernie Kaut& CollllDu.nity VoluntMr Proqram Director Voluntary ActioD Center, SulAl Ana nu.-~~ your vieM. lAiten •u.t be ~ .tJ ._,. ple/w lo ..... ~-but lDitiala oaly will be u.ed, ~ l'eqHIII. w. ,....,... tbe rigbJ lo ('C)DC'M,... Here. )'OUT cbcmce lo ~ oul. CON8l1MERCORNER ·~ Dear Co.nnaer League: Nov. 9, 1981, I ordered .ame children'• boob u ClariltmM preteDta for •Y ebilclren. The advertiaeaeDt allow.d pictur• of familiar clauacte.ra frOJD S...me Street, tlae Wuppttl, aDd l>wDey oartoou, 10, I lJqured thil •ut be a reputable firm . Well, lirtt IM boob cl.ktn't artive for ca.~ .. 1M acl prom.iMcl. Secoocl, WlaeD tlu• boob &rriwid inMNd of tour, I wu a little UCJIJ. --I Clieeovued all tluee IMMab .. ,. th• MIM, I .. a lot ~ry. I ha .. cUW.Ia...ew"*'-. NoehJDQ Me .......... WUt D8Jtl? Wn. A. or boob, so we Nnl the loJJow· ing Jeller: March 8/h, 1982. Nn. A ., o Conaumer l.eogue ln8tnber, re- quHied ol 113.80 relund. nu refund n promJMd in your Feb 22, 1982 Jetter and by Colilornio law. To dole .Jte lt08 not receJv. ec/1/W relutKJ. We IKn•• teQuNied the loltM /10111 lite Mole and ~101 o;.n- c-.. We /:tope your ciMc* or· ri.,.. belore I.~Nitw lor ... are Pf'OCI-d. We will oAeo iiJor• U.O.. h,... .W.O. i::Jioroc,_ you u..ln your Otlvert..u.g. ~ lt08ImH 101 tlte DiaMI,Jaad 2!11t AnnJ .. 111C2T)' A.._., we Ole -.,red oltlteir bileiWII /11 eon-.. ,~. JIWgd.,...,}fa ....... ~r ~1M_ JJ3.10 • JOORrtAUSI'S Jc:KIItNAL b)' Jim P'eltoll Leddy Reday ia what a travel writer should b.-a awaahbuckl· ing, mounta!A-climbiAg. jungle· probing adventurer who baa the courage and the stamina to ••· plore plac" I'll never visit. He h.u juat returned from New Gu.in" and the pictur" be ud bia Wlfe, Peo. brouqht back of Stone Age tribes in their briqlltly-colored bu.tl ahou.ld be reproduced in some publication, and they probably will be in lime. Tlua strenuous journey c&n be added to the Reday ex· periellces in Tibet, Patagonia ud the outback country of Auatralia, juat to name a few. So what did Laddy and I talk about at lunch? Abe.lones. Reday writes lo.r publicatlona throughout the world, ou almost any given subject. Writinq 11 a hobby and a challenge for rum . He U. made bia mark in buain ... , ahipping and aalea and now in property development and management, and whatever he attempt., he doea exlTemely well. He ia currently averaging better th&n an &rtlcle a month, and lf be bad to, be could hve on bia writmq mcome, although oot weU. But be lmows the pleasure of compoaing, the dull heartache oJ the rejection alip and the ne.u·ecstacy of ... \no your atuH in print: "by Ladislaw Reday." He beats writlnq Uke a buain ... , &nd the poatmu br· inqeth ud the postman taketh away; lo, by the a..rm.fuJ almoat 8V8JY day. One day l.ut week, Laddy rece1ved a rejection alip from a national goUilllet maquine. He bad SUQ,QUted a atozy OJl New Orleana d.ininQ out, but the rnaguine editor said that w.u a subject the editor beneU would hudle. "However, I would like to ... a piece on abalone, and Oranqe County r..tau.rants." Lacidy reDlemben divinq for and qetting abalone along our cout and on C.talina, PfYUl9 them loose W1th a ti.re uon. "But today nobody will lmow what a hre iroD ia," he aaid. He no ted that abalone ia becoming .a rue that o11ly now and then do you find it on a rutawant's menu, ud when properly prepared it ia a daabnc · hve delicacy. I recalled a story .ame yean aqo in Scientific American that mapired .ame idle dogqereJ from my typewriter. II mentioD· ed that the brHdinq of ah.U fiah w.u 10 haph.ua.rd that it w~ a wonder any elliatec:l at all. The aubject wu oyaten, ud the r...._rcb told bow the male f.utens il..U onto a rock ud do.-hi8 bit blindly hopillq that he hita eome female oyater Ooatinq by. So 1 wrote ''Ode to the Love Life oj an Oyater" that went aomethtllQ like thit: I'd rotlHu live within o c)oiater Than hove tlt• Jove life of an opter. • (C to aQ .. DC .. bl hA pt (( sJ b B A IJ tl p p b r• tl .. a ft II \II c 0 J: c It f d I= I J ( Banning cc-u.-.c~ &oa s-v-t> to run 11 through the computers agaan" L&kehhood ll\al the S.nnang project would become a m.JOr poiJUc&J auue iD the Noveaa.ber electioa:aa wa -.ell .by ~n 'I who rec&ll.d The Irvine Co. retre.ted from ita plaAned .bu11dout of Newport Center under orowioq I'Upporl for a aimilar referudum. The qu"tiont of city growth ud dUectioo, ud whether or not miliqatioru by developers would aolve the lner ... ing pro- .blem.a oJ lr.Jfic And ••penN, have lhadowed both of these propoaab. Greeley Mld, "We are eoofa- Parking (Coetba..t &c. ~ 1) sleepy-eyed, they aey, 'I've Just .been readulg. . . "' Suay &ron, pr .. adent of the Balboa Wand Improvement Aaocaahon, wa.a amonq the f~rsl speakers, and asked approval of the ordmance restnchng RV parklng on CJiy streets "to help parktng and vaaabahty pro· blems." She also read a letter from another resadenl cthng the nar- row slrMts an some sec hons of the caty wbach are reftdered un· sale by parkmg large vehacles, and RV1 uaang the streets for "monthly padcang" because "a few parlnnq hc lcets are c heaper than sloraqe space " Also noted was the ac t of "carefree campers" leavanq theu garbagf' on the parkways But whale these statements ap· peared to gather poants on the councal, there was obv1ous an - terest and sympathy for the local RV owners who felt the or- dmance was too oppressiVe as proposed Many chose to open theu remarks by welcommg Mayor Jackae Heather back to the presidmg role. She has been convaJescmg from a stroke suf· fered March 7 She conduct.-d the seSSloo spmledly unhl ll 15 p.m., then left "because my doctor's out there SIQnctltng thc~t I've been here long enough " The sess1on concluded at mtd Olqhl. Some of the po1nts ra1sed an · eluded: • I deal the wtlhngn ... of Newport vo lera to aagn the pehtaon 111- dJeal• aupport for maani&IDJDg the , .. adenhal/reer .. honal charac ter of lbe c aly and further andacales the Beeco procect'a re- qu"l to c hange tome of the ca- ty'a General Plan ,..,denha1 aonanq to oUaee/anduatrlal wtU be d.le.tted at the poU.." She aooouneed • Victory Sup- per party would be beJd in Manner's Parle on Sunday, Nay 23, bona 4-1:30 p.m., to raaae lunda for continuance of the Alliance campaign. "There'll be supper, qames for the ltids, aucliona and raffles. and an opportunaty to ahare adeas about our caly." she a.ud Mayor JacJcae Heather Mid, "I assume that rather than reac10d at, the counc il wall vote to have -ulendtnq the ume lamat for RV curbside park-Ing to 72 hours-or 48 hours-or 24 hours. "Many families prefer to load up the&r vehacles dunnq the day, then catch some aleep-and start on their trap before the heavy lraUac o r the heal of the day. . . " -Problems arise at bomecom- mg, parhcularly with younq chtldren, and particularly 1f at as late at naght. "Am I supposed to unload at 3 a.m.? And then dnve maybe 16 males lo storaqe?" -Necessaly to clean the vehacles, o r eDgaqe lJl manor repalls, would not be accep- table under the "load o r unload only" rule -Why should the ban apply to RV owners who do not l1ve m areas of narrow streets? "We purposely bought up an the Bac k Bay area," saad Jam C ollans, who tdenhfaed hllDHlf as a former presadent of a na- honwade c ham of cam· pqrounds, "so we would have ample room for such parlung " He saad he would support an annual permat fee for RV street parlcmg whac h he sugqested mtght be used to fund enforce - ment of laws agaansl abuse. Th1s brought applause. -Norbert Schnabel, who tde nhhed h1mself as a Lado Isle Boy Scoutmaster, satd the ordmance wo uld force rum lo buy another vehacle because he parks h1s I ruck-c amper on the st reet for hours aa he prepares for a tnp w1th the Scouts 11 on the b.llot. J'd support that lt'U give • good t .. t of what ~and ol vu.Jaly we want to ... to th~ city " Counctlmen Paul Hummel, who w1th CouncUrn..n Don Strau• h.d voted aoallltl ap· Pto9&1 of the pro)ect-Gener&l PSan A.endment 81-1-told tbw newepaper, "l auapeet I'd lib to ... it put out to pu.blJc vote. I'd prefer to ... all commercaaJ.Ian- duatrial development well away from lhe coutiJne-u much u thrM milea." Streuu &aid, "I would vole to rescind lhe approval. That part of the caty 1hould .be more r..tdenh&l." Councilm.n John Co• sa1d, "They'U have to win if at an election. I wouldn't for a mJDule coJUic:ler reacandang lbe council -Aoother man Nid be was apea.kinq for a quadraplegac who baa a van with a molonz- ed Wt to r&J.M hLa motonaed whMlchair, and parb this on the 1trMI. The queshon of e•- c:eption• for disabled or han- dacapped indtvidualt was raiS· ed. Said Maurer, at la.at: "We can ... the problems. I think of lhe Anaheim lire, and how we'd qet emerqency vehicles through 10me of thne streets. We have a wording and an en- forcement problem, and the problema of encampment and aloraqe." He suqgested a comm1tte atudy-and was appomled to at alonq wath Councalman Hummel. -lur1 Sims $100,000Gift PorCeat.u A $100,000 Qlft from the Southern Cahfonua Gas Co. to the Oranqe County Performang Arts Center wa1 announced thLs wMk .by Henry Segerstrom, chairman of the truatees. "AJter seeinq the e•cihnq ar- chitectural plans for the center and talking with leaders of the proJeot, I am confident this world-clua facility will greatly enncb Oranqe County's hJestyle," aaid Robert M. Mcln· lyre, president of the qa.s com- pany. u he presented the Q1fl The Qlh 11 made on .behalf of the shareboldera of Southern CaWomaa Gas Co., and does not come lrom consumer rates or rate reveoue1, Mcintyre a.ud UVE WESTERN BAND -SNACK STAND- BARGAINS GALORE deciiiOD" Councilwoman Ru thelyn Plummer w ad , "A lot depend. on what the applacaot's wLah• are. He may ftnd enother ct.t.y wo uld mue at 1mpou1ble I th&nk we .bent over baclrw&td for the oppoe1hon, to the dehU..nt n.. ••port !Mtp Wedne...Quy • ay U . Ita Page S of 0.• applJCul. I wu H)• Couw·uan•o Ptut.p W.ure• arumeatel ln tnlroductng .ome aaid, "I'm ah ur\IJIY eqa,nlll thm9S the oppo6allon wenled-re.c::tnd&ng Th~ b.ttl hn• hav• ..U they Ifill were a9&ln.st 11 b.en drawn u to whether or not They wated our tame '' thLa Caty Co unc •l 11 effectt•e .. Couoc:ilwomen lveJyn Hart The m ... vre wtll be enctuded Mad, .. Let ..... vole OD •• I OD the o•n•r•l e leclto n b&llot think U't t.il u. of the lend." November 2 Until hts death •n 1980. hatdware deale. AI Forg11 ran hat ~n pefSilfl¥1 (~linn ad "' The Ens~gn for many years In anuctpation nf a book to be cnmainl\1t} the ads pu61eslt('(l S•lnfl hes wedow , Peg, as re-pnnung some of the ok1 ads. Th•s one appealed Ill Jdnu<wv 1975 sttnll after the celebrated Fanme Fox-Wilbur Mills incident an the capttol lldal baSin GO WEST FANNY! Fabulous Fanny Fox is our candidate for W oman of the Yea• Not since Lady Godiva got goosebumps rtding In the streets n f Crwen ry has dll IIIICidd female done so much to change politics For years. voters have been wondenng how to upset the senah·y lsenarowyl sys·em m Cflr' gress It was beginnang to look like okj W ilbur Melts w as gu1ng '11 hang on forever n ha powerful Ways and Means _10b . But, Fannie had ways and means of her ••wn She cyo ofd Wilbur to show hts true colo rs. h was kind of embarrassang ·n everybody excep t 'he people of Arkansas Nnthmg embarrasses t hem~y elected hem fm 111e 11mpteen1t1 en1e even af•er the frohc down by the Tidal Basin (nnw k n as the nld Mtlls pnndl Now . •f we could JUSt get Fannie tn come nut West fnr awhetc Wf! could liSE' snme help wath that guy that controls the purse strings up tn Sacramento Yn11 know . ·he rlfle whn keeps gelling those tiCkets for drunk driving. And. then there's n w famnus lncal Assemblyman who stands on bar po111es Oh, Fannie would fand some ferttle ftelds 'fl nperate an out here She maght have to htre extra helpers. hke Santa Claus Now . there are folks who will say we're kack•ng old W tlbur when lie's d"wn A nd we know . Wilbur and the other Democrats would never do anythtng hke rha• But, JUSt stop and thtnk a manute about 1has guy He has held the mos· powerful Jllb 111 Congress for years. handhng brlhons o f our dollars. and now . SllddePty lle ·ells 11s he"s been havmg alcoholic blackouts How many more of those guys are runnenq lunqs~ Nn wrmder the country as tn such a mess Maybe the whole damned crowd •s blacked r1u' Maybe we need to resurrect Gypsy Rose lee, Ann Co11o, and all nf •he other ntd ·eme stnppers and start a sor1 of Fannae's Bureau of lnvestigallon and weed rhese guys nu• You know. maybe there's a message here f01 women w ho want to ge· somewhere en poh11cs Joan of Arc was heavily dreued. and all 11 got her w as a feery death Sn take flt1 <J few nf your ct01hes. ladleS, and lead us out of the pohllcal w elderness Tlus w1ldf'rness es full nf elbow bendang w1ld men To reserve your copy of the book "Fearless Forgit," fill out the coupon and mail to Peg Forgit. 2206 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663 NAME ADDRESS YEAR ROUND SAVINGS 640..9193 H.OCMttNe • DltAH •••• WAUPAPI. • FAUICS 974-()666 TO 35~ OFF LIST .9 jla ~/lti19 ~/«t n#').J 10% OFF ANY ORDER May 22nd only (WITH THIS CCU'ON> INTRODUCTORY OFFER (New PotTOO$ ONv With ~EXOifM 7 1~81 CUT. •ow • CONDmONlR OA CUT. SM4MPOO l SfT $1.,.00A£G$2~o 640-9494 $20 NJIM WAVI•IG. ~ Men's Hairc uts S8 Reg SlJ Includes Shampoo Cut and Condttlonef AllYN-BLACK'S HAIR FASHIONS T~NGE" BENEfiT Of tRI1IORIIEA04 8 • FABRICS • NOTIONS • PAITERNS Traditional deweler 2()-10% AVI ENTIREST~~ CORNER FORO ROAD AND I ) . .. t , £fJ ~LAdy Nail and 5kln care Salon We Specialize in You! 720.1810 3409 E. Co.st Hwy. Coron. del M..r ·• Personalized Sken Care • Complete Nail Care • Custom Blended Produc ts 2614 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR Evelyn Wh1te Heareng A1d Aud1olog1st Repa•rs. Batteues and Serv1ce 675-3833 COTIRID IY THI STAll Mf.DKAl ~ . • Excellent lunches & dmners • Fene wenes • Full ~erv1ce bar • E ntertamment 3224 E. C~st Hwy. CoroN del M.r 640-7448 ~-NE_w~-------------<>_o Cruise Specialists Computerized Sabre System Individual -Commercial -Groups 6 75-5000 955·3380 2727 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DElMAR 2600 1. c~st Hwy. Coron41 del~' An Adventure in ~turaJ Eating HOURS 7 AM TO 12 PM 3050 E. Co.st Hwy ., Coron• del ~r (OPPOSITE AlBERTSON Sl 640-15~ HAYTeN•s 81\YWINOf'W Affordable ladies Wear casual to elegance 673-2674 3411 E. CCNSt Hwy. • Corou del ~~ Styers Prhlt-Q-.Mat "Where Quality Counts Moat .. l4l0 E. CCNSt Hwy. COIOIYcleiMM 675-:1133 In-House Decorator The Finest in Traditional Furniture MEETINGS TUESDAY. MAY 18TH WEDNESDAY. MAY 19TH THURSDAY. MAY 20TH TUESDAY. MAY 2STH General MePteng <;u.>nl( SK Pre'" P cHtV Bu'>eness Bar Hour Hdrlow·~ Blender PHON£ 67l-40SO FOR T1MlS AND LOCA liONS 720.1850 ART GALLERY Cu~tom Frc1 m1n~ NEW LOCA liON 2854 E. COAST HIGHWAY. CORONA DEL MAR Se• Shells from Around the World N•utical Gifts & Jewelry Coral PHARMACY Prescnpt1on InformatiOn Avaalable Upon Request 644-7575 Pdrken~ In Rt>ar 2700 L COAST HWY. CORONA DEl MAR De Marcus & Co., Wine Merchants 2824 E. COAST HWY .. CORONA DEL MAR 20-1370 Clo~C~t .., QUALITY CLOTHING IN EXCELLENT CONDITION (N.-w Actounh ~•komt'l ))6 POWSITT1A COIONADRM41 675-6523 The Mewpan EDIIp We.cfnsday. Mcrr 12. •• Pap 7 \ Corona I r CHAMBER of COMMERCE BULLETIN "How beautiful the bo ulevard could be!'' The chamber's May m eet ing will fea ture an architect , a designer, a planner and -the city inspector! Tuesd ay, the 18th, 7:30 a.m ., Sher- man Gardens, 673-4050 for reservations. I I women's fa~h1om 3653 East Coast Highway 0 t:.-1 0 l..:J 64().7011 COMPLETE PARTY PLANNING SE RVICE LaCaatiaa hne W.ne & Spmt.s Your Ltquor Store and 'o mut h more 3244 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DU MAR NEWPORT BALBOA Savings ·'The Smart Money Stays in the · Heart of Corona del Mar'' Corona del M.lr 3021 E. Coast Hwy. r.U: CoroR41 ct.l M.lr -=::·-:: 675-8060 Westcliff Plua 1100 Irvine Ave. Newport ~ach 645-6505 ~MKl '-t'. I ~~·M)Il· 11 1),. s. 16 Vf'M~ of tamlly dent1strv 1n Corona del Mar COSMET IC/RECONS TR UCT ION 2855 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA DEl MAR 675-2200 DICK D INEEN lr•nc:h Ma.nqer HeadqUArters ltanch: 1904 l. Coast thwy. Co~ del Mar no.olll .te•ey Hilc:kock INTERIOR DtSICNUt I 10 JMT....,ttetriM INTUtiOR Of tCN R, t 10 • ~ ~{,~·~;~ ~~a""·-~ "' .... bt Itt' .1\ud.n pi!Opllll I .. " Clothes from the wardrobes of the world' BEST-DRESSED PEOPLE 2731 E. Co.st Hwy. Coron.1 de4 ~ 675-SSSJ Mon.-S.l 1~ Sun. ll·S kUHN~ CREATIVE FRAMING ll. YE-ar~ •n lht> Sdmt• lo< rllton 2721 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Spectallsts 1n Comervatto n f ra mang We offer mte gnty dnd qualtty servtct> Hours 10 <l..m. to 4 p.m. Mon. thru fri. 673-2255 ';l~UJA~e~e ~ SE LF -SE RVI CE LAU NDR OMAT Drv ( leclntng • f '""heel l dundr\ Drop O tf ~ lutt & f old 37 11 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA DEL MAR 673-9654 3222 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA DEL MAR, 760-6850 Jolin L. 1\Com CRLATORe OF Ot•T ...,.CTtVt ~tltTJt4tTS C•aAT•v• WROOINOe Ou•~•TV Co""""•"c'"'- 30-.o It "'"c•~•c Co•eT '"4wv C:Oflt01'4A 0 • ._ """" LEN~Y'S DESIGN for women and men l et' • ~I ti AUfUk,IA J•wt.u.u AliiJOC IATit.,_ MEN'S & WOMEN 'S TRADITIONAL WEA R For Those Who Shop f o r Quali ty 3565 E.st COtUt Hwy., Corona~~~ 675-1850 MIR IIII&NI IHDn IDPPbY l 18Dti8DI 436 Heliotrope Ave. Corona del M.lr, 675-0655 Behind Port The•ter jack's Phannacy • "mbd"ddnr tot•lt ""'dP e ( ,Hcf\ • !(If[\ e PH•,ttgP I lhrTH'tlt' Rt•\lon • l h1dbt>th A.rdt'n • l ort•dl • Qui! Itt" Photo f mr,htnl( ~<i'l C\f'fi.Ht• l02S L C<Nst Hwy. 673-2550 Cotou .. Mit Incomparable Quahty at Affordable Pnce\ • .. ,.,.. N8C (7 Central/Mountain) • IIAACO .-of..O. Part 1 A fact·be~ drama recounting the incredible odVsMY of the 13th century young ~ who trawled thousands of miles from Europa to Asia. Ken Mar· shall has the t1t1e role while an Inter· nationally known cast lnc:ludes Anne Bancroft, s.da ~t. Sir Jonn Gia6gud. Jotln Houlenwl and Burt La.ncaster. Mystery. romance and high adwntura. Filmed in he!)', North Africa and the P«<ppe'a Alpubtic of China. and lhown OW( foul eonMC· utiYe nighta. '\, '"\. '\ .. ~~ I ' .,.,.. ..: (8Central1Moun-'n) IUM:O POlO. Pert 3 •tiN C8S (8 Centr.WMountaln) FALLEN ANGEL. Last Mason's moet·watched tetefllck; a canpeHing drame of a lonely. unloYed 13-year· old's tragic deecent Into the aearny . ·. . ' '\' ' . . a. tiM ABC (7 Central/Mountain) THI CONCOAN·AIA~T '71. Robart w.gner and Susan Blakely are on thta latest all-star passenger's list u an llltnQ tat l•mps toward a.tiPII N8C (7Centrallt.launt.aln) Moscow IIARCO POLO. Conclusion S NEIL FUJITA 0£~ J . _ _,, .. ,_ Ki,nu aize: 4 mg 111". 0.4 mg nicome tv. pet Clgaltttt. FTC Report Oec. 1981 Action dramattzetion of Robert Stone's awarO-wtMJng Dog Soldlefs . a story of a society soured by the Vietnam war. vwfth Federal otfic'-ls corrupted by the heroin trade and the onetime ldlellshe ooun~ulture bumecklut b¥ deepair and drugs. f ~ , I '\, '\ , ' .. ,.. ABC (lc.ntraUMountaln) DMAMI DON'T DIE. Hard hitting tale of teen.ge loYe and survival amidst the hersh reatltles of life m an urben combat zone. '• \ I '\1 i 'I .. ,.. C8S (8 CentraiiMountaln) T1MI AflD n. Jack the Ripper escapes through ttme to prMent day San FranciscO. where he seems to fit In vary wall M under·reted IUIP80- McDowell .. H. G. waMI (who has this strange machine). David warner as Jonn (who prefers to be called "Jact(' by the •ladiesj and Mary Steanbur-oan as a thoroughly modern ledy who gatt Involved wtth the time trewfers. ' '\. '\, ·. ' CO.NO OUT OF TH£ ICE A ha.rsh stofy bued on the memoirs of Victor Herman (Jotln Savage). an Arnafican .. ,..cas (8~> ICAVIMIR HUNT. Thl8 cast rMdllllce a Who'l Who of~ periOI\aJitlee... plus young and old mooAe faWJitee 11M ~ Meatloaf and f\lth Gordon. .. ,..cas (8CentraNountaln) MHEAMAL FOR......_CieYer thriller with Lynn ~rave and Robart Preston as a crafty playwr~t who sets out to tr~ a klllaf In the most devious way lrnaginM)Ie. """'ABC (8Centra11Mountaln) IN CUSTODY OF STM.NGIM. A start! drama focusing on problema of the Juvenile justice system. With the all-too seldom seen Jane Alexander, Martin Sheen a.nd hiS teenage 101\, Emllto Estevez. ~--------- 1982 Miss USA Pageant ., .. ... ,.; (7~ MOI.LYWOOO: TMI een OP LAMMTIR. A tWierloue, ttar· ......... to ... ~ sports ---------- -.rea Suger "-Y L.-d ... dltend hil unHted WOr1d ._....~ crown IIQelnet Numbef 3 contendef Aogef Stafford while uncw.ted Edwin Rolario wtU mMt ._._en Edwin VINet in the opening bout frctn Mlmorlel AIJIJ. ltorlun in ~ N1w YOf1c. Howeltl ec-11 wtM call the LeonerO.Stattord title tight live frcm rlnglk». ttiiP.tC8S (10:30CenUMount.) aAMITULL. NBA Conference. JPii.t N8C (1 Centranblntaln) UIU'.LL· ~ LMQw Geme of the w.M '-turing ... Bolton Red Sc»c at Kaneu City Royall. ...,.. ABC (3 c.ntraiiMountaln) WIDI WORLD OF IPOin'S . ..,.. C8S (4Centrall~taln) GOLF. Colonial National lrwttatlon .... ABC (4 CentraVMountaln) ttllfM' C88 (10'.300ant.JMount.) aAMITMLL. NBA conference fNigeme • ·,I \1 '\ 1 ... , JIB; (1 CentraNountain) IAIBALL: 11¥x L.MQW Geme ol the w.M f•Mtng ... Ollkland A' a at Boeton Alct. SOle. I:»IPII ABC (2:30CentJ Mount.) PRO IIOWLIM lf"NNQ TOUR. M II PM ABC (4 C'Ar'ltrM'Mountaln) -WOII.D OP IPCMITI. ASSOCIATES, INC • Gay Bryant (left I and Lucille Adams. chairman of L e Grand CaSJiiO . delighted over the success of this lovely party. I Sloll pbolo. by Sorry SJobJJI HARBORLITES 1. ~~~~~~~~~~' by Dina von Bwger Two of the soc1al h1qhhghts of the year occurred th1s past weekend: LeGrand Cosmo and the Viennese Boll. Le Grand Casino comm1tlee th1s year chose an onental theme, maqmflc1ently executed by Andrade-McKee (remember. they were the Las flon stas sweepstakes wmner). Marvelous pnzes were won by Mrs Charles Lacey, General W1lham Lyon, Mrs. Herb Olson, Ray Johnson and Guy Catalano Among the 500 eleqantly at · hred quests were E G and Ward Chamberlm, Susan and Tun Strade r. Pat and R1chard Allen, Judy McPha1l and Roque Hemley, Jess1e and Howard Daum, Norma and R1chard Bernslem, Marg1e and Ernest Schag, Don and Jack deKru1f, Berme and W1lham Bethngen, Gay and Ernest Bryant, Dolores and John Vutue, Jadt1e and James Rodgers. Mary Jane and Rex Mc K1t1nc k, Barbara and Mark Campbell, Sassy and Roger Luby, Sh~rlee and Robert Gugqenhe1m, Lou1se and Kae Ewmg. Jen and Jac k Dwan, G1na and W1lham Allen, Jan and Tony V1th , Carl Ne1sser, Molly and Leon Lyon, Nancy and Anthony OthnQ, the Tad Devmes, Marqanta Shaw and Dav1d Stemmetz and Ruth Jensen When floss Schumacher cha~rs a ball. you know 1t has to be a beautiful event And that 1s exactly what happened at the thard annual Vrennese Boll floss, w1th the assastance of her commallee of PeooY Cotton, Marc1e Mulv1lle, Paula Beroer, Georgia Haney, Nelda Ouarre, Rose White, Lorraine Lippol~ Won Mi Kwon, Kathy Sima, Evelyn Canedy and Grace Hunt created an atmosphere that was remi01scent of the qreat waltz era so enhanced by the decora· lions, wh1ch were a vanety of tulips espec1ally flown m from Holland for th1s occas1on. Ga1l Dubmbaum, 1981 Metropohtan Opera aud1hon winner, sang a vanety of anas, and Denese and Chns Morns periormed a waltz. Donna Le· mome and Stan Pawlowslu were among the guests who won the waltz exhib&hon Other guests were Joyce and Don Olson, Phylhs and Dav1d DeRoche, Ruth and Lock Gee D1nq, the Robert G1bsons, Les Cotton, Waltraut and Ernst Jechart, Sherry Lee, Edward Schumacher, V1ctona Leone, Barbara and Gene Leyerly, the Robert L1ttles, Lucy and Jorge Luhan, James McCartney, Kay and Henry Taecher, Mary Jane and Martin Welsh, the Cec1l Wrights, Nanc y Adler Thornton and Ed Lemoane . Tommy Lasorda accepted the March of 01mes Champ1on of the Year Award wh1ch was presented by James Roosevelt and Ed Arnold. Van lorgens~n. cha~rman of th1s celebnty-packed dmner event, and h1a wtfe, Nora, greeted such guests as Emma Jane and Tom R1ley . Tom Fuentes, Nancy Ebsen and Bud· dy Ebsen, who was master of ceremomes fo r the star-studded show. The freedoms foundahon of Valley Foro• recently held its 15th annual dinner 10 which 1t honored eiohteen receipients for their outstandino contnbution 10 educahon. Harborlitea who attended were the Robert Beechers, Carol Blanchard , Anita and Gil Ferouson, the Richard Hawkins, the John Seversons, Gladys Thompson and the WiU1an Caldwells. Postcnpts: Coming up next weekend as 552 and the Sand· pipers dmner dance celebrahng the 30th anmversary of Hoag Memonal Presbyteraan Hospa'al It should be a lovely affaar. • The follow.ng Dlgbt, the Chald Gu1dance Centers bold thear an· nual HUG (an acronym for Help Us Grow) fund-ra1ser at the Disneyland Hotel. • Same n1ght but al the Westin South Coast Plaza, Anoehtos de Oro holds thear seU -out fund-ralS8r benefihno Bu~ Brothers-B&g S1sters of OC. • On Sunday evenmg, the Orange County Med1cal Aux1l1ary sponsors a fund-raiser at the Weshn SCP (Rob1n Smger w1ll be busy). Organ1ze1S for th&s event are Re01e B1shop, Nanc y Chapm, Joan Armstrong, Lou1se fned· man, Donna Hertsgaard, Denrue SperhnQ, Nancy Plows, Donna Elhott, Jane Wmsor, Lmda Lau, Jean W1cke1t, Eva Kramer, Kay Foltz, Nancy lLCJoer, Eva Boston and Fran W tseman. • Love the IItle of mother and daughter authors', Dorothy Dun01gan and Patnc1a Rowley, new cookbook "HELP! Company's Commg." In a lot of cases at was "MOTHER. HELP' Company's Commq". ) It Only the 8eat 11 Good Enough Fot Your Slcln Cl'\\.\~1&( {a~-~ Eur~n lkln Care SalOn tOr and Women Tim and Susan Strader (at left) welcome Larry Hoffman at a receptt<>n the Straders hosted FAT AND THE AMERICAN WOMAN O.n ICirtlt•m, M.D • .. ltte lleflbtl,.lt, PILD~ M.P.H. The agonies of the millions of female dieters in our nation can best be captured in this simpJe description: The American woman today is expected to br· ing home t.he bacon. cook it. but not to eat it! She is brainwas hed into accepting the unrealistic ideals and standards imposed on her by the society. many of which are in clear-cut conflict with one another. Th.is state of affairs has created a paradoxical situation for women in our culture regarding dieting and weight loss. On the one hand. they are imbued with the desire to achieve the pre-pubertal boyish figure promoted as the feminine idea.!; on the other hand, the very adherence to this unnatural ideal and to other unattainable goals drives them to acute anxiety. depression. and frustration which. in tum, leads to overeating and obesity Let us aam.ine the facts con- cerning weieht loss and dieting: It has been estimated that .,. many as 70 percent of American women are trying to laM weight at any given point in time: more than 95 percent of those who go on various diet.s either fail to lose much weight or quickly regain their weight. usually in excess of what was lost. ObeStty and other eating disorders such as anorexia and bulemia are growing problems among our female population. Is there any way out of this vicious cycle? The HART In· stitute's no-diet weight reduc· tion program has been amaz.ing· ly successful in accomplishing permanent weight loss by teaching their patients how to make peace with food. with themselves. and with the world. while changing their fat metabolism into a thin metabolism through a uruque progTam that aUows them to have their cake. cal 1l too. and still lose weighl. For more informataon call the HART lnstatute in Newport Beach at 752-6061 Youngsters who get ahead manage our newspgper rout .. ................... -... .... ~, "'--·~...U.N till ......... _ .. """'" .... .. ... ... -... r:: ...... _ _._ ........ AM .. ....., .. -. ..... .................. - ,... ,..., ... ··-....u --,.....,.._ ... _ .. ...... -.... ....... ........,. O.t •• ·~· .,.~ ·-C',fe'W .. ,_.....,._,.._, ....,,_d,.._ ... __ -elWfl" ~-.. ..,.. ........................ ._ _ .......... ...... ...._ ........ ..-n•IM ,..,,. ............. .... ...... ._ ............ ... ... .__ .. The worst ' weve ever done isS(])) a year. E.cb Janu-y, tt.nne. Tulvinc eelecb a till of unda I I e d liJw:r doUan.. In IQ81 whale bull~ln. -.tock, and real ~tate went 'i{1lt. our Ia~ sttll managed )0"., appre. Clataon \\'e ve dont' betur Ni~:. ll~t apprt.'· .-ratl'd Ill'~. IQi'h .1 remarkable 2 H·', l ~f' In lin~ ~LIT £,en ml,;t" rt"m.nl· .1nh IQi~' l1~r ,, r,, J.11~ up 1~4··,. C.•mrare rhill rt• .In\ l'rhn -+1 :·n ·.H In\ l''lffil'nl Tht• lr...-k '" tandrn~ 1 he n~hr cn1n' And H.1nne' Tuh-1n)! •~ line , •I nnh I reco~n1:t"d l''\Pt'rt' .m Ml,rgan anJ rl'ol(t' ''" er dollar-. AnJ "e rt.' rhe ,~nh L" Tdre u•tn trrm rh;u Jt·al, ~\.-114.\lt(h \\ II h 10\ t''h '"' t\lf\ rare ~·IJ ,,, ''" l'T '-''In \\ t' -.eJI .. •nw-''11h rhe mJu,. lr\ ''rr.•n~t·..,t !Zf;ldt· .tnJ hu, ·hacl \!U.H· lnlt't'' I'UT ~'·J,1\ m.•rw' l--.1cl f''hn anJ tlw ~'t l•qutd.lth•n rr··~r.lm-,1\ .lll,,hlt• f,,r m,•rl ,,n PUr m.1n.t~t·J f''N'nl'll r.~rc d•m rn' e"tment r ••rth•l••'' .lnd rart• ···m ·h .•• h·J ren, ••• n ,,r rr••lll 'hMinjZ pfiln'. ,,1!1 &'\' ~S+N_1~ In Cat.t,,mta, I; 141 "'Sl-~H('l "-""r rt•wrn ttw (I 'Uf"•ll tt •r .1 In'\ ant,,rm.l!r<~n r.hl,r -\r·,l J,, 1C "Cot~"IO ~lid ,lll .H k~" .. 1•\\·r -4 '' .1r' •m •tnt' wlut '•'ll rt lt~l 1.". h J.l, \1•U Jd,l\ !,'! ,, .. ...~. '•""'""-· ...,,, ... ",., 01'1....,.-~""' ' Dl . BON APPEl II byp._,C&tou O.fying •finition, a new eclectic or ·~alifornia" cu1sane la.be from freshest and best local producta end presents them in aimple fozm, preserv1ng the bloom, taste, ~d tb.at quali- ty which made them d.Uahle m the first place. U the chef hu a french background, d.l.shea may take on a Gall1c flavor. If a piece oJ airlom mapires the c hef to a mannade and the grill, at may arnve on akewers With col- orful fresh vegetables. The Comeratone Ca~ in Coeta Mesa may well be Orange County'• early proponent of this. new coolung. Owners Peter Shea and Tom Bennett, both ex- perienced r.taurateurs, have refurbt.hed tather than remodel- ed the big green building on the corner of Bristol and Baker. There are booths wath com· fortable pillow backs, lattices as dividers for pravacy, lots of gr"n plants, and ceiling fans for atmosphere . Servace as friendly and Informed. and the lrllchen, With Steve Bennett. formerly sous chef at Le Btar- rita, in charge, shows talent and crNtivily. A smgle , pnnted menu tells you everythang that IS Mrved all day. somehmes more than you need to know. more often offe nng a helpful descnp- hon of the dash We vasa ted for danner, and began wath a Pedro Domecq sherry for me, and a thirst- quenchmg beer for my compa- nton whtle we read the menu. My appetizer was Mouarella Marmara, crusty outsade , aromatic and smoothly melted maade, topped With a fane tomato sauce. My companaon chose South of the Border Skms, the ubaqu1tuous potato shn, here atuffed with a &ippy salsa, guacamole, and )aclt cheese, and topped with sour ctMJD. Other appetiaen ere diu with cheddar and b.coa, erticlloke hNrts deep-fried in batter, finoen of auccini fried in batter and apriakled with ch-, ud a queudil!.. Sous-are lUCie freeh d.Uy, and JUY be ordered alone or in coJDbi.njtioa with salad or • IW.f-andwiclla b- lunch. The ~tiaen are priced at $2.50 for mo.t, uad eoupe coet $1.95, and $2.75 with -.led. Intr ... for dinner include • ' sirloin kabob, ah.ri.mp on a skewer, freah red aappex, ud a broiled at.U. Each ....U09 the chef prepar" a special fresh fish and a cb.iclten dish, and we choee oun from bia whim of the evening. MiD• wu fresh Bo.ton ac:rod, cooked en papillote (in parchment) with fresh muabroo.a in a wine sauce, Mrved with rice and crisp-steamed aucciJli and carrots. My companion cboee slipper-lobster wlth herb ud wine, wrapped m pbyllo dough and baked. Both were innovative preparaUou, and expertly carn.d out. We choee Bel'i.nqer'a Cbenin Blanc to drink with dinner, from a carehilly-..t.cted wine list. The hoUM wine ia from Mirassou, and may be bad by the glass or bottle. There are aperitifs of aherry or port, champagn• domestic and im- ported, Dine white wines, three roaes and six reds. The prices are roughly twice wholesale plua one dollar and wine service ia unoothly done. Desserts are made dally on the premises, and are a specialty of the chef. We were offered Apple Strudel, freah peach p1e, strawberry short- cake, chocolate praline torte, CMTot cab, • aaa.e pie, ud atrawbem.. injected CHEESECAKE CO. We'W bea'\ known., bee lllelwd to Ind. W era )IOU lnd ~ ~·re w. for • Ji I 1 It -..ptee. ~ O.LatRc, eQuilin( FN!I'dt h'l flllllumg tM -·-~---<:a'*-d FNnee. -·~· • with Grrid .,.,.., aacl dipped tJl • wha .. choco&ate. n.. Conenloae c.Je ..... ~ ... ry clay tro.. 6:30 •.•. ,..a Swaday .-wacJa becJUu •• g •.•. n.. daily breeldMe• otier jwc ... fzeeh lnait, egtp, brM.klast meat.a, sour· dough rrench lout, oat..._.·raiain pan- oak•, &..b·JUd• Du.ilh, auffiu and omelett•. Sunday's menu eapaocla to offer .. u8ed rrench lout (oruve aanulade ud crMJD ch .... fill- ing), 1oCJ Skiu {potato akiaa 49&in) this tiae .tufted with ac:ramhled 899' aacl b.c:oa, lop· pecl .. th 9fWG OAioDa &ad ... .-c ....... n..reereciaaa.oe ~. a var .. ty of 899 cliahee, ..... uci of co.trw, c..._~. Afl.r 11 a .. the lwa· cllwioll-.na .. ln fo~ee, wttJ.. alee selection Of salad~, o•elett .. , fritattu, quieh•, haaburven (au varl••*>· and- wich•, aoupe ud de.ertl. Yi•lik• the frHhn .. of the foocD Mrved at the Comentone Cafe, and the cr .. livity in the kitchen. The restaurant w pleasant, SAM'S IT AUAN DELl PIZZA a FOOD TO GO TAKE A NIGHT OFF FROM COOKING- TAICEHOIIE OUR 8UCICET OF SPAGHETTI ..... ............. _ ... ,.. ....... .... -,~..-...n,., roGO., ... ~ OUR 8UCICET OF SALAD "-ow•n~~~t-MDIUII .. Fow • Yo• Caterilla Needs COMETOSAM'S 1 ... .._ .... 81vtl. e1 19th St. caetA..a 548-7822 • • .... ... ... .... . ---..... . ..... ' ·--.... . . .>:-·.: aad • IMbav of coa- peteDc:y Ud JWCfll liOuiU. ....... h . Pnc:. .... .-.. .... hfo caa cliM ..U ior $30, Mel -S30 cu laclede • ak:e 1IIIM, A cla.Uclna'• ... ao8in • cllaoiW ol JWa • INrven.~. .._.and ... ,uda ..Wb$1.86. LocaJed at 1300 N. Bn.&ol in Costa WeN (com•• Baker); call 545-55'10 for luncheon ,....rvationa. • The Gnnder II proud 10 *W)Utl()e ... MMng ol Ff'Mf\ Fill\ Oft Fnday and SeturdiY ~only Ught.ly bt.-dld and grilled 10 • golden blOWn OnlyMAa C.lttom. Style lOPPed Wtth a mtld Spanisl'l Sauce end stlced aomato and~ Ontyl4.16 Peupo .. -.... 1.00 PK1IIc COMl ..., .............. ... ~ CoMt ..., So ol Pier Complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5 :00 PM · 7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup or salad and one of these entrees Fenuctnl ··Neplunc .. The Weight Watc~r -broiled. freshly Ground Beef Country Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips Omelene du Jout ... plus yow choice ol dessert. tncludlng H3agen oazs ace Oeam or Apple sarudeJ and a selection of beVerages from coffee. tea iced tea. mJJk or Sanka. CAPRICCIO CAFE a t • 1 c plll OWl 2 t• stat 1/2 .,, 1/4 2u 2 l4 aau 1 t• 1 p bre ed, thtc 1 C' or 1 1 ~ pes stn I rea bo! sla COl cat In he• me Ad gat mu sta ch1 sta. boa pta stn Ma p '[ CJOC JUlC ora ecc sea. thu yo\: Pc l p (ab 1 IE 1/4 bla 2 ,. ma 1/2 001 1/3 3 o 3 ,. 1 b 2 •• 3 c WII In Ia\ un std adt un an• ora In Co for me ma sec vet as. wa' dr• fro 1 .. Wll wat aktl unt SID I ahc p&. ·~ a. ..c l1lQ FOOD Q\uc k Sw .. t and Sour Chtc lren 1 can (15 1/4 oz.) plllHpple chunks tn own juioe 2 tahlftpoons corn starch 1/2 cup ICaro liqbt corn syrup 1/4 cup cader vtneqar 2 tablespoons catchup 2 ~le.poons soy sauce 1 ta.bleapoon com ou 1 pound chtcken breuta. boned, woo- ed, cut lD 1/2-mch thick strips 1 clove oazlac, manced or preaed 1 Qr"n or sweet red pepper, c ut tn lhtn straps Dram paoeapple; reserve JUtce . In small bowl shr toqether corn starch, reserved JUtce, corn syrup, vaneqar, catchup and soy sauce In larQe sktllet or wolt beat corn ou over medtum-htqh beat Add chtcken and qarlac ; shr fry 2 mtnutes. Reshr corn starc h mUlture; stu tnlo chtcken Shrnnq con - stantly, branQ to boll, botl 1 mtnute . Shr 1n ptneapple and pepper straps; heal through Makes 4 servmgs Tasty Tno · Porlc, Oranges, R1ce Take advantage of good buys on pork, the JUICtness of flavo rful oranges, and the economy of always-an · season n ee to c reate thts tasty mam d1sh for your family Pork Tenderlo1n wttb O range Sauce 1 pork tenderlom (about 1 112 pounds) 1 teaspoon sah l/4 teaspoon g round black pepper 2 tablespoons b utter o r marganne l/2 c up c hopped ODIO DS 1/3 cup dry whtte wtne 3 o ranges 3 tablespoons sugar 1 bay leaf 2 te.upoons cornstarch 3 c ups hot cooked r1ce Season tende rlotn w1th salt a nd pepper In an oven proof sktllet s.tute mea t m butter untu brown on all stdes Push to one stde, add o mons and cook unhl tnede r Pour wane and JUICe from two oranq es over meal Stir tn sugar and bay leaf. C over and bake at 35()0 for 1 hour, or unhl meal 11 tender P .. l re- maamno o ranqe and sec hon Cut peel to very lhtn atnps Botl tn a small amount of water unhl tender and dralO Remove meat nom pan; d~ard bay lNf Mu cornstarc h Wttb • l&hlftpoon of w•ter. Add to hqutd •n sbU.t. Cook. ahrnnq, unb.l tJuchaed and smooth Add peel; a1ace lDMt. f'l.ce OD p&ata.r of fiuJfy nee Pocu eauee over mNI G&r:ruah Wttb oranqe ~eetk>M. w.a .. 6 •rv- IAIIP· Onented Toward llevaace TIM &~~cn•at Clu.JMM ~ of pre.,.unq loodlby teit·fryillq la ~'·'at'-populenty kt.. r..., tb recipe b .., Teriyeki ec· cc 1 nWI by O.worluJ Pried Ike • .. l /2 teaspoon powdered mWitard 2/3 cup p1.0eapple syrup (dra10ed from canned ptneapple) or ptneapple JWCe 2 tablespoon s soy sauce Dash Tabasco pepper sauce 1 teaspoon cornstcu c h V eQe table otl Fned Rtce (rectpe below) Parhally freeze beef Cut mto lhtn stn ps about 1/8-tnch thtclc Combtne seasonmqs. paneapple syrup, soy a.uce, and Tabasco Pour over meat Cover and refn gerate seve ral ho urs or overn1ght Dram and reserve mannade Brmo re- mamanq m.um.d. to a boLl ma s~ saucepan Star U1 corn · starch mUlture. Cook. sltrnng, 2 to 3 mmutes, or unhl th1ckened Keep warm In a wo k or la rqe aJullet sllr·fry haU of beef 1n small amount of 011 over h1gh heat JUst unlll ligh tly browned (about ) mmute) Do not o ver cook o r meat wtll be touqh. Repeal w1th re maanmq meat Com b tne w1th sauce Serve over beds of Fned Quarters Table Maid spread watn Couoon ~ow 1 ss Purcnase Market Basket Met-o-Soft SJndwrcl"l Or Regular White Bread The Newport En.a1gn Wednesday May 12. 1912 Page II Fned Rtce 314 c up chopped onaon& 112 cup chopped qre«~ pepper l tablespoon vegetable otl l!-4 teaspoon garltc powder 3 c ups cold coolred 1 n ee Grace · AA Large Eggs 1 eqg, bute11 2 tablespoons sov sauce Coole OntOrti and green pepper an otl u n Ill soft but not brown Add qa rltc powder and u ce H .. t thoroughly Ad d eqq and soy sauce Cook, stu ranq. 2 to 3 manutes. or until egg '' IHm Malc e!i 6 servmqs '1~~1 A Ttp FOJ Good Tart• ()n.. mwl,. angrt'da4"nt can 1 urn ) uu onto a Mll4'r cook It • otn antrrttdaent you U6t' t'~l'r) day 01M' m a.t ~ople tak .. for &rented It 'to watt-r Man) &ood cooka art' ht'tomana awarf' of tht> fact 1 hat thl' wattor thf'\ cook "A ath or u~f' to makt• c•>f ft>t', I>OU ps •nd Otht'r hPYt'IU.IIf'~ '"" h111\lt'll major Pllt'tl on tht' way IIK>d• lo1Sl l' Kruse Shank Portton smoked Ham J":l OH l. "f'l WMJ.I1 Sf ~ Vl/lf'l (""'IX Wat .57 llO '-0 , ...... DOwny . . v-3.41lX Pork & Beans ,, 01 C-'1 54 Beef • lX Pattie Mix ':'. usD a en"" r Rf'f'f was 1.01 ~tnvnn so,w•t'\\ 12---1 .MI e S ~ Slrtoln Tip IAl.. steak . . . a. Wat2.21 lX Tide . . . ~ 1 .. --~ _ .... t ,_ 12 Wr'ndlrJ. Jlar 12. 1-Tbe ... wport £nalgn I ~ ~ . . .. : • 0 ~ : ' \ . .. • ' .. f Tops For , W1NNING COMBINATION tuning up includes Corona ~ Mar stars ChO. pitching and Brett Melbon behtnd the plate S••" phn•• bv s PV(' c.~ ...... . Opening Day: Cannons, Balloons And Jazz by Mary Wagner Cannons were boom1ng all over the harbor last Saturday when su local yacht clubs :elebrated the OpentnQ Day of thetr 1982 yachhng season Probably the most JOyous (and loudest) sa1lors were the members of the South Sho re Yac ht Club who were also celebrahng the 25th b~rthday of that organtzahon They had a battery of small brass cannons hnes up lor the 1un1or members to fare each lame a n olhcer was mtroduced, and later they took them aboard the boats and hred them frequently as they p.sraded around the bay The boat parade was led by M1ke Kane's bu9e catamaran. Crusod~r South Shore Yacht Club offt· cers lor 1982 are C ommodore Dan Nordatrom, V1ce Commo· dore Jerry Mo ulton and Rear Commodore Ac;~nes Doly At Bahia Connth1a.n Yacht ' ••• The Corona d.el Mar volleyball lNm dropped out ol the CIF playoff. with an open1n9 round loea to Los Altos friday n1c;~ht, 15-7, 15-12, 15·2 "We defuutely were outplayed," expla1ned Co.sc h John Weybrauch. "We played eather nervou1 or teared, and they had a couple of super athleiM. Of c:oune we're upset we lo.t. We took them too llc;~htly a_od we weren't men~Uy prepar· eel. It '• alway. • 110ur note when yov )OM bec.uM we know we •oold haft gone fanlter ._lul I c:&~a't MY anyth1n9 n~lve about thl• INm Joe IOide.n •• buavry. be worked unl Uct u ~,.d oU. ~ Newc:oab rNlly came •..., tM •cl of tla. YMr. '!'IWN ){affia p&.a yecl COD· dj tM wa.o&e ,.., , and Joe .... "" ...ppliM ~ •• ~·u..~a.. ~M•r .. rlaoeiJoh~on uz•••l•d••ip u.ltoOk caatroi ........ W. ..... •e&al ................... MARINE SCENE Club, the llag-ra1stng ceremony was enhanced by the release of hundreds of colorful balloons The program ended w11h the 1mpress1ve mducllon of aU the stall commodores mlo the Blue Gavel. an mlernaltonal organ 1za t1on of former commodores Olhcers m 1982 wtll be Commodore Marsh.sll G reen. V1ce Commodore James Moore and Rear Commodore Terrance MuUmgan The Laguna Beac h Jazz Ensemble enterlamed the members of the Balboa Yacht Club before the formal cere momes at noon Later, open house was held aboard the "dressed" boats at the dock Balboa Yacht Club off1cers are Te rry Welsh. commodore , Ball Taylor. vace commodo re, and D1c k Jones, rear commo· d ore. Sha~k Island Yac ht C lub. wh1c h 1s the only all power-boa• c lub 1n the harbor and boasts some of the area's most luxur 1ous yach ts, held a large boa t parade aJter the 11 a m ceremomes and lunch 1982 ofh - cers are Commodore John f Hooey, Vtc e Commodore frank H. Brceras and Rear Commo do re Paul Kmg L1do Isle Yacht Club also had a colorful noon ceremc.nv and boat mspec hon at the dvc:-k Leadmg LIYC th1s year are Commodore Donald K Bene d1 ct. Vace Commodore James St4t9aU a.nd Rear Commodore W1lham Palmer Jr Voyaqers Yacht Club members were the "early buds" on the bay Saturday wath a breakfast followed bv 10 a m ceremon1es VYC ofltcers are Commodore Allen T Brown Vace Commodore Carl Last and Rear Commodore James Gron skt. Danny Bibb. of Nl\:rpon leech. who capt\dd hit ltth ttYtne Coett CoUntY Oub c:Nn-~ ,_.,tty .-m a-· 8CQII»t& the trophy f\oom dub Pf...,,, Woottllt..,.. CWU. 1111t won in 1m through 1•. and Ml "'"'*'\IP to Or. Fflll* CriMIIa '-' v-w. Ctinell csn ,, ot cou ,_. __ .. ttWd thil ,., • behind ~·· hul O'Shea C211) ~ layoffs by Ch.r ... topher l.ync:h The Corona del War S.. Kanc;~a, the clefeodmq CIF 2A baseball champ1ons, are the lop· seeded team enteran9 the 1982 CIF playoffs The Sea Kmgs w1ll open defense of the1r htle Fnday when they host South Coast League representahve Laguna HtUs Under Coach Tom Trager. the Sea Kmgs (18-3} won theu fo urth conaecuhve Sea V1ew League c rown last week u the result of v1ctortes over Estancia and Umvera1ty. The second c;~ame, a 16-2 VIC· lory over the Tro)ans, featured once aga1n a balanced CdM h1l · hng attack led by JUnior second baseman Gordon Moss By the end of the day, Moss had assured h1mself a place 10 the Sea Kmg record books, as he smgled and h11 a c;~rand slam m the hrat 10mng and later add- ed another home run m the hfth f or the year, Moss balled 500, 40 h1ts 10 80 at-bats, slug· ged hve home runs, and played consiStently 1n a younq C dM mheld Sen10r Chns Wh1te was the wmnnmg patcher, ra1s1ng hiS record to 6-1, and went three for hve at the plate Earlter m the week, Moss walked, smgled, and doubled 10 lour lnps to the plate as the Sea Kmgs defeated Estanc 1a, 4-3. In add11ton, Brent Melbon and Scott Loos had RBI smgles as sento r Dav1d Rohde p1tched h1s seventh VICtory of the year w11hout a loss Laguna H11ls, whom the Sea Kmgs last laced m the" 1981 season opener, may be a n unknown quantity but the CdM players recOQnne what they need to do to WID, whoever the opponent "We've got a really good shot to w1n the IItle," sa1d catcher Melbon "We wall need cons1s· tent p1tchmg from Rohde . W h1te, and Kurt Petersen, soltd h1thng, and we need to play w1th an aggress1ve athtude " "The who le dtfference IS whether we make m1stakes," ad· ded Wh1te "The three games we've lost th1s year have been because we made mastalces When we gel mentally do wn, we tend to gel behmd But we've won a lot of one· and two run games wh1ch w1l1 be Important down the st retc h " In add\llon Wh1te explamed the keys would be consistent team h•tllng. the stab1ltty of JUntor M1ke Hess at shortshop Rohde's p1tchmg. Moss' bat and stable team defense "We have some expenence I rom last year." concluded W h1te "We ma y not hctve a!. much raw talent as l.t!.l vear bul we're com1ng together as a team at the nght lime " The opemng round qame w11l be held on the CdM l1eld Fnday beg1nn1ng at 3 Glri8Battle W1th a fund·ra111ng 90"1 of $1 0,000 to support Newport Ha r bor H1gh 01rla' atblellc pro· g rams. a B.ttle of the Sports Day wall be<Jtn al 10 JO a m on Saturday May 15, at Davtdson Fteld E.c h c;~ulmvolved 1n a team spor1 or G AA haa b.en asked to produce a mtotmum of $50 an sponaorsb1ps Fun events-for wh1c h there 11 no c;~ate charc;~e-. Wlll mclude apple-bobbmc;~, tuc;~·o' -war, sack relay, 899 loa, water b.\.~ loon relay and a_n obttacle courH race Co-chairmen Beth Mc Cray, Judy Merta and Carolyn Garrett a.akl t1M vtrls m.ty lnYite NHHS bop, aDd motu and dach, to perhc~te with them. Swlm Reault1 Corrected ln COtl-.etiOft of &A a&.m kn tlae Pr~ Sporl• coluan of W.y ! At tl.e ~rt Karbor·Su.n.ny Kilt. lavawtqaal W.y 2, Ne~n'• Job laJMc:ll, nol Gtul Sf&Dley. .. .... 100 Mchtrolle lD ..... • .2. a.ta.cll ...., WOil 2100 ~ ~ la 2:01.1. aDd To. H.nwota _. lh tac· oecl p&.oe lia: •r. W• reo,.. £1 ............... -.u." ~--~---_....._-.,.,... ______________ _. •'-etror. ' Tbe Newport Eoalp Wedatnlay. May 12. 1112 Poge 13 by Christopher Lynch N expected, the Un1 vers11y Htgh track team clmc hed the Sea Vtew League hlle w11h a number of outstanding perform- ances 10 the league lmals Fnday n1c;1ht at lrv1ne Htgh Un1vers1ty's boys won the league meel w1t h " score of I 08 largely due to hne show10gs 1n d1stance and held events, whtle Corona del Mar hmshed fourth w1th 58 pomls and Newpo rt Har bor hmshed 1n a s1xth place he w11h lrvme w1th 41. In the gnls' compel1hon , the Unavers1ty women. beh1nd d1stance runner Polly Plummer, scored a meet h1gh score of 138 pomls whtle the Sailors f10 1shed fourth W1th 52 po10ts and the Sea Kmgs ended 10 s1xth w1th 23 pomts However. CdM and Newport ot1ao placed a number of a thletes h1gh 10 the hnals, quahfymg them for Saturday's C if preltms at Valenc1a Hagh Newpor1's Sheldon Bloclc burger won the long Jump w1th " JUmp of 21 · 7\lz , and CdM's Dave Anderson won the rntle and hmshed in second 10 the 800 Meanwh1le. the Sailor's Susan Delacey set a meet record tn the 300 low hurdles m a lime of 46 seconds. and had a personctl best m the 400 meter, talc10g second. CdM's Brooke Harnng ton , Tracy Evans, and Joan Loos . awepl the tnple JUmp compe· hhon, w1th Harnngton tumptnq 31 7 In addllaon, Newport's M1ke Gazs1 quahf1ed for the CIF prehms m both the shot put and the d1scus wtth throws of 50-2 and 157-9 '/2 respechvely and Lance Betaon botshed second m the pole vault after vaulhng 13-0 Thtrd place hmshes for CdM's John f orte m the h1gh JUmp (6·1) and Vmce McGutnness m the 400 meter (50.0) qualtfy them lor Cif compellhon CdM's Glenn Rogers qualthed tn the shot put W1th a second place throw of 5l-6'.1a m addt · lion to a htth tn the d1sc us Although he hn1shed fourth, CdM's Jo hn Crawio rd wtll also compete Saturday m the 1600 Further Clf quaJtfters m the g1rls' compellhon were the Sailors' Juhe Evans, who toolc th1rd ~lace m both the 100 and 300 low hurdles. and Jane Haskell w11h a second-place long Jump of 16-3112 Outstandmg perfo rmances were turned 1n by CdM's A nn Scott , selling a personal best 10 the 3200 w1th a lime of 11 48 4. and Lon Gustafson W1 th a second 1n the d1scus (103· 7) and ltfth 1n the shot put. Ne1ther, however , quahhed lor the prehms. Break•ng the 400-meter tape en 50 5 •s Newport Beach sophomore James Dt.bASa 15 r~========~ =~==~~-=~~~~======~ -------, PREP SPORTS The Sea V1ew LE>ague tenn1" hnals opened vestE'rday .sl lrv1ne H1gh and C oro n.s del Mar "nd Newport Harbor appt>ar to ~ the lavontes CdM's Bnan Sulltvan IS thE' number one smgles seed Sc<>ll Brownsberger 1s hlth Dave ~rken 1s seeded s1xth .snd Newport's lamt>!l Mevt>rc, ,., 1n ~eventh ln the doublec; compelliHJn the Sea K1ngs qrabbed the lust two seeds w11b the combmallon of Grec;~ Hayward-John W.ssher seeded fnst and Jeff EwtnQ and l'n Aler ranked s.cond -Newport's Tam Mac res Rlc k Conckey are thf' ttmd Ned, a Tom Hays· Dean Stansel hol eaohth The hnals competlllGft wm coohnue today Wllh the cham· p1on•h•ps ~n9 t\eld lOJDonow. --I CdM '' led bv leaqup 0111~ •nnqlt>c; champlll Sht>rvl Rctel u<. Andv KE'mpiPI h.~t> &IIPJ G11ff Allcer lnd 'hf' ,·h,ubles leam!o of KempiPr Pam W1lo;on and Trevo r Ch na Raqarr McComb The Ne~rl Harkx r b.sdm1n ton alao advanct"d t~ the C IF playo,. as the result '' " •hud place fiDuh tn the St>" V1t>w Le.o"e '-1• Wedr t clay. May 12. 1112 The Newpon Enalgn 111EATER Coming Attrac- tions by Jed Bol&cmd Wow! Wu tb.t a wild OBef South Cout Reper· lol'J't Second SlaCiJe, which ~y features playr of a deep and •riou aature, went benerk with the pN1DMre of Ted Tally'a "Cooamv Attractloaa." Tb..t. one Mhmed everythinv iJuVinable from beauty peqeuata, TV ne-.cuta, to evanQ.U.m and Americanwn, and anyth1n9 elM you can tlunk of. Sacred c:owa came m for a beahnQ, notbmQ wu spazed, and tbe results were a Qenu1nely mad lot of 94<JS, most of whach worked wlth sharp· ed9ed precasaon A. for the "plot," at won't be beheved even when you see at on the road, or at some return en<Ja<Jemenl. Here's a brief overvtew: A psychopath lS holdln9 four hosta9es, so an enlerpnstn<J con arhat, an a9ent, con· vmces h1m to let the vactuns 90. He then proml.Sel be wallmalte a star out of the lattle murderer (who has already ltnoclted off 27 other people) And the guy does become a star, adol of m1llaons. and all as well whale appeal after appeal o n }us murder case con hnues to fhp through the legal realm But suddenly he turns good-and thangs c hange Outsade of a couple of scenes that d1dn't qwle make 11 , th1s as a wald-eyed b11 of JUICY entertawmenl that should make even the humorless person or a nqad morallsl laugh The show was maanly s uccessful because at never deqeoezated anto awkward burlesque The DLAtenal as strong enough to hold up the satue Wi thout the enhre tbang c avaog 10 A large measure of the succeu for lhas bat of nonsense was the ex- cellent cast, an ensem ble of the bnghtest laghts of the SCR com pany Rac hard Doyls as the agent was the s up- pori that held thangs together He was marvelous' As the .:--o)':'h"r<J'~ Howard Shangraw made the most of a long overdue meaty role The ensem ble consasted of Daane de Pnesl, John Ell anglo n, Anna Long , and Don Tuc-he, and eac h ratec; a lonq low bow for addang suc h zest and expertly playt>d comedy How good at was to see them together agaan1 Paul Rudd whu was .. een earlaer thas season rn "Loose End1. " dad a lanP ro b of r ontroll ang he madness .tnd lr~p anq at from vergang ante. melodrama Musac wcU by Jack Fedlman who • Jiso wrote the lyracs wath Bruce Sussman Marlr Donnell's sets and Barbara Co x's costume. were ex cellent, as wu hqhl~ by Donna and Tom Ruulra We're loolung for ward to more SCR comb1nahona walb t,lfas tlau WitJa all pr~ .. rl!.d lor the bnetit of •• ...,.., St. Aa- c:hW• ,....,..,...Jl Oatcla, 600 &. An· ...... ao.d, is ... YUl9 • ..... •tic"' ra••eqe ..le oe n..-.,, w., 13, f~ 8 •·•· to 5 P·• ., ud tJ. loUowtDo , ..... ,. 8. •"'0 2 p.-. • • ,..., 0\aing Om' Gllancl ~ atlelllallon. nus remarkahle768-page book contains evelYtbing you ever wanted to lmOW about Southern cawomia • Plus-a:~=.~nt at The Ritz I. Visit our new Newport Beach branch and learn how you can enjoy a dinner tor tour cit 1he Ritz . Hans Prager's wondertul restaurant experience. t POUCE BLOI.I'ER I c&on of carand theft, properly Arther W.unc:e Wtn~ud, 19, of Newponluch. ••• Ma.clcry.llay · mu wu an .. ted on euapacion CR.Da:S of drunken dnvano. Two men eacaped walh $1.330 after robbmo The Quiet Woman Tuettelay. May 4 R•taurant, 3224 E. Cout Hwy., CRIMES at gunpoint. No one wu hurt In A hydroplane boat and traaler the 11 a.m. incident ... $6,235 valued at $10,000 was reported worth of property waa r-.pcnted atoleo from Douolae Wayne elolen from Hoeo Memonal Atni an tbe 100 block of 28th llo.pital in a burglary ... An · · · A U-Bix Kanashiolru cop&er arr .. ted on auspacaoo uf p<ltaea· lno known .. olen property . . . Ale•ll N&c:holelle Ahenun, 19. and Tamothy luoen• o.dey, 35. both oJ Newport leech. were &1- re .. ed on Napaclo.n of JICl•••- tnQ coc.ine tor .. a. . . . J.c:k Edward While, 58. ol Hunting- ton Be~h. waa arr .. ted on euepacton ol h.ltery . . . Two men were arr .. ted on auapicion of drunken driving, neither from Newport Be.c:h. outdrtve boat unit valued at and a paper cassette valued at $2,900 waa reported atolen from S4,075 were reported atolen Donald Cook 1n the 3600 block from Pierce Fmancaal Group 1n of W. Cout Hiohway ... IBM the 400 block of W . Coast electronic typewriters valued at H1ghway . . A cherry red lox $3,470.71 were reported atolen fur, aaze 8 , wllh stand-up collar bom two buaan ...... m the 200 and culls on sleeves, valued at ud 250 b1ocke of Newport $3,195, was reported stolen lrum Center Drive ... Shortwave N . Jacques Furs an Fash1on radio equapment valued at Island . . A Jackhammer, Wednetldoy. IIGy $ CJUWES Antique slerhno atlver paeces. two d1amond nnqe, American lodaan turquoaae 1ewelry &lld the contents ol a paqgybank, valued at $5,900, were reported stolen from Ann Roland Kohl m the 16700 block of Irvine. ARRESTS $2,350 was reported atolen from gnoder. extens1on cord, llle cut- Larry Black 10 the 100 block ol ler and 100 sw1mm10g pool Illes Troy Nark Anderson, 18, ol Shipyard ... Gr .. n Jade earr-valued at 1,009 were reporled Westmmater, was arrested on inga, a sohd green 1ade bracelet stolen from Alan N . Sm1th 10 the suap1c1on ol h.ttery on a pea.ce and money were stolen along 5800 block o f Seashore . Two ofhcer . Bradley Alvm with other property valued at Sago palm trees valued at $At70 Oodenhoff, 23, ol Newport $l ,l<t0 from Chi Yuan Chang 10 were reported stolen from lhe Beach. was arrested on suspa- the 3100 block of Balboa. c1ty at 115 Agate .. 200 houee caoo of battery on a pereon ... , ARRESTS bncks valued at $100 were George Milton Green Jr ., 34, of Raphael Greg Marcarelh. 25, reported stolen from Paula Rae Newport Beach, was arrested on of Hunhnglon Beach, was arrest-Fulmer 10 the 3000 block ol suapicaon of carrymg a conceal- ed on suspicaon of making and Clay· ed weapon wilhm a car ... pauino fichhous checks and ARRESTS Georqe Steven Rounds, 37, of billa ... A Hunhnoton Beach Brent Hall B.radford. 23, of Newport Beac h, was arrested on -~iiiiiiiiii~~~P~l~a~c~•=n~ti:a~,~w~a=s~a=r~~~~~t:ed~o~n~s~u~s~p~a-~~~~u~~~·~c~ol~~~coc~e ENOUGH ... An Anaheim man was arrested on suapi- REGISTER NOW FOR CLASSES TQ MAKE caon of drunken dnv- YOU GLAD mo. YOU'RE Tb~l Cbt .:frostmg -.ou•r aec:JIMIIflO Cake Decorating Classes Starting ..kJne 1st $20 PLUS SUPPLIES ALIVE. Gold blacelets and earrinqa valued at $7,400 were reported stolen hom Henry Thomu Segeretrom 10 the 1600 block of Bayironl ... A 1981 Porsche 911SC, licenee 1CBY218, valued at $30,000, belonging to Homer L. Spencer was reported stolen from 900 Bayside . . . A woman's jumpsuit and a woman's blouse, valued at $60, were reported stolen hom Coemo's Dress Shop 1n the 3400 block of V1a Lido. Wedding Cake Class May 19 and May 20 $7.50 plus su pplies Spring Fashions Are Here! STOPIJII TODAY There's great joy to be found in a Christian Science church service. It comes from getting a clearer idea of God as infinite good. and of man as His image and likeness. It comes from feeling the power of these ideas in each week's lesson-Sermon, rNd from the Bible and from the Christian Science textbook. It comes from seein& what was hopeless or painful in your experience rep&aced by the certainty of good. You can leave the service with a lighter heart ... and ready to gladden others1 too. CHIUSTlAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SBtVICfS l OAM 3100 PAOHC VliW Oil CORONA DB. MAl .» Mariaul'l c~~webb-M~~~e'Y · · of Newport Beach Pamper Youraelf With our wonderful fragrances • Lavish Bath Foams Unusual Soaps • Shampoos • Facial Creams • Body Lotions • Shaving Brushes • Shaving Lotions • Exclusive: FLORIS OF LO .. DOrt 3645 E. C<tast Hwy .• CdM 673-3773 Come join us at the Jt~~9~rt6~ The Newpof1 8eoch Tennts ClUb Is the site of suctl prestigiOUs events, os the 1977 Dovls Cup. the Annuot Pociflc Southwest Senkln Tourno· ment. the Oronoe County Adoption Guild Toumoment ond others Membef1. ~. tetdom find themMIY8S Yo/Oiting tot one of the 19 oourtl TN Club OliO boosts o..Jun60r ~-we pool tocuui. dlnmo 100m. ono bar Memblf1 ~""toke OdYOntagle of the ot11oc- ttw bciUtles tor p1\lote port-. ~10 receptions. etc. OthefiOCtot octM'* lnctuc:M ~.bock­ gammon. eoabt)te. oefObb. onc:t out new ~ not on ·'lodV Succeu·· lnatt\Jqed 1:1¥ PriM .Joi'VliOt\. Fot yOt1.JJ cotWenlenc:e. try out our new ··MATCH MAT£" bOll mochJMI A llmlted number ol ~utor. Corpofote. ~ Nil> ctat& and Junkw EMK:utfve ~ OM ot::IN aval- obMl; pM C4JI ,...._ "AJINJN. ~· ond .. ~ ~·· (12--16Vfl,) SkJrtlnig .Nne ~ • &umm.r Jut'tQ lenNI Cltnla w'N be ~ for beglniWI ·~ ~ fOr Uthet lttlotmatlon ~cal o.~ teac:NnO cent. at bW-ooe6 For men •tb1natD• ~ Col our SeMI OWc:tor ot ~4-0060 ARRESTS Darrell Robinaon, 18. ol Santa Ana, wu &r· rested on suspac1on of mh&hng toluene KeVlD Kelley. 29, of Beverly Hill.s, was ar- rested on auapacion ol recetvano knuwn ol• pru· party nr .. men were ar· rested un susp1caun of drunlcf'n dr~vang, none lrum Newport Beach Friday. May 7 CRINES Su ver. ,ewelry. and other property valued at $11,073 were reported stolen from Harold Keath Lauer an the 2800 bloclc ol Lohthouae Jewelry and money valued at $6,034 was reported etolen from Lo•• Jean Brown an a bl.lrglary '" the 200 block of V1a Mentone . A camera, a man'e watch and a man's nno valued at ,1,975 wu reported etolen from Carroll V A.lm 10 the 400 bloclc of Holm - wood A wallet conlatnang $499 cash wae reported etolen from Brad Lee Roberta from an auto owned by Brad Lee Roberta parked 10 the 300 block of Cagney A Tropatone paho chau valued at U5 wae reported stolen from Valla Balboa ID the 200 block ol Parll. ARRESTS Charles Wade Nix, 25, of Orange, was arrested on auapi- cion of assault with a deadly weapon ... Lowa Ortega, 34, of Newport Beach, and Joaeph Raphael Melgar, 32, of Long Beach, were ur-'ed on auapa · cion of h.ttery . . . Deborah Ann Borek, 25, of Santa Ana, was arrested on suapac1on of assault with a d.adly weapon ... Louis Ortega, :W, of Newport Beach, and Joaeph Raphael Neloar, 32, ol Long Beach, were arr .. ted on suapi- caon of h.ttery . . . Deborah Ann Borek, 25, of Santa Ana. was arrested on euapacaon of re11denha..l burglary . . . Robert Charlee fecbhQ, 18, of Walnut. was arr .. ted on suapac1on of automob1le burqlary ... L.m - coln Oscar Sherant&n, 56, of Sign Of A Benllt Deaf reporters who write 1n Sign language will be among those benefiting from the first Stanley Awards luncheon and fashion show at The Newponet on May 23 Planners for even1 to aid 1 he Sign Writer publication are lfrom lef11 Debbie Gray, Emma Jana Riley, Valerie Sutton. inventOf of s.gn-wnting and publisher. and Peggy Ford, head of The H1gh S1gners support group. Gray and Riley are co-chairwomen of 1 he program Colo 0. Caza and Lnda Lee Cimnruat, 27. of Newport Beach, were arrested on suapac aon of cultivating man)uaoa . . Two men were arrested on susp1c1on of drunken dnvang, nealher from Newport Beach Saturday. May 8 CRIMES A telev1..110n , a rad1o, a microwave oven and 1ewelry valued at S 1, 705 were amonq items atolen lTom James W1lham VanCamp m th.e 700 block of Ins . . . A VHF rad.ao and a , depth hnder were reported stolen from a bo.t belonginQ to E C . Olbnqhl stored m 100 Shapyard &y. ARRESTS John Henry Andor, 24, of Newport Beach , was a.rreated on SUiplC&On of assault and h.ttery Brent Edwm Maynes, 19, ol San Bernarchno, wae arr .. ted on suapacaon of contnbuhnQ to the delinquency of a aunor . . . Matthew Qwnn H.unhne, 20. of Hunhngton Beach. wu anested on su~Jcaon oJ pubuc nucbty Mlchael John Forshaw. 30, ol Palm Desert, waa arrested on suapJcaon oJ poaeamg cocame rr==========:::::==========--===~1 Alfredo Joaeph Samango, II 43, ol Newport Beach, wu ar- rested on auapac1on of posMU· THE 'I'P.I .EPHONE POLL 1n9 coca1ne Robert Allen Becker, 18. of La Verne, wu ar- rested On IUS))ICIOD of poaeat· nasa -...k·• q1MMloo· Do you favor puthnq the Beeco-Bannmg proJect to publ.ac. vole? S.. Page 1 'I' o .ote YES. call '175 tltO. To "'le NO. c:all 175-7020. Call anytim.e .between now aad 8 a .m . MoDday to cut your .7Qte. Thez. will .be no rino. There La no Deed to t.al.k. 'nle "hano utr" eound you hea.r ia yow vote bebaq ~rdecl. l.allweell'•qv•--~ Should stale provade two· year lea..ea to Crystal Cove homeowners who res1de there pan-tune' (Story on Page 1 ) YES NO &t•;.· 3!r/ • tnQ hashaah . . }ease Leonard Wolle. 24, of Costa Mesa, wu arrested on suapacaon of poaaeas· ang huhah Su men we.re arr .. ted on IUip&caon of drunken dnvang, mcludmq Lance Granger Mink of Newpor1 Beach Swuiay. May ' CJUMIS Four wh .. la and PueUa hrft valued at S 1.100 were reponed ato)en fro m a car belonC}.l.DQ to Ronald James Guyer parked ao the MacArthur square Corona Del Mar's NEWEST CITIZEN PAY • • = • American Home's Mr. Moneysworth says ... your money always earns what's 1t's worth at Amencan Home Thr1ft And Loan! c • .-•• ..- • ..,..., by Rtchard Tripaett. Tueedev· Saturct.y, M1y 18-22 tn UCt's Fini Am Gallery. Hours; noof'\·5 p.m . Tuesday-SaturOfy. WW.You..,....,. ForAa..tWela works by Terry McGinley through Saturday, May 15 tn UCI's Fine Arts Gallery. c ....... A,. Le ... • will be holding a juried Member's Art Show May 15-June 12 at Glendale Federal Savings and Loan. Fash1on Island W8tefcolore lty Dorothy Ker.....-, will be on display through June 13 in Canterbury's Design Plaza Shop, 2000 Newport CenteJ Drive. Suite 100 Hours. call 759-1961 Guntt..rGraneet world~famous wildlife artist. will make a per sonal appearance at Bailey Banks and Btd die. South Coast Plaza. 2-7 p.m Wednesday, May 19. ...... dona lty occ n .. ate are 1ncluded tn a show focus1ng on medical art through June 6 at the Mills House Visual Arts Complex. 12732 Ma1n Street, Garden Grove Hours: noon-4 p m Wednesday through Sundav Pelntinp of the late Lawrence Hinch on view Tuesdays through ~undays at M"dred · Searftster Gallery. 3341 Newport Blvd Newport Beach lnformat10n 673 0400 Delle• •-elleatlonl Tea Dances-Concerts are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Center throughout the spring at 4:30 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information. call 754-3643. A......._ with the llillle scripture studies for career women 7-8:30 p.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings Com- munity Room. Westdiff Ptaza in Newport Beach. Call ~0295 for days and information. lntermecllete 8ridge class (6991 is being of- fered Thursday even1ngs by ihe City of Irvine's Community Services department. Telephone 754-3639 for more in- formation. Ctvll Air Petrol Meetlnge 8p.m Thursdays at Atr Na- tional Guard Center. 2661 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Everybody IS welcome. lnforma l l()n. 881-8860. T ... o...,.. County C'-ter of Scripps College Alumnae Association has formed a profes5lonal alhance of working alumnae The network meets 11 :30 a m on alter- nating Fridays, at the home of Hiroko Ogata. 1014 Mariner's Orrve. Newport Beach. For tn formation, call Ogata at 752-2197 or Barbara Stewart. 545-5464 ce~.w..c••• c.._ .... DAa hofda a luncheon meeting noon Wednelday, May 26 at the Irvine Coast Country Club, 1600 E. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Information: Sherry Lewis, 64&-5667. Newpof'tlleech c...,...." WOMen' a C._. luncheon 11 :45 a.m . W&:fnesdey, Ma>t 19 at the Airporter Inn. Mak~up presentation planned. All women in- vited; free nursery. Cost is $6.50. Information and reservations. M~ Jim Dority, 544-2921 lrwlne Senior C....., invites Oupticate Budge P'ayers to bfcing their favorite partners every Wednesday from 12:15-3:30 p.m for an exciting afternoon at the Senior Center, 3 Sandburg, lrvtne films F,..ollll*.,.'aflllna at the Newport Beach Public Library, Newport Center Branch, 856 San Clemente Ortve. 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoons. In- formation. 640-2246 Features w tll include· May 18: "The Red Balloon" and "The Lorax". May 25: "Penballs" and "The Velveteen Rab bet"; June 1 "The Golden Fish" and "Rtkk1 Tikkr Tavi": T ... UCI Film Society screens a var'ety of films 6:30 p.m. Satur- days Tickets are $2 general, $1 UCI students. In Soceal Science Hall At least two f1lms are shown each ntght Scheduled. May 15: 0 W Griffith shorts "The Fall of 8abyton" and BrOken Bloaoms" CU.S .• 1919), and "Germany in Autumn" by W erner Fassbinder I Germany. 1977). ...... ,. .... is be~ ing presented 7-9:30 p.m. Friday and Satur- day, May 14-15 in UCI's Science lecture Hall TICkets are $2 general. $1.50 for students. -"Marriage and Famrly Relationships; Skills of Intimacy"; 7-9 p.m. rn Admissions and Records 114. Admission is $36 per family. $25 per couple and $15 each, presale. Informa- tion: 556-5880. -"Single Parenting"; Mary A . Bruggeman, lecturer. Two-part series. concludes May 21 . In Science Lecture Hall 1. Cost is $4 for series. .. turdey. May 15 -"Singles Career"; Donna M. Wack. lee turer 9 a.m.-1 p.m rn Fine Arts 119. Cost is $6 Coeedlne Community College, (963-~11 , ext 256). is offeting several workshops and lectures at several loca11ons. tn· eluding: Seturdey, May 15 -"Obtaining, Mamtain- ing. Sustaining Your Ideal Weight for lefe"; Bobbe l . Sommer. lee turer. 9 a.m.~ p.m . at Marriott Hotel. Newport Beach Fee is $20. Registeration : 963-~11 , ext. 256 Dn•*a-...To-_,.A..._ by Bill Mulligan, heed·basket- bell C<*:h at uca. 8:30 a.m ..... p.m. Saturday, May 22 at the lech en- nual Sports and Fitness Symposium, 300 S. Flower, Orange. I~ formation: 978-1770. A Vertety of FWd Stu&lu COUIIII .. being offer~ by OCC . Information on any course is 556-SIB>. They include; 1-Japan; 21 days from July ~23. Cost is $2,205, regiS1ration deadline is Mey 14. -Performing Arts of Europe; 33 days from June 26 to July 28. Cost is $2.967. -Literary England and Ireland; June V through July 17. Cost is $2,099. registration deadline is May 14. -Art of Western Europe; France. Ger· many, Austria. Italy and Greek cruise; four weeks from July 8 through August 5. Cost is $2.350. registration deadline is April 30 -Greek Islands; 18--day trip from June 24 to Ju- ly 13. Cost is $1,785. MiKel an~_ Southern c .......... WoodeniiMt ,_.,., will be held J une 5&6 in Newport Beach. Reservations are presently being taken for displays. exhibits, yachts and boats. Information: 67>9140. L.-ldeMdL.., .... a.,. .-t recognizing individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the reputation of UCI, 6:30 p m . Sunday, May 16 at the Newport Maruott Tickets are $18 each. Information. 833-6247. Nude• Holoc••t and how the tndividual can prevent it. DiSCU6· sion group, 7 p.m . Tu~y. May 18. C~ plete information: 642-6634. DoeaTieernMCihle , .... ehot1 All dogs over 4 months old need one 7-8:30 .m. Tues- • May 18 at the Orange Coun1y Fairground in Costa Mesa. Cost is $3, ad- ministered by ricensed veterinarians. licenses also available. (Dog licenses. not vet license$!1. Information: 994 4602. ............. C ....... Oty of Hope. invites singles and couples to a fun eve~ ing of dancing with the popular 18-piece Big Band Commotion, 7 p.m. Sunday, May 16. in the Brasilia Room of the Sheraton Newport. Tickets are $4. Door prizes. Special dinners in cafe. 540-1338, 642-9293. lloed trtp to "West Side Story" at long Beach Civtc Ught Opera Wednesday, June 2. Bus leaves OCC' s Auditorium parking lot at 7 p.m . Curtain is set for 8:30 p.m. Cost is $15, includes tickets and bus transportation. Information: 556-5627. Tickets must be pur- chased in advance. Go «*nnb A Rodll and other attractions in Yosemite National Park on a road trip spon~ sored by OCC. Cost of the three day tour. stated tor June 22-24, is $170. and includes recliner bus transporta~ tion, accomodations at Yosemitelodge and valley tours and tour of Glacier Point. $50 deposit required upon registration. balance due May 18. Informa- tion: 556-5627. .... choreoer•hed by UCI dance students. 8 p.m. Thursday- Saturday, May 13-15 in Fine Arts Little Theatre. 161 Humanities Hall. Tickets are $3 general, $2 for students. Information: 833-6617. Loe An ..... Chofeoer....,aand D•-.C•MP•"Y featuring Louise Reichlin and AJfrfWi NIWflOATIR I/211AY • 11• c _ _.,....... (Fvll ~ley 'l iVe 8o•') 6 /W l2 30PM 'f'WIUeMT csrorr.~ '' 5 :JO.f ..»PM ROO&Ilfi~ SfNIOfl OTtltN$ Sl WUKOA YS Desio in modern and tap dance 8 p.m . Friday, May 14, tn UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. TICkets: $5 general, .3 UCI students. $4 other studems and seniors lnfOfmati<m: 833-6379 NewYort1 ...... Quertet performs sefections from Schubert, Betg and Debussy, 8 p.m Saturday, May 15 tn UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre Tickets: $6 general. $1 UCI students UCI Sympl)ony Orcheetra performs 8 p.m. Tuesday. May 18 in the Fine Arts Village Theatre. Tickets are $3 general. $2 for students. Chot .. eonc.rt by UCI Freshman men's and women's choruses. 8 p.m. Fnday, May 21 in Fine Arts Concert Hall. TICkets: S3 general. $2 students "The .loy of SchuMrt'' by OCC's Master Chorus 8 p m . Saturday, May 15 tn the OCC Auditorium Admission IS $2 • .... How They Run" by Philip King, directed by Kent Johnson. 8 p.m. Fridays ~nd Saturdays through May 15 at the Newport Theatre Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach Bo x Office: 675-3143 or 642-8119 ''P'Iel' Ia" a musical fantasy by Roger 0 Hirson and Stephen Schwartz, will be presented 8 p m May 11-15 rn UCI's Ftne Arts Concert Hall. A 2:30 p nn matinee ts slated for Saturday, May 15. Tickets are $6 general, $3 students Bo• offtce: 833-6617. "The CIMI'fy Ch'ch.d" by Anton Chekov will be staged 8 p.m. May 13 15 rn OCC's OfanKt lab. Tickets are $3. available a1 1he dnrn • TMie'• ll!.ulc .... , 16360 Pacific Coast Highway. Huntington Beach. te.tures Young Americans Song and Dance Company. Seating Tuesdav through Saturday 5:45 anc:t 8:45 p.m .• Sunday 7 p .m. $1 2.96 and $14.96 includes dinner. Reservations:840-5661. ............. 4647 MacAr1hur Blvd .• musical dinner theater directed by pianist Dan Trolleft. Call 540-2475 for show times and reservations. ··~ot~·. Sherlock Holmes spec- tacular. May 14-June 12 at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays at the laguna Moulton Community Playhouse Tickets: 494-0743. ''Yielttoe ..... ,.._.....presented by the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Space 39. Seacliff Village Shopp- ing Center. Yorktown and Main Streets. Hun· tington Beach. Through May 22. Reservations and inf01mation: 847-4466. "Gypq" by Arthut laurents, music by Jute Stvne and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim now through May 30 at the Grand Dinner Theatre. 1 Hotel Way, Anaheim. ReseNations: m-n10. "The Front P-" by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur runs through May 22 at the Westminster Communi- ty Theatre, 7V2 Maple Street. Westminster. Phone 99S-4113 for in- formation and reserva- tions. cu••Laaa.a A&I.IIAY• IU ,_ILAIICa (Fvll Golleyl,,,. 8orr) 5J4.M..4 3D PM (tNClUDU IUNtC) llOO& Ell.5 ........ 20-49 PASSlNGO$ CAU. F0a MTAILa Cm~ 1n anJ tl) ~w makt'uf'S uuprt'J by the Lltest fasnHm t~nJs tht' Pt'rsian Garden Collecuon. New Penaan Gardt'n Col.l~ wtll hnn~ uut yuur own radtance, gtvmg you the giuw uf a woman m love. Call early fur yuur fret' spnng mdkeover an subt shtmmenng Perstan 1hadcs. IT'S THE FABRIC or soten st11ped duffon, often w 1th the gleam of gold in the weove. The two-piece plaid IOC· quord dress shown 1s BY MILDRED MEAD Rewters covering the $6 Yung lee in- troduction of her new lo Soiree line com- mented on the fobtia. One sold, "If you could reoch out and touch the irresistible silk prints as they pass along the run- "'tOy, you could olmoat describe her collection with your eyes closed." As Soo Yung lee put it, "Shope is always imponont, but it is not o major consideration today. luxurious, in- dividualist fabric •s the thmg. The soft silhouet- tes we ore wearing con be adjusted so easily, then readjusted next season w ith the sosh in o different place, the hem changed-a lot of mtnor variations that alter the look." This young korean- born Amer1con designer may just hove given us o valuable tip 1n shopp- ing for timeless clothes. And, at todoy's pr1ces, we should look for ways to prolong the lives of our fashion In- vestments. M YIIDI CINTII The collection shown ot Press Week wos o blend of two collectioM-the day clothes in pure silk bearing the Soo Yung lee Iobei, and her new collection of delectable evening wear called Soo Yung lee lo Soiree. Both groups ore lithe, flowing and graceful, most unique in the materials uMd. Eoch print has been designed by Soo Yung lee herself in her own a tel ien, and produced in her own color range by famous silk or woolen mills in Europe or in the Orient. It depends upon wherever the designer finds the unusual, opulent texture for each print. Most of the prints ore applied on silks w1th o 1ocquord woven pattern as sotin jacquard crepe o combtnotion of pie/b lue on o background. The block chormeuse- striped design with ribbon-chiffon peplum waist is olso two-piece. look carefully; can't you see that skirt w ith other tops? And perhaps that top with sltm, block, sotin ponts? W1th the reports in from M ilan ond Paris +or fall 1982, you know the 'mportonce of block Now IS not too soon to be th1nk1ng "Block Mog•c" as most men vote •t thetr fovor1te color: no mat- ter the season NOW UNDII NIW OWNIIIHIP WE TREAT YOUR • Suede and Leather Cleaning CLOTHES WITH LOVING • Shirts Laundered CAA£ • Bedspreads. Blankets & Household Items • Expert Drapery Cleaning ADD SHEE N CONDITION and COLOR NAT URAL L 'r "' tth FRAMESI U .S .A . coLOR . . . . . . . sas.oo PERMS . . . . . . . $150.00 SHAMPOO. CUT AND STYLE .... $115 .00 FOIL HIGHLIGHTING . . . . . . . . . $411 00 LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN Jot ttW'l and Women 2SSS E COAST HWY CO .. ONA DELMA .. % OR ' CALL NOW MORE DIAMOND CO C71~>7S2·22Q3 GEMOLOGICAL SERVIGS "Clothes are two-thirds of beauty." Welsh Proverb GEORGENE ANO PAVL WINTER MUTt Wlntermutes In Residence Georoene ud Paul Winter- mute have taken up residence in Ccnona clel Mar after their mu- riec;,e in the wedding chapel at Higble.nda IAn, Carmel. The bride, da.uohter of Mr. and Nra. Ira Wa.rren Smith, Corona del War, wu graduated from Corona del Mar Hioh ~ehool ud CalState Fullerton, and wu a Children's Home Soc:iety d.butute. 'I'M brid.gMOm, eon of Mz . ud Wra. la.rl Clyde Winter- mute, Freeno, took his muter's in philoeophy at USC after oraduat.ino from Westmont Col leqe in Santa Barbara. Robertson Named &rbua Robertson of Newport Beach hu h.en n6lned chaupenon of the American Cancer Soc1ety's fundraising campaic;rn in this c1ty, directinc;r the "neic;rhbor-to-ne1ghbor" pro- qram. This effort raued $121,000 throuc;rhout the county last year. This year's tarc;ret 1S $159,000, with hopes the contributions in Newport Beaacb will reach $16,000: Volunteers may call 752-8600. CQUtline CoJJUnunUy Collec;re b.u ·named 26 Newport Beach ar-. .-udents to the Dean's and Preaident's list for academic excellence hued on gndet received during the fall 1981 aem..ter. President's list honors students who maintained a 3. 75 grade PQint average. Dean's list award was made to students who main, tained a 3.5 grade PQint aver- age. (A 4.0 average is straic;rbt "A.") Balboa. Nancy L. WUson; Corona del Mar. Sarah B. Ginter. Thomas L. Greeley. Oa\sy R. MotHer, and Jean C . Wilson; Newport Beach, Lois M. Lynch, Andrews Engagement The ugagement of Molly Lynch, d.auohter of Mr. and Wra. Frank W. Lynch, Corona del Nu, and Alan V. Andrew., 10n of Dr. and Nra. Alan V. Andrew., NeWPQrl BMch, hu been announced, with a wed- ding date of July 31 . The bride-to-be, wboee father is pre.ident of Northrop Corpo.r- ation, wu a Children'• Home Society debutante, ~d received her bachelor'• and muter'• d.Qr._ in fine arts at UC Irvine. She is uaistant director o1 &net Pacifica. The groom-to-be, whoee father baa his medical practice hel'e, received his bachelor'• of science degree from Stanford, and hu his own yacht deeign firm . Aqnew, Georoia A, DobleJ~MA, Anne W. Gilmore, Georqe W. Mahlman, lil .. n R. Phillipa, Chad• J. Pippin, Riclwd l Roberla, Pamela Role, Chad• F. Saunders, and NaJ'Qie L. Thams. Students named to the Dean'a Ust ue: Corona del War, Vivian M. Arcaro, Ronald D. Blake, and Patricia D. Enolert; Newporl Beach, Lydia K. Ba.ron, Jack W. Cu.ter, Phyllis P. Eiler, A.1an R. Fenatermacher, D. Fenster- macher, Betty J. Johnston, Sue Ann Kuns..-Uer; Noel D. Schinui, Jack M. Schneidel', Arlene Weiner, and Dorothy Yat•. Amundson, Pries Exchange Vows tloDand Leads Tour I Community SeiVlces Program at I OCC, the tour will include vis1ls Lynn Marie Amundlon, daughter of Mr. and Nn. Merle Hency Amund.on of Newport Beach, exchanoed marriac;,e vows with Monte Georoe Pri•, aon of Mr. and Mra. DoAald Pri.-of Newport B.ach, in the CommUDity Preebyteria.n Church of WCJllDA Beach. Jack Holland, theater cnhc for to London, Paris, Lucerne, thu newspaper and a professor Munich, Prague, Berlln (west at Oranoe Coast College, agam and east), Stockholm and will lead a performmc;~ arta tour Copenhagen. of Europe and Scandmav1a tlus Participants will leave June 26 summer. and return July 28. Best-seat ReseiVabons are mvlled soon, tickets are mcluded for be se1d, to avo1d any mcrease m I numerous theater performances, air fares. Offered as part of t_he · mcluding Stratford-upon-Avon. They have choeen to reeide in .El Toro after a honeymoon in Hawaii. "Where Picture Framing is an Art" gtud io l 652 Nf'wport Boulu.-d Cou~ Mt». C.htorm~ 92667 17'\4) 642 6922 Jofut L. 'Bfom. Cll$TOM PHOTOGRAPHY We Are PROUD To HavePWopapW ... MRS. FRAN GAZIN _.._.......,,ANN ({ountingetlr ~Iessing~ There '1 now aome eneour· .. ina new• for c:itiee and 1.own1 near riven and marahes t~l have been b.....:lina croundl for moe· qujtoe~. A Mled•v• bi9Jotl· cal u\.tect•c:•d• hu been developed that kills the moequil.o larvae but doe. not harm people or \IM environment. In a '"' In 0.01'1ua. tlw lnHCtkiM waa applied to a river ~int pollftd fur wUd •h raanh IIIM*I•ilM~. ,.. pre-count or ....... ~0 ~ ro~nd an ·~ or 200 tarn• IM' wat• ._,.,, a a...~ lnfftlal~a. Artff UM ek~ •• ••~· otri· et.ll w•N •tftMtd w!Ua tiM ,.. ... LI. 'I'M J~iride. Ttk· n• ... n .. ractured 1tJ ••· ._ htc., .... D .... ,,lliUa ...., ""'· ... ftd. tii!H .... .., Jotartll .......... ilo ..... ud ... ~""" .. ... ......... .,..,, .WioM lives are de...-.tH by alcohol or clrut ab~. cklinqueney, cri.me, and a aenetal droppiat out or eociely. Fortuutely, with lhe help or Oocl aod tbe ...e or modem techoiquea, many or tbele )()It peopM ~turn l.o the mainnream or life and once acain beeotM productive memiMn or .,.. ciety. Many ~ceive that help throu1h The SaluUon Army. The Army'• larf"& procr~~m ror alcohol Ia, dnat addicta and thoM wltb aimllar handkapa Ia Ita Ntionwide n~worll of Adult RehabilitaUon Oea- ten. Annually, -.ore tMa 70,000 people I roe ab walb or life etUr tM Anny'a 113 centen. Many penoal ... " aleo bHn reecu.ecl froe an ovtc-WQ or U•lni 'W tJM Army'• Harbo• u.M 0.· ~n.. TMre, ,.,._.... .,. '1\cft, pe~l ......... IMdtcal ....... ,... ~. ftftploy .. nt .w9..., allill foNow·up ~ _.. pro- vided. ne Arlll7 bri ... 1.-llin toceUwr t.o ._... u.e•r ~ ....... T1wfe ... ~· ,,.... for ycluUl .-.. ,..,.. ,, .... rc. peo,.. ia ~· You eu '-• •'"" ,...._ Pf'OI,_ .... ot'- wonhw..... • .. e... Of 1'1M •t.l&loft AN~7 , .. 10\1 ........ rilil ~ tilnil c. .. .u ......... . ~. Vilit a ~ Call' ....... ., c..&« ........ ''" ... tle\e ,._ . ..., .......... ....... We Can Insert Your Fl!er iRto the Newport Ens•gn, Costa Mesa News. Irvine TodaY FOR LESS THAN 00 r J 000 1 (A ctuol Cost S 19 pe You Read \t Right: LEss 2c Each THAN BRIEFS Architects Pacifica Ltd. has been awarded the commu;saonc, for a 115,000 square loot Bullock's an Palm Desert and a 150,000-square foot Bullock's '" La Mesa Laurie A. Lloyd. fo rmerly w1th Umo n Bank 111 Beverlv Hill<. and Century C1ty, hcb been ap pomted an operatiOn'-ulf H·~>r at Great American Bank's Newport Beach reqtunal hPc'ld quarters. c hauman Jack $55,000 At Fingertips Rare coms held by Barry Forst. of Nor1h Ameucan Numismatics. Ltd .. are valued a t a total of more than $55,000 Exh•bited last weekend at the Mamou. 1n show sponsored by • Newport Beach Coin & Currency, they are a 19310 $20 St Gaudens MS65 (left). and an original 1896 proof set of sax coans rated PF65. or beller. said Forst. S .1tt P" hv s .... v St"b'" Don &rry IS prellidwrt and cho~rman of th e board of StorTel Coporotion, on lrvme·botled telecommumcolions firm which specializes in the manufacture of computenzed bu$ineM and communicatiOns systems. StorTel has ~n credited lo r the development and 1mplemen tot1on of the hrst fully· computenzed system that per· forms all the d1verse func twns u/ e/ectromc mo1l, Telex/TWX, order entry, word processmq. moll hst preparatiOn, com· putenzed telephone onswennq and vonous occountmg fu nc t1ons Before formmg StorTel m March 1980, Berry who hulds a BSEE deqree from Purdue Um vers1ty, served as a v1ce preSJdent nl General Telephone Electromcs, where he research eel the future of personal tele commumcot10ns systems and reported h1s lindmgs d11eclly fp GTE's chouman of the board He has become on outhonly on the subject o f computers and lhe11 effect on our future, and w111 address that subject m July of the general assembly ol the World Future Soc1ely m Wash mgton, D.C by Don M. Telex &nd TWX are consld- ered modern Yeratoos of the Ofl91D.al tele<Jraph aaeaac)eS, and are tranalllltled and recetY· eel on teletypewnlers Another torm of oommumca· hona that many md1vtduals aaoctate wtlh the concept ol e JeclrODIC mau IS facs1mtle, o r, more oommooJy, "FAX." In a FAX ay.tem, the ougmaJ ts ~anned by an op11cal dev1ce that coaverts the unage o n the paper 1nto a strHm of data The data 1S transm1tted to the rect· plenl where another dev1ce converts the dtg1tal mformahon back mto black-and-wh1te The latest addtllons to the sw .. ney announct>d ).D. Young , 26 c;on ol Thomas and Evt>lvn Ynunq o f Newport Beach ha' bPPn named dHector o f thP Department of Commerce olhce ol l ntergov ernme ntal Affairs H(> formerlv was the depcHiml•nt', c htef ha1son wtth thP nattt n'.._ 50 governo rs H(> wall retdtn that respons1bd1IV as wPII as concen tralmq on anternat1o nal trade 1ssues and admtnts trattvt> duttPs under Commerce Sec retary Malcolm Baldrige Emergency Doctors Office , a free -stand1ng emergency med1 ca l fac1hty. has gone anlo ser vtce at 4030 B~rch Street, Su1I E' 107 and ac; open from 8 a m to 11 p m seven days a week. 365 day~ a year accordang to Dr · County's Jobless Rate Stays Level; Cite Mid-Tenn Grads The term "electroniC ma1l'' sounds like some sort ?f new technol- ogy, but sur- pnsangly 11 has actually been 10 exiStence m held o f elect ro01c mau are made poss1ble by the merger ol two technoloq1es: data processmg and electromc communtcahons. However, the ma)onty of computer systems 1D use today are not connected to any other computer or devtce situated lD a separate locahon. S10ce both commun1cahons and data p ro· cess1nQ depend on the same electronic technology, the me1dmQ of the two IS 1Devttable. Becommg more common today are computer systems bwlt wtth the c apahiltly to commurucate amongst themselves, not only between work stations at a smgle locallon, but w1th Wldely- removed locahons as well. • , Roy Levan . the dtrec to r In addt lio n to emergency-care equap ment the factl1IY mcludes x ray and laboratory, plus a com pulenzed EKG c apab1hly Lev1n. a graduate of UC lrvane med1cal "chool. was dtrector of emergency serv1ces at St John's Hospital 1n Oxnard for e1ght and a half years The unemployment rate for Orange County stayed level a t 6 1 percent for March, equalhng the prev1ous month but up from 4 .3 percent LD March 1981, ac · cordmg to slate-agency hgures released recently The number of res1dents w1lhout tobs rose lor the s1xlh consecuhve mo nth to 73,000 1n Marc h from 72,000 10 February, 51,300 m September 1981, and 49,900 one year ago LEVIN KIR KPATRICK Golden West College has named Dr. Gene L. Tardy , Westminster, a member of the fa culty smce 1969. to succed th(> late Bruce R. Williams as d1rec lor of communaty and corporate relatauns The s mall monthly 1nc rease an unemployment was due 1n part to mtd-term graduates entenng the work for ce Layoffs m con slruchon, government, and manufactunng over the past year accounted lo r most of the annual mcrease A contnbulaon ol S200,000 Roger H. Kirkpatrick has been named duector of secunty for The Newporter, a Newport resort hotel now undergomg a $10 m1lhon renovation. ac· cordmg to pres1dP.nt Joseph Woodard was pledged to the 1982 Easter Seal c ampa1gn by the Southern Caltforn1a members of th~ Fan· tastic Sam's haH !>.lion c ha1n. accordmg to the ltrm's regaondl dtreclor Philip Randazzo The total CIVIlian labor lore(> expanded by 1 1 percent over the past year to 1.188.200 1n March PUIUC: "OTIC[ I lOTI MOTICt or 'MIUSTU S SALI' 0.. M•• I' 114 A""'•'',.•" T .. I ',. • c.t~t· '"'.. ,, s .. ,, • ..,, r T• Tr ,,,....,. I t • f~~o 1 .. ,., .. .~•..d t, fh.r '-' It .-...rr..-d ""• • I .. bUI ' I I,.,.., I ••. ,._.. u.l Orr 1• ., ... -*•w.d0.....1 If '9 ····.-cf I ~ ........ ~. A ..... ...,." li-•• o I • I 1• I&.; •• t T •• N.. ~ ,. ' • • ""'•r , .. • rct.d ,,. lr. ' ""' ~'• '" Nt<IICt"tl·ft~ ,_ W..-J 1 • U r I f\• C Mftl'f R-r~t I .. I T"• ,,,_, ..di•• .. " ct.r-lQ •• It f f _. t t I i. t I •1.-d I• "''' .!\.• • • h ( I I ,._.ti-l ...... ( I· I J I S..d ••"' ""II t..-"'·•·"f• ,. I I ."1 Ul ••fl•ttl1\ ,.,, It • ""I j .... •· ..... ,,,._, ~···' • t , • • ............ ~. ' .... t 0 ,j ... th• lt'-tftJ • • • r '' ,j t, • i (\o ,.,f ..• T'"' '". 'I ... 'l.k. ft 1 • '"'" ..-t ·ad .ct.... • .. ~ ' .... ,.. ... ~ t ..... " U I 7QC) /0 De'-Ct Ar • • 1\ ..... 4• • ·~·4~...-o. c '·"'·" 1 A, • Ott.r-••114l '•""~ !Mtt4 A Ul0ll11•1 'Y\1 tJ 1 "-~lo Ap• ·I II w. • ' '" r ..... ...,.,.~ a....... "'' • FISHING Facts& Fancies PUWCMOfiCt ncnnous IUSJ"tSS "ANt STA Tl:NUT liS taT7 "' I I•' , llllfN I ~fi•TIM 1'1< '· .... , • , l' 5 . "' N ... I s. ' I 4 ..... t Ro ~ 4 o t o Tl I' I ... t H • .. ,UIUC MOnet ncnnous aus111£SS "AM£ STATtM£1fT ,, I ' 1 Y~Ph. , ..., I'~UU: 'M\'1 I Ttil l"'PI,'IY lllo4• l '"' ,,.,, tiA rn1 ~ l'N ';I'll ';f ~'.l I "•MTt AllY lll<! l "\l"l I"'., I III Io I lSlA T1 Ill<! l'SII'IJ • M. II I " .. 14 t •I I I' • I • I l • ' • ("" • • A •• ,.._,. , "' ... I lo .., ... ... .. " I'UIUC lt()nct ncrmous IUSI.JIIESS NAME ITA TDUJfT ,,._. I· Uow11'1Q ~r-o" •• :f o~on ~ """"" • TH£ SHI SH,ll '>ld f ... , .... IJood ... t.. c A ~.n.41 l.d. K l<ooo•• '<11 E l<olt... ll•d l<olt.c.o C"A •JNol Till·• h••••'• • "'""''' .... b• '"' j, ... ~ ... l Sq ..-4 l'~~d" C. Lt .. , '"'·• ....... , •• t +od .. ,,., C. ""' l"''-r• I ~..., .. ,_~ l ••~''• ..... j , .... ,ll bft,f\ ....... 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A.. 1••·-CA Ufl4 a. ...... s ·--410 L.-..11 ................ c:'A Q I 1' .... 1Jo .. _, ............. a... ••• ~ ....... ..._. boo-.·-. ·---·--.w-· ... e o..t ., a.-e-. - llliO~!I ............. ," ......... ,.... .......... ._ , ... 1, The number of JObs at plac es of bus1ness 10 Orange County PVIUC MOllCI F'ICT1T10US IUSIJIISS IlANE IT A TDIDIT fh• lt~Uowu•q p.t-.c" lJ. ·•' ~ b•••o•M •• Nt:WPO"T llACH Pill) PEIITI£5 1702 Voo1o d•l Ooo Nowpo·ol a.. h c. fU660 I t'"" s ..... ~'~ ....... , t102 V••'• d.l On• N• .. Jku' a.. I\ Co926b0 nu. bU.Ift._ II C\.Ond u1 t..d b'f t n "'I 1JI••d~o~41l Su~ned l tnnt SM~•h ,...,.,., T~., •••••••nt ••• 1•~.0 ,.,,.., th• C '\.1"'" c .. ,~ I Oran~.J• C '"~'~'" Ap•,l~ 1qe2 p..,bl••'-Ap1 Jl ,.ti M•, \ •• ,q&J .n T~• .... """'' inut,~ , 81lf>, i I'UIUC MOllCI ncT1T10VI t USDUSI lUlU: ITA nMIJIT '"'.. ,...,, ....... "~ renot d ·~ ~. ,,... • WAll IC::II£5 £TC U S A tl'IOII T •• c • .,,., Ot~"• t..J ...... HtJ~o~•l C A -t1t I tt.t .. , .. -, ...... J41M.J.l v .• s....-f••"•...; '-~•••vn V • C• 'i.~J Th1t itu~n-.. .,. "'d ~.-ct ~ ... ,. ,. J •·td .... l s,.q,..d .... , ... (', ...... . r.... ~ ... "'..._, ••• ... -.t •••to~ ·~ .. ec-..... ., C\.,., j o .... ". c 1'1 Ap••l l6 1911.: P.bt.•~ Apo Ji Ill No• ' IJ I'J@J ,, fll.•• "'••P '' (n J f 11"~11'1 IIIlo&: I'UIUC IIOT1Ct ·-MOnet or nusn:n SALt \) ....... •• tHo' "' .. iC. .. ~ ,, .. r,, •• ~. t" .,, ... "' .. J r, ~-... ,nd•" •"~• 1 ' 1.-0.,...,.... t T1 ,, •• utd~ 1,.1 4 1·4141 t 'U' N ,._.N tl')tft-6 •• t "'"" td ..., ,.,. tt,.,# t .... (" ""'" "'" •d* I t .,, .. ,., ~ C4lJ" t St••• I (",..,t " • l...-·~•-d b\ [) ,..,1• M ,...,.;..II " .f I t~r • J ,_. .. ·''" .. d, ,.U • I hi '-''''' I JiJII..,.I t-...... , I t t to! t .,.,.. • •' • ....... ...... """ " .. " t ·~- l ... •• • •• "' ••• 1. .~-.ct .. ,.. S.. ,,. A • I ~·t t .... ,...." s ..... ,.. ,_ s~ •. d •· ........ s."'"" 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" ... .,...._ --~· ... ... _ ................ _.. ......... ... _ .... .. __ .... _ ........ _.,.,., ..... .. ... ·-..... ~. .. ,,.,. ft. I'UIUC MOTIC'Z •-.au nc;TT1'IOUS .usau:ss aAJU STATDIDIT The 'oUowtnq .,.,..,... ••• j('.lftQ h,.._ .. I G GUNTH£.1! fMC 10J C N•rq\t•rtte A•• C"'''"n• ct-1 W•• Co 92b~S I G G•n•lw• Inc C alttorat• urp<·••'•' n l Ot C' W..tQuetl .. "•• C"''""• d•l W•• C• 92W5 T~ t,.._.,._... • ('U,.d\K'I.-d b't' • po•••w.n S.qn~ I G GwrtUUPf $-••• .Mol Tlrru• ''•'•••ftt ••• tJ«< •••~ ~. Co""'• r t..t .._I Ot•nto~• Cou111• r. Aprol ll 1911 .... bt .. ~ Apo I l8 Nooo ~ lill2 •• Tk ..... ~ ,. t ... ·~" fl8'10711 ru 1uc 1t0nc::t "OTIC[ or TliUST'tt'S SAL[ ·-T S "· 1334 I IA1k>A IAYV\tw '4t.i' I ..f ~ ... t "''" S • ''"'''' ,,.J•t • -d '" ' •• , .. '-''1tHt A I . 't I .. , • I--~' " l: ' • .. ''f I .. I• C •tr•h M~ ••Jfl>• I "t 1• l S···# I t.· .. l ,, f! .. L lbv• a .. ,, ... p." ... '~- J ., ,. J" ~"'• '.,.!. r """' Ur • ...J s•,,,. •' •• " ~. w ~"·· .... C' ·~ I 3..tr"I•A A ....... s •• ,.,. ... c; Ar;• {"•I t .1 .q'\ v••••" • ,.,d r,. ., ..._ ( •· ,.., -•r ... •ct.d 111 .. ~··. ....... .. ... ...... o..~t. "'"'~ ,,.. •• ,...... ...-td•• • , .,._ .._ Jlllt ..,, I I ' 1 1 f'-t''t .jrpw t ............ "' t till t"•••t t .. ._, f ... A•• ..... -..... A ~-· ,..,.. ...... '1.-d ,, ........ • ...... ... ... , •·•b~f•'f t. I Afty .tor •1-.......... t th• •• , .. , .... ~... ........ till•• .. .. ............ •• ·fill~ "-~ .......... . S.o-4 ,..._, ••M ...,. .... .-.. ...r ••''-,. r.,_, .. ,., ' .. u•"'" ··~, .... ..,. •• ........... ""'N~•" f I of&. ,...__ .... ~ .. aor ........ IN'-•u r•• ........... ,14tlfll4t ph,. ........ ,.. t ._~ -~~~t ...,..w,.... ~, .. ~ o.... .~4 r,.-....... ,,... ........ ..... .._... .. , ........... '" ._.-4 •••.• ' ... " • ..-.. t ••• .. ..... ,.,. ..... .. ....,.j o...t ... t .............. ~ .... ... ,......, cA ... , • ..._ ......... ·~ .. _ ................. o... ... t ..... ,... •41-....... _.... w,.,.... ............ _ ~ ......... ....... _ .......... .-4_..., .. _ .... ~-.,.,..._ ....... ~--.. -..... ~.......; ,....... .................. .. .. .. rose seasonally by 3. 900 bet ween February and March to a total of 872,600 The annual gam, ho wever, was 1ust three· tenths of a percent w1th 2.500 new 1obs added smce March 1981 several different forma stnce I mvenllon of the telegraph As the flow of messages between people and computers, people and people, and com- puler and computer mcreases, a growmg number of compan1es are worlung on mf'· .od o create netwo rks d £;•.:;n-"C m1n1m1ze the cost!' ~i ·~,,a d1stance trcl'. · -~ '"r ll" _ • ..1n· Farm employment rose 1.300 to a total of 6, 500 10 the 30-day reporhng penod c1s the strawberry harvest began and other crop ac llv11tes 1ncreased Several s1zeable fac to ry layoffs w1ll lake place dunng the second quarter of 1982. but seasonal ga1ns an agncullure, trade, and serv1ces may help tv moderate the level of unemploy ment The JO bless rate wtll nse sharply m June as new graduates enter the labor Ioree and Wlll remam elevated dunnq the summer months Orange County. however , w1ll continue to compare favorably w1th the surroundmg countaes the slate and the nahon The telegram IS one fam1ltar appllc ahon of electromc mad However. used even mo re h e quently today IS the Ma1lgram Jomtly operated by Western Umon and the U.S Postal Serv 1ce, the Ma1lgram serv1ce 1s uhltzed prunanly by large compan~send a message to several different rec1p1ents The message 1s transmitted over Western Umon hoes and 1s pnnted out 1n reg1onal postal centers where 11 IS then envel· oped and deposited 1n the regular matl stream Although Matlgrams are treated as pnonty ma1l there IS no guarantee that they Wlll be delivered 1mmed 1c1tely dard1ze th. h· ·,! q • .to:!· PUIUC ltOTICt ItO net OT 111 USTEr$ SAU AM•w TSIIoll2 r M.-. .'~ , ~} '' ~ • ""' T r ~ It .. ,.. • anJ Tr 1 (" "'P."* ,. s 1 " "l·r, •...t r, ........... d., .. ,.~· .... , 0.-.d I T I u ~ '·'~' A ... .., I ' ..... , .. ~~ A .-•J I }t l.,.<l. ~ ,,, .., ._~ , t ~ i 4 M PttQ• .,. •• _. tt~ '• 141 filf"' t.lo r h.. ft • • .,r c •"'" ..... rJ•• f n •• -~· ( •I.J. , .. • .,11 w H •; 1.•-.L•t '""• ttdd•t ' ' "''" St. • I c •• f t t , ...... r• to.i..-J fl I. a t .. '( ft " -• 4. f I '"d +4 I N 11o .. t .. ,.. ~ H ., • h tOt '""tJ,C' • .,111, p .. , • A ... '• . ~· 1 ,, ....... . ~. •·~.- .. , ... .. ........ .... ....... ""'. ". h• .... ""' ..... ,. .... ~' ... . 0...... t T,.,, tv •, \~5i,; 7:) C* ,. c '..ct~... • • ' • ··-· ...... -wt+-"1. t ..... •• ~ .. d ........................ i o....e • r...... ....._ "··~ .. ""., •. .,.__. II•• J, ...... •"4 • ''-• ,,,.., .. • ............... o..... ,,,,, .,... -........ .... ,. -~~ ~ ..4 0.... f r,.... h••••Ptc•• ••• •4 •"4 ........... .,.. .................... ···''•" Dwt. ......... o. ........... o..-........ . s. ....... ".... ..,... .. o... ... ~ . ..-.._1_ .. w ,... ~-1··4-.......... ... "'Ott•""' .... a.. ·-.. S.tl ............... I ..... ·-· " ...... '"" , ... -·· ~ ... ..... 1'-.. .,.,., .-.... ;..\;. mu VUJICI AlfD TWUIT CQMrAn •• •·•• ._..A .. e•~n~~ {'1141 1P aJO (ol ft4 0.0. A~ » I ,,_. ltow••--fo• e-" ....... ,_ "• ,..,. . . ....... ,_.,. .... It U II I'll ,. n. ........... ••n • l Ol PUIU< o<>nct ncnno~ IUSINtsS II AM£ STATI:JI(£1(1' • I• \4 ' lo. .. 11 .. I• D ' - I'Uti.JC NOT'ICt nc:T1TIOUS I US1JIISS NAill S TA T'D1DfT ... 'I -._. to. • I 0." J "4 •· • ~ "''lflwlST ~[l,_ "ATI~. \ "lMl.lOl ll"' ,. • ,. ... ,. """' Jt ' I rutucMOnct IIIICI U7 lt()nct or T11USTl:E'S SAU M•" '" Qj& • l • "" l..uo • w It • ..,.,. S..,bo Mi 1t~ ~.. ., •• P! o.-d ~ T ., .... ~..., Ch 'W I •• ..... ..,.._ • ,.,. <fl\1 ••-'""'1 -•jM A,etl\ "41!1: .,., ""'"',.."'" zna • ~· ·• ··" t •:t• ''JC' • .... " ... tO.. • (.-,.. ... ~ c ~"''" ............ " " . Jlf .. • • O.•~.. •ltd ( ~ "" .. , ......... ,.~ .,., ... ..,~ ......... , •:-. t (1ft I •••f t•a._tt • • I o~•dr.r •t!ld r• ...... u..d • r •• ,..... • l.,ltht 'Iii ' ,. I I .... l..eiw ""~,_ ... I t"-• U~ ... S.•·•• I '••t 4 4 .,,. ~ '• ,._, c~· "·· • ... "'. ..., ••• 4 "....... • ...... • .... IlK!• ..... ,. ....... , ... .d o..d • T••94 ·• ,._ r•~• '""._. • .. ..;t ,•••••• .,.. S.••• ........,_ ,,._.. •• L.:.t .. r ... , N ....... " ,.., ~~'*•P ,,r.-.. " • .,. ~ n tru. a. .. Cl~~ttt•• I M·••U• • ..._.,... " th• o-".c• ". ttw c-..~·· 1'-t-orcf.t of o, • ..,. C ""'" C•Mtr.n•·• n .. .,,..... .w..--.-M ...... !"ti .. IIMMl ......... .,. , ....... ..,....,,,., . ,., .... , ... ""' ... I Dtt~ .. a., C•r ~• ... j W.o CA o..,~...,. to,..., • ....,. r, ..... , ••• ... .......... _ ....... -.. ......... _ ........... _ .......... . .. .. t... ......... ......,.. .. _ .... .... -...._.. ............. __ .,_ _ .. ___ ... -... ....... -.................... . ........_ ........ --.~ ......... ......... __ _ ~.,. ........ ,...rl .... •-.... , .............. u. ... ........ __ .... .. _ ..... _ ...... ....... .. ,_ ......... .. '-··-\1 I -...._ I ,_ ments of a me~age :iome of I hese are ded.1ca ted to spectflc mdustnes, such as SICOM. whach serves the banlung and secuu11es mdustry, and ARlNC for the aahnes The day of Instantaneous 9lobal communtcahons lS h.nally here A s qu1ckly as people gam the capab1hty to tap the resources of electronac mad , tht> netwo rk will expand to mclude every corner o f the globe PVIUC IIOTICt liS 12113 ncnnous IVSIJits.S NIUII I TA T'DIDIT r~. ' 11 -~"., ~'"" •• .... 1 ~ t ,, •. , • HOrllNS SAI(l'A AI'IA l T[• ~,.,~ "-u s ... •• .11• N.wr r a.. " \"A olJtM; ~." ..... (. H ~r' • t C 'P •••~ , ••• S • J\lll N .. wr-, a..... ,., t. A Q~ Th t""• ,.... • -..41., .. -1 ,... • .,. ...-1 ... " ' S J•.O c;,.r "'• -H l • • r~. ,,. ...... , .., ' o .• ~· ~,I & ' -'• .~. ru1uc: 110ncr STATDCDJT OrWI~WAl niOM PAJinn:JISKII' OPDlA TII'C UNDO ncTITIOUS IUSUitss IIIIMt w I ,_ .... -"J ... • I• ". .. .. ' ... ' ... ... ,., ~~ • I"'' t • ' T ~ ¥r. ' l .,. ,, . .. ' .... PVIIJC IIOTIC'Z ncTmOOI tiJSIIRSI IIAIIIITII~ T'w ....,, "'"'• """"'....,' ••• :t 11t4 b·--u rnDt 6 TATlOII I 11 s.. '-'••• H..llo ...... .... ..... . ..... c.~ w.u ... lot ..... . a ... ,_ ~ ....... ~ ---~ C A ~ w ..... M T••'-• lOOt Sa~>, ... T• '"' • Ccu .. i. W.• C A GI2'S Tlrrt•• h~ •• ~~ -, • :,-a••• ,..,, ... ~"•r ~ .......... " r ..... . y..... ........... ... ..... ~ . ._ .. . c""'.~' c.... .. Oteeq. c .,. Ap•.l16 1.m ,.~.. A.-ll 11 """'' • .J ,.., .. ,... .._, "'·- ""' "'' 0. rvauc: MOnet ncrrnous .usu.as NIUII ST II T'DCDfT I >Ait <Ill EliPL.,~ATh~ •·"t"< -.. .. " ·~ a .; s ... "4, ,. ..... "" ..... ~ ' ~ ~. "bf'ot ..... ~ •t ' ~ •• v .... , 0· a •• • 1.t T .. t • J ,., ..... He t ~ • .... to. • 0 ...... H ........ T• •• r • .. ... ' ... . .... ..... ... 4 ..... rv•uc: IIOTICI. MOT1Cl OlllfTDI'TIOM T'O DICACJ: Dl T1a: SAU or A.LCOIIOUC K'f'I:RAC£5 c s .. r ... .. 0 ... j l II •~ .... •il• , .... ...1 .. ,. ..... t , ........... '""" c: .... 8.-• t1 w .... t. •'-0 ,.. • ... ~fl .. ~ J'.··· rvaJC IIOnct. nc'I1110VS IVSIIIDS NAIR ITA TDfDfT n~. •··Ho•t.. v-~ ' jot-a~ "-•·•-.. ~niU> J >I"OIIIG GIIOUf 1-NOITGAGl COMPAtrf li'J7 lore~ io •• ,. «<l -- .. , CA ~ O...IM I "-•·• tl4 c-"-a ...._,. ... ~ C A ll2t«t • r-. .• ~ ... .-. ' ~-.. ~ .. •• • J ..... r s....• 0........ 11 ......, n ................ ._. .~ .. ... c..-....... ~ .. o...,... Co..• ... oe ,.,.,. I~ lll.i "''"'""" A•• 21 n ""'• \ 11 .a .• ,......_ .. '- ""'~ lmlll1 iLibiUW ....... .-n•~ n....-,._ ........ ...,._ .. m.u A QAIU:IOI DCSia. Alf1 t»4 ... a.. o..-....... c. ... II t w.ll. IU4o ....... ...., C.... MI NM CA L ........ , .. .... 1 u.....e ..._....,.. CA __ " .............. c. ·-._.c.-...... CA n.. "-............. . _.~ .. ......, ...... ...... .... on..·--.......... ~c-.. .. o.....C.....• ........ ...... ... ~ ...... a. t ............. ... .. .... •· II • ... 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Mot~ ~ fiiMral Dlr~on lC....eryCrypca ar..ou t'Z NoA.Ue Koae Prh IOATS 14 lo&tl/lqp~a~~t 4 W..Onal s Florllla 6 AJtDOunc-enta 7 Accountant• ~ Ofhc.leom~arcl 63 "-t Rom .. lJ ~:~&.-I 8Sioa1Cb&ner .,. ............................ ~~---=~~~--~~--------------------~--------~--~~ ........ ... 8& loet SUpe ,. AUTOMOTIVE 17 Auto Up~.,-y 88 Motor Hom .. a Attonw~y Q hnoAala 10 Lo.t aod Found 11 Sebo,Wln .. ruc to 12 l~aU~-Per10nala 13 BanltUIQ 14 Pet. and L•vettoclt 15 Garaq.t s.t .. 16 &.lth 17 Travel/'lacaho n 18 Entert&lnment 19 Gtft ~\19QMhona 20 Ch flChC EMPLOYMENT Z2 O.Cor 23 Hel~ Wanted 24 Employment A9cy 2S Coun .. IU19 Svc ·26 Uc.oeed Chldc re 27 Sttuahona Wanted FllfAHCIAL 28 Wo11-r Wanted 64 loerd aad Cue &S Garaqe For Bent 66 Wanted To B.nt REAL ESTATE 87 RNI !Rate 68 Hou-Vor S.l• 69 Condos/Twohlti For Sale 1l Lota and Acr .. 9• 12 Retort Propar1y 73 8uam-Ptoparty 74 lnccme/Commrcl Properly 75 Property Nnqmnt 76 lncome/lndLatual Property Tl Real E.state Wanted/lac h&nqe MOBILE HOMES 80 Noblle Hom .. 89 fteertn Vehicl• 90 S.rvte.tRepau 91 NotorcyciMI NopedJI 92 Btc:yclee 93 VansiTruclta For Sale 94 Truc b/Vana Wanted 95 Auto Panel Acceaon• 96 Auto/Trek LN.mQ 97 Autoe W&nted FIND IT IN OUR CLASSIFIED PUBLISHIR DOIS NOT ACCDT babibty lor !Jlc:onect ~9. Qr&lllm&llc:al lii&CC\lf&· c:~. or typoqra,pb.lc:al erron LD any ad"-· '--11 pllblJahed LD the Coa.t W.ecba H... l4PETS• UVESTOa GOLDDI RITili.EVIR pu,.., cllamptooabtp lin•. All eho ta 8J3..1418. YORJW:S -Adorable UC puppiM, 7 -a old, all Gotalwormed from S200 C&l.l alter 5 p.m. Nonday·Fnday AAyt~ on w..aeoch 963-8287 ----AKC CHAMPION BJUD Coc:br Spantal pupp••• 8\lfl end black, male and female l275. o..,. (714) 64J. 0106. (714) 831 2606 ev ... 29 Woaey To Lo.n 30 Buan-Oppor Jl lavestment Oppor l2 Trull o..da and ,----C-.-.a.-s -S-IF-1-1-0---_,; HOSTS UftGINTL Y ~ HIIDU> lor hl9b quali· PHO ty S-.d.WJ e11ch&D9• GJ'oup 15GABAGE SALES Mor19&9M 3J fprecloaure Svcs 34 luurance NE SALIS •ud-~a lor 1982·1983 497·2965. LIONS CLUB GIGANTIC SWAP MDT. AA!Jq\l.e. a ns ud cr&lta, new ud u... ed &n.d q&reqe u1e May 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p 111 Zlo· ourat 8\tlldag, parkLD9 lot C. La Pu.IAIJ..o Cr .. k. 500 phu eahiba· ton. S.lh.oq ap&c:M - SlOt General adu:u.1on Sl, children u.nder 12 lr... Prohta toward chantable or9an&u lloAI. Call Carol Z.vm at (714) 495-3300. MERCHANDISE 35 t:.late S.IN J6 Spor'IUIQ Goods 37 Art 38 Aohques l9 Auchons 41 Fu rmtu re 42 Appl1anc" 43 Televllton/Stereoa 44 Musocal lnatrumnts 45 Othce [qu&pmenl -'6 StampJ and Cotna 47 S.w1n9 Mac h•n•s 48 Fabncs 49 Diamonds/Jewelry SO N1ac:ellaneous 51 Want To Buv RENTALS 52 Rentals To Share 53 Apanmenta Unlrn 54 Apar1ment1 Furn 56 Ho._ Unturn 57 Housee Fum~Jhed 58 Condos/TwnhMt for Rent 59 Vacation Rental• 61 Rooms Fo r Rent EVENING PHONE SALES Coast Madta ..._. eroup 2721 E Coos1 Hwy Caoro del Mar (714)67~ ••••••••ans 1 WEEK 6WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26WEEKS 52 WEEKS $1 .24 per ltne 99 per ltne 89 Pef ltne 79 per ltne .66 per ltne .... LAYCLAU .. Ia• Open 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS 1 WEEK 3 WEEKS 6 WEEKS ... t H \Jtl• }0"" Hf'k $12 95 10 45 10.20 940 8.50 S5 95 for 18 words 10% DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT ................................................................ Cia slfled Juat compute your own and drop lt ln the man. ~----------~--------~~--------~ ~----------~--------~~--------~ ~--------~~--------~~----------; ~----------~--------~~--------~ ~--------+---------+---------4 ...... rllft tlu.t 4MI ---t••• ...,.,..9 ------ (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) (18) (21) <2•> (27) (30) (33) (36) 0. _..._ c:a.....-IJIII 4MI oe ., ___________ r.~----_______ ..,.,., __ _ -----------------~~------------...... __ ...,._.....,_ ___ ..,.c THI lRVIN! CHJl. OftEN'S Chonu SWD· ••r Workahop .a pre- Mnhn9 Galbert & SulllvaA'I ''The Puat .. of Penunce" becp.rtnin9 JWie 3: Woo. ud Thun. 4·5 p.m. 552·94168. CHIUSTJ.AN SINGUS ASSOCIATION-Wore th&A 500 memben. Pro· tu .. a11d ~rt1... Non· denomaoatioJ~al. C all toWr .. nWDber 1·800· 532·3972. uk for Peony· uver Adwatc:h ).«275 IATTOIUCEY INMIGMnON -Ob- t&UI leqal p&JliUIIeAl re11deocy/labor cer· hfu:ataonledtumm•nt ol a&t\U bpeneoced at· to111ey Fr.. couuha· ho n Nr Nuala. 835- 8443 I PERSONALS ABORnON AND FREE preqll&Dc y t ... m9· Per· 10oal and conhdentl&l can Low t.. •nclud• COWINILD9. l&.b tMta, aurQery, medacahon and poat·operahve eaam General (uJ .. p) or local ueeth•1• avall· &.ble. Relerral lor band· Aid llertll l&tiOD (female). vatec tomy (male), and late &.bor- tton procedur.. Medl· CaJ &Dd IUUJ&DCe &C· cepted Call C.Wion~u Pr&QD&Dcy Cou.n.MhoQ ServiCe lor J.D.Jormahoo or u:nmecL&te appoLDt· meat In Newport BMeb. (714) 752-0053. LD S&Dta A.na, (714) 9'72·3104 WORLD FAMOUS PSYCHIC ··o.v1d Guaz· dLDo" -Walle h'l&nd.a come to your baddUIQ LD love, marna9•. wealth I &Ill auc:c..tul Call 645·1496 11 SCHOOLS• INSTRUCTION TUTORING Credan· tl&led, 10 your home l.apanenced. paheot Nath, aJQebra, qeome· try, French. Spamab, re&<hn9, spellin9. En · hah, all proJICienca .. , colleqe bo&rd.a m 6013 TUTOJUNG Nom •ubtec,., K 12 411d coUeqe O.y ~•nmq ud summer S10 par w .. k Mr Worqan, ~5176 WUSJC -A Gin fuR un• Vo•c• traUUD9 piano. o rQ&A '->aa All levels R.uou.bl& E.apapenced 13 yNn w... Verde. C oata w... Nanc y Barn ... 545·3722 I ATTORNEY YABD SALI· Saturday ud SWlday, 8·30 to 5 Lawamower. wheel· chau, OJrY9•n r&Qul&or. walker, Iota of otber atema 2226 Maner. CoetaW.... JEWELRY, collech.bl. ... old ud n-, dab• and much more 8 a m Fn· day. 191 Flower, Coat& w-. comer oJ Oran9• De&.r 19l.b St RUWMAG£ SAU - St Andrew• Churc h. 15th ud St Andr•- R.d • Newport &..c b Thurad&y, 9:30 to 5. Fn· day, 9:30 to 2 p.m A.N'MQUES AND JUNK Too much to hm Jewelry SO centa-SS, 14rqe oval ounor S120, w1cker lamp sa. brut coal bucket SlO. O&lt cb&.tr S10, lace and l111ena SO centa-SS. Iota of 9lut· •are &nd dub.. SO C>eAtJ·SS. p1c•··r.. and pnnta and lr&.ID• Sl·S4, liquor dec&nter Sl Fn day o.nly. 8 a.m to 6 p m 1622 Nonrov~& (down dnveway), 2 bloclra w ... ol PlacentiA between 16th and 17th .ue.ta, Coate M..a CORNER CHINA CAB· INn. S800. RelfiQ· esator S75. Commerc l&l aucrowave. SlOO Cbll dren'a 94-' p1ck up truc k. S600 Chlldren's IOYlJ, cloth. (9trla 2-4) lamps 24892 0.1 Nonie Laqu..na Hilla 831·8008 1&HEALTH INHI8lT -The Wllqu• starch blocker backed by Or D'a t.o.. 300 to 500 eaton .. • day All natural Call 979-6348 u.k lor Don~ HEART PROBLDCS? ATTEND Hoa9 Hosp• tal'• tr .. 4·w-k eardaac reUb proqra.m Call (714) 760-5594 for more Ulform.ho.o IATTOB.MEY DANIELA. VEREKER ATTORNEY AT LAW e DOMESTIC R.ELA TIONS • PERSONAL INJURY • 8ANKRUP'TCY e CIVIL LITIGATION \&Cit) c,..or ..-.~ ----aetae• UP-TCY 779 W. I 9th. SW.te A Costa Me&& 7S2-S416 2<4 '-ow recordrd ~Kaaaae MZ-4571 NOCHAilG( fOil tNtfiAl C~ll TAT O N liiiEAtTB na BLOOD PIUS- SUD CJBCU fto&Q Hoaptl&.l Lobby, 301 N-por1 Blvd , Newpor1 B.ac::h. Priday, Way 14, 1·3 p .Gl LOSI WIJGHT NO W. 10 lo 29 lbe U1 30 daya or yoau SJI ~ lor I· 11100tJi'e aupply retum· ed c.u H.MBAUn diatnbutor. W1c: helle, 645.5423 WAlfrED: 100 OVIIWIIGHT PEOPU lor new we19bt· Joe. PIOQr.. 1~ quaranteed C all CbnmJ.D& 730-4281 LOsl WDGHT1 rut GREAT! Shape up lor 8pnD9 at Pat'a Place ol l:aercwe, 2411 I Co..! Hlqbway. Corolla dal Mar Call lor ac:hedule LD c:oaapl.unenjary c'- 559-4150 THI FTTN!SS ST A nON -a complete home 97111 machtne AI· fordable, ule, verullle, c onven1ent For all membera of the lam1ly Ideal lor arenqth tr&m· IDQ, body IOniDq. lpor11 c ondtiiODIDQ, health m&l.DteD&llce Call toU· 1r .. niUILber 1·800·532 3972, uk lor Pennyuver Adwatch M5501 17TRAVELI VACAnON EXPLORE 11U GALA PAGOS ISLANDS Sa.al w1tb weU lr.nown ,.., dent laau.IJ.. on tbeu puvate yacht av.U&.ble lor 2-8 .,.nons y .. r arou.nd Plan yo ur own lllller&ry r or LDlo COD t&el Mary Crowley. 1709 Bnd9eway, S.uul1toa, CA 94965 (415) 332 .s&1 HALf PIC E T O EUROPE, Onent, Mea ICO Two P&n·Am 2 lor· I hclte,., 9ood hll 5 31 returo-SIOO 492 8282 • TRAVEL CLUJ • You m&qhl hav• a I tht> money vou wan• l r nef'<f &I not look 4 1 thas1 FUN MONEY TRAVEl 84' ct Trdvt>l Consult • N._ lnv"t IOIV • No Compf'loll r • No B<.oHHponq f abulous f r..,. Tr.to•lt lm;xHt&nl Mt4!11nQ •(7141 S.U-~· 18 ENTERT AIM BALLOON BOUQUETS Un&qut personalu:ed q&ft Dehverf'<f locallv Ord•r toddV Ballo .. n• of N•wporl "645 6445 THi BELL YDANCiR Stucho -CdN oilers eater1a1nment lor all oc C&UODI &nd C ~ In the All ol beUydance C&ll 731·4574 MUSIC lo1 you• al l&.tr All •tylea S1nqle duo 9roup Rea~n &.ble S45 3722 6J I 3275 THE lRVINE CHil OREN'S C borWI Sum mer WorUhop 1.1 p re ••nh nq G &lbe11 & Sulhvan's 'The Puates of Pen&&nce" beqann1nq June ), Non and Thu" 4 5p m 552 9448 l9GIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS s.ud. SO&D.one you lov• a bo\lquet ol 30 ~!.bum b&llooaa Peno11al m .. MQe Perfect for any oc caa1on We dehver 673 4419 Save tb11 ed 23HELP WANTED WORIING MOTHER NXEDS ch11d care lor 2 elament&ry •9• c btldre11 belore and alter acllool 540 6911 work 721 IJ49 home Hll.P W A.HTID Pa, II-eJieK'\M IIUIIJUctor to teach ~1111c pre D&\&1 p roqr.. Jape r-ca and ac.O..ac b&c:lt9roU11d 10 reo&alJft l .. ld preferred 831 1740 H.ILP WAHTED RN"s LVlta NA•a L,.. extra cealtt ltoallS '100 lor I.H'•· S7S lor LVM'a, m lor NA'a (Co•• vamt ovr -locat~n 111 ~n a..c:tat) CaU VoJI Med.tcal S.rv~Ce~ ~ ll48.112 1177 23HELP WAWr'ED PR~GIOUS REAL !STAn: orne! m 1t v111• looluoq lor top quality aqenta. Good co-\NlOo 8pbl. No deek ._ 851-0829. '152·14~ WOJUt AT HOWE Job• ava1l&ble Substanhal .. nuDCJI ~a. Call ( 504) 641-8003, .. ~. T18 lor &nlorliUihon JOB IN-FORMA TlON C 1'\la& Slup 1obe Alto Houmoa, O.UU. Over· -I,Obe (602) 998-0426.Dept 8963 Phone call refUAd.&ble WANTED SHARP PEOPLE to dlllnbute Amway product• Earn IDQI unl.uruted Call woody. 998-3944 INFORMATION ON CRUISE 1h1p toba GrNt lrteome polentW aU occupahona Call (602) 947·7251, U l 31) Call refWidable HUNDREDS WUKL Y1 Stufhn9 -v•lopH at home No ex.,.nence neceuaryl Poutble f r.. det&lla [nclo .. lla.mped envelope Mer· cury Comp&ny, Boa 1762, l.,.nston. lli&oOLS 60204 LOVING. NATURE ADULT to b.b~t lor IDJ ll·month·old 10n pa11 tune 1ft my Co.ta w ... home preler&bly 545 1330 Un:GUARD -S4 76 par hour Swururu.nq LD llructor, S6 90 par hour Call96a-0311 - --l OVING BABYSmE..R needed lor 3 month-old q~rl 5 ruqb~ par w .. k 7 11 957 8390 SWIMMING POO L contractor needJ othce person eapanen.ced 1.0 runn•nq cooatruchon )Obt lo4&t ure par10n non·amoker Sl,()()() par month 979-5616 Ott1ce located n••• South Coa.atPlau 28UCENSED CIDLDCARE STATE LAW Rl· QUIRES that .,.r10na who proYld.e duld cue m theu home be hceJU.. eel f or LDiorm&llOn on how to obtaJn bceAM m Or&nqe CoWity, call (714) 834-~~ LUTSI RIGHTS/ WEEillCDS Go out f<) r cUD.Der. ..,._ nmo cl~. movtes health club dloppuu~ Temporary dGy car. cnoailable wlu.le vour own t&ner 11 away 857-1029 NEWBO RN BABY CARE by r~~q~o~~ered nur• Mv home Work mq mothen ar hourly Coro na df'l Mat 673 6887 27 SITU A nONS WAHTED IOJUSDU:al OPPIYS SA.l.l AGDITS WANT· ID Stan llllmedl&leiJ Full or part t~~ae . .._ •nc redlltly profit· malunQ b-L c•twcJ moo-r opportiUI.I ty ruu det&ila Sl 00 lor band.h.no Jtql lAter· pr-P 0 lo:a 4.77-4. 1nnne92714 WI NEED D&Al..I.RS lor n-.ca.nd-up cooltboolt Fr.. d.l&lll Wellt PublJatunq Co (So Naua St ). o.p s. p 0 Boa 164, !Dqloewood, OH45322 O WN YOUft OWN beautiful lND ud Alb letlc: Shoe Store, f .. tur· LD9 tb& l&t-LD O..S9n er JNDS. ~. Wru9J.r &Ad over 100 other braada Alao shoe brands N1lr.e, Kad Power, Alt.port, 1C.a.n9a roo&, O..qa ud Welt em Boote avallabl& Sl7,SOO mclud .. beQLD DLDQ mventory, futtur•. trlln•nq and Grand Opeo1nq Pro moiJo n Have yow llore open Ul u ltule u 10 d.avs Call I 800·255·90-49 for Euqene 3SESTATE SALES SACRIFICE -Ow.olv· 1119 Mt&le MoVU19 out of state EverythlAo qoee -hou.. 9azaqe toola, lunuture, lll&ny oood· ... 495-5198 NOVlHG SAU Q ueen aue sleeper/ 10fa roclrUIQ cbau. MWUIQ maclu.A&IIca.ba· net hill u .. ud qu- su.e boaapunqah o&t •r-. m&rble end table Call toUfr-nu.aber 1 800·532 3972 u.k lor P&A.Dyuver Adwatcla W8174 31SPOBTIRG GOODS DISCOUNT PrteM on popular br&nd l)tcyct... clotlunq ud accCIUOnee SA vt AT ! UPSON"S CYCu:JlY 2991 Grace Lane CoetaW... "' .. , ..... , •• -d ,,..,.,_.,1 31MmQUES ANTlQtTIS ou p&Ult• 1.119 S10. larqe beveMd lalnor 125, ~ roo• t&.bloe S95 beotwood trunk S10, pane ch- SlSO player pi&DO S600 love _, SSO lampe S8 S20 brua c&ndJe 111ck S6 art deco hreoplace -.ate! S95 rockulo eb.u US ~mall boolr.c... SJS Fnday only 8 • m to 6 p m 1622 Monrov~a (down dnveway) 2 blocta wMI ol Place nl&a betw-n 16th and 17th str-• Coata M&M 41 f11RNJTUJU: P R 0 FE S S I 0 N A l POOl TABlE G RANDMOTHER to assut mothers w&th Naqnd&ce ot C'lutom new babv vacahons R•n••-nce complete housecl~lnq w&th cu" and balla 1oddleu and older ch&l Tournament 11'• S4 SOO value S2 500 You dren hou-llllnq mo ve C•ll tolllr- •dult convalesc number I 800 S32 3972 &DQ compAn&oo Non , p Ad smoke r dnAker eacel ••• lor etlllyuve • 1-1 relerenc• Call watch M.274.3 W.r10n• 646 1n1 Bl ACK LACQ UER IXXIOR 34 Vl'An CHrNOlSERE c&.b•n•t mOVUIO ,0 Ca hlorma I S210 Brown & Jo.rdan Dwore ed loolun~ lor bamboo armoue S750 NewpNI Balboa •••a Btown & Jord.n "Two hoUMStlhnq or boatS&• Worlds 4 d&n&D?, llnq poiiiiOn wh&le ac .:-haus nv pillows quuUIQ r.atdencv and -c-h SIZS Old •m&.ll ~tUdYln9 for Cahlo•n•• oakdror lod d .. t. S75 hc:en• Or H Lee UnW&u•l burlwood mu (414) 783 512..2 4l 4' ro• S95 l1ke brand new 545 6200 Novello arm chau1 a.k and tan Yelvet S 175 19MONEYTO LOAN WIDOW HAS WONEY lor Trua o..da SlO 000 up No credat checks. no p&Dalty c.JJ O.n110n A.Moc:••t• m 1311 I H.A VE NON"IY to to.n on YOW home Low 10 tel'Mt "-appraiNI 7 d.ay Mr'IIC>e Credlt ftO probl-8U1 (714) 964-3185 WONrt -WONEY -Ho•--•n Locuu by plltone 2Dd aad Jrd Trum Deed. t.ulored to your &ltu&hoD or aeedJ Call ha. day. ••ollt. -~ sa.tl 27 COUPUS • • WORit t~her b\&1ldtnQ • but 10-Stall pan t..e and 9row Wa help For appo&nt-nt. d&-.)457 Joan -Ch l8u8 ~· OCC& flonal 1able bv N(lvello S 155 Kmq 11:te waler b.<! frame be•o•• suede hloe Stereo 8 track and Z lampt 1n h•&dbo.rd S275 Octa qonal 36' •ntrv h:atur• S90 Ku.ch wooden roman 'bade w&th v•l'"'c-e ti9w 4J S8S Varaou• a utheallc Clun-plate• SJ2 to ~ 48H round 9lan table top S8S ICuby Vac\1\Ua and fU9 ~ pooer 'l!O 752 &636 omc1 f\1ltNtTUU Oeek• bookc •••• claa&ra co...c:h.. 855 8313 .. DUIKlllll8. JIWII,8T <aAIID OftRIIfG n..eo. ..... eo..a J.-lry Lc:haave. 24.2e Newpot1 BI.Yd., Coeta w-. b11.,. ud ..u. UMd 1-e.lry, 110rap Qold. deatal, watch.., couaa . ..,.,., 631 ·!1i33 501WiCzt~ PUB~OOIS NOT ACCIPT b&bdity for LDCorrec:t ..,.u...q. qrUD-Uc:al taACC:\Ir· ac~. or 'YP09R~»Juc:al erron m &Dy .chw· ,_,. pubhG.cf 1D ... eo-w..b& New. Group IOOD-01.0. llAU &Dd CNt-of~pn.ot w. D\IJ ud ...u "'(Nt·Ol· pn.ot boo,b OIU ~· ty .. N&boQ.end.e S.Uc.h s.~. loalr v • .u.. 31182·A S Bllltol. Suata A.n.,Sd-..a. REDWOOD hS deck· LDQ -4-20' loDQ, 25- ce.n .. foot Jla, &ti- 9885, &DytUJM. FOR SAU: I pau .a.. 1 SO ea, S25 I pan tolu boo,., RH 3. S10 Oval ahaq ...-f'Y9 , or&DQ& and brown with bel9• c~n. $15 W.U bowl· 1119 ball, AXf, LD C&.ITJ· LD9 C._, with .a.o.., ~~~---9\.i. 644--.ar7 CONSIGNU WUST SAOJJ'lCI ~ Y&aea, autlaent•c Ctw:.-robe, l.arqe Ne•a,o bi.&Dbt. 5puueA ahawl Old Giory. 7S2 S COMl Hwy • l.av\IJI& Beacb FAWIL Y MQODSHIP -Joh.n Wa,.. y_. Clv..b S815 541-ifi27. WAJUUAGI wi~ u Aza. llque CarnaQe: Car· n.a.o•. bone &ad eoacil· 111&4 av&llable to the bode aad CJfOOia lol" that eJ.cJ&ot proc 1 • t'll nde. Brochure lllfor.aboD ud r-rv•ttocu For any apec1al e Y&IIt a..-c Car~. (714) 639-10 SANDAK "HAPPY J'EET'• SHOIS lor eatue I...Uy s.,.., CJ\1&1&11· ••• n 95·116 95 D1alnbutou waated 548-3113, 2217 Nmer. CCM&&w- 51 WAJIITTO auY WAMTm· OLD GUMS, nn.. llhotquna, pocbt watches, •alttary .words S«aoua ccUec· tor -paya •or. U..O any de&le~ 58.1-1810 WANTED fURNI- TURE a,ppuaacea (re· lnqeraton . waahen dryen TV's, wor~ DOD ·WOrluo9 Aollqu&a, pl&lloa, oUu:e lunul\lre SSCAS, (714) 957-8161 WANTED USID fUR. NITUR£ modern/an llque Refn9erato n wuhera .d,.,.n (wo rk· ID9 DOJl·WOrkmq) t.. 957 8133 C ASH PAID FOR OUAUTY AH'TlQlTES t•welr y c ameo • d~&raonds, .,.rfume bot Ilea dr-r aet• CUI 9lau ch1na 11lver onental• GAllERY ONI 494 +M4 494 9966 CASH PAID lor Laooel electnc lralllt 494 1~16 fURNITURI apph &ACM wuted R.tnq •••ton a~o .... wuhan drven color TVa WorlrUI9 not AAhqu .. p&ano• collect& blea eatatet hou•elllolda C..a. p&,~d Call Cl\ariJe S41 4531 U RDfTALS TO SHAilE AOOWNAU WANTID ·-al· to aaar& 3 bed room cocdo lack Ba y area Newport S..c h Coaa w-All amen&h" S215 per mo11th p iWI I '3 l.llillu.. 645 2S49 alter 5 ltOOWWA TI WAHTU> -OceaA vaew apart ·-· 1.&9\ID& a..c~. Part&ally 1\lralMed N1e ro••••. 1a-4ry 14~ p)ua 1/2 ldWb. C.U tol)f,... a-'-' 1 .00. 532 .-n. ... fot hnaFM.,... Adwatcll NliG 2 IIOUSINA TD 110 ~,. ........ v .. 10 -..... • ... 0 ·"· ...... '1210. UlS 78.11 • IIOW IIIIT'DIG: 1· ud 2-at•4rooa v•rd•• ........ ao.. 110 ......,. "-e~ ud ..... ~.Hut· ..... J.ecll ...... (714) eo.-.. .8DQUIFOR ..... SICOfiDOS/ TOWIOISES FOR RENT lL TORO hmuahedlllll· flll'DW!ed t.rv• 2-bed· rooa towuh.oi&M Pool, ,.cuna, wuher/dryer book-up. S.SSO Daya 752-0100 ••• 42, evea· 1.119'1 951 · 9424 •sOUSES FOR SALE fORYOUI •cc.o~~ 10WS III JOaiDI roa RIXT: Su J~aa~t C.aatnao ~. J.. Nd,_., 2·batb ... 9•· reo• No peg. SS!IO. Av&il.abJe June 1 CalJ toUJree ava.Mr 1.aoo. 532·3972, Mlr lor Pnoy· .. "r Adwetcla Ml675. MAMMont CONDO et Laft 7, 8, 18 ud 17. Larve 2-bedrooa, lia. pl.ac:e. DUCrowe"· color TV. ~t~eua~~, .. u-. court.-y vu !WS-1302, S4S.l30t. BIG BEAR CABIN -2· bedroo• plua loft. Sl...,a 9. 5-10 JDiDul•lo Soow su .... ll t90. pes ruvh.t. S70 reiiiDdeble Nc:llflly depa~it. c.u lollb.. awaeer 1-800· 532-m2 . .a tor PeJU~y· Nver Adwatcla M5688. STILL LOTS Of SNOW ....... otJa COD· do, 3-b.drooJD, 3-bath, jec\IUl, .. u.Ae, fDlCrO• wave, fueplece, \IDcMr· vrou.ad perk1.119. Spr1.119 d!1.119 apec1el. 833· om. • HOUSES FOR SALE 50' atrMt-to-atr .. t lot on qu .. t upper Hazel IJited at lot ~50.000 BUT INClUOfO II o eu~tom 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, formal ell~ room hamel LMng room Is 16'x24' wMh beams and picture windows. CHy and 101M ocean view. Seller may finance at l~lnter•t. P .S. New 4 bedroom, 3 bath. family room, fonnal dining room, bay view home. Vacant and ready! $2,600 per month. I ~ottmo ad vito. 36~-1 ~. ~oad ~·} ~ottmo ad vito. 92G.tS LAGUNA BEACH I 105 N Coestliwy 494·1177 LA.I.I T ABOI Oil the weter 4-bedrooa, 3-bat~. uceU.t t.o .. e. C~pJ.e.ly hanUalaed. $700 per ..... 552- 2115 • ...-.~11. PUIRTA VALLARTA lao~~~e. Pool, maid, 2 bedrooa. 2 batb. SZ15 ...... Call tollJr•• ouabef 1.aoo.532.3f112, Mit for ,._,.."' Ad· watcla M3152. UOf'PICE/ OOIOIDCIAL DELUXE EXECUTIVE SUITES Newport ~oU c....... fl&ll -.pport .me.. Otik:e bo• $.436 pe.r aootll. ()D C.U, etc., $1&5 per aoot.la. tBIIIUDQVAITEU COICPAIIY (71.)151.0Ul lllVDfl INDUSTIIAL PAU, Tutia (Myfordl Walaut) office 1a -b..u.&cboq witll eddiboD&I w&rtlbo-.,ace. O.p 731·0814, eveDlAQI 833-n18. orne• SPACJ roR IIHT: Warut.r WecUcal Plaaa, aear Hoaq Ho•pltal. Payc:ho· u~er&p61l. 631 -0414. SARDIEGO JK). OOUJn'Y v.-. ...... olbc:./co•· merci&l. You.r t.enu. 70()..3,400 aq. h. All or part. 1212 N. S.at& fe. lQ-0801. ~ ....... c-..~~­ ot ree.ptioa, coUer· eDOe IOQa, lratca.., plaoae, Mc:relanel &Ad wo .. d pr~. WalJ&ad ~ .,. ~ neilable ~r· e .. 1y lf ct..u.d C.Uidy (714),.. •• MIOARD • CARE PRIV AH HOWl CAU lor elcMrly aab\llatory. Lic.-doune ~2512. •IIOUIEI FOR IALI •• Airr/UIIT OIIIW :iiitCJ& OUIIT. llfi.ID I.ADY, ...... ..,...., ....................... ....... lhdao .... lor ..U .... ,.....,... hu· altllf• lefereac:ee. lla ,.. .. , .......... ao..-.m1•.'CoM1 ...,., CoiOM .. l&a.r, CA.a5. ~ IWU. DTA1'E oc::IAR f"'RROIT: L.zve lunry dupla, 3 ~ •P. 4 bed· roo-dowo. ~proa. 4,80(hq. h. of bMc:b llv· lD9. Coa.btDe IAco-· prodiiCUI9 iaveltaeol ud .......... witla vac:atloa boae 1a cbanaiaq C.rl.abed. 70' of bMc:h froatav-. Speclou• prade-of· owaenil4p lrl·pla oa 50' of bMob frooteo• tor laveslaeal, •ecetioa reol&l 01 YO\U OWD lav· IAq. Luv• 2-bedtOOIII hoae wllh 2·b.droom, 1-bed:roo• ud 8tudio reDim Bathhouse lor your conveaaence C&~labad-be.t beach erN. laJOY • vacehoD a.o.. with 2-bedroom a.o.. p.l\11 2-bedroo•. 1·bedroom ad ltlaCbo reotala LoveJy ocean VIew, ChnDIJI9 COillt• yerd. Never vacut, ta Soutla OceNJWde, Pals· Met. UN. f or aore 1.11· loraaiJOa C.U Swellow ud A.-oc .• 403 Oceu· llide JJvd., 0cNaaide, (714) 722-1725. "Spe· c:ialilta 1.11 Beach Proper· '-· Rea tela ud Salee ... ----- •soUSES FOR SIU.E PIUCID WITH TUNS P&DOraalc: OCMD -new 10,. down. GrNI U · 1\UBab&e &cu.. flaw c111· to•·built 3-bedrooa/ 2-bat.ll laome U. heeD redec:orated ud .. ta ....ac:W.te coad.aboo V•w from oNr1y .U roo... Tbe owoet waU carry liouc:iD9 ud hu JU reciQC:.d Pnc:4t 10 $224,000. c-. a-1 ~. (714)4~1 HUUYI NOTIV A TID SILLIR oeecb •olivet· eel buyer. Lo..., p.u:.d J M. Peten Le.od.&Dq PLIUI 4 1.11 Wooclbndqe Priced below .. ,~r.~ 2,SOO ~q. It ho-. 4 bedroom. 2~ bath, laady roo•, lVAuno\11 aaaler 11111e, 1er9e CO\IDlry btca.-, 2 fir• pl.c•, an, beautifully la.ocbcal*l. Alh-.ble and ..U.r fiunctDq. filii Jl the OAe you've beea walllaq for $288.500. c.u S...di, .,., .... (714) ·~·0'191. niCE UDUCTIOII NO QUA.LIPTIIIGI T-...JT...eT.--1 Tab over l• ud 2aad T D. Wllll DO qu.aldy1.119 aec-ry. Woodbndqe WtDct.o.r Ll•te, PLIUI 4. MOIIt populet aod.l, 2,255 .q. ft.. •·bed· rooa. 2~-bella. l&aily, u,..,a.c:.. country bl· c:ba . &lr, bNutihaUy t.acbc:aped wUh. auto tpn.U.Iera_ Very IAr9e yud, belt loc:etloA oa quiet C\1.1-d.•MC. Pnc.d to •ll at $22.4,800 S.acla, e~Jnl, (714) 414· 0'191 liVDfl -NOJmf- WOOD Pr~ recluc:.d tor q1lk:k Mle 11•,.000. 3-beclrooa p.l• Mo, 2~-b.tll. SQS,OOO ... --we ... ,,.,. owe ::: . .:a_ .... 14~t. MIT OJ SHADOW 1\nl, IAQoaa HW.. 3 Wrooa, 2 betll, tuatly ~-. I!P"al •&Ire-to--belcooy .... ~· Of vw.. 112,000 -.. w. ., 13\4 .. b.a· eel ,... l li!U!IO 1M· ..,, "rowa.er. IT OWJID -WollM lUI 3-....a.-, IK· Mdl. oa c.l-41t·ac, ....... 900cl ..... • ....... . _,nac,..._ oat, 1111.100. c.u toUtr-....... .-.u:z . ..n, ...... ,...,.. .. Ad • ..edlatlt70 •OOIID08/ TOWIGISES FORSAI.E LA.RGI 3-IIDROOM, 1~-bath Co.ta w- towohome S155,000. 13.5 .. -30 ,.., liu.a· CU\9. lit yMr II 12,. 347 E. 18th St . 851· 2233. OCIAHFBONT ILl· GANCI Wli.D • -pie look at th.e ro~ ••••• reelly till I e110U9ll. You .,. per· aoaally uavlled to tour t!l.e ~Ioili ud dii- IUIQII.iahed Mechtene· oeu aty&e coadoam· 1\IID.I, NCb With U ua· prealve lwt ol carehilly Nlec:ted fNIIIr ... BoDIII $20,000 d.c:orelor'a el· lowuc.. Opeo 11 •·•· to 4 P·•· d.Uy. C.U lor broclture. Villa Her· aou, (714) 49&-5078, (714) 492-46&3. IXICUTIVI GET A WAY by the 1M DiltUICIIVe coodo.IIIUI· 1\IID.I, W91lU NIQ\Iel. Coay 2 bedroo .... wife· Nver k1tch•n•. 2~ b.th.a. pJ\11 !.t9• boolll roolll FJeJUbJe fuaaDC· 109 plaaa oflered. Wodels ope.o 10.5 froa Sl70,500. Pacibc J.J.nct vw... (~ 493·0625. (714)49:1 - POIPU BIACH, &Yue~ Waterlroal coodoa, 2 b.droo~a, 2 bath, Jur· aiabed. Mu ..U (714) 882-3084. CHOICUT COMDO- MDflUW -Letnre World, thud Ooor GoU, view, 3 b.droom, 3 bath, l•rv• maater bedroo• Cu ue u two llllt• of bedrooa/ dre111D9 rooa /batb NCb p}lll e•lre bed· room, balta Ou bed· roo• w now Ubrary- oUace. 100 feet boob 15 laidc:l.n W. dra-ra. Muc:b floor·lo·c:•Uaav elnora. C'll.o1ce ~•re~J• 3 biq ltoreQe ~­ A~t}'rei.Md recently S177,SOO. Owa.r ••Y c:eny S100,000 et ba.rvem rat ... OW... ao traffic. M--ate oller . Owner. C•ll toWree Du.aber 1·800-532·39'12, edt tor PeDDyu"r Ad· watc:h N3l68 PALM SPRINGS CON· DO -J..bedrooa, lur- a.ialaed. MllDle;&pal qoU COli..... Pool T~la $125,000 by owner. 830-161:2 WOODaRJDGI, IR· VIHI -LUAury c:ondo, prof. decoreted ud lucbc:aped ue.ooo 1.11 upgredee .ad ntru R.ed)' to move 1.1110. Air coact.. 2 bedroo••· 1~ baO... QWet. 1,250 lq. It ay owaer, SHii,SOO. JO.,.., flaecl ...... We 11.25,. 0.,. -HOS. 1U9J.tt15l-4815. SALIILIASI OPTtON -S.n ha•'::~bllraDO l ·bedrooa r~,.. P*>e . ..,.. t...r, var~. pool, )eC'UCft, 110,000. Low dowa 15.eoo. .. IUJIJable lit 11 .115,. Cell tout.... ouaber 1-80()..132 31172, .a for •-•JN•er Adwatcll WGSO. si.OiiOoowif-Si.a1 f4N .-oath. UJS.OOO. ~ .. /opttoo. l.oDQ· ·-bMaci!af !Je9CM ... . W..3 ............ 3 ....... 3 Nh-'-R, 3,ear ~·ate· ..... 2,300 ... fl •• ~ ... ,. -. •• alad, pool, .... OM Of ... ~~ (714) IJ1-tJ2J Of ... flll'l.o..... 71 LOTS• ACilEAGE PIIMI RISIDINTIAL LOT -Si. 4.SO. All IIW· Itt.~, yeaz·rollDd road., L&b Geor~, Colora- do. Acre !.eke, vww, &.vel, ,..dy to build, Pike forelt. Sc.ury. Trade~ coa.udered. 614 36tb St , Newport INch. NrNPORT LOTS-two adjolalaq. S89,000 NCla. Suta Bareera lola, 3 ad1oioiDv , sso.ooo NCh owe 631-4179. LAND fOR SA.LI - V.U., c-ler. Cheq). S17,000/acre Uttlih" U:a. for laorM lover/ C:OIIDirY qentleaeo 497-3581. SPICTACULAR W,.,llOa &..c:b lot. By owner. wUil c:u.loa bo•e pl.ao.a or bul&d to .wt. P.aora.a1c: ooeao vaew1. Cell tollfr" au.aMr J.80().5J2.Je72. edt lor '-"YN"r Ad-welch M2730. "n REAL ESTATE W.Ain'ED/ EICIIAMGE HONOLULU HOWE - S.U or uc:ll.anQe eqwly lor Oruv• Coualy boae or condo(•). 4- beclroo•. ocean vww, 901J cou.rM, pnvale co-uai.ly, 1-.oill, rec· queUNIL MMI ..uady beec: •. Value S260.000. Auuaeb1• $140.000 mortveoe P.O. loll 28044, Ho aoluha, fUw&IJ. Owner. C.U &oWr.. DIIIDber 1.aoo. 532-llnl.-lor PeJU~Y· .. "r Aclwatch W86e0. YOSIMITE ARIA ..nlt:rade ladtonc: ~ao .... 10 ecrea, lor fUw.UU property Willa hoUR or ? P.O. lo• 74, MldpiD•. CA 85345. or c:all loU· tree aulllber 1.aoo.m. 3W72, Mlr for Pen.oyM"r Adwatc:la W1233 MIOATI. EQO'IPIIENT FOR SALI· 38' CJtOSS Tr~a.,... Cnuaov pro- vea to Aurah.a ud South Pec:lhc. $38,0001 010. c.u (213) 83().. 01!165 eveDtAIJS or ~­ nde for edcbtaoaa.l Ill· loraebola SIU IOAT -Side· wl.llder, 100 bp, Evm· rude ftelUie, tre!Jer, ~diOD $2,3510 NDD PARTMD-TO SHARI eapeGMS ucl OWHniup of coni••· porary h19h perlora· uce aew Cepn 25 m Mnr»ort leedl (714) f73.ll07 or (213) 744· 1832. A-TTDTION DIVERS .ad kat ownera f or .u.: w ur A .o• Red Cr... reb. coaplele wWa wood Uoor, ac~. ud Cb.r)'ller l .8 bp aotor Lce~t ccmdl· floe 813-2016 11 JIDCYCLES/ IIOPED8 •IICYCI.ES MDS, JOYS ScbwUIJl Vanity 10-apeed. S.U. DeW $m, DOW S55 Meu otl.er 10-apeed, $49. Botta Aook.lnch a.ew !148 8066. ISYAM/TRCU FOil SALE uno DOOO.I 314 loa pk:kuj>. Cua.peT Spe· e'-'-Heavy duty equip- ped. AMIFM. power .... ,~.~~v ud bru•. auloiD&bc lr&DI., an cood . lorda bu•per, btv wid. hNvy-duty ur .. OD rNr, loob ud .. IIDI rNI Never hurt or abu.a.l. Beet otter. Will trade lor euto. 644-4687 MOVIHG OVDSIAS: 1sr'19 Toyota s•-s Loov· bed pock~ap. Pert.ct, -tiree/Uoc:b. ~­$4,500/bno 497-5331. 4SM-5426 1978 CHIVROLIT 112 TON 4a4. lSO eoQtAe, load.d. $.5,400 Alter 6 p.a ., 661 -2320 MTRCDIVANS WANTED WANTID: 1967 or eulier VW Buv with blowD envme. Fe~rly 9ood coadJIIOD P•y caall Call tollhee cuambef 1-800-532-3972, uJr lor PeunJNver Ad· watcta Mll38 'II AUTOS WARTED usm c.us WANTID -Up lo S!OO peid RllD· DUICJ or aot Alao wrecb. Au lor Jack, 847-~78. PUBLISHII DOIS NOT AOCIPT IW»hty lor incorrect ~9. vraaaallcal aoeccur· eel .. , or lypoqrapiUcal errora in eoy edver· U..~aen11 publlllhed lD the Cout Media News Groop JUPS,-CARS. PICI· uPS lroa S35 Avaal· able et local Govem· aeal Auctlou For directory, cell (805) 687 .flO()(). .... 2306 C.U reluodable lt?l CAI>O.LAC Coupe De Vll&e v.,., oood COD• dltiGA. 41,000 lllilea, dark browa nlenor 1 ae.tda1.119 Y'lllJI rool Mel lllllrool. ~ leatllet la .. nor. Power wua· dowa. doora, aea11, AWP'M •reo lape, wire .-..a.. SI,SOO. 85l.o749,...., !I PORD 1m rom nnuRA s. cyl. Red, ait, auto .. ANJJ'M. Jac.l.leDt COD• chboa. S4.~. 551 -1263 -· liSS CLASSIC FORD ~ll We~JOJl lllAI vood. New.,..,..__ and v-eralor saso . 861-1072 . HONDA 19'19 HONDA ACCOftD -Air, AM/PM, -w Urea, very c:lee11 . $4,800. 675-3545. 1Q80 HONDA 4-d~r Accord. htCJe, au, AMirM c:e-tte, 35,000 au.J... uamacul&le. leet otter. (714) 531 -5585. 1978 HONDA ACCORD -Gold, au coad .. A,MIFN ••~eo c.-.te. oew Moc!MI~.n~. Very cl .. a Wlth qood •11· ..,., •. $4,650 Cell toU· tree Dumber 1·800-532· 3972, uk lor Penoyaever Adwatcta Ml444. MAZDA 1880 MAZDA RX7. Ll,.,llt blu., e.acelleol coaditloa, .tr coad .• 20,000 aU.. S7.SIOO. Call toWr.. awaber 1-800-532-llrn, uk for Penoy .. ver Adwetch W018l. MERCEDES lEitZ Ul81 NIRCEDIS JOOSD Turbo 01-1. Like oew, low milNCJe, loeded. S33,SOO. i62-1687. 1965 MDCIDIS 230 SL. European C~Mmc: 4-.,..d, .Over Soft and herd ·lop• Sh.arp I SlO,QOO. Mu.t .. u. Ro.a, 855-3993, dep; t91 6480.ev• MIRCIDES BINZ ~L -O.rk qrMO JDetellac:, qr"n INiher Ullenor. 2 lopl, loaded Wult CODdiiiOD ANG Froal ud back 1p0Ller Lete 19'N 23,000 ..W.. 495-3514. Ul81 WDCIDIS JOOD 4·Doot. WlUte, llii.DTool, low III.UHoe, tab over a.-, $1,000. C.U Nr Brown, '152·8528, e~ 851-1682 1877 NDCEI>IS B.INZ 4!0SL Very oood coa· drtion, 37,000 .U.., both los-. w.~ tina No ITad .. 498-8742. MIRCIDES B1NZ liU. 310 SEL O.rk blue met.alllo, manl coadl· boD, 9,500 111tlea Load- ed! SliD roof. S38.SIOO c.u oow. 495-3514. 1SI80 WIRC~ 450SL Coavertible He .. d top rool, Alltbrac:tte vray lD c:!Aay brand new coad&· tiOD, wllh low ~. TU.e over 1-pay· IDhla. S841 IDODthly pl111 $2,000 cult down peyan.t C.U toWree aumber 1 800-532·39'12. uk for PonYMver Ad· watc:hN1446 IIG 1W19 MGB Lim•ted ldt· hoD. Blec:lr, eaceU.Dt conclltioD, lle.reo e•· .. u. 2•.ooo ratlet $1,700 C.U Pat,~­ daya,S-5070. 1879 WGB Llmued Ide· Uon. Black. fwly J.o.d- ed. 24,000 ........ c.u Pat w..W.p, SS.5070 lmiiG MIDGIT - lsc:•ll•al coaclihoa, 21,000 allee. 14,000 or belt olfer 494-~ OLDSIIOAILE 1-OLDSWOIIU 4 cloor LoecHc1 wttll n · UM Rebllilt ft19'-ead tr.,.....,oa ~.at ooodn.-Wu ... I6SO 010 551-2160 ...,... FIND IT IN OUR DIIIECIGaY OP ........ uwnca ACCOUWIIRG BOOIIUPI.NG TAXIS -cr-n .. JMa - ...U or lltArtla9 ~­ -ud utdiridu.al. -.looJDe, DovJ>le MY• IA91, rMIOOeble , .... ud pro'-~lly co•· p«eot .me... loroll precbce b.fore JBS. 552-83!M. U'IJIUIII P'LAliAQAII AOCTO!aulllllll sa ..as FaJaucl.t .... leJDeala. peyroU, qurterly te.a retllTM, cull ~ ..... bualn .. IYIIteiU ud proeediiNI, &ad pe.-nel I.Aco-....... ~11 ADDI'nOIIS • RENODELIIfG WRYIIOftt IIIJIIIOYI1 Jlooa eddilloD ud r-od.l Hubbell Coa· • It rucl.ioD Co. $31-7151 ASPIIIU.T SEAL OOATIIfG/ DRIVEWAYS ASPRAI.T REPAIR s..Jcoetioq. ~ ::o .. ~uu.AJ free Lt. IJo. 3117382 ~111 ALLSTATE PAVIROCO. DMU'IJDG GAADING a PAVIHG • R.ldeatlel • Coraaerc:lel • Llcc:-:.780C M2-1720 IIUITEICDEBS PJORSSIONAL BAR· TINDIR lor rnt -to add th.atlpeC!oll touch 10 tbat apec:lal . ooc:aaool c.u. 675-fOQ'l BEAUTY SVCS/ rma:as SALLY'S BIAUTY NOOit. 1• L 17th S4 . Coat• M-. Peraueola lro• Sll.SO 'IP· TinliDq, S8.00 IIJI Sb.aJDpoo ud -.. $4.50 FroatU19, 112.00 up HeatCNiltDCJ, S3 50. 642-7&42 COWPUTIRIZID BOODDPING boa S'TS per JDOAIJl Payroll, T A.C. (714) 631-2720. CAIINET8 CAJUNITS -Cv*>a ..... lrJtc:laeu, book· c-, ban, qar~" and ebau ral.l8. 641.ea:z7 daya, 640-7154 .... 1. A.UforToa. Till fiNIST 1.11 co•· mercael and reekieotlel c:eb1netry. •ta•l•laq. bar1, COIIDI .. and ~D_· erel woodwork. JaB CoutnM:110rl, Millwork DtviiJoo. IJc.o.. No 350878. (714) 631-GIO CAIIHITRY SPIC1AL· TY -lti~. bdl· roo-ud ..,.. ben No ~too ...UI PeterS lodqera ~rty Ia· prova•t. 63l-200C. CAIINITS a CAJUIIH. TRY -S•aU ~and reptirl. ,,.. ........... 645.2003, CAIIRET REFDaSIIDIO WOODS CUSTOM P•1Diia9 aod a.fiaWl iACJ: for ..0 JOU peiclt• UlQ ...... Spec~9 iD cabuaet ~,':%· flatablll9 and • Ua4J. For free ... ..,... c:..U TertY. (114)r i3&-Q613,{714)~. Cuiii'TI ..... IWO •IDH*PW Tour oW cdaa.la. hke ••w wttll 4 co. .. of lac· ~Ud,._.ra .... ,. CAliPEin'BY C..uriNTRY WO RK - Pallo cov.n, ct.clla. 9••aQ• *'e94 IUllll, ,_c. ~ All type. of ca~t,. No ,ob too ...U Tom, 551·2S83 CARPINTIR SMALL JOB ·~aal1R Cab· iJWitl, w.tf \lOIII, paM}• 1119, ~~aouldlliQ, c;aazaQ• lklzAQ41, deck. r, .. e.taaelel Weder'a Kudyworlla, 642 3788 CAU. PI.RJC the Ftaup W.., uaeU cer~nter e.ad odd repau 10b1 R L Perlu u (Scot/ lnah). 979-9047 CUSTOM YURHITUR£ DISIG.NED and buah to you; need -wall unata. bookc-. tabl ... c ab uaet1, atoraqe unala, baft C.U Jolul et "r ur 01ture WoodcreJt." 8SS 8417orS58 8104 CARPENTRY Fanaab , caba.oe ta, boo kc .. ea, tlaul, doou E11pe neoc e UJihmated C arl, (71.) 972-0457 CARPET CI.EANlNG CARPET UPHOLSTERY c1MlllD9 -Mey ape ctal Hydro ateem, deodonz.e, dellea 2 rooms, $13 50, 5 rooma Sll 50. eole , $19 75 Cupet, uphobtery dye lftO (60 ya rda), ScCJtch oard , pre·coodallo mnq optJonel Carpel Mu ten, 540-1849 -riCEU.ENT CAllPET CARE Apartment, upholatery a.rN ruo clNn•no Worl< quera.nteed fr.. • ... lllii.IM Jacla Bullanqton owner/operator 645 1T71 HONI: SERVIC E C~t dyeanq cluo lDQ, repean, emerqency flood. upholatery cl~an anq, dyeamjl, porcelaan c hap repaan, ltberol•u tu.b rehnllhano. ••P••rs hie clNDaOQ, rlilhiDQ Lac A CONB 131-5&23 CARPET DYDNG OYI YOUR C ARPET Cove n ladanq tta•no Colora p•rm•n•n• 2ue raoteed Cutlom Dyen , (714) 760 7170 CARPET INST ALLA nON BIU-;-S C ARPET SERV IC I . lnalallehon 4nd repaan Oual1ty wo rk "' leu puces Call Ball •• 552·5826 ev•lfMlos CAl'PI:T INSTALLER avaalable Rep•11s II yNn eapeuenc• C all Ruu, 548 9265 CARWASHJNG NO BILE SERVICE •• your hom• or othce Comlete hand waahtnq an.d antenor detathnq "TradJttonal O.ta 1lera CO"CRETE ELECTRJ~ . CUSTOM C EWENT and bnckwork We do 11 all EL£C'TIUCAL No ,ob too &mall. Re -PllOILEIIS? lererae" •nd lrM "" C.U HCJ S.rv~ee Corn rut• 847-4848 peny. We do reat.den· I 'SPiCIAUZE 10 lACk · l&e.l, eommerc~al. an · haamer work •nd re-dustnal Wlnoo No 10b 1.1 mova l of roncrele too am.U 24-hour Nrv· (pa hoa, 11dewalu .ad •c• bne (714) 631 5999, drtvewaya) Aleo cuiiJoq Lie 415233 •nd hand..wiJlq Not * Cd-ELECTIUC • atate he WMk'• Con • RKidenttal c rete Removal, 631 I • Commercial 2610 • l.odustnaJ CONCilfu • OueLty at rNltOnable ASPHALT IREAIDCC pracn L•ceoted muter HAUUJIG • NOVDCG G EO RGE'S loc•l haul 1Jl9, \20 per hour, true~ a.od d uver Call 893 0106 HOME IMPROVEMENTS C ALL SUPU DAD at Hetcule• at 11 needs p.-a.ohno or baa • I•• k LU'S LAHDSCAPING SDVIC£ Bnclt, block. concre!e work Spunk lere lawn• lnl141lled ,,_ ... ~.~~~..... 494· 5390. •S.-0514 Gft£:EN SCENE Lawn, lr-. ehrubs ln atalla 11on Rocotallmo. trN tummanQ a.nd r• mov•J YrM MttiDalet 646-1578 o r 548.6065 VIC'S LANDSCAPE MOVJRG• STOMG.E THi ST ARVU.G COL LIGI STUDDITS Wo~ 1n9 Co hAl 9rown (Lie T -1 2-4436) Sua• qood NrVICe Cell641-8427 ABC MOVING l.llperaenced prolea 11onel lowest ratet hH "IIIIIAies Ouac:~ care lui Mrvtce S-52~10 STARVING ACTORS' MOVING COMPANY • REMOVAL electnc•an No 417874 Slt•ploader, dump ~7~ doe~~~'t open or cloM and you he•r 4 tquNia won'l cool off O t qets too hot could I.IN • thelf 1n a new spo1 C4D t •top 11 or tt won't QO needs • ne1l oal o r runa too slow ("114) 642 J.381 LAbor n41<1 malenals De119 nallnatallatton Lo w pnces. h19h qual1 ty Cle•n·upt rep4UI Referencea (714) 857 1509 I Ch.s.ooanq caatles No truck, jack hammer FURHJ Low ratM, ••P•t~encP<I TUftE SIERRA LANDSCAPE We remove old qrau &ad rnll•ll new rnstanl qu•hty wor~ •nsur.d REPAIR. tr .. -·m•t•s RESTORE 957-82.52 IOd lawn We h•ve STAMP EO CONCRETE Many colo" p.-tterns Ortveways p•t•o• 11dewalh f rM estt mates L1c 377651 (714) 552 6751 QUAUTY nRST CONCRETE Or~vew<ly\, loundahOni curb •nd gutter specaal 1111 Res1denhal and commerCIAl ft .. esh mates 11nd compellllv• puces Lac 396788 990-2091 CONC RETE DRIVE W AYS. Stdew41ks p•taos block walh rep411 all types bud L1cented (714) 842 3002 CEMENT WOR.I Expoaed •ooreqate pool deck O uaJaty work 41 " reaeonable puce f , .. estam4tes hceo,ed bundf'd 101ur.d 855 8588 Tony 639 1489 Mil" CONSTRUCnON B W ILSON & SONS - Builders f ree eah mat" JO yean eapeu ence Bond.d Ltc No 357487 646 1740 OV£RHOL T Con•truc 1100, Remodehnq .tnd etc f r•m•nQ. drayw•ll bay wmdows french doora Ou4hly at ICJw puc e• Call Bryan 549 2767 Mil' Enterprl ... Consultant. Df'ul}net Remodeb The fanest an fan••h c •rpentrv Your houH 11 your pdldce1 631 21841642 3672 KIRC H NER CON STRUCTIO N Genf'r•l Buald•no Contractu rs 11nc e 1917 Custom bu11danq •nd remodel 109 from des•Qn 1o hn•~h Ltr 122497 642 7003 645 0768 HAND STRIPPING repau•no Antique• rattan new furn1 ture Ch•tr can1no ru.ahanq SPEClAL -any c hau any color hand atup ped or reqlued \19 75 A Touch vf Clut lnte11ora, 711 W 17tb St , A 2 Cosla Meu, 642 7712 STRlPPlNG AND RE FINISHING • No dap pmq Hand rub CJ!hce and pdllO furntlure. p4mled lo IO<ik la.ke n~tw Gener4hon• of e11pett ence tSZ-1100 GARAGE DOOR OPENERS CLASSIFIED$ Open Doors aa.ooo Clrc'*Uon 673-0550 HOUSE CLEANING HOUSECLEA NING GARAGE DOOR Comph•t• howaecle•n SPRINGS Hardware, •no apartment• ho mes electrooac o peners Evenan9s, weekends A&K Door Company (7141 893 14n condos Reasonable rates Reft'tl!oces C411 alter 4 p m 962 2531 O.bor.b HAPPrNESS IS HAV GARDENING lNG TIME for vour~ll COMPLETE G ARDEN Let "' h4ndl~t your lNG SERVICE WMkly clean1nQ needs We do b1 weekly monthly at all' In busaness 91nce m•anlenance Spt~nkler 1975 The Moppliltt~ rep•11. tr.. work and 966 1300 hauhnq frN Hllmatea C LEANING U NLIM 549-4991, 9 a m to 10 ITEO f CJr PJtcellence tn SPRING IS HERE Get houseclean•no prr.vad your lend•c•pe 10 109 oll upplaes tndud shape We ollet aarv1ces •no VdCuum Tru't covenoq all arNa of worthy .tnd depend4blt> landec•pe nNda Hat Call todav lor Mhm4te bor Aru spec1al1_., 546 3726 f r-es1tma1" Newport HOUSECLEANING Be•ch Lawn S.rv•ce 12 ye~ll expe11enc-e 675-3730 G<•Od lf•ltort•n c •• Blueqrass Bermuda •nd Dlcondra K>d Luw pr~ces Lacensed 557 0439 BRYANTS LANDSCAP lNG -Complete tree MfYICfJ Lawn renova 1100 and UtiQ&IIOD Bt~ck, stone block conc rete p4ho, dr~ve w•ys Gu4t&nleed It censed, msur.d 536 0914 f"REE ES TlMA TtS Sod , spunldet •nd shrub lOit&U41tOD Out work only looks eapen save Check our p11cn before vou buy Call Mull ac Lloyd'• Carden Sh.op L•c 204516 Call 646 7444 UGHTJNG MA LIB:.J LITE S I 1ep•11ed CJt mst•lled I Ou<thty worlt at a 14u pnce Repau rewr~r• c ustom de11qru Anoth er 5ervace from SPRlNK LER SERVlCE 548 2321 LOCKSMITH OEAOBOLTS IN STALLED -l" K....,k 'et ShdtnQ doors wtn dows securP<I JohnloOn·~ Home Secu ·•tv Nu 0 1888 (714)545 0541 AMERICAN GARDEN WNkd•Y• .tnd s .. tur MASONRY ER Yard cleanup• d 4Y C411 10 t>ventnq '>41 6~0. Svlv1a .uvrr. OCX treE lummanq 14nd "ru.&.&o .CIIptnQ 7 ye4n ex LY NN · S M 0 P N MCPODrf/Cc¥1crete penenc• fr~H" est1 BUC KET Cit'&ntnq ~. Buck block stone m4tes O.n 646 9239 ' vtce Yo u me •I "~' lloor hie decorative w• r-IP<~n ,t ''P1 C.tll d1a11nc11ve IOieflot~ ea fiRST IMPRESSION I Lvnn 552 769i On -.. 11 leno rs w.U. pl4n1er~ Tolal LAnd.K4Pf' 5.rrv wHkly ba monthly 4nd I p411os References h tees lnst.U.hon and monthlv cenaed bonded f.str m••ntenance TtM aarv SWFI)lSH C LEANING mates 551 1370 1Ce •nd cleanup~ S.rv1c• Compl••• WM H ANDE.RSON Spltnldei s lawn h use e lean nq •pu• M.uonrv Bloclr bnc< renovouon We d u ol mf'nt empu ... and w1n stone lenc•~ pd'l • all JoO caU --6193 dows E•c•llent worr bv planter< w4ll.o lr;l<-t pr .. fes .. o nals We de. oor Pliler ur fr~ It> h•ales1 w,. hustle wath o ur muecle1 L•c•nH<l IDSUred 67) ()BSJ NURSUfG CARE PRACTICAL NURSE prol..a1onel duty c are lor the diM.bled con v•l•ec•no aoed and chron1c.Uy all Hourly or darly rate 24 hour Mrv•c• Call Mn Terry 645 2937 PAINTING SPRING PA INTitfG SPECIAL lntenortu te110r at w1nler rau•s 0u4htv wor~ and matvt aa l guaranteed f r .. Httm•les Fred 536 3471 PAINTING lnreno r E.a1e110r LowNI rattt• prompt neal Mrvac• In ar .. lor 10 ve•rs F're. eshm41W (714) 848 5684 1714) 636 7149 SPECTRUM PAINTERS Cullom 1nteuor and e at•noa Guar•ntl"' 2 """" Rttletenc•• frM fJStlltll!IOI< C•ll 71 41 964-4828 IA.tve mto uo• COAT O F' MANY COL O RS p<lonllnq lntl'l 101 e ateuot ac:ouJIIc41 re1bno• St'rvanq lrvanl' and 'urround1n9 dtl'4i C411 540 0240 (l tc 158400) PAINTING R .. Sidenh411Commerca41 Ou.thly workmotnshtp f ree .. ,lim .stet Re.t • ...-no~blE> prtcet L1c .18920J lam w.,, 'i41 3290 IAE S PAINTING In lt'fiC.r E.are11or Re"d"r' 11al C o mm@rCt.ll f rM' ••ttmate• c .. n 714) S45 Jill JJM•co. PAINTING • lntttll ,, • Ex ••• r f'r .... 'm J'f"'!lt. S-59-5519 COISTRUCTIOI SPECWTlES o..n.w....,. ROTOTILUNG OONE I what other, proml5f' llm41~ ( L,r J80CIZ I l I DIRT chNp Garden\ th<~t'" whv w• re th• BondP<I •osu1.d &42 RAy S DISCOUNT Hower beda lawn• best R ... JJ< notbl• rat•• 9699 I PAINTING lntet1or u a~u ,,.,...c. ... -... ... ........ _ Joe ~~uti.., (7141142-0637 CONTRACTORS ALTERATIONS AOOI TIONS rt'p•u nb• net' .:-cmpletl' ontr"' llOQ h•tVICP ]!) Ved " <tllptoroem t' Ri!ll'rt'll('l'' Lt 9 J8.49B H•n r" 556 60.16 CUSTOM WOODWORJC l•ndscaptnq R••svn IJO 0268 able r•••• Free "dvac• MASONRY OUR SP£ ''""' • Ell~ •t~•nc•d 646-7819anvhm• REUAIL.£ I CIALTY T.l. Cor I ,..U'iolble r ... e!ltt I HO USEC LEANlNC Bl It d matt" Rt'lf"IID< ... DOWN TO EARTH Eapf'raenc-•d Oepen crtotP vc M . Chff (714) 547 IIJ7 Lawn otnd GIUden S.rv dable Cotll 511,611 ,714 Boer Ou•ck d e•n •c• Complete on .. al!" ~·o Jl JS dPpPnd .. ble PetPr S PACifiC PAINTING d .,... d p 1 CO lnt•ta•·r ext•r han renovation ln I Ru qeu r perty m ~ u molnten4nce Ou .. ltiV • or us ptOVfJtM•nt 631 2345 101 Exct•phonal •lU41ttv so>rv1ce "' Jown I t; Wctll wnhano • ~'f'"' dnd •••vat·e Re4"i.•nablco e.-rth pttCt'S S.11•f•ed sham~oOtD\1 (u\104 pnces 5 v•~r -1UIIf4n -ualom•l\ "' ltt•t E•~terdav •h<~mpv• l ftoo--------"""'ltl '~'" t>ar ellent relt'r p~tonty C<lll <JnYt•me SperklanQ 'hC'Iw~.ue MASONRY WOOD f'nc•• f < I •up•tt.H ""'r I &46 7819 wandow cle4ntnq p<llch DALY va<•• ~~~ 6·1c; 141Sb C RI:EN SCENE plnt•nnq .. nd P••nllnq "'venanqs I All phase• o t hou,. Landscape L .. wn mdtntenanc • r l•amno 816 5429 fENCES PATIOS l <l••nups la rql' •nd sm411 TrH tnmm•nq DIANE'S HO US£KE£P SPAS DECKS •nd removal r, .. lNG Tho rouoh upeu 673-1166 enced hcens.d bond K K PAINTING lr .d "'" .,nabi• 964 GARDENING l•n66 ev•n•no~ tt~hm•tn 548 6065 tenor •••.-n t ,...,.,j~,. 1141 •nd c.. mmer(''" f , .. eat.m•••' C .•• l K 775 4079 .._ ______ _., A.MIJUCA.N PAlNTlNC RJ 6t S Gerden•no S.r MOP SQUAD SC.VJCl: Sp,.. 1al raiM fvr ..-n. ' f r ... vac• General cle•n ur S t in Special m4•ntttnanc e ed JP Fr.,.. pwan~ow cle-aned OffiCe houu 8 • m II •••••••••• • Ill u c6h7a3o22o• II " rn Custom WoodwOfk .. ,.,mdt Ma•P q ''> MIRRO R BR EAKS 788S MIRROR weed1nq lerldutnq I hI , d 1 Call lob (71 41 So$S..I02t .,,, ' •••• enl,. cc.m m,., 14l cle4nlnoJ GLASS '>S7 9<197 11 P m 4-4 Custom C•blnets,.. 8415 H 0 U S [ C A L l S Boollcases With \.>l<tss C~alom c •r wu and Leaded Ooms d.te.tl Your c•r rt>ll~11 Sa~ Frenct· WOODBRIDGE GLASS you All worlr ouaran Rderr•t~Atr Wo rk MIRROR • SCREEJf teed (714) 547 8241 Oua rentecd Restdenll41 ('ommerc•al (714\ 6l3 9tJ27 Reaton 531·:16:13 qlass lor •II purpo"' •.ble rates C•ll Tony 0\.•hty wo rk RN.an CAR PSYCHOLOGIST able rates 111 remove vour cer'a 10 ~7·0'77 1 lerao11ty complea bv DRAPERIES MIRRORS• MIRRORS• bend wuhrnq wuanQ MIRRO RS• Wardrobe an d d el••hnq Reeeon ,-------=-:-=-:=11 m•rrot door~ wall• o f INT£RJORI £XTDUOR DESJGN SOUSSAN INTERJORS Eolarqtt r· -oms ofh('e~ • whatev•r' wath mu 50 • r(;or AJ!y wall 8 1112· 1 41 oil on •II pa1nhr~ c .. , plate S398 m•t<llled AI""" b p m AI rut:. •howt'l Pn 645-~J 1, •urf's •n•! wa1dr ob~ Lt IICi II J ..,.Jr Sj l 6,.11.(1 HOUSE OClC'TO R BIG SALE ~JRRORED 1 P~oDIIDQ 1-'dltiV W• 1k 1 1 wardrubt' dOQn 4Dd 1,.a., •n•ble pr. t" f '""' 'how•• dour. Cell Sam 1 . t>ottmattt• S..to\14< 11 •n 71 4) 996 )CliO ,71-4) •JU4t-'DIPftd C.,l! KO'n 1 595 4 )()2 960 704 7 • Tb. N•wport Enaagn Wednesc:loy. May 12 I ~ Poge 23 PAI.NTI.HG PAJJn SAMDILASTUIC POOLS/ SAUWAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS MARINE SUPPLIES? read Cl•ulti4HI TREES l.XPlJtT TR!I S.ERV ICE Tr .. and ~hrub lurnmonq 4nd remo 1al Nobody ~11 my pure • R .. adenh•l POOL SUV1C E SJS Yard cle.nup F't-•• • Commerc o•l rnooth Spe Mrvau S2S ••mateo Call 963 5982 mo nth Guuaotud SOLAR • lnduat11al !11peuenc ed p•u'llet Yourto C.U lor frM tnapecta.vn I TREES EXPERTLy 631 2720 ,.----------, TRIMMED .nd remov WINO JAMWE.R Pocl ed &I ~c>rd .. nd S.rvace Oua.htv pvQI SOLAR ·~ard•" •••r· Re•sona Care repaut supplut\ bl.. rtolt .. t.tP C&.ll fur Domec;llr •'ailn'llrrMI•~•~•I and IMJUlpmen! 17,.4 trv.. "•'lm• e• Arl ln..,•or/btettor 960 ~ Hut W <ilf>s ">48 76(u Acovsllcol C.tit'9 RON S TREE SERVIC F. lle lerencM • tnwred Spo & Pr.Jv l:. Tr,rr.m·••'-l ''-'PP•no RAILROAD n.ES . .._ HY fAy W.o~ r,q ,,.,. remov41 RAJLIIO AD Tl£5 n n lun 1 r.-movd Y •rd Good telech(Jn ..>I S8 to J,ot L). Hnup l.~,p(,,.ed .tnd Sl4 t~ f rM deltver\' , ,1 , .m ... r..d Ouoll•• worlr O RC HARD W A LL COVERING hpert stupp•no •natallellon Reeeona.ble ,.,.. lr- •ttun•t" ftelere.nc•• Call ErDle 631 4576 1pec14l 2S9'i UQ una ~O]<N I F '""" .,., .rn .. •.. 646 Cuyc.o R.:.ad Laoun• S.t'14 Beach 494 4764 TREES 974-S393 T fr.•J '''" .~d WE GALS SHOULD HANG TOGE111E!l REMODEUNG REPLAC E KITC HEN COUNTER TOPS Wallpaper •nstallauon We·ve pop ular ~c.l I ttock Ats •••c he•• remodehnq f ,,.. •••• males Moore• p1 7, 4 558 3888 .s.od pAUihnQ 839-0'730•5.54-4727 PRECIS IO N W ALLPA ROOnNG PtR HANG tRS Expert c rafu manshtp low OUAUTY ROOFING r•te' hH osllrna,te$ lor leu Old .. nd r1 ... w Call 111 and wve 20q,0 cont•rucuc.n L r •n-l>d 30'10 on your purchew 1nsur.d 4rtd bvndl'd of w•llpaper Cr>mmea Refer•nce' "'atl4btto c ••I1 Rn1denlt•l 642 Call K•nny F' .onarto .In~ 2047 tun• 645 0 19..! HANG l:N THtRE" ... ,h ROOflNG En r-'s Wallp4.pet f ree All •vpes new o •d esllmalea re•,on4ble tepa us dec"' we tar tdtiN and prol-aon•l prO<>hnq c.u Bot. erviCes 549 2411 S.48-0769 PlANO/ORGAN TUNING L•c Nc• 40b0U RAY S ROOfiNG C O S.rv1nq all I Or.t.n 1e PlANO TUNING Coun•v All ·~ptts f r,... Rep4u•nQ requla1mq est1m•tH .n\utl>d L.c 4 ppt•l<•h I Cl\11 J61042 All wIll ~ .. dr relerttn • Dw,qnt a.nteed 559 \;369 Kevs ~3-9257 PLASTEIUHG ALL PHASES ol PLAS TERING Rt> stuccc. teatu nnq tnteuor ea tertor pdtchwvrlt Room oddtllona •nd cu$10m nomes f rH •sttmate L1c 38878 1 John 960 3786 ALL PHASES O f PLASTERING Un1qu• p4tchtnq aod pa•nt•nQ Sm411 tub\ welc~Jml Super low •sta m.st•s 836 5429 LATH. PLASTER Re IIUCCO wndblast .n·} lnleraor e:arenor L•c 91765 Booded •n tured C.JI Lelry SM-1200 PLUMBING SANC HEZ PLUMBING Ret~denttal Comrner c ."l Spec1alumq r. ?ppet reptpt' And rt' P""' Lac-ent• No 360997 Ca ll lor tr - IShm•lt> 642 JJ94 DRAINS C LEARED f rom ~ 50 F'rltf' •stt mall}~ All worla Qu4r on!Ped Rea•onoblf' p11ces No Nrvace all barge Dram M".r'"'' 1714\ 638 0953 HUBER ROOnNG AU types N.,.,. rec:<>v•r FIRE PROOfiN G dech L.~ 411802 ~9734 HORIZON ROOnNGCO. Lo w rates on rep<111 .. nd reroohnQ Lc J894 l< 5-48-3609 ROOM ADDinONS ROOM ADDITIONS I Kt1Chf'n b••htCK>m' "'•' bdn pa!•o• MaJOnr. lti"C'nc•l p.,.,., S Rodqers Proper•\ 1,- provemenl 6J • .: .l-4., I ROOM ADDITIO NS R£MODELING F'r .. t'ltamottes 'l ve >1 r Or•nq• C ·"'' I 25687C s. c 'J!J '• [ ~.4 Q'j) ·"'. SECRET ARlAL EXECUTIVE SECRET ARlAL SERVICES W td prOC-IDtj do \ ••on Ou•l••v <1nd J•1 ,., de btltlv Jl.,, ,,.t .• tflofUo ~foloNl~ r• s .. t !" dfE'-4 (714) 955-2142 SPRIHIJ.ERS SPIU.!QLC. SYSTEMS Rep•tt • C hvtor1 m Valv ... • C roll ,. C mme11 tdl Rl'>~d•n• ... Morlllt'IIIAO<t' 138 4668 SPRINKLER REPAIRS 0 ;alttV w rlt '' , 1 "' fiiCt' Au moJ'• n .,. pcur ,,.w rk .u t m. il'•t'!nt>t SPRINKLER SERVICE """ 1•, TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE MAIL. MESSAGE SERVICE t , •rtn H•~ t m Pho•" rt .. , 0 1 \ or.~ "' rd pr!X""" DIJ t>o • H .. r •Il l ••I~ cop' 1, •. .,, 8ll0 lrn.- •h'd • .otJ,., G, .... , N•w p· r-r ur. .. :t.ddr.-... •r i I .,, r t ll Ka111' (714) 760-0100 TILE t INSTALLATION DY NAMIC CERAMIC ldf" n t.th(th fl ntf"r I u. ... r • ~·,.n r 1r1d "'P P• r f ,.... ·•~hmttte' P.r ,..,. .... ,u mtlrn4l •h r '.~ m· u~ • 40~ I d-,. Jn H ""'' -,. rv ~ C:,C-4, A • 'Vf...., n\, u Ht •r"' • .:•n-J r "!' n.-,r.q • • r • .- r., n 0 • 11\ hor F·- R e' "'"' • ~ IBI ~N R CERAMJCTILE ,, " 'tlltl ·~ '4'i s. ~ <H. I 5HO W£R ~us PRO P. LEMS w. · .~ ·. . ~ Til! INSTAl l ATI :0. f , -t • ""' '• 10° O H ALL LA BOR Sp.c•&lUIDQ ,r, ilo "•... -d F.... ~·· THE BEST m.-•' > r m1 1 m ,.,., 1« M C.•l p!c•lt'ou• ~" •vp" IBM , M 1n ,4 ?'-4 h~ '"~'"'' t pi .mb.r,.l O.p .. nd«bl.. r"P"'"tl• ooc.~n m•c•l L.c.-n•" lli42l T tal Pl~tmtotr 1 ~'i l 'S4t4 PA YL£SS DRAIN Ill i Pl .. rrt. q s .. ,. • D.,,.. 1"" ...... :~ c .t • +1~ p • m4tf • !'I .,., """ • A ~ .,.,.,t n 1 r•pA r G .. dt •n'.,••1 ... r~ ~~ ·Dl"' MAC K PLUMBING \ HEA TfNG CO R .. r "' +"rV P W41flt h PA•Pn, mrn ... r .. -s4ll r\Od .... ~ J,.r.ll •I "'"'"' Wtlf ~ tn j '"m it>l ""'"" ••r Pf' I , "' "".! ':15" 1(1" POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS ZE£'S POOL SERVICE. C 1npi.,IP mo\on•o•n.tn<,. 75 -tn!'Wt'r 1J1 V Ul \'J ~ l ~-.J Ru n .. t-,. TILE WORK ·~··• I •~ <;51 4'il:' r An• w• "'• o;sc. <;«SO m,.ua_,... '.\ ,., .... • SCREENS MO IIU: SCREEN DOCTOR R•pau RPr • • .. ..-1 m • R•• t • 631-6300 t .... .,,. M,. ""~ SIYUGHTS SKYLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY A. ¥Ill n J .. d r " , ..-.d ·~ .. ~~ ·~ 14 Weston Co nstruction (714) 963-1737 NEWP0 RT :)K Y LIGHTS (..~ ,, • .. . .... CERAMlC UNOL£UM ''~~~I ~:I t r, \~ARh ! t 1-.;::.T Atl A-1 •. I ' ... . .... fORMICA COUNTERS ' \ . TR EES Claen Jf:' .... r. •.-nov• o r JC., l-47t TYPING TYPING SERVICE M.d.c&.l repon• tftume .. rVICf' th-..> EM I elect rCJniC tvpewute t dJ2 561 !:1 All yllm• UPHOLSTERY REUPHO LSTERY DRAPERIES Cutaom W , Uf: •c 506t off m"'"' "' Pre• es ••m .. ,., So .rh PoUlt• Upll : lf'r~ Laq"n• Hall• l~~ VIDEO .:ID£( SAM[S rCe>rn • .. ,, l• .. ,II'C'IIOr. r ,,. .,, t ••• c ... N••• l • .. • • . • ; 7 \1" 1':188 f ~?: I l '( < """""" P'VI~SIOflllllv rr.c-,..,dfo..l • on •odftl 1#!pr • Wl'ddlnq.. • R#~, ( E't'~tft ·~ Partit"i • Sputtu'9 [~'" • SN,.,., [ .... lhtl .. HI<. • You N"'""' h' • Call Fred Slnga •• (714) 5S6-7091 1., W ALL.P APEIUMG W AU PAPERIMG L Pnwd "'lp@rtetlced Pr jp,., !'41 ~uahll .., •, ](I • j .oor "'nt o• ..,._4\ \f""r&fltl~ FrM n:\•• Do•• S-$2 ~S17 II AL~PAPf.R PAINT .... : _,. work -.. . ....... f ... -j ~ ..... K.. Decoral· ",4\ ns 5416 WEDDING CONSULTATION/ SERVICES WEDDING MUSJC ""'"''110' mu•tc lor aJI tlt' .. C•r•r..-·n••" r• ~~~·•u n... b4t:.-=tu••• D • • 't. ' 1\.i t>mb .. r Af ·IM W..,l.1tnQ •nd '""" nv .. nt. n S..,.~·.nc• ot o;, C.,l t r;c; ... '1H WIHOOW CllAHlHG 't\INOO \\S liNG CL£A " . . A n 1 .. . ' .. 1• . ~ .;;PARK l,v.,t r. .1 ,.. r • .dt>d S..r.r.•• I H\'IC'~ rr: r: .... , 1 •• WINDOW<; WAS HED WROUGHT lRON THE lRON MAN able For nil mates c all ..,... 20o~ Olntlf m•rror Buck'• Glut Gordon 497 6123 4<M .·Jf O~"F CllU*' (714l5JO 1m 9985 _ r SPYICl Anhque to Mod&-r•• U1' I il;(l• II ,11 tf,, 4!1QIIflt' fdbtt• (i I t' ,, ••• ,. t rr ,..". PAJHnHG PAJNTING 1 •n,1 !PI \o 1 EK o•ll"""' t ,,.,., tH'"'• .,. •• •1 \11 ' o\ \ ' fM . ·' • Cu''O!" Mode Orooe~ ~au e l4•• [)r.,• l lltll~~~~r~ HAND 1 ~ CATERJHG e 1'" P'' to~.\ :>f• •tr. PAINTING PLUMB • I r \ ,, " ,,, 11rtt•t• , G I d THI: BIST PARTIES are • ''" 1 , ~.tt, IN electuca an o•n ,. ~~ F.... I I • I ... ff'ltVfOI\ (714) 957-0128 STEVENS PAINTING c-• .. red by W.rtlnallt '*' m 541l •r•l repall Wo rlo qual l CelellftQ So let Mat .... .;;.;;;;a;;,;.;,.. _____ __. ant...d frH •sttmat•• hneU1'a plan yo ur neat I Bob (714) 835 2618 '-----------' is no w offenng specials on exteriors free itemized est•mates many local references neat dependable work ASIC FOA CHAIU.lS event (71•> 739 9636 DRY WAU (7&•> 841 ~ "Nola .. NETJCUtOUS MOin CDOJfT OOM:UTE PATIOS • DIIVIWAYS Wood.n patiO coven aU IJlMMI No ,ob too b)O/.,..U No 291235 Ad lor Jun, 541-7102 COHCUTI AND NA SONIIY Pallo•. decke, buck 111le y, drl....,•fll .,.. ..phah reiiOYel, p&.oler~. ftN t109'. bloclk ... u. rr .. ..UaeMI 0.A, 1J8 7440 a..c 31l422) B11 DTINATIS o. ~•. Wod: o.r "uck· work. ..., C'OUINC'ICO. Of ~ ... a..c. 2SMG2 c.a-Gilt .. ,. ..... C0.CI WOII lahoe, 41rl•owe)'a, •a.ctnlle roc.~ ........... , ...... ~. a... -~ IMI. m..JXJ. 771-an.: DRYWALL TAPING • Ho me Repair A ll ll'lltur•• •nd acouahc Room •dd, • Remodeltnq hOOt and ra•n damtoo• • ru, II Servace r, .... hmatot• Kevtn C atpentov rlumbo•• 1 675 9088 eiHtracal d <•I• rut PLASTEJUNG acou~h~ And '"'ta llf'd m•·ld , ce1hno We do 11 all tnq• ('aban~>t• thelv fteheble loM ftlamet•• tno fA ul"t'l• <~•r•o• C&.ytoa 960 1215 d oot sp11no• •pnnlol,.r 'Y•'""" F 41•a elloc aenl EL£CTIUCIAN RISJDE.NTlAL I COW WUClAL llec:tnc our ~~•lty C..n • qu1C II . de pendable Wo do eny 11&e jOb Peter S Ro doen , Properly lraprove ••••• 631 2345 UCIHSID IUCTRl· ClAM -~a.. q_..l.IY wodt "-eoe .... , ••• ,,.. -1· ...-c.u r-. Ill· wn kelVICe L1c 83526~1 Ml-t011 LAHDSCAPLNG YA.R.D REJUVEitAnON CIN11up • Tr" Tnm 111anQ • LAwn R.Mv41hon • RelandKapaoq • S.rv (71 -4) 64S·lH8 cw S46--4S61 INTERIOR ANO EXTERIOR WORK ano H•r~r ArN n1ne l '--------------------· .,..,. S..te hcewd •n ••ued r, .. eahll!alft C AUIOI ...... JAMITORW. SEilVICII • ACOVSTlC CIIUNGS I'U AINTfD • • P A.PJ,Jt HANG OttO a "IWOV A L • • OA'f~U aiTUCC(.) UJAia • 5 YEAR QUAilAJfTEE/EXT. COWPLITI CLIANIHG SI.RVICi Upa..ttt~etry • Cat.-• • Dt•pee • W,~Kfiowt • HJGHOUALJTY- NOT HIGH PRJ CiS • PRISCO'n' lOUIMS LoCal R.udeo t ~-~ ..... ,.. l·--· .,., ,.,;,.\ bh• w dr l ~~ pnc e' (>wn .. r ~~··• 11rd Call toll "i,'l"i POOlS/ SAUMAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS l.;n \C l n • •' t f"n •• , h ~ J ' t • • t POOLS, SAUMAS HOT T\1IS SPAS • Anvik. F'lber·-All Tlla, Rada. end r-..Spea • ,.,.,...... ..... Guebo4 • $alar. o-a. ••* lttroc ......... aftd pool • Jeaed ..,.a ' IN NS •I• r I I . , !J r . ' 730 1400 ,, j:( • rr t1 N ..., • ~ {it I> D..-f I I Vt ~·r~ b' r J 'J 1"'' • t .,.,. ,,, .. c ... I ,. ~ tl'~< SECUl'£ .. I I lOU" l"ROn:R" "lw·ll-'"' m.cs .. 'l \FTI .. Dla I 'l All "" U '""'•na--t 1 <;]~ c;ylf.> ........... ••IACI7· lla7 12. ·-The hwport EMip NIW APR nNANCING GMAC OffER ENDS 5/30. This could save you thousands $$ • IN STOCK FACTORY STICKER PRICE NOTICE TO .no -nw Invoke toallnc:IUdn factofy f"!oodbKtr ..s ~ a'1d ts not • nee r.tcwy cost pike to ttw dNitf. The lrWoke "'11 MIG not relict IN ubaiCe COlt ol 1he ..,...... In Ww ol 1he **' lnltlled aptjcJnl. ~ ..s lncff'CM.,.,... from ttw ......,._ b.nf to me dNitt . ,... 2 Rill btlle for S. lilly 12, 1982 165,000 lfs a steall Hurry. weekend special. 2,500 sq. ft. CALL ... 9161 SPYGLASS Spectacuk:lr bay and ocean view on best street In Spyglau. Ave bedrooms and boRJI roan. beauttfuiV cared for. Col for an appointment to .... Seller will consider exchanging part eqU1y for 8'0 Convon or Harbor Ridge conc:lonWlk.m IRVINE Turtterock Ridge. lovely spit-~ 3 bed-- room ~~ baths and nr. place. $115.900 with $40,000 down. Owner wll corry 2nd. PolsibHity ot ex- changing down to a smaller condot"rWUn. .4. a note from Maury ... OLD CORONA 1 bedrOOm hoWe. R-2 lOt. Owner wll help tlnane&A~at $215-0QO. SENIOR CITIZENS ....... WOdd 2 bedJOOm. 2 balh~ lum. Nee gflltmll ~ CftO, Cell for appoi lfment. $92.000. LAU A-llot with ocean -..-.aoo. CALL fOil DIIAILI From Affordable ... To Affluent ... FIXER" -lAGUNA Owner saya we can call it by rwnel Mini view and interest;ng architecture in 3 beG- room, 2 bath. Drive by 1011 Miramlf. 8nd caM for financing detaitl; lease/aptian. CJ:N <* • ~ .1 000. 831-1..00. TEHIFIC INVESTMENT-3 HOM 8ellutifuJy maintained .,;paex in Plime and con- venient eo.ta M-.a location. 102x102 ft. lot and quelity built with fenced yards. AI wWt:a hiMt gar- egea. *249.500. 831·1400. CUFF HAVEN-fOR FAMILY ~ 4 bedroom home with famit¥ room and dining room. Mast« suite with Ronw\ tub. OW ..._, fi.-.noe thil fine property on a great street. •286.000fee. 831-1400. IMMACULA TEIFRlSH IALIOA IS. One d the beat priced homes on the lsllnd, neer .n shape. Spodea 2 bedroom plus brick patio.. *296,000. 873-8)0. 117 ~ine Avenue. REDUCED I PRICE, LOCA nON, VU I Upper Newport location on Wg& lot wi1h two 2 bedroom uni1a. Uve in one .-ld rent the ~ Of build a new home pk.la ~ houle. Paa01 c:onaider leeM/optionaleo. Submit. $399.500.631 - 1400. unLE IS ELEGANCE I CHARM Owner -reaad the price on ~ deocntof BEST BALBOA ISLAND LOT PLUS Lew& toe. greet location a 309 Sapphire plus approved p&ans for 2-stOJy Cape Cod. Call for details, lot and pBn8. $329,500 or OW build for $500,000. NEW LUXURY CONDOS-TERMS! Just steps to Newport Bayfront and walk to beech I Great location and unusual quality in this 2- bedroom tOtNnhouae oondo. Owner offers flexible terms d $15.000 cash down, $2,000 per month tease and a one-veer option to purchase for $319,000. Four to.., condo units avai&able with flelCibte fnancing p&ans. Brochures and details available on site at 2<&-215 19th Street off Balboa Boulevard. 631-1400. DOVU SHORES WATERFRONT Courtyard entry into COOJdinated elegance and good ta.te. Highlights of this home include a pro- fessional pub-bar with large famity room, formal dining room with fir~. sepatate glamcwous master suite plus 3 bedrooms. P\et/slip for large~ yacht. Owner will carry large note and TO. Reduced to •1.500,000. 631-1400. EXQUISITE PROMONTORY lAY A home ON THE WATER with grace and chalac- ter with pief/st;p for 63' boat, plus side tie. Sectw- ity system, Plivate beech and fine location tor thi.s 3 bedroom, formal dining room~ family room res~- denoe on two Ieveii. •1 .OOOfee. 631-1400. ~ocm~=t:=~~ UNDAISLt-0PULENCEI c:oordl.ated cdora. ptw 1 ren1111 unit whh one Magnificent in fNfiiY detllilt To'-"Y coordi- :.... Nlled Wlllkoveringl ••• C8f'pet and map. bedroom, mMtl unit. A comer proper1y w,u, . eriea in fine taslll. Two ltorf residence with privacy and quieC •.. }ult ..,. to ~. Owner tnlfWioua ~ u•. gourmet kitchen on ,._..on..,.. of.._ Submit~ water. Five to., bedroome with private area UDO &Sll DIAMA tlC for maid and c:Hkhn. AI nwin rooms for en- Spnl a.n and ~·• few• ct.cor ttwughout _,.lil.g wcu. PW tnd lip for llrge yacht tNa ..._ 4 bedroom. 4 blld\ home. ~ for lide tieL •1 800 000. G1·l400. the famh. ~.....,.. Iaine of «m.OOO ..VUI ......... 12.3Z .. i--s.. price .... 500 s 110.000 ~~"' ry-- f-.131-1400. Thia ~· home t. .. the~ d a fine N~IT IS. IAYFIONT wM. VtEW. lOCATlON. PRICE AND TERMS. 151nJ~V' T~ open and llrge en~ living. tam- An llffordlble price on the~ wf1h pMI'/alip for ily and dining room; p1ua 3 bedrooms, each with 30' boa En;ov outdoor IMne with wge peCio and beth ptua powder room. Needa some decorati~. dKk. Adtptlb'-r8lidence can be dup6u or but twa .. the riGht eMrnenla. Submit your offer. home. C/NC wge 2nd TO. t•.OOO fM. 831-M86.000.631·1400. 1400. n¥0 HOME' lA YFIONT-AER UICK, WAIMTH, VIIWI A. ~'G.-.... proper1y wnn a private Ex~ kadaf• with compla_. ~alad 3 dock far 2 boN. S~ VlEW on South bedroom home. Uftqlllllkw ... lit down view 8ayfront whh two ~~~rge .-.bv..aide unna. Each wilt\ family room end sme• ,.,.., IUhe plul unit ia wger ttw\ mo111 homes and ._ 4 bed- dan. Gr.-for •--•-a and dlitv Nne. r~. 314 t.tt., dining and t.mity room~, plus 2 t&,OOO fee. G1-MOO. tireptlcM end 2 bMconie&. Owner wilt help ftnenee SUPIIIUY-SPYGLASS to~buyer. «2.200-.000F££.8'73oe900. 8eeutiUv dlc:Grllllld ~· modll whh ex-lA YFIONT ·VU-NEAR N.H. Y .C. ...... britt, ~anill*uwnic V1EWS ~t loc:a1klci with .. I(Qmic view d batting OF OCEAN CAN't'ON, CfTY UGHTS, wei plln-ICtivi1v lnd night light from age .patio. ~ ned twcHt~ home wi1t1 e ~. invnef• 2~atorv hOme Whtl eYetV necaa•ttv for ef10V1ng t.mMv room. tomw1 ~ room and ~ IMno .net outdoor __.ning. FW and .alp for 2 bon-.. t00m. ON help ftiwa _. uceptionll boata. ASSUMABLE lOAN OF $900,000. ~· •••IDO «11·1400. ., ... OOOF££. Sl8MrrYOUR EXCHANGES. WATE F ONT HOMES.INC. REALTORS• Salea. Rentat.: Pf9peaty ~ent 2436 W. Coast HWY. 315 Marine Ave. ~rt Beac:h Balboa Island . M.y 12. 1982 Real Estate fol S. An exceptional residence with spacious rooms and winding staircase to 4 bedrooms plus sep- arate maid's quarters. Open and wel~p&anned liv- Ing room, family room, formal dining room plus step-down bar and large kitchen. Pier and slip tor 3 boats. $2,750,000. Owoe~ will exchange or sub- mit? 631 ·1400. WATERFRONT PENTHOUSE Great Plice reductiorl on this magnifiC8f1t Pf'Oper- ty. Interior is right out of A.rctYtectural o.gest and offers dramatic quality living throughout. Spacious 2 bedroom pk.a.s den with seductive master suite with fireplace. Brass, leaded glass and antique accents. Boat slip available. This is only for the disetiminating. $649,500. 631·1400. NEWPORT lA YFRONT lST ATE with Won Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic view from the Pavilion to the mountains. A nd authentic arctutectural statement throughout thts 3-story residence plus 4th flOOf observation tower. The quality and craftsmanshiP 1n th1s dignified structure offer spacious rooms and Plivacy, 10 addrtion to generous indOOf and outdoor baiCOflleS, patios and courtyard entry Thes magnifiCent VIlla offers two wtngs tor private living. Th1s 1ncludes 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, a formal dining room, 2 k1tchens. formal living room, large family room and much more. A sep- arate, self-contained master SUite. Pier and float will accommodate a large boaft plus two side ties. A detailed bfochure will be available upon request. $2,650,000 fee land. Adjoining guest apartment, plus 3 car garage available for $396,000 on a separate 46x 100ft. lot. BEAUTIFUL ON WATER I lmpecx:able quality and good taste in this warm and open famity home on the water. Classtc interior with 2 bedrooms plus den and large land- scaped patio with spa, fountain and fire ring. Your OtNn boat stip right out your door for 45' boat. Owner wilt help finance for qualifted buyef. $618,000 on fee land. 631 -1400. OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Beauoru. contempcA~y, wood beams, walls of gll5s. bric* tw~-VIEWS ,lorn c.alina 1D Palos Vtwdes. Fncinating and ~ .4 bedroom owner's unit with 3 bedroom renlal "" unusual value on corner with best of ~ ocean and sandy beach. $896,(XX). ~ ........ -. FOREVER VU 'Top of the world'' locetion in Laguna Beech with VlEWS fTOm most rooms. A. classic contempcwary with redwood exterior and Ideally designed 3 ~oom home with large familv room. Pool size lot. Spa, sauna plus -endoMd decka. t696,000. Elegant .net purity of design through thts LoUts XN design. Generous use of marb6e. crystal, leaded and ~eled gles&, Wtrdng statr. plus ele- vacor to sec::ond levef_ The ultimate •n beautv and deta• W11h unquesticlnebte and unobstructed VIEW of bey. oceen and ntght ltghts. Spacious roomt include formal living, dtnrng and large tarntly room and ~te tap room with bar. step- down formal oek. brass n glass bar. Pnvate fT\IIIt8t IUite and 4 total bedlrooms, plus spa and 3. car garage. t2.200.000. OW conlichw EXCHANGE Subnvt ... ownera are cooperative end will \tsten Pegt 4 Alii Estate For S. May 12. 1982 FIVE MINUTES FROM THE OCEAN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Now! An ~redible flDanclna plan that pracnta YOU willa a oa«•ln•a- Uiedmc opponuaky to purchue a quality town.ho.e vllla. rich in hcritaee, yet eophildcateclln clalp and a..,oinbDents. Oul plan allows for lower IDOilthlY peyWDetdl DOW, when they should be. For eumple, with a purchuc price oi$Ul,SOO, and a clown payaaent ol$ U,l50, we can offer a t.hlny..year ftnt tJWt clccd ol $73,500 (17 ~ A. P.R..) aDd a eecond tniM 4eed (I I" A. P .L) ol tJ6. 7 50, due lo eng yean. Ia ....... the bul&dcr will pey you •l84.4J pel' month for tlalee ygn, illaklfta yow toeal.-hly priDCWI aad latcrae INIYIKftta ODiy Ml5. We allo offer ll%, )().year fbcd neeloaftt on 101M UDJu. t.a.e opdoa ~an a.-•a.w= • well. 8M OUI' f CPI'CMftad" for cleta&a.. For Only - TheJC't IDOI"C. ()uw CODYcnicDt locedoo le bua aJnuca &o. the Dua Po iDt ........,.., -...,..,ow ..... ,.... ...... it-Ia. refrah. b\lf MCUI'C ca~. Come OUI tocl.y .ad eee our~ two- and three~ a.odela. mo. 11SUAlipu ,_.C.,kb aa,CA9367J ~DJIIY~n.. .. ,._ 10.00 .... -.ell j,)O , ... Por....-.m:o.. CaO (714) ... ).070. From tll7 ,900 AESIDENnAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH AR80R VIEW HOMEa t380,000 Great finonctng on this expanded 5 bedroom, 4 both Palermo Owner w•ll corry AlTO or 2nd TO w /20'JI'o down. Amentlles •nclude lovely lond- scoptng, pr•vote yard, 3 ftreplaces, new neutral carpets and fresh pa•nt aAYCREaT t249,000 Special. Spec•ol Spec•ol. Compare thts 3 bedroom home wtth others tn OTeo. Compare terms, locollon, cond•t•on and we th.nk you'l agree thts home is someth.ng spe<1ol HARaORVIEW HOMES t219,900 Only 10'Ye down con get you tnto thts lovely fee Monoc.o Great locollon Great priCe Great terms Don't hes•tote! aLUFFa t167,500 Thts 3 bedroom condo •s •n m.nt condihon. Plus neutral carpets and good locohon. Prtced for a fast sole. Great assumable loon tool HARaOR HIGHLANDS t183,500 Don't miss thiS great opportun•ty to buy tn Newport Beach at an excell~nt pr•ce! Well motn- toined 3 bedroom with nice floorplon Pr~vote yard wtth Iorge trees. Owner to cooperate wtth financing. ato CANYON t485,000 At lost o one story townhome with lots of prtvocy Its own pool and spo. In model perfect condition and reoltStiColly prtced •n thts prestegious gate guarded communety 810 CANYON t785,000 A sophist•coted townhome overlcx*ing the golf course. S bedrooms wtth private master sutte, study and spo P!t~•onolly de<or.oted wtth mar- ble cus~ dbbi~ond qOWn ~"9S· e1,..;ooo Rust•c chorm on the ocean front in this ~ bedroom Balboa home. On site pcning ~:ith o spectoculor Cotohno lslond v•ew mokes this o buy on fee. 8AL80A&au .1,210,000 Three bedrooms and bonus room on Balboa lslond with a ponotamic view of the turning baSrn. New carpets, beamed ce lings, two potios to enjoy the booting teef'e. 8A Y8HCMII8 .1,310,000 Front row center for the best WGlerlront shaw an townl The Iorge c~d pot o ond boy-view decll invite entertDtning. A guarded gote entry. F .. lond ond ftnonc:•ne aq ~UM!Io. CORONA DEL MAR CORONA DEL MAR .379,600 Remarkable value, locotton quality and terms' Three bedrooms plus famtly room All profes s•onolly decorated Thousands of $ •n q.Jal••y carpets, ttles, shutters and des•gner papers Owner •ns•sted on best Toke advantage ' CORONA DEL MAR t575,000 V•ew the tetty. hear the surft S•p your afternoon teo •n the garden that's the groc•ous style th•s speetol custom 2 bedroom and den offers IRVINE TERRACE t335,000 Chormmg 3 bedroom home on Fee land on love· ly corner Wood floors, h•gh beamed cetltngs, country k ttchen, l,ght and a.ry throughout pr•ced to sell ond ready for •mmedtate possess•on OLD CORONA DEL MAR $203,000 Best buy' Cute 2 bedroom caMoge on R 2 lot Cheery starter home or tnvestme nt potenttol for odd on or duplex Owner w dl f.nonce w•th 25% down Don't watt on th•s one' SPYGLASS t2,400,000 Glortous harbor. ocean, mounto•n v•ewsl 198 1 Home of Destgnl Superb omen•ttes, fountotns, Illes, entertatnment centers, l•brory, study. pool and spa. Socurtty system. 4-6 bedrooms, 7 baths Bestconstructton HARaOR VIEW HILLS t369,000 Con you •mage -4 bedrooms, o separate fom•ly room weth wet bar plus a cozy ftreploce and o decor to welcome you all avotloble '" one home? ThiS •s tt and .f that weren't enough there's o water vtew, too' CORONA DEL MAll t239,900 Chormtng p•cture perfect 2 bedroom and den New corpet, potnt, wallpaper and copper plumb tng. Owner 1¥111 ~lp finance wtth 20% d ow n ~eot locotton ~ prtce too! This home hos o flair for t.v.ng w1th -4 bedrooms, Iorge family room overloolttng the boy A ll the omentfles of o guard-gated commur\lty Good terms are available. PENINSULA .1.800,000 Pier-slip-sandy beach plus oddtttonol 30' lot Tastefully decorated S bedroom furnished home w ith lpOCIOUS master bedroom suite, complete wtth ftreplace and vtew of the mountotns PlflllfiiSULA tH5.000 Your own savtngs account plus the fun of l•v•ng on the boy ore yours '" thts two-2 bedroom ~·· Pter, sltp and o sandy beoch plus a 3--cor garoge ore yours JUSf in hme for the wmmer ...on. BEACH COMMUNITIES PENINSULA .725,000 New trodtltanol 4 bedroom 1ust steps to the boy French doors and wtndows cozy briCk f~replaces and a breoldosr room wtth boy voew ore n few ot the el<cepltonol omentttes featured LIDO ISLE $455,000 Extra Iorge lo•. e11tro large home. Fabulous potent•ol Formal dtntng room 5 bedrooms den and spa Lorge sundeck could be beourdul garden room Owner woll cons•der all offers BAYSHORES $536.000 Brtght sunny newly remodeled 3 bedroom de" 2 ' 1 both home tn prtvote beach oroenred 'lreo Ouol•ty ts ev•dent throughout owner wtll on s•der trade Excellen• ftnanctng PENINSULA $595,000 Elegant custom home on 1he plato M.asrer su te has den f~replace sunded and roman both Great gourmet kttchen brtd en•rv e•tens• .. e butll tns and 3 car garage ore o tew ot •he many pluses LIDO ISLE $850,000 located on lip of ltdo Isle Tht~ lovely grac•ous home has all omentltes• 6 bedrooms 5 both mo•d's quarters, spac•ous rooms w•th h.gh beam cealmgs, gourmet k•tchen, prtvore polto and spa' Owner wtll asstsl w tth f•nanc•ng LIDO ISLAND $745,000 l•do spec•ol, 'street to street ro street Ftnest •n tenor loco110n tn FIVE years Double corner lo• on Ptozzo Three bedrooms each w••h bo•h tormol dm•ng room Expanded lom.ly room Tw O po••os spa NEWPORT $510,000 Sortous seller tS oHerong a fon•os••c f nanc•ol package as well os on ocean front dup e • .,. •h on upstotrs l. bedroom untl and o 2 bedroom un•t ~net"~S4V or 1 oppdtun•ty' Mogmf•cenl Dutch Colon•ol res•dence on the boy F1ve bedrooms l1brory formal dtntng room. wtth eatens•ve use of pol.shed woods ond •des Wdl copllvole the most dtscr•m•not•ng Pter and sl1p for 70' boot aALaOA $1,400,000 Outstond•ng custom boyfront on FEE lond w1th foc•l•ttes for Iorge yacht Fove bedrooms eoch w1th ow n both. 2 f~reploces 2 wet bars plus eJt tens1ve bu1h .ns are o few of the many custom features of th1s orchttecturolly perfect home LINDA laLE $990,000 Gorgeous custom home on the boy 5 bedroom fomtly room, pter ond sl•p for 3 large boots 3 fireplaces Prtced belo.... market w 1th e•cellenr f•noncmg avotloble from mottvo1ed seller - Da 19bout Bay IAYSMORU ... Bayfront vtlla. Butlt hke a fortress-yet load· td wtth charm Ftvt bedfooms. Paneled dwng room. Huge lnl$1tf SUitt w1th v~ew balcony Spa. Sound system. Wltl coo Sldtf lease ophon You own the land Av.ublt by appotntment $1 .650.000 SPYGlASS Hill ... Elegant English Tudof Ftvt spaciOuS bedrooms Two story hvtng room Formal dln1119 room Fltlllly room w1th wet bar Beveled glass throughout Sc»a and wet ber tn master SUitt Four flfeplaces. Flextble hnanctng You own the land Avldablt by appoentment s 1.500.000 HARBOR ISLAID ROAD ... Bayfront. Ownet w1ll carry One Mtlhon Dobl ltrst trust deed. The llteW of the bay so btuthtaktng you could eas1ly tmagllle yo11 are ltvtng aboard sh1p. Ft11e bedrooms den. matd's quatters. S1xty feet on the weter wtth pter and shp for three large boats. Open Sunday 1 5 115 Harbonslaod Road . . . . . . . . . . . ... $1,500.000 BAYSHORES ... Eatraordmary opportumty. Th1s reSidence s1ts on pume waterfront w1th the pmed advantage of 1ts own gtant puvate p1er and shp The properly boasts ol peaceful days and sparkling n1ghts '" a h•ghly P""tleged gated communt ty Very spec1al owner ftnancmg •s ava•lable Oh. ves. thtre IS a three bedroom home set on th1s treasure Available by app0411tment $1 ,450.000 aRVIIE TERRACE Million dollar v~ew-and 1t's all yours - not leasehoki Three S9ICIOUS btdtooms. Huge fiiNiy room T rlmefldous pat tO. ~azebo and spa. Open Sat/Sun. 1 5 130 1 Dolphin Teuace . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ,050.000 SPYGWS Mtll . . . P1001atn~t v1ew ol oc~an and rughl llgtus. S..Uufuly upgraded "&outllpoft" modet. Poot. sp~ and firept. Two eovtttd patiO areas wttfl genttOUS use of latttct end buck. AvMI11b61 by ~tment $950.000 DOYU SMOAlS ... htreorcllnary hnenctng. AN rooms open tO the dthumlcifitd Indoor pool. fYICIUit WindoWS provtdt 1f1 H1 "*lflQ vttw of the ocean. ""'* bay and FasiMon l&llnd. ThrH hu9t bedrooms formll dining room end den. Avlillblt by IC)pOint~n~~~t $835.000 DOVER IMOIU ... No dutr~ heft Fonner model Pecturt windows. Ftve II*IOU$ bedrooms. Formal dining room. Lovtty courty11d utllllt for pool or puttang green. Av..W. by WC*IIInlnt . . . . . . . . $675.000 _,Y&WS IIU . . . hcattngly .. ant lout bedroom home Or~m~tte front row VttW of ottan llld caty llgf\ts. 8f1Ck and •• wllkway Pool and spa. libtrll end cttatr~t ftnlftCing. Avllllble by l~tlnllll ' . • . . . . . S655.000 DOVER SMOMS . . . Owner Will lllllt Willi III'IMCiftl. lm pruSivt two story home. Lowly bey view Eacellnl btckoom IOIIlgtmtnt With own downstWI anrd thf• ~tWS ~ pool tn front c041Jlv•d Btt fiiWSil Prttt fUSt tlductcl S15.000 Avllllblt by appotntment Now $825.000 REAL ESTATE EXCE IAYCRUT ... Excellent ltnanc1ng .. Magmltcently upgraded live bedroom. tour bath home. lovely pool wrought tron fenced lor PfOlectiOn of small children. AvMible by appotntment . $600.000 GOVER SHORES . . . Erctlaent ltnanctng. Outstandmg weter front home w1th p1er and slip. Oramattc bay and c11y kghts v1tw. Farnely room With wet baf and hrtplace Four bedrooms. Rtstlul bnck patiO. Pnce reduced $1 05.000 Available by appotntment Now $595.000 DOVER SHOAlS ... Bav vaew Totelly upgraded and remodel ed four bedroom home. French doors and wtndows Sllykghts New kitchen complete. Ten foot soled oak bar 111 famdy room. complete. even to brass rail. Newly plastered and hied pool In fact, aH that's latktng IS your Stamp Of approval AvaQble by appo111tment S550.000 DOVER SHORES ... Waterfront. 20a40 foot dock Spactous tour bedrooms. H1ghly upgraded country k1tchen Two car hob by shop. plus two car garage. Puce reduced S 100.000 Available by appomtmen.t Now $550.000 BACK BAY . . . Over hall acre early Cahforma estate. Su ~actous bedrooms Huge hvtng room Formal dtntng room Sun ny morn111g room. Beamed ceilings. Incredible storage Three car garage Horse coual Separate lot latge enough lor teM•s court Avatllblt by appotntment $550 000 DOVER SHORES .. FantastiC vtew large liVIng room wllh fttepace and master bedroom overioolung the bay Three add ttOnll bedfooms. Formal dining room. F amety room off k1tctlen Wood fJJI'thfl9. Owner ftnandnQ. Avllllblt by IIPIK*llment . $550.000 WIOA PEIIISULA . . . T utefully deSl9fled. Oualtty craft smlll~ New three story home. Four bedrooms. Formal dlntng room. Thrn ftteplacts. Centrallv located. One block to bay or OCIIn. flexible f~ntnt~. Avlll.tlle by eppointment $549.500 MARIOR IUOGE . . . Meticulously upgreded three bedroom home. Restful pi(ture windows lend to the chlfm of the entire living and dining 1111. Extraordinary ltbr11y loft w1th built Ml booktuu. Crown rnouldingL Master bedroom on f11st floof Pt.ntettOn lhuuen. Community pool and tennis Av.....,. by tpe)Ointment . . . . . . S525.000 MAAIOIIUOQE ... Spectaculw front row WttW of "**lliiHIS. City """ end laktlltt r--*. nw. bedrOOM "Rina&sswtet" lloof plan. lbwyltoft overb*s huetlivtne room. Wtt hi. Mit rortd wll'drobt doors. Three ¥ttW decks. Pools lnd ttnNI Av_.. by wowetftllft1 . . . . . . . . . • . . • . SS 10.000 IAYCIIIT ... Custom built home. frvt bedrooms Ftm~~y rOOtft. Qinino room. Two flf~ts. blind type k1tchen Built m b11blwl. 8r.U patiO Pool lilt y11d. Pldclt IIMtS CNI. Tlttw (If Pill' Av-... by "'*"tmtftt 1495.000 E IT IAYCREST ... hcttltlg five bedroom home. Tht mellculousl~ chosen decor creates a t-.u of w11mth and cornf0f1 ~o,mal dtmng'room and tamely rooms. Sc»arkhng pool. S.Curtty system Ava1lable by appomtment . $495 000 MEWPOIT tSLAIID . . . 116' of waterfront Thret be(!luoms large den or booos room. Huge patiO. YOUI own Pllf and sJ11J A~tidlble by appomtment $4 19 OllO WESTCUff ... Elegant fOUl bedroom home. Cathedral lttlongs 1n ltmg and dining rooms. P-*d den. French doors and .,. 11 dows. lu•uuent pool Silt yard. Huge bnck patiO and ganbo Open Friday 1 0 2 1118Somenetllne . . . . . . . . . $4 75000' liDO ISlE ... S9ac100s farndy home Ftvt bedrooms or , ou d be three bedrooms plus tn law quartets. Separate fall'llh rl)(uT Formal dmtng room. Convement to btact~es and tennts Ava1lablt by appotntment $4 ~ UOU liDO ISlE .. A111act1ve two story home on wtde st•P•' t strada lot four bedrooms. Bonus room. lnv1ttng patiO with ,Jut own Macadall'lla nul tree. TastefuNy decorattd Open Sundly 1 5 111 V11 DtJOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now $4!>0 000 BAYCREST ... Elegant lour bedroom homf. AU rooms 11r r• tepllonally spactOU.s. Two huge ftreplaces Wet ba1 I CCO square feel of lt11tng space Avnablt by appomtment . $4 . I ">00 BAlBOA . . . Neat duple• Ouakty butlt Two btdr0011 \ ~a<n ooct. Ftrtplace 111 ~mg room. htiMivt "se of Ide lends to r~~t charm. Two Plfblg SPiUS each un~t loe~ttd JUSI Of'" blon from ocean beldl. Av..W. by IPC)Ointmtnt $3.t9100 IRYial TEIUtl ... Mlgoifantfy upgrtded three btdfoom home on 62•1 15 lot Frend\ Wllldows lnd doors Cro~ mouldings Bay Windows "' two bedrooms. Comp61ttly oe~ ktt chert Smgle storv You OWf'l the land. Open S.turclty 1 s 1524 Sant_.. Terrect . . . . . . . . . . . . . $395 000 CUff HAV£1 ... Very pnvate. custom butlt thret bedroom ttlt• bath home with unoOstruct.M VliW of bay ano ocean Numlfous bullt·IIS. Off•ed by ongNI OWMf Ouck pomsston 0,. SatiSia l·S 1211 KileaRoed .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. $395.000 IAYCilST . . . httlleftt f~ AttrKtJvt four bed1oom hofiL kJtcMt't end ,...., ·-..... ely uweded Btamed *-tt-Wtt bit Wltfl wiN r~ 1M rtfrieRtot. Av.,.... by--""""'-. . •., . • $360 000 OlD CIMOIA DEl lUI . . . Reducect 835.000 £ acr~~enr ftnlftQftl. Ocean _, f1Uy "'*· two bedrooms ~~~ badlyri Oftll*acll ,_~c..... ..... O,..S..,1·5 222....... . .................... Now $340 ooo IAYCiliT ... Attr••• to. ._ hoMe 8nck dr•vew•v ..... front. AI If • ..-_. COIIIfort ol f.oontrY Style'' ..• yet the.,..., .. .,.. .... ~ .. ~ pool. AvMible by IPPOII'It,..t •..... , • • • • • • . • • . s 119 000 usl~ 1111.11 000 ms 000 longs ~m 000 ooc t• ~00 '100 oom 00 •• IIY 00 each Rea I Estate LLENCE SINCE 1949 STO • • • IAYCREST ... Great 3 bedroom home-des•gned for easy entartaerung. In this huge beamed ce~10g bv1ng room you could enterta•n 40 people w1thout touchtng elbows. This •s quality and 1nlormaltty 1n one beautiful package JUST REDUCED $40,000. Open Sunday 1·5 1837 Commodore Rold . Now $335.000 NARIOI VIEW HillS . . . Mvlhple charm Convemenlly located home-JUst hn ~n~nutes from fashion lsJand shopptng f1ve spciOUs bedrooms Oftghttul hv1ng room and family rooms You wll en,oy ttle s.pwate decks oveYiootung the qutet ser en. t y of ttle venten mount 11nSidl 1 034 s.bsllt ()pin Sat I Soo I 5 $330.000 NAilOR """LAIDS . Great family ottented l'ltlghborhood four spaciOUS btdrooms Fotmal dln109 room Separate lamely room wrth b¥. Substantial =0 1ncludmg new root 1530 Anttt lant . ~ y 1 S. . $325.000 COROIA DEl MAR ... Excellent hnancmg. South of H1ghwav Two story, two bedfoom doll house •n front One bedroom umt 10 rear. Convellltflt locatiOn Ava1lable by appomtmenl S299 500 IAYCRfST EJ119ant three bedroom home Neat curb appeal-and the ImpresSion 1mproves as you go along Oak planlt flooung 11'1 Miry way Sltyhghts Beamed cethngs Pool s•1e yard. Great landscap~ng front and back s 190 000 assumable loin at 13 314\ 2039 Slllpway lane Open Sai./Sun 1 5 $289.500 IRVIU ... hi)Mdld Ktn.Singlon modctl Restful bay wmdow eatmg lfta m family room Four spaciOUs bedrooms Two lvepltcts. Btttlt PJIIO w1th batbecue plus grass play yard Com IDftllblt home w.th .., condlt IOI\If19 • Av....,. by ippOIOtmtnl $285.000 TN£ VtASAilllS ... Incredible vttw of ocean. bay and moun tllf\S Gultdld gates Pool SCJI. cklbhouse. gym and btlllauls room. Two~' bedrooms and den. lll'lf'UCUiate conditiOn. Avlllll* by IPPC*'Itmtnt $279,500 NAMOI MMIMLA•os ... family ortented netghboftlood. Four bedfoom home. Vlf't llftvatt upstaus master SUitt. Property louted on~ &reellned '''"' Awlllebll by IIIPOinlment $270,000 n•TU IIOCI VISTA ... Thftt $piCIOUS bedlooms and con ••tlble din. ftlftlly room. """'-culatt condttla Commurvty pool Mel ._ courts. VltW of mountlfi\S end oty lights. Av ..... by .......,.tiMnt S269.500 MA.. V11W ..._S . . . The popiUr "Carmtf model llw• 111*--. ... w tlfPIIIfll. --.s patiO. luaunent l)ltdln.. Pt~y 1ft t~ condlt1011 You own the land. o.s-.y 1·5 1830,., lriattl CRt. . . . ........... 0 $268.500 WISTQ..WJ ... bl:lllnt fmnc:mg. OWMt Will cOftS!Oef least option 01 -. C.vtn~~ntly louted tlv• blchom. t.o bah boN. s,.c-open floof piM OcM.bat flftplaee New CllpttS lftd piMt ,..,......., ~tlfto pool and- o,.n Slt.l&ln. 1-5 1018 DMr Driwl .. • • • • . . • ••...•. 0 $265.000 WESTCUFF ... Spac•ous three bedroom. two bath home Two separate yards Ideally su•ted for lam•ly wtth small children A pooltn one yard play yard m the other Alarm system. Avatlable by appo1ntment $260 000 CORO.A DEl MAR . . . four new condos Co1y Cape Cod des~gn Two and three bedroom ulllts Walk to beach or brunch Ready Ill I all ol 1982 Select you• uOII and colors now1 Av11lable by appointment from $259 000 THE Bl.UFFS . The popular "franctscan· model condo Three spaciOU.s bedrooms Atrrum entrance Two tiled patiOs and gas barbecue Available by appointment S232 500 BAtte BAY . . ltke new two bedroom condo Fam•lv room dtntng room Beaut•lul atnum 2146 square feet ol ltv1ng space Two car garage Pttvate patto Some v1ew of Back Bay E. uaord•nary ftnancmg Open Sunday I 5 379 Bayvtew Terrace . S 199.900 CAMEO HIGHlANDS . . . ElceUent hnancmg Owner has bought another home wtll cons1der 15' down to qualthed buyer who can assume emtmg $150.000 loan Three spac•ous bedrooms, two baths large yard with sparkhng pool Open Sat Sun 1 5 512 Rockford Place $199.900 RAICHO SAl JOAOUII t.cellent tmancmg Great op portUOity flbulous vltw ol goll course and greenbelt Two bedrooms and den End un•t Pnce reduced $25 500 Ava•lable by appotntment Now S 189 500 IEWPORT SHORES . Htgh beamed cell~ •n hv1ng room Styltghted k•tchen Atr~um ott mastef bedroom Two bedrooms iOd bath plus bonus room upsta~rs Watk to beach · Avaelable by appomtment S I 79 900 UllOA PEIIISUlA . . . Shelter apprecra!IOil tncome• Three bedrooms. two baths. fireplace and enclosed patiO 1n front Plus blchetot un11 at rear w1th bay vltw Neatly lum1shed for Summlf wtntet rental Owner mottvated Flealbble flnanclllg Available by appo~nlmenl $179 500 PARK LIDO lfWPORT . . Nell and clean condo ThrH bedf~ two and hall baths Electr•c k•tchen. •ncludlng duhwashtf Overlooks pool and gatdtn Convement to shop.s blinks IOd bl~tehts Oueck PQSSUSIOO. 0,. Saturday I 5 4211 Patriee Roed . . $145.000 COSlA MlSA (WISTSIDEI . Reduced to seft hpandld lot eomfott Tht• bldfooms, tWO bath. CUStDmlzed latnlly home Wtth sitylltflts. lillian cetamte tilt cheerful latnlly room. SGWun. CDU~try kr1chen TWO f)lttOS Pool Sill yard ( t Ctftenl f~avlllablt Av ...... lay lfi!OI'Imtnl $I J I 500 IEWPOIT UMACE . f actllent l•n~ Near thr" bedroom condo PYJVacy ~t~d oc:Nn v~tw Mlnv eatr~ '" 11111 lovely '"*poll 8Ndl rtueat Puce reduced $22 600 A ....... by ICII*'Itment Now$ 136.900 MESA VERDE ... H1ghly upgtaded four bedroom home. Roof lutchen appiiiOCes, tub enclosure and carpetrng.-all new w•thln the last two years Convement to shops. schools and country club. Owner w1ll help f1nance Available by appomunent $134,900 WESTCLIFF Attracttve two bedroom two bath condo Fueplace M~rrottd wardrobes Ground floor Waitt to shop.s hbfary and park P11ce 1ust reduced $ 10.000 Owntt Will f~Nnee $80.000 at 10 5' Available by iW()Intmenl Now S 129 500 THE VERSAJllE ur10us Versa1lle atmosphere Htgh quality wall and window covenngs Elevator servtce and msuje oarklng for two ars Clubhouse pool and spa Guarded gate Available by appomtment S l 25 000 WESTCUFF Probably the best buvs tn Newporl Beach One and two bedroom uOIIs Restlul pahO overloollmg sparkhnq pool Two vec1r old k tchens freshlv relurb•shed m1enors Car IIOftS Owner wtll help ftnance Avatlable by appo1ntmen1 i 99 500 and s I 09 500 LEASE -OPTIONS We have several l1ne homes available Please phone for more tnformalton LEASES MEWPORT NEIGNTS-fantast1c tluee oeoroom~ Two story lovely v"w Ct11ldren itlld pets welcome S l 500-month Ytwlv le.u BEACOI UV . Sumf1'1ef rental Baylront w•th l11ge boat shp and 6 btdrooms Av11lablt June. July and August S 19,000 101 the three month$ WE HAVE OTHERS. PLEASE CALL US FOR YOUR NEEDS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Medium sand lftlfktt Clean $60,000 month gross Great toea llan Cll R09tf 8afqutst lor dltatls AUSTIN TEXAS Cholet pare• 1 3 8~ acres Study cCIITIIftte IOf 55 Alpltan Of tour Pff ac:rt UYgt c~uPt•e.s condo.s ipilftnwts Of "' dustr.-dlwelopnent Nt.t ftN homes and ~~ Clftter Cal ROMtt ••V1Ch to' dttllls $453.000 NEWPORT BEACH .. CORONA DEL MAR NOW FROM $14~500 10%downand )(\.year fixed-rate financing. Investors welcome. While all the other ~ooJ thm~~ m life are gettmg more ex pen, ~tve. home ownersh1p m Corona del Mar 1s suddenly more <tcce tble than 1t has ever been. The luxuf)' cundommtum of ~andcastle are tdeally located on the oc~an ~ide of the highway m uld Corona del Mar, a pleasant lon~ walk from the beach . park . Balfx,a Island and stylish shops. Elegandy appmmed one and two bedroom models feature large mas· ter suites and gourmet kttchens. lt\ trul) ·' rare happenmg "hen the pnce uf a pre ttgtnus con· di1mtn1um I'> .tJJusted downward rather th.m upwarJ. AnJ the ttme for ynu hl take advantage of that r.uc hc1ppen mg •~ ught nllw. The times have forced us to adjust our prices. Downward. OLD PRICE: St69..500 NEW PRICE: Sl49,500 'iAr-. OIECo(HRW"r ~~~l ~ .. -----·~­~ '~ ::t ,.... LE HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM ~icent Frtneh Mtdittrrtntlft Vila. Unt*llled vltWS of Catllina, Harbor Moun tiN. Elegant rtsidtnce, 6500 sq. ft., 5 btdtoom. pool, spa, sauna. maste. and ex· ecutive suita. SKUfity system. PrestegQ~s j)fiwatt community. $2.500.000. SuliMI Shultf 642·8235 ISLAID BAYFROIT Sens.ttional new 3 bedroom home located on the Isle of Balboa. Include$ a mwvelous muter suite Wtth fireplau and luxurious batl\. large fatnlfy room and upper dKk for enttrttining. 3 f~teplacts and sJic) for 30' boat. $895.000. Jane Pa· quin 642·8235. BIG CAIYOI BROADMOOR llfll 4 bldrOOft\. 3 bath. Plan 1 1. Splcioul fllftity oriented home w.th m.y ente.· tlinment ar..s including intimate converstlion area. large fariy room. patiOs and y•d. l¥ge cuatom sized lot Wtth room for ••PIN'OI'. pool and spa. Sutamit. Owner ... carry. $750.000. lynne v .. tinl644 6200. HARBOR RIDGE MIRAMAR ..r hpandld and elegantly upgrlded 3 bedroom and libriJY home. M~f•c:llflt v11w hom formal htng room and dnno tenac:e. Gourmet lt•tdltn and maste. SUitt opens to separete petios. Clole to pool in gated COIMIUnlty. $675.000. lynne V-'tntlllt 64~·6200. ANTIGUA WAY Enttrtlin an 111 atmosphere of Mpnct in this chmatJc riSidenct. DtSigllld around 1 stllnld glass atriUIIl wtth handsome IYWrored bar and the perfect floor for dane ing. formal diftinQ room VIIWI lusNy landscaped gatdln With pool, spa and Wllff fll. Four bedroom and den llld full security system. $675,000 tneluding land. Cathy Schweickert 642·8235. lEW IS BETTER II CORDIA DEl MAR Bt the hnt to occupy this elegant 5 bedroom home south of highway. Warm woods. stained glps. French doou. 4 bath, 3 fifll)lJcts. large country k1tchtn, tllllity room. 1ncludu sn-law or ma.ds quarters. Fananc:ing availabM. $595.000. EWe Chue lH 644·6200 IRVIIE TERRACE liSTING Super ocean and NY view from thll ~ s.ngll st01y r~e. Two muter suita. ,..,_ 2 mort lql bldroom. 4 baths. 3 fw ..... lltgt country lutchln. family room. mdudll ift.law Of maids quarters Fintncing available. $595,000. Belt Chat lee 844-8200. PRICE REDUCTIOI 2211 W1terhont. Corona del Mar. Dligtltful custom tn Inti 3 bedroom. diiMng room horne plus 1 bedroom. ouest quar1ws. Seller w "-" finlnc:e $494.000. M1rtM Mltftlb 642·8235. VIEW-VIEW-VIEW lovely 3 beclfoom. famlfy room. 2 fittplaees. jKwzi. lfl'llniCullte "fantastic" fNn cing IV .... $425.000. 8tfit Mitthtli$42 8235. lEW II CORDIA HIGHLAIDS Ch'"""' 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fonMI diniltg na. Used brict fireplace. Baths have ....., rtmOCWid witt. COlli* ......._ 8tautrfuly landsc.aptd like tropteal ......... Only 1384.500 ..... tan& 0011\1 GodWII644 8200. CAMEO HIGHLANDS VIEW FIRST TillE 01 THE IIARKET Sing6e story 3 bedroom dian, 2 bath dining room llld bftakfast room home s.tuated ift jWUtiglous Cameo ~ ThrH Pfivate beaches Within walk!OQ distance. $290,000 ~ntludlng land. Doma Gocbtlall644-6200. 22 APARTMENTS 01 BLUFFS OF NEWPORT BEACH Ov.-tooktng nature J)llfk and preserve. Each apartment has 2 bedrooms, l!A. baths, most with f1rep&aces, 2 car garages or catports. Communaty pool neatby hcellent finwing. w .. to Corona del Mar High, Catholic: Grammer School. Eastbluff Shop- 111"1 Center. $1 ,800.000 leasahc*l. Jan Young 542·8235. HARBOR VIEW HOMES Custocmed one of a kmd home. Four bedroom, ftrnlly room, study/den, skylights. hardwood floors. wood beimed Cllllngs. garden windows. ml$tff bath Wtth 591 Seier Wilt ISS'St wtth hnanc.ng long escrow possible. $285.000 Fee lcW~d Joyce [dluRd 642-8235. EASTBLUFF-LARGE ELEVATED CORNER W11m chariYIIfli home. lovely petiOS and garclens. PIOOflltllt ntght ltghts vttw makes this 4 bedroom. famrJy room. home one of the most desuab6e offenngs •n EIStWuH. Seller w"' aUISI Wtth fanancing. $260.000. Belt Chase lee 644 6200 PRIME PEIIISULA DUPLEX! Three bedroom. 2 balh dupleA 1 'h blocks from the Ottan. fantastiC tnvestment wintlf or summer rental. $260.000 low down peyment and owner wtU carry AlTO hon Smith 644-6200. PRICED TO SELL 8e1Ut1fuly remodeled rwdence done tn 1 tradlttonll style and sttuated tn a canyon set~ in Newport H11ghts. A great buy fof a large 4 bedroom home S249,500 Col»y Watcl 642 8235. MODIFIED MONACO Upgrlded and ••Panded to 4 bedroom plus den. Butlt tn bookcases. large wrap •ound covered pet10. Bnc:lt planlers. wood decklfttl and watef fouot11n Pnvacy and IQrlllth. $259.500 includes land. l01s Egan 644·6200 II NEWPORT BEACH FOR $245.000 he and dell Owner wtl ftnanet cozy remocltltd 3 bedroom. 2 bath With latge lot, RV and boat ICCHS !*Is room fOf pool. 2 hreplaus. d10019 room c:ou'd bt large famrty room. 0Uflt ••• $245.000. Bta Arnotd 644 6200 lEW BLUFFS ~We Y ~n townhouse on wtdt greenbelt. Uw.O. arttStttally decorated 3 bedroom 2'h bath 2 story Mellin Big Canyon condo. Secunty gate. convnonlly poof. ~ ttmts. Outstanding value. $215,000. Suzanne Shuter 642 8235 "LIIDA ISLE" SIIGLE STORY In the ntWef Bluffs on grllnbltt ntat pool. Tlwet bedroom. 2 bath, 2 pat10s lm I'IIICulale. Stlltr ISSISitd tinancang. $190,000 leasehold Otck Haldennan 642 8235 BACHELOR COIDO $94,500 PM!! and trnn\Kulate upgrlded, tOUftylfd and fountllft v11w Clubhouse. poot and spa. hcen.nt financ:HICJ $94,500 ancluding land. Ole-Halderman 642 8235 - VIEW VIEW VIEW + Cotolino, wh1tewoter, canyon and night light v•ew ore yours from thts untque multt-level, one-of-o-ktnd custom home. The ulttmote fomtly or entertomment home for the buyer w•th flotr for the unusual. 4 bedtooms, 3 baths, huge lutchen, Iorge deck and spo Great ftnonctng ovotloble. IRVINE TERRACE Smosh.ng v1ews of sunsets and sailboats ore en1oyed from th1s spoc1ous 4-bedroom beautiful res1dence. Gourmet k1tchen plus sw1mm1ng pool. Prtced to sell ot $895,<XX>. 1ncludes the land. Seller wtll fmonce LEASE OPTION Prest1g1ous locollon plus views of the city lights in private commun11y of Newport Beach features 3 bedrooms plus lomt- ly room Owner •s m<.llvoted and will corry 2nd T.O. or lease opllon $399,<XX> COZY 2-STORY, NEWPORT BEACH located 1n the beoullfully planned pnvote communtty of Broodmoor Seov1ew. th1s 2-story, 4-bedroom, 3-both Port Royal home tllumtnotes custom elegance. Pool and tennts foctl•lles ovotloble SJ98.500. 5%DOWN New Cope Cod 2-bedroom in pnvote commun•ty w•th pool and 10cuzz• Wolktng dtstance to everythmg. $137,950. Open dotly 11 o m to 5 p.m. ~2239. BRAND NEW LISTING Pnme and exceptionally quiet Newport Beach netghborhood, featvnng 4 bedrooms, 2 '12 baths. Extremely spacious and well man•cured yard wtth plenty of room for pool, jacuzzi or odd- .ng on. Seller w1ll corry ftnonc.ng. $299,500. -~Q,..----- l:XJj[l~ QfALTY 675-2311 548-2239 Cape Cod pool & spa_ large private & .... ...,.,.,.,. .. c washer & dryer areas, wet bars, woodbuming ftreplaca_lmilcra.ul'!lv;H trash compactors, private 2 cu garages w/ access Optional: air-conditioning and solar heat Fairview Road at Avac:aclo COITAIIIIA Open D.l)y: 11·5 ~~14)~2239 OR 675-2311 .... c •• , ............ DOVEl SHORES ~ 1oca1ton w/w ~ ol bock boy and faiNon tlklnd. 4 br. 5 bel form d.l .• pooa. spa. ~~e. ...-..n. Sleat at sn5.ooo. Fee. Grt. nn. CMJI, .... D0¥11100. ,.1221. IEWPOIT HEI8HTS CONDO 3 br. 3 ba. n.w custom bl. quolhy bl. upgraded ccrp and ttle. pn. pc:llo. BeOeYe this. $155,00 101 01 DOVIIIOOP 111-1221 •wPORT HEI8HTS CONDO 3 br. 3 beL MW CUifom rtftY. bit .• prt. pcrlo w,_g.. backyard. quilt cno. ()tty $165,000. 101 011 IOVIEIOOP,..122l LIDO PEIITHOUSE 2 bc1 2 ba. Thl ftnllt w CMII. In Newport. Sec. Bldg.. pool boat dock w/no1tce. $550,000. 101 01 DOYlE lOOP JR-1221. ~S1W. follwa¥ home M.a Verde $100,000 under mar111t 3 1r .. 3 lo. • ._ con4. 30,000 ON + loD- CMrtm.OOO. 101• ICMIIOGP .. 1221. IIWfOIT CIIIY COIDO 3 br. 3 beL t.t., 41 .. bUgl ....... *'111111'11 nn. w. 1arg111 mo01t. t210,000. ~ ey ol• on ternaiOIGaiCWIIIOOP-.1221. 758-1221 DOVEl SHORES Nome your terms on this lrg 4 BR. 4 BA. Pool Home W/oceon ~ + Sep. Inlow errs. $315,000 LH. weth excel. f.-ms. 10101 DOVIIIOOP 111-122'1. SEAVIEW LEASE 4 br. 3 bel. f.r., d.l. ely and ocean w. Grd gate, pool and tennis. $1700 per mo. 101 01 DOYlE IOOf 11.122'1. OCEAIIFIOIIT-GCEAIIFIONT Convert u. lge duples to your prl ra and live on the nn .. beodl on the coati. tl70,000 1st .-n~. 2nd or $250,000 at 1a Sled at $650,000. 10101 DOVIIIOOP a.1221. LltDA ISLE TRADE BreatNaklng bel¥ vu 2 boat docb~ rm for 4 boatS up to 74ft. 5 brs. 6 ba.. game rm.~ form. d.1., sep. guest wtng. pool Seller carry 1st TD or trode Ind. or off. bldg. $2,100,000. 101 01 DOVII KOOf' ll..u21. HARIOR RID8E I EASE 4 br. 3 bo form. d.r. f.r .• lfUCtt, becdfuly dec. lge dec&, fab. w. Pt1. grd. gcfe. pool and tennis. $2900 mo. SUbml oH oln. 101 DOYlE ..,.,..qp. , , I ., ' NEWPORT CIEST CONDO 2 br. 21h bo llai~~W"¥ ~-nrs.. beaut. papa. ocean vu. tii.OOO w at 1a. Prlced at $170,00. 10101 DCMIIOC»~22t DON'T WAll TO SEU TRADE YOUR EQUITY I Own this etegort Vldor1on CdM ocean vtew home today using the equity In your present home. Custom new 4 80. 3 BA with f1VfKY amenity. Toke over 30 YR 1ST TO $160.000 plus owner ftnonclng too. Don 't wolf! let's pt'esenf your trade todoyt CAU IOit SAl. Til. Jlt-1221 30 UNITS AT 1.1 X GROSSI A rare btrd Indeed In today's market. Thirty bread ·n· b&Jter apartments In on excellent location. Income on fhese hove Increased 65~ In post 4'11 yeorsl for more lnform<Jion call: 101 UCATA • UOKEI.OWMB. 1St-1221. BEACHFRONT -INCOME Seovtews. sunsets. scheduled $40.000 plus yeorty Income plus 15 years wrtte on. 2 stones. 3 br. plus 2 br. units. Guest quarters. Areplaces. On fhe beaCh! Steps to surf. WMI trade. Submlfl CAU NAJICY IICHOU Jlt-1221. RETIREMENT +INCOME 5 UNIT$-$85,00011 Two Bd. owners unl plus four studk>s. Don., wort Won't losr. Coli IIAIY LfWIS. Broker/Agent • lltJ221; ~1-5113. . t \- LEASEHOLD BONANZA Unique breok!hrough financing opportunity Dazzling view home wttt1 sparkling pool and spa. Mettculousty maintained 3 bedroom home. Immediate possession. $40,000 wtll move you ln. CoM for detaUs on special bonus fhot will save you $80,000. IIAIY LEWIIJit-1221 or 131~113. MOVING TO SEAnLE? Ceil for ftiE RROCAnON COUNSEUNG APPOINT- MENT. Maps, brodn•• and spectnc lnformorton on or-. FM years expertence and knowtedge of 9real• SeGme areo. uc .. Sid In WCIIhln~ and callomJo .. CAU. MUT ,..,. .. LIWII Ja-1221 or Ul-. e.1 759-1221 4412...,.... .. ~ .......... 551-1411 .. • , 379 &.yAew T......, BACK BAY, 1199,900 Open Sun. 1·5 631-7300. 21 ,.,.,..... CORONA DEL MAR. view SMO.OOO Opm Sun. 1·5 631·7300. IOf 19a St., BALBOA PENINSUlA ' (DeCk I he $319,000 Open Sun.. 1·5 631·1.00. 114 s.ppNre. BALBOA ISLAND, $385.000 a.-Sun. 1·5 67s.6900. 1:15 Gnnd c...a. BALBOA ISlAND, &Lir frollt. $595.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 673-6t00. 915 BeY*1e Cows West. NEWPORT BEACH. 1775.000 Open Sat. 1·5 631·1400. 1402 W. Ocanfrom. BALBOA PENINSULA, dupln 2/2 $550,000 Open s... 1·5 631·1400. 1001 Klngl Road. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. ... 2/2. view. 1399.500. Open Saturday 1-S. 631·1400. 203 4ht St.. PENINSULA. patio. near beech $175.000. Open SaL/Sun. 1·5 67~1152. F.UWW at A~ COSTA MESA. 1137.950. 675-2311. 30 Rue Fontainebleau. BIG CANYON. plus faaally. $495.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 2131rts, CORONA DEL MAR. plus den $575.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 45 Rainbow Ridge. TURTLEROCK. plus view, $165.000 Sat./Sun. 1·5 644·9060. 4521 Trt>mont. CAMEO SHORES. $495.000 <";at./Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 2221 Mtt~a Drive. BACK BAY. plus loft and den S335.000 Sat.J un. 1·5 644·9060. ~-~ -~~---= ,.-.. ~-... ~ .... ~ -~" --• 1301 Dolphin Terrace. IRVINE TERRACE. vn/spa s 1.050.000. Open Sat./ Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 1524 Santandla Terrace. IRVINE TERRACE. $395.000 Open SaL 1·5 631·7300. 1211 Klng Road. CUFF HAVEN. view 1395.900 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 11S7 Commodore Road. BA VCREST. UJS.OOO ()pen S.. 1·5 631-7300. 4211 Patrice Ro.d, PARK UDO. 1145,000 OpeD Slit. 1-5 631·7300. 2039 ~ a.-, BAYCREST. 1219,500 Open Sat,JSun. 1·5 631·7300. 1930 Pwt 81-.al a.dl. HARBOR VIEW HOMES. S268-500 0,.. SaiL 1·5 631-7300. 1016 Dowr DrM. WESTCUFF. PJO(Jl/..,a $265.,000 Open Sua. 1·5 631·7300. 314 Marigold. CORONA DEL MAR. ct..pln ~view. 1669.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1-5 631·1400. 215-215~ Sapphire. BALBOA ISLAND, clupla !/1 $495,000 Open Sat./Sun. 1-4 673-6900. 2600 Bayside DIM. CORONA DEL MAR. 3 plus 2. 1595.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 1907 Tradewtnds. BAYCREST, plus family. 1325.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 2CM Via Ebol. uoo ISLE. plus family, S595.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 8 Whltewat.r. JASMINE CREEK. 1335.000 Sun. 1·5 64+9060. 1118 Somfild WESTCUFF. 1475.000 Open Friday 1~2 631·7300. 111 VIa Oijon, lJOO IS LE. $450.000 Open Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 1530 Anita lane. HARBOR HIGHLANDS. S325.000 Open Sun. 1·5 631· 7300. 4 Narbonne, HARBOR RIDGE. family room. den. vtew. $2.200.000. Open at./ un. I ·5 6.11 · I 400. 2804 W. Ocanfront. BALBOA PENJN· SULA. waterfront $725.000 Open Sun. 1·5. 2117 EASTBI.UFF. \llllw. S219.580 ()pea s-. 1-5 644o6100. 17 Muir ..... Orde. SPYGLASS. ..... f...lv loa. 12.400.000 Sat./Sun. 1-5 644-9060. 1840 Tradw1ndl. BAYCREST. plue pool ud '-lly room. QIS.OOO Sat. 1·5 644-9060. .. 2236 Ar111a. EASTBUJFF. plue '-ly rooa. pool 1294.500 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 3101 T~ a.-, HARBOR VIEW HillS ..... t..lv ~ ..t pool 1315.000 Swa. 1-5 644-9060. 133 Via U..._ UDO IS~ plu8 family 1745..000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 223 Via Quito. UDO ISL£. plue family (00111, $510.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. ~ . " '. ... ~I· . . ., . -• , • .f. ' . . ..: : . .. 115 Harbor l.a-dlloiMI. HARBOR ISLAND. waterftont/pler/alip 11.500.000 Open Sat. 1-5631·7300. 1034 Sande_., HARBOR VIEW HILLS. "'"' 1330.000 Open Sun. 1·5 631· 7300. 824 W. &.y, BALBOA PENINSULA..,.,.._ front 11.495.000 Open Sllll./Sun. 1·5 631-1400. 1321 Outrigger, HARBOR VIEW HILLS. vn. MSO.ooo Open Sun. 1·5 644-6200. 92 Unda Isle. LINDA ISLE. plWi de.n $990.000 Sun. 1·5 644-9060. 631·7300 631-7300 631 -7300 631 -1400 631·1400 631·1400 557-6177 644-6200 631-1400 • 644;goc) 6.1F7300 631·1400 631·7300 6M6100 6.11 ·1400 631·1400 •·7300