HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-30 - Newport Harbor EnsignSummer Sports Action Begins See Sportjng U/e S.e Page 2 "' THI NEWPORT ENSJGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YIAR • NUWBD 47 (714) 673-0550 • SIRVlNG ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL WAR • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1982 • 25 CENTS Robert Griffin. first club commodore in 1922. and Jevon Hadley, current vice commodore, give the benediction. Sbty yeaq of iDtroducmQ Joe and Carroll Seek to tNch aoo.l cla1lcbee to bo.tiu9 wu 1Mman1hlp aki.Ua. ---~ ...... OOD ... a\bera, \eel ev tht \S.JMI· J.llbM l.ilUd Yacnt Cl oJd cxmuoodoce, t.hiJI Y'K' Chad at ~~-. cl.y cezeiDOIUee held Cwk, and h1l .t.tt, parlioipat. oa led'• Piet OG Balboa Wand. in activill ,. 1uch u paddle- At& I dW9 tlae Qala event were boardlJlg, IWimJnlDQ, divi.nQ, .....rty IIIJ of the oriqin&l officers fancy diVJnQ, tOWlDCJ, aaUboud· of U.. cla.b, ba.llded in 1922, inQ and Mveral cla.ael of Nil· illdadiocJ Robert Grifhn, lint JDCJ . co-•odcmt. About 32 of the clu.b'• pall 11le dub ..,. .. youth from - 1!9'1!1 4 to 16 ad -fouuded b (Conti.Duecl 011 pa;e 8) ·poUce, Fire Talks Retu•n To Table b7 Lekmcl POUDd Rep~tativ• of the police ud fire fiQbten ueodatiou are back at the buQ&ininCJ table lollowinQ City Cowlcil refuaal to u.nilater.Uy approve a waQe and benefit packaQe Monday ni9ht. Both u.oc:iatiou. had Mid that neQotiatiou on a new contract to be effective July 1 were at an impuN and uked that the council U.ten to their p<»itiou. and then Qive their repr ... n- tativ .. more flexibility in the talb. AccordinQ to both a.ociation and city repr ... ntativ .. , the two 1idee were not far apart on how much money would be epent lhll year but were not in aQr .. ment on how tl would be epent. A key poi.nt oJ diaaQr .. ment WU a requ•t Jrom both 'jrOupt that U.. city pay the rem•ininCJ portiOD ot the UQp)oy .. 'l COD· lrlbQtiola to the Public laplor- ... ~t 8,.-l'tlll Ul ftJt\ull foz a lowex i.Dcr .... in M.lary. Altez u.teD.in9 to rep~n­ lativ• from both orQani&atiou., the City Council met for 25 minut• in clONd ..-ion, then voted unanimoualy to refer the matter back to m .. t and conJer .-lOlli. "We met with the police ueooiatioo Tunday and will m .. t with the fire fiQhters aoon," Mid City WanaQer Robert WinD. He .dded that the council Qave him added iutructiou. on the city negoU.tinQ pc»ture but did not reveal what thoee iutruc- tionl were. At the meetl.nCJ Monday niQht, attorney Stephen Silver, repre- MDtinQ the fire fiQhten, called the city inflexible in it. nego- tiatinQ 1tance. Currently the contribuhon to the retirement fund il 31 .5 per- cent of the employ"'• Nlary. Of that 9 percent il normally patd by the employ" and the r .. t by the city. Currently the city pay1 half of the 9 ~,.cent. Both auociatiou. want th,. city to pay the reel of the contribu- tion and make up the dif:ference with a lower aalary mcrMM. Mayor Jack!. Heather com- mented dunnQ the beuinQ that •h• thouQht 11 wu import&nt that the emplOJM pay part ot U.. ca.t to aaiAtaiA U.. ''publenhip behMa tM city ud .. paoy .. ill U.. retinuaeat pJOQr&ID " S&lver poi.nted out that D1De csti• lD the COQDty, includinQ lnule, J:&'' the enb.re retirement contribution now. Prior to heari.nQ the pobce and fire contract chtpute, the council approved fi.nal aQr"- mentl with four other city employ" orQanintiolll u followt: -The Newvort Beach Ocean Lifeguard A..octation, a 10.5 percent co.mpenaallon mcreaM. Church Proposall\ppealed After Planners Approval bJaoMrtFnmk The diapute over p ropoeed apauiOD of Saint hdrew'a Preebyteri&n Church will be decided by the City Council followi.nQ Mayor-Pro-Tem Evelyn Hart's appeal of the matter Wonday niQht. A bearinQ bu been Mt for Wonday, AuCJ . 9. Hart't action followed the plaDninQ coiDIDiaion 's accep- tuace ot the church's ao.t recut propoeal followinQ a tickliab lhr•-and·a -half hour meetinQ, which wu filled to, aad put, c.pacity Thuuclay, June 24. Robert Curtu, chamnan of the St. Andrew's builcilJlQ pl.ann•nQ committee, l&ld "we will do whatever the councU ub to CJ•I the propoeala puaacl" Tueeclay when be lMmed of the appeal. ''They (the Cliffhaven Home· owner's A.uociaUon) had in· dic.ted they would appeal and that'• fine, and when we receive official notice ot our beinQ plac- ed on the aQenda we'll be there to preMDt our propoeala," Curtil (~ti•Md -1*18 8) IJTelevant Isn't Word For Tim Washlngton's Week -The Newport BNch Employ- ... Leaque, which repreMntl v&riou m.untena.nce employ .... a 15.5 percent compenaahon 1ncr ..... -The Newport Beach Ctty Employ._ A.uoca.tion, wluch repreMnt. clencal employees, a.n 11.0 percent mc reaae m compenaahou. -The Newport Beach Profes- aton&I/Tecluuc&l Employees A.uoc .. tton, a 10 percent lDCrMM. Firewotb are banned in Newport Beech, as theM signs posted at vanous entrances to the city warn. Don't Shoot F~reworks In City; It's megal curate , IJ.DCe that was when the ctty adopted 1t. fue code The orchn.noe b&nnJ.Dg fueworlts wu part of that code "There Ll no 1uch thmg as ..te and I&De Everybody sa uttle lDNlle on the Fo•Jrth of July." l&ld Cheek "But all you have to see ts one boUM burnt down becaUM of a 50-cent bottle rocket and you can understand what I mean," he continued "We &lwayt have one or two roof hr .. dunnQ thts hme of the (Ccatiaud OD p69e 6) n.la~t..ecl ..... ~ ..... ...-elM ... alift udlil.tlae~olut • • 0 ••PAec-will •tillae .... w..a. Cit 35 Hu~ ANA iDdi· ............ ~.oltM ,..... opeu iD t.pu leecll .. 10 cMJ'I. II will ))eola a t.Jue..,.u oa..nance of the tiftJeth ,.., of ... beech city'• f..UV&I ol Ana ud it8 co.puioa piece, u.. ~t. lt will run &o. July 10 tllaoaP Au9. a , with u.. Jrvtne Bowl hrk orowact. ope.a daily, i.Dclac~Dao Sudaya, from 10 a. m.• to 11 :30 P·•· tor the art. t.tiYU, &Del tM paqeut per· 1M ..... ••1 IDQ .. 1:30. .... 01 ........... , .. ...._ w~M.e work.._ beee ecc.,._. It, • +=·..dtD9 jwy will ..... ~tioM ucl dtaORib'atioN ta t.oott... Othez ._..., •• a will iacbact. a "r..uvu o1 Natiou" by BaUet hclfioe, the MtioMIIy-bowa, W9WM·bued COiaPUJ, Oil ...._ Swaday att.noou at 5, &oa Jultl8 tllroaoh Auo. ~. &Dd "hteT and the Wolf," • popula.r ch.ilclru'a .tory ballet, at 2 and 7 p .m. daily, and 4 p.m. Weekeadl. (TMre will not be a perfo~ rric:IAy, Auo. 6.) NoN ._ eo i..tividuA! pt.eoee ... ilachadeclla the 24 .. jcN .... a.n.-.qed by GleD lyt:ola.iaoD, p.I9MDt clirector. An ·~c .... Jaiu hUll· clNdll ol vohua ..... froa aany SouU..ra CaliJonlJa coaauiti• wlao work u __.., or a,.c)r. 8tacJe iD the wudr*, ID&keup ucl oth.r depertmeilta. nia ~· ~t-a far cry hoa thole early daya when a .. •-hift U9e be.kJe the hi9hway IK*Qht to catch the aHentioD of tourilte-will include worb by many world· W.oua a.rti8t8 of variou.a COWl· triee and exu. They include ~r Dtvu, Wiulow ao..r, Noi1Uil lochMU, M'cho'M Luac~. PierN A~ leDOlr, Toyobnt 1 uc1 rr.c~enc ..._ iDC)tOD. TraclitiOD&lly, .-ch perfona· uc• will coocl'Uele with 0. Vlact'a ''The Lut Supper." Special Uohtino. na.rraUoo and live muaic by a aymphony orcheetra acCOIDPAJlY the pr ... ntationa. Spl'Nod.lDo the Golden Annl· ver•ry over thr .. ytt&n recoonb• the tint uta f..tival-patntinoa hanotno on a t.nce Ln 1932-foUowed by the inboduction the foUowino YMJ of • few indJviduala co.tumecl u chuacten in t.moua peillttncp, and the foUowtno yeaJ' to • more fonul ~eant. Rubor Ar• ind.ividua.la appearino oD staoe will include: D lcdboa/Coroaa del lieu/ Newpon Ron Oyer (PecheUJ' a Ia Lione), Judith Carter (Venua Tapeatry), Gu.tavio Conatancio (Contlll\Md on paoe 6) Dee Dee Challis, head poser and costume designef. adjusts the skirt of volunteer modef Oanette King of Santa Ana during rehearsal of the Pageant of the Masters recreation of the painting Picnic Grounds by John Sloan. Other models are Mike Alsey and Liz Lanting of laguna Niguel and Jill Newcomb of Corona del Mar. •••••••• MILan lrtelt c,.... I '' ~-l _ .. 1~1 l"-1\. .. j"' t' . ~ .. \~ T H ~ ~ f:~ A ~ C. ~ J 1 r'\ ~ · E. !-< ~ ~Lawn, long known for .. ~ Conliderations to v ..... ans. annoura~ h ~lalion ~ The Cour1 ~ Honor Mlusoleum Crypts for lboYe~~. If you are 1n Honcnbfy Dildwged v.-an ~ the Armed Forces of the United St-. you .. ••ad to acqun a ()ypt(s). for 'f(Nfsetf and your spouse, in The Court Of Honor. You wiN be giWn an Alow8nce d Two Hundred Do&lars. towards the ~ d an lndMdual CrwJt or nne Hundred 0o1ats if you chooM a Compri)n (do&;ble) Crypt. If you now own ground Propetty. at Harbor Lawn. you will be g.ven tutl credit for the amount you pa;d, in addition to the dowance. 1f you choose to take advantage of this Special v-.rans Mausoleum Qypt Program. Space IS limited. To assure your space(s). Mail This Cot.4)0n Today'! •• 2.99 750ml .......... COU-TA8 tt.a9 2 litre fk.1u11lull~ l'ngf.IH'd loll .11! t~t.J,111n' r-------------------------.---1 I =.!:1:.: =-~~ I • 4NNIV[RURY •IURTitOAYfo • <.RAOUATION BAB'V THIN(.S EXECUTIV lS WEDOIN<.fo I (F.CIM to ...... '*ID ""(-........ .,. lo.l I 1 1 am an Honorably Ollcherged Veteran I OUilOTH ANNIVBtSAaY Sl1MNG THllOCAl AIUA PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 7 2651 IR~ INE AVE. (at Mesa Dr.) 642·4 77 4 Newport Beach • Costa Mesa DElivERY seRviCE AVAILABLE NOACK TROPHY I. :::No-1-1 ................... :::.:.:. ~~................. II 170 E 17th Street. No.11 7 Costa Mesa (across from Von's Shoppm" Center) 646-3141 AIOCIIt~ proMctycu .. and ~· &~·· . IOOf'IIUI C DOMOY- A Plus vou have ... L ·eta:.~,._ I (~ StWCl detlgn) • &wgv .-a.ncv • • ffMdom ftom F'I"G .... al~Ce 0 • A rool that won't war out I N And belt ot al ~can be~ ~~fOCk ~CR .... .., I A alieF • •• and can be lnltc*d at.-..conc:•• ,...,. ' I L I ~· ~ ollaliilliCibte f'I'ICI1IIIIca Okay, Newport, here's just the cue you've been waiting for: the California Supreme Court has ruled that the city of Oakland can sue to take over the Oakland Raiders football team under the law of eminent domain. thus keeping the team from moving to Los Angeles. The court's reasoning is that, the team played in Oakland for many years, so it has become the property of the town and the townapeopkt. The court decision was handed down just as the city of Newport Beach was makil)g a proposal to the County of Orange that the city take a half in· terest in the operation of John Wayne Airport. The county now owns and runs the air~rt. of course, but the jets from there take off, very noisily, over our town. If thole Raiders belong to Oakland, can there be any doubt that Oran~ County's jets belong to NflWPOrt Beach? Our reasons for wanting the jets are a lttle different from Oakland's desire for the Raiders. While the Bay Area folies want to keep the Raidefa, we would ~ • soon get rid of the jets. We would be happy, in fact, to trade them to Oekland for a thitd--11M.g linebacker. Ser~. folks, the $Upfeme Court'a ruling just might be tegal recognition of the idea that ~ who are concerned with or bothered by a probtem should have lOme control over the problem. That's just what a lot of us have been .-ying for a long time about that ai~ end its noisy ~s. In fact. SPON • ~ t-., the attitude that the raidents of a community should ~ their int••• plllced .,..11d of pur~ commercW-oonaidefationl. W. thk* the euPI••• Coun • ~ to ...-. ~............................. .-••.•...•••.......• I ~ress ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• I I CA~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I L ~ ~nt ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ____________ ,_ _______ .-_______ _.., #ll~10/d{. ~ Creative Jt'wckrs. Inc . .. fiN"ilbW ~7'nAtr J~ kr JIVNI;, .1 ·· ~IGINAL DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING & RESETTING A DESIGNER COlLECTION OF GOLD & PLATINUM JEWELRY • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COlORED GEMSTONES EXTRAVAGANZA 30% OFF on All Pearl Strands Cultured and Freshwater ~ (714)7~788 "~ 0~ Tues thru S.t 2110 East Pacific Coatt H6ghway•Corona del Mar, Californta 12125 551~970 l3US YALII I' -j;'f -=+I at Tr~~~tueo lfttRI .. ~ Delivery servtce available ~9 North IMne orw .. • (CUP • SA VI THIS AD FOR Ff& ~noN) ATHLRIS & JOGGERS AreNotThe Only People With FOOT PR08LIMS and Sports Medicine • Bunions • Ingrown Nails • Hammertoes • Cams-Callouses • Worts • A thletlc lliuries • Heef pain • Ambutotcxy foot Surgery • MEOlCAA£ ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPT£0 2011 Westcliff Dr .. Suite 5 (17tl-a 4 lrvme In W•stc/111 M•dlcol llvlldlngJ NEWPORT BEACH f~venlnt Appolntm•nt AvollobleJ IODYIN ..... LY 30 DAYS! WI1HOUT PAINFU. EXERCISE PROGRAMS ~ .. OCI .... ~ (and lWV 0 Mlncl) to ....... • by Robert Frank Re.cuanQ • youoqster smkmq an deep, reelraoq mud 15 not ex· actly the pr..cnbed tunchon of a Newport Beach Pohce Depart ment Anamal Control Ofhcer But pretty O.bbae Murphy was equal recently to the emerqen· cy Watha pohce hehcopler boveranq overhead and a fellow oflacer sta ndmq nearby lor moral support, Murphy sloqqed throuqh conqeahnq mud of Newporet's Back Bay to throw a rope and pull Greqory Radovach. 9. of lrvane, bac k to dry land. The day of the ancadenl started out normal an the httle aquadroo. decaded to walk back acroea on what ap· peared to be plat" of dry mud Wronq. When he qot about 15 feet away from the da.m . he was stuck Murphy wad that when Hobt. haaled her she obeerved Greqory thagh-deep m mare, ap· parently contemplating a solu- taon to has d1lemma. and sankanq a little more every lame he mov ed Having pull&d people out on three pno r occasaons. Murphy said aha knew what abe had to do. n.. •wport !Mip W•ek wdmy. Juae •· 1• Page 3 Nailer wu watcbmQ from the other sade," ahe conhnued. "I told Gteqory to lie flat , and to pretend he waa an comb.t lratnmq Lucklly, be thouqht at wu an adventure," ahe Mad. The whole operahon took about 45 manutes, ahe aaad, sance the entue qroup , ahll ex· cated, needed to walk the wall aqam "Some of them needed a httle extra encouraqement," ahe sa ad . "The other leads were kmd of pamcked," saad Hobbs Bu\ all returned "to shore" safely. albeat muddaer for thear undertakanq Whale Othcer Waller drove Hobb. to oet her ~~. Murphy uad she calmed the kada down by ahowmq them the dead snake 1t took an hour for Murphy to clean up, ahe Mtd. "but I gave up when at came to the shoes." She then failed out a r~t form for a saqn so that the oe:al bunch of adventurers could be forewarned As for the muddaed chaldren, aaad Hobbs "They dadn't quale know how they were qomq to tell theu Moms and O.ds" Perhaps they started wath "Uh. Mom 1" MLBO\ ART GLASS SfUDIOS enough for her, Murphy saad She had JUSt packed up a dead gopher snake fr om a house an the area and was dnvmq on Bac kbay Drave when unda Hobbs, 22. of Corona del Mar, waved her d own "I told bun not to move, then I went to the Jeep and qot a rope and my Ketch-AU-Pole and radtoed m," explamed Murphy. "I made a noose an one end of the rope and wrapped the other end around my pole, so I could use both hands to pull. Whether you plan to ~ell your home or stay put REAl STAIN(O GlASS c•n mcrease the resale value and your current en1oymt>nt ' Hobbs, who wo rks fo r lrvane's Youth Servaces Center. had been leadmq a group ol seven kads on a nature walk thro ugh the bard sanctuary as part of a Chaldren's Adventure senes One of the old land dams that was part of the salt works hes at the end of a beveled wall II 1s about 100 feet long and makes a precanous bradge one foot above the patch-lake muck Thas blob of dry land as hke a small 1sland an the Backbay, and from there one can vaew the vctraed marsh bards up close. When the chaldren saw that, saad Hobbs. they decaded unantmously to explore at When at came tame to return she sa ad, G ory, the on I boy "But at was a few feet short ," she gnnned. Wath no other ophons left for staymg clean, she waded out "about seven feet." "Lmda held me around my waast for support whlle I pulled. By th~ lime, the heh· copter had arnved and was hovennq above the wall and Oflacer (Mark) SPRING SPEOAL so~ $5.00 OFF N-P.urom Onlv Wtth Htt\ Coupon ~trix Cuts ....... . Tube Color & Condition ...... . Foii,Tint or Sun Stre~ldn& ..... . Perms« Cut & Condition ........ . $15.00 $25.00 $45.00 $50.00 LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN ~ "Communict~tion Is The key" "Wn unJ Wt'fl'Wf\ 6 75-08_23 2333 E COAST HWY CORONA DI:L MAR Wandows ceahnas autonomous panel ~ and mort-' Cu~tom desaaned and fabracated exclusavely for yout Explore the posstbthttes for your home c.tll for .tn .tppotntment now. tn our studto or at your home No charge for t>~tlmatt>~ and hou\e calls• ·-·-·-·~---·-e-·-· SPKIAL eFFEII $50.00 off _, ca • m' I a 1 d WCM'fl wilh a ,. ... -wal.e of SlOO.OO; 1ft cllca•• tor r.e.. _., SJGO.oar Couoon ~ lulv l1 1CJI2 -~·-·-·-e-•-~e-·-·-·-· llll Newpot'tlouitnard, Newpot'tludl c-.._ dry ..... 675-5710 complete and colorful FRAGRANCED 8c HARMONIZED BATH SOAPS SEASHELL GUEST SOAPS COLORS AND FRAGRANCES TO COMPLEMENT ANY BATH DECOR MARBLEIZED SEASHELL GUEST SOAPS. SHAPES FROM THE DEEP WITH THE REFRESHING FRAGRANCE OF SEASCAPE. PLAYMATES FOR BATHllME FUN SALE SPEC/A CAROLINA 8A TH The 198.2 CArdiN the ~t and rno1t ~ ., our hest~ w~ ~ ~ndtd our c_. .net 5011P I to offe.r -,.ou, OUt wlued customef. men su~ colon. s~ bentf fr~. lind more .ccent peeas In Bayside Center • No Fireworks In NeWport Fi.reworb of -all kinds are illegal in Newport Beach. ADd both the fire and police departments will let you know about it in no uncertain tenns should they find you iD poa1uion of either the safe and sane or stronger fUeworb. Newport Beach has banned fireworks for many years, for 9ood reason. The city is filled with narrow streets, crowded housing areas and wood roofs, a combination which could be disastrous when fireworks are added. There will be several public fireworks displays in the city<-story on page 1) and many others in surround- ing citiea. Those wishing to see fireworks on the Fourth of July should attend one of these shows rather than ahooting off their own. The police and fire departments will have enough problems copin9 "with problems caused by the yearly influx of touriata over the Fourth of July holiday. Let's not give them any more problems by illegally setting off fireworks bouqht in neighboring cities. -LP Budget Once again this year, Saddle back College has been frustrated and will not be getting a new classroom building, which officials of the fastest-growing commu- nity college in the state say is needed badly .. The $6.3 million building, already funded m the State Assembly, was supported by analysts and stall and w~ usiqned priority as no less than the number one cap1tal outlay project in higher education in the state. · 70th District Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson 1trongly supported the project. Assemblyman Charles lmbrecht (R-Ventura) called Saddleback "the single moat overcrowded college in the state." However, Senate Majority Leader John Garamenr:h (D-Stockton) moved in the joint Assembly-Senate budget committee to kill the Saddleback proposal. Garamendi reportedly acted to punish Senate Republicans for not supporting the budget then before the committee. Garamendi is said to have taken such a pu.D.itive measure after learning that 37th District SeDator John Schmitz was not supporting the funding of the claaaroom building. Schmitz aides responded by saying Schmitz was aware of Bergeson's strong backing for the bill in the Aaembly. It was incorrect to assume he opposed the bill becau.ae he never got a chance to vote on it. Saddleback Colleqe ofiicials are frustrated in the wake of yet another denial of their badly needed proj- ect. They are anqry and dismayed at being used as a pawn in the budget games of the joint committee. An educational institution which is bursting at the aeama with 20,000 students and in a community college district with nearly a half-million residents deserves a better shake from the legislature . -TB Letters To The Editor W orda of .ApproYGl To the Editox: From time to time I have read some favorable comment in Tbe &uign reQarding the develop· ment 90ing on in Newport Beach. And each time I feel moved to ail down a.nd write a few words oJ support a.nd ap- proval. So today after coming home from a trip on MacArthur Boulevazd a.nd viewing the tremendou.. l&ndscapin.Q a.nd beautification job Peten is doing in the vicinity of Ford Road and alao o.n Jambor" Road-I ju..t had to -.pr ... my enthusiaam . . . a.nd appreciation for the developen who •r• addin9 80 mcuh to the amenitiee of this city-and for the benefit of all who live here or come to visit. The l.rvi.ne Company h.u Mt the direction and othera such as Petera a.nd McLain have a.nd are addin9 ao much to the good looks a.nd •ttr•ctiven-oJ this area, they d.eMrve our support a.nd a vote oJ t.h.anb. Obviously, I am one who feels the city ahould work with th ... developen instead of fi(Jhtin9 them a.nd obtain .ome of the othex fringe benefit. like roads that are 10 nec-ary to com· plete the development oJ A doll mu.Mum l.a planned to take place on the old school yud, but I think whatever happen.a it will still brin9 noiM a.nd can. The neigb.bora never complained of the noi.M when we were at school, 80 why now? Wbatevex the neighbors decide not a1J of them will be happy all the time. Kelley Norquist Reapportionment To the Editor: Voters abowd be shocked and pu.uled by the June 2, 1982 recommendations by the weelr.ly Cout Media Newapapen (eo.ta Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach) for a YES vote on reapportion- ment Prop. 10, 11 and 12. For· tunately, the voters had the good MnM to 1gnore-by over 65 percent-your atr4l1Qe preferences. was suQgested by most state newspapers, even the liberal ones. To be consistent, will you abo oppose the Fa.u Oi.strictmQ lni· ti.ative in November? This MIW· ble initiahve makes an attempt to reduce the petty partisan elements of reapportionment. Perhaps you folks were jut weary or confuMd with all thoae propocition.a, or maybe your printer made an error. Regudl ... , you owe your readers an explanation d you desire to be a credible advocate of 9ood government. Chriatopher Nag .. St .. ! Orange Avenue Costa W.aa Editor's Note: As those who read our paper every week ore aware, we explruned o ur po81· lion on Props 10, 11 and 12 by SO)'Ing our pubhshers felt that tbe reopporl1onment took place under the low as 11 existed at the time. Because both parties have abused the reapportionment low time alter time, we DO favor the Fair DU/rJcli.ng Irutiotive m November, and said so a/ the time we endorsed 10, 11 and 12. Newport Beach. ~~~~~======~==============~~====;l• A.F.Nelaon ~ Newport Beach Surely, you were aware thaJ one of the many neQative upecta of thoee leqialative schem• wowd have been dJMn- tra.nchisemut-specilically m Irvine, Newport Beach, and aloug the Orange Coast-with the elimination of • state senate representative for the next two yean. True, aome have said Nrcastically that 1t matters httle aince "we haven't hod a state ~enator th ... put four years!" 1 aUght not concur, butbethatu it may, how do you ju.ti.fy msult- 1Dg ow communiti• 4lld the political proc.a by wanting to have this u.nfaU gerrymADder foisted upon u..? We believe m making changes w1tbm the system. Our publishen do not believe in arbitrarily changing the rules m rnid-go.me Jus/ because we ore angry with how one porly ploys tbe game. n. wee~{ a q11 11tloo: Do you think Iazul ahould •tt.ck Beirut ill it. efforts to dectroy the P&l..U.Oe LiberatioD Orvuiaation? To ftle YEa~ call .,, ••. To'"'-KO. calll75-7028. c.n u,.U.. ~now ud I •·•· Woaday to out youz .... Thea will be DO rlaq. There 1.-no.Med to talk. 1'lw "lauq up"· 80UDd you b.u I.e yow me b.mq recorded. J.a.l .... a.q1111doa: Showd Newport Beach repeal the BanniDg-Beeco qaer&l pl&D amendment i.nlt .. d of calling an election ne~ fall? YES NO IG n:111 CO&It Hwy • Coro"-cW War. C~ 1Q82!1.911180 Publl.lh.d we.kly on Wec:lneed.y Ida tonal ea.cl S.W pt.oo.-673-0eaO llCBAI.D aJtONlfD Co-pubt.Mr IOaPA\'IOtf .• eo.poW•IaM JOII WIGTI • GM«aJ y .. ,.., • a a.JII) POtiND . . . . . . • • . . ~~titot 1U1T IDG . . . . . . . . . . • . . Coet~11till9 ~-IIU ~ . . . .. . . .. . . . . . ... Adwl'tiiiiNMI Direrr:tcw ac::.a:ar nAil& . . . . . . . . . . . ..•.. ~ MOCUI DilTZ, CHAJS1'0PHIJl LYMCH . . Spo.m R.pontra IAU1' a.c:.. ud ITIVDI A. CA.NClAif . . . . . Pllofavr..-.. A.LAJfM eca>rl ... , .... , . . . . . . . . hod~.....,._, 11lo -. .,, ... , ~-IUIPS .. I ''lVI -... .......,... "' .,. • -• ,_, ..1 -·•' r ..-~&.-11>. ._,. ••• -......, ~, l4 ltll .. ..-4ol..., .., , -•••loP• A .1111111 ,,. .. _..,,c.,.., ... ,.., e,,_,, "' u..... •-.. , c:~•·~ .... • .... "' ---• ,.,., ... ' ... , •• , .• ..,. .._ ,..,,~~ .o11 .......... "" .... ,_, ....... h '-• "· ,. ..,. ,. ,,...,,., • *• ,...., _...,. .. , ~-• ''"' C••• •' ,. ... , •. ,. a.-~ ••·" rwlllt, • ...., •II ......... ........ ..., !1' .... P~ft ...._."" ............ -· t•r C"lf'PA w.,._, ••• ...... c;.;,;...., ......._. .... u..wi ... .................. .... ..... ... _ C'·-·-..... ._,,_, .......... '-•' ~ .. l,l;,oop ,_.,. ... "--•II ~ ...... ,_...,. J• .. f Str .. t CloU.Dg To the lditor: l"be lollowing letter was writ· ten to tbe He~ • lrl Beoch Oty Council: Deu Council W.mben: I am writing you in reqarda to the receot cloeing oJ • public atrMt-JWDely Haul A•uue in Corou del W.r. My inteT..t art.. u to the criteria U..t wu u.eed to ...u thb d.t.nlaiution. (W u this ODe af Cou.oc:ilman HVJULel'a clude.tiae effort.?) I live OD Poppy Avenue and the traftio ye&r-IOUDd I.e libued 80..U.. to uy ~J in Soat.b.ern c.J.i. fonaJ& (t.b you ~oioe), Dot to .... tkla ... ..w.d trdic ~·atec~., UM rt" ervwu rMin.raat oa U.. co...., oi Poppy and P•ciflc Cou1 W.,laway. IIMI the cbla9 ot 8aMl to c. .. .._, tr&JMc WM cioDe 'Nry M&JNPtitloUIJ ucl wovlcl be ""~-....... r., U..t we aa ~ ~~ pumae ............. uecl i.D ..... Cbi"9 ofJLueiJ Vir~L. foot. 1 recoqnbe that reapportion· ment i.l the preroq•tive of the party in pow.r, but th ... w.re blat4Jltly destructive. You ahould oot h•v• made any recolllJUndaUon. A NO vote Look a/ it tb1s way: the Democrats in power did u.s a favor by finally obU&ing the low so COIIlfJ}etely /hat the people of the~a/ewillnow~Jupon changing the law. We support that change wboleh~eclly. -The En.itor CONSUMER CO ER jut not willing. I think th., are u dnppy u their machine. Nra. S. JOURNAUSI'S JOURnAL by n-r.a~oa Hell bath DO huy lib • woman ecorDed, particulady if the ~ ia. r-~ •tteD- claDt in HUJ)QUJ, ud the scomer ia an eabar:r.-d, dim.inutive Americ&D woman without • coin in her pUN. It happened in Bud..,..t, shortly after we arrived and before Gwen had converled Mr money to HUJ)g&rian lorillta. 1'be aighteeeinq bua had stopped •• the eleqa.nt Budapeet Hilton, and before rebo&rding Gwen had vial ted the lady' a room. Of all the ution.a in central Europe that w. Yiaited, ollly Hung..,-y poeed • lanquac;re problem. It ia • very cU.tlnctive lanquaqe, Hungarian, Dot •t all related to German, Jrench, Rut- siAn or Gr .. k. lt i8 • llranqe, ~lated Asiat.ic touque tru. planted in the heart of Europe by Arpad'a N&qyan, • group cloeely relAted to Attila the Hun. r rom the oppoele aide of the Hilton lobby, I heard a plaintive cry of panic calling my name. I turned a.nd .. w Gwen l .. vinQ the l.dy's room, with a stocky Hun9ar:ian woman yelling ud screaming Hungarl&D, waving her arms wildly in the clauy Hilton-all bec•u.se Gwen could not make her undentand that s.J:L• didn't have a coin Up. In • c•pit&li.st hotel in a commu.n.iat country, the cl.ua strugqle wu never more •pparent. An awlrwud peace wu r•toxed when I gave her • forint. But it wu the only confront&· tion we experienced behind the Iron Curl&in. Budapelt ia a (ucin&ting city, with cpMl hiftorlc charm, and the aiqu of a viQorou.a society ... mi.D.Q to thrive under a diffetent polltic&J and economic .,-.tem. Theze are great barqain.a for the visitox from the W•t. A forint i.a worth lhr .. cent., Americ.n. You c.n ride an efficient hi(Jh-apeed su.bw•y anywhere in the city for one forint. We had • ma.rvelou.a lunch, with wine, soup, utree, salad ud deeert tor 165 forint, leu t.h.an $5 Americ&D lox the both of u... Wen'a abo. coet the equivalent oJ $8.50 Americ&D, and there were tempting offw- inqa in heidooJU and antiquee, if ouly you had some way of c;ret· ling them home. So DOW you know wbue w.'ve been lor the put m0Jl11a, uplor· ing oentr&llurope, by f81lt.d car, by boAt, by but, by hydro- foil down the Duu.be, aAd by foot ... oh, my •c~Q leet. So far, no IUilount of brutal warfu" over 1, 500 yean oould .poU the beuaty of the Wne ..U.,, the Ban.riu &lpiM coaaQ.DJtiel lib Garm..ilcJa, U..low cowatn .. of HollaDd &Del BelqiUJa, ud the zuqnlficenoe of Sab.burq ud v-.... Iutman ~oda.k will declare~ apeci•l ctiYidend by the t1ae we proce. all ou.r film, and we wlD laue .ouqla print. and abclee to boTe ou cloe.t · frieack oot of tMi.r llkv.lll. ~ Or~ Couty IUfter· ed overcut WMtlaer, w. enjoyed • heat wave, wlth cmly OM day of Caia. We coUected 80N cuneecy •leoet WcaopoiJ ~aGDey-u we oca"n.cl tro. oae .,...._ lo aaotllef wllr wex w. cro.ecl a '-otder. ft .,.. u ll you W to c"-o~ •c.., MOll t1JM ,oa t~~NDt lDio ~or ....... Aod luapeu .... ~---~· .. , ...,.treo.5oeto M .W. lo ...... A-.nou~ ~, .... uu~~~a'lwara• ~ ........ .., .... A.& tre alwa" a tlu:W to 914 .... -.... ""'put of .... W.WaiMUI~.Y"boW ,_ .................. ~- • ._ ...... ftMn II a lr"" , .............. ... • I II! UrI 1 _. ..-.. ma'N1 u rult.l n'Mn......_ _. a nn ... a 1 T I · fte Wdne ......... II .... , .................. -· .., ........... . ... "-__ _ ~ ...... • • What Everyone's Been Waiting For! The Ultimate Exercise and Conditioning Studio Right in the Heart of Corona del Mar!! NES ~DIO EXERCISE &DANCE FOR THE TOTAL WORKOUT ***For Women Only*** • 6 CLASSES DAILY • AEROBICS ''ALL S~l YLES" • BALLET FOR BEAUTY • J,AlZ "ALL STYLES" • WEIGHTS It TRAINING PROGRAMS T • JOGGING "LEARN TO RUN'' • PERSONAL CHART ANALYSIS • BLOOD PRESSURE I ES liNG • MARTIAL AR IS • HEALTH LECtURES • NUTRmONAL COUNSELING • AIR CONDmONED • CONTROLLED Cl ASS SIZES ant ll .. u• on T.V. -,, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY UDAll TO aGO PM SATURDAY I All TO 7 Pll ............ .,,. ,_. •. ·-~ ....... ...... eel~ ... ~ wtt!Wa'u.. (0 0' .... Ira. .... 1) .... 1"-PII'JII o..J $8.7 e!Jiioe dftdcw•u•t ~ u.. ca. lbiidloa of • &uve,r, ciJCw1a.r ........ " baikllao ~:aco~pcc. .......... pa.w.. lltractlan, • .... ,. .. cWt.a c. .. o.el bue, dicit woUI n. IS ._. into the . ....bodeood lkyU... 'l"'le ~ucla waa • noent roucl ·-tiM Pla.uillq Com· •Wm ..dec~ laCIDlU of .tudy ~ 'fOtia9 bu to two ill favor ol tM PIOfec:t, with oae me•be,r ......... Bat wlaile --. of the crowd appleuclad tM victory. otben jaend aad pnpued for tlleU appeeloatbet.... "''De of~ me•berw ball ••-.d up the llituatioD with .. aaaiOOJ: '11lia i8. clif. ficult llitutioo bec.u.M it'• ..... oood CJ1IJ8 ~'"" ..... CJOOd CJUJ8,' " wzpJaiaed Peter Gend· roa, pr..._. of tM Cliffhaven HCIIDeOWDU'a A..ocn.tiOD, wllicb ia coordiaati.n9 dae ~. W.mben ol tlaat qroup ud of tbe Newport Haiqhta neiQhbor- bood, wllich both bo,rder the area ol tM J)J'OpOMd develop- -.nt, find ......... v. in • predici.menl in which their oppo.ition could be ccma1rued u "bei.Dq acpinat reliQion, api.D8t Am.~. aqainat apple pie, aad ao OD," Gendron pointed out. "Belien me, I am not in favor of Qvin9 to oppoae a church," be ab a ad, '1 m,...U am a me•ber of a church (Newport- ..._ Christian Center) that ia in the •iddle of ita own upuaion project." Bat Gendron said be "found it iAcndible that the pJa.nninq co-•jesicm totally iqnored the wiab. of the coaununity" in a~9 the propoaal, pomt- inq to a petition and a poll wb.icla be Mid refiecta the coaununity'a view. "It Mid that we thou9bt the church wu tryin9 to build too much oa too little property," he a:p .. inecl, aayin9 that the h.iQ)at ia u.n.reucmable ud that pedin9 ud kaflic problema CCJald ~ from a "CODCelV· able" attendance of "1,500 and upwuda to 3,000 people on the 9J"OQDoCia at cme time." Claurcla ofticia1a have repeat- .0, di8ca..ed the matter of claucb pukin9, CurtU Mid, ud tJae pzopoeal includ. tum- inq 10 hou-Oil Clay Str .. t into a pukin9 lot with 225 ~-The church owna the b~andlota. "A traffic study wu done by u independent company with the ..Wt a:pr...t in terms wllich could be ccma1rued to IU&D that theze would be DO real illlpect on traffic dunnq the -..k aoept for Sunday mom· iJa9a,,. Mid Curbs. Cwtia a1ao aa1d that church bailclinQa are uempt from the ~loot h.i9bt r•triction impc»· oily, _... e•hl•• tM Ohn:la lo ......... ~·· ht t.. t. qUck to ~~ out that Sa. ~ t. aol"oLtnq to ..buM tW edftaa...,., ._WIG .u..dy loweeat ..... btM~ ...... ...._, he. lOS -.e to ...... wn..~u.o ... c"eDQ~Ge to ~ tiM t.Udlaq • ......-. cJo.r appeuuoe ud tlaat ~ ua..,.. aore ~rk· iD9 ... MlD9 av.U.We than p~ UOWD," Curti~ Mid. But • .,.., end cloeer to Curtia IIIMI1I another lhiD9 lo GudroD. ''Tile Uedow of the builclin9 will fall OD u.. MliQhboriDo hou. ecn. Clay Street," GeDdroo QODteDdeci. "I don't t.lUnk that'• riobt tor the oeoole lmDo in tboee bou.Me to uve to live in the 8hadow of a build- ca••ctarCar Aatlaa8et The tenth annual Newport Beach Collector Car Auction will be held this weekend, July 3 and 4, at the Newport Beach Muriott Hotel. The auction, which will feature over .00 automobiles, includes affordable collector ilema from the l.ut 50 yean. Auction head Rick Cole aaya thia tenth auction in the aeries in Newport Beach will attrac t col- leeton from MWco, Hawau, G~t Britain and Germany. He aaid that many of the beat bar9aina at the auction will be chrome and fin.s cars from the 1950a and lliqh horsepower mU8Cle cara oi the 60s and 70.. A feature of the show will be the.unveilinQ oi the Moselle Seri• D Coupe, one of many limited production and e:a:otic cars to ber on display. The show will cover the entire qrounds ol the Marriott Hotel. Admiuion to the show and auction will be $5 for adults. Children under 12 and Mnior citiaem will be admitted at no charqe. Pageant (Lut Supper), Ann Jahnaton (La Mullique), Jill Newcomb (Picn&c Grounds), Raymond Schwartz (Lut Supper), Barbara BelveaJ (Cherry S.U.u), El.ia.abeth BelvHI (Dancers at the Bar), ltathy Belveal (Prine ... and Her Suite), Richard Belveal (Lut Supper), Chute. Bleiker (Last Supper), Kriaty Briar (Know.l ed9e and Wbdom), Scott Brown (Sky Diverw), David Charter (Crab Jiahinq), Emil Curne (Dancer• at the Bar), Dina Desimone (La Muaique), Tom Early (Tum Him LooN, Bill), Toni Leance (K.nowled9e and Wi.aclom), LID Leland (Princeu and Her Suite), Jeanne Shedd (BalAn Moulin Rouoe), and Michael Tupy (Tum Him too... Bill ). -Burt Slms ~~·~ • ~€~ ~ ·o.. 4f dor-,a-..... ~ c-y.· ...... C...LA._ ,.,. ........ ......... fw ... ...uon. ,..., • .,... .,...a~a. .... a._CA...., "'-WM.d.~~ It '1 a Mle b.t U..t .. piac 1n new loca&. can be OIM of Ute~ of JOUI' MS1 Lrip. So check out Lla•lhop-,... ,._ In -.e.t& .... p&.oe. They ...., .:HM'IDO ... t, hiD counl.ry &o eoeatwy. 1ft Paria. for uample, ....U eopa d~ durial lu_. ...,..,, .tUie ..... l&olw ,.. . .. inopea • • • • • IA9.'' A.. for pukiao, Gadroa eaid U.. allurch fi9ureclitl ~ tpace oa u avera98 ol five ...... per ~kiD9 apot. "When ... the Lut time JCMl MW five people lD a cv? We pollecl a Dumber ol other oburchee and they all..W tMy UN a fi9Ure of 1.8 to 1.7 peop&e for th•lr pukin9 facUiti•," MJd Gendroo. "We are not a9einat eapan· lion, but ..• ,. .9..mat .. as- foot office building beiD9 built in our city," be continued. The ahape oi the at .. ple, CurU. aaid, wu thouobt beet utiliaed to contain a m .. tinQ room ud buain ... oHicee on auccealve levels. ''I would refrain from callin9 them '•tori•' beoauae they are not fullatori•. Rath~t. wute the ~ce iuide the at .. ple we decid~ to it," Curtis eJrplained. Pl for the aanctuary are only two rl• hi9b. The at .. ple-like atructure project. from the center, clim.in- ia.bin9 in usable Ooonpace u it n... •. "We would like the church to have the apace they need to operate and 90 to a reuona.ble at .. ple arran9ement," said Gendron. That done, be concluded, "I think a lot of neQotiation could be made on the parkino arran9ement." Yacht Club (Continued hom ~Qe l) commodores showed up for the openino day ceremonies. Hi9h- Uoht of the evant wu the pr8Mlltation of membenhip caret. to J.uon and V ...... Brown, twin qreat-qTandchildran of Griffin, the first commodore and tbe first fourth oeneration members of the club. Prior to the ceremoni" a yacht inlpection wu held. Inspectors were Morqan Morqan, commodore of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club and 1949 staff commodore of BIYC, and Terry Webb, commmodor- of the Balboa Y acbt Club and 1945 BIYC member. Awards were pr .. nted to Chris Hammond, beat dreued yacht aweepatak"; Jeff Houston, beat dr....d kite; Bzent Jacob- aon, beat dreued l.uer; Cecelia Pfennmo, beat decorated yacht; Bob Griffin, Ancient Nariner Award for the oldest yacht; Robin Jacobson, beat d.r....d novice sabot; and Bobby Coo.k for the Jammed Cleat Award (boat in the most hopelea condition.) Special event• durino fhe eight-weak proqram include the Round the bland Row, the Ancient Mariner and Mermaid aailinq races for parent. and orandparent.a, and Parent Par· Ucipation Day. Trophy pr .. nta· tion banquet will be held Thura- day, Auo. 19. Club meetinoa are held at the Carroll Beak Community Center on Balboa lalud. pOe!" •• tMI ttill .,._., 1Mb u O.K., a. oc.liaued, .. A Jot oi (0 n1asrf "-,... 2) ~ doe't reeliM that tu. ,_,, dicll • aee ... k befoM .. We'M DOI9Qia9 to lake worb are UlecJalln tJae city, ud tiM Wklay ucla aoeth a.tt.r, eo .. cae to jail tor playln9 witb U..t lDolYodea tJaeU b.ckyuda ... •"'-people .,. IWl p&aymq epe.rklen OlD tM Mec:t&, but U.. lhat ta.. city h.u IUOtioDed wua. tMoe tla.iDQe. Have you bio ~ .. lib w.acr.-and teverel firewotb cD.p~e,. ua the tooiDecl at lM prio. w ~ ..... .. ... .,.. p6ca.d .ap clevicee u city, wbiola uve udef9QIM I)? ....,_ M MM otiab w cipaaJte; .. nou. CCIIUiideuUoa &Del "People are U..W. for the Y<Ma bow, wiDclowa ~9 deliberaUOD . ~-.... _ •-_, ... _ blowD out, pro~ beiA9 u.me~ ... , oau.M "' ~r peo. .._, Newport Owl• .,.._._. 4,000 ple'a IIOu.e, and wh.n • ~rent t~ arwnd-U.. ... oni•, are _,_.fot fiDc1a out It'• 9oino to coat very daa~roua." people to tum out lt. umul dl-play, which will be held. 9 SlS,OOO to ~Y for the roof that p .m. on JndenandeJ:ace O.y. hia kid burnt down with aoae-"U you wut to come down -- tlUnq tut coat him a few cent• ud .. joy the M.ob, fine. But They will be alaot over the water, .. --just don't atep out of U.ne," and llremen will be at&Dclin9 by. ... &-...wno evant. may be ··'-t__. Perrin warned . spec-_... All RV Iota have a.lr~ady been And both fire and police Cheek added: "We're not r_.rved, and the park au99..ta ciepa.rtauta will be boldinq ooino to be able to •rr•t people all who pla.n to attend arrive eateuive inv•UoatioAI, "9oino tor u.ia9 'Nfe ud ..... early in order to find • ~ki.n9 door-to-door, if need be" to find lireworb; there'• jut no way to place. Coet ia $2, Sl for kids 11 the culprit. r•pon.ai.ble for any accompliah that. It would be and under. clama~ done. aometbino aimil.ar to thr" Pete Perrin, apok.&man for the policemen walkinq into the Bio Cuyon Country Club will NBPD, ezplained that Iince middle of a rook concert ud aJ.o have a d!.play althou9b it 1.1 wooden hom• are very oliiinii~iarir.tmiii. i9iaoiimeoiii•iifoi'i .. iiok1Diiioiiiifoiirimeiilllllibeii"iionlii'i· ijiiiiiiiiii areu of the city. au.cb u in Balboa, and built very cloaely, "the problem ia really very baaic." He Mid the city'• 142 oltioen will not be qet- tin9 any day• oH or vacationa durino the w"kend, and some will even be workinq on 12-hour ahifta, to accoDUDodate the 100,000 plus patriotic people eapected to flood to the city'• beach• like red-wh&te· ud-blue lem.minoa. "Traditionally, the Fourth oJ July ia the bi99Nt weekend of the year. There will be ' on your way to or from the beach stop by for deUdous I ZZAI I Pizza "TJ.e t...._. ltd-, ... Ia towa" ~ .. Shopplne c-.., lost Coeat ....... ow. Coronet .. Met IICIIMAJ II AM· t M.IUN J I'M· ti'M 673-1121 Win A Free Trip For 2 To LDIOU81NE8 Contest periOd Includes the months of Juty, August and September. A drawing will be held September 30th for the free trip for two at the Captain Cook Beach Hotel located on the outer Island of Moorea In French Polynesia, including airfare and hotel (meals and beverages not Included). The more you book our luxury limousine Service, the more coupons you receive and the better your chances to win a vacation of a lifetime. For each 3 hou,. of llmoualne Service -1 Coupon Four hou,. or more-2 Coupona OUR SUMMER SPECIALS Weekday Lunch $55 lor Two Hours -S75 for Three Hours A Favorite of Exe<:ullves or Secretaries (Eit~r service good for one coupon) Sunday lrunch $75 for ThrM Hours Your choice of Newport's Fine Restaurants All talea abov• '"bt«l 10 ~~-.. g•••u••• R-eutarRa'" Sunday through Thursday Nights-$30 Hr. Friday and Saturday Nights-S35 Hr 3 Hour Minimum DON1 WAIT FOR AN OCCASION-MAKE ONEI A LUXU RY LIMOUSINE SERV ICE Contract or corporate rate available on,..._, Tbe ... wport ,...,.... Wed11 II·IIJ'· J\&.Die ..0. •• Pap 7 Wa.d&o in Ur. s.~ al.DIJiaQ ... the lwy ju'MIIUM I'Oiee, but a Darid .A.at.a.oay, wbo .. ,. Mia • coafllct wtt.b the ..... .......... ...u --chlJd .• took OV.J .. penoa llgMCi to )oak .,._ tU role of Wia~ . equ.a)ly uaeY It wun't until .., ... Ncf.ddea't .,.. 18 loc.ted la BON APPEl II • Newport BMch at 333 Bay.id., open tor lunch Monday throu9h frld.ay, ud for dinne.r ...., ....wsq. '~'her. i8 ali..ty hAppy-how with fr• bon d'oeuYN8, aad ..U drinb at $1. for r ... r. vat10D8 call673-2733. hggyCottoD for Loven of tr.h lle&JIOOCIIII, the people at W..t hAve crMted fint-rate 8J)Ot. .......... -"''• Bayaide 1a andcrt.p,in J:l&\llQCIJ thad-of red, aad blue, with IMIDO%ahilia of Mil- and the_.,. ladder, a f1ah IIPC)Ite·r, aut&Dlt aad . 11M en~ 1a fur- ID!AIIlecl with comfort&· white wicker, aad c:lizim9 room 1a ICUI\I&I aad informal. The dining uea, jiUIIUcmeCl oa three ,...,.,_, ia •parated by leu.Jr1A1llla hu.ng from ra.ila. Aloa9 the lba•rtrc)at, the uea u.Mt lcJUtek•MI tablecloth. bri9ht blue deck ICAlun, aad afforda a lltJHU&~.ww view of the . 11M adjaoeat bar oyat..r bar lead illfo1'11L&Lity with pull-up and hiCJh tabl• for ..., convenation. The printed menu ia aapented by a luge chalkboard which liata the tr...h fiah available tb.at clay. On ow lu.ncheon viaita, we hAve enjoyed Lalte Superior white fiah, oeatly auteed &nd .. rved aimply with butter and lemon . Freeh talmon wu expertly poached &nd oBered with a light lemony HollaadaiM. We enjoyed the O,.ter Ba.r Sampler u u appetber, with ~n, clama, lhrimp ud kinQ crablecp. A crock of freeh and cf'Wp veQetabl• ia coJQplimentuy, aad a w.lcom• amenity. Clam chowder wu pip· in9 bot, filled with ncculent clama, &nd naturally thickened with potato. It com• with dinner, u u alterutive to talad. I hAve alto enjoyed Pacific R.d Snapper, prepared Vera Crua- ltyle, liCJbtly pall· Moiled, topped with talsa, cbeddu ch ... ud baby thri.IDp, f1nlabecl u.nder the broUer. My companion ~Jav• b.i9h polDlt to the SluizQp Wcf.ddu, • d1th of l&r~Je prawu, fintahed with wiJle, gulio and butt.r, ud •rved ea cueerole. The wiDe list has fewer thu 10 labels, but there are 10me good offerillqa, Mpecially the white wiaea which compl•· ment fith dinnen. Cbardonnaya from Callaway aad Parducci are U.ted, a Fume Blanc from Fetur, &nd Nontezey Vineyud'a JohannitberiJ Rietlin9. Fruity aad dry, Calla- way'• Che.uia BlaDe tuited our tute on one occuion. There ia a Che.uia Blaac from Beriac.Jer, and St . Michell•'• Cabem• S.uviqaoA and J».ciroA- celli'• ZiaJandel round out the litt. O....rt. ue not very excltiDCJ, a chocolate Mud Pie, taa~Jerill• therbet, )(aca~ nut tuad.ae, and a ch....cake. Not a grand rutau- rant, but a bri9ht happy ca.fe, with a fine Mlection oJ fzeah fish , prepared with ca.re &nd THEATER The Music Man by Jack HollaDd There'• a lot oJ Ufe left ill the long·tim• muaical favorite, '1'he Muaic Nan," &nd the G.rand Dinner Theatre ill Anaheim il 9ivin9 1t a rouaiAg revival. Tbia il a smooth production. generally speakiniJ, with ooly a few rough momenta, particularly in the iirst part of the show. But once the strains of "Seventy-aix Trom· bones" are heard, all is just plain ·lovely, &nd from that time on the show moves along with spuit &nd fun. It il the best produchon I've seeu in some time a t the Giand, &nd muc h of the credit muat go to Allan Hunt'• direchon . He baa done a Mnsi- tive, exuber&nt job and the ooly thing auuing ,. the tro mbones them· Mlv ... But can you imagine an army of trombones on th lB ataoe? Bn&n IUc hards lB excellent aa Harold Hill, oiving the role charm a.a well as the good old con sell. His switch to legitimacy at the end ia enhrely believable. As hlB romantic vil-a-v1s, Betay Baker was too jit- tery, fussy and busy in most of the show so that 1 could not find lC21 .,_ U.. ~ a-t\• (71416~ FOR A. REAL TASTE TREAT ~ *' .I qnu-nOre.t irpOrter GOURMET DINING -MEDITERRANEAN RM CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNDAYS 10.J PM DANCING NIGHTL V -CABARET LOUNGE 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. IRV INE, CA LIFORNIA IOppos.te Orenge CountY A irport • CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP -24 HAS (714) 833·2770 8001t, MUSIC • L YIUCS BY ... nclltla WWson STOJY BY lllredhll WW..Oa; hanldla Lacey DlltECTED BY &llaDB-t ...., .... eod that alt.e took time out to relu uacl be'Jao to play the CWacter wtth tJa. WanDth aad8Ayu.~. Jouua Albert wu .-pec:Wly 9ood u the mother, ud Jaa• fitatJerald wu an _.,pealiAIJ Tommy. David Anthony wu e.acelleat u Wiathiop, while Ray lrlenbora IJ&Ve the Mayor all of the pompoua ioa.nity necftMZY. Dou9 Carpeater, Jeffrey lfeCJer, Lyle ltanOUM ud !d KriedCJ•r were 9ood. Note ahould be made here about a problem that faced the Gr&nd during the l'UJl. Orl¢D.al- ly, two young.ten we.re to play WilY kidl woud up wtt.b u.. u...u.·. bei,DQ bced to t.t the clUld.ru CJO. FroiD what I b.a.-. Ae&rd, the ..u.u. pereoll wu to ~ .. $1,200 a week for her ...no- wh.ic:h ~D.MDl u outlay, for the 10-... k run, of &bout $12,000. 1'hi8 wu out of the queetioa and b\ld~t foi a abow lh.t bu the lu~t cut ever ..... bJed tor a d.iaaer thea.~a total of 24. Couequently, even thou9h the children'• paruta would hAve let them coati.Due without pay, the theatre heel to replace them with okt.r playen. LiDda WaH, a pert 1~yeu-oJd ch.anur, fill. ed in tor one of the ro!ea, aad Praak Wyke, QeDJ.al .. eaoer of the ta.atn. aad u ..... .,.. DOW flcJ)atiaQ tM nalJ.a9 eDd b.ave •li.._. the .apport of otbeJ clJ..n.ur theaU. t.ced with the .... problea. lt 1a. fi9ht lh.t ahould be lo\lght, lo• the ruling will p_,..•t many talent· ed y0\lll9Mn froiD gettiaq a ahowc ... for thei.r abiliU... At uy rate, tbit "Muaic Wan" ia auperior to the Dic k Vaa Dyke veraion of a t.w yean •CJO· A grMt deal of the credit ahould go , too, to Jay Sm1th for bia cho re<)9raphy. CAESAR'S SMA/J Olf CHOWDER CHOICE Of A AN PIZZA a FOOD TO GO STAR SPANGLED PARTY IDEA OW NIITY lilA~ ........_l.as•t--. ......... I .............. cNaol2 FlED •••••r • w.-• au • CIICal • .... SAID OMS • 2 Vl&ll'AIUS. .:I PilAF MD COffH $4 8 5 c~l:J.:.:W 1-1 .. DAllY IAT 4-lcJI .. .,._n.H-a ~~··· ··---IIAIIE ...... ~-.... For .U You Caaert.& Needs COME TO SAM'S 1101 HARBOR BLVD. AT 11TH ST. 006TAIIUA pt'04.Jdly presents MARINA ROC INRMATIONAL GRill( 81NGIM aTAJII """"~ --~-· ft,AYQ, .. ~ AIIEIUCAH ANDGitEEIC CUISINE THE n.0111y-w..ac TASSOS SOFOPOULOS Golden Ram ~== RESTAURANT 1• laat 1at f\EXT TO ~v SMta AM 558-9587 Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner COni , ... .M. 11:1 I AM. T~ tlwv ~ R)tt ~VATJONS CAU C71~ 558-9587 ... ,\ k,-,;t \'11• .. •' .... , .... ••• ~~t • ...,._. " • '1' r '•• ·'. . ' "" . . . m $ rant · .. ,, . ~ I • l • ,. •• ~· t • ; l • ner Treat your taste to our tender. juic y clams. served with fresh cole slaw and golden f~s-now at a special price. One taste and you'll love ·em! 14715 JEFFREY RD. at Walnut (Just off s.nta Ana Free~ay) lRVIttE • • • il 'l!· .. ,. .~, •.• :'~;l.f.:·.j··.j:.·I'J·I~'W" IJ IIi 'J! i I. ' ... ,, . p:fl· o-f a I ~II . ' .. · ~~ I ·.· -:' .. ~ ~· • ::... 'S I • i J I ~ • -lf.:1J ~· ,;1 -1,~-~i-:j!JI -l!bl!UH!BU Ut•nr ~~~ (:.a ; J, *I lJ'ILlf l'l!l f I 1~1:~ ·-. .. ... ,:1· I 'I ' ' '1 I j I J J ,.,;~~_1 ~i·~~l t· I· • -t1J ~. l ~fl.?fl( ff'~lt!IJ ·~ (l(i • >'-0 ll :( il ilf !. ~~ ~" _;S! _ -~-:>,~ .-lrJr. . : ~· :· ·~. ,.5~.g• -• •• ·----O·CLl !li'J• ~~· ,1 .:'-·' 4· ~-.... 1 '•·''~.~~ a __ .po -~~. il ~•l 1 1 .. -J::s·r: ·:~·~ ;!!:~~· .Lt ... -.,_ P. .i ... ~ ~<I -. ,.l....l ,~ ',1 ' 0 .,, 0..,, ltt . ~(5 -Cll ~ ~ r{ .I -~~=~ hal'J~ U ~ (11f~ ~g ~ ii§. ~ ~.! ~ J•. He: at o ~tf" ~i z ls:;t ~~ ~ us~-~~ ~ ~ ~-· ~ ~! 0 z~. " -1 -=a.. ... ..... . • ~~~~.R ;i,l ... 'if," j,. ill 'll r-----------.. I I ~~~ I ide I I . , lr8 I i ~ s I I I I I ~ 8 ~ I~JJ I < I I .. _____________ .J JfiJJILf!Jti!:n;uHi¥r!trHr~uh•~~~.gn,.f_., •.• t""i'· . . • :.. r j: &: i' ~I i != l r~ f r I r• ~-.... ~ rr;;rt f ,[-:I !I' -;..• r Ofll,.,._~ ~-~'·a· ~l i 0 "~o .. h r~o ___ !; ... Ji! u , • -h· .. _.. ...r •• --~r· r ,1 . , i .. tl ~~ • l ~e. ~ r r !!f '~f 1 iJ[f 1 fif!J!f!'Jf!1 ~ ht -f. ll-il 1 t.ri1 ft. s rF r(· rto~l . ·-"f .•• oihl!·~r·. er rrl'l ' J~ r·~t 1 tif)~s1!J~~r~t~t~ lni f 3 '"7h:.f slH11 ~rlrl·' ~ ~l 1 fr~~·~~!fiii'Jr til ::-f · fa !J• t 7 rPl,l~L ·=== it ~-tfi~J!I~I~1 r~!fl[i~~~~ ~ff)rltrr•!t JilrJ i1rrrJFtf[Jt .'J'fr ~ _ .• -~~~ ttffiF[fl iff ff1frttl~ll j ~ ~-.. · -~;::~! t~ :-i~f1 I 1 1 r t r fs.r1r·-~J~§~s II 'I' i~l! 1 ~ r~ • . J J' Q ~~Q ~ ~~ I; ~~~ ti il l!J ib i -~ ·. ~~ d• ;.8& ~~ !i ~~. 1~ Qi ll~ :J! ~~!I> Sh 111 Jo h~ =ov -...n.._.,. _ .. ~ u ~~· tit' i-g'" : 'I . ~ g~ ~ . 82 2. Q ~ = 11 ~ i~~ I ~ Q i$i i Q ~~ lfi! t ~e ln r 1 .. ·-1'3 i t • =· ~ Jl 'b--rrtiL : t1 t•,rJ Jri( ~e 1 .. ~ · ~Jf 'it · fjtj!'r h·J1l -. . . f llffjif~~[ .~t lrl,itt•t, l .·f¥1 lfJ!i'•:r · ~I ~~s-f-un IL . [fff'ffl lJiiJ ! ~u•!!r~i~J;frtfr ~ rt~fhr!l IliJ e: ... ~ri-tar·~ a."'· ':' 12.1~~-ge. ,[t -rrUI rJ ia:tt :J .,. I• '.i i r -I ., "'\ FE Oil To A Good Start Gut• (deleetecl bJ Wubiao· tOll) ud tM Suta Bubue Do. Pu.blo. Toume .. ut (~ by Chu.neJ lalanda, 51-41). How.ver, beh.md the play oJ ...uon Joe~~ (6-7 c.oter) and lkyu Folk (6-0 que~). Newport bou.Dc.d bAck to dele.t Nieioo Viejo ud Se.nt• Bubu• to will the Doa P\lebla. coo.ola- Saath Gdtl Vk:taly ,... ltclthaMoD ''TM qame wu • lot of fun it wu one I will never " Mid Coron• del Nar'a lb&IUUl Rogen after the 23rd J~rAD.a. Cou.Dty .U·Il•r footbell Monday DiQht. The eatimetecl crowd of 7,100 (we11CAtKI the SoQth win. 36-13 ' lct.ciaion, which meu.a the South now won five atr&&qht ud of the lut 18Ven .U-at•r the So.tth'a All·A.m.ncu quer· te~b.ck WaH Steven.a. llogen IDOJ'8 tlwl beodJecl bia a.iqn· m.aat u Steven.a wu able to tluow fo~ 204 yarda u.d OJle touchdown. "I wu ple&aed Wlth the w•y 1 played conaiderinQ, at lint, I wau't eo w.re I belonqecl Wlth theee CJUJI," Roqe.n aa.id . UOil chemptonalup. In edditioo to S..c;rer u.d Folk, Newport wtll rely on ..ruora Jim Wolfe (6-2, lorwa~d), lb•d Harker (5-10, quard). S..O Sheward (S.lO, quard). u.d eopb.omor• Dea.D Sorenaon and Andy Al.luon. The Corone del Mar S.. ~qa, JDM.Dwlule, are 2-0 OJl the MUOD •. tteJ' def .. hnq hvme (72-48) &nd lAc;rUA• IL1la ("1(),.60). "We're m the developmentAl staqe," satd Cd.M co.ch J•ck Ernon. "We have a lot of tech· ruque work to do, eapecially on the front Une. It's QoinCJ to take time, but 1 Am encowaqed by a lot of little thmqs." CdN is led by retwninQ atarler Mike Hess and becltcourt mate Dave St-nhuyM. In addi- tiOJl, E.rrion wUl rely on Mnion C.d Wolfe (6-2, forward), Ron Tomicbek (6-1, lorwud), Tom Vance (6-5, center), and Greq Wynn (6-l , lorw•rd) S.nton Nark Harvey and John Forte will strenqtben the backcourl while JUnlor Scott GJ'een will be the eole under· cla.samao on the S.. Kmq varsl· ty. After m-hnCJ W •rren Tu•· day, the Sea ICmos will lace El Toro Thursday DlQht at 7:30 and Foothill July 7 •t 6 . Both qa.m .. will be held at Co ron• del Mar's qymnutum. Newport will conllnue play Thunday at &baon H1qb at 6:30, and July 6 at Ocean V1ew beqin.ninq at 7:45. In •ddition, O.bw Wlll ha.t one oJ two awnmer tournament• at Newport, with the Sallon opelllllCJ aCJatnst Villa Park Friday at noon. Other teams include Foothill, Captatrano Valley, El Dor4do, Canyon, Tustm, and S.rv1te. BOQen played left offeJWve R()CJ8J'Iwun't the only one pleued with his perlOJ'lD&Dce. u b.e wu appNached &fteJ' the 9&1De by IDADY coacbu who showed illtr.t m him. mcluchn9 MARINE SCENE , a po.1tion wh.lcb oa ve the reapcuw.bllty for k-p- ill9 the North'• deJeJWve end oft (Contm.d Oil ~ 10) by Mary Waguer AJter alma.t two yean of RONNING ON m-llllCJI u.d dacUISlona, the bna.l woJ'd on profUSJonali•m ill yacht r•c1n9 bas been atetecl by the USYRU and the rule 1.5 to by DaA Logcm Tbe fourth annual Sweat Don't Fret Slt, lOX and 201C races .,-ill be held S.twday beqillnlnQ at 8:15 a.m. at Muon Park in Irvine. Nerchanch.M will be avallable ill the prise chawmQ lor race fia.iahen only. Race day r8(Jatrahon 11 $9 illcludin9 t-ahu1, $5 r•ce only. Ca1J 547-7559 lor further mfor· metiOJl. • • The Newporl W •ter Polo Appendl_a 1, Amateur on paCJe 60 of your 1981 -1984 Rule Book FoUAdabon will begin 1ts untque hu been cban9ecl to read: 18at•lhlon at 6 a.m. m the UC 1.5 USYRU prescrtbes that, Irvine pool UN Saturday, efJechve June 1. 1982: Com· July 3. petillo m a race m wbtcb a cash Tbe lilt-event race will atart prise oJ any amount, or other with a 1,650-yard swim.. The pnse oJ monetary value CJ'"ler bench preu (the men will press than S300 it offered, 11 qround.a theil' body weiCJbt, the women for loa of amateur status, unleu body wetQht lea 20 pounds) will pnor to the event the competitor subtract 30 eecond.a from the til .. Wlth USYRU a wa1ver of hu swim time for each pzea. Then nqhta to such pnse. ln any palma-•••J cbin-upe wh.lcb sub· event accepllnCJ such a prue 11 tract 20 eecond.a for each repeat qrounda for lou of amateur Flve millut•• worlh of ait-upa, stetus. • 1.6 Queshona or prot•ts on (CaGttn.d Oil peQ8 10) I amateur status and apphcat1ona 6thVR. WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP 417 ~.Corona del Mar. Coli. ROBERT HALLET, B.F.A .• M.A. ~*G NINclon ~ 01:laple(J to for reUlStalement to amateur slatu.a aha1l be referred lor detefliWlabon to the USYRU Committ-on E.hol.bih1y. Cut tbu out and put 1t m your Rule Book. Let's hope th11 con - troversial queahon hu hnally been settled. BAHIA CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB STARS AND STRIPES RIGA TT A UOO 14-1 Pa"l Blank (SSYC) 2 Cltire Saow (SSYC) LASD-Davtd Franco (UYC) SABOT A Joana Nor man {BCYC) SABOT B-1 Enc Nor qWJII (BYC) 2 hwe No~Ao (BCYC) SABOT C -1 Enc Slutaky (UYC) 2 Vtoceol Pat.dtoo (UYC) 3 Calby Gilleu (UYC) PORTSMOUTH-Tom Woore (SS'IC) ANGU::WAN RACE No 3 PilAF A-1 Temenly, Ted lterr (BCYC), 2 /fldJ Uoaler, Bnace H.A.o (VYC), 3 P.M. IUD lam• {BCYC), 4 /llomenlli.IIJ, , ... , To119 (SSYC) your 1&: ... begn*Q Of ~IOeel .A.UIT,.. • ..,. AIID a&A .......... Aue. kJo ~...... ll"Callt~ .... _. 7 SonOma& CA 91773 2 ntn1 or c:GII (N) ~!!I JULY 4th Sally Seaver PIANO TEACHER • Acce,•ll11ta New Students 840-8197 AllY 3. 4, 5 -10 AM-6 PM FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 1432 ......... Corona del..., g'~~OU/t ~t\ ... ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOUCS WORKSHOP wtth Claucba Black 1 0 HOT DOGS &'PEPSI Los Angeles City Councilmen John Fenaro. lett. and Dave Cunningham. right, present a plaque to Irrelevant Week honoree Tim Washington during Wednesday night's roast Irrelevant (Contin\led hom paCJ8 1) Hollywood Park, a tnp throuqh Un1veraal Studlos and a week· end m Reno. But a hJqblJCJbl mu.at have been the celebnly DlQhl rout 10 the Balbo. Bay Club mtdway throuqb h.ls vuit. Speaker• took the podium to lou aU-in-fun barbe at Wa.sbinCJton, ha hometown of Fresno, other queata and each other They included Loa Angeles c1ty counc1lmen John Ferraro, tw1ce an All-Amenca n tackle at USC ("and three times captam of the frosb team"), and Dave Curuungbam, BBC pres1dent Tom Deemer, "who Ju.al con· ducted the aucbon lor the sav· lDCJS and loan he bankrupted" -Salata ; Salata, whom Deemer cbaracterued as CJtVInCJ talks a t breakfasts, lunches and dlnners-"because Beverly can't cook, and Paul's too c heap to buy a meal. " Salata, tn tntroducmg the L A . councumen, sa.td, "If you hked the Gong Show, you'd love their meehngs." Mike GtddlnCJS, Newport Har· bor ruqh Jootball coach and year-round scout and analyst to r NFL teams, qave Wa.sbmCJtOn "a tremendous chance" to make the team-but cauhoned hun that klck-otf return spec1altata have the a.borlest careers among all players. Otben 1ncluded· L.A Rams oenaral m&na9er Jack Faulkner, USC basketball coach St•n Nor r110n, former Olymp1c d1ver Or Sammy Lee-who, stand1ng on a chau. wu "I1D4lly able to tell what color Mornson's eyes are" and who vutually destroyed whatever wa• left of decorum w1th two typtcally-Lee, raunchy JOkes, and hlqh-bandtcap c;,olfers Dick Routley. Harry Smsth and Bill Walker Add1honal speakers were Roman Gabnel, former Rams quarterback now coachmCJ at Cal State Pomona, rehred Rams ce nter lUc k Saul; UCI basket· ball 9reat Kevm Maqee, Dr But McColl. former Stanford and Chtcaqo Bears •tar, McColl's son, M.llt, now w1th the 49ers and others. Clark Graves, of the Unsverss· ty Athlehc C lub here. presented Waalungton wsth the Lowsman Trophy. a statue of a player fumbling a football, 1n sa.bncal answer to the allnual He1sman Trophy awarded the nation's top colle(Jtate player Deane Bottorf, longhme pro· teas1onal mua1csan now teacb10g sn l.aquna, rendered blS usual humorous parocLes oa the ruCJbl's sub)ecta, and the crowd stood and WllCJ a salute to W a.slunqton The quest of honor then toued a weU-recetved barb at Salata, thanked everyone lor theu bo.p1taltty. and sal down As the evenmq broke up, he wu asked tl be were qlad be bad accept.d the mntabon. Wulunqton nodded. T v.o dly wwk~ lor tn.:-cUlt rMid on • hornr w+.... one l<~r both p.a.rmsl ..,. .. • ohollr n. workshop a .., ••plonllmn g,-oup lot 1~ dAh Pf11IO'I who lindi t. or .._,, ..... ~fd ..... ···-Nrlvlt'HB PEPSI CHALLENGE COSTUMED CHARAClERS NICKLEODEON CARTOONS MAGICIAN Choose from a rew SCHAFiR • SONS Console Plano 01 Spinet Organ OM.n nllm ~ .. to ~ ".n 'PM" ol ttw .ktlht,._ home At.~~ tlw\1 oltm find tt\.11 Pf(lbtlm-.-cenee ~ tr\llt. control. ~to bt ,.n.ct, ......... 9W1I 100 ~h end "'" ,._..... .,d ~ ,_two .... IIIII prCNdr • w.vm end .... IM ~ II\ lllohlch to ••llb• ard fW80M okl.--end 10 IM9n to 1M4 better ..... c:JnrMI ~ a.tk.lCSW • •NI~ ,_~on hn wort~ ,...h ~ .W.Citf'\t, end ~ children Shit • tlw -..thor o1 ~ pubk•tl()l'4 .M tiM ~ on NtioM ~ ~ euch a the T~ Show. M~au-. tb# ~· ~Shaw .. ,...... ~ "b Wll NlrYet ~To Mr" • ~ehi&Uid b ...... tn .... l'IZ ~ ...... , ...... ,lO .. Wot'WiopMH ~M ~ \MofWicJp• MIS MIME Console p6ono In walrut Of pecan In medltetronean. Hench tt<*Jn ~ c ki Utetme warranty ~ to SchafW and Sons pkJnOI. spnet agan ~ auto mvttm 2 tc~ 1 ftrQIW chordl. and more. One y.ar pat. cn:t labc:lf ~ ra.ty. Mtr.: ~ ........ c..r.. &nato~ Noe1h. ~ h.CA ~'I.Otld s ,.~, tfi«t1011 ol 111'10&1) ~'"Ybowd """'"' "'c'~o~''~ rrtbl.lton of Sd1•'-/ .Softs ~. -l.Anh,.,. pro;iiW. ........... ~ • 1\11 no .. .., eadecl t.o ,.... . olnaMt·t~p.WUSud.a,. The lcaaar ~k CoUeve atu chlnted Davkl IWiena 6·3, 6·2 to wta u.. aee'• lillol• m the lniae ()pea teu.ll toUJ'Jlament. 15-.,..r-olcl ahadeet at !Mac:M Hioh. aclpcllaCODd·••d.d JUl Beck, 6...f, 7-6, to take lint. Football (CODtbauecl boa pe91 8) ac:hoola like San Dieoo State. Scott Runs Third Fastest Mile In HIStory In N01W8y · ~.,., •ho ai80 plAyed for K•a•• Stat., lteclloet the ...... ~the put two ,..,., !Mat 1q4tatt Heffem, the ltead OOIICh of the Clf ruuer· 1Q1 Corou cW Nu S.. ltinqs, It• Mel t.M wltole wa,. It -al8o a mileet011e for ........ 1MI'kin9 hit first eppeuuce in the finala qf a tov.naAJMDt. DoWDey Mmed the $200 first priM lor h.ia eUorta, while H.B.m coU.cted $100. Maenwhile, in the women's li.D9)ee final Cathy O'Meara, a A ranked jwaior, O'W.ata wat 7-3 in the tiebrealter Wo.re put· tinq away laclt, a foraer Cal Poly Pomona player. lo the ma'a double., Enqliahman Nioel Araa.stroao and tM.IIUDate Jolm Wuaer, who playa for the Corooa del Mu tennis team, ufeatecl Joeh BJ'acl- bury and Phil Hamilton, 7·6, 7-6. The acose in the fint tiebrH.ker wu 7-2, wltile in the second it wu 7.3. Myers and Quade donated theiz $150 first place doublea prize to charity, in order to preserve their amateuz atatu.a, u did Waaher and O'MMJ'a. TEO WINSTON • scon PENNER SUMMER JUNIOR TENNIS CLINICS For the stxth cOI'\SeC\Jttve yea the ~wport 8eoch T ems dub Is offering the Ted Win- ston-Scott Pernef summer Junia tems clrics. Open to the public. the program is deslgr led to Improve the terns game of ~ from ages 7-17. C linic leMons are offeted at the beginners. Intermediate ond ac:M:Jnced level Courses wil be limited to 8 students ond will be grouped by oge ond ablty. IllS ION DA liS Session 1 June 21-July 9 Session 2 July 12-July 30 Session 3 Aug. 2-Aug. 30 CLASSTIMIS Mon-Wed 8 am-10 am 10 am-12 , Tues-Thurs 8 am-10 a m 10 am-12 12 HOUIS$70 TOUINAMINT PLA Yll Sill ION DA TIS "BKau. th ... echoola eu't 9ive out any more acholanhipe. I'm jut oolno to ch.ck out aDd decide oa whieh acbool ia be.t for me u a walk-on," Roc;,en Mid. "I wu aurpriMd at the North and how many ch .. p thota they qot in, R~ra Mid, "I my.eU oot !tit in the face by a North player after my helmet had been kaocked oU after a block." For Roc;,era, the oa.me waa a opportunity for him to prove to himMlf, coachM, and fellow playen that he can play biQ school football. ~Free! That's my ldnd of price!" -Bob Hope fonaer lJC Irvme tr.ck atas and N.wport S..Cb ,..._t Steve Scott ru the third f.ut.t mUe in h.illtcKy Saturday, will· ninq the "dreea ..U." at the UDul B'-t 9amee in Norway. Scott'• time of 3 alinut•, 48.53 ~nda hu only been bettered by Britou S.butian Coe (3:47.33) and Steve Ovett (3:48.40) . Scott ahaved more than a MCOnd oti hia American record of 3:49.69. He •t that muk when he finiahed third behind Ovett and Spain's Joae Luis Gonaalea in lut year's "dream Session 1 Session 2 June 21-July 8 July 12-July 29 TOUINAMINT PLA Yll CLINIC TIMIS Monday through Thursday 2-4 pm Come say hello to our beautiful brand new office '8lld pick uf your free Map Pdck. It's a brand new trave idea that comes complete with a Rand McNally map of your area._plus one of the state, and a list of Cal mt's more than 100 offices state-wide. Supplies are limited, so come in early! 24HOUIS $10 2601 EASTaUFF OR., NEWPORT BEACH for~ Of lntonnclllor-. call ... teaching Center: 644-0010 'lillie,., betterblo Jim lyun'e 1968 tbM of 3:51.1. Scott owu four UCt acbool recorda inclucliDo the 800 ud 1,500 JMter ruaa, alpn91ttth the iDdoor ud outdoor lllilee. AfteJ' leaviDq UCI with hit coach Len Willer in 1979, Scott establiabed hi.JD..JJ u America's top m.Uer while traininq at Arizona State. Scott a.lao won the AAU 1,500 meten in 1977 and both the NCAA and AAU titlM in 1978, before hit disappointment of the American boycott of the 1980 Olympics. Running (Coelilt .... flea JNI9e I) bent beet, fMt bid down, u.n• bMU:tcl lteacl, are worth two eeeoacla eeclt. The race fmiah• with • bKk·to-Mc:k 20· mile bike race ancl10X fWl, The entry fee lor the ••· tathloo ia $50, t&a ct.dw:tible. for lnfonuUOD, call Ted Newlud at 64.2·7083 or Bill Leach at 640-6626. • • • The NautUu.a Plus Anniversary .Sit and 101t will be held Satur· day. July 10 at Muon Park in Irvine. The lOK will be the fifth race in the China Cup S.r*· The SK will atarl at 7:30a.m., the lOK at 8 a.m. Pre·reoiatration ia $8 with t-ahirl, $4 race only. ex~rts at helping you make your money work harder. They got that way by giving more and more Cali- fornians =ty money Service. So, if you're looking for Meet some R 'n friendly people. They're the only kind you'll find at California Federal. Just as important, theyre the best to do all of your personal ban~- whetber 1t's hisb interest sa~ checking with mterest or tax shelter mvestments-come to our pJace. Mark your calendar now And be sure to come by and pick up your free Map Pack. We look forward to seeing-and serving....:you! You're better off in California ... Savings and Loan Association ... t ning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigln,ne S~ Is Dan~ to Yow Health. .. lM llewpart E=dgr Weds I f?IJ'. J-. •. 1-.... ll Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe . Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. . . . ............................ -.............. . . . . • 0 ::u ~ Ill z Beachgoers Converge On Newport Beach In Waves Proa Albuquerque to Anahei.JD, Coet. Me.. to Cleveland, people come from all over to viait the looqest atretch of be.chfront in Orano• Coun- ty. And in thia cue, bigq"t DUlY aleo IU&D b.t. The city of Newport attracta about 75,000 people on any qiven weekday in July or August, and over 100,000 beacbqoera on Saturday and Sunday, the woeat crowda in the country. Many people ue simply aeek- inq a .oft ~~ in the sand on a hot .uamer day. But for lboee who h~d for the coaat looking for an intimate rendezvous with the 'Wet and Wild' side of Mother Nature, the Pactfic Oc:..n ca.o provide more than a few thrilla. Rough surf, occa- sionally heavy riptides and other unnpected eocounten of the aquatic kind, must be con- adeled to en.uze a aafe and oood time. In the intereat oJ that very cau.M, soae 74 tanned Neptunes awvey the beacbea from ocean- aide towera or patrol the ahoreline in four-whMl dnve vehicl• and power boats. Lif99uarda not only mo01tor the crowd of awi.mmers, surfers and au.nbathera, they're responal.ble for .aintaining proper flag deagnationa to kMp the pubhc inJormed of current ocean con- ~t}.RDA·.. . A grMD flag flying from the hlequazd tower mean. the surf •• ..all and generally aafe to sw1m in. A yellow flag advaes awun- men to uae caution because the aurf ia moderately rough w1th SOUle rip Udea. But tf you're 9rMted at the beach by a red fla9 atop the liJe<Juard stahon, plan on a day in the sand. Swi.Jnm.ino ia not recoameoded for anyone when a red llag 1.1 up due to potenhally treacherous rip tid .. and heavy aurf. The only other vanahon &n r:--•• I I I . li I.J s .. ..,. flao d .. iqnatiom ia a black c1rcle iDaide a yellow border that meana no .url boazda are allowed in that area. Curiously, the City of Newport Beach hu an ordinance on the boob prohib1linq all aurfboarda in the water from noon to 4 p.m. every day from June IS truouqh Sept. 10. For bodysurfera or awim.mera tryioq to avoid the 'woods', there'• a ban on all aurfboarda, every day f.rom 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Infamous u the wavea of Waiiilti are swells at the 'W edqe' near the jetty of Newport Harbor. Here the waves are peaked by aharp anoles of the rocu which form a nearly lethal inangle that hu gotten the best of the brav .. t and moet accompliahed body- aurlera. Curious novicea are advi.Md to firat experience the 'W edoe' from the aaJety of the aand and then decide if they'd uke to cballenoe it firathand. Nearly everywhere elM along the Newport coutline, if you heed the flag warning• and are a fauly decent swimmer, a dull day lyinq on the sand caturn mto an e:acitiDq time if you try a bll of bodysurling. If the territory is a little fore1qo, here are a few aaJety hps. Firat, familiarize yourMlJ with the ocear1 bottom. Look and feel for boles or aaod bars. Steering clear of uneven Me- Ilona of the ocean floor could save you from a nuty flip. Secondly, keep your eyes open at all. hmes. It's hard to ... what's cominq or where you're gomg tf you're not looking! U you do hod yourseU being toaa- ed about by a wave, brace for the tumble by keeping both banda over your head. And lut- ly, even for an experienced bodysurfer, 1t makea a lot of senae to swtm aloDQSlde a fnend and not too far from the We- guard tower. Offers Many An It's aU too true that not!U.Dg w fr ... but aportfiab.inq IUJ be the local NmJDerti.JM acttvlty that allow. you to beat the h..aoh ce»t of feeding yow f&mlly and have fun at the l&llle time. Thare are a pair of notable l.auncb.ino sit•. both on the Balbo. Peninaula, near the Be.1ho. lala.od Ferry. Ar1's La.od- 1Dg and O.vey'a Locker have been Orano• County's leadm9 aportJiabino ceDters for yeara now and 1982 ia no ucephon. An unu.ual newcomez to the local tiah population ia drawm9 tiahermen fro• u far away u Seattle. Prized K.mg Salmon uaua.l.ly preJer the colder waters of the Pacific Northw..t, but for some rea80o have taken up local ree.idence for the 118U0n. Normally, local anqlera go out after wum water fiah like bus, boruta, yellowtail, barracuda and halibut. Deep aea hahermeD go after th ... so-called 'aurlace bah' by caating a line out on top of the water. The btgq .. t aurpnM 1.1 bow uttle it coets to test your ~rt· b.ahin9 alnl.la. All all day excur- aioo to the watera off Catal.ula lala.od, leav111g Ar1's La.odmg at S a .m., retumin9 home at S p .m., coets $25 for an adult a.od $18 for kida under 12. The 65 foot v .... l carries about SO fiahermeo. For Fun thia boat 11 so popular '' becauae your tare 10cludes a alMplDg bunk. There are also halJ day tnps ava1lable a t each apot. Both Art and Oa'\Jey prov1de uve belt tr ... although there tS a charge for uve anchOVIeS that attract thoee rare lun~ salmon . The cbuge to rent poles-book. lme and 1Ul1ter-1.1 $4 a half day a.od SS full at both places. Althouqh e1ther tour allows you to bnng alonq a cooler full of food and dnok, forqet about loadlnq up a cue of beer. It's 1lleqal to bnnQ any alcohouc beveragea aboard the boat, although they do have beer , along with a supply of food for aale 111 the galley Sailing is a favorite pastime in Newport Harbor during the summertime . Davey's Locker otfers a a..Uar trip each wMkend that unJor- tunately, for proepechve hahermeo anyway. baa been sold out for months. But for you dleharda, the Locker does have an all day party boat headmo for Catalina that leav• at 2 m the monung, brincpng you back to port at 4:30p.m. for S30 per adult. round tnp. One reuoo So tf you happen to haul 1n a few 10-pound barrac udu, maybe a 20-pound bunk of halibut, a few other aaaorted bah or even an elUilve aa.lmoo, you'll ea~uly cover the coet of the tnp Sadly thou9h, d.-pile the warninqa and heavy pabola of Wequarda, hundreda o.f people will be reecued from the watera lhu aummer, with u many u two doaeD requirill9 hoepital.Ua · lion foz Mrloua injuri•. Llfeoawd capt&in Bud Belahe aays the aimpJ..t caveat for thoee venturinq mto the ocean 1.1: "Don't drink ... alcohol and aalt water don't milt." Capt&Jo Belahe baa found that moet accl- deDt victima drank a conaid- erable a.mount oJ alcohol before stumhlinq into the water. Type Reg. $1.49 limit 16 TYJM» Reg. $1.19 limit 16 ' "KMp your llnea hqbt, your halt fresh, your eyes on the water" and you'll have more th.an JUSt a few tall tal .. to tell yow fa.auly and fnenda back on ahore. c TUNE UP BEFORE YOU GOI o.•IR LIMITID TO RnAIL CUSTOMIU ONLY • ...... ,.,,;,a ' , .. U.•ootJu e., a... .... Cotone dll Mlr rwidtnt, on uNbit ttvough July 10 et the 8elboe 8nlnch of the Newport Beech Public llbrlry. ........ exhibha aelections from .. Anonymous Journala" opens June le, 7 p.m., .. the Abreu. Geller(, 2815 ViMe Way, Newport Beach. Hours: 11 e.m.-5 pm., T uesctey-S.turday. ......... , ... recent worka on exhibit through July 17 at Roochef, 200 Newport Center Drive, Oeeign Plaza, Fashion 1-.nd. Phone: 7f!I:HSXT7. ''The F-* Zone'' recent photographs by Joe Deaf and "The Lowriders" by Meridel Rubenstein color photographs through July 17 at Susan Spiritus GaJiery, 3336 Via Lido, Newport Beach. Phone:673-5110. p ... , ...... .., ....... ..... on view Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seamster GaUery. 3341 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Information: 673-0400. ........ WOlke by ........... lldanll1r..-&t Whitman's Galleries. 3645 E. Coast Highway in Corona def Mar. Hours: Bonnie Whit- man, 67&2478. The Ylctoort.n Flower p ....... Wlterook>r exhibit through June at the St. lves Annex at South Coast Viltage. Hours: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays, noon-5 p.m. weekends. WOibofeerty ......... c ........ art by various artists now exhibited at the Bluebird Gallery, 1540 South Coast Highway. Laguna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednes- day through Sunday. ··aummer Reftec- tlona". by gallery artists and Wltercolon with calligraphy by Anita Egan Healy. through July 5 at the Sandstone Gallery. 384-A North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Ollaby .... ,._ ... are on exhibit at the Coast Community College District Office, 1370 Adams Avenue in Costa Mesa. Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays ... c ........ ..... 81 .. I II a.. reunion, 10 YM'8 for the dais of 72, ul1bration ia Seturdly, July 31. Reunion committee: 848-7882. ...._lulnC•w invn.t Oupticate Bridge players to bring their fwourite panners every Monde and Wednesday from 12:15-3:30 p.m. to the Senior Center, 3 Sendburg Way, Irvine. D..aa ...a D•rtoll C.. of Orenge County will hold a regular dinner meeting 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 7 at Camelot Restau- rant. R....-vations ate a must: 568-13QO, x3063, ask for Julie Weber. ..... ol July o.n. PGinl Crulae and BBQ by the Trident-Balboa Power Squadron. Member information: 67S-81. Proposed member information: 547-3671 . Ute'llfnaat40 .. .. wm have a 8BQ and fireworks 4 p.m. on July 4th. Members, cost is $2.50; gue.ts. cost is $5.50. Information and direc- tions, call ~1 . Dleoowwy ........ .,_.meets 7:30p.m. Sundays, at the Unitar- ian Universalist Church. 1259 VICtoria, Costa Mesa. Phone: 644-7130, 646-E2. New faces atwavs welcome. Newaa .... ·a Club of Newp 1111 ••ch will tour Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena on Thursday, Juty 8. For trans.. portation arrangements call~or ~ 1883. For member- ship information, call 640-8388 or 640-0294. New1l Dl1 ....... Lawn ..... Ciub plays in tournaments, mak81 visits and has fun days. Meetings at 1560 Crown Drive, Cor- ona del Mar. Informa- tion: 759-9966. UCI Film Soctety ICreens a bunch of good pictures, cheap, 8 p .m. every Saturday in Science lecture HaU. Admission is $2, Films for J uly include: -July 3; "Knife In Water'' by Roman Polanski, (P<Mand, 1962); -July 10; .. Shame" by lngmar Bergman. (Sweden, 1989); -July 17; "Yojimbo" by Akire Kurouwe, (Japan, 1961). f c ... a.. ..... meat .. AdYanced Helhh Center, 1300 Briato& Street North, Newport Beech (975-070()). end topics include: "The Firworka of a New Reafdonship". 5 p.m. Saturdey, July 3. Ann Mertin leadl the dilcUIIion. .:3 includes refreshments. NewpDI't ..... Art Mun rat il offering a number of clatael for kids, in four-Wt~M ,_. aions. July 6-30 and August 3-27.. Costs vary. Information: Gail TheroulC, 759-1122. • ............. __ ...... Coolrwere, 2919 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mtw Unfor· mation and reaerva- tions: 1673-2343), will be presenting summer cooking clasaes for adults and kids starting July 6. There w;u be motning and evening sessions. Call 673-2.343 for information and reservations. ~UGAI.V&ID GURC&UJIOD1&1BU ~ODDS aoDT OP C&LJIIODJA & WDISOD TWOSOIII for summa-'s carefree days. These pull-on Jamaica shorts in woven stretch polyester in blue, red, white, black. Navy and other colors. sizes 6-20. s 10.00.$24.00 Match than up with a variety of cap sleev~ shells in an array of lovely colors. From S 1 I ()(l to $28.00 IWGa caDIT CIIJ)S " ............... - ..... beglna lO a.m.- noonaO... 800 ~.Corona .. Milt. eo.t fof the llx· WINk COUrM II .,.. I~ food~ ....... t •1:30 e.m.~30 p.m. Satur- ct.y, July 17, ..... Vewde LMming Center. 2980 Mea Verde Drive, Coata Mau. Joaaph DeCarlo \WI teed the 88n'linar. Preregletration fee is t36, MO at the door. Call Coaetline Community Coftege: 963-0811, ext. 273. Dlvor ........... Attorney Pat Herzog will present legal aspects 1-3 p.m. Thurs- day. July 1. at the Women's Opportunities Center, UCI. More in- formation: 833-7128. DAILY ... OII~A.-TIIIINT •To.- 1111 MEW~RT aLVD. to 1:00 (lOUD SVIID&Y HARaOR A..O NEWPORT aLVDS., iN DOWNTOWN COITA -lA. Salenmeat NOT RI; PLACI; Better Women's Clo thing at Better Prices Our beautttU fOINons fOf spring and sunvner ae row on sale. El"foy the newest stytes from Y04X favorite desV*s at sovtngs over c:u areody low prtcesl SIZES •12 Do com f' in soon u •ltil~ the selection ts at its b~>st. HOURS lO 00-4:00 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 170 E lnH ST .. SUITE 211 COST A MESA. 548-3035 ..,.. ........ byMMde ~oPen~ July 1. It the uouna Mouttoo Community P\ayhouee. Tickets: 494-0743. ·-.,. ...... 1 ..... 18380 Pacific: Coast Highw.y, Huntington Beach, featur81 Young Americans Song and Dance Company. Seat- ing TU88CMy through Saturday 5:45 and 8:46 p.m., Sunday 7 p.m. $12.96 and $14.96 inch.tdM dinner. ReMf'- vations: 840-5661. ... I ,, opene June 11 .. the HatieQuin Oin- ,.~.3&02$. Harbor &hid .• Santa AM. Curtain II at &:15 p.m., diMer le MMid t.tw.n 7:15 and 8:46 p.m. ~•dona: JuMa, 911-5&11 . ....... All ......... pr...,ted bv the Humington S..Ch Ptayhouae. Space 39. Seacliff WlageS~ng Center. Yorktown and Main Streett, Hunting- ton Beach. Through July 10. Reeervations and information: 847 ..... .. TMIIuiiO..., .. oontinu. through July 11, Tuesdays through Fridays. 8 p.m., at the Saddloback Community College. South Campus in Mission Viejo. BolC Offtee: 831-4666, 496-2790. ..... ...,.~ n..ar. Ana Center, 2101 ctiff DrM, ~~. Through .JtJiy 3. Frideyl end~.lp.m. ~ matineee June 20 and 7:1 at 2 p.m. Cal f75.3143. "Tiwt1J9 II." I grand mulic:al, winde up South Coaet Reper- tory'a Mlinltage INIOn though July 3. Shows are 8 p.m. Tueedllys through Saturdays, with matinee~ 2:30 p.m. weekenda. rickets are $15 and $10, with diKounts for teniors, students and groups. Box office: 967-«n:l. .,ProltRII11, ........ ...... by Netl Simon. will be preset'ttd at OCC July 22-24, 2.9-31 and August S. 7 in the Robert 8. Moore Performing Arts Theatre at OCC campus. Ttekets: 566-5627. II'S SUMMERnME AT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Classes Fonnlng Now!!!! Call 55f..5880 for Information. SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM -Claases start JuJy 6. t9. Aug. 2 SUMMER SAILING -Claues start July 12. 26. Aug. 2 SPORTS CAMP -Classes start July 6 and 19 Plus lectures, mouies and workshops! "Promises, Promises" OCC's Summer Musical July 22-24, 29·31 and Aug. 5-7 (Thurs.-Sat.) RESERVED TICKETS ON SALE -556-5527 DON7 IllS$ OCC'S SWAP IIEET &.y 8undly -• &1ft, • 3 p.m. F•Ae• lnd ~-\eo... ..... ALL·AIIERICAN CIRCUS-OCC Stadium -August 7 FAIRVIEW AT ARLINGTON • COSTA MESA .IICIIIULTI• flU a TICil a.ul FMilU fOil ..... Qffltl I Ol COWlS uoo cu n 12 OZ. aMIS ttoDO CU n ... .. 6 oz. 1.11 U l 12 OZ. I.JI Ul IUCIIIIIAlTII e.TI .. ... .. 8 OZ. '-H J,M 18 oz. ... "" 112 GAl J1.. ''-II IICII IIUlTM PIT TAalll JQII OOQ t CATS tM llhf ASI • 10000 MG ¥11-II ·-·c..• ..... 35 ~ n. 70 JAI 1.11 120 •.• • •• 250 11.11 lUI IICMIIUllll ""M ... , fliT t ... UPII ........................ ... ... dllto!lua lit ........ c~~~~~a~~s. .. ..,....._. ~UI .. 1.11 Ka ...... ,.. ........ ... ....... lllltliiCU ..... .. I I _ .. 10-.b. .... tl.11 .. 11.11 movies .... c. (7~ ... -..,: ,.. um.a ..... MUD DOO OP CATALINA. e..u... ~ Senta C.talna ...,., (juet "28 milet In a~ o6e beet ... the eong GC*) Ia the aetUng for a drwnatlc ~· with a prln Shattta who bfr.w a '** of protlllma. With Clint Rowe, Wl4llm Muwetl and Blf1de the SMepdoo. .. ParW ,.., ..... ...... C86 (8 c.ntraJ/MaunWn) n.~~Cetradlnala a....,.._ ...... young olftcer In Napo. leon' a army who It obt6gld to fight a <lie! with teMow officer Gabriel 111· aud (Harvey Ken.~), a men he hU no desire to ... deed but won't caua from fYW\Ipulatlng him Into one duel after another. ~on JoMclh ~ rlld'a atory. It eo-atara Albert Finney, Edward Foll. Crlctlne RaJnaa. Robart Staphaot, Tom Conti, John McEnery and Diana Quiett Lordi and IWOfdl, directed by Rldtey (III:.INftl*) Scott (who altO made 1hllt atranoa Chane! N• 5c:ommerelel and~ ,..,. 1«:, (8 CantraNountaln) THI DOUeLI ....,.,..... A 1tva1y ~ atory with an lrrapr...,._ group or t ... wt'O become amateur Secret SaMca agent~ to protect the baeutltul Prima ...,..., ot • amaH natton from woulct-ba ........_ Elke Somnw, George Kennedy and E~ .-! Borgnina Written. produced and clractad by Joe ~ the cr•tot of ......... mcMat •ftllll ABC (8C.OtraMMountalo) GOLDIN IIIINDEZYOUI With Rlchatd Harrla, Who ~ 00. not c*Y an Indian In INa one. 10-1tlll N8C (aCantraMMountaln) THI •TH IIAN. The recently IQP(IInted COl I II ...,.r of the L.A. pol6oa acadlmy ..... hit hindi full when he triel to INpe hia llrat clua of raw rtel'\lfta IntO eldllad pollee offlcafa. Stara ~ a.tl, Michael ... , ' 1 "\,. I '\. t (8 CantraJ/Mcu'ltU\) .....ONT LACE. Mary Crolbv Ia a TV reporter staJ(ad by a mystefO.. WOUIO-be assaain. Gary Frank C» atara In this dramatic and thrilling remllka of the otd DoriS Day tb. I I If ' I I I "' I • .. 1tPIIC8S Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh. ........... a.. 0.. In a drama tocul6ng on a growing relet- loniNp bllt\i-1 M llging. arno.t Pili 11111 widow and a touQf\ "' .... we.e blledl you~\ Eme.t Hardin Jf. Ia the ...,... ldd wtfl a e""*-' J*l and Eileen Hedcart Ia "Thr• Beg Lady".~ atonea eo ~owe. trull and '*C*f tot one anoiNt. .. ,.. ~ (ICentrt~NourUin) .. IIIUT OfF OS Ill. Art lrw» <*'It young CCHd, frigNIIIed ~tiel ~ peychlc powers, .. ttveat- ened wtth daeltl unlaea .. eontronta a alnllt« wt1eh who daet~ anyone .. c:ennot don'*wte. .... cas (I~> lilY 01.0 .... Ktltty Mc:Mchol the lata Warren Oataa and Eileen Brennan In a drama beNd on a Hem- mtngwey lhOrt atory. a poignant tUt or a aplrltad taanagar and her down·and-out hof .. tralner father raunttad after a long aeperation, who aat out to unearth a new ltfe togettle(. A moving, exciting film and a good rota for the wonderful Oat•. .. ,..cas (I~ IIAYIIUJWa 1MR 11M .... A6 VINTUM. r• or ow totet..._., crc.eing the high .... beck In 1820 to poJ)Uiate a bfaw naw world. With Anthony .._.., Flehard Cranna and Jenny Aguttar. ~ .... speda1.s ~ ------- .... cas ca~ •-.n WCI tR .. IUu.oe& The Emny ~ llaggy ledy keep~ tNnga bright and ~ In thlt ~ and often aurprtelng en- ~ '**• of .ang. dllnca and triOmaflta or mue1c tinged wttt1 drams. MI. Maclalna gu6dll the vtewar Into the world of lltuelont and how we are often tooled. The very ~ Gregory Hlnel gueat atara ao lfa a good bat there wiN be aoma show-atOC)plng t»S de deu.w A treat all the way Krngs R119 . 100s Men 7 mg. 'tar." 0 7 mg. mcotlllt!. Kmgs Men B mg "tar." 0 7 mg Atcoune: . 100s B mg "tar." 0 B mg mcoune av per crgafene. FTC Repon December Bl :: ... ..: {7~ ...... Q'( •••cw..n. actor·eJnter bows tor hit nrat ......... bmullcat ....... ~ L.onl Andnon. Jadl Allelteon and tha Cryatala sports -------- ~' 11&:: (12:30 CentMIDunt.) "ID N.L tlfllot LAIIgue GMM ol tile --. the Wottc:t ~· u. MgMia Dodgers at Houlton Aatro.. (AIIaraala Qa .. : Milwaukee ar...,. at ao.ton Red Sc»c). ~CBS (2:30Cent./Ml) CIOI.F. Thrd round of the w.t· cheater Claaic:: from Harrlton. ,..._ y~ a•.,.. 4t (2:30c.nt.JMount> .., IOWI.DI •••o TOUil The $100,000 ~t P8A ~ 1a1 Claak: from lM v.gu. NeYada. .... NBC (3 CantraJ/Mauntain) ftll •• lOIW\ M-Englend TanNI ~ from Wlmbtadon. Taped. .,..... ~ ot ~ round IWWtCha MllfMNJt; (4~ -WOIILD 0* WOM"& MIIFMNIC (1Cant~ ,....... Early-round Wimbtadon ~ Oldl &oatg. Bud CoMinl and Qwla Jonae report trom the ac:ene. &• 1 II PM C8S (1 30Ceot./Mt) Q0U Flnel round ~age ot the W•tc~ CIMI6C ••• .. 'Me {7:30Canlra11Maunt.) •• I W N.L o.m. or 1t1a WM* w1tt1 ..... to be MnOUnCiad. IMt.M NIC (8AMC'Art./Yount.) TO... Llva coverage of ttM won.n's air9la tlnels from 1t1a M-e,.,., T_,. Md Croquet CU. In W'.ntltlcb.. ,.., l.OndDn, Englllnd. ..._,NBC (2Canc,.a~ U.III'LL '*'/01 L.-uua Geme ot ,. -.. .. r ... Ai119W'1 at Olk· lind A'a (Mta Ill 0... s-tUa at a.:ago Wt* SolO a• tiiFMC8S C2.30Cant.JMt.) ~ TNtd round~ or the w.a.m Open from Butter ~ QoM Qub In Olk ~rca. ....... INC GMe ~A Chance To Win One Of .. Fabulous Each Week For SIX Weeks A New Famtly Wtll Wtn A Vac at•on For • Persons• Regtster Every Tt/You VtSII The Jolly Roger• "• MIO!tiP. a~J~DJ • 7 ct.ya/1 ""'* tor ......... (2 room~J .. ._~H .. •II•~on *-itU lacen6c Ucle neer Oil IYIOnd Heed • ftound Trip.._. Yia apedoua WDtld ...... Wide Body Jet from Lo. Angelel 1o Honolulu! • ar... ........ Jolly Roger/ ....... location~ ''••" "'•tu f.,.,, •1"\'J .,,,.,,,,.., '''n"""',"•' t,n "01 nc.•...-c:r t""Yiof"'' •no , O"'P'•te •u••• ,,. 11 yOur ~f1te·~' ·~ Jolly A1>9e• Y<,.. "'"" oe 18 Ot o.oer 10 tf'llef no DU•c,.... "''"u'• Coot of"' ""'"9 .,. «SeWtffttned Dy •ec:" """" • ,,,,.,, N-,,,,., IOrms .. .-lOt ._, 01-·~ to •eQ •••• o''•" ~" enoe ...... 3 •'»' Ope nine lit our New Location. Tueeday, July 13th for Lunch. Tuesday, Juty 20th for Dinner and Late Night Supper. - 880 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Reservations {714) 720-1800 U you are a CJun ... cwame buH, you'll thorouQhly enjoy the Ctwua Palace, located on Muiner'1 WU. "r .. t.urant rew." Ownera Jack and Jo.\e Mau brin9 experience from their home ln Taiwan and from r .. tawania owned m New York. Under the direction of Chef Wei, the kitchen produc .. many fine meals, both a la carle and fuU CO\UMS. Speci&liamQ m bot and apicy fooda, the menu tu .. you throuQh appebzera, .oupe, pork, beef, chicken and M&fooda . PekinQ duck 18 ai.o avail&ble for dinner d you call m the mom· lllCJ . Chlll4 Palace allo offera luncheona. A apecial ll av.Wable, priced from $3.95. ONE NIGHT IN PARADISE Spend hours SWimmHlg in the three fabulous pools. playmg tenms on one of eight ltghted courts. o r golf on one of our two 18-hole championship courses or our 18-hole executive course Dme like royalty and dance the hours away under the stars $17 .so• per person Ava1lable from May 29 to September 11 . 1982 •Pnce 1ncludes room only &sed on Double Occupancy NcJI <Wi!UIIIbltt to grou~ Advtsnc ~ Rtt~~rvahon'> ReqUirerl 'lb4 I f.<~st Lmcoln Dvw" "K ottsJak> AL H'>25 t 602/ .... 7111., loU Fne ... /IB-ft90 REST A ....... ~. OF NEWPORT BEACH JQjNUS £OR -'Spky·Hot Food" Ita6an Dining C.rmelo Wanto, c;,erual propnetor of La Strada r•taurant, as proud to announce the r..taurant'a all-new, •~itinQ a.nnovationa in dinln.Q. With the arnval from Italy of La Strada'• new chef, Fausto Grimaldl and hd UIOC~te Vincenzo La Forte, the r•tauranl il now presentmg · -Grand Dinmg Tow of the Reg1oos of Italy. BeQin.ninQ with Liguria, the ltahan Rlviera, each month dinera can enJOY a completely different full-course dlnner at La Strada, since each month the full-courM dinneJ' menu will change to bnng the auperb ~uLiine of one of Italy'• 21 reqioa.l to your table. In add.&hoo to the new dtnner menu, La Strada ia a!.o reveramCJ the current uillahon.uy apiral with • reductaon m pric• for lhLI fuU- courM dlna.nq exoeri· ence. (A Ia carte atema will allo be available.) Luncheon at La Strada Ll equ.a.lly new and cW- ferent, willa a WJdAt variety of apecaal ltali&D favonlel, all delectably prepared. La Strada aa located at 3520 I . Cout HiQh- way. Corona del Mar. The number for r ... r. vahone Ll (714) 675-1922. Lunch: Mond.ay-Fnday, 11 a.m. to 3 p .m. Jolly JloQer'• HawaiWJ Fuaily Vaca- tioa Sw.eptak• will ,.t Ilia f.awiliae to Hawaii. 11ae JoOy io9eT a..t.u.ranta hu just ..-ounced the tint ~WMpn.k• promotioD in the corporaUoo'e )1. yeu h.btory, by ...ana of m -.parate dtaw- inQI, one • WMk lor IU ...b. The Jolly RQCJer will award fabuJoua f.uaily VACA· Whenever eomeone wanted late-ruQht sup- per, they often loUDd theu deeir• un.fulfill. ed. No loac;,er. The n .. Ritz r..aaurant, ope1UJlCJ in Newport C.nt.r OD July 13, ia a coaJ.cence of all the f.ceb of penJOD&lity, baclupowid, food and WUM bowledqe of 0., ..... ~ t1. .,.our lltMC ID fwllind ol......_., .-.1 ra,....-on .,.ou w nc~ *-w and ltwf ~ • Mobtllo.t' wr rad-~ c6r. To.r .,.our 9IJOd tlft'W'!. ..... -, ........... " «<dddllk. llwn ~ a..-bNulllul ...... ..., ~ 10 ..... ~ ~ (~ l6 ..... of ct •• _.. .. gol (~~~and .............. ..._ ~-and ,...., dlndng .., -Ylllv ~In our~~.,. .nd Loungr [Htwf """'V-don'! .... ~ 9D by .....nout ftUPIIng..,-ol ~-. ~ 9'MI rnorll ..... ,._ ,_,. d -C.Ma-I'JM. -~ .. ---·~ -\.ll 12 ......... '11'>&~-........ -- at beauti1ul Hotel San Maarten . • • Continental Cuisine Piano Bar Entertainment Tuesday-Saturday Vacation PraQer r..taurant wall r the oppor1unaty to lunch, d.anner or DiQht supper. sut a week. the worlds of Prac;rer have been ht tOC}etber at 880 C.nter Dnve m.uaave whJle· black canopy front ~tr&nce La bnt clue that thaa 11 and c;rr .. t adven· . Mr. Praoer aa.tn· "the ftJtz bu been and WJll be a fWau,•a.»• for the feast fMtur• a tempi· tnQ tno ol boneless breut oJ cb.lcken, tender pork beck ribe and a pruae rib bone, accompanaed by nee pal.eJ, fresh tropacel papaya and pin .. pple, c;raml&bed with straw· bern" and coconut. Yow cboace of clam chowder .oup or salad and one-balJ loaf of warm br .. d . The Jolly R09er R .. tauranta are trad.ahonally lmown for moderate pnc" and the Hawauan Luau dtn· ner as no eJtcephon at S7 .95. sw .. pstalrea par1a· c apanll m\1.11 enter each week to qualify for that week'• draw· tnQ, the hrat to be held fnday. On that date, the hnt fanuly of four or two couples wul be awarded a complete Hawauan vacahon. Then, between July 2 and Auc;r. 3, bve more lucky laouhes wall wan round-trip au travel, provaded by World Auwaya watb depar· tur• lrom eatber LAX or O&lrla.od Aupor1. Once tn Kawau, wan· nera waU enJOY ocean vaew roouu at the lwt· unOWI liAW&Jlc\0 1\ec)ent on the beach W.Wb. LA STRADA ANNOUNCES AN INNOVATION IN DlNINC E.Kh month • nl'w, full courw dtnnl'r ml'nu futurn t~ su~b C'UitiM of oM of Italy's 21 ~tons. ()pen )WI1 etQht months, CaJe Ltdo La JUSt what at wu plano· ed to be-e CO%J htlle neiQbborhood cafe with .ome oriQ1Dal touch" and a 01ce approach to the MrvlDQ oJ wine. Owner Joe Sperraua as an experienced restaurateur who came from New York to vi.ait fnenda in CaliJornia and feU an love w1th the clim.lte. Cafe Lido La diVlded 1n two .chona, aepar· ated by an attrachve htlle bar. One duunc;r ar .. La furruahed watb t.ablea and chairs to accommodate lar9e parb .. and tam.ili .. ; the other as tntimate with booth. for two, candlehQht and flowers. TOC}ether the d.aninc;r roouu aeal no more than SO patrons. The menu can be cluaiJied u "continen· tal," with a lew preparations from the French, a few from the Italian. and a smatter· inQ of Amencan stand- bys. The wine lut bad been per.onally chosen by Sperrazza, and La a Dice ahowc ... of Cah- fomia vtnlac;rft. Pnctnc;r lS Wr, and NCh even- 109 a bne wtne La of· fered by the c;rlua for $2.50. For a nace summer dmner or lunch, try the Cafe Lido, located on the Balboa Pen1D- sula, juat west of the Crab Cooker. proudly presents PIANIST and VOCALIST (formerly with Tlae Merrimac) AT OUR PIANO BAR ltOO WED. -sAT. Cocktail Hour 5-7 Daily We now have DAILY ·SPECIALS Soon and Char lies Award Winning Chill P9g 2.25 (With ••l•il or fries) 24 Hours 2278 NeWPQrt Blvd. Costa Mesa etr uby. 1-•· •• P..,.l1 Holiday Room Sale $ss per room/ June 30 tbru per night* • July 8, 1982 Enjoy the casual elegance of Newport Beach from the beautiful Marriott Hotel. Take advantage of our resort size pool and hydrotherapy pool, three res~aurants and lounges, ten tennis courts, and we're just walking distance from the shops and stores of Fashion Island. ./-< -..,..-- C.\J\5\~ 0~ 5o\J\he.~ rr'a~e- IN HONOR OF OUR NEWNAM AND FIVE SUCCE FUL YEARS OF BUSINE , WE WILL BE CELEBRATING OUR FIVE-YEAR A NIVERSARY ,..,....,. 1-. II cmas ao-liDed with Wat•dol'd C1'71M1 ucl eki clothmg v~u.d at 17,255 weN repon.d ltoleo f101a lllt• Mira W...U.r in th• aoo block of CUff •.. Jewelry uci.Uver valMCl at $2,480 was reported lloleD from Judy Ann fulohua in tbe 2100 block of l&tll ... Xnittillg JHChin•. a eewlog JUChine, two lamps ud otber property·v~ued at $1,...0 were NPQrted stolen from Jerry Yat• Bell in the 1100 block oJ B.ez . . . Jewelry v~uec:l at $1,400 wu reporteclltolea bom BeD. Judith A.bJ'amaoOJl ill the 1900 block of 16th . . . Two Angler Speci&hy lighting Fiahing cuba, v~ued at $1,075, were reported atolu from a boat beloaqiog to l..any I. Ginaburg in a boat alip on v~ Oporto. AR.RISTS W.rvin Rickey Stripling, 26, of Newport Be.eh, wu arreated on auapieion of grud theft . . . Myrtle Piilani K.amakahi, SO, of Hawaii, wu arr•ted on auapi· cion of attempting to defraud an innbeper . . . Jolul JOMph Sevick m. 23, of GaJ'den Grove, and Stevea Dillon BudJ'ow, 24, of Long Beach, were ureatec:l on auspieion of pg•awillg marijuana for Nle . . . Matthew Fabiaa Alfieri, 28, of Huntiagton S..Ch, wu ureat· eel on aupieion of poattwing eooaine . . . Naaey AOll Rolfu, ~5. of Newport Beach, wu ureated oa auap1eion of eultivat· ing muijuaoa . . . ThrM men were arrested on auapieion of drunken dJ'ivillg, iacludiag Francia Thomu Gonwez of Newport Beach. Saturday. June 1 S CRJMES A floor aaJe weighing 350 pouncla and containiag tilver dollars, cub aad jewelry valued at $10,725 wu reported ttolen from Freel P. Ponzio in a burglary on Rocky Point . . . A Honda boat engine valued at $850 wu reported ttolen from a boat belonging to Richud L. Babiaeau in tbe 300 block of lut Cout Highway ... A Black and Decker alti.U saw valued at $180 waa reported atolen from Walter Staal" North in tbe 600 block of Balboa. ARRESTS Xevin Wayne Camp, 25, oJ Newport Beach, wu aneated on auapicion of poaeaillg cocaine for Nle . . . William Scott Lawrey, 20, and Norman Con· nolly Gnm .. , 20, both of Lonq Beach, were arreated on auapi· cion of reckleu dJ'ivinq . . . Five men were arreated on auapicion of drunken dJ'nnnq. mcludiaq Chriatopher Scott Gilroy of Newport Beach. Sunday. June 20 CIUNES A prowler wu spotted peek· lDQ into a window with a 35mm camera in the 600 bloc~ of LarltapuJ', poUce reported. ARRESTS Paul Bertoldo Lopez, 21, of Weat Covina, wu uretted on auapicion of unlawiully takinq a vehicle . . . Mschael Patrick Reddic ka , 25, of Weat Covina, wu ureated on auap1cion of poaeaing cocame . . Robert AadJ'ew Harve y, 18, of River· aide, wu arreatec:l on auapic1on of poiMI8ing huh.-b ... Four men were arreated on auap1cion of drunken dnvmq, none from Newport Beach Noaclay. June 21 CJUMES Property valued at $1,580 wu reported stolen from Shirlee ADD Waodrooke in the 400 block of Catalina . . . Clothing and money valued at $978 were reported lloleD from Clifton Joa• 1D tlae 600 blook of IJdo Park , . . The froat bumper of • 1 N7 W.rced.e 2!09 valued at seoo wu Nported ato&h from Rolf H. R. Wieland wlaUe tu vdicle wM perHcl by tbe fuh· iOD W.od JCP.DJWI'• . . . A IWW tteNO valued at $GOO wa.a r~iied llaleA tro. • c&J b.aaaCJia9 lo KrlMD L4DcolD ill U.. 300 .._. Of Walaat ... I..lldurol ......._ vala.d at S2 .. Nr..W ... &o. WtclaMI Ger.! la tM 300 block ell~. AUIITS ,...., ........... ell ~--.-.v...-MCOaJ . ..... -...... ~!$Jr., 43. cit LOa Allillllllil ....... ., ...... ............ , ..... two .. ..... .....,~aatalaa .. ..-ell ,....uraat robMriee w!Licb ~tRek u.r .. Newport ...._uut8 receotly, police Mid. ,.., u. beiDcJ held Oil $100,000 ball ~ ... NicltMI J..-Hall, 25, of Newport Beach, wu arr..ted oa auapiciOD of battery on a polic. offic.r ... One m&n w.-arr .... eel OD 8UJ)icioo of drullbD driv· i.nv, DOt from Newport Beach. Tuaa4cry. JVAe 22 CIUWIS A Buckeye brand trencher valued at $12,000 wu reported atolen from Paver Wood me. at a coa.atruction aite at Biaon aad Jambor.. . . . Jewelzy and cuh valued at $4,670 were reported atolen from Patricia Alice Wc:Qu&de in the 2600 block of Cout Highway . . . Silverware valued at $2,800 wu among property atolen from Helen Lee Butler in the 2100 block oJ Vt.ta l:ntr.da ... 20 paira of women'• panties, valued at $40, were reported atolen from the reaidenee of Ronald T. Doyle on Ceibe Place . . . Prowlera were reported in the 1100 block of Balboa and in tbe 6400 block of Ocean Front. ARRESTS Adelina Godiva GonzaJ ... 42, of Weetminat.r, wu ur .. ted on au.apicion of vraad theft ... NonDA LueyC)De Offill, 45, of Oraage wu arrested on au.tpl· cion of burglary . . . Grevory Emil Onat, 31, U.ted u a tran· aient, wu arreated on auap1cion of burvlary . . . David Ricb.a.rd Fitzhugh, 23, of Rialto, wu ar· reated on auapicion of pouell· in9 LSD for Nle . . . One man waa ureated on auapieion of dJ'unken drivinQ, not from Newport Beach . lllundaf. )11De 14 CIUWIS An "All Fireworb Prohibited" bulner, 30 t .. t lonv ud -four feet high, valued at $50, wu reportec:l atoleo from the bridve at Marine aad North Bay front. ARRISTS William Seth Tucker, 18, of Corona wu arrNted on auapi- cion of burgluy . . . Timothy Eric O'Brien, 18, of Dana Point wu arr•ted on auapicion of petty theft . . . Regina Lee O'Brien, 18; of Irvine wu ur .. ted on auapieion of petty theft . . . Alyaaa Ann Corsini, 22, of Newport Beach wu ureatec:l on auapicon of petty th.eft ... Five men were U · r•ted on auapicion of drunken drivin<J, includill<J Robert Vitaliano, Thoma J&mea Rizzo, and Douglu Irven Brenteaon of Newport Beach. Friday. June 25 CRIMES Property valued at $5,180 wu reported stolen or damaqed ill an apartment owned by Beverly E. Carney m the 100 block of 34th. ARRESTS Steve A. Robertaon, 26, of Tuatin wu ureated on auapicion of usault and battery . . . Michael David Praqel', 23, of It Frri a.cu11ld t-WIIId ... o.td f"- ToniT ..... ...... Laat Ferrne & Teicher Henry ••anc:n Aldy wstama Burt BlchlriiCh ~Trio 8ily VeAlfiltn a.tn SRiund Don Tweedy L..uindo Almlida seu PNIIpl Gordon LWaeloot Hugo a.o.-.gro Lan Bower ~F­Ohil~ Sound 10 Aowd Crwner Brian May Paul o.vla 1be Legend Lives On. .. Old cars, great cars, classic cars, super cars, replicars, snooty cars, snazzy · cars, cars you can buy, own, drive, invest in, look at, sit in, take photos of, admire and appreciate. Almost ~00 of them ... all in living color and splendid ambience, and all of them for sale ... Now, for a decade, the NewporrBeach Collector Cat Auction has seen countless numbers of these fabulous, ageless autos change hands and homes at the West Coast's most famous Auction ..... .._ •• AA DlYIIiclft ~ 4-0 ao-A'a 3-1 ~alMa ....,... 2-2 Deuy WU..O.n 2-2 tl.utlor ...... 1 3 WAI&rkya w... 0-4 .._., 0 Olvwoo Lud Slwall11 cas-. Dod9en Ah ... .tos.. Chrclalaq~ La.A9doa uad W1"- S..urd.y 3-J J..l 2-2 1·3 1-3 1-3 Followi.DQ u. the •~ u of JuDe 2S l ill City of Newport BMch recrMtioD depubDellt le&9U•- RW~ G&a.o. Dua Cna&cbu SouU.C:O...ao.t lllaebee cc Dlvu.ioo U~~eAe GeorQee ~r. 2-l 2-l 2-~ 1-3 Coed A Dtvl&loa No..UPI.- Ial.bo.~ TII.An:&M. ~Street S.yd.r-l.&oQ~MQA llaa'aHelpen AT&.- SCCC ~D Sple~ laley lroe W.0'1 U DlYIAOA 4-0 3-1 1-3 1·3 .. ~ C DivMIIoa O.:.U TreDdt 3-0 Coldw.U &alrera BwtaJoe We11'a 88 Dtvwoa labo RGW Boye Prom Boeton Ford C20lvwoo 1-3 0.4 Aalawlll Burke Dove St AC Azeo ~-1 4-0 3-1 ~-2 1-3 1·3 0-4 15tla St Swf Shop lniaeCo. ltillera... MacGr~or W.ta 4-0 3-1 3-1 1-3 1-3 0-4 Pyle Orlvera 2-0 0 Police D.pt l -1 Red Soa 2-0 The HeltrtDoil Co 1 2 C Dlvii.IOD lay-Gulla 1-1 c,...,. 1-2 Pillll Place TNJD 1 l OlaU.-0-3 Chwapa ur 4-0 3-1 2·2 2-2 1-3 0-4 Op.JM 1 1 Cu.tom Poola R.d.r Glove DlA'a Coed 8 DIYw on Joh.oatoo Poola Nptlalboe Breekera T.I.C 'D Uf T~U. Shooterw 1-1 D DlYI&&OII 3 1 3·1 2 2 2-2 1 3 1 3 !Qbobra 0-2 Couten 4-0 Wad Bettere 0-2 The W...A J.1 s~~.,. 0.2 Bo:rle ~nDQ 3-1 SYC ADd R ~-2 TWDD 0-4 Aveo a.1l 11091 0-4 A O.vwoo ocsw. 3 1 !Ncb 3-1 CaoJOD Woodwork 3 1 w..l&tky'a 2-2 Ca,plaio Copwr 1 3 lrville Allapoda 0-4 8 DIYIIlOD Touche Ro. 3-1 War O.vtla 3-1 J.W. Petera Co 2-2 IC.i.olto'a 2-2 ROQer Dwul Couqara 2-2 TRW 0-4 Slow Patch Wome11'1 Softball A DlV\aiOD Paclhc Mutu&l 3-0 Piwce St. A.onea 3-0 Avco 2·1 Blaclo• 1 2 Banacud.. 0.3 UD.JV Copy S,.tema 0-3 8 DIV1aiOD Salt Sh&bra Doc'• DoUa. ICeAHth lAveoth&l Au C&l P .. .rce St. Ao.neJI Nee All Stan C Dlvwon Nutt'a WeochM Paradlae Cate Softb&llera Glove Trotlen Boat Service H.ter'a H.rp~ WeD •• Slow Patch Tu.day Softbe.U A Olvwo11 s.ccc. 36th St Boyt kt.a&D Bom.bera s-h9bl sta.Q~n Air C&l Fit~Qe Photoqraplay B8 Dlvw on P...rce St. 8&rban&JU P.at Wannck Puadlle C&Je V.D.C Fi9hhAQ Piqeona 8 DIVIIIOD Grubb and l1lia NWNS Woa'a bten&~oo WedDe.iay Softball 88 Dlvwaoa C&.mdea Crua.h.ra Avco Olar Guq PaW..'a Salt Company Wil.l.aoo L rora 8 O.vwoo NWdooo.a 8ulldOQa S.phue Spa Nutera Pierce Str .. t a..tbo. BMcbcom.bera VIrtue end Scheck CC 0.YIIIOD La Can~ NatJ Educ•hon IDdu.atrW Brokera VLI.la Nova l.ruqhla lAe and "-oc. Oranqe w Sqven.ra Tllllftd. y Softb&ll 4-0 3-1 2-2 2-2 1-3 0-4 4-0 3-1 2-2 2-2 1-3 0.4 4-0 3·1 3-1 2·2 1-3 0-4 &.d Hope rOll-aDd Hou.a.d. Lal.laaa and W athna Coed C Dlvwoo Colam&n and G1a~~1 Crelloa 8elboa Coutncton Dove St. Duda No NameTMIII The Ducb rnct.y SoftbaLl W•n'a CC Dlv~.atoo The 81ulta Parad~ae Cate Pacilic SkyUQbtera SUDky Pet• TortfMaOra fayChiCI Coed C 0.V1alon NB Teorua Club Hob ... Qwqq'a &11 TNJD &"9. RGA PMt, M.rwJCk 2 1 1 2-1-1 2 2-0 1-1-2 1 2-1 I 2-1 4·0 3-1 2-2 2-2 1-3 0-4 4-0 3·1 22 2 2 1 3 0 4 C1 O.vwon Catch 22 Ford hcltupa 8r.-...ky Sluqqera n..a- Cbuck'a Ducb Local TaleDt 82 DlYIIlOD Pia yen OIVAD Guu Hot Trottera Piece-a· calr.e Wild Turkeye LJ'• 81 DIYI.&IOO Low B1ddera 2·0 Reruo.a Foul Play T•qbtwada Tw10 40'• A D IYI.&IOO Cobru WocW T"• Th.e laprc- Ltenaunatorw WOD.QOOMI Sultooa ol SwUlq RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .. • • At World of MoulcUne You Will 'lnd . • Moulding -I Hardwooda a Softwoodai- •Vlct orl an Fretwork -Cha&r Raila -Fl n la la - •Dec o rative a Plain Corbela -Ba•••- •Ceiling Moulding -Bar Raila - • Stair Part a -I Oak a Hemlock I •Butc her Block Topl - •Ceiling Medatll ona - •Wood Turnlnga -L D • And loll More -Come ~-+--+-+--+--+-+-+til f On I n And See U a ! ULDING 31 09 S Matn St Santa Ana ~~~-'"'"" Oyer ~ MacAnhur on !> M.lft S& I 558-7772 For m~~ny yHrs before hiS death m 19fKJ, hardware delller AJ Forg1t published a personal opinion M1 ~ m The E~n. In antiCipation of 8 book of the ads to be published soon, his wrdow Peg has bl!en reprinting some of the ads m recent months. Th1s 1s t~ last of t~ stNies of rtt-prints. The book wtll be out soon and wtll be av81lable m loclll stores Peg wrll llldvertiW m The EnStgn ~~gam when the booJc IS ready. g111mg details The lid below first appeared m Februsry 1974 I :..: A lot of ecologists and do-gooders are campaigning hard to save some endangered spec1es of birds that hang around our Upper Bay. I have anothef tpeeles they might be intMested tn helptng It 1s called homo sap.ens A number of these two-legged creatures have been nesttng along the edge of the bay for a number of YNB in a preserve known as Bayside Trailer Park They have been good Ctttzens and good neighbors. Now our politicians and administrators are telling them to migrate elsewhere. It seems that the "nests" these folks have so industriously built do not measure up to our current politic.l standards for architecture. Beauty, of course. as in the eye of the beholder. but I think those bayside huts look a hell of a lot better than Promontory Potnt. Versailles, or some of the other architectural abominations that have been built here lately And you c.n bet that the lrvtne Co .. which owns the land those trailers and huts are on. Will build another high-density rabbit warren there if they can get away With tt If the cit)' fathers really mean what they say about building standards, why don't they trv being consistent for a change. and do something about some of the corrugated ttn dirt-floor, community-bathroom structures that pass for commetcaal and tndustnal butldmgs tn the old pan of town7 No. they would much ratheJ go about their business of running good, tohd ctttzens out of town. Pretty 100n, all of the boat workers, restaurant empk)yees and othef common fo'k win have to try to commute here from out of town if they can find a road that leads to Newpon S..Ch. Either that, Of we IIUbllidize them and pay them the same ridtculous salaries that we pay .arne of our city admin-.ratora. That way. maybe theN folks could affOfd to live In the etty where they work. If we pekt them $35,000 a year, they could live across the street from tome of the guys who ere trying to run them out of town Wetl, IW'Y day now. we can look for the locat boslea to take a hmt from the MeJttcan polttt· c.ans end come in 'Ntth National Guardlmen. bayonets .-let bulldozers and start ciMring peo- ple out. It would do the politlclant .ome good to Slop and r•tize that. whetheJ a man hv• in Dover Shores, in a trtiler perk, or in a cardboard lhKk on the 11de of a htll outside n;u.na , it't h,. home and hla ceatle. And he hal~ M much right to live .. politicians, city manag«s, or Upper Bay birds 1-0 I 0 1-0 0 1 o.J 0-1 ,._ .. wpon E.dp;W ... tajmy, Ia-30. 1-Pop II Get your kicks at the ORANGE COUNTY FAIR July 9-18 FREE FAIR PROGRAM in next weeks issue PVIIJC lliOnct ncT'I110VS aumn:::u , "~ STATDUiff n.. tulow... pe,.,. .. J "~ b ..... _ -. I .ullfl C'OICS Ul T AliT 251~ I COUll H.,. {"lu•n• ~• w., C A ~ ltldo .. llarlooe 'M Dol W.r t....q,.,..a..c• CA~~~ T~ .. '""-"-_, -c.d-.ct-d by en II\ ct;.od...,J S;q..d llucl~ lf••t.n r~.. • .......... , ... hlect •••h ·~ C<NntY c .. ,. ,t Q,.,q. C' '"'"'" n 1 ... ll I !Ill rkW.u. "••• .., '"'' • • ~ , ..-1 ,. n.., N.wpott l .ll&IIQr'l f,~/l71 Nl\4, PVIUC lliOnct ncTmOUIIUIDIESS AAM1 If ATDGIIT r.. -... ,..,.._ aq: ,.,... .,. d ... J ..__ .. TATLOII CIIOW 6 CON PAII'T ~~ Doooo• 0. ""•'• ~ "-l>c>r• ._ " <.A ~~ II a•W r •• , :• L...,. &....· H··r ,. a.. CA 12MO Mach, .. ("; Ct • t fl So, ... 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JBt D ~It .; rH I~ If[! ~f~·~t g ~ ;, ~: f~har I i ;t: !r.~et I i ,, u.~llnlnm ltjt:mrmr•n!.tH~ll U!~fl!:fii·l~ J'i!l!t~~F~!!'!!ll!ii~!HP Prpw: I r d!f! r!JifHH! ~!!f 'l!m=~~liHHW~WUJ~~l!lHH; I iit~f l(i'l!lj[ i ii(~f l(l i•m Hi lffif lr~l{~f~l:! i' iif~h{hlf~HHJ, .• -~ Jrlf•[· ll '~'t:ll '~r~fllll .. ( I f l~' li !rHrl•h~ .. ·~r t~!lh~ I' ~Hr ! a~ !. •f t l Lr i ·I~ t ;f f~ ~ri tif. F'rf e;hH~i Lr ~m: ! I ~ hi! [I E' I ~ I! f '! 9 : [f' . i ! l ( r !f:f!:~ . i h'rf' f ft I lr .JJJ :IH}rlliL ".I~ ,{ rltll~ .. t L J tl &.t L ••• lt.'~,f lh,f~l .,• .• Jd ~J.. ~-r ;.rl ri ,[, Ji f~1 f I. J,t tsliJ:-i' .. l .. L_ ff .llllui,..t 1 a at. ~~[~J ~!a t ~(a LJIJJ ~ . 1r •• -·-•-ol I. 1 t •. f ~-~at Ll ~-------- 551-6970 t3easY~I ' _ r-:l ~· at r..-..co JaYIJIIII . ~ .-J Delivery servtce avaUoble 4-9 p.m. North Irvine ootv Progressive Designs For Men and Women LOCAftD IN 110NECRE&& PLUA c-.~~Aa.UNCA PatrY., raVINE ..,.... NOaiWWOOtD TOWN c&NTD _ ....... vo. •• .., 1\c~·'YJ ' 8TATMMtaaY • ....,., • fddlft • Forma ·~ •Oia~)'- ~WCMI Buy One Sandwich get second 1/2 PRICE MAv NC 'BE u<:.£' N''•• :v". 'Hfi?COl:> t, EXPtRES 7-7-82 TV SERVICE CALL (•f TV repotred) or $4.50 if not repaired (reg. 522.50) IMne 'IIIII ~ttl Ortty ~ ~7 •• I I I I I I I I I •• ••••••••~OUPON•••• -I Ha!u~!!!!!f I or Permanent Wave I ·~· tUSTOMUS Rl' I .. IJNQ ,.,.., I ----··········--··· ~~.~~·~C~JCN•~~~·~ 20% off Any Service MON·TUES-WED • KARENorJUNE ---·-------. ..... ,.,. \ • ·-~-- .. :::::2 --. * * TM •W'J*' , ... r Wecb by. Jue •· •• heell -' ' .. .. ... .. ~ .. 12 BUSINESS PERSONALS AIOIOOlCDIJf1'l 1 , __ .. HolM:.. 2 rua.r.& Duecton J c-... ,., Crypt~~ 6 Lots 4 W..ona.l SP'Ioru~a II A.tuloun-ta 7 Aceowat&at.e 8 Aetomey 9 Peuoealll 10 Lo.t &Ad fov..od 11 SchocMalla..lnoc:111 12 B-··-Pe~u.la 13 a.uu.q 14 ,... &ad Li.....toclr 15 G.J~e s.J. 16 He.lth 17 Trew.VVacauoo 18 l.DI.rt&J..D.aenl 19 Gafl Sl.IQ9 ... lOU 20 Clu..ropractJc f1IIAMClAL 28 Woa.y Waoted 29 Woney To Lo&o JO &au~-Op_por 31 lnv...-t Oppor 32 T null o..da and Wort9aq• 33 Forecl~'ue Sw~ 34 ln..wuce MERCHANDISE 3S laete Sal• l6 Sportuaq Good. 31 At1 38 Aauca-. 39 AI.ICt10u 41 Fus111hue 42 App~ 43 TelevwoD/Ster~· 44 WQ.Aeal l.aanuanta 45 Othce lqwp-nt 46 Stamp• and Coua 47 S.WU19 Wacluo• 48 Fabnca 49 ~odal)ewelry 50 MucelJ&.oeoua 51 Waot To Buv RENTALS 52 Rentala To Slare S3 A~rtments Unlro 54 Ap&rt.JIIeota Furo 56 Ho-Uoiurn 57 HoUMS funuahed 58 Condoai'T wnh.Ms f or Rent 59 Vac&tlOo Rent&la 61 Rooma f or R.nt 62 Othce/Commrcl 63 R_. HomM 64 Board &.Od c.,. 65 G.raq• f or R•ot 66 W&.Oted To Reol REAL ESTATE 67 RMl Ltate 68 ~for Sale 69 CoDdoei'T~ For Sale 71 LoG aod Ac re.q• 72 R-ort Property n Bu.w-Propem 74 lncome Commrcl Propertv 75 Property Moqmnt 76 Income lndu.i11&l PropertY n RMl E.atale W&ot.d. u ch.\oqe MOBILE HOMES 80 Woblle Ho111• 81 Mo bue Ho111M Waot.d 82 Mob•l• Home Prlr.a BOATS 84 &.t .. Eqpmnt 8S &o.t Cb.rter 86 &o.t Sllpe AUTONOnVE 87 Auto Uphola:terY 88 Wotor Hom ... 89 Recrtn Vebacl• 90 S.rvace. Repaar 9l Motorcvcl• Wopeda 92 Bacvcle<r 93 Vana Truck. f o r S.le ~ Trucks. V•n• Want.d ~ Auto Part' Acc-.n• 96 Auto Trek l.unq 97 Autoa W•nt~ 121USINESS PERSONALS l iLLY DA NCI Cl.ASSIS .... __., ct.. to~ -'nlllft· ct.r. 7 p • .. "'""' a.~. 1y o.-. w Coi"OIUI cW w.r. 731-4.5'74 VOICI, vocal \begpy ..d coec:lwtq lor •1114· en, ec\on, ~n Nan Kowud Nnr Enq l&ad c_,., -, 9,ad --· ~ .... .., an.dy aod ~eeclwtq 111 N- Yorll and Boeton 73().1~45 PUI LISHIII 00£5 NOT ACCIFT h&bwty lor UICOrrec1 ..,.lluaQ 9 r aJIIlma tiCal I.DACC\1 r • c a•. or typoqraphiC&l errora lD aAy edver taemeola pll.bllalled ao tb. Cout Wed.~. Neww Group SPIRITUAL READiftGS Adwtce r...dua91 and C:~Jmq AdVlCe an •ll m.alten 1815 S £I C •maoo Real. Sao C .. men• LICea...d, 4 yeua locAlly 492-7291 412-1036 SWIOISH·NOIIWIG IAJif SnJOIMTS-Gula and boyw I~ Swed•n &.Od Norway 16. l7 ,_n old need cannq peno:a.e to ah.re love home and d4u.Jy W• lor upcoliWIQ ~ebool y .. r Gr .. t opportwury lor eotue t.a&Jy to l.aro •bout Scaadan•va•o Wul9\Ul9•. culture aod I m&N WeJooo ln•od• All atudeota apeai •• c eUeot !.oqllah and are ~0\11 to leem &bout our Weetyle For more I.Dlonuhon c:&IJ Ken 497 6526 I ATTORNEY lMMlGRA nON A tr .. olt~ee c:ouultahon N•vtlle A.ah.non Allor oey {714) 73Q..ll38 OftUNit fliUVERS1 New I lew Ptotect JO\Ir 09ata upen.aced repr-o t.ahoo O ranqe Co\lDIY t..Qal Clan1c 17141 l mcrm BAD ClliDrT feport 1 -.ta to c redlt 19peu ~ow you bow th4 proe reaa.. unwaated ltema from TOUr eredtt report plua bow to obta1n 9u•raoteed V.-. Wuter C•rd wathoul ~TLDQ .qeoey l-S.nd S 15 only to 5414 C Walnut Ave Bo• 186 lrvtne. C A 92714 S.hafaetaon Q\l&racteed 9PDlSONALS C HRISTIAN IIDQI•• eaoc:.ahoo mo re tb.o 500 meraben Prolu• and ~r~ Non denoa~nahonel Ca ll lolUrM owaber I 800 532 3972 uk lor Peony .. ..,e r Adwatcb M3S33 SLENDER SINGLE LADY WANTED lor d.Dce d•t. by c.ll •• trach•• w qen• S2 Courter( .. ured Boa 3878 Cou t Med oa Newa 272 1 E C OU1 Hwy Corocw del Mar 92625 11 SCHOOLS• INSTftUCTION TUTORING Na.t ~~ta l 12 and collaqe Day evenanq &od Nmmar SIO per "'"" M r Wo rqan 645.5176 12 BUSINESS PERSONALS . ..... ... SUNND MOiliNG -~,., aod ape- caal ed\ICatiOD cred--b&la ,,...tJ., -.duDq ._r'IU.AQI h.od~eapped 640 1159 14PETSa UVESTOa FRU KITTlN '-ma.l., \U/b&.ac:lllwlule 12 ..... aid 557 3297 DOG O llDIENC t TRAINING lor owner• wbo care Ooqs/pupp, .. 7 w"u and up G.rO\Ip/ pnwate '-oAa Board! tr&lDlDQ problem be b•vaor coruuh•hooa Sue Wylea 966-8444 YORXS~ PUPPIES -AXC 8 ...U Will bold wlul. 1-'10n111q S200· S250 837 .69J2 11 HEALTH ----LOSI WEIGHT NOW 10 to 29 1bs Ul JO cia" or your SJI 15 lor I moo til ·, -..pply refluo ~ Call HEJlBAUn daatnbgtor Wlcbelle 645-5423 17TRAVEL/ VACAnON TRAVEL CLUB f\lll Woa.y Travel Uo.luluted -r1UD9f u coa.ult.ut WuumUJII t.D v•tmetat (melllberUup) No competrbOD Fabu· loua frM tnJM lmpor lADI frM m-tm9 f or aolonutioo call {714) 545-3632 Alii NEw ZEALAMD ticket. A.atral~·N­z-la.Dd 1 wy 16 \400 Cbevy Lu• <:.mper S I 00 496--49153 11 £MfERTAIM RED. WBJTE •BLUE BALLOONS u D.lq\M, ~,__jJa.d qllt Delaveftd loc.lly Order oci.y "&Uoou of N.wport." 64.5-6445 A UA~aniY DANC~ will mde yow n-t < CC&alOD ~~peeaal We ec ertaUI lor pnvate ADd b~ qroupa C&ll 731 4574 SEND LOVE b•b .ro the br Be.u'l lor lo 6-4 )WiONl: YOU b<Nquet ol 30 .Uoooa ·•a...ta 0\11 of ·~ .. lor bnd• f\lD ol JulY P .. rtect OCC:aso DJ Bt _.lANS 3 h.. •Ita &nd I -n ocu •tehon lor rent [af •I .. nt N•wpo rt s.~ • arN Wodern Ml r \>45 9 }QC ART C RAf l onatructo11 •u•• wo r kahopa br ~ hlkiren adult• st•rnnq S.p ••mber All rn.c:~.. Call ITVloe flOe Arta C•nt•• (714) 552 1078 b, 'ulv .)() LUN S6 PDI HOUII •lli.oq A'IDn produc t• Pari t1111e near vour bo~~~e or an your worlr plae• Call Carol Sb.l }y 540 7041 • • • e\ • •· • • ••. i. . . .... "' ....... . ' ... . - ARE YOU ~ SKILL£]) hobby woodwo rla•r? W ttil • shop' Decorator needs JOUr tat.nta lor null lOb-anuque hu IIIIU re rep&H 151 lS25 _.d•n .... Cl•aalflecl ·-~ ..... -...... " .. , ... _,, ')I ,., ,., II ~) l ,,,, ,,,, 1,,,, ~~ t Cl?l IJOI ,,.. ,., I ............. .... ....... ..,_. __ _ ,,,., ... ... •• •• iiiiiiiiiiM---... ~ ... ~ ... ...... ..... ·~-__ _. -~-· ................. t o........-~ ......... ' ~ • === :.... .....,_ . • a., '--:-"-• ..... a. .. : .....-........ n........e .... ~-·--~ . -.. _ --· .. __ .._. ~--------. . :···-···--·-··········-·······-·····-··· .. •········ t a-.. PUSTIGJOUS UAL 1ST A T1 OJ'ncl In tr. .U.. look.ia9 flor top q..Ju, ....... Gooa oo-....ioo tpltt. JCo .. ... 8151~. 752-1493. 21110111"1 ro 10M nnao SCOBS Coapetill•• ••'". •roa.r~...w . laaedlate taacllaq. ....... , ...... ...... 01•rn MC*I'f WA.IftiD: Ia· ciU.. ~ ,., ........ , ......... ooaor•l• feaatav -.cW... ru. ..... Ia U.S.A. lib. a.c... • - 131-a.:l. WOifiY -WOUT - HOIMOW,....: Laua by r--------------1 plloee, W ud lni ,~-------,,~I~ill4t.iiiffitN ,.,. o..da ...uo.... .. CLAIIIfiiD .., ........ ea ....... -. ••• 27lt E. eoc.t...., Corona dill Mar (7~ 67)-()M() you llih.lal.ka or ..... Call J&a. clay. &19lll. •••• dr -.em. WlDOW HAS ...., lor trwt c&.M, 110,000 I.IP No credit c:Mcb, DO peuby Call .,_._ "-cla .... 1'73-7311 ... _.. ......... .... CIIIIIII....__. ...... & ................. ....... ,. ..... _......,.. ......... ......... ~~-UOf'FICE EQU,...IPiiDI-·n-· - -•-QIW WAG CAaD D r_..-e wordp~.,..._. DISTRIBUTORS ll1·1113 · bceU.at eoallltioa. t--------~ $4,300 or ba.-c6r. Call WARTED s.u,. (714) ~100. Sl IICYDTIIIItl To operate ow com· Off'Tll ttDIAJIOIG)I• plete line of ,.....,..y DfVIS'!'OIS -DIIJT , ....... -Hot food VeJI1d1DQ' nil, ..U w..WXh ... ISTATI 1 SICONO. Machin". Uaino * lt.iiJit.Jy protitab» HAJm JKWU.RY aad National Branda luraiew. ud ....._ *'liA9 Oatw.,. cOIU aull.taenanao b~ much a-at BeotleJ'•· MerchandiM, wttll • -..11 ~tore ......,. 220 1. 17th St.. Co.ta m a c b 1 n • 1 a r lOOK. Call Inc• Scha. W... 645-6585. placed in facton.s, :.Z~~4) l84·50&4, GRAJU) OPEJOJeG scboola, b......,.ita.J..a, TIM C:0. W.. COUI & --.-WA.NTID: PIUVATI Df. J-•-be:'----2426 and mdu.~ln.I com· VISTOI wttll.dYeoture .__.Y -· ·-· .. _.... Newport Bhd.. eo. plellel. We IUI:>Pl'YI capbu IIO -Credt W... b11yw aad ..U. tlLe a.OIII p,...,_ ____ .... 1 You Wlth th. 11 1 _ -,._ ry, terap I::IJ ID ... 91.1aa -U _,_,_, L- 1 .. U..-~ .. _ .... __ .. ........ -. ··-· equ1pment, oca· • ·-_.,. _... colAI, .UV.r 631·!1833. d od 9roGDCi lA the am ud lJOD.I, an pr uct. ~.,. 1 vooc1 appea.r· You supply 3-1 a.oce Call ~-3481 hours per week, and the deaiJ"e to PP1 -Pera-.lll part. i=.:-:--:--........,...,.==,,=0 ,..:.= .. 'J fan an c 1 a 11 y liar. A..weriDg .note:• Pan T•m• Wor~ dependent. Y\lh~l \ ~~~~ lo ..... , t .JnCI r('.ad .al O•t-'' • RIDWOO D 2&6 DICDHG • 36c:/loot 4d latbce puelt $12 50 eecb Jim, m1481. ape~ prefened or l•i:•ii•iiiC»ii·c:---11 wa.wr ro •••OCII IUT PUaL .... DOU .or AOCII'I' .........., ... IMII'ICI ..... .,.._....., a..ocu- ec-. or"''' qi!Mial _ ... , ........ lhr e pwi!JbH ia ~c_...._.,.._ Graap. roa SAL&: 1 ,.u .... 1!10 ca, 125. l peb *' ~. u. 3, 110. Oral ahev.,.. ,..., oraove aod lt.IOW1l rill '*ve colon, S1S ..._ bowl- 1A9 ball. AM.r. ta c:any· I.Dq c..a. "'* .... ....... ~.~. SAJm.U SIIOIS - "HAPPY" n:IT fo. -tue taaily. s..,.. ,_,. •••-· $7.85-Sll 15 Diatrtatatore warted 548-3183, 2217 Nm.r, ec.uw... SICOND HAND ROSI. Newucll.l..ci-'a&Dd ...... , clotlti.D9 ud ~.,... CODaMiJD· -•&os». &itW letla, Coat.a W.. at Poac-. 548-11820. 51 WAMTTO IVY CASH PAID for OUALIT'f AM'TIQCnS. jewelry, c aaeo t , dtaaoodt. pertua. bot· tlea. ~r ..U, c~o~t 9Ia., c lt..aa, .Uver. on.. lUI. GAl.LIIlY ONI ~.4it-SI886 WU!ID: OLD~ ,.... ......... ...... ••loll••· alluar1 .............. oolrc. .. ~,.,. ........ MY ...... SIJ_..,.,, WAJn'ID -UIID Ju. a! .. ,.. ..odena, -· l~e • ..,,i~ton, .......... d,.n (worll· tao. aoe-worlr.I.Dg). I.. s. 1157 .. 1». WAJrTID: FtU1U.111,., appli&ac... (nlriver· ............ d.ryen, TVe, wor:kiav. ao•· wodiacJ), ...... -· ~. c6ou ........... . IICAS{714) _, .. lll . CHIISTlAW RQOW. ..... -Apta.,bo-. cotalloe availa.ble to ah&re. ••'ll fiDei ooe lor fCNI C.U f.uo-Ju,p RooiDJUle s.mc: •. 870- 5293, nt. 55. Doa.atiou o.U,. ATTINTION Ho••· .._,.: Cld ~. Cout HC~~aUU~._ bu quab~Jed, reepo!Mihle people to ab.a.re yow pa.c.. Appomtmeut a1 J'O'&I C:OO...U..C. CAlJ Duy4M-12SM LOOIUNG FOR Jl()()W)(A Tl iD M.-oe V..,o coodo. r...- preferrecl. sm p1u ubhbee. ass 8482 BOOWWATI WA.NTID -SAa.re 3-bechoo.. 2· batll boa.. SJSWaontll 4M-1839. will traia Loc.ted lA oo111rahnq 6r l n vestment Ja.llioa Ia!. ad 644 EDUCATION q u i r e d . 17).15St CROCHIT CLASSICS 53 APARna:NTS .s3 APAR'OIEin'S 7080 DISCOVERY TOYS · Set your own ho-.ra 1nformalion cal NDD DATTIWI CAJtl U f lor laiul lA 001 bome Call851 0552 to · r" 1-800-852· father ho-durtnq Ahernooru and £vn 1771 • uk for opera· 32 TRUST DEEDS clay, -...,. aon~ to_,r no. 26. ARD Call551-3021 28 UCENSED MORTGAGES USTORATIVI-NURS-IMG ASSIST .urr. Pro· CBILDCARE CARE 2HD T .D. 'e, 15-YIAR 9._..,. rehautlllatloo STAT! LAW RE-DISTRJIUTORS hilly amortued. 17~,.. orirtated hOipii..J &oolt-QUIRIS th.tt -noaa Low poiDta. Call 8&4-._ ..--2SHUor quote iDq our • .. bare mob· who prov.d. duld care t--------._..J wa-.cl iadJ'ridMl In 1.0 than bome be hcen. ........ct iD worlnnQ w1th ed For wormahoo on ~ qeriatnc pabent h.ow 10 oblalll lx:eOM 111 Mlllt be f.uuba.r with Oran9• Cou.oty. call r•torahwe nuralnq (714) 834-5172 lec:Maque U UileT.aed, iAJYSI'TTIItG ~call lor IAie,.tew NIGRTS/WEEDJroS ....,_.., W&Dor ConY&· '---1 Hoeptlal, La Go out for dumer . ..,... n••--U •tL ,._ 100() IU.IIq CI&-, 111--, ~ .. ;;-;;;;;-=.·~ .... =··;;::::d t::c~u:· ;!ip: lftf£RVJEW'ER whale ,ou.r DO YOU own ll"•' IS away 157-8029 • Lib lo TaJJr <''~Phone' BABYSITTER WITH • Need l~ra., n-' -' • UCENSi, l.aqWll H..U. • "-" r ••• lc >par•? .,.. Good referencae Are you En I ·~•c lnlantl to two y-r• ud P 04111 ve? 951 0760 IFSC WEOf 'ER • O.yllv-•n • Pan/JuU Tr • SU.r1 So4 00 • NoLp N• CALLil I All C.l RESF (71.) 5 •BOOS' SALE lulta 'r 27 SITUAnONS HO:!~~r boal8ittmq ••cb..nqe lor lodq&DQ Wtuta m.ale, 55, vary reluble, qood relerenc •• Larry 759 5035. 759 1943, 54().1338 HOM! AND CHILD 1 C ARl by lnqbab ~~~ 1nq Sc.andl.lliYWID pan lor room. board and amall allowance P-.. c•ll974 ~1 68 HOUSES FOR SALE 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES 32 TRUST DEEDS AJG) IIOilTGAGEI 2 ... Trat D••• ToSSOO,OOO • No Balloon Paymenll • Up to 15 Yean to Pay • Up to 90~ Loan to Value • Reaulentw-Apll. -CoiDIIlercw hrlw1l. lOUt_..._.,_,.._ UIIOUSEI FOil SAL! UBOUSESFOa SALE 8o..etJie kids are go aod )'our pre enl'ho ju &I n•& ••• u -P.O. Boll 44, laao· UlfFUR.N UWFUM log, OT~on ~~ 1;:=:=:=:=:=:==:~::::::::::::::~ Jte111.1 ~a to order. h l.er&JUD9 to.,., b&by ud adult cJothet, lACe ed9· 11191, dow... table· cloth... peno-.1 eer· ti.fic:.lel lor aJUUver· aariea, bartha, 9redua· tiou, wedcli.Dqa, -.Gil· aJ oma.e~~ta . UBOUSESFOB IAI.E CAUITHOMI .. IMMACUlATE" 1 oncl 2 beaoomt lmmedlofetv ~ Opflonall vea 1eo1e o.lJxe Mro of BRIARWOOD 8eou1Wul partclte .. ntrG we* 10 st'q)pll ~ ctoee to fr~ Pool. ,., ... tou-oe. SOin 001 n. ~ to cool. heat and coot Wlfh. AI the ex1rol a• here and vou too wtl wont to CAll RHOME Santo Aro Ffeewov 10 NeW1Xl'f ,.,..,.. exit. then left on warut l3Z2 South Eost Wc:Jn.Jf. T us1n 832-7870 • IIOUIDFOR IAI.I . 53 APAR'OIEin'S UIUOU Prize W•t loy bayfront. $Upt fOt 2 boots, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 both s 1, 200.000. Oc.an and jetty views. Morine room, .. bedrooms, 3 baths, 3,100 aq. ft. $1,3115,000. Oc.eanfront. .. I -~1 JOW I lc.8Dr IIJITA1 -a.. Jua ~~.2 ......__, 1 Wll. 2-c:a~ tar.... tsOQ/aoa~. A~ '••'MII•'wly. c.a ...... ...a-l-ICJO..S3'a-.31n, ... lor ._.,... .... Allwatct. W403'7 . SAM a IMDift-... co.do. ).a.Mrooa, 2~·1Ma, 1100 -.. M. Sll5 plu MO•rlly. 496-1235, 157-0221, 771-1.254. 5I YACATIOII UIITAU LAD t AIIOI oa ~ ••Ia 4-bellrooa, 3-~. nc.U..t 11-. CoapiMriJ ~. S700 per ..-. 552· 2115, ..... ~11 BIG IIAJl 3 bellrooa cabua ID tlLe ally Cleu au, p laelreea, tu.pMce, c:olof tv. M5 per clay .-caal ......,. ralea . 148·8111 , sas..a:m. lA TIS I.I'DUCU> - Pala ~ L .. uy c~tM-· --..ora. r..u, hu· aa.Jaect, 1 becbooa, tleepe loa.r Teaala. awlaalav, jacllad Avai1allle ·-~•adt, a1dw .. k or loa9er ..,_., A~ Jv.ty lit •••k.ct. c.u ...... p.a . S45·7Mt or 846·31 •. VACATION 1.A ltq lear -2-becbooa coDdo. pool. S35-M5 IU9ht. 768-7343. llROOMSFOR Ran' ROOW. Cltrlatln a.o-. lutehea priril· S9••· q_a.iet male, llrai9bl Near be.ach. S275 plu ~o~lilltlu l.a9'LD6 leech 4._ 2216 100w roa liNT - F~o~nUaUcllaatllB!aMd Noo·aaobr. Hcuae .-d pool prt'riJevea SJOOI a01atll. MU •tWU... IJ Toro .,.., 1155-tllO or caJJ loiJfJM nllaher 1-100-532-38'72, .. lor Pua,.. .. r Adwatcb NA080. a oFFICE/ C()IIMDClfU. omCI SPACI fOIII RDIT· ...,._, Wed.lcal Plaaa, aear Boa9 Hoapllal. PtJo ho· therapllll. 131-0414 ............ .,._ Ceat.r olftc:it wllll ~ of rKePhOO, C:O.t.• eGCe roo~a, ltilc._., pllone. MOrelariel aad -Jd PtoCWMtail I N.uJ~-.. .... Yte'e .. .u.w. e.pal• ale1y " 4eared c.ua.o, (11.,,..,. 17 REAL IITATI IEACII aecoMI PI t•rtriJid M 11 ounu ns.ooo clowa. ac..a ... $131000 TlliPLII us.ooo clo••· Uk.e •••· ODeea ~. 1222.000. T8D"LD. 112 Woct to ~. 13 .. II..G&Dc:Lav S32I,OCIO. 4-PLII. t..rve .w•. 13M.. llanola9 f:!SS....L!OO. '-n.&&. $40,000 ,_,.,. blo008M. 11'3 Wock to bee.d S3IO,OCIO. a.an. a.alty ..... ", ..... -.as a AM b Joe .. Jcaall 18VIWI-Uahenlty ................ ~-~= .......... ..... w .. to ...... -. ..... jao .. ll, ~ owaar . tll4,to0 . .... l .. •80U'nroa IAL& COlt A MilA 3· ............ ,. ........ lac.U.at aoc.uoa. C..eoPMik.row_.. Wo,celfloMa ....... ...... FORECLOSUU a.-. cl ... , ....... bctrwa .• 3-be ... pooJ ud ... t..qwaa Niquel. Wu s:Mtt,SOO. ltow NAlO YOUR P1UCI. 11S-1'7t'1, ev-1. 4 IIDI()()MS AND POOL! 1137,!00. Cor· poralie OW1IeJ -.&..w pnc. -•P ..UI Loor. ly llioQ .. IaaiJ, ..... Ul fOOd ..... Subl!l.lt~ ...._, Nk lor TOMJ. Ceohuy 21 -Ailob., ,.2fT17, lt00JU)()8/ TOWJaiSES FOBIA.LE NORTHWOOD -n. ~ by ow-.. 2-ltory wa....,rcat patio towa· ~. 2 becbooa. 1 ~ bath, au colld., aJJ ..-!tire. o.-r l.i..Du· cmv av...U.W.. S131,· iOO. Pri.Dcipala oaJy. (213) :m-21115. 71 tOtS• AQIEAGE B·l PJIOJICT IN· HANClS laall n.l-. 1 0 ac r•• Aate 1ope V.U.J Low llowal ....... (714) i57 .. 131, s ..... SIJCI OF PAAADIS&I 3 5 ac ree, Valley C.llliel $10 000 dlnnl, owaer wtb carry. 4M-!1811. IOIXAC IIJLATULI IOAT. 11'. 10 • IWt-.... Muy ... , .. _ .. ...,_ ........ . d-01J7..,.. ~IMl ..... u.c:n lall Prl •110101l 1101118 •IICYCLD • AUTO •Aa1S/ AO:II"D. Tl II.~ SUllO cea-.&m. AC,WG&'Iua& CLUWI IPUYJI) I A:o « a101'tn• ... --. y_, rrr ·hla., ,._ r • ._ (714) g.7210, n.. ....... ,..... •• • F .......... ·-.... D DIRECtORY OF SIN 0 --- MAIIINE SUHt.IES1 .... c ....... , WlJJ.S S2.S.GO DAIOELA. YEllEURAn. 7$2-5411 SA LLY'S IIAUTY NOOK. 188 I . 17\b St • c-. w-. P.,....ata boa Sll .!OU».l~. se.oo ~~~'· sa-poo uc~ ..... $4.!0. , I'OIItul9. Sll.OO llP· ~. s:uo 642-*2. IN-HONI l OOT WMPS. S25. Sbo ud t.oc. .,....._., S25 Both. $40. lDhuh .. 00-.ha9, $25. AlJ 3, S60 631-0217 CABIJUTWT SPIClAL-n -Ki'ct..-·. beta- room. ud ... bar&. No ,oO too ....nJ p..., S Rod9-o P!ope.1y la· prov..-1, 631-2345. CABDRTS -Cu-. ~. btcJ.au, book· c-. ban, 961~ &Ad c b&lr ra.ila. 640-7154 --ua~ AAk fo•loa ruNCH DOORS, beJ wi.Ddow., patio COYeft, .b. fraai.DQ, .d.LD9. ,__, wood OooriAQ , ............ hc.l· lout ,..,.__ Uah· ~ Job. 67S-«JJ2 CABPKNTRY: fw.h, cahlaeb, bookc•-· rtain, doon. hpe· neoc• gphwated C&tl (714) m-0657 CA&I'D11lY reacM ud De<:b &.paus a.ly. ..... •. -.~1176. w..re-Cupe.try Co ?Mea CAAPIIfTD -ror· IIUCa ..o:d:. c.--ca,b. ........ booil ......... ~~. tw.ll ..ork.. 23 ,.... ~ ,_ iG-ta!ll, 113- ~. n..ak JOil,...., ------------ CD Wla~I-IIIICJI ., ...... CAIUIIWJ ai•T & COOK . Da~tct.e. ~., ......... a-t .. ,.. ....... ... Tal..,...,.. ft.A.aDIQ A IIIOW· D1 W • clo II ... JOL ··~-....., .......... -·- c.l sa-•• -14C). 341M. c !IHIIII CONCUTI WORK Pelsor. clu•••aJ•• bJockw.U., rooa .deb· Uoar . .... c uthaQ lea~deat ial/coaaer · ci&l Lie 254124. Paw, '17S-3283.~1 CENDT, DICK AMD BLOCK WOH. P•'-· On ..... .,.. ,,_ ... Call Joho, 731-3868 or 731·1366ahcr 5 CI.EAIUG svc runa:a PIU.OWS OIIM'ft)! .... bclti:aq IDcl~ a--bow •nice (71,) 142-4170 COJICRETE I SPICIALIZI ta tad· t.aa-r work &ad re- •o•al •I coacrata <P-boe. ...alb a.od clm.waye) Aleo cuttbMJ &Dd ...... w\DQ Not ..... be w.-·. CoD crete R.a.o•al. 631- 2110 IJUCK WOilX -All TYP1S -Block walk ud rcpa.u Coocrete dnw•wap, eulewalb ud J;Nbor I.Jo=--t 84l-JOO:Z CONCRITZ WOU - Ouwewaye, pehoa, pet.ba, etc No ,oO 100 PJUU. Nk;keJ, SJ6. 1722 COMSTRUC110N I WILSON I SONS - all.l.klen rr-.... -... 30 ,_,a open· ..c. ao..IM L.c: No :J!f14111. S..1740 OVDHOLT CODMru.c· boll.. Re'IO'f·hDCJ &Dd * r raa1DCJ, drayw&ll, bey wtadowe. frcecla doon o-Jity at Jo.. t:m., c.u llryaa. "DON'T WOVI RIWODil. ~ HaS CoD· AYA.ILA•• 10-. .,.. ........ .......... IIU$1111-ftci ...... ~ ••. LOll, --~- llUWA.U TA..:a All •••'''•' ••• ............... ............. ... ,_ " ... ~ ~-- FUiliU1'UilE UPAJB• UITOBE HAND STRIPPIMG, repa.lrtav. Aatupee, ranu.-~. eMu c:.&IWI9. ~. SPIClAL -ally ~ aay colo•. Mad· .utp-r.:. 75~ A~ -;;; Cl.a laanon, 711 W l'TUI St . A·2. ea. ..... 662-1lflS G.ABDEIUifG rtllST IWPRISSION Total 14Ddec...,. S."- acea laMD&boD &Ad aAJ.II~. y,_ ..,.. ace, .,na.klen, IAWil ..-.owatioo. DMp root ~We dolt all, eo call ... ., 801'0TIJ.lJNG OOifl DDlT c:.M.p. ~. Oo-r becb, lewu, lucbcApiDq. Re.eoa· able ratcJ ,,. ad'n!Ce 646-781 g &Dytla. OOWN TO IA.lTH LaWil aad Gudao s.r... loce Coap.... IM&aDa· boll, ~atioll ud -.Lalod&Dce OaalitJ •"w:• at dowra-lo· MJtA POCM S.bd.Md c u .. o•en our hnt pnonty c.JI &D~. 146-7819 QUDICDIE t.wa aaJDI-aace, ct.a.Dup. ler~Je &Dd ...n y,. l:ruaaJ..Dq ead reaowal rree Mtia&lca 548 6065 ruu NAJNTIN.A)fa &Ad C:Mou1lp. SpecialU· IDQ ID ~rCJAl &Ad aboppu19 o.ten. C..U Tooy, 146-7B 8IST A.NDICAN Gat· daaiD9 s.mc. ~· 11safiJ ua •-kly/bt· .-k)yhaoDt.hJy ........ ..,..._ &Ad deo&o·upe ,,....,. ... ~· GLASS llb1loctioD eoac,.-aAd IIAIIDYIIAJII carpeetry Coaper• PATI.ICK'S HOWl a. ~~~r~;:.~~~~~·~c:e.!•§~~•r:e~a~c~•·~~u:f 1m===· cupcatry. aJ.c:tric.J. p~. ccmc:,... poe- bee aacl .. alb. Ro.u:ly ,.... No JOb too ...u (714) 641-31'113 GIINAN CRAnS NAN -14 ,.an loce.l llo•eowaer, fr~Y. cle&o, r-.bla No , jOb too -..11 ,,. ·~--.;... ...... ____ l..u..ate. 64.2--tm. WI'MiliQe' AI Em UPAillS 6 UWODIL DIG ol all eorta d- ecoeoaacally aad efb cn.ttl'y 148-2111 0. cou• aw&ll&bla S.. · .... all oi Oraaqu eo-. ty , ••• , .. I • M &OVEWDIS CAU'UTaYJfl.lSJI wo.c.,.... 00..... ~·~':; ............ mea 10 ,_......._.OJ ... 14111. ROUSICLIAIIING Co.ple+e w ..... me.~laoa.M. coadoe. a-..o•a.ble ,..... ~Call .her 4 p.a .. M2·2531. lWior.a.. HAPPDfiSS JS HA V · lNG 1tNI for ,_,..u. IAl .. buclle yow cl-aaDCJ a..S.. We do tt all! 1D ~ rlnce 1975. The Nopp.tta, ~1300. CLVJfiMG UNUN· rTID. for eaceUenc. lD tao..c~.Maaav. prO'rid &D9 all .. ppbee tnc:lud· &aQ wacuaa. Trul· ..orday ud dependable c.u kMiay lo• Mba&le !M6-3n6 TOP BRASS Cie&lwl9 ~ Hou-1~ •••talcoadolllreotele AJfordable rate. 64.2 0190 ~ Or-ve aaa-=--w...--......._ ... .. ... ...,. lc+.ttJJiNJ, .... ...... Md ... ................ .... 15'11w 5411081! to.~ ·~ c-aJhricll, reJaad. ~laQ. --,._al, woad ct.cka. L.c: 21181. -...all AliENI kill IIOII!OWIUUI St.ape up for __ , I ~peel&lue ID Leod.c:ep- IDQ, QardeniDQ , b.euJ IDQ, tnmounq &Dd com· plete ciMn·up, etc Cheap• Call Scott leraM, 55.3-1241 IIIOID- 1091 aAd _.IDQI GOPHDS 1H YOUJI PLANTS, We trap theJD Call the prof• uo . ...t. 642·4248 CCNaty. e7~50 ~ ~ s'.~ Clesslfled "nOe. You -st liP - -cleu 11 up1 Call MASONRY PAPEll DGIIfG OICHARD WALL· COVUOfG bpert rlrlppiDfiJ/IDIUJle iiOD tt-oable ,..... bee ..... .... ~ c.u Ina., &31-4571 PDCISJ0N W ALLPA· PD HAMGDS lapert crafa.auelup. low ,.... (,_ elllbaalea c..u u &Dd ... ~ ~ 00 JOW &"::" oi wall~ • c&el/BeSld .. t.W St2- 2047 w ALLP A.PD I PAINT Clean, upert work Low reiM fr• eetl _._ ICea'a O.Corel· IDQ (714) 778-5416 LJ1Ul, 552. 76lr2 0D call WN H ANDIRSON ~. b.·aoot.hJy &Del W.Oorp IUoc:k, bnck, aoat.hJy rto-. teoc:•. peuc.. PHOTOGRAPHY 4 OF US plu .. n , w.U. u. .. ,. w.n . ....tuav. ca rpel tor/menor r~ ... WODIL PORTFOUO aluapOOIDfiJ (uiiDQ UJDetM (Lac 380921) &Ad coaapoG'-Black· !Mterday ahaapoo) Bood.d, LONred 642· a.od·w~.lle o• color W.J Sparkllo9 ehowcaee gee& a.od June ~1&1 C..U wiDdow c~. JN!ch ----641·0121. Cbet W)'llll 1.-. &Dd NASONJtY OUR sn. lj1 ::.:.. ra.c:::: CW.TY -Tile -Coo· PUBlJcrTY PHOTOS- cwniDCJ a:M-s.u9 CreW Block a.od l),d JOU kilo• th.al The 0 Sl Bncll Owck. cleaD, D.rlaoo .. c&D tab pro JAC II'S H U · t.111ooel pl&llltctty CLIAJIING. 548-0651 depeaci&ble Peter S .._ ._ _ c.JI s-lay, Noed.eJ or Rodqeo, Property ba· ~~:r:-k .,!d w~~~ T~y ~ ~.~p;;ro~·~·~-~·~· ~53~1~-2~34!!15~ t~.: ior p.-,.. 1111 i ' ~ card.. ICOUUIQ 1IIPEIJIO y WOOD eel~. etc OoJy M1-NASONJt W !IS' C.U lor &ppolAI Tooc:ud.peadoo~Y DALY -t.496-7SIOO. T ANT A'e Hoo...cle&A· Landlcape 1119 Senlce Co•p..... FQ~ PATIOS d.,-deble R-eo•· SPAS , DECKS a.bJe relea, ret.~ 173-1111 963-2401 PEUORAI.IZI:D HOUSELIANDIG lor 1M work1D9 penon Spuki...DQ. rell.thle, 5 yean erpeueac • NesQhborllood refer eoeM. 957.&4.31 ''The C~Spmt " STA·KLI:IN -ColD pJ.te ~leantnQ at JOIU IUYioe 10 help JOu beet tbo. ho.......cleeA 109 blu... Owner/oper ated l2 yMn e:aperl ·-rr .. erlltiWia 64(>.54.3 BOUSa:t:EPIRG WOUlNG WOTHDSI SINGLI PA.UNTS We ceo help wtlll the bola.work &Dd a ucll IDOrc Ooly 4 liloun ...,., otber ~ SeJDe pe.-c:u be ,oun or ........ .u. ooe of our bo-.akoen lor ooly a lrw laow-1 2 or 3 l1aM • weak, wla.l JOU a-t 11 ~ to help wtth b&elc clMoaDQ and the.. e:rtra cborM. aod be th.re wheo yo\lr duld 11 bo.e froiD echool Prol-•ooal booded at&H O.N'a ~mq S.rnce '1'50-0820 BOUSI.:SITTJRG HOUSISITTING Sterv 109 ~Ia ID need of hOIUI&Dq for lu.ly end A<19ut ldeal lor pela aAd plulr Retereocee aw&&leble Call 673 8?02, 67)..0124, ..a for ~OtGt.oa HOUSJSrnlNG -l2 .,..z-olcl qrada&.. atu cleat wstll ,....n.c:• a•...Aab&e to ~· Ill M.wport to Loaq a..c11 ..... thnAo July lt.cll (714) m. 7006 • JIIRROR WIRRO R BREAitS l.nlar 9• roo 11111 off acea wb.ete ver • wtth llllr ror Aoy wall 8'&12' 1/4 plete, S388 uwt&1led Al8o .teode rd tublahow · e r endoe\uM, ~t.al ID8t&llall0 n.t at onJy S88 IDitellcd. aJid wardrobe doon S31 6300 WJRRORlO WALLS wetdrobe doora, Qlaa, btQh qllehly bon .. l pnc.. lapert 101t.U. tiOD •J~Penenced relu ble WID 645 9643 MOVIMG• STORAGE TH1 STARVIHG COL UGE STUDIHTS Mov 1119 Co hu 9ro.n1 LIC T 124436) S.ae qood MfYlce Call 641 8427 NURSING CARE PR.Acn""'CAL NURSI proia.totl&l home cere tor tlle dll&bled COD •U..Cmq AQIDQ eod chroDJCally tll Aveu· able lull or ~rt hme, 24 hour .. rvlCC Tber· ... 6754885 PAINTING SPRING SPECtAL PAINTING lntenor •• teriOr et w\Dte r ratM OuehfY worll &Dd mater .. 1 !Jla•r&nteud Ft .. ..tune 1M , red S36 3471 PADnlMG lDtcriw/Eatenor •~tyWork • "-ub'J Pnced O RION PADmHG CO SS.llll SUWl'lR PAilfTTNG SPIC1AL •"•afle u 1e nor 1550 lJs lenoT 10.. off OlwlhtJ worll ead aalerte la o•ara••••d r r ee .......... ,,.ct SJII..)471 PLASTEIUNG All PHA.SES of P1..AS TIJUNG Re et~cco lellh&.nll9, ID'-norle:a· tenor JN!cbwork Room add.ibou &Ad cu.t0111 bom• p,_ Mlullate Ltc 388781 John. 960-3786 ALLPH-ASiS Of PLASTIJUliiG Ul»qlM p.tolwu; &Ad p&J.AlLDq s-u )Oha -leo- Super lo" tllt1llletM 836-5429 Rl-STUCCO terhar 1DQ d...,..all JNicluoq roo.. addaho~:~.~ to te uor erteuor ,,_ ..wa.ate AI 857 2066 496-5007 PLUMIIMG SANCHEZ Pl.uw:BlNG -R-O.ou.llCoJaJDer ct.al Specwili&ulq LD copper NPlP41 and r• pa111 L1ceoee No 360997 C..U lor lr. Mtim&te 64.2-~ 10~ orr -All LA BOlt Speaah&lDQ ID all typee of plumbtnQ D.pend.able reputable econoaucal L•ce o•• 3374.20 Total PlurnbtnQ 951 3548 POOLS/ SAUKAS/ BOT TUIS/SPAS ZEE"S POOL SERVICE. Coaplele aaaalieD&Dce and repeu laceU..t relia ble worll Low pnc• Owaer oper • ...t c..u 631 sns UVAH'S PCX>L SDV JCI "---enhei/Aper1 meA ie/Co•••rc u l Add wuh &Del~!" R__.&llld~ 541-403'1 QVWTT CoaiMf'C:~Dbaf l2,..D~~­ "JPAWUM0DntNQ ·~ .... I'NI .. • U81GUIIW OUAL.ITY IOOIDIG tor.._ow-...- c:oMnct~oa I" al, _.... ad ........ ....,._ n.U.W. Call '--' , ............ ,. H-., NS-0 lin ROOFIRG All IJpcr, -. old, rap&ln, ct.clla. •a•- proo&Q Call lob 548,..o'711 Lac:. No 4Cl80:U BA Y"S ROOFDIG CO S.rvmq all oi Or&DCJ• COWity All~Jpcr r,_ .......... ~ad. Lac: 36100 All work 9M1 &Dteed. see-a. IIUIEB ROOJ'1MO AIIIJpcr ,._, rue_,, ct.clla L.c: 411102 .. ,. BOIUZOR ROOFIRGCO. .Low rete. oa I!JP'U &Ad reroobAq Lac: ~ ~3101 ROOM ADDmOICS ROOW ADDrTlONS "tchea. betbrooaa, -.4 ben, petsoe w..oa.,.,, electncal Peter S Rodqcn, Property Ia· prove••••· 631·2345 P1lOTICT YOU. POS- SISSIONS Wetllocl recoaaeoded by .. lOt IDftlaACe ~ IMber'• S.rnoea, (714) Sot2.-o:l srtUGBTS SnLIGBTS SAVE ENERGY All wor:k qge.raAteed Oae dey tutallebOa ----~ (714) --173'1 SOLAR SOLAR Domeallc Hot Water Spu& Poola WHY PAY IDIDitiiOna? rect D..lqn IDtte Ji ela OD 407992 TAJLOB UPIRT U WIAV DIG hru. -.n. aotll bo._ Conoo. pcMy· ..... .!II aAJ ... r.n&JI (714) 966-ZJ88 TELEPHONE AMSWEIUJitG SERVICE MAIL •...:;.N_rr=~,..,,_,A-.,..GE SERVICE ••th oceaaioaal ... of ottic:e and/or COlder· ence roo111 P1llo4o copy UIQ word p~. booilhap\1\Q, lei.-copy· IDQ toWree 100 1m. evetl&ble G~t ,...,. port Center ~ ud locattoa C.U Ltlay, (71 4)780-0100 TILE lMSTAU.AnOM TU.I6NAULI IHST ALLA nOM turo~n c raft•••• CoCPaerclal Re11cle• hal Por 1,_ ........... call GcorvtJO. ~5115 1U -.TN I IJIOII D1'1W1E M•iC4 .. 0 1 "«• ..... ... , Tlltl, .;... -=-.... ......... ... . .,. .... .... ad., ........... ~. cunoM nu wo.at AI.,._ I •atnuwn -..-&al.l.a1a• ta r• db, ........ ...... Q..Mt, 1' M .... , ... * ... • ••• , •• c... aoa . 131-7JIJ. IIPDT TUI SDV· Je&: r,. ud rtluU tzilr.aJJI9 ..... ~. Yard c:l-up. r._- tia&tiiL Call -..a. "TIUS IUUTLY TJUNWII) .... -· ed H ..., Jard .... ~ ............. _ ble. re1i.e.ble c..u lor tr .. "'....... Art. 548-7802 ftDTCAJUl T opp1a9, pn&IUIIIII, plout aMpiDCJ, eocl. k&Dtlde, beal .... , c.u Wark .. I UPIIOLITIIIY (714) 157-0121 VIDEO wnroows SPAll- UMG CLIAH -A-.r ~ HIGry $38 (1~17 ~) Sl5 ami a"1ta ~ t.cl.chd ~------­Broa , 541-llJI OUIIQI COAIT w. "'"" yo. wttll • b riQ"t•r ou tloola ANraqe ~ S30 ,,. .......... .... Ill WiaDOWI WUIIED Imae't bell. leac 1 lltOry. 120; 2-etory. S30 ••••deahel/coaCPe r ae1 .. ,. WDIDOW WASHDIG. ().abty work, ,_. ~le ,.... Call (714) 147 sm. a a • ., i pa womows C1.LUID .... ~S30 ....... o.r.dc 0. .... Oll!y, Sl5 lu-la c.u ••. . .., '78 BUICK CENTURY • . "AGON 1JMVNO .................. 3999 '80 BUICK CENTURY )UZUZ .. *4995 '80 BUICK SKYLARK s,., .... *5995 '81 !!.~.-~~~ ......... *5995 '81 BUICK CENTURY RYM7 .. '7995 '80 BUICK ELEtTRAueno ... *8995 '80 ~~.!!'.' ...... '10,995 '81 ~~--~······ '11,995 '76 CAPRI..wYa ...................... *2995 '73 CHEV MALIBU 111 •........ '1995 '73 ~-~·-~~~-.~~·2695 '73 !!r.~ .. ~-~~~ ....... *2995 '78 CHEV CHEVE'ITE HIWQV. '3995 '7~ 2!.~~--~~-~~-·-···· '3995 '80 ~~ .. ~.~········· '4495 '79 CIIEV CHEVE'ITE ntZAH .. '4495 '80 CHEV CITATION .as ...... '5995 '79 CHEV CAMARO • BERLINm'A .,Mif .......... 5995 '80 ~~ .. ~~~~ .. ~~·6695 '79 CAD SEVU],E MSS ....... '10,995 '79 ~~~ '10~995 '72 ~~~~--~~~~ .........• 2995 '76 DATSUN 210 151NIH ........... '2695 '78 DATSUN 200SX ... ~ ..... ·=~ ;80 !!!~. ~~ J:t.'.~ '4995 :~~ !~R~J~t·~::::.:: :.: :i;;~. :~~ ::s;;~=~: : :: :: :~;;~ :;: :~:.. ~~{)'"··· ···, '77 MGB ... ,-.......................... :449 5 5 RUNABOUT .-.A ............. 2695 '7B MGB uwsu .......................... 499 · '76 !!_~--~~~.!~~~~·2695 '79 MGB .............................. '4995 '77 FORD MAVERICK .... :~;;~ ' 81 ~~:.:~~ '7 495 '77 FORD MUSTANG ,n .... ·· · , 2995 '79 PEUGEOT ... -.-. . '7995 :~: :: ~:':t»w~GON'2995 . :79 !~.~~~-~~~~~4495 1AQJII................................... 77 PONTIAt CATALINA '3~"5 . '77 FORD T-BIRD .ns.. . . '3995 '79 NiNTIAC ·.GRAND. . . • ,.~ '80 FORD GRANADA -...... •5495 · .80 =rue FmuiRD · ·• 46~!55 '80 FORD FUTURA '5995 sMt...................................... ;,·~ '81 FWOARDGONESCORT osnK. .... '6995 '80 ~:T~C ~~~ . . '6995 l0tfl 90 ................... '78 SUBARU WAGON '79 GMC ~SIAT ~~o ................. '6695 . . 4 w.D ... wzc ..................... '3995 '79 HONDA CIVIC u7Wftt ........ '4495 .'77 !!~~!.~ .. ~.~~~~~ .... *2995 '79 HONDA ACCORD l6DJI .... '4995 ·'79 TOYOTA PU 15s~ .......... '4995 '79 HONDA PRELUDE ~c. '5995 '79 ~~~!.~ .. ~-~~~~~ ....... '5495 '81 ISuzU PICKUP 1175161 ... : .. '6995 '80 TOYOTA GT ~11Glm ........ '5995 · '67 JAGUAR 420 -.: .'4H5 '81 !2~~!,~--~~---. '79t5 '81 MAZDA RX7 .~, .......... •9975 '79 !!!~~ .. ~~~~~ ... •4g95 '78 MAZDA 71J\JU ..................... ~3695 '75 W.V. LEGRANDE.n ........ -3995 '78 MAZDA GLC ... VJI ............ '3995 '77 V.W. RABBIT tmft ......... '2995 '78 MERC MONARCH .uun .. '2995 IE CONRDENT. luy from a UT AILE~ Our GREAT SAlES RECORD speaks ftir ItSelf. ASIIIWJWO*TME ..... ~ liiDA ISlE s,.ct~ location! Df .... ic ~ecturll ...... ~ ........ -..-s. .... ~~a~t• suite .-4 lddiboMI W001a Silt '-2·3 .... •L Sellr will finlnca. t1.650.000 ,, ...... Cattly Sd~Micbrt, 642·8235. 58-FOOT lA YFROITI •••· wat• ,., ........ '"*• .. wat• vilwl "-II till !Mit .... of dWs moVIIMty ...,_. -. on 1 SO.fao.t lot M ea: •• t --. fiCilitill. 4 Md- rooms. 4 bMM. fllily rOM. ... r-. W. wl tlfYl .... 2.t. Best ..,U iR town. $1,550.000 intt *ng '-d. OoM taidlat•. 642·8235. BIGCAIYOI Elegant 4-bechom holftl o~ lie c..,_ f1irwty. E.,• ••• tinily ,... widl bnck fireplace lnd gour11111 kitchln ..... to t•••c• ..,.. incWng jllllllll lnd spa. Spacious mast• suite with view. Seturity. $895,000. lynne Y.,ti-. ~6200. IRVIIE TERRACE liSTII& Super ocean and bay view fnlm this spacioua .... story r..-.a. Two ~n~st• suitu. plus 2 men large bldlooma. 4 Utt:s. fllftity roem lAd PM room. Pool in courtywd.. Grut for entertlining. $595,000 tu.Nid, DoMa GodiMI, 644-6200. COROIA DEl liAR DRUM 11011£ Ottuu new custom 5-liJechoM holM ...ell of tN li;:wly wim ...u.tiC daarm Md lpiiUi Proft.UIOnlly designed. decorlled IRd llndlc..., t.g1 aunry k~. 3 fw~ f....ty room. 4 be*ooms. incWa in-t.w or llllid's _.."" t569.500. Belle Chase l-. 644·6200. WARM AID COlY II SHORECUFF A lantutiC llmlty home with lots of cMml featuring 3 lll*ooms. fanity room with • lltlnSM USI of used brick lAd wood. This split levtf CUlton: --1\11 I stplfatt mast• aitt Mth ocnn view. $495,000 includes,.,... SharOft s.ith. 844-8200. IEWPORT BEACH ESTATE Semt-custom executive holM with 8 bedrooms, 4 baths. 43'a18' Gteaan pool. .,.. gazebo. koi pond. chilchn's ~~paratt Y•d. oversized boat or RV atofagt. 3-c:ar a-• 1/3 ICfl lot borderiltg ftltll'l -Stief .. c:lfry financing. f• lind. $495.000. Joyce £dbld, 642·8235. lA YSIDE COVE P£1THOUIE 71 DOMe. SO.fOOT BA'MEW. Jilt IRfeMeiiJ -...-~ IIW ............. 2·W.. ,... ... 2Yt-M*. ... -........ -...nty. Price ,..... tM,OOO tt $448.000. Ollf t30.000 .._ OIMie Frett. 142·1235. I 35' IOAT DOCI-FIIST ca.l QUAliTY C. Ill ro. iR dlia ...... _. ...., ..... • ,,._. ..._. II ..... .... HlrtiiM ..... ...., Illite_,. fle thea. 2 .... •u•r ••••a. a.a.. ,_.. ••,.. ..... ,..... _.wet •· nee.eo • ...._ .... c... u.. 844-8200. G~R AID SnlE ... ... PfWiil il dlia ._ Na ~ 11n. 4-W-fllily ,_ .._, a..utifwly ..... s,.a.t ............... "' .... GeM • '"' ..... Fee .... t390.000. .... ,... 642·8235. THE COVES JO.foot lilolt llip. II'~ICY. eldlaiw C.. .. iR -..,an a..:tl widl .. of M, .... lie .. r-d in dlia 2 ....... c:.dl. U25.000 .. Hib* c.-~ 642-8235. CUFF NAVEl ~ 3·....._, 2-tlth CUitOM-. widlt.tlltic 11 drc-.i:a • • utr• .... buiWitJie lot. $300,000. A 111MSt •I Miry loll...,_, 642.a235. REIIOOEl .. IAYSHOIE STYlE" AI the potantial witt. ---., 4 ....... _, .... ..... fllaiy "*"-nice r•d. 2 Plrios 1114 ,..,.. to ldd owr thl 2-cw p• t299,000 I~ a.w.ty ...,_., 642·8235. IEWPOIT SIIOIIlS -FEEl Badl ..,.ny. lMee ._...._ ....... ,.. _. da Grill co..-y ~ Mit pool ... ·---· ... ,.. ,...., -.. s...n • finlllcifta. Slier will .... t279.000 Fee t..d. .... , ..... 842-8235. RARE CAllERY VIllAGE OFFICE 01 ST- Grat COfnlf locailn -.. .... ,.,..., a offica ,... ...,. ... .cry. c... -. .,.. • 1.300-.. h. neo.ooo. for~-. ca1 o.. Cllichal•. 642·8235. WOOOIIID&£ COIDO Chaming "Redwood'' ....,. 3 ....._, 21. -. ... .... profesaloNiy .._.., in .-. colon. lMge ,._ tir ~ Co•..,.Y pool ,_.. couns Mdleb. $155,000 Fa. Dome G1diW. 844-8200. Dalebout Bay & Beach Rea l Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 I IRIIR -... ROAD ... Blyhont. Owner wil c.ry $1 ,.... ... firll trust died. TM M of the laay 10 ......... you c..w lllily ...... you •• IMng .. d ... Ffwl Woo• din. INiid'a IJUI'ttll. Si1ty t.l on the ••• • • _. • tar ttnellrtiiiNtL . . s t.soo.ooo 111.............. ..... S.t.Js.J-. 1·5 VYILASI NIU ... EJepnt EngUf\ ludDr. Five tpiCious be*OOML lwo-ltOfy IMng room. fonnll dinint room. FilMy rOOM-wet blr. IJe"'-l ;ass ttwou;.out. Spa lnd ... bar 1ft ,....,. suite. f1Mit' fifepllces. fleliblt finlnc:ing. you own te.llnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ,395.000 IAYSIIOUS ... btr1Dtdtn•y OCIPQlt~Wty. This ruadlncl ala on pnnw wat•tront . Wtth the pnzed •••• of 111 own pt pnv111 P11f tnd sip. The propwty boasts of I*Uful days tnd ,.,kllng nq,ts tn 1 hJgllfy pnyillged gatM c:ommunny. Vtry ~owner financllg ia w.._. Oh. yes. there as 1 thr•bedroom home set on this .,..,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ' $1 ,250.000 IIVIIl TliiACl . Mllleon dDht NW-.. d It'S all youn-not ltultlotdl One ot the most rmprasive m1m1 YIIWI tn the Hwbof Are1. Thr• "Kious btchom.s. Huge femity/Willds room. Immense pat10 with g&llbo end spa. Fltlibll ftn•c.ing. . . . . . . $1 ,050.000 1311 ........ Tlll.ct 0,.. S.hlf.Y 1 5 DOYD SMOilS ... htriOfdinary flllancing. AM rooms a.-to the cWwmdlllld 1ndoor pool. Picture WltldoM pro· -1n inspinng YIIW of the ocran. ""'* bly .ad Fuhron IIIM14. Thr11 h4.lgl beclooms. Formal cintng room 1nd din. . . . . . . . . $835.000 DOVU SMOMS Owner wtM asmt With hn~nang. lm- Pfll8" two-story home. loYIIy lily mw. bcellnt belhom wrlfiV'I'IIIII W11h one downs1Ms and thf11 upstlirs. s,.,-kltng pool tn front coUfl y•d. Beg newslt Pnce JUSt r-..cld S75.000. . '*»w $625.000 IAYCifST hciMent r~ Mlgnlhuntty upgrlded f~Wuorn. fow·blth home. LoYIIy pool wrougM won fenced fCK PfOtiCtiOn ot 111\11 chlldrtn S600.000 UYCMIT Cuatorn butt home. Frve be*ooms. Flmllly room. Dining room. Two fnpiiUI. ldlnd type krtdlln. Buih·tn barbKua. Bnck patiO. Pool Sill y11d. Padlle tams eu1. Thr•c• PIOI-S495.000 WIITCUff EJepnt tour-bedroom home. Cathedrll c• Ifill in living llld dining rooms. P_... din. FrlnCh doors and windows. Lu•ur•t pool .,,. y•d.. Huge IIIICk patro lfld gazet~o. S47S.OOO U00 ISU AttrKtlvt two story home on wide strll1 to strlda kit Four lle*ooma. Bonus room. lnvttiiiQ pa110 wrtb your own lftKidlmil nut trll. T astthAiy dlcOf ated. . . • . . . . . . . . . '*»w S450.000 UJCIEST . bcellnt hnanc:ing. AttrKtM tow bedroom '--Knchtrl llld t...,y room camplmty w.-s. 8eJNd Clllngs. Wet Nr wid! wine rldl and ret,.. •••. . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . $360.000 1817 WESTCLIFF DRIVE COMe WITH US TO IAYCilST AttrlttM four.Woolft ...._ Bnc:ll ~-Stwlg6l front. AI of U. wlrmlb llld CIIIMfof1 of "Country Styte" . . . w-t tt. ...wtia •• "up to.." S,.,kJing pool. . ................... $339,000 KAMOI VIIW NIUS ~-tharm. C.--.tty located homt-just five minutes h• fashion lsalnd .,... ping. Five ~~*~GUS IM*ooms. Del9ttful living room llld flmity rooms. You _. "'ttY the privlte NW dlcb ovwlooking the QUiet "'""'' of the Yltdlnt ltiCMinlein- ude. . . . . . . . . . $330.000 HARioa MIGHLAIDS Gteat famtly·onented n~ fOUl SC*JOUS be$ooms. FCIINI dining room s.p.ate flmllly room wcth bar Substant~ IIPQI~ 1n eluding,.. roof S325.000 COIIOU D£l 11M hctlent ~ South of htghw1y Two-story, two bedroom dol houJI 1n hont. OM bedroom urnt 1n rtlf. Conveneent locattOn. $299.500 CUff NAVEl ThfN bedrooms 0fll1UltiC hv111g room Pfrvltt backy•d. Stduded pool. Ownet Ml conSider leoue optiOn. Clll us for detatls $279.000 MESA VUDl Thls senutiOf'lll fOUf bedroom dwetllng lw rt alt. Ovtrsutd yltd. Pool ~ ~ttltv*d ustd bnck decks. EY.-~ 1 halt basketball court G~eat lor enter tllmng. . $279.000 1144 ~ .. Drift .... s. ..... , 1 5 F~ OfWlltd ~ master watt $270 000 MAUOII Vl£W MOMIS Tllt ~ "Cannel' rnodlt Tlnt bl*ooms. Nlw c•pettng. SpK.rs patiO Llllurl-'t g•dln. Prot*ly 1n top con*1011. You own the lind. $268 500 1 Ill hr1 ... ._. Cifde 0,. ,_ .. , 1 5 THI Y£UAI&.US '*»t a klnQ-IUSt hvt Idee one ., tlu lwunous penmouse ovttlooklfl9 bly lnd ocun. Sec.unty pte Pool. scaa. ~ gym lnd WU.ds room. Two spxrous bedrooms. lmmlcufltt ton~IOf'l Pnce fUJI rtdUced $20,000. ,.,. $259.500 100 SPeb f'ta.q, ,.. ..... 10 a.-..... , 1 5 CORDIA Dll liAR FOUl new condos. ColV Car Cod design. Two llld thiN IM*oom urnts. W-* to budl Of brunch Reidy 1n , .. of 1982 S.Ct yow ulllt and cobs now' F,_ S259 000 THE I&.UffS lhe pop;. "Francu un" model tondD Tlnt spaooua bedrooms Atnum tntrlnCI Two tllld patros andga~ S229,000 __..T INOMS ...,. llu1Wd te11ng .. frww,J rDOIIl. SllytiglnM ltndla Atnurn oft ,... w-oam. T• ._._ ... ..,. pM t.nus ,_ ~ ... 10 budt S I 79 900 • • • • • PARa UDO •• Gil .... _, c-. Clllllk Tlnt Md!OOOM. fWO and.~ baths. EIKtnt kllct.. ...... ... ..._ O.WS ..... and ..,_ c.n-to shops. blnb llld beadles. o..d po,......_ S 145.000 COSTA MUA (WilTs.) . ,....... to Ill. E., f ~ fOf condon. Thr1e be*-. two bMM. cust___, t..., home •th *yt911s. h._ cer..-••· ~ fallllty room. sotir~UM. country krtdlln. Two ~m. Paal .,. yd hcelltnc hnanang av_,. st3 7. SOO lfWPOIIT TtRMCl ba11nt twYnang. N.~ tine ~oom CAJI!do. Pmacy arid oc.-VIeW-.,_. at,. ., tilts lovtty Ntwaart 8Ndl ~rUI Pra r-.a.f $22.600 Jlow $136.900 •u VEADl ~ w idtd tour ._.oom "-- Root. kttchen ~ tub tndosurt llld ~,. IIIW WltNA the Jut two yun.. ec.....nt to tflacas schools arid country CU. Owner _. ..._ '' nanct S l 34 900 WESTCUFF Autactr.'t two ~oom two~'" con do F~repact Mtrrored «arSobes Ground ltoor •~ to shops hbrarv ind park PriCt lUSt reduced s 10 000 '*'• 11 29 500 THl VUSAtlU ldle new on. bedroom toodo on t~ lu•unous V~tUIIIe atmOspherll Hql qu.Mty .-a afiCI dow COYIM9S-E1h.t0f ...a iAd !Midi paA-C'9 lor IWO eMs Clu.btlouse pool n1 sp~. &u.dlel ,-e '125 000 WUTCUfF Problllllv the best r.tvs 111 ""'-8ud! One o~nd tWIIO bedroom unrt~ Aesttul l)iiiO o..-..JIIIt ~11111"'9 pool Two ye;r otc1 kndttlls fTtSt:ty r.t~ "' ttr10rs Carpor1s Own. Wll ~ lrNnCt. ,gg :,00 COSTA MESA tf.ASlSID() Pr~ lounon 1fl Emsa Ccs11 Mesa Neartv • tul JIC1I 11 18th Strat ..cS OJ-. AMtUt. ~~tans n ...-mra lor 16 COIIIdlu are ,._,.. Pur ch.asa prttt aso rnc-..s 1 ... ,.. ti'ICI6I's E aaleftt tlnll$ 0wn.r WI COIISidef Ira t.l ...... Pen) S 1 150 000 LEASES l15 ...., ...... .... Su ~ ... -. s..a-,._. tn r • .a.. feu tm'MT1S s...n. ~ 11lt ..... .., Fw :.J"OIII1l aaol ... ... - c 3 t c.a. nn. bai'IDnJ 112 lcWI "-~37 (N AUSTII, TEXAS o.oc. ""till '3 as ca Scutff CGII!IIkt• ._ ss or tour .., au. Ulllfl ......_. mnes. ~ .,.....,. •• , ••• 1 .... ......., -.. Dna ant• Cllll ....._ lliwhldo fir~-t.tSJ OOQ NEWPORT BEACH .. Pege 4 Real Estate FOf S. Jtlnt 30. 1982 ()pportunil\ i~ kno< king. If \oll\(' hct ·n "·~1iting lor ju"l 1 h(' ttg lll 1 in H' to bu~ d hornt'. \ou '~t · in hH k. Bt.'< .tll'tt' tht."H ' 111~1\ IH'H 'I ht' a lx·tt<·t tinl<' to hu\ lhanJH)\\'. \'ou <an lw <·hoos\'. roc.b\. I hc~t•\ a Jar gt.• ~dt·c tion of horn(•, to ( hoo't' h 0111 .. rhat nwan' 'ou han· a lx·ll<'J < hann· of finding til<· honw that\ pt'tf<'tl fot \Oll. Tomorrow's prkes will prooobly be higher than today's. Af1t1· y<·ar' of ~lc:ady in< u·a~·'· honlt' prict" havt• tx-gun 10 lt·,·d of( C.onlJX'l it ion among ~"llt·rs to atu·a<·t huyt1·s is making homf'S mtKh n1on· affonhtble . But p1 ic t ''t t ould HT\. likd~ hc:gin to< lirnh again tx·loH· I< •ng. ~lortgage interest rat~ have declined. . \nd t att" aH' t·vcn lowt·t ,,·hctt· \('llt.'h <U<' willing to hdp \\'ilh finan< ing. S<nne n '< t•nt horn<' hu~ t 'l' are paying i u't II or 12 JX'H t·nt inten'\t on their horne rnongage~. llow? P<'oplc:-to- pcopk financing. ·rhat\ when the \t·lkr help., lht· hu~ t'l finarl<e tht· horne (~clkr -hdd fir'l ot \<.'<ond n1ort~tgt"' <u·t· a gcxKI exanlpk). The time is right! Peoplt• \\'ho ,,·ait for int<,·t-sl rat~ to go down rnay find that. ,,·hilt"' tht; '''t·re waiting, tht• pri<<' of lheir dncun houM" or condominium went up. S<>t· a REALTOR ~t. a membt..-of your lex-. a) txlard of REALTOR. R. i\ REALTOR a < an hd p you find the home you \\'ant «tl the prire you <'itn afford. a note from Maury ... II Corona Del Mar R-2 building site with a 1-bedroom house. NOW only $189,000. Call For Details. 2-bedroom house on large R-2 lot. Plans available for additional unit. Good financing. S2S9,500. • LASS 10.8% INTEREST OCEAN Al'l() BAY VIE W FROM SPYGLASS- Ttl$ tuge 5 bedfoom. 3 both home w• please any tomety Open beam ceM'Q lt'l ~vtng and formal dining room Two Iorge sec~ttoor decks Custom pool and spa Custom bndscopng and much more Good ftnonc.ng 5895.000 Western Estates Realty JIC(I \t:\\ PORT CF.I'IITJ-:R DRIVF.. SUITE lAO \ .. :\\PORT H ... ACt1. CAI.If'OIL"'IIA 92660 1714t 551 -1234 Wesum E•totes Rlialty {f,e/ £•1•t~iMII•r•~• UFFS Come to .. tNs 3-bedroom. 2-bath cto•••· o one-.atoty end -.nt on .wide 011 treelt. It hal been beautiUiv a. tomlled wtth a rwnodtlt d ccumv kit- :;.,~·~~~ blet please col. Open tor vcu \Wwtng on SU'lday, ~ 4. from 1-5 p.m. 2237 VISTA HOGAN. LAGUNA Hl.lS RANCH Anxious owner /bUider must sel his newty constructed spectacular home on ~ pre»crnately 1-112 OCfes of hltop views. Soaro ~ ald spodous open roans focus on o OQ8 atrUn with watertals and even o rein fOrest. All entertainer's paoctse. Coli for a private showing. A TfMson.-.. ~ . . . .. ~ ... ~ ............... COU>Wel.~ BAN~eR~1 heme II tnit ~ It to been c~W( rernodll68d and tea1\ne the moat Uc'-11cus c:wne. •ttes. An11Que ~ ~ed .. and ~ Feu bedroom&. J.i:U bah. Terrtllc kitchen with the fhts1 ~ $1.325.000 Western Estates Realty 180 NEWPORTCENTJ:R DRIVE. SUITE 180 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA t2660 17141551·1234 BOB and DOVIE KOOP DOVER SHORES Nlme yOUI terms on this lwge 4 BA. 4 BA home wJotelf'l wteW plus up. tn"law qtrs. $315.000 lH With eacef. terms. low dn Of trldl eqUity for C.M. or ttB. home. DOVER SHORfS 0utstlfdng loc1t10n W/VU Of all *k biy and fashtOn lst.nd. 4 bf 5 ba. f01m d.r . pool, spa. sec. system. Steal at $685.000 fet. Grt. hn avatl IEWPORT HEIGHTS 4-M. 2~ BA w/pmt room Btau. dec:Of •n tvtfV rm. om 114 lUI. w/tacuzn Asktng S340.000 fte. wtll tradl fOf ...... homt 01 condo. SEAVIEW LEASE 4 br. 3 ba. f.r . d.r Ctty and ocean vu. Grd gate. pool and ttNU. S 1. 700 per mo. HARBOR RIDGE LEASE 4-BA. 3 BA formal OR. FR. study. btauttfu•y die.. lgt ~ fllb. vu. Pn guard gate. pool and tennes S2900 mo. Submit ail OfflfS. LIIDA ISLE TRADE BtuthtaAitng bay vu 2 boat docks. rm 101 4 boats up to 74 h. 5 bfs 6 ba .. game rm., form d.r . sep guest ~ pool. Seltf CIIIY 1 Sl TO Of trade tnd. or ofi bldg $2,100.000 OCEAIFROIT-OCEAIFROIT Convlf1 11 lgt duplta to your pn rts and llvt on the tineal btldl on the coast $1 70.000 1st at 11' 2nd 01 $250,000 II 12% Stttl at $650.000 HARIOR VIEW HillS F~ntalte --'*" bay vteWS fnwn tiles 3 br lam rm. new carp Pllftt, lrg pool, S 340,000 lH FOREClOSURE-HARBOR RIDGE lEW CUSTOM 4 r 5 ba f I F~ntastlt sun rm.. beau masrer stt w INI bile f p 1ocean and ctty vu. Huge mas ret ba w IPICIO'ted INs 0nt Of lht lfgst lots W/fm f01 pool and lrg play 1111. V11y. vtrt motivated ~ 8Mg any ofi• lowest poet custom at ~ ~ U.409.MMt S 1.200.000. wtll tradl oNs GRT 1st avlll CAMEO SHORES Fllb. OCNn Md Q)Utine w. 3 br. 3 ba. fOim. d..r.. f.r . study.lge. ,_. llld courtyard pn. lldls. $895.000. F•. 1£WPOII1 CREST COIDO. 2 ... 2 ~ lwl IDh ~ .....,..., Dill lira. Mart. Papin. OCIIfl w. $98.000 ht11 12 ~ .. $170.000. U.._ .. OIIIDGE 5 •• 4 BA. ... ""'· .... OR. ...,.ey ....... lt ..... -'II " lR. D1t kit. fft. ....... FR Ms ....._ ..... ... ......... F. wt. 2 .... ,.no dlds. A IIIUSt t1 • .. t at5.000. IOIPOIT CREST. COIDO 3 •· 3 M. lr_ ''-..... _.. ~--. ,. w. ..... .... $210.000. Slflllie .., ..... ..,. tltODO tstl.O. • 10.25 .. CUlT f.ICH Y , ................... , ... -.. 3 ......... ,. 3 • .,. .. a& ....... cilia .. '"" .................... t315,000.. w. ClnJ lrtt 111 , ..... lft. ONE BLOCK TO OCEAN Best locatio n 1n the Village on lovely Orc h1d ·Ave Well-bu1lt .?-be-droom dt>n 2-bath. v1ew from terrace, all la th and pla'>te r a nd bock S lc;Q,OOO ~ 1th '>t>IIN fmanu ng, 12% Interest. r..~----~=;~~~~~~----· QUIET UPPER HAZR pac eou~ o lder horrie. first time o ff er-ed Two bedroom. den. 2 bath. to rmal d eneng, new ketchen and famaly room w 1t h V.W Seller m ay fe nan< e at 10°-G 1nte rest 1 S lSO.<XX>.r-..........,=-------------=------=======::-~ New a nd unusua l Sproul duplell. En1oy huge tel\ bene t1h sell d'> 2 co ndo.. later 3 bedroom . 2 'IJ -bath homt> plu'> 2-bedroom 2-bath V.W apartment Plush and lush SS4S.<XX> . We have others, so please give us a call. (714) 673-8494 • ' I • . . S D4L:EBOUT ,BAY AND 1BEACH ~817 ",WHtcllff ~Drtve 831·7300 a GEORGE ·ELKINS CO • . 2 ·Cotporete iPiaza Drive 758-9100 I HARBOR !REALTY 2M5 ""E.·C.at ~Hwy. 673-4400 844.,1080 m1MACNAB~RVINE :REALTY 101 "~~ ·:Drive 642-1235 n ·,1148 ~s.n 1Miguel Drive 844el200 ~ i ii ... ~ # I IIJ .RE/MAX .REAL TORS 15 ·Corporete Plaza Drive .751-1221 IEJ SEA LION RLTY 3801 :E. Coast Hwy. 873-6364 C ·WATERFRONT HOMES 2438 W. ·Coast Hwy. 831·1400 1]315 Marine Ave. 87MIOG mwesTERN ESTATES REALTY 180 Newport Center Dr. 551·1234 l at r i I i' f r ~ -~ N BOAT SLIP. P IV ATE EACH Large, light and cheery, comfortable 3-bed- room plus den, 2-bath home. Delightful courtyard entry, fireplace, laundry, pantry, deck with brick barbecue and much more~ Two-car garage plus extra parking, etc. $569,000. I CLUDES THE LA D. WILL T ADE for Northern California property, or?? Call owner/agent, 673-9187, OR: ,... 10 ..... Est Itt fof s. June 30, 1982 FIVE MINUTES FROM THE OCEAN SAN JUAN CAPIST 0 Now! An incredible financina plan that presents you with a once·in·a· lifetime opportunity to purcbue a quality townhome villa, rich in herltaae. yet 10pbladcated in deaian and appointments. Our plan allows for lower monthly payments now, when they should be. For uample, with a purchase price of Slll,SOO, and a down payment of Sll,l50, we can offer a thlrtv·vear ftnt truac deed of $73,SOO (17% A. P.R.) and a 1«0nd tnutdeed(18% A.P.R.)of$3~,7SO, due In seven yean. In addition, the builder wiU pay you •l&f.•U per month for thru yean, makma your total IDODtbly principal and interest paY~DCnt.l only S&J5. We al10 offer ll%, 30-ycar fixed rate loam on 10me uoJu. Lcue option plana arc available u well. Sec our representative for detalla. For Only There's more. Our convenient location la but minutes from the Dana Point H.ubor. ah.oppin& or employment and la Kt in a refresh· ina. secure environment. Come out today and sec our decorated two- and three-bedroocn modela. mo. l15SlAI(pu San.Jv,ut <Apleuano, CA 91675 Ope. Daily accpt 'nurtday fTom 10:00 a. a. wuU S:lO p.ID. for ID~ofaulon, Call (714) 49).0708 From $117,900 '' '. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES N E \.\'PORT BEACH B EA CH COM~, UNIT If S VI-.A~uaa •1n.ooo looking for the best tn odult ltv.ng? You'll ftnd tt here. Gvorded commun•ty Wtth foe~ltt•es to keep you in shape and happy Th ts 2-bedroom condo w ill delight you. IA8TaLUFF .,80.000 Terrific lusk floor pion that features 3 bedrooms, fomily room wtth ftreploce, sunny poho and con- venience to schools and shopptng. Best pr•ce and finonc•ng tn the oreo aA8TaLUFF •2n~ becuhve elegance tn Eostbluffl Fabulous 3-or S-bedroom fom•ly home 1n porkltke setttng w•th reflectton pool, spo and lots of emotton. Very onxtous owner has prtced to sell qu•ckly aLUFFa .278,000 FEE Gteot Bock Boy vtew from ltvtng room, dtntng and 2 bedrooms. Lorge open kttchen surrounded by pot10 3 bedrooms ond lovely prtvote entry Excellent ftnonc.ng on thts vtew property wtth you owntng the land. A must see' IA8TaLUFF .312.500 Wonderful fomtly home w•th gorgeous v•ew 5 bedrooms or 4 plus den wtth spoc•ous bockyord. Beautifully motntotned Owner w tll asstst wtth finonctng a10 CANYON t349,000 A spectacular townhome located on the 6th Fo~r­ woy The mogntftcent Engltsh decor w tll be fea- tured tn Orange County Home ond Gc:Nden Includes prtvote goroge Good ftnonc.ng •s ovo•l- oble HARaOil VIEW HOMES •385,000 Somerwt 5-bedroom only steps from pool and tennts courll tn Seowtnd Coty ltghts and postoral vtew, plank tloorong, tole entry 3-car gotoge Gteot fomoly home Owner wolf corry large A lTO Reduced to sell HARaOil VIEW HOMES t395,500 You soy you can't ftnd o 10o/o loon today?? look no morell The owner of thts most upgraded Por toftno pion wtll corry the 1st Trust Deed at 10~. Wtfh 20'Ya down The perfect famoly home woth perfect ftnonc.ngl II a10 CANYON •531.000 3-bedtoom Monaco model Freshly potnted, new landscop•ng Chormtng Country French decor Lowest prtced Monaco in B•g Canyon Prtced to sell Owner w•ll help ftnonce UYCRI8T MODIU •110.000 ~oom custom hoclendo wtth ttle floors and mouive beams Lor~ fomtly and fOtmol dtntng room ond on outdoor toumoment pool or eo IRw.cMIT UACM •na.ooo· Sporkltng 3-bedroom home perched on a sandy beach, beom ce rltngs and use of wood through- out. lovely waterfront decks to en,ay the cool water bree~es. Great value THE COVE .... 000 Move rn and entOY the Newport summer on the water w tth $20,000 optton money, $3,<XX> per month. 2-bedroom, formal dmmg room, comm pool and beach o real opportun•ty for the shop- per! aAUIOA .285,000 Why rent when you can buy this summer your best bvy on the peninsula w ithtn shtpl of the boy and beoch. Remodeled 2-bedroom and fomtly room wtth skylrght Owner w ill help ftnonce U YaMOilES .431.000 FEE Great potent10l for remodel tn thts 3-bedroom and den home Close to beoches tn thts pr•vote got~uorded area Owner writ ossrst wtth creo hve ftnonc•ng. Svbmot all offers. Fee land a~IIOA ISLAND •ua.soo Ftrst ttme on the market Home located on on overstzed corner lot V•ew of So. Boyfronr Buy now and en1oy the summ8f months Owner wtll ftnonce PENINSULA • 725,000 New, trodttoonol 4-~oom 1ust sreps to the boy French doon and w tndows, cozy bnck ftreploces and a breakfast room wtth boy "'ew ore o few of the e•cepttonol omenthes featured UDOISU .745,000 A remarkable and truly elegonr 4-bedroom 3', both home on extra wtde lot featur.ng oak floors FR d()()(S 3 foreploces ond perfect detoolong Totally remodeled to perfectton Owner wtll osstst ftnoncmg ' aAYSHORES .1.460,000 Specloeulor 3-bedroom home! Gofveous boy v•ewl Newly remodeled and decOtoted. All new krtchen Feelmg of openness and spoce wtth custom detools Owner ossosted fononcong LIDO ISLE t1 ,995.000 Super•or boyfront locotton• V oew of mo•n turntng bostn and c•ty ltghts Prtce onclvdes plans, permtts and coostol oppro..,al for S319 sq h 2-story home, includtng wrne cellar and garage A dreom come true I aAYaHOAIS t238,100 Writ not lo$t at th11 pr•c• Fabulous patenttol to be o beoutlful fomtly home tn rhrs destroble gore- QVOI'ded communtty 2 pottos. 3 bedrooms I~ prrce •n lloy$hate- PINIUut.A t321,000 Special West Boy Avenue duplex w tlh 3 bed- rooms tn the mott"l unot Separate mosrer bedroom and chorm.ng gorden patoo Thos os an excellent bvy on Fee PENINSULA POINT t329,000 Prtde of ownershtp doll house 3 bedrooms. new ltttchen Open, spactous ltvtng area downstotrs Overstzed goroge Pleasant bnck front patoo encl05ed w oth whtte ptclc.et fence Fontost•c fonon - Ct ng LIDO ISLAND .345.000 2-bedroom Iorge fomrly room on street-to-street lot Very near prtvate beach and tennos courts Owner has purchased another home ond must sell LIDO ISLE •455,000 E•tra Iorge lot, extra Iorge home Fabulous potentool Formal dtntng room. 5 bedrooms den and spa large sundeck could be beouttful garden room Owner w tll constder all offers PENINSULA .695,000 Desperate butlder musr sell! Reduced $100 CXX>! Submot oil terms on tl"'ts gorgeous custom buolt Country French home wtth o voew• No reasonable offer refused Don't m tu thts one• PENINSULA t850,000 J>ft prtme boyfront. 2 blocks from Newport Yacht Club VACANT LOT w tth dock ond sandy beoch on Fee land An oddoroono 35 f! w th Sponosh home avooloble f01 $950 (XX) or S I 800 000 for both PENINSULA t995.000 Immacula te boyfror-r duplea poer !;ltp ond sandy beoc n plus o 3 cor garage ore a few .:>f •he pluses Bov and nogn• loghr ottew of rhe harbor from .., ng room formal don ong room ond "-'' hen ftENINSULA t1.600.000 Pter sltp, sandy beach p lvs oddotoonol 30 ft lot Tastefully decorated 5-bedrOCim furntshed home w th spactous master bedroom suote comp lete wtth ftreploce ond 111ew of the mountoons ftENINSULA .1.800,000 70 feet o f PRIME BAVFRONTAGE FU land on moon turnong bostn Dellghtfvl 5-bedroom home 3-cor goroge Bodm•nton court Boot focoltttes plus o sandy beach ore o few of the amentttes of th•s estote-s•ze property - - - - 203 41st St., PENINSULA. Block to bad\. S175,000. Open SatJSun.. 1·5. 673-1152. 209 19th St., 8Al.BOA PENINSULA. Condominium. 2-plla J-119,000. Open Sat./Sun .• 1·5. 631·1400. 117 Marine Ave •• BALBOA ISLAND. 1272.500. Open Sat./Sun.. 1·5. 673-6900. 621 Udo Park Drive. C~ UDO PENIN- SULA. Den. 1560.000. Open Sat.. 1·5. 631·1400. 408-408~ PoiDMtt1a. CORONA DEL MAR. Duplex. 3/2. 1272.000. Open Sun.. 1-5. 631·1400. 4521 Tremont. CAMEO SHORES. 1495,000. Open Sat./Mon.. 1..S. 644--9060. 213 Iris. CORONA DEL MAR. $575,000. Open Sat .• 1-5. ~. 100 Scholz Plaza. Pent.howle 10. THE VERSAILLES. View. $259.500. Open Sat.. 1·5. 631·7300. , . ...,~ ..... ,, ··~ .,, VIew. duplex S/2. 1545.000. Open Sat./Sun .• 1-5. 673-8494. 38 Balboa Cows, BALBOA COVES. Pool. slip. private beach. Reduced to $569,000. Open Sun .• 1-5. 673--9187. 314 Marigold, CORONA DEL MAR. S669.000. Open Sat./Sun.. 1-5. 631-1400. 2331 CUff Drive. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. $649,500. Open Sat./Sun.. 1·5. 631·1400. 108 Turquol8e. BALBOA ISLAND. S595.000. Open Sat/Sun. 1·5. 631·1400 . . ~ 1930 Port Bristol Orde. HARBOR VIEW HOMES. $268,500. Open Sun., 1·5. 631-7300. 1016 ~' Drtve. WESTCUFF. ~spa. S2S5.000. Open Su.n.. 1·5. 631·7300. 23 Rocky Knoll. TURTLE ROCK VISTA. v.... 1225.000. ~ Saa./S.... 1·5. 631·7300. 1837 (Aeeodore RCNML BAYCREST. S299.000. Open SatJSwaJMon.. 1·5. 631·7300. 4931 tte-lock, UNIVERSITY PARK.. S119.000 FEE. 0,. s.t.. 1·5. 64+9060. bMch. 1535.000. Op.ia Tllura./Fd./ SatJSun.. 1·5. 673-8494. 11 Carmel Bey Drive.. SPYGlASS. V..., pool. ... 1625.000. Open Sat.. 1·5. 631·7300. 2804 W. OcAnfroat. BALBOA PENJN. SULA. Waterfront. S725.000. Open Sun.. 1·5. 631·1400. 424 Belvue. PENINSULA POINT. $409,000. Open Sun.. 1·5. 631-1400. 21 Stillwater. TURTLEROCK GLEN. 1349.000. Open Sat.. 1·5. 644-9060. 47 Nighthawk. WOODBRIDGE. $242,500 fee. Open Sat .. 1-5. 644·9060. 111 East Bay, BALBOA PENINSULA. 1549,500. Open Sat.. 1·5. 631-7300. 1944 flam1ngo Drive. MESA VERDE. $279.000. Open Sat.. 1-5. 631-7300. 115 tt.ubor l.a.nd Hold. HARBOR ISLAND. Wumront. pier, lip. Sl.SOO,.OOO. Open Sat./Sun./MOn.. 1-5. 631·7300. . PLEASE CAI.l. IF YOU IIEED DIRECT/OMS ........ .. HAVE A HAPPY ~& JULY