HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-18 - Newport Harbor EnsignWith This Issue THE lOWPORT ENSIGN • ISTABlJ.SHID 1948 • 35TH YEAR • NUWBER 2 (714) 673-0550 • s A MWlook at the posa1bility of locati.Dq llM new facility of St. A..clnw'a ~ri&.n Church oo U.. Cut.w•J'I ute hu been PIGII aeed by Coaacibaan Paul R»••e'. At lta Lut meetinq the City Co.mcll h.ad UAAD.i.IDO\Wy voted \9 _. up a committ" to try to leiiiCh a comprollli.M on pro- b&aaa oau.Md by the proposed eqM~nlliOD of the church, locat.decw. 15th Stzeet from Newport H&rbo~ Hi9h School. n. OOIDJaitt .. , mad. up of two •-ben hom the commwu- t'J, two tro. the church and two boa U.. Cit'J CouncU, waa to ......:t Mc:k to the council OJl .... 13. -Qu NOeat di.rec:tioa ior ac- tiaa oa ll.e PIDII c-.i e~ of ADd!W• O.wch .,.. ee 11idl U UAeMY teelia9 that tM .... of a.ilMI party will be eetiaibed by tM city'a direc- tiw," ••eel COIDJDented. ~U..meofthe t.ailit'J will cftainiah. the ability ol tM dlwc)a to cany out it. CJOU· <lD u-e oUa.r hod, -~ S... than a m-.}or Nductioa iD lt. abe will•noua- ly aBect tlle neivllborhood." Jhmmel Mid that the real dutiOD to tlle problem i.l to had eaothe~ ate lox the church, wMn It oould ~ to ita II&Jdaua capacity and efhcien· CJ-a. poi.Dted out that the ck1a.rcJa had .,.. an UD.I\IC· oelllha1 ~ to obtain led 1D tM c......,..,.. uu Dover ad co-t JOPway. .. It II QDC ... ' to .. wMthe.r tM ~ucla'• lDMU!ty to c*ai.D ............ &oa fia&Dcial or plu•'-9 pro~hsa," he Mid. lh•••l 8891 .... 11 that when a ... Jucl Jlu lot tU UM W ptiiH _. ~ ... lmn. Co. tM GitJ iS, ..pin a oJ.uroh .... • a'..,_ of ...,roval, or tM cltJ ..W cMDCJe the a••eaal piP .. tM .,.. to ac- c.oc&ate tM clawc ... TEEN-AGE ENTREPRENEURS Brad Howe. left. and Eric Franz demonstrate delicate skills needed in the game of "Ou111ters." a pastime for those bored with "just drinking " Statt photo by 8drrv Slobtn Local Boys Create Official Quarters Rules Dna Von Burger Covers It AI C0 -':;::)0 (l) 0 -\0 ..-o-o 0" 7 t..,) ~~':J Q:l (l) • -IV . ~..... t=- ~ ;. ~ .. ~ -c. • --~ : -. SeePage 6 One Of The Wor1d's T opSwimmets &tePoge2 SGN • 0 -.. ~ t: :;: F NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1982 Airlin• will be able to Oy any distance they want to hom John Wayne Airport folloW1D9 a rul- inQ by Umted Stat• Ihatnct Court Judve Terry Hatter ovu- tUIDlD9 the county'a controver- ual perimeter rule Monday. The county bad allowed &Jrlm .. to fly only 588 milu !rom Oranve County nonatop 1n an effort to control nouae. Coun- ty off1cial.a contended that limittn9 fh9ht distanoea meant )eta would carry 1 ... fuel and uee 1 ... power on takeoff than when flytn9 to more c:liatant loca· tiona. Fronber Auhn .. and the federal vove.rnment had aued the county to o'Mtturn the rule . Froulier •anted to Qy nonatop to Den..r, a diatance of 849 m.ilee, e)imtn&tin9 1 carrelll atop i.D Lu V119u, which U claimed had CO*t S2 .1 mJ.llion 1D uce. operatin9 co.ta. So you want to get 1 aulhon buc.b' worth of free pu.bllc1ty for 1 $15 inv .. tment and 40 aeconda of your time? Well. you could follow Mike Gnfhn'a lead and have yoW"MU truMd·lD 15 feet of cham, four padlocu and • pa.u of leQ 1rona-then take a chp in BaJ.boa Bay. You JDJQht even come up IQ&l.D. GnHtn chd. The 21-year-old Ca.ta Meu man, who billa hUD.MU u "perhaps the world'• only true ucape artat," pul.ayed lw t&lenta tnto a blue of aotonety Nonday when he corralled four televlSion at.ahOJla, a wue Mr- V\08 and a platoon of loc.al preu repr ... Jltabv .. for lw "challenve to death " A.a reporten watched from one boat, Gnfha leaped from another mto the b.y. Cameru chcked, penclla raced acrou notepada, and eHryone w&Jted for the re-emer9ence that waa to be-or DOt to be. t.. than a mi.Dute later, the blond youu9 IUD N.daced, ha bonda held triwaph.antly aloft m • poee that fairly ac:reamed "photo opportuQ.ity " If Atrport manaver Murry Cable commented after the rulm9 that 11 should have httle unpact on noiM levela smce the county can still requlate taieoJt we1Qbt and noiae levels. Fronller plans to atart non- atop fhvhta to Denver m ()c. Iober. Durin9 the heann9 , Judqe Hatter set beannq dates on two other ACUOJlS. On Sept. 13 be wtll heu a b1d by AtrCal to overturn the ex- l.lttnQ auhne access plan and return to a 1981 plan QU&rantee· 1D9 the auhne a muumu.m aver9e of 23 5 fh9bta per dAy On Oct. 16 be will aho heou a btd by Contmental and A.menca W..t Auhn• to beqm operatm9 at least two fhv,hta per day h om lb. aiJport. H. rejected a btd by tA. two auU... 10 opea&le from t.Ae &Jr· port while the cae 1S bemq dec1ded. The county'• penmeter rule 1S one of only two m the nation, the other bem9 a 1,000-nule lunll at WaalunQton's National Auport, recently upheld by a federal ap~ court ln another development relatin9 to a.uport expanalOJl, the San DleQo Auoctetion oJ Governmenta voted unani.moualy to oppoee the uee of any pa.rt of Camp Pendleton, Just aouth of San Clemente, for a uw reQtonal &Jrport . PendletOJl wu a.mon9 three attu, mcludtn9 the to. An9.._.. Lonv Beach Harbor area and ll Toro, bem9 co:naidered for a new reQlonal auport by the Southern C.Wonua A.uoci&tioc oJ Gcmti'IUIMIIlta. The Su th~ 9fOUP uked that conaaclerabon oJ hncn.ton be dro~ ud that propaeecl .... ~ ~~ north oJ San Dievo Cou~. · 1M ta OWTUtly MrvlD9 U ch.aina&n of the Umted S&atee Chamber of tile San FerM.DOo V.U., ud ll vice ctwnua of tu North Hollywood ho;ect Area Coaatttee. a. '-• ...bet ot the SoutlaerD c.1dora.ia ucl tM C.Wom-. A• NtiaD1 of Chaabez of C.r 1 roe Ia· 8C\lti .. , ........ ..,...._.. ~aea~yau_. .. ._. • ~ a.s.oplll• Lyacll All S.. View l.Mque, AU- C1F, All-OraAQe Co\WJ, All- St&te ud All•Aaericu. AFFORDABLE LUXURY CHAUFFEURING \AIIOcC~J Sally. Seaver PIANO TEACHER NICI LilT PUASURE AM) IUSNSS TRAVB. $30.00 per hcu . . . . . 2 hour mini'run Except weekends . . 3 hour minimum ....... ockl-diiDWY-1a~ ,...,., AJAPORr/CRUISE TRAVB. LOI Angltii)Orange Counties ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~00 Arriving ..................... ~00 RoundtJ1p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S125.00 ........ odd lftCiftdaloly-11~ • .., SP£OAl OCCASIONS Wedcings . . $125.00 (lndudes 5 hou's) Each odc:ltiona hour . . . . . . . . . $30.00 AI other ... please call fa price quote ........ add ~-1ft....., SPECIAL TREAT S7S.OO ........ 11-2 p.m any weekday (Includes 3 hours) Each oddiOOnal hour . . . . odd $30.00 Rates stat at you door. Prices subject to change without prior nottce. R£SERV A liON PHONE: 751-7125 .acce.:nlllta New Studen,. 840-8197 1432 S8ndc:Mtle Corona del Mar CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPff'r WeANPaouDte Haw,. .... ., ••• THI FINIGAN FAMILY ,.TWrsa . .....-, s ...... We Would Be PROUD To Pbot011aph Your Family I F-:t...~IAL I 7 ..... 717 3040 E. Pacific Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar, CA OtyJMIZA TIONAl COMMUNICA liONS MASTERS DEGREE fro• BYU SATURDAY CtASSES ONLY A TWO·VEAR NON-THESIS CURRICULUM uSing JS ~turdays per year RECAPTURE JOHN MOFFET In addition, the Sa..ntord- bound nrim.mer is ranked mth in the o.atio.n ud 20th in the wodd in the 200-meter Indi- vidual Medley. Just u the results weren't typical of an 18-year-old, neith•r were his summer activ- iU.. typical of a Southern California teenaqer. "Buically, I just eat, sleep, and .wim. 111 go to the beach once in a while, but not very often." ln preparing tor competing at St&aford, ud ultimately in tile 19EM Olympic oam" (he waa a member of the 1982 Olympic team), Moffet IWima 5-5'12 hours a day, only taperino fox the . lriala and championships in late July. Yet while ..-immino remains a top priority, Moffet recognizes the value of a colleqe educ ation. "I'm aiming fox a buain ... degree, but 111 probably major in either economics or enqineex- inq. 1 feel good about the educatio.n I'll oet at Stanford ." AND SAVE COUPO 1 r~e~usl I • FREE OIL CHANGE I I I t I I I I I T Ht:: REA ~ t::s ... -:..r tiRS WITHIVIIY MAJOIIIIVICI • 11 years e~ Mrvlclng Poraches and Audia exclusively • Factory trained In all phaMs of repairs and maintenance • Mil~ pickup and delivery • Open Saturdays Clip & Save EXPIRES ~31-82 40 Unit Progr~m Tueteon S100 per unet TAUGHT BY BYU 's OWN FACULTY ! THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... f o• mo•t IRfonnltiGn ull l1epn You .. Uft,.tf11tv CMifo•-Cnte• (114) 6J6.11M Th'J PrOff~" •s t~pprott«< fo, .,,.,.,.,.s t~twtfl,; ~· l,_; ?wd1 -Jm /!!!!J' ~ lvu!ltpk· Sizes 6 to 16 -~~~~E IT LE Ainerican and ~rted deSigns from Gottex, Tabu, Catalina, Bare Nothings Eenl Meeni and Jantzen :!i:!l f~'\1 Cou .. '\lllighuvy. Gwmw dfd .\lf.lr. l;i:l-l;.flil · ... ~~~u ... l'dll • ~ of JOUr .. ~ .. 70111--plen'y Ofrwt. ~ )'OIUnlllf ... ,, COli* to ~111-~ ljpliDc ,au.r •~ .__... a.oo. doUrine to ~ yoor ~-ftlla ehenc:e your ~ AIMM ~-A~.~~ smile c:aD Alii,..., ...... WeKeep YouStTriling ... At World of Maulding You WUI fiDd , •Moulding -IHardwoods 1 Softwoodsl- •Victorlan Fretwork -Chair Rails -Finials - • Decorative 1 Plain Corbels -Bases - •Ceiling Moulding -Bar Rails - • Stair Parts -I Oak 1 Hemlock I - •Butcher Block Tops - • • Ceiling Madall ions - • And Lots More -Come On tn And Sea U1 f Adams Financial Group SPECIAL SEMINAR UT IOIIIONIILII PAYYOUIYAXII- No ftnanck1l plan II cawlplete '-W\11 you haYe prcMded far .. dllpolltton ol Y<U •tate. tt.e II a method whtch aloM you to tral ... 'f(U aueta to~ reutlnO In aata~.e~a~ ~ 1n rnorwv and tax-. ADAMI fl NCIAL ADVIIOIY COIIORAYION • -. . . ' -lr _& ' ~ • -_ - ¥ To AtiTnr LB . ' n. ~ Beech MUh.a of An wW p....., • .,cia! beaeftt oaocert tilarrila9 a-VereeD s.pt. 18 at U..lrvbae Bowl. Ticketa for tlti• .. jor hmd ru.ia9 eveot are oa .U. daily uoep& Sw.c:lay at the l.a9UA leech M\&eeua of Art, 301 Cliff Drive, ~ leach froa 11:30 a.a . to 4:30 p .m. TMy .. , aJ.o be obt.u..cl by IDAiil by ea1li.Dv 494-6531. Ticket pricel ue S2S, $17.50, $15 and $10. Patroaa who COlltrlbute $100 or acne will have r ... rved loqe ... Unq, r ... rved pa.rkinq ecrou froa tha Bowl entrance, and be mvtted fo a private cocktAil par- ty ba.ted by the ana.Mum prior to tha 8 p.m. curl&ill. lmmed..l.tely loUowtnq the aaow, a apec.ial reception, ex· elusively for the underwntera and mU.Mum boud of trust ... members, will be held at Tivob Terrace to meet Vereen. Com· pli.mentary dri.nb and cotiee will be aerved alaon with fr"h fruit, • cheeM and sweet•. lt'a ...ctkNia twa. 4II9A1D at 0... Newport ..... ~ D.parl- .... 870 Suta krb&ra Drive, Mewpon ••c'A Auctioll ectioA ~ 9 a .m. S.tul'day, Auv. 21. PucU... are ..0. oa o " .. i.eH buit, with no gu.rutee of phJ*al coaditioc on ite.ma aokl. All pure..._ mut be made Center Seta Newport INch re&idenb wiahmq to vote in the Novem.ber qubema.torMl electioll but are not yet reqiate.Nd may do 10 by wal.ki.aq into a n\l.lllhe.r of com· ~-iD N.wport Cellter. TU Newport Ceute.r A.uocta- Uon i.l apou•odnq votez reqi.ltra- Uon at the followinQ locationa: Allstate S.vinqa, GNat Amer- ie&D S.vinqa, Virtue & Scheck, lnc. and Westem fec:l.ra.l Sav- illqa, all iD Co.rporate Plua; aAd at Amedcan State Bank, AVCO FinaAcial Services, California federal S.vinqs, Ebaaco S.r· vic", lnc., Glendale federal S.vinqa, Great Western S.v· inqa, The Il'Vine Company, Pacific feclel'al Savinqa, Pacific Mutual We luuance Com· pany, Security Pacific National &nit and UnioD Buak, all on Newport Celltez Drive . Tbe reqistrabon drive will contiDue Ulltil Sept. 30. ... AppoWed PrNident of Pacific Mutual Harry Bubb, who remcte. iD N.wport BMcll, wu recently appointed to h..d the volunteer fundrai.Rnq ce.mpaiqa oJ 1982 for United Way of Ora.nqe Couty, Nortb/So~th. Buhb Mid he hope. to rai.M bettez than lut yea.r'a Sl2 million in contribution.s. CARPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY AllltiBLIND Some people would say ets the peace and qutet. wtlere you can stt and thenk pray expk>re new tdeas feel closer to God Others say •t s the vanety of ways en whech enspmng. spmtualldeas ale presented- en books. magazenes. records. cassenes. even translattons. But. really, the most1mportanttheng 1s the patr of boOks to wh1ch everytheng else leads (and wh1ch everythtng else es based on). The Beble-Kmg James Version- and. weth 1t. Sctence and Health wtth Key to the Scnptures by Mary Baker Eddy These are the textbooks of Chnst1an Sceence And studytng them 1s the most d1rect route we know of to a new. more Chnstltke. more producteve and healthful veew of ltfe and beeng 3500 a. East Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar ~ 1~Sot.,l-3Sun CLEANING 20% OFF . ·~Ruga •F ........ Plett up& o ••• , <O.W • SA VI MS AD FOR Filii ~nc»o ATHLRIS & JOGGIU Are Not The Only People With FOOT • a.nons • Ingrown Nails • Hammertoes • Corn.Calol~tes • Warts • AtNeHc lrluries • Heelpan • Ambulatav Foot SurQefY • MfDtCAAE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTH> 2011 WestcliH Dr., Suite 5 (1 1th' lrvme In W.stclllf Med1cal lulldlnfl) NEWPORT BEACH flvenlne APftOinflftenf Av.lleltleJ -.~--·o.~r In the old days soldiefs were awakened by a bugle. Just 90e person bloweng that loud melodious instrument could rouse thousands hom their sleep A ny who 11\18fe slow ansang woutd get a second alarm from a strong-voiced sergeant stndang through the barracks moments ~er the bugle fell quiet Sometimes towns need to hear the bugler It happened •n Newport recently A c1tizen wno had become concerned about the presence of asbestos f1br es •n our C•ty's water line "b'ew the bugle" after doing a lot of reading up on the subject It turns out tt)at our City was recently installing asbes1os cement water pipes despite the Federal Env~ronmen· taJ Protection Agency's warmng that the asbes1os fibres could work loose •nto the water sup- ply and potentially cause cancer The cattzen p6eaded Wl1h our Cny Council to w e up and stop installing the pipe. They couldn't heed hiS call. they said. because •t was too expenSNe 1 project to stop. A "aecond wake up call" came from a distmgUished profUSOf who tS OtrectOJ of UCI's Cancer ~h Institute He STRONGlY suwested that the C•tY undert.ete four tests before instelting eny mot'a asbestos bearing pcpe. The tests mvofved gathenng dlta by taking water umplet ffom Mbesto. end non-asbestos water p.pes currently an u. en the C.ty In addition, he ~ed measuring the "eggtessNeness" of our water whiCh we get ffom the Metropditan w.._ Otatrict and then ,.....,ring the water's effect upon lllbestos contawung pipes alreadY ins1aled here The eggressiveness of water IS measured on a numbefed teaJe and * to do with how activelY the water might eJode the PtP8S and cauM the lllbntos f.tw. to brNk lOOM. The C•tv Cqundl has egreed to find out just how ~~ggrn~~W our wat8f • They ere atlll undlcidMt lbout the.....,.. ••• t•ta. It UM* the IJWtlll • .,. ection of a "vigelent bugter," and a foflow ·ue> by • "18rgeent'' to ~· -..p OUf town to , .. pc aaible dllnger to fut\ft generationS. Mor .. of the atorv -;u.t a few C*)C)Ie. 10m8tirnea one or t..wo. can a.wMen • Oty to • pa11Wv dllf.geroua lit~lon. • -c; ..... n $398 ,.~ ................. IHCLU'DES R T AIR • nANSF1.RS 7 NIGHTS DElUXE 0CEA.NFR0HT HOTEl. • HOTEl TAX an IIID ,.._ltiDOCBDI a...._~ ..... -. ...... CALL NOW~ I M2rr4403 l ARMENS 2 \36 Ploc en too \')I V>C. lOti() ~~~~ ~61Y Here Is A M«Jicol Off•c• In Yo.¥ Own 8odcyord Thot Win Tolre fat INfOitMA TION & Al'fiOINT It/liNTS CALl. ....... .._. IIIII' 720-1339 27001.C....Hwy.,c--............ The Libel Law, A Bad Bill A bill which would revive criminal libel and malice laws ia WOJ'k:ing ita way thiough the state legislature. The bill would reatore Mveral statutes which were declued uncoDatitutional in 1976. The laws made defamation a m.i.ademN.nor offense puni.ahable by up to cme YMJ' in county jail or a $5,000 fine or both. State Senator Ken Maddy, a Republican from Fresno, who ia 8pODIOriDg the bill, has stated that it is needed to d.&l with revenge situations, where, for example, a per- lOll perceiving that he had been wronged makes false statements about. the person be presumed had harmed · him, damagiDo hia reputation. The d&ngeJ' oJ such laws is that they could be used to haraa newspapers and even legislators. By ita very nature, the press is called upon to report on stori• which could have the effect of damagino the individuals involved. The Watergate affair is a good example of the need for the press to beiree to pursue investigative stories without the fear of being arrested for libel or slander. IA9ialators, who are voting on the measure, could al80 become its victims. In the heat of election cam- pa.iCJill many derogatory things are sa1d by candidates on both sides. While we deplore the mudslingmg engaged in by aome candidates, we do feel it is necessary for can- didates to be able to speak out on issues and on their opponents views without fear of harassment for making IUCh statements. Thi.8 ia a poor bill and should be defeated. There are other tool. available to deal with truly libelous statements without opening the way to harassment of prof ... ionala doing their jobs. -LP Border Patrol Raids Like the U.S. platoon which assaulted a Vietnamese vil.lag• iD the opening moments of "Apocalypse Now," U.S. Borde.r Patrol agents sweep in from San Ysidro or San Clemente to swpriae undocumented farm workers in the fi,_ld.a of Orange County. It im't enough that these raids are ordered from a mind.Mt or way of viewing human life that is not much better than that of pre-Civil War bounty hunters who ran down fugitive slaves. This ia only part of the outrage. The Border Patrol aCJellts alao carry out their sweeps without much regard at all for the safety of the area in which they are surpris- inq, scattering and terrorizing human beinqs. The Aaociated Pre.ss reported this week that the number of persons crossmg the border 11legally lD search of work has increased sharply smce devaluahon of the peao, setting off an econom1c crisis in Mexico. Thus, t.hinQa ue likely to get worse and sweeps w1ll pro- bably continue. U a white suburban resident of Southern California could only put himseU in one of these workers' silua· tio~.for a moment, and imagine hunseU or herseU hun- drecla of miles from home, rising at dawn each day to do stoop labor for a minimum wage, perhaps more of us would reach out to help. And we would rise out of our pathetic apathy and shout to the administration m moral outJ'aQe over the inaens1tiv1ty of the raid techniques of the U.S . Border Patrol. -TB Govenvnental Representatives Followin9 are the addr .... a tor 90YefDJDental repreaenta· tJv• •rri.ng the Newport B..c:h area: STARSIHAn Job G Sc:Uaua, ~ Dilenct ~ C:...pu Dr , "-Port B.Kh, CA 12110, V71-1170 ICARD Of SUPDVISORS n.o... r lllley. Dutnct s. H.U of AdauullraHoe, 10 CIYlC Center P\a.q. SaUl Au, CA e:l'10l, 834-l!ISO. UNll'ED STATES CONGRISS Robert l S.~. 401h D.atnct 180 Newport Center Or~ve, Suate 240. Newport S..ch. CA 92660 644 4040 tnm'ED STATES SENATE Alan Cranaton, 10860 Walahue Blvd , Room 820 Loe Aavel ... CA 90024, (213) 824·7641 S I H.y.Uwa. 523 W 6th Sl s~ate 812, Loa AAval•. CA i0014. (213) 618· 6081 THE NEWilQKf ENSIGN m11 Coaat Hwy Coron• del N•r CA 92ti25 9990 IJCHAJW IIK»QQD IC»PAY&ON STIV1 HA.DLAifD LD.AJd) POUJCD MilT .. IILL...,._ BAGIIWMMO . IIC*a'l JUIIK, lOOT IIC&D NAIC"UU..-rt, CIWSTOPHU LYNCH IAII'f~IYIVD A. CANClAN ALUM. rr ...... 67 I ll'S">> Co p~l.lahet Co-.pllbhllher Gtnerel W.naoer ldiiOI Contrabuuoo ldtiOr AdveTt ... D9 DttKIOt SU.W.r-..r . a.por'-tw porlt A.ponen ,~,.., ..... Ptt.ldiiC'hOG ~~ ,.. ........ , ._ (\JII'I4U 'I'JOI-................ loot e --oA _.. If ·- ... -~~ ............ .,..., 1• l•t • .... ,IM ,. , • ...,. ftv•t-A .lltt' ,. ..,,.....,..., (:...,,. ... .. ~ ... ~ ·-.. C:.t. • ... eo.4 .... _ ............ , ... ,...t .• ..,. ... ,... ...... .oil .......,_........,. ... ~ ... .._..,, ..... •.,. ...... -.... , oiw C'lf• I..._. .. ,....,_ ...... .,...ld..-.-,...._ .... Mr ...... ..,._ ...... _ I JCIIIfA w.-- • Letters To The Editor Chcmge of MlDd To The lditor: Olt, you qot mel I wu wronc;,, and I apoloqiu to you and yow readera for uaertinq in a JUDe 30, 1982 letter that you did not uplain-before the JUDe 8 primary-your aupport of reap· portionment Propoaitiona 10, 11 and 12. I do look forward to receiving yow paper, wben. it i.l delivered I Yet not receiving the May 28 laue il no eacuae lor my failw• to ae.uch back far enough in the library for yow editorial. More noteworthy l.l your "wholehearted support" of the November Fair Di.atrictinQ lni· hahve, which ...U to eliminate the bitter, putiND upecta of reapportionment with a bi-or DOD ·p.utiaa.n panel. However, with all due re.peot, 1 still find your editorial aupport of Propoaitiona 10,11 and 12 and your J\lDe 30 reply to my letter to be illoqical or nusy at beat. Ow ayatem of qovernment wu created by the will of we tb.e people throuQh our repr.-n- tativea to be lair, honMt and we moved into ow new labor· atory iD eo.t. W...; and a few w .. b after that we obtained a qrut from the Irvine FoUDdation to equip it with tool.a for fouil pJ"eparation and di.tplay. New viaiton, new workera, and new donation.a have been cominQ ow way !Iince then. We appreciate yow qrMt help ud Bo.b Peteuon 'a photo· qraph.a in qiving ua auch a maquificent public relationa .boo.t. Cam.Ula W alld Acting Curator 'llr. Badham ••• The loJJowing ~an open Jetter to RepreMnlative Robert Bodbom: Here i.a my underatandinQ of the ~ty of neqot.iatinQ an anu reduction aqr .. ment with the Soviet Union. 1. We do not want to have to truat the Sovieta. 2. It l.l not rM.IOnable to upect them to t.ruat ua. 3. The deployment, or non- deployment, of pr ... nt nuclear weapon.a qatema ia verifiable. 4. Tlae deployment, or DOD· deploymat, of cru.i.ae m.iailea would DOl be verlfiahle. 5. U an &DD.I 49J .. IIlent CU· not be rMched and ca.rrled out in the ne~ few montha, before our c:nliM ~ .. are deploy- ed, it will probably never be poeG.ble to acbve one. 6. IJ an um.a aqreement can- not be rMched. •~h aide will continue to make and deploy more and more nuolM.r weapona. 7. At .ome point, theM we4J)OU will be UMCl. 8. Any ~ of nuclear .._pon.a i.a more than likely to .-cala .. lnto • total world wu. a. A QUClMJ' war woulcl be horrible beyond any experience (Ccmti.Dued f:rom paqe 1) of d.iauter that mankind hu ever faced or can imaqine. I feel that the loCjJica.l fint atep il an im.mecliete bilateral tr .. ze while the START talb qo on. Wouldn't youaqr .. ? Pl .... c...-efully cona:ideJ' yow ~tion on thia crucial i.uue. Th.en, if you do aqr .. , pl .... do all you cu to brlnq about an im.mediate tr .... on the t..ting, manufac- ture uui deployment oJ all fur- ther nuolMr weapona. Thank you. Dale Bxad.lord Newport Be.ch Escape (Co.ntinued f:rom ~qe 1) "It wu biune," the yo\lDQ ah.oWJIUUl Mid later of h.l.l d"- cent into the deep. "I have never been in more murky water; I couldn't-. anythi.n9." Silt from the bay bottom covered the loeb on h.l.l 189 irona, he laid, but did Uttle to hamper h.l.l ~tented "aeeret" eec.pe akilla. "Wy couclence Mid 'brMthe,' but aay heart and will and -s>irit Mid no," Griffin declaimed in a typical (fox GriJ. fin) luh.ion. Hl.l qreat .. t reUeJ, he Mid, il that the n.hauative publicity ef- fort, accompli.ahed without an aQent, i.l beh.iad him. It involved a blita of phone calla and pr ... rei ..... , u well u c•jolillq the Balboa niqhtclub Naqic: Wand into lumiahinq • yacht lor the jWDp and a mte for the "pre- jwap" pz ... OOD.ference. The mmt won't be Grlff.tn'a lut. He hu pl&u to be Ued to the bi9 H in the Hollywood ai90. The H, one .. WD .. , could atud lor Hype ... by Jim F'ehnn WbatToDoWMA Your Clotu. Hurt for JDOit of IDJ life, I r..Uy looked lib the "betore" ill • Before--.od-After Body lhlildinq ad. When we were m.arr~. Gwen'• apuia.clloqli.l.b qran.ny MDI ua a dol~Az every two weeb to buy a cue of five-~t S&feway beer, hoptnq it would bel}) to fatten me up. I weiqhed only 113 pounda on ow weddinQ day, and I'm sure Granny believed there were enough cut- tinq ec~Q .. in a younq marriaqe without a huaband'a raw bon ... Ten yean later, when 1 wu editor of Script Naquin• ln Beverly Hilla, I would .pend my lunch hour playtnq handbalJ or lifting weiqhta at U.. YWCA, hopinq to build m\liCle and QAln enouqh Oet.h 10 my rib. wouldn't ahow. Well, 1 haven't had viaible ribe for more than 20 yeara. For too lonQ now, ow children have heard me uy "t~ey don't make beU. like they uaecl to," and my bienda are tired of heuinQ that I'm really not fat; I J\Ut bulge LD the middle becauae I have a lame back. It i.l 10mewhat a1on to people JC?U know who ahruQ off their weiqht by uyinQ they have bi9 bon•. Secretly, I have envied .,.ople like my friend, Art Gronaky. of Art'a Landing in Newport Har- bor, who hu dieted 10 auc· c...tully that he not only hu loct pounda, he hu lo.t year a. He loob enormou.sly younqer, and very h...tthy and ruQged. lutead, I devow my own homemade bread, acceJ)t ... cond helpinqa at c:ll.nD.r. and eat everything in aight at buain ... luncheona on the premi.M tla.t aince I have paid for it, it'a all mine. Like Naqqie Kuehn of the Gray Puthera, who bzaqa about her wrlnkl• becauae they reflect character ud hard work, I accept my pot, my bulq• ud my china becaUM they repr ... nt conaidera.ble investment over the yMn. Then one day recently, Harry .Bab.bm, the qood-natured ainqer ud entertainer, aat nu1 to me at breakfut. Both of ua thorouqhly enjoy good brN.Iduta, but Harry conhded he thouqht he would atut cut· tinq down 10me. ''Ny cloth .. hurt," he Mid. So did mine. Then a few daya later, the new i.laue ol ''Over 50," the retirement mAQUl.De, brouqht u.a 10 paq" of "The Good S.nH Diet," a hiqh nutn· tion, h.lqll mineral, hiqh vitamLD, low calorie plan for lo.ing weiqht. For a man who ahould weiqht 1 S4 pounda, hU daily calorie needa total 2,400. The Goocl Su.. Diet IMda th.i.a mao a~tely wil.h hiqh variety and totala only 1,065 cal.ori ... 220 for brM.kJut, 440 for lunch and .OS for dinner. Without ell· eJ'ci8e tllere'a • net qain of over 1,300 caJon.. The aeeret i.l oonttolled Mninqa, by ounc•, or Uftita (haJJ • banana, for U · ample) or fractiou ol oupe, and COAirolLed c:aloriea. Tlae~ualyaeevery pc»~tble tood. drtnk and buU or ·~· by calorie, ucl vtluain ud lll.iUral. There are ••qva..eacl•.u.-21 of them, OOHrlDq one fW1 ... k. A.ad tlwy're ct.Uciou ..... pork, l&aaia, ta.a., ~-ud a oil..._ -..1 wttla -.ow peu ••cl ... WWle tM porUcu are Uwi'ecl, a~-p....-recl cllooer a. attracti .. Mel tMeJ. It all looiDecl eo t pWaf, we t.otla ~ ..... 90. Ia ......... 10 cl.p, .... ,. .. eDOOU .... PI'Oel ...... , .... • .,.., ..._ oa ,.., ., 0~-........... •**· J -... .... -...... 1fto --..., lu .. ...._. 90· .. 0. I •Y .... ...,._ .. 8J91lt ................... ~-~- POUCEBL01TER ~.A ....... I ClUMES A burglu amaahed two aladi!lg Qlua doora, one in the 400 block oM Avocado and another ill the 500 b!Qck of Angelita. 1'U Angelita r•ldence wu equipped with an alarm wh1ch ~~reotly deterred the thief from eolering. But an Wli.oown amout of property wu •Wlped from the Avocado home, pollee reported. AARESTS Davad Jamae Montoya, 25, of St&oton, wu ur .. ted on suapa- cion of burglary . . Juhe Ann Pope, 22. oJ Corona ddel Na.r, wu arreated on suapacaon of petty theft . . . Ino GreQory T&ruler. 18, of Long Beach, wu ur .. ted on IUipacaon of poe.MII· mg Mlling a swtlcbblade laufe . . . One man wu arrested on su.picion of drunken dnving, not from Newport Beach Tu.day. Auguat 10 CRIMES Around 4 p.m., a young man wal.ked mlo the Newport Place Auto W uh m the 4200 block of Birch. He asked the c.ubaer to ... the manager, and she pomt· ed bun out to the young man He then approached the ma.nager and wed how much a WAll and pohsh coal. The manager rephed "$50" and .uk- ed the suapect If be wanted ha car done. The youth answered no and walked back to the cuh..ier, where be told her he wu supposed to paml at the location and she wa.s to gave hun cub for supphes. The ca.shaer, alerted to a samalar swmdle recently talung place at the Fashion Island Car Wash, stall- ed the man and s1gnalled for the manager and asked how much a wax and pola.ab cost The manager rephed "$50" and asked the suspect aJ he wanted has car done. The youth answered no and walk- ed bac k to the cashaer, where be told her he was suppoaed to paant at the locabon and she was to1:ja-.•tnllt 'cash for supplies The caahter, alerted to a sJmalar swandle recent- ly takang place at the Fubton Island Car Wash, stalled the man and aagnalled lo r the manager When the manage r came 10, the cashaer saad, "I thank thas ts our guy'" The suspect stated, ''I'm not the guy'" and ran out The manager pursued and pohce conduc ted an area searc h wtlh neqahve results polace reported ARRESTS Davad Leonardo Tulery, 29, and Joanne Debra Scott, 27, both of Santa Ana, were ar --- -re.ted o!l IUipiclO!l oJ pc•••· i.Dg PCP . . . Scott David Baker, 20, of H.oeoda Heighta, wu at· r .. ted on au.picioll of uaault and battery . . . Elale Wa.rguertta Leht.men, 59, of lr- ville, wu ar rMled Oll 1\&lpicion of petty theft . . . Tbomu Scott Acla.ml, 30, of Idyllwild, end HAury Eugene Blamel m, 18, of Palm Sprmq~, ~re a11Hted on suapicioo oJ poueaing man· Juana for aale ... Four men were aneeted Oll suapacaon of drunken driving, none from Newport Beach. Wedneeday. Aupat 11 CRl.MES Jewelry valued at $4,600 was reported atoleu from Charles Robert Wagner in the 400 block oJ Oalthu.rst . . . Camera eqwp- ment valued at $4,205 waa reported stolen from an auto belonging to Rackae Patnck Best parked near TiconderOQa and Escape ... A control panel. an antercom and four marine bat- teries valued at $950 were reported stolen from Harold J. Desch from a boat belongmg to hun in the 100 block of COcUI Highway. ARRESTS Dusty Savage, 46, w.u ar- rested on suapacaon of battery ... Four men were arrested on suspacaon of d.runken d.ravmg, mcludang Jeffrey Lopez of Newport Beach. Tbwsclay. A\19. 12 CJUMIS A man's star sapphtre nnq valued at $1 ,500 was reported stolen from Walham N. Taat an the 1100 block of Jamboree Two Norweqaan flags, a dutch I flag and a surfboard valued at SS50 were rwpor1ed .eoJ.a bola Clt.arl. D. !tUC'el bt 0.. 1200 block af Bey froet. r..w.r. A .. aa CIJMD A robber ~ wttJa $1,2«> after baodia9 a teller • tb~· iA9 Dote at Oruve Ctty Buk la the 4!00 block oJ W.CArthw ... Jewelry valued &l $2,600 wu reported atoleo ~ Harvey Robert Jacobe an the 600 block of Dou.Jd . . . Two Bleupllllkt car atereoe valued &t S500 each were reported atolen from Nan.Ua B.arraoan and ICatnna lria Roe., whoee cua were park· ed m the 1200 block of Cout HJghway. ARRISTS Fiau1 Tof.a, 23, and lsa.aa Noa, 20, both of S&Dta Ana, were ar- r .. ted on aupac1ou of uaault watha de.dly weapon ... Robert Joeeph Garcia, 21 , of San Ga.bnel, wu arrested on suapacaon of auault and battery JIIMUNITY GRAftT APPLICATION Notice .. hereby qtveo th.al the <...ay Couoct.l of th.e City of Newport S..ch wrll hdd J j.>•JtJI.c •tt• .. ruoc concenu09 a Community L>evelopment Block Grant (COBG) apphc.sllcm A• "' "' 11m.~rr1eor City, Newport B.ach .uuld receive •• much u s-496.000 1n Commun1tv Oi.v('l< 1 "'""' Grant Fund. over a 001 ve.. JJ•uod of lime T neM lunda can be used lor " "" ,,.,v •l mmumly devel.opment and he •all 1 .schvthes In q•• er.sl. lh4t acttv111es tnclude la nd ~· '""' and citspolltlon, the acqu1.1h developm(onl lrnprovemt~nl Ql pubhc 1.,, do•.... '""d pl.lbbc Mrvtc•. urb. vnew&J. ·• ltx. 1 •. paymen11 and AUIItanc.. .,,,.:1 •hi!' 1hla t1on of resldenllal or 1 '" ·•den hal p IJvr't", A ~oompleli• h•r of ei&<Jible " '•v•'•" " vatl.ble at the C1ty of Newport Be.s n Planmnq O.partf"enl NotiCe ,. heu•by huther q~>· ~ tn •' d Prop• ~~ Statemanl ol Communtly Oevttk pm .. r t UL hvn •nd Pr ... )ectecl UM ~t 1 h• Cummunuy O.velopm~nl Blvc~ Gr•nt fund• 'I,. b...,r. onr•n.o.ren u part of lh.e COBG >PIJII ctllo n Public cc;rr.men11 w1ll b• rerervecl un 1h.. Pr 'IJ· .-d al thu publac he&nr.q f'ubhc comment• w.ll Alau btt re< l'tvecl ctt th11 C ttv I N ..... f rt Pl.ulnUIQ O.~rt-DI pr . .>r t<. the pub hc h .. nnq Cop1e1 vi the prop<HI4Ki 51d'«'mt'r' '1 ... , .. poatecl Ul lh.e clly labrarw.J •nd are &lao avaU.ble al the CtiY ,j N•wport & .. h P1<11 r •119 rtmeol Pl.lbhc commeni:A w1ll be corutd.recl pnor to adopltvn ,f 1he ftn.tl Stot'P:r•<''•' I Unlly Development 0bj4.'.hYH and Pro,ectecl u-ol the COBG fund~ c r .. I ht" LDAI Sa..tement' will be ~ted tn th4t c1ty ltbrert" and wtll "'"' be ctY•IIablll' ... ••-C '< I Ne•.,n<>rl Beach Pl.ruunq Department Nolle• ta hereby further q tven tb..tt 1h• C1ty of Newporl S..ch "'ttl b. holdonq" ~uD 1 •, .. ,, oo a Hous1nq Asm..ata.nce Plan (HAP) u requtred by the Commumay 0.vf'lu1Jm"" b Proqra.m Pubbc comment• wtll .!JIO be recetvecl on the HAP at the pubh< 1 .. " • J ,, j Ctty of Newpor1 Be&ch PI4Dntnq O.putment pncH to the public hM11nq C 1 ,,., I 'IH! WIU .~.so be poated Ul the CIIY hbrdrt .. •nd be AVatlable 41 I he Cllv o l ,.. .... ~ : a." b oA.II LAnntQQ O.p&nmaOI Nohce 11 hereby lurther q 1ven th.st a n envuonment•l docume nt h•~ ~n prf'p.,ro·d ·• he above apphc•lton And Ho~o .1nq Ass11tance Pl•o The apphc .. 110r Houam~ A .. ,, •• " • p,,.., envuonment•l documenldttun 4te avellable lor pubhc rev~ew and tnlpechc-n ~· •h,.. C > rl B .. ch lJOO W Ne ... port Blvd . P1Anntn4 Department P 0 Boa 1 /&8 N""'' Cahlornl4 92663-38&4 (/ 14) b-40 2261 Nottce .. hereby hulher q1ven lh<~l sa1d public-hecu 1nq1 wtll be h•ld or. lh•• .! Jtd :1 •v • uqusl. 1982, al th4t hour ol 7 J0 p rn •n the C1tv Counc il Chambe" ul 1h• Nt'WI->•>~' B .. .,, h Ct Hall located at JJOO W Newpurt Blvd •• wh1ch hme and plac11 anv .tnd ''" 1 PrM r. "' lle•· .. htd ma y .tpp.ear And be b...rd thereon ROY ROGERS A DALE EVANS INTRODUCE ... VIDEOTA E N1 INTATIONI ot your wedding, sporting event, special occasion corporate program WE WILL BEAT ALL PRICES PROFESSIONAL MIDIA SIRVICIS (71•> 141-6322 since1978 TIIO I El UCI li • I • TilE IISIIESS Ell • TAX SHE LTER • PROFIT • EXC ITEMENT AVAILAIU NOW S~7~ ' 27 30 CAMINO CAPISTRANO SAN ClEMENTE. CALIF CAll (71 4) 492-S JSS . \. .. I • . \LL .\~ REEl\ fRIDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'til9 P.M. SATURDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'til 9 P.M . SUNDAYS ••• 11 A.M. 'til 6 P.M . ROUND-UP EXTRA CASH P..l'•'''t ~ • •"'"'-""" ...... u. •~'~•"·"9 • ..., "'" !> ... t t •)UI rUU,IP\lft '' Wo~f' U fX)O .._,_~OUr l a iMtC'• ••C...-d' U 000 ,,.. Bto ~ W.•~~ eH •• •lit ~··"9• • II r "'' • t ... t • t ( "" c••ll•nd .... ,..,II "'I e " III .. NII lttAO I~INv• ~--· .... ,., ....... ( ....... ~ ta~· """ t •••" '"<~V ,._. ,., _,, 110'1a• o.,.. U 000 "'"' t ''N 11NQ • • .._, • II.., • ..,., • ·-0# • 41'0 yOu• ..,_, • ,,.,..,,.."'...-....,c., or'"" ,...,.., >11_,, .._ 10 SJ DOO • EXTRA SECURITY TOOt YOw•kt•""•o•., U OOO,.IIot•n•ll•edDyl"• ~"IC oe. ..... ••• , not ..... ng .. accou.,t Ot c:te90"' ., .... .0 It •• wc~·.a Oy oltl·9•ho<~l •ec._...., lit '"-U " G •"'"'"'•"' or • V a Go.ltfn_..l ~· fl\e ~ee.,,, ... , ••• "•"' '" • MP"•ac. ll'lore MfiY ,,., .... KC0-1 at J,lfte Ol""' ,.,..... c-••cr• .. _,_,,,.I!Wuro. .. Sta-•114~•o •••• .. ,...,~·V. C..••-· 5o -,;o ·-·-· , •• 1'1 ... ., -' lOt ......... '-,_,.,. .... y. r""'_..., ...... OPEN YOUR .. ROUNO-U .... ACCOUNT AT ONE OF THESE LOCATIONa-~'- .. EWPOAT lEACH 4001 MacArthur Blvd Nowport S..Ch. CA 82660 (714) 133-&183 TUSTIN 615 E Ferat St Tushn, CA 82680 (714) ~-7040 MilliON VII.IO 28&41 Marguer•t• Parkway Milston Veefo, CA l2el2 (714) 4Q5-.t012 • • 11 e&l-0.. Ul'l.-::1 ... Come enjoy a urnmer afternoon or e ~e ning waterfront c~pericnce at lido Marina Village in Newport Beach! Here you'll ftnd rclcuing plea ure ~ ith the fine hops. the o utstandiny restaurants. th~ qudint brick strect4). the weathered wooden hop e~terior nestled 'neath scores and cores of sheltering trees ... all on the water' edge! AI o . enjo) a \ast pan- orama of k y and sa i I ... of c louds and soaring btrd ... of water dnd boat heading for the open sea. All your dt lido Marind Villaye on a sun1mer afternoon o r cvenlnyl Come ... browse, shop, sip 'n sup on the waterfront in Newport Beach at your leisure! ' ,.... ..... I IQ. A...-a ll. ,. The .. wport £QalgD I ~ Dbla 'fOil ~urger Coil, a.UMC"k a Slater, a CU'Ml' ~· finD, &Dd liM9e Worb, • color ucl 'uhioD couultiaCJ tins, Mid a cMiiolltfW bu.an .. wom.en'a con- ..._oeat tU Weetm. The IDOnUDCJ prOCJr&JU con- cemecl tlle new rul., rolla ud nonu aDd a coaputeriaed color ~ for tlle women iD bua= ... Durlno lunch, Nordatrom'a Penonol Shopper •lected fuh.iou modeled by the follow- i.DCJ: Nora Leluun, Helen Bar- no., Joeephine C&i.D•, Ba.rbara Grady, Mimi Grot, v~ &11, Lona ROMnfeJd, Betsy Sanden, Sandra Ventura, Har- riet Wieder and the only male amono the 300 women atten- ding, Robert Payton! • • • On the aub)ect of bu.alDNS people, the Newport Harbor Profeaio11al Women'• Club had a brunch, c atered by Marilyn Kaun, at the Newport Harbor Art Wuaeum. thcomJno Bol Nordi Grc. to be held October 23rd at Th• Newporter. Joan ud H.rTY are the ball ch&inaeo.a and adviMd tMt qu_.. will be atertained tbat lllcJ)lt by .arolli.Do milue, a dix- ielud band and New Orl•n• cuiaioe u only Bem.ud Jacoupy at 'nae Newportei Call prepere. Anaono the oommitt" membera attendino the pre-party were Virqina and Paul Bender, Rita and Bob Teller, LiDda and William Huoh•. BollDie and Bill fredericbon, Suie and Nuli.D NcX..Ver, Slleila and Y q.! Sonen.Uli.De, Pamela ud Malcolm Paul, Dolly and Don ICarcher, Lynne and Jerome Jon" and Dean Daviuon. Nora and Vi.n Jorgenaen are honorary ball cha.innens and Pat and Alan Rypinalti will host the patron party October lat. • October 2ht 1a going to be extraordinanly busy for Har- bodites: Ernie and June l inthicum hosted • lovety summer perty fof friends. S1aff photo by Ow)a von l!lurger The11 its ofJ to Cono'.s for the Commodor• oJ the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Com- merce third annua.l invitational party celebrating the 22nd Character Boat Parade. 1 FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT d..J #. .I G}oo-nOce~ ifPOr ter Spealtino of NHAM, the 1982-83 alate of officers for the Board of r~H1t~ 1.1 headed by The day begms at 2 p.m . with the Sinatra Patron Party for SCFDD held at and hosted by the Chanteclwr. GOURMET DINING -MEOtTERRANEAN RM. 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. CH~AGNE 8RUNCH SUNDA VS 1().3 PM DANCING NIGHTL V -CAIARET LOUNGE CAPTAIN'S TA8LE COFFEE SHOP -24 HRS. IRVINE, CALiFORNIA IOciPoelte ~.,.. r:,...,,.., .. ,..,_-tUIIII' Gay Bryant. A.iated ------------ by T. Philipa Norqan, Jack Dwan, Bob McLain, Georqe Richter, Lucille Adams and Ray JohnJOn. Judy Humdall and Betty Winckler are trust ... lmeritua. Pr .. ident. of the sup· port groupa are: TMI ( JJll:::v ~I OF NlM'ORT Formerly the Ritz location announces </ft ; I .,,,'/ . ' I-' Michael Pexki.na, Nuaeum CouncU; Carl Nei.uer, fine Arts Patrons,; Tom Cuey, Bu.ainea CouncU; Jam" Pick, Acqubition Council; Nra. 'Harry Selling, Doce11t Coun- a~J,~ \'htt"'' ~ r Unique Gifts For The Home! and cU and Phyllia Wallace, Sal .. and · VALET PARKING Ill IVATIONI G7S-2SGG Ul\111'-~-..DJOI' Till t.RA'-I>OI>l'-1'-L. lEIIBI<\110"-\'U<.,It.,LPFOI< \{.Ill lUBE l .l\{'-\\\" ()!'. \\{1"-0A'r \l(,l ':11 ~I 148~ Rental. . . . on the ocean across from the Newport Beach P\er o (()'II)IO(IAIIO"'' IOOt\IG .. liS • Joan and Harry Karste11 ho.ted a pre- party for the OC Unit of the American Cancer Soc1ety'1 for- 2106 West Ocean Front Newport Beach f Creating a great restau, rant is more than a business. It's loving what you do. The food is at the heart of any restaurant, of course, but everything- the china, the service, the manner in which the dishes are presented- must contribute to the diner's enjoyment. I call my style Creative American Cuisine be .. cause I've found that there are basic Amer .. ican tastes as distinguished from basic European tastes. I have, of course, learned from the French, but I have adapted their culinary style to fit the American palate. You'll find whitefish sim .. mered in champagne with fresh sorrel, speciaJly,bred duckling roasted with juni~r berries, and fresh • pasta with salmon in a rich lobster sauce. My friend David Ojeda, an outstanding young chef, and I also create daily specialties that will suq>rise and please you. Creative cuisine frees the chef's imagination. It allows him to create new, delicious combinations of flavors. Good cuisine is very light, very elegant. It's a mouthful of flavors, full of complex .. ities. It tarts with the purest, best ingredients, • then you add a little love besides. This area deserves a res, taurant that can hold its own with the best of Los Angeles and New York, but wim a style and taste that is all Orange County. By being very careful about ingre .. clients and preparation, we find we are able to create exceptional dishes. The atmosphere in my restaurant is casual, relax .. ing, not intimidating, in keeping with the chic, casual style of Newport Beach. With a beautiful view of the bay from every table. We prepare everything on our menu to order. We grind ana blend (714) 833-2770 our own coffee. We even do our own butchering, our own rich stocks and pastries. Freshness is ex .. tremely important. I search the market to find the fresh .. est possible ingredients. Wine is another of my passions. I have researched, visited wineries, and put together an excellent wine list specializing in hard .. tcr find California boutique wines. And we ofer excep .. tional finds monthly. We also stock specjal treats like 150 .. year .. old Grand Marnier. I invite you to and qy my new leu .... u aocl a lalge dilco uptt&ira. APPEll I We wandered about the center and found Cafe Bnatol, a charm- moly furniahed apot WJtb a warming pul>- like atmoaphere. Cafe Bri.atol opens for breakfut with a •lee- lion of omelett ... eog L======================~ by hggy Cotton We devoted a few dAys recently to ezplorinQ Peter'• Land- iDQ, a newish develop- ment near Huntlngton Harbour at 16400 Paclfic Coast Highway. This attrachve ahop- pinQ center is on a marina, wath little ahops. art gallenes and •veral restaurants watb excellent par lung. We va1ted Dunbar's, a typical Far West r•taurant, with a million dollars worth of decor, and little tbouqht qiven to menu or preparation. There ll a amaJl MUSIC ball above the restaurant dubbed Tibbae's, where former members of the Youno Amencans' ainginq oroup now wtut tables and smg for customers. The Red Onaon 1.& repr ... nted here, too, a huge r"tawut with aoutb-of-the-border decor. the usual Mea- 8001(, IIUSIC 6 L YIUCS BY llercdlth Wllbon STOlY IY llcrcdlth WUlsoa; Fr..UUo lAcey DIRECTED BY AUaaB-t FABULOUS Sunday Cham~e nmch ) i ,I '---:c..r~-• t1 Newport Beach Marrion•s cele- brated Sunft1 Bnanch ia a aourmct dclipt startina with a rebulou.s display of ftcU fruit -carved Rout Bccf -Seafood Specialties -ldclitiouJ bot items -an array or ten salad.s-cold cuts n' cheese, topped witb a arcat variety of desserts and complimentary champllftC. This cxuav~za of food is served 10 tbc aouDCI ol our strollina mariechia.ln the KJna•a Wharf, ia the Capriccio and oa the Capriccio Terrece ovcrloollina Ncwpon Harbor. Additional entertainment is provided by the prcstidiaitation of a maaician. 9:30 AM till 2:30 PM HALF DUNQENESS CUI s2es diahee, aWfina, etc. L6ach offen Mlada, a variety of hamburgers and crepes. The dinnea menu eztenda to calf's liver and onions, luaqna, ...food and chicken preparations. There ia a small but well-choaen wine Jist. We wen drawn to llYtM' Be.kery by the .....-..Jo\1.1 UOIU oj (r.q.beked breada. There we toUDd tt.b c;roW..ota, brioc:he, coold.e. ud cM.ert putn•. There ue a !ewtabl.~ud out on th. m&rina ct.cllt where patrou na.ay eA· joy a variety of aand- wic;h ... eoupe, Mlada. pate' and bon d'oeuvr" made b .. b dAlly on the pre~. Another cb6rmer 11 The Newport £osign Wectn.edoy. Auguat ll. •• hp 7 £"-oeJUe'a Wua!e Box, • wooderout piKe filled WJth .\LJlC box• frOID arouad the world. A charmi.Do caroUM110 the ahop'a cuter holds aa array oJ dainty ~aadouc..-. dbplay a wealth of coUeetor'a ltem.a. Art oallert" oUer oood browsing, espe· ctally one whach dilplays a fine aelec· tion of poatera from here ud abroad. AIIEitiCAN ANDGifEEI< CUISINE '"" oNy UtA. It ft(' o""• &•UJf.lf'Qitt .,. Oro,..~ Coultty proudly P'~ts MARINA ROC INTERNA TION.AL GREEK seNOING STAll ..,,,., ,.,., .OUZOUKII ftl.A'A"- It.e +otllmh( TASSO& SOFOPOULOS THlONGMIIAL~ ..... , ..... , .. THIMOTM*~ "ZORM T ... OMO .. AND H .. ORCMUTM M on F" I I o m to I p m So• & 5v" 4 p m 10 I o m SMtaAna K >R Rf5ER IIA110NS CALL Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 1714) 558·9567 THE PRICE OF THE TURTLE IS DOW~. There's something differc·nt going on at/he \-Nl't'l Turtlt. Both on your plate. And in your Jxxkt>l. ~e·ve got ant u mow \'nf d&Shes .. \'ew decor. But best of all. m·u·lou· prrft's ~I GHTLY SPE CIALS 0 :\ BOARI>. E very mghl our chef wrlllx· sarrng a chmzguzg L'cJYll'(\ <>I black- board spenals. Su dc/Joot~ J11ma~ situ tmg fl ... lmr as $7.95. E verythi~rg.trom f resh Jish lu ddzcat• du<·k . \ 1/u mtrng on board at tlu• velzxt Turtlt . A SE\\' SET OF LO\\'ER Pl{IL E l > I>l~HE S. We· ve added somt' hraml m tf Sf>t'Cttl /111 ·' to \'OUr uld tamr- itts. A third cut oj JUU)' Prune R1 h . .-\ f>t tift or Lar}!t Lobster Tail. Plus tender succulent chrckfn prtptm·cf rn a variety o/la1Jializmg ways. And they're priced as loz(' a_, Si'95 So wh£n it comes to di1mer. we've got your num"• r THE BEST DRESSED TURTLE I~ T< )\\ \ }uu u•on't rrcognize us fro m our shell. 1\.r'rc tak111,.: 11 a brand 11ew look. ~e·n? l,giJti'r. BnKhlt' 4od ,,,,., relaxed. The fHrfect stthng fo r dmna .-\II ,Jf !lnt•' you'rr surr to find veryfashwnabh \\'E LEAVE WELL E:\Ol't;H :\LO\E. Some thmgs net't r change. Ltkt our splt>mlrd ,;, 1 '', ~~ann atnwspherr. Fresh cui flou·rrs And sup. rh food 'w 1dt_, ''ot rrhu. and enJOY your mght. Becaust the prra ot Turtlt u a., ~If 1,,. ht //(' 1-ullt'flt•n t7l41 ft71 C)Jo411 ,, .. pur, tw-.;h en" "'"·~n.t llaou..nd 'I ~ 4 ';. l R.dondo IH II C2UI JT IJ17 L ~.-h flU\ • 1\.ltl • J ) ·' (7~ •• IF,_ 011 UUY ........... Larrywtklolt .. a young .... ,.,.., who ,... a lonely _,., 110 wwd df an "'-diiQ hok>- CIUII. F~re with ftre • ... N8C (7CentfaNountaln) JACK __ .£. LEE GRANT •111111 cas (ICentr~ TMI ..... AN NOUA DMAII. , Drama about a dNor«*t 'M)(t(lng ' mothe(l ltruggie to get and then : kelp a .job on a factory' a tracltlonalty 1 alt·male a.embly h. Undl ~ e~ youthful Richerd Jaeckel, Nlcholu Pryor, Pemele Mc:Mytet and 1 *Yt Nutter. Sebotage and cruel I eAander ... fOf doing ....., •• WOfk.. JAMES STEWART OCIVIAdeHAVILLAND [}\R.REN Me AlfJJOIIT Tr. A ...,_ drama about a Jet lirliner that cr-. Iandi at .... t"PPinG Ita pr111ngan deep In the drli'*. Lda of rpeclel effects... terrOf. (I~) ~ Fto,dWing(AIIph WMe) II a COIIeeN8M farmer who flndr hll attltuc* ~when he auaoectt ------- ...... ~ ec.w-.1-MUIIT. ltlt eccentric multl-miiGM!re _..hie 15 '*"on a bizarre wlnner·tetc•all ehaae. Ughtweight ~ wWI a moltly TV altcom cut: Richard Benjamin, Jamn Coco. Scatman Crothera, Ruth Gordon. C1orla Leachman, Cleavon llt11e. Roddy Mc:Oowall, Robert Money, Rk:hard Mulligan, Tony Aandlllt. Dff1l Benedict and Willie MIMI.~ tun. .... HE (ICentraNauntein) n •...a~ (11:30MI .. 8Dort Uly and "'*dig.~ • ..,...,. from the .... awn.uto~t~ ~ and .., pity In IPOrtl ..... ..... aucft-\1rndl and'* .. lidlllk:tl. --Men of .. animated llmllld run..-. .... ,..: (1~tain) M \LL: Mfllot LIIIIQUt Geme ol the WeM... Wont real bpoa at Houlton Mtnl& a:• tllfMC8S (2".30Cent.IMl.) QOII. ~round~· of ttte 631-7574 2430 W. Coas' Hwy Newport •••c:h . • • • A mQCh JOUDvez c.Ju. ol boata. the New Yozk 36, will be uYillo it. fi.nt u.aU&l Iater- Dilbict CJW~e1loe ~wlanllol .... f.ut yAC!lt. COlD· '*-al Newport Hubor T..:llt Club Friday, S.t"-Jday ad Swadey. nu..UdppertMma u. QOMinq from tM la.t Coat ud Pet•r Godfrey, JUeeidellt of th. N.w York 36 Ct... A..oci&tiOJl, will b. raciJlq on on• of them. Loc::al boat owu•n at• lOUliAQ t.b.u boata to tMee ...... u.d th• eio)lt othu bo.ata will be qcecl by th.ir own akipp.n and cnw. ''T1a.i.e it lA• lint tim• ..a.m New York l6 owu•n h.v. had th• opportunity to com~t• with w_. Cout owoera," ~ Mid. n. Ch.llenq• lleqatta will ... eec:h nw::• pro- vidinq MeD COlD• p.titiv• eail.inq with top aki.lla diaplay.d by tb• he~en ud amooth ID&Deuv.n ·~ecut.d by tllecrewa." The New You 36, which wu d.siqu.d by Willi&m Cook, wu U.. Neu.lt ol u idea co.celved b, • oroup ol New Yo.rlt Yacht Qa1, .. mhen who weat.d • 3&-footer U..t could be raced u • oJa•de.iQD, ud•r lOR rulea~ ud etill be comfo:rt&ble for two co-..,J. to ci'UiM. n. -tltec.d .us loc:&lwatanuv. ' be. atNaely SUC• c...w. P'ai1 .....,... Vldllot ..outly looll tM t.op oww.U apot Ia th. NHYC A)Mt"Mm S.n... A oo-ho.t coc.kt&U puty ucl dJ.Anu ia ecMcluJecl lor frid.y DiQlat at NHYC and a dock party tl plu.ud tor Satuday with the tropby Pt ... t.lloll followinq the rae .. oo Sudey. • • • IAUOA YACHT Q.U. 011£.-0ISIQR UGATTA lJdo 14 A-1.1&~ I~ (WTC), l Guy a.. (MI'TC); l o... r.n. 1119 (SSYC). lJclo 14 l. '-ua c...a tiCYC); 2 ~to, wooa.., (UTC). W.O. A-1 &., ~· (8CYC), 2. Dmd f~M~~er (UTC>. 3. PnJ ..._. (8SYC). ~ ._eo.., c--. (UYC). ~ C-1. lnrtt W.JYIBe (IYC); 2 C~ Mi.Der (IYC); 3. &.-ot.o. (NHYC) R.ulte for I.M oulad. cla-_,.DOt •v~. YOY.aal YAarl Q.VI IOCAirr ..... UC&. P1lU' A-1. ~y. a.u-w.n-~ (8YC); 2. $pmt, Alleo lfow1l CVYC); 3. lttdJifiO nv.r. ltoa DMeoA (VYC) Outom d.sip,i116 cl cir.••mMi"'l. n. {UMst I" {ultWM C1"Nted ••p«iaJly for yo~ ORAND OPENING SPECIAL 10% OIKo.t • All ~•dr·fo.W.., . WGJI.PERFORMANtE RADIALS ~••YEM~ EAGLEST boldww.e~eoen P195/70R1 3 $58 P195/70R14 $6S P215/70R14 $70 P235/70R15 $77 P235/60R14 $73 P24S/60R1s sn P255/60R15 $81 Call for eagle ne t & e agle gt pnces •... ~~. ..... AL18EAHN P155/80R13 $45 P165/80R13 $41 P175/80R1 3 $50 P1 75/80R14 SS2 P185/80R14 $55 P155/80R1 5 $47 P175/70R1 3 $52 P1 R14 $58 C::l1 TeRI LYSTEEL P175/IOR13 $49 P185/80R13 $55 P1 75/75R14 $59 P18575R14 $63 P195/7S R14 $65 P205/75R15 $68 P21 S/7S R1 5 $78 P225/75 R15 $78 FU'I\JRE B[LT PM 2 PlUS 2I&AS-Iflll0 For SiM nts-e.1l ,._IU&f.l.T. 4.75 IN POPUlAR P-Metric SIZIS VAlue In An Economiul Pus.enaer Tft 2 F1berglast betta provade atrength M4 cturabtli~ 2 lllotv-ater bOdy phea enaure a llftOOth 10tt ra(M flet tr•act anel wKie shoulders o tter eu.Ment htndhng Miteweltt 14n tw evert auto 1!55·12 36.82 15$--13 37.82 165~1 3 39.82 185·14 4&.82 175~14 47.82 185·14 52.82 48.82 52.82 REGU LAR FUTURE BEL T PM SIZ E OUR PRIC£ F £ T n95/7s-14 37.00 1.01 PlOS/75-14 )9.00 1.14 P'11 S/1 5·1 s 41.00 2.40 PU.SI75.-1S 44.00 U6 nlSI'75-1S 46.00 l.n I 1 22 1 27 1 57 1 80 2.00 2.12 136 1 61 • Tak«> lirM to ans"e~ lht"le' qurt4ion."' a."' hoc~cl~ a» ~uu ('an. 1'ht-h"uh,. md~ "''l.,i-..· .''"'· H$ ,., I. 1)., ~"" 1.-lllllt' fn•m .,,.,.It, ,,.,,. '" olrualuw•' 0 0 2. 1 .. tlranluuf! m..~ku~ "'"'' 1 ........ taf,. un .. •t"'' 0 0 1 Ou vuu Jnni 1-·•u-"'"" .an-''" ••tit udwr ....... 1 .. • t b •lraolun~ .. rr ... '"If! , .... , ,,.,,..,.,,,..u• .'l. tl.t\t' \u U ,.,,., f,.lt rrm .. r--4· 411.-r olnul.ttt;!~ fl. H.n r \ttU 1-'"Hr u lith• Cut.Jtk t.JI ohffu uh , .... .~~ .a r .... uh uf olnu .. u~· 7 1),. \ "" hlrtl ... , ....... , ...... , .......... ~ ..... 1 .... auC.-nur .. II\ trttiiiiWIII "'l~t·u llrtuLtllj!' DO DO DO DO DO X IJ.-"'""' tlnulun;t ru.all.r '"u • .. ,,.,, ....... r O D '""' laUJah ·~ ..... ,ra,..• ''· ~ll.~ '""' ~'"'"" '" ...... , .... _,I •lilt •• '""''"";!' 0 0 Ill. (),, \UU ,.,.,," •• '''"' ........... ,IIIII•· ............ " i 0 0 II (),. ~·>~• "'.till _. olrmk ......... ,, ""'"'"':!' 0 0 I:!. ().-tlrmkulj! • .. ~ .... "'"' '" h.a\ ,. ohff,, uh\ O O lfl ~~ .... ,111'1! I 1:1 Hot-'""' rff.,., .. ,.. \ ,J.... ,..., ...... 1 •1114.,. •ln11k11'#!' 0 0 l l ,, ,,,. .. ~.n~ J .... .,..., ... l lllj! '""' r·'· .. , .... ~an·-· 0 0 I) Uu '"u olrm .. t .. .-... .. ,.,.. frum ... ,, .. , "' 0 0 lruulal,.• lh. 1)., ''"' •lrut&. .,,.,,. .. • 0 0 17 tf4 \t• \IOU t'"\.-f h.Aol .l t otlllftlrl .. J,...,_ ,.f lltt'lll"" 0 0 "" .. ""'"" .. r olnnlt.ll t;!' IH tlo~~ '""'I''"''' t.tu. ,, r l r• ·"' .1 '"" j,,, olrtlll.llf!! I Ill 1),. '"u olnuL '" louolol ul' '""' ... 11 ...... r .. 1 ....... • DO DO l _!II lld\o· '""'., .. , l•·o·u l" .tlh"Jtll.ol"r tll-1111111"11 D D 1 .................. ( •• , ... a. ...... .., " ,. ~... . --., ,.. ............ -., I If, .. " an ... \\•'n'il '"" , .. atn .. ., •. uf th•· •tu•-..Jaun'. talt' it a ... a \\anllft;!. If'"" .ul ... \\•·n~l , • ..., tu t\\u. \uu ana' l~e· •. m alt~•h.tlaf·. U '"" .tn .. \\•·n~l ,, .... h• tlm-.· or ;nun·. ~uu prut.ahl~ .m· .m al•-.•huli•·. U hat n m \uu •I"! ( .-.tl C .. m ·( uil. C.an·l eut , ... lltt· nw,twa lh ..... 1•·n , ...... t .tl•-.•ll4•l c .. m a n•l•lnt;.! ln-atnw nt pfla;,!r.ma th.tl ...... n ...... fulh tn ·at- m••n· pt•ut•l•· th.tn an\ uttwr 1•1"1' .tit· p,..~rdm a\;UI<tltl•·. Hut hrf.•n· tn·alm•·nt ,.,.,, l•j.!ita. \uu haw k• t>dl 'li• tu/1.· , .. ·rwm•t/1\ u 11h mw u/ ,;, n,,,..,.,.,", u/1 m ur I.-nil ( ,,,., 1111 "' HtltJ..I:.!.!·II:!;' SOUTH l AGUNA (714) 491-1311 ~trt COoHt ~Center 3187? C~sl Hoqh*~v ••• J :~ • ' . ~ .. -"' ~~ ·,;:r ... In our 1 oa· ldCUlll or sweda sh sauna. Then lunch totally relaxed besade ou r f ereplace 1n our qutet. u ncrowded lounge or pnvate terence room. w•th Orange County '4i. other inning executrves Other MT~en•t•es • Bre~ld~t Mld Lu nch Se rved O~tly • Sw•mmcng Pool B~ket~tt Coun • 8 RacQuet~U/Handbllt Court' • Complete ~ Wtth Steam Room • Cold Pool. <kuet Room. M.lh tur • Fatness PrognmiWe•ght Room • Jogging Track. Billa•rds Room • App•re i/Pro Shop • l-aundry Serv.ce Provaded • ,. ..... Susan ICline o1 Corona del Mar and Alan Tallarico Nancy Scherer and Ken Hornbeck Esther Gacives and Carlos Garcia exchanged nuptial vows in St. James E;uscopal Church. A garden reception at her parent's home in Cameo Shores followed. The couple enjoyed their honeymoon on St. Thomas Island m the · V1rgm Islands. were married in Geneva Presbytenon Church m Laguna Hills. Their reception followed at the &lboa Yacht Club. were married in St. Columban's Catholic Church m Gorden Grove. They celebrated their reception at the Marriott Hotel m Anaheim. 3ttk ~ A LOVELY SELECTION OF FINE GIFTS • l r1q ,-, -=.rvstol 0 orcelo1n F1gunnes Bross :. lton Arrnetole -SeN1ng Accessones r r-,to Frames-F1ne Wood Products .. : • ·h. r ~_.o t c usturn Weddtr'w lr lViiOll r ·~ ·• • ,-'f\ ond 0 o rty ( "-'-d s Avollot..,lt.. • K.C:J ~u~~ /HOP 23CX> HAR80R BlVD. • HAR80R CENTER • COST A MESA • 979-1882 Mon-Frt l0om-9prn.Sot l()o_m.~pm St.n 12pm-5pm A MAlTER OF CONFIDENCE t and ~al Of Men I Foonat Wear • DedriCk I lu Step oC Santo Ana, InC W.tport SQuare • 369 [O$t 17m str .. t No a • Coeta Mete COIIfOHlO 9'1627 • ~) ~' Photography cowteay of John L. 11om Cuatom Photography The bride Will wm her ~clr. and tou ~ bouquet w~v~ cc>od by~ to f~mtly and rMely·&~thered froencb. ~nd put ~w~y ~' weddlnc dress forever But ~ ..... remember uch ITIOfMnt fore!"C!' rust u 11 happened . .n colour ponra.u and c~ by .. 3141 Eut Pedfic Ceut ~way c ..... 41WMu,CAUUS • IF SILVER TALE 8,• IUI'Illll\ l'IIJo:l I\' d I •I rl! '" .I,IPtl-.. • A''I.IVLK\AIO •111M lll!lA'\' • (,I(AL>UAIIU~ 11.1\t~Y THIN(,, f ll.l< l liVl' \\ l DOtN< ·' OL•a lOTH ~NNIV(IISA.Y S£.VING TH( lOC~l ~·~~ NOACK TROPHY 170 E 17th Street. No117 Costa M escl (across from Von's Shopprn~ fentPr) 646-3141 Contest per~Od rncludes the months of July. August and September A draw•nQ well be held September 30th lor the tree tr~p lor two at the Captatn Coot~ Beach Hotel located on the outer esland of Moorea en French Potynesea encludeng atrlarc and hotel (meals and beverages not rnctudedl The more you t:>OOk Our Lu~tury Llmousene Servece the more caupons you receeve and the belter your chances to wen a vacateon of a hleteme FCH each 3 hours ot Limousine s.mc.-1 Coupon Four hours Of moN-2 Coupons OUR SUMMER SPECIALS Weekday Lunch Svnday lt~tftCII SS~ r •t lAC H OtJf' S7'J 'l'' Tn,t-·• ,... ~~ S 1~ f( t fhrt't Hout11) "r •• , .•. , •. ,t E .,.~._~r·-.{'~ ()f ~ •• , ,,.,..,·u·•!t l'Ot;f ('hptf~ ot Nft-NPOrt !t l[•'"t'' .~r\tl{t Q' 'Ito r•t uC on r '"' ~t·,1 tutJt t~~t, Sund•y lhrougn Thur,Oa) NoQnl\ S IU .,., l'ttda~ oJnd Sarur!1a~ N ognr' S '' H• ) Hovr M1ntmyfTI DON1 WAIT fOR AN OCCASION-MAKE ONEI LU URV L IMOUSINE SERV ICE Contr.c:t Of corporate raw available on request ike no other ,, bridltl store in America. '" 340-t W W•ttntinMef A~ • Santa Ane • (7; 4) $31 ·1871 llyrne llhlrM exh1b11s selections from ··Anonymous Journals'' at the Abraxas Gallery. 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach Hours· 11 a.m. 5 pm . Tuesday-Saturday. Peifttlnea by INN 11orw on v1ew Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seams! er Gallery. 3341 Newpor 1 Blvd .. Newport Beach Information· 673·0400 The .. .,. • .....,In ler._ by Neil Chapman and -color landscapes by Chnton Smith are featured 1n a special photography exhibit at Susan Spr11us Gallery, 3336 V1a l1do. Newpon Beach Both show through Auyust 28 Hours are 11 a m · 5 p.m Tuesday Saturday Open wk• aculptuna by Alan Saret . new works by Oav1d Arruco and The Mo v1ng Image fea tunny an used rn an1mated f1l ms thrnuytr Sept 12 at the Newport 'U IUC lfOTlCt ncnnous ausun:ss lfAJtt STA TDUJn Th4 I •tM ..,.,....,,. ••• domq II>••·• .. • •• IIIVINf CORPOIIATE ClNTt:l' ~ frl4•f h•''""'•• D•"'• s ..... tOO lrv_,,. CA r,ntc. 1. h• I p.,,~., lOll t-•••kt a.v D• "'• W,q""• a..rf\ CA 916')1 A.r ~••rt P H•"'"'"'•" l()l [w•n•nQ S••• t...,.. N••r-••* ... ch CA 92Wl Th•• b~••• ..._, •• 'd"r'.d b" • '1•,.••1 ~fh .,. .. ," S -1' ed f. ·hr I ,.,w, ,.... •'• ...... ••• • . .J ....... ·~.­ C..-.. AIY c .. ,l 'c ...... c Vllth i lu • 11 ICJI1 PuWt•J!I t..,a. ,·~ Aw.., • ~. '" n •• "-•P.·'' l,. •. ., rt9l947 IIH ~ I'UIUC lfOTlCt UIMia ncnnous IUUftSS U.ITATDIPfl n •• 1o"--,..,_ ... -·~ •--.. SIArAC I A lU(JTU) PAATNDSHI1 t:JOO Dew• Sl s,.,,. XlO N"'l>O" ..... ~ CA ~ n.. C,qn• Corpc:u•Hon • C•Mor••• ~"' por•l.oa ....,. Wtlahu• l h•d S .. u .. 1lS .... ,1, Htllo C A tOll I T\ u bw. .. "'"' .. C...•lt4w<' '-CI • ~ • It••'" ~~~•'"''P SNlaed f.,.._ C"-a. ... ~ y,.... ,, .. .o.. Tl>. C•••• C.,;·r,.or•J•• • n.. ......... • .. •·~ ..... "- co""'• c .. ,. I O'•"W• CNII"'" ,,. A•q 1 lllll ,.,.,.._. A~" II II ~ S.p• I 1M2,. T\• N••lkl" l r'lt•CJ" rt~56J Ht501 PVIIUC 110na .a.Anft DIIC:UAAnotl ......... .. I>... ..... 1M! • ........ O.el••••.o• llt.u .... .. ._ .... "" u.o c ........ ..._.~· •• ... ,..._ •lltt •"-WUf COA.JT NJQXWAT IIWU lli.PLACDUXT IJ ..... -1· ·-·-<14 , ... c .. , 10 ·-............. o..: ......... .... •• _,._. "-"-•• n.. C'" " -·--" ..... _ .. --.w.r ~ ,. ........ c ........ .... ~-.. ·-c_.,, .. .....,,_ o..:w. • .,_ ....... _ .... ~- ............ lot .,..w.r ·-....... _,_ ..... "-•••114 o...-· Crty .. ....._, ~~ lJOO ""'-1 II ... .._...,a...,~ c ....... tai3C714l..O Uti hWaoll A,.. II Jill •• Tlo. ....._, laaor!• NO.\ PWUC IIOnc:& IIOTICS ~ 'VIUC IIDIWIO -.... ...., ··-........ "-• ·-c--... .... c., &I ....._, ~~ ........... .,..w..-..... ... -.... ......., •• _ ol ... c .. , .. ........., ~~ ..... ,.,. LMio Ll4 ....,,. L w.... O....al Pen•-. lot a O.••lop•u• A•'""'••• (DA I) ......... ... ..... , .. ,, .... .. ., ~ "-4 -.... ,,....,_,.., ~ .......... ~ ... .._ ... A- ... _. too _,.......,. • 0. ,.tap•••• A.·-· w_.. .•. c-, .. .......... ~~ .... P•••u.L .. n.. e .. , .. ~,.._,,_,.....- .... ..... LMio w ... -...... ~. CIOI ""' .. ,..,., .. the ....... , .. •• ~ ...... "·"~ .............. . ..,_ .. lloe c ... , ......... , •• ~ LooM ........ ~-··-...... . .................. -~ .. .. ................... _ ..... , .... ...., ....... ,_ ........ ........ _., .. c.., • ..._....,. .. ,......,....... .. ,.... ......... . ......... .., .. C:...T"tallc ........ ..................... _ .... ..... ,..,. O..L.••• .. • ~.. M•• ......... .., .... e.,, .. ...,....._ .. __ _.. .............. ................ ...--.... e»r .. -. ......... ...................... --1\e e., ......... _... .. .. .-.~ ..... -----...... c.-.. .. .......... b .. ........ ....,.__ ............ ....... _ ................ ....... Dt ..... t Cllt ......... ...... ... .._. ..... ....... ..... C.liN•.U ..... fJI41 -.am • ........................... ........ ~ ......... ................... -.. ,_. ...... c....t ~ .............. a. ....... _ ... ...,.._ ... ............. -........ .......... ..................... Ofillliiiii-.CII!ttll ....... ..... .. __ ..... _ .... .................. ••,.:.... ...... - t Harbor All Museum, 1150 San Clemente Drew: Newport Beech rm e"o wodla -., ... .......... ••••ller..,. at Whit man's Galleries. 3545 E Coast Hrghway .,, Cor ona del Mar Hours Bonn1e Whitma11 675-2478 O•hs Newcomer• of Newpolt !leach Will tour Frost1ny House 111 Costa Mesa 10 a m Wednesday. Sept 1 and Will observe • h.: preperat1on of chncoiCIIf' cand1es P1cn1c h u rb PVIUC ItO net f"'C'TTT11Ua IUSUIDS llAIG IT A TDIIDfT T\• 1.o&ao.1aq ,_TIOIU a.te ckttft~ ~ •• ,._,. u TOWNI C INTIII WANAGI.N:1Jn 2717 W c.,. .. H .. "-" ~~ CA !1266.1 tdwartl I ~~·-205 v,. Ld, So<id N.wpool a...:to. CA 9l66J a,..., A .. , ... 2717 W c.,.., Hw• Newporl a....:h CA ~ n... ~..... ~· ·nd~ot ted b• • q•••••l p.ar1e •• .a.p s,o•.U u ..... I llol>oMOo Th" ... _......, ... M.d •·•• "-• C"""t' Clet• "f O.aa~ C •"-•'Y oe Awq & ltll P\.Wrolo AIM! II Z5 S.p• I e IS 1A TM .... __ , ......,. Flt41M Nl4t1 ruauc lfOnc& ncTmOUiliUSUIDS llAIG ITATDIIDft n. ~on...... ,...._ ... .to .. q ...... _ .. W\1TTL 'niC1t noo w ... a.-a ,,.,., ~~ a..c~ C A ta6J ........ Oc.u ,, ftl ....... , •• , lac • cu ....... ~ .. -lJOO Weo! 0..... r tonl "-•poll a....:~ Co ,., T\..e ~m-..a c.oodwc'.d b• • "~'' porett4M S.qn.cl "•d•erd A H.qb._• S•c••••r• Hen~ • Oce•n r rorat "'-... , ••• lAC' Tlua ..,._.. ... , ,... I~ .,,._ tt\e Cov~ry Ctet• of 0 •-...qe c..,.,.,, A .. U ttll P..W•Io Avq 1• l!> Sep• , ~ I til .. n.. Ne-.oro laa.qo "ftlS2 tll50oo PVIUC ltOT'Iia lt()TlCZ 0# T11UinrllALI &-alto p, .. _v_ .... T SitoCIIJOO ,......po•l Moae l..oa• lK •• d-..1, eppota .... fr .... '-' .... ' tlile toUow18'4 -........................ u .. u •• p~ •.citQ• to tN "1 ... ~ ... I raalo ,,..,.w. at 1.-ol ... oa W.wlal -ol , .. u .... Sr•-1 .u ... ~. tfle ._... .... ,... ~..,.y_. k •.84 -.ow r...w "" " ...... -o...~ e1 r ..... •• ... ,_,.., ... _...,.._ .. ..... TIIUSTOIII Co,..,••• l ln••••"-lec • c.-..u .... corpcu•llo• IIMli'IClAIIT ..,.,.w,., Ho-&-e c .. _.,_ .....,..._., ... 1a l'itt ....... "" !WI "' ~ IMI -1270 <>I 01 be.., ~ •• t.... oli"" • cot '"• ~~~ocwo .. • o.-c-... -.....,. .. "-~ ...... , ........... ··~· ,, Loo Jt "' r,.,, 1101 .. '" c ..... ,, aj o.,.... ....... c.w...... .. -..... _....._ ........ 47 ,_ 19 ... W•••tka .. •• ...... t•"'ot4• .~t o..-c.-., TOU AU Ill DUAULT u•ou A Dill> cw nusr DATU> ru .,.. 1•1 UW~ ~ TUI Acnotl TO PIIOTIC"f ~~ PIOfQT'f IT I'U.MICU.At A ~·a.uJ tr 'IOU QID AN UP\NIATOI Of nt1 IIATUU OJ 11«1 rtiOCDDDIO AQAINIT YOU. ~ SHOULD COfl fACTALAW'fU 101e3 ... en A.-.. S.ota A- "-lolaCA (II o .,_ ......,_ o• N<~>­............................ ., .. , ... ,, ... " ... ee.......-.. .. ,«_) n.. ......... " ...... . -o...l .. ,, ..... "' -.. . ~ . ...,~ ............... ...__ ............................... .... ..... _,_ ................ . ••lfleo O..:t.ral-<14 c.....• _. Do. _... .................. --... .. .. _ ....... ....,_ -·-·h .... ._... .. eoll ..... ,._., .. ... ..., .... ..._.-. ... ........... .................. _. .. ._... .... ....._ .......... W.y II I e .. , • U lllllt ...... .. ...... w\11 .................... _ .. _, '""" ..,_ .. ,....., _..._ .. ... ..-.. --·-.. ... , .... _,.....,..._ .. , ... .-(•I _,... "r .... .,_. tl ~ ..... .....-... --............ ..... _ .. .., ......... _., .... ._... .. '-..... ..._ ... __ .... ~-.... _,.,....,......,....~tt.., .. T.-n ..... • ·-• J • • • c::a....- ·---... <>-c:...r-........ _, a.o.o.-....... Ctlw .. ~e. .. ....................... _ .... .. ... _. .. ... ......................... ...................... .. _ ................ ~ ........... -~ ... .... -~;;:-' w. ,... .., ... ....... 14 ...... ............... ,._ ... , ..... ~ ........ a.. • ·-na ._.,....., o.d. ....... o.... ca will follow. Information· 548-6761 or 72().0639 n.. ............ an active support group fru Goodwill lndustnes. w1ll hold a dlamf)agne brunch 11 .30 a m. Sunday, August 22 at the home of Marty and Amelia Lockney to overlook the Character Boat Parade. Information and reservatrons 547-6301 ~ ..... County lnUr1elnm•u• Wrtwa' AssociatiOn will hold a luncheon meeting 2 p m VVednesday . August 18 at Bob Burns Restaurant rn Newpon Beach. Guests welcome; S5 lnformauon. (213) 592·4596 ........ Dey PUIUC IIOTICa STA TI:JIIt.r 01 .MB<MIIICIIT OfUUOI ....... IIIIOGI~ .... n.. lollow-,.._ .... .......- .... -..... bc1u-·--WIST COAST TIIAVU CDfnl. 'Ill lltt 54 ....._, ~lt.. CA ..:1 n.. bcubO ... ""-..... ,...,,ed IO ........ WM llled Ia 0.-C ...... ty ""Mate!> ,., AaU.O.t ,._ ...,,.,.., 107 A...,&..a lal.loo. .._.. CA 92ill """--~ ..... ~MI S.., ..... To .. lloona1 n... --· .... ..... .... ~ ... eo....,. 0..~ ol o.-eo ... ... AMo 13 1112 .......... Avq II 25 Sept I 8 11182 .. n.. "··-•laaor!• PUIUC lfOTICI bi-FIC IIIIOGI IUUGSS llAJU lfAtumiT NL127 n.. ~ ,.._ ••• do."" b-.. oaan GJtOUP t.sl o....t Ito lOa .._..., a..dr CA li2MI) OtiHI o.-iot>-1 lac o c.hlor... """""...... 1451 o-.t H_,, ~h CA tMeO n ... a.v. ........ lA C'OIMi..cted .... c:ur potal-S..,a,.. Jolla A S...noa Pr•..O.al O.bol D.¥.1<>9-atlac T\.e ... J .... , ... Wecl ..... , ... Co..oty Clor~ ol 0.-Couaty oe 1~ ly . 1112 P"W..h AwQ 4 II II Z5 ltll o n..•WJ><H•'-• rt 94017 "l4f7 I'UIUC lfOnc:t AIO?U lfOT'Iia 0# T11UITU'I SAU GTD No 07SI II. , ..... LA Co•~ Let... C"o.~N•• Cat.tor.... cotpou hca.-u d.W, •P po ...... ,, ................. ~o~~ooo .. ., ....... ~ cte.d c.l ,,.., •• .u .. u •• pdloc .......... "'• ~ ..... """'-• .... , .. e. 01 ..... .,.,,.. ,. s.c-am o1 •h• c • .,.. c.... a11 ,,..., 1o11a ..., .. ...................... -....., ~. " ~~tadet .._... o...t ol T,._.. "' th• ptop~>ot ., ..... .....~~e.~ • .-...~ TIIIJ'STO'I ll<l<wld G ,,.,., •n wa _ ...... __ 8.DII1CIAIIT Lorr• llo'""'-• ............ Ckt ",.1 ........ No DOe •• ._.I'*-ill <14 ~ "-c.>l'do .. ,.. ~ ol •w ""'"""*' "' o._ c-"" -...... of tr-..r -.c.~ \1M~.,,..,.., ,, Loo S ol TtKI Ita ~ ta th• C•IY ..... ..,.... ...... c ....... ol o.._ St ... of C•htOt••• .. .,., .. P record _. .. a..o~ I~ ,..,. 41 '""'""' 44 ..._..""-· ...... • ..... ott ..... ... c-.., "-c ....... • .... ·-••• W.y lie aM ~-.. 401 c .,..,,., ...._.~.C.Iolota.. •(D • tlJee'! .....,_ "'" coaa .. ~ .. , ............. .o•enu '' • ,, ..... '• • eo•,......_, o• r'Ofr•t.-,J n.. ............. , .......... ~ ol Tr..-, -.,, t..-.oe ot • lllu..clil oc -.,..h •• lh ....... -. _ ............... .... -... ,..., ..... ...., .,,,...,,.. 10 +M ........... • .,, ... O.C·&e.r••- <14 O...,.Jo -O.....oi ... S&J,o -.... __ .... _ ....... ~ •u_ ...................... ..... .. _,.., lo ... ..to-...,_,_ - ............................ u ..... ..... -... ..._~ ........ _ .. ... _...., "-·~ J7. 1111 .. -· .... &li ............. OIItc..t ...... ........ Ill .................... . ,,••te•aa 11·30 am Thur.tay. August 26, at the Balboa Ba.y Club Spon$0red by the Orange C(')unty Womfm's Nerwmk Alert $10 Reserv8111lllS' Send .1 check 10 58 Acacr.1 Tree Lane. lrv1ne 92715 ••II• Power .. ...... IS h8 VIII(I d pol luck dinner Thursday, Auqus· 19 ct 1he headquar·ers 1714 Balboa. Newpor· Beach All wetc•ullt' Call JeCin Mct 1 t •ews 546-3761 NewpcwtHerbor Lawn hwllll8 Club plays in tournaments. makes viSfts and has tun days. Meetings a1 1550 Crown Drive. Corona del M ar Information: 759-9966 PUauciiOT'Iia ncrmous ~U:UNU llUIIIT&tumiT T~ tono • ._.. poe-,... ••• do·"• .,.,_ ao •I UXJOUI HOUDAYS 1>1 AIJTOII IUJbtoA c:) AUTOS IMTD NATIOHAL tl) CIIUlSI IPICIAUSTS INTIIINAfiOMAL ol AOWIIIAL S CIIUl.SI Ct.UI. tn47 Sky~rk Cncla Ho 2lO lrvu.. CA !1:2714 Untq<~• Holwiayo lac • C.lrk>ra,. cuopv•• ThWI -~~...-. .. 4»eidttc:"Mei b-,. • .,;· t ""'"'""' Soq-I I Gooor• ,_ d .. , Ua.q-HoW.,. lac ~ ............ ~ ...... . Cha"' Ct.rk <14 o...,. .. C-.h ~• lw ly l9 !Ill ~ A.. II , l5 S.pl I I 1112 •• n.. __. ..._. , 194lal IU4IO PuniC "OncE COIMO MOneE OF DEATH OF aA.UAJlA Jl. n.EIIIMO. MD or ntn'1C:* TO A.DIIIlCIUEil DtAT£ "0. All-1 _j ·-· t.a...aAL MI-.. h!C: .. J'IM. c recbtora, COllliDQeDI credtl· ora, and peraou wbo may be olbe...-mtereeied m lb• wUl or eetat• ol l&rbara M Fl.IIWlQ, ~t. A pelt bon J..M beeo bled by Stan· daah W..tcb.ll FleauDQ 1.11 the Supenor Court ol Oranqe Co\Uity r~ID9 lh.l Stan daah Netcb.U f'leiiWlq be ap po1.11Md u peraoo.al reprwen ~In·• to ~•r the .,...le of tll. ct.cedeat n.. petlllon req\6 ... authonty lo adatn llll•r lM _..,, lllld•r IM ln depe.ndent AdauuAtlraiiOD of E.tat•Act A bMriiiQ on the peiJitun wtll be held t.D O.pt No 3 at 700 CIVlC C.oter Dnv• W..a. San~ Ana, CA gr}OJ on s.p. a. 1882 .. tlO. • IJ YOU OBJICT to 1be qr-llDQ of the pehiJOG, you at.o.W eather 41PPMJ at the b~OM eM. .... ,6ur oa,.c hou or W. wr11Mo ot:l,.cbou w11h thoe COWl before ~. beerl.aq Your AJ)peArance _, be 1.11 pentOD or by JOill aUomey [f YOU AJll A CUDIT OR Ot a coellAqeal c..-lttor ol U.. cMclued, you au li)e y01lr c&eaa wilt. th. coun of p.-1 II to 1M penooal repr.,... .. h•• appomted by tile cov.n Wll1ll.a lou 111oa1Ju boa .... ~ .. ol ...... -.....ce oJ ....... ~ut..c: UOo 700 ol ,... c.bfo,rue ""'-• Code n.. tuM lor bba9 c:l&laa will D04 •:aptre •riot to lour -.ootll• Ira. tt.. '-• ol "-~9 Mhc..t ..... YOU NAY UANJNI tt.. 1\le -.., .. COVt\ tl 7'011 ........................ 10 .... ......,... .. , ..... ,......... 001111to ........ .... ....... w.. .. .... lin ... .., ......... .... .... ' ......... IIIOC'OIIMa-.... ......... ' r1W Ia ..ct.. l-' .... c:.wo.w ...... ..-.Cat~ta . .... ........ Ouk...t ow-.~, .. a..... At· ......, .. a... ... . ..... J'M ...... Lei • t' CA ah (21~ -.::& ........... . l. , •• ..,.. .... ,.,. .. . .. _, ·. ~ru;t4m IiiY~ 551-6970 l~A5YA.LB •I lr4!h<o lAY .... Delivery seNice ovailobte 4-9 p.m. North lrv~ onty ·~*~ ......... _,0\ TOW .. It C:04MIIT•Y • J7M I S.•t• It ·~ IOUNII • .. Ill -&t -••-*'~·-l. ,.,., - (714) 557-2%34 •• Bm1ol & Rf<ll!otl PUIUCNOTIC[ ncnnous austxus MAJtlSTATDlDT '"• I ., 11 t • • J b.u .,. u FA •tn "'RAt[-.!:. 8 • p , c. • '~••\ I "-• .. A. -.._"bblJ ~.,, " H.. , ......... r -.,.._. ~... a.. A -....·~ ._.,.11 ('" '• • n t 4 -' 1• • B. t .,. lu•n.i A ._.._. f )l· ...... "'-· • •t t••r•L•'••••"~>a. ,, .. ,, .. w ... T• .. ,. • l-••• • ,. , ........ -,., .. , "" .... ~~;., ltll ,....... l •• ,._ ,h .. l PUIUC lfOTlC[ ncnnous IUSIJIESS M.utt S T ATDaJfT 111. "ll"••ao r•" • ••• ;. ,, J b .... n_ "' Alln Tl<. C.l~ll;N< "" l.ntt ... r• Ot . ..,.. H•wr ' le• "'. 'A q.266J c;~~. •• ., f· ••~·r H .. •• •* ......... •• 0 • • "i•wp ' ... ~ 4 ... .lMJ Ia _,. .... ' '"' .... ,.,_, • o. .•• ~" .... " 4 •·'Ml n.... -.. • .,..... • ~t '-' '" • ~~.1 ... ,I'll. U\ I ~ l .d ~ .. tl ......... K..-.a. n. ...,... .... . _, • Jilt ~· c('ll,l.llr"f c~ • , -t.. 1• '-.,. ,. ,.. , IV .II 1!111.1 'l#llttn._ \ J 4 , ........ "'", ( . , 94..1 P\II UC ItO TlCl ... ..., ... ~ f1C'T1nou51USllftsS IIAJtt S TA TUCDil T~ f.u,i ·•·•q r•••~• .... ""-•• ~HU OA!iTt !J ....... w.. ., •• " . 'il6150 O."'le I t.. 4 • f I '\•• Pll••t'Ofl 1 ( f n''-'• W •• H • ..,.,,. .... II C"A ~ ...... n. h•~ ........... ,...,........ ,~..... . ... ,,.. ... [',. ...... ,..,. 1'\.a .-a .... , •• , ' .. ,. • '"" "'- C'o .. •t• Ct••• t '-h•• ~· ,.a ,..,. ~Wi•lll A.J t ,... ..... r-"''f'(r'!·l•" ,,..,.., ,UIUC ltOTICl Dllll ~IIUIUfCIS ItA~~& IT A TOdiiT ........ b• ·" .. L ••' t l v .. ••• 1\.-... ._... ... ..... .,.. , •• t"" .,. c;..~ .. o. .... c .......... A .. o I ........... A... II II 'A ~ 1 ·~-. n.. _,...., lM4• ,, ... PVIUC IIOTIC1: ncrmous IUS111'£SS If .uti STA TDtDfT •• '1 r-•• ' • • 'J " t • • NA~J(['CN • -l' .. I p-~ • r~A H L !otA~J:("IN , Jlll!ot t •, a -; ~ '·· 1'. •• -.......-r. , .. ~trtl: A .. • I• .... .. .. , ...... . ' .. , .... PVIUC lfOTlCI: nc:TI11IOUS 81111MESS KAJU ST A TDeDfT r ,.., ·•"'··~ p.,.,_. ,. t .~ •., n-•• OIVO.Cl A~SI'IT A"\ • ....... ,., c~~··· n. ... •·J,.j a" ,. ' • '-A .. r.l.t ,. • L • • • 1'. ,~. 1.: T')r.~>d ,. Dr ... " • " ............. .. , • -.._. .... _ ..-anct .. •1 t.• • ji,.. ~b-.d: ,..., •• !K .. l • J• '" •........ , .... i ... -"' .. ~,., • ••• ol Ot•..-Co" • fl ,. i ... F~ ... bl... A IQ 11 , ~,I ..... ' n. ....... pot• l-.•14"" .J 'lo,Jto 'b • • ••• t .. .rNI'"' I'IJIUC IIOTlCl r K. nnous IUSDlt:SS MAIU ST A TIXDIT """' .... ., ~ , 'E'WP\ liT kJllll\ 4~, '"A•J "I WI'\ liT I LVO 1"4>1, ... , • ..... -· • ,. j ~ •1 b "!\ ... [\ -" ~ . . ' -.. .. .. , , .. .. . I e ' • A, .. 4 r • ~.... • ... "". PtiiUC IIOnl:l nctmOIDI .... ItA~ A .. .... r ... """'"'-..--... ,. "" .,.,..,_ • ~ PAII'TitU!'.tt" l<>t ~ ... ,,_ A-.....__, ...... A '-' t .... .-r ~I ,....,..,. r... .. ,...._, a...e. CA • '-• ..,. l. ~ ,,.. ............ . lf_,.....,t.CA n. h ..... • .... ~ •• • h .. -........................... ' u... n ............ ...,.... •. , .. .. ('_.., Oltoot .. o.-o-..... ho 1,,. ,.., P A .. 4 11 lllt l .. n.. __ ........ ~ " PGaiC left:~: ... #LUI..,_ ..." . .,......, Buy One Sandwich ftllrAY NOl 8£ OSfD WllH A,...Y O fHt.RCOOPON EXPIRES 8 81 (1t TV rerx:med) or 54.50 if not repaired (reg. 522.50) 1 A I ;>!) 1Y8' Voo don'1 Get At¥'*'0 For E 1..-ckllty TV lervlc• c-. "You've tnec:S the re~t. now cal.._ belt" coupon void on cdor lebodv 20.00 &hop IObOf for~ COffV in r8C)OIS (Does nQI QClPv IO 9Sfrnole fee) • GITIID OFNITII 81h x 11 wh1te 8112 x 14 white 4• so KOOAX COPIIa Now$10 ·on Cuts and Coaditioaer for Guys and Gab I I R~g.Sli I ""!!> ""' (OUj)Ott ~(14'-1~ uptt'ft '» I t l (714) 557-2234 ···-------· ~11101'1CX ncnnous ausuu:s.s MAKt S T A rottlfl P'VIUC MOnel ItO neE 0# "'ALUIUT'I' or o\JIIIniM ~ -·· • Ot 4 .. , .. I • •t ' -.. ... ..-: • c-a. aol,oe • '~"tt(:A•l.. • """' '•·t "'-• .. t,)r .... ., .. t .... ••I I,. • "' A .. ... . ' . . ... ~ I'Lit "-!· •1 I ~A·t i'IIH' , ...... .._H"'t .. T I U'l ·I I k TIT I >U 1\.l'll'r .. , "A'41 "'...... ' .... ' .. ". ... " ,. . . 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QrADUDQ of the pellhOD J OII allotdd e11her ap~ at the aa-nao and ... ,.your ob,.c bona or ide wntten ob,.chona watllo the c:ourl before the h .. na, Yovr appetran~ ... , be 1n .,.,_ or tty your attorMy lJ' YOU AU A CR.EDI'T 0 1 or • conlulqenl c:rwchtor of IM ct.c....t. J'O\l 1nutt W. yo1u c:l.•• Wllh lhe eovrl of Jlf ... ral 11 10 the P4rttonal rt~p.....n .. u.,. ~nted by t'--collrl w1tiUA tour aonlha troa tile o. .. ot IUIIII 1auanc:e of ....._ u pro.tded lA ..C· uo. 100 of t!w C.Worn .. ProMie Co4e 1M U.. lor blaa9 c..U.. will raot npue pnor 10 lo\tr .oat~ lrota the eWe of til. a..ruu~ raottced ....... 10U MAY UAMINl thll W. •• ~ tlle oourt U yo• .... ,..... .--lAthe ....... ,..aey ... ........ ....... CIOU1 .. .-. ... ... cW __,.., dM hh"9 olllt.e .. ......, .......... ... ~ ~ ........... ud ~ ~t ... 8 IM'tioD .......... Cdlon• ,.. W.O.. ......... ...... lL 1-TlM te.wport £M1p ~!IOTa ~--­MalliTA1"DDIWT ~ .. . ....... ......._ • aou C'DfTD IIIWJIQI1 u .-v ......... A .. . ~._... 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CA il714 n..,. 1..-O.lqholt IS» Weo....-k llewpool ... ell C A ~ ~_... b~....,. .. ~thtrt.d b~ .. 11111 tlr•"'...J S>qn.d '"'•• Uoloh•h Tlua •••l•m.•nt ••• ltl.d •••h the Cow.ty C.:l.tk t Ot•nq• (."' tt~HII¥ IJ_fl r .. ly )I) 1..., I'..W .. h A~~ 4 I 1¥ l~ 11182 •• !lo•H.wpoot E .. oq• rl '"4311 I'UIUC MOTICl N 1:.411 f"'CTITIOUS I USI NI:M MAMtSTATOICMT f•.• • I • .., , .. , I ' t .. ,,., ... •• SUSAN HIIISTIAh'if N f ASHK1N CllliSUl T A~T Uo ' .., ~J " -.J I , u• ,t .. t N., I A •. t. Su-1 l-"•I' • {'ht ,,. .,.. 1 (J~ t• J ""'*~ C ,, '• h•l M•• t A •·• ' r~ •• b"" ... .... 1 , , d d... s . .., .... s .... I ' .,. r"' •• ,.. .... -~· ., .. , • t l.. • '• ( .. ,. t lr • 1• l " l'¥. .. r~. N. -s-• t. ,, 1 ' • ..,~ I'Ua.JC IIOTIC£ N£• '' NO TIC£ Of" TIIUSTtrS SAU: UUJ T S.lfo TOf"Jltl lic.>TICl YOU Alii IIi DEfAULT UN0£11 A DUO 0 r Tlll''T DAtED NOV 2«> J....:l Ulfli..S~ Y l T4Kl AC'TIO!f TO I'RUT\.Cl Y Ull ~ll(r I'EIIn IT l41l Y 8( SC •l( AT A 1'\JI LIC SAL£ If YOU ~HD Ali U PLA!fATION o r THf !IATUII( ''f TH£ PIIOC£LDI~G A' oAINST YC >II YOU SHll Ul U ((~T Ar T A l.AWYlA .... 'I • ,_ \.i.•••H' ltlf! f1·.J4J.. 1$ '' (...... •• • c rr ..... " •• '"'· •• , .. th ..J Tt~.tal~ .t.lttl ,f t 1 tf~ \ I O..,.j t y,.,.., toM d ed l).. .,., H 1\.,a..: , *"• • ll"l t l Hw ·• "~' • h t u •.• c"~.. .. R.. , '"'' ., .. "" t ..... •' , t A \ I .... •••t "'' r ... ,," d• .... t ~j •b-..... '"'''~ r·e.J I b-> ., .. ),.,,.A, .. N ... , I ..... ,., c ••. ,,,,... ~lbc: J • • , IIIII I" I A I .~ ... •, I • ~ • .a l h f' I .tt A J I • PUUJC MOnet: IUIIUtOIG Ccoe .... ll41\ A • r "" 1 ~. U Ill t•• A I •I ,,,.. 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C .. r\ ,1 Ou r)q• C ''-" • "II ho ,, • 111.2 Pdl~ A•Q 4 l II .~ t'<lll '" n .N. .. pc;•'"'•-ofll 'IMllV ML41• I'Ua.JC MOT1Cl 101~ nctmous 1usuu:ss NAMf STA TDIEWT Tto.• ., II ,...,.\1 per-.:,ru ••• d.•tf\Q c .... ,. ... • SKAW ANO TALIOT dbe liiiAND DYlR PIIC PUtn 14ANAGf M£111 A• od If UO H••• , a.. a CA -41~ D.-••d 'W t;."•• ttOI lu •.j) ,.., 110 .... wt t .._. • f"A .fJ6iil ' Th...-.-. l .U. lOt A w .-.oo N 1.XJ N~•$ tt a.. ~ ("A ~lb60 Till. t •.. W u •41d by • ,;••·•• • • _. •· " r s." ... ...J 1 t t\ ''" .. r .. t~· T• • ........ , ..... t ""1 ~ t '# <:1.-r• .t <"•' , .. . ' ... f t ~ h J,.A •• ..... ,,. ' . ,..... . ' • .,.,.. ""(4.-4.\) PUI4JC MOT1Cl lfOTICt Of TIIUSTU"S SALE T S N r1154 a.,. • ., IMPOIITANT IIOT1Ct TO PIIOP&Il •y P WWU YUU Alii IN DlrAULT IJNOU A DUD O f ~UST OATID AUt:. 4 •1 UNUSS TOU TA.IJ ACTION TO P'IIUTICT TOUI J1IO PUTT IT MAY II SOLD AT A PUILK" SALl "YOU NUll Alf ll PLAIIATIOII Clf THI NATUIII Or THl Pfi<'CUPINu AGAIJfSl YUU l O U SH\11110 f"O ifl4C"1 A I AWYl~ u ... "" '' .,.,..'"."' ~ tn fJ f . ~ " ,.,... r ...... _ of ,,. ..... 14 "' ""'-•. •41 .. ··~ "'• ..... o. ... • ~···· uA ("" 41ll .. .. "• l '• • !'f••fw '' ...,J\ f':t.,N'-IV f tl•• t j • S..e•• I I • 1•• I • ••·•i ,. M •fMn-..,\14 ......... tr. ·1'1· tt • • ,,, .. c w.d r· '4t •• Puc•r J r~ •. , •'"' t \"-" A ... "' T ,. w ••• ,. t.• l: -."'"' ., ,. s .... j &.;.1. ,, • ..., ........ o. • t t I ~• M , ... _..,.. •••• $. 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NIIA.IeiiiOac:a .......... _ --·~ n..~ ....... "--• ClTAftQIIf ..,_._. TIOIIA.I. a.., '-a.... ........,; ...... c~...a~ It -. c:-.. c ... , fMii a-. ~""-' .._.,,CA.._ n .. .._.._ .. ..........,..,..,. .. .. wod\161 ...... O....eh e--n. ...... __ 1 -.......... lk c ... ne, ~· ~~ Ot'-4te c .... ,, .. IIJJ ~J 1112 "'W.oll hrty • A... 4 II II I~ ... ....._ ....... r1u.o ....c..:& ._.,1 MmCIIOfRU Mi .... '-it .. ·--· YQU AM • ~AULf A OIID Of TIUtf Oo\~ ~ k 1•1 .,.... YOU TAD ACne* TO PIIOI'IC'T w:IUit fW»Ui f. rt NAY IIIOLO AT A~ MLL tr "tOU MUD Nt IUUMftOIIf 01 TKI ICATUU Of Ta a.oc:UMG AGA.UIST YOU, YOU IIICCAD CQI. TACT A LAWYD. 0. ,...,.,..,, -11. l-.. ll •• ~ riii•IICIA.L VIC'U INC , M T._ ...... _.. pwrwut te DMd ol TNol ....., ._ 24 1.1 _......"' LMa It, .. _ ............... c ,.,.,...., .............. ~ ....... ,_ .... 0.. ll, ltU. Ia ~ l.olt. -.... '*-' ~""o.-c-.,e....._ ... ..u •• p...wtc....,.. to ... ......... .................. _ ........ ..... ~~· u-• ..,, ,..,_w. ., -ol ...W .. to.hol _, ool ... U"*" Soaloo ••• IM ·-~ -r-.... r.u..-CIIJ IW. 3011 W C..· ............. F~a~~oo-. c~ <M ,....., II· tie ........... _...,.. ...... ·- Mid "' ............... 0.... .... ,... "'" ............ 1M c-• .., ol o.-Sl ... "" c.tuo ....... r\Mtl .. WI • Gl T roct ... •11 • 1M C., ......................... c...., .. o.-. ~ .. c..w..-.... _ _...... .. ._.1•-w .. Zl l.Wiehw". Nacn" • ..,, ~ .._ , ... ()H..,. ol tlle c....nr, ........., .. ..... eo-., DCDT ~ ell ool, eo! rMJIUa, •-fela, .... .w.t t19lou, ..,..,-.1 QM nqhto ...t OIMl • .,.._ ....... &.j .... -•• -........... -.y • wtt.lwt "' ...,.., lite ,._j ol lud ....... -....., .................... the ,._ • ...~ ... "' "" """-· -eaplo!1A14 .... _.., ... , .......... ..... """"" ...... --.... -"-...d leod oo uy olll-. lud, ·~ tile o>Qbl to wJlo,..od "" t~uco-a, d.nU • .,d •••• boa l...C. OIMr aa.. ,._,oee h•.-•~n.abo9e ~n.M4. od ot ... ·•II• •••ow ud ah.Jio 11110, llo_., o• ere-tbe •• .,.,.,...,_ o1 tM r.ad h•,..nM>o .. deecn&..cl .... .., ..,._ ,.C'h -·-lt.d Of oiv«-t_.uo, do1Jl ........ "' ........................ .... &.a ... rh • &.a•ocod •lloe • ..,_ ~to ••••-.cot aad to tedhU ,........,. -. ... , a•lai.IA ,......_. d ..... .....:1 ........ ... , f~(''-.... u. Of ..._... Wli~ h , • ...,., tlw nqht to dnll ., .. , ........ ••pio•• a&d oper•t• I~OY-qh tiM Mil· ••~• qr It•• \lpptr ~ ... , ot te.. •b .url•c• -.t th• t.ad .............. d..-r•bed u pro¥.d.ecl ta ct..d recotd~ ..t '""' 21 1m , ... ··f-· ..w ........ ---.. .i• ..... ~-..hoO tJ aay o4 ,..._ r...& ,,.. p.r•" d..cu bed ..a.., ... P"-~ to t.. 4111S Don:-... o. ... eo._. r1oo1 Mao CA ta2S n.. .......,__ r ....... dJw ....... , l..&.wtr lot .. , nr-rJn«tn..e~ ol the .,, ... ~ aad ··•h•r cvtata01lo O..'Qn•t.oe d .,., •hu•n Mr••• S.od ...... ,u ........ h i ......... C'C•..,..r.a Qt or .. ,..._,., • ._,,_ Of •· pl-..d req.ud..nq h ta. ~ or • ...-.•br•~ ~ ~' ,.._ ,........., p toll<" p.ol -I the aOM(•) ...,....... It, .. .ct o...ct ~• r •• ., • ..__. ....,.. lh•t•" .. PJ ~•.ded .a .._.,., ..-.(a} W"aAC'el 1t ••• •.O.r ..._ .. ,.. " ..... Da.d "' ,,.... ..... ., ..... ,.. .... •• .,.,._ "' tbe y,..._ ..... .. 1M ,,_.~u crMt.d by .. .ct O...ol Tr-- Tit• tototl ·-· .. lhe ......... bel••c>e ....... ~ ...,..,.. "' 1 ... p ropertT 10 IN IIG&d 48d ............, -···o.d ,.._ -~ ... • ..,.c. at ,... ,..,. ol ,_.. _.._, p~~tltt1( ••-... • of 'a. Wohc.. al s..a. .. \lit Jn l6 Tire &.a404re ... n ... , ...,.. 0... "' , ..... ,,. .,f th• bl...-c~ Ot ~ la ... .bllQ•IK'Jfte ...,....... ............ U -cuo.d •"" delr .. , .. to IM ......... . ed • ,,.,n .. doaclu.u. ol 4ool.roJI ..., d•"'•"d tor .... •ad .,.,... .-..r. Oil ttt .. ...-& •a.d of .-..... lo e: • ...-1 ... ......... Q ......... -.. ._ ... .. ....... w.d~ ........ ....... • Apnl .Ill IE , ... ...de-- ce • ..ct '""" ..,...,.. Dl -• ol e6ec t; ...... .,. tcorct.d .. lAIII•---· ... 111 I 'IOOJI Oll~.el llwood. ol 0.•- (" .,unt~ C•Mo• a... O.t ... A>UJ II 11111 1'--• ,, ... r 1•l S.r"•r-.. blc M .. .d Tr-..... l&l w ,,o ••. u ...... s.. ... ~I ca. ... "'""' CA 9171 1 17141 US'"' ... Lo.t c_., ~~·s-.-n 1'\o~a..• A.., II l5 S..0 I 1~ ... n . N....-pcM• &...a.t.tt• •.ISZJ P'UaUCIIOncl --MOT'Ita Of" TaiJITirS IAU TSifolll" Uo41'0«T AliT WOTIC1 10 PIIC»D n OW!fU TOO AU. OIJAIIU UlfDP A DIJI) 011 TaUST DATID tAll 11 IE UlfUIS lOU TAD ACT10N TO I'IOT'lCT ~ NG PDTY IT NAT U iOLD AT A PUIUC SAU tr YOU diD U D · P'LAIIA TlQI or THI MAT\IU 01 TKl PliOCUDOIQ AQA.IIIIT YOU YOU !IKOULO COifTACT A LAWTill 0. Set>• • llll •• 10 •• """"""' ... "'""" ,....,...., ......... .,_....ar,_....,,..., .. -"' Da.d ol ,, __ ..... ... l 1 .. 1 --... 1310 ...... ~·* -~ .. s~Ot....,...,... ...... ., ..... o4 .... c-a., .......... .. o. ..... c .... ., ...... ~ •• .., •• eel"" .. "'" , ......... - r-4 ..., •• M • •• ._........._, ~ .. ,., .. , •Ad O.rtO..-0.... .• ...,..... "' • ., -~ •• lilMl••M&elt .,. • ...._ .. , ........ ~.-"'~ .. .. •••Ire ·--10 ..,..._,....._.Ita ... , .,.,.w. .. ·-......... .........., ·-....... u ........... , ., 1M "-' -··-... •he o..._ c-.. c-. ....,_ l'W c.~. c-. o-,,.. • ..., S...•e "'-• CA .a ,,..,, ''"" ...t •• _.,.....,..,.., .... _ ........ ~ .... , ..... 0... ol To-.. 1M-· .. ..... led ....... c ..... , ......... 4-.c'rt-IMIIIM l.o< Jl ol T ,..,, l.lfll •• the c .. , .. "•"""" ._, .......... -.~ • ...,._.,......, • .._.w_Q "' A -'-•• ol Ill...,.._ ..... . ,ft •h .w.. .. ,.,. c-1, ....... ., .. ... c_ •• , ................ ·-.... ..... ..,,._. _,.. r,.W. ....,.. • ...... .. '100---.......... _.._ ef!llt-• .. ~ .... ., ,.......... .. .._ .......... o~....-n.. .. .-... _ .... __ .. u -....-.~-. ..... ..... .. _, ..................... ~ ,. ... II» WW. ... W•o c:- dool Nu c:..&.too-n.. ... , ... ,. Tt~ ........_ ... ......,.,. ..... , _ .. , ... _..._ ........ _ .._ __ ... , .. .._ ..... .. ........ til" ............ --=-----~-· ..... --. .... ~ ............. 10U ... _ ... , ~" -0/I~M~MUCJIIl ... ~10GUD~ 10 ..alleY 'fOUl ........ It *' • K&D AJ • ~ ..... ~ lf10U-All IUUM1IC* ~·· ,. .. ,_otnaw 11 ...,_lOU. 1'0U...,.... CQI. JACr" uwna o.a.... ••••· ... ....__ _. TRII ~ •'.a, ......,.,_ ....... __ .. ~ .. "--..... l7, r-. ,....._.. •. 1 ___ • , .................... ()f. ....................... c.-, ..._.. .. 0.... c.-,. ~ ........ .,...... __ . ..................... ~. .a.d~ ............. ...w ..., ..... ""''"" --\, .. .. ..,...__ .. ._ow o.-c:-,~ ......... .......................... ....._., ..... It). .... ~. ~ ........... _ .....,.. .... _ ..... ~., ..... .... 0.0.. .. 't,.... Ill 1M .._,., _.... ....... C'w.roty ......... .-c .... _ ,. ............. _ .......... ......,., Lee at .. 't-... 57~ .... c.., .................. c-..., ... a.-. ...... c.w..-...... _ _... ............ -"' u.... C7 .. M ' I ................ ... c-t., ...._..., ........ ._.., r.-., _,. -· ~­..... .,.,. n..-..w-...... olloef .,_ _....,.._II .. , oltM reel • .........., "-c.a...t u.... .............. • ... 22:30 v-o....... ..._. a..c-.CA n. .... _ ... ,_ "-'-- OQ~ .... ,_ .. .... _ ... _ ......... _ d •• -.. .., ........ ........ lui ..... ..a • aAdoa, ............ . -., .... ryty. -oo Ia plioocl, .......... bile, -· Of . ...,.,...--.... ,., .......... ........... \ ... ~)_...... .. , ..... 0.... ol 'tnot ........ SI12,11W (11. • ~looodo.,. .. _..... ....... ~) ... ·-ll•J ....... _ .. _ O....oiT ......... ., ............ . --oiiMT.-........ _ ......... ~ .... ._... .. y,.. n.~ ......... o-l ... "T.... ............ .._..... • ... ........................... - Dacluol»e ol cw..lt ~ o.....l lor ~ .......... --.. Do6Mlt .... ~ .... n. ..... ,. ............ ,.._ .. o..a ...... . _ ..... ""._.. .... _ " ............ ,._., .. ........ T.--......, 0 ... -. .... Tllloo ..... _ ... -r.-o....-.. -· ....... II.. S.... AM. CA R7G3 ,._ _,.,... ......... (7~~ Oootetl """ "· t.a_ Tllloo .._,_ .... ,,..,. c-..,, -....& f.-. by .. ,.,. W\lll.a8a l'loWiooll .... " u ..... le.2 .. ~ ...._,~ -PVaJC.:mc£ llllOJ IIOTIC'& OE O&A111 OE 1.0U O.flW WIO, aa LOUIS alto .... LUIGI O.flM IUO. alto U. O.f ... LDO. cdla LOU O.YIRO JUa) OF P£11 I 1011 tO AWID ESTATE MO.AlltaJ To all beUII, bellebc:a&r.-. c:rechton, coatm~t c:recbl· on ~ Lou O.V~. aka l.ouia O.Vtaceuo, &b l.o\1 P. DeVUica.o, &b LW9• O.VlDc.oso, ab L.P. O.YlD· ceuo, aka Lou O.V1110, &Del perwou w~ _, be other --Ulte....-d U) the will &DCllor.-.te: A pebboa hM beea bled by C&t!wnae Gupuro tn the SllJ)erku Collrt oJ Oren~ Cowaty ~that C&tb· eriM Gupuro be appomted us-r-el ~.,.to admAn!Mf 1M ..,.. oJ Lo11 O.Va.ac-&o, Coroaa del Nu, CA n. pebboD r• qlMI&a auO.Onty to ad.rauu.te1 ... r .......... d.a1 A raboa of ~Mat .. Ac:t. A lD9 on the pebhon wU! be Mold U) Dept. No 3 ., 700 Cmc C..• Dn ... w .... S...ta Aaa, CA Sl2101 oo A1a9 ZS,lSII2ata:JOa a 11 YOU OIJICT to 1M QrUUAQ ~ tM pebboa. you ahotlld eitber apperar at the bee.rtnq ADd ..... J'OlU ob,.c · hODI oc h ... wrntt. ob,.cbOna Willi U.e court INJont U.. .... 1'\Aq Yow appeo&r&Dee _, be lD penon or by your ano,_, IJ YOU AU A CUDIT OR or a coabA~I c:reddor of the deeunct, you rnlllll We yow c:la.t.a w1lb the court oi ..,-1 II to tU ~ .............. qpouUed by ..... cou.rt wtdu.a low.r _ ... fro• u.. ...... oi hntl ---of .....,_ u provded lD 1ec: boa 100 of 1M C.WOnu.a Pfobete Code n. Ita. lor b1ua9 e'-uu w..U. raot •liP•r• pnor to fo\u rnootha lroiD th• date of tbe bMrtnll aot.tc:ed abo.. YOU MAY UAMIHZ tiM hie k.pt by tbe court U yo• • ,. • ,..,.oo m...-....d 111 lbe ...... you_, hie.~ W'11Jl t'--CO~trl 10 ~_,.,. ..,... aaJ eobn o.l 1M fWaQ oi the ua,_tory of_...._.. and oi tM petU.Iooa, accouta &ad repodl ~ l.a IK't.ioe llOO S oi ,._. C&I•Jora.aa Pro- IMieCode. AUotMY lor pehboner Yo11.119, lfo.ane, Hwa~n. 6 ...._. bJ P .. l D. HeW, AMet., .. w•. 100 tor.-.... w .... ,.__., CA 11-(714) g..mJ, ....... A .. 4. ll, 11, lta 11M ae..,.o., r....· Ms. ....c-..:. IIOIQW -I 1M& "---. .... ·-· ----~--~ ~ eo..;.. ................... .~.-~-._, .._ -...... ,., Y'.-. ................. ,.. ...... ~ ... ~ .... ., ......... _........,.,, .•. ---.. u.. ....... &t)M, ..... 1~1, .. OlllooW ...... .. o.-c-. c.w-.... ... -1·_ ..... _ ...... .,....., _. __ ..... 0 __.. ....... &L ... __ _ ·-~ ... ~ ....... .... a.-, ......... .--. ........... flotolt ......... _ _ ............... _ .. .. u ...... .._.,.__ .... .._ _,_ ..... _.. ......... . Crtte C... DnM W•, ._. AM. ~ .MI&.el ~ ....... .... __ ...,... ........ a..w ... . ........... .,.... .. ,..,... .... ....... ., ............. c:-, ... ..... ........... AC..4i .. a .......... .. (a) U..l ....... -o-. ........ ho;ect ......... Ia 1&..1 -ec...to..--""'" ......... .. ..... 1(1111, ..... Q .. OMiocMI ..................... c...n ...., ...... ~-c-.ty ClaMit ..... ............................. 0 t ..... "-, .................. ---o.ct.-.. c--. ~ ............ _ ... .._. c.... a ....... ,.. A...,..•~. _...,. .. ._. ICIIMI, .... WS. .. o...J ......... a.-0......,. __.ta Aa.CtMwt~ • ..._. IC*,-461. ol ~ ........ ~ .. " ..... _._... ___ untJ,-ste. o1 Olftcool .._.., ( ...... O..lu_., ...... D.dtw• -.. Aa_.,_ ... Lee 4 .. T- lll7 ( .... D.du-.. ··--'· _.., 0... II, 1m. ,. -.. lOJaJ -SSI ool Ollocool ....... • .... ~ ....... c_.., ......... ., Or_ eo..., (b) Aa rutdr ....... U4Gtto --1A .......... co __ ......... .. .... o.c~ar ... -......... ,.,_..._ ol Aaa•ul-. "-<I Lee 4 ol Troct 7117 .. -.... _.., .. ...... lOI -ll .... ,.. ......... ol' .._......_ . ..._,.., ........... .. .. c-........... Ot-c.-. .., (e)~--­....... u ........ __ , ., ............ c t ._,_ .... '"O.Cie-(4) A_.._.,....,..--to-... __ .... ~ .. ... , ....... wk ................. . ............................ ......_.. .......... ,., (I) Lee I ol Troct ~. • .-o - .__..... ....... JIQ. -7 .. I., ..... .... I ~_.. oi0.-0....,.~ DCD'IWQ rMMnON lllal -_ ............................ 1_ ........ _. _ _....,.. ....... . -... '-* ........... ..,_ ol .. c-., ....... ""~-eo... ,.,.~ (2) a-I, 2 ...t l ol Tooct 11.17 u ... _._ ............... _ l3 .... :M .. w-.a..-...... ...,.,... .. o.-c:..-, c..w...... DCD'1111G YiiiJIIIION ell od. ... _ ............... ,...._ .. ~ ....... • .......... IIIII ~toe(. wuM.I llow ...... "" _..... _., .. ,_....., .. .aMT•-llf o4 __.. n.. ..-,..,. .ckl.-ot ott..t coe -deooqM1ooa ol ....! p-n~ II L...tu Co.n ,....,..,, IoMeii CA 'UMJ M••• ••• a44•••• ol ••• ~ ... ..._....,._ .... _ ...... eoact.C't•d sa. •• , -~ '"'-.... ~Cor potal..a. u Ahota.-, •• ta t't lo• IUoodoo w.... K.poW ,,_ ._, ..... 1:101 I ~ A.. S... .. ~o. CA U40t o,,_ to .......... ,._,.., .. , "" ......... .. , ,.,._...,-..... _- ... ........., .. ,., ...... 10 ...... "-......... ~..w..u.a. ........ .e. :OO..od ..... ..II--. ..-. ...... at Oil ••naaty .... ,_ CH ,. p! ......... llldoo.-Of .. ...... ...,.. lo Mlooh .......... ...... ...,. ~ ........ -Of --•rwd l>y ....! o-d ol Tr-ro wtl lk 100 00 pJ•o •lo• lollowo•• .........,... ccata ........ a..t .ct ·-...... -· <ol the ....... ,.......,_ "" .... ....._ ol S.le --..'«! b-.......... _... >I II 504 15 ...... -.-•• 17 1'1"" _ ................. ,.._..... t..r..c. J.oa foo&. I IW3 • ..,_ pt ...... ,..,._ ..... ~ .................. ~10 ,., ........ __....... .... CM f- YOU A.U Ot DUAUl.T t11G)O A oaD Of TII\IS'f DA TID IU1. 'f l . 1•1 UWU:SS YOU TAU ACTJCII TO I'801IICt TOU'8 ..atUn " WAY • .:&.D AT A I'UaiC IAU If YOU OKD U IIR.AJIA. noll Of TNil MATU1111 Of,_ ...OC:U"NG AOA.IIIST YOU 'IOU ..ou1.D CX. TACT A LAW'f'D O.lttol laty JD Ita a .. f -'"'-"".. '--._,_ c-,_, ""'-" .... _ ........... c .. -a--.... eo-.. .. .. _ ....... " .._. ~· v ... ·-..... l.lOI I ~ A.. ... a..-..t-CA G404 !1141 -1111 lat-.., ........... A.., 4 II II llll .. n.. ....._.._ Ml471 ,....; .onc::a: , .. mao.- ..-""~ ""'~-· ....... lloau••u u I OL.L OVDLA&I AS:!OCtA T'l$ 4410 v.. ...._ • A .. ..__, a.-a. CA- r.~or .. Luo.re CQ " • o-.w M &ooll. -., .. Ltoloo ,__ ......_. ........ CA GilD D P .......... II .... w-.. , 0.... c..-........ C4, tazs 1-o....m _..__ L-. eo.... .., w.. CA .a, ,_,, L Su~ 2~ 1-C. .,.....,.c_....,...,c ... I2IJS ,...... • ..... lwttl ' ..... ..,, o. ... c..-., ..... ~ azs. n.. loll C-t. 4410 Y .. ...._ A-~ .._ .. CA ... . ........ , __ nll w ... _ ... ..._ ..... .._ ... w.~ G ..__,_ II ..... II ~ w..t .... _ ... W.•• A ·-\Ill La~"-" II I s-rote • ..._ •lot .. , _.. N ""-Gla U7111 ""' It I ..... _ . ........._ ... n. ..... _ .. ~ .... .. -.. ,..-............. ,_., Lll••f ~-... hW .... , ... c-.-, a... Ill 0.·-c.. • ., - A .. 6 Ita .......... A-. 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O.Joah ••II ll-.:uoa to S.U ............ ,_,ww.y4 IIG• a..--... 12 ISZJn, .. Clelic..r ........ ...... OoaatJ ............ ....-10 .... 0... .. ,.,.... .. ., ,....., -... ......, loowtooJ -...... u. ........ .__ .. .... ._ --.... aW a.-c ... . ty~.-....-s-..Aa. .... ....._ ,__ s. .... ........., ...... "'-· c .. , ........... ..... ,..., ......... --c:c.....,.d • .... _ ...... .., ............. o...t .. , ...... _,..,_... .. ...d c-oy~ ......... doocnllaal• a... » .. iMd l4 .. -..._; .....,.. . .. ., ............................ .. a.-........ c.w..-, .. ... __... ...... , _ ... .._.1•-N.,pe, ,..,.,,.. ol o.-c.-.., n._....._o,......,_.,. t II 'V ...... .........., W l4tlo S. • A • ...._. a..dt, CA tal63 ........ ...._ ... ~ry.l .................... "-_ .t.c~ooats....r.c.a..-~ Lit&.. rtle ......... ,.... r-.tod P 0 ..... ...._.., .. 07141 AI _..._........._ o...-... ...__..., .. , ........ ~...-.--.. .,......_ .. ..........,. ..... ,o ... 1'0 .............. 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[ ••Qn p.,aJ.h 4•Q • II lij .t'> 19111 n n.. llo•s><>•l l naoqn f 14' 14~ N£~1~ l'.,bl·•" A" J ~ ,r, S.r>• fl'f•~>l• NU8 7 rlt4lr7 Nl4'111 PUIUC NOTICE ncTITIOUS IUSINtsS J ~til It• lh• H•"J tll r.,,.., rl¥.}4; N£~1• PUIUCMOnet n CTITIOUS IUSJNtsS PUIUC NOTICI r1CnT10US IUSUIEU NAME ST A TEJCJ:IU PUIUC IIOTICl I"ICTinOUI IUSt.NE.SS IIANJ: STA TDlDCT Ttl• I<• II w.n 1 p•rtt4•M· ••• • J fh,. t II ••"1.1 s •r .J• •l•lol IIAIU ITATDitln T"-' k..llnwlnQ P-r~n• ar• J~,~,n.., b••u••• u OIIAIIGl PATROL IM<:' 000 T1ab• u llwd lmno I A ~17 t~ t,u ,. ..... , OAYt PHUr(l iNA' £ f" •~ Hwv C.r.n• d..l N"' C A '*'"''" C"'h•tl• rr..~,.~~ e 4tt4 NAME STATtMEIIT Th.. I· H ... n\~ P•• ,,, d .,,., b u "" 0 A MflTON ,. •1 N£W EOUIPioiENT H£1'\JIITlR &. O .. R~H£ PUBliCA JI(Jt4S • t~~ W '-'•'• S l •c ' ' Wu W ~, ~. o ... , C"A ASSV<.!Aft~ ,..4., 1 "' r·."·•• w,.,. ~o., C. A _,,0( 0. ... J l•nt• OunQ• '•'" t In 41UU y,.t,\& "'· .t. t.t., ho~•t .l• HW I 0 A.,. Ot.w• C .... N•w (.A "lb.ib [).-..J AH•" N•l'·'"' J~ ~ f lo ,.,., -.,. N O .. R .:W•J y._,.. R.,,,.,.,_. 11....1 h•••• CA 91714 Thwt ~•1"•_.. •• C'f•ndwr ...U t,~ • pcueltun S.9"-d W..' M ( ''-*"' Ou "'q• Path II• T'-... .t•'-'""' ••• t ~J • 1 • CvvOit c-., •. f o,.'\j• (" ., ... "I ly)O 11111 s .. ,.,. f ·• t•UJ Tt 1\ L .. I""'"' ... , S..nt• Ar.• C A 4.t1Ui n ... b1o41u ... , , ,,d~ 1..-1 b .... , ••••.h••• 5. ,, .... o ... .d A .... , Tr • •tel•m••' ••' t•l-d •~•t. f\" ('"Jt.r~ ·I h4r t¥ ( - "'~-~ ,, ~~ pot~,.., , &.,.. r. l..A 1.t~ r. ' r . I fl... r.dw. t!!'d 0~ .r Ju .h.•J Hho~tb.nd ,., d • 1.., S~lolnN o.,,d I• "o." ,.,, ' Thtl .,_.,.,, • t ,.. 1 ... d ••*r "• '--"'' ,.,. C'l.,. f e,, •• ,. C' ""'\ "'" A \IJ ~ ,.,.. P-.bl .... ._ Avo 4 I! .-• • .._., n.. N..,...,t [,'"" I "' I" ""• •• f P-..blldt A,, "' .~ ~, l-4t1U r Tfl-le N••t r•l nt•J ,,~- P.bl.,, A. 1 ,, .~ '' S..• ...... '" lfll• N•ws. r [ ''-J' Flt4J86 Nto .. CLASSlFI.ED INDEX ANNOUNCEMNTS 9 Peuonal• 10 Loa1 a nd Found II Schoolsllnltruc ln 14 Pe11 and L1Ye1tock IS Gar<~q(' Sal"' 16 Health 17 Tr•vei/V ac .. llou 18 Entert••nmenl 19 Gth Suqqesllon' 20 Cbuop r•chc EMPLOYMENT 22 O.Cor 23 Help Wanted 24 Employment Aqcv 25 CounNthnq Svc 26 L ce naed C hldc r• 27 Sttuahoru Wented nNANCIAL 28 Money Wented 29 Money To Loan )() Bu.UI-Oppot 31 lnv•t10ent Oppt., 32 Tru.t o..da and Mortqa9tts 13 Fo reclo1ure Svc \ J4 lniUIAnCft MERCHANDISE 35 Ltate S.les J6 Spo rll 111-1 G U<.)d' 37 Art 38 Anhqu•• 39 Aucllont 41 Furmlurto 42 Apphanch 43 T•levlll(m'St•roos 44 Mu11Cal ln1trumn11 45 Ofltce £qu1pmenl 46 Stamps and Co1n1 47 S.wtnq M•clun•• 48 r.bn cl 49 Dlemond.,l•wtolrv 50 NUK:eliAneous 51 Went To Buy RENTALS 52 Reot.la To ShAre S3 Aptorlmenll U nfrn 54 A.,.rtmentt Fvrn 56 H~ Unlurn 57 Ho-Furnllhed 58 C ood oe/TwnhM- For Rent 59 V•cAhon Rent.alt 6 1 Rooou For Rent 62 Offtce iCommrcl 63 Rell Hom" 64 Board And C •r• 65 G.rao• f or Rent 6e Wenled To Rent REAL ESTATE 67 Re.l btele 68 HauN t Fo r S.le 69 Coodoe/TwnhMt For S.le MOilLE HOMES 80 Mobtle Hom• 8 1 Mob1le Hom" Wen led 82 Mobtle Home Pr ~ IOATS 14 loetal£.tpmn• 8S Bo.t ChArt"r 88 Bo.l Sl•p• AUTOMOTIVE 17 Auto U pholaterv 81 Motor Hum•• 89 Recrtn Vehocl.- SIO S.rvtcetft.~u 91 Notor~ycl.-.' Wopeda ~ l .crclft ~ Van.rfntclta For S&le ~ TtucbiV•n• War~ ted " Atdo Parte/ A CC41ee0rl .. 81 Auto/Trek LN..nQ t1 A1111ot Went.t 11 SCHOOLS• lNSTRUCnON TUTORING Mot! aubjecll. JC 12 and collfll• D•v. evem nq land summer $51$10 per ho ut 6 dayslevH Mr Morgan. 645 5176 ' JUNIO R TOURNA MENT PLA YUS• ln1eo 11ve tndtvld uel wo rkout:. and II41DinQ M $al00S AvAilAble 41 any court• d•11ed and tune Kern 556 9 127 ,. 673-ISst 11 SCHOOLS• INSTRUCTION Apple School A untqu• leArmnq ex penenc• l ndov•du•l pruqram• 730-5317 PIANO LESSONS Beqtnner advanced all alyles IAI.WI method• vrofeu1on•l p•rlo rmer My tludw vour homP G a b11ella Stud 1o d Mu11C. &45 3003 14 PETS.._ UVESTOCK DOG O BEDIENC£ TRAINING lor owners who c•r• Doq&~pupprH 7 WMU and up Group pllvAie leuon• Board; lrAlntoq proble m be he voo r c;onauha ltona Sue Myles 966 8«4 HO RSE rO R SALE ..,, 1-12 yNr Norq•n quArter q~t~ld1nq Goe. I nc;rhsh And wHiern Eacellenl dtsposthon G real lem1ly horse Can J.AN at Corona ,del toter S••bl" (714) 7&0 1469 PAINT GELDING 12 yea rs eoerqehc bul qenlle Super 1ra1l, mull Mil Tec lr u•cluded $800/oller Ce ll lust•n• 492 2-476 or 492 &967 C HINESi SHAR PEl Mal" I bleclt. I d .. rk lAwn , 8 mo nth' S46 1395 -AfRIC AN PARROT Talh trAined $800 or bH t otter Kenmore ••w •nq m e c h 1n .,_ r ab 1ne l Due. every lhto q SISO (714) 638 OIIOIJ G REAT DANE PUPS AICC fAwn and bundle top blood hne (714) nl 4586 • PITBULL PUPPIES fo r .. 1e ADIA re~~~atered SUS. •v•n w•u (714) 6737 23 HELP WANTED N[<IM IS GARAGE SALES G ARAG E SAI,.E Everyth1nq QOtt!!1 Satur day. Sundey, August 21 22 319 lrvtnl' Av• N•wporl Beach ANTIQU E G ARAG E SALE. Too m&ny ttem~ to hsl S..1 ol 4 c hdtrl $10 Murur~ S4 \12 Oak dmmq rllllm ldble k8 Glauwart> <1nd dtsh•. 2Sc $<4 Ptctur•• $1 SIO L.ace a nd ltn•n• 50c S6 Slettou tnd ,pealt•r• s20 r ndev I , nly 7 a m to b p m 1622 Munruvld t.e1w-n I l61h and 17th ,,, .. ,, 1 Co .. la M......, I I 16 HEALTH LOSE WEIG HT NO W j 10 lo 29 lba •n 30 dAv ur vour $II 75 lor I I month ~ oupply relu1n I t'd Call HERBALIF£ dtslnbulur Mtc h•ll• &45 5423 1 : AMW A Y PRO DUCTS <orne lo vvu Sat1~lal ltc n q UArt\nleed "'' I mc..n•y baC'It 5595s-4J 17 TRAVEL/ VACAn W AJKIKI -7 Ntqhl• 2 .~ l htl dr•u undcor ll v .. ,.,~ 1 24 hour C .Ar •h•r I bonu~"s Silt.> .ill •• ''" CAll GI•J• bJI 9040(WA 7) 18 ENTERT A1N BALLOON BOUQUETS Untqlle perwnel1zf'd 1 '1'11 O..hver.d locally O rde r tod.,v "BaiiO<Jnt I uf Newport "644 7440 A BIAUTlruL BELLY DANCKR Will malt• vour I next occ.u10n tptK'I41 I W., enleriA&n lo r p rtv<llt• and b111aneu Qroups , Call731 4574 19GlFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS S.nd .omeoM y~o~u luve e bouquet ol lO hehum balloons "B..tt lhe heck c:-ul of ro.., Perlec 1 lor ell o.K"C4 SIODI 67 J 44 19 23HELP WANTED PRUnGJOUS R£AL ESTATI o m c 1 '" 1r VIDe JoolrtnQ lot lop qualtty aQentt Good conuaiM&On •pitt Ho d.n ·-851 0829 752 1493 tl-N£4~11 23HELP WANTED STUFFERS L.tcun lo earn $180/w"l< wurk I 2 hours da1ly stuf1111g env•lopea Send uoll .tddreued Sl.tmped l'nvelope 10 Concord Depl 14, 1~32 Lem-.>r1 Dr Yurba L•nc!a 9:?636 GOLDEN STATE SANWABANK Japanas. English Speaking Newport Beach Allraclrve Ne w port Beac h office has a n 1mmed 1ate openmg tn theu corporate bank- Ing dept for a quahhed m d1v1 d ual wtlh good secre taua l sinUs and wutten and oral Japanese lao g uage a b1hty Ex- c ellent benefit s an d ple asan l sur roundmqs Quall11ed apph c ant sho uld c:on tact Sha wnee Lee (213) t89-1331 Ext. 217 M F tot. -CAaRRaM~ R. " u. MJIID oaaacrou, POIUIIa CIIII•-LIADiaa: Sales posiUons with the leader In l (hool sales Indus try Sell s p o rts re lat~d products to 1\thletlc Departments. BAnd•. Cheerleaders. e t c. Salary plu., commls- lron. EH tlltnl fri benefits. 11\inlmu earnings first yea S21 .500 plus. Lou terlitory Thoroug traanrng. ~rlt ad ~•memenl Reward lf'IQ poiltlon 101 res pon1lble m11turc goal oriented lncllvl ct\1411, 1'11\utt ~ ev•ll eble Sept. ll. 191<1 knd rt umc In confl c14nu to: J ./1\. nKfS P.O . 8o~ 7132 Stockton CA 7 C RUISE SHIP JOBS • All occupations G rea t tn come potenllal For 1n formation c•ll (&02) 998·0426 Dept 8963 phon>~ call refundab le BUSY EXECUTIVE r~ quue• p .. rr tamt~ hel~ e a pdnd•nq whol~••l• I supply b ,,c-ss Co· ldCI Dr Po rlar (71 41 5.16-5848 S6 00 PER HOUR plus bonuacos Telepho n.- solacttor ~rt tune eve ntn~• C.ill lor •ppotn menl (714) 754 6606 rvu&rlatm4 - 01111 r'IIIDA y .mG .............. -· .... ••to" W\otto.aq WltA •tee -J. Q,.., o.ppomuul'f' .. P'-' ~~o..,.ort c-.. , oH-C:..fl .. ll'y ... 'ft0.0100 $205 80 TO S-411 60 I WUKL Y ..,ork1nq pari lame AI hem• $758 00 w-kh l)<)uable lull lime No ellpttn•nce All .tqes Complel'! detaals And >pphc.srton lo rm w nr ·Jn rt'qunl Plea• .er.d " wit addr•••d sl•mped eave lope to C MA 204 McClell•n V•cavtlle C A 95688 IF YOU ENJOY PEO PLE workmq youa own h •ura pr ... mottnq )>Om• ol lh• /loq hest pAid m•n•qerr.ent IMm 1n the USA ,._u -.tn qe1 e• tied .st.t. ,;I showtn~ I olh•• women tc look rheu bMt .1nd dtovelop lheu p olenlt.al You .:ould t\Ul b. whdl our r usm eltc <. mpanv w•nt~ Call 556 9n4 PART TINE WO RK "v••l•blel Need " J,ule ••••• money" Wor~ for 1h• lrvtne Undted SchOQI Dlltrtcl rood Ser vtce D•partmeol pari lime end •llll e nroy olher •c hvth.. lor the bal.anc• ol the day Ap ply 2941 Ahoo Ave lrvme 552 1383 £0£ SALES ART lntenor O..tqn N.., eaperoence nec-n Wtll lrAln EaceU.nl comm•••on fle••ble boun r or toler Vlew. cAll Nra Bloom 857 8247 S WIMWING POOL co'lllaetor oeeda •• _,.,.enc-ed .:~thee per.on I haU hme Prefer mature peuon no• •mo kea Sl 000 munth OfliCe locAted oea1 South Cout Pl.u i79·5616 Serioua Job S.eieul Would you ltk• lo Ml YO\ll own bours watb practically no haul on Mrnmrp and have vacahon.1 as detired'> U to, then why nol conveo.antly work Wllh us aorUnoJbundhaQ ,...,,, keLve work and pay .. at.J ~ ma•l. Start uamed· ~te]y! Por dlfonuhoa. a MU·.ddr ... ted, at.taped env lope unnaa a prot~apt , .. Wail Warkehng S.rvaces P.O. loJI YO OcalA, Flor P\11&.11;~ f'ICYITIOW IUIMIIlla ...... ITA~ n..-... ..... --...... -.. YDftAQJ IVC)ftl S4 ..,_.., t .... ,.. CA trnt• W....... .. .. -'-"'• a..-C:A .nit ._.. ..... • S4 ...__. " ,.,. CA tl114 r.-.. ar.. • ..-..... lilt "'"4 C' .-4 ._, • • • .. .., ••• ,.. .. S.~~t _, .. 4' •• Tt •. ...,... t ••• f e4 • •t • • \,.. \ol I c.... ;f Ote ... C • 9 f,o 11 IV I.Ml P...w..a A..., 1• ~ S.pt I 1 aiG"' n . ~~..,...,c..,..., '1klS'I PUIUC ltO'riQ ~~&4ft P'ICTITIO .. -IIAIU ltATDmtT T... folktW•ft• P•tN" I•• .Jv1 I llwou • .. llfUAC04$TAL DIIIIX. NG PJIVICr 1117 1. ,. • A I•, 0..•• " ~11• ' CA Vl6U w.,, S• • .,h, S1h J •I L.J~ AJ• .. Ut '" wll•riOII ,_,A .rt~ • f)'\.• b'-''" ... I 11o J • ..J a• • J,• d tl StQI:Ad N••• S • 1 .... ,.,..,, .-• fut4 ' t t • , ca ••• ~• o,, "" .. c... '""'• ollf ;\_, t I f'116i2 Ptl•• Aw~ le ! ._. • t!l -e... •""• H••""'' l .., ~ ,.., ... PUI UC NO,tCf ICOIIO I ICTlfiOU~ I U!>JNL\1 IIAN( U ATf)(ENT • I IJI>~tf~V • I -..: ... , t-A It tt I. ' • • .... .. ~. PUILIC Nv i u .. t • rcnnoul> au'>tNt NAJIU STA rt Ml " I•A I ~" .. f •• ~ I • • ' y 'o~t A ' E I • .. FRIDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'tO 9 P.M. SATURDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'tO 9 P.M. SUN DAYS ••• 11 A.M. 'tO 6 P.M. .. .,., MAKE EXTRA MONEY I DURING YOUR SPAR.[ TIME' I C:h, w our new hue tl d.tn ~o~ .. nd •d t 'HJ Q 1fl1 lc ' Prompt lr e ,,,,, ·from 73 ;. · J,d ·'A 1\t compen·• W"~•"' '"nm11a1on No 1. -·,1 or _t.l.•-rac .• a, Ill own t os f'·-~1 • --;. ;,lent••l NL • ~ •nee nt ''"' lha '< Fro~nlr: BJck:., NEWTO N NFG CO De~' 3S46 Nt•w• • I ,_ '~2()8 MONEY TRAVEL •n f 1rnd110n OR CIUI <' h r .b 4.11 vee .<pall .Jr.• xcelltiDI mcomot, b"ne ' IS c.u (602) 998 0411) XI d96J ,. HllD CARE M.lD£1..1 Matur• •dull lo • .. re ! • " y .. .,, old 111 ~ .• M. >lvh Vte JO hvr.tP 1;, ddV 7 J V·· iQtt ., '· hlv C •ll r,lffr .... • umb~r I !100 5.>.1 J~n 1 ,.1< lor PennvuvtH AJ ""Jlc h M7&71 26 UCENS£0 CHJLDCARE H LAW RE vviRES 1ha1 t'' r "I pr. Vtd• 'htiU •' n '" 1 home b.-IIC'•~ ..d fur UJI.arm•hon .... h " • u biAirt hcenM .r. O r "'"" Co .. nr~ l AII /14)8J4 5171 28 MONEY WANTED Mv N£Y WANH.D r.~ S< • M Am .. 1 •• 1 •d~ •• ooo shv. ·~.~ P: pAIIV 493 'b74 Come enjoy a summer afternoon or evening waterfront experience at Lido Marina VIllage in Newport Beach! Here you'll find relaxing pleasure with the nne shops, the outstanding restaurants, the quaint brick streets, the weathered wooden shop exteriors nestled 'neath scores and scores of sheltering trees ... all on the water's edge I Also, ei'\Joy a vast pan- orama of sky and sail ... of clouds and soaring birds ... of water and boats heading for the open sea. All yours ... at Lido Marina VIllage on a summer afternoon or eveningl Come ... browse, shop, sip 'n sup on the waterfront in Newport Beach at your leisure! 36 SPORTING GOODS SHO TGUN R ::. perTr.l-' Tl n1 L . .,., ''i'l' u-t ..,.,.,._,:d t• •u' : t.n.ah ..-.~d ~.._.. t1 •·r ,t.. ' ll\'l • 1• h.t4 l• • •. q·· I ' .. ..-aallAJB !. •• •• lENNI~ RA\..VUE~ I n.... ,. J, 29MONEYTO LOAN I t;& .,~·~··~>')0,~ ....... 'GOUERS"GOLHRS "GOLFERS' F1t •1~ .. I 4' MO Nn MONEY • 1.al R"liDiAhtn>J ~. Homeown•r L~"n' bv ""'II R• ,t,al•ln<J pho ne 2nJ end Jrd w .... xh r r no ~ • I R, rru~t Deeds lailllred lu I'"'"P"... ,, p" II .. I yout •1lualion ,, n..d• G<.>ll l ,.....,., "~'' ••> r ,u hm 4.v n·~hl c .. cl• Su·'" A 8 lr .• ~ :~d• S86 c,, '•r • l ~~-,.{I '<b. JO BUSINESS OPPns EX El Wii'Kt. TIN~ r.RolJllanllodll~, ·~ 'h• ' .1-. •nd qu•r '"'"..d Mit EAGE MAUH .I I 980 441J NAHT ro a• , o •. SELl • b1111n• • ~All ''" 51'111Ar ~op ....... lt, b ..... , .... oppurt •· ,t. c .n 552 t800 BF.NUIT PAC'KAG .. p ..... ,d,nq dental leq •I •c.::ulllltUIQ op .. 1 ~~~ . JO'' diK<111111 C..ill II'.J7 2145 lor futltler ,,. lurm•lwn TRA vt1. a.ua Opporh&IIIIY Of I t..t.fl.ee ..._ ... ,.,,. .. 1 Mv_lh lewl ...0 lA 111eat. I,.. ••e•... l&a beMfll No ta.eatory Ho ~tao Ia poru.nt .... l~ &63aa • 31ANTIQUES ·'-GA LLERY ON ~ .1 L.l..,UD<I' • • R· m d• l1• J S.l" A<t·l •nd 1. \ ~ merchAnd o • 'tl b0°t If A to. tun• UIJ \ I l n•ndp.unr.ll1 ,.... 1 nm111v.., ru1ure •Ab!ft t O>Jit "'"If ro t I 1 M t If.. l"m~• ' I• I 11'1' dfl> ~ .... tr.o•v 'tt I• 119h1 •••nJ , .. •b•n•l-••lv•• pl.•l • end •••rl·n~ ''""'' ""' ····• Pit IVAn •a.-n Classified '• " •14 " . '1. II • Ju" • una put,. your o w n and dro p at an th• ma1l ~ ..... ' ..... ,,..._. ,.. .............. t • .. . .............. ,, YI)A" \I 16 1 ~ (~4) l tv> I (lO) j f (.).)) (~) "'-·-...... _ • :. • • • ' • ,....., .. 4U '::-;:::!tao a-1 s-ea--.. Cflf)-1'" ().,. .... .s.e .. 11-S OJUEHTAL mwa.rt. porcNua.~ud .,. ow. coBectihh= ud ---... t.a.cbb&e pnc-.. Appou._t Oil· ly. 6161-7146. SaD ,_ C.,.U..Ouea. * *DAVID IIL\JRY, 14138 Moore eo.n. h - Y\M, CONGRATULA- TIONS! Y~ ...... ,_. -two~to "Super FUA. • ,.._ c:&ll 673-0550 lor yow bck· --=------- ~ FUliiUTUBE CA.MOI'T BID, c:oa- ~twua -. s.so. ORJINTAL ~wood ciuu.a9 roam _.. Table, Ut.lAOII ~. 6 acie ch&us, 2 bo.t cb&ua, double c.... Appf'Oll. S2,500, w.ke ofJer ~1073. ITAGD£: lh-Wlth vl-...... 6' b.KJla, 4-5' _. A1mo.l oew (714) 544-5409. UAUTIJ11L aa.ahog&lly ~ ... wd.la 6 b&lld- can4td rOM·pa.tlero ch&us ud 2 .... 19301-«la era Gor- ~~ saso. J&aac. went 673-a&61 U APPUAMCES COLOR TU.EV1SION. SUS. 5ewuHJ madtme, S55 ~rby ••cuum cleuer, S45 00-. (714) 953-1789. COBNlMGWARE ..-u!Je lop wll.la CQ~Qpiete u. ... - al _. S17S lac:W.l.at ~. ~···d SJ5.7482 IDI PDSOIIAL COW- PUTD or Apple 2 ud 2 pru~ten Wut .. 11 113-7422 WIMOLTA101 Cop .. , -Wall ..._ trade C..... moto..-cycle or cuh equsv•1eat (714) 9&110153 COMPUTU. APPLI D pi~ clull dn" 0 , IDOIUtOr, plua ...... ,., oncluder Y~S~C:alc: WU. o.u .. 661·7355, ciA .... 41fAQJCS I ••• *' 1''0111 TIJCNIS/SOCIALJ ,........ Clv.b· r-. IOIU'a&a-la, p&rla" ud ~ ...... n ..&co..., _ __.._ ._ T--~{714) ISJ..SIJ52. lOOKS -OLD. R.A.U ud oul-ol·pnat. We buy ud ..u. "'Oul-oJ- pnal boob our ~- ." Neboawade S...Cb ~-Book v.u.J •. 3&82-A So. an.tol. Su- ~54e-~. c=uu-. fAN, revena- ble ... • ...., bQlala New SZJO. lllll S99 SS2-07'Q6. POOL TABU. 8a4 alate. $400. lhdnQer· ato•, cold ~. $100. e~uo •• Dde p&pw. S50 (714) fi4S.87Sl. (714) 836-Ui66 CUSTOM WADE CAT c..tJe 6' liucJh, 6' WlCle Uaed. UOO Call 646-1016 POOL T A.8LE lor ..a. Scaad.ud -· practte&l· ly --$4510. Iac:ludw •cce .. onea (714) 552-17119 PIOn:ss.tOMAL ~­ cr-.k aoclJilllhlleat ud wta..M. Call Jadr a.t. . 846 25Z9 WINOLTA 101 COPIEJI -W..U l&ke tradde C&r, ID.oAo..-cyc&e or c:M1I equav•1eal (714) B-8053 PLATI COLLICTOBS s..lhaQ c:cepW. coUec boa &I ct.cou.at pnc.. C:..U lor lalt of platea (714) 542-1332. DOING SOMI:THDIG 1LLIGAL7 R.Dovelo r'a dt-eua, halu,_, ep- plaaocw, d oon ud WlD· do--. lor ycNr lo:acker Sue,m-4506 51 WAMTTO IUT WAlrTID· OLD GUNS. n.o... rhoeqwaa, poc.bc w•tcltea. mal•l•ry ftfOnis Senou coUrc- IOr -p&,. .are thu ••Y--581-8870. WA.NTID -USED fur· oatun, •odera, •o· hque R•ln9e..-•ton, w..-..., dryen (work· 104J, BOil·worbocJ) L. '· 957-8133 WAJITID Fu..-.alure. apph&aces (r•h•9•r-aton .• ..._.. dryen, TVa. worlllD9 aon WOflnat;J). p-. &II uquer, albcer hmulure lSCAS {714) 9157-8133 C ASH PAID lor QUALITY A.NTIOUIS. 1•welry, c•••o•. cbeJDooda. perlu..e bot llw. d~ rrca, cui 9'-. cluaa, Alver. onent&la GAUDY ONE 4!M--4444. *-- UBOUSESFOB SALE JCX>WW.A Tl WAJITII) aa tr-n-. I ._, I"'FiNe .....a. to above oo.clo wid! a.-Je ud dAIIQ)l- ....... 4 $250 -"' plu.a 1/3 lllWba c.n &Iter 'I p.a .• sen-0256. lliSI'OIISW.I ..... loz 2 -bedtoom/2-b&.th CoroM cW ...., ~­ $425 plu 112 \lli.liliea ~ evaa1able FIMAU -2 cluld-. ---lo t. .. &ad ..... sa Woodbf1111Q4t -. 730-!1000. em. 26i. V. ltyu. UNIOUI APART· WIJCTS ud lowoho- """' catMcir.t cWu!qa. hreplllcer, ... ban, &11 coadJhoDtD.9. poob, MllDU, t;JYa, '-1Dia cou..rta. •••ed1et• evul- &hle. 1 bedroom &ad dee, 1 bedroom, 2 tJ.d. rooa/2 b•lh towa- ho-Sorry. DO pets. 2400 Harbor Blvd., Coat ... __ 557-8120. LANDLORDS -Free ad,.rlwll9! LSI real&la end..--.. ~ c.U.' AAA Reul&l RMI- ..,. Or~ Cou.aty'• ol.dert ud ~ ,..u.~ rrrnce 973-8315 WHY PAY NOB£? Now renhD9 Hunha91oo Gr....de ApartJDeata P010e 9e.rden &p&.l1· m-la D"r beech ua HIUihllQIOD a •• ch.a. On. ud two-bedroom &p&nmeata trom S425. (71 .. ) 847-6064 lliNTAL -2-bedroom •panmeol. Jrd Str .... South l.aqu.u r,,.. pl&ce, new ca..-peta, w.tk to beech By o wn., S650 moalhly. uhlotaea paod C•ll loWr .. nulllber 1-«10- 532<572. uk for Peaoy- ...... Ad watch W7457 * •CHA.RLIS L RUS- SO, 14142 Woore Cow1, lnlne CON GilA TU · LATlONSI You bave J\UII won two bcketa to "Super FWI w P!.e.rr call 67J..05SO lor your hck- .a SIBOUSES OJU'U'RN NEWPORT BEACH Wwtcwt .,.., 3-bed· 1008 bola• bc.Ueot CGDd.ahoa Lar9e ..U- l&ad.lce~ ye.rd/9•r· d.aaer S.Cunty QatetD 11.100 per moolb 133-1290 LAGUMA NIGUEL -Lll~ 5-bed.rooa ltoaae Wlt\ -. 90U cow.--. ID.C*al&ul ••w. hu.~Je pool ud ~ lor U · ecull.,. end prolrwaon•l wll.la iaauly No pets S2.300 (714) 495-4223 RENTAL -S.o han C.paatr•no eaecuhve 4- bedroolll , 21l ·betb !lome Pool. ~. up-f~r&oder Sl ,350 montlaJy Fant. t..f, MCunty By otnaer C•ll roUJr .. nua.ber 1 8CJ0.532-l972. uk for P ... .,..,.r Ad- -•ekW7491 U ROUSES FO~ SALE s~~ .. C ~U ~O' Rt4LTOR liiO IIlE IOMES ,._ l.ill llnl ..,..... I ft 1tnan. 5~ ............ .-.2 ....... ........ n , r u a.a.n-. ~ .... ~--,~------------ ' ' HOUSI J'OJt RINT - r~. or pe.rtWJy ............ s.pt.-1\lM. 2 becbooaa, ltudJo. be&.u- tdlal 9&nt.o, pe.ho, qWilt atrMC. Wooc:b Cove Off..,. Qood Swt The Cluslftd Way 673.05.50 JUST IIUNG IN AH onu. bee:&.-..u. uad•rrtaad.l kMlay'r a.&. ta.adtllt. H.. oliMt ~lo .... ud ...... to ..n qwckly. 3-bed.roo~a, 1 ~-bath, ..... L..t;J u.u leecb S850. By owfter, 4Vl- 2837. = rooa loz IV. V.,-, -• eod cleua. S.U.r will . f carry Hn•aciaq_. _,_ S13UOO. C&aoa R.I. 5I OOIQ)()8/ ....., Hoa.. 6 Gat- 10WMNJ'S 17 BU.L D TATI -... 493-aM)l. FOR JIEIIT OWND BOUGHT AN-IEACII..coll£ 01'BD 11014. o.-r PUBUSIRJt DO IS Pt 1 1 'f 11 1 t...._ ...._ to e&.I'1'J paper. NOT ACCIPT l.a&bWty DUPLII.: Oaly N.wiy -oo.w 3- b uacon-ecl ~-Sl5,000 dowa, w.tk to beclrooa, 2~-b&llt rpUt 91'&a.ID&UCel aaacc:ur-beech. Sll!J,OOO. &.vel. ac..a new,-*' ea.. or trpovr"'phtc&l TRIPLD: $35.000 ......__ Fuaily -wll.la er:ron lA uy &elver· oJd.•--._, __ ........ ~-dowa. LU. ... O.U,--...-.... Sl87.!00 '-llleDia pu.bhahed ID 1220,000. W~ y&rd. Sl ,!0(), the Coat w.dUI N.wa 4-PLIX: S40.000 C•ooo R.I . letter Group. dowo, ncellent fiaanc· Ho.aa.. It Gardena, SONETHING SPICJAL 1D9-Oc••• ••••· ~::..:...:::..:::..:.1,.-:. ,...,..,...,..-----Outatudia9 3-bed-1255,500. L1ASa omON or nml rocua condo. Fu.rlll.lh.d, CONOO: 0... block cllaraua9 Cliff H.-.- pool/tenoaa Aak109 lO beech SJ3,000 dowo, doll llo-. 3 bed.roo• $1,300/mooth 302 3-beclrooaa, 2-b&th "'"' priv ... pool, .uper C..pbe!l. Cow .. __ $142.000. ...,... c.n (714) ~ Joh.o C&rey, Brobr, Aa&lor.loeozFrw 3553or(213)-.~. 613-mt. C&DToday LAGUMA NIGUIL - FOR RIMT BY OWND. ca.an.r Jlealty By owaer, former UPQz&ded l-bed100111 •lD•eM...,Dta model, 4 becbooa, coodo. On Na_9\Mtl 90U ~w., ,...., o-..r coww S750. Callevet~· ...a122 901f cour••· •l&.raa 109a, 49J-4J67. .,... a.....d 1D S CONDO FOR RENT: 2-11 ROUSES FOR moatha. Price r.cl\ll;ed, bedroom , 1-beth, $365,000. Wurt ..U ua-Orao~Je y,.. Pool. ~. SALE •edlaa.ly, ..._ loa. teruua Adu.Jia, $545 WONABCH BAY .,._. (714)G!5-4.22"3. month 831-8474 ev• hQtoua 9•1•9u~uded 15" OOWM -Sl,1• 1Wl9S OCMDfroJII COiaiDUIUty W0-9.4J" DITIII:ST 59 VACAnoN 3 bed.roo .... 2~ b&t.U -1161,500. J.bedrooa RENTALS oo two te-la. L.a.rve for· or 2-~ plu d.a m&l 4uuD9 room. Spa--you oWII 1&ad. UaJ· RATES RIDUCID ClOua t.ady rooa, wei .-~ty P&.rk, lnua.e Palm Spru~qs Lu.aury bar, lu9• lot, pool, hoae. 0 uyooe brJD9a coodo--.a,ay t.be ru.m· )M:\I.Ul, w&led&.U. 1d..l -• qualdied bu,.., mer -.roo F'u.lly fur-lor ealerlaiAID9 who bu.,. my llo-. I a.tahed. I bed.room. $360,000. Lo...t pnce will(llft you u • hod.d sl"p• lour. TeDJJu , lo Noa&reh Beyl w.ke lee aay oae oJ the fol. IWIIDIDID.Q , JeCU&II offer 964-9881, 641 lowm9: ODe-~ lop IO Av&Jleble weeltea.cb. i11i0llii.•••••••l H&w&ii lor 2, • Yld.o mad w-It ot looQer c&~aer• &Dd por1&.bJe TV te.rms Call Aller 6 p m t.epe ..-.c:orde•, or • s.s-1668 or 846-3188 CAPISTRANO u .ooo va1t certt.bc••• to Nord.lerozu C:..U owoer NAMNOTH LADS -lEACH I . Seely, {714) 551-2574 Lunary condo Sleepa 4 BLUFF FROMT or 552-2115 lor eppomt· lo 8 All eaenllaw phu CUSTOM ROllE •:.:-='·------leruua, fAC\I..lt&l, rewu. FOR SALI _-.. owae•. pool SpeciAl diiiCOWII 0117 \200 per -It (213) C.pe Cod sty&., panor· 3-bedroo~a. 2-b•th. 695-Motl &DUC oceen , .. w Own f.uaaly room, Avery ent, -w-ioa v .. ,a. Lc.n-t SOUTH LAKE TAHOE er lluable e.od wall coad!Hoa.. SlSO,OOO -Lovely 2-bedrooiD I..Uor lmenc.auQ lo your pnce, -•b&e 11~" coado, 1.,., beth. sl"P-need• Cell Bo b lo•o. C&ll tollfr- 6 T&hoe lteya, poola, Agerol awabe• 1-800-532-3872, pnvete beach. leo.nu. uk lot r.aa,..,_ Ad- bo.l rbp, etc Near (71.) 855-3101 w&tcaN&I. &::2'r83S701ol9ht (714) BY OWMD _ ocv.H -..... -~Sl28.· BIG UAR CA.BIN. ~~~~~~~!!~I SJO. lr ;'-b&I&ACOme Hor.b&cll nd109, ball· proper1y. S159,000 LDQ. QOlfmg lukU19. 3 PIRnCT StAaTU • mt. bedrooms 2 b&lha, HOWl. laua.cula• 4- at .. pa 9 Fuep!.ce. bedrooa , 1~-betk, complel•ly hmuahed 1102,000 m --.b1e W.uly, ~-d r••• b.oaacua9. 2-year-old Noo--okera 831-9766, pool ud ~ Owner 492·2951 wall buy dowo loan or L\UAI. KA WAD _ cL.ecu\LDt pnce or wluat· Studto coado, S35 .,.. ... o-.y to ..U osnliltly Oce•nlrool, 1143•500 C&Aoa l .l . .. Better HotaM & Gu-f•a.t .. hc vaew By dau, 493-8801 ownet. 496-4613 LAD AMOWHUD 2 BILOW G. I APPRAJS. ll.ory JWW • bedroom AL -S&.eoo dowa Plua lob 2 bath 2 Lo__. pnced 2-bed· rooa/2-b&l.ll aodel lll hrept.cw 2 balcoruw, .,_ -,...1 u • pm w c•tbedre.l ceo.lang, color ArrlllDe FHA loaD TV Sleepr 1.. Nonh Gr..t buy lor mv..eor Shore t28Stw..nnd. S3951~. $5951month or fual·llDie bu1er 522.-all \81,500. Cuoa I I SUNN'f MO UNTALN ::'!_' ~i9Qi a Gar· vecehon 819 le•r OUTSIAXDDIG c.bm 2-bedrootr p1ua PmCil Joh s~eepe a us P*• ruqlat S70 refundAble 0\at..tuciJat;J 1-Clll•l ..:unly d.poel C.U Ol&lrl&lldua9 home' SelJ. Belmde •• 834-1424. .. wall cury baaCUl9 8 »Sp.. lor 15 .-.a •• low .. .,. uaAp ud kiM r.._ Ut 120FFICEI 001011 IIIQAI. OCIAN VIIW Prav ... oU.C:.., M.wpon c.nter T-ho ... rec· .-.t&.n.t oJfa errvseer 4Vetlehle SD •onl.h &.od up 75a-11036 II HOUSES FOB SALE T D at 10~" a..ub- hilly deeoretecl 4--'-1· rooa. 3-batla, d.n, hre- pJ.ac., 2 &if COIId ud 2 luna.cer Sacnsrpl.ac•. la.ncbc~ .u &10\&.Dd, loated on comer lot sa.aoo c.-1 ' letter &.. • G.az. dear.~l. liVID NOITBWOOD -TJae J..eb.. lly OWDel, wwaaerfroat towa.boue, 2 bed.roota, 2 beth. •n COAd.., .0 ...-ubw. Try 10'-dowa or 1 Low ua-t•,... -tmaW., 1• TD. Owaar wall.lav to t.--~. pno capl" oaly (213) 377-BiS. NI.GUIL SHOIIS LOT -1S'al00', ~ -· pn•• ., .. , l..t;Jwu Raqul S37S,OOO ly 0-C&ll lollfiiM ....... 1-IOO-SJ2..JI171, .. lin ,_..,...,.. Ad· _tdl....., .W)IIIEJIIID WOIILI JICll18: IO.SO, 1 Wroota, Cll'-.cl ptlbo, 2 ..... -.IIlii p&dl. S12,000 wUIII sa.oao c~oer-. ., OWIIef, (114) 10-UM MIOAta• IQ& ..... -... 21' AOUAII.US leAl· boat, Newpon a..ct. rbp •• .u.w.. Sleepe s. 9elley, heed, rtove, oJ~ laleraor S4, 800. 541-!IMI. M' saA MY: Clldcly• cM&a. CllorlOa 9&IJeJ. ~· c:oaditaoa. Ia-cluO. a teDd.a wM.l hdel. (714) SSJ-0'131, ..... p.a. 15' GLASSMAGIC with tre&ler eod motor. UOO ..... oao. 646-6126 .t1..3. 1M> SIARA Y 20' 260 HP, 10 how., cutty cula, u.c.tleot COMI• tloe. S14,!00. PP. (714) !Se0358. l2' LUHJtS liS Spon ,..,._ T'WUI ~. r&de.r, Po4na IDF, •ulo. pllot, batbo,...er, eoebed btaull, nc;el. t.at coadiboG. Owner .... ..n -bo~bt - boat. e.ra off• over S35,000. PP, (714) 771-3760. 1510AT CHARTER IOAT SLIP W AIITID to NDI lor 33' C.,..,. tf.wpon Harbor. Yearly bue. (714) 64.2-2990. riAUTO UPHOLSTERY a::un& AUTO OPIIOLSTEilY 211 W Walaou, C.W. Ca.rpeta, hNdl:Ul...-. or Ylllyl lopa· S90 molt Alllenc.A c.ua. Watena1 luqb qu&hry. l:a.tenor NFioreboll ecoaoaacel· ly do ... 646-1211. .JIOTOB HONES IS&EaiEAnON vnn n COWJOBT lV/4 22W. rrU-coat.&uaed (LL6355) Ch...,der 1913 New YoriDrr, lull book-up, SS.OOOiobo o.r rrpu•ta (at7U.S) PP. m -1515. m-4422 • .. VICE/ UP Alii umsa AtTrO u . PAD$.~ • ._ .......,, Truuap.ll. WG, Tn.a~ Stat; ud aort .0.. ~t.lil auto.. 1M ll&rbor lllvd., Colt• w.... 541-6221. Hllli'S GAI.AGE. AUTO IIPAJ.I fOI'WIIop I Doc I .IC. l.aqiDe -a..al T~AAe ""· ...... IIMctnc.t c:..u 1'30-4884- 111118CfCU:S/ IIOJIIDS • ••a.~DCD roau.u • AUTO PARTS/ AOCIAI£S. A TRJfTIOM SAAB Owaerr. floor IUia &I oulr•9eou.a pnc••· W..y ~ coJon. c.n 142-1161. VOLISWAGIN ••· QlM, 1600cc, Iiili a..tle u.d au-. Co~aplately rebuUt. lulalled $444. 494-1685. WI AUTOS WARTED JIIPS. CAAS. PICK- UPS boa $35. AY&il-&b,_ .. loc:&l Go .... - •••• Auchona. For d.uwctory, cell (805) 687-6000. ... 2234 Call relllod&bJe. •AUTOS FOR SALE AODI 1974 AUDI FOI. -111- ••nor esc.U.OI. Paua1 tob e19AI IDOcrtha old 12.D or belt otfet (714} !MS-5472 1SJ80 320$. CLASSIC. every opOoA •y.u.bJe, Rec&ro -ta. lt~aited productiOil IDOdel, oew ttnr ud br&br. C&D 673-81 •• 731-882 •• 1m 53Dt -POWD wuadows, e&ec:tnc Fllll· roof. ANifW lie-...-. ear COAd C.U V/4-8190, -...m 1178 INW 73J4_ StlCk IIIUJt, 67,000 ..-. Cire&l coodlt.iaa, SJS,!!OO finn PP. 738-4351. una Bww 32o •. ADthrecllelbel'iJ•. au, B1•\lpuokt atereo/ ca ... ue bc:ell•at. Si,SJO Hwty, aurt ..W (155 WU) 557-8220, pt 221;144-DJ!S 18'19 SKVlUI DIISI:L -SA.up w.ck Fec~~ory CB, 1-tAtc:k, AWIPW. bc•Ueat coadihoa, -at a&tAIAUled. A.lthot;J Sl, 000. o-. (714) 63,3. ~. (313) -4830. 98UT.W PlAT 1179 J.lt nAt -31 -.o. eac "eet coacli· hoD. ss.~ olhaf. (6!~S)(714)f7~71 1179 JON) J'tiST& - S~n:leut. F\I.UOOI, .:·&.-(~ ..... ..., 1t11 WUSTANG 2+2 H.elc~ S-c:yl.. etr c:oad.. po-brabr/ .... riaQ. a..ulihal c.u, eac:eU•at coadatloa. S3.!00. C.ti55J-4352. 1SJ80 0 -Ruu 9,_1, &U coad., ... W., 9M ..... Cell (714) 857-2145 belo .. 7:30• •. '71 PDfTO. Work. GX,d . N.-dr TLC. . c.n 131.0187 Ul81 HONDA ACCOitD 2-door k•tclab•ck. 20,000 .u... lit.~ Ill blue wallil panatripio9, AWIN ce.ett•. Air cooditiooia9, cru..IM coatrol. S6,SJO. SZl· 0717. RONDA 1918 GL1000. N.w 1..--ud br.._, full~. eaoelleet coa- cbbcc. 21,000 ..u.r. $2,100 (3N'1342) PP, (714)~- MAZDA UNIO WAZDA GLC Sport 5-.,..d, AWifW ~··· c:uatoa ••. tenor, 30 m"_' $4,795. (462 ZIO) 7141171-0073 ~U~a=GIESIEIIZ 1910 300 SD w.rc:..t. &eo. SJ.owrocua coodi· boa. 33.000 .-. utn taak, a.c:..r A.WIN .......... ·~·--lr•• ...... ciaaapeqa.e color, Pbel- 11 au. $25,800 w . 9'125.. 1i'18 280 smu. Wbate ntenor, bbae IDtenor, very d..a. •-redial t..--, •ecbaruc:&lly ... '**'· Wuat ..U. o..,. 955-0623, ......... k- enda5!18-9362 • .u. 1SI60 1iG-SL -.... 1"\&.D• ruaq m 0 C S6,!100 (buy II). PP, Dr-.., dAy-a, 675-lOU. 1977 wm .. - WWY 1111 LYia -a&.c:k. loM.ed. (lll1H737) Wut ..U.. Laft USA. (714) 112-471 .. 1918 124 -ALL equiP· JMDI, black on ~lr. •utoaatic, oood nabbet S9. 5oo1oao c.u &62-13SI5. P011SC1D 1111. 817 loolt .... like Ponc:M Ill kyl. •vt--w.b of. ler. (t:rl SI'L) "· {714) 847-22 ... 41&,.. 1972 illl -.... eDCJa&e, uceiMCit coada- lioe. .... othar. C&D 1414-. 19N 914 2.0 L1TD POBSCHI. Good c:on- dtHoa, low 1D.Jle1. ~~ 152) (714) 1a I'08SCHI: eo •. plirtely ...aored. Call lor det•ala. S•crahce, SS,He h.ra. (714) 951-5116. CI.C 337. IOU.IBOYCE 1979\.S COINlCRI Coaw•rhble. Willi•/ aapohe. low .-. dagH.t d.h, C\llloiD .._.,, .... otier PP, (213) 556-33.1.2. nnt• 1811 SILVIA WWih -~y/ &ul. aiDt ooacbhoa PP. (213) IIM-5310. li63 SILVD CLOUD Ol Good n-daboa. wluta, JlHD, AW-N 1- tracJa, au. WU. off.r C&ll J.-lll.tot. PP, (Sll) -..aoDO. li78~ COI.NICHI Coupe -Wlut•. WacJa top, bl•cll 10teraor, 6,500 .W., IIUDI COGda· '-· Plu>ae (714) 714 4008. suauo 1m suu•u Good 9 .. ~ • .-.cbo ... offer.(~)LIJ•rto rrW l.owiJirl pnc:er c:oa lidet.dl {714) .... 38'71 .,._Spa Cluaate C'Oilcrol, ceatral liUUIIPII loc:kia9, ~4 COD· _ __;,;;;;·;...;;;;.,;~~=~= cLiioa. low .-, cn..e 1SJ80 TBIUKPR n 7 control, AWN*'-· Con...mb&e. ~.,.eel. C&D 857-«171. ciA,.. ful ua;ected, nceU.ot 1m W1Z 300 SD -coodlticm. S7.~ lvory/tabco, a\laroof. offer. C•U tolll.-.e _. au., ~. '83 au.aMr 1-ICJO..S32.J172. 1.aceue PP, {714) 557· .a lot,._.,...,.... Ad- 1051. MOD-rn., a.s p..a. W&lc.IIIIOC.. wnccmas 101 1111. eo SIL. .._.., VOLUW AGQ broWII, luilolbc cc.d .. w. -Oa.ly 45,000 .u... s.as.ooo <412 WDD) ... {714) -07-45, 179-1012 1111 JOOD -Dark blwe/~1•• tateraor, A.WIN ~-low miler, NarooJ, thll WlClot ........ ..., c.o o.n.a. 7!11-122.1 1982 3000 TUUO ••1••r . ~·-aet&l-laciW.-Sla, .~ ..... ,.., ...... fac. IOty .... w ... ..u PP. m•> n1..oaoz.. lMl liD SIL -liMier 1,000-..... oneAt rwl. ctm.. ..... natarlli, perfect coadattoa M4.ooo. w-k.d•,. 557-0711. ..-J-It- .. ~2464. Ull57 aaz zaos eo. ...... bJaole. 1-cyl.. IM9wa wit Ia b.rowa -. .... ...._.., .n .... 47.000 ..... 2S 1171 SCIIOCCO Good ..... d...... lf.ce ....... Ware ..u lb ...LSt,Dorlllelt~ .... c.u 1.-, (714) 111)..Utl, (a flU) 1rz• SUPD aua: ...,. pe.uat .... ti-. tow .a..o.. nuaa tvnJitc $3,100 Call (714) SZ7-41U, .t.,. (714) 551..a73S. ••••tat• (a)lWI.) a". a..atifv.l ~. 1~1 U7.1001010 67S-• ._..~ •1. a I MCCAIIS 11?0 JOO Ill. 6.l -lt'JI DCA•-- Wiat coaclahoo. •U IlL_.__ ~ ;..;...__... .._ oritJtMl. -n.ooo .... ~;:em ~ Sll.D C.U .al.-. no,.aa) (l&AIII03) 1--IUICK IIIYIDA WW'IICIIIIIZ 1_., -fonM~ "A-.4, 30DID 1\aillro o.-1 Ia· DrYiao'e.'" -..c.lleot oel ... t , Ul,IOOiwlll tkro .. ..O.t. toMe4, ............ c:u.(llC) ................... 731..-c7. C7J4l az. w.,.a -.._ .... 3117. (ftGliN} sa.• ""';. ~ .... Lie ... a. ....... td.l'llll. 131...,. ..... GaO.& ........ .-~-uc:ar ....... ...... -"· ..,. (114) c&.rh ... o•. ......., 714·7101 ........ ..... .... • ..,......... (71•). 'I • ..-. .... -.am ........ &':;~(Ja . ._ ______ _ Sit-. 21 tllnl eGIIIIIII MAmn· ............ _ ......... • ...._,..._._ ... e .... 29 • ~................ .c •• , ............... ., ............. ~· tt1MM¥IIilfl ..... U .IO .... SNOW MOURa Monday·Th\Jrsday a.tl .. ._.. Friday ...... ,. ... Saturday t2.._ .. n .. Sunday t2 ........... Come Eet1y St•y L•te AIR CONDITIONED POA .... OCALL ('7t4) ..... MO HfR~ HOW TO WIN: U y ou can find y o ur name preceded by two •tar!-* • somewhere an The Newport Cns1q ·• l rv J.IC Today and Cosio Meso Ne ws clas,.lfied MC'tloos. you ha.e woo TWO FREE TICKETS. Call 873-0550 to claim your priae. e II DJRECroRY OF iiUsJNFSSSE VICES tindjllo\e-lv \\8\' . toen,oy SUJri'mei ... ACXXlUW1'IRG BOOUIDDIG TA.D:S -q-nert..- -..Jl CN lll.utul9 bua&- -aAd Uldav¥1u.a.l. -1co-. Double MV UI9S. -·hie ~ .... ud prot..Jo-.Liy COlli· peteat •rncee l.uoll pr~ beiore IRS. 552-8JfM. U1BUDI n.&II!AQM AOCTGIBUIIIIISS SDVICD Faa.nctal atate•eola, ptay«>D, qq11erl-, tu nttu.ru, caah lll&ILA9• --·.~~-­ADd procedu.... ADd penon&l ua.c:o.e ..... MS-4112 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS CRAJG'S SPRAYED A.couhca.l C.~ Re a.ua v...., r.uoJI&ble ,,.. ..auaat• (714) 5.26-7290 ---- ADDlTIORS aBDIODEUNG ltEWODILING SPl· CIALIST Owthly crafuaanahlp Refer ecc• TOLLEW CO . 646-7660, 642·1579 UJIODDDIG SPEaAUS1' Qu.hty craftamaa.alup Ret.renc. ToU.a Co .._,_ 142-un ASPJIAI.T SEAL COA111fG/ DIU'YEWAYS ASPBAI.T BEPAIR ~~l!lllQ eo.u.. bel Free 1:... LK 39'7362 5U-Illl AU.S1'ATE PAVDIGOO. S ALLY'S BEAUTY NOOit. 188 E 17U. St CoetaW.. Per-.a.ota hom Sll SO up TmhAQ 18 00 up Sll.mpoo ud ..U, S4 50 fra.hDQ S 12 00 up ILwculbnQ SJ.50 642· 7'642 C ABDli5'TS -C l&ltOa ~. btchelu book c-ban.q&r~ud c ll.au r • rJ. 645-6521 .Uior Tom CARPEJn'llY FAll PIUCES -Qu.U. ty work Pabo coven, redwood ct.cb, paDel-lua4. Q&l..,. .,,~ IIJUla, ~raJ CArpe.ll IJ'y No 10b too uaall. Toa, !ISJ-2583 CABPINTD· SMALL JOB ..-:a.ab.a c.bt· """-· wall wuta. paul. LDQ, 1DOuldt.ll4, 9&1eQe a&or..,., clecb free ..n..tea. w.der'a Hu· dyworb, 642-3789. CALL PUit the Fur ... W..; ...U c.up•11•• ud odd lepall JObe R.L . Perhu (Scot! Inah), 919-9047 rRINCH DOORS. bay W'Uidowa, p&t10 co..n, decka. lraauaQ. adJA4, f.-. wood lloorl~UJ F ... ..n..w. uc.I- Ient refer•-U.W· c--t Jolla, 67'5-6002 CUSTOM CA.BIHnS -Kltcbeo ...hub~. lor.uca COWller top. Book c._, Qar•o• c~ All 1ypea of CUpelllry 963 9056, 53 1·1641 '"Th&nk you J.ny . CARPET IRStAU.AnOR BILL'S CARPET SDV · lC& '•••~'··-ud ,..,._... ()u.a.lity work, e1 f&u pr.-CaJl B&ll .. 552·5826 "eiWMJS • •BDIRTTA A. LDGDT, 18125 Qew· berry Way, ln1.11e CONGBAnTLAnONS! You Ia.n. J\llll woo two liCbta to "'Super rv.o -r-.. call 673-0550 for yow uc.llets. CAB WASIIIMG/ DETAILING WOBD. AUTO Detaahn9 Spec~&~ -$45. Yow boae or otbce. Com· pJeare llllanor ADd ... tenor. Wub, wu, pol- ash Boat dM&W.aq avul able C.U 24 boun. 631· 4267 OOitCIIETE PAnOS • DRIVEWAYS Wood.D ptabo COVWS, all type. No )Ob KIO baQ/small. No. 291235 Aa lor hm, 548-71()2. !.iiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiill!!!!!!!!•l CONCRETi AND NA· SONRY Pataoa, decka, buck IIlley , d.nveweys wtth upba.lt .-oval, pLa.lltera, lu• JU19S. block walls F , .. ..um.t.. o.n. 536-7440. (uc 39:M22) _ CONC RETE WO Rit -~~~~~~~~·~Pahoa , dnvewaya, I blockwalls, room eddl· CARPET CLEAIONG CARPET UPHOL.ST'IRY C UANING -Swsa-r Spec:aal Hydroet-•. deodoru.. cMOea ~y 2 rooiDI, 112 50, 5 rooa.a. S29 50. tote, U4 50 C.rpet. tu. llalure dyelllQ (60 yarda) ScolchQard pre CODdiiiODIIlQ op h ollal Guuaat-d C •apel Nas re at 540 1849 EX <XL CARPET CARE Carpet. .ad upJ.ol.aery c'-.tuaq F1ltt ..u aul• Wo rk quarAII teed Jack BuiJmqton OW1ler1operator New · port a-ct. 645 1n 1 STEAM OR CRY Carpet and \.Jpt'(:ll$ tetv CleonrQ 5pe CdlrQ In Offlc:\Jt hOnl, MW CUIIIIlQ S.Cklloe •nriCe R.l deAIIa1/c o mme rc 1al L1c 254724 Paul. 77S-3283. 77S-«l71 CONCRETE I SP£ClALIZI Lll r.ck · b.aaaer work aod ,._ a o•al of conc rete (peboe. Sldewa.lb &Dd dnv-ays) AJ.o CUHUIQ .act IN.ttdaaWUlQ Noc st&le he w .. k'. Con· c rete Remowa.l 631 2610 BRICI WOBl -All TYPES -Block walk &Dd repau Concr ... dnYeways. stdewallra and palJo5 Uc.D.Md 842·3002 ooticanE• ASPliAlT PEUING allDIOVAl Sktploader. d ump t.ruck, tACk h&mmer Low rat.. eiptaneoced qualtty work IDI\lred frM..wDat• 957-1252 tobrtcs O w n er CONSTRUcnON QOefOied bOSeC2 In B WU.SON & SONS - ,...,.,.. 8u1ldeu rr-ea11 L,_,;f':.._1....:.....;et_Y_A_MJ __ _,_ -•• )() y-n eaptan eace Bollded u c f l514B1 646-1740 OVDHOLT Coua~ruc t1011. RemodelulQ end etc Fr&alllQ drayw..U bay wuadows f reGcb doon Qu.hty at low pnc• Call Bryan 549-2767 ltiBCHNER CON STIUCTION Geaeral lhuld1nq C ontrac tou ance 1917 Cuatom butldmQ and ,.model 189 From deuqn to fuuah L1c 122497 642 7'00J 645 0768 CONTRACTORS WAY CONsTRUcnON lteiii.OCiel -AdditiOns LIC 420802 142-1200 sconPEEL OOJISTilucnoN Ally type CArpA111yY er repaua Res1dellhAI Co•••rc1al Ou•l•ty wor~aAAabap G ood ral• Uld rwfere•c• SpeaaJa Oil ptaho c:oooen uddec:ka 631 5424 PUCISJ<5N Woodwork Ul9 loo• acldliiOrU re ~Q patro c:v...n -'oon. •O\lldlft91 Rod ~!!,..Jil7 LK 1 410711 D.ECTIUaAN UCDSID IMc:triCI&D, c~ fu lpeCaaUal O.pead&ble. quahty work. a-able rat• ,, ......... Call Tom, 631·5012 IL.ICTIUCAL PROB· LIKS? New, old, -.all, luqe laaech.ate •rv· ace C.._p pnc•. Day or oaoht SIDNIY. 64()...4521 f'URNITURE REPAIR a RESTORE HAND STRIPPING, repalr&llQ AollquN. ratt&D, new tv.nuhue Cbau CAIUAQ, nWUilQ SPECIAL -uy ch.au. Ally color. ll&Ad·.tnp ped or tlued $19 7S A oucb of 0.. lnter10n, ~ Grace Lane. Unu F eo... ..... 662·1365 nnunnJRI: & CABJ NITS -lllpert repaua, qualtty lacq\Mr f.uuahea. color aalclunQ, lr .. .. l.Jaatea R1c hard, 960-2128 Your ut..Uc boa. I QU&I&DI .. GARAGE DOOR OPENERS GARAGE DOOR Optan e r. S119 95 Geate Screwdnve, Sll4.95 Emergency S.r'rice Spnnq• ud hardware repla.ced Alum. wood. 11 .. 1 Alld H CIIODAI doora GuaraGieed l.ac-..d &Dd bonded VIM and NC I • lt. --SSIS GENERAL SERVICE ICEED c:::aEDIT CA.IlDS7 GllarAGteed1 Rece&ve ...._._, C..rd VtM &Dd .... )Or credJI cards even Lf you !w,. b.cf Or DO c reclJt bankruptcy or divorce For frM bro chure. call Cred1t loll lr ... 1 800 527 1218 24 bou.!.!_~day GARDENING COMPUTE GARDEH lNG SERVICE w .. k.Jy ud ba weekly me1n tena.oce Cleanup•. lrM worlr and apnnk.ler re p•u F ,. .. •hmat• W~l ROTOTJLUNG DONE DOlT c hNp G.rdeD.I, llower becb lawn•. La.Gd.ecapmQ R ... on able rat• Fr .. advace 646 7819 an '(lUIIe DOWN TO EARTH Lawa and G.rdea S.rv ICe Complete LD.It.U. hon ,.DOVAIIOD aod ma LDtenADce Oualtty Mrvace a.l down to N rlh pnC'ft S.t&&tled cuatoaera our luat praon ty Call •o'(l1me 646 7819 fiRST JMPRt.:,:,JO N Total Lancbcapta S.rv teet ln.t&U.taon alld mamteoance Tr .. •rv ace, apnnklen lawn renova ttoa O..p root ...,WaaUoa. We do at ..U. eo caU ....., EXPIJ\JEHClD younq man 10 malniAUI lawn aad 9arden Very detatl ed Lo..,. pnc.. Call Steve etter 5 p m lor eppl . 645 0953 GLASS WOODUUDGE GLASS aauoa•sc:u:D~ ..._...tJAl, ~rc~el 11t.M foe aJI puJ'l)Oeel Qlaal&ty wor~ IMton able ret• 157~1 -IIE11CUI.OOS MORT'S •"-...... el-odeUag • n.-lt Serrice C.rpelllry, p1wabLDQ, e&.ctnc.a.l, doon cut end •oatalled. mo ldanQ•. cabtGela, ahelvtnQ faueeta, Q&rAQe door IPnRQI, trpnuler SVI· tema feat, eHac .. nt .. , YlCe Lie 8352651 95l..Q7 HONE IMPROVEMENTS SOUTH SHORE PAINT IHG and Wood R.tm lalunQ a •• denh.al and commerc1al l.nteuor/ £atenor CabUietl. atAil ralla. doora. floon Bt.ll, 850·1920, eher6p m DOING SOWITHIHG ILLIGAL' Rellovator's dr-. lnnur•. ap pl~.aac•. doon and W Lil dows, lor your k~eker Su.. 497-4506 __ HOUSE CLEANIHG HOUSECLEANING Complete houeecl..n· UIQ, •partmentl. hom ... condos Reuonable rat• Referencea C.ll afttr 4 p m . 962·2531 . O.bora.b HAPPINESS IS KA V lNG TIME lor yourself Let 11.1 ha.ndle your cleanLnQ need• We do 11 aJII In biLWl-ai.Jice 1975 The Moppelll, 9661300 CU:AHING UNLIM !TED For eacellence Ul ho u.MC'-nUIQ, prOVId · 1119 ..U aupphn lnclud- IDQ vac uum Truat worthy and deptalldable Call today lor ealunate 546-3726 TOP BRASS Clea.ruoQ S.rY~Cea HoUMilaptart· meala/coados/reata.ls Affordable rat" 642 0190 S.rv1nq O ranQe County HOUSECUAN1NG Owner oper•ted I do a.IJ work my .. U WLndowa my apec~.alty Alao com plete h ouaecleanlnQ Call Dav1d Eclte r1 646 7281 QUALITY TEAM Ho uaacl••nm q Bv Ma1ds of Or•nqe Coun 1y Bonded maured hcenMd Call 631 -8222 lor lrM "hm•te WORIWIG WOMEN Do you ••nt to enrov a ct-n hou•' I w1ll cle•n while you work Honest reliable references 645-8318. Suaan LAHDSCAPIHG PLANNING TO PLANT LDQ -La.nd.ecape yo ur new tllome or renew vour hred 9 rounds Dave D C Len d sc•p •nq 731 4225 L.c 1305752 LANDSCAPTHG trN tnmm1DQ and removal G elleral cleallups RA'ftovate verda Cement worlr Steve 54~ 1604 YARD llEJl1VEI4A TlON Cleanup • Tr-Tn m· m1aq • Lawn RenovatiOn • Reland.ecapmq • S.rv anQ HArbor ArM nane ve•n Stale hcenled, 1n· lured r ... eahm•t .. C ALl BOB 648-1288 LOCKSMITH FOft YOUJI SAFITY and aecunty we Ulatall endd re key or repan all loclu We open cera bom• and but.ld tnQI Bonded 546 7638 MASONRY WN -H-ANDUSON W..Oory Bloclr, b nclr. atone, lenc•. paHoa. plutera, walls Inter 10r/eatenor F rM n tunatn (u c 380921) Bonded, anaured 642 9699 C.J.JORDON MASOICJY C 11.1tom buc k and atone 11nce 1953 L1cenae •368927 Bonded 132-313e MIRROR MIRROR-BREAKS En lart~e rooma, olftcea. whelever' -w1th mu ror Any wall 8'al2', 114 plate. Sl98 ua ta.lled Also standard tublahow er encloeur•. spec1a.l IDitA&IIonaal only SilO aoatelled 6Jld wardrobe doors 531·6300 MIRRORED WALLS werdrobe doora b•QII qual1ty, boneal puc " Uptart uata.1lahon re liable Local relerenc" MJX£. 645-9643 ---MOVllfGir STORAGE THE STARVING COL LEGE STUDENTS Mov LDQ Co hu Qrown (L1c T.J24436) S.me Qood Mrv1ce Call 641·8427 ABC MOVING Eapeuenced proles aaonal, loweet r•tea. lrH et1lmatN Outclr. car• luJ .. rv•c• ~2-0410 PAJ.NnNG PAIHTING lnltno r iatenor Lowesl rates prompt DM I MrYICe ln erN for 10 yH n free nll..lnAI• (714) 848 5684, (714) 636 7149 COAT Of MANY COL O RS PAINTING Inter 10r eateuoa acouslac.sl ceilinqs Servmq lrv•n~ and IUIIOUDdiOQ :tree• C•ll 540 024G I L•c 158400) loU'S PAINTING In te noa [Jtter~or Rnui~r t~a.JtCommercl•l r,~ nlunetes Ccall 71 41 ~S-3131 JlM irCO. PAJNTIHG • lntenor • Eatenor 18 yNn Free eatamale 559-~19 SUMM£'ii"F AINTING SPECIAL ever•q• ea lefiOf $550 lntenoa 10• olf Ou•lllv wor~ •nd m•tenala 9u•••n teed f rM • tam•• .. Fred 536 3471 K K PAINTING In •euor eJtteu, r res•der ra•l •nd "'Ommercr•l frwe •hmalea C.ll Ka n5..o79 CUSTOM PALNTING 1 ato ry homes •v•••<l•' eatenor S595 l ow pnce k1 anteno1 and new conatrucllun f rH •hmaiH Dmo 556 PAPER KNGIMG ORCHARD WALL COVERING £ap e rt II rlpp!RCJI IDII•ll•II~.J n R-oable rat• lr" esllmel• Releren, •• CaJilnut 631 4576 PRECISION WALlPA PEl\ HANGDS £apert crafta~nanalup I w retee frwe ""m•••• MASONRY C..U 11.1 and •v• 20•, ~-lliilliliiillil!•iliiiiliiiooi~.l)()" on your ~urchue • of wellpapet Commer c1al ftHadenhal 642 MASONRY WOOD DALY Landacape rtNCES PATIOS SPAS D£Cl.S 11$-llM PET CARE/ GROONIMG ••DIA~GIOO ... Woba.le Pet Grootall\0' • llta--------...1 la our vena at you• • boa• KMlth O.pl c.r hfted. (714) SJS..J42S PHOTOGRAPHY PLASTERING ALL PHASES O F PLASTERING Umque patch1nq caad palllhnq Sm..U toba welcome Super lc.w eshm•tec 836 S429 PLUMBING SANCHEZ PLUMBING RHJdenttaJ/Commer cw Spec!t UIIIIQ tn copper reptpa and re p•1u Lacense No 360997 Ccall for free n tunate 042 3394 POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT~/SPAS lEE'S POOL SERVICE. Comple1e m.aanten&nce .and repau EJtceUent rehable wo rk Low pucn Owr.ea optaa a ted C.sll 63 I 5725 I C CONSTRUCTION Sw1mmmq poul• and apes Ne.. ..Hutrucuon •nd rem· >del• qunate or ltberqlcau Comple te plumbm9 e lecluc cal decks mcat.on r\ pahos Lac •C 53 337 702 {71 4) 5.39 3657 Selling Your Cat? Call Classifacd 673·0550 ROOnNG QUAUTY ROOFING for lea.. Old •nd new c,•nalructavn lacenled, rnsured and bonded Relerencea •ve1la.ble Ccall Ke nny fu nlre .any I hme 645 0193 ROOFING All typea new old r•S?Atn decu water I proohnQ CaU Bob 548-0789 L•c No 406022 RAY'S ROO riNG CO S.rvanq .slf o! Oaan9e I C untv All IVPft Free "hm•te maured Lac 36104.2 All work qu•r cant.ed '>59 9J69 TREES EXPERT TREI SI.RV · ICE Tr .. &Ad ahruh lnm.DWIQ &Ad ~va.l. Yerd ct.&a.1111 Free ... tUD&Ies C..U 963.5982 'TREES UPERTL Y TRIWMED AGd remov· ed " alto yard ud Qarden wb. "-n•· ble, rebable C..U lor t... eahauliH Art. 548-7802 RON'S TRU SEBVICI -TnmmmQ. toppi.Jl9, shepmQ, tr.. remova.l, stump remova.l. Yard cl-.nup LtceD.Md &Ad 111aured Qua.hty work frM ~·-646-5394 **GERRY CON- NO RS 2199 Ruta1 Place. Coate w ... CONGRATULATIONS! You b.ave 1~ WOil two hcketa to "Super Filii." Pl-call 673-0550 for yow ucketa TYPING EXCELLENT TYPING SERVICE antlable PICkup and dehvery Newport S..c.h and u· VIDe er.... 83J. 7704, call after 12 nOOD TY-PING SIRVICI. Dependable and eceu- rate Bu11Deu alld scbool ptaptan Notary Pubhc Reuonable retN (714) 646-7852 UPHOLSTEl\Y EXPDT CUSTOW u . UPHOLSTillY -Drap· en" Up to SO~ ott matenala fr-••· tuut. South PoUlle Upholatery. La9uAa Hilla. 768-9009. SOUS&Ait IJll I £ldOIIS ADtiqiM to Modena Up to SO.. otJ all de••oner t.bnca, •lao u51holatered walla Gu&rAAieed SECRET AR1AL prof.a~ona.l work rr-ptck·up & WORD PROCESSING dehvery Sec re1e11a Se rv1ces (714)957-0128 M.dtnQ p ropou la ~-===~==:::::;:~::::'!':~ ii'Q .tl• lr4 01CrlbiDQ j Fr .. ptckup •nd de lrv WALLPA.PEIURG ~rv Call SuP r Nencv A UTTI.E MAGIC 641 4887 Prol-1ooal wallptaper· SKYUGHTS SIYUGHTS SAVE ENERGY 'II we~~ .;~u•r•nteed )ne dev n•••llehon Welton Conatn.lchon (714) 963-7737 SPIUHKLERS SERVICE • 1U:P A11' v.r Oppens S..rvac e Co 7l4tl38 ... mE INST A.U.A TlON )YNAMJC CERAMIC .!• an1tall.staon nter "'r e,;ae11or .and r• p•rn f ree NttmAifl (Pu .. ·heH~ ell m.slen•l throuQh mt~ Up to 40°• duacount \ H .. n.,ll work %4 504 1 CUSTOM TILE WORK ' All tvr• n11all•1o .,. apecoa lazan l tn re me><i•l nQ kat. h•r and beth Q .. a uh worlo.m•n tlup f r-••••mAtes Rele reu es R, n 714) 493 840tl TIL£. lt•la•n ~lued r er.amtc New 1obacco brow~ S..u11Jul •ny where 8ab3 8 " avau •ble ou 1 home 'I JS aq It \ 60 ••ch (714) 7JI 77bZ lliQ AI rMIOD&ble lA ... 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