HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-14 - Newport Harbor EnsignCouncil BaM SuchC~ See Page 3 See Sportin9 Life Till NKWPORT IHSIGN • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • Nl1WBD 49 (714) 673-~ • SJKVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. JULY 14, 1982 • 25 CENTS t ' Fair Attendance Down, Fun As Great As Ever by Ncmcy Barding Altho"Qh more than 100,000 vtaiton flocked to the OranQe County FairQrounda for the tint thr .. days of the 1982 "All- American Fair," problema wtth the all-American economy were blamed for a ai&able decreaae lD attendance from lut year'a event. But thOM who did throng the mtdway, food bootha, barns and exhibits found a wtde vanety of tlunc;p to ... and do. C.nuval barkers coued puMn-by mto tOUlllQ bue- b&lla, ahootLDg pellet CJUU and other t•ts of ahll u the "S.. DraQon" ride I'WWlCJ akyward and rock muaic blared LD the b.ckQround. Such gooey dehQhta as cotton candy and cream puffa were consumed by the dozens, along with more et<>tenc baQela and Gr .. lr barbecue. Aruuoua contestants apent lon9 houn m the bveatoclt barns P"ltlnCJ the firuahinCJ touches to theu pnae lambs and rabbtta. And from the sldes came the U.S . Army's ~raClhuiLDCJ Gold- en Kni9bta, floahno to Mrth on tarQet to the deuCJhl of younCJ wrooen. An array of new products from carvinCJ knives to fr&CJrant fudQe Qr .. ted vwilors to "Com· merce Way." Youn(Jsters euut- ted sound etJects Qleaned from "CH.iPa" and "Dukes of Haz- zard" while cb.mbLDCJ mto a Hi9bway Patrol car. And moms and dada loolred over the display of pru:e-WtnntnQ baked Qooda-a CAI8CJOry In wrucb male pertictpahon mcrea.aed th.t.s year, wtth one man defeating hUI apou.M in a b&lun9 compebhon For more ruQCJed types, the mechank:&l bull swayed and aunfi•bed, de~tting 111 quota of rlden on the mat And lumberjacks vied for fust place LD lQ9·rolltnCJ, a•e-throwtng and cb&.UL~Aw events. AlthOUCJh the CJro unda seemed c rowded, fair apokeswoman Elue ChUdera •~ud attendance ut off markedly bom lut year. The 28,898 fiQure poeted on Fnday, openinCJ day, •• 5.5 per- cent 1 ... than the comparable fiQUre for the 1981 fatr, Chtlders Mid. And there waa a 10 per· cent drop Saturday (to 45,053} (Colatiau.ecl Oil pe<Je 3) An election wtll be held tlua fa.l.l to decide the fate of the BanniDQ-B..Clo General Plan Amendment in W.-t Newport. The Newport INch City Council voted 5~2 to bold the election on the controven1al project, which borden ca.~. W... on the weal and which will have tr&Hic impacts on both Co.ta N.... and Newport. Councilmen Paw Hummel and Don Strau.u oppoeed the elec- tion. The major controveray Mon- day niQht centered on the lanQUACJ8 of the ballot proposal The COUDCU ended up VOtlDCJ 5--2, aCJA.lD with Hummel and Strau.u dlaentinQ, to have the ballot read "Shall Re.aluhon No . 82-41, apprOVl.DCJ the BanninCJ!Newport-Meu Unlhed School Di.ltnct Gelletal Plan by Robert Frank Oevid Goff, a su year rest dent of Newport Beach, wu ap· pomted to a aeat on the Newport S..ch PlannLDCJ CommiUton recently. G otJ, 38, a mechan~cal en9in"r at EECO, a Santa Ana electroruca enQtn .. nnCJ com- pany, wu ~elected by the Com· m1U.1on to hll the vacancy that resulted when Allan Beek'a four year term ended LD June Each member of the seven member comuutt .. 11 appotnted for a term of four yean Abo"t hu appomtment, GoU a&~d, "It furthen the mtereat I have tn domCJ .ameth1n9 for the ctty I want to UDprove 1t where I can " "The whole caty com• hrat,' he contmued, "not Just the developera tnter•ta and not tust the r•1dents tntereata, but a balance somewhere m bet· ween ,. BecauM GotJ attended h1s hrat meehnCJ on Thuraday, he bu not yet fo"nd htmMU tn the m1dal of aucb )oomtnQ confronta Ilona as St Andrew'• eapans1on by Roben Frcmk It hu been months 11nce a dark BNW 2002 atruck Donald B. Warner, Jr., 26, at the LD· tenectlon of a.Jbo. and 3lat Str .. t and aped away. IMVlDCJ the Newport Beach man dYtnCJ 1n tbe str .. t It bu been months amce Newport BNcla police in- v-eetaoatora found the death car abudoned lD a Wluttier ahopp· inq ceater. n.&t etarted • weeb- loAQ evadence 94th•rtno proc.e~ tn order to p,.. charo" 49aanst tutwJpeet. It !au been montha 11nc. the a~.L~peet, Jua• S.auel G!W., 20, of O.UQe, wu 18ate1aC*I to e obt aODtJu in county J&Ll ud tlarM years probaboa after eat•rmo • oullty p'" ol Wony bJt-ucl-nut uad •~ cnaler aual.a~laler AprU l LD Oruve Couty la~nor ~rt. ~u.,. ''will ._ aa lMII •• aa. ..a.ttla ...... u ....... .... .. JOUA9 ~ .. lad•• tl !Q ....... "'-·~.en... lle&ria91 be9U Friday, J\ll; A.m.nd.ment 81-1. be repealed?" However. proponents of the petition dnve wluch placed the LUUe on the ballot m the h.nt place. wanted lanQUaqe wruch read. "Shall Reaotuuon No 82-41 . the General Plan Amend· ment 81 -1 authonamCJ amend· menta to the Newport Beach General Plan, Banntn(J-Newport Ranch, be adopted?" Allen Seek, m uk.anCJ the council to adopt tlua 1anCJU•CJ•. aaid 1t waa the ma.t rea.onable and le.ut confua.LD9 of the thr .. wordmQa proposed by the city attorney. Others pomted out that the counctl ven1on will cause the cla.aa1c "yea means no" 11tuauon lD wruch those oppoeed to the (Jenera! plan amendment Wlll have to vote y• on the meuure while thoee favorLDCJ the amend- DAVID GOF F or Beeco-Ba.nnmq "But tf the next lo ... r years are a.nythmg hke the past 1our years have been, I'm sure there Wlll be a conhnual parade of .. sues." he anttctpated "Each LSSue ha!l ~ be wetC~hed on 1ts ments and ~~~ d1sa.d vantages Comprc m1ses have to be made A 'ot of the c tty'a pro blems and potenttal problems for example the tralf1c Sllua hon are best solv~ th rough worltmq w1th developers and redevelopers to accompltsh that 9, alter G1bbs arm.d w1th a new attorney, hied a wnt of er ror coram nob1s That wnt, 1n essence, contends that Gabbs llCJned the plea of QUilt under poor counMl from hut defenM attorney. Robert K .. te And tf JudQe Ahcemaue Stotler dectdes m favor of Gtbbe when the wnt hMnnQ conbnu" A"O· 6, the whole t.Uue can w10d "P u a whole new J"fY tn.a.l. ln oo"rt Fnday Gabba' oew at - torney, Jamee W.rwm, arQu.d bia clie~at did not \ladentand that by nterll\O a ple.t of quill lle wu admdtl.DO QTa. A&CJhoeuce. nu., -..Mid.. wu an OftnJObt OQ tM ~rt of '-eie, •hoee tob U wu to...._ C.rWD Qibbl \lDdentood all ~of-~\Mpa... bar &&kiaQ 1M ....w.cl. G&w. en ·•~ t ..-... • 4rW\IIiJ a...-....u, ......... 11. ~~carwww .... . ~911 Wita 1111 .... ... ment will have to vote no. The amendm.ent wluch the pubhc will vote on Nov. 2 ia • scaled down vermon of the onCJlllal plan Nbuutted by Walham BnniDCJ, owner of the property wluch u .. lD a tnanQU.l.az area betw .. n the Newport Beach and Co.ta W.. city hmlta m the weal portlon of the city. Afte r many bearmQs and d.i.cu.aaiona with auzroundin9 r•idelita, the counctl con~ aiderably reduced the office equare footaQe, mcr....d the reaidentw allotment and deleted a propoeed ahoppinCJ center. The plan atill wu not .up- ported by arM r•identa, who t.h.en ltarted the aucce.ful peti· bon dnve to e1ther force tbe council to repM} the a...,O. mentor call a apeaal•lec:ticD. Yet, we have to make sure that the quality of b.fe w not banned m the procea," GoH a&ld. In the put, Gotf hu worked on the En vuonmena.l Qulity Adv...ory ComDUttee, an ed- vtaOry to the coiJUJliaion &tld ci- ty counctl on envuonmental IUuea, and wu Cba.umaD of the Environmentall.m~ct R.port S"bcomuutt .. An taue he plana to help alleVlate 1.1 the tr&Hlc lD w .. t Newport. where Goif. a bachelor. ltv .. After atudymg the 11tuabon, he a&~d be hrmly behev• m the I propoaed exterwon of Bal.boa Boulevard. whtcb will 90 throuCJh &nrunCJ land to 19th Str .. t WtderunQ 19th StTeet and addtnQ a bnd9e over ''the Santa Ana Rtver holds a lot of potential to allow trafhc 1nto and out of Wea1 Newport " GoU add- ed "1 supported the c1ty"s BanrunCJ·Beeco propo54l lor th ... reuons," he concluded Goff e11.plamed the framework (Coatinued on peqe 2) A ...wift 1982-83 ~ o1 $48.8 wUiioo ia beiDq CCIGaid· eNd by offici.Ua of tM Newporl· W... UaitMd School Diatrict. n. ~ fi9we ie about S2 aillion .._ thu lut yea.r'• budqet, Mid diatrict tp<>keem•n Lloyd Cole. He added, howevtr, that boob Oil Jut year'• elq)en: clitw.ltill have not been cloe~ eel. "We baven't oot a full intez- pret.tioD on WUt the alate bud9et for public education eataila,., aid Cole. Diatrict 1ta1f will continue to work on the ~.'which w ech"-!.d to be ~ in fiDal fotm et the board of truteea' Sept. 1 Goff (CoatiAuecl boa paQe 1) in whicb he upecta to make b.ia decwona u one of mediation. "In moet llituations thke are11't any 'bad guyt' or 'oood guya'; we all live here, 10 we're all 9ood guytl" ...tiil9, be Mid. Copiee oi the lio.a1 bu.d9et propoeal will be av..U.bJ. for pu.blic: ecnamu at district o&c.. durino the week of Aug. 25-31, Cole Mid. n. ~ will be operati.Do two t.wer eleJHDtary echooll on th.W yeu'• budqet. Newport- W...'• eveni.Do hioh achool prooram alto has been ditcoJl· tillu.ed. The tentative budoet doe. not COJltai.D u acroa·th•board aala.ry increue for the di.trict'• t .. chen and claaif:ied employ- .... Cole aid. Botb employ" group1 curre11tly ue involved i.D conuact n~tiations with the diatrict. Penonnel S.rvic .. coor· dinator Jean Harmon aa1d the trust.,..• initial contract offer to cLuailieclemploy ... will appear on the aoe11cla fot the board'• nezt m"tin.o. She deacri.bed progrea in onooiJlo negoliationa with tMchen as satiafactory. For people thinking of trying this exciting sport of for the experienced windsurfer Freedom Sports offers choice of quality. design and durability • 8rend....,.. and Cuatom 8oelda Aa orcliDuc:e ~9 video va-e ...c~UM. wu ap- pr0¥eel by ..... City Cowac:il Monday D.i91lt 6oUow:ia9 • public beuiA9 iD wtudllboa9 opi· Diou on both ...._ of the video ~ coatJOVeny wwe aind. ne coUDCU udecl ~ bun· i.D9 all Vldeo oam-with.iA 1,500 t .. t oJ any echool aDd with.iA 100 t .. t oJ any ,_id.nc.. AJ.o iDcl\lcled i.D tile aew law wu • provilion b&DD.i.Dg peuona Wlder the aoe of 18 from \Laino tlle oam-before 3 p.m . Non- clay through Fric:lay and after 10 p.m. daily un1 ... accompeniecl by a pe.re11t oz ouudia.o ucept on echool boliclay• ud durino vacetioJU. The council requirecl all .. boueiJI1. I I to oa...&a a -...... ait a.lore IMt,elke.g,a.e or _,.. of ..... -.chiMe ud ~ tmri= 11111 with~ JMChi.,. U.ree aoetu to~ a u.-penait. W.l9ie W.Uoy of ..... Newporl llemutuy School PTA Mkecl the council to couider • limit of on•h&U to oete mile from tohooll. "Th ... machin• ue atttac· tive nui.M.Dc• for the cbildten," abe COIIUileDtecl. John Rutledoe of Balboa, a fotmer t .. chel', ag,.ect that COJl· trol of the oam• wu oeect.d. "Studenta ue very mobile. U you bave th ... oam• lludeJltl will oo there and apend many houn," be Mid. BAY LIQUOR "'• nice liqcKN stotw" Next to~l.rvlne Ranch Fwme.rs' Market ....... • tlii o. ••• c ... ,, AU-~ulc-Pair 8AYE20-25 _ ..... ,...... ••tLwlael .. .._ .... ......... duwParuy ........... -........ c. ud b.ad WW to oouacfbw tro. otaer em.. "AlltMdU.hafttM .... ptOble .. u we haft a..re." he Mid. '"''M oniUNaaoe we ue CCIWderiD9 .._,.. ie lliml!Ar to oae lD Glendale wllich h.u worked ftiY well" He pointed out that problema audl u ltladeala leavln9 ecb.ool to plAy tbe oam-. uano their lunch 1D0AeJ tor the 94Jil•, and cauaiDo cri.JM to inc:reue in areu where the O&JD• are located had been documented. He alao poi.Dtecl out that the requireaaent that oam-must be visible to and auperviMd by an adult attendut wu important. GOLD JIII!DALS 80ROAA YIDYAJlDa 197e CBDIIft aLA.ftC SAVE UP TO 50°/o OR MORE also Al'tne 1979 c:u.n.t (Gold) M.U • tto.rtzono...tra~Salla • ...._ ..... lnatrucdon CURTIS HAWK6 895 FREESTYLE '9' ......, ......... ,.n,..,.....(OoW)e7.49 o.,... .... a ... a.ar ..... ~(OoW) es.s• ..... ...,,,79Piaet ..... (OoW)ett.M NAIIE BRAND SPORTSWEAR FOR WOllEN AND liEN BATH TOWELS, SHEETS, AND CASUAL SHOES FOil &.ADI~S: LOJ'I M ROUSES. SICIIITS, PAIITS, JACICETS, SWUTEitS AND DMSIE& '7uetit1111 Sp«td 2430 W. Coast Hwy. 631 _ 7574 Newpcwt Beach I I I I I I I I oooo...-u.Y ------------ Hl-.fLY 333 SAILIIOARD GRAND PRIX r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • u~s : : FREE' FfT'NIU CLASS I : • M·W-F lAM ... ,, AM. I 1 noon. S 30 PM CM t ~---·····-··········-··------·····~ •·········--···•• , •••••••••••••••• 1 r• FlEE! ! FIEEI I LAP i FIT-TASTIC I II MUSIC I EXDCISE : M tfW\1 '" W AM t I 795 900 11:00-1 ~.M.L» : Tu-Th .. 10 AM I Mon "'"' ,,..,_ I A.M to 10 ... ., PM, ... ... I 01 M-W ., .. PM I CM CM 1 ~---·····------. ----··········---............. , ......... .. ,.._,..._lMt ......... aa..c(Ootd)eS.H SILYUl JIIEDAU Mil JIIA.aTJIII 1979 CIIAilDOIUtA Y (Silver) also ......... lMtF._ aa..c (Silver) ••••• C....._et (Silver) tl~.as Just a partlal listing from our outstanding wine se~c· tlon. Let our know~ab~ staff help you se~ct the perfect wine for yow next party. GRBAT~aPAaTYID~ A wine-tasting featuring OC Fair Medal Winners! -DEUYEaY SEaVICE AVAJLAaL•- FOil ... N: UOIITSHIIITS. DMSSHIIITS. PANTS, 8LAZEII JACI<DS MDCICUJI% TO II% · ~PENDL:ETONOSIM)RTSWEAR SAl:E ~ ladlee Fine Wool Jeoketa, 8kllta, Penta, and S..tera-Reduced 30% to 10% Bur Early tor Fall at Good PrieM I -~ ~-~--- BUY NOW AND SAVEl 2651 IRVINE AVE. (at Mesa Dr.) Newport Beach • Costa Mesa 1818 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COSTA IIESA MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: Your money always earns what it's worth at AMERICAN HOME THRIFT AND LOAN Baseball Digest Annual Guide is com· piled by the editorial staff of Baseball Digest Magazine: Century Publishing Co .. Evanston Illinois. You will find 50 pages of facts and statistics from 1900 through 1981 from Pennant Winners to off·season player transactions-a real mus t for baseball fans! PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS 9% 8.5% A~!'l'AL YIELD • SIMPLE lNTU£ST • 1 rea et I the DO~ J, fon Bee Di'V -Rei ,,. Bee din vill, L OIUI oe• Ant Hill div; Bee (C c lril itl J tiOI de] .... be~ ace , tba IWU wb hit the IDt &nt dal frit COl not OD, ) th t tio: ma in~ COl We to~ do fol ho Two area r.ideata have recet~ mAior new ....UglUDenta ~• Beclltel Powe~" CorporAlioll, the glut enoin .. rtno firm AD· noW.ced lut week. Jolla Norowaki oJ lrvme, 60, fonDer oeneral lll6D&Qer of Bechtel'• Lot Anoelee Power Di¥Wi011, wu nAmed a ~ial ...WAnt to Pr .. ldellt Harry 0 . Rei..uch of Bechtel Power la San Franciaco. Morowaki ie a Beclltel vice preeident and d.irec:tor who liv• iD the Irv1ne village of Turtle Rock. l.G. HINKELMAN Couideteuoa ol tile paopoe.ed ru Zoae project will oome b.lore the CUy COWlctl ·~ July 21 following OODtinuabon ot act:ioo on the propoeal Wond.y nloht. CouncUmen heard n~1y unAAimoualy favorAble opUllons from the public on the project durinQ the publlc hHrlno. Moet penoo.e pr ... nt pr.u..ed the d...,.loper, J.B.S. Develop- ment of Claremont, for the ct.ip of the project, wh1ch will replace the ACJUlCJ and detedoJatino Fun Zone. The proJect is located on the eouth aide of Newport Bay JUSt a few bloc:b hom the Ba.l.bo. PaviliOll and on the weal 11de of the Balboa Ferry lanchno. atzucture would coniAln ollie .. , ~.rc1al outlets, a r•taurant &Ad a bar. A two-level parkino .tructure Wlder the buudmo wowd add 169 parhnq apace• to the Balboa Penmaula area Support fo r the proJect came from the Balboa Improvement Aaoc1ahon, the Balboa !.land Improvement A.eeoclahOn, the Newport H~ubor Area Chamber of Commerce, and Mverallocal r•tdente Phal Tozer of the Balboa Pavilion abo wrote a letter 10 support of the pro)ect to the councu. Tbe developer pr ... nted a eltde abow covennq the van ous upecta of the buudwo. tn· cluchng propoeed dH~gn and locahoo. The Newport &nalp WedDetda~. July lt. lta Poge 3 wul be kept on the property when the proJect &a completed Tbe ferne wheel w1ll be mov.d to the bayfro.nt 11de of the bu1ld10q wh1le a carou..l Wlll be conetructed 1n the courtyard oJ the buudJno Councumen voted to coou.nue tlae proJect for two weeb to gJve them ttme to more tborouohly atudy documents allbiDJtted tnth • the propoeal • eel In Newport By City CCM•ndl T1meaharmq protects wtll be urute lot hmated tunes wu a ma banned 10 Newport Beach )Of reason the councu voted to lollowtnq adophon of an or-ban all euch pro1ecl11 dmance forbaddmq the pro)ects 0 1clt Hoq4 n of Newport Be•c h an the c1ty by the C1ty Counc u epoke 1n tavor of the ttmeahare The counctl acted Monday concept and aaad tba t the pro- ruobt followlDg a heannq on • poeed ordtnance covered many propoeed ordma.nce requlatmq of the poteollal problem are.u such prOJects. wtth auch pro)ectl Ttmeahares, waach have been very populAr Ul Hawa.u and However, Mveral local Loren G . Hinkelman of Cor- ona del Nu, 50, wu appo1nted QeDezaJ ID&Jl&Oer of the 1.oe Alloelea Pow.r Divialoo. Hmltelm&D wu formerly deputy diviaion maoaoer and &a a Bechtel Power v1ce pr .. 1dent. Beclltel'a management pro- duced both Secretary of O.fenM Cupaz Weinberoer And Secretary of State c:leaiqnate Georqe Schulta. Hit, Run The developer ta propoeing a three-story buildinq with a laroe central courtyud uea. The A smAll part of the fun zone n onda .. well aa other reaort reatdenls, rncludwq John H A arNI, 1nvolve a person purchas Dryden of Newport Bea.ch, P....a'V F OJ' tnQ the use of a condomtDium apoke vehemently 10 oppoathon ~ Ulllt for a specilic penod of to bavmg AnY such prOJect• 1n C ...... ~ H...., I .ocatlon hme, ueually two wee lui per the City IV ... ·-J • year. Dryden pomted out quotes (CcmtiAued fi'OIIl page l) Glbba, by lignino the document which atat" that the undeniqn- ed hu read 4lld undentand.a the conditiou of the plea, must have lied iJ he really didn't undentand what he wu aiqniao. An unUIU&l project which will The property 11 zoned fo r A few such project• have from Mvera.J state othcaale m place a larqe ai.nole-family home commercial development but been developed tn Southern Hawau. where \tmesha.res qot trial aaid the BMW did not have ita headlights on. on a hillaide commercial proper-bomee are allowed an commer-C ahfornia and moat c1hes m thas tbe1r atarl, wanted to regu}.te ty on Coaat Hiohway wu ap-ctal zones watha use peraul area are JUSt now beqmnlDq to them much more One even An.werino a battery of quea- tiona bom Douglu Woodsmall, deputy diatrict attorney, Gibba said that he does not belleve hil h .. dlighla were ofJ before the accident. proved by the City Council The counc1l voted 6-1 m fav or look for ways to requlate them wanted to ban auc b project NoDday nioht. of the house w11h Mayor Pro-tem The problem of dealtoq Wltb a The counctl voted unantmoua- "Did it come u a aurpriM to you?" Woodamall uked. reJezr- hicj" io the poillt in lime whell Gtbbe realized what he wu con- t ... ino to. Tbe propoeal. by F1c ker and EvelYD Hart vollnq no on the larqe number of absentee ly, Wllh Counc 1lman John Co~ Ruffino Architects, waa to buUd qrounds that placmg a bou.ee on owners and bavmq larqe &bstammo, to ban llmeahu• 1n a 7,000-aquare-foot bou.ee on the thai lot was poor plannmq. numbers of lr&DBtents UILDQ the Newport Beach a.Jtoqether When uked 1f he could t .. h..fy that they were mdeed on, he said he wu not aure. bluJfat 1000W.CoutHlqhway,----------------------------------------------------~----------~--------- "I didn't ltnow they were off when the acc1dent occurred," hil teatimony continued. "I thouoht they were turned off by me when I wdded and stopped and my hand hlt the d••bboard." WhUe enzoute to refuoe at a friend's boUM ill Oranoe, "a couple of atr .. ta down I dad notice, and I turned them back on," he admitted. But Woodsmall, powtino to the witne .... testimonies, qu"- tioned Gibbs' uncertainty tn the matter. "In your oplnion, would dziv- ino wllh your headhghts oJf be considered neglioent?," uked Woodsmall. "Yeah," anawered Gtbba slow· ly, "I quea 1t could be." ~ t .. uhed that he had &bout a doun conaultahoo.e Wltb K.eei. beJore entennq the qutlty plea. He &lao said 11 took "about five minul•" to 1n1h.alue the condiboDA for parole and a cla~ admllh.nq oroaa neolioeJlce. But, he a&ld, JC .. fe had JUit told him to mitlal and 1190 the document, and be wu JUit lollowino hia lawyer'• lnalruc - tiona. Woodamall explained that "Yes," he answered. "My dad really does the n89ollallDo and atuJf w1th my attomeya." JC .. fe would not dlzectly evaluate hu performance in Gtbba defense, but said "The record'• ooillg to speak for 1taeU in that regud." He explained that he could not comment any further on the matter because Gtbbe' father hu not yet formally removed him from lus services. "So at this time I feel my rela- tionahlp Wlth Gibbs is etill claauhed," he S4ld. But Donald Warner, the VIC - tim's lather who Dew from Mazyland to be at the trw, Nld the appeal w.u ong1nally goino to be heard by another )udoe who bad a 15-year worlunq rela- honslup Wlth Keefe. "He Mld he felt be would be preJUdiced m Keefe's favor Ill the appeal becauee of that, 10 be MDI 11 here (to Stotler)," a&ld Warner Gibbs a free on ha own recoqnizance untu the heauno continues on Auq. 6. Untu then, Warnez_ sa1d he 1s pahently awa1hnq JUShce for the aon be lmew .u "a prudent and eenatble younq man." acrou from the west end of tbe Balboa Bay Club. The only oppoa1llon to the proJect came from the owner of Beverly and Parlllers, a store located JUst to the east of the propoeed home. An attorney repr ... ntmq her told the counctl that the con- atrucllon of the house would cost bta chent au parklDQ epaces and that 1t wu JUit plain bad plano- lDQ to locate a house Ill such a locahon. However. ree1dents of the ridoe above the proJect sup- ported the houM, primarily amce 11 will not block theu vtew and is a much leu mtense use of the property than 11 aUowed under the qeneral plan. Fair (Continued hom paoe 1) and an 18 percent drop Sunday (to 37,606) She aa1d fau ofJacaala blame atra1tened econom1c condJhons for the lower turnout, but hope the rodeo and other events acheduled tlue w .. kend Wlll boost attendance. One etatutical dec rease welcomed by the fau . 5ald Chudera, 11 the drop m dnnk- lllCJ, rowdJneu and other secun· ty problenu 61h YR. WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP •11 F«n6eof. Cofono del Mar. Coif. ROBERT HALLET. B.F.A .• M.A . PW\tlng lnltNCtton ~ OdQpted to vou ~~··IG or.,.,__teed. THE ~E A L t.:::-1·1 A 4 ERS PAl '" THE aull A"D au Workehop 'Ot ~OC'V·-13l•Calll~ AUG. Son Drnca. CA 91773 2 thJu 7 or cal (7\C) 5119-00~ HO'S KIDDING WHO? Count-, officials are trying to quie tly by-pass the people and allow important mrunq changes that would promote the growth of John Wayne Aerport These chanues ttfft>c' not JUSt Santa Ana He1ghts but Newp<~rt Beach as well Th1s sneaky scenano began a couple nf yea1s bdc" when the County •mpnsed 1• emergency moratonum on reStdenlla• constructiOn "' Santa Ana He1ghts S1nce that CcHP' ty moratorium cf a homeowner wants to 1mprove IHS home. he must Qel speetttl Pf'"'"s ston and must s1gn away h1s "avoganon rtghts " Th1s means he agrees 10 q1ve the County a free hand m flytng notsv ,ets over h1s home The 1dea beh1nd all thiS IS to gradually free1t• out reStdent5 and change Santa An. I He1ghts In a commerccal and 1nd ustrtal zonE' C "'" merce and 1ndustrv thriVe on grow1ng ltrpnrts People don r Now the res1denttal rnoratonum ~~ e•Pirtng The County must tttther no tn C'''" · .1• ·d get an e•tens10n or hold pubhc heanngs The County has dec•ded to hold P\lbhc he,l~tnqs before they have developed general plan gutdehnes to help 1n the dec•s1on malunq Cnu"'Y supervtsors are trymq to sneak the e·hanges through by g1v1ng the county plann•nq c '"' m1ss10n the complete authorety to allow pleee-meal gradual change 1n the He1ghts We must f~ght th•s We must tnS~sl on general plan public hea11nus We must do <til wt• can to stop the county from lurntng Santa Ana Hel{lhts over In atrp()fl lov•nq cnn'"'~''l ,,,1 tnterests If we allnw thiS to happen we well lose an Important bdnle 1n ow w,11 "" ,wp• ,, noese over Newport Beach What can we oo > For st<Jrters. we could have gone to the hearlll{J ldSI week <}t 111e P1,11 , n1ng Commtssaon They went throur h the mot•nns of a pubhc heartng Were you th~tl"'' They, the planners were do1ng the superv1sor's du ty work and we can't let them qet ,,w,1y with It Whatever the outcome of lhdt heanng. we should sttll tnstst upon an envuunmentdl •m pact repoft nd we 'hould tnlfSt upon a fotrnal round of g neral plan public heat~nqs Without 8 g nerel plan for gutdan<:e, the SUpeMtotS have W!VIn plannotS lOIII UISCrellnn co do what the superv1sors want And that rs not what the resKienll want Let them hear ymtr VOICI The hght rs not over \lw••· low Rt.•• R<~ ~J·~·~ I"'' • /o~ Hw! fl>lnJ R.•.•4 lo~ \,/ "''"' ,., lfh,J . .,.,,. Jul y 22 2-l. 20-J l & August 5-~ ~I'm E~YOAY IIIITOMTIIIft l~--~ SHIM u e ••,••••~~~ tollm' fWI CCIIYUU u»•a.taue ~··~~~ IIIIlS A rcJtll' C8Cia 100 ). , ••• till CUlTS tulall .. o., GniMSUt f\1&. COIUUl~ ..... t , .. 5 •• 7 ••• ~~ CIUOl l X ( '· ... ~w•' nl'f":t ~, STOREWIDE ANNUAL··DSU--R TENIISSALI leOina J uly 11"' "'ru 31st ALL MERCHANDISE REDUCED 10% T0 50% lirhtnd •hf. lnlf'fn4' of' • ~'an-.~r,,. ll..uv II~~ I 7•h "' ( ... \I·.. , ..... _ M.! ~' All ENTERTAINMENT FREE WITH s4 AOMISSK)H 110 1as•,• lMltO«,. co.ttsn lll •• ,. Six Slllfl" Contlnuoua Enterl..,nm.nl MIJII1UIIM1 .'Uiil ,.u.,. H'ffti)11Sf ...... • 00 • "' ' 10 0 '" • W• .. • • ., • Italy 1•. 1-n. Rewport Conflicting Signals lvu BiDder alter, the chairman of the California Ttaaeport&tioll Commission, reportedly told a luncheon audienc. ln OTange County last week that the county's .-curing ol a transportation district of its own "will make no clifference" in the decision-making process for highway funda. ThU will come u a surprise to residents who were tOld two YMH ago that the move could mean at least an additional $50 million per year for the county. At that time, reaidenta heard the passing of the 1980 measure h.u.d u a watershed event in the county's political hiltory. It il no wonder in lioht of these conflicting siqnala that reaidenta react so apathetically, for example follow- ing the May 7 unveilino of a proposed 42-mile rail tran- ait ayatem with 34 stations in eight cities, as envision- ed by the Oranoe County Transit District. There ia little wonder that Oranqe Countians take a "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude, for example , following thia week's very significant vote by the county Planning Commission to study wideninq the Santa Ana FrMway to 8 lanes. The lack of funds and the uncertainty about others that may or may not be available creates an atmosphere of cliatruat at a time when freeways such as the Santa Ana grow more pockmarked by the day. According to highway plannera, freeways have a Wespan of 25 years. The Santa Ana, built in 1954, "died" three years aqo. The county'• developer• have antaqonized Caltrans director Adriana Gianturco (they favor new freeways, abe favora rail tra.naportation) for so lonq that the con- flictiDg arguments voters hear result in a confusion level on new tra.naporlation construction that is extremely high. Orange County has aevere needs for completion and repair of freeways and now that the state says it realizes the Mverity oJ the problem, a new administration could make a lot of frienda here by moving in a cle,ar, organiled way to do something about it. -TB Govenvnental Representatives Following ue the addz• ... • for vovemm.ental repr-.Dta- Uv• MtviDg the Newport hach u .. : STATI SINATI k*a Q , ScJuaita, J6tll O...nct, 4otOO C:U.pua Dt., Newport S..ch, CA 82880, m-11610. ST A Tl ASSINBl Y W&n&A .. J9_, 4500 C&apiU Dove, SWte :M4, Newport a-ch. CA 92660 (714) 641·7441. IOAAD or SUPDVlSORS ThoaM f . Iiley. Diltnct 5, Hall of Acb~WU~lratioa, 10 Ctvlc Ce11ter Paua, Suta AM. CA W701. 834-35!0. tJNITED STA US CONGRISS Rob.rt I Badham, 40th Dutnct. 1649 W•cwt, Newport Beach, CA 92660. 631-0040 UNmD STATES SENATE Al~ut Crauton, 10960 W\Jahan Blvd Room 920. Loe An9eJM, CA 90024, (213) 824-7641 S I Hay&kawa, 523 W. 6th St , Swte 812 Loe AnQel.. CA 90014, (213) 688· 6081 CITY COUNCU. Mayor ud City Cowacll, Newport S..Ch Cuy Hall, 3300 N.wport llvd .. Newport S..Ch. CA 92663. SCHOOL DISTRICT N.wport·W-UniJeci School Ol. lrict, 1801 l&Ul St , Newport a..cll. CA i2663. 7eo-J200 THE TELEPHONE POU.. ~ .. -, . ..,.. Letters To The Editor Becl Tax To the Editor: I noticed in The Newport ED- sign the head.li.De "Bad Tu to... .... " I thought you'd want to mow parhape why eAOU9A auppo.rt for the mauura didn't appear ud why it want down to d.f .. t aQaiD. I believe that the people who ltve in Newport Beach mow who ts using the city infrutructu.re. (A. you argued iD favor of meuuze B ill the voter pamphlat-atr-ta, parb, beach•. racr .. uon, etc.). The people oJ Newport Baec:h wut avaryooa to pay their fair ahara of the cost of required -~. Tba daily. w-bnct.r, a.od vacationing viaitora are the bulk of our vwton . . . not the hotel visitor. The fivur• you r.Jez to 1n the voter pamphl.t oJ 20I to lOOK iaD't the hotel occupancy fivure ... •t'• tha.e otMn I mentioned aa.rlia~ i.nclud.mQ their friend. and their Yiaiton which rapr ... ot that par clay figure. I believe it ia about tiJD.a to pay attention to the fact tJa.at ~ California Coutal Co••"'km did Dol intend for the 9Qezal viaitor to enjoy recr .. tion.al ac- tivity at lha ·~of a t.w . . . u you NY in the pam~.t. "It ia only fair that ccmlillu.t u.aa oJ local tu do1Ja.n to U. 6. 'l'ha Newport Pier and Balboa Pier . . . clN.Il them up (more livhtinQ, batter _.tiD9 aAcl benchae). The par8011.1 who ruD the OODC JJ:ai'OD a!And. OD the peir could collect a faa ku ui.DQ the pier (maybe help the Deput:mena oJ Fi.ah and Game and check for fiahing licG.Ma). 7. Put mooring matan on the public piera and Ooaa. iD the bay . . . No fr-docking ill the bay (than maybe we could im- prove the appeazanc., dock bumpera, 1plinterad wood, ate.). 8. Provide off palliDsula park- inQ and trama for a pa.rkinQ t.e; could ahuttla beach QOara to the ~ (ch.a.rQa all day park.iDQ claa.rvoa acouvh to o&et alluttle coet ... like off prem.i.Ma air- port parking, John Wayne, LAX, etc.). People wouldn't conQaat ouz road and wouldn't ba tumad away from the beach. plica..ble ra.uonabla and laQal 1.1 tba CZMWar. U wa can't raiN revenue like the above auqQ..UOD.t, than what &bout cutting ~: l. U• low riak prl8onara to clean the beach•. aweap the ttrMta. 2. U• low riak prllonan to clean raatrOODLI at the beach tacilitiee, wuh down lenni~ courla, aweap the public ptan, ate. Come on Mayor, coma on Ct· ty CouncU, )et'a ba Cl'a&tive and fair. lvaryone to pay their lair ahua ia the riQht way, not tub~ aidisation. G. Di Sa.no a..tboa SaJety laton the 4th To the lditor: Tba Newport Beach Polic. Department com..manda Tbe E.n · sign for ita afforta to provid. a aale 4th of July. The regulationa reetrictinQ the uaa oJ fi.reworb era eomatim" difficult to accept and often pre- MAt an opportunity for criticilm or aa.rcaaa u to their aoJo~oa­ mut. Law an.forcemellt t&be lit- tle pleuura in the enforce~Unl of~ lawa and racovni&• the net~etift impact that they can have. t..==========================:::Jl 1jdi.&a touriuD in the city be reduced" . . . that d&oukl al8o 9. You miQht even COIWdar the bridve £... that u• UMd m Sa.n PrancWco, o.Jr.land, Cor- oudo (San Dieoo). Ju.at like ouz a.Jboa Ferry, everyone paya for ~ •rvic:e8. Jour our ayst•m we could ch.uve a f-includ..iDg lor reeldeDt eor-and in~ at the utrucee to Ba.lhoa Wand &Dd the two main enlra.Dc. to the ~. a.Jboa Boulevard &Dd Cout Hivhway, and tha Az- cll. B.rid.Qe . The coa of paraon- oel to l'Wl the toll bootha woulcl be more than ofbet by the t-to vildton and faa on aticken to r.-denta, too. !be Em.ign hu taken a vary poaliva altitude in dealing with th.ia '--ue. It h.u ct.uly ahown the rationale for th .. regula- tiona &Dd hu encouzaQe<l lta readera to tab advutaqe of altemall~• opportun.ltiea to an· joy the bJ.atoric diaplay oJ fireworb. Thue will be DO riDQ. there I. no need to talk. The "hanv ~ you aup~rt the new c lly up" eound you hear ia youz vote orcliu&nca on vadao qames pau-being recorded. ad Nooday njght? (See 1tory on pave 2) Laa week'• quMtioA: To vote YES. call Do you aQr .. Wllh the stale 175 tlto. Supreme Court ruhng retachnQ a clause of the atata death To~ RO. call 81$-7020. penalty act mandating the death C..U uytlme between now aAcl 8 a .m. Wcmcla.y to cut your penalty for heiDo\U crimes? "*· YES 26 % NO 74% SIG m 1 i Cout Hwy Corona del Mar C A 92625 9990 Pu.bhahed w"kly on Weduftday Edtto ual and S.UM phone 673 0550 IICHAAD IAONNIR IOIPATSOH JONWKm I.ILA.ND POUND IVITSIWS IIUSODSON nARWANWDJO 1101111' JIA)flt, JODY IICitU NAIICUI ~. CIWStOPHIJ L YHCH IAUT 11.0 ... aod STIVDf A CANCIAH AUIIW ICI:IO, Co pubU.het Co·p11bii.Sher G.neral Nan419e1 Edttor C ontrtb uhnQ lcLto1 Adverhalnq Director S.leeN-&Qer . a.pwten Spon.~t'-n "-'olo9r..-a.n Production M.~r ,.. ...,.. ... ,...., (U.S ... 'JJOI -~ ,... ... -4 ........ _... ~· -·-c ·~ ........... ~---..... ..., H 1.1 • ......., .... ,. r-•••"-• oil :.111 ,. a.,_.,..,., r_,,, ... 1M Cwa~ .. o. ..... ltoa. u4 C•Uuo4 o • cl itv •-•• ,..,_.., I • """M .... "' ,. ......... • I ......,._,..,..,,...~~. .... ,.., ,.,.,_'#f,....,. tl ....... J ft..,.,._.,.., fu, 1~4F Ctt\1 .. t ,...,._,.,,, .... • • 1 1t f ... •tl ........... _ .......... ,, .. .,._ ... ,. ..... . 1•1 CIOA W'"""' ....,_ .......... ,. .. Ill "-'ot C..... AIL oil#... II I q'ILIIIAII ... .... u...,, .. , loio!Lfjq;o...J ...... .... '-"-a.-c.-.-.............. _ .... "--... &.c..~ C.....,..... :::.:-c. ............ .........,.._. ,..._.. ................. o.... ...... ._.o.,.. •'-c-..._.. .. .., ~ ·- mean the d.ai.ly vtaitor wda9 OW' uiliutructure and city ~- It i.e time to realbe the ada9e that "thara i.e no fr-luacla."' All the people (r•ident ancl .Wion al1ka) should pay their i&ir ah.ant for what they u.aa. The ciN.Iling of beach•, parka, publtc r"trooma, recrea- honal tecUm .. and eepecially the repair of roada and ade- quacy of tlrMt UghtinQ ahou.ld ba paid by the uaan. lauQQ..t the city tupayar throuvh tuea doas; the hotel vwtor do. through & faiz tourilt tu . . . but the maJonty of the daily trauiant vaaitor little to aolMDQf lt'a lu1la the Newport a..dl Caty Council u.ae their coDec:ttft heada to laa,poee otUr '-91tllla .. u.aer f .. : S.agv-Uoat l. Raile the pukinQ a..t.r ..... 2. A. lll otha~ b.lvb tourt.t arMI (eumpla San frUCU.CO), put mora pulllDQ ..... ,. 1D boat a1ao ..U realdent parki.a' atl.cken (a leQ'!U__.. ... ) lor OD· ly the ln\e r ..... l. 1"a..l woWc:l ao.eW. the rM6dul to "" an.,.U.. (lecJaUy) ......._. pa.y- iDQ the pukinv ...... IN. AD otiMn wlw> pa.rk oa til. •net woWct pay petkiAQ ....... (.U- iDQ nN the pal~ .... , lee • auu but lair). 3. lacrMM lba puki.aQ -..., vto&allocl .... .._ tH ank:is-1 per._. _...,.._(weooaW....- ..orwtJ_..cau). 5 .............. OCIIId .... OD ......... ~-· ...... tor•a.. .... ot~ .... , ... 4ay (..._., r.aps6sl, etc.), I aa IUJ'a that aoma of th .. WQVMtiOIU have baall di.ac\&Med beion ... but action ia n..Md. Ttudag hotel viaitora ian't the eolvboD. UMr f ... whara ap- Dear Coll.IUJDer Leavue: I bouvht my 1011 a pair oJ cor- duroy puts. He triad them OD aDd I roU.d and pinned the cuff to U.. proper laoqth. Tben my .. WJbencl took the pull to the t&l1oz to be belllJDed. n. DiQhl my IOD put them on IDoticed O..t they ware too 4orl. I dic:ln'l uy uytllinv IMMMIUM 1w wu already out the door beiote I b~JUI*i out why ba lootz.d fu..aDJer tw u.aul. aurLtM .... ~"into cloch .... ulle Mya, b\&llam. So I clec:WI.d to take them Mck to U.. taJlot. Wlaaa my 1011 ... M-.. t.M pula ware dirty eo ...... wo.... llow tM tailor a6ya that he ........ eM pula eotntetly and U..tl rluv.aJr .... putl. He ....._ lo Nllea 0.... Wlaat •• do .ow? C.\loht a Little 5aaort Wra. K. I ' Cha..rlea R. Grou ChieJ of Police cou,.., do DOt believe lboJ you would /obricoJe .ucb o .Jory but iJ _.,.. tlt. toJlor do.. I a-*ad hba il , .. ~ QIDOU.nl ol b .. il would ~..to reb.IIJ tbe pont. wa. wo1'1.A tluowing darts ot wbol couJd be o good cu.tol~Jar. He lltJkJ I» did nol ewe. He bec'GIN rvJIJed. ~~~ becowe 1M ,~we. o.edJ. JDg IWa# 101 figured tiH diM:ua- aiOD ol ~led. We wi/J ,..,., be obJ. to .titcA up th# cae becouae Lite IKum to ow only tJueod oJ .~ COIU)O/ be .. rx~w~. S.w IIOTrf. Pollllow ContwDer IAogv• JOORrlAUST"S JOURNAL by Jlm FeltoD Harboz and Bri.ttol and Newport Boulevard ill Coeta W...; NacArt.hur, Jambor-and lnina Avenue ill Newport Beach and Culver and Jaffrey and Jam- borM ill Irvin• ua baqinning to raaambla ill traffic SUAMt Boulavud and Wi.lahira. No longer ua they plauant boulavardt to drive a.nd tight- .... Bicycliat.a travel at t.heu own peril along th ... mAiD arteri•. While cu aal" may ba down the traffic it up, lugaly due to the -.uonal traffic that comN our way thia time avery year. Development didD't do at. The appeal of the beach• and inu- pao.tiva rala.zation ia the buic cause. Tba continued evolution of Southern Calilorrua and OranQa County in particular hu brought mora viaiton than our roadt can cury, and much of thit ia du. to the DO·Qrowth ob.truction..iata who block hiQhway development, fiQhl lha San Joaquin Cozridor or the Univeraity Drive widao.inQ ill Jr. vine, the Filth Avenue bypa.u 1n Corona del Nar, the complel.lon of the Coeta Mesa tr-w•y and the utan~ton of Univaraity Drive. Road development it one way to mitigate traffic congeation. Another method would be an aducauon of the public combi.n- ed with& ma.uiva nauonal com- mitment to ma.u tTcUllportation Such a camp&iQD wo\lld run head·on L.Dlo the well- •tabliahad highway lobby-the auto, oU and highway-butldinQ L.Dduatrias. When wa vialted C.nllal Eul'opa l.ut month, wa dzova a rented car on the beautiful auto· bahna of Balg1um, Holla.nd and Germany. There are no apaed- limita on these maonilicaDt lUQhwaya. Wa averaged &bout 100 kilometer• an hou~. or roughly 65 aulas a.n houz, and other cart wb.uzad by ua .u 1f wa ware backing up. Wa Davar aaw a highway patrolman or motorcycle officer. Wa alao oavar Nw an accident. Thera ua l&r fewer can on the road, and the reuon 1.1 two- fold: the tuvh coat of guoli.na- about $2.50 a gallon-and the a~rb ma.u transportation ayatam throuQhout Europa- ra.ilroada and aubwaya. Franca Dow hu a oaw lraul that lravalt 200 mil .. an hour. Crt.-crOUUlQ Europe ia a aplan· did rail .,.tam, and a luzo-rall pa.u will tab you anywhere. And avery city we viaitad- Amlterd.am, BRaela, Du.ualdori, Vaalllla, y .. even Budapest m Cornmu.niat Hu.ngary-atthar had a mod4tm aubway or metro system 1n operation or one ill advencad coutructlon. H.igh-apead unct.rgrou.nd trialu came by every thr .. minut• ill BudaJ*It. &at.aon~ ware au- cood.iuonad, clean, ·~clout and full of paopl"' art ntolllnv lha vutu .. of the city or cou.n- try. People taking aacalatora d"p mto the .. rth to the alation platform ... mad happy and talbuva. And t.ha price wu to nght. A forint, wotth thr-cent., Americ:&Jl, took you ev•rywh~e you wanted to 90 1D Bud.pe.t. In Am.atud.am, you were em the hoao .. ..,.. .. m. bo&.rdinv metro traiu wubout gotnv throuvh ha..rn.atu.. or droppi.DQ cow lA a bo•. The Dntcb .. WMd you bo"Q.ht a Ucbt, altbo.l9h no one caae by to coUect ou. In twope, naovinq peo~ 11 GOt a aubtact lor 1\l.Mrya, ~ Uld poUUceliiCI'Q&bbl· tDQ. It'• ICiadhl"9 to ~ ..... to tMy do u. ~a·. w. reheilci(DQ .UtM~oeO..IIWae ..._ WOflcl Wu D Tl.ey .. , be -'A9 .......... P&aa u.s. ................... Mel ry, .-• II. r. Ura.lcl ....., woUI a.• .. ou ....... of~tre •nncun 1M ~ ...., .. •• • lllaacl • -0.. odMr n 1 utr tic loot ............. _ .. .. .... ~~ ..... ........... . ... biJ S& ate W• lhA Oc 01 Ne &rl of oft Mi Ne &rl oJ ala Rat 23 afl of do 33 All of J.u Ca rea po pb La H\ &rl of 611• Ric Ot on pot fuc .. ClC LDCj Na T\a me Sl, sto G. DYI $2, a to Taf 40C Cl, Sl. a to Ju 30C tor , Ba .... lUI , .... Va lUI to , ma R.&. ta.u r• pol Tb , .. dn fr o w. $3, I lOt Joh bla Qol ya) raJ: GJ, IQ I Lacf ma of I Sl, a to atn era oft , .. $1 . tlQ & Lla IKII S9S ··~ Ja.~~ blc pel • lrG Di~ '*1 • 11~ Suoday. Jaly 11 CRINES The Newport Eoalgn Wednndoy. JuJy 14. •• Pops Pollee Department ai..o m the locker. bW POUCE BLOII ER reported stolen !tom George WO.On an the 2100 block oJ Ocean .. Stereo eqwpment valued at $600 wu reported atole11 from a c.r bel04cpng to Guy Smtth parked 011 Coa.st Haghway and Newport. A pau of Rio BravCJ denun JeaAI valued at $42 were N ported stolen from SUNn Ehubeth Davaa of Long Be•ch Davaa as {0 pollee cadet, and the pants were apparently atolen from the Women's Locker Room at Newport Beach he&dquuten, 870 San were untouched by the Ia Barbara Ot&ve The suspect, pollee vacllm'a pune and reported --~.Jut,S CIUMIS AD utique br .... .bird<:~• valued at $6,500 wu reported stolo from Ruth Woodwortll McCray iD the 2000 block of Oce..n Front. AB.RISTS Du&ne Raymond ODMecken, 21, of Newport BMc:h, wu ar.-ted on suapacaon of .... ult Oil a pohce offic.r ... Gr~ory Nieh.ael O'NeU, 19, of Newport BMc:h, wu arr•ted on IUipacaon of receiving known stolen property . . R.culdall Fon"t Travaa, 23, of Anaheim, wu arr•ted on suapacaon of petty theft . . Gor. don Robert Solomon, 33, of Loe Angel ... wu arr .. ted on suapicton of poueuinq COCaine . . . Thomu Michael Janovick, 21 , of Can09a Park, wu ar- rested on IUiptcaon of posseuing am- phetamines . . Jeffrey Lewll Taylo r, 18, of Hunllngton Beach, wu arr•ted on suapacaon of poueumq hubah ... Enc J Lanqe, 18, and George Phalhp fUchazda, 30, both of Orange, were arr .. ted on IUipiCtOn of poueninq danqeroua fireworb . Two men were arrested on suapt· cion of drunken dnv- ing, ne1ther from Newport &ac h. Tueedcry. July 6 CRIMES S800 and a mo11eychp valued at $1 ,500 were reported stole11 from Steven C . Gabriel at the Bag Ca- nyon Co\llllry Club . . . Ringa valued at $2,012 were reported stole11 from the Anhque Tillany HoUM m the 400 block of Jlat . Clothinq valued at $1,320 was reported stolen from Suzanne Jantce Fanamore m the 300 block of Promon- tory Poallt. ARRESTS Wilham Charles Bailey, 21. of Costa M .... wu arrested on SUiplCIOn of battery .. Hubert Lee Har· ruon, 19, of f ountaan Valley, wu arrested on suapacton of consparacy to commat embeule· meot by an employee Lawrence Alan Randall, 18, of Foun 1&10 Valley, was ar r•ted OD IUSpiCIOO of poaeuanq huhaah Three men were ar r .. ted on IUSpiCIOO of drunken dnvanq. none from Newport Beach Wedneaday. Ju ly 7 C RIMES Properly valued at $3,0.5 was reported stolen fro m Jacquelyn Johnaon an the 1700 block of Skylark A gold and daamond unq valued at $2,000 was reported stolen from Glor .. Krelle Steward lll the 400 block of Vaa Ldo Soud A water meter made of 3-45 lba oJ brass valued at $1,632 wu reported stolen from c aty con atruchon at Haghes Au · craft an the 500 block oJ Supenor Jewelry valued a t Sl,SOO waa reported atolen hom W1lham Haya an a burqlery on Llact. lale Stereo equipment valued at S9S8 was reported rtolel\ from JeUrey Jam• Gata an the 100 block of 43rd . . Pro· petty vAlued at S720 wu reported •toleo boa WlcbeU. I Dlaardo an tbe 100 block of 4Stb • . GoU eq.aapanl valued at 1703 WM repot1ed .... froa wWl"Hce A....._ Wnduill LD lh lmae Cowatry Ctub. Alll1 11 o....a,....ca.r•. 11. ollu .,_rciLDo, wu .,, .. t;CJ on IUapi- clon of w~ theft ... SUMD Eli &&.beth Leroy, 19, of Newport Beach, wu arreated on su.ap.t· cton of grud theft . . . Stanley Alan Houohtoo, 28, of Sar.ta Ana, waa arr .. ted on au.ap&ClOn oJ pouM&ing cocaJne . . . Bart Jay Bement, 18, of Huo- hngton Beac h, wu .u- reated on auapicaon of pornsamq over all ounce of marijuana . . ThrM men were arr•ted on au.apacaoo of drunken dravtnq, none from Newport S..c b. Thu.n.cla}'. July 8 CRDaS A 14K qold women's nnq valued at Sl,OOO wu reported stolen from Audrey G . Newpro m the 2000 block of Vasta CaJon ... A atop atqo costmq taxpayers $1 00 wu reported stolen from the mleraechon at Marmer's Dnve and Haqhland Avenue. ARRESTS Kevtn Blake Rosa, 29, of Fallbrook, wu arr•ted On SUSPIClOD of manuiacturmg/aeU- mq a weapon wtlhoul a ba11dle . . . Mano Gonzalea Florea, 19, of Santa Ana, wu ar- reated on suspacaon of receivanq known stolen property ... Four men were arrested on suspa· cion of drunken dnv· mg, none from Newport Beach. Friday. July 9 CRIMES A Sako 30-06 nfle wu amonq property valued at $13,499 reported atole11 from Edw.ud George Warm- mgton m the 700 block of Vta udo Nord . Property valued at $1 ,003 wu reported stolen from a car belonqanq to Robert John Ganeros an the 5900 block of Coast Haqhway A BMW brand AWFM cassette stereo valued at $600 was reported stolen from Walha.m M. Em· bree m the 4000 block of Coast Haqhway A~ RESTS Alan Bryan Rlnqer, 25, of Newport Beach, was arrested on suspt· cton of drunken dnv- IDQ Luts Rodnguea, 35, of Newport Beach. was arrested on suspacton of drunken dnvtnq Satwday. July 10 CRIMES A depth recorder, a VHF radao and a potu- boo locator, valued at $3,600 were reported stolen bom a R1c hard lt. Hoagland in the 300 block of Mornlllo Star ... A Colt .22 caliber handqun, loaded watb eaqht lonq-n fle bullets, wu amooq other pro· perty valued at $2,200 ARRESTS Horace Yvonne L rkendall, -45, of Los Anqel ... wu arrested on suspacton of assault wath a deadly weapon . Dale Euqene Shaelda, 20, of Buena Park, was arrested on suapacaon of assault wath a deadly weapon Clark Kennedy and flowers What a n•ce arrangement 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Pa:k 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa The next time you tNNc a gallon of paint cCMts too much. Nmember that: • 6 oz. of Rtght Guard costs $2.67. or S57 .«>a golon; • 1/2 oz. ol nal polish sells fOf $3 0 bottte. Of $768 0 golon; • 2 oz. of Blnoca sells tOt S1.69. Of $1,081.61 ogolon. The no6l polbh wWiost sev•oA days. The Right Guard wttllaat sevwal hours. The 86naco wtlllost several mlnutes. Paint Ia Still the lest luy In Town YJIUAL PIRFICT10JI8 lnt.rtor-lxtertor Patntlng Wall Po~ Graphic Art TRAVEL CORNER Oueetlon: I would lowe to take a cru .... but u 't It vert aapenalve7 Crutses hove olwoys been o greot volue and on tncomporoble "'ocotton Once con- ~tdered o vocotton for the wealthy, crutstng has been dtscoverod by the traveling public seek•no the mosl for lhetr lrovel dollor and tS now wtthtn the prace range of most trovelws, espectolly now when mony cru•se lenn Ofe offereng diScounted fore$--one prace ond your entere vocotton •s potd fod .... ..., .......... _.. ..... ~ .................... ~ .. ............. .... (M~••nl 234 E. 17th St., #108 Con. M- TIIDIMIIIIEI IICIII ... TIE IISIIESS Ell • TAX SHELTER • PROFIT • EXCITEMENT AVAJLAIU NOW: Twc>veor Old COli from tne IYSt crap by quortw mllon dOlor multi-stokes wii'Y18r ,.,....,ar•le• "" OOvonced stage of ITOO!"Q A souna SOlid •UIY'e< ready 101 the 1982 •octrQ ~son SwrjMCI7~ 2730 CAMINO CAPISTRANO SAN ClEMENTE. CAliF CALl (71•)•92-5355 other belonqa.ooa were CARPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY I MINIBLIND CLEANING 20% OFF • AreeRuea • FUf'fthwe Pic*-.p& o.u....., Jolin£. ~Cotn ( l l.\ll)~1 PHllTl1~R..·\JlH) We Are PROUD to Han PIMtopaplled KELLYJO ....... ., r..... ....... Sw ...... I CIUI4-'• c..M s.-w EYery T..._, 7&1-&7&7 3040 E. Pactf1c Coast Hw\'. Corona dd Mar. CA A MOST~ TENNS Cl.Uit FREE NEWSUTT£A ITATI FARM INIURANCI 645-6470 The problem can come from living with an alcoholic. If you live with an alcoholic, you ~•=-Iii know the heartache ... the broken promises ... the anger. You know how alcoholism can tear a family apart. Where can you go for help? Call Problem lalk Shop. Problem Thlk Shop is a free counseling and referral service for people trapped in an emotional crisis. Our trained counselors can help with problems such as drug and alcohol abuse, eating disortlers, stress, family crises and troubled adolescents. They'll talk with you, find out exactly what the problem is, and direct you to the people who can help you solve it. Call Problem Talk Shop for a free appointment. If you don•t call, you can be sure of one thing.lbe problem will only get worse. ~ I t l. • I ..... .. .... ,. July''-·-The Newpon E.igll I HARBORUTES taynt..._ ..... P•t x..dJiclt lee.d lMr pu.-a. v .. ud O'DoD Daria S.tton, Jr. (ab ... a •ickvwe lacJ9ed OD by b.l8 two old.r brotMn} oe the accui011 ol tMi.r !Olll-.ddiaq ULD.ivtr-..,. Vera an.d Ha. 9NW up ill Joplia, wa..o..n . .J.en Hwa bt -oltMJiat ndio &IUlOIWICel'l iD the UD.ited Sta'-. ~ lD Otla!lOIDA City, Bum ..... ..,... iPohed .ttl. the operatioul ead ol rAdio and IDO'Nd to Tau, wMie be WOLk- ecl witllllliott Roc:.e...tt at the Tau &ate Network. In 1939, tbe &attou tDOMd to Califomia. A CJNal ID&DJ lrienda, buai- ... ....aci&'-and relam. c.-. f:roa all puts ol California ud Alttona to wish Vera and Bwa Ulothez 50. The fint 50 were -.erified by a procla-.tion GcJ:necl by all the Or~ Cowl- ty Board of Supeni8DD aDd prltlt e.d by IDuaa Jane and Tam JWe,. A.mcaq the ~ who .. ;o,.c~ the bGs.t catered by 7h ~ Baee and Jean Tandowaky'a auaic .. ,. Joan Sue &.boa, Barbara Auq and A. Z. Taft. Jacm. and Paul Kuhn (wllc.e 50th weddinv &D.Diftr- MIY to t.u puenta, Carolyn and Banaett L&rb, wu a trip to Hawe.ii). Play llia and Ha.rri801l Sbup, HeleD ud Bill N.ag...du, Boanie and Bob lt;»an, C&rlyu.n and Lionel DaSilYa, Allevn and Carl Jon• (who receatly cele))rated their S3rd ..dd.iDv &D.Divenuy), Noi"'D.e Gurley, Jackie aad Loren S..ther, CoUece Kena, Jaa ud Doll Sutherland, Swt aad Chuck ~J', Vu¢ai.a and Warren Boatwiclt (who have to be ODe II into the~ dancriag COQpl. m oa.r aZM), Beth Kocla and the Sultoll'a cpuclchUchWD: Catlay, lt&.rl, AAoe ud Lb Kendrick witll h. fiance Ted P...field • • • Carol BMnch.ard NpOrla tb&t sea·. ·'Sky·· the Lb:a.it" did tut t!aat Satw:c~A, n.itght. 1'haab to the treiDeJadoua eftcnta ol the Frienda ol the SClt Guilda, tb.e ~UAiieeft raieed ower the hoped for voa} • Tb. .U.at aAd Uve auctioD eajoJecl by the ..0--out czowd wu u ucitmg aftab. Pe~ua.mv~ tOD did tile bufl.t aad the muaic by the "alwaya cp.at• e>w.nu- le/ loa Bond added a vreat c:t..1 to the ....UO.tg. Jaae Martin, QeDual chair- man, and her COIIUDit:tM of 12 had eYWYthinCJ beautifully ozva.a.iud. Gu_.. had to move lut to cover the 400 ucitmg iteJU ill tile ati.Dt auction n.Dg- intg hom eftrY fine re.tau.rut iD our area to lenDJ.a clu member- ahipa and rare fumitu.. At 9 p .a ., the a..dience filled evezy .. a iD tile U...tre to be royally enterta.illed by New Yorlt a.aUC.wlcM ao~,, Mel.-. Gl.Uer, who hancl\ed U.. tut bid- elmo. o.. o1 sew. tn~t~•• wtti th.ree dauqk .... parcltMecl the IWpll Cloak fau...-hhtno ~ aboard liM "'nc-Took ... Katb,a ftOJ!Ipeoa (&ookinv eo ~only m a loao powdu blue QOWD) ~Gee ol ........ editkllta froa Uodro. porce1aiD con.c:uc.. l.acldie ... , •• tud8 WOil the rilltave wine .. well .. the had grandiet..her oloclt with w~ ch.tm. aad Stewvt Woodward we1bd away with the AtricaD ut froaa the 1940 Robb Colleottoa. nu-coupl. joined forcee to pu.rcM.. a tou,r of the Playboy Nanatoa 1.n Bel Air, .... n u a day with the "Dube" (ol Hu· u.rd t.a.me-tbat ia lunch with Denvu Pyle). Diane, uaia .... t general cbaU- man, &ad au..n Diehl'• bid won the trip to C!Uc:avo and ticlteta to the Good-.n ThMtre. Entertainment followed the live auctiOD by tour JUmben oJ tile remdent company. Cou- g.ratulatiOAe oo to all who wue 1 re.ponaible for W. aucc.dul Hum ~ Vera Sunon on the occasioo of their !50th wedding anniversary party ~ted by their only daughter, Pat Kendrick, AND as they were when they met over 51 years ago. lun-l'O.Wng event. One not to be m.iaeed aid PhyllJ.. X...ter, who baJ'ely recOYeriDV from a oeu fatal joc;rCJinv accident on Cout Hivhway, atteaded wearino a lev cut aad neck brace. • • • Poatc{ipta: Anita fervu.eon honored the retirlJlo executive boaJ'd of tile Frieocb of the Newport Beach Library and the new i.Dcomiag board, headed by Sara Ram.aey at a dellohtful luncheon at the SJC Coff .. Garden muaged by family S.r- vice. • NHAM'a Jme Arta Patrou hoaored outvoi.Dv cbair- JD&D, Jack Dwan, aad UD&Di- mou.aly approved the 1982-83 officen ud directon h•ded by C.ul Nei.-.r. • Town ud Gown oJ Cbapma.n C~ will have ita SulJUIJfU Sociol at tile home of Narvaret and Cad Jtucher. • William Lyon, cb&inn.an of the 1982 Air Force Ball, will ahue the JPOtlivbt with the ball'• lint couple to be feted u honorary c h&inDen, Joeephine ud JaJD• Doolittle .• Gina's this Saaa•er! on your way to or from the beach~~~!eJ~~ ·------COUPOI·-----· f.~~~!!.~~:~~~~~n~~ stopbyfo·~ I PIZZA I Gina's Pizza .................... _ .......... " ~-sa. • ., ... c:.n .. r.t Co.tt ....... .,. eon.-.WI!Mr ~·····--J--·-673-1121 C\Ji5\~ o{ • • • • ... c ................ ...-• r--. c.;.;IM ·-c.. oltlw .... ~ ....... ~ .... c-.ty·· Ra&....e tribe. LA. r- l..ud • Di-. HarpUt AA-n• c.-•··· --·· 212'1 t Coalt Nrwy. Corona dlt Mar (7M) 67)-()110 ACADIMY AWA•r .. WINNa ·-~ .. lEST FOi ffGH Rt.M ''MIPHISTO" e So~\'ne.~ fT'anEe- FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT qnn irJ>Orter GOURMET DtNI"Ki -MEDtTERRANEAN RM. CHAMf'AGHE BRUNCH SUNDAYS 1()..3 fiM DANCING NIGHTLY -CAliA RET LOUNGE * CA"AIN'S TAaLE COfFEE SHOP -:M HRS lt's none other than our delicious Lobster Tail d1nner at six dollars olf the usual prtce (\lie usuatty ask $14.95, that as.) \bJ get a brotled AustraJaan Of New Zealand lobster tail Drawn butter and fresh iemon on the stde. Baked potato and fresh vegetable Great hot bread And dam c.hoYidet or fresh green salad to start .A.II for S8 95 At .a pnce like thiS. we think you·u fhp. 'q'•' .... , ..... ~~ •77....a ...................... Aile. ·••s. =-c.:~~~c:-.:t:::= ,....._ .................... ._ . .,, . ..., """ 18700 MAC ARTHUR Bl VO. IRVINE. CALIFORNIA l~te Or.,ge CountyAwi)CH (714) 833-2710 1 kl*w••¥••• t~Loo uno •uac.t.-lf: I "' · •• 120.so ua.oo ... ..,.,.., 1 lfl a, ]Oa, ~M-~ .....a ~-11• oo us.oo --·~-I II ._. • 0• •• 115 so uo.oo 1 Oil .. ,.. I IS a, Or4ln-.. dint 7·2a.l2 1......,,.. 11a.oo o..,o.t-7·12 1 eaat t714) 113-1171 1 11 VAliD wn H ORI611Al COUPOI OilY 1 --------------- Now Open In our New Locadon. 880 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Lunch-Monday through Friday Dinner and Late Night Supper- Monday through Saturday Reservations (714) 720-1800 Frwa ~ Ray Connll Johnny Ollbe Kenny Ariln c.av.. Johnny JWrlon Nco OGmez Anne....._ fWJmond l.eFeYN Aaltwood Mlc a.t.nal M o.tuMel • BON APPEI'I'I' for two or four are Ht with blue cloths, topped with pale pink lmen and naplrina. Cryatal bud vuea bold freah pink carnatio.na, and liqht com .. from small lanterna. Silver and c~tal aparkle, fine cluna gleam., and the lush plantinqs and brick floor, coupled witb the balmy scent of the eea brought baclt memories of an intimate cafe on the Riviera. We beqan witb a X.U Royale, the drink of tbe house, a fine cbampaqne tinted with Cuaia Liqueur. Dinners include ap- pehzer. aoup and Mlad, and we had only to decide on tbe en- tree. We were Mrved a fine Pate de Volaillea, made from the forcemeat of Mveral fowls, spread on thin tout, and Mrved with a qarnieh of tomato, carrot curl• and qr .. na. A second pate waa Anchoyade a la Nicolle, from anchovies, shallots and paraley, aJ.o on toast, to be top- ped with a fresh tomato al1ce .. ezcellenl. Our aoup wu Creme of Waterer ... smooth u ailk, and pungent Wllh the lute of freah watercreu, Hrved Wllh a ba.aket of cru1ty hot French bread and aw .. t butter cut IJl 1mall cubes. A aalad of cnapy gr .. na 10 a gentle vmcUgretle wu served after the entr ... My entr" wu Crevettes a la Provencal... larqe ahrunpa sauteed tn herbc, garuc and butter, perfectly prepared to re- taan the ~Weet tenderneu of the ahrunp. Served WJth nee, herb- ed and aeuoned, and ganuahed wath ateamed-crup fresh broc- coh and a haJJ tomato watb mushroom duxell .. , flavored WJtb tarragon, tt waa pacture- perfect, u dehgbtful to see as at waato eat. My companaon chose a specaal of the day, Saumon BourCJUagonne, fresh salmon sauteed and served an a marvelous aatiny aauce of burgundy wine. His rice was as well prepared as mine, and the qarniahea were fresh uparaqua ateamed a'poant, and a ahce of tomato topped wath herb. and a tanqy cheese. In my evaJuahon of a chef 11 always the care qaven to the qarn1ah for eac h chah. Many s1mply prepare a I The Newport Ensign Wedneecioy. July 14. Ita Page Y VeQetable of the even&ng, ~d place at on ewery plate A hoe chef will cbOOM the perfect veqeta.ble lor e.ch eotr .. Pawa'• wiAe hit Ill Hlechve, Wltb unportl and the good W1ne1 from Califonua vmeyardl We choee the WUle of a fnend, Georqe St.rke'• Napa Wme Cellan Chudonnay, for our d.mner1. Several oJ Paula'• deuert• come from Tomfoolery on Balboa Wand, pureyor of the luscaou1 concochona found m most of our top reatauranta, and my comparuon'a Walnut Creme Cake wu 110ful. I am not a d ... r teater no aweet tooth, but wa1 perauaded to try a am&ll lemon tart, made by the c hef It wu dehcaoua, c nap of c ruat and filled WJth a & .. ty , aromatic, lemony hl.ltng The chef Ill • hny Frenc h g11l , Ttta Mercuno, aater of Patnck, who coou hke an angel She prepar" Calaman at .. k (when available) wath a fresh tomato m.ennara Nuce, a tr .. h hlel of tub cooked WJtb fresh basal m parchment, and scallopa rolled an freab herbs and bacon, akewered and cbarcoaJ brotled There Ill a veal chab w11h tar- ragon and c ream, a 1tea.k poavre SAM'S IT AUAN DELl PIZZA a FOOD TO GO OUR PARTY PLATIERS, ·-·-ucl s..-s..dwkllea An AI o.lldo•! ........... ~d an berbed-broUed New York steak The Jau Bruncb oo "Sunday of1e11 [<J91 Benedlc::t, and aometun• Belqsan Wafflee, Po.ched S&lmon , Mu.el Feuallele, but alway• omelea. Qalore, at S7.95 wathout cha.m - paqne, S9 95 wath the bubbly. Located a t 2813 VIlla Way m Newport Beac h, Paula'• •rv• lunc heon Tue.day throuQh rn- day from 11 30 until 2:30 p.m. 010ner Wed.nelday throuQb Sunday from 6 until 10 p.m .. and brunch on Sunday from 10 until 2 p.m Reaervahona are ad vlMd, call 675-4720. Gives You A Chanoe To Win One Of-Fabulous For all Your Caaeria& Nee COME TO SAM~ 1909 ... rltor 81vtl. •t 19th St. COITAMIIA 5 ... 7122 Ectc.h Wt:e~< F-o • ~l A Week!> A New Famtly Wtl' Wtn A Va ii•C n Fo r 4 Persons' Reg•ster EvPr f To/ "I'« u V s 1 Tne Jolly Roger' fe.-o-ctJ...,...,_, 800~. MUSIC. LYaJCS BY llcrcclttb WUlaon Out ....... ~ "'\IOUf '" .. ., 10 lt'4' k•nd ol ·~ .nd rKrtlltlon lr()u >a nc.h._ dtwow Mld ,.,., rw,~ a M<lbot ~ ~ •Mid rNltl tan ollt< lo.t 1100' good ~~wilt\ two <~ corl.llllh. thton Pnp, our two boutdvl -'"'lmlng pool<. 10 lr<'oniS tou"'- (no t n.w..,..) 36 ~ of c~op qoll (rf'dutfd ~~ "'"J .nd tnlrrfWftCJt'wJll., f~ ( IJ"'Ir14' oiOd OIC)hlly ~tng ... -I(> VdfW, STOaYBY llcNdJth Willson; fr~lln uccy DIRECTED BY AllaaB-t $49 5 Ch01ce of Soup or Salad Fresh Vegetables 57 PM DAILY SAT 4 5:30 PM OFFEIIIOOO THIU 7-21 -IZ COUPOM MUST IE PllSEITED UPOI OIDERIMG MAINE LO TER DIIIIER 7.95 '"'~' n ,_,. (twp,fral R.....s..u'"''' .. ~, l, ·••oqt I ""'' .. ...., lur ' Itt m" ,..,mmpor 9D bo. .,. th ~·' """'~ 1-,, , ut Arnrrtt•' "ul\. 9'""' '""'"" li4a6.. VCMI• , ... "'~­c.a 948-1700 .. • .. • ~ ....,....,.... .!t '4i .. _.. .. . . " ... .,. .. _..,..,.,...,..... . .. I ci'.Mibaclllnn --. l -") I l . , R£SORT -'"~0 GOLF <I LIB • • • • • ... • I 4-\6 ""'"loll MOl ( u..c• 0.. ~~.IV. IUU 1602) Ma-1700 Aa .... w..t of~ 10 pnMnl 0\( -.,.,_.,__,of ...... .,._ • A Meds~ llaott umo.ptwrc • Scrv .. t~RMfut. 1\llldl and dmDer • nne uc ..... _., c:nated menus • Indoor or ~ 1UW1a • An w.m~~~ehed vww overtoo&1111 Nrwpon Hllbof • U"e a~1 011 fr-41) and Sarvrda) Nwttu • Stw of ow F~lous Sunday Champqrw 8~111 •e•• ., Onnp County'• Only lilii!i-•St. ttot.J AII.IIICAN AND QltffK CUlliN I O~n for Breal&fast, Lurwla and DinMr h.\w~a.\n QEAfE:nt hot€1 • 1 day$/& ntghts tor 4 persons (2 rooms) at the &pect.cular H._..'-' ~--on Wltki*lll SC4N\IC StOe nut Diamond Heed • Round Tnp &attire VIa SPKIOUS Wbrtct Arrwa~ Wtde Body Jet from Los Anget• to Honolulu' • Greet Mula at JoUy ROQet/H._.., l~trons • J a I 1 I -t 1 ,. 1o ... , ~ .. , 4't, i' .u ... Q.lr,t(. 041 , -4 _..-• \ -.1\' .. , •... ]~r 1, f!tntf'f "'\0 .. .,._ ~ •• '-..t'. ~'l ' ,. ~ ti'e Jete•-n "-eel ~ ...... r .......... ' ··~··... .............. , '"''""~ ..~~e-o tor ,..t "" 1' •A • ,.. .. '' ••.. Af" .. t'\f .. .-~, ~""'OS .'fl4 ,. _....., ll s All To Introduce Our G,..t New .. .... . . ~ .,., ~' f .. ,.. ._ "'~Q H C' --4 ....... t .... ,.. • 1• .. • H,.. • tt r\ .,~ 4 • " t k • ' ' ".... ""' .. -..... p ~· .. , .. I. tO.C•'t.t& ' . .. . .. .. .......,., -. ... I ... ,. ••"'-"•t .. , • ... .. ,. ... . .-... .. ..... .••• , •••• t."' ••• 196 -BHE .,.., ~\ T • l UN<...H • [)tNNER • COC~TAilS Balboll laland • ' 1 '"' ,. , 1\.,.t>n.,, Ut•• , ' o~v ... ~e'" t, J,.. , Coate -....u ••• •'""1' .... , L•lJ ~'"IQ L P,,~, 1('--.; vt>•" B••J tnttf\e • "•+ AI(\ t r 'NT •• t_ J"'' V~ q {)d 1 ' I~ I o .... "'"", Utke FOfMI • , ,, ,. '" •• t -t•t " .,.,~, D, .. r .... ·' tkt r '~\' D, .,.,. GEORGI IMY"NtOTIS ATN18 ....41 ~ IIOUZOUDI"-AYI .. ... tanltaw TASIOS 80FOPOULOa TMI GMIIHU. ..-Y ,_.. TMI_,..~ ...... n. ._ ___ """ -. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That C .. ne Smokq Is Dan~us to Your Health. -• lrltol : 11,. ... :· 0.11111 nicotMe w.,., cipr~ne. nc Report o.c·a1 I by~Lyada 'nae Newport Hubor buket- b&ll team e-eened ita summer record at 8-8 followinq four vic- ton. aod oDe clet.et in lut week'a IIU'Ilmer IHqu.e play. lA Hu.nlillqtoa B..ch leaque ~Ia Orenqe Cout Colleqe baaket· ball alar Chna Beasley and Sad- dleb&ck Colleqe tennis standout Nark Scribner have been named co-JD&le atblet• ol the YM.l' iD the Uth annual Oranqe County CoauDunity Colleqe Athletic Awuda compehhon, apon.ored by the Sports Information Duec- tora of Oraoqe County. Golden w .. t Colleqe volleyball alar Beverly Lidyoff Hrned Oraoqe Cou.nty'a female athlete of the yM.r honor•. acboo, tbe S&ilon d.J.eted OcNn View, 65-63. The ~wb were without the .. r- vice of aumm.ez ltanafer Byron &ll. "We won becau.. of a lot oJ mlenaaty on ow ~rt. '' expl&.LDed T&ra co.ach Jerry O.Bu.ak. .. Thunday. the S.Uore defHied Loe Alamltoe 64-58. In the .econd of two aummer tournament• boeted by Newport H&rbor, the Sail ora were VlC- torious in their opener aqainat OraDqe, 75-55. However, they came up a.hort aqaimt Natina in the Mmi-fin&la, 65-60. ln the lhitd place cont .. l, Newport de1eaied lalancaa, 74-56. Huntinqton Beach waa the eventual champion, defeatinq Marina. "We've really proqreaed aince beqiDDlDCJ the IWJUDer, defeoaively a.nd fundamentally," concluded DeBuall. "We're not beatinq ourselves, or ma.kiDq dumb miata.kea. We're playinq much amarter." b&ll IMJD, under Co.tch Jack Er- rion , continued ala wuuunq atreak after ita eole loea to Waz- ren with victori .. over Foothtll and Coeta W.... (57-45). The S.. wqa traJ.led the Nuataoqa by eiqbt wath only llX DUDut• left, but then a com- bmabon of un_proved ahoobnq, touqh clelellM, and the l.ader· ahip of retunU.nq .U-CIF per· former Mike H .. turned the qame in favor of CdN. ln the fourth quarter, CdM hit 12 of 13 b .. thzowa, whale Mesa only COJlllecled on one of nme. "It'a been neceMary to anawer 10~ qu .. hooa tlua summer," Mid inion. "We ahowd anawer all of them aucceafully. We have a Jot of tecluuque work to do .a we have traed to stress a number of different thmqs every time." "H .. has played reasonably well. He rallied the team well aqaioat Mesa. tiDq to be an excellent defender an addthon to hu hne shootanq. But be hu been up and down." The Sea IC.mqa wall open playoti action Thursday after playmq Untveraaty Tueaclay RONNING ON by Doo Logan Former UC lrYLDe runner Ralph Serna won the 6th race lD the 11-race Chma Cup S.nes, the Nautllua Plua Anruversary 101t at Ma.aon Park in llVlDe Serna's tune on the 6.2-mue courae wu 30 mtnutes, 24 seconds. Serna wu followed by AUred Roeu in 30:27, and Clune Cup S.ri• leader Armando Cende- JU in 30:52. ShaDnoD Stryker oJ Tuahn fuuahed 67th overall lD 38·59 to In by U.OWeaael Today aa deat1Aed to b. • b.q day for former U S and world cb.ampaon powet boat raoer Bet- ty Cook of Coeta W.... u abe competea LD the e1qbt.b annual Benl.bana Gzand Pru m PoUlt Pleaaa.nt Beach, New Jeraey CooJr will b. dnvanq a 38-foot Scarab u her famous catamaran, the WlCHD.OB UGHT, ts underqotng modilic•· hooa Her past honors anclude b.anq the hrat woman to achieve the world htle LD November, 1917, after b.ahnq 17 compahtora and WLDDlDCJ the aa.me htle LD 1979 Cook alao won the U S c bam- paonsJup an 1978, 1979 and 1981. The 1982 raCLDQ aeuoo baa produced four dillerent w1nnen 10 far, mcluchng Cook, a..od she bolda aecoDd place m the pre· .. nt otfahore Clus I (Open) pomt stanchnqa wath 850 poants World cha.mpaon Jerry Jacoby of New Yo1k leads the stanchnqs wath 1,000 pomts. The thud placehold.r aa Howani ~. wbo bu • S2S tuqh poual llt&ll· <hn9. "We're m MCOOd place, bold.mq b.clt ten.aclouaiy ... Cook u •d of bez cuneoJ reoord "Ira not qood enouqb, but 1t's oby." Cook'a amqle WlD th11 J.U took pl.ce belund the wheel of WJCHELOB UGHT Apnl 3 OD Lake Pontchatratn, New Orlea.na. Thll wu the bm race of the y.az and her brat Wichelob-apon.ared race The race wu held lD hoot ol an audaence of approxt.ID41ely 200,000. Cook's catamaran, aver&QlDCJ a speed of 81 3 mph. luu.ahed almoet two aules ahead of the aecond place boat CooJr's crew constsla of John Connor, who handles throttl•. and 17-year veteran D1c k Clu& of Long Be.cb, who nav1qat .. the boat The w.ather outlook for the Bentbana LD the put hu raoqed from two-or lbrM-foot awella to foq, uw1 ~ and au-foot ..... MARINE SCENE Roc;Jer S.. of Fullerton Col- leqe and Dave Gleuon of Oraoqe Cout were named the county'a top meD's aDd women's co.teh .. , r"pechvely. See co.teb" Fullerton's men's b.ultetba.ll squad, and Gleuon co.achu occ·. women's caqeu . The Sailors will next meet w .. tm.uuter at Huntmqton Beach, Tuesday at 6 p. m "Greq Wynn has hat some clutch ba.altets He's not QOlDQ to be a sconnq leader, but he does well both offenstvely and defen- savely. Wln the women's dtvtaaon of the by Mary Wagner Desaqn Reqatta wh1ch ran lOK. PattJ Hellerud was aecond Thas 11 the lime of yecu when samultaneously with the Ba.xter The Corona del Mar basket· "Dave Va.nSteenhuyae 11 qet· m 41·19. one-des1qn racanq s.ulors are Bowl a.s one of the th ree reqatt.u More thaD 350 runners hmsb-gethnq tuned up for the baq to decade the eaqht boata that ed the race, among them Kern event-a fleet, nahonal or w1ll qua.hly to compete m the I t- Dudley oJ lrvane, who won the world's champaon•hap Wath the chells 22 world's champaonahip Beasley and Scribner became the third duo to share the men's Scott Rune Speedy Mile garls' 14-and-under dtvaSlOn Ul added Impetus of the pre Ln San Francaaco LD September. Former UC Irvine track alar the very same track 44.30; Bobby Capora.so, a sum-Olymptc Reqatta comtnq up to Scott Muon of NHYC racmq honor amce the awards were eala.b!Ubed tn 1976. Steve Scott ran the second Scott baa taken an understan-mer restdent of Irvme who took Los Alam1tos next month, the au SPJnl fmahed to the bra1 spot, f .. t-t -''e ever '--t ~eeL, d-L) ,,L__ N h second LD boys' 14-and-under OlympiC class bo.sta have even lbck Hawthorne from Voyaqen ... w.u I4S -~ eu~ • U&.&.DQ to orway u e Buketball standouts Ray Orqill (Ora.nqe Coast) and Ron O.Vll (Cypr ... ) abued the award tn 1979. Bulcetballer Kevin Maq" (S.ddleback) a.nd swimmer Bill Babashoff (Golden w .. t) were co-winners an 1980. Water polo and swimmtnQ st.u, IWe Hard..ty oJ Cypress, took the aw&rd laat year. 3 -·"'utes, 47._69 ·-on.J-.... h f th £ •--watha 46.07m b11 hnt road more reason to be compehng Yacht Club an Prowess wu ... ........... ....... u.a ~ now aa two o e tve lCI.IIIest Oslo, Norway. mal ltm hu Hi race, and Otto Reed of llVlne, cond and Tun Hogan of NHYC John W-•Ler of New 7 __ 1 ...... d • 81 iD lory. 1 who was second 1n mens' 40-44 Therefore there was a qood 10 Cle»e Encounters fmahed a.u. ~..... 3:48.53 aa bed for fourth on the hruahed second 10 3:49.08 and all-time U.t wath Sebastian Coe. watb a 38:53. turnout of Star boosts, aJl Olym thud. Ray flynn of Irel· ... d wu •L'rd S Ov • B h A SIC race was held before the pac class boat and Ben MltcheU Another amportant racmQ ...... uu teve ett 0 1 ntaiD 61 aole mam event. Kevm Jacoba fmtsb-of Cahforma Yacht Club lopped event the Santana. 35 dtatnct Ln ~:?t:;zllme wu Ju•l 0_36 poaesion of thard with bia ed tirst an 15:40 The brat a hot fleet an lbe tmportant B.u· champtonsrup was aJ.o ...Ued aeconda oU the world malk ... 1 3:4&Sc.40 lD 1981. woman was Donna Flegle, who ter Bowl Reqatta SAUed at w1th Gordon Graham of South -ott, who uved LD Newpor1 was 58th overall Other wtDners Newport Harbor Yacht Club Jut Shore Yacht Club fmtshmq an lui year by Sebastian Coe of Beach and atteDded UC lrvme Bnt&tn lD a tune of 3:47.33 where be accumulated four mcluded Lo1s Curl of Costa weekend Ma.dc Reynola,. of San bnt place Beasley and Scn.bner were Scott smashed ha own Mesa, 93rd overaJI and lust m Oteqo Yacht Club hnashed lD DouQ Teuhe of Balbo. Yach t aelected from a stronq beld of Amencan recozd of 3:.S.53, ~!:~~:~:~r:: ~~;;;n womens' 30-39 w1th a 21·22, and the second spot and Chudc Seek Club LD Breo.Jcer won the Sa.n- commw:uty colleqe athletes whacb he set JUSI 10 daya eather in becom.uaq the fut .. t auler of BLll Ntce of Newport Beach, who of the bact club lm11bed th•rd tana 20 compehhon and GutoJl (ContiDued 011 paqe 10) I at the annual BliMt games on all w.u hrst 1n mens' 60-plua. the The Etchells 22 fleet (ColltuuMd ao ~ 10) -----------------------------------------------------------nm __ e_. ____________________ ~l_OO_t_h_f_•n __ ts_h_e_r_ln __ 2_1_·44 ____________ d_e_s~tq~n_a_t_ed __ t_h_e_N_H_Y __ C __ On __ e __________________________ r-w-____ __ ,.------------~------------------------------------ , Pajd Adverti.Mment • I ctr nie AM re1 Just Lie h re and Usmg the muscl~ slamulator. com bined w1th 810 Health C~nter ·s lavorate d1~t . Brad Aspan went from a saze l8 pant to Slle lO 1R jUSt 2.., w~ks His mother ~orma saw s1 matar results tsaze 12 to saz~ 81 1n the same 18 day peraod Th~se ar~ JUSt t"''O ol the many successful & h•PP> 8ao H~alth C ent~r customers That's why people are flocka.n& to 8ao Health C~nt~r on 17th Stre~t 1n Costa Mesa and becomang reJular partiCipants of ~~~ctro na c exercase wtth ama11ng results Th~ pranctple b~h1nd thts ph~nomenon ts stnucht forward In a so called · voluntar) contractaon, that lS to Sl) durin& e .. eryday mov~ment. the bratn s~nds a sagn.al akm& a n~rve to th~ "motor )Oint" ol a musde Th1s sagnal , samalar to a weak ~lectnc current. ts a messace to the muscles to contract In ~lectro muscular s tamulataon at Bao H•alth c~nter . ~lec-t~s In tb~ form ol conducti ve r ubber pads are placed on the surface of the skm over the motor points or •• maJor muse~ aroups When a very "eak el~tron1c curl"ftlt t.s .Apphed throu&h the pads. tbe ')atnal bnds il~ way thro"'b lbe slun to tht>~e motor po1n\a and C'a usn the muscles to contract. JUSt as af at had rc-c~1ved a sa.cnal from the brain Duran& the-t'Ontrac\aon of thes~ must"le!\, the muscl a~ at'tually expendana en~ru and do1n• th~ work Patrons of Bk>·Hullh oftt-n eomm•nt that lM exercue fHb thorou,h and r.ally worits tbe enUre myade M t $61 you have-to try at to appredau at Ooetors au U\at 4' minutes or stlmulataon 1s equivalent t.o 800 to 1 .~ lit-~ and lor '-• rat.SeS Despite tiC'r<'lllnl your muacl IDO·l .JOO tames 1n t.s mU.ut • penom feel M pa"' d~•DI trutJMftt and m t docn eveo fed dual famthar J.o.l"eei!!IKS Uke lft DOf'mal eurttae. TtM t"urr.. IUIDYiata rircWalloa ... c .. at lM taaM UIDf '* lM •.clll 01 ...... pn .. rtl ... toalaa. llo·H••H .. Ceater partkif ., ........... ...... aM ftllllin& ol OM!lr IDUIC ... ... ... ,, oH•• arur Ute lit • 1n BIO·Kealt.h c~ter is currenUy treatina men and women from the aces ol ll to 11 yean old Some rom~ to Sao-Health Center JUSt for the exerciSe firman1 l.lP thetr flabb) must'l~s and 1mprovane lh~ar overall body ton~ Oth~rs . who are over wel&ht. combm~ Uus ~let'troruc exerctse w1th 810 H ~alth Centers favonte daet program allowma a substantaal weacht and anch loss At first people say tt feels stran&~ and are ama.zed at how thoroughly 11 ~x~rcases the musclt>S Then they ~lax and proer~s~1 vely work throuch thetr 4 ~ m1nut~ treatm~nt Aft~r-. oirds persons ~xperaeM~ a ftve mmute r~laut1on cycle th4lt feels ltk~ a masaa1e Doctors are sendin1 th~ar pattents to 810 Health Cent~r for l hts out'l tandtnl ex~rc1se procram In some cues. these persons are unabl~ to do normal eurc1se due to back •nJury, etc . allowang them to now exercLH muscles for the first tame an \'e4lr S 8ao Uealth C~ot~r has a nomanal t'har1e to try t has -.onder machtn~ On your ftrSt v1s1t a tra1~ tK'hnactan wall do 4 full ~t ol body measunments then let )'OU he atop a padded table for trutmtnt that wall tab approximately 4.S manuta Duf'ln& Uus bmt the technlelao wall ~ute you further on what as trampmn1. which 11ves you furth~r understaadiDI of tbe ~nsallOnS you a~ '"hill Aner )'OW rarst tnatmut. the tubnacaao will remeaaure • rakwate 0. .... ~. Fusl ume l.lS~rt luaft e~ ••ct. loa varyaq from 2" to I " overall Tbu d\ante b pr1maraly eaUMd by tht toniq of tM muscle due to the exteMI ve ueniae " has JU~t tomP'eled. Thls lJpe ol equ_lpment hu be~n WHtely GHd tn both the mt'CIIcaJ r~kt ud m arua of proless.anal porta In medlclne. eleetronl<' sttmulaHOft bu t>Hn wadely used '" .. oapltala for Ute r•·•dutatio• ef paraiJ&ed nuaa.ta. 1A U.. cas•. wllten vt\luatarJ eaerclae la lmpoqi ..... \ ........ "'*-"• autfatHute for eleetrltal ltiiD ulatloft "' c a••• or • X re1 parapl~11a or hom1pteaaa followinc a stroke. electro muscular stamulataon u m valuable ror preventang 1065 ol tone or atrophy 1n aHet't~d musciH Other areas of medtcal us~ tndude the tr~atm~nt of bed sore~ by amprovane muscl~ ton~ and blood carC'ulation ln Sports, hamstnne. muse~ strain and other IDJUraes hav~ ~en treated by doctors -.·athout. rtsk Top soct'er clubs an Europe have lone known the beneftts of muscl~ stamulation an the treat m~nt of muscle and h&ament lnJUTies Th~ pracllcaJ .td vant.aees of greatly redUClnJ th~ tame spent by top play~n 1nactave du~ to IOJUr) l'an be tm aa~ East Europeans became the foremost uponent.s of el~ctm•al -.t1m ulat1on for muscle power lraantng Other countrte'> are usana mus de st1 mulat1on lo tram ever) type of athl~te from the enduran<'~ nudf'd by lona dtstant'e runn~rs to t-llplos1ve power requtred b y '>Printer' .tnd h11 h Jumper~ Th~ fasteM &Jrl 1n the world. Anaella Ta)lor for t'Xample us~" mu c le sl1mulat1on an traanm& El«tront<' ex~rC'ase. bow~ver ts not for ~v~ryone The stimulation t'ould tnt~rfere wtlh paeemakers worn by persons with h•art dlseas~. prepaJ" womtn and penoos who ~any m•tal 1n thear abdom~ns bKause of sura~ry Loq 10M are lh~ days wben <"ontrol of ulorae Intake wu behevtd to be the only w.,. to keep tft shape Mode"' lhu.bnl now COIK"ludel that ue~be as an essential fartor '" tiM quest ror total bo4y ......... Bto-heelth Cent« in C'o"u Mha 111'10 'lp«tah&t•S an CKh.r Europnn ronnpe.a whK"h indud C'f'Uulltt" Control and ll V A Tanrung a.d" and l-:qu1pnwnt and a Mw mu"C'w buti<Mr H vou want to tw rnot'e actav• ali,.. and haw a p.t lookU\1 bodv without the drud of ttrt'n~ ~.caM and uncomfor- Lebie dJel procram ln on the a«ion and uy sJvina Blo-HIII.lth Ctnt.n on 17th in C.u M a caU nt•l &.t6·7717. es For You Kelly Young is tn her bathing su i t , catching up on the local news, while her machme is keeping her 1n shape with it s etectr.cal empulses The familiar sign of Bio.Health Center on 11th Street In Costa Mesa conveniently located in the Von's Shopping Center. ·' t Pn•t•' 10 Wc-dnr•,.tny July t4. 1982 Th~ Nt"wpflll Ens1qn (CoatiDued bola~ a) Other• nom.naled .ncluded: Doug Ryb1ck1, a oolfer from Cyprea, Larry Jackson, a runo- ang back on fullerton'• 1981 footbAll team; T1m R1ley, a wr .. tler from Golden w .. t; and Greg Terry, a water polo player from Santa Ana. Beasley, a 6-2, 185-pound guard/forward wh o prepped al Costa Mesa Htoh. wa• the leadano acorer tn Oranoe Coun- ty '" 1982, averaomg 23.4 pomla per game. He was named the South C04St Conference's "player of the year," and wa.s also named to the all-stale team selected by the Cahfornta Com- mumly College Coaches A.s.soctaho n . The OCC alar became the South Coast Conference's all- Athletes hme leadang .:oTer 10 '82, t&lly - lng 320 pomts. He aurpaued the old conference mark of 284 potnts, set by C.rnloe College'• Ron ICruadhof m 1972 BN.aley averaQed 26.7 pomta p4tr game 10 South COast achon. The highest prevaous sconng average was 24.9, aal by Cer- r&loa' Al Fruhwtrlh 1n 1974. Scribner was the M1ssaon Con- ference's most valuable lennas player to 1982. The classy southpaw woo the conference h- lle in both smgles and doublet. Scnbner was the Southern Cahlorota doubles champton, and fioashed second 10 the alate m smgles. He was a stale semtfinahsl 10 the doubl.s com- petition. The La Jolla Htgh graduate led Saddleback lo the M&Uaon Conference Iitle, the Southern C4.ltfomaa ftegaonal ToumameDI champ1on.ahap, and a aac:ood· place hnub m the stale tourna- ment. It marks the hrat hme that a Southern Califom•a school h .. hn11hed amono the state'• lop two tHms to the put 12 yean. Ltdyoff becomes the hftb Golden w .. t College athlete tn a row to win the female athlete of the year ward. The 5-10 sophomore from Warren High 10 Downey w .. a middle blocker and biller. and led the Rustlers to two succ ... tve Southern Ca.Womia Conference titles. Lidyoff w .. the Southern Cal Conference's player oJ the year as a freshman and sophomore, and was named to the all-slate team lbts past season. z w Orha of BYC In Ahndo hruahed first 10 the Solano clau w1th Bob Barman and Jam O'Donn•l of &baa Corlnthaan Yacht Club commo ln eecond. 125 h<>.t1 turned out for the dinQhy rae .. maide the harbor and trophy wanner• were: L•do 1-4 I P•ul Blan~ (SSYC). 2 Ch.d Tw1tc hell (lfYC). 3 Dudley Jo hn10n (BYC) L.tMr A I David Fr•ucu (liYC), 2 Jerome Norman (BCYC). 3 Rod Turner (BCYC( Luer 8 1 Mall Pukenao (NHYC), 2 R~•o• Perker (NliYC). J Jell G ould (!IYC) S..bot A -I Paul Nonno (HHYC). 2 N1ck GrMoway (HHYC(. 3 Ttm c-1 (BCYC), 4 N •lre McK•nnon (!IYC) s.bot 8-Jefl Nerho (lfYC). 2 Aon Schock (NHYC). J Steve St.eoberq (HHYC) S.bot C I Jell Sm1th (NHYC) 2 lo ry TWill (lfYC ) 3 w.n •• Frwodenckson (BYC) 4 H•lt.11 Bunnell (LIYC) M.ltrix Cuts ................ S 15 l: 0 ~ POI9JRIS f~~MUno S ConclticMq & Color .. .. . .. . 25 Fol, Sun Struq .......... 145 Perms, Cut & S Coedition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 LENNY/S oe z w l: "' 0 ~ z o· _J < V' _J For Hair and Skin featuring • INDIVIDUAL HAIRSTYLING • COlORS. PERMANENTS ._ ... ..,_ MANICURING SERVICES EUROPEAN SKIN CARE t.,..inTMaJ AIMMat 0. M•dal, Special• HAIR DESIGN 675-0823 < ...... MZ-6212 ~~'t tlh.t\ "''''"' ""'tlh.tl 2333 E COAST HWY "Commul'iution Is The key" CORONA DEL MAR you an alcoholic? 0 ...... < 170 rMT 17TH ~T COOTA Mf'AA Jeff Lord headed lt.. Outa1de Rac.e Commilt• and Pal Scrugq. the lnaid. R.~ Com- miltM. • • • Modeled after the famed Con qr ... ional Cup Match Race, the Govetnor'a Cup W.tch Race for uilon age 15 to 20 wUl be rae· ed thi.a wMk at B.lboa Yacht Club. Team• frorn yacht chabe all over Southern Cahfornia are expected to compete and racanQ will begin on Wedneaday. SOUTH SHORE YC HJ.POUfT IEJUEI HO. H ftace 4 PHRF A-I Srchwmdet, R1oh•rd Bluet (BCYC). 2 Mo •m•,.tum Peter Tono (SSYC): 3. T•qress, Gtl KnudNn (SSYC) PHRr 8~ I 8 /ueb.rry Mulhn, laren Muon (BCYC), 2 Aloha 0 , G .. nn Reed (SSYC), 3 !'olean . hm u,. (SSYC) • SORD A-I E T1cltet, Gary Chand.l•r (SSYC), 2. Defiance. Ri<:h Nowlmo (SSYC), 3 Sa/ocJOU$, R~c:hard Scht.e- tnQer (SSYC). SORD 8-1 Mmole, &aJr Hu~Nnn (8YC), 2 Pu~r Tt~r. Dtelr &leh We Keep You Smiling . (SSYC). J ,,,,.. Jl,. '·• ''''" J,,.. OrMoblett (SBYC} Race ~ '~'A 1 r,., ........ 2 H., ...... , . Je,, Woultuo (SSYC) J ,.,,., •. ,,, R H..a.ti(DPYC) PHRF 1-I Sw.do G r•h•m G•v•to• (SSYC). 2 Al·lllu II 3 /u~t Plu ., Cm~~ Don ICrot" (SSYC) SORD A-1 E Tt< ko•l, 2 So/{lt t• "'· J 0./IOIOC. SORD a-1 p.,,,. 1 r ,,. . 1 M , ,,. 3 s .. "-~"''· Dennl8 ROMnfll (VYCI lo<'• I PHRP A I l'lyt•• I c. J. ' R.ct. Cronholm (SSYC), 2 Ruh\i £.,1<f~ • Cit II Jellu• (SSYC), 3 O.•b· ''""· Dtd-Ruull (SSYC). PHRP 8 -1 Ju,, Plu"' c,.~, 2 An •"' 1/, 3 Alt~ha II. SORD A-I Gumblf••, 0 1d Sew.ud (LSP); 2 I Ttc:ft,.t. 3 So/or•· II> SORt> 1-1 Mun> M"·h.-.w u>. 7 Mmule, 3. Alper T'9''' UPCONING EVENTS- Voyagers Yac ht Club waU holds Us loqard S.ra81 No. 5 on Saturday and Lido Isle YC will boat the All Gjrls Regatta and Bahia Corinthian YC will holds its Anoleman Race No. 4 on Sunday. PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p.m. All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETEAT. SMAECEK. JR., DDS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 104 Newport Beach I next to V ict.oria Station) 'lak•· tamt' to <Ht"'"''r th~ <tm-:-.tioll!-o a:-hum...,tl~ a!- ~~~u t'<lll. Tlw n·-.ult .. ma~ -.urpri..,.· ~ou. 'E~ '\o Jl., '"" J,..,. 111n•· frum "'''rl.. •lu~· lu dntti..IIIL!' 0 0 ' 1-rlrtttl..ll•;.! "'·'""'J! \11ur Jt,.tn•· ltf,. u~thJI'I" 1 0 0 \-\\\We're the ~IMiv 1),, \1111 olrtttl.. lwt ,lll--t' \IIIJ ,1n· •h\ "'lth 111 1..-r f~t'"l'lo· 1 I· .lrtlll..ttlj! .tffn·t111f! \IIUf r••put.tll11111 -1 11,1\ ,. \11\1 f'\l'f ft•lt fi'IIIHf'f' ,tflt'r drtlllUtt).! 1 '' 11.1\, '1111 ::~~11•·11 "''" f,JI,III!'I,tl .It lilt uhw .. .J- ·' r•··11h .. t dn11IUIII!' -I),. \11\1 tnr11 '" J,.,.,.r • ""'1'·1111"11• .uul .111 tttlt r tur 'II\ trnllllto'lll "'Ill' II drtul.tu;(! DO DO DO DO DO :, I 1~~··· '""r rlr•nl..111!! 111.tl..•· '"" • .lrt'l,-.. .. 11! 0 0 '""' 1..11u h • ,.,.lf.tr•' 'I II.•· '"'" .111tl11ltnll tin r•·,, .... ,J •Ill• ,. olnul..utj!' 0 0 It I I)., \1111, r ". ,1 .Jr1111.. .11 ,, .1.-tulll• II ttl•' .t.uh ' 0 0 DO 1~ p ,., •• tr111 1.,111!!, .. , .. \1111 111 h.a\t dtlfltlllh 0 0 Ill •It o 1'111!!' I I ll.1• , .. u r , llu 11 n•' ,J, • n ·., .... ,J •Ill• ,. tlrttti..UIJ!! 0 0 (01 ~ SAVIlHIS AD FOR AH EXAM*TION) ATHLniS & JOGGIRS Are Not The Only People With FOOT and Sports Medicine • Bunions • Ingrown Naill • Hornrnertoes • Coms-Coloule$ • Worts • AtNetic trfuties • Heel pan • Ambulatav Foot Surger{ • MEOtCAA£ ASSIGNWNTS ACctPTW creators of timeless beauty £fj, clMsY~ ,..... .nd !!~In c.. s.ton Indulge yourself you de erve ltl Facials . . . . . . . . . . . $30 Full Leg Wax . . . . . . . $30 CeUulite Wrap $25 Sculptured Nails $45 Pedicures ...... . . . . . . $18 Linen Wraps • • • • . . . . . $30 Individual Lashes . . . . . $18 ----II I·''"''""':! I' "l'·lfdllllt;.! , .. ur J"l' ur l.u .. ut• ..... ' 0 0 I"• II.·'"'' .Into!..'" • ·• 'I" tr .. lll "'"rrt•'• ur 1 r .. ul•l• • DO DO $5 Bring in this coupon and receive $5 off 5 any of the above mentioned services I 1t 1),. '"" .t,.ul.. .t~~~~· ' 17 11,1\t \IIIII \• f l111l .1 oiiiiiJ•I•to·ltt""''' lllf'llltlf\ ,,. ·' rt'•lllt "' dttlll..lll:,!' Ill 11 .•• \11\lf t""""'-111, ,,., IH·-•I••tl \1111 lur """""';.!' I'' l~t· '~~" .t•11•l.. , .. t .... t.t ''I' , .. ,.r ·•·tl I otlll ltlt II!' ' DO DO DO ~~~ 111\1 \otll I\ • f ,,..,II l11 I "''"J'II,tl flf llt,llltoi\HII 0 0 .... ·". """' "' dtllll..ttl:,!' -------------------------··--· ------~ If \ttll .111•\\l'fl'il \t.._ Itt ,Ill\ UIH' ttf tlw Cflll'llttl\ ... l.t~t· 11 .t ... 1 \\,11'11111~-If \Htl .ltl-.\\t're-tl ~· ... tu h\tt, \tttl """ ht · au :~lt·oholit·. If'"" aU-\\t'rt-tl "' tu tim .. · ur ;non·.'"" prol-.tltl~ art· au ttl4-.•huli;._ \\hat t',lll \ "" ·I··~ ( ~.u c~m·\ uil. ( ~m·l ttit , .. tlw uu .. lit·alh .. "I"'" j.,.."l al•-.•huh .. m .uu I alru~ l n·atuu·ut 1'"-;!ram tlmt ............... rulh tr•·al .. "" •n · p• .. •ple• &lum nn~ ntlwr pri' ah· P""',!ram '" •uloalti•·- Hul he·fun· lrt•almt•ut •·•m h•~•itt. \utt h•n•· lu e·all. r . '1(, lui A· JH'~IIItll~\' u·it/a mw of'""' t'llllll'14'1uf'-t 'tl/1 "'"' ltH't" ( lll'f'l ,;, .,, HtN,..U2-H ti: 2011 Westcliff Dr .. Suite 5 (11•, & Irvine In W•sfcllfl Medico# lulldlng) NEWPORT BEACH f~venlne Appolntlftent Av•ll••••l 0... Cotlpo•,., O.s.,_, 720-181 0 fOood tltrot4•1lJuly31. IM:lJ $5 2814 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar 5 .... ~ .......... 01HI·II·V~IAVAMA8LI 6 Blown Wine Glasaa Absolutely fREE When you open o PASSOOO« A~T with S500 ANNUAL YIEW ANNUAL RATE A/Jo FREE COFFEE 4 CC>OKIES e FREE JAR OPENERS UMiliD OJRI WHilllliM. Y lAS1"l. OM SlY fU c:usro.o. • AV4tv.IU tO CAllf'OINIA llllaHYSONL Y. • - -A .., .... "Ar attt 2811 ~ 11 • Tue ... rea thfc Roc c... Pl&i Phc: 1.1 c. ... Hel Brit N. (97 incl Sin Chi Sa1 Ma d'-' ref1 .. .... "" R. eer We -Sui Int. ,. 4d ••••" tt.tlar Art ~tedMthe Mull-ie offwtng I Orenge County Feir. .,,_ ... exhlbfta number of c'-el for ~ interwted In ~from klde, In four-week ... memberlhip «*"~ find "Anonvmoue JourM!a" alone, July &-30 and out about them there or It the Abtaua Gallery. Auguat 3-27. Coeta contact them at P. 0 . 2815 VIlla W1y, vary. Information: Gail Box 1294, N.wport Newport Beach. Hours: Theroux. 75&-1122. Beach. 92883. 11 a .m.-5 pm., ........... Itt Tuesday-Saturday. c ................... ..... .,.Cboodt ......... C.. w;11 be holding an recent worb on exhibit C••••tl• at a "Island Holidey'' through July 17 at monthly dance luncheon 11 :46 a.m. Roochet, 200 Newport tpOnaOred by the Wedne8day, July 21 It Cent• Drive. Design Newport Harbor · the Airporter Inn in Ptau, Fuhjon Island. Chapter City of Hope, Irvine. All women are Phone: 7fJ0...6Z17. 7:30-11:30 p.m. invited to attend. Co.t Sunday, July 18, at the is $6.50; call Mr~. Jim Lecture~ Sheraton Newport. $4 Dority 544-2921 . donation, free parxing. c .... a.. ...... &.o.Arllll ........ . ............. ,.... at Advanced Ton1as•••n C.. .._.th Center. 1300 Con 1 w1 with WiUiam to hold a luncheon Bn.tol Str•t North, Van Overeem and Eric meeting 11:15 a.m. Newport Beach Wright. Woraa by Dahl, Monday, July 19 at the (975-0700•. and topics Poulenc , Villa Lobos. Balboa Bay Club, 1221 include: "Being Bach and Reiche 8 p.m. Coast Highway, Single -A Carousel of Thursday, June 8 in Newport Beech. Choice~". 6 p.m. UCI's Fine Arts Concert Anyone interated may Saturday, July 17. Ann Hall. $6 general. t6 call Christel Schar It Mertln leads the seniors and students. 640-4266. dilc:uuion. $3 includes refreshment•. ..................... COMtlllaea..• 0011 I lrt playing all •·-•·rtlhwomen ....... The your favorlt• by Jimi will meet 8 p.m. .... ......... HendrilC, Beatlea, Who, Wed~y. July 14 In .............. by Stonea, Zepplin, etc the Community Room R. Grant Powert, 9:30a.m. TUIIdav. of Merit Savfnga and e«ttfied rotfer 7 p.m . June 13 in OCC's Fine loin, 5382 Walnut. Wedneldly, July 21 at Artl Hall 119. Tickeu Irvine. All ar11 "NOmen -EMt 17th Street. are •2 presale. $3 at the interNted lhould call Suite 221 , Costa Meu. door. 897-2466. Information and TheA ....... aen CoronedeiM• ...... reMrVItiona: ~7661 . ........... willbe 8ohool Clall reunion, GeoffreyS MOTOR CAR AND AIRPLANE DETAIL FOR THE VERY BEST PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT•INCREASE RESALE VALUE WAX NOW DON'T REPAINT LATER A UNIQUE FIVE COAT PROCESS PICK UP AND DELIVERY•ONE DAY SERVICE (7 14)635 -6766 10 YMf'l f01 the dial of 72, ce6ebrltlon it Slturdey, July 31 . Reunion committee: 84&-1812. ...... " ...... Lawft ...... Ciub plays In tournaments. makee vilita and has fun days. Meetings at 1660 Crown Drive. C01one del Mar . Information: 7!&9966. c..... .... ................ Art Museum shows classics 7 and 9 p.m. on Friday, July 16 and Friday, July 30. Se&ection is wide- ranged and the cost is only $1 for kida under 12 (accompanied by an adult • end $1 . 50 for students. seniors and NHAM members. General admission is $2. lft T.....-Dft 1 group f01 recently wtdowkf men end women ..-. 1ng 1Upp0tt and new friendl mMtl 3-6 p m. ev..-y ThUf'ldly It OASIS. in Corona del Mar .............. J., .... will Ulllt Crippled Children'a Society with a h•rbor cruise 3 p.m. 5 p m Wednesday, July 14 Newport lhech Chllp.., of Hadassah will ho ld ita first coffee of the 1982-83 year 10:30 a m. Wednesday, J uly 28 ar the home of Marge Shane . Resrva tions must be made, call Clarice Anschel. 7~ 1956, or BenJ• Green , ~5244 UCI F ... 8odety screens a bunch of good pictures. c heap, 8 p m. every Saturday an Science lecture HaJJ Admission is $2. F1lms I ( II\ \ \ \ I \ 11 '\ "' \ \ '\ t ) l '\ I ) l I{ Coming to ORANGE COUNTY SOON THE NATION'S LARGEST CLOTHING SALE fOR WOMEN S'J " AND UNDER Save SO o/o or more uti H )l.Uf.Jr rt't.llf prt~ t''- ,>nd J' lllUth J' 80°'o fill .J' t·nurllll'll' '-t'lt•l t11•n .n '"t''-I t• ~ * '\,()l -\l)\~RThl:l) lll THf l'l Rl.l * t\P\.11~-,It )'\, H 'I I'-\ 11 -\ T 1<. '' 1 )"\' ~ * TO RECEI\ E 'I OL R 1"\ \ l f -\111 )"\ JH ll I{"\ COl PO\. "\0 L '\TfR fH'\"\ Ill) •n fOR WOMEN s· J" AND UNDER Box o08-E T cmrlc C 1t ~ C. '\ d I -~l) '\\11 \I 'I ...... " The Mewpcwt !Dalg• WecSDMday. Jwy 1•. lta Pop aa f01 J uly tnelude: -J uly 17; "Yojimbo" by Akwa Kuroeawa. (Japan, 1981' ......... Ca•••••• at a monthly dlnce lpoOIOred by the Newport Harbor C~pter Ctty of Hope, 7:30-11 :30 p.m Sunday, July 18, at the Sheraton Newoort. $4 donation. free parxmg. .. concena by the ..... featuring OCC •natrumental groups are hetd 6 p. m 8V81Y Sunday at the Balboa Park Pier Free ruiUC M>T1C[ Uf'IU l'lCTTTIOUIIWSDri:SS •Ala I T A TDIDfT ft.. JatJ..,. ·"'4 s-~ .,. .. -.c, •·~•-.. AUIPCIIT Tf.AVU 1l6i C: •"'~>'"• No 10, "-' le.c~ CA :adl60 C(ae41•J s.,,. I• • C • .kk.ra-. 'IKi'.~"". ..._ c •• P'o4 No .cu H._,..,, .._ • CA ~ r-. .• ..._~A-• __,.ad .. .._ eG ~>r • "' P ,,., .. ,. S.oa..s Wr~ 0 Wd~t Jllr.,...d.nt CCW~•'• s,..,,. lor T'-•• ... ,.,.... .. .. t,..d ••'tr~ ,... C ~"'•'• c•r~ t rJ•••;;,.. Ct...-otv .. c. I ..... JCJ I., '•bl-, •• , 1 •• l. ,, .llltJ • r M Ntt ... JIOtl l n-.qiJ ,IWJ-48CJ HLJn rvUK: ltOTICl: ncnTIOUI IUSIJIDI IIAJR ITA TIJUifT r,. kllki•·"9 ,.,..,. ~• ~q b ,.,,_ .. IIAtl PIIOOUCTlVIIS i 'l ........ ,.... c .... M.·~;), a...c.. t" A •21450 A. h • W ' ,..,.*' ~ s-.... "'•'•·..:1 C .. r ,..._~ t a...c.-CA. •i6& .......... lt... . 'WI.-4. ..., o. •"' • 1 • .s .... l Sqt~ed " ... W r ·••• ~"\ t .... tnt~ ... I ed, • ... lfWI C "'" ., C'-•• c:.t "Jte 0* ": .a;, .-,.J .c , ........... ,.. J ) ... •• -~ • r,. • ...........,,. ~.~: • ..,. , . ~ ru-..c ltOT1CI ncnnous IOSIJIIA R...: I TATUCDfT .... ... ....... "1 .... w;.f'.. ,,. i.Q &.CJ to , "••• •• aC YA-.. =J~W!If ~IAliU5 II, 7 I C •• ""' -;:.,, • je w., ,. A ,.u~ ~ J..J.,. •od 1111 ....,.,. .. ~. ,. 1 t c"' •• .,..., c ro. .... ,. ,..,_., ~. 4.1~.~ "'"" e D ,,,..,. t .r.d ... <r•.cf •• f ;• ••• .,.., •r•"' " S J"''.cl :>...•..r: c •... ,.,. ....... ~ -·· ... . .... ......: IIOnC:I "~-..: *""" ..... 1'\(;IUIIOW-""'tll'l'trnllOiM~...,..... ._.ITA~ u.&ITATDIICII'f l • ... --.,. ....... h e """'-... ,.._ ••• .... .... .. _ -r4C'JflC ~ ,.,. --• lA f CNIZl 'ft<ITO ~ v • ,.._ S...• 1C7 ....._. ~~~ --<=-•• 0... "'•• ... C A ~1 ......._ c-jtJI "• "'-"PP" le.c• CA SOIMC ._.,,._ • .,. LA<. S... • lCrl -...,, • ._... CA lhllo '"" • CW.ioo ..... ,...,. -~ Gl.oo T ...... •• ""--I.LG r .... ......._ • ...,._.,. ... • cc.o 4:..• a.... "~" --to.c~ c. P'o...... ...... t..t.... f ... 1h _._.. ,,. ...... , ~ KJI..J.. fill it .... ._ • C"'llio4fllwf' ... t.t • Ttu• -.~w ... t • ..., • " ._., .,. ••• ... , •n~ ' ~ •~·• C~a·" c .. ,. A C.•• ~ C: ... q • C •J P•~tll • • Pe .. .d..a• I•"• t4 ,-., T• • • • .... ••• ,, .a •.. .._ ,.._ ,.__..._. 1.1.,. 1 • 4. A ' .. 4 c~ .... Cl..u .t .J'• .n C...w••• .-1 .. r. ......... IM.o •• ,..., f 112147 Nlll• '·•1-'"'• 7 • ll .:11 oll2 o ruauc; IIOTIC& r • ,....,.,, ,...,, ncnTIOOI ~ J ._ 'IIIUC M>JICI ,11ll54 JIAIUITA~ .OnctotruiUCIIUIIUIO Tu .... uuw.r Q ,..,~ • ••• 1:1.-, 1.1 ... .... •• r Nt curru H ' OI COANIZATI<oN Hfl' •tvtllll5 J'IA. .... p.. r t.-e •• Dr •• tt..p. • a..., r (.A "'~ h,...r. C N ·~· f• ~1 a..rt•~• Jrile•p. t .... J\ • fifj6(; tJ, l ,.. ..Ao"'•···· ,., "'-••....-.. • C.•" ,, Dt ·• H..'-, ... " CAu ... r .... c.......... .. .. .,. •• • -,.,., .. ,..., .... ,..,..'" $ ~ .d lw..t. W. ro•• 1• ,-,... ete •~••• ..,._. I .-d .., •• c.-.c .. ,.""" ,.. ,. -<N•'\ ...... o1 .~ ,...,.,.. 1.. • • , a . .a; ~ r .. -.....,.1....,. ·~ ru•uc IIIOTtcl ncTmOIII Mlsaas JIAIU ITA TDIIJrT T IW ..,., 4 p.nc,~ ••• 1o ..,, --.. I"H<iiooUl i4. ,._, c ..... o, ... s,..,. I'Jf, .... ......,.. hec• , A ~~ He.,....r• r...,. ., Or •• ~~•·• N ..._~, a.. ~ A "UW. Lcs t.,,.,, .t~ l&.wpor C-..o ., o,, •• ~ ... • M N.......,, ._ • CA l~ n. ...... ~ • tel• N .,,. • ~~ .-d pertl'l•r• .. J. S-4....-J W•• '•• r~. • • .... ~ ••• • 4ld • , ,.. C"' ... t.'t C: .. ,. t )te ,. C -. ~ ,. I. 'J .,.; P ... o4oa.l\ '-'" I 4 • "' r-.~ .... -u.... ,~~-~ ruiUC tiona ncTTTIOUI IUIU'al II.UU ITA 1'DUWT • \Otj • lh• ..... Aq p........ .,. 6 Q .,••·•-.. '*I.A TlUIIIltlAJI. l'tiO DOCTS ze w-Dt -~ c-• ...._ A 1.l6lf W.-#'..,. 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Saturday, July I 7 WE PAY TOP ss FOR GOOD CLEAI USED CAIEIAS 16TH ANNUAL FINE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL '\Jf'vA,0"{\0: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Martin AwtaUon I Jonn Weyne AJrport The West's Most Prestigious Antique Aircraft Judging Event piU5 8<tf10 You• CMnera o• ,.n. l)t~o109r~< EQull) r •oc i n~EE IOC>fa~SAI CAL .SCAIEW , -~o ~ttwpor Boulrv~rd .)~·~ ¥t!>4 c~ ·'01~ 9262~ (714) 64&-1313 THE MAGIC IS BACK! Comr .snd f'ntO'\r 1~ ~wdust F~st"""' tn l aguna Brac h th1\ 'ummrr lor an r•f)f'r~f'ncr you II never forgrl You II bt' wr!<omrd by 200 ,ut•sls and l ,.,ft,prople on a brautolul old ruc.tlyptu\ gro .. f' ... here-" tantast oc ~·lldtJ~ or wh•m.,ocal bulldonq, nsr~ f'4tdl yrar on ldquna Canyon tust m.nutes """'"¥from the-\uri 4nd "'.tnd En,oy the mago< "' 4111Sts anJ craft'>Pt"Qplf' demon\lratr lhr•• skills trctn\form•ng •dr.n onto fln•shf'd work., of •UI as you ,...,It h Pa rntmgs prrnts ~ulpturt' cer.sm1c~ clo1h1ng stc~mrd qldH tewt'lr~ ctnd much morr 1ts ctll he•r tu't for you You II -.rrotl along '>ctwdust p.Jihs lr~ll'n 10 a bubbling 'lrf'am a nd lf'\1 b\ a ........ h.nq pond"" ... .,ndf'lonq mu\o(oan .. r.u thf' "'' ,..,th mu\•C lhf're 1\ so much to '>C'C' ott !>awdu-.1 82 Bron•J vour famll~ and frtt"nd., tJnd shar•· the lun JULY lOth THRU AUGUST 29th 10:00 AM TO 11:00 PM EVERY DAY ADIII\18810" t t .00 KIDS UfltD£11 12 FRE£ WOH ADULT tl5 LAOO .. A CArno" aOAD LAGU"A aEACH. CALIFOa"lA I"FOR"lATIO" .,, ..... ,.,. r 0. eo• U)4. lAGQ"A MACH CA tatn • Dixieland Music • free Drawings • Free Giveaways • Refreshments • Airplane Rides • Oidtime Movies [)oflauon Sl adutta 11 SO c hildren S.12 ~1.-:f btl ~~Inc. TICKET IHFOAMA TJ()tW (1'41 §414300 co-ftpOI\-.d bfl . . . ... \ ,, ... , 9- CE TO V Harbor Lawn. long known for lS SpeaaJ ConstdefabOns 10 Veterans announces h CXJn1)6ebOn of The Court of Honor Mausoleum Oypts t01 abcMt ground ~ " you _.. en Honorabty o.scNrged veeeran of the Armed F01ces ot the UMed sa.. you.,. •.e6id ID ac:qun a Qypt(s) fOf '(OVfseff and your tpQ IM, '" The Cour1 Of Honor You ""' be ~ an Alow•a ol Two Hundred Dollars. towardS the ~ of .. lndMdull Crypt or nww ~red Oolats ~ you choose a ~ (cb.ble) ()ypt II you now own wound Propef1y,., ~Lawn. you witt be g.ven full crwdtt lor h ~you PMS. en --.on ID the alowance c1 you choose to take advantage of hi ~ VataJ•• Mll-*um Qypt Program Space II intltlld To auurw ~ apeae(t). Mill Thla Coupon T odlytt ._________ ---~-~..-..-----·· ,....,"-'llnt..,,.,.l...,= 118..-~C.. .... CA , .................................. . " gacacl ..... (~} •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ .............•••.............. ~ ~ .••...........•.•. Addlw _, ···••••·•·•·······················•···•·········••• .•...••... ~ •.••...••••...•.•••..••.••••.•.••......•..•..........••..•...•••.•• ~ ~ ~ •.••......•.•••••••.....••..••.•.........•............• -·- • th, 1.. hmbcln 'xlt'nc• R.•ttdtng Room nt'ar you Ht'rt .ue" WKk array {)I '-'Aiudble reference matcmals thtt Kmg Jamn \krsaon oetwr Bib!.? tr&nslaDons and Sctenc" and Hulth Wlth Key to the Strtptura by M.ry&kcr ~ f('V ng the Bfb&t •• ~tnoal for huling • no book has done bcton You'r wekome to tpend Dme tWfl • ~youc:a ~ICIIJC· ...-.... .... ,l:f ,f~'''l'f(~~(i flrlc:{.f(f~lti ~·I I f~~l'~rrf l ftr~~I f ir~~~ i: f rt[r :,; i !!! n ~ f rf i i ~f! 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For Sale 71 Lota and Ac r-qe 72 ~rt Property 73 aua-Property 1• locom.tCommrcl Property 75 Property Wllqaull 7t locom.tlnd~a~TUJ Property n Real lataJe Wanted/Lchanqe NOBILE HOMES 80 Nob&Je Hom .. 81 Nobile Hom .. Wanted 82 Nobile Home Prka BOATS 84 Bo.la!Eqpmnt 85 Boat Ch..rter 86 Boat Shpe AUTOMOTIVE 87 A~ato Upholatery 88 Wotor Hom .. 89 Recrtn Veb.icl .. 90 S.rvlce/ft.p&lr 91 Wotorcycl./ Nopeda 92 Btcycl .. 93 V &naiT rvcka For S&le 94 Trucb!Vana Wa.oted 95 Auto Partal Acceaaou .. 96 Auto/Trek IA.unq 97 Autos Wanted rv•uc 1110nct IIIOT1(X Or PU•uc KUJUJtC HOTICI IS HtJIDY GIVI:M <h•• ••• c,,. CwnC'•I ~Jf ll'te c.... 1 ..._._.,. • a...ctt wt.U 1\vkt • f•t.~OI " .. ttll•l ,..,..,4Jnq P'1o....-d O•d•n•n<• H .... ' t• •o AN ORDOIAHCl or THl CITY Of NEWPORT UACH AWINDINGo A PORT!Ofl O' TMI OISTJIICTINt. MAr 1110 ~ r!IOW TH[ r t DISTIIICT TO TH[ r ( ICHP DISTRICT P •"'"•"-.J C ,,.,_ ••• A...,.,..,.,., H -.74 • r.q.., .. , r • .. "'id bv ,.._, C v t H.-p·n a...c-a • ...., t p. 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TB 2:t BILP MEin'S LOS& WIIGHT NOW WAM!D 2311ELP •• ~ten-WcK ...... l l2 tv-mg Canyon Co roro a del w., C unor•tul•llun•' Yt~u h•v• w<on two Sur;.r Y11n toe lurt• c .ll67) 0550 PUBUSHD DOIS 10 to 29 lb.. ta 30 daya I.AJlH SB PU HOUR WAJCTED NOT ACCDT liability :u yow 131.75 lor 1 ..a.lin9 Avon produ.cta STVJ"PDa !STAT! I SICOND HAND JIW!.LRY a..n.d •terhnq flatware ca.t• much leu et Bentley'•. m E L7th St Ca.•• M-645 6S8S for lDCOrrect ~. moath't wpply retu.ra-Pert-tiaa.e ne•r your t-m to Mm Sl80/w"lr qr..-Ucal U~aec:w•· eel. C.U H.EJ\BAUR bo.. or IJl youJ worll -worlr. l 2 houn datly c aee, or lypo9raphtc:el ~lthibutor, Wlc belle, pJ..c. Call C.rol Sh.el-atuffoog envelop4fa enora lA a.oy edver· 645·5423. ly, !!WO-?o.l. Send tell addr•u e d t~Mmeots publwh.d lD 12 1 ... ...--e 12 JUCtn.ti<C!c. atamped. envelope t<. the Cout w.d.a& New• v~ -~ Coocord, O.pt 14 308USINESS OPPTYS l Gpirou;;p;.;. ________ ~PiEB~asoR~~-~·~WJ~-~iiiitiii~P~ERSOJW.S~~~~~--~ 18032 Leaon Dr Yurb• LLDda, 92636 ----OWN YOUR O WN * ONIItiCl"UUi 11 W011fM A 1MOUIAND WOIIDI• 21 UCENSED Jeen Sportaw..,. l.a.ta.nt (NC)MNft...::.oa.a.AaS) CHILDCARE Pret"n or t..daee Ap .... • ROOD • .,MLMY STAT! LAW RE ~•r•l•tore Ofl•nll9 al.l VAMee!IIM • 111•-OUiftiS that penon.a ; 'la.llonally ltDown bra.od.a ---. ._,_ wbo provide cbJld car,• au.ch u lordecbe, Chtc U. ttU vllual record fQf r..anc. dalliW and to~ iA tMar home be lteena 1..-lev• Va.oderbt.lt the~ Col Karclne M.ll'own. Ucensed ed For 111for .. 11oc on CalvUJ Kle1.11 W ra.oql.er .---......... how 10 obl&Ul t.cenae •n over 200 other bra.n.d.t '!~~~~~~~~.---iiil~~..,......._-----,.!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~ S1 90(} IO \16 500 In -Ora.oq• CoiLDty call cludet beq1nn•oq lD Van 23BELP (7l4)834•5172 lury &~rlate lor one 10 SPIRITUAL REA.DJMGS Ad¥1Ce r~• &Jld cowuel&AQ Adv1ce 111 ..U 11U1Iter1. 1815 S ll C am1110 Real, San Clemente L.c en.aed, 4 y~• loc&lly. 492-7298 492-to:M I ATTORNEY BANKRUPTC Y· Stop l&wawta, haruuneota - one day ''" cooaulta-hooa. bpenenced at- torney Wr N.arah, 835-8443 17TRAYELI VACAnoM TRAva.a.u. PILD Wooey Travel Un.l.uaJted -J'UIA9• u COn.tUll.a.ot. Wi.lwDI&.IIl lD· veatment (membenhu>) No compellbOA Febu· loua hM tnpe lmpor· ta.ot lrM m-llnq for IDformaUoo c..U (71•) 545-3632 S338 -8 DAYS Hawali Roundtnp au, hotel, 24- bo~ar car, bote) porter aqe C611 Gl.dt, 631-9040 Add SSO per per eon after 7 15-82 18 ENTERTAIN RED. WHJTE .BLUE BALLOONS Uau~\le, per.on&haed glft. 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To o pe rc1te o ur com -SANDAJC SHOIS p lete ltoe o f Deluxe ''HAPPY" PDT tor en H o i Food Vendmg hre la.ouly 5-y-• 9uar· M •nt-. S7 95-l 16 95 ac h1nes Usmg all D11trabutou wanted bo&tatttmq u chanqe to• I lodQlDQ Whua male , INTERVIEWER reference• La rry DO YOU I~ 15~5. 759 • 943 Nah o nc1 l Brands of 1 548.J1~. 2217 Wt.ner, Me rc hdndtse, our COIU w-. r----------· 55 very rehabla qood I m c1 ,. h 1 n e s a r e S£COND HAHD ROSI HOUSE SIT R I I ed f New a.nd lloMd men'• and • L1lt& lo T alit on Phone ' • Need Extra Monay? • HAve Tome to Spare Ate yo u Enthusta.sllc a.od Po•mva ? IFSO ... WE OFFER otapuna• p c1c tn a ctones , women'• eloth.lDQ a.od bt. IU prot ..... c.nal will sc h ools hospitals l ~c.-.nea CoDIIQn ma.Jnllln and ~ecure uour home whue you a nd IDdustnal com -ent Shop,-w 19th ' Ca.ta w-•t Pomoa. !ravel No druq• al plexe s W e supply 548 9820 I cobol •moklnq Reier enc•• Avatlable ,,, yo u With the best PHON£WATE lele September Ca lltolllrM equtpmenl, loca -pbone &AaWeiUlg m• number 1-800 5J2 1972 !to ns and produ ct c lune. S'N W1tb reaao1a ull for Pennyaaver Ad I J lOj'S149 Warra.n teed UNIQUI APART WI:NTS a11d town.bo- wuh cathedral ceilinq•, hreplac•, wet ban, a~r condohonong, pool a. MllD&ll, qym, t•onu co,.rta lmr.oed~&te •va•l able I bedroom a.od den, J bedroora, 2 bed rooaa /2 batb town bo-Sorry, no peta 2400 HArbor Blvd eo.. .._ 557-8020 LA.NDLOIDS --J ,_ advertUJU)gt Lat reol&ill and rec .. ve qu..W.aed. calla• AAA R•ntal R-t ty Ora.o9e Co u.nty'• oldeat a.nd largeet rental Mf'VICe 97J 8Jl!l WH"Y PAY MORE" Now rentonq Hunlloqton Gr•nada Apar1m•ota Pnme qa.rdeo apar1 menll nea.r b.&cb lD u .1n1tnq1o n B•a.c ba. • end rwo bedroom .1pa.ume nta lrom S425 l71 4J 84 7 6()6.c C HARM1NG I BED- ROON atud1o Very pn· vale Overlooll1nq OC-0 W a.llr IO be.c h Larqe deck I peraon only South l...equ..r~& S650 a. vall 49!l-3817 • • l orellen G rMD 1590 Surf V~ew Dnve C r on a d e l Ma.r Cvnqratul•llona1 Yo u "•"e wc.n •w" Super f un toc kMI C.JJ 673 0550 9PERSONALS SLINDER SINGLE LADY W AHTU> lor dance d••-by 1&11. •t· tr•chve w/geot, 52 Courteay aaured.. Boa 3878, Cout Wedt• News, m 1 ! Coa..t Hwy . Corona del Nar, 92625 • O.v Evenmg Sh.h~ • Part f ull T1mf' wa1ch M8367 Yo u '>upp Y 750-3791 EXPEltNCED .. ,.r.-=:1 ho ur'l per week.!·· REDWOOD 2a6 LfASE w~on v .. IO • Start S4 00 Pe1 Hr RATIS UDUCID P.tm Spf1D9t Lu•wy condo -enjOy tbe w»t mer MUOD Fully ftu nah.ed I t>.ciroom al-pa luur Tennta IWIIDmtOQ jaCUl ~ Ava.Jiable w .. keoda audw .. t or Jonq•r Lenu Ava.ll&ble July lat •nlteod C6ll after IS p aa 545-7668 or 846-3188 VACA nONan 8lq S..r 2-becirooaa coodo, pool m s.t5 rug.)U 768 7343 WAMWOTH LADS - Luau.ry condo Sleepe 4 to 8 All ..... ,.,.. ph&.t feQJUj!, jec\1.&&1, -~. pool Speca.al ci.aM:OWll \200 pe? .-AI (213) 695-644..:..1 ____ _ SOUTH LAD T AHO& Lovely 2-~ condo. I 'h belA ...... 6 Talloe lteyt, pool., pnvate beec:b, ._...., boat alip. etc ,._, cu1110e S10tru9kt. (714) 046-2183 SUNNY WOUilTAI'M vacahoo, !h9 Beer ceblll 2-bed.rooa pl~.~a loft Sl~• 9 $35 per ruqbt S70 reiv.Ad&ble eecunty ~t Call Belulda •• 834·1424. 8 30-Sp m PSYCHIC REA.OIMGS Sl5 00 A BI.AU'T1.1\JL BE.LL Y DAHCD wall make your neat occ&~~on spec..! We enlert&IA for private a.od biAIUl-QIOI.IP. Call731-4574 • No Eap Nec9S114rY nurM reloca••nq ,,, a n d the des1re to bel DEC ICING • • l8c loot eaecutiYe 4 bedrooa Ora.nqe County Pn'"'~ l l t ndnctallv n 4a8t.tbcepa.oelaS1250 lonn•l duuog. t..u, duty, conaod•r IIV8 In I each hm, 175-1~1 room •lnum, wuher, LUXURIOUS o mcE CA.LL BETWEEN (714) 540-0430 dependent M tn I siiRu:NG -SILVIJII drye r relu q erator a..n.d WaJb.oQ fOOlS lA 9 a m toSp m Monday Friday 173-..a 9 AM • 5 PM 1 n ves t men t r e ·w all&ce Rowpo1nt Qard eoe r au coodtuon I W..n.oer w..cLcal Pl&u 19 GIFT 29 MONEY TO 4 u 1 red F o rl l2-plece .. tu.og pluaa.c ed v.ew 1 hreplac... h block lro~a Hoa9 IDraC! C.P.N . f ceeaory atem• Sl 000 nea.r la.ke Approa 1Ha.p1tal Psychotber HOSTEss YOUB OWN Nauqhty Lady Party Lad1 .. only 170-5162. ~ RESEARCH LOAH 1n o r mdt to n c all s..o 9605 3.500 eq tt u m •P .. , 631 .0434 LOVE I !UMBO SECONDS lu ll tree I 800 852 --monthly (213) 726 - TWO SlNC&Ri.very ••· trac hve, 1n telhgent women (early JO.) wWI to mMI ln41ure hon .. t w•ll educated, profea ''one! men of w•rmth and ancenty for po.1 ble lub.nq ret.hooab.ipa We would !Jke tO 1nv1le two Wr fttqhte fo r d1n ner a.nd cocktetla We have many lDter .. u to ahare Photo a.ppre c~ated S.no\11 rept.• only IIIAY reapond to Boa 3437. cw N-• m 1 E Cout Hwy CoroM del I>Ur. 92625 (714) 545-a58 Co mpe•111va '"'~· 7777 dsk fo r o pe ra Sl WANT TO 9873· 951 4646 OCEAN VIEW -BALLOONS '------------' Broker .n 1uor1e,. 1nv 1t&d 26 EXECUTIVE HONE lor I Pnvale ofhc .. Newpor1 S..od aomeone you love Immedodle Ju11d 1n 1 1 lo r O<J BUY •-4 bedroom lamoly I Center TelephoM 1ec a bouquet of 30 hebum M~>•h.-.. [du< "' ,, Broker 847 6006 WANTED _ USED rur 1 room 3 luep la c ea relana.l ofhce -~ balloon.a "Beata the p .. ,~ T1rr,e W ric MONE Y MONEY CARE 'mture modern , AD 1 •tr•um voew lalla •va.li&ble $200 aonth beck out of roeea " ~m<.nstr.l'•r·JtY'-" tr 1 Hom~t<>wnen Lt>o~n.. bv DISTRIBUTORS l llque Relugeratora pnvtleq .. a.nd more and up 759·~ Perfect for All occa. £DUI A r!ON phone 2nd and Jod wa.ahen dryen (worlt Owner 951 4646 IIOD.I 673·4419 IJISCOVE.RY ru rs Trul l o-d. ta.lored •o . lnQ DOD·WOrlunq) L. ' R.EHT l.AAG [ SlUDIO wa... S.,1 v ·' w ., urs your "'"dloon ur ntoed • ._ ________ __, S 957-8133 South Laquna Separ•te tld:J~ 23 KELP C.tlli!"JI t)';S2 Call hm d•y !liQhl WANTW f'11rn1tura aleep•no arM Over .,... WAJfTED Al•,.ow•"''" ,,J Evt>• wM.Itend~ ')86 Q).,!7 epph<Ulces reiiiQat look1ng ocean Will to MAIUFACTURIIG elora wu.beu cirven be.cb Uhl•••.. onclud HE t P WANTED .,Jll urw 111 23 u~ 111 OPPORTU.ITY TV• worlronq non ed S650 month 499 Nurae'e a~d .. and hve·l.G -Q.L&,T lt:Uolo.l"' worklDq) pl4ll06 an 1817 pan-tuae nurw• ••d.. WANTED WANTED ... t-r•ta .._ Or ~~~ oH1car lurnnure OCEAN VIEW N.. lor A w ca.U 2 day I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~;;~~---\SCAS 714 t;157 8o6. l.sLl U". ll•wle u ) 1 I lt • .,.c_,,-._..,.,. PRDIEDm'L- COSTAMESA/ NEWPOBT PROSPDO US. SUW. bMltby, hardworlnnq non amolter. t-totaler, w1th 100 yMn to hve and love, -~~a ultra.- ah m QAI 40ah outdoor lover. Mnatllve Bob, 851 8293 re.. ve •n poaJhoo ATTENnON C A SH p A 10 1 , bed r ... m a ph• le vel a.va.d a.b le H1qhly ..._ Wtdl ••• 1 I For a p • • de c lr.t re•pontJble Enql"b tt-.. ,...,_ ......_ QUALITY AJ<lTlOUES ~du ta \, .c-.. bv owner Ottoc a wereha apeaiiiDQ HouMbold Serious Job See Jeers! " ....... , .... ·-• we : I v c . me ". c .u •ollJr-, .. nabeo com bot svall&ble now tro.m 37 i 000 7 'j()() eq It S..utalu.llv t..nd..c40.ped manaoeraent aktlla • W ould you hke to sel your ow n hours ••• ,..,.~ ....._ d••mond.t perbme bo• 1 800 S32 3972 ... ~ to • ~~t6 S~~ro~: hl.~: wtth prac 1tc c1Uy n o ltm tl o n e armnqs U ltl•llfll&l .._._t ~i: .. dr:':.'~a """:,lv~~~ ~~wver Ad watcb Forett Call 855 9063 or a n d have vacaho ns as desned ' If :.o uenl.ah 768-5669 then why no l c o nvemently wo rk w1th us MR. PHilliPS GALURYO NE 4t;l 4444 494 9966 PRlSnGIOUS REAl so rltng 1buodltnq mad Rece1ve wo rk L Ul Sill ESTAn OFPlCE '" 1r vtne looklDQ for lop a nd payments b y matl Start tmmed quahty Aqentt Good 1ately1 Fo r tnlo rmahon d sell dd d re s 31 1NVESTM£NT comm1.11oon apht No sed, s tamped e nvelo pe c1ssuu~s d OPPTYS lOLOST. FOUND LOST -I>Ule Coc~er Sp&.~~tel Black Vtc•n•tv C ulver and M..on lr vone C &ll ~I 1147 detk ·-851 0829. 752 1493 pro mpt reply. INVESTO RS D£BT f REE .,ell •~••bl .. lled ,nr! 'uqhlv ~ rohtable lJt o•ur. tnd !'D<IIIIIt5J n.s n •lactunnu ~ .... n,.ou ,.,•h , ra•••' •lore n..da lOC K c ... Br ... c• Sen .. ~ 11 SCHOOLS. INSTRUCTION TUTORIHG No.1 •ub,.cta Jt-12 a.nd coU.qe O.y evenmq and Nmm&J SlO per w .. lr. Wr Worqa.n 645-5176 LIVE IN bouMkeeper over 40 4 chtldren. 5 d•y• S200 Or1vet • hceOM rece n1 relar enc.. tnqllah ap.U JnQ WQ\lna ~ c.u tolUrM o~amber 1 900 S32 3972. ad lor Penny ~&ver Adwatch M21JO PUBLIC Rn.ATlONS coo.a~all.ant No .. l4ng Fantultc pay Tele phona work only Con teet Inc. 851 3040 eat ~ VOICE -voc:.l thera.py and coe.c: b.i.oq fo I II.OQ en acton, .,-kera Nen Howard, N-Iraq-N.AK£ \JOO WIEKL Y land Co.a.ervato,., qrad part-tun• yO\Ir home uat., ellt•aatve 11udy ma1.lonq our cuculara a.nd l .. cluno 1n New Wnte National Maal York a.nd Boaton Markehnq. P 0 Bo• 720-1245 .)670 Ga1thenbu rq , GUITAR LESSONS M•rvland 20878 Total mua•c educallon MATURE LADY NEED- Call Roell WtUtama ED u p11va.te dulY ••d• (114) U7-IT/S to , .. ,dent "' Nawpor1 ART C LASSIS 1n mv V1lla W..t Sundn t a.nd home 10 a m to 1 p m Wedneeday• 7 • m to I Monda.y to ThundaY P m l!thour 760 1783 Warm, lnendly <~lme» SALES1A.RTS •nd 1nter phere Award wtnmnq oor d .. lqner No eapell .orhat •••cher St .. rt 10 ence nec-.wry Wtll d•y 64-4 41l6 Newp<)rl ltraan E•c:ellenl cummtl a..c:h toon rtea1ble hourt For 11•l•rvoew Mrl Pope U PETS a •714) 752 6882 UVESTOCI I HO US EWIVES FO R DO G O IIDIINC £ HIU II you lr no• TRAlNlNG lor ownen ~0"' 19 do bou~«:IMn who ca.re Doq.,.puppo.. on~ tOtn ua C a.IJ lor 7 -ka a.ad up Gro up deta.~ 6Jl 8221 or pnvale l..oaa lo.rd. 9&8 tra.lntl\q, ~m be HOUSEICllPlA h•vtor cooeultaho•• Won UDQI a 15 to 11 .s Sue Wyt., 51e6-1444 0\ataee 1nclude ct .. n.nr; ---bouM a.nd dnvtnQ chal· ' 54-•llmq Your C.tr, c •II C'l.tt''' It'd 6 7 )0550 dren to hom .-hoot lr· "'ne Woodude ,., •• S90 p•r wMil D1ana, (21 )) )57 8878 Matl Markehng Se rv1ces P 0 . Box 2590 Ocala, Flonda 32678 ,_ ________ .._ ________ , I&~ , .4 b84 5084 are a¥ettabta no• et ...... .., '"*" netleut•• '"" Tral\e~ertetleR aft41 ., 1 a ...,., a prima contractor of tria Spce SnU1tle Opportuntt~ee are .. nlor twtll tor ~Sheet MI ... IIIDI\Inlc MWitmum I ~ _,.,l~c• 1, the fai:Wtc. tton, .....-nbiY and lnlt.altatlon or lheet mtt&l .,.,_ and -..mbflea You " build, repa~r ancl "'alntaln ~~~ unf'-N vtnttta. tton, d~ COllecting and elr conditioning lytllen"'t., ptue refrtQeratlon Cl~~ettng Mu.t be abae liD meAl a layout. on nat •tocll fOf tapen. aprMCI~arounda. aquar•to-rounCI tran- tltlona. otfMta and compound flftlnga ualng conettuc:uon drawing• end bend etlowenc:e dat.a 68. 1'41 1\. 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES 2ND T D a 15 YU.R tully ,.,..conued ,,, Lo .. p n•• c.. .,.._. 2510' 1 I•Oia tl fUll MITUR£ 6 DECORATO R t-• •Ivai boq~ · • • h.... c 11e1qh1 t NEVlf\ USE.D 8~·,. ~. C •ola. \, ••••' \hO m a ttra .. t-• ·~ r r J• .. ,n Shl 1 \•11. ~"...,n \lXI H · n tr<ll CA ~ELBACK « MUSJCAl lHSl'UOfTS • • SC. HWill 1905 Grand P '" '• S5 Q!l8 W..nv til•• lu ando •vaalabie hooea lroaa Gould M ~11 M .... on V,.,< ·~ 2.71 U OlAMOJfDS. J'EWEI,RY SICOHDOS/ I TOWMHSES S2 RENTALS TO I FOR RDft SHARE PUBLJSHIR DO ES NOT ACCE.PT h&bility NEED lNCOME •nd lor 1nc orrecl apel4oq , ' tellcw•h;p 1 M 1chu~an q ra.mma.hc•l tnaccur 'Tivther And h< nor a-lu ac1.. or 'Ypoqrapbocal :i .. n• .on wall '~> share • erro rs ,n anv <~dver ~tlma SJOO S..OO Call rtaementa publoahed n j59 801•. 642 I 63 th.e Cout Ned1a New• "ON SMO KER prefer I Group ·ed So~ort: Coa.at Piau O RANG ETRE£ T£R H•a Pr .,... room RAC£ Gre• >~ ew t..)tb pllc.'lfl C h..nnel Z rnounla .na pool lm lnQlltt o;:-omplea pool maculate 2 bedroom 2 .. una ..cuu 1 S3JO •O bath lueptace au ·lud.. ~otilib.. Call eecured pa.rktnQ No 557 7324 peta Noo cncken pre rtMAU ROOWWA n !e rred LeaN Pool tor 2 bedroom 2 ba.th MUM lenn•• wuher J'tll!t 110m• ID )rvlne 2 drver :TIICfCW8VI •, ar 1AtaQ"' washe r drt udad \ ;oc,~, "' ~ • 'l e r puol •e nnu $.350 Ever.tn~a -.~1 l)o4 • • men h pl ... l 2 ~t1l.n.. WOODBRIDGE wr C a ' Pam oetwMn 8 and houw l t>..,j'""'" 4 Mon f'n 975 7454 b"'" ..., umon l' r C ROOMMATE wanted modea w •r. ' . . nd E! T :H ~ condo Pool "ndac•p•r" ! ' r..: -... tiOIIdl I• " $ ;'()( a "n o S290 per month To nih p.., 1 •• bl• A ~IJ pi~· , • ultllll.. C&ll 'tlo.l:-number 1 900 • Bv ~PP" mer.a nlv SJ. 1972 Asll forP•nov Catl~l6 4•7· w var Adwa1ch M87JJ S AN CLE M£"'' T E 1 ROOMMATE WANTED ~mear! ••;.~j" n:v~~~ 1: Pr vale 'oom bath lAo1ur.d Na<J Je l condo b"thH ... ~ • ~ll "' It ear b4oa• h P<lOI acua Sd'l5 p "' , ... '1 '" Sl';C J'l•• uloilhH .c -.t-1• 1" 226 t ~• tollh " number I! ... 54 diX SJ.2 1072 ull lor f'•nnvwver Ad watch '4R!81 .i9VACAnON R.E'NTALS SECLUDED HO t« IO .~~.a .. Willi 1..-p<)nlllb l• BIG !'EAJI t>era.lf'd 'IOD a-mott1nq ca.bor, u •II• •n r....: •• ~·~-woma~ Own • r r n .. • ,. • bfodroorn a.nd beta noo ttr•pt.. • • n : k 'i olra.oqht ~••T Wooda Pit I .U • ·~., • r • • • C.:> ... ~ t,r•• Uld ... t larly • m 4~ '6Z2 '585 8 ,.._., ~APMTMENTS UNTURN NSTlH ~real amen•'•• 711 W. 17th St. 642......:» 81 WART !REliT OBEXCIDtGE PROrtSSIONA.L COU PlE -b 2 or J..bed room hou...,ep..rtm•t ••lh unail yard 111 Laquna Corona del .,..., r Newpor1 12 t••" ll'o .,.. ftef.r. anc.. Sm.ll doq Ap proa Auq l 5 S700 Ito 1800 857 2222 WANTU> TO SHAIU an •r• atud1o lor p.a10t1Dq a.od ecu.lpture 7141 o44 \.1310 aven1DQI P• 61 REAL ESTATE IEACB lMCOIIE "C!f~M1Y ·~ O UPLU US 00 0 .;iown 0c-n ,,_ Sl 35 000 TRIPLU 135 000 do•r. L•'• new Oc..r. VlltW \222 ()()() TIUPLD 1 2 bloc~ lc beech 11•~ hna.nciOQ \329 000 4 PLIX L..r·.;le IUIIIJ j )1 ••• S255 SOC ltna n on1 b Pt £X \•v Xx v .. rlv nc"m• , • blo. II • 1·•4< II \ .ltJV I)()C Charter R.alty • ln••tmeDia ..... 122 -' • k t loe r Fr.nk REALTO RS Lam ,('1()~-omma••on ~ •-~r.det SlOO per :nonth Sp•c• eva.otable tm tw ISo r• 4IQ.ab i: a.tl Sunbc1w a..~ay ., II IJ42 N•wport &.t l!occa.h<>n M.t•f•·• O.••·q• C'elof • • YOU Alii IN DIJAIII T UNQIR 4 OII D Ot n u:tt 04fiD Jll • t•t UIJIU. TIJU rAttt 41. Ttl Ill fO I'IIOT1CT 'r<M.I• 'Rorun u MA1 U tOU) 4t A 1'\/l l lt. tAl l tr lOU Q&O AN UPUIIAfk.J " I I nt1 .t.N111 m nn '" oc.u 01" • AGA TOll Yl;l\1 '14 1\tt D n " tACt 4 I.AWYU PUi liC IIIOUC'l . .,~ 'UI LK. lfOTl('f letrlt 'ICTITIOUt I~IIIJ'!I' IIA~t UATOI !If GRAND OPENDIG T"-Co.~~a M ... C otn 6 '-•lrv L c:h.nqe 2426 N~ort l ltrd Co•'• M... buyt and .. u .. ueed tewelry ~r•P qnld ci!Mil&l waiCa .. CulM atlftf 6J1 SlJ CALLITHOMI ''IMMACULATE" ""' ' ~<:n nous t USt" "-' II AM[ U ATtiiiOif ' . • I I -•• I t> .. o\'1 '"''l"l" ... ... "' ..... ~-.. w. I r .. 1 • • ._A • ...... t' t'1 M.UOUtS DIAWOND a C' t VVI2 c&en., r. color '-• d.-d " <:! • H e ttty. I colo• .,.. QlA ep pra~ 4N&e• c 11. 7U-7l47 OUI LOW WAS NOT .. ......_ H~e • Hen I ~ Cart• T&!W ... ~ u • tl 100/010 (714) 5 1717 BRIARWOOO Beca;~ ~ ·~ wiQir to .,'Cl!LIP' ~ c; to ~~ Poet"--~ onl 001 ~no ~to coal'-' cn2 COdr .... ~ ewe nete Cl"d vOu too wtl WOI"' to CALL IT HOME 832-7170 \ ,_ ••••• I • •·,..., lt. ·-TM •.,on &..lp ---------- -- hOurGu .. tAt •80t'U'F08 ~.AU •BOUUSFOR SALE COSTA WISA b.Uooa, 2-b&tla ha, Lcelleat locataoa CJo. to puil. f or more udo, c.d lobJD, AQeAI 497-2541 UIITl.IROCE -Love- ly home plu. Wad. 3-bedroo~a, 2-baiJt, stn.aoo o--r. en•> 851 -3833, le••e ~- II HOUSES FOB SALE INVIITOIIa FIIIT nMI IUYIII- L K ATTHII FINANCING! ~ 9A VA IOar\ 2 bedlool•l&. 2 I:MJif'l cando. till OK :led ~ gotto. o.n. .. CX1IfV 2nd 1'0 at 9 ft for & ~ CALL ANN HARPEl 496-0C95 OQ @~ @lJ@m@ ~orn: ~~~c@@~@ • • LAGUNA BEACH 494 1177 ... _ ~RA1.D BAY OPEN HOUSE I ~unct.y. July 11, 2 · 6 P.M . 1 \'>'>11000 147 \1 1~000 l2l SJQOOOO ~~ sa~nno 4JO ~~~000 114 SS9SOOO 104 1450000 I U SS7~000 1277 s~ooo 58 HOUSES FOB SALE rOR SALI IY OWND. I ..,_j ~o.>Om La S.reaa Ul ~OD V .. JO. $128,000. ru e over lJrt Tn&8t Deed of $93,000 &.Dd OWJWr will cany 2Dd. Doll't mY~ tlua r•re opporti.Uli· ty. Broker cooper•Uo~a IAYl'-ci. c.IJ tollfrM aum.ber 1·800-5.12.J972, ulr for PellDyuver Ad- watch W2042 II ROUSES FOR SALE UBOUSESFOR SALE lRVlNI-Ualvenaty Pull, laeter •odel. 4 bNloo••· 2 batlaa1 I&Jaily roola, Celltr&J •triwa. Wallt to pool, lellllia, J•CIIui. ly owae r, $164,800. SS-4160. NAISLAND Ccu\tly IMng In prestlgku Big ~ CUStom 5 bec*oom heme o.r.toca 81h green. Jlc::htv per Ill d lbfary and tam1v room. Spcx:bJa master .... pool. IJ)Q. and expansive terrace. Mold's quarters. Pnvate secuHy In gated com- munity. By appointment. 12.290.000 A MILLIE HOWE Ll Tl UJfT Al DU' A ItT Ml.:wT , ..... tr •rr .. , ) .C()C I!) \tWJ """' s ··c , \2'-'"' -rtf ~·Joo . ~ ~x '" S\.JC •o ~ ~ "'c • •drm J t •f" ' ~.:J,rn l o•t~ ' .j,m C.Cf'll COIIIIM&KIAL WACI ""' tt 01: f'.tr ••• j •'" ...,,. \'-,.. • '" toJ ~ t I I~ w I ta:STOmCAL LAJtOM.An flits 2 bdt m IAJuM t i\Mme7 '' nnll~ AmOn'l WCinCMrfwl old''~.., • ,..._ \•11•"1 Owrwt woll (Mf"V MlloiCh"l' fm •K'"I Sll\000 I .. MD NY -"Wtrrstlmt ~"" ............ With WMmdl MCI COtdioJMy ., CIMIII ~ ..-.,u llMI ~ 10 CM Mil ... ... .... ~ ..... theott.••!WI ~........ ,,.,.., I GIIEAf PlACE ro COOL OFF -When the -..th•t• bot, pack up the lrtd. ud cool oft at Sia P1ecp MaQic Wou.nt&lD. With more water ride• &nd ahowe than any other Soutllern Californ.ia attraction, tlle entire family can abare in wet and one-of-a-kind uperlen~. Magic Wount&lD often the wbole family a full apectrum of wet and wild rid•• and abowa. The 260-.cn theme puk La located 30 minut• north of Hollywood or an hour 10\lth ot Babnfleld at the MaCJic Wou.ntain Parkway exit of lntentate S. BEllE-s HOW TO WIN: U you can find your naJDe preceded by two etan * * •••wlMre ba J'Jte llewpcm EJWgn. lrYJne Toda1 and Coeta Neea New:-c:lauUJe<l aac:t\OM. J'CN haft WOil TWO FREE naETS. Call &7~ to c:lalm your prlae. II HOUSES FOR SALE • .,...POll 111.1 ..,._OIIIALIINIIOIII Now OffW'Ii'lg 90~ at a. Corona del Mar Otftce JOHN~.GII . . ~ 11TTIMI OFFIIID IIV. Tlft.ACI $191.000 A,._. 3 bedlooli• ~ bcllh wltl ~ l.IOO ~ ft. .., .,.. paliOI and galldllinL o.n. .. ...... ILDIIIui .._ ttt 1-..t Deed at l2'\ ._.. lor 1 'WAa A .._ ~ellale.P**'Io ... ln ... 110°0CEANVIEW LIAII/OPTION ONORIUNnY • C1U bedtai• ~ 2 mcJitler ..._ 2:.\ bolhl. ~ llamlv 10m\ 2 -·:·-and ~wood beam~ In 0 woll-b ~ becJch locollar\ The pMid llamlv heme In ... pediecl fiamiW I~ ~()()() wtl'\ l)elfiKt II UdlliJ. 2732 E. COMl tNI( .. c:oAONA DB. MAR Cai6M-7211 (I • M ' ~ • 0 • . I I , . •. ; Pftze w ... loy boyffont. Slipe few 2 boota, remodeled 3 bedrOOM, 3 both $1 .200.000 Ocean and retty ¥18WS Mortne room. 4 b.drooms, J baths, 3,7'00 sq ft. $1 ,315,000. Oceanfront LIDO 18LE HOME8 Prome lado Nord boyfTont, S bed- room, s•.-. both Lorge lav•ng room. 2 boot sltpe 11.500,000. Remodeled l bedroom. 2 both plus Iorge rec. room, beam cealengs, fur. ntihed, potto. $-Q),OOO. LINDA laLI 8A YfiiONT LCJOOO" v.ew fr<Wr~ 6 a.cttoom. S both, ~oom. dar\ room, de" Boot sltp, Now 11 ,000,000. 8AYaiDI COVI Spectocvlai bOYfront view 2 bed- room&, 2 botha up; 2 b.drooms. 2 both down 2booh14pe $1,100.000. COIIOIMDO CAYa Coronado lUoftd cwt. bOyfront lot as· boot dod PSoM CM)I~ s.GS,OOO wllh •"- 81.Ufn CCMIDO s.~ .. •tory end un '· ftponded, ~ 3 bedrOOM, 3 bott\ on l<wQMt greenbelt $2S),000 ~··LIDO 3 bedrooms. 2"" balhi cOtldo near poo1 s 145. oao • OOIIJ)()8/ TOWM1 1D POiliiU.E NOIITIIWOOD -n. L.aa.. ., -· 2.-., ....moat petio Iowa· -.... 2 bed.-, 1~ '*' ..., CODCl.. .n .-ltiee. o.-r fiua. c:bl9 • ..u.w.. $131,· aoo. ~ or&Jy. (213)m-2111. OB-IIDilOC>W co. OP. lMRre World. Luve petio. Uader S!O,lJOO. c.n ....... .v.aa.r 1...,_532·31'12 • ..... ....,__.Ad . .. ~ ..... AIIOUSDFOJl UI.E 71J.OTS• ACREAGE ABOUIESFOR SALE II HOUSES FOR SALE 1~ DOWN 232 GOLDENROD OnE--half block above Chulcl Cove and Beg Beach 4 bt>droom. 3 bath. elegant fOfmal den.ng room large famtly room. patiO and v•ew deck l oaded weth extras One vear guarantet> \535,(0) .._......_ __ ,NiiiSAt.JSUN., 411-411 Y.a DAHUA New and unusual Sproul duple x Entov huge ta' benefets. sell as 2 condos later 3-bedroom. 2 '!1 bath home plu!l 2-bedroom/2 bc1th veew apartmE-nt Plush and lush SS4S (XX) (If purchased separate ly 3 bedroom es U-45.000 2 bedroom es only S2SO.OOO (vtew)) One block to ctuna Cove bf'achesl N~ 3,000 sq_ ft. ~. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, family room. formal dinsna and breakfast room Sell for $498,000 or leMe .. 11,600(moMh. We have others, so please ~e us a call. otona ~ vftm ~ 364;f 8. ~oad ~., (at~) 6'73-~94 1211CYCLEI 2 WINS, JOYS 10. epeeda, !Wile bruda. Loolllricle uw. s. .. \lP to SlfiO. &.ch m u.d $48. 548-aoep. 13 VANS/TRCII FOR SALE FORD VAN 1tel. e. cyl.. J..peed colUiall l•ceUeat coadltloD. $8!50. 646-&m. 1882 JDP SCRAWILIR -~lack, .n e~uu, &MWile my 1-. OD· Uoa&l buy. 1 mouth okl. S.Crihce. Private puty. C.U loWr" aum.ber 1·800-532-3972, eu for Peaayuver Adw•tcb M7851 9'1 AUTOS WANTED PUBLISHIR DOIS NOT ACCIPT IJ.ahillty lor aocorrect ~. gr•mmahcal laacc11r· ec.... or typclcJupluc:al error• lD aay ad"'r· hlemeall publllhad aa the Cout Nedla He- Group JEIPS~ CARS, PICJC UPS h om S35 Avatl- ab1e al local Govent· meal Auchoaa for directory, call (805) 687-8000. e.11t 2234 C.U refundable MERCEDES BENZ 18'72 WIRCIDIS 3SOSL -Low mil•. reel, 2 tope, •ttck du.lt, lm· ••cul•te coadllioD SlS,950/beat offer 4t6.eo98. MG 1m WGB Coa,.rtible bcelleat coadllloa AWifW c.-tie rad.io, luoo~e rack, ~ tU. 011ly 2t. 000 aulea No re.oa&ble oHer reJ\1.1· ed. 768-0886. WGA -1961. 2,000 llll1ea oa rebWlt eDQine, reel with white flberotu. top, wire wbet., loob 9ood R1111.1 uc.U.Dt. 14,000 Call tollfr .. aumber l-80Q..SJ2.J8'n, .U for Pezmyu"'r Ad· watch W8276 PONTIAC ltaO PONTIAC Phoeaia Auloai•Uc. flllly power· eel laclud1Ja9 power .... rlnQ, brak•. will· dowa. Air, AW /fW alereo r•d1o. Low IIIIJH9•· SS,Z!O. c.u toUfree auaber 1-IOC).. !J.U.3872 • .U lor .._,. .. .. , Adw•tcla WoiiOM. POJISCHI -1813 3!111 UI008 ~p. Mlal COO· dluoa. Reel •IWI w.ok lalerlor. Oriolael O.llef. rectory tecll IWl~Yla lachaded. (114) 871)..1211 . h P1 ,, •• v: au•••••• llA ftS 1 WEE~'. 6WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26WEEKS 52 WEEK S $1 24 per hne .99 per ltne 89 per ltne .79 per lcne 66 oer hne DIULA Y CLASSifiiD Open 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 W EEKS $12 95 10.45 10.20 9.40 850 A ,. • •• ""-'"' ,~ .. ·.lf .... ~ 1 WEEK 3 WEEK S 6 WEEK S S5 Q5 for 18 words lO O.o DISCOUNT 20°o DISCOUNT t t I N' 't ......................................... ' ....................... . Classifl d Juat compute your own and cbop lt ln the mail. ..... - f- 1------ - -f- -f-- - - --· -·- fa-rlln th" ad Pref•n.O ct...ahcahon <-andu ) l ocao.d • .. , chad lo r$ VISA No -- -~· - ·- ~· ~· -· - ~ (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) (18) (21) (24) (27) (30) (l3) (36) Or piMM cb••~• ttl• ad on taY &.parae upu·• Pho11• C11y ....... , 1 P • c .... ihed d.a ~a, ·-.... • -• -...-, ,.._ AI • a~t .. rt-•Mtt .,. ,.~.~<_. .. 1H ....,_,. ~ .,.,..,..., ... c.,..,.._._ . ------ U1'81.1D f1..A.Iii&QM ACCTOt•nuuas Ill VICES fla&Ac:&al al.at.llleota, p.aJIOU, qurt.rl, lu ret\uu, cMh ~ llleAI, b~ ~ .. ud proc:edw•. and pe~ IAco .. tu•. MS-4111 CIAJG'S SPRA TID Acoutic:.l c.u.uac,. R.. &ln. VVJ ,.._.hi. ,,.. ..u.aa..... (714) 52t-7290 AIR OONDinONIRG lJ ., .. 'T MILT ALL SUNWD -Air conch· tioA your I....WJ and .. ,. $5()0. u ,000. At.o .olar ~tao-lor poola ud b.ot ··-~ •JIIeiDa. Refereooet. Stu,988-712a. ASPHALT SEAL COATIMG/ DIUYEWAYS ASPJIAL T REPAIR s..Jcoati.aq • Strlpp!Dq Caaa.rc:~at~ Jne Lt. Lie 38"1362 14$-tlll ALLSTATE PAVIMQOO. L\RTEifDEIS PBOPISSIONA.L BA.R- TDIDD for real -to add tl.At ~pec:w touch to ih.t ~p«:iaJ OCC:UIODI c..u. 61!-«l02 IEAUTY SVCS/ f1TMESS SALLY'S BIAUTY NOOit, 188 l . 17th St . Coeta w... Pemaneot. bolD Sll.SO up. T111boq, S8.00 up Sh.napoo alld Mtl, '-4.50 Fro.IIJIQ, S12 00 up HurcutllJiq, S3 !!0 642· 7642 CABINETS CABINiTS' -Cu.t1om IDade, kltchena, boola ~. ban, Qaraq• and e~r r&ila 640-71 S4 evenUIQI AU for Tom CARPENTRY CARPENTRY WORI - Petto coven decu, qaraqe atoraq• UIUla, fe11ce repau AU typee of c~try No JOb too SIDall Tom, SSl 2583 CA.JU'IHTU SMALL JOB -s-:lab.lt Cab LDels. waU UIUit, panel lDQ, mollldlnq, garaqa storaqe, dec:tr. Fr .. Mhzaat• Nader'• tWo dywo rlt.a. 642-3789 CALL PDX th; Fuup Mao, am.U cA~nter and odd repatr 10be R L Per~m• (Scot/ hlah). 979 9047 C ARPENTRY f 1n1ah cab1nets bookc aa•• F UJ-4107 CARPET INSTALLAnOM BlL.L'S CAAPI:J' SIRV- ICI. lut&llaboll ud repaiD. Qu&hty won .•• fau p~. Call BW at 552-5828 evelll.D9S· OORCIIETE PA TJ0S • DRNEW AYS Wood.ll p.ano cov.o, ..U typee. No JOb klo b1q/....U. No. 291235. AU. for JLID, ~7102. CONCRETI AND loLA· SONRY Pahoa, dec:ll.a. buck 1nlay, clnQWIY. WltA uphA}t r-oval. pluten, hte- n..aqa, block walla FrM ..U..r•. 0..0, 536- 7...0. (Lie. 393422) 1RU ESTlNA TES on c:emeot, block 01 bnc:k· work, new coa.tntc:boo or repa..tn Lie 294622 . C..U 996-0639 anytuu. CONCRETE WOU Pallo•. d11veway1 , bloclrwal\a, room addl- hon•, ••• c utllnq Reetdenlla ltcom mer - c w L1c 254724 Paul, nS-3283, 775-8371 CnaHT, BRJCX A/olD BLOCK WORX Palloc Dovew•y. rr .. · "' C..U John, 731-3868 or 731-1366 &.Iter 5 CONCRETE t SPICI.AUZ); ID ,~k­ b&mmer work and ,... arov•l o f coocret• (pauoc s.dew.a.l.la.a and d nqway.) ADo cuth.ng and lw:lduWl.Dg Not atare he Week's Con· crete R•moval 6Jl 2610 B.RJCX WORJC ALL TYPES -Block walk and repaor Concrete dnvewa ya 11d•walis and palloc LceOMd S.2-3002 CONCRETE WORK Duvewaya paloos patlu. etc No JOb too small Modev 536 1722 SI41Ut. doors [ape cousTRucnoN neoc:e un.lwuted Ca rl " 972-0457 8 WILSON &-sONS .. iiiiiiiiilliiiii•IIIIII!~ .. J Budd•" f r•e ., .. mAl" lO y .. n e:apen ence 8onded Lc No 357487 646 17.0 O VERHOLT Construe· l!on Rernod•hnq •nd etc f rAnunq d141ywa.IJ bay woodo.,, f rench doors Oual11V at low ~!!!!~!!!!~!!!!~~~· puc •• C all 8 1 van r s.q 2767 CARPENTRY KIRCHNER CON C ARPINTD for STRUCTIO N General lft1C41 worla custom •b 8 Joldonq C on1 racton UJela book slu•l11e1 •• "' •• 1917 C u~ tom c;aar•qe cabUJela ton11h bu1l ion9 and ••m-.del worlr 23 y .. u •••I'• on 1 From d•119n to r1e nc:e !1639056 96) fona•h Loc 122.97 S982 Thui you lerrv S..~ 1003 64S 0768 FRENCH DOORS b"v WU\dOW., pAhO I"•IVI'It declrt lram1no \ldan4 lepcu , wood flo< 111 1 FrM Nhmat•• E.acel lent r•le1enc•• U r :, ce!Uoed John b 7!> ...00.' HOUSING? ~EA O THE t ~A~~t .. ttOS u.t~iniirn::_ c-. h cavatinq, deiDohhon, po11 hole d rtll1DQ, lleACiuA9. Tiqht acc- tpec:wty JC.evm Paq•. ·~~. 631-'1tf17 C USTOM HO WE Bun.DER neecb snl.&ller JObl b.twMn hOU,MI P.__, only thoee who Deed ud want a prof• uonal Call (714) 537 0342 DRYWALL DRYWAU. TAPlNG A ll tealurel 41 11d ecoutbe Room adch· !Jo.a. aDd r41JI damaqe Free •tUIUI... JC•vlll. 675-9088 FUllNITUBE REPAIR• RESTORE HAND STRIPPING. repaHlDQ Aollqu•• tatla.ll, new tun:uture Chau canlno nah111q SPICl.AL -&ny c b.au anJ color, hue! atnp pad or reqlued $19 75 A Touch ol C\ua lnt•n011, 711 W 17tb St . A 2 Cost. w-. 662 1365 GAMGEDOOR OPENERS GARAGE DOOR open •r. Sl1995 G ena e Screwdnve $134 95 Em.rgeacy Senlce Spno9S and b.ardwar• rept.ced A.lu.m wood, ateel and aechona l doors Guaranteed IJc:e~ and bonded V aaa and MC I • I -..sus. GARDENIHG ROTOTll..lJNG DONE DIRT c h .. p Gardea. flower beds lawn• lAn<bc:aponq R•uon abl• r41tes f tM adVICe 646-78.19•Dyttme DOWN TO EARTH Lawn and Garden S.rot 1c• Complete ln.I.U. hOD, r•novahon and ma1na•naoce Oualtty ••rvace ar d own to earth puc•• S.tllhed cuatom•n our hut pnoroty Call &Dytam• 646 7819 oouc-s Y MD SOVIet lawn m•lllte~~&DCe. ,,.. lrtiDIDlDQ, c:IMAup and h•ullDq 5« 2111, eat II OJ, -ltdaya 8-5 BEST .ui.£RICAN Gar cMIUJIQ S.rvrc-• ~tal UIDQ Ill weekly/b1 wMidy monthlv matn ••nanc• •nd ~l .. n u~ fr-nhm••~"• 5-49 •991 GLASS MIRRO RS' MIRRORS' MIRRO RS ' Wardrobe walla ol muror door monor Bucv Gt.• (714) 530 7192 HANDYMAN RlPAfRS & R£MO O£l lNG of ill •'• d(>n• j -conom •• a lh ..tood ell. oen1lv 1:>49 2f.~l Du roun1§ "aolabl• S.r11 111CO;_;~HTRA~-~~~~CT;_O;;RS;..J._C•O•HTRA;;;;;;CT~•O_-;RS;~ ,,.0 .u (J·t Or•no• Coun 1 'Y e • 0 Bruqqe, )10 Warqu•11t• Couro C o ron• d•l N • r ConQratulahona' You b.av• won two Super f'un hclr:ett Call 673 0550 HOUSE CLEA.NIMG LAJmSCA.PIJtG YARD REJtJVENAnow CIM.ou.p • rr.. Tn•· auog • lAwn RenovaUO. • ltel.&Dd.ltap.&Dq • S.nt 1119 H&rbor Ar• DI.N ,_,. State bc:.n.aed, l.D· aured FrM MUmatN C ALLIOI 148-9288 JOHIC IIUtJ.AMrl .SOld C.IDeJ111brtc:Jr, re i&Jid 8CaplDq, tree removal, wood dec:b Lie ~181 05-1$13 MASONRY WN H ANO£JlSON N.uon.ry Bloc:lr, bnclt. aton• fe-. pabol. pluten, walla lnler- •or eatenor Fr.. .. lull& 1M (Lie 38092 .I) looded UWlred 64.2. 9699 MASON.RY WOOD DALY HOUSECLEANING Landscape Compl•ta houaec:INn fl:NCES PATIOS IDQ , Apallmanta, ho mM, SPAS DECKS coadoa Reasonable PAPER IIRGIItG O BCHAJlD WALL COVUlHG &.pert 11 rlppuaq llaata.llauoa Reaaoaab.. ,.-, hM .u.. ... R.t.re.oc- Call Ent.t.e' 631-4576 PRIClSJON W A.1J.1 A PIR MANGUS Lpen c raJta .. anahlp, low ,., .. , lr.. .. • .._._ Call u.1 a.nd NV. 20~ )()~ oo your purc b.AM of wa.IJ~per ColllJIIIer cra.IJRe .. d•nhal 642· 2047 PHOTOGRAPHY WO DEL PORTFOUO ud coa poaat.. Bt.d a.nd wlula or colo r SumiDar Spec:tala C all ~1 0121 Cb.r Wyoo PU..LOW CLEAHING n:A THEil PW.OWS CLEAJCEDt he: la.uaq one: luded 011• · b.ou.r .. rot lee (714 ) 142-4810 8M-1098 Ev .. PLASTEIUMG r•t• Ref•r•nc• C..U 613-J i88 alte1 4 p m 962-2531, L1lri--~'!""--""""'!~All PHASES oi PLAS Deborah nRtNG Re •tucco, HAPPINESS IS HAV MJRR--0-R--te:aturonQ, oatenorle-a lNG TIME lor vou rMU te nor P•lchwork RooiD •-MIRRO R BR!AIS addthoa. and r:u.ttoiD .... 1 ua h&ndle your hom.. f rM Nllmate clM.IIlDQ n..da We do En.la.rQe rooma, off•c:•. L 87 1t all1 In baa1.a-••nc• whatever' -wtth mu· IC 38 81 John, 1975 Th• Moppells, ror Any wall 8'al2', l/4 960-3786 966-1300 plate S398 1natalled ALL PHASES O r CLEANING UN LIM Also •14nd.ard tuhlthow· PLASTDUNG Unique •r eoc:loaw., ~1.&1 patcb.Ul9 aJ1d pa.a..otlllO lTED for n c•Uence 111 a.o.atallabolll at OAJy S89 Small tobe w•lc:om• bou.aec:l .. n1ng provad lD.Italled. aJad wudtobe Super low ..umat .. lDQ all aupphM aoc:lud doora 531·6300. 836 5429 109 vacuum Trust worthy and d•peodable RL STUCCO teatur Call tode y lor ..uma1e MOVING • a.oq dl)"'f..U patc-ll111q 546-3726 STORAGE room •ddatJona 1n TOP BRASS CleanlnQ te roor n.t•roo r Fr•• S.tv&e• Houa.iaparr THI ST A.RVING COL Mlllll411e AI 857 2066 LEG£ STtJl)DITS Wov •96 5007 1710110 c,...,.., SOLAR SOLAH Oomesttc Hoi Water Spa.s 6i Pools WHY PAY (uMm•~• n,J dor .. t • O.,.oqn I rllf41 1f411 (41, -40/~2 TILE SALES Buv -..I~ L r INST ALI.ATIOR DYNA.MIC CDAMIC. tU. tnatallauoa. lDter· 1orl••••nor, and re-pa~ct F rM eanrD&tee. (Purcb.AM all 1D41-.n.l throuQh IDe. Up to ~ chacoUAt.) Hcm.t wolk 964-!041 -CUSTOM TJU WOU I All typal ~t-- apec1ah11nq 10 re· modeil.aq lutche:n and bath Qual.tty workm&A· ehap ,, .. •bmaiM Releraoc •• Ro a , 831-7791 -Tu.E-,&_MA.RBLI_.,..-,--,:-:-- lNST AllA nON [urop•an craflaiD- Coamerc:l al/Beatdeo- b&l For frM ..WUIM call Geo11JIO. 9153-SllS TREES DPDT TllD SIBV. ICI Tree and ah.nlb t~ and -oval. Y~d c r...oup ,,.. - t~.~~taiM Call963-5982. me nta condoa rentals tnq Co but,:WU (Uc: AIJordabl• 1at• 642 T I244J6) ~ e good 0190 S.rv~nq Orang• Mrvtce C.U 641_8427 PLUM:BlNG TREES EXPERTLY County LYNN'S MOP N BUCKET Cleanli\Q S.r v1c• You ro" at up we cl .. n ol up' Call Lynn, 552 7692 Ou call wMitly. bo month!¥ And monthly 4 0fUS Wall wuhanq c arpet ah.tmpOOlDQ ( UIIDQ W t•rday thampoo) Spulrltn9 ahoweue wllldow c:l .. .nlllg. patch plaaleuoq ud pa1n11nq A.ll pb.uea oJ house· ct-aa.oq 836-54.29 PDSOKAUZED HOUSI:CUANlNG lor tha wo rlalDq perton Sparlahnq raltabla 5 ye•ra ••pen•nce Ne1qhborbood r•f•r anc:• 957 S.31 ·t he Clearunq Spa rot STA IC.L£EN Ccm plet• bou.aec:l .. nuaq at your MrvJce to help you beal rhoee bou.MCI .. n 1nq bluM Owner oper ated 12 v .. n aapen •nc• f rM .. ruoa1 .. S46 5943 ABC MOVING !apenenced. proiN 11oa.al, low•t ratM, lrM Mllmatea Ou1c'lt. care fu)MfVICe S$2-0410 NURSING CARE PRACTICAL -NURSE prof41aloaal hom• c ar• for U,. dllabled COD valMClDQ. A9111Q and chronoeally all Ava.~l a.ble lu.IJ or part lim• 2• bou.r M rv1.c:e The 1 -· 675-4885 PAIHTIMG PAIHTING lnaeroor £a-tenor Low .. r r•t• proiDpl a .. t Mrvtc• In at-for 10 y .. ra Fr .. .. um•'" (71 4 S.8 5684, (71.)636 7149 COAT or MANY COL ORS PArNTlNG-Inter aor u teuor acouahcAI ceohnQI S.rotanq lrvone aod wrrouodmq 41MI Call So40-0240 1Loc HE.A VY DUTY Clurucq 158400) Unlam1ted W1ndowe JAE'S PAI.NTtNG In wAlla fl oora .. nd reroor'h teno r R .. od•o carpell One 11 m• •~•I'Comm•rc1al FrH sprue• up or w-kh Mr Mllmates CaU 714\ VI Ce c . II F ran 545 3131 7S2 8750 HOUSECLEANING I JIM. CO. Owner op•IAied I de tlo PAINTIMG work rnvMII W111dow• • lnte nor mv sp«oahv Al110 om • h t•nor pl•t• h uti" l••nraq .t1 ve.tn FrM estom••e• C •ll Dav1d Eclr•rr 5.5$-$.519 646 7281 S PRING PAINTING 0 U A LIT Y TEAM I SPEC IAL In ten or ea Houeeel•anorq Bv tenor at wtnlet r••• Maods ot Or•no• c ....... n Ou•hty work and ma .. r ty 8ond.d ruured ·a.l QU41r&nleed Free uc.n..d c.u 631 3.'22 .... m.... f red 5.36 lor lrH M l mat• 3471 HOUSESITTING HOUSE DOCTOR Pa1ntmq qualorv work rea.tOnable piiCM f r- nhlfta t.. S.lultactoon JUala nteed CaU Jten 960 704 7 536 9484 SAJolCHEZ PLUWB.l.NG I T1UMW:lD aAd remov· R .. 1deatW/Com.mar ed ·• alao yud aDd c~al Spec:aal.o&lDQ 10 • gard•n tub R-ra.a· copper r•ptpe and r• ble. r•La.bla C.U for paau Loc•nte No lrM ethiD•t•• Art 360997 Call lor lrM 5-48-7802 · "tuut• 642-3394 -------RON'S TRD SEBVICI POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT ruts/SPAS ZEE'S POOL SERVICE. Comple te 1!1141Dienance I &ad repau E.ac eUe:nt re habla worlr Low pnc" Owner oper ated Call631 5725 I JCIVAN'S POOL SEJIV ICE R...d.at..UA,pert raeott C o aaaerc1a l Actd wuh and rep..ar• Hoo"t &nd ::l•pend.a.DI• >48 .037 • • Ka•hv Su•1ro 6i6 O r.tnq• Av• Coat• M... ConqrA iulatoona' Y u ll•v• wv11 rwo Super f vro loc-lr•ta C•ll 671 0550 REMINDER SVC tORG ITTlNG fMK>R TANT DATES' B~tth d41Vt Ann•"•"•"•• ape.. •at ><: aaoona C' n .. d•r a r ror .... ·n•l remand•1 .,.,v,~• Caol r w ll!fl M11 .. a B-oa 212 O.pt CM Sc. l.a·~u..., 92677 71 4) bh. 2878) Commerc .. 1 '"" oc:•• avMlabl• ROO riNG QUALITY ROOFING lot •u 011 •ni ol"w sit~ • r l •r.J.d on.a·~r•i t nJ b<nd.d Reit'rtr. •• ~""'lab ., Cal K,.•, v f nlu• '"'"• I m• ._. .. Tnmm111g, loppinq, ~9. tr.. removal. tiUIDP removal Yard cleanup L.cerued and anaured Qual.tty wort f rM •lura.at• 646- 5394 JO HN ·s N•tnte nance M rvLD9 N~n lrvtDe &reA alDCe l 9n ID all Mpec:l8 ol ,,.. care o-htJ work at r•a.oaable pnc• 545 72163 ---- TYPlHG txCE.U.ENT TYPDIG SERVICE avaJieble P1ckup and deb.,..,., N•wport BMch aDd lr-vme ar... 83J.77'(W call alter 12 noon UPHOLSTERY U.PIRT CUSTON U - UPlfOLSTUY -Otap- e r,.. Up to 50~ oU m&tena1• free e•- llm.tiN South Potnte Uphoht•rY Laquna Holl.a 768 9009 SOUSSA.N INT£1UORS A1111que ro Modern l , <;(I•. .11 ~u d• •-1 "' t11t·r c• Gua• ,,. • P<.1 pr ~~~"tonal ... • r .... ;-rt• "P & (714) 957-0128 WINDOW cu:AJOMG V.I NDOWS SPARit LI NG C L.I.AN Av•r HOUSE SIT Respone ble C.s pr l•saoon•l wolf fD<UOt41H "nd ~·-rf' your n. 't'... whole • tr41'11eo ~ dru91 , cob I 'm kono R•t" enc•• '" ul•ble ~ S.po.,m to•• Call tololr,.... nurnt>.o HOC S32 ]Q~. SUMNER PA INTING SPOCIAL •ve1aqe u ••nor SS50 InterK>r 10'-'> ,,11 Oualoty work I lDd m•l•to •i• ROOfiNG AI ·~.,.. ~•"' ld t•J .. j.. •• #I, .•• I' I I 4 (..., 8\. t- 548-0769 '9• 2 ator:y \39 (15 17 wond owa) '15 auJU mum Scr .. ns lDcl~ Phone nhmat.. Benner Br·~s ..,..5 3158 .uk '"' P•t~n'll'<lV•• ~:I WAI~h Mill{-~ LANDSCAPING PROFESSIL HAL wnd ec•r o.J Sp11 nlde rt !ofa,, r," p.,• Cov•" O.C~nQ Y.trd Re,u•• MIIC\0 f"rH .. tu•atM l•d lve1.on S48 1970 JU4 1cli OI.ed f re• "''•m•t•• F red 36 3471 PAINTING & REPAIRS I I all ~rta done ecor. moea1ly and •fhc•entl~ I t>4Q 2679 Dotcoun1o w •1L.bM S.rv1nQ all nl \ranqe County COM'PLI:TI CUSTOW P•ont\Aq S.rv~ lalet " ~ 4l+-04'. RAY ~' A<''\. HNI..i CO ~~'V•r~ t 'I ' of,C\\Jft C H • A ·~'" fr-,..·,ma•.-~ • r.-.d ' •. jt-, o <4l A. A r • I ;M H I-I ~._,, •It'< Wl"DOWS WASHED lrv1-a b..t 8u:&c 1 stcry $20 2 alory S30 R•A•d•n•,•l cotomer C"!Al ~C) 1302 WINDOW WASHING Ouahtv worlr - •blf' ,.... c.ll s.. Thru Wtndow c-..I.D9. .,~~~~~==~~ A~ON JOE MARTINEZ "'' btauor Cah1oet r•hat•lnaq. ac0111hc SKYUGHTS SIYLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY 714) 847-5355. 8 a • to 6p . GENWl OONTUCTOR • STAll LIC. 1133291 n Jt 11C Gill kef • t r a ............... 1 eS.;'W ........ .............. ,,...e .......... e Hom• Repaar e RemodehnQ e f ill II ~IVIl . •nO ut " ld .. , ... I., .. ,. J• I ~ l•t F' • *I ••• t HO IUOWWERSI Sb.,p. up lor tummer 'pee"" te '" la lldtc•P onq ••rcl•111nQ h.ul IOQ tummonQ ""d com (>l•t• e ltNn liP f'fc Ch••P' Call Scoll a.,,,., ,51 12•1 mom 1nqt •nd evenono PLANNING TO PLANT onq L.ondoc. "~ your C to h at• repa1nted P•pet .._nqtnv 23 ,..,.. ellpeneDCa r JM - lllllat• 146-1665 leave MIJ ~y-._ c.TA ~ CA Gl2l B I • <,f n•w ~~~,m• vr r•new v~ur (J1.1Q...UJ • (J14a Mflll .Sl·__., llred Qrounds O•v• ~~ .............. .,~~~~~~~~~~.--------:-.u.---.' ..... 10 C L•ndtc41p onq r 73\ •.US Loc: t 105754 LEE1I COASTLDO: CLEAJURQ co. • COw:wi8ClA.L e IMDUSTIIAl. Cot•'"' to OrG"ve eo •• .., .• a.ac~eaual ancllDduMrial PQ!At'-" cmcl Oeeonltlng JeMda • la-.nor d lalafaor Pt~ohDO • CHt hiC' Arl • Wall P• 1no • lala4J aiHI C.btn.r R l1ntahlft4il • iC.& &q F1t£f IST1NA TD ' JUAtanread •••ll•••on W•ton Conatn~ctlon (714) 963-1737 ALL CU ANtNG SUV- ICl W!Adow ca..-.. onq ~hal ud coaa,...rc;lal Call tot .. lo-la 645~ hg. 11 W-.&landay. J\aly It, l-!be ll.wpart EM1p ' • Jf'lay Pay TAoulalada more for a new car wlaen oar laigla quality previouly driven car• will aatilfy yow 11eeda. Let other peoples' losses be your gain -these cars have depreciated to bargain prices. All are fully reconditioned -New tires and Paint where necessary -a 12 month, 12,000 mile warranty available extra. 1975 Mercedes 280 " ...... _ ........ ~ ... . or IISIMVII a.-.._...._ .. . -~ )ewllf" u.. FULL SIZE LUXURY CA•S 1976 B.uek La Sabre (~) .................... . 1967 Jaguar Sedu (OOOXEO ) .............. . 1979 Baiek Ririen ( lSBY..:) .............. . 1979 Cadillae ElDorado (333WK V) ..... 'I 1980 Buick Rivim (270ZK0) ........... ··~ 1979 Jaguar SerieJ ffi (S41ZEK ) ........ '17,115 INTERMEDIATES 1981 Chev. Moate Carlo 1 1CA832 ) ......... . 1980 Chev. Moate Carlo < lASf621 > ........ . 1980 Buiek Ceatury Ltd. l 863ZAI) ........ . 1980 Chrys. Cordoba ( 399ZOZ 1 ....••.....•. 'SIIS 1981 Olds Cutlass Sup. ( 1BHX272 ) ......... '7415 1968 Buiek Rep) (982VAG) ................• 1979 Pootiae Gnad Prix t • ss t'TD) ........ • 1980 Ford Gruada (Str.6029 ) .............. • 1980 Ford Futun IOS7ZIX ) ................ 'MIS 1980 Buick Rep) ( 1ASG182 ) ............... ·' 1979 Mere. Mourela (9llli72) ............. '3411 1977 Ford T ·Bird < 87tsxx) ................ '34M 1977 Pooliae Cataliu ( 545TSH 1 ............ '3411 1973 Chev. Malilaa Cpe. < J J 1 KJ a 1 .......•.. 'I 1973 Chev. Moaae Carlo (039KDE ) ........ . 1978 Ford Gnuda (969VZK > ............. . 1977 Ford Yeriek 1 823nP > ............. . • ) 1979 GMC Rally Vaa ....._. •• It-luwr ...._ ,_" ..... .... --..--~-· -· (16SZAII «;OMPACI'S 1976 Piato ~--~ (680NPA) ............ - 1977 Ford M•·· (SlOTAN ) .............. 'UN 1978 &iek Sky .. wk (883TZK ) ............ 'Sill 1978 \'1' Dasher (224WDD ) ................. t 197911tada Aeeord (262XJP) ..............• 1980 h. Capri Hatel (LOOK..SS ) ....... '1411ti 1980 Bliek Skylark <~> .................. 'SIIS 1980 Toyoll GT Air ( LBGZ322 > ............. '51• 1981 a.iek Skylark (LAQF127 ) ............ . 1980 Old& Oiaep 8rm. ( 994YUO ) .......... ...-!116\ 1979 &iek Rititra ( SOSZAH ) ............. . 1979 Pflleol 5M Dsl. 044ZRV ) ........... .., 1981 Toyo&a Celiea (URZEEl ) .............. ..,41S SUIICOMPACI'S }98() (My. <leYettt ( LX43072 ) ............ . 197911tada Cine ( 35 7YPH ) .............. . 1979 ~ H.ao. (PERS ) ........... '4411 1980 rty.o.• a..., ( 1ASG466 ) ......... ''411• 1978MizdaGLC (at6VJB) ................. ~-- 1977 Toyola Corolla (797TYO) ............ . 1979 DIISu 200 SX ( 491UYB) ............... . 1978 Ply.oatJa Jloriloa ( 834UMJ) ........ . l97811tada cvcc (Sn.6148) .............. . 1976 V1' ~ (SS6NXN ) ................... . 1979 Liaeoln MK V c ob IC..,.(t TIW1lJill.CW,H.. ......................... ,., -·"'-"'-•-.o.. ........ --. SPOaTS«:AilS 1976 Capri (849NYB ) ...................... . 1976 MGB (381NTP) ........................ ea. 1979 TriiDiph Spitfire (6S4WCD) .......... '4111 1977 MGB (091YMJ ) ........................ '4411 19791G ~et (212WYF) ................. - 1978 MGB ( 123UJ(;) ....................... . 1979 MGB (03SWWK) ...................... . 1980 fiat Xl/9 ( 1AEG150 ) ................ . 1979 Oaev. C.••ro 1 610WRI' l ............ . 1980 PeaL Firelaird (Ser.sMl) ............ . 1979 Datsu 280ZX (OIOXlY ) ............• ..,. 1981 ... RX7 ( LBWU627) ............. . WAGONS 4 PICK lJPS 19811saaloli J.ed (1Z75269) ........... .. 1980 &iek Ceatvy ... {Su.5CH4) •.... 1981 Toyoaa Corolla w,.. 1 aav1ns) .. . 1979 Teyoaa Pielap { 1SS791S ) ........... . 1978 ford Piale ... (1ACU88) •....... 1973 a.n. El Ca•iwo ( 1£11916) ......... . 1978 SUara ... 4t4 (066AXC) ....... . 1977 {My, fJ Y•ilo ( U291M) .......... . 1978 Baiek fat. 1' tpa ( 132VNO) ....... . 1977 <M,. w.-(974NlZ) ............. . 1976fer4r...