HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-07 - Newport Harbor EnsignSwimming, Cycling, Running At GC lrvi Spor ] Y.-'"O;n fl) ~ c ~ ~ -:)~~ c j .... -.., -n fll " ~;;::~r 1;;::1~ .... t":l ..... a' ~ :::r .., n o Ill ::r :.J .., w '< o:l n ...... ::a > < ~ :::... - Youth Shelter Aids Kids Runaways, Truants, ~VICtims Helped See Below County Fair OpensJuly9 Rodeo, Exhibits, Musit Featured See Below THI NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABU SHED 1948 • 34TH Yi.Al\ -· -----.d (114} 673-0550 • SERVING ALL Of NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1982 • 25 CENTS South Coeat Youth Center residents Valarie Kling, JoAnna ~ end Dawn Sarbecker eat lunch with shefter staff member Ccenter). Youth Shelter Helps Chldren In Trouble bJ )octy ...... The qreeo boa. at 508 St Aut• ill 1.epu INch 1oob Uke .U tAe otbeJ hou.-a, but lt ill really ftry cliffeJent. At uy QiYeD tiae there are up to lia reaidents between the ~of 11 and 17, but adults -.er remcle here. This .. the Soutll County Youth Shelter, ope_rated by YSP lnc., a local non-p-rofit •rvi<:e aoency Plocpaa director Juhe Pouett. upla.ina that the melter, DOW lD U'a thud year. ia a "criail LDterYeDbon pro- cpua pro-riclino abort term re.kleati.el and non-re.iden- tial mleneation lor youlJu U · ~0 acute ta.uly pro- W...." Speafically, the IWter ha.ad.J. referraJ.a COD· c.naiAQ nanaweya, mcomqt- b&. youtha, truants, vtctl.au of ..otlcaaJ, pbyacal or mental abue ud ooeraJ lauuly cdlillihaahou, uually due to a breakdown LD COlD· •1&aicatiou belWMD parent u d daUd. haeUA expla.a.ned th.at a JC*A91ler u terino the pro- ~ .. ., beco.e Ul~ i.D ...... of .. ,... Woat fre-.-o,. (M m 28 peJeenl of lM CMM M.DciJed by the IW'-) a youtll aa reA.ned to tM provraa bJ a COIDIIl\UtUy ~-'I'M beMDce of the ,.._nala aa.e from the te•ool8. ~. pueat or lM ~-WMaac*llltudeto ....................... ..... k) 1M c..Du to deter· JaiM lM aetwe ad _...nty ol 1M PI~~-. '!"!M buM: • . ~ tlnnq we try to C)et acroa .s tut aJthouyh at the moment the problems may ... m un · conquerahle. there Ll a llllle btl of hope----they haven't tned us yet," olfera Helen Gre1s, program coUJlMior P.uticipahon m the shelter program Ll voluntary and suc- cea Ll dependent upon the cooperahon of parents or parent and c blld in counMI- tnq. Grets coordinat .. the 1 to 90 d<1y. rftlde:nhal and non-restdenhal coun..hno programs run by the abelter Not subcnbmq to any methods, GrelS says the center uses " . an eclechc aux. No.I unportantJy. we UN a 'faauly systems' approach, wbtch treats each chfhcult mtuallon as a lamtly (Cc-ttaaecl oa ~I) A decllton on whether to hold &D elechon on the General Plan amendment covermg the BanniDQ-Beeco property in West Newport or racand earlter ap· provaJ of the amendment may be made by the Ctty Council at tls reqular m .. tmq Monday naght. The ~ue was bfore the coun- ct..l at &ts lut meetano but was defened to the July 14 Msa&on A scaled-down venton of the onQmal propoaal was approved Coyote Site MayBe Closed by Tom J.tmett At the pr ... nt rate, Coyote Canyon landfill between lrvme and Newport Beach Wlll close m 1987. accordtnq to a report to the County of Or&nQe betng made pu.bhc tlua week Weanwhtle, the Board of Supervt.80ra voted last week to appropnate S 14.6 millton for new sohd waste pro}ecls, prm- capally to acqutre a nQht-of- way mto the planned new Bee Canyon landfill above lrvme A w.ute-to-e:nerqy pro)ecl m HunhnQton Beach souQhl by a Costa Mesa brm and a fluor Corporahon subs&dtary LS for all i.ntenta and pu~ dead. However, the Oran9e County Sanit.bon Diatnct rece&Yed a report lut week on co-combus· bon of muructpal wute and aludoe as one of Mveral alter- nabv" coMUltants are atudymg Others mclude mechan1cal com pomnq and dt.spouJ at Ma; the latter .s now illegal but tl could be permttted &J new leg1alahon were pa.ued Tb ... altern.thves hold out hope for ratdents of the lrvme nlla9• of Northwood that even thouoh at becom .. more certam by the day that they Wlll soon haft a ma1or Oranoe County landfill an tbetr mtdst, they may be ahle to prevent a aludqe dry tnQ f.acility once envt11oned at an adjacent mte Enoan .. nnq Sctence. lnc . of Arcadi.a dehvered concurrent reports la.lt weelt to the Oranqe County Sohd Wute Davaa1on and the Sa.Ditahon Dutncts The former made no recom· mendahon but atred poalbahhes lor chUQU19 f ... at landfills. now free to all and tar~ for "mnaqoled" Qarbaqe, and amaH .caJe ......,..bur1Un9 Tecovery .,.tema u an adJunct to land· Wla. Ryan loerQY Corporabon of Ca.t41 ..,_. awarded a contract to Floor Pow. S.rva~. l.ftc to thady tlae 6euaWtly of an enerQY recovery· tJ0981lerabou f.acality lA HuatiDgtoe ~h DNr • 38- acn I&DcUW-ud .J.o near ..-.. uCIIdiloa Hip Selaool . ., .. , •• , dU..oa pro .... ed and la Way, Du a.,.... p,..kleol ot ..... OOiaPPY. leid~ ~e· .. tat Ioeila.._. la •• tot~ aow." •••II NMJ letaace'e CODCUI· _....., ..... ,..,ott.. IDitaUaa DWricta lut ... k lc a••ll al co~COIIlbUiaoa. bOt CSK>C~a., ..... ...ad aat c:oa.eat oca IM fia- by the council earher thu year but a qroup tncludmq the West Newport l.eq&.~lattve Alhance, SPON and the Reatdents' Actton Plan mounted a aucceuiul pelt- hon dnve to force the counctl to eather rescmd the plan or call an electton for November The plan as currently approv- ed covers property whtch borders on the southwest corner of Ca.ta Mesa west of Supenor Avenue Remdenta of both c1hes have complamed of the eUects the ad- ded trafftc from the development wtll have 1n the1r areas Currently 406 hom" and about 350,000 square f .. t of comrnerctal and ofi1ce apace w11l be allowed on the property A propoaed ahopptnq center pro- poNd by landowner Wilham Bannmq was deleted by the CO\lDCll. Accordtnq to Bob Wmn, caty Cklb Month Declared , Councilman Phat Maurer lsecond from ngh11 and Fue Chtef J tm Reid (nghtl present proclamataon of July as Balboa Island Yacht Club Month to club members front from left Tim Scanlon Morgan Rangwald Roban Jacobsen. back from left Chns Hammond. Steve Clark. Port Captam Jeff Hammond, Oavtd Moon. Fleet Captam Brent Jacobsen John Clark Commodore Chad Clark , and Brad Jacobsen The club ts celebrateng u's 60th anntversary thas month manaqer. the council has untll tta last m .. tmq rn July to dectde whether to call an elecbon Also on the aoenda Wlll be an appeal of Planntnq Comm&aJOD approval of the redevelopment of the fun Zone area on Balboa Penmaula. The plan would add commer· ctal oUtce apace around the cur rent fun Zone. whtch has been located rn 1ts beachfront home for decadea, whale lt .. pmq por· hone of the zone mtact Another ttem on the agenda will be a requeat to construct a larqe IIDQle-fanuly houM on the north atde of w .. a Cout Ht9hway acrou from the Balboa Bay Club. Pollee, City Pact An 49•-~· h.~ rMChed lD coBlract neqohaholll Wlth the pohc:e employ .. UloOC.ahon and will be on ne•t Monday's Ctty Councu aqenda for approval Accordt.nq to Bob WlDJl , c1ty manaQer. the pohce accepted the lat"t ctly offer. wbtch will Qlve them an averac;,e 10.5 per- cent mer .... Wllh patrolmen geth.nq a 7 5 percent ra&M, seroeanta 9 4 percent. and lteutenants and captams 13 3 percent. Wtnn sa&d the aqreement auum" that health and hfe tn· aurance beneht costa Wlll rlM by 59 percent over last year A key tuue tn the neqohaltona had been a request that the ctly talte over the r"t of the employ" contnbuhon to the Publtc Employees Rettrement System Under the agreement the employees Wlll contmue to pay 4 S percent of theu salary to the system whtle the c tly will ptcll up the other 27 percent Wmn saad thAt no meehnqs hue yet ~Jl heJfi,•b ..-JtreMntahves of the hre uqbters auoctalton aJthouoh he was lry&nQ to aet up a .... 1011 tor thaa w .. lt t • A Check On Health · Free blood pressure checks are being made at Hnag Memorial Hospital Presby1erian on Tuesday afternoons. 1-3. on the first floor next to the medi~allibrary. No appointments are necesssary Here, Registered Nurse Janet Kelly applies the procedure to a caller. A..emblywoman Nari411 BerQeeon of Newport Beach will apeak to the Newport Center Kiwania Club on Tuesday,· July 13 at noon at the Glendale Federal Savings Building in Newport Center. For further mformation on the club call Richard Maggipinlo at 64-4-7040. Citizens Property Rights Committee TME A eoc:iolo9ilt who laM 8hac:lied 545 te•Uiee ud lh.u cWty ecMdU...uvveeta that. S.xi- b&e, put-tilDe, ab&Nd job that o8en beDdtaliJailer lo full- tiae ... p&o,.eat • .,.,..,._ lo be tM idee! aitu.tio.ll for aotben who aut juwl. duti .. at home ud at work. The eoeioloQiat, Dr. William Micheltoa, uple.ined th.l ten- uon leveJ.-botll at home and at work-were aolicee.bly reduced when women had jobe that were either flexible or put time or both. Nichel.llon, profeaor of social ecolocn el UC Irvine, conduct- ed h.ia detaJJed study in Toronto, c..n.da, wlille on the faculty at the Univeraity of Toronto u part of the ......,ch pr()Cjlram "The Child in the City ." He baa been analy&ing hit m.uaive pool of data aince be came to UCI two yean a9o ud recently completed bJa analysis for C.ne~'a Niniatry of Nation- al Health and Welfare, the Qroup that funded the three-year .-.... rch project. Nichel.llon'a preliminary find- illQI focut on the impect, both on mothen ud children, when mothen work outaide the home and when they perform tradi- tional duti .. in the home. The fa.mili .. surveyed included both muried ud ainQle mothers. "There ia a growin9 trend for increui.n9 nu.m.ben of mothen with youn9 children to have out- aide employment or to be ainQle, Last weak two decisions came out of the judicial system that threw us into the biggest l.P'oar that we remember in years. You know what they were: the decision dedoring John HinckJey irYlocent by reason of insatity, and the de- cision that the wouk.1-be Los Angeles Rciders were a fit subject of eminent domain by the City of OokJand. lfs been buiding up to this for a long tine. A new book cals these changes in legal philosophy that got us to this point 1he Second American Revolution Read it. lfs by Jot'v) Wtitehead. president of the Rutrerford Institute, ptblished by David C. Cook. Elgin IHinois. If your favortte bookstore won't order it, caN Logos (559-6114), ~anatha Vloge (556-7622.), or Christian Discount (963-7227) and try to badger them Into ordering it. It wiD be enlightenng. 1he cm.ns· Property lights commmee <Cttpop) 1s on~· rormect to OClC)Oie ~ rede• 11cpnent and other dai~Qefs to ProPertY CITPROP P.O . Box 4492 Irvine, CA 92716 Now that the Alaska pipeline is bringing oil south to warm-water ports, its builders and operators are point1ng with pride to the fact that ts has not done any great damage to the fragile Alaskan environment. "See. we told you it would be okay," they say But we hope people won't forget that the very reason why the pipeline is okay is that environmentalist groups put heavy pressure on the politicians and the oil companies to build the pipeline in a way that w ould wreak the least poaible ecologicaJ havoc. There'• a good ~ in that entire scenario, and it a~ies agaen and egain in projects large and tmatl. The lesson is this: If people will fight and argue herd enough to protect the environment, it IS poslible to enjoy the fruits of growth and progress WITHOUT suffering the most terrible oonMQUences. Once upon a time, Uwer Newport Bay was grnng 10 be turned 1nto a highly-devetoped, exclusive residential end marina area. The Upper Bay would have been ruined. We 1tiN have our Upper Bay, fOt' ALL of us to enjoy. and we still have plenty of e•clusive waterfront homes. Why?Beceu .. environmentalists and others fought to protect the bay. There was once a plan to ;am a major freeway through the mtddle of Newport Beach A hard fight by a lot of people .aved us fJom that fate A new bridge was built across the beY. end other tr_..ic impfovements were made We have no freeway There have been any number of major developmenll in our town that 11arted off as monster• on paper, but wete turned into leu-objec:tionabkt projects at the insiateoce of en- viron~tal'-ts. We mual keep this aame strong resistance alive tn protect from overdevelopn'lent of the e.lboe Fun lone, the Beec:o-Banning property, Newport Center and oth8f key parll of our city. W. m\Jit crintlnue to fight the good fight . Want to join ua? The eddl .. and ~ number ate betnw • • but tM oo.laP&ty ..... llOt yet JeCI09D'wci ..,_, ecle~bou .. , be Dll Mel to .U. outlide ea~l ud lliaQJe pareDI· bood laO,. vieWe ucl -et....tul,., MicMMola l&id. LtY ti.D~ IACI8Cie: -Womillve ud evealDCJS were the mo.t leue periods of the day for workiDQ mothers lillce th.-were tim .. when obUQetion~ overlapped. -More than oae-third of the mothers beJJeved nothln9 could be doae to relieve their time pr .. urea. -WIIU&e .... -···.ad.., w too lAC~ k) Clo ia 1M n.. ev.U..W., illothe .. w.th full-lime johe ,-.rceiw.d the 9,.., .. , pr-.e ud lell&iOD. Nicbeleoo &leo e11plored bow buabuld. reduced or lacr....d pr ... ure ud teotion. n .. finding• iaclude: -Husband. did more bouMwork and child care when their wiv" were employed out- side the home, but the amount of time spent on th ... chorea d1d not approach equably. -Even though there was a large gap between men an d • ~ WOIMil 00 tilDe lpeDI oe cluld cue, th.-hubuds ud wiv" frequeat.Jy told the illtervaewen that they eqully lhred ch1ld care duti ... -Huaba.nd. undertook more r"ponaibUiti" at home when the wiv" experienced more teoaion 411d preuure at their outside lob.. -Women with full-lime JObs, 10 contrast to lradthonal waves, generally took greater respon· aabihty for JObs at home such as houM repaua, car m.untenance, budgeting and balls. Fr..:k Poureef Ray Conniff Johnny Gibbs Kenny Rankin Carave* Johnny Pearson Nico Gomel Anne Murray Raymond Lefevre Fleetwood Mac Oeblnoft M Gllttunkef Frri Chacksfiek:t ..,. Winkler o.Md Role Toni T ennitte Jltmes Last F..,.. & T eic:her Henly Mancini AMt Wiliams BUf1 Bec:hanlch Kingston Trio Bily v~ a.bra Streisand Don Tweedy Laurtndo Almeida Stu PhiMips Gordon Ughtloot Hugo Momenegro ....... Bower Pwcy Flith OIMa NewtcMhJohn Sound 80 Aoyd Cfamer Brien May Paul Davis Into Modem Era Orano• County baa begun furtive steps toward moclemi&ation of its methods for disposal of solid waste udMwaoe. A report to the Solid Waste Division by an Arcad1a coDaultanl raises the possibility of small-scale burning of maa and resource recovery, as an adJunct to landfills. NH.nwhile, Getty Synthetic Fuels Inc. plans a landhll enerqy cogeneration project at the Otange C ounty landfill i.n Olinda, near Brea. The Irvine Co. is talking to a Canadian firm, Gas Recovery Systems, for a cogeneration project at Coyote Canyon between Irvine and Newport Beach. The Aliso Water Manaqement Agency is building a •H-aufiicient waste treatment plant using methane gas from the sewage it treats to power its electric turbines. And a series of reports are being planned for the Sanitation Districts of Orange County on various alter- natives for sewage solids. Science is steadily creepmg in all over a county which for 23 years bas dumped and filled over w1th dirt and , in the ca.se of sewage solids, la1d them m the sun to dry. Waste Disposal has been called "the stepchud of O ranqe County government." The county reportedly took a conservahve route following a mass1ve req10nal study of alternatives. In the case of sludge, Orange County elected to stay with land composting while Los Anqeles County started through the diJficult approval p rocess in a qenuine effort to find a combustion process tha t would pass environmental tests. Now Oranqe County 11 exploring new avenues after cituens of the Irvine village of Northwood raised their voices in opposition to a proposed sludge drymg facllity in the hills above the city. A great deal 1S qomg on m this area. Meanwh1le, pay- ing for future disposal methods will be a big problem. The Board of Supervisors should begin charging fees at land.fi.lls to supply revenue for future modernizahon. The step will also help keep out the b ootleggers dnvmg from all over the Los Angeles basin to take advantage of Orange County's heretofore free dumpsites. -TB FareweD To Fred Our close friend and assoc1ate Fred Dav1s has departed his post as editor of the Cosio Meso News to become publisher of the Bear Volley Springs Cub m the Tehachapi Mountains . At 50, he launches a new undertalung, and 1t 1s sure to be lively, entertammg and successful because he wtll be gujding it. Fred has observed and contnbuted mo re than any other employee of these newspapers and then predeces- aon over the last 10Y2 years His loss wul be felt not only by us but by the area as a whole. In add1hon to serving as editor of the News, he hu been a commun1ty activ1st and ag1lator for good and pr09ress. Peaonally, we w1ll m1ss h1s laugh and good humor, which have ennched our lives daily. We will m1ss even more hia presence m our midst as a model of what a weekly editor should be-stubbornly independent- minded and absolutely committed to community jour· naliam. Fred departs but the model he provided for us remains, and we mtend to follow it from now on. -TB 2721 E Co.•t Hwy , Co~ona del Nar, CA 92625 ~ PubU.h.d w .. lt.ly on Wedn..Uy lcl.tora.a.J and Sel• phone -673-0550 IUCHAAD BRONNER IOIPAYION IONWHITI LII.AJm POUND IUaTSIWS IIU.IDOSON IC8IT n.UK. JODY IICUR NAICUS DIITI, CHJUSTOf'HU L Y'NCH IA.UY ILOIDf and STIVIN A CANClAJf ALA.W w SCHOn Co publ .. her Co-pu.bl&.ab.r General W.ftaqer ld.tror Conlnbullnq Edtlor Advertlllln.q Duector R.pc~r .. n Spor1• ,_.po, .. re Pbofo9rapben Production WanaqeY ~ ... , • .,. ... ~. tutlt .. , .76. -... ~ ...... ___ ,... " •• .....~ ~ ........ ... ... .,...,, ...,_ ............ 14 1•1 ........... "'·-,...,.....,., A Al1 111 ., ... ,..,., c.,..,, "" ..,. c-,... .. o..,.... ..... ., c.t.t ......... a.. ,_ ... ,..,,... , .. , •••. ,,.. ......... 1 ••• ......... -................. . n,. ... .., •. ,. ,_,., • .... """' .._._,..,. tl\• c ... •·I ~ tl .... I. ..... Mlol ~ .... •II ......,...,._ ......... .. '-·~-.. , .... _. ••• CJPA w-,.. • ·Letters To The Editor Reapportio nme n t To the Editor: Voters should be shocked a.nd puzzled by lbe June 2, 1982 recom.mendahons by the weekly Coast Med1a Newspapers (Costa. Meaa, Irvme, Newport Beach) for a YES vote on reapportion· menl Props. 10, 11 and 12. for· tunately, the voters bad the good sense to iqnore-by over 65 percent-your strange preferences. Surely, you were aware that one of the ma.ny neqative .upects of tboae leqialative schemes would have been c:hsen- lranchtaemenl-apeci.hcally ~ lrvane, Newport Beach, and along the Orange Coast-with lhe ehmmahon of a atale Mnate represenlahve for the next two yeara. True, some have said sarcuhcally that it matters Uttle smce "we haven't hod a state senator these past four yeara!" I mtgbl not concur, but be that as 11 may, bow do you juatify inlult- ang o ur communaliea and the polthcal process by wantin9 to have this unfair gerrymander lotsled upon us? I recogntze that reapportion- men& ts the prerogative of the party m power, but these were blatantly deslruclive. You should not have made any recommendahon A NO vole was suggested by moat alate neW1Spapers, •ven the hberal ones To be cona11tent, will you also oppose the Fair Oistrictino lnt- hahve 1n November? Thia aenal· ble inttiative malt" an att•mpt to reduce the petty partiaa.n elementa of reapportionment. Perhaps you folka were juat weary or confu.ed wtth all those proposahona, or maybe your pnnter made an error. Reoardleu, you owe your readera an explanation if you dealre to be a c redible advocate of qood Cjlovemment. Chnstopher Maoee St .. l Oranoe Avenue Coata. Mesa Ed1lor'• Not• As tha.e who reod our paper every week aze aware, we exp.loin«i our IJO'i· t1on on Propa. 10, 11 ODd 12 by •oymg our publithers fell thai the reopporl1onment tooJt p/oc. under lhe low as it en.Jed ot the l1me. Bec:ous. both partlu It~ obUM!d the reopportlonm•nl low tJme olt•r time, we DO lovor the FoJT Dilltictlng lmtioliN In November, ond .aid .o ol liM flme we endoi"M!d 10, 11 ond 12. We J>.J,ev. in mo*mq chongu with n lite ayatem Our pub/is/ten do nol believe in orbiltouly changing tit• rule. in midd.go~ne J&UI becoUM .,... ore on91)' 1111lh bow on• porly pkJp the gcune. • Campaign Mailing~~ To the Editor: I'm wrltinq to ult your editorl&l .upport for a bill to help inform votera of the ;row- ing abUM of eleventh-hour campaign mailinqa. Unlik• newspaper a.dvertis1.09 {which ( hope the bill will encoura.9e), direct ma.il can a..llow an unethical candidate to uy one thin; to one ;roup of voters and aomethinq completely contradictory to another ;roup. Both conuadictory atonea could be U•a, with UtU• opportunity for news media. or anyone ehe to qift the voten the facta until the election is over. Government can't and should- n't try to atop cand.tdatea from uyinq whatever they want, wbenev•r th.y wa.nt, 1n what- ever form they wa.n t. But it ca.n, and should, beJp alert the voters to open up duect-ma.ll ca.mpajquin9 to u much press and public scrutiny u possible, uo the voters can ma.ke inform- ed judqmenta on the crecbbility of a. candidate's a.tlack. The bill would place two requirement• on ca.mpa1qn mall· inqa in the laat 15 daya before an election. Firat, each mailer would be required to conlaln a n ohce aay- inq: "WARNING: Be on guard for campa.iqu Utera.ture diatributed in the final da.ya before an elec- tion. It can contain diatortiona and miarepr ... ntationa of the truth without affordinq an opportunity for opponents to '"pond." Second, it would reqwre candidatea to fi1• cop1ea of th..a mailin91 with their county clerks (or. in t.ba CaM of candida. tea for statewide office, with the NCr•· t&ty of alate) a.t the aame time they mail them. Aa you know, I've be.n the Leq:ialature'a leadinq advocate oJ strenqthening CaliJorn.ia'a ~­ meeting a.nd pubUc-recorda laws. Aa the Brown A ct and the Bagley-K .. n• Act both alate, "The people inaiat on rema.1ni.nq mJormed eo that they may retatn control over the inatrumenta they have created." Barry Keeoe State Senator CONSUMERC0RNER Deal Conaumer League· I own a larqe chatn of fur· niture •torea. La.at Monday I had a n•w dmin9 room Mt dehvered bom one of my atorn to my home. Fnday evenmq I tned to gel the lMv•• up becauae I waa havlllg a dinner party for e1qbt Saturday niqht. One s1de ha.d a defective latch and would not rel ..... 1 went to the phone and c alled my cloeeat atore and told the aalealady my na.me a.nd problem a.nd uked to btwe another table delivered th• neJ~t da.y. Ob- vioualy abe did not recoqniae my name. She told me l would bave to t.lk to the ma.nao•r, but that lae WU Dot lD. I etarted to tell her jutt who ( wu WMD I Mw lhe DewUetter from U.t. lilly bttle couumer qroup my wife bad folDed . So I decicW to na,n a littte ... t. l P" U.. lady a alaohtly cbfferent oaae aDd my home t•lephone ouaber. saa. prorn.iMd tb.t the manaqer would caU me beck. T1M oe.at day my etore had Dol called me .o 1 called theJD. ( wu told the ma.oa9er wat ln • ... uno. I reminded the ..J.penoo ol my dUlller puty. n.., p.ro.-d to ba..e IUm c.U walJWl tM t.ou . Two bOun &.ter 1 ea1Md a981a. 1\e ..,...,., WM out to ......... n..a ............. . , ........ 9...._ .......... . halmoaat. 'C16c1A'I ..a. I O.U· .. w..._. ........ ltill ....................... ............... -. ··~... .. ... , ......... ., .... .. .. .... (1 ., ... demanded that th•y aend me another table. I then called the Consumer LHoue, told thi.a friendly voic• my problem aod 20 miout• later my own secretary called me. She said that a consumer group had juat called, that we had a customer an trouble becaUM oJ a defective table we bad .old theto and that th•y, the Consumer l.eaque, would help get the table delivered iJ we could tell them which atore bad 1l in atock. Then abe MJd ah• wu really coufu.d when th• Leaque 9ave my phoJte nu.mber and add.reea u the co~r ao uouhle. I Mid. "N•ver mind, tut caU • JDMti.QQ of all ator• meDaqen tomorrow. le .ure the aana9•r froJ:D alofe ownber ..-.en i.a tlaue. W.. mow, I am eorry I called your oroup silly a.nd I waat to jom. Learned tlae bard way, Wr. Z. Dear Mr. z. f'tn /141 f1}od )'OU 0,_ going fo do liOIMIAing aboul W#tal )"'U leom«<. AJJ .. ~~ ~ Jo.JJy ~IM~ ao rou GN oJ~ooeo/w. JOORrtAUSI"S I JOURNAL by Jim Feltoo In rec•nt weeks, a num.ber of prominent newapapera have publlabed t.atur" about th• qreat earthquake thAt 11 lik•ly to hat Southern Cahfonua., and you wonder if they're trymg to tell ua somethmo. When the ma&alve quak.a rocked Cbtna aome yeara aqo, scienti.ata predicted when they would happen, a.nd al that time local --~IU said the ayatem would oev•r work 1.0 the U.S. The reuon: if aomeooe came right out and pr.dicted a.n earthquake would occur n•xt weekend, the populace would be ao terron.zed that more dama.oe would be cau.sed by th• w1deapread panic than by the quake. But there 11 general agree· m•nl that we a.re due for a b1g one, probably nea. Wriohtwood and the Sa.n Andzeu fault, and 1t 11 hkely to be about 8.3 m m · tenally, grea.ter by fa. than the San Fra.nc1sco qua.k. or any quake m modern timea. W1th all tlus talk and pubhcaty about a gaant shalt•. it ... m.a odd tba.t local political juriac:Lc - hons are not dolng anything ap· parent to prepar• the popula- hon There are no bull•hna about qettmq pr•pared, no drills, no pubhcity about evacuahon centen, or emergen- cy stahons, or fuat-aid centers Do lbe cthes rn our ar .. have an up-to-date cLa.ster reli.J plan, an earthquake care packaqe that we should know about? Amencans aeem to hAve a.n unmortahty compl•x thai debes reason. We don't tuten our aeat bella beca.uae the fat&! accid•nt 11 gomg to b1t the other quy We still put wood ahmglea on our hou.aea becau.se 1t's the other quy in the oth•r town who i.a q o- mg to be hit by the fire storm. U th•re 1.1 a.n atomic wax, the oth•r countriea will be d.troyed, but not ua. No auee, bob, don't bother me. W. woryy? The 841· thqua.ke w1U come, all nght, but tt'a qoioq to tut Sylmar, or Pasadena, or Ox.na.d or San D1eqo. But not us m ~ Orange County coutal belt. The best .:1entilic knowledqe, lbe uperta who check all the LD· atrumenta, ca.Jculat• all the odda, revtew a.U pu1 recorda, and study the teu.ao.ns thAt now enat, aay that DO a.ea 1.0 Soathem Califonua. willqo unscathed. In fact, our Wtl• part oJ the world may be th• moat au.ac:.ptible not only from quake damaqe-bwldulga a.nd bridv• and baqbwa.y buclr:hnq-but bom hqu.efa.ction, wb•n aoil.a that ue la.rgely fill or Mdimentary become un.atabl• a.nd liqwd. ~partment builcbnqs in China aimply rolled over on their 11d•• and aanlr. Most oJ Irvine, N•wport Beach a.nd Costa W... are in the mteDM liquefaction &on ea. • It i.8 paeaa.ble thai aome p410ple auaundent.nd the uture of tA<t word "liberty", ftJ)eClalJy clur· i.a9 all the boopJ. that b.p~n.a be" on lad.peodeftce O.y. Am-fool American fla.9 wu atolen from t.be home of Doaa.ld .ad 11-.nor Tippett in the 100 block of v .. Ithaca oo the fourth of July. "lt'a JUSt 10 dumb-and un~tnohe-to steal an Amene.a fla9," explatned IIMDor, who aa1d the chac)runtl- in9 dacovery wu made whale the fa.nuly wu enJoyinQ tbeu backyard b.ubecue. As lf that ancadent a.lone wun't enou9h to cauae the foun- dinq fathers to crook an eyebrow towards thu IUD- drenched be.cb CODUDUOJty, eulier in the day pollee ar- Flag Pole Declcatlon r .. ted an Anaheam man on lutpicion of contribulinq to the delinquency of a manor. H11 name? Patrick Henry Mendoza. Dedicating a new flag ~e at rhe enrrance ro Harbor Ridge in Newport Beach are. from left. Supervisor Tom Riley. color guard members Corp. R. l. Jefferson and Corp J T Banks of the Marine Corps Air Station in Tusttn, Mayor Jackie Heather. and Mrs Gene C MiiC, president of the Harbor Rtdge Women's Club whtch donated the flag pole The ceremony was held July 4 ar 11 a m The flag was donated by Congressman Robert Badham and has flow n over the Capttal tn Wash•ngton 0 C CARPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY a MINIBLIND CLEANING 20% OFF • .,_Rup •FurnituN Plclt-up& Den· .. , 1110 SAMT A ANA AV£. CoaTA..U What's new for you ... and your lips? \ All-It U,s--..._, ~n~..·, t1 1.•\th """'''hi"'-••• '•'Uf hP" •1\tl.poulnltnt!llwm •nh "u""'"-Ln tr llfn .Jnent ctk·,t<~ '" '"" MIJ •ln..l In" •ll•n•n• t.a .. hM '"'" ~.w \n HU 8 lap Soutlln Pl.u "'"~hH.d ~··"~'~ ~ ... l ,., ""n"" rn·f'l ( ..n he Vtt"fTT , ......... ,.., ........... ~ ....... ,. JW''""'"' '"' '~"'""-""' Ill\ \~ 'II c Llf""'"•l Plua "' ..... , '"""""'' IW\Io ~o.ttklf' ·~U...· ..... ~ .o>mtltn•n• hr 1 .... r MIJ '"''''"""1<.1 hl"'"' L \. 1' ~ ehcm "h• .,.""" thcrn' John£. ~Cont CLLITUM PHOTOGRAPHY We An PROUD To HaYeP ......... ecl . CHRIS & JILL Childrn of ~oho & Casey She& I ........ t.l .... " ••••• •• t : ••• ••• •• t.• Peanut puuter-how to me.ure unshelled nutJ for a rec1pe. One and • h.tlf pounds equlll a pound lhelted or dtr• and a qu•ttr cups. Sale Time at NOT Rf; PLACI; Beller k 'o nH·n ·s c·lotJung at Better Priu:!:J Our beautiful fashtons fOf SPf•OQ an.:l summer are now on sale En,ov tne newest styles from vour tavOftte designers at sov1ngs over o ur otreod-., low pncesl SIZES 4 12 /)olllltlt' '" ,u.,, ,, I If, tl,, "/,, t r '' ' '' " '•••,f .I "'· HOUf?S 10 0 ll ( I M ONDAv IH?t.. • J ~ t.., 170 E 17TH ST J rr COST A ME SA 5J.k JOJ'"' CUSTOM WAIIM>Qoel CC>OAOINA noN AVAitAIU IY ~ We Keep You Smiling . . . PA MACA THOR DEJIITALGROUP 7 a-633 Appoin1ments Available 7 a.m. to 7 p .m . All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T SMRfCEK. JR . DDS INC acArthur Bl\·d .. 'uite 1 0,. ewport Beach t to V ictona Lioa) . I ,, J The ... wpcwt £naign W~) ,..,.1 1 , ... ra.p $ OC E:-1-cba.mpto.D craftsmen ead craft-rau •women are kept 1ft tbe family. bulb are prom...-d duran9 the c.loc.nq weekend~of the l&u at a tbree-d.Ay PRCA c hampaonlhap rodeo, acbedwed July 16-18 A new rodeo aHra.c hoo ttua year 11 Do.DA1e Gr .. n. a profeaaonal bullhqbter-elown who.e da.nqerous tuk as to dJstrac t an9ry bulla from lhae fallen nders. The 2,000-pound c roubred Brahma bulls are ltlce ly to be an leu than plac1d mood.a aher throwanq thear passenqers anto the dust, and the clown'• tu.lt ll to ac t as a decoy whtle the nder scrambles to s.a.fety·-and to be funny an the mean tune Jbd..an', ropan' and other tradt honal rodeo achv•hes wsl1 be ol fered duranq the hve rodeo per forma.Dces. A quaeter area of the fasrqroWlds, the Home Arts Buld..anq , as no less compehhve than the barns and the bullraog Ouuters, spaonen. weavers. pamters a.nd psemakers wdl compete for the many pnzes avalla.ble an the Home Arts, Crafts a.nd Hobbaes dsvasaon of the tau. And not all the tecrets of the AI lhe Crafta tk .. lre artaMaa wall ow• d.eily cl.moubetiAa ol tAe I UilU. The future of Corona del Mer Elementary School wtll be ds~euued dunnq a 1pecaal lun- c heon to be held at the scl.vol by the Corona del M r Chamber ot Commerce Thursday, July 15 "The Chamber dsrectors felt tKey could not turn tbear baoka on thss potenltal communsly asset uniJl every possable op· portumtv has been explored," commenred Chamber Pressdent hm Wood Tours of the school wall be held at 11 30 a m wsth a catered lunch set tor noon The proqram w1ll e nd al 1 30 p m Accordanq to Wood re10urce people present at the event will mclude a member of the Newport Mesa school board, a school admsnastrator, a developer. a member of the Newport Beac h csty plannmq staff and severAl local homeownen The publsc 1s mv1ted to the event For reservahons call 673.4050 BALB(}\ ART GLASS SIUDIOS Whethtor 'ou pl11n to sell vour homt> or qa~ put RlAl STA.I""fU GlASS can encrt>ilse the resalt> valut> and your t urrf'nt t>n1ovmt-nt' Wtndows cetlenas autonomous pant> I, and mort' ( u\lont des•&ned and f abnr a ted t>llclustvt>lv for vou • hplore the poss•btltl tt>S tor your homt> tall tor an diJ~"ntment now •n our studao or at your homt> No ch.trgt' tor f'\llmatt-, c~nd hou,., calls• e_e_e_e_·---e-·-·-· 8PE£1AL OWW£B $50.00 off 111rf comm • 'g rd WOfll wilh a,...._., v~ of SlOO.GO; 1"" ~ lor items unckr SlOO.OO! (oupon ~""' lu~ n 1'18: .......... e .. e ....................... . )))] Newpott ..,...,.,.., Nc ............. c.c-.._ 01\' ..... 67S-S710 MUREDELTPM 2 · 2 BIAS-B El TED $ 75 Fo' Soae 1'1IS·IG-1l l'lw• 11 II, E T IN POPULAR P Metrae SIZES Goed ¥alue In An lconomkal Paue..-nre 2 Ftbet'ga.u belta prov•de strength ' and durab411~ 2 Jlotyester bodv pltes ensure a wnooth aotc nde ft.at tfeed and wtde ahoulders o tter eacellent hendltng W...t.walts St•fM~euto 155-12 15S.13 115-13 1S.14 17&-14 185-14 36.82 37.82 38.82 4&.82 47.82 52.82 C:l l olll l 1tT Rt Bfll PM l "''•'( PI J.J P Q t f Tff"'1 n .oo .... ..... ..... ..... 1 22 1 27 1 57 1.80 2.00 2.12 L01 .. ~. lAO .... a.n • 3409 E. Co.st Hwy. Coron. del M.lr Evelyn Whate Heanng Aad Audaologast Repaars. Battenes and Servace 675-3833 CRTifiiD IY Tttl STA Tl MIDICAl ~ 'dale fahmey ~:.o: INTENOR DESION£AS Jeffrey Hitchcock INTERIOR DE SIGNER jan T umer Hering INTE RI O R DESIGNE R, ISID 2712 E. C<NSt Highw•y Coron. del M.lr, 640-6512 • 752-9071 Cruise Specialists Computerized Sabre System Individual -Commercial -Croups 675-5000 955-3380 2727 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DR MAR 2600 f. Co.st Hwy. Coron. del M.lr An Adventure in ~tural bting HOURS 7 AM T012 PM 3050 E. Co.st Hwy ., Coron• del M.lr (OPPOSIH Al Rl R TSON'SI 640-1573 Now in Newport Are. tlfter 25 ye•n in leverly Hills NEWPORT TIRE CENTER COMIUTE AUTO SRVIC£ • Michelin • Goodyur • Pirelli • lridaestone • ~tiOn..t • liken 3000 E. C<NSt Hwy., Coron. del M.lr 644 8021 In-House Decorator The Finest in Traditional Furniture 2744 E. COAST HWY. COlONA 00 MAl 't The luXuries of 1!1' to 1M willa.• ~4~w! MEETINGS JULY 15 ....... Thursday_l1 :30 am__cdm Elementary school "brainstorming" tours, lunch. JULY 27_.Tuesday ____ 5:30 pm .. ____ la Strada Restaurant Blender. AUC. 3 ...... _T uesdav ........... 7:30 am ... Board of Directors Meeting. PHONI 673-4050 fOit TIMlS AND LOCA liONS 720.1850 ARTGAUERY Custom Frammg • tWG ~ OtOCOlATIS ·~.-rTAifY • PAin'.~ CAra.«; •0~ • ~ 1001$, (AID•/IH) ClfTS • ,_. Ma) COOIIIB l111 f. CoMI Hwy .. COIOM cW Mlr SUZANNE'S STUDIO Exercise and Dance fOR WOMEN ONl 'Y 675-8955 lOll L Cou8 Hwy., Coron. del Mu lenuth Newpott....,. SaWip Prescnpteon Information Available Up6n Request 644-7575 OftN MON.·SA T. 1:30-6 P.M. Parkma In Rear 2700 E. COAST HWY. COlONA DR MAR l';.ul dn<l ""'" ( .trc ~Inn We Spe<.lallze ln You! 0 ~ 0 L.:::l • P~rsonUzed Skin C.t~ • Comp&ete N•il C.~ • Custom Blended Products 2614 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR COMPLETE. PARTY PL ANNING SE RVIC ~ LaCaatiDa frne Wrne & Sprr~ls 'Jour l 1quor Stort-dnd ,o much mort- 1244 EAST COAST HKiHWA Y CORONA DEL MAR NEWPORT BALBOA Savings ''The ~rt Money Stays in the Heart of Corona del Mar·· Coron• del M.Jr 1021 E. C~st Hwy. FSUc Corona d~l ~r 7 ·· 675-8060 Westdiff Pt. . .z. 1100 Irvine Av~. Newport leach 64S~ i"h~ti•n '-t'. (~~·~on. u. n. s. 1(> y~a r-. of famtly dt'ntt'itry tn loro n ,, clt.•l McH CO SMETIC/RECONSTRUCTION 2855 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA OR MAR 675-2200 DICK DINEfN lr.tMh MINI~' Headquarters lranch: 29041. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 7»0331 IMPORT ANT BU ...... The Chamber of Commerce wants the community to take a lo ok at o ne of tts valuable . but endangered, assets-the Coro na del MarE lementary School On Thursday, July 15 at 11 30 thru 1 30 a tour, lunch and "bratn storm ing" ~esston wtll be held at the school It is your responsibility to be there' Phone 673-4050 for Clothes from the wardrobes of the world' BEST-DRESSED PEOPLE 2731 l . Co.ut Hwy. CotON del Milr 67S-SSSJ Mon.-S.t 1M Sun. 11-S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDROMAT Dry Clea ntng • f tntshed La undry Dro p Off Fl uff & Fo ld IJPI '-~[)A\\ 1, \\II fo;. 1\ o\ \1 I 0 '' 1''1 1711 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA DEL MAR 673-9654 John L. ~Com C l'tL ATO "'e o..- Ooa~ , .. c TIVtt fi'OtltT"A•T• c .... T ,..,. Wttoo•o.oo• O I.IA'-ITY C O M ... ttlltCIAt.. 30..0 e: ~•c•••e Co••T Hwv COtltOI'tA o•'-....... ?eo.e?e? 1721 l. Coast ttwy., CGrON cW Mar SPK•alish in Con ervat•on Fram.na We offer int arity and quality rvi e Creative Jewelers, Inc. ",~ ~IY :;N ;;,. ~ / COMPUTllfWiliY SBVJOS •lJI '1!.'1'1 •1(1 WH "'1 1"'(. •IU P"llll"'(· • 1\,i.t,,ll '\t II l<l'-1 • ()lA \.\0"'1>\ • PI o\111 C., • ( I \.1\1 n"'l \ 7~766 u: 'AU t,,lt. .. IA J~-·· ." ... ~ ..... IAtt••' MEN'S & WOMEN'S TRADITIONAL WEAR f o r Tho\t> ~ ho hop for Qualtt\- 1565 Lut Co.tst Hwy., Coron. del M.Jr 675-1850 ftfiiR lllliNI llfiDft IDPJ'bY l 18Dti.Dl 416 Heliotrope Av~. Coron.*l~r. &75-0655 lehind Port Theat~r Jack's Pharmacy • ,l,.mh,l~~<idor ~t•ll ~,r,tp ~ • (ctrd' • Ntlh • Prt•,ft.Ct' 1 o~mt't 11 , Rt•\.lon • t ltt<llwth • Qu.lllf't Photo • •n"h'"l.! • ol'f \f"f\. H t' 673-2550 ,... • •• 1r • lr.ry. Jv,Jy '· a• TM Mewpon tutv~ ~ ... boa Jo Catol ..... lD tM G)() Wack • hlk Me~ ... A lool boa ud ............ $1 ,103 .... ~.._boa A.T. Leo'• 1a u.e 1100 Wed • Coe~t L:======:=======::::;::r:::===========;::;;:;::::::;;=J.I -.... .. , ... ,._., ....... at No· f z,-. 1 ... • 1ect th.at the ... were &boQt $1,02S -~ ilolea iloe ClOdS 2()0,000 adJaiwioa uc-... 91M1M 1 au. ~ lD tM 2100 Property vahaecl at $2.605 wu .,..._ ud C)ift certilica ... ba lM ~ • ~ ... ~ lllol.D boa Macera .... locaUoa, thi•b wt.o brok• c ... , • .._.._ •• walaed at B)eckwoocl io tta. 3100 block of iDto the ticbt booth oJ the ld· $841 ... reportecllloleo tro. Bro.cl · · · C...n equipaent wada Newport oAly took eom• n.o.... J. A\&.llia iD U.. }go() vatu-' at $525 wu report.d 1twlio pTOJDO pictur .. oJ "An· block of EQ.•l'li.acJtoa · ..._&olD Albert Leo Di.da in nie," which were t..,.cl onto th• AJUliSTS the 3108 block of Via Oporto window.. The 8 by 10 gloeai.. Magi Wuth.aaa AUir, 36, of ... A ptowJ. wu ... n in the are valu.d at $3. n.. tape and Ca.ta W..., ud "'-•~in Aba.d 1800 block ot laJ. the coznen of lb• plctur .. were NaMex, 22, of PorteniDe, .... AUISTS atill in place on the gtu. when ar....a.d oa IUIIPACioll of pc r IF ~ Muquea Gon.zalea, th• theft w.u cliM:overed, polic• iDO a dMcDJ ... poo • · · NucJ 18, of Coltota, wu an•t.d on report.d. Warouet Rotldeklet, Sl, of aupici.oD of battery . ARRESTS Newport a..ell, ... an-.d on Steven Leroy Bra.dhck, 40, eupicico of cpud theft ... 'hnciCIJ. Juae 21 IUld Manuel William Hamilton, AD~~ Tome, 24, of CR.Do:S 24, both oJ A.tue, wete ur_.ed Santa Au, -arr.a.cl on J•wehy IUld otbeT property on eupicion of poe .... ing marl· wapjdon oJ pc•• ing ltolen valued at $1,190 wu reported )ua foz Ml• ... RhondA Sue properly. ~ boa Art Griffin in the H.ircbun, 21 , of Cameron Park, 1900 block of Sherrington · · · wu urated on a-uapicion oJ C...ra equipment and )ewelry em.beaslement, ud David BryllD val1Md at $1,010 wete report.d Stewart, 19, of Huntington .... from Suaan WcGregor 1n the 1900 block of Sberrington Beach, wu eneated on auepi· cion of coJUpiracy to commit . . . Jewelry valu.d at $737 wu em.beaalement . . . Fout people report.d atolen from Dorothy weT• aneated on auapicion of Wmkler in the 1800 block of dJ'unken driving, including Jef· Sburington · · · A Oaaher w.u frey Mark Robinaon of Newport eMil by CoTona del Nar lbgh Sch ) Beach. 00 . Weda•day. June 30 CRIMES Vehkulu burglar &luma and toob valued at S2, 131 were reported atolen from D&D Ac;· c_,n.. in the 200 block of Palm . . . S..t coven and • head r .. t valu.d at $592 were report.d llolen from a car belonCJUlg to Jim Deane LD the 100 block of Topu ... A .22 caliber Remington nile valued at $150 wu reported 1tolen from Bruce B. Patton in the 1900 block of 16th . . . De.pile the Thunday. July 1 CRIMES J•welry, lilv•rw•u• and pur ... valu.d at $9,400 were r•port.d atolea hom VirC)inia Ali~ R•m•lin in the 2500 block of Wand View . . . 11u .. pair• oJ t-top windowa for Corvett .. valued at $3,291 were report.d atolen from Howard Ch•vrolet LD the 800 block of Dove . . . A chinete rug valued at $2,499 wu reported atolen from Robin· aon'a in fuhion bland ... Pro· perty valued at $1 ,560 was Fliday. July 2 CRDOS Property valued at $2,980 wu reporl.d alolen boat Low. Tbomea Nitidi•r• in the 600 block oJ Lido Park . . . Golf gear valu.d at $1,436 wu report.d atol•n from Chad .. Jd. ward Croobll in lh• 1600 block of Cout Hig).way . . . Two t· tope from a Corvette and othet property valu.d at $1,360 ... reported .. olen froa Rudalpk Conailio BaldoAi in the 1400 block of Sandcutle . . . Aoothel' pair of t-top windows lor a Cor· vett• were reported .. olen froa Richard Jack Tay1oz in the 700 block oJ Dom.tngo. A.RRISTS Curtia l•im.an Irving, 42, of lngl•wood, wu an.t.d on auapicion of burglu, ... Michael Spraqu AJ:ut.non, 18, of Palm Springs, wu a..rrestecl on auspicion of pc• ring a Clark Kennedy and flowers. What a nice arrangement. • 8 oz.. of Right Guard costa $2.87, or 157.40 a gallon • 112 oz.. ot nail~ Mila tor saoo a bottle, or 1111.00 a gallon 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Paik 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa • .2 oz.. of 8lnaca Mile tor 11.•~ or 11, .. 1.11 a gallon · BUT THE GALLON OF PAINT WILL LAST •Nt•l JNIS •nd sUII look good Paint Ia Still The Beat Buy In Town IIUAL PI&RCTIOU lnterloriExtertor Painting W ... Paperte~g. GnP* Art W811cowrt1-u 8504000 will do ... consult a realtor ... • •n our Real Estate Section CRDOS Aa outboarcl aotor valued at lcltuNay. IWr 3 $800 wu reported .aol•n from cmwiS ld Vuden ao.ca. from e boat Sllve....,.. fti1Md at $980 wu aoorecl at 43td and liver . . . reponed lllolea tro. W.rioD $510 lD cub wu report.d 1tolen IIi·~ ....._ Ia tM 1100 from Joh&Dna P. CoUeeter in the Wack of Tr~ · · · Pro-800 block of OcM.n Front. peltJ walaecl at M80 wu ARRISTS zeportec~..oa.. froa Wil.l.iAm N•wport IMch Police officeu Scott laqlia in the 600 block oJ made a total of 57 err-'• todaY! C>cMD rrout. ~of tboM ..,. alcohol rel.t.d. A.IRIS1'S Patrick Henry Nendoaa, 22, of Ru..ba Rubio, 21, of WlWU.r, Anaheim, wu arr ... .d on auapi· wu arr..e.d oo .upicioD of cioa of contributing to the delin· ... aJt wttla a ciMdlJ ... pon on quency of a minor . . . J .. u.a a police ol&oez · · · z.t.ban Rod.ri9uea Garcia, 22, of Nez- 0c.e"'JJI l.opn, 22, of Santa ico, wu an.ted on auap1C1on of Ana, wu ar..-ed oo .uap cion L•t d wi•L · · '" an run, ua an lDJUry . . . of ~ r t 1"9 lorCJed not• · · · lteJ Holly, 27, wbo refuNd to Arturo Martinea Ocboa, 19, of •tat• hia addl'MI. :waa arr .. ted Saata Ana, wu aneet.d on on ~uepicion oJ burglary . . who refu.d to ••• ~ .cAd,.., wu arreeted on tupickm of bel· e.ry on a ~ce officer . . . Jay Gr~ry Horo, 22, of Hun· tf.D9ton leach, wu arreetecl oo tu.p cion oJ .,_, .. ,., oo a police o&c.r . . . 1 .... Artla~r CraycU.. 19, of N•wport leach, wu arr.ted oh •u.epJ· cion of battery on • poli~ ot~ fk:., ... Tbr" DMD w.re ar· r..ted on auepicion of obalt.ng· ln9 and fighting in a public place, none from Newport BHcb ... Robert luin Lucuter, 27, of lA Habra, wu aneet.d on •ue*ion oJ por ... ln9 coca1ne . . Randy Lee Blackford, 22, oJ Fullerton, wu arr .. t.d on au.epl· cion of pouaaing am· phetanun" . . . Five men were azteat.d on auapic&on of fiteworb violationa, including thr" who are auspected of thl'oWing them anto crowd.l . . . Ten people were arreated on auap&cioo of drunken drivmg, mcluding hve from Newport Beach: Duane Alu Beauaoletl, Patrick Herbert Smith, Philip Comb. Bruce, Sean James McGowan and Susan Ann G11l. w.picion oJ pclllllliD9 Jmown Christian Robert Pearaon, 35, ltolen property ... Joeeph Leon r;::====-=~====~============; fiedoz, 21, of Fremont, wu ar· I r•l~ on IU8piciOD of ~ 11111 I ing cocain• ... Nark Paul firD· br•. 18, of rr...w, wu •n•ted on W~picicm of JIClVtriag pailocyl».a . . . John Lee Proo, , ~ 1 '========================:::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 26, of Santa Ana, wu ar,..a.d L- on av..picioD of lJClll 1ag a hypodenaic ....ctl• ancl.,nn~ ... PatricioD Ca.rlo. Baduacco, 25, of w .... vru. ..... an ... .d on IUipicioD of p:•t rng m..ari· ju.ana for Mle ... Jam.. Chandler Wyatt, 18, of Whituer, wu an..aect on eupicion of Mlling marijuan.a to • minor ... Two men were an..t.d on auapt· ciQp of reckl .. and malicioua UM of illegal fireworb . . . Rafael Joee Vargu Jr., 19, oJ Fullerton, wu an ... .d on eu.epi· 1WI week'• queWoa: Do you agr .. with the 1tate Supreme Court ruling rejechng a cleUM of the alate death penalty act mandatmg the death penalty for hemou1 cnmea? 'To -.ote YES. call 17S tlto. To me NO. call 175-7020. . . Th•z. will be DO ring. lUre w no n..d to talk. The "}lang llj)" IIOUDd you hea..r 1a your vote being rec:ord.d. Lat --·· quMtloll: Do you tb1nk larael should attack Beuut tn 111 efforta to d .. troy the Palestine llberation Oroamzahon' Call anytime betweea now YES 84 •;. =~ a.m. Wonct.y to cut yow NO l&% • Matrix Cub .............. • .. 115 :';=, ........ 125 fol, Sun~ .......... 145 rem.. Cut., •so Conclllioft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WE PAY TOP FOI 8000 CLEAI USED CAIEIAS Bnng YOUf Camet a Of any Pt\ologtiiPflle EQU!P ., fof a FREE ~PC~rarsal HAIR DESIGN "'1 n\i fl Ul\<') "•'ll\~1\ 6 75•0823 CAL'S CAllUS 2SSS £.COAST HWY Key" CORONA DEL MAR mo Newport~~~~ Costa ~ Ciallof~ 92627 (714)--1313 • t , . . \ "' .-1 • . 'I (Cootbaucl froa ~ 1) problem." While • younoa.ter " m r .. adence, be ot ahe ~rtica~t" Ln 2-3 w .. kly couuelano .... uona involvino the ,.rents or perent, detly oroup ..-lou and Uldtvadual counMluio. lnt•na1ve coun .. bno and .. ,.rahon 11 often oec: ... .ry, u Greaa eaplama, beeauae "We han- dle the moet dif.bcuh caaea." Apparently. the warm attention of Ponetta, Greta a.nd the other at.U member• who rotate aht.fta provtdano 24-hour supervision, •• euctly what some of the troubled younoatera need. Dawn &rbacker, lSIJa, of Newport Beach, par- tacipated an the proqram ApnJ throuoh June. Returmno home late laal month, Dawn recently talked about her atay at the shelter. "I had so many problems before 1 came here. The maan thlDO wu 1 couldn't handJe my Dad's gulfnend havtDO autho nly over me " Eventually, Dawn ran away from home for a w .. k. but reahzed that when she returned " .. I couldn't JUII walk baclc an and have everytbano be okay." Dawn called the shelter hotlme on the naoht of her return home and made arranoemenls to beQln hvmo at the shelter and commute to Newport Harbor Haoh School by bus. "I can't beheve bow daUerent I feel about my Dad and blS oarUnend now. I really feel comfortable about go- mo home". aaad Sarbacker An upmno actress and dae hard Dodoer fan, &rbacker decorated every avaJiable apace on her bullelm boards wath mementos from a recent Newport Harbor Htgh producllon of Cabaret and newapaper chppmgs and photos of her favorite Dodoer players. Dawn occup1ed one of the three bedrooms restdenls share at the shelter. Dawn's father was receptave to the shelter pro- oram and parhc1pated an counseling sesstona throuohout Dawn's stay Smce Dawn bas retumed home, Ray Sarbacker says has relataonsrup wtth blS daughter IS " eastly 100 percent better. I trunk the shelter 1s terrdtc a really well struc- tured proqram for gelling adults and luds back toqether " Dawn agrees that sance her return home approxamately two weeks ago, "thmqs are qomo oreal " The South County Youth Shelter IS operated on a ahchng fee scale, commensurate wtth the famt· ly mcome, and open to all South County youth. However, Pozzetta noted, no one as ever dented help due to hnanc1al help The shelter's voluntary proqrams are augmented by a 24-hour cns1s an - tervenhon hotltne at 494·4311 The Nvmlter One Ranlce4 Clula In California ANNOUNCfS Myron McNamara's Myron McNomoro hos been o prom1nent nome 1n tenn•s lor more thon 10 years ond has worked w 1th such greots as Poncho Gonzoles. Rod Laver and" Jock Kromer to nome o few Myron brmgs to the)e camps not only the expe,ence long recog nlzed by the worlds top amateur and proless1onol tenn•s players but also o very personal tnvolve ment '" teochtng tennts to youngsters These camps ore open to thtt publ1c ond ore det.tgned to 1mprove the tennis gome of 1uniors I rom oges 7 to I 8 John Wayne Tenn1s Club T shirts w1ll be gtven to oil campers and rockets w 1ll be oworded to ·comp tournament winners ........ ,ION DAFIS July 19-30 Aug. 2-1 3 Aug. 16-27 CLA JIMIS Mon-Fri, 9 a .m.-12 Hours • SJ7.S noon All you need to do is change your household habits a little. Use your air conditioner sparingly. And instead of using your appliances in the afternoon, do your baking, ~-ashing, drying and other jobs in the more comfortable, cooler hours. We're suggesting this for good reac;ons : During hot weather, electricity usage by homes and businesses soars throughout Southern California. Air conditioners, coupled \Vith other demands for electricit\', create heavv load'i on the -. electrical system. You can help equalize this demand. and postpone the building of ne'\\· generating plants, by using your household appliances in the c<X>ler hours, before noon and after 6 p.m. And when you're home, set your air conditioner no lower than 7~ When you go out, tum it to 85° or higher:. So during the hot \veather, \\·hy no l give your appliances. anJ your~df. the Jftemoon off? Meantime, v:e thank you for all your conserYation eff< )n ." Southern California Edison 111111111!!11111 Oon1 let ttl stmpllctty tool you Classlt1ed Ls st111 the easy low cost way to uchange no-longer·needed Items tor cash Call us today to place your ad tor the ltems you have tor sale As they say simple things are often the best • • .... lO Wedauny. July 7. •• The Newport ~ga Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That C~tte Smoking Is Dlngerous to Your Haahh. Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. \ TOmlloughey Best lnSedatblon Race by Dan Logan Leave 11 to Ed Newland to come up with a S.atathlon The UC Irvine water polo coach took one standard lnathlon- .WUilliUllCiJ, runmnc;r and cychng rolled mto one race. He com- plicated at by subtracting hme for every 111-up, chan -up and bench preu a parhcapanl could manac;re. and he came up wolh an espec1ally nch compehtave slew. Tom Boughey of Costa Mesa won the race, wath a finash hme of one hour, 55 mmules, 52 MCOnda once all the addmg and s\lbtractmc;r wu completed Bouqhey, a fo.rmer water po lo player under Newland, hnashed ninth an th11 year's Hawau Iron· man tnathlon, and he has hn~sh­ ed as bic;rb as fourth in that event. Bouc;rhey led the Seatathlon from the outset Saturday at UCI. However, h11 dommance scarce- ly detncted from the per- formances of the other 22 com- pehtora. Once past the relahve anonym:aty ol the 1,650-yard swun, all parhcapants began to c;ret consaderable crowd support when they went mlo the bench press event. Although the number ol entrants was dasap· poantly small m th1s Newport Water Polo Foundahon event, a cameradene developed between the contestants and the spec· talors. Boughey led off the bench pr•ss wath 29 repellllons of 170- pound body weu~ht, the heavy bar bounc1ng off bJs chest w1th d loud thump on each repehhon Each was worth 30 seconds aubltracted from the contestant's swim time. Tom Boughey of Costa Mesa runs to victory 1n In the women • s d1v1saon, Eliaa.beth Applec;rate, a 26·year· old qraduate student from UC O.via who was hampered by the Ou, pushed 95 pounds mto the au 23 tun•• lD the bench press Appleqale was the only one of the Mven women cornpehtors to have any luck at all walh the body weaqht less 20 pounds bench preu. She followed wath 232 ait-upa m bve mmutea, thad an that event behand Boughey's 248 and BtU Leach's 238. "You must touch your back to the Door," Newland had warned before the event. "If you want to alam your head, that's up to you ." In the chan-ups event, Leach of Newport Beach led the way with 29. Gomo mto the hnal event, the combined 20-nule bake race and 10-mile run, Bouqbey had a 12- minute nec;rative handicap, followed by Leach wath a mtnus 6 minutes. Applec;rate was tn thud place overall wtth mmus 3 minutea of advantage The ef· fort. of the other 20 compellto rs an the weaqbt events hadn't been I enouqh to overcome theu swun the sextathlon race last weekend. llmes and they had posahve han· dacaps rangmg to 36 mmutes, or more than 48 mmutes behmd Boughey As the competitors warmed up on theu btkes, the Sextathlon went from the unusual to the b1zarre A pohce car arrsved and Stuart Calderwood, who was m saxth plc1ce at the hme, was taken away Allegedly, an arrest warrant had been out lor Calderwood stemmmg fr om a fight on the UCI campus last year Boughey took oft hrst on the bake and h1s lead was never challenged, hmshmg the c ycl- ang leg tn 56:46 and the run tn 1 11 08 Leach hn1shed second w1th legs of 57 OS and 1 10 10 Ap· plegate was tbJrd overall wath a l 10 30 on the bake and l 17 13 10 the 10-mde run Other ltnjshers 1ncluded Stan Mantz, head of the Fluor Cor porallon's fatness center and seventh overall, and Julie Leach, tenth overall and the 5@· cond woman hn1sher desp1te sulfenng a broken legbone stx weeks ago Girls Softball League Teaches Fundamentals by U.O Wenael Wbue many youno Ca.ta W... r .. adenta are probably tpenchnc;r the summer travehnq or attendinc;r aummer echool. a qroup of c;Jirl.a enroUec:S an the Girls Softball Leaoue bu been leuninc;r tome uMful skiU.. an preparallon for the Oranqe County Tournament or neal yeer'a achool team--or perhaps tut lor fun. Some Newport Beac h and Corona del Mar resadents also have totned the leaque. due to a lack of enrollment fro m the local populahon For the tb&rd stratght year Beach Swtm C lub has won the Gene Belahe Memonal Trophy foz the hiobeat aconnq team 10 the Hunltnc;rton Beach Rough Water Paer Sw1m A tired Tom Boughey savors v•ctorv fonowsng 10-rrule runnsnq race by U.O Wenael The w .. ltend hohday may have taken aome of the playtOQ hme from Harbor Area b~uebdll players lut w .. k. but Costa Mesa and Eatancaa )Untor vars1ty players are qettanq ready lor a showdown The teams wtll be facmc;r each other tomorrow 1n what appeara to be a touc;rh "playofi'' qame of aorta Eo&rher lhta aeuon, the Costa Mesa team det.&tecl tts Utancta neaqbbora 8-6 Not too lonq before tha t o•m•. Eatancta had won a 4-3 vactory over Weaa c-ber Jerry Paaskowslu pl4vmg 'errorless ' ball accorcLnq tc S·A Newport Vaunty co.sch M1ke Par Its On Wednesd4y the lto4m ~ ouldn I seem to bold on to 1tw wmnmg form lethng 111 oppc nent Corona del Mar romp ott wttb an 11 l scor• The JUnJor varsuy tNm was beaten by Corona del Mar 6 5 laal Tuetd.y But desp1te th• loa , Todd I...wrence w•• 4-for·4 and Joey Jamea went 2 for 3 Corona del W..r'• pttcber Haaboir, CciJII Continue Suna~~~er Play by Chrla1opher Lynch The Newport Harbor vautty basketball team, under coach Jerry DeBusk, was deaJt a number of setbacks last week. the least of wbac h was 106ang three of hve summer games For the SaUers aj5e> lost sen1or po1nt qu4rd Bryan Folic for the summer to tom lr.:nee ugamenls Folk underwent surgery Frsday and wilt be m a c ast for eaqht weeks "He's a pretty deterrrun ed kid ao he'll be ready by the hme the Mason starts." sa1d DeBua1c opturushcally. f olk 11 the second r&turn1ng starter Newport bas Lost foUow- lng the transfer of sentor Byron Ball to Ocean V1ew In Hunllngton Beach league achon. tbe Sallo ra d.ropped declSJOos to Hunhngton Beach (70·60) and Fountam Valley (62·47) Fnday, opentng the lust of two summer tournaments Newport wall host, the Sa1lors beat Vtlld Park 72-54 but lost to Foothul, 64·62 Newport bounc ed back to defeat Canyon. 62·54, to hnLSb m thud place Servate was the tournament cbampaon In league play the Sa1lors will meet Los A!am1tos Thursd4y at Eduon (7 45) f rsday. Newpor1 WlU host Orange at noon an the lust round of tis second summer tournament Other area teams par11Clpalmg Ulclude Costa Mesa, Unavenuty. Estanc1a MarUla, and Huntmgton Bectch The Coron4 del Mar Sea lUngs. meanwhile after losang only thetr hrst game m th.ree summer contests bounced bac k Thursday to defeat El Toro 65-36 Tbe v1etory. an ellhabthon of depth. consutenl delenatve pressure and etlechve offe~ve eaecullon by coac h Jack Irnon's vars1ty put the Se4 Ktngs back 10 the wtnomg ranks follow1ng a loss to Warren Tuesday Early tn the flnt quaner the S.a Kmgs were ahead, 14-10. .Uowang Jeff Arnold. El Toro's 6 7 center, to score at wlll Then Dave VanSteenhuvse. who hnsshed wtth 20 potnts, threw 1n two long d.tstance JUmp shots. Mike Hess added • 15-loot corkscrew, and Carl WoJfe add ed a bve-loot lollow shot at the buuer to put the Sea Kmqs ahead 20-10 at the quarter Yet watb only a l1UDule leh an the lust half the S.. K.mqs b.ad allowed theu lead to fall to 26-22 AU .C IF guard Make Hess agasn 1oolr ch4rge and hll two 15-toot JUmpers the second at the buuer to put the S.a Kanqs out m front 30·22 The thud quarter featured sloppy play by both teams. as C dM lengthened 11s lead to 42-26 The fourth quaner , however proved a showcaM lor 6 -1 fo r ward Greg Wynn as be Ml el- fechve screens fo r VanS teen.huyse. grabbed su re· bounds and played conststenl de tense In adcLhon to VanS- teenhuyM s 20 pomts, Kess scored 14 Ron Tom:acbek added nwe and Carl Wolfe hnaahed w1th etght "'I tbtnlt tbtngs are becommg more settled " satd Ernon "We're tmng to devalop l1l cLvaduals and get some b.uac tbmgs out of the way " "'Fo r the qual1ty of the opposa hon Tom Vance d.td very well Both C)&me5 bP played CODSlS· tent," conllnued Ernon "And Wynn has done well oJf tbe bench He ... m.a to have that lmack to come lD and get nght tn the flow of the 9ame ·· co11cluded the CdM coach CdN ws.ll condude tbe regular pba.ae of the Costa MeN Corona <MI MAr summer league by hosttng Co.ta Mesa Thursday 4t 6 and UnJverSlty Tuesday at 7 30 MARINE SCENE ll by Mary Wagner "The new woman ezecul!ve ot hcer ol the State L.tnds Commu s1on Staff. Clara Dettnch t.S a s.u.lor " saad Doug Bomb.srd bead of the Catalina Camp and Cove Ageocy whose maste: 1e.sse ol the Catahna lsJand T1delands Moortoqs bas Aqa m b4H!n threatened She saus a Cboy Lee on San Franctsco Bay and understands bo.tters pro blems Tbe rest of the quys who have come d own 10 • studv lbe sttuahon hav• known nothmg about boatsng Th1s was th• nlv hopeful thtnq he could thtnlt ol when 11 .I I September meellng on the 23rd they will a nnounce the sue cessful btdder Gueu at s tun• to take pen 1n band agam boaters and let the Stare Landa Comau.ssaon kno w bow you feel O.herwue we mav bave small bo.ts decorated to look ltke cove r.d w4gons w1th waJiresses m sunbonnets crua- l mg around the asland selhng lned c haclren neat summer I It w41 a btg day lor Kathv 1 Adamson ot O.na Posnt Y ac h' Club when she won the lust I race of tb• Oranc;re County Women"s Ocean R.ctng Sene• asied about the new decuJon ot tn her Ol.eon 30 Bong Bong the commtssJon tc open up thto ltlax~/1 wtucb was combaned btddtn-1 lor •he leases aQ&I n JUSt I Wlth the Dan& Belles Sen•• stll months alter he wa awarded L ee. 3 and 4 the lease The 25 wome n 5ltpper5 and SomelhJnQ s dev1ous he ed 1 0 cl··--c rews rae tn "' -· satd the C4tahna M.J rsne S.r S L Cl nd No n pannaaer aS$ a v1ces C ~;. Catm4r1 whtch IS a Spa~•er Class and Adam.on substdhHV ot th• PtonMr I look the Spannaker C la.a u well Chicken C o which lost the bad u the Dana Belles Best New '" ~ember has been m.\bnc;r a I Slnpper" award m10u1e survey of our whole f1etc ber Ol.aon of Balbo YKht operahoo Tbev'v• c b.clt:.d tbe :tub was MCOnd an ber Hobae trash cLI'pCJMJ he-alth and ...tecy 33 17("0 and "laren Bluel and regulations where the people Otane Gza.bel of S.bJA Con.o- wbo worll here live the lhl.a.n Yacht Club tuuahed third r"troom.a and even have atemtz an then Inc.oo l9. SxJ.WJrtder ed e very p1ece of equ1pment In the Non-Spmna.ker Cl.ua They evadeotly \Diend to tlraw Janet Brouqhtoo of Dau Point up the1 ~. bad baNd on that Yacht Club bnaahed bm m turvey Seodoro, Ana Becker oi 1'llia .even-week prOc;Jrarn, wllich beoan tn mid-June, ll, lib 1ts male counterpart, the Harbor A rM baseball prOc;Jram, rea.u.-.Jy low-key and non co.peUbve. Mevertbet ... the proc.Jram cloee teach the bu1c fundamen &all of tlae oame And for oul.a b'OI8 8eCOOd throuoh 11~th qra.de wll.o a r. t.nter .. led tn purt\alnc;r tWr eoJtball alr::ilb ln • mor. ~petjUN III&Dner, tbe pro, ... pnmct. a qood treantno A record number of entraet. 160. swam the one baU m1le courM June 26 Swtmmmo for the Beach Swlm Club were The ahowdown event wtlltake place at 7·30 p. m tomorrow at TeWtnkle Park Oave Krasner, turned 1n a c;rood game •• cLd Jolul Bo.at who baa been h1thnq w•ll overall 1 The lt&te rn&lntalDI that 11 wall ~la1rano B.ay Yecbt Club keep control of the charq" to c aJDe lD a.cood an GoJd ftuah 9f0Wld. Gull froa .everaJ C.O.ta W... ~r:llloole, .ucla u Ca.Womt.t. IAieanc, ~. IMr &r .. t, Coli••• Park. loaol'a , l.lnd· ~ ucl Waod'ertd, ..._ QP lM .. toritY aa lU prG9r ... ud , ........... edlect.ded to be .. , .... t~--KltaOia. -S.naor Women (ac;rea 16·24) Mnqaret Brown, aacood, Kelly Lonc;r . fourth; Dt~rdre Ft.her, hllh, uoda Robb, aaath; Audrey Woolfolk. tenth; and W.na Schull&, eleventh. -S.o1or Wen (eoe• 16 to 24) Wtke Reynolda, brat wllb a new record of ftlne mlnul•. leo MCGDcll: Douo Jon" aod Georv-S\l&hkoft. n Wen (•oee 2S to 39): Ct.• a.rth, .eccmd. -Gr•nd W..ter• W.n (aqe 40 and ov r): T4191e Karuau, hnJ. Lut Tue.day the 6-4 1 ta-rve- of Costa N... ea.MCi by Mater 0.1 wath an 8·7 vtctory ptclred up by Aualln, who holda a 3-1 record Wllh one aave Sean f tn· neQan had thr• ball lua1 two da~ later, however. the team lost S. 1 to Newpori Chrtatlan L1anc1a de ... ted Newport Chrtatiao S-3 laat Tuuday, br blqtOO 1 pr.attl record up to 1-J.l. Newpcnt Karbor'a nn:aty won Ue tine Yic:tory ewer E.tuaa I t WaacLay w\lb en a..J aeore. ptl· Tbu...C.y marked another lou lor Newport Harbor u Mater 0.1 with a.n unearned run. be-at Newport'• JAJY ... 1·0 l...tltew&M, utencL&'s varaaty players loal two oam .. la..t Won da y lo Newport Harbor With • 4 7 ecore and WedD-.d.ay, to w .. tauuter, ....... 3 4 ecore. In e-Qhl t.nnanCjJs "I IJ:.ouo ~ qats a cb..anee to play. tM ...._ t..d beUet t QO&DO iJ they -.At to wtn oamee ... s. A 'a Ver~~ty Coee Ke"D Millard Mtd boaters to bow the C.tm.ar aDd D.bra GlaDeT oi Vo,tqhS orc;ran11ahon plant to aake Y.c:t.t Cl\lb tm eel t.t.ud Ul mou.y on the operabon iJ they Fu«:rwt are awarded the l .... w YeTf queaaoaa..ble ance th., will ·have oo ecce. to the laJtd ADd will bave to ba" tbeu opera- hotu bued oa big betc)ee A.Dylaow u the tdledule stand.a DOW tU Mil will lulve the lr...work dane by haly 16. ,._ report by A 16 ADd die bid peebv-... reedy b ..... ~-9 •Klll • '1\.e bid. will ._ returud by • 10 eDCI at t.a.. • • ' f - HARBORUrES . biDlaaftD ...... c.J.breti.Dg our ba· clesl••e ce u.clitioaally C..U. tor A.eric-.. Ia all ita glory ud hul ud that wu e.ucUy the U.... of tM lollowiug three par- tiel: -StartiD9 off tile 4th wu the Harbor~ w~·· Club doa•Koa ol en otiicial O.g pole end broue plaque to the HR coaulu&aity. Coagr"UMD Robert Bedb..-dcmated the O..g, the Ma.riDe Corpe provided a color Q\lerd aupported by the &oc&l loy Scout Troop end Supern.or Toa Riley officially raiMd the flaq, which wu lollowed by a champagne recep- tion. -Then it wu over to the SS Wilcoz PboJ Party. Hoehng thw l&mily party which afteJ' 10 yean inelud• three generationa are Ellen and Bob Wilcox. Tbia w ODe of tlloee delightful parti• not to be miaeed by tamily, in- cludl.n9 the Wileolt'a thJ' .. aoo.a, JeJfny, Jam• and John, and good frienda auch u Anne and Bob Badbam, who had ju.at Down iD hom Taiwan and did not ... m to be aufferiDg hom any jet lag. (Anne related that their daughter Phyllia'a w.cldmg plana for Sept 25th an gomg beautifully. Speaking of wed- dmc;p, Ther_. Blake recently became Nn. Brian Sullivan. And Belinda Blanchard will abortly become Nza. Bnan Bluey). -Wlaet Ia U.. .fth witllout ~rb. So lie off to RUe and leed Sprtnk.a'a J.o.u to view lb. ~pe~klen ud partake of hot ~. h.aaburgera with • loet of otbez yu•m'•· Ju.t a few oJ the SpriAW'• biuda INA m the crowd were lerit ud Larry Sdaeak, Suaue and Harry Shuler. X..lherine Loven and Guy GoldlDan (down froa Bev.rly Hill.) ud June and Marion Buie (who are memben of the DAR and SAR and have a trunldul of memorabilia datiD9 beck to thoee daya. What fun to aort throu9h and write about). • • • &chelon, Etc. have two eventa a yeer. the proceecla of which beneJit United C.J'ebral h.l.y. The board oJ diJ'eetors decid- ed for ita Summer Sociol, recently held at the Santa Ana Country Club, the proeeeda would a.t.o 90 to Providence Speech and Hea.rm9. Tbia w a very popular support group iD ow area, ao much ao that people Dew iD hom Piedmont, Burl· iDQ&me and Denver. S..n iD the crowd were Arl .. n and A1 Kelly, Peter GUD· dry, OoraljeDe Hammerlel,R09er NUDroe, Judy Wood, Vir9illia Zalta, Net Cullum, Sunny PeriDo. John Krummel, Sylvia Nont9omery aDd Dick Humbert. . . . Upcoming are aome fabulous fUDd-ra.iMn not to be mi•aecf by A IWIODYIN ONLY 30 DAYS! WI1HOUT PANU. E>CERCtSE PROGRAMS HatborUt•: OD July lOth at; -t:30 , .•. The frieDcll oJ t.b SCI GWW. bolt tM r 4th UAUAl 6nd.ol..s..on Variety Show ond Auction. -7 P·•. fte VJI9inlo COIIIle AuJd.Uory ol the A.u.tcutce Leogue wilJ Aotu o blocA-tie go)o ot Non Proger'• new ltitz in Ft:ahlon r.Jond. n.e go/o enlitl· ed IDOCt QPI}y Putting on tlte Ritz t. beinQ co-chau.d by Wra. J .... Whittier and Mn. Jamea Gunkel, who hne worked ez. treaely bard to crute a aoet f.Uve eveninQ with loti of fun Gda ...._AtUCI Dt. Wurray K•a191r, Unaversa· ly PTofeaaor of Engliah and mler- nalionally known 1eholar of literary crahc11m and theory, hu been awarded the UC lrvane DbhnCjJuished Faculty Lee- tureahip. Selected annually by the Academic Senate, the lecture· shlp is the highest honor bestow- ed on UCI faculty memben by thear oolleaQues. KrieQer will deliver his lecture next spring. Kri19er has been at the forefront of the movement to establiah ltterary cnhc11m as an iDtl(jJral pari of university cu;. nculum. ln his own work he has been a vanQuard for those who seek to demonatrate and protect literature's value to tociely. He is the author of ei9bl books and numerous ltlerary journal arh· des. KriiCiJer co-founded the School of Cntac11m and Theory, anitially baaed at UCI and now at Northweatern University. aurpri.Me Ia .. o,.. -The Spyg&u. HiU Guden Club willlloet ita aADual Old lYme Auty at the ho .. of Ul ucl Ja. C.r .. y, M¥iM eo- CNlnM1l Wary ~ &Del ADD Teater. -July 14th: A Jewel of • 6ven.htg chaired by ltitty Leelae will ~t tM N.Uonal Wutiple Seleroeta Society. -July 15th: Have you b .. rd about RJO? It ia u eeroaym for the Rehabllitetioo IA.tlhate oJ OC, an affiliate of the Iuter SMl Society. RlO'a tint bl.ck- U. b.Mfit will be held at r&e Ritz,Fuh1on Jaland. Co- chainun of the event are Bar- bera c .. pbeu and Nuy Au Garner. A..ialip9 them a•• ~ l.ayJDAD, Xit Rutter, Jackie Mur- ray, Jean Baker, CatheriDe laett and Rita Tutt . Starts Friday ACADIMY AWAIID WINN• lEST FOIEIGH RLM ••MIPHISTO" Roted R English Sub-Titles . . . Po.tcr\pts: Dora and Ned Hill were booored by tileu cluldr• ud .,... 400 tr~enc:la OD the oe- c:iuial of tbelr eoo-'lilelclcla.DQ u · iai¥W~ary •• Sdaa and nm Sereder bolted a patroe patty for the So.ath Cout Found.hon lor the ~otaJly Oiaabled. • Jean GiU.t boated a nat&) pa~ty for her dauvhter, Carolyn Tyler. • Did you know there w a baby boom? Beeau.ae of this GYN- OBS .,. refenin9 patient• to The Ceotet foz Maternal and Child f'itneea, whieh oJfen auch prOCjJrama u Groceful 8Jq»clo· tiOM and Su,.rboby. • SuMn Jarvie. who recently' broke her u.kle, hM meorporated Lo Petite Solon witll Traditional JeweJ.rs. • The UCLA Art CoUDcil recently had a lun· clleon a1 the Newport Harbo, Art Nueu•. • The Rueben I . 1M now hu • Showboat O.nner n ... ,. ud Raver ·ReYue. The m JOUA9 people who not only do the llbow, but Mrve d.mner u · well .,. not to be miMed. • Bury Cole'• Sound of Nuaic B19 land wUJ be the f .. ture at the Newporl BNcb Convenhon and Villtora Bu~eau N onte Corio nl9ht at th SheratoD, July 16th. • P .. ArpiD, Rata Tosti and Betty Bo.-ke wanted to have dinner at Ambroeia. So in Mven mon - ths, they aaved 1,000 quarten, which w .. bow they p,t.ad owner Geril NuUer for their dinner • We h .. .rd from varaous &r- borlitea that one of the moat eleQanl private black-he parhes wu hosted by Junae and Ken· neth Chon9 at their lovely new resadence. erl on your way to or ftom the beach~-~;;;:-~ stop by for deUdous I IZZAI Gi ' Pizza ....,.. It all-food Ia towa" Ahlett10na Shoppft~g Center Ec.t too.t H!poy. COf'onocW Mor MON4AJ IINA·f ... IUII)HII-tHII 673-1121 YOU1lE A RARE PERSON Did you ewr ~ ol ~ iD abiape without JCai.nc, a~lieeh-rics, or ~ ~ ~ puns? Now Sp.c.Ap "Eflortale Eun:Ue" COIJlllUt.Wci ~ •qnlprnet bun Europe works your INI8dee wNJ. )'OM r'llllu. Evm if you're Uae CIOI'NCt weilht tor your heicbt a.ad buiJd.. poor llll-=le Lone c:.ft ~ ct.IX'lel this out Ouat. uk your mirror1. a.ad can only be CMrCOUle by i.DUmave 'Wertout.e ... BUT. if ~ very idla olltnlluOUS ..a. fills you with • lmSI ol iqendinc doom. try ~ ''Pbyllio- Fiu.a'' ,..y to pull your ficure beck into ... Wini NO PAIN. NO STRAIN. NO SWEAT AND NO FATIGUE 0 • TAX SHELTER • PROFIT if you never use United Way servk:es.. There are very few families that are not touched by boy scouting, swimming lessons at the YMCA or the need for the Red Cross blood center during surgery. In the good times and the bad. United Way is the place to tum for help. eft .. IMAN Joe Mn·m YACA'IIONI MIIODUC'JOeY IODYJOI•II -·liON llrG .. od ~you (and t:l*V 0 Mlncl) to .,.:1 I 1a iCI h Bki'I. W!:Jw to e-a. $12..50~ ~ (fB-1 you--GCMI~tage ol cu..._.. IJI<OUiltf) MS "*'-~you h ~oll.500 ~1.500~ and 1.500 leg "*" !!!!!!¥ .. ,.., tar ~I I Ciil )"Physio-mllL~ Center. 1nc. FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT <i}flil ifPOrter liaour New Locatio e Tuesday, July 13th for lunch. Tuesday, July 20th for Dinner and late Night Supper. 880 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Reservations (714) 720-1800 .·~· " .. ""\~ ~" :·t~, /'' • EXCITEMENT ~. you con rncllka on lnv•trnent with high profit potent~ ... wrl .. oH up to 60% In the flrat ,._, .. ONt atilt hove )'CMif ln-tmwtt ~ for y011 y-r oft~ ,.or? In thotoueht.r..t roclngl Chomplon .,..., roc:lng Pf'O.-cts 0'101._.. NOW hw o.t Mol. $Mjfhl. ?1-•• ,Mw 2730 C4MINO CA'ISTIIANO SAN CliMINTI, CAliF. CAll (71•)•t2-5J55 .. ~.~:(-\ IUCM MEAl TN \ FUA a TICl ICIUII fOGCIU FOil 1011 & OffiCI 6 Ol COVUIS ~ 000 CU Fl 17 Ol CO'fUIS 11 000 CU 11 .... a. 6 Ol •. 11 2.51 12 Ol 1.31 i.U IGA P\UI fOCQfR 11 ........ , .......... ..... .............. , ....... ~~u GOURMET DINING -MEDtTEAAANEAN RM. CHAWAGNE MUNCH lUNDAY$ 1().3 N DANCING NfGHTLY -CAIAAET LOUNGE CAPTAIN"'TAILE COFFEE .. OP -)II HRS 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. NCM MlAlTM CtMTI,_ , ......... lor 10 Mtb .... 15.11 S.11.H IRVINE, ~LIFORNIA lo,..o.ita ~ Countv~'~:wtLil• (714. 833-2770 ....... 8 Ol 4.31 Ul 16 Ol Ut Ul 1 2 GAl Zl.M 14.11 RICK MfAlTM PITTAaiTI JOII DOGS & tA '~ frt.llt IICI( AS. 10 OOQ t1G -~-· M • 1 .. ,.. ~O..w """••• ... . ... 35 4.tl Ul 70 1.U Ul 4 -•• 120 ••• • .• 250 15.11 11 .21 IICM MlAlTII . MYAlPI·~ NT IIIAWOO I " IIi ... YAID a Il-l INAt ...._,, .... 7.21 GNea bJ A Chance To w., One Of-Fabulous Eac h Week For SIX Weeks A New Famely Wtll Wan A Vacation For 4 Persons• Regaster Every Ta/Vou V•s•l The Jolly Roger' ,.. t'O'N ,.., .....,liS ~\W.\IWl Q€(f€nt hot£1 • 7 days/1 ntgttta b 4 persons (2 rooms) et the~ ~ien Regent on Wllikikla scenic aide nNr Oiemond H...:t • Round Ttio ....... via ~~)Kious~ Airways Wide Body _... from La..,_.. to Honotutu! • Greet ._,••• Jolly Aoger/Hewau k)caUons 1-;nlfy lorm, •n<l como•••• •u•es ••t> al yo ... • ~rt.c oa• ·nQ Jolly R09e• vuu mull oe 18 o• O•der to enaer no ourcnase neces'Yr~ Odos of wonn "9 ., • .,., •• ,...ne-u by e.cn ,. .... \ e•lll•es New enarv forms used ror a.cn d•aw·no \O ••o•,••• often Sweeostalles •"<lS AuguSI 3 198;> lt'a All To Introduce Our Gr•t New 'o~ ••t" • ~·..: .Ov\ .., • ..,. •" C... •1• '" "'''•f'd J ... .t, •tt•'"''•' • ,.,.,.,.o, nq" o ,, Bon. •ti &, • .,,, o• C" -•'" ~ Pto-• a ... • A~ .tn.~ • P. -Aol> 80"t' "'"' .._. ·A" , • "'\ ..... f\(1~ q <• p ,,., Jtnl!"' ''\IC><•' P~.,~ & 0 ""••cDi• ~'"'',....., • ,,. ''•'"' «;··~tw" ., • ""'"' ."" ....... o ... ~o• \ .. "" '-" '*""'' Snuc \If ...,, .._1 .. "'-, I "'t t .,. .. , ' "•',... A·~.,' BYtt.,., 8al4aol llland • 203 M~t•ne Avenue (Beer & Wtne Serv>ee Only) Coeq Meu • HirbOr ShOoo•ng Center 2300 HarbOr B lvd ~ • New00r1 P"'Y at Eaat Oyer Roao 1727 Eatl DV8f Ro.d Lallie ~ • Just off t S at Lalle Forest 011ve 228 73 Lalle Fo!'flt Of,,. SAM'S IT AUAN DELl PIZZA a FOOD TO GO For a concert in the park~ a picnic at the beach, or a night out of the hot kitchen TRY OUR BUCKET OF SPAGHETTI '~~r.-1 TOGOt!j· $!)~ •nd OUR BUCKET OF SALAD has ow Meret Italian Dreulng For all You Calerlag Needs COME TO SAM'S 1909 tt.rllor alvei. at 19th St. J48..7122 Sugar by Jack Hollcmd There 1.1 an old aay- UlQ, "The ahow muat 90 on." Well, the H.rle- quin found that to be true in 1ts recent pro- duction of "Sugar " It was Mo nday, two days before openmq n1qht. Suddenly there were no ca.tumes and no costume de119ner to be found O.s1gner Michele Jo Blanche had full pay already but she had vamshed So, w1th the company left an a lurch, everyone beqan to pllch 10 even recep h0n1sts, clerks, everyone and started to maite costumes Th1s meant there was no rehearsal on Monday or Tuesday and w1th only a JQ .day rehearsal schedule, lh1s was a bad enough dtlemma But somehow by Wednesday naght the costumes were ready enough and opeomg n1ght became 10 all essence a dress rehear- sal Thanlts to Mela Hoyt Heydon and Gary BOOI(, IIUSIC 6 LYRICS BY llercdlth WUlson STORY BY Meredith W lUsoo, Franklin Lacey c T' DIRECTED BY AllaDBaot ··Medley' a naa tumecltnto a celebnty ture(Jonn Travolta. l(ennv Roger~ Conn•e Stevet'ISI "" unusually good eaterla • Aor~arvi J I'" ffr~"'"~~ 'OS ANGf l (" -.A/4(,4: ._., "No end 10 tnnovahve enll"l. noalaiQIC entel1arnment at Medrev '> urodouOiedtv lnf' ••ne'\1 ot addtllons to dln•no on I he county·· Tne <~mt>oance 11 uniQue wtlh Show bulfness memorat>o••a Superb IOOd -&>rnA,,,,.,. IH( "la.l!IE .. THROUGHOUT JUL Y1 BILL MEDLEY PRESENTS TM8 OR QTOP~ER SHOW Thurs.. Fre . Sal. Sun. evenangs No Cover Charge For Danner Gueals Danner n•tety from 5 p.rn · Reael'\'at•on• 1714) ea-aaM .... ' .. ,, ,,,.~ .. · I "'.,~ • eut"-•' , ..... '-f .... ~ , ...... ..,. .. . .. . .... 1877• Blookhurst Street Fountetn Valley 0 mtle aovth ottne .t~ Freeway) OEOAGIIMYMIOTUI AT ... Tb.e NeWJ>«1 Enalgo WeclDeedoy. Jul) 7. Ita PaplS THEATER Knoke who at .. red the co.tum• throuqh, the ahow went on. A. for the show IIMlf, II ia a &eatful, hiqb apirited, romp that ia hued on the longhme favonte mov1e, "Some Lke It Hot " Th11 producuon 11 held up by two pnn · cap&! actora, Nark Sawyer and Bruce Wa- nant, wath se.y ua11tance from Ada Mar11 u Suqar. There w lonq been the tdea that af you dreu up men 1n women's c lothee yo u wLll get the lauqhs. It wu ao 10 the memorable ''Ch.u ley's Aunt" of yean aqo, and here once aqam the devace works u the IWO QUYS, dressed lD outlandash women's clothes that shouldn't fool anyone, Qel an and out of one mess alter another wath htlanous results. The scene 1n the pullma.n when they are t rytog to t.Ue off thear women's clothes to get ready for bed as, wblle a bat over- elltended, still a n ot. As 1S the aeduchon scene between Sugar and Joe Sawyer a.nd Wma.nt m.Ue Lhe show Tbeu fane senae of comedy and haunQ keep the rather lonq show mov- lDQ watb enerqy. The even SUlQ well, althouqh the score by Jule Styne doesn't have much to offer 1n the ••Y of memorable n ubera. N.188 Mana, decked 10 • platrnum WlQ al• Manlyn Monroe, 11 cute, allur- ang, naive and con· vmcwq. JenMn CoU1er 11 a br•uy Sweet Sue, Lou Genevnno as Spats taps bas way in and out of the scenes suppoeedly add1n9 menance, and Jaclt Greqory c:hapen ... enouqb h•m u the honry Q.qood to make th11 a very funny but stock kmd of chancier Wh1tney Rydbeck 11 good 1n a less abowy role Much of the c redit lor the succeas of the show qoes to d~rector Tom Blank who doesn't rrun the possibilllles for lauqhs and yet never resorts to over puahmq He uses the theater well , as does Path Colombo wh ose chort109raphy, h mated baa1cally to lap, hcu the da.ncers tappmg on tables, 1n the aisles and anywhere there IS a flat spac e A Clark Dun can dtd the sets whach 10clude a seues of back drops There 11 only one drawbac k-smce the show runs almott three hours w1th the two 10 terrrus.1ons, to start 11 at 9:20 11 a rn11talte CurtAJn at 12·20 makes Ibis a very lonq even- mg. How abou t starling ear her? HQr>&st (.anno• ·~~~ o ·~ 1""" ~oce •s 0000 the tooo s ooneo: .:Jno tt'lt;l Oto<::t:l'. 01e •r-.e oes1 Try l'tle Gf•no91 101 or9()1Cfost unc~ 01 0•""9f VCfu u !Ina I I 08 0 Oleason t '>Uft)r ~ "' SYre /I.e 'lOY9 rnooe 0 repuiQII()n n '>6f'II~"'Q ''">e tones· r ICXXJ 911Qytrung l'lr.m f.rQV~ VegetoOI&.. 1 .;~A ChO<., Steo~<s AlsO .:>tfoon.J l(n-::>n s Ben'v • :Jrrr J()m ~met JC nn Sous.-:l~ <)(\() leD\, '\ooluiOI 'JQUOW Bread Wllh 1 ~· -.f"'t'o18"~11 IOCOhCY ~ 'CI servti "'-"-' NIWPOIT IIACH 1.00 Poclftc Coast Hwy HUNTINGTON IIACH Pocfic Coast Hwy south o1 '*' I I FABULOUS Sunday Champagne Bnuich ,; Newpon Beach Manion's cele- brated Sunday Brunch is a aounnct dcliaht startina with a fabulous display of fresh fruit -carved Rout Beef -Seafood Specialties -additional hot items -an anay of ten saJads -cold cuts n • cheese, topped with a pat variety of delseru and complimentary cbampqne. This extravaaama ol food ia served to tbc sound of~' strollina mariachis, in tbc Kina'• Wharf, in the Capriccio and on the Capriccio Terrace ovcrlook.inJ Newport Harbor. Additional entertainment Is provided by the prcsticliaitation of • maaician. 9:30 AM till 2:30 PM ' • • l - ...... , W~. July 7. 1M2 The Newpor1 Enaign ... c. {7~ ... M 5· IUDtttJ?ID. The ciMiic eOient\lre dt~~me ~ from Robert Louie Stevenaon'a -*lng ,. ~ ~ Buclde ~r • ...,_ with JernM I)M-.11 Sot Mec:Nthur, ~., Finch. JoM Laurie end the late &.rnerd LN. better known ... .,. In -..,._ Bond canon. Pu.Y LADY. Batbta StreiNnd ...,. • Fenny ance. ~ a.,.,._._. Malged a. the man lhe~JefNICMn(•BIIyAc.e) end Onw Stwtl (reprlaillg hie Nicky Amltlin ,. from ...., -are the guya wtlo bfougN • llgN 10 Fetflft/1 • end • tutlng 10 '* ,..,_ ~ ~ Ia the '-lthful friend who ... her pick up the "*-an. e.ct1 lhan.Jed romance end len Yereen pAeya • fellow per· ton'Mf who ... ,... '* ott.tege ... rnllfillc* enough 10 bellta out the tw•~t~Ge ........_A dllndyl FONrn. WIDMARK HARRY GUARDINO SUSAN STRASBERG DOROTHY TRISTAN_ llOLLIItCOAaTI... Timothy Bottoma playa • young man who u.s redlo oontrofted bomtle to blut open amuaemant perks, then dlmandl to be paid one million dollars In blac:lcmaJI wtttt • cop (George Segal) acting u ~bet'Men. With Henry Fonda, Richard Wldmark, Harry Guardino, Suaan Strasberg and Dorothy Triltan. ,..; {7Ctnl~ TMa DIIP. The ~r1-11CA*IG terror and bearty of the tome by .-...· author ~er Benchley, with Nlctl Nolte, Jacqueline Bluet. RObert Shaw, louta Go1Ht1 and. In an ex1remely rare good guy role, the in- tereatlng ~ T...,., .-... caa {7:30Cent.JMt.) TMa ._ TYCOON. A chrnatk ltory ot ..... ,.,..,. .. end • u.s. Pr..tdlnt'l widow..., Al'rttw:lrrf Quinn u one of the wonta richelt men. knoJwn f01 hie IUaty life, an eye for belutlful women and an llblllty to emetge unacathed from the ~ dMia. ~. l<athenne ROle ... l.oa ~ archi1ect 1ummoned to Er911nd wnere lhl rune up ~lnlt alnlater events In • not·•~Jolly nww6on tA*entiy controlled by evil eptrtta. With &am Elliott and Roger Denry In • hout*t • job. CION the bNndlllnd DfO ln. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Kangs Reg 100s Men 7 mg. "tar." 0 7 mg. necoune; Kings Men 8 mg "tar." 0 7 mg nacotme. 100s 8 mg "tar." 0.8 mg mcoune av per ctgarane. FTC Repon December '81. :: .,._ ..C (170.••·ttau ..... _. lMI ~ • U)W. AorNntic .,....,. bMid on .. ~ CerUind !'WMI. Uncia flutllla tum-of· 1hKenlury Americ:en helf-on hef way to Englend to be mwrled. but wtlo meeta. jounWIIt (Shene 8tlent) eaong the wav. ._..cas cac.nc~ nta CMOICI. A ""'*-relvel her own tr.,.,.tic uperlence In order to help her unmarried dlughter maM her own declllon about hat prag. . . . specials ------------- sports .... , (1~ ...... t:.u.· 4lfiP , ... Genie ol ttte -... ~at Bolton • .... ABC (4CentreMMounteln) -WOM.O ~ IIOIITa. Ul ... ABC (12:30Cent./Mount.) WIDa WORLD ~ ~Ta. The 1a82 Wotld Cup Socc:e~ Final 1M from Medrld. Spein. ~NBC (3c.ntre11Moun1aln) ... .. WOM.O. -=-• nr• ABC (3:30c.ntAtl) ..oM-.T. Howrlrd Coeell . .... ABC (4 C.OtreMMountaln) TMI AMIIUCAN IIOATUIAN. leVer Burton rarta llvlngatone's ()(lginaf ~ down AJrlca'al.ambezl RiYer, pr~ 1n further ... rctl ot hie Roofs. Arnold Sc:hwarzenegger c~ out the North AmeriCan griz· zly bear (ursus horrlblla) MIB '\U A,LL.aTAA UMI. Uve ~· ot the 53rd miCS-IUI"'''Mf'l night c"--c: from MontrM1'1 etym. pic~ u the Ametlcan Laegue anen'C)te to OYercome the 33 year donnnc:e of the Natic:INia. Tom l..uoldll ot the Wotld Charrc*ln Loa Angalla Dodger·~ the aenlor circuit d-atare wNJe OMland A'a manager Billy Martin halma the ~ mlndacl Americana. tlthl A .. ,..; (11AM c.ncJMt.) 00&1. Llw cowrege ot the Btltllh Open from the Royal Troon Goff Ck.tl In Scotland. .... fNBC (1CenUMount.) Ulll.t.LL t.1apr LNQUe Game ol the -.. IWlul City Royall at bton Aldb ~ lor•llord U S A 1912 Utlaa• '*"Y ~ 0. ~ Corona del Mar resident. on exhibit through July 10 at the Balboa Branch o f the Newport Beach Public Library Mrn-.,. .. exhiblls selections from "Anonymous Journals" at the Abra"as Gallery, 2815 Vtlla Way, Newport Beach Hours· 11 am.· 5 pm , Tuesday-Saturday Ste,. De Groodt recen1 works on el<hrbtt through July 17 at Roochel, 200 Newport Center Drrve. Desrgn Plaza, Fash1on Island Phone: 7fiJ-62n. .. The Fauh Zone" recent photographs by Joe Deal and "The Lownders" by Mendel Rubenstern color photographs through July 17 at Susan Sprritus Gallery, 3336 Via Lrdo, Newport Beach Phone 673-5110 Pelndnga by Irene 8c.g on vrew Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seamster Gallery. 3341 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach lnformatron 673 0400 W~a by Newport lleach resrdent Alrce Carney, ''The Studro". through August 2 at the Sandstone Gallery. 384-A N Coast Highway, Laguna Beach Hours· 11 a.m 5 p m Tuesday Sunday The Mannequin l...._byNeil Chapman and color landscapes by Chnton Smtth are featured rn a spectal photography exh1b11 at Susan Sprrtus Gallery, 3336 Vra Lrdo, Newport Beach Both open July 24 and show through August 28 Hours are 11 a m 5 p m Tuesday Saturday. ln ... No worka by ar- tt.tJoeef Eldenbergw at Wh11- man's Gallefies, 3545 E. Coast Highway tn Cor- ona del Mar. Hours: Bonnie Whitman, 675-2418. 0• ... Pat AJiea will speak at the Orange.County Chapter of the Building Industry Association of Southern California 6 p.m . Monday, July 12 at The Airporter Inn, Skyliner Room. 18700 MacArthu1 Blvd .. lrvrne Tickets are $20 for members, $25 for non· members; reservatrons are essential. Call 547-»U Newport Achlev.ra Toastmasters Club meets Wednesday mor· nings from 7 to 8:30 a.m ., Western Federal Savings, 4 Corporate Plaza. Newport Beach For information call 675-7196. Newpol't Center Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m .. Pacific Mutual Building. Fashion Island. For informatron call Or. Annamarra Ballin at 64(}.~ or Mel Cre.ghton at 556-1171. Irvine Comptex Toastmasters meet M ondays at 7 a.m at 2151 Michaelson. Surte 165x. lnformatton Bob Davis. 752 1111 . Chrll AW Patl'ol MMtlnp8 p.m . Thursdays at Air Na tronal Guard Center 2651 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Everybody rs welcome. lnforma- tron: 644-2718. Newpor1 tt.ritor Lawn aow&ng Club plays in tournaments. makes visits and has fun days. Meetings at 1560 Crown Ortve. Cor· ona del Mar lnforma tron· 759-9966 alcycte Club of Ir- vine meets on the 4th Saturday of every month. 9 a m. at Deer field Community Park, 56 Deerwood W est Free For further 111 formation, call 551-8638. TekaOftP__... s.n·•tw CTOPI) meets 6:J0..8 p m Tuesdays at Fust Chrrs tian Church, 729 Vrc Ioria. Costa M esa. 111 S S room on second floor rea• Further rn formarron Lrlha11 Prerce 642 7023 In TranaJtlon a qroup for recently wrdowed men and women seek rng support and new frrends meets 3-5 p rn every Thursday at OASIS rn Corona del Mar Nawport H•bcw Toaatmlatreaa Club meets 11 15 am Mon day. June 12, at the Balboa Bay Club. 1211 Coast Hrghway. Newport Beach Harbor Keyboard Club hosts guest artrst Rosemary Barley 2 30-4:30 p m Sunday July 11 at the Han1 mond Organ and Prano Center. 270 E 17th Street. Costa Mesa Ad miSSIOn rs $1 Thrs rs 1he club's frrst otfrcral meetrng Irvine Senior Centar tnvites Duplrcate Brtdqe players to brrnq 1 herr favorrte partners every Wednesday from 12: 15-3·30 p m for 011 el<citing atlernoor~ d l the Senror Center 3 Sandburg. lrv111e Newport ... ch Chapter of American 8u8lneeaWoman'a ANocladon meets 6.30 p.m Tuesday July 13 at the Newport Sheraton Electron of otfrcers wrll be held Irvine T oaatmiatreu Club wrll hold rts regular meeung ll 30 am Monday, July 12 at the Newport Balboa Savmgs and Loan 1100 lrvrne, Newport Beach The Am.lcan Sewing Guild wrll be represented at the Orange County Fau People tmerested rn membershtp can ftnd out aboput them there or contact them at P 0 Box t294 . Newport Beach. 92663 Corona del M., High School Class reunron, 10 years f01 the class o f ·12. celebratron rs Saturday July 31 Reunron cnmmrttee r-46-7662 'IA;tures Upcomine tectuna d • Orange Coast College 1nclude -· · AnalySJs ot d Terrnory" n'ldrk.etrnq serres conducted by John J SrmpS!•n Meets Wednesday evenrngs July 7-28. 7 30 9 30 p Ill "' FH W Arts Hall 116 Fee rs $10 "So You're a Salesperson Can You Prove lt7" , Chet Lac~ey lecturer 7 10 p m Thursday July 8 rn Frne Arts 119 "Dylldmtc VrtJIIty SNnuldr". Pat Kubrs and LrndJ Reed. lt>e twf'rs Thwsday even 111qs July 8 15 7 9 ~ rn "' Co11nselrnq iltld Adrnrssrons Anum 112 Fee IS sa .. Wrttt' On•· sem111ar tor elementary und luqll schonl teachPrs oHt>ruHl lipS Oil Clf'cltiVt' Wrtllnq tectrnrq,1es Marcra Gewelber. wc 1r kshc 1p ducc10r 9 a m 4 p rn Frrday, July 9 rn Busrness Educutrnn Burldrnq Rnnm J 03 Ft>f' IS $35 "Successful Qp portunrtres rn Retue rnenl''. Renee StmHll(•l lectw er 9 d rn 3 v m FrrdJy July 9 111 Covnsel1ny and Admrs s1ons Room 112 Fee rs $10 Male se ll tMhty semrnar for women Sh~tlev A Lamper: le<. turE:'r 6 30 9 30 p rn 111 Counselrny and Admrs srons room 112 Fee rs $5 l nvest met~t op portunnres 111 qold srlver and yerns. Tues 16TH ANNUAL FINE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL THE MAGIC IS BACK! l o ''" !f>d o "II'\ lht· '-!dloOo dU'l f t '11\.JI II I llolllo t h• I• I,"' 111 , '~" r" 11 ,. , <~u II n \f•t h or "'' 1 """'~'''"''I"" !t>,/Ct1)dl•l " ••• , •• ,, ... t•lo' II",,,, ,., ' t'lJt ,Jt\,,ltl'tl'• \' "'t'' f tf 1 ''''' \ I I' , ... , ''"''I I • Jr t ''' , t 1l t, \ t•,t l ' & ,,, 1 l 1' \ t .,,,. rt 11 ~1ft 1• 1\ f i' '.-\, If' l ..... d t ''I',, '.,, 11 '"' ,., ' .... tJ ! ,, I ., ,. I''' t. '' ' ' ,, ' 1, t '"'II' I',,, .. ,,,,.,,, l·. I t .h. 1 .. "'"I ' I' ~ i "' ,, ,, Pa ~tlt•nt.J ... tlf•' '' ~• ul~Hu•• • • • t'"" .... I n '''"' 1 t • J 1 '"' Jf"Wrd"h\ d n,J rttut h r-,h "• 1' t il tu•fr' ·'' I• t ''''-• Yuu II 'troll 1 o 1 '•'"' '"''1'·1'''' •·~•• ''"'I''"'., , .. i..tfHJ ft·'l h\ 1 "' ,hu\q ,~'"I"'''" •• ,I• ' 1 t• i .,,, ' .... '., '1 ,,, t ~. '' i' ,, ' " l\ hI I ' ,, " J"' ' .. I ('\ ... I • JULY lOth THRU AUGUST 29th 10:00 AM TO 11:00 PM EVERY DAY ADMISSION SI .OO KIDS UNDER 12 FREE WITH AOUL T 93S LMiO,.A CA,.VO,. ROAD l AQU"A 8 ACH. CAliFORf'UA INFORIII\A TION ....... ,.10 • 0 80" tlH. lA<OoCJI\A arAC"-C A ·~-\.I day semrnar seues Rrclo. O'Fallon leciUrer 6·30 9 30 p m J uly 13 rn Frne Arts Hdll 1l9 Fee rs $5 "Up Your Creatrvlly and Spree Up Your Lrfe" Mrrram Cullen, lecturer 7 10 p m TueSday July 13 "' Chenu~II V Bwldrny 207 f ee IS $5 TheWuhlneton Scene In ••w Bob Badharn (A Newpor 1 Beach) B1ll Ddll nemeyer I R Fullerton) Dan Lunqrt>n I R Lonq Beachl ,md Jerry Pat terson ID S,mt 1 And) Will dr~CII'>S I'Vf'lll~ trller lli)IHIIldl ,tlld llct lllllldl 7 30 p " TIHH!>dd';' Ju ly 8 ,,1 Snull ClldSt Pl.rt .r Hulf>l Dtllllt'r IS s 14 50 r,. •r ~~r sw1 Cu" 1 11 tilt' World Aff<ur~ C •IIIli rl P 0 Bn 11 1926 S.rnr.r And 92702 Mis~llany_ The Red Crou Bloodmoblte wrll be at lrvme Board of Realtors. 55 Deer w ood Weflnt:Sddy. July 7 For <lppoullnrent~ Cc:tll 552 8586 A nd 11 w rll be 1n Cost<1 MeSc:t .rt Cr11H1ell Chevrolet 2828 H,Hbor Thwsday J uly 8 For dppotrllrnent:. ltlE:rP C<ill 546 1200 Blood Pr .. aure chacka 1 3 p m Wednesday July 7 dt the St>ct~rtt v Pa<..1 fK Bank 196 E 1 7111 Cost.J M esa lr~fwmc:tllon 76/J 5942 Tour of passive ao&er realdenc:.aa rs bernq of fered by OCC July l 4 26 T nur of bwldrn~s ldk f'S .tdVCiliWilUS per c;ons throuqh Artzona. Nevada. Colorado and Nl'w Mexrco J Randall Roberts IS conductrnq !Ill' lfiiJ T~ttll fl't:' IS $685 For rnore rn formd trnn drld reserva trorr::. C<ill 556 58&) CleanHa~O.y JlJiy 10 rn Newport Har bur No money 11eeded JUSt bodtes Detarls and work a$Signments, call John Rader, PresKient. Manne Orvrsron of Newport Hafbor Area Chamber ot Commerce 645-500 or 642-8061 ··c•IIIGm&a Tranepor- t..tloe c ...... laaioft IS Making a Drfference" Ivan Hinderaker. lee turer 1 1-30 a m Frrday July 9. at South Coast Plaza Hotel. 666 A nton Boulevard Costa Mesa Luncheon. $13 Reser vatrons: 628-3358 T...._..begoniaa are the sub,ect of a 9 30 a m Saturday July lO lecture at Sherman Lrbrary and Gardens 2647 E Coast Hrghway Corona del Mar Admrs s1on IS free Newpot1 Harbcw Art Muaeum rs otferrng a number of classes for k.rds. rn four-week ses srons July 6 30 and August 3 27 Costs vary lnformatron Garl Theroux. 759 ll22 Btg 8and Commotion at a mo nthly dance sponsored by 1 he Newport Harbor Chapter Cuy a t Ho pe 7 30-11 ·30 p rn Sunda';'. July 18 at the Sheraton Newport $4 donation free parkrng lo.AngeleaWind Quintet performs wo rks by Poulenc. Dahl, Vella Lobos. bacn. Rercha 8 p m Thursday. July 8 rn UCI's Ftne Arts Concert Hall Adm1ss1on JS $6 general . $5 students and senrors Rock in the morning W1th studro musrc1ans playrny all your favo11tes by Jrmr Hendrrx Baetles Who Stones Zepplrn. etc 9 30 a m Tuesday July 13 at OCC'1 Frne Arts HaU 119 Trckets are $2 pre sale. $3 ar rhe door .Jot.v.y ..... at the lrvrne Meadows Amptthealre Sunday July 18 Call T rcketron or 855 8096 tor ucket rnformatron .. COfteal'ta by the ..... featurrng ace rnsrrumenral yrcwps dre held 6 p m every Sunday at the Balbo a Park P1er Fr ee Chriatma. In Jutyl musrc and holrday fate presen ted by the P•<• feSSional Orqanests Gurld 2 a m Sunday J uly 18 at Fel~:~, Con l rnent al Cwsrnc 305 N Har b<>r m Fuller t u 1 Ad ll11SSIIIII IS dll 1111 Wr .JP ped '••\1 ll\lflu I Wll t)p dOll ll••d Srt'• '• best s,. FecJ•w•·.., or g<~n•st~ 'i ,. All>r•rt Prt/PS fw ''tk.tpr" opens Ju111' 18 at !he Hdrl~qwn Orn ner Playhouse 3502 S Harbor Blvd San ta Ana Curtarn rs at 9 15 p m drnner rs served betw en 7 15 and 8 45 p m Aeservatron~ Julie 979 551 1 "The Muaic Man" contrnues through July 11. Tuesdays through Frrdays, 8 p m at tht' Saddleback Community College South Campu~ lfl M•ssron Vre1o Bo x Off1ce 831 4656 495 2790 ''Proml ... , PromlMa" by Nerl Semon, wrll be presented at OCC JtJI\ 22 24 29 31 etnd Auq11'>t 5-7 tn the Robert B M oore Performrnq Ar•~ Theatre at OCC campus Trckets 556-5527 reservations ··n.o. ...... · by Meade Roberts, opens July 14 at the Laguna Moulton Communrty Playhouse T1ckets 494 0743 Eliulbeth How..-d'a Curtem Call Denner Theater rs presentrn4 "Oklahoma" throuyh August 22 The theate• 15 located at 690 El Camrno Real T us11n For reserva11on s call 838 1540 Tibbie' a Mueic H.at. 16360 Pacrftc Coast H1ghway Huntrngton Beach features Youn4 Amencans So nq and Dance Compan y Seatrng Tuesday throuq h Saturday 5 45 .tr I H 45 p m . Sunday 7 u 111 S 12 95 and $14 95 1ncludes drn1w• Rr>~rvar""'~ 84() 5661 "A Man For All S.aaona" presented by 1he Huntington Beach Playhouse Space 39 Seactrff V11Jage Shopprny Center Yorktown and M arn Streets Hu" trnqton Beach Th11JUqt July 10 Reservat1on~ and •n formatron 847 4465 Films UC I Film Society screens a bunch of q(J0d PICIIHt' tlrt• tp 8 p rn every Snenc(' Lee Adn• for Jr , •• b\1 ln4rl\dr B"'rljrt1dn t Sweden 19691 July 17 ·v o1rmbo • by Akrra Kurosawa 8 11 30 a m Saturday !Japan 1961 1 ~------------------------------------------------------ All ENTERT AIIIOIT FREE lmt $4 NlM'SSIJN ogell Wed!anfllt. July 7. l-T'be Newport Eulga lila Coon.y J. vK:. piW.iclent, director ol planning cksign lor RicbCIJ'd.on-Nogy-Mortin, or- cb.itecture and planning ol N.wport lf.och. He JJ.ocJ. program develop- ment teonu lor the fjrm and aLso coordinate. planning phil040phy with company principals. He boa been with the liTIII lor the la.t 13 yecus, the lost lour as vice praide11t. 17te firm currently bas pro- ject. in 25 states and lour foreign countrie&, encomposs.mg more than 5(), ()()() homes. b., JbD Cooaey The car, a 20th cenluey phenomenon, ia one of the most critic:ti factors to the design of high denaity housing today. (High density in this context refen to Q41den-type and low to mid-riM buildings, not higb-n.se Iowen.) As denaity increases from yeaterday'a accepted two to four unita per acre up to 20 and 30 unit. per acre, difficulues with ..,ace and aile aesthetics are compounded. R.Qardl ... oJ all other poaitive design factora, iJ the parking is not properly planned, TQJ( Tips is o serVJce supplied by Rudy Boron, CPA, of Boron Accou.ntancy Corp., a Newport &ocb-bosed accounting firm speciolwng in f(JJ( and occoun- ling •rv1ces lor small and medium buSinesses. IRS Apnta What They Know About You A normal IRS mvestigation 1s a review oJ youJ' boob and recorda to determine yoUJ' cor- rect tu. An IRS a9enl IS not limlted an the 80urce of Informa- tion he may uae. By use of a subpoena, if neceasary, he can obtain information from vanous third party aourcea such u banb, UUUJ'ance comp.uues, brokers, your cuatomen and vendors and public recorda. Nany tupayera have filed financiAl atatementa atating theu I tile reeult ia an unple.uanl atr .. t tcene for both resu:ients and their viaiton. The llr .. t tcene and parkmg an a medium to high dena1ty pro ject ahould be of ma)or concern-it ia conceptually more llgnihcanl than the Door plana or architecture. We must remembeJ' that we are •l.lmg hom ... not garage doon. ThlS cannot be overemphasized. !ntnea should be the focAl point of the home, not the paneled and decorated garage doors one sees so oJten. Smce the atreet upfront unpreuion ahou' ~ be the maio ..Ihng poanl to th"' potential buyer. the en- trances should convey the ma1n 1mpress1on of a des1gn. People want to buy an unage, impres- SIOn and nice approach hom the street for thetr guests. The garage doors can be designed u to not be a dommant feature. A generAl soluhon IS to keep the garage doors the same matena.l a.s the houM. being very careful how theu color i!l treated. If any type of pattern or detail IS apphed, at leut 1t should be painted all in one col- or. With this atrong deSlgn con- TAX TIPS income and net worth wtth banD or other financ1a.l UIShtu- hollS. The agent can compare these statementa w1th the m - formahon filed on your tall returns. Most people who have operated a unall busmess have a weAlth of inJormahon on hle at their local bank, all of which the IRS can rev1ew. The Internal Revenue Servace can ellchange information wllh other federal agenc1es, and they ahve agreements to exchange ancome lu audit anformahon wtth the vanous slates. In addition to comparing cur- rent year diHerencu, the IRS can u.se your fanancta.l data to prepare a net worth statement. If you toJd your ba.nker, via fanan- Cia.l statements 10 yean ago, JIM COONEY cepl, where the garage doors are aesthetically int8C)raled into the p•oject, they become a mua, rather than a detail, blen- dang in WJth the total atn.et scene. Another anleresting 80lution, tound an 110me duplu projects, is to go to two sangle-car garages, spliltin9 them up with the bome'a entry, thereby break- in9 up the common street scene of two-c.u garages. Parking 80luhona muat be con· sidered cnhca.l in residentiAl site plannmg today. Althou9h they are oJten thought oJ u the end of the project, it ia the one part of the project which every reSldenl must come home and face daily. that you were worth zero, and today you are worth $100,000, your tu returns for the past 10 ye.ua should p&nt a aimt.lar pic- lure Each year the IRS computer 11 a httle better at matchmg an- formation 1n your return with other document• the a9ency receaves. The 1099'a you rece1ve from banka, brokers, and othera reportang ancome paid to you are Also beang filed WJlh the IRS If your lu return informahon vanes au.betantially from other lllform.ation av&lable to the IRS, 11 would be worth your while to document all difference~ in the backup recorda you reJam for each tu return p1'epared. va~.a. ~ .... ••port C...._r b&-ucb o81ce, locued .a 840 Newport Cealer Drive la To.w D oi tbe P.afic Nutul Piau, la DOW opta. T1ae OI*UD9 of tbe oew bzuck briD9a to --· the oJ. ficee •rviaCJ U.. couty'a buein-ud prxl toaal com- mualty. Since it. fona.ation in 1971 with iA.itial capit.J of $1.25 million, Valencia J.nk, head- quartered ill Sa.nta Ana, r.pon.d record ...a of $161 m.illi011 and record eamiDqa of $1.9 lllillion lor the c:alend.a.r yeaz ended D.c. 31, 1981. Ne4 .. mtnqa were a 21 percent in- creue ovel' 1980. ID reviewill9 the bank'• gro~. Gene W. Hobday, bank p.readent, aoted that in the put yeer and a hall, the bank hu opened t1uee new offic .. , com- pleted an .dvanced dat• pro- ce.ing center, and added a pellaion md truat division and small bu.ainea loan diriaion. "Approval hu been received from the state Banking Depart- ment for a Valencia Bank t.cility in the John Wayne Auport," Mld Hobday. "Additionally, ap~ phcationa hove been submitted for officea in the South Cout Plua Financial Center and Los Angeles Century City buaineu complex." Valencia Ba.n.k apecta.lU.. an corporate and buain ... banking with -~ deaiQJled to fulfill the needs of b\WD..men and profeaaionab. The bank hu officea in Anaheim, Irvine, Fullerton, Lake Forest, Oran9e, Placenlia, Santa Ana and Newport BeAch. WE PAY TOP s CAL'SCIIEIAS Cutting the ribbon for Valencia Bank's new Newport Center office are, from left, Ray L. Smith. chairman of the board; Carol South. ~~ of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce; Gene W . Hobday, Valencia Bank president; and Robert W . Buerki. Newpon Beach branch office manager. BRIEFS New Pr .. ldent O.vid R. C.l'penter of Corona del War hu been elected pre•i- dent and claief operating officer oJ Tl'anumerica Occidental We lnaurance Company of Loa Angel ... and past pres1dent, hu been chairman of the board and ch1ef e1ecut1ve oUicer. He aucceed.a Meno T. Lake, who wu elected chauman of the board and remain~ chief ell- ecutive oHicer. Randy Howatt hu been nam· ed prea1dent of the company while James T. Bowie hu been promoted to execuhve v1ce preaidenl. New Director ln addition to h11 new duhes, Carpenter contiDuea u a member of the board of direc- tors for both Tra.naamenca Oc- cicl.ntal Life and Tranaamerica A..urance Company. M ang ement Cha nges Several management chan9es have taken place at Rusty Pelican Rutauranta, Inc. Low. A. Siracusa, founder Tunothy P. H.ud.inger of Newport Beach hu been elected to the Board of Directors of We•tern Interstate Ba.ncorp, ac- cord.inc;J to James Capretz, chau- man of the board of the lrvane- bued hnancaa.l holding com- pany. H.udin9er 11 pre11dent of New Weal Ventures, a venture cap1tal company located tn Newport Beach. Giant Heavy Duty Boat Tarpaulins 12x18 ........ $23 26x40 ..... ··-· lid) ........ S32 26x55 ....... $115 20d) ........ $36 30x80 . -..... $145 l&IJ4 ........ $38 50x100 ....... $380 11132 ........ $50 601120 ....... $547 20d).-...... $50 50x150 ....... $562 Before Mich!ight, Aug. 8 MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: and will be accompanied with a LIFETIME parutee that It muat perform 10011 or it wOl be replaced he. Add $1 hanclina aad cratb:ll for ..cb tarp CJr'der. eel L.A. IIARBOR FRE. pa,_ aU abipplal. Sbould you wiab to retwn your tarpaulina ,ou ~Y do .o for a full refund. Any Jet- ter i*tmaned W. thaD AQI. I wtll be~-LOOT: flfty C50> tarpe s-act.tre., no a - ct~~~t-.. S.d .,.........sum t.cl8e&W wWl .,.. D&IDe aad ~ to: Tarp ,... Dept., 1115£, L.A. HAllBOR FR1. D14 Santa Mcaiea BIY4, Loa Anlelea. CA-. w for t'ut•t ..-rice from el47 part ol the cowdrJ call CIDilld llefon 11116-Diebt 7 dayaa ....... Your moDey always earns what it's worth al AMERICAN HOME THRIFT AND WAN PLAY BALL W1TH US and receive FREE-Open a minimum 110.00 belence 1'\uift KCOU.Dt and you will receive an easy tote eeal cushion and • 1982 Bueball Dipst. BuebaD Dipsl Annual Guide is com- piled by the editorial staff of Bueb&U Oipet Mapzine; Century Publishing Co.. Evanaton Dlinois. You will find 50 papa of facta and statistics from 1900 through 1981 from Pennant Winners to off·eeuon player vansactiona-a real muse for buebal1 fans! PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS DAY 9% 8.5% SSOO MINIM UM ANflo;liAL YIELD SJMPU INTU.EST I INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES CALL COLLECT (Z13) 462-1914 Au o,era&or for TARP TEIT IIJSE Before ....... 'Ida)' a week. Have c:rMI& eartl ready. t-\\\ We 're t he d..y~ crea tors of tim eless beauty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . ... • • • • ~IIOTQ '"''' ... _ .... .,.~ n.. ••pon '•'P W• ..... _, • 1-.ly 7. I ..... ., .... ......_. __ ..._ .._ .. ,. u. cu~ ...c.cmca -fLBNUW- .-c80TIICII ... fCU--.... ft&_, ,........_,__.._ ~IDnCI -JEdiiiOW- UC&r_A.,..._ ,......__ ... ..... ......: IIO'nc:& ... 11CmC1 Off WIU I W OT4 ... ....CIIOIICZ -rw:aaww--. .....,.~ ~IIOni:K fiCnftDel-... na.,_, a.ouJ> .............. .... e-.. ._ CA ... ¥~·~ ..... ~ ........ ,__ ... "--•~DA .. "--•IAfC:..MnO-.._.c... Ot-. ..... -....... CA-....... ......._ •MOVII. miA .. ........ c.-. .,._ .... •• ..._. .. o.-o. o ....... ,, .......... _. .... .., .. _ ... .....,..,_ .. _..,, _ ,......_ __ ..... ~...._,_ .... ....._ • NOll~ lLUI COWP.\Ift ._ kAII .,, ~ ....... ........ .....0 CA..., LAoalt O..e14 C:~ollf'oA.. *' .....,, .. L-. c..-....... CA LA 0...... _,.._ ._. ._,c-.,..., CaQJI c:-.-. Mt,....,_ CA c-a ........ ~ ....... c..w..-..... -~ Co\ -W ....._. ,. .......... c-.. o.--...... •• ...._......,.CA-. ..__ ""'-"'-l'll7V ... a. ......... ...... ,........._. .......... .. ......._•LAOAtCO uo ..... _ ,..._._.CA-t ..,_ o.-. )10 ....._ L.,.... n..~ ................. . ... ....,.. '-'M v-..a LA o--.. .... """" -c-.-... lOt .._. c:...-n.....__ ......... ..,._. ti!W .................... _ .. , ... .. ................ ~ ...... -.. nit· CA -·· a.~ a T-w )tO n..~ .............. _ ,..._ ......,_ ._., T ._.., ........................ .......... Ano ....,,.. .....,.._ ..... _ .. 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Irvine 1 odav and costa Mesa News is an inte"~nt alternative to Direct Ma\\. '1 . .., , ~ .... ~ .. ' LAGUNA BEACH I t05 N Coat Hwy 4t4-tt77 to4urh .. ,. lduca•v•• Pan T1mt> W, r~ m._,, stra 111Q &t4>11rna EDUCATION DISCOVF.RY TOYS S.1 yuur OWII llv UIS C•ll851 0552 Alt•rm-c•na •"d '"" II HOUSES FOR SALE IU ...... L..-..... ,_ ftf'eel._.._ ...... ...,., ... --lli*11VJ ....,. J"'*-':1~ I Wra/ I """ CM...,'>'~ CALL BETWEEN tAM.SPM C. P.M. RESEARCH (71.) 545-1.58 II HOUSES FOB SALE '1.00 to UJOO/ono I?IOte~- 11 JOO co QOCOI- •soo •~MGt- 5l0 Ill II ~II,.. .,.,._ ffGft )QO&q" ... ., .. " CHILDREN'S WORLD-Youn~r CJU"ta at Sa rt.os ~~~ Wountaan an ValeDCIA, C.W., d~ ChaJdrea'• World. • colorful and cr .. hve ., .. thAt hmula._ lJMqulative play ud of»n ec.J.d-down mma net.. hb the a.d Baron Atrplanea, Recioo WotorcycJ.t, Dwae Buc,q.-. and qentle Clown Co.ater. Whether kidl prefer the more tr~lional fuD of Cbtldren'• W orld. the park'• c rNhve plAyqroun~. or the Amm.aJ F.ui'D, they Wlll have • memorable day of fun at Su flaga W.qac MounlaUl General edliUUl<>n ol $11.50 mclud• oveT 100 nd ... 1how. and edventur" t.n the 260·ac re lamtly theme p.uk. C!uldren und.t 48-tnch" an heaqbl are admatted to r SS 75 HERE'S HOW TO WIN: If you eon tind your no.me pr•c:eo.d by two atara * e .omewber• in T"-llewpo~t l.:naJgn. lrYine Today o.ad C0110 Mesa He~ clGMl.liecl MCtlou. you ba,. woo TWO FREE TlCKETS. Call rn..os.so to cla;m yow priM. MilD NURSIS .-..... .. lof 7 a.a.-3 p.a ., 3 p.a .-ll P·•·· a.acl 11 p .a .-7 •·•· c.rtiliedlaoa.-<:4trtJUed C&U Wn. Patt.noa, 544-1911. WI'D JUSY -IUSY .;.._.-------, -JUS'Y lor acute .NA'e. Joiu the ...... ~owtaq aenle• ID Or••v• Cowat,. C.U Volt Ned- aea.J s.mc.,IQ-1177 ......... .._.. .... c-. ....... ..- .. _....sis • a .................... ......... ,.. ..... _......,. ......... ............. I L 31 MfD11UIU OII'TYI W ANTID: IMVISTOllS to ta.lLe o~ dlecowatecl ntCL p1opertMa Wu b.ve 11,000,000 -Net worth. 1100,000 UA\&a.l aacom•. OJ, (714) .-2121 32 TBOST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES 2ND T.D 'a, l~TLU hilly &lllOrt&ud 17~" Low pomta c.n *-~=========::::!. 291~ tor quote. '1 FtJJUaTURE DISTRIBUTORS DICORATOR bl• WANTED nyloD ....me tuoh-be.clt duwa9 eheln (CoDb· To operate our com-unta.J llelq.bt) 1t0- plete ltne of Oelu 08:;;38:.;:..._ _____ _ Hot food Vend.mg MachJne•. Us1nq 4.2 APPLIANCES Nahona.l B.cand..s Merchand.ue, ma c h1ne1 ar placed 10 factones, ~ehools, bosptlals, and mdustnal com- • •JifiJG.IRATORS. w..Mn, chy.n, _, to c"-lroa S.U. trade or buy Worllmq or DOa-workln9 GMJ· eat..d. Houelaold Trade c.n .. r, 8159-0612 ple~es. We supply t4MUSICAL you Wllh the JJeSTRJan'S ltiiOICEYTO LOU Jl1WIO SICONDS - Coap•titiY• ratea I Broker~ blvitad laaedUte fuDdaaq 11-obr. 147-«Xle. equapment, loca lion., and produc t You 1upply 3-1 hou ri per week. and the desue to hnan c sally dependent anvestme n t qu~r e d snformahon loU-free l-ovu-c,;:,.~:;-1 1777. ask for opera- tor no 26. CARE DISTRIBUTORS HAHO WADI VIOUHS -r RDch &ad ltab&a (714) &.-2813 ~OFFICE EQUIPIIENT 1BW WAG CABO D wold P~"9 .,.._ l.ae•U•111 eoadJiloa Sf,200 or be.e o&r C...U S..Uy, (714) 7fi0..0100 .. DJAJK)JU)S. JEWELRY 1ST A Tl I SICOND· IIAHD JIWil..IY &Ad ••luacJ O..rware eQalla •uch -41 Jea_lley'l, 220 I 17til St.. Coae WOlUT -WOlRY -Ho__,..: Loaa bJ phoa.. 2Ad aad Jrd Trut o..da uulo* to JOill llhlaUoQ OJ ueda c.u ha. d.J. lllQhl, ... lleada. Slt-11127. ~====~==~~~.~~ I . QJlAIO) OPENIRG II HOUSES FOR n.. eo. w.. eoua 1 SALE 1..-lrt be~. 2426 H.wport IJvd . eo.. ....... buya ud ..u. ued ,...,.. ry ac: rep qoJd, d.atel, weu:.t.. ...................... IIOilln oe IA.LII"UOMI Now Offering 90'1. at ou Corona det Mar Office ~CNaY.GRI Pme Weat Soy boyfront Sli~ for 2 boots, remod.fed 3 bedroom. 3 both $1 ,200.000 Oceon ond tetty v••~ Mor~ne room 4 bedtoom~. 3 boths 3, J(X) sq ft $1.385,000 Oceanfront LIDO ISLE HOMES Pr1me ltdo Nord boyftonr, S bed· rOom s•.; both Lorge IIVIr\g room. 2 boor sl1ps 11. 500.000. Remodeled 3 bedroom 2 both plus Iorge rec room beom ce 1l1ng5 fur mshed, pohos IA20. 000 LINDA ISLE aAYfRONT lagoon "'•w from 6 bedtoom. 5 both, ptoyfOOfY\ dark room. den loor ahp. Sl.lSO.OOO aA YSIDI CO Vi ~uloi bOYftOt\t v•ew 2 bed tOOft\l 2 bo up. 2 bedroom~ 2 both down 2 boar ,,.,. Sf, "00. 000 CO~IIADO CAYS Coror'odo ~~ c•• bOyfrcjnt lot as· boot doc. Pklm cwo•lob~ lfDUCIDt P'O.OOOwttfi""""' cotu,ll}.., fJl-5933 PUILISHU 0015 NOT ACCEPt ll.abllaty tor lDc:onec:t ~ qraaaet.c:&l ~AeCC:ur· ac:.-,or~ enon 1D &JlJ ad .. ,.. ~-.. pdlaeaecl Ul Cout Wecba ..... SHOIS -FliT ior eo tiN l&al.ly s.. ,.., ~., u t-S7 85-Slfi ~5 Dutnburon w~•t•d 548 3193. Ul7 W.lller eo...w- SICOND RAHD -ROSl New u .d .....d •• 'a &ad ~·· clot&.loq &ad ~ eo-q. •ent SJ.op. M W l!ltla eo.. ...... ...,_. s.-.zo ·arowooo 2&6 DIClDIG • 36c:tfoot US S.ttlee pa11ele $12 !0 ~ J~a m-1481 WA TIRLISS CXX>& WA.U ~ a ultt ply la .. -.y ~01a• cl••o••trelloa Iliaci .,._, opeoed laa.lla sa..o S.llu9 S-275 l·l03 685-1082 • •Todd Gr099ett 15 136 Tour•m•. lrvan• CA ConQr41ul•bona1 You have tUlll won two Superlun hcket& Pl- c•U 673 0550 to cl•u" your praM LARGI Rll>WOOD rabbtl ilutelll, ltiiJ '-v• . Sl5. Coateaporu-,, eutllto-44&4t Letter· aMD qraphlc piCtllre, wood duome fraae, $50.~ CANON Ftb watb SO..Jfl 4 lent ud 135 aJII/12.8 euto-llc: lent l•y. 559-1540 o r 752-3725 . 51 WANT TO BUY WANTKD. OLD GUNS. n.n.. ahotqw~.~, poc:bt watebea, a alllery .word. Senou.a eoU.C:· tor -pe,-aore tha.D uy doM.Mr 581-8170 WA.NTID -US&D fur- DJture, aodem, U · hqu• Reh•q•raton , w.u.n. dryea (work· lDq, 11011 workln9) L. s. 9157-8133 WA.NTID Funuhue, •ppluac.. (refnqer· aton, wMben, chy.n, TVa, wo rk.ulQ, aoo· workuaq), p~&~~o., ea ~. otf.acer hmuture SSCAS (714) 957-8161 CASH PAlO for OUAUTY ANTJOUIS. 1•wel ry, c eaeo 1, dl&taocda, pertv... bol- tlea. d~ ..... cut qlua, chlD4, Sl.lver, oncuala GAlJ.IRY ONI ............... UNIOUI APART NIJfTS ud IOWR.b~ -ntb utbedra.J e.ilioqa. fuepJ.c:a ,.. ban. &Jr coadliJo"'lllq. poola, ai&AoU. qya, lena» C01llt8 lamed.a..te eviUl &bJ. 1 b.droo• &Ad ct-. 1 b.droom, 2 Md roo•/2 b•tla to•a · bo-SorTJ, DO peg 2400 HArbor Blvd . eo.. ..... 557-8020 LAHOLORDS -Fr. ad'Vel'UAD9' 1.ut reata.ll &Ad ,_.. ql&4bbed c:an.• AAA R.t.al ._.. ty. Oraa~• County'• o~ aad la.r9• reata.J .. ,...._ tr1'3-1315 WHY PAY WORI? Now re oh aljl H \&ahoq too Gra.oad• Ap&rtm•ta Prtm.e qerd.A apert· _.. DM f beoec:ia lD H \&Dtuaqtoo a.ee ae eo. ud rwo-b.dlooa e~rtmellta lrom S42S m•> a.n-6064_ 51 HOUSES UJfFUilJt NIWPORT BACH Harbor v-Hom .. 3- ~ 2 batb c., ••' •od•l r •• ,J, rooza NMr pool pvlt . •l•••otu y acbool Sl.l!!O pet IDODtb No pete 1+4 11394 alter I woooUJDG• '-J. Mdrooa, l ~-balh COD· do Upper &eY.J T *lWa, 1.a.lre. paola, etc lAc had- ed AYII.llable ---..w, sa>. 551-5312. ON A SANDY IIACH COVI 1J1 ~v.a• Un-tui'D.IIoh.d coAdo for '---2 bedroo.. d.a, breplace, pooL S1,500. 499-3529, 1-105-969- 5328 BIG BL\1 3 Mdroo• cablD lD t.be U.,. Cleu e u paaetreea, hreplee., eo&or TV $4! '* ct.y lfll*eY.l -aiy ,.,.. 646-8181. ~ RATIS UDUCU> - Pa.Ja Spruaqa Lt&aliZ'I CO~)OJ the -· mer ...ao f\&Uy fur a.&dled, 1 bedroom, deep. lour T•ruua. aWla.lllCJ, 14CU&&I Aved abl• weelr.eada, aldw"la or loaq•r teraa Av&JJ.e.ble July be ~ C.U&tter 6 p • 545-7668 or 846-31. 120FFICE/ COJOIERaAL oma SPAa fOil ll.DfT ~ ..... r Wedx:aJ PJ... ...., Ho.aq Hoapatel Payc:bo· 631-0t&84 leatatthal ... wpert c.n .. r ofhc:. Willa - ol recepUoca coaJ.- •nce room k1tc:h.o, phone . eect•len el .. d word p roo •q. W..J &nd~-J' YICe ev&a.l&ble eep•r .,.,., II deeued CaUklly (1141 ,... •• 17 REAl. ESTATE UA.L TOllS -Lra 1~ coazaa-d-ar '-llDder '100 per zaOAlb Sp.c:e eveJlable for two a ore •9-• Call Sv.nbow "-by. 631-2242 Newpo rt Be.c:lt loc4tl0a BEACH llfCOME PIOI*17 Spedol.IIJ1a DU PLII S I 5 000 dow11 Oc:.an YI- Sl35 000 T RIPLEX \JS 000 d owr. Lak• ••~ Oc:Mo ..,.,. S222 000 TRIPU:X 112 bloelr. k) bMc h 13.._ h.naac:m9 SJ29 000 4 PL£1 l.erQe Ulllta l l~ fo n e DCIDQ S255 500 p ~ o t'Lt.A S40 000 l'M rly FOR 1\DlT Spec I oncome I '2 block to ••eule r oc••n end ~ech SS60 000 1110\l.Dlelll VI.,.,. Moo Chart. Realty uc:l. T•nece home 3 .ln ... tmenta bed.rooa 3 b&lb S 1 OSO moaUlly Cell owner ..,_.122 -.aQS 499-4.252 A•k tor Joe or Ft.lll\k LlASJ -~D V ••to .. ec-uuve ~bedroom lor mel clUWIQ. I&IIUl l' rooa. etnu• w..a..r. dryer. r•fn9•r•tor 9~ eu c a.c:Lhoa ed v-3 hreplecee. oMJ lalre A pptoa 3.500 eq h '1 m •oallllly (213) 726 S873 tiSJ ~ •JIOUSDFo. SAL& IRVIN&-UaaveraUJ Pe.rk. ~.ate~ aocW. 4 be.lrooa.a. z b.a~. iuUly roo-. ClaiAl atmua Wal.k to pool, teaau, t•cunl. lr owa•r. '164,100 SS...lfiO. 11 LOTStt ACaEAGE SUCI OP PAIID'III 3 5 ac:J'... Valley C..tG SlO,IOO llowa, o waer wtl1 c•rry. 484-SQU 40 llfAUTIFU. C1CN1 withtt.-..~ ~ crd 11c1rQ n c:ncl ~ $17.950 u P'bl. S12.250 down owe 1 yecn lO'IIt~ "-' .. mapa ond rXV• 11 DAI. DTATB W&ft'ID/ EICIIAJIGI W AJITII): 3 IIOUID .. trn.. ...... ....... will ......... Jta}r lS. lila. • ""'*-""-e&0 (7l4)1J11410 .• • M()ID E JDID POJIIALI I •· lt &llc .ntb cdou&. Coap&e..ay. mal . d Clo. tD ~ S.,liDO 4il-74ICI DITISH AtnO D -PAms: ...,..,, ~ Tn.....,a, NO. ·~-·--·· .............. oU..r --.1-Hu'-or IMl , C.... ..... ..1. 141-t221 • tKDI-:~ GAJ.AGil. AutO u•A.Ja ,or.p ' 0 * . a..-.--...u. , .. &a~ Wc:tra&. fiAUTOe WAIIDD CUIG'I UU TID '--...;...._.;.. _ _:_.____...~ Acar&aiCd'.._ ... aila. y_., r ITT rhh, ,._ ........ (714) .. 7210. Ala COIIDI1lOIUIIQ 0011'1' MIL 7 AU smoaa -A1r c:ooti-.-~ luUlJ ud .... SIIOI).$1,000. Also .a.. ta•!leuoe• tor poole ... Me .... .,....,. leferuc•. ....... 7128. UPIIAI.T lEAL OOA!IIIG/ DIUfiWAYS AIPIIALT UP A&. ~ , ...... IJo . .-r.Ja MWlll AU.ITATE PAWtQOO. • • a.c,.;n~ ~~.;;;.~nd. 210 Opel, a.Jbo. w-et, CA. Con· Qr.,lll.IJou l You M" JUst won lwo Superhua hc:llete "-e. c:til 673-0550 lo el&ua yow P~_!: SALLY'S IIAUTY NOOit, 1• L 17Ua St., eo. ...... ....._., boa Sll.!IO •· 'ftatiav1 SI.OO 9 · ""·-,:: aa ..... M.!IO. nllltia9. $12.01) !If»· li&lrwttJD9, S3.!10.1Q.*3. -. . I CDWAUDIG/ DDAII'MG MOE I IIIVICI e1 you.._..oroMto.. Coaphb ......... . ... P"*+'-9 ... Vt· ._., drtU'-9. "Tredl· tioorl O.t ..... " ....... as .,t.P.T. ...... llll4T A COOK. Dellctou wMkcley ..... ,_ ..... to. you ooa......_. a. ... ~ .dl Till. f'11.4174 . c iiJIIDII • • Dliii LeW. lU A ~ ~To...._.-....... ~ .~ ........ ~ .. e...-JCMU prwe. Wt\.lt ' lllal:lll ......_e ;1111>4 te~¥1~' ICAGII IW JlaiCa !Alii D&'lll? ..... .. ,.. U.UwerMriel, ....-cr d ?C.· ..... ...... ,.,, ..-hd ...... Cell ......... 232 • o.e: ex s.. ~.epaa. '*'· (7i4) lll·a71). eo.~w .... &c.. ~ ...... ..... 800I'IIIQ co. Low rata -""" ud ~.Lao.~. ~-- snuGJnl SAUDIIIGY AD -': .,, 1' ••· a.-ley ...... do •. ... c.,_.... (Ylt).a.Jm SOUR SOLAR DolaMbc: Hot Water Spa&Poola WHT PAT SALIS c:oralllat••o••' l uy dtreet O..~qn ...... •••t•llataon Lot 407892 &DDT U.W&AV· JIIG:..._ .......... --.a..-. ..... ......... ,., ....... fi14) ... Z.. CUIICM 1IL& WOUJ Al ... 'lrt I M .... ieket ........ ............... ~.~ ....... -. ..... ,_ l•f••••c••· •••· lll·771l. . 111.16WAIMI ~AI.LA1JOII ........ o .......... eo ... "'iell~•· tW. , ........... . oall ~ • .,_SllS . • * O.n.U Rut. 31Q c..&...~leecla. CA.~..,, You ... .,. ,... won two Su..-m.. bcbte ....... call 67J..Cl550 1o cltia ,our pnae lUlU TID SDV· JCI: , ..... ... b'lluUIIil ............ . Yuta..-p. r.-... .........c.a-.er. "TIUS JDUnT DIMNID ... ,..,. . .... ..., .,....t ud ........_ lr1 De· W.. ......W.. Call lor t ... ...-at ... Art, .. 71Q2 • IOr.l TID SIIVJCK _,.......,.~. ............. ..-....1. IIIUip .-..1. Yucl dMa.p. Li c t ud ~ QuliMy work. , ........... .... S3k JOHN'S Till Me'••••ce, ........, Newport, !mae .... .... 1m ta .a ...-eta of .... care. ()a,al6ty wosk at nuouble pricee. se.?XJ. hMIIG IJCII I 11fT TYJ'DIG ... YICI •••lleble . .... ... .....,. N....,.oet a..cJ. _. lr· ......... c.a 133- not(laa ......... ). SOU8SU m1'IIIIOU Aaljque to llodMn Up to ~ olt all d• T~qner e.bron Guer anteed prafeaaaael W<lrll frM ptl;k·up 6 deJa,.~. (714) 157-0121 Ill·~~ '~(fJ.I jt·rl:l : ~~:1'111 '1 JiJI ·INi·t••tt,;t• litf• ... t· .. (tl• ·il ; ·I ·_ .I! .. I : ,.. . ! .l. . : 1' . . . . . . . . • r ! . f i . ·•. ' E l)l· ·.a:l r . ~~1. . ·: .-"· . •c .· . "."" I': ~-tlf~ : ~•1 1 .;•riii'J. •I : .1. i}·lh!..i ; ~~i • ·JI~J~t•.~:~, , 1 · ~ ·~-· i ~· lll : , .• ,, : nt~ !'':1' ~~:tl : F -~ l~h lfh -ff't 'rl. :e,~ --! r.f·r :.tb .f : ;r:·tr e··· f ... ,Jr : !1;1 .~, .. f~l~l till •. f tl .. ·a•ll ·r-1. ·. r (··· :_ .. J : ~,1 r1JJ . i ·•l' . i' :f] ,~~~ p · ·llrlh '"-' • • l :f : ;f.•:··i : ·(11 .. ,~ : ~·if : ll'l : J. •II:~ : lll f, i'Jj Jl tl ~ ,,·,_,l IQ i : /(., : ·t: ·Ill. : II . : II ' . I . 1' If . l . ~ f 1~: II' ~ . f I I -: ;1. ;.-,it ·1 .. · ~.l~'·' .~a:., !z. ·.~· ~ · .s · ~··~" ~: ;t ~II .J~.,~I • . .co : . l' ,"' . I '· "', 1( I ' :f ' rJ l ' , . ~ ., ~ e» • ._ . • . . . -. D .. r-~.C: I ·.1 ~r:Jr~-~.~.li'.~t· ~.:~tj.·; .;,~l .;l·i.· l~ .. f, .. ,llli.I:Jll·§t·,: .. tJ-11 :I·Ji'·ll .. I=~If.:~ .~,··I'll Jft•r ;ll il··ll liJI:i a len"' -:1-. . tt.,. ~ :~ .1·~'.''"'·1•: .~. ~·111 ~ /. _,_ : • . ; ; : ·.li' . ·I• '"I .§ -·J.I r •. I' l .I ... ~. ;~ ,..,. -•.. i ' •,' ~ ' I _ . . < : ~. . i ( . I k . . ' . f 0 : • ·f ~ • . s;; :Ill ·~ I~ . . • ~ < ' .I . ' ·1f-~' . ~ . ·t ~ . ,& . I . ·r ~ . l f r . Ill I f I . -) 3 . . . J i .e . ~ ':i·,:: ~J'I: :.;1·-~~· ;.·lr.: ~~ ~.~~'1· -~ ~~·-f-:: ~ ~-~~~. ilf: .r ~ .:s' ·a··: ~ !-·. ·~.,·:J ~ ~!·!~: I ~r ~ l i ~. :.:: J_= -~ . ' · .'W· , _ . ··• -1.· · ,.. ... :,.,. _ . · i R -· ... • I' . I. · · ,.. ~ : !: 1 f _ · ~ · 'l I •I · • .--· il'.l : -. ·1~~~-: ~-·:~ ; ·l fJS. ~-·;t' : ~-~~ : ···~~~:~JI : !L·.'I. fi• : ~~~ J.ffl !' : ~-,· ... : t I : ~ iJ ol ... • ; '' • -.. • • j • !:: j . • • '' • ~ • . • ~ • • • • I - , '--'----~-'-j I ,,::--. •' ' . w . . 1 • _, t ·t . . ~· ' l . -. ·~ I . t a. . . I~ -.-- •• , .. 1 •• ~ ' I • '·I • -. • ' • . .i .• • .. • f . . I -. I . . -. . I ; --.,·-,{~ =.·1·'·; .. 11': .. :-rl.:l ,. , -... : ~.1 : .·.1-.,. : :',J· : 11,tt :· ~,~ .a1 1:. : b, : f·• : (;• i' tC: __ -_-t!!. ·~r.:~·~-·i =·1·· ·:.!f•.~.-•:· ~= .. :1~-r~ · .. 1-. =. 1·~ e· · s• :.= I·~ -:: ·I ,i c, ~-.' J · ; l s E•i E•· · ~~-~ ~~ · -, . ' .• If. ~, s 'f . If . n . J . I :1 ·r . I (If . ! § i l r I . I . . 1: . .J f --L.. . ~ . ' ~ ,.-'. ,,ta. ·l· I ·-· . J: p tal ., • . ~ , 0 U' "'! : tD S "' . , I"' · ;., ~I:J.h:.Jr, ,~ •§.I:H If IElf:l·hli II hf ;~ht drl f hrll _ §~s 11f. a1 'i :g •l.i:l l·r·~ '· . ;i ;• J ,_j l~; II · .. ~. -~1 jll i r J .. (I iil f. f i He J'! l :it J f I 'I I: l~· •-:I E· n 1i .. ·UI~& J~f · ,~! .. • ·I ;:il : !U : ,s li ~~ .. ! ~a~ • J f ·~~~-~ •. _ f • ""' ......... )C -. • ' ' ;, : .. ·i ,· . .. ~ ' . • ' • . . . . l f . . ' . -' £ • d . • 0 . • • • • • ' j • I . ----. • -.......... . ' • < • • -• 1-. . . . ' 1 I • • -I '•; .. , -.j f . • •. . , ~n e -[ • E . ,.,. . f I -~-. ~---'I . I ~l ~1-ltl ::r : .. :-·l ~ .... : ;!!'! :·r :.~1 : ~, ~.· : IJ,f, :t!: I_ .. ae . --··'~ ... ·I . . • I ~-~.-: l . . : J ,1 tl : II· ir . ~I . r •... lsa . I l .1 . •1 ~ . r ~ it . ,.. I. . ' . . ~ . . --, .I • • • ,. · ,. i 1 • ~. • • • : : j: • ; ·• :'1 :-:-•I'Y ;..ll·li!Ji :-: ;. . . . ' -~ : ~ f : 1 flfJ : [1 . f . : if.· t i•1 .. ,.•·t·• ii .-1:·1li:lm i :i ~i•.f!.f'l IU; ,. ~~It ~~h_f ~,j! ~1· ~~lliJI h~--11:.-1l .d !lh'lb e~. . §... Uo.1f !Usi :stJ 8 tl·U lllosl -m (/) ·~ ~ ·!U ~ • RESIDINliAL REAL ISTATE SERVICES Molt location. Magnificent view wlth lovely grounda. Pool and 1,p0. bpanded Plan 3 Includes tot-.ful upgrades, used brick. frenct'l daon. etc. Four bedroom. ... CAJIYOII •78..000 tdeolty lac:otec:f 5-bedraom townhome in .,..tlglaus aeeo. Exquisitely oppoin-.d with many custom features. Designed for outdoor liv- Ing with prlvote spa, ond lovely deck ov.,look- ing the gotf course. ... ~YOII •11a.ooo hduced In 819 Conyon. Gorgeous Venailles with golf course view ond lovety privo1e yard. Four bedrooms include extro-lorge master suite Den w ith fireploce. Extremely motivated seller. ... CAJIYON •aa.ooo A perfecttv chorming Deane townhome behind the go,_ of Newport's most prestigious com- munity. All on one floor. This ideal couple home is in move-in cond1tion. aLUfF8 .28&,000 Emotional seningl Best location with panoramic views of Bock Bav and city lights. Dolores plan with lovely neutral decor. Very anxious seller has mode tt'l1s 3-bedroom view t'lome o great buy I NIWPORT UACH •2u.ooo Good income. Well mamtoined Pfoperly. Just ateps to beach. Aasumable financ1ng. Best rental area. Will exchange. Don't miss thts rare op- portunity to 1nvest 1n Newpon8eoch. MAaaGII VIIW HOME8 •210,000 Fontastic f1nanclng for o fontoshc propenyl Three-bedroom Cotmel pion. The owner w1ll eany with only $30,000 down or lease ophonl Nome your terma and move .n I WISt NIWPOAT .187.100 Adult unit. Forever v1ew. Thousand. under any view unit in oreo and fabulous financing. Two- bedroom or one-bedtoom and den in move-in cond1tion. Owner 10y1 sell 1t. Subm1t. Htgh MCUrtty building. -~ -- UNIVI .... n PARK •2A,OOO Deane Homes freshly pointed and decorated. Ready to move in. 6eautifully designed patio brings the lush landscaping rtght into this supet' 4-bedroom family home. IAaTSIDI C08TA III&A .113.100 Two small t'louses on developable lot to be pur- choaed with contiguoua property. Subject to life estote of etdefly tenant. Give us o call for fur- ther Information for thia best buy. .... 000 A light. apoc:IOU$ 4-bedroom plus den home w ith pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Ownet will e01ry with apptoxirnately 20% down. Great potential for uaer or investor. .. Y8L.Aaa .4U,OOO Populor Portamouth model home with sparkling pool. nv .. bedroom with family room on cor- ner lot. Quiet «eo neor schoola and shops. ~ VI&W HILLS .430.000 Plush ccwpeti"G. wood mouldings, parquet floors. secluded yard to quiet cul-de-sac locale make this home perfect for family liv1ng. You own the k»nd. Financing 1s available. CoaollA DtiL liAR .388,000 This 2-bedroom wins the penonality contest! South of the highway and full of charm, style ond taste. Just steps to the beach or enjoy a dip 1n the "hot tub" situated in the secluded potio. .IASIIINI CIIEIK .371,000 Gote~UOfded commun1ty. Three bedroom w1th Iorge master suite. Sparkling clean. Ideal end un1t on Iorge greenbelt. HAitaGII VIEW HILLS t218.800 lowest pt"ice 1n Harbor View Hills! Three bedroom, fam1ly room. lusk-budt Malibu plan weth large pt"ivate yard and qu1et location. Owner will help finance! Owner IS very moll voted! HAilaGit VIEW HILLS .348,800 Gfeat Pf1Ce and potential on fee land 1n Hotbor View Hills. Owner ron out of funds ond needs to sell th11 uncomple~ remodel. Gfeat ocean v1ew and Iorge corner lot. Priced to sell. CORONA DEL MAll t238.800 Charming picture perfect 2-bedroom ond den. New carpet. po1nt, wollpoper and copper plumb1ng Owner w1ll help finance w 1th 20¥, down. Gfeot location ond pt"ice, tool OTHER AREAS UtiiYI ... n .. All" •111,100 Thr" bedroom, clean, bright and tasteful. Hardwood floors, skyl1ght, floor safe, instant hot water and a best buy however you look at 1t Good location near tehools. pool, shops ond fr .. woy. HlltiTAGE PAliK .141,100 How's th1s for value? Thtee-bedroom decorator perfect townhome butlt by Broodmoor. Th1s home fronts on o qu1et greenbelt and f.otures o low-maintenance brick patio. Asaumoble f1nanc · lr\QOVOI~. R E l\ C H COM !\,1 UN I T I E\ UllOA ,810. F .. land Iorge bayfront home on gote~uorded pt"ivate ialond. Mooring for 3 lofge boats. acroas from tennis courts ond pt"ivote beach. You own the land and owner is offering excellent finonc· lng . DOVER 8HOII18 •• 71,000 RfALISTIC PIUO. Ff£ WATERfRONT. Property will float ~ft. boot ond Iorge loon. Builder's own home. Thr.. bedroom, formal dining room, fom1ly room ond secluded docbide polio. UDO ISLI •a10,000 Elegant and spoc1ous liv1ng hp of lido! Sex- bedroom, 5-bath gracious home. Features h1gh beam ce1lings, Pfivate courtyard potio w1th new t1led spa. Home built on two lots! Owner wtll help finance. PENINSULA tUI.OOO Custom home on the secluded plaza w 1th great 12% f1nanc1ng. Den, ftreploce and sundeck 1n the master bedroom Gourmet lutchen. bnck en- try, 3-cor garage makes th1s the best pr1ce on the po1nt. LIDO laLE .452,000 This lovely 5-bedroom plus den g1ves the whole fomtly thetr own space. Sunny south pot10 close to pr1vote beaches and tenn1s courts Great fom1ly community. aAL80A laLAND .449,000 One of a k1nd. Three bedroom ond lofl. h1gh beam ce1lings 1n each room French doors and w1ndows, custom IOCUZZI Un1que cobblestone floor, d1n.ng room Charm. charm. charm, and large assumable loon. LIDO laLE •421,000 Corner locohon affords beauhful l1ght exposure 1n th1s ~bedroom home one block from club- house, tenn1s ond beaches Owner oss1sted f l- nanc.ng w11h excellent te rms Pr1ced to sell 1m· med10tely PENIN8ULA .391,000 Two bedroom ond a den n801 beach Beam ce ll1ngs, sk.yl1ghts. shutters Tas tefully decorated. Take over loon. WOODelliDGI •11ta.100 Need room for RV or boot? Th1s 1s 1tl Super location w1th no one crowd1ng '" on you V1ew of mounta1ns ond pork Don't mtss th1s lovely J. bedroom ond Iorge formal d1n1ng room to enterto1n EAaTSIDICOSTAM.SA .153.500 S.St buy 1n area Con be purchased w 1th con hguous Pfoperty for super development Good rental 1ncome Seller wtll exchange G1ve us o coli for furth4tr 1nformot1on. ,. ........ r. .. -7, 1112 . CIAL TJJeae ow•era are olleri•• ••IJ•t .. ti•J ~rice redaetioa• aad term•. Some will excJJ•••• aad "ca•i •.P••~·---· Lower tJiaa &ted Jtrie., it you Jlav• caala •.• CaH lor detail• aad •uiJ.Ut your oller . . . we will pre•••• aayt6ia6 you oLier. Cukle-uc.. ............ It¥ --. Cow111oiw111b61 3 bed. 2 e....-•tt'tre 1ft ccuwe.y tllkMin Met ~wtno roam. •••· 2307 r•tA 186~ -1~ ·1MW 1PL .... lualury ~ ...... to ........... l--...qa , .. ._2 .... +unlla.O.. on.. 1114~ ,_.1_ ......._ & lfl? 'r on ...... JC»-215 10Cia oil 8rA-.... ... ....... , .... In a pffl ... wooded ~ ~ "'tiiWPOf\. Cwtom. becl3 ba.,fonnal dln.,nn., 18m ,....,3 tit~ • ..e bw, VU IMng rm .• rKNdon rm. • ,... -. Prtv8le pool ' ..,.. SpldcM• & euxurtoc. • high b...-ned .crltlrrp In lv.rm. owe a1 at 10.1s% aPR tor 30 ~ wtth reMOnabla down ~t. 1578,000. .... u.a .., ........... . &.mtMt oftersl low down pymt .net Md ow ex.cNnge for a.ve pcht « motel ...-IOunfe. Now on of the 1owe1t priced homee on Linda ... ...,. '* 4000 eq. ft., 5 bdrm, 5 ba lind pler/alip tor large yacht plua aide Ues. 11,285.000 ANXIOUS SELLERS A"E READY TO CONSIDER All OFFERSI110 deg. VIEW OF BAY,OCEAN & NIGHT, UGHTS.Oullity ...... ttwoughout ttW fonNII ,home wtth • bedrooms, llbrary,tormal dln.rm.,lmmenM family rm., glamor ous master aulte+other tine fMturea.$1,805,000.Feia. Submit. u.. ..... _. Owner wtlt listen to MCMnge ~ for a ranch, c:ommerdal ot? This ... trutv Udting & 01*' , .... ~ with large iWlg lind ~ rooma. Private matter aulte + 4 other bedroom&. PW/allp for 3 boata $2 750 000 , ...... lllnd). • • A 5181!DHW OF THE IRVM ~y HUGE 10' BA YFROIT 11•11 Nutty ftiW an tatra llrge.lot. VIIWS of Hlftlor llld lMI t• Sec:hedld courty11d IWilt ,..a. 5 ....._, 4 • Uths. 6 rOOMS front on the laly plus CMrtia private .VMCI .... IUitt. *" f..WV room witll blr llld diiiCe floOf. $2,200,000 • ~11M. Glofll ~ 6«-8200. WATERfiOIIT VIEW l.ql "-•-hDlll an till My of lM Ita 5 -. .... 4Ya bath&. femily r-. ...,. ... r--. ...._ fonNI -.. roca CCMII1yant .,.. llip 1M a tie. Pwhate t.U cowt. .._. lid dulltlaua $1,450.000 ••* 6«-8200. SPECTACULAR IAYF-T 0. of the Most ,..ran ""-tort Myhnt '*-an the merbt. Toully c:wl--tln .. ut ...... lflllrll. 3,700 .. ft .• 4 bedr011110 ... Clltr, ..-... .,.. ....., tetll .ny, .... tty ........ llld dt ·a :td. DocU t.o K · [ ... 3 ........... prQd It t\,175.000 ~ &Ind. ~ ... 142 .. 235. STEPI TO CIEICEIT lAY IUCH liMir ....... -............. ,... ......... % ..... ~ """" ...... ....-.,. wt:t ... •fllri ..... .,. til -.. ... .. .... *135.000. ..... ,...144-1200. LIDO III.AIID DELUXE IIOIIE LAMty ._.. 5·"*'-..,... .... """' flllity ,_, Wit Mr. sunny petiol r...., ..,...., ••• ,.,, fir1t r.o. ,.._ "-'" ••es.ooo. w Alld:ll 142-1231. VIEW-VIEW-VIEW LMtr 3 -.-. tlllity ,.... 2 lifr''r r-. jlcuzi. ...._... "flfttutec f~Mne· ._,. a: ' Mr t42S.OOO.IIril · cW.142·1235. GRUT HOUSE-BIG REDUCTIOI E...nionat lv111 w• custom with lulh illdoof/outdoor .tolld atn..n. 3 lafge bedrOOM plus lawilh mat• a&itt. Wit blr, flbulous lllt.-t.n.u IIIU. This ~ truly like hing in yow own wortdl Aedueed to $390.000 inducing land. Jane Plqlin. 642·8235. lEW II COIOIA HI6HUIIDS Channing 3·taedrooM. 2·--forM 11i1i11e.,. Uttd Wicl ......._ Baths hiYt '-" r.:: iltlld Mttt c:opptf ID*'• lllutifuly .....,_. lib tropec., woodlr1llld. (Wy $364,500 indudile t.d. 0... 6a ••11. 644-6200. CHARII OF YESTERYEAR Dariag Nlw ~ ltyta c.-. widl My ... lnd wildlow SNIS. 2 bedroom •-. 2Ya laiiM. fiu,.ttt ...., ...._ Anldled .-.. End unit with wiaw of city liltiiL $214,800. Hilly M:arba. 144-8200 . UIDEIIIUIET .... ?! Mellin Big C.Y'ft ~ 3 ..._, 2Yt M~ IJIIPfOI. 1.756 .. ft. 2· ltlfl. liMy ....... ...., ...... -.......... s.-. ............. t--. $215.000. s.z... .... 142·8235. l001118 FOR A &lilA T BUY? This ia it. Ntwpon a... 3-...._tm''l·Mdl widl RV ~ $179.000 Fa Tllia .......... AnlaM. 1448200. EAST COSTA .SA COIDO 2 ~ n, ua ....... ..,.. •hurt,... lots ef priytcy. 2 yMn oW.~ ,..... • 150.000 ............. 8trit lllcW.I42·8235. EXCEPTIOIW VALUE-t137,500 Very tttrletM Buc.-... "'-• ... cuf.•IK ltriiL bsy * .. to school 4 ........... 3 ............... 1M ..... rooM. Ctdll* ...... *'ttl 11 ......... eo....,.. ..... firt ""· ..., t. ...... 842-8235 . Opportunity is knocking. If you ·ve been \\·airing for just the right time to buy a home. you're in luck. Bet-ause theft- may ne\'er be a better time to buy than no,\·. You can be choosy. Today. there's a largt> selection of homes to choose fr011\, That mean you lkive a brtttT chanc-e of finding the home that's perff(1 for you. Tomonow' ~ will Jl[C;)Oably be h~ than today's. fter ye-c~rs of tecidy incTetases. homt~ prices have begun to le\'el of( CA>mprtition among selltTs to attract buyers i making homes mlK·ti fllOI'e.affordable. But pric-es <Ou!d very likely begin.to climb agdin before long. onpge intert5t ratts hav~ deClined. And rcttes are e\'m lo\\·er where sellers are willing to help with financing. Some wcmt home buyers are paying just I I or 12 percmt inte-est on their borne mort~. How? Prop~t~ people financing. That's whm the seller helps the t.lyer finance the hoole (seller-held first or second mortgages are a good examJ*). -. ...., 7, 1912 ..... billa ,., s. ,... 1 While some will look upon Somerset · as an exercise in pure indulgence, a few will recognize it as a neighborhood that reflects the culmination of their years of successful endeavor. You · ve come ltl a roi11t in ftfc l11at few C\fJt''nfHCC Tl!c.ll tJ/tJu: wf1ere aspi ration a11 d auom- plishntettt convertJe in triumph . For you there is Somerset . Owr the past 5 ~· Somer- set has meerged as Villa Pari's most celebrated neighborltood. Somerset is established. Un- compromised. It speaks softl~ with confiden ce. undeniable beauty and exquisite taste. Somerset issophistialted. Social. ~mous witlt~t . Both ill attitude and tlddless. There i s noUll 11 ~1 else l tkc So merscc itt \'lila Ptnk - perll aps in t11e en ti t~.~ l otol t y Chances are there never will ve Tht final 3 homes of Somerset have recentl~ been completed and are now availabl e from S795 .CXX). Somtrset is worth a closer ·Far more than a p1Qce to ~ve. it is a~ imbued with dtarisma and propriety-the ptrftd sttting for its 12 capti- Witing residmcts. look ... especially now that · ~ ... Somerset is home to those who tntM honte with SIUtSS ~those wflost personal standards art refftcttd in t1teir surTOCUfdin9s. ~· re ahead of the game Shown by appointment only during the \Wt'k. Open 12 :00 noon to 5:00PM on Sundays . Phone (714) 97&.0366 -· .. 0 ... 1 OCEAN At-.l> 8A V Vlf.W FROM SPYGlASS- TNt ~ 5 bedroom. 3 bath home wl please aNti f~. Open beam celirQ in lvirQ and formal dlrrQ room Two age secoro.ftoa decks. CUstom poa and spa. Custom 1o1 ~ and much more. Good finaldr"O $895.000. Western Estates Realty R..IB•t•t• a~td l•un,._n lAO NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE. SUITE 110 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA t2leO t714U61-1Dt Come to see this 3-t:>eaocm 2--bath ctomer. a one-stay end unit on wide gaanbett. It has been beautifuiV cus- tomized with a remodeled country kit- chen. baths tc.ateUv re-done and just painted and papered. Exchange pc:U- ble; please cal Open for you viewing on Sunday, JUv nth from 1-5 p.m Lease hold. 2237 VISTA HOGAR cA'f on a Cfu:~hi t£ M. tt hal been~Wt remodeled oro ... malt ~ c:Jrnel..... ~ fi'eploc-. ~ ... crd mortlla. Feu bedrooms. ~ batt& Tenllc ldtct'len wtth the tne.t C'IJlPb 108&. ~ Western Estates Realty 110 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 180 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 (71416&1-1234 Waterfront with dOck Panoromlc view. Great ~oca~~o~.. Aedwood float plus 50-ft. dock o.tom-bult home with ttne ~ ICik:hen wilt\ .. window hal all modern Omenlttea. Used bite:* IIQ In out- atandlng patio area. lied garage~. Gr.at offering. $1.295,000. A. OkJn.Marta ~ Here Is on excelent opportunity ta the flrst-ttme buyer, Investor 01 wortdng coupte. TNs l-bectoom condo offers secutty, reaeatton amermes cr.d ftne locaflon. CJri.t $89.500 wtth low down and good ftnoncing. CALL IILL WIDIIOIII 111-1700 Western Estates Realty lt.-1 Bttet~artd lrtw~IIIWrttt 180 NEWl'OilTCENTE&OIUV&, SUIT£ 110 NIWPORT BACH, CALif'O.UUA _., C1l4tlll·lD4 .1. 1112 .... ~Ferl* ...... BO 1 KOOP FOIKl---ll'-OINDIE .. CUSTOII 4 r. 5 ba. f.f. FllttMilic M ra. ..., !Mit• ltl. wlmat ~ f.p..locun lnd c:ih w. ._ -• ba. ~ ties. One of the lrflt tots w/ra ,., peol Md lrg. pily •ea. VlfY, very 110tiwatld .... Bring My off•. lowat pra cust• at 1.1,18S.eoo-l1..58&.6GO"' U,4QQ,8ClG $1 ,200,000. wil tr• .. GRT. 1st avail. DWI.EXCDII c.,try ......... ~AFt .. yw IIIOllw. Two .. ,.... 2 bltlas. ,.. 1 .... 1 ... Highly .... ~ kit*'-ana. ........ * 285,000. Slllr .. fiDMce. Must ... 8ob Of DoN l(oop. DOVER SHORES Neml your tlf'MI on this lqlt 4-BR. 4·8A ~ WIOCIIII view ptus sep. ift.law qtn. $315,000 lH with uc.l terms. low dn 01 trldl ..,;ty few C.M. Of N.B. ~- DOVER SHORES Outst...-g lcatton wlw of al back bay and F..., lstMd. 4 br. 5 ba. fonn d.r .. pool. spa. •· system. Stul It $685,000 fa Grt. hn. lVIII. IEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 BR. 2 '4 8A w/pme room. 8uu. decOf 11'1 ewery rm. ovet 114 Ktt, •ljlc:um A.Wng S340,000 f•. Wll trade lor ~ ..,.,_ or condo. SEAVIEW LEASE 4 br. 3 ba. l.r .. d.r. ctty and oenn vu. Grd pte. pool and tennis. $1,700 I* mo. HARBOR RIDGE LEASE 4 BR. 3 8A fOfmll DR. FR. study. bautJt..-, dlt .. lge datU. lab. w. Pn guard pte. pool lAd tiMI1 $2900 110. ~t II Offen. OCEUFROIT-OCWFROIT ·to.mrt ••· loa ...._. to your pri. ra. and ht Ofl thl filat budl Ofl thl cout t170,000 1st 1t 11 ~. 2nd or $250.000 •• 12~. Stelt It $650.000. HARIOR VIEW HilLS FMtutx 1wta.,.. lilly_. tr. .._ 3 Ill. f~ ra ... c., .... t. q ...... $340,000 lH. CA•OSHORES F• oc.-end coadiM w. 3 w. 3 M. tara d.r.. f.r . study, ... ,_.1M!~ ,n. ..._ t89S.OOO. F• IEWPOIT CIEST COIDO 2 Ill. 2 lla M W1 ....., ...... Ilk tlh. '-" Plfll". ... ..._ t98JJOO 1at .. 1a. ,.._.,. $170,000. HAIIOIIIDGE s 8ft. 4 8A. 11"'1 rm.., ..... Oil hitNY ......... ltakan _.... 11 Ul DR. ~ F"-study. FR hat Mlut ...... 1111111 -~ F. ~ 2 ... patio dlcb. A -t to • .. $195.000. 1EWP01T CMST COIDO 3 Ill. 3 • f.r.. tr., .... _., _,._. ""' wu. 1q11t madll U10,000. Sulllllit II'Y ottw • , .... $12,000 hi T.O. 1t 10.2!1. .. CUSTOII FIEICH IIURIMII ,.-... ~ .............. 41111 •• 3 ......... ~. 3 ,.,. ... ca. ...... dlllict .. c..-J. ~ .......... $315.000. w. UJrf • lit T.D. .. 131. •DOVI KOOP J I t r n R~ERTI~ ~7010 751-1100 I 1~BOR :AEAL-TY ~III.&:E.~C.et :Hwy. 873-4400 m ._CNAJ~AVINE REALTY .. 101 ·.Do.-r 10rtve 1M2423& n ~;~148 ·:S.n 1MI,guel :Drtve 1844-1200 .751-1221 873-5354 m WATER~RONT 1HOMES ae•·~w.(eo.t i HWJ. 831·1400 1 a11 1118ttne ·••· 187MIOC) ·m ~W~11EAN 1E81'AT~E8lREAL TY 1.,:......,.:Centeri.Dr. ·561·1234 ~ " l -0 r J l '· ' J :"' - ! l - L.:::::;~::!~=!!!!!!!!!!!l L.;~::::=OftN SUN. 1 232 GOLDENROD One-h.tlf block dbovt> Chtna ( ovt> and B•K !Wat h 4 bedroom, l bdth, t>lt>gant formdl dtntng room. lar~ fam1ly room. patiO and vK>w dKir. Lwdt-d With t'l(lfd\ Dot> vear KUdrantt'E' sc; l5,(XX) 710.710112 FERNLEAF ~at cottqe. larae hvlfl& room. fateplace. patiO and s.uper tenants Newer 2-bedroom. 2-bath unet OWf 4·ur aar• Seller f1nancina Only S250.<XX> ONE BLOCK TO OCEAN ~t locat100 10 the V1llaae on lovely Orch1d Av{' Wt>ll-butlt 2-bedroom, den, 2-bath. v1ew from ter race. all lath and pla.ster and bnck S3SO.<XX> wtth seller fmancma at 12% 'I 2-FAMILY HARMONY Ch.armina .l-bedroom, dmina. 2-bclth home S.un deck and basement plus a new spirt-level 2-~ room, 2%-ath. 2 sun decks. wet bar. VIEW apart- ment Qutet area M49.SO> SJS HAZB. QUIET UPPER HAZEL Spdnou~ older home. ftrst t1me oftt>rt>d Two bEd- room. den. 2 bath. formal dtntng. f1t>\o\ lr.ttchffi and family room w1th VIEW Seller may fmance at 10% S350.000 411-411 112 DAHLIA -New and unu.sual Sproul duple\ EnJOY hugE' ta~~: benefits, sell as 2 condos later l-bt>droom. l'l1 bath home plus 2-bedroom'2-bath viE'W apartment Plush and lush SS45.<XX> We have others, so ._give us a call. JfUvt 36~" 8ad ~Dad (al~~) G73-849-l • 535 Hazel. CORONA DEL MAR. dWI'+rt; room. view. SSSI.OOO Opm Sunday 1·5 673-MM. 222 Nartaold. OLD CORONA DEL MAR. vtew IMO.OOO 0s-a s..t.y 1·5 6.11-7300. 17. WtJtrlff Drtw. No. 6. WESTQ.IFF. COIIdo 1119.000 ()pea Saturday 1·5 6.11·7300. 117 MartDe Ave.. BALBOA ISLAND. $27J,500 Open ~ 1·5 67S~ I WW.W.ter. JASMINE CREEK. pa... den. ~ Sundlly 1·5 644-9060. 4521 Tremont. CAMEO SHORES. 1495.000 (fee) Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 ."1 ,,_,....."'; .-. •. • • • ·' • waNiftoat. $1.200.000 ()pen Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·1to0. 411-411 ~ Dahlia. CORONA DEL MAR. View.~~ $545.000. Open Sat/Sun. 1·5 673-MM. 38 1Wboe Cows. BALBOA COVES. Pool. • private beadL Ralllaced to S569.~ ~Sun. 1·5 67S.9117. 2237 V1aa Hogar. BLUFFS (condo) Open Suaday 1·5 7~1177. 1016 Dowr 0rtw. WESTCUFF. poof,'ep~~ 1255.000 Open Satu.rday 1-5 631·7300.. ... 615 \liMa 8onha. THE BLUFFS. 1229.000 0,. S.Miay 1·5 631·7300.. U lloc:ky Kno1. TURTLE ROCK VISTA. --~ ... -~ Sat./Sun. 1·5 6Sl·73a 1211 KJagl R0M1. QJFF HAVEN. view $395.000 Open~ 1·5 6.11·7300. 401-401~ Pel I ?Jttla. CORONA DEL NAR. !{2 .... 1272.000 ()pea s-cs.y 1·5 6.11·1480. 31t NutaoW. CORONA DEL MAR. S669.000 91-~ 1·5 Ul·ltOO. Sat./Sun. 1·5 6.11·1400. 1944 F1amlago DrM. MESA VERDE, pool/..,a S279.000 Open ~ 1·5 631·7300. 232 Goldllarod. CORONA DEL MAR. Near a..ch. I5SI..OOO. ~ n.s./Fri./Sat./Sun. 1·567s-MM .. 1111 Somenet 1.--WESTOJFF. 1475.000 ~ !i:UndaY 1·5 631·7300.. 1024 E. ..._ BM:I., P£NINSUlA POINT. 1750.000 (.)pen~ 1·5 6.11·1400. ~ . ; J . . '' -~ 631-,.. 611-,.. 6Sl-1- 6Sl·l- 6Sl-1- 6Sl·l-,, ... 6.11-7300 631·1t00 631·7300 631·1t00 631·1400 Delli~-~ •