HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-28 - Newport Harbor EnsignWIE -Paclo dl :;:: nc...-1 > ......... :... r:::r:::l ~ I") \Ot.l;:" N -0' z 0' ~ ...... ""d ;-' Artist Bay n Local Residents Queried On 00 SeePogeB Sodal Coverage See Harbortites For Latest Parties See Page 12 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 51 (114) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL Of NEWPORT AND CORO NA OIL MAR • WEDNESDAY. JULY 28 1982 • 25 CENTS PoUtlcal Future Is In Doubt by Lelcmd Po"-Dd State S.nalor John Schaul&' politic.I career ll effecbvely over lollOWUlg revelabons that M lAthered two children by a ~ eecretary of the CahJor- ai.a Repuhhcao Auembly an the lut two yean. Both npporten and op- pooent.l oJ the ultra-conservative &.publican were surpriaed and daocked by the revelations. Bill Butcher, who baa run ~a&ny polit.aca.l e&mpaJgns, com- m.nted tb.at Schauta would have • cWticult bme ... ktng offace aQ&iD hec&U.M be b.u b.ued b~t~ career 10 heevlly on many iaai.ly-onented Aebvab .. and politica.l I8UM State S.n. H L. lbchard.IOn, co-mented tb.at the atuallon ..,. Jib • lack LD the atomach. "''1aia .ure pro• .. the t..UllHhty ~ all of u.a, '' he commented The mother oJ th• two children, Carla Verne Stuclde o f Tutio, wu a.rr•ted Wonday Di9ht on chargu of felony cbtld ~ by Tu.atio police LD con- nec:bon with mJun• to the penu ol 0.. elder c btld, a 13-month· old boy. The paterDJty cue came to light when the boy wu taken from hll mother lut week by a cou.nty Supenor Court Judge who a&~d that Scbmata bad call- ed bun requ .. hng that the c bald be rele.ued to the cu.atody of 1ts mother and admJthng patem1ty to the Judge lt wu later rev .. led that Schm.itz appean on the butb cerubc.at .. of the older boy and Stuck.le'a younger c bald, a gul born ju.t a few w"ka ago, as the lAther The c:hi1d ahUM charge came about u the r•ult of the lDJUry to the cJWd, Ill wbacb • bau or threed nMrly eevered the penll Schmlta blamed the IDJUry on • babysitter whom polace are Mekang bot whoee name 111 Wlbown Schmal& Mad abe wu an older woman from New York wboee name came from • Mnaor c abaeu center hiring board. Scb.auta, who has been in polahcs 18 yMn, including terms an Coogr .. and the State SenAte and • run lor the presldency, wu dete.ted 10 a try lor the Unated Stat• S.nale lut June. lb. SUite Senate term runa out in December w1th Ius dltltnct be- LDCJ pu..d out by re.pporbon- JDeDt He b.u long been 1d.ntabed witla the John llrcb Society and wtt!a couarvetlve polltJa He .... •upported the uu .. borhon WHW .. Jlt and U. baeD a booller oi pro-aa.&ly c.uea ESCAPE ARTIST Mike Griffin demonstrated hts sitilts by allowtng himself 'O be trussed. above mast, an several patrs of locked handcuff:. and leg trons -then after SIX mmtues and 20 seconds m a locked closet. emerged. above. free of has bonds So.aff Ol'loa •s b~ Ba<r> SIQbon Escape Artist To Jump Into Bay-Padlocked by Nancy Hardlng Mike Gnffm loves gettang Lnlo bu. wo rk-toto c hama, an- to h&Ddcuffa, mlo ropes, mto leg arons The secret of h1S succesa 1s thai he gets out, w11ho ul the aKi of lteys o r any other tools Gnffm a 21-year-old .elf styled "escape arhat" who c laJms h1s c areer beqan some 15 years ago (yes, thai would ma_lre bun 6). has planned a typacaJ fun outing next month He wants to be wrap ped m 20 feel of c ha1n and padlocks and thrown mlo Balboa Bay He expects to surface sans c haana and amahng "It aU star1ed when 1 was lave or aaa years old ." the young Costa Mesa resadent recalled duung a recent m - tervaew "My brotbet used to he me up Wllh ropes-and I could always get away " It wasn't untal lua seruor year at Ram of the World Hlgb Schol LD Lake lu- rowhead, he sa1d, thai be reah~ed blS talent m1ght be wo rth some money He per formed a sha11 ta cket escape (ahhouqh some people rrugbt contend that be should have been leU LD the taclret) at a school talent show a nd laun- c hed bus somewhat zany c areer Gnffan admals hll parents (Cont.Jnued on paQe 3) Fun Z Redevelopment G•lns Council Approval Plana to redevelop the Balboa The problem of pumpang on the grounds tha t 11 was too Fun Zone were approved by the water out the gTound wh1le the large and that an earthquake Caty Cou.ncll Nonday DJght, but u.nderqround parlr.t.ng struc ture could topple at not without a Uvely puhhc heu-wlucb will be parhally below the Most opponents agreed that ing and councll c:L..cu..ion. water table, was butlt was a rna some type of redevelopment wu The councu fmal.ly vot.d bve JOr a.uue. needed an the area but that tlua y•, one no and one a.b.ta.uung Sue Ficker told the counctl proJect was too large Mo.t at aa.idnigbt to (JlVe the goa.head that the dewatenng could k1ll wanted to see at reduced a story to the project, under co011dera-... hJe becaUM of the addahon o r some of the underground tion for many montha by the ca-oJ chlorme to pumped water and parlunq ehm1na1ed. ty. that a lot of pollutiOn would be Councilwoman Rutbelyn Proponents oJ the prOJect, cau.Md. She pomted to two other Plummer tned to get the council which included many local prOJecU wluch she ~&~d had to assess the developer $27,000 c itiaens, generally e.xpreued caused ma.ny problems duung a lor a study of trafuc and a poui- approval of the d.eugn and look dewatenng program ble tram system on Balboa of the bwlchng, wluch will bont The problem of no1ae !ro m Boulevard and also to pay a tan the b.ay Just west of the Balboa pumps pumpang water 24 hours share of the coat of such a tram. Pavilion per day dunng the construction She also wanted to e.l.urunate one Opponent. of the prOJect penod was .U.O brought o ut of the two levels of underground generally conceded at was a Mo.t restdenta apealnng an parlung beauWu.l bwld:mg but a&~d at favor of the prOJect pomled out The councli reduced the wu Ju.at too large lor the &rea that the Fun Zone wu asseument to $15,000 Wlth the Before the li.oal YOte, the detenorab.ng and wu not the developer's concurrence, coun.cll knocked down propoaab M.JU u the play arM agreed that be should be....,... to tie the pro;.ct to a tum 1'811Dembered from put decades ed tor the tram on the buu of system, to relocate the pro~ Noat aaad th«v dJd not g~ • 'lEt square foot•qe oi tbt' ferria wheel onto the builchng there ADd would not allow theu bu1lda.nq on a pro-rata hula with 11te, to elJ.aunate one of two chtldren to go there becau ~ of other property owners, and kept level. of underoround pa.rkmg, cnme and drug problems the two story parlung qarage and to ehmaoate o utl.ane Llgbtmg Cyntb1a O.U a memb.r of tne Mayor Pro~tem Evelyn Hart whlch aught complete Wlth the HuniJDgton Beach E..nv Honme n pavilion tal Board, opp<»ed the p rOJect (Continued OD ~ SJ) M De Home Overlay Orclerecl Anud c harg .. that the c1ty was boWlDg to the demand. of mobale home park re11denta, the Cary Counc tl voted Monday rugbt to place a mobale ho me park overlay zone on the O.An- u N oblle Home V allege Both Olck Hoqan and atto rney Tom Peclr.t.npaugb, repr ... ntmg the O.Anz.a Corp wb1ch owns the park protested the place meal of the new zorung on the property A c rowd of over 150 re11denta of the park showed up to allently show theu support for the pro poeed aonang, wbach ..Uows only a mob1le home parlt on the pro perty The park, located at S.,ysade and Coa•l Hlgbway, 11m a planned commumty zone but no plan for the area baa ever been preMnted to the c aly Four Out NOJDina Several rae .. are ahapanc;J up ID the Newport Beac h'• coun c almanac elechona alated for tbta fall All four ancumbenta .. ave Hoqan N.ld that the compa nv dad not a t thll ttme mtend to draw up a plan but that 11 may do so m the future He Sdad that placement of the overlay t one on the proper1y would maltt> 11 harder for the property ownt'r tc ch&Dge the use of the propertv Residents of tbe parlt e1tht>r hold long term leases granted tr. 1969, wh1ch expae an 1984 t 1985 or are an the parlr r " year to-year h4sls Accordmg to anforma:aor. pa.-.d around m 1969 the leases were supposed to be renewable to the vear 2013 and the muter lease from the lrvme Co says the use wtll be a mobtle home J.ldrk unral 201 J Hoqan sa1d that d tht> new zon1ng were applied '"' tht> p11 .. ' perty 11 would g1vt> •hP restden t~ a tal.. .. nae of st>cua 1tv that thl:" del W.r C1v1c A.s.soc1a lton Thr .. ca ndidates mcl• .. dtnq the mcumbenl ha.-e •:.ict>n ou t papers LD Otalnct Four altho ugh none have yet hled Mayor Jack1e Heather hm de Boom, ezecutave daredor of the local YWCA, and C larence I Turner, all may compete fo r the .... ln Dutnct One. tncumbent Donald Strau. and Norman R Loata, formerly an aaaltllant auperintent wtt.b the Newport W... Unthed School Olstnct. beve taken out nomanahoo ~n Lo.ta b.u hved LD Newport leach 21 yMrl and hu been ac:bYe Ill the Chamber of Com· erce, the SSl Club at Hoeg Hc.pita) and V&tlOUI ot .. er CIY'C OJV&Iliuhons All "-u iac:umbenta were IMc-t.l loU.. councU lour yeana ~.Hut, Strau. and Hu.nuael b tM llrM tUM ud HeaU..r I park would remam Ill operahon untd 2013 wher 1n fact 11 m1ght ~ot Cour.cd members agreed that the "verlav would not guarantM the e :a:tslt>rce of the park but felt t was necessary to help ansure the presen-t> of a vanety of hOUSing types an lbe City Th£" stall potnted out thai <.e"etal othP· mo b1le home parlt.s r. thP Cl'\ were also u nder con~ ... ,dt>rataon lor th1s rezonmq Councalman John Cox voted aq \ln~t tht> tont> change say1ng that 11 ...,._uld not make any daJ- ferf"n C£' m tht> expara hoo ol the 1 t><!SE'S tn 1985 wh1ch was a Cl val mat'»r bE>tWet>n the propertv ,,wnt>r 1nd ht> rea1dents Howt>ver other counc1l mt>mbt>rs felt d1 Herently and ll t'\!Pd lc apphwe the toDing by .\ 6 I mdtQin Pap t Wed.DIIIlCIJ. July 21. ·-n. Newport Eulp edlcal Center Contract OK'd The Boant of Supervieors voted 4-1 y•terclay, wllh Super· vieor Roc;rer Stanton d.iaeentinc;r, to approve a new flat-f .. con· tract arranc;rement with UC lr· vine Medical Center in OTanc;r• throuc;rb 1985 to provide medical care for the county'• mdic;rent poor. The UC rec;rent• have already authoriled P'res1dent David Sax- on to approve the arranc;rement provided it bu been cleared by the rec;rents' lec;ral counsel. The contract .. tabuahes a basic $12.6 IDlllion charc;re to the county for the Mrvaces an fiscal 1982-83 and another $400,000 for operahon of the Community Cliruc of Change County in San- ta Ana. The county wall pay a baste fee for each type of medical servace-$2.5 mtllion for b.ulc outpatient emerc;rency services, $6.7 million for mpatient emerc;rencaes, and up to $1 .32 million for professaonal servaces of doctors and technacaans. Followinq a lonc;r feud, the county cancelled an Mrlier con- tract with UCJNC 10 wluch the two hac;rc;rled for monthl over thoUI&Dd.s of billa charc;red bet· ween 1976 and 1979. Bruce Neatande, chamnan of the Boant of Superv1.10r1 and while an Aiaeziil>ljinan author of the leqialation purchasinc;r Oranqe County Medical Center for UCI, neqotiated the new contract. The county ac;rnted to a $13.75 million payoU to settle old debta. Reforms an the state's Meda· Cal system for health care pro· vide lor counhes to set up thear own plans. That gives Orange County leveraqe for qethnc;r out of als new contract aJ necessary, Neatande told the Los Angeles Times. "U the situabon at UCIMC becomes archatc . we're m a position to develop our own health plan," Nestande said. "I see tbas as a bec;rinninc;r and a bic;r improvement over the pa.at but it ia DOl a pallaCM, j\l.lt a atep forward and chance to bec;rin with a clean alate." Stanton ezplai.oed hia rejec· hon of the contract propoMl in a 1tatement that read, in part, "BaNd on a review of the pro· posed new contract. . .I have c;rreat concerns that the county hu made conceuiona that would c;rreally hamper ill ability to monitor and control expen· diture1 of pubhc funds." An additional recommenda- tion by Stanton, approved by his fellow supervuors, calla for the county's contract administrator to report back to the board by December 31 with a comparison of actual and estimated patient caaeloacb. That provision, said Stanton asde Suzanne Victor, will allow the county to re-evaluate its contract wath an eye .toward reopening neqotiations or seek· inc;r health care services from the private sector. Fun Zone (Contillued hom pec;re 1) wanted to relocate the p.ropoeed ferria wh"l from ill approved location on the bayfront to a poeition Wlthin the bu.Udi.nc;r lite, a reqwrement thAt the developer maintained would de1troy the project Iince the buildinq would have to be com· pletely redelic;rned. Her motion failed. Councilman Don Strau.u wanted to eliminate outlme lic;rhlino from the buildinQ 1ince it would compete with the Pavilion. His motion alto loet. St.rauu ended up abstaininc;r on the final vote of approval, sayinc;r be liked 10me upecll of the project but could not sup· port othen. Councilman Paul Hummel voted in opposttion to the pro· ject, saymg it wu too larqe for the aile. The developer, JBS Develop· ment, bas proposed a three-story buildinq with a two-story underqround parkinQ qarage for the site. The ferris wheel would be kept Ml &t a cllHerezat 1~­ tion 011 tile bay. The II ar am Ooor of the builcl.i.DQ ..W include vwllor MniD9 S. dltti.. ncb u ..-..uru~~~ ad ....U .aop.. The MCOild Soor would include of· fice ~. wtule the top Door would have a r•taurant and a bar. Traffic problema on Balboa .J Stu~ (ContiD.u.ed from pac;re 1) a turn for tlle worse. Tb ... are among the late1t findinc;ra hom a research team at UC Irrine that bu been study- inc;r the eft.cb of economy on people'• mental and phy1acal health. The finclinc;ra are taken from more than 6,000 intervaew1 wtth to. Anc;rel• County resadenls from 1978 to 1980. The study, part of • m-yea_r proJect funded by the National lnshtute of Men· tal Heal~ b directed by Dr. Ralph C.talano and Dr. Davad Dooley, both a.saociale pro· lessors of social ecoloqy at UC Irvine. and the .oluUon of • bam .,.tem .. ,e c:lilcu.aed by the council. The tram would nul up and down the boulevard to trauport Yl&iton from a central parkinc;r arM lo the ~- The project ia tM latett oJ many which have been propoeed for the aite. None of the others ever wu approved by the city or ever developed. Und .. irable job-related and financial event• refer to the followinq U..t: job firinc;r, mor· tc;rac;re forecloeu.re, buaineu lou or failure, financial lou, decrMM an waqes, major item repoueued, c;roinc;r on w.UUe, movinc;r to a l .... r residence, change to a teaser job, demotion at work, trouble with bou, trou· ble with fellow workers, unemployed more than 30 days and difficulty payinc;r billa. Catalano and Dooley noted that allneu and injury incre.ued rec;rardleu of ac;re, sex or socao· economic qroupinqs. Also, when other potentially stressful expenencea were controlled, the mcrease in illness and injury still occwred. Bayside & Jamboree • Newport Beach B&'SIDE ~ PHARMA~ 760-0111 • Comp6ete photo dept. • omce and Scnoot • Tova, games, beach suppt1es • Magazines, Paperbacks • Cosmetics • Free deUvety ______ , _________ , $1.00 Off I $2.00 OFF • I ~ retl Pt8SCf~tion I Al'r( new 01 tfonsf8fred p(escnptlorl wlttl c~ Vdld untt Q-J0-82 with coupon L Void unh 9·30-82 • -------------------- p CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK LINDA J. NELSON V1ce President-Manager BAYSIDE OFFICE l090 8ay$ide Or1ve/P.O. Box 345 Newport Beach. Colfomio 92662 (714) 7~ l081 We Treat Yo..x Clothes wtth lovtng Core • lloadaoJd 1 .... .,. ............. c ..... o. •DrapayOe••• •Spe±...,las.Jb 6" PotAirl VIolets • 760-0SSO OPEN6DAYS Rf.SIDEHT1.AL • NARIHt INTERIORS GIFTS • ACCESSORIES 710-0111 Semi-Annual Clearance 1/3 TO 1/2 OfF RepubllauaF Tenth Another 10-yH r mt.lutooe lD the hiltory of l rvtne wu rHcbed S.turd.y when the South C oast RepubUcan Forum, one of the old .. t poUbc al grOUpi 1n the Cl· ty, celebrated ita firat d ecade with a pic nic at Deerfield Park. SCRF Ul "a PQlihcally achve evenmg eoctal c lub for Orange County Repubhcana." • The group mcludes not only Irvine residents but also counts Repubhcans from El Toro, Laguna Hilla, MiuJon VieJO, Ca.ta Mesa, Westminster, Newport Beach, Santa Ana and Lagun a Beach among als membership . It La a far-reach!ng group but 111 roots a re firmly 1n Irvme , where tl began 1n the months followtllg t.Dcorporahon here 10 December 1972. SCRF beqan the follow1ng May and June, accordtng to c ur· rent actmg pres1dent Barr Flet- c her of Turtle Rock. SCRF members had been part of Andy May's C1ty o f lrv1ne Now pro -incorporation group. To form a contmuinq organu:a - lion, they united behind Joh n Burton , founder of the mam pro· incorporation qroup, Counc1l of the Commun11tes oflrvme Bu r· ton was a c harter C1ty Council member a.nd !.ter lrvt.De mayor. SCRF bec&.nle the "Scrufli ... " Lucy Fletcher, wife of Bur, gave the qroup the Dame becauM, abe w d, it wu euler tha.n aayinq "SCRF." SCRr s board oJ direct ora lbu year includes Barr Fletcher. Bill Bad:-.r, Dor .. .o Be11ton, Lee Heina, Bob Thomaa, Bonnie BobUg, LyDll Turner and John Burton. SCRF features "speakers, worbhops, wo rk parties, phone banb, potluck.a, wine tutings, dmnera, ball gam .. , picnics, beach parltea, frienda, work a.nd fun ," accordtng to a brochure prepared by the qroup. The brochure Qoes on to aay the qroup's future "is unlimited. There are candidat• to support, ca.mpaiqna to run, petiti0111 to cu culate, voters to register. spe&kers to bear. iaau• to study, decisions to b. made, new fn enda to meet, fun in it all, and always the Scruffy Folhes." The latter Ul an annual ahow spoohn q the political scene. Tlus year's 1s scheduled O.C. 3. To JOin the "Scrulli ... " c all 552-0707 o r write Box 18144, Iz. vme 92713. RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .•.. At World of Moulding You Will Find ' • Moulding -I Hardwooda 1 Sottwoodai- •VIctorl an Fretwork -Chair Raila -Fi nial a - • Decorative 1 Plain Corbela -Baaea - •Ceiling Moulding -Bar Raila - • Stair Pa rts -I Oak & Hemlock I - •Butcher Bl oc k Topa - •Ceiling Medalli on•- •Wood Tur nl nga -L D • And lots More -Come '-+--+---+-+-+-+-HIIf On In And See Ua I ULDING 3 109 5 Mam 5t . Sant& AM (Coat.unaed &o. peQe 1) W.Ma'l ~ly lapreaed by bw cpjt tor ..a.plaa. •on.., Mid, "rUt's real neat; DOW _,b., doe't you go to col- lege ?'" he remembers. "But I wu alreedy ob.eued by what I wu doiD.g." The young eecape ar1ist's falh.1, a s-Ychiatrist, was able to make a contnbutton to hts 80D's extenaive calaloque of prope: a strait jacket fr om the old Alcatru prison . Grifhn says be can wriggle out of any type of jacket m.a.nufac tured. Other oddments of law en- forcement bLatory are repre.nted t.D GnH:m's collec - tion of r•b&ints; be baa han.d- cufta formerly u.Md by nn &Qenla, old-fuhtoned dead.bolt l49 iron.a u well u the newer style worn by suc h felons a.s Gary Gil.moze, and Amencan Alld foreiQD manacles of seem· ingly eteape-proof desiqn. E.c:ape-proof, perhaps, for Bl'.IUiti•Jih i "0:1 ' c n mma ls, but nol for Gnfl an He chu ms he ca n bre&k tr .. of a hnosl any type of bonds By way of prooJ, b ctllowed a reporter to searc h htm, then tru.u hw wra.ts and upper arms 1n aeven cLffereol palls of hand c uffs and 1rons He lhen relued to a da rk closet a nd emerqed, less than seven mtnules later. wtth a handful of cults and c bams danghng loose The secrets of Grtff1n 's escape prowess a re not for publ1c v1ew 109 But he adm1ls that a key eleme nt 1s the ab1hty to dtslocate fmqer . wnsl and sh oulder JOinls After h1gh school, Grtfh n lsv ed m R1vers1de lor a whde, ma.k- IDQ regular vss1ts to Hollywood m hopes of attracting the pro verb1a l lame and fortune "I was 18 years o ld strugghnq real hard to get some recoqn1 han." he sa1d "Then I dsd a show a t the Los. Angeles P ress C lub, a od tha t led 10 some mall appearances But there wasn't much work 10 be had 1n Caltlo rn1ct. so 1n 1980 Gnffm left lor Oklahoma The Ne wport Erutagn Wednesda y . July 21. ltt2 Pave 3. There, he says, be became a m&nor ce lebrity, dotnq escape shows at amt.Laement park., b reaJu nq out of a st .. l )all c ell for local televuuon. malunq underwater escapes fo r mqhtclub and telethon au d &ences In Marc h 1981 he appeared on the nahonaJ vers1on of "P M Maqazme," then dtd 13 weelr..s of shows fo r ch1ld,ren on a loca l Dallas TV stahon At last, he felt, he was ready to return to Hollywood But matant fame 1n a town full of the lllBtan.tly famous has not been easy for G n fhn to hnd He ha.s done shows at Hollywood's Maq1c Castle and a Las Veqas hotel, but, he adnuls, "Th mqs have been k1nd of la1d back fo r the la.st e1qht months o r so " However. G nfhn 1s not the sort to le t thmqs stay la1d bac k He IS a tall, well-bu1lt young man who combmes dehberale charm, sh ow-b1z hustle and a certain amount of g leeful na1vete. He hkes to tell about the ltme he wu ndmq 1n a frtend'a limo and waa muilaken for "Ouk• of Hazzcud" l ieu Jon Schne&d.er Or about h1s new theatn caJ com- pany "Stctrv1n9 Actors P roduc 11ons. ·• wh1c h he modestly b1lla as "perhap• the greatest Ill the world " And If the c &ty g1ves h1m a perm&t, he's qomg to be th rown off the top of the Balboa f erry tnlo the bay on Auq. 16 O f course, there's the poss1b1ltty tha t he won't come up. smdmq or other-w1se "The most 1mporta.nl thms;, I've learned , IS never 10 pamc ," Gnfhn sa ys of hts escape stunt' "The re have been a c ouple o f close ca lls, hm4ts I had to breathe rea l slow But I'm not afrasd You have to stay c alm no matter wha t happens " And whsle he watts, G nJhn has a httle rope tn ck tn m1nd to I keep tumseU busy He says he wtll offer Sl ,OOO to anyone wbo I can he h1m up 1n ropes so that he can't escape And be d oesn't plan 1o lose the money "What I rea lly love," he qwps w1tb a showma n's sm1le , "1s to ge l wrapped up 1n my work." •A.NNI \I lK ~.<\K'Y •IHitllt'l "' · 1\\llt \11••'\ ~A.~'f lHI,(,, l \[( l II\ I' "111111'\1 ' OlJa lOTH ANNI\IltiAIIY stR\1,..,(. THI lO( o\l .\Ill \ Sale! SAVE 30«ro ON SELECTED BIKINIS NOACK TROPHY Reg. s 26.00 rtow a 1 a.oo 170 E 17th Stref . No 11 7 ( o .. ta ''"'.i (across from Von s Shoppm~ ( enlt'r 646 -~J4J Dreams do come true., when you see a realtor loz that first KENT HI· PRO TIRES, LTD. ----iJHE TIRE EXPERT;s...--..... ''The lowest prices in the Harbor Area'' FREE MOUNTING • FREE ROTATION IIKUllll l y If liOODIICM Slfll iiiAOW WIITlWAU Mastcrchar(c Vts.a 8-5 Daily 10 · 2 Saturda.) Clo.ed Sunday l&elwHft [)yer~ M..cAnllw011 S M&.n S.) home! ltAELLI P-7 20 5/50 VR15 $179.50 225150 VR 15 $205 285140 VR 15 $250 .345135 VR 15 $295 205155 VR 16 $209 225/50 VR 16 $221.50 265/50 VR 16 $251 AR NCT 205160 HR 15 $115 205160 VR 15 $134 2.35/60 VR 15 $141 205 155 VR 16 $169 725150 "Q 10 $1'19 •••• LLI P-6 195 /60 HR 15 $112 205/60HR 15 $115 205/60 VR 15 $136 215/60 VR 15 $154 235 /60 VR 15 $171 • ... 'fill " ..... ... ) \.. .,.. 558-7772 SEE OUR REAL ESTATE SECTION • M0dulor :, "'t't' s Exp.erl •1urx:l' ng Guor.J"''t-e ', Dornoge • ·• • \Ork ~-. 4t..OO me:.t COf\-7PTA $191 225150 VR 15 $211 205,55 VR 16 $221 725 1 50 VR 16 $2.&2 •:· -.. " '-1' .,. ..,. • w• n · .,.. u · ••• . . .. --~· SHH Ill TED JOfl twoiiTS II' II' II' I • It' .. WCMUII ZI STH l iU TED ...... •• \0 ' \1 ,, \0 .. " j • ... .,. .... 711 w. 17th St. Costa Mesa 642·5707 .. (CORNER Of POMONA 8ETWHN P\AC£NT1A • SlftR10R-SUIT£ A) TU • nouues ro•or r~f .J '\:l . ·eoock ny tron• ..... n~t' ~ 1' Cl L MOST CARS FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC 4 cyl.$39.95 • 6 cyl e95 • 8 cyl 9.95 e e MOSTCARS • PARTS AND LABOR e AU WORK 'GUARANTEED e TRAI NED MEC HANICS 301 East Coast ttghway Newport leoct'l 67~11 C PO ~VSIO( Vl & ~H) Pug. 4 We<IDMclay, July U . 1Be2llut Newport Enaign Turning Its Back Traditional waste disposal methods. such as the use o f landfills, apparently will be the trash dtsposal method m Orange County for many years to come. W ith the county scrapping any plans for experimenla- hon with waste-to-energy technology, local canyons will continue to fill wtth mllhons of tons o f trash, local roads will be clogged wtth trash trucks and local governments will be burdened wath the cost of repairing road damage caused by heavy vehicles. Irvine will be the next ctty to be mflic ted with heavy trash truck traffic as the county moves to condemn the Bee Canyon landhll stte m the htlls above the ctty. Not only will this move cost Irvme greatly m noise and air pollution, not to menllon polluted water runoff, it will cost surroundmg c thes extra money smce thetr trucks will have to drive greater dtstances to dtspose o f their trash. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa c urrently use the Bonita Canyon landfill above Harbor View Htlls for their trash disposal. Thts factltty will close when Been Canyon opens, forcmg longer dnves to get nd of trash. All of this did not have to be. There are alternate methods of dasposmg of trash, in- cluding burning it for energy or recycling large por- tions of it . Currently there are plans tn Long Beach and o ther Los A ngeles County cthes for plants to burn trash. If they can get the approval of the au quality board, they might be m operation by 1985. Orange County, ho wever, has turned its back o n suc h possibilities. W ith no plans to constder alternaltve energy dtsposal methods m the near future, the county, and its citizens are left w1th landhlls and then attendant costs and difficulties. It is hme the county took the blinde rs o ff , sto pped blaming au pollution problems for not lookmg at alter- nate disposal methods, and s tarted sen ous studtes o f waste convers10n programs. If we don't start now. 1t wtll be years befo re the coun- ty can free 1tself o f the constant search for new canyons to fill w1th trash. -Lf Governmental Representatives followmo cue the addresses for oovernmental representa tivea aerv1no the Newport Beach area; STAT£ SENATE John G Scbmllz 36th Dutrrcr 4600 Campus Dr Newport Such CA 92660. 979-9670 STATE ASSEMBLY Ma11an 8"'~"" ra 4'>01.• C' ••t 1 • Dr.ve. Sutt .. 144 NE'w~ " B• 1 ' CA Q2660 (7 ,4 M I 741. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Thomu f Ruey D1s1uc1 S H411 of Admrn1•1tatron. 10 C1v1c Cenr•r Plua, S&nta Ana . CA 9270, 834-3550 UNITED STATES CONGRESS Robert E Badham 40th DISIIIC'I 1649 Westclrff Newpon Beach, C A 92660 631 0040 UNITED STATES SENATE AI"'' Cr.tnston 10960 Wdslure Blvd Room 920 Los Anqeles CA 90024 (21 3) El24 7641 S I Havalcaw.t 52.l W bth St Suue 812 Lus AnQele~ CA 9001 4 21J) 688 ?081 CITY COUNCll Mayo r a.nd Crty Cou.nc d Newpon Beach C11y Hall 3300 Newport Blvd Newpqrt Beach CA 92663 THE TELEPHONE POLL 1 Thill wee.k'a qu.eatlon; There will be no nng There 1s no need to talk. The "hang up" sound you bear lS your vote beang recorded. What as yo ur opm10n of Secretary of lntenor James Watts' recent dec.saon to a ll•JW offshore oal dnllmg leases off • ,f t.b~ Orange Coast? Last week'• que.tlou~ To YOte YES. call 175-4MO. Do you auppor1 the cew csty ordinanc• on video c;,am .. p&u .d Monday ntc;,ht? (S.. 1tory on P49• 2) To YOte NO. call 675-7020. Call anyhme between now &.Dd 8 • m. Monday to cast your vote. RICHARD BRONNER BOB PAYSON ST"EV£ HADLANO LELAND POUND BURT SIMS BILL SIMPSON fRAN It MANNINO ROBI:RT FRA.NK, JODY BEC K£fl MARCUS DIETZ. C HRISTOPHfR LYNCH BARRY SlOBlN •nd ST£VEN A CANC IAN ALAN M SCHOtF YES NO 66 % 34% , ... t l .. t, ... Cu puhl"h' 1 v .. n.,tal Man.tQ•, Edtt.' (. .. ntttbuunq Edti(Jt 1\llv"'"'""l o.,,.. lt•l s,.,.,,. M•n•Q• 1 R.,r,.,,.," s, .. H,, Repurt•r Ph"''><~r pl'te• Pr ,.J,., IH•ra M•n•ct•u ,, ......... , , 1 I UC\~ .1 .,, -.«~ •••• ,.... • ... ,. 1"1""' I It' 1 "' , ... ,,, ... ,_ ,._, ••• w., • ' ... ~ 'T\ t ..... •• , '"• t "" '" t f1htr •1• 1)• • ,. I ( • I I I • 1~.4"''* n ...... ,. ',. .... ~ r ... f1v.bht " it -I I ""-,•, ~.,.._,, •· '~~~t H-H •I • NfA 'W • ••• ,,,._~. ... ..... t . ... .. .. ......... l J . , ·•' ... '"'. ; .... t• ft..--o~f ....... ft. ~ , ........ &..t t,. t lthow• •• , I o1 .... ..,,...,..._. ~l ••l i.uu.-,. ~ '• _., ... ~ .. ..... ,_ ..... . .......... -·-!'l.bl ... " • ., ......... . • • " f• I C t .. ,.,.. I t • t t1011f f, 01 ,,. • f ..... .. " .. ,. ' t t ~~.,.,.,.,, ..... ~~'"''c: ..... ,~,..._.of t.t •r-•tf.,, .... , ~· ........ ,, ('~.pi ttr 211 -- I JOURNALISTS I JOURNAL I by Jim Felton In an old copy o f Artzona Highways, well-thumbed m a denhst's otfice, a letter to the edator read: "I deeply ap· precaale your helpmg my sould to smale ." It was a n&ce line and 1 envied the writer, a Ned Wallace of Charlotte, S.C .. and 4 few hours later 1 met and spent some hme wath a person whose pnnctpal function these days 1s help1ng souls to smtle. Her name IS Marge-Marge S1monds-and she has one of the warmest smues and two of the most penetraltng dancing eyes I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Letters To The Editor Marge S1monds as a poet, a phllosopher. a pundit, a very deep thanker and a counsellor of the h1ghest magnatude. She also 1S a rare wat. How she can be so vavad and ahve and full of im- pash wat , I'll never know, because Marge Sunonds 1s paralyzed from the neck down. Scare Tactics To the Ed.ttor: Your June 16 editorial "The Old Boy Network" caught my at- tention. Whale I applaud your concern over the scare tactics used by government dunng the Prop 13 campaign and its general reluctance to accept the spml of cost reduchon passage of that ac t embod&ed, I think you mtssed the mark m much of your edtlonal where you neglected to venfv your facts. Such JOUr - nalism does a great disservace to your puhhc, the majonty of whom want to accept your wnllng w&tbout havmg to worry c1bou t 1ts lrutbfulnes.s. OpJDions Me yo ur own, but the facts belong to the reader. Spec1fically I call attenhon to your c harge that "the Metropohtan Water OlStnct of Southern Caltfornaa (MWD) Boc1rd authonzed milhons of dollars to persuade Southern Cc1hforn•ans to vote yes" (on Prop . 9 relating to construction ol the Penpheral Canal). As a public agency they could not and chd not do thts. As a water use, taxpayer, voter, and citizen how I wash they could have. It would have been money well spent You accuse them of usang contnhuhons fro m vanous an- leresis needang the canal (presumably mcludrng John Q . Ctttzen). lor propaganda pur- poses A c hed of the facts wall show that contnbuhons ln. sup- port of the canal went to - Cahzens lor Water, a group of concerned md1v1duals, not to MWD The packagmg of the canal obv1ously massed the mark. The hurkslers perhaps were too for- th rtght m pred1cllng a fo reseeable shor1age not tar lD the future when there no loooer rs enough water to go around. We w11l all get to be lD on the proof of these pre<hchons smctt, unfortunately, our water supply m Southern Cahforn&a can't multiply lake the bread and ftshes of old I hope 111 ct lulu re assue you wdl gtve your readers some pos111ve alternahves AJiiER you have chec ked the facts. You will ft nd that MWD's pre<hchons of water shortages aren't scare tac- hes after all Over the yean they've done a pretty good )Ob u f t1u1etly gethnQ ua pt.nty of good, econom1cal water w&thout harmmg our neaghbors elsewhere m the stale They can cunhnue at we wtll only let them. Prl)p. 9 Hunter T Cook, P E Consultmq Enc;rmMr Coro n.t ct.l W.r To the Edator An .dtto ttal entttl.d ... The O ld Boy Network." •PJ*lflD9 ln the June 16 lAue o f 7lJe M wporl EnSJgn hu iuat come to my attention. It ta nf• Wltb e.rror and lead. your readen to a con· cJu&Joo bawd on utnueodo and faltobOOtCb . The Wetropolttan Water Daalract bo.rd ne"r a\llhonnd th• tp4tndanQ ol m.tlhorq ol ,, doll.us to try to persuade Southern Ca.hJornians to vote yea on Prop. 9 . No puhhc funds were spent for that purpose let alone "miU10ns of dollars." Absolutely no funds came to Metropolitan from land developers and agncultural an - tereats "to advance !hear own prohts." "Thas money should have gone to pnvate adverhsmc;, aoencaes," your echtonaJ stales, "not to the public MWD." ln fact, pnvate contnhuhons were collected and spent by C1ti%ens for Waler, a campaagn organization directed by Braun Campa~gns which IS a pnvate adverhsmg agency The drive to approve the Peripheral Canal could not have f.u.led because of MWD's own ad campaagn because we d.Jd not have one. Further, your lnsmua- hon that an ''old boy network" exiSts between MWD and agricultural mterests 1s lucbcrous Proposahon 9 faaled because opponents successfully told the "big lies" that Southern Ca.Wor- naa chd not need the water and the cost would be exorbitant. Your e<htonal conhnues the llmd.s of fabncahons that are a disservice to your readers and unfairly damagJDg to MWD-a public agency that bas provtded water for Southern CaWorrua, and only Southern California, efhciently, economacally and dependa.bly lor more thctn 50 years. Sincerely, £van L. GnfJath General Manager The Final Blow To the Ed.Jtor· Reqardino the latut news stem about State Senator John G . ScbmJIJ. It as, 1 hope, the hnal blow which will e.nd bu political career in this town once and for aU. I thnak that th• people of Newport Beach should feel utter- ly uham.d lor ev•r having elect.d this JMtraon to puhhc ol- hce in the hnt place. He ba1 shown bu total dlSregard for msnontles, women, and Jews as evidenced by has re· cent publsc statements. fils pohtics are too ultra-nght for even Orange County. and now he bas shown bim.selJ to be a hypocrite as well; long a cham pion of "family life" and morali- ty, it now comes to hgbt that has phuanderino bas resulted m the bsrth of two illegihmate children-one of which as now a ward of the county as a result of an almost unmentionable form of child abuse. Personally, I c an do without a state senator such as John Schmitz; we need a legislator who is even-minded, who works for bia dtstrict and accomplishes things. We have such a person an the Assembly, why not in the State Senate as well? Lenard E. Davas Lonely In Prlaon To the Editor: I am writing to you because J wu born in or around Newport hut my parents moved away when J was only i.o the fourth year oJ my life. Ny parents were killed in an automobUe accident when I was 14. I lived in a foster home until I reached the age of 17. I am inca.rcerated in prison now &.Dd have never felt more alone in my life. I don't have anyone to write nor anyone to writ. to me. I believe that aome of my relahves are still Uvi.og around Newport &.Dd I thought that if you could ti.nd the kindneaa i.o your heart to publiah my l•tte.r Ul YOUJ' n•wap.tpe.r, aome of my relahves or IODWOne who knows them mic;rht writ• to me. 1 would &Lao like to cones- pond with uyone. 1 am a white f.amale and v•.ry young, but lonelioea picb no certa&n aoe. If there ia •nyon• who reada th.la, who 11 lonely, who would like a friend to awe a amUe with, pl .... writ• and I will an.wer. Johnny Coleman Rt. 1 Bolt 264 Dorm 3 Odu.rn, GA 31555 I There 1s no batterness 10 her verse, 10 her conversahon, tn her philosophy. She has even mvented two games that are an commercaal dtstnbuhon. one is called "The Okay Game" and as based on transactional analysss theory ("I'm OK, You're O K.") She has rece1ved orders for the Okay Game from throughout the world. Marge's second game as htled ''Pnonhes," and opens a group to SCinhUahng conversahon. It's good lor adults and the younger set, and develops opportunities to learn much abo ut others as well as yourself. You draw ques- ltons, and then must develop answers to such quenes as "Would you rather perform on stage or be a member of the a.u- daence," or "Would you rather be a lotestung o r a clotheshne ?" There must be a mtllton ques· hons that occur from tame to hme to Marge Samonds. I chat- ted w1th her at the Harbor Area Adult Day Care Center m the Rea School m Costa Mesa. Thas as the heart-warnung center chrected by Dr. Dan Sands and supported by churches. private donations, semor centers h1ce Oasts and the Irvme chapter of Amencan Assocaahon of Retired Persons (AARP) Once or lwace a week, Marge JOIOS the group whale her compan1on runs er - rands and does shoppmg Her books and games are marketed through her company, S1mco E.nterpnses, 3012 Samoa Place. Costa Mesa 92625. The games are avatlable at Learnmo Aads. 1548 Adams Ave . 10 Costa Mesa In 1964, MarJorie Samonds was the head nurse at the Veterans Admmtslrahon Hospatal in Lonq Beach. When she became ill, it was dascovered abe had an advanced case of multiple scleroata, the dtsease of the central nervous system and ultimately she became paraly&ed from the nec k down. But she doesn't want to be caHed an mvahd. "It somehow suggeata that we are not valid," she aaya poeea "l>enonalaz.d poems" for I Sh• not only ll vahd, abe 11 II' vlable and vst•l She now com- 1_.:::=======::====================-.J any occ .. Jon. You aimply pro-vide b.er wttb 10rne fac ta, and O..J' Consumer League- Have you ever dedd~ to tu.at blow • lot oJ •Olley on 101D.thin9 fr1YOloua? Well, 1 d~ to ~Y S9S for a pan of sunQ ........ ,.., .,. lr-t "• chic, hal lh.e pin laU alreedy b~ tluM tia•. Now I bow U'e D~ ta.c.UM I bri a baQ h..ct, beca.-tbe $6.95 pair I WMl' wla.Ue tile '900d oo•' .,.. beiD9 b.ecliwmt laW liatM moaUaa ..ttlawt ..-.p. n.,. bYe ..,.1Nrri9Wd a cdaie •· cooter willa ay t.ll 910Wla --~· WlLal cu J do Pout lh .. """' ~ ... "TJ l.ra9i)e tu.a9J..el? Mra I Dear Nrs. IC We a of ond'A. • letter to 11m lirtn Matmg tbal if the connol lix )'O&Ir gJoa.e. o lull Nlund would .... ., in order. PS.o. toke .,our CJk-• In lor onotltet repou To 1M llteoden: Youn, Pol Blow Jla. C toGA her Ira IJW cbJc ~a•onber~ Sir. IK. .-om liM• •.-.ry day lor two .oath. fl(lt/tovlmWtop I QUNIJ Jt oil~ lo P/OV'e lhol ,..... are ,...,.;,. aMI llten there ON IIIPAIJIS . You,., Pot BJow abe'U r .. pond With 4U\ ap· proprL.tl• v•rae lor $10. She afte.n dnN.m• up poelJy during the niQlat, •.od dlc1at• lt to her. compeolon the Qut morning Shr'-t Dcnf weU _.onQ on h•r M cODd book, and who bon w~t ber fuh.u• gam• -.y be. T. Duncan Ste,.ar1, the poet lau~Mt• ud llddl.r, wet •.ater· ta ~lD9 •b• G•OUJ» wltile J wu tber•, aad lae and Wa~ .. ,. .ltCia.a.a.9\D9 quip.. Slae ubd btm to Pl"a1 "Na.ty," ud wUh nuaa.cl•trlo91 ud Mveral W\leerftcb, be oblived. Jt w.u eQO\&Qillo ...U. u o)d 10\\.1 s:mtJe, and w.ep • bttle, too. hge I WM=mciay. JuJr 21. l912llw Newport En.aign lloadcry. July lt CR.DaS Stereo equipment valued at $6,975 wu reported stolen from Bzadley A. Dodenhotf m the 100 block oJ 46th . . . A Glbeon Les Paw g.Utar, and .nap, a car atezeo and tools valued at $2,050 were reportecl1tolen from Jef· frey C . Mortilm the 1900 block of Port Du.n.leigh . . . Ap· phancee valued at $1 ,300 were reported llolen from Edward BlAke m the 1400 block of JC .. l . . . A tool box and other pro- perty valued at $640 were reported stolen from a car belonqmo to Edward Warren Waqoner parked 1n 28th and Lafayette . . . A 55 gallon drum conta.mino fat by-products, valued at $7, was reported stolen from a telephone pole at was chained to beh1nd the Bouay Rouqe Cafe on Newport. ARRESTS Louia Clark Goodman, 2-4, l!Jted as a tr&Mient, was ar- rested on suspicion oJ poueaa· in.9 coca.ine . . . Th.r .. men were arrested on sutpicion of drun.lten driving, includmq one ftom Newport Beach : Ronald Franlilin Newman. Tueeday. Julr 20 CRlNES A lady walking home from the hquor store on Placenba was ac- costed by a man who yanked her tube top down a.nd fled . A bronze onental female statue valued at $300 wu reported stolen from Ka.bo Fine Arts tn the ~00 block of ViA Lido . . . Nicbel1n hr .. on Porsche alWIUDuJD alloy wh .. ls valued at $1,500 were reported atolen ftom a car belonging to Walt Grant Howard puked ill Nar· "claus . . . A Celeate D.luxe Pepperoni Pizaa, a Bridgeford salami and a bag of Dodtoa, valued at $9.50, were reported stolen fro.m th. Stop ·~ Go W.rket in the 4500 block oJ Cout Highway ... Four Cadillac spoked hubcaps valued at $600 were reported stolen from a car belongmg to Phillip Scott Ra..mMr parked in Buena ViJta . . . Property valued at $,411 wu reponed stolen from a car belongmg to Joanne Sheeny Buchanan parked on .Norn- mqstar. JUST THE FACTS The biennial local political season is about to open. The promoters and the Chamber of Commerce rypes will soon be choosing their players and, just as they seek to Identify, groom and guade their own favorites. these operators will be trying to label any opposition as being part of some k1nd of smister plot against "motherhood, the flag, and apple pie." It IS a favorate game plan of those who seek to get rach off the spoils o f Newport Beach overdevelopment They always accuse local resadents and act1v1sts o f try1ng to manipulate or control the electton process The reason we get accused of thiS. of course. IS that SPON in· SISts on talkmg about ISSUES and FACTS and we try to get people to see through th1s new rhetor~c of b.g development anterests Thas time around. as we head for the Ciry Counc1l elecuon m November. the th1ng just m1ght backf1re on them They have shown their 1rue colors so clearly durmg recent months that a lot of people are JUSt wa1t1ng to see who the bag developers are agaanst so that they'll know who to be for As these people line up the•r money. theer clout and thetr smiling can- didates, let's all try and keep 1n mmd that they are the same people who sought OVERDEVELOPMENT of Newport Center . OVERDEVELOPMENT of the Beeco-Banning pro- perty. OVERDEVELOPMENT of the Fun Zone UNBRIDLED GROWTH of the County Aarport, and the contmuang tncrease m all of the bad th1ngs that th1s kand of overgrowth brings to Newport local 1ssues may well get lost 1n the November b1g elecuon. learn the votang record of your counc1l representatives NOW You have nothang to lose and a lot to gain from your In- terest And you have a heck of a lot to lose 1f not enough people dec1de to become educated and involved • S.P.O.N. STOP POLLUTING OUR NEW PORT P.O. lOX 102. WIOA lSLAND, CA 12112 ARRESTS Nar1o Cue Warm, 24, of Lot Angel•. wu an_.ed on •uap•· c1on of orand thelt auto . Victory Gregozy S&dler, 20, oi Newport Beach, wu ur•ted on lu.pietoo of orand theJt ... Jamea ldw&rd Gabnel, ~. of S..O Berurclino, wu an .. ted on au.pkion of petty theJt . . . RODA.ld Gene .McLaughlin, 2-4, of Cozona, wu an .. ted on suapic•on of contn.butmo to the delinquency of a min.ox . . . Richard Orville Dicbraon, 31, of La Verne wu arreated on suaptclon of ~ino dangerous fireworlta ·. . . Frank Ted Gallo Jr ., 25, of Huntinoton Beach, was arreated on •u•pi· cion of vandalam .. Sammy Paul Lozano, 28, of Iowa, wu arreated on suapacaon of poaess- ing haah...h . . Phuoc Van Nguyen, 2-4, of Weatmm.atez, was arJMted on suapacaon of poaess· mg man)uana . . Two men were .urested on sUipicaon oJ drunken dnvmq, neither hom Newpor1 Beach. Wecm..day. July 21 CRIMES Jewelry and other property valued at $2,-410 was reported stolen from Andrea Jan Waite lD the 300 block oJ Alvazado . . . A car stereo valued at $1,500 wu reported stolen from • car belonQinQ to O.Yid Starr Lmn lD the 100 block of 34th . Camera eq\UJ)JIWJlt valued at S 1.350 wu reported uo&en trom John David Feathen iD tbe 400 block oJ 32nd . . . A Blaupunkt auto stereo valued at $800 wu reported 1tolen from a ca.r belonqing to Adept Wanuf.t.ctut· ln9 ln.c . in the hm Slemou puking lot in the 1300 block of Quail ... A mannequin tono (tem&l•) witb a h~ coming out of the a.ck an.d WMJmQ a blue and whit. pettico.-d wrap bath.m9 suit valued at $100, wu reported stolen lrom The She Shell in the 500 block of Balboa. A.IUliSTS John Gordon lrb, 26, of Garden Grove. wu arrested oo suspicion oJ -~ pervera1on with force . . . Ench Michael Ber9hammer, 19. of Hunhngton Beach, wu arreeted 011 suspl· cion of grand theh ... Vincent Andzade Corona, 19, of Costa Nesa, was arreated on suspacaoo of petty theJt . . . John Thomas Maurer, 21, of Anahe1m, was ar- rested on suspicion of vandahsm ... Dennis Scholtz, 41. of Newport Beach, was arrested on suspic1on of forqery ... Alan Curtis Leach, 20, of Covaoa, wu arreated on suaptcaoo of cootnbuhnq to the debnquency of a nunor Jeffrey Mlchael Benebt, 18, U.ted as a trAJUlent, wu arreeted on suapaeton of poueu1DO a market's shopp1DQ cart . Dav1d Chustopber Jehe.ber. 21. of Fountam Valley, wu arr .. ted on Sl&.IJ)ioion of pc~• .. •l1lCJ coc.me . . . Thr" men we.-. u,..ted on susp1c1on of drunken dzivin9. none hom Newport BH.ch. Thu.nday. July 22 CRINES A prowler wu spotted m the 500 block of Ave.nida Luc1a . A JohMOn 9.5 h.p. outboard motoz wu .-.ported stolen from a boat belonQiDQ to Jane Thomas Llghtner moored at 900 Bay Front ... A 1978 Rc.e Bowl Na· taonal Champaonahip USC class nng and a pau of sAoel valued at $941 were reported stolen from Gary Chnstopher Jenruson an the 3600 block oJ Jamboree A Fender Precision bass. a recorchnq of The Mahavtshnu Orchestra, and stereo equap- ment valued at S893 were reported stolen from Cbnstopher Andrew Read ID the 700 block of Hehotrope .. Assorted proper· ty valued al S649 was reported (ContiDued on page 9) • • • ._"'•'•; . ....._. ..... F-'tc.t.iM "Owel .................. a......c-, .. "'---c.n.K. LA. r-..._..o-._ . ._,.,, .. f"• ~--(714) uo..•to lJ04l EJ T-R.M. El T-CA 926JO (ia ! II I • v.o., P\.u) ~d ...... ~ Now Open in our New Location. Clark Kennedy and flowers What a niCe arrangement 880 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach lunch-Monday through Friday Dinner and late Night Supper- Monday through Saturday Reservations (714) 72().1800 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Busaness Pa~~ 2915 Red H1ll Ave • Costa Mesa FOR A REAl TASTE TREAT CL1 .I q 00-cJote, irPorter GOURMET DINING -MEDITERRANEAN RM 18700 MAC ARTHUR BlVD CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNDAYS 10·3 PM DANCING NIGHTLY -CABARET LOUNGE IRVINE. CALIFORNIA • CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP 14 HRS IOPOOsote O•an')e CounryA,pofl (714) 833 2770 into Confronting problems is never easy. But it's the only way to solve them. And confronting problems is a lot Wier wh~n you can talk to someone who understands. If you or someone you care about has an emot ional problem, you can get help just by calling Problem Talk Shop. · Our trained professional counselors can help with problems such as drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, stress. family crises and troubled adolescents. They'll talk with you, find out exactly what the problem is, and direct you to the people who can help you solve it. And there's never any charge for our services. When you call Problem Thlk Shop, a trained counselor will pick up the line and arrange a time to see you-usually on the day you call. If you need help. call us. Emotional problems don't go away if you ignore them. 1Qey only get worse. • .. on your way to or hom the beach~=-=~~=~;:, stop by for deUdou.s I ZZA] Pizza •-..-..-..6 It all•• focMII• to .. " 673·1121 .. express yourself deliciously " flilftit«l 10 IS ~pi# ~r ciiJIIJ CALL NOW fOil lllfOIUIA TION • ..... 1 ' 1 •. I .I •r BON APPEl fl' Peggy Cotton We were mtroduced the Tha& Pav1hon 1n Toro through a bone call from a ng lady oa,med W m. She told us hat she bad read oJ love for the culsme Thail&nd and ielt we would enJOY new restaurant. &!so explamed that r pa,rents were rmese and Indone· And that she had mpled Tha1 cu1s1ne many places Her are educators local colleges, and attends Bryn Mawr. 1th a summer JOb at Pav1hon The restaurant , htch formerly housed nother Thaa establash· nt, had rema1ned lor more than a . It 1s a lovely beautiful 10 11s phc1ty Booths hne he duung room. pholstered an soft undy leather. and 1d.d for pnvacy by screens 1n eakwood frames reene ry 10 large pots used to prov1de fur r puvacy lor the -o.u1e" set around the Ornamental -.."'"'~Ans dtvade thas from a large ban uet area to the rear, there 1s a cockta1l nge to the left of the try M.t ster carvers oolt more than s1x rs to carve the wall hanganqs of teak, dep1chng elephants and laborers barvestino the trees Although the restaurant had been open less than seven weelr.s, our even.inq was well orchestrat.d, and ~erv1ce was proJes- SIOnal and fnendly. UnJtk• thoee 10 many ethmc restaurants, everyone here speW excellent En9hah, mak- ang the lranslahon of unlam1har words and preparahons a pleasure We began wtth a favoute for me, Mee Krob, the sweet c raspy noodles, laced here w1th shnmp. cb1cken. bean sprouts, green o mons and b1ts of roast pork The d1sh was authentic, and the ser· vmg generous enough for three My compa· 1~· •'l1rl' l~t41Ht I J •) I Starting Friday AOMY SCHNEIDER In DEATH WATCH A Fr•nch Film In EllfiiW. Rated "R" 1 h 1 l ~ 'll1 .,.,, • 'w1 . SAM'S IT ALlAN DELl PIZZA & F.OOD TO GO Keep Cool This Summer Take Home Our Delicious Homemade lasagna Rf'.!dl ,, '"~~ h,.m,. .In t kt' t1 J lonot ",at-• 1 "•··hi\ m,ult• h•t>•t<l lo ll •I nil ....,,,., 'll""''''" '"'do'"''" For all Your Caaerlng COME TO SAMtS 19U9 llarbor 8h d. at 19th ~I. (usta Mesa • 548-7822 n1on chose Belt Guy Yod Saa , dehctous chtcken w1nqs stuffed here w1th glass (or s1lver) noodles made of bean thread, ground chtcken, on1ons and carrots Other appetizers ~f­ fered are Beef Salay w1th coconut )wee and sp1cea, Tb.u toast w1th mmced ahnmp, the lovely hot and sp1cy Naked Sbrunp Uavo red w1th mmt, lemon and hot spJces. There are three soups, mclud1ng a smaabmq sptcy one wttb cr&bmeat, fish, squ1d and sh.nmp Salads ue m11d. one w1th chtclten in a curry and peanut dressang, one w1th fresh vegetables. and Yum Ha1 , wtth shump and pork 1n a f1ery dress tng [ chose Poo Ob Moh Om, c rab w1th sliver noodles and bacon served 10 an herbed sauce, for my entree ll was excellent, combm 1ng a vanety of lex- lures and llavors 10 a JWIE LOIS!D DINNER .. Ckotc• •• .-up or c.-.... ,... z ,,...,. v-.u~ #I FAJIII,I VAJ.UE USTAVUIT II SOUTIWI CAJ.IFOUIA .. ' .. EASTERN CLAMS OR EASTERN OYSTI:RS 5 '19 5 fOR mo.t mtereshnq sauce. Ny companion ua11ally opts for a hot and sp1cy dt~h, a,od met tus match m Pbad Phed, a c hef's spec1&1, seafood and bah, fned and combmed w1th fresh hot chills 1n a memor&ble sauce We enJoyed watchang the servmg of NuA Ka Tha, g nlled beef and veoetables aerved on a s1uhng platter wh1ch cooks the meal at the table, &nd Ch1cken Volcano, a small moun lam of sp1ced ch1dcen brought flam1ng to the dJner. We hn1shed w1th Lychee lor me, sweet and fragrant, and a new treat for my com· pan1on. Rambutan, the red spmy fru11 wh1c h when peeled IS much hlce the Lychee. Tha1 tea and coffee were ex cellenl, w1th the charactenst1c pungent sweetness. Thts 1s the coolcmg o l the caty, the gourmet cuutne of Banolcok Owner Kamch&i has come to El Toro w1th the e:&penence ol tour restaurants 10 h11 native c1ty, and has wtfe, Ntd, a lovely tany lady 11 chef Puces are moderAte, w1th ap- petueu for two at S3.50 to SS.SO, and en· t r ... Mrved w1th nee at $2.95 to $8.99. There ue c:hshes for the lea adventurous too, barbequed spazeri.b. and c h1dc:en a.nd beef ter1yU1, serv ed with soup and salad, nee or baked potato, for about $5 99. Located at 23635 TWUl Peaks Plaza on El Toro Road 10 E.l Toro. Thai Pavu1on IS open lor d1nner 0rUY 1 every evemog of the week Call 859-7649 tor reser vataons 8001(, MUSIC • LYRICS BY Meredith Wlllson STOilYBY Meredith Wilbon, Fran•Un Lacey sgss Oft ... a....6 ~ '"'"" '" ..,...,,"'. S.t 4 •• Slll 'm DIRECTED BY &.UuB.at and 112 STUFFED JWIE LOIS TO c-s.w .-..a.-. 0,..0.. ......... 1, ... .__ ALL $895 roR ' . WHOLE NAIIE LOIS TEl WITH AJf arnu:r OWLY $395 01 DDfDtO IIOOM otn.Y GEORGE SMVRNtons AT HIS The Newp«t tu.ign Wedn.esday. Jwy 21. l.:l Page 1 Air Supply, James Taylor Among Upcoming Acts An Supply. Jam" Taylor. the Doobte Brothers and Cro.by, Stills & Nub are amono the new .. t acts announc.d for the reau..mder of the second season at lrvme Meadows Amptutheater The hneup announced recently Auq 26-James Taylor wtlh quest Karla Boooff. T~ylor has recorded "F1re and Ram," "You've Got a Ji'nend," and numerous other h1ts BonoH 11 well-known for her recent tut, "Personally." Sept 3-The Ooob1e Brothers, who have announc.d they will spht up aiter tlua season. loUowmg 12 years toqetber and 82 millton records sold worldWlde. Sept. 5-Crosby, Stalls & Nash , who have reun1ted after perlormmg as smqle acts and, w1th Ne1l Young , were ''Crosby. Slllls, Nash & Young ." Sept 11 -12-0ueen wtth guest B11ly Squ1er An Englash group, Queen recorded "Boheauan Rhap· sody" and other wo rks 1denhty1ng them as exceptional mus1c1ans Squ1er IS one of the lop rock gu1tansls Sept. 19-A~r Supply The band !rom "down under," an opemng act fo¥ Rod Stewart 10 1977, 11 a •dhner &iter a atnng of h1ts oves the put two yean Andrae Crouch w1th gueat B J Thomas Both are weU-Icnown Cbnsllan musicians Oct 2-01ana Rou A mus1cal legend. one of the most succeuful female voc&hst• 10 h1story beQan her career wtth "Dtana Rosli and the Supremes " Oct 8-Kenny Loggms The sue cessful solo arhat who waa to rmedy w1th ''l.ogglll.l and W.ssma" once made h.ts home 1Jl I...gu.na lrvlDe Meadows announced 11 still hAs hckets av&llable for the Charhe O&Diels Band Aug. 6, George Ben son Aug 8. MelL~M Wa.nchester Aug 22, Anne Murray Aug 27 and AI Jarreau Sept 10 The open an theater's last beneht Sept 25 w1ll Jeature Frank Smatra and proceeds wul &ld the South Coast Fouodahon for the Developmentally OLSabled lrvtne Meadows box office hours are 9 to 5 Monday through Saturday and 12 to 4 Sunday Call 977 1300 T1c.ltets are also available at all T1c ketron outlets and through Teletron (213) 410-1062 FOUR REASONS TO BRACE YOURSELF AT THE •••• ORANGi:. ('OL NTY'S ONLY -'·ST .o\R HOTEl I W HAPPY HOUR Moadliy tk11 Fridey S to 7:10 PM "''t.h comphmentary hof'~ J \-.euue' and a ~~ Food Bar MEN'S .~IGHT Moaday I ao I 0 PM futunn& 75 '*ell dnnJ., lADIES' NI GHT Wednncta.r, I ao 10 PM tcatunntt · 5 "'ell dnn~' BIG BANOS \'8 ROC~ & ROLL S~tnd•> "''lh mu,K ul lhc 5\1' and 00 ' 900 N"'p<>r1 Cen1cr Omc • !'lie,..por1 Beach. CA 91660 • Phone (714) 64().4000 I ----~ -- .... . ' • ~ ' ~yO_,, tt"W""•'h'n' f'\4)'* l•li9U -1700 Of. WUUcam llaaclark. ......_kin: "It would defJnite- ly cMetroy the c:out4l bMuty, A r~nt proclam.tion of Uwt«i Stat• S.Cr.t&ry of thelnterioz Ja.m .. Watt will allow oHahore oU drillinQ a.oywheN on th. American cout. ()j the many arM.a to b. aff.ct«i, the Ot&nQe Cout baa b..n linQl«i out u a poteially mineral rich cache. ThUa newspa~r di.patch.d ~rtez Jody S.Cker and photOQr•pher Steve Cancian to 9ather the opl- niou of local reaidenta. ~a.a.w .• --. ...,a u. ___._,,.. 6roa taa ..... \~ ri91 MqUd be there;'" lhoWd not be t»pen- d.ut upoo iorek)D oil for our nmval. u .. wa~at to 1\lJ'Vive 10 yean GoWD the roecl, tblt ie a line altemaUve to nuclear enerc;ry." but Amenca n..da to h. in- de~ndent from the Middle i.ut oil-wMlthy nations. We mu.~t u .. the pro~r t.chnoJoqy and precautions ava1lable." • What is your opinion of Secretory of Interior lames Watts' recent decision to allow offshore oil drilling leases oU of tb. Orange Coa•t? Irian O'Hara. l.oguAQ leacb , LUeguarc:l: "For the LaQuna- Newport uea, which thrive• on a tourist buaineu bue, it would hurt. It we had a apall here. beaches covered with oU, every business would feel it." Laurel E~n. Sw .. t Lite Bakery: "It it'a there and we need it, they ouQht to 90 for 1t." al 0 Join us to pick up your free Orange County book, and open a free checking account through '82 at all Laguna Federal Division offices! N ow Laguna Federal j oins hands with Great American Federal, CalifoJllia's oldest federal savings and loan association. With this new partnership Laguna Federal will be offering greater financial services to all customers ... such as Market-Rate CheckingrM, to be introduced in August. It's the ultimate checking account, the most convenient way to earn money market rates. Free Orange County Book Pick up your free copy of Orange County. California ... it's 80 pages of spectacular color prints, showing all the beautiful area~ and sparkling cities in o ur unique County. The whole family will e nj oy reading this intere ling book. (One book per adult. please. while th ey last.) Free Interest Checking PLUS'lf derougla 19111 Open your Interest Checking PLUS account at any Laguna Federal Division office ... and it's free of monthly service charge through 1982. But do it soon ... this offer expires August 31. A Message From Loma~ills President, Laguna Federal Division I would like to share with you the enthusiasm everyone at Laguna Federal feels upon joining Great American Federal. As part of this growing family of fine associations, the Laguna Federal Division will continue to offer depositors personal service, and now an even wider array of savings and checking accounts. Our traditions are the same, with both associations dedicated to the needs of customers, and strong involvement in our communities. We look fotward to the successful partnership of Great American Federal and the Laguna Federal Division, and to the new programs of financial setvice we are now offering all our customers. Prt<ucknl. LA&una ~edcral l>lvwon .. . ~::'\:~ :! .. . Ke~my Gtlemlat. wc:urlty guard: "I do not wiah to have the oU 1 ..... promoted alonQ thi.a cout (from Newport to LaQuna). There il a lot of alter· native c:outJine between ltere and Nort.hem Calilomia where the ac.nic beauty would not be loat and there il a am.aJJer population." 'UWCNOTIC[ nC'TITIOUIIUSUIESS N.UU ITATDiafT T~• toUow•At ~NrtO• 1a d u111Q a-.-• LAGUIIA I&ACH HOU~I , 01 tA.0,QqtQ UO DIY CLIAM· . ..a. 100 .-.. c-H.-, • &.64¥•• .. ........ c. 1:11151 ~ Ah .. e.-1 lUO S..1a Aoa A .. C:O.a tl-CAI2tll n ... bwa.., ..... coadvr'.d •• • ' dutdw•f S,qn.d W•h,..-· At,,.. TJt~ .-• .._ •• ,., ••• t.l.d ,.,,._ ~. C~.NIIIIY Cl••• t OtanCJ• Cu.,.ftiY lw ly't lill Pwble•h fwly 14 ll 2a Avq 4 1911 ••• Th• N••pt~tt l at..q ,. fi9.J026 II£ 1'11) ,YIUC NOTICE ncTITIOUI IUSUQ:SI •.ua ITATDCDfT r-.. ~ltowt.. pettene ••• dv.nq b...,n_ u Tlll GIIOCDY COHNlC T'::>N 111 ,\,.,CIOO w., Nowport a...,~o CA. 92MO lvko l4•arcl Hu •n•c~' ?IJ AM.qw Way Newpn•• lea<h CA ll2blo0 lto,.b.tlt lu &....t..l Ill AtaoCIOO w., N.,..,.,,. ._.,h CA. ~2660 f._tt b~·lh... • t'UflduC"t.d b't' • Q•n•ra..l ~rH\euhtp S.qn-.d lwt • td ward HotnM"•I Ttrut •••••m•n• ••• It'-d ••H, tt,• Cuuntv c ... ~ ol o •• IIQ• Cvunt" "'" lw ly 12 lell Pwloh•lo lult 14 II I~ A·~ 4 1M2' 1n "'• Mew~rt l n••'l rl'13146 11[404 'uauc:NOna ncnnoua IIWIIIDI IIAJIIITATDIDT Tu ~ pe.-. ••• clout~ b_,_ u THI JAJ% D CltAJIGI 10'7 y,. J,_, Mewpor1 a...:~ CA 9:21113 ~ 14w ... W ....... Co lac a CallAo. ... CO'l>OI-107 v .. ,...,.,........,,.......,.cA..u n,,. -• CCMMI_,... a., • nor _.,_ ........ ~ IWwe,. Voce ..................... ""-....... w..c. ,.,_ __ liW wolotloe c-., O..lr .. a.-c-tr .. '" lyll,lll2 P..w...tr h•l• 11. lll, AIOCI 4 II I Ia .. The "-•1 ...... n.,.., N&otls ,uauc; NOne& nctmOUIIUIIJIUS NAJUITATDCaT The ...u-.. CI pe..-o &te ..... ~ •--.. nuuns. DJS s , • ., -· Ieala Au, CA Alii I 113104 won.-a.tweld ~. llt3ll s r ... -· AP l . Seale Aaa. CA W10t • ...... ,,.......,, Sc....... :Nil "' c-.."" t-Aaqeleo, CA 110038 n... ......_ oo eoed .. cted a., • Cl•.,al p&111M...-,P S.Q.a..S W.U... 14watd o.-nlo n.. ....... nJ ... tUed -.ta •"'- eo...., Cletk ol Or-c-··· -lv ly II 1112 '..w..lo loiY 21 21 A•CI 4 II 1112 •• ,.. ~" "'-'• Jll3465 ~~~ PVaUC NO ,JCl ncnnoua IUIDtDS IIAICIITATDIDT Tloe loUOW1A9 pe.-. ••• douoCI butaeu u GITUMIWHI'Tl M S.r-woocl a..-CA 12714 1•- L Ou...._ 114 Old "-<: .. llo.cl S..no NedN CA IIID4 l n .. Dntd Wlu1e M S. .... wood l"ru. CA 12?14 Ae ....,e ltay Wkue 86 Stt-•wood l.r ·-CAU714 nu. buM.a... ~ C'OPd~ted b'f' • q•n••.J pet1a•r-elup S.-q-..d f6n•t L a ...... r~. ..., ..... , • ., hiM •••h th• Co"'--t' C .. ...-k of o,.,.q• County on '" ly 16 •• 2 ,,.blult I"Jv ll 21 AvCI 4 II 1912 a a The Ho•pon r....Cin rlil341i HlJ74 PUILIC NOTICE IIIIID ncnT10UIIUSUI£SS N.utE STA TOU:IfT T"• h,,.ltowlnQ p.rk:.r"'• .,. do•n" bv"'"-u CArl COD FISH CO Slat Wa.t""' u.,. C lt .. ,n.. CA "1714 Atth.,., D W•l'--•• liS6 I Co..~ H.q~••• '•"" s.,, .• A Cu"'""• de' w., CA ~16.25 C-.mo• a M.llon l855 [ c.,.., H•t P•l~< Svote A Cur..oe d.l M.r CA 9a25 n J. bw•lrt... .. CUf'.dv ~ I:J.y dlvrd...Jo (hvoloa ... •'Mf • 0.1 St.a- Atl~vr D NeU...,. n.. ......."' ,..., • .a •. ,h tw Cot~.et• C .... of o. • .,~ C w•dv .. ht ly 1 1912 '•wa:.a 1 .. 1. u 1' za A~Q • I ill •• T\e N••lJOtt L\&kJ rl~ III.JM IIINYAYIONI ot your wedding. aporttng event. apec~a~ occoalon corporate program WE WILL BEAT ALL PRICES Jo o.-, .. ' . .. II . , ... PVIUC 110ncc ncT1T10US IWIIIDI IIA.a llATDUJIT ,... ...,.""-""" ,........ •• d.-llltil ........ _ .. DI$HOfl 6 ASSOCIATlS ~ IU) A•t ...... w • ., .... .,.,. a...• CA _...., 1 • .,, f o..~ ... lilt A, , .... w., ...... ~·· ... it c. ~Ae.t T\_._ b ........ • IH•dw •..d •• • • ....... ~., S...•-.1 I. ' 0..~ ... T~.. _.., ... ~ ... I l..... •·'~ h• c'* • ., c..... .. o,.""• ' ... .,. , . f .. I• II fill ~~ lwl• II I " Au~ < I.Z •• T1w N.•P..·" L ~· rtVl6ll Nf<!IJ PV.UC: IIOnct OIIOUIAIIC1: 110 n I 1 AH OIIDINAHCI or nu: CrTY or NIWPOIIT UACH AWtNDINO TITlt ~ CMAPTIJI 15 SICTION 110 ICI Of THI lfiWPOIIT lEACH t4UNICIPAl COOl COHCPHIHO TOWING ""M CHAHGU III:IVSJJIISS HOUIIS T~ c •• , c~"Ctl ue '"• Cth •• N-wpo11 a..ch DOts OIIDAIII • toUu ... StCTION 1 T111• ' c •• ,, •• , "s.. 'k'" 110 CC\ d .,. H•w1· , &..• ~ Wunl<'tP'!J C·-d• ,, •"'•••&J.d '••d •• 1\)la..... •• ··~ 15 ItO S•···d•td .. ~.... 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It ,_ ...,_....c .. -··-· ....... ,_ IJft c--.-.._ a-0.... CA •~at PMI • .-"" ........ a. ....... ,_ ....... aa... ...... ..... • II I ,. .......... Blotter (ContiDIMCl ho• ~ 6) atolen from Teqaae Peter haruzh tn the 1800 block of Ocean Front. ARRESTS Roban Otto Schwarz, 24, of Newport Beach, wa.a arre1ted on auapacaon of grand theft auto O.nnu Lee Kaul, 34, luted a.a a tranaient, wa.a a.n .. ted on suspacion of grand t.heJt auto ... Ella Linda Steta.nec, 19, of Tu.shn, wu arr .. ted on suapl· caon of grand theft . . Arthur Joeeph Bucker, 40, Dallas Ja.mes Ston,e , 22, and Davtd Alan Ot- tow , 23, all of Tustin, were &r· tested on su.apacion of poesesa- mg cocame for aale . . . John Morton Endera, 31, of Santa Ana, wu arruted on susptcton of poaeumg methaaqua.Jone aalts . . One man wu arrested On SUiplClOD of drunken drtVIDCJ, not from Newport Beach . Friday. July 23 CRIMES A prowler wu s1ghted 10 the 300 block of COZ"onado . . A Smath and Wesaon .38 cahber revolver and clotbmg valued at $624 were reported atolen from 611 auto perked an the 600 block of Beoonaa belonc;~ang to S.rbara ForreU o ARRISTS EWne Ann Tomhn, 30, of AnAheun, wu arr .. ted on au.apt· cton of UMu.lt wath a d..d.Jy weapon lbc b•rd Marcua Scofaeld, 28, of Newport Beach, WU arr .. ted OD IWipiCIOD of obtatructing and r .. l.atmg • pohce ofhcer . . . Jorc;~e Alfredo Parada, 23, of Newport Beach, wu aneated on auaptcaon of ob.tructm9 and ru1atmc;~ a pohce otftcer ... R.tJph Armen- h , 25, of Huntington Beach, waa •rr .. ted on au1p1ctoo of possesa- mg cocame Eltzabeth Sue O..nbaugb, 18, oJ Norco, was arruted on 1u.apacaon of poasesa- ang COCAl.De Patncaa Mane NcGuckm, Mary Ellen Hobo, Mitra Rosell, Bradgett Sui4D Bohall, Peqqy Lucy Dlfuhppo, cUld Stepbnee T11h Suter, all 18 and fro m FuJlerton and Cheryl Lynn Spa.ngenberg, 18, of Yorba LJnda, were .ureated on suapa- c ton o f dtsturbLDg the peace Wtlh loud and unreasonable noae .. Three men were ar- rested on suspiCIOn of drunken dnvang, 1nclud1ng two from ----------------------------------~ Satwday. Ju.lf 24 CJU:WD A G1.b.oD Lea Pa&l ......., wdh cue .ad .Uap •al• .at $1,025 w.u reported ltol-hca ~It Wlutney Allen in tbe Wock of Va.a YeU. ... S....O ment and a floorjack Ya1 $1,000 were reportect llclrl.n from Robert Paw Blu"-h.ap n the 1200 block ol Balboa .. • Ptoperty valued at $543 wu reported stolen from u .. to belongtng to Jeffrey •.• rkle ao the 100 block ol Su•mk. ARRESTS Robert George NitcJ.eU, 45, of Nevada, wu an_.ecl on luaplCIOD of bn.DQlAQ atolen pro perty anto the alate ... hu.l Thomas Buri.J.I, 30, of A.nal.eam, w.u arrested on au.apacaoa oJ pouessmg !mown stolen proper ty La.m.ar Ron Thomp.on, 31 , of Los Anoel .. , wu a.rruted on su..sp1caon o1 posurniDQ and receaVLDCJ ltnown atole.o pn>perty .. Gary Lu1a Pen•, 21, of Costa Meaa, wu arr .. ted on susptc1on of rec:eavang lulown stolen property . . William New fresh taste. Only5 rr,g. The Newport Enatgn Wednftdcay. hlly 21. 1• Poge • C harlu Bopf, 22, of Santa Ana, w.u arr .. ted on au.aptc&on of pel ty theft Tamothy Oavad Can oon, 19, of Hanford, wu ar- r .. ted on au.aplCaon oJ poe.eu- 109 coc&me Cheryl Beth LeBNu, 32, of Coata W..., wa.s arr .. ted on 1u.apacaon of pouess 1ng huhaah Seven men were arr .. ted on au.apacaon of drun.ken dnvmc;~, ancludm9 two from Newport Beach. Jaclc Walbur Rodqers and James Gene Robertaon. Sunday, July 2S CRIMES Plahnum, gold and cLamond Jewelry valued at $24,700 was reported atolen from Suzanne R Paerce 111 the 600 block of l1do Park Stereo equapment aod 1ewelry valued al Sl ,.C30 were reponed stolen from Jay Ol1ver Pyle m the 400 block of 38th Mobile (Cont.anued from page 1) The new overla y zone was on ly recently approved by the c1ty lollow&ng nearly " year ol publtc heanngs befo re both the plann 1ng commtss1on and the c1ty counc tl F~.ahmo rod.a and r .. ta valued •t SS18 weze reponed atoJen h om Gtlbert Palmer Woe 1n the 1100 block o1 &cl-B.y (Newport Dun .. ). ARRESTS Lawrence FrAllClS Ouver, 35, of Co.ta Mew, wu arr-.ted oo auspacaon of •nvoluntary manalauohter Nael1 Lyle Debere, 19, of Hu.ntmgtoo Beac h, w.u arr .. ted on auapl· caon of 4Uault WJth a d.eadJy weapon Kam Leac;~h Shelloer, 21 , of Pomona, wu a.r- rested On IUSplCIOO of poaeu. 109 amphetammu Election (Cont1nued from ~oe 1) after serv1ng two years u an ap· po1oted Incumbent Heather has served u Mayor lor the past two yean, 110ce the last electaon an wbach a new rn.a JOrlly was ovt~rwheJmtDqly elected f tlang deadltoe for the elec- tion 1s Aug 6 lf no 10cumbent Illes the deadltoe for that of1ace IS extended to Au9 11 Nomma· !ton papers are avaalable at the C1ty clerk's olf1c e Warntng The Surgeon General Has Determmed That Ctgareue Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health u TD UL~ A L O • • ' ' Poge 10 Weclnaday. July 21. 1•2 The N•wport Ena.ign Best bays tmder the SUA • . . Fri. 8t Sat. • july 30 8t 31 i I 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson • Costa Mesa HARBOR CENTER OFFICE 540-7921 • Wilson Z Harbor at Wilson Costa Mesa 646-5021 51 EWALK·SALE 50% 0FF SWIMWEAR JRS • MISSES • WOMENS Ong Sl2/S39 NOW$5"/$15" 50% 0FF DOVE SHORTS NYLON TRICOT • JR. SIZES O tg $7 Now •3•• 40%0FF HEADWIAPS Asst. Fabrics 8L Colors ong. $4/SS Now $2.o /$2•• 60%0FF SLIDE SANDALS Ladies Sizes Ortg. S21 Now $7" 9" 12" 16" l·SPIID FANS 1999 2999 3999 50~ 0FF lEACH PANTS Men's Cotton Sheeting 0 1g. S201S24 Now $9" 50% 0FF SWIMWIAR Selected Men's Stytes O ig SQ /$18 Now $4•'/$1" 70%0FF lEACH TOWILS Selected Prints Or!Q $399 NowW 50% 0FF SWIMWEAR Boys Nylon Knit Ong S2" /$399 Now M •/$1•• 3·SPIID FANS I 20"Window 1 20"WlndOW 1 deluxe themlostot 24.99 34 99 SUPER SHOE SALE IATURAliUR 19""' lifE STRIDE 19•' "' HUSH PUPPIES 17""' ~-------t fAMOIU.AAE ESPADRillS IVLOI a CAIVAS , .... n tl IIYUS. Clt .. S 1911·21 17 MUSUOOMS 14"·21" D.P. SANDAlS BASS SANDALS FAMORLARE SANDALS 17.97 , CHILDREIS SHOES SAIDALS SAVE 30-40% SAVE 30-40% FLORSHEIM VAlUES TO US HUSH PUPPIES VAlUES TO U5 1911·2911 Mli'SWUUH BOOTS "(' t15.11 39"-41 11 TEl. 541·1775 Convenient Front • Rear Parking Over40 Great Shops to Serve You ...... JCPenney Di.menaiona ln Fuhion l(lct.M.-t For You The Male Man Mon Arnie 8ridala end Fcwmala Windaor Spcwt Shopa The Shoe Hut It' a A Dilly K • 8 Sportswear ............. Dr. ICielne, Optometrist Olympic S.lea Company IC.C.'a Hallmarll Shop Winter 8eauty Supply Si~ Costa M ... S.wlng Center Rlchanl'a Beauty College Vidd'a Sunshine Factory Harbor Center Lock• Kay Shop Enterpl'laa tt.nt-A-Car E•ecutiv• World Travel W.......,..toGo Vito end Maria's Cu.atom Reatytlng end Attenldona Harbor Center C....,_. The Cobbler' a 8ench Harbor Center ~t Thrifty CrownBooka Kirk .Jew....._ The Register •a•A-IAL ... 1'1nn' ... S Crock• NatJonal8ank S.Curity Pacific: Natton.l a.nk Columblala•lnp Glendale FederaiSamga IJ' YO 50\ Off -40 )ol ~ 111:1 tJ2 0!1 "tow $.2.25 to Sl6. ... t« Dlalr!lafiO anct .......... ~ IJ'10~0ff -.g ID NOW Sl2 60 lo $220 l ..... ...._,.. ---. Cftt&..-~l07'"'0ff 1'-0 ~to~l .,.,. $.26. 71 to s 112 50 .......... , .. .olanctt« m::JM-.GS IJ'lO~Off SfiQ How~70totlU • K. C .• , ~J:_, /HOP OJ Aim TOIIORE OJIP SElECTED SIDEWALK SALB ITEIIS Incl uding Hallma rk Pa rty Goods • Miscellaneous Figuri nes Office Supplies, and Mu ch More fllEE SIIOOPY CUTOUT &liD wmTDIG PAP&Il ORGAJIIZEitS (Wtule Supply lasts) MALE MAN an unusual ..-..r~- SIDEWALK s LE SPECIALS In the Harbor Center 2J(X) Harbor Blvd Costa Meso (714) Sd0-8810 UPTO OFF Mon-Thurs 10-7 Fndoy ttl9 Saturday 10-6 Sunday 11-5 Orange County's No. 1 Men's Discount Store CHILl FIGHT INFLJ\ TION WITH OUR PESO SAVINGS SPECIAL FREE SMAU SOFT DRINK WITH ANY HOT DOCa PUICHAII WITH THfS AD located in reor of Harbor Center by Crocker 8onlt, Acrou from IC-Mort on W•lson loellel ....... G<*J '~ 50'\ 0ff ·~ ""_..,, 5~-- Now $500 IO 5950 ......, .... 50\ 0ff 10\J ID NowS1o.50toS70 ~ ------------"-------- D.pos.• Of ony Hottlor (en19f ~,._, w~ .,.,._ ~·'·~ "W baa m team , ln A WagD« IIAIU'\ll'~ Wct...o, with a at.ut, led the 82-boat around the long cowM to the Soiland Trophy, the .rT .. r1llAI SavlDqa Trophy and a Luer aaa.l for coming in lirat the 47th annual "Flight oJ the apon..ored by the lllw-r~rt Harbor Area Chamber Commerce and Home Federal and Loan. wmner John V1rtue LD the aecond apot w1th Beck conung LD thud, Norman fourth and MUte ICh, fifth. Beck waa awarded the Wuham Trophy for "brst gul to and Katnna Braune, aQ · 12, waa p resented the Harry Perpetual Trophy 4S rouma·-1 Qirl to fi.ni.sh ." James lbbotaon, alao aQed 12, the A.V. RouseUe Trophy "yoWlgest boy," John and Daigh the trophy for the married couple," and Mar· Lockney the trophy for sailor." McLean set a new record of 1 , 22 nunutes, 22 seconds Bill F1cker was cha1rman of ausptClOUS event • Bill Ficker, Commodore chairman. left. and Carol South, pres1dent of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. present first place trophy to Douglas Mclean for his efforts 1n the annual Flight of the Lasers Friday. man (BCYC), Dav1d Franco (UYC), Enc Boneth (BYC), Jett Olson (NHYC), John Permck (BCYC), Jon Ptnckney (BCYC) and Bnan Nelson (NHYC). NoL F' .... -- Gidii80Ccel" Tee•AtCdM Jim Noonan, soccer coach at Corona del Mar HiQb School, baa formed the COM "Oat .. " aoccer team. The gula, &Qed 16 and under, will compete neat month a.lonQ Wlth about 300 other teams 10 the Olymp1c Youth Soccer Tournament apon· 10red by the Loe AnQelea Olym· p1c OrQaDULDQ Commltt" Noonan teels confldent the Oates will reac h the b.nall "Th11 11 bas1ca.lly our CdM Hlgh v.uaity team, which f.uuah. ed fourth in the tou9h Sea Vsew League desptte the fact we had no seruors or JUniOJI on that startLDg team," be sa1d. "The add1tion of talented sinkers Dans Pointer, Dan& DeBorus, Megan Hall and Ken Sprec ht from Newport Harbor Hlgh, a.nd Jenn1fer Noonan from Mater Dea Hlqb, should make us very st rong and the team to beat," Noonan continued. The AYSO team 11 al10 coach· ed by Ba.rbara Brown a.nd 11 led by center-halfback Jenny Yates, la.st year's MVP on the CdM var s1ty, by goalkeeper Stepba.n1e The Hewpwt EDaigo Wectn..day. July 21. 1912 Page 11 Fifty-one children. aged 9 to 15 toot.. pdrt tn the Balboa Connth1an Yacht Club's seventh annual ~11a1hon Thursday Top sa1lor was Ttm Cassel with 30 laps H~ was closet'( followed by Steve Clark and Julie Norman with 29 taps each Olher placers were Taylor Tosh. Perr'( Stern and M1chaet Taylor 28 laps, and AJiyson Dunn. Kevan Stern and Cdrr e Hdu~ner 27 taps S•aff photo by Steve Canc1an MeQan TLDQler of L1do Isle ht Club took hve lust plac e to win the Balboa Bay Seventy-three young sk1ppers quahhed to compete LD the Naples Sabot National Cham- pionship to be held 1n MISSion Bay nezt month~ Ueet champsonsh1p SAiled out of Bahta Connth1an Yacht Club last weekend Jane Schock (NHYC) m De,o Vu took the se· cond spot w1th D1ck Brown of the host club tn Bullet ftmshmg thtrd Noonan of Mater Des ------------------ Fleet Elunmahon Senes by Newport Harbor Yacht last week. The top 10 sallora out of the compehtors were Tmgler, Boneth (BYC), Joann Nor· • Racmg Looney Tunes, Harry Pathaon of Newport Harbor Yacht Ch1b won the Sa"ltana 20 In the Ullman B Regatta at Balboa Yac ht Club Saturday, Scott Lohman (BYC) firushed hrst, Bob Uccden (BYC) second and Emanuel Coster (SLBYC) lhJCd . and by Pah Brown. Team 'Improved' Other playera from CdMHS named to the squad are Jane H1llts, Lz Foley, Anne Hil- bert, He1dJ McLntoclr., Jennlfer Piper, Lynne Bercaw, Mana Rogers, Llssa Romney, Trac1 G lasgow, Samantha Allen, Brooke Hernng ton, Lls Mahoney and Lmda Pltc her 1s m the m•dat of sts last Newport Harbor coach DeBusk has been able to te 1deas on next year's V1ew lea9ue race, and has 1shed hlS team u one of favontes due to "smprove from beqtnnlnQ to end " "I am really pleased wttb the of the team th1s sum , " nplamed DeBusk "They a.ll shown a wtllsngness to lr. and amprove "The team hung together p ret well alter lossng two players Ball to Ocean V1ew H1gh guard Bryan Folk to m ) . , IndiVidually, DeBusk lauded Improvement of center Joe rand forward hm Wolfe "When Bryan gets bac k lro m tn)ury, we'll be a very good , " concluded DeBusk In Huntmgton Beac h summer ue achon last week. the defeated an over JUG''""'-.. Pac1..hca team, 76 31. Weatmmater. 71-SS As a result of watchang a ma ty of the Sea Vtew lea9ue ms tlus summer. DeBuslc that Corona del Mar onc e aqam be LD the s seat, yet "everybody as c apable of beahnq rybody else From second to place 11 will be a the finals of the CdM-Costa Mesa summer league. It IS the hrst hme an three years thai the Sea Kmgs have even lost o ne Qame dunng the summer season The loss was the result of Warren offens1ve reboundmg and hagh percentage outsade shoot LOg "We haven't worked hard on defensive rebounchnQ" SAid CdM coach Jack Ernon "I tned to place personnel thts summer We gave at a good shot but they shot exceptionally well." W1th J 13 left sn the fust quarter, Warren only led 12-8, but the Sea Kings had set a precedent of allowmg two lo three shots per possesa1on In the lust hve mmutes, Warren scored three rebound baskets Center Tom Vance scored on an oUensave rebound of hu own and b1t the free-throw after be· 1ng fouled to bnng CdM w1thm one pomt at 16-15 after the hrst quarter In the second quarter, Warren opened ats lead to 31-25 due 1n part to continued effective out- Side shoolmg and CdM turn overs · The tb1rd quarter aaw All-CIF guard tdtke Hess take over of· fensavely, yet the Sea Kmgs were unable to close the lead, as they entered the hnal peraod tra11i ng 47-40. snht " ..., The fourth quarter opened The Sea K1ngs, however , w1th Warren g rabbsnq two ott en opped then second qame ol save rebounds to qo ahead be summer, 61 -56, to Warren sn 49-40. CdM forward Greg Wynn --=-=-=-----===-:::=----=======-=~1 RONNING O N cea Of lnter .. t _,._,-ua-Town Dan Logcm you enjoy runn&nQ lulla, be particularly fond oJ the For The Cooki" 1Sit (9.3 Sunday, Aug. 15 at Lake The rece contiall of loop around mile-bt;h Lake JArrow~rn• ... a ( 17 Mpa.rete hillt, I J:'O\lDUKI them). A SX a.nd mile wtU alto be held. The lSK Sit •tart at 7:30 a .m., the al 8 a .m. Pt•Teqt.t.reUoa by Au; 8 it with l"'IAtrt, $4 race ooly. 12 for late reqwtraUon. 1..-,IW'LIIJID u... from uu. .,.. ,. ~wart to Lab AnowU.d IWllllall .. wMn lM Teo& lllaJ'ta. ....... (714) 'ft'!lllllllillm m a.o. C.ntTal at (71.) 874~&680. • • • A 8u Dle9o r.-c. worth nothmg 11 the Rubber Toad Tnathloo Wedneeday, Auo. 25, at 5:45 p.m The Rubber Toad wtU be held on Fteata laland and &noludea a two·mtl• run, e ight· mil• cycle, quarter-mile awtm, balf-m~le run, quarter-nul• lnner tube, and haU-m.lle run. Call Dan O'Roarty at 299-9962 to un tangle thla one • The popular S.Ota Montoa Me retbon and HaU Waratllon ta eca-echal.cl for 7:30a.m . OD Sun day, Au;. ~. 11a• rece atuta at Santa Wouic a Ctty Coll~ et 17th &Ad PNrl ln &na. Wolaioa n.e •try ... ta $10 (lDclu.de. I· aMrt), 14 rao. OGly by Aa;. 20. La• reqUtTatkm ill $12 (iDoludee t-M.lrt U avat&.We) . for an applleaUOD wrl• Wata~. Suta w-sc. R.creelloa ud Patb ~··· 1• w.m St .• sua. ,_k:., CA 80401. countered w1lh two free-throws. but the Sea Kmgs allowed War ren another offenssve rebound basket the next hme down the court Hess continued h1s consiStent sconng, but CdM was unable to contasn the Warren oUense, as the game ended w1th Warren ahead 61 56 Hess led the Sea K1ngs wsth 29 pomts whsle Wynn and JUnsor Scott Green also contrsbuted of- fensavely "The summer gave everybody an opportunity to show what they can do," sa ad Er n oo "But the moat Important part was that the luds learned that we d on't have the luxury of decad1ng when we want to turn at on To be eflecuve, we need to be con SIStent '' The Sea Kmgs !mashed the summer wath an 8 2 record. Pre-season achon starts July 29 m Dia- mond Bar agamst the Cobras A prachce tournament IS scheduled for 9 a m Saturday, Aug 7 at lrvLDe Terrace Park 1n Corona del Mar ••• .tn our 108. JaCuZZI or swedtsh sauna . Then lunch totally relaxed bestde our ftreplace tn our quiet, uncrowded lounge or pnvate conference room, w ith Orange County 'co other w inning executtves. Other amemt1es • Breakfast and Lunch Se rved Oa•lv • Sw•mm•ng Pool/Basketball Court • 8 Racquet~II/H~dball Courts • Complete Spa Wtth Steam Room • Cold Pool, Ouiet Room, Mas~eu r • F &tness Program/Weight Room • Joggmg Track, Billiarm Room • Apparel/Pro Shop • Laundry Serv•ce Provaded U vou are. . you ve seen what it can do to a familv or a rela-~­tionship. von Jwith )(m live with thr hPartadw. Tlw hlad,- oub. The broken promt~'· \ou\-e rea:-.c.mffi and ... ~ mp.athtl•-c.L Covered up and lied. ~-\t'll trtt>tl tn 1~nnn• the problem or mal,· ,.,n ..... · ... fur tt. He on/y drink, on I( f'f 'ht ·nd, '*IH 11,., t•r dnnks bejorefin•.llt~ uncl•·trllot u/ pres..'\UTf? at lt'OTk But it onl~ l:!t'l .. \\or .... •. f( .. ptll .. 1\P\\, too \\'hat can vc •u •I• •; Call Carel. nit. Carel' nit i~ a mrtltcall~ ... u1wn l"(>tl akoholism and dru~ tn•;ttnwnt pr11~ram available on)~ in ~·lc •d rnmmunit\ hu ... patal.... .arel 'nit ~\H'c 't'::-.:-.fulh trt•a t:-rn••n · }'IC~•pl•· for alroholi~m cad1 \c·ar than a rl\ ntlH'r pri,ate program ;n ailablt·. But befort· tr~atnwnt ran btf!lll. ', 111 han· to cart' t'llOL~h to call. lf vou don"t \UU can tw ... un· 11l nn•· thin~: The proh"iem ''ill mah !.!t'' ''••N' 10 talk perSimo/~, rn'th u ( urd 1111 cnun.selo~; phone _ynur L. wul ( 'un·l 1111 or roll u.s toll~ lll 800-l_l..!. I c:- c ~-·~---·-•Co •••-0... 1 Page 12 Wecl.a•doy. J~y H . 1912 Tbe Newpon Ensign HARBORLITES by Dlao •oil Burger An U.Dp&.raJled everu.nQ of eleqance occurred at Lo Ct.u&~ne, when the 2nd annual Jewel of on Evemng benefited the Nahona.l Mulbple Scleros1.1 Socaety's OranQe County Chapter. ChauanQ th11 event was K1tty Leshe, who w1th the usutance of Stefan Knitl, presented a NeJJ:Du NA.rcua ahow of precwu.s jewelry Wlth tuhaona to matc.h whUe QUHts en)oyed the gourmet meal. I Socaahtes who attended were Marn14 Fluor Reed (lookmQ lovely 10 a french blue chiffon), Tn.sh and John O'Donnell, Mary Lou and Harry Allene and Mtldred Mead. Other• were Barbara and AJe& Bowae, Walter Raymond, Claue NcNaue, Nora and Chades He.ter, Warren Ftx, the RJc h&td Allen., Dona and Hans Ltn - dhardt, Shuley and Harold Nuckenthalez, Nary Lou and Ruab H.Uborn, t.he Stanley Van den Noorta, t.he John De Nu- cu .... Zelma Allred (weannQ a hancbome hand crochet top tra mmed w Qold), Bee, Evan and A rthur Z.lm, Mary Jo and RJck Hausman, the Wally Ntelsens. Ana and hm G.ray, Paula Feldman, Steve Klosterman, the Robert R.dds. La Verne and Louas UOMr and Manlyn and Rlchard Hausman. What kids want tokno.v is, what's religion for? Cllcllt ........ ........... LOUIE BEL.LSON & THE BIG 8ANO EXPLOSION Ai9*1·8 Docs rt help you' Does rt wen' Does •t chcYl9e what's WTOOS' The Hauama,n.a also ho.ted a ~Iron party for N.S'a lJlDovatJve fund-r&l.Mr planned for Sept 26th at The Newporter. Benefit patroo.s for th11 future event (bOt I o be IDJalled) are Ga v m Herbert, Joe Woodward, Jtae EWlDg, Bill facker, Bob GuQ- genbeJm, Ed Schumacher, Bob WarnunQton, Gary Burrill, Raben Gray. Nack Doohn, Harry Johnson, Harry Karsten, John Parker, Larry Stone and B1ll Volt. Margaret and Carl Karcher's summer re••dence was the 11te of Chapman Colleqe's Town and Gown Summer Soc1ol. Nearly 100 guests-Vugama and Paul Bender, Jacque and Dav11 Chamberlan. Dor11 Deacb, the Rlc hard Hawkins, Eleanor and Ralph Leather by. the Blll McClams, Larne and Wtlham Parb, the Cliliord Raneya, Lynn and hm Dowty. the Robert Roeenarts, Glen and Dottle Stillwell, Esther and GeorQe WU.On and Carol Blanchard- were greeted by the Karcher• and SDUtha, all of whom enJoyed tbe bullet supper and the mua1c of Jean Tandowslcy's Orchestra. A cast of thousands turned out for the openinQ of the Anuco Show and "The Movm9 lrpage" at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Seen 10 the c rush were Nora and Hal Lehman, Bobb1 and Bul Mamie Fluor Reed, Dick and Marilyn Hausman II to r) at MS's Jewel of an Evening. SutH onoro bv Otna von Bur<Jt•• &nd Dick Goodm&n, Fred Eversley, -~ HenQer, Pat &nd Ca.rl Neiller, Annette Hurwttz, Meba ucl Ted Pearlatel.D, Dawn and Bob Wuher. E. G . and Ward C"e•berlin, Fntz1e Wilhama ud Nel Grau. s~ of e&hibibons, NHAM will pr ... nt the Edvard Munch ahow in February. Th1s tl a real biggy 11nce only four musees i.n the country Wlll pre- sent th.11 e&cihnQ show, whlch ts under the ausp1ces of the US State Department and the Crown Pnnce and Pnncess of Norway mataJled 1la ofhcers headed by Myrna Wngbt, Charlotte, Starege. JoAn Barnett, Belly Harhne, Kr11hne Hoftm&n, Sh1rlee C obb, Chadotte Wood and MarQO Butler. M.ryna also announced the NHP award wmnera: Shari McMahan. Lealie O 'Donell, Kendall FlagQ, Kathy Hoya.l, Laura Jerrehian, Ahaon Fish and the Woman of The Year went to Jan Srruth. Postcnpts : ln honor of lta.ly's wm, Carmelo Manto of Lo 1 Strodo has mvented The World Cup-a real soccer ORANGE CQMTY IS the Passwon:S lor the Passpon to Olsneyt.and Sunmer Fun fM!try ntg1t alter 7 PM• SAW£ 13 PEA PERSON FRANKIE AVALON .My 26·30 couN'fBA§E & HIS ORCHESTRA They learn tt doeS, In ~ Chnsban XICllU SUnday School They disc~ moral and sp.ritualldcas to tNe by and to heal b)t TheY ~ON 1n thell sense ' Stabler, Hedda Maros1, Ceceha Newport Harbor Panhelleo1c I --------------------------------------------------------------- rf you lrve 10 Orange County All you t\aVe to 00 tS bMq yOJf Qfange County ldentJflca llon and ask lor ltle =~t ~ THEH '~~ PAATY ALL NIGHT LONG, from 7PM unlll • liOSing' Ellpenence a1 your tavonte attraCilons. see top-name stats 8'VflfY wee!( aance to me e.g Bands and be bewitChed by me sum mel' s greatest spectaculars Fancasy Flfeworks and ltte Man Streec Elec1ncaJ Paraoe ~THE WOAD. ORANGE COUNTV-Itteres somehng speoaJ !of you 8'Vflf'y ntg!t al Otsneyland• Tl1E WHISPERS ~2·6 Tl1E POINTER SISTERS ~9-13 PAUL REVERE & Tl-iE RAIDERS ~1620 SEAGiOiAENOES BRASIL 88 ~23 'l7 RIGHTEous--BAOTHEAS ~ JO·S.,.embe< 3 PATRICE AUSHEN ~610 O...to ............... ............. 808 CAOS8V & HIS OAOiESTAA featunng Tl1E BOBCATS ..AJty 23 & 24 FREDOV"MAAtlN & HIS OACHESTRA .A>oy ~ 31 Ao.gusl SHe UONEL HMPfbN & HIS BIG BAND ~IS.21 LES f3ROWNi"HtS BAND OF RENOWN ~22~128 TEX~&HIS ORCHESTRA ~ 29-Septemc. 4 BU~& Tl1E BUOOV RICH BAND In ConGer!~ 5·11 ..... MICHAEL ICEBERG & TliE ICEBERG MACHINE Suno.y lhi1J Thlnday N1(11u. PAPA o<50RUN RUN Fna.y trwv Monday Noghls i<RASH ru..o.y lhiV Satutoey ~~~ And~ ........ Tl-iE WJN STREET ELECTRICAL PARADE 8&11P-.. cJ the power cJ &bk truths And they learn a Chnst Jesus -his tender and pracbcal cxampk cJ God's ~tor man. When ~ t:h•OSS they·~ learn1ng wont, kids knOH 1t \aft -...clcomc /JI'Iy young person through age 19 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOl IVIIY IUNOA Y AT lOAM Second Church o4 Christ Scientist 3100 Poclnc View Drive Corona del Mar WE PAY TOP s FOR GOOD CLEAN USED CAMERAS Bnng YO\Jr Camera Of any PhotographiC Equtp •n IOf a FREE appratsal CAL'S CAMERAS mo Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa ~hforn.a 92627 (714) 141-1313 ............. ~.._,. l~.:.~ "':.:: =· ~ FANTASY IN Tl1E SKY FIREWORKS 9 30 PM .,,.. ...... 1 ........ ~ ........ -...... ,., i"-... """ ~~-. ,._.,.... flf4.., .. t)nt1>,.. I IIIIFIII llrrllllly II fw fll· "'.::Nr-. -4 -The mo.ne trwt ~Mes 'fOAJ >OStOe a COI-~JU _rt!'-'_ ploty>ng at lheate<s eve< ywtte<~ Your money a lways earn:-what it's worth at AMERICA"l HOM E THRI FT A!'ID LOA~ PLA \' BALL WITH US and rl'(;elvt> FREE-Open a minimum S IO.OO balance Thrift account and you will re-ce1\'€' an easy tote seat cus tuon and a 1982 Baseball Digest Ha-.<•ball D1gt'.,l Annual (;UJde 1s com- p•lt•d by tht• ed1tonal staff of Baseball 01gt:~l Magazme. Century Publishing Co . E\an-,lon l llrnw~ You will find 50 p8K€'" of fa ct.. and 'ilall!fliCS from 1900 l hrouKh 19H I from Pennant W innerc; to off-c;t:>a<,on play{'r transactiOns-a real mu..,t fur baseball fans! PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS it $500 MINIMUM 9% 8.5% SIMPlE INTEREST MINIMUM ACCOUNT Sao NO TERM REQUIREMENTS NO PENALTY TIUUFT BY MAIL FREE TRANSFER Of FUNDS INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES f<>f U.Morrua ~ts onlr Y ttld ol I»Nd Oft IIIC..nl ~ (~IIH -lit,. tO tlw Puabo>OII ...,..IIU tv ... ,. tlw lOth ""' .__ ffolll tlw hi 1M ... _.. ~ .......... , .... )II~ ..,, tn4 t ........ -.vNy P)ys u much u ttw ti monch SlO,OOO Mm Balancr ccntftCatrs offrrrd br Strl Banks CALL FOR CURRENT RATES · IRA 4 l[OGH INVESTMiNT Cf..ll1'lfiCA TES AlSO AV ~ILA_IU • SIC110II Valley Fresh-The poultry people who dare to put thetr farm- fresh chicken tn BIG 12Y2 ounce cans. gtve you the finest flavor and the lowest pnce per ounce Valley Fresh selects thear own best hens and fully c~ them tn natural brOth. Then they pack enouijh delicious meat 1n each can for a BIG. better- than-tunc.. salad like this: 7't76S 1.00772 ITORI COUPON------- ' ' • .. 4Lild gbt .. r c.b.i.tfou. Her colon .pu a spectrum FASHION boa .W. uad qr~ toa• to u o1tf.D9 hriJ..Ii.ut j ... l tou• ed b~ alaaQ wrth black, . . ' .. ·{ • ' • f • .. . . ·.........-• abr.ecl wtth bn~J)lt red. Olw of a.&9A'• C)T .. t tortes a the abWty to d...cover \&D ul.lal })y llllclnd llllead ud oriQiJMI .. brica. And, of Fall 1982 a.rrlved Ul Or&QCJe c::o.a:ne, a_,.-oJ color Cou.Dty abortly b.tore Juae 21, &D.cl tJ.e t.lqiutioll to ue at. the firat clay of a'llJIUDe.r, with the The Opp.ah.eiaaen are both u - peno.o.al appearance of four of ~ ~-coiLICioul when Ca.lifonU.a'a &..ding fa•hion u COlMa to f&bric, traveh.og to desiqnen. It wu a fut-paoed Fran~. Italy, Switaerland a.nd show m the Grand Ballroom of lngl.and twice e..onually an the Dts.neyla.nd Hotel. aeuc:h of the most chfferent dod And the '!D.1Z' wu great-interelting 80urcea. Helqa, Phyllis Sues, Christine P1ayllia Su•, known across the Alben with finale by Travilla. COWltly 1m her contemporary HeJqa (her huab&nd Walter .. •hiou, abo aearches out Oppenhe1mer preeeated her fall u.Dun&ilal:aria and then com- collechon in hil inimitable way) bin. the• in most intereshog .... the ahape oJ thiaqa to come ways. Bel r.n '82 co1lecuon Ul as ahort and shm being equally cludM )acea with l .. ther, stnpes Helga ~ Red Bldck check WOOl spencer jacket bra1d trarnmed as show n weth black skart and whtte sdk JaCQuard blouse ropped o f course Wlth black hat n. Ne..por1 Eougn Wednesday. luly 28. 19t2 Page 13 ,, " .. -!f --I . \ I I I I amportant as full and &red. with p&ialey. etJuuc patterns and Jac keta aod bluen are definite-thick lmittecllloneqal tweed wath chased at, be sure at w11l come )y updated-bo~ iacketa in wool ;.r.,. bdclr. Keep 11' Travtlla's cheeked cotton dress wtth matching )OCker was suet, a success that tt rs betng done f()f fall Winter '82 tn sohd wool wall cho.ce of c.olofs bfack brow n betge red j I ~ ~\. variou lenqtha are trimmed with Two .a&temanta made by Sues And for a tall purchase to on the lups, had cowl neck, paaementerie. duriDg the abow are worth keep forever, besades Phyllis dolman sleev• and full sh.rt. I .,., I • Helga'• fa.bncs areluzuriou reme•berlnQ u we start to shop Sues' kn&tted OoneqaJ TwH<i and a very full soft suede shrt mohain, melto.na, fl&n.nela, tor f.&ll. 'Lenqtha a.re not 1mpor· dreu and matcbmg coat, run brouqht cheers from the au- Travalla's Signature pleat gow n also avatlabfe tn a range of cok>fs for Fall '82 Along Wlth unported printed tu.t,' abe Mid, 'proport&ons are' don't walk. to the sto res c arrymg dJence woolen.a, atylized P.nian prlnta, With the new u.kle-lengib the des&goer sportswear of The bnale was pure Travilla- Phyllis Sues' Donegal Tweed velveta com.bined with other ~t.. fit the look accorchng to Cbnshne Albers who showed wttb ruiDes, both long and ,acket trimmed with forest green labrica, silk pnnta, jacquard your haiQht.' And then she add-the most lush leathers ever seen short; a red crepe wrap dress straaght a.nd unbelted watb lD· terestmg pleats on each nde and, of course, bl.$ Slgoature pleats shown here 1n the long q own leather tubing is shown over a pa.isleya, acarl and panel prints, ed, 'Don't throw anythmg away on a ramp wtth square necldane a.nd a mat· matching straight skirt Fall 1982. silk taffetas, mouea, brocedee U it ._ CJOQCl when you pw-A soh suede dress, belted low c~g <:QVeJ:ed roee; a chenuse. -------------------------------------------------~~~~~==~~~=-----~~~~==~~~~~~~ • OPEN SCX)N IN El TORO• PACKA81NG SERVICE WI lOX. WR» AND~ • Artlocts. PQnttngs. Glasa. etc. * Wood Craftlrtg fOIBusAnea 01 Pubic • Elk* Poddltg •PickUpA~ * Pac::koglng and ... Hai~-V'4dll•-v-.~g Start at S 1 * Mal YOAJI Pocttage~Here . s.~··· WIS. ACROSS TOWN OQ AAOUNO THE Gl08f 330 I Harbor ot MocMtu 1869 Ne'wport ....a. 919-tW .,...... MI-OMO Ml IC*> -TOPSIDER-- Resoling& Reconditioning One Day Service f THE S ANOALMAN 2 1..36 NEVVPORT BLVD ..:as T A ME SA 714 642-8455 THIS COUPON GOOOF<». 1 Pill lOLL OF FILM ...,. .. any 1011 alliin we develop OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK (Next to Market Basket) 673--22A2 ONE CXUON Pf:R VlSlT DNBa.l5-t2 134 w Baboa. Newpot1 BeciCh. • TAX SHElTER • PROFIT • EXCITEMENT AVM••• 1110-. T~-Gt2 Cdl trom ,.. IYsr Clq) b¥ <aD ........... dl:*f ITUIH1akel WWY"8' .. 0 II ' I In odlwal ced ltaQe ~ trair'rg. - IICaftl -* ""* ~ tor .. 1982 roc:--o -.at\ S-i'"-~ ••• ,~,_.., 2730 CAMINO CAPISTUNO SAN aa.tnl. CAlif. CAU (71.)4t2·UU t-U'• . ~ .~ DIAMOND UPHOLSTERY 18 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE t'44fl'f ,..,..-act,~ fi D esigner L •ngerte ~ •• •r•••d•l E xot1c l nttmotes ~ 1 Adult G tfts & N ovelttes .2m Off w oth th S COvpon 548 6444 2 pieces of furniture reupholstered and the Jrd one I ap• (EQUAL VALUE OR l£S.S ) G000 THIK>UGH 9-J0.-82 10.6 MON SAT J69fost 17th$• Ccs•o Meso lloc(l • -'-. ••• :. ' e Furniture Manufacture and Design -- • Re-upholstery • C.tommade cushions • FMm cut to size 16TH ANNUAL FINE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL THE MAGIC IS BACK! "" t ... 1 • • ' , & ... . .. • • • ' rl t ' • • ,. I • I ... A I I t f J I f I ! • 1. • • 4 '• ' •' .... 1 t -. jo, f I 1 6 •' 1 I • It 't t ' I . ' I t ' I I •• I f 1 t • .• I ' • • r . ' ' r • f', I • I JUlY lOth THRU AUGUST 29th 10:00 AM TO 1 t :00 PM EVERY DAY ADMISSIOrt 11.00 KIDS U .. OEA 12 FREE WnH AOOLT 9JS lAGO,.A CArno" ROAD l AGU"'A BEACH. CAliFO.,tA I,..FOR"'ATIO,.. "· ·~ ,.,. ~:t~~~::;r P o eo• 11,. a .-c;.u,..-•r .-c" '" •1•')1 I I Poe-lt Weci.DMday. luly 28. l9t2 The Newpcwt Ensign .. .,.... ..._ exh1b1ts selections from "Anonymous Journals" at the Abfaxas Gallery, 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach Hours· 11 a.m.· 5 pm., Tuesday-Saturday. Pelntlneebyl,.,._ ... on view Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seamster Gallery. 3341 Newpon Blvd.. Newport Beach Information: 673-0400 Wodla by JMwport a..ch resident Alice Carney. "The Stud1o". through August 2 at the Sandstone Gallery. 384-A N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach Hours: 11 a.m. -5 p.m Tuesday Sunday TheM~In S.riM by Neil Chap- man and color land scapes by Clinton Sm1th are featured tn a specral photography exhibit at Susan Spntus Gallery, 3336 V1a Lrdo, Newport Beach. Both show through August 28 Hours are 11 a m 5 p.m. Tuesday Saturday • • Funowact Laftd.. ac..,...,Miefant Ltves The Documentary lm age" exh1b1t of photographs by con temporary artiSt Btll Ravanes1 and Farm Secunty Administration photographtc records ot the rural poor lrvme Fine Ans Center. 4601 Walnut. Heritage Park Irvine. Hours. Monday Thursday, 9 a.m 9 p .m .. Open win acutptur .. by Alan Saret, new w orks by David Amico and The Movtng Image featurtng art used in anunated films through Sept. 12 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beac!1 I •· LM Orlevr .... by Joan Mlro a crayon and chalk engravement valued at $50,000 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Coron. del Mar printmaker Isabel P. Cox has an exhibit at Laguna Federal 1n Laguna Beach through August Intaglio works by ar- tiat .loaaf Eidenberger at Wh•t man's Galleries. 3545 E Coast Highway tn Cw ona del Mar Hours. Bonnte Wh11man 675 2478 Work• of -rly Southern CalifCHrfia art by vanous arusts now exhibtted at the Bluebrrd Gallery, 1540 South Coast H1ghway Laguna Beach. Hours 11 a m 5 p m Wednes 1 day through Sunddy I Clubs l Corona del Mar High School 10 years for the class of '72. celebratiOn t5 Saturday July 31 Reun•on comm•ttee 646 7662 DOGS ~ CATS " . F'1~EVENTIVE MEDICINE FOR ANIMALS LOW COST VACCINATIONS Robles $3.95 e Distemper $4 50 e Porvo $5 Dog 5-in-1 S7 • Cot 3-ln-1 $5 FREE PET CONSUL TA liON by Doctors ot Veterinary Medicine Call (213) 888-1100 For lnfo rmot1on PUASf-OOGS ON LEASHES; CATS IN CARRIERS Sot July 31 llom -4 pm Wilborn Mason Pork Ul"'llvers•tv Dnve o t Culver Dnve lrv1ne (please carlo. onun.v4;-rs.t, Sur August lst lOom-lpm Vons l85 E 17th St CostoMeso John £. ~Cotn We Are PROUD to Have Photographed JANE ESPOSITO. A New Teacher At Dorothy Jo Dance Studio I o CoTona del Mar We Wo.W • PROUD ToP~Y .. ,.,: 7 ..... 717 3040 E. Pacifac Co.•t Hwy. Corona dtl Mar. CA Newport Hatbcw Hleh School 20 year class reuneon Saturday, August 28 at the Newporter. Information· Mike Holzer, 846-001 5. fMwport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club plays in tournaments. makes v1s1ts and has fun days Meeungs at 1550 Crown Drive, Cor ona del Mar Informs· t•on: 759-9966. Take Off Pounda Senalbly (TOPS) meets 6:3(}.8 p.m Tuesdays at First Chns· tian Church. 729 Vic tona. Costa Mesa, tn S.S room on second floor rear. Further 1n formation. Lilhan P1erce. 642-7023. In Tranaitlon a group for recently w1dowed men and women seek· mg support and new friends meets 3-5 p.m every Thursday at OASIS .n Corona del Mar Nowcomera Club of Newport Beach w1ll have a pot luck salad luncheon 11 a m Wednesday August 4 For locatton and reser va ttons, call 720-0639 or 675 1683 Membershrp mforrnatton: 640·8388. Momberahip brunch for Bus.ness and Profes· stonal Women of Orange County w•ll be held 11 a m Sunddy August 15 at the Newport Harbor An Museum Cost $ 15 RSVP Mdlllyn Saunders. 972 9000 or Dorothy Krtll, 494 9741 by August 10 Central Orange County Arta •••nee 1s open to members from Irvine and Costa Mesa. Information: 558-5569 or P. 0 . Box 10625. Santa Ana. 92711 . Spaghetti Dinner by the City of Hope Open Door Chapter 6:30 p.m. Saturday, August 14 at Brecht Orchid Gardens, 1989 Harbor. Costa Mesa. Proceeds go to City of Hope. Reserva· tions: Isaac Weisgal, 768-4118. ........ Bey CniiM 6:30 p.m. Friday, August 6 at 400 Main Street, Balboa, aboard the Balboa Pavillion Queen. Sponsored by the Republican Associates. Guests, $10. members, $5. In- formation: Debbie Kurilchyk, 975-5890. Newport Beach Chapw of Hadassah will hold its first coffee of the 1982-83 year 10:30 a.m . Wednesday, July 28 at the home of Marge Shane. Resrva· tions must be rnade, call Clance Anschel, 759-1956, or Benji Green. ~5244. Newport Aohlevera Toastmasters Club meets Wednesday mor- ntngs from 7 to 8:30 a.m . Western Federal Savings. 4 Corporate Plaza. Newport Beach. For information call 675-7196. Nawport Center Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 a m . Pacific Mutual Bu1ldmg. Fashion Island. For Information call Or. Anna maria Balhn at 640-0838 Jl,,.c,,ouul r-JPo,·l . ., .. ~.,t~inf Ut ~MIIU •• STOREWIDE ~ ANNUAL-MIDSUMMER 'f~ ,' 'f ) TENNIS SALE (1. ·;, , - FINAL DAYS -.: ~·~,~ SALE ENDS JULY 31ST ~ ,I ..... , ALL \ ~ MERCHANDISE ' r REDUCED J~'. 10% TO 50% :-; , .... 1l..•· ll .. u,• I '• no 114! ~. The hnt tranuUantic lurplant' PUMill•r wu Chari~ Levine. He wu -n own from Lonl lslan.d, N Y., to E&aleben, Oer· many. 10 June, 1927. (CliP t SAvt fHI$ AD FOQ FE fXAWMTION) ATHLniS & JOGGERS Are Not The Only People With fOOT PROaL EMS GenMal and Spofts Medicine • Bunions • Ingrown NailS • Harnrnertoes • Coms..Colouses • Worts • AtNettc lr4uries • Heelpaln • Al'nbUatay Foot SufgetY, I'UIUCMOTICI l'lCTifiOUS •ut.llil " ....._I>TATOU NT f • I J • • 1 • ......... -. r tc«tt '~ • r ,., ... ,._...,. I.J,.,J t A ••w II ._. .. I ......... , .. t A ,,.,. .. r •• ..,,, ·• .. 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I f'"'' I I ltioi'•r"' Wt ~t• lift ti~,A CU ANLMS ~ I AUNUEI<I M!> .• I , u• ""' N"••· ' S. , ' ' ~ • ,,,,. \l,•fll.l Y,tltl ~~ ~4 .. , '••I •I ( I lo ~UUI • H tll1 ' ,., ; '·'• .. • f l l-,''41 1 l.df!lj I 01 1 Htllt CA ,,.,,.'' Y 'J • Anl .. ur.v 011n l.. l • t.. A ;;t. t\ SYn•~ <;. • J (lh hi•. A ,., l•~ l T r t A '· ~ w r,.,,, •, ... , • 14'1 •1• J •~ • • l t N I,. y .. , , L ... '"' • • .. • • ' ' ... t 't •••• • .. ' ~ • .;.,c.., r"t •• lw; , ... ~ .... , l , ....... " ... I'UIUC NOTICl ncnnous austN~ NANt STAn:Nt NT 1 h. t, I • ., P•" I t~ .. •,r•.-. •• • l YN 8 Sl"ft. llf VICI.S t l~ IIA 0 • '> Yl N••• ~~ & .. " l • • '"'" I"' f\•lf'f, da 41'-( f, .. A ••.... \.A ~.'f>~. Th•• b ...... ••t .• I 1 "'t t • J ••d J•l !.~u•\1 l '' l M•\' Tfot • • • •m•• ••• • S \.. .. ,,. c .• "" ,, ,. J• 21 ·~· Pwt.~l.,t I '"'"' A 1 t lol>'. • lh• N••P· n t.~~•··J f ... , ..... ,.. , •• PUIUC NOTICL n c nnOUI IUSIHtsS NAME SlATt:NOIT ~l•u· l.o '""'1"\1 IJ•t_,..,, • au l I t Ul ~~-·· ... IRVIN( Cl.IAP\ 'JiATt. t l...aruc ~ -..c "•I• o, ... ~ ... P' l• f,. • \.A '•' • I 8 f.'~••• I )I l •"•'•l·· a. ... (), , .. ~ .. t.o A S.ot r C'A '-'itt' Jii '4 I~ Jta '"""' l_... " I 5·· t. • N· .. • tl• ' I l A ··~ r~.. , ..... " • ... 1• •·• J • •••" I 0.1 I -t " ti ....... Tl\,• •·• .,.,.,' c ........ r, .. , •• it I 4'. .... t -J .. , .. t .,,_ • ~ A ..j t ' r~ ....... , , l ... • r11ro. BEDSPREADS • COMFORTERS • BED PILLOWS • DRAPERIES • 1'\IIOC MOTICf tiCTfTIOU$ •uSIJ'Ui M.UU S T A f(MlJfT t•• .... ., ... Q ,..,... "' .,~ f _,."' 1 ,., .. • WHO n trt t Ill AM ~A"IOA /1 • I ~·I ~ M.•t• •• h \,; A IJt.O I C ••• ••• V. • ..,, I• t ••.• '"•• 'I ·••",. II\' w .... ,. ~ II '> I ....... <.:A</1>1 t h • tJ.v•••....,. t• f"vr-d ..J b• • "'' ._ ..•. .._, s.",.."" C"l.u ... -A H..• .... ,. ~... ••• (*, •• 1 .... w., .. .. Th. •••'•fW\••• ••• l11.ci tuu '• t "''''" (":•H I(),, ...... C .,, ~ ft fwh . .... f ,..,,,,,. 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AllUIS Tv ctll he~rs benellCiclllt't c r•d•to rs. conlmgent c•ed•• ou; ctnd per50n$ who may be otherw1St' anteursled 111 th• wall .,, ~lctle of Belly Holt Wctll. ctk.t Beuy H Well. ctb Elactbeth Hoh Wall dece dent A pel•hon hc1s b.ten Ill ad by Edwctrd E Wall 10 lh1r Supe11or Courl of O ranQe Countv <toquesltnq lhal Ed w.std E W4ll bto appv1n1ed a• personctl rtopreseni411Ve ''' ctd m101Sie1 the e•lalt' ul thtt decl'denl The pehl1un •• >.jUt'S'-.sulhonl' " ctdmlhU\Ier •he eslctlo> Hadt-r •he lndepen .:len> Adm1m•l1dllun •·I [sldtlh A cl A nt>H•II'l vr. tht' pelataur. w1ll b• hP.d 111 Dept No J at 700 C.v.c Center Ouve Weal S.nla An.s C A 92701 •n Auq lb 1982 "' 9 JO " m IF YOU O BJECT 1 1he Qlcllllln•l ol the pelltu;,n vvu >huuld ellher appeo11 .,, th .. ht;aflnl..) dlld Sidle VOU I C•biK lwns or hie Wlllle n ob1echun• Wilh lht' COUll befOlt' the hedr~nq Yvu• appea1anc e mav b.-'" ve15on " by vo ur -'IIO<ne~· If' YOU ARE A CREDIT O R "' .. cuntanqen• c r&d•tor I the decea~t>d vou mual hie VvUI ( ldlm Wtlh lht' COUll t P<.,senl 11 I< lht> pe1~onal •epresenldl&ve app~•tnlt'd bv the cvur' w11h1n luu1 muulha lrum the dale d lual 1uucln~• of lellt'u "' provaded ,,, 50'<' "''" 700 ol lhe c .. llt ... rn•• Probalt' Cudt> Thl' ••me lor t.hnq claim> WLII nul P.apore ~HI 1 tv lout monlhs h um •he datto c l lht> heanPQ n I1Ced )bo•vo. YOU MAY EXAMINE the t.lf' l<ept bv lhe courl U vou "'" a person 10it'1ested 10 rh• estote you may late • tequ"' w.lh lht' COUll IO rf'CeiV8 1pe ldl nuiiCf' ,,f lhP hhnq "' lh• ,r,venlul\ c t Hldlf' .sss.>l> d nd ' t the P"'''' .>r.s c1' •unl~ 4 nd lt'pvli> dtt-''llbf"d "' te<'IIUI 12005 uf lhe C a l1t I'll.! Ptt b.steCode Allurnev I" peta•,.•nPt (' A H1qbu.-A11C•1nev dl Law 22q Mar.nt> Av.. Sua 128 &lboct hland C A 9166:' (71 4)673 7b70 Pubhsh lulv 21:1 Auq " II :9tt2 "· Th" N .. wp• ,, Er ~ n Franck Pourcel Ray Conniff Johnny Gibbs Kenny Rankin Caraveth Johnny Pearsm Nioo Gomez Anne Murray Raymond LeFevre Fleetwood Mac Clebanotf Att Gatfunkel James lali Ferrante & T etCher Henly Mandnl AnJy Wiliams Don Tweedy Lu1ndo AWnlt6da Qu ,..,_. Gordon LWttloot Hugo Mor-..-gro Larieao.. Peqf .. c-.~ NE44 Upcomlne tecu .. at Orange Coast College include: -.. Analysts of a Territory" market1ng series conducted by John J . Simpson Meets Wednesday. July 28, 7:»9:30 p.m tn Fine Arts Hall 116 Fee IS $10. -Home vtdeo producuon workshop 6 p.m Thursday, July 29 in the tv studto, 4th floor of the library Peter Scarpello ts the facilitator Fee IS $10 -Stress-reduction workshop; L1nda Kay Lucius, lecturer 6:30 p .m . Wednesday, July 28 tn Sctence Lecture Hall 1. Admtssion is $5 "Food A"'-try- Frulta 10:30 a.m . Thursday. July 29 at Fassero's International Cookware. 2919 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Fee is $25 Phone: 673-2343 j "' I .,,,(, . I I -, . /( "lvetythlng You've Atwaya Wanted to KNow About Coronary Bypass Surgery" will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, August 3 at Hoag Memorial Hospitalm Newport Beach. Information. 760-5942. $$$$$ $$$$$ "Why We WIJI Proepe.(AndNOT Heve A Depqaalon)'' featuring Bill Davis 6:30 p m Thursday, July 29 at the Velvet Turtle •n Fashton Island. Sponsored by the Orange County Engineer's Club. RSVP Mary M1ght 546-3468. Cost ts $11 • How To Select A Small Buuneu Com- puter day-long seminar sponsored by Cal Poly Untverslty, Pomona. 9 am Wednesday, August 4 at the Atr· porter Inn Hotel in lr· \/H ~ I Unique Gifts For The H ome! l ' 1\H ,., '"'' II II' It II '·"'\,,I' •1'1' 'I. 1 1 I IIli.: \Ill '' \,,II ,J(,' l I' I( II\ \ I, I I 11 I til 1 I\ I' \\\ " I 1', \II ''II\\ \l I,\ '-'111. I \ .... • .t t J STATE FARM INSURANCE ® FOR INSURANCE CALL Dennis Rosene AGENT 410 w C oast Hwy Sutte T Newport Beach C A 92663 645-6470 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Home Offices: Baoomlngtoo. Illinois ~---ctiANDSAVECOUPO----~ c~e-f;ous! I • FREE OIL CHANGE I WITHEVIRY MAJOR SERVICE • 11 year• ••perlence servicing Porschea and Audit e•clualvely • FactCHY trained In all phases of repairs and maintenance • Al k abOut pickup and delivery • Open Saturday& Clip & Sove EXPIRES 1-31·12 . " .... I I vtne. lnformatton and reservations 581 4655 or 836-2281 Breekfaat Mmlnar by Pa&ne Webber 7:30 p m. Wednesday. Auy 4 at Bob Burns Restaurant. Fash1on Island. Jack Herron w1ll speak Reseravt1ons 64()..1850, ext 70 FlvtHtay aympoaium on Soviet literature begins 10 a m Wednes day, July 28 at UCI T1cktH:. dre $5 a day lurtt1et 111formatton at 833 5433 Ne wport Harbw Art Muaeu"' rs offerttllJ d numbm of cldsses for k.1ds "1 d four week ::.es ~1011 Au~JUS I 3 27 Co:.t:-. vary lnformdllon Gull Theroull . 759 1122 UCt Film Society ~c reens d bunch o f lJOOd pt<.lure~ chedp 8 p rn every Saturday n w w AILING For people thtnktng of tryrnq rh,c; e.x cr tmg sp ort or for the e>cpen e n ced w tndsurft:r Freedom Sports o ffers cho,ce o f quol•ty, destg n and durobtl ''>' • Brand Name and Custom Boards I Sw m<.t.: Lecture Hall AdmiSSIOn tS $2 Ftlms for July tnclude July 31 . "Children o f Paradtse' by Marcel Carne (France. 19431 UCI Committee for Arta screens a bunch of f1lm s throughout August 8 p m 1n Sc1ence Lecture Hall AdmtSSIOI1 IS $2 Aug 6 "Semt Tough" w11h Burt Reynold:. Auq 11 "ThtJ Spy I W ho Loved Me" wtth Roqer M oore as Bond Jdrne:. Bond Au~1 13 · Carrtt!" I starrtnq S1ssy Spacek Auy 19 "The P1nk Panther Slrtkes Agam w tlh Pe1er Sellers w ..J •MM!;. -''"'£'-AND WE !SUITS • Horizon Gaastra Performance Sails • Rantala, Instruc tion CURTIS HAWK$ 695 FREESTYLE 7eeedom Spoetfl 2430 W. Coast Hwy Ne wport Beach SCOTSMAN TIRE CO. ¥ ""'• lfiC-I'Qns & lOOOO Brotr.f' ~' rol DISC BIIAK .......... c.,.. ...... "-U....,.,. DMI ... IIICWeiMr ...... 11.000 .. u.ltM .......... 631 -7574 We Keep Yuu Stm lmg HI-FLY 333 SAILBOARD GRAND PRIX PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appou1tmen ts Ava1lable 7 a rn to 7 p All Insurance Pr o grams VVelcorne Spec1al Cons1derat1on for Sen1ors 24 Hour Emergency Sen .. tc~ PETER T SM RECE" JR DDS I ~C $795 $900 :Hit) I \\a('•\nhu t H hd. :--.uttt• 104 :\t·Y.~h•r t Hl•ach 1111.'\l lli \ rllllfl,l "toll 1(11\1 NOTICE TO VffiRANS If you are an Honorable D•scharged Veteran of the Armed Forces of the Unrted States tn good health you are entttled to a Double lntef- nwtnt Space (for you and your Spouse) tn our Oed1cated Veteran 1 Section at the cost to you of only a Stngle Interment Space plus 1hl Endowment Care Fund Depostt required by State law. Harbor Lawn. long known tor •ts Spectal Cons•derattons to Veterans. •s mak•ng thts Pr09ram ava1lable to the Veterans of th•s .,.... Space 1s 1tm1ted and '' w•ll be ass1gned on a hrst come. first .wd buts To assure your space. MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! ~------~~L~~--;;~~;;;;;;;;------1 1 1121 Ol ... r AYe., Coeta lleM, CA _. I • ._ ........ ._.._.,_, •• , .. .....,..._ .. 1 I I ~1 4m"" H()n(11f.aol<• 0.'>cttot~'<1 v .. t..-an i ,,, eo<>d t'lealttl i ! S.rtaJ 111o O•ac::t~arge o.te ----- 1 I I Addre• ZIP I l~~------------___________ j ----------------- • I The Newpo4'1 En.aign Wed~ay July 21. 1982 Page IS Free movlee at Newpon 8eeeh ,_..._. Ltbrartes tnclude "Bnstle Face". Tues day, Aug 3 The f1lm wlll be screened 10·3) a m at Manners Branch, 2005 Dover. 2 p m a1 Newpor1 Cen11:1r I Branch 856 San Clemente and 7 IJ n1 at Balboa Branch c ..... oonaatthe Newpot't Halbor Art ¥useum shows class•cs J and 9 p m on F ndav July 30 Selectton •s w•de ranged and the COSt IS only $1 for ktds under 12 laccompanted by an aduhl and $1 50 for students, sentors and NHAM members Are you rea ,.,. sat•..,'•Pd that your family s t.nanc1a1 program •S totally ddt'Cud't ' 'Od ay and tor thf-' future? Have yOu reai1St1Cally cun~ ;E·red rr JSe bOII"IersomP ontus•ng oetatls tnat can ser ousty attect v "' f.J'ans 1nflat•on ta)Ces Soc1al Secunty? OOPS ~our P'~"St'n' melhOd ot sav 1ngs •nvestment~ dnd ltlt> nsurdnce JW',"'')" • 1 >w yOu to make ma)C1mum use ut your alter t<u a ' <l'' Now tnere san toasy wdy to ~''"d'" d •I:'Cllt')l•l. l•nanc1a1 plan tor you ano you• ramtly lf'Houqr u"' ~·Prsonai•ZPO F mane rat P1annrng 5e•v•l e Here's How It Works \ We ~ \:'L t jata 'ron" f \,}IJ r c.-r ,, r q • ')u• as ...... ,., yv .. • '1t-e0S f vu' 0 0 ect•~t'"> 2 Ttl S ,..,,_,,-at O" s ._ r()C,..:,<; ... I.: ... , uQ• J .. • CO";. ~tP•S programmt-O Ov SPt'l.. d 1.,,, ' •ne 1 t-i!J~ "'' r .to~lments '1Sura.,ce a"'d ' narc d ~'·d' n "~Q "~" a• "lG "''<~'•onar., tacto•s a• a SOt: at St>c • '. t~en..,• '• 3 Yo.., • ... c.,. .o:: d '-.,,,Ot'•' o '· · 4::> :.>dQt' •ep0r• u 11t>rtng t fiT' rea St L '1-'l..uf"lf'Tl .. 'li.li'l' On::. ' r • •' 'd"' y ~ 1 na n Cra program OdSt"C '1 v '" r u 1 <'"'uS y<JU' b ... oge•ary ,. .ral ,w., ana , • • • · ... ., THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE ... AND YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHATEVER TO BUY ANYTHING. ---------------------------------------------- '<II, -. "'' ' ,._ t •t .-t., Nl t, -.t ' •'Pt<' ' tS '-1i ~ t .. " • ,.. .. .,. ,.. : ' 714 730 0202 17452 lrvtne Blvd. Sutte 8 hst1n CA 92680 FINAL DAYS NAME BRAND SPORTSWEAR FOR MEN & WOMEN DRESSE!l • l NGE RIE • C ~SUAL SHOES • ..AOIES P£NOt.f10N W<X>l SPORTSWE~R ENDS SAT . JUlY 31ST DEPARTMENT STORE Hours Dally g JCH:OO CIOMd ~ndaya 1816 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COSTA MESA • • ........ .... T .. CIJ. J\&ly H. ·-The .wporl Ea.l ...a: .me~ : •PCt.o.••• All QMW•PC'I C» l1ll CITT 01 ....alit IIAC'Il. • .... T1 1U • a. 1'a ......on IU.Ctl ~4L ~,_tWIG ,. ~ 06111CWHA.a ~ wrr.. T1ll C1Tt 0# ~IUCM • ..... c .. ~• .......... ~ ................. ..... .......... _.., •• ht .. ............................... _,.,_ -----·---..... ............... c.-,_.._ .... WaUIAI •~• •••<~"• ...... __ .. _ ......... _.. _ ... __ _,_ _ _._ .. ........., .....,._ .,_ .... -Coly .............. ~. -·-oi - ·-......... _ •• 0 0 ··-·'"' _....... ......... ,.em e=+t~ ........,_.. __ _...~ ... _ .. ......, ............ _ .... __ .,._ ....... -w.- ~ ... ...._._ ......... __, .... ~ ... .._ ................ .. .__.....,.. .. .-.c .. ,.M w-.u. ..,. a.-.o~ "'"" .. ..._... ...... -· ........... --................. -~<~~ ....Uw.• ................ -. ......... _ ___ .... ~ .. ---"'11-'1 .. ----0..,10 ,_ ...... . ....... ......_......._ ....... _ ··~*-"" .. , ... c..,..,.. • WKDIAJ. h_ ..... ,. JUO)'.cll ......... Otr -w _.. • ..t, ... _. .. ~~-·-' uol ......... .-.c .. ....,,...., pro ......... ..do..._..IO~IO .. -... ~-............. .... _ ... .,.w.c NOW ~'""c • ., c.,... til ol .... 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OOQ. riiJ071 PWUCIIO'na sYATDIDif~ ~r MUICO# ncrmoQIICISUIDS AA1U na. lollowulv ,..,_. .................. ....... --................. --MAIIUTUIG C(»>CCPT'S l411 I C_lt_, Coroa.4el .... CA9al5 n. """"-........... -............ to .-.... ... bled a• O.aeqe CCNA.tor oe I..Jy lO. 1_, Pl40145 O.oalti L Patnck 114J G'-o..,oo S. &..v~,.. a....~ C.A 112651 P..-lo G l'•tooc• 17~ GMoa•H• Si t..q..,.. a....~o CAIXISI n.. ........_, ... C'~dv.et.d by ... 1-D do•td...! Stq,.ed 1'•-t.o G PauiC'It n ........... ....,, ILW .na• ta. c....,.a. C..ok ol 0.-Co~Atf oo I..Jr n 11a2 l'vW•oh l~ly a Av01 4 II 18 11182 ••Tio•"-Por!IAooo• Nt4lll PuaLJC NOTICE D l07'0 NOtiCE OF DEATH OF VERA 11. JIUilP1IEY MD OF' PI'1!!IOM TO ADIGIGST'ER ESTATE RO. All._ To .U betn, benefK:IoUMII, C*'ton , CODUDQ-1 ~Ted.Jl· on , &ad penou who may be oth.e~ mler•teci ID the will or _..le ol Vera W Nw· phey, clecedent A pehhoo baa been Wed by Pstnca.e M&tltLe LD lb. Supenor CoiU1 ol 0r&aQe Couor, TeQUMWIQ lh.t Palnci.s Walltle be sp- pomted u pe,_JIA! rep,_D· ... bve to a.dJiwuMer the eet&te ol the decedul. The petJtJon ~--· authonty to sdmm· 18ter the -.te Wider the J..o ~ent Adnu.rwhauoo ol lllt.t•Ac1 . A beannq 0.11 lb. pehbon will be lt..ld LD O.pt No 3 at 700 CtvK: Center Dnve Weat, S&De. ADa, CA 92701 0.11 AuQ 18,1982 st9·30 a m 17 YOU OBJECT to lb. CJraDtmq-ot tolto. ~N"thon. you ahouJd etth.r appe41r at the hMrtDQ and ctate your ob)ec· Ito~ or We wnllen ob)echooa wtlh the court before the bNnnQ Your appe41r&nce m.sy be ID per.ao or by yow attorney IF YOU ABE A CREDIT· OR or a conhnCJent creciator ol tbe deeM_., you mu.-t hle your cl&un wtth the court ol pT-.ol tl to tit.. penonal r~r ... nt.!Jve appoU)ted by the coiU1 wttluA lour montha lrom the date ol hnt LMu.&Dce of let ten u pro~ LD eec · 1100 700 ol the C.Worni.s PTobate Code The lime lor hL.nq c l&uu will not e1pue pnor to lour mootha hom the date ol the hMrLDQ ootJced above YOU MAY UAWINE the hle kept by the court U you ,,. • penon IDier.ted tn the _.ate, you may W. • requ•t Wlth the coun to receiVe ape ct&l nohce ol the hJmQ of the mventory ol .. tale a-t• &ad Of the pMihOIU, SCCOIIDII &nd reporta deecnbed tn eechon 1200 5 ol the CaltJornta Pro bale Cock Attorn.rt lor pellhoner wpman 6r Star. • prol-..ooal corporehon. by Gt..lbar1 G l.tp~D&D, Attoruey s \ Lew, 16133 VeDt\Ua Blvd . Slllle 920. lnctno CA 91436-2444 (213) 788 1850 PubUah July 28. Au9 4. 11 1982 m Tbe Newport to etqo NE4S4 PVIUCIIOTIC& ltOTICXM.......,.. TO IDICAGI• t.ciAU 01" "'la.c:IIIC ..aAGD fo Wlaoa It .,.. c-c.n ... .._. ... _ .... .., ....... ~oe-~ "" •Of~ .......... ~ 91 ... '"•' ·~ ...... ........ ...-"' ..u .a.olotolttc ~ ........ ,.., p,......., ~ ....... , .. ~ L-. ·-....... ..... 105-S. S....1 ..... ...,_, .. -.t'. ......... . ...... " .. 14 • .,..,,,.,. •• ,.., 0...•••••• ol Aleo~ .._,_ C-...1 ... oo •¥a.~ al en ~WI ...... f..,_ ._ ........... ",__ .. .......... "4J " 0. &olo .... ~ .... (hWoc lel ... "--1 ........ t.ot.a A .. 4 II t.aa n.-.-a-..... .....:.one& ~.-mea ~t<>nacw t-•u• uu .\laM 0,.. .. _ "'" IC: L-.c .... AI ... .,_ .... -..... c. ........ __ • ·-.. 4.ol.,........,.t.-...... . .~. """"·-...," ........... ,,_ •JI ..u ...... w.. ·--....... ~ ......... ~ .................. ... ,_ N41> o4 -Ctonl c ... •II ,...., ..... ..... -.-_.., .......... .. haW"'' ............ ~ ... ,, ..... . .... "'-''' ...... _ ... , ....... , .... HU81'011 ()o,. I CrMIDo4 aliA ,,.,.,.,. A C•uloo•od haloaed aed ........ .._ ........ UXITICIAJI'I' s..a-a..• CabiD• ... eo<-----,..,.al • ,., -...... "" sm ••-... t4Gaf-11t ..1 0t bcoal ........., ... ,... oil"'• ol <h• llaaot<ht ol O.u.,. c .... ,, .. ,d ·•- \Ill tt_... d.cr~ ·~ klllo•1•9 prop4t1 ,, '-"' a. "' To.co No 1.1M or. ••• Colt .f .._~1 ~ Co•••• ~ o, •• ~ S. .. ,., ol C&lt...,_.. •• pet .. ~ t..c'Qed oc~ •• ._. Jas --ao oh•o""h 46 ....... u ........ W.po •• lha ... ..,. ol th• Co"•'• R.Nrd.t u.t ... Ciojl.6•tv w,, 1M oloo -·-• .. ~ o.., .... , Du•• Newport a..rn C A IU • .,,_. ..kj,_ Uf wM•CH ~~..ol' ~ .ttow-. •tao.. ... • .... " ly • Qt.,. ... ~ ,.. ..pt.t.... t cottec:t..-) Th• M•.t.c .. ,.. .. M•t wld De.d ol y,_. .. b, r-...on ot e br .. C'h O• d.l•loltl '" tiM obl•q~IOGt ~1.d lh•••bY, ._.,-.toto•• eaecvt.d ••d d•l•v•red ,.., .... ••def"t+911Wd .... ,,.,. O.CJ .. t&l.on ul O.le..Jt u.d 0...••111 loo S.J<o aMI ,.,., ... ltA.)tiC"'e of br..,c • a.Mt A el«'h0'1 to c•-..e tM .. ad.HttqaM to .-It .. ~ ,u..,petty '0 Mh'*' .. td obho•'~"· ud , ... ,..,._, tM .. .act., .. q_,..d t •.....S N.td no4 K • o' b..-..c-t\ •ncl oe el-=hoe to b. r-coto.d A.p,.l 2 1982 • '"'' .No 82 11.785 ol aatd Otloc..J ....-o...S. S.td ~ ...u a. ..................... . C'Oif ..... t or ••n.,.t'f ••Pt ... or ..,. plood ~ '"" -00 •or••braac.e to pay th ,....,. .. '" puac•pe.l .,.,. ol the ttOie(l) ...cwred .b, ... td o..ct of Tt\I.N W\lh tnl•r_. .. lA wtd note prov.dld. .dv&AON tl UY unoia• tha "'"" of oood Deed ol T ,..., 1... c)w.ro-••d eape._... ol tM Tr\i.al .. dd c4 th• lrv._...• c, .. ,_. b'l ....S Deed ot T...., S..d ~ •oU M ~aid "" Tlo•rodot A.,q ' I.Z 01 II • • •1 \M ltoal Mtruce lo Gw..~.ut~.~ r ..... Deed s........ 1600 ' W.¥t<u• O.aoqa CA 1 Yot.t are ttl def1uh ""d•• • d.-d. of """' oiaoed Wo,cla )0 1911 Ulll-""" 1611• IK'tWWI ~ protel('l 'fiChU ptopet .... at ••• .._ eaid •' • p\oltll..c' ..a. U v.;>u aeed .,. ••pl.a:Aat.oa of •~• .,,.,,. ot .... 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C()\l.atv on1 lvaol4. 1912 .......... lui• 1 1< ll l• 19&2 •• T ...... .....," IA~NV• f l92147 NIJ~ PVIUC ltOnct STA TD1D1T or AAAimOIQoiiJCT OF IIU M f1C'TJTlOUS IUSUU::SS •AKt Tb• toUo••nq per..,n• ~v• •b.Andoo ed •*--• w.e~ ol tt.e I)!Chho• .. b~ •••• TRAVUGAIID nee Yto l.>4o $~11• 400 "-"""'' W.OCh CA ~ TN hcUJM>ta ~~·-,. ... t.t.u ed ,.., ..a.o .. .-.. tued ..,. C>r••~ CO\dfl' -A•v 4 ltiO fola llo rt~ r..--c..., ......... "'1 1M-• ~~u C~rp JJOO l to.d••• ~~~· 5ae.l ... -c .. ., w-...... ,1 T\Ui ~-... C'Oftd¥C'Md bv I <o•••""'""' Soqo.ed 1 c~.-... , H•••• ..........,., S.C ,.,.,. a....a... c ............ lftj lac n.... IJ•t• .. .a.• .... tw.d .,.. ltw Co"•'• et,.,._ ~ o..... 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""'"" b•••••" u •I MIW WOaLD TICKiiOLOGIJS b WU.UD Of' AHHS 1271 Ga-o..,•• So l..v...,.. ~~~ Co i2661 ld•••d I.,_ ao. I"" 1271 GMo .. yo• St llo 2SI ....... a....~. CA. msa Ttu. ~ .e c:~"d"c..S ._, eo •• clt•td...! S..,oed I l nooo lo1111•• T"l-4 -. .... at ... t.Jed wtU. ,.,. Cow•ty Cl.tk ol Ote.D~ CowaiJ 00 h. l•l 111112 ~ I.Jy 7 14 21 21 lllll .. Tha N .. poot "-<~• ,. !12644 .alM PVIUC !tOne& ncnnC>Irl I1ISDID& •.ua ITATIMDfT Tloa ....U0....0 .,.,_ at• ....... ---.. MKWPOilT IIQVLZVA.aD TaAVIL KIWI'OtiT ILVD T11AVU.. ll. "•"""'" ll...t Cooto ..... CA 111621 14ttwpoot W.OC~ llooa..ta!To~" lac • CeWoraa c-orporehoo 2151 Mawport ll..t Coa•• .._. CA OSl7 loo722l Newpon a....h CA~ Tluo ........,_ ,. c""'d•<~ed lof • cor pO,.I_ Soqaed Do••• A ... ,c...., y,.,. .............. ..,.., ......... ..... 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Ot 1.-ool "-eordJ •• ah ott.u o4 tloa "-•da• of o. ... <ll. c ... o.,. ..... .._ of ,,.,.... cM-c-t..bM tl!.• f •U .,,.Q PJ'Ofii!M ... n.o pc>rtooa o4 ....., l •• l lod I ol t ..... "" 518 ••••• c •• , ol ... .,..,.. ..... ~ c ....... "" o. •• ll. Sla•• ol C.btor~'• u •how. .)n • a.ap rw-ot4 od ••..,.,. 11 ,..,,. )1 oo 16 ted,..•• w..c.u....-. W..po •• ·~· oCioc. ... IN C...aay R-od•• ol ...,j Co..aoy ....... ~ .. lollo- ~9 •• tk So~••.._., :'Otael ol .. ........ l ... d ·~· ...... ,, ·-· l.loa Soo.uo.ol' boo ol ,.,d loo :Ill 5 -f"••c-• N-orth•rt., 110 • pot.ni lA tl!.a Nor oh.,l• bn ol aatd l0>1 d.., .. , tlo..- l41 • •-• w .... ,,, ol oba p~o, ....... e>o1 ............ ~ ....... tuo.... olooaq -,_.,....... .... 11 ~ ,_, 10 .. ., Moo t~ coor••• Lll.. Scn.tllerty U.:.. ·~· &.ot.ol• ,.,.. ol ,..., loo 15 65 - '«~ ta• ~~ ot '-v•••••o ,._, 1oe......, ~.o .. oo t~ I (K.,. 11•4 S.lboa Cohlo•••• (U • ~~.r .. t .odr-,, ~ ...... ..,. ... OW. 4bo•e GO ••rraa ly .. ""=' Itt C'OIIIpl.te.. .. Of COtr-ec1 ·-· floe ba ......... ~ ......... .., Deed .. r ..... '"-ol . br ..... ~ 01 ........ Jt !D tk oW\19•1110&6 -c"Yred tW,..., ••fefCI<Iot• .... _,~ &Jtd ct.a..~ ", the t.Utd.tuq-tMd • •un•• Dttc\&rettOft o>l O.lo~h ood O..o•d looo SoJa aood •••"•• .. vt~• ot b•..v" aft4 of .Me hoe ..., e.-. • ., ... .cf.•t•qud IO ..tJ ..... ,_,.. ......... ~ .. od ... 19 .. _. ..... ... _ ............. ntq'lll ... c ....... .... -~ .. "'-cit ... d ., --·-... ... ...... ...... Apttl 7 1912 .. ,..., • I tl llOlO& ol .. >II Ollo<••l llocor• S.>d ..to ,.,II M •od• bvl .,,....,., ( Olf'eH•I Ot ..,., flt't!IY •apr .. Of •• etl..d r.,q•tdJ•G hi.. ~ Of •K"V•b•~ h .. , ·~ .... lit ... ··-~ -.I ........... , _ .. ..., "'' .. id Dr..d ol T1.-.-u lrl i • ..,,...-. ._ 1• .. .; ·-p-oded .......... ,, ••• ......, liM '"••• ol ,.. ... Daaod .. T..- .._.~ .... ·--oil .. , to-....t a1 , ... "-e•.....a .., .... 0... .. , ..... a..d 04lot .,, - ..W • W_. A.. II IW at II • ... "'" ... -~~-.. o.....-T.-0... a..-ltciO I ...., .... ..... o.-c.w..... YOU Ul D1 DIIAULT UWDU A OUl) 0 # ftVIT OATC JULY Ulfl>. lt7t UteUI& YOU TUI 4CTIOII '10 ~ •oo• nonm. IT NAY • JOf..D .AT A JI\3UC &AU ICJ TOU Nt.m AM Drt.viA T10N Of nq »ATVU Of ncJ ..octllDG 40AOftt YOU TOO lltOV&.O COC:. TACT 4 \.-' 'WYD ""' ...... -·· ... ... .. ...... ..,.._ 411 11M ....,...._ -•ua4 .... ................... oald ._. ... ..... -~---~ ...... _ .... .-................ __ ., .. ............. lOtiO l.l 01 0.00 ,.., ll 1-... _ ...... ~ .......... ...._.. ... • .. a-k ..... n-.... Qa.u ..... ,_ .,.... ...._ . -.- ·--' .......... "-'t .• ........., .__"· 1100 • ......... A.. a.-CA...., fJ14) m •to ~ ....,21. Aooe t .l •• n.~---... ,, ...UC_,TICI I1IIOIWI 011,. ....-atATDmn .. , ... 1\w. ......... ...__o....-, ., ... A·--~. 9"10 ,_ .... o--.... ll ,l.l ,.,.., ........ _,,..., '-221 ,.., .......... f"-J '-111 ........... f_I._J41 c:...M~_. -o "II c ... , ... -. o..- ~~._., ·--.... ,...4 .................... ............. uu--..... • ..... ~ '.,., ... to '" Wl '104 ., .. ,., ."""", ...... ll,dl ,, • ........ ............. ,, II ,....,.., t...ITI n ""-14l ..._ ........ ~,,... ...., IUt __ ..... _1 ..... 11 .._ ... . ...................... _ .... ·-··-'""' ... ._.. ................ _ .... a. 11 , .............. _..c-._ _., ....... ~~--...... ~ .............. """"-· ... -....... .. If II A .. t II IIOtath .... .ff 11111tll J ANNOUNC£MNTS l FuoaraJ Nolle .. :Z Funeral Ouectort 3 Cemetery Crypt$ 61 Lola 4 MaJnorta1 5 Ylonets 6 AnnouncemO'rH• 7 Accountant• 8 Attomay 9 Peuon&l• 10 Lost and found 11 Schools lnllrUCtll 12 BUimess Peroondlao 13 S.nlung 14 Pet• •nd L1veatuclt 15 G.lraga S.tle• 16 HeaJth 17 Travel/Vacation 18 Enterta1nment 19 G•h Su~;~~;~ .. taooa 20 Cluroprachc EMPLOYMENT 22 O.Cor 23 Help W&nted 2• Employment Agcy 25 Counaehn9 Svc 26 L•cenaecl Chldc ra 27 S1tuahona W•otad FINANCIAL 28 Money Wantt!d 29 Money To Loau RENTALS 52 lleofala To Share 53 Apartment• Unlrn S4 Apartment• Furn 56 Hou.. Unlutn 57 HouMI Fur011bed 58 CondOIIITwnn- for Rent 59 Vacation Rentala 61 Rooma For Rant 62 Oibc.tCommrcl 63 R .. t Homae b4 Board and Care 65 G.lra~;~a Por Rani 66 Wuted To Rent REAl. ESTATE 67 RNJ Eat.tte b8 Houaea For Sale 69 Condoa!Twnbles for Sale /1 Lots and Acreage 72 R..art Property 73 Bu11na• Property 74 lncomatCommrcl Pru perty /5 Pr•Jp~trty Mnqmnt 7b lncuma,lndustraal Property 77 RHI E.rata Wanted/Each•n~;~a MOBILE HOMES 80 Mobile Homes IH Mobile Homes Wanted 82 Mobile Hum~t Prk~ 30 BU11111l5S OpiJUI 31 Investment Oppor 32 Trust Dead, cond •BOATS Mort~;~aqes 33 Foraclosurl' Svca 3-4 Insurance MERCHANDISE 35 !ata ta SaJn 84 Boat• !qpmnt 85 Boat Chartltr 86 Boat Shp• IAUTOMOnVE 87 Auto Upholatery 88 Motor HomH 36 SporllnQ G,,uJ, 37 Art 38 Antiques 39 Auchona •1 furniture 42 Appliance• 43 Talev111on Stereo• ... Mu~acctl In•trumn•s I 45 Ofhce Equ1pmant 46 Stemps and Coms 47 S.w109 Mach1nas 48 f &.biiCI 89 Recrtn Veh1cle1 90 Sarv•c• Repau 91 Motorcycl., Mopeds. 92 81qcl" ~J Van" Truck~ f <Jr s.Je 44 Truclu v,n., Wanted t:+S Auto P.uts. I ATTORNEY BANKRUPTCY Stop law11uta. ba.r-enla one day r r-conauha hona. hpeneocec:l at lorney Mr Manh, 835-&4-43 9PERSONALS PSYCHIC REAOlHGS SlSOO 9 am toSpm Monday-F'ndav 5'13-1351 TWO SINCERE. very at I tracllve, 1ntelhqeot womec ( .. J!)' 30a) wllb to meet matu.re. bon..C, -11 ec:lucatad, proles l!onlll men of warmth and Slncauty fur po•• bte l.u:tmg relahonah.aps We would hlr.e to to.vlte two Nr R1gbta lor <Ln nar and coclrtaua We have many Inter••• to sharlt Photo appre ctalad S.uous rep!Jes only ma y respond to Bo~ 3437. C M Newa. 2721 E Co.u1 Hwy Corona del Mar. 92625 ARE YOU OARING enouqh to trv anyth109 once7 Are you hred of the same old rouhne' Do you want on excohnq new relahonsh1p7 Then drop roe a hna w1th v1tal stahshcs a.nd 4 photo I'11 t.tke '' from there loa.n P 0 Boll 1012. lctquna Bectcb CA 92652 10LOST lr FOUND liHEALTH LOSI W!JGHT NOW 10 to 29 lbt m 30 day• or yo10r \31 75 lor 1 month'• aupply rehu n ed C ell HERBAUf! dntnbutor. Nu~hella, ~S-5-423 AMWA Y PRODUCTS come to you S.halec 11on qu•ranteed o r money beck 559 55-43 17TRAVD./ VACAnON TRAVEL CLUB Fun Noney Travel U nhDutec:l .. nu.nqa 41 conauJt41ll W.mJmum 10 v•tJnenl (~rslup) No coapebttoo Pabv loua lr-tnpe lmpor tant lr-m-hno For ut.lormahon call (714) 5-45 3632 18 ENTERTAIN BALLOON BOUQUETS Un1que, peuoo.Ju.ed g1lt D&!Jverec:l locally O rd.r today "Ba.Uooo.a ol N-port," 645-6445 A BL\UTIJ'Ut BELLY OANCU will m&lte your neal occUJon tpaclaJ We enterte.Jn lor pravate and bu.DD-oroupa c .. u 731 4574 19G1FT IDEAS 27 SlTUAnONS WA.Jn'ED LOVING AND C~A­ BLI wom•n d•u·• IJ~ 10 poathon Coo.lnnq, ca nnq lor c luldten .nd l.obt boUMir-piDQ h - per~enced wt.lh eliCel- lent relerenc• Nn_ Wud. 494-6110 COMPANIO N Ami, cook houaek .. piDQ care lor your 21 ,_,.. old (or under) b.ud.t- capped clu1d Wb.ou.r f ull or part hme wgune or Newpor1 S..cb arM only E.acel- le nt relerencea P;aul, Bo a 10-43. La<Jun• S..Ch, CA 92652 l9MONEYTO LOAN JUWBO SICONOS Compellhve rataa Broker lDqwneel.Dvltad. lmroed1ate tund1og. Broker, 847-6006 MONEY -=-MONEY - Homeownera Loa.na by phone 2nd and 3rd Trust Deeds tc~.~.lorad 1o your IIIIUAIIOD Or needs Call J1m , dey, ruqht_ wMkenda 586-9127 WIDOW HAS money lor trust deeds, 110,000 up No c redJt c haclr.a, o.o penaJty CaJJ O.nt.on Aaoc1at" 673-7311 41 f't1IUUTVRE C.ual..BAC it U..p.r couch Wltb floU11ce •od raatc h1nq pillow• leA9e, Ge\l"f blue roee bam.boo d .. lgn Abeol vtely pe.rlac1 coocilhoo $35() 6 montluo old 760-mt PATIO FURNITURE Tropttone, Wre new A.1.ao otber hna lur ruhue 661 02•9 TROPlTONI-Braut...a lewo lurrulure, top ol bne, Almoer oew All wlute round table 42' 4 cheua CO&I Sl 400 new se lhD<J \750 John 720-0663 BUNlt BEDS -Brand o-. h .. vy coOIIIruc llon. IOhci wood aa tremaly .rurdy Sl09 SOMISCEL- LAMEOUS e •IANn cotn I 52REin'ALSTo-l ~HOUSES 2'526 I o,., I• SB.AJl£ UIU'UM laquoe Halh C r. fOR S.AU 1 peu &hi. qre1ul•hon.s You lwve l CORONA Dn MAR RENTAL 2 150 c•. US 1 p.u alu wuo rwo Superlu11 aa.le tooa-w 10 ~. bedrvolll/2-b.oth huu.e boota, •ael. i iO OvaJ 11deb C•li67J OSSO ,2 bedroom l beth SaJIIuenC&pllllrenu Nco att..Q area ruq or&noe ~. 1 b.ouw 1300 phu I 2 ;wt• 8JO 0565 and brown w1th beu;r• "LASSIFIED$! ullhll.. Call Bill I RDrTAl. Laoun• colora, SIS MeM bowl I 673 7374 el1er 7 oc: .. n •nd C•IY v1ew UIQ b.1l ANP 10 ecarry 52 R.ENTALS TO-K r ROOMMATE 10 wro• J bedruolrl z•, 1119 cue. wub altoe. c:.u • or abate Coroa.e d.l War beth v-bum• G. meca &Jae 9'v) 644 -468'7 ~ bruae S400 bnt ud reqe \m '714, 499 SANDAJC SHOES ATTENTION Ho me &.ut plv.a .. aJl .cunry :W~ (213) 598 8826 ~HAPPY'' FEET lo r an owners Cut axpe~ Call ADeo m 4306 owner lire famtly 5 ..... r ou•r Coaat Ho ..... mat.. b..a I attv 5 lO I CORONA DEL MA~ •o•-S7 95 U6 95 qu.Wtec:l reapooable lloevant sp;te•o.a home Outnbuton w•nted people to iLb.e.re vour S3 APARTIIENTS .a •<* pr•r.g1o.u •r- 548 3193 2217 N1ner place .\ppo1111ment at UllfOBM 4 bedrocm 3 b.alh Coate Neea your cOJIVeA.IeACe Call I g4me room ~._cuJ .. , PHO N£ uATE 1 Ooey 494-l294 U NIQUI APAR T _,ry •t~tn c urved llla.u .,. tee DrV"\ NJ:HTS a.nd towa.bo~ pb.one •ruwermg ma I """'"'N ro R RENT and ••th ecau..drel ceJ.lmq• I ••v IOiercom built Ul cluoe i79 W1th remota pnvate b..th m 3-bed (u-~ _.,.ben eu I WAICVIlA 3 c•r 9Ue9• S l .. 9 w.rranteed room townho.... I 2 condlllOniDQ po'ots I ~ ":':.~ aos'f~ 750·3791 blocw to OCC J.cvu• ~aunea ova lena.. monrb 7S9 1015 S59 NettreiMI S39 p each, lull i79 qu-n ogeont wun• ~ .tpoolsl ~ couns Immec:la.ta ev.U lftOre 1 ar em able I bedroom •nd 20 35 n .. r AAd coo .....,.._ rtss .... 1120 !714> 962 6489 r.ckets uderate Student O JC den 1 bedro..ro 2 b«i room 2 bath town BEAUTlfUL mehoqany IO laguna Pogeant duunq room •t W\tb 6 1 ol the MaiMn S.265 plus I 3 utiliu• bo..-Sarr, 00 pets ' 7S4 163.2 2400 Herbor Blvd N F R 0 0 W W A T £ Ca.a. w-SS7 8020 I wanted to share I"".oe 1 LANDLO RDS f'rM hendc41Vad rose pattern 1 PHONE f'¥:)W c haut 1940. era ea calleot cood.thon $750 , L._IU-___ 1_2_10 __ --J Ja.ruce work 673 8661 home 77(),8397 ~APPLIANCES COLOR n:LIVJSION, S 125 S.wm9 m•cb.Jne SS5 Kuby vacuum ciNAer, S45 Oller (714) 953 1799_ •p•rtme nl S257 50 per I month Call Tom. 827 edver11&Ulq' LJor rentela "'l w• ..... TO 1180 davs 857 2431 .,d race•v• qua httec:l ~ n.n I c&lls' AAA RentaJ ReaJ BUY avemoqs IY O r&nqe Counry'a WANTE.O OLD GUNS I WANTED S.r~o.u re oldMI ond larq"t rent•! I spontible fem.U• col Mrvace 973 8315 ,.u.. ahotquna. pocket 1 d I eqe stu ent non·smok WHY PAY '"'O ft£? Now wcttc be• mdll•rv ar free room and board "" tor paya more tha.n c ere Call tolllrae Graneda Apa rtmanta anv deAler 581 8870 number l-800 532 3!¥12 Puma qardll'D •par1 SICONDOSI TOWitBSES FOR RENT PUBUSHER DOES NOT ACCEPT h.abwtv lor J.DCor reel spelhnq qrammcttJca l ma ccur eca• or tYpoqraplucol errors LD •nY ad.ver n•menrs publ..hed l.D tbe Coaar N.edu News Group aworda S.nous collec ,,0 exch.a.nqe lor cluld renllnq Hunllnqto n WANTED USED fur ula: lor ilenAvw.,.r Ad meoll nM r b..ch ..., "" .rw rvwr•ONS/ watch .._....,..., Huohnqton Be•c h• ~ •-•~ n11ure modern en -.....,.. One a.nd rwo bedroom O RANG£TRE£ TER RACE -Gr .. t v1ew mouDIA,DI pool lm m•cula•• 2-bedroom 2 STEREOS 11que Ralrogerator~ SHAR£ S PECTACU •partm-ll from \425 30 BUSINESS N£W SANYO C AR wa.ahera dryen 1•orlr I LAR OCN..D Vlll"" bome 714 847 6064 OPPTYS I ) , -~ L.aquna B•acb No C H I stereo Willi~.,.. and 1ng non wor&Uig .__ ARWING l BED b.oth luep~e au aecurad parlung Na POSSIBLI ORiAN? ~r S200 c .u \ 957 8133 ~=I$ ~ P::w:~ ROOW .tuci>o o,.rlt.ok Low voha.mellugh probt-1 Evu (714) 642 9306 WANTED Old lncia..n nw:nber 1 800-5l2 3972 IDQ OCNA l..a.rqe deck abtl1ty vs b.1qh volume, Aher 5 P m bukell bt.nketa beAd a.sJ. tor PermYMver Ad ldM.l lor amqle per-.on low prolltabwry' 2.000 I VIDEO CASS~ Rl work pouery old cow watch M8051 South L..Quna \550 "' 2()~ va 10.000 at CORDER _ G! VHS boy gear Pnvate party month 499 3817 J~> U at malr.• qood mocie1 [VQR200ZX. & '(714) 5-45 8665 WANTm w.dd.le_eve FO R RENT Woods pets Non smolten pre !erred lAue Pool wuu teiUUI w&Aher dryer ID.ICroweve ~.& eluded S750. month EweDUJQI 552-6412 49 Dl•monds. lewelrv 50 Macellaneuu• FOUND July 1982 - Bl.ck boa cont&llllng Pacdtc Ele Ltne 50-yea.r Acceuortes Mrv1ce award, photo 9b Auto Trek Leung loclr.et , ~tic P 0 Boa LOVE BALLOONS Send tomeone you love I a bouquet of lO bel1ui'D balloon• ''&.II the hack out of roeee " Perfect lor all occa &lOili 673 .... 19 MOM to work NJJart m hour capacity Never us WA......rO F I woma.D to abate apart t d of h d o lJ I _ _. If •"""' t CaJ1 ., 'r:. urn•ture meat -bedroom pn Cove c harmer stud•c sunouuded bv It-..,ld wqww S..Cb ·harm and leqand.&n oc-.r• v•ew' iJSO C.l1 toll It" number I 800 Sl2 B72 .. ~ lor PermYMver Adwarcb N7970 S9VACAnON RENTALS 97 Autos Wanted 841 Hunllngton Be.ch .............. ~ ............. 92~8 51 Want To Buy went the wbol~t story 640-3109 9 to 4 aalt lor 1 --L. d s aa ar Y u .... (q I) ~ um l apphance1 refw~•r I vete b.oth iJO() Ulclud• (714) 980-4413 I R ' a ors w ..... ers rven ulllili• Cell tolU1w CLAIIIND PHONIIALU Coaat Media Ia ....ung ru• 11me cloulfted phone ~...ntonve.. 10M .c»orv I)U commiUkln ond bonu&. PtlOM tales ·~­lenee ptefefreci Callletnle HlggiN. eo.t ... II.-..Lb$ 2721 E Coalt Hilty Cctroro ~ ..,_. (7\4) tn.oiiO Break-even terms. 1 0~ down, grad. payments. ASSUMABlE toan. 5265,000. 10~ or tMs down. grod. pay- loanS ASSUMABlE. LOST DOG VICinity of Sunflower and fau vt~tw M&le, be1ga short han Anawara to Mmq 10" haqh, 18" lonq Gorden Powers, 540 25-41 FOUND W b1ta Samoyad Ectst Costa M... area Id~totlly 631 7153 11 SCHOOLSir 23HELP WANTED PRESTIGIOUS REAL EST ATE O fnCE '" I r vme look1nq lo r top quaJaty aqent1 Good comm .. aH.>n tpht No desk 1-85 I 0829 752 1493 _ _ oqer TV1 work1nQ non number 1-800 532 J97. I HAVE A HIGHLY pro· I work111q~ p1eno~ an u• tor Penn..-ver Ad !.table and beautiful 44 MUSICAL ttqu• olhcer luuurure watch W9067 tM.D ahop of vow own SSCAS ,714)957 8133 f'Niunnq the latest 10 INSTRJCNTS C AS H p A 1 0 10 1 ~O~=:!Ie ;:"~~ tN DI, den•ms. sport S600 COMPLETE Alta<: I QUALITY ANTIQUES s4ra lovely wqun• I swear \8900to SI2,900 l.anttnQ floor ~ers ewelrv ..:amaa s F &DAR~ includes beqonrung LD S250 ..ch u cellanl di.UO.Onds per1uma bot I ~~~u=~l· pt;:~· w~1 ~ S4 ~raV't1a~BED ~~ vantorv lurturef and condllloo OuaJ turn tl" dr-r aet~ cut er drrer ere \300 ~ yn.n~ lra lnwq You rncty h.tve table S50 Sberw~ glua d un• t~lva r monthlv Call8JO 1641 I LAGUNA STUDIO your store open 10 .u ht race1ver S50 w ,u d..,) or.ent•ll I SJ7S room \.275 Both tl~t 41 IS davs Call a.nv 857 4198 PRO fl:SSIONAL rE lvro..shad Puvate b.oth t•m• Mr Hartin GALL.ERY O NE .... , .. ""JS "• 94 """"'-"-~ ~~ to sb•r• entrances Non -oller I aoo 5:''7 64-tJ Class•·t,·-~ •~ 4-444 4 ~ .L N I wu wrut aeme on s.motar Bu•1nan proleu1ona WANT[O TO BUY no pets 2 bedroom 2 Over 4() 494.0451 173-0550 N.tcrowave oveo ... r w1u beth condo bo1 tub lt(.A)(WOTH LAJO:S L.u .. ry condo SI-p& 4 10 8 All ementbea pJ.a te on._. .-c u.u. sa 1.<11• pool S~.aJ daco unl S200 per w .. k r213t 695 6441 SOUTH LA It£ TAHOE Lovely 2 bedroom coodo 1-1 bath ~-sa 6 T aboe tt.y, poob pnv•t• b..ch ••nnu; boa• altp etc N-• cest.~:~a. SlOin.qht 7!~) 646 2183 INSTRUcnON JUNIOR TOURNA MENT PLA YE.RS1 In ten 11ve mdwldual workouta .tnd rrct1n1nq sesaoons Avctrlctbll' 4t ctny courts d•ued .tod •1me K•rn 556 9 127 I EARN \6 PER HOUR Mllinq Avon producta Part hme nea r your IIIAJIUFACTUfUIG 49 DJAIIOMDS • trade beeuhlul ~wltad qaraQe. uv Wltldo- duaJ lnnq bedapr .. d S325 per month Cau &a HOUSES FOR 11 HOUSES FOR -I~ qreen 833 S.rbera 752 am eat SALE Apple School A umque lt>.triiP'liJ Pll peuence Indov Ju ol proqram~ 730--6317 TUTOJUMG home or an your work OPPORTUIIlY JEWELRY r: .. ~o ~11 Carol Shel £STAn: Si CONO ._ ,..,... .._, 0. I HAND JEW£l..RY and ST\IfTERS .... c-..,-..-.,.jj ste rhng lt.t.are com L••rn '• a.un S180 wH~ I much 1-4t S.r.tlev '· wuril 1 2 huun dallv ...._ Willi •••111 a 220 I 17th St Cotta ''~ll on q en,·efopa• tr-.. ,..,_-.....& ~-645 6585 Send sell oddreu~td te .. ....._.. ,.. oa y-. - stAmped envelope to -• jWeh..W. -.-a. I O.C. fl BUYER Concord Dept 14 I .. 000 •• t ... --l Tb.e Co.t.t Neea c .nn 61 ,aclJ2 Lemon Or Y rbo I lewelrv E.ach&nqe 2426 Lmde 92636 MR. PHilliPS N-port Blvd Co.ta WE'RE BUSY BUSY Mew buvs and Mit. BUSY tor •cute NA 831 5113 used tewalrv K"rap M01t aubtacts, lt-12 end colleqe Day, evemng and summer \5/ilO p~tr hour 6 days,eves Mr Morqan. ~S 5176 "-''" the futeJI qr'lwlnct gold. dentAl watch" I ter vi< 8 an Oranq~ 1 COlDS ulvar 6.31 5933 County Call Volt Ned l2 TRUST oEios I LADIES DIAMO ND IC"dl ServiC"tll &bl II n I SO LIT AlRE Over I GUnAR LESSONS Total mua1c aducataon C.tll Roek W•lh.am• 171 41 M1.t11~ 14 PETS • UVESTOCK DOG OBEDIENC E TRAINING lor owners 1 wh care Ooqs. puppa" 1 7 w.,...Ju ctnd up Group prtvare lessons Board IIAaOinQ probt.m be hovaor consultations Su• Myles 966 8444 WAM.AS AND 1 0UNG BUNNIES Wttb caqes R .. son•ble Assorted colors CA9• WO SlOO takes aU rabb1ts and caqes Sa.nta Ana (71 4) 549 8439 DACHSH UND female pup, AKC Ador•ble . black/tan fne:odJy and OUtCJOln~ Sl50 (714) 534-7304 1 OOBD.NAH PUPPIES -Purebred reel u r black, maJe or lema I~ Ta.ls c lipped S IOO apoece (714) 847 1677 UG.ARAGE SALES ANTIQUE G ARAGE I SALE Too muy Items I to har N.mon S2 S20 Ch•m. SS \25 P\c lures i l i lS T•bl .. SALESARTSctndmt•r AHD l c ar.tl A ppraased aor das11~11 No npera MORTGAGES I S5 OOO 1 Tr,d• 7 11~' t!nre naceswrv Wall I 2ND T 0 •1 15 YEAR 1 7;o :,';9~ 11 p 1 ) tra1 n Eacellent ~·omm•s lullv 4 morhted 17~•"• liOn flealble houl\ r I Low point~ Call 964 antervaew N rs Pvpe 1 25191o r quOII' t714l b80 4689 I SONlSCEL· LANEOUS JOBS OVVISEAS Bag munev le~t S20 UUO 35 ESTATE I GORHAM STERUNG teo S50 000 plus per vHr I SALES LA ScAle" """•r us ; .. ~lll.ll~ 71& 842 bOOO ESTATE TALi C.Aur ed Ptt'-'dht p4r'V 548 TV 25 IIO<>r mvd•l 9149 S14 IXlC Musl .. 11 CRUISE SHIP lOBS' All i 15o K,ochen •eble 2 E1qht 6 pc J.o.ner ,.t , up.shun• Gre.. n lee vas s45 Ku by !lnqs e•qh! 4 p<" lun rn~ p<ttaoho F .n vacuum \4S 8 w TV I cbeou Mrltmqs plu.a 8 krmahor> r ail b02l 1 \X, b4o 15.!5 IO JO ..cb. ell other P••c• w • 9'16 042b Dept 8963 4 m r._ b p 10 IIDQ\ plus ! r mor,. phuro• cot II rt'lundctbl• ..Cb wrv•n~ P•K'e. NEED SOMEO NE some no lvoqer m•nu 10 I ._ SPOR'I"YUG lacturad Tctel 191 help t. ... r m" h •me -1 U"' cl-r w-klv Rela.t GOODS b I• ... I PI •• IIC ,.' 67<; 74bS l6UCEMSED CHILDCARE STATE l AW U QUIRES that p.~.ons S HOTGUN Rc>•twall Super Tr•p combo mtnl 12 ~e aogr•vec:l c aMd beauhful 01! hn .. h woud 12" OIU, 34" u.oq S2.000 646. 4524. IN ve m-q• wh<• prov•d• ch11d c&,. 38 ANnQUES an theor home be hcans ad Fur 10fo~hoA on I NEW ANTlOtn MALL ht·"" to obtlll.ll bcelllll an I lA Se.nt• Ana "111. Otan•1• Cou.nly ca.JI DecorahnQ Buq 1241 f O R SAU RPirl ~ eratc>r .rov• ~ rto~tle washer dn•r r. ~ '"" d1taon Re.s• • .. t: .e 1<174 AuJ.• r • i l ~ 1959 Chevv •r J ~ Sl SOO ,714)545 'i47. FOR SALI [IP>CIIIL typeWillllt \85 S..w•nQ mach111e i65 K.,bv vecuua ~S Ct·lor televiSion S.SS 81 ~ Su N.1n Santa Ane '14} 9S3 1789 (71 41 QJ.4 5172 S Mam neat to A rd.!" Countrv Cupboard be-JOHNSON ll' H P UC ENSiO 8ABYSTT twun £Jtogar a nd 1 SS50 John• n l H P TER Wul b..bys•• vuur M~raddttr Open 10 \750 M1na P•~• "P chald D&ys DIQhla ,. m •o '5 p ro de,lv 20 clllllp.r \55'' S•eve -kend (714) 641 th\lp• 714)972 8"\85 ev• 8869 (W•rnar l ustul) IACUZZJ FOft SALI _ 27 SJTUAnONS WANTED e • LOUISE POWERS In ••cellelll condmoo. I .lSI O ua.l Oranqe y .. r old Pa1d SJ 600 Cnnora1ula1t ns You A.ahno.1 S2 000 S~ ho~¥• w •n •w Superlun 1915 C•ll t-lw-n 8 I 16-S45 wee &nd hneD.J 50e \8 Otshea and qlauware 2'Sc-i S lewel~v SOc·S-4 Fudav DIESEL AND G AS unly 8 " ra to 6 P m ,. ... ·hant< ''' m•1nl&tO ''· """ Ca t '-'.,I l.)"t;( and S p m 1622 Moorovae betw-n 1ervtce vour y•cht 16th •nd 17th Jtr_,, 'i R.. .. •nctblf> raiH C•ll bloch _, of N•wporl 1995 IllS ur 995 1204 Blvd Costa Mna ull '''' lam 23HELP WANTED 2.3 KELP WAJn'ED ATTENnON Set~ous Job SeekNs! Would you hkt' to w;el yu ur own hu ut'l w11h pr.tchcally no hmtl o n eamtnQ$ and h ve voccthOn'l dt-str~ J It o then wby nol convententlv work wtlh u11 tortlnqlbuodJrnq maal R •v• work and ~ymentt by raall Start IllUDed· ••t•ly1 Fur tntormahoo. • aell·addr~· ..d. stamped •nvelo~ a•urK • prompt reply Nasi Mark•hng Servtc: s P.O . 8o•2590 florida 32678 S3 APARTMENTS UNFURN TUSnN CALLITHOMI ''IMMACULATt" lt .. , • O.OCJOIN nvnet 1110 h ~ 1 \lllli'Of ' ~ lease t:'<8wre ~"V o• 8eou"IV D<Jr\ttlle ~Letting wall to ~ ClOSe to tr~' Pool llreslde IOui'VI souro oca ~ ~to~ ~"'~eat ar¥l c -' AI tr.e ••traa or• t-.re~ v•:~V too.,.. 'W'tlnl tO CALL RHOME Sc:Jnto Al'fO r r~ to ,.....cor1 ~\4 ., t !'tlen wt on 'INaii'\Jt \32'1 Sou'ttl Ecat ~~ l \A 832-7170 2298 I ~ _o_r 552--5394 .-,--;;;;;;~-;;-;-;-.-.-~~-~SALEiiiijii:iliiiiliiiiliiiiiiiii. 68 HOUSES FOR &I HOUSES FOR SALE SAL£ .. ~ tat IChool al , .. ~ Malbor Hlgf'l~~s ~or•• ~ ~ Elemel*'t ~ .. ....,.. CUllOm horne 3 bedloon'• '*"' dlr\ 2~~ IQfmal clrq room. ..c- reation lOOn'\ oeeoc:r.cs ).QQr gcllQQit and~. ~rnol'a $371.000 Cal TomatiO (agent) 631-()122 Picasso ....-eon LAGUNA BEACH I.MUlAUI u • lh•lr"""'"' ~ ~, ... -~ •I"U ~ .. ~\ hcWM' lh ,.._ .. ~ .. adapt''"'" pet r..t~ to-~ ~-"*"s&~ "thr.,. lhr l"""" Mnd C•"Y"" Ylt'W'-"'" bn'AlhC& lf'l "'"'" r~t'O 10 ,,. .. A Q.USTU. CM.0 ~ !I .,..R ' "*"" c•t " .......... ..,.. ..., ........ c.-. 01: ............... lal ..... ... ... - NORTH LAGUNA HOUSING? .... . ........ .. •11• .. ... -·-, ..... ,..,. .. . ( . ' I • ,.. IJIIII:JlALD &A\' 0ov 1(1 A I ~I'!W'!tl•'"' ufl.,f'C2 ., lhr\. l~ !""'~ p!!".C~ H_,•ui'I<IY \ ~ 1~ room pi dim .-ld anoc~ t co..id be '\ bdnn .....,.~ ~~ r .......,. R.lot ...... .-d ~ ..,..,o Pra ,...,_9d '" lS'11 oou ... 11 W .. = r *at• JvJy II. l-nt. .. wpott &i.sp BeOurGu HAGGA.IID JUID 1lLLIS HEADLINE COUNTRY MUSIC WEEKEND-S!:£ Flagtt W.glc WOWltain p~ta COUDtry li.Dven Wel Ti1lia (right) on July 31 and Werle llaQQaf<l on Aug. 1 with two aboWI da1ly iD the Showca.. Aaphitlaeatre. Gene1al ~ i.Dclud. cona.rla plu. UDli.mlted uae of all MaQtc Woutain•ttractlon.a. loJaOw Su))e' F1Ul Coateat HERE'S HOW TO WIN: II you can find your name pr~ed by two alan • • aomewhere In The Ne""Port f:n•lgn. Irvine Today ond Coato M .. o Newn c:lo ulfied sectlona. you have won TWO FREE TKZETS. Call 113-0550 to c:loim yow prize . • SSVACAnON RENTALS LAD TAHOI OD water 4-bedrooa, J..bath e•· ecvb,. home, c:om· pletely hmuaMd. $7001 ... k. 552-2115 or eve· 1Wlql9'15-0311. S<-ll1ng You1 Cc1o ? Call Ctc1s<;ifi<"d 67J 0550 BIG BlAJl CABIN -J.. bedzoom, 2-beth, &Jeep. 9 r~.p~.OQmpMhdy funualled Weekly and ... k•od ~~. Non· amokan. Help c:elelu•te "WLDeu D•y." Go bo~ nduaq, back· ~bDQ. haluDq, QOU· IDIJ. fo.r more mfo. c:all 831-9766, 492-2951 LUI ARROWHEAD ho-. alee~ 8. Walk to lab, lell.D.I8, hike, IWIID. Cluldren welcome . No D-amokers only Weekly or w .. kenda 64().9734 AROUSES FOR SALE 59VACAnOlf RENTALS RA TIS UDUCED Palm SpriJ19a LI&Xllry c:oDdo--.1lJOJ the WID· mer -..oo. run, fur· Daabed. l bedroom, &1-p• four TeJUU.I, IWimmiDQ, J&C:U&II. Av•1lable •-keDda, m1dw-k or loDqer term.. Call &iter 6 p .m. 545· 7668 or 846-3188. SUNNY mouutaill vee:&· bOD, BI.IJ a-.. c:a.bill. 2· bedroom plu• loft. Sleepe 9. S35 pez lllqht $70 re.fund&b}e -.c:u.flty depoe;at. c.u leb..Dd. .. 834-1424. 8:30-5 p.m 11ROOMSFOR RENT 2 UPSTAIRS ROONS. Wlfumiahed, fulJ b.tb. Larqe room $225, UDall room S17S. or both roonaa, 1 peBOu, $300. Hou.ae privileq... Fe· m&le pre.fened. Ev•. 830-9035 61 HOUSES FOR SALE UOKIRI OR IALIINRIONI Now Offering 90~ at our Corona del Mar Office JOHN CAREY, GQt ~ A CHANe~? lefoM you do. SfOP-expkn our ccnet benefttl and MAND NEW LOW COST 1~ COMMISSION CONCIP'f. 1HE .. S250PLUS PLAN" Rnelt qualty ocean vtew aMes- ~and ~at NEW, lOW AFFORDAaE PAICI.SI &cu. .._ at our FoiNon llland loco- lion. Col lob Ucato today. 759-1221 ==· .,.. 120FFICEI COIOIERCIAL LUXURIOUS OmCI and waltlllQ room ID War!Der Necbc:aJ Pl.u, ~ bloc:k from Hoa9 Hoaplt•l. P~c:bother­ •paat. 631-0484. WAHTW TO SUB-LET haJJ of 1ppro11. 720 lq. ft othc:e ~c:e. prol- aaoA&lly de119Ded, u · c:epbollal. oc:M.O orww FleaibJ. lor pnvacy. 644-4140 11 IlEAl. ESTATE lllALTORS -lam 100~ c:o..-oa. deU t.e ude.r $100 per month. Space •vailabJa foz two mono &~~eDta. Call Sllllbow a...tty, 631-2242 Newport Beach locahoD. ., UAI.ISTATE lEACH IJKX)IIE Pnp•ty lp 1 dllll .... DUPLU: $15,000 dowa, •.Dr 1!0 bMch. $135,000 (JO..yr. b.u.oe· mq) DUPLIX: S:Z5,000 doWD, •alk to bMch. $129,900 (12~ fm&nc:· lll9, 10 yu.) r~i(iliijijQ;~~ TRJPLIX: $40,000 down, walk to be.oh ~_.,.. and park, oc:M.O v-. l.NeAboard $225,000 (ezc:.Uent h· Ooc:klec.e "•~~~~X : $50,000 =~=-down, pnde oJ o._r. alup, oc:eu ._ $255,. .u.12a1312 to3 S00(131,oi~~ill~~> AIIOUUBFOR SALE COST A WISA 3 · becbooat. 2-b.~ &au. l•c:eUeat loc•lloa . Cloee to park. For a0f9 taJo, calJ Rob&D. ~. 497-2541. TURTI.DOCI -r..-. ly home plua land. 3-bedrooa, 2-bath, $177,900. Owu.r, (714) 851 -3933, le•ve Ill~. WONAJICH BAY ~ tiqioua qate-Qu&rd.ed oc:eulzoDt c:oam~&&Uy. 3 bedrooaa. 2~,oi batM OD two leveJa. l.ur,e 6of. -.1 c:lt.DiD.g ,__ Spa. .OORDOel TOWRaD FOil SAl.£ 11 LOra• ACilEAGE < I < I I I 1 I I ' ,,.;o .. l.. I ' ' "'""-"~to Doc* I Aall for Joe oz Frank ,._-----~~ OI~Wa¥ c.lJToct..J C:IOUI l&aily I'OOID, ... ;-;;=---..-.;..~.;,.;.­bu. luve lot. pool, PRIME lND'L - COSTA MESA/ NEWPORT O fhce/w•r•h• com boa ev<ll14ble now lrom 37 I 000 7 500 sq It S..uhlully lendiCaped. g r .. t amenthn 711 W. 17th St. 642~«63 Lux•oua a.a,w a.aJty OAK a 'flAK .ID....._n .. 3 bedroom, 2 ba1t\ .... 122 QbleiUIW'OOm wtth -.ctnc 81 HOUSES FOR retractable~ SALE '-'feet fof home Of oMce. LAGUNA BJ.ACH -~...._OC*We. N•qalhc:eDt c:lo•e ·tD oc:eu and v~ new M.lst .... lot. Cbrmin9 home b. Aef,. ID9 remodeled Owner CAIOl Dll8 ... will .. u If price aa r19bt (213) ~33 befono c:ompleboD and w. ............ ~--~~------~ ~. Su~• u~ poelible. c.lJ toWree DIUII.ber 1-80()..SJ2.397:z. uk for PeDAJMver Ad· watc:h W9103. II HOUSES FOR SALE UHOOSESFOB SALE Robers A Eilerbea AEAlTC:a m The Welton~ SUte 228 UJ 2156l Coarf Hwy. • Corona del Mar (114) 67&-237l OCEAN FRONT IYOWNII HOUSE FOR SAU: By owner l.aQUU S..c:b, J..bedroolll. -a&b'-12~ bnaocuaq. "- than 20~ do-l Call c:ollec:t. (201) 622-7722 d&,.. (208) 726-9728 altez 6 p. a . c.&.te I&CUDl. waledall. ld.l fo r enlerl•laiA9 · $360,000. Lo .... price lA Won&reb .. ,, Wa.b oUer. 964-9898, &41- 1033. II CONDOS/ TOWIUISES FOBSM.E ONLY $80,000 -Loan --.bM, 2-bedJooa/ 2·b.th II Toro CODdo Loan ~b,. lor ,... tAl. By ---. Cell toD· free aiUilb..-1.aoo.532· 3972, all for..._,_,., Adwatcb W1789. $12,000 DOWN - 11-7/8~ ~ 1 bedrooa, 1 bath, SJC c:oDdo. Coll&ldez c:Ja.&c: c:oo•erbble u part down. By o.-r c.lJ tollfrM Dvaber 1-«JJ.. 532-31112. uk lor hnny- .... , Adwatcll W9198. SIBOOSESFOR SALE Prtced at lot value for quick sea Older 4 bec*oom 2 both and 1 bedroom. 1 bath. Excelent locotton. OWNER WIU CA.Rfr/ LOAN AT 1 ~INTEREST ~ox. 175 IQ. tt. wtth prNote faclltlel. Has carpet, etc. Hal oftlce furniture that II ~ far ~ BUT NOT A£QUAEO. (Very ~) Month to mot .ttl $225 '*month. Col 671-2311 Ch.l ClASSIFIED tNVESTME.HTS 173.t5St WAM.IIIJOtt 20ACR£$ ~-..--(714) 971·97 77 REAl. ESTATE WAJn'ED/ EXCRMGE CONDO Olf WAUl - Will ~-lor eppro.. ~ft. c:.w. c:..W... Al>- proa. ~ .$10,000. C.U4te-eo:z3. IOAT TO SHAD - Slap ill hwpad leach. 26' ..... 7.AueU., .... ad ........ _. CaD &'J0.1641. ISIOAT CIIUTEB 17AOTO UPBOLSTEBT llCUI'II AV10 11J18CU1DY :Z11 W WU.Oa, C.W. C.rpeta, heedlta.n 0. viDJl tope: $10 a0111 Alaenc:an can. W.•rlal lu9h quality. laterio.r reaontioll econOMic.U. ., doGe 646-1211. •SERVICE/ REPAIR AUTO IUAII f onaq. I Doant' . ~~ ... , ... up, brabe, electric:&.l c.lJ 7J0..41MM. UHOUSESFOR SALE 3 bedroom. ~ bath J)lul a gkJrnoroUI 2.W. room. 2~wttt\ baV-.. ONIIIAT ..... J-4p.m. P.S. NiW ~ IUY GOO()tE. 702-70~ ACA0A. OHlYU.OOO. ~~JJvlta4 llnBI AUTO U. PAIISt J..-, ,_ ....,,~WG. ,~ .... ad-- --~ ...... 1185 ............ eo. ,..... 141-6226. RDa'S QAJLAGI. ,... ClaMitled 11111'aCYCI.ESI IIOfll)8 1_, CDOO PAlliNG ,.,...,.__ 7,400 ailee, .,...U..t el.ape, OncJ· \Ml ows..r. 871-0641. ....... $2,3001be.t .... aiiCYCLES •IIOUSEI FOil IALI PUaJ.lSHII DOIS NOT ACCIPT llabWty for uac:on.c:t ~. Clf .... tical iDM:C:IU· ..::•. 01 tJ1109r~ eoon lD uy ect..r· u •• p11bliehed m tile eo... w.cba .... Group. JIIPS, CARS, PJCK· UPS froa SJS. A .. .ll . abJ. at loc.l GoYVD• •-t Auc:Uou. For c:t.lnoc1ory. calJ (805) 687-&00p, a1. 2234. Call rehaadable.l .JUmQUE/ CLAIICCARS 18&4 COHVDTUJ.I CHJIYSLU laperl&l. Cl.ek, c:J.aa. ori9in&l paiat ud top. ". s•l-7318 sJ,5oo (()()nlal) 1IDI DCALIBIR -,...._, 2·1oae, cleu. $21,1110r0110. pp (322 WWP),!I31 ....... CADILI.AC um IL DOUDO Coe· .UW.. AU power, cllaue ooabol, rM.i&Je, brow. willlwlaite '-*Ur lalllrrior. S2,11S. C.U -.oJIS.. •W)UIDFOB ..... ~lze W•• loy bayfront. Sli~ for 2 boo"· remodeled ;l bedroom. 3 bath I t ,200,000. Oceon ond ,.ny v .. ws Mat•ne foon'l, .. bedroom&. ' baths. 3,100 ~q. h.l1,315,(0). Oceonfront. ••modeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath plva lorve rec room, beam ceilings, fur- n ithed. polioa. $dl.OOO. 19'19 srm.LI DliSIL -Sbup black Factory CB, 8-tr..::k, AW/FW. lac:e.lJeal C:ODdihOD, ..U aauawn.d Aakul9 $8,000. Doa. (714) 633-8862. (:Z13) 288-4130. 984YLW DODGE 1m DODGI COLT. Bw:aa qnoat. Au c:ond., 9U .... r. $1,000 c.Jl (714) 521·1163 FIAT FlAT 1976 124 SPIDD --45,000 ~~LiMe, 5..-cl. ..,. top, 3S IDPIJ, rad· Lila, AWIN~e. 1 o.-r. n..a-. $3,8751 0 80. (010 TZR) Private party. (714) SZ:Z-2004 HOlm A 1881 HONDA ACCORD 2 -d oor h•tc:bbac:k . 20.000 DUJ., ll9bt bhae willa piD.Irtp 1D9 , AWIN c:_... Air C:ODdahODlD9, C:riUN c:oauo1. sa. soo 522- 0717. IIERCEDEIIEIG UIIO 300 SD Werc:ed.a lena. Slaowr<aoa c:o.Ddi· tioa, 33,000 m1lee, elltr• wall. Bec:ker AWIN ...... ~ ..... cMiapape c:olor, Pitel· u tuw. $35, too. !1!52· 9725. 1t'l6 210 SIDAN. Wlute aterio.r, bl~~e IDt•nor, very c'-n, oew radial tilel, -...cMD'UilJ U · c:eDat. WUIII ..U o.,. 15S-oal, e ........ Jr. ... SS-8362. Jill. 11&0 110-SL -a..t IUD· 1lia9 ill o. c. se. !00 (b\lJ &t). PP. O.ve, ct.,., 675-3012. 1m waz 2801--:.. CU...te c:oDUol, c:eotral lockmq, uc:.Ue.t C:OD· clition. low mU.., c:nu• c:oatrol. AWIN atenoo c.u m.-n1. d&,. 1m WIZ 300 SD - l•o.ry/tabc:o, •uaroof. -tu• ~. '13 Uc:e ..... "· (714) 557-1051. Woo·f n • 8-5 p •· WIRCIDIS BINZ 1978. 450 SZL BrowDI brown, fantutlc: c:oDd .• hb D-. Only 45,000 .u... w .ooo (482 WDD) PP. (714) 15S- 0745, fr19..9032. 1tll 300D -O.rk blue/blue nate rlor. AM1N ~. low aU.., IUDZOOJ, •ttlJ u.acl.r wananty C.U O.mal. 7SG-1221 WIRCIDIS ua 220 S -4-door, blac.k u•z· lor, wood tat.rlor and eaQUM ill U~t COA· d.ltioa. A.kmv S3.as» . 81lpef buyl c.lJ toW~ ........ 1....,.532-3172, ulr lor .._,..ve.r Ad· -tc:~~WIOU l50 SL urn WIBCIDIS -laa.ac\llale c:OIICIJ lioa. aeclaaak.UJ per feet. 115,800 or .,_ c6r.dl1081 IIQ 1m waa Couvert!We. lacelleat c:oadlhoa AMIN c:a...et• r..UO, lllfteQ<e rec:k, ..,. u.-.. 0a1y a .ooo .w.. No .-aha. oH•r nof\1.1- ed.~. ~===-~-~-====~-•~·-=====~-a·~====--.·~==~---.. =====>-a•~====~·ttrc:::::••~•c:::::HMW.-~::==••••~====•a.c::::~·••====~ .. :::::.~e::::=-ic::::=c••======---=====~-=====~~====rac:::::.-~==~er:::::a~:::::. .. =:;~lll DIRECTORY OF BUSI AOCOUJn'tltG JQOIUUIJIQ TAXIS -q~a&t1erb.. - ...U or M&f'tul4 bu.ea ..... &Ad l!aCbvidual. we1oo-Do11.ble MV IACIP· rea-able raiN ud puhul~y eo• pee.'~ IDtoU ~-Wore 0\S lA T11L1111 n..A.UGA.IC AOCTQiaUIDa:SS IDVICII FUlaooaal alalelllenbl, payroll. q~cly tu returu. c..a. a&UQe -•· b-'-eyllern.e and procedwee, and pe.-ILDCOm•t&& .. ~12 AOOUSTICAL CEILIRGS C RAIG'S SPRA YID Aco~Mtaeal CeilinQ• R. .us. Very r-na..ble _h_t.. (714) MARINE SUPPliES? ADDmOMS • REIIODEliMG RINODILiiiG SPI CIAUST 0\i-.latv cr&lteaanah.p Refer •oc.. TOUDC CO . 646-7660, Wl-1579 -RDIODEWtC SPECIAUST 0\;-.laty craftaa&JU)up Reler•nc ... Tou-Co .._,_, IU-l$11 ALTERAnONS/ DRESSMA.IING SlANSTRJSS ~aty work O..,.nd&ble and lui ReuonabJe rat .. CaiJ Law alter 12 lO Wonda y Fuday, any tune w .. keodt (714) SS7 0461 ASPHAl. T SEAL COATING/ DRIVEWAYS ASPHALT REPAIR S..lcoaiJJlQ • StnppanQ :ommercaal/R-d•ntaal F '" E.l Lac 397362 SU-1181 ALLSTATE PAVING CO. IEAUTY SVCS/ fifWESS SALLY'S II:AUTY NOOK. 188 I 17th St • Co.ta w-. PenMAen .. lrora S 11. !0 u.p Tuati.GQ, 18.00 U.J>. Sha.poo and aele, 14.50. FrotelnQ, 1 12 00 up HauculttnQ, S3 50 642· 7642 CA.IINETS CABINJ:TS C~atom made. lutchena, book· c.-. b.n, Q&r~M aDd c han rult 640-7154 eYeiLIA!Ja. Aa1r lor Tom 673-0550 CARPENTRY CAAPlNTRY WORK - Pallo coven. decb, Qara9• lloraqa unlll, lance repau All type~~ of car-pentry No 10b too •mill Tom, SS1 -2S83 Fishing for a good deal?! Check our Classified Section every week. MSI-SSIIAftS 1 WEEK 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEK S 52 WEEKS $1 24 per ltne 99 per l1ne 89 per ltne 79 per ltne 66 per ltne DI .. LAYCLASS .. II. CARPENTRY C AJUIINTIII SNA.ll JOJ ..-cl:lliM c.ba ....,., wa.ll llDJbl, p&nel· mv. 11011ldulo, 11••~• Jtor~. ct.c:\a ''" ~. Nader'• H.n dyworb, a.l-3789. CALL PIRK 1M Ftzup MAD; IIUJ1 earpeDter a11d odd repau )Oba R L P.rkllll (Scot/ Lnah). m-9047 CARPIHTRY FaDa&h, caban•l•. bookc aMI, atuna, doon lap• nanc• l.l.llhm1ted Carl, (714) 972-0457 C AJU'IHTE.R -f or· maca wotk, C~UIOID c.b· tAelt, booll: a.he lvM Q&Ja9• cab~Aebl, hruah work 23 Ye&ta -~· raeDc• Sl63-90!6, 963-S~Th.&nk you, J•,-,-y Cu.atom WoodwOtk Custom c.benets~1::-8ook~wlth I 'LMded" Doors Bay ~ French Wiodows Rere.rrala-AII Work Guaranteed 531-303 Oper1 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS S12 95 1045 10 20 940 850 1 WEEK 3 WEEK S 6WEEKS . ,. .. . \A w-,.'f,.,."" $5 QS I Of 18 words l O"b DISCOUNT 20<1.o DISCOUNT ........ ,,.1 • -1 ,------------------------------------------------------: I I I Classified · I I I t I I I t I t I I ' ' t • • , • ' ' I Just compute your own and drop it in the mail. tiiUft flarhnq Lc~ 11,.,.' check lor S VISA No l ::: (9) ( 12) ( 15) ( 18) (21) (24 ) (27) (30) (33) (36) Or pl .... cll1At9•tlle ad on "'' Upu" ~ ~arveNo lapar• "-Phon• ..._ c,,, I • • • • • "ll&A .... · ..._..,, ,, • a.-~ ...... l.t, , ................ d .... , u • ........,~ .... _....n.,...,...~ . .,..,...,..., -c ....... ...... . ·-----------···---·---··-·-----···--------------------· LASSIFIE • ePAT MO RRIS 1621 OrchArd Co.ta N-ConQratulahon• You uve won two Superf11n taclleta C-.11 6,73 0550 COin'1lACTOM WAY COICITIWCTION ~~ W.Dl.IORSt Retaod41-Md.ldoM • NillltOJtSI Wardrobe Lac.~ a lrror doon. w.U. ol MI-lD airror 1\Kk'e Glue. IARTHWOU.S-C'7l4) !30-7m wuloedertM.~ &.. WOODiaiDCE QLASS cavallAO, ......Uuoa. IIIIUIOil• SCIU2'It p Oll boa. ciJiUla.V, a.td.ot ... l. COIII-rCW tr--.chiJill. T1tllt ~ ~ for Ill PllJ"PPMM CARPET I)'*;Wiy 1-YIA P-..,. aty work R.M.&on ,.,. ra'lrlUG ~2364.1312077. • rat .. "'~'" -1.$741'171 C AR.PI'TUPHOLSTIRY CUSTON HOWe CUA.NING -S\laaet BUl.LDU -...d.a _.., 173-0550 Specl&l HydtOIIM.III, JOba b.t-~ d.eodonM. cieJJ.e· 2 Pt.ue only tJ.o. .,..:, ClauJt~ rooaa, 113 50: 5 rooaa. need and wut a PtQJ.. 131 50. eot.. s19 7S 11ow Call (714) m . BAHDYNAN C&rpet, U,J>holatery dye· 034.2~------ Uill (60 yarda). Scotch· PATRJCK'S HO NE Ra ~~~d. pre-eoDdJhoDJJl9 't-...-;:;....;===;;;;;;o=;~"-\.1 pau and lrDprova111ant• o ptaorul C&,.,.t Mu· C~ G.naraJ ma•ntan•nca t•n . 540-1849. SlfCWTQ' carpentry elect nea l EICEL '-"..... plumb1nQ concrete CAJlPET CARE I..... p.t101 and w&lb Hourly C.zpfia and upholstery .,._ 0.... ••••Ill raiN No 10b 100 amall c lMJuD9 n.u ..U· • a I (714) 6:46 3793 m&tM Won quar&n· Jee-.;,' 1 III1'1<:ULOUS MORTS Med. lack l u..tiul9ton, o.-rlo.,.rator, New· (114t 142-IIJJ • H-R.palr por18Mch 64S-Inl •F~-~=~ STEAMORORV Capet ana Uphols- tery cleormg Spe- CIOkzu"Q .n dttflcun tobfiC ~ O w ner DRYWALL DRYWAll HanQIJI9 tapUl9 and crNhva bud t•Jitur .. lnaured Rehabla 0.· pendable Call left 631-5913. Carpeotry pl\l.lllb1119 , alectncal, doon e 11t u d iu talled mold anq1, caban ett thalvlnQ Fauc•bl. 9a raQa door apnn91, epnn.ltler .,-•. laau Fut, aiJICiaDt Mr vaca Lac B352651 951-8087 LJUIDICAP1MG YARD REJU'lEIQnON ::'-nup • Tree Tnm ll:lUICJ • Law• B.oovataon • R.Jud.c&pmQ • S.rv 109 Harbor Ar.. n•n• Y"'' Stat. U<:•naed. Ill au red ''" eet~J~Ut .. CALL BOB 141-tue JOBIIUU.AIIEY •soa Cem•ntlbncJl, rel&Ad ecapUIQ, tree r•mov•l I wood deelu Lac 26181 t.I6-IS13 PLA.NNING TO PL..iifr LD9 -1.&Dd8cape your new bome or reo-your l tu.d 910W1d.a O.va D-C La ndecapan9 731·-42.25 L1e 1305752 LANOSCAPlNG. trM IIUDIIllJlQ aDd r•mov-.1 Ge neral cl•aDilpt lleoonte y&rd.a C..-.,t work Steve. 549·1604 MASONRY PA.IIntltG JDC•co. PAJiftiMG •lat.nor • bt.n:or 18 v••na Free Mttaatee 559-$511 I SPRING SPECL\J. PAINTING latftaor/ea teraor at wa.nl•r ,...,. ~ly work uclJUter w 91laranteed ,,.. MtUDal• rred 5J6. 3471 HOUSE DOCTOR - Pa.u1tU19 qu.hty work. •-n.able pnc.. rr .. -UDatM S..twfeacuo~a 9uar&Dteed Cell l.en, 960 7o.7. 536-N4 lnlef•Otltal!etoOt Acousto<:ol c ••• lf'9 ll•f.,.nc .. • lnto.ored ww H ANDERSON 1 PAnocoVERS Wuonry !Uock bncla. RIOWOOO 2a6 ltone, lenc.. pallo& I DECDNG • • 36eiloot planters. walla lnter 4.a8 Ianace panele Sl2 50 aor/eatenor Fr.. M .. cb Jam ns 1491 taraat•• (lac 380921) Bonded anaured M 2· 9699 PHOTOGRAPHY ~.-.. -;;.;-__ --------NoOn PORTrouo MASONRY WOOD and compoaat• Black • • 'CiusTol WALSH. ,. A-u .....,_, CA mas eoo. ... .u. tao-Y011 .._,. woe. two s-.~rlua be..._ Call 673 0580 ROOFUIG QUALITY IICXWUIG lot''-Old .... -eout~. 'acrr ' ~red uad ~· w.r.-aw~ CllJ &.Ay Jul., .,. u...MS-0113 llA Y'S RCX>fDfG Co s.,.,,119 a~ o1 er.,.. CoWity All typea. ,_ .-u. ..... -...d. LM: 361042 All _.. ~~ ut..d -.~ SOLAR SOLAR Domes he H oi Water Spas & Pools WHY PAY ,.,...., ...... "'' ... d '" [).. .. u lt f'" t .1 Q It 4< 1 44. SALIS 8 :\ ~· ... I - =oted bOseo 11"1 ELEC11UCIAN REPAIRS & RIWO OE.L· DALy and ·wh•t• or color DfG of all 10111 done Summer Specaala Call . ..._ ________ _. econom•C6lly aDd efta Lanclacape 641 0121 Chat Wynz; '-_..;..(7_1_4;_) U_J_-4_JO_J_~1 UCENS£.0 llec:tncau . C.alU19 Fan ~pec:Wib.t Oependabl•. quahty CARPET lNSTALLAnON Bli.L 'S CARPET SDV · ICI. llllllallebon and repa~n. 0\iahty work a t tau pnc.. CllJ Ball a t 552-5826 eveJUDQ,a CAR WASHING/ DETAII..ING N O IJL DETAILING Specw -145 Your home or olhce Com-• plet• LDta nor and •• tenor Wuh, wu. pol· t.ah Boat deta1hn9 Ava.al· able Call 24 houn, 631 4267 work Reuo11able ratee. Fr.. eetuaat.. Ca.ll Tom 631·5072 FURNI1'VR£ REPAIR. RESTOU: HAND STRIPPlNQ, repatr&ACJ. A rattan o.w ~. Chau C&fUA9. NAIWlCJ. SPICL\J. -uy cli.aU, any color, bud· llnp· ped or teQllled - Sl9 7S A Toucll ol Cl.ue lnt•non, 711 W. 17th St . A-2. Coale M .... 662-1365 GARAGE DOOR OPENERS caeotJy 649-2679 Du FENCES PATIOS PASSPORT PHOTOS countt ua.U.able S.rv SPAS DEC KS whale you waat' No •P· Ul9 all ol Or&J19a Coun 673-1166 pomtmant needed V\M ty 4lld I 0 ~hotoa alao • • C AR 0 L yNN ----avaalable Color or I O 'MA LLEY 142711 MIRROR blaclt.whlta Tba O.rlr ---room 274 Broadway W.11-. lrvane C A MIRROR BREAKS Eo lAQuo.a Beacb 494 m l4 Con9ratulahona lar9a room. olltc• 7900 You have won two whatever' -w11b mu ' Su~rlun llclrata Call ror Any wall 8 1112 I 4 673-0550 plata S398 umaU.ct PILLOW ••• r.JI •• I At.o lt.nd.rtrd rub abow ~ r a anuG " " ':. ' " er enclOSilrft specw "'~&n ,.' • _ ... , ~. an.st&ll&taon.a At oo,y SilO n:ATHER PILLOWS 1~ anata.lled, aDd wudro be CLEAJftl)l .. :P.:I:!ISF ... .IIi door• 531·6300 New llck~n9 anclud.d HAUUNG• MOVING HUNGRY COLLEG E STUDENT need.a work Cu do h9bt hului9 and movano anvtune uyplaca anyhow Call f rull 631 2451 HONE IMPROVEMENTS C ARPENTRY FINISH WORX Paho coven. ~nehnQ mouldtDQ Hram• a.haiYM and pa.an1U19 Relareocee 10 ,_..n eapen a nca 559 7~7 MIRRORED WALLS One bour Mnttee wardrobe doors iuQh 1 (7lt) Ml-48'70 qu&hry honee1 pr1caa 1 ~1091 EvM L~r1 um.U..taon re !tabla. Loc-.1 ralerencn WID. 64S-964J MOVING II STORAGE THE STARVING COL LEG£ STUDENTS No• Ul9 Co bu qrown Lie T 12.4436) Same 9ood I Mrvaca Cell Sot 1·8427 l ~n~.?~~~• aorul low .. l rat• lr" l•llm•t• Ouacll: cata lul •tv~c• PLAS TIJU.MG All PHASES ol PLAS TE RlNG Re atucco 1aatu11n9 1.0tenor aa 1at1or patchwork Room .dd•hon.a And cuatom homes f t .. Mllmate L.c 388781 lobo 960 J786 ALL PHASES OF PLASTERING Uoaqua patchanq ud ~tan9 Smell tobt -leoma Sllper low Mtamat .. 8.36 '3429 M2~10 PLUMJING SANCHE% PLUWBlNG OmCE RNida11h&VComm•r PLAHNING C' .-.~ SpecW11.1D9 lD SPIUIW.ERI sanc:::z ....... Vu()ppeu S..rnceCo (71.) ..... TILE INSTALLATIOit CUSTON TILl WeaK! All typM ID.talk~ - epecaah aaDQ aa t e · mode lU19 ID.tet.. aDd bath Qu&hly worltau· abJp F,.. &llb•atee. RaleraDcas Ron , 831 7791 Tn.l & WAJlaLI lNST A.Ll.A 1"'IM Europ-a cr&fQiaao. Comme rcaall ll••uieD· tlal f or free .., ...... call Gaorvao. 953-5115 TREES EXPERT T1\U sav. ICl Tree &Ad *na.h tn.IIUIUAQ qd ,_,a!_ Yard c:lee.Dup Free _. tiJIUt• CllJ 953-.:2. UCD.LIWT TY1'UIG SIRVICI avaala"M P!Chp ead .wa-y. Newpot1 Je..cla &lad lr· YIJI. ..,_ 133-7104. c:lll &Iter 12- s()UTH SHORE P AJ.NT lNG and Wood ReJUI· GARAGI DOOR Op&ID· aalunQ Reatd•nU&l and a r. $119.95 G e1ue comm•rcaal lnt•11or JOY ADDS TUtE rc vour :opper rep1pe and r• d<ly helps mulllplv vour paon Lacanta No ...o. ...o._ l60997 Call lor lr" UPHOLSTERY IX.PDT CUSTO,. U. UPHOLSTDY -Orep-•n• Up to SO.. oa mate uaJ1 rr-" tllllatM South Potu. Upholt tery UQI&Aa Screwdnve, S134 a!. htenor Ca.banett sta.ar Em•rg•DC"f S.m~. r&W doon !loon Ball, Spnnqs cd hard1•at•"l 1!1().1 920 ah•r 6 p m replaced ate•l aod ptofatt by o;uYlw..aQ VOI.Ir 1 &42 3J94 I problaau 1.0 W -sub .. hmata tractt the ha..u.IM !rom vou Call c714\ S58 0937 All vout olt.ca DeecU CAD be met &I POOLS/ SAUMAS/ CONCRETE doou Gu•r lacenled ud boaded. Vtw ud WC I • I . 1 -.MSS. I SPEciAUZI lO lack ---- h•mmer worlr and r•· I GENERAL moval ol concrete SERVlCE (pahoa 11dewa1Jra and ~-___ _ __ d11vaway1) Alto culhn9 NEED CllEDIT CAilDS? a nd bandNW\119 Not 1 G uaru leedl Rec:•v• state he w .. lt'a Con Muter Card, V\M e.~~d crete Removal 631 ma)Ot c recht ~ .,._ 2610 1 af YOU b. ... bed or aD R C , WO RK AlL credat b&.nlruptcy or 8 1 " -d1vorce For free a..to-TYPIS Block will cbure call Creel~ toll-and repau Concrele d 11vaway1 t~dewe lll:a lr ... l..aoo..az7 WI. at and pahoa L•canled houn uy c&ar 842 3002 CONC RrTE WORX -I GARDEIURG Oravewevs patios BEST ANDJCA.If Qu. patha etc No 10b too deDJJlQ s.r.nc. epeca.a). 1mall M•clr•v 536 1 11109 111 w..a.ly 1722 w .. ltly1111011lhJy aa1a: l tanance •DII et-a upe.. CONS1'J!\I~ON r, .. MtUD~1 8 WU.SON & SONS -Bullden Fr.. a111 ROTOTll.LDfG DONi CII&'IM )() YMI'I upen DIRT cb~ Garden1, ence Bonded Lac 1 flower beds lawn•. 357487 646-1740 laodecap111Q RNeon abl• raiN r,.. advrco OVIJlHOL T Conalr-uc 6:46-7819 uytitoe hon, RemodelmQ and -ate Fra1111nq drAywall DOWN TO EABTll bay wandows French L.wn 6Dd GudeJI S.rv· doott Ouahty at low tea Co111,pa... IDtteJl.t· pile•• Ca ll Bryan hOD reo ... u.oa aDCl 549 2767 ma totenaace O'oahty M rvac e et dow••tO -. ICIRC HNER CON .. r-lh prJOM S.~ STJUCT10N. General c uetomars our hrllt l~aaldtnQ Contractou prao.nty Call aaJ1aCO.. aance 1917 Cuttoar 646 7819 bualdan9 and ra111odal --OOUC"S anQ f rom deaJQn to lanash L•c 122497 YAJU)Jia~ 642 7003 SotS 0768 lAwn ma111._..Dee ar .. sconPEEL coanucnoN Any type carpelllf'Y or rap&tra Ratadenta•l Commarc1al Oualaty wo rkaa111t111p Good rei• aod ret•r•l.le.t Speci<tiJ on patiO coven and deeb 631·S4l 4 llllllliiUICJ C:M nvp a.acl bauuDq 544·21 U . .., 1103 ...w.,. .. ,, mST -Tolal laad.c..-..,._ IC'M l.n-.JlatiOO .... ... Ulle....-,,_...,.. ~. tprt.alll.r, law reno .. hoa. W• clo II al. eoceU ... l HOUSE CLEANtNG HOUSICLEAN ING Compl•t• hou.aecl .. n LDQ, apan ment• ho111N condo • Reaaonable rat .. R•larenc• Call after 4 p m 962 2SJ I Deborah HAPPINISS IS HA V lNG TIMI lor you....U Let Uf handle 'fOUl eleenaoo oeec:U We do d Ill' In bu.sul-SJnca 1975 Tba Woppettt g&6.1JOO !OP BRASS CleAnan9 S.rvac" Ho..-a pan •enta condo• rentah AJtordabla rAt.. &42 0190 S.rvano OranQ• County LYN N S MO P N IUC KE'T C lean1no S.r viCe You 111• 11 up m•n.amum coel PAJNTlMG PAINTING l nt•nor £.tenor LowM1 ,., .. prompt neat Mrv1ca In liM lor JQ YN II ft .. Mt&mat• 1714 84a I 5684 (714)636 7l49 COArC T WANY COL O RS PA.INTING ln•ar •or •:arenor aco..-tac1 call.an91 S.rvmq lrvme aod aurroundmq .,_. C..U 540 1)24(' L c 158400 IAE'S PAINTlNG lr. te uor h taflor Rn.den hal Comm•rc >a• F t" M1L1Dal.. Ca l• ~ .4 545-3131 HOT TUBS/SPAS ZE£'S POOL SERVlCE. Complete ma.ulla nanee aod rapa.ar [:ac•llent reha b • worlt Low p11CM Owner oper at.d Call 631 5725 IU\' AN S POOL SERV ICE Rn~d.nuti Apart '"•n'\ CumR!e rc••• Ar•d wuh and repa•n Henes• and dependable 5-48 403:' ' C CONSTRUCTION s .... lllm.nQ poou and •pat Saw ·onl1n.achon ~nd :amodela 9W11ta or •1bar~ .,. Co111plate >'lumbm~ ai•C'II IC•l Jac-l.s rn..onry pahoa L• •C 53 3~7 702 71 4 SJ9 3657 NI:WPOftT -MESA SPAS 1 Halla. 768-g()()g SOUSSAN INTERIORS Up to 50' oil ..tJ ct. 11qnar labnc1 aleo upholllared welle G~Uranteed pro ... - ltOn&l Work frM p1d up & d•lave ry (714) 957-0128 W ALLPAPE'RmG A UTTLE MAGIC Prof~ waDp.p.r 109 at -.hie ,..... CleeD aDd ~-' F '" _,,_. S.tlotllac· I taon 9uuaat..d or I'DODaY Cb .. rfvl}y .... Illuded 1714) 532-3121 t l.>r 71 4) 631 5988 I --- -clN n ot up Call l,.un S52 7692 On call w .. ltlv b1 monthly And monthly SUN.NiR PAINTING SPECIAL •vera9e as 1e uor l SSO Lnta flor 10~ oft Oualatv work a nd ma t•r •Is qua r a nt•ed f ree ea tama•as f red Cvm .. •••• •rv~e• on l ~w •P•• hot t..bs and ...., &n"'-' •crvhn L•ndac •p• C1.EAM1ItG d•••on .natAIIa r•ona __ __ 536-3471 ST A KLEEN Com plata bouMCleanmQ 11 I PAMING 6r REPAIRS .,our N rvtca to balp vou ol all ecru dune ae-on Cor.•r acto ra L•c WINDOWS SPAU· be.t rhoM bou..elean om•eally .s.nd alloc•antlv \OQ blues Owner opet 6-49-2679 Oucoun•• •J704-4tl 2666 Newport U NG CLI.AN -A.,.. Blvd Co•t• Maaa 1 aq• 2-AIOI'/ SJ8 (15-17 bJl :&47 1 w1ndo .. ) S15 alai mum Scr .. M IDCI*'-cl al.cf 12 VMIS Up&ll I AVI IJ..b)a S.l\·on~ (\1: '' n c• Fr.. N tlmAtM Oran9• Countv REMJ.NDER SVC 646 594 J COMPLETE CUSTO M r O RG £T'Tl}jG LNPOR KlAVY DUTY C1N n&n9 I PaUliUIQ S.mce lntar rANT OATIS a .. th Unhmated w .ndowa •or lata11or Cab•n•t Jau enn•~o~arut~aa ••II• lloou a nd teJ,oa1h1n9 acouallc 1 oft• Con I d I specta XC'UI ·-Ca t pat• One t1ra a c a a IDQI rapa31nta ••dar A prot ... •onel tpNCa up or w .. ltly •r Paper b.nqtnQ ~ YN n renuodar •rvace Call ~a ce C all f'ran a:a~nenee Free •• r wr•teW1raa &oa 232 1'52 8750 hmat .. 846 1665 t .. va Dept C N 5o l..Quna HOUStCU ANING m-CJ• 926n 714 tit>l 2878) Own•r operAted I do all It IC PAlNTlNG ln Ct"'m"' ••I .. rv1t:•a .otk mYM U Wll\dowa I ••nor ••tenor r••dan 1va1lab • •Y tpecualtv Aleo com h•l and COtlli'Darc•aa ~l•t• houaed aaiiiDQ r,.. .... m., .. Call J( <:ell Dav1d l d a rt TT5 4079 146 72tll CUSTON PAINTING 0 U A. l. IT Y T [A N l·etory hom• Averaqa Ho~a•~laananQ l v u tenor 1695 Low ~ of Orano• Coun puce lor anteraot aJid ty, lc>nded mAtreci new conatructaoo ,,.. llceued C.U 63\ 8222 &llhmiiM Duao SSI- Ioa ,,.. Mtii'DAI• 16Jl Catering to Oraage Co\lnty'• R.lcleatlal aad ladutrlal Palntlng oocl DecoratlDg Jlheda • lntanor end b t•rwt Pa1nhno • G••pluc Ar1 e Wall Papen•q • S1atOUIO &Mt Ca bonet R.Lnaa .. anq • Ac<>llll I Ce Jin4p T1fd D'1'DIA 11$ 1 Phone MWU'-....., Broa 545-3151 WlNOOW WASHING Ovai11Y work..!. .~ a..bl• ral• l.,..aJI ... T\ru Wondow ~. (714) 847 53!5S Ia • to 6p m I All CltAHING sliv ICE W&Adow ct .. .a IDQ R..e.deeft&l ud coamarcw C&1l tvr ......... 645-4204 20 WeclMedoy. JuJy 28. 1112 The Newpc.t Ensign -- • Bauer Motors Is Orange County's oldest and foremost Jaguar dea~r. with a fantastic setec tlon ot new and used models. Stop by and see "The world's fastest stock production automatic coupe" • -the XJS, also the beautiful XI< 120 replica, the luxurious new Vanden Plas sedan, super value XJ6 Series Ills In most colors, used 1977, 1978, 1979 sedans and e.ven a classic original XKE Coupe and 420 Sedan. Don't buy any Jaguar anywhere else unless you compare our dealership, our service and our prices. • Motor Trend, Feb. 1982 Nearly I C rsAt tyUse FULL SIZE LUXURY ~ARS 1976 Buick La Sabre ,os , . . ..... ·- 196 7 Jaguar Sedan ''")(1\lc, 1 . . . . . '3885 1979 Buick Riviera , 1:>H' 13( 1 '8885 1979 CadiiJac El Dorado 1 :u.tu "' 1 • '1 0,885 1978 Ja~uar XJ6(Y24'i H ,, '11 ,885 1979 Juuar Series III ,~~ 1 Zll\ , . 'I_.. INTERMEDIATES 1978 Buick Regal L.td.,7Ui\\\\J\I '5885 1981 Chev. Monte Carlo , 1t \to~, ·~ 1980 Chev. Monte Carlo 11 \~fhtl 1 . '8885 1980 Buick Century Ltd. 1 Htd l '1 1 '8885 1980 Chrys. Cordoba 1 .W4lc '"' '8485 1981 Olds Cu tlass Sup. 1 I BII\~~21 '7485 1968 Buick Regal , YH~' ,~,, 1979 Pontiac Grand Prix 1 -, -,\\ r 1, 1 1980 Ford Granada 'r oH2'1 1980 Ford F utura n:. ~ n .t-. 1980 Buick Regal 1 '"'. 1 112 , 1979 Mere. Monarch ••Ill u 1977 Ford T ·Bird dt~ l'-\1\ 1 1977 Pontiac Catalina 1'll-,T,11 , 1973 Chev . Malibu Cpt. 1 ·111 1\JB 1 1973 Chev. Monte Carlo 111W I\ u~., 1978 Ford Granada t%Y\ZI\ 1 1977 Ford Maverick tH2:lRI\P I . '3885 ~OMPA~TS 1975 VW LeGrande Bug !b17ql '3885 1977 Ford Mtitang ,swTA:\1 ............ '3485 1978 Buick Sky hawk , arorzK , .......... ,_. 1978 VY Dasher t224 '~ oo 1 . . . . . . .•..•. '4885 1979 Honda Accord t262\JP 1 . . . . . . . . '4885 1980 Men. Capri Hatch.t LDOI\~' ... '4885 1980 Buiek Skylark tOSJ ........•..•...... - 1980 Toyota GT o\ir t LBCZ.122 1 . . . . ...85 1981 Buick Skylark , LAQFI 2i )...... . .. '5885 1980 Olds Omega Brm. , ~N n l o 1. . . . . .. ~85 1979 Buick Riviera , :>oszA u, . . . . . . . . . . '8885 1979 Peugeot 504 Dsl. o ~~LR\ 1 . . • . . .. ~ 1981 Toyota Celiea ( L Rzu~ 1 , . .. . . 't\·it\ SUB~OMPA~TS 1980 Chev. Cheveue t L \ l30i2 1 . 1979 Honda Civie !35i~PH , . . .... 1979 Plymouth Horizon , nRs, . . . 1980 Plymouth Champ , 1 ''I(; w, 1 • • 1978 Mazda GLC t816\JB I . . . . . . . 1977 Toyota Corolla , 797T\ o, ...... . 1979 Datsun 200 SX , l9ll '81 ..... .. 1978 Plymouth Horizon , uJ ~t MJ 1 .••.•• 1978 Hoada CVCC !S..r.61 Ut ). . •... 1976 V1' a. 1 556,\~) ............... . '3885 '3485 1912 Electra ___ _ Reta~15218 eo Estate Wagon ,rwoce 132saoo 1912 llectrai!I!!III~Aietoi~!TT102!! Park Avenue lrNclce \5467 127681 MoflcuP 9900 425272 Malt Up QQ Voor Price-13.357.00 Ycu Price-15,566 SPORTS£ARS 1976 Capri (849~\8 ) .............. ' .... . 1976 MGB (381NTP ) ........... ' ........ . 1979 TriUBipla Spitfire (65~\lCD J ...... . 1977 MGB (09lYMJ ) .................... . 1977 Chev. Corvette ro 1821 1978 MGB (123l'Jl I ....... . ..... '2885 '3485 '41Ml5 '4885 ... '4885 1979 MGB (035~WK )....... ..... .. '5885 1980 Fiat Xl/9 ( 1-\EGI:;()I . .. . . ..... '8485 ... 85 .. '8885 1979 Datsun 280ZX tOIOXZ't 1 • • • • '788$ 1981 Mazda RX7 ( L8'1 l627 ) . . . . . 'I 0,485 WAGONS A PI~K UPS 1981 lsuzu loag bed I ll752oli I ._. 1980 Buick Century 1' agon , ~r .1tJ ~~ 1 • '8885 1981 Toyota Corolla 1'agoa t 18ll\7t.;, '5 1979 Toyola Piek ap 1 1:>57985, . . . . '4885 1978 Ford Piaao 1'agon , 1-\cL~I .. •a .. o 1978 Dodge 8us9 St>at (898 VPB) '5885 1978 Subaru 1'agoa 4x4 1tl66A\t 1 ...... ~ 1977 Chev. El Camiao 1 IJ 29104 J ......... '3485 1978 Buick Cent. 1'agon , 132\"io, ... ~ 1977 Chev. "•OD f97l'\~Z I .. .. 1976 Ford Piaao Wapa (06 7PKJ ....... .