HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-01 - Newport Harbor Ensign---~ .. ~ ,-; " -:,Q :-:;Q :..- f':J .... -::r Cl .r "1 () ~ :) -: :... .., • '< "' n -:= > < :. :::... -. 7 \0 ':) N -:;. o-o- I..,) The Money Fund Trap Our Expert T els Where The Money Went See Page 5 Protecting-Your Skin Too Much Sun Is Bad See Page 13 ENSIGN THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABIJSHEO 1948 • 35TH YEAR • NUMBER 4 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING All Of NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER l. 1982 .,,_ ...... A ••..ure crucial to the dewlnpmeat o.f a commu.nity bciptal Ia &viDe appeared on the WPJ to cW.at i.n the Caillor- Dia Legtelature Tu.day. 'u... we• the dewlopUMnta; AfeemblywoiiUUl Marian lergeeon {R-Newport Beach) fal)ed by 29 vote. i.n her effort ~ay to gain an .A.embly ovllride of Govwnor Jeny BroWD'e AUQ~ 25 veto of AB 2888. The latter would have per- mitted S.ddleback College to ..._ 10 act• o.f lend at market *• to a coauau.nity hoepital l.n It. ... COMidered -D· tM c.tificate of NMd tiota o.f the aon-profit h - "'-1 WJdic:al C.ter. The over- ride ..... ~ lor. 33 agalwat. ... 18 ..e--"A purely ,._ ..... .po ll t. .. geeon'• office eaid. -.. ~ ud S.Oator WUU.U. Campbell CR-Whither) U.O tailed to lure Democtate to a coaJennce coiDIDitt .. where a dtl. to another bill permitting the Irvine bo.pital land eale would be d.iJcu.ed. -The attempt to convene a com..ac. came d.eepite a etat• IDellt hom Democrat Brown'• of· tlce M.IU.r that language in the rider to AI 3025 epon10red by A.emblywoman Gwen Moote (0-Loe AD9el•) did not commit tM etate to uy palticulat party ud thua wu acceptable to Brown. -A legialahve epoke&man quoted UC Irvine Dean of Wedictu Staaley van den Noort u .. ybaQ. "'naey can fire me but I am lltil1 oppoeed to the bll " -Lecm Schwalb, UCI vtce cbaDceUc. who wu epeabng lor v~atio'llng Chancellor D.niel Aldddl. Mid. "We heve no ol> jectkm to the wordi..aQ of the s--ent blll" -lniae counc:iliiUUl and Uv...tiale m.eyor Deve SUb t.mled the developmente "tragic'* ead charged that one clepert-.nt of the u.niva~lity "ia &ooldD9 80lely iot lte own in· -..... playiDQ wtth the future iD.._.. of all our citaaeu lib a Uttle tiD God." -lniDe w.dlcel Center, Inc s--idut o..,. ••· awaiting DeWI t.ro.l S.Cnuaento, ee.ad he Mel DOt laad U.. to oonader a ........... "' biDer lrvtoe o--ot Cc-=•ce puC· cleet Lany Hott.u that lrvine d'*-e eeek a cle•ecUon wit 89 ..... the UlldftNtJ of CelUor- Die. -•br t....d Tueedey'e ....._ "ext...Jy \abtunete, lliDt oaly troa t.M lteaclpouat ot U.IMCI en•gtmnt but bola tM lludpolat 01 NWkJuhipe • IM,.Udawlli.ale~of ....... .,~.bett •• tM ...................... ., .. ........ daa. .. ~ • ....a .. -~-......... ~~~· .... to ............... IM••• 0 ... .. .., .•.. ._ ... ,a .. ..... Tub Racers Conquer Bay The seventh ~nuat a.lboa Batht\b RKll w.a run m Newport H41rbof Saudly Wtnnera of the race were. top P81 Ga.gow end Jim Sidt• bo~ Harbor Plrtrol ~ Queen tor the ewnt _. Jut• McAa.ter of c~ Mala. Betow, Ju pr 111 tiS the WW'In&ng t"r'OCJtty to C'l IQOW end Shck• The went went from the a.lboe PaYtllon Oodl Krosa the ~ end back w,.,.. of the pnze tor the moet uniQUe bathtub 1n the race ~ won bv Frank O'Bnen, pictured 1bove ttw r'NSt wtth h4s per1ner SI.IIH O'IOfo. b'l ........ SliQbor\ I I I I The Corona del War Spedbc: Area Plan and tratbc p.robl.u w.re the major topc:a di.c:~ when City Couudlmn Paul HUJIUDiel end clW.lenger an Agee appeered togethet bebe the Ca.ona del War Chamber of CoJ:D.ZDeJ'Oe'e lunchecm mMb.nQ lut ..u. Ac;,ee and Hummel are ..... l.Dg election to the Sszth OJ..etrlc:t City Council Mat in the NOYelllber elec:tlon.a currently held by Hummel. Em..t Georv•. a local realtor, aabd both canc:hdat• whetMr they would work to Qet the city to order a SpecUic: Area Plan tor the Caooa del War area. A Specihc ANa Plan. of wluc:h tbue are •v•all.D the cty, Ll d.aQDed to edd:r-. the probl.u of old. developed enM ot tile caty, tacludi.Dg I parlli.DQ and tref& poblema H~l .aad be bad broUQht the 18ue babe tb• C1ty Coun· etl •veral ttm.. buJ bad aot beea able to get 1t placed bJgb enou~Jh OD the Plannmg Depart mat'• pnc.tty I.JSt to get 1t done I A9M M.ld that 1f be w.re elected be aleo would work to get aucb a plan approved. He aa.1d the pla..D waa one of hu top pnonb-. l.n bia OpeDUlg atatement. Hummel M.ld that the ..-uea 1.0 tbia ca.mpa..~gn wete the ~ame aa lD hu lut election, when be defeated Lucille l:uehn '"The ..-u• ate euport expan- mon. tra.fbc: and people cong•- tiOD, bouamg end air qual1ty," be MJ.d He commented that the ma)Or ttueata to tbe Corona del Mar area were the wide1UD9 of Cout HiQhway to llllt len• trom MacArthur to Beyllide, the Mae.Arthw Avoc:ado couplet, end t.M dftelopmat of the coutal area 10\ll.h of Cc.ona del War. Ac;,ee eeid tbet traffic waa one ot k.la major CCIIDCema. He em- pbetiaed t.h.et a way to oat traJ- bc eJOUDd Co.ona del N.u waa lbad.lyMeeied .. We mu.at get the San Joaqw.n Hilla t.Je.uportabOil corndor I completed to rehew tratbc on Cout Highway,· be com- mented Two Capb•red F llarglary, Lengthy ..... . Two men are m cuatody and the bouae end reportedly offered two more ere betn9 .ought 1n a.c the r .. deute Ceo! and C.l•t• lACldent that be9an aa a Au.hn. S2.000 c ub Lf they bUJQlery at 1901 Yacht Eochan would not cell pohce U.. m Newport Beach and end However. pollee aunounded ed et anothet bou.e where one the boUM Auat1.0 eecaped and qunman bad tned to lude out polJce tned to Qat the man ~o In Jell 1.0 he u of S25 000 bond come o ut Mrs Auatm later ... Tom Beac h 20 of Laguna ..caped and the man waa found NtQuel and DaVld Gaynor 20 a.n bow latet on the roof of the of Newport Beac h boUM Pouce aaad that tbe tow men Pohce aa1d .ome money broke mto the bouae on Yacht about S5 000 waa found on •he Enchant~ Monday even1ng roof of the bou.ae on Yac ht w.enng ah maab and r-arrymq Ceaulla and that polace were QWU and walkie ta lklea ..,tcbtog the atea for any1btng When pollc. arnved the tour I elM wb.tc b may bav11 been tak:en ran. 1.0 t be burglary Ac:cord1ng t ) poltce Beatch They are al10 ehll Marcbmg wu caught MaJ the Btg Canyon 1 for the otbet two auapecta m the s-rvou aftet a long c ha• caM Ptlhce sa1d G.ynor ran to a The entae epl.80de laated over bo~ on Yacb• CaiDllla entered aeven bows R-arcben at UC lrv1ae and UC San Otego have abown for the hnl hme that the bresn a.at• ttl own •lf-repeu cbeaucale aft• lD JUI"f 1'\ ... cheaucele, the reeearcb .. have concluded . ...-ve to eohance the oeh.aal repeir capac1ty of the bre1n. they m.ay al80 mcreeee the a\ll'Vlval potenbel ot aeurel U.ue treuplanted to the brain or epiuel cord Furth.. the ~cla .. tound. the optimal time lor tr&Dt~>IPAUocl ol t.ue la ottea da,. aft•-taj'gry 1\11 u..tehle CCI'NlAit. .. n with tMt of tJ. ope-.1 proChactiaD ol c.tral ~ .,._ ..u. ....-rcll-kele ,.. fjectl ... of tlilte ,_. • ... tllplltaat ---..., ..... ~ --· 1 AYLI "a nice liquor store·· next to Irvine Ranch Farmer·s Market LOS HERMANOS LIGHT WINES $2.99 Chablis. Rhlne. RoM l .SI L y LEDOMAINE CHAMPAGNE $2.99 Extra Dry or Brut Oasis Has Big Party A good time w. hed by .. s.urc..v the 0.. Senior Citillne ct.. Clllbr8flld ita fifth~ with .. ~ '*'Y· At right. O.tt Engbld .,_ hil wiming ltyte • he took ... pool tounwnent. Behind him .. loyd S8nga.. Rolin Buc:henln .wt Ed Fowcher. At tef:t. Dome Ducote .,_ off her twndrNde dola • pert of 1he c:qfla exNbition. Below center. the eoron. del Mer Uk ... S1rUmrnerl perfonn wNie below ris;lt. Lee Hendricbon pitchea hcnelhoea. Staff photo. by Bwrv s.obin vwt.._ .......... ...,s....-otcal6-•e••• • WI tilly a._. port PAQfiC PLAZA ntAVIL ..-rwoiiK ...... , .......... , •• c.e. ... ,...... ................ ... ~{!'§' v' ltvt/J,f"'' Sizes 6 to 16 SUMMER SWIM SUIT SALE American and Imported designs from Gottex, Tabu, Catalina, Bare Nothings Eeni Meeni and Jantzen :.!i:!l f:U.\1 ( i-.L.'il lli!Jhuv.v. ( iiTfmcJ Jt•f .\fur. lii.'l-li.Yil HINANOBEER CASTILLO RUM BUDWEISER $3.79 Suet. Rct.ll $5.95 Tahlci'aBat $4.99 (by Bac:ardll fulllltt• PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 9-7·82 $1.97 12 oz. cans 6 pack. (not ked) ACK BAY LIQUOR Mil lntae AYe. •• ..... O.lve Ne....-••c• • Coeta II•• WE DELIVER 642·4774 Lots of (~,eo' 8or{10 ms-Good Sizes Fme Selections-50% to 75% OH High Qvoliry 8r0fld Names Remember the days of the big ~ show on TV1 Now we have our own big game right here in Newport. We know what the prize is. But. we don't know how much it will cost the show's producers. Can you help us figure this out1 Before the pofitical game ~ 10 big, we used to have local elections •n April Then the cost was closer to t64 then MM,OOO, But, after the developers lost an election. the local Chamber of Commerce heeded an initNitive that changed the elections to November-and greatly increased the c:andidet•' election c:osta. This made local politics a really BIG game. This yur, four of the sewn City Council ... ts are up for election. In the good old ct.ys, when you could buy a dozen eggs for 40 Ctp\J, it cost less than t5.000 to fW\ance winning r~ for local council ...... But we've heard it .. id that in this BIG efection ~"anyone can win if they have •30.000 to t50,000 to spend." That figure must be f•irty accurate, becauae last efection that is what was spent by the winners. That yqr, "the guy" who r-.c:t the BIG buch had $32,000 with which to promote himself. The Koll Company spent nearly that muct\ to defeat "the guy's" opponent. tlhia is caUed an in· dependent ...,.nditure end is ..,.,arentty legal undet pteMnt rules of our political game.) That adds up to a gJand total of MM.OOO to win a aocat City Council seat. 0. What •• the BIG boys going to do with the BIG buckl this time? 0. HOw much wi11he BIGGEST~ ~1 0. Vl..hY •• 1M BIG~~ to~ tt.t BIG~? 0. What .. \MY~to~? I! follow thou me 'l w~ took tOday .n .til CliiCCt•ons tor teac1et !> Vel Jesus gave u!. lea<Jerstllp to lollo~ tor all lime He I aught and hveo tht> OOIOPn Rule dt"'Oit'd h1S hlf> 10 :oCt\ 1rtq 1.\lht•l tind did •I olll tll' Goo ,. d•tt't tl()l, PtOv•ng Gods powc• ovet s•n OISCaloe and dt>"lh Ano ~ td tt~ tMt beltc\lt"th on me I he WOfiiS 111att 00 Shall he oo also Ov• lcnm ~mot' this weet~ can h«'tp »n¥00«> seo bt'tlt'f ~,., to loltow Chf•Sl ..»Mu~t 't\'lu '' '"'"t«' to 'omo ' ' I I (Coda ... --pee!~ 1) right to ..u 1ud to. Dlla-prolt OOIUlualtJ ~ ... coa- ad.ed C!JI'ICW beca.-DO woWd·ba ~tal builder cu proceed Without • g\IIU'Ut-oi lucL n.. bill ~ tbe legjalahare 93-1 but ... wtoed by Gov. BroWD lallowiDQ Jobbrlao by UCl~eldMDvuda Nooft. I.Dcal oflcta1a ..,. CCO• haled bece.-vu -Noon MJd be ... lpNalriag b hi.._Jf, DOt u.. \IDlveraty. ChuceUort AJdrk:h WU OD reoMd .... yi.Dg the UD1venity would do ootlWa9 to bum efbta by r-.ideDta to build a OOID· mUDlty hoipttal. Vu daD Noort coaaplalDed that the bill h.d Miled through both bo~ lD S.cramuto babe be bew of lta eldlteace. Vice chancellor Schwarla a · plained th1l week that UC hu a .yatem-wid. of6ce to chart legialatlve t.uee, but DO auch Mrvice ia available tor the b - vine campua alODe. 1M clew) 0, .... aAQenCI Q, d'.-· o. ... au.. do .... beea ~ oi ..no. ~UDity .aa.ta .... .-ftag ... ••bee o1 t.M 1wn c-.ut. ol NL.e. 'n.. 1att. eouo!at to owa c c •• oo..ualty uc1 UCI ~ ~ of the NMCGI rve beeD oppoltive ot tbe Plat group Ia that 1t repa-.. .. the private aectc. workbag to PIOYide futw-e bealtll car. .....-, .. 9Wa Mid ~J. . "Let'a face it. we'r. a rather afflueot commUDlty ud we lhouldD't be lookiag to gownl· .._.t to PIOYide for OW' bMlth care GMda. .. ~ pobat Ia that we are all gettiDg old. ucl M we do I doD't tlU.ak our health c:e~e Deed~ abould be aubject to the wbiJD of the Board of ~ta. "I doD't aay that lD a cl.ro9atCIIY way. 'nley look at Deeda ltatewide aDd budgeta tad to Cjlet cut. ID futwe yean th .. will be budget cnancbee juat liM DOW. When it bappeaa. h.n wiU be u affluaat City with ita hMlth can D..da at the w!WD of the Board oJ A.g.Dtt and the entire UC .,at em." (0•"• ............. 1) bow r..wtY tbe wllole field Ia .ow.g, .. Mid Dr. c:.r1 Q,tJDan. ~· F > ol ~h6o&ovJ aAd d.lrectot ol tbe UCI ,_.ch ..... "1 tt.r.ly belle¥. that iD· furl• that ••-eel iDcurable a few yeea ago a.re gobag to be cured 01 at 1 .... alleviated lllgxaikcutly a few yeara down the roed." '!'he r-.rchera' lat..t find. iDga. ... btb lD the Aug. 27 t.ue of SciiiDce -.guiDe, do DOt edcb-the cnacial t.aue of "hmc:tioDel replace~MDt" iD dua-vecl U.ue-that ia. the q\allllioD of gettiDQ tra.apluted M\D'al U.u. to taM over the wmk of U.U. that bee been dana-eed through~ oz in· fury. What tM .._cb.n have llbowu, bowner, ia that the brai.DD pcoduc. c.h.Dicala that aid la the ~ of braiD trutpluta ud that there ia a s;wedldable timetable foro~ HmhdDg web u operation. "P.opJ. have etudied qrowth (CliP. SAVl THIS AO FOQ FAll EXAMINATION) R EMINDER florists (714) 751·4705 3141 IIRCH ST., ACROSS FROM AIR CALIFORNIA a..~Meu HCOMta Ml., ONt tM ....... ATHLUIS & JOGGERS Are Not The Only People With POOT PII08LIMS and Sports Medicine • Bunions • Ingrown Nails • Hammertoes • Corns-CallOuses • Worts • Athletic lntunes ~ Heel pain • Ambulatory Foot Surgery • MEDtCARE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED ., 20H Westcliff Dr., Suite 5 f 1 11~ & lrv•n• In Weatcll ff Med•col l v1ld1n9 NEWPORT BEACH flvenlrt8 Appolrttmertt AvolloiJI•J ..... ~.~ ... ""' It' a ,_laloa b'aha Heun 10.. ~ T'*-Wed. Fri, S.t. 1().1 Thurs. f.acton (c:bemicala) fot a lo09 tuDe iD braiD ud I'J)lul cord ....... Cotmu NJd, "but they'w DeYW reported t.hat fac. ton l.Dc:NMa aft• l.Djun... I t.hiak what we have foWKi opea.a up a Dumber of new d1rectiou b r--.rch." n. ~--conducted Mv•el ~ll to reach their conchatona. The UCI team did the awgicel work oo rata in the expertmenta; the UCSD team, led by Dr. Silvio Varon of the UCSD School of Wedialne, a•n•ad the awvival ud growth of nerv• lD cell cultw-e iD otder to meuw-e the ch.ang•lD the levela of Mlf·Npail chemicala. In one of the ~ta. the UCl team removed part of the cerahral oortex of u adult rat and, iD the cavity created, im· pluted a completely ditiezent brain Mcllon, the corpua stratium, from u eml.yoruc rat From thia work the r-archen found that the braiD "rewir•" it..lf quite well That ~. the neural "liD•" or aJEOD.I elden· ding from braiD tiaaue qrew without much difticulty, goinQ both to and from the unpluted corpua stratium. Tbz.e .C:leotiata who have won Nobel Priaea fo• their at ~.Mil• tn· volviDg the humu braJ.D will be among tboee takiDg part •n the tint I>i.ttDQulabed Lecture s.rt .. iD Baac and w.dic&l Newoeotenc. at UC Irvine. The lectUJee will be held tbe tim Wecineedey of eech month bagiDDing toaight from 7 to 8:30 p.m. iD the Science Lectwe HaU on the UCJ campu.a. The Mri .. ia open to the public at oo charge and alao ia accredited for phyaicia.n contiDuing medical education. Tonight'alectwe Wlll featwe Or. Solomon Snyder, DlatiDguiabed S.IVloe ProfeMOr of Newoecience, Pbarmacoloqy and Experimental 'l'herapeuhca and P.ycbietry and chau of the Department of Newoecaence at the John. Hopki.M Uruvermty School of Medicine in Baltimore. He will preeen.t the lateat inionnation on the neUJal phannacoloqy of mental illn ... Snyder, a pion•z iD the field of chemical in.Ouenoea on the bram a.nd behavior, waa among the tu.t ~e..at111ta to diecover optate receptoa lD the braJ.D. Hia CUI"''eD.t ltud.i• .. , hQe fa.r-reach.tDo U.plicatiou tor meDtal health. 1be leoture -n.. i.a IPOD· • aoted by the O.pertJaut of Paycbiatry in tb. UCI College of Wec:Ucine ud by the UCJ NewoecieDCe A.ociatioD. Or . William Bunney, cb.air of the prfcluatry department, ud bia coll...,uea .. the •ri• aa a vehx:le to make the uciliD9 diacoven• iD the newoeclen~ known to the general public. Each lecture hu baeD approv· ed for 1 ~ ooDlilluing medical educahon cred.at boura. 11le regl.t:rehon fee for pbymctana wanhng to rece1ve credita tor the entue Mn• ia SlSO prior to Sept 1 and S250 after the deadhne. No f• will be charged allied health pcot..iona.la, atudent.a or reaidenta. For more i.nlonnatioo. all (213) 595·3811. 1 days months $7.500 m intmum 1 year $500 minimum 'a• r:ree Interest 3 mont s Plus -lnterest·Earnmg Checkmg Accounts. as we ll as IRA, KEOGH. SEPP and ROLLOVER Ret1rement Plans. Call or stop m for complete 1nformation and current rates ItO~ CM 4590 MacArthur Boulevard, NewPQrt Beach, CA 92880 Telephone: 714/~ t • l I tl D• L N The Orange County Boald of Supervilou look.d over an a.DMnd.d plan for the civic center area TUMday-a plan that call• lor "expaJUion of county detentwn faciliti ... " To all who have been hoping the county would dectde to build a new jail in Santa Ana (where, aome elitillt. have been heard to remark, auch a thing "belonga"): don't get yow hopea up. The "expan.Jon" relened to UJ a plan for an in- take/releaae center to be bullt adjacent to the present jail It i.l oo more than a tint a1d meaawe for the chronic malaiM of the county: draatic overcrowding of a jail built 14 yeara ago as the state-of-the-art penal facility for ow area. The need for a new jail is crucial. The planners of the I c wrent facility apparently didn't realize that there could be enough crime in Southern Califomia'a subwban 1 paradile to cram a jail to the rafters with criminala. But where to put the new jail? Everyone needa it, but no one want• it, eapec1ally those subwbanites who didn't buy ·their reaidential properties with the idea that the family next door would live in the gray-bar hotel. From a practical atandpoint, the Jail doesn't belong in a subwban area. The aeathehc problema are obvioua, ' . . ---- 0 I I • .. and the li~eal ones enormous. To the estimated $25 million price tag of buildmg the jail itaeU would be add- ed the coat of buymg aome of the rughest-priced land in the nahon. But ahouJd wban Santa Ana'a res1dents be made to asawne the bwden of bousmg the county's priaonera ~ause they're "UJed to" doing eo? That notion 11 patently unfair 1 Letters To The Editor The county already owna about 100 acres of land- the Muaick farm pazcel-already in partial use a. an honor farm. There is reaidential development fairly close on 1t1 south side (and whose bright idea, we may well aak, waa it to approve auch development near a pr110n fazm ?), but a jail need not be built near the homea m the area. A hundred acres give. the county a certam amount of leeway. Some grumbhng baa been heard lrom nearby Sad- dleback Valley res1denta about the county dumptng "undesirable" pro}ecta on them But one i.a hard pr .. ed to thmk of any great number of undesirable £acilih .. now m operation there The real difficulty aeenu to be that the same agenc1e1 that gave ua the 14·year unplanned obiolescence of the cwrent )all will be turmng the1r talents to the location and coratruchon of a new one. If they do no better th11 hme, tt will be a cnme. And we'll be the vtchms agatn -NH DIAL Govenvnental Representatives follow111q are the addreaaea lor qovernmental repre .. ntA t1vea aervanq the Newport Beach aru :iT ATl SlNATI I,,,,, G S· htnllt ~~~ o •• ,,, I 4bCJI Com~;..,, Or N•w~ll a •• , t C A 'IJW, 'Hi liiJ /!1 8U AIU> (Jt SIJPUIV!St •R'> lh•.m•• f flol•1 Ortttl• • ~ Holt ul Alimrn"''"''''" I'J r·,.,, < ., ••• Pl•r• S•111a Arro < A 'U II. I 8J-4 ~~·.v IJ"'JTH> 'H A H..S ('( NG IU 5S It t, .. ,, • ~·ltoer 41.1'1 [) •Ill< I liJI N .. ·•q• ,,, t.. ... r.••r f)t v• •,v ,,.. .14' N• "''" t• H .. ., to < A -<Ito#/. .,.. .... " UNITlu STATES SENATE A lar, Crallalc..r I ~ Wrlohue Bl~d fi,,,,m IJlO Loa At•q•l•• C A 900J4 ..111 H.l4 /MI ') I Hoyo~••• ~lJ W 6111 c;, Suo•• "•1. L••• AnrjeiH C A 'ltJOI 4 .oil t1 WIH !/Jill Wbo OwDa Orange COUDty? To th. !ditor: I lound the eocloeed artacle hom the LD. AnQel• 1\m• in- tereating, and thought you might tind it lnter•tlng too. Obvioua.ly the County of Oruge ia a luge entity. They own all the st.r•t•. they own the pub, they o wn right-<>1-way, they own rivera and chaLDage canalL lo fact, they own 31 ,230 acr• of Orange County But, aa I have alwaya awrpected. the U S Government Ul even luge~ and the U S Goveromaot own. 67,000 acr• of Orange County I. 1t poMible the~e 1a eomeone or eo met bing bagger than the U S Government ?Yea, there a. the lrvlne Company OWM n .ooo acr• of Orange County I am a daed-lD the-wool capJtalm, a tr .. enterpruer of the llrat de9r" I have aucceed· ed In tbe tr .. enterpn• ayatem and thank there a. none better an the world In the U.S we en courage tr .. enterpra.e, but reaHze that an eome ueu we muat tolerate monopoh .. for the publac Qood It would not make .. n .. to have 10.000 cWt.rent telephone compana• So th .. comparu .. to operate under our ayatem become OJMtll to the pubhc and Me regulated by tbe pubhc It would be unthmkable that the water company would cha.rve you S 1,000 a gallon for water juat beceu.e ll hu a monopoly o n the water aupply The PUC k .. pt~ our legal monopolies operahng In the beat anterMta of all The lrvtne Co., however, a. a daft.rent kind of monopoly By defuuhon, at con b ola almoat all of the avatlable raw land for development lD Orange County I cannot help but think II the~e were II thouaande of d.&ft.rent land ownera c:ompetlDg ln a tr .. ••11!!!!!!!!!~•-~!~••1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 muket aU~tk>n to develop tbeu properta• the land pncee would l"l J I [ ,~, ""'' Hwy <.7<.u.lfta d.tl w., CA 92625 ~ lUOtAJU> BftONNt ft IOI,AYION ITIVI HADLANO LII.AND POliNO IUITIUICS IILI.IDCPION FIAHI WAHNIHO WAIC\III)fiTZ lAilY ao•N ud ITIVDI GEORGES DCe~NA WraUJa 673-0550 Co pubhak .. Co pi&W ..... a-•• aw.uo. ldiu,r Co!'ltrtbllhOO fditor Ad.-l ..... Olt«tor ........... .............. ........... Pto4uct• ......... 1h ,...,.... ,.,.. II ... "' t'lOI -...tj ........ .,. • ......... ttl..,._, _.._ ..,_,.._...,....,, .. IMI • ......_. ••-......_ ... ,., ....... 0... .... o...... .... ...... .. ~ .... -...................... .. .......... ....,..,... .... .... ................................. Oty ..................... .. _ ... , .. .., ,, 4 ..... .... ltll ··-...... ..... be far lower th.an thoee quoted by the roonopoly lrvtne Co The IrVine Co a. puvate)y owned Ita detaHa are not naHable lor puhlac ln.pectaon u le the c ... wath the telephone company or electric company 'nle eaclo.d copy of the arta cle from the Loe An9•1• nm .. atat• that raw land 1D Oraoge County can CIOell u much u S2SO,OOO per acre Tbat &e. of cow•, UAie. " I.e owned by the lrvu:a.e Co whlch chooeu to value tile raw lad ol our .,._. lllomee at 110 or $20 mllllaa .. acre. It ..... to .. ta.. Loe Aaoel• n ... a. .. dou ..._ ,_.cit aod wU.h a.. ~ a.otlve thaD the lrvlM It Ia eMY to .. that ooe I-. by "&-wU coWd aoc sx-tbly ......... d ... u.. ...... of ..... ~~ Oa=mtttee of400011 ..... , .... .. ~ ................... , ... . by U..nt..Ca. FOR THE CONSUMER When Ulvolved an a real Mtate traAMCtion, you mevttably wlU have to mgn eorne documents that requ.l.re acknowledgment of your m<Jllature by a ootary pubJac la there any way you can help the notuy accompliah tbu) AccordlDg to W•tern Mutuel Eacrow Corp . thare 1a A notary pubhc 1.a not reqwred to aclmowledge a algnature on a docu.rn.ent unJ .. the p4treon whoee aignatwe 1.a to be acknowledoed 1a -pereonally known by the notuy or the notary aa pr .. nted wath "aat~.afactory evadence" that the pereon aagnu'Q the document ie that penon named therein Recently enacted legialahon bu Mt forth apeclflc documents that cao be legally relied upon by the notary aa "aahafactory evidence" oladentlty to enable the notary to make the nec..ary aclmowledQment Documents (prov1ded they ue cunent or a•u.d wathln hve years) that can be relted upon by the notary pubbc are An tdenhhcataon cud or a c:ltwer'a liceDM 1•ued by the CalUoroia O.parlment of Motor Veb.lcl• A pu.port IMued by the O.pa.rtJUnt of State of the United Stat• Any of the lolloWlng, pJOvid· ed th.y are current or have been i•ued wtthus live yean and contaio a pbotovtapb aod ducripUOft of the pereoo oamed therein. are aiqned by the per eon and bear a .eJial or eome othet identtlylng nwnbef an out of.atate, Ca~dlan or Wea acan d.rtver'e l ceo.M. a.o out·of- atate ideDtificetton card, u ad otibceUoo c&ld a.ued by any branch of the UoJted Stat• ana· ed lorcee, or a pUIJ)Oft l8ned by a loreag~a govern.meot, pro- vided tt hu been atamped by the Uoited Stat• lmmhpaUOD and NahualluUoo S.rvlc. You can help amootb out the notarlaation proc-U you come prepared wUh one or moze of the above doeUJnente to aailt the notary public. Other baalc requirement• for a noi&ry pu.bllc are thet lbe par· ty •lQlll'ft9 tlae doc:waetat au•t penoaally ·~ bekne the nota.ry p\Abho, • the docu, .._t Ia the ..-~~oee ol 11.. aotary puW&c aDd aJgo the ..,., toumeJ ol docu.enta acbowt.dpd . .. by''"' f• I• • About Preclo• n... ADd A~ D·•berg Labor Dey lig:u.la Use eod of ·~ b JD&Dy, aDd it'• bard to believe that it'• upa11 ~ alr-.dy t.bJ. we ekaad. &t th.e are eipa that winter ia oo ita way. Leav. Oil our apcicot tr• are beQlDD.iDQ to yellow, and it'a nearly 7 o'clock DOW wbeo the IUD peeb over Nodjeek.a'a ab.oulder aa a new day crawla over th~ Santa Ana m.ouota.i.Da. It'a darker l011Qer iD the moru.i.DQ and eooa.er in the evenln9. Nw.ri• are beginn- ing to feature fall a.od winter planta, and a ret.uJ.r friend ahook me up wh.n be Mid thete were only eight more pay-day. wstU Chri.et.mu. You become moze aware of the .peed of bme'• fiiQht aa you get old•. and lib anything ~earce, time become. more preciol& It waa euch a abort time ago, it eeema, when the MD.ior population of th.1a area waa •rved eo Mall by Augu.ata Eieenberg, and thi.a w•k, in aimple Jewish rit•, we aid an aHecUooate goodbye at Augu.ta'a fUDeral•rvicee. Thee wu DOt~ Augu.ata wouldn't do at the lrvioe S.Dior C.otar. She painted well in the oU painting clul, and abe pro- duc.d the monthly bul.letincJ for the lrvioe chepter, Americ:an A.ocLaUon of Retired Peuo01, and helped to edit the IDOAthly oewaletter of the Senior <Aatar, and orguJ..-d the Em.ntue Day •~t and ~am at S.d- dleback ColJ.v., ud eerved luoch, and wrote o ... releaaea a.od eo ma.oy, many other cboz• that oo on. el. could find the time to do. When the Irvine Seru.or Citt..DI Council-the advi8ory group to the City Couocu oo NAior atla.in-waa expanded to pemlit the public election of two memben, Auguata Ei.nberg wu one of the lint two to be hooozed by het pee_n. Tbe day before Auq~a died, there waa a meeting of •ruon hom Cc.ta Neea, Newport Beach aod Irvine at tla.e o...m. C.otet ln Cc.ooa delW.r. Th.re wu Patricia Becbr and Grant Howald and Clarence Nedcm and Alice Remer and Kerry Lange and Jim Sawyer aACi Bamey Lub, plao.oing a cudidat•'lonun for eenioz vot ... AU ware Nddaed to learn that Au.gt.ata wu .Uppil:lq away, t..cau.e wiU.Out the eo.gy and th.a creative involve· mat of people like her, •nior centWI ~ ltarUe 9lubrooma. • • • -J ' I • I I 1 ( • c ,.... • .,.d 1 -d .. WI .. I • .,. IIJI •• L ....... VISmNG EXPERT BOSINFSS BRIEFS New Vke Pre..ldeot Bill htt..-.on bat been named vice premdeot of Or&DQe Ctty BeAk and wtU ma.naoe the bank'a new office at 4525 MacArthur Blvd., Newport BNch H. waa formerly Wltb Cthzeoa Bank. Valencia Bcmk Jack E. Bear baa beanna.med uai.tant vtca prMJdent and a.MUtant manager at Valeoc1a Bank'a Newport Beach olhce, 840 Newport C..oter Dr. Prtor to bia new appomtment, Baker waa aaaiatant manager and loan othcer at the bank'• lrvine office. He waa prevtoualy Wlth Uruted Caltfornus Beak, Walla Fargo Bank and Ctty Nahooal Bank. lnstcmt Teller Ctty Nahonal Bank baa ao.tall- ed an lnatant Teller automated teller madu.oe at 1t1 Newport Beach ofbce. 4100 MacArthur Blvd The maduru~ allow. cuatomera to tranaact aucb buau1 ... aa deJX*tl, Wltbdrawala, account balancea and tra.oaJera at any bo w of tbe day ot naght The macht.oe ,. part of a net· work alloWlng acceu to lunda at more than 250 automated teller• 1n lour atat .. u well u Amencan Expr ... Travelen Checka an 28 atat" a-d wu employed at FlUOI Corp. lor 33 yura u vice pna- dent of acl•iot.hatioc. ANDREW SKIVER New Vice Pr.Udeot Andrew X. Skiver hu been promoted to ..niol' vice prelli- dent at B. J. Stewart Advert~ and Public R.lahona. Sbver baa been with the llQency li.oce early 1Jl 1980, Mr· vinQ u vace prellident, account Mrvtcea. He ia aJ...o a member of the company board of direc:ton and management committ ... I N•ger Ao.Dowac:ed Ern.t and Whinney, a large Hotel Manager Big Eight accouot.i.D9 finn, hu Ray JCovaca tlaa been named merged with lb. pu.bl.ic accoun- oeoeral manager ol the Newport hJ19 finn of Coyue and Clark, Beach Marnott Hotel and TellDl.l expanchoq ala Newporl BHch of- Club bee. He replac• Jon I.Deb, wbo Coyne and Clark'a prirucpala, baa been promoted to vtc.e pree1·1 John B. Coyne, John W. Clark dent and general aal• manager and G. Stephen Wheeldoo. will lor the national aod i.otema· )OlD £rut &Del ~y u part. ttonal cilvwooa o f Martaott an oera to the Newport S.ach of- ~UI ~9ft ... To Open ·--.... •• Brothers Art Marts Store Planning OtrectOf Paul Kiluk , left, OUI to Ma'lny Emanuel of customer retations the many newty designed fixtures that Will be 1nstalled at their newest Art Mart located at 1 S. Btistot St .. Santa Ana. Kiluk says that this equipment was 101~~10 with the consomer 1n mind and IS being used to he4p the IWIIOOIDM locate the 1tems they des~re tmmetdately thus enabltng them save valuable shopptng time TAX TIPS What GlftiDg Ia G1fb.oo can aave mcome and •tate tu. tl you lmow the rul• and do aome planru.og Gifta are not ta.xed as add!· tiooal lDCOme to thoee who receive them, nor are they deductible by thoee wbo gtve them. Only contnbuhona to qualified rehgtoua, educahonal charitable, and acaentibc cxvanL&ahona can be deducted on your peraonal ta.x retwn Don't make gtita to c lulchen, other relahv•. 01 needy to dtvtduala an the hope of c reatmg I an aooome ta.x deduction The Ta.x Act of 1981 an· creued the amount of the anoualtu.-tr .. gttt from ~000 per reel· plent to $10,000. 1f you gtft Wlth yow apoUM, you can now gave $20,000 per recapaeot. In general, there a no lurut on the amount that cao be tta.nafened betwM.D huahaod and Wlfe Before CODGdenog CjJtft.l.oo, decade whelhe1 you wtU need the ... ta younelf to provtde l.D· come 1.0 later yean Co1Wde1 the ampact toftabon wtll have on your reeourcae What S25,<XX> of mcome wiU buy today W11l co.t $6S,(X)() to 1992 aJ t.o.Oahoo avewraqea 10 percent a year What you gttt a alao unpor tant Glvtng away ancome· producmg ... ta can alutt an- come to a lower-btac lcet tax- oaver To~ Tzps 1s a teiVJce by Rudy Boron. CPA of Boron Accoun - tanc y Corp, a Newport Beocb bo!Jed accountJ.ng lum .,.CJah.z· mg m tax and occountmg ..,. VJce.s lor small and m.dlum buSJne.-• Cbc.J .. T &a.eJJ u ~~~ ol Vao U.s.A., wb.Jcb od- liWJJ.IIIen the Vao card tllld travellw• cbeqve pi'C)IffrWIJ UJ tbe UJJ.Jt.d State& ~orn.r.a 1 ID the ~ tJu.e yeam, thoUNDda of AmenCAD com· munin• have t.DCreulD.CJly d.a.covered the d.va.tatl!wJ eJ- fecta of what might be called ''black-boleH eoo.DODUca. Suoply atated. black-bole ecoaom.1ca ,. the tnetnevable dr&.D of aa~ dol.lan hom local commurub-. and the local banb and 14Y1Jl9S and loaoa that Mrve them. mto a Da.ndful of qumt b naoaal l.DIIbtubon•. foretqo inv..tmeota aDd the hoancmg of the t.deral dabt Aa th... money ,. aucbd away from the nation'• ctt:Me aod towna, local ti.naoClal iolt1tuhooa are lett with fewer and .. wer depoc~ta to g.aeral new con- aumez, bun-and f.a.nn loao.a. With thia loea of dapomta. local io.ahtuhooa wtll have no alter· oahve but to hqhteo credit aod reatnct Joan. or to ..U out to QlllDt money center Of9aoJ.&a· tiona. Aa ti..me CJ04III on. local ecooomi• will becp.o to wbJther aa hna.octal control pa.ee from local commuodi• to bnaDClal COJl9lometat• The -.m.109ly l.DDOCUO~ c ul pn ta in thia mul b-btJ..bcxl. I dollar drai.o are lb. cpant money lunda run by va.no~ lxok.raoe boUMa and mutual hmd com· paru• Si.oce 198, th.e hmd. , have gobbled up more than S 190 bill.ton m local aavmqa and apmted them mto the money centers bere aod aboad. Th .. money hmda don't r81Jlv..t their dollan Ul com- 1 mwuty bao.b where tb.y can be regenerated into loan.a to aup- port a town'• ecoaomy. m.tead. th .. uo.reancted 1\~Jlda have tuo.oeled the bulk of thei.r newly- found UMta into ju.t 10 bub lD four dom..tlc money teoten. nevel' to be aeeo &9&10 by Hometown. USA horucally, the realloeer 1Jl black-bole ecoaomu:a the A.mencao co~r a • belpl .. particlpent m thJ.I UD· precede.oted ch&l.D of commwuty W ulufl9too. DC bee. Kovac• baa been wttb Marnott lr.;.;.----·-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia lor 10 yearl, moat recently Mrv· FIND aog two yean •• general IT man&(Jer of the Manna del Rey IN Man~t ~ New Pot~ltlon Jay L Reed. a lound.ano duec tor of CommerceBank, hu entered anto a.n aQr .. ment to develop new buatn_. lor the bank ~~ ~ ~ vv Sally Seaver PIANO TEACHER w Accepting New Students 840-8197 Corona del M•r INUIAY, SIP1. 6TH OP£N LABOR OA Y liON. SlPT.I (1~5) Put cautomla•s '1 business bank to work tor your manufac:turlng business. \Xlll.otht"'' 'ou 'upph r.&\\ ma.tnul.•,, part.' I )f fi fU. .Jlt. "lJ ~ ~ ){b \ I )\J llt't.'\.l ;.t tx.lrllth.u n.wJ.lh ~l' 10 ~·\\ \"Our ht.t.lJlt.'' .-\t 8;mk ul .-\nk~.&. w e: tuH" l ' )l"p )f".UC: ~ .u '{ll'\. u1 k ~4ll.M X'-' .ill .tt n t'!..' tilt-"-ltt" fhc.'t· twl.k~ \\ ud•d. k~·l) \\ tlh \ ou to Wldcr· ''.u1l1 'nltr hu.'mt~-' .mll "•ur mdlL,tn .&.-. \\ t•U \X n.u ' n k )f'\.' tllt") h.n c: '' "' .ll .tuthonl) tu nl.l)..l·th.u lfllJ1Uruull (. f'\. 'th t \.k '\. I '"m for ~ou ( )Ur l 'Of"(lUr.lll' ~U\"l'f"\ pn )\ ltX' .k ll '' h l .l "•lk· r.lflltl· ut fin..u"k t.U ~T 'ttl' tmporunt to' 1•u lhl·' &Ill hx.k· Lint." 1 ,t l rnlat Au nun~ n.' l"t\ J.tlk-Jl'k I Ill\ t'Otuf) fin:.ull:tntt h )f wu~ l..ap1L&I ( .L.'h nun •-mc:nt ~'1"\ ltt"'t tu uptlll\Vt· t-.a...Jl t'k '" . trml k Yfi' h •r t•=qr.&n\ton. lht.· TRA< ,; ~ tc.t: ftw hc.1tc:r tn.,Wt, flil' men• ~'Ot lmt."ftl.&lM -.naJ ~'1"\ k.~ 'lk·h ~ k1tl'1' ut tn'\.bt and h M"rign t: l~ tt W' r.l\\ nw~ . l'\liO'lpW'k"flt' ~ ~I'-~ Our ~t\'k.t'l.&pAlilit} '-' unc.-ol many l"t"'aMWb "h) wt· ~ wort with ,,'o of JJ1 <.2lifomia Kin..--. Pul ~ nlllflC)' :IIlli musdt ul xnia · ._ m.mbcr onc: t.t..mr• bank to •'OI'k fur )"'U '(U ncar~ B:ank of A.mc'l'k":l -...rtr. bDnkft' toda)' bmda. Caw•=ar ... caugta.l bill- .._ areMtr iectenl a.... tUI preftllt local bub ad IIPblga uad lolp flo. pay\'Dv IDON thuS~S~~u.. t•• on ....U aavmge accoamta. aad rampe.ot tnflettc-t.»ugld on by defiat tpeadiD9 ad ~ federal ~t p»~ Con.umen are tacn·dngly forced to pull tb.ir M'f'lDQII out of local UllllitUII:iaD:a and pl.ace th.m m money tUDda tr.. of h.naD9 recJulaboD to g&tD a }ugh. rate of urt.n.t. 'the hmda are t..bc OQD.8:)lidated aDd loaned m the bm of Jwn.bo c.· bhc:et• of depoet to hUQ8 moo,ey cant• inltituboaa. loe6- ed to the CJOw'n!DMit, or loaned ov.,.... to ioraCJD beu..la It ta Ollly .. ta-ame COD· au.men returu to their local banD or aaV1D91 and Joana to obt&l.D • mortvag• or -.all b'*O .. loan that they will rea.Ua. tbete'a DO IDOU'f to be bad. 11lei.r dapo.ita are DOW un<Mw lb. OODtrol of un.bowD money c•t• mabtutioDa t.Uy aught o~ DOt wi8b to deal Wlth. Not aurpna.D9ly. thoUMAct. UpoD tbouaanGa of ban.k.a h.a .. beec demaod•D9 the right to compete wtth the. QJlNIIItric.ted mooey lunda ao they CaA oti.r thar cu.tomera la.u m.uat rat. wb..Lc:h kMp C\ltlto...-r d.pollta producb'Mly emp&oy.d ill the commuzubee wh.a they were created a.od earned Why ebould the thouNnde ~ local ba.a.b &ad avilag8 and loa.o.a-tbe fioanc:ial beckhone of Amenca'a COIIUDuni.l:a.-be prevented hom coatbagiDQ to ...,.. theiJ COIUl&IDitiea by U · cbaic Nolri09 Ia--. wiMD tt ...,.. oaly to injure local economi•? Why -.ould COD· ·~ vutu.ally be loi'Ced to Mod tbar 1DtD1WJ 0,_ I I-oi ~t:rate lt m • t.w giaDl b.n.anaallD.tllltutiou ad ciliee lD Old. to obtaa.n a lU.g.b. rate of w__.., Then Ul DO Dpcal N .,, and b..,..., clay of delay, ta. local coaunUD.t'* ad 0.. au-. who built ~ au.t pey the bJddeo chltutehll pnce N~wportc-r 'ou '-<"~pun (-~Ditft 'all r· , .. , movies - an••• ...... DriQ r8Cing. ...., .,.,.. and you(lQ ~.,. ...,._ltlln a dr.,. about a tathef1MI ldd. breedwinr .. , to his tamly, who undergoes urOie hard- INpl at the hMdl cl new high achool cttlllilllll ... Me (7~) ~·· DON'SILOOOL ... ~ Hlpburn, ....,.. Muon. Ban Gez:zata end Rof'r¥ ~ In a breathleaa tate of International FTa~rder and 1ntr9uct set against a bKtcgrOund cl f8buloue weaHh and ....... aoctety .. ttfi?M fii8C (8Centra11Mountatnl /7•30CentJMt.l SHIRLEY MacLAINE TMEniiUIUG POINT. A~ ITIOYie about two onetime uvats and friends. whole ttves haw taken dlf· letant petha. woo emotiOI'Ially con- front themNives and eac:h otr. With long unanswered QUfltlons .. ,... NBC (8 <AntraiiMountaltl) liM~ X Tuesday Weld In that old cheetnut abOut a you(lQ woman woo marries 1rito • wealthy pollttul family, and 1s then forced to lbendon her belOVed family beCause of one tragiC mistake. Granville Van Ovsen and Eleanor Parker ce>star In a tale, which began as • p!ay 1n France at the turn of the canturv. BURION RE RICHARD HARRIS HARDY KRUGER STEWART GRANGER TMa WLD ..._ AcUon ~ ture • a bend cl8ritlah metcenarlaa eent to an Atric:an country to reecue n. llilprlaoued Preeldlnt aftel a CouP by hie P01111C.al enemlee. ... C8l (7 CentfeNount-"1) ~ (Patt 1) Judith Krantz's best eetling novel about a poor, un- attractive gat who eYOIYM into a wealthy. beautftul. eenau.l woman. wielding enotmoua ~ Ill the cut- throet wor1dl cl high fasNon and rnov...-nek~ng Undlay w.Qner. Barry Bostwick and Mat~• Franca Plster .... cas (7 c.ntraNcuntaln) ..._.,. • (Conclusion). .. ,.. NBC (8CentravMountaln) ntiiMimAN CHIIONICIIS Part r The Exf»ditions. Rock HudsOn commandS a spece mission to Mars (after thrM prevtOUS spaceshtp& are IA)Irantty IOet) and faces the sensr tlve tssue ot future expiOratiOI'I and satllemanta. prO\IOklflQ a conlronta· tiOfl among membets othts ...,. CBS (7 CentraJIMountaln) GU8. TMI ftGeKIM MUt.E. (Part I) Disney comedy with EdWard Asner. Don Knotts. Gary Grimes and Tam Conway 1n the tale of an •mported Yugoslavian mute woo kiCks 100vard held goals .. tt,.. cas (8<Antrai/Mountaln) C.H.O.M.'.a. Comedy abOut a you(lQ engineer wt1o Invents a burglar alarm 1n the fOfm ot an electroniC super· dog Vatene Berttnelll. Conrad 8aJn and tArry 84shop HO.VARD HESSEMAN •n:4IPII MJC (8CAntrai/Mounta•n) DIATH ON THE *&.a An Agatt\a 0\rlat• goodie with Peter Ustinov doirlQ the first of his two turns u gentleman sleuth Hercute Po~rot Witl'l Bette Dav•s. Angela Lanabury and Mia Farrow plus a hOst of others ... NBC (I~) ..,_,.IN TaM. (Part 1) lleled on a tru.tn ltiO'a homicide c ... In the Lone Stw state whele such tNnge ..em to occur with startling ceQUtar· lty. Fanah Fewcett, Kal'*lne Roaa. s.m Elliott and Nw11 Griffith. .,... N8C (8C'AntraNountain) IIUMIR IN TUM. (Conclusion). .. 111M 08S (8Centrai/Mountaln) TMI ~VICTIM. Dr arne '*'ter· •rlQ on a man's atruggle to regain a normal lite after l'lls wife hal bean raped William Devane. Jennifer O'Neill, Todd Susman and Mary Me· Donough aa a you(lQ woman who • unwtn!ngly c.ught up In the ttaQedv Sl'latteted llwe J ... N8C (t~aln) CA'IALINA OLM. Action ICMnture dramatizing the...,... oliN atatt at an ocean r....,c:n f~llty off Cat• line ~~~end. ··=· ,, p N8C (7Cent./Wt ) POCnMI.L.. NFL eachltlltlon. New ,.,.., Olenel at Wleml OolpNna. ... t NIC (1Cent~ta~n) .-ann&.· M.Pr L-.gu• a.me ol ,,. W... .. New Yoril Yank ... If Kansas City Royala a.e•n• ABC (4 CentraiiMounta.n> I ... WOM.D OF WCMn'a. .... t C8S (8 Centr~Mountaln) P00TMLL. NFL exhibition: Hou- ston Oilers at Dallea ~ fOf the Lone Star stat• bfacgng right8. SOPHIA LOREN JAMES COBURN OJ. SIMPSON FlRPOWIJl S.lla Sophie LOtan. J~ Coburn and O.J Slmpeon try to 111ega1ty snatch • rnultl-mlllionatra from hiS Caribt>Mn hideout and take h1m to the U S to face cnmnal charges Ell W.llach, Anthony Fran- CIOS&. George Grizzard and Vincent Gardenia are alto t .. lured In the cast A tl\nller·klller ~ture spedals ---. ' _. .. NIC (7.30Cenl/Mt.) TIXACO 8TAR TMIATIR ••. ~ .-.eT A l()llapllooza starring top TV. Btoedwey and l'nOCIOI'I an r•t C86 (tUO~M CentAft.) ••• u s. ()pM ... CIF 1t , ... ABC (8Cent.1Mt) FOOTMLL OefendirlQ natiOnal ~ Clemlon, IN onty mep college tootbell ..., to reglsaf • perfect rec:xwd IMt v-t (12~ Will ptay Gaot;.a tn • natiOnal prme twne NCAA ..uon opener tt.,.. C8S (10 30CentraliMount) •••• u s Open hlghl9rt'l. .,._NBC (7~) _,.. L.aMIIIII UJ '\U L~ Angeles Oodgefs at Clnclnnat• Reda • BaltltnOfe II New Yortc Yankees n:.,.. C8S (10:30Centranb.lnt.) .,....., u.s Open hlgtlllgMs. n:•• C8S (t0:30CentraLIMount ) .,..... u s. Open hlghltghts. I H I. I I' I ... , CBS (8Centtal1Mounta~nl fOOT8AU UnNetsltv of Pittsburgh Panthers hoSt IN Tar HMts of North car~. hve RJMMCBS (1130PMThuts CJM) TIMM8 u s Open highlights 12:--.? CBS (11 ~M Cent JUt ) TINNI8. Women s sem.-hnats ot IN US()pen • t2..._CBS (nAMCentrai/Mount l T'INN8 Women's t~n~ts and men's semt-hnals of tl'le US Open ~1M NBC Ill ~Cent /Ut l SPCMn IIU Y Furtl'lef adllantures 2PII-'P NBC (1 CentriWUcuntaanl UIEULL M•tor Lugue G•m• of the w... Los ~ Dodgels at HoustonAstr~ \, I I ! 1-?N NBC (12 Noon Cent/Mount ) FOOTIA.LL NFL doubleheader teaturtng Kansas C1ty Ch1efs at Buffalo B111s followed by U1am•~.ns at New YOOI PICt\.lre stan perfomllng eome 01 the .,.., ABC (8Centr~l gr .. t .. 1 shows1CQ:~e,. 01 alltme. FOOTULL Four tme 5upef 9cMt .,.. •*ttiMNBC (8C'Ant.IMt.) c~ P!ttltlurgr\ St....,s try to ... AMta1CA MO&Mf L.M r., thetr powertut form cl yare from Cotwentlon .._" In Atlantic City, wtth a v•Sit to 1w1ce c~ Oellas 1 this year's f .. tlvl11• wtth Gary Colllna Cowbovs ..... , .... '••• •' · 1 malmlQ hla debUt u tat. •a. COlo ~ , .. ~"'(' Arts _j ~S LISTtO ARE AT THE Olso:tETION Of COANElluS DONOV"N "SS<X '"TE5 "fC Kent Ill Ktngs 2 mg "tar" 0 3 mg n~eottne. Kent Ktngs 13 mg ''tar". 1 0 mg mcottne. av per CJ98rette. FTC Repon December 1q81 c .~.~. ·-~'i"'· • r,:::======:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=:==:===:=:=:-JI ... wted lll the 900 block oJ POUCE Dub.a ... A ....... t~hoab.-...to w.cArthu.r Tt•vel1D tlae 4800 block of llrch ... Semeo• lbot at • ·~ wiDdow L..:::====================================~l whU• the victim wu atti.D9 oo "mt •·--= A ...._ watca ud a PMtl rt1ao ...... at M .1 10...,. •..-i .... boa Judy nor--~ in the~ block of Port Wlaitbr ... A SIUda l w_,. .38 ultber piltol. ~• ~s--t ud ;...by q)\*{ at $2,815 were reported aoJee from c.rl Gla aza in tiM 900 block oJ Jl'edl•nct. ... Ladiee ..,..uy valued at $2,100 w• r.port.d Ito&. hom Dtab.th Wary WMd in the 800 b&ock oJ Dam- bM)o ... An 1BW S.lectnc val\*~ at $1,000 wu report.d ltoleD from 1M Coott,..ta) G.oup in the 1000 block of Quail .. T-.o 1 0-buttoD ~ valued at $1,000 ... e rwpc.ted lltolen from m Telepboae Cc.po.aticm in the 1800 block oJ Dow. ... A Schwinn crui8er and three O'Neil .. uwb valued at $675 wwe rwpc.ted lltolen from Pam Ann Scalm in the 2100 block of Oceu. ~ Nartm Vega Zapata, 35, of Cc.oaa, wu arre.t.d on .-uapi- cioD of burglary ... Stew.n Deniel McCullum, 21, of Boul- der City, Nevada, wu an..ted OD au.picion ol tn.p ring/ occupyiQg peoperty without con...,t . David BerQeiOn Victoria,. 21. of Bowland Height.. wu an•ed on w.p- cion of giving tat. inJo111lalJOC to a police officer Stft'ell O.UU... Nicbola, 29, of Obtano, wu an•ed 011 auapicion of pc• ring ampbeta.m.m.. ODe man waa an..ted on a~aJ)l claD of ctruU.D d.rivinq, oot hom Newport INc:h. 'hi'"" ........ cma.s Two .a.otQ.m-wieldi.Qg bandit. robbed $2160 ~ Arch• Liquor Store ebodly aft• midDight. No ODe ... burl iD the illcidat ... A 1924 $20 goldpiece mounted tD e riDg aod other jew.by •al.d at S9,690 were reported .a-from L,.wa. Mitchell Beatty in tiM 2100 block of Y.clat wa.ac~. •... J...u, val\*~ •t S6.935 wu reported ltolea. fmm Cathy Sb.-ma.n in the 200 block of Cagney ... A Gucci pur. oootaining proper- ty valued at $2.390 wu repor- ted ltol.n from Julie Alln Henning• in the 3600 block of Jambor" .. A 40 bp Jobn.on Elec- bomatic boat engine valu.d at $1,200 wu reported ltoleu from a boat belooging to ZackS. N.i.k:i..r.&oe in the 100 block of Bayade ... A camera and equipment valu.d at $730 waa report.d lltolen from Salldi Lee Hill in the 700 block of Bay. ARRESTS Robert Nathan Reicher, 38. of Newport Beach, wu arr.-ed on auapidon of battery ... WUliam Hixon Drum.molld, 51. of New- port Beach. wu arre.ted on auapicion of battery . . Four men were an..ted on au.pidoo of drun.bn driving, includmg William Hison Drum.mcllld and ChNtopber Brian Wallace of Newport Beach. Wecla...tay. Aue-t 25 CRIMES A woman wu eexually of NEW.oaT a&ACH couaavAnva h• coucla lD tM 300 block oJ Gruel Canal. 'nl• victim wu DOt tajured. AJUliS1'S Fow mea were ane.ted on 1u.pk:ion of dnmku drlviDQ, aone from Newport a...ch. na ....... ,. A.-• CRINES Jewelry and camera equip- meut valued at U ,51S wu report.d .tole from Sue J. LanQejoen in the 1800 block of Park Newport ... '11liev• Jack- ed \.\P a 1982 Mercedes 380 SD. oato cinder blocb and .tole ib 1Da9 wheel.a and tir•. valued at $1,700, from Jim SlemoM 1m- porta in the 1300 block oJ Oua.il ... Four ~-wheel hubcap., an auto battwy and a nin•inch Sony televUiion valu.d at $700 were reported .tole11 from a limou.ine belonging to &9er P.W:e Cadillac Inc. in the 1300 block of Dove. ARRESTS nmotby Eugene Dadey, 26. of Newport Beach. wae ane.ted on IUipicion of battery .. Jay Vance Prather. 45, of Hunting- ton Beach. waa arr..ted on auapicion of battery . Six people were arre.ted on euapi- cioo of drunken driving, includ- ing Nichola. Milton Martin and Timothy David Forward of Newport Beach. Frlclay. Augwt rl ARRESTS William Guevara. 23, of Riverside, wu arr•ted on auapa· cion of battery . Royal Zan - dieh. 26. of Loe Angelea, waa arr-'ed on 1uap1caon of burg- lary .. Four men were aneet- II )IJU \Uffcr a h<.an .m.a-.1.. .• mJ )'•~ur helolrt \lup' belllrntt . pro~) thdl "'mt:\>ne nc.trh~ ho1' ~en tutneJ rn ReJ Croh) ( PR It ""u d r.ather ''" "'m•· lhrng 0;1'4 hi rCUU<C )'t1Ur fl\1. •>I l'lc•rt auad. Red ( '"'' ",, • .~J~ h> help Blo~.l. 1\rnen • .tn, arc I~~> 1<1: ;a, l1l..d~ 111 ""' ,. h•t!h bln<>J prc"urc: lho~n ~~o 1'111.:' H•~h ed ~ au.picion of drun.k.u drtv· lDo. lac:l\adiog two trom ~ a..dl: Anthony Jerome Gu;nale ud Nlcbolu !kiJCle C>YedWd. ... urclay. Aug.e • CRIMES A car radio and telephoDe &Ad till Wateriord crystal 90bleta valued at $3.336 were reported .tolen fro01 a ear belcmging to Jeffe.ry Earl Stone in a burglary on Sea Ialud ... Four chro01e Rolla Royce wh•l oo•en valu.ed at $2.800 were reported .tolen from Vlutlmel Marouaek ill the 1800 block of Park Newport A paint aprayer and paint g\lD valued at $1.865 were reported .tolen from a pickup truck belonging to Willi4m Shannon Cox ln the 1400 block of Bd.tol ... A briefcue 8lld other property valued at $528 were reported etolen from Robert Stewart Medllick in the 4500 block of MacArthw ARRFSI'S David Jetfery Cheaneau, 26. of Newport Beach, wu arr•ted on euapicion of .. x perveraion . Sergio Equi.bua Alvarez, 30. of Newport Beach. wae ane.ted on euapicoill of a.aaawt with a deadly weapon Steve Scott, 18. of Riveraide. waa ana.ted on auapicaon of battery . . Job11 Caaey K wiecin.aki, 18, of San Bernardino, waa an..ted on euapicion of vandalaam WUliam Ralph Bettencourt. 35, of Newport Beach, waa a.n-'ed o n euapicion of po--..ing co- came .. 0 Joey Richard Salu.ar. 23, of Sa11ta Alta. waa a.nelted on euapicion of bemg Wlder the influence of a oontroUed sub.tance . Three people wete aneated on euapacion of d.rU.Dken d.rivmg. none hom Newport Beach '1M ..... , ............. ,. .... -1. ·-.... ' lor tiM tint U.. 1a ..,..ty two <*.ct.. Oruoe COMI eoo..,. bu. c.apw ~that .. ~g eaough 10 .moe ttl 33~000 ~-A a.IIIOilth. seoo.ooo remodelin9 job wu ooapltlted m Augwat, n .. tly trtplizag the U.. ot t.M facility. 'nle p10}ect w• hmded entirely by CX:::Ca A.teociated Student..-no tu- pa.,.. mopey wu u.ed. oollege officiala Mid. "Theltudenb realbed about 1 0 yeara ago that the boobtc:le-e wu too IIHll. ud they decided to do 80mething about it," a&fl David A. Grant, OCC'a dean of .t udent a.ffaira.. "They b.gan banbng their IDOJley," Grant aa..i.ci "That took tremendoua foreelght and ..Jfl...a-OD their part. They lmew that they wouldn't be the on• to benefit from their own etforta-it would be tboee who came later." The mo11ey wu collected hom ltudent body ieee plua proceed.~ from the ltudent-ru.o mack ban and boobtore. Finally, lut willter, enoU9h money wu in the bank to begin the project. OCC'e first boobton contam- ed barely a tbouaand equare f .. t of flooz .pace and wu located an the college'• Studellt Center building. In 1964 a new .truc- twe wu built in the OCC Quad, between the oollege'a Forum Lecture Hall and mack ba.r. The facUity OOAtained a wboppin9 5,200 eqware feet. "We felt like we bad died and gone to heaven whc we moved mto that .tore," Nfl Harold "Bud" Sbu.ater. OCC'a boobtore ----.... pMt 22 ,..,.. ......... ,. tM ... ,ng WNibart-li"""': "'''M C RP¥ ... gmwtnag ., ,.pdly .t tiW tt.e tAat ... 0._.., the t.d.lily in ·-thea • v-r .• Ia 19M tiM oolleve bed 10,000 ltud.lta.., uno more t.ha 30,000 '"" -.ol&ed.. That'• wh• ltud.nt ~t leaden decid.d to b.giD puttiog IDOUJ away to -.large the boobtore. the recently ularged ltore now oontaiu 12,500 8qUAI'e feet. lt'a the larg..t oommunity col- lege boobtore in Orange Coun- ty, otiiclala aaid. What doee Sbuater plan to do with all the added ~) "Durin.g the put few yean we barely had ~uoh space to dl.play all of OUI required tn- tboo.b," be Mfl. "Now we1J have pleoty of room lor all the text•, and ... plan to 9f"tlY ex- pand oUI ot!Mr auppliee. '"We11 carry • JDuc:h larg• •lectioD of clothing, lib t- ahirta, aweatlhbta, ahorta, aweat- aulta and backpecb. We1J abo have a large trade and reJerence area in which we11 .. n boob that relate to muy of our OOWMI, bu.t are DOt actually required oo~ tellia. We1l abo have a large ltock of •ll-help boob tbat relate to our COUJ118e and ooll.ge life." Shu.ter i.a alao planning a GDalJ gift area. "W e'te taking our time in .tocki.ng the .tote," be aaya. "Right now it loob a bit empty, but it would be a milltab to ran- domly buy J:Dercbandi8e ju.t to hll the abel,.. in a hurry. We're 90in9 to t.U. our time." .., ......... . ••••••••• ® -~ • • • I I • THE TOTAL R• RVIC CO PANY • • • HI•• Holy Day S.nlce• at ftltWroatiiAIUIO• UITHitllAft CHUaCH 798 Oo¥u Ori\'e, ~wport Buch IIAa&l •oa&n .IUUIIAII 8it.GJilAft Temple Ct\oir aosa IIASHAJIIAH Fnday. Septembef '7 Sal~day. Septembet 18 Sunday Septembef19 Chtldfen's sennces both days llOLNtDa~ 8 p II\ 9cl m bt. .. ....t prc-"ur.: "lhc num~r O)OC 'IIOirlbUIIIr hl Jlo'<llh II OJ d1~o~b•hl) .am••n~ rhl! oolduh 81 .. , I. i>''PUiollh>n : sincerely believes the economy will recover when more people are working • and we'd like to see that happen -and rtol soon! • : We want to h_elp! . : Sunday, Seprembet 26 TOll &IPPCJa Monday Seprembet 27 CHJLDaura uaYICU JIIDIIIA8. nuoa JUJIIOIUAL SEa VICE 9 cl Ill ll.30...t m 7 p rt I 9...t tn 300pm ... D ...... All COIICLCiaiOR 3.30 P m FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 54IJ.090() OR 6ft>. 7512. A,.. you IMIIY .. tiS'*'"'-' yout taMtty'1 ltnenctal PfOGtlm 11 eotell1 ~CteQu~• 01 tOdty ~ tot the future' Haw you ,....~ conatd8red uw.e bOthefiOtne contuttno .._, .. .,_ ceo tenOUIIY et*t y()UI pt.t,.-tnflahon tu .. aoc..t SecUJ•tY' Ooea your PJetent method of Slv•"9•· "' ... ,...., end Ide eneutance ownetShip atlow vou to rNkt ..........,_ uM of yOUt .,., .... oot-.rs" N01f ...,. .• en ..-y way to c:r•te • reahsttc f•nenc .. l pfan tor you end yOUr IAWftely througt'l our personehled F •nancta l ....... s.mce ..._. •• How It Works 1 W. cottec:t data "om you Conc8tnt"9 your &sMIS yOur neea. yOUr oo;ect..- 2 Tta tntormabOn IS PfOCeued thr0U9h our computers- PfOif8II'W"iid a.y ..-o..,.t, '" '"-t...OS ot •mntments .neurence end •nenOee Oltlnftt"'-comtlat•"9 tnft.attOnery lactDra ~ Soc* S.Unty ....,.. ... ) You ,..,.... a con~ t$--to 2~ ~ o«••"9 ,.,.,.. fMhttae t~ndafaont f~ your famtly's ''"'"" c.-progtralft beMd on 'JOUf holdtngt yOUf nt«b YOUf .. .,11"-'Y ............. end ~ OOj«tt.el HtJh hll-..>d pre ... urc " " ''lent I. iller There .. rc uw111h '"' "'o~rn•ni! ''gn.1l~ "'''~"'I' litO!' The ·•nl) "'") '" ldl If \dU \I: t!•ll II I\ lt1 h.l\l' II'UI I'll"• ....t prc-"ur,· l~<·n \\ h<n ~~o.1 ' the 1.~,, lam,· I•'U h.JJ \t\ltl hfokiJ J'H'\\UH' , h•·• ~cJ • II''"', o~nl r.:m.:rnb•:r 11' n.,,n ""' l··n~ It \o\U J hi.. .... k .. rn n ..... h i I.J\.,· t'<."IIL'I , .If< ••I \\lUI h< .Jrl ',,II k ..:J ( ''"' \\,II h.tp \\all'' 11 • That's -.~·hy. ifyou are unemployed and acti vely seek1ng employment. 1 • XEROX'ITOP COPY CENTERS will help you out by making -I :25 copies of y our resume FREE!!/1 • •• 11 • • fl,,,.,, This offer good through September 30. 1982. • Ju sr bn'ttg this ad into any of our locations. ·----• IRVINE [] 17775 Main St,...t. Suite L • 751·3500 • COSTA MESA 0 Imperial Bank Tower, Lower Level • 556-8561 1 SANTA ANA 0 3301 Harbor Boulevard • 557·3~ 1 • HUNTINGTON BEACH 0 7312 Center Drive • 881 ·5883 _. ••••••••• • •• ICOUPONI ••• ••••••••• ..... , .. t bthelrrc.etaa Earlier th» 8\UIUDer, lt wu our pl.uwe to entertain the Executive CommittM ot the Na· tiona! Federation of Pt .. Women mMting lD convention lD Calliomia. Tbe EJt. ecutive CommittM repr .. nta 5,000 memhera ot the sneatic;rioua NFPW, and wiahing to daule them with .ometbl.nQ apecial, we choee the new and beautUul China Palace in Anaheim. The reltautant r .. mhl• an ele,.,ant PA9Qda from the out· aJde, faced with red til• and a long red carpet leadi09 to the entry. lnaide la a epacioua lobby with floe furniture, a grand· fatb.r c~ and delicate flower ar· raDQJ:Denta in dynuty vuee. Thanquil .oft bei9e and browna have been choeen for carpeta, wall han9ing1 and tapeetri•. Hand· c rafted c eilinga depac· tang the Imperial "Dr490D and Phoenix" are f.ramed in teak and lic;rbted from above. The r..taunt pro- videe •ati09 lox 450 lD tbrM rooma. The VIP Room ia the~ ele,.,ant. watb M89nifi· cent fumi.ah.inga, vuee and lighting, and •ating for 10 at each traditional round table. The Nln9 Room ia a bit 1 .. formal with tabl• for two to aia dinera each. The Se.n Fran· claco Room, which we had the honor of nam· iD9, ia reminiacent of tbe eacluaive private d ining rooma tuctr.d away for 1pec1al guesta m .ome of the lux· urioua old r..taua.nta on Grand A venue. Bootba are paneled in teak atripe, upholstered tn rich leatb4pr, and of· fer privacy for quiet diruog. The Onental Garden il the beautiful cocktail lounge, •ati9 120. Greenery and flowen are aet amidst a caecadin'tl waterfall. and a tranquil pool bolda a treuwe of Koi w.; OwMroftw. api.,.,W tMaWMt la TauyoeiU To•oke. • ....tawate.ar ot more lhu34,....-. perle.c. la lloDv K.oog ud Tokyo. H. ie Ch.in-. named Wu CheaQ, wbo adopted a Japu-MIM wbea lor poUtical r.-o-. be left Hon9 1tQD9 ud a r•tau.rant rated aJDODQ the top ten lD that city of culinuy delW,bta. Hia Royal Fortadden City R.taurant, located acrc:a. from the Imperial Palace Ln Tokyo, la frequenMd by not only tb. Royal Family of JapeD, but abo by d.iplomata and b~n.-men hom around the world. Nr. Tomioka vilited Oimeyland five years a90, fell lD love with the Na9ic Xin'IJCiom u 80 many do. He vowed to build a fine r..tau.rant here, whtch would allow him to vilit often. Ma.D49er Frank WoD9 la another tuc · ce• .tory. Juat 36 yeart old. be managed David l.ay'• reknown· ed relltaurant at 66th and Jrd Avenue lD Wanhattan. u wellu Uncle Tal'•. a block FABULOUS Sunday Champagne Brunch / ~ Newpon Beacb Marriott•• ccle-f b.ratcd Sunday Bruncb Ia a aourmet dclipt atartlaa with a fabuloua display of ftelb fnllt -carved Rout 8ccf -Seafood SpeciaJdea -adciJtionaJ bot iterm -an array of ten salads -cold cuu n' cllecac. topped wltb a areat variety of dcascna and complimentary champape. Thia extravapnza of food Ia served to the aound ol our stroiUq mariacbla, Ia tiM Kina'• Wharf, ln tiM Capriccio and on tbc Capriccio Terrace overkddna Newport Harbor. New~ -~• Additional entcnainment is provided by the preaddiaitation ol a maaiclan. 9:30 AM tUI 2:30 PM awey, wiUda rec*via a ._..., retin9 &om r...-cted critic C~alg Claibome. WOD9 ct..udl J)llri«tlon not oDly lA tbe kitchen wbereNut•Ch.f Y ouoo Yu rei'IJU, but boas tboee wbo ...-w. Wailwl ud waltr .... ~~· ED9lile. are famlli.ar with every l.atricate preparaticll, and for ctuu:a. are ck....d lD formal attire. 'n.. wine cellar at C'hlDa Palace il 9JOWiu9, but ia already tbe b.« we have eDCOuntwed In any oriental r..tewant iD Ora.DQe County. Oo ow tint, we be,.,aD with a.n e&· qw.lte bora d' oeuvre platter, The PhoeDia, deplcti.D9 thia mythical bud 1D fooda of many colora, varieti• oJ cold meata, muahroom.a, e,.,9 and vegetabl•, a work of art which takee boun to create. W..tlake BeeJ Soup followecl a cel..tial broth. named fox the mo.t beautiful lake m Ch.ma, at Hallgcbow. Cryttal Lob.t• Kew of· t.red chunb of delicate lobeter in a tuty Muce, with aauteed freab vegeta.blel, and wed· cWc:IIIC- ed..U.a....-=a T..-beeiWM lbcect ad.-wdwiU.INIIa .. -.au~ Ia a '-ow. ~Md..-l'r9f ..,.., ... ,.,... .. ~ ............. Ia e buttlly. oarlk: .. w:.. y uaaechow rice 8C· c~a.d tM cl.bme., and we fJatehed wlth golda pW.. of beu cab .tufted wlU. 1weet beu~e. For luncheon recent· ly, .. enjoyed ~ ChicuA wrapped in lettuce, a beautiful diab with tiDy bita of cbicMn. mueluooma, canot., peu, plne nuta and ICallion.a lD a luac:ioUI aauc•. •rved bot. to be wrapped In crilp l.ttuce l•vee eateD with fin9en.. l.oag Pao Shrlaap, flavored with the fiery logaro pepper, la tbe beet we've tuted In a long time, and we en· joyed a contrMtl.D9 mild snepuaUon with it, cbunb ot eweet lobeter Mned with pea pod.a and water ch..tDuta in a aUky aauce. ·China Palace ia located at 1154 North Euclid in Anaheim, open for lunch., with a variety of moderately priced diah•. Wonday through Friday from 11 :30 until 2:30. Din· oer, with an a la carte menu or complete diD· nera for $12 to $15 per per.on. Ia •rved evexy day of the week from 5 p.m. Call T14-8890 for · • r_.rvationa. j OFNl~T Formerly the ftltz location announces and VALET PARKING RIIIIVATIONI G7S-2SG6 on the ocean across from the Newport Beoch Pier 2106 West Ocean Front Newport Beoch cw.. Paa.ce, 1154 No. E uc Ud St • n 4-&190 The palatial atmosphere transports dtners back to the •leaance of the Mina Dynasty with soft carpets, white linen. and walls dr~ with florals and fabrics. Th~ vtsual feast IS only surpassed by the e•c•ttna tastes of Northern China. Omner deltcacies include General China's Sp1cy Chtcken, Moo Shu POt'k, Hot Sp1cy Shredded Beef, Squtd wtth Sha Cha Sauce 1n Hot Plate and Sh.rk's F 1n wtth crab meat Hot and cold appet•zers, amona the 17 select1ons, include tellv f1sh and steamed dupltnas Seven unusual soups are avaalable And for the diner who doesn't want to choose from the 16-4 ttems on the menu. there are 2 special combmat10n dinners lunch has etaht combtnation plates. and wmes, beers and a full bar is avatlable ReservatiOns are a must Hours: lunch 1 1 30 a m · 2 30 p m M·Sat Danner 5 p m · 10 p m M·Thurs . 5 p m · 11 p .m F-Sat 4 30 p m · 10 p m Sun ~"Ct. 14122 \ TRAIMI'IU~ HUt 60 \ t.<\M~ ft.J 1/ot UHt/ ( n/tJ ~lllrf'f'\ tncludtnlt( /lllf'\1 11} t'f'Q/, "lutrd bnj. {rr\lt \f'U /tHKJ Ulfd fHJU/Irv IJGil:v /,,,.,.,.,,, .\pt cia/, n..Gr,_. .,._., , ...... '1 frHdman w..,, n2·7710 A pleasant way to spend an afternoon or evenina Thb theatre 1n tM round oHers brunch and dtnner buffets of tradittonal fare whtch tnclude ~. chtcken. roast beef and fresh f.,h Cocktatls and w1nes are served at your table. and there 1s always a lively staae performance fo r your after dtnner entovment Currently performtn& 1s Tab Hunter 1n "He re l 1es Jeremy Troy, a comedy worth see1na It wtll run unt1l Oct 17 Reservations are a must CORONA 0( l MAl Cina'a, E Coast H1ahway, &73·1121 C tna, who doe\ all the cookena. offe rs spt-ctal pasta de~he~. veaetanan del1aht~. a tasty pezza that ha\ loads of c ht-est-. a zesty sauce and a not· too-thtck, not-too·thtn crust, and elevt-n sandw1che~ alona w1th soups and salads You can plan to eat en -on the patiO -or take out Don't m1ss thes charmana del• that es known even tn los Anaeles fo r •U pezza TIM Ple.a" Inn. 440 Heliotrope, 67S-20S 1 f1lm favor~t~s art often se~n .n ttm romantic htdeaway 1u~t off Cont Heahway lntlmat• alcoves. a fireplace and a cozy bar offer patron~ prtvacy to enJOY a gla\' of oulo and sue h spec ealtees as Chec ken C reco, V~al Cordon Bleau or a fr~\h fe\h select1on all accompantt>d by man" aood1es An t>llc ellf'nt t-arly btrd \flt'C •a I " ava1 lable datlv II VINE Airporter Inn Hotel 18700 Ma<.Arthur Blvd 833-2700 Thts 250 room hott-1 c onven•ent to O r angf• County Atrport .:~ntl ~outhland b.-dt hP<> h." someth1n~ fni everyone For dtnf'r\ there I) the Ltptam ' Table. a 24~hour lOftt·•· ~hop, that pto\lde' meals of all type' en,, comfort a bit> ~t>tt '"" The Meditt>rranean Room has a tradeteon.tl steak and \t-afood menu Fo r d,mcen th•· Cabaret loun~e utfPr' lt ve popular mu\et neghtly And for thu't who want Sund,l\ brunch. tht' ..,.,~ortPr o ffer\ that too from 10 am ·3 p m NEWPORT BLVD & COAST HWY N£WPOR T BEACH It} I-...... ,. s •000 ,...., . ., .. .., . .,..,.,.. . ., .. (.HAll AUlA fiTt A()IHl Hll 0 .... \ •• 000 RE SERVAIION~ !lvc,«,E'.T/0 64s-7on '-•""'"'1 ldl I 110 AM YOU'RE FORTUN-ATE. • lnJor• Ocurmet Oi.W:., u.,.ne~. ~ ....... ud Cap&eln -.rv'c» in a n ... ,., .. ......,._ MULTI-COURSE LUNCHES A1 fl .• o DINNERS • COCKTAILS RANQUET FACILITU:H AVAil.AOU. ANAHEIM CIIIICA PALACE ... TAVaA"' ., ........... ~ la 1 a33. IOt!Odty ud &ae •tty people &om the u.n-16ty ol CalUonaia at Loe A.eel• c ... togetMr ud ton-did a eocLal group, which tMr ___. n. Nkbutw., Rec.Dtly tbi.l9l'O'~P met at the Newpon Hubot Art WueWD b a NDCIMoe c:o-bo.ted by Hez. d8tt ud Jim G.Qe ud Willia ud Tom 0,.,. Tom. who ~ly \mderwent open heart ewvery at Scriw-, b.am't ma.,. ed oae of u.-eventa since be )oi..t the QJOup. Sure uou.gh, Toa c ... to the lUDCbeoG fot b» e1lotted 10 min'lte time look· iD9 til ud tentfic. Amoog the members, who at. t.Dded W8Je Selah ADd David •udt. •tty and Claude 11owa. ElteU. and Clayton Schubert. Wary and Artbw Wu. tea.burg, Dottie and Robert Bat· U... Pat ud Dick Genett, Gnce and Dick Taube, Ruth and Dick Valeotine, Betty and BtJl Freuch. Peg and Jac k WUgu. and Jean and Dan Dug · gan. W.ntioD wu made lut wMk that althoUQh the A..iatance League and 552 benefita were on the aame night, both were .. u-outa. 55Ze W •t•m BBO. which 1 wu bi.Ued u a Round·Up of Fun lw All, atayed true to ita tradi. tioo. Over 650 found tbeu way to the Raocbo de Santia9<> to eo· )oy the meDu donAted by Pete Siracu.a and •rved by bi.a gang &om the Ruaty PeUcan·Ancient N.arioer, u w.U u the llvely entertainment. . . . Womeu'a N.twork Alert had ita 2nd annual SW:fn,ge O.y luncheon at the BIC, wh..m th. committee boaored IADou Penfil for her contributioD to tiM coalition. Memb.n and ~ atteodmg were Nota Lehman. Wolly Lyon. Helen Barno.. !Uabeth Dungan, AnDa Fr .. naao, X.lp Grant, Vivia.D Hall. Curie Mot8Cb, LYDD O.n. Wary Lou Sortail, Oiau ~. Nancy WilliaJu, Marla ll.rd, Rochelle Hoffman. w• lJt.fin and Azme NcNemey, wboee qreat-aunt wu Alice Paw, the lady who .tarted the women'• poUtical party. Steve Callcian, our photographer, leav .. lor ColWD· bia Univenity to atudy Ru.tan and InternatioDalR.lationa. Good Luck Steve. . . . OUT Of LOW LOW AU 6'' PLANTS Millie -"' Tom Oyer at The Midnitera lunc:tleo.e.. A UCLA group S..., lnd Roger Luby 8l the 562 C1ub's W_.n 880. wNd\ ha met for 49 yeersl SWt photo by o.n. von .. ~ Hope you all have a very, very ,_ful Labor Day holiday 'ca~ wbat'e in ltore b the mouth of S.ptem.bet il really a whirlwind: -Sept. 9th: Natwal Hiltory FoUDdation luncheon at Cano'a. • sea·. Civic L.ader w .. k begU. • Leo BU8Cagali apeab for KOCE at the Crptal Cathedral. -Sept. 11th: UCLA va Long Beach State. • The Newport Harbor &sin-1 Prot..ioDal WCNUD'I 50th Annivenary Celebration. • Th• Nikodo .. perbmed by the Lyric Opera A-odation of Orange CoUDty. • SCR'a Lo Dole. Vita. -Sept. 12th: Hoag'a 30th an· oivenary brunch. • 'llle Cut-A· Tbon at Jim Oozel'a Aura aalon benefiting the Sign Write~. \ ' -Sept. 13th: NHAM'a Wueewa CouncU hmclMoa at 1.4 Stroda. • Sudpipen Party at Bullock'L -S.pt 19th: Vil¢Ua CutJ. A&Wli.ary Trea.ure CoHN. • Style'• lat annivenuy party. -S.pt. 1 &th: OCPAC'e Camelot benelit at Belcourt Hill. • Jwaior Awrilia.ry ot the AL of NB's Duo· d.le Bnmch. • The preview Dite openi.Dg of n. Antique Sbow at NHAW. -S.pt. 17th: RIO wine tuUDo. • La c... Benelit. -S.pt. 18th: USC VI mdi&D.a. • LBWA'e BeD V•een Concert. • The c.nc-Society Guild fuhkm lhow. -Sept. 20th: UCI Towo and Gown Cc6e. -Sept. 22nd: Lu Wachecitu'Peoc::od Alley Fublon Show. • St. Wicb.ael'e and All Aogela Guild fubioo -Sept. 23n:i: A.iata.o.cel..eaQue of NB ~e •UDC.h. -Sept. 25th: Wiaahledoo W..t Teooia Toumameat. • OCPAC'a Sowad of Wu.ic bea.eiit • Ha.n.t Wooa .u. • scroo·. Fruk SiDatra Coac.rt. -Sept. 26th: Wultiple Sclero.a baCt -Sept. 28tb: Jig Brotben-&g SUten bloci·b• lJMlJ OD.ly din· Del. -S.pt. 29th; J\.\D.iM Leag-u. of Newport Harbor'a Cookbook ~Jf Party. • 1'he Fn.d.e of the ~ C.Ot• beuebt W .U. the abovoe il ;u.t but a amall aample of what aa lD It ore!!! Have a Happy ~r O.y. Lenore ,..,. wnt\ ~ AMrt'a hoowy .,._.. Here rs A Medteol OKtee In YOV' Own ~ That Will Talle ....,....._Cara"-V. u,Miatwy lean e.g ......... • FurN~ure "'*--· o ..... , .. ,., ...... ""'' JOlt INfOIWAfi()N & ~MIHTSCAU C.U ...... ,.[a 720..1338 2700 •• c.-e ....... c--.. -· ..... All 1 0" PLANTS 50 and up N'S I! Franca Pour eel Ray Conmtf Johnny Gibbs Kenny Ranktn Catavellt Johnny Pearson Ntco Gomez Alvte Murray Raymond Lefevre Fla.ewood Mac Clablnoft Att Garlunkel Frank Chacksheld ~-'d Wtnkler o.vid Role Ten Tatri68 Bun a.ct.ICh Ki._., Tno -.,v~ Blitn S1Niund Don T.-ctf lUtndD AlmeMSa Slu ""'-' GoftiDft ~ c s isco.~ ----- Up To On Parts and Accessories VALUABLE COUPON Reg. to S24.95 Plus Parts COUPON E PIR£ S Q 15 82 1712 Ne port Blvd., Costa Mesa (next to Aaron Brother ) ROIERJ-..a OAUMMOND PURfTAN REG.$2. '16'' TAN AM> MOWN AEG.M& '31'' IN THE HAAIORCENTER • 2300 HNaJR avo COSTA MESA • (71.) &«> 1111 ~ IZOD~e KNIT SHIRTS lONG • SHOQT SlHVE 15%0FF MON.-lHURS.l0-7 • ~Y11.9 SA~Y 10-6 • ~y 11-6 ., . ..,._ 25% off exerdae .._.,, ~· ··~ & coNernpor'Wy .-let ' ., -I jlnor bral. . ~ Sale 5.25 ..... ____ _ ... ____ _ --~ JC ..... •1!L ~:.... .. w .... ................... 611~ • IJJ' '• L ---------------- ...... Lue .,.., eo.on. del War W8llt 7·3-1 ovw.U. lDc:ludi.Dg a 34-21 ~ cW.at to top • leW Dowaey lD tba tint 110wad o1 a.. ar plaJOfta. U .n tUt waa't ~ve ..o:t tlae t ... beat ao.town m.J wport Harbor lor tlt.a tint u.. lD ILlDa .,..,.. It will be a toug~ battla to top ......... but lor coach Worria, U.. a.ly tiU.D9 OD hit mlnd t.a tha 1elt Jew practJcel hebe tha ·--'-91-,....,bocly bu baa worll:ing bard out IMn to get lD lhapa eo .. cea be a MaOO 'w loot ball .... tw. .MO .. H be Mid. .,..., ...... ~ baa. o. .. t1J.bua ol ••boa Yacld Clllb did ll &QaiD. He wiD u.. Lido 14 Nattoul cheeponehip ior U.. elogbU. U..lMt.-.ltwaiD'ta~ of celra~ bowevw. D .. 1adl.ag O...pioe Jack Fruoo, aJ.o 11om BYC, WM ~ lor the titM rlgbt u.p to tba lMt ~ and lor • -mlDut• it looUd ... tbougb he at.iQbt wiD it Fruoo Deac»d to fl.u.Wa that race with iour boata b.tw •• hia ud Ulbpu'a. He managed to achieve thet ··-b a lbolt tiiM. Pl.ully, U11m.aD ll.tppecl . tlaloug)l tba o..t ad c:Weatad Fraoo lor the chuaSJ'ouhip by alllA9lapoiDl 'nlirty«a boeta turned out for the 25th aDD.iwnary c:hampoo· abip of UUa popular cl._ wllic:b WM aailed out of Balboa Yacht Club. Aft• two daya oJ pnlimina.ry raou, the Beat wu c:livtded into two groupe. the Gold and Silv. Fligbta. heed by Gec.ga &whma with three j\ID.ior D.atioDal ti.IMe aDd Rick Phi.Upa with OM, Beecb 9wim Club had • VWJ •~ful Youa.g• and C1d• JWlior Olympica. fteeult. of tba Y~ JUDior Olympica at Heritaoe Pool ln h · viDa w.re: H.rbor with Oeve Ulmen of the a.o. Yec:ht 1\a top fmteh .. ln tba Gold rught wua: 1. Oava Ullman; 2. Jack Franoo; 3. Lo• Broob ()GYC): 4. Dave Pritchard <WBYC>; S. Hal Brown U CWBYC>; 6. Tom l..iD.Uey <ABYC>; 7. Oaarlia CummiDga (ABYC); 8. Guy Ra.HM (SDYC); 9. Clu:it Raab CHHYC>; 1 o. Gary '1\oaw (BCTC). 9·10 vir& Sara Salit.b, llt.b. !K> ..... 44.54. 11·12 pl.; G-giaa s.uu. 16tk. ~rr...»a R.ulta of the Older Junior Olyaap6cl. a1.eo ln &vme~ were; erging as the winner. by ............ Lut yeaz wheo th• Newport Harbor vanity football tMm aded their DOt eo m.mo.rabl• --..m with a 1-9 recozd, many people tried to figure out •uct· ly what w•nt wrong. It wu obvious that eom• very untimely lnjurl• played a k•y !Ole ill the tMm'l downfall. but eoco.rdi.nQ to ...Wut ooec:h Bucilo Shaw. the maiD dltier· ace betw.eD tlu. ,..r'a tMJD and lett yean ia atUhad.a. "Compared to 1ut year at th1a Or&DQ• COal\ College tootball coach Dick Tud.r grMtad 107 ~ive pt.,.. 1ut WMk. Tucker, who i.t ~ lUa 2l.t year at tha OCC helm, wu pl....cl with tba tumout. Ha ..... bla '82 club oowd ba th• beet Pilat• 8q\&ad in the put lix yean. ''Thia ia a very anoou.ragi.llQ tumout," the OCC coach Mid. "I'm oonviDced that w.'U have the beet club we'va had Iince ow 1976 team want &-4." Tbe big tumout included 23 retu.rning latterman., fiva tranafan and 79 fraahmen. Heeding the lilt of of:teoaive retwn .. are quart•back Clay Tuckllz. tight end Wib Roney, wida receivara li.rk Du.D.ham and Mike Giddmga. ud Unamc John Swoboda. Greg Dixon and Dave Kra~ts. On defeue tH lb:ll retum .tartl.ng dafecave bacb Briu Dybtra, ti.IDa, .. aN ri9)d DOW haviDg OM oJ the belt o~Meuon pJO- grama '" hava •vw had," Shaw Mid. Ha added that, "W • are .run· nin9 theee boya up to five and lilt ID11• a day, lDclud.ing uphill, and the only way thay are ra.ponding back to ua i.l by gatt1D9 lD lhapa." Aloeg with the taam'a naw attitude, the b69qea angla chan9& lD the Newport Harbor football s-ogram il new head Dave WcNamara and Jon OiJu1ute. OOC"I.,.._._ tr.bman crop lDcludae All-Orange Coun· ty ceter Del• Crana and mid- dla guard Trey Na.rteu from FoUDtain Valley; daJenatve back Bill Gr.y from Edbon; and dafllllllve back Dave Hargrove from Wutna. Tuckll.r ia aleo high on ~. 245-pound middla guard Floyd Scanlan, who halla from American Samoa. Scanlan recaived a fullecbolarahip to at· tend the UDivenlty of N.luou.ri Mv•al v-an a90, but dropped out to return to Samoa. OCC will acrim1Da9& Citrua Coll.ga S.turday, S.pt. 11 at 10 a.m. ln OCC'a taBard Stadium 11aa Pi.rat• will open the '82 campa19Jl on Friday, S.pt. 17, bc.tlDg Palomar Coll.ge at 7 30 p.m. at t.Bud Stadium John£. ':SCorn WeAnPIOUDt. Han~ O.Da ..... EMR.YROSE ooec:h Nib Giddi.Dga. GddiDQII, wbo wu DOt only an ...utant coacb with tha San Franc:t.co ~~ lD tba National Football Laag\ae, but wu alao an Ulittant coach with the World Footballl..aa9ue lD Hawaii, hu been one of the f.actonlD Jiu. bot'a naw f .. llng toward loot· ball Giddi..n9a and hia tum will be put to the tut OA S.pt. 9 lD tbel.r firat pr•le89ue game agaiut Narlna. WUm.n in the Silver Flight were: 1. Rowlud lnhm•n (BYC); 2. BlaJ.:Ae Thoma (JCYC); 3. Clluck Babcok <ABYC>; 4. Bruce Oabom (BYC); 5. Rob Walbr CSDYC). . . . aALJOA narr a.n <.a~ UQ.UT& ShWde-1. AU.a, ld.. H.d ~ ~ n. Wad, Stareeky/Num CUCISA); 3. Co/IIIJlb/o, Daa Holly (UCJSA). Sol.lacJ-1 Todd Padia (JYC), ~ a..tc. Ortia (JYC). !tdMUe 22-Mnaao, A.ady War· C\aiJbc:k Evau (NHTC); ~ ._... ', Jec:k ~lt OOIYCl. 3. cw-.. Art 13-14 bo,.: A* ~ ....... 3rd. ~ n.,. ~ 100 n,; IDb Mhel..,, &Ia. 100 ...... 'NI. ~ • ...e,; ~ ....... ~ MDIIII w-. I.C o-ro,, 2:ad. 400....., w.,.-~ w.cu., w.,;~ ..... ~ ... ..ct ,_... T..-., lid. 400 r-W..y, .,300,_..., 1 S-11 9kla u.da Robb, au.. ~ n.,, 1~400, .... 15-11...,.. "--'-tt•-wo. 8tb. ~ fly; I~ 400 F.-. •...t Ptidllott. 2aut. 100 leock. ._ ~ leock; Pridllott. WI T-t. w.t ~ Jay ll..U. lrd. 400 ....., .. , 17 ·11 gida. o..wtr. FW.., 1oowtb. lOO beck. 17-18 bo,. a..~ Su~U~ot. lc. 1500 Free: 3ld. 800 r._, 3rd. 400 r.-. 18th, lOO•...t: .... ftU1tpa. :lad. 100 leek. 4th. :zoo a.ck;"" lOO ,..., llt.b. 100 ,,.., .......... ~~IN. &b. lOO a.ck. THE FIRST & ONLY SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE lrt NEWPORT BEACH. w Luncheon Special $3.25 ~ from 11 :30 to ~:00 Includes: Hot & Sour Soup • Ch1cken Salad Fned R1ce • Fortune Cookie and choice of one mam d1sh ftew Dinner Combination Special '''' 2 unlv $13.95 '"' 4 tmlv t27. 75 Beer& Wine Lunch/Dinner f,,, ?, 111~ S20.75 ft~r5tll•l~ t33.75 ll :30.10:30 p.m. Dally Food toGo AVA&Aaf I'IIOW ,_ ,_ -- c.'Oit., ANGU l~ ...._ -' ·--· -., ....... ...,_,.. ., NO ~~ SIS m• ., NOOOC*l ...._ ., ............... ~ .... .._,._,IN} ...... ~"""' , ..... ttaec....-oc.,. ....... , •• c,_tnt CMe (flU to• .. , tU• * A OVNAMICAU. V ADVANC•o CONCIPTOF PHYSICAL FlTN.SS J f.\ 1 \IHI~( • """' ' ~ s t Ol ,.,MEN' ·lot o A£ RnB·l ~ • t I '"'-1Pot" r R( ( 11\,f (11-4 T S • ... AI """'~ • v'\,~HH\ POOl •lll"-1•'\ 'I ·~~/~OO'tlloA\tot STI'If~~ t t.S '•IIol.o • HOO• I ., I A IIIA.L "'C,l"> • S\ tllo ~~ )()M • IIIli I q 1 T ION COulll~( l llllto • M\ ('100 PR£ SSUR CO"-T R()l o t"(')l\.1()1. A t PH()(oRI\M.;;O (<r.tC,NfO..tt ~l roR YOU Na. and Nn. bepb W. Cook of Cc.onado have an.DOunced the ugageaumt of their daught• Jol.e Rene Cook to 1\oaaM A. Fuent• of Newport Beach, aon of Wr. and Nra. J. A. Fuent• of Garden Grove. ws... Cook. wbo u.,.. in Cor- ona del Mar, ia an .-oc:iate with the campaign management firm of Net.on-Padberg Couulting of lrvi.De. She ia a graduate of Cal State FullertCliL Sbe i.a affiliated with Alpha au C>ine9a Sorority and ..rved u premdent of the Epi.lon Cappa Chapter. Fuent• ia •nior vice pr-.i- dot of the Newport Beach civil en~ and land planning firm of Robert Bein. William Frott and A.ociat ... He ia the tint vice chairman of the Republica Party in Orange Cowtty and directoz of com· mwticaUou ioi the Roman Catholic Diooeee of Orange. He ia a gradu.te of Santa Ana and Cbapman colleg• and took PQil-91aduate atudi• at Loyola WarymoUAt Univenity in Loa ADQe~ ... Ia hoDor of South Cout ~·· 19th IM80D of PIIPtiDQ pro'--ioaal theater to Oruge Couty ....adeot., eo. ...... Nayoz AzleDe Scb•&. hu ptOClaimed S.pt..O. "SCB Month." 'l'he official proclamatioll cit• SCR for it. "oubtudi.Dg arti.ltic perbmaac-and uemplary COIDIDUDity programa b c:Dilcbu, adulta ud eenioz ci~" "'D behalf of the Co.ta W... City Cowtcil, 1 extend my oon- g:ratulationa to South Cout Repertory tor ita numwou.e outatanding acht.~aa.nta," Schafer aaid. "By bringilltg u.. art of theater to al~ a quarter million people annually, SCR baa proven to be a vital part of cultural liJe in Oruge County.'' SCR will kick off ita 1982-83 .. aaon with a month of f.tiviti-. The celebration will begin S.pt. 8 with a apecial event ioi tbelndumial Leaoue of Oruge County. League memben and their apou.e have bHn invited to a wodEi09 rebeana.l of SCR'a fint Mai.Mtaoe productioD. the American ~em.iwe of "Allin Favour Said No!" by 1mb playwright Bemard Farrell SCit'a benefactor• committ .. will ho8t a reception following the reheanal and SCR'a "StaQehanda" will gi~ toura of the 4th Step Theater Complu. On S.pt. 9, Mayor Schafer will boat civic leaden night at SCR. More than 500 people are expected to attend the annual perlonnanoe and party f..tivitiu. The event will in- clude civic leadera from all over Orange County, membera of the local pr .. , advertaera who aup- port SCR'a playbill and newalet- ter and SCR'a company members. The fourth annual gala ball, FOR A REAL "La Dolce Vita.,. will be Wei Sept. 11.,. ,...,. wiUt. tie alld t.U. eftllt, c:haiNcl by v .u.y JWlly, will bli.D9 togetb. SCB'a COIDIDUDity and artiltJc ,_,._..,tp b the opening of the fall aocial .... ill Otange CoUDty. SCil will bold a ~ open ctr.. ~ b the Frieoda of SCR Qaildl Oil Suaday, Sept 12. Toe quildl, cbaiNd by Jo,c. JUitice, will view "All Ia Fa'ft>ur Said Nor and haft an op- portunity to .... wida B.manl F an.U and cll.cu. the procluc- tioo. the tint oJ any Fan.U p&.y ill America. The 1982-83 ~ at 9CR of- ficially opaa S.pt. 1• with the American premiere of "AU Ia Favour Said Nor• a aatiJ:icallook at labor-management Nlatfoou. Thi.a lriab oomady oJ colliuaOD ia ataged by SCR artUtic diNe- tor David Emm•. S.pt. 15 will be the tint hall board meet1.nv of the new •uon. At thia event the goala and objectiwe lor the 1982-83 Ma.m will be •t torth by the board ofticen: Eric Witt.U.V. preadent; P.ter ~ and Maury DeWald, vice pntict.lt:a; Dot Clock. eecretary; ud William Wauen. tleM\IJe.t. N.w memben of the SCR Board of Tn.t-mclud. Wn. Aluand.r <J.rbanl) Bowie, David T. Blankenhorn. Kathryn G. Thompaon and Chari• E. Scri.bo•. A special chamber hmcbeon tor the repr.-ntatiwe of th• Co.ta W.... &viDe and Newport Beach Chamben of ec-m.ce will be hoMed by FACES on lluanday, S.pt. 16. FACES, chaired by J&JUe Witme.r, ia SCR'a aupport group of young prol 1 11 'onala The evu!Dg oJ th• 16th will briDQ the <Au.ge ~ty EDl•- tainment Writ .. APOC'iatioll bllcllll-ee at SC'Il OC'BWA ·-b I I will Joia tM 9CJl ar- tiltic .... -cliiiiMI ead cll.c ... lloe ~to a JM"••aDce of "All Ja Fa..ow Saki NOr' ,.. lilt ol tM JMI·Icla9 per-u.. ud JMb-•ecee b SCire n..e ~--will ... place Friday, Sept. 17. 'D. rtnt Nighten ~ioM, Mad ill feC09Ditk>D of SIC'&'a loanl of rn.t-and .... ooatributoa. are~ by SCI'a flw guild.; eo.ta W.... lluatiagtoD Valley, mlanct. 1rviM ad Newport a..ch. The ail will be fil1.d with Dix- '-land and JDOd,am jus muaic each W.m.d.ay ~ at 7 p.m. duri.Dg the month oJ ~ at South Cout Plea VillaQe. 'nae ""V~ Green" b.u been t.o.l to IIIADY mwdcal groupe in the pMt. 'l1wt •tertai..Mn lor thia Wed~ay Night CODoert ..t• ara ~Orang. PMJ ... Dbtl. Jua 8aad. S.pt. 1; loDq Beach Ctty eou.v. Jua Band. Sept. 8 ud 22; Band X Duoe Bud. Sept. 15; ud Richard en-ud the Dlla. Sept. 29. 'nte OODCel'ta begin at 7 p.m. each W.m-d•Y· AdmiMion ia &.. ud parld.ag ia p&.ntiful. Newport Jaycee. annual Hen.-of D.ign will feature the Harbor Rid9e home of Dr. and Nn. Barton lhnde• tbia year. Th• annual fund-rai•z for Ch..ildren'a }bpital of Orange CoUAty will t.ature the talenta of a large numbez of local interior demgnen. The event will feature public viewing ior four weeb, from SWlday, S.pt. 26 to Sunday, Oct. 26 with admia.ion •t at $7.50pu~n. The Ble.den moved into the 9,000 aquar•ioot home 15 mon· tha ago and are moving out to allow the deag:n bo'--fund· rai8ez to tab place. "We ue really happy to ofier our boJH to the Jayc .. ," aaid MD. Blendc. "Even thougbit mMD.a picki.DQ up everything and moving out, it'a feu a great cau.e and we're glad to do it." The bome baa a circular. two- atory libtary of a huge living room, a maid'a and gUMt quart .. , den and bmal dining room, indoor aauna, jacuzzi and ateam.roorn, five beclrooma, •"" fireplacM, and a kitchen larve enough to feed an army, according to the Jayc.-. Woet of the interior ia oa.k and f1oon in the main living a.reaa are par· TASTE TREAT ~ ~ .I G}oO -..-,ore~ Caurers irPorter GOURMET DI NING MEDITERRANEAN AM CHAMPAGNE lAUNCH SUNDAYS 10·3 PM DANCING NIGHTLY -CABARET LOUNGE 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. • CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP 24 HAS IRVINE, CALIFORNIA fQpoosott Orange CoonrvAorpor (7141 833·2770 lt~;kli-~'j CCt~m §o.J..i~l'l.l Cu.stom cksigning & dnssmaJung Tla~ fin~st in fa shions created •s~cially for you. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 10% OI.C041ttf CHI Alllte•dy·fo-We•r 1031 L CO..t Hwy. • C..... del..., ••••--•couPO~····--~ , 1200 OFF '. • )f .. ·~ ~ : ,, \~ •, I • I \ ' I I ' I 140-110J Party Coordinators H'edding Consult4nts ................ -presents- Oktoberfest Menus Halloween ~ials Thanksgiving Feasts -aDd-· "Spqrt Partl .. " You watch TV -we cook. aerve and clean up! Reasonabl I .. Your event. ia our affair"' Call lot Into: (714) 527.()462 on any large piua l'ilh t4tUf .. '" any large .,.J· ......... .,..,. ... _.. ......... ...... . ' ... ~., ......... ,,_.....,.. ....................... ...................... ,_ •ITH COl1PO ., ........ _. ............. • \ lrin ... t.-.. ,....,..... ··-~· .......... ................... ,_ ... How hard do you drt¥e youf hNn l n. COidlionl d rour Wetvte lnfbnce how your heln ptrlotmt undlr ..... tu-.... condiOOns of th. told lind~ of the driver llted~~t>. ~how h¥d you an dri¥e rout hrin Wkhout ,.w,_ ~ Is eMent\1110 opdmlt hulth, lnd to ~ine dtsiNod periorrNnee under ··-~ ~ Whfither. wort~: Of • p&.y. One of ..... belt 1ftll fot ~~minina hiNn tunafon undlr ...... ~ -" fwrciM lllc.1iOGII .. _, Sjmple. 5*! hn, INt ~ 1«~ '*-..... moMon ...._ actMiy .,....,. ola nw '•" •*'*'' t "'-"""-how ol your ...... _.. ................. ~ ..... .. Of~ quet. The bou.e waa demgned by Robert Earl, a C.ntury City ar· obi teet. "Lut year, the Houae of D.ign railled about $12,000 lor charity, and that bo'--waa open ior only two -..b," aa.td Soott Blown, who i.a chairman of tbia year'• event. "By keeping the Blendc'a bouae open twic. aalong tbi.a yHr, w. will be able to acoomodate all the peo- ple who want to .. the bou.e." Brown add.d that the bou.e will be opu from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tu..daya, W .bl.daya, Fridaya and weebnda and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thundaya. It will be cla.d on Mondays. In addition to the Ngu.lar ad· million price, pre-oputD~ Uck.ta will •11 Jor S6 each. For groupe of 20 or more, ticbta will CCl4Jt $5 api.oe. To reach Harbor Ridge, tab MacArthur Boulevard to Sna Joaquin Hilla Road, turn left to Spvvl .. Hill Road, tum left again and proceed to the Ha.r · bot Ridge guard atation and eo trance. For more i.n.JormaUo.n on the Hou.e of Design call 675-9333 or 997-4818. MacArthur Medical C.ater ~ ... c._. ' FASHION b7MII.._...._. ' •• a y.., ago that ... d1d a ltcry oa ''1\e &.a.naiDo Tnth" udtbe....O.~wu uabel&.vahle. 1he lead-ia l.lu wu ''&••marthae ud the UviDQ '-auy--e\lDDiao, IWimiDiDg and watchiDQ the bodiee OG the beech whu w. really ahould be Oil a WD watch." Eva 'VfllY young readen ubd about the daaven of IUD bath.JDQ. Wa have to repeat-when you reech lor 1u.ag...._, reech lor a 1Wl block, too. It'• DO eecret that the beautiful bronaa godde• who 1penda oou.atl .. houn in the 1un will. at ega 35, have the parched wri.Dkled akin of .,._ meone 15 ~old.. Recently w. attended a mo.t interemng pr-coaiereuce at the Beverly Hilla Hotel wtth Joeeph Gubemick, vice preei- dent of UtM Lauder, who pr ... nted a new product for thia firm, available in ator• in September. It t. called "Night Repair" which ia a real breakt.h.roWJh formula that will help the natural repair of cella damaged by ultraviolet light. A~ pr ... nt wu Evelyn Lauder, wile of the pracident and chief executive officer of UtM Lauder Inc., who obvio'-*y enjoye her role u corporate vice preeident for the firm, a world-wide COGDehc company. It wu Evelyn Laud.r who lAid of Night Repair "Ny hueband remarked my por• w.re analler att. I Md bMa -.tag tbe ~ cNct ~ ... iatJDduc.d at Hanold'• ill l4ledoa ADd the peociliiCt ... -*' out a.1.mo« U.- .. dl.ttlly.'' '"!he _,,. repabed cel.le you r.poduce, the )oao-yow akl.D will IIWDtaiD lta JLatural -.11- b.iDQ," Wn. Laud. uplahaecl 'lt'e aloag-raaaQe beaetlt tUt will belp kMp yow akin loold.Dg ita belt b yeua." Sct.aHMa tell ~ t.Ut •vwv day our 8lda i8 •.,..d to ultra~ ligbt; ~ w. walk outade, ...._ .. ..At the MID or DOl 1•.-y day U.O. raJII C4Jl chaQe our Mill I'-* a Uttle d•m"'Jiag akin calla ud g:iviDQ akin the eBect. of ~ bebe ita time. At IUQht, the akin naturally repain ita da•AQed c:eilla and tlMa ,.... .. tt.lf by reproduc; ing tD.e c.U.. CN~ to ultraviolet li9ht, ho..ver, can meaD too many damaged dd.A cella tor the DODDal ntp&i.r mecbant., to handle. OYertu- mg of ow owu natwal repab mecuniW!1 can lead to the repoduc:tion of damaged cella. Your body c&DDOt repair all th.e da.mage quickly eDOUCJh hebe the cella reproduce, thereby ca'*D9 agiDg OD the akin. Eat• Lauder'• Night Repair Cellular Beco..-y Complex hal)» nature help lt.U by inc:reuiDQ the number of repaired cella lor reproduction by u much u 40 pe.rceal YoUJ U:i.o will look yo~ for years. 673-1121 ...,_.. to wtravio~M Ugbt IIOic.aly de··~ .au oeUe but aJ.o d-•a-our ~wei Hyel.-o Add. a Clltica.l .. g~..._. wiUdl .._..aUtun wJtkto your Mia. N19bt Bepab C.Uuler a.co •• , Cc.pla ....... Hraluaoak: Acid lD lte matt '-cation.& ~oaa.-tlMnby belpi.De J'01Ir Mia to reta.i.D vital moillture. h.epiDQ lt wppl., &.b. glowbag. Rght .pair. wbicb .. will DOW tolD our qtb. media frlenda lD calllog NR. la a ecieotifically bmulated c::o.aetic product &oaa u.. ra. Laud• Skin ~ Ceoter ud t. part of t.beU 9wia ~ntrolliDQ Sktocan Program which eo· courage. the eld.a to look a.od '-1 JO\IDQel by belpmg to con- trol the -'PI of AQiDQ. We11 report again in two molllha. Qbg UOIUTO ... y A lllained Qlua ezhibition leaturiD9 the work of Newport Beach .tained gl .. proiea- llonale will be held at to. ~-Federal SaviDge. 3201 Newport Svd., S.pt. 10 to 30. Studio. ebowi.DQ their work in- clude the Balboa Art Gl .. Studio, Warquie Gla.worb. Redwtng Glue and Swilight Studica The .bow can be ... n ¥oociay tb.Jo~ 'nlunday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. .,.... ... ..,...,. ............ , ..... herll_,_" &tee Lauder's Country Menor Colota, new f01 Fall lid, TMI Lake on the -veJid extended ;u.t • little to 1982, but special empt.;a on the akin and the eyes. the out• comet and Candletit Beige • 1 highlightef Using her Country Lake Colon Preued Eyetid on the brO'Nbone and just over the eyebrow. The SNM:tow compect. which comes with a palette of perfect accent for the Abert Nipon Coflectil*s and four shades, Mrs. Lauder eugga.ts ap~ing hat by Patricia Underwood end silk ICa1 by 8ottega Heirloom Amethyst to the eyefa.hes on the upper Veneta. RIAL IITATI TOIUY? TO IILL? If you wont to ftnd reat estate, 01 seM some. It r'f'Oi pay to odvertt.se it ftrst In the Oossineds. With a SITlOII Invest- ment. you could reap rich rewards! live ~e you wont to- you may get there sooner wtth Oossateds.. CallUs! 673·0550 Coast Media Newseroup The lcei t mGH-PERFORMANCE RADIALS C ~ 7 ---__,' ptw, II"' IO IJ 01 f"*-. h h' GOODY£Aa EAG~ST bold ... &etters P195 70R1 3 SS8 P195 70R14 $65 P21 5 70R14 $70 P235 70R1 5 $77 P235,60R14 $73 P245/60R15 $77 P255'60R15 $81 STEELRADIAL BARGAINS VA •••ell wall• ALLSEASO (;lJST8M LYSTEEL u.uusors SBOI'I'IIIG CDtU LC.... ..... ,C......a._ Set.lla.a-1 .. -.llra.. s ...... , ... Pl )') 80R1 \ S45 P1 bll KO~ 1 l S48 P1 -'l t\OR 1 l SSO P1 71 80R 14 S52 P18'l 80R 1 4 SSS P1 'l) AOR 1 t; S47 Pl-=1 70~1 \SSl P 1 8:; 7 0 R 1 4 SS8 P1-c; 80 R l l $49 P185 80R11 SSS Pl 7S 7)Rl 4 $59 Pl8 S -'l R 14 S63 Pl qc; 7=i R14 S65 P 201 ~=;R 1 'l S68 P 21 c; ~ 'l R 1 'i S 78 P 2 2 c; ., c; R 1 c; S 78 RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At WorkS of Mouktl"i You Wlll find 1 •Moulding -IH•rdwooda a Softwoodai- •VIctorl•n Fretwork -Ch•ir R•lla -Ftni•t•- • Decor•tlve a Pl•in Cor bets -B•aea- •Cetltng Mould ing -B•r R•ita - • St•u P•rh -I O•k a Hemlock I - •Butcher B lock Tops - • Ceiling Med•lf I on a - • And lot a More -Come • On In And See Ua ! LDING 31095 M.1nSt SantA .\M ~ou.1rr1 h.VIlt-VtY 8 5 DilJiv 10 ·2 Satu~\ CloMd ~ndia\ P.t~r T Smf"'Cd Jr .. DDS takes p)euu.re in announcina t.haL (horp C JGI'ftl. DDS will be auo- ciaLinc wilh him in the practice of pnera1 denwt.ry tanina today. make recular extn&.te a part of your ~ ecbeclu)e. Eat foodllbat are aood for you and aet p&ent.,y of re~t. Pamper youraelf when it. comes \0 groomina -hlah- UchUni your aurective f•tu,... Cbooee clothina \0 support. your imap u well •• enhanc:e your appeenn(e Above aU-SMILE. A healthy. attraclive ami~ can take you anyw ben. We l(eep You Srnllmg -. An easy way to earn our hagh repurchase plan rates on funds '" _ your checktng account' Earn 12.2 % Oepoatt any amounttn the ~·o Mooev "RoUftd..u,t CP!eelltng Account and earn ~ ., '' your balance •s $2.000 or ,.,s Every lime your oatance ... c..os 12.000 t:M Big Money Wranglers at Far West w•ll corral that ••cess c.tsh and rterd •t onto • noon tnteresl lund ll'lat pays our t~ogn repurcn.tse P'•'" rates You II earn tnose rottes on ever~ (1otlldr ,,,,., 5.' 000 untol you ne.d your monev " 141'r a "'f't'~ 1 ...-•r o• longer' Ano 'O'Our mont-y •s onsuoed b~ ,,.. agency ol the FPde•al Goverm•nt uro to S2 000 EXTRA SECURITY TOO! Your ~ ~ 12 000 •• not tnsyred by tne FSliC bee•·• tl 18 not a UVI~ account or dtapoelt tnsr.ect. tt •• ..cured by oewg.tiQnt MCUI'ad by t:M U S Go.ernment o' 1 u S Gcwemment Agenc::y The MCunt,.. .,. l'tel<l •n 1 ...,.,. account at on. of tne largeet com,.,c••• benu In IN Ur'ltted sr. ... and Pted9ed 10 Far w..t Aounct-UCI Customet-a WtMn vou ~ •t "'"'I! 1 cnec11 II you• tlal.tnc• di'QC!t betow 12 000 you II Sltll earn ~ ,, So rounG-up your re.ov casn ano IPPiy lor • ..,...__,.-cn.c~~o•ng tOday• NEWPORT BEACH 4001 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach. CA 92860 (714) 833-8383 TUinN 615 E. Firat Sl Tustin. CA 82680 (714) 544-7040 Flll RE Bt:L T P\t l PlUS li&AS-4El TED \'I• •\\ , ... 34.'75 •n~ ~ f'IIS ... \ """ttWflf IN POP\Jl~R P..\Wtric SlZ1S Good V~luf' In An Economiul Pu~nger Tire l Ftbe,glass belt s pro-..od4' strenqt" lnd durabtllty ~IC.ll \R fl TLRE BELT P'¥\ 2 Polyester bodv plot's ""'"'" • smooth .oft nCS. Flat tread and wtde shoulder\ o lf•• ••cellent handling wt\ttewalls Stae for averv auto 1 55·12 1 55·13 1 65·13 165·14 175-14 185-14 3682 37 82 3982 4682 47 82 S282 175/70/13 48 8 2 185/70113 52 82 "I/( Pt•; ~s-14 nos ~>t4 Pl1 i ~s-1s Pl25 -;-1 S rns 7>15 PLETE AUTOMOTIVE OL R PR ICE 17.00 n .oo 41.00 44.00 .... F.E. T. 1 22 1 27 1 57 1 80 200 212 l 35 , 61 . f E T 2.01 1.14 1.40 2.S6 2.n I .. • DoNthy ....... Newport leach art 1st. will be featured through Sept. 6 in the studio of Sondstone Gallery. 384-A N. Coast Highway. laguna leoch. Hours 11 o.m.·S p.m . Tuesday through Sunday. eo ... .._ .. art ~-exh1b1t ond sole 9 o.m.· " P m Saturday and Sunday Sept. 11 ·12 ot L•do Village. Newport Beoch MynMI lhtr• exhibita aelec:tlona from "Anonymoua Journola" ot the A..broxaa Gollery. 21U Villa Woy, Newport leoch. Houn: 11 o.m.· 5 pm •. T ueadoy·Sot urdoy. ...._ ...... lty Irene lort on view Tueadoya through Sundoya at Mildred Seamster Gallery. 33•1 Newport llvd .. Newport leoch. lnformat•on 673·0•00. "furro.-.4 '-ttllc..-esMitlr""' Lives· The Documentary Image ••h•bit of photographs by contemporary artist BUI Rovonesi and Farm Security Administration photographic records of the rural poor. Irvine Fme Arts Center. 41601 Walnut. Heritage Park. lrv•na. Hours Mondoy· Thursday 9 o.m .9 pm ~ _.,. .ua_.,., .. by Alon Soret. new worka by Oovld Amico and The Moving Image featuring art u..ct In onlmoted fllmt through Sept. 12 ot the Newport Horbor Art MuMum, 150 Son Clemente Drive. Newport leoch. Cluhe ...... rt Mlwltot Ch•ter City of Hope invite• the public to attend a Lobor Day Donee 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. S at the South Coast Ploza Hotel. S.a donation Call 5~0- 1138. trwlne Ch.,.,.,. Ch•ter of Amer•con Bua•ness Women s Associat•on w•ll be held Tuesday. Sept 141 ot lob Burns Reataurant in Foah1on Island. Coli Marilyn Cooley. 838-1022 for time and 1nformat1on ? • Tak~ tam~ tu an'"t'r tht-w <lue-.tiun~ a!-hon~tl~ a .. '"u c·an. Tht· ,...._.uh ... '"·" ... urpn-.c· \uu. H~~ '\11 u .. ~ .... '""' lllllt' rr ......... rl.. ol ... '" tlrlllkiiiJ!' 0 0 ' J, •lru1l111j.: 111 .. l11t~ \ullr t. .. ul• lei•· unh.ll'l"' 0 0 I)., ~"" olr111l l w• .. ,.., '"" ,.,,. ''" 'lo ll It "' Ito• 1 IN'"I'Io•' '· ·lrtll k lll~ .til· •ltllj.: ,,.,., '''JIIII.IIIH II' II.•" "'" • "r t. It rr111 .. r·• .1ll•·r .1 .... 1..111::' 11 11 .11 , ,.,11 ~""' 11 "''" l1ro.111• o.ol •IIIII• odlw· ·•· 1 H·•odl .. 1 .lroui..IIIL!' 1• .. '"'' Iuria ,,. 1 .. "',., '"utt•·•'H .. u· uul ••• I tilt ,,,,, ' II\ If ••tllltt•ttC '*"Itt II t fttll" 111:' DO DO DO DO DO II )I,.,.'""' dr~t ii..IIIL! 111.11.. '"" .... I ..... t 0 0 """ ....... h .... "·"'' ., II ........ , 11111111 11'11 .). I I• , ••• I ·Ill•. do IIIIo. III:!' 0 0 111 11 .. ,.,11 • r "' 1 d1111l.. 11 ,, .t. l1oo1l• 11111• •I uh' D D II II. '"",. 1111 ·' ·lrtlll.. tit• I"'' "'"""1•:.'' 0 0 I • II•". •lrnol..ln: • Ill-• '"" 1 .. I "' .t.tt,. ""' 0 0 Ill ·I•' )IIIII:' I I "' •·•Ill. tlo· I• ... \ .f,. 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'l'l•· 1h.e11 .til\ ullwr prl\ alt' pnt~,:r.ull ·" .ulalrlt · But h••fur•· tn·ulttlt'tll •·au '"';.!Ill. \1111 lt.t\1' 111 r·.tll .,,., Itt/#. /H'f~lllll/1\ If llh IIIII' "' llllf I 111111''''"''· I ttfl '"'" hH u/( tm•l ,;, ur IIIIi'-I:.!:!· II!;' SOUTH lAGUNA nM) 1311 Sout"' Colli a.teO!c .. ten••' 3\812 Coati Hoen.a-; .,, .... , ........ ,... ca.. reguiOI' m .. tlng 11 :30 o.m. Mondoy. Sept. 13 at Newport lolboo Sovl· nga and Loon. 1100 Irvine. Newport leoch. Me ....... ..... ~ ......... y ... · Altoclcrtlon hoat an Art Exhibit and Auction noon Sundoy. Sept. 19 ot The Newporter. Empire ltoom. Works by Doll. Rockwell, ltoaenthol and others. $2 donation. Newport ..... Chrldlen Wo....,.·s Club luncheon m"ting 11 :•5 a.m. Wednesdoy. Sept. 15 at the Airporter Inn, 18700 MacArthur. Irvine. Cost 11 $6.50. RaMrvations· 5~41-2921 . Mrs. Jim Dority. llem• Alphe lote Orange County Alumnae Chapter hosts o pot-luck supper 5 p.m Soturdoy. Sept. 11 ot the home of Nancy Rankin. 21 17 N Ol1ve Santo Ano .._...,.Milia Ow4teftCI..tt champore aoc•ol 1 0 a.m Thundoy. Sept. 16 at the "'oM II ClubhouM. Annual duet are $10 Ne ... rt Mwltor T._t .. .tatr ... club holda o luncheon meeting I 1.15 o.m. Wednetday. Sept. 8 at the lolboa loy Club, 1221 w. Coast Highway Ne...,t ... rltor ............ 4 Peo .. _.onel Women are holding o 50th Annivenory Celebratio- n 11 :30 a.m . Saturday. Sept. 11 at lolboa Pavillion. Coat •s S 1 S. lteMrvotions by Sept. 6 to Dorothy Copolbo. 6412-2320. The Hlth Slpera aupport group for the deaf is sponsoring o cut-o-thon 8 a.m.· 8 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 12 at the Aura Beauty Solon. 2700 Coast Highway, Newport hoc h . Newport .. ech Ch.,.ter of He4e ... h presents The Mog•c Of Color 1 2 30 p m Monday Sept I 3 at Harbor Reform Temple Guests welcome • • * * ••c._ .............. t ..... FftldCuiaiM ··o.. ol dat bell placea to ..t ia Ot ... C.Uty •• Re.lauraatCribc:, L.A. Ti..e t...u.dl& [)i .... Hupill Appe.ri~a~ f• Rnenetiou (71.)8)0.3810 23042 E1 T .. A.d. El T ... CA 926)0 (ia ~'tiwk Valle, Piau) 081 ltvltte ...... , C.•tw invlt• Oupllcote .. ~ ployen to bring th4tir fovotlte port~• every Monday ond W.ctnesdoy from ll:lS. 3.30 p.m. to the Senlor Center. 3 Sandburg Woy, Irvine, DlaceMrYII ...... ero• meett 1 :30 p.m. Sundoya. ot the Unitarian Unlveraollat Church. 1 259 Vlctorlo, Costa Meso. Phone· 64141-7130. 6 .. ~U.52. New focea alway• welcome. NeWttCHt ..... ..., LeWft lowt .... Club plays In toumoments. mokea visits and has fun doya. M.et&ngs ot 1 550 Crown Drive, Corona del Mor. Information· 759-9966 MIMic ''The Thleva,. ..._. .... by the Irvine Symphony Orcheatra • p.m. Sunday. Sept. 12 ot UCI Campus Pork. between Culver and University in Irvine. Free. ln....-le Ouutet ploys contemporary ond Brazilian jan • p.m. Sunday Sept. 19 tn UCI s Campus Pork. Free . "hctt' ~flU find tht' lwk th.t\ ri~ht. Open Doors 88.000 Circulation 673-0550 ,., ............ ... theftew "UttWMh , •• , ... Shew.""'· SuN6er ....... s and ,..,.,., ....... ' '" the ...., Moont ~&ntAtta Theatre ot OCC. •••rved aeata: S7 ,. ........ ,.,tormonce n&eht. Tkket oHke: Sst..S527. .,... .......... preaented by Opera A lo Corte 8 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 11 at &Nine lowl In Loguno leach. Tlcketa are 112.50, S 10, S8 and $6. Tlcketa ond Information: ~99· 1533. -...v.,. ..... will preaent on evening of cabaret song and donee 8 p.m. Soturdoy, Sept. 11 at the Irvine lowl. Ticket• are on sole at the laguna leoch MuMum of Art and cott $25. $17.50 $15 and $10. LeureMeO.tlon con4ucta lrwltte Symphony Orchestra oboard the "H.M .S. Pinafore" • p.m. Sundoy. Sept. 5 at the Campus Pork at UCI (bet~en Culver and University). Early birds get the picnic spotal Free. ltvlfte.,.........y Orch_.,. performs Lint. Chopin and leethoven 5 p.m. Sundoy. Sept. 5 at the Newport Harbor Art Muaeum. Fr ... ... ll.t ....... ,.,..,... Of' eYOf'Jfte of deftce MOiferp-.. crt the 17th ennuol ..,, .. AHNaco .,.,.. ..... :30 p.m. Seturdor. S.,t. U ot the INI,..Iowl. Tkketa ore 110, $1, S6 and .... Moke o check to ... , .. '-lflco. c 0 Solly Reeve. P.O. lcuc 2.tl, loguno leach. 92652. .............. , ftle .. ,. and River • .,ue ot the ~ E. l" In Newport leoch. Price Includes thr .. COUf'M dlnnet ond entertainment. S.crtlng 6:30 ond 8 :30p.m .. 675-5811 for informcrtlon and raMrvotlona. "a--t_." nightly through Oct. 3 (except Mondays) at S.battlan'a W•t Dinner PlayhouM. 1 ..0 Ave. Pico. Son Clemente. Tickets. 4192· 9950. ''The lloltltt~r ........... by Eudora Welty runs Sept. 1-41 at the Laguna Moulton Community Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Rood . laguna leach. T1ckets· 41941· 07413. Tlltt.le'a Mulk Hell. 16360 Pacific Coast Highway. Huntington Beoch. features Young Americans Song ond Donee Company. Seating T uetdoy through Soturdoy S .as ond 8 :415 p.m .. Sundoy 7 p.m. $12.95 ond SU.95 include• dinner. lteservations:8~0.566 I ... ,.,.., Str .. t, 416417 MacArthur llvd .. musical dinner theater directed by pian•at Dan TroJCall. Call 5~0.2.75 for show t1mes and reaervotlona. Unique Gifts For The Home • • • • C ry~ttll Br tl ~~ Por( el~1 tn.., Si I k f lo\Vt1 r" .trHI .l \.Hit'!\ 111 ot lwr g1 1h tt( ll 11\ 11 Ill lu • IMI ~ )'lfU4" r Hltl '" tl Ill>>\' 17 U Wl•\tc.liff Ori"c.· Nc.•wport B~ac.h, CA 'JlbbO (714) 642-3290 Sell those unwanted items in our claasiiJed section. II .. ,, ' ~ ~ c c \ c I ~ • II lj • .. • • c IIOTIC& M 1'1IUITD'S IALI ANI747 T I 11.:. H4 l l A P llo t61 OlJ Jl YOU Ul 01 OUAULT UNOU A DUD o r TIIUI'T DATID n:n 15 1-UIIWS YOU TAJtl ACTION TO PIIOTIC'T YOUII PIIOPIIITY IT 14AY M IOLD AT A PUI UC SALl If YOU !CUD~ UPLAHATIOH 0 ' Tld ICAT\JU 0 ' THl PIIOCUDOIQ AGAJMST YOU YOU SHOULD CON TACT ALAWYD 0. """' • 19V • • • .. r .... lo .... ...c. •ad r.~ c ,•P•"• .. ct"h ·~ted r ....... •Ad•t •a:t .......... ~ oo o-c1 1 r ..... :i.•.ct S.p J'l ._ ,_eNd 0. ~ ~~ ., ••' H I!MIZ at.-·• f7llt 1-44• 1. f Ot he.., R.c .,a, • .,... tt • , .... Co.aty k.c .td•• •t CJrt~~· L ••'• CahJoU16 • U M · t ~vt tuq._• Wder f ' ••h ' ... ~, • ct..:~ (JNpeW., •• • • t .. • a •• ,.,, .oa... . lh• u .... ,e($ .,,.,.. •• ... SoYilt huor •nh••• • •h• Old o,~ Cuti,.h C' .. '"' ,._ • • ed • ,..,. 200 11vc.~ ,, w.~ s,., •• ""• l l..,d (lot .. rl, w .. , ~~ 'St \,e"'• Ane C.Jrlora1t ttl UtJh' ''''• 9 j •M•r••' ._o...,•r.d ' t Dd c. • h•oJ Ll'f • ,., ter :....d ()...d I Tr ._., ' r.. 1 • ''-'•''" ~h.eteod ~ .._.ct ( •y t I \•et• d..cr1bed •• Lot a ,1 Tr• 'H .... vf ...... f t a.. ft y I I •,. ,. Stat• J t alit ""• u , .. , "'") .., rd .d ta a.,.,. IU "...,_ ,·/r ..,_ .., .,., • .,. of .. l.IC.u ... ~· w.,.. '"• tt ..... ,._. 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G Hiller 10 tbe Supen or Court oi Ora~ Couoty re queat1og tbet Florenc e G Hiller be appointed •• per _., ••a»-otettve to ad e i.Aieter the eelela ol the decedent Tile pelllloo re qlleMe euthorlly to &dmUIIIIt• the •tate uoder lb. lodepeo ct.t AdmlnlltreHon ol F.etatw Act A beAttoq on the petltloa wlll b. held Ia O.pt No 3 el 100 Civk: C.ater O.tve W w l S.ata Ana. CA i270 I oo S..,t l l , I i82 et 9 JO • • 11 YOU OIJICT to the grutLoq oi tile petllloQ. you ~ld ••• appeou at tlile .....,U.V ud llate ,0111 obtc "'-or liJ. wrlttea «*tectiocll wltll tile court belole tile ll .. t lag Yovr ap~rance .. , b. IJI permo or by '1"0111 atton.ey IF YOU AU A CIW>rT' Qa or a oo.t~t CfedJtor of ~ dect ... ct. \"011 a liM tt.a. fOIU daia wttll U.. oowi ol ,_, It to the s--.1 reprt tauve appo4Dted br u.. ooun wtW.. Ioiii aaatlile Ita. tlle tiaM ol llrtt W\l.laot of ...... proWSed Ia ..: Ua. 100 of t-.e C. Woe .... Ptoa.te Coda '1\e tiae lor , .... dial .. will eot tQUe .... to .......... '"-... ... al ........... ..... .... I YOU MAT 1M ........ ..., .. ~.,,... l .................. u.. ....... ,... .. , ..... ........ ................... Cllal .......... ... ......., ............ ... .. SW' I .. .. ,...... •••• ' .. _... ....... o.w ....... c:w.. a..•-A 1'at4•a Lew c...,--. Aew~ •• ..... , ••• v .... 'lhd.. P•talo-l. .elliia. CA .... (114),...., hWiat. ..... -:~ ••• ,. ............... t ..uc:.onca FCIIIWW-.... .,_, no. ....... _ ..... "-.. -ITIOM a.u-. .,.,. &. c.. ....., . c-........ CA._. ......... ~ ..,..._ 31300 l c.. ....., c- _._...,,CAtaa n. ............... lot._ ..... " .. ~ .... "' ....... 0. .......... ~­n.--........... c-., a.. .. a.-.. c-.~y -.... 3'7.11G ~ .... I I IS Ja. l ila • n........_,,__ r I MJDI JCilM,2 I'1IIUC IIOt'1Ca n-.on::~ C» DiWiWiUU YOU A.-IN DIPAULT UJClD A LONQ ro-. lllCUUT'I (JNIT ALL- ItGHTI LAND CON'ftACT Wl'Tll POWD 01 IALI DAT'IO-MA10C &7 1110 A.ND UMDD A~ ouw or SEuam <MrAI.UIIIIm LNID C'ON'ftACT WITH fOWII 01 SALI OATID WMOf 17 1110 UMI.JSS YOU TAD AC'1'IOM TO """""' YOUI ........ I, ff WAY • IOI.D AT A I'UIUC SAU. lr YOU MilD A/If DPUNATIOM or lHI NAnn. 01 1tC PIMXIIDDIG AGADIST YOU YOU IMOUI.D CON TACTALAWTD 0. ..... U , l ila at II ..._ a.-... Title .,. ~ -.. ..,., .. ,..,...., _____ tl '-r-.._,., O,...e!b It t..l c-...... .... ...... .,. .. ("Coa moe., .._ W..O 17. IMO. ..._ .... 6 H -+• .. S.C..., ,~. C...ad, ............ g 1110-.__ .. 11443. ...... .., ,_ ·~ ... a.a..J .._. "', ....... .,. .. c-~y ......._ ... a.-c-y .... .. eaw....... • ..,..... lot ...... .. ~-o..... ......... .... baaolucl .... _"-'' ..,v..._ead ~H ·~ -·-·----~ .... -...-v..._ Will .-11 •t pooWoc •*'-lo 1119- t.d-"" e-,,..,...,."' 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Ciu tot~CA~ n. ..__ It---.& lot ... ......... ....,...tw..ow-.. 1\lto ........ -.._. wm ., C..ly a.. .. a.-.. c-., -.... TI IIea ~-..la.tsn ~~ .. TW..._.a....a r tMJDI MIMI PV.UC JIC)ncr; ..,. MOna; ~ TIIUITU"I IAU T S llo T 100 USI [MJ'OtiT AJfT IIOYICI TO P IIOP[II TY OWMIJI YOU Alii 01 DITAULT UHDU A I>IID Or TIIUIT DATID NOV II 1•1 UHLISS YOU TAU ACT10H TO PIIO'nCT YOUII PliO PDTY IT loi.AY ll SOLD AT A PUWC SAU: If YOU MUD All U PLANATION 0 ' THl HAT\JIII OJ Tld P110CUDING AG AIIIST YCJU YOU SHOULD CUHTAC f A LAWYIII 0. Sop~ I' ... J '' 0 • 1-.ry &.:ro wl • Celli• rn.. q .. .. d\l.ly •PP taled y,.,.., .. •ft4o.t tnd P"',_.af h.• o..d ?t T1"'' re.c r·1-.d •• l ) IYII ... ID•I Nc, ··~ -,.,. P•~· ~~ 'I Ott. •I "-cote'-"' ,M .,u.c• _., *"• C. • • R.cordeu ,f Or•t·~·· Cf'l~~tr•t !.••'• t CaWora.. ••.cw•ed b1 M11t ,. N...U.t •n .. ~'~lft•tt•M "''" • ~. • pva&.c e~.t,.IH.rr tu lliQ"" t.·dd•r f I c...a ,..,.-w. •• • •• t w • a ... , .... • ..,.... ,J tiM u,,,_. St•tw. ,., ~''*' hoc •••r el\ • to ~· OW" •, ~",,......... ..(, c.-.., t>r •• w ... S.at• A,,.,. ~'""'•· • 1n • •U t J"'' ··~ Uld nt•a.. on•ey.d ,..ld bt .. ad•• w id Or.-.1 •• ~if .,.,.., ......... «\ •adS••••~ ..._. .. Lv• • f t ••• JIUJ •• ,. r1·:J I bi .. I JJ J.o~­ .,d t-.t M.• • • •""'• W•e. lt. • t ... ( .... Jlt.t td•• .. J ,, t~ot• ,,, .. ~ •d.J••u • J J•• "' "' f ", I ~fl'f .... f ~j .t t.. lJ Ht.,._ trd Ut •• a.. '-l •hf tc "' r,_. ""J., •. ., ~ .. t T ... - • ,. t~bllth I I ., ., f'l h• t lfM ' .Jdt•u tt I t-• '" 1•••'· ·•· .t •nt d\ .r •· • S.id .. l •• , ' bit ". •• f \!. -I f .. tfl .f\!'tl •tJ I •• Ph.,..... , .. ~•rJ,,.'.J '•' • I •-n .. ratu • .. ,.r "t ~ + •-• ,. ..J••J"•• ... '~ .. r ••••••• , • ,,,. ... , .. •i tt ..... 1 ,..__, I ,. t '-•• '"'• •"'"l••r~o,ft' 1 n I 4 .,. ~ •• -,.,.,; t., •• I 't.u \«. /IJII A • ~., .. I'J ft ft. feb I. I ..... t ••&:••d-.d •••• •·• •M • , tJ•• 4 \Ia ~ •f'J •••• ... ~···J t-\ -f, ., i• • T"• t • •' • , . -i•r .. d t-t t .... a••• 1 • t J• ····t S:. • u t.a j ., .. • •• •4 I• • 0. •~ • ,,., \.t" lJ ·~ A -.~' ~ • 4 .-.. "j • r.,, A "~ I>~ • J .. hi v ... ,1.,.,. l .• ,., ll••-.J AoaJ -, , .-. P"bt••l\ A .. l lfl 1'"'·"'·-~ tll t t,Jf PUIUC NOTICL NO TIC[ OF TliUSTU S I All '\ N t t .,_. .. , •• IMP< •ll t A>rT ~ fJ J T, I M· II~ rv tW!I(II Y •U A~l uo I•H A t -.uu A Ofll• • I U tfST t•A Til All~. iOI l Nll, Y t 'AI( I A Tl< " r. P~ ac T Y • ~ • • PlllfY II MAY tl A' A Pllllll• Al l I Y >jfl "" l l PlANA" '< I 'Hf o;A Ml 'HI Pllr.._ U 01,. , A ,A.&,. 1 ., '4 I t """' It • .A NV!~ ..... A ·~ • • ..... I ' ' I• .. •1·. •• ... .. . ... ,,. J• ...... • 't'• • I • I f ...... " ... l ••• ' . . . ... , . .... • ..... h... • ". • ••• ~,.u .... s •••• ... r • " • f C I 't' • • t I 4 1• I t r 4 • i ,._ ..... t ,,., .. i ., I " • "• i t t • J• •• f t-•t Tt ., "• , ..... , ....... ...t ..,. t C .v"'• '"" llte1• .._' ~~ u ,.fl.\ I l.d Jl •• Ttt I .., .... ~h· ( ••• f .... "' , .... _" l ""'' Otet ... S••~• t C111ht ''" • •• •" • " • ,..~ lt\•r ... •l ,..,. ut-.i ·" a., It --~ P•l.ol" t •"d J0 ..,.,._ •H•~·• .,, ... r-• II'\ ,... H. • I ..... ( ........ ·~ ••• , t ... td c "'"'" '•' • J f"'-•' v ,, "' t I A .. j f .-H lil,Jtl.} I •fl;· -~ llr•"lf• S•••• t C•l•l • f ..d L I •• ,..,. ,..1.)11~···1 ., ..... """''······., .f '"• • , ............. li'• l.-•11•t~ I IW Jill ,,.....,, •• ,,. ttft• I wtd lcro ll t MII ,,_.. H t•W.t•••h I llfl• t..l~tcr. .... 4 .... fiMd ltll• ......... ., • .... ~·· f !Itt•• ... f a A $.""•a....,., , ·•• I ...... lO' A • ~' ,.,_. ""•''•''' I • t M.d &..-_.. II ..""" .......... " .~ ............ 1. (Itt .......... ,f '-"" .. ~._., • .. w .ol l• II . ,. ... r • .._ ~ ..... (. • ........ . , ........ toft NruU•• ... ••h ,, • ._.,... •• , ,,.,. .. -.... ·~·--..... , ...... , .... ..... JO .. • ..... ·~ •• .. t '~•-•I• ~ .. "'-t...• A , ......... 144 ................ . ...................... f .... ···•' pt ... ,., dew h ................ ~, .... ,, ... ,.,, .....,"'·-....... ,. .. ,.. ... .... ""c••·•N•• fhe •a4erttQae4 r.-.. .... d~-• a. .,-. *tlf ~ .. ~,,,,, t.1 "' t~('f•U«I,_.. ,f ~-. .. , ....... _ tflod rfit ... l ••• " 4 .... ,_., ........ , .... ,. ...... fil Sa .. -wtll ... -""' •·•-• . .. ... , ....... ..,... . ........ "" .• ,.....,. , ... u•••• hde .......... •-.. •• ...... ..,.. • ..., . ..., ......... n ..... • ... • .._ ...... ,,_ ... 4 .... ... ....... ,__, •• ~ o..d .,. r.,... .. PUIUCNOT1Ct NOTICr or TJIUITU S I ALL t....•a N •• ~ .. .- YOU Alii Ill D"At L r '<:lU A DUD Or TIIUSf DArtD N:JY J• 1•1 UNLUS YOU •AU At:'TIOI< TO PIIOTIC'l YOUII Pllv PDTY rT MAY U SOLO A . A P'JIIUC ;AU tr YOU !IUD All UPLAIIATIOI< or THl IIAT\JIIl "'' fHl PII<JCU OIHG AG AIHST YO!' YIJI H(,IJLD r .; 'ACT A LAWYIII j. " ... ..t .. , ... POWUHA r "A" :AL '.'ICES INC •· .... ~.~ r,.. j ' • •• ••j .,.,. .... J .. " ~. • H • .,.d r ,. r" • '• • J I i..d (I. • , 4 ". ~· .... 1• t ,,. I.,..._ , ~.,. , ~, •• ,. 1'1 "" n•••t•t ~ .. Ho .... • t l J ..... I .. , .. t ~~•1d r.. .. I· , ' f., I I . ' ._ .... ...... t I• i ... .. .... ' ••I .. .. I " t • t ,. I • .. -·. t•"". I •' ... t .. , 9 " I• .. ... t • ,. .J . .., ...... .. I• to I ... . ·' ,, . -- t. -· ..... • I " II t A • "'" .. 4 . .. .. ~ •• , l ' ' 'Ut U<: IOVnCL "0flC[ Or TliU~ l[l \'>AlI .... ... .. . ... ' f 4~1 " I 0 A (ttl ' t "~ A I I .. .. ' . • • t • "' .. .. • t t. t ,,. ..... t H 1._' I ..,. , • J• ...,.. ~ Ml • •• •• f \If'. 9 ... r •I•• , ".q""' t ••• ~-t I "" •• • • ,. ... . ~-· ""' .. 1' t I • t ... .............. A ••-' ,. •• • • • r ••• ..... -... ~.... 4 I •t •• • ' It I _. ... ......... I • .• .... ..... r, • ' " ....... 4 • • ' .. . ' I Ta... .. , ... , ..... " t ~. • .._ ..... 41 . I " 't f '• ,,.,..,,, ... , .......... . .... .... Jl()l ..... , 11• ()o • a.. • CA•·•I r~ .... .,.,.._.,,. ... ''""·-... , , ...... , ... '. . . " ~~ •• ,, .. , • I.,_, ' I '"-• ~........ t •• , ·--... ,. S.t4 .... • • ...... . t9" ...... , •••• ,,., ., •• , -· ,..... ~~·toJIJ f ~ I e ,,. ...... .............. ...~. ,,,_ ..... 0...... .. ,,.... .... .,. • .. .............. d .. t ... .... ' H .M~ Ill ANT '< 1TI f f Pll PH iY OWI<tll f U AH Ill OlfA J HDU A DU D Or TIIUST OA 'IIJ IAN I .-< ..:'<tl.!l.!t y· 'AU A TIO'< i(J PIIOU("• Y II Pll PlJITY I' NAY If S<'JLO A• A PUILI\.. >A.l If YO Nllu AIO U l!u.IIArtCII (.J' •Hl ,.ATUH Or •Hl PM,.~ tlDIHC. A ... AIHS! 1 ' ~H OUL' N•A tAA 'tl~ :;., .... • f ~ , • ~ T '• t r.d;.. • • t•i A ,. . .. ... ~ ' I .. "'· h .. f "'· • t• • f. I • b· , '· '•J' , 1•1 ' (P\... ... •J j .. j..J .t. .... ~ I • • i I• ... ,. . ' ..... . ·-· • I 9 "' ' . I •• .. .. ' I ' o4 •• .. ... I I . . . ' .. 9. l • .., PU i lX. IOOfl( I , .,, ... ~ 11<.: l 0 1 TliU~ TU \~All .. "f ~ Ill, A 't • 'I • I • J k t t )o: ,.., '' .-r A.,~ Itt ' t I A t" <. I~ A I i . t • PA "I. 4 ,. t ..... .\ ' ' ,. • ' • y "' Jl! "" . .... .... ~~ ~· ... • ~ I I • '"' "" II ~I A''' ' HI '" 9 ~I t 'II I II ~ • A .A .. ~' ., 14 ~l ~ "t'\1t .. .. ·, ... .. ,_ .. ' ... ... ., Ito • It ••• " 19 , •• "'I .. ' .. • t ., • • I • " ' ,, .. .. _ .. '. ... ,. .... . ' ' 1/P I ..... ,.., ,. ..... .. ,. f ..... ;,t ... ~. . .. ...... . .. ' ,UlUC liOnel IV,.UJOII COV11J Of T1U STAll 0 1 t..IIUf tnA roll T'M& co~n Ot OtlAIIOI 00 TO 9NOW CAUit rt>fl ceuueQl ~ IIA•r "-All ..... •• ,.. ,. • .,.. .f ,~ .... , .... ..ft .. , •• ,., ....... ,._. .p .. M:. ""' ~~~.. \. •. .. , .. ... . ... . .,. ..... ····~ .......,. ,,...,. •• c~,, u4 •• ..... , •• h ......... •H"'-.~ ..... ,.... ..... •• .... •Ill ...................... liiO'e ,,,.,... ...... , ............. ~ ..... .. a.~-r..,., ... ... .. ..,... , ............................ ... • ... 4 ............ "1 .......... ........... •• .. 1411 .... , ................... . -·· • Dotfe"-' , ......... . ... ............ llal ............ . .. .. ... ... . ... -'• _, _... .... ...._ .. _ .-w _.,..,....,. • h ..... -... """"·-· ... u ....... ...._c_ ... ,.. ....... r~.-.._,_._,. ""'-~ ..... n.. •• ,... •<• ••••••.,·•••9 • •• L 1 ..... 11 PUIUC l!l()ncr; ST A TDIOfT 0 ' AJAICDONNVIT or uu o' ncTlTlOUS IUIIIIDI NAJft .a ~~. f'. ~ .... ":. ...... _. • ,. • H .;~.,, • .,tA Strt~•,. •< .... • 11C -A ""J. '.4 I' • ..,j ff PUIUC NOTlCt ncnnous ausu•U! IOIUU5TATDIE.lf'T •.• J .J ., l !i.t 'I.~Tt/1 ,.fWKJR" ~ M81~ A u• ' '-• I ... " A ••...._ . '"' ~ .... ;,_ s... .. . t.r , 1 I• '~... a •. ...... "' J .. ~ •• , 1\.. .. p t •• ' tt. ~ +\. h ~-• ' I "• A . . A • • II :J •• ~- -. ., . ... ' .. . .. . ..... ' "• -· I ... .. •uauc NOTK..l AM~·~ 100 net Of' Til US TU 5 SALt ,,.,. " ~~~. A~i\ ' I ''· ., ""· .. ··- I f•• t • I~ I .... t .. .. '' I• • ·••-.d ... .. t ,. t• • tf-...t • 1•1 .. .. .. .. ' '9 .... .. . ,. .. -. .. .., .. . . ... :.- I 1 l• • "P!4 ( . . , .. "" ...... ' ..... • I ' I • • t .... II '' ... , .. - -· ... ,. -. . .. ' -· . ' . .. .. ... ... .. ..... ;. t.. .. ... .. , - .. ... ' .. . , .. ,. ' ' • A 't '' t .. • ' ............. ' P I t A ,,. '' ,,, o\troiA " ' '' .... """• .-, "" • rr:-.., .. ~... ' ' ' . . ••• t .. ' I "'--1-. ..... ,. A •• A • • '~' • • -'"' . ._. .. 4 I ,• --. t 'I' PVIUC TIC( fiCTITlOVS IUSIJI£~\ IIAMl STATDIIDrl 1\ I ,,. ~ L, ... .... •• '10 .. ..... 4 • I • 1 \4 \ "'-•· -.. . ""'.. ..... .... . .. ""'. ' I ...... . .. ...... .. ....... . .. . . "' • • 'J• .... 4 ... , . . .. .... \ t-. .. _,. - W••~ I -..... t '-..... ., I -... • •• t ....... ~~~ .,. .... • "• , • w-• • l• .... ,. , • • \118 -··-"'•'.,"'•*""A"' ' .. "·-'.).,.'t4 ••• 4... lit • •• • ...... ""• "'-'4 t~... .. ... 1 ... " • ,.. ,., •••h·• :\..-" .. _. T ....... ., 4; "" ., . . ... ··'"' ~. .. ,. II• ,. ""' ... .. ., , •• ,. "•f -,., ""· , ,fi! ..... , . " ,,....... llh~ "'.UC IIIOnCI r1(' 1'TT10III tV'IaiDI 11.\M'liTA~ T • Wk•...,. ,......., .. ..,. ,......,. ••• ••u •• 110 :II TUITttl +1 0.-· ..... CA t ..... ___ , .. c:a..... c......- II II ,. .... 'I '-" - PVIUC JIOTICI 1110ncr; or TlliiiTD'S &AU ... Jt YOU Alii Ill DUAULT CJIIDU A OllD O f TIIUST DA TUI TUHJ ~ A I I.IIIU:SS YOO TAU ACnOH •o PIIOTIC'T YOU I PIIOf'lll n I'T MAY II !OLD AT PUioi.K: SALI , YOO lfUD A~ lVLAJIA noll 0 ' TIU MATUIII 0 ' Tld PIOCUPIHG AGAOIST YOU YOU SHOULD CGII • ACT A LA WYIJI Jf' 5.p ·"-ill.l • &.;tw• S.t••t.-. •a.. lot-.• t~XJ. ,..,.,. .. ! ... .. >... ~· r....... s\t ... ~ "..s • • ,...,.. t "'• •r·• 0... I • ... ....... ed t• K..C\drfiM ........ .. n••u .-1 • ••-" ••d _. td.M ·•• ~ •• Ia• ,,. ... N_ tr l • •• ..(. '•Ot .A ~ "-• ~ • .A c,.,. ~ c ""•'• .,.., .,. ... n~o~•r k•' H ~-··. ·~~~ l. h•••ltl. tter !ect.•t4.0 W.a• 4 h....e•rw••nt H &1 l~lJ I ,f A.c..,,., .....-CO\i.r.•y J-001 ,._,. •• ~ c. -.od 0...:. t ! ... '-''"'" 4 W 'I ' I ' aU\ I.A_,.. .. ., .• , t r. Ur .• •eod S••'• t A,..,,.. • • .'h• tJr •an•DC • t• I4S 0 •• Y• ,,., • ... ..., ... ,,~ ,... ...c•1e4 f .)oaf • A •• z.,._,. s9 •"' • s· •M l r e<t••• S•r.'• Ar.. • • ''w • • , .... ..J ..r:a.J • "1•1~ ..... • r, ... ~ b '"'-• fl' per•\ • •·• .,.j , .. ve~ "--"'"J" •n.d S·••• •.ad J ... ,~.._. •• L,., u • ......,. .............. ,..1 .... .. ,, f'l.• '" t H•wpuf'1 ... • s.. • .f C~kl••·• ti.Md .... ""'. ) .'4 • • • _._..,. • vrh u•• _,. ~"l>>• "'!Itt ,.,_. ld4t.-I A.• :t-. .,... f MA Pf pe • ~ A .N~wpo ...... ..,.A·~ ...... w .. .u,.. ~ a..,...t •1\ -~t--....... c. r.~ ..... J,. ... , o;..,...,. •~•n •' t J d A••r • f .. lo4J lf ._._, .. P O ~._... .........._ .-.... ~ ,..., A ••I Of! ~ ....... p,, :J ,., il• • ._. •• pr t..• li. ad lot ......... ., .. • .J It ~ ~-M•.eh af'r • J \ • I "r, f': e f ••' p .. b ... .,J ...... u, o-... k .. ,. ... ' ..... , .. ••P•--I ft.._ .... .. u-....-.... t.t •fk •• w•.•h ,. • ,.r~.,.. ..:f N •" • J .. a '• N • , H ~--~..t tr' .,. 4 ..,...i • r. ••' , ., s :1 ",.. • "'' .... ,..., ... ft_, .... ..; ••S-Ite ..... • J Mh an • •' ,.. .-t "'• a ~&I .. .-b~· ., ' ••• H .. M • ll s.~ !,.,.p ... , .... ••d tape~ lJ..,.,. t(.i P••-.d A .. Q • &ltl c,..,,.,.. '-". rvw ~ ...... tJ • c • ...,,.. • ltpot• .. , .... ~.. b-. &.1 L••• I H, ....... . , ... •tot•• '*' •. J. J ...... .... • •• ~ w• >oa • '\A.. It<~ • Ca ., 'l' • 4 • ..._ .... l .. ,. ....... " A., ..... M U1 """• "~••P-•' lna -1 PVI UC liOnel AJtl.l "' 100nct o r Tllu~ u.u .ro -. ._ M. • .... IX ~AN 'liM ....... • o.. ,. ~··· ' . '"'" .. ~ ' ........ , . J!l• .,,._ Dd.il .. ... ... }\jJ4 ~· ~ ~, ........ "••~>•"1 .. 4 .. • ' •• • '• -J :'-1 .... I • ,. ••••• s.-... F t • ~ •t • ·-.... . . ~ . .. •• • w ··~ ..,. .~ • "· h ... tt • t .... ... '.. . ~· • ,... t •• ....... J~ .. ''"' ,, ,.. ~~· (~ ...,. It I ·,. N k Jt.. -:r·- .. I "••JI'it' .... 1J, ~tAt' • !tta•• ' •J ft '" • u pet .... J .. ' ... , ... , .. t • \4 ........... , • . .. .. 1 - ·~· ·-.. . 4 ".If ·-t• ' • !II • .., . ~ •I • II• h ....... . . . ' . .. ...... _ • • -·. ... -• U...t .. • t• ...... I ' lilt .. Ito. U ...... , '· t •• ' -..... ~~'··~· .. J •••• , ... .... 4 •t ~ •• >t t '->t I I ... • • I •• fe lto 4 .. j .. I •h .. ' f'ht.~,~• .. -... .. I ~' , . ... 90"' ... .. us ,,. on A , r r TliUST DA nD f'U 1\J JN~ ' u ·•u •e-n.: .. P TICT '0\ ~ PIK>n.JtTY IT ,.,., II IOLD AT A Ll I, y, I 110» All 10l AICAT10fl Of THl IIAT\JU 0 , Tift I'MX'UilniO A"""IH!IT YOU YOV ut NUl C'Otl TAt"'T A LA WTD nr.. •.t ......... •4 ••• .. ..... ~ to• .,... • ,. .... .......,, .. tet•t-* at .. .. , ... " ... " ................. .. ,.~....., .... ~-. ....... _ .... .... ·~ .. .,_._ ..... ~-.. . .................. .,.,. .. D..-A .. I• 1-... lo•lt >I o.-c.. .... c---· ·-__ ,_ tt.a....... T.-U...a..-·--• ._. ·-. ........ ... o.-CA _, l114t 771 ••• tt. ...... 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CA..U Tl>to ..__ ................... . _..~-. ........... c .... ,.. ____ ... _ c--a.. .. o.-c-.t -... I.IW ....... ... " ....... ~--""" ..._.. ._ ,1_ .....Ca:mcl •em--._..,.~ ~~-·._ ..._ • ....,.lA&., wr..... nm&AL PO .. Ill, ..._. ..... e. ....... ~ • ....... Do_ ......... .. c.-n. .................. . ........ ......... ~ n. __ .......... ~a... .. o........., ... ..... ...... ............... .. .. n.. ....... .... ,....,.. I 1M ......... &<.-Wrda 1 r .• ,, '• I. l-.... lf I I PAY ONLY ONCE, YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD. GUARANTEED! You can call in your ad direct When you place your "Private Party" classified ad with us you're going to sell your Item. And It It doesn't sell after the first week, we 'll run your ad FREE again and again and again until It does. That's our promise to you. • Your ad will appear In The Irvine Today, Costa Mesa News and The Newport Ensign with a combined readership audience of over 195,000. Little wonder we can make guarantees like thla. Call us today or use the handy form below and mail in your ad. Then don't go tar from the phone. or use the handy form below and mall to: r--------1 1 COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP 2721 East Coast Highway I Coro na de l Mar CA 92625 Please N o te.' I l>t>adlant• \lnndu\, ,et "'"'" prtt•r It• \\t•drw,dt~\ pul1ltt ,,1 "'" .! \ II Pn, "' " I 1.., t , C 1 u IH u n tt·• d .u 1... n lU -.1 I u pr 1· p.u d p r' 11 r 1 11 p "' 1111 .11 1" 11 I"' IIU c·an I hurgt• II 1111 \IIUf \l ,t~lo•r ("h,tr).!t Ill \,..._\I ,trcl ltt~1 It 1111" "' t mtllltn.: \IIUr ud 'tlllpl\ V.rtll• \11\lf I htJf~l I dfd 1111111111'1 ttfl flu t•IIIJI"Il '"'"" I Onh p rt\ '''" fhtrl' .ad-. qu.tltf\ lt11 I •lt.tr.tnt .. t-<1 l11t•••'• 11•• • "'llllu•rt ,,el I I I 20 WORDS FOR $20.00 I I I I I utht·rll't'r" h~tnll'' Jllllllllo IHIIIit' '" l11111l l11r -..t11 .. r l1··•'1' ''"''"~ ''" '' .,. ..rartilt(t' nr ,.,tat• ,.tft" ~or lnl'•tn• '' IIJIJif•rlUrllll ' I \'It I' "·' A •• , d •• u • t .. P• t .... 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Jltopatty 73 lk.ln-Property 74 lacmee/Cca•td PrOI*ty 75 Property Mapot 1t lacloa.l hwl\lltn&l Prop.ty n iNIIItete .. HOUSE3FOR SAL£ Ptlanacuoaa LlltDA aaa es,tee.-L• ••t-• Penc ....... 41UMa .... 110" N Y "lew frnm "' t m.ttettk 5. 700 tq, ft. ntatt. nt<to 4 J'O('Iand ,.,. d -IM n tl.llr. ,._, tnd Hp fnt .,. y~ht. A•wme ul ~~ Itt TO of t1 .6~.000 •' I :Z"". l~nckt • rwph•t~ '""m~ t•rm<t n NlllftH' nf flnlf'C 1nf Br &f en • flto4 pMUet < nt.ct Jeff J.,.ton, OoWMY S.111nt C114t 9 M t I f ••· 602,104 Wanted Eachan Qe MOaa.E BONES 80 Mobil• Hom• 81 Wob.le Ho.. Wanted 82 Mobile Home Plkt IOATI 84 Boate Eqpmnt as Boat Charter 86 Boat Sllpe AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Uphol.tlfy 88 Motor Hom• 89 Recrtn VebiCI• 90 S..vtc. Repau 91 MotOtocl• Moped• 92 Btcycl• 93 Vane TrUC"IIa For Sale 94 T11~b Vane W ant ltd 95 Auto Parte As::e_ ... 96 Auto T rclr ~ 97 Auto. Wanted ICDGT'IIY Cll'1?11 LOU Cl\••ve C••tl ,._,... I 9 PERSONALS 11 SCHOOLS YOUR PUASUR£ IS IMITRUCTION MY BUSINESS Erot•r TUTORING eiohc:a mv epectalty I Mot1 tubtectl lC 12 \nd MctM 1 rom plate wuh coUaQt Day everun9 QI IIUIM vtnyl eull ttnd twnmer S5 S IO IM th• IJ lrto e~•v• I per how 6 daya .., .. ace duoe and ••pelt 1n Mr Mcoroan 64'5 5 176 Pol11b and wthuaatan ~ pa.tttona Fr-hom• JUNIOR TOURNA d elivery until 9 30 a m 1o41:NT PLA Y£RS• In ten RMtonabl• rat" Dnn I 11ve tndtV\dual worlroutt delay, loolr lor Frank and tralntnQ -ton• ~ lh. b19 toe upert I Avat.lable at any rou111 I m the one wttb tbe bul d•nltd and lt.me Ker n larOy tatiOo nn my l&<'e 1 556 9117 1 1- 10 LOST 1 _U_I_US_DI_IES __ S __ PERIOMJU.S FOUWD lOF.AS INVDmONS REWARD' LOST r1111 doo c .. u Steve 494 18J9 II WHrrt AND GRAY TABBY found vtclntly Tha Lalt• In lrV1111 I Coller and laQI 848 726l -731 2268 n..., p"duc-t• wantlld now fm pr-ntat~ h ond111try Call frM' I 8()0 '\ 28 6050 •111 811 1•PETS LIVESTOCK DOG OBEOrtHCE I~ G ARAGE SAtES ,..&.RAGE SAU. lr v1n1 S..twday 8 'a. • I p m ·nly f' Hntl Jll care •iD&a h .-bold 1t•m• m1a. Ecce leton• Cucle F .u, w uqn• bom Y 1\le "nd DMT he ld lrv1n1 ')!';I 6386 11 HEALTH LOSE WEJGHT NO W I 0 ro 29 lbt m 30 d• yw ror VOUI \,)I 7'1 lot I monrh 1 eupply return .-<1 c.,u HER8AUrf. dtatrtbutm Mtchall .. M'l'l42J AMWAY PRft[lli\TS <C'mf' I,,, Y''U Sl!111le '' •n lu .. n nr-i • mnnay h-'< It "1'\Q ""'"' J I (I() ~·· n.-i .. i • tr-. .. 10 29 It:. t-ry O r t 15 100-... gu.r•nt~ ~-.... , •od • ., ........ Call.._. .. 873 9'267 • 966 0 127 II SCHOOLS • ~~~": ;;";.: INSTRUCTION 1 w-b &nd up Group 17 TRAVEL/ prtvate l_.na Bo.rd A-'• School I 1tatnon9 problem be VACATJOM ..... hrWJOr COMWialtone A UDique IM rnlnO •• Sue M I• 96884 u p41nance lndtVldual Y -- PfOQta.me AJCC t.tAGNmCENT .,._.,11 Old Engllah 111--pdoo 1 P'IPP•• Wh.lptd July 5 DAY MEXICAN ... ury ru-l f"h "II mcluatve St\5 ror '" tormalloD call Gl~td • 631 8040 (Cft ~~ 27 1982 ShotJ ~rm PlANO I..ISSONS 1119 ehow quality vene levlrul• edva~~«*i all 1~ of markln<~• $350 ttyle.. 141teet ••thode. Call tolltr-nwnber pro-.,.,al J*tonn&f 1 800 532 J97l ,. • ., ,..,, 11 EMfEIC1ADt Wy •tl.ld10, t_~r home P"nn~ver Adw11tch G6bt~l141 Studto ol M4908 W~Jc,84...!_3003 lASSEn' HOUND BALLOON GUITAR Ll.SSONS -MaJ. 4 IIICIIItU. trl,l JOVQUETS Learn to lino aod pt.y 1 paper• AIC ehot• Ul\aq~~~e .--ahJoP<I quickly hom Plat. $1 'K> 831 lae7 I tflh_ O.b...,ed loc11IIY •. ~oaal uAOef •lllllcl•• -Otd• tod•J ~a.n .... ...,. 644 4136 IS GARAGE ofN.wpor\. 844 7440 SALES A l lAUlU'UL IIU Y DAN •Ill ••Ira .,OUI l lpec"IAI w. ·"···-... ,.,.,at• a ad Qt(>U pe ~11711 .-4574 It Gin IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS S.nd .,.eo,. you loval ' bouquet ol )() beltum bl.lloona GrM t decor ltnq od Mt Parttoet lex •II '<'1:UtOIIJ 67) 4419 23 HELP WANTED CAa11auL1a OWOaTU~ITY tn~r~vot%t· PlllftCIPAL8, MI ADtOAC.Ia. MftD oaaiCToaa. 23 HELP WANTED t"HllD l AR£ NEIDED Matwe •dull to cen IIICI 6yMI <Md lA ow toe-on y,.IO bome 15 :i1yt 7 MefDIQIIte monthly Occ~ w ... enda Ret.reDCM 770 954 DIIORETTO LOU FOR~~' I a CMIIa LIADI U : ""'~~ pn•ulon• .,.,,h rh~ l~•df'r '" "hno I \o\lt"~ tndu,tn "('II 'P<l tl\ t~l.ttf'd COLOR 30 IUIDIEU CONSULTAin' OPI'J II 673 osse 23 HELP WAKTED ilUPPUI L ... .ern '" earn S I 8 w • • ~ -rlt I l h.:l.ua dallv atulttft9 en....&opM ~d ..ll edcir~ .,ampad nt'Niope to Concord O.pt 14 IBO:U Lemon Dt y 0 r b • lmda 9~ C'RUlSE SHlP JOBS' AI '<"CUI)8ht>nJ Gr-t lA <me potellltal ror ln tormar1011 c:aU rft02l 998 0428 D.pt 8963 phone r ail nth&ada.We PART l'Dot£ WOM l produltS t•• A.thlt"toc O~p•rtnwn" S.nd \ Chtt"rlf'ol•l"" ~· '""u' ~"'" f ,, ,.uf "' '"''~" t'tf'f'tf>ftt' \'\ ntm\J" f•l(lfniOQ\o ft '\f \o~"Af '> 1 t .. 0(1 t•h•• I'" 1 'f'• ,,,..,, 1' "' h~r ••Mntnq "'\t'•tl t<l I , .tnc ('fT\Cr>l R,. ... '"I •n<! 1)()\tll\111 101 '"'1 pnn~tbl~ m.tru•r q.• t Ottt'n tf'tl tnct•~• du"l 111\u\1 ~ H ,,.1 "t>lf ~pt I ) I Q82 ~n(t rf''\u~ m • "~''' dt-n(.f to J "'\ f IIU S PO Bc"78\J Sit•' ktl'fl, CA. q5207 Selling Yo ur C•P C•ll Cl•n•f~d 67l-05SO Z3HELP WAMTED mpeny rr•1n111Q lot EXEC MA.RU'J'DorG ,..,, Analyal.l w111d GROUP ltllloduelllg tba r be pl•nntft9 low 1.11 wuque and 91a81U~ v•tm...,, For d.ta!lt MILEAGE: NA.ItD Mnd name erldt--. (7 141980 4413 phon• tc Color P 0 I Bim:rrr PACUGE l\ow 1~7 C\ubhn CA provHilnq o.ttal laval U4S6E\ aC"CVUDIII'I9 ophoal up ---,,... )()"' dr.K'OWII C.ll 21 UCENSED 8'57 21 45 lor lurtlwo 1n CHJLDCAJU: tormatoon ~AIT LAW R£ '1(1\[S '""' penoN wh< f'' '"d• h11d ar• r. •tt•u h.: m• to. he.na .. -; F olllr>na•tton on "'-"'" IC blaor. ltc-eDM ID Orano• Co~U~IV .:-a lt 71 4 814 'iln 21 SITU A n o NS WAJn!D HOUSISJT -Tu"-;;;;_ woman would hit• ho.-,r ,.,. lJl :w ur efll nfttl eV-IIIQI "vaJiab t.l N-t • lttU. I n tra mon..,J War~ lot the lrYlM UadMrd SctK-ol Dt.trtC\ Food Set Yle. D.pe.l'tfl!l«\t J141rl lim. •f\d .uu ~ ~--------... 1111111--~-----· ·:>th• actaVlu .. 1ot tu A nENnON bela,_ of lt.. dey A~ ply 284 1 Altoe A._ St"rt•'U"' J,,h S PPit rr"'! lrvtne SS2 a EOI. Would vnu t.\r_. to "•t VttiiJ """ h\..•llr<i !'u.~~ ~ wtlh precltc•llv no ltm 1t nn P :u n anQ• pert u.a• 10 qpelld •nd h•v• vaee tto ns ., d•str.d J II " • wlito&eealta •t.~Pply b. tbeo wby nol conv•na•nllv wor~ wtth a Ill-Ooetact 0. P.1 '" r71 4l 5848 tOrhnQfb und lanQ m•al Reoc•av• wo tll INT!NCft o •nd pevm•nt1 bv m••l Stert amm.d· ~AU:S ta l._t l<)t•ly' Fot mlurm•lton • 11 -addre• .. lty .. ,~ &rl ced. ••• peel en lop. u' • oota p Tompt r~ly Meal Nerke hoQ S.rv'c:" P.O. 2110 JOI·:.tl.· UaarfAU10 MW)QID WC~Qaa U1110UB IliAD ..,ou .. CCI~ •aouaaroa IIU.E GIJIOU PUBUSHD 00£S ROOWWAT! WAHTED 3-lfl)IO()W HOWl. PERFECT ST A.RTU NOf AOCIPT IJAbihty to aha,. luve ~ tD '1ma. 1.700 Ill •~ HOWE lmmaC\alate 4 · b tacanwct ·~ LaQ""e. Pututlc: OC*UI = yard No p«a. llllOOMI FOR bedroom, ll' •. batb. vrammat~oe&l ln*:CW Vl-.. owo room. S320 per aumth 831· 11DT $102,000 Ill a..waable act.._ or lypoc]taphic:.a.l lnOIIlh lmmedt.at• oc-1815 or (714 ) 493-ROOM AVAJI.ABU ho.enclf19, 2-year-old enort 1n u .y edv.r cu,_oc:y CaU •rly 7188 Lov.ty lab For..t pool end ~ Owner •HOUIDFOR SAL£ GREAT OCEAN VIEW C~to• 3 bedTOOID, 2~-betb. COIII_pletaly uPQrad&d Beeullfu.l •ucwutiOII I.-• fMC.ID FDJWU 1970 - Jill itt SIJ witb D6oo 1315GT 3+3 bcep-t...._ ao. -~t Uoul CCIIDdtboft. AlMoet oonditb. ~~ ~S1~~~ O.'N. 351) pp C71 4) 831 .IDYICIJ 8:.:1.:.88=------ 1968 WGB Bl.E -W1,. ........ tad1ala. rebwh en9..._ all MJVl~ ,..., ... , • cellent co11rl1ttoa S2.&00 080 C'all 6-42 9586 t-enta publ.hed Ia AM. or -~ 01 RENT LEASI, option/ heme NoB--oa. All wtJI buy dOW'D Jo.n or tbe Coeet Wedt.a N._ leeve m~e 4gg. Ml• Luoe 4-bedrooaa PI~ pool/clu.b Ul I di8COW1t prtc. 01 wh•t Group 2020 499-5700. 540-...a&Uve W.. La 1.&b c:lladed S300 -thly I ~r "' ~to .. u SANDA& -SHOES 6892 Pcweat 24471 Por..t pi• ~tiWb-. Call toU. S l43.500 c.-R E SpaAtlh beach villa Only 145.000 down A..u.aable hnencu>q $245,000 Ol&lt• a.al- ty 6 leveea..o" 4• 8122 Aak lor Joe or frank ..... nAT AUTO iiPAlR rtAT 1976 124 SPIDER OLD8NOIU.E Fcw-'9a • I Doal•t~oe ... 000 -•-5 --.... 1969 OLOSNOBflE 98 ''JiAPpy• FEET 6or -· n:NALE 2 chlld.teft. Hill L--S1 !00 S.le It• nu.m.ber 1-80().532 &.tter Hom.. I Ger £....,•--_ ... ___ , T~me -..... •-• ..,..... ., _ _.. ' __ _. _ _. .... ...-. ~--.., new top. 35 IDP9 red l~11ury ~•n ~.., ttre famlly 5 year QU&l· wwb• to lrve and lh&Je S29S,OOO Ternu ud 3912 ..a. for deoa, 493-8901 ~-btU., elec:tnoal ...a, ANI FM c;-ll•. 1 wtth n.lraa Rebutlt Call 730-4894 own• Flaw!-SJ.87S enQtne and tranam•~ Filla &AU WID A J C.A&.L.I:IIY 011£ &Dt-S795-1 1695 1n Wood.bndQe .,.. Ftc. ~~ Sub-p • ~ n y~ ~-a v e r ---- O..Ull:K;ton waated 1 730-5000 ut 266 V alit ~~ Dorothy. AdwatchW3885 8£LOW GJ APPRA1S S.3193. 2217 WJ.D., lhy-. 710-2 ROOW FOR REHT _ A.l -S6.800 dowa Coeta ~ __ C'HIUST1AN WONAH ftE:tn -LARGE 2-Lab Fortt~t Spae10ua s. Low .. t pa~oeed 2-a.d ONl·Y-.....,'-35--.-000 DOWN -13"4 loDq·t•• b- DaacUIQ Each h i-plu eac•llent locahoa S220,000 Ola.rter Raal ty a ~~~-tm~, .. 4~ 8122 Aak 6or Joe or Fruk llMIIICYa.D/ ..,.,. 0 10 (010 TZJ\) Pnvate 110n. excellent IWIOIO\l p&tty,(7l4)S522004 c:ondthon S.. to '-'P pteelate S995 551 1976 PlAT 128 4-door 2eeo. ~vM anrl w-~ O.J p&nhncp up to 70"'-PHON£.WAT£ ,..._ -bnQ aootber toah&re bedrooaa pl~o~~ de.! bedroom houee. pnvate room /2-bath mod.l In oU HU~ND.J., 20 to 40'11. phooe -1119 ••· a lov~y l-bedrcx./2 boue N-OOWltry klt bath, pool ape. kitchen. area "Neat •• a Pill oH Anttquee. c ut ota., cluDe S'N Wttb r-.ote batb fw!Uahed boa. cit• aad garct. bath. lawadly, worklD9 adult A .. ume FHA lou 1980 C1500 r ADUNG Trunkoua 7,400 mtl-. eliC.U.Ot lh&_p. 0119 u~al ow-871.o&41, 559-9~ 12.3001 beat ott. Ellcelleot ooDc:htiOfl enda N-ru• Low ell.._ W•t ... S l 850 or beet ulv.r or...,taJ "• S l49 Wananteed. (••tll laUJldly) Hc:.e • large t-oed yard S300 i.Dc::Jud• utwh• G.JMI buy lor UIYeelor awes. labqu., cbuaa. 750-3791 I LD Hunt1J191oe a..c.b White wl~ VI-Prtvate Call taUirM nwobu or laraHiee bu,er ~~t:nt=~:'i::' I TE N HlSSOCIAL I :-4oss.rb B1\ldd ~ =!L~-~y l-80().5J2.J972, uk lor :!'t!e~~~~njrt Ga~ oU.r &42 1701 631 ~-~ 4267 I _;.r_;;_~___:__.-.....__,....,---- a brae. eetete ,.....&ry Travel C1u.b L..,ru, ~ot wr_ lUI ooJ PenAyuvw Ad watch dena. 493.., 1 AU g••tly reduced lowDaiJiat.. ~·-S 3 0 0 t ~ W4912. Op.. DOOD 6 p• Wed ud tnpa 8eqLDtlen 1 m 0 n 51BOVIEI ROOM AND BOARD -OUTSTANDING n..Uy lhiQU9b Sltnday welcome Frea ~~ plua 1 2 uhbtt• PI---..-........ Geo.er~ quarteu PRICE' CAPISTRANO BEACH BLUFF FRONT CUSTOM HOME WOTOBICANE •oped -SO VLX 1980 Da1k blue Swf rackl toclud ed bc:eiJer~t ooodthoo S300 C1uil. 760..02-4 7 19'78 FlAT SPIDER coo I 1978 924 AU eq~•P vethble Good c:ond1 I meal blac k •n bl~tr~ Item S3.700 or beat ol-automahc good ruhb.r 1er 837 0347 S9,500 080 C.1ll 662 1295 FORD PORSCHE I G81 q I 1 1979 FORD FIEST A look a hire Purvhe q I I Coalelhry 1'., Tenn11 Natch (714) call Eve at ~173• ,.. " _ ___, Own beth and 1V In n••· _ ___.__ . 963 5952. home NOW TO JUHl RENT-r ·.ni.Uia Be--L L-. ID OutltandiJIQ u-n.clllg' LatJ-_,.. ' 1 •• ., __ .__. __ _._ ... ,. -..n IKJ1IJ OutltandlDQ home' Sen --I BOOJCS -ori> BAi£ SHARE LARGE. "wet IU. -.-wuu.t w....... •chall9• lor muumal, er wtll C&Jry liii&DCIDIJ ANTIQUES late I~ and our of pr&ai We 3-bedloom, 3-betb w Cove, WQI.Ina Beach raDdom, DO.O--oonliruD9 lot IS yeua at low N V Sohd ch500flry D-~.__ buy and Mil "'ut-of-tle Rock townbou. Fuuuabed. 01 parhally tub. Stud.nt prefer-'!'i' and lo.n rat• I at dr-ar, ' ...,.;:ouoq fUll book» ow 141-1 Pool, teDA... JACUUJ 2 becbOQJU. lirepl6oe, red 497-2303. r 0 ch.m . S250 Round lop p H Nalloowtde 'Crcb pnvtleg• Noo1:11lok-cl.tacbed lludiO,, paho, aeaUTIFUL f .. --•-L--' T at 10-~ 'C Beauh Cap" Cud ''vlt• ""' ·• dm1r ,,. Pdr J!PW Ow1 '-" u.-... bl.. s,.d .... 11 181 ., ANAHA NA.XlM 5,000 mll•. e•c e ll e nt oondihon. $1,900 uke n-(IV14~) (7 14) 771 1829 Supercl .. n, aunrooJ. 1 6 cyl engm• M 11~"' 1.1l mav.. 9rMI condthon fer 1932 Sf ll pp 71 41 S..t oiler (31 7 NAN) 1 847 2244 d"'Y' PP.8J8.~57 _ 'I 1972 911E N"w tr unk S ISO ltenu 1 !l___ Boo'-V __ ,1 1.09 lady No c;bJicb.a or walk to beech beuhlul ....,. _....._. tully decorated. 4-bed n4!1Q<>Itabla 499 4979 ~ce. • a ... • pete. 1275 plua l /3 home S850 iy owner 1 tri-l-•1 gud-·type room, 3-batb. den. hre f d ll f ,., 11! I 1 ll{l"d' ( I v u r B t 1974 FO RO GRAN enq1ne exceJlf'nt r -nd• TORINO Blouvha.m ata lton Best Jlll'r ('.II hon wa9on S975. (714) 646 4868 A, •• , t~A2naA5So49 ~~.?'· San '1 u~1_htt.ee 851 8293 497-2837 ' bluJfa oondo Jog lo place, 2 au cood and 2 v ~ ---Fuhion Wand Kitchen lwnac• Showplace, •1 FURJOTUR..£ KIHBY VAC'lltJN 1 ROONNATE WAHT£[) -------1 pnv11~ pool, wuher lancUcapu~~;~ eU uound. (714) 855-3101 1964 VW WJCROBUS 13 VARSITRCU FOB SALE 839-6881 (J45RS0) I 1971 91 I TAR< .A I c leaner S4S U9·&a1J j-You.Jl9 pao6eeelooal 5I OOifDOIJ f ud r $275 Fe located on ooroet lot _ Factcwy I'WIIoof. 25 O RIENTAL roeewood MWlDIJ machl-. stul WOIDan ..... rocamate ro---•a.l• 7 -1341 $259,900 Canon R [ WtDdo ... new paiAt, Ul· dtntnq room Ml T"'ble, owu&~~reed S55 I 2-bed.rooa. 2-b&th oon ..., -Bett• Hom• 1 Ga~ tenor, heedlin«, mec:h HOifDA I AM fM srere... """' patnl '5 tpe.d y ... t 1981 HONDA Acc::ord 1 condthe>n tGWJ 361 2-door batc bbec:k S7 500 PP 714 H'lA 20,000 m•l•, ll9hl blue 7296 uteniKln table. 6 ald. v AC\IIIm c;l--125 I do, Nigvel Shor... P'OJl B.EIIT ... o-J d.na, 493--890_! aJUC&Uy -Dd $4.1501 chau.. 2 boet c baLra, 816 So Na!D . Santa Am~•-S42S c.u ...... ,_..,_ DOES -.... --co-~/ 080 W1ke 559.0..14 do@le cheet Aprvo• 1 •-· (71 ... )95"'1'799 tollJr .. Dumber 1--80(). ruiiiWollln.Ln ~-·• lEASt OPTJON I -~~ ' ' ,... I'Ul• .. ->-NOT ACCEPT ~ty ~".uu. 01 ren ow--Wonday-Frld~y~ 751-$2,500 Nalre otter - ---. 532-3972. Mk for 6or &DOOrTect ..,.,tliD9 ~~ o mcE chaJml.fl9 C1tft Haven T -3500. (4~ 720 1073 UI DET£CTOR -P e n • y h aJ • .-.~u•••c. doll houae 3 bedJoom FOR SALE --------EU:GANT 14 Pl.ECE Vo,ce ~r-~aJyz.er Nver Adwatcli W77fJO Qf&JIUDa c •nac::c:w-With receplloluet at&a, wttb puvate pool, au.~ '17 AUTOS , type AC'C\IIate .-y to ec,_, or typovrapluc&l reo.ptlclult ud phone Ierma Call (714) 646 UIVINE NOmfWOOD wtth pu'Wtnplf19, AN 1 1966 912 PORSl 'Hf floC e-ll• Au condt Excellent c-und•t•· n IIOAI~ cr"--control b.b po\tnl frll"h $6,500 522 0717 enqtne 3110~ tv dy (W1II •parate Sote lmowledqe Pwt.d coa '-a! opee-aunded liMm•ll pu.ul....... Ill I deak ~pace rental 2830 wwaterlront townho,.., PUBI.l.SHER DOES frnm.J dt1W19 ruom _. uee With Wltbou.t tb.etr I:RVINE -YouJig pn> enon Ul ·-~'·~L~WI· &UW«lnq avallable 13553 or (2 13) 456. -Tbelak-By owne.r, WMTEJ> JEIISER perlt'>C't MI'Ch-\ru' •ll1 eacellent Cla•11• b..tu ty 15350 Aft,., h 71 41 870 6517 lo-t coftee tabl• dthoo SJ 000 (71 41 nwla -.Ira Nl!lle. b 2 tba Coeat Media News avetl&ble NOD·-o&.a. -12 bedroca 2 beth. au NOT ACCEPT li.&hWty el-an! lamp Cw10 bedroolll /2 bath Nortlt Grno•.. (--'-S300 h TUSTIN Enderly d ~•1 T ~.... 848-1122 · · -..... nuae a:IOlll G d 3 ._ _ _. 2 con .., amenll... ry for IDCOnect a--lll.ftl'l cabr...t 2 bedJooma wood home Non .-all. a•9 5092 AI ena .-.room 1 r---_,., 537 6066 GORHAM STERIJNG er S395 IDcludee utU NEWPORT BE:ACH -~ . b th 1 10 down or ..._ In grammahcaJ to.acc:w n La 2·bed.room 2~·bath.l I dealt btvluelry enaec• uh•bo•ver. lerMt -umable I at I aCl•, or typovrapb~eaJ CUST,. .. BUILT __ .... SllVER ., • .,.. . ,,.._ 551-4255 ew&, loh _ _.._... A ~-· I 9 Q TO ,..._. -'1 I 1974 JENS£N lntercep tor Coupe WaQntbcent ahape S-4 000 mJI" de.p blue eaiMtor wtth bei'jle leerhe1 1nteuor S8 900 Call 955 149 1 day., 646 4 137 ev .. '-~tot • _. Scal.t E~qht 6-psece 633-0-450dey. U.P9Jeowu y.._,. •-11111-b od h vwoer wu ln9 o enon 111 any adver ded bar l ahaped dlllner Mthnqa eight 4 abl~ now S895 par • Wnna.t-• & j lw mu,c ~pa ce h.nance balance prUI-1 t.-meota publt.ebed 1n 4' a7 eocloeed cue 6or p•ec• lunch Mrthnga. RESPONSIBLE ROOW mODth 640-5324 OR EICBRGE I S leo'ooo •;P (~rl'l r c•~l•• only 1213) tbe Cout Med1a N-• NASERATI t_..., gale. maboqan, plua 8 each aJI otber MATE wanted S280 RESPONSIBL£ ,_,ale 544-4262 1 3712965 : Gro~ MASERAn 1982 ormtca lop SJSO place Mtllogt. ph.11 1 or month bm Lut C1ean. SIVACAnOJt !w1tb q needa 1-bed "+FR +POOL fOR SAU: Ttm•hare JJttPS. CARS. PICIC 0 u a I r <~ 760 8 160 1 mor• each MrVUIQ qu~et, male 6w\ele Call RENTALS 100111 apartmentj pl6ce -. condomuuum Av&l I UPS from '-35 Avau Porte Muat aell 8 500 NEVER USED' Bunlta p1ec .. Totall91p.ecee ~~;g.numbu kl~ 'toah&JeuptoS37Splua +1-IDR.MAPT 1ableanywhMa1.11worKi able at local Govern mtlea s-49.000 Oflera S200 0uM11 bedroom S l 4 000 5-48-91 49 p > • .. RATES REDUCED : utUitJ•. Call toUb• Eacepltooal c;~lom RealtOoable, make otfer meot AuctiOOI fot wul ba OOOitdered S-540 Sola bed S l70 Muat Mil never uaed •Ad n ta"~7 Palm Spn091 L~ry oumber J.8()().SJ2. bu1lt with Toe-. fru1t 4939612,byownel d~.rectocy. call 1805) (1015548) PP. 17141 Mattr-bo11 apnnc.Ja Pnvate party 1•av• wale condo Availab.le Labor 3972 .. k IOI Penny tr-. dog rWI ond oH t 1 Bl.OCK TO BEACH 687-sooO. nt 2234 963-8855 or !7 14) S-49 tw10 S80 lull 190 I ROOMMATE WANTID D~..Uod Fully fw-MVer,Adwatcb W1J92 ah .. t parla.og All lor Sl5,000 down Beau-Call reJundable 9406 q-.n SIJO Ron T10 CAR COVDI lor -Non-cmobr, fem ale. n , I bedroom, S3.20,000 Ruth Lawta I ltful 3 bed.rOOIII 2 bath CEDES IENZ 0901 Pone:· be 356 p1ua other 21 .30 to ahare 3-1 aleepe low Tenru.. WANTED TO RENT J-4 Realtor, 646 4380 condo ANum~• b II AUTOS FOR MER m~all Ponc.he part. bedroom 2-betb ho~. 1 8WlllllJIU19, IVUUI I bedroom ho.-661 2850 So-n 4 nanctnQ Sl40,000 1980 300 SO Merced•• Tw1n bed Wltb burlt·•n N&aJon Vteto Pnvat• I Available wMirend-. 7768• eYen~nga bedroom, 3 bath. 1M Cha.rter lle.Jt & tn ..... t SALE Beru Showtoom cond• TELEVISIOKS drawera. •WID9 ma yard tacuzzl S350 etd-k .or longer Pet en Woodttde 1r . 496 tf122 Aak ~~~mifi=====1 110ft. 33,000 m•l-extra .3 I cbme. lkllll and boob monthly plua I 2 I Ierma. Call after 6 p ftl 1 VIne Cuetoe d~cor ' ~:j: or Fr~nk ten.k. Becker AM FM STEBEOS Po11able aereo. wn utlltt~859-0495 evea s.57668or846-3188 17R.EALEITATE landac4tpi11Q, lp& COlD atereo. ahea~lon aeata brella floor lamp UIOI , .. A G N J F 1 C EN T munlly pool Jacuu1 Tl( 'fWW ~ champagne color Puel STEREO nD: BEST Mdntcah component~ JBL eepaa'-ra. Micro t.untable 15.!00 beet U.r Call toUtr .. number I 800 532 3972 aak lor Penoyu-. "' Arlwetch M8l08 S800 COWPLETI Allee t..~ Root lpeU&rll 1250 each UCIIII•.nt oondlttne Dual tum table. S50 Sherwood 1~1ver 1 90 Wtll dMI 857 4198 551 6386 53APAilTIIEICTS Selling Your Cat? Emerald Bay hiUtop and ten~ 731-08e8 17 REAL ESTATE ~,;s• 125900 552 r...--..M C.all ClAssified Dl&nalOII Paooranuc BY OWNER-S•criboel WAJfTEf>/ * 1971 *'c.cla tlftl 6(X) 4- v....-vAn oc.aJ~ Vl-• tiuouohout Wuat eeJI rlua week' rw-.a-.,£ Mol Sed~~! ue.not 1976 280 SEDAN Open Door' 88.000 Ctrcul•tlon 67 J 0550 UNlOUE APART 6 73·0 550 Pool. •P41-tropcalland S..utuul 3 bedroom/2 ~~ .. OWft d Wdlle tttlflCW W h 1 e WENTS aod tow~ ~Pln9 Back» omto lr bath home 1n qwet WUJ. TiADt $50,000 u tertoc blue tnlenor w1th catb.edJaJ ceU.uoga. SUNNY mO\I.IIt&UI vace 'll1le Ranch Very pr1 ne~~;~hbc:.bocd, laOilD I equ.ity Ill lmn. town-to.Pett d r ... ltOf ,.,y clean new rad1aJ luepla~ _, be.-., eu tWX~ Big 8ea.r cebLD 2 v•• No down. owner ta1n and 11i9hl ocean home. pnoed at S l&7.-(S.17~) hr .. mecbanJcally •• I CODdttiOIUDIJ, poo... bed.roce . plua loh d-.perate to Mil Wul vtew balmy Dena Po.ot 000, lor quality RoUe celleot Nuat •II Days u~na.. 9,., t-.il Sieepe 9 ~ par ruQhl trade dowD b N-port S 129,000 Ca.ll Wik.e lor Ro~e or Werc::.dee * 19&6 Mitt* leftl iX) 4-955 Cle23 •v• -•k I oou..na lm..dtate avat.l S70 relu~ MCUrtty Bead~ property Owu.r. appotlllmeAI, 4a3 8539 lea.&. 731 5331 1k1of S. UltfiOI dwl endl 559-9362 Bill I abM I bed~ aod depo.l C.U 8e1.Uada at I (71 4) 848-0802, l ... w home, or work 49-4 FOR TMDEt SAl.E ~ _,.. -~ $1Mt $101 1960 190 SL Beet d-. I been-. 2 bed· 834-14:14,8·30-lpiD 'ID-Qe 65-45 OPTION -WVWI• (S.Olll) NIUUIWIJ "'oc $6.500 room 2 betb toWD-LAIE AMOWH'EAD 2 BY OWNER -Approm FIXE.R-UPP!J\. Dena Beach boaie 4 bed· (kluy 1t) PP. Dave, daya I '-'--Sony DO Ji:'' etowy new 4·bed.rooaa mately 3,500 ~ h Pol.nt o..., W.r1na 2 room .. 3 betba, llpec> ~ 873 .lOll ~~. w!:';r7 80~ pl~ loft, 2 bet b. l cuatom hot• propeTty bedroom lhteplace taoular beach ud Cata- -....-lueplaoee. 2 ba.loolU•. on I I ecre w1IA Vl-hardwood floo.ra. be.m b.na vt.-wt Walk to town ~ 1979 WBZ 300 SO UNDLORDS Fr• cethedral ceii.IJIQ, colar behUid :14-bow vu.arded ed c:•lllf19, ~~-cedar ud beach 85S-Oe17, ., .em •,...o.rz-lvoryl taboo. •~roof I edvwrtlt&l.D91 LIM rer~ta.le TV !....,_ 14 North COCD.IDwUiy Pool, t.n-aidtnQ $119.000 544-2170,owo• • ,._ ,_,... n-h r-. ce. ... tta. '83 PORSCH£ I %5 -II ,l New P'\1' I trp•" he-'\dltnf'r .,. .. ••} "' •lropptnQ c; •1 ... t 1 "' dnd <!o.ol.d \5 lV hrm •q28H8W l'f /I ,. 821 66.36 1982 PORsr·m ?1. ~ Tdrgt~ L. ,fi, .. t 4t11J mile• hr.. S l .!CIO Sl4'11!0 $.J,l qqy I ~.,.,,, olt•r 171 4l BW/ I J.b l ,, 1213l 881Qic;C.. ROUSROYCE rt lRN1• HF. Conv•rtohl,. maqnol,,l I "' rr.tl"' d,q,r .. J d' '• ., ., .. r.. s,.,. If,., l'r 12131 S56 H 1.' JUNE 14t1 ! C::li i.'Fr. Wrdtlh B tt 1 u ly tan mmt nrlt•• PP 21 J 654 c; )1(1 1961 SILVER l.l f'UI m G.~ .. • ,. ''" ., whtr .. RH( AM fM H "·'' lr Ill M...... ltf'J Ct~ll ) om-[lit • PF' (512) 896 800lJ 1971 WHITt C"'"" h" ConvetiJbl,. Elf' '"''f '" mtnl cnndtlt ,,, R u• ' f po11untty "1'1" •••• .. t '1o.ooo s .. n sse; oot Avatl(lble lmo\nc•n·l (63 I PVlC PP 71 4 and r.._.. q\&&liliad Sbcwe U&st weelleod, Dla, .ncloeed equ•t.rten OwneT 496 5287. WDJ. TIADI HOUSE ()pea: Moa..S. 9 A.ll,, P II 1roe-PP, !7 I 4) 557 I calla' AAA Reot.a.l Leal SJQS/wMk $5851 1 ceotet . 3!J eU.. to L..A 0~ D.,. ........ llll ... • .... _ .... ~====l2=a=II.=·S:::":::,I051. Won Fn. 8 5 p m 1962 SILV F R 1 'LC •UTt I ~ Orant, C-·-ty'a --tltt ... _,-.L--1 or N•-..-t D---b '-'""Ln """r•llft lll ru-... Ouoce -,.. 76(1()(' "11~ lll ..,..... -"' 66-GD.J -..-.. .,..... ._ lagi.Uia &e.cll 2·bed .., .. b t.c.aela 0 ta.J19e M£RCfDES BENZ pow•r •t-rmq 51 WART TO 0 deer ud U9eet rental n c;eted OD top of bill with tOOftl , 2 b•th. Qf .. l Cou.aty 1734-8S87 IMW 1978, 450 Sl:L Brown b I It k .. ... ',, f • w. OY •rVK:e 973-8315 l.AUAl HAWA 4 obeafvatl.oll ba.looniee ocean v1•w Two bloc.. brow11. I•Ptut~ cond 522 900 rCNC'i\ pp 759 1 )97 lBN PDSOMAL COM PU1'ER or Apple 2 llnd l pn11t•• N UJ&t •II 673-74~ I WHY PAY WOllE! Now Studio oondo, SJS aunOIIAded by beeutiNI ir<~~~~ beaclt.A9Ut.4SM-1880 3.20S CLASSIC, hke n-Only 45000 f7141 5718!t-17 "Jll WANTED O LD GUNS reoHng Hunltf19lon DIQbtly Oceufront. cuatODI hom• ln pr•tt 4748,678 2ll2 10 IIOID.E JDID ..,., option available mllee S25.000 !482 I 0204 268 I I ,,q uO... •hniQ~¥~• pod·et I Granede Apartmeuta. I fantut~ •• 1~5-: By qtoue Dt.amood Bar PRICE REDUCED WOBD.E HOW! -ID R.ca.ro ..... limit«! WDDl pp (714) ~5 watch-aulttary Pnme O&Jdeo apart I owa•. o;;o.,. 6 "' _ arM s-453,000 Owner Coay 3 bedrOOlll In SaD Newport hl!J Wlth Ea· production •od•l. -0745 979 9032 1968 CONVF.RTIBU twordl S.r-.a collec mentl near bea.ch U'l o rTOBERI'EST In Big II ~-t Call (71 4) Juen Cap~etreno t...rge pando A p&Jk 1 15,000 Itt• ud br~C.ll 198_1. JOOD Darlr ~~c:~·-:'~tlX I ~·,a,·;;~ tor ~v-.en• than Hu.ni1J191on Beacba S..r 7 IWI weauDda 598 721 Brobn In y_ard wttb briCk paHo W11ll 11.000 clowA. ly 873-8UI8. 731 blue/~ue lBt•ior $34500 c .. u 171 j l •oydeelel 581-8870 I o-aod two-bacb'~ Coedo av•il&ble Low vtted _ __ One mile to Oobeoy OW'D• Luge lot (714) Ur78 IIIWW 733l Stick AW I F'W c-tt• low 3 4 7-4339 WANTED USID ~ •part-t• boto S42S rat• 788 7343 B .. cbt Oana Poiat S48-5128 eMit. 87.000 ..U... mU.. IWlroot t11ll ' '714)847-8064 ----d uadet wanun Cell n1tw• II'IOd«D a. --eaHOUSESFOR 1 wartn.al bi.btr•tl Now SALE 0 1 TIADE by vreet con IIIOD hq u• ftetrtq.eton FOR RENT I bed -$115.900 OWC 2nd 0 -•· 1~78 Putago 1 1&,500 tum PP. 738-Danel 759 I U ESTATE SECOND waebeu dryer• wotlr r~ hawy eepetate HOUSING? SALE Owoer will cany reD eobO. holM Looeted 435e 1982 3000-nJRIO KAHD JEWD.Jrr artd hn9 Lee oue~t •part-t LD ... 1 Olau 493 &080 Raac:t.o Nuaq.. Ntce l978 BWW 3201 auver blue metal etet1~ flat-ware c:o.tt l s;S7~;'; g_!Me ud wood home READ JUST BNNG IN AN owner aqenl weebttd vetaway Aathl.ate betQe alr, lic:'blue S R. ortbo m~~eh '-at le11rw,·a. u .. ol•1111•. 'P& pat10 OFFEJ\, bec:auae Mll•r 'TRAaJCO CANYON 855-0533 Bl&upu.akt at«eo/ ..... rear b.ad-. lac 2l0 E 17th St Coeta WANTED Furruture w.uh. dryet lnd\lded THE UDdefttaDda today'• cuatom home· A beeu c: .... te Eac:ell•t tcwy ..... Wutt MJl PP w-. 845 8585 "PPI"'nc-lreb,q.,. S750 moatllly l block» 1\.! ftlatUt H&.a otbet tllul J.bed.room, -r ~..t500 Hwry, •'* ..01 (114) 731-Cl02 lAOII.S DIAWONO •tor• wuh•a dryert •o OCM.D. W9'J-na CLASSit-lt:DS obli9a~ to m-t and O wur IIIOVIn9 out MJOATII (G:)5 WRI) 557-1220, INS 300 SE CONVtR R£ 0.... TVt WUtbDO Dl>D B.vh A•ai.lable Oct wut• to •II quJc:::ldy 3-Muat .. u Low dowo Wftllrt'III.-JIEinMII'M'9 ellt l27, 8443001S TIILI _ !Jrtreordin.a.ry 90(JfAJ 1 -.ll1nq p1e001 en I &,own• 497..e2.10 bttdrOOID , H. batb, Eaav Ierma S1Si,OOO .,.-.v Rae: ~r•t r·~ ltq~-tAb I 1-wNtura fCIOa lor RV Very --· Coet ... pclf•ry bl'l'llllt-13' iOitON WHALIR 19'79 733J -su ... , oondltlcD' .,., 15000 Tr lor ~AS (714l 957 UHOUSESFOR IIHOUSE8FOR and d •n S.ll•t wtU meet•lftc .5SI 1600 -40 ~-Wer· bJack llltenor Se.ll1DQ :a~ en9W~~j'tn cer pte~ 17141 8133 eat r SALE c arry fiDaDclnQ C\llY, \&llc»t Wan&Aty S17.500 Call ~ 150 5193 ~ 1 134.900 Cuoo R! WOODBRIDGE LAIE Witch. 548--9001 0928, 559-47U (577 r&dlaJ' 110 leather 1978 ROLl.'\ ROYt £ Sedan Lt~e rew 2fl (lO(" mil.. 0716AU. $49 988 A•& I· r '.!try Rancch R V l t I I Travelanci II~ A /I 4 552 7337 1980 ROUS RO Y<"f Silver Wrdth• IDIS976 W~lnut wtlh tan '"'•""'' 5 500 m•l• h~ new Banlt utfeta 60 ltto•nth IM• at $1 4 50 munth plua ... , .. raa PP .21 ,, 595 555 I I Br,..,o O.C. 11 IUYER OCASHU a ,~ P~!2..ouis. ,lett• Hom• 1 Gar f'l'ONT -Spectaclwar 23&) brown top wtth white u ......_ ,..~~ ..., Co """''' ""''' •deu.•e:J..eec>l 5bedroce, lbeth srJ 414'W1NDROSI1978-t•10t, chaa~ae 1n 'n• .....,.., ..... tn ,, ... 1ry cameoa. viaw hom• by OWTJ•I Wotor, trit, VHP • .J .. pa t•lor PP. t:z5,000 VOLUWAGEN 1-•lry E•cbaf198 l 426 d .. 111ont:t• p<trlume bot OWND BOUGHT ~ •Q•ot Pool/laCNUJ. 5. ttaod-up head room CAI)IIJ.AC 0 80 Alk lor Cary. 1978 SCI ROCCO N•wport II'Yd Coet" tl• dr-... ._ cvt O'IMER KOME Owner ouatom feetut• tluuovt w1tb ~-C.tallA& 1714) 88'7·3528, (213) ~~ buv-1 eod •lie f ot.• MitM •lver. wWI• to c;.erry paper. C•ll tor lnlonn.ettca 011 read..x. A DQ . ~~ l9'79Slt.-~ Dr~IIDL 430-a59. ~ eM::~~~~~ ~·;,: -,._ ,., aM"~' '>tle1!11lll PEIIIIULA ...... EI N•w1y reeodel&d 3 •.-v.m~l. tl.nanct.n.q (1'174174 ) "·eel-. -._.., ........ pitt dentel wetch GAU.EIIY ONt nv. bedrOOIII, lt't-bath IJ)III 17 14) 842 0183 Of !0'7• AU GlASS Cl. 8-trac::k, AWl 1811 liO Sll -UDder w .. k S4.500 ur .,.,., •I r:nt~ nmn 83! !933 494 4444 494 ggee I Prill W•t lay ....... l ...... 2Mitl. I4MU. Oc..n vi-. dar 551-&829 Ca bln Or~. 22' EaoeU• coadlU~ =--~ .. Of~= ~So-8~ 1199TRUI I41 £8TATIIIWIUt., I , ••• HMlbi .. J llltll t1,lll.... h•t ramlly roc. with N ... r UMd 1ell -u e.to.t&Uiad Alk1ao = ..... ~ ooodltion IAU ROOMMATE WANTED -• oklfa&~ttk~Md tb-tpl&oe -----c II I t 0 • W.OOO.Doa.(714)83:f. ~ A'M'lHTlO N vw .... ATOAI..LD'f OWE to .bare 3 bed.roomt l Ocee• uti ;.tty wiRa. ...,.._,..... 4 W. Luge yucl 1 187,!00 81 HOUSES FOB trail• ceavuted. W•· 8882. CUll 281--4830 557~ l. .!.~\ lector• I~ F't~rnJHtotn s..pphiJe ruby op•l ~lh horne 1350 _,.. ,. ft. .,l...... c .. oD Jl E t.tter SALE cuty crW.., Ia/0& 884 YLW -..I... e-........... IUNOQI tNa. r•tored -•ld ung• ltCI'II l lO ly C.U ~ 1838 r-. l a.u.. ), ~ ' .. HoaM I Gerden•. l lO,OOO (714) 544-1858 fl.l)()aAJX) 1e--1'~ ..-.v. whale berauty blec~ ~~~· nl lAde nlethy.t St•v• I Oulatr•t 48$.8801 ....... 4 2 e 2 vtJJe -Wcballk:aD:r 1857 WIZ 2.209 Cor. tllftl se 118 (4~ M)(J) lep11 enri PMII 11ac::k ft()()N)CAT! WANTED E MOIIra orS40-i08i 9QOd.. 9'0C)d u,., all ~-. ~~-btowft 751 3504, Old· W1t. L.cee w1th metch•ao Laury 1~• UDO Ill ~ II HOUSES FOR 1978 PISHUWAH ~ MlriiiQ 12..000/ wttl. kowa t.op ud u2 M F 8 5 bt-leta end earniiQt rowa~ttoca., Wood ,,_ u• ............. I ... -. ., 25'/21' Swordiltlh OK> C.IJ t)l1~ fS33. tete., .u -· 47.000 Ellc:.ph011aJ eque•• brtcfqe liV\DII Pnvate 2 llel1 ,..,_ IAI.E p 1 • 0 It . 814& mU.., U IDP9 INutilul rtneandd~&~aond ·-·'··-.... $400 -th}y ~ l8fll liwtlt r-. ..... COIDIDerclell•erlou• lt?a CADIIJ.AC ,.., ce.r f,Z7,g()()/080 ry AU crr•tly red~~eed C..ll toiUree nw.ber U.H8... lpCll1 ~110 185 bp rib Dt-r.. 9\uuoot.,... 875.ee81 U:JI •• C.......,. I 800 532..1972 .. ldor ~11.'_!!1 P•klu dHeal. reda.r, top. ... til-. 4 1.000 1e10 JOo SEL 83 ....... a..da I p.,.-"~"· Adwetdl -..-a_,. Lotu, Po&ul& VMr ..U.... Wlllt ..c:rUSoe Wh1t eotldltiOD. aJI ~~'il .. ttU W-4"S ~ on.t.S r&dk\ 0\l~•a. rod $1 1,900/oS. Call k)lj. inal 72.000 •11• ~ ._,.,__, t..r~ ~~ S38,M. Ca.ll tf• auabet 1-80().532 ~11,500 C.U no sa HousES roR I sa HousES roR ~~ ~~;! ::;m:-":.1-ece =~ .. cr..='· 1977 '1:!' ~. SA.I.t SALE Ju.u 1"-a...o...aao. Low p e D ·--J. . cu. •••• c.trol CleftttaJ -!'.,_wv Mv• Adw•tdl ~ le7'7CADIUACC.pe ...._ .. ,_ -.oellnt COD ..... •-CllW'MI wtU U181 315' GALAXII cS. VUJ. M.OOO a.a.. ~k,; •U.. ctulea ..... ._ ~ IOAT -230 In>. c::::IM¥ N-'*"'" tit• Ia· cc.boL AWI PW .m.o IOU1"88IDCB roa.t ~ Ot.tc out> = C•ll~ O.UIS710?a,daf'&. .n ~U'::r.Cilttr~ .... ._ l~:ta • AUTOS FOR ••4». ~~ ota. ... 3173. .-tor ,._, 1ALE baa t iO,OOOI .. CaJa •v.Mw~ 111!1121 to&Mr.. ..... l.IOC). I3Wir12. ... .. p • • a_-.Y . • --Ad ..... lttl4eG .AimQUE/ a...USCCARI ' Dl 1 • 1 ""' ~lw, <..orono~ del ""'" 6 7 J 0~~0 lWEfll bWHK.._ l1WHKS ;'f) W f£1(<, C.,)Wf(l(<' ...., __ , __ Sl24~h,.,. 99 pet h .... 119 per h .... 79p .. l~ 66 per ·~ .. ~YCLA ..... f l( .... ~.wu~~.~ l 111\/(f .. ~ .~,wu .. ~ '>.'WHKS ' ·"II ~ ~. ... £! .... • ""f r .. " . -~ $12 95 10 46 1020 940 8 50 • ~· '(II 0 """' ::u 10 "->DISCOuNT 10.., DISCOUNT , ......... . . . . . .......... --....... -. .. . --.... ------.. .. .. . ... . ... . ., Classified )ull compute your own and drop It In the mall. ,~., ... t'IU " I • ... l rut......., • •• ""~• • • \ \IISAH ,,., , .. ........ ,..,., •" ....... '" ,.. i (l) (6) (Q) (12) (1~) (18) l 121) 124) 1271 I 1)0) (.}.}) (.}6) •D IAOLINI .._ ·A'h ' l f IT" , ... ~t.eoct 'ttpl•• ,.t ... ••• th• .. "'. •• i:h~~9 , ..... A •••• '••1 -t .,1 ... ,., •. ,, .,. ', • .d '" ,~ ... ....,. lAI.lfA ,,,.,..,.,.., •r J C6-ra fltl •ta ,....,, . .. HOUSES FOR 1 .. HOUSII roi r .. HOUSES FOA IALE IAJ.I! Jl_ -_SALE...;..._ __ _ LAGUNA IIACH -· -..u .. , - .. ., .. , __ ... "" ........ ""_..._ .. ~ ... -...... -.. s-. .. Ill_ ... ,_., ~ "-'_,.....,.._ ----""'"«>--...... -•• , ............ _.,. ...... ,.... .., ......... ~ ........ \ '... . • • .. '"• n.•ujCIJt •<w W1 .. uhy. IIJ' b• L I .... 1. 29 SMOWMOUtiS ~v· ThurscJ~y .., .. tOINII Frlddy .,_ .. U ... Saturo.ty t2...,_ .. 11 ... • ~. Savtng Show lpeeW. Sunclay 12 ............ C~ E.,ty Sr~y L~te • '"",..,... Modlll ~ • Co'"ntl .......... Modulet AIR CONDITIONED • Interior "oom ~.... McNM v-... ••••oe.u (714,......00 HOUSING SUPPLIES? Off to d Good Star I fh~ C lcH.,tlr d Wd'l 6 73 0550 I ACOUITJCAL CIII.1MGI CRAJG"S SPRAYED Aco..tlc41 Ce111D9a Re aua Very rM8011&ble r ,.. ..tliDat• 1714 S26-7:zg() ADOJnONS •REMOODJNG llDIODII.JRO IPICWIIT 1 Ouahty craft.marutup I Refereooee Tollem Co ..._,_ IU-lS71 ARClDTECTS ROCODEUNG? O.Srqo and worluno drawrno• prepa red by prolea 11ona l &45 0106 ASPKAl. T St:AL COATING/ DRIVEWAYS ASPHALT REP Am S..k:oahnq • Stnpplllq Commere••ll"-deatl411 ''" E.a1 Lre 397362 MS-1111 ALLSTATE PAVING CO. .._Vf'YIVCS/ FIIRIII SAU. T'l UAUTY NOOK. 188 £ 17tll St. eo... w... P'wlUMata tr~ 11 1.!0 up Tiatmo1 S8 00 up SbmJICIO ua ... , S4 SO FrCIIli.IIO. l 1l00 up~ • S3 50 64~7842 HERE'S HOW TO WIN: U you con Unci yow name prec:ect.d by two stars • • aomewh.ere in The Newpott E.n.aJgn. ln1~ Todoy and Ce»ta Jlrffta N•w. c:lauUied wtloaa. you~ WOG TWO FREE ncuts. Calii13-0s.50 to claim yow pri&e. CARPDITRY FINISH CARPET IRITALLATIOM BILL'S CAJlPET SERV ICE la.ta.lletioo ud r~ Qwility-lr..at t.u pnoa Call Bill at 58~ !5826 -ID9s MOBn. AUTO o.tallu~Q Special -$45 You haD• or ott;c. Can· plete IDI.-.oJ aDd Q tenor w.-.... pol l&h Boat det &l..l.ua9 avail able C.U 24 ho~n. 631 4267 CONSTRUCfJON ROOW A.DDmONS - Remod.l.&Dq ud MW llec::tneal. phuabLDQ A.Dd 110lar eontraclon Ll.c-..d (41981~). lO ,..,.., 100~ llAUDiAQ l.o.l G.-Coutr Co , (71 4) 528-8:281 FUJOOTURE REPAIR• RESTOR£ MARINE SUPPLIES? read Classilied PAIH1'1NG -CAJlPIN-TRY bat•a. lat--G~a&raat..t W~Xk. ,.._. ~ &.. .... ,_ ~Haak. BOUIE QIIUIIIIG . . ' I.O"'MIYB FOI TOUR SAFETY .ad -.curity, -llllltalJ aDdd r•k.., or repair all Loclt. We ~ car .. tac... ud ~ !~aDded. 548-7638 C.J.JOBOII .. ...., CYitca bridr ud etoDe .me. 1953. La~ 1388921 Beaded -.11. IIIRROR WIBROR BRLUS En I.Arqe room• otfiC" whatever' wuh mu ror ADy wall 8'al2' I 4 pt.te l398 rn.t•lled Al.IIO .sand&zd tub ahow •• enc:loe\lr• .pec.al lUUUauona at only 1110 LDAt.l.led. and wardrobe doon 531 6JOO JIM•co. PADfTIMG • mtenor • &atenor 18 ,_" PrM a.11mat .. U~UII I PET CAUl GBOOIIIIIG • 'DIAL A GBOO W Noble Pet Grooawt~ · • ID ow vaa. at yow b.oae He&ltla O.pt cer illW (714) 53!5-34~ PUI1'!IUIIG AU. I'HAS!S ol PLAS- TERING R.~tuc:oo, t-.tut.ov. llltenor /g . terior petc:bwork. Room edditt.oM aad cuat~ bam• ,,.. •hmate Lie: 388781 John 960-378& PLUIIIIRG UPIRT TREE S!RV ICl TrM u..ci shrub trunmmq and removal Yard cleanup frM "" turuat• Call 963-5982 RON'S TREE SERVICE -T•i..ai.JaiD9. t= abapUIQ, t:r.. ,_ etu.mp r-.oval T&Jd cl.a.Jallp Uc.-...d ud llWIIIed Ou.al.lty ~ Fr• ..tm~at• 646-5394 EXCEllEHJ' TYPING SANCHEZ PW'N!l)«; SERvtC! aY&i.IAhM -Reodeonal eom-PlciNp aDd d.ehwry o.al Speaa!w119 111 Newpon &..cll .ad lr· copper rep1pe an.ci r• YlM .,..._ ~ 7104, ~u• ~ l.aCM~M No call aftc 12 DOOIL 360997 Call lor tr.. TYPING SlllV1CE MtiJDat• 642-3394 Dep.adalMe ud aoc:a- IIUU'IIn llOOTD I rata Bum-ud Ora~a Service .dlool papen. Notary Up to I yMr wananly Pubbc: 1..-.w. Call rat• (714) 646-78S:2 77'0-467'0 POOLS/ UUIUI/ BOT TUII/IPAI ZZE'I POOL llllVJCE. Compl•• mahat-oe and repeu E.aoelleDt rehable wor~ Low pr~Cet Own• oper a ted C.U 8J I -5725 BOOFDIG srn..JQRTI SIYLJGHTS SAVE ENERGY AU wotk queraateed 0~-day !MtaO.Ua11 w .. -c ..... .._ ('714) ... 1731 ---. Up to SOC oa mat•u Fr• - balat• South Paurte u~.,. L.c.Jwaa H.IDI. '768-900i -· -- SOUSSAM onauoas AA~toMocMn Up to 50~ oH all .cin!Qner la.bnce al.o u~llolatered w.U. ~Aaraateed ~rot~J work ,.. PIC:k·UJ) • <Mb .. TY (714)957.0121 WAIJ.PAPUIIIO AlmLIIUGIC Pro' 1 -.1 ..up.p. ~ r---..bM rat• aad ~~ rr .. .timet-S.tJdlc. Of tloa flll&l&ataed •oa.., a.h..tully r• twaded (714) !32-3128 or (71 4) &31 -5988 WJIU)()W CJ.IAIOitG WlMDOWS SPAU UNG C1..£AN -A .... eq• 2«orr S3i !I 5-1 7 wl'lldowt) S 15 IIWII· IDID Sc:J-I.DC:hadecl. I Phon• •taat• ..._ lraa. 545 3158 WlHOOW WASKlNG Ql.laLI'f worlr. ,_n I a.bl• ra-C..ll s- Tlanr Wtndow C'-runQ 714) 847 5355 8 • m to 6p 1ft WINDOW W ASHIHG ~ SD 'I'IC't • REP AIR Van Oppene S.rv1ce Co Owll• operaMd I do aU work m-,.lt Wua dowe •' tpeeialty AMo oomp~ 'tcwecl-.a lll9 Call 0.~ lc*rt 646-7281 !11 4)13f-4111 l nu: l mnALLAnoM DYMANJC CERAMIC ttle !Malla tiOD 1.11tet IOf m•10r and r• J>lllf~ 1rM ..tu:aat• cPurc:a-.u ••t•~al tluCNQh me Up to 40 dlilooiiDI ) Hoa..t WOflr. 9&4 !1041 cusrow TtU woRE• ---- wuroow TlWTtWO RH,dent,.JICo•m•rcoal andd •ulo s.,. mon.y a.n.ci enercpr G I L DfTUPJUSts W-lut AU tn-\Uiali.tlaU -17.~~~b4~: •pecu11111D9 •• r• I i •ode.liaq kite._. .. d bat,. Q14ahty -lraaa """' ,,.. ... .. ,. R.t.r•e. Ron (714) ·~ ............. ., .• ,,_,.l.l_!M..,.._ ...... "IUJND ~ IUJNQ Dal.AR ~ IXxl.AR ThiS Is SriLL lHE BEST LUXURY CAR IN ThE~~' XJ& Series Ill TOWN & COUNTRY MAGAZINE ; The fantastic new improved Jaguar XJ6 Series Ill now in stock. Tremendous selection of all best colors. Why spend thousands more on a gasoline powered Mercedes when you can buy a new Jaguar for a little more than a comparably equipped Cadillac Seville. Drive one today-you will be Impressed. Ne c 1980 Suzuki SSO Motorc,d• 3TS6l0 S 1995 1973 (he, Laguna JJI...,B ......... '2495 1978 Renault LeC.ar ............. '2885 1978 Ford Granada .. "IA ....... •1!.8 1977 Ford Maverick uJnP . . . . . •liiS 1978 Ford Pinto •••"•· .......... '2885 1972 Chrysler Newport ezaEH ..... ' .. I ..... ~ 1975 Chev Malibu 777'u . . . . . . . • . • • • 1976 Datsun 210 ~ . . . . .... 'U•1il 1975 .~ord Torino Elite wro' ... '2885 1973 To~. Corona Mk U W JFP ... '2485 1976 Daisun 210 MI.'IOH . . . . • . '2885 1975 Ford Mustang :la\U't ........ ·~ 1977 Ford T Bird r.l,\t. . ' • • 1977 Triumph TR7REDTR7 1978 Mazda GLC '"'Ja .......... '3485 1977 Che,· Caprice W gn. •11~•' ... '3485 1978 Ford Pinto W gn. • ,waa ..... '3 1977 Buick Skylark JJ711XJ ....•... ,--...~.~ 1977 Ford Mustang s1n~' ........ • 85 1978 Datsun 200SX nun ........ •a 1978 Ford Fairmont •s•\~•-....... '3885 197 6 vw Bug ~'a' .............. •aees 1977 Datsun 8210 Pu-. .. .. . . . .. . .. '2 1977 Ford Mustang MSPU ........ 'M We have available two ex-factory demonstrators at super bargain prices. rly I rsAt tyUse .~ 1980 Che" Chel'ette 1\ u.12 . . . . . . . ~ 1978 Chev Malibu z ... M, .......... '4485 1977 MGB ;,,soot .................. '4485 1979 Honda Civic lJii'Ptt .......... '44tt5 1978 MGB l:t'\tJt .................. '4 1979 MG Midget .... vz ........... '4: .. D 1967 Jaguar 420 ... \w ........... '3 1979 Toyota PU 1.).)791.) .....•..•... •«Ga 1979 Chev Chevette •••LAH ........ •a-lii 1979 Ply Arrow Sport Truck . . . . t~llnr 1977 Che' Camaro 71.,\f"/ ......... • • 1980 Ford Courier 1\tl!%7 ..•..... '4 1977 Honda Accord •o~\S72 ....... '441N5 1975 VW LeGrande Bug r.-n ..... •a 1978 Buick Rega1 .. 2\4(, ......... •seta& 1979 Honda Aceord :•zXJr . . . . . . . . 'S 7N 1979 Pont Grand Prix I.).)HD ..... '4886 1980 Mere Capri Hatch •*•· ... '4 .. 5 1980 Buick Reaal Ltd. 115ZC0 85995 1981 v PU Dieselsx.-. ........ •s 1980 Buick Skylark (»\ ......... .. 1980 Ford Granada ............ ~~~~~ 78 Buick pt Cpe Turbo en-.K .. . 1980 Cbe" Citation 931\nt ........ . 1980 Fiat Xl19 aw;ait ........... . 1980 Honda Accord aa.m ........ -.aes 1981 Buick Skylark 1.szrJ ....... . 1980 Pont Firebird os ........... . 1979 Honda Prelude ZMX\'t ....... -.a85 1980 Chrys Cordoba Jt9zoz ........ •sees 1979 Honda Prelude 44'Xlll: ....... '8NS 1979 Datsun 280ZX •••m ........ '7885 1981 Buiek ~ os ........... '7 1977 Ponche 924 asnJH .......... '7 1979 Buiek Riviera ssauc ........ . 1979 Buick Riviera sewH ........ . 1981 Pont Firebird •<n•u ....... . 1981 Buick Repla-..7 ......... . 197 4 Merceclea 4SOSE su Y AL 89995 1980 Buiek Riviera ''" . .. . .. .. 'I 1981 Muda RX7 ••wt~w .......... ~m!l 1980 VW Camper lASa7s ....... 'I 1978 Jaguar XJ6 929YIIA . . . . . . . . 'JJ t 79 Jaguar XJ6 Ser 0 t.SHT .... '15, Corona del Mor 3 and 2 bedroom, 3 baths and 3 fireploc•. Good Income. Owner will corry. Submit oil offers. Only $274,900.760-8333. T ICT Sharp lroodmoor Plan 7, 4 bedroOm. lirM bonus room. lower level master suite, lush atrium. Low maintenance yard. $199,500. 760..a333. is yours in fashionable Seaview.leautlfully maintained 4- bedroom New Iedford model. Prolesslonolly clecorcat.d and landscaped. Quality upgraded throughou1. Private spa. birch patio. An excellent value at $365,000. 760-1333. ~ .. LDATYOU. from this outatOndlng Spygloas Home overlooking the harbor, city and oceon. 5 bedrooms, fom61y room. format dining. leoutlfully decorated. Spacious rooms. All amenities for tuxur.uus living. $795,500. 760-8333. .{~ s.,u •• 1,1912 .... ~Firs.,. 3 caress you in this attractive ~-bedroom Meso Bluffs home. 2.~ sq. h . of living. 3 baths. OWC 2nd or AlTO. Be cr.ative. Must be sold. Priced at $235,000. 760.8333. OCIAN DUPLIX ~oom. 2-both home with 2-bedroom aportment. Extra-large master bedroom with fireplace and Iorge deck. Steps to beach. Gr.at summer-winter rental ar .. a . Reduced to $379,500. 675-6670. f CT ST ARTIR HOME Lovely Eostslde Coata Meso 3-bedroom. 2-both with spa. Pleoaont rear yard. Tr .. ·llned str .. t. Easy terms. $195,000. 675-6670. AUTY VIew of goN cour" and night lights from extro-lorge custom·••~• cui-de-soc lot. • bedrooms. formal din\ng. 3· car garage. Submit on financing. Asking $795,000. 760. 8333. • 2818 Newport Bou .. vard ~ort Beldl. CA 82863 a note from Maury • 38edrooms • 3 Baths • Formal Dining • 2 Areplaces • Hardwood Floor • Beam ceiling • SumyPotto • Private Pool • VeryShort Wolti.ToOcean • • • 1,. • _."" 1' · .@ J ..., 11 n F ~ H ; ~ 1 §' ~ u r 1 r; ~ rr ~ l ~. j.m r•l! 1: -~ • ;a~ :. ~ ~ ~ 1 J:. §-! • I i I $ §! s t i ~o :r ·~l, 1, !! i' -~ f!.... · ~~ • e ~ 1 ~: ~ l: 1!. 5 ..r ~ l: .... 1 h • -~ .-: ·15 · I ~. : ~ , 1' .. I ll_:, .I .11 &· •• : •·· is. 1"-~ . -:.• • .-.......,..- ~ "J I f'J·(I ·. :-!• ~,, . •.f .. j . I ~::.1·.·1 ·.••• i'l~·~·~·~·· -~• .......... ·..a... l w;;tr~ ~~ ~· I . I a It' I -. . . , ); -~ I • J . L-r ' •. ,.., . ' ~~~ . ~ .;lli ~~-:1 : ' i ;I ', \ • ;,1 j i~:-. .;!, &'rl . ·J: ~., ·~. . I ; •:!: T-~~· J ;-1 ·~·,.f't ~•il:.j~ ff:,· .. 1. ~i ~!~~ !fJ .' is . .-. I ~ ~= I' f1 · :II tf l'f.l J~ fd !"! j f.;.'.. 1J ! i~ I !~ .,, . ·.Jl J r--f: ...... R-... r ~ r • ~ r I J i . I ., I -. ---n a-5 1 n ·-~~ '"d J .~ 1 ·s.~ r !151'-• ,.. 1 .. r ., .. w . • . ..., . '11~1 11'U1Jfj .• ,. ·1~!~1·~. UJ.IIf ~~'rtlr :blf)'~· .· ·lsr•U· , '•liit:fl ~il r·f:ft:•!~•JI"J -1 ·1 ·1 ·1· I ·1 1' ji.J ·~ a•' ,. ,, 'I· ·. :< .~ ·r'.l'r:l·h: . ··. 1:• ' · f I . •s · . 1 · I · · • · S ·:} · bulfnl,IIJ,:rhll ~olll ~·.r-o .a ~r ~~~2 ·' . 81< . ~: ·~ ~-~z *-~ .. §-. •• '!a o:~Q ---i~.~ot ~ -:~2 -~- I fof,i ·ff:tl~·l sf,:. ·~1.· : .. ~'fiJ .. ~~ . t.& ~ .··. ,J IJ . •2-1~r .-=· If ~! : •. }J:. ·.-1 ,.._ •· ..1.-~ jl .. 1 I • ~....... d,_ J. I~ ~ ~ l ' s: ii1 i .. 1'·i·1·l'l rd,.. ·-· :iiitJ z ~-.~ ... B o~ c ... ~. () -·Z G) • • • ... f\11 ... 1M bell... .... ... ... Pl'l.lll f ..... martnot ... u ................... ,....,.,.. ... " _ ............. ...., ...... , .... .... -... 0.:..,. ~ ... -0:11 ... wtiMf ..... . .......... ,... ... 14)1. aw~• WAill oun ....... lallloo.., ..... --.c.cJ t50.0001 Uft. ,..u .......... OCMft ....... ----.ooo Try m ... • ... • euuy ... , .. .......... 011 ... )434 ..... Mt; .t .... , ........... C... IS ............ ... ...-• ._.,,.,,, _. .-canltt .... ,, .. I'\IMiftt ........... -. ....... IM:Wt -· ................... p lll .,.,.,. .... c.. ........... )Ql CECELIA ITIEM M.4t TOR--ASSOCIA Tf ........... ._ .. (._, Ofta It a UJ I._.._ 0.... /1114 ~-- ACH 200 YAIIDS II NORTH LAGUNA ~ ..... ,_,_., view I Eorty Cont. Spont.h. 2 bedroom l 'lt botha. hQ,dwood ftoora. french doora. formol dining. fireplace. n.- country kitchen. view deck. lovely decor. unlimited elCponslon oreo ond ouumoble 1 2% loon. New Hating ~7 .000. f , .... ' .. - IAIYlOIMOW AGINfa MILUI4M 4674 0114~7551 IALIOA IAICIIY 301Mcllnlt..la•oa Just steps to the famous ''Pavtlon" en the cen* o1 downtown lalboa. Same IOCatton ~ veors-oood bulinels. .kat step In and start maktna dOuQtHJ c~te OJ)efatton reoctv lo go. foe 11011 Seclt..,._ 1. 1982 Rul btate for S. Pege 7 3 bldroolftl. 4'12 balhl. kar garage. Aaufn.. aMI 1ft loon. -buy In 1M Convonl Prtced at.-.ooo. TGidiMt and ......, UniiMd V .... c:onc~Dn**~m. 1Wo beChoml. two balht.: 3(). yecwftnandnl. c••••R..tt.a M••• Ch•hi• 751-1177 ~-- I • On 8aboa laland'l Sou1h Bayfront. wtth p6ef and sip. lncredl• view. Two okMf "Island Cottages" on ~ lots. Outstanding famiiV c0fT1)0Un(1 or superb ~ package. Just reci.leed $700.0001 Now Pftced at $2.000.000. ..... 1&111 Ill LIII- Spectacular 110 de~ view. 145 ft. of pterhead line will accommodate 3 large ts. Ftve tpadoua ~ Met\ with prtvete bath. Fully eQUtPPed ''litdown" bar -large ~oom tor bMMarde. Secluded sundeck/roof garden. $4,300.000 inclUding prime land. C. thy Schwetckert (S 11) MIT. IILIZ!I Stmple yet elegant 3 BR home In Newport's finest guarded communety. Quality workmanship a. appointments plua very livable floor plan for the discerning couple or small family. VIew. S 1,195.000. Land tncluded. Martha Macnab (S 12) lelllliiUI Ullll Statety Georgia Colonial on 2.2 acres. I BR. 5'ft VA. dining & family. Pool. riding ring a. st..,._, Substantial price reductiOn $1 .150.000 •ncludtng land. Martha M.cnab (S 13) zzana.•a_,,., • .,.,.._ Overlook•ng natura Park & preserve Each apt. has 2 BR. W4 baths; most wlftreplacas. 2 car garages or carporta. Comm. pool OMtby. Excellent financing. WaJk to Corona del Mar High. Cath<Mtc Grammar School. Eastblutf Shopping Center. $1.800.000 Leasehold. Jan Young (S 14) ...... Spectacular ~tlont Dramattc arc::Ntecturaa design: high <*tmga. plantat on ""-'tters. elegant muter eulte + 4 addit&onat BAS. Slip tor 2-3 lg boats. Seller will finance. $1,850,000 laaMhold. Cathy Schweicker1 (S 1 5) alar• • 11111• .... One of Newport's flnelt ~. y..,. Uftdet construction on an unbeUeYable v6ew tot. Gfedan ptHan & apatkllng pool. The horne hu high callings, detaated hMVV crown ~-Two formal dtntng areaa. br.Utut rm, gractou. IMnG rm. PMIIIed atucty. luxuriOul marble & onyx baths -CMrden bedrooma and aervanta wtng. $1,575,000 . ..,bar. Aune (818) •••11zn-•••• PanOt~ V6ew • OcMn. tenY. 8lg COronL a.-to beeCh. 3 BR, 3 BA. llbraty,, 2 cat GW-oe witt\ ~t houM. IMutttut oek piMic ~ S 1.500,000 FM Maw_, White. _ .............. ac.an. tatty, B6g Corona. 3 BA. 3 M. den. 2 car garege, gueet hOUM. Steps to Mach. Beauttful oak p&ank ftoora. 11.500,000 F• Maureen White (S 17) ._ ... _ Courtyard entry w/pfivate oat• ~Into fabuloua home offering the *t decof & qullltty. 4 11A + ~ ++gourmet kltcMI"'. Pool. spa. fNQn6ftcent Q81den. &avtlh .... of brick. PW'Of'amlc "'"·Spade~ ottwing at S1.2t5.000 Incl. &and. JMa P~ (S11) Buy an excklaive IMne eoo-.. :---tJ6ngle story 4 BR, tam rm hOme situated on extremely lg w/pool. IP8 & paddle *""' court. Private bellct\, ooeen vt.w I QU8tdad GMe· Land lnc*ldecl ln prtca. Owneta extr~ motJvMad. \.ow down peyment. o.n. wt1 CfiltY financing. ONLY M75,000. Donna OOdahaM (811) Panoramic: ocean. bay & city Nghta view from this two ttory "SouthP«t" model. 8 bednna. tormet ~ rm. famiiV rm. + a bonus rm pro....,onatly decorated In br ... t eotora. IMutltul ~Mng pool& ~ 1186.000 tnd. lllnd. Donna GodiMI CU0) This IUn8Nne bright 3 BA. dan. O.Uvtle In e»edul6ve 8tg Canyon hM a vtew you wtet wnt to ct11 yow OWfl. The ~ling pooe 1 • overtook .. of 86D canvon I tMrond to the hMia I Nghta of Harbor RtdQe. 1715,000 ferry Aune Hanel (821) .... LII.UIM I Wonderful vMawl of aM of ••••port trom ttMa wva 5 bedfm family rm home on quiet c:ui-CS.aac. Owner will UIAat w.'ftnancing. $150,000. Tom Alllnaon or Terry Han.. (S22) --"····· Top vn In Harbor FUdge -OCMn, bay-city tights. Popular luoem Modet with MBA retreat. 3 BR. 3 BA. Fam rm, 3 flreplacea Highly upgraded throughout. Maureen White (S23) ...... lUIIl1IIIL" ....... 2•,, years new. Exqualita detaitingl 1 lot to bMCh w/a Uttae bay view. 3 BR. 2'-"t BA. fam rm. 3 fplcs. 1885.000 w/$m,OOO uaum 8 of A 1st Dona Chicheater (S24) Llll.l •• IIUL 1 Prtvata lender Just foreclosed -Must tell Immediately! 5 BR. Spyglaaa Hill home with pool. apa & paatoral view -under market 9 S$15,000 lnctudtng land. Martha Macnab (825) ·-aJff Charming country home w/tota of wood & UMd briCk featuring 3 BR. family rm. This IPIIt ~ I'IOfM hat a CleliO"tful maatet ~te w/an ocean view oH deck. The loc:aUon Ia UMqUIAadl 1415,000 Sharon ~th (821) ... ........, ... ,. "SMvlew" home In lulh gwden Mttlna wtth panotlm~ vtew of ocean. city tights and cout .. ne. Thla tiM 3 BR executive home feature~ garden atrium & country kltc:Mn wtth brelkfut .,.., P..ac.d tor fut ..... $475,000 ANta 8chandet (827) ~ .. Pnc.d to .... at 1475,000. ~tow lnter•t toan and aow down. Anita Scnan4W (828) Sl,t ... 1. 1982 RMI EJt.t. F01 S. '• 9 ... ~._ . ., • .,at,..._..--- ,_ FE ''Fl .. F.ntuUc oc.an a canyon view 3 M . 2 M . dining area home ....,... on WIY '& lot • room for ~ a poot. 1425 000 Fee Wind Donna~ (834) • ... _ .... The "legend" modll -one 8A. den condo ahuated wtth stepe of the blly. COmllt•lft redecorated. The......, IUtte occup~ee the entire MCOftd floor. ftNndno Ia UCIIMint on thia Pf'•t6glous . horne. ... 15,000 Fee Donna GOdeMII (835) ...... -........... " •.... bceMent rent.t .,.._ 2 a 3 8R. 8oth un1ta haw. fl,_acea, new dr~ & paint. Owner wtM t*P wl ftnandng. S320.000 Berlt Mitchefl (838) .... mJS'RI .. Fantuue panoranUc: ocean vtew & wtthln dklng dtatance of the thr• l)f'lvate beechet.. SlngM 11ory 4 BR. tam rm realdenoe aJtuated In Cameo HtQNanda. GrMt po...,tlaJ -cioN to shopping and ecnoota. 0"-Y t31t,IOO lncMUng the land. CaJI Donna Godahall (S37) I_, Ill • '13711 .. aLl Th6a "s.ndp4per Model" Is a fantMtk: famMy horne tuturlng 4 BA. 3 BA. 2 ..,.__, wet bar. lg ~ltehtn wl .. tlnQ arM. NeecJ1 lOme recleeorattng and tandecap6ng. 1100.000 under tome model• In HetbOr V6ew H*-. 1311,000 WM:tuclnQ &and. Sharon Smtth (S38) -.. Port Dumeee -the belt ~ ..... In ~·lgtoua Seewtnd. Car"* ~ protui'Ot\llly deeof•e.d & ..,..,......,, Kot pond & greet w.w. Seier wt1 coop wl nn.ndng. Bring your otter wtth low down buyt ... heme. ..,10.000...,. ~(at) 111 ........ Water, mountatns & l6ght1 and a bMuty .or a houM juat newly r....._,. The beat of ewtytt'Mng In a big 2 story. 3 BR home 1310,000 Coby Wwd (~) .. .aA ... Abeokltely ct\amWng 3 8A beectt ootu~ae. Superb corner k)e8tkHl , w• to bMCMe. hlfbor. par'ka ·low Oown ·Seier truly mottvated .. onty 1310,000 Suunne ~($41) ........... - In Eutblu" fof thoee who tow the Me* b8y ~ & mountam vtstu Myond. A beeuttfuly rtmodllllt 4 8A home. 1281.000 Coby Watd (842) -.1-.&.-IR IWUJU CuatOt'NI*I Oeeofel end uNt wt~ & OCMn vtew L.wge maa1er .,._ wlepe tub & tun deC*. 2 ~ M'a, 2~ BA. GounMt tdtcmen lndudee MW oak cabinet•. -*nAira cook-top & 880. UM.OOO LH WMe (843) 111 ..... ...,~~~.~ .. Th6a outatanding noor p6an lenda....., to entenamment g~~~ore. FonNII **'o rm. ~ rm & m.MW u.. IOc* out onto on ot the belt vWa In tM .,.._ ThAI 3 8A. 2~ 8A L.uek horne • locawel on QU6et ........ 1271.000 tMJdne Propp ($44) ............. ' wtth axe 11t••t ...,.,.. !OM. 3 M. 18m rm. plantatkHl Shutters. "*"-" deC:orMor ........ ~ caltlnga • open, .wy, b*oNea & ~ 1215.000 Jan Young (845) • ...... 11a&. Two bedfm, alnGM le¥el home wlgrMt potentMif. Needs ··tender lcMng cate" Mdl\11 room fof expanalon. Lerge lot wlroom tor poot or IP&-lo.Mt priced home In lrvtne Terrace Incl. land. S259 500 Donna GodtNI. (847) . . ........ Bright'n lUnnY home In grMt neighborhood 3 BR + fern rm 10w maintenance yard. Good financing. CloM to ~rk shoppeng & scnooiL 1238,000 F• JMe Pequtn (S4e) • . ..n ......... Ea.g.nt livtng neat theatres -Perlormmg ' . ~ South Cout PlaZa. A jewel of a home. decorated beaut1fut , laodacaped by RoGers GardeN. Pert.ctton tn fftlety detAil -2 Bk E)egent IMng near theetr• -Perform ng Arts South Coast Plaza A jewel of a ho~. ct.c:orated beautifully Landscaped by Rogers ~!:..~~lon In fftlety detail -2 BA. Den $218.500 Barbara H6ghfy upgt~DJ~ 11~ ~ ~,.e a model Securtty gated. community poot, .,a & tennis. Formal d1n1ng rm wl mWiorecl OIIMing. Dramatic atep down llv rm. Exceflrent hnanclng $205,000 FurNihed U 15,000 Suzanne Shuler (S50) ..,._.....,..,.. Prof.uk>nally decorated 3 8R "Carmelite" wl grMnbelt v•ew Cuatom carpet a ahuttera. Reduced for quick sale lmmed poe ... ., 1115,000. 8ele P81tch (S51) 1111111- Cute & comfortabte 3 BR & 3 8A home au.t C\lkteraac 1ocat10ns adda to great family llvtng 2 briCk fireplaces. loads of charm S111,000 Terry Aune Hanea (S53) Ull..WIIIU ... _ 2 doH hOU .... MCh 2 8A. Separate Y8f'd and garage S 170,000 Benl Mitchell ($54) ..UX.at&IIU Just lla1edl GrMt eutiNde locatiOn 2 8R each on 1g cornet lot Great lnveetf~Mf't at S 170,000 Berlt MitcheM (S55) I lALII • 111 •'--' -... TtNe great 3 bedrm, 2 "'tY home In a ftne fllrNty arM ia vacant and reedy tot you. $pedoue l apot ..... a tcwety P'OC*IY $1S9.i00 Coby Ward (S5e) .w Ul1ll -IUffl Cha,n6ng 4 bedrm home wl btand new gourmet kitchen & cozy farn61y rm. Ownera.,. reedy to rnov. l14t,OOO LH Antta Schendel f$57) 1111-11 2 8A 2~ 8A, atrium WOI encloMd petiO. lots of pttvacy 2 yeats otd. lmmeculate. ~loan 1147.100 8erl1 Mttchelf (SSI) When you own your home. the value will incr~ase ... as much as 10°/o in the comin~ year. experts are predictin~. For people who don't own. if s the cost that wiU he ~oin~ up. To find the home you want. talk to a REALTOR•. REALTORS• belon~ to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS• . w Mroup of real estate professionals work- in~ to reduce inflation and mortMaMe interest rates so more Americans can 'become homeowners. Make inflation work for you. instead of a~ainst you. Call a REALTOR• today. • S.•••• 1. 1982 Re11 £-. hr WI ,. 11 DEVASTATINGLY Totally Restyled, built and Remod I dl 1837 SEADRIFT DRIVE "IRVINE TERRACE" CORONA DEL MAR Here is a marvelous opportunity to acquire a "better than new" home In a lovely prestige community. No waiting for grass to grow or trees to mature, and no big fancy new house price either I This gorgeous custom masterpiece situated across from a delightful park is just 2 long blocks to Balboa Bay awaits your admiration . Ranch style with French flavor: 4 bedrooms, formal dining rooms, skyllt ceilings, family room, hide-away loft and sparkling pool. Offered below replacement cost at $478,500 (you own the land), over $250,000 assumable loon at 1 1%. WOW I Spectacular ~words. tNa Tustin .. home Ia prtced to sell VIews from fNfiiY room from the nUt~-~ houla wNch has o three story entry. Woodland glau have baan u.d extensively tor o truly outs~ look. COiftoit and kAXUIV throughout. Col for QPPOW\tmen to .. tNa granc;l 4Ntate wtth pool, spa, waterfal and room for tennis court or hotaas. $695,000. 832-8800. h A unique home In the guorded gate 'ommunlty of Harbor ltldge. A singularly private residence, it is distinguished by ita exquisite interior design, Its view to Catalino overlooking the entire horbor areo, and Its location on one of the largest lots In Horbor Ridge Estates. forested by a beautiful variety of tr .. s. This enchanting ploce In porodlte haa 3 bedrooms, 3 botha plus a family room and Ia elegantly furnished and lands~ped. 2~ hr. security. community tennis courts, pools and spos. Offered at $895.000 unfurnished, $995,000 fu r- niahed. Excellent owner auiated financing. For Full Details Call G. hear 76o-1717 ·~···-·-___) LIAAVE. Purchoae thia fontastk new Sproul duplex for only $525,000. We'llleose both units, monoge it for you ! Sell loter as 2 condominiums and realize a good profit. Enioy the new 1 S.yeor depreciation schedule. 3 bedroom. 2 v, both plus a glamorous 2-bedroom. 2 both with boy view. P.S. OlDIE IUT GOODIE. 702-702'1, ACACIA. ONl V $229,500. T 1577 E. Ocean. PENINSULA POINT, $344,500. Open Saturday 1-5 631·1400. 100 Scholz Plaza, VERSAILLES (PenthoUM No. 10), $259,500. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 11 Rue Verte, BIG CANYON, 3 car garage. $499,000. Open Sat./Sun. U-6. (213) 470..2880. 15U Kinga Road, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, family room S599,000. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·1400. 502 ..... St., PENINSULA POINT. $438,000. Open Saturday 1·5 631- 1400. 2298 Redlanda Drive, BACK BAY. famUy room. $248,000. Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·1400. 209 19th St., PENINSUlA, view! $985,000. Open Sat./San. 1·5 631· 7300. 512 Rockford Place, CAMEO HIGHLANDS, pooL 1199,500. ()pen Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 6262 Siena Sienna, TURTLEROCK. 1199,500. Open Sunday 1·5 76CHI333. 320 Seaward, SHORECLJFFS, 4 ~. 1475.000. Open Sat./Sun. 1-4 631·1400. 225 VIa Ometa, UDO ISLE, 1575,000. ()pen Labor Day 1·5 631· 1.00. 2401 W. Oceanfront, BALBOA PENINSUlA. oc:.nlront, view. S695.000. Open Sunday 1·5 631· 1400 .. 16 Rocky Pomt. SPYGLASS, vtewn Open Sunday 1·7 p.m. 731=4t4t. 20 Cypr-Point, BIG CANYON. pool, view. Sl,t95.000. ~ Sat~/Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 3 bedrooms 2 bedroom• 3 bedrooms 3 bedroonaa 3 bedrooms 2 bedrooms 1 bedroom 3 bedrooms • ~~--1. 1982 fWII Estate F01 SM P-ut IS SPECIALS Maoy owners are offering !tU~tantial price reduction and terms. Some will exchanse and ucuh speaks', -Lower than listed price, if you ha"Ve cash ... Call for detail and submit your olrer ... • ACIIIIOUIE-t13I,IOO llllfl ..................... Ill I ..... rtSI .. 't a. GorNt ) ..-. .... ----... -·-'-............. . ... Tal ll.Uffl-WITH fiiiAICIIC ....... I..., ...... ,_,... Jllo --., ....., ,_ ..... .......................... .,,..... IWIII SAYS "10 QUAUfYIIG" ............. u-. ....... .,......,._1 ...._. .......... ..., , ........ -..... a,.. ~ ......... ,.,_ IEWPOIT lllAID REDUCED U41.000 ........ , .......................... _ ... .. ........................ ~._. ... .,.. ... c.-....... IUUTifUL GOlf COURSE VIEW -u.Ta ........... _, ... -' llittl v. ,, .. .............................. ,.. ........ ......, ... ................... c h ................... ... ··--lEW COIDOSI GIAIT PRICE REDUCTtOIS .... _._... 0 ..... 11.1-Ut... ..IHI.- 11.4-·IK.-.... ., .. . .... _ .. ,,. ....u ... . ........ __ ............. ..., ............ .. ........... ....,...u. CUFFMAVEI-VU. VU-TERMS l1ulf,.._ w.,.....,. • .-u •.....,--. w ...... twe 2 ............................................. ,.., ...... Ia ................... DrM ~ lMI ~-..... ....... Utt- HIIISUlA PT.-WILl TRADE ............ .,. ... '-......... ...._ ....... . .......... ,,,,.., .................... --...... 1 ... COMER CAPE CDDIUASEJOPTIOI 0 PC , ......... j.-........................ I ....................................... , ............................................... .................. , LIDO ISlE-11' LOT PLUS POOL r-t .._ ..... I ...,.__ I ._,. • ..,.. 1111. ,_.... tw • l'e_...,.,...._,_.,...., .... .UtMTWII ClOSE·UP VUI 111110... ............................. .. ._.,,.._ ................... cw. ........ . .................. -..................... .. a, . ._ IEWPORT TOWIMOIIl WITH DOCK ,..,. • ..,J....-.!IIt ............................ ... * ..... , ,._, • ' ....,.,_, a nkt .-.._. ...._ 111M nus#,_... Uli,M IAYSIDl COVE COIDO-VU .._,. .. .._ ... _._ ... __...,........ t WWt. .......................... , ............... ...... .... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... ..... •. "" WlfOIMIT IU 1 ,,, ........................ - MIJ.YI. IEWPORT IS LAID lA YFilOIT 411 ............. "" ....... .,... .. ,.. ..... l., ... ................. ,... .............. ,....... .... .............. ..,.., .. , .......... ,.. OCEAIFROIT -REDUCED t411.000 ~ ................. '""" .. "-IIIia •ttM •• , • .-tY -.. • ...._ w.a ~ 2411 •· au nt1• • ... 1w ..ta161 ......... L Ul , ... PRICE REDUCED! LA8UIA •• ......... eut.-. a. ecu_, ... ...,.. ......._ .. "" ... 'I 1 ................. , ........ -.-..... .. L...-...................................... -.................. LIDO COID0-01 WATER s.c-.. , ........ , ...................... .. .......... ..., ......... , .................. '-u .... ,. .... OCEAIFROIT NOllE-REDUCED .... .u .. --........................... , .. ..,.. 41ts*-.J~ ............................. . ~T ............... , ..... , .... ... ....... IAYSIDE COVIIAYFIOIT ,._._....._...._ __ ._._.1... 2 ...... ,._ ..... ,.. ............................... ... ....,.., ... ,_,..,........,,_._,n .. • UIDA ISLE-1ft CASHI ....utwl --""""' .......... Ill .... ... $ I I .............................. , .... .. ...., .._ .. tt• _..Ill_. .... ...-. A .... .._ tw .................. '2 t .... IUUI·t- IAYFROIT-MDUCI FEE ................ -........... ..... ....... .... .. , ... ..,.,. __ ...., ............... .... __, 2 I I............ h'r ..... --. ...... .. M'fll'k IAYFROIT -lWEIOPTIOI C.....l ............................... ... ............ ,,,, ........... c.-........ .. ~., .......... u..-~ ............. a,.,., IAYfiOIT -UllOA IILUD VU ....................................... ... '-II ...................... J ..... , ...... .... c. ..... -....... flll!llll ............. .. .................... HOllE FOR IIVEITOI. t114,DOQ ,......,.....,2 ........................ .... 0... ............. ~~-,... .. IIIIIACULATE DUPLEX-COM ... l.ali--. ..... J..._ .. __ l __ _ ... _.._..,..,. , .,._. .. nu.• DUPUX IY lEACH. IEWPORT .......................................... 2 ..... ,..., ....... , ............... ., ...... OUPLEX-IlOCI( TO lEACH , ..... , ........................ _, ___ ,..,. ... ' ---...... fir e' .. rwl. GeM ,.._. uu ... IJU- DUPLEX-TRADE FOR BOAT I .... llts*-.1 ................... -..., ...,.,. -* "''· a-Ill TO --.....W .. Jl tt. ...,_, • 111111 el ....~ ...... ., ..... FURIISHED ULlOA ISLAID DUPLEX ....................... ..-................ ,... .. ..... .. -1 ......... --,,.. _,.... ,__'--It II JMIIillai41 ..... U t 1 ... lOVELY NOliE I IICOM£ . .................. ,...._,, .......... _ ..... ,... _.. .. aler..,..., ..__,.._,......_en.,.. ... " .. '"' .... J, .............. ... VIEW NOliE PlUS IICOME .... ........ c... ................... _ ......................................... , ....... ..... ................ , ,......_,... .............. , ..... e-.-.utt411. COAST NWY. COIIIIERCIAl -110' ......_.__,....,..~.,...··2't--.ow.._. .......... , ................. ... MO.LliiOIIE PAll-COSTA liEU M ..,_ ,_. ... _, .... UCIUliT ......_ ... -,. '' --.............................. l .. ...................... EXCLUSIVE-71 UIITS ..... _ ............................ .... ..................... c-........... _~ .... ,_._ • ....,\.artll..., ••• , .... -·~· .. ,.-..c.a ................. .... .... \.art~ ........... .... HO ES, INC. Rl Al TOR~· II '• M,.,.,,.. ,,, , "·'"""' I"L""' •• 7;& ........ . M ••• Bayfront Medtterr....., vMia tn exclutlve Ba~thorea -on tee tand : Spec;tecular bay view. PrWat4t ~d entry. Malaive Mnd caMMt entry dOoR. Llbr~ with stained glall tkytlght. ·Antique ~ flr..,aac.. Country kitchen with lilt • Five bedroomt. Elaborate tound tyatem. Owner motivated to 1et1. WIU conalder ..... /opt~. .. ................................ t1;tl0,000 • ••• Magnificent! ... In tt. charm Md ~ ... In lb warmtl\ end eote.t0t1. The tuperkw ~ end ftne a'~ ... be obvtoul when you .. ttwouah ""' iplldoua five bedroom home. Forma1 dining room. lmmente t.mtty room. Pool and lf)a. Another outstanding feature 11 the location . . . overlooking the 18th fairway of Big Canyon Goff CourM ............................................ $1,485,000 •• ••• An etegant bayfront hOfM that dramatlzu superior craftsmanship In every detail. This mut«P*e wu deeiQned to fill a partleulat need -yet It II quite ltexlble. One muter bedroom plut convert!.,_ den In the main buildinQ. Al8o, ectoea the UMd brk:k patio is a aeparate two bedroom gueat aulte. The spactout bayfront with cMer Met ftoat, -=cented by the shimmering night Ughtt on the bay. comp .. te the dramatic picture. You own the land. .... ........ .................... .... .... .. .. ..... $815,000 -1111111 ••• A rate opportunity to atqulre one of Newport's f lneat view propertlea. Tremendoua living room. Three apacloua bedrooms. Latge tamity/biNiarde room. Huge pat10 wtth gazebo. This o,.,ing Ia of extreme value because of Ita dlverM and unepolle<t ocean view. The listing price lnctudee the land . Mo;v~7!, ~;~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~~-~~ .. ~~~SL~~~ llftl •••a ... Oramatl<: entry of carved wood and Italian to .. mzed m81ble ... and your Impression becom.. more excmng as you continue through this ~ tour t>.oroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with teMperature controlled wtne vault. S~ heated pool. SpL You own the land. ........... 1895,000 • ••• Thil elegant fOUl bedroom home ,....,.. up to the name ... "The v ... ..-..." It ls rich but not oaKty ... gtamofou. b&lt not oatentat~ ... ~ a comtOftable ~t6gk)ua home . Cuatom decorating throughout. Exttf'Sive UN of be\Jitld glela. PwQUet ftOora. Corner lot. OrMt golf ooune vtew. . 1150.000 •• • • • EJltraordlnary ~alue. Two mMtet bedrooma In one wtng. Iepera .. tNrd ·bedroom In the ott. winO _. own entry and prt¥ate bath. F~t-down ¥ .. w of ooeM. upper bay 8nd Mthta. All rooma open to tndoo( poot. a.our~ ·~· 8ervac VICUUfft ~. Loca1M Of' cuMil 110 --.. ~· ...... 1131.000 e • • --••• A popua.r lind W1Y pr.cttc.l ·•townhome" in a preauo&ou• location OYtJrtook~he llxth tlhl-of the Q0H CCMM. Thr• apedoua bedtooma. Formel diNne room. Oak p&ank ftoort. French doors. Vacent and ready tor quick occup•ncy. Attractive ~ nnanctng. You own land. 15M.OOO IIWII 111111 ••• Owner will aaaiat with tinanoklg. tmpreuive two story t\ome. Lowly bay vtew. ExceNent bedroom w~t wtth one ctownat.wt and ttv• uP· linG pool "' tront courtyard. PRICE JU T R!bUCEO 1150.000 ................................... Now $550.000 •• ••• A hOme of dlltlnctlve charm and tMte. Four bedrOOfN. One ot Itt many t .. tur• It a ten f~ aoMd oak bllt. ~. =::.~.~~~:.~~:.~~~~.~~:.~ ••• ~ front. row vtew of ~. dty ~ Mel IM.-Ike ,. .. ,..... Thr" b4tdroom "Aen•l ... .-ce" ttoor plM. Library/loft overtooka ~ IMnQ room. Wet bal. Three vtew ded(a Poote-teMia. $510\000 ••111 .-. . . 1 16' of waterfront ThrM bedtooma. Large den Of' bonul room. Huge patio. Y~r own pier and aUp ........... $478.000 Utll •-•• .•• The quality runa deep. FantMtJc vtew. Four bedrooms. Dining room. ~~~;.~~ .... ~~~ .. ~~. ~ ••--••• Prominent bullcMr'a own hofM. Pr......,. tout bedroom hOme. Lavtlh uee of ffenCII doott 8l'd wtnctow.. ~ bU*4nl 1U011 M booll~ and chlfta c na,_, Loa of., ... ~ attle .. IOKW ~ .._ yMt wM a..-o .Mcl~ Plfttna 1at u cera. You own the a.nd. Uber• ~ 1475,000 ..,'-" ... -.L • • • Leaat expenli¥e home In Sp~. Ttwee IC*;Ioul bMrOOfM. FMtUy room Two bathe. Two llreplec)M The much =after ··Portamoulh .. mOdel. Private uw..: ::~~ .. ~ ... ~~= 1· -.......... ......._.-..~- ••n ... Attracttw tour be*oom home. Lara• tamUy room wtth fireplace. Brick drttl•lf1· SNnQ1e trona. All of the werrnth and com1ot1 of "eount.fy Style." Poot .... 133t.OOO I WIIIW ... L.II • • • :A place ot dignity and ~·Two bedr~ penthouM overloo•ung the .,.Y an" OCNn. Sec:urlty g.te. PooVSpa. Ctubhou ... Gym. ExQIIIent financing. $259.500 • • • Thia Mnsattonal four bedroom dwlllng has It alt. Owr_.Dd yard Pool. Spa. Multl·leveled used brick decks. Great tor ent«t~nlng. Price reduced $3.4,000. S2•5.000 ..,. ••• The popular "Franclacan" mo<Jet condO. Three sp.clous bedrooms Two Ul~ pat~ and gas barbecue. . .... $2~.000 .. ,., .at ... Conventently located condo Thr• ~· bedrooms. Two and halt .,.ths. Restful PMk·a·boo view trom ~ka. Aaaume attractive flnanc;lng. ..... ........ . ...... 1210.000 -~-••• Never a better tlrM to buy! Thta '"'" bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Lerge aecluded cut-de-sac lot. Poot. L .... /optkw\ avtatable. ......... . .... S 189.900 East Anaheim Shoppjng Center BUENA PI\IU(/CYPRESS Valley View & Ball Rd. e ME 17th & ~!!_~ (Mesa Center) FUU.ERTON Orangefair Mall e GARDEN GROVE Brookhurst & Katella GARDEN GROVE Chapman & Brookhurst e IRVINE H~~g~ Plaza. Culver & Walnut MALL OF ORANGE Tustin & Heim (formerly Lou Miller's) PlACENTIA Yorba Lmda & Rose (Rose Unda Shopping Center) e SANTA ANA Main Street Center WHITIIER 15100 Whittier Blvd Lou Miller' f ~ina& __ ...,. Z • MENS ~lin SHEETING ~prr".-CASUALPANTS A great collection ollightwetght pants for casual back-to- school wear. Choose from elastic back. or 5-pocket Jean styles. m 100% cono n sheeting fabnc Assorted colors. sLZes 28·38. Ong. $22 SAVE 9.03 1297 Q?BOYS' SCREENED T·SHIRTS m assorted colors Reg $8-$9 SAVE T033~ 597 MEN'S \UWW. SCREEN T-sHIRTS Choose from the most colorful bc1ckgrounds and great screen pnnts. tnthese short-sle~ved t-shtrts Assorted colors and screens. tn !>tz~s S·M·L-XL Reg :Sll SAVE 27~ Sty'-ntpr-&atlve of atore H lection 797 MEN'S DRESS PANTS m trtblend nannel are belted to f t as gr~at as they look' Ong $2R SAVE 9.03 897 FOR PLAY ••• lUI..\. ••• lADIES' PANTS mak,• ftlf qr~i\1 fdll look..,' r\ \A.olld~rtu. ct>lllr assortment. m buckle-back o r trous(>r stvlec; and a Itt that won t yun' Tnm corduroy fabnc. m !>17~~ J-13 $32 to $36 MEN'S& IES'SHOES We've got a great collection of Nike athletic shoes, in a super assortment of styles for all sports. And, If you buy any pair of Nike shoes, we'll give you a Ntke wallet to go with it. In cream with navy trim, In canvas with nylon trim. Unisex wallet with change purse is first come, first served! BR\TTAN\As ~~ ~S FOOTBAU. JERSEYS m. as you can see. a great assortment of colors! ~ sleeve, crew neck style. sizes S.. M·L·XL Reg. $12 SAVE 6.03 97 MEN'S BASIC SWEATS m dcttw pot\. c •ttun blt>nd Pullover hood. ZIP hood ere\.\. n"'ck .:md pant'> 1n <h'>Ortl'd color~ S1Le~ S·M·L·Xl. req K YY·I2 YY NOW 2.02 OFF 97 97 to "'""ni"N! you comfort and style, in one great pair of denim jeans. They add a touch of L YCRA • Spandex for a great fit of the utmost comfort. If you're looking for just one pair of jeans that look incredible. these are i~ Sizes 3-13. reg. $30 NOW 21 .97 I I I I I MEN'S POLO SHIRT an d•amond strtch knit short sleeve style l<Xl% cotton and free of decor. for plam good looks 5-M-L-XL reg $13 NOW 8.97 z lin MEN'S CORD JEANS .n as~orted colors. and p1eced back pocket d .. ta1hn4 (,reat cord fabnc. and a temf1c ht Rl?g $21 25% OFF NOW 16.97 MMOUS LADIES'S~TERS 10 soft acrylic. and classic crew neck style All over cable smchmg. m an assortment of beautiful fall colors Stzes S·M·L. reg $24 SAVE 9.03 1497 SliGUB LADIES' OXFORD SHIRTS You 'II love our assortment of basic. button· dovm oxford shirts They're all solid colors. an a great selectiOn. for skirt or pants wear Sizes S.M·L reg $16 SAVE 25" 1197 El Sol LADIES' TURTLENECKS Choose from wh11e. powder blue. hlac. pmk o r vellow colors. an cotton/poly fabncs Spandex sleeve cuffs and collar. SIZes S-M·L Reg $12 SAVE 33" 797 G. LADIES' SKIRTS The look for back to school In assorted colors. corduroy fabric. 3-bun on front. sizes 3-11 . Reg. $24 SAVE 9.03 97 LADIES' BRACELETS, HAIR RJBBONS, It BARRETrES ..... 1. 97 lADIES' SHOElACES .......... 91c • ~ ............ _,___, •• •t'IY ... ~o-...o.-o5•• a -.c-,e, .............. ,.. ................. "-....... ,_,_ --- • ClftOOClVIAAS " BOYS' JEANS n ..-.~--..._popular=) p<x kt>t ""e-.t~rn ,tyhng Choose dark den1m tlr cord n tt~mflc colors Jr ~.zes shm 8-lb regular ~-14 Rt>g 'Sl 7 SAVE 5.03 1197