HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-11 - Newport Harbor Ensignco ..... coo !~»0 11»\0 ..... o ..... o 0' O'N OMOOO 01• OIN . Effort Continuing Hoag Involved ln Irvine Project S../'oge4 Seeks Fourth National Title SeePoge9 ENS THI NKWPOIT INSIGN • ESTABIJSHID 1948 • 35TH YIAR • NUWBIR 1 {714) 673-0550 • SlRVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1982 .. .._,o• ~. f'IIPOrt*ly of Laguna Hifls, was -.ioullv qu,.d ~ she attempted to make a • ..,.... on eo.t Htgmqy JUSt norlh of Laguna a.ch. 8CCOt1ing to the CalifOfnia Highway Patrol. The car she was driving was stru~ by a mail truck es she turned. Three passengers in the car were abo •nJured. The maiJ truck driver was not Injured. St . .tf photo by Barry Slobtn Council Defers Church Decision; Convnittee To Attempt Compromise Couocalm.an Plu.l.ap Maurer abruptly eDded an aaotioa.a.l pablic lleari.a.Q Oil wb.echer Co a.llow St. Alld.rew. Pr.byten&Jl ~ to upand wtt.ll a pro- poealto ..e up a COiaiD.ittee oJ lill pei'8CIIDS, two boa the caur- ck. two bola tM CODUJllUlity and two boa the Caty Cowlc:U. to 1fOd out • eoluboa to the coa- troweny. Cm-iderabon o1 the pro,.ct wu .W.,.t until the Sept. 13 Coa.aaJ ...U09. n.. ~GIU. located ac:roa lSlla Sb...e bolD Newport Harbor IBP ~ooa. U. propoeed to bu.iW a new M.DctUUJ builclino wtucll mdudee an SS.foot tower ta tM c.tler ol tiM property and • two-le¥el puking C~Uaoe. 'n.. ~~ plau to lnel lO boa. aloaQ Cay Street to eDow b puld.aq and the new MQCta.ary bWJdioQ. Oppa.ltioo Ire. t!ae ~ wu DOl dtNC:ted ThetmsJgp C~tes 34Years al the church u aucll. Bnan Genetle, ~0 for the Clitfh.sven aexgh.boJ'hood, commented. "We don't want to stop the chuzch, we JUSt want to keep the t~Ctie doW1l .a it tit.a m a residenb&.l neaohborhood." Dr. John Huffman, p&ltor of LAe c:hurch. told the couocU that the cllurcll wu a community church &nd had QTOWD to the poi.nt where the upa.n.aion wu nec-...ry. He Mid the churca had oriqiD&lly pl&n.ued to move to the Cutawaya ar .. but that the Jrvlne Co. had backed out of a propoeed l&le to the church, forcano them to use the current aate. R..adents of the area saad the chuzch wu trymq to put too muca 00 the property and satd that the nu.m.ber of p.ulring space. provided was inadequate and the sue of the bulldinq too la.roe. The conuruttM set up by the councU wu inatructed to meet and ettempt to work out a solu· lion aQr...hle to all and report back to the council. All four Ulcumbenta will seek rMlecbon to theu Caty Councll seat.a JolloWlng conclu&lon of W· UlQ Fnday. All fouz Al.80 have at least one oppo11ent. l.ncumbeJlta aeeluno r .. lechon aze M&yor Jaclue Heather. Evelyn Hut, Paul Hummel and Donald Strauu. Heather will be opposed by David C . Grant, who hves on Ca.rob Street. Hart will face former plannanq comnu.uion AUen Seek and C. Edward WoUe. Strauu will face Nonnan Loats, a former ad.nwuatrator Wlth the Newport-Mesa Uru.hed School Dtstrict. HullUDel W1ll face fonnez plan· nmo CODUDJ.aalOner Bill A~. In filino lor rMlecuon, Heather COJ:IUILeJlted, "1 am pro· ud to have parbcapated an the r .. woence of our c tty C1ty qovernment today •• more vtta.l and dyna.m.ic than ever before "Smce the elechon m 1980 of a faraaohted ma,o nty on the counc tl, we have taken oreal stndea toward a better future by confronhno problems of the pre- Mnt." She cated what she consaders to be the flve maJor ac- c omphah.ments of the put two YHJ'I. O range County qovem ment was out LD force befo re the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce last w"k Ftfth Dutnct Supervaaor Tom IWey, hiS atdes, and a parade of county otbc tala were prneot toqtve a breakJaat bnefmg for c hamber members Fnday a t the Balboa Bay Club The event wu sponsored by the oroup's Governmental A1· faua CommattM. Wlth spectal "The people oJ Newport BHch now can flush wath conbdence becatae the sewers tuncuon and the sarutallon chatnct IS .olvent DredCJUlQ operahons soon Wlll ma.ke the Upper Bay a maCJllili· cent lake. Leqal actJon bas, for now. blocked the county's plan for all-out expa.ns1on of the au· port. The new Coa.at Hlqhway budge and amprovementa at key antersecllons have reduced lraJ· flc conqeabon. Stronq cnme prevenhon proqra.ms h.ve kept criminal elements from qa.uunq a foothold tn Newport Buch," she s.ud. "I'm proud of what we have done, but there 1.1 muc h leh to do and we can't pernut Newport to aq.un fall anto the banda of dem.aqoqac mdlvaduala who wqe people to deny our futuze by &Q· nonno the pzohlem.s of the pre- •nt. hlachon will l..d to ataqnallon and • deteno rahon of the quaLty o f We m Newport Beach " she concluded HU11UDel, Ul a statemen t upon filing hu papers for a MCood term representmg Corona del M.u, commented, "ln the November elechons, the J.Uu" are clear I urge the voters to determme whtch candldates are flnanced b y the tfttdents and whac h are fma.oced by the large commerc aaJ anteresta " credlt gomg to Beverlv Nestande, Chnss Streel and Dr Staniord GrHn '1 am convmc~ the mp ul we rece1ve lro m Chambers of Com merc e as the least btased we get from anywhere m the commun1 l ty." IWey told the group He spoke of the need "lc develop a lta tned worlt Ioree · for mdustnes and bu.smesses and "to provtde a means for them to hve tn Orange Counlv or conhQuzahon Tfte Mayo r s Trophy wUl be award.d lo the best boat or "Navor s Cho1c•" the CollUDodores Trophy to the best decorated, the O..p Su Award for the best decorated by a clu.b, the Bi9 Toot to the boat wtth the b.! .aund, the Loose Screw Award for beat an1mahon, the Suavtesl Swab Trophy lor the beat co.tume and the Crut tenden Cup for the "theme extreme." OtV\SlOn D wtll be lor the true cbuacter boata, and the S..t Wooterey wiDa the LMkua · Timben llophy, the a. StMJn Boat wm. t!ae Wheel, Ste&&D and Bell Awa.rd; the Olcte.t Boat enterecl.u the Darty Old W..n•Wd Aw4ud; ~· a-. ''Oue of • Kiad" W\U tile Gruel Aa- aut W.ruau Tro .. y; 1M._. O..lecht WUUi tM Jilin .D..,.. T~y. tM ..... , Laue~ 1ILU tM n ........ ftwut A..rd d ~ ._. WMk ... wt.. ... ~ s..Bia9 ._ TfOPily. AD.-....5att.e.,._ cataean. aecei" puLa.-ud ·~oftMir ....... .. eo-..... a. .. u. ... .. .. * • .., ... a.aa ...... . W..llfDOJter. (c-........ 2) J ' Hummel a.ud that he baa not wavered from bJa onqmal plat- form of order}) qrowth and the conbAued d.velopm.ent o1 Newport Beach u a r-.denbal Clly "I oppoee any mcre.ue m ,.t fuqhta from Orange CoWl.ly Au- port and unll.l a properly located req1onal .urport IS con..atructed, I support )Olnt uae of El Toro Nanne Au Stabon." HullUDel a.ud that he t.von an unproved road system ''that .ru1 accomodate the ~ but not to the extent that it will de.troy the hvino quahty of the Clty " He added, "The l.arQe prO)eCU wluch 1 have oppoeed. woWd tu&ve prOVlded roads OD tlt.e developen property. tlt.e COD- tnbubcm of traffic to au ...tiaQ oty .tTeet.a hom the prQjec:ta would be ll.Ucc.ept.able to our rest dents . "Wa.t of the people who b.ave moved to Newport Be.c.h b.Ave done .a to avo1d a Los A.nC)el• atmoaphere and the emenp.DQ Qrowth ~ttezn IS prodUC\JlQ the same ills Ul Newport Beach " He concluded, ''It u ampoem- ble to oet a qallon and a half of anytluno mto a one-q&llon con - t.uner and that IS what IS bemq attempted Ul Newport Beach " t II II~ I t Ke pomted p roudly to the coun· ty'a adopuoa of &oclusaOJlAl'V lODUlg requ11ements for af. lord.&ble bOUSUlQ ln transporta bon the super· Vl50r s.ud, "We a re approachmq a c nau aatuahon ·• The San Joaqwn Hill.s Transportation Corndo r, he saad. 11 t.n &ts hnaJ des1qn ataoe 'My eHo rts are to qet 1t t.n place 1n bve years." be satd The death last week of • b1U tmplementmq transportalton ez. pendltur• for Oranoe County "was a q rea.t daaappomtment to us." IWey Mld "We hope dur- &ng th1a }eqLI.latlYe year we can swUlg 1t around " lLiey'a a1des were mtroduced and then speclhc re.pon- mbilihea w.re outhned. AmmUJ thoee sute to be busy m CODUDQ monllLa ue Peter Herm&n. wil.h re.pon,u.bWt, .. for la.nd pl.u.D- mQ and Oood contzol, and lorme1' Newport .. yor Dor .. n Meru..ll. who \oob aftet .clad wute man•oement aau• for the IUI)erY\80R 11Lere followed an UDpr.-Jve parade of ofticW. wh.o tunMCI out toz a 7:30 a. • . ..-.nt OD Cout lLQhway. la.t b-oa theu deUa wtthin the labyri.Qth of c:oWltJ Qeft1'1l1M1lt ua S....ta AM. A.onq Lhem .. ,.. Bzad Jacoba ... 1111>1, wlao ~ how U k...-track of tM OOU• (Coatiaud -..... S) W.IIM•illllrryr. ••• ll. 1• n. ~ ,.,..,. (Cootialled froa peQe l) n.. puede will be9in .. 2 p .a . boa the ~ IJdo Tum· iA9 Buill with u.. Pevilloa Qu... ud \be SMrit(a Fireboat a..dia9 the way. n. public is m.tted to ride eboucl u.. PavilloD Queen, at $6 pe1' per· 1011. Cell the cbe.mber for ,...,. vetiooa u apace is limited. lucl boa ll TOI'O will be oo boud tM a--to •t.rtala .w.on. n... will bt otMr •uioal GTOGJJ8 aboud tU COla· petiaQ~ Followia9 tiM puede. ~ will bt awucW at a receptio8 ud Tea K-wau; lalplk Wlt.itford will .....a ..... O...ectN ... DMMa ~ ud Tecllaov-,. .. c:JWr oi u.. Coa.aerci&l Dl.t· .. ~ •... Dr . Ralph A. l:redi~Uw, i..Dt•r· netloa.U, recoc;pliMcl upert in U.. lbvct\a.r'e ud hmctiola of prot.U.., .._ Me1l neaed pro· ._,r ud cub of th• Depart. ..at of ~ce) C'aeml.try at the UC lnt.n. CoUec;le of · WedlctDe. w-hen of u.. eo-nw~o .... 1a th• Balboa a.., au Wl- rooaa, witJl ..-cb •n'ed. uad a coUDt:ry-,.....em b&Dd to ... r- teiD. Cl\dt will "'au" tiM -weriou othu fu.actiou of aM puede, INCA. • tteM6c cootrol, trophiee, loocl ud beftloaoe, 111011 co•- allMe, •. The Marin• Aircraft Win9 Juclq,in9 of the boat. in Ole parade will be \l.lldet the follow- iA9 chai.rmea: the D.corated DlviaiOD-Walter Crutteodea For puede •by 6onu uad fu.rt.Hr 1Dionaatioll COilleet th• Newport 'C\e•ber otfice at 644-8211. •edabw. who b .. beeo on tbe iecWty of the W ubinQton Uniwuity School of Nedlcine iD St. Louia, No., brin9a with him a ~e) proteill-n\&Oleic acid ue)yaia leboretory complete with two tecbniciena trained to operate it. The Mrvicea provid· eel by this lab will be available to all acientiata on campwa for tbe fi.rat time. u1mt' en and try Mw makeup inspimJ by the tashll•n rr.ends . . rh~ Persian Gankn Colkcuon. N<~ Pers1an Garden Colon w11l bnn1 out yow raJI,lnCe, jitiVInJr you l~ alow of a woman tn C.•ll t'.trl~ for yow frtt spnnx makeover m 'hlmlllt'nnx Pers1an shade3. ..... Adams FiMndaJ Group SPECIAL SEMINAR LIT IOMIONI ILII PAY YOUR TAXIS- No ftnanciol pkJn Is ~te untU you have Pfovlded fOf the claposltkln of ycu •to• TheM Is a method wNch alows you to trantler ycu osaeta to other~, r-..ettno In 1Ub1101 •Hal scMnolln rnon.v ens tax• ADAMI FINANCIAL ADVISORY CORPORATION wUiconducton enlightening seminar Aug. 24 at NOCHA .. I "IIDUCING IITATI TAXIS: TRANifiiiiNe AIIITI TO OTMIII• to be held at the WUtUN PIDiaAL IAVIN81 AND LOAN at Poc11c Coast t+t;N~av south of Newport Cen'-OrNe. Both of these seminars wtl be held Pfompttv at 7 p.m In the Comrnu'llty Room You wilt leom how you can • leduce .._ coeta of transtentng auetl • lecetft Income for CIS long CIS you live • •• duce ..... tax.• • leduce capital gaiM tax F.atured Speaker: OR. H.W. YUIIMAN. CFP. r•IOWtled (ajthof, ~ of the c~ klf Rnandal "'*••-o and ... ...., .. of the Adami Rna ICkll AI:NifOiy COtpofallc:lfl PleaH CCIII tor ,_. lldonncllon and .......vat~ona- Umited Seating Available (714) 760-1111 • 11 years exper .. nce MAIClng Ponchea end Audia exc1U8Miy • F ectory trelned '" al phaHI ot rep~~ I,. and maintenance • Aall about ~Me•-. and dell"ry ·~leturdap Clip & Save EXPIRII a-11-12 • vocotian wear. lodMt &. Jr. Slz• 3thrv 200 * fabubla II h ttioft ift tt. at.st ,.,.... fabrka &. colora. Choote froM 11 "'*',....brand~ .. S-.wort, Cole, Sirena. o.w .... c~ Gottea, lollanca, Souafroa. Daffy. etc. (Ita~& ...... .. _ ............... , Sol. belli ... ...... "This type of lab il a piece of the tecb.nolOCJJ Qivinq riM to tbe eo-called 'new biolOQy'," Brad- abaw Mid. "for eumple, clon- iAq, recombinant DNA and Bee 'D,. s-.._. 390 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626 MS-6601 Mon. -Sat. 10-6 RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At World al Mouldlng You Wlll Find . • Moulding -I Hardwooda a Softwoodai- •VIctorlan Fretwork -Chair Raila -Flniala - •Decorative a Plain Corbela -Baaea - •Ceiling Moulding -Bar Raila - • Stair Parta -I Oak a Hemlock 1 - •Butcher Block Tops - •C•IIIng Medallions - • And lota More -Come On In And See Ua I LDING 31095 M&nSt .SantaAna (&tween [)y~ ~ M.cAnlwr on S Matn S. ) ~-~ltud!~m/!!!!Jl Sal IMigbul L lt11ap«· on Aug. 12 SUJUIER SWIM SUIT LE American and imported designs from Gottex, Tabu, Catalina, Bare Nothings Eeni Meeni and Jantzen :!i:.!l f.u..\1 (udst 1/iyhuvy. Cunmc1 &kl .'ltJr. lii.'l-h:Yil · Announcang the opening of our new in Newport Beach at 4525 MacArthur BNd. (at Barch). Come in and get acquainted with manager Bill Patteraon,and his staff. They are reect1 to serve all your flnanclal needs. Our phone number 18 (714) 882·2255 and ow hOuraa~ lAM 105 PM, Monday . ThJfldly lAM to8 PM, Ft1dly • ~~~ cu -.at trola 1M date .... poeihle willa ...... lab ... ...... w ia .udyiq tb• PfO' teiA 801ecW.. lavolv.d i..D tM fwacdtoa oi tb• Der"IOU .,..... udtM~oJc.U 'qrowtb. He will work in col· lUor.tion witb two other UCI ac:ieDtiltl, Dr. Dennie Cunn- iDQb.em, prof...or of microblolocn. uad Dr. Harry He.i9l•r. uailtuat profeaor of phyaiolocn ud biopbylica. The biocbem.i.ltry profeaor bu held poeitiou u a viaitin9 acientist e_t the Univeuity of Zurich, Switlerl&nd; tbe Rockefeller Study and Con- ferenc. Center in Bellaqio, lte· ly, and tbe Univenity of Sydney and the University of Nelboume iA Au.atr alia. lfe alao bu Mrved U CO· • • • Dr. Jen Yu, pl'of.-or of pbyaical medicine and rebabiUtation, bu been •p- pointed chair of tbe d.putment iD tbe ColleQ• of Ned.icine. He replec" Dr. Jerome Tobia, wbo ~ d.ir~iAq a new qeri&trica end qeronto'toqy prOQr&m iA the col- leQ•· Yu ~ i.Dter..ted iA tbe neurophyaioloqical buia of rehabilitetion medicine. Startina today, make replar uerdee a part of your tiu.y achedule. Eat foods that are good for' you and get plenty of rest. Pamper youraelf when it comes to groomin,r-higb· lighting your attractive features. Cbooee clothing to support your image aa well as enhance your appearance. Above all-SMILE. A healthy, attractive smile can take you anywhere. We Keep You Smiling . . . PARK MACA THUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 E T Approximately 2,000 square feet. One year lease. 45~ per square foot. Available Septem- ber 1, 1982. I by Jocly lectDw Tim Levutry .. ya he Uv .. iD tM atyliah Park Newport a~­ ....... iA N.wport ~Mob '' .. .for .-.....reb puqk)Ma only ... " Ac- tully, lor a 9UY who bu • ''moaopoly" on N.wport Beach, OM miohl thi.Dk Levutry should r.ade iA one of the mtllion dollar IW:Wou lUQ.h atop Har- bor ftidoe . lutead, be'a lb. type of 9\lY who t..la lllOre oom- lon&ble iD • 1958 Baja Bu9. Leventry ia tbe clever utilte who crMt.d the "New Panch• Beac:ll" life·aiae Monopoly board now on d.iaplay •t thel.acJun• Be.ch F..Uval of the Art.. Aa the bou.d teU. it, ~ventry'a "r...a.rcb" bu been pretty auc· c...tW ed accurate. Not only ue the propertiee llnin9 the boudw&l.b of Levenu .. ·a 9Ule ID&J'ked ed priced at typical Newport atedarda (Bi9 Canyon, $2 milllon; ·Dover Shoru, $700,000) but there are little ailver Ponche Tar9u in the driveways and Poraehe 91•• avail&ble for thoee lucky enou9h to led on the 16th Bittbd.ay aquue. The 9raphic 9ibe at the Newport Buch Ufutyle ia con- atucted on a 4b•l mch piece of muonite backed by atretcher bara and paint.d with enamel paints ln bulletm colora, which are 9enerally used to paint billboards. ln fac t, L.ventry Qenerally u.aee paints for JUst that purpoee; he ia a prof••· s1onal Qraph1c d .. 19neJ and p4111ter of outdoor s1qns. The ori9mal idea for L.ven · try'a "New Ponche Beach" and A row is a rose. Ffen<:ie Murphy lnd Unda HeJsef of Balboa look at Tim Leventry' s "New Porlche Beach," on exhibit at the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beech. Staff photo bv Steve C.Oc:~~~n almil&rly cl.ciqned "Condo aquare ed 'SC alums ed County" came while he still student. are deU9hted to _. lived in Pennaylveia, where he fraqm.enta of c~us life 9rew up and attended Indiana repreMnted:(''TM Dorm-The U:nivenity of Pennaylva.Dla. Wont; Too Wucb B~ewaky"). "I wu oriqinally inapued to Leventry alao d.MiQ'IU "custom do eomet1Un9 like thia about the boards" to include penonal arM where I cpew up, but (just refweneee at the aa.me New uver did eythin9 about Jt." Pozaehe Be.ch rate of $950 per. After movin9 to Soulb OranQe County (Leventry previously r..tded in Dana Point) he wu overwhelmed by the tide of Tro-(Coa.tiDlMCI boa pe.Qe 1) jan fana and jaded tMna9e waya. "I definitely think I'm hit· tinQ home with this," aaya Leventry. Reaction.a to the piece vary. "People 9ener.Uy aren't aa)'Ulg much about it. Maybe 1t'a becauae I've at ruck a nerve. A lot of QUYS will come up and lau9h and ahow their wife and then, suddenly, they IN the equare that aays 'Divorce wife; marry cute youn9 aecretary' and they hustle awoy." However. moat of the people pua109 by aeem. to revel in the a&rcum and aallie of L.ventry'a creollon. Everyone loves the "Paa Go-- Collect Gucc1 Toilet Paper" ty'• 700,000 UAita of property; Vic Hei.m, auditor, controller ed chief fineci&l oHicer of the county; Jim H.im, m the mulll· ple role of public admmatrator, publi.e quazdian and duector of the Community S.IVJc .. AQen- cy; and Lee Bxech, who u county clerk recorder look.s aJ1er deeda, birtha, deaths and mar- rioQea. "I'm hiato.rian to the county." be aaid. Tu Collector Bob Catron, Jud9e Robert Rlckl .. of the Superior Court, Judge Robert Polls of the Ha.rbor Numc1paJ Co urt, and numerous publtc aafety ofbc1ala abo were on hand. A florist is a different matter. There's only one Clark K~nnedy. (W~ 641·0810 • Stone Mtll Bus1ness Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa Creating a great restau, rant is more than a business. It's loving what you do. The food is at the heart of any restaurant, of course, but everything- the china, the service. the manner in which the dishes are presented- must contribute to the diner's enjoyment. I call my style Creative American Cuisine be, cause I've found that there are basic Amer ... ican tastes as distinguished from basic European tastes. I have, of course, learned from the French, but I have adapted their culiOMY style to 6t the American ~late. You'll 6nd white aim .. mered in champaat)e with fresh sorrel, s~ially .. bred duckling roasted with juniper berries, and fresh Ask For lORmACUACI (7M) ... l367 For Appointment TH E REA ~ t:..~ :·r'\ ··ERS pasta with salmon in a rich lobster sauce. My friend David Ojeda, an outstanding MR-. .... -~--·lid ..... ;;;a.. ... • o-~ &-\ Coae!Metal c..-... .. 0.. ,_..., •Writ• H1o c .U..n ut&.cn• II• lift• ecdlliliHd h...,_ Ql f1Htr8et young chef, and I also cre~te daily specialties that will surprise and please you. Creative cuisine frees the chef's imagination. It allows him to create new, delicious combinations of flavors . Good cuisine is very light, very elegant. It's a mouthful of flavors, full of complex .. ities. It starts with the purest, be t ingredients, 333 Bay ide Drive, Newport Bea h . Call r reservations. (714) 673 ... 2733. 1M ...... , .......... T 4oy. Aup.a ll. 1112 Pop 3 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS ASTERS DEG EE fro BYU SATURDAY CLASSES ONLY A TWO -YEAR NON -THESIS CURRICULUM usa,. 35 Saturdays per yar 40 Unit Program Tuition -$100 per unit ENROLLMENT LIMITED to ftrst 30 studMltl who QCRitfy f 10 students •lrudy Mrollfldl TAUGHT BY BYU's OWN FACULTY! Th1s C:WQ9ram os desogned for people of •II levels of m•nagement who desore to le•rn how to 1ml)l'ove t,. txter"-1 ~nd mternal flow of mformat1on w1th1n the~r OtQM~•ut•ons For more illftnutio• call: lr..._ v ... Un.Mnity Cllifor•il C•w · (714) IJI.1190 -Tltn Prognm '' ~prov«J for vetw¥Js' ~fitl - Remember Gtoucho Marx in the matVeJous scene from the movte "Duck Soup1" Durmg an emergency he (ptaying the part of a minister of Translyvamel rushes from hiS offiCe and JUmps into the sidecar of a motorcycle expecung the wa~ting dlwe to take h1m to hts meeting. Instead, the drtve drtves off on the cycle leav1ng the sidecar beh1nd A short t•me later the same scene is repeated The thtrd t1me he gets wtse, and instead of Jumpeng 1nto the Sidecar. Groucho gets on the cycle, only to have the drtve 1ump mto the Sidecar and drtve away leaving him behind. What does this scene have to do With Newport? Well, the residents are show1ng the s:eme type of gullibility as Groucho. Only 1n Newport •t has to do w1th CONDITIONS put on maJOr development projects. Want some examples? When the Koll Company took over a publ1c street to develop L1do Village one of the con dit10ns was that Koll would bu11d a btcycle bndge parallel to Newport Boulevard over the bay Have you taken a look lately? The btke route 1sn't there The Cey mstead took the money and spent ~n the Balboa Bridge Dtdn't do much fo r the restdents' concerns about congest1on at LtdO Village And when Koll wanted to build a btg hotel near our overcrowded County Atr- port, the company offered a condetton that Involved Koll paymg for a $10.000 feas~ltbtty study of a raptd tranSit line from here to the Ontano Atrport Even tf they dtdn't get theu hotel. they vowed, they would pursue the tssue of rapid tranSit See any rapid tranSit acuon out of Koll lately? Now comes a new condttton placed upon the developers of the Fun Zone Offtce Tower In response to r~dents' concerns. the C1ty Counetl has once agam "set us up" by plac1n9 con- dttions on the projeCt Th1s ttme 11 •s a $15,000 donat1on toward a $27.000 study to solve the traffic and congestton problems created by the proJect The CJty says other buSinesses 1n the area should also share 1n the cost YET NOBODY CHECKED W ITH THOSE OTHER BUSINESSES first How much do each have to pay> Maybe the word "cond1t1on' should be redefined as "the legal extortton of money from bustness people to be used for uncertam pur poses " Or. put 1t another way. "A hnle JOke played by the boys and gtrls of Ctty Hall agamst the people of Newport Beach " The funny pan IS that we are asked to betteve that the study will be done even if tt's not reqUired by the butldeng perm1t Are we · · on the Sidecar 7 then ~'llU adJ a httle ll)ve besides. Thi ·area de::terve · d res, taurant that can ho ld its own with the ~ ·t of Ln · Angeles and New York. but with a tyle and ta te that is all Orange Ct)unty. By being v~ry careful atx lUt ingre, Jients and preparation. we find we are able to create ~xceptional di ·hes. The atmosphere 1n mv restaurant is casual. relax- ang. no t intimtdating. in keep1ng with the chic. casual style ofNewport Beach. With a beautiful view of the bay from every table. We prepare everything on our menu to order. We grind and blend .O.N. tlur \ 1" n curlee. \V~ ~\en dl) tlUT t)wn ~utchenng . llUr own rich stock~ and pebtne . Freshnes~ •~ ~x ­ tremeh tmrortant. I s~an:h th~ mclrket to find the fre~h ~ e~t JXb"t~le ingredient-... ~' tn~ •~ another tl n1\ pa ~u.ln~. I have re e~uch~d . \'lStteJ Wtneries , anJ rut t\)gether an excellent" tne lt-..t -..pectah:tng in hard ~h )~ rinJ altft)rnta h.1utayue \\'lne'\. :\nd we t)ffer excer- ttunal finds monthh,.. \X.'e al~l) "tnck ·pecial treat~ ltke 150-year-old Grand t\1arnier. I invite you tt) come and try m ~ ne\\ restaurant. Having a rt.: tau- rant is like hav1ng a love affair. I hope that y u will fall in love, too. Freeway Fol6es The demise last week oJ Assembly Bill 3283, which would have p.iovided some $150 million a year for Orange County transportation projects, represents one more tum under the biq top for what may be the lODg•t-running circus without a ringmaster to call 1ts owu-the county's desperate search for money to build better roads. In the center rinq, oJ course, is Caltrana director Adriana Gianturco, on record fo..r her opposition to building additional beeways in urban areas. Hez department's extensive, expensive five-year transporta- tion plan provides only the most minimal relief for Orange County's mounting traffic woes. In ring number two is the public sector, from the Orange County Transportation Commission, which has identified more than $20 billion worth of projects that should be completed before the turn of the century-but admits the money to accomplish that goal is nowhere in sight-to President Ronald Reagan, who has shifted federal funding priorities from construction of new proj- ects to the patchwork oJ maintenance and rehabilitation. And now, in ring number three, we have the private sector, as represented by the Orange County Transpor- tation Coalition. The coalition, formed in 1979, is composed of more than 50 of the county's business heavywelghts, from the Fluor Corporation to the Irvine Co. It was the coalition's refusal to support two key amendments to AB3283, said the bill's sponsor, Assemblyman Richard Robinson, that made him withdraw his backing of the measure. The amendments would have allowed raising the sales tax 1 percent by approval of a simple majority of county voters and enlarging the OCTC to include county supervisors. Peter Kremer, president of the Irvine Co., was quoted by Supervisor Bruce Nestande as saying the coalition cares "99 percent about the money and 1 percent about the structure" of the commission . The money to save Orange County from drownmg in a sea oJ motor vehicles has always been the problem, and will be the only solution. No one wants to pay more taxes, but the money has to come from somewhere. If ll isn't forthcoming from Caltra..DI or the federalgovem· ment {and it isn't),the county will ha•e to buy its own way out of the mess it's in. U we don't come up with the money, Orange County will continue as it has-slouching toward the 21st cen- tury at 10 miles per hour or less. And business will suf- fer riqht along with government and pnvate citizens lf the money isn't found. "As we gaze into the crystal ball of the future, no one knows where the money will come hom," said Assem· blywoma..n Marian Bergeson in a transportation update. That was nearly two years ago, and since then the crystal ball has shown little hope for the future. Business, private citizens and elected officials, we are all in this circus together. The price of getting out from under the transportation big top will be high-but the price of remaining as we are will be much h1gher. Let's stop jugqling the transportation issue before traf- fic congestion rings down the curtam on a thnvmg, growing county. -NH THE TELEPHONE POLL Tlala week'• ~QD! Th1a IS the b.nal w"Jt the telephone poll will be run Results oJ lut w"Jr'a queshon are mduded an this w"k's poll boi Lalit ....... qu-'IOD: Do you suppon the C1ty CouncJ decuion to allow the redeveJopment of the Balboa fun Zone? YES NO 61% 39 % THE NEWPORT E IGN mtf: Coa.t•Hwv Co ronadeiM.r CA 926259990 Pubhsh.d WHldv on Wedn~•~ IUCHARD BRO NNER 801PAYSON STIV& lfADLAHt> LILA NO POUND IIUirTSINS 8lLLSUIPSON FBANit NAN~O ROIDT JRAJII, JODY BECKER MA~USOunl,CKR~PKlRLYNCH IAUl SI.OIIM aod STEVDI A CAHCIAN ALAN M SCHOff 67) 0550 Co·pubhah•r Co·pubhsher G.n•r•l M•n•q•r Ed110r Cunlubullnq Editor AdYerlwoq Duec\or S.t.. W•ne9•• le rlen Spor'-h-J>vrt•n Photovraphen PrOductloft W.. • •• ,..._ ,_...,., ,. "· 1 tUSPI M t 4U\It ••• ....._,........ ..,._ • ..,.., • ..,., .. f '"'•t-tl •t• ~t.,..,. •• ...,_,, ..... ,_ t....4 M..t• l4 I ~' • • t .. t ... tt'-11-e. .-....... A It t Ia • ~t"" • C.,, 1 • c...,_., I U.• • Jo-I (' • .... • ........ o .....,., • r••flf~ "II ....... -..-.: .. t•t•H .... 1 W«t ,.. ..... . .. ,. ......... -··· .. -~ . . ~.. .....,._ ~ .. ..,.._.,.,.~c"w ...... ,. ..... ··~--· I I ,,...,_ • 'Hoag Involved In Latest Effort To Build New Hospital In Irvine "To be sure, it's a.n uphill bat· tle in that there are some people who do not agr" with ua," be said. by Tom Bennett Nmeteen months after the orgaruzation of People For AD Irvine Community Hospital, it bas evolved into a concrete pro· posal to build the city's tint hospital. Irvin& Medical Cente.r, l.nc., an outgrowth of PICH, held a press confereoce at City Hall fnday to a.nnounce it bas sub· matted a Certificate of Need ap- pllcabon for a 222-bed acute care hospital aAd outpatient c llnlc. The facility would be allied wtth Newport's Ho.g Memorial Hospital. The total coat oJ the boapital and chruc: were put at $95.8 aulhon lll the document aubllllt- ted to the othce of Statewtde Health PlaDIUDg and Develop· ment 10 Sacramento and the Orange County Health Planning Council, officiala said. The site is a 32-acre parcel adjacent to Saddleback College North Campus, part of it owned by the college and the rest by the lrvme Co. The hospital prpject "baa the potenllal to raise $20 million," wath the rest cominCJ f.rom the sale of boncb, advocates said. The announcement of the ap- pllcalion by IMC came one week aJter a formal unveiling by nval Health West lnc . of ita bid to bwld a 232-bed hoapital on the UC l.rvme campua. The two now go into a com · plei approval proceu before b.alth planning oificiala and are llJteJy to be aired in a public heanng at the aa.me time, oJ- bcaala saad. Four othez hospital ch&ina in adcillloo to the San Fernando Valley-baaed HealtlaW..t have ~elved invitations hom UC Ir- vine to submit conoepts for a c ampus hospital. PICH ensured a race between a community-hued and a untversity hoapital in July UMU when PlCH endoned the off· c ampu. site on )eJfrey Reed, tez. IDl.DCJ the locattoo dhectly bet· ween two ma)or fr•waya mo.re acceaaibl• to the majority of ... c aty'a residents. PlCH fonDeci the lrvioe HM.lth Care Comnutt•, in· cluchnQ by pohtical end educ:a· honal leaders, and out of that h· vtoe w.dical Center, Inc. wu mcorporatecl. t:WC ofticiala atuuted lut week tlleir propoMJ would r• quire a year to gain approvals, and the hoap1tal could open in late 1986. Typical of the roadblocks and misunde.rataJldings which have plagued the IMC proposal, last w"k'a pre .. conference be9an with a ICABC Cba.nnel 7 reporter uhnq, "bn't tb1s really )uat a t.u writeofJ for a bunch of doctors?" A panel of residents, Hoag Hoapital officia.b and pb.Uan- thropiat Dr. Arnold Beckman, INC's chai.rma..n of the board, Mt 8t..-dlo• a moment. Then the 82-year-old Beckman. who is a Ph.D., not An M.D .. turned to IMC president Dave Baker a.nd SAld, "I don't thmJt too ma.ny of the doctors are actually Wlth us on this thmg." ln fact, Beckman satd, the proposal began Wllh the feehng by h..ima.U and othera that "lr· vine wu growing like Topay and had no hospital. U at chdn't get qoing, it wun't qomq to have one." The group of concerned raiclents wh..icb o rqaniaed them.Mlves u PICH "did more than bold m"tinqs and wrinq their bAnda," Beckma.n sa1d. "The evidence of that 1a the p1le of poatcarcb over there. It's un· precedented an the state of Calitonua." PICH memben collected an •timatecl 1,400 ~ca.rd t-.tiaon.i&la i.rom Irvine ciluena Ill tupport of the llQIPital. Becbun re.ponded lo another qu..tioll about the need tor a.nother ha.pital Ill Orange Baker menboned the TriBl'ooJt, lnc. report prepared for the city of Irvine and the greater Irvine lndu.atrlal League cilinCJ the need fo.r a J20.bed h~pital here by 1990, a.nd a.n Amherst, lnc. report which said Irvine oeeda 188 beds by 1988. "We're building a hoapltal not for a day, but fo.r the future," Beckman Aid. "We're convtnc- ed that when thia hoapit&l is built there will be a need." Michael Stephens, ad- min.i.t.rator oJ HoaQ Bc.pltal, sa.ad it a.nd lrvm• w..dical Center would be subeic:l.iary cor· pol'ation.a &nnrerable to a punt board. U. l.lld.i~ted the t.h.ru.at of the CON application would be to "asau.re the health planners there won't be dupli~Uon of •me• in lrvin• a.nd Newport Beach." Dr. Gerald Sulykm, vice p.resident for health eervic:• oJ the fluor corposation and former director of the .tuclant clinlc at UCI. ialike Becbnan a veteran of two efJortt ill the..,. ly 1970s to buUd a non-profit commWlity ha.pit&llae.re. The effo.rta w.re ~ by the u..n.i~ty. ''Tlaey blocked the develop- ment of other thinc;p and then they didn't develop anytlung th....a .... •• SiDykiD Mid, recalling a •"-of events culminating in the 1eqialature'a lll0¥8 to Io-ree UCito buy and operU. Onn9• County Mechcal C..tew. by Jim Felton She lru.g. Anlecsl- lack boa the o.ad bylbafeltoo Nu~ Sw.D8oD il a Joehma.an Q'YPJY who ia proud tla.at .... b.azu:U are not very t.clytib, becau.-she .,_ eamed ftUy callou.a &Dd ... J'J chipped D&il by briD9in9 deed animal• b.ck to li.le. She ia the lucioating quna of the qrowillg .odd of collec:tiog canouel uimala, t~Ad when 1 met her the other day. 1 cldcovered aD lDtrlglliDQ wodd oJ art that miQht have died out COIQP!etely except for people like NarQe. She Uv• in Garct.n GroYe, where fo.r maDJ yean abe wu a graphic .m.t. "I U.O wu the toWD's Italic symbol," .he aid. "I would never tab no lor a.n auwer one. I becuae in..,_.ed in something. In fAct, my irntating pen.&8tace renltec:l in the foun · ding of the Gem ThMte.r." She t.alb ...U, and forceJully about bel' favorite nbject-the hand-carved wooden anjmals that on~ t.hrl1.led peopJ. on meny-go-rowad cauouela throughout the world. She became to mtriq\wd with this &rt fonD tb.at the 9ave up h.e.r graphic arta buain-in 1970 and developed a ttudio lo.r restorin9 cutoUMl animal•. "I have literally brought them ~ to We from dumpite Qraveyucb," the Mid. M&.rge eJ.o bec)&n p\•bU•hioq a ma(J&&ine can.d CorroueJ Art which com• out qu.rterly &Dd is prized by .U thoe. wt.o ~.a .. at leut one ~ animal in theu hoaa.e. It ia a Jai9,h)y pr•- aional publication, teOect:iAQ vut ~. drawincp by the puhl..i.ahe.r, a.nd briqlltly-wriiten tnt by lditor Soad:ra L. Inns. It ..U. fo.r S5 • copy, or $14 a year, and bet ... n the coyer pric. and the r..uictecl adnr· tiamg, the publ.ication brings a profit to 9weJliOil and ln.n.a. Only achertiaing related to car· rou.ael art is eccepted-no tobacco, 10ft clri.nk or qeneraJ advertiaiD~. Each lU\M dea1a with a pat· ticulu m.nuJacturer of cu- rou.l animals, some dati.zlg back more than 100 yean, a.nd alma.~ all out oJ buan-for half a oeuhuy. "Actually. my magui.ne Ll Wlique becaua eecll iaue "' a ~~r for a future book," Warve Mid. About on~ a J'Mr. abe pro- duce. a "menagerie" ~ue-­ about a specific type of uimei-(Jirai*, liOJU, bgen, ho,_, go.tt and plga. "All the piQ8 ww• carved by lwopeen.-frencll OJ' Ger- ..a," abe aid ... And it'• in· ter..ting to cli8cover why giraf· ........ apotl at c.rt&in pl&c•. or wlt.at dl.tbae)Uis)Me a QO&t Ina • .Mep. O..e pnauant c:ol*tot ... to n~• .. ucl • p~ &Hep a.nd I'm afraid I brob her Matt wha I thawed Mt that ller aheep wu u old CJQal., ~y do people coU.ct them? "'''Hy'U clo tWI JOG ...,.,.. &D .......... ~ .... -'d, "but .... t'• &D ~-n.., really buy tM. to rwpw.rcJLa. tWr c"'killloocl. Very.._ ..ar want to ..u tMa.'" - TM Rewpon I!Dmp Wede1 dqy. Augu.t ll. 1-Page$ UCEBLOIIE .... bQ-2 CIIMIS A prowlel' wu liqbted ill tbe Wock of Orcbld ... Siz 2cc. ilrftJillllll .. with QMdlea valued at wwe ,.po:n.d atolen hom a be~o to Low.. M. r...cott LD tb. 2aOO block of . . . A P\at'M a.nd proper-•.!'* at SSo&S .. ,.. reported boaa W&rc.U. Roee Tlut- oa the beeob by Balbo. Pier. Shadow belOJlQtDo to Huolct GoTdOD HoU..a.n in the 1100 block of Jam.bone ... A Joh.nson outhoud motor valued at $950 wu reported stolen h om • boat beloAoino to Robert Stricb in tbe 600 block of Lido Puk . . . A rhin..tone and em- broidered dr .. valued at $625 wu reported 1tolen hom Robin- son's in Puhion Wand ... S...On tickets for the Sa.n Diego CbAzoera, row 6, seals 1 and 2, valued at $3SS, were reported 1tolen hom a ea.r belonqino to Michael Ealey Abee 1Jl the 4200 block of Bucb. ARRESTS OuT~ WiD.Itoo HtMLden, 21, a.nd Raadalldwa~ct Side., 21, bola u.t.d u lrUUDeDta, .. ,. a~....t.d oo 1UaJ> c loD of eoa- fPU'acJ to oom•it en.IIMirobbery • • • loa:a.aie no... Blackm&a, 32, ol Newport Be.eb, wu u - re.tecl on IUaJ»Caoa of uaault a.nd battery . Friday. Aug .• _ ARRESTS Nle bael Jam• Prebe, 18, of Yorba Linda, wu aue1ted on tuapleion of refuu.l to eeaM l UI · fino . Bail wu sso ... 0.GJllS WeU. Ti.mmo01, 47, of Newport Beach, wu an .. ted on IUip l - eioD oJ UMWl &ad battery . . . Sean B. O'DoGJlell, 19, of Foun- tain Valley. wu an .. ted on su.~pieton oJ a.aawt and battery . Anthony Bunato Pepe, 18, (Continued on paoe 8) MAKE YOUR DEC EARLY,.TOO ON Join These PHYSICIANS In Supporting on tr For Re-EiectiM To the .wport leach City Council Blellard Aa•e•, M.D. CARPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY a MINIILIND Davl• Bleo ... erg, M.D. I • • by Clatrol C1ellel Ofy G4ly. Lrghl_.,eiQhl compact S!yler oryer wrln 1200 Nans or power and thrn heal anel•tr llow senrngs lncluOts snap-.n srylrng brush ancs comb machments Ouar voltage 1 120 2201 Model CH-1 FIDCO PRICE ....................... $15.12 REaATE DIRECT FROM MFG.' . . . . . . . 3.00 TOTAL AFTER MFG.'S REBATE ....... 112.12 'REBATE EXPIRES 12 31 82 C&llral IIMM:A. Tilt 3 •n 1 harrsener that gtves a con44l0tltno m•st se1 wattr m•st Mt Of IOng4ashiiO Clry stt lndu<'n 20 rotlefs 111 tnree wn tumllo Iaroe and small Moelet K·420S FEDCO "'ICI • . • • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -17 Rt•ATa OIMCT FROM MfG. • . . . . . . . . S.OO TOTAL AF'n" MFG.'S ,.I.ATE ....... $13.17 ._,.IBATE EX~ftEI 12131112 CLEANING %OFF •AI'MR~a • Fumtture Pick-up a OeliHfy 1710 SAHTA AHA AV£. COSTAMUA .lelia FIY'rer, M.D. Cluarlea Be•drleksoa, M.D. D .. Bollaader, M.D. Stevea Slaolkeff, M.D. .Job Sldaaer, M.D. I•IJaaWill&aker, M.D. MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY 0 ITH KNXT-TV Channel 2, Sunday June 27. 1982. televtsed the results of thetr consumer survey companng pnces of Fedco's merchandtse with Gemco's, Kmart's and Zodys . The KNXT consumer editor selected nattonal name brand merchandise sold at Fedco, Gemco. Kmart, and Zodys. In every instance, Fedco was the lowest on all items when CQmpared to the prices at Gemco, Kmart and Zodys. . NOW THAT'S WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS IS All ABOUT! ....... -Giuk c... .. _. CommerNI con- SfrvtCIOI'I tor lonQ hie new aftl'K1M OI$IOfl tat brlw· '"0 speed Model GR ECOLOG''fM ~acxo AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM ~urta-Akn....ta,.._ f•ttenno sys""' rtmCMS smolll ooors d~ POllen 11'0 some rwmtut gun Wtstlall6l lll't-fllltr and vanablt 591t0 control ¥oOif ~ HometNOe •ce ere•,., made easy Also m .. kes wrtlet frozen yoou n .. nd Oilier lrozen oessens Stops .iutom.itiC..I'Y wllef'l 'ce cre..m 15 reaoy Free reope b001t ncluoeo FEOCO PRlCE . . . . , . ' REBATE DIRECT FROM MFG.· TOTAl AFTER MFG.'S REBATE 'REBATE EXPIRES a 31 12 E~ra ~ct10n oo-Ntr 6 :-. J"'O ""0'~• AOrustab e to •r) sry e · • ., •"ess • wpe~ Cllrome·Oiatec ~·ee ~u1er b4r t>•u~~ rOll tor oeep cte.i"'"O I"C uoe~ 6 oc too set Mooel 206 • .$114.97 ALL P ICaS EFFaCTIVE THROUGH AUGUST 17th, 1882. 12 ... 86 5.00 $19.86 -----------------------------.. All• YOU ILIQI.LI TO .lOIN? APPIIOVIID CIIIIDIT UNION MIM.ERS NOW QUALIFY. ENCLOSE CHECK OR MaN Y ORO R FOR a&oe-PUMa DO liOT A-CAlM I APPliCATION FOR LIFE MEMilRSHIP H .lK"U l llUn CHECK THIS USTt Mfmoe••"' os \kAO On f 10 ~ '\1' 11 R•~ ~~~ P 0 lao• 2lt51.Loa A ..... CA 10022 I WHO MAY .10111 'IDCO? ---.. ·. . C A -.. , ..... , . . . -. -'I I -r••r •• .. •• '•' ....._ ·.r .. ,.. ............... F-. .. . ca.te .......... ~ .... . ............................. , ................. __ ......... -le ....... ..... .............. ,.. .... ..................... .... . ..... ....... '"'ot ... .,. " • " .;: I I OIIWW:o••£ ....... -.. Celllli-~lftllet I _., ..... ••• n In• . • ,....... £ ........... cMMIIn ..... "'~ I....,..,..,,... l e M ' ..... Otp l l (ectMJIIIIII_..of ................... ~ ..... I .. ,._ ..... .,. ... ~ .... I ~ ... , ... . .............................. , . ..., I IS Jl I •• ,,.... .......... ....nty I ;as ,.,,.....,. ,._..._.,_ ...~ ..... ,._l • ..... C..,.C., • .-f ..... J~· I I #'etta..._...,..,,..... I • 1 •• a ., t ,, .... ,...., • ., I 'C 1·~ ...................... ,..,..01 I .... .... I • 1 ,, ;tn.,tta en 11 ..,....,..._..... .•. ,, .. ...... ...... .. .. ...... ............ ... .. ...,. ..... _ .. MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES STORE LOCATIO~S STORE HOURS ...,.: 11 ..... .. • ..... I Ww· d!IJ'. A ...... II. 1-TM ....._. EMip HARBORUfES bylllaa_ .... _ It W ran to altead • lWlch.oo and m..t 22 put pr.tdutal But U..t ~ euct1y what happqed at the inat.U.Iioo oJ the Auiatan~ LN.gu. of NB'a .Urd preaident, Leo Gonaloy. 11ae COIIU'-.derle &JDO.DQ lh• ... ben tteaaa bom the philoeophy of ita fou.nden, An.n ll7<l30W. Coast Newpot"t Be•c~ JlanninQ and Ad& ldW'atcU. b. 1919. they for ... w tht ~ial w.UU. ab.ould be "local, volun· tuy u.d inti.zutely periOA&l ... Tkeir viaion c;onlinuet, 63 yMra later, through 69 chaplen. In 1940, the Newport Chapter wu found.c:l with 15 mem.ben. One of ita fint benefit• wu a varct.n party, wh.ich euned $1931 Durin9 ww n membeu FOR A REAL l'ASTE TREAT !Miped tho wu e11ort tluoogb tho Reel <:.-Gd at tiM S...IA Ano Ar&y AU -(aow OCC). "nw.,.... yM.r, 1942, a JUjor pbi)ontbropy developOd- ch.ilcben'• du.tal care. Over !h. YNJ'II t)l!. hu groWD to auch an an.at that to daUt 10,000 ciU.lchea have bMa tr.at.d aJ the ChJJ:dten 'a Dea.tal KN.lth Care Center. By tho 70s, NAL (National A.umanc. LMvue) spent a YM.l' in r.....uchino yet another philanthropy. The re.ult• is the Child Day Care Canter whick m"*-the nM<W of many pre· school children. There ue 500 members in the Newport Chapter and ita tour• ai.LXilio.ries: hution, Lu Reinu, { ,,, : I .;,,q . 1 1-' .. Vug~D~a C..tlo ""d -.. All volut .. r nwaerou. Do"" tb the two ph.Uantluoptue. od tba Thrift Shop. FouadecllD l!M7, the ~ derived pro- viet. tM operationel funde. lor the c .. tara. lack orou_p lpOJUOn fu..ad- r&iUQ" eveata. The lowu:li.D.q chapter bOlda the Tr ... ure Auc- tion &nd lha Town Hall L.cture S.d• wilh the Laguna S..ch Chapter. On AUQ. 19th, Ncrdatrom and the AL of NB wUl p.r ... nt a faa!Uon estrav~ansa . American dANiqner cloth• will he lbown o.a .taqa of the South Cout Repertory ThMtre. Special th.anb to Gloria Loudon. S.. you all on tb~ 19th. .,.,/( -lr' Unique Gilts · For The Home! lll\\l I' -\-..11 1111' IIH l.II.A'IJ!.lP1'1-..I., tlllHII.·\IIll'< \-..ll~lt , .... lPI!lll. \(.1~1 IO IU l,l\1' \\\·n <"'\It I~( I\~ \l't,t ~~ !! 1 41\~ GOURMET DINING -MEDITERRANEAN AM. CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNDAYS 10--J PM DANCING NIGHTLY -CABARET LOUNGE CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP -24 HRS 18700 MAC ARTHUR BlVD. IRVINE, CAliFORNIA tOppca.tt Or..,ge (714 ) 833·2770 Per~ps the most ~icult time in one's life is adolescell(:e. Peer and par~mtal pr~ures often cau~ serious emotional and behavioral problems. · And the adolescent withdraws into a world where the ~ent is not welcome. ~contact is impossible. Nothing you do helpS. In fact, your attempts to help only· seem to make matters worse. . You need professional help. Call Problem lhl~ Shop. Our trained professionals provide cotmseling and referral services without charge. · They can help with problems such as drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, stress, family crises and troubled adolescents. They'll talk ~th you, find out exactly.what the problem is, and direct ybu to the people who caJ:1 help you solve il And · all this is dooe· in a warm. fr~. ~klential ~nl Cal) Problem 'DtJk Shop for a free ~ \II toukl be the ~away to •ow Virginia Hinee:, · Virginia Castle, Pat Clwkaon. Millt. Ntedecker, Barbara BeOall, Kath Sturdevant. 2nd row: Oorottw Yardley, Dora Hill, Mickey Met'ickel. Opal Mae PeUigrin, Amelia lockney. 3rd row: Marge Brown, Margaret Metcalf, Jene Boyd, Carmelite Vincent. 4th row: Jan Millett, Betsy Ripley, Elaine Basmajian, Betsy Stoc;kMrd, Jean Lucas and Dorothy Rey,n<>ada. into 's Steff ohalo by DIM YOn lutgef on yow way to ot: from the be•oc:h''llll stop by for deliciOus !PIZZA] Giaa'• Pizza ·n.. ·-·-h.U•• food •• --· t.E7i;:~~;~ 673·1121 THE GREAT STEAK PlACE 1680 Dove Street. N_,t a.ch OFFERING THE TOWN'S BEST N.Y. STEAKS J!!r FO.ETS TOP 81111,0~ We've CbaziCed Our Name But Not tbe OwDenblp Now OlleriD& ... • Meetio& .00 Party~ tup w !50 people) . nw ... ~ are no. taileD . Jotn Ua b" Happy Hour-2:30· 7:00 PM Moo-P'ridllf Coclrt411•1two b" ooela ~ d'OC\mel I am an Honorat>ty Oooclllrpod - • • '" good l'leatU\ (Na"-) ................... , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,.... No.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ a. ................. . . ~ ..........•........................................ ~ •••.•..... • ~ ............................... ~ .....•...........••....••.••....•... . ~ ...•.........•....................•..... Hoool"lu Angel••· wilb him nuno dunnQ' The in mohon, aa an u•1:1~•ou reataura· an owner of the -winnmg N1ck's ket (now Rex kat) in ulu and Los We v111ted after our dan· le&rned that JOb rn the was at th1s when the was Alley West q the '70s. emphas1s 1s on seafoods," and the menu aa filled with excellent prepua· tiona of such deliohta .u b .. h Opakapaka, Ono, Mahi Mahi ftow- anq in from Hawaii, salmon hom the Pacific Northwest, hve lob.ten from Maine, abalone from Mexico, plus the beat of the catch from local waters. Offered also IS Rack of L&m.b, New York steak, Veal Osc&r &nd Veal Pic· cata. We began w1th a selechon of bot ap· pehzers becaUH we couldn't select ju.at one each from the tantaliz· 109 choices offered. There was a crisp and sweet-tastin9 soft shell crab from Maryland, Clams Cumo with a hmt of Aruaette, Oysters Rockefeller wtth the finest of pureed spinach and JUSt a bteatb of Pernod. Scamp1 were sweet and tender 10 a sauce of garhc, WLDe and but· ter. and eacarqot were presented an a delec· table sauce m little ceranuc pots. We sampled the Greek Salad, cnsp greens holdanc;J shces OF Nf.Wf'OAT Formerly the Ritz locot•on announces and VALET PARKING RIIIRVATIONS 675 -2 566 on the ocean across from the Newport B&och Pier 2106 West Ocean Front Newport Beach SAM'S IT ALlAN DELI PIZZA & FOOD TO GO What a tteat Try Our Delicious Deep-Dish Sicilian Pizza For all Your Catering Needs COME TO SAM'S 1909 Horltor atvd. ot 19th St. COITAIMIA S4a.7822 THE Golden lt•ITAUMNT , .... ,_. f\87 TO OMV AM 7 O~n fo/r Breol&fast, Luncl& Gild DinMr The Newpon Ensign Wed.o.-doy. August 11. 1112 Page 7 lltEATRE REVIEW less of the au of con ceat he q1v .. out, Patnc k WcWuln lS ex cellect u Aotonto, Wayne Alexander u Aquecb.eek aod Ben 1~ Stewart u Su Toby Web are wter nuttently a.auurnq. &nd C}.arl" Berendt a.a &n antereshag f..te. S.ta by Mark Don· neUy are very Arabac us touch, aod combat chor~raphy by O.vld .Bouahey 11 ezcephoa&l All w all, at 1.1 a Shak~rean pzoduc· lion tb.t at leut pa,. bom49e to 1ta author. of tJM lei1W01U onion, Jet. cU... · Greek oUv• all in • lively dr-ino. My companion choN the Doryman'a Clam Chow· der, an oriqi.Dal and beautiful interpretation with lota oJ elam.a, a guclen of b.e.rba, naturally thickened. My tatr .. wu Abe.lone, a treat seldom found th ... clays, here aauteed to perf.ction in a liqht 890 wuh, pr ... nted with a mound of ver- micelli in a tasty gulic mannua sauce, and c;Jamiahec:l with criap- stea..med caulillower- ett .. , anow pea.a and carrot alic... My companion cho .. lreah N.ahi Nahi cooked en papillote, a marvelou.a prepa.ration served with BeamaiM sauce and garnished with the same puta and fresh veQetabl ... With dinner we drank Firestone's dry and mellow Pinot Char· donnay, selected from a fine list of lDlports and Cahlorrua WUlU. For dessert we shared a new-favonte de ... rt, white cboco· let• ice cream with fr•h rupbern ... navored Wlth a btt of Chambord hqueur. ThUI w.u our first taste of 1ce cream made hom whtte c:hocol&te, and 1t 11 apectacu..lar. The RaJ~ of Newport Beach is a Mriou.a restaura.nt. Bell Chandler bu apa.red nothtn.Q to bring u - traordinuy ....tooda to ba r..tauraot, and hu the akill to prepa.re them with onC)lDa.ltty and fineue. It i..a not an inexpensive r .. taurant, with appetuera coabng hom $5.25 for the .oft shell cra..ba, to US for Beluga caviar, but you may order a platter of a.aorted dulled aea.fooda, anclud..Ulg Hawaiian S.uhiml, oysters and clams for JU.SI $5 per peraon. Entrees range from $14.50 lor trash Malu Mah.i to $20.50 for Abalone. The Rez IS located at 2106 W . Ocean Front, at the Newport Pier m Newport Beach. There IS valet parlung, wb1cb .elves a multitude of problems, and the dreu code bas been Twelfth Klgbt brJ.S Bol ...... Ia U.... clays whta .ame t.b.t..nk at aa fuluoD&bM to CJamm>ek up Shak.-pea.ce, at 11 ref.r..tu.D9 to ... a pro- duc:boa th&t i..a, for the mo.t part, true to the Bud an.atead of bemg a c&rtcature. Wlule thts ''Twelfth Nioht" h.u ala wealcn ...... at aa bulca.lly a aucce• due to the larqely an.atQ:htfuJ duecuon of lAe Sha.llat, wbo a.a lut becommg the mo.t pro- vocabve and venatue director an the area. She h.u already made her m&J"k at South Coa.at Repertory where abe .. rvea an an ez· ecuhve poalbOD, but ber work bas attracted attenllon an other ueaa. ln tb.a.a produchon she bas duected Wlth a sense of JOY and even dedtcataon to the mu.aac and poetry of Shakeapeare, and abe has paced at, eJEcept for aome dull secuona an Act 1, with enerqy- and fun Alter all, tha relaxed. Don't 90 w1thout a r~rvataon unless you plan a watt LD the bvely bar watb the best vtew an town To reserve, call 675-2566. 8001(, IIUSIC. l YtiCS BY llerccllth Willson STOIYBY llerccllth W illsoll, fraaJillo La.uy IWII ... LOIS!D IG PRICES DINNER A~ ~'s PRIJIIIII .. --.. ... .. ...,. zr-" y_.-... $7951 and lfz STUFFED ,_ ... ,_rut ... M' Jtan.r ~ -'5 v~ ,.... dt"'Sc.\f"S 5.11.1 i £:\}k..-.1 Cldn:~ •y .... •··r R x·kt··l ,., F;·-:-;t. v.~wr.1i .• ~ eASTERN ALL $895 Cl.AMS OR eASTERN FOR OYSTERS 5 roa'l 95 GEORGE WYMIOTIS AT ... .......... .. IlDI-a fiLAfta. --~ T'A8110S ~~ """' ,,..,. •• 0 "' tO 1 • "' ~"'*"' ... ,., tO , • '" 1101 ~ ~ DIRECTED BY JUJaa Baat HALF DUNGENESS cw '295 WHOLE DUNGENESS cw '495 ~:a -I..£ E LOIS TO I WTnt "" arnu:r Olin. T : $395 :. naa.c III.A.rM If\.!..___.. . ONE POUND Of" muD~ ·--'2~ , ....... " -...... . . .. .. . 11 a comedy and abe b.u dooe .ome expert work at al.apWck Ill 80GM of the CODUC .ceo. an the show The only pu.u.hoq put of her work Ul why abe cb.oee to locu.a the Ml aod locale aroUDd an Asa.bac mob.f It adds httle to the play and 1.1 even conJu.auag at llmes. However, that .. a duectonal chotce and abe maoaqes to make at work fo r ber Her duechon, by the way, a.a 110 mebculou. that even the curtarn call lS a producuon atMU Not all of the cast LS qood Ron Bouuom as the standout an a murderously outlandash aod eJEtreme cb.aractenullon of the dour and unhappy Malvwo . In costume and make-up he loolu Wte a black-shrouded menace wbo bas escaped from the Sahua. He qnmaces qrowls, whanes, roars qoea anto eostasy and plunges anto acute depressaon.s He does JUst about everytbmg that ooe could tbmk of-and gets away W1th at. He overdoes at tames, but the more he does the more the au dtence Lakes at Mlcbael CWD.DWlQI would be more lDlpresa1ve wath AOMY SCHNEIDER In DEATH WATCH A ,IMdRIIft -~ Rated "R" . .. ' 'o'. SIMawllaet.,...._ Theltlle and Rever Revue at the Reuben E Lee 1n Newport Beach Pnce tncludes three course dmner and entertaenment Seaung 6 ~ and 8 :x> p m 675-5811 for 1nformat1on and reservations "Qeolve ..... ntghtly except M ondays at Sebasttan's West Dmn8f Playhouse 140 Ave P1co San Clemente Tickets 492 9950 "T.._.... •• by Meade Roberts, runs through August 14 at the Laguna Moulton Community Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach T•ckets 494 0743 TlbWe'aM-..icHelt. 16360 Pacafic Coast Heghway, Huntington Beach. features Young Amencans Song and Dance Company Reservat1ons :840-5661 G.'!!~ ,.,. .. ---.... ·- FOUR REASONS TO BRACE \"O l 'R ELF AT THE •••• 'ti a Oil-\'(., 1-< t H ' n 'i o' I ) ~ ~T \R II UTI-l II \PV\ H Ol R 'ionda\ lim• Frida) 10 7 J0 PM .. oth •mr• omcnt.lr. h ,., .J , ..:u' re\ , .. J ..,..,, ~ • .J R., \lt. \ ~ \H.Itl \tu•"t'" I lo 10 P\4 ot n1 • < •' Jl"n~' L \Uat.~· 'uan "t dnnda\ 8 10 10 P'1 ' It ~f'\\. .. .., "" • lt,. HlC,H \\IlS, .. KO< ~ & ROI.l. :-, .. , ' .u>J .,. ' ' New~Be.Kh -~ ~aotf HateiL TenniS Club • .. ... • ! -tif:fir1=,'1f'lll!!Fir[:JttnJtii'rmmm~rwn 'iit'HP~!Jii't'~~ri tfi!~!f! ~~ i:r1 ~;; l .,·r~t. ;J· J{ ;,!ft ,;~ljftfllt(•lr~Jf!JJ:!tPI''ftlllfl,fr: h f'J "W ''tl ltf~· ~hl(f!i H ;~~ ;~ ,. ·tl\~ ,., ~,.~,1. •-····tf •. ll ,,Jttft"l(l.au·'f 1u_1af .I tr $>~ .J JI ;L' liflll~t lttf Jn a t ~=~~51 . ·•ttiiil;:r~lf.ll i.;i1 1fl.rn,J.ljf11I:J.rJ. H! fll·l·f ;1! Hi it HtU1Jl[ !1t 1 !l r it i! ~ ~ ~! U ~I !i! ~ f l ~ i!: i ~!~~if I ··r!•.·j'ifr;;.,•Hj 1Jll'f,,• r··.~J~,:rt ,r 'i•~t·Jilf I'(,. 'II ;tl!jH~ [feHrtrrH I HHtti ,.ru~lt'.·.,'.'i!iHI I r 't*lrr,~11H ;tr;f:,1 HH lu it,· ,th tti!hw l' f I tf! H nt II!! w~i !in tll.1 12~1~1,' l~l I. •i •11t~r ~L Jlr .J! J!,rlll!,lifLf Jn[~ 6 6 rlt .fsrif!l i r!l~ I ;l''l:'il(fff!l J)''l~lfflf.,f·.flJ.1 i1 ;Ji .,~II LJ}I·II~;-IlJf~lt}: ru wi~J ;•; .. i. tt;n -mn !•~. I ': w ... ~. 1. •r It(. l,l lth •• J tirt, L t'.~'"lt' rli[ iF !,U~ n~~ -~!&lft'lillu:d•lh·tliJlJf~i rrH(rJr!ti lti JlfJt il ill i h~tl•Jih•J b ~ ri IJ ~·~F. r(H ~; ,..-...• , .. !rnt·~ .. li1Ui1*t. !1~!.H.t:f1.·'r!1H.1· 1,·.lt•lt'.~11if.Jhh·:i:rtfi,fJ ·!i!Hiil'H1 1·H!liHl !hm Wi IJ II :: . -: . :.rr.~ · ~. r. . ' · l .. r I • r . ft • • . 1 9 t: .. r r t t It ! a r t ,;m;J.ttd ,.,.,,htJ,;ft•ldb~_,.,,lmt ,.tlhn,Jhllrl hi rrt.Uh-11 .. LJ.I ~tU n Hr. li~f.'l.cf~.r!i,ll: i.il ··~l~ :~~lt'l;l. ·.,'.P•.·l. ·t·,·f,.r . :i.ll.~~rr•td~Jifi {fhr ulrfa'!• ~~i if;Jlr stfll ii!i~irfl f!i J, ~rlifii! ~•• f' .. f I .~ -gl . ~fl~r ·•'Ill . lol ,rf~ ~ll fli1 r I!' ~Q r ·l• "t ; t • f I .. * •. 2 0 I :... • ... ;.._ .. ' ' .• I! .,r :~ ·f( ' ... '1. ·. l ··r• ~ lia:1 . ~~ !'i-f -~ n p _9 1 r ...... st I ~.~~ P~t .. , la•l ' ~ l . -.• r r ~ ~ f . -i ~.·-r.-~ ... 1-l ;J.:II.'·rli,~·J·f··,-1~:1•1 : 'rH,•l~,l!•1!~ ,II : r~ H rr,~~11a ~~r~---~ r~ f'!'ril ':!;e: f~;~'tl!i~(!f ~~~. f ! ~ ··l ·.·n · '·'t·a! I I l l ~'f · . i ~. (" {fl I ~ () a tP ~r I tr .~. i' E' ~ · . 1 ·,· ' 1 • ~ · . • _ Jl i • c 1 1 • • .. a 1 a.-I .Jr I I I ' •. ~l I • '' . ' . I~J I J ff ' . r ei' l re J ~tlf t fl tt • I I d r ! i ri • -i ~ ~~ OE ~~ ~ IE ar" .., .,., ... i ~~! l .g.l n _, f Sf' ~f!J '> o<~ E§ n~ t"' r >:t .. ~ Ill '< n >= -· -~ r- ~~ -< ~"'~n • "'6 8 . g 0 • ~ \1\ Q <~i • -"'wt a. ... ~ > 0 -. >Zn ~:,i ~ • ~ ~n> ig~::. mO<n -:;;~ ~§~ X..,., I .::!~z -~ 8-r:~<~· () ~ m ~~ ... o~ ~ ~ ,--z ....., ~ ~_.n ... ~-Q m m ..... > ~~ :::j ~ > ~-.,. en > ;o I ci.n;;; -:;~ m w>_. ~~~:: Z u..... . ~Q u.-..._ .:>::CD:! ~ ... ,.. a-o.,. z ....., -- 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ':: ~ ~ ~ .6l>1~ ,..,® 1 ~ Z I --·~~ A1 1 ~ ~z 1 ~~H ~!i~l :. " , 0 "' R! ~ • ii. i I; ~g ~~ ~ ~i~~i;'~~~~~ ~ ! i • 4 ~ i • § ! i •m•o "'~ ~~~· c: -cb n ~ z l ftic Z S'! ~ ~... .. ~.. ••f• 9 If?' :t • o ~t• HjJ:f c: s». (") c: "' c: J: ~ • -fil .,. Q) ., • 2t 1·, r= ~ "' "'~! ~ :II -.h ! •• ~ i "'a o -.; 'l!g § c ~!' h•! I z i ,; •-t~ n I; C? io .. !fli t : 1 ~ m nh % r _ -< .,. • · n H ~ 1 § i ; '5 ..... ~-n ~o~ ~t i =-• ._ --.. 0 ·'· ~ ~.5'm (! c til "'o,cn z o ·< • l» )>--4 ~ n ~ n:~i>~~g .. '-l i•aj-" a .:. :s ~ z ~ H Hri!i .e.,_. *~i2 o ~PU!u ~ j ~ ti i1if1U i 1 ~ i i i~l! • 2: "' -ii n N 1ft ~ l!~:~~ C: ~ ~ I ; }2 ~ c ( 2t .... c . .,. ::; ~. .... -r ~ i. i> s -< :? g i : li: i ~ n! (! ... • <~0-!: o( tfi;. !0 0 ---~ i ' -;~~ ~!~ z 0 _j :J • Y'. = .-. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ifE ~ r < tt 0 t · ~r?! ~B[ .. i 1_-\ &. ~i! Q • ~@t-e g "' ~ 8.!> ~ s ~ ~ f s ~ .... ,f t 1 ;I I ; I ~ .{ $1 II i = l . r I I I ~ ~ . ' ft{a.~ll ~~I {f 8 a.-~ l n ~!!!·•-... ti -I "'!! 1.. !l. li, . ; ~· e.j:glJoj; ·.: a R-j .• · OS 2. t ~:of 2. ~ J ~ •B:rsz · i ~;' if ·: c;. a-oo i" : ll'! h ;1 ·n · .:1Q=={/)~ro. R?QI ·r;. s"{ • [l ''9 8 "'. ~~-! ' : !.. I arr[ 2.· l , g ~~ tr '< g : a. = . . . " .• !l. e; I f a.1 &· 1 ; " : if ~· ·i !;:lgc 4A •• ~[' i1 ;-f[ . !hU~~F.'I.a .i ~Hi ~1r:. c h~f. ~.rf:t:a I· • 2.. • -~ ~ Cl g . 0 I 'li' .• :f Ia. I ~fti~~ I I' ~--l•;;:t··f·. ', e. ~ ~ tsi ~ r . ~r ~ I .e.· '. 1!1 -D ..... : '02. P8 '' 2! 1 ~ .._ . i nrru~~l~[> :r t~i V~[iU[.~ti j.l! ~ s.r-~'"c!a.!rarr:t.l :. a.l r!·!ftfl!t~'td ii ~ &' ~-~· 0 rl• ra· G.~ crC'I :.; ~ofe-• •.a irl ~r~*;lr:r[!t &~ J~Ji~-l:i :e~ is ' G. ~ () -c Local .wiaJDeu ._.e l.n tlu .. eeparate aeeta lD July. John Wott.t, Stuart Sm.ith, Jeff A.ntl- ID&ri.Do, Nuk Gordm ud Tracy Stul.off puUct,patecl ia the World ClWDpioukip Tria1a l.n Wieti~ Viejo. Nc8et took lint ill the 200 br...e, .econd iD the 100 br.ut, and mth ill the 200 t.W. He ia now ill Guayaquil, lcuadot, ud took third in the 100 breut with a lifetime beat oJ 1:03.13. Ria other event hu yet to be held. OD. Jvly 24-25, Beach "AB" Youn~• Age Group W..t wu held at Newport Harbor HiCJh School. a..utu u followa, all are meter tim•: 9-10 Girla "A": S.U• Saith, 90 br ..... 46.23, aad. AAA; .... " 3rd 100 bec;k, 1:38.48. 11·12 GUll "A": Geor91JU1 Saatb, SO ln., 31.25, made "AAA." OD. July 31-AufJ. 1 ·Sad- dl-*k held the "AB" Older A~Je Group Meet at El Toro Hi9h School. R.utt. are u followa, all are meter ti.m•: bf llclryW...- Waay ~on ..... to bave the "vudetbilt .,aclrome," belieYino aU boaten are WMltlly. Vuulerbilt oDe. reaa.arked, "U you have to uk bow aucb it ~ to own a bo.t, you C&D't afford ODe." The le<Ji.alaton MelD to be c:outaDtly try\DCJ to find .. ya to ID&b boaten pay for the "luzury" of OWDiDCJ a boaJ. ne l.aa.t effort lo "aki.D the fat cabl" ia a propoeecl--..ure H.R. 6119 which would impo~e a 15 perceDI tu on all boata over $5,000 aod nerythinCJ on them. under anotllel' bill, S2114, a boat owner oould not deduct iD· terut paid on a loan to buy a boat wba oomputinCJ hU or her income tu. Car and hoUM loana are all riqht, but not boa&a • ..smc.JDtO.t boal ownera are people of moderate meana .md usually buy their boata with borrowed money on which they are currently paying up to 18 or 20 perc.Dt, this would almoct certainly kill the boat buying and •llinCJ activity. So, if you're tired oJ bemg ~ated ACJ.m.t juat becau..e you love to (Jet out on the water Oll a boat, wTite to your •Da.ton and repreeen· tativM and let them Jmow how you ... 1. nta ia an election JMI, and elected officaa.la are very •Mtbve to the opmiona of their oonahtuenta at aucb a time. • The Newport Beach 6 Meter n ... w been i.nareued from two bo.bl to thr .. in anUcapabon oJ the 6 Weter world'• cham· pionlb..lp which will be hosted by Newport Rubor Yacht Club nut April. A .,-ndicate oJ NHYC mem.be.n b.ave bouCJhl the S/. Frcm~ VII from a CJTOup of yachbrmen iD the bay Area a.nd have cluia.e11ed the boat NHYCUSA 0 (Newport Harbor Yacht Club USA). The fuat NHYCUSA wu Bill Bicker's Star bo.t wheD be won the Star world'• championship in 1958. The akippel' .md crew will be announced Uter. The other 6 Meter boats tn the area are Jlczybe owned by Ha.nk Thayer (NHYC) .md 13-14 lo~ -A": Ala CNJI.Ib.w, 2nd, aoo o.,. 2:21.24. JUde o. Rob wu...lko. 4tA, 100 brMit, 1:18.41, ... 0 : 5th, 200 b~. 2:52.45, JUde "AAA " ~ 1D YL law'latlonel 13-141oJ8 "•"= Ala CNII.Ib.w. la. 200 bnMt, 3:(JtU7. Rob WA~Wko, 4th, 100 beck. 1:24.51 . Al8o ~J.AQ I..D 13-14 wu Sewant&a S.a~th 1S.18 Guia "A": Luad.e Robb. Jrd. 200 Qy, 2:35.98, -..de "AAA " 15-18 Boys "A": Br.d Prickett, 100 beck, 1:08.64, mad. 0; 200 beck, 2:27.ll.aect.O. Rich Marik of Anaheim, USGA natiollal junior amateur champion, beada the field in the fi.nt annual Yo.rba Linda Junior lnvatational begin.ninCJ toaorrow at Yorba Linda Country Club. LiCJht oJ Corooa del Mar and JohD Sauter of Newport Beach will compete iD the boya' dtvt· 110n .md Cyndy Ward of Corona del Ma.r &.a entered an the cprl.s' dtvaaioD. Al8o .. iaal.DQ -re G.orQ• Suahkoft ud Pq.~ luatim&nDO . John Moffet awim.a the 200 meter br ... t on Thunday. l.nvttahons were sent to 188 top junior top players m Southern California iDcluchng A number of area players. Tony DuPre .md Leshe Kaenel of Newport Beac h wtll compete 111 the 12-13 competition. Tracy DuPre of Newport Beach will compete m the gtrls' 11 -a.nd-under dlv&.aion. In the 16-17 aCJe diviuon, hm (n. • SAVE lMS AO FOR Fq££ VCAMIHAllON) ATHLOIS & JOGGI•S Are Notlhe Only People W ith FOOT IMS and Spotts Medicine • Bunions • Ingrown NaiJs • Hammertoes • Coms-Cottouses • Warts • AthleHc lrfurie$ • Heef potn • Ambutotorv Foot Surgery, • MEDICAAl ASStGNMENTS ACCEPTED (I 1th • ''"'"e In We stdlf# Medico I lurldlng) NEWPORT BEACH flwe~tlltl Aftltelltflfteftt Avoii•IJI•J . .,.,.... .... ewy • • 1ndudes rotOf refoetng tf necessary and repocktng front wheef beor.ng.s FOR£1GN OR DOMESTIC ·~$39.96 6<MM9.96 ·~$59.96 & WednesdcJy t\l'eet1ng tiovv about a lift in the middle of the \/\leek? tt's so encouraging to hear peopte teJJ the healing they've had from trusting God's care. To hear upWting readngs from the Bible. and from ~M!._nc;e and Health with ~~to~ by Mary Baker Eddy. To join together in hymns of joy. There's nothing like it for some midweek inspiration We· d love to see you there. CHRISTIAN SC.IlNCl TlSTINONY MUTING SECOI"tD CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3 l 00 Pacific View Drive Corou del Mar SANVO CALCULATOR I PerspicoiJocu owned by Gayle Poe of Balboa Yacht Club. Pa.t t.a currently racing the boat m Europe. UPCOMING EVENTS-Balboa Yacht Club will be holc:lmg a One·O..aCJ.n R.(JaHa S.turd.y and Sunday. Voyagera ~chi Club will bold ate BocJart S.n .. rae" for PHRF, SORD, ORCA thu w .. bnd. •wport Harb« Yoda• Clu t-J-s. w .... a .... _. I Wi.b Seatov~ela (AaYC) 2 Keath La.by (VYC) 3 Alu l..ed.bett•r (SDYC) 4 Doa 8\Abb (1SYC) 5 Rod Turn•r :BCYC) Fust Qui to IIJU&b Candy Beck (BYC ) laftiq CortatiUcaa YCKht Clu L.aDG o.J Uclo I Chua Drab (VYC) 2 Fred PoweJJ (BCYC) J ROQer Jon• (BCYC) 4 Cl.lr• Snow (SSYC) 'L'Ioat la'f'lklt~ Ldo A-1 Jack Franco (UYC) 2 Chuck CummuaQe (ABYC) 3 Dav• Pnt cb.ud (BYC) 4 Lew Brook (MBYC) 5 Cbru Raa.b (HHYC). INS UIANCI .. J0a ... veAMCI CAU Dennlalosene AGENT 410 w. Coast Hwy. Sutte t Newport Beach. CA 645·6470 Ukc a good neighbor. Sc.tc F.,m la there. Stole,_,., ana.ance ~ -011ca ~mo<•wiQ!Of\ • WE PAY TOP FOI GOOD CLW USED CAIIEIAS Btang Your c.m.a or any Ptlolograph.c; Equ.p '"for a FREE ~~~sal CAL 'SCAIERAS mo Newport Boulevatd Costi Mesi. Cil1fomaa 92627 (714 ) 141-1313 l.ocwJM.n Newport BNch r.md&Jlt Bill Karria, who at preude.Dt oi Rampart GeneraJ Corporabon of lrvme, w co-owner oi the ChlCACJO Bhu of the newly form· ed Uruted Stat .. Football Leagu.e. H..rru, alonCJ Wlth part-owner and Bhta h .. d coach GeorCJe Allen, made headlin" laat wMk with thear UCLA llCJht end Tun Wnghtman. WnCJhtma.n, a thlld-round draft chotce of the CbacaCJO Beau oJ the National Football l..ea(Jue, couldn't come to teriiUI wtth the Beare so be turned to the USn. In Betty Cook ot Co.ta W..., a two-time world chAmpion oft. ahore pow.r bo.t racer (1977 and 1979) and three-time American ht.le hold.z (1978, 1979 and 1981), appear• headed for a fourth nat1011al ht.le tlua MUOn, 1-.dulCJ the pack with 1,019 poanta. l.oag•nls ID&Jn~t·- Greq LouCJarua, a UC lrvme student and Co.ta Neaa real· dent, captured brat place m the platform porllon of the world dtvmg cbamp1onahJpa Saturday an Guayaquil, Ecuador The championslup wu the second for Louga.ni.S; be won the spnngboard cbamp1onshap earher m the week. Newport Beac h'• John MoUet won the bronze medal m the men's 100-meter breastroke of the world swim champaonsh1p1. Louganu, a member of the Settle NJ..mon V 1e1o N.d.ador•, earn· ed the gold medal u the r•u.lt of ICOrlDCJ 634.26 pomta m 10 dtvM, a.ncluchng a.n mward 1 Y1 aome .... u.lt oo lua fourth dtve, whach wu ~eored • perfect dtve .by all .. Yell JUdgea. ln 29 eventa mcluchng water polo and synchroru.zed swun· mmCJ m addttlon to the swunm· mg and divmCJ, the Amenca.n.~ fuuabed wath a gold-atlver- bron&e total of 13-11-10. The E.ut German• bnuahed second Wlth 12·9·5. e ... 1n our 108. J3CUZZI or swedtsh sauna. Then lunch totally relaxed beside our fireplace in our qu1et, uncrowded lounge or private conference room, with Orange County '~ other winning executives. Other ~entt1es • Breakfast and Lunch Served Oatlv • Swtmm,ng Pooi/Buketball Court • 8 Racquetbaii/H~dball Courts • Complete ~ wtth Steam Room • Cold Pool. Outet Room. Mas~eu r • Fttneu Progrilll\IWetght Room • Joggtng Track. Btlltards Room • Apparel/Pro Shop • Laundry Serv1ce Pr oveded The comp.lete gentleman's athtette c:Jub. University Ath tic Cl 1701 Quail Street, Newport Beac 752-7903 Fr.,g Poult* Ally Connll Johnny Glb K.v1y RMan C8taYell Johnny Pelnon Nco Gomez Anne Murray Raymond Lefevre Aaatwood Mac CW.IOft M~ F,.-~ ....,., WinkJef o.wt~ Ton Tennila ..,.. LMa Fwrwlll & T .ecn. Harwy Mllaei Anltt WR•n Burt a.dww::h ~Trio -v~ BMn 9niMnd Don T..ecty LamdoMMda .. ,... Gotdon~ hplO Weda1r(,q. A_. l l . 1-n.. Jllewpari !):rip ....:.mea rw::lliiOW ..... ~·~ .,..........._ __ ... ....._-M.UU1"DDI ~ A ftA V'Q. WAU.1TU1Q ,_., 4Ul .. • • • llD .._..., -..n. Ca .... &.-....,. Qt '••.u....l. ¢4.N ¢A...._'""" lconllwo CM.ru•. -I c-Hwy Mol 41 M..,..na..n, CAbMO n.. .__ ............. ., • -.J --· 119.... hMiy , ...... a. ..... """---Woo4 ......... c-.., ClH• e1 o.-c ..... ,,"" I..Jr n llll ~ ,_,. A1t4 4 II 18 IM.l .• n.. """'-' r.....a. rt~ P\II&JC .:mel ncnt10UI aos.us MAla ITA 'I'DII:Ifr n.. IDIIowo.. _..... .,. ""- ..__ .. lAVUI£ ~TI corru 2SOO w.c ........ o,,.., s.u .. too .,,, .. CA mts ,.,... a ,., ... , tOil '-•.W .. ,On_ ......... a..cll CA ~I ll.cl>.rd , H..._.., 201 I .... IR9 s... W GO .......... ...., .. CA !J26tiO T~• k••,.... w c-ottduc:l.d a, • o•w•al ptartn•n1up S1qned Jolin I ,., ..... nu. ......... .,. .... hJed ...... '"• Couaty Ca.•• ol O.ooqa c.,...,, oa 1•1• lJ IIIG l'lo.bLooll 1.1, :It A109 4 II 18 1981 n n.. N.wpo<t la.o.qn ,t93!W1 NI4Ji TU to.Uow\J\Q preuoa .,. doaftq b ... ,,_ .. o) L TM'S I USIH&SS SU VICES b) LIS 1100 O....il S. Swolo 100 Nowpgrl leoeh Co 92660 Lyr, L Jl.noldo 2Hl'S Ct.nlodo "'-">• v .. "' CA !I26112 Th.-but·o-~ coedw.ct.d by •• ,,. .t••MI\061 Soc!aod Lr• L 11.-.aold. Tllua .......... " ... hl.d llfUb ,._. COWl'¥ Ct.•• ..,f O.a#Hol• Cov.n.t<r oa l~o~lt ll 19112 P..bl .. a lo.l• 18 A•Q 4 II 18 198J In n •• N.wpo,. la.J"'n fli3948 rtiiLIC IK)TJCI: F1CT1T10VS SUSDfESS MAN~ ITATDCEII'T H£411 Th.. t6Uowt•9 pe1aoa at dot.J~Q b....,._ .. CrTATlON llfTDNA TlOfiAL )4~ ClHorr> T,_ WM Nawpo" leoell CA 9~ Oaoborall H"'atet de c.,..,..._. JS4 C hMrv r ... WAO Nawporl ... <h CA 91625 T.h.a bw..t1n ... •• C\#nduC"Ied. by •ft '"' di"Widl4•1 S1Qaed O.t:k.!tah C•mAren• Th"' ..... '".'" .... ,,,.,d Wllh th• Cown•v Clet~ Lot Otanq• Cc:•UII'V :>n htly 2J 1981 Powt..A l•l• 21 A .. q 4 11 Til• M.wp.~•• l n • ...,n fl~l'i42 IIlii~ PVI&JC IK)'TICI. f1CT11'IOUS SOIUIJ:SS IlANE ITA rno::wr Th-• lolk;wlftQ P4'fiiOII' ar• .:loiAQ b"oon-•• 62ND $T ICI CIIUW PAIU.OII lll I 62nd Si N••purl &..ch CA 926iJ C•••h•• Wan lac t C•hlura ... corpor•twn 729 W 16th S• I S C.,... w-. CA 916~ Tb,• tN.atn .. ·• ndwc•.ct b• • c porat.or. S..QA~ Ct.ltord A Han ..... a p, .. _.O.ot c ..... _.. W•n ln"-Ttua -.••••n• ••• M.d wtfh tk Cr.;ual-y CS.r~ t OranQ• Cc;u"'Y ClA lutv lJ .98l P.bl••ll l•lv J8 Au~ • 1 '" n,. N.-porl £qa,~~~ YI~J<;4S Ill l\le2 PVIUC IIOT1Ct ncnnoul IOSOIEU IIAJCI ITA TDQ:IIT NlHJ TlHo 1""-•""1 ~-,. do••<l b ... .._ .. PHOTO PRIHT ll55 v .. L.do s.,,,. 2llO No•po<' t..cll CA ~ "->uld L a.rp.. INO No Jlli P&<k HaWI>O" N••poro t..clo CA 92660 Tb~a b\l•&a_. -' <oadycted bv u •• ch•.O...t S>e~.-1 Ro ... ld L l"rpo n.. _.. ..... , ••• MM •ut. ~• c.,...., C!.rk ol O.o•<~• eo...,.., .,. I• lv lO 1982 P•bt.h A•<l 4 11 18 2'$ 'lS.i u n •• No-por1 IAo>Qr fi<Hll-4 PVJUCIK)T1Ct f1CT1l10VIIU&an:IS NAJa STA1"1XDT T\• toJJowtaQ P'e!.OO 11 doHU~ b....,._ u NCN.UCAIIA GIIOVP COHstiLTAHTS 800 A"'''~"" Wor lf•wpo~ .. ..,. CA a2660 1-h A We .... ,. 10) A••OOII Wev H...-port '-clo CA 12660 n .. 0wwa-Ia CC>IId~o~ -..d bY 40 t.a d•••d•el S•q••d r ••J:·Ii A McJC.aoro Tlua ,.,. .... n• ••• hlled •ath •h• Cuutu., C._r~ ot <Ju nll• c(t,..,..r, on lv ly lO 1982 P•bhok A•q 4 11 1 H l'S 19112 , Th• NewpoJt [n•..qn fl~ PUIUC"OnC£ KOllJ$ "OnCE OF DEATH or NAHY C. DOUGLAS.A!Q) or rmno" TO ADIIIR· ISTER EST An IW. All"" To aU be1111. benef•c..an•, cred1tora. conllnqent credtt· 0111, and peraona who may be otherw!M 101e r"1ed m the will or estate of Wary C Oouq!.a, decedenl A pell hon h.a be.n hied by Meh•u. L. Smtih to the Supeno1 Court of Oranqe County re- qun ltnq that Melvto L Smtth be appomled .., peraonal repr-otaltve lo adawuater the Htate of lhe decedent The pehhon requMla authon ty to adm1o~ater the Mtate Wlder abe lndependenl Ad mtn~atrahon ol L .. tee Act A hea nnq on lbe pehhon w1ll be held 10 O.pt No ) al 700 C1v1C Center Dnve Wnl Sanla Ana. C A. 92701 o~ Sep1 I l982al9 JO a m IT YO U OBJECT lo 1he qra.nllnq of th• pehhon, you tbould e11her appeer at abe hMronq And llate YOIU Ob )ec- llona or hie wnllen ob)e(:hoa. w1th the court before the hMnnq Your appa.rance may be on peraon or by your allorney IF YOU ARE A CREDIT- O R or a conlloqent c:red1tor ol the decMMd, you aiLII hle your cl&llll with the court. of pr-ot ot to the pe:rao1l&l utpr-ntat•v• appomt.eci by tbe court w11.bu) four aoa!M from lh• d.te of hm ~De. ol letter• .., provld.d •• ~ hon 700 of lhe C&Wonua Pro!Nte Cod. T\• 11a. tor t.lanQ c:J.uu • w1U aot up.,. pnor lo four aon!M lro• Ole c:U• of th.e h"""9 notiCed ebo•• YOU MAY u..uaNI 111• hie k.pt by the CO!a.l1 U 1<* ..,. • peraoa u,......._. ta U.. ....... fO\I_, bJ,. e ~ wUia &1la co.rt .., ......... c:aaJ .otic• ol tM W.. ot 1M lll-..atotJ'Gi ...._.. ...-...a ot 1M pet 1106, ~-.... r.-pol'tl ... T\Md • .woe 1300.11 of ..... Ca~Uc>ft ........ ..... Code Ca..tt.., W•"'· . ..... .., &.eu.t ~ ..... a.. .. AoiDi.., .. a...... 131 w. w ..... A¥e , 1.0 . a. lll, ra... toe, CA 13t32 {714) .,,....,, ,..._ A1a9 u, 11, a . I n.,.._,.n,..... w.n .....:.mea '""' ......... ...... .,_,., n. ....... ..-_ .... "'-• IOU c.TD ...oRr lf\DOD 1 .. 4411 -...,_A .. ...,._. ~ CA-o-lot w' ..... ., ................. .. a..to.CA~ ......... C te111 .L .. w. ................. CA aaeo. w. c ,._,. .. LatA. w.. ~ a...e' CA u.l. 0, loW -.-. ll liWI ........ y o.. ... c .. -... W.. CA QCil c .. -o.-W .. ....._W... C•-... W.. CAIIUI.'-Iorl .,.., tiS a-.. c..-......_ 0.... oW M..CAa2S~F ......,. I htaJ lou Dr>,., c-oW No• CA .a. .,..._, I kk llJI ....., C... C:..OitA..., Nolr, t:A ta25, Ao4 ..., Lilt .._,_ Co , 0.. Ctvte c.. .. , ,.._, &""""-C~~no 06!4). ~ a..l ...... ta .... -· 0....-'(filv.ll-j n.. .._ • .,......_.....,. -el ...,.... ~ l\aoolly Lltr ... n.. -· .... lu... ......... c-., ct.• ... o.-c-.,, ... A,. 1.1112 ~ Aloq II II :IS Sept I. I ill •• n..tce-""" '-<1• JI!Nitf PUW.IC ltO'I'ICK ncnnooaiOIIIIIU .... 11A1"DIIIf1' Nldlll n...........,_ .. do_ ~~-.. TH.I DIII:X:,.,\1'0 11 0 ' KAWAU. 11002 !ly ,_,. Cud• b ,,.. CA &1714 Plcw• W. ~ lUG W.s•"'' Hawpo11 leoet. CA 9:IMO n.. ., ..... _ ,. co..t .. .,_. II• .., •• d .. NI...t SoQ.o... no.o Dot.,hall Tlu• -. .. -., ... li.led ••ll> '"• Co.tar, 0.1\ ol O.u~ Co~ary oo '" ,, lO 1812 p,.w..a A109 4 II 18 :IS 1812 ,. n......._.._. rlkl?t rv.uc ..onca Nl-4-n f1CTIT10VS SOSUIESS NAJa STAl'IIUWT Th• .olloW!-.cjl ~AOD ~ ""'"q b••••-ot SUSAH CKIIISTlANSlH 'ASKJON CONSULTANT 115 DuJo •.....d Aoad Cor on• del W..r CA 926.!'5 s"" .. n l..ou•••• Chllet.aa.•n 115 DHh w....d JIG.d Cor""" dol "'-• CA 9lf>2S Th.a bwUI.., ~ coodiK'fM b• •A '" iavtd\ioal S.qn.d S~aaa l Chu• .... ""'1 n ...... ~••••• ... , .... ,," ,,_. Co-.•'' Ct.,~ ol O.•aq• c~a•~t .., .. hth ll 1912 P .. bl .. lt l•h lS A .. <l 4 II 1~ 1\H\, 1n f"• N.wpott lnaHift rl11..19o40 PVIUC ltOT'ICl Nld' ltOT1CI 0!1 T11USTU'IIAU tUU T .S • ...._ T'Df' U. NOTlCI YOU AU 1M DIJ'AUL1 UNDCA A DUD or n UST DATID NOV 2i IMO UHUSS TOU TAU ACTION TO PaOTtC'T TOUII PliO PliiTT n WAY II !OLD Al A PV.UC $.AU IJ' YOU Ifill) AH D PLANAnoll 0 ' TKI ICAT\IU OF THI PIIOCUDING AGMICST TOU TOU S HOULD CONTACT A LAWTU 0. Sept l 1912. •t 9 IS o • O..tewey NortQo~q~• Corpot•t .. D • C ..WOrtu.e Corporahoe .. dw.lf •P ~ted Tr"--111.-~ •.d pvrw._.t lu o..d ol r .... racor<Md ~ J ,., .. .... ,... uo:l •• _. 11851 -· • IV I o1 Olbc..t l.cordo •• rll• .,fl.co ol '"" Co .. a!Y "-ord.r "' OtoaQo Co..nly s .... ol c:..J<k>rn,. ltooc:w•.d b• lhc:llood F l rt<:t.-and 11..-tl C G.ttMt wlU •11 •• p".bltc a .. choo te~ ....,.._ bolder lor caall fpa1•blo ot ha • c.t ....&. an L.•t...J eoo--v oA tfwt Uo1led Ste•J el 1 .. froDI e•tr .. f.e to ,.._. W O.&ao-Cou.tl Co-,utt.o..ae lo;rcoled u• S.a,. A.. llvd --S-.c••· ·r• St ••<I ara.w:tw., S.••• Aae C.tJf eU tt4ftl IJtLe •ad 1at•'-' co•••Y.d to ••d. aow WW b, 11 ud.-r wild o..d ol Tr"--1111 to '*'--' propertv ••ho~•lctd lD .. ,d Couaty ead Stet• docnbed 00 lh• No,.a...lorly 50 .... ol ••• S....•llooAI•tlv 116 '-' <>I w 11 ol Nowporl "-•<~"'" •• ,,.. Cu• <A N.wport a..ca Cou..ar-v ~ Ote.oqe Sl••• o& CeWo.-... aa ~' ... P rwotci .., •• ....,. 4 ,..,. SJ w--u-. ...... ... ..... otLee ol ,..., c ... ,. ll.ecord.r cl aaJd c.,...,. Tlil• .,,.,.. ~ ••d o'h•• ·• ,_OD deetq ... hoo J UJ I ta. t..J p roperty dMcrlbed aboYe ~ Sh•r~Hed to be lit lrv.-A.. N•Wl>'Jrl -...,.,, C.hlora .. 92MJ r ............ "'..d r.~ .. -d..cl&trao •n• b•~• k-• .,, tACOu-ecta-of ••• ...... addr-..d Olh•• coaaoe d~tll.et.oe. &J .. , ..aa. .... , ... S..MI MJe e tU be ... ht wt'-*'owt ... O .. M~ ~ • .. rrUI'f ••pr-ot ,. phed ·~··d~9 ..... ~ • enC"••b••ac• to ~' 1._ , .. ~0\1 punctp.eJ ,..__. of the aot.C •l -.r'ued b'f wid o..d o.~f Tr¥" wuh ,.,., .. , lhereoo •• prov•a.d 1a ... cl no'-(•J edvenr.. 11 etty vadoer th• ••••• ot .. ..~ o..d of Tr ........ chorQ .. 6INI ••P4'o .... ,. '" TrlolrA'1ee •-"'d A •h• uutt r f'M•ed bv NJd 0...... ot T rv.J r-.. lvi.6J •• 0\11.. ' ,.. v•p.e.a ilto&YIK'• I .... obL.q.IIIOG teC'wr.d tw th• pr pert'f' to t. .old ._.J ........., .. t..e ... tae•eci C..-b ••pen ... 6Ad M "~••~• 4~ tU ,._.. 11 '"• "''hal P"b'•' ••K-a of rh• lf.otw.: • t S.~• • U90 IJJ 4l Th• b.o•f.c••rr wnd•r w.d O..C. ,f l 1 \il l her•lutor• •••< u\•d .nd d•l•••r.d to tit.• ~n~oDed • •rw .. a O.CI••••-..t O.....tl ..J O.• .. d lot s... .od •.. ,,.. Mot.c. ol o.t.-'1 .... c-........ w n. .......... .__ c•-.... "-.. 0.1 ... 11 .ad a.. It~ I S.0 tel be rec:onled -· tt.• OVA ,, •h•,. .... ,...,. ,.,...,.. • toe-..... --..:.cmc:a lt01'Df:WMWW6MU ..._ ... "*' '*' 0. A..., lt. I fl II • •. ,..., "-TtM ...._ 0..., • C.Jller--· -~·., ..... "'_' T.-.. ....,., ..... y,_ ol ,..., .-~ el T,... -~..,. ., A v .. -.. ,...._ _. _ ... MAy lA, , •• -lui•- "" , ......... 14CIII ._ tl ..... Oil...., ._. ..... o.-c-, c.~W<--. • ..., .... -....... ~ -oc•viW...II ............ ._.. lie¥ j 1.1 .. ...,_ ... a:ae. I& ... ~ IU7t ·-Ia) el Olltonei .__..,~c-y ...u~ .... , .. ._.., "' .. .a 0.... .. TnM ..U • .. ~w.. ...... -...... -.. ...e.~_ ol .... u...... s.... .J "--• ~·· • ...., .... ,.~~~e 10 ..... ,_ dt•w• Q"rt • -... ot ... ,......., ....,.. ., ..... i)f ........ c-....... '*AtiNI ........ ot ,..rel ........... ...,.. __ -...u.d ........ -..... -.. .. _.. "' r uot A.a..-Till. Ia .. ,...,. c-.... ,_.,.... .. 114 &- ,.,.. ,,_ ,. ,,. Co~y vf S..IO .\M. c.li.lora"' .U 11>&1 t ... l lido .... .. .......... ~ .... ....,_ ...... ., .. .......... o-d .. ,,_ .. liM ...... . ly .,.u•root I& _.,.. c.,...1, attd a... docr....,aal..ol loi T•-.sa.•••._ Cur o4 tcewpo,, leoel>. .. ~· • ., rcOided •• ~ Ill -S.l 1~ .......... ~ ...... ,. .... Co .. alr ,._.,., 011 -.; 0o.a17 M.•• .... ...,,_ ol ... -...c..., •• -19Cf-............... ._.. .....-.... lob A tt...-w r:lo O..NI w.r.-•""' ..._,.... te712 W..A.r lllur llvd S...•• .kS, ""'-CA !12715 o...c • ..,... 10 , ... oJoaw ... ~ ••• be obi •• .,__. b, ,.q~ ... .....,. ,0 WIIIUtf ho«a th• M...t\c.lrAIY .. ll.U.Q 10 d•Y• tram th• tut4 p~~ ot th. -.... s-t wle woll too ,... wd"""l co .. A_..at Of •au&aty .__. .. ,. .. Of ......- e•lotli .. ~Of~ 10 ..u.ly ....... _...... .. ""-... - .... ,_ Ot -- _ .. , ....... aaJd o..t ot r.-"' ... SllC 24:117 pt,.. ,.,. IOilowiaQ o.l.-.l.d .,_ - dd .d-aoc .. at t ... h .. ol 1~ ltit.t.&l plt.bt.c .. hoo c,~l ,... Mohce of S.... SUllO S2 NOTK:I TO PIIOPIJITT OWNU YOU AJIE IN DUAULT UMOO A DtED o r TIIUST DATUl D1C ~ 19e0 UNLESS TOU TAU ACTlOfl TO PIIOTlCT TOUII l'tiOftlrTY rr MAY II& SOLD A l A PVaiJC SAl.l If TOU "UD AH DPLAJ«A'T10M OJ TH.I MA T1JU OJ TH.1 P110CUDD1G AGAt:HST TOU TOU SMOULD CON TACTALAWTIJI O.oad lnl• 21 1982 for•l Are•r>eaa Tatle lc.awr•nc.-e Co111p .. y a C•hfo•a .. :oorpore!Ktft 0.. Or••,.od Awt-..on&ed Ofl.c•• 114 I '•lllo S1 S.••• AAA CA 9270J (714) 551 J211 • P~bll•l> l•ly lt A"<l 4 II 1._2 .. n . Na•porr &a..o• 111441 PQaJC te01'ICI ncnnous IUIIBSS RAMI ITA TQIDT n.. loliow••<~ "",_ .,. do•&<~ .,...,.,_ .. OUVI GLDI APAIIT IUNTS, ltJOO ._ 1-&o.d, S.•IA Aa.• CA iZ707 S.S."-W So.ll. 4 Tn1>1>10 Co•n ..._por1 ,.a..ct. CA 92163 W.U.rd I S.U 940:1 a..- Woy VIAo p.,. C A a:z&7 ldwarcl Y-1 14710 Gr_...,,tJo L... Wu..A.a CA MJI Alaa G.uoMI WI N Tuy lea• S.•~e AN CA 92701 n...-.. .,........., .... by . q•n••ool p&.I1Jt•ulolp Slqa.d Stoplwr .. s.u Tb.. .. ..... QI .... bled Wt\A .... c.,.. • .., Clork of o,..,.,. c ...... .., o• l1t 'JO 1'12 P .. bl..ob AwQ 4 II II :IS 1M2 •• Tllw No-porr a....,. fl94312 PIJUJC IK)T1CI U IO.. f1CT1TIOOS IUIDfESS •.u.& ITATDII:JfT r-.. ~lo•••Q pe,..... • .-. •l-D4 b.._...,_., SHAW AND TAL.IOT ~ GIIAND DTIII raoPOTT WAM.AGI WlHT tlOJ A-ado No 2:10 N••poro leoeh CA tai60 Ooa.ld W S••• l lOJ A•ou4< No 220 H • ..,..,, a..ocll CA 'I2MO I n.-- T•U.. ll(il A•ucado No 220 N••l><>ro t..ct. CA9MIO lt\\4 ~.o... \A evodwC'ted bv • o•n•••' p4.rtD•rttup Surned J T&oc .. Tolbo< n •• ._.,•••o• ... t'-'ed •• , .. '"-• Ccwol' Cle-1~ of Or•nQ-• Cou•t'f '" Jw. I• 22 19112 P-.bb.6al '-•1-.._. A.wq 4 ll 11 191111•Tt.oNa,....ro..._. fi'UI'n PV.ucltOnc:& lt011CI 0!1 TIVSTI:E"' s.AU T S No r3154 .. ,,..1 IMPOIITAJf'T HOTICl TO PROPU TT OW)ID YOO AU IN DDAULT VHDIJI A DUD 0 ' TliUST OATI.D AUG 14 1•1 UNUSS TOU TAUI ACT1011 TO PIIOT1ICT TOUI PliO PUTT rT MAT U SOLD AT J. PVIUC SAl.l 11 TOU IIU1) AH D 1'\..AMATIOM Of TH.I MATUU 01 TH.I I'IIOCI&DUIG AG ADIST TOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWTIJI Ow. S."' t 1~ •• 'u • • A..ll.QA•oy lnWMtM••• Co lac • C~rtue C'tlrp.•rettu.a •• dlllfl' •P PG•••_, l~ wa.(l .. , •od punt.~uf ~ o..d ul T ,,... r.c r"-'1 5.po 14 tM J .. .a• IS'S)') ,. ~ 14:117 -100 ~ Olitc<&l ...... ta .._, ..... ol •IM Cu.at.,. ~ ..t 0.-Cow••• s..,. o.o1 C.wo.-. ·~1«1 ~ • ..,_,, L .. ., .. , ...u aoll •' P'i.bbc ._, hoe. 1 fl;q...., ......, to. ..,_. ~p.~,•bte •' n•• .~t .. ~ lD l.e .. t.l I'IQft.rr ot tM Ucht.d S••t .. ) .. lh aa.u. It""' -•••_.. 10 s~u. I lilt Tow. O.t• I..Jy 29 ~~ G.tte••• Mvf IQOq& Corp sao N l roftd ll•ri Gl•od•l• CA 11:103 tllll 9!>6 7100 lao l" I I" M?-o. ... '" 11M •-' C.C....•try Ao.ct Ot•nq• C&ldo....,. Pwbl••h Aut II II l~ M••JM.trl la&.q. MS::,,S ..U "9~-h~-••cf ••'•'-' co. ........... PVWUC .O'Jia ..... c-... iMI) Ar,, en•• ktt "-'•tiM ..... , A G.t ....... na1 .._. s..... 100 c-. M.ao Co t3l:a Alto,_., .. , lk ,7072 ! 114) 1!2 :1500 Wu.a•ctp.el Cou•t of C•I•N•n•• CvwtUt CPt of •• " o .... y.e Cn•nh H.orbc.r 1~4tc..J D.lnC'I 4601 l•aloor- lt¥<1 P 0 ao. J!IIO ,._....,,, t-< 11 CA 'UMO l lt7 "-'•••JI Jolt• H Mth " 0.'-"o•• a....w ............. , .. IJet M•ta l•t~···~~~ • M•1a C•l•m.... I.Kro-C01p 1).-1 ,._,...._.» .• c .... .. NOT1CI' , ........ -.. ..~ n.. c-owrt •.et c&.c ....... o;w~ "'tt.o.t "''" .._,.41 ....,,.. u a-"" _...t .ntu• JO &.n .._.. th* .. tD.-.. t.oe ......... AVISO• U ..... 1M •• do--.. II ,,,...a.J .............. •-"• U4 .... ..._ ... __ Ud- "• ......... JD ... We"' ........ weq,.. ... -.. II '"~ walo ..... liM ......... .. Ollllf..., No 111.--............... ... IliA .,..,...,, • ,..._, "'*' •hn•• ,....,... ..... , .... ~ ..... ~.,. ... . .. u ........................ _ ... ." . ......_ ___ .., ..... .. ••c••.. , •• -............. 4• .. , • -.. .... w r..,....• ..,.., .... lwt .,._.,,_.._._ ........ ... to TMI CIII'DDAII'T A or••.! .,.. ,,_,.,. .... -lrW lor ,._ ""'•••·II -···-................. ..... ........ ,.. ..... , ......... ..... ..... __ ............ _ t.J. .... ..... «<art •• ,.n.. , ..... 10 , .. __ ., ... ,.. ..,.,,_ ,_ . -.... ....... 11 ... ____ _....,_ ... ... ........ .... .... ~··..., __ . .....__._ .. ,.. ....... ................ liM '"' ........ -w_,. .. ....,.._ .. -......... -.. "'""""'' .. ...................... _.... o..e ..._ a• t• 1 ,__ .. .., &.. & GoMI. o.ot• ............ " ., ..... l ~--· ...... ....,.mea .mcaOIIMIGr •• a ¥OWOEit .......... .. ..... ... .,._ .. ..._, ... .. c..w.-a... Ci.-,.., .._., ....................... -. n I~~· .., .... .._... ............. -.. ,_ ........ '-IleA_ ... .__..,....., ....... 111:f """ .......... ........... c.-........... . ••• a..• .............. l.l ................ t ..... -llolij .............. w~ o...t ... Tt-,. •IM ,.._,,, _.,.. ,. ~ Co-."'"' ••d St• • -.cttflll.ed .. Porcel I L.r< 11 ~~ Tr..:t lk lOG ,. ... c .... "' ..... _ • ......, .. c-.., .. o. .. .,. s.... 4 c:..JJIIOt.... .. ...... .., .............. ~ ............ . --lt&a4l0~ ...... '" tlw aHtC"e ot 11M~.,, ........, .. w.:fCo\tAfV Pornl 2 T""' ,...,,_ o1 L.o< A e1 ..... Tr•• ..., lOU • •IN c ....... , .. o,._ .... ., c.&.l.ta,. .,. _ oatd L..o ll .. lllo •.u.-,. ... Sw·~-................ _...,-...., __ .. ... ........ . .. .., '-.. ..... &.,.~11_ .... ._. • .., ....... ~-.................. _ .. .... _ ... _ .. ..... ~tltt....M ...... 1At A _. ,.., .......,.." u-.,...,....., n ,._ ._.., .._. ~ w_.j ,.........,_ .... S..IMot~ ...... ......... ,, ... _ .. _ ... 11! ... ...,._" • .-...-.. ...... ._... ...... Lot 10 ...... t em_.....,_.. ........... ._ .............. . ......... ._.. ... .. ......... 311 ... _, ......... . ... _...-....... Lot. ,...,,_....,_ .... __ __ ..__ .......... . ... -... ~ ....... .....,..,... .. lloe lJ7 ......._ w.. ...... a...n. c...w... ... fiN ....... ._..... T•-_...._ .. , ......w, ... -· ·--.. ...... _ ... ___ ._ .. _,_ .... ..._..._.. .......... -. ..... ....,- ...... .,., ... _,, ..... I •• ._--- plleol _.... ....... .--... -,.,. ... _ .... .-... ... ........ .... _ .... f', _ _. .. .. ·-............... ca-. .. ,., .. _ ............ ......,_ .. .. •l _......., .... ca-. .. , ............. _ ..._ to-a-• I .. 11 .. lr'" ___ ,....... ......... ,.... .,... _...., ..._ • um• .... .._ n.. .................. ~ .. ,, .............. _...... a•• ................... ,. ··-Dtll ___ ................. .. ........ _ ...... ...... ................... 0 C! ........ ................. .. _ ................... _. ....................... o-............. ....... -w. ............... o... ..,...,._, u........ca-fl••• m ..., t1.t ld,.; ,._ -~ " .......... .... . ....... . i .....a .mea .oftCIIOII-JUIU&& _,., , ........ ~ AI ......... tOO Ala ... A«A.T U... A -Of ..... .,..~ tl . IW ~ lOU TUI ACft:* 10 ~ 10Ua I«<JUJt. IT MAl' • .._ AT A tWUC IAU fl lOU -M IIRAIIAliC* ~ --~Of !WI'IOC:a'WQ ~ ..... 1'0U ISlOUU> ex. TACt&LAW'ITa Oil..... .. ..... ,. ...._. .... eo-.-,.-..., __. ,._ ........ ,_._ • o....t .. ,._ ....... If. ·-ICioua ,_.....,•••·-• .....:~ I'IICftiW-..... ~ n.. ......... ,___ .... •-.. OUAITIIl JACQtO ,~ &.TO-. ~ "-'-.....,_ 11111. CA _, r-e .... ,., ........ '-"-IC.IIIa.CA~ ""' ..................... ..,. ~---,...,... c-e ...... ,.... ___ ..w ........ C.W, Oorl ol Or-C-.o., M lit I) II,IIG ~ f-.17 21, 31, A004 4. It, lila ... n. .......... ,.... Jll)410 040! PCIIUC IIOTICI Dl"' •IT()n1'111CI""•f1' DUTil CW YD,AI(.........,MI)(W HiiikMTO~TD DTAft.,._ Alita To .U M&n, -..,JCI&nee, or.dlton, ooa~t credit· on, a.n.d ~ who IIIQ be othaJ'WI8e tal....-.d \D the wUl or ...... of Vwa N N•r· phay, deeechot: A petiboa h.u beaA Wad lily PatncWJ W.•k.le \D the Sllpenor Court oJ O~UCJ• County reQ\I..t.IAQ that Patric\6 Multi. be •P· polAled U penoo.aJ r•p,_ll· ubve to ad•lo.-.r the ..a.te ot the deeedaal. 1M peUboD req~ autbonty to ad.rtwl· .. , the eetale Wldet 11M l.a- d.pelld.ot AclrauwtratiOA of E.t.tee Ac:t A heu:J.n.Q oo the petthoA will be held \D Dept. No. 3 •t 700 Ctv1c C.nle.r Dnve W•t. 5.ult.a Aa.a, CA 92701 OQ Av~a 18, lt82 at 9:30 •·•· l.f YOU O.aJICT to the Qrululll~ .... pebbon., you abou.ld .ather appeu al the ~n.n.Q aAd at.al• yo\U ob,.c- h<ma or ble wri'tteA ob)e(:tiou wotb the court before th.e he&~\DQ Yow appee.ruce m•y be m penon or by your attorney L1 YOU A.U A CRWIT. OR or • C'OilhA9&DI credtto r ol lbe ~. you m!UI hJe yollr claua Wlt.h the collrt of pr-ut 11 to tlw pe1110n..l repr-clahve appoulted by the co\&11 withiA lour mootba from the date of lu8t .. uanc:e of J.lten ... prondacl m ae<:· hoo 700 of the C.Wonu.a Prob&te Code. The tua• for lWA9 cl&&aa will aot •~P,.. prtor to lou• moJitM lroa the da.. of th• 11 .. nn9 notiCed above YOU WAY UANINI tt.. tal. kept by the coul1 It you are • pence LDlere&led LD the ..tete, you m&y ble • req\leet Wllb the court to receive ~· c1al ootJC• of the hl1119 of lbe mveotory of eetate .... u aAd of the pehbOAa, acc:ouou and repol11 d...::nbed 1n a.ec:hoo 1200.5 of the C.Wonu.~ Pro- b&teCode Attorney lor pet1hooer I...pmu a S4.J • prof-~ corporaboo. by Gll.bert G l...pm.n. Attonley at Law.• 16133 Veotu.ra Blvd . Su1t• 920. E.uc1.00, CA 91436-2#4 (213) 788-1850 PubUah July 28, Auq 4, 11 , 1982 1n The Newport £o 110n N£454 PQIUC .OTICZ .One& 011111Ui IU IIALI T S l'a 12~ LM.POIITAJtT IIOTICI TO non:aTT OWMP TOU Alii IN DOAIAT VHDD A DUD Of TIIUST DATID APIUL ll l!all I1ICUSS TOU TAD ACTlON TO PIIOTtCT TOUI PliO PUTT rT MAT U !OLD AT A PUniC SAU IJ' TOU IIU1) AH D PLAIIATIOII Of T1ii MATUU 011 TMI PtKXIIDDiG AGADIIT TOU YOU .IIOU LD CO liT ACT A LAWTU 0. .... I IIIG. •• I ~ • FNiobty Tr-......._ (21l) m 1174 • .t..h ............ t.--· ..... , ....... , 10 o..t el T.-.-o<"-'1 Apul 17 1.1 --No 20512 .. ....... &40:13, -1m. "" OltM:..J .._.. ................. co ..... --........ .. o.-c-" ........ c.w ... OC1t ... M ......... ._._ .... ..... _ , ........ W\11 aMI -........ ·--... ~ -"" c-.11 ,,.., ...... -.......... ..... _, ..... u ....... "-1 •• , ... .. IIMCe lo tJo.o \.e '•-'-• C..., HAll ._.. .... •• 1ln Woolhr So w '•'-c.lltonuo .JI noPI. lllloo ••" ...,.._, ._..,.... ......... _ .......... , ....... ~ 0.... el Tr-,. .... ..,_,., _._..... ..... c-. ........ ...... ~-PA.IICII. A Lot 114 .I Ttoo{' W7 ao __ ._... ........ .II·- :IS_. a .. 'I I n-....... ,. ............... e-.. , ......... ... a.-c-, n.. ·-.,.._ ....... .... --...... ··-· " .. , ..... , ... .. _...~ ........... ......__. ..-.u1v .. a.. ... ..-. ......... CA n,. ... , ... _.T,_....._. ... , ........w ......... -·--.. .... _...._ .... -....... _ .. _, __ ..._ ......... -. ....... -c......, ...... , .. ., ...,.._ ... ,.,.. ............. _ .. __ _......... ... ,...._ ..ue.....-...... T.-...... ,._ ...... ~ ....... ca.... .. ~u.-.. ..., ... ~ .,_....,-.... ~•) _ .. _, -0.... el T.-• . .................... ._., ......._ .............. a. --·IAI.-tD ...... ~ _,..... .._ A.,N n ••1 .. t.-• Ott! '· ltll ....,__ ...._.. .. ••••eo __. .... ~ lt . 1., .. l"' • 0.0 '·\til ,._ __ .. __ ....... ..... ,,.,_ ... .-.. .. '" .... 0.' • ..,...,. ..... _ -nt.t•• .. ~ .,_ .-... n ............. I • ........... ~ .... -... -....,_., •w• • t.-, ... -....u.,,... .. ,eiOI ....., ................... ... ~ ....., .. ~-c...ty, ~.w..u .. ,....._ .. .................................... --·~~--........ ..... -.... Ulolteol .......... .. ........_._ ..... <* 0..... c.-, c-.-.-..... . ... .................... ~ ttoo-ty ...... ), .... ._ ~ ................. -_...,.., ...... _ ... llr7 111 ..... ... ~ .. ,._ ....... ,....,. ...__, ..... e-, .... ...... ~-A ........ -............. ....... 1M Je el T-..._ 1141 ta 1M 011't .. ...._. ..... c-., ... 0.-....... c.w-....------' ... ~ »7. -d .... , .. . -.._ ............. .... c-o, .............. _., ,,__,_.,._,I....,..._ IIMSia• .. • n.. -..w.-...... of .... .,... -...,..,._, II uy. al liM -1 ,......, ..................... ,..,.,... .... 1o • 2230 v-Dorlldo .......," a..cJo,CA n. .... ", ...... To-....,..,_ .. .,........., ...... ., __ .. ...__ ..... _ .... ..._,_ ..... -... .., ....... !M- s...& aola w.U lloe ....... """' --• ~....-Of .._, ... .., •• ..,_ or 1a plaad, _.,.w,Q ...... -· •• • ..,.._..,_, lo pay '"" -NI ~· ol ..... -a(•) -~·.d ......... o-.1 ol Tr ..... 10 ..,, Sin, lOt 07, oa ~ .. ,. ............... "'*(o). .. . ·-.J .. , ......... _ .. .... o..d al T'""'· .... clo&o-.ad .. . _..t .... T-_.altlo.o~ c_.... loy....& 0.... ol Tt..., n.. ~ .....,., ..... o..t .. Tr-..e "••••o lore ••.c•tectl ••• ~r.d lo .... ~-• wrll-~16141-... o.lo,t.Jt .ad o......t ... SaJ.. .ad • .,,l(,oa ....._ .. Do&.otla ettd a....-IO s.tl tlM ..-nt9 .... a......t aaJd Mot-ol o.a...b ....t 0... , ._ 10 s.tl 10 1M _.... ...... """" " ........... •-' ·~ .. loc....t T ,_ ., .,..., .,.....10Ctta9 aola Tuloo ._, _ _. Tn.,. C-y. IDO • ...... S.. S..IA Aao, CA 12?02 "- -...,_ W.U....(714)11!13-:1020 O....r h•ly 71, 1812 Tllloe .._,_ •..d Tr""' Coro,..., •• .... Tr..- br'-W....._. .......... A109 4, II II, IIIG,. Th ....._.._ Hl4&2 PVUJC Jt()TJCE lll10l NOTICE or DEATH or LOU O.YOeCD%0. aka LOUIS O.VDICEIDO. cab I.OV P. Det1leCDGO. aka LVJOI DeVDICEUO. calla L.P. O.VIItCEIDO. allo LOU DeYIIIO UD OF P.ET111()11f TO ADIIIIIISTD ESTAtE If(). A.llGJ To all "-n. b.l.UC..anee crecbto111, c:on11A9eol cracht: 0111 oJ Lou O.VLDcauo, ab Lows O.VLDcauo, &b. Loo P. O.Vtncenao. aka Lw91 O.V~Aeenao, aka L.P. O.VU~· cenao, aka Lou DeVino, aDd penoaa w~ m&y be other·• -LD .. ~ \D t.ha will &Ddlor-..aa A peQboD b.u been bled by C.tllan.oe Gupu-ro \D tlse Su,.nor Coutt of Or&DQe Couoty recru-fl.DCJ !Ut Calli· eru~e Gupeno be .a.ppomted u .,.,_a! repr-tabve to ed.aulilrt., tlse .C.te o f Lou O.Vuac.nao , Corona del Mar, CA . "1M pehhon re- ~ •utllonty to adm•n..._r the ..._,. und.r tile btd.peo· dent Admuuatntlon of E.tat• Acl. A he&nnCJ oo lbe petthoo wUl be ll.ad m Dept No J al 700 C.VlC C•oler Dnve w ... S.ZU. A.oa. CA ia?Ol 011 Av9. 25, 1982 at ~JOa.m IF YOU OBJECT to the Qrubn4 of the petllaon, yov alaouJd .. ther •.PPM~ at 11ie ~rin9 aAd atate yow ob)eC· bOAa or fll. wnUea ob,.ctiou Wlt.h the coutt before the beann9 Yow ~ell()· ID&J be LD pe.-or by yow attonwy IF YOU A.lll A CUDfT. OR or a c:oo11A99ol c reditor of tlse d~. you m!UI fila your cla.ua wills the collrt ol p,_t It to tM penon&) ntp,_Utrle ~ted by IM cowt wUkl.o iow mon.tU fro• the .sa.. ol tu. ~eAuc• of ......... ,.cmdad \D ae<:· ball 700 of ... CahlonUe hobe• Code TM Ita• lor hhD9 cl.1a• will 894 npue prhn to tow aoai.U ltom th.e ct... ol U.. ManD9 ootk'ed ~ YOU MAY 1.1.AW1M1 t .. e w. -by ... c:oort. u yoe .,. • pe.-mt.rellltld lA ... ...... 10111 .. , w.. c:wqu .. ... the CIOUI1 to ....: ..... ..,... aal ooUc• ol tM hlaa9 of 1M '"""'tory of .,.... .....u eod ol U.. petilloa. eecouta &Del repone doeecribed \D .ctiOo lD.S of 0.. C.WOnua Pro ta. .. Code. At1onwy lor petihone.r . T~89. H.u ... H~p&n. a W.O.. bJ h l.ll D. fWd. Atto,.., ....... 100 .Po.ou Wall W• ......... CA tn• (714> ... 21al. • Pu.~Wa A... 4, n . a a. l&t:Z 1.a TM .._.11 lutiQa ... ll.e•• e ad eddte •• rf '~• ~..,., •1 •IN..M req~ til• .._a. •• ••••9 coad~~tcl•d Sh••r -A-nc6a lap.-MoriQ•Q• eo. ,.,.hoe •• A.uo, •• , '" t•c:t lot ....,. Wattd Ho"'ut.l Tr ... N-1 a..-.k 1201 I K..,lllaad 4•• 1u .......,rdJao CA 92404 o,...,,._. to U. u...,.. propem •• , 1M *••.....a. -., , ....... 9 .... ... •rlf.aQ ~~ IM -.lctart wtdwl 10 dar-It_ .. ..... """"-'-................. laid aola w.tl be ...0. •••Ito"' ~_.. Of _n._.ty ·~ or aa ..... M loiiJI. -"·-.,.,..._ to .. ,...., IJo.e ....,...t ~ ct.• c., ...... Cott ~ ......... lo• """* o...t of To-lo .,, St4 100 00 pi•• oho lollo•••e ...,_..._. co-t• eapti'\MIJ •ad •d •u.c• •I U.e h•• of ,..._ 1n1hal ,..w.<:o.-ol Uw Moue• 1>1 S.a. ...... ~ It""' ...... &A t~ .. •t.lAJ ... •• !04 115 pl ............ , 17 , ... ,_ ....... .... t.l.• ..aP6Ni ptLIIC'&P-6.1 ~ t-Fab I ltll 10 .. 1o pl.. ... ""'~-.... -·J.c~MY .. , bt ••l .. ou..d Of olit.J•Q.e'ed t~ ,., .ad U'f •cc,.... .. t• cUrC"I"'t YOU AU IN DIJ'AULT VHDIII A OIIP Of TIIUST DA TID 1\JLT 2 IMI UICL.ISS TOU TAitl ACTION TO ,IIOTICT YOUW I'IIOPlJITT rT MAT U IJOU) AT A P\IIUC SAU 11 I'OU MUD AH Drt.AMAT10N OF TMI HA TUU or TKI rAOCUDIHG 4GA.DIS'T TOU YOU SHOULD COli TACTALAWTU o..... Jaly ;I) 1111:2 , ..... _,._,..,.. ltopr-Lcr~-c- ,.., to.-.•rh kaowo u Sow.lt.••r. c,,._ Lc•~ Co«~~p..a, •• ,, ... , .. lltita .. A l t"'OWO A...».._., V K • p, ... ... , llOI l H>QII'-4 A•• loa a.....rdtao CA !I240t t7too ... 1811 lll1 •.m hloiooto A11<1 4 II ta 19112 •• Th ....._. "'-" 11[.471 PftUC .c:mca ncm'IOQS- IIAMIIUTu.ti'T 1'\. ~o~~ow..,, -.,. dotoq 1o-ao IIIOTHIJIS TWO JVA MTT\IU ZlMI C.•u•,..tl, II To"' eA l2llD s-.,, L..,_,. c ... ~~ c........... II Toro CA taJO Cllorl•• l ot. .. • Cru•. ))tt l e.-... ~ DT-CAIXJD n.. ..... _.~ .... . _..e~.........,.,,....... .... .. L Cr.- Tiuo -.... Ued ..... tiM ~" Clo<~ .. o.._ e-.., .... .. ly lt lila ~ ltJy ll, 21 A~tq 4 II Ita,. n.. ,._,... '-• "*'- Rdl rnuc te01'ICI , .. niiODI- ..,...,Aa.~rt 11141. """ ..._.. -......... ......... •• lOLL O VU.LAll AISOClATIS; ..eo Voo &&.-.• Aoa ' .......... a...ell CA I2MO ,. .. La...l Co c/o 0....14 W loU, .. v .. L4lo looNI. .......... ~ CA -.o. O.P ~. II JW1 Mooa..,On • .,C...... ... W...CA, IKJ!I, ll-o. .... Ill .,. ........... ....... C...... ... W.O. C.A GI2S ,_..y L .,....., liS 1-C• • .,_ a...ot Co.-~ a&.., CA aus • ........, r •oc......_ s ...._, !lou On .. , C...... U li&o•. CA ~ l'lo• l oU c-ar. 4410 Yoe ~.u ... A", "'-I'Of1 a...,Jo CA ,_.,, ....... .......loola, 7235 W Nolrc.r w.,, ... _ w.. w ............ IID40. Marc Q ..._.,_ ti!JO.t41~ S I ...._ w..4. .......... 91040. li&otk A W_., ,l SI ~ "-• .......... ·-...--Je& ... , ...... K w.-._ IJ7\ll A.. M I .... -.s. -~-91040 Tluo ......,._ ,. c:ottd"c<.d b• o _..~ ,..na.,..,_p s..,.-~ T.-..., L !llrra.._, n.,. III&Jota••• ,... 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" eppt''-•q to ••• O.p••••••t ot A)o,Qitobc ..... r_ C..lrul lcM .. •~ ol ._. .~ bM« .. • ·-lor .... -.. &olio-. 4t· o. s.J.o ._, .... w ... 1r..w.c kl-I'W:.) P.W....t. I•IY a A,.. 4 II I~ ,. TMM.wpon &u..,11 NU4J PVIUC te01ICI f'IC1l'1'IOUi-•AJG:ITA~ fha lolioorluoQ -.,. clo.nq b..,,._ .. IIIWPOIIT IOUl.IV AJUl TAA vn lfi'WI'OeT IL Vll 'Tli.A vn 21sa 1Cewpo11 llvd Co.. ..... CA 92671 H.wpotl ...., ........ t.IT-.. loc • c.wo,... co...,,.,,... 2154 Nawpo" llvd C-. ..... CA ta77 loo nn Nawpor1 -...,. CA 1Ut60 T~ .. b\l&Ut-•• C'Oild~t.d It• • cor s>u•••ao• Stqned Do, •• A hfl:~t Voce Pr-.dot>t Nowpoti leoelt J1.a t•a.ITown Tl\... .._.,..... ... h.a.d ...... , •• Co"'-•ty Cl.r~ ot Ote-o• Cow•h oa fwty 23 1911 "'IILM lwly lAI A .. ,. 4. II II ,._. •• TlHo Ho.rpo .. '-• Fli.l94J PVIUC te01'ICI ~~ NI41J ltOTICI 0!1 nullA I UU On A•v 71, 1812 •• II a • Jon• 1111:2 •• n.. ..... ,... .. "'-• FI!Mii1 lll4111 ,...,..,.,. Ttl!. '-•-eo-.-1 .. Tt-or ......,_ T.-01 ,....,.., ....... 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J .. ..._ ........ _ dooaicoled ................. -•• I M2 .. tlMICewpott WoOl FI!MIII N1411 .,...,. ., '"" ..... ...,.. n.J. Ia W.UC..OTk.t. 1t0TICI or n111n:rs uu: lk .,_, 0. Av4 n t.a ot II • .. Vor dvqo s.n..c. Cotpo••tliOa ._. duJy •• poa•• ... T,....._ _..,._, ..act pv.~• , "-" .. T .... .--,.~ • 1,. .. ,...,, ... .,. ~ lnsl - .11i0 ol Olbc...J ,._.,,. ••-"'..! "' c ....... ,., ............... w s...a •• rr-«•) •• , ........... of .... c .. ~··· ll~ord.r ol 0.-c ..... .., Si-ot C4llloro~&. ••II .,41 ., p•loJoc ••"'-10 .,.,_ ....W.r lor .... h ,,..,..._ 01 "'"of MM •• ,....,., •o•., ol ,.., u ....... S.U.t ..... , .... ...,. lo o.-c-..., -'<1 c ... , ........ C>ly .. S.•ta Au e&l nttl-,., .. •eel ,._....., _...,.. ...... _ ........ , ......... MNI DooM of Tr~tl •• .... ,.._" ............ lA lll.t4 Cet¥DI'f urd-..... .._.,r...., • Lot 4 ol Tract lkt 7511 •• pe• ... r.ea•ded •• ~ m _.. n .... %1 of .._........_.. 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C A 92701 on Auo 18 1982 "' 9 30 • m IF' YO U O BJECT IO lh• orentUlQ oJ the pe11110n you should •ub•r •p~r ott ah• bMrlllQ &tad 11&1• YOUI Ob)«" ltona or hi• wulten ob)toellon~ wtlb the c<ourl before lhe h••nno Your •p~r•nc• m•y be on per10n or by you1 •tloro•y If YOU A.RE A C REDIT OR or a coniiDQiiiDf C1ed11or ol the dec-...d. you mual l.te you r cl••m wllh lhe cuurt ol pr-ol 11 to the periiCin•l repr•MniAIII.-. appointed by abe court w•th.n lour muntl\a from th• d•te ol lu-' tNu.nce ol l•lters u provtded 10 ..c hoo 700 ol the C•hlornu• Probeae Cc.de The lime It r hhno claun.a onll no• ellpue pnor 10 lour monlha hom •he d••• ol ah• hM flOQ nohced Above YOU WAY EXAM!HE th• f.Je lt•pt b y the courl II YOU are • per110n tnlere.ted ,n abe •••le you m•y hie • requ•t Wllb the COUI1 10 re<:.IY. Spe 141 nohce of ahe hhnq ol •h• nveolorv ol •••t• .-11 •nd ol ah• pellhona •ccounta •nd reporla d..cubed '" Mellon 1200 5 ol th• C•hlc.oro•• Pro b•••Code Allorn•v for pe11110oe r C A Hoob•• Allorn•y "' L..w 229 M.tnne Ave Boa 328 . s.tOo. lsl•nd C A 92662 171 4) 673 7670 P\abhab Julv 28 Auo 4 11 1982 .n The N•wporl En " PVIUC,.Onct ncTTT'IOUS IUSDIDS ""'"n A TDCDrT NE44J ...... --a.; ~,...,.. ••• J ...... ""' .,.. •• KOU. C1liTD NlWPOIIl 1lif lD A ..W0 V t.. ... -. A•• "••J:-'1 ....... ,..,. ~ ~ • ...t ... L,, -v .. L..cl s......a ........ -· CA~ lo<..,IIC II, •• i6 t.-1.1e "--" '-<a CA ~ "-c s...-.. ~.. ........ !< •• .,...., .... • ('A <QMQ D jl M.o ,. .... H.• a..~ .. c. • 1• w_.r ~A !l;'-" (.._,..., 0.1 I .U .... \aa41ii•• Lt•• C ' ~• J.- A •••~ ! ,.""lh l S,, • .,. .,. .. ···~·· .. . . ... --' .. 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LU (71•) 544· 4364 PUTTY WOWAH look 1119 lor 55 to 10 ,_, oW _. ol luq It e-rect thtl•ty S46 tM3 BEAGLE/SHEPHERD REGJSTIJdD OU.U -"-:k .Ad ~owa red to HOASI-G.Wulq eo.Ua.r 5151-4647 Wood-9<)0d drspoci10n 15 3 bndqe V tll.qe b.arub '1.1 00 CaiJ IOU ------f.-DI.IISbef ) -800 Sl2 11 SCBOOLS II IRIDUCfiON TVTOIIJitG Woet ~. K-12 ud ~ 0.'( -IDQ ud •wa••• SSit l 0 per hour 6 ct • .,....,.. Mr Wor9aD, S.$.51" QUIT AI LESIONS Total a\IIIC edvcahon C.U lao.la Will-..me m••aY..m5 11 SCHOOLS • DDTIUCTIOJC JUNIOR TOURNA MD1T PLA YIRSI lat- Nft utellvad_. ""'r~o\llt ~~ IIIWU.DCJ -.en~.~ A•a&labllt •• AllY COVrU ~'-' &ad uae l•na R-1127 Appl.SdaooJ A tAa...-t..n~uao •• p•ueae• ladevodu•l PfOCJraaa '1Sal7 JIJ72, Mk tor P-AyNver Adw•tch NQg()1 c AaDra.u--wusH CORGI pupe, AJCC. red &Ad wtul9 &Ad bnodl• 9 weeb sbola, cluu.pton .,.. ~-quably \150 (714) 964 3285 lSGABAG£ SALES GABAGE SAL£ Auo 13. l •• 15. 8 • Ill 4 JO pas 17 cv h upnobl tr-r. S22S JO'' Mov• IIIICIOwev••coasbo SJOO lfra:i!O' NQ n•• qtl1 11•-and oth.r atac •ll•a•o \11 23 R.ihawla lnto• NMr Yate \.oop/Stoaecr .. k Nort~ Call tAP lo & p 1ft (714) 157 4715 tuaTU-It<XK IR VIlli -Swtvel ct..Jr I~ dw.k .... u Aft leqv.. •cc• .. o re•• beeclt C fV .. f -~­~ ... r •o&a.rq•r. •• •rcJ.M a.elu.rw. to.,. dod11119. l!""lrY rao,. 5c to U50 C.. Oftl'r 9 S, S.tvf'd.y Auq 14 . 11711 S... lluhJIO, lr· ~ E.XEC MARKETING CRUISE SHIP JO BS• AU rvu.Cil'UT,_. G ROUP naroductnq tb• occupehona G rNt 111 Cllllr.DAYCKII)II) un1que aod ~u•r&nleed come poeenu•l r oe •n .. _ .... ,. -• ._... MILEAG E WA.CER lorm•llon c •ll (602 •• ,.. -•tn.q -'' .._ ]14 ~ 4-4 1 J 998 042ti 0. 896.3 _.. -_. ...... ANTIQUE ART NOU VEA U bedcoc m P •• d S I 00C w ll Sl )'i(.. 0.k AMW A Y PRODUCTS CO-IO YOU S.li.IJac lion Qu•r•n•••d o r cn oney b.c la SS9 SS4J P1 ·-· _,_, c-... W A.NT TO BUl O R phone c.JI refuncLtbl• a.. SELL ! t''"""-c .t. I I C.U .. "' ot J S I BOOK KUPER wuh 2 oC 1 1'10 01110 -n h·r•r •P«'I• 111 '" ~. r • G~•h•C' rr-• 17TRAVELI VACAnON WAIIUIJ -7 N1Qb11 2 .d~o~lla 2 chLI dr•n und•r I I YMB 24 hour c •r. other bon..-SIOS. •u ea ua c.JI Gl.dt 631 9<MO(WA 7) 11 ERfDlTAIN BALLOON BOUQUETS Uaaq••· ~noaal1Hd q_1h O.bv•recl loea Uy Otd•r toct.y .. B.Uoona ol N.-pot1, • k5 l4o&5 A IIAUTU'UL IIUY DANCU will tUb,_, nesl cec-a CIPK'..i W• •na.rtaua lo1 pu•••• .nd b~ orovpe CaD 731 4574 ltGlFT IDEAl LOVE IALLOOJfS territory. training. wancement. Reward •ne position fOf res ponalble. mature goai•Oflented lndlvl ct...al, ""U.Jl ~ &lla .I er1* Sept. I l . 1 982 Send resume In coofl cknce to: J."". FIKES P.O. Bo.-7&J2 Stockton1 CA 95207 W.EDICAl •«•piKinttl pert lu:n• No ••pen •nc• ft.CWM~. wtll lr&Jn C•U 895 2796 busones& vppor•unlll" y •• rt • ll p • 11 IP n c • L----------'"""1 throuoh hn•nct•l p1e~ 1 C.JI 552 180C •••lion n..ded bv ... BUSY EXECUTIVE re -TRUST DEEDS ·•uer.. P•rr hme help ~· pAind onq Newpot1 S.•.:h .. a un C PA tum Eaper•enc-e .. p•ndtnQ whc-leMI• 1 n.nu weth c-umpu•~r< he lplul rupplv b.,,.,,_., Con I MORTG AGES Eace ll•n• wr •~•n·• cr• I•C't Or Pone• (714 D -T 0 ---E-AR .. 'Ho 5&48 2N ' • S Y d tl!ona n n tm• ke1 aullv amvrto1•d 1 ''• prel•ro ad St •r~tn•l PRESTIGIOUS REAL Low po•n•• C.tll ~ w l•ry" 200 \1500p•• ESTATI o rnc E .n lr 25191<>t~U(IP mont~ 646 7406 t '-1 1 p v1ne oX>"1"0 or 0 JUMBO SECONDS NEED CHILD CAR£ ,,, qu•luv otq enlt Good Com p•"'•v• r ,,,., my h ·m• '5 d•v• ""'r romm•••tetn 1phl Nu 1 C• v ··~ -Bro ker •nquor••• n• '"" It I I •" 1 d --'-1-t 851 0819 w-rom ,., rt m 'r ... lmm•d• .. t• 1 ,,.,J,r J mon1h old S•••' 752 l49J 8Joker 847 blll~ S.pae mO.r Cull .. e•d•l• STVJTDlS Call S.turd•v lhrt u-Jh LM rn lo M rn \1801w-la Sund•v .. _ d •v eve n work I 2 hour• d••lv 1nqs SS1 'lOll 1aulteoo e nvelopes RETAil MANAG ER S•nd .. 11 •ddr•n•d end I''"' lim• help toe ot&~~~ped •a.-.lope lo dr-•hop .n N•wp.c '' Concord D.p1 14 Reeeol dulhtn;~ E• 180J2 Le111o n D1 Yo rb. peu•n.:e nee_,., In lmd• 92636 aerv••••nq •n Tutttn 10as OVDS.L\S C&ll 54 .. 2470 ill lur B1q moo•y fMl ~20 000 ..c. r q• 10 'so 000 pi ..a pet .,... c.n 1 ''' 42 6000 U l l21S MO NrY TRAVH •nlorm•hort ~n c nu .. 1h1p ooba •II occup. lion• et.c•lleal tnC'onte beneloll C•ll (602) ~ 0991 ••• 8863 21UCDCSED CHU..DCAfti STATI LAW B£ 38SPORTIHG GOODS SHOTGUN R u w .. Supe1 Tre p o~b mtnl, 12 o• .,~···..J c&Md O.•uhful lent.ll wood l2 0 U 14• anole 12 000 M h 4524 1-ve m-q• 37ART COLUcnON of n e" a.J q1tt. end ar1 • r~ -1 • .,.." \...qooabt. ktnd •• UIC.-.dtbl• P"'" Appototrn•ol onlY Cu.b only 661 7146 S.od tOIMOM t'O'I loY. • bol.lqu .. of JO Mb11• 23 HELP 23 HELP QUUllS tb&l poereona wlto provtde ctuld car• ,. lh•u hoa e be llc•n• ed For rnlorma110n Oft 1\ow IO obt•IA ~-ID Ot .. q'! Co.n~t. call (714) ~·'.!.!!.. Ali'TOG".RAPH.ID Sa 7 W•r•lyra Wonroe Top ol ler Alto 14 Ia 10 k!~oou ..... ,, 1h• WAWTED WAifTED ll.ec:ll 01.11 ot r-" I ~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~!!"!!~~!!!;~~~;:;;;;;;;;;.. p.,f«1 tor •II oeea · I• A~ou 110M 173 4418_ I I Ln I I a-, SC'IIu'9 You• Cae 7 C'alt Ca.ulfle~ 67J 05SO S•riou.a Job Seekf"ral W ould you hke to Ml your own houn walb pracltcelly no lsmat on earntnQI end have v•cahoM u d••sred? 11 .o. tl\en why not convens•ntly work w1lh 1.11 eorhnQibundhnQ m•1l Receav• work •nd _,.ymenta by mat& Start ammed- ._.,.tyl for 1nformo~hon. • •U·addr ... ..0. at.ml*f envelope &A\Ifft • prompt r•ply Weal Merkehn9 Servtcea P.O . Box 2590 OCala, Flortda 32678 vlo••••• Par•ao uat SUrll, l.as. 18Sla Lu, <llaat, R41PIIN.nt. H.f lOft . Hop., Perktu, lrr-•r. We.ruall.ew11 Sl! to ~. C.U loUJ- ourabe• 1-«JJ..W l872, ~tot ...... ,.. .. , Ad -ldw.n DAU O.h.-woa ac:•lphl re lllllteli ~. ~ tlf-lr•-$10,710 m .tm .U'I1QUD S 10C, N<.'vtnQ ,~., 4998 41 FURHITUR.E MIR RO R i , , I , .1rod •• "" n•tod 'r•m• \,5(1 C ti •all ,,.. ·•mb.• I t)(\) SJ<' 1''~. u lt. I< 1 Pennvw v•• Ad w .. ,rh Ml55B C ANO PY BED Jm pl•t" ...... ...,.. '~ h4oC •f>ll7 ART DECO I I .... .,.. .. It h-.;1 bf'dr m •ut ur• B••u' 1ul r •.J •n •l ondt•,on \, XlO Ala< n•w wh1lto wedd1no Qown t.•••• worn "00 (71 -c f:) I '5~ .QUEEN WATTRESS l•ptlnqs un~ K'9h 1ua htv 10 ..-r ou•r•a ,.. Alao.· ~..,., .. td_ rec..:Jrd•r '~14) 891 ~ CUST O M W HIT£ LI,.EN r-AMIII•nl dtepet "'''h d '"tor w~td rodt 7 a 11'10' Ea C'e ll•o' ,.o~ .i •ton ~1 1029 DRlXH D IN ING TAIU 44 r·~""d 18'' ... 1. 4 AAron 9<-ull c-hetra (ruh te•u) IJOO l1np .. ct.IIQII•I becl.preed, no 642 4117 \55 Kubv v&cuun. -l•en•c S45 Oft.,, 714 95< ;oaq NEW WHIRLPOOL M••• S..•" •rucrow•• .. \600 ••I \250 lr .-lud• ••mr-.rahu• p1 be 10 It> •P4Cir'll C •• b..l 48"0 SEARS ELEC TRIC DRYER \Q<; ·If•• Sh ker.fte IAirQf' d<Q S4(' W.ow'f •h•r """ C r ne d e l N•r 7 4 1tllJ OJ4..2 C~ r. 43 TELEVISIONS STEREOS QUAS AR VIDEC. COADEfl A" m•ttr•llb "'-· r 4' ed Hoqt l • •Ill • v-..r ~ ...... ,. •• llqJ I • .,. U MUSICAL RE IMSTRMNTS ~ COMPL£Tt A • L..n11n ~ I • ,...,..k,.,. ~]S(] .,,., Eh•lle n• ondtl ~ llu•l •un ••ble ~'ll Sh•r• rec••v•r \5( W•ll dNI ~7 41~ G l N BASS <.:!.••c L.... Peo~l Tuu,.plr m,>d•l S..-11<1 m&lloqan~ ~Y ~uhlul m 1111 \'lt,O Pu .. e " b•n alftpl•t .. e ...,,._ 400 JOO ••••• b O..nd equ.J •t•r tu" de-tnrfloft 2 l!> •p•• e n Gltllt \6-'i(l bJ I 1 4llt4tr 5 IOI.CII J.AaOUI rc. SALK: 1 pair .... lSO ca, m . 1 pair .k! bocMa. u. 3, S10. Ov.U ..._. .,.. 1\19• oruqe eacl browa wi~ ~ colon, Sl5. W... bowl· 1D9 b.ll, AID. '* e&rTY. Ul9 ~. with .a.o.. ....... ~.~. SA.ND.U SHOD -"JIAP'P'r niT for eo· tire lt.raily. !1-,.., 9U&I. ut-$7.9!1-$16.95 Dutrillutorl waDted ,..._31Q3, 2217 Winer, eo.e.w... PHONI-NATI te le· pao-a.uwennq 1116· clt.Lu, $19. Wttll remote $14i. Warrant-d. 7S0-3791. FOR SAU: llectrac typewnler, $85. S.wmq JUCbUle, S65 Kuby veculllll, $6!. Color te&.vialoa, $85. 816 So. Ma!A, Santa Ana, (714) 953-1789. • •WJ OUlT SALII IVDYTHDIG GOISI Draatlcalh r.4.ac.d pricea up tiD to,.. ofl OD .U 1a~10ry uaclloldJDq: o~. copper t .. ma, IJIIo9e ctuu, ~. iAJ~ ~Ia. _, otber qift lte-t..ly AOW !or o.w ... r Alllo, all hu· DIIAIDQI, C'IUtallll, equlpaeat, daaplay w~··~"'"""''•~ ·~xt II o•c•' 51 WMTTO IUY WAHTID: OLD GUNS. rW.., llhot9UJ1.1, pocMt wetot.ea, mlllter)' Norell S.nou.t oOU.C:· lor -peya more \MD aAJ dMler, SIJ..ai?O W AHTID -USID hu· Dtture, aodera, &a· hque. Rehaqeralon, wu!lera, dryen (work· 1119, aoa-worktnQ) LM s. 957-8133. WA.HTKD JurD-llure, appll&Jlc•• (relraqer· aton, wulten, clryen. TVa, worktoQ, DOD· worktnQ), Pll.llc», a.o· tlCJl!411. oJhc:er hunUu re. ssc.u. (714) 957-8133 WANTED TO BUY· Nkrowave ovu or will trede beeuhful qwlted dual klAQ bedlpr .. d , .... foam qr .. n 833· 2298 UIUQUI APAIT· NDn'S Ud ao .. ~ .... will~~ c...._.el ee+lte911, ~ .......... alr coad!Uoalav, poot., ....... 9.,. ...... coi&JU, lw=Mk-.. •v&&l· able: 1 bediooll ud -· 1 t.cle'OOia. 2 .... rooa/2 batll towa· J.ou.. Sorry, DO pell, 2400 Ka1bor llvd., COI&&W... 567.t030. LAMDLOIU)6 -,... ........... ,., u. ,.. •• ud receive q-u.bed c.U.l AAA a-~ JloMl. ty, Oruqe Cowy'• oldwt ud l.a.r9*ll reatal MtYK!e. m.a3l5 WHY PAY WOU? Now reDilDQ Huotlagtoa Grauda Apart!MIIta. Pl"'IM ~Jerde• 4pert· _.. llMI beec:b 1A H11nt1nqton Beac ba CD.. .nd two-bedrooa •p&rtmeatl bom $425. (714)'147-6064 51 HOUSES UNFURN SOUTH LAD TAHOI -Lo.,.., 2-Wiooa condo, 1 ~ bella, .a..p. a. T.u-&.,., pooJa, pnvaM be.cll. t.GD.ia. boat alip, etc. Hear culaa-. $10/Jli9llt. (714) s.6-2183. BIG IIA.l CAIIN: IIAL TOIS -lana 10096 oo••IMaQu, ct.~! ,_ ~ SlOO .~ -Dill. ~ ava.Uabl. lor two _,. IQ41'Dtl. c.ll Subow "--t)', 131-2242. Newport leecllloc:etioD. UHOUSISFOR SAI.I CAPISTRANO lEACH ILUI'f'noiiT CUITOIIIIOIIE Cape Cod atyJ., f*'Or· aaUc: ocea.n v'-w. Own· ., fle1lble aDd wtll t4tlor IUl&AC'Iaq to your oeeda. Call Bob. AQIJll 1m POP-TOP c.u.p. u . ee.ooo miMe, o,. ioal owner, eac.U.U ooadltio9. $3,500. 613·2152. JOHNSON 20 H P .• $550. Joho.ao 2S H P .. $750. Wa111 pacll·up ~r, $550 Steve, (714) m-8585. ev .. e .... .tc:. Hereareoaly a t.wl Florilll or ????, walk·UI ..triqeralor. 100 aq. fl.. 1 boreepower. wtt~ two s· ll.id.i.Do CJL- doon. Coe1 •-$9,331 -ub.oq $4,!00. 4 flanal d.lquer work eoeaten, !l'a4'a40" htqb, $100 Mda. All aJ.eeeUAuseo\1.11 flonata aupph. at below cost, Uleludmq nbbo01, wu., toola, «e. 3 beeutifv.l oew c urved ql .. c\UlO ea.blA.U, $300 lo $900. 8 36" rowad dillpl.ay tablea wtth Ooor·l.a9th cu.atom t&blec:lotba, $100 Mda. !qulpment: NCR 4-bank cuh reqwter, $150 Adler eJeclric memory bank typewriter (qood aa new), cOlt $1.600, uklllq $950. W.jor lloor life. 48" ~UQa., ~"U.". $900. Aut.. Wagner 500 aprayer/compr .. · .ar. l/3 honepo-r wtth SO' bON aDd epray DOl · d e, $395. Snow-bud floc::klllg mec:lwte. 2S lb cap.caty wtth bON aDd tumt&ble, $625. 13 25- lb baga oJ mow flock, $15 a bag 100 q..Uou 18 Caltforota clear llameproofUIQ, 51 . SO per gallon 1,000 watt Hahde bqbt aDd trana- fonaer, $195 300 loot of 1 '14" IUied rope a.od pulleya, SOc a loot. Woodama.o cut 1ron BOAT TRAILER WAHT!D -Tandem ule, h .. vy duty, wtth bydraultc 11,1rQI brU... Nu.at be qood cond.illoD Tbe longer the betteT Pnvata p.rty will p.y cub Call Don, ev• GIJlQIIW-keada, 499· 3176. NIWPORT BV.CH WeatcWf ar... 3-bed· room home. bcell.nt condJIIon Larqe well· laDd.ecaped yard/gar· dener. Security ayatem. $1,100 per mo ntb 833-1290 Ho~ rid.i.D9, liab· 1.119, qoUioq, h.IJd.a9, 3 bedrooaa, 2 INIAl, al-pa 9. FlreplAca, complettiy fvalallt.ed. Weekly, WMbGd rat.. NOD-aaobn. 83l-W168, 492-2951. NONAACH BAY pr .. · li9i011.1 qate·Quarded oe-honl COIIlJiliiJIJiy. 3 beclrooma. 2~ bathe oa two tev.la. Laroe for· aa1 d=s rooa. Spa· ---!!!11!11·-·· 18118 14 1 JIILD AJfD STI.IAW. flllly eq\&lp· JACUZZI J'OR SA.LI - Ia uoelLnt coadltion, I year old. P1.1d \3,600 A.IJwlq $2,000. 559- 1815. c.u betweeJl 8 &DdSp.a . TINNlS/SOC JALI Trav-el Club. t-o.~, touraaauta, parhea and tn~. leql.anen wek:oae. Jr .. newalet· ter. T.uua Watcb, (714) 963-SIS2. BOOIS ._ OLD. RAJll .nd out-oJ·pnnl. We buy .nd ..U. "'uJ-of· pnnt boob our ~a&l­ ty." Nationwide Search S.rY~C~, look Vault, 3682-A So. Bn~tol. SaD· •• Au, 54~9548. HOWl S.letnm'Y SYS· TJWS. State ot tbe art electroruca. ~nably priced Full money· beck QWUIDI... 0. ,aouraiJOD by •ppomt· m.ent. 551-1i16, ·- WUST SILL' 18W Selec:tnc, S32S Sony video t•pe m.clwte, WOO. 640-786lev .. WOULD YOU UU • n c:cb= rec:1pe book' FroJD aal.ad.a to d-11• For more a.nlonaa11on uu m -51Q3. UHOUSESFOR SALE atove/hreplec:e, Dever uaed, $475 Offace Equapment 60"a30" metal MCre\ary clMk wllb typewnter arm, $185 60"a30" wood qram uecubve deak and cbatr wtth creden· aa, $325. Anuque a.od Ou JurnaahlAQI' 8' ecbool cloak and bat rack, \315 10' oak cburc b paw, $532. 18"&18'' vantty stool. $136. Full 11ze aleaqb and abalta, 1920 replica ol Curner &r lv.., $875 40"a48" upa11dable Qu .. n Ann roahoQaDy t&ble, $665 Alto, MliU· tNCk load of bMutuul Oreqon dnhwood, all 111.. and ab4p., 10ld by tbe atump or p•ec•. total n lue S10.,000, beat oUer Call beiore 6 p m , 494-1011, or come to PARI'S fOREST AVENUE FLORIST AHD GIFT SHOP, 4.24 J orwt Avenue, Laqu.na BMcb LANDSCAPI.NG' Z4" boa tr-Wu.c .. u• ~-80"-off wboleule Saturday, Auq 14, 8-5 23261 0.1 IA9o, w qun4 Hilla For 4ppoUIIJDent, 644·7006 Pageant Tickets toLaguno~t ofthet.D*- PHONEOOW 133·1210 ~­rtw ..... 68 HOUSES FOR SALE LAGUNA BEACH tiOSM C......, 494-1177 52 R.EMTALS TO SHARE QUilT NON-SNO IC lNG atraaqbt male waDted to aha1e J . bedroora/2-b.tb lrvlAe bo~~.~o~. Pool a.od uta.Uu .. UICiuded. $27Simontb lten, 551-8578 ROONMATI WA.HTED 1.11 lrvme R .. ponaable female to aba.re condo with female and daugb ter, •ge 4 $250 month pl11.1 1/3 utilill.. Call •her 1 p-aa . 551-0256. ROONNATE W AHTI.D to ahare la.rqe bo11.11 1.11 Laquna. Fantuhc ocean vtewa, own room S320 month, unroed1ate oc cupancy Call eu ly • m or eventnQI, or l .. ve mUI6QI. 499 2020. 499-5700, 54(). 6812 FEMAU ROOMMATE WaDied, l.aQUJll S..cb Pnvate beacba•d• coD· do, pool.a, li DJlll COUr11 S3SO montb plu.a 112 uuhllel Call toWr .. nu.mbet 1-800 532-m2, uk for Pennyaaver Ad· watch W1113 ROOMNA TE WANTED -Re.ponaa.ble llr4lQhl YOUJlQ WOID&Jl tO aba.re Cotolll del War coDdo Pravate bath $275 plu.t 112 uttltu ... pool, tacua ZJ, recrMIIonal t.ac ili· 1111 C •ll tollfree num.ber 1-800·532-3912, u.k lor PennyNver Ad· watc b M6857. ROOMiiAT! WANTED -Prof•••ona l lem•l• d .. u.. MJnl to abare prelltQJ,OUI La.lle f orlli 2-bedroom condo Full club prav1!.Q... pool. tennu S27S month tn clud.. utilih• Call toUlr .. number 1-800 532 3972. u k lor Penny wver Adwatcb NllOII 68 HOUSES FOR SALE tuM~~~&& ~e.ch ~--...... Ofll ..niiL .....,.,.. __ 2 Wnn.2 b<oll'l ) ...... 2 .... )1 ,..,.. ''*" COIMIIIJICIAL IPACI. R.IHTAL -3-bedroo~ 2-bath pool bome, Wta· aaoD V1110 S750 49!5·5968 LAX.I FOREST bo~~.~e rent&l LallefroDt, 3 bedroom. 3 bath, boAt dock, S= 'D Sa1.1 Club $1,200. Call toWt- nuraber 1-800-532-3972, uk for Pennyaaver Ad- watcb NlS20 HOUSI FOA R.IHT - 2-bedroom, 1 YJ-batb, d1n1DQ room, laVUig room, luep1ace, bard- wood Uoora, beautUul 9arden w1tb qardener Sec:uraty alarm ayateau. Freahly pamted. Near Woods Cove S..Cb lm· mediate occupanc y. $1,200 monthly 497- loOO, by owner LAD ARJlOWHJ.AI) home, ll.eepe8-Walk kl IUAI, lerul..i8, lub, tw~a. ChJldre.11 walcoae. Noa-amoken only. Weekly or -keada. 64().~. W A TllU'ROHT WAUl condo lor real by ownen. Completely 11lf· ruabed rib kitchen, 2 bedtoom, 2 bath, pool. We&Jlt {or re1aatnQ. (714)~1150. K.AUAI, HAWAII - Studto condo, $35 DtQbtJy 0c:e&JlfrODI, 14ntuUc 'Clew. By owner, 496-4673. otoua J room, wet M.r, larqe lot, pool, ~\lUi, waterfall. ld.al lor eatertaiDanq. $310,000. Low.-pdce Ia Noaarc:h J:l' ...... oler. 964-• ~1- 1033. PIBFICT STARTER HOWl. lramaclllate 4· bedrooa, 1 ¥•·b•th, $102,000 ut UII\UD&ble haa.oc:ioq, 2-y .. r-old pool a.od apa Owner will buy down loan or cliacou.nt pnce or what· ever 1.1 D-ry to MU $143,500. CaDon R.l Bett.r Hom .. & Gu· eMu, 4Q3..8i01. BILOW G .l. APPRAIS- AL -$6,600 down 81 Roo-cr FOR Lowwt ptk:ed 2·bed· -room12·bath model 10 I:GCOUTV"\C:f RENT ..... "NMt u • pin .. -"~ LAGUNA BEACH fur· ANum• FHA loan TOWMHSES Olabed room, batb, a.... buy for lDVMior FOR RENT pool Hoo·ADoW, pro· or hraHlm• b\lyer f~al/bl.lllin.-. Over $81,!00. C.noo R.E PUBLISHER DOIS 40. 494--04.51. Better Hom.. &r Gu NOT ACCEPT IJ.abihty ct.a., 4Q3.8801 fo r mcorrec:t apellinq, Qr411UDahcal ta.oour· • ., o-~ OUTSTANDING -".-_., PRICII ac1... or typoQr~bK:a.l COMMERCIAL OlllataDciiD.9 ~9' erron 10 any adver-Outlt&ndt.nq boael S.U· hMmenta publa.dted lD O CEAN VIIW ., will car..w bnaac1An tbe Caul Meehl HeWI Pnvale ofbc•. Newport ·• " Group C.Dtar Telephou, eec· for 15 ,...,.. at low wv· -r8CMI&l office ..-noea 1D91 aod lou r.,.. 1at SOWETHING SPECIAL avaa.labla. $2100 IDOilllt T.D. at 10~" J.utl· -Outata.odtnq 3-bed· ...,... """""' hilly decorated 4-bed- room coDdo Jurnaa.bed, ,.&Dd~~u~p~-~~~--~-~;· ;;~~ rooa, 3-b.th, den, fu• pool/tenaaa Aai!Loq II plec:e, 2 air coud a.od 2 $1 ,300/moolh 302 tu..c.. Showplace, CampbeU, Coata W.. PlUME IND'l-IIDd.ecapmq .U u o11.11d, John Carey, Brobr, COSTA..,_ • 1 ~ed oA comer lot 673-m1 ~ $2S8,800. Clllon R I CONPLETEL Y FUR. NEWPORT a.tt.r Hom• t Ge.r· NlSHID Woodbndo• dena, 49J.ag()1 condo 2 bedroom, 2 Otftcelwareba com JUST JJUNG IN AN bath, 1-y .. r leu• boa. av&tlab1e now lrolll onu. becall.le ..Uer $700/month. 857-0110. 37' 1,000-7,500 aq. ft. underataoda today'• NEWPORT B IAC H BeauhJully landacaped; R.I . merbt. Has ot.Mr Blutfa 2-bedroom, 1· qr .. t ameDttlU obllqatioo.a to m .. l ud b•th, double Q4r&Qe, ?ll W. 17th St. waDtl to MU qulcltly 3· w•d• qreenbalt v-. bedroom, 1~·batb, pool $675 mo nth M2-4413 room for RV. Very DMI 5!12-4242 weekdaya, aDd et-a S.ller wtll 760-8386 w .. kenda and c arry II Dl n c ID q eveniJlQI S134, 900. Canon R I RDITAL -2-bedtoom. M WANT/aEift letMr Hom .. & Gar· 2·batb, qoU eoune COJl· OR EXC'JI-.oE deo.a, 4il-8801 do, Laqu.na Naq11el SALIIY OwtR.II. Lllll· S600 495-5968 STUDIO SPACI DMd· uriou 3-bedrocua, :z. 18 HOUSES FOil SALE ' 1 000 to USQO.> mo llOC»UOOOI mo ed by ~ loeeJ ba~ NllaJoa VieJo •rtaat Yolll qaraqe, boae. Wat..,.laodK• aUred •\JCbo or equiv· uaq Apprateed Sl!S2,· at..at ap&ce of appiO&. 000. Aakiraq SlJB.900. 300 lo 400 eq. h . CaD A.a•able ht aort- Don, 640-5267 ~&9•· __ K.1 Sortbla, RIHTAL HOWl Hill). "1'10-4Tl0, 761-S. lD by pia ,..au IDOYUI9 NINDZCINO COAST to l..agv.Da a..oA .,... -2 a.o-ou 7 eeolud· For Sept.-October. Call ed ~ Redwoocb, tollfTM au.aber 1~ apectae ulal· ocean 533-3872, uk lor Peaay· vaewa. SUI8,000 Own· uver Adwakll NOI::M. •w. (707) 814-3803. nCOMDOSJ TOWJUISES FOR SALE UCLtJSIVZ WATD· FRONT towahoUM by owner. Compl«ely 11lf. ru&ed. 314 mtle to ~. 5 liUlea to lD· c lUie. Weant lor l'ti&a· mq. (714) 759-1150. 71 LOTS. ACREAGE 5-AND 10-ACR.I LOTS for aale. Owoar fioane· IDQ. Write Stewart Ra.nch, St. Rt.. 15, Boa 452, Lathrop Weill, NV 89020. BEAUnPUL SOUTH UTAH 20 •cr ... Own•r mlllll Mil oow. Only $850 down w1lh OWIIIf hDIDCIJlQ at 9~"' · Seven yean, Sl15 monthly full price $9,850 Agent, (213) 783-7900, (714) 971- 9700. HIGUn SHORES LOT -75'Jd()()', OC:ea.D Vt-. pravate ., .. , 1A9una NIQUal. S375.000. By owner Call toWr- a ua.be r 1-80().. 532-3972, uk tor PenaJM"' Ad· watcb WO(M!. 72RESORT PROPERTY BIG BlAB LAll STI.AL -Clea.n air. aummer and WlJller "qeteway " Aa.waable ftnt mor1gaqe, fawn· dun H&l.ltop 2-b.drooa e&bln, I block boJD water Ct..r va-. lake a.od mounii.IDI, b19 11.- carpeted deck 60'&150' corDel lot A•ltinQ $120,000 Ad)Oiru.DQ tot avatl&b1e By owur. (714) 661-1479. 71REALESTATE WAICTED/ EXCHARGE Wn.L TIAD.I IQUlTY (1300,000} Ia 160 ac.r. lana oatlide Jr.no, for UICO-prod\tC&Dq pro- perty or a.o-. CeJ.I (209) 658·7858, .... lliAQI John Folia, s,., owner ------- MIOATS• EQUIPJIEift 13' BOSTON WliALD -40 llo~r War· c uff, under warraty. s 1 400 to UOOQ/1110 Sl10t.oU9W- St lOCI t.o DOOOfiM uoo w..w .... 53 APIUl11IEin'S 53 APARTMENTS Mitch, 548-9001 UIV'UU UJU'URJf 24' wnmAOSI um - n o 14 II 0c-. 11,... down•_, ---------------' r,_ 100 oq It to 11110 oq " S50Qimo ;.========-..!.:::...:::=:::=::::._ _ __) Wotor, trar, VKr • ......,_ 5, atand·up head roo• wttb dodger C.taliAa reedy. Aalr.io9 19,100. (PX7774} PP, 611 ·1448. IMUA.I.D lAY • A loftty ...,..,_ doN lO ._ ~ COIII'W'IIIIMY 11rw blht • f(roat'l\··~· ~be 5 ~~ cabHwtry unlleftt Door ploltll ~ paao b ~'""'I P"nce reduced to S\7S 000 IRIARWOOD Beau!N pc:rtb -nero. wt* to IOOQ:)illg. dole to"~ Pod.,__.~ QlnQ. gal~ duded to coal heat and cook~ AI the exlfol ore here and you roo~ wont to CALl. RHOME Santo Arc Freeway to ~ "ve bt, "*' left Ot\ WcJnJt \322 SCUtt\ kat ~t. Tustll'\ 132-7170 18'10" lAY IOAT Qua Craft. Lapm .... C:O..r &Del oua.uoa•, etc sz.a . 173-2152 1m caffiiii.~. q..U.,, hMCI, ...... 4 laeeU.at coaclllloa 113,000 or .,_. oat. 731-al CHIOY LD UIDDS 30 .... iiloop Oil Newporl aooua,. Su.a. f.!l Woa.-rr,. 752-71~79;:._ ___ _ SAILIOAT 1.. wttk ..... ., v.,., t .. d .... ..UI $100 (714) '1M .. UIOAT cuna ped, oot ..U-coataiaecl. Sleepe •• a.... coacll- tion. ll,OCIOOt ...... C.U a.ftet4. (714)M3·'110S. 8IU11SB AUTO u . PAIIIS: }aqlA&f, ,_ Healey, Tri-.pla, NG, Tnwapla &aq a.ocl aoet ot.Mr arttiM autoe. 11115 Kart.or llvd., COlla Neu , 548-6226, HDI'S GARAGI. AUTO UPAlR Foref9u I Do....uc IAQioe overla.aw. Tuae y .. bru•. elec:tric.U. c.u 7J0..4884. 1980 ceoo rADUHG Truakc-. 7,400 m.ilee, uce.U...t abape, oriQ· lD&I owner. 811..o&6l, 559-9299 12, 300/Met olfu_ 1980 HONDA NOPID. •td• bealr.Ma, helmet. e11· c.U.I COAdWoa. goo ...u-. $500 hna. Call 552-3301, aora.ta9 ud -; 151-4685, d.eya roa SA.U: 1• • HONDA aoto. rc:yc:le wlth ..,.WI~ Goocl coodWuou. S!OO (714) 857-2043. l9'N HAIU.IY Low· nder: 3,800 aLl.. Vert oleaa. Will ..U. Oil trade lor llpMdbo«t. Will evea deUver. Cell collect, Jultu, (505) 299-5646. 19'16 HONDA Cl550l wit~ Jain119 ace ... eorl•. heell.aJll coadJ· lloDI Bob, (714) 538- lm. FOR SALI -hch moped. NiAI collditloo Low llillMQe. S400 Ca.ll 8riaD, 642-2483 1211CYCLE8 JOI SALI: YoQDCJ 4Fla btcycla. S25 (714) 857-Na, .ttm 5 p.a ., ukforCmdy. BOTS DUlT IICYCLI Good coadJtaoa, mlllll •ll Sl2!11oJter. i&l-7657 1810 DODGI 314 too pk k:UJI C...per .... caal. a...., duty equq»- ped. AKIN, po.- ... nDQ t.DCI brU.., au&oJDallc lr..,. , &h cood., .rd .. bumper, biQ ,. ttr.e.vy~\aty U.... OD ,. .. , , loo .. aDd ruu....a. Nttve.rllv.rtor &b\IMd ... oH.r. Will trad.kue•to,.........,, • AU1'0 PAil1SI ACCII*D. A'f11mo• SAA• o.n-s noo. ........ Ollh&t.OU pncu. .... , ...... colon. CeDI4.2.a! •. IJAUTOI WAIITID ca•&ac 1111 11¥&11 IXIIIL c..·i.~= lac.U•~ Ctoa41Uo.a. ............ ~ -.ooo. Daa. (714) m. .a-'-(213) -4130. ....... 1m DODGI COLT. RUDa gr..t. Air co.c&., gu .. .,..,_ Sl .OOO. C.U (714) 521-1163. FIAT nAT 1m 1 .. SPIDill -45,000 miMe. 5 .-. -t_op,_l!l_ 1ap9, red· 1&1., AMini o....ete, 1 owneJ. n.wa... 13,8751 010. (010 TD) Pnvaee pa.rty. (714) 1522-2004. li'7t nAT 121 4-d.oor lacelleDt coadiUoo. Hew tiJW. 1.ow raila Nll.lt -· Sl,I!IO or beat o6er M2·170l. 831· 4267. 19'11 1:M -ALL ........ -a. w.cll-~ nk>Petle, eooc~r.w-. U ,S00/010. Call 612-lliS. 801 '3 BOYCE 1t7f\o\ CO&JOCHI Coa•ertible. ftit-' ar .. olia, 1ow .a.. cliQ.MU ... C1lakla -..o .......... . FORD <213) -..xsu p;;;.:.:Oilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittl JUifl 1•1 SlL VD ~AJIIGa Wnata -...._.,J 2 For 1 -. _.. caa'lll"aa. "· ... .. ... (2.13)116-5310. 1913 IILYD ClOUD PrkM tiaht '-m. Goo.~ ca. t'M • tw•ttlu&Ofc._._ -~ IIID. AW-N .. S51·3aft ueck. air. M.l. oa.. Call ...... llliol. ... '71 PDftO. Woru (!12)-1000. ~ Meeda TLC 1871~ CODICB.I . C.UI31.0181. eo..-~~ 1Sifl6 WUSTANG CoQPe lop •. Week laaerlor, v.a. ntomatlc, 6,SQO .w.. aaat OOD!ti· power ae .. nat. air !loa. ftolle (714} lM- eood., prol..aoDa11y 4001. reetored. -pa.rta/la· ._nor. 14,000. (714) 7tl·1G. SAW-114. 1871 WUSTA.WG 1+2 &teatbvk 8-eyl.. a.lr eoad., pcNer b.ru-1 .....-taq. lealdl.IW c:e.r. eacelleat coAclUioa 13,!00. Ca115S.l....:J52. lim roAD J'IISTA - Seperea-., narooJ, .....,.. 91'MI ooedaticMa. ... oa-r. (317 llAN) ...... MS7. lim GLUADA -2· ctoo., .~. eu, cnMe ooMol. ..,.,.,. -·· (714) B-0110. 1il0 POITO -lua qreG. a.lr ooad... .,.., au.. , .. --c.u (714) 117~Jl.S ........ ?:llh .. a .or.-lp.a . liiZ 4-DOOa IL\11 roaD lileort AMini. f.OOO ..a.. 4......,.t. 8,2.()164, ...... Of •••k•il· 1117 "' a.u.r -Y..._, c:t.a. AMini c...-., .. . t:J.• .. ,: ....... . (714) ... ,., ) ..aii:IIO'IICI ---IICmCI 01 •-•a a wa OTD• mt .. ,_ &.. c:-..... c..-, • c..w..... ---.., ... _ ... "-......... ....... ~ ..... .._ ..... ., ......... -.................... ... c ...... -...... ...,_ aJ4Io .. ~~o. c .... c .. _ .a ,..._ •• ~ .. __ ..,_ ...... -~ .... ......... o..~ .. T.-.. ~~o.p._. ,, ...................... TIUSTOI -....w 0 ,_, aa •• _, ......... II.HUIClA.IY Lou• """'-'"- ............. Ott 19 1111 .. -· ... J30JtS .. -·~.--&ll .. Olbc..J ..._.... ....... -.... ....,,.,,4o ..... c .......... ...,......., o4 trWI-~~-ra.. loUo ... uoq p._, .., ""' ' .. ,,..,, .... \4&) ...... c..., .. M.w,oo.t ~· c-•• "' 0.-S....aiC.W...... .... _ _.. .......... IM ·-·~·~44 a.e..c ' • ..... •• ,... ..a..r. .. .... c_.,...__.._...,_.~ ........... -. .. 401C.- ......_, l.aclo c.u... .... • •TID NiLSON. 437A Dellh.a, CoronA d.J War CONGRATU- LAT10NS1 You !.Ave J\Uit won two bekela 1.:> "SupeT 1 un N P'-- c.U 61':J..0550 lot yo.u hckela -l~ 29 ...... MoAc:lay n.nda:y .... .... Fncaay .... , .. ~ '2--·--Sunday , ... _ .... . ....., .. ,.,. .......... . Come E~ sr.y U. AIR~DfT~O •'wrtlalt .. .._......._ •Ca et 1 .._.........., ~.......,,.._DI•'•w• ..... v.._. • HERE·s HOW TO WIN: u you can Unci yow name ~~ by two..,_ * * .omewbere ia The Newport £n••qn. lrvme Todar aad CoaiO Ne.o News ~ifled .ec:ti01111. yo-.a ~ woa TWO FREE naETS. Coll173-0550 to daim you.r plri.u. • OF I SPIClALIZI m t.-ek· ......._work andre- JaOYU of concrete ~ . ....,.-Alb ancl c~mew.,..,. AJ.o cv.ltUl9 and hAAdMWLDQ-Mol ... ,. lie. WMir'a Con· crete lemoveJ, 631· 2610. IJUCI WOU -ALL TYPIS -Block wallr and Npe~r Concrete dnvewa.,., a1dewalk• and pAhoa_ u cen..d- 842-J002. * •lAD JtUMP. 522 VllllA Grande, Newport S..C:h-CONGRATU- LATIONS' You beve Jl&lt won two tacketa to ''Super F\lD " Pt-. call 673-0550 lor your tack.ta GEJIIIUU. SERVICE am c:u:DIT CABDa7 G.araoteedt Rece1ve WMter Card, VIM and aejor crec:bl c:arda even ~ you have beet or no c:rec:bt, be.nkTUptq or cilvorc•-For lr• bro allure, c..U Crec:bt toU- I:ree, l -800·527-1218, 24 bou.nany dey GARDDUMG FIRST IMPRESSION Total L..nd.acepe S.rv 1c• lnal&llahoo and m.amt&DAnce Tr• •rv- ICe, spt1n!t.t.n. law11 renovatwo O..p root '-tUlaatloD. We do 11 all,aocall ......, HOUSE CLEAlGJIIG HOUSICLIAMIMG Coaplete bol&8ect-A- LDQ, ape.rtaenta, boa•. eoDdoa leaaoaeble rat• R.ferenc. Call a.fter 4 p a , i62-2S31 DeborAh KAPPINISS tS HA V lNG TDll lor yoiUMU Let ua llandl• your clean109 n..U-We do 11 all! 1A buam-llUlce l97S The Noppett.a, 966-1300 CLEANING UNLJN 1T1D for eac.U-ce IJI bouMCIMlllA9, pro111d LDr;J all auppU. LDCiud 1nr;J vacuum Trual worthy .add~• Call todey for .... le 546 3726 MOVIIIG• STOAAGE AICMOVING laper .. aced, proJ.a- IIOn.al, lo-ret•. b .. --.1. 0\uck, car. hal •nne. 552-0tlO PAI.M1'1BG PAINTlNG-lAteTior' E.atenor Lo.-ral•, prompt, nMI MJVICe In UN tor 10 JMI"I-Fr-..wn.t• (7~) IM8- i684 (714)~7149 COAT Of MANY COL ORS PAINTlNG-.later· 10r eateno_r, ecollolbce..l ce1h.Dq1 S.fVUiq lrnAe ADd au rrowadmq et_. Ce..ll 540-0240 (LK 158400) -~ * * NI CH AIL 0 WALLIY 14271 w..-lrnAe c. CONGR.ATVLAnOMS• Yoll luft ttue -two btl:.._ 10 "'SQ.er Pb.a P'--c:.a11 173.05!0 lor yollJbcll _ POQI.I/ SAUICASI BOT 11DS/SPAS ZEE'S POOL SIRVlCE. m.E DCIT&LLAnOM DTNANJC CD.ANIC tU. I.Dil.n..nc. ualeJ IOWiutW\01, aDd ~ paua ,,.. -....- (Purdl-aU raaten&l ~uqb-Up to ~ dllll::owat ) Hon-work 914-!1041 e13-0550 Ct.S&ilied Complew a&IAI4Yl.I.Dce TREES aad ~r LC.U-t UPDT TRU SiltY rell&b1e wo rk t o w 1 ~a~!w~ and stuuko pnc:.. o.m., o~r d _, &ted Calllll-5725 I an ~ov .. Yard cleeruap Free • I C CONSTilUCTlON 11a••• Call 963-5982 ~ pool.a ud IPAI New cQUirucuoa ' TR~lS E.IPIITL Y and ~. r;~wule or TJUNWID and r-ov hber9a-Coaplete ed · al.:. vard and piWDbusQ electuc al 94rd.n t..U "-46 d.cb llaMOAIJ, J>&IIUI ble reh•ble Call to• L c tC 53 3J7 702 1r-"""'e'-Ar1 (714) 'S.»-J657 S48 7802 (II •......, _..,_ w coe-- ~ • ....._.~ .... n .. ., .. 01 ... -, .... c .,, •• 0 1 c..-rec:.._) n.. .................... -o..~ .. T.--.,.,_..,.~,....t.Of-....Jo CORSTRucnOM I WU.SON & SONS - lualden rr-.... _ aaat• 30 y_,.. eapen eoc• Bonct.d l1c I ·----.!!!!!!!111 3!7487 646-1740 oowN-ro EARTH L..wn aDd G.rde11 S.rv 1ce Complete um&lla lloo, renovation and me1n1enance QualitY HrYICe at down IO -rth pnc.. S.1~ahed cu11omera our !ant pnonly Call anytUDe 646-7819 TOP BRASS Clearunq S.rv1c. Ho"-'AJM-t1 maDill c:ondoa/ renla ls AJtorda.ble rAt• 642 0190 S.I'V\AQ Oranqe CoWIIY HOUSICUA.NING OwDer operAted l do ..U worlr rayMtl Wmdo'" my apecaalty Al.ao com plete bou.a.clean1nq Cell Oavad Ec llert 646 7281 JAI-5 PADmNG In tenorlbtenor "-d.n t..UCofll.lllercl&l r,.. I eetJ.aat• Call (7141 ~IIESA RON S T1lEI SDVlCl Coa lele Mrvace .o Truammq •c.pp.r ~ ...... ._, ___ ..,. ....... ___ _........._ ... .... _._...... ··-o.. ..... _ .. o... ....... o..--.6 ...... .... •u-..-c. al IN...:Io •-.4 ool ..,._ 'c.-, ... ~..,_.­ P._•'Y "'~-alol-_. ,...._, ...... ......._...., ....... - ·-· .. to.-lo ................ .. ,.....,.w """' n 1111 .. ...,, 11o I) l 44l5 ........ Olbc:Ml a...onto s..d ...... ..u .... --bat ···-· eo ..... , ' -..uan•• .,.,, .. OH ,. ~..0 ,.,.,d .. \1 Ht.. ~· or ........ ..c.. "(» ,., ,..... ,.. ......... q ;,._ • .,.~ .... ol .... ...-.c•• __ ,..., ltoy ...... 0...... " y,... • ...... ,_. -... --p-.dool odw-" .... .......... ,., .. ., .. _..a.... .• ,,.._,._.. -.... ___ ~ .... ,,,._ ...... .-. ··-~-... ~ncael st•teaenta, yroU, ~dy taJa unu, cu.h aanaq• eat, buam-..,._. d procedur... and raon&lmcoae t.u• w.-4Zl2 -Dooad .,. ,,..., s.... -•II .. •-::7-~=~-=-= 10 ...w ..,. '•"'•• 4..., n l91l ., 1, RAIG'S SPRAY • • ., , .. ,,..,., ... ..co• ~ GoA•-Wlbeal c.hDQII Re ,,.., Dooad s.r..c-tiW l M.o,toor Very r-able 0.-CA Glil7 ,_ ~~-(714) YOU 4.11 D1 DCIAUU UJIDU A 729() DUD 0# BUST DA TUl OCT I• ••• uwt...aa 'I'OU TAD AC1'10II 10 PIIOTIICT TOUI NOf'UT1 IT MAY I& SOLD AT A ........C SAU 17 YOU lfiiD u ID'\.AJIA TIOit or TW1 IIATUU OP na MOCD""'t'J Ac.AIIGT TOU YOU SHOUt.D COW TACT A LA WTill n.. _. -· ......... ,...., ............ , ... .......__ ..... .. - p ... rty,. M .... _..... ••lo --"''• ....._ -----...... -s:-.................... .. ................ MJ M:M o...... lo:ly • 1wz t. c- L.. ,.,. C~•• • C....& ••"* poo••-• -T.-.._ G-.,._ TtWII o..-1 .. ".,... • C'9fli'O" .... ~ -· 1100 I W.•l.,, A... 0.-CA OQM7 17141 n 1 •to ... w"'* • "-,._......, ,._......,.. AW4 4 "' 11 l...al la T~ "--' '-NIAi l PV.uc:IIOI'Ia IK>Ta c:# 1WUSI US ULI J.cQO TS ..... I OVDHOLT Coll.llruc bon, R.JDOdeUnq And ·--·-etc Frammq, draywall, ·~·~ bay wmdows, Fr•nch ~ doora Quahty at low Rdermla-AI Woril pr1cea Call Bryan au..,.M~C~ 54i-2767 Ul·MS3 i'iRCHNIR CON ·-llll•llllliill•ililll sntUCTION, General CARPET CLEAIOl4G CAAPIT UPHOLSTIRY CL&AHING -SIUIUIIer Speca_al Hydro.team, deodoOM, de0.. Any 2 rooma, Sl2 !SO, 5 rooiU, ~ 50, acta, U4 50 C.rpet, lur· nature dye1n9 (60 yarda), Scotcb9Ard, pre-condallo niDQ op- hoDal GuAraDI•ed C arpet We ate r1 , 54()..1849 aca. CAUETCUE Carpets and upll.olatery c~ fJlD .. , aat• Wod1 fJUAtan teed lee-Pt. h.lfm~Jton, owner/o~reiOr. New pon Beecla 645-l n 1 SIIAMORORV Capet oro lJpr'ols tery CleofW'O Spe cdzang an dltftc\Jt tabr•cs O w n er operatea based an lrwle 8uald1nQ Contractors a1nce 1917 Cuatom bw.ldlnr;J and remodel IDQ From d .. 1Qn to hn~ab L.c 122497 6(2-7003, 645-0768 CONTRACTORS WAY CONSTRUCTION Remod•l -Add1hona Lc 420802 IU-lD --- SCOTTPEEL CORSTiucno" Any type carpeDiry or repa1n R ... deaiiAI, Commerc1al ()l&alaly worlaae~a.alup Good rat• and reJ.rencee SpeciAb on pabO covers and decb 631 5424 PRICISION Woodworlr an9 Room eddi11ona. re modeiLDQ, pabO covera doors, mouldmq• Rod 962 3617 Lac: t-410768 •• HYDR.AUUS U NLI MITID• • 24-hour terv 1ce lndu.enAl. mobue and mann• !mergen c•n er• our apec1.a.ltv 538 6050 or n l .4()66 c~ DOUG'S Y MD SERYlCI: Lawn mlllltenance 11- trUDmiDQ, ciMDup 4.nd bauhnq 544 2111 Ul 1103, w•kdaya 8 5 BEST AMUJCAN Gar deruoq ServiCe ape<ael 1Z1n<~ an weekly bo w .. k.lylmonthly maan tenAnce and cle&n upa Fr .. .-t~mat• S4S.UlU fiRST IMPRESSIO NS Total !Andacape Mrv oces tn .. allalloo and muntenance TrM Mrv •c• sprmkler lawn renovehon We do 11 all 10 call966-6693 £XPEBIINCED YOWI9 mao to 1Dilllle1D t.wn andqudeo Veryd....t ed Lo.-pnc• Call St.ve eber 5 p m lor appl 645 0953 ... .,. LEE'S SERVIC ES .. Lawns spunldera abru.ba mstalled Bracla and concrete work r~ Mhaates 494 ')390 GLASS WOODIIUDG£ GLASS MIIUlOR • SCil.l:9 Ree1den11al commercuol ql... for all purpoiiH Ou.hty work R .. .un able rat• IS? 0771 54.5-3131 JDI.CO. PADmJIG p bot tub. and I dtapLD<J ,_ ••move• tpe.l L d 11ump rem voll Y •n.d acrylaca aa acepe I L ruoed d •lat•w:u • E.ae.aor dea19D anatalleho na cl..a~ O •, • "n c L lfl&IU... "" ..... ou o al raCIO rl IC f M ,mal... !>4.-fJ'J0448 2668 Newport r IJvd C oa1a Ne.. S394 18 v-.n rr---··-631 1847 ~$Slt LANDSCAPING SPRING PAINnNG TYPING YARD SPECIAL lnter-.or/e~ PROE'ESSIOMAJ. I EXCEl.l.DIT TYPLNG nou tenoJ at wmt., ret• SEBVJCES SUIVJC£ 1 .... 11.ab f> I R.EJUVENA n Ouehly work and meier· P1clr.,, H • d•l•,·••v Cl-nup • Tr .. Tnm tal ~anteed Free IDEFIT PAC itAGE I Newpor• S.... ~ and lr mlnQ • L..wn RenovatiOn .-l.lllat• Fred 536 provadua9 d.ntal l~ v1ne arM 8) l 7704 • Reland.acaponq • S.rv 3471 a.ccollDtul9 optiCal 11p .aii A.her 11 n.,...r onq HArbor ArN om• -to )()' ducollJII Call yeers StAte ltcea.d tn HOUSE DOCTOR 857 2145 for lurther tn aured rr .. Hhmat• PIU11UI9 qualuy worll IOJ-.&1100 UPHOLSTERY CALL BOB •-n&ble pr.:-. Fr-E.IPUIT CUSTO M RI. •UII.al• s.t.tACUOa I)PHOI..STEIIY Dr•> ....,_t211 911Aranteed c.u l-ea ROOFING .,._ Up ,0 so..., tt PLANNING TO PLANT 960 7047 536-9484 QUALm ROOFING materoals f ••• .... lnQ L..aciacApe vour siJNlio P ADn'ING ~r ... Old e.Dd n•"' ha••• South Po.n•• tued qroiUida o..,. tenor \550 lnt•noc ...-red and bo11cMd tL1l. 1U 9009 new boa• or r•n-your SPlCtA.L av.ra9" e11 c:oaAnactiOII l.K:~ l UpholaterT l.a ~un• 0 C Landacap1D9 1~ otl Qu.ahty work a.tenac• avAllable 731 4.225 l.K: f305152 a nd aa 1 er~ala CeJJ '-ay fu.ab a&T UNDSCAP1.NG 1ree Quuanteed f r••l bme ~0193 I tnnuniD9 and removal ••' • ra ale' r r • d BOOflMG General lee11ops I 536-3471 R•novale , arda Cemen1 COWPL£T£ CUSTOW All typee d.c n-•<1 I work Steve 549 1604 P&uth.nq s.rvoce Inter ':1: Cal~Bo.bwate 1or bteno a C•.biDet p tr~A n.~g ~C!~TH reho&Sh1oq acouJII &C ~~• L~ ce1hn9• repa1a1•d l.K: 40E022 FOR YOUR SAnTY Peper bangu1Q 23 ~, llA Y'S ROOrtNG CO SOUSSAN ontlUORS ~ • ..,. .. , f•ca 11p~al•t•r•d G ... ,.,.,.~ f I ··~ SIODAI ., 11 Fr- prc~ <~r 5o df' ~"" (714) 957-0128 .u1d .cunty we •nJiall i eapen•nce f r• " S.I"YIDQ eJl of Or•Dq• andd re t.ev 0 1 repeu all tUDet• 846-1665 , .. ,. Cou.oty All lyPM r~ lock• We ':lp&n can ~~~~· ... ,...,1. 1_,.red Ltc ~---------' hom• .tad bull<Lno• K It PAlHTING In .)61042 All worlr ~,..r Bonded S46 7638 I 1euor e:atenor r•l.d•n a.nteed SS8 936° MASOtmY tiAI a.nd eonamercael F r• •IIIla I• Call L TTS4079 CUSTOM PADITDIG 1 1 ston hom• ""raqe eater.or -SS8S Low WO RD PltOCISSDfG SecretauAI S.rv•c•• Wa1hnQ propo aels WALLPAPERING A LITTLE MAGIC Prot.Donel wallpe~r •DQ al rM~C>ne.bie ratn C'-n end alt.n ena r r-Mhmate. S.usfec IIIOT1C'I TOU AU U. OOAU\T UWDD A OUl) 0# TIUST DAT'Ul ANa II , •1 UliUII TOU TAD AC'TlOII 10 PIOI'ICT 'fOUl ~ IT MAT U IOLD AT A I'U1ILIC SAU 17 TOU IU:ID a• aft..AJ(A 110fl 06 na MANU 06 Tw. .-ocnnooG AGA.IIIST 1'0U YOU SHOUlD COW fACT A LAWTIJI any .,~ (71 4) 1 L__!:....:...:.!..:.:.___. __ ~ .. ........... Re WM H ANDOSON NMonrv Bloclr bt~c lr ttoD• lenc. p41ho. plenlen wala Inter oor/eJJter~or Fr• • I pnce ~r l.lllenor U~d a•• coiUIIruC"tloDII Fr .. Mba.,_ Duao 556 1631 I leqea trAaK'nban9 r,_ ptelnap and .iehv en Ce..ll Sue or Nencv 641 4887 1 1100 9 11et•t>lee0 -H ~aoJaev c b .. rfullv re funded (714) 532 3 .~ or 714}631 'i999 o. .._. n ~~ •• 9 1\ •• -...... s--. c--· . c ..... ..... ._._ .. d.,._ ... f--· .... ,.;_ ... o..t .. , ... .-...... 1.1-- .. 71411 --·~J _ ... 4 a.....~ .......... ....._ .. .. c-.. ....,... .... o.._ c ..... .. ,_ .. c-. .. .._.. ....... ·-1 c •• _.... .... ......_c .......... ... -...a4 ...., ..e. • ,_., ,._."•• •• I l ..... .-·~ ......... a&-..... .... ~ .... 112 ......... -" .. r .... .. • eo.--.................... ~., .. .. ,..._ ....... 1 ......... , ........ . ...... -... w. __ .. ... "-• .... s.-) .... ·-_ ....... .. ...... o.-c-.. .., c_,,....._ ............. ,...11-.d --,__ ·-.............. s. .. .. A•• c.w..-....... '""' .... .. _ _..,.... .. ~-~ ... d __ o...~ .. ,,_ ..... _. 'Y ........... lit -C:..a" -ll.ole --.. ""' l ..... v .. ,,.. "' ...... If .... "' ..._. •••d c-., .. Ot-.... "' c ............. ~ ... .... ll ,_ ., ... ---.. ..,._..__ ....... .. .... C....'Y ......... .. --C ... lttat~ .. ~It n,. .. .-...... -.. .... ...... ...._. ..... , ., ... ....... .._., ......... -"'pol_... ..... ll:M N.a-· --· ....... C•ILI!.t-n. --.. • ,,_ .. ""-... ........,. ...... _..,_ ... .... -..,.__ ....... _ • I ._. ... , ............. .-.._ ............ _ ...... ...... • • JOHN SASitA 14642 S..C:h 1.....- CONGilATULATIONSt You Ju.,. 1 .... -two bckeu to "Super Fwa • P'--cAll 673 0550 for yo~ar be keta IEAOTYSt'CS/ ' WOIIL AUTO OMiliDQ Spec&al $45 Your !.om• or othce Coa plete tntenor and •• tenor Wuh, wu pol ..t. Bo.t dee .. luu~ av.U able c.ll 24 hount, 631 4267 CEIIEin -c:OiCaETt PAnos • DRJVIW A YS Wood. PAt» co..n all r.,._ No tob too b.Qt-.u No ltl235 Aak lor Ja, 541-710:Z COMCUTI A.NO WA SOMIY Pahoa, clecb braclt aalay, dn-ys .nta ....,..., ~-..a. ......... h .. NMJII, b&Kil ..ua ,,.. -~-... 0.. -7440 (Lie XM22) COMCIITI WOIIt PAhoa, dn••••J•· Wockw.u.. rooa eddJ lao••· ... cethat. a.cr.ao. ~ .... deaual/coaaercae! Llc 2S4n4 Paul. ~3313. m.a:J7l . ...,...... .,..c.... ........ ........... -~ (7 1~ 142-1&37 matnlenence rv elect ucal ron.:rete pe wallu Kourly No 10b too arnell I (714) 646 J79J DRY w AU NETlCUl.OUS MORTS ---• Hom• Repclir DRYWALL • Remoc&.llf19 H.AQlD9, tapi.DQ And • Fllr-lt &.nne-. cr..Uft ll.ud teatur.. b lnn ed R.L.ble 0. C.rpeoln plum IDQ d.t,a. electncel doo•• ~"ul and pen Call Jell IDatalled raold 1nQ t ceb1nets tbelvtn<J 131-5913. rauc:•t~ J<trall• dtx" ELECTRICIAN tpriDQI tp11nlrl•r •v• lema F..,, ett.~ ••n · "'' v1c• L c 8352651 tUDat• l oc 380921 1 Bonded onaured 642 19699 c_ J_ JOilDON JIASOIQll C ustom bncll and llon• 11nce 19SJ L ceoM 'J689H Bo aded 132-3131 MASONRY WOOD DALY Lcmc!Kape FENCES PATIOS SPAS O[C IC.S 573-1151 ln .... -I( .. ...,Ot Ac:ous"CCI C••'•"'O ...... oc--.. ,__. PAPEB IINGDIG OICBAID WALL C~¥ill)I'G £11per• alttpp•n9 on11tall•1too luroo.able ral• t-r.. srtUGBTS srtLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY All worla q"araateed 011e da y laatal1e noa ----~M>· (11t) .,. 7'73'7 SPIUJW.ERS l wnmow CLEANING WINDOWS SPARK LING ClLA~ Av•r ~· 2 J1 t'f S..l4 .I I; • - WlD~W't \tS m1n mua Screen• mcluded Ph.oD• .... ,..... Beonf'• l roa S4S H58 WDmOV\ W ASKING Q.ahn ""''~ rNM'L eble rAt~ '-• S.... Tllna W md-." C" .., ~ J t714l 1147 Sl"'-1 ~p. UCIHSED IJ.clnci•JI, CealtnQ Fen apecl&l~M Dependable, quality worla R..-onable rat• r r• eeluul• C.U Tom 631 5072 t.sl-6061 •·-• "•hnwac. 1 11----~--"!!111 c.lllrru. 631 457i SDVICE a UP AD\ V <111 ()ppen• 5ef"ICe Cc TU i al ... wumow fiMtlMG WUQ)OYI EUCTIUCAL PROI U:WS? New, old, small, lar9• laaedtate Mrv 1c• Ch-p pnc• [)ay or n•qht SIONIY. 640 4521 HOME IMPBOVDIENTS SOUTH SHORI PAINT lNG aad Wood Rehn ..a.m9 R .. tdentlAl t nd commerCIAl lo1er1or Eatenor Cab111e• •••" r&ll8 doors lloort Bill 850 1920 .tt •• 6 p I'D I DOlNG SOWITH.IMG ILUGAL Reaoveror 1 drMm lo:a hH.. Ap ' phences d oon and WlD I dews, lo• yovr Iucker Sue 497 4506 HOUSE CI.EAJ(INC QUALITY TlAM Hou••e le•niD9 l y ....da ol Oteno• Couo IY londed ua.aured, bceti.M C.U 631 m2 lor tree-••t• •UCD¥1• MIRRO~ WWOR 8Rl.AitS La t..Qe rooa• \'ltac:.a. wl..t.,.r' w1llil au r01 Ally .... 11 8 all', l4 pl41te \l98 uut.u.d Al.o -.nderd 1u.bi•• er .. cloevr. ..-c-w tn....U.tioOU al ooly SllO 11111tal.led a~~d wcdrobe doora SJl iJOO MIUO RID WALLS wardrobe d,oon luqlil <JUalln boo• pr~ l•pert .aa..U..OOo re- be»le l.oc•J ,...,.DC- WJU. tl45 -..3 • ,_ IIIIMATIS . ·~....,.~· (7lt) PUCISION W Al.l.PA PO MANGOS bpert creftamaDah•p lo w r•f• "" -amAIM C..U u. and .. _ 20~ ~ OD VOIU p11teh- of ...U~per Coaaer C\&1 1-deDhel i42 *7 TU.E IMSTAU.AnON CUSTOM TIU WO"IC' All ,.,.,_ m•alletoon• sp•c••lluDQ 10 re modehno lntch•n af\d beth Q\.&lttY worluaan 1 -"•P r,_ •elrt.JDat- R•Iea en •• "o n 113 1 7791 WODU PORTJOUO Tn.E haLao qlu.-ci UHI coapoe~t• lleck ·•ra .. IC "-tobeca: aJtd •'-••• or colo r ltlro-..... tuu.l aav s...-.J Spec ... .,. Calt •""'r• Jl :a 1r A•e•l 641 0121 0.. W yae .W.our hoee 'l aq WODll.SACTO&S tt. ' -t. 1 141 S..ddob por110-t•o• '13l T1'62 u.4 coa_~-r ree ~hoe 5a..r'-'oA (714) d4 I '112 fUff1JeG "~•111Nll Co mm•rroa ancld aul S.v• m"n•~ ABel en•rqy G I l DITD.PlUS£5 W-lUI WORD PROCESS C O WPUT£11 PIIOCISSOIG WOitD ra I •. -c .. rA•• Mrv,r • at ._ • ..._ ,_... Notery Mt"nee f~ P IChJ: •ad d,.l,-..n L<Pfl (71 4 151 1]14 ........ t t , ......... ,... ........ . LOCATION! LOCATION! . HARBOR RIDGE CRF.ST DYNASTY PLAN .. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF OCEAN, BAY A CITY UGHTS ' Gnat f"-IM'i•-A•••••blell.38% INT. 81-.IAni .. \le 31 Yr. F"u:ed • .. .. ~ BEAlJfiF1JL PARK-UICE SETIINC Authoati<: }_.... Landocap;aa. cloi;p.d by one of C.llfomi. 's moat Kclai.axd jtpaneK Landsupe Art.hitccts, and built prokasiooally with wet of wood clech aJ...a. the compl ... bock aKie of ifno:tW"t. }apuete dftailiq, authentic Japanu~ tnes both hont aad bock . Enter tbrouah lwh. landac.~ courtyard with Kfanite pla.nten and wall•. . Ezterior plants b.ve ~n color-c:oordinatrd to cOI'ftspood with interior colon. Custom ~aded intulor. iD<'Iudinc elq:ant. hand mack Skoji Scruas, wh.ite oak floors , tilk drapuiu in master bedroom suite. Custom Mirror•. Custom wall covcrina• by ]ud Scott and Van l.Wt. All. THIS BEAUTY AND CLASS FOR $4SO,OOO . OPEN SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS H/\RBOR RIDGE :7,t• •~MAuo ··.-..£~51 (714) ?60-9590 .......... ,., ........ #2 CIVIC PLAZA -SUITE 1 00 NEWPORT CENTI- TELEPHONE -644-~200 . BEAUTIFUL .. BAYFRONr WITH PIER N. SAT/ SUN AUG 14-15 1-5PM 1024 E. BALBOA BlVD. PENINSUlA POINT • Exceptional Comer Property • Beautiful Garden • Brick Patio • Panoramic View ot Baytront and Night Ughts • Large Slip for 50 Plls Ft. Boat. $1,750,000 INCLUDIS LANDI INVESTMENT PROPERTY COAST tftVY. COMMIICIAL-110' Excolonl eon. buoineu property wftll-ten. anb. C1N,.,., llnance. $1,175,000 01 partial~ 101 $390,000. MOIIU HOME PARK-CORA MilA 58 space pork pU 3 aportmenl1. EXCB.UNT location . . . one mile lo ocean AsldnQ $1 ,195.000 with $300,000 cosh. VaAHI ~ the 2 pU oete1 In land alone. Gnlol tax sheller. IXCLUSIVI-79 UNITS On ·<*noll 5 OCtel with loll ~ Qfiii'*Y and open space, pa.s pookJnc:t recreollon area. Exc 111n1 COlla MMo IOc:otiOI\and near NewpOil w~ and ,_a YOCOIIC'f. Lorge iw<HIOIY 1-.nto wt1ll 3 bedrooms o1 wt1ll potioo. Col 101 llilonC:lng - and 11oor plano. Laroe O$SUI'I>Oble loon 55.600.000 lee land. WATERFRONT HOMES,INC. REALTORS· Sales, Rentals, Property --ment 2436 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach 631-1400 315MartnoAw. lloolboalolond 673-6900 v rote hom ~rv a Vi it Us Soonl Tom 0\1 n, ice Presid nt ' ' • hu·h.oh loj,., ~ .t!NI\• ( huu \ ""' tnd llo.: ll;•,to h l i•·tlrttntu ~ h.tth ··k.:.uH h•nt~.d duunw ro4ttlt I II:<' 1.1111•h fUllfil Jlolllll .111<1 \11 \\ do·olo. J,.lllo•d ) o I >lU I .tll(f' ~ lwdrnom I h.oth '''"", clononl( hro·,o~ .. 1\f ruC'.nt v...rt. .til q,. ',.,,,, t )nh •nt• tllot L rom ( t-un.• ( n, • ,tnd h h '' • .. \U t ••It h·nrotl ' ' tffntnt( 'ht"(lruunl tluun~ ! h.tlh hcHitt '''" ch ' it.. tnd h.t,t'f1h•nt ,.Ju, I ,,.\'\ ... ,~Ill ft'\. r .. • t" "C I ttotHH .!' ·••h .! ... un d•·• 1.. \'\ot·t t~.u \II\\ tp.ut ""'"' ()tflt•l lit··· ~-1'1 ~-~ P.S. FOR LEASE: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths home $1 ,250. OR '''\ uwl 1nt tl~pruultlupl~\ f nt«t\ h~J..:• !t' t .. '" t • • II • .. no<k• .. l.ttt·r t t..,.,.frt•ot'l .' h~tlh t.wt•t &•lu' ... t .. "(1Hw-M"H.! b.tlh \ ,,...,_, ,tp,ltltt t •nt 1'1., h ""' ,,.h ~l ~SlS 000 ,,S ,~ wp.~ro&t~ o&l SJOO.OOO Mid U J 5.00CI Tb.e a.wpon Ea.lp W.ciDMday. Augu~~t 11. 1112 Pap lS N T ER Priced at lot value tor QUick sale. Older 4 bedroom 2 bath and 2 bedroom. 1 bath. Excellent location. You own the land. OWNER Will CARflf LOAN AT 121.1NTEREST 79 ·oLDCDM . $239,000 . SOUTH Of PCH • IXCLUINILY fOil ~· Before you do, SJOP-expkwe cu career t>enem• and IRAND NEW lOW COST 100'-COMMISSaON CONaPT. THE .. S250PLUS PLAN" Anelt qualty OC«Jn view .-.... prtyate and~ at NEW, lOW AFFOAOAa.E PIICESI Ex~ atvetv ot our FosNon lllond ~ Hon. Col lob UOoto today. 759-1221 FORECLO URI! A SOLUTE ST AL A fully furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath on quiet upper Hazel, $1 ,100. fantastiC 3 bedroom. remodete<l art1sts hOme on on R-2 lot Thefe IS open beam ceilings throughout and lots of gtoss The large living room boosts a wood butr.ng llfeploee and skylight. plus the dining area and kitchen all loo6t out to a seci\Jded backyard PK:kup over S500.000 EQuity OW!!Jf- n.ght Once tn a lifetime opportunty. I have NEVER seen a bettet buy Won't lastl PTime Orange County 2:,S acre ~ top Ooeon VMtw New Estate. Pool. spa, waterlab. electric gates. 5.800 SQ. n. with 360 degree view of all Orange County Tennis court and helicoptet pod areas ASSUME lOANS 6. TERMS.~ altv ltsled IOf S2.200 000 Socrtfioe at s 1 128.382 63 opptOX with S350 000 app~ox casn down. OrYy the serious need coli directly to PAmtCK TENOR£.. 760-8702 and 631-1266 RE MAX ReoltOfS. ogt Blo6tets Wek:ome .Jt/'ll / rt.)l r(?(J£tJI ,Jfit~htl~£'!1 ( rtl ,-f?ji'IJellut J 6·7 ,J-(\14.CJ4 This Is the least expensetve home 1n oo CdM (that's not a teardown) f.ee land. R-21ot. GREAT TERMS. If you don I buy thiS one r-oN. you will be mWlng a lantostiC opportunity Must sel Ill 10 day$. CoAl IOf your private showtng today DelaFklck 631·1266 Pl111•~u1." 111-IES rrizl W.t lay MyfrMt Stipa flf 2 Mala. , •••• ,..,3 ....... 3 1Mdlt1.200,000. DeeM u4 jetty vitws. MeriM rtola, 4 ....._ , ..... J ........ 3,700 ... ft. t1.315.000. ... , .. l ~li-=-"'00=-"'1-=-Sl'"""'E.....,..H..,...OM""""E=s Pri• lith lll11d IMyfroAt, 5 bodrooll'l, 5Y, ltlt-. lal'fl livint ''"'· 2 belt alips t1.510.000. Rr•drlrdle...kOOM. 2 IMtlt plua lar11 roc. ,..., ..._ cailiRp. hmtiahod. ,.,, ... t421.101:,. ____ _ liiDA ISlE BAYFROIT 1...-view "'"' I IMillrHM , 5 Mth. play- ,..... dafl ,..._ dM. Boat alifl.. lllew t1.HO.OOO. -=a-:-:Av=s=ao:-:-E -=c =-E s,.t.c•lar Myfr"t wiew 2 ........ 2 ..... 2 ........ 2 ............ 2 Mat ....... , ...... . =cOI~OI_A __ D..,...O..,...CA"='"""Y=cS c. .... ..._. cat. ltlyfroot let 15' Met ..._ "-•• avai....._ REDUCEDI lew tlll.lllwfda--. :.,:::;ll~U~FF:;:;;.S_,.C-=-:OI=o""='o lbltle ttlfy _. ••it, oa,aMM. ...,.._, l hlnr•. l ~Mta. " lartMt ••n••lt. • 11()0 OCIAN VIIW LIAII/~ION o..oRTUNITY 4 r:*.w bedrooms lnc:blng 2 mast• aulf-. 3~ botN, Iorge famlv room. 2 tlrepkJcee and ruafte WOOd beam ~ In a wt*·t<>i)ftvote beach loootlon. T'he '**' tam1v home n the perfect r~ ltv nelgflbomood. 5525.000 wtth perfect fli'lar dng. CDMCHAIMIR DUPLIX lnYnOCulote 3 bedroon\ 2 both ownet''s unit and tpOCb. 1 bedroom *'tal both with lofted beam oetalga. '"'*>c• and a ~ ~ poet Located on one of COfono del Mar't ~ lhMtl. .Mt b60CU to Uttte Corona leocf\ 5291.000. IAYJ.oNT .... --10 ,..,. Udelle• 8eouhtulv mor.taned 4 bedroom. lt\ldV and fofmol dining J baths <tPO 1n rnaater> c~ t>tMt-ln ~ Surround- ed by IOodl Of~ brick. awn. wtlllnonce entn bok:lnee $1.39$.000 COUNTIY fliNCH On es1ote sue lot ov.toauno 001 coune 1n ~~ 860 Convon. RYe bedrOOtT'C • boh 10\'etT\ room. atudv formal dlrWlQ gourmet leltc f'len. ,.. C a.c>ert> cwtom cOI'WtNcHon COitef'ed poliO pool S2 650 000 ,..,.,,." TUDOIIIITA Ooeart ~ trom top of~ .. A\oe bee*~ torn1v room wtth ·~ bar and _.,. room. master I!Uite with nrepoce fTlOfbte and ICUlO. dlr*'O toom _."' "'*'Ofed ~ lnQ. gourmet kltcf'len s 1 975 000 ., ..... II W.t I t. tq 111. 1-ft. ......... hp'p Lease Financing On Approved Credit N c '77 ~~~ R~ cmml . . .. '3885 '7s Buic:k Regal coaVAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •seas '78 Buic:k Spl Cpe Turbo comPil .. . '79 Buic:k RIV 1671Yllll . . . . . . ........ . '79 Buick Riviera cc;aYIQ ........... . '79 Buick Riviera 1SIWHI ........... . '80 Buic:k Riviera il'<nl . . . . . . . . . . . 'I ,485 '80 Buick. Century Wgn !Ydlo.i ...... .. '80 Olev Otation ""'.,. ............ 15485 '80 Buick Skylark.CQ!I .............. •s '81 Buick Skylark n.szr~ .............. 7U '81 Buic:k Regal • ._.. .... SOLD .. 'U85 '73 Olev Malibu 1331llll ............. '24U '75 Chev Malibu nn.aJ ............. '2DS '77 Chev Camaro n'Nll · ............ '44U '77 Chev Corvette CQ!I . . . . . SOLD . '77 Chev El Camino (11201041 ......... '3 '79 Cliev Cbe,ette 111--........... 144M '80 Olev Cbevelte IIX..,II ........... 144M '81 Chev Monte Carlo 11~ ...... . '80'Chrys Cordoba ""ZOll .......... . '82 Buic:II. Regal Ltd. Turbo . . . . 112, '72 Chrys ~~ -'"· .......... '24a5 I I . , ' s '7 6 Chrys Cordoba il'<nl ............. '3tl85 '77 Ford T-Bird crnSXlj ............. . '78 Ford Granada IM'Vll) .......... . '77 Ford Maveriek IWW'I · ......... . '77 Ford Mustang~ .......... . '77 Ford Mustang l$1ffW ........... . '78 Ford Pinto W gn CIAWIII ........ . '80 Ford Courier CIV.lttl) ........... . '80 Ford Granada .................. •s.aas '80 Mere Capri Jlatc:h CIOK4111 ...... . '80 Pool Firehird CQ!I .............. . '79 Pool Grand Prix n•n111 . SOLD '505: '81 Pool Firehird uocwc221 .......... . '78 Audio 500t lftlUJII ............... •s '75 vw LeGrande &lg il'<nl ......... •4..- '71 Datsun 8210 il'<nl .............. . '71 Datsun JIISX, C<tiUVII ...........• . '71 Datsun 8211 r-.1 . . . . . . . . . . . .. '71 Datsun !IJSJ'( CtJIUVII .........••• '79 Datsun ~ Clllml ........... . • .. fiat ~ 119 Cl~l$'1 .............. . '77 Honda Ac:eonlu..u'll ......... . '79 Honda .Prelude IM'Xllll ......... . • \ C..tfiiiMti. with C..t Pric:el ky s Ce rys u '79 Uonda Acoord CZOZU! . 15 785 '79 Honda Qvie ll'lYPie .............. ..... '67 Jaguar m JIOIWJI .............. . '70 Jag x_lE Restoration (WI.tlij '71 Jaguar XJ6 lfttYIIAj . . . . . . . . . . . I)) '78 MaW. GU: coc.v111 ............... ' '77MGB-.................... . '71 MGB CWIJJlll ..................... . '79 MG .. llMOWQll . . .. . .. . .. . 'IHiaW. RX7 IIIW\IUl) ........ . '76 MGB IP.Pl .............. SOLD '77 Toyo&a f.orolla cmn01 .. SOLD '79 Toyo&a PtJ CISS""' .............. . 'It Toyo&a GT Air~~-. SOLD. 'II Toyo&a f.orolla Wgn u• SOLD '79 Tt:Wmph TR7 CQ!I .............. . '76 \'W lug CSSOIIMI -.... · · · · • • · · • • • • • 'It VW Wespbalia uw.o'• SOLD' I