HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-23 - Newport Harbor Ensign• OJ :: ;; -.) • ::> • 0 CT v I.J -J .N c; • :..0 r.J ~ ";) o:l n ~ "1 > .. ~ .-· ::3 J I") ~ ~ .J N ......_ :;]\ /. ,:r. '-" •j , ... -' '-c ~ • l .. L;~~~; ~ . '.! .... , Sewer Valve Dedicated Kicks Off Irrelevant Week See Page 2 A Cabbage Cook off? Tim One's For Real See Page 3 ENSIGN THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 46 (71 4) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23, 1982 • 25 CENTS nFightlng Coleen Pelette. above center. is the new Miss Newport Beach followmg Fnday night's pageant Shown above wnh her are. lett. Nancy Russell, second runner-up, and Barbara Barr. ferst runner up. At left is the new queen during formatwear compe1hion and swim suit competition. Below she is shown with emcee Tom Hatten giv1ng a short speech. A t bonom she IS crowned the new queen by outgoing Miss Newport Beach Jody Ouacn. nght. Stat1 pho1a. by 8arrv Slobln Cove AuemblywomcUl Man4ll Berqeson a still hghhnq a leqalahve conference comuutt .. deca10n to evtct part hme restdenta of C~tal Cove beQm· DlllQ July 1 She a &lao uate over the dele- bon of $4.8 aullJon m funds for park Improvements from the park bond 1ssue paued lut year. "These achona are very 1rre· sponsible," s&ld Berqeaon. "We need orderly development of the park cUld we muat treat the reaJdeota fauly." The comautt .. ret4Jlled 14Jlguaqe conta1ned 1n the 1981 budqet, whtch requ1red eVlC· hona of all part·hme reaJdenta to beqm July 1 &nd requu .. the laa1 of them to be out by Ju.ly 1983 AccordJ.no to Pete Oanqer·' mend. director of the state Department of Peru &nd Recreahon, temporary restdents will probably only be ev1c1ed a..s the cottaqes are needed, wtth aome perhaps ataymq the enhre year. The delehon of money lor the development of Crystal Cove from the budoet wu .U.O deplored by Berouon She NJd thet whether the money wu spent or not had notlunq to do wtlh ba.lancmg the budqet 11nce 1t was fro m apec..l funds wbtcb could only be spent on parks A controve rsy over whether the reatdents of the 48 cotteqes would be &llowed to rem&m 10 theu homes hu raqed atnce the stale purc hued the Crystal Ccwe area 10 1979 for • 11ate park Rea1denta of the area have been bqhhnQ ever amce for the noht to lono-term rellldency lD the cottaq .. and have been sup· ported by Berqeeon Some members of the l-ou · lature hAve puahed for an .. rly evichon, however, on the qrounda that l .. VlllQ the ten&nta m poaeaton would tmpede pubhc ace .. to the beach Areas Newporters Dominate New OCI Medical Trustees Truh ... you don't atand • cbaoe. A Jour-bow bbta to ellminete refue will bit the abor• and _..,. ol Newpor1 Halbor S.tur· c:A.y, haly 10, wbeo t1le Newport lll.riM>I' ArM Cla••ber ol Com- ~~erce ua tM ctty joill io.roee oa ~ HerbOr O.y.'' dJvlct.d LDto aon .. foz the prOJ · eel, With .. ch aon• daYided IJ)to er .. a foz WOJ'k uaiqnJDents. A comlll&llder will be a.aioned to .. ~ 1011e, and capt&ula couno · ~u.a to the arMI, to o ... ,.... actual pickup and dtapoM} of lt.U. ~ O..t of bo.ta will opera .. uDder Mch 1100e coaa•uder (lOrry, DO aubmuin•l), withe fWO.fold ~: to uplore etraoc,e, uw varbac,e, to b.CJ Dew truh aod Dew detri.m•nta· IIOD. After l&kino tu ba9S to cMpotl, city tnacb Will ... lM traeh to lM duap. II Nme new memben heve been elected to the Board of Truat ... of the UC Irvine Colleo-of Nedtcme Wltb the _,provaJ of the UC Boerd of 8eQenta The 29-mem.ber board a ad- vuory to the chanceUor and m.edu:aJ ecbool deeD with r.-pect to the academic, atu.dent a.nd bu.ain .. a&ln et the Col· l~e of NM.lc:i..De and ita orowth aod developmeet. 'n. oew .. abe,. ar-e: -Ja .. C..vaa.U9b ol Newport IMcla. preeicMAt 01 A.Uervao lD- terutioMl ucl tpedal c:ouul· teal to P1 deat iaeeQa. -Wtlllaa Dt.tke ol lac:iDo, cluef eueulift ollioer ol luca lD· chlllriee Mi e aech.t•ec:N uaed Ul cenLec suroery -Dan Wont&no of Oreno• chamaan of the boArd of Non· l&no S.Cunh ... -Dick N._-,n of Newport Beach. put precident and member of the boal'd of cluec· ton of VTN Con.oUdeted. -Jerry N .. ly oJ San Juan C.pU.rano, preeMlent and c betr· mu oJ tt.e board oJ Smut. lnter· natioll&l. -JoAn Virtue of Newport ... cb, preekieot of Vn'lue end Scl.eck lawhna -lla WelDO&f'lea ot Newport ~. MOtoJ -..oe Pt......_l tor corporaht .. r-.u.o at JL a• Cc.p. Tn ... 11 ,... e&a ct.cl to It,. yeu ,... .,. Artlau D. Gay oi Cotooa cW ... ,. ~ Mr11 "• ~ •a.o. u .cl H. W.U.O. Mwat ... ol x..v-. ..... ,Fund Cuts Friendly Greeting Breaks Mayor's Ann Dog no lonqer 11 man's-o r woma.n's-best f.nend, LD the household of Mayor Jaclue Heather. At least, ccnstder that your best fne.nd wouldn't break you.r a.rm But when Amber cUl 8(). poWld, seven-year-old Golden Ret never, welcomed the mayor home J'nclay even· LDQ from the Mus Newport PAQMDt, that's what happen· ed The acc1d.nt occurred u the mayor. who bu been recovennq raptd.ly from unpa.ument of her left stde ~u.sed by a stroke lut March, ahghted from the car of Fihh I>Wtnct Su~rv1a0r Tom JWey Amber. Ul a typtcally enthuataallc qreetmg, struck her h om behtnd, sa.td Heather "When I'm JaCUlQ her and braced for that welcome." a.ud the mayor. "tt's routme But abe bad duhed out ot the house a..s my son hm opened the door, cUld Amber took my feet out h om UDder me before I knew she wu there " }{eather dtd not realtze the arm wu broken UDtil two days later. abe a.ud. Or Loren Heather. her husband and a htqhly-reqarcled cudtoloq1at, "wu t .. chmQ all day Saturday. ao he couldn't very well morutor me," abe expl&med. A. the dt.comJort conb.n- ued, however, 1t wu dec1d.d X-raya were ua order, and tbey ch.clc:.ed two hectu.r .. near the left wnat. The U1ll ... pl&ced 1D • I cut S\lDCiay !D9~ at St. Joeeph's H~tta.l m Or&nge. 'My orthopechat will cut open the cut 1ll thr .. weeb. the DUllunal tune, 80 I may resume my arm therapy," a.ud Heather "Mea.nwhlle, I'll stay wtth the rest of the therapy proqr&m .. The lat .. t acc1dent 11 not mterfennq wtth her regular othce routm .. , a.ud the meyo r "But let's ho pe thu la bottODUllQ out," abe lauqhed "Really, there are llmJts " -lurt SU.. Dr. Rowe Receives Rockefeller Fellowship Dr John Carlow Rowe chau of the UC lrv10e Deputment o l E.ngluh. has rece1ved a Rockefeller f oundation feUowshtp under wh1c h he wdl do research on represent411ons of the Vtetnam war m him and llterature "My approac h wdl h. to see the ways Amenca n literature and hlm have repreMnled the war lD Vtetnam," Rowe savs The IIVlDe Co Wlll beqm IAk · mQ d.po.ttaona from more than 100 l .. sebolden m lrvtne a nd Newport Beech over the next .. veral ...U, eccordtnq to company offlctals Accord.&.no to the compAny, r-.denta wall rec:etve A letter of ootificaban, followed by A sub· poena. requlriDo them to qtve tLe depoettiona Robert Curne of L.tbam and Watkme, the c::ompeny's l~al oouuel. Mid thet remdeute will be ell~ at rancloJD and ~at \t d.icl aot .. u.r w~eJ th.., aup- porled OJ' oppoeeci the COIDp&llJ pomUoa. 00 tJw -..hold COD• troftny. Aocorcli.D9 to Currie, -... ~willbeaebclto~ ._.._,., • ...._ raa.d la a ... tiW ....... co.puy "'Mr ....... Loa..,.. .... louoaMrooo ... . ,.. ........... '9"'·• 1M Cl = 1 '•Y Ia 114 a •• eo ~ ~ac~,.. ........... .... •••pen .... ~ eo ................ ,.... 'not so much 10 the wAy ht•lonana suc h u frances f 11 zGerald have but rather 'stylu- ed' repreMntahons. whtch use theu form to render an 1nter p retahon or a JUd<}tnent " Rowe came lo UCI 10 1975 a.fter hav1nQ Mrved as an uau tAnt profeuor of the Uruvemty of Maryland and a fulbnoht lec- tu rer LD West Germany PQge 2 W~. JUDe ~3. lte2 The Newpor1 En&lgn by Roben Frank Ounno tbe put wMts, a number of Newport Beach, Corona del Mar and Balboa r"jdenta or.Ouated hom coUeoe• and umverllhea nation- wade. Amono mshtuhooa awardtno d89rees were1 ~haJD Young UDi•eraity • Utah ~ Receivino deoreea were Dana ' ne FNnch. Corona del Mar; Slaay Lorame Belnap. Newport S,ach; and Suzanne W a.nlass. t(ewpoft Beach CQIUorala Polytechnic State UD1Yen1ty. San Lul• Obispo From Corona del Mar were Bzett Kane Bergman. Lynda Ann Bl.ck, Cathenne Lynn Narguhes. Lynne Al1son Schmadt and Melanae Jean Self. From Newport Beach were loan Elazabeth Belgus. Stephen James Kennen, Lauren Ann Kfoury. Allen Ruban Lercy III. O.ana Leshe Mc Aleer. David Sdward Mc Dermott , Scott Lee )larry, Vaclca Lyn Oberman, t'elly Jane Paerce. Scott Walter lladtke. Stacy Suzanne Reeser. Jane Mary Schloemer. Stacy nn Wtlhams. Craig A. tsGracluateFrGIDColleges Wilson. Stephen Mlcb .. l Wright, Ehzabeth Cathenne Burbank, Bradley ford Edwards. Ronald James Keath and Thomas Howard Mater. Graduates from Balboa were Lawrence Earl Halderman, Elizabeth Nanc y Mats, Charles Robert Mallar and frednc lc Marvin Rohrs. Ohio Wesleyan University Ohio LewtS Snyder Rowe of Balboa Island. University of Kansas. Kansas Marc1a Annette Maller of Corona del Mar University of Idaho. Idaho Cbnstma Howlett Boienkamp oJ Newpo rt Beac h Hillsdale College. Michigan Chrasly Jones of Newport Beac h Wheaton College. Illlnoll Leslye A. Duncan of Newport Beach. St. Mary-of-the-Woods College Indiana Kasten Schneader of Corona del Mar Californja State College San Bernardino Gerry Mane Dodd of Newport Beach. W .. tmoDt College Santa Barbara Jean Kathleen Locke ol Balboa. Amoe Tuc;k School of luslneu Admlnls •. New Kampehlte Kathryn M. Lewas of Newport Beach. Also. Chfford G . Sechrist of Newport Beach was recently awarded an honorary Doctorate of Laws degree lrom Cahiorma Baphal College in Riveratde. Two Die IDCnab A Balboa Island couple were lctlled and theu 18-month-old gar) hospatahzed 10 a Saturday afternoon automobtle colhsaon whach occurred north of Los Anoeles, an Newhall. Wallaam Mason Haml!ton , 30, and wife Jane, 25. were lulled when tbeu northbound car was struck bead-on by a veh1cle that crossed a dut medtan whtc b separates Interstate 5 near Valencaa , Caltforma H1ghway Patrol ofhctals saad. Daughter Mella was taken to Henry Mayo Hospttal an Newhall and treated for manor anJuraes. She was released Monday. a hos atal s okeswoman sa1d. FREE COIDOIIG soo• ... Jewish CommaDity Center • MARKET EVALUATION ON YOUR HOME COMPUTII ANALYSIS No Cost ()( ()t:)lagotlon THE I<EAL ESTATE:RS COME TO NASSAU Th Bahama A SUPER VACATION lrcluc:irQ. lOW mP AA FOCM W 7 r-«:;HTS K) Tfl ~1/ fl . l~ER5 Fran $486 per person· BAHAMA<, 1 '>Hir?T ' ~SC~N1A:N1:~1AINMENT SQ()I(Ltl (642·4403 Pacllc Plaza/Travel Netwolk E. 17th COSTA ~ 92627 I \ r;-,m. I I I ;r I ~ ' ~ I ~ I w I ~ I ~nyou pure haM ny box~ Upton• Fam!JY T~aBaga . SCIIOOL SCBJDUU 1882-83 ca•uo JaDDIB J{OLLEG! Eacly Childhood Education program for children ages 2 years 6 month through 5 years Meets Monday through Friday, 9 am -12·30 p.m PJUKUY TOTS BIIUW SCHOOL Reading Readiness program for children ages 41 /2·6 years (kindergarten) Meets for one and one-half hours. once a week CIIABAD BIIUW HIGH A general Hebrew Challenge group for teenagers 15-18 years Meets once a week TALMVD TOJUUI BIIUW SCHOOL An afterschool Hebrew program for children ages 5-14 years Meets tw1ce a week from 4 p m -5 p m a.pttadoa Opal •ow for A11Procnaa Call for a Colod.l Brodlvc at (7,14)551·1 188 \ L1pton• Farn1ly SIZe Tec1 Bag:. dnd tlw sun make 1ced tecl t~te so ":>moot h. dehetous. and cleclr Tile sun JUSt seems to bring out every drop of flc:wor an upton's famous blt!nd And the ":>un does the worl< for vou You don"t even boil the wat~ ,Just follo.A: the ree1~ 1. P\&t thru (3) Llplon Famlly S12.e Tea Bags• m a gallon ,at and fin with cold water 2. ~ outSide an tlw sunshme for 3 to 4 hours ~e over ICe NOTE Ref¥rate wtth1n 5 hour~ of brewing stan Vary the number of &ea b9 and the duration of brewing accOfd lng to the tea 5trength you desn •If tfetlr.d \IOU m41l! wtlaiiiUt« ""'• 191 ·~· !Cup llatllte beg~ ... -l ... c __ _., .. ,_ .. _t_ .. ,. I _.....l_ .... _ ... IOI'dl* '-"_......... I _......,.., .............. -....... -··-~-.. _,_ .. ._.__ .... ----~-... -~~-~ I . -· ......... -... ,..·-loot----I ..... ._.. .......... __ ,. ............ __ ... =:::.: _t..,.... ___ , .. .._._ i ...................... -~ ..... cllllt_ I ·---·· ---___ .... .. ................ --·-·~..,_ ... I -................... -.. _...~ ... ~ .,... __ .._.,_ ... _ .. ,.... ... I -... .............. __ ..,..,_ .. '--...... .. ...... _.._..,._..,..,..,._ I ___ .._... ____ .,... __ _ ..... _,. _ _, ,.,_ ...... -.... I ..._, __ ......... __ , . ...,_ .. _.......,. ___ ..... __ '-----::11 . __ ....,._.,..._ ........ _ .. _ ~ ____ . ...,......_..., ..... -'_...,_.,.... __ ,.... -· .. -.............. _ .. ,.,.... ·-........ ------·-....... .. _____ ..,.. .... ..,_ . ... --...... -~~--.. ..,._ .. ___ ...,.."' _.. a .,_.., ......... --· --~ l-1111 ... ~----I I , ~ o•mu .. flO l 0 0..1 t()OPC)tj PI" P\lfiCHA f • CQUfiOIII L.,.._l MY • *' _. ______ ... _________________ .., ________ _..ilit'WI • Valve Dedication From leh. Paul Salata. Chamber of Commerce Presadent Carol South and Tim Wast1lngton. f1nat pick m the Nauonal Football League "draft. dedicate a new sew er valve beh1nd 1he Chamber off1ces to k•ck off Irrelevant Week th1s week S1<1ff pi '" by B "''V SlubH REQUIEM FOR A BLUE METER Whatever became o f the blue parkmg meterJ When Newport was a nicer place to hve. the c11y painted some of the old downtown park1ng meters blue and ''sold" them to local res1dents and small bus1nesses who d1dn't have garages or parking lots The adea was that. by pre paymg a year's parkmg m<"ter fees. you would be assured of having a place to park on the street near yoU! horne or customers would have space to park near bus1nesses 11 was a quaant . but workable. custom. There were other workable th1ngs happen.ny back then too The local bus1ness com mun1ty was geared to servmg the local res1den t1al community The Pav1llon and a few other th1ngs catered to the weekenders and summer people There w ere people 1n those days, too. who were say1ng th1ngs like "OK we're a qrowmg commun11y and we should do some careful plann1ng so that our growth w1ll continue to serve the bas1c needs o f Newport 1ts res1dents and its local bus1nesses " A handful of qu1ck·growth types sneered at th1s k1nd of th1nk1ng "These people are elitiSts." they sa1d . "They want to pull the gangplank up as soon as they come aboard the good sh1p Newport " So. Newport conttnued to grow wnhnut any 1eal plans for takany cate of futute parkmy problems. Today, we are beg1nn1og to see the sad resuh of unplanned growth The CIIY IS remov .ng pubhc park1ng from parts of downtown Balboa and pulling 1n mo1e and rnore meters that are not painted blue. There IS no extra land for people to build garaSc1es and park1ng lots If we continue to remove public park1ng spots. what does that tell you about the direction our C1ty Counc11 is taking? To most of us. 11 shows that rhe counc1l1s pu111ng development ahead of the interests of residents We thank res1dents should come f~rst. and careful plannmg should control our qrowth But. of course a handful of quack growth types sneet at th1s kmd o f thmkmg and call the rest of us "eli11sts" and "gangplanke1s " So what's new? S.P.O.N. • The Newport EaUp Weclnxcny. Juae 21. 1• hpl CabiNifle RoD May Rival ChDI Qraduatlons Above, Newpon Harbor High School g raduates celebrate f~lowing commencement ceremonies at Davidson Field Below , C :>rona del Mar High graduates after receiving diplomas S1aft phOios by Barry S!obtr WUt lta.rted out aerely u u iteabl a ...-..pepe.r~D&D'a col- .aaG Ia ~aain9 lDto a major recreefioDallcultural competition to bea.elit tile Oraa9& County oMpter of tile Natiollal Con- feNDoe of Chri.tiUan.a ud Jew.. lA route, th1a folk f.tival to be lt&9ed by tlle newly-formed Stu.tt.d Cabba9e Appreciation Society lntemaUow may well beooaw u etbnic u.wer to tlloee celebrated chili cook-ott.. lAte* alr .. dy are bemg taka in the Coeta N.eu head- quarter• for the Firat Awlual Gr .. t Stuffed Cabbage RoUoff in w!Uch acorn of ethnic groupa will compete in categoriea ranq- in9 hom cooking to folk dancinq to concerti. The event, 8Chedul- ed for Nov. 6-7 at a county aite yet to be announced, mowball- ed out of pr&JM for a banquet delic.cy Mrved to The /legi61er'• Jerry Kobrin at St. Steven'• Serbian Orthodox Cathedral. lnundated by recipes and calla from other• claiming their own concochona were aa oood or better, ltobri.D wrote of thu- ud wu contacted by Jim Dean, former editor of The Register and now executive dizector of the county chapter of NCCJ. Toqether ~th VicJr R. Knight, director of development for Ch.ilchen'• Ho.pital of Orange County (CHOC), and Paul Local Women 2 .. 1D l..ottely Allee Helman, 52, of Balbo.l. wu announced u the MCond place wmner of the Anzona State Lottery Monday. For the pnce of a few hcketa and some luck, Helman waa awarded a cub priu of $50,000. The brat place WUUler, an Anzona woman, won $1 ,000 per w .. k for hfe. When The Ens1gn tned to contact Helman at the Balboa Pharmacy, where she works, one fellow employH explained that she had not yet returned from Anaona. "1 unaqme she's at the dJce ta.ble-uvmq tt up!" he laughed lbnfeg (CotltiDued &em 1*1• 1) pr•1dent of the Necbcal R.earch and Educahon Soctety of the UCI CoUeqe of MedJcme will concurrently 18rve on the board of tru.tee• dunng bu one· yeax term Tba year's pretndent ~ f . Richard Ntchol of Newport Beach, prea1dent of the lnsbtule for Btoloqtcal Research and Development. For many years befOJe his death 1n 19El>. hardware dealer AI Forgit published a personal opinton ad weekly 1n The EnStgn In antiCipation o f a book of the ads to be publtshed soon. h1s wtdow Peg •s repnn11ng some of the ads Th1s one f~rst appeared 1n June 19n lUSt after 3 group of Investors. known as the T aubman-AIIen lrvtne gorup had JUSt brought thelrv•neco WELCOME, T.A.I. They haven't asked me yet. but I'm sure that all of these guys from back east who are movmg 1n ro take over the lrv1ne Company could probably use some of my famous free adv1ce on gett•ng along 1n Newport Beach So here goes -The first th1ng you've got to reahze 15 that you're not wanted Newport Beach has declared war on 1mm1granrs so you may wan! to hve 1n Costa Mesa or lrvtne and com- mute to Newport Center There aren 1 many roads to commute on. but that's another pro~ blem If you dec1de to go ro the beach. the ftrst thtng you must do IS scout the area to locate the nearest restroom The nearest one may be 1n Laguna Beach W1th the ktnd of money you folks must have. you can probably afford a chauffeur That's good. He can drop you off and ptck you up. because there's no place to park Be uppety about vour address. If you hve anywhere east of the bay, tell folks you ltve 1n Corona del Mar whether you do or not If you live west of the bay say you're from Dover Shores Buy a used Rolls Royce and park 11 on the street -not •n your garage Otherw1se who will know you've got 11> Joen the Bay Club. the Chamber of Commerce, the Orange Coast Assn . the Goofoffers and the Aepubltcan Party None of these outfits do very much. but you've got to have somewhere to go and somethmg to talk about and some of the dues are tax deduCtible -Don't try to do anythtng m town unless you check with Don Mclnn1s and The C11y Manager Be sure to tell them you hate Forg1t and tounsts A touost IS anybody who ltves more than a block from the oceanfront -Learn some pkes that poke fun at Costa Mesa Santa Ana. Anahe•m and all o f the other places where the "tourtsts" ltve -Atways keep m mmd that the lrvme Co 1s hated 1n th1s pan o f the country for the same reasons the Untted States es hated worldwide 1t's nch, powerful successful. . benevotent, and usually nght -Take up tennes and skung Dunng the w 1nter you can tell your sk11ng fnends at Mam moth that you play tenniS dunng the summer JUSt to keep tn shape for the s1()9es Dunng summer. tell your cohorts at the local tennts club that you sJu 10 stay in lhape tOf' tenn11 -You have 10 hate trees The only scenery worth looktng at around here 11 the ocean Trees are consfdered to be atrange. dtrty thtngS that block ooean views Oc"n vteWS, by the way, are the peraonal property of whoever saya he warns to ... the ocean -Airplane. are bad. too So are buildings that ere more thM 2 stories tall -The Upper Bay IS holy It must not be used In any way, except by the hOly btrdl and the holy mud So. if you want to realty get everybody's attention when you come to town try bufldtng a hign-riM II!NP'ene base in the UPS* Bav. Wtth two trwwayaleeding to tt You're'flllcame. NAME AOORlSS Sal..ta, Newport Beach tnwn ... man, t.b.y chec:overed ferhle qround fox culhvabno the a&b- baqe benefit. W.jor pm•, aucb u a round- trip au llight for two to the winner'• homeland. Wlll be awaxded. Compehhona willlD- cl~e thoee for nahve co.tu.m•, authentic m\l.llC ud dance, ud the atuUed cabbage cook-off. Progr&J:DIIlinq calla tor cootm- uoua perlonDADcee durinq the two-c:t.y fMtival by Old World entert&inen repr ... ntmq chuxcb ... cultural aociebea, ethnac-onaeed ltud.t or~ hoa WCJ)t • '-aa .. a.nd Wli•eniU.., aad pTG61. mona! troupe.. lntriee are .beiaq acws; b4 • The Ca.bh&9e Patch, 3188-A Auway Avenue, Co.ta W.., CA 92626; phone 151-21 •. OTAL Liquidation Sale GOING OUT OF BUSINESS IN COST A MESA SacltJ HAS MARKED DOWN EVERY ITEM OF CURRENT FIRST-QUALITY MEN'S AND WOMEN'S WEAR UP TO TYPICAL f&T All PRICES Saclt.J ·~ 173.4 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (714) tt4t.-78~S HOURS: MON-TUES 11 -6 WEO-THURS-FRI 11 -8 SAT SUN 11-6 P1'-k a g1ft no\\ and 1t's >•ours fret.. JUSt for \'\.(,ttl~ Thot.L~ l'rarls and takmg a saiC"s tour n-.cn: s nu ohhgatlon. Just (t>mc ,,sit our bcauttfuJ ~srrw and the si'-"CJllf\g bags or dag1tal radto ar~ '" 1ur:; FREE~ Extra Special Bonus Gtft. Tour Thoosand "fuu ls ~1onday through Friday and J!Ct an additional bonus ~jft 'mrth $39.9!1 or mot\!. Tour any day between9a.m. and5p.m. no... ........ ,.. .. _ ...... --... ,_,... .. n....iioeo.l ,.... .. ""-...... .... ,.,__,...,,..,..__T,.•to. ..... -..... ~ .... _..__ ~en --•''""''"- " ·•· .. • . __ ...,... ___ ..,... ... ...._, __ ,_., ............ .. .:::.:.:.:.-. ,..__..a_.,=: ~·-,··-... ... ..... .. .... -~-· F<DI .. ..................... _..... .... ..__. ...... ----====-_,__... , _ __ __,_ .. ...._ __ ........ .... __ .., ... __ _ .......................... .......... _....__..,..... .. _ ............... .. :::-:.c..,~-....... _..... ftlllt _ .................. _ ., .......... ...,_ .... ..-~ _.__ ..._,. iII I ,_ ............. __. .......... .,~ ....... -..... ...... c-.. .wt-. --·""---'~~ ..... ._ ..... --........ ' -.. == =c: .. .....:.. ..... ' .. A Traffic Partpership Thts part of Orange C ounty is heading for a cntical period in the h tstory of tis development. With tall ofhce buildings poppmg up all over the landacape, we are eithe r gomg to have to perform major surgery on our already-overcrowded traffic arteraes, or slow the pace o f offtce deve lopment. A three-ctly team represenhng Costa Mesa, Irvme and Santa Ana got together w1th ma)or developers a few years ago and latd tt on the hne: if you are gomg to carry out dense commerctal development, you're gomg to have to tmprove the roads so they can handle the mc reased trafftc your developments w1ll create. Almost $1 m1llton has been tossed mto the traffic kitty by the developers to cover traffic Improvements for what IS called "Phase One" development of the Sakioka Farm properly tn northeast Costa Mesa, the lrvuie Industrial C o mplex and the Warmmgton o ff ice complex in the southern edge of Santa Ana . Most of the tmprovements to mlfnsechons and roadways have been madt! or are und erway Local traffac planners sa y the Phase One plan IS wo rk- ing. But there as more development commg d own the road, and at as ltme to look ahead to Phase Two . The c1ty of lrvme has taken the mitiallve m trymg to o rgantze a four-ctty effort to mee t the next round of challenges. Included wtth the three c1hes who worked on Phase One 1s the ctty of Ne wport Beach . The fa ct that all four ctlies have agreed to wo rk together, under lrvme's admmastrative m thahve, showa that o fftctals of those c ttles rec ognize that traffic IS a regtonal problem Thts ts more of an accomplishment than one mtqht thmk. Just a few years ago, paroch1al c1ty governments were leery of any e ffort that smacked of "regwnal government," and e ach ms1sted upon work- mg separately and some hmes in dtlferenl duec tions- on traff1c p roble ms But there IS a recognthon now that we DO dnve through each other's cttles to work, to d o busmess or to fmd rec reattonal opportunthes. We are NOT tounsts when we get a few blocks from home. The latest Phase Two study, wh1ch ts about to be launched should ensure that a regJOn al traff1c plan lS underway before those ofhce buildmgs get too far ahead of us -FLO ASadEnding The Equal Atghts Amendment 1s apparently d ead It ts now o bv auu!> that the needed 38 state legislatures wtll not ende rs~ thts proposed conshtutional c hange be fore the June 30 deadllne. As thts htstonc e ffo rt goes down to defeat, we s ho uld all pause dnd remember thts Simple fact: The E.R.A . sought only one baste legal and moral commltment- that the U n tied Staes of Amenca g uarantee women equal pro lt>ctwn under the law Nothmg mo re . nothtnq lPs~ Th tl) ts a ">od mo mPn t tn hastory for women, fo r consh- tu ta onal dPmCJcracy and for Ameuca . THE TELEPHONE POLL Letters To The Editor Urg" Ballot To the Editor: The West Newport l.eg1slative Alliuce could not have .. tected a more chHicult 30 days to con- duct a referendum signature drive. We were handicapped by rain and cold weather; the pro- perty and income ta.a deadlin .. ; and the absences aqp upset routines due to E.utez vacalioo. In additioa, w. faced the uaual daaorganizalion of a ca.mpa.~gn managed by amateurs with uttle money to pay the high cocb o1 legal advace, printin;, postage and newspaper ads. In spite of all of theae pro- blema, we have succeeded in obtaming the signatures of over 10 percent of the reguatered voters for the folloWIDg reasons: 1 The 1denhficatioo of the Beeoo (Banning Ranch) Pro1ect ia anothez example of the coun· c il majority decisions wh1c h are c hanging ouz city toward bi;b deoa~ty commercial-10duatrial development and away from the General Plan's goal of low den- Sity, res1denlial-recreation g rowth. 2. The tremendous effort of many concerned citizens acrou the Clty; and 3. The excellent newspaper coverage. We encouraged enthua.uhc acceptance of our referendum pehbon by the vast maJOrity of voters . There IS substutial con- th e Buds So, here I om pen 111 ha11d Just lske Columbu'>, we have "d1scovered" South Amenca We are now an C olumbta (a democrallc republic , known fur 11s respect of human nghts) where, lor the lar '>t lame an many years, we can walk the st reets wa th little l~ar . whale en,ovang a cost of IIVang dmonq the lowe st tn thas hema sphere It all began when we found d lovely, old coconut plantdlion on lht? Cartbbean Sea And to complete als unaque setttng when we looked c1wav fr om th£> sea we saw toweranq over everythmg, 19 000 lePt h1qh dnd snow-capped the year round, mcttestiC Mount Colombu., W e kne~~~o tnstanlly we were home1 It may be hdrd to beltt'VP hundreds of Wdvmg, qreen palms, blue sky dnd !>ed pCJun dmq surf , golden Sdnd, ll.now capped (cind sk1able) pNks but 11 as aJI hP re, on the Pcill Ameucan haghway nedr Sanla Marla , lhe oldest (456 years) c1 ly m all of the Amenca!o mad, at P 0 . Box 5222 Santd Marla, Colombaa , South Amenca It may !alee awhtle, but we prom1se to answer each and every letter Now, from beautiful Santa Marta. we wtsh you 1a lud (health), dmero (wealth) and much amor (love)! 'No' on 9 To the Edator )udnala Bud (Mrs Lewts Bud) Never have I ever made clatm to surplus antelhgence. but ltke a lew others around I dtd not reach autumn by way of stup1d tty My vole was "no" on Prop 9 at the pnmary because I'm one of those 'no growthers ''That 's nght, and as f~u as I'm concern ed. roll up the fr eeways ctnd let's get back to the horse and sad die It could be satd that I'm a Bolsa Chtca Wetlander. sktn p roblems and all One nddle was solved at the p nmary, one wh1ch lo r years perplexed me, and that was. as soon dS the votes were an , the proponents ol the Penpheral Canal got lhen heads together tmmedtalely to launch a new dtlac k L ~========:::;=========-:====::JJ cern 10 Newport Beach with over-development without ade- So. we have d new loVf> 011 r beac n dnd home tn Colombtt.l We have found c;ometlunq e1< c atmgly different and, betnq humdn, have to pasl> 11 011 (W~ are retued Navy wltu dda•J lu dream. and arE' malcmq 11 C••m<? lrue At 11mel> dtlf•c ult b ul never bvnnq1) II vuu o,hare <til mlerest 1n our pa:t of the wurld feel free to wnte uo,, v1a au Now had 11 qo ne the other way what recourse would those opposed have had? None And the contractors would have been out there bulldozing hammer an q, and sawtnq and 111 qeneral destrovtnq nature and screwwg up the wo rk s Warren Allhofl Oranqe Avenue Thlaw-.k't~OD: Should Newport Beach repeal the Banmng Beeco general plu dmendment matead of calhng an election nut faU ? There will be no riD;. 11aere ~no need to talk. 'nle .. UDQ u~'' .c>Wld you h..u ... your .ole bein; reocuded. Lalli week'l que-dOD: To vote YES. call 675-4840. Do you support the laraeh milituy action tn Lebanon? To .ate NO. call 67S.7020. CalJ anyhme between now and 8 a m Monday to cut your yote YES NO 89% 11% f' IJI t .,.j .... ~~ I >r. ..,., cln ..... i c, f l "• •• l S.,J, ph<;nr &71 OSSO RICHARD BRONNl M BU B PAYSON ION WHITE I f.LAND POUND BURT SI NS Bill SlM~CJN MARCUS Off r/ CltfiiSIC •I'HHt LYNCH RARAY Sl ( tBIN I ... STfVfN A CANC'IAN AI AN M St HCI,f .. A A .,~. . .. . Jl • .. II. I " "' I 'lo " .. . . , .. 1'-I c . '"' ·~ ,_, A t • ,. I ......... t ...... • C., pwbloth•• C J)wbl.•h"' ~n•r•l W•n•~· Edttur Curoltobuhnq Edttu r Adv,.rtt•tno D~r...-t• r s, .. ,,. R~r ''"" Ph •ltJqiAPI•"U Pr "'"' ttQn N•r.•o"' . . .. .... t.A t1 I quate rehef hom the accompa- DJlDQllaffic problems. Rasideuts welcomed the op- portw:lity afforded by lhil democratic rafer1mdum proceu r to vote on the type of future developmeto which is beat for ' our ctty. Now. the C1ty Council hu the cboace of withdraWlDQ their ap· proval of the S..Co Project or plac iD; d on the November ballot. We urge the council to gtve to the nmdents the op- porturuty to vote on the Beeco ProJect 10 o rder to obtain the voters' gwda..nce m future development c:l.cwoua. We rec09QUe the economJC confrontahoo tbia reJerendum c r .. t•. Neverthele., w. hope the debate whicb prececilll the vote will be coutruc:ti~e-ool destructive n&llle "Uia;. We all abould beheve both lid• of the debate are IMkiao the bat commUDJty for our Uv• ud thoee ol our cbildre.o aad thelr children. M. C. fohniOD Jr C bauman, rW~aduna cOIII.Dlitt .. A Colombian Bird To the lchtor: A lew ,...,. aqo, whea we moved lo Co.t. lac4 ~. b.;- qa~. petl, 9r&Dd.atJ.er. t .. n.aQer• &od aU), I proa• lo wute you about our advantur• . lui I t..iwe beeo ., bU8y liYioQ, I h.& .... a..d .... , However, lodaJ, wlaile llateo· an9 to llae ll4tWll ••• CJ)ooia, uneraploy .. at, eMf9Y cr-. wan ..• U occurr*l lo .. your r aden a.glat ••tor the ~ at -- CONSUMER CORNER Dear Conaumer League: I hued a lan<bcaper to do my yard and ;udena. I gave ham a fJM band. I w id JUit to make at beauttful. He cbAr;ed me $7,000 wluch almost pul me tn ahock And the only thmg I hke about the whole tlun; U. the patio. The r .. t ia awful . He uaed 10 much yellow I bate yellow! He aJ.o put i.o roan wbich my wife ... aUer;lc to. Can you help 10e ;et my money back? Been chpped Mr T. ings of how you would hJce lhe yard and garden. No maller how rough thflse drowings are, they will hfllp you and the land- .coJ)flr make p/OM lor your yod 3 InterVIew Hveral controc- lon And don 'I be alro.Jd to ask them que•t1on•. Ask them to show you theu llcenH, toJce the number ond call to check on 11 You con bel he will be cbec:lung on your crec/jt rotmg. AU to tee Ius other }ol»-give them o "dr1 ve by" and talk to the ownen if poaib/e. AU to .-. a/lln•uronc:., wotkm•n'• com - pentollon, etc. 5. Get everytlun; in wnHDQ. 6. And rel~Nlnber, It only takH 10 ~rcanl or $100, which•ver 1a J.a, to •tort o conlroct. So en the biggeM payment li/1 •v•ryt)atao S. 1/nW. · ad ond lo )lOUT lldt./oet/on. Pleo.e coil w al551·17:10 for more cletalh on COillrocling lor )'061r~. • nt. C:O....•t LMiiW Ill I pup •I ..... ~ .......... ~ 1~1 , .............. tlleait ........ coa,W.ta 11le ..,.._ •" • .._. ~ ................ deNt. ............... ~~ .... . M ahRII """" Ia ........... .... ......... .. ..... JOORNAUS'FS JOURNAL by Jim FeltoA The llCjiDal turned red at the Costa New intersection, ud the vehicle tbat stopped juat ahead wu a clark blue van, with the type of e.ztended top that loob like someone had pl&c.d a bathtub upeid. down on it. The penouali.aed Cali1omia lic.ue plate read "AMiRICA," ud lt wu ia a holder t!Mt curied tbU line-lcbel Ownera Club. Here obvioualy U. someone ao proud to be an Americu that be baa no qualms a_bout admitting to a milfortuoate choice of an automobtle. You might c all him a claas1c loser. And then 1 remembered when I was known as a classic loser-1 waa part of a very selecl group. I wu the Southern Cahfornia account ex· ecuhve lor Edsel at the adverhs- lng agency of Foote, Cone & Beldmg. Before you laugh, you muat know that 1 w.u paid qu1te well, travelled a lot, stayed in the best hotels, held aa.les meetings an Palm Sprin;s and San Fru- cJ.aCo, frequently visited New York, Cbacaqo and Detroit, and learned more about automobile dealers than I can forget, no matter bow hard I try. J learned the difference bet- WMD a l&l•ma.o ud a closer, betw .. n the hi;h book and the low book, and what they mMDt when they aa.id, "Get him in the chute." Tbe "honey dope" wu the 1w .. t idiot who patd top liat and accepted the low book offer on hi• trade-in. At that lime, Foote, Coae & Beldin; wu the fifth lar;Ml advertta10Q a;ency 10 the world, but 1t bad aever liated u aulomob1le account amon; its chenta. When the Ford Motor Co mv1ted a;enc1ea to compete for tbe new "X" car account, our agency went full throttle. It mvested malhons in a Detroit of · lace , usagned aome of our beat research aod creative brains to the account and came up with an openmg advertlSing campa- 109 that 1s still cona~dered a clauic. These were the daya wbea the so-called whla kids like Robert MacNamara were at Ford. Mac- Namara wu president, before be left to join the Keanedy Ad· mm11tralion aa defen .. secretary. But the matakea the company made were unbelievable. ) u Cjl L ., ,. ~ 0 b e 0 tJ p ,, POUCE BLOTTER Tu.eday. JUDe lS CRIMES Pollee ue lookanq for a man deeon.bed u beanc;~ m h .. early 20a, be ... a 5'6" and 5'8" illld va.tua, was auasted on suap•c•on of pouesunq amphetammes Cacah<t Zamora Zambrano 21 of Costa Me ... w.u arrested on 1\UpiCIOn of petty theft Tha Newport Enaign Wectn..day. J\l.De 23. 19t2 PageS Angeles, w.u arrested On SUipiCIOD of QlVUlQ a lat.. report to pohce Ona man wu arrasted on auapac aon of drunken driYmc;~. not from Newport BeclCb Wedoeeday. June 16 CRIMES .L~==:::=::::;:::::====::::;::c:=::::==::::::==:;::;;;==~.ll Welc;JhlnQ 150 pounds on SUSpi-CiOn of robbing $541 from Mooday. May lt CRIMES bat an my hfel" the man retorted, "It's your fault. You should.n 't have h1t a puppy." The lady Hentac;~e Bank an the 1500 bloc lr of Supenor . . . Gold Jewelry valued at S960 waa reported stolen from Anne Mane Gilmore an a burglary on Surls1de ARRESTS Stereo equ1pment valued at S785 was reported stolen fr om Jac k R1chard Schott m the 200 block ol l.aqon1a. ARRESTS COORS BEER A 68-year·old lady wu walk· in9 her ci()(J on a leuh m the gr•nhelt north of Sandune Laae when abe obeerved a younc;~ couple approaching her. walking two doqs that were not leuhed. Th• cio9s, a larc;~e red one and a P"'PPY. approached her animal, ud abe uHd the eDd of her leaah to ward them oH, police reported. The man then slapped her m the face, pollee reported. When abe M.ld, "How dare you! I've never been w1th the lrr .. ponsible man apolOQized, "He'a my h\Uband and 1 love him dearly. but aometimes he overreact•." Indeed ... Ptoperty valued at $4,700 was reported stolen from Beth Clare Morley in tha 1900 block of Port Laureat . . . Scuba c;~ear and campmq qear valued at $2,146 wa..s reported stolen from James John Mackey m a car parked on Adams illld Oceanfront . John E:uc Mmskofl , 22, and Greq Robert Greenwell, 23. both of Newport Beach, were arrested on ausp1C10n of possess· 109 cocame lo r sale Dave Will1am Robersvn, 23, ot Auzona, was arrested on suspl- c aon of c arrymg a concealed weapon an a veh1cle . . Karl Stephen Auer, 20, of Pennsyl- Kevm Lloyd Krts hansen, 27 , of Hun hnqton Beac h, and Ted Parker Bryant 30 ol Westmmster. were dr Reg 612 oz. cans. Reg. t2.59 :, MILLER BEER Reg 6 12 oz bottles. Reg $2 59 81.99 HENRY WEINHARD'S 82.39 Sally Seaver PIANO TEACHER w Accepting New Students 640-8197 1432 S.nctcaat.. Corona del Mar Author of r~Ht L•st Bamttr and rhe lnv•SJble W•v I Ha•pe• and Rowl Reshad h<JS stud1ed INith the OtUidS 1n '"s na11ve Enqland ilnd the SuitS 1n the M1ddle East and wnt> esotenc T•adn•ons throughout the wotld PEE: tao Sat., .Juaa a6th 10 a.m.·4 p .m . COMMUNITY CHURCH BYTHEBAY 148 E. Mesa What's new for yo u ... and your lips? O \ AIIIIJ!Ntlk l 1p ~lin· Utirw ~''"' ''''\"" rn.•1 .. 1 ·hlrk.' tn ''"'' lif" ,..,,.I, f'h·h,lln)! '"'"' "lit\ 'IUn"-fl•\.11 11•~111 \h.., •n·: "'' h "' ·Vn "'"'' , t1d tu ~~ ~hllllf\t: f.•"'h' ,, "' •l,.r~ \t' ••• l\ l 1p ~>Ill~ I I'IIIJ "'''"''J' I, r,J ·I•• .. I ~oft,, ..... ,, ., J..U. '"' r Pf '-'o '"'' I hot,. .-11"' "I " ( L1p 1'\-n..ll "'liS '" ,. ... ,,~, .... ,... , ......... the lluo• ~ .. ~ ''""1h•n•nt-•r ''"' r _, "~"""'J''" ""''"' ~ ~ ~' '("(' ,.,_:nt , 11• -. .. nt '"' rn' II 1,4,., 6t6~ 171 EMt 17a. Street COI&I Mew . ...,..,. • k'OownNatb • Harnrrwftoes • eom.calb ateS • Wartl • AtNettc .,..,_ ..... pain ·~Foot ~ ~Free! That's my kind of price!" -Bob Hope rested. on ausptcton ol possessang coccu ne Wayne Anthony Roach, 31, of Los 6 12 o z bottles. Reg $2.99 NEW SHIPMENT OF 1979 BORDEAUX REDS COMPARE OUR PRICES AND SAVE Sale Pr1ces Eff. thw 714 /82 All Items Sub,ect to Pr1or Ssle Get yo• s per new Map at our Grand Opening July 1-3. Come \tl\ hdln tn nur beautiful hrand new uffi ce ~tnd pid\ up ~our free ~tap P.dl'l>... Its a hrand ne'' t rm d idea that come" complete "ith a Rand McNally map of your area plu~ one t)f the state. and a list of Cal Fed\ mort.' than 100 office~ state-wide. Suppl ie~ an.· limited. so come in early~ Meet some nice 'n friendly people. The} h~ tht: ~oml) kind you'll find at California Federal. Just 4L'i important. the~ ·rl' l'\pert~ at hdping ~\)U make ~~'ur monl·)' work harder. The\ got that "a~ O) gi\'ing more and more Calt- lommm~ 4ualit) mPnt.'\ ~nice. ~ '· 1f )Ou're looking for the ht.~t place tu dn aft of ~l'Ur per'\onal hank in~- '' ht..•ther it\ hi).!h inll'fl'"t ~•' tnl!~. check in'' \\ith Interest ~ ~ ~ nr ta\ \helter mvestmenb-l'lln'lC h.' o ur place . Mark your calendar now. And he ~ure to come O) and pick up ~nur frc!e Map P..1c k. We look fonvard to ~eing and serving -you! You re better off 1n Cahforn1a Sav1ngs and Loan Assocrat1on • PetSOI\Mzed Slc.in Cn~ • Complet~ ~~ ure • Custom llended Produc:ts 2614 L COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR COMPLETE PA RTY PLANNING SERV ICE LaCaatbta Fine Wine & Spml$ Your L1quor St ore and so much more Free Delver, 3244 EAST COAST HICHWA Y CORONA DO. MAlt NEWPORT BALBOA Savings ''The Smart Money Stays in the Heart of Corona del Mar' ColON delMar 3011 E. Co.st Hwy. ES1X C(NC)M del Mar · .... -I 675-8060 Westdift PIAu 1100 Irvine AYe. Newport le~c:h 645-6505 ~~~ ... , .. ,_ <~ .. M .... o..n.s. 16 years o f family dentistry m Corona del Mar COSM ET IC/RECONSTRUCTION 2855 L COAST HWY., CORONA DEl MAR 67S-ll00 D ICK D INEEN lr.u.ch Man~Cer ~rten lf~nch: 2904 E. Coast Hwy. Corou., Mar 1»el33 • Affordable Ladies Wear casu~l to . . eleaance 673-2674 BULLmN The merchants advertising on these pages are doing everything they can to make Corona del Mar a friendly, charming and co~ venient place to shop. l et them know your thoughts. Say hi next time you're on "the Boulevard." Clothes from the wardrobes of the world' BEST-DRESSED PEOPLE 1731 E. Co.st Hwy. COIOftoA del Mil 6 7S-SSS3 MoA..S.t 1M Sun. ll·S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDROMAT Dry Cleamng • Fmished l aundry Drop Off Fluff & Fold O PEN 7 DAYS A WHK 8 AM T0 9 PM 3711 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DR MAR 673-9654 1ofm L. ~Com CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY C R&ATO Re 0 , O te TtN CT tVW li"'twTIIAITe C III&ATtv• waoo•-• O U-".tTV COMMIUtCIAI. a o •o E . ,_ACI,.IC C OA•T H WV CO.-oNA OCI. ---· 1711 E.Coast~.,COIOMcWM1r Speciahsts in Conservation Framina We offer intearlty a nd quality servic COMPUll J1W1UY SHVICES • Dl SIGNING •REMOUNT INC •ll£PAIIUNC • MANUFACfUiliNC • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • C f MSTONES 7i0-6766 MEN'S & WOMEN'S TRADITIONAL W EA R For Those Who Shop For Quality 3565 wt Coast Hwy., Corona dea Mar • ,_,u~nc F •tuNS 675-1850 ftfiiR BIII&NI -an IDPPI.aY l lllllti&DI 436 Helotrope AYe. CC)I'OU del Mar, 67S.Q6SS leWRd Port Thftter Jack's Pharmacy • AmWssador a•ft wrap • cards • aifts • Prest•ae cosmet•cs Revlon • E lezabeth Arden • loreal • Quality Photo fmishma Fast Service 673-2550 • Tile •,..... and Onyx •OootH .... ate 3409 E. Co.st Hwy. Coron• del M.r Evelyn Wh1te Heann& A1d Audiolo&ist Rt>pa~r!., Batteries and ServiCe 675·3833 COTHO IY 1ltl STAliMIDICAl ~ ---~ i dale lahrne~~:.o: INTERIOR DESIGNeRS Jeffrey Hitchcock '' Tf RIO R DESIGNER ~n Turner Hefins INTERIOR DESIGNER. ISIO 2112 E. coua...-way Coron. del MAr, 640-6512 • 752-9071 ~::.::..=::::.:::::.:::::~ Cruise Specialists Computerized Sabre System Individual -Commercial-Groups 675-SOOO 955-3380 2727 E. COAST HWY. COlONA D8 MAR HOI L Cout Hwy. Colon~ delMAr j)2JJj[)~~ An Adventure in ~tur~ uting HOURS 7 AM TO l l PM 3050 E. Co.st Hwy ., Coro~ del ~r !OPPOSI I l AliH K I \01'< Sl 640-1573 Now in Newport ArN Ut~r 25 yNrs in leverfy Hils NEWPORT TIRE CENTER COMPUTl AUTO saVICI • Michelm • Goodyear • Pirelli • Nat1onal • Bndgestone 3000 E. Co.st Hwy., Coro~Y del Mir 644 8022 , ERIQNS OPnCAL In-House Decorator The Finest in Traditional Furniture 1744 L COAST HWY. COlONA DB. MAl THE IN EN TORE "The h!-nvws of /if~ 1o live with.• . :fia~ of Cou'I.U! The Rewport 'eet.-Wed•••'llf· ,_.a. 1-Page 1 MEETINGS JUlY 4th JUlY 6th JULY 15th School Flags on "The Boulevard" Board of Directors Explore CdM Elementary Communtty inv1ted to tour. lunch and discussion 710-1850 ~T Ill ARTGAUERY (u)tOm Frammg NEW LOCATION 2854 E COA ST HIG HWAY. CORONA D EL M A R • tWG l..m OtOCOlATIS ·~TAI'fY • PM'IY. ~ CAT-...c •ICIC..W • ~ IOOG. CAIIll AH) Qf1S ..... MilD COOII5 u.n E. CoM ttwy .• c.o.on. .. Mlr SUZANNE'S STUDIO E xerc tc;e and Dance I< >R Y..< )\\I'-l)"l \ 675·8955 1023 L Co.st Hwy .• Coron.~ del~~ lene~th Newport a..lbcN s.w.p PrE>-.cr1 pt1o n l nfo rmat1on A"~t1.1ble Upon Reque't 644-7575 OPEN MON.-SAT. 8:30-6 P.M. PM~tn..: In Rt>..u 2700 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEl MAR De Marcus & Co., Wine Merc~nts 2824 E COAST HWY . CORONA DEl MAR 7»1370 DININGIENTE BOrtAPPEIII P.evf Cottoa ltrano• and wonderful Loven of n<*alqia bita of n~aloi.a. Tlae will be p&..Md to lMm Victrola white q, O..t the Blue Beet CU. "Jiw Nut~'• Voice," hu NOpetled. Located and the Victrola itMlf near the Newport Pler, with a bri9htly painted at 107 21at Place in born sit atop one abeU. Newport BHch, tbi.a Lampe are ori¢nal and relic of 1912 bu been beautUul Tiffany, _table• a tTadition with h.ve JUrble tope and Newporten. We have cut-uon buee, and a vilited Mveral tim•, bio wicker biJ'd CACJe i.l notino that with eecb filled with oreenery. vilil, mau, amaniU• There i.a a treuuze in end Mrrice improv... beveled 9l ... on doors The walla are brick, ud minora, ud the Boor iJ a bit uotber in antique UD.even, ud the whole 8lai.Ded olua on the iJ filled with windows. The ornate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.---oak bar wu brouobt uoUAd the Hom hom Cripple Cr .. k, Col- orado, to the oold- orued minera of San FrenciJico, ADd found ita way to Newport Beach. It alone iJ worth the vi.Jit to the FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT . !P"rterc:Jttfl GOURMET DeNING -MEDITERRANEAN RU. CHAWAGNE MUNCH SUNDAYS 1()..3 PM DANCING NIGHTLY -CABARET LOUNGE • <:An"AIN"S TABLE COFFEE SHOP -l4 HRS. 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. IRVINE. CALIFORNIA f0.0.te Or.,. G01m"-•Aif1DCWt (714) 833-2no Blue Beet. The ltitohen is as amall as ever, but il acr .. ned hom the oaze of patron. by a penel divider. On ow tim viait we ordered ten· tatively, playi.DCJ it aa.t. with the Blue Beet Buroel'. We both oav• hiCJh ratinCJI to the lean CJfOWld a~loin broiled to ordeT, ud •rved with lots of tri.mmino• on a criJp Jrencb roll. The homemade frl" were thick, cri.ap on the outside, crMmy and well-finiabed inside. On ouz nut visit, we found an authentic old dl.pJay CaM boJdiDCJ all manDer of free.b ...toocla on ice. There were freeb-abucked oy.ters, little-neck clama, offered at 65 cant• Mch. A whole pan of .teamed clams iJ $4.95, •rved with delicioua CJarlic brMd. hcellent Oysters Charlie are •rVed bot on the half-Shell, with ~pinacb and blue ch ..... 'Sliders' ue a nifty illDovabon; one iJ AD oyster with cocktail sauce •rved in a abot olau, uotber otfera the aame but with the additioD of a Ooatel' of Cuezvo Gold tequila. Clams Blue Beet oHen cl.uu .. rwc~ hot QD the bal.f-eheU with a thenaador MUat, at ~.95 per half doaen. We tried the bou.. apecialty, Cioppino, a woe aki.l.let filled with U80rted fiab, cl.ama, cnb,'abrimp, acallopa, calamal'i, muaeel.a (in MUOD) in a tuty marinua aauce, Mrved with hot oarlic brMd. ThiJ coN $6.95, .. do. uotlleT ,8peCialty. Seafood Wo.tacciolli, with the aame IMfoocb lllilred with puta in a Sicilian tomato sauce. · The menu U..• a "catch of the day" which 80IIleolle picb up fJ'OIIl the doryman a few .tepa away, MrVed with friee ADd a aal.ad, ADd al.eo u.ta "Fresh Bartender When Avail· able." The Blue Beet Buzoer bu been joined by an ltal.ian bwoez with marinara sauce ADd moua.rella cb .... , ai.o Mrved on a Fre11cb roll. There iJ a Mendo· cino bou.. wiDe •rved by the CJlua, half liter aftei110C)U. You WOD't 675-3333 If you need need a r ... rvaUon, but more lllformation. lhe phone nwaber i.a THEATER The Bad S..d by Jack Bollcmd In ita day, "The Bad Seed" was a paycbol- QCJical chiller, a com· pellino look into the dark rec .... ol a child who wu an inveterate murderer. Today it abowa a strain at ita melodramatic empbuil and it definitely proves that it ia a play that demands the m<* ut- moet aki1l in actinCJ to make it appear totally belieYable. done to show her at her blacker 11de. A. her mother, Lynda O.wald 11 very weak iD the fuat act, up until the hnal scene, and abe btta acme Ultense momenta in part of the second act. lt IS still one of the bea performances tn the ahow. The rest of the cast somehow staq9ers behind with Dorofhy McMUlan playlDCJ each scene too much the same. Her ha.b1t of rae· lllO through her hnea 11 diatrachnQ. Carol Stockmeyer almost makes Mra. Da1g1e believable but she uses her body awkwardly and 11 not an entirely COnVUlC&ng drunk. There 11 some pathos tn the role, however. "'--------------------, or full liter, ADd that The Newport Theatre Artl Center production is at tim .. movin9 but t~ often it CJOM into the amateuz uea. The fault li .. in the acliDCJ, with aome performers unable to deal convinc- inCJly with the nee•· aive demands of the roles. There i.a too much awkward move- ment, dropped lin .. , actr ..... not knoWlnQ what to do with their hADds, ADd of a rap1dl· ty in p.acinCJ, especially iD the first act, ao that the rol" ... m auper· ficial ADd all surface. The ieehn9 peraiala Tony Cario fails to brino the excellent part of Leroy to We. He 1s uncertam about hts hnea and he flounders around trymg to deal with the part. Kns Ha9en does rather CHINA PAlACE BEER &WINE lUNC~ DINNER \1 :~ lO J0 P "' ()AllY f()()OlOGO ·- 8001t, IIUSIC. L YaiCS aY llcn4itJa WW.Oa StOaYaY .. ndttll WW.O.; ......u. ~ey EAM.Y IP£CW CAESAR'S SMA/J fJ/1 CHIJfiiDER CHOICE OF ,_. IIIII F •SAl-•sat • c.ail-. UIO DAIS • J fttnAIUI.IICI PILAF Alii COffH t415 ~._:tv~ 5-l .... , f Ul 4-I:JI,. .. -------· --t7 Fora To Contest ~rlod Includes the months of July, August and S;ept~r. A drawing will be held September 30th fOf the free trip for two at the C.ptaln Cook BeaCh Hotel located on the outer Island of Moorea In French Polynesia, Including airfare and hotel (meala and beYeragn not Included). TM more you book our luxury Umouslne Service, the more coupon~~ you rwcelve and the bett., your chances to win a vacation of a lifetime. For Nett ltlouna of LJMouUte Setlloe-1 C..., an Four haiuira • ----a~ •• OUR SUMMER IPECIAL8 .... ,LtMdl · S55 tOt Two Houra-175 fOt TlvM Hours A '.-vorite Of E•teu1.-a 01 Secretaries (Ei ther aemce good to. one coupon) ...,.,_. S75 tor nw.. Hours Your ~hole• of Newpott·a Fu\e Aettaur~~ttt •• -............... ""' .... llftt .. I' ....... lundty thtougtl Thutldey NiOt'.ta-130 Hr. ,,.., end latun~Q ........ -135 Hr. 3 Hour Ml'*"ufn ... Jill about the extent of the wine liat. The bartender powa Jack Daniela, J&B Scotch, Cuervo Gold tequila, Smirnoff, Beefeater ADd Bacardi rum, and ma.k• a fuciDatiDo amount of atrADCJ•· 80UDcliDCJ cocktails. There iJ Lono Wand TM, made with vodka. Triple Sec, ¢n. aweetlaouz mix and cob. The Jelly Bean bas blackberry cordial and AniMtte, ADd the Root Beer Float ia made with vodka, Galiano, b.U-and-baH. coke for color. ADd whipped CJ'NID. The CAM opens at 11 :30 every momuuJ (except Leonardo da Vinci's birthday . . . whenever that i.J!), and oHen JUI on Sunday that director Tom Titus knew what be wADted from the performances but 80mehow could not make them come IJlto focua. ln the key role of the cbud, Dma Foyer 11 nauaealiDCJIY n1cey· nicey and occasionally cutliDCJ iD the more evil aspects of the oul. More could have been TO PERFECI'ION All ........ ., ... 1 .. ,_ ...... ....... ., ... 4 h .. . e A't18 I ----... . .......................... • n.. ......... ~ ...... -................... • Aa W .... a.O¥W..til ...... llllldl• N..,ort H-"of • u.. .,,..., ... .....,,...... • .,..,_ ..... ._..,a u pca-dl well, and Earl McCan na IS okay as the father, but FranciS Donnelly IS very weak aa Emory. One can hardly understand a thlllQ he says. Pat Oswald has d1g01ty but loses many meanmgful contrasts as Tasker Tracy Godfrey com· pletea the cast. John Greenslade dtd the rather patchwork set ~ ... :&: z.~....,y· 0.., -------- GREEK EOLK DANCERS by ,. Eru p~ Me. fore F.C Co1 bel• p wel mel nin due off fou dea Cbt to a live pac btta T oft the inc; Mu: z:er latt• Fas per v Scb Rile ablo NFJ fasl On wu wb• and spo aw~ Met Wa 11 r W O l HARBORUTES debutante chauman, and S&nd .. Kerr, ball chauman annou..oced the dm .. of the you..oo t.d.J .. , who will be pr ... nted at the Dec. 28 ball, and are Mlected bued on thea commuruty and 1Chol.ullc achievemenll. The deba .ue: by Oloa YOD Bwger Aa you may recall, two of the Ensign '• leadmg columruats Peqqy Cotton and M1ldred Mead-were the ac tivating forces behmd the Nahonal Federation of Press Women's Convention whic h was recently held at the Disneyland Hotel Peggy, nahonal cha~rman, welcomed the 400 NFWP membera and on Thursday eve ning introduced M1ldred, who due to her prestage sn the area of fa.sh1on was able to convmce four oJ the leadsng Amerscan deatqners-Helga, Phylhs Sues, Chnallne Albers and Travalla- to attend to present the11 respec- hve tall collectsons The fast paced show was one of the bag htts of the convenllon The follow1n g day, members of NFPW were g1ven a tour of the Chapman College campus including the Guggenheim Museum and the Albert Schwett· zer exhibit. The fundmg for the latter exh1b1t was raased by The Fa.sbionables, a Chapman sup- port group founded by M1 ldred V alene Scudder. Floss Schumac her and Emma Jane Riley were among The Fashaon- a.ble members who greeted the NFPW members both at the fasha on show as well as the day on campus. The tour on campus was followed by a luncheon whereto G . T Smath, Btll Hood and Frances Mead-Messtnger spoke to the group A specaal award was presented to Sarah McClendon, natsonally known Washlllgton correspondent, who ts recogmzed as the dean of the women's press corp Children'• Home Society •• one of the oldeet and laroest pnvately supported agencies in the country. The Newport Har· bor AIU.lliary of CHS wu form- ed m 1947 due to the eHorts of Mrs. Wendell Calltina and Mrs. Logan Hendrickaon. One of the auxiliary'• methoda to raise funds h.u been through a Debutante Ball. Recently at the home oJ Mrs. Allan Tr.. e, Barbara De Mott, auxiliary prea1dent, Nanette Sutherland, Janae Ad.dy, Barbara Barr, KnAin Baamajian, Martha Bon- ner, Anne and Natalie Gray, Adnenne Gunkel, P.m Heaton, Alyaon Jord&n, Bethany Kenny, Yvette LohM, Michelle Oqata, Allyaon Pi:uo, Shelley Porter, Sheryl Radoa, IAn ore Rutter. Anne Sammu, Laune Sewell, Sharon S1mpson, Enn Smtih, Gretchen Stahr &nd Rand1 Trebler. S.vtnq on the ball commit1ee are Dou.na Scholler, Nary Margaret Grace. Sally Marsh, Patty Brennan and Myrna Satig (from left) were among The Fashionables. who greeted the NFPW members Gives b.l A Chance To w ... One Of~ Fabulous A 'S ITAUAN DELI PIZZA & FOOD TO GO STAR SPANGLED PARTY IDEA Our PARTY PlATTERS lndudl: 5 ......,. ...... 3 kind~ c.- d'lll ..... ............ c:.-2 .......... hofMnledll ew.cs. ......... A.n Altud tot July «<t for all Your Catering Needs COME TO SAM'S 1909 HARBOR BlVD. AT 19TH ST. COSTA MESA 548·7822 from 6a.m. • g~rr:~.[?:lnf~% • ROll AVOCADO TO CHIU TO IIUSJDOOIIS eJGGS • ePUCIDS• e PIUCR TOAST • • CIII'J. • eJVJCU • • tuwAJWl Q€(f€nt hOt€1 • 7 CS.ys/6 nighta lor 4 persons (2 rc)C)fN) at the apeclacutaf ~uan f\event on waitlillftiCenic lfde neaf O..mond Heed • Round THp •rtere VIa spaciOUS WDf1d Airweys Wide Bocly Jet from Loe.,... ao Honolulu! • Gt ... MMtt at JOlly Aoger/H8W8tl location• E."try tort'f'li 4 "h) omp1et .. •u t"\ ''( ., •\>\..' Ga1'11t ~t "G JOlly ~~,., •o., "'vii r>• ·a ,. J~• •· •"'., no ourcn ... ne< e,,.,~ Qoo, .J1 ,. .. "~ •'~ Jeter"' n•d 0y •ec." .... , •""'' ., ~..-tt"'t. • ,~, ... ~ '0' ..c:" <tt-·"9 w ·eo ''t'' .... s ..... o,••••t •"CCt Af.19uSI l 196. . It's All To Introduce Our GrNt New ··~Of'tl .. , .• ...,. rio( ........ .,.. u ..,. '""\It M'O J .,t\t '•.t•"''fl I ........ "''l9 tt d "'~• f.' !)"•·•n tt·••'' • C'-< ... ,. ··~ ~~-8•• ··~Wid· P. ~. A tt fll "til' Pv' ....... . . . "' ,,. .. , ,. , ... , .... . f.,., .. f, •L~ • ·~· • t• "·~~~ t~,;_':,,;,•; '" """'' ' , ....... , ,. ,, L•-"~'~V" ... ~M1 .fl\(1 • "'•'' lo(Wf ~· 'f'f .. -.. , • .., ' .'-"•' Ul Kathenne Russell, Sue Pasltena.n, L.nda Marshall, Pat Loclan&n Barbara Roundtr ... Frau Smath, Manlyn Btsh?p , Manlyn Read, Darl .. n Man clark, Jud., Bau.m , Barbara de Boom and Barbara Crontn The future debe are lD for a delightJul aummer, whac b W1ll include a round of parh81 and a tather-dauohter tour of the CHS facilihea before dep.uhng to thear respective colleges an the tall. The Newport EDA.lgn Wedneeday June 23. 1!12 Pa98 9 Spea.hng of pr ... nta, the Boll cks Rose~ovahers held oo June 24 at the Schwarzenberg Palace ao Vtenna IS the on.ly Amencan Debutante Preseotattoo lD Europe today. The Amencan commst1" ss beaded by Mr. and Mrs Robert S . Williams, Jr. H.H. PrtDce Willy von Thurn und Ta1ns 11 the secretary general of the Auatnan cammtttee and 1s aasasted by 41 other members lasted an the Almonoch de Golbo H&rborl.tte Barban B.aull Andenon IS • meaber of the spoa.onav co•autt-lor the V aenJla 8a.l1 u well • llae .... York Debutante A_W., be&d at the Pl.au on Jan. 1 • • Poatcnpb Rlcb.ard B.ev..lel'. preatdent of the Rue,.,. Officen Auac1ahon of OC, &nnounced the group will have a dehghtful bu1fet d.tn.ner at the Newport Harbor Art MuMum on June 25. THE PORT THEATRE 6 73·6260 Sail into Gina's this SUDIDier! THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND RATED PO 2905 E Coast Hy Corona del Mar O il your way to or fro m tht> beach~a-.~N:W::W~ stop by for ~lkiou~ I PIZZA ! Gina's Pizza .. na. tastl.-t It all•• food Ia to .. " Albert~"'l Shc>wtng Center East Coast H1ghwoy (orDt~o del Mar 673-1121 Restaurant Listing Continental Pizza ... .,. .. ~ '• ., Presenting.Cinelllax; . dt a 24 h or movte servtce }VI The m:en~ choice of mo~es. ~ 50 meMes each month. l'IOt'miU a tlw nsblt n w~ -.-.h ,~,., '141 dslltl'l"nt lniMf<~ Ht h mtlflth E~mh~nM trom , ~aust ... tt1 nlnltrnp!) ,..,, o\lt un• ul •nd unJOh'mapcrd f amit) ACtwduliog "l\«'duunn'-llh thr .,ht.., tamtl\ " ' 10d l hs6drtn ' lnl"'-.' •• , h•hvn • ~~ ·• " ·~ fnit'lt\ ., amll\ houl' \1•-n ''"' •lf'W'nk'd ~,., •• fnl•n •hdt fl,,.,,, ~iWiit•tt, .. Mo\w rhoin-. DOl duplcatioa. \t 1\11"• INI 4!'f ho....-n ""·~ I~ l't 111< klllll >I m.~lo' nUwor thannril 11~ ''"" 1 ,,..,,.,. -~· ""'" fltl mnrr mt~Y ho •II r tM lfo:o..• ~"lt dt.J4ll Ahllfl Our difference is our movies: CALL TOa.YI CINEMAX IS AVAILABLE IN: BREA I.A HABRA CA Century Cable ot Sout"-"" C.• ~"'"' :'!~.& 18 1)131 1014rt& FUllERTON C.A Grow w~ 171•1 ~25-1313 IRVI ... E ... [wP()Rl BEACH TUSTI ... CA Communo~~ ~~'f 171.1720-2020 LA .. I~CA tornta Cai .. 'Waltllna C7t416234103 II ......... fiJ ......... fte ........ &wlp •• -• Mu Dtter•illd .... _.v. ....... Only 6 rng ~t rich enough to be called R®.llar and Menthol. Open a box today. • ...... :·o.a., ..... ..,a..-.a.ntllillllt • I an llliJ Co Co ent • dol .. ~ -tou .... J bee .., the 28· J bac acL t .. ... cW an• ... ~ R• ~I IDC au 0. Ol la' . TM .._port Ensign Wed~. Jww 23. ltl2 Pap II RogawTo In Ali-Ster Gdd COIItetlt by )eM~ cmd T01a lea.Dett After watching the North take u early 18-2 IMd in the fint abt aaiDut• of Saturday'• Orange Co\mty all-liar buketball oam•. Corona del N.a.r'a Chria l,ynch entered the O&JD• for the South. "I could ... what we were doiDg wrong,' Lynch aaya. "When I went m , I JUit tried to Mt u uample oJ intenllty, tough de.__, and good ahot ..leot.ion." Lynch'• contributtona helped, becaUM when he left the Q&me .even minut• later in the halJ, the North'• IMd had been cut to 28-23. ld.i..on tM.DUD&te, 6-foot 6-mch Richard Chang, for • aecond basket. Lynch, lookmg very com- torta.ble at the point guard poel- tioo he hu DOt played amce bu .ophmore year at Corona del N.a.r, wu in for mo.t oJ the lint h&U and returned to atart the eecond with the South tra.a.hng, 39-29. The Rebela moved ateaduy cloeer Ulltil Bndaley hlt a frM· tluow with 8:52 to play, tymg the game for the full tuDe, 58- all . Gardner followed with • thr .. ·point play. drivino. double-pumping, drawing a foul and acoring. lt looked like an all Coata-Neaa •urge u Bardaley made two tr .. -tbrowa (Jiving the South a five-poUlt lead, 63-58 by~Lpch Corou del War'• Glenn Roc;,en will compete 111 the 23td &n.llu.Al North-South Orange CoUllty all-atar foot.bell ;ame Monday niqht at Orange Cout Colleoe be<}lDlllDQ at 7:30. The cont..t, apo1180red by the Brea Ltona Club, featur• the bMt high school football talent m Oranqe Co\lDty. Roo•n. a &-2, 255-poUlld offelllive tackle, will .tart at the left tackle poc~tlon, one whlcb MJ'Ded him a berth on the brat team all-S.. View Leaou• team and the thud team all-co\lDty aquad. "He'a an excellent, excellent footb&ll player who w doUlQ an excellent JOb for ua," Mld South co.ch Bob L..ter "He'a a per· .ona.ble yoUJlQ man and a JOY to coach." 1\ooera, who baa been hampered by a ahoht orom pull. w conhdent oi the South'• chancea. "From my vtewpomt we have a reolly good team We have a strODe} ba.ckfleld, good r.CelVell, and & pretty !lOUd llne We 'll mamly throw the ball becau..M Matt Steveo.a (loon~ Vall.y) hu IUCb. oood .... H L.ter, ~~, avoidlng • eet-up ol hie hlQh.ly tal..a.d team, atat•, "Hoa..a.ly, i:A an all-atar qame you cc't favor anyone. Both aid. hAve a lot oi talent ... For the Sea IC.in; gredu.ate, the oam• meana more than ju.at "another .U-atar oam•" that d llllght be to the blo name ata.n. "No bao 8Choola oHered me • acholanlup 10 I f .. l 10mebody aa g1V1Dg m~ another chance." Conbllued Roqen, "111 be • lot mo re Ultenae QOlDg mto tlul game becau.e I want to prove that I can play b19 .chool foot· ball .. Even aJ Roqera liD 't ottered a acbolanhlp bueci on lui pet formance Monday ntoht, be ..,11 have the chance to 1mpr ... the An:toDA StAte oo.ch .. , who wt!l be watcb.ulg hlm. "If I'm not oHered a acholarlhlp. I'll end up w&lklllo oo at ASU-thia .. my c hance to p rove myaelf. I've been &mmo for tb111 Q&me for a lono tlD\•" Deapite a ltrono South come· back, the North won, 78-77. In addition to Lynch , the oame featured other Sea View League .tudouta Jeff Gardner of Eatan- cia, Brad Gue11 of Univeraity, and Xu Ba.rdaley of Coata w..a. The favored (in TimN and RegUter ltori .. ) South wu caught flatfooted in the openmg momenta. The North raced to a atunning 23-2 lMd, paced by Oruoe'• Nib IC.Uy. BrM· Olinda'• Paul Thomu and Katel- la'a Scott Warner. Corona del Mar's Chris Lynch dlibbles during all-star basketball contest. Sr•H photo bv Bauv Slobon The North wun't dead, however. The lead changed banda five hm•. The South call· ed time out with 30 aeconda to play. 23 aeconda on the &hot clock. and lead..a.og, 77-76. MARINE SCENE The South'• only buket m the lint eight millut .. came when Gardner •tole the b&U and drib· bled the length of the Door for a layup thrM minutes Ulto the brst balt-a c:haastrous one for the South. Coach Barry Leigh of Echaon H.ioh put in a new lmeup, 111· eluding Lyuch and Gu ... , after au mmutea. Guea hit his only two buketa of the game to get the South comeback started. Moments later, Lynch hll two tr .. throws, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS OFF. Prl"'• "IIIITIK ll 1 1n.. • rn ll lt/t'flrllt! 1 'Pf>IJTnmrn 111 ,TUI\t' rhe Panumt~ l u!"4tl ,mJ \f~ll·an Ru Lt"rc.J .,, rfko Fu ~ Plu' \r...rr \uJ.!•I/JarJ 1 Arr /urt' frrotu.leJ u rrh ow llllltplm"k:'Tlt' l .. I then atole the ball on Lbe North throw-in and acored agam. Rick DiBernardo, a 6~foot 4- mch, 225-poUlld Edaon fboh prodQct headed lor Notre Dame on a football echolanhlp, &l.o apuked the South. He tWlce pu.lled down reboUJlda to start fut br..U. acorUlC} htmaelf the hrat hme and feedmo b .. former South co.ch IAlgh aub.ututed Gardner, reputedly a better ba1lhAndler. for Lynch. It proved • controvenw cho•c• when GArdner. who had been on the bench for Mveral mmut•, dribbled mto trafhc and )oat the ball. The North'• Andy Marua1ch grabbed the ball and wu fouled by Gardner. Marua•ch, a lut minute auhsb- tute for tbe North becaUM a S.r- v•l• H.ioh teammate choee to oo on a graduation tnp to Hawau, bit two frM·throwa, putllno the North ahead, 78-77. TEO WINSTON • scon PENNER by Nary WagDeJ Newport Beach, Cala..f mcSy become Newport, Rhode lala od W .. t next WUlter aJ Tom Blackaller and Gary Jobean carry out theu plans to bnng two 12 Meters here an Novem ber. One of the boclts will be a brand new Dav1d Pedt1clt d••oned alummum boat whtch h.u been named Del~nd~r. a good example ol pos1hve thtnk Ul<}. The other boat wall be Amenca's Cup wmoer Courog ~ous whlch was l&lled to v1cto ry by Ted Turner m 1977 Both Blackaller and Job.on have been mvolved m the Amenca'a Cup eHort 1n the p&at, Blackaller was a sk1pper Wllb Ruuell Long on CIJpper and Jobean wu tachcl&D w1th Ted Turner on Cou~us They are ... kmg aupport for theu effort to defend the Cup wtlb an oroa m:tahon called People to People Sporta. lnc Fund-ralS8n are bemg plaJllled and mcL- vtdua l donahooa will be welcom· ed The Balboa Bay Club will be the headquartera tor tbe boclts, crew and tendera It wall certamly be a great treat for local boclters to have the opportumty to watch these beautlful boats when they are havanQ theu pract1ce races LIDO ISLE YACHT CLUB JUNE R!GATIA LASER I lohn Vulue <NHYC! 2 lubn Petn•d< 1BCYC l LIOO 14 l Row Lohm•n !BYC! 2 W.rtv Loc~nev LTYC) l Sob M1ndt• tUYCr S.AIOT A&B 1 T1m C.-I rBCYC! 2 W.tlr franco UYC SABOT C I Catl Grod•cloa (l . .rtC) 2 Enc Slutuv (LTYC) 3 Hillen Bunnell UYC 4 tu.shn le nn•nQI (UYC) u JU T I IC MUAEDELTPM 0 "'"'~\.\t\'l'r '''''"'''' "''' DH ,·ml r ""' , 11 •mr:, rh. II"II.Wl\J'·'r;t~k hr\llr\ •'' rh, ''''"' ~1.11\ r1 '-!1•1\ rnl "·'\.!·•t"l••rd '' ,h, ul tl'l<. r.ttl.tnl.al .11\,ll.u~~.l \I,'" 111 R" r.. r.t tPr I i . II, llr () ,l"' )i•u'IJ,·nJl'' ''" tH .l lll'"" 1111.! .k.u\010\t"Lmon• th.lf h." 1 1 '"~ d t~· hr~--t r.tttn~ tl"\10'1 hddm~' llua.l.r lc) ( nmt'~ n"'r 17 dny,, (\W,thounJ tmm h Ln"i-.·1\bk• or "'""fh<"l\and frtlm L''' .~a~d"• .. ), V\1\r'll nf'l\lf\." ctw lt u ·lv ~ ·.,rt~·.m r"'ll"t' t)f ~~ Thom., .... ~mtn Don110jlO o~nJ ( 'Jrk~'n•• Tr.•H·I thruu):h d-.· ll ~·.u kl\.L.' 11l th. P.m.1m.1l .uul \ ''" rh. tun. • •· \I,' k. ,II\ h l\\ "' I,, -\l .lr'll\ I'· r, 1\. rtl' \.1ll.trt.1 .m .. l ~t.l:.ttl.ln ·\n .. l Vl'l\t'll ", '''"-th1 "''·'nJ Jdl.tr' (• \ '"'rl' ll 'rw'' "' "' lrr~m S! .I& ""I r"'' r" r,, '" .i"l\t~l,· \l\.~o.ur.u-..., 1 )cl\r~o. .m ,,l ... t• l"llJ<,'' rn•r<lftK•n.th' '·" "'~' .uxl (I\·,· rnund tnr 't'.ll h .ur t..r~.· tl\•m ,11\\'\\ ~'"' m tht' u~111 •~m.,tl " S 1'10 th..· "'>·~·lt}t'rJ", ll ,L,, Tmn-·l .uwl tr, .. ,,., .md (\ JJv """"'"' 1'\"t\h'~n U h ·\~d-.·, .tnd -\c.apulu' "-~ ommoJau""' Jrc hmrt,·J . 't' •h•r rv \"'' othc ..... tlxi<\\1 for f'\'"-'"~.u~m­ ·"""' frc~o. ""'""nul\" ( r\11"-" ,)f, t~· ""'" th..· \ ''-''ft" J\k.is.ll'lt th.· ~ ... , CL FOJ the sixth consecuttve vea the Newport Beach Tennis ch.b Is otf~ the Ted ~ ston-Scotf Pennef s\6TVT* Junior terv-a clines Open to the ~-the progan IS ~ to Improve the terns game of juniors trom ages 7-17 C ine lessons are . otfefed at the begiN'IerS. lnt~t· and oovanced level Courses 'Nil be II"Nted to 8 students and wl be gouped bv age <rd ablltv IIIIIONDAUI Session 1 SessiOn 2 June 21-Juty 9 July 12-July 30 Session 3 Aug. 2-Aug. 30 CLAIITIIIII Mon-Wed 8 am·lO am lO am-12 lues-Thurs 8 am-10 am lO am-12 ' 12HOUHtJO , June 21-Juty 8 July 12-Juty 29 2 · 2 BIAS·BELTED $ 75 '•' S11e Ptl•·.o-1l ~h•• It M FaT IN POPUlAR P Metrt< SIZES G••• va~ue 1n An lcOftOINCal Paue..-nre 2 Ftbergl•a• belts prov•d• "'engtt"t ' end dur•b4htv 2 ,..,_,,., body pltes enture • tmOOm aott rtde f'et treed •nd w •de shoulders otter eac .... nt hendhng --., .... , ... ''" •~ •verr •uto 155·12 36.82 155--13 37.82 185--13 38.82 165·1 ~ 4&82 175--14 4782 185·14 52.82 17&170/13 48.82 1UI70/13 52.12 ~I ( .l I I I I I R I ~·I l PM '-'It Ill ~ P~ll f I f l ,.,_ .. --...... .... .... 1.22 1 27 1 57 180 2.00 212 1.S& 111 • • Pcage 12 Weclaeedav. JWM 23. 1112 The Newport Ensign RECREAUON STANDINGS FolloWiao are the ata.ndlllo-u of June 18 m City oJ Newport Beach recreation departnwnt leagues. S.Oetball c DIYIJIIOn Oce<lll Trel'ld, Arco The Helf un:h Ct~ Cr .. ua NB Pohce O.p• O utla w• D OtVIItOn Coa.atera The Redmen Boyle EngmMIInQ SYC and R TWO II Av c Ball HoQ> A Otv "~n OC Slara Bucka Canyon Woodwt~t~ Captain Cop1er M.slarky's lrvtne Allsporh B DIVIHIUil 20 I I 1·1 I I I I 02 30 30 2·0 I I 02 0 2 30 21 2 I l·l I 3 0 l Touche Ross j 0 I M Peter~ Cv .1. I War Devtl~ 2 l Ktnlco'' I 2 Roqer Our n Couq.t" I 2 TRW 0 l Sluw Pot h Wvmen 1 Sohbdll A OtVISl (' P•cthc Mutuctl 2 0 Poe•ce St Annu 2 0 AKv 20 S., rr acudct> 0 2 Blctckte• 0 2 Ueov Copv Sv•t"m' 0 2 B Dlvt•toro Seth Shc~lc,.,. I. 0 Dvt .• Dulltt• ) 0 KenuAth Lt.>vt•nthdl I l Au Col I I N"' All Sto" 0 2 PtNr c St Ar.nt•x U l c DIVt'IVIi Mutn Wen~h•• 7 I) Pa1adtM> c .. te l 0 Sc.ltb.slltir• I I Glovto Tro ""'' I 1 8 41 s .. rvl• ,. u ] H .. , ... , ' HM~II" 0 I M•r. s,..,.,. P.t t, T ,,.>dav S t•b tl! A 0'""..,' 88 O.vtfiOn Pter~ St S.rbar~A~n• PMt Nazwtclr Parad~a Cafe V.O.C Ftc;rhhno P1qeoua 8 DavtStOII NWNS H11J Pharmacy G1b10n Dunn Crulcher Grubb and Eilts South Coast Boat Blac lues CC Dav~&tor. Uncle George:. Of lahore Coldwell Banker~ Buffa loa A~hwtll Burke Dove St AC C Otvt,.oon Chump. RBF OJ(A's Custom Pools Radar Glove Mom's Exlenswn Wednesday Softball BB Otvlston 2 l 2 I 2 I I 2 I 2 I 2 .1.0 20 lO 20 I I 0 2 JO 2·1 21 I 2 I 2 0 1 30 JO I 2 12 I l (I J Camden Crusher" I 0 Avco 2 I Ou1 GanQ l I Salt Companv I 2 Paula·, I l Mtllton Errol' U J 8 Oovo,.IOII S4phue Sp.t J IJ Master, I I Ptelce Street I .1. Vutue and Schec~ 0 ' CC Oovasu 11 L.t Canhna J 0 Vtll4 Nov• Kurqhts I .' Lee and As..us I I. Nat! Educallvn I '- lnduatual Broke" l I o.ange Inn SqtWt>Zt'l ' 0 I Thursdav Svltball Men s AA Oov'"'"" Black•e• I ll Bont> A'~ I 0 Bolboil M.,kpr I I Denny Soltballers 1 ~ Malarlcys Met~ 0 3 Harbor Pamt U I Cuf>d A o .... ILJI Novalra Place B.tlboa &llbu''"'' The AnhP' Prt!ICP Stre~>r Srovder L.nq,t •I H,;o s Helper Me" ' BB D ,,., n f.mb<- RGW (. J <l .Sth St Su1t S~ •I BcttPmM 8 >mbt•l\ s ... It lhl !:ih .. .., 1"' A, Ca I l lrvtnP C, I l Koller Bet>• I 2 MacGreqor Met•. )ofut £. 'BCont w~ Are PROUD To Have Photopaphecl ... OUR 3 GENERATIONS Jolla, Noell, aad "Pa,." We Would Be PROUD to Photocraph the Special People iD You.r Life • Coed 8 Otv ... on Johneloo Poola 3 0 Npt S.lbo. Br..Uen 2 I T l C '0 Ill 2 I Bed Hope 2 I 'ox• and Hounda 0·3 Lath•m and Watluaa 0 3 Coed c OIYtSIOil Balboa C o nat nctoe No N•me T .. m Coleman and Gr.ant The Duclta Cretins Dove St Dud• 2 I I \fa l 11 I I l'ta I I 2 '-'12 1nday Solthall Wen's CC Otvwon n. Bhatia PacifiC Skybohtera Paz.dJ.M c.Je Sttnky Pet• Tortf-n Paychtca Coed c DtYIJitOn NB Teruua Club HobtH RG A Ouu;JQ'I Ball Team Hawo• PN I, Marwtc k Men'a D Otvtalon Land Sharka 30 Dodc;~en 2 I c as·. 2 I J.o Aht&radu St 1·2 2·1 C hurch l:nQineennQ o.J 2-1 l.anQdon and Wtbon o.J I 2 I 2 'ord o.J C2 OrVIIIOn Pyle Ortvera 20 Red So• 20 3 0 Bay Gulla I 1 JO F1nt Pl6ce Team I I I 2 Op&1u I I I 2 Tequtla Shootera I I I 2 lqbokert 02 o.J Mad Ballen 02 Stdewtnde n 0·2 Cl Otv<aoun Catch 22 :10 f"ord Puc kups /I) l rewaky Sluooera I I ft. ~Me I I Chuck's Oucka 0 2 Loc•l Tal•nt 02 82 01Vtal00 Pie yen lU DJVAD Gu11o I I Ttqlttw"d' Twtrt 41)', 1 I Hut Truth•!\ I I lattce • ~•"•• A {) .... , 1\JII Wtl..l Turkev• I I C<~IHat Lt'a IJ 'I Mud•t r ,. 8 1 Otvtaautl The Ea~u .. •• Low 81dd.,r• 2 0 Eatermrn•l<,. Reruu• foul Plo~~y ,., 0 MvrHIIJI•U• I I Sullona ol Swtnl,l SPRING SPECIAL Sflt~~fS $5.00 OFF Nt•w p,111.,,, ( >nh ..V tth 1 II" I '"'''"" Mltrix Cuts ........ $15.00 Tube Color & Condition . . . . . . . $25.00 foii,Tint or Sun Stre•king . . . . . . $45.00 Perms, Cut & Condition ......... $50.00 LENNY/5 HAIR DESIGN I I •, I I (J I fl I o 0 l II I (II We Keep You Smiling . r~.lt m4!n u tw) ""·'""'tl 675-0823 "Communic•tion Is The key" 2333 E . COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP BEDSPREADS • COMFORTERS e lEO PILLOWS e DRAPERIES e • 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T . SMRECEK, JR .. DDS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd .. Suite 104 Newport Beach lnext to Victoria Station) Co~nesto ••• Gives oto y Enter the Open House Celebration Sweepstakes June 25 through August 4 at the new Crocker Bank, 19000 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine . . \. )n rnJ"v· June 21, Crtx:ker B()nk J<lin-. tl w u>mn"lunHv 111 lrvtnc at 14000 Mal A rthur Bh ~1.. lrvme. Cllme a nd hdp u celehrme our ( \~.·n H, lLN: June 2) through A ugu t 4. :There\ plentv of parktng1 .111J "e'll h ,l\ e fn.'t.' g1ft~ and refresh ment.., I< lf evt·rv< me. . Be ..,ure to enter our Cclcbratlllll \H•t:pMake .... You mav he a lUl kv wmner! J ·,'·We're d rawing for a tnp fnr t wo to Carmel/Montc:rc:v ;md J inncr for two a t tht· Am Rec.w urant. Plu-.., then: .1re two Jaily Jrawmg~ fur u hcautiful Su n-..et garJcntng ,--:._ or look book. ju-.t f11l out an entry hlank. You d\ n1't haH' to be J'fl''-<.'nt (( l \\ln. f he l nx kcr Autum.ul·d Td k·r • ! i\:, 1\\ \'PLJ ~ .m h :111 k whl'n It \ u lll\ l'llll'nt (,,r \ol( W1rhJril\\ l.l ... h, m.1ke dq11. Nh, p.l\ nwm .... md tran-..kr-.., .111\tllllL' lrum <' t\ \1 unul .tftcr tntdlll~ht ~(I) J.t\ ..... 1 -vt:nr. All VIlli lll'cd ,.., ypur Cn ll.ll'r Bankmg C.1rd" .md Per ...... ln,ll klentlhl<ltll'll \:umh.:r tPl~l-hoth free 1\) Cnx.ler Lhc\.klll~ ,)lU)Uilf 1 U..,tntner-... Till'll \"PU l:ll1 hank (1( d71\ Cnx. ker A ur1 •mated Teller. We have ll11lrl' th;111 21\.1-all n \'t•r Caltfor· 111.1. \X.'e ht~\ e lungn lllhhv huur'1 h x 1 lr lltn l ) t\~1 tP 4 P~1 ~ ~1lllld<l\' through Thur ... - dc~,·. l 'md {' P~1 ,1n Fnda\. Fn r .1JJcJ \on\ l'llll'l1l.L', wt· h.t\'l' lll\l' dn\ t' up \Vtnduw opt.:n fro 9 A~1 to 4 P~1 M onday through Thurc.Jav- urHtl ~ Pi\1 n n FnJ<l\ t~So JC>tn our l)pcn Hour.t· Cclt·hratton Junt· 21 thnlugh August 4 at 19(0) MalArthur Blvd. (in t he Dougla~ Plaza). Manager Thoma~ YunJt (IOU h1~ ~taff luok forwa rJ to :-.eemg you anJ w1~h you lurk m rhc SwL-cpstakc~! ' l,l 00. Wmtll 11 IW\\l nut be Cn1o; k .'f\ bit Ut n lp(fl ( ltJt cl ~lOHtf Uf' ~ r.,&. _. n :,lril\J c'f\ 1Ni'l\hrt \1 menu~ . ( fl ~" I ioo.d B.mk I 0 ~ 0 PA0GAAMS SUBJECT TO CHANGt movies -~ ------- , \ I II "1. I '• ..,. CBS (7 CentraiiMountatn) .... ~ THE LmLE SHIP. HERD DOG CW CATAUNA Beauh tul Santa Catahna Island (Just "26 rn.les tn a teally ole ooer as the sono goes) •s the selling lor a dramatiC ildventure With a Pille Stle1t1e who braves a pack ot prOblems Wtth Clint Rowe. Wtlltam Maxwell and B~rkte tne S~ Mtke Parker na~ratec; 18 Centrai/Mounta•nl KEITH CARRADINE THE DUELUITS Ke•th Carradlne •s a tevet·headed young olftcer rn Napo. teon s army woo tS Obliged to ltQht a duet wttn fellOw olltcer Gaoroet Fer aud (~arvey Keotet) a man ne nas no oe!>ore to see oead but won 1 cec~se trom mamoutaltng nom onto one duel after another Based on Joseon Lon 'ads story ot co stars Albert F onney E<Jward Fo~ CfiSt•na Ratnes ROber t Stepttens Tom Contt John McEnery ctno D•ana Ouocll Lords and swords oorected by Rtdley tllederunMft Scott (who atso maoe tnat strange Chanel N" 5 commerctal and AMen) ~·tN 11 11\1£ '' 7·IPII ABC (6CenllaJIMountatn) THE DOUILE Mc:OUF;"IN A hvety mystery story wtth an t~reoressoote group of teens who beCome amdteu• Secret Servtee agents to protect tl'le oeauhtut Prtme M1noster ot a sma 1 natl()(l trom woul<}be assa'iStns E~i!e Sommer George l(enneoy and ErP est Borgr.rne Wr•tten orOduceG ana dlre<:ted by JOe Camo the •eator o1 the ...... mov•es •11H11 ABC (8CentraiiMOIJntcJ•n GOLDEN RENDEZVOUS 'N '" Rtchard Harrts wno probably d06 not otay an rnatan rn tho" one »11PM NBC 19Centrc~IIM01Jntctml THE 25TH MAN Tne •t>cPnttv appo~nted commander ot ti"'P L A ootoce academy rtas htS MOOS lull wnen he trtes to shape nts l11o;t ctaso; or raw recrutts tnto Skttled ooltce Andrew, Jushn Lord. Stephen Paar. Helen Regan. Pepe Serna Robert Lee Jarv1s anc1 the always pleastng Ed Wtnter better known as the super C I A 5POC* Colonel F !ago on TVs ItA" A •s•H A Illite drama 'Vlll'\1 '''"'' ·~ .. ,,.. NBC (8Centraiii\Aountatn) MtDNIOHT LACE Mary Crosby tS a TV reporter stalked by a mystenous NOuiO oe assasson Gary Franll co <>tars tn ""S dramattc and thrtlltng remake ot the old Dorts Day thck l llf <; lliN£ "l WHITI llAMA Bette Davts tn a dfama focusing on a grow1ng relat JOnshtp between an agtng atmost pennileSS Widow and a tough street· w1se black youth Ern•t Harden Jr •s the tlllterate kid With a cflm.nal past and E11een Heckart 1s "Three Bag lAdy" ot~ Stones tO lOve, lrUSt and r.-ct 101 one another .', 1 I '\,1 .,... ABC (8 Central/Mountain) .....aHT OFFDIUQI All •nno- cent young co-ed. frightened by l'ler awattentng psycnte powers IS threat ened With oeatn unleSs she confronts a strnster WitCh woo destroys anyone She canl'ql dominate .,,. CBS (8 CentratiMountatn) 11Y OLD IilAH l(r~sty 1\AcNtchol the tate Warren Oates and Etteen Brennan tn a drama based on a Hem- mlngway short story a potgnant tale ol a spmted teenager and ner dOwn-and-out horse·tratner lather reuntted alter a tong separatl()(l wno set out to unearth a new hie together A mov1ng. e•c•ttng lttm and a gooo rote lor the wonderful Oates ollteers Stars Moenaet Bell Mocrtael 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c; lllf I F '1 II T t. OE <;II oN Warmng The Surgeon Gene ral Has Oeterm merl That Ctgarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health Klflq, R~·q 1\Jf' M••t Ktnq M·• •J•t •l 1,1r too, ~ , , · ,, r R ,. • , I Ill I Ill • 10-ftPII NBC (9Cen1ra11Mountalnl THE AUIMALT COW80Y An actl()(l advetlture drama wtth Maa Baer Robtn Dearden. Lory Wa1sn Noan Beery Rtcl"tard Denmng c~nd Lon Lowe A plOt to e•tort mtlhons ()I \ c;' .,,.. CBS (8 CentratiMountaon) MAYFLOWER: THE fttLONII'I AI> VENTUM Tate of our toreta•her's cross•ng the hrgh seas back '" 1620 to pOpUlate a bravr· new world Wttl"t Antnony HO()k•n::. Rtcnard Crenna and Jenny Agutter Makes waves •10PM CBS (8Centraiii\Aountaonl SHI .. LFf MACLAINE: ILLUSK)NS The Emmy Awar(}wtnnrng 'eQOV taov 'eeps tntngs or.gnt and bubbttno " tn•s unoaue ano ot•en '"''0''"'"Q 8" te•taonment oackaoe ot "onq da'>ce dncl moment<; ot musiC. trn9ect ...,,,h orama Ms Mat litrne Qt,•oe!> '"" "'ewer nto the woriO r •ttuso<1n•. ano now we are olte• 'oolf'd r,.,e ~ery talented Gregor f Hof'P<; 9ue<,l stars c;o '' <; "' QO<X1 t.et '"'"'" ""' Of' some snow o;:oou•nq ...,.. 1f> '"• • A. treat att tl'le ...,av '7 nq , 011,,. " tlll~''" ~ 'C H r·: ·' • "' r\ The Newport Enalgn Wecloeedoy. June %3. 1112 Page 13 ' \ I ' '\d ~ ..,. NBC (7Centr.WMountatn) A IHAUN ~ INCW. The actor sanger bows tor h•s tarst televtSI()(I musteal ~tal wttl"t guests Loru Anderson Jacll Albertson and the Crvstats sports ----- ' ' ' I' "\;i ' \:_...?NBC (12 30 Cent /1\Aount) UIEULL ltA8)01 League Game ot lfle Wffejr tne WoriO Chamooon Los Af1981eS Dodoers at Houstor A c;tros •Alternate Ga~ne ~ wa J ~ee Brewers at Boston Reo So• 3:30--t:30PII CBS '2 30 Cer.l M• I GOLF Tl'l11d rouno ot tne -Nec;t cnester Ctassoc trom ~arr1son ~ew 'l'ork l:»SPM .4\BC (2 30Cent 1\Aount P"O IOWURS ..UMG TOU" Tne S tOO 000 ShOwboat PBA Douo •es Classte !rom Las '114t9QS Nevada 4-tPM NBC 13 CentraVMountatn 1 TEHNIS t()!)tn ~~~ Enotano TenniS Cnam()lonshtps trom Wtmbledon Taped same day coverage of Mrly round matcheS a.tt:...,. ABC <•CentralfMounta.n) WIO. WOM.D OF IPOIITS ~Nac <•Cent,~) TENNIS Earty round Wimbledon cover898 Otell E,.,.ro Bud Co411na and Cnartoe Jones r8C)Of't trom the scene 2:~IOHI CBS It 30 Cent /MI I GOLF F rna1 rourlll <..ovet-oe of the Westcnester Class•c ).3:3DPII ABC (2 C.ntrai/Mounta.n) ~T w tn ~rd Cosel4 3:»4: ... ~BC (2 30 Cent /Mt I THEAMENCAN~ 4: ..... ABC 13 30Cent /MI I WIO. WORlD CW SPCMin'S 4: ..... NBC 13 30 Cent /Mount I IPORTWOALD Hl\}hhgttts '\r1 I '.... 'I '\j 1 ' ~?ABC (7 )()CentraiiMount ) UM'ULL Game of tl'le WOMk ""'" teams to be announced ' I . I '\,1 I 11-.tt ... NBC (10 30Cent M I WIMM.EDON UIIIOATI Reclett on the AK-Engiand~ •' ' ' ' '\r I 11:.1t:411111 NBC (10 30Cent ,.,_.I ..-.EDON UIIOATI '~ • n,, ' ' 11:•n:.,. NBC 110 30Cent ~~ 1 WI'P' EDON UPOAT£ 12:41-2:46AIII NBC '• ·~ C4t'll v• TENNIS Taoeo co.,e•aoe o1 •ooa1 \ w0me0 s WtmbleOOn semo t•na•s ' n, '' • 1 ' J.IPII NBC t 1 C..ntraiii\AouNa""'t l£NNtS TIIC)e COverage Ol tooan WtrT'IOiedOI • mens semo tonats 11:~11;41Pfit1 NBC 110 )()Cent Ml • W1118LIDON U~TE ~41o2:4IAII N~ Ill •5Cent/M1 I T£NNII PreYtew ol the Wt~ finalS end a r811lf"41 of ttte ...,.f.,.. ......... N8C (8 AWc.nt./Wiaurtt) TINNlS L•v• coveraQe of the .-.omen s Singles f~Mis from tM ¥ EOQtand Tenrna and CrOQUe1 ~ tn W•mtJteOCM• neer LondOn E"'IIW'd ... ?NBC t2Cen1ral~) I*MSAU W¥Ji l NIQ&Ie GMne ol ,,.. WMir TeaM Rangers at 0. and~s t.A'Css WICO.. S.Mie ~t Cnocago White Sc»ll 3:»41: ... CBS (2 )()Cent IMt I oour Thtrd found coverage of the Western ()peo from Butler NatiOnal Gol1 Club tn 0. &<X*. llhtol '\,1 I'\. ' ~---?ABC (7 )()Centr~Mount l MIRN L Tea~ to be announced .. "''U"" ot """""''-<;(.( "'IS ,._ ....... c.. •• ....... c:...c.I< •~fs ·~ .. full. Rich.lJdii .. IL ....,. ... the l)lel~~ • • Page t• WedauwtiJY. r-a . 1-1lile .. wpcllt &.lp 4 .. Art~ ... ~-----~' n. ... , ........ M,.ne ... eJChtbtts selecttona from .. Anonymous Journals" opens June 26. 7 p.m .• at the Abraxas Gallery. 2815 Villa Way. Newport Beach Hours 11 a.m · 5 pm . Tuesday-Saturday PhotoeriiPheby ICend•I F ........ wtll be on display through June 26 at the Balboa Branch of the Newpon Beach Publtc ltbrary 100 E Balboa Hours are 10 a.m 9 p m Monday-Thursday 10 a m · S p m Frtday Saturday St.ve De Groocit recent w orks on exhthtt through July 17 dl Roochel, 200 Newport Center Ouve. Destgn Plaza Fashton Island Phone· 760 6277 At Newport Harbor Al1 M..-wn: "Avery tn MelCICO and After" patnttngs by Mtlton Avery, and "Cahfornta Collects Popular Graph1c Art of Mextco" Both show wH1I June 27 ''The F.uh Zone" recent photographs by Joe Deal and "The Lownders'' by Mendel Rubenstt:ln COIOI photographs rhroulJh July 17 at SuSdr Spmrus Gallery 3336 Vta Ltdo Newpor r Bedct-1 Phone 673 51 10 Paintinga by Irene Bcwv on v1ew T ueSdavs through Sunday~ _., M tldred Seams•P.• Gdllery 3341 Nf'wp•ut Blvd l\lpw..,,,, BeJcll lnformdllurl 673 0400 18th. 19th and Earty 20th Century Origtnal Printa fearurtng works by Ptranes~ Oaumter Turner Ldndseer and Wyeth on exhtbttton Junt> 12 27 at Eh1alde Gallery 384 FrHPSI Avemw 13 A l.J JUfld 8edCI1 Hnw.. 11 j ., 5 IJ '" WednesddY Stll dd'f ~......,_ watercolor exhibit through June at the St. tv. Annex at South Coast Vilblge. Hours: 1{) a.m .· 9 p .m . weekdays, noon-5 p.m. weekends. Wcwbofeerly Southern c ........... ctrt by various artists now eJChiblted at the Bluebird Gallery. 1540 South Coast Highway. Laguna Beach Hours: 11 a.m -5 p.m . VVednesday through Sunday ··a....nn..r Reflection. ... by gallery artists and watercolors with calligraphy by Amta Egan Healy through July 5 at the Sandstone Gallery. J84..A North Coast Highway. laguna Beach Hours: 11 am. 5 p m. Tuesdays through Sundays "Bad Seed" Newport Theatre Arts Center. 250 1 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach Thrnuoh Julv 3. Fridays an0 ~<JIUfVOf-• -, Sunday matinees June 20 and 27 at 2 p m Call 675 3143 "Tintypea" a grand rnuSic al wmds up South Coast Repertory's Ma•nstage season 1 hough July 3 Shows ar e 8 p m Tuesdays 1 hrough Saturdays. wtth mattnees 2<X) p m weekends t•ckets are S15 and $10. with discounts for sen1ors students and groups Bo, off1ce 957-4033 "Snow Wh,_ .. an ong1nal verSion by 01ane dePnest Wlll be presented at South Coast Repertory. Second Stage. 1 p .m and 3 p m. Saturday. June 26 and 3 p m and 5 p m Sunday, June 27 Ttcket 1nformat1on. ( dll the box office 957 4033 • -·-~ ---M• ....... ••• .._ begina 10 a.m.- Cat .. C.. • 1h1 --·t~ ~h Center, 1300 Bristol Street North, Newport Beach (9JS.0700). and topiCS include: "Are You Moving Too Fast-or Not Fast Enough?", 5 p.m. Saturday. June 26. Ann Martin leads the discussion. $3 includes refreshments ........ -The hats••11• of Hum•......,....by R. Grant Powers. certified rolfer 1 p.m. Wednelday, June 30 at 488 East 17th Street . Suite 221, Costa Mesa. Information and reservations: 640· 7661 . UpcoMII• lee..,_ at Orange Coast College include: -Instruction in technical writing, 8 a.m .-2 p.m. Friday, June 25 in Counseling and Admisstons room 112. Cost 1s $10. -M ini law course for laymen; Betty J r -,..ell. lecturer . Two-pan course. 6:30 p .m. Tuesdays, June 22 and 29 in Chemistry Building Room 207. Fee is $8. -Assertion-tra1ning workshop; Or. Claude Farley, lecturer. Two· part course. 7 p .m Tuesday, June 22 and 29 rn Fine Arts Hall 119. Fee IS $8. -"Improving Your Self- Esteem"; Chet lackey, lecturer. 1 p.m. Thursday. June 24 tn Fine Arts Hall 119 Fee IS $5 -"Oeslgntng and Painting Needlepotnt Canvas"; Jintce Beacon, instructor Four-part course 6 30 p m. Thursdays, June 24 through July 15 tn Home Economtcs Room 101 Fee IS $14 -"How to Start a BuSiness''; Rtehard Hart, lecturer 7 p.m 1n Fine Arts Hall 119 Fee IS $5 -"An Evemng to Reach Out to Couples"; Or Steven Winer. lecturer 6:30 p m. Thursday, J une 24 rn the Faculty House AdmiSSIOn IS $8 per couple noon at Oenil, 800 Marguerite, Corona dlt Mer. Cost for the lix· weetl COUrM is $16. including food samples. ........... ApJ .... . c .......... June 21 ·24 at the Marion Hotel in Newport Beach. Registration information and costs. call John Monroe, Conference Chairman for the American Society of Appraisers, 21J..J4S.-.:JB (Reseda) or Robert Jacbon. 831-3012 in Laguna Niguel. , ........ . ltt1Em111 a 11111 c.-.....2919E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar,(information and reservations: (673-2343). will be presenting the folloWing class: -Italian Cuisine; 7 p.m. Monday, June 28. Instructor is Andreino from Andreino's Restaurant. Fee is $25. NewC•••4hJ L.ectuN by leuan Rees from Walse scribe to Her Majesty the Queen (Liz) 2 p.m. Saturday, June 26 at Newport Harbor Art Museum Ttekets are $5 at the dk)or. lnformatK>n : 673-5021 , Polly, or 640-2582, Kathleen. .. ..... don and the " ..... .,.. .. aworkshop with Ginny Gamble will be hetd 9 a.m · 5 p.m. Saturday, June 26, at the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center of Costa Mesa/Newport. 1536 Monrovia. Newport Beach. Fee is $35 ad· vance, $40 a1 the door Information: Patti Harms, 631-4446. "Celtfornle y,.. ... .,. eatlon Co•••••••n is Making a Difference"; Ivan Hinderaker. lec- turer. 11:30 a.m. Friday, July 9, at South Coast Plaza Hotel, 666 Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa Luncheon. $13. Reser- vations. 62.8-3358. Franck Poorcet Ray Cornft Johnny Gibbs Kenny RankJn Caravelli Johnny Pearson Nlco Gomez Ann& ~ay RayHIOUd Lefevre Fa.twood Mile C.. .ell Art~ Frri a.dllfill" Har.ad ..... DIMdF-. TenT...._ .-.. U&a ~•••&T*'­._.., Dt1 1dri Nw;J w •• ,. DonT~ LaultndD ....... ..... GGrdDft ~t·LGI ..... , ...... • 1 y meets 7:30 p m. ~ ... the ~UnNann'ha Church, ,. Victoria. Costa Meu. Phone: 144-7130. 146-4662. New t.cea etwavs welcome. Neaua nr'aC ... of ............... wttt tour Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena on Thursday, July 8. For traNpartation arrangements call 720-0639 or ~ 1683. For rnetl'lb«ship information. call ~or 640-0294. ....... CDJS.InJI TEll·!-.... will install new officers w1th Ed Cargile. district governor, offiCiating, 7 p.m. Monday, June 28 at Pepperdine College in Irvine. Information: 675-7196. ..,_.Ciuboflr· vinE meets on the 4th Saturday of every month, 9 a.m. at Deer· f~d Community Pari~.. 56 Deerwood West. Free. For further In- formation, call 561 -8638. T ... Off ~ounda IFF Dtr (TO") meets 6:30-8 p m . Tuesdays at First ChriS- tian Church, 729 Vic· toria, ~ta Mesa. in S. S. room on second floor-rear. Further tn· formation: lillian P1erce, 642-7023. WE PAY TOP . FDI-CLEAI UIOU.IAI BnngYourC...a 01 My Photoyi ... EQUIC) 1t1 tor a FAtE 11J1Waisa1 CAl'S CAllUS mo llewl*1~auarntd Costa 111m. Calb"IIQ 12627 (714) 141-1313 ....._ ............. .... at the Adltanced Heelth Center. 9 a.m .-5 p.m. Saturday, June 2e to benefit the MIINtw Bhatari Heritage International School. Center ia loc:a~ at 1300 8tWto1 Street North, Newport Beach Chns-tnC • C... tor kids age ~ 15 is offered by OCC Friday mornings, June 25-Jutv 30 at the OCC TRack. Registration fee is $20. Information: 566-5880. Luncheon fOI' •a .... ofOASia at Newport Balboa Savings, C:>mmunity Room noon Wednasday, June 30. Reservations, $4; call 7!JS.9471. ... y, .......... group f01 recently widowed men ~ women seek ing~~new frienda ,..... 3-6 p .m . fNetY ThunldEy 11 OASIS in ConJna del Mat ...... •••• ,c • .. invitee Ouplic:ate Bridge plaver-to bring their t.Yorite pertnera .,.,., Wedneedrf from 12:15-3:30 p.m. for an exdting afternoon at the SeniOr Centef. 3 Sandburg. Irvine. ....... Ac ...... Toastmasters Club meets WednesdaY lllOf· nings from 7 to 8:30 a.m .• Westefn Federal Savings, 4 Corporate P1aza, Newport Beach. For information call ~7196. .... IM't CentEr Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m ., Pacific Mutual Building, Fashion Island. For information call Dr. Annamatia Ballin at 640--~ or Mel Creighton at 556-1171 ................ held by ftle ~' Center 541nltlle Rotary CJub 7 a.m .-11 a.m SaturcM't. June 28 in the F_., iMnd pllttciog k)t ... between Btoedwlrt end the Marriott. Proceed~ go to "()petation Aware". a progr.-n teaching hOW to avoid peer pressure. Newport Beech F'n Deplrtment will also have trucks to exf)k>re. TICkets are $2.50. M1••c ,,.,.. Mu taaa ....,,._ ........ ·u presents Oz.zie ()sbourne Friday, June 25. TICketron may have tickets or call 866-8)96. .,.,.. ., ...... , CoRaert featuring works by Mozart. Prokofiev and P. Marshal ex>nducted by Peter S. Odegard 2 p.m. Sunday, June Z7 at the Turtle Rock Community Center. 1 Sunnyhifl Drive. Irvine. RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At World of Mou)dtng You Wll P1nd. • Moulding -I Hardwood• a Softwooct.I- •Victorlan Fretwork -Chair Raila -F inials - • Decorative a Plein Corbels -Besea - •Ceiling Moulding -Bar Rella - • Stair Pert a -I Oak a Hemlock I - •Butcher Block Topa - • CziUng Medallion• - •Wood Turning• -D • And Lot a More -Com& On In And See Ua ! L DIIC 3100 5 Mu\ s. . S&nta ANI Masttrchargt/V'-~ 0,.~ MicA,._ oa S Ma. St ) ~5Dally. IO·Z Saturday CloKd Sunday 55~7772 •• -()lf§Ltl) 551-6970 1:1935 YAU T1 :t .tT,._o lllflM -= Buy One Pizza get econd .. $1 Delivery service available 49 p.m. North Irvine onty 1V repart!d) Of 54.50 If not repared (reg. 522.50) • ••••--••-c:OU~N~-----. 100COPIE " br 1 ,., oip 30 1 US' pice c.J t fow an ' Stat tNJ JaiL c.U Jim , ... "t 15 .. Uoi Aht Co\. Sou B Baa Nee Sou Tl hap Noo Am• Tea: who and alto Dod Sch. c .. T fc V_,.,_....lnZoneiTOIII'Dey The Newport Eb.tign Wectne.day. hu .. 23. 1112 Page IS ~ llob.rt Prcmll Tluee lMJU repreMDtiDq the Newport Volleyball Clu.b anh· cipate CJOJd th.ia w .. k when the 30 qirll travel to the 198.l USVBA W..aem Zonal Cham· pioD.IIaipa at the Univenlly of Ca.UJom.ia, Devia, June 23-27. Under the coeciu.n9 of club founder Jack Houston, who wu an uaiatant coach for the United Stat .. Women'• Junior National team, and Wllh two nationally ranked tea.m. and Olympic calibre playera, team mana(Jer Jim Noonan aaid be expect• the teama to do well. ''Our lS.year·old Junaor team is ...ded number thr .. m the United Stat .. ," Noonan u1d. Ahead of them are the Oran9e County Volleyball Club and the South Bay Volleyball Club. But Newport VoUyball Club'• Bantam 1 team, he contmued, 1• ••d.ed number two, behmd only South Bay. The qirb who "really make at happen" on the Junaor team, Noonan aaid, are Jun1or AJl. Americana and former National Team members Darcie Panltard, who hila •tronq on the left aide, and Mtter Dana Wheeler. He abo credit• Captain Cammie Doder, of Corona del Mar IUqh School, with that team'• sue· Members of the Newport Beach Volleyball Club. black shorts, take on Laguna Beach in recent tournament play 11 • • .IIIIUUCIII .TIE IIIIIDS Ell • TAX SHELTER • PROFIT • EXCITEMENT AVAILABLE NOW! Photo by Dan•el McCleery r.---LIPANDSAVECOUPON----~ I ~ ... II orsc~t-fjaus • F lEE OIL CHANGE WITH EVERY MAJOR SERVICE • 11 year a experience H~lclng Porsc::hes udla excl ualvely and A • Fact and m ory trained In all phases of repairs alntenance •Aaka •Open Clip bout pickup and ct.llvery Saturdaya .... "' .,.,. "" ... & Save EX fitness& fashion Richard Ouellette Announces the Grand Open1ng of His New Fitness and Fashion Phenomenon o n June 27• · Its called That's Some Body and our team ot Illness experts are gomg to help you bend and stretch that body mto the greatest shape ever And to emphastze your That's Some Body look. we've gathered a un1que and colortul collection ot des1gner bodywear and active wear Plus a spectallmeot condt· tlonmg products II sa total Illness and tash1on con cept des1gned to create and mom tam the kmd ot healthlul VItality and beauty that turns heads So you can be that spec1al some body Recepllon trom 5 to 7 p m Near the Bullocks W1lsh1re corndo r Seventy seven Fashton Island Newport Beach Call!orn1a Q2660 • 714) 644 BODY Hours Mon Wed Fr1 6 30 8 Tues Thurs 7 8 Sat 8 30 5 PVILW "OTIC I f I( TITIOUS IV\INI ~' "AMr 'iTATUolfr<T "' .. .... Pl;lll• ~ "'H ; I Tl TIOU<. I U'ir<L-<;'o "'AM£ <;f"TlMf H' I" IIIC IHJTit I II• TITil•U~ I USINI'' """'£ ~r" •tl'lf ,.. ' " . ~ Champion Bred Racing Prospects Two yeor olds m odvonced tromtng ready for the 1982 racing season. , PIRES 3().82 .,. K .. l .... '-,. h. "' r Ito 4 loo .. ,. "• Sflll/lttl. ?t-•• ,411,~ , ..... 27SO CAMINO CA,ISTIANO SAN CLEMINTI, CALIF. CALL (714)492·5355 54$-2755 l04 2 httrpriM Co ItO lllluo 1 I I VALUAILI COUPON I ~--~~---------------= "' • .... .,; • A I " tf a ,.. .. ' .. f' I ,.. .. , ., " r 1 MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: Your money always earns what it's worth at AMERICAN HOME THRIFT AND LOAN PLAY BALL WITH US and roceive FREE-Open a minimum $10.00 balance Thrift account and you will receive an easy tote seat cushion and a 1982 Baseball Digest. Bueb&1l Dipat Annual Guide is com· piled by t.be editorial staff of Baseball Dia'-i Magazine; Century Publiahing Co .• Evanston Illino.ia. You will find 50 pqa of facta and atatistica from 1900 t.hrough 1981 from Pennant Winners to off·aeuon player transactions-a real muat fc. buebaU fans! PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS e DAY $500 MINIMUM 9% 8.5% AN!I.liAL SJMPLE YIELD INTUEST MINIMUM ACCOUNT l lO NOTIRM RIQUIREMINTS NOPINALTY 111RIFr BY MAIL FRIE T&ANUia Of fUNDS INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for Ulilomle ..... NI only. Y.W • .._. • -.... ~ .....wy eo tile ................................... ................................. ... '*'-'...., Pays u much u the 6 monfh $10.000 Mtn Balanu cen&fKacts otfr~d b~ ~lrl Bankt CALL FOR CURRENT RATES · IIA & l[()(;H IN\'fSI'MiNT (DJVI(A'If.S 4150 A\'AIUIU: 0 • .. ' ... " . ~UIUC ""TIC! l OOl•• I II TITIOU\ IU'INl" ""''otr STATllo4[1'H . . ·. A • • h "nTk I f1 • T -. f'-1 ,VSt'f( '' 'IAMl '>ff,TI MfNT ' . P lid• Nl T I I I ·ITV""'IU' IU\ "' ... """'' ''"'(Mt"• "' . . -.... ' 'UIUC lfOT k.l IKTITIOUS IUSJHr'~ I'IAI'IF ST A TOitlfT '' . ·' ,, .. . ~ . •I • ... "-'•• I'. ,. . . .. -lo I, .... ' 00 ""'-'' 11 " ··art • AI"'' I tC 'l"li"V\ I U,If;J ,, "''"'' 'l"TI MfHT .... . ~'·· •1 au .. 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JO'I .a.o.w ..... ,..,.., .. .. ~ ...s ..... )"OU ... . UoM or~ w.-olt~ d ta.. ooert .._. &a.t ~. You IJI'PteiUOf .. ., ..... .,...,. 01 "' ,_, dOIMf. If YOU AU A CUDJT. PWLPIC .,-g ncmtoa-U.ITA,...., n. lellow.rle -••• ... .... --oo IOIOIA lf11lriiU) II I 0 Lf'D WI ~ •••' l)e,.. 0 I ,...._ t.oclo CA 1-.:1 ......,, I .Sc• 121 !.*> ..... o.,.. D I ,.__, ._,. CA w.J ..,..., I k<MI, WI t..4o .... o.... D I ....._,._. CA-*J ta... ......_ .. ~..., b• • ........ ,. .. _....., Soqa<J ........... ~ ,.. ............... t\lriMII ···--.... ew.n c ....... o.-c-••• .... 1• .. 1 I'll r..Wiolt f..u 9 16, T.l Ill I'IIJ "' n..w. ........ _. "110117 Nlll/1 fdUC IIO'ftCI ncnnow_.. U.tTA~ Tille ......... --..,. ....... .,__ ao LCI. 14lO.C S A.lt'looy Sl ...... AM, CA ti70S a....-... c-.-1oc 2111 I ..,..., • 0. . Or-. 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I '•--. ............... ~ ............... ..1 •• I ' ........ , ........ _. -. .. ~.. -~ ' ANNO Ole,_,__ I, "'-.n&~ 2 F u.neral Nolle• 3 C u.neral Du.cto 6i ·~~~ery Crypt': 4 Memoual 5 Florl.lll 6 Ann 7 A ou.ncemeot• 8 A ccou.ntant• llomey ~~ ~fiODill II Schl and Found 12 8 ooWln•trucln u.IID-p 13 S..Olu ereon.lt 14 Pet DCJ IS G s and LvMtock 16 H:~rs.1 .. 17 TraveUV 18 En acallon 19 G tert~urunent tit Su 20 Ch QQfthona uoprecuc EMPLOYMENT 22 Decor 2 23 Help Wanted 4 Em I 25 C p oyment Aqcy 26 LounMitnq Svc 27 s.~:.~=• Cwhldcre anted FINANCIAL 28 Money Wanted 29 Money To Loan =~,., .... -IIIAL Tolnt rr IITAD .......... -~rSale For SeJ. .U.. 71 U.ud Ac 72 B.ort ... l'MQ• 73~·;:rty 74 IDcoa.tC perty P oauarcl roperty ~~Q1JUU P ll.llrlaJ T1 roperty RM1 ~~tat. Waa-.dllachan Qe ~IILEBOIIES 8l=RG~Me Wut.ed Hoa:a. 82 Wob.O. Ho-Prka IOATS = lou/lqpJaAI -==~r AUTOIIOnvE 87A~o~toUphollte • Wotor Ho ry • R.c: -SIO S. riD V ehJcl• 91 Wor:.tRepair .... reycJ./ •O.,.cb 92 llicyclee PUBLISH II NOT ACCEPT DOES for lllcorrect hab..thty 9 r&I'IUII&hcal lpellin9 · c-. or I tD.cellra erron ypoCJrapbkal h .. _: :h' adver· the Cout P hlhed 111 Group NecLa N•- ICUH~ l.Ue. ''Galli. A Way of ed.CJ• ol G:J ~ Jtoowl Wedn..iay 1 JO Ivery 2600 I p.' P 111 Hwy Ta aclhc Coast bOll 64(}.-= mforma nln Your flyer can be distributed in just one of our Newspapers. or you con distribUte in a\\ three . (teachlro over 85.000 nornes). You pic\C. the.,.area(s). BY \ettiOO us insert your flyer Into 1he Newport Ensign. \Nine 1 odOY Of costa MeSO II SCHOOLS• lltSftUCTIOR Woe&~ co"-,.eta. ~·12 &Dei ..._ •. Dey &D.d 1\la.lll • -9 •-II N. •• S10 pe.r 645-5176 r Wor9&D.. ltPE!Sit IJYISTO(S ABTSSilO.AN -Grud UTRN .,., CfA cbamp.aoa lb.1ddJ·-.t. req&&tered eye~. •--." wath oold ..,.c ... .al per-eol, DO fl ... telll· loCJ pri!Ce • 'V\1\ S.U 1 fMfi. __,.. 494 BIG llAGI~I GA to d.c:nbe Too rauch ed larqe~ ha.u rau.::d" S15-S25 cloth• S8 t.ce t&b.le CJ~ d Dub .. 25c:· $5. r:::u,.poctery &D.d b... • prutla ch.ln S · •l·SlO Oak ._.... 10-S20 .....,.Je WS • perlor table $35' fuw lutcheo rockul • ootalool S5 tnuab 9 c ha.tr uo' S10, 25c·SS r r:amahve. S.turda g0 Y end ... _ y. to 5 16l2 -..arona 2 • of ---' blocka r ... euba wNt 161.b .Ad 17th belw"n W.... St , Costa IS GARAGE SALES SWAP MEET [very Sund. J P m 0 y, 8 a • to Colleqe ;anCJ• COM! Arllnqtoo Crv .. w and Seller ,;... o.ta W... lorm•ho rvahonaltll 5880 n. c all 5S6 C HIAP• CHEAP• W C HEAP • .,.,,vel chaleterbed, ,., maD, coot• r wuh otto tue what• mporary pte: and otber ID&ple eh~r Call~~ mac ttema GARAGI tunk ()U ~AU No eet aatclwl llliiQ room c haar 6' 101 CJ rocluno to reel z-a Teac ,_1 TV •-ub 18" colo ""'•-' alu.s r pro.-=tor u mov~e P~eq« 1 onal trAUI man' 8 carat ....,.ld 1 watch ... -more 765 It • aucb UCJWlA a.:'d.JJ Dr S.t , Sun cJ; fn number 1 800 toWr- aak lor p 532 l972 enn-.o. • watch M7J3l ,_v., Ad wovn.G __ lurruture S.Cnftce tools · reln9erator bl1nd~ •ppltanc u ' mall • 1prtn9 495 Slg:n/bo• Nubt. ..._ • mu ' IOD V .. IO LOVE s-~OONS -De Jo a b.ouqu« oJ :IJo\1 ve b.a.lloo11a G helal.l.lll Gr.de and ~~ lor feet lor all Per· ::. ~:: 67~~i9· rt ~our f\yer into the vvport r t • ·gn, co ,. (Actual Cost S 19 00 per 1.000 when stngle sheet flyer •s used.) YOU Read \t R\ght {~~~ 2~ Each News. you save. It's not a question of savings. but now rnuch you'll save. With Oired Mall costs soaring. on insert program with 1he Newport Ensign. \Nine 1odOY and costa Meso News is on intelligent alternative , . to D\rect Ma\\. ' ..., ..•.. ·,.,..a.a•n.. ................. REAl, HJ.LP WANTED H'A '1. -Da.d you. now !of ee.~ eoaw..-_1 Jao.. ""'· C&U lod.tJ tor ...,..,.,,... Volt W:edteal Serwteet, 81:2-1171. WAMJCUiiiT ea.l ~--Wllk 900cl: ~-(714) ... :rm. DO YOU • Like to Talk oa P11one1 • NMd ... ,,.No ... ,? fU-T•••IO Spare? Are )'011. Lthuaut~e tnd Pt*lhv•? IF SO ... WE OFFER • o.,II,_U\9 sa.lts P&r11fuJJ T•t~~e Sl.e11 14.00 Per Hr, ~&..p.Nec-ry CAI.L IETWEEN 9lUia5PII C.P.M. RESEARCH (714) MS-1458 CI,AIIIPIID PHONIUUI EVININ9 PIIONIIAUI Oelllt ........ . 2'111E oac.t ~ Co!crodOI- c 7).4) 67l-OIIO {" ..................................................... , · Cla••l6ed ' ~-~.--.............. _1,, . -1----- -1- I--·--f-o - 1' " ., ~ j : ·- '" "' "' "" "' ar> ' I ' ' ' ' .... .. , ... ' CARE DISTRIIUTORS --•••.m .. _......_ ... .... c-. ............ --. ---.............. -------........ 131·1113 311'11UST AJa) -"C~"" ... ' ... .... .... .._ __ ... -·-........ -... ., .... ---.. . ···t:= =---- IIAitiNE SIJHUESP HOUSING? """" '"" ,.,_,., 673-0550 53APIIRTIIEIITS IIIIFURJC 10 .. *' -· tire iaaily. 5--JNr qur· eat-. S1 .1S-Sli.IS. [)i .. rlb\aiQU weated. 548-3la:J, 2217 NluJ-, c..o.w-. SICOND HAND ROSI. New ud .-cl _., aad -·· ekltklav .nd ~ ...... COGAQD· ...,.u~fi86W.llth, eo.t.a W.. et Poraoaa. --· PHONIWA. Tl tel•· plaoM .-riiii;J --ehi.M, SN. Willt ~"'* SUI. Warrut-d, ,..,.,.,, PUILISHII DOIS NOT' ACX::UT liability Jgr iDc:OniC1 ~. vr ... atieal UMce1.u· .en., or typ09r~al enon U. UJ fildYW· "---" smWbhd iD. U.. COMI w.dia N ... Group. . 53 APABTIIEIITS UliPUIIII CALL IT HOME '"IMMACUlATE'" CALi IT HOME Freewoy to ....... port Ave exrt. lott onWo...,l\322 SouthEast Woh.JI. Tusth 832-7870 loy boyfronl. Slipa Ia< 2 boa,., .. modo~..t 3 t..dtoom, 3 balh $1 ,200,000. Ocean and l•ttv vlewl. Motln. room, 4 bedroom., 3 baths, 3, 700 Jq. ft. $1 ,.,,000. Oceanfront. LIDO ISLI HOMIS Pri,. Lido Non! boyfronl, 5 bed- room, 5~ both. Large ll~ing room, 2 boalllipa suoo.oco. R.1modeled 3.bedroom, 2 ba1h plu• kwge ,ec, room, beam c•illf'IQII, fvr. nlahed, po!loo. $-GO.OCO. LINDA,ISLI ~YFIIONT lagoon Y..-w from ' bedroom, 5 -· ~. cblt room, don. Boolalip. ll,ii!O,OOO. ~~C~VI $pe<10<ular 'boyfront view 2 bed- ,......._2botllo 2 2 balhdown.2 15' ( AUTOMO'I'IVE 51 W.AJfl' TO IVY WAMTID:. OLD GUNS, rtfl., lbot9V-U, ~ltet wataltet, military _._ S.riot.ae coUec· '"' -~ -.-. 0.... pydMief. $81..-xl. I HOD S...al llMd • .... ud rnua- ·~ Pri.wate~oo­ly. i'4·!U7'1 . WARTID USID hu- aihue, •od.-r:o, aza· Hqu•. Ralrlv•r•tott, ......... cbyre,. (worll· U.q,_ ---ll:i.Qq). '- '· 9157-1133. WANTI.D: Pura.ilv.re, <llppi~ReM (r•lr19et· elora, •ub.l'll, dlY*Q, TV1, 1fOikiOQ, DOll· 11f0llliGQ), piulc-, ... ~. otiioer fu.mihu•. SSCAS (714) 997-8111. CASH PAID-lor OUALITT AliTIQUJS, l•••lrJ, ca••o•. dWDoGcla, pertu:.• bot· tJ... d......-..ta, eul e),.., clll.u, ailwer. or'-atalil. GAI.LIJIY OHI .......... 486-1866 DIMCH LANGUAGI TAR ooune •aated to buy. 83l-7a. 52 RENTALS TO .. 10 MIICIQID UiifUU COIK)U. OIL KA.a -..... ~-..... ..... l·bedtooa. llr• ..... ...... ,....,., kiOO poM -lit.. (714) ........ FOil lliNT: f~lnll~Nd or~,1aNud lay. Pooh, private bucl&, ....u. coww, OCMa VieW, 3 bedr-. J Mtk, tirepl.M:., -.p- &lal:e qiHIIf t.cWU.. , ... -f.IO.ad beg~ hllyl!!l. 487·1M4. HOWl JOI JliHT Goffi'OIIII )..~ Spaa. M.lt., ~bed·-· 2\o\· bath, ·"· 2-c61' ~aqeo • flrepl~•· Qardeaar. S800 -lhly. Availabla 1w, 1s. NJ.-v .. ;o. 991·3801, by owoer. SIOOJmOS/ TOWIIIIIES FORIIEIIT PUILISHII DOIS NOT ACCIPT liability lor U.OO~ ....W..O. vr ....... tical •a.ac<lur- ec-. or typOv,.~ •no,. lD UJ .O..r· I~Dts pubiWhd la. Coul w.cbe N ... SIVACAnOII RENTALS LAD TAHOI oo the walfl 4-badroQm, J. ballro, ••c:.U..t ho.e. Coapjately ~­ S'100 per -a. 552-211!5, ..... m.oou . WAWMOTH LAIUS Cf:lado-. SlMpa 4, a. All .. -w.. -"· c.u .,._,U.t ........ c-.. ,~-w:lllrl -- ol rec.pt'"-. c:oU.or• eae. roo•. ,~-. ... ....... q .Uworclp~. Wail .ad • .....,..--"* -.uaw. ...,..... ... l,. tl deaitad C.Uiolly r71.,,...1. ~. rc, A,.bulatory tnd NQn•Aiftbllletorv ....... ~ ............ ' Jl f ' -~ .. ~-'""-· CN 13741 Oly111p~ .1-4111 UIIOOSI!SPOR lAtE UMBELlr:V ABU: I Sun Rueh, S..U luu C•p.a· Ue.QO'I tiAM..U.te ., .. , 1,. ec"', l&a:v ... .lllOCI.l, 3-c:a.t 9.,av•. 2 lu•· ~. l.J:a.aac:aal.ete, u - eelle~~ot liotnc•n'il · SJ87,000. Ow~ •. 493- 1074. ftOOIIDOS/ TOWIIIIIES FORIAI.E SOUTH COAST PLAIA -· 18,000 ...... bJ. 3-bedl-oo-., 1.4»~-tt. TU. rooJ, 2·e&~ VaJali*- Cell Ti m, •v•ot, ....1687. 71 LOTS a ACREAGE 1-1 PaOIECT !N. HANCKS land v•h• ... 10 ec:re• All.lalope Vell•1 Low dgwn/ ,.,... (1:4) 957-8131 . ...... ZOOI.AC Dm.ATAILI IOAT, 15', !0 .kp IYill· rv.de Na11J' ••tru. 14,000 or bee! gHar. m-«)117 d.p, tl73-2141 L.i. TraUar, 4 bp 9DSERVICE/ REPIIJR NENS 10-SPUD, lad, .. ).,peed, name brand.l. Look, nde hlr:• new la.tru I.eh U9 548-11066. !13 V AIIS/TRCKS FOR SALE 1910 DODGE JJ4 ton pickup. C••~• S~­ cial. H-vy dut'1 ~uip­ ped. AW/FN. po-• •-IUlV ud brek ... •utolll•t~e harr.•.. •n eond .. &rden bvmper. bi9 ••de h .. Y)'·dut)' tu .. 011 , .. ,_ look• a.nd rWI.I r-1. NeYer hurl or .bu.ted. Bnt C!Jler Will t.•delor•uto. 644-4687. 95 AL"TO PARTS/ ACCSSRIES . PORSCHl ENGIN! lllodel 3S6A, rebuoh Pitt 1953-1967 Al10 5 ruu. 738-371 7. 97(). 7425. 97AUTOS FIND IT IN OUR outboud, lUlCK G a 11 o • e 11 1 h i o n 1 ,7.;0;'-'~;;;;:;;:;--c~:; $!5,8!5(1. W~ ..U PP, 1978 IUJCIC SI:Y- !551 -21*>. HAWIC 6-eyl Autg., UIXUIIOUI OM'YUIC 3 bediOOm. 2 t:IGI\ ----IM.x••M~ _..,_ .. -Alta 5 OC*We. -- '-!t. power SI"IUJ9- 1UDrool, AJC/FW tter.o, CII .. OIIt wJr.-11, "'" .u-. 14,000 or 0 10. OJ2YPY (714) 839-1135. FORD 71 n CAWIMO Sl,DJ e&ll586-1712 t I 1 I 1 I •1' I I I I I ·'l~.Jtj..j.~~ .'I I I I I I I I I I ,. W ta ,r;,, • .,.,., •"<1 .JJ .J~ r( - Our ll A SS1f I( (J ~,,..,.. 673-ISSt ACCOUNTING BOOKIC!EPING TAXES -qua.rterhea emall or atarhnQ bull n-• &nd mdlv•duAla welcome Double wv IDQI, r....onabl• raiH And prof-lOn&lly com petent •r~ncea Enroll prAchce belor• IRS §52.8394 ADDmONS • REMODEL.ING AI>DIT'IORI. RDIODEJ.DtG All typee of COilstruc hon Fr .. ..tUI\atM No 1ob too ama1l SSI -17$6 IEAUTY SVCS/ FtTifESS SALLY'S BEAUTY NOOJC. 188 I . 17lla St., Co«a W... Perm&D-tl lro• Sll ~up TiDUAo. $8.00 up. Sb.uapoo &Ad -.ta, $4 !50 Fro•bno. $12 00 up Hatrc uthno. 13 !50 642·7642 IN HOME BO DY WRAPS, S25 Slun And lac• lrMimel\.1, $25 Both, $40 IntuitiVe counMIIJl9, S2S AU 3, S60 631·0217 LADlES LOSE tho• lumps, bumps and b\llo .. Call !uropean Celfuute Control Ceo ••r 64S mt CABlHETS C ABINETRY SPECLAL TY Katchene, beth room• •nd wet bart No JOb too am all 1 Peter S RodQera Properly 1m provemenl, 631 2345 C ABiNETS Cu.tom made, lutchen~. book CA-ban, oara9e1 and c hau ra•l• 640-7154 evenmQa Aak lor Tom BARS. MANTELS.-Iut eben c ab1neta, r.stsed 1>anelon9 doora, book· CAM~. rernodehnq A.lld add ona Eac ellent references L1cenae B348276 ~-23M CARPENTRY CARPENTRY WORIC - PatiO covera, deck.., qar•o• atora9• Wl.lll, fence tep•u All typee ol carpenlry No tob too •mall Tom 551 2S83 C ARPENTER SMALL JOB spec1all&l Cab onell wall \llllll, J)4nel- lnQ mollldlng, o•r•9• 11orao•. deck.. Fr .. .. umat• Nader'a Han- dyworu, 642·3789 CALL PERK :be ftsup Mao smell carpenter a.nd odd repaH JO b• R L Perlun1 (Scot/ lnah). 979 9047 FRENCH DOORS. b&y Windows, paho cov•ra. d40Ckt, lram&nQ, 11dm9, fence&, wood lloonoq fr.. esllmaiM E.tcel lent relerencea Unh- cenled John, 675-6002 C ARPENTRY f1nt~h c Abanet•. bookc u•• ataua. doora Eape CAR WASIIIRG/ DETAD.DIG WO Bn.l SDVlCI et your home or o~Uce. Complete b.ud wuh ~no. pollaAin.o and &n- te:rior d.tailuua. "Tr.di- llona.l Deteilen." LNve m~lorP.T 11$.2244 llKDSBIME Custom auto and boat det&ilin9 Yo11r bom• or mtne. P1ck up and dehv ery Call B.U, S48-14!n. CATERING RENT A COOK OeltciOila weekd•y m..U pr•lued lor yow cooveruence S.ve lha ad I f!.RJ, 979-487~ PLANNtNG A SHOW ER? Let u. do 11 lor you We apeciAlue In baby &nd weddua9 ebowera C&JI 529-9664 or 840 3464 CEMENT -------COMCRETE FA TIOS • DRIVIW A YS Wooden p&ho covera, all typ• No tob too b•olem.U. No 291235 Aak lor hm. 548-7102 CONCRETE AND MA SONRY PAhoa. declta, buclr. 1nley, dnvewaya w1th aaphalt removal, pla.otera. ftre rlDQI, block walla Fr .. Hhmates. 0..., 536 7440 (uc 393422) ---FREE tsTIMA TIS on cement, block or bnck work, new coMructloo or repa.1n Lie 29>4622 Call 996-0639 anyUme JOE & G CEMENT D11veway1, paho• welh, step1, &nd loun dahona Aaph&Jt , con- c rete removal Bonded, hceDM 368186 Fr .. eat c.u 552-3454 CONCRETE WORK Pa110 1, droveways blockwalla. room add• IIODI, SAW cutltnQ Reatd•nt•ali commvr coal Ltc 254724 Paul n5-3283, ns-8371 CL.EANJNG SVC n:A THER PILLOWS Cl.EAICEI>I New hclnnQ mcluded C'ne-bow •rv•ce (71.) "-2·"'0 uence unhm1ted Carl CONCRETE (714; 972 0457 I S?EClALlZI ID lACk CARPENTRY hammer work end re Fence• e nd Decks moval ol conc rete Repatn only Refer {pebos. &ldewallta and eac.. Stnce 1976 duveweya) AJ.o cuth119 MA~c.a Carpentry Co end banduw~no Not 7~ ttAte he w .. k·s Con C ARPENTER-f or c rete Remova.l. 631 maca work cuatom cab 2610 • Yn tneta book ahelvea, BRICK WORIC ALL ""' Qara9e c•b•neta frn•'-1 TYPES -Block wal• CONDinONI.NG work 23 YMII ~~~~ and repAJ.l Concrete DON'T NEL T ALL Ilene• 963•9056• 963 duvewaya Sldewallt:e SUM.WER Au C'oodt 5982 Thank you Jerry And pahoe L•c•naed twn your fam.lly and I••••••II!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!IIW 842-3002 Mve SSOO Sl,OOO Al.ao Cu CONC RETE WORK .alAI •natallauooa lor Cuatom Cel!linotts. Ouveway1, pahoa, poola and hoi water Bootlcaset wnh patha. etc No tob too eyateme Reference• ·L-eaded'' Door~ amall Mrd:ev, 536 St.en, 998-1129 Bay and French 1722 ALTERA nONS/ DRESSNA.IlNG All AL TERA nOifS And CIUtOt:D leather wMr 10078 Adama 112~ ASPBAL T SEAL COATING/ DIUVEWAYS ASPHALT REPAJR s..Jcoatinq • Stripp1110 Commerc1AVR.wadential ,, .. Lt uc 387362 ~Ill ALLSTATE PAVINQOO. WILLS S2S. 00 DA.NIEl. A. VEREIERAn. 752-Mll e Cavil • S.Jikru.pt~y • lemlly • Peno~l latuJY WIOdowa Rdurala-AD WOf'k Guatanteed 531-~a:s CARPET CLEANING CARPET UPHOLSTERY clMJilnQ JUNE a~- C'IAI H yd r o•team deodorou den-2 room.. S 1 J 50, 5 rooms 131 50 .ala S19 75 CArpel upholstery dye 11'10 (60 yardt) Scotch Q.ard pre condltlonrno ophona l Carpet M.u- tera S40 1849 CARPETS CLEANED C arpell eteemldry clMned floor stnp· pm9/WUIOQ Soutbweel Ma1otenance (714) 751 8001 EXCEL CAIU'ET CARE Cnpall and upholatery cleaDUIO fREE .. h rnatM Work quarao teed Jack Butftnqton. owner operator, New port BMcb 645·1nl UPDT OriMtal Ruo Cle&lllno AJ.o apprau· e&., , .. ,,... ...... P•n Aa&an Oriental R~aqa, 581 2031 The Newpor1 Eoaip Weclaeeday. Juae 13. 1112 Page 11 GARDEJORG MASONRY PAPER HNGIRG FULL MAINTINANCI sad cleaaup Specl4l~a­ i.a9 Ill C01D-CIAI end a.boppta9 ~ten C.U T~oy, 648-7556. _ BOUSE CLEA.NIIfG HOUSICLI-ANING Coapl.t• houeecl-.o· IAQ, epa.rtmeote, homM, cond o• Reuoneble ret• Aelerenc• Call e.fter 4 p m . 962.2531. Deborah _., _______ PRICISJON WA.l.LPA PtJI HANGI.RS E.a~rt creftamenehtp, low rat•. fr" ..tunal .. Call IU and Mve 20"' 30\i, on your purchate ol w..Upe~r Commer Clal/Reatdenhel 642 2047 ROOFIRG 0UALJTY ROOFLNG lor 1-Old and oew coMruchon Lu:....d. lni'Ured and bonded Relerenc.. evetlable C..U Kenny F11nlte, any tu:ae IUS 0193 MARINE SUPPliES? CONTRACTORS WAY CONSTRUCTTON Remodel Add1hon• Lu: 420802 M2·1200 J C CONSTRUCTION. ••imiiUDO poola And JPM Ne• con.tructlon and remodela. gunate or hberolau Complete plumbiDIIJ. elect11Ce l decb, IDMODry, paho. u c No C 53 337 702 (714) 5J9.3657 DELIVERY SERVICE AVAU.ABL! TO RUN ell typee ol errandt BllllD-and pereona.l Sbopp1nQ Pack up And delivery, etc Lou 968-7655 DOORS DOORS FOR THE 00 rr YOURS.lLF mataller Wh oleaale prtc•• 3'a6'8", 10 h9h1 French doora, $95 26 Four pa.nel mte11or douolu hr. 2'8" 1 6'8" '78 50 N Cb Stanley HtnQN & Hardw&re, etc SS delwery duect to your local JOb aue Pre bunQ kill abo evA.Il&ble Cell 857·6858 DRYWAll FIRST IWPRISSIOif Total L&ncbcepa S.rv- •c• lntt..U.bon a.nd malJltenance Tr .. MfV- oCe, epnAILl.ra, l•wn renovahon O..p root tenllJaatl.oo. We do 11 aU . .a call -..n3 GLASS M.IRRORSI NlJUIORSt MIRRORS' Wardrobe m11ror doora. walla of m11ror Buell's Gl .. (714) 530-7292 HANDYMAN PATRIC~'S HOME R~- pau And lmprovemenll General mamteo&nce carpentry, elect neal plumb1nQ, concrete pa· hos 11nd walks Ho11rly raiN No )Ob too •mall (714) 646-3793 GERMAN CRAfTS MAN 14 yNra local homeowner, luendly, c:INn reAsonAble No rob too small FrN eahmat .. 642-4970 fUTJCULOUS MORTS • Home Repatr e Remodelmg e F'ut It Serv1ce Ccupentry plumblnQ. elprtro~al dvor• c-ut dnJ II'ISIIIIIII<f rnt.ld "•II .tbll'let> >helv onq F lUC't'l1 ~" r4Q8 dt.c. r >prtn9> 'f' ronlder •V"t'm• fdsl pfJ.roent •••rv , L, 83SLb51 HAPPlHISS IS HAV ING TIME for your .. lf Let 111 handle your cl-.olDQ need. We do '' .U1 ln buaul-3tnce 1975 The Moppetll. 966-1300 HOUSEKEEPING WORJUH G MOTHERS! SINGLE PARENTS We can help wllh the houMwork and rnucb more Only 4 houra every other w .. ll S.me ~non can be yours or ecbed11le one ol our bomema.lr.era lor only • few houu 2 or 3 limN a w .... when you 11eed tl Someone to help wtth ba11c cle•n•nq .tnd thoM e11tra chor11a and be there wben vour cbrld Qela home horn •chool Prolentonal. bonded at•JI D•na'• HouMk-p1Jl9 S.rv•c• 750-0820 INTERIOR/ EXtERIOR DESIGN lMTDuoR OESICN I deeron lor your per tonality and bud9e1 CreAhve consu.111n9 Unuau&l lurnoture, WIJl dow cover1D91. bed d1D9 everythmo' D11 count•. too1 Sandra N stl~t MASONRY WOOD DALY Londsc:crpe rl:fllCES PATIOS SPAS DECKS 673-1166 MIRROR MIRRO R BREAKS Enleu~• room• o lftc M whetever1 wllh mu ror Any wall 8'al2' I 4 plate S398 uutelled Al..o a1enderd tub•ehow er enc&o.urM spec1el ~U..U.IIona at only S89 ~.ru~talled end wardrobe door• SJI 6300 MIRRO RED WALLS wardrobe doors Q1 .... btQh qualoty bODMI pncee Eapert on.tella lion eaperaenced. reha ble MIKE 645 9643 MOVING& STORAGE THE STARVING COL LEGE STUDENTS Mov lnQ Co hM grown (L•c T 12-4436) S.me Q<..vd Mrv1ce C&ll641 8427 ABC MOVING Eaperoe nced prole• eaonal lowea1 ratee tr .. Mllmatea Ouack fui Mrvace S-52-0410 NURSING CARE PRACTICAL NURSE prof-•onal home care DRYWAll 951-G7 MARVELOUS for the d~A&bled con tati91DQ, tapUIO &nd c:rMIIve hand leaturM lnaured Reu&ble 0. peodable COLLECTlOM vale!Conq ao1n9 •nd ol coutom de&~qned ,.,1 1 c hromcally tll AvA.Il and acc...o1r• to tuat &hie lull or part t1me your tndtvtdual tastll 24 hour •rv•c• Thou CeUJell 631 -5913. HOME IMPROVEMENTS KEEP YOUR MAlNTE NANC E coat down Houaehold repaau. rcmodelrno plumb1n9. ~tlec trocal yard clu nup No Job too small CaU anytune Leave meuaqe for Duane, (714)960 33J6 .tnd budQel Lome eaa 675 4885 DRYWALL T APfNG All •••tuns a od acouahc Room add1 Ilona and rAID dama9e Fr .. "llm•tes Kevtn. 675 9088 ELECTRICIAN RESlOENTlAL I COM MERClAL Electuc our specially Clean qwcll, dependAble We do Any su:e tob Peter S Rodqert. Pro~rty 1:.• provemenl 631 2345 UCENSED ELECTRI ClAN -Dependable qu&l1ty worlr. Reuon Able r•t• Fr.. eat1 matft Call Tom 631 5072 ELECTRJCAL PROBLEMS? C.U HCI S.rvtce Com PADY W• do rMJden ttal, commerc1d:-~n d~UtuA1 wlllD9 No tob 11 too amAH 24 hour Mrv •c• l~ne (714) 631 5999 Lac 415233 fURNITURE REPAIR• HANDY HANDS Home Repatu Pl11mb on9 apunlr.Jen woodwork l•no .creena, mono r electncal lamps, plu91 lurntlure rep41lS Oual1 ty mmded 552-8420. 559 son C ARPENTRY rtNISH WORX Pallo covert, penehnQ mould1D9, flramM shelves end pa1nlln9 References 10 vears eape11enc-e 559 7467 HOUSE Cl.EANlNG C dANING UNLlM !TEO For u ceUeoce lD houS«lee nmq provtd onQ "II •uppltea LDclud anQ v•cuum Trust 1 wo rthy .tnd dependable Call today lor estimate 546 3726 648-1741 LANDSCAPING CREllt SCENE l.dwn lt .. s, shrubs In s-tallatlon Rototllllnq ''" tnmm1n9 And re moval F '" eahmattts 646 1578 or 548-6065 JOIDI MUUAIC£Y •SONS Cementlb11ck. reland !CaplnQ, ''" removal wood decks u c 26181 770-2S53 CLCA A WAll[). wuomec CONTL\CTOR Cu•tom d .. •on va IU1141te concrete rna .anry SpnnkJe11 •n stellahon cleAnup re l•odsc•p•oq r ::> ; tcape l.Jcen..d bond ed 270367 ltoLke L.nd ICAPID9 963-2088 LAND SC APIN G Na~ntenAnce tnmmm J 1p11nkleu cont rer .. block work Ten VIlli!\ eapenenc• Rel•rence~ Call Raudel 543 1710 RESTORE TOP BRASS CIN nlDQ PRO fESSIO NAL l.dnd scaponQ Spnnlrlt>tl Maaonrv PAllo Cover~ Oecllanq Yard Re,uv• nahon f'r .. est1matt>• J•ck lver'<)D 548 1970 HA-ND STRIPPiuG S.rvtces Hou.eatap.trl ., ments cond oa rentals ATTDmON HOMI:OWMI:RSI repa11tnQ Anttquu All· rdable r4tM 642 rattan new lurntlure 0190 S.rvonq Oranne Cb4 11 camnq rue)unq .. Sh•pe up lor tummer SPECIAL anv ~h•u Cvuntv Spec"IAiue •n l&ndscap &DY color hand JlllJ' I 4 or us •n9 ~ardenln9 haul ped 01 r,lued W .. IJ wuhrnQ carpet tnq tnmrnmQ and IJID \19 7S A oucb ol sbampoo•nQ uson9 plete , re.sn up e•c Ct.. lntenora 711 W Eaaterday sh•rnpoc I Chup Cell Scoll 17th St A 2 Coeta Sparkhn9 eh..,wcase &mn SSJ 124 1 m rn MeN, 662 IJ65 Window cle.tnon~ p41Cb n91 4nd eYI'IHnQS plutennq and pa1ohnq I GARDENING Bffi" ANIRICAN GAJU>lNLNG S.mce ·~..JIIIDQ ln w .. ltly b1 w"llly and monthly ma1otenance clean u~. lawu repau and tn st..U.hon ''" tumm1n9 &nd removal epnnltler repAu ADd uutallahon Fr.. ...UJI4,.. 549 4991 All ph .... of ho~~ae < lean1nq 83& 5429 MASONRY JAC ICI S HOUSE WM H AND~SON CLEANlNG '>48 0651 Muonry Block br1clt: C•ll SWiday Moodav 'lr atone teoc• pahoe Tueeday even1n91 pl&nters w.U. Inter THE oor eatenor ,,.. -- SCOURJNC INn:RNO tuuat• (L•c 380921) W_., Bonded ruured 642 9699 You can depend on \.IS TAN'YA • H,,u_.leAD 1nq Servace Complete. J•r.•ndable Reuon abe ,.,,~ , .. terenc .. 963 2401 PERSON.AlJZ£0 HOUSECLEANING lot the ~NOr~on<J penoo I Sparlr.lon~ relo4ble S yeAra expenenc e Ne•oh borbood refer _c.. 957 &43 I ''The CIMniDO Spmt PA1MTllfG MASONRY OUR SPI CIAL TY T1le -Cou crete 81ocll and Broc-lr. Ou1clr. clean de~ndable Peter S Rvd~r·~ Property lm provemenl 631 2345 Wt 00 ALL TYPIS of masonry bnclt: 01 block Bud pLente,. bncll entrywAya bnck pattoe ud tn.ureoce worlt m -62M Catering to Orange Cauoty'e R.sl· dentlo.l and lndwatrial Perini cmd O.Corcrtlng N.-da. • Inter oN and tal•nor PAtnllllQ • Gr•pht< Ar1 • W•IJ p..,~IIIIO • Steutanq and Cabtrtel Rehn••h•ng • ''" 14ttmaiM (1lt) I50o-4000 PAINnNu PAINTING Interact E.ttenor Lowest r•tes prompt nN I Mrv1ce ln arN lor 10 yNn FrH le•tunAtea (714) 848 5684, (71 4) 636 7149 COAT O F MANY COL ORS PAlNTLNG lnrer tOr e'l:teliOr ACOU&hcal c edto91 S.rv•nQ lrv1ne &Dd IIUIIOUOdiDQ ar..u C::all 540 OZ..O (Loc 158400) J.U'S PAlNTlNG In te nor Eatenor Re..den t~al/Commerc•al f r" esJ1ma1• Call 714) 545 3131 JIM•co. PAINTING •lotenor • Eatenor 18 yean Fr .. eSIUIIIIIM .5.5~.5.519 673-ISSO PA.IKTlNC I nterl« /utenor • Oualtty Work • Reasoaebly Prtce.:l O RION PAINTING C\' S3 .. 111 1 SUMN.ER PAINTI'iG SPECIAL averaoe •• tenor SSSO lnt•r•o· 101 • oil 0uAhl'f wor• a nd m•••• • 1uarao eed f • .,. .,,,,rn .,•e• ~r .. 1 'i.)c, 347o PAPER HNGING O RCHAR D WA l! COV!RING F.a1 •·• •tupptnQ on\•o!ill.tt R....ooabl" '"'" !:,... •hnaat.. A•t"r" C•ll Emt• t-l. 4<,7t- WALLPA PlRIN • P•1nlloQ R .... n .. nt. • r-ornmerc••l S. sn i n• VIAD quahtY t I• et~-0'<1 H1lmar 548 767" WALLPAPER rAINT Cl-.o •'J'"l' w rk Low tAl" f ,,.. "'' 11\At• len • o... '"' (:14 "7<1 :.4111 WACY 4S ~ ... r• nperaenc• BY th" r .r or tob '-8 \It' ~"'"' r It Calli 9 p 11'1 71 41 "'•I 4le5 BOOFlNG PHOTOGRAPHY MODEL PORTfOLIO •od compo111.. Blec~ and whtle or color May •nd June speco•l c .. ll 641 01'1 Cbet Wynn PUBLJCITY PHOTOS O.d you l<n ow thai Th• Oa.rluoom c&n take pro leu1one l publoctiV photoqraphs 1n our 1tud10? Blaclr AJld wtute p.l= lor pr-re I buam-card• advertl&lnQ etc Onlv S9 95' Call for appoonl menl 494-7900 PlANO/ORGAN TUNING PlANO TuNING RepaulllQ, req W..twq appraLwle, l<X"&I reler ences Ow1qbt Kevea ~9257 tiRE RETARDANT EJtte nordnlenor Aa shown oo "That'• In c redtble Lrcenaed ap phc.tor GrN I WMtern RoohoQ & f'~reproohnq Mentoun .td lo1 dol o•Jnt 17141731 ~ ROOM ADDinONS ROOM ADDITIO NS K•lc ben bethroome wei bau palloa M&K~nry e1e<:tncal Peter S Rodqen Property Lm prr>vement 631 1345 SECURITY 'I PROTECT YOUR POS SESSIONS Method rer rnmended by mator l maur•nc" companoM Borb.r J S.rvtc .. (714) 542 6601 ,.ad Claalfletl TRAVEL TRAvna.u. ha.mple $491--pl\11 a.u lAre, Wa.Lit:Uu. Coa parAble tnpa &~~ywb.ere 111 tb.e world ruN WON£Y TRA vn lncenhve '-'•8ULOUS riiU T1UPli JMJ()JIT Aln MEETlltG For onformetAOD call 171 4)~3a2 TREES txP~T TR£I SERV ICE Tr.. ud a.bn.lb trunmmq &nd remo•&l Yard cl.anup Fr .. • t111et• Call 963-5982 ·nus EXPERTLY TRIWWED end r-O'f· ed ' aleo yard &ad 9arden ta&b ~­ ble reltable Cell lo1 free eallmAtN An. 548-7802 RO N'S TREE SJ:RVICI -Tnmmmq topplDQ, PLASTEIUNG SXYUGHTS aheponq, ''" removal, llwnp rem.ov&l Yard clMnup Ltctl08ed AAd rnsured Qualtty worlo Fr.. esJomal.. 646 5394 ALL PHASES o r I SKYUGHTS PLASTERING Unoque patctuLQ A.lld pem11n9 SAVE ENERGY Small tob• wet~ome I All w<Jrlr q.aranteed Super low Mllmat• One da y 1n•talle 11on TREE TOPPER TopplDfil prWIIJl9. piADt ahap1DQ eod b.JlaMie halO! awey c.n l!okrll 836 5429 W •ton Cooet:NC1lon 511-0112 RE STUCCO ,.,. .... , (71.) 963-7737 ooq drywall p..tctlon l JOHN S room ~dd1trons on rerto r earPr r f'•e•r SOLAR ea11mat• AI d5" i066 Maantene nce wrvmo Newport lrvme arM sonce l9Tl .n all upec;ta 496 l;fVl7 PLUMBING SANCHI.Z PLUMB[NG ResJdentJaliCommer cLAI Specl4UIIOQ on copper rep1pe ollld re pa111 Lu:e ns• N<' 360997 Call lor lr- H ilmAie &42 3394 10o11 Off ALL LA BOR Spec14LiinQ In a.ll types ol plumbtnQ Dependable reputAble econoaucAi lace nee 337420 Total PlumbanQ 951 3548 POOLS/ SAUllAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS lEE'S POOL SERVICE. Complete m4111tenance end repa.u EaceU.nt reltable work Low nne• Owner opet a1ed C&ll 631 572S KEVAN'S POOL S~\t / ICE Re.tdenual Apatt m•ou Commerctal Ac1d wash ..,.u ••P<A••• Honeat and depend•bl,. 548 4037 QUAUTY I Commerc•a.l Reaoden•••l 12 yean a•p•11enc" REPAJRIR£MODELit•G Releren<:es 673-1114 RAING UTTERS RAIN G UTT ER S S.amlesa \1 70 lov• olori r, •••• um•• ... 1&1 Gut 111 C•ll Gor" 'i23 7457 R£MINDER SVC FORG f:TTT'N G l),(p()R T ANi DATES Borth IAV• an~.IV4lCA III'• ·~·.U .-. .u,ons> Con •oder a prol•saron a l •emtnder wrvace Cell or .. n•• M ~r•• Sra ~32 O.p• C M S. lAQ .>1'11!1 <l2677 7... 661 2878 C.mmerl""• 4Yto.IAbla ROOnNG HORIZON ROOnNCCO. o.uw rates on rep.tot "' :1 rf•roofln<~ Lac 18'-M}C. 548-3609 r.l trw CAre Ql.a..hty ,----------,4 .. orlr •• re•aoneble SOLAR Domestic Hot Warer Spas & Pools WH Y PAY T. •n 'i r"' i 1tflo( D+a,~qn n'' t • • 4(1 ''14, SA' ES B " ....... proeM 545 7263 TV REPAIR EXPERT TEUVlSION SEJWlCE I 5 y-n •• p11roenc e D•y•o•9h1/ w .. llenda Low rat• In home ·-e.ellmalet \6 SO Call H&rvey ef{, 17&4 UPHOLSTERY EXPDT cUSTOM RE Ul>H:JLSTI~Y -Orap '"---------lfer-Up to 50'-'o oH mete ro•h r... .. ''m••• South PolDie T JULOP. Upbolsle lV Le9une JCYM S C REA ':'IVE Holla 768 9009 STITC HING or-I ma.Un9 lor all •9• Old\,-------...,;;,.---. fuhlon qutlta lane y SO\JSS.A.M pillo-. and thmo• Call l.ftTERIORS 640 9308 UPERT Rl WlAV lNG B.,rns tMra m 1h h"IM C Uuo ~lv I ,..,., •olk an~ ma1en&J (/ 14 J 966 2.J96 n:u:PHON£ ANSWERING Antlq\M 1o N ocM.nl u~ · <;(1... u a.J! d .. , r 1•r lat:.r r-s Gua • ,,,••d :"Je>tesstonel ,., rtr F·-pft'; up & (714) 957-0128 SERVICE I MAIL. MESSAGE VIDEO SERVICE VIDEO GAMES Ccom w1rn ,, < ,.11l>n4> ,,.,. t 1 mercaal) Ju)e bo•• lfo .. ..nJ or 10j,.1 J"nb•ll• Reaeoneble l•n• .. r ,.1., Photo J v ~roc e.. Ia roe •1eclloll •n<J ,.., r l proc•'"" J """'" u .d wrvoce Mae b.. H ... p n l ,.,.. P' INoar ?14 738 3988 •1•>1 I lhrH 8(.1( ~ wa.l•blt-Gre.tt Nflw WINDOW p r• ~"'entf'r \ddr ~nd .,., r C •.1 Ka•J-CLEA.NJNG (714) 760-01 ()() nu: JNST ALLA noN DYNAMIC r [RA"'l t&•i.'t 1r 1n "'' ' r •a•@'r • 1nd pttat~ J f..., .. 11lrT':Ar~ Put "'"' ~ll lr• • '" lhr a]h ,.., .. U1 ' I .;. ritiK r A' H n"•' " 1~ ~r;...~. CIJ5H "' Til£ WO RK' .•l.all.,•ton• 'r.. " 1 1 r , • I,.. l• "l • ,, hfln "nd t;..,,. 0"• '' w rim"" •hoi ~ ·-·~tomo\le R• .. , •n ..... Ro n .. I CDAMJC TU..t: F • C .nt•• T. p• WINDOWS SPARK LING CLEAN Ave r •-1 .. ~ IIOIV \J9 15 17 ., ndows S 15 ftlUll """"' Scr .. na tnclucled Pb~ ne est1nrAI.. 8eDneJ Brc.s S45 3158 C RANCE COAST w. f-ve Yr With a br o~h••· uolouk A , .. r 'Q• h· ,.., SJ0 f'r--IIIIAIM ao-tUI WUCDOWS WASHED lnnn•• b..t Buv: 1 ttorv '20 2 llol'T IJO Rearden11 a l coma~e r •tal ~~1302 liT TKE SPIUMC SUM •hl.,. ln. 0\IAhtv wor., 4t r-.onable rAI• Cell TonY t W1odo• Cl-o 100 547 5846 ld ·'" w"'' Eap•rt ll• A IVl>f'• r.•w I , " ,, r Guara nt.....-1 ROOflNG WINOO~ W ASHDIG 0\.•l.rv "''''~ r-11 able ret.. Call (71 4) l•paof' .-ie< "' "'" •tr pr -olonQ C•U Sob wo•l lr" •II maiM ~$201 LS4~-0769 TILf INST ALLA TlON IC' 40f022 r I •II lr.lnd• t .. r\ RAY S ROOFlNG C"C' I 'i•w ,.,,.,. f '" Ml o Ser m~J •II t Or"noJ.. .. etM l97~T C•ll Couo•v All 'V'P"'' f •-MArk 114 1S4 6997 Ml•rnat... onsured Lo TILE & MARBLE l61042 All w rk 1u•• INST AI t.AnO N •nt...d 55<l ~JfA HUBER ROOnNG "'' t~ New ,., '"" •• l.t< 4l t9Ul ~,. ROOnNG l u l'••n rah•m•r l" rnm•r .~. "•••lien I A f , I 11H Mlta•lel a iG"'rQt(.l ~)511'1 847 SJSS 8 • m lo 6 Pill WINDOWS CLI.ANm }14,.,.. hom• IJO ~ ul tda Ouwde ooly, '15 Sun lo C..U Jou Q95 438J ALL CUAHlHG SDV ICE. Wrndow cleea RMJdenn.l sad C'OIIlmei'C'1A1 C.lJ foe M'lltDAte ~s 4JJOt STEV£NS PAINTING is now offering spec~ls on exteriors free itemized es~tes rmny loci! references out dependable work FIRE ASK FOft 0..W.0 (714) MS.ll41 fK S46--1S6t Pf-ot~ct yo.r hOft\• l'f'Om llr• Let •• lnatall an attractlv~ ~.w,pnc-~ Ct.u A Fn R~taMI.a.nt Anal. Any Iuick In Inventory For 90 Days Or More Or Any Out-Of-seMce Demonstrator. VE NV AC E . • NOTICE TO ll-4E BUYER -The trwotCe tot .. •ncludeS tec10tY holdt.c:ll ano advert•s•n9 assoc•atoon assessments end tS not a '* 1-.:tOtY cost pr•ce to the deeler The tnVOtee m~ .. so not rellec1 the ulttmate cost ot the ~~enocle tn voew of the c:tealer tnst811e0 optiOns rebatfl lind lnc:.nt•ve aw.,~ from the manufacturer to the c:teater • • as Ius Sky Ia s s agons Cen rys e I C • Any Iuick In Inventory Foi 90 Days Or More Or Any ()ut.()l.5erWCe DemoMttator. NOTICE TO THE BUYER -The.......,. tDe.t lftCtudlla fectofY ~ Md ~ .-ociM!Oft II II r ••• end IS not a nee t.ctoty cost pr!C41 to tN ......,. TN.,_.. IN¥ .-o not ..n.ct h ulttm .. cost of tN ~le "" ...., ol the dealer •nstlll'-d optiOnS. rebateS. end.,.,...., .. ...,. from the manufact""' to tN dUller Ius ·vie as Electras kylarks Skyhawks agons Le Sabres Centurys isels egal Coupes