HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-21 - Newport Harbor EnsignCorona del Mar Wins Summer League Nears End See Pages 12, 13 SeePage 11 SGN THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 50 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY JU LY 21 . 1982 • 25 CENTS ------------ COMPUTER EXPERTS Cd n !.tdrt vo unq a~ d· es 1\Aaydn Elsten. 9 The Costa Mesa ~· =>one o f man.., "'lewpnr· "'t>Sd s·udet ts enrolled 10 ETC dasses this St rnmer S ·• r , 5 • .... C '"t:';tf' Extra Tune Classes Are Exciting For ChDdren ~ AA.ette WCI'bOD C.,...bDq • 14-Ulch co1l v-. UDpersonahnQ a flc1p ~. d.mqnmQ your o wn Pa- W.. or N t:ulg Lnsh soda b:Noid &ftel' a YtCJOIOUS frtah 119 &re aome of the ez· peneace. ..annq plctc. an ETC {Eatra TUDe ClAsses) thas sn•mer Won thAD 200 students hom 14 Newpoen·Nesa UA.Lbecl School Dastnc1 cam- pu.-bue cllc.en to spend lMU sum•el' dAys LD cJasws suc:k .-e&lli<papby. cookm q uad dan~. coaputer -ciRce, cre.abYe wnbnQ. chaaa. ioNMjJ.Il lanqu.qe po•. ...,. typmo. auac •nd -..g~e. "btar..unq:· "lob oJ fu n · &Dd "&n .de.~ t....nunQ satu.s boD .. are terms COIIUDonly us- ed by tMChers, .,.renJs and shld.Dta to descnbe ETC We..n&.D Robboy a par eo 1 ~r, tu.l developed the l1C proqram two J'Mrs ago at W&n.aen School becauw ..ay ct.a-&nd proqrams a t lM ce.pua bad t..Uen vachm \ob.c~Qet cuts .tobbor'• program bas been adopt.d for u. an mAny other N.wport-W... .cbools. .. We coulcln't aut ••• bad &ad coeplain, .. dae saKi • I t.el ita •P to pueats to be recponsLb}e to ch.ldren, to qa•,.re them what they need 'The scnool dlStuc t pr- ;. :des the facahlles and we as .s commurutv d1o what we c an to or<J.snaze mtellectually ,.t,mudlllng and culturally er.nchang cl<u.ses " Robboy saad she cons1ders ETC 4 stopgap measure resulting £rom budQel cuts alter the pa.ssaqe of Propost· uon 13 She SAid she also supports the eJforts of the Newport Mesa Schools Foun da•1on wbach has started to r~Lfoe adciluonal funds for academ1c pro)ecu and pro qrams from ~rents and the buSiness commuruty Puents need to suppor1 tne toundahon so that even ·aa llv "e Cclil re-tocorporate many of these classes h.ck tto the school day " she saad · T ud.sv we have to realt&e that there are oo u tra funds ::-ommg trom S.cramento or Wa.shmgton The foundAtion I provades an alternahve fund· r aastng posstbtlty " Meanwhale. there 1s ETC , a fee based summer prOQram •hat otiers many opportunahes r.o• ava1lable 1n reqular c-l asses Robboy compumented the s udents who have elected to (CoAtmued OD paqe 10) It wu, aU m all. ~ :net m.1 ~~ week iD the lonn hut<. )' ?I con&lderahon of E11 .: .o Mllnr . .-l Au St•bon as a com.merc1al a u - pori DunnQ the put sev,. daya: -It was revealed st ) , June 10 &n &~de :o ,. .upe .. m &nother <hstrict < ':>r& t· County wrot~ the S . ·reu ' ,f O.t.DM of the U nat.. St urqinQ bun to clc se .J T. ·c .. d •llow at to be tu rrt~ . ..lto a ·em mercaal aarport. -A commatteeo nt bust u.: s leaders asaued ,tc: f r.aJ repc ·t and recommend•~ .e r ·.note S...OhaQo Canyon 1 • /j bcve lr vane fo r a new cou,.,.,err a~ What Coast Comm .. u11ty Col- leqe llaaln.ct othetah are calhno a "courw !lat last'' from the Qoverntn<J boa rd of L.be states communatv colleges wall result an a loss ol some S4 malhon and about 1,400 class secltons to the daatnct At a press conference last week, CCCD Chancellor Nor· man Watson ch.sracterued the state board's decasaon to cancel funchnq for personal ennchment and self -help classes as "a step bac kward" tn communaty col- t~· tradthonal role of servmg commu naty needs Hardest btl by the class cut· bac ks, Watson predtcted. w1ll be the senaor Clh&en population a.nd adult, part-tune students who UMd two-year colleges as a mHJU of ennchtnQ theu laves and puthng INrnang on a Welong baaa "The perce ntage of older students ancreases every vear be told reporters "Pari lime students, mostly adults a lreadv are the predomtnanl group tn baQb r educalton " Tbt> chstnct plans to convert many of the courMs no lonqer funded by the state mto com muruty aervace" achvthes a nd P~'09rams offered on a user fee bull the chanceUor saod Fees for such programs CL uld range from $5 to $7 50 lor lower-cost, lecture offermq s lo more than S200 fo r achv1tres re quannQ more expensave eq •. up- ment aethJlQI and personnel ne coUeQe dtatnct's tradt hoQal academac programs also .t..C to lose support, although they ahll wlll be funded bv the "ate, Ntd Watso n, becau5e Lallds b <'m popular courw& such U Urate &nd I'UrtJnq hav• been ueed to bolster academac oUer lnoa "U we can't put on an acllv11y or prooram tbat wall support ats owa weight, we w1U not put 11 on ," he Mad "We're on the ~rketpl•~ now " Tbe unp&<:t of the alate cut becks t1 ewpected to be mo re MYere at Cout than at &ny diat net Ul the It ate, ofilclala ... Y. becei.LM the dnhct'a thr" lUbhatlona-Galclen w .. t. Oranve Cout end Co.•tllft • • taro• port.on ol the com· awatty W1 .. cl.1111 that GO ••' wm be funded. Wettol\ tlllliiiated t~t 48 perwDI oJ tlillr c:t ,....._ utaliu oce or .ont ol tile ooaal\&.oUy coU~ WtU coea••ty ... bert pey lor eke eDnc:'-eial proon .. (C•tialMid oa p.o. 2) I AbportMu &lrport-but a.t.o aaad EJ Toro a.hould be cloeed to elurunate auspace con01cts -A Southern Cahforn1a Associabon of Governments Toro pohttcs wa.a the letter MDI by Steven Malone, aJde to SupervlSOr Ralph Clark to U S Defense Secretary Wetnberger 1 comm.ilt" contmued to oppose Sanhaqo C&nyon, MYLDQ there Nould also be &lrapace conflicts 'Nlth the 8JUSUnQ Ontano ln&er- ll&honal Aupor1 A copy o1 the letter was returned !ro m Wa.shmQton to Ftftb Dutnct Supervuor Tom Raley. who d.tatnbuted 11 amonQ bLS colleaQues. Accordmg to reports, N&lone. who represented Cl.ult on the SCAG com..m1ttee, wrote ur<JIDCJ WemberQer to sell, lease or Qr&nt El Toro lor uae as a -SCA.G • .otbac b ba.s h.cked El Toro, Camp Pendleton or a $3.2 billion man-made wand atrport off LonQ Suc h , schedul ed a publlc heannq an lrvtne, but on the same naqht as a Ctty C ouncil meetmg-Tuesday, July 27 at • p.m . m the UC lrvtne '/tllaqe Theater The mo.t unusual event 1n another week that was lo r El Mortgage Bonds Cl vilian 4.1 rpor1 It ts "a tremendous waste of resources to have runways of Qreat capacaty and & s1te pro· tected b om res1deottal en c roacb.ment And not be able to use at lor a commerca&l .arport," $49 melhon en tax exempt mortgage oonos w e f> ~ ell WednP.Sday wtth Wefts Fargo Mortqage Co ana .,,.w drt:.'a housmg developers panecrpatrng tn tr e <ssue wn·c~" w1t f,"'~PC .. consHuctiOn of 700 new ~omes Mo•· ,ages d'"' 't>"<."•C'f"<:1 '<' perso '5 buyrnq thetr ferst nome or w h ~'~ave ~ · '"ned 3 ,,.,,, tn lh<t>e years Wtth the ·~ue ()far lit' Count-. b ... ~ 3 11 e .... f' I r::,t county rn the nation 10 exceed $20('1 ""'•on l ., 1c:. P•t>w• · d' the rssuanoe were, back from leh Jo~hn Mllrpt" C(' ·nsc· fur 1~1e tssuer~ Geotge Cotfan Ill \liCe pre51<1~nt ~~~ooes·t-: ,,..., • ,es:u•' Mortgdqe Fenancea.l Servrces Inc idr"PontstratCl , t "'>L er of the ISSlte, front from left Vrcke Yor s·atf aSSIStct• • ~· drr•w P Resendez of IMFS; Gurdo A Roth• a• t1 Jr of ll\1r-S 1 • 1 E L Trournan of Securtty Pacrfec " •·"" by Robert Frcmk Althouvh be _.,.__ "tber~ are oo h&rd a.Dd fast hQures ' Rtck BrAdley, lraJhc lnv•h<Jator of the Newport INch Pohce O.p.rtment, Mld be bu a "<Jut f"hnc;f ' there aa aome correla lion betw"n ao ancrM• m tbe tncadeo~ of lut aDd run ca.ee and h&nher alate clrun.keo dnvanq-or "deu.c:e"-lewa wbacb started l.D J&nuary The n:untmum Jall term lor ao· meone found 9ullty fo1 dl'\l.Aken dnvmo u.nder the new leqial..- Hoo •• 48-boun There Ll oo maou:nua •a ll term tor 1011M00e found quilty of aut and f\.UI . Bradley•• bypoth..-. Ll th.at. belAO awere ol the peaalty, m · toxtceMd drs'"ra ruy be ..... mo away froa ... , beocten ud LDJUrt eccldnt.a lD ... r ol .... c:.U. "Hll •Dd t\10 • Dot ~eel \lpoD ~ .. ct .... clri'ft~ by r tM r COIIIlPia'-or lM ~-at .... ..... iMI ........... it) , ... lD the COIU11, ... cuec:w Laws Hit.. Runs I a re a ~utlty pari\ w 1 I n•ver serv• aal hm.-I • at contended Bradlt>v Susp4'<'1S tr. he! .1nd runs 4re I not usuallv ca ~.o ~~-wtl~ an mmutes of the vtlense Br .. dl•\ expl4tned So whto r. th• .. aM qoes to trtal at ~~ dtfltcult to pro ve the suspect was drunk whale commattmQ the cnme "It's •lmoat 1mposaable to teU 1l someone was deuce unless we (poll~) happen to atop ~um IMVlftQ the •re. or have hfna obeervecl by an esper1 wt tn ... " expla1.ned Bradley "I caDDot MJ that there are a l&rqer nuabet of drunk dnwen bum:plDO mto th1D and tben tplittiDO, y beca I caD..not pro" tl.at • pence wu uDder e iAJlu ce et the •e of ocr:unuce,.. .ct)ey u · pWAed . T\Ja diJ tc1ahy U. Dol 0 able to Pf'O'" ~-.any ~l .Ad ru clii"n ..... edMUy 1aader ~.r..ooauMCI. N.a.Jone wrote The Cl&zlr aade further a.rqued "Urbanu.ahon IS raptdly eJlc roadu.oQ on the base, and tl will UleV1tahly lose ats attr&C· t1veness for au.htary tr&tntnq operations However. thu ..,.., OtanQe County, C&Wonua, very much needs a commerc:W a.u· port and El Toro would be td..J .. An arked Raley sa.Jd of N&lone 'U be were one of my aades be wouldn't be wo rlonQ here " The supervLSOn voted 3-1 Feb s. 1980 Wlth cwtr vollnq no and Harnett Waeder abataan· ang . to oppose "tUly JOUll u.se or mllatary-cavthan 11se only of El (Cootmued Clll ~ 10) 14,000 Over 14 000 persons b.ve now su~ned c•rd.a 1n support vJ lrvtne Medtca; Cent•r the <Jro llp AD· oounc.d tbu week 1 t-le.ta whtle tb~ lrvane Chamber of Comm~·ce board of duectors h.ss voted an favor of • 'non-prof1t communth bospatal preJerclbly With UC lrvane and S.ddleback CoUeqe ~rhcapa · non, located 10 Vul•g@ 12 '' The cerhhcctt• oJ need appu· calion for a 220 bed non proht lrvLOe Neciaca l Ceoaer envwon ed for a Vlllage 12 sue at Barranca &n<i JeHrey LS eq>eet ed to be hl.d WJtb the Statewtd. Otflc. of HM!tb Plaru:un<J 4Jld Development ao a r-ouple of w"k.s Sharon Elhs & member of th• lrvane Nedac..t Center board of duecto rs saad the group s oHace 10 WoodbndQt> rece1ved about 700 cards o the mat! Monday "Our qoa: no-~~ 15 OOC ElliS scud She attnbute<i tht> latest group of cards to a letter tn support of the ho.patal plan sent ro all rtildents & w .. i 4QO by Coun caiman Octve S1lls E:..rltet 113 voJunteers ca n· (CODtulued OD p.qe 2) (Cootio ..,.j from-1) leDda to hudjcap h.is theory The oo}y way to claUD dru.Dkeo drivinQ u proof of nev.livenc:e iD hit and nan cue., . be Mid, is if the defendant IMtifi .. be wu drunk. "And It's Dot .otneth..inq people are Ukely to .d.mit, a..lthouoh it has hap· pened," be Mad. But r.corcb of the Newport &.t.ch Police O.parlmenl show .o~ae inter•Unq numbers. The motl recent monthly management data available tor the HBPD encb with May. II show. a total of silt bit and run accidents wdh inJured vactims lor that month and a year-to- date Iota! of 16, watb no latali.ti ... That LS a 25 percent ancrea.se over 1981 figures lor the aa.me five-month period. As of December 1981 , hll and run inJuries were down 17 per- cent over 1980 bqures. And in 1980, those bqures were down nearly 30 percent h om the prevtous year , JUS! about balan- cinq a 1979 mcrease of 39 per- cent. . Although property damage hat and run, where someone makes a bad turn and sideswipes a pa.rkttd ca;r, for instance, h.u d echnad 17 percent, "J thtnk we're 9 0 109 to see"' nse m that liqu.re." "I have found a good con ela- hon between drunk dnvmq en· forcemenl, which was way up last December (1981). We made 218 arrests. Then an January 1982, we had live btl and runs wtth IRJUnea, which was an tn· c rease of 400 percent over the month before, when we had none," Bradley satd. E.ztra squads of offtcers were on patrol dunnq the hohday season, so pohce were arresling Pilots Of Year Lois Dillman. left , and Elkl'nor Todd, right, \IVefe named pilots of the year by the local chapter of the 99s, women pilo ts organizat+on New officers of the gro up also in stalled at the recent banquet were, from left o f Dillman, Pam Mahanchak, vice chair; lesle Bush, secretary; Anite Crocket, treasurer; and Marci Mathe, chairperson. ' more mebria"ted dnvers before they became btl and run dnvers, he satd. The mJury JUmp appeared ru~ht after the hohdays ended, when the squads were dtssembl· ed. "It 's my feehng that smce the deuce laws are so stiff , they should make the hit and ru.n Stiltl photo by Steve Ciir>eoan •1awa either aa s tiff or atiffer," be t>aid, to ciON oU any Q&pa bet- ween the two in penalties. "ll you aee a collision, stop and Qel the license number and a. description of the car," Bradley sugqesled. "It never hurts if you see somethmg and tell ua what you know." PUBLIC MEETING NEWPORT BAY WATERSHED 208 PLANNING The 208 Planning Advisory G roup for the Newport Bay Watershe d , a commit · tee jointly established by the Cihes of Newport Beac h and Irvine, will hold a public meeting at 7 p .m. on Thursday, July 29, 1982, in the Newport Beach City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. The purpose of the meehng as to review the sedimentation analysis of the watershed prepared by Boyle Enomeering Corporation . The sedimentati9n analysis will he utilized to develop a comprehensive sedimenla· hon control plan for the watershed. Copies of the Sedimentation Analysis Report may he examined at the Ne wpo rt Beach Planning Department or at branches of the Newport Beach Public Library. For additional informa- tion call (7 14) 640-2261 , Newport Beach Plannmg Department. Publish: July 21 , 1982 Newport Ensign. BORDER st•rrlng J•cll: Nlcholaon A lao in The NE427 Cannery Row Buckly Buclcly Looker VI••• c....... ....... Outland --No club to join, no membership t .. s I OOOs of movies available, all ratlnt• IMPROPER QUESTIONS? Our Cny Council has been listening to testimony about whether an office building, replac· ing the Fun Zone, should be built 10 tower over the middle of Balboa. They have heard the views of developers, the local busmess associations. and most frequently the Chamber of Comm6fce, but NOT the local residents Why not' Maybe the locals are scared of speaking out when such heavy endorsement has come hom 1he outSide business communily. Take for e.:ample, what happened to form61' Planning Commissioner, Alan Beek. White in office, Alan several times suggested to Council that public oprnion polls be taken in the areas where major projects were proposed. When the second referendum passed, he specifically requested 1 Poll for the Beeco--Banning pro;ect. His request was denied. So. this 1 time, he sent out, 11 ,;ts own e»~pense, a public opinion poll asking netghbora of the Fun Zone what they thought of the office buitding idea. For his troubk!, even before the poM results wete in, Alan was criticized. Some civic leaders were quoted as saying it waa ''Im- proper" for him to send such a questionnaire. Since when Is it Improper to consult with the people of Newport Beach about the future of the town? We are the ones who must live with whatever decisions are made. We are the ones INho suffer from these gigantic, dense projects which add traffic and congestion The Chamber'a ~PQkeswoman, who lives tn Irvine. doesn't have to li\le with these mistakes-WE DOl We are told the area needs to be upgraded. Ho w about just cleaning it up? Each time a potential new owner comes fortt1'we hear the same stOry. Remember when they took away the publk: beach so the new owners could redevelop and upgrade the 111ea? Have you teen the gwbege 1n front of 11 ~tely1 Do you like the btKk iron fence? Re"*'"ber the prtlly pic· turM of what that Merina Wlll going to be? Will this project be any different? We don't went to keeg fighting City Halt We just W8 nt the ~.,_, there to 11art ha.rtng the citizens. We don't M8lf'IY1hing imoroper about that DO YOU? . -·-.._ ---'--·----- I (Coatia...! '"""-1) wbeo the price U.cr ..... to ..U. them ..U·s\lpporti.Ag? "1 tiUak many wuiU,,. Mid Wat.oa, "but 1 think IIWl)' ln the coaaunity who lhould h.a•e ~ be.nefit Of th .. cour ... will not be &ble to pay." The chanc.Uor bluted the state'• "hit lilt" u an illfriqe· ment on the traditiAal role olthe community colleoe-meetino uDique community needs and des.i.ru. "We have nothing •qai.nst of- ferino ADY of these thinos we have offered i the past," he declared. "We are beino told by the state that we can no lonQer offer tb ... thin91 state- supportttd." The brunt of instructor cut- backs will be borne by the district's large pa.rt·time faculty. Only 650 of the teochers at the thrH colleoes are lull-time employees with state-mandated protections against dismi.ual; about 1,600 are part-lime, and need not be given the traditional "reductio in force" nohce in Marc h in order to be diamiued in Spetember. The cuts will mean a lou ol about 45,000 student "teats" (at 30 per c:l ... MCtioa). ln tenu of I...U-t .... ot..t.at fllodlo9. Golde• w ... will ._ .bout $50 otudoo>ta, o. ..... Cout 1156 ...! CoutU .. 1,644. The ltale eutbacb will c.u. the mo.t d.r._..tic loa to CoutlUae, with a.bout 25 percent ol tlw earolbaect aBected, Wat· ton Mid. The S4 m.i.l.lioa revenue loa W &bout 5 perc.nt of tA. dWtrict's 589 milli.oo bw:loet for 1982-83. Dr . Bernard Luskin. new pretU:Ient of Oranoe Cout, saad the stale'• late announcement of the funding cuta came after more than 15,000 student• already had r-oistered lor fall. Thow students reQistered in non-funded courses now must be contacted and asked to re· r-oister, replacino the DOD· lunded cour ... (which can no lonoer be oHered for colleQ• credit) or cancelino enrollment. "To track down all thne peo- ple, who now are acattered to the wind., is qoi.no to be horren· dous," said Luakln, lamentinq that the cutbacks bad come down from the state on his first day as OCC pru1denl (he replaced long-time president Dr. Robert Moore, who recently retirttd). John Buller, interim president ol Coutline, said his oHice abo t.c.. a hNVY t..uk-red .. lgRIDQ u upect.d 100 of the DOD · hi.Dd.cl c:ou.... u "comaua.nlty MrriceH ... off.ringS. "All o1u colle9H are ooi.no to bo olloctod, • he ooid . "I don't t.b.i.k we will be Able, even with cutbKb, to malr:e \IP the $4 m.i.llioa .. ere Jo.ino." Hqspital (Continued from paoe 1) vaased. bvi.ne the niQht of July 8 and collected 2,509 1i9ned carcb i.n two hours' lime. The Chamber board's decuuon came alter hearinq presentattons hom Irvine Medical Center, UC Irvine, HNithWest and Western Medical Center, accordmQ to a.n a.DPOUDCement . The board voted to lake the followinq position: "The Irvine Cb..mber of Com· mere• supports a non-profit community h01pital tn lrvme, preferably with UCI and Sad- dlebac.k CoJJaQJlpa.rlictpahon, locatttd in. Villa9e 12 and con· trollttd by • board of duecton ol which at least 51 percent of the individuals either work or hve tn lrvi.ne." • MOST CARS Includes rotor refoclng if necessary and repacking front wheel bearings. TUNE·UP SPECIAL I FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC ~ cyl.$39.95 • 6cyl·$49.95 • 8 cyl $59.95 • • MOSTCARS • PARTS AND LABOR • All WORK GUARANTEED • TRAINED MECHANICS ' AdO S61f POints &.. COI'ldenler R&Qured LOCKHART'S 301 East Coast Highway Newport Beach 67~11 (COO'-iEROf BAYSIDE OQIVE &. PCH) 16TH ANNUAL FINE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL THE MAGIC IS BACK! I Ollll" d'"t , llj0 \ thr 'l.t•••du-.1 l·r•-.l •~·<tl tn I <14Un.:t O•·d( h lh" -.uo .. n .. ·• '''' dn I'~P•'I "''" o• VloU It 0!'\''r IOIIJ' I Yuu II b•· "'' '• Or'!••·d b\ 200 ct<!o-.t-. ctnd ( •ctlh/)''"l'h· "' dl'l•·du t•lut I tid ~u<.d l vj!IU' q1 o~•· .... h,·r t· d I .sill•"'" ,,IJ<t<lt' '' "'h'""" "' h wllh rrq -. u -..·-. t.".t< h \1('6' 111 I <tqlll'" (dn~on I"'' monult•-. <l"'d\ lrn111 lht· '"rl and -.t~ml f OjOV \lw <lld<j ll ~~~ •1''''1' .:tnJ l r t~ll-.j.>t'!op it-,lt'!!ntll,lldl• tho '' -.ktih lldll .. !OIITlOII\j 1\1\'d' HII O l rn.-.h<•d II>Of k' o l dOl.,, \IOU ""<lh h Po~~ont r rut' p<tnl' -.tulpturt• (e•.smt<' r lo th•ru t 'tdono>d qta" tt'"'•·lt ~ <tnd rnu< h nmrt• ol-. .til h(•fl' tu-.tlo r ~11u Vfou U -.u nU .:tiOII'I ,d...,du-.1 p.tlh~ lt-.l ('n to d bul'lhi"'''''H'dm ""d ,,.,, h,., """htll<IPCllld "'"""•tlldt·rtt"!q mu-.n ,.,n .. ltll lht• .ttl w rlt\.ll•u -..t 1 hJ., .• , 'ofJ rn uc h ln -..·•· til ~.t..,tl u-.1 82 Ur •n•a \(>UI I;Htlrl, dlld ""''vt-. dfld -.h<tfr tht•tun JULY lOth. TH~U AUGUST 29th 10:00 AM TO 11 :00 fM EVERY D~Y A.DMISSIOI'I U .OO IUDS UNDER 12 FJI£1: ..,ITH A,DULT US LAGUNA CANYON IIOAO l ... OOIIA, IlEAC H. CAUPGaNIA, INFO."'ATION ... -.,.,. f'O 80.liJ.M.LM*NAKACM..CA.tHU • Mo I ,., "'' Shi dao I <a P" we '"' bt• r, C>l Kr ,,, ol •• ol " " " • d G T h ' I I ' l POUCE BLO t•t 'ER Mooday. July 12 CRIMES Jewelry vAlued at $2,105 w.u reported stolen from Evert C AlMnz tn the 1900 block of Shernnqton . Hobie cat Mtls, daqc;~er boards, nggmqs, a trapeze harness and hfe preservers valued at $1,900 were reported stolen from Joseph Commodore m the 100 block of Crystal. ARRESTS Stephen Paul Roberts, 23, of fullerton, was arrested on susp1· cton of burglary ... Oavtd Roy Kober, 18, of San Juan Capll- llano, w.u arrested on susptcton of possess10g known stolen prop- erty Dale Ernest Rauclc, 23. ol Costa MeS4, was arrested on susptcton ol recetvtng known stolen pro~rly Two Newport Beach restdents were arrested on s usp1c1on of drunken dnvmg· Kat hryn L Sales and Chn.stopher Paul Mackhn Tu .. day. July 13 CRIMES An El Monte woman escaped harm after scaHng oU a would- be raptst who confronted her 10 the re1troom .sl McDonald's on Pac1.hc Coast H1qhway. The su~pect fled 1n a 1978 Chevy longbed, aqua-green m color wtlh overs1zed rear lues, hated rear wmdow and construcllon bars The suspect was descnbed as wh1te male, 30-35 years old , blonde hau, and about 5-feet-10 or s1x feet tall, wetghtng around 180 pounds, pohce reported . An OCTO bus dnver was talnng h1s haU-hour brealt at Oce61l front and Wastunqton when a young man boarded the bus The dnver advtsed the man he wo uld not be leavsng for a half hour and the au..pect stated, "I'm tued of tbus s• • "I" appar· ently refern.nc;~ to the delay. "You're QOl.D9 to need cbanQe," usd the dnver, upon nohct.nQ a Sl bUl 10 the youth'• band (OCTO requues euct fare). The suapect responded by punclunq the dnver 1n the left eye, and rAD away, police reported ... A 38 Spec1al handc;~un valued at SlSO waa reported stolen from Paul F. Sanford m the 1100 block of Kmqs Road Jewelry and other pro~rty valued at $2,670 was reported stolen from Donna Bateman m the 200 block of Ocean V tew . . S 1,698 c.uh and blank c heck.a were reported stolen from Corona del Mar Shell in the 2800 block of Co.ut HtQhway ARRESTS Raul Ernesto Bernal, 18, of Yo rba Linda, was arrested on SUiplClOn of recelVl.DQ known s tolen properly John Louts Montoya, 29, of Denver waa arrested on susp1c1on of defraudmg an mnkeeper . Becky Torres, 26, of San Pedro was arrested on susptcton of possess1ng amphetammea .. One man was arrested on auapl- cton of drunken dnvmq, not lrom Newport Beach Wednesday. July 14 CRIMES A res1dent tn tbe 1800 block of BonaJte recetved a call around 2 45 p.m m whtc h the caller 1denllhed hJmsell as a member of the Newport Beach Pouce Department and aa.ked her what lund of an alarm syatem her restdence had. He then asked about ne1qhbon.ng homes, and when she SAld she d1dn't know, sa1d, "I guess I FOR A REAL ahould be ta.Utinc;~ to them.'' and bWlc;~, police reported lurqlen of crlhc•l s>&J,.te took a cue of Lowenbrau, ll.in.e sand· wich ... lhrM beet tnanc;~t.a, a a5-pound amo.ked turkey bzeut and a 2~pou.nd Laptaver ch .... hOJD the Bona.,.rte &.kery tn the 2600 block of San N.iquel The fancy tood th1ev" awaped about $250 worth of m.erchan dlM . A .33 karat oold and diamond nnq valued at $1 ,200 w&a reported stolen from l.wce Dwaoht Lawson 1n the 1200 block oJ Blue Gum . Stereo equ1pment valued at $1,000 was reported stolen from Michael Joaeph Hoy m the 500 block of Westmuuter ARRESTS Bob Jac kson Arnold, 47 . was arrested on susptctoo of orand theft auto . Theresa Ann Norder, 30. ot Apple Valley. was arreated on au1p1caon of petty theft . . . One man was &nested on suaplc ton of drunken dnvmq, not from Newport Beac h Thursday. July 1~ CRIMES Jewelry valued at $5,825 wa.s reported stolen from Kathryn Ault Raulston 10 the 200 block of Evena.ng Cyn . Surfboards ud lH1hes valued at $1,001 were reported stolen from Ruuell Surfboards tn the 2200 block of Balboa . About $1,000 cash w• reported stolen from G.ry Charles Lucas tn the 1900 block of Port Nelson A vhf radlo valued at $500 was reported stolen from a boat belonc;~tnQ to Peter Michael Olah berthed at 300 Cout Hsqhway ARRESTS · O&vtd Allan Toohey, 21 , of FarmlDqton, M!cb . was ane~ted on suaptcton of automob1le burc;~la.ry . . . Georqe Greqory Fuller, 19, of Newport Beach was arrested on IUSplcton of forgmq the name on a c redit card Robert Geo rqe Kelhck D. 32, of South l..aqun• w ... ar· r .. ted on au.sptCJOO of pcww·- a.nc;r coca1ae MUle me• weJ'e arr•ted ~ sus~Oll of clnaaken dnvanq, taclucilaq one from N.wport Beech Terrell NJ.chMl ZuluDeRW' friday. July Jl CRIM!S A robber eec.J*i w1th $1,907 a.fter b.A.ndtnc;~ a threatemnc;~ note to a teUer at Fadehty Feder.! Savmq• ttl the 1500 block of Westcuff Polsce are looiunQ for a wbJte male, &.bout 5 -10, 170 pounds, a9ed 38-4.2 wttb bu.aby salt and pepper colored hau. He wu wea~IDQ , a short-sJ .. ved salmon colored slurt, creme- colored ~nla and a v1sor w1th Pac-man on 11 , pohce reported Sl,SOO w.u reported stolen from a safe at Manute Kt.ng to the 3500 block of lrvtoe $900 waa reported stolen from Mark Stephen Douc;~Ju 10 the 3600 block of Ba.lboa Pro- perty valued at $725 w.u reported stolen from Bill C Vonesch 10 the Anhbea Boat Gardea on Antihes Sl,030 tn c amera equipment wa.s reported stolen from Rumas l Boo. ttl the 800 block of lrvme The ll1ewpol'1 E.D&lgn WectMectoy. J~lr II. 1-,... 3 ARRESTS O.ncua Kettb Sbe.lton. 34. of Downey. w ..... , .. ted on auq>t c1on of burc;~luy Donn•• Mtch~~GI Brockman, 39, of L..k.ewood, was an .. ted on au.apac1on of burQlcl.J'y Octvld EdQu V &lenc1a, 32. l11ted u a tran•a.ent, w ... arr .. ted on auapi· CIOD of petty theft Mark James Shelly, 19, of Lonq Beach, was arrested on susp1 cton of pet1y theft Four men were ar reated on susptcton of d~unken drJVID(jl, tncludwQ three from Newport S..ch Theodore Hampton Mortenson J r . Angelo A.nton1o Ocasto and OouQI.u Marv10 Brant Saturday. July 17 CRIMES An Euex brand barrel con crete m1xer valued at $3,000 w.u reported stolen from Rtc hard W Mcintee m the 400 block of Bol.sa MedJcal books, doc tor's eqwpment and a vacuum cleaner valued at $2,890 were reported stolen from a ca r belonQJDQ to ln Soo K&m parked 1n the 800 block of lrvme Jewelry va.lued at $740 was reported stolen from B. Ow1Qht CulveJ' 1D the 1900 block of Sherri.Dc;~ton W.O's ,._.try valued at S2,400 wu reported stolen from Paul S OrtiiCOIJ In the 1800 block of 16th ARRESTS Tt.cy Fra.aca. IC.ale, 28, of Newport S..ch, wu arr•ted on 1\l.lplClOD of CODtnbUUD(jl to the dehoquency of a mlDOr Kev10 Curta• Oabom, 19, of fulleJ'ton, wu arre•ted oo au.ap1 c1on of poss.ss1nq cocame Ray Marhn Harden, 27. of OranQe, was attested on su1p1 cton of poa5essanq manJuana A dcnen men were arrested on susp1c1on of drunken dnvmg, IDCludmq one from Newport I Beac h Patuck GallJs Huqqms Sunday. July 18 ARRESTS Oan1el franc1s Toal 18, of Newport Beach, wa.s arrested on susptc1on of felony drunken dnvmq lsmael Edward G.r- Cia , 20. of Lon9 Beach, was ar rested on susp1c1on of vandah.am Three peop le were arreated on susptc1on of drunken dnvmq, tncludtnq two from Newport Beach W1U1ard Parte} and Karen Rae A rnold ----- WE PAY TOP The lceisRi ht FOI GOOD CLEAJI USED CAIIEIAS 8nng v 0411 c ..... Of 111'1 Pnologt IC)hiC EQUIP tn tOf a FREE IWfllsal CAl'S CAIEIAS 1770 ._poll 8oulevard Costa Mesa. Callforma 92627 (714) ... 1313 WGIJ..PERFORMAN(E RADIALS ...,.,, , to 11.01 Jed. h . ' .. GOODYEAil EAGLEST bold while ~etten P195/70R13 $58 P195/70R14 $65 P21 5 70R14 $10 P235/70R15 $71 P235/60R14 $73 P245/60R15 $71 P255/60R15 $81 Call fo r eagle net & eagle gt pnces TASTE TREAT ~ * .I qou-cJOcel STEEL-RADIAL BARGAINS jrporter GOURMET DINING MEDITERRANEAN AM CHAMPAGNE8RUNCHSUNDAVS103PM DANCING NI GHTL V CABARET LOUNGE • CAPTAIN 'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP 2• HAS We Keep You Sm1lmg ... 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. IRVINE, CALI FORNIA IOPQos•a OrenQe CountvA•rpot (7 14) 833-2770 PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752·6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m . All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Servtce PETER T SMAE CEK. J A . DDS INC 3961 Mac Arthur Blvd .. Suite 104 Newport Beach tnext lo Vsctona Station) LOOKING FOR YOUR DREAM HOME? fiBD IT IB THE REAL ESTATE TODAY! SECDOR , .. ·o · '::1 More than JX aaest Ave bedrooms. 5 botha. fanlty room. 6 bl1ok ftrepkx:es, 2 d6nlng rooms. pool, jocuz:zt, bam wtth guest quartets. tuxurtous omenlttes too runerous to mentkn Otfered at orlv Sl,SSO.OOO. IHOWN IY APPOINlMINT CALL~~~W.~~;fl~~!•~ 6 Blown W•ne Glosses Absolvtely FRE£ When yov open o PASSBOOK ACCOUNT w t th S.SOO ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE Also FREE COFFEE & COOKIES • FREE JAR OPENERS UMillD O'Jtt WHilf SU"' Y LASTS ONl SIT 'fR CU$l0 MU • AVAII.Aitf JO CAti~IA IIISIO(NTSONl 'f • South Coast Thrift and Loan VA 81aekwalla ALL SEASON P1 55 80R13 S4S P165 80R13 S48 P175 80R1 3 SSO P1 7 5 80 R 14 SSl P185 80R14 SSS P1 5) 80R1 'i S47 P1 75 70R1 .3 SSl P185 70R14 SS8 P'twJ Sl.l9 ao Sl.71 ~ b Tn Ct:STOM LYSTEEL P1 7s aoR, ~ s•' P18) 80R1 3 $55 P1 7S 7SR14 SS9 P185 7S R14 S6l P1 q; 7S R14 $65 P205 75 R1 t; S68 P2Fi 75 R1 S $78 P 22'i 75 R1 5 $78 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ FU'I\JRE BELT PM 2 PlUS lllAS-BEL TEO 4.75 fof s.n ,,~ 11 """S\ .. F.Ll IN P()ti\JlAI P-Met-ric SillS Good V•lue In An Economic•l P•s~nger Tire 2 f•betglau ~~~~ prov•df! strt!ngt~ and dufab•lttv RtCL I '\R fl ll Rf Rll T PM 2 Polvestef bodv pltes ensure a tmooth soh fide Flat tt••d aNi w•d~ s~ovldets otter ••celtent h41ndltng Wtutewalla Seae for eYery avto , 55-12 36.82 155·13 3782 165-13 39.82 165·14 ~682 175· '4 4 7 8 2 185· '4 52.82 175/70113 _S_IZ£ P19S 7$-U nos 1s.u P11S,7S·15 PllS/75-15 PllS/75-lS OLIR PR I< E ~ l T roo 2.01 39.00 2.14 4l.OO 2.40 4-6.00 1.$6 46.00 1.77 f .(.T. 1 22 , 27 , 57 1 80 200 2 12 1 35 .... __ The Orangewood Home With Irvine'• pledge lui w"k of $26,700 and Santa Au'a.oHer Monday of $191,000, every city in Ora.no• Couuty hN guaranteed expenditure of a percenta.qe of community service block qre.nt funds toward construe· lion of Orangewood Home. The home, which when built will fill perhaps the moat critical need in the county, is for the children- neglected, abused and a..bandoned-who come from every part of our community, old and new, rich and poor. Aa a member of Ora.nqewood's board put it, you only have to w._tk through the Albert Sitton Home, where auch children currently are housed, to see the need for a new facility. ' The Sitton Home's staff has lonq done the best it could with the inadequate space and money it has. Generous donation• from the private sector have helped, but lt's cle.u that money spent toward conatruc- tion of Orangewood will be money very well spent. To dale, the ciliea have pledged about $1.1 million in block grant func:U that may be spent for community Mr- vice. In the Ora.nqe Coa.at a.rea, in addition to Irvine's guarantee, Oranqewood has pledqes of $56, ()(X) from Costa Mesa and $42,000 from Newport Beach. The Orangewood board of dllecloro, led by chairman William Lyon, has guaranteed more than $2 million toward the $7 million project. For a campaign that launched its first major funding puah. in January, Orangewood has come along way. The directors a.nd staff have a riqht to feel proud of their accompl.iah.ments. • But the pledqes, while impressive, will not of themselves do anything to deliver a single child from the torm~nt of abuae or neqlect. That will lake cold, hard caoh. We call upon each oJ the city and county agencies that has pledoecl community service funds "in princi- ple" to make sure that principle becomes a fact. In times of austere budoets, it often is h.rd to procure lunda for "social proqrams" -but Orangewood is not juot any do-goqler campaign. There is no societal victim leu able to protect or fend lor himMil than the abuoed, neglected or abandoned child. He is totally vulnerable in a culture that orants him few riqhtl! of his own. And the acara, bruises and ~ad eyes of the children at the Sitton Home show that thOM few riqhts &re often violated. Child abuse and neglect cut across all social and economic boundary lines. Victims of child abuse come from all parts of Oranqe County. So should the money. Let's make sure it's there when it's needed. , . . . ~·-... SO:?' ...,.. '· ••• Letters To The Editor leek Contuoeto? To the ld.Uc•: I am wr.itin9 this letter m my ~ity u a cUUen rather tha.n u a ma•Nr ol any group or auoc:iatiao. Appuently, in an •Uort to atir up 10me coal rover· 1J prier k) yo1n paaain9 en the run Zone Development, N..r. Al1&n leek, hu allempted to conh&M and mi•IMd. the pubhc. In the Jollowiag COIII..IIlenta, I am not ~ilic:Uly edcheuing my..U to llle fUD. Zone protect, rather I am adclreai.D9 my..U to the CODCena and a.eec:U of Balbo& u a wh.ole. W.. Beek'• lett• and cru-tionn&ire are ap· pa.ready ~ lo th.e iau.e of the Fwa Zone u th.e Fwa Zone project il opodbc&lly c!ioc..- ia. the Jint pu-o.rapll of IUa .. ,_ ter. lt.el, however, that .U of Balboo could loo olfeclod U any wei9At ia given to •~ awtAods em,ployed by -ameone who wu auppc.ecilo haft bMn repr-.nUa.v our city du.ring the putfowy ..... Briefly out.linecl, my com- plAint. are a iollowa: "l'U\Ilta-oi·W.. Beek'• qu.tioo- a.Ue, il aubm.Jttttd lo you lor any .-...ora, a.hould not rece1ve the diQ:a.ity oJ one minute oJ yoW' lime. web a U..C.. pt-.ntttd to Lh• voteu: oi the peoinliula are clearly intoended to cr.ate confu- aicm aad are polibca.J ill aature. 1 &m 110ny lb.at tllil: ill U.. cue. Tb.u.k you b JOU• conUa.uiDg conc.r:u tq the Deeds: oi our ci· ly. J .... C .P.no.nh. 9U2 Decibelo To the Edit<»: Ia DUJIWI'OUS news media ar- ticl•, &.Dd ~about • pr~ new~ avY.boa aile, the no• im~Noct of buain. ... jets bu been ..-. eomewb.at ovem.ttd. ro. .... p~.. du.rmv 1981 •• Job We,ae Airport, dop&rtiag ~ oircrofl aver&9td 99.96 cleciNls o.o tab oU. a COJDp&red with 94.72 •ecotded. lor bt.Lain-jets. 1. Nr. a..k aiped the docu- ment u "PI&n.ll.iDQ Comlllia· sioner. •• 1 a. .. a.d DWDe.roWI rr=====--===-===:=:============-===j 11 individll&ls adViN ... dla.l tlaey a•e conJUMd u to whether or llaa.Uy. with resptd to the odoplioa ol A Spocilic ArM flaa for C..bal Balboa, it ilmy OPl· l1ioD that wc.h • plan should limply be to maintam tbe c.U.racter ud charm oJ old Balboa. Projects should be lzNtecl OD a project·bJ·pro)ect baa:is givinQ due concern to the IWTOWldi.o9S-We have a 9ood. commu.a.ity iD Balboa. • com- ~au.a.ity of COllCerned in· dividula. We are totally capa.ble of pfO'Vldio9 ow city vo••nua.eu.l wit& valu.abl. input conc:.na.ilu;1 propou)s before the citr.-Wra. hot QOinQ to SUCJ· g•l .amet.hmg to the city wh.ich woWd iD a.ny way detract 01 tab aw•y hom the beauty ud cbann of ow com.m.ua.ity. Fu..rthennote, we U'e Dot CJOiav to permit dev.topeu: to take advant&Qe of ua. 1live in a.J.bo., I work in Newport ud I Ia& .. too raudt. respect for where 1 lift and worlr: to penait aoyoae to profit troaa ovan:le•elopawnt of out COIIUilu.nity. It ia a shame th•l W.. Beelr: and IUs lollow..ra t.el lUI the r.udea.ts ud busin 1 1 In oddilioo, .... limited 3600 loot nmway CODte.pl,ated. lor • new G.A. ai .. would ...met the n\l.abet ol bo••=-iet. th.t could u. U.. lac:ility to perb.lp. lou.r or h" of U.. aw. quiet mod.h out of 22 ~ aow in CJP.Mal -iD Uo.iNd Stat.. 1t 11: u.ponaat eo ~ tUt approz· ...,.o.~y !10 porcoal of the buma-;.taueta. .... r. qW.I:er models with lliD9ie eveat r..diavs •• tllie 84 .00 decibels .... ,_ THE 'I'EI.EPtiONE POU not t1a.ia: ciocuJaa t CAme bom the city of ~rt lloocla. Wr. &.It well b.ew that his lenn wu vo- ing to ~pbe em J11.a.e 30, 1982. ~=====================~, ... d lhol be bod been.,.-over for a Nrthel' t.nD. ftle ....... quJ'ptloD• TheN will N DO rl.a.9 . n..r. . W DO Geed to talk. 1M ,..._.. Do you •v•-wtth the pto-uft'" .ound you bear W your wote poM) th,at a new airport be plac-beiD.v r.corcLtd. ecllD U.. S..t.i.aqo Cuyoo area? S.. ltory on po~ge 1. LaM -..k'a qu t rtW.· To -YES. c:all '" ••. To-ItO. c:alll7$-7020. Do you support th.e oew city otdinaace on video 9&JDel ~­ ed Nonday n19 hl? (S.. ltory on page 2) Cali UytiiM b.ta SID llOW ud 8 •·•· "'-cl.y to CMt yow -· YES NO 33% 87% THE NE\\'PORT ENSIGN ml Leo..t H.,.., Conm•d.jW•t. CA V2625-9990 Pll.bl.\~Md -~oo Wtd•..Wy l4•tor~l .. d S.l• pt.o--173 0550 lJCKAAD MONNU .:dilATION . IOIIWHITI •. I D AIID POUND . IUII'T-..... 111.1.~ . n.utiiiiAitltlttO ...... ruw&.IODlllCUI ... IIAIICUI CIIJZ. ctWITOflll1l •l'tfCII IAUYiiLOeOI and I'1'IVD A. CAJK:'IAN ALAJIW. ICHOrf eo.,"'w-.,. C:O.,..W thr Gen., ..... , ... .. -Contr~ .... tr.IWcw Ad .. ,. .. ~ .... .... s.a..Mu1111 .. ··~ .... ..... ( ... -P'rodiiC ......... .. ,.._ /ll.o~o ,.~.,,,fUif'S ..,Io;/111 _ .......... , ""'~"-,,_....,j.._~~~ .. """_.,.__ ......_._ 14 ................... r.o-................. ,.. ..,.._ ..... e ~.· .... ~~;-... ~ ......... _ ._ ~Colof ....... ~,. --·~-' ........................... "' ........... -......... ~.......... . ,.., ........ -.... o~oo~ ....... _ ....... , .... ,~ •• -.• , -o~~ ......... -.. -.. ~· ....... ~-\ ........... . "' I"Mflo\ W,. ~· ~~~-.. ........... fJ.owt"'l: ... ~-·· " ................. ... -..... .... """" ... ....... .... ,_ ..... _(' -·~ .. ................ .,.,_....... h'--··~ ... , .............. ·--·-. -----· ,. ......... ~ -· , •.. ..• . . • ·-to .... ' -' ' 2. n.. -!hod omployod by Nr. leek oo th ~is totally u.oecM~ntilic iD tb.t there are DO ~rds COilW.mizl9 the reprolhction. tabWatio.a or otbe• _.... ol. .val.,..tmv the qu..UOA.Mire. Anyoa.e caa reproduce W.r. Beek'a ~­ u.in. lD .ad.ition, M hu: lD· dicated. t.Mt lb. docu.aent aeed .. loo liQDod. J. 1'ile q'U..tiOQ.I are Naated &Del tol.al.b invalid. Tor QUD.ple, Wr. -....... dof;aod -c. •. lrol lolboo " Ia • !alopboae ·-......... , ...... pa.o.., a cop ol which I Mve r,- lalaod, Wr . &.It _.;beaDy r....,.i•• t1m praWe.m with o-lo-ioa7. Uloe Noel~ l•i-u b qM~t*t '· it .. obw~ l.&at U.. rt • •1•1"9 QVIIN- ~-Ia. ID•oliol u 110 W\MW. i& tM _...,,.,. ~ tr.J w.o.· cWiMd, Ia eddi- -· illo ... -...-....... . Wr.-.... -..... .... Pli' .... ,. ~to ... !.•lldilag .a.ctuNI ... IKor· -· uw..--.... -...,. ,..,.., • ~ peata:ct, ................... ppon ........ ...,..,.. ......... ... cit. iii: to_. Otlll • w.h-i-. ...... fz z ............ -u. ...... tM ..... al I...UO. tool· ....... f'J ••• ,... ... poWio-.. Ia. "' _. .. .......... Are-lo<C... ,,.. •• aa. ,..., 'I ..,., • .,,,. ......... _ .. w ..,..,.._... -..., ____ ... ,.... n.. .. of ... I 11 sf • .., tloec:llyal .......... ... ..,.....,.. ... , .. ..... ... klteUy ..... 1£ ....... ,.. oJ Balbo. are uncoacemed. 1 know lor a l&ct that all Uu .. .....:iatioa oc the ptlliuula lla we studied. ud reva.w.d the propc.al ot tile fun Zoa.e. I know tlaat careful thou«Jht W bMo C)iY'eD by city ataH', the devtiopet, u well u tlaa citiu:n. Jt is evident tlwt docu.ua. Hen. i:l, u.d UoWd be, a coawrn iD pl.e•nia9 airport opttatic:&s ud .. hop. ..... i.-eta IDhtioDtd will llelp place tile matter iD pe...-::tift- Jc.epb I . Irvine hecuUve Director CONSliMER CORNER o... Coa...uaa.• L.avue: 1 watclt tM lood ada lor .,.,......!. ud coupou. I had it .... me lllODeJ' and Qi ... -.ore ..-arlety to •J -..nu ... ry ... tbe special. .... cliffeNJll ., ...., ...t ., luti)y .... d.i.Btrea.t ..,cials. Today aoe oi t.be •o,_ llad bacoa advem.ed lor-•aMr $1. Sa I p;d.od 'IP bve .,.,UV.. I buy ....... quaoti ..... toocl ......... .Ue-o.-., r.....r. AD,.., ... , ... u•loedi'l9 •Y "IY t.ll ~~ 1 Moard • W, at tN .at t"e~~Jil'tr c:o.pleialolg oboot ... p-.... """-c:Mrvod ... .... -· Wei.-J!e·n&llb _,. • to lM t l··1:: I 5I ' ... --1 _+ ...... lo<.y_,..,_.....,.. 1119_!111 __ _ tMwdca1tttt ... ~W..Wt ....... liNd ..... _ .. _ __ $2....,__..,. r .. , IIDial? r ......... Aact UJclill.-tM4i" n .._;a.o. _, ____ _ --c:Mrvod -? , ... _ ....... -......... ,._._... tw'to'l j _._..1_ ........... ID ... +ololood-IW .................... _ ..~ •• 52 ... ? a -···-? ........... ta.. ........ , .••• hi wu to •uk the pnc. ot items I buy on U.. coal&blen .,_u. WllJ do I .._.ve to oo to all tlUs IUD• aad troub&e to prot.ct ra,...U ia • ~., store? Is lll•re .....aoe Otal ...._.,. to help 1M protect DIY ... .,? DeorS.T.: Si•..Ua, S.T. Jle Ceo ILIIU L.eogue CJgl'INie flritA J"'OI· :n. con•-r Jwa o riglot lo-,..-.... o/ ..,_ U..y ""'-... dotril>fl, __ ...,_ ... _ c._._,..,. .... ,_,..., ___ ,,....00 .--. ...... ,., ... ---.---.. --· ... -..,, •• bill ....,..... . ..... ,_ ...... Ocaarr-' r. hW' ,.. ~,. -~ o-.. , Oc ..... .-1. ftt. ufwl ...... c::llt6. ... ..., ... ....,...,.,at')". At t C" •!'· I taN .. # ...... ,....,,_.,.;.._cc ,., e::Aa~Dpwrre.. 7 s" • ...., .. W. Pflliaf .. l//ll 10 ite i1MT ·~ .... llteell .. II M .................... ............... ,,,. ;lo ... Q I h .... .-.. 'filii ....... __ .., ,......,,.,, .... .. ... DUJ' .. U.II .... b'tf 0' --...... I ""' .... bill. ,.,_ JOURNAUSI 'S I JOURNAL bylimFel- .. 1 .. you founded the Smokey a..r campaiva," my wife said u 1 c.tDe into the lt.oUM and I lr:new th.t.t 11lad ioined the ever-e.-pending cJub oJ Smokey Be.r crNtoll. It's aot true, of course, even iJ en Orange Cou.nty Ph.ilh&rmoaic Society press rei ....... de the ct.im. The ae .. rei .... reporlecl ray eleclioa u pr.-1- c&.nt of the Philhana.oa.lc Socie- ty, an honor that 11 .o lofty and .a unes:pectttd th.at 1 fiDel it h•rd to believe. That .. cl ia true; the claim that I crHted Smokey il not. What the source of thi• miaiD· fon!Wltioa may N 111 never lr:aow, u the rei .... wu prepared aad clistributed. while we .. re in Europe. But u the U.S . Feral S.mce knows, the woocb •r• fuJI of people who claim to have started the t.m.ou• lore1t-fire pteveation effort-one of the wodd'• me»t succeaJul advertising campai91l*. No mal· ter how much J disclaim respon- sibility for this errant report, I'U now N ou.m.bered amoaq thOM cla.iminq to be Smokey's Pa. Th•r• are at 1 ... 1 four-a frustrated artist, an. outdoor •dvertiaiaq eJtecutive, a m•rcpDal copywriter •ad an lnsh adv•rtDiag account m•n lum.ed. colleqe inatructor. For 21 yea11, 1 wu 1deahtied with the Smokey c&mpaivn, tha last 10 y .. .n u national coor- diaator. But the for-' lire preftlllioD effort wu m its 14th JNI' when 1 joined it. It began a lew moalhs after the attaclr: on Pearl Herbot. In the winter of 1941--42, a mbmarine ahelled the oilfield •I Goleta, •bove Santa &rb.-ra. Willia.m N.adenhaU, •u.-rvWor of the Ange)ua National For-' behind Puadena, t .. reclth•t wartime a&bateun would Mt lire to the natioaal for•ta to illuJDiaate the couthne lor future nb alt•cb. He c:oa.nlted. with b.ia .dV.rti.s- 1119 lrtud, 0... lleldillg, ol Foo&e, Cone & Beldi.n.g, ud a t.alent pool of volUD.t..r writen &Ad e..u.t. put tovethet tlle lint lorelt lire p~otion C&lllP&ign . II llhoWi<l'flii"lluM Azil ene~-Hitlet, Nuseolini ud Hirohito-and the slovu tllea, u now, wu "'oly You C.a Pre- vent Foi'Mt Fi••·" In the third ,_., Walt Dimey let the pro- qram 11M a p&inliluJ of lamba, the 0....., and it wu eo popular the Jo....a Service cS.cided to cl..elop other an.imal poaten. n. lint Smokey post•• in l!MS abow,.d e d\lmpy, DOD· cLMcripl beat, WNri.a9 a ranv•r"• t..t and blue jea.n.a. The COJIUilitt .. umed it Smokey dter • famou.s New Yorlr: state forest fire fivhter. But evea Stahle didn't crMte tocl.y's SJDOitey . The modern venioa oJ • maj•tic, authoritative b..r ume lrom the crHtive t.aleni.J of Dick Stow, loDQ •n art director lor foote, Cone & BeldinQ, and • biead of m&ny-Orao9e County utists: &Del cartOOilil:ll like Vt.gll P•rtch. Since ill iAcephcm in 1942, the t.rHt lire preveotloa. um· pai9D hu been one of tile ll"btic •me. poojecll ol llae Adv.rlillag Coo.acU, aad 11 uo heu. tpOUONCi .. • c:oo,.r•tt.e --...... u.s. ,_ Ser· yloe aad tile 4 n ·~o~to. ol Slate ro-.on.r-.eo..· loldiJig'o Loo 4-loo ollie. boo _,... ___ ,._ .. .. rt, ......... u.., aU·~· .-H'rity-<loo -, U.o -.... -a rr -n:M'r at DO t.. to tlle .. .. ,. tkt'• t.ow I lint ...... u.,ot... .. .. .ccout ewatiN aiMI &etu .. CIMkler ol .... --· hoi ....... I loll to ........... nl n...a., &et. A .co JieeeoMJ .. "'-'· M a .-PII 1•1 I ... ckNGtor al ... ..... I U ... poWio Nlou-, I -a 2 .. lite TIM? tl ODDf· & 'I _.hsl ... ,..,..., ..1_, ...... _ .. ..................... _ a c~ an 1 s1111. .... ..., ....._at 11A, n I• """" .. -.......... -·· ~--.. ·-· Warning: The Surgeon General Has Oetenailld Thai C.tte Smoking Is Din ... 10 V. HeiNl PARt( AVENUE • NEW YORK Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe . Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. ...... ,., :. 0.6 "'nictriftl .... QptUI. "' FTC "" The Newport EnsigD Wed~Meday. July 21. 1M2 Pog. & • 340!1 E. Cout Hwy. CoronodeiMar Evelyn White Heanna Aid Audioloa1st Repairs, Batteries and Service 675-3833 ....,er llikkock ·INTERI OR Of SIGNER J;an Turner Heriiw INTE RIO R Of SIGNE R. iS10 27121. c-t Hillow~y CoooudeiMar, 64C).651l• 752·9011 Cru ise Specia lists Computerized Sabre System Individual -Commercial -Groups 675-5000 955-3380 2n7l. COAST HWY. COlONA DR MAR ___ .,._ ... __ ~~,;~O.J~ An Adventure in N;atural E.lting HOURS 7 AM 1011 PM 3050 E. C0<1st Hwy .• Cororw del Mar (C )1'1'0" I T >\I ll! lo( I )0'\1 " fl(ow in Newport Are~ ~Iter 25 ye~rs in IIOnrly Hills NEWPORT TIRE CENTER COMPUll AUTO 5HV1Cl • Mi<hiOiin • Goodye~r • PireiN • lrid&estone • N.ltioMI • Riken 3000 L Cout Hwy., Cororw del Mar 644-8022 In-House Decorator The Finest in Trad itional Furniture 27441. COAST HWY. COlONA Dll. MAR "The ~soflifeto live with." ~o{CouU£! 37e1l.c:.MHwy.•C-.. ~· 171-4JM~ ... IlL 1M ·--4 ~ ................. ·~ ...... ~ ..... _... MEETINGS JUlY 27-"Biender" at La Strada Restaurant S-8 p.m. . AUG 3-Directors Meeting Newport Balboa 7:30p.m. AUG 19-Cenera l Meeting Hungry T1ger 12 p m • I'HONf 6.73-4050 FOR TtMB AND lOCATION~ 720-1850 Ill ART GALLERY Cuqom 'r .un1n~ NEW LOCATION 2854 E. COAST HIGHWAY. CORONA DH MAR CONNER PLUMBING SPtOAUZJN<i IN SHvta 2600 E. Co•st Hwy. Corona del M.u 640-7444 SUZANNE'S STUDIO Exercise and Dance fOR WQM( N ONt Y 675-8955 lOll l . COHIIfwy .• c....,... dot Mo r -· Newport .. lboos. .... PHARtMCY Prescr1pl10n lnformdtlon A'Jailable Upon R eque~t 644-7575 OPEN MON.·SAT. 1:.10-6 P.M. P<~rkmg In ReM 2700 £. COAST HWY . CORONA DU MAR De Marcus & Co., Wir1e Merchants 2824 E. COAST DEL MAR THE • Penondzed Skin ur~ • Complete NM ure • Custom Blended Products 2614 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR COMPLETE PARTY PLANNING SE R\ K~ LaCaatiDa Fme Wme & Spmts Your l•quor Storf' c1nd \O much mort> 3244 EAST COAST HICHW A Y CORONA DEl MAR NEWPORT BALBOA Savings ''The Smart Money Stays in the Heart of Corona del Mar'' Coron-t del M.r 3021 E. Cout Hwy. Bl'r COfOR41 del ~r ~ 675~ Westdiff Pl.u• 1100 Irvine Ave. Newport le-tch 645-6505 fl.&..,."' ..... c ~~~tn. n .. u.s. 16 years of family dE>nt1c;try tn Coron,s clt•l MM COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTION 2855 l. COAST HWY ., COlONA DEl MAR 675-llOO D ICK DINEEN lr.anct. ~ He•cicpNrters lruda: 1914 I. Co.sl Hl¥)1. Cot'OU del Mit 7»0333 BUUETIN The "Br atnstormtng" meetina at Corona del Mar ElementcHy School produced new 1deas, energies and commun1ty enthus•d'>m Unfortunately there was no newspaper coverage If you art> •nt(•r ested m pursuang a solution call Jerry Long at 673-7761 Clothes fro m the wardrobes of the worl d' BEST-DRES SED PEOPLE 1731 L Co.ut Hwy. COfON del M.lr 675·5553 Mon.-S.t. lo-6 Sun. 11·5 SE LF-SE RVICE LAUNDRO MAT Dr\-( lt>anmg • ~ 1n1shed laundry Drop Oft Flutf & fold ()I' I " ' I l ·" ' \ \\I I ~ II "-\I II l '• I'" 3711 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR 673-9654 1ofm L. 'BCom C ,_C4TO"'a 01" 0 a-.. CTIV. li"O~ .. AoTe C."II.A"f ov• W.OOINOS ov•~o.o"YY co .... •..e••~o. . ao.o II ... c .... ~ Co••T ~w ... ~Otto-o•~o. ... ,.. 2111 L Cout HWY., C~ del Mar PP< tt1l1\t 10 ons rv•tton f ramen We offer •nt jrtty •nd quahty Jvtce I ~ ys MEN'S & WOMEN'S TRADITIONAL WEAR for Those Who Shop for Qual11\ 3565 Eut C~st Hwy .. Corona del Mar 675-1850 • Plumbtn f 1 turf'\ • T •te • rbt. ttnd On •Ooor....-are ftfll~ BillliNI IHDH larrbY l a•atlllDI 436 Heliotrope Ave. Coro~ del ~r. 67>06SS lehind Port The•te r • o\n h."'•uior," "'•II • 1 .uch • ..:•It' • Prt>,llloW ( o .. n I I ' Rt•\lon • I l11t1~wl t '\rcit'n • I r)rt·,d • Qudltt\ Ph<,to ~ ,,"t ' f.,,, "N\ II P 673-2550 102> l ( o.&'t H~. (. oron.~ dt-1 '"""""' F~ ~>eti~~rv ...... w.-.. ~. July 21. ltl2 The Newport Enaigo by DIDa YOD Jwger "P\attinCJ Oil The Rita" WU in· deed • rit.y evenino for the multitude of ou•ta that packed H.ns Praoer'a new r•U.urant in Fashion laland. Tb.ia VirgiDJa Cutle Au&iliary oJ the Aaailtance LNCJu• benefit wu eo succeedul that co· chairmen Diane Whillier and Rita Gunkel had to turn ouesta away-due to the fire code. S..n in the cruah were C.uol and Bob Lee, Nora and Vm JorQenaen, Anne and Bob Badha.m, An.nemarie and Dolt Ballin, Elaine and Bob Basma- jian, the Harry Bubbe, J&M Boyd, tb. Walter Getkeaa. l.H and Jamea Gormley, OWe ud Stan Hill, Dian• end Warty Kor- dick, the Narlin NcK .. ven, Toni and Ken Oliphant, Loia and John Riker, Georoia Spooner, Libby and H.rbert Tobjn and Ellen and Bob Wilcox. Ellen and Bob shared a ato.ry. which reflects how carino our commumty is: They bad plaDDed a party for the employ ... of theu company Wucox and Sona aboard Islas de los Mujena. The day before the Saturday brunch For people thinking of trying this &)(citing sport or for the e)(perienced windsvrfer Freedom Sports offers choice of qvolity, design and dvrobility • Brand Name end Cuatom Boards • Hortaon Qeeetre Performance Salle • llentale. lnetrucdon 7~Sp«u 2430W.COIIatHwy. 631 _7574 N•wp~ 8eac:h HI-FLY 333 SAILBOARD ORAND PRIX erl on your way to or from the beach~-~~=~ stop by for delicious I J Gi--.. n., ...... AI~ Sho~ Cent• &.t ,_,, Hlghwav. CorOf'O del Mor 1i11C*4AJ I I AM · t Ntl.-J ,_.. t PM and ~rbor cna.IM, tM boat'• ......,~.Bill Jle•lltoe ... , .... 119 that th.e clieeel •eche•&o WOIW DOt a.rrive S.halda) ~ befor• tbe eo...._.~. cA.cidecllo IMM U.. Ja0t01 I'UJUlinQ U lD· ewuc.. At 3 A.W., Bill receiv- ed a co.ap&amt about the boat DOl.M, NaW dowu azsd took t.be boat out into t.be ._rbor. Aniv· mo beck •• lb. C.nnery dock at 8 A.M.-you QUeued it-the mechanic was waitiDCJ. Everyone had a deliQhtful t!lll• includino a.n extremely tired Bill. • • • It hu been hectic at The R11s Wllhall th• openino• and benefits. Hena waa ... n to be fading fut wh•n the questa at RIO'• Newporl Chapter benefit left by l011t coJJ. BeautifuUy orqa..o.iud by co- chi,.. Bu~ra c .. pb.u uw~ WariaaM aDd leek GarMr willa U.. tM6Muce ot U•.U coaait· a .. : GaA. aod Walbur Layaaa, CatheriM and ldwant IMU, lMD ud Hury Baker, Kit a.nd J.I .T. 1\att•r. ltata and Gene Tutt and Jackie and Jim Wur· ra.ry. Some of the qu•ta ... n in the vuiou well-appointed rooms tnJoyino the CJOurmet meal were Nickey and Ph•lPI N•ricbl, Jackie and Jilll Rodoera, Jan a.nd Tony Vitti, MaryLou and Harry (who recently h.d a bio birth- cl.y epluh) Aaene, DoDDa and Lance Blue, Linda and R\au Kil- ter, C&tol and Jha (preeident of RIO'a Bo~ud of Director•) Owena, Wary Woore, Helen Ordway, John Newman, Marlene and Praim (executive director of RIO) Sinoh, Fifi and Patrick t-Al. DIM. • ..,._ .... , .... • r • ._,rth . (714)-.Jeto nMZEJT-..... EJT-.CAtaJO <• ... on • tv.-.,"--> 880 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Lunch-Monday through Friday Dinner and Late Night Supper- Monday through Saturday Reservations {714) 7~ 1800 c~ ud Wary Bade. • • • • ........ ~~ia· ....,. ......... of olic.n· Gerry Hidta91, Lole T.._.r, lJacle Jec ..... J\Mly CoyM, ..U.... Cueee_l!91l, Wen Brad· bw-y, Pat lfoWtd Ud BoaD.ie IRJa. Mn. ~rt ~·· chAir· uau of NCL'a DelM&t&Dt• Bell to be held November 21th at the w .. tin rece-ntly introduced the <~.be at • IM: Suan Alford, Carrie Conway, J•nnlfer O.U, O.bore.b F•rber, LouiN Frova, C.rolya Jleddox, Cy-nthie Ken- dell, Suan Kuhn, Karin Leckie. Coll .. n Melon•, Neliaee Nc- Cla.rty, Tr~y Will•r, Heather Niblo, G.r•tcb.n O.lke, Kelly R.a,W, tt, Sua.n Roe., Loa. n...rp. a.uu.. ~ad S.itb, IU!ebetla Soa..n and I..... r~ . • • • Po.tcripta: A new chantebl4t orQ&IU,.Uon haa ben lowaded by Nora Leluun. 1h Styli•t. Mel ita iNu.Qwel luACh.eou, unclerwritt•D .by II"Vi.M P~ific, end co-chaired by JoAD.ne Nix and Jan Young. • DNiquing WoJHn .of Laguna Beech School of Art h•ld • champagn• recep- tion •• Gauoin'a u • pr•lude to ita black-tie fund-ra.i8er Moonlight Nemori .. to be held Augu.at 7th at Twill Point.. • The Roo.ten will hold an •rt auction July 26th at the ChanteclAir the proceed.a of which will ben•fit cha.rili•s fo.r the blind. Jim and Diane Whittier and Rita and Jim Gunkel II to r) at the Virginia Castle Auxiliary benefit.S•aH l)horo bv D•na von Burge• Qu. ~ ~·,., ''""' lkkt>l 10 ~ kood ul r\'1-i"""~' M'd '"'-'"ell!<"' wu .,., '"~"-~f M'd rh.t~ onlt," Mo!lloll"t> '"" rotl(>d r....alldf'l n11rr T.,.,..t.,<>vf qnclt.l ftm•"' "'''~ ""-O uJmplinwn~¥~. «"-~,..,,.., lht'fl """" nur 1\411 lw<~u~lul w.ommong poolo. 10 1<>nn" •ou<" (no t ~"'9''1 ~ ~ ol t hNnr>o<lf1<>hiP gull (rl'llut t'd '1',..." 1~1 Mod •llM'ndiKJ(I<tl .... WN><.., t ""'N'I' otntJ lll()~lly tlc;nung kl lOP v,.,,.,_ t'fllt't ..,.,,...,nl on our Cl'dfld" "' Ri">lttu• dill ..nd L Otlty lor~ .. ,"""" don • t.-1 ''"' -.umm"' <JI' 1"1. ""'It>. lUI l"o<df)tng to OfW vi Am ... ot d' ~<ulo, 9'"'" , ...... ,." Mell.t l!OV' rewntllftoM _.., c •Ma-1700. J ,. "' .. tl • • .\, • of'1. I • '\f .. I I • ""• <\..,,.. • • .. • •-·· • .. ~·· CGIDdiND IUSOKT ANI> GOLf CLUI 3J. 1\AOB l ~'Ali AYvAI'It I 7 ••• ' • 'R•PU """'AYvAf:IL ~ l . UM.._ 0../S<~. lli.Z IUYt C .. 2) MI-17M Your money always earns what it's worth at AMERICAN HOME THRIFT AND WAN Baseball Digest Annua l Guide is com- . Piled by t.he editorial staff of Baseball Dipst. Magazine: Century Publishing Co .. Evanston Illinois. You will find 50 pages of facts and statistics fTom 1900 through 1981 from Pennant Winners to off-season player transactions-a real must for baseball fans! P.t\SSBOOK ACCOUNTS 9% .5% A~"l'AL YIELD SIMPLE INTEREST MINIMUM ACCOUNT SIO NOTEaM .IQUJaiMENTS NOPINALTY ntaiJT 8Y MAIL fREE T&ANUD 01 fUNDS for~~sonly. Y.W • ~ .-._.. ~ c~ -"'7 10 dw r...booi!IIIIIIJIMt .......................... _ ,.,_,...,__. ...._..,.....,.n •••• .. ,.., .... ~ $500 MINIMUM INVEST:MENT CER11FICATES • • TO PE FECI'ION A•..,~illlaii ''r ••...-&JM-• ....,..fli.._.....-l•rct~ • A Ur.i&miM• llaoft ...,..._,. • Sml .. ...._., ... , "-dd ud cta-r • Tlt.rM --~ ~WWir ~ mtn• • Indoor 011 cwiDOII ...cifta • A a ~Met vinr o..rtoot:iQ~ N_,ot1 Haltlor • u ................. 011 Frid8y ud S.runtar NIIMJ • S. olow Fabulous ~r C~ INncll .. Of .... Co.u•'J•a 0.., ~ ............ . ----· BON APPEJ'I'I' by Peggy Cotton publaah theu ftnt col· lechon of rec1pes, "Fuh1onable Food From CahJornta " Wtth a colorful cover destqn by Mary K1m Kempf, Arhst m Pubhcattona at Chapmu, the Manon and Vtrgtnlcl, who are c harter members The rectpes, furntshed by members both male and female, are umque and some have never been sha red before wanes to Mrve W1th the delectAble rec1pes 1s mcluded A. a Mmple, we have perml&IUOn to prev1ew two recapea for you The hral 11 "Chtla ChHM CUM role," the iavonte of John Wayne Ptlar Wayne tells ua, "DuJte would lorqel to take the recape w1th ham , and would call frorn Afrac a, Japan, o r wherever he m1ght be, wanlanq 11 sent RIGHT NOW1" C luto Chee~ C••••rulf' I N 1 2 t d ll whu 11o tumdl\ t'' $.tp411•1e OOQQ• a..t WhiiO!~ unhl arotl but n"' drv Who~ yolka 11nhl c• .. mv Mta the yutka Wtlh lhe wholft 1h111119 ~enrly Then I.X.Ite wolh lutk rh•ouqh rh• ch-B.k• J0 nunulft •I 150' F' Remove I rom oven •nd .sdd tom•I<A\ vv•r rh• !up ... d D<tlre lor •no•"-• )() mwu'"• L.t """d tU m•nur .. b.t..,, .. >ervcnq M•v be .. ,,..d "" >~d• ;i,,h 1,,, r~.o•••• ur .,., .. ~ oo.&leod • . .1 P•''"'"'"" At a ap&elal pre pubhcahon puce you may order "Fashionable Food From Calafo rma" lor Aa a restaurant revtewer, we are always on the look-out for that s~1al d11h or preparation whach hfts a certam restaurant from the ranh of the ordmary As a collec· tor of such prepara llons, we alao have learned that some of the fmest duuqn as an the home, prepared from rectpes never found 10 the hnest of restaurants. A nd, as a qroup, The Fashionables of Newport Beach has an its membershap some of the finest and most creahve cooks to be found tn 1971 by Mlidred Mead, 11 an orgaruZclhon of women and men 1n· volved 10 the world of fashaon and an other components of "the Good We " Many members have taken courses at Cordon Bleu and La Varenne Many have collected rec1pes fr om around the world, and wtth talent and cook '..ook has been enqanHred to atand on the counter for easy readtnq. In add11ton . there are rec1pes from celebnlles and deatgners, and some of the most preahQIOus clubs and restaurants 10 Southern Cahfo rma. There IS a c hapter on low sodtum cookmg by member Lynn Osen, who ts often read lO Bon Ap~ pettt Mdgaz1ne, a nd another chapter tells of the use of herbs m place of salt A gu1de to the seleclton of l lur ~t4tw..d) drao11Hi I lb •hcUI-' CheJdot .... ,.~,. ·~r61t'd I $15, wh1ch mcludes raJt I c1nd mallang costs Send your c hec lc. The Fashtonables, a support qroup of Chap man Colleqe, founded '1 • ·' I) ~ I . ~ t ~ I .; t ' '. Wed., .Jvllt 21tft ••Pe~~on •• AN MNING WITH ON SCA£EN M•~' Me In Sr lov11 aUY TH:IliT8110W ............. ... , Acodemy A word W.nner Best f~e•gn Fil m . "1,,' ' .. , I sJull, have devtsed reo1pes of thear own. In mtd-October, The Fas haonables wtll Rectpes have been contnbuted by many of Oranqe County's best known famthes There IS a £avo nte of the late actor, John Wayne, conlnbuted by Fashionable member P1lar Wayne, along w11h rec1pes from all three Knott's Berry Farm s11ters, Tom, Exclustve Southern California Appearance IN CONCERT September 18, 1982 8:00p.m. Irvine Bowl Laguna Beach beneftt for TICkets ava .ab ~ .st the Mu~..-um daily except Sunday 11 .30 · 4 JU 307 Cltff Dnw. LIQuN&Ad\ CA (114) 4-94-6511 S2500-$17 SO-$1SOO -$1000 THE EC ET'S OUT! Medley s h,u lurneo 1n1o a cete0111y •urt-, J!Vln rravollo~. Kenny Rogers. Conn1e Slevensl an unuaually QOOd eale"t' Ru lturd J Prl!tullmu~n lOS A>;G( l ('I ~·GA/1 .. ( No l''lO to 1nnnvai1Yt' entret·~ nost,jiCJI' t>ntPrl<~onmt>nt at Medleys undoubledly lhf' lonf'sl "' &J#Tl A.• "" ,. '~fAt .... ~r£~ THROUGHOUT JUL Yl BILL MEDLEY PRESENTS nea GREG TOPPER SHOW Thu•s ~" Sal Sun Pv('nongs No l.Ovt>r Charoe For Donner Guests EDL Y' Donner nitely lrom 5 D m. 1714) 8a-23H f" & "" 'kA"'wf,. ~ r A\' • (tl\-4: ,. "'''/.., • t3 .. t .... t 4A" "'-f J/!tT 18 7 7 4 Brooknurst StrHt Founta•n Valley (1 m•le south of tne 405 Freeway! THE Golden GEOMI ... YMIOTI8 ATH18 o ... c. ..-.oup 0, C....nlet..i l r.._ .. v ........... VOTED #I r AJOL' v &J.UI IDTAUWT .. SOUTIIIJI CAJ.IFOUIA EASTrRN CLAMS OR EASTERN OYSTERS 5 '1 95 FOR IIIITAUIIA 1 .... , .. ,... r..fXT ro ()t.r\V Dlllt--•7 • M 1D I AM T~ ,_., s..r.oo, 0Mn wr B~fp.t, Luncla Gild DinMF I lt. 14r> c h"""" It t '...! b eqqs I ] U1 .... o .... Jd d,rN 11NIIl<'htlt> S..lt c~od pepp••• •u •••II' Me•h d l..ovwr 11•1f'd h~"'>f' dOd rn .. I I }. I' b~llt>r.d botkHt I d"t made out to The Fashaonables, P 0 Box 1666, Newport Beach. C A 92663 The cookbook wall ~ maal ed to you alter public a twn 1n mtd October BOOK. IIUSIC & l YRJCS BY llcr•ditb WUlsoA STORY BY llu•dlth Willsosa, FnnJdiA L..c«y s DOWIWT OYS!IR IAIE DIRECTED BY A1laA B1lllt and 1/z STUFFED JWIE LOIS TEl c-........... c- o.-~.r ... .___ ALL sags TOR WHOLE JWIE LOIS TEl wrnt All I:JI"nni:E ONLY Gives You A Chance To Win One Of SIX Fabulous - . , ... ~~ .... • , ,,~,..p !. ··~#!;~am., • • 1"; r • .. .. ' .l • • ' ) ro ~E-<J ~ 't-• 0 •• • • 0 • .. • • 0 Q .... , ' MON"AIIIJW--s • 7 CS.ys 6 ntghts tor • persons (2 rooms) at the spectKular ~awa11an Regent on ViM•Iuko s ~cen•c ~de near Diamond He.d • Round lflp aor1are Yl.1 ~"10US 'Wend A~tways W •de Body Jet trom Los Ange\es to ~~ulu' • Grut Meats at Jolly Rover H..a11 IOC..I •Ons 1 • .. . ,. •. • I .. • ~. Its All To Introduce Our Great New 195 ~R.~:. --..... A" I A .r. ( UNI •• • [11 1'\j~f ~·COCKTAilS ... .. . ·. . .... ,t .. , ... I"-•Ae • ... • l .. ·~ -. . . ~· Y lle Fruesl • •• f I t-t Pa lO Wecbtudcry. J\Lly 21. 1112 The "-wpoo EnaJgn EIC (0. tab ETC eta 1 and the dilbict fAculty ID8JD.ben who aobn .. llicb to OOtltiDue education eYeD after .cbool ta out. "ETC .. nd a babymtt&.DO ..... vwe, becau. ch.t.ld.rea decide to take the c...._ ~ want. An ad..t t.acluno altu.tJon ia developed becaUM the tMchen decide the clua aiae and coune outbne," ahe UJ.d. Newport H."'bor H.agh School ADd lutblu.H Elementary are the two achooh ba.ttng the awD.IDer ETC proqrA.m. The clASlMM at Eutblu.H •re t.Uored to the Mr· ly elementuy cpad•. and in· elude d&nclDg, cookmo ADd prepazahon lor kutderg&rten. At NHHS the aqe ranoe 11 from euly eleJDenta.ry to adult. The summer Malon. whlch be<jan June 28, will run tluouoh puter~. "l el8o notice tbe atude.Dta ere 1MnuA9 better here, tn tbi.a coafortable, f.amali.ar et· JDo.pbere," be COJIUIWDted. J.an.U.r RMdy, 10, &a on her third COIQputer cu. "I like to work oon proqrauu that hne &.Dput," abe Mid. "I •peci.&lly lib the orepb.ia wh.D I can melt• • pictwe." ~ Ortwem, 12. edded gr&cb.celly, "I think we'll be \a· inO computen when we orow up." Ju Wood, • parent, a.ud abe uoned up for the computer clua because "I don't want lo oet behind my cbJJdren We plan to o•t • bo•• computer. and I lmow computers ue ooano to be \aed 10 much m the future. I enJOY th.&a clau becau .. at a .. ma sunple Without pr .... ure and at doesn't frlohten me." Jan O.bay and her cUIIQherter, JeiUUfer . 12, decad· ed to tue two ETC cluaea tbaa July 30. summer. Nost classes meet tWICe a "Ny c:Uuohter &a booked on w .. k. The average pnce is $20 video oam•. ADd I w&Dted to to S30. wath the computer hMr the other aade of at," O.bay scaence da.as toppmq the hat at SAJd. "Jenoa.fer bu no fear so S82. ahe LS oomo very quickly Ralph Marsh of the Creahve thro11qh the (computer) b.uaca. Computer Le.unmq Center SAJd She's my younoeat cblld and I'm hts students are learrung the plann1no to go back to work. I think 1 abouJd bow IOIMth&.Dg about compua.n." Lt.a and Je-aailer abo ue t,U. 109 the c.al.li9raphy eta. a.uqbl by Arlene Weir , wbo own.a Thai Penoo&l Toucb ud .. ,_ t..chlno the clu. aa fun. "Th.ia &a my tint calligraphy claa," a&ld Amy ltjar, 10. "l've &lwa,_ wuted to wnte at bec&UM c.Uiiorephy Jooka 10 pretty-but U'a herd to write. I plan to use it for my birthday an · vatationa ud letten." In the pottery clau, aome students oather around the pot· tera' wheel.a while othera are clustered at tabl•. expenmen· hno Wllh different teatur• lor hand-buildmq techniques. The teacher, C&.Ddy Wallace, LS a auh.btute teacher durmo the school year and IMch• aJter·school ETC claau. "To do ceran:ua durmo the summer &a fun," SAJd Wallace. "The cbJJdren want to be here, so tbeze ue no diacapl.ane pro· blema. The clau bu students from hfth orad• t>n throuoh haoh tcbool; we have an adult who fcuaes on sea dnions." Across the ball, atudenta from the Nina Mu&c&l Worltahop per· form for parenta and friend.. language &Dd bu1cs ol com· used to be a reo1stered nurse; I ------------------------------------------------------ (Continued lrom PAO• 1) Toro Manne Corps Au Stahon .AS lono u the O.panment of O.fenM &Dd the Navy oppose JOLDI uae " However. Malone told a reporter the supervuora voted to oppose cavahAD use "u lonq AS at (EJ Toro) lS needed for military purposes " Meanwh1le, the Blue Rabbon Commattee sent the superv\Sora a recommendation for buald.anq an aarpor1 LD Santaaqo Canyon 4ftd closanq El Toro to ac- commodate 11 Bruce Nestande, c baannan of the board of supervasors, bad lUred a plan m May 1981 for a Stte LD the canyon two-and·A·half males eut oof lrvme Lake, sur; muu .... of Orange. and seven mtles north of lrvane He saad aarcralt would come ID over Prado Dam alonqsade the Ra versade freeway. and take off over lrvane and the Irvane Coast at a 4,000-foot alhtude- a.bout 3, 700 feet above lrvane homes 'Neatande lnterna tlonal." aa 11 bu been densavely termed by some, would coat an eahmated S 1 2 balhon and requue the qradUlq of 260 malhon c ubac yards of dart Teecber1 Ann Wound and Ruth AAo Nu.by deeao1aed a tribute to 19201 red.io brold· cuts. Shadenta INrn tuch ere favorit• u "Baby face, H ''Sid. by Stde." "Button Up Your Overco.l" and "Red. Red Robtn." The ahadenta alto le&rn group and clu.ter choreoqrapby, voace projection, the Cberl•ton. UN of drametic faetal eapr.-1ona and body movement. Simple Roaring '20s costume• added • ctuD.uaon to • recent perfora&oc. by the QTOUp. Nicl tbey mlend to repMI theu t.YOrl .. uperaeoc..-oz hnd rW.. oa• when reql.lirahon for fall COUnM opea.. Saauur lTC c..._ wU be en· clin9 100m, but IDAilY atudeuta I Are you looking fOf a business of your own? I Ptan to attend the Marketplace of BUSINESS OPPORTUIITIES I • FRANCHISES • OtSTRtBUTORSHIPS • DEALERSHIPS I • INVESTMENTS I I • MANUFACTURING • SERVICES I • FULL AND PART TIME OPPORTUNITIES • INVESTMENTS UP TO $250,000 ... AT TM PAM MOTa 1855 South Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, CA (Concourse Ballroom) JUL v u. M. a 1112 I THE REAL ~S1Ar6:RS HOURS: Fri. 1·7 pm, Sat. & Sun. 12~ p~. FO 7141771-3100 • ADMISSION $3 EACH -$1 DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD- Warnmg: The Surgeon General Ras tmtrmmed That Ctgarene Smokmg Is Dangerous to YOut Heahh. Nestande MJd 11 would be abou I two thllcb the sue of Los Anoeles lnlernahonaJ Aarpor1 and J.4 hmea the 11&e of John Wayne Aarpor1 Its termanal could •ccommodate 20 millaon p.~uenqera a year. about as many as San Franc1sco Interne! honal at present, John Wayne serves about N w fresh tast • 2 4 mallaon per year S.rvac• will be held today and tomorrow for Loui.a P DeVicenao of Corona del War. who p.-.d away July 18 411 the ao• of 60. Roeary W11l be recated Wednead.ey at 8 p m. yatla .~ and Cbr&ahan burial Tbun· dey at 10 a .m. at Secred H .. rt Church m Covuae loterment will be •t Qu .. n ol HHven Cemetery in Row&.nd Heaohta. He ia 1mvind by IOU Guy oJ Anaa, ROD&1d of Sao DieQo. aad Joeepb of Alub. • c:t.uobt.r Ter ... J.er of Upi&Ad, ..,.n qrudchildru, and til,.. uten. Anoette ~ld. C.turiDe G.Pano and fellllie Durll.aa. • Only5 T • CciM Wins Two lnSUJJUDer by ChrlatopbeJ Lya.ch the defenaive perlormance of reMrve guard John f orte agaaoat lrvane two '"wport turnovers to take a 24-21 halfttme lead. Stall trailino wath 28 MCond. left, WoUe wu fouled on the shot and bat both free throwa to he the game, ·U 41 MARINE SCENE The Corona del Mar varaaty be.ke~J t~ advanced to the MJD.l-fmala of the CdN-Coata N..a summer league watb a 54-...0 VJCtory over lrvane Thurs day. Earher an the week, the Sea IC.mga, under bead coach Jac k Irnon, defeated Unaveraaty 60-50. "The games thaa week were fanly amular," aatd Ernon "We played hard, but not well Our front lme dtdn't shoot partacular· ly well agaanat Irvane. But we know how the team aa develop· inq, and ita qoang to take a whale unhl we're where I want Ul. " For !hear play an the past week, Ernon p raaaed the CdM defenae an general, and return inq AU-C IF aenaor guard Make Heas. In addataon, Erraon poanted to As a result of Thursday's vac I tory, the Sea lUngs mel Football agaan Tuesday. If vactonous, CdM wall meet the wmner of Warren v.s. Unaversaty Thurs day The game to held at Costa Mesa w11l began at 7 30 Newport Harbor, meanwbaJe, came h om behaLd Thursday to defeat Cypress an a Huntington Beac h summer league game, 43-4 1 Relyang on a balanced olfen save attack because center Joe Seager was an early fo ul trouble, the Saalo rs lra.aled at the end of the hrsl q uarter . 8-6 Behand the play of Jam Wolfe ( 11 poants), Seager (nane pomts), Sean Sheward ( 12 pomts), the Saalors took a 19-16 lead wath only l 13 left an the hrsl half Cypress scored oft of Boys, Girls Clubs Have Many SDIDDler Offerings A vanety of recreataonaJ achvahes for summer as offered by the Harbor Area Boys and Girls Clubs The Guls Club, at 1815 Allaheam St an Costa Mesa, wa ll be reg.tatennq qul, July 26-30 for ats next summer ac hvaty session, whac h begins Aug 2 RUNNINGON1 by Dan Logan The South Co.ut Summer Cla.utc SK, lOK and 20K wall be held at M.uon Park 10 lrvane Saturday at 8 a m R.ce day reqatrahon 1s S4 race only T-sbarta wall be avAllahle for SS Fo r more ardor mahon, c all 641 1708 The Sa.n Miguel-Newport Canoe Club wall aponaor a four mile run from the Balboa Paer to the Newport Pler and back Sunday at 7 a m. Race day entry as S6 and mcludea a T-ahut f o r more 10formahon. c all Rack Haws at 642-3209. The eaohtb race 10 the ChLDa Cup S.nea, the El Dorado Parle 5~ and lOK, wall b. held at El Dorado Park an Long Beach Saturday, Auq 14 For mo re an formation. call 966-0556 The Southern CaLfomaa RWUler Memoraal SK/lOK as acbeduled Sunday, Auq 15 at Muon Park lD Irvme For more mformahon. caJI 855-1330 or 960 3171 Actavataes thLs summer have ancluded begannmq and mter med1ate tap danctng, cookanq, c rafts. begaomnq and advanced qymnasllcs, drama, movieS, bake I shop and potlucks lll addataon to the dady I schedule of a cllvataes, regular programs at the club tnclude I ga.me center play. outdoor fun, aonq c u cle, colorang contests and mlnt·eKCUISIOnS 1 Durang the week of Aug 30 I Sept 3, the club wall be closed whale some members partlcapate 10 "Beach Week." a round of excursaons to Newport Dunes, the Corona del Mar tade pools and other sea.stde attrachons Sago ups are requared for some actavahes The yearly membersh1p fee lor the club as SlO f or addallonal mlormataon call 646-7181 Summer a chvataes at the Har bor Area Boys Club's wests1de branc h . located an the Rea Com mumty Center at 661 Hamalton, Costa Mesa. tnclude arts and c rafts, game room. socaal recreatiOn and athletacs The club has leagues tn floor hockey and speed5occer as well as programs an soccer volle y bdll and basketball Socta l rec reataon tncludes such games as balllards and table lenms Spectal summer excursaoos scheduled anclude tee skahnq horseback radtng, an Angels game, beach traps, summer c ampout Laon Countrv Safara and Catalana The yearly membershap fee for Boys Club as SS Hours at the club are 9 a m to 5 p m Monday through Fnday f or I addahonal anformallon c all l 631 7724 The th1rd quarter conhnued the eac hAnqe of lead. untd Cypress scored at the end of the (luarter to take a 34-33 lead go- mq anto the fanaJ penod In the lust ftve manutes, Newport faaled to score as Cypreu bu1lt a 39-33 lead. Wath 2.22 remaantnq, Sheward hat an 18-foot Jumper, stole the ball on the 1nbound.s pass a.nd w.u fouJ- ed The Sa1lors subsequently hat two shots to pull wathm two w1th 1 40 left. 41-39 by Usa Wen&el OnJy a lew days remaan to round out the end of the Harbor Area Baseball seasaon Newport Harbor's varsaty players opened theu week wtth a 1-8 la.s to Mater De a Monday, but made a recove ry Wednesday wtth a 3-2 wan over Estanc1a The team was leadang 2-1 Wednesday when M1ke Parks gave up the patc h Ruban Johnson hat a homer m the bot- tom of the seve nth and Toban Kohler was 3-for 3 fnday's Newport Harbor var saty game agamsl Ocean V aew ended an the Seahawks' favor (0-8) desp1te Erac Asner's d ou- ble Corona del Mar's varsaty team also began the week on rough qround, losmq 2 7 to C osta Mesa, but JUSI two days later the team rallaed lor a 9 -6 wm o ver La Oumta Corona played fou r annangs of no hat ball, Jo hn Acone q ave up JUst two runs an Cypreas drove down, maued a 10-foot bani ahot, and Sheward grabbed the rebound Sheward pa.ased to &rker up court and Harker was fouled u he d rove for the buket HaJ'Iter bat the bulcet and was fouled to qave Newport a 43-41 lead The free-throw ma..ued but Wolle blocked Cypress' Jut shot attempt to gave Newport the vac tory. the hfth. M1ke Hess went 2-for 3 wain a double and a &lnQle, Greg W ynn went 2 -for 3 a nd Jam Mur phy was l -for-3 C oro na won 3 1 aqaa6st Westrrunster Wynn struc lc o,Jt seven playera an ooJy favP ann anqs and both Wynn and Mur phy were 2 -for 3 The Jayvee schedule last week ancluded a Newport Harbor Estancaa q&me and a C orona Mesa qame. The former was d 5-2 v1ctory for Newport. due 10 part to the talents of the wtnnmg p1tcher. Ed Wagner On Thursday, the 4 -A Jdyvees at Newport defeated a 3-A Newport team 11 2 Kevan Johnson packed up the wm Corona's JUnaor va rsaty team beat a Mesa 3-A team 6-4 Thurs day w1tb the help of Kurt Guasness, who won hts lust of two games that w .. k. the second wan was Saturday's 12-8 vactory over Newport Harbor by Mary Wagner A powerhouse team from Bahaa Connthaan Yac ht Club wath Mtke Plncltney as akapper and Peter Newbre and Tam SulLvan as c rew topped 14 other yacht clubs to wan the ampo rtant Balboa Yac ht Club Governor~ Cup, a match racang aeraes fo r saalors 15 to 19 . Racmq an Santana 20s Ptn cltney lied wath John Kostecki of Rac hmond Yacht Club an wans and losses but captured the cup because he defeated that team an thear andavadua.l race The last of entraea looked lake the "who's who" of JUDIOr yac ht rac mg John Shadden, skapper of the Long Beac h Yac ht Clu b team, was the wmner of both rhe U S and World's Youth Saahng Champaonsbaps and Junaor Snape Class world 's cbamp aon abap John Koste clu of the Rach mond Yacht Club was the 1981 Sears Cup W1nner (U S tUn10r c hampaonshap) and Bn an Ledbetter from San Daeqo Y arh1 Clu b was the Wl.Dner of the I Smythe Trophy for the U S Jr 1 sang lehande-d c-hampaon~hap 11. 1980 Many of the other s.kappers have also won regaonal cha m p1onshaps The 15 ya cht clubs an thear order of fanash BCYC Rach mood , Alamatos Bay, San f ran Moffet ToSwbn lnMV Cba1Dplonshlp Trials ' casco CaplSirano Bay San Daego Balboa. Long Beach Kang Harbor, Coro nado Southwestern For• Wo rth Newport Harbo r Monterey .snd Dana Pomt The voung tea m all 15 years old from Dana Poant Yac ht Clul: receaved a specaa l trophy and a slandang ovallon lor thear sporl smanshap and eflo rl Con gre-ssmar Bo b Badham The 1982 Mc DonaJd'a-United I States Swunmang world c ham· paonsbap traaJJ are underway :has week at the Marguerale SWlm 1 Complex m M1saaon VaeJO I The top area entry LS John MoUe t of Newport Beach, I number four on the all-tame 200-meter breaststroke h st Other area compehtors mclude Craao Popp a.nd John Mykkanen of lrv1ne events be hU been most COnSIS tent an the 200-meter brea..st sance 1979, plac ang second an a! thrM tames presented ·he •r..,ph1es Moffet also placed second m It s m._,re a ro•ade •har. a the 1980 Olympac 1 n 4ls and was vachr race bu' " s been a lot of a member of the 1980 Olympac fun lor evervont! partac1pants team that never made at dnd spectato rs lo r 47 vear~ The Moscow annua l Chclmber ol Commerce .. Mykkanen, 15, and Popp, 17, I sponsored 'f light ot the Lasers sw1m lor the Irvane Novaquatacs wall be held th1s Sundlly and Th1s w1ll be the hut llme they've over 100 of rhese qrac elut boats qualtf1ed for the wo rld traals and are e xpe<"ted •o compete over a Novaquatacs coach flap Darr as long course ~ .mpletelv dtound Moffet, who recently grad uated from Newport Harbo1 Haqh, IS favored •n the 200 meter b reut because ol has 1981 domtnallo n m that event • hopmq fo r a qood aho wmg !rom the harbor Thev wdl start •he Mofiet a. also lookmg to hnasb 1n the top two spots an one o r more of the three events he has entered Thu would qave bam a spot on the U S team that wtll compete an the world games n Ecuador an August Alonq w1th the 200 and 100 meter breaats1ro lce , Moffet .,...]I &180 be competmq tn the 200 meter 1ndavadual medley Even though he a stronq m all three both of them an theu respected race a• I p m ar. Iron• ">I rhe events Balboa P .. v.taon •••JIIIII•IICOUPON•--••••• An AS:dfuoaat 11 1/3 =!.~.!~~~~ Chain Soldering Special $5.00 % OJIJ TD LOW S&LI n.JCB WlTH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 1 l t ~1 ••••••••••• t The top praze w1ll be • new Laser saJ but there are a number of •nllque perpetual troph1e1 awarded each year for all lcands of qualaJacataons such 41 "f arst Marraed Couple to Fanash " 'Younqest Gul to Famsh, · 'Youngest Boy." "O ldest Skapper " etc The trophy presentahon wall be held 1mmedtately alter the race at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club 811l Facker. 1970 Amenca's Cup skapper. wall agatn be c haarman of the race whach th1s year will be co-sponsored by Ho me Federal Savangs and Loan whtc h as contnbutaoq the pu~es .. Sabot II Champaonshap" 11 what Balboa Yac ht Club as ca ll mg 1IS specaal reqatta on Tburs· day. Ju ly 29 lor sabot sktppers 11 yeara of aqe and under Th .. e saJora wall be the ones who could not quahty to ~al tn the Naples s.bot Nataonals tuu summer an M1ssaon Bay wh1ch wall be held a t the ~me lime There wall be three races, a hot d og lunch and trophaes In the Etchells 22 Fleet Ch&m 1 paonshap at Newport Harbor Yacht Club la st weekend, Shy, I sailed by Don Bever (NHYC ) f1n11hed hrst, Close Encounters I wath Tam Hogan (NHYC ) at the helm fa ntshed seco nd and Scott I Mason (NHYC ) an Spmt came an thard UPCOMING EVENTS· Bahta Coranthaan Yacht C lub will host the Santa na 20 fleet champton- sh ap thas weekend and Balboa Yac ht Club and Newport Harbor Yac ht Club wtll co host theu 66" Senes and A hrn.n · se n Dackson Senes Balboa Yac ht Club wall also hold the Ullma n 'B .. Reqatla for Ltdo 14a n Saturd.sv Ltdo late Yocht Club All Car la Re90110 ~"' r S..Dc. • Sher~ R•d "'HY( S..bo• A C•swndr• S"'"''u•r NHYC S•bc·• 8 L•• ,. F ,.,,.. UYC • c. hr~ G.li•·• UYL s.bc>• C , A •. s-. D"'c r BCY:: Ch11.uv 0 Ar.c.Jf' BCYC lu"" R q•,. LIYC s.t.c C' l I Ka li•., G•-t•r LIYC Suranr • M•<i >~•' LIYC l-•n LIYC F~ Pooroel Ray Conndl .kJMny Gibbs Kenny Aar*ll Caraveell JoMny Pearson tioo Gomez Nne ~y ••• Aa~ LeFevre ANtwood Mac Cllbanoft M Gatiunkef JM.al.asl F•r• ... l T eecher Henly w.nc:n Art/ttf WRI an Burt a.cnar.cn ~Trto Billy v-.qrn a..tn SlreUnd Don T...-dy l...nndo Almlida ~.,..... Oordon lJIItlbA HLvo .... .., Lalrte .... fiWcr fill\ oe.~ OCEAN GOtNG C'UIHlWtAII FOR THE C,K II'P(Q AND H15 Ftll5T MATE HENRY t,llfTHt '- NAU TICAL AND NICE 101.1~ FOQ SPRING SUMMER 198] CA.RPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY a MINIBLIND 54H011 CLEANING 20% OFF 1710 SANTA ANA AVE COSTA MESA STATE FAIM INSUIANCE ® FOR INSURANCE CALL Dennis Rosene AGENT 410 W C oast Hwy,. Su1te T Newport Beac h. C A 92663 645-6470 STAll FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Home Offices: Bloomington. llnob • FREE OIL CHANGI WITHIVIIY MAJOIIIIVICI • 11 yeera experience MrYiclng Porachea and Audia exclualvely • Fec:tCKy treiMCI In aU P"• .. • of repelra end malntenence • Aak tbout pk:llup and delivery • Open S.turdeys Clip & Sove EXPIRE 1-31 ... 2 PO~RIS For Hair and Skin featunng • INDIVIDUAL HAIRSTYLING • COLORS. PERMANENTS • MANICURING SERVICES • EUROPEAN SKIN CARE l.acaa.ireT.Uy _, Abo•t Ou .._._., Speciala ~ 642-6212 2 170 [Al'T 11TH l~T Open Mon -~t. 4: C(\'to, T t\ ML.~A Eves by Appt TID I I .TIE IISIIESS Ell • TAX SHELTER • PROFIT • EXCITEMENT AVAIUIU NOW: Two-year-ad colt ITom the first crop by QUarter-~ della rnJtt-stokes wh'let ... OJIISW .. a In odvOnCed stage of trc.ri'W'o A sound. sold rv.nt'* reoay tor the 1982 rodng seoSOI\ I_ ~ ?t...,~~wJ., 2730 CAMINO CAPISTRANO SAN CLEMENTE, CALif. CAll (71•)•92·5355 Caterers Party Coordinators Wedding Consultants ................ • Banquet, Buffet or Family Style • Free First Consultation • In Office Luncheons • From Cold Cuts t.o Gourmet WEDDINGS A Specialty We also coordinate events at restaurants, clubs, etc.) • entertainment • photographers/floris ts •baker • bartenders/waiters • bu~t ~nning •y our nat .. our--·- t techn.col trodttro n w tth o se nse o f fre edom Destgners o f octtveweor for both me n and women adhere to thts a lso Henry Grethel co ils hrs nouttcol and ntce looks for sprtng and summer h ts "Ocean gotng Outerwear Rolph Lauren s newest ltne for both men a nd wome n tS hts Roughweor whtch he says always tS, and olwoys w d/ be purely Amertcon And the t}'rl sho w n w tth the touse led wet ho, tou/d be o Col.forrt~on '>otl.nq hard on the w tnd to Co ro/,no /slond She •'> weo""<l the ne cessa ry lauren Roughweor o no~o~y sotl,ng sl,cker o herrm gbone twtll worl. ~------COUPOI------1 to clcet over o co11on strtp e worlcsh"t and u Rv gby-st11pe . boor n ee I. shtrl over her \o.Jor pants And '' s o b v•Ov\ H enry Grethel '> covplt' Qre rvnntng UOw nw I d relaxed and comfortable •n ~hort\ Her s ore fre ec vt Colony sh orts of strtped Madra~ cotton topped w tth on vnl,tf-'d w •ndtocket of yello~~~. cotton wtth puffed sleeves N ote the mony poclce rs o f hts 1oc kpt whtch Henry Grt'lht;ol co ils th e f,~f ernonn • vesr It s of ltghtwe•ghr ornnq e cotton w •th mu/r,pl ~· storage pockets W hut better g.fr for Forhe• ' Day rhon rh,s? Ot 1 po • o f Grethe l s rr, cc 01 surfe r lrunl s "' It t th•· Eq ,,pmen r , 'I' em b ro•de red 01 rtt,.,. ) FROZEN OREGON BERRIE~ (CliP a SAVE THIS AD FOR FR£E EXAMiNATION) I Raspberna.~ ue~:O .. ,ft~ SAVE $1 ::;:._ I ~KKkllllnes. t.....,_, ua oo U 3. so Mucat COil.,.. Of: I I Boy_..riiS S 20 SO $38 00 Mlrionbefries. I 10 • 10• Dl •• &.a.-.-...i l ....,,,.s t 14 00 t 2S oo _ _.nes •IV 1 ..... Rap~~~rna s 1 s 50 s 30 oo lopnbemes I rs._ ar ...... , .. u 1211n I l llllatler'' "'-• s 19 00 Dlhery O.te 8 7 82 I I C.H: 014) !113-0071 1 • VAllO WITH ORIGIUL COUPOI OilY J ·--------------- cfl>aramounl oJPorls "J' . f:J ,, ~llw., ;,. JMiau 8d.d tar a-n.boftal P.We Houw n l E. t7th s. .. c-. \~h. Ptw-b42~ ntE ntRfADS THAT HOLD A FAMILY 10GETHER are llrengthened when you flnd the spiritual bond -a common source fot )Q.lf guidance. inspiration. and loYe. For many peope. this linking source is Ood.ln tow for Hem • .n wenting to know ~do His wil. they discover their \mlty - and their own fulfiln litilt. too Can God unite~~~ more d osety') You re I we'come any tame to visit our church MMc:es. ~ meetang . or ANding Aoom, And therei Sundlly School ttwough. 19. Churrh and Sunday St hool 10 a m Wt'd~v Mf"t'ttn., I p m Second CIMAda ol Clwilt, Sdentilt 1100 P.:if.-VtfiW OnYf' C:Ofon" df-1 r ATHLETES & JOGGERS Are Not The Only People W ith FOOT • Bunions • Ingrown Nails • Hammertoes • Corns-Callouses • Worts • Athletic l~ries • Heel pain • Ambulatory Foot Surgery, • ME0tCAA£ ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTtD 2011 Westcliff Dr .. Suite 5 {I 7th • Irvine In Wesfcllff Medico I lulldlngJ NEWPORT BEACH f~venln• Appointment Avolloltle} ..,~--·o..~ Jolin L. 'BCotn CUSTOM PH(lTOGRAPif) We An PROUD nat Our POitrait of RICI UVINGSTON, M•...-of SU. FINa A••ue, , .... ,., lCMO E. PacifiC CGUt """. Corou cltl Mu. CA ' - \ •· , A SH<JI!( 8{1 fROM H(NQr GIIEIH(, <, "'tW ACTIVE SPQQr~wEAR COufCTION <00t. ~011 TH£ fOUIPMi"-1' lOGO EM8~10UEO )N fAC..., Plf([ Th ese ore ,n wh ,re lvrquo•se ond torol ,.,th loce vp front o f 100 percent cotton We couldn 1 re s•'>' another n1o\r ,Jnl,\uo' q.lt for rhe nton " yuu' Ide eJ<pens•ve yt-\ bvt handsome \Oft •o the •ouc h ond "" '' .Ne 1r forf!'ve• n e ver ceo\ fl•J ro creo't' conJ•l>f.''l ' I•, o loose f,rr,ny \of• sond onte lope svt:>de ronk rop hy D•" rr Covrvre sfo..,, ""rh onqer e• J'tl o .-o•eri yrev • eel.: co"• • .,, or •~ "" •h snuo ' ltJ\ • •• ,. < ufl\ - /j IMAGINAl /[ SuEDE S' "LfD 8Y OIMITQ COuTU~( A MEM8ER Of THE ME~ fASHI()I'\j ASSOC A' •. For the .n-shopto man Colv•n Kle.n datos ronlc tops for the f,st '•me thts stooson ond whot he co ils 'The Scrtmmoge. on obbrev•Ottod T sh,rr thor srops m•dwoy between wo•sl and chest. emphos•z•ng rhe bore body look Ar d don r overlook r. s ne..., sweotsh,rr lool.' A pullover sweotsh rt w tth conrrosr-l.ned hood ond btcycle povch fron t w o•h snop closure ....,ou d be p erfect for so "q Colv n I( e n \""t-oters cou d beco"'e an o 11 seoson ..... ordrotlt:> Of CALviN ICLEIN s o11v cono~. SWEATERS COMi <N A MYRIAD Of STYLES N NEw HEATHER COlORS AS WEll AS SOFT PAlES TH( l't11fECT TOP f()Q ANY SOnOM ()1'\j ANv COURSl Merctortzed or dry cot ron, h•s colors orto ,, heather tones. soft poles ond rewe/ tones. tn both so ltds ond strtpe s Important detods ore crew n ecks boot necks ond o new · Coopf!'r' 11eckl•ne whtch •S o cross bet- ween o crew ond boot neck tnsp,red by o sh '' Gory Cooper wore ,n o 1930s pub/< ry photo Kle •n soys r e /,Ices hts sweaters w >Jrn close to •he body o• 'oyered o ver Or"Otht" lc rt1 rop Aqotn o erl.-cr fo· so• ng' c~~webb-M~~~ey · · of Newport Beach Pamper Yoaraelf With our wonderful fragrances • Lavish Bath Foams Unusual Soaps • Sham~ )S • Facial Creams • Body Lotions • Shaving Brushes • Shaving Lotions • Exclustve: FLORIS OF LONDON 3645 E. Coast Hwy .• CdM 673-3773 M.tm Cuts . . . . . . . . . ...... 115 fr•mesi from MiWno S Concitioning & Color........ 25 foi, Sun Struking .......... s45 ~:~:.· .& ....•......... s 50 LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN I· ...... , ... ,.-"· ... ,.. 6 75·0823 "Communication I~ The Ke y" 2333 E CO AST HWY CORONA DEL MAR BEDSPREADS • COMFORTERS • BED PILLOWS • DRAPERIES • A Feature You'll Find The Local Angle In The Fashion Section of This totally new and highly unique procedUA can show you ammechate results m th.• LOnang and liftmg of the facaal mu5ek-s. and Ovt!r a senes of treatments can un· prove lhe quahty and teuure of the ""'"· resultang m a younger lookmg you Our approach to Lhto eradJrataon and ronuunment of fartal wrmkk-o; ,, not desagned LO rh.aU.np or d~red.Jt an\ ex1stmg tht>On•~ or methods an this field. but to offer vou a bett.er alternative from Mw dev•lopments m the Cosmetology held For more mformataon on how vou ran part•rapall' tn tha.s protuam. PlEASE CAU. FOR FltEE TRIAl. (114)547-1316 L'lmage Cliniq...:::~~ or write us at 1125 E. 17th St., No. 201 Santi An1, CA 12701 WOMEN AND MEN We have summer for all faces • • • free. (Almt" tn and trv ~w mak~ups an~J'I~d bv the.-IOttHt f.uhu•n tr~nd.s th~ P~rsaan UarJ\."n Q,lle<:twn Nt"w P~nMn G,u.kn Culon w1ll I-nn~ <!tat V(IUr uwn raJa.anc~. ~r•vm~ \l>U th~ gk1w ,,, " W\lm.ln an lov~ C..~ll r.arh· lur vour lrtt spnnl( m ,,kC'\>\Cf m ~uNh )htmrnrrmg r~rsldn ,tadts Ill¥-~ ,, ~.... 646 4016 171 E•~t 17th Strftt, CostA Mfti GeoffreyS MOTOR CAR AND AIRPLANE DETAIL FOR THE VERY BEST PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT INCREASE RESALE VAlUE WAX NOW-DON1 REPAINTLAnR A UNIQUE FIVE COAT PROCESS PICK lJ> AND DB.MRV ONE DAY SERVICE (714)635 -6766 PURH Y AMERICAN IS RAlPH l AUREN S IK>UGHWEA.R tAVEIIfO 011£11 ~11011 PA.Nl'> I HI "'Av • SA·t•~~{J \1 ,, f 11 I'JP') A I1'.J(•8 • ll,t ~·f 8()AIN{( ~ ')H 111 A t IlCoN SllliP{ W(Jh':>Htlil AN(I A Hfi!QIN(,80N£ t Wt , .,..n Qa JA(It(l lUAu• TV '.>lAND WATCH ON DECK Selected European and American Designs in Swimwear, Lingerie and Lounge wear. A.o Elegant Aml.taace for The Dlacrlmlnatlag Woman Lose Inches NOW L .. 3 te 1 0 ••lies ta tttst •• MIU wile,. WM aee4 te t.. tt. ''GUARANTEED'' Featuring Mittendorf's EutOIHJan BODY WRAPS Re-countour your Ugure I Lower • dress size! Look slim and trim! EUROPEAN CELLULITE CONTROL CENTER 340 "Old" Newpcwt atvct .. No.2 Newpcwt hech, CA CALL 645-2771 OR 848-5404 for appo•ntmeont SAVE UP TO 50°/o OR MORE NAME BRAND SPORTSWEAR FOR WOMEN AND MEN BATH TOWELS, SHEETS, AND CASUAL SHOES FOR LAOIES: lOTS OF 8LOUSES. SKIRTS. PANTS. JACKETS, SWEATEit$ AND OltESSES. FOR liEN: SPORTSHIRTS, ORESSHIRTS, PANTS. BLAZER JACKETS ltfOUCEO JS~ TO 10~ PENDLETON POR WEAR SALE ladles Fine Wool JacketS, Slllrta. Pants, and S.ate,.-Reducecl30% to SO% Buy Early tor Fall at Good Prtceal { :..t a-k,. Jllly 11. a•n.. N.wpon E.Dalgn RO~ FAYE DUNAWAY CUFF ROBERfSON JOHN HOUSEMAN ..... .a; (8Cent~ MV'BIM OF THI -.y ..,._ Some IPfY" .. ..Crlc:Ut <*1-ttmett kldt up their hMta befofe t*ng turned out k) puture. He*\ Beery. Scatman Crou.t, .... Muurkl, ...... Stuatt and Richard WNtlng. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarena Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. . . . ... c. (70..81'% .-In) --· , ...... ,... .. Vllnm Will. Ttle a10fy .. -In 1887 In .. ..-.m Celfomla community of Oc-.llidllllld ~ Cetrcl Pen- dleton Marine ..... wtth .JamMon Parkef. AfW1t ~10. Joanne MI .... Oevid JemM CerroM. Llutt Hendler. Vlrgtnle KINr. Kart..-. Crockett. Craig T. Neilan, Dey Youno end Shelley Long. TN -~ car cr-. specials --- ,.,. •• fC (8:300ent.JMt.) ~IN TMI KnCIIIIt. A oomedV ptiOt aJI llbout 1 young wife (Laurel L .. ) who ru,.. an animal agency---- ... C88 (1Cent~ ........ THIIKnTHI~. (1) bE~ Ia a young lid who ga11101'M help from hil World Wa r. OM flying-ace grandfather (ole pro Pat O'BIIen) In r•torlng an ancient biplane n.ra an alrp&ane With two seta of wing~. one above the other. klddlea Conaktalon next ~. ... , fC (1 C'AnlMDunl) .... ~L: Me/Of L.-.gue a.m. of the MIINil ... Olikland A' a at e.ntmore Orlolea ~ ..... tae.: Houaton Aatro. at St. Loula CerdlfM ). uo WM ABC =.u Mt.) WIOI WOM.D CW UYe and taped coverege of Nallanel ..... ,... .. rv from lnclienlpOtia. Indiana. fMturlng 2.800 of America'a tap anwteur •tn~et• In 331P0ft&. * •••• ...,-. The Nallaftlll ..... ...._.con- cept 1$ ,. ble/ttcltlld 01 paJt u s. OlympiC eommm.e Prwldent ltoOert Kane who en~ !he need lot sumtNr competition lot A.rnerican athletes In non-Olympic YNr& From the first Festival In 1fl78 at Colorado Spfii'JQI. the ftent ha belln struc· tured on regional Nr-. with ~tN sMcted by ,. NallOMI Gcwtmlng Body ol each aport ro ,..,...,t tN~m from the East, Souttl. AMt;ll/lleSI and W.St. The 33 !P()fts Include virtually all ol thOSe from bofh the Winter and SumtNr Olympic Gam.s as well as the Pen AtNrleen a.mes. TV cover• w11 locus on boxing. track and Held, dlvlfi(J and fl(lure sleeting. but there wll eiJo be Ice ~ o.Mett»/1, swlmmlnQ and gymnastic& -· ... C8S (3.30CentJMt.) eel WO.Ia. Rey "8oom 8clon'r Manclnl'a flrat W8A lightweight champlonahlp defenae. agalnat Ernee10 E.,._ 141111 NBC (4Cen1r~taln) OOlP. L.Ne ~ of the Mlft. final round of the Anheulef·Buech Clatk from u. KJneam11 Golf CIW It\ WIMiemltlurg. VIr~ I ~ I ·t l ~ -~ . I' f • --' •J'IIII ABC (5CentraNounUIIn) QO&.P. Llw ~ of the tNrd round ot the U.S. Women'a Open. PROGAA~S LISTED ARE Kinos Reg . 100s Men 1 mg. "tar," 0 1 mg ntconne: Kmgs Men. 8 mg "tar:· 0 7 mg mcotme. lOOs: 8 mg. "tar." 0.8 mg. necotme av per c•garene. FTC Report December '81. .. :: ..... NIC (1 CWICr.....,..,. eo&~. LM covetaoe of w. ,.,., round of the Anheuaer·Butch c:aa.ic . ... ABC (2Cent~ NAliONM. UOIITa P.INM. IV. aoxl .... 15·round WBA World ~ ~lght ~ fight .,.. tween ..... ~ and RefldVCotlb. Llwl W.ver will defend his crown tor the third time . •7N ABC (4 CentriVMountaln) GOLP. Llw cOO<terege of the final rounct of the U.S. Women'a Open. ..... fiB:: (11:3CWII~.) WOM -.&.Y. An anime'-d .., ... promoting good ~ and phytleallltnea. Soort Bdty. with .,. aid of hit ..,.., •. Soort Lilly, and her dOg. Wllty, protects the ideala of honelt ~·t;on agaJnSt ldll>ersar- ... '-'1 (of 6 epsodea) ... , NBC (1 Cent./Mount ) IAIUALL 41¥X LMQUe Game ol the __. World ~ Lo. AnQeeee Oodgera at Attwtta lka..,.. (4 .&1 ... a-: Cteveland Indiana at MII\I'IUMe 8rewera). GOlF. CaNdan Open llw from Glen Nbly Golf QJb In Olkvtle. Ont.ario. MNFMA8C (4~ -WOM.D OP WO.T&. -. CCMteQe ol the Ntll al ..... ,....... IV In tht.. Ita MCond A llfllnd of COf1"C)etiUUn. ,...ces (1 QOLP Cenldlen Open. 1\4. ,.._ ~ .. def .. di'IQ ~· ._..NIC (3Cent~) -WOII.O OF WO.JI. The NetioNI8porta ,....._ rv •ttMNIC (1~ MElT \LL. Yl;or ~"*I u •• gwne: ...,.,. k) be attnOUnC«l t 1/82 CO.. ~AH ASSOCIA TtS tHC C • • •'o<d U ') A I~ Ariane Wolmerath Bill Newhall, IV I were morned of St A ndrews Presbylenon Church and held theu receplmn 1n the EmpJTf:> Room of the Newporler Inn They ore en1oymq a lw< 1 month ho neymoon 1n Euro~ The Newport Ens vn W•dnesdoy. July 2l. •• Po~ 15 A D 0 s Aher the "I Do , Susanne Caminiti A pholoqroph fro m the weddmq at r ,v,Jii T~uu, e ol Blue~ and Bill Littleton Denms Miller was selected for the Trovehnq Loan Collec'IOn of e11chanqed wedcbng vuws ut St AndrPws Presb}•IPTI.Jfl Chun' u'ld the 9lst lnternol10nal Exp(JSJIJ· 1n >I Pn./essJUnal Photoqro1 h y held celebrated the1r receptun ul )osmme Cre~k C/ubh· 11!>1::' ,., C r ·w July 10 14 m La!> Veqos del Mar The couple, who rPs1de m Newpo rt &och h~tneym • nPd Photography courtesy ol John L. Blom Custom Pbotograpby m Howou 81/1 is current/; f''t!~Jdenl ol New{X1rl Harb• r Ia;( P-, ~~yr~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,(e~..c"e~~')o..~~"").><.,("'~~~~~..c"~~~~"").>C41('~~...r~...r~ WEDDING SERVICES Dl CTO y A LOVELY SELECTION OF FINE GIFTS -, .. l. • l ~ y 81 ltn hq~;r ne~ Brr l ),1 :,{' 1 0 t( 11E '€N r,q Ac.cesc ~( es • r :' I e" ;: r e Vvc j t=>r~ <j • t " .. • . .._. K.C:J ~u~J:., /HOP 23CX) HARBOR Bl VO • HAReC:>Q CENTER • COST A MESA • 97Q-l882 Man ft~l()om Qpm Sot l0<1m~pm ~ l2pm 5pm A MATTER OF CONRDENCE mcJ f.ler<tol o1 Mens 1 ormn~ weo • ~,lUll sr.oo or ~to N'Cl nc: We$toar' ~n • .klQ 1 tt11t\5 t "«>a • Ce~toMteo-omo92617 • (7W)~MOl I lil8 John L. 1JCom ~--------------------~ ._- Colour Wedding Portraits and Candid s to Remem~r Forever Jl4t bat Pac1fic Coast Hapway 7.:!.A 6767 c ..... clel Mat . CA tM2S uv- Sll V£R Al£ k I I •• >< \IH ~ 1 "' ii \10 1tll't, I \fl I 11\ I' •\111\ll'ot . Ol R lOTH "'"''Ill\ \ll' \fit\ l .... f. lilt I()( ~l ,Uf \ NOACK TROPHY 17111 1-th \lr•·•·t '" 11 • ( o~ta \\t-,,t let<''"' rrnm \ >n, '>hllpptn~ ( t rH t•r 646-iJ4J Thpre are flonsts and th(>n th(>r~ tS 641 0810 • Stone Mtll Busmess Park 2915 Red Htll Ave • Costa Mesa IIOUH: BRIDAL FABRICS "E¥erytiJjq but t~Je Groom!" If you v• de<tded 10 w-your weddtng 90-n ond bttdol party lor _,., h~ tt custom s-e-n) w• offer o compl.te bttdol depomn.nt. f.atvr•ng French Of'd re embra.dered louts \Otlns duHons ttorcn flowers bttdesmotd fobrtes patterns, ~s full of tde<n ond o bttdol consultant ~r to h.lp you put t~r thts ott •mportont O<COSton •n a profeu.onot f0$h1on Don t let the no~ FabriC Warehouse' foot you. we ' con m~e your most happy doy o most elegant one Colt for on oppotntment or stop by onytt~·we re open 7 doys a week every wNkntte until 9. ond Best w.~.s from FAIIUC WAREHOUSE COSTA MESA 18th and P1ocentta 646-4040 MOM. -f ... to AM-9 PM lA TVIDAYIO AM-6 PM OTMII ITOitiS IN DOWNTOWN LA. WIST LA, NOimtiiiMK, LA 'UENTI, AMAH liM SUNDAYnAM-SPM ike f!O other. ,, bridal store 1n Ameflca. C•litotm• S l•ro•sl f\eiKI on Of 8t.~l F••lliQnS a1a0 tuxedos. d1amond ,,,. chma. s1tver, 1nv•tat10n~ flowers and cater•ng 3~ W W ml"-t , Ave • S.nt• Ana • (714) S:H-1171 Member Nateonal Bred I Page •• • ..... ,. J\&ly ll. ·-n.. N.wp~ IDIJqft .... ,.lOW_ ... 11.11. I ~ ........ -......... ~ • CAN C!CD ,_ CO. \Jtt W.,_, U• C. ~ CA mt4 ,.,._, D Moaon. -I e-.................... A.c..- ........ CA o-.a W..., .. ~ e_. tfw, PMID s..,,. A. c..-.. loUt CA~ """~--~"" .. .......... (~ ......... , ....... Attllt"' D 11&611of11 ,. __ biM ........ c .... 1, a..• ., a.-c...-, .. '" ly 2,1ta ~ 1 .... 14. Zl, at. A ... 4. 11112 •• n............,. .._. Pltlell IIOUC IIOnr:& ......... _ .... ..,.1"111DT ,..~,.__.._. .,__ • nq QJIOCDT COWNCiC: TIOfC. 7tl Aa -W~ ..._,, .... ,.. CA trlleiD Loob ~ .... ...... ~.. 7tl """-•••. .._, ..... CA trlie~D, at...-.b lo &.-W, lll .__ •••· ..._,. leocto CA ..., ,... ....__ .. _ .... ~ ...... , . _ • ., ................ &.Q-~... ...... . _,.No_,, n.. -· _,...,. .... ~ ,,.. c ••• ,, e1.o• of o.-c-••• .. '" lyl2 Ita .....w.... lvty 14 ll Je Ao.q 4 lfll2 •• ,.. ......,..,. '-" Flt314i PVIUC IIIOnat 21111 1110na ~ ntuanrs uu T S Mo WcCoJiwa Ttu•tor W..rtvert .. ,_.._.., •nd ..,..,.,..., 1 Mce.u ... Tow .. ,. on c&.lewll wador o .t..d ol ...... ._,... .,..~ .. 25. ,., u..- tov .. ~. tc'ttM IO 1tt01iee1 fhl propet ly ,, _, lie ooW Ill o IIWI>l>e oo!e II YOU n .... M ........ lOA of lhe 1\otl"r• Dl lloo P.-...11"9 _... YOU you lllo•ld coot .. • lo..,., 0.. ""' • 1.2 •• 9 15 • "' Wol1huo Ttlt. Cor11 u dwly •III>O<•tod Tr\fti .. u.n4e• end pwn t.t•n• 10 Deed oJ T ruot r~ordod W.y 2 IIllO, oo '"" No 2102 on booa 13*. -· )40 ol Otto~,., !l.conlo on tho oltoce ol tho County !l.cor4or ol Oroaqe Counry Soot• ol C.Uiota... lacw..., OY Worqwoulo , .. ..., ood Wtc,.... I We c.llwa will ooll ~ ,......,..., """'"oo to h•qhool lotd4er lor ceoll (pe.,.W. ~ II-ol oole .. a.wtvl _..., ol •hot u •• ~ee~ s...+ool •I ,.._ ,_, _,_ ... .... old Or-c ...... , c-.. ....... locoled ......... ~ .... ...._ s.,c.-·· s. ............ , ..... A•• c.t•·-., ... ~. title ood •· ..... eo< .. ,... 10 ............... loy .. wader ..... Dood of T'Nal 1ft ok ,.,_ • .., .......... .. ..... c-•• , aod Ski. d.ot ....... . PAJICU I Lot I ol To~r No lal oo 11tot C.o., ol "-" ..... Co .. l't ol 0.•-Ste,. ol Cololora.. ao ~· .... ·-"'-~ '" lltooll 101 ~-lJ ud 34. N-u..o-• ....... oo the ol ,_ ol .... 00.01\' ,....,,..., ol ..... ~ . .., MJICI1 l TUl -·-ol 1..-. ,...,...,,_., .. _ .... _... .. ....... , --. .....,~ ....... . ..,., ........ c.-c •••• ,, ....,.,. •. ..... ld ,..,~ ... 32113. lto..odod - tollo ... 0. lho HorUo by IM w_,.,,, pro lono•'"'" ol I he Ho.therly loll• ol Lot I Mid T·~· No 32113, .., ........... . hoo t~•• •• porollol "''~ ud 104 00 i- looteoly lrono tloo Lot.rly looo ol Trocl No 400.1 u poo oao,p NC'Ordtoci '" bc>o* 188 • .,..,_ I) lhrowQh Ill ,.,.,.,.. .. WIOCela.neo..o W.110 rc ordo ol .. td OranQ<O <:-niY oo IM Sowoh bv oho w-•• ,., prolo·~·-ol So..tk oly "•• Dl w .d L.oo un llo.e loot by tho •-•I, l,_olootdlo4 PAJitCIL ) A. ......."•'••-"' AO• .... ~-.. -· • 00 -•• lor t.aauoQ ••""04teoa c:o.•e«:!e eM ec c.. o.,., '~' pon.o. ol ,,.., .... .._., cL• •••on ._. .a.ho. • oe • _.., t trr..reol rwoto.d '" ~ 1 ~ • Wlllltell•n-..ua "-'cord Nape r.-orda ot .. ld OtanQ• Co.aty •dtotatnQ .. JCt t,...,, No U8J ••·•o 49 00 ._ ~A -..c-..... of ... 'o'lown'lQ d..cub.d. c:.,..,., ... . c~.,_...ClaQ • M Sowt ...... C'Ofl'l.t o1 r,..,, No 4001 .. .,., • .., -o.~ •• _. 188 _.. I) oh"""h Ill ... ,..,.,"""--w.... ........ ol .. .d O•••o• Co.aty ••••c• So¥th 11 054'00" &o. I 04 00 t.r a1oo1j tltot o...s ... l? ..-.~ t• "'-.. ~ Ill tltot I...J ._,,_ -...1 '" C.. .... 20431 S..ponor c .... ,. ., ..... c_,., 10 .... ..... _... ol ...., .. ,.. ,.....,. iooYOftQ oold uoo No"~ 11'06'00" &o. 527 49 '-t IO tho ....,.AAIDCI ol • C..,W C'OftCe--. w .... tly h..Yt6Q a tedt\l. of ,... 00 .... • ........ """~··I• 441 • .... alof\q M.d cwr-.. lhtowol. •n u9a. ol 4JI~ ,....,_ llorth <18'14'0" w .. o 911 41 l•t to llwl Sourhotly '••• ol Lot I .....t T •~• No 4003 D CUT THDVliOW oil "'' CIU ......... •Dd ,.... ~ ....... -. ........ I .... h ol !(10 .... WIKNI lloe t!Q~t of wrl<K'O -.. •• oo ,_...,. wf ,...."".....,'' ot rco•d PAJICIL I l.cot 2 oo4 lh W_l, - '-~"'' 22 00 1-ol Lot I to llodo Ill ol Sovt~ 11._...... T-oa tltot Ctty of CorOt\e Co"•'" ot llt•w.td.. S...t• t Cahlor••• .. •hown by ..,. 'Oft .. ,. ...... q ,_ , ..... ol W•p• S. l•••••d••o Couaty "-cord• 'AIICIL J l.oo J •A J..c:• Ill o1 So..tll a • ...-.,.,.o. row .. •·•• ,. •'-Ctty ol Cot rm• C " ''' <A ,.,..,,...:~. s.... of c.~ .• (l ..... •he.,. trJ ,..P ~ t..a. ,,. ...,. • p-• .... ....,.. Soft .. , ,.._,d,.,.. CO¥ftiY A.corcit Th• .cr-.. _..,_ •ad otkr C\JIIIt .. w o ... o,.,..tott ,, .. , o~ ,..., , .. J pro~tl'f ,:t.,_,,a..ct •Do¥• • put p.>Hod •~ t.. 4)) Horlltoo l•t.nd N•-wprr, a....ch C•hloro~ cn660 T...._ u'ld.rttQ,..d Tr~ d . .,. ... ,,... ~tr~ •••btht\o fOt •t•Y I~HKIII .... ~~ th• ,,, .. , .od,.. •nd oth-et ev"'"'o" d .. •on•h\11'1 '' •nw thowft f\••••h S••ri w'-•tH be m.. h t ••'~Ootl C'""'·ft-1'11 Ot •a ttAftl., or•.. ,, •Mpl,.,j req•rdtnQ ,,, .. uu...-•• un ur •nct.,uontu•nc.. It:~ .,_., ,,. t•metntnq onnrtp.AI t .. m ot •h• noi-.(•J tiM'ur.d b-y w td o..d ol ft-..•t ••lh '"'•,_.,., •tr.••~ •• pro 11od.d ~~~ w..d "n•.C•> a.d••ncM ..t .,.., ~nd4t! lh• !et•ll •lt wwl 0...:. uf Trw.. .... C'herQN .~d •• ,. .... .., lh• ''"'•· .... ~ vf th. ''"'" c,..'-d ~>-r .. ..t o...t ol r ..... The total .-Guttf u4 •M ~o~o.,...& ......... of ·~· oi>J ........ _.., ... ~ •Ill• p1o,..,,, 10 '-• .. tel aa4 ,~.-.. ............ ~· .......,._ .... ..,....,.. .. , ............. .. otw.l .,..w_._ e1 olio ...,_ o1 SeA. .. \164 02111 ,.... ........... '? .......... ~ ... Truet h•••lqfore ••~•t..t e-.4 ...... ..t ..., ..... _ ... .,... .... 4 ., .. ,.,. O.Ca.ooo-o1 Oelow~ oad 0. ...... lot ..... oad I .,,,_ Moo.ce •' O.lowll •~d ll.cr.... "' W TINt .......... -C'hrood ..... ,.,...,. "' O.t..a. •ad ~~oor~-'" Wt "' lito ,_........, •It tM tv~~thlf -~,. IM ..... ,~ .. -~ ... o. .. J.,..)4 I ...... Mmel ,......,._ .._IIAn:.:ln' n. ....... _ ••• ~ .,__ • _, ITIII1IMII AI&LIICIS UMiftD tAinGIISHIP ~ IT\I'..a I.TD tMlWMMJP. mJ W C.. ttwy ,.-....._.a..~ CA ._., w-""""-· I I Tett.-. ,._ &.-..._.. .._~ C'A ~ •• ......_ ......,,_ • ..., • r ... -...-. lliOI 0.... S. Mu lOO ...,_..,.._.CA UIIO ,... ....._ ......... ..., ....... ..._... _, .. ,......., ... ,..., l.ooc&. 0,., V10t "-odeoo w... tlow-,.,.._IM "'• -· .... 111M rttlll .... efiHt.ll Cl.f• v' 0.4AO• Cuunty t.IO I" "''· ltt2 Pu!>h.. l•ly 14 II Jij Aw~ 4 lfll2••""' ............ , ........ Pt121113 l'eMJC IK)'nCI nco..,_..,..... .-na.,_., no. ~ ,.... .. d4'114 ...,._ • PMOIIINATCH PliO OUC"tS. J4 P4P O.w10. lr ••M, C A 117'-4 ... o.....&oo o.....w. J4 .... 0.... .,_, CA tlt714 ,... ~ ................ loy OA tO ....... ....~ ....... ..... Do., .... ~ nw. _, -111M ... h .... c-~y Cltot* .. Or-c ... oty .. , ..... 1 .. PltoWIIolll ""-lO. loaly 7 14 21 ,. .. ""'......._.c-.. FIClee ...... .:mea .:me& YOU Alii • COAULT U11DD A 01111 01 ntuST. OA TID M. Y 14. 1_, U1!U.W YOU TAD AC:nC* TO PIIOnC'T 10Ua J'IICifDI I. n MAT • 101.0 AT A PUaJC IALI "YOU IIIID .u IDI.AMIIC* or nil IIIATUU 01 1111 ..... ULJIIta A~ YOU. YOU IIIOUU> CCJM. TACT A L.AWYIIl. *>.:lt:WT.._ •• .,,aao••uu T.I.Mo.2>74»'ata 0.. A-.. 10, 1--' lO e'elock .. -~ .... ,..~ A, ... ,.. ..tr-IO tt.. Co.,.. C..ter ... ldioo.. 300 .. cu.--A-. Oruqe, C.A. WlftiJUI M\TTUA.L COIIJ0a.A110M, • Calilo-Co• pooatloe. .. r-. or wllolitwled Tr-• ...._, doe Dealt ol 1'1.-oa· octtled loy ~ 1. Woore, • ~ ....... .....,.._ ... _..... ............ ..w-r-._...... Sop 10, ~-•• ....._ llo 131:» ..... lJ7'It .... l • ., 01· llct.ol ..... .. o-.. c-a., c.--. Will ............ -10 .................................. t...w_ .... ~ ...... .............. __ ...,..t ..... _....,..,...,.,.._ ....... ..... ~·"'-· .... _..., ............ o-, ........ . ............._ A~-............ 0 II>All -..., .,.._, ......... .. .... Clcy .. ,.__. ........ C...ty ol Or .. qe, .... ol ~ ..._. ....... -~ PAK:ID. 110 1 Dall No I . .,_ --.. --.... ..,.. ................ ~ "-'l..r..t Ia lite C 0 lz -..... ("ftM, .. 1 II ...... yw-_ ............. -._..._~10,1-.. ...... .-.. '"' "' Olllcw ._. ., Or-c-.. Coldoral. I'AJICSI. wo. 2: Ao ... ciJ ...... - 1...U. (UIOtk) 1M -..Jo .. -oo • ,. .... , "'-"' ud to all ol tk ..... p._ny, liiCitociJ.Q ........ b .... hoo lloe C:O..Oo ,.._ do....., oo lh• Oocloraloon ..J.i tod to below •• POI'Oel I, ......... -• N.p UJ..t OA Sot>• 21. 1m ,. ._. Ill. P•o• ZJ to Z4 .. d -.. , ol ,.,eel ............. OH.ac. oltltot Oroaqe Cowol'f !l.cordor DCDT1JtG THI:UI.oW u.,,. A ·~ a. 1 ..., a: ... a~oowa oo ..... .... lliSUVtWG THDUIIOW lor tM bNefll ol Gt..aot ... ~.--. ._. •• -uol oUo.n. __ ,_lor..,.,_ .ao.-.. ..,._ e.cJOK'~I ata.p pon .. ,...,e-ec:oe d•~ .._ •• tO..... ~ .ad lot oth r ~· -..a ................... d .. ct.e.cnllled t.a tllli• O.CMt•t.ott ol Co.__UUI Co.d1t ..... Md a..riCIIOti ol '---t. lor $t Aodr.,.. V.JIAqe ('"Doclor.,_") .. ~ad woo •oco•d..t • W..C~ 10. IIllO ao to.~,_ .. , No ttn Oftiool lleconb o1 Or.,.qe c-.,, c:.l&lor... , AIICil. wo J Moe ... cJ .. ... _...,_....,. ..... -. -~ ..,.,.._..., ~. •ec:t~ -· ............... -. _. .............. ""'-·oil .......... . ......... aad .. .._ ....... 1ft tt.. ~ no. S.r ... odd... aodlor o<loor coo. ._ ........... ~ aay 10 p~rpotled to loo 1401 Ooy So Uo11 I ......,, lleoclo,Colllorn .. Sa>CI ooJo will loo ..-"''~owt _, ru ty M to tUt. ~tO-A or en ClloUotOAceo. lot lhott pill-ul poy1aq .... ololiQ,ol-....... loy .. .., o..d cltrwl.--....4 ......... __ ..... T-oadaltltot tr..-CY ...... .., ........... T.-odv-.-..... ........ -oo,,_,... ._ ............. ,...,..... .... -of tM lloeo(a} _..,.., lrt Mod .,...of Trw~ ,..,. •u.m liO 0..0... '"" t ltiU, ........... ~ C....,. 700 S TtiiiiJO Sl •. o, .... CA IDK7 (114J n1•100 ... ....,~ Tr..- ..., .......,. L ~ T,_ Soloo 01 hew ......... l..t,lJ • A •• ""' ............ "'-" PVWJC lt011C£ ..,. F1C'!iTIOU:I JVSIJfESS IIUIIITAftiCDT 1112 •• NI42J Tlo.o .............. -••• d.,.nQ --oo COI.D'-'M U IITNDS !!020 Co-Oto-No-port ....,~ CA ~ No~ C Col•m•• 2JJ4 Port Cerl.... Place IM•poll e.., h CA tl26e0 lloloerr I Goont lOll '•t•r 0.1 Oro S." Cloa.ol• C A 9M71 loll. I L.a• lr U Lo••oo w.., lr vo... Co 92104. O.rt II Del ''""' 21tll eo... .. c .......... n v-Co 9;MI2 nu. -.uat.., •• coMwCI.d by • .,. ••• a~ ................. ........ w. •• c c ....... T\.te tt•t ... A.I ... h.J.d Wtlh lh• c .... ~,, O.•• o1 o.-c..... oo I•••Zl 1112 Pwi>Joolo 1101, 7 14 21 l8 lllll •• The....._,.._. Fltl20'74 PU..:: IIOnCI -"'~­.... Ita,...., NIJ77t no. ......... _ ....... ......_ • WUTCt.Jrr PLA1A CL.&A.-. LAI-Ita II -a .... ...,... ......... CA_ C'-9 .,_ .... J1411 ~c ...... ....... 11i11o. CA _, 1_.. lo &... »>SS o...tlwt 0.-Jo ,_... ... lt!U.. CA ~ Y-Got 0111 lZJ27 ._. ..... , Dr-D ~-CA tale ........ 0111 m2l ......... o. ... at-CAa:JO """--.. ~.,. _,.. _......,. ""~ a-. '-'-""" __ , •oo toW ,..,_ tiNt Wolalo11• T,lle C...,p IMll V•ft•••• C...•oy a.... e1 0.-c-... , • I• ..... ...,. ILO .... , .. , CA tlut 1y 1, ... t21Jlto17'!01~ ............. ()j, .. , .......... ,.,. 7. 14 ll ll ~~ •• ,.., ..... ~ J.ly f 14 11 I IH Tho ""' .......... ........ """""''c.-... N&nl ,. ... ~IIO'ftel •u• un AIID accatti MO 11M Til IIIJII ITIIIOPStl or Tilt AlnfUAL STATDaT. 1'U8 l.al OIICDI'D lt ••• ., p,.,,.._, All....,.. L•t.lao• .. -C.. Ull...._l c... ... o. .... ....._, ...... c.~ r.. .. , ... .,.,,..,._,...,.l b,..211) U4l 107 •'10 r .... n .. ~.Ju-cP-1 1 ..... , 147 a t 114 c ... ,.,,..oot II'CPMo l lt .. a7Al 1000000 a-•~~~·od-took..,. .. ,......,,_, 1-m Jt Ut1411 .,..._.., ..,,,.,., ... (t-1, IIIJ.aAI u • ._...,, .. ,..,.._,CJ._, *•••••.IIC! a. .• (l,_,,_...,_,,_. '-~· PVIIUC ii011Ci IIIOlll;l Off llti ii¥W Ml.l MaM GTD ... _ l'o ICI~fAIIII .... s...-..... C.t.a-... -· ·--.... 1., _ .... , ....... .... -~~ ..................... ... .. .~~ .... ..we-·-...... ....-~ ......................... See ·-_.., ., ,._ c •• ~ c...&. a11 ,,.., .~ ....... ··-_ .. .,... ....... - o..ld ... '' wndor ... 0.... wl Tr..,. •• ,..._ ,._,.,, • .._.,.. ...... , ct.cn.._.. Tl utTOIII ()o,. IC Co•ok>od •1111 ,.,.,..,. A Crootcwd ~ ..... 1'41 on4 ...... ,_,. .. , ..... "'' lltM.tnelAIIl' s..,.-a.o- C.t.touu• c.•por•ttOA 11-.&.d Allotl 6 I'Jtl •• '""' llu \J711 111 ~ 140011 P•ll• ftl~ ul 01 '""••' R.c\)td• "' th• •. u,c·• HI .,.. Aea..rd•• ul o ••• oe c,nwt~ -..d d..d -A hvel ~'"-I~ I"UQ••no '"utM' ly t,.,o I& of To~r Nu 7lllt '" ,.._ c,,, 4Jf MeWJIOrl -..ctt CU<WtU¥ .,,t Ot6A4e St ... <II C.loloroM " ~· "'•P rKotd ... 1ft ..... 315 -40 .......... h •• Wt~leAtoow• ... pa Ht th• ~ltee ~ •~• Cowoty !l.corot.r ..0 .. od CowoiY Noy lie .-, •-• .. '10 Oro) .. a., o., ... No.,..,, ..... , CA ""(lf a ...... ...,.... •t t"UMMOCo 0....Mfto0fl .. ~-" .a.o.-'•U wart•fl '' •• ••"" • t\l "' ev .. plel•" ... evrr.ct ... , .. Tlo.o ltotMior,.., ·~•· .. td 0.... ..t Tr•• loy •-ol • Or~h "' c&.lowh •• tlw _....,""'. ...cvred tMrM-. ........... _..... •ad ...,,_ ... "' tho ............... o Wtolle" O.Cio.r~­ ..1 Oelo•h •1111 O..oad to. Sole •"" •ut .. n f\ut..ce uf ~,-...c-h •f'd t.~l .e.c. .... tv C'•w.ae tM w•d••"'4M4 '" -'1 ....:t P,f .... f'fy IQ ...... , N.d dJ.Q.IIOnl aftd ,......._,., tt.• wr·44tnHJ".d c•""e.ed ..... nottc• ol btMCh e td ~JI ·~hon IO .. reeor«tect Apnl 1 aQBJ • onlt No a 114'115 of ...... ()jl~··l llocordo lood oo1e woll M ....... lltwo w•llloul ~~ Ot .. ff.ftiY ••P, ... Ot ... lllM4. , .. otdJaQ hll• -ooo, or eao"••••~ to ~'Y ,.._. r•aaum•o Plt"C~I ou"' ol th• M>lo(H -•rod b' MMI De.d ol Tt~ wuh '"'•' .. ' •• '" ,..d AOI4 prowtded .dvanc•• ,t any wadeo 1he loroo• ol Mod DNd ol T.-..ol. .... eharqe.a •"d ••p•nN• ot tM Tr-..el .. and u' th• hut•• c:: '"'ed by ..... o..d ol r.... S..d ........ u .... held oa Tllw•.d•• AwQ < 198l •• II • • at th.. froat •fttrenr:• •u Guerd•u Tt\111 o...d S.tt¥C.. ,fi(X i ... ., ..... Oronqe. CA Yoe •r• .n ct.fault \o d•r • d...d of .,...,. dol..t W•rch JO tW Urlooo yow l&k• tclloe to pr(HK ' nul oruperty at .. , be IIOtfl ••• p~o~bll .... If y"" .....t •• .. ,.. •• ,~ of .,.. ••u.--• ot .... preoe.~Cba, .,., ... , YOU 'IOU ohoioJdCOIOOOC:t • ...... , T"ttt. lo4a1 eeuut~l t ,... w!'llpr.e..d ~. o·t ,,.. v.bhQat.. ...cwred by ....t p,.,_tlY ~ 0. ...,.,.. uq•thet ••tlll '"'"_. l•t• ctt.t.-•· d .... ~•• CCMO •• ,....... •nd •d••nc.. •• ol tho ot.oe hoo.of 10 SIS1 -..,1 91 0.•• lwiY 7 IINI1 S. ~ .. ll .. k • C a.htorn ... corpc;.r•'•u •• -...d ft~.~••• b'f Gw•rd~" Ttw.ef o..d S.•v.r-" • COlpol•tKI' lWJO ( Wavf•" A.-. Or••CI• CA 9lf67 11• na 6910 ~o., Vc~y l.e••• A•at•,, s.c,.,.,, Pwbloo~ lwlv 14 :1 18 1912 •• Tlo.o N-11 l n••ot• NllSifi 1'\mUC IK)T1CI ..,.l P'ICTI1'IOW I UUJU:SS NAJa STATDUifT Tl\• toUowtoo penon• ••• do•no bwttn-•• SAY CleW PHOTO 500 H••port C•n••• o,..,. St.tue 460 Newpool ll.och CA 92660 w.,.,., .. H'lt. Inc • C&hkunMt corpor•hoa Th ... bu. .. " ... "' cond~cted b., • uu porouon S19aod t..,v T Stattll Pr-.O.nt W•rqer .. H.u. lA.._ Th.a •••••• .. • ... Med ••th th• CovAl' c .. ,~ of er ... ~ Co\int'f Of\ Jw,.. 24 1912 ,........ ll.IJ 1 14 ll .18 19tlJ '" The N.wpor1 laooqo rt92147 "U.UC IIOnc::t n<:T1'Yt<Xn IUSIIiDS NAM&STATDCDIT The JoHow&Aq peri!OOt ••• c:&c,,,.q b<tll•-.. ,ACIJlC PQLN'T[ )471 v .. l.odo s... .. li07 """""'' .... " CA taMJ a.w. Corp l47J v .. Lodo s .. .,. 7D7 ........,,, a..ch CA 9lt6l Gt..o Yooa>ell• t.AttKt 16111 At.r• L..n• HwftliftQtor. ~ Ce 12649 flue ~.,.... •• n .•ftdw"' ,.... by • O""t•••J pariM"tah.tp S,qnecf a.t.h• Corp l'owl L Gelo<• ,, .. ...._, n.. .. ••• ,..."' .... tt~.ct ••• ,. ,._. Cou•tw c._,._ -.t Or•nq• C~n•r ru, '"' IV 2 11112 Pwbf10h l•l• 1 H Tho N.-.poll (n.,q" ,,26-4& PUILlC IIOnct nc:tmOUS IUSINESS ICAJIIITATDI.Dn Tho lolloW>ttQ ponon ,. do;..., b•.,•-.. of COOl UNl bl DIAL A COOIC II Lo aoc ... Ue Newport a..c~o CA 92t60 Soodto a.rwoc:• II Lo Rocloolle Howporr a...,~ CA 9atO ,_.., a......,. II L. lociMtlle H.w!>oot lo.acto CA~ T\__. IN•-"-.-eoecluocted by aa •• do•tdwol l'<lo..t ....., a. • ....,~ n .. .. ..... "' ... .,,.. .. ,.. , ... CCM.trs~, Ci•r~ "' o, .... c.,..,"'' 0111 Itt ••• 1411ll ,ubi,_. lwl• 7 14 l l 21 llla1 •• Tlo. "'"""''' ""•CI• "~ 'UILlC MOnet ITA TDIDIT Off UAimOIIMOIT Of' ust Of' nct1'110QI ausua:u NAJa Ta.. toll •·"4 .,.,_. IMt•• ............. wd. ·h• w.M I 1h.e t.chuow.• baM ... ,,.,., TIIAV£LGAIID l318 v,. L.do S~o~U• 4()() N • ...-po,, ...,._ft C A 92elr&O T'h• l•r tt ... h~.--"•"'• •.-t.tted '" •b-"• • u f•I4Mf ,,. Or•· •• Coun•• oo Awu t o AI' f•lo No ,14riC'O "••·..,.. C ' w.,~.'\":.1 fn· • N.-o~,. C '1.! J,()O lt~••v Su•t• ,.,..l•n ... c •• w.~•·M ''' n .. bt.t .. , ...... ('ond\1 ·tod b• • corocu••.ott S.qn.d ("')..""'oph•• H.n•n A.Jtt•"' s.c, ... , K•a ... c •• ., .... , ... ,d'~lru Thte _.•'•••nt we• t.l.d •tlfil •h. co'""'• ca.,~ tf ,, .. "~ ,\.1,_.. .,. t ••• ij lqjlt1 t4 d ... lQil '" Th• N•wPQtl '"••4" "4~ PU'IUCNOT1Ct I'ICT11'IOUS austnss IIAJit STATDIDff IILJl'O lh.e ~ Ito•\"' p.r-..,.. ••• do•"4 It••••••• JIOY A l C IIOWN C\.IAIIO$ ,_17 I C.-~ c .. ... ........ ca ~~,..,. -.1111 1 C....H·~ c .. - ., .... C.WQJ ,...,. .......... .• co........... .... ~ • ...,., ,..,, ... ~ • S.q• -4 o.,.....,., c..., rsr. ....... . -·· ' ....... ,... ... c ....... ('"t.,. • o •• ".,. c..,..., •• ..., ... ··-·' ,.1 '"' ,.,. ........... '" NIJ " Pltlll;t "'euc; 110na ncrmoua IIAid ITATUIIWT N \41 n . ~--.. ..,,..., .....,_ .. IIAD PIIODUCTIOttS -.. ... , ...... r .. , ........_ ,, ..., .. CA llaMO II "'' N Jvoot•o ot a,.,. ,.._, •• _. c, .. ,, ............ • CA j}MU n. .. ~, .... ..,.._.. •• r''*4tw•M ~ ... lt••ldMI l'<l••ood ...... ,, W '~•-• Tt.•• .... ....,.., .... hW •tth ,.,._ c;_,.., ••• r--a...• • t n, ........ c; ...... ,, ~,. '" ... ' 1 ..... "-lol""' '"''"II llJ l·•h 14 I'«< ,., ,..._ •··•~~ a,~ ... J, PI'AIItlll "'~ iiO'nCI -PlCnTIOW-u..n.-T'DIUt 1111'4 , ................ ,___ ..... ......_ oo ftAVILo .. •-co .... -, .. ~~.,..._ ... _,s (P ... J 1-lO ••••••I ____ ,_..._ ....... ,....._, loNA.O!Ii ,. ..... ~ ._..,-.4._.11_,..,...lfCroll,a.-l, ,, 721 "' ... m01111 W 71U34 )f'f .,,.., c-"' ,..._.CA c-. ..... aw • ~­_,_.._ .. c-.-.. '" ~.._~c•-.... _ ... ,_e.w.... .............. .,. ..... ................... _ ... c:..Moo_ ..... ,.... ~-~R J l~ ......... ~ ........ __ ... __ ., ......... __ .. _. ....................... 11.1 ............... .-e-__ ,.., ............ c..t ......... ,.._., ... ... f II ._ ....... 'I ~~L A .......... ,,._......,._..,, ........... ,.,, t )I. t I ••T ... ........,........ If( I"' "'• "'-. ~ ..... -... -............... . ........ c....w .... .. n...-............. .. c-a... ., o.-c:-.... 1••• I hW .. lt.lt f 14 It 'I I ,....._...,.._. " "'IILIII: !IlOna -,..,,,lOW_ .... n•~ ""' ...._ -......... il••-oo P 1 G.I • .OWI • .t.SIOC:\Am. .., w...Artlo ..... ....... ~ ....... CA- r~l ~lo IDilLohe C\oelto, ,._.._. Millo. CA ue7 nw. ...._ .. ..-..., .... ..,-•• "'*'"'"' ...... ,.....,,,..~I cw. .. l lo "'"' • .._... ... ....... ..... lh• Co..r, Cloo~ ol Or-Co.AOy o. lw tyU,ltiU l'loWWt h•l• lJ. l.l. A.., 4 II I fll2 •• ""' "-""" "'""'• rtt31t7 1111411 PU.uc IIIOnc& ncTI110UIIt.IIQUCU MAN& STATDIDT Tlo.e loiJowUlq ..--.,. clo•A4 bu.,.._ ao PUL WAJI VDDIHG. 4962 ..._.,., mOM, Co llil71S Wooro• ~. 4~ P.•••-,,.,.. CA I211S. o.. .... Notalloll oMifQ ....... •-lr•oM,CAtrl15 Tloa ~-.. .-.IYC\od b., • .-at-' ,.,. ... .a.,p S..w..4 W•n•n ,,.... ,...... ........ .... ...... ..... th.• c ... ., O.n ol Or-qe Cowaoy "'" lw ..,, .... Ill ........... llllr 21 Zl AwCI II ltl21o n.Mo........,._ .. FIIM73 Nll8l PV.uc IIO'nC& -nctareoca-...-na'l'DGII't n. ......... ,.._. .......... "-oo WlLC'O IMIJIGY Ia· I - ..... rt c-... Dnve ""'• liOO ........ a...ct.. CA 1*0 r...-I 0.0..... 241111 .., v .... -.. .....,. w-v-.cA._t .,... ""--• ~d\OCiod loy I u..u-1 .,.no..... Soq.od ''""~ I Dlo.- Tiolo ....,._. ... 1\t.d ••tilt .... c-., o..t ol o. .. .,.. c .... , .. I~ lyl.lE ~ l..ty U . 21 A..,. 4. II , ... ""' .......... aa...,.. ,.._, Nl424 "UIUCIIO'nCI aeona 01 T1lUS1U'S IALI ~to. n .Jt41 YOU AJI[ 1H DCPAULT UNDO A DIID Of T1lUIT OATID SIJIT I& 1•1 UNLUS TOU TAU ACTION TO PIIOnCT YOUR ,IIOPUTT, n WAY II SOLD AT A I'\1IUC SAL& 11 lOU Hill> All D PLANATIOtt O f 1111 lilA TVU or TMI I'M)CIIJ)I)fG AQADCST YOU YOU SHOULD CON TACTALAWTD Oa Tlu•ndoy. A..,. 12 ltiU al 11.30 • • ,...... to·-ud W.. .......,.._ • CoWorato.,... _.._ .. duly -··...t T ....... ...., ..d p...-1 oo o..d ol Trwot ,_.....,. S.pe 17. IIIII oo ... , llo 21Zll, boo• 14m po.,.. llJI o1 01 lci.J !l.coroio •-..c~ood by ll><:ltottd E o.J,. aod ld@ 0.1.. b......_.. ood ~ .. u toul t-..ta .. •r~UtOthJ ,. th >11~ o1 '"" c_,.,, ~~.corc~o. ol 0r-Mqe Cov_aly Seat• -Jf C&l1tonh-A ...U .u •• p~ ... chc.o.c 10 h.,,..,., bodd.r lor c..-(po,aWe ol o,.. of oo1e <a 16-n.J -•Jr ol the Uaoted S..,_l •' lite lrooo ol tM la~rw.l llonll ud lou bwld.aq at 102 w.o '""' S. Ct l't of T lllha S..oe ol C aloJora>a oil , ... ,. IItLe a.od .. ,.,... con•..,.O to ood QOw l>old loy u ~..t•r .....t o..d ol r ........ lhe pr~n, .......... loft .. .ct c.,...,, ood S..t• docr~bod oo Lot 6l ol Tro<:l llo 70:11 oo ~· "'•P roconl.od "' lloo~ m . p-21 "' 24 •nehul•• of Wucellan.a\&.t WA.pt 1n til• oftJee of the Co"-nty Record•• ut MH~ e~aty Loept •.U o•l. oaJ uqht• ,., •• ,.t. ra10etal Hqh.J& n•twraJ q•• n4,1~h .,.d oth•• bydroc•1bon.• bt what..,..,., l\6a• koowo tt..l ,..., b. •••JII.•o ~Dd.er ...... L&od IOC,.tl\el "1Ift IM petpeotYo&J ttq~hl at dttiJJ•q &IJIICIQ ee pkN .. 4 .ad opeor•ti.Dq ••• ,.to, .,.d Monaq 10 .ad re-.o¥1"4 tt.• .._.. tro• ....d IAttd oc ..,.,, oth•r Lud \ACI~dtaQ th,e uqlill to •llliJpuOC' .. or duectwoe.lly dnU •ad .... hoa ,._... ofb-et •han tll.c.e -.._,.,--...bo.,. 4Mcrlbed oJ , l •• w.U.. h•••.U ... d tA•h • .-to l<ttV\tc.tlll 04 e.c:ro. ,.,_ hlbevrt~ ~ •h• i.a•d lii.,•La6bo•• cieoc'nbed ud '"' ~·,u• .we• •••~ Gr 4-lf'eC'f ... •lh JuLI od •ell. ....................... d .. - ~h .• ~ , ....... ,tOt .... .. ta.teol .ad 10 teclttU r•u.•• .. «l"IP ••utl&l.B ,..,.._. o..p..,. ud etper••• uy •edt ...U. or • ....., .ut.o .. t ~. •Iiiii• , ...... to dnJJ tf.Ot• ... plor• aod --Yoro"''h lite ...n-. 00 lh llPP"I 500 .... ol tltot --·loco o.J ....ad 1.-d .. ,...,..... b.., u~. ""'"• Co.paoy ,,. u .... ,--. ... , JWC'Orct.d o.c 23 1971 ,. -· 9Nl p-•• Othc••l Aec:-ordt fhe •tr .... edd.t-•Dd ('•h•r ('"" ... awn d .. •qo.ahOI) ll ••• of •'-• tM J properly ~r..bed •bo•• .e pUti)C.Irted IO boo 1848 Nowpoll Hilla o.... '-" Newport S..cb c.u~ .... 'i2t6) Th• ""d•""'"..t Tr...-.,...,,_. .. &A~ l ... btl..ly tot &nY lae'On..cfO-o f •tk tfrw t .dd.t-•.ed otMr co-aMoe ciMt9Utl(lft 1t UY ~ t..rele S.>d .. 1e •.11 t.. 1aodo b..r •tllloul cow..nl or .. "•••• ••pree ot •• pt.d reqatd.I.Aq ••t.. ~ or •tle1aabreDc• to pay ~ ,......,. ... pnactpal ·-ol '"--ee•l ........ ~ .....d o..cs ' Tt~ ...... .D ..... . thoer«JG • f'o:t•.ded u• ....d n ~· adweac.. t •"• \obd.ec ,..,. ,.,.. t w.c~ o.-t o1 r, ... ._. ...,..,_ • .,.. •-'P-AeM ....... t ......... d ol "• tr~ c:r-..t.d ~ .....d o..d ~• Tr\181 tor ·•• ~•' t~a.btt _.._. -o be lJ()Q 4111 l1 Tlt. beoef.ct.f'P' ,.d,e, .. ltd o..-t • Trv•' ll•r•toto,. •••c.,t.d ., J ca.a.. ... H~C~ 'o ...... ,..~ ... , "•n O.CI&rot-ol O.OoviO -O.....d L ' S..l. &.ad • wr•U•ft Hohc-• of O.t• ... ~• .... lloclooa to S.tl n • ....t..._ .... ·•~...t ootd ...,,... J4 O.louh •od 0... 1wn 1« S.U to be •-c."O!fchd ,. ,,... cc.""' ,., -~•r• •h• ,.,.) pr~y o.t Located o. •• ,.,. 6 •9112 ........... , .. .. ,..,... .,.d Lo." .t.....ac-.. JK;a ... ....oj Tr\U-1 .. b~ fc:-tl·•• c v.._t6-4U A • .., t•nt •u • .,,.._.d:.,.• ll~ S R.obe,t-... Bl•d t..o. Ar.,-CA tll015 Ill 11 n4 06117 P•bLtk h.J• 11 a Auo 4 1'1112 '" T\• N••port l nt'Q" SPS~~III-4 N(4.N "'IUC IIOnc::t IOe?W ncnnous aUSDtDS N.UU ITA n:M0rT T~ • ·llooo>"CC .,.,_. ..... do-"" -. ... ,._ .. OLD TU$TDI DIVISTOII3 24.21 ll"d So --....... CA <;3ttO Al-o H,,.,_,.., O...r.ol P•r .. , 24~ llod $t No_,...,, .... ~ CA '*'0 ..,... ......... , ............ ._ t ... c-• .., O..• nl o. .... c ..... . ,_JO ... l ~ t.a. o4 11 ~ A..., • ItA ... no......_,,_ PIU497 Nl:l64 PVauc liOnel -fL i i ik>Ui...al U.ITA~ ~-...-........... ~-• C.WO CONPAifT ...a ~ I c ........... IOOA ......... " ...... c.~........ -""' 0... •-• 0.1 Co • OM.tw.,. o...-__ .,_ 4881 MocAflloiOt c... .. ..... IIICIA -..,,, ...... C'A ,.., TlUI -..... ..... t 0ft4M' ...... , A C'\'lf -·-... ...., u T noo .. _ ur aw .... " a-•-· 0.1 c. ,. ..... _, -'"""* .......... c.... .. a.• .. o..... c..-.. . ... tw .. JO IC ,__..... r .. a. •• lt 111 A,.. Ita"'""'._., ......... ,,... .. ... , PUIUC IICnK:I '"'"'lOW-... ..,~ ""' .. ..,_-..... ....__ -nAYil.QAIO U88 o.-................. eA -~~~C:.t.. ......... _,.._ I .. a ..... ...,_c,.,y ...... II T1too -• "' • no _ .. _ ........... I o..-..._ ....... ·-...._. "'-' ~ ... o. ... n. __ ..,._ c:....o-a-.~ 0... c.....-.. tyt I '""-lltt'-14 II ,., .. n....._. ,..,.. PvaUC .one:& rtiCiiiW ..._ STAT'DIIIf't ............ _ ,.._ ...... ....... -. •• AlfOI COUNTY IOLAI rU30CtAfiOfl CALSIJA CMAITU llMI w•._,, St ,_,.. .IC8 0 T.., CA ~ .. _..,. I ~ ~I ~ • s.. •• 20!1 U TOte CA ~JO ...._ O.v 1'14 11 C ........ al._.• Hwo""'"• .... • C"A ~~~ r-toa .. ••" 1 1o11 """" A ... '-• C'A~ ..... thl ....... ~lot'( wd tn ... WMttW'o.tpul ..... .a-..-... tON \A~... ~~ ... • .,. ....... -.p ,.. ...... ~·· ...... , '".. ............ ... ttt.d ..... • .. . c""••• c..,,~ ""u,.,~""' c . .,,,,., o , , .. ly~ IMJ ,ubh•h ful't 1• /I Jflll Au 1 4 1~/ ,.._ r ... "-•vv•• l.n .~, .IQJO~ N[J"I "'ILIC IIOTICC NOTICC Of' AI'PUCAT1011 TO I D.1. A&.QC)IIOUC lnEilAGIS T" Who. It w., c ........ ,_ loaAoel ................. o.,....--· ol rUeollobc .. _,.,.. Cae1rol ~. 41" Oro Sole ............. 1"-01~ ""··· Pioc.) ... ooiJ ~ ...... _ •• 4111 auc1. s. s.... w Howpor1 .... ~ Puw..-. r..t, ll 1m Howporo C...a PVauc: ItO neE 1- nc::nnoua~ MAN& ITATDIIIfT ,.... N&415 n.. ..................... ........ -.. II H SIC\JIUTliS 4000 WocArtlowo Bl.,j S..... l!iO !toll c-•., ,,........, .,... '-T- .....,., .... ~ CA ~ RK s.c..,,,_ • CaJ.Iora .. co._.._ no .. ......_ .. ._.....,..,...,._ 1>01 .. _ s.. ....... ~ ............. ,_....,..., n... ·-· ... '"""* ....... Cowatr Cler~ ol Ooooqo Cow••• -I• ly I) 1112 Pwi>J..t. h•Jy /1 28 A"• II 11112 tn Th• N • ..,... .. lao.qo 11132tl ~JI PVaUCNOT'Ia NOnat or T1lUS~ SAU 11002~ l S H<> T·IOO liU TOU Alii IN DEFAULT UNDO A DUD Of rtiUST OATil> ro M IIIII UNLISS YOU TAU ACTlON TO PIIIOncT YOUII ,IIOI'ort IT WAY II SOLD AT A ,UIUC SAL! tr TOU Nti:D AN DPLANATIOfC Of TH• NAT\1111 Or THE I'IIOCUDOIG AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CON TACT A LAWTO 0.. A .. q II 11111 or IU • • C•• huy &.c-~•1 • C••·""•••• C'o,-por•t oo .. 4wh •s:-JIO•••td Tr~ u.ac:&.t •Ad pv.,.,..,., o..t f Tri!IM t-ec"Oto.d W•rct. l Ml .. •"-" No ..,. •• looolt I Jll64 -· o SS1 ol Oll.c.., A.co•ch LA •.h-e .tt.ce ~ '"-• c.._..., "-"ord.u )t o. .. ~ co •• ~. s.... ~ C.utoratA •ucwted ~· Cltd-A WcL • •n.d w .... tt..d l Nc-Ly ...... band ••d •tk • U •H •' pw:b... e-..< hwa tC 1\.Qb .. Duid•• tor .__.,. pey•o • at ••• t .. M 14•1¥1 eao..y J "'-• Ututed S•••.. • 'b• No11 .. ho.t •• •••oC~e to h• c ... ah ""Covrt.._,\Me ;'00 c •• c c ••.•• o ...... w...-S.A t.a A a. Cahlout~ aU uqht "ttl• aod ,.,.,.,. ''-'•••..-.d er.d "'" • ~ bY 11 vade• w.td o..c. • T ...... ~D "'• Pt<l'p4•fy ••lw.ated H• ~Kf Cuun,• •.aci Stet• dMCrto.d •• W l tn Bk.tc• 14 •f the 'u•• Acid-A hoo to N••por1 H • .qar. • th. c .• , ot He•port a...rh u t.f'H••.n vn • aep lheteol tee ·rd~ I.D &....• 4 P...., .. ~ vf ~•ll•n.•vu• W.s:-,...-c.nc:b f .. ..:t o, ... ...,.c ...... ,. • ., Th• ,,,_, .ddt.. •"d .-... , 'f'tO" d"•qn•h 11 t •nw vt '~• pt ... P.I''t' d-..tob.d •b: ... .-~• P'-'IP..·,·tl'od t J • .la..tt ClaH l),,v• ,_ ... ~ .... , a._.l\- C•h .. •ru• .,.lbb l e•Y I •bt If k t •• \' tt.COUM""fP ... , ..... ,, ... .ddt .... ·•d o;ll., ~~ .. •• .f •aY .t\, .,. .,.,.,,I ~_... .. .., .... u a. e .G. b"'' •·'A -ul ('1) ..... ~ • ·····~·., ••Pl.. ' .. pl..d ,..,.,., t!4Q ,.. ~ •..cto.ebt•n .. nc ~··~ ._.. ... ~.,,.. ••J ••J'•ta_.. 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U) .. ·-. -·-' VI . --. ... ........... ... \ ..,._ .... exhtbtts ~IOOS from "Anonymous Journals" at the Abraxas Gafterv. 2815 Vtha Way, Newport Beach Hours 11 a.m -5 pm., T uesday-Saturday ....... .., ...... ... on VteW Tuesdays through Sundays at ~ed Seamster Gailefy. 3341 Newpott Blvd Newport Beach InformatiOn 673-0400 Worb-., .. wpcwt • 1 • ch resdenr Altce Carney, "The Studto", through A ugust 2 at the Sandstone Gallefy 384-A N Coast Htghway. Laguna Beach Hours 11 a m .-5 p m Tuesday Sunday n. ............ ..... by Ne.l Chapman and color landscapes by Clinton Smith are featured tn a 5pdaat photography exhibit at Susan Spntus Gallery. 3336 Vlcl Lido Newpof I Beach 8oth open July 24 and show through August 28 ~arettam 5 p m Tuesday Saturday Open ... eculptuNe by A lan Saret. new works by David AmtCO and The Movtng Image featunng art used tn antmated hlms through Sept 12 at the Newport ~Art Museum. 850 San Clemente Onve Newport Becl<.h lftla .. Dwort&.byw- tt.l.'-f E'dl • 1 , ... at Whll man's Gallenes 3545 E Coast Highway tn Cor ona del Mar. Houts: Bonrne Whttman. ~2478. Clu .. .,...~ .......... will be represented at the Orange County Fair People tnterested in membershtp can find out about them there or contact them at P.O Box 1294, Newport Beach. 92663 C.... .. .._H._ • til a af 10 years for the dass o f ·n . celebfallon cs Saturday, July 31 Reun4on. commtt tee: 646-7662 Newpcwt...._ H .... Sc:Mol 20 year dass reun100 Saturday. A ugust 28 at the Newporter lnformallon. Mike H ol2e1. 846-0015 Newpol't Herbcw Lewn h••• Club plays 10 tournaments. makes visits and has fun days Meetmgs at 1560 Crown Onve. Cor ona del Mar. Informa- tion 759-9966 alcycle Club of Ir- vine meets on the 4th Saturday of every month, 9 a.m at Deer field Communtty Park 56 Deerwood West Free For further m formatton. call 551 8638 TlllleOHP...._ .._..,(TOPS) meets 6:~ p m Tuesdays at First Chrts tlcln Church, 72!:J Vtc tona. Costa Mesa 111 S S room on second floor -rear Further 1n formatiOn. ulllcln Pterce. 642-7023 In T,......tlon a group for recently wtdowed men and women seek tng support and new fnends meets 3 5 p m every Thursday at OASIS tn Corona del Mar Newpcw1 8each Cheptw of Hadassah w•ll hold tts ftrst coffP.f> of the 1982-83 year 10 30.a m Wednesday, July 28 at the home of Marge Shane Resrva ttons must be made call Clance Anschel, 759-1956 or Ben11 Green. 646 5244 Newpol't Ac~Meven Toastmasters Club meets Wednesday rnor nmgs from 7 to 8 30 a.m Western Federal Savtngs, 4 Corporate Plaza. Newport Beach For tnformatton call 675-7196 Newport Center Toastmasters meet Monday mornmgs dt 7 a m Pactftc Mutual Butldtng Fashton Island For mformattofl call Dr Annamarta Balhn at 640 0838 or Met Cretghton at 5561171 Films UCI Film Society screens a bunch of good ptctures. cheap 8 p m every Saturday tn Sctence Lecture Hall AdmtSSlon •s $2 F tlms for July mclude July 24, "Fr anr•c" by l o uts Malle, IFr dnCt> 19581 F,.. movte. at Newpon a.ach P\Mc L•brartes n1clu<Jc 1 RENTALS "Freaky Frtday" starr- •ng Jodte Foster. on Tuesday. July 'l7 The ftlm w1ll be screened 10 30 a m at Martnefs Branch 2006 Dover. 2 p m at Newport Center Branch, 866 San Clemente; and 7 p m at Balboa Branch, 100 E Balboa Car1oona at the Newpcw1 Hwbcw Art Museum shows classtcs 7 and 9 p m on Frtday. July 30 Select•on •s wtde-ranged and the cost •s only $1 for ~s unde• 12 laccompanred by an ddultl and $150 for students. sentors and NHAM members General admtss•on ts $2 Go to • G....ten Petty hosted by Temple lsatah 2 p m Sunday, July 11 dt the home of Mr and Mrs Fehx Van Beek In formatton· 548-6900 646--7512 Upc~l!'SI~W... a1 Orange Coast College •nctude. ··Analysts of a Territory" marketing se11es conducted by John J Stmpson M eets Wednesday, July 28 7 30 9 30 p m tn Fme Arts Hall 116 Fee tS $10 Tax Sheltered ln11estrnents· Let Uncle SJrn Make You Rtch' Frdnk. G Gtlhand lecturer Thursday. July 26 730 930p m rn Chem•stry Butldtng Rorm1 207 Fee ts $4 Home 111deo production workshop 6 p m Thursday July 29 1n the Ill StUdiO. 4th floor of the l tbrary Peter Scarpello •s the fdctlllator Fee 1S $10 Stress reductton workshop , l1nda Kay luCius lecturer 6 30 p m Wednesday July 28 tn SCience lecture Hall 1 Admtss•on •s SS 11 SCHOOLS• Heltii-A' ..... v. for C•• lilt 1 mUSICal rendnion. AJie audttions w111 be held 10 a m -4 p .m Saturday, July 24 and 10 a m 12 30 p m Sunday. July 25 at the Corona del M ar Youth Center Be prepared to stng Bnng ptc ture and resume. tf possible Cdll N 8 Parks. Beaches and Recreation Depart ment 640-2271 for audt tton lime Entry W..afor "Fhght of the Lasers" are available at the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce and area yacht clubs Cemp Monl&ey SNnee offered by t1 e Orange Coast YMCA for kids 3-5 years ohl Meets 2 5 p rn Tuesdays and Thursdays Stqn up today at 2300 Untver..,ltv Drtve. Newport Beac " or call 642-9990 CampVehmYehm for ktds 2.5 years through first grade. 9 15 am 3 p.m datly at 1011 Camelback Newport Beach lnfo rmat•on 644 1999 Harbor CrvfM sponsored by T empl~ lsatah of Newport Beach noon Sunday July 25 at Talt> of the Whale. Balboa Pavtlhor Fee •s S3, everyone welcome lnformatton 548 6900 o r 646 7512 Beginning Sailing ieaaona start each week at the OCC Sathng Base. Harbor Department and at 19th Street on the penntnsuld Avatlable to dnyone 9 yedrs up Cdll Newport Bedch Parks Beaches and Recreccttton Department for more 1nformatton 640 2271 I& HEALTH The Newport Ensig n Wednesday. July 21. 1112 Pag• 17 rv.uc: ..oncz llCTinool tUSUHiU llAJC ITA TDtt1rT r... ua....... ,....._. ._,. , ..... .._,_ .. UGl T OUC&UWG UIIT A l All HOI' POeT IUICH "' ' C l u ' I ..... .._.. a. .. "' 'A ~ aD W•••• • ..., A... I..,. • r ..a.t ,_,. ·~ .. "' ruu '~· L,. ........ .,.., ..... .._ CA ~ n ............ 1"'00 .. ~ " • ev• PQt.tM..n s...,... o... w,. •• Pt.....Jeol\ Ill U w._._. • .; A-...~ ... T,. ' ... •••· •• lu.d • ,,. t • ,... ... ' ... ,,, .. ,. ( "" .. . .. ••• 1'4) P.~~t•tr .·~ A,, t . .,.; , r~. ""•· '-, b .... f H4i't ,.:ft4.1J PUIUC ..OTlCt ncnnous ausuu:s~ IIAMtSTATOctWT ft • • jl •W•tl'l .,.,".J-11• ••• t ~ -1 •••·•-•• IIIOTHtiiS TWI ~UM t<iJTUI'l IJ/IJ6J C••••·•UC~" U T '" t A J16tu $••••'' Uwt•tw:• c, .. , "*' C.:•••._•""" lJ T • CA ~JO ,. 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"-•• .... ., Cl.ASSIFUD DroEI lO Buun-()ppor 31 l.nv .. traent ()pp<">r 32 Tr>a1 o..dt 6nd 7S Pro~r!y Mnqmnt 76 lncomtt lndutlrhtl Pro~rtv 52 Renl•ls T St\.uP 53 Ap•rtmenls Untrr. 5"1 Apartmenl r urn % Hou-Urol un lNSTRUcnON lOSI WllGHT NO W I 0 10 ~ lba 111 JO d•y• TUTOR.IMG or -,our '31 75 lor 1 23 KELP WAHTED PRESTIGIO~REAL EST A TI O HIC£ .n lr vtne loolunq lo• lor quahly &qe nl• G<>od commLuwn •plot N dNlt ~-~ 851 0824 752 149J I 26UCENSED CIULDCARE 29MONEYTO LOAN ST A TI LAW R E 1 JU MBO SECO NDS 38 ANTIQUES O PENING SALE 20·. orr wllh od AlfMOUNCEMNTS I r IUler•l Nocw:: .. 2 f ulleral Ou-.cto,.. 3 CeiD~ery Crvpl~ 6 t .... 4 W.m..,u•l ') fkrasto 6 Acno unc-enu•n1• 1 Acco-~ol.llnlt 8 AMorn•Y 9 Penun.al. 10 l...os· •ad f our.d I I Sclt.oul4 lr.s11u •n l2 ~ f'f'rtoJn.al.t 13 S.ohc;q 14 Pr• and L~~•c. l: 15 G.:~· s. ... 16 H-lth 17 r ...... v. ~. r 18 En••rt•Lnm•·• 19 Gt~ Suq~.--n.o 20 Cluropre h DIPLOYIIENT 22 D.cor n He4p w.n•f'd 24 £.-plo.,..n! A~ ~ 2S Cou-.lmq Sv ~ Lace!LMd ChIde •• n S.h••hucu II\ •~t•..:l FINARCIAL 18 Won.y w .. ,, ... t ]G Woo•v T l 1n ' Mo rrq•oes J3 f oreclo.ur• Svca 34 lnaurance I M.DtCHANDlSE l5 Eaute S.le. )6 Sport1nq G o..,ct. )7 Ar1 J8 Anhqu" J9 Auc-llona 41 r~rrutur• (2 Appb.a.nc .. 43 T.....,won Ster.o. 44 WWKeliiUifllmn .. 45 Ofl~ee [qwp .. enl 46 SteJDJn •nd ~•n• 47 S.w&AQ W..cbtn .. -48 fabna 4~ 0..1Doodall-•lrv 5(\ M..:.ll&neou~ 'll Want To a ... ., R£A.L ESTATE 67 R .. l E.l.te 68 Hou. ror S..le &Q CondOIIT wot.u- f ot S.le 71 lots end Ac r .. qe n R..ort Pro~rtv 7 J Bu~ Pro~rty 74 lncOtaeiCoaurucl Property n a •• t t.t4,.,. Wanted Iach.tn'lv MOBILE HOMES 80 Mobo.le HomM 8 1 Wobole Hom~ Wan•.d 82 Mob.J., Hom .. P1k BOATS 84 Boats-Eqpmr • 8S Boer Ch•rter 86 Boat Slaps AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Upholatpr~ 88 M<>tcr Hom" 89 R«''" V•hrcl .. !10 S.tYl -e Rep•u 91 Moh.Hcvcl" Mapech 92 BocyciM 93 V•n• True, for S.l• 94 Truckt. V•n• Wanted Cl'j Auto Pa ns Ace_,,, .. 96 Aulo·'Trd t...,nq 97 Autos w .. naed ':>1 HouM~ f.,, •htod "CC Cond "' Tw• ">••• f ur Rent !'>4 V l Cehon R~ • •I• hi Room• f " R .. ,, t-.2 ou, • c~"' ,. td RHc Hom••· t>4 S....rd And ,.,. t>"> wr.s~• fo R~n ~ Wo~~n•..d T· Floor,• Most tub,ecta K 12 .snd 111..,nth • •upply return o:olleqe Dav PVOinonq I ed C all HERBAUTE •nd summer '10 per d1a,11buto• M1cbelle "'"" Mr Moq4n &45 5"111 1 645 5176 AMWAY PRODUCTS CUlT AR LESSONS come to vou S.mlac Tot•l mu.s•c educ•• '" lion ~u,uenteed 01 Call Roe~ Wolloam• monn b•ck 559 5541 17141 ~7 f77S -ART CLASSES n my 17 TRAVEL/ SA US ARTS anJ .n••r oor d .. Jqn No ••per ence nece-rv W • OUIRIS •h•r per110n• 1 Comp•• 'lve ,.,.. wbo provtde chold ca re • Brolutr ,nqu,,. ... n. ••d 10 theu bomf' be hcetu lrnmed••'• lund · 1 ed f or nt•>~mauun on Br olter &47 tiOCl6 now 1o ob1•1n hc•nM •• MON£Y MONEY O ranq• Cn .. ntv .... , 714)834 517£ IAIYSITT'DtC NJCRTS 'W£EU:JroS H• m.c.wnef\ Lo•n• t' F hone 2nd end rr1 Trus• o..de ••dor.-d 1 vt>\11 "tu•rK>n or n-ds C•l l1m dev ooqh' w-It·· <i• ')a£, q r THE DECORATING BUG <\· l ,,. M. , 4 5 ·• M~ ~-·• A ' Ardtt>~ Countrv C ,q:tiO:t: 'J Ma. 6 ANNOUNCE Mondav •c n ., ....... I b me 10 • m • p "' VACAnON TRAVELCLUI Jteoa E.ace llent comm u on n •• ,bte ltvun f .' tntervr•w Mn Per .. 714) 7S.Z b882 Go out lo1 d.naer eve ntnq cl.-s mo.,_. bM.IIb club shopptnq Te mporczry day CGI'e 30 BUSINESS MEHTS W4rm lr••ndl, >'rr. • phere Awerd "' r 1ny PUBliSHER DOES •rttst t .. cber S••·• NOT ACCEPT tbohtv dev 644 4136 N .... f'<l'' tor u • .-, rr.ct •r ... hnq S.•ch qa•mm•ll• •I tn • cur• c-1es 01 IVpoqt tl •uc•• ·~~~~~ij 1111 "~ 1 aov tdver I ~ liM men I> pubh ·• J HI the Co••' Med • N•w• Group I ATTORHJ:Y BANKRUPTCY St p ta-url• her• .. "•""'' on• do~~v f r" C· ttult.s lion• E•pene n• •><i •• torn•~ Mr ._.u•h 835 8441 I PERSONALS PSYCHJC REA.DlMCS SIS 00 'h m 1 Sp Mend • ., T11d.n mt31a TWOSINCUI ,.,,..,., trac-11ve ale J,q •nl women {M rly lOt) •••h to ,. ... m•ture h ... nnl -u educated prof .. IRONI men ol wermlh and UllCe rlly f.Jr po•' bleluhnQ relaltonahtJ)4 We would lob to onvote 1 Mr RtohD fo• dtn ner •nd codrt•rl• W• b•Y• m•ny tnler.,.tJ to •h••• Photo •Ppre 1:1eted S.rtc~uJ reph" oaly ••Y r...,ond to a )UJ. CW N-. 27~1 £ Cout Hwy Co1one del W.r, 82125 YOUNG "10" SlNGLI r.rofeaiOtlel .......... r~«e~d.lliltp wltll eltqlhle woma n to eh•n~ u•tefllll Ill tetm&a, lre .. l ~~~ and Qood toad Moo 1110b" ..,, l90? mt E C:O... Hwy . Co,_• cl<t!W.r. LOVI~--T,..Il-AV IL , .... ,.. ledy 8411 , .. fe~~Cly lor roclh"9 c laau .-b lu ~9 cv•SM a.10t1. MIJ. lor lllJIII aarwheR aayn a e , .. ,.,....,. ... .,..._ (2U') __!6!)_ l4 PETS. UVESTOCK DOG O BE DI£\-£ TRAINING ,, I .... ,. who .. ,. o...,. ~ .. ;:; P' 1 7 wHh and •I= Gt -..r puv•l~ teMOnJ S. u i tr••n•no prolo•m t .. • hevoor consull tl n• 1 Sue Myl .. 966 8444 WELSH CORGI C' •• J1q•n pup• I< """'' (.21J) 63.385~5 .11 ~JJ .!6~ IS GARAGE SALES GARAGE SAL£ IX u bla bed rocket .. mp• OCCASIO•al tebr.. pot tabl• dr.tlweaher mo..- S.turdel Juh l• 4.359 Seton rvtn• Appro• Mu:beleon •nd Cul.,.r ANTIQUE G ARAGE SAL.l Too many tlem• to bat N•h,•tt• 14.ble end 4 c~&ln, ~ a. .. el ed llllftOr Sl! O.k rocktno c h•u 120 t.c. ead ha•n• \I $8 20 oek be.cb" S75 Lott ot d~ end vt...w•r•. :r5 ('.... lo l P. tu,.. nd pruar. Sl S6 I.-by, !0 ontt to S4 Priam.,., !10 Ill IO " ,..._.,..., ud ,ri4e,, • • • .., • , • 1122 Wo.IO"WW a...._ lit~ ....t l7Ua zw~~~a .... ot ..... c... ..... f unM nnTrav•l Unhmtled Nrntnqa u contuh•r,• M~r.amu.m Ht vestment m•mbenlu~· No comPf>' lion f abu lou• 1r .. •ups lmpvr t4 n t tr.. m-!IIIQ f I 1nl rm•ll• r. •\1 7,4 5"15 3632 HOUSEWIVES f R HLRl It vou ar ... how lo .1 b. u._,, ... r, tnq 10111 .s c.u lot a.aila.ble "hlle YOUI O PPTYS wn 1.1ner .s eway delat1• ~Jt SU2 968 888( 157-1029 27 SlTUA nONS WANTED DIESEL 'tlecb•no(' AND G A S WA.NAG ER Cer• • ed farmer• M•rke• 2l 10 ho11r1 r<'• ..., .. ~ SS I'"' how start A. t•rv•c• ' ~ r .. • t,• R .. eonab•• ,. .•• C. 18 EHTERTAJ.N pe rcen1aq .. n·e or '" 995 ,,15 4S .ll 1 proqram Contart farm .uk for J.ar BALLOON BurMu .714 831 58JJ PR0n551\. N A l SE1 BOUQUETS f ASHIO N ISLAND RI:TAJIY Wtlh ........ , J d •.n.-ertnq M rVlc-8 neoedt ••"""rr•nc .. -•· P"'' Unoque penon• Lie p art t.mee lull ·1m• .-- '1'11 0.11v•red k•cally depeod•ble 1 ,,.,~••• ltm• pvlllll'r ··~• •na• Oad•r ,. ·l•v S.lloont "'" .th•rn ''' ~ • • ,f N•wp· ,. 645 6445 644 7054 ••n• ,.,,.,,~, ... ~ t A BEAUTIFUL BELlY NO:D HEALTH FOOD 0018 DANC ER ... ,11 make your I COOk pr.vat• ''""' LOVINl> A~l Af A 1 deoc-e to cook whv l• BU ., m• ;,. ~ .. nea• ••• •n •p41e~ 1 eome c;al·•r~< rt>n , ' II\'• •n••"••n tor pnva l.. looct. R 1 '" I' ·••' • . "' I I tnd bu••n•n 1r up• K"IOU. • er c-••·n~ lor coo !r .. r • 1 l •I J1 4574 80Citl c.lJ toJifree l J,ql\1 houMir-r I q £a oumber I 800 SJ2 Yi172 r•r·•nced w t!l •• •I 19 G IFT u~ lor PennYNver Ad 1.,01 re ler•· •• Mro IDEAS ••tela ~ I Ward 4114 "• 1 UPUIIMCID NANNY LOVE wanted t-cu ~n:aaneot -M-o~ TO - lullllae poauon to ce re 29 "'" • BALLOONS lor oo• &&t&AI pl~a \lcJiat LOAN S."d eomeone Y• u love bou.-wortl c.ll toWJ. .. I --- " bt:-u~ue• 1l J() hehu111 nuiDbet I 100 S32 l972 WIOOV. HA::i '!101••• be11oono S..rt I he ••It lor Peon.,._.,.., Ad I loa Ina! d..d ~ 10 1f bee~ "' ,f ,_ welch~ liP No crf'd.t hf'-Ill rt Perf..-• 1" •II ar.u DDITAl ASSISTANT ~nah., C•~ ?en .. r lion• o71 H l9 n..ded South t..ouna I A.-.c••• ... " l '~.1 MUUF ACTURIMG O,PORTUIIITY ..... t-llle ~ D• • ..,.c ••• ,, .... -.... ~~ ... ""t" ··-·. ,,_ .. ,,..,_.~ '' "'*•II ,.. '" , .. , -· " ... t.... .. .... ,. t6 000 '"'''IAI-t-•t MR. PHilliPS 131 5113 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES .~D r o , r; vtAR 1~1'\ .. mor•u~ 17'•• l ., po•n•• Call <1M .zo,t ~tor~u te ANTIQUI WANHLS I r ..,)• havtlhtl •l !\ r rencb It doo,. R..., t(Jo•blv Pflt' ad Cal tolth.., n 1mt...r , I!('() s l2 )072 ••lr '·. p,., ... '8V8r A lwAI II M.l '41 4 lfURN1TURE \A\itLBA ~ ~ , • ..... f" ' • ;I ~II • s-,a.. d t • .,,.mt>o. 1•• l ~,.. . .. ·-Slx ... . . .. Ul fl~ ,_ • A • \ s. 11. •• ~ llF AR ,.;.. l'fo' rc: F' ' • H r\ , \ , A • i 42 A.PPUANCES COL0 fl ~El t. ·: ... '125 s..... Q ' ., • \5"> Kt•t' , .. , ., io4' , .... .,l 4l QS.J If' 43 TELEVISIONS STEJU:OS N£W SANY C AR \lar-. WIJh •r~• .. ~.fl And "'l:l""''r" '~ ( C •I t \AI : ~ ~~ 1 ,.,., ,_,' rT" 23 11El.P WMTED «MUSICAL :~(':~5'h .x-n .,... Z3 HELP 23 HELP lNSTRMNTS tARN l6 PER HOUR •lhno Avon pruduc aa Perl 1118e ne•r YOUI boll\e 0 1 1n yout wo rk pl.c-e Ceil C.rol Slael ,., 540 7041 ltuf'f'ERS L.ern 10 Mr• Sl~w .. ll: work I l laO\In de1ly etulhoo enw•lope• s .. ct ••II •ddreae.d •••ped ~.-&ope 10 Coocord, Dept 14 liOJa W.oo Or , Yorbe Lad.a ...... WATUU LADT NUl> 1D • '""•~ clt~tp .-to ........ at llewpoc'l v .... -........ .,.. 7 •. &ol ,. 1to1713 HtLP WANTED 1 WANTED WAHTED ,, .. ~c-otooePtnE A11 ... Nur•'• a rd• and live 111 ·-... ~~.::._.;;;..J..;;;;=~~~;..--1 Ltntuno fiN't •re•lteu pari hme Nur• a ••dAN A~ON Sl50 ,.. h Ear"ll"nl lot A W cell 2 dey & & ~ & & c-ond1110n Duel I urn relt•l h .. 10 poellkMl Serlou· JoL SeeLers.' ••ble S50 Sbttrw<X'd na11a.ble Ki9laly re a !.D • r.ee•v•r S50 Wall d•"' bl• ~qllah ..,.d Wo uld you hk• to .. , your own hour~ 857 4 1118 too Hcna..bold •• w1th prachcallv no hmtt on earnmqe PlANO -Sohd chenv eo--t .tu.lb • "''* _ ..... , liP••_. S600 O.r ~ !mall 9,011, a.o.. It» and have vacaho01 u dMarwu U tiO, 311• _ 770.9253 11-' ekt.n 111 wk• then why not convemently work wtlb 0.1 ;:;-c.u •-9013 01 tiOrhng/bundlu\Q rual Rae '" work aod p.ym..al• by mael S&a.rt L•med· y telyl f or infonuhon, • U-aclclres Md, '"'mped eD .. lope a p rompt reply. M•il M•rkehAQ S.rvtc P 0 Box 2590 Ocala, norada 32678 • --·-.~ ... ·- Pag. II W-y. holy 21. 1912 T .. N.wpoot Enolgn Be Our Guest At loll! Our SUS*' FUA Coa'-1 UDIANONDS . IEWELI\Y ISTATI I SICONO- HAND JI:W£UY and .terliaq flatware eo.u 1111aeh. !eM at hntley'•. 220 !. 17th St., Co:»t4 w-. ~5-6585. OCCflJUYER Tbe c-. w-Cow & Jew-.li'J he:~•. 2426 Newpott Blvd.. Cc:-ta W.., buy• 411d Mil• ....d )ewelry, .tc 14P QOid, ~GI.J, W41chN, eo~ • .U<ter. 631 -SiJJ. ROUND 15 pout RUBIES. Ooi,-SlO..ch1 640-8688. • a W1CXEY L£A. 1007 E. a.Jbo. Blvd . No . 9. L!..bo. CON- GRATULAtiONS You tu.va woa two Super Fua tre k••• C•ll 67J.OS50. 50MISCEL· ;r•aa.llc al r.aaeeur - aca•. or typoQr•plucal eoon IJl IDJ 4dver- UielaUII pllbhabad L11 u.. Coat w.cba "••• Gsoup. FOR SALI: 1 ~~ ,Jna, 150 c•. S2S l p&l.r 1-k• booll, ~•• J, SlO. Oval &ftaQ ..... fUQ, Olll'IQ• u.d luowo with be19• color•. SIS. W.u bowi- IAQ ball, ANf, r.n carry- tDQ CIM, witlr. theft, ••AAAM it,;. ~-4687 SANDAJC SHOES '"KAPPY" FliT lor •o· tn• iamUy. s.,..., Qll&f· •at-. ".iS-$16.95 Oielributo n waated W ·3193, 2217 Wm•r. co.caw- PHONI:-WAT! ••I•· phone ~•rr.n; -· chiDe, S7SI. Witlr. r.mot• $149. Waneala•d. 750-3781 51 WANT TO BUY WANTED -USE.D hu· Sl WAIITTO JUY 1 oro 2 bedroorTII II'TYT'IeOiotely ovolloOie. I veor lease ~e »vrng at JIIDWOOD 21£, DEC ICING '' 36c/loot 4AI Wottice pa.ae.k $12 50 ..ell. lUll, 77S-1491 STER.LIHG SlL VEil '"W1llaee Ro..po1n1 " 12-plac• ..tung-plu• &c c-ry il•m• SI.OOO DIIUII, !llod&rD, &D- liQU• R.IIIQII<!I\011 , wuhar•. drya11 (work BRIARWOOD IDQ, aon-worluaq) L. 'I '""'"'"'"""~"' S, 957-8133 II setmg. -....olr to sf"Cippr"g. CI05e WANTED Old Iad1&ll ttaewovs Pool tlrMIOQ lour"Qe. 50UI"Q. gas n---· AVON CHESS SET c:o rnpl•t •. SIBO 539-l878 b&llketa, blaohu, beoad-elided to cOO. heal ana CIX* -....lth AJ the ex"os work, pohery okl c;ow· Ofe here and vou tao wf won Ito 61 HOUSES FOR SAI.E boy Q&&t. Prov&t• p1rty (714) 545-8665 f urnotur•. (r•lnqer . drye11, ••• 61 HOUSES FOR SAI.E LAGUNA BEACH r 100, N (Od~l HW\· 494-1177 ll ... "' '· }1'1 ---- UJUT1-0c .. n Side Pnml' r1nl&l locatlol'l and doM to the bt.edl. tt.ltllr Pwk -t lhopD,. TheM ui'IIU iviYI c•rrlfl(-tn~nm~~nt potlntlll. end .,.. loMd II·J UJ9.500 \ 1'hiJ horN """'" ............ for.-* tomaont who it iltt'U"omed 01111 • iiMah .-. L.ot.-H '"OM .:•::::--(OfM!Wftl~~ CAll IT HOME Santa Ana Free10.1oy ro Newpol'l Ave 8llll. lett on WohJI 132'1 SOUth EO$f Wolri.JI lustln 832-7870 61 HOUSES FOR SAI.E 61 HOUSES FOR SAI.E RtNTALD(PAafM~MT """til "loOO ro U )()O ""' t )()QQ S6000/"'41 l'f••••• ••u• \1.00 10 S IJ<OO.""' 11>dt.., 1 IMI~ H •O l<> U~!IQ. "'0 !belt"' J a.U1 \tl'OOta $)(liQO.-...., bGtlll ' bollo 5\00 ro S.OSOr ""' (~IU:\.Al U'ACl HO"" h Ore•~ ••t llooo"''*'" UOD ""' ,,.,..,wooqh tv•..:~~" DCUIN P~··...,._-1\KW ~ M M ~do.. pMti;KQ ..,....,...,lftillot....,rtstor"' 4 bdnrr home ptlll • ~!<'HI ho"'-tt ON a1 a.. I'M"'' mctt~HMqua propHt.s '-tn.ooo r . ... - SEEING EYE TO £YS-Cili.ldren usd aninW• ... eye to eye at the "pla ... touch" Animal f arm at Sia rleq• Naqic Wo\lnl&in, the famUy -orient.d theme p.Jk, ia Veleoea.a, Ce.lil. At the A.nha&l F•rm. the -.otire family hu the opportunity to pet and fHd b.by ooat•. ahMp &nd Uara.aa &ad ... rare and exotic animala like lic;;Jers and beart clou-up. HERE•S HOW TO WIN: U you co n tind your nama preceded by two sta t11 * * .omewhere ln TM Newporl EnsJgn. li'Yjne Today and Coaro N••a Newa clouUi.d sect~on.a. you haM won TWO FREE TICKETS. Coli 513-0$$0 to clolm y~w priM. LAGUNA STUDIO. l375; rooa, S27S. Bot.b huv.lMed. Pm•ete b.tlrll eatr...c:M. No..--oker Buline.Vproleuional. av.r 40. t94-0C51 •new mouotalnllpool Im- maculata 2-t.droom/2- b.tb. hrap.l-.ca. Neur.d p.erkUr.Q No r.:t• NOll --oken pr•- •ued W.... Pool. MUDI, t•aau, w.ab•rl- dry•r, mlcrow•ve rD· eluded S7SOI IIIODth EY.IlUIQI552·6412. 59VACAnON RENTALS RATES IW>UCED P-.!.111 Sprr.no• Luury conc:lo--aajcry tha Nm· llil•r -D. fully fur- atahed, 1 bedroo•. •l-p• lo11.r T•onW, IWilllm UIQ , tiCUUJ. Availf1bl• ••ekead1, •ldw-k or loo.9•r ,..,. •. Call aflet 6 p m. 545-7668 or846-Jl88. 88 HOUSES FOR SAI.E _ ........ -. IIIIOIIIRI oa IAUIPIRIOMI Now Offering QO'I. at our Corona del Mol Otfice .JOifl4 CAAf'f. Gilt ·. . ~ ~ '1 L r\ I • , • ' , ' ' ~ ' ,, ' . . . Pfize WMt Boy boyfront. Sllpt for 2 boots, remodeled J bedroom. J bath S I, 200,000. Oc:ttan and jetty v•ews Mor•n• room, • bedroom1-. 3 bath,, 3, 7QO tq. h. $1 ,385,000, Oteontront. LIDO ISLE HOMES Pnme lido Nord boyfront, 5 bed- room, 5 ~ bath. large liv1ng room, 2 boot sUps S 1 • .500.Cl00. Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus lotge rae rOOM, b41om ce•ling1, fur- nlshtld, patiO&. SA20,000. LINDA ISLISAYFIIOIIIT lagoon Ylew ft-om 6 t.lfOOM, 5 bath, ~room, dar\ room, •n aoa• s'•e· Now 1 1,ooo,ooo. SA,YSIDa COYI SpectocvkJI boyhont view l ~· rooms, 2 batl-11 vp; 2 bedrOOt'l'tl, 2 both down. 2boat&lipt $1,D.OOO. COIIOIIIADO CA Ya Cor~ I•Sond cust. boyffontlot. 85' boat doclr.. Pfal\l OYOIIob'-1 1425,000 with ..,,._ II&.I,IPPS CCNIDO SJng~ story end unit, ·~~ ~ 3 bec*oom, 3 bolh on kwG'f"l gr"nbelt. 12SO.OOO. P~LIDO 3--"' ....... -..... pooi.II.OS.- ---=- PIUNE IND1.- COSTA MESA/ NEWI'ORT QrNt •raeal\- 711 W. 17th St. 1142·- TUilTl.UOC& Lc:rve· ly lto&u plu1 laM!. 3-bedroom, 2·bath. $177,1100. o.m ••. (714) 851 -3133 , , ..... 25,000 DOWN -, ... • ._ c,..._ 3-bed.c-oo•. i•-a.b•lt. $375,000. Biq C...yoa, 2-bad.rooa pillS dea, qoU cour.e v)aw, SJ'J'S,OIXI. CCaU 'J$0..1634, owser OLD CORONA DEL ...... Slli.OIXI. 3-.bed· rooa , ... od.a.d, 10uth of laiglt...,-a, ll-2. l..ria9. cliaia4. opea to pnvlla becltyud. Gr .. l »nul WIMl ..U .a 35 c~.e,... O.U.. lll-llt6, ~eat. LAGUNA MACH - Wav•lhceot clo .. ·ia oc.aa ud YI.Uav• >new lot. ~r.iAQI a.o ..... ID9 ,__,1.... 0w-J will ..U if price ~ riQ~I t.fo,,. c:o-.plMioD ud u..~. Sv.iw.JI.M u.d.e .-.we. C&lJ ..,w,. Dg,bn ~-8CII).W.:wJ2, aU. tor ,_..,.. .. , Ad· .. ~Wil03. PUILISHIK DOIS HOT ACCIPT u.b.ill)' lor lnc:onec:l .p~WnQ, qr•••alic<IIJ IDKC:\If· ~~-. CU IYPQ9l<llp~ucaJ •nors 10 aay .dve r- hNmaalt p11blielwd ln the Ce&~t Ned.-Ne .. Gwup. JEEPS, CARS, PICK-;;:;;;.;:;~~;;:; 'olw'<>il UPS lroa~ SlS Avall· able •I loc•l Go"rn· man! Aucllon1. for du~tetory, c;aU (805) CONDO ON N AUI Will h..:l• lor appros 40-h . c.bi.:r. Cll.liMI .\p· pros = SliO.OOO. c..u 4ilfi· . 10 NOIIILE HNES DILUII WOIILE HOWJ lor Mle; 24A64. 2 bed.toora. dea. au con· diliocwiQ, _, b.r. tol.ll- ly upqrad<td. 837-4019. w1tlt. tequila 111.111111 IIIia Lib o.w 12 .500 675-6161 ~AUTO IIPHOLSTDIY ECUPII AUTO 11PIIOUTDY 211WWu-..C.N C&rpall, ~.,. or m yl h)pe: SiC! ~M~t Am•riC'IA Cill'l W.t•ri&J luvh q~~o&hly . lo .. nor r..toretioa ec:onomrc•l· ly doae. 646-121\ 10 SEll VICE/ REP Alii UITWI AUTO JU. P AJU: Jaqur, t-.a ~. ld••pi., NG, Tri_,.lt. St.q nd __. ott-lriliell ..... 1115 Katbor J,i,od ., Co.ta ...... 141·1221. IIIUS QAJIAQ&. AUTO U PAIIl Joreip. 1 TJro...uc Ltt.e ~hallll , ... 9 ._ ~(.-.. Mc:trieal. c.tl-. 687-6000. a.d 2234. C&U re.lunc:iabJe •harp, 1uper ci .. D Low , low 1a1l· .. 9. Loaditd W\lb. ... u... 439 vos {714) 546-S4J9, av•ll'wNII· .... 1m SEVILl.l DliS&.L -Sharp black. Factot)' CB, 8-tr..::ll, AWIFW. IAc•ll•at eoadilloll, -u ...-t.u.ad AU.&aqi $9,000. Don. (714) 133- 11162. (213} 268·4&30. 984 YLW CHEVIIOLET 1975 IMPALA 4-d oor, Y>ayl, hdl po w&r, AN/FW . '"" t11ee./ .hoeb SJJ·NitO Pn- (71 4) 542- FIAT l!r16 nAT 128 -Good eoadihOD $1,700 OJ but o ll•r (71 4 ) 842·~. •v•n>.aq• FORD 1m 10RD LTD II f11.Uy loaded S2.500 (714) 951-6778 HONDA 1981 HONDA ~ACCORD 2-doo r b.e tcbbacil 20,000 mll ... loqbt blue Wllb p !Dit llpiiiQ AWf'N c-tt• Au condllronlnQ . c rw••• control 56.500 522- 0717 NG 19'17 WGI Coavertibt.. lsc•ll••• c:oDdlhoa .uurw c:....tte radio, 1119~• rac:lt.. HW llr•- o.Jy 2t.OOO •..&. No ,..._..we oBar raJ\IA- ad..1Moell. \ l Th.e H~wport E~Jgo Wednes.day. July a1. 1112 Po,. lt -===Mittlac::::= .. ~·~==~=-~wc=:::..~~e*k====~--.-====~-a-c:::~-u-c:::~wuc::::~.c==:=Nittl=::::...::::=cM::::~c:==~-=====• ... .. ..... ...... ..... ..• ,. •• .. ., " •• • •••c:::::=:::::l• .. ••c:::::== .... •c:::::==•c:==-.c:==..,c:==•c:==•c==xiC:::::~~ec:=:~t• ASPHALT SEAL COATING/ DRIVEWAYS ASPHALT REP AIR Se.tlcc.cttang • Stnpptng Commere~.U Reatdenllotl Fre. Eat Lac 397362 645-8181 ALLSTATE PAVING CO. au•••••••ans I WEEK 6WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS S 1 24 per ltne 99 per ltne 89 per ltnt• 79 per ltne 66 Der Imp DIS.LA Y CLASSifiiD Open 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS I WEEK 3 WEEKS 6 WEEKS ·' j ,. r ~A ,.., s 12 95 10 45 1020 9 40 850 St> 95 fo r 18 worJs 10o.o DISCOUNT 20 cJn DISCOUNT ........................................... , ..................... . c slfl d )uat compute your own and drop it in the mail. P~l•r,.d ca...to.eette~n 1-tnd••l laeloeed at •• cilec~ &o• I vtSAMo ~ .... .... AcW,.. ----~----------~ (3) (6) (9) ( 12) ( 15) ( 18) (21) (24) (27) (30) (33) (36) Or pi-c he rge the .ct on lilY upu.. t.pe,.. Ptlo • c'"- 'DUDUM 4 .. , ...,_ •• ttle .. _ .-....... , r••• AU,.. &..4 . -,... ... IH«~ • J'a. ~ ,_.. .. trm..r.-, el\4 c ......... ..... F UCEJtoiSED Eleclu<;t•n C eohnQ f 1r1 •p.c••h•t Depend .. ble qu.tltly wo r~ Reuun1ble r•••• fu•• ., llmtllt>• C ell Tom bJI 5072 FURNITURE REPAIR• RESTOR£ GARAGE DOOR OPENERS G ARAGE DOOR ·l>tt, •• Sll9 95 Gen1e Scr,.wdr&ve SIH 95 Emergency Sennce WORK ALL Sprangt and ht~rdwctre Blo• lt wt~li 1epl.tced Alum wvud ~nd lt!P"" CJn··relt' •leel and ••' ·, n<tl drtvt>w.tv> •tdt>w"ll" 1 door\ Gu<tru.•••d otnd p<tltu~ L1· "" ,o><:~ ltcen~otKl .tr.d bvr.dt'd S42 )(,()2 v,S/1 .. nd MC I • I CONC RETE WU RK 998 ~~- Or.v.-wav-. P41 h> "'C N 'm..rll M1· r .. ·, • 722 p t f ~ t. I 5 It, CONSTRUCTION B WilSON & SONS Bu1ld .. r f 1t>t> ... , •. m<tl•s JO ve.sn e.apt'r 1 .. --------.. ll ""c" lk.nded L1~ No • !57487 646 17.C( Custom Wood~~t~ork Custt,.. Cabr.,e•s 8.1•~ OVERHOLT Cc..ns•r" 81 •k ""' ~ ..,. .. , (; .JS'i Remodel.n.l 4nd le.tdf'r1 0 14 ,,., "' Fram•n'1 drcovw til B.J ... '" d ~·-I Lo1\ .. lr.d w• r, .. r. n \Ill•• ,j, .,., d n Ouotlo• • .s• .,. Referra ls-All W<lr k prt ... C .s .J S r.'" Guar<~nteed '>44 21&1 Sll·l63l 1•-------•1 K IRCHNER C,JN STRUCTION G,.,. .. ,.l CARPET CLEANING C ARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Summ,.r Spect.tl Hydroateam deodo nte deflect Z rooms S 1 J 0,0 r, room• \3 I SO • ,J,, S I q 75 C .up .. 1 ••Ph• J,•,.,v lit- '" J (bU <·Hd $(" '''-h q.trd 1 :" l.t1 nm ~ Jplu It :'II C 111 .. 1 M . ., le" ..... o :11-4 ' EXCEL CARPET CARE C •rpeh .tnd upholslerv tle•nonq FREE ea11 m•t" Wo1 i ~u-tr.tr. I reed Ide I< B .thaQIOr owner 0 1 er I' New por• s. .. h 1 4' 1 ! CARPET lNST ALLA TION BILL'S C ARPET SERY ICE lnat••••tt•• n end repe111 Ou<~hl~ work 11 le u p ucet Cotll Ball til 552 '5826 ev,.nanQ• CONTRACTORS B .. .tdtr.~ C n•·~~· r ,.r tt l':f!::' Cu•t Jm bu11J n J •nd 1f'm df'l .nq F 11 "' dt>~oqn •c I I" tr L. • .224«. 64,1 700J &45 l, lb8 DO IT YOURSELf A.NDSAV[ ~ r.,.A .:-.torrr.-!'11... r r h.J\t! t : .. ,: ,~. 1n tudu. 1 t ..... d. f t:-rm r o~a.ll).- ,b<,l :<;,/. ]&()J A• I q "nd CONTRACTORS WAY CONSTRUCTIO N Remode Add r .. ;.•n~ L1c 42080, 54.2 1200 EARTHWO RKS COIII$TRUCTION S'ECIAl TIES o..n.w ..... & u,,.. .. All ,,,.. Cnt--..,,n •1141 I -~· .... JoeMartiMZ 17 141142 0137 CONTRACTORS GARDENING BEST AMERICAN G u den1nq Servtce sp01< ••I 1liO 1 Itt weerJy b, w.-elrlv m .. r.lhlv m ••n tt•nctn e .. nd ~le•n ~· Fr-••• milt>\ ~9 4991 ROTOTILUNG UUNt. DIRT c h .. p Gerden• Hower beda l.twns ... ndsc•p•n-1 Re•~n otble r .... r.-~dv ... 1>46 7!!19•nvr.me DOWN TO EARTn Llw• H d G .. rd"r S..r .. C m~ !ere .r.al t.l.s 1 n l.huVd• i f J i :r..-l,ntPn•r·· .,. Ou., t ., !t'r:.l&t.• "' j wr ' tf41'h PIIC" Sel.of.otd "' 1 mere ., 1.,~, r fiOfiiY C.tll 50\fllml 646 781"1 DOUC"S YARD SEJtvlCE Lt..,, m•tnten•nc• •r•• t11mm.r q l••nup •r.J h~ul.r l '>4 4 71: 1 ... , d('l ,.,.,.JJctV\1!" FIRST IMPRESSIONS T l J H'l•1..: dp~ Pr• 1 "' lr .• , .. n.ttun 1nJ m,.hfl'_.r. tn • Tr•e :WfV ''" tprtn•l•r l1w•, r,.r •t'1:>n WeJo.••l ... ., ':lbb bt>9 3 EXPERIENC ED ... AR DENER f••••l11a , '" •nm- llpr • "' snd "I • ")o4Q • GLASS MIRRl R-. ~URRl.lt:> an•'• ,. Cl•a ,.,, MIRit RS w., tr l:.e W4 • I t; .UI mrrt ~ rt mtrr · B .• ll 71-4 ... • 7192 WOODBRJOO£ CLASS MIRROR • SCRD:Jif R•••df'n'tctl omm•r tal <ll•u• • ' t l ~ urp . ..,. o .• ~. .. N ro R ..... n •bte ,., ·~7 0771 HAND YMAN REPAIRS Y RE~ODEL lNG I , l<lrU ~on• ..cunum.-t.ly •nJ elll coentlv llo4'l .l679 tha couniA av••l•ble S.rv ano .UI cl Ordlnq• Cour, ,., .................................. ~,~ JOE MARTINEZ GENERAl CONTRACTOR • STATE UC •133291 ' ... IlK I W A.la 1' :Jit I 5 o .......... A.ts 7 ....... ...... o... 1 • a a M r,. • ,... ..... Mil ,._l-. C8TA IBo\ ca aGI (7 141 eaa.n • en• .. ,. I ' I . t). :r:.,. .. I I ltffhJ~ r' • Jo., ·fl 1 ... , ..... ,.• HOUSEC LEANING Ct~mplete bouaeclean MIRROR """ .spotr•m•r •• hvmtu MIRRO R BR.EAKS E.r t~ndu• Re.s•on.tblt I ·•rqe room• tt,~ .. , 'lie> R•l•renc ... C• I whotlev••' w,at. "' 1 >her .C J.l m %2 lSJ, 1 r Anv w•ll'1 all 1 4 Deboroh p141e \J98 •rt•tel~tod Alk llotnd•rd rub·•h "' HAPPINESS IS HA V lNG TIME fc.r vourMII er eudoaur.o~ ·~ ••• Let 111 h•rtdle your tDJI.tll~tltora •• urtlv \ •• l c le.trunq needs We de. tnstalled .. nd w.utlr t,,. t! -tll1 In bua.neN ••nee dovu 53l 630(, 1~75 The Moppett• MIRRO RED WALLS 966 1300 watd,.,t.e d oul\ tuql\ C LEANING U N LIM qu .. lolv ht~uhl ~, ~t' !TED Fv1 eacell1nce 111 I Expo!ll "111•11•11 •~ hc.uaecl~oo~rtanq provtd lt .. ble l uc.tl relt-••. ,.. .nq .,u >uppl.ei '"' lud MIKE b4'i 964J •DQ votr'uum T1 u~t worthv <tnd dep.,.nd<ttJiot C.tll 1 d .. v lor Hhmdtf' ',46 J''t~ TOP BRASS Clear,., •1 'i .. rvo '" H •UM ... otpol' "Tien•• - ndo a rentotls Allurdab.to r.tlh 642 I 'I() S.r •1r l Or .. r.~t' LYNN S MO P N BIJC KET Ct.-..... n7 !:>,.1 1 .. Y ~ mt-1 .;r 4•• C tocsr I.l up Cot lv•.n ·•;;. 76Y2 Or. ~u "'""Ill~ b1 m r.tbh H.d .... 4 ntt •• 4 0fUS Wdll ..... htnq -~•!'-· ,t'l.,mp..<..n J ru.,nq Eo~ ''"rd•v th•mpvo Sp 11~1Jt.·J ~hc.wc d Sf' "'"•dt.w 1"'"''"9 p.tt<'h ploulitr.n<l .tnd pctanltnQ All J.lha.!oet ,f hou\(' l .. ,u .. nq 836 5429 PERSONAUZ£0 HOUSECLEANING tor the wor•anq Pfll"' r: Sp u•ltn~ rt>ltab... c ~t'd l• l'liE'"'If'n ... No1qhb thuud rt>l•r ences %7 8431 Tn~ Cle6n1n l Sp r • I STA XLEEN C m ple1e ho "W<I~oo~r .• r:Q ... VOUI W I YICI IO ht'ip VO\J btP41 1ha.. hou...cle•n '"9 bluM Ownet c.p.r •ted 12 1ears 111per. ,.ne-e f rH ""rn••~ ... 6 5\;<CJ HEA YY DUTY C ...... :q U .m•,.j W r :t ... -Ni , ~ rt J n J ., r p ... • "\ U r. ,. 1 m tt t~r"' "" ... r " o~~~~•t-•Jv Wtr ~1C'•• C .. , F:st 75J. lj,'<,. HOUSECLEANING Owr.er peHif'd I d ... a w ~~ mv~ll w.nd~w~ mv spP<:1,.hv Ab, -m pl••tt h<.ulf'"le4n n•J (',I D .. vtd E -au• t·4 b :..-t-t~ HOUSESITTING RESPONSIBL£ pr le• '"'·'"·1 111 mttn ,. ... lttt~Q U'• a' for •umr.::Pt c •ll Jl41 972 ; ~(>.J ll J _!:1() 4697 r~ , 1: ~ .. LANDSCAPING YARD REJUVENATION C "' ... p • y,._ Tum m J • L..wn Aen-.. <IIIOD • R .. , 'ndoclplliQ • S.rv n, H"rbo• ArN n1ne v•J•• $'"'• locen-.<1 <a , ..... :t F" ,_ •-'•m•l" l ALL BOB &.46-1281 JOHN Ml.1llAJfEY •son l.emer b1 "'~ re,•nd «'I PIO 1 '" re mvvJ.! .. .. Kld j., • LK 26.131 ·~ 1$1:1 PRO rESSIO NAL L..ad •c aponq Spuolrlen "'-&Ktr.rv P•ho Cove n O.CIIm~ Y•rd Re1uv• n•nor: f '" -"""'" k l,.nc;n S4a 1m A~ MOVING. STORAGE THE STARVING COL U:GE STUDENT M • nq C hu qrow' L,c T 1244.361 S.m.. 1ood !>t'rv•c• Cell 64 1 t;.;27 ABC MOVING Eap•r •n ed .f,. ... r ~~ &VWh""'t r.t.. ··~~ h'UT • .:S'fi"' Ou1 ~ JJ• fu ...-rv\C~ S52..0.JO t73-0550 Classified NURSING CAR£ PRACTICAL NU RSE PI :.af,.Uit>nel hum• .. , .. kr •he d•wb1.-.:l V4le, tnq "~·n l '' J .hr• ,, . .,;1\ ,11 A ,, ~b•~ t.l. ' p t •' 24 h ... t ,(• r ~ .. r •. Pw f)7S 4~' OFFICE PLAHNlNG JOY A DDS TIME • ~• doH help• 111 .hp ., pr:..ltl~ b~ j l,.,d,n'1 1 •r proble m' r. hi ll • t !14 '' 'h• .-.ttn .,. lr ttl ;ou C• 7 . .C C,')t; l."'ll:" A., , .• ltrt' .. nt....d> 4 t>.-~"'' • PAINTING PAlNTIN _, • • E:.:•pr r L "' ... • ,. pr ~;:. ..,., ..-r'l ... ! !i t..,• ' ' • ..-ut f , ..... @J' "n1 'tl'"' 1 .1 '14)" 56.1:14 ~ 4 ' •• • .a~ COAT O F MANY -l ORS PAINTI'IC, 1 ... , IOI ~K _.,, .... ~ :;.,, •nd • .r• ,• 1 c.. '>4 .4 1 1)8.4 nM•co PAINTING • L.,.. • E. ,. ~"'' "~:t" F ... ~9-5519 SPRI"i'-• FA ':I'• SPECIA. "' '•t ~ t 1 A ~~ '·•. •• J .... ~: t .. ..... f .. Mt -.ir.,.~ f .. l \.4 HOL:SE J< Pct.r."nJ I • ••~ r ,t ..... .. t,rr.a• c;. q u•rari....O , 96( '(-4 • C:, I ... ,~ SUM~ffl I "I"'·' SPECIA. -• • •• , 1 ~ .o• ... j 'T ' ~ u • r 1 -4, :r t ') 16 j.4 PA.Df'"!~ • •, F: .J.,I, ........ ~:;.. > Ore.n-1" COWPLETl .. J • HOM£0WiiUISI tnpenen • ShaJ"' lOP tor •••••r ara•·~ 8-4t tit.S •• • •P« .. l,z• n ~nd.c:4p m~• no qerden•nQ h••J.I K It PAINTING n ~ '""'"'IRQ •nd "Om le rtOr ~•''"" r •-•I• lean up •I• h.! er.J rt:.m•r ... Che"f C all S at• r,.,. _,,.,. .. ,.,.. ~"'• K &ra .. 553 1141 taorn 17"o .o-'9 •n~ encl..,.a•nq:a I C'USTOW PADITDiG Pl.ANlii:NG TO Pl.AHT I .mry ~r~o-evereqe IIIQ -L.ea.cbc•pe ,our .. tenor S6aS L.o- n-hom• or reo-your pnc. ior Ultenet aa4 tt red g roi&Jids O.ve MW coft.lllruclr<>ll f,_ 0 C l.eod·.c:eplnQ .._.,_ O.ao ~1 4225 Lc 1305'153 I&Jl • PAINTING IA E S PAlNTlNG In I te11ur Lllertur R .. a.den h•1iCommer~ ••I f '" "111m11let Call 1714) <;,.4S Jill A< Jv~to<O Ce '1"9' llel•••"<tt' • '' w•~ CluuO•u • ..._,ns PAPER HNGING JK HARD NALL r OVERINb f •1 "'' r • f • j 1 ct nt Rwdll ' th • rt .. » ,fTot t k••*ttttl """,. E.r •• • •. 4' :t t t ll rTI J ,. ; .,..... ., .... ( J ... J ~ • r J •f tut.,• • ~~~·'I •i • • ,_ ~nm• r ft ,. I• t 1)4 , UYUGHTS ---SIYUGHTS SAVE ENERGY All work QUerenteed One d1y ulat•ll•toun w .. ron Con•11uc11on (7141913-1737 SOLAR SOLAR 0 Lmt--.lr H w,j , s, <i & p._,, I 974 5393 r. l " TIL£ INSTALLATION PHOTOGRAPHY DYNAMIC C ERAMIC ~~ l>E l PCtRTFOliO 1.. n~l•ll•!1c.n on• .. , • J r I • • Bt .. r ~ I 1.. • ""'"rt' 1 otnd '" ' j "' -1-"•' Fr.,... e~llmott .. · .,.,.r •' ~~ •· • h f'.. tl-t.,.~ d h mdtttr"'l 1 ~' ' -"-1\ • It • • ~ h '!"! Up 'u 4( PILlOW CLEANING rt.ATHER PlllOWS CLEANED• ~ j,.. J (714) 642,4670 894 1098 E. PLASTERING A. • PHA r. A!> I ER!~ ~ Jo! .. •'. .,. •• ,, • f ' ' ...... ••• , , , , R !T • I 1 • > 1 • • rr j ~ .,T.' H' fofU•1 ~ I J ...... 'lC>4. CUSTOM TILE WO RK A . t!JH •ttl1<~lt••~ • • "~ .-. a L ztnQ .r. r .. m d .. 1.~ lr1ICh t'1 or,d L4 t OuatJ'Y w r k'mdt "lo' f 't't' ••••md'P• R ~'.-.• •·· --~ R .... "7 ... T!LE 5I MARBLE 1-.;STAllATIO!I; E 4 ; .. a... rrat• .,.-:•r '~•~ ... , ~~ R~ ;•r , f r h&e Hl.mrt't-f ,,';.,,~, ~JS1~'" .., ·rt.~ f ,... ~sl m~ttr• TR.E£5 L ,. #'> r • ! •• r I 'Kt AIL f'HA t PLA'-' :'Hi! "'t, .; .. c ,, :-'\ I ' S , Jd' r _, SrT • r n~ •• ' rn •'•~ PLUMBING ANr HL' Pl L MBlNG RW"':\.J,_,. • ,, L rnm•r • S1 , ... el 11~ 1 n rr..-r ~ .. f•r •' 'lnct r• ;.,• t\ :..._, ., ... ., ~ ~. C e.t I • 1•.- 011 r.u• .. "'4:' ~ POOLS SAUNAS HOT TUBS SPAS ZEE'S POOL SERVICE. EXPERT TREE S ER\ ICE T '"'" .. nd •h rut •r mm.r.l t nd rem< val Y.rd lt>con .. r f r-.. • ,m,., .. , C &l %J '>982 TREES EXPERTLY TRIMMED •r.d •• mr,v .. d .,,. .,.,.,d artd 1"tdl'r 'dSI<• Rt>,.o,on• b ~ ·Pitlbt.. C a ll let ,, ...... Ar• ~ 7i:J02 Ru N S TREE S ERVICE Tr.mm.O·'J 'vf.ptnq ah4f'•Dl ...... rflmoval I·IT·I" l"m<.:v• Y1rd • .., ·I' Lcen .. d ar.d -, •Pd Ouah•~ "'ttra f ... '" ... '\, 'T'd1~ *>46 ..; TYPING EXC ELLENi TYPING 'T J ,. • ~ • '• t • 5E.RV ICE t d •tl• . ) .. , . E.• ,., " Pt '"~ ~r.d .lt'o.ve•~ l " N .. wp r s.. .. 1 or j I• r-· ... .... 'll1 rye.. .. ; r .. ,. t ... 1 C ... • I KH'AS !>PO.. t SH<'• ('£ Ji,., I• '•' I A: .•.. A t -fill, • 1r : ••J 1 • fi , ... I I lup hi • .l>< I I REMINDER SVC . ~.,. .. . I• ~"I ~ 4 .. ... "" ..... ~-~ ,. .. • 'tr:. ROOflNG .. l 1 I ,.""' ~· -t h"-'t t ......... ~.. t f ROOflNG .... •r .. ~ i• •• w , •• ~ , r I I J c . 8 l s•s-0769 L•c No 1.4 H"YS R m>~G CO , ,, ... , ,/ .• 'r UPHOLSTERY EXPERT CUSTOM RE ''PH\1LSTERY Dr&t ~· .. Ur , <,v II ,.. '1 ,.., :H\ F tF-1> ~ ...... ~ ... r. P tnt•; r.. ~J,f.-r\ l1 J 4n ... H '•h "'~"' SOUSSA.N lNTERJORS (71 4 957 0128 WINDOW CLE.ANING V't i ~DOW S SPARt- • tNG CLEAN Avflt •·J .. t • n S I"' l'i '7 "" II Will 'S C rn.n, .,. ~'T t; '~"I If• ' .. d.,d Ph r ... .,...... ~"' ,.., S.r nfl'r R , '4'-'>C! WINDOWS W ASH£0 ,. t""' s .. .,, \.' • ,. ', \ K R· l.,r " 'tom• ~~9 1302 w :hC)()W WASHING OuA •'' ""' '' .... 411• tl•l•• U!IK c.. s- Thf W .r.d .. C ~v. n 1 • 14 ~7 SJSS 8 • :T l;r m ALL C UANING Sffl'• ICf W nd".. "• R~•.d .. ,t ... " I mrl'r • o~~j Ca, t r ... :n ......... 4." .. ---a ~ .. __z,.. · ' T -~ . ~--. -·--- Serle Ill lx foctory DIIMMIIMJI. Low ...... (1JII91).blacll.-._ll.._. Tremendoue .avlngl ...... tulfootol'y 2 y.-~. We have In stock new 1982 Jaguar XJ6 Sedans in silver, black. light metallic blue, British racing green, cobatl blue, Portland beige, white, damson red, chestnut brown, bronze metalic. AVAilABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL SIZE LUXURY CAliS ~8MPACI'S 1976 Buiek La Sabre (OS ) ................. \SD 1975 vw LeGrande Bug(&179) $3995 1967 Jaguar Sedu (OOOXEO) ............... 11115 1977 Ford ..... 15l0TA') .............. '3414 1979 Buiek Binen 1 a58·aoc ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1978 &.iek SkyMwk 188Jrn., . . . . . . . .... '31115 1979 Cadillae ElDorado (llJWKv, ..... 111. 1978 VY J),Ler 1224Woo , ................. ·~~~ 1978 Jaguar XJ6c929YHAl $11,995 1979 a.da Aeeord (262XJP I ............. 14 1979 japar Series UI I541ZEK I ........ '17, 1980 Mere. Capri llatela. (LDO~~) ...... . INTEilME IATES ~~oas 1980&.iekSkylark 1os, ....... ··········-1978 Buick Repl Ltd.(703WWA) ~77 1981 CJ.e,. Moate Carlo nCA832 1 . .. .. .. . 1980 Toyoaa GT Air (LBGZ322 > ............. 'SIIS 1980 CJae,. Moate Carlo 1 tASr621 1......... 1981 Bliek Skylark I LAQF127, ........•... 'SIIS 198() Buick Ceatury Ud. ( 863ZAI 1 . • • • • . . . . 1980 0W. o.p Bra. ( 991Yl 0 I· · · · · · · · · · )980 Olrys. fmdoba ( lWWZ) ............. 15115 1979 Jlaiek llmen ( SOSZAH ) ............. . 1981 Olds Cudui Sup.,aaux272) ......... '7415 1979 PewseoaSM D1L ~\ 1 ........... '7 1968 Buiek Rep) 1982,Ac 1 ................ '4 1981 Toyoll Celia (UKZEEI I .............. '741S 1979 Poatiae Gnad Prix 1155 WTD J .. .. ' SUKO ACt'S 1980 Ford Gruada tSn.6029 ' ............. • 1980 a.e,. Clneae (LX-U072 ) ........ .' .. . 1980 Ford F ulan 1 os7ZEK , . . . .. . . . . . . . '5415 1980 Buiek Rtp) llASG 182 ).. . . .. .. . . .. . •·a.~ 1979 Mere. Moure~ 1911l!7.l ) ............. '3415 1977 Ford T-Bird 1811 XK , .............. 'NIS 1977 Poatiae Catalina t545TSH ) ........... '34 1973 Chev. Ma.liiMa Cpe. tlllKJB) .......... 11 1973 CJae,. Moate Carlo (039KD£) ........ . 1978 Ford Gn•ada (969Va 1 ............ . 1977 Ford la•eriek (823Bll) ............. . 1979 Be.da fme (357WPH ) ............... . 1979 ~ ..... t PDlS) .... ······· '405 SPORTSCARS 1976 Capri t IH'IM R I . . .. . . ............. '2115 1976 MGB tl81 ,TP 1 ...................... 'Nts 1979 Triumph Spitfire ( 6~, \l CD I ........ '4115 1977 MGB (091HU I ...................... '4415 1977 Chev. Corvette c&182l SI99S 1978 MGB ( 123l Jl I . . . .. ....... . 1979MGB t o3:>,,~, . .. ....... 'SIIS 1980 Fiat Xl /9 tlAU,lJOI ............... 'SIIS 1979 Datsun 280ZX tOIOXZl 1 .•.....•..•. '7115 WAGONS 4 PJ(;K UPS 198llsazu ioa8 J.ed IIZ75269 I ............ . 1980 Baiek Ceatury W JIOII 1 S..r 5«»4 1 .... . 1981 Toyota Corolla W11oa t lBLKi 15) ... '5115 1979 Toyota Piek up t l5579851 ............. '4 1978 Ford Piato W11oa ,, \CLl881 ....... '3415 1978 Dodge llus 9-s~at (898 VPB) $5995 1978 Sdara 1'1101 4x4 (066AXC) ........ ~ 1977 a.e,. El Ca•iiO ( 1J291 t») ........... '1411 1978 Baiek Ceat. -~~Oil t 132VN0) ........ ~ ...... )977 (M,. J'apa (9H KZ ) .............. ~~~~~~ 1976 F..t Piaao Ycu ,.._13,357.00 Ycu ""»-9017 Ycu Pltce-10106 c $250,000 & UNDER - ---- I N U J,l EflQv as a 2-bedrooro. 2-bath home or 2 units (1 bedroom ~ stuclo) rented ncNt. ltiQ yard ta: vwr ~ OQI'den. Submit tt 71 ers, so~ ~e us a c 0 • • '\. c w \ tJ \.. 'tl r B t -\ ~ 1-1 ' , ' I I r f ' ' I 1 ~ '1 ... I Beautifully priced 3 bedroom, 2 both home on quiet Newport Beach street. Well mointoined with nice floorplon ond several Iorge ""' in private yard. Owner will cooperate with financ- ing. NIWPOilTCUST t212,000 lowest price pion 5. Four bedroom, clean, bright and cheerlul. NeOf pool, spo and .. nnls courts. Owner will corry financing. Try 18~ down. Move in condition. Colt for more detailed info. vaaaA~U~a t2u.ooo lmmocu&ote 2 bedroom condo with ocean view. Adult living neor the boy or ocean.. Neutral cot. ors. Owner witt ouist with flnoncing. Guarded gote. ~ in by tummw. IM1'8&.UP t2M.IOO This upgraded .. bedroom, family room ~ with poo' ond spo il immoculo-.Jy mointoined. Am.Ntiea <abOund. New opplionc... carpets, solar eMf~ ond COII\plete MCUfity syl1em. ... CAIIYOII t311.000 Nit listed, Mclain condo on goH course with Cotollno view, 2 cor garage, 2 bedrooms ond for. mol dining room. Pfl<ed for quick tole. Lorge oavmoble loon and owner will corry 2nd. Best buy In Big Conyon. NARIICNI VIIW HOlliS t340,000 Where con you find more? large expanded 5 bedroom, .. bath Palermo. New carpet and point. lO'Hty oversized yord: Aasume low ••••• t.t TO. Owner will help with financing toot low down pouiblel SIAVIIW t411,000 Spoclous 4 bedroom New a.dfcwd model In prime cor.,_ loeotion. Formal dining room, fam1· ly room, YOuhed ceiling. and community tennis and pool. Ownw will ossist with finoncing. Sub- mill ... ~YOII t710,000 Deane Oeouvllle. Superb location overlooking the 18th fat~. this dramotic 3 bedroom fomlly room townhome hot It oil. Huge Malter $Ui ... gloet ~loMd polio for outdoor 11-.1,. -.. \.. ' ~ 1...' 1'-v ..\ :J E l \1 4 ~ ... ~ .. •ae.ooo Charming 3 bedroom plus family room Comeo Shores ho~~· 80 x 1 tU lot-one of the largest '" town! Unl1m1ted expansion pos.sibilities plus room for o pool. Home in great condihon w1th super terms. Don't miu this one! .IASIIINI CUIIC t331,000 One of ~ preHiest homes in this guard gated communtty. light and airy 2 bedroom and den. Elegantly appointed with air conditiontng and private location. Fee. MA ... VIEW HILLS t3'n,800 Combine""'· tailored landscape, porklike yard, accented by cowered potio and spo with upgrad- ed 3 bedroom home ond deccwotot touches plus great terms ond you hove something special. SPYe&AU t4D.OOO Popukw porllmOuth model home with sparltling pool. Three bedroom with family room on comer lot. Outet area neor schools ond shop&. . COROllA DIL MAR tl71.000 View the jetty, hear the surfl Sip 'fOUl afternoon tea in the garden thars the gracious style this speceal custom 2 bedroom plus den offers. COIIOIIA DIL MA.. tiH,OOO Imagine if you will a large c~etely remodel- ed Cape Cod that overloalts liHie Corona Beach ~ecognize if you dore that this is todoy's best value in CdM location. Quol1ty terms. SPYeLAU HIU t781,000 Elegant Southport w1th total custom1zed detailing Five bedrooms, 3 '12 baths, full bonus room, pool, spa and lovely gazebo for en1oying val~ v1ew Total security system and all of the extras that mole a hom4t a castle. CA OaHCMiaS t7H.OOO If you are lding for on immaculate ocean view home, beautiful pool and spa, 3 bedrooms (each with own both) spocious living cweo, and land In~ eluded In prke, look no further! This ,, itl ... ) T H f: R -'\ R E ~'\ S ~------- ·~ ., .... Highly~ o.on. home, 3 bedroom and family. l~ brld potfo on two sides. Parquet flocwt and ,.modeled klkhen. l~t. open airy f .. Ung. Lotoe oeaumoble loon. Owners or. very motivoted to _.._ NOIITHWOOD tUO.OOO L.arge fain4ty home with ,. bedr~ olr- condltlonlng. fomlly room and PQNnll' nttreol Highly UP9f'aded and e•ceptionol tefma avoUable. Seller will even conskt.r trod. dowfot, if you ho-.. home to ... tin areo. MI.,IILD t224, 710 larger 4 b.draom home with pool and spa neJCt to pork and tchools. Pficed thoutonda below similar homes In area makes this a compelling value. Try 209ft down. "fUUITUIIOCIC t24 7,100 $30,000 b.tlow morilet. lovely 3 bedroom, den and fomlfy room townhome ov•ldlng a 5 ~ OCN park.. Wos redeemed In foreclo.ure and owner it on. lou&. ~ a.umable loan. .WV 21. 1982 Real Estate f01 S. P• 3 BEACH COMMUNI T If:'\ aAYSHOill8 t238.500 Wtll not lost ot th1s Pf•Ce Fabulous potent1ol to be o beouttful fomtly home tn th1s destroble gate guarded communtty Two poltos. 3 bedrooms lowest prtce tn 8oyshore PENINSULA .249,800 lowest priced duplex tn the area. Newly furntsh. ed mokes 1t on excellent rental or o beo<h retreat for fam.l1es. Gteat locotton neor beach. Seller fmancmg avo1loble. liDO •• 75,000 Worm and cheerful atmosphere m th1s 3 bedroom home on one of l1do's ftnest street$ Two f1replaces, beam ce1l1ngs and a spa. A lot of house w1th lots of charm large ouumoble loon UDO I8U •510,000 Four bedrooms and den FAMJl Y HOMf wtth for - mol d1mng room. Perfect for grac1ous entertom- tng tn 2 garden pahos. low down payment and seller will carry balance for 10 yeors 8AYSHORI .510,000 Safe. Secure. Scrumphous des.cnbes th1s •m- moculote 2 bedroom separate off1ce on Fee land large secluded sunny pol•o plus freshly decorated makes this on outstondmg buy. Seller creohve ftnanceng. PININSULA • 725,000 Count your steps to the boy tt"s that closet This r-EW 4 bedfoom country styled home offers the ult1mote m quality of croftsmonsh1p "Extras" abound make thts a very spec•ol property 8AYSHOIIES t 750,000 Th1s home hen a flo1r for ltvtng w1th 4 bedrooms, Iorge fom1ly room overlookmg the boy All the omen1t1es of o guard-gated commun1ty Good terms ore ovotloble IIA YSHO .. ES ., , 750,000 63' of fee land, boyfronl Spectacular Cope Cd fom1ly home Four bedrooms, separate dmmg room, Iorge h19h celi.ng l1v1ng Central vacuum system. Separate master su1te Secluded poho . ---- WOODII... t311,000 Gorgeous Tudor style 4 plus bedrooms Prescott, den w1th full wet bar IS perfect for e11ecuhve entertam1ng Thoughtful omen1hes for the discr1m1nate buyer Assume 1st and owner w1ll cony 2nd. C .. ISCINT IIAY .1.200,000 laguna v1ews of water sploshtng over roc:U from almost all rooms 8eout1ful ltght and o1ry home. Three bedrooms, mo1ds area and lofge family room w1th f~reploce and bor Pfest1g1ous ne19hbothood SPYGLASS Elegant 5 bedroom. 5 1/2 bath home located biah atop prestigious Spyglass Hills. Breathtaking views. family room. library, muter suite with fireplace. Pool. SP' ele- vator. 3-car garqe with motor court. Full security. $2,295,000. Open Sunday 11-5. 3 Muir Beach. OCEANFRONT 3 bedroom. 2 bath ups. UDit-0 bedroom. 2 bath lower, private amdeck aDd patio. Leu thaD 2 yean old and po- erates about 13.000 a JDODth iDcome. 1be .._. _.. ia you can tab 0\W the aiatiDc beak lou of apprGL 1426,000 without qualilyUw iDd. 12 314 .. mt.n.t fiucl lor 30 yean. Only •elrfna we_ooo. Try a low down pqmmt.. BAYFRONT PIER a SLIP FOR SO FOOTER a SIDE TIES Beautifully maintained 4 bedloom. 8tudy aDd formal din- in& 3 bat.ha ~• in muter). Ccan.pete built-in ldtdaea. Sur- rmrcJdld~ ~Gee» of u.ed brick. OwDer will finance enme bttl..t,... AMing $1.496,000. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM 5 bedrooms, 6,500 eq. ft.. with beautiful and taste and quality throughout. Beveled and 'tided alau. OQya and marble baths, eleva&«, wiDe cellar, pool-s-. •una. ~ . ity aystem and much more. $2.5 mi1lioD. Of&r your Vade as down pe,y~D~~Dt. Open ~&JSwL 1-6. 1• TrafaWar. ------....------~ -~ --·-~ CUSTOM Over 3000 sq. ft. custom Cape Cod on three levels f« gra- cious living and ent.ertaiJlina. This one year oJd home bas 4 bedrooms. family room. formal dinina room. 2 uaed brick fireplaces, 3 declu. and i3 MOST beautifully decanted. Offered at $375,000. A DREAM COllE TRUE Of .couree it's the heM mmey can buy. 3 bedrooma, Ele- PDCe .,...,;fled Loca'-1 OD the aeluaive Bic ~OD Camby Club. A vul lia' of ameoi&iee "'chdtt• u old 1800 EQIIiab Pub, aU •meet aDd pant.• ~. -* c:.t.. fnach doon aDd 2 &a .... Sold -........ wood floon. bev.a.d ..._ .OV. ca.._ aild n. eellar. EVERYTHING FOR THE DlSCilDIINATING-A MUST SEEr ms.ooo. BALBOA CHARMER Walk Lbrough a picket fence and intD this charming 3 bed-rooms. 2 btttb. Penirusula home. Terrific locatioo-near ~bay and slqJe. Onty uldna $245,000 with *«<ns. ••• : t July 21. 1982 Rt .. blatt For S. P~ge 5 While some will look upon Somerset as an exercise in pure indulgence, a few will recognize it as a neighborhood that reflects the culmination of their yeQrS of successful endeavor. You· ve come to a point in lift that few experience. That piQct where aspiration and accom- plishment converge in triumph . For you there is Somerset. Over the past 5 IJ('ars. Somer- set has emerged as V ilia Park's most celebrated neighborhood . Far more than a place to live . it is a neighborhood imbued with t"haris ma and propriet~-the perfect setting for its 12 capti - vating residences. Somerset is home to those who are at home with success. To those whose personal standards are re~ected in their surroundings . Somerset is established. U n- comprornised. It speaks so ftly with confidence . undeniable beauty and exquisite taste. Somerset is sophisticated . So<.1al Synonymous with ach ievement . Both in attitude and address 111ft at Loma in Villa Park There is nothing else lik e Somerset in Villa Park - perhaps in the entire county. Chances are there never will be The final 3 homes of Som erset have recently been complet ed and are now available {rom s 79 ') ()()(). So mer set is w,•orU1 a dt1St'f look cspc(ially n ot~· U!tll you rc a~u,ad of U1t' ~1amc Sfww.·~1 JJy appointment cml ~t during the week Open 12 00 ~u~m to ') ·()() PM on SL~ndays Phone(714)978-0366 hge 6 ANI Estate For S. ....,.. 21. 1982 FIVE MINUTES FROM THE OCEAN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO For Only mo . . ' ~ . ,. . ·'. ? . . ,, . . . \.·.· \ ljj•' .. to1 'IiI ,I' Now! Ao lncrccllWe fi.Daoc:lna plan that pi'CieDU yOU with a ooc:.e-l•• llfcdiDc opportullky to purchue. quality townltoee .ma. rich in hcfttale. yet .ophlltlcatcd in dnlp and awolntma\D- 0.... plao auo .. ,_Iowa monthly paYIDCftb now. wbco they abould be. For czeaple, with a purdaaee price of $122.500. aneta clown paymcot of $12.250. we can offer a dd.rty•YCU ftnt In* cleecl of S7l,SOO (17~ A.P.R.)ud a eccood rrwt ciecd (18~ A.P.L)olel6.7~0. clue ID enaa yean. lA .,..MtM., t.he builder will pay you tal4.42 per moeth 101" thMC yean. malrlq your totaiiDOQthly priaclpal and llltcrac .,.yaacab only tal~. We allo offer 12 ~. )().year ftxed rMe iMIM OD la.c uaka. l.eale option.,._. an a.allaWe u Well. ow rcaweecn&adft for cletalk. 11U1 AJlpu S.Jua C..,.nno, CA 9167~ ()pea Dally ac:cpt 'Jl.wteiay ln. 10:00 a.a. uatU ':lO p.a. .. ...__..,.,, Cell (71.) .9).0708 From $117,900 I f I until sold at 26271unya JtJiy 21. 1982 Aul Estate fOf S. P9 7 ALE N • W hav not seen a value this good or a price this low since the mid·'70s (that's why we are ndlng the $$ on this ad). ltuated on a gorgequs view lot on one of East blufr 3 best streets NOT a ''fixer-upper home," but In v rt nlc condition. • T la'V'Sf " st of all" two-story 3 bedroom, 3 bath, fOaaaaal dlplng room, country kitchen plus massive family room (can be 5 bedrooms- 2,550 q. ft.). Listed at 232,500 (L) * -that's under $100/sq. ft. Just hop that prlc around and compare. '*Land available on attaactlv terms. • f1Y Is free and clear of debt and cooperative owner will a 1st In ftnancl• I&WIIIT -.- Total elegance! Approx 8,000 eq. ft. Ia ., ent~ J*adiM. Room tor 3 boata -3 brick patloe -Pool. Orutk*ly reduced. Owner wtll Uliat In flnMdng. $4,500,000 John M.cnab 142-1235 (J 11) Gat.-guarded commuNt). 2 8R + den. Tutefuly decorated. Close to pool & tenn&a. $385,000 Sertt Mhc;hell 142-1235 (J22) HA 1111111 Haghly upgraded 2 BA w/Spa & Sauna. Immaculate ttvoughoot. Great Aaaum. Anancing. $465,000. Ortmatlc 2 BA aplt '""w/*" & lbnlry. Great location Md terma. 1125,000. OR IDGE L-· Interior Designer's own home. Elegant throughout. Unobstructed~ Vief¥. 1795,000. Atchltect's 5 BA & Bonus Rm wtth many decorat01 ~· Vtew 11,100,000 Free etendlng 5 8A wi..-M~Ne 0. & Mexican Pawn. swup~ng ac.nt&ay VIew 11,415,000. CaM Bell Pertd\ c. Meul'eM M44200 ''YOUR HAM~ AIOGE SPICW.8TS'' ~ ~ end wVt w/bar & oc.n vt.w. Lwge muter .-~ tub & .-dec*. 2 eeconcMiy BR'a. 2~ BA. Gourmet kttc:Mn lf'c:ludll ,.. Ollk ~ JennAn cook-top & BBO. sati.OOO LH U.... WMe 144-aoo (J.U) ' . 1n ba•_,. IMne r ...... ~wide lot.-. 1u1ta a.ndecap6ng & 1g pool. S M. 2 BA. k*'-' • ~equipped. Mow right In -It's perfiJct. ~000 l~ Holy u.u. 144-GOO (.J43) ....... _ Old Corona~ Owner'l unit II ....... -2 BA up, 1 down f01 ~. V.....S ClllnOa & ...... ~ urVta. Motivated owner hM ......... prtce 120.000 Mel ..... ftMnce. $274,500. Holy w.u. ........aoo (J44) .... N.-.&..ull 3 81\ 2 tMdh ~ 1~ bloc*a frOM tM oc.n. F.ntastlc tm.t"*'t ..., C.IUI'ni'Mr ,.,..., $2e0,000 low down and owner wttt carry AlTO. Stwon &Nth ........aoo (J41) CNirmlng .. Redwood .. modll -s II\ 2~ baths. cln6ng .... profiiiiCN.-ty decorated In aprtng QOkn. Lg patio -elr condtttoned. Community pool, t..--n&a courta & lake. 1155.500 F ... Donna GodiMII44-GOO. (J41) • llltllODUCI • • • II Finest quality ocean vtew suites- private and semJ.:prtvate at NEW. LOW AFFORDAIU PRICESI Exclu- sively at our Fashion Island loca- tion. Coli Bob Ucato today. 7S9-221 .. ~ .... It hal been ~telv r~ and feca1l.lel the mOlt Ul~ orrtel..... ~ hploca ~ ... ond ~ Fou bedrOOit .. ~ bah lenltc kitChen ~ the "'*' c::Q'AJf "*' $1.325.000 Western Estate! RealtY. 180 NEWPORTCENTER·DRIVE. SUIT£ 180 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA_. '""4tii1·1114 y 3~2~-pkx:e.~ car ~ Qnd 2 palo&. "* neat, clean hOme II ortv $129,960. CNNR WU CN1JN 1ST LOAN AT 12'- INI'&ESn Western Estates Realty HNI Etc tot.-Olfd r., ... lll,.,,., 1110 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE. SUITE 180 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 fll41MH234 --· Priced at lot value for quick sale. Older 4 bedroom 2 bath and 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Excelent location. OWNER WU! CARftf LOAN AT 1 ~INTEREST COlONA DEL MAR CANYON CHIT AHA Near fosNon lllancl AdJaCent to llalbor VIew C81dtr 3 bec*ooml pU tepOI'Ote den. nook. fol- mal dii*G lalge Malter ~ with ...... place. wHte plaNalan ~ r.mal toNI. two garden patlcl, attached ~and~ spa '*-walk to fll LAJID $2.9,000 AIIUIIAaLI NIIJICII.I ·~-UREI ·-----UTE TEAL Ptckup ewer $500,000 EQLMtv over- night. Once In a .. ttme ~. 1 have NEVER ..., a better buy. Won't aft """-Orange Ccu1ty 2~ acte Nl- top Ocean VIew New Estate. Pool. spa, woterta11. •• ctrtc gate~. ~860 sq. tt. with 360 dee:J.. vtew o1 a1 Ora oe County., ... cxut and helcopt• pod areaL ASSUME ~ • TERMS. Ortg6n.. ally lilted few $2.200,000. Socrlftce at $1,128.312.63 OIJPOX. with $350~000 CJI)C)fOX. COih down. Orlv the ..taus need col dlrec1tV to PATRICK TENOAE. 760-8702 and 631-1266. AE/MAX Realton. agt.lroken W8k:ome. SPY LASS 10%DOWN 10.8% INTEREST OCEAN Al'-.0 6A V VIEW FROM SPVGLASS- Tt-.s huge 5 bedroom. 3 both home will pteose a""t fOIT'tlly Open beam cetllng •n llv!rQ a nd formal ~ t(X)fl'\ Two large second-floor decks Custom pool ond spo Custom landscaping and much l"nnOe Gooa t.nonc.ng $895.000 Western Estates R ealty RHI Eatat~ aJtd bw~''"'~"'' I~ NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE. SUITE 180 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 t1141 ~l-l234 -· .wy 21. 1982 Ad Estate kif S. Page 11 BOB and DOVIE KOOP IIEW CUSTOM FRENCH IORIIAIIDY You must see to ~ all thu f~ne ~. 4 bt 3 b&. fotm. d.r 3 I p oat cab. beaut tile. cboa of carp Newport Httghts IOf only $385,000 Seier ~ lrge lsi T 0 al 1 3" NEWPORT CREST CONDO 3 b1 3 ba 1.1 . d.r.. huoe master sle/satung rm. vu. largest model $21 0.000 Subnvl any offer on terms $92.000 1st T 0 at 10 25" HARBOR RIDGE 5 b1 4 ba game 1m lorm dr. highly upgraded. ltaban marble 1t1 l.r d r lu i I r study and f r has betut pantl.ng and shullers. Fab vu 2 lge patiO decks. A mus1 to see al $895,000 NEWPORT CREST CONDO 2 br 2 \li ba loft highly UC)Qfadld oat firs. baut papers ocean vu $98,0!10 1st al 12" Pnctd at $170.000 CAMEO SHORES F ab ocean and coastline wu, 3 br 3 ba lent. d r f.1 study, lge. pool and courtyatd pn bch.s $895.000 ftt FORECLOSURE-HARBOR RIDGE lEW CUSTOM 4 r 5 ba I I fantashc sun rm bea&.~ mastet ste w mar b6e I p ocean and ctty vu H1191 master b&. w 111lPQfled ttln One ol the lrgsl lots w rm IOf pool and kg ~Y aru Vety. YlfY motivated sellet Brtng any offer lowest priCe custom at 1.l.i95;G01T ~ U.4gQ etHt S I 200.000. Ml trade -.s GAT 1 slnlll HARBOR VIEW HillS fantastiC "-11of plus a.., YIIWS from this 3 br tam rm new CMP PMtllrg pool, S 340 000 LH OCUIFROIT -OCEAIFROIT Conm u . lgl .... to your pn. res. and 1M on the hnat belCh on the coast S 170,000 1 sl at 11 '4 2nd Of S250.000 at 12'4 Stuht $650.000 IEW:s~~ft COIDO 3 br 3 ba new a. au .. -.cl trpt & tltt. pn pat tO B*vt ... v. •1 0 7 000 1 st at 1 0 718llil HARBOR RIDGE lEASE 4 bt 3 ba fonn. d.r f 1 study. lluutlf\Jiy dec lge dlckJ. fall w Pn grcl gale. pool and tlfftl S2900 mo Sabmt .. OfflfS SEA VIEW lEASE 4 br 3 ba I 1 d r City lnd ocun vu Gld gate. pool and tannes $1 .700 1111 mo NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 BR. 2 \ BA •IP"' ,_. Bau dltOI ., '*Y rm. ower 1 4 ~tte. w1tKULD A1bg $297 000 1•. d tr• for smallr '*"' Of C'ONM DOYEl SHORlS Nlme your 1enns on INs 1ar11 4·BA 4 8A honw w ocun 11._ plus Mit· tn·Lwr qt rs $315.000 lH Wltll .. eel. t•m.t low dn or tfldl -..rtY tor C M or JU home. DOVER SHORES Outatlftdlng locateon • wa of al Nd INty ..:1 Fas,.oOn a... 4 tlf 5 INt tom d.r • pool spa. sac synem S1tal at t615,000 F• Grt flft tvlll BOB or DO VIE KOOP 7 59-1221 ~ ...... ,.., S JACOBS AEA.L TV IIJ AE/al~ A.EALT!JRS 2919 Newport Blvd. 875·8870 15 eorporilte) Plaza om.· 751-1221 a -m IALIOA lAY PROPERTIES 0 GEORGE ELKINS CO. IJJ SEA LION · RLTY { 4101 w. coeet HWy. 875-7010 2 Corporate Plaza Drtve 759·9100 3801 E. Coast Hwy. 873-5354 -N -~ .. ' _ (S HASTINGS REAL TV C WATERFRONT HOMES .! m COLDWELL ~ANKER Eaatbluff Center 840-5588 2438 W. C0111t HWy. I 2181 San Joequln Hilla 844-9080 mJ315 Marine Ave. . · _ m MACNAB-IRVINE REALTY .J ' IICO~~~~~~~~:~PERTI_. 901 Dover Drive 842·8235 ~WESTERNESTATESAEALTY _ ~ 3841 E. co1et .. HWY. · 173-1414 lrQ 1848 San Miguel Drive 644·8200 180 Newport Center Dr. 551·1234 l -·------~~--~--~~~~ .,, .,_ -"-L ... a note from Maury ... ( Owner will oony good financing. 1 v, blocks to ocean or market. Private pattoa. -wtl buy a nice one-bedroom house on a Cc.t R-2 lot. Owner has plans fof a eww <*Jplex. Uve In tt or rent tt unttl ready to build. I -a neat 2-bedroom, 2 both home close ie 86g Corona and have the fun ot plannng and adding a second unit. Owner will help finance. $279,500. • 3Bedrooms • 3Baths • Formal Dining • 2 Ftreploces • Hardwood Roor • Beau• Calng • ~Pallo • Pl1vate Pool • VfiiY Shoff Wolf( To Ocean I • Comer view lots in laguna Beach make excellent building site. Owner will help finance. Reduced for quick solei $88,500. Enjoy the large yard of this 2~ room home on a 60' R-2 lot-OR build another unit (owner will include plons)-OR a family room and/or Mos.- ter Suite might be added. Owner will finance. $259,500 . Brand new 4-bedroom .. One-oJ.o.. Kind" custom home. SUnnv patio and deck olf family room and bedroom. Aexble termsl I large yard around this bright, cheery 3-bedroom and den home. Big living room with lots of windows. Kitchen, family eating area. Only 5220.000 leasehold-and you can handle the land to your needs. ... ~ ... . -... ~ t) 411 ~ Dahlia. CORONA DEL MAR. condom ........ 1250.000 Open Sunday 1-5 673-MM. 5.15 Huel. CORONA DEL MAR. 2 plus den. s.us.ooo Open Sunday 1·5 673-8494. 2721 ~ DrM. BAYSHORES. $510.000 Sunday 1·5 6M-9060. 14 W~~Mewaaa. JASMINE CREEK. ~000 SuMay 1·5 6M-9060. 117 MulDe Ave.. BALBOA ISLAND. 1272.500 Sat./Sua. 1·5 631-1400.. 314 Nartgold. CORONA DEL MAR,. view. family rooa. Sat./Sun. 1·5 631-1400. 1536 5enDide TerRICle. IRVINE TERRACE, 1260,000 Sat./Sun. 1·5 631-1400. 700 Lido Park DrM, No. 14. CANNERY VlllAGE. $39.000 Saturday 1·5 631-1400. 1577 E. 0can. PENINSULA POINT. S34t.500 Sunday 1·5 631·1400. 204 Opal. BALBOA ISLAND. $289.000 Sunct.y 1·5 631·1400. 2131 E. Ocan. PENINSULA POINT. $305,900 Saturday 1·5 631-1400. ., 209 19th St.. BALBOA PENINSULA. SS19,000'Saturday 1·5 631·1400. 4H DehMa.. CORONA DEL MAR. l-story 1315.000 Open Sunday 1·5 673-MM. 38 ....,_ Cova. BALBOA COVES, .alp. ~ .... cte 1569.000 Open s..dQ 1·5 673-9117. 2627 ~ EASTBLUFF. view, 3 .-., 1131.5GO OpeD AI o.y Satwday 640-5560. I6U ~ om.Kio. 1H£ BLUFFS. diD. ~ 1119.100 Open SMJSun. 1·5 7594100. 7 Ru. v..r._ BIG CANYON. 'famllv room 1715.000 Open s.tJs-. l·S 759-9100. 5011 St., PENINSULA POINT, 1431.000 ~ 1..S6Sl·l400. 1511 Kloga Road. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. view, Sunday 1·5 631·1400.. 1570 Aa.lone. BALBOA ISLAND. $535..000 Sunday 1·5 631·1400. 108 Turquo6M. BALBOA ISLAND. $595.000 Sunday 1·5 631-1400. 748 VIa Udo NonL UDO ISLE. 11.995,000 Saturday 1·5 ......... 17 Mont~aey Clrde. SPYGLASS. pool and fiiiDIIy rooaa. Sundly 1·5 6M-9060. 1419,000. 105 Va.llawnnll. UDO ISLE. M45.000 Sunday 1·5 631·1400. 2127 Indian S~ Lane. BACK BAY. 1579.500 Sundlly 1-5 631·1400. 542 Harbor Island Drtw, PROMONTORY BAY. waterfroet. 11.400.000. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 675-MM. 18 ~ tu.. BIG CANYON. S1.395,000. SundaY 1·5 6M-9060. 1415 E. Bay. PENINSULA. 11.6 m.Uiion Sunday 1·5 6M-9060. 319 Mornlnfl Star. DOVER SHORES. S1,195.000 Sund.y 1·5 644-9060. 1715 Galata Terrace, IRVINE TERRACE. family room. pool. Sunday 1·5 644-9060. 133 Via Vlndrome. LIDO ISLE. S510,000 Sunday 1·5 6M-9060. 100.1006 Wat Bay. PENINSULA. 1850.000.1950.000 Sunday 1·5 6M-9060. 938 va. Lido Soud. uoo~ ssso.ooo Sun- day 1·5 MH060. 3 Nu.tr ~ SPYGI.ASS.\IIe\lal Pool, ap.. aevuor, ful eeaartty 12.295.000 Open Sun- day 11·,$ 675-6670. (2 ... I) IOOl K-.. Rolld. NEWPORT HEIGHT& ... S!J9.500 s.t/Sua. 1·5 631·1400. (4 plua 2) 116 Cryaal. BALBOA ISLAND. $578.000. Sat.JS... 1·5 631·1400. 221 P..r1. BALBOA ISLAND (2 plu 2) 1360.000 Sunday 1·5 631-14001 224 OpAl. BALBOA ISLAND (4 plu 1) M60.000 Sunday 1·5 631-1400. 408-408~ Po6naett1a. CORONA DEL MAR (2 plua S) 1272.000 Sat/Sun. 1·5 631·1400. 631·7300 631·7300 631·7!100 631·1400 631·1400 631·1400 631·1400 675-9935 631·7300 631·1400 631·7300 631·1400 631·1400 July 21, 1982 Real Estate For S. P101 15~ SPECIALS Many owners are offering substantial price ~~cash speaks" -Lower than listed price, if your offer ... we will present anything ..... reductions and terms. Some will exchange and you have cash ... Call for details and submit PE._.SUU BAYFRONT -FEE LMee Met If I ch • .-._..., YCW ..., rKht eNb.. Twe•alerr I ltactr••• plua patio aftd graanarr AaattMaltle 1 .. 1111 ot tteo.ooo. Owner will ••chango. .... , ..... , .... EXTMOMMNARY 8A YFRONT tl.ll R'l .. * JT 111 ..., "-.... _.....ON WATIJt Gr• 11'111 ~ IJ I rtr-UC ... SOUlM MYF'RONT. bch ...... tllllPII ......... ..., ....... VVo ....... .._.,".._.._a...._,.... .. 2. l'•c•aJMeca..-.. OWA ......... eHftM '""'"· MOUCIO TO: .,. IPHIII. Tl .... COURT ESTATE..-w flftwecr •••• ., .......... -............ v.... .. -....; .............. ,, ................... .....,ov. t•an*l .............. ,.....+41tM.AIMWa ........... =:=:-............... a ~u ....... -. ... ,......,.a...._ INCTACUUA-OCEANFRONT ... -o-tle....,...-...... -. • en •~•~...,_. = .......................... ,I*IIM ... .... =-.. ... . .. . .. ._ 111 c.~... ... ...... 0\-,... NEW uat..a ..0 CAMYON ...,. ., ... --.._ ......... ,,1 a ....._ + ..,. •a•l II ..................... ---•1-t-. LAKI fOREaT -eEAUTFUL-NEW EXt "• a11'tl'tl a....., ••••••~• s ....._._...a.. to c:t.\ ................ a ................ YU.YILLA aAIJOA YU.NEW EXI &......,_....._ .. ._ .... __..,..._,,......_vu .... .. •== 1,.., ... a owe._....,. .. ~ tor ....... .-.cUUTI ON QOOO STMET c. 1 21 ' .. tb u rt a at so' 1 ~ ,.... •• ltm:= .. •u ,··=,.. ............. .... ....... c.te-.a .. .. ....... OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 P.M. 2001 1(1"9• Rd, Nowpott "tal• ................................. 131e.500 117 Melina Awe,..,.., ............................................. 12'72.100 314 Metlgold, CdM .................................................... -.,000 1531 S.ronect. TerrKa, .,wine Terr .....................• 1110.000 107 .. ,_..Or, Promontcwy Pt ........................... 11.-.000 2137 E. Oc:aan, Ponln,Pt .... ., ................................... 1305...0 502 "I" Sl., Ponln.Pt. . .............................................. ...._000 ~ 1tth St., e.tboe Pontn. ·····-··-·················· .. ····· IS1t.OOO 101 TurqucMao, W . tal. ····················-············-······· SSM,OOO 700 Lido Parll Or,,.1._C_,_, V*-ea ._ ................... 1.500 111 Cryat .. , .... IOI. •••••••••••••••••••·-·-···-····-·••oo••oo•• 157a,OOO ~-401Vt PcMnaettla, Cdll ···---·--··---··········· ... un.ooo 10 Segura, nino ···--··-·-·--·--·--·····•••oo••• 1145,000 FOREVER VIEW-MDUCEDI TorrtAc ......_a..,..._.-......,"--tot oniJ ••• -........... Or .................... . ................ ~~....,,-.... .. .... ......_,._..._,__ .. ,~ ........ • FllllllMI\.T.,.. ... .-...ow-.o~......_ LOCA TIONIVULOCA TIONI ....,.adlhd~_,..._.,.. a'111 .. vu.,.., ........ ........................................ , .... taM.rM. + ~lute tNt ... Ow....-llea..ae with tood .................... .aAUlYUL aACK aAY-YU, YU lftoprtw ... ~ ............. pa,.. ... c..._.• bed.JM., .................... , .. tOI II ...... vu ....._..., .,...ur1 .... ,.... w . ........_...,a ..,,... .•.• a .......... JMpta, ............ . ,._owe••...,. .,..., .. ,..,.. ....... 11111 .._..,.,_ .......... u.. OCEA.NnONT .,._ MDUCEDI ........................ _,,. ..... ..... , .. ..., ...... 1'6 .. 0... ............. ... ..-a ... ,M .. QRC*f .... llll-w.a~ ... W. Oot t_.a_. .. ......_ VU Mo. + IMCO.. ~ ............ c..... ...... v..w ..... , • -.lti111R11•~ 1111 ..., • ..,._._...,......,._ ........ , .......... a rtf a +2EIIJ' Ill nne M41 ...... ,. ........ ··"· ................... . .... ,... DUPLEX-SO. Of COAST HWY. ,.. ............................. e.... ...... . ..... , .......... -..-.,.... 11~% -1111'1% -11~% NPT. .... NliWJ ...-... ...,. to ..., a ~ Unua...a ~ 1ft ..._ I ltM. + _.... O.Mr .._. 11~~ ............. a ........... ~,,*" ..... .................... OYIM.OOKINQ 1-MLD 8A Y M 1 •c•n•..,..... • ...,.. _ __..,... .. c:wMiftt cae1 11r•r .._. .-....., .... • I '1•11 ....,. • •• a •• -. •• n a was• 1 _.. ~ ............... 1 ,..., .. ..,,..,... T.O. .. .,. .....,..,Call..,...._l .-at-,.. LITTLE ISLA*» CORNER ~x: PNCE MDUCCO TO--OW ••c•.-tNa drMfft hofMofJited + ......... a ............... L ...... to w.-a ltNICh.. FL.EX-..E fanftL ColofMJ c:..,IIMI .. ted a..- IOYofy. BALBOA IS. CHARMER -Reducedl Clo&ft a c"ee J Mel. colt .. o wllh pello, MeMo a ........ You CM '"-law fton~ ....... MW ....... tor c..a c.d .. lftch d1d • ..... prtc:. of tai,OOO om. "J Ill Tot*~ Met eeL CUFFHAY£N-YU, YU-TERMS LeMa/~ -tndo down tof unlta ,. .,...., ew.m.. vu ....... 2 ---............ lot. PteM tor ~ .... .......... end pool linclludM '" prtc:.. 1\lbfttlt ,_ -Drtwoo a., 211101 IOn .. "-do Nowpon NEWPORT FIXER c .... MC, ~ ........ .., fnltl ...... C....iort.alb6o l bed. 2 IN, ... Rr1J11{1" ... ~ ~ end ...,.... ...... .,......a.r,...... NEWPORT -PRICE REDUCTIONJ htfM .................. ow c.ny RMnclftt. DrM b1 1425 ,.,, • .., a ceiL ..,_ DRASTIC REDUCTION """'-='*M Mel .. I 1tl ..... tiiM'a "" ....... Mel ..... , .... 1172.10& ............... -... 2 Wnft .... brtct1 ...-. Ia .... 1UY" 011 TNIIIe&.ANDf DISTRESS SALEm OtMI .,..... ... "'tniM ,.,... .... ..,. ,..... .. ... ........ M ....... ._. .................... ... .,_-Orhe .., 1sa .... naJtl TOfnCI8 & C8IL F<Mt "''ftADEUI o.-.... cftMp... ...... * .......... ...., Oteel4 --. Ia ..-. tacalar .. 01 ...._lend......,..,..., ...., ON WATER -11-.aoo. .,.......,,, 1 .................. ....., ....... ~ ......... ·-· ....... "" ..... , l-.... + ..... na. D1-~ FANTASnc 8AL.IS. DUPLEX ,~......,-., • ., ... a,'*..,--._.... ... • ..... ~~~~rtro ...... I b .............. "' ... _,. ...... lilY lt'l ............... .,. ..... 131-Mia. IMIIACUL.A T£, CHARMING DUPLEX Jwl J ...... ~teed\ , ............ ,.... ....... . weod NftMe rp~aoe. • tweh*•--. n.r. ....... a bed. ..... ..,., a ~ ..... M ..... R1 Ill lllllfJ ........ •• an.... - U YFRONT -L£AH/OP110M CateMJ'-&.....,~If ..... tar•-.. • ....... OrM., .,, o..... c..... ... -a cetlter .. ....._tt .............. ..,~••· .....,.,... ...... ,... ON THE aA Y -FEE LAND ....,,= ........................ .... • ,. •~lltM.C.....•a ... It e ...... ~...: .. ~a ............ , ....... ONT HOMES, INC .. 2436 W Co.at.e Hwy. J l5 Ma n n• AH• Balboa ' ~nd 6i3-6900 N~por18rMh 631-1 -tOO - .. ********* *** ********* e I e I t I e I I e I I 1 I I I e I I • ' ' 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 '_ ,. ' • 1 1 1 1 1 • ' 0 ' ' ' • ' 1 1 0 :_ ' ' • • • 0 1 • • • 0 • • • ' • 1 ' >. y HO EO ELLERS Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Vs. De La Cuesta .. . What does de Ia Cuesta say? Does this decision apply to state savings and loans? Ana: No. Wetleknamp la still the law with ...,..ct to state uvlnp and loan&. Does this decision apply to state banks? Ana: No. Wellenkamp Is still the taw with respect to state banka. Does the de Ia Cuesta decision apply to national banks regu- lated by the Comptroller of the Currency? Ana: No; loans originated by national banks., with the exception of _.. justable rate mortpges (originated after March 1111). continue to be goftt'Md by the Wellenkamp Me. Howeftf, proposed ruiN of the Comptrollef purport to change this with~ to.,..,.,.... occuntng after the adoption of..,... praposed ,.__Note: TheM rules"-" NOT been adopted yet. C.A..R.'s Legal DIYtalon la presently studrlng the proposed rules and witt Inform you as to their findings and whether ~uch PfOPOMd ru ... ara ultlma ... y adopted. Does this decision apply to other lenders such as private or othet st•telnstltutlonal lenders? Ana: No. TM W..........., Nle _...Ita utenalon In O.wn lmeatment proNblts automatic enlon:ement olcli&le on .... prowtalana. Does the type of property Involved affect the federal sarlngs and loans right to aceelet•te the lo•n under the de Ia Cuesta d«islon? Ana: No. Tha type of ~ lnwolwcl "' the trMaactloft --not man.., cl~.ln t.ct, tM ~held by Mr. c1e Ia Cuesta •• cOINMfdal ~· Does this decision alfect a la.n originated bJ a non·federal lendet that ufUmatelr wlnela up In the ltands ol a ledelal leader ' by virtue of mel(let, conretSion, etc •. ? -~ • Does this decision affect loans originated by federal savings and loans and JMSSed on to state lenders by virtue of merger. conwersion, etc., or otherwise transfened or sold into the secondary mortgage market (Fannie llae, Freddie Mac)? Does this thtctslon apply to loana oflelnated by lecleral urings and loans prior to July 1171 (the elfectl•• date ol .,.. FHL88 regulation upon which the Supreme Coutf relies In Wa e ... )? Ana: Yes; In teet. two of the dMdl of trust In question to ttU cae ... loana originated prior to the Jvly 1171 etteethe date of tM FHL88 ,.._uaatlona. How does one determine wlteUter a uvl~~gs and loan wu 01 IS federally OISUte cltvte,_., WINtt propolflon ol e~JsUno mottgage loans are affected tar the de Ia Cuesta declalon? Will t.detal N'flllp aod loMa aU.-to tMe tJtei,......,_. liP to Ute mattet r•te of ffttelMt CNI ,.,...,. ,. ••• fnla.eflollat