HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-16 - Newport Harbor EnsignormerNavportMan In 'Wide Wortd See . ~-.::::: -:::::.-..::; ~-_;. :r "':;"' '~ .J -:: '.) ..x; .-:.., ,...., c:J';;D n :. ..., >~:J .f :::l J 1'1 ,_:) .J :::r rJ -:" L ~ ':;::l ,... ~ ""7jnandal )Ianning >ur Expert H~ he Answers See Page 5 It's Miss Newport T101eAgain !Pageant SetForFriday E N SIG N THI NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 45 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. JUNF 16, 1982 • 25 C ENTS by ChaUtopa. Lyoch Wlae.o the hioh .cbool Cl..u of 1982 oz•duat .. today, Corona del War aenaor Steve C&nclall will take more away from bac~h .chool than a dtploma, aod he will leave behind tar more than plMMnt memones. Caocian ia ooe of 11 valedac- loriall.l oo the CdM campua, but becaUM of ha parhcapahon 10 hve Advanced Placement clanes. he 11 the aacond ranked student With a perfect 4.0 qrade po1ot averaqe. But Canctan's ac hLevement 1s much more tban maanlaa.nmg a atra.1Qht A averaqe fils a c- c018J)lishments tnclude lust plM:e lD the Caltfornaa Jour· n.tism photOQraphy contests m 1981 and 1982. aweepstake& wan- oer iD the Orano• C ounty Jour u1ial photOQr•pby conteats m lial ~od 1982. and Wln ner of PTA ec.hoLarahap and the Nar ,one Jruc. Hwnanatanan Aw~rd wlule at Corona del Mar In addahon, Caocaan has been a a.Jf photOQrapber for the Coul Necbe News Group amce October 1980 and also takes part an the produchon of The Newport EnSJgn Ajter oraduahon, Cancaan WJU attend Columb1a U naversaty to •udy mternahonal relahons and lanouaoe. apecah cally Rus ll&Jl, Clun.-, and Spanash While &D New York, the CdM M.D.lOr will a1ao atudy at the Par sou An l11.1hlute of New Yo rk Oe.pate aU the re<:OQnihon for ach.aevemenl. Cancian uata has two 0, .. , ... contnbuhons to Cd.W u the .. t&bhshment of R.aUty and More and the CoaJI- hon for Student Awarenesa Reo.hty and More, produced, f;ublwhed. and edJied by Can· ca.an monthly, 11 an open o.,....tter wbach fealur" un · solicited lettera from CdN stu· dent body and faculty Tlae Co.tlahon for Student Awareness. a new Cd.M club founded by Cancaan, haa brought to the hagh ec:bool cam- (CoatiAued on ~oe 3) Commission Seats Flied , Tak•ng a break from the Miss Newport Fashton Show June 5 are • nl86f~o• from lfo , I~ &+tev ~ve t•,ersc....,, Ar<>th' Faata, Kar<>n Redmgton Wendy Koivasto, front fr(J n t. ~~ Cot..-en Pelelle . Barbara Barr . Jeo Hawluns. and Pen Mosher s ,oti ph •• l''t s .... s ..... Miss Newport Pageant Slated Saturday Night Twenty·one lovely ladtes wall compete for the htle of M1ss Newport Beach Fr aday nrght, June 18 at 8 p m 10 the Monte Carlo Room of the Newporter Inn Master of ceremontes lor the event wtll be Tom Hatten host of "Popeye and Hls Fuends" c1nd "f am1ly Fllm Fesllval" on televtsJon stahon KTLA, Channel 5 Frnahsls 10 the paqeant are Barb.ua &rr, sponsored by Faoge Photography. Mah.s Beasley , P.R.C Auocaates. Chnsty Bray. Maq1c bland. L1M Cor&tne, Park Newport, Anette Fiala, Nutn-Netacs cosmehcs; Shana Fouey, Murchlson Enterpuaes, Jert Hawluns, lmpenal 1Aa11ng, and Skye Iverson, Super bodiea. Others a re Wendy Koav1sto , Walter W C11bb1m Co . Rosalyn Koyoumpan Ale&'s f ashaons, Hatdee Mcuey W alcox dnd Sons Lithographers, Lauueanne McGhee f o& dnd Co Per1 Mosher B J Stewart Adver hstng, e~nd lane Meyer The lnhmate Collecllon F dshtons More fmahsts are Gale Nye, Bank of Amer1cd Col een Pelette, Plaza de Cafes ltaren Redangton Hc1rbor Development Co . Nancy Ruuell, Newport Beach Pobce Department. Keeley Smath , Villa Nova Restaurant Vic tona Vmeyard. Daane's Swlm &nd Sunwear, and l tll Yank, lnteqag Jaguar con· versaon syatems The contestants have com (Conbnued oo paqe 3) "( am pleased to see how 11 has grown " He went on to say that, an el feet, today's clouded econom1c picture has a s1lver hmnq "It doesn't take an e&pert hJ note our socaety's despaars and fuhhh .. at present," he sa1d "We are at a maJOr croaro.td.a There are those who th1nlr. everythlnO ll bf'Mkrng down-the home. the t.mtly. the churc h, the ecoAomy, the en varonmenl. "But there an othen who thank people are outorowrng eome of the nanow. repr ... ave. you·U)·your-place models tut have been the hum•n modela lor • lono. loaq tUD.e." Freud "eaple•ned the cooihc:ts m wbaeb we bv. today .. ud .. , la motaon "• new Copern•c:u re.oAuhon" underauftiDCJ or- tbodo:a beliell end c:h•nomg bow ,.. tMl abc*~ ....... lJ ..... to be • periOG ... ..,.. lrdt.ioeal ·~· .. (C.tialled -'*" 3) Pinal Hearing On $40.8 MIDlon Budget To Be Held June 28 Fmal adopllon of the cJty's $40 8 mllhon budget w1U be on the agenda June 28 lollowJng Monday mght's Newport Beach C1ty Counc1l action cLsposmg of the !mal contested 1tems The budget 1ncludes S32 8 million lor s.slanes. mamtendnce and operations and cap1tal outlay. up 4 percent, and sa mJlhon lor cap1tal 1m provements. down 30 percent Tut.ll proposed expenditures are down '5 percent fr om S43 mdl1on to $40 8 mllhon Revenues are protected at $42 9 million lor the Iasca! vear wh1c h starts tn July Followmq Monday n1ght's pubhc heoung th"" council voted to not add three pollee ol !Jeers a code enlorcement of facer. an engmeeung a1de and a recreational supervtsor to the I budqet, as bad been requested bv t~e dt.-partmen•s mvol"~ ' Ccunc I mem~r :~1 •"'£d I onct-aqa,n not '" d un-.. ~ I S20,000 to the O range Cc,.un tv Fa11 HoustnQ Council C'ln thE.' q rounds that the c.ouncll 1n volved 1n a lawsu1t aqamst the clly A re~uest .rum M hdel Manahan lor a S42 VOO don<lllon to the nt>w O rangewc..od homE> lor dependdnt c hildren was more lavorablv recE'1ved with the c >unc d approvmq the re quest 111 c-oncept w1th luod1ng to be prov1ded later In o ther action Mondav n qht the Councd Den1ed a pro~ sdl fr om !DE' Red On1on Restau r.)nt be <\llow ed to enclose a sm.sll area o n the secvnd floor of 1ts bulid1ng because thert' wa:. not ddt'qOJate padunq 10 the area Mayor Heather Ee&tatk: Ov~ Alrpolt ActloDB 'lntt>nse' Wd~ tht> w ... rd Newport Sea'-h Md v~ r ladnt> Heather u1>ed ro dE'S( r1~ lct~l Mond.sv s ext>c utl\le st>ss1o n b4:-t wef'n 1he Newpotl Beac h C1l\' Councrl ctnd CJIY a~rport IIIIQd hnn 3ttorney Pu.•rc t' O 'DonnE'll Tht> meetmQ rev1E'Wt"d tht> rt> enr v~t·tory Qdlned bv tht' c1tv 1n Orctnqe County Supe11or Cvurt lrom Judge Bruct> Sumner who vo1df'd the coun ty's e &pan:oron plans ctt John Wavne Atrport and antrctpatt>d Ythe~t thw council'~> next moves c;hC'Iuld b. The County ha> unhl tht' beqanntng of Auqust to ctppcal Sumner's dectsaon Meanwhale, the c aty 11 devtt. mg solullona to dalhcultaea whach could poMably anae ··w e went thro uoh a numb.r ot scenaraoe to try and ... what our posture would be an a number ol daltecent aatuahona," sa1d HMtber She added that altho uob detaala of MondAy'• dec\llona are pr ... nlly conhd nt._l, "we attempted to plan for the wont " Rec,ardino the couoty'e v1c:tory U\ federal ap~alt court, •h c:h return.cl aarhDe ace: .. rec,w•· l&Oil back to tbe county, H ther .. ., elated. "1 p ted. 11 tupporta the c:ouott'• propnetorabtp Of tbe airport. I daa't thmk the cou ty ~ ... pN·e•pted by the .... r&l 9C)¥etnnaent •• Baroque Dancers Custurn{'(j dancers choreographed bv Chnsta Lon~ ~~vere among the pedmmers durtnq rhe Baroque Mus•c Festival held 1n Corona oet Mar '<"~Sl weel.. Tt't fesr•vat featured severdl concerts. •wer tne wee!. lr n June 6 to 13 S '" u• 1.,. e .... , ...,, •t-.. ~~------------------------------------~ I Signal At 15th Ancl Balboa OK'd By Council Trdfhc t.tgndls prov1de-d the mc11n potnt ol confl1ct as tht? Newport Beach C1ty Council m ved toward apprO\ a: of d budget lor the next Its. al H'cH When the d ust had setlled, a proposed s1gnal at Balboa and 1 ')th was 1n the budget c1nd a st? ccond s1gnal dt Supeno r and T1conderoga may hc1ve tv wa1t ctn other vear for construCtiOn At the councils study sess1on Mvndav Dtclc Park of the Cen tral Newpo rt Beach C ommunitY AssocJallon asked lor the 1ndu ,,on ot tht> 15th and &lboa saqne~l 10 the budget He scud that the SIQnal wc~s nE>eoded because of the larqeo number of acc1dents at the 111 tersechon and because o l the many pedestnans who cross Balbva tht>re Both c hurches m the area the Ameucan l.egton and res1dents !>upported 1he proposal he said Accordang to stall the m· tersecllon cLd not m"t the gutdelmes lor a sagnal and waa thus low on the pnonly laal Alter the ,councal approved th1s s1qn al Vance McCarthy o f Newport Crest requ .. ted mclu SIOD of tnt> propo•ed 110nal at Taconderoqa and Supenor Crty manager Robert W1 nn &Jao poanted out that the bomeowne,. wanted to make Tteonderoqa a pnvate str .. t, wtuch would rule out c aty fun· d DO of tl\e llOO.l baled on COUDCJI polJc:l ... CouncilmAn Paul Hummel mo'fed tlaat the gnel be handed hom , ... ""' but tbet mohon w .. cMtMted Coullctl Ibn votM to~ lhla ~al ... ~ oa 1M pnotUy Uat aad eehcl to H to purwe ,.._ haDcli .. prtO• blem e~nd report back Twc other s1gnal protects wall be buil t lhl!t year Coun< tl voted tu upgrade 1q nal!> ctl Newport Boulevard ;1nd 28th .1nd 30th streets dnd upqrade the Interconnect or Newpo rt Boulevard s1qnals A s1qnal wdl also be con sir ucat:>d e~t Hospllcil Road and PlctcE'nlla A venue wath Hoaq Hosp1tal pay1ng half and the medaca l center ac ross tht' street paymg the other half IN SHORT Requuementa mchtdecl COG· ducllnQ nationally·rec:Q91l1aed YMVCA prooram.a in pbyaical educahon, hHllh enhancement, recreahon and sparta; having a rsponnble physical educahon comnutt .. , Lay LHdenh.ip and professaonally-tr.uned at&if, and followang YNCA competitive sports gutdehnes. Allocated By «lnltecl Way Wcmtecl: ADgebl Volwateer driver• to tran.aport c:ucer ~tieuta to medJcal aJIPC)inbDeuta are a crucial aeecl, Mid Roeale Foy, ch.unnAD of the American Cancer Socie- ty'a Anqela on Wheel. proqram for Oranoe County. To be an Angel, she said, all that'a needed ia an lnsured automobile, a dl'iver's license, ADd the wi.ll.i.nQneas to qave a little tpa.re time to help some- one. Detaila: 752-8600. Gasoline Dips Ca.liforrua's Qasohne usage durinq the fust quarter of 1982 was the lowest for any quarter 10 the past SLX years despate lower qasohne pnces, announced Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr Dronenburg reported that the tint quarter total of 2,663,· 640,199 gallons was 0.82 per· cent lower than fust quarter 1981, 3.96 percent lower than tint quarter 1980, and a 52 percent lower than fJTst quarter 1979. Dronenbur9 reported that Qasoline exctse ta.x revenues 10 March totalled $63.51 maU1on, down $1 ..44 m1lhon from March 1981, but $4.04 muhon hig her than February figures Top Journalism Prof CalState Fullerton's Rick D. Pullen, journahsm professor and advisor to student publicahons, was presented an "Outstandmg Journalism Teacher of the Year" awMd by the CahJorma News- p.tper Pubhshers Assoc1ahon 10 convention in San Oieqo. Chosen as the top teacher at the four-year college level, Pro- fessor Pullen has been at Fuller- ton SlDCe 1973, and now heads a )Oumahsm program whach has 300 ma)ors and 14 faculty 'Y' Gets A Boost The Orange Coast YMCA recently passed the three-year rev1ew by the Nahonal Counc1l of the YMCA and was c erhhed to partic1pate 10 inter- assoclallon and champ1onsh1p YMCA competihons . Fire Safety Program The Orange County Fue Department has been selected to develop and test a fire safety proqram wb1ch will be dlstributed and utilized by fire departments throughout the na· hon, County Fare Chief Larry 1. Holms announced. Sherry Bunhng, pubbc ID· formation oHtcer, will be assign, ed to the W uhmgton office of the Federal Emerqency Manage- ment Agency durinq the design of the proJect . Dial-A-Ride Vans Patrons oJ OCTO's Dial-A- Ride servace Me scheduled to travel tn new, more cost- effecllve vans by late this sum- mer. All 93 new vehicles will be wheelchair-Wt equipped. The new vans will be phased into service between July and September, 1982. Uruted WAy has a1Jocated $1,517,164 to 12 aqenc1es 1n the greater Harbor area as part of the $7,663, 637 d1slnbuted by Umted Way of Oranqe C ounty North/South to 85 human care agenc1es tn Orange C ounty Accord &nq to Alan Jacob!., Umted. Way Board pres1dent. the $7.6 mlihon represents an 18.3 percent wcrease over the amount awarded last yt:>a r Area c1qt!nc1es reCPtvwq fund s and the amounts are Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Sl37.124 Center for Creallve Alternat&ves. $46.930 Ch1ld Gu1ddnce Center ul Orange County, $61 364, YM C A Oranqe Codst and f amtlv C nsas Center, Sll9,182. f trsl Step House, S22 903. FISH Harbor Area, $20,600 G1rh.' C lub o f the Hc1rbor Area $70 ,000, Gtrl Seoul C ouncil o f Orange County. $349.795. Youth Employment Serv1c~s. $1 7,879, V1s1IJnq Nurses Assn of Orange County, $119.218. Amencan Cancer Soc &etys. $467,557. and Voluntary Act&on Center, $84,612 As expected, some local agenc 1es are feeling the p1nch BACK BAY LIQUOB Tl .IIIIEI IICIII • TIE IISIIESS EID "a nice liquor store" Next to the Irvine Ranch Farmer's Market GIFT IDEAS for Dad and the Graduate GLENFIDDICH Single Malt Scotch for the Cnnnoiso;eut 750ml AMARETTO DISAROrtrtO SCHWEPPES MIXERS ti9c Tonic, Sodas. Ginger Ale. I litre COORS LIGHT S2.09 12 oz. cans {notoced) '-••"•R, .. ES KROG ••vintage Selection .. Cabernel Sauviqnon 1974 , A collecu,,s ltl"m(L•mii4Pc:oCuslometl at5.95 26511RVINEAVQ.(atMesa0r.) 642•4774 Newport Beach • Costa Mesa DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE • • • TAX SHELTER • PROFIT • EXCITEMENT AVAILABLE NOW! Champion Bred Ractng Prospects I Two year olds tn advanced lratntng ready fo r the 1982 rocang season ~ 7""-'IJ.d 9-. •• 27 3G CAMlNO CAftiSTRANO SAN CLEMENTE, CALIF CALL (71 ~}~92-5355 of shnnlung fed~raJ government allocahun 1ncrease d1dn't meet support In an mternaJ aud1t theu qrow1nq needs " conduc ted 10 September 1981. these aqenc1es lost more than S l Reqard1nq the rest of the Sl2 mtlhon 1n federal fund s . .sc m1lho n uused locally 1n last cord1og to one Un1ted Way fall's campa1qn. Un1ted Way's :.pokesperson volunteer treasurer, Betsy "The qap between agency re Sanders. sa1d des1qnahons to quests and av.s1lable funds ot her worthy c 4uses and prov1· w1dened th1s year," cummentt-d :.1ons lo r pledge loss accounted Karen Klammer. cha~rperson of lor nearly S2 1 million the allocallons plannmq commll An add11Jonal $219.000 wlll b•• lee and ass1stant dean of set as tde lor e me rgency need:.. resource development for C ua:.t tnnovallve qranls, new aqency Commumty C ollege Otslract admtss1ons and allocaho ns ap· "Even Un1ted Way's 18 percent peals. Center Changes ftaJDe D '· h OCPAC been a source lo r pot~ut1al o vu u .. now w at d 1 d , d1:.aster 1r1 prant an 1na · '' H b OCCPAl • ac hes lo r Pd 1tor' and , .. po rt (JW d LUI .. I. I d d I.e Bed Sllll ballled ' Yvu're ravt "1" ac .. nvw e Q~ '' • sow, the qroup' <.'xecut1ve alone S111ce chanq~ng the narnt> la~t month fr o m tht.> Orange County Mti'>IC C~->nlt->r 1-.• the Orange C uun ty Pt>rlurmlllq Arts Center tht> ... •rqa111Zd l1un's ofllctals hd ve suffered cl c n s&s ol tdentlly. brought on ma1nlv bv fr ust ra ted headltne d1rector "It wuuld bP 'remelt dously he lpful d all thP mt><.lta used thP '>ami:' 1dent.f &rdiiO!t and abbr(>v 1al1un " Henc elu rth then w1 th mo:.t everyune 111 accurd. 1 he perfurm&nq arh cumplex tu be buill near Costa Mesa's South Coc1st Plaza wall be known abbrev1a ted as Th.- Cenler wnters . "Lonq name:. have always AU SPRING SPECIAL SOVJCfS $5.00 OFF Nt>Vo Patron\ Onlv Woth fho, ( oupon Matrix Cuts . . . . . . . . S 15.00 Tube Color & Condition . . . . . . . $25.00 Foii,Tint or Sun Stret~king . . . . . . $45.00 Penns, Cut & Condition . . . . . . . . . $50.00 LENNY/S HAIR DESIGN ~'t nwn ut~ "'"'"W'' 67!5·0823 2333 E . COAST HWY "Communict~tion Is The Key" CORONA DELMA .. THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At World of Moulding 'tou Will Find 1 • Mouldi ng -I Hardwoods & Softwoodsi- •VIctorian Fretwork -Chair Rails -Ftnials - • Decorative & Plain Corbe Is -Bases - •Ceiling Moulding -Bar Rails - • Stair Parts -I Oak & Hemlock I •Butcher Block Tops - •Ceiling Medall ions - •Wood Turnings - LD J....+-+-+--+--+-+-HII F • And Lots More -Come On In And See Us I ULDING 3109 S Mam St Santa Anct 558-7772 NOnCE TO VE I ERANS I )IOU .. an Honorab .. Oisch.,ged Veteran of the Armed FOICM of ._ ~ States. en good health, you .,.. entitled to a Double tntef· ....,. S.:. (for you and your Spoute) in our Dedicated v...-..n·a a.dion • ttae coat. to you. of onty a Sing .. Interment Space plu. .. Endowment car. Fund Oepo~ reqUired by State L.w. Hatbot lawn. tong known for eta SpeciaJ Cona•cterationa to Vak aw. • making th6s Program available to the Veterane of thia ... ---II hmtted and It WIN be uetgned on a fif'lt ~. ftral _._ t.ii. To aaau,. your apace, MAK.. THE COUPON TOOAYI "'fOOd._. __________________ ~ '----------------------~0..---------- MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: PLAY BALL WITH US and receive FREE-Open a minimum $10.00 balance Thrift account and vou wiJl receive an easy tote seat cushion and a 1982 Baseball Diges t. Baseball Digest Annual Guide as com- piled by the editorial staff of Baseball Digest Magazine: Century Publishing Co .• Evanston Illinois. You will find 50 pages of facts and statistics from 1900 through 1981 from Pennant Winners to off-season player transactaons -a reaJ must for baseball fans! • PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS 9% 8.5% SIMPLE INTEREST MINIMUM ACCOUNT SlO NO TERM REQUIREMENTS NO PENALlY lli&IFrBY MAIL FREE T&ANSIIR Of fUNDS For Cabfor-ru. ~~ onl~. Veld •• lluH 01111-~ ~4 ~NNhiJ fO tlw '~ ~ • .._. "'tllor IM--. t.oor. ttlt ,. o/ IM -.-11 .......... .,..... II tMJ X ••• ~ ..;c.....,..,._, • $500 MINIMUM INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Part u much u dw 6 monch 110.000 Man. 8a.l.tna cmtfteu~ offernt bJ S-L 8Mb CAU FOR CURRENT RATES • t Rec Artt tiel< A an el the :E West conti Coua If I hold plan prov• vote 0. area ed9e soutl have (Con to as that and now Qentl need de me "T thoSE Ea new a c har. Cocl and has r Tb taon sa1d. uniV• "dev mmc pre• bud~ delak weel St, "We lua1c dust: ferea the' .. ~ that You but · hon " .1 I Arts Awards Receivmg awards from the Newport Beach City Arts Commiss1on for commun1ty serv1ce 1n the field of the arts recently were. from left. Bud Pashley. Penny McMan~gal, Florence Schumacher. Eta.ne Redfield, and Andrea Berry accepting for her mother Dorothy Berry A dec1s1on on whether to bold elechon to dec1de the fate of &nnmg-Beeco property 1n Newport Beach has been 1'-'V''"''uu ...... by the Newport C1ty unc1l Monday mght U the counc1l dec1des not to hold an elechon on the general amendment recently ap- lnJ~oved. for the property, 11 must to repeal the amendment. Development plans for the rea, located in the very western edge of the c1ty and o n the southwest border of Costa Mesa, have been opposed by surro un· grad:p (Coutinued from ~CJ• 1) to assume the worst about us, that we are ev1l. untrustworthy and unsafe. New po1nts of v1ew now suggest we are mnocent, gentle, trustworthy and that we need not be self-den1ed, self demeaned and contamed "The queshon 1s wh1c h of those two v1ews you w1ll hve bv " Earher, Aldnc h turned to a newspaper column1st's character, "A rch1e the Cockioach," as the d1sarmmg and unexpected msparaho n for h1s remarlts. Thts applies fo r h1gher educa hon today tn Cahforn1a , Aldnc h satd. Funds o n whtcb the uruvers1ty depend are bemg "devastated," he satd , not ur. mmdful of Vasconc ellos' preeence and the upcom1 nq budget conJerence comm1ttee dehberahons 1n Sac ramento th1 s weelt. S1gmhc antly, Aldnc h added "We must not mdulge m the tl lusion that gtfts o r lies to m dustry wdl make up the dtf terence" 1n fundmg neede d b v the Un1vers1ty "We must say ove r and over that educ ation IS a n mvest me nl You can postpone road repa1rs but yo u cannot postpo ne educa tlOD " tt'la S01N1 •-•I Ill J'ta Aiel a \jiKIII \IIC,a .... I ._, ...... , fw1l. I -* .. lea dull tile ~--...... ··Mitt .......... , ..... ~ ~ .-dlllllllle ~ .... .... -IIIII rttr1111•t dl•lf I ... ,.. ..... ,,,.. ..... dang res1dents m both c1hes on the grounds that addahonal res1dents will create trafhc pro- blems on streets m both Newpo rt and Costa Mesa . Afte r the Ctty Councd ap- proved the general plan for the propen1 over vehement obtec· hons from surroundmg res1dents, the West Newport Leg1slahve AlllAllce started a pehhon dnve to call a referen- dum election on the plan. Because enough signatures were gathered to force an elec- h o n, the counc d must dec1de whether to hold an elecllon or rescmd the amendment At Monday's meehng , a com m11tee of Councu members laclt1e Heather, Ph1l Maurer and Ruthelyn Plummer was set up to look at proposed ballot language fo r the elechon ballot C ounc 1lman OonaJd Strauss StaH photo by Barry S1 'bo' asked tf 11 was not premature to dtacuu ballot language before a dec1S1on on whether to hold an elechon at all has been made. The 1ssue w11l be heard aga1n at the July 12 meehng of the Ct· ty Counc1l. Other ta~ues conhnued at Monday's meetmg mcluded -Cons1derahon of an pro· poaal to allow connveraton of butld1ngs walh two, three or four uruts to condomm1ums, to July 12 -Cons1derahon of a proposal to prohtb1t parlung by certam large recreahonal vehtcles tn the c1ty except for short penods for loadtng and unloadmg, to June 28 -A request to bu1ld a Slngle- famtly home m a comrnerc1al dlStnct at 1900 W . Coa.st H1ghway. across from ther Balboa Bay Club, to July 12 Can dan (Conlulued from paqe 1) p us speakers on top1cs rangmg 1 fro m EJ Salvador. to aborhon . to nuclear warfare "He has tremendous conc ern I tor hts fellow rnanlund, and be ts doang somethmg about 11," 541d CdM soc1al studies teac her Roger We1ss. "I th1nk he ..... been one ot I the most smcerely m volved comm11ted students on c ampus " sa 1d CdM pnnc1pal DenDLs Eva ns "The Student Awareness Coahhon was really a very pos1 hve development It IS because of h1s orgamzahonal skills that 1t succeeded where other allempts have la1led 1n the past" But Canc1an w.tl be most remembered fo r hts left wmg, e xt rem1st v1ewpo1nts In the sen1or quote portion of the CdM vear book Cancta n q uoted Karl Marx. "We must dethrone God and destroy cap1tahsm" and Henry Waldo Emerson "Whosoever ts a man must be a non-comfo rmlSI " Sa1d CdM Enghsh teac her Davtd Harvey, "Let those quotes stand as they are-as a summa hon of h1s character I c an't say anythanq pos1hve about h 1m " Harvey was mstrumental tn formmg the Student Pro- Amencan Gro up late '" th"" school year when be felt Can c1an's C oahllon presented too hberal a v1ewpomt If any op1n1on of Canc1a n 1s unantmous, 11 1s that he bas been w1lllng to au and publash h1s behefs "The th1ngs I've done wo uld n't have happened unless I was here. that's why I v1ew them as successes," 541d Canc1a n ''I'm a catalyst Loolung at other people an the sen1o r class I feel good I will have left as many marks as anyone I have stnved for lashng changes " ON GOLDEN POND Also -- The Hewpon Enstgn Wednesday June J&. 1!12 Page 3 Pollee ~·Plans Miss Ne!!P-ml Annu•l Run For Youth At 4 a .m Monday, June 21. pollee will not sto p hundreds of t"na9era 1n dozens of c.trs as they U>Om out of the f ord Aeronutro m cs parlung lot Of course not. even d they are o n thear way tCJ Yosem1te Tbe unusual s1ght ts ne1ther hlnung for "Gumball Rally II" nor for "Amenc an Graff&lll Ill" but for the 29th Annual Youth Safety Run, sponsored by the Po hc e Adv&sory Counc1l for Car Clubs Th1s year's e vent 1s hosted by Newport Beach whtc h wdl ha ve three of 1ls own veh1cles a monq the contestants The Youth Safety Run was conce111ed by the PACCC to prov1de e:~~pertence lor younq people m safe cln d econo m1cal z dnvtoq, and lo rewctrd them k r the1r effo rts " 14ld Rlc k Brctdlt>v w veshgato r lo r NBPD The green Ha g drCJps c11 4 a m . and the co ntestants cH E- eJtpecled to arr&ve a t Yosem&tt- Naho nal f orest around 5 p m ll that ... IJlS a httle b1t lo nger to those people who ca n qe l ther .. tn etqht hours, the contestant!> will have one ca tch to contend w1th that vacallone rs mdy tak~:­ advantage of Each team oJ two dnvers .!> watched by a thud e nemy' o bserver, sort o t a bdck sea t d n ver who matters That per son's pu rpose lS to record 111 I" lions of the Veh1cle Code o r rules oJ the run So the c ontesta nts must per for m on theH best beb.s vto r (Contulued from ~qe 1) ;.>lt>tt!d d ou y .rh~ule l~•dmq Uf \.1 lhf' f#d<.J~dnl f vllOWIDQ th~ lu t-1 I fd111q fo r lhtc-conlest ttle •-1•rl:. W6tr~ hosted by the Nt'wp•.ut Hdrbor )dycees :~>P<'n ""'::. l>l the event vn d H.ubur rut't' Mc~v 15 Th .~ t' ./te-rti w..1~ lu~t:-IV toilow· t!d by c1 pr t.-s~ curdert>nce at P•r~ N .. wp••rt MdV 20 ctnd .s Skate a lhvn Mc~v 26 Tht' lul>l r••dqwg t-vent was •n .. lc~~hlt u ~hvw held 11 L do V.lla!J{' }1Jia4:" 5 Tht> poqt:oc~ut ttsell w II ~ r ,..,, t-dtc-d bv dO outd cx..r ctuctton ond "~· ..... rl:.'cept1or. If• the ~r',d!O ul rh., Mun re C a rl ... R rr. Pr • .... d~ !r .Jm 'he poq"'anr Ntll ~t. • H1gh Hopes f r N ... u rCJIC.Oq&Cdl Rec verv d lvca l tldrll¥ devoted to nelp&nQ •he fo.t•rt:-1\' hecld ln)lHe<f w I: 0 ~ POI¢1RIS JOfm £. ~(om. For Ha~r and Skin FEATURING • EUROPEAN SKIN CARE • MANICURING SERVICES • INDtviDUAL HAIR STYLING • TINTS. PERMANENTS • laqain Today About 0... M..a.ly Speciab 642-6212 M5-M31 ,... • •• ' lldl. """'' c c-•• ...... c.m ea21 We Are PROUD To Have Pbotopaphed • . . A SENIOR GRADUATE W ~ Would & PROUD To Photograph your ~nior lNI E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Corou *I Ma.r. CA \ Po'" W~. Ju.oe 11. 1112 The M.wp«t Eaaip The Old Boy Network Just before voters approved Propos1tion 13 a few years ago, reduc mg thea unbearable property taxes, the p ohllc aans and b ureauc rats warned that passage o f II would mean the v1rtual collapse of local government and schools There were horror stones about policemen and f1remen bemg latd off . There were warnmgs that the pubhc school system would be practically waped out. None of these th1 ngs happened. Local governments have grown b1gger s mce Prop. 13 bec ame law. Agatnst thts backgro und of decell and mismforma- hon1 voters heard a new ro und of dire warnmgs th1s year about Proposit10n 9 and the Peripheral Canal. Vo te for Prop . 91 we were told, o r your faucet will soon run dry. W e needed qte canal. But maybe voters were turned off by the way in wh1ch the hucksters tned to sell it. The Metropoh tan Water Oistnct board authorized the s pendmg of malhons of dollars to try to persuade Southern Cahforn1ans to vote yes. That porhon of the bnds whtch c ame fr o m o ur payment of water and sewer bdls to MWD's local member agencies, and then was sent o n to keep the MWD propaganda mill turnmgl was used Improperly. Po hltcans sponsoring b ills m the legislature sho uld be the ones arguing for or agamsl mass1ve c ap1tal proJects. Pubhc utilities should dehver serv1ces and stay ou t o f poltltcs. Ano ther 1mpropnety was the propaganda use by MWD o f mo ney whtch c ame from land developers and agncultural mterests needmg the c anal to advance theH own proftts Thts money should have gone to private adverhsmg aqenc 1es. not to the public MWD. Only one of the 40 dtrectors of MWD voted agamsl the c anal. 1 e . wdh the people of Califo rnia. In recent years, c1llzens ha ve had to go to court to fo rce public elec t10n of board members m water dtstn cts wh1ch are member agenc1es of MWD. Now steps are be1ng taken to make MWD 1tself more respon- Sive to the electorate The canal bill had been worked o ut pa1nstak1ngly over years of poltt1cal gtve-and -ta ke F1 nally, II seemed to sat1sfy b oth Southern Caldo rn1a water needs and the destres of envn onmentahsts m the north-at least tn the Leg1slature But the dnve faded because MWDis own ad c ampatqn showed MWD fo r what tt ts an "old boy network" o f the well placl'd 111 S<JuthE·rrJ Caldorma land development c111d agnt 11llure V0ters beqdn to see thro ugh th1s kmd of pollhcs That's a ma1 or reason why we dtdn't gel our badly- r.eeded candl and 11 1s wro ng a nd someth1ng out to be d one about 11 -FLO, TB Where To Write Your Representatives Following cUe the adJresses for government"! represen•' 11ves serv1nq Costa Mesa UNITED s· ~TES SENA H Al•n Cr•ns• '' ,q(,( N '" '" Blvd Room ~.!; L Ar J f'ltH ( A 90024 '211 ':1;'4! .... S I H•vJ~"w.; '. I W t,•r ..,, Sull• t41l L,., Ar. , .. "' C A :ltl(Jt4 (213) 688 bOB. UNITED ST ATE S CvNGRE.SS H t• r Bt I 1> ~~~ No ·'I ( ·, • ~~,~~,~ r B•' ~-1\ '• f • ST ATE AS~EMBLY M....... B••tllf ' ' 'I• h u, 'I HI 0 v••r Dr"· N •. ,.., r• H• 1 I "A 47t>f,() bll Jl/4 STAT£ SENATE John G Schmall J61h D1stuc1 4&00 C•mpus Or Newpon lk•ch CA 92660 979 9670 BOARD Of SUPERVISORS Thom a1 f Raley Da.tncl 5. Hall ol Admtna~tr•tWln 10 Cavae Cenl•r PI•:.;; S•n•a Ana CA 92701 834 JSSO CITY COUNCIL M .. v, r .. nd Caly Count a! N•wpor· s .. .,, h Ctlv Hall BOO Nf'wpurl Blvd Nl'wporl Bed< h CA ':126o0 SCHOOL DISTRICT Newport MeN Unrtaed Scho• I 0" liar! 1601 16th St Newport Be•ch C A 92663 760 3200 2121 &: Co;ut Hwv Coron• del Ner. CA 9262$-9980 Pubhahed w"k.Jv on Wedoeecl•y Edttoraa.l aod S.J .. phoae -673-0550 RICH.UD BRONNIR BOB PAYSON JONWHm LELAHD POUND BURT SllCS .BtU SlWPSON NA~CU'9 Otm, CHRISTOPHIA LYNCH BAJUrf SLOIIN' &Ad ST'IVD A CANCIAH A1.AH w. SCH()n .. Co pubh&Ur Co-pUWS...r a.o.ral ........ t lditor Coatribati.Ja9 lclttot Ad.,.rtlllao O.n~c:tcu Spo.n. J..,onen ~..-.. ProdVCUOD W...ve• n. ~ ~ CUUI+tt mt -.... ......,. "'a.._ ......... ~ Itt ,..... -... ~ IJby 14 1ts1 "...,, ...... 1a c-••..._. A a1111. • ...... C.." ... 111M O...oty _. 0.-....... C:.W...... -lilt-I~ • ~ 1e ....... all ~ •-....,.ll'Oit-., lew nw ....,_, ,_.. • ... ,..., ...._..,. .... e .. , .. ....._.......-~..,.,....._ .. ....w. .._ ... \lie"" ...................... ••• CWPA w-, ....... o-...J ........ ........ ........... ,... ... , .......... c..-.. .................. ... ...-c..u... "' 5 ,. ; ...... ...., ........... ,_ Ul .... ......., ................. a.... ................. ~ .. a-.......... ... Letters To The Editor Justification To the Ed1tor Re Btrds of Upper Newport Bay "Are n •t lwu ~parrows sold lor a larlhtnq ':> and ••ne of them shall not laiJ un the qr"und WJthout r• •lit Father" Matthew 10 29 Huly B1ble Kmo lames Vers1on AD 60-70 The JUSithc"ltun to protect bud~ such al. found tn Upper Newport Bay dates bade almost 2 000 vears ago The scnplu re~ leach us thai b~rds are tndeed of measurable value and lhat lhev are not forqollen before God H o weve. we as people gtven 111~ DIE'C:r-.-.,, '""' ~tlf"Dr•'"'• '-" telhQe.nce need •c.. be more respons1ble 10111.ard b1rds as 11 1s our actton~ thai are causmg lhP endangered -;tatus o f btrds 111 Southern Caldorn1a and the1r Ultlffidlt• PXliOC'ItUfl tf we are nut mort> 'CIIl"dderdiP The 1ea.,c•n" whv certam bud~ hc.1vt~ becomt' endangered herr> IIH lud!' lo!>s ul ne<>lmg ground hdbltdt (Bull>d Ch1ca, Upper Newport Bay. Santa A na Rtvet M o uth. Ballona W etlands, M on ... Lake). loss of food supply (Muu• Lake), and 1nseci1C1e poswn1nq (B rown Peltcans) W e can do beller on all thrf!• dC"'Cuunrs l n Southe1 n wit fo rma roughly 90 percent o f tht> u ngwal wetland hab1tat lhat coastal bards nPed lor the1r sur v1val ha-. d1c;appeared under ur ban development Have we become sc• qreedy that Ide fo rm Jther than uurselves are nol pf'r m11ted to su rv ive~ W ill we usuq. the last l11tle !!.pace that IS r rnr tdl lu •h"'"" bud s' e xlslen<.:P L•.J::.S ul wPtla nd ha b11a1 to u r b 111 dt>v .. Jupment and encroach mt•111 1s f.lll•bdbly lhe stngle pt•dlesl lhreal lo the survaval d the L1ght Footed Clapper Ratl ab1hty and accomplishments Pnvale enlerpnse ts the A mencc1n Dream The dream of progress n sm g from our own cr e41JVIty and tn1t1alle Toddy, U S IS 1mporltng 25 perc ent of all 11< automobiles Jobs are exported when pro duc ts of Amencdn bus1nesses are n ot compellllve w1th pro ducts manufaclured 10 o ther counlnes Improved producttvaty IS the only way to slrengtheu A menca's postllon 1n the world marketplace dnd to secu re our )Obs W e all prof1t from profits c1nd 11 affects all of us If ""e have no p rofits no qrowths -no w a 9q5 no future and the .. ,.d of the Amer1c an OrP.dm There are bastcally three ways to mcrease a nat10n's wealth ( l) Expand the s1ze of the work Ioree, (2) wcrease the number of hours eac h person w o r b. o r (3) m c rease the average work's productiVIty Ratsmg the na lion's standa rd of l1vmq by 1n creastng rec1l tncomes ~~ Ia ryely dependent on tnc rt>ases tn produclivlly produnnq more goods and st?tv1ces lor thP -;ame amounl of effort Th1s means work1ng "smarter" rather than "harder '' lt seems evtd enl thilt the nalton's decreasmg produc llv1ly growth IS a senous threat to the "great A mencan ba rqa1n There 1s ltttle queslton thai governmenl regulatiOns af feet product1vtly and have cost the A mencc1n economy S I OJ balhon 1n 1979 Mrs Ray N1t>ben N~wport Beach Drilling "Unacceptable" To the Ed11 "1 The f,,f/, ·vo.1n 1 I• "' , w,,, 1 1 • rt'Centl> I, • St•• r••lcu) ./lht lnlennr /umw. W11t1 Re Couslal ollshurl-' u d lt•t.l"'" Drdl111q fur ud ,,ff the coastline from Laguna &ach 10 Newport Beac h as unacceplablt> Ag reed. o tl 1s a needed resource but so 1s beauly, seremty and unspoaled natural d1qn1ly Man has gotten tnlu tht' deg rad1ng dependency on v d and ho pefully can now wo rk hts way out of 11 without puncturtnq treasured sect1ons of sea, .,kvltnP and sunsets w1th uns1ghtlv remtnders of has lechnoloqv 1ml qlullony The Department o f l utE'nul c arefully surveyed the en111e Cahfo rn1a coast lo determlnP till' effects o f o ffshore dralllng The studv recogn1zed that natural bectul v 4 1> well as oll •U.acts I ht> coa.stlme's economy The studv felt that when you destroy .,u ntt beauty you deslrov tounsm properly values even pru d ut ltVItY One of the two h1qht'"' rdllng-; un the California coast uutpotnttng Carmel. Sdnta Bar ba1a and La Jolla a 98 uut o f IOU, was q1ven 10 the "cuaslhut• bf'lween Newpo11 Bdv .111d C\•r v nd del M dr " The Oepartmenl ._,f th•• lntr•11 1 ... huuld heed theu ov.n ... tu<.h t11ad n• 1 destroy the economy olth1" <Hea The trad e·ull clearlv tl> '" 1 tht>re o1l 10 th 1s c-ase 1sn'1 wu rlh de<.troy1ng natural beauly Jame ... B W t ·d Chaar man Board I DuPr • ,., C o rona dt-1 M Jr Chdmber of C ommt>r P Lifeline Thanks Tu the Ed110r On behalf o f thye membe" ,f the Newporl Balbua Ruta1v Club I want to express my lhanb fu r ThP Em.J<Irl's coverage o f the Rotary Ltlellne prvgram and uur annual char~lle~ beneftt' Both were well done and vPry much apprec1atPd Jun dt• Bv••rn the Calafo rnta Least Tern. the Amen can PPregnne Falcon, and Beldanq's 5.tvannah Sparrow "ConsJde r the ravens lor lht> 1 ne1ther sow nor reap, wh1ch ntuther hove storehouse nt•r born, and God feedeth them how much more are ye beller than the low/3? And wh1ch ul you Wllh tokmq thu uqhl con odd to h1s stature one cub1t?" CONSUMER CORNER Lulce 12 24 25 Jan D Vandersloot MD Newport Beach Dear Consumer Lea~ue J love tea [ collect tea pols tea c ups, and all unusual teas dnnlt mostly h•rb tPas because I'm trymo to c ut down on caf fem• M y n••• door ne1qhbor. who Ll a m•mber o f your Leo9u•, wya som• herb leas are unhHithy How can an herb tea be unh•althy? PB l>ttor P 8 Th• Consumet Leoque tokes 1~1ol mlerea/ 1n herb '•~ b.cous.-so many o/11 m•mben ot• •w1tchmo /rum colle1M drinb lo h•rb leU$ Th•re or• oNr 4()() on lh• mot/eel, of wluch mo6l o,. b.mv ahiPP«Jto tiM Urut.d Sfol /rom all oy•r tlte fiiiOrJd, Some Jtetb 1 or• tilodt/rwn IIHt ..,...,..,1» rJifla.klt GN wed to ..oH diVtJ'I. .so.. ,. ,,. WMR ,., olomt. b41111 combln«< w1/h ulhet herb Ieos bt>come toxic St1ll o thers token to f"xces:. will budd up tu x1cs m the human body Some ht>rb Ieos ore mott> 1mmedJole and g1ve ollergJc reoclwns to a lew o/Jts users The Consumer Leoque would !Jke to recommend thai herb Ieos, like all other thlfl(}!l we eo/ or d11nk . bf> used m modC'ra t1on Pot Blow Consumer l..eoque e n. c •• ,..u"'~' L...oqu., •• I) Qt• Ul• I m••n u'>(/"" -n w#ro fto11• bott<h-d h•IJt.t ,., ~ 1 ltor141 ,,.., .-, •.WII'It'l •" ffiJ•Iom'.J T1t. lttoqow WJ•" tl , l'-ta plo.nt lroltdb"(( •1tlt qn wp clvut ttHttlroiWt,.#no """N'Ir f/ljfVK1f find o ,....,.,. , n.,. .. o Uf!IOJI onnWQ/If.• ~~ o lfmtill ,.-.,rtlt1p 7h '"ow OftiHY~ ,n ,..,.. .... ,., _,.,......,"" PI •• Add,.. I WMt~a~t ,,.,._ CA S/ JOORNAUSTs ll JOURNAL I by Jim Felton It's doubtful that yuu could ever llfld an~;tht>r cuuplt> wh, have done as much m '>0 mdn\o different ways fur 1he1 com mumty as Nf'd and Dord H.J, and Fr1day theu fnend~ an Orange C ounty will once aq .. w1 salute them For on that day (June 18) the children of Ned and Do r a w11l hold d recepfHIIt Ill celebrate the H tlt~· 50th wed dmg ann1versar y That e vent ts prellv remarkable 1n llsell 10 thts d.w of mulllple marr tdqes, unmdl r1ed parent:., ltve-1ns and luv~ uuts But the Hills. thruugh tha· grace of God or lhetr o wn tn dtv1dual br~ghtness have l tved happily and comfortably together while each has d on•• ~· muc h I lust look at th1s comb1ned ach1evement record three 11me, mayor of Newpo rt Beach a boa· budder twrce a pres1den1 o f rl bank a founder of St Andrew~ Presbyterian Church. fo reman o f the County Grand Jury prec,1 d ent o f lhe Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce foundt<r and frequent pres1denl of thl' Orange County c haplet uf Florence Cr1ttenton ServiCe:> • founder o f H oaq Memollul Hospttal. founder and pres1dt'1.• o f H dlco B u1ld•nq M ater tal, C and on and on and on W hat a v11al and substanll\• lifE' Pach v f the H dls has h.td Fdtv years <l·JO Ned Htll h· really Edqor R Hdl had tu~1 tell lhe NdVY dtE'r bemg an JUlstdnd1nq athlete at lhP UnlverSII~· d w.~·-onsln ill Ch1caqo he mel Dl.>rd Owens , prPtty d•mmultve prvfessor ,. Htlbdalc Cc..lleqe w ... rktng • her mas1er ., deyree A ltE'r • • • • ma rn~·d 'hf'y m llf'd lu L A n wlP'-"'here H dl fu r mea Htlll C Dunn l World W sr II . H tll tlllllf'd '' •m~> frtPnd '•• a c q •r tr• dll A zu~., bl dl buddliHJ C'vm pdrl't' • .trad ntu \PU 11 ll lhe L f P~>n,n~ul.t r l;u,IJ ub chas•·l f,,r 'h• Navv LIIPt he becdrll• pr••-.tt. •nt If 'w• dtff.,lenl bdr ~ 111 NPwp<•rt B,. '' 11 ht>lped t rt•urq.•n•l• • b<t:,:Crurt Chamh·· u l Cummt•fl t• -.n d 1;..-r .;m .... ' J'IP<,tdt•ll l Our.! n~t•o~ rn\ It ll•• L"'c "nu• •. , tn•ml'lv 11 I"' .~11h St A ndlt'\' Pr•· ... b~ !t•n.H, hur h dlld lat"l led tho clrt\" lo "'''~blt:-h H '1 Hospll.tl Th.. 11 \ r• hlu II slructurf' a! tht." • •t •• ·•·I• somPthu1g lo b.-. l•·~u .... J t .d there was mu h d.1m< 1 I.. r rPform Ult amalr-Jv 1 bvard I freeholder<; wa<, dPveloped v.1' Lee; SteflensPn a~ tis ch.Jtrmo~• to lu rm thP f "''el.t C.•v Chaf • But belort> th•• ~harler Oor, was meet1nq lt'qul11lv wtlh churc-h q ruup'> ,l hqutP •lll h •.. lu th r•JW the rM.• ,,1 ul ,f Crt\ Hall Sh•· rPI c~lb thctl thP quP!::o llun tht>y d'ol<f'd Nth "W hat 1 <tl Wl' d oriS Chrr<,laan \llt7.ens •• , help nur c.1ty · I t Wd!o d•rrur 1 une o f these mf'{'t1nqs th.lt th•• ' II Y ., pus! md~lt>r llld I hf' pdSI I uf her ,·hurch Lall.,-d dnd dSkt·d her to run for th~ c•lfy cvunc1l They alrt-ady had pelllton~> '11111 ed It was lhe last dcty lo r h l1n11 Before QIVtnq hC'r ~nswer .. h.• aloked ctn O K fro m Ned "G , "'' them honev ' ht-'a1d and -.h.• dtd ShP rP<'Pived lht-larqesl ma)ortly tn the c1tv', h1storv and the othe1 couJtc.·tl membf>r promptly elected her the c1ty'•, lu'it woman mctyor Reform follo wed 1mmed1.tll'ly It's n t>vt•r been the s.tme City ,tnc:e D.>mure and l<tdyt.ke. ~Hd c-an bE' .u rugged dlld M decas1ve as her alhlt>llc hut band No t too lo niJ oqo, I •t'lt wtth ht>r durmQ a me~hn9 at l~w C nttenton home m f'ullerlon Sh• w .. eurroun.d by q1rls wh«. for on• r•uon ur onoth•r h~d not •dJuslfld propNiy to socaety Th•y w•re Iough btll•r Smo lr · 109 h•av1ly and usm9 slron9 lhMt talk they w re • harp contrast to th• lovely lady who had ~erted th• hom• and •rved •• pr•,d nl tw.c•. Jut Dot• n "' loat commend, ai.H:t • INCCMded '" ar~ban; thetr hv• lull .. iNa. and Ned "••• eDraChH aQ W .. O know lhe•, HAppy 501 .. { 1 t'K VI( fill / .. 4 1/c I st:' lo\1 C:c (J~ tllr I' ud /.JIT m< trll. o n Sh Ch •II -- J ,. ....... 1 F ()I I \ • (Ising A Financial Planner To Solve Money PtobleDUJ lio n bv h.svtnq dt>mun~lrdlt:d competence 111 dnalyztnq vanou::. p~rson.sl dOd bus1ness ltndrt• odl SIIUcliiOro.., Frequently, the C FP L Jur dtnates h1!> c lot>ub' team Jl ~x ll>ltnq ddVIl>Uflf l>UCh d S lhf-dt lo rney dOd lht' cHCOUOtcHot lor the purpu'>t> >I y•v•nq d~reclton and momentum 111 d lony term IOCOmf' ldX dOd lnVto!.lrnf-'111 Kurl H Rc•mt-t• • ha~ 10 year's ex(c>f!'neno.·f' 111 tht.> lmanc1al ser v1ce~ busmt.>~'> H e 1s a cerld1~ Jmancwl plannt•r pres1dent and lc ·under • ,J Tu!>.flll based I n nc waf1 Vt' FmunciCJ/ P/annmq St:.'rVICt•::. u rt:'!JI!:>fered p11nC1pa/ w1fh Unlvt>r::.lfy·St!cll nflf~-'> Cc•rp und hn~ bt•t>n upp<llnled OS Oil odVN>• 1q• c'c •urdiiiOICJf under U111v.·'~''r St>cunf1es Cor p 's lt>dewl und .,/alP tnVe!>tmenf udvt::•''' f#'(/l'>frofl• '" Rc mt•r• • \ dt·t/ft'f' I'> lfl bll ..... tflt!'>!'. cJdrrun1..,fruf1un wllh u mutPr "' lu.unct> und lmanc1al munagt:>mf"'nf Ht-has appeared >n relt.·VISic n on GeCJrqe Shard!\ "£xecui1Ve Report" un Channt.>l ?2 as a VISIImq expert '" lman .. ·,a/ plonnmq In novOIIV<' Fmunc1al P/anmnq Serv1ce~ ha ... "vt-r P 500 tutal client::. wllh Rfln1t•11• hovmq dc •:::.f' '' SOO ._ lienf!> persr>nal/y by Karl H. Romero The Cerhhed ftnanctal 'Plan- ner 1s raptdly becomtng the "cornerstone" advtaor for IO· dtvtduals, fam1ltes and bustnesses The Cerhhed ftnanctal Planner 1s a profes- stonal dedtc ated to servtnq those wtlh laxahon and hnanctal pro blems Every person who IS descnbed as a ftnanctal planner 1s not a C FP Through the successful complehon o f a senes of ngorous hnanctal planmnq ex- amtnahons such as those offered by the College fo r f tnanctal Planmnq m Englewood, Co a suburb of Denver, the CFP has earned the nght to the destqna THE VISmNG EXPERT sl rdteqy ThP C FP ran be COrnj:Jd red lv c1 phyl>JCtan A phvs•c•an\ pa 11enl would normally not de mand a presc r~plton from hts phystctan Thts IS because the p.sllent utaltzes that hts physt Clan will not prescnbe a solultCin to hts tllness unttl the phys1C1c1n IS fully aware o l hts pat1ent's med1cal ht!.torv c1nd symptom:-. L1kew1se the C FP wdl nor ----ttOMOR THY ~PA-SAM. ---... WE PAY TOP FOR 6000 CLEAN USED CAMERAS Br1ng 'Your Catl'lefa oc an~ PhotographiC EQutP n to• o1 FREE ai)C)•ct•~il CAL'S CAMERAS 1170 Nt*l*' 8oultvard Costa Mt~ Cahtornltl 9262 i (714) 141-1313 Sallboardlng Is a FREEDOM SPORT • HlfLY • tAIL ICARD PORSCHE •CU!InliMAWK 1M.D AMO .. INTALS LI---'CI"n ,...~o"s. .,.,.CUll) 111·7174 ,,. .... ~ Mal •. OMit Hwy • .......... 10 .. • THIS YEAR A+AKE FATHEP:S DAY AMEVEMT TO REMEMBER. Gf'.le ()cxj a SOE'Cial rreor on Forh€'r Do, On~ ~ ro Oenthono foro bounrrful ForhN"s Dov d1 "1('11?' ) d Q greer Y"tcNv by ()()€' Of 0U' o...lt?\IE'f [)e ) hu IU Ltlt?f':, Afrer dtnner ">>ll'e II mol~ Dod on Honorary Chet Jnd toke h1s prcrure NE'Qr rng a Oenrhoo-...,i he1 ') 'Ia• Irs a greor Forherc:. Do,· Dtnner and 1 "' "'"'' J 1 Jnd me whole furrul-y ...vrll realty €'1lj(l.,. CC ~E FOR DINNER ON FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 20, AND GET i SPECIAL PHOTO OF DAD, FREE. ~ aiiiiiYO (t) .....c:: .. ~T(M IOn( 1: .lao: IHM 7111 • llarl.lut del Rcy: 1-121 OH~:oi Newport Beacb: '1')5 0822 • AAabelm: 771 -t'l41l To.rraDCe: .il6 7777 • &eftrty HW.: n'l'1 -;-111 Cool down in .n open, airy INn SPOilT SHII1 from Arrow SIIMMIILieMY-·· ..... ·· _Jt ·~ t ~t , tf l! t 0 , • l -. ft, , I,, 1 I I • "' • ... • Shott .... ,e. $11.00 .... Worn by half the men in America and reac hing for the rest ' DAllY ••a a.olla ... ., 't IJrescrtbt d • !>ulullull" unh•'>!> Ius r l1t>nt\ hnanctal 'h•slrn•/' hct!> Dt!tO ft'Vf'diPd thrulltJh •tu J .. The Ne w port Enstgn Wednesday June I i . 1982 Page S I balcHit to '>ht:et. ~rvl11 cHIU lv!>t. '>ldlemenl dod p11or Vt'dr•' on c vme tax return!> 'Tht-'.,yrnp toms" ol tht' CFP'!> <.lwnt dr<-' rev ... cilf'd thruuqh lt:uyrhv do'>( USl>IUrt With tht-I ftt•OI lc Jerermwe lot-dr IPrm ulld lc '''I f'rm qudb dfiU •Jbw• IIVt'~ Lucat1ng d q lovc.l C.-rtdu·d f'111un ctdl Pldrtnf'r I'> nut dd hrult Stcirl rlo!>t•'>l to hcJmf-ol '>~ 1110 fr tPnd~. rulledqu~::. dfld ~~Jur .Jr c..oun ldnl le~wver u r othE-"r J·i ';I'•UCS lor IE'C~•m mendciiH.JII ' Tf11 lnstllute u f Ct>rtd1ed Fondue t·JI Pldnner' (9725 E HdmpdPr A ve DenvPr Cu ~OL31) .,..,11 .-nd vou the lldme::. d c ... rtdo .. d bndnCtol pldnners tn y<Jur ott--d Also your local c hapter of I he lnternahonal A l>soclalton fCir FrnclOClal Plclnntnq would oh'>l::.l vou 10 locat1nq cert1hed !.nan ldl planner!> In o,elect111q d P·rtdlt-J laradt. Ctdl pldnner then· He c•t•rldcn (I I • 1 .. ·],. . lJ,I\ lilt \o /\c" :.•( '/'ld.z· Il l J/l th. •I I ' ff , I I• f /•!111~1 '1, /I , , ! , • I I IIIII I I I ' Ill 'I • " • ~ ••• \ \\ • ,J rt I' ' L H~:t r! l' r, " \ c rPdt-nlodb IICt.-rost> ctnd ldlo dard:. whrch a CFP '>h v c.lc..l hdv• II thP CFP I ltdt It' ft'fh I I ,, v .. stmt-11 ~dvo .. •hP C fP I ,o.td bP ft'QI:.Io•rt:d u-. .111 IIIVt':.l rT ••Ill ctdVI!>vf Wllh oj,.. S ... , ur ol •. ., orod Exchunc.w C ~mml!-.!>oU II She dd •hto C FP ""a''' ~ ... mm•'>!'oi'.J" lhr uqh rt-dl .. .,tdlt--r di•V tlt••r •vr->... I :.1-'c ur of 1 rl1to C FP h• told hdv" d qenerdl .. ecurtro.-.., J,, ,.,.,,. lhrc. uqh 1h .. Ndtoc neil A.,..,. • o.ol o• 1 A SE-r Ullllf:"'> Dt>diPr~ Thf> crp·., dllllllif:' lt.J Ward Ill lf>'>tmenr!> ,h, uld cibu bt> a'>r .. , '••H•~·d Pr<.•prleldrV prvdur r 'ihvuld not be QIV"'ll iJrlt.rtt / V>'f t:qUIVdlt:lll lfiVI:!!>IIOt'll' porrurutll:''i Th.-C FP'!> 11?1 rn 1 mPnddiiUnS ">h uuld be untJccc ,. l dlld lcill wf>ll .Nolhw the r->arameters of hoi> cl1enr '> l vdls c1nd ob,ecltve!> References !rum other cltents are e!.Senltal •o vertfy the C FP's v bleCIIVItv I! the CFP mstst~ that h1~ cb .. u•.., demand conftden11altiY. a '>ee c1 spectmen hnc1nc•dl 1 111 whtch revtew'i problems !>lrTu l •: to vuur ext::.l1nq ::.1tua110n Maniott Gete . Four-Star Award The M u bd Trdv..,J GuuJt-hd!io JtV~n of'> Four Stdr Aw .. rd ru lhf- Newpur l &cirh Mdrr1ull dnd Tt-nrus Club f<,r tht' ::.ecurtd A • '>e<: utrv~> Yf'or Tht-M dr n ull 1!> rh ... v t I, h .. r••l Ill th.-UIJIIIIV I ( .. ' • I·' ''' ~ l11qhlv r u v.-tt•d r •' • 1 '"' W"' ht'rt.o ctl •h• N· w~·· rt BE!a<"h MarTI< II ,,:~ ··xtr .. mt-lv ~·1-'ld'>t'd dlld h• 11• r•·d lu r.-r.:E:-tv .. 1 tht::. v• rv "l't·• .. tl uvHd 1 •·::.pt'r lt.dlv ,,,,, • .,., ... ,,.. • ~'>l~?br 1111 1 'J Jl ~t-V~'11 1 h 'illf.a• .. , ~drY •h1 ::. '/h:ll mrn .. rctt;,d lc...r1 l t-tJ lf'lct•r al nt.trou·~· r ··I lh• h lt:l 01 ttw m rt-thon L. UOO JJr raq and lodgwg establ1shmer.•., 1nspected and rated •hroughour •he Un1ted States on v 46 1 hc1v ... r ... • t-vf'd •hE> Four Star Awd rd un 1df'rf-d r.to I the most r~sp"' tt-d n thf' I dqtrq dnd l 1nlr• ~ 111du.,1 rv Mubal publ1.,h.-d ••~ l1tsl qutdt' I ll 1958 .. WE'RE GE1TING TIPSY T••o·-., ,, •. " "' ., ,..,, 'lt.' t •. ._ •• ·\i'''•' ,, ,t l ,.,," I' It ,j I \ \ ,_,, Hl ..., ~ lt ' . ,. , 1 • I' -.r t d.trd ,,f '' tl)l r-., .\• I •• ..., "'\' "H1t ft, fliP\ t. ~f I' \ t l t ' \\•• I , ••• 1· 11\,,IV t l\ I·"''" T•··· ,, . ., I ""', ... lr,l\'1. I ' \;. \'\~h ··· T '" '''! \;'\, ""''"' ,, I '1'\1'\ Vt'.H ... Ill t ,l(j !It\' . , .... tt ' . 1 o I I '\, • ._.,,, ..., •u ·u·•· Tt ,-.,t• uh•.t'' t•l·t• ~, t1 1' • fr ,, '' • ,l• T' • ' "• ,,1, ,,.,, ,,, • Pl.•r \\•• \:•••• •t'••1 • •, ~, 1t, "'• .. \ "'·"~I J•H" 1 dt-'\.t"'fnpt"'tC..: .tr lt bt•q,u ''''PP '' '' ,._.,,t, t "'' ch '' ,,• •,11 t1es1qr Bt~tlcltt l '' ''•I' •t-.1 r • 1 •"·'" ' p -\ I ''' " C<'""'"" '•11•1 lltlllll\1\,t' 1 d llw• ,., )lllplt•l ~ 1 wh,ll' ft,,, ll'cl\1\lloq-. '" ~ ll <"'\ I P•'"l' •• I .... , , ,., ' I '' 1' t ' •" I p ,I ,. tt If t '' ,,, I ·•' " ,,, ''"'• 1 r ,, I I ... • t ....• t'tl II .. I ' I I • "'' •• 'I !lo 11 I •ht•\r' Htr w,to• t 11llll tclo• \.'\;tl,tl 1 ,IJ>P+' '> '•' ,11 I ' l ,,-., tl )it • I 1C 1 II f I "''' l .It' •'lot ht>ll lht>y .Itt' 11\1 h 1ql1 Il l lilt ">0.\ 111\ I "'f' ll' lll"cl '\' 1 1.," 1111. \\1 I' I .Oilflt't" •ht"y dot.~ nur '>llt't''' .uul.ttl 1f "' 1'''''' ttl "'"'" Developer'> •t•ll "" \t''\o """1""'"'" '' .r '' , • .,. '''' • •• tl '"'' • " • \i I .11.• <•lliSed T ' • ·11, ,.,,.,qc, That 1f we wtll let the•n CdliSt' "'<HP 11t>Y 1J1,1tf ""'' ''' "'""'' ''"'" '> ' P' '\• w.ty they can do theu verttcat th tnq "'""'' .,, ''~' dr1c1 1 """' ' ''"' "" "• "lvt '< wtlh n ur lives tr's a lltCIOI.IS carcle that qCleS ro,,nd .ll•ll rpw•d wt 1lt• ''"' hwhltnq qc*~s up cll\d dowr tnd rhc l .trs. and peopll' L""''' 1 •lr' ''" ( ...,_I Weictau4cly. June 11. 1112 Th• Newport Ensign LUsldnTo Th.e Cout Community Colleqe Dlstrict Board oJ Tru.t ... bu appointed Dr. Ben:aard J. Luskul to become pr .. ident of Oruoe Cout College, succeedlno Dr. Robert Moore, who rehres at the end of th1.1 month after after 18 yean as OCC presadent. 0r. t..ashn bu been MIVlOg as pres1dent oJ Coaailine Com· munaty Colleoe. the unaque "colleqe without a campus" operated by the local college cLstnct. Lu.lun's appo1ntment came after a comDUttee, set up by the boaJd of trustees, antervaewed apphcants over many months. After narrowmo the field of 100 apphcants down to three, the committee faaled to come up wtth a new president, and turned to Luskan for the post In a bnef queshon-and-answer 1 antervaew wath thas newspaper, Dr. Luskan talked about the ap· poaotment and what he sees tn the future of Orange Coast Col· lege. Q.: Dr. Luskan, recently some OCC teachers have queshoned the wo rth of televasaon courses offered by Coasthne College. A.: I don't want to overreact to thas [ feel that all forms of education should be revaewed at FIFTY OR 110M NOPl.l TO JOIN ORAND NID CAMPAIGN CMATID aY OUR AOVIJmiiHG AGeNCY- JUaT TO.-., ADVDTIII TMIIALI one tame or another. Q. · A. 11 loob today. the col- htqe may only oet • 2 percent mcrease from the State Board of Education over last year's budget What hnd of program cuts are we looluno at fo r the upcomano year? A.: The lut thang touc hed are the courses. I wall try and make up tor the lost money by app}y. ang to federal agencies eo that there won't be any cuts. Q .: What does the future of the college look hke? A.: Because of the qrowth of demand we wall be unable to phys1cally satls.fy all the \ atudeDtl. But I will nol let any atudeDt auJfer because of ttua. Q.: What hnd of student wall be attendino OCC in the future? A.: There wall be no unaversal student. The hJelono student wul be more apparent and, anatead of a two-year student, OCC wall see more 50-yeaJ' •tudent•- more and more repeat students. Q .: What are your ooala as the new pre11dent? A.: I hope to have every local hagh school graduate come lo OCC and I plan to buhd strong bndqee wath the loc~ haoh school•. ·Posbnen·Fight Dog Bites Dog bate inJunea are becom· ing a Mrious problem wath the Postal S.rvace, so local post· masters nahonwade are talung several meuure to fight back Newport Beach Postmaster Robert HouM has anstructed has letter carriers that af an unr .. trained antmalthreatens their aalety at a parhcular reaidence, they should not n sk iniury by attempting to make a delivery. Letters have also gone out warning customeu of dog problems. IJ the situation persists, the postmaster can requue the resa· dent to move hlS matlbox to the curb, or c ut off home maal dehvery. In addahon, under a new pro· gram started an January, 1981. the Postal Servace, or ats employees, as filang suat to recover medacal costs, salanes and dam~gea fo r an)uraes caused by a thard party. In the ma)o nty of cases hied. the an)ury 11 usually a dog bate Wath the summer months ap· proa chmg, the postmaster as concerned that the problem can wo rsen. Postal officaals note that dog attacks usually anc rease tn the warmer months as a result of more doors beang open - The Ne wport En~oagn Wednesday. June 16. 1!8'2 Page 1 IDES AND GROOMS Donna Eady ol Laguna Beach and Stephen Tyler ol Pacilic Palisades Th~ cer~mony was performed at the Mormon Temple m L•)!> Angeles. An outdoor garden receptiOn of Swanson Pork '" Emerald Boy follo wed. The couple now restdes 111 Provo Utah Renee Suzette Amen ol Corona del Mar and Thomas Frattali Angelina Mosco and Michael Higginbotham The couple ce lebrated •heu .,.,..ddmq rect>pfw n or /he Inn a' •he Park H lt>ltr A nahf'.m J!•,•t PX honqmq vows at C mmuntf\ C n Jr .. 1u'' · '' Cn .:1 h · C • •;a del Mar Th~ couple exchanged nupt1ol vows ol St J 1hn Vwr · '') Church un Balbo a Island The F1ve Cro wns Restaurant '" C r • u dt I Mur was the sellmg lor theJT reception The C< 11pl,.. n·~tdo " 5,,. ''' Ana Ph,,uqraph' by John L Blom Phoooqraphy ........................... ~~~~c.r~~~~~~....r~~c..('"~..W"" ... ~~c.r~...r~..c~~~..C~'"),.t ~~~~¥!111f WEDDING SERVICES DIRECTORY A LOVELY SELECTION OF FINE GIFTS .. .- ~·. •.' l ' ~ ... Cry stol Porcek.lln F l_lur ne ~r : • lt,Jr tvrnetole SeN1nQ A'-t-' , r t • Pr t r r'lme F1ne WOOd;:.--, )l. t , ' : • 't ',. t • t'-., _' .. t_~ 1 ) • , . ... . • ,. , • :)f ,, , .. .,, . . ' ' . ' ~ .. .. . •• K.C:/ ~ll~~ /HOP r " 2300 HAReOR BlVD • HAReOR CENTER • COST A MESA • QlQ-'1882 Mon Fro \Oom Qpm Sot \Oom-¢pm Sun 12pm-5prr Satllil ond ~ d Min. Formal WIGr • Oecttdts 1~ Sh)O d Scno Na. 11'.: W.1p0rt ~· • 360kat .._. No.I • O:iltoMIIo.~W627 • ~~~ Colour Wedding P ortraits and Candids to Rem~m~r F or~ver ..e Eut Pacif~c: c .. t lfia\way 760_6767 c .... 4111-.,, CA 9ZUS B, IUI•I dh ''1~! ' I •\'\i'\il\l f<,\1(, •1:1 11(111\\' •lolt.\lll\1111, H \tl' Ttll'lil.-. I \I I I I 1\ I~ \\llllll'l·' Olllt lOTH ANNIVt.ltSARl 'tlt\ll>oC THt lO(Al ARlA NOACK TROPHY 170 t 17th ~trE'et. No 11 ~ ( o' ld \\e'id ~ \til ro'i\ tram\ on s ho~P'"'' ·E>nlt>r) 64o -~141 1 OOL OFF WHEN YOU -:--IU MENTlON THIS AD aUICK aUICK CO~.fllt-INT, INC. ........ kA ~1 loc.-d tn ,., of Mon Fn 130 5.30 htol TOWY1 & Countrv 9-1 Sat ~-~ ...;'\~njJO'tl !L~u~JJ FLOWERS FINE GIFTS CRYSTAL .. FORTHELOOKOF DISTINCTION .. Jf•tdiff Ptazo 1100/rvitwJ\w., 'Newport BNCA ~1845 STOll HOURS: BRIDAL FABRICS ''E verythiq but t.he Croom!" If you ve de<tded to-yo.Jr wedding gowr~ and b11dol party (Or even hcr.o. rt cvs1om wwn~ we ott. o compi•N brodol depor11nent, f.cm,nng Frwdl and ,.. ~broodered locH satins choffons, hotos, flowen, br•desmotd fobno ~'"'· books full of •deos. and o br•dol consultant ~r to help you put~ fttd oil omportont occoSton '" o profeu.onal fCHhtOn. ::>on t let ftooe nome. fobnc WorehouJoe · fool you; we con make your most happy day o most e~t one Call for an oppoontment or stop by onyt~me--·re open 7 Joys o wHit. every weetntN until 9, and ~t Wishft h·om FAUIC WAREHOUSE COSTA MESA 18th and Placentia 646-4040 MON. ·Fit. 10 AM·9 PM SATUIDA Y 10 AM~6 PM SUNDAY 11 AM·S , .. OTHII STOitiS IN DOWNTOWN LA, WIST LA. NOITHIIDG~ LA PUINn, ANAHIIM ''L ike no other ,, bridal store in America. ~ ~/lr~h Cd torn• s L ,.,qe$1 '>•ter t•Clrr o t At t1.t l f •)'""O"J also tu• dos. dtamonds. ltne chm•. Stiver . mvtt•ttons. flower and c•t•rrng 1404 W WeSimtnster Ave • Santa Ana •17 14) ~1 -1171 M mber Nateonal Brad I Senttce • • I 1401 Eaat 1at SamaAM 558-9567 AilE RICAN ANOQitEEI< CUISINE Albino's 11tuo ".38 w 8olbco !!Iva 'VIotoe• Bc»ket ente- ~>NCIO' I 6eoc h ' '~ ~· E J' r 'o~<e JUI •efv "'"' J'X:' •r.e trt>1t~E>st V .. WI"'\ by Pegsw CottoD We went to Mr. Stox recently to watch Byron Gemmel cook, and to lea.rn as many of hia secreta u possible in • two-hour demonstration_ Gem- mel 11 cbel at La Cwsine of Newport Beach, and we con· sider him a world-class master of the culinary arta. The class was uaembled by Phyllis Ann Marshall ol M.r . Sto·, who invites renowned chefs from &roWld the world to mMt with her classes, and to demonstrate theu own recipes. We learned to malte an exciting summer lWlcheon menu, and then were invited to enjoy the same repast of Terrine de Coqwlles St. Jacq\les, Pear and Goat Cheeae Salad, Poukfs 281J Vrllo Wav C"o~v IIIIOQe l\leW[)OI't 8eoch 015-4'70 Specl()llr>ng '"Sou them f t81'1Ch CUISII"Ie fresh ttsn hom Mofseolle WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT 7Tv O#lly aM ,,..,.nc G'"lt /Lut. .. IOIIt 111 0..,... Coeo"ty GREEK FOLK DANCERS ~E • T TO OM~ Friday and Saturday nlgltta B p.m. to 12 p.m. Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Salmon m Bewre Rouoe (red wine aauce), and Raspber· raea m Creme Anolcuse. The lun· c heon was Nnsahonal, and we have perml•· lion to oive you not on· ly Gemmel'a recipes, but some valuable hmts Temne De C oqutllea Se lac quu (6·8 alaces) 2 ql ter11ne mold May be ceram1c , porcet.1n or Pyrea but not met•l But ter qeperously wath uowlted buller 2 lba aea scallops May be frozen, but muat be Gives~ A Chance To Win One Of-Fabulous • 7 dlryl/1 nighb tar .. penal. (2 I'OOml) •• the IC)ed.c..._ lin Ill-. "-oonl on WlifliiU'IICenic ..... ,_ DiMatd Heed. . Round-........ ...00• Wbrtd Mweya Wkie ..., .... from Loa Angeles ao Honolulu! • Greet ........ Jotty Roger/ .... ~ 1 la.tes watu•••' •no Q'f'Nf\d tt•nWJOftAt.on nor ~nc•udirl'd Enrry ~ms ano comPlete rules are at your parttc•P>el· •ng Jolly ROQer You must be 18 or oiOer 10 enter no purchue nec:esNrv Oods of w•nnono are ctetefmlned by eecll ..,..., t entrtes N-entry forms uMd for eacll drew•no so reqtsler often· Sweeost»es end$ Auguat 3 tM2 It's All To Introduce Our Grut New BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER· COCKTAILS 8eltloe ...,.. • 203 Martne Avenue (Beer & Wrne Setvtee Only! CoiU ,.._ • H..wr S~ng Cen* 2300 Hwtlor Blvd ...,._ • Newpon Fwy at East Oyer Aoed 1121 e.-DY8f ROIId &Allie~ • J'* of11·5 at l-IM Forest OrNe 22873 l-IM~ Dr.ve lruaen tlldtvtdu•lly Yuu m•y avb.hlule tndtvtduellv luraen ahump (m ahell) or lro•en lob.ler u 1h-ah•lll.ah pro duce thelf own ~··'"' 1n sui ltetenl amounla fu r muldtnq I ql h"vy c'""' lt ... poon wit 112 14Nl&J)UOn ~P*' Ploch of nuemeq Thmly altced ltllel vi tr ... h wJmun (•buul J uz ) I bunch lreah •p•n•ch bl•nced •nd ltnely c hopped dued I 14bl .. poon sweet buller (lor bullennq muld) Melhod PurH te4tlup• (lruaen) •n food pruceuut •ddtnQ wit, pepper •nd nulmeq Add c re•m •nd pru cMI • lew seconda l<moer no more Pl•c • l/2 of the pur-tnlo 1he muld f t.tten the wlmon ltlet oentlv wtlh kn&Jtt-b.clr or ct .. ver •nd .Jw4yl betw"n she .. of peper Pt.ce 10me of the aptiUICh tn center of wltnon •nd roll to m•k• • lube and pi4Ce tn center of pur" tn mold FtU mold wtth re~tntnq pur" •nd cover wtlh waaed p•per ur p•rc h menl cut •••clly to cover pur" L.ke 1n b4m m•n• (w•ter b4th) ltlled 2/J wllh hot w•ter 41 JOO<'f lor 1 hour Cover •II pens wtlh loti wh1le b4lrtoq to prevent scorc htnq corners Aller b4lrtno. lei cool, then relru~er•t• over ntoht Shce whtle sttll 1n mold. or 11 wtll brNlr 4P4rl Serve wtth Otll S.uce on lei tuce le•vn •nd Q4rnllh wtlh cornt<:hons ltnely shced p4rl w•y lo m•k• little l•n• D1ll S.uce 2 c ups m4yonn.s1 .. 2 e.hlnpoona suq•• 112 l.hlupoon c uuy powder (be sure 11 11 tr .. h1) l/4 cup heevv whtpptnQ cre•m 2 oz fresh dtll choped ltn~ wJI •nd pepper to 14-Sie I .ale Ne4hud Pl.ce m.yottr•••,. '" l•rflf' bowl .dd •II _.It••• tn~red .. r.la ••od m•• .. u Pe•r .tnd G....t Ct • ...._ S.ldd (lut two) I upe P"•• uu~led cored 4nd CUI Ill 8 eYotll ,JtCf'i 2 h..da b1hb lettuce 4 ua w•lnuts, c u.orwly c hup p.d 2 al.cn Chevrtt (ou•• ~.h-1 c ut rn ruunds Method Te•r uuler l .. ve' fr om lettuce. remuve core ul lelluce hlil4d , And c•relully Hp•r••• le•vn Usmo lhrH or lour t.roer INvea. form them tnlo • cucle •nd pres. lhem anto lhe pl•t• lo hold Usmq am.Jler Le.v• lurm • smaJJ hedd . .nd pt.ce tnlo the cucle Tup With • sltee ul Chevre or you m•y place Chevre on a 104JII round •nd tusl melt 11 under the broaler C',.,nah wtth pe•r aJ•c• .nd h•lved sh•wbeut" plus w•lnuta And dr ... w1th W•lnut OtJ Dles'lJOQ W •I nul Otl Dresa109 2 oz wh1te nee vaneq•r 8 0& W41nyt Oil (CAn be found •• food apect41ty ahopa) I IMipoon s.Jt l/2 IN-Spoon pepper (Hant from Gemme! always uM I to 4 proportion. vtneqar to ou, when mumo an otl a.nd vUleq.u dr-lnQ) Method-PI4Ce vmeq•r .nd INSOntnQI tn bowl And beat to mill lor a lew m1nut• Add ou very aJowly. beahoo (by hAnd o r m11er) uoh.l thorouqly tncorpor•ted Clap and save these rec1pes, and m a future column we will qive you the entree and dessert methods- EARlY 1110 SPRW CAISAJrS SAlAD 011 CHOWDER CHOICE OF fiUlD SNAIFIF • IALMOI • SOU e CIICIII a ..S 01 SUO DAIS • 2 VflfTUUS.Ia FUf AIID tOffU • 415 Chela ol Soup or SliM 9 frtlftVegetllf*s .. l .. UU 1Al .. kll .. lffU ... ._ .. 12-12 CIWII_.. •.....,.. .. 1111 IIAIIE LOBSTER ••a IOOil. IIV11C a L TIICia~ .............. PI fru re~ rooJ Pro1 Ne-. lAw and wer• Roa burt A t• ID&Il rep4 lalal Jc ua IUSI Lori wu J>C* Bra• Rlvf ClOf MlC Ne~ SUSJ forn Twc ClOt fron A vah. stol• a b1 coar val~ stol• ID tl was Mo a Wln' vah stolt 46() Jew• rept Lou off val~ stol• Mel Por• c An• CIOI q ue Ste, Be a CIOl ple of d Ne• But I Am f en Tue A swe an • ltqr of C anfe lloockry. Ja.me 7 CRIMES Photo .tbuma and paclurtt I ram• vAlued •l S 1,115 were repo.rled stolen from a alora9e room belOll9lllQ lo I. C . Meyers Properti .. Inc . lD Upper Newport Plaza . . . A Km9 0' lAwn •U-propeUed lawnmower and a lawn edQer valued at S<t90 wer• r•ported stolttn from Ronald Joeepb Ferraro lD a burQJary on JumlDtt Creek A taupe-colored GeorQtO Ar · m.andl b1oUM vAlued at $325 waa repor1ed stolen from tbtt F utuon Wand Robauo11's. A.RRIS1'S Job!l Rodlltty Pnvell, 33, hsted a.s a tranatent, wu arr .. ted on suspacaon oJ burqlary Janet Loria Doty . •5. of Costa Mttsa, was arrested on suspiCIOn of pou-•mq ampbetamlDes Bradley Scott Allttn, 21", of Rtvers1de, was arrested on suspt· eton of poaeaalD<J hashish Michael Carl Robb, 27. of Newport Bttacb. wa.s arrested on suspacaon of qavinq falstt an · formahon to a pohc e olhcer Two m•n wertt arrested on suspt· cton of drunken dnvmq, ne11her from Newport Beac h Wednesday. June 9 C RJME.S A mmk coat and jewelry valued at $5,745 were reported stolen h om Allna M Lande rs m a burqlary on Surlsade Rare coms and loose diamonds valued at $2,755 were reported stolen from f red R Stevensens 1n the 2200 block of Channel Jewelry valued at $2,300 was reported stole n from Jean Mo rns 10 a burqlary on No rth wmd . . Two seed palms valued at $1 ,000 were reported stolen from Zelia Baker m the 4600 block of Ornnqton Jewelry valued a t $940 was reported stolen from She ryl LouLSe Brewer m the 1900 block of Port Locksletgh Jewelry valued at $800 was reported stolen fr om Joseph Albert McDonald m the 1900 block o l Port Edward ARRESTS Charles Andre Elder. 25 of Allahetm, was arrested on susp1 c1on of contnbuhng to the delm quency oJ a aunor Cort Steven Wnqht 20, of Newport Beac h. was arrested on suspi- CIOn of petty theft f our peo ple were arrested on susptcton of drunJten dnvmQ. all fr om Newport Beach Kevm Douglas Butler; Norma Jean Parra, Helen Ann Moore, and Chnshna Mar1e Fernandez Tuesday. June 8 C RJMES A man armed wtlh a blue swMier escaped wtlh S262 alter an a rd uous robbery at Arc hes wquor Store m the 3400 block of Coast H1gbwav The suspect 1nferred thai a weapon was con ceal.d Within the aweater, whach wu WTapped uouod ha nqht band, tbtt vactim reported. Ap- ~rently, the awMter unravelled and fell to the Uoor. The astonaahed employee ah outed, "You don't have a !•?&" qunl" and rM c hed under the counter for a baseball bat. The au•pect Jumped over the counter and a sc uJfled ttnaued, pollee reported. But the thaeJ mana9ed to qrab the cash and flee The aweater waa booked mto ev1dence ... IBM typewnters valued at S4,600 were reported stolen trom Glona Zlqner a11d Associates 10 the 300 block of Newport . Jewelry valued at $3 ,390 w.u reported stolen fr om Dr Dav1d Bear 1n the 200 block of Vta Ithaca ... A car top and lug nuts valued a t $1,670 were reported stolen from R.D. Borders m the 4200 block of Oolph1n Stnker. ARRESTS Patnck Chari .. Furry, 35, of I,.o. Gatos and Steve Robertson, 26, of Tuahn, were arreated on auapac 1on of c hallenQIDQ and hQhhnQ 10 a pubhc place Chari" Mark Dav11 , 33, of t.Quna Beach . w.u arRated on au•pacioo of poaemelha· quaalontt 1c1lta . Melante Buc kley, 23, of San S.roardmo, waa arreated on suspac1on of poa ... amq ampbetammes ThuradGy . June 10 C RIMES One dtamond earnnQ valued at S 1, 500 waa reported stolen from Lynne C arol Prulltps 10 the •aoo block of Rtver . Proper· ty valued at Sl ,l23 was reported stolen from Laura S Vand1vort m a resadenhal burqlal'y on Kialoa Property valued at $1,000 was reported stolen fro m Stephen Amos Smti h m a burqlary on Bay !~land A sewmq machme and a watch valued at $880 95 were reported stolen from Teresa A. Beaty m the 300 block of Coast Highway Properly valued at $880 was rep orted stolen from an auto belonqmg to Lloyd S. Anderson 1n the 100 block of East Coast j THE TELEPHONE POLL Th1a week'• cru-Uon : Do you support the ls raeh muttary ac hoo 1D Lebanon? There will be DO rinq . There is no need to talk. The "hang up" aouod you bear u your vote beino recorded. To •ote YES . call 875 tMO. Last week'• queetlon : To YOte NO. call 675-7020. Do you a pprove ol the supenor court dec1s1on over turmng the county'.> plans lor the e xpans1on of John Wayne Aarport? C.U anytime betwettn DOW and 8 a .m . Monday to cut your vote. YES 84 % NO 16 % TEO WINSTON • SCOTT PENNER SUMMER JUNIOR TENNIS CLINICS For the slxth consecutiVe year the Newport Beach Terns club ts offenng the Ted Wln- ston-Scot1 Penner summer JUnior terns clinics Open to the publiC. the PfOQrCYn ts de59'8d to tmPfove the tenniS game of juniors from ages 7 17 Cltn.c lessons ore offered at the beginners tntermedote and advanced le-vel Courses wah be hmted to 8 students and Wlh be grouped by age and ability SESSION DATES Sesston 1 June 21-July 9 Sesston 2 July 12-July 30 Sess1on 3 Aug 2-Aug 30 CLAII TIMII Mon-Wed 8 am-10 am 10 am-12 lues-Thurs 8 am-10 am 10 am-12 12HOUII$70 TOUINAMINT PLA Yll IIIIIONDATII We corclaiiV N"Mfe vou to fOin us for o un.que c:1nng expenence Our fish*' nown ~n ddkv trorn Marsala oo the Rlvao fresh trom the Medttw· roneon Come and sroe our exCiting c.lr'lnef Session 1 Sessk>r\2 June 21-July 8 July 12-July 29 wtttlus The Newport Ensign Wednudoy. June 16. 1982 PGqe 9 Htqhway Sundoy. June 13 ARRESTS ARRESTS 1 4 1o1dewalk al 20th and W Ocean frc..nt at approximately 11 I') p m S.ul wu set al S20 All Moha mmad 8eHI U. ul Mark Shawn Scc1Ue rly LO ul Newport Beac h, was arre~lad on Costa Mesa, was arrested t n Sue m~u were arreated on I usp.ctun vi drunken d11v1nQ suaptcton of possesamg kn own su~optc1oo of udmg a b1cvc:le u11 ~o~n properly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steven Robert Hunter. 21 , of Costa Mesa. was arrested on susp1c1on o f posses!.mq ps1Jocybm Three men were arrelited on susptcton of drunken duvmq. mcludtng Warren Hard1ng Miller, of Newport Beach Frid<Jy. June 11 C RIMES Monday A Dal1 pamhng, an onq10al edshon of "He1d1," an anhque L10nel tra1n set and jewelry valued at $6,344 were reported stolen from Karen Margret Myer& sn the 1700 block ol Port Our Sl. 95 Ste•k •nd King Cr•b Dinner. Charles A 9mm sem1· automatic Ingrc1m p1stol valued at $395 was reported stolen from Ronald Douglas Tang sn the 200 block of Prospect. ARRESTS Harvey Caldwell B1gham III, 22, o l Newport Beach Wch arrested on suspiCIOil of rape Joseph Tuesday Our Sl. tl Whole 1·Pound Milne Lobster Dinner. Wednesday Our Sl. 95 King Crab Dinner. Thursday Our S8.95 hUed Swordfish Dinner. Friday • Wtlltam Mc1loney 31 of Long Beach was ar rested on suspscton ul Our S8.95 Fisherman's Pl•tter Dinner. burglary loc k Walter L1ght 19 of Sunnyvale and Mark Saxe Sheldo ne L9 of Agorua were ar res lt-d on suspsc1on ol petty thelt Four men were arrested on suspt cton ol drunken drtv ang, none from Ne wport Beach Saturday Our Sl. 95 Prime Rib Dinner. IMry d inner com.s with ca.m chowder Of trc• ... a.ct, fresh MfCUbJc •net hot brcM. . TJ<rer RfSTAURANT&.SEAFOOD ~ ~R 32 -1 E C._ t .~ H ~· ••• h ( r ' 1 Je M. 1, ( .~ • 0-S ... S ~ 5 Presenting Cinelllax; . tb Th 24 hour movie servtce ~ a e ditierent choice of movtes. (Mf' 50 meMes t'a<"h month. I lOt" max l' lhf t .tblt I\ -.f'f\14 , ""h oM•r 141 ch,..n-nl """"'' • <U It rr11~1th ht•Mhllll( lmm I"''"' tu oolfllt'CHJH• r.\nc'' .VI llllllll..lllll untntt·rmph•,l F .uni~ S("hfoduling. .... lll~lllk ol "'1111 lht• "hl'olt• Ltmrl\ ~ 111111! l tuldro·11' ''""' ' .11 • lnklr•·u' '"'lir' I 1mi\ """"'' .1t &..mil' h<lllr' \lun ulull ''" 1111~1 """", il nwrr .ttlult h"t'" \t(n w <'hok t'. not duplifat6on. ""'", ""'' •r• • lr<•vn br1au...-ttw,t"' tlu \u,,l •lllt.•\1•, olh••r N\nnrl• usually lu1 I '""'' '· \1111 ,~·1 mnn• llltl\'111' 11 h • 1 111 lo" IIIII\ It o1upl~ oil~ Ill Our difference is our movies. CALL TODAY ! CINEMAX IS AVA ILABLE IN: BRE.A LA HABRA 1..4 Ct!ntur, Cablf nt Sout"'tJ'" "-1 17141 n.-491& 71 II f ~· t ·~~ FUllERTON CA G'O\IO W C;ab• I "'ll ~2S 2313 IRVIN[ NEWPORT BEACH TUSTIN CA Commun•ty C..lbl...,, o(ln Ce>mo; nv I 71 .. 1 720•2020 lA MIRA~ CA C.t.lom .. cai)14JS'~· t71•1 ~ll-3103 ROS~MOOR CA C.t·totn1a C.b sv-Jenu ,,, .. , ~23-3103 WH ITT! A CA 5amf'nont Comtnuna110na t213) ;Jl'72 • • ... Sp clal forD GBL PUGBT SLACICS LeVIS ACnOB SLACK!IWJ!i...,.. 1688 JOVALL JBABS 1 88 WBSTEIUI SBIRTS 1200 gaa DISCOUNTS FOR DAD . '-' AVE30°/o I luslt Now r HRouoH JuNe 20TH ............ t»~•l)l~~~:~ :z:: 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 548-8775 A Father's l>fA' Make Dad feel special on his day. Sunday. June 20. with a thoughtful Hallmark card. You'll find just the right wish to tickle his funnybone or warm his heart ' Brown, Ten Suect. Sizes N. M, W, EW "-g.l35 $24.97 Brown. Ten end Nevy Suede Slzea N. M. W. EW A19 135 514 E. Firat Sl Tuatln (714) 544-3734 HOURS MON·fRI JOAM·9PMSAT I0-6SUN 12·5 ITOMHOUM: MOM.-MT • 10A.II. toiP.II. lUNDAY 12 NOON to 5 P.ll. H..w at wu.on. Coata ..... ._. ......... 5021 Catalog 161133 REG. S25 In The Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 540-8818 Mon.-Thurs. 10.7 Friday Til 9 Saturday 1 o-6 Sunday 11·5 , .... l11tol11. ....... looks thet get Ded ... ... action with atyle. REO. Stripe Shirt 118 Cord Short 12 WMkencla• Polo 11 ShMtlng Short 11 ~Shirt 18 Tennis Short 13 Coord. TQP 14 1m Trunk 13 s SALE $12.11 1.11 ... 1.11 12.11 1.11 10.11 ••• ' by llarcua Dleta Jolul Nan.no Ukena 11 to 1w1m· lllino tile E.noliah Channel. Or. perbapa, to runnmo 40 con..cutive marathona. Or maybe plAymo both oifen• a.nd deJenee in the Super Bowl. On Auouat 4, Manno, an lr- vme r•ident, a.nd thrM other accomphcft will Mt out on what .-billed u "The Great Amen can Btlte Race." In .... nee, the four men Wlllleave Century City a.nd make a beeline, on tbeu blkea, for New York. And aome 10 daye later, g1ve or take a couple, and w1th the camera• from ABC'• "W1de Wodd of Sport•" watchmg, e1ther Marino, or Lon Haldeman, or M1chael Shermer, or John Howard will be the hrat to ride mto Central Park. W.rino th1nb that th1s 11, wathout a doubt, the most gruel· 1ng sportmo event known. He pomts out that an the other roughies, Like the Tnathlon, for matance, the compehhon takes place for JUSt one day, and then at 11 over. "And even 10 the Tour de France (a 11m1lar crou·country blke race held for Europeans), wh1ch taJces two wMks, the nder1 only nde s1x hours a day, a.nd then they rest 16," he s~ud . "We nde as much as we want. ~ many hours as we want." Manno 11 no stranger to th1s sort of tbang, actually, althouqh th1s upcommg effort 11 the fusl orqanued race ac ross the na· hon. The former Newport Beach rea1denl Ml a record m 1980 with a mark of 12 days, three houra, but b1s qoa.l tha hme around 10 10 days, ndmg 19·20 hours a day He1l be followed by a motor home Wlth a chuopractor. mauoe therap11l, a nutntlonast, a.nd otbera on board. He'll eat hll mM.ls, wh1ch cons1st larqely of frwta, veoetahles, and a lattle ch1cken or turkey, on h11 b1h, a $2,000, cu::-tom·bu1ll Huffy "I oueu I do thiS )Uit to prove to my•lf that I can do 11," Manno aa1d. "I know I can go futer than I dld last hme I'm better tramed, better prepared thia hme around " Manno blkes anywhere from 200-500 m1les a week, follow1nQ a regimen that mcludea nd1ng bebmd a motorcycle (to break WUld r&SISia.nce, a.nd allow rum to work harder), to JUSt plam, 300·rrulea·lO·a ·day ndmg. So how does one's body fMl. after ndmg approumately 2,960 m1les along a course that m· eludes deserts 10 Calllomaa, Aruona and New Me:~uco, wmdJ across the pr&lne states, and huls 10 the Eastern part of the country? "Not that sore, actually," Manno r~sponded with a smtle. "You've already gotten that after the first couple of days, and worked it out. Mostly, you're JUSt absolutely fahgued " And, be added, "the rear end 11 k10d of saddle sore." Manno was a draft cho1ce of the Los Angeles Dodgers when he was younger, but hurt bta back and had troubles even wallung. He was adv1sed by phys1c1ans to not parhctpate m achve sports at all, but after rebabthtahng sufhctently be took up cycling 1n 1976, and promptly made a cross c ountry nde b1s goal. That one was ach1eved 10 1978, a.nd smce then be's become the promment name, the superstar, d you w1ll. of a re1atavely obscure sport But Manno thmks that the tn· terest 10 cross country b1k10g w1ll be strong, and w1ll conhnue to grow. "I th1nk th1s 1s gomg to c atch on," he satd. "We have another three years w1th ABC to broad· cast thlS event, so 1t's gomg to become annual I thmk people w1ll realtze the tremendous amount of effort and ded1cahon 11 takes, and Wlll take mteresl " The hrst part of the nde could be the toughest The raders Will pedal through tempertures of over 100 degrees when they pass through Ind1o, Blythe, and Prescott, Anz . a.nd Manno sa1d the heal w1U probably take at's toll Mara no has never had a senous acc1dent while on has b1ke, and sa1d the key to safety as to try and amagme h1mself to be "anvas1ble" to motor1sts wh , drave by so he as e ve n mo re caulious "I ve had good luck he con cedes "When I go downhill 1 d on't JUSt haul I take at easv malca ng sure I don't fall My only falls hcive been stup1d falls. when I wan't payang attention to what 1 was domq " LocalS On South CountyTeaun The 19th annual O range County Htgh School All Star baaketball game w11l be held Saturday at Orange Coast Col lege The garls' game w1ll began at 6 p m and the boys's contest w1ll 1mmed1ately follow at 7 30 The all-star classiC, featunnq the best players tn North Orange County versus the top talent from the South, wdl pro v1de a showcase lor a number of area athletes Costa Meaa'a Ken Ba rdsley E.tancaa'a Jeff Gardner, UnavPr 11ty's Brad Guess, and Corona del Mar's Chns Lync h w11l all compete for the south squad In the g1rls' contest, Corona In by Mary Wagner Th.s 11 the qualafy1ng se .. on for the nahonal USYRU ch&m p1onsh1pa and local sa1lors have been ac:ramblang to compete 1n them A Newport Harbor Yacht C lub team wtlb Vac k1 CaH as slupper and Bettina Benta and Susan Wnoht •• crew won the quart•r h.oala for the Adams Cup. the IYft'bol of the Women• Nahonal Champaonahap, wath thrM first plac• b.ntahft at the Coronado Yacht Cl~b la•t weekend The Voyaoera Yacht Club wo...., tMm wllh ldnd.. S.rrow aa lk•ppef and 1'.991 Brown and sa..tyl W••bel .. OTew lan1ahed lD tU .cond apot and both ,..., q\lahbed to 90 on to tbe ... ,.baala •• Kino H.rbor Yacht Club haJy 31-A~o. 1. ...._ farweU wHb luc ........ Taa W.cboa.n end O.w1d lleckaaa crewlDQ linaa~ed en MC~Deel ~ tD the S..rw Cup (Jr. ••iOul Oa•JM_.'P) ~..._......at Aucape Yacbt 0... IIIII ... bnd. n.. t .... a.-•wpott H.rbof feg~l a.a. ... tleiMd to MiJ D tlae del Mar 's L1sa Greenbe rg and Estanc1a's )Odn Howldnd wall also compete fo r the South "We have a maJon ly of the bag men and the talent so thf> South wall be hedv1ly la v~..o red s<1ad Edaso n coach &rrv Le1g h of has South team Bardsley a 6 4 fo rwa rd ~~ to c1 11end UC lrv1ne next vecu was d three year starter at Costa Mesa whtle earnmg fir st tedm all Sea V1ew League fuc;t te.sm all-Orange County and fa r!>l team all -CIF 3A honors 111 h1s sen10r year Bardsley averctqed 19 4 pomts per game Gardner, .s 5 10 pomt qu.srd desllned fo r Or.tnge Coa st Col semahnala at NHYC the end ._,f July The S.n franc1sco cUea buc1ts took most of the top hardw.sre at the Long Beach Yacht C lub Race Week Reqatta last week but B1ll Palmer's Shenondooh a Holland .W lrom Newport Harbor Yacht Club took the bono ra 1n Clau 0 w11h Ron M•lv11le's Choate 40 BHJWIO from Balboa Yacht Club bn1shmg 1n second place Other Newport B.ach yac hts competlng were Amon/e, Mel R1ehley (UYC), Aleto. Warren H.ancock {NHYC), Womor, Al c. ... l (BCYC). Celebr1ty, W•lliam O.term1ller (BCYC). FrtN Enterpn•. Dlck lttanoe• (NHYC), Momentum, Peter Tono (SSYC), lttMJmly, Wayne A~tteroiTom Schock (NHYC), Vid1ol, Pltil R,a.,., (NHYC) There were ee boalt rac:uu~ 1D II.& cW..."' thia preebCJlOua ~W nl. BALBOA YACHT CLUJ OMI OD1GN UGA n A WIICUlrf-1. Dro.bCi , Pal lege 10 the l.sll was the MVP ;I the Sea V1ew League and ea rn ed fnst team all county .snd ftr~t team all CIF 3A has sen1or year Lynch .s 6 1 gudrd was a ~wo Yl'cH startf'r at CdM and ave raq ed 16 2 h1s se ntor year Headed lor Dartmouth College tn the lall Ly nch WdS named f11st !earn all le.squ~ ft rst te.sm all-cour.tv a nd second team all CIF 3A h1• senaor ye.sr Fu the quls Greenberg Wd~ nctmed f1 rsl team all-Sea V1ew league and wall attend Pnncelllf 1n the fall The 6·3 senaor ctver.sqed 15 pomts per qame a nd IS re bounds Dmsmoore (C BYC ). 2 lnez II f om Brctdley (C BYC ) I ETC HELLS 22 -l Sp1 r I Scott M.uon (NHYC ) 2 5e,,, I 'IC n Gen@ W 1lhams (BYC ) ' %y Don S.ver (NHYC) .t P· At'SS R1c k Hawthornt> VY C Cotastrophf' Chuck Lf.w.,dddPt I (VYC ) LASER 1 Rod Tu rnet (BCYC), 2 Mark C ,.s (BYC SNIPE 1 J.m English (CBYC). 2 Wllh•m RobE'rh (CBYC). 3 Arc h H1gman (PVSA) UOO 14 1 Row Lohma1 (BYC), 2 Ch d Tw1tch•ll (BYC). 3 P•ul Aumann (ABYC) SABOT 1 Jeff Olaon (NHYC). 2 M1lr.e Mclt10n•n (BYC) UPCOWI!<IG iVPfi'S-Bel boa Yac ht Club •nd Newport H.rbot Yecht Club are aoa•n )O!mno torc:es lo co·b t the IYC ''66' Sen• Racee No 2 and No 3 aad t • NHYC Ocean L<:taQ Sen• A.tc• No 4 and S S.lur day the Woclilaed Gold Cup Race "tcbeduled w\lh the Cou1 Ch.ano 1 &ce oa Su day • Tbe Newpon Enaign Wedl\ddoy. lune l&. 1912 Poqe 11 li'Jelevant W To Fete • .ast Draft Choice Fmahmg 334th an a held of 334 has ats compensations ciS T1m Washmgton will lec1r n next week. The fresno State football defensave baclr wall be q uest ul honor for Irrelevant Week that zany collection ol observances created tn 1976 by Paul Salatd local sewer tycoon and res1dent dry wat, to salute the player chosen last 10 the National Foot ball League's annual draft W aahmgton goes to the Son franCISCO 49ers ~·· JUSt by COin c1dence the team for whach Solata played several years ago Wasbangton w11l b4t greeted Monday morn10g at John Wayne Auport as he steps from an old Stearman b1plane Shortly thereafter, be will presade at the dedlcahon of a large sewer valve 1nstdlled recently behmd the Newport Harbor Area C hamber of Commerce butldlng un lcimboree A press cun· terence and barberue w11l follow 1n the parlung lot A golf tour· nament caps the day Other events duung the week w1ll 1nclude C ollege N1ght on Tuesday at the Balbod Bay C lub, the usu.sl anlamous celebnty roast at the club on Wednesday at 7 30. a tour of Unaveraal Studaos on Thursd.ty followed at 5 30 by the lrrele· vant Regatta Th11 as a no-hxed- start, no·hnash hne cru1se of the bay Fnday there u; a day at tht! rac es at Hollywood Park, and a weekend lnp to Reno wtll lmash oft the week and poss1bly Wash1 ngton Burl S1ms ______ .;... __ _ StaH photo by Steve Canc•an by Don Logan The Ora.nge County Assoc1a lion for Mental Health Ui spon sonng the fourth annual Sweat Don't f ret 5K, lOK and 20K Saturday. June 26 The races start a t Mason Parle 10 lrvme at 8 15 a m Pre·reg•strallon by June 18 as sa (lDcludes 1-shtrt), $4 race on ly Add $1 lo r late regtstrataon Call 547.7559 lor further 1n The Newport We1ter Polo Foundation Sextathlon 1s scheduled lo r Saturday July 3 at the UC lrv1n e pool The SJX event race wall beq1n w1th a 1 650 yard sw1m 06 l.sps of the pool The hench press (body we1ght lor the men, body we1ght less 20 pounds for the women) Wlll subtract 30 seconds from the sw1m tame lor eac h press The thud event, palms away chan ups subtracts 20 seconds lor each repeat F1ve mmutes' wo rth ol s11 ups, bent knees, feet held down , hands behmd head, are worth two seconds eac h The race I101Shes w1tb a back tCI back 20 mtle bake race and lOK run The entry fee lot the Sex tathlon 1s a tax deductible SSO O ne hu ndred entrants wul be accepted For 1nforma11on con· I tact Ted Newland at &42 7083 or Btll Leach at &40-6626 ------------------------------------------ We know wheN you cal\ llnd8U. Looh tn \our tumar~ St.-'-· thJt llttlt: ptlnt lt~ht1 \\'ell. 1f vnu tum it off for th~ 'umm~r. vou11 save c1buut S 11 .· If you kavl' tt nff longl'r-mto th'-· warm fall month~ -you11 save even more. Here's how easy it is: Open the access panel to tht: mam ~.ci control. You11 find instructions that will tell you how to safely tum off and relight your furnace pilot If you're not sure how to safely tum your pilot off and on. call the Gas Company for hel~. =:w::: R membet gas rates have gone up m the past year. Which means your furnace pilot is bum ina up more mon y than ~t So tum it off this summ t And c I Sll. 1A10 -~., .... ,, ... _ ...... ,, ...._.... ...... -... ....... ,.,..... ..,.._,..,_ ................... .. .... J2 W~. June 11. 1182 The Newport Enaign Warnang The Surgeon General Has Determined That C1garene Smokmg ts Dangerous 10 Your Health. t Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. 6 mg "tar:· 0.6 mg nicorine w. per cagartttt. by FTC melhod. I " c f; t 1 • II b J B e 1 a ~ a s • rt tl A c p p ' .. p b a s 1 J B c c ' ' p f; c ( B 2 .. " J L F< p J ~ " E t " E r I ( \ .. .. ~ a I I c r· ( f \ II 1: , t r 1 ( \ < . , Art Photogr .... by k.,.. F. Haven well be on d1splay through June 26 at the Balbod Branch of the Newporr Beach Pubhc Ltbrarv 100 E Balboa Hours are 10 am 9 p m M onday Thursday. 10 a m 5 p m Freday Saturday Stne De Orooctt, recent w orks on exh1b11 through July 17 at Roochel. 200 Newport Center Duve. Desegn Plaza. Fashton Island Phone: 7&J-6277 Art exhibh end aale "End of Hunger on rhe Planet" featunng works by Oalt . Zunega, Ayam and Vasarely 3-9 p m Saturday, June 19 and 10 a m -7 p m Sunday June 20 ar the Newport Beach Area Cenrer at Campus and Ouael Oonateon es $1 At Newpon Hatbcw Art M.,...m: "Avery tn Mextco and After" patnttngs by Mellon Avery; and "Cahfornea Collects Popular Graphec Art of Mextco" Both show untel June 27 .. The Feuh Zone" recent photographs by Joe Deal and "The Lownders" by Mendel Rubeo"'ISteen color photographs through July 17 at Susan Sp.ntus Gallery 3336 Vta ltdo Newport Beach Phone 673 5 II 0 ••Ardeta Who Teach'' the Saddleback Crnlege Nonh Campus Faculty Exhtbltton on diSplay now through June 25 ar the '""ne Fme Arts Center Gallenes 460 l Walnut Avenue "' Hentage Park. lrvenf> Hours 9 a m 9 p m Monday Thursday and 9 a m 6 p m F rtdays 81cye-le Club of lrwlne meers on 'lit• 4 !11 Saturday uf eve-r" month 9 a rn at Deerfteld CommurHty Park 55 Df>erwnod West Frt>t> Fnr fur fllf'r tnformallnn <..til 551 8638 T .. e Off Pounda Senelbly (TOPSl meets 6 J0.8 p m Tuesdays at F.rsr Chns11an Churct1 7"l9 Vtctlma Cosr.-1 Mei>ct 111 S S room nn second floor rear F11rt ht>r tnformaloc1n Ltllt,trl Peerce 642 7023 '" Tq,-"'an a group for recently Widowed men and women seek1ng suppott and new frtends meets 3-5 p rn t•vt>ry Thursday at OASIS 111 Corona del Mdr lrvlne....,.Cent. 1nvetes Duplicate Bndge players to bung theer favortte partners every Wednesday from 12 1~3 J0 p m tor an f>liCttmg afternoon ar rhe Sentor Center 3 Sandburg lrvene Newport Achie••• Toastmasters Club meets Wednesday rnornengs from 7 to 8 JO a m Western Federal Savmgs. 4 Corpora1e Plaza. Newporr Beach For tnformallon call 675 7l96 NewponC..... Toastmasters meet Monday morntngs a t 7 a m . Pacefte Mutual Bwldtng, Fashton Island For enformatton call Or Annamana Ballm at 640 0838 or Mel Creeghton at 556 1171 tmn. Complex Toastmasters meet Mondays at 7 a m at 2151 Mtchaelson. Sutte 166x InformatiOn Bob Oav•s. 752.-1111 ClvtiAir Peb'oa M•tlnp 8p m Thursdays a1 Atr Na· reonal Guard Cenrer 2651 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Everybody ts welcome lnforma- uon 644-2718 Newport HMbor Toaatmllltl_. Club meets 11 15 am Monday June 21 at rhe Balboa Bay Club All •nteres•ed persons may .111end Call Chnstt>l Sch .. v 640 4256 Lectures Upcoming lecture8 a1 Oranqe Cods1 College enclude Calltqri:lphy ''" Prnftr'· 6 p 11• Ttlllrltcl.ty Jww 17 111 Art Ct•ntPr A .,, 102 AdtntS.Stor ,.., S H'l Anne OlonlC>In ~t.·c•urt•r Spt>dk Up' ,, w I I pr~~enr buSHlPS'> <,~Chf><i 8 ,) rT Frtc1dv Junt> 18 '' L• llftSChnq dnd ActnltSSIC\IlS 11 2 F>.'t;· oS S 10 McHY Br..tdy IS ':>t'"'"'d' le~t urer M u11 .tw cnurSt! fur I<Jynwr Be•ty J Farrell tecturt>r Two Pdrl C<IIHSt' 6 J0 p m T 11t?sd.Jys Jww 22 ind 29 "' Chenwsrry Bwld1110 1 Roorn ]{17 ft••• ~ $8 A'tSt>rluu tr.tuHnq '<'\I!H kShnp Or Claudf' F.trlt>\' lec1we• Two IJJrt cn.•rw 7 p " T lll''>dc.ty June 22 and 29111 F1ne Arts Hc1ll 119 FPe •s sa 'lm p1 11v1nq Ynur Self Esteem · CtoE.'t Lackey The Newport Ena1gn W edne•doy June 16 1982 Pa~ 13 Ml8cellany ' """""'-end bake Orctnqe Cuu11 1y 198 .,,u ht-llr•lcl 9 1 '" ''' ~turet 7 p.m Thu~y. June 24 en Fene Arts Hall 119 Fee IS $5 -"Oestgnrng and Paen~tnq Needlepnen! Canvas". Jtntce Beacon. tnstruclor Fo ur pan course 6 JO p m Thursdays, June 24 1hrough July 15 rn Home EconomiCS Room 101 Fee tS $14 "How to S1arr a Busaness" Recha1d Har t lecrurer 7 p m tn Fene Arts Hall 119 Fee IS $5 ·An Evenrng to Reach Our to Couples" Or S1even Wtner lee turer 6 JO p m Thurs day. June 24 •n the Faculty House Adm1s s•on •s $8 per couple 30th Annual ,.,.. IW..., C•••••ace June 21 ·24 at 1he Martott Hotel ,., Newpor1 Beach Regestratton enformatton and cos1s call John Monroe Conference Chaerman for the Amencan Soceety of Appr aesers. 213 34~9838 (Resedal or Robert Jackson 831 3012 en Laguna N•guel lbeater ...... ...., •• Newport Theatre Arts Center 2501 Cliff Ortve Newport Beach Througi . July 3 Frtdays and Sat" rdays, 8 p m Sunday mattnees Jun_, 20and'Z7•t2p m Call ~3143 .. .., ............ a..-..2·•trvine Communety Theatre. tn Turtle Rock Community Park Weekends through June 20 Curtain at 8 p m Phone· 567 70V ••Not ~~~ow·· a Darling Fatce comedy presemed lhrough June 20, 8 J0 p m Wednesday- Thursday and Sa1Urday Sunday at the Cos1a Mesa Cav1c Playhouse a t the North End of the Fatrgrounds 754 5159 for enformattOn and rese1vat 10ns .. Tintypee" d grand mu5'cal w ends up South Coast Repertory's M amstage season though July 3. Shows are 8 p m Tuesdays through Saturdays. with matrnees 2 30 p m weekends t1ckets are $15 and $10, Wtlh dascounts for senrors. students and groups Boll offtee 957 4033 .. The.._.Who Could ... Through nn..·· by Tern Wagener. Winds up Second Stage season through June 20 a1 SCR Cunam 1s Tuesdays lhrough Saturdays at 8 JO p m Sundays at 8 p m wrtll weekend mattnees ar 3 P m Box oH1ce 957-4033 .......... ............. lltKHI 4 p m Saturday June 19 at rhe Orange Coasr YMCA, 23(X) Uneversety Or,ve Newport Beach Cost •s free •o members, $2 10 non members. hor dogs. 5(J cents and drul~!> are 25 cent!; Acttvllt!'S •r•t lol<lt:' ~nny dtves qrt•dSt•d wa 1~rnwlon pttlro walt•r yames ,lnd k•••· ftyenq 642~ Do you remember ''PYomAMa. Pro- rn1Ma"1 Ne1l Stmor1 Burt Bachardch Hdl Oaved 7 Well OC<. '> summer n us•cdl prq ductton tS I ooldlf\lj tilldo lions for tt''' ... t•ow 6 30 10 30 j) n JUfl\..' 21 22 "' ltlt• 'llf>(lfll' Need 35 40 CdSI ,,,embers A ll p tr ocepanrs fl'te•v•• 1 nllt>tW creditS Come together In the TIIIMI8 htStortc Los Angeles Bueldttlt) and stop at Olvera Street too durtntJ a Monday June 21 rodd trtp spon sored by OCC Fee 1s $15 and bus lt>avos tlw Audetonunt p,-H kmq lo1' at 8 45 d m ,tnc1 r(>IUIIIS at 2 30 p m PwthdS» r•ckets preSOII- 556 5527 Adventure T ou,. 1 ht" San Gab11e1 WtldE.'fltt>!>S Backpack Junf• 19 20 oHerect by OCC ~ Cwn muntly S!-'rv•Ct' OfftCP tS but OflP olf Sever.ll tll l dO(orS rnws be111lj of fered lnformd:tnP 556 58Wl .... a1 the Advdnc~:d Bmddway L<JIJ""·' , ,, ,, 5.J "' d,Jy J1111C 1 :i' Health CPnrer 9 d "' 5 Bea<.t• l IIIIP••d '>l•·•·. of I I O<.C (,yllo p n1 Saturday JllolP 26 Cn~r for lllt'ttlt)f I • '!> s~ . Pr~M•••• 1t. ben~ftl 1 he M.mdvrl Bhdrall Herttctqe Inter nat1nnal School Ce•Her IS IOCdled ctf 143.3 Supert~" Sutre 353 Newporl Beach fl(lf) rllembf•r-. ,. C,b r ,,., ntent Se"""-fe<Jin• Vlah the IUmon Wleaenthel Cen f'r f 11r HolnL,tttSt Sruc1te!> '" L A B u::. IE.'clVf•S Ill 1()11 W•·<.lncsday June 16 ftnm the Jewest• Con• muntty Center of Sourh <.nun1s fo, ~('"'' , c, Reservallllll!> O.alt· Cll<iSSf>r 833 101 7 " 497 2070 occ·. Summer Swim Pr~em llo.J!> scheduled four rw •. Wf'l'k St•<;Str ,,,... IIIII•. 14 25. Junt• iH J11, fJ Jttly 12 :?3 IIICI ' "" ,11) AoloJII~ 6 ( ,.., ... ,. oJ\. r11l.'t'l d.Jtly At•• ,,., ! I I ""' JttsPpt• CX!C.trl•• '>P'"'~III'd hy C".JSIIIIIt' ( ollt.>(ll' ""d ., (• tnstt lllf• 1 Ht:ctl b .., · e Mo.~11ctt Jf' tliCil 8 J0 cJ 111 4 J() p 111 Su· ltiU.JY Jttly I I I Mt•').t Vt•llh• Lt•<JII11111J 1 t I l'f /<)<)1) Mt•!>ol Voord• ll·~•·· r ,.., , M•·4,,t fJr••tPifl",' t • 1 ••. , .••. SJ!J ',4(1 ' I ,. d • • l11f ol"lo.J Old-Fashioned , Family-Style SWAP MEET EVERY SUNDAY 85v,, Non-Commercial Colleclrb/e, (-r Carage Sale Items ORANGE COAST COLLEGE AUDITORIUM PARKING LOT Fairvrew & Arl1ngton Costa Mesa lo<Jit ' 0pf11 It• B~<vrr• '>f//(r f /,o,. r *FOOD *FRESH FISH *ANTIQUES *TEXAS-$ TYLE 880 ' .I •rt I r rn ,1 rr. .J I' "' *PRODUCE *BREAD & PA STRY *CRAFT ITEMS \ , .. " \ f •t FRE:.E PARKING c_., ~~D.\1 b~JO .\' TO BUYERS ' SWAP MEET INFO SPACE RESERVATIONS. 556•5880 $8.00 ... " '"· it5hotout, appliances All you n eet.l ttl do is change your hou~eh< >kl habirs a liule_ l 'se your air conditioner sparing}}: And in.~teat.l of using your appliances in the afternoon, do your baking. ~ hing, drying and other jobs in the n1ore comfonabl . cooler h ours. 're ·uggesting this for good re-c~.son~: During hot ~ther, electricity usage by homes and busin soars throughout ~ uthem canromia. Air c nditi n , c I d with O(her deman electri ity, cre41te hea.vy lo on the electrical em. oft: '\(>U l .• ll \ h\.'11' l'~lll.th/\.'ll\1-.. dc..·Jll.llh..\ ~u H. I po~ t po n v till' I n 111 d 11\l! , ) t 1 h'\\ ~L'Ih:r.utn~ J"l.uH~. h' u-..111g \< 'll ' IH >u~dH )ld .lpplt.uh.l'" tn thv <., )( )lcr h< ntr". ht..'f't lrt· n( x H) .t nd Jht·r 6 p. n1 And \\'hen you·rc h< m1e. set your air conditioner no lo\\ er than ..,~ \X'ht·n you ~o < lUt. tun11t to8So or htgh~r during the hot \\·cather, \Vh • nt tgi\ your appliances, and vours lf. the aft m fT? Meantime, w thank \ u all urcoru ervation effi ns. Southern California Edison Here's Denb ft 1 y 0 to I robot wllh omoz1ng copobdttae~' He'll talk to you .n ~pace-age speech patterns and has complete mobil II tnc.ludang "h d y, an s" that grasp' Remember COME MEET HIM THIS SATURDAY' Guess hoW much is in \he \Or and win- 1\-\E WHOLE JAR\ Quality toys from around includ · the world, fr lng AMBI BRIOo;:~olland, STEIFF from Sweden, Germany by I Ba th• h n qo me Ro II, go Lu tiC pel dff c e He wo co bu co she lea Ra qo Bo an Ch Ha Ko Ha taa no· toe M1 Sa. Sh (an Gl mu an an~ -o off nal HI! dOl Rae Fe, n1 r en I d rc melt hu d r: res ne. Col! me ) dl I ho1 wh• LAN .... .,. W I . I l>t: :. , .... T ... ~ II ... • A'"' . "•• T ' .. •SO ,,, . ..... ~­••d •• •fill·• I·'"' •~N ... .. •• .... II '"" ., . ... ' ... '"'' ·~· f.OfU HJI ••d .. , ... , . ... ,., ,,, ... .... ~ ·-· •• "". ·-· -· .... .. "' .._ -· "-! .. -..... -~ ..... .. r ..... .... .... till ,~ ..... 0.. ';:, ~ HARBORLrrES trabuhons to the health and well betng of the c thzens of O range County The recetptent!> were Florence C nttenden, Coalttton ICir Ch1ldren and Famtltes, Inc . Cameo AuxtltcHY, Btg Bro thers Btg S tslers of OC. Cht~sttan Tempo rcHy Houstng Felctltty, OC Traumel Soctety. Provtdence Speech elnd Heelrang Center PACE. L1gel lnternatlonell, lnc ATSC, Amertcan Lung AssOCid· lion, Asstslance League, Epdep· sy Soctety, Hosptce The Sheep fold. Harbo r Adult Dely Cctre Center, Communtty Adult Center and lntervel House Congratulations to eelch JL by o,n..s YOD Bwger The G overnors Ball at the Balboa Bay C lub offtctally opens the summer season At the same ltme 11 honors the outgomg governors Tom Deemer, Cle ment Hnsc h, Herb Kalmbach, Ron Rodgers anct Edward Rolel· 11, as well as the 1ncom1ng governors Fred G razer, Roger Luby, Davtd Ma rotta, Joe Per- riCOne and Jac k Wtiltamson lor the boapttal stnce betng founded lD 1964 Supervtaor Tom Rtley presented the gutlds wtlh a OC Resoluhon recogntz· tng th1s ac hteveme nt . At the same ltme all oulgomg and mcomtng gwld p restdents were honored Outgotng prest dent of the Ne wport Beach gudd, Eve Holmgren recetved her C HOC block, as dtd all the other outgo1ng prestdents Th1s 1s one of those deltghtful parhes eltlended by the best dressed list dll o f whom hdve cerlarnly been elevelted to the Hall of Fame (oh Mtldred , you would recogmze all the coutuners. but we know how busy you are wtth the NFPW convenlton's des1 qner !ashton show)· Beverly (elegelnl m feathered-trim brown) elnd Btll Rely , Lmda Cano. Maralou In gold and B1ll Lus k, Sharon and Bob Lync h , Selssy Luby (lovely m whtte lace), Maxsne and Charles B1llman, Jesse and Howard Daum, Dovey and Bo b Koop , Beane a{ld N1ck Doolm, Hans Prager, Paula (who sus lelmed a sknnq InJUry and could not dance to Freddy Marlin's toe-tapptnq mus1c) t~nd Pal Mtchaels, Beverly and Paul Salellel , Pat and Cl1n1 Hoose, Sharon and Bo b Lync h, Bcubara (m an exqutstte !>Ilk) and James Glabman (both s hared how much they huvP Pntoyed ltvtng tn the Harbor Ar~el stnc e mov tng from Beverly Hills, so muc h 'v that l1m moved the corporate olftces Jl thesr very lme fur ntlure stores to our areel), Lynn Htrsch Ooruthy Yelrdley, Ruth and Roger Mdler, Mardyn elnd Rtchelrd Hau!>mcHI and Darlene Ferrarr Lohr (WPdnng el stun ntng bedded yuwn and c loche enhrely t>nc rusled wtlh c rystals drops DdllE:-rw scson of those marvelou:. ccH~ shared the humoruus expenence of havtng a mov1~"' ompelny ftlmmg at her restde nc-~;~ Hc1sn't everyone neelrd thdt Tony Curtis and a c.1sl of rhouselnd s elle ftlmtng a mov1e elbout Newpo rt Beelch) The Ctoderella gudd officers lor the '82-'83 season w1ll be headed by Rosemary Barneson wtlh the asststance of Bette Dobrott, Mary Margaret Ftnster Helen Koberstem, Margte Thomas, Pat K1rven and Evt.> who shared that thetr very po pular and successful lund ratser Des1gn lor Dmmq wdl be held on Wednesday, Apnl 13, 1983 So mark your c alendar and save the day Postcrtpls Vellerte Bielke San· tore, daughter of Ken and Ann Blake Salin, g raduelted at the l03rd commenc ement of St Mary's Hall. San Antonto, . . . The Orange County Medtcal Assoctat&on Auxtlla ry recently had a luncheon at Sherman Gardens to announce the 17 o rgamzattons who rece1ved the Auxtltary's Commumty Servtce Awards. Each organtzatton wdl recetve $10,000 lor thetr con Texas • Nelncy Lopez-Melton wdl serve as nelltonal elmbels sador for AIM for the Helnd1 c apped • 552's Skeet Shoot at Colo de Cazel wels an qreell suc- c ess • Ne w Dtrecttons had el deltghtful dmner ell the BBC • Te rry and HcHold Newman cele- brelted thetr 30th weddtng an- niversary wtlh ielmdy and lnends • The Chddren's Home Soc tety benef1t dl the Cannery was delightful At a sumpt1uus luncheon held at the VIlla Fontana C HOC honored the 14 women's gutlds, who have ratsed over S3 mtlhon Sue and Gary Schaar chat wtth tncomtnq Nt>w Ottectlons pres1dent Dot Clock. !from left) prtor to the c1umer ,11 •ht• BBC PUIUC NOTICE ncn no us aust" tss NAIU n A TCMt"T Th• I .. I '., I f h~··,j. ... I • -\ll Nt Jrrro4 q t• I..ANfl 'if' A k 1., w • • H•ot 't.,.w~ &. , A .,,..._. W lul l'r H • 1 I H .... , "·"" I,.,. 1:1· • j ~ ~ 1· ... A ~-t' b~ I l!J\· ,_.., .. r • ,. PUIUC NOTICl "onct or r11usrtr s ~At r ... ...:1 tt..;• ~ ••• ~llJ( t1 I O Ut ~•I "~ I h I .;nd•• •n.i J • • ' f I \f -~ W!ljj t I t~ t 1 I ! I 1 .... , ..... ". 1'1'1 , .. , t , .. f' ~· -··· f ' ,, Arn•r. •• ; • It• ••r • oca ..d • i t t I t c;, , ,... •v I S.r ,,. .t. • ' ( ' • • •• '" ••I• •nd • ,j l>. '-.... , .. t .,. ..-t ' I .... ' r .. fo~.>,.,n,.-. 1 • Ut .. 1 _, •., I ~"N If • 1&. t ' I 1M J ' 4' e ol I fll(" .. l .... '1 •• ,. , •• t'.. ~ • , .... f' ' • t r.. "' • •.-v•d--·t It • l .,._ ••• .,.. tdl ' voQ•'h• -=-.......... . on t I.OIU A Ad ••••1 '"""' 1• !Ohf~ '* .... 1> I 41t8 Pa<J• Ill t U U1111 •l lt. •td4 •n.J _,.. ._, ,.. to• ttd "'f'; ~ al•• h.lt ... ,Jl I I r ert;•t 4 A ~~t•••'"'•" r , , .. •-'d _..NYI'II••t I tiJh ~"'"'"'' Jo~t tht..- •f .,.lid Tr• • M "'Jtot •• ••• t ·••h ~utd ~~ .... '" '"• d. ........ \" ..... u ... '••tt• •ntl ~"~'""•"' J'••" ,.,.,... I A ...... •• t•• •• .... ,...,., &q, ... ,._. •fl4 e(lf.,. ,,.,.., " ...,. I"''' t...-t f11 ft.rt IOYI ... ..., I ••tt '" •" ""Wfut .. f'f re.:t:r .... ..._,,..h •• t\11'1 til\ ..._. UO'IV ..... I.U/ ••tl tilt I Olt Oil "--•d• "-·~ .... _ ' vt••• ... ( ... .................. ~ .... , ... ,. .. , _. • ... no "•• u... 11 •11 ~.._llCA S.ll!llaolo...U'-•,...• -· " ............. , .............. .. .... ,.__. ........... .,.. .. . ....,. .... _~~·"--... _____ .......... o... .. f.-• •• t l» t}t" ..... ._ .......... _..... .. ..,.._ .... .. ........... -........ .. ••• .. &.lo I'UIUC ltOT1Ct ncnnous IVSIII£SS NAJa STA TDCDn r~o~. tulJtWII'tQ J'ef_,ft •• ,. j 'I t .Hi .... u Al PO"lAOO" I l ,loC, M• "''h~• S-..•• t/c 1,..,,,.,. l A •• · r .. ". w H.t.... ..c,-;...,., v,. t._.., 1"' Mt .. tun 'lit• r _. •.t'+-"• A "TtAI\•C 8 ••n ~'._.J 1 L .. ,.kJ)•t L;t ·• w •• <. ., • "A ·t 1'•. tv •..J l1 t ••" .,,., ~ .. ,.,.,,.h.~ "'"-' .._t A m•· d 8 ., 1.-• ... , Jfl l Ito" . f ,.f tt ut .. t ......... ~' bh .• . . ... 'UIUC lfOTICE n<:TlTIOUS I USUU:SS "AliCE STATEMDfT t•-t • , J .. ,~ --. •~ lSlAHO OIVIN' • '"'~· ·~· L. • N'.--, , a.. l~ 1\o •• A ,Jr•• 0... 1,..,..., •"'• LA' • ~••P.. r S.a • oJ~ 11'\.i t.• .,. I 'f t.u \j I" ..d W ""' -' 0.•1'• f .. , -.,., PUIUC ..c>TICt nCTITIOUS IUSIMUS NAIJICI STATEMDfT Ht a • :h_. j, lk•w•nQ p.t• ft ~ of' 1 l •• NIIIVAHA NATUIIAI HI\ OS 'l! H \ .-u H .... t...._,.,n,. &.,.. ,.. A "~"" A, M·l• ltu•• 1• • f'l••-' :1•• So.t lhl~ .A A 416fl ( '\ t l'tn.-t \ ,.,J_,r t.d l:l\• * •I 1 , I .. t S, -4 ..... t .. ~ l • T • ' .. ~ ..... , ... ' , . PUI UC lfOTICt I1CTl nous IUSIIIIISS NA.I: STATDfDfT ·~. . ". '., ... t '"'-I 'll lli <:IGN I 44 I l •• H•o t• ,_.,. A 4J .. f4. 0 • .. 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CA.-a Tllot "'-1111 .......... .,_. ........... ....... not ___ ....... ('.-, a.... " 0.... o-;, -1-lt-....... , _ _. D a,_,,~-,.,._...._..._. rt..n • 'UI UC lfOTICE I 002'74 ncnnoUS IUSl"US MAliCE STAftltCE"T n, .. • -1 P*' • t _. '* [L A'<.tN I t N'ttf • ., II 1 •.,. f> 'l'<l ~. f" !'\" "'""' s .. ,. ' '.d·,. ... .. H I 'll ' II .. p ... , • Jl. "'••I I t\oH "' ~ t H Tr •t-.. •I • ,.. *',j , ••• , H 1 • I '4• ... I r 'I I' r ........ ..... ,.. .. . 'UI UC NO TIC£ 1 002U ncnnous aus~MtsS If AltC E ST A TDCEifT r .. ,... , ~~• .., A.PIU A f A,"·;u A -1( loi[S N[ST \1 f ~"lA ... ,. • f'"' "'·-....... .... .,..,...., • I • " J' ,, ''. p ... • -.. ..... A .. N--[•• .... p. ' .... ' a-... Ti\,, i ~"'" ... , .. , •• ,_ l ,.,," .. ' "'I 1\ l w,,,,.,.. f • • ........... ,, ... r,,, .••• ,,.,. ... • ... 1 1n1• (..•l•t• t UtJf' )lot ... I, I tiHJ 1 t . N.wp. I (I • I t-' 1'\1 I UC ItO TIC [ nCTlllOUS IUSl"tsS "AIJICESTATDIOIT r.... '''"' • •q P-• .. t~ .. ~" ..... nn. , ,lD niHH ... , .~11 N••P r 11•1 N••l ~' ' t A u~• ,_. .. , ,., l P ww· A ..,._,. ... -.l l•. ,I I '.PI, I I'UI UC lfOOCl llCT1TlOUS IUSU.£SS "AMK STA TEMDI'T .., r~. • If.. •. ,~ , •• ,. t • I .... ".... " THI Wt I( \OUt Ht It~· ~Alt~H .,.,,._. 0 k ... ,_. A .. ., H..pvt• ..... ; t A '*/No.I -.,.,. .... s,. .• ~~~_ "''f , ·••··· " N••P~•• ... •"' l·A-.Jilf.,t Ttt~ ....... "..... ... '"dtK•-1 "-• " .t •tdw•l S.u .. -:1 ~1\•n.,.... R..• S... t- fh,, ......... , ... t.t.t ... ... \ Vtoly C ••. t <"'h:•tt•l• C .... ~. lwn• al I._., "'~'" J,r,,.. • J' 1U lui• '" r""-.... ,,cut l 11 ··~" II~ 114 'II ~"' JIVIUC liOn!:& nc:iliiO&~ ....... "*'" ... ..,.._ . """" .... oo nd LA C.UAIDIA nJI ............ " ... c.-.._, .... CA aut v-.. I wo..-w-..-......,...." ._.c.-. ...... c. ""•--.. _.... .............. ........ ......,.v-...swa.... .... "'"--........ ... C....ly ... a...-c.. ... -, ...... .. ,__ ..... ,_, .... ... n. ........... ..... .... Of u 'UI UC ..c> .ICL I illll4t ncnnous auSINtsS ,.o\14[ ~TA ftMEHT ' .I • •I I '<• ~. , . ....,. \I •' •• ... I o • I .. 'I' ... ... 1 ), I .... PUILil ~011Ct c 00 •• Ill TlnOU!> I USI,.LC, .. AIJII[ STAT£Ml"• .... ' . .. M • ... ... ' . ' . .... . ...... I '' ' . .. '<I I PUl l I\. IOOTIC'l 1,. I'IIOI'tiiA P£11SO"A W PI:IIIO II COUIIT OI Tlll ~TATr Or CALIJOIIHIA I Oil f"( C'OUNTY Of '>liANG( .. ' t • •• J • .. • . , .. , "'"'"' ololltl " • I "' .. .. •" ' ' .. •t ..... \ f •• , .. ... ,,, • • ) (0... SAVl TWIS AD JOlt FIB EUMNAflOH) ATHLniS &· JOGGERS Ask For LORETTA CURCI (Jffrce <M> •n-asso for Appontrr\6f\t THE ~EAL ESTATS:RS Are Not The Only People Witn FOOT PROaL EMS ))jJ ~~ .................. INdo ___ _ .,~5710 .._., .. ,.....,.....,.~.~~•s .-.--.--... Generot Podtotry and Sports Medtc lne • BuntOnS • tngtown No1ls • Hornrnertoes • Corns-Callouses • Worts • Athlehc lntunes • Heel potn • AmbulofOtV Foot Surgety • MEDICARE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 6thYR. WATERCOLOR k-,7 ~2~~9!: ROBERT HALLET. B.F .A .. M .A . --=:11.....-rter 2011 Westcliff Or .. Suite 5 I 1rn & ''" "• 'n We,rcldl M.d•col 8u•l?tng Pointing 1nstrucHon lndMdualy Od<:JC>Iecl lo your obllltv-beglnnjng a e~ed. NEWPORT BEACH flvenlng Appointment Avalloblel PAII'n THE SU"" A""D SEA Worillsh op AUG. 2thru7 • ... ~ .. ·-· 0..1" . ., ~· .. A "' 'It, hardware deal~• A For l'' publ•shed htS ow n Pt~rS(IIl,ll o ptntr)ll tid 111 The En!>tqn lr dlliiC<PdlrOI • ,f ••, ltOl ,,,,I 1 ''"bl•t.:dlffll 1f .J h"ttk rnrlla11wrq tt t' ,tds hiS wt00\1\-p.., 1 ·~ '"'P'"'' "4 ., '""' . I ·• ,., T•••'> ,, ,, tii.JI)f •"''il us· b<•f< 11• vort·r~ tpprtrvt>d Prnp•JSI' 13 11 1978 DI•P'> .,,,, 1 , " .tiiCI 11 '""' ""'111 cJ v , 1f w•~ot' Y"lJ llcJ rd t~bou' •hp poss•blf l,u ure ,,f p, p 9 · IJ.J'>'> •• 1•,., ·I 1::, "'{•' ,, • THE END OF THE WORLD II vnu v~> t.tor 1ny rnuney lett s pt-<nd ,. owclr. If .,,.,, •. '"' "' .., 111v, ,, " ~·· t""e1 ...,,1,.· "ll :" 'Jt'' ''"'''" wtd '""" 11p If 'hlrP '> d' 'II'',,, 1 vn 11 • 111 u ,,, ,,.(j .., ,, , d,,y f111 1• now Wf'il ,t• lt•otv d e 1 rr la•f •t· J11r ,. 6·• lr. "' 1\"v ' Bt!C..HI'>t' · r I' 'J' ·••' •t •.Ins ,tr c 1 '>L • . d.' I I\ " • t .tiVII.tY" rtql1• vttiPr.., OdSS Pr p1 1'>1' " . ~ ' . ··~··r Pit''; ,.lv T •lt' '>1 l1•1nh p.tr .HI•t'diL '> VIII II l II l">f 1 IP c;hr p P,p., •I w•ll .111">11•11'' • o•nl'>t'l~"s \1\,11 ( 1 t"'tt 'I t• T~ •. ,, w~u • t t•t ~ •" 11 1~ n1•1n .. --. ,•f· " •• .. ,, • •• ~ J,tl\1'-. llll't .. t fl\o•• ·~ Jlllfl; • ., '"* ~' .till HI">! til Ttu•rp .'VIII tl" 1 lr•\11; tlr •l,tr~ ,,f . f 1 ' t • ,_ i t.~ J t • , A , , • c i" ,, q ,, tl ' ' .. t ;I . • tlJS '}'''. t' •I t r I'' r t •t ~'\II I',, ~··· '; t ......... I'· ,,.., • " lflllr ''I '•t f I " • 1 ,, I• rvt•rnn ··n~ C..•'f\.IC." 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T,_.. ll ~ry .._ ocutn..S '" tMt ....,_., ---.. _. ol n.. • ..,. .. ,...., ., •• , .. .., wtuct. a..r... 4-.. ~~~ 1\ ·-........... -.... ...... . .... u..... of ~·.c .... l --"• ••1..,..t d4llfl•w•e• ie ... ..._.._,. o-. • ,.,or ..., of tr.t tf ... ., ....... ~ ... , ..... .. •"' .. , ---"' ..... k ... , .-. ......... .--..... ...... .. ... _ ..... a..y_ .......... ·~ -... -..,_ .. __ , .... • ...,.., 0...... o4 Trwl ,_ •• --.. 11_<04 ........... , .,......... ,....... e e ttU•A I o.. ..... -.. ~·· -o.-.... ............ _..,.......whll•c ... ., _..-,_ -o-4 .. Tt.,..,..u.._.~., .......,. _ _....._.., .... .... ~ ........ 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Na.oJ>Orl a....,, Fl.-!1 11Kl4~ PVIUC ltOTiql lt.OOiaJ IT A TDtUI'Y 01 A.IAIIIDOI'MEMT or uu 01 f'IC7ITIOUS IUSIBAitAift Tlte lollvwraq ~~--II••• •b""d"" ed , ... ~-~ •h• hcutMNA bl6••n ... ....... I«'C''O'Il.•~rl W•tt' V••••w•• •' 198S Sh Pac~ Crtdo. 8•••• H I••••• Cahto•n'• 92714 fhe hC'IIIto"a btoa_...,. ....... ••feu«t to •bu•• ••• hied •• CuuniY oe No• 26 1979 f• CQ PloperiM~J~~ hu: • Cehtora .. C'Ot pc,.r•l.oa &10 N ... putl c.,,., Dn•• s.. ... &lS, N.wporl leach c. 92660 A.a,p.e,rt C.t~•••l Int. 11985 S~v Pat~ Cude !Mute H lrv1o• C•hfotn .. 91'114 n. ·~ ... condwcfed bv • c..wo,..,. ~·••&J p.na.n..h1p S.qn .cl. G." lolbJ.ed S.Ct•t•n IKe"~ Propott-lac n.. ......... -·· hMd wuh , ... c.o-...•1 C .. t:. ol O.•e~ Col.lt'llv OD ... , 17 1'112 l'lobl..t. .... 26 ··~· ) Q lb 1984 '" ,... tt.wrotl u .. u,a n n1:ofi H£.248 PIIIUC ltOnct .I. 1e0na; or T'ltUITEE"' SAu: IIIIDD oa::o or nun T Tf No 51165 Lo.a No 4018& Nouc-e .. M,.by Q IY•ct I he• S.rr•Au a.oo. .. ,~ Co • c.utora... co• po••t.oa .. tr~.. ., •ucc......,, tr~ or t~\l.b.ltltuced tt\AMI .. puu u•nt IC) lM DHd yf T•u•t ••~yt«f by G.or441 L V•uaao •.d A••'• v., .. o h..-od ot>d wole ••d recorrMd Oci 8 1979"' _. llW -• Ifill lutr .. •••• No I J68J ol oo., .. l Jlec.ord.o 111 tN otftc. cW lb. Counl'f R..cotdar ol o, .. ~ Co~~.a•''· C • .htotn~ •.od pvr ..... t IO tl>e llouce ul O. .. uh ... d 0.C ho., """ s.ll tU,.uod•• •-.co•d-.d No" J0 l!lel to book IU04 p.Qo 696 In ...... -.. No l06tiO of .. ttl Othcw llecordo •ill SUL o• lui, 2 ICJIJ •• 9 15 • • •• !he huol •oh•n,... 10 •b• old o ••• Q.. co .. GI't CoVIIAow•• aoc....d 0. S.. .. t. AJw J.lvd NfWHft Src••o•• S\ a.Ad l ro.dwa., S.nt• A a• C A •I pw.bhc •uchon It, the ~q~ btdd•• lor C' .. b lp.y•bl• •I. H•• o.t ...t. LO l•wfu..l •oo.•Y ul "-• Uruted St•t••) •U uqttl t•ll• •nd tn ,.,...., cott....-.d to •od ,..._ . ., h•ld bw '' und•• .....:1 d..d ~"' •h• prvs-rty l.iho~•t.d •• .. .d Cownt'f •nd Star• •nd d.-.c utMd u lol.Jo•• A SUI UAS£HOLD tsl A Tl IN AND TO IA4 115 A y,.~, No lSiq •• '"' m•p I..C(;td.J Ut lout. llti ~9 .. 18 ' 2J •Adt.~••v-. vi W'i.C•'Uneout N•p. c th• otf•c• .,. th• Cown.ly R«" f<l•t ot .,.,d CoYnt\' p,,.,,.,," •d d• .... •• pwrport.dh .,,.,'-'•" .-. 41>!4 CotUe.nd t...a• Coroo• cki w., C. 926~ Th. ,I.J ...mouat •tt ''• .. np.1d b•Lt•c• .Jt •h• ..-.bl.q•llor.a M<ut..d bv If\• "''I)~JT"f' '" 0. .old •nfi ••••u(o•ble ....... .-d , .. ,. • .,.,....... <t()d .d ,,.n,-.. .~ 'h• "'""• Jl 'l'l• '"'""' P"b'' •"• " ,t Ill• Nuht • t S.l• •• S!6J 774 7~ Chat..-""' ••Atly 4..t...:t C .uhi•t • Cb«h ..,, C•thl~ CA.,-"• .,. ••' •1 1•bl• h .• th• Tn.~ .... prt.~owwiM sHvJMI ,d.AIIf•C•IILIQ. •t •v•J.b'- S.fd .. 1 • .,..,u 0. ca...O• bwt wtlhuut o~•&t ,.,, ••tranly ••P•_. ..,, .m ph.d req•r f • ·~ •t.. ~, .. ,,. ''' •11 "to~•bc•" .. Ulll h 1h• l fl d.04edf ..... -~WI~ by Wod O..d 1U <.lt,u1tt•·' th• t .. and ••.,..nw vi th• ~ • .,~ • ..., .... j ...... ''"''• (f .. ,~ t)y .... ,.. d....:t .d-..•hC".a th•r• ... ~•r •uh lft '•'"' •~ &HMY.d.d tft•t••n aud ""' wft p~A•d ptlll('tpAJ ul th• rhlf• ....-~r.d bv t•td c:t...d ••ttl fhl•r•!JI lhf~t• •• p11 _.id.d •n .. ld ftc.Jo'• O.t.d W.., It J98l S.11•no A.co«w•v•nr • t7 J, Wtbhu• Blvd '-"• An~•l• CA 'IOOoO 11111 l8S lJ2t •• •u.ch: fru••-b., I l c~rn ••11 P: .. ui•"' Pvbil•h J..,.,. ~ t 1• N .. wp. •'' lA••·l"' ,UIUC "0T1Ct IIOTICt OF T11111tlrl SALt Tru•• N ll )166 :/0")4) C,..h I .. J l \flt1 ., l J • ,. , I, .. A•••..._ .,.. T~tl• ha.\lt•-..c• Cvmp~mv •' C•ittcu"•• ... o ,pc..r•l•of\ eJ Tr~IH "'' S..ac('••• t l r '"'.,.. Subttt• .. •.-ci f,d... f '""' t-•rl•~r~ o..d ·~f Tt~•' ••" ut~ bt Rv ..... n C 8 K•rl•n •nd Ulth• K l•• l•n hiol•ttend •n<i wtt• •• ,Ottlf ••••M• .. Hd r..-,,u'l.-4 l•u I I ,., e.t ,,..,,..,..,.,. " l614R "' b-•·• J l'9:U p.,.q. 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I •n ..... ,.,.. ....._, ................................. .... _ .. __ .............. o...t .. f--., • • Sllll,l-.40. ,._lite .................. -.. .,._ ... .. .. .... ·-.. ,_ ....... , --..................... .. ..... , ,_ ~-"* IM.J·-Oloj ~ •• ~ ........ IIIli ... ~ ,.....,_.. 0!1-. l1f I tilt.-• , ...... 4ae CA In!» tnfl Wll o..tl-'1 lit~ ,...._. ,_It U lO liU •• n. ................ IIUII rvauc: ttOTa IIO'ftCI 01 ftUII ....... IAU 1 .. T.Lkal .. l$ 0. l..Jr ~. ·-~ •• t IS • • a-..n1r AUNd S.n-... hh •II ......... TrOH-..... , •"" P~•-1 lo o...t "' r .... ...,.... 1.. as. 1m. .-.ded '•It s. 111711, .. ..... No l65J. •• '-" U024. paoe 1011 ... 0t he~ Jl.eeo•• "' ohe olloc• ol oloe c. ••• , a...o.a., .., o.-eo ... ,,. •••• ol C•hlotar.o woU ,.., •• ptlltl.c •..ctloCI hi h.Mj._.. bodcj.eo ""' f a4 (pa,....,le at 11-ol .. a. 18 t.wJ..J -• o1..,. u"' .... ..._, .. ,,.. ttoa~ ... .................. Or·-c ...... . c-. .. -. 1Dc:61ed M .... Ana 11.-d • I*••• Src:..o•• !It •"" •·....a-.. s...... a.... CaJ16!1•... o11 1tr9A&, hU. ••d llllel..a C!WftY.0 kt •nd Av• h.e.ld bv 11 uaa..t ••4 o..d of Ttvtl tn tM prop.tiY ~'"*'•' ... lf't .. -a Cowftl'f •nd S.a•• dMCt~ •• lot 6 \n Block 6 gj Tr•C"' Nv Ml '-" the CO\iftfV ol O.on(ltl S.ao• ol Cahluro .... 1)01 Nap recorded on ._. 26 P-., .. 22 •od lJ of Nuc •UapeoM• Wap.~, 1ft lk• Otf•c• ol tt•• Co'*ftl¥ lworclet ol Mtd Ct>untJ COD 81 0511 AP Nu 6IJ' 112 45 W al•f r ... t •ahOA• poe; D-d uiTruol The .. , .... dd, .. • •Ad od~•t C'OM •on d .. ,.qn•t..on. tf •nv ot th• , .. l P'OSWIIY ~hb.d •bow• ~ p~o~rpotl..d to .. .)..)182 Ohncla o..... c .p"lt•AO c.J,tora .. Th• vodtlntQtled T 1 ~atH checl.a1,.. •ny h•b,htw lo• eat .. con.ctn-ol th• .,,..,. .dd, ... •lld othet common ~t:Nh(Lft tf •nv •howe he1••a S.od aolo wtll 1M taede lo.uo wothoul coveuat or ••rt•aty eapJ .. Of •• pi..U, r-ot..rdinQ filL. ~"· OtJ •new.abr•oc.. to p.ey IM rea.•aJaq priJICo,..J ..,,. ol ohe o<>'el•) ..Cvtod bv1 ••id 0....:. vi Tu.••• w11ia ••••tNf lh.ereoo .. prov.dlld; Ul .....d tOitl{l, edvue.. 1f •ny uadet th• ,.,., of Nld o..d ot Tunt '"" cket94H' •nd e•pe"fl .... "' lh4 Trvtt .. ••d of the hua-1• (IMI.d bv .a.d o..d ul Trul ra.. loi.J •moun• ol the unp•td b.at...nc. uf tke obhqehon .ec:ured by th• pr~rtv to be .oki ead r· .-...on•.b~• _.•••Jed co.te, eapen... ....od ad w•ncft •t lh• tun• of tk• uuhaJ pwbhc•e.on ol th• Houc• of S.&. .. "611 1&4 29 Th• ~p•JK" .. rv u.nd•t .. td 0.... of y,,,u.l h•r•totot• eaec~.tt•d e nd d•hv•r.d tu lh• uod•u.qned • wt~tt•o O.C:Iotalloe ol O.laull ond O.auad lor s.Je ••d e •nn•• Not~ ol O.t.."J' ucl &J.c:1t(jO IO S.U file o..ciAn.qaod ce.....t Mid Noc~ee of O.l•ulo and llee hon lo S.JI to be record.d ''-' tM couJ:J ty •lll•r• t~a , .. 1 properl'f ~a *•ted 0.•• ),...• I 1912. Soc~utr AU..d S.tv'""' 5J52 wurel C.ayon No 112 Noroh HoU......-d. CA 9160'1 (213) ~4412 l.oo 2l!O by ludtlh ft K .. l tnq Aa}8tut v~c. p, .... , P~ltl,.h I••• 9 16. 2J. 19112 •• Th• Hewpotl la•tQn Ntm PVaLIC lt011Ct , ... ncnnous ausun:ss NAN£ ITATDIDIT Th• 14o'lk>wu~-v pereoa• •ra do•.DQI bu•••-•• CIH PIIOPIJI'TIIS 22901 Moll Cr"l Rcwod wQuno HtU. CA 9265J Rob.ot H~qh., 22901 Noll c, .. , Rood t...Qun• Holl• CA 9Z65J Dub Col• 1218 WornlnQ•~• Dr•v• wq•n• a...:~ C A 92661 htch 8onh•m 720 Orch1d Ct.~ro•• del W..r CA926~ T~.. bw••n... 1.t C'Ohd~cl.d bY • o•n•••l ~''"ertb1p S•qn.-:1 Rob.tt Huoh•• '"' htm•lt •od u •tlotfl•v '" ••'' fu• Dno CoMt •nd Judy lonh•m Ttut tl•t•m•a• • ..,. hied •llh th• Ct..~wna,. Chu~ 1f O••nq• Cuuntv Lin Jlolovl8 I~ P .. bhoh lwn• 1 ~ I~ Jl 1981 •o T~• N•wpotl £r.•10I\ fltfi),l PIIIUC ltOnCt CJ:U2& HU1l Nohc• ot Av•1.l.b.Jtt' •.od Notte• '01 P"bl.<: HoottaQ• un tho Dtall A111ead cn•nt_. to the Ar-•\CU W••t• Tr .. i .. .,., Na.noqomeol Pl.a~ ond olle Drol• NtHJabv• Oec::t...r•U.O• T\• South•tR C...Wort.u.a A...oel41tOn ot Gov•ro•Nita rSCAG) 1t ... k,nQ pu..bl.c upln.M)ft OD th• ~andtaeftW 10 ohe 19N 208 ArMwtd. Wute TtN I metal .....,.,aq•caenl Pl.e..a tot Lh.• Sc'Nth C~tl Ar•• wh1c:h •t1clud•• th• ,.ettopohtu t,, .. _. vf Len A~;Q••• o ••• q. Rio#.,.. •nd San &emudJU C<~waH .. 9 )() • "' T~urad•Y lwlr 29 1962 SoutA•ta C.l,tr .. .u~•• A-.x•at..oo ot Gov•rn~aent• Conf•r•nc• Room• l9 •od JO tiOO S Co••oowMhh Av• L.octAa<l•* CA The wale t '1\'•IIIV ptob1•m• •tidr.-. 1D th• •••ndmeol ., .. A~a"·wh-..t•l and t•l•t-.<1 ••l)npo1nl wure .. llf poUuhor~ C~atal W•hbu W etettb.d M.an•o• m•nl L.c.• Anqei•••Or•ov• C-..~.;nl, M•tmpnl•'"" A ... (LAOWA) SI~Qo ..C.an•o•m•a• PtvJ«I H••,..ort 8.t.y W•te1t.h.d AQr\C'ulh.u•J At ll~t•t•-.. lnt•rtlft s.ct.u.ea\•tloo Con tr~>l Plan N•wpoJI Lr We1e1thed Conetr~e11on Act&vat,.• a..~ M•n.•q• .. a.• Pr•chc .. PLao lo' Sed..ta•nt4ohU'ft Cctnttl Oraoo• er.td. lot Aoqet.. c~uDt .... W•'•' R•wN S•~d,. Spollo of Huardo"" S...bet .. c" Touc Pvlluoovo COt>nol Aectpo.,.. Plan StrMnuua• Prot.choo PJ...o The l) .. h M.oeuv• 0.CI.tr•tiOD •ad d~a.lod r..,orto ud ...,Ainu ..,., l>e v•..-.d. •• o"•• 50 k>c .. hbr&t ... •ad •• •h• 8C AG ou..,. beQIAOIOQ ..... 30 'or ••• loc:•Hoa ,_..,... ycx. c..U SCAG at (~I J) 739 6618 Ia tb• N•wpqrt At.. tM ••pot .. "•' t».. , ...... .-c~ •• '"• N.-.pon -....:a Pt.lbhc: Library 200! 0o¥"et Duve N...rport S....ch Wr,tte n c.oe••nt• ••• eac~.t•.,.d ••4 -~-.,. lifoC ... ed by ' ,. • A •<1.,.. I 198~ •v be ••ol...s.d lA ot.. hH unq r.cord AU .. n.e•e coa .. ata oltovld ho add..-..1 10 Non•• O.a•••• 208 Provo•• Wan114 .. SCAG 600 S Co•,.oa-.lolt A .. Su·•~ 1000 Loo ~nve .... CA 80005 f ot mor• tntoraanon c•U M.uaro o ........... t~lll ne t7tl Publttll 1~.,. 16. 11182 '" Tfte N••P.:. '' fnttQI' N&J 16 PUIUC II01'Ia ncnnoua~U~~WUS 1tA1U S'T A T'DI.aiT fh• loU<~W,•Q pet10'ftl u• 4oo~no ~~~ .. •-•• VI$UAL D'nfAWICS •121 w ..... l, Ploce s ..... Ill ...... ""'' .. ..,.. C~ 97t10 o.,.,.l T Goo"l• Jtl a.,, .. ,. lenaca eo... W.. C A IQ.6Z7 &ltooel*h A O•o¥1• ltl a.,._ horae:• Cwta w-Cit 93627 n.. b~··"-.. ""ad""l-' br • <1-••111 p~n•••olt,, s,.....,. Ou..J f Gr011lo Tht~t •te\•4"111••1 Wa• t1~.t Wltlt th• Co .. nl, Cl.rlo of o,...,.,. Couat• .,. lu••• 1te1 '""' .. " ...... " n . lO 1.1, 1. ~~ •• TIM N.....,rt '-• "90761 •t:m PV.IUC IIOfta &.- nc:tmOQI- U.ITATDaf Tlta lolloort-. -are .... ..... ,_ •• Nl. Aflll 'AII1WIJIS, 4410 ., ........ _. ..... ~ ._~ CA t:IMO o...~w .. a.a 4410 Yoo au...o A." , .......,., INdo. c. ~ •••• c w...-. .. c. ...... c. ............ rt lrNcll . C.GMO , .. ....,_ ........... et.e "' • ~ .... _. .............. c n.. ---·1 -hW ... ~a .... c.,.,,, OH• .. o..... eo...... .. 1-10 IM'l P...W... ,,.,.. II lJ. W l•lr 1 Ita ••Tlo.~nlaaoq• rltt t• llln4 f!V)UC~ .... n:tii.,._ ,...IT.,_, n. ......,..., .......... lilt ....._·-........ aft!-.... ................. ~~­..... • ""*""' ltDI ,,_...... .... &...,CA.,. n........... ., ... ~ .......... ...... ,... ......... _ ...... .. c:-ty ca..• .. a.-.. ~ -I.MlO.IW ..... ,_ 1.. ,.., '·..., .n. ............... fltll .. PVIUC II01'a IIO'IQO.i-IMtua.& ? ....... Ill,. o. •• c. ua. • u , • . ''"" "-.. Tille '-•-c-,., .• c. ......... ----~-.... S..c:c:-Tr•-.,. ..... II,..._ ,_ .. , ... , ......... 0... .. ,.. ..... .,. ...... .., ...,.I) o.-.t-.......... aood ....,........ NO• 2. J.} .• -T" '""' w lttl, oa ....... I~ -&». ol OIIWIAI ....._. _, Or- c-oo, Cal.._, ...,. ,..__. • , .. , cetta~.t~ ""-al Dootl&•lt ..,. Doc· Ito• lo lell ..._,..., _,.._. , ... "· 1812, .. ---· .. ll Olm9 . .. OttlC.., "-'*• ...... O....ty •• .u .......... ,..._ ..... o..olal y,,... ..U ol P"·loltc •-lo< c .... t.•lul ..-., .. 1M U...., &-ol A-•-· ol 1M .... _,....,. 10 P\nl A-r~•• Tota. IMouaroeo c-.,..., locolad •• 11• I 'lhb Sl • "' liN ou~ ul s ... ~ AM., c.Jilo<ale, 611 tl\.aJ ..... , . lttle and tale..., _....,... 1o ....S •- beld "' ,; ~.a., ..,.. o...t o4 Tru .. ohe propefty .......... oa ._..! Co .. ty .ad Stale "-•.._. .. Loo !13 of Trocl No "'*· .. ..a.o..a on • IMP t«Or4ed •• llook lOI, -I to 9 ol .-.....u.,_.., w..,,., reconl. ol Oraave Co"''· Colttor11 .. Pooe.l 1 Noe ... cl""'va ~·-• ...... nte tor toor-aa4 .. ,_ o. .. pr•v•._ ,,, .. tt M WI lorlh lA ~o.e .,.t· '""' ckc:latot_.., .,............ coe4•· ,,_. ud ,...nc:t-.a r.cord.d April 6, 1971 ......... ieM. ·-goa .. Otilc..t llacorda .,._, t«''tdad N.,. l!J. ll'n •• loo-1041'1, •-410 ol Ottoc..t Racorda. aod ._...,_,. .. t.loorolO Ia "*P' oU ool. Oil uq)to, -••1., •~••••I rw,h.ta, u ha.r&J 9M U11Jht8. &ad uthor hrdoocorbocta 1>7 •"-•-.. •. ., ... ~AOWD th.•t .... y be w UhUl Ot woder .....t t.od IOQ .. h..t wua 1 .. ,..,,..tual tt<jhl ol dr11ll-.. ••••nta. •• p1ounq •nd ~r&la.aq taw.r•tor aact IIOttDQ' lft •nd ,..0¥~ 1 ....... ,,..,_ .. ,d lend or ••J otloeo laood, oacl..cliAQ· tbe nQhl 10 wlu:p4\0C• or du.n~..Ur dnU .. d •••• ,._ lucl. otltet thu tloC>M ..... 1114bo¥. ci.cnbed, otJ o• .,.. w•IJa, luftMia aood olt&fta 11110. illt-9-it 01 • .,,_ ·~ ...................... ..., lter••M.bove daac:rtD.cl. aod 00 _,_ ••cb wh,,..ooc:ted or rLrecllo....Uy droll· edw<llla, hl...aeoad ........... cud t..ae•th 0 1 beyond th.e ••tertar h•d• tbar~. •IWI lo r.drill, rehUla•l. tq'\U$1' ••uu••• ,.~., c:&.p.e &.Ad opet•.t. •.nv wch w•ll• ot •u••. WltJ.ovt, however, I~ uqhl •o d.nlJ, -...... Me>,., ••pkue •.Ad oper•M UUO"'h th• I\U 1•..-or olte ·-• 1100 ... , ol olte olllt· •urtac. ol lite laad lteretaobo•• dweu.bed, •• ,._,......-~• tiM cM.ct, !ro01 11M t.-... Co recorded Avq JO. 197] ID Joo• 10877, po,e 12$ of 0t hc:tal Jlec:ocd..l No-•ad o.dd.-ol 1~ beawltc:lerr •• •t\ON '~"'·• the MJe .. b.aao coo du<:ted W.U...• ond Slwtryl ....,..., (10 ""'--.berq' N.qJ.t •ad w._.. ... ,, 9777 W•laltore llvd Suu• 500, a. •• ,a, Holle. CA 110212 Duect.ou to tM •bov• properly .. ,. bt obi......,_. by teqwNhao .... "' wuh.nQ lrom lh• be•.tJc:~ry wa\.ltUt 10 d.ya troea th• h•• pubho•ho• of ttu.e IQOhC"e I S..d .... w.U 1M -a."''"""'' c.,.,. JM..OI or ••nuty t&"P• .. or ••pl...:l, .., ICJ Itt ... ~tOO o' •~vabr~ k) u u•:ty the unp...d ...,lance ctu• oo th• aote or o.ot .. ...:t~.-.d by .._... o..cf of Tr .. o oo "'' USI5.1.Z 63, plv• oho loUowuu~ ....... ,~ Cotta, upe._. and .ctv.ac.e aJ tlte h•e of tt..e WIY J pubhc•hoa ol tW Notae. of S.... SI0.64B 51 '"•' A-..ru:•o T.tte lu.,rarw:• Co• p•nv e C•Wornt• corpor•hoa D.A Or••rod. AuohouiOd Ofloc•r 114 t ,,,,. So S.ooa Aoa C.t. 92102 (71•) sse )211 O.!ed Juaa 14 1'112 Pub~ '""• 16 23 30 1'112 on The ll•wporl ea,..,. Hl331 PUIUC lt011Ct: , .... ncnnous ltQI.QUI.I NAill STAT'CIUJIT ll\e toUow1aq p.t..ou ••• d.ouuo~ b~,,.-... DAVIDSON 4 .-ATSIJC. 4000 W..CA•tl•~• l lvd s .. ,,. 800, Newpor1 a...:h. C.~ l.tt..., I W.au..n • C.l.Uortu• cor-pot .. tO• . .aGO ....,_A,oh~• ll•d s ..... 600, l!.wport a...-h C. 926«>, O.....S.Oo 6 O.....d· .., •. 4000 Nac.Arlht I IV<l S...te 800. Ho•p..rl lle.ch CA 9a60. tt.Jold S N•'-ll675 Sor-no I.A(Iuaa ILUo. C• 92~ I•.,• L E ....... U Al-od Tr .. La..ne lt-..;1a• Ca 92715 Thu b"'•m... .. cood~cted by • o•a•••• ~MrtnenJup s .. Q~ , ... , • .,." W••Mo Pr-..d•ol J•Urey fll W.•o. • Pt(.<, ... too•t Corpot•hon Thtt •••e..mea• ._.. tl.led .-.th th. CouniY Ct.tlo of a •• ..,. Co..oly 00 .... ~ 19112 P .. bhah l .. o• 2 9 16 ll 1111'2 '" Tl>. Howp<>n L .. tQO r 190159 H127. PVIUC IIOTICZ NOTICE OT 11111Sn:E'S SAU AKI6S3 1 s No 67112 AP No 049· 122 OS • 0.• l••• lO lill2 at 9 • • TooJ. la.t•.u•oc• •od Trlll61 eo..,.._., .. d.,jy •ppoLDI.cf Tt\W .. IDO.t Aad ..... ~. lo Otooed ol Tru.ll daled 0.C: 9. 1110 recorded Dec 19. 1110. M tall Mo l!l5llo "' -· 131$1 -· )24 ol a. l"'oal llec<>tdo •• •"• oiJoc• of lho C.ouaty &ecordel ot o .... q.e Cov.att C•lih:u..._ wlll .. u •t p.a.bhc .-.cltoa to lltQh... bulcl•• lot .,...... c ........ c~>«• or eerttload chec• (~,....... •• h•• ol .. -. '" *•wtv..l •oe•-y of ,.,. u •• o..t s. .... l •• the So..oh ,,..,, .. tr•6Ce •o lh• OW Otuqe C.0...1y Courlhuu• «•red •• liM :100 lo.Jod ol w ... S.••• A ... ll,.d (lo..-lr w- 6oh 5I 1 Su•• a.... c.wo..... 611 , .. a.t, nt.a. and ••te• .. eoew.yed tel ••d aow ... ld bJ •' ~..t.• ..... D.rl o4 Tr..-1a the property ••"-•t.d ua .....d Co-..aty and S.a•• d..,cnbed 6f LOT dol y,.,., No llll. S..•- H.OQIIoo, .. ~· GtO • a ap r..-ded ,. ..... )6 _.. ll •od •• ol Na.c•U•••o"• MA.p• r.cordt ot 0."" Co•att c.lthJttu• TrWitot or record OWHf S.•ph•A C~••'-Yotde n •• "''"" .ddt .... ••d oother co• •o• dee-.q&•tiOft ,t aay of tM , .. 1 pffJpetly rt..c,.b.d •'-'" .. lt\trporwd oo 1M .1620 A..,A St ... wpol1 liMe~ t:~ fh.• uncleneQntfd 1 r......,. 4Jtet.tm• •f'T '••hthlt ftH •• , l.KOtH('tl'-... Of tit• th Mi eddr .. Attd oth.J t'UMJIWft d ... ~Mh9" ,t •ftY ••o•e ... ,.,. S.td ..... wdl 1M ......... ""' "''~""' ~...._• o• ._..,.,.,, •••,... or ua ph~ te-c,•rd•no hUe ~_, ~· eMw.•l:t•••r.. •(I PA1 ,..,. _..,. ... !Miuc• o4 11\e raoco(•l -••ed ~, .. ., Deed of T,~ ... "' ,.., U4,130 IJ •• dt>dooq ., p,.,..,,.... •• .... .....C~ od ••nc.. 1t •"Y .. ..., rM .. , •• of ....... Otooed o4 t, • ., ...... clter-ood •• ~ oi .... ,,~ .... of .... ,.~ .. ·-•-' "' .. .-Da-d., y,.., Tho ba..t>e .. ry o..a.o aatd o-.1 ol r.... ~········· ...... ,., u ti c.~ .... ed .......................... ._ o-........ el 0.\Hit .... O.....t "'' ......... 4 ··-,..._ .. ~ ... .... ..... Doc-......... n.. ..... ....... ~ ............ ...._ .. OaNvh ... Gw _ .. w ..... _...... ...... _ .. ,, ............... ,_.., ......... T-oo......., nertlacll ....... Tille ltth··-..... ,,.,.. c. -. Moll! II , ... ,.. Au C. Iilii» •--'-" w.~~o.a .. 1714) .,tO:IO 1.., ztt Oolo 1 .... l JIG, T,t\o Ito .. ,..,.. ..,j '"""C. • ..... Tr- Ior r.,_. Will•••• A•l•on .... .......... ~ '"""' It-A lei• ~ ......,. ... _. ... ..UCIIOTQ .......... _ .,.".,_, ,... --..... ..... ,_ .. ,. ~ ,A.IT NUSNII' ... ..._ a.-.a A .. N..,..II ....,..,CA_W .......... ~.~­._..,_. ...... ~ ............ ~ ... ..._..,-......CA._ '-'" ..... -c. .• ~-----. ..... c... .............. c. ~ .,_ ....._ .............. "'. .... r.._., • .....,, ..... ....... o.-............ ,.. lllitttWool. ... ....... .. ~.,_ 11011...,__ ... IIADIG'r TM ........ ,.._,. .... .._ • I.OCGtOID TM00e0 co . Ill ..................... . CA t26U "•"''" 1•••••1 W.....,.__,' II J ,.,. II N. a. ................ c. liMA n. ...... _ ........ ..cW ......... d4""'-' a..,...t "-Jtln ........, w-........._ n... -· -tiW ........ c ...... , CIN~ tl o, .. ...,. c._..,, 011' ... , •. I • ........... I,... ~. I. It, U, Ita Ia r... ..._.~~o..Q. fllOQI N .. l PVIUC .oYICI ncrmoqa IIUIIUII:. UMI nAJDa~n f1M ~ ,._. ,. do>A9 b.,.._ .. AAJ IJ.I.D IJf'IPIIUSIS, e:» , .... • . c-....,., c. tKV "-DM C-tiJ, t:10 '-'• St . c-w....c.DI27 n. .. ·-.. cood .... tect .., .... rLv.d..al. S.....t· "-I Coo....lly Tille MA._ ... , wM JIW wtllt , ... Co.,.tJ Ct..~ o1 0.•-c.,..atr oa lv.-.1,1 •. ~ .. hi.... , .. _ 2. 11. 16 2:.1, lel2 ,. n..,.....,ort.,..OQn Fl 80111)1 N£251 PUIUO 1e0nca. ll.al* nc;nnoua ........ MAN& IYATOCIIn Tbe h>lloWIIIQ .,..,_ lA doon9 a.--.. MA$TU OIAWOND CUT· TIJIS, 10015 Wuoolo..da IIY<I s.,,,. 0. ~r...... c. e2'114 0.•>11 Lob, 24001 Pto(IIM .._ v ...... c. 92691 n. .. b.._,. ..... coadve1.ct by .tn •n dovodul S>QIIed O.vod Lob Th.u lf41t•••nt .... t&Jed wub 1h• Co"nty C~tk ol Ot•nq• Co-.nh on Woy 18, ltll2 P~blooh lv,.. 9. 16 2l 30 1!1112 •• Tha ... wpon [oaoqn rt 89711 N£2110 .....UC:ltOnc& ~~ IIAIIIITAnMDIT Tlte follow...., ~·-are do•D9 ""'--aa OCCAM GAANICS. 111118 Port .......... "-e. Mctwport a..c•. CA t2eeO Welteo I liM!. 111118 Port N.leoa Plac:•. Ne...,on lleocla Co i2880 ..... olro l NMI, 111118 Port , .......... Ploc:a. N-n lleoclt.. C A t2eeO TN• bu.~an... "' ~oodt.aet.d by • 9n•ral p .. ooerobtp S.Qned Woloer l N..t Th.la at•.._.nl wM h'-d wt~lr. lk• Co""'' Ct.rlt oJ 0.-Co~~aor "" ... , Ill. 11112 Plobltalt , .... 9 16, l3, 30, 1912 •• TlMMewportlauqo "W1SI N004 · Pvauc MOTlCE 100310 MO'I'ICE OF DEATH Of FRAid £. IIEIJJI. aka J"'AD EDWABD IID.IM. calla nuuc& IIEIJR. AND OF JIE!I110R TO ADIIIMITER DtATI •o. All*l To &11 hei.n, beneticiu*, creclilon. ooolinQeDI credit- on, and penou who 111ay be otlwnriM tDiere~~t.d lD the will or •tale of Frank I . Helm , ak.a Fra.nlr ldwud Helm, w Fra.nlr Helin. d.c.deot: A peblioo hu been filed by Betty H.liD in the S~apenor Court of OraAQe CouAty requMim.Q lh.eJ Betty HeU.o h. appoi.Ated u per· .oa.J repr-Atallve lo ad· IJUDlateJ the •tate of the decedeul. Tile peii!Jon ,.. q~ a~&tbority to adau.11...ter tu eltate tmder the l.ad.pen· ·dent Admm.Wirallon oJ Z.tat. Act. A baaritlq on the pMJIIon will be held m Depl. No. 3 at 700 ClVlC C.oler Dnve WHI. S..ole Alia. CA 92701 oo Jy..oe 23, 1982 al9:30 a.ro IF YOU OBJECT to th• Qrantmq ol 1be pellhon, yoll ahould a1th•r appear al the beannq &D.d tt.la yo~&~ ob)ec· bona or hle wntlen ob)echona w11h lha court before lbe heumq. Your appearance may b. lA per.on or by yow altonJay IF YOU ARE A CREDIT· OR or a conlmqenl c r.d1tor of th• dec.ued. you 1111&.11 hle your cl.aun w1th th• courl of pr-llt tt to tbe penona.l repr-ntahve appoiDI.d by the court wttluo low moAtha ho111 the <Ute ol hnrt aauance ol letlen u proVlded m .-c· hon 700 ol IM Ca.Wof'11U · Prob.te Code. The hme lor hliDQ c)&llllt will AOI e~U. pnor to four montba lrom the date of the bM.ri.DQ nolleed abo .. YOU NAY UAWINI the W. kept by the cout1. U you are a penon tDter..t.d m the .tate, you may file a req~.~•t with the court lo receive ape- cl&l Aobce ol the bl1AQ ol th• mventory of Mlate _., and of the peUUou. ac:cou.ob &D.d repona deeenbed lD ..cUOn 1200.5 ol tbe C.bto~ PYo- bateCode. Pepper. H~uailton aAd Sch .. t•. by 1r.d L. L.ydorf, 806 S. Ollv• St.. No . 2000, Lot Allqel•. CA 90014 (213) 617·8151 P~&bllth: lllDt 2, 9, 16, 1982 lll The Newport luiQA N£280 'VIUC IIOnc& ncnnoua-. Ulll aT AtalaiT fl>. 101'"'.. ,._ .... ....., l>vor.._ .. WUIMI ora.Af~C~j$ IN TU.ATI()fj,U. 1 .. llowpeot II"" Soote 101 C.. .._ C A tr1U7 Mu c...U Wetla..... AM e.,..._ On ... ...... •••• c. tOtJO. o ... OeC••••• ltlM *"•••til•• w-••-• CA'*l Th• ..__ ,. OMdortod "' • _,., """"..,..' 1"1..-l Wolch ....,. ... .... '"• ............... lrlod .... h , ... C:•u•r Cle.t o4 o.._ eo. ... , " ... ,,., .. ........ "-r •. lvat02 t , II 1_, .. n..-....na. ... ,._ •IHl PUIIUCl MmCIE ,..,,, .. _ _.IT.,_, n.. ......... _ .. ....., ..__ • IIICIOtll ,..~ "' UIV 031 ........... C~le It ·-· c. tnlt ,.,..,.. , ~ ... •Ut ........... Ctlde, a..-. CA t¥114 "· ...... -·~ ........... .. 4 •• ...., .......... d, e&~ ..... . ,, ..... _1 ............. .,.. C..., O..lt "' 0.-O...o!Y .. ... , ,. ltriJ Pl.w.a .._, a r .... ~ • tt ltu ..,,...........,c-.. ·~ ... .......:: IIOTICil ~110-·12 .u ~AJIC'Il or TN& etrr or ~ IIACM A.WI:MDOIO mu It or TNI MIWfOif MACif ._UltiCIPM. (:01)1 U n NJI'fAutt TO~Tlla~AIU UltMTIOII DATa rOll JIIIUa. OMIIIOIIII AJm TllffA TIVI MAJI6 ,_ 1\oa c.., c-u .. , .. Cur of ,-._, *-'~ DOG OIIDAJJI • ......... lliC'DOit I ..,._ It Ia 010 tl lite ...._. ...., ... UJC.,.., e.. .. ................. ..... 010 ,._,_ ..... ,......, ........,. u "'""clod ra S.C11oa 10 II 040 • ...S ..... .a. .. (l) .,..., _,.._,. •wro•at 01 oe~UoNJ •J>prOtfaJ of th.e .. ntaU¥• IUoP th.e •~Wtvtd•• akll U"M ot.e ..,bell•-or '""' ,..,, tho~eol •o .,. •••••Y-'* &ad • loMI ••P .... ,..., pt-roocl oo cott.lcN-oce wolh 11M ..,., • ._."' INP •• •w•~ or con ""-lty ..,"'""-'* -r..-oy cot> ... ol t~ hMI aop .....,, ba hlod woth ot.. Plt.A~ Co•a..-on •• lMM tw•aty -(l7) clara pnot to ,.,. -·o ta.er.ol •• wk~eh OOft&tderahoa •• dMored O..e (I) .. ,.,..,_ of lira• noo IO ~a.....t lw" m YM<O. ...., ba Qtoaoed br ••• C•tr Couactl ~poo •ec.o• ... ac&.t.oo by th,e ~runo COftll •a.uoa pro.,w:ha.q •ttlt.a apphc•hoe •• -.de by ... ww •• wt.r walhln du .. (3) ,...,.. &tMt achoD on th• t••••h" a op SICTION 1 n .. Orrlaenca ot..U 1M pvbhabed ooc• ,. lhe olhc:••l .... -~, ol 1M Coor o«od ol>a.ll l>e el· lach .. lhHIY (301 clara al••• olae date ol ............ _ Th.a. OrdaMoce wu lAtrodvoed al • -ll).oo ..... 111<1 ol lba Cu, eouAC:ol ol lite Coty ol N_.,.,.o *-'b hold oo lbe · 2•oh clay ol Wey lill2 ood "" odop..., on ohe 14th d~r ol htne, 1911':1 "' ·~ JoilowiJI9 .-. lo '"' AYIS, COUNCILMIN H•alhor H.rt. Coa., Ptw.a•••· Hu.a ... t. Staa~ W.r..rer NOIS. COUIICIU.aJI Non• A.IISIHT COUMCiuaH Nuo• laebe ............ w., .... AIIMI w ... do I A.atlle.nao. C111 Cler~ Plobloo• ,,.,. 16. 1911':1 •• TM N•wporl C...Qa N1:333 PVIUC lt011CE NOTICI Of P\JIUC KIAIUHG NOT'ICI IS KIJIUY GIVIN lhal tt.• Ctlr c-r>eol ol t ... c,,, ol Newport *-'• w.U boltl • INbbo *'"'" "" .... -bo.)IO<l ot I I s o. .. ~op ..... lor u .. P.rratl No 21:*), v.,.....,. No 1082, Jl...bdt•woo No n4. •Ad • or&ILc o!vdr "" pr-rty loc:ooed 01 600 I a.y Ave leque.t ~ P4'••• con Mtuc:UOG ol • ,...... coa•erc..a/oUtc• lo."olciua<l aod ralAtod park•_., ._,. on· properlY loc:ooad •• til• C I O...roct,. tiM CH tral a.lboo Spoctbc Pta. AtM, whore • Spocdoc Plaa l>oo eoo boao edoplod. ood wlu<:h • ..,... 5,000 oq It ol iloot otM T1M pr..,._.. b...W.aq alao ea~ ••• 26 looc beMc be>QIII. ..... , ..... 2fiiJ5 ,_ ... .., .. , L! .... tooa Dtatuc:o TM pr-1 •tao •• d....._ o •od4hc:•t-lo lite Z.O.U.Q Cod. ao .. oo .UOw rho ., .. ol c _ _, c:.t paJinaQ _.,.. .. d.,...., parbat ·-........ ,. -............... tJy .-.hie . .,d obe oc:cepoeoc• &M *"''""•l ol • T rolloc: Study lor tbe pro )eft~, • •MW-Ac. .. •* reqt.~_.ed to per&'' \.U COIUIIf\loChOn ol • "tp6C:e ftoae" qnU wo•lo o.bo .. tbe U.or<l llorr ol tk p~ .... tl _. ........... ~ hc:e a...tlclU>q, aood • lema ...... botll ~lll9 lite lteOQial a,_,, ol l5 .... AJao. fb 101 0 ·~ IO -.1>1 .... _. btthclteo ... •od .U.aaete i.Dtenor l"""'"n' lui• whre eoQIII poocolt; p_,.., .... "• ea .... _ ... la _, ~· 11M -· P••~oed •• c:--..choll wMA th.• U• Plttnut appl.w::• ,ttoa ••d Lt .. tt.. p.t .... l ••~..ottoe ot 1 ... Cur 10 oc:c:.po tiM ta • .,,....eolal' l•p•ct flepott •Dd tvppo rUa<Q cloc:uaeola , .... t.e.. .. oho oe.naral p~J.c .. , r.-v.... &ad co•....-o. tltoo cloc:v-aloltotl), cop-o4 wluc• .,. • .,.....w. fOf p....W.C ............... ~ "' 1 ... "'""-·-Dotpe-•. 3JOO ....._. 81V<l . "-Port lleocla. ' c..w tiQeC3 1714) 641).2117 ........ .. ........., klrl .... "' ... , ... , ..... lldUc "-""'~ •til be ... ld -lite Uoh ol lu I, 11182 ...... """' ol 7 10 p • "' , ... Co.ac-ol Ct.e0Lbe11 ol oho N•wporo a..ch Cotr HaU al wluc:h h•• aod ptoe. •nt .... .u ~-.. • .......... raay ·-• aod lte heard ll>er...., Weado [ Aader .. ll Cuy Cl••• P .. .blooh 1.... 16. 1912 •• n . N_ .. ea • ..,. NEJJ1 PVIUC lt011Ct ruauc.ona Tr-llo.lll?l MOna~ 111USTa11 SAU 20036 Oo '""• H I 1112 ao II a ,. nRST AWDICAN nTLIIMSUIIAHCl CON 'AJfY • C•ldorn•• corpot•III(Je u T ,_....... • or S..C<"••<u T '"'''.. or S...bittlutecf TtuM.. of tllel c•rt••c o..cf of T•\ol.IJ ••-.c:wt.d by Mounlt D.ovd N.ard.aa1 •od recouied Nov 2 ltll u ,o.,nt••nt no 165t 'D boo~ 14218 -· S28 of Ofhc•ol llacotdo ol Otuqe Count¥ C•hlornlA •nd put tu.aat lo tk•t c•rt••tt Mo4:.c-e of O.f•_,ll •-'* llec<OOG 10 SAil ,..,.,.ac~e, record .d r.a:. 16 1912 .,. 1utr~ot no 82 OU029 "' Otloc .. l Racordo ol wtd Cot..aetv w1.U u.&ciet •nd pwr•""•nl !c.. .. Jet o...:J of fr\MII .. u ., pubtK f UI hon lot C'_., lawtvl ~o•v vt 'h• Ua•ted Sa••• ot Aaeuc-• •t th• m.•tn eet,•nce lo r ... , Aa••~•n ful• In •\J••a('• Co.~-., tocet.d et 114 £ So~ S. .~ oh ~"' o1 S.o.. An. C altlota>O oil '"-' •OQht Iota. ...d •• .,.....,. C'O.tu•ey~ to aa4 aow lwW by 1t ~ ....... .t Deed ... ,,.., •• '"-P'Ot>e• ., ......... ,.. ,. ...ct co. • .., aacl •••• d..Ctl.bed •• PAIICn 1 Lot 9) ol Troct No 7tle. .. ...ttwtl C>ft • ...p t.COrct.d 1ft aoo. JDI, Poveo I lo <I ul W-lt.A .. •w• ...... ·-·do ot o •• ...,. eo.. ••• C~thloro,. • PA..Ctl. 1 Noo ••clu-.v• •PJHHi• ..._., ..,. ... t. ku tOO, ... ...ct .. , .. uMt p.u ...... , .... • ... 6&w•~ •• t"'-c••Ui"' cltciMt•u.o..a of CleftOecua COlt .. ................ IC110GO .~ Apttl t. lt71 •• lool IIS'llfi. ,.,. t02 ol Of he..t a...o ..... ...d -··-.... ., lt'n oft 1ooo1t 10421. -410 of Ot It<''&! R.c-ouh. ••d • ..,..~d•••at l.ac..,tteq '~r•tr~'"" •11 nl ~o..-1 , ~oQhlt. M~A•••le ..... ,aJ uqhtt nahu•f "., •MJht• •od "'"-' ~ ........ ,.....,. br -~·~·· -..... k•ow tNt •av be wutue Ot \lnct.t th• O.t(•t ·1f t.a~Wt -..,.,.._.,.,,.. .._,"...., 1~.h.r w1th ot.e ""''"'"'"I •~<~~' of 4ttlbaQ M•ft•!l4 u plott•• ••4 _, .. ,.,.. oller•lu• ft<f don-v , • ...t ........ th.. ...... tw-~• .... ta.4 Of ........ lAoHI ... .,~vc~ ... " tho lMJhl 111 W~tjleiOC:k ot dotKIOO<ta.IIY 4nll aOMI .,,. lr-Ia...., .,.,.., 11\.o.a ,.._ ............ ..., ...... lh1 ... - -lt., •••_.. oaC ..._,,, •eto. ••·-~ ~, •t r..,. ,.._ •w'-vrt..c-. ot 1&. la111d ... r .... -.._ ........ u4 ... ....,,_ •OK~ •h........,lr-' "' dt_f_.g, d.nU _,,..a,,lttt<..laaood.t..fo•.w ... •ud --~~~ ... ....,.,.... lloe ..... ,.,. "•'"' ·~-.......... u .............. p ' ......... ,.,.) .............. t .... , ••• ••• t ...rl) ...., .. ,....._ w\ttlov,t ""-• olte .-..Itt "'<lull. ••M IIOo• ... ,..... ..... _ ... ·••OIMJII ..... . ~ o,,.,. .._.a a...,,, ... ,.,._ ... ,._ of .... lel\d ,...,... ...... . ..._ ......... -·-.4 .. ·~· ..._. ··-.... ...., ... c-.... , ,_....... Avq JO. lt7l .. Mel! \otn ,.... ·~ .. O.wllll~·• ._ ................. ...a..r ... , ., ...,_ __. .............. -....... w.u ...... .,_,.,_._. ~ ..................... ~·-., w.w., .. lt.4 , .._ ICIO, ._tlr MolkC.totll Cloowt-............ _ ... , •• ., ............. .,__....-.. •''""' ··-IN ...... tE .. " ........ 10 ... ,. ._ , ....... ~-ol .... PVIUCIIOTU IIOncllOiftlla'IA'S U&a ~ .... u ll~l'ftt 'ta "",. •• , 'f 0 .. ,.... CoooJOODY oa dolv op .,..,a..., tr-•*• ,,.. Mlo••n ,._.,....., .._... ol ••uet WIU SI.U AT PVIJJC AUCTI.Otf TO 'flllt Kl(lHO'f IIDOP '011 CASH (~reble •• ,,,... .t .... '" t.wl¥1 __, ol ·~ Uoo..., ltaltM) eU ,,.Itt. tolle at>d ,,..., ... - ,.,_., '" •-'* ..,. Mid br tl """•• .. .d Otooed o1 Tt ... l •• tho ptQ9ei'J ...... -.._ ....... TIIUIT<)a 0... w S.oob ...t o.. ... c S...ltt. h ......... ..., •ole .. lOCal ..... te lt:HinClAIY '""'''"' Cu, .. _. Rac<~rded Or• a. 1110 •• ,.,.., Me. 14141 tO ~ lJ./81 P•.,. 11)6(> vi 01 l~e....._t R.ctted.t '" •ft• ~lhc• t th• RtN" HI~ I t.~f Or•n'J• Cuwnl'f' ~~~ d<Mid vf ''"''I ct..cu~ 1h. loU,.Jw•All V"'l'tt' ,., w • ,,_ aa-uc~ z• •• ,.._,..,. •In • m•P IK~•c:Md 10 &ou• J P•~• .. '0 I W••c•ll•,.•o~~• N•v• '•curd• d O••nqe Cow&l't C.Morru• Yo"" ••• •A d••a~r~h wnd•• • o..d ... t Tr~•t doled Oro } 1980 Uol•• v<>• ..... ~uon 1o0 peotK't Y"~" prCipott'Y •• ••v b. ...,kj •I e publ•c .,.,e II W'Vw ,.tMd an ••Pl•naluw )t th• nall.u• ul Ike pruc:..duu~ •CJ••n.l .,..,.,. ~"" •"~"k:t cvntact • t.•'f•l ~406 Oc: .. n front '"••JX~tl a..(' h CA .. (U • .,, .. t ~d.... vr 4.1m•un d .. ~nataon •• thown •buv• "" w•u•u t, •• Q•v•n •• tv ••• cumpl•t•n ... ul C'ottec:1e_.) ·• TM benehc••rY uAder .. ,d o..d uJ Trv~. bY rMtOn Ql • b•..ch w• d•l•uh "' th• obhO.•hui'Jot ..c-..r..d •h•aebv k4ttetofor• •a..c-uted ••d d•ltw•r..d h the vnderugaM • ••lllen Dec:lar•ltoa vi O.l•vh •nd O.mAnd lv t S.l• &nd wutt•.n nohc. ot b•-..c-. 111\d vi •lechott to c•uM ft•• \Utd•r••qned It~ .,.u M ld pco~rt't tt> uh•IY w.ct obhqeuon• •nd lh.er .. her lk• vttdentQo.d c•uted u1(j nou<.• ut br .. ch •nd c..t •'.Ch4..1n. to be record.O '•O 16 19182 " •n•u No &2 OSJ400 S.td wle wtll be mMf.• but w11ft.uut conne..ol 1u ••uanl'f eapr .... ''' Uft pl..d reqatdtnQ hi'• fl()...-...oo Of enc~ot•branc.. to ~~ th• r•m••n•no phnctp.J "'m ot lh• ,.Ot-t•) ....c-..te>d by Mad o..d Qf Tt\UI wtth lnle t .. t ... •" Nld no1e pttlv•d.-d ed"•nc•• 11 any wnd.t the ••••• oj w .d DrHd ol Trutt 1... cMrq.. eed eape"-"'t of •h• y,..,.,.,. •"d ol lhe lrt.tll-t cr•••..d by u~d o..d ol T • uat w1d w.J• wall b. ... ld ""' Thu.adu luno 14 19112 •• l ~ 1ft •I •h• Ch•'-'m•r' ~v•t'V .. •n haftce t(.l •h• Ctv\C' C•n••t l\&1ld tnQ lOO I Ch•pm•f\ Av• ,., the C•tt Ht o •• I\Qe AJ tt\• h,.• ol th.e tn1h...l p~bl1('•1ton Clf th~ oottc• •h• tot&l AIW.a~otot o• th• un.~..d b61...oc• ttt th• obhQ•hon ..cu•ed Ov tM •buv• d..cub.d deed ol .,....,, tAd .. hm•te<f c:o.t• ••~n ... oad odvaaceo •• 11119 91) 51 To d•••r •••• 11\e ~1\lDQ btd YCIY M•Y c•IJ (71·)~·0916 o.,. Nay 20 1!1112. T 0 S.ovoco COIIlp.&AY. .. Nw:l T '"--''" bv L.rtd.t ,...... A.. .. ~ ••• s.c,. ... ,..., On· c,,, llvd W•tl. O.enve, CA 92668 (714! IIJ5 11288 P\oblooh luu 2. 9 16, 1982 •• n.. N-·· ea..,. Nun rvauc ttOTICE ncnnous aosou:as NA.JU ITA TORJft The toUow\ftQ JN>tton 1e dotno b ..... -.. OCW IJIGINUIIDIG 912 Alder "-• ... wporl Be.<~ Ca 9a60 O.•.d Ct.•• Woot.., 912 Ald•r Ploce "-·t lleocb c. 92660 Tha• bvalft ... '-conducted by •n tn dovtdul S..,Cied O.•od Wooooo 1lu.t jf~\·••ot WU hMod W\1 h tft• CoufttY C)e.r• ~ OtMo• County on W.y 19 11112 P\o.b1o.oh .C., 26 fu,.. 2 9 16 1!1112 1tO Tt.. ~Otl C. .. qu 'F!et786 HUS2 PUIUC ltOTICE ncnnoua ausuras WAN~ STATDU:IIT Tt.e loUowlftq -· " dooa9 b-•-.. P1GASUS WIST 1010 w , W.C Ardour II... No 50 S.a•• Ana CA 97107 SAI.uoa II lrowo.to<~ IOJO W .C.cAtlh~• l lvd Nc ~ S...oo A•• CA 'ITXTI Thu. b~1n.-•• cvndt.tct.d bv an tll dH'td"".J SJon.d S!w1on R lro-ntnQ Tb.. tt•t•IQ•Dt ••• hl«< wtlh the Co\.IAIY ca., ..... Or•m~· CouAIY un Juno? 1'112 Pubhah I••• 9 16 1l 10 1'111 •• fi• Newpgr\ lna.qa f 1008S4 NL28l PUBUCMOncE 100513 NOncE OF DEATH Of MAROAAET £. HALL. aka MAftQAJlET RAJ.L. alaa MRS. ICAJlQARET E. HALL. aka IIARQAJliT ElllL Y LOGAN. aka IIARQAJl.ET Dill. Y HALL. ANI> OF Pl11· TIO" lO ADIIl.ISTER ESTATE MO. All,_ To all ileus, benefiC~.Ul•. crecliton, contln9ent Cl'.dit· on , and per.c:~DI who may be otherwi.M tDt•rMI.d m the will or ellt&te ol NatQ&ret l Hall, aka Warquet H&ll, akA Wn. Wuqaret I . Hall, w NarqaLet !mily l.oQu, w M&t9a.ret lailly Hall. dece· d.at: A petihon hu been hl· eel by I.&Uuyn L. CartwnQbl in the Supenor Court oi Oruoe COIUity requeatmQ lh.at ltatluyn L. C.rtwr~Qbl be •PpoiDied u penonal rep,_nlallve to edml.n.Wter th• •tat• ol the <Mcedent. ITU peUIIoo tequMII aulhon · ty to adm.inlllter the Nlat• I"*' 1M l..ndependenl A.cl· ,lll.inllltration of r..t.at• Aot A h.MN'IQ 00 tlw pellllOD wlll be !wid lA O.pt. No 3 .at 700 CiVlO Center D11ve W•t. Sa.nta Ana. CA 92101 Of) July 7. 1982al9:30.a.m IF YOU OBJICT lo the .V..CII011Q &.- r1Cliinotl..- U..ITATDIDIT n.. ~ ,.._ ••• tlloraq ~·-.. rA.-aa.&. • .-IUD. &110 "-""" c-.. , o..... ..,,.. A Nowpotl t..ch, CA i2ttO ...,_M I Farr•ll. • Colllo••'" Pto.'-'>al Cot .-••-• Aft. v.... W.•u .... ,. CA _,l, '-"-........ .ulet. • Caltlooe ...... ,_. C...-o• .. - 11 Stlvatlot""· ,,.,, .. CA 93'114 n.. .....,.._ .. ,.........,1.., "' • l .. uod part .. ralo.IP ....... W..... latlcl• r .. ..u. w..a. &..ac:• Ntller f\10 .,.,._, ... JIW wJill olte c.. .... a... ... o.-co ... or .... ...... ~. 11182 Pw.hl.oolt lwM 9 I&, lJ 10 11112 •• T~ ..... Wporl(tl•IQfl "9Q(ol)l 'VIUC: N011C£ ncnTIOIIS IIIIIJttll MJU ITATCJUNT Ttw tollo••D4 ,..,.,., •r• dOioq bu.aoa-.. IOIOIA HYIIID R 6 D L TO ell Lido P••-o,,.. 0 l N•wpott a....h CA 92163 llobe•• I Scooo 621 Lido '••• 0.••• D·l Newpott INch CA 92163. II.,O.t1 I Scoto &21 Lodo P•t• D11•• D J N•wpott leach CA 92663 l"u b.., .. n... ~ condu.eted by • li•tt.d p.artn•tt-.IP Su~oed Aobe1t I Sc:ou nu. .. ••• ~··" ... flied walb lh• Couniy Cleek ol 0f•nQ• Cot.tnty on I uno 7 1!1112 '""'.... , ..... 9 16. 2J 10 188.2 on Ttw. Hewpou IN•on r!QOS$1 rvauc ttOnct: nctmOUI auaDIESI MA.NII IT A TDII.1IT NOOI The lollo......, .,.,..,.., •r• doutQ b••••-.. orncr w.AMAGIWENT, 1100 Do••• Dro•• N-poro a..ca.. CA 92660 Molt 0 Ote.;.,. 1100 Do ... , Dtt••. N ... pon lle.ch. CA !12t60. AJ .. I 01.-Jeo, J 100 Dov•• Dnv• N.wport a.och Co 9~ n.. bw~t.a.. l,j C'<ltld\fcted by e h•at.d p.rtnert.bap S•on.d Na.•• 0 Ol•t•n Th• Met••'"'' ••• hled w11h tll• CounJ'f C&.1k ol O t•Qq• Covat' oa .._,II 19112 l'loblo.oh Woy 26 luo• 2. 9, 16 I 1112 IR n.. Newpofl lo....,.ll Fl89186 H~ "IIUC ltOnct: FICT1t10US IU'IUfUS IIA.NIIITATDUJfT Tb. lollowtll4 ~·oo•• ••• do.aQ I b,..,"_ " AL TONY CO 3054 S jW.... Sr • S.ooo Ano CA 'lT1f11 V At. .. ad•• N••,.o• 3054 S w ... S...ra Au CA '12707 AAioa llocolo• 3410 S ....... S..t• A ... CA '1n07 Tlt..-bw11n... a.t condwc:•.d bv • Qene t&l pe.tlnenhap S•qnad V A.k.a •.nder N•vmuv Ttu• •t•t•••o• ••• Med w'th the CouQ•'f CJ•r~ ot Ou.nqe Cowoly oe , N~y 24. 1982 Pubh•h N•• 26 1 ..... l 9 16 1!1112 lD TN Newpott b.ti.QO YlliOOI I H&251 PVILIC leOna NOTICE OT 111111TU'S UU Tt~tNc 11404 .le$2 0. lui• 8. 1!1112, o1 II a • '"" Aa enc•G "Tua. W"ruoe eo.,p..,.,. • C..LIJouua c-orpotauoa. M T"' ..... ~ ot Svcc.eeot y,,..,.. ot S.-M Uiwted Tru•-· ol ,,.., C.Nift Deed .. r ..... .. ec:vted bv loa• II w lloae aod v .. , ..... w lloae h~d .......... ... d tecotded Feb Ill 11181. M ....,,., •eal DO 19804 10 book f.J!I51. -· 1651. of Ottlrool l!.eordo of O.OAt• County C&htonu•. •lld pwn"ut to tbel .,..,,..., Not>Ce o1 O.lawo aood llec: hoo to Sell l.Mr•".a.' t~o•d.ed. W...r 11 11112 ... 111t1ru•••• ao (g ot7M. ol Ofhcw Jlec.orda ol ...,.. CoutJ wUI ud•• ud pureru.et 10 MJCI o...d ot Trta~ ..U at p"ltllc •uchoa lor eMil. lowiw aoo•., of t.loo Uaued So.•• ol A••.c•, at tl\.e •ill• ee.Lteace Kt ''"' Aeencu lotle luuoaac:a eoapaap, toc:.ted al I U I rollh $1 • ta t.1te e>l' of s.n .. A.. Coltlo•or.o, oil ,.,.1 rttaltl. htle oad ....,., ... coo~ 10 ....S ...,.. held bJ 11 uodao ... tci o-.1 ol T...., 111 0.. pf'OPjltty ••Y4-ted 'o Mid Cooor, aad Sta•• "-rnbe4 u n.. w_,., ..... ~u o1 ,..,. 30 .. d oil o1 Lot ll •• llod ·a.· Tv-t No 518 oa oil• Cur of N.wpon tleac:ll Couoo, of OtuQe. S.ele ol C.WOnua , •• pet M•P reoc:orded •• ~ 17, ~ ll to l6 tACIIIW... vf W£ett.U....o• W.po •n '"• .,.f_ o1 ,._ eo .... ,, 1 Jl.eeordat oiM.d O.aoqe Co.ory T\e .. , ... Mdr-or ota•r c-oe..w dMi.Quhoe of Mwi plopert• 1oe pet pot! eel !o lie I S5e l.ut Oc.aa IIV<l lal.boa CA S...t ..... ,u be •ock .,....,., co- o•ot 01 ••u -.ntt ••pr .. o• ,apbad .. to utJ. ~ or •.ct~.-t...ce. lo ,.,..., lll• upa.d baleoce dM"'" IM OOie Of 001 .. NC....d In ..... Da-d ol T ,,... 10 wol 1290 .-.s U , pi•• 1M toUowl.Dq NJI&a•led COitAl. ._.,..... aood ad•...,.. •I the Ita• of the lad..t p.oltllca.-ol ohoo Nouce "' S.le u .-.seo ru• Aa..-.c.a TuM 1M\olt4Dbe Co. ...., • c.wo.... C'Otpotol-. 0... Or-rod A•oltorlaed Otbcer lit l 'tltlt S.. s.., .. Aw CA 12102 (7141 S51llll O.ted ...... ,. 11112 Pv.bboh fuM 18. 23 30. 11112 re T ... N.......,n aa..,. Nil 11 .....UC:ltOnc& lt()nclt ~ ftUITEI"I 8AU T I No 5040 y..., ... on a.lavh u..a.r • D.rl of TnHI .... ed 1oM II 11181 UaJ.. ....., lab ..cl-lo protec1 ,_, ptope"r 11 ••r be aold •• • pdLc aoJoo It rov n-.cl •• o p&..ut.ow. of ,._ n••••• til •ll• proceeduaq ...... , .,.,., to\1 •bouW C'041l.et e le•,..t . 0. Tb•...a.v llll7 I 1982 al 9 • a o.l.u.lt S..voc:. c.. lttc • C•htonu• t'o.rpor'lltltOe u daly ep _...., Tnuo• •ndec aed p.,....,, 1o o...t o1 r,.... ,_, ..... a..a, l 1•1 .. ..... No ~ •• booe 14126 - 134. oi Otttc:..t a...o..c.. •• '"-.....,. .. olte Co.atr llecorG.r of O.uve C.... tr s. ... ol Call..,_,• L..,...., ltr Ooooo .. , I &aa..,a. • W>dow. wl •II ., poblk •~•"" 10 hMJ~-' ~.W.• lor cull (payable eO t•-o4 wle ,. lawi .. t • ...,., of , ... Ut•..., ...... ) •• o.t. .. lo S.r•-Co lac a100 .... u h • lloed, S..11a ll7 W..\A H.ollo. CA tal ..U •"'•t hllo a11d ,.,.,.., coa ....,.., ... 4&d -· haW .., ,, ....... Nl4 o...t of Tou,. lite propony .,.,....., , ...... ec.~.,.y ..... St.le .s-.~ -................ ~o~ ...... &ad lo Lot ! ......... lo.ol ....... 00 ............ t• eMf:~ Ita _, Tr-m oa lite Clif .. ............. lleocla, eo. ... , "' o..- .._ "' C.~le••r.o. M ...... •n • -tltereol ,_.....,. ra '-' U. _.. t •1>4 •• a.-u.-... ~. ·-· .. ..... o.-c..., n. ··-.....,_ ... otll•• ~--............ tl •• , ol tloa ,_, ~ ... \Mol ............. ..... ,. .. Jll tlJMI • ......,.... .._~. fa1! .. raJA 1 1'M ~ ..... , ...... Tt-•• ..._ ,..., t..INIIIy ... ..., ~-.-.-.. ~ ...... ..._ ....... _ ~.11 .. .,...._ ..... . laMI .... wdl ~ ....... lllet W1l ..... t -""""'-'· ........ .. ...... ---t~a. ........... .. . .--.-. .. ,., ... -...... .. ...... -.... ..-ot•J ..........-., .... 0... .. "'--... -..._ ............... ~ .._ ... ,. .............. _ .. .... ~ .. , ............ « ..... ... ....,_.,. ... ,_ ..... .. l . .-............... o... .. T'.-,....,_, ..... ....... ........ ......,._ ....... .., ... ................. _..... ,...,.. -.-... .. .-... -.... ..... pdl ............... . ,.,.. . ft.' t ................ . ,, ... ~--. ........ ... .......... I • ··-D' I ................. ........................ .............. 0 .. ...................... _ ................. _ .......... ~IIJ .... ....... ..,_ o.,aw .-a..- "'· ...... ~:~ -PMt ..... ~. -·· ......... 0 C) 0 0 0 "' HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Do-lt-yCM•nelf, and reach nearly 88,000 homes! 1 WEEK 6WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS $1 24 per l1ne 99 per l1ne 89 per line 79 per line 66 per lme DI .. LA Y CLASSifiiD Open 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS $12 95 10.45 10.20 9 40 850 A I• • I _,, • '-. •' • 1 WEEK 3 WEEKS 6 WEEKS $5 95 fo r 18 w o rds 10°'o DISCOUNT 20 °n DISCOU NT I II!. ' ·' ... -..... -.. -.. -... ---.. -.-... -----------------..... -... --... -. ... ... -.--, Classified Just compute your o .vn and drop it in the mail. PI ... ""' 1hu •~• ~~~ k•-' tt •• ch .. I lnr t I ( J) (6) (9) ( 12) ( 1~) ( 18) (21) I (24) 1 (27) I t3o> I ( 33) (36) 0r l , .. M C'hllltQ•HIP tl ft~'f r.,.,,., l.op.r,.. ....... A44r-c.,. 'O&A~I .....,.~, ) p • C'-to..l ct..pt.y •••• .. ,. ·~ ...... , lotr l.o• ,.._ All,._,...,. ..... .,•-•• ••• piM..,. 111 1M life•,..,. t-...,. ,,..,.., •ad c ....... _. . . I • ' ·················-----------·············-·-·--------·· 1.121 I The Newpott Enalgn Wecl.nMdoy. June II. 1112 P~ l7 11 SCHOOLS. lNSTRUcnON EC KANKAR A Wov .t L.t• G""""4 K11• ·wl 8 [ L L Y IJ A N C E •>d 1• •f Gr..d " [v,.1 l I CLASSES N"w .mm .. r W~ru...d .. y 1 J(J 1 m rl"'' I Jtnttlltl Tntt lbOO E Pi 1h' (',., , I,,., 1 1 rn ,, p,. a .. 1 Hwv T otpf<od '"''"'".. lv [).,"' .. I l r 1 " l• 1 llun b40 71.~ M<tt I Jl 4'>/4 SPlRITUAL READINGS Ad" 1• t• re<'tdrn9 wJ <uull..,llnQ Advt<" til ,IJ mt~ll•ra 1815 S El Cctmlllr..o Rea l S.,r Clemwnl.. Lr """" I t Vt'OIII•.ct~lly 492-7296 492-903-4 CHRISTIAN M""'"'~" En ul''~r I• I d{"r,un PRE NATAL Afk•J !UCS r, ... jt'l, .,, r ~f ,., :::.,11 M~r; '''"' 1 n• h/ i ,/I• VU!CE ... • I B I on<~'• r ~~ U1 m.r. ~ Wt'(• t'lod fu 'r h Its I Or'"' I" Cour.l, b4 I y I• 11{ • 4 r---------------------------------~l.l4b~ .... ---14 PETS 8t UVESTOCK NEED HOME. Lr p....-, CLASSIFIID PHONISAUl Coost Medlo I$ seeking full time cloultled phone re()fesentottves. Bose SOioiV PlJI cornmlssk)n ond bonus. Phone sole$ exper- Ience preferred. Call 8ef1W Hlggln$. IVINING PHONIIALII If vou 8f'lOY talldng on the Phone and lite to MI. tNs jOb Is lei you. Wont Monday through Thurtdov 3:30p.m. to 7:30p.m Sobv PlJI cOfTVl'lblk)n pOl. Col8emlce Higgins OREGON 10 ACRES f ull 1 1 .. 'il ·~sc fJ f>~li I Nl \44 mu .. ottlf OWl I.,.,,,. IU l 4 "V""' (7U) 971 ·9700 &ATTORNEY IMMIGRATIO N A lrH olhcf' conault .. lt~r Nev.lle Aahe rson Auur n•v 714) 7)9 ll j£j DRUNK DRIVERS' N~ ... law P1ule<:1 vour r <Jh•• EaJMn•nc~ r•prf'~er. '.tllon O ranq• Cour •v l eq41 Ct n. ~ .4 472 0707 9PERSONALS ABORTIO N AND FREE pr,.1n4n v l .. tltnQ p,.. .. und. ctnd r-nhd~r.• dll orP lo.-. tP+ 1nr!· . .n:h11!.. l •oru.e:1nQ ~4b 'PS'~ •uqttrv ml'<i~<d'r r .rd f 1 •f·l\Jd • •... t>"X -trr G.-n .. r •I "''""~' I(,,, 1\hf-l .. lht.·•'\td """'' •' rr ~I.-j.,, ldwf-d r .. , • .,. r.,d v-.al old S'i i4l" C EkMAN pup!Jtt>• hdm~" r mol~'.lo ]')<j 02'65 SHEPHERD AKC T r bl· ·..dltrlt'' • j f.-.mdl••, l~GARAGE SALES SWAP MEET EJPIY S•Jf.d4Y 8" :n I r m Or.U.JI' ...... . c ..• q" r .. rv f.' ..... r d Arl.nQ' r. C ''" M"~ 5f!ll1~t 1 ... ~ .. , .... -... '>lib• S ARAGE SALE •,•J.JI~~ I :'Tl.t!. '"· • • .. a ' • i(; • <) ~ .. • • b . .rd S.·.ct... I.· • •• 1 . I ~· M .... s r .. M....., IRVINE UNITED S Jl.: ~ER TEAM S.;•·l ,. . , ;.-sj,4: .'> 'u" , .. coaat .......... ~ 27'21 E Coaat Hwv Corono del Mar abl .. RPI~rr•• l 1 t.,on I I I I . ... . .1 I. 1 1t:•m ,. •· • ,,~ ' M. ~• ...-"'~"l r.~ • • ;· ... Pnt".. N~w '""'' BBO· ~ •' l,r (71~) 673-0&50 m 11" 11.d ... ~.. 1b r • j f ~ CLASSIFIED INDEX ANNOUNCEMNTS I F'uner4l N ll,'t" L f ultP141 o,,,.._.l I l Cem•l"l~ Crvr 1' & lv• 4 Mf'm w• c; f it,,. t Ann· J' • m ... • l A r IO'ttr:.' 'l A • rn .. v • p .. ,'>< n •I• • 0 l " c~r.d f ...... t I S<ch I• ln•t:u .. 1~ Bu 1PPb p .. f'!.ol II 8dr >1n ~ 1·1 p,.l, .,1,d L ... '· Li-dr..t ,~ Srt.r .. t ~lNl'h t7Trt ... IV1 I .H Er.tt-rl tu.m• r I I Gtll S·· 1'1""' ' )0 Cnll rn II( EMPLOYMENT 22 o .. .-"1 .I H.-lr W,tllt .. <i /4 Empl• vmen• A 1 • '> Cuun...,lm~ S. • t> L,. t>n"-f'd Chi. I ·• .._1"/ 5" JtUI• U W tr,•t-.i FINANCIAL 28 M n<>~ w .. ~ ..,1 l<J M Ot'V L L, "'· }( 8 r-cr '"' Opt • i ~ lr ,. • mP· • (\; ; , l. T r • DP•,I• tn I ~\ t'\1" JP"' l· f r.-1 ' '" s t-1 I• tr ~n " MERCHANDISE l<; E ., ,. S"'" '" !'ir ' • 1 l• H Ar ~" At 'I I ..... ii.J A . r, r 'l f I' I 1° I A,, ..... II r .. l··· • ~ Sr .. , ... II Mu, .. t lr••rum ro I'> (lffr " f I "I mPI lt. Si•mp• tnd C 1n• L SPWIU 1 Md ~ .. , ... 4. 1"1 F '"' 'q u.un\.n(h l .... w••lr\ ' ~ ·• •'ll11n.,., u' • ..., " r B ". RENTALS <;;? RNol<'tl T Sn"'" I Al'·"'n •' l11 111 I Ar 1r m•· ....... f un 'If, H,.u._.., Unfu1n "l H " ~ .. r arrai•t~··<~ ·~ c J 'r ... nh<f'• ~ R .. • \' • t il Ren•<!l r R ITt< f r Rt>n• h, Ott -.. C mmr< I FIND IT IN OUR CLASSIFIE \ , \At· I H .,, ... • ~ B " I I t ( .... ~ L \._-, 'r ' t• ~ r ~. • • ~ V. , .•• J T H· REAL ESTATE R,_. '• t • ,, ... •-..t! H •• , f , ..., , • •·_J (" T .... flt • ~ 's .. 1 . ,r; 1 A. " ' t• ! . b :I ' p .. 'I I ' I r 1 ., . l " r•. t• ,. I I ••••. \.1 • I •· l t • p, :. ,, H I ~ "" I • I ~. t I MOBILE HO MES "I M I I• H., .... I • H ". w j .... : H • BO ATS ~ l E\ ' ~ ,. B I (I,. • , B I " i AUTOMOTIVE -<\ l 1r h , H ~ .. \' . . ... • R·' ' •• \,J \1 , • I B 12 BUSINESS PERSONALS ' r, r r rt '-""'--j '1f*'"' ~p.-j C 11 • .d .n.ur 11 • 1 "fliPd (' •li C<t 11< r; .. t PI" If 1r. ; C •I ••l • I s,.,, • I r nl rm ,. "'j f I a .... ~ II $ .r I I -.n 11 )4 QUIET 8 I 10 LOST & FOUND r J ,. ' ! . R f .... A R 0 I f ·~ i HI r-; 1 , Mt 1 lot ••I I r 1 1• ,t l •' • lr._ , ,, ,,, • •<; 1~1 11 SCHOOLS 8t INSTRUCTIO N TUTORJNG ..... I • ~ '' J• )t.. I \.1 r• .... .. 12 BUSINESS PERSONALS r. ,,., I j ~ t-1 1ft!'·. ' f', r ~ 16 HEALTH • t 'I j •>4 I• I H~HBAillr \.1 •• 17 TRAVEL VACA TION •THI\VIlr-IU~· 12 BUSINESS PERSONALS • ONI PtCTURIIS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS • Fl~~:r~~=rl•v ~3DQ VANDALISM • ISTATIS Use thls visual record for Insurance claims and to at~ the po,.ce. Caiii<OfoUne M. Brown L1cer.sro 4 159-9064 4 l v II • TIll ~ • I s .. • ~ .. 'I Pu ., •• ' , t " A 1 Ata "'r • 1. t ..... Jr • j &ANNOUNCE· MINTS PUBLISHER Dt•ES NOT ACCEPT t .. b,ht..,. tor 1ncorrec1 •JMIItno oranam•hc al onarcure C'-0 1 lyp<>Qt4JIMIC4 1 •rrors on any adv•r 1wementa p ubhan.-:1 1n the C04llt Wed.. New~ Group 673-lsst 23 HELP WANTED 23 HELP WANTED Tooling Deaignera AalemblyToola Roc--... lft~a lpece Tranepor .. tkln and Ira.._ Or~ 1 nvolved " •uc" rar reecrmlO chellenO•"O ae•<>•oace pro1ec11 u IN! Space Snunre You could be en •tnpor1enl 08'1 Of lh•S eHofl f you re en advanced Too Des1gner .... ,h a1 reesl 6 ~rs e•per•ence rn assembly 1001 des1gn You II alto need 1 thoroug h ~tno.,redge of drathng lechnrques lo orotec1 compound anglea and surfaces plus the ablltty to ,n terpret defrne and calculate 11reu the• mal e11pani10n contr a c t on a n d metaJiurgtcat oropertres AI ~---w. offer highly compe1111va •alariM and • wide range ot benefits. on eluding company-paid mediCal dental and Ht• lnturanc•. generous sevtnga and retirement plans quar1erty cott-of ·living tncr...... and 1 1C>-day paid y .. r end 1\otlday To learn more apply '" o-t ton ot call t 18DUERTAIN BALLOONS FOR DAD U1 ''I""' IJ"Itun .. hzt-d 1tlt 0 .. 1,_.,,...-j lc>(t>IIY Ord•·l I• d11v B .. lt. . ...,n• .t N""'l'' tl fA'> b44'J A BtAUTIF'Ul BEllY UANC ER woll mc>lt-. f"UI .Jf'>l' I w.; ... ,j1f•rfttr t •fJ~" ocol ' pr1v•t• uuf t,..,~ ,, ... ~ C .11 : •J 4'•'* It •P• 19 GIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS ..... d ff.f" r•• \ It:' • t., I... I t ht-l.urr. Lo..~ t h ~ .. 6' tr 1 Gr..J~ " J br <.J,. P•r t ' ! r t uaan• v.;. J .. , •• I fJIJ 44 1\f .-, ..... , ., t d 23 HELP WANTED ICJBS UVERSEAS Boq mon&Y fa~t \20 ()()() '" \5(1 000 plu• pe r v .. r C os I I 71 b !:14:t 6000 ""' 3215 EARN \400 IC. S800 • "'"'-'It ,..,,., .: prov•r. .. nvetq rr.-Q14m lrom 11 m" F , .... J .. lt~rl• wnd ~r,;mp.-d "'·v•l pi' lr M•v"•• C P 0 S<lx 4.3•7 Ct. "J IL iJQ64 j BEAUliCIANS ··• r bou'n• ttnd .. mct.n • rQ ~·.t'jOr. t r rf+r;' E• " ... N!'w~ r• S.. .. h u•o M od•r• .... I '>4S ~ • .II.! SALES ARTS .,nd n'"' 1t< oqr "' N ••~11 ,.. ,. ·,. ••w" W.ll •1 l& e l ttr.' ,.mm < F .. ~ b1e h .., " F r • ,,., ,.,.,. Mr~o P· pt> • ,4 7<;,! Nl8t ENGLJSH pronunc1o non Eur •f·"". •mm • f 111, ~.-*'" pt ,,!)t• "'' 11 l''"'"'"tlv lrom r•-ta:{ad 'P•f""h~l r Cl,,1d M ...... , ·I ,,, , c.1. ~~ " nc., ltt4! F.l F.CTAOL •GISTS ·~ Ex " " I 23HELP WANTED PRESTIGIOUS REAL EST ATE O FFICE on 1r vone loc.~on•J lor rup 'fU6 lc1Y <iQ"nls GO<Jd vmm1,..1vn spill No deN~ t.,e, 851 0829 15}. l4~J lOB INfORMATlON C nm<i Sh•1 tCJbs A leo H 01rtlur Dall<~> Over ..... rob• (602) 998 [J4.lb O.po d9bJ Ph<on .. ttllrf'lundobl~ 26UCENS£D CHIL.OCAR£ ST A Tr-L'A VI -R E QUIRES •ht~t persvr.• wh pr• v.d• h1ld c .. ,. 111 •h•u 1\ m" be ltc•r.• I t>d F'< 1 •of• rmallon '" how bt ... n hce n.w •n OraroQf' County c.tll '714 834 5172 BAIYSJ~ NlGHTS/WEa:Dft)S Gc. out lor droner ev• nrnq cl<'tS.S4U movlM het~lth club ohopprnq Tempcwory day ear• ovoilab1e while vour uwn 111t•r Ul 4way 857-8029 27 SlTUAnONS WANTED LIVE OUT Comp.nsoo boclrqround Ul food ltqh1 house d •aJUDQ Ref•r•nc• 952 8949 MATURE fEMALE-W\U b•bysst rn vour bom• \2 p4r hour C.U 6Jl 8543 Suw n 29MONEYTO LOAN JUMBO SECONDS Comp4!1tllv• r•!es I Brolr.er IDQUIII" tnvtted lmm•d••!• lund1oq Brolc•r 847 6006 MONEY MONEY Homeowners l04ns by phone 2nd and 3rd Trust Deeds tar1ored •o vour fllU.thon or n~• C •ll ltm dav n•oh• INHkeoda 586-9127 WIDOW HAS money 1ur •r~al dH<I~ SlO 000 ·•p No cr~rt -hKu no pPn.tllv Ct~ll DeniSOn A'>lioc•o•-.. 673 7 311 I I r,, -MAJIUFAC'NIII~ OPPORTUim I~· '• . Ex b• • s .... h .. , f t f ' • ·' I, • \ INTERVIEWERc:J DO YOU 1 • I I If SO .. WE OffER • h t • I • ~ I"'' t! CALL BETWEEN 9 AM. SPM C.P.M. J RESEARCH (71 4) 545-1458 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES I tJ 'I ._ -·t• t-. Or .... c-,,-. ....... ..... , .. ••••• a tr-... ,.._ ·~ te •taiWisll , .. • ,_ -· ,.. ....... --.......... _._._ IIIIIR. PHilliPS 131 5183 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED To operate our com p lete ltne of Deluxe Hvt Fcx.od Vend 1nQ Mac hlnP'-u~mq all Natwnal Brands I .JUI m.schtne<> a re pla c-Pd 1n tac1orres schools hvsprla ls a nd rnduslllal com plexP<; W P sup p lvi '' u wtth I he best •''llllf'm*='n' loca I '' •rt'-dnd product I Y Ht -.upply J 10 ~h.urs per week <\nd lhP df'SHt' 10 M !,nanc,a llv d£>pe ndt>nl 1n Mrn rnv••c..l m enl re 1 tJ r·Pd F o r 1111< rmdlr<n c all toll lree 1 800-852 "ll77 .1-;k lor opera lor no 26 CARE DlSTRIIUTOJlS .'--------' 32 TRUST D£EDS AND IIOitQAQD • .... II edn day. Jw. 11, l* n.. Newport Eaalp A RICH MAN'SDREAM In Corona del Mar. Famous Art Oalkry Includes palntlna.s and aculptures. Known netlonelly and In· tematlonally. 1275.000. Prlncl· pals only. Owner (714) 675-8641 or 675·8594. 31AimQUES Special Cl.a.roace Seta. 01 OAJ...LIRY ONEJ Red~bou up to &0~ on Mlec:t o&J p;unllnos. Hvaamela, eataque china, aJJve~. c ui olua, oneol&l porc:e.leuu, Net · 1\llr., c._,110one, ruo.s Fre11eh end Victonan cb&u.. R-ot arn>~ela loclllde: Mil of llerlwq. enhque Fren~h ludaey- lheped t&blM, roc:kuu~ hoCM, carOilMal hoCM ~quare oak dmm9 table. c:ut cryatal pecfume bot tle c:ollechon, ..,..pons, eac:epltooal peerls j1ede, amethyat. q&n~et '----------' jewelry Open Wedn .... 17S.OSSO Classltlftd 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES 2ND T 0 '1, 15-YEAR fully &morhaed 17._ • .., Low poi.Dta Call 964 2519 for quote 68 HOUSES F'OR SALE dey Sund.y, noon to 6 p m 1220 N Cout Hwy . lAo~.UU~ S..Ch 494-9966. 4!H-4444 c ASH---pj;io to r OUAUTY ANTIQUES Jewe l r y c ameos da.smond•. perlume bot tl• dr-r sell. cui qt.u. c:runa 6llve r o nentala GALLERY ONE 494·4-44-4. 4!H-9966 68 HOUSES FOR SALE' SIAJmQUES CHINISI ROBIS . befo~• 11100, Ne>~•)C ~*-and l.DcL-n b.alr.l., ahort hu coal Old Glory, 752 S. Cout Hwy , lAoiUle S..c:h, 4!H·9020 CAU CLASSIFifO 41 FURJOTURE UDJlOONSET 7-pwce h.drooa ..c LD· clud• twUI be.d and loot board. de&k, c:ha.lr, n1oht atend tuple dr-r muro r end book ahl'-Good cond!uon S250 C.IJ elter 7 p m . 837·1587 FINE fURNITURE SALE Couchea. tAbles l.em~ h.droom set bar stoola. oen:len lurruture, lawu eqwp· ment. TV, etc: S..C by •ppo1ntment onJy. on S.turdAy, June 19 Call no 4446. a.fter 5 30 pm 68 HOUSES F'OR SALE 81 LL GRUNDY . RE~LTuR . . PENINSULA HOMES Prize West Bay boyfront. Slips for 2 boots, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 both $1 ,200,000. Ocean and 1etty views. Morine room, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3, 700 sq. ft. $1 ,385,000. Oceanfront. LIDO ISLE HOMES Prtme lido Nord bayfront, 5 bed- room, 5 Y, both. Lorge living room, 2 boot slips $1 ,500,000. Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 both plus Iorge rec. room, beam ceilings, fur- nished, patios. $420,000. LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT lagoon v1ew from 6 bedroom, 5 both, playroom, dark room, den. Boot sl1p . $1 ,350,000. . BAYSIDE COVE Spectacular boyfront view 2 bed- rooms, 2 baths up; 2 bedrooms, 2 both down. 2 boot slips $1 ,900,000. CORONADO CAYS Coronado Island cusr. boyfront lot.' 85' boat dock Pions ovadobles. REDUCED! $370,000 with terms. BLUFFS CONDO Single story end unit, expanded, upgraded 3 bedroom, 3 both on largest greenbelt. $250,000. PARK LIDO 3 bedrooms, 2 '/, boths condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRU NDY RE~LTuR Wl\~1 \ bl~k -IC: ~ f\'.td .J O <tC''• 4SOmCE EQUIPMENT IBW NAG CAJlO 0 word p~ .,.t-. ~acelleot cond ition S4.200 or belt offer. Call s.Jly, (714)~0100 '9 DIAIIOICDS • JEWELRY ISTAn I SECOND- HAND JEWILRY and aterhnQ lletwere cOIU much t.. at Beotley's. 220 t: 17tb St . COlle ..... 645-6585 GRAND OPEIOMG Tbe Co.ta w-Co10 & Jewelry E.ach.aoqe, 2426 Newport 811Hl.. Co.ta Neu. buy• and ..U. 1.1Nd )ewe1ry, IICrep oold. denc.l. wetch•. coLDS, ulver 631-5933 SO MISCEL- LANEOUS PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT' liability lor mcorrect .pellmq, oremmahcel ~ccur · ac:1•, or typoorapluc:al errors 10 ADY ed>~er­ h•meoll pubb.abed 1.0 the Cout Wedte News Group MOVING O UT of st•t• N.at .. u enbqu... lour motorc:yd... fum1ture. lote of odds and enda 586 1272 SECOND HAND ROSE New And u..d meo ·, and women'• c:lothmg and ACceMOn• CoiUlon ment Shop, 696 W 19th. Co.tA N-al Po morw 548 9820 BACK HOE. 1976 Cue 5808 eatende boe Lo ad•no lorlrl. 24" buclrel betQhl Runs qood o,_, 493-5343 REDWOOD 2.16 DECK· ING/fenciDQ for we' 36 80 c:enll per foot l1m, 775 1491 53 APARTMENTS UNFURN FOR SAL! 1 p&~r alnl. 1~ c:m. s;zs_ 1 pan alii booll. me 3. S10 Ov•l ahaq erea NCJ, oruqe and brown wtl.ll be1qe colon. SlS. W-. bowl- LDCJ ball, Al41, 1n cerrr- UICJ caM, with ahoee, me~~a SIR 9~. 664-4687. NAGIC ISLAND Gold Charter Wnt.ber- lhl,p for ..J. Pnnt• party 847-0101 Sl WANTTO IUY S21.ElffALS TO SHARE CHRlSTIAM JIIOON mal• -Apll , '-o~&Me, oOAde» nelt.ble to lob.,_, W•'ll find OM for youl Cell F•Uow.hjp Roo~~U~~ate S.mce, 870- 5293, eat. SS. Oonellooa only. LA.RGI NIW CONDO 1n Woodbridqe. A~ to lab cll&}), poola, ~&euaai, taOAJa, etc:. Non·••oker. Prof••· ~ c:.reer penon S350 per month. Avail- able 1m m•Uetley. c.J.1 Leahe, 857-8657. 552-5257 W AHTID: OLD GUNS. 1 NA.LIIriNALI roc:a· n..l1•, ahotouu. pocket , -'-wa.oled: 2 h.d- wetc:hee. m1lttery 1 rooa, 1 balll ~ aworda. S.no.a c:oU.C-I Ieacla boue. Ct.&n ud lOr -pays IDON than li.o&acaelly rMpen~llble. any dea.J.r 581-11870 Cell toliJ,.. owabe~ l NEED Several-u..d 1-800-532-3972, ulr lor Per&l4Jl a.nd C hm-I ~(;~ .. ,., Adwatc h Ruos. Pnvate partyt on 00 ATE W • u...ctn 1 544-51n 1 R NN n.na....., Y -to .hare 2-bedroom WANTED -USED fur houe. lAQU114 S..cb Dlture, modern, an· Reaponatble worlnno hque RefrtCJereto rs, female or m•l• $300 par wuhen. dryen (work· month A>~e&lable now 100, non·worlunq) Let Call toUJr.. number S. 957-8133 1·800·532-3972. u.k lor WANTED: Furntture, Penoys•ver Adwatc:h appheDces (refr•CJ•r N4592. •ton, w.uhers. dryers, • A T T E N T l 0 N TVs. worktno. non· Homeownen • Cut ••· workiDCJ), Pl&DOII, •n· penNI Coul Houn· uqu•. ofhc;er lurnllure DUIIM ha.t qua.hhed, SSCAS (714) 957·8161 raponatble people to 52 RENT A.LS TO SHARE PROFESSIONAL fe- male. •o• 25-35. to shere Wlth sa.me. 2-bed- room, 2-betb Unaverally Park c:ondo Non·amolr- er, DO pell Hot tub. wuberldryer. elec:tn c CJ•r•o• S32S per month plus 112 uuhu.. CAlJ Barbara. 752-1¥177. ••• 110; 552-5394. ROON.NA n W ANTlD -Oc.an Ylew ept .. lAoiUla Beech. PerbAl.ly funuahed. Nacrowev., laundry. $375 plus 112 utihbM. c.J.I lollh- nu..m.ber 1-800·532-3972. uk lor Peruayaaver Ad- watch N 1962. 53 DARTMENTS UNFUR.N share your pl•c• Ap polntment At your con veoteoc:e C.ll DNA Y 4!H-1294 53DARTMENTS UNFURN UNIQUE APART NENTS end townhoua- wlth c•thedrel c e1l1nq• luepl.c" wet bera e1r condtiiODinQ poola MUDAS, QYm , leDnlS courts lmmeda•t• avetl able 1 bedroom •nd de~~, 1 h.droom, 2 h.d room/2 bath Iowa houaes Sorry. no pata 2400 Herbor Blvd . COli• w... 557 8020 LANDLORDS Free •dverta1nq1 Laat rental& And rec:etve qual1f1ed calla' AAA Ren141 Re•l ly. O tanoe County's oldest and l.erqeat rental servace 973 8315 CAUITHOIIE "IMMACULATE" WHY PAY MO R£? Now renllno Huo11no ton Gren•d• Apartments Pn me qerden •P•r1 menll neat beac h 10 Hunllnqton Beac ha One and two h.droom Apar1menll from S-425 (714) 847 6()6.4 I oro 2 t>eaoans rnmec.tol4Mv ovOIIcJtje Qptt()('(]l l vea lease ~e lw'() o t BRIARWOOD Beouhf\J pancllke seftrG ~ to Shoppl ~ ctose to treewovs Pool flresde lourge. SOU'O gas In- c~ to Coal. heat aid COOk With AI the eKtrOS me llefe ana you too Wtl wont to CAUITHOME Sonto Aro Freeway to Newport Ave 8 .1(11 then letf on Wolrlul 1322 South Eost Walnut. Tust~n 832-7870 MARINE SUPPLIES? a HOUSES FOR SALE 56 HOUSES UNFURH lRVINIINo rtbwood P•r~ Pl.ec• 4 h.droom 2v, bath, beaullful home wallr to S.nh•oo Hdlt School end shopptnQ Ave al.bl• lun40 lB 838 4667 NEWPORT BEAC H SpectaculAr oc"n bay v1ew 4 bedroom 2'-• bath. diDID'J room l•m1 ly room, c ommumty pool. eleqant S2,150 per month 759 0692 '" 644 8125 68 HOUSES FOR SAL£ read Clas,slliftd Roben ~ Eilerbea 68 HOUSES FOJ\ SALE ---- IEALJOIS Ytae Welton~ ~22& ~E. COQit ""'V Corona dill Mar (7W) 676-2371 01 RIMTAL-W!.ton Vtejo boue, 3 bedtooa. 2 beth. tamtly room. hre· pl.ece, tndoor 1p41, view, CW·Ge·MC at ... t. S825 10.ontbly. Cell toUI,.. o.u.aa.ber 1-800-532-3972 uk for Peuy•ev•r Ad· wetcla W4862. LIASI: S650. UP· Gll.AI)ID 2 bedroom, 2 beth. Refriqeretor. IIAIIIHE SUPPliES? read Classltf" uomCEJ COIINERCl.Al. 01FICI SPACI evei.l&ble 1n lrvln• ahop· pln9 ceal•r, 150 l<l· ft. to 400 ~q. II. R•ot o•qotieb1e . Noo- IIDOken. 558-5082. w~•rldryer. Larq_e t.-......;. _____ .., clouhle CJ~e<J·· On 11 Nt~ Golf Courw. Adulta.48&-8531. 3 BIDROOW. 2 8A TH, W.oo VieJo. S650 per aoolll, tint, 1.ell pha $2SO MCurlty (714) M2.S726. CORONA OIL WAR - near beech and DU~r· llet.. 1-bedtoom, hre- pl.ec:e, pabo. yMrly, $500 per month. (714) 684-5016. RENT COTTAGE. South !Aquna UoJur- Dt.ebed ltootty pLDe, 2 bedrooma. hreplac:e. Walk to lebulou• beac:het S7SO. 499- 1997 EUCUTIVI HONE, 4· h.droom. 3 fireplec•, furnt.ebed. Miluon Vi• JO $1,950. 951~6. FOR RENT: Fu.nuabed or IUlfumahed, Emerald Bay Pool•. beech. leDDII courll, oc:ean vtew. 3 bedtoom. 3 bath. fuepl.ece, Mp· •rate queet leclhb• YHr·ArOWld heqllliWlQ July 15 497-1664. ·EXCLUSIVE OCEANFRONT _. c;luded 2-bedroom. 2· bath, hrepl.ece, wuh· er/dryer. deck. $1,300 month, yeerly Cell toll· Jr.. number 1-800-532- 3972. uk lor Penoytaver Adw•tch C7188 58 CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR RENT PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT h•b1ltty lor IDC:Orrec:l spell.anq. qrammahral maccur- •caea, or typoqr4ph1cal errors 1n any adver luemeota pubhahed •n the Coul Med1a Newa Group 2 BEDROOM 1''' BATH condp North wood S725 per month Av•dable July 1 731 5423 WOODBRIDGE CON 00 3 h.droom I v. bath lower UDit OD parlr wllh pool, nN r tenrua and l•ke Av•u•ble mad July S650 per month f ust lu t and lf:ICuuty depo11t No pets C.tll Sue a t 540 4756 MondAy fuday 8 5 2BEOROOM 21/J BATH town hom• Pool. spa all facl1111et AvAilable now 862 Halyard St Newporl S..c:h (714) 540.7799 or (213) 967 9992 OCEANFRONT CON 00 EleQa.nt 2·bed room den 3 bath, woodburDIDQ lueplac:e pool. unfurnu hecf Sl 600 31561 T&bleroc:k Dr No 312. South UCJU1l4, 499 3529 o r (805) 969.5328 59VACAnOM RENTALS le.NtU\&& Newpon Cuter oft~ W1tll11M of recePhon. confer· ence room, lutcll., pllooe. eec retanel ud word p roc:-.oo w.1l ud •e.ACJ• .. ,. "~ evllle.ble Mpar ately lf ~red CcaUialty (7141 ~100 MIOARD •CARE CR S L1censed For Ambulato ry and Non-Ambulatory .'4 Huut SuJ)I'f'll"l 1 (IT '"' 164tJ.J Swmm•,C ,.,., CM 13741 Olympic: 951-48&9 61 HOUSES FOR SALE IRVINE-Un1>~eretty Park, laeter model. 4 bedroome, 2 beth1, leuuly room, centrel etriwo. Walk to pool, leon••. J•c uaat By owner, S164,900 559-4160 O RANGE LAXES -2 bedroom, 2-balh. at tec hed oeraCJe, o n wAler E.aceU.nt lerlnl S99.995 838-4667 SAVE UP TO 50% Carpet S6.9911q yd Ceremtc: tale !Mic/~q It Oak p•rquet S1 69/aq It. L10oleum SJ 99/lq yd II you • re loolnnq lor oew lloora and draper •••· Pac:ahc:a floou nq 11 your plAce to tave Lsro• desaoner ahow room Fr.. eshmelu 2846 £ C D411 Hwy . Corona del MAr. 640 2700, Ask lor Bob D O UTST A NDIN G lAoun• Beach ocean and c1ty vaews 1Ar9e 3 bedroom 21-.t -beth Alm011 DeW S22S.OOO Low u S20.000 dowu. low •• 13V. \oe, 25-yHr filled r•l• Owner even IDCJI, (213) 493 1844 days,(213)862·1109 SELL ATAUCTION s.Je dele June 20 S..l ed b1d 31162 DUmont, lAQWl• Naouel lmmac ula te , mout~telll v1ew, 4 h.droom, lamaly room S250.000 c:an be UIUm ed mmamum b1d S278,500 Market nlue S325 000 IDspec:t June 19, 20 or by appo10t ment C all lo det•ued 1n lo rmat1on sheet 831 ·6528 69CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR SALE POIPU BEACH. K•ua1 Waterfront condos, 2 bedroom, 2 bath fur n11hed Mu11 Mil (714) 892 -3084 (213) 431 3536 71 LOTS. ACREAGE LAGUNA lEACH SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. Tahoe lteys Lo>~ely 2· bedtoomJ!I,.;.beth COD· do 5 IDI CU UlOI pooU lennta pnv•te be•c:hl l&ke boat doc:lr S701 ~ ............ clay (714) 646-2183 LAJU: TAHOE-on the ••ler 4-h.droom 3 beth esc:eiJent home Completely lu.rrushed S700 par w .. ll 552· 211 5, eves 975 0311 ESCONDIDO BUILD ING LOT -Wuat .. u S..utllul 1 9 ec re v1ew lot w1th eppro s1mAtely t tOS N Coast Hwy 494·1117 ,~-- •. A CL.USTU Ot OlD LACWA CNAAMI 5 wpet•t• one bedroom con~ l«h wtth • fvepl«~ and o.,.n ~ ctrltnp lnch.idlrd lilt ouen ~ 1erp n.t 1rot.. and ,.,Y -.Jio to bMtha from Uus nofthend toc•10n SS».OOO IMDA4.0 lAY -~ ~-wood end ps hcJrM WIUI w.-m&)t Md c:ardWtty Ia c.awl ~ ldlpa itMII ~ .. u. holls U.. otun end c-von .,.._ .,. ...,_. ... .,. IMS.DOO 180Ua1 0t1 U&.ISPIIIONI Now otfenng 901. at our Corona del Mar Off1ce JOHN CNlf.Y. Gat MAMMOTH LAKES luury condos Sl-pa 4, 6 end 8 All •men1b" I $200 per w-k C•ll (213) 695-6441 BIG 8£AII 3 bedroom c:•ban to the aky C le.n •• r . p 1n e t ree s luepl.ece, color TV $.45 par d..y lpecla.J -Illy rete• 646 8 181 585-8329 RATES REDUCED- Palm Sp~o• Lu.IUJ c:ondo-eiiJOY the 1\lm· ••r -n fully fu r- atelled. I bedroom, .&.ep. lour Tenn••· •••••u•o. t•c:usat A>~att.bl• •••hnde. ••dw"llt or looo•r .. ,_ C.ll efter e_p. !WS. 74568 or 84&-31• IIG BIAR cebm. 2 bed- roo• plua loft ~ 9 l·lO 18Uiu"-to Soow Suua.1t, U() per D19ht $70 ,..JWI~I. MICIUity Npoejt Call toJU,.. auaber l 800·532·39'12 -~ lor PnnJM>~er Ad· 11M1Cia.,.. llG UAR CAIIN ClallJ leb otl 1Jone. ~ rloclle9. lialaiq, 90lfiDO, llikuao l bed· tearu, 2 bellla • ....,. • J jrepa.c:.., C018pleteJy ,., ... ~ w .. lltly. •n••-' r•• Noa aaokeu. 131·t7M, ---1 90 •vocado treea S69,500 term1 837 6753 80 MOBILE HKES NEWPORT BW to beech Reduc.d Sl 1. 000 Ownef neoot~ete terms S-47,950 2 h.d room, 2 beth. den bonus Conve01ent loc:e tton. qurc:k oc:cupency 631 0217 MIOATS• EQUIPMENT CAT ALDM 22' 11001' Gaii•Y. be.d. anetr~.~ menta. ti hp l>~1nrude. oo tr4iler A lloo.yl ~e l•r c.u toUtr .. nua ber 1-IOO-SJ:l-:w12, ulr lor P..utJMV.r Ad w&lc:b 1119361 1410ATS• EQUIPMENT LUDDll 26' •loop Good cond1· uon. $2.!100 or bat of. fer 613-3872. ZODIAC INFLATABU BOAT, lS', 50 bp lvtn· rud•. Neny ••hat. $4,000 or bat offer. 975-0117 de-,., 873-2G41 ev•. SABOT -UIUitnbble mod•l. 2-plec:• aut, ou loeb, oew 1B, ••· c:•U.Dt cond.iUon. SSOO. Loc:eted in Turtleroc:k, lmo• 851 -0375. 8SIOAT CHARTER IMMACULATE W-3C'IOATS 6! I~ •oe• pia.-pr-MI lr-U tiii-11\UICt .... ........... ._.. Marl8ad!Na.r CUIIID-4IM .. _.._ ..... t11~1M-JIM 11AUTO UPHOLSTERY r.c:tiPII AUTO UPHOLSTERY 211 W Wll.on. C. W Cerpell, he&dhnen or vUiyl to~. $90 mOll Amenc:an c:erw Metena.l b1qh quality lotenor reetorahon ec:ooomlCal- ly done 646 121 ~ 88MOTOR HOMES MUST SELL LINDY motor home. 22·loot NJnt C:ODdlhOO With all the utru 19.000 mtles S.t oUer over SlS,OOO C•ll Ron. (714) 760- 0100 90SERVICE/ REPAIR BRmSH AUTO RE PA~S l•9uer, leOJMJn HN iey, Tuumph MG Tn umph Stao and m011 other B11heh eutos 1995 HArbor Blvd C011e Meu 54 8 6226 HERB'S GARAGE AUTO REPAIR Fo re1qn Domnllc i.o01n• overlaul Tune up, brelt... elec:tr~c•l Cel1832·23n 93 V ANS/TRCK.S F'ORSALE 1970 OODGE 314 too p1clrup Cemper Spe c.-tal HHvy duty equip· ped AN/FN power sl .. nno •nd brakes automahc hans •u cond , Borden bumper b11 w1de hHvy-duty hres on r .. r. looks and rune reet Never hurt or abu..d Beat oller W11l trade lor auto 644 4687 '¥1 AUTOS WANTED PUBLISHER DO ES NOT ACCEPT ~&bwly lor IDC:Orrec:t spelhnq q r•mmallc:•l 1naccu r •c:•es or typoqraph.1c1l errota 10 a.ny •dver tt.Mments p@lashed ID the Cout Ned1• News G roup JEEPS CARS PIC K UPS from \35 AvAil •ble •• locel Govern raent Auc tions f or d1rec:tory. c•ll (805) 687 6000 est 2234 C •U refundable ALFAROM£0 t9n ALIA SPYOU Esc e lleot c:ond1hon sliver M~ehehn "'" Ble up uoa l llere o ss 800 857-4636 IICW 1977 IWW 320, W•tellac: bhae. e11 ANIFN. ta~. qood c:oodtliQD ~.200 Call tollf'" nufiiMr l-ac». 53:l J97'2, Mk lor hADy Mlf9r A.dw~tc .. Wf5S3 FOllD 77 D. CAMIHO R200 call 588-1 '172 UM WGA JIIIOADSTU -S3,000 or b.t otter Good concbtaon 49'7 4711 STUDDAIE1l 1956 STUDUAKD -A ct...c: Hawk P.,.. tdeaU.I. Gooci condi· bon SJ,S()(). CelJ tolJ. ,,.. number 1-t00·532· 3972, aa1t tor Peonyea>~er Adwatch W7900. TOYOTA '79 TOYOTA C.&.. lUll roof S3.800. Call 586-1m. FIND IT IN OUR DIRECTORY OP BUSIREU SERVICES ACCOUICTING BOOitDIPING - TAXIS -qua.rterb. - IDl&ll or UrlioCJ bua&· o-and incliVIdiJ&Ia weleoae. Oollble ••· lDQI, -·le r& .. ud proieemonally c:oa· petent Mrvtc•. ltnroU precuce before IRS. 552-8394 ADD MONS • REMODEI.ING ADDmOta• REMODEUitG All typa of construe lion frM eltlmAtM No ,ob loo amell 951-1751 AIR CONDlnONING DON'T NIL T ALL SUNN.tR -Au coodl- llon your t.lnlly and wve SS00-$1 ,000 Alao solar mst•llahona for poola and hot wAter systems Reference• St•n. 998.7129 AL TERAnONS/ DRESSMAKING ALL AL TEBA noaa And c Ullom INIJwr wHr 10078 Ad.rn.~ 912~ -ASPHALT SEAL COATING/ DlUVEWAYS ASPHALT REPAIR s..lco.hoq • Stnppi!ICJ Commerc..Vfteltdentw f'r .. Eat Lc 397362 MS--1111 ALLSTATE PAVIMG~. AnORNEY WILLS S25. 00 DANIELA. VER.EU:R A TT. 752-5416 • Ctvd • B.ankruplcv • fdm.tv • P•,.,.,n.U lnturt BARTENDERS PROnsSIONAL LU TINDEl lor rent -to Add IJI.at spec:1elloucb 10 that spec:-..1 oc:cMl001 Call 675-6002 BEAUTY SVCS/ nTNESS SALLY'S BEAUTY NOOl. 188 E l7tb St . Co.te Meu Pernr.eneoll lro• S11 SO up Ttnlm9, S8 00 up Shampoo ud .... S4 so FroMLDQ. S1 2 00 up H.!rc~o~thao. S3 so 642.7642 IN ·HOW£ BO DY WRAPS, US Sh.n ud t.ce treet-nt. \ZS Bot)! S4() lDtllth'" c:o~IUIQ, \25 AD :1, sea 631-0217 PIIATIS ....... preY•fttl'fe -lAte-~· Su-.r~ -4"-d ........ l bottom 1uu.b. MO per •oath ..., ra._, ell .,I.e. ........ - c, I CJ CA JOI .n .. 1110 SIOI •h dy• CA t4eJ and R l lraa CA IOU: •a• Q4f WOI lie I S98 fRI WID dec len. fr• len cet r •• Re1 enc to( c. c CA cle. c•• dec: roo $31 Ce· tnQ Q4r opt ten CA c .. ct. PlD w. 80C • c c te C• l c ot If\ c u BD IC r .. t4.1 ss: c D we ¥0L Co IDQ ter~ hot me c .. 0. .. C'OI ad Pl. a w. .. , c. .MI It D fhe Newport LnslQO Weonnooy . lurw 16. 1982 Page II DIRECTORY OF BOSINESSSERVICES CA&.l. Q.ASSiftE.O INVESTM£NTS CARPEft'TftY CABPINTD SWM1. JOI ~~pec...bat Cab weta, •&ll wuta, p.nel UlQ. mo~q. qu~ ~ JIOr&IJe, cMcU fr.. ~I •UIIl•t• Wader'• Han OOMCilETE dpotka, 642·3789 PAnos • DRIVEWAYS CALL PUJC the F .. ~.~p Woodeon paho co-n W...O. &IIIIAill cupanter all typea No tob 10o and odd rep&ar tob. biQIUB&Il No 291ZJS R L PerkUlS (Scot Au lor hm s.&-7102 lnah). ~9047 CONCUTI: AHDWA CARPDnD -For SONRY Par•os nuca work. cldlom cab· dKIIs b rae • 1olay onell , book dtelv"· du-•a.,. wub a.spbalt quaqe cabmeta. tl.llldt remov.l, pa.o .. n hre work 23 .,_,.. eape nnoa block 111alls Fr .. neoee 963·9056. 963 1 •tuaat• tMo 536 ~ Tb&n1l yo~o~ Jeuy 7440 (l .c 39l422) F'ltriicH oooRS b41v fll£E £STINAns on wi.Adows pa.ho covers cem•ot b&ock or bndr decb. lr&a1A4jj. udm4jj WOrk U. COD.SINChOD leo~ •ood lloortA9 °1 repa.ara Lc ~ r,.. eellllla... £.-eel· Call 996 0639 an '(lUIIe lent refer-.ncee Unli JOE & G CEMENT ce~ Jolul. 6'J'S.6002 Ouveways pah oa CARPERTRY walb Slepa and foWl· Feocea and Oecka dation.-A..plul.t, con· Repauw only Refer crete remov.l Bonded enc• Swc•l976 l.ceo• 368186 f r" er Marc1.1.1 C.rp4t11try Co CaU 552 3454 754-4151 CONC RETE WO RK P•lloa d11veways ••••••••1!!111-.1 b lockw•lls room .deL COII'I'IlAC10BS AJ..'fuA TIOICS. ADol TlONS ....... c. Mota. coa,._ coal•a.c· 11DQ • ..._ 35 .,.... "~-w.­Uc 931M91!1 H•ry 556-6006 WAY CONSTRUCTlON R.aaocW -Addtboaa LK 420802 MJ-111110 ~Your c.? ,c.~~ 67]..0550 DELIVEBY SERVICE AVAJI..ABU-TO RUN all typea of en aoda BI.WA-and perwooal Sboppwq P.ck up and d eh very. etc l ou 968-7655 0001\S BOUSE UST AWUICAN a..EA11IJ1G ICASOKRY WW H A.NOE.RSON ~ry B&ock. bnc lr uoa. teocee, patao. pl.ut•n. w.U. lnter ror/elftenOr fr-" hmat• (L c 180921) wc:r... llaJ , .. c. ,.a. PET CARE/ GROOMING VET E RI NA RI AN S P'"'"'' P•mp .. red p,.,, G.UDDmfG s-v- ~..a~Uw!9 Ul _..,, b..-..Jy Mod aoedUy ID&&al-aac •. d -o UJ» ~wn rep&U •ad 1n sa&JW1011 liM trJJBtalnQ e.od r•111ov.l apt 10kle r ~~ and lASMlla.IIOG r... wha•t• 549 4991 Yor5 dl I••' ur.• wt' h.td TAKYA t H~IN.D 'r----------pe• d••n1t lrc;,m murot n9 S.r..,c• Compt.t• MASONRY W<J( •U th•r• l8 •rt'd ...... ,.r .. u llood.d •naured &41 9699 d•p•ndable R-.son ••n s" u.dn. ~JU able ral .. ~er•nc.. DAl. Y mde •h .. · wm.. hu•cr• FIRST IMPRESSIO N TowJ laodxape S.rv ace. la..t..U.tJOo •nd ~· T ..... "' 963 2401 Landscape m tl6t pel c••" .,.p.,.rh FENC ES PA TIOS h•v• Punp .. rtod p .. , oce ~·~ t.wa HOUSE:XE EPIHG -·•boe 0.... root I WOftDMG-Nana:RS ~ We do •1 SIMGU: PA..RDITS We all .o call cAD belp wrth the -II U hou.worlr •nd muc h ROTOTJ.U.DfG DON£ •or• Oaly 4 llou.n DlRT cheep G.rd.D$ .,.,., other -1o S.ae flo-r beds 1 • .--perwoo CAD be yours or t.Adaca.pi.D9 a.-,o .cbedllle 0 11e ol our able ratw free a.d'lnee home_)_,_ for onlY a 646 78J9 eo.,.... ,_ aou.n 2 or 3 t.ua• a DOWN TO EARTH ""It •*'-vou n.ed 11 laW'11 end Gardea S.rv SGmeooe 10 he lp wr!b 1ee Cocaplet• IASU.lLa basrc cle•n•oo •nd laoD r-ov•hoo and tb~»e •••r• chor• tild m•Ulten•nce Qu..hty be there when yoLU serv•ce •• down 10 clu ld qeiS home from .. rth pnc• S.nshed Khoo. Prole"'o n•l Cllllom•n our h ul pno nry Call .oy1un•. 646 7819 bonded staH O.na s Ho .... lr-pmq Serv1c• 750 0820 Gau:Eit SCDfE I L•wa •••n••n•n<. e HOUS£SITTING cl .. Aups l•rqe and 1 HOUSESITTING u t un.U Tr-tnmm10q bo.twttwq eac hanq.-lor •a d remov•l F re• lodq111q Wh1re male SPAS DECKS Hot.dav H '"'' all rd 6'73-ll66 •blv puced bu .. rdln•J QrW mrr•'l .:1..-11 .. ,, 20592 U Q.!nd Cor.vur. Ro.d laqur•• B-rh 4-;4 0142 MIRROR PHOTOGRAPHY WIBRO R BREAKS EAI.arqe rooms uti t-• wh.teve r' w1tb m.1 MODEL PORTfOLIO ror Any w.JJ 8 all 1 4 a nd compc,sriM Bl•c r pl•te S398 uat•lled •nd wbrte or olo1 May At.o st•.ndard tub sh• ,., 1 .nd June s.,ec,aJ Call er enclosures spec1al &41 0121 Che• Wvnn rnst..U.hont •• onlv ~4 PUBLIC ITY PHOTOS uut.lled •nd wordrob .. I D.d you l<n· ........ The doors 531 6300 Darlrroom can ,,. •• pro MiRRO RED WALLS leUitloal pub hc1ty wardrobe door~ qlu ' photoqr<lph~ "' CJur b1qb quahty hcmesl studro ~ B1•r r •nd .. hilt' pllcH Eapert .nst.!lll a phutul lor prt>u re hon eapeneoct'd rei... leows bu11n•~~ < ~rds bl• MIKI &45 ~J .,dverlr~mQ e•r Only ~y 95' Call lnr IPP"•nl 't\er.! 4~~ MOVUfGir STORAGE ROOnNG ! TAILOR QUALITY ROOf iNG I<YM S C REATI Vt: fur 1.-O ld •nd "".. STilCHIN G Dre ... Ltln~lruclum L c .. nMd "'"""'IJ lur a ll 4QII't Old •nsured •nd bond....! luhuo~r. turltl lancv R•lerences •va rlabll' prlluw> •ntl ''"'"I• C .. ll Call Kenny f ur•w• .,, v ()4{! CJJUH ••me 1>45 0 19J ROOFING TELEPHONE All 'Y"'"' ,...... ,,, 1 ANSWERING SERVICE rttr<a•f ~ dtw" W''!) """''1 .. f 1-1 f.r, I Cdli 8 .;b S48-0769 l. No 4060.:1 I MAIL • MESSAGE RAYS ROOfiNG CO SERVICE s ... v.r.q .. t. I Or•n•Jf' WtH • • I r • ·'" ,, C ... n·-. A •vp..-~ f ree-11. • 0 j r.t .. r P•hme~tes tta • .ued L, ttO("t r •• P:. , r1v J6104.2 AI, ._. rll JY<t l '•'I ,. • j r.• .. 11,11 •nt..d 559 9J6'1 t;, , ~, .. ~ '" •• ,. ~ , HUBER ROOFING AU tyPH Nl'w IK Vl'l decks L.c 411~2 ~··9'734 riRE RETARDANT Ea1e 11or ln1e11or As shown ur. Th•t • In c redrble ·· L•cenoed .. p p hcator Great WMtern Rool1nq & f lteprc,oltnq "Me n••on 11d lc..r dl5 CtJ'-'nt 171 41731 »48 ROOM ADDinONS I r1 ~ .:r•... ~ r • l ••~.t .. r • G,,.,, Nt-,., port( .. ,, • ..,, ctddr.. ..r.d local! • C.ll Kct•hv (714) 760-0100 nL£ INSTALLATION DYNAMIC C ERAM IC .,,.. ,n•••ll41i<>n 1nter .e;r ~a t r •t ,u,d re I Pol•" f tHP ~''''matfti Purrh.,••· dll m41eual ' nr•>U'II• m .. Up I< 401o j,..._.,ur.• ' Hono.-at worlc lri><l '){•4 :USTOM Tllf. WO RK' All •vpf'~ nllell"'" •·• f •-dl liO~ tf tt TR£ES TREES EXPERTLY TRIMMED •nd •emu• lid " alw yard •nd q•rden ••u• ReMun• ble rehabl• c.ll lor t rore e~tom••ei A11 ">41l 71!02 TV REPAIR TELEVISIO N EXPERT SERVIC E I~ 'fedr5 •• per ... r r ., Da v n1qh1 wet:l<end l >W rat~ ln. he.. m.. ....~t•mo les \b 5V C' ol Harvpy ~ l/b4 UPHOLSTERY R£UPHO LSTERY DRAPERIES Cusi(Jm w '" u~ . ':t0°o u lf tr.al~r ... t. f ,... es .m••~"• Svu h Pomre U phol~tw rv L tquu4 H1lb 768 900'J SOUSSAN iNTERIORS An••q~o~e •o Mod•rn U1 ' ~ ,ft otll dP \t(,Jrl .. f LtLt jO G··~· \f '•• ... (1 ,., fp, .. ,~ I <1l A • ~ F'r• • 1 I C.~ •oJ 6t f. .. ~, (714 ) 957-0128 hoDs ••• c ulllnq Re11 dentr•l commer cw l rc 2S4n 4 P•ul 175-3283 175 8371 DOORS fOR-TH£ DO rT YOURSD.F >Mt•ll•r Wh olesa l• p11c es )'a6'8" 10 bq ht frenc h doon S95 26 f our p.neJ &.Dtenor dou9&.s hr 2'8"" s 6 '8" S78 SO each St.anJ.v Huaqes & Hardw•r• •tc S5 dehv•fl du.ct to your loc.l tob Slle Pre hunq lir.liS .al.sc av..u...ble C .JJ 857 6858 Mtuaat• S48 6065 55 very r•l~~ Qood THI STARVING COL U:GE STUDENTS Mo, 1nq Co b.u qrown IL•c T 12«361 Same Qood wrv1ce Call &4 1 8427 PlANO/ORGAN TUNlNG ROOM ADDITIO NS K.•c hen bath room• ""'"' bars pa11os M&SOnrv el11CI11Cal Pttter S Rodqer~ Proper•~ lrr provemen1 bJi .2J.4L m d ... ,, 2 ltr ,' nt•t ;r !j 1 e' CONCRETE DOUG'S rel•re oces l a •rv YAJlDSERVICE 759 5035 759 194 3 Lawa -~ tr-540 1338 truaaunq clea.oup •nd h.lilino 544 2111 ••• 1103 ·-kdays 8 s 1 SPEC lA.UZI: In )4Clt ·--------~ bammer .orlr. •nd re mov•l o f conc rete r-------~..,...,.,,.....,1 CARPETS (pahoa s.d.w.Jb and _..... 21% IUIOl ruu MAIN'TDfA.NC£ &Ad c!.anop Sp«wl11 o lAO LD cvmmercral and shopplnQ C.DI.IS C~ll Tony 646 7556 INTERIOR/ EXtERJOR DESIGN 1 ABCMOVING Eapeu e r.ced pr.:l•• EXPERT O RIENTAL dllvew•Y" At.o cunmq _.} Off : UG ClEANING I and lwncb.wr.nq N Jl • (.,stQift Made er-I d-oo lor '·our ~· tunahty and b ud<IP' I Cre.-11ve con•ud•n.; GLASS Un u.su.al lurn••ur• .... r. SIOnct.l lvwest 141eJO Ire.> I t>Shm.&tes Ourck c•r.- lu: ,.PfVtCft R A1ao ""'"' he W~ s COli e • •o.t o.,... l ,..,...,., appr a•s•la rep•u• c rete Remova.l 6.31 • • ~ P • "'~ l .k ~· 552-0410 s.l• P•n Aar•n Onu 1 2610 e •f'\-• "'-1(1 ~~et· t.l Ruqs. 581 203 1 -e ·~ f\1•-•tt'> CONSTRocnON I B WILSON & SONS CARPET CLEANING Bu1lden f '" •sh CARPET UPHOLSTERY m•t• JO y .. n upen cleAJtmq JUNE spa •nee Bonded L c No c1al Hyd r o ste•m 357487 646 1740 deodonu d•lle• Z O VIAHOL T CoU1ruc rooms, Sl3 SO. 5 rouros lion Remode lulq and SJl SO. ~ta , Sl9 75 ••c FramlliQ draywall C•rpet upbol$t&ry dve bav w1ndow" f rench lllO (60 varch) Scotch do;)Qn Q~4hty 4t low qard pre condJhonrno I pncea C 411 S rv•n op horwl Car~• M.s 549 2767 tets 540-1849 CAJ\P!TS C LEANED ~=5~J~ ~~~~ CArpets .tte•m dry 8 u1ld1DQ Conltacton c!.aned f loor stnp 11nc• 1917 Custo m pwq/wuiDQ So~tbwHl b~Udinq and remodel W.mtenance t714) 7SI I.DQ From desaqa to 8001 hatah l1c 122497 EXCU 642 7003 645 0'768 CA1lPET CAAE a.DIOOEUieC C•rpets .nd ~o~p~olsrer, 1 AND ADOrTIONS Road c 1-niDQ YREE .... d IJI&tee Work quar•n I ... oo p a tiOi sp•s d e c lr s s lr vlro h•s teed laclr B~tlhnqton q rH nbo"'-R w1adows owner oper•tor New s111..u •ob spec.aiiSt port S..Cb &45 177r Fr-WIUII•tes RK:h•rd .-----------.1 (714) 52S 1007 HO NEOWNERS RENO DEL CAaNl CUAWIJtl STtAM OR Oll't Carper crd Uoi'OlS tery c teonng "P&- c <*zlng "' C)tflc\.4t to b roc s .)w ne• ooero teo bosecl n ifWl8 (7M) 07-4807 CARPET INSTAU.A noN BILLS C ARPEl SIR 'v ICE lnat.ll.11 n .t"J rep.,n Quahlv w.,rlt s• tau pnc• Cal1 B·ll A' 552 5816 .,..n uu~s CAR WASHING DETAWNG WOBI.U S£.R VIC E ~ vou.r home ·r tf,c, Coaplete n•nJ wa .. n 109 powatunq •nJ n teno r d•ta.hnq Tr .. d . hooal D.ta~len lea• ~ mnwqefor P T rn-n..- u.oSHJHE 0.Srqn ud CODSINCIIOn documents prepa red Con.su:t w1til the prot~ i ounal W11loam Anq•lt •nd Comp•nv (7l•U T/0 1~ REMO Dll CONTRAC TO R Aeler•nc -L•c 4 13671 Addoii<)DS DeSI Jft Dr•h •nq Y•nte• C, nllru, 'I•'D I In, ~ 0217 5tll :' 4tlo4 49J b2 '8 COISTIUCllOII SHtwlllS .............. I &~ twa c.-........ ... 0 .... ..,.., 17 141 Mll6lJ CONTRACTORS I C CONSTRUCTlO N >Witamtn.., p.x-1~ aod ~PM N.o .. :..:-n~truc-hor I .tnd r-odelt ~uDtl,., r hb•r9 la~s Comple'f' DRYWAU DRYWALL NURSLNG CARE Woooalli.DCE CLASS d.... covotnr.qs bed IIDlBOB • ~-~ I J .nq every1tunQ' o,, ~ -uniS too' S.nd 1• N R..ident..t C'Ommercr•l S11·3M9 PRACTIC AL NURSE czlass lor .a.ll. puRrpo~ I CUSTOM DESICH prof4"SS.ona. h mt' aJ .. Hanqwq tapi.DQ •nd CrNilVOit baAd tean.u• Insured Reh.able 0. pendable Q.whlv wor e.uon ~ lc.r •t.• dr!.<!bu.>d r. .able rat• 1 f ramed All Mu rcr> I . d 851-47'71 Enqr•vmqs a nd Homt> v~ ~tnQI ""1 '·~A "'· Acc~fles r r-con Cnron.c-a I\ • V t. suhat•on Call l or"" able lull •: pdto •·m" c..u ltttf HANDYMAN &31 -5913. I PATRIC K'S HO M£ R~ ORYWA.Ll. TAP£NG pa.ar a.nd lmproYVmer.li A ll teatu r•s an d G.oer.l m••nl~nanc• aco\LSIIC Room •dd l I ca rpentrv •1..:-111!:41 hons ud r•>n da.maq• pl~o~mbmo c ncr•'• P• free estu:!W'-l•vU> II lies aod ••l&• Hourh 675-9088 r••es No c.b ~~ ~.sll ,714)640 J~j I G ERMAN C RAFTS ELECTllJQAH MAN 14 ,.,.., ~.1 JlESJDENTlAL COW homeowaer 1r end , MEJICIAL _ £!.octnc c1..... r .. ....,n•bl• N Oil I tpeet.lty a..n j tvb tOO >ID I F ,._ qu.ck :ie pe odable "1.-..·" b42 ·H '\. Yi • d'O any su.. to I: Pe••r S Rodq e rs Pro p•r•v lmp rcv• m-t 6.312345 UC DtSED EUCTRJ ClAN o.p-dabw quahrv wo rk Reti<ln •ble ,... r r--·· m•les Call Tom oiJI 5072 ELECTRICAL PROIIDIS? Ca ll HCl S.rYJC'e Com p.ny We rio r.s.den tWll co8\men.-.. l rn dustn •J wu mQ No rob •s too unaU l 4 hour w n • ce hne (7141 631 5999 IIETlCUl.OUS MORTS • Home Repaar • Remodeonq e Fut It Serv1c~ c .. ,~, .. , .-, ... ~ .... ~ 1 U J •l•i'41...a T ;J IC.'-It. 1. ttJo~ ..... ruJ r.-.r:.· J •• ,. t • •P rrr. J> 1 1 • • '•' .... m• f '' ••'' ... , • l Lc 41SZJJ HOME ELECTRIC Al CON IMPROVEMENTS TRACTOII Lewu Elt"Ctr ... a l C-. Lo. I.EEP YOUR W.AI~TE -4 18':168 Pro' d =>q MANCE ,, i1 •c p<>-r •nd LQil' 1 ·r' Ho,.sftbvld boa• shop. •nd •D ree .. -del.l.llQ J..dln :4 hour _.n.,,.... • 1 •: • r 10: • 1)4.2 80.ZJ .:!H nup S 1%114!1 c .. u rtJ1UQTUBE REPAIR• RESTORE HAND STRIPPING rep•u•n ~ Ar.'t-l ~es r•ll•n new lurn••ur• C lwir c•runq na honq SPECIAl -a nv c ha.ar •nv c-olor !land stn p ~ or reqll.led $10 :<:; A Toucll "' l•~•e lll"H t l" O.ua.-(714 ~ I• .. HOUSE CLEANJ.NG HO USEC LE A ._1._-o.., c .... mpl.-. " .. s-.: .... r 545·1749 24 ho.JI >@r\1• t' Ht·l <'Sd b 75 4885 LANDSCAPLNG YARD R.EJUVEMA noN CleAn~o~p • Tr-Trun !1hll0 • Lawn R•no.a'l• r • Rel•ndscaprnQ • S.rv nq Harb<.r Ar&a r.•n• ,....,s S•••e lrc•nsed .r. ... r.>d fr .. l"Siuna· .. CALL BOB 546-9288 C1\EDf SCDn: 1....-.n rc.-~ s..h~ ... b1 !r 'd~••• .. R..,.• ·.u -:.1 ·"' : onm.nq •r.d •to ~ .. ' f rfl'fil Mlt.m•·~ f'4r-• "> 71:j ..> 54d ~J~Jt5 n.a £ST1M.A n:s S .:1 'punlder a nd PAINnNG PAINTING ln•l'nrH Eateu ur l <-wt>s• : ttl'• p rompt nt'd' ,.,. " lr1 ar~ t-r iO .., ...... r .... esltma•..-s :14 -.4>1 5684 714 bJI) -: ..... lA£ S PAINTING te11or Eat•••<-r Rt .. 2~1 •••I Cornm•p·,.,, F ,...., I'S h..aw tea C a • -1 S4S J. J1 JlMirCO. PAINnNG • lnte u ... r • Eater"'' ll!~ot4U f , .... ,,,~_. 559-5519 .r.r.b ,r.sr•lla• n OH SPRING PA I I'ITIN~. " ·• nh 1 0 •a~n SPEC IAL lr.l<'t : ••• 1 • , c~ . ...:. _,.., PI• .... 'Ct.."'J ~ .. " •• t ... -. C -tL 'e:a . ..c J' "'n-... , , ... Mtu J" 1 ~.to•\· w ,, '~ j :1. J'••r Lloyd's Garden S hop I ••1 JU .. , H ,.,,.j f •·•· L • .: l04Sit ~llm.;le• f ·...J '.,.. C ah b4b 74+4 l4:'t IO HJII MULLANEY •SONS ~ .. rner· br•-'' relanJ '~" ~~ .,,.... r~m ... ,.1 j .i....:i<. L.. £6.~. no-~ O.CA AWARD- wurNINC COI'fTRACTOR PAl.NTINC lnt.,lot E:xten or •Q •• t.•v W ~~ • Rlil'a.sc•..bh Pr • I O RIO N PAINTING C ~' 181 1 SUMMER PAI'HI" , SPECIAl , • • 1 ,, ·~,, I )'-"'-. ( ... •. • •\.1 t• . ... .. r..._r .. tt :;p -:al•" :: I ...,J •.srwp r@' • J • J ~ r J 1 cc lr .. ••~ l l''fio~Jod bvnd ~.: _' )(.' K.lll l' lar d Jf J ~· lOtk! L J,,CSC A PIN G • P: .... , ... r••,. • " ,.. "r•r: t•ctrS .. , • .,.. • r. tl' R~tP.rt-r.~ es (' I F) • .J40 s.. J •. ' j- .J ""J r t fl st.r-. .J • I SJt-J.4 •• '"lefiOt ( .... •O< Acovl•·co l C•·'·"9' qete<en<ft\ • ln~v•ed Clovc!·O 1 C~atom a1110 and boa' deta~Jmo Your hamor ' r m•n• P\Cir up and Jel" efl CaliBrJJ S48 I·N2 I plumb"'~ "·K'''"'' J .... -~. m&.klni'Y paltv~ • Cl.us lat•uon 71 . W PAPER HNGJNG CATEIUJIG liNT A COO K O.Ju:ro rAs ... trd•v ..... p,...tued lor your COD~ S. .... l~ ... Till. 9n 4174 PLA.JIC'NlJtG A SHO W O J Let ......... '90\1 w. ~..tu. 1n bab• ud ~ showen c.u S29 9564 01 841.) l4ll4 I l.1< N C "-3 \J7 .. I 71 4 S3<f \6'i: INl'EIUOBI UIUUOR DESIGN , 7th Sr A l C •• Mew ~:712 JANITORIAL SERV1CES LEE'S COASTLIME CLEAIOitG CO. S.CurtW PrOtection ....... ...., ............. ... ..... • '*-... .... -e.,._ .... c... • A~ Sec:ur1ty Fot Home or Otllce Cell Our~ F01 ,._lt• ron . ......, . ....._ • o,.llll •c-- e, ___ _ .... -. ·~ e ..... ~ • c...c:....e-e,_... ..... c ' PIANO TUNING R•p•rnno requl•hnq •ppr•~Ula lvc•l r•IPr e nc-es O..rqh1 Kevh 953-9257 PLASTERING ALL PHASES O f PLASTERING Ur.•q ,., P"' h.no and pa.nt•n'1 Small tulx ..... c m" I s,_.~r ,...,,... ,.-.t.m•'""~ I filii) ">41':1 I SECRET AR1AL t." t O .... :sla'" """' '•'""~ i;t'ol~ f 'tlt" ~I n J'~• R~tet t-1" ... ., R ~l. ,., ..... TH£ BEST most pr ·m~ CERAMIC TIL£ proleu•onal ryput IBM F. ,, C..,ur ,, .• T 1 • 75 .. n5wftrs a,l Y• "' •vp Sh "'',. Exp.-r• .r.q r.O!eds Redson•bl" I "'"·I•'• r Gu•• '' 1...-J ra'H b an 551 4532 ..,, .. 1• ,,.,.. ,...,,,m•'• 55';1 5950 mt'~ 1•• ~s !120i SECURJTY PROTECT YOUR POS SESSIO NS M.,r h d TILE INSTALLATION f r >ll ••ttd~ I w u ,..., .... J.-d r.... ..,, m4°t'• N7btl7 C ,1 RE STUCCO •t-•0 ur Ill~ drywall r·•' t\ln I It' vmmf'nded bv m4 C..l rr. add.• r.) ~ rt:)uronc P -mpantf.". M•r-.4 7'>4 "~'7 TILE ~ MARBLF INSTALL ATIO N VIDEO VIDEO G AMES (com Tt'tr .. : lutr_, boaH p.r.t. .. lt• Reu onable P•• .. , osrq• 54'1Kflon Pnrt~ .. nd w rv•c• N1lre 1P3l"l 171 4) 7)8 J9EI8 Ec~ Video Servka ~>C)tJ/~ • ~ '.t<olOilS pro/rs~ 't't >~dfod on ....;,o tll/l)# •W.-dcltogs • FWI.goou' ( t'fl'fTIOI'\~ ,,.,, 1 .. ,. .. ,, 1 f r~· •. 1 ~:;b~~J s .. "rcn 714 , • .,,,mc!ll(l AI d~l Mol-1 4'ib 5007 l E r ~lfltt rot' ~M.,, C mm .. l ' ·~ RP ,j,., ~ 0 /d f , tr~• ... ot.l,tr.d' ....... • BdnQut>" p~ • ~Jf1"'9 [ """"' PLUMBING SANC HEZ PlUMBING I Rt·~•dl"nllal Commer -11 SpOIC•alrz•nq '" ;; ~e• ••P•Pft ond II' ~·•" l • •n•l' N lt)(H47 Cat! I r !r 1.'<' SIYUGHTS SKYLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY AU .... crll qudrani~M"<i Or, .. j .,y .r .. tallal vr Weston CoMlfUcllon .. uG .. c.•q• '-f'l' '>.l'> fORMIC A COUNTERS T P'C"blf•"'" ,.,!, .. 1 f , ..... ..-ttmatt~"' 642 ~!17 TRAVEL • Shu....-. [ ~htbiiiOn~ • 'c>o Nc!lmtt h'"t Call Fred Sanger at (714) 556-7091 h'•m"'" 042 B '+4 (7U) 963-1737 NEW PO RT S K Y I TRAVtL CLUB UGHTS Q .. a ·" • Ex.smp~ ~4" .,.,., .• 1 -tt>• o rr All LA BO R S~ ah:lf'IQ .n •I ''> • I plumb .r.l O.:r .. nd•ble rttputabt .. 1 e r m. •I l Ct'n•• 4 r ldlf' Wa,lo ro ( " ,t .. llat .... r '"''" nab•~ ~•r«bl .. I lip\ ... v"'~""" r.t•ers tr~ ~,~ .. m-1'"'" r •h• ~ rid WlNDOW CLEA.NlNG G""'""'Hd R .. ,,., f UN MO NE Y TfiA, I:.L ttn~;o, b.H 457b a..~ !"1 [r•.,;> WINDO WS SPARK LING C LEAN Avf!• • l N..'t-T .,tal Ph•mb•:-:·~ .. • l'\.4(1 POOLSt SAUNAS HOT TUBS/SPAS KEVAN S POOL SERV ILE R•".:il'nll•• A;,•• ..,.. * C m rr~~r A 1ol w.ull •t•d • .,~a • H ' .... Hd 1 .. pt't l•t '>4il I• ) , QUAUTY l rnm•r~ , .. 1 RPs•d• r • .t } •• PcU'A.p flttflr t' Hf.t AIR REMODELI NG RPiwuJr, " 673 1114 RAlNGUTTERS k A !S <.,UTT f RS .. • z-.. f •~·· ..,.)>1 rr , ..... 1 ~1 r.,; ., .. , c . ''" • , 4C.. PAIHnNG SOLAR . \ .. ) ·~ .. 974·5393 TAILOR f XPERT lNG B . . ' PAI.NnHG YIIUAL hllFICTIOII Caterang to Orange County s Rest dent1al and lndustnal Po1nt and Decorohng Needs. 0 \r '• I j f ' r' • "II A • II. I I •• . . "''. • f .• . . . "I ( 7 lo4 t b-4 S J H 8 ex S-46 45& I IN TERIOR AND EX H RIOR W O RK PRESCOn-5 PAINTlNG INTERJOR1 EXTERIOR • ACOUSTIC C l lllNGS REr AI NT El• • • PAPE" HANG ING & liE MI. 'V AI • • D,.YWAll & STUC'C't> RHAIR • 5 YEAR GUARANTEE/EXT. COMPUTE CUANJNG SERVIC E Upllal '"'' • c .. ,,... • D·4~ • \\ l '" • HIGH QUALITY NOT HIGH PRICES • PRESCOTT ROBBINS Local Res.tdent Lc .... lo...W . t ..... Nd ,_ .... --.... FREE ESTIIIA TES (714) 157·1 ns u .~ .. I IMPORT AKT Mti:TlNC r . 1 ,.,~t , 71 4 ~!I 3632 q f' 2 <lorv S39 tiS 17 w nduw• i l5 llllDI ...,..,m Screens mclu.dltd Pn n• es1 males Ben•• B• 545 J1 S8 I I TREES C RANCE COAST w. ea H• vou w1th • £XP!.RT TREE 'fR \ lCI:. T .... ' .j •! I .l r r-n-1 J ' i , m ~ t Y.;rd If' HIYI f , ..... .,:T 1. c "1 ... ~ H 1N" TRU ~ w.IC£ I T• "m. l .i r. ''-rP•• oi'TJ rfllm "-' II -l ,,,. . tl • t' •• L. '" • l I j I ,. 1 • tllllli ~ , ... I ~ • TREE TOPPER • I r '• • I !186 0182 .. -" ROOflNG .. tr.Qh ;or u•l.., ... ~ AH·•aq< h uuSf' SJ( f •t:•._. • '-'IM41~i 8306111. WINDOWS W ASH£D I,..,, ~ , b«at llaa•c I ' rv \ll 1 •tory SJO R, j•·r•oil c ... mmer .. !1!19·1303 LET THE SPRUfC SUN sh10e rn. O u•htv we:~ •• , ... ,,,.-bit' ,,.,.,,. c .u ; '·' ' W nd,.w Clttc!ll I '-4 l 'i84t> i1t. i~O<''l'<' WASHING _ .......... ""'"" ,~rt •t • • ,,.. ..·au 71 4 .... 4 't("-' w ) m '"-t:; • ~ ... ~J( .n.,J,. • • 1~ v .. 'aid{ L '·'' ~ S lr C"tll luhr ROOFING NEWPORT ROOFING FIRE ~·· ••t • ' I ~ ••U r 1\,•m•· ln>m lrn· , I "" 11\,IAII An 41 \rA\11'11 •' n ·"'''""bl) pru ••d ( t."' A I "' A"t<'rd<\nl Ru~·l C~~-u-'_'_'_• .. 4_-6...-4 .... s .... -_o_t_o_4__,· • Any Bukk In Inventory For 90 Days Or More Or Any Out-Of-Service Demonstrator. VE NV ·c CE . NOTICE TO l)4E BUYER -The •nvotce total tnctuct.s tectory hotdbeek and ad~rt•s•ng assoc••••on .uesaments ~ •s not a nee tectofV cost Pf•c• to the ~ The irwote. m.., also not ret'-ct the uthmate coat of the ~h•cle tn v.ew of the dealer tnst•'-d opt•on• rebatH. and •ncenh~ .-ardS from the manutecturef to the dea.ler Plus ivie as Electras Sky awks Skylarks agons Centurys e Sab es eisels egal Co eg s