HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign:~ -.., Vl :-OC III t: 0::1"3 -j ,_.... "':J :::; ::Tl.-·-"' • n n> .... o:l:-' ~ :J ...... -:: ...... ..,. -::r "1 ... 0 t.l ;:;-::J .., • '< o:l !i--C:O > < t) c.--• ::r \1:) 0 ~'><,;) ::J ~ ~ I..J Local Woman Teaches Business See Page 4 I Again CdM, NHHS Prospects Assessed See Sportmg Life ENSGN THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 35TH !EAft • NUWBEB 5 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, SEYl"EMBER 8, 1982 TIM •rio• coulcMra· tioe to eWe Of mm~M~otal UN of El 1010 NeiiDe Air Stati<m hM •• •lved 110m a •eeti.DG lut w.ek oi tM I:Ucutlv. Commit· tM Of t.be SOUthem Califomla ~tiCJil of Go9wuuDt.a. ,.. quui~tal ~ plaaala9 IIQUCY idopted f.,..menclatioaa n&m· bag m Toro w.rm. Air 9taUoD aM tM Wariua' c..Dp hDCI&eeoe M t.be nWiltier one Ucl two alt.-utlv. IOcaUom in tM _.. lor a ...w COJDJDercial ~. Irvine Nayor Larry Agru argued that uy agency '"king to convert El Toto to commeroi-.1 UM would t.c. hundreda of mUUou of dollan ill lawauit• I brought by nearby relllO.ta complaintNJ of the ~. Delpite their pleaa, SCAG moved El Toto lDto n\llllbew ODe G.Uallid.ratiOil aJDO.DQ all lit• diec~ d\¢Dg a lhady pro- <*' that hu been goiDg OD lor the l..t lour ye.an. It Ia appar•tly the lint time El TotO baa held that du.bloua r.U I1Doe dlCu.iOD of mm· mercial \aile .,...,_ to 1 M8 at the tiM of QPMtlon ol Job WaJM ~ Ucl t.be Nnlthag outcrt• &a. -'P~· •\mit .... bJ Lelcmcl Po1IDCl The .tormy path of the gener-.1 plu amendmeDt cover· iDQ the Benning·BMco property I.D We.t Newport toward. a referadum vote ill Noval.ber oonti.Duec:l this w .. k M a cpoup called CltiMD.a For A Better Newport ud CouncUJDall Philip Maurer filed a1•wautt ukiDQ for chug• I.D the lugUAQe of the argument i.D favor of the referendum to be !.Deluded in the ballot backage which will be mailed to vot .. at the end of tbia month The St. And:rews Preebyt~an Chwch coDboveny wt11 be bKk beion tM City~ Wcaday wgbt at U.. clty S.th«a regula 7:30 p.m. ....ti.D9· A CO&DUtt .. wtth two rep~taUwe Ncb from the council, the church ud the I'Ul· rouDdmg Htghborbood hu be.u ~ b the put month in u etiort to work out a tolu· Uon to the coatroveny over whether the church abould be allow.d to build a major expan lion of itJ facllitlel ill the reaideDti.l neighborhood acr011 19th Str .. t from Newport Halbol High School The ttem wu continued from the f1nt counctlmMtiog Ul Aug\Wt when U became evident that both the bomeownen ud the church h•d atrong polDta favoring tbeu poe;abon ud that any decwOD made by the coun· cil would l.ave one or both of the pam• c::b .. tllhed The church bu purchued all of the bom• on the aortb aide of Clay Stt .. t over the yean and plana to tMJ them down ud construct a aanctu.uy with an A bM.nng on the cballeDge to the ballot lanquage will be beld S.pt. 14 iJl Superior Court. A decwOD it needed by S.pt 16 m order to m .. t the county pnDtmg ud mailing echedduw· 1 .. Maurer ud the ctU.Z.na cpoup claim that •venl statement• made m the argument for the meuwe are tal• ud m.itleadiDg I.D iDhmating that there would be greater effect on traffic, ooile ud airport d• ma.nd thu would ill fact be the 85-toot toww on the lite, juat .outlt of the p .. at MDCtuuy bu.Udi.Dg. CbUl'Cb repr~t•h vee M.ld the new faciliU• wen needed becauee of apa.naion of the church ~ogram and the lrutde· I qu.acy of the bwldl.nQt currently on the lite I They bad onq1nally tned to get another aite m the Caatawaye ar.a but negohahona with the lrvu:le Co broke down ud plaM were dtawn up for ex panaion on the current 11te Re.identa of tbe C'Utfhaven area, where tbe church 11 located, are adamant m theu oppoaition to tbe exparwoo ol the church u pr .. ntly propo4J ed They aay that the au.e of tbe atTucture 11 not proper for a remdentlal ne19}lborbood. that I the tower 11 too htgb for the area and tbat adchbonal cera dtawn to the church would cauae maJor trafhc problema Mooday Dight the COUDCll Wlll bear the report of tbe oomau t tM, complete the publlc bear mg. and attempt to reach a decw<m on tbe matter bJ 11a:DcJ llarcl.lDg p}ulc.-ophical cban9•" aught Newport·N..a UDIJ.ied School bav. produced u ddthon-.1 Distrlct teacben will vote Friday on•baU to 1 percent mer ..... on a 1982.83 contract that of. I abe added-but wuon ofhaala fera them a 3 ~t .alary 1n· wee oot convinced tbat the delay would be worthwb1le financi.Jly tru.t .. have Mtd they wtll reope CODtract negobaUona MJly i.D 1983. should additional st•te funda become available, Ill order to talk ab;,ut an addiboul raile ior 1982-83. In addition to the ealary iD· creue, O.CIIar ealcl. the COD· txact offer cootainl eome iD- crea.e ill biDge beDeiitl, ill· cludmg a YitlOD care program lot a pevioUily UD-co¥e..d fPOup of c:.tUicatted .... plofMI ud .. addttfloul ealuy lDcJe. ... b t.CIMa with --thea 2S ,.... of .... (.ct. wWdl .... , 100 .. ., qMlijy). t..1 ,.....,. t..:Mr caatrect .... ~ucl ...... ,.. .... ~ .... ~ PI-................ . ............ ' lar pMt .... ,.. ...... . UoMI ..... ~ ...... .... (lll:d'"•• ta a ........ of. peKl I 1). cue 1f the BMco property were developed accord.utg to the ap· proved gen•a.l plu Accorc:b.n9 to the lawswt, the a~QumeDt m•.U. the folloWlng tt•tementa "Compared to cunent remdenhalaotung, 82-41 (the amendment) Wlll produce "Traftic·lO ttm• more peak hour tr•Hic. (S.,SOO.OOO of developer pe.1d roada will pnmanly Mrve thia proJect ) "Auport ... ven tim .. more de· m&nd, 10,000 adchhonal tnpe (Contulued on ~9e 2) BlU Banning, ~dent of Beeco lJd., h.u thrown bla aup· part bebtnd the gen•-.1 plan ameodment appro...::l by tbe Ct· ty Counctl for lu.t property tn W-.t Newport and b.u announc· eel that be wtll oppoee a referee~ dum to be voted on 1n Novembet "Whale we may still h.ve tome doubta u to the plea'• hnanc1al fMtlbhty bec:ai.IM of the many I coetly commuruty benebtl 1t 1m poeea on ua cU developer•. we I beheve that 1t 11 1n our Ulteresta and tboee of the r•1denta of 11 Newport Beach for ua to make a determined eUort to carry out trua plan wb1cb wu adopted atter many monthl of extecwve pubhc t•hmony provtd.d of COWM that the votere defeat the referendum on Nov 2 ' be com men ted ''Ow decwon wu 1nfluenced LD P4f1 by qTOWlDQ commuruty aupport for tb. adopted plan as evtdenced by the recently an oounced formation of the group Cttaze111 For A Better Newport ·· be add.d The plan for the Benwng pro perty bnally adopted by •be Ctty Counc1l was 11qD1bcantly dtf t.rent from Beruung'a proposal and there bad beon doubts that I Bannmo would act tvely oppoee tbe referendum, double wh1ch I bave now been put to relt a.,a .,. r • c.a ........... will-..._ ...., pay b, ud Wlwe to .,., ....... "'."" 111091-at tM ... 'a c a •taity cola-g. .., ........... ~ .. oltM ......., eli tes:h•ag ill the .tat-. tM cla-oellot eli the hlo-JMI ool ..... iytt,-told Or~ CCMIIt eo&-.. l.cwty and ad· eh'¢akn. J.ny &ywud a1eo opi.Ded tW tGitiaa at co.-UDity col- ...,_ .. Willy to be • JUjor --duriag the DUt IIIJQoa of dae c.libaie l.egi.latwe+e.od .... t.be laMith of the ..... ., ~y .. , .. u be the det.r- ... ,1'9 fKtor ill the decWoo Oil ....U.. tu-paid public educa· tieD ~top at the 12th grede s.v.L Alllaougb be beada a ayaem .vtao. hoard of govwnor.a lut ... tb lopped u ..timatecl "' milllgn &OJD tbe Cout Com· au.nity Colle9e DWrtct'a budvet iD wlaat local of&iala called a "coune hit Uet," Haywud'alun- chtilne reJDeJb varner.d ap- plaU~e iloiD thoea AIM ad· ?liDIIbaton. ~ cU.DcelloJ deecribed htmnlf u a loog-tline advoc:ate of "tllitioll·hw ud --ed\ICatb b tbe public." but edcW that b O.l..t fl.-,..,. eJected ••••• ntetiYW hew mo* lteadily cJo.l to making a.awaity co~ a pay .... JOQ-90 JIIOPOIIi tk>n. ·-n.. .tate of U.. Ca.Womia ecoiiOIDy will be the det~ t.dar, .. Haywud told hia coJ. ~. "B it doe.'t ptdl up, the q\la)ity of lllltN:tiaD (at ~UDity coU.O.) .. , be Mrio\llly eiOded. H a. edded. "lA tbHe ol a CJ~Mtly 11t1alt•ed sltuatioo ill s.a..,.to, eome cholc:. haw to be made, H AtMd bow two-,..., ~ lltatewlde were coptag with U.. S30 mlllioa ltate budQet cute UDO\IDced ill Auv-t (eJt• IDOIIt diM:ricta Mel alreacl., apptOYed tbel.r ......... b the CO!D1"9 year), Ha,ward c:lee:ribed the NaCtioD M ~."but COD· J.ry ~d. right. cNnceMor of 1M ..... community oolege system. ~ notes with ar.,g. eo.t Colege pesidsnt .,,.d lulkin dwWl9 a recent visit to OCC. Sllli ~ bw s-en Geo~g.- tiDued. "I think IDOM of the com· mUDity coUegee haw ~ded NmArb.bly well" That reepoo• ill the ccco.. one of U.. district. hudeet hit by cute ill hmdi.DQ for pei'IODal enrichment-type cl .... took the foml of ce.ooelli.Dv hundreda of coune aectiou. Haywud wu critical of (ContiDued hom ~v• l ) projected. "PoU\ltioD.eeveo timee IDOft ail pollubOD. 10 timee more DOi8e." The ac:tioD aaya that they way the. a.f'9UIUDta are alated would lead a readel to beliew that they apply to th.e etire city rath• thaD hat to tbe Beeco property. Jeu Watt. one of the autbon of the 8r9WDeDt ill faVOI of the retw.ndlliD, commuted, "ID developi.Dg the uvumuta. each aide baa UMd diBuut buic coocepta. The conc::.pt .. UMd ia t.ir ad valid, the1ra ia aot. 'the ugU~HDta ere~ ln a very mejor ._.. beca\lle .. ch aide if maklDg ~Iter· tiD9 hom a vwr ~t bue line. legW.ton lor tb.U failw. to aupply additioDal hmdiag lor oomm""ty colleges. "Community con.v-haw ..ceiftd DO IIIIOMY b laflatioQ. DO IDOMJ for g10Wth.,. be dec:lead. "Snce 1978 the pur· ch.inv po .. • of dollaa lor 'ContiJlued on ~ve 3) ·~ bue line ia u.. moll fa1.l beca ... lt COIDpaNI thia po- poeal to the .mti.D9 Gezaeral "-a. 'IMir -. line ia the developen propoeed plu which baa DO buia b u:iat•c::. other tball a ..... propoeal wh1ch ... aev. accepted or made part ol the c:Jty'e pla.Da." Oil traftk: SZVUIIlellt, ehe laid loeds would oaly iln· pro a v.y local ...-. dum trdic l.D all di.NC:tiou onto nilti"9 roada. ·~ --il bel"9 ued .. a polltse.l tactic by IDelDben of the poww lltNchlre. n.. lDclu- lion .... Clty CoUDcil •embeD oa the board of a poJttk:e} ectba comadtt• whic:b ec:ta oa a city ~Detter ....u tobe a vwrliv ooelk:t of tat.r.t, .. ..added. We'd U.e to laa .. •ce vo•toOlJ8..-.. ettt C&AIIINDI 67J.OIIO 2 for 1 SPAGHml SPECIAL Wed.-frl. (Lunch or Dinner') MGIMYo.tll ...... , .... _ ..... ............... Ho.m.-tpm. Qoaed Sunclay The dictionrt dlfii ... fi'E·W-'JHE.SI(Y • • ..._ promins of Me~~* and ptosperitf ... That snttv wei dleaibes thelilusllion in Newport right now. While ow Mlyot and a w others keep t.linQ ua lhlt hMvv deti1fopment ia good tor~ we ke.p .,..... hit with lhe '-d •AIIl:l•• Right now, the Meyor .-,d the~ went to .. the l\lsu;ion HOWI..,..odsd to inWdll a high rile ~ ,....,_ where they c.n • their ,...... THE-SKY while 1hly look down on .._t trllfflc )lma n look up at ina-'ng • 1rllffie. ~ • ~ .-. ,......,. wil llllow them to dn::ulllle llbout the me. they went to cr-. with OWidew~ but -.. ,... of ua g.-11\.d with 1M reeult8. The John Hencoc:k TOMf in Chicago ia ahMd now in the ,.;:e to .. who c.n build 1M ..... \OUrilt Mbaction ~ by a rellteuAnt but the ec11on Ia moq Welt ~ .,.. '*"* in N.wport IPPII••ttv went to Qll our City __. in 1M I'8Ce. Now,~ the other ct.v. we uw 1M far,..-., of..,.,._ ..._..THE--SKY group. Thil one ia a politiclll ftont which deima to .... "bennr Newpor""'" One of their .... ol''beow". to~ the.._ ~a.nrq de-l~~ with c:ommetdll and incMnl prqectaon prime ~view propeny, Thil group IIIYI it will No-t the fllctaand f9,nl ......-on 1M.....,. c:on- trown!V· Soundl •• ...,... ... IC:tq • c:empeign to \ry to cor"'-~ with a glfN of .. .a Sot.. 1M ontv ....a thev'w QUCMd ia 1NI they ~ to ..-net t30.000 .,....,.. now end~ to.-., the~wintheeledion.. w~ wt.e tt.Y• e-t tt. *30,000? There' a c.•lty one fKt tNt dwy, or a'1Y'OM .. cannac dispu•; we ... .,......,.., from being able to ftfwa ttes.,., ~-8nd a tekxllll:t ~to oftlet 1M,....... olh ftn,.r doua c;,..dl•llopme~tt 1Nt ._. peape w.t rigt\t now. tf City Hll .._. 'lt11 ned ~ego to..._ who w.rad a Uower ... of QlfOWth. we woukt not hiMt ._. .....,_ .. COitftont ua now. But they '-Ptfesdll• ua N..tN-THE-SKY. One a.t q...-lan: We notb "* ~ .. ...._ and eome of her Coundt Cronies ... on 1M . laerd of 0.-.1afa of .. new *30.000 ,...._ T..sKY grouc>. Does It*~ dwt ._.,.,. _. dno ~on record •••C)I)cdng 1Na ~.__.group In future deciliona ~·1M 11rve undlwl~ w-Newpon-81nning .... 1 They might end up wfth N on their .._, •ArMRup •Fumttwe ~· D ... ._, STAINED GLASS MLBO\ ART GLASS STliDIOS Jm-··•1111• ........... 111Hd1(-..-.... ~ ..... ClASSES NOW FORMING ....... , ............. Aifv .... STAINED GLASS IXHI81T, SIPT. 1 .. l0 l.A Federal S.vanp, Newport ·~ •nd llnd St Fill DIAWING •OPIN TO THI PU8UC '"' .... ,. •••w. 313 COITAMUA 675-5710 ... Franck Pourc.l Ally Connift Johnny Gibbl Kenny RMidn Catavetll Johnny PNrwon ttco Gomez Anne Murray Raymond Lefevre F-..WOOd Mile Cleblnofl M GMuni.t Frn Chac*alald HlnldMIIdw ~fae .. Oftl T enni11 ..... LMt F., ... I TeicMr ~·-ldN ~,. .. • CUSTOM DESIGN ••lADY-MAO( Ctf1SeRlPAIRS Sally Seaver PIANO TEACHER Ac~ceJtUII~G N•• Studenta 84C)..8117 1432......... c... .. ..., • ' tu to w t• p.l tic .. - I c-toryOffers South eo.. lepertory'a pro-NoDdaya hom 7 to 9 p.m. h lice.al trai.Diag p1091' .. lor 'Dte ec.-rvatcxy W01bbop theater leculty at the UniveJ11lty of Southem Calitom.ia and abo ...we u SCR'a r_.dent vocal di.rect01. adal._, tM Efta.iDg ec....r. i.a a cl-. iA which ltudata who vatary, ia o&.ria9 lour cw-hav. COIIIlpleted SCJl'a Su.aua.er dudaQ tM li82.83 tall llriO.D. eoa...a.tcxy Call CODti.Due to S.pt. 27 tUou.;lil Nov. 4M. upAor. auch CompoM.Dta of ac-n.. ch r 11 .,. '-'gi.DD'I'Q Ac-ti.DCJ aa ~ mov.HDt. emo- He t,.m.d at the CAntral Sc:bool of ~ and Drama lD LondoD and hu been QU..t vocal and dialect coach at the Wa.rk Taper ForwD and tba Ahm•neoa ThMtre. Wlboa abo rec:eeved hie MFA in ~ from USC and hu ac:h.DCJ cr.dita OD ataoe and lD lilm and telev~­ llOD. ti.Dg. v--. Siagiag For the Ac-tiOD ud tut a.ulytia. a ucla Can-.vatcwy To amoU iA the fall eMmOQ of W•••'P I SCB'a E~ Coa-va.tory, Begmm"9 AdiDg will be call U.. SCR adm•aletraticiD of. taught Werksd.a.,. Ira. 7 to 10 &c. (714) 957-2602. '!'he dan•• p..a. aDd -.pa.--~ lilav. a liaited emoll.meat and ~ ... ol u. --. tM .,. taug)lt br ~ i.D Mt\IN of ~ ud tM Southem CalUornia theatre mawi"9 ol c:Mrect.U.boa.. SCB'a ean-.atcwy e1 ... a.re 'n.. ca.-... Va.ce. wluclil beld i.a 0.. SCI 4th Step ''Tbe SCR Ev~ Coc..r· vatory often •pa.rate ac:tor b&lJU.D9 P109Jamt cie.lg:Ded to lulJill tba needs of both profee- aiollal and aVOQtiotlal acton." WU.OO 1a1d. ''The faculty 1.1 comprieed of i..Dchviduala wbo are cxmoemed tMcben aa well aa arUata. Their approach to tMchiD9 at SCR is cbaracteria· ed by liJDPlicity. iDtelpity and th010uvb.D ..... dMia witlil llllllp«'ta of ~ pro-'l'bMb. Coaaplex, ~ Town d\ldilaa aa t.lll.y relate to epeech Ceat• Dri" ill eo.ta W.... ... dai.ty hilt ud ... tM O...t-. ac::ra. tro. South Coaat Plaa.a ill o8aaed ~.,. bOlD 7 tog 1H 1982.-83 Ev-.~.Dv eo.-,. p.a. vatory will be cli.rec:ted by Jamaa ~ For 0.. A.dor 1.1 WU... ~ to 9CR pro- d.l6..-i to Mlp tM ltudeat duciDG ar\Wtic di.rect01 O.vid .u.g batt. and to act while fm~ tiagtng. n.. e1 .. i.a echeduled Wileo.D ia a prot..Dr on the s BINOCULARS T MPL IATYAHM A Traclttonal Reform Tempt& Serving the Newport-Irvine Area ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST SELECTION • Cal's CAMERAS lnvtlea You and YOur family To Join Ualn MembenhiP And To lhcn Wilt Ualn the Joy or Our New Temple lulldlng At"'-Ow Ita' &.a Sundlry School. JOU"Q .,.,.,.. .. ~ _, ...... ~"' • 1he 8ebl. '" lht$ gr..a boc* "-Y find~.~. We stones. and dear ...U.ega to Mtp "*" rncwe towaldlhef9\t choices And Jesus unsetbh., pow....,. eumpetobetNtt modef for """ IIICtlona Anyone ltvough age 11 IS welcome ....-y ~ .. ,..,long. ~laiN<:e •IIII:Mr ICMOOL f.VIRY~YAl lOAM Seccnd OUch ol Chrtlt Sdeldllt llQO PACK WW OAIW ~DR MAR ..... s...,....,. , ... ••••-c..,. .,,,.....,.,_ ............... .. tlll • • • • • • • • Shabbat Services Religious School AduH Education Youth Groups SisterhoOd AJdalca Shop Pre-School Socials A Temple To m"t TheNeedaOf The Entire Jewish Community RABBI MARK S. MILLER CANTOR RONAlD E. FOROIS 1011 Camelback st., Newport leach ..... ,"' RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... · At Wortd of Mautdtng You WW F1nd • •llouldlnt -IHardwooda a Sottwoodai- •VIctorlan Fretwork -Chair Raila -F lnleta - •Decoratl¥e a Plain Corbell -aaaea - •CeUine Moulding -aar Raila - • Stair Parte -I Oak a Hemlock I - •autcher 81ock Topa - •Centne Medallion• - •Wood Turning• - • And Loti More -Come On In And S.e U1 I n.. ...... , .............. , ..... -..,. .. 1 ..... 1 occ 0.-oe eo... eou..;,.·. ........ .-u.r baby. the Aleeb laoJe, MJ.led iDto Hewporl a..ch Saturday to • bearty welcome from the col· ••• reeideot .. ....,.,.. 'ftae f.a,gle, a Qraceful ~ loot yacht, is a 91ft to the OCC aailiDQ proqram from Neil G. Ba~CJt, c!aief executive ol w.....-. Aill.i.Dea and toun- dillQ pr.ideot of Alaak.a lD- teru.tioaal bu:l\Wbi-. 'Jlae well·lmoWD v-t, deaiQDed live yean 890 by New Ycwk ma.ri.De arc:hitecta Sparlr:ma.o ud Stepheu, woo the 1978 Whithread Around tba W01ld Race. The Ea9l• abo wu a fi.n.t.ab• tn tba aa.me eveot th.1a year The boat ia to be docked at tba c:olle9e'a aei~ and row lD9 bue adtaoent to Balboa Bay Club, ud will be IIUl.LD· ta&.Ded at no expen.ae to ta.x - payen. college ofbcwa aa1d EIToro (Cooti.Dued hom peCJ• 1) ati latt~ a.lJDo.t every meeti~ of the Airport Blue Rib- bee Com•itt• (aa Oraa~Je CoU.Dty CJ10up which rec:om· ~ded an airport at Sanb89o C..yoa. DOt El Toro). "You aJ.mo.t 00~ to the COD· clu.ioo there 1.1 DO aoluhon to au tra.Hlc problema ln tba area " Seelye aaid there are already aumeroua complaint• alx>ut Jet ooiae from military aircraft. "lmaQi.De the hue and c ry 1f they Mid we're CJOi.Do to have 150 or 200 fiiQhta a day by multi-e6QiD• aircraft, maybe aa bi9 u 747a?" The Orano• County Bo.ud of Supervi8on voted Feb 6. 1980 op~ "uy )Olllt uae or mJ..htary-dvlli.aD or ctVlhan UM OD.ly of El Toro Manne Au Sta hoD " 1 CODtroversy Oared tn June wheD 1t wu revealed that an auie to Superv110r Ralph Clark the ooU.Dty'a repr ... otahye to ' the SCAG aVlation aubc:om· I mltt ... bad wntten Secretary of O.fen.ae Cupa.r W eanber9er calliDg oo him to penalt tM ..a. ol !1 Toro for a coe.....nal.U· port The Navy aent • 6ormal raapo.-10 July, ltatl.Dg that PJ Toro la oot for ..Ue "b the .,. dehrute futwe " CoUeges (Coati.Dued from pe~ 2) each atudent baa dec:.lmed by one third .. we are 9etb.D9 by oa two third.a of the real dollara ~ bad lD 1978." A heavy 1n.Owt ol new atudeata from the UDpacted atate wuvemty ayatem, the unemployed and the ref'-'9" populahon Wlll furtbe1 ewell the ranb a t commwuty colleQ•. Hayward added "We're r• I qwred and expected to m•t ail thoae needa We 11mpJy can't do It " The chaocellor 11deatepped a qu .. hon on wruch 1114)0r party Qu.bematonal canchdate would be moat favorable to added tun- chnQ for the commumty coll~ ayatem, but 1a1d both bad made atatementa ''atroDQly aupporhve" of the ayatem Sign up today tor our new "Sweep" Investor Checking Plan Tt"l~<.,F> .::.wt>eP 'VC"' lntert',' lo~" '-.; l"lt>Cto. nQ AcCOV1'~ 'h'l .o .· '' '·. ~·o.,.. tw ~Vayc. 1.E.t•rviJav -.o.r i o.··~.~·· • I $2 ()0 t:!<l "l') 'J • no,q, I ~' : l , t r r ~ • 1 'I • I' • r 1 • t • ' I t'•·••' ... 1 I "• t' • t ·' • I .. ' I • 2. A ... .,.. C\rt a nee o . ~~~ $~ u "' 1 .:o·· ,· ·"-t' t • ,t lt 6 ' .. t I -t..:: • 1 1 WE'C'I ~"'10 o~.r ',o'C.'Q" A1'•'• r11en' p,i1., ,P1d ···F"" rl' 1 ' l'"'P' CU"•''II "1d'lo.t>' ' It •• T~,. • I 1'••<, '1"\d\' c r tnQt' Uri .. JDt'l1 '(Our dCCOlr' ' .\ 1' ri'-' · "l r $~ OOl No on1•., • n ; •n nr•n,.r Cl.l (lnCP S 1t:"Qu 't'O W• 't' (.ht>(.-."> 'O' d"'~ J 'T\O~o.•n' "L'. .... ..,., Most rnont>., 'Tlti' ""'' tu...,,1 't'Q, ,,, cht>llo.S to t..., w• l!pr •i'T o •''IS o1 $5L'' o· •no• ,. """' • p \1: t ' ,1 ..... .. ..... 1 , o f o I •• t l f ' , •t I ... " . . ' • ... ' .. I I • ', , .. ' I·''' t '•': .. ' ~ 1 ••. '.. ~ • ! • , t • , t ' 1 ,-• ' ,. ~ ~ ;\ t • t ~' $. I,, ~, t , ( , ' : I • t'L1 ll'v \. ,. ' .• I Why accept less than maximum interest? Move your money to Universal Savings! II•WNRT •ucH .• 't i. 4590 MacArthur Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Telephone: 714/955-0536 I hOI • ...... as I 1¥· Forced Firework s Sales? The e iJorts ol dozens ol cities statewide. including Newport Beach and three other cities in Orange Coun· ty, to control the sales ol fireworks in their c ities could be overturned if Governor Brown signs a measure passed in the last minute rush ol the state legislature to adjow n last Tuesday. The bill, by Sen. Wilham Campbell, would take away the right of a local city or county to ban the use o l fireworks within its boundaries. It was fi rst proposed last year as an amendment to a bill o n firehose couplings and was defeated by strong o pposition from lire chiefs, the League o f California C1ties and c ities with fireworks bans. The issue here 1s loc al control over public safety Many cities, located in fir e hazard areas or with pa r· ticular hazards of their own , have c hosen to ban the sale and use of fireworks within their OOundaries. These cities, including Newport Beach, would now be forced to allow the sale of fireworks again, taking con· tt ol ot their local fire problems out of the11 hands. Proponents ol the measure, primarily fireworks manuJac1urers, say cihes could still ban the use ol lire works. This, ho wever, 1s a specwus argument, since it is nearly impossible to control the use of a produc t whose sale is legal. What are those people who buy fireworks legally in a city wh.ich bans theu use supposed to d o with them, throw them out? No, it 1s more likely that they will use them, Illegally, on their own blocks and at their own homes. This bill is a sop to the firew orks mdustry. Sen. Campbell introduced the bill lor a lriend of his, Pat rock M oriarty, who happens t.o be president of Pyrotechmcs, an Anaheim firm which happens to be the country's largest producer of fireworks: We think this blatant attempt to take away a local government's right to regulate public safety issues IS out of line and should be stopped by a veto by Governor Br o wn. If the fireworks industry wants a bill to allow the sale of lirewocb in all cities passed, let them prop:>se It in the lull glare of pubilc debate and let it take ito chances. Instead they chose to make an underhanded a ttempt to bypass the legislative process by sneaking it thro ugh a t the last minute in the rush of other legislatio n, hoping nobody wo uld notice Well. we Jid. And so d1d many o the r people. Th1 s bill, SB 999, should be vetoed -LP EMERGENCY: DIAL 911 Governmental Representatives f ollow1uq are the addresse5 fur 90Vernm•ntal repreaenta· live• serv1ng the Newport Beach area: ST ATE SENATE 1uhn <; Schm"• l6th D"'"~' 46UO C.amp111 O, N•wpoll B••d• CA 92660 . 979 9670 BOARD O F SUPERVISORS Thomat F fl,l•~. D11hlct 5 thll ul Adlfutllll<&l•on. 10 C•v1c C•n••• Piau. Santa Ana CA 92701 ,,. ""' "NIH il .J /d f • • •N<..Ii~:--,·, f\ 1" 1 II , ,. ,,. 1< I [l ., ~' , • I • • • 1 ~· , < '> o 11 •;. ;q • ll·' • ( {1. ''''"' • 11 ' \ UNITED STATES SENATE A,d,. C ••noton. 10960 W•lahu• Blvd Au• IT· 9.?0 lo• Ano•l•• C A 9002~ (213) rt2~ IM I s 1 Hu•k•,..• 54.3 W fith St s .. ,,. !Ill l uo Anq•l•• CA \1001 4 (213) 668 ""'' T i lE NE\\'PORI' ENSK;N 2721 E (:O.ut Hwy Cmoned•1M.t,CA926259990 67J.OSSO RICHARD BRONNDI BOB PAYSON STEVt liADLAHD u:LAHO POUND BURT SIMS BIU. SIMPSON f1tANX MANNINO AOIItRTrMIIJ: MMCUS DIETZ WRY SLOII N •nd STEVEN GEORGES DONNA McGtnR! Co·pvbl.~~· Co.pu.bll.hel G.a• ... W.a~er Editor Coatdbullflv fAIIOI Adv .. tu.laqo Clr.:tor S.l• Mana(!Jer -Sport.,..._ ft.olovr..,._, Ptod...:tkla~ ,... ...... .., ...... Lo..., (\JU'S .... ,70) -· ""''"'lpd 10 too • --.. -..! ....,,.,.,_ ... .._,,..._""Mol w.,, 14 ltlo\1 .. _....._ .. , __ .....,A :10171!, .. ......,_C... ~. •to. f • .......,, "" Q-..... o+ C.loh"'"' -d try -......, 10 ............ 10 ~ WI ~ .......... ~-............ !.,. n.. ,...,..., '•-• ,.,. +eqol -..-. b• ,.,. cu·, .-.~ ,.,_, ..... ~ -..-.. .. , .,._. ................. , ......... "" .. '"""',.... I!II!O<IPAW,_ , .. _ <e-.. ~ • .............. t.ILII""' ... '-... ,.....,, __ c.-._ ... ,.... ... _..,__ ............... .._el~~ ..... .,...... ..... , ....,, __ .... , .,_.,......._ ,._,.,..c.,.,_, ... l'-,.._....-f "'-,. ...,.WIOioW 1tr c--a ,._.,.()._-.............. c.-. W..• t. -·- Time Of MyUfe by Jim Poltoa Act of a o -agog.,.- M WquotiDg D ictionary by lla Foi- A nwnbttr of new.pape:r1 in ihia area, mclud.inq the powerlu.l Lo1 Angel• Time1, recently pt!bUshed a letter to the editor that co1t1 10me dubiotJa di•tinc · hon of the newtpapeu and .ome triohtening mi.giviru;JI about the letter's a1.1thor . .ameone who 9081 by the name ot Stuart W1lliama. Thi1 per110n uatng this name tries to chano• the rneamnq ol the word "demaga<;Jue," to the embaraument ol the mayor ol NeWJXlrl Beach, ]ache Heather Letters To The Editor But what the Lo• Angelee Tim81 dtdn't bother to do wa1 to check out Stuart Wtllia.ma quote hom Webtte1 '1 Colleg1ate Die· honary. 1J they had. they would have lou.nd that tbi1 per.on go· ing by the nam• ol Stuart Williams had actually mtaquoted from the dictionasy, wh tch wo uld appear to be the h1ghe•l form ol demag09uery by ooy delinitton. Weblter'1, Aabetotoa Haaard To the Edito r. I..ately, thelinandal papers have been filled with report• abo1.1t the bankr1.1ptcy petition of the Manville Corp. Oob.na· Manville), the latQO .. t manWac· Iuter ol ubntoe-cement pipe. Bo.nkruptcy proceedin9• have b.-a filed beoau.M (1) the com- pany will be W1able to cont•t tucce•fully evidence in 11.1pport of the health-related 1Wt1 againat it. {2) benk:ruptcy will ena.bJ..e it to avoid payment of an end) ... theam of .ucc .. lu.l, bealth·relat.d •Wt.; (3) Johni- ManvUle want• a baJl-ol.lt bill from the U.S. Government becaute the QOVemment, by Ul· tnQ aabftt01 productl, iJ in parl re1p0D.Iible lor tbe ubetltoe· eaUMd health dCUDage. : pipe in Corona del Mat'• drinking-water 1y1tem-de•pite the wealth oltciRtilic prool of the cancer·cauainQ eltact• of ubMtoe. When I ddcovered the u.. ol ube1toe-cement pipe in Corona d.l Mar's wat• ay.tem, I uked the City Council to halt itt uae u.tttil a careful 1tudy of itl aafety could be made. The City's atoll tidicW.d my concerns about ..O..toe fibers ln the water. With the exception ol Corono. del Mar's own councilman who tupported the Idea ol careful reMAJch before inltallll'lg the ubee.toa-cement pipe, the coun· cil majority contemputoualy iQ· nored my ,.qu•t which 1 had supplemented with cou.tttle .. -=:-lenU!ic and/or government r-..rcb doc\&ment. poll'ltiD9 to the huardl of ub.t~·cement pipe u chinking water conduits. Ca.liiornia, Irvine, and told him abo1.1t the ubeetoe-cement d.rink- LnQ' water pi~ in Corona del Mar . H. immediately boUlilht a 1pecial water purtfler to remove ubeat01 fiben hom hillamily'• drinkin; water. He aleo w.nt to Cuy Hall and pointed out the health huardt of aabelt01 in lh!'.l drinking water. Sloce hit c redibiHty co\dd not be ridicul· ed aucc .. tully by the city's 1taJf, Newport Beach agreed to run one t .. t on the clty't drink· iDQ' water. n that on• , ... lhowa "no do.nger." Newport Beach plen• to contillue It• i.natallation of asbutoe-cement pipe La Cotona del Nal-e pipe which II 10 Un. 1ale that the leading manulac· turer ol it hu fil.d lor bankrl.lpt - cy in order (1) to avoid pa)'IMnt ol health·related 1u1te against It a.nd (2) to force the c;overment to UN tupayer money to bail the company out. PerhaJ» it The city goVfl"tlDient ol Newport Beach may face aim.ilar charg .. of cWpabJUty in a lew yea.re. The city il in the proce• of installing ub..to•·cement Aftew I, therefore, 1poke to the leadi.Dg cancer·r ... atch tpec;:laliat at the University ol I On (Cont.10ued on p.aqe 5) "father, Molher and Me, SJ•ter and Aunt1e soy All the people like u• are We I And everyone el11e 1• They. And The y live over the Ma, Wh ile We hve over the way. But-would you btbeve 11' -The y lOCI-¥ upon We As only a sort of They."" Rudyard /(jpllng by Rob.n Frank Viaiona of China. Pragmatic, de1potical. aqrarian. One b1lhon people, one billion human live• either toiling or wodting, dependinQ on who'• looking through the bamboo curt am Coutioualy, •lowly, that cur- tain is parting. Modernization. the Chine• government la.uda:, Ul on the edQe of advADdDQ o Men.ist dteam. But att•r cen· turie~ of collective aenopbobia, nugget• of capitalil!tl ar• being selected lor adaptcahon into th.i.t pc;pc:e•. "But I feel the crun .. government would cateiuUy control too much emulation of Wett•n value•," wam«i Carol LyDD Cooper, 30, who recently returned hom a y•ar of teaching in Beijing. Lalit wMk't battery ol pro· paganda •tatementa lrom Chin .. Commum.t Party Cba..i.nDa..n Hu Yaobe.Dg •dd clout to Coopet'a ot.rvaUon. Aocordin9 to tM A.odatecl Pr .. , Hu 1aid "the au-- people have not aehiewd. the 9Q&Lof row>lfylng tMir motherland and .till Uw iD a eomplleat.d l.ntama.tiocal 811· viro~U:Dent in which the c.Pt&ll.t ..,,_ and other lon:oo bcolllo to Cblna'a eoci-.1.\lt c•ua will _. to corrupt the aua .. people &ad Nbotaga the OO\IIltry," Hu al10 Mid M waoV. •n end to "WMCJupulo..Jy Pl11'"1WD9 parmnal eDjoyment .. wttla!A tbe nut Uve ,.., .. WNt Ia CC>Midorocl '\lniiCf\q)U~ut .. ia not defmed . --Coop«, • r<llidoot ol Ucl<> d ll.lld o UCI 9<ocluat CAROL LYNN COOPER Su.ll ~to bv Robet"l Fr1nll contend. there ~ more t.ha.n a language qap betwHD the Red Eut and the GrHn w .. t . It's a 10ft ol oonc.pt 9ap, abe .aid, which caUIM moat "w .. tem thinker~ to misunderstand bow to deal with the ChineM peo-- pl " •• .. w.-u American•-can l.am, 1 t.hink. much lrom thei.J un.Nlliab uprlt de corpa. When you WOI"k f01 them you ate &e· cept.d u working towarcU a common goal," abe aa.ld. U on• daM not aid them uae.liaahly, abe .oid. M could tuJ.n any future biendlhipe. Ill 1981, Cooper told • report• lor this paJ* "'The ~ have OD o1moot ab- non:aal elolllc*ty to get u much IOC~aolcovlcot u.lormatlo~ u ~W. at DO cce:t. Amarica.u .,..n't wed to that. They heve to bolld alol." '11M coooopt ol lrlondohip II ID ttooU-...-by w ... ..-•. • oald Coop., rolonlnv lo ootobtWoiov rololloDo wltb Clolaa. 'I'M Oll.aeee do aot pe~c*v• any ~aoe bet~ bulin .. tn.dolllpo ....t -a/ ...... ~ aa A..loao woold divide ~ IIIIo ••-*· olle oatd. .... iOt!Jii thiU provr..tM f'IIIL 81.11 "I think the Chin ... have a tremeadoUI amount of telpect tor bUiin_. ln Cllina," u id Cooper ol her Cl:Uneea lrlenda. Cooper deecribel henelt u a "lacilltator and Uuion betw.en the U.S. multinational corpora· tiona a.nd the va.riou. Chin ... miniltri•. itll"litl.ltiona and cor· poraUona." She was invited at the tirJt m· dividual to leach a buain .. Mminar cowM oa U-S. Multina· Uoaal Corporatkuw to ChineN buaio ... proJ.-ofl, ioreiga trade oiticiala and student• at the invitation ol Tbe Bailing In· 1titute of Forei9n Tkade, a divi· lion of the Miniltry of Foreign Economic RelaUon1 and Ttade. Alter tuning into the Chinue perspective, Cooper. who 1pe0.b Quent Chinue, laid ahe iound het u.x:iat• to "have a trem•ndoua amount of ior..tgbt. Nothing geta them ruffled. They have a ttamendoua amount ol cultural •ufficlency." '"'Their tenacity ~ t.reman· doua," abe marvel«~.. During" h..-work there, Coo.,.r helped wrlt• a workimiJ bualn-dicto.oary embtacino ''the concepea of how the w.at c1ooo IDtor1lOtloMl buoln- withln a cro~~..cultW'al pe~· u.,..H Cooper alao l.ncluded techAtoal btwln-terms with anocxlota Cooper r.tu.d to answer qUHtioa.a reogudlAg poUUc:t,. e•· platDirl9 '1 doD' thlllk th.y (tbo Chi= .. ~t) would want 1M to auwr tor U..m." SM plpo to*""' to maln'•nd Ch.lDa lD October, havlll9 alnoody ala-I 0~ .. ,._._u .. wttl. .__ot lalve -·t·· ftlch ... clocllaod to- "I lool ..,.jg,ta.bto ID (Chlao'o) olr:M. l 'e ~Illig to bo .. llldl'fkhol wt!Wa --•Hal• .. ..u .. la t.M C"~·-~~~ octlvl ... ol • ......, llool .... Ollt-t to. ......... -..... toCiolaa.'1 tlak!My ... ..... toallocltile-oltile..W." Williamt't, or Sockajawea'• The WUh&~na letter to the editor .tarta out with "Somehmes ignorance can make a politiclan honeat." 'l'ben be It&t .. that MaYOJ Heather had called her opponents "demaoogu.ea," The letter then went on a.a lollow.- ao.d this a a direct, unechted. unabridged quote. "I'm 1we abe didn't intend to hand out any compliments, but that'• the way il twned o ut ," the letter a9ned by th• per10n go. 109 by the name ol Stuart William• at at••· "AccordinQ to Weblter'• Co!lec;~iate Dl.c· tionary," the letter contin1.1e1, "the prelen.d deliniHon of demlMJogue IJ 'o leader cham· pioning the cau.e of the com· moo people.' " The letter go• on in a c austic, aaicutic, behtthnq way, all of which 11 pwe non•nM· Jr. al10 idiotic beco.\lM th• comment• aa bued on a faulty quotation My copy of Wel»ter'1 Col· legiate Oiction&~y giv .. two dehnlhona lor demagOQue The lint readl "A leader cha.mptonlnQ the cauae ol the common people 1n ancient hmft " Now note how the peor-an by the name ol Stuart WUliatDI hu dropped the laJ!t tht" word. "in ancient tlmH," to suit h11 conve· nience and to Mrve h.i1 demaqoglc ob)ttehve. The •cond defin1tion ••mt more to the point, or certainly to cunent usage. "A leader wbo makes t.1M ol popul&J prejt.dice• and lal .. cla.inw and promiMI to gain .. power . Weblter'• Colleg1ate Dic- tionary doea not have paeferred uaag•. In tb• Expla.natory Notes of my oopy, Ulage il diacu.ed under Section 11, call~ the S.n• Oiviai.on. Thil eection talb about worda that may have more than one meaning, or more than one •OM. Sublec::Uon J 1.8 reada; "The ord., of MD•• i1 historical, the one known to he,. been hn:t tJ.Md In Engli.tb ill uleted lira!." Actu&lly the tint def.inition ol dem.ogogue 1u.lta Willlama and bb c:roa1• pedectly, because all u. dtMmi.a.g ol ucient U-afraid olloodwo wbo ·-lb. reollllol of todoy, th.e ,a.Md kn bett• roada, ed • r~Yot tu bue adequate to pay tor nMded Cleiii:MDI.IDlty •r· vi- For lurthar odlticatloo, I checlood otb• dlolloo-. ""d IIley oil ... _ tha ·--· ~----W-• Poc:1to1 lll<:tioury cleorly otot• PI tb•Uel .. ..,.., -.c. woe of ... -,. .... oot -ugb ·-.... lUotodcol dololl. Alld tlt• caly dolloitloD tbta die· tioDMY gl.,.. b ds•raogue ie: "A-"-a~totile O-lau ODd .... ......_ ol-ple-"' ""* lo ...,_ bJo "'"' polltlool .... 0 JD -JOU ., -tile-"""'-by tbo-ollttao.rt wu•-.,., • ha .. l ... __ Ot.oa. 48. of Newport BMcb. 1 Friday. Sept. 3 wu reported etolen from Sho)a IJtama tn the 100 block of Pro· POUCE BL01·1 ER was an•ted on auapicioft of bat· CRIMES tery Dooald Kim Juboe. 18, I A motorcycle 11 m pohce am of A&uaa, was 011.ted on a~.Wpl pound aJter tM auapect ucaped ClOD of Ptl•tatng bwglary toola oc foot loUowing a }ugh apeed I wu etaiea wbea bwglua amaah· ed a plate glaa door on the I bwldang's D\414 ad.tr .. t en trance A yellow ta.tldem montory Poant A pearl nee kl ace, a ruby oec: klace and diamond 1ewelry valued at $5,650 were among 1tema atoleo tram John S Joo.kman an tbe 600 block of Harbor laland Noodcay. Aug. 30 CRIMEs Two lodaee nnga of gold and amethyet valued at $3,000 were reported etoJeu irom Suvta Ohve Coppole an the 2700 block ol faehion Wand A Leitz 1w vey level and a c u cular Slut saw valued at $2.679 were reported atolen nom a conatruc - tion aile in the 1500 block ol Oua.al. They belong to Bomel Conatruchon ARRESTS Thomas Guy B.utch, 20, of Laguna Naguel, we~ azt .. ted on auapac1on of robbery ChaJl• Cbn1tophet Lohmann. 45, of An.ahetm, waa arr81ted on suap1c1on of extorhon Tom Reed Rogers. 40, of Newport S.ocb, waa an•ted on auapa cton of bwglaty Gary Maz bn faretra, 29, ol Upland, was atreated on suaptcaon of posseu mg cocaane Janet Mane Peterton, 18, of Whather, was aztested on auaptc1on of con tribuhng to the delmquency ol d au nor Tueeclay. Aug. 31 CRIMES Two ilsh1ng rods and reels valued at S500 were reported stolen bam a boat belongmg to Maryland Porreca Lodge an the Come SeeThe J j Gery George YoQD9, 25, of cha.ae watha motorc ycle ofboer Newport Beech. w.u an..t.d oo The cycu.t waa 11ghted 8119~ 1 00 block of Beyude ARRESTS Dave Mark Gaynor, 20, ol Newport Beach, waa atJ .. ted on 1 suapicaon of robbery Mark Steven DeLao. 22. of Santa Ana, we~ arr .. ted on suapicion of bwglazy . Kurt Allan Babel, I 23. of Newport Beach, waa OI· rested on suapic1on of vandaham Kenneth WUliam McCatt· ney, 18, of Ca.ta Mesa and John RequeJO wmon. 23. of Santa Ana Heagbta, were attested on euapacaon of canymg a loaded hrearm 1n public Three men were aneated on suapac1on of drunken drivmg, mcludmg Todd Henry Babel, of Newport Beach Wedneeday, Sept. 1 CRIMES A Blaupunkt caz stereo valued a t $500 waa reported stolen from Constance Whitney whoee car waa parked in the 1100 block of 1 Jamboree An RCA XL-100 color televis10n valued at $350 was reported stolen bam Chazlea Harold Mcintyre an a burglary on Point Sur A.RRf.STS euapacaon of ~ cocame mg lD a 1pe.d cont•t on Balboa ThundGy. Sept. 2 CRIMES A man who clauned to be acmed e.caped wath $140 after robbing the fotomat at 4602 Cout Hwy No one waa banned an tbe 5 20 p m LDC&dent A bomb threat waa made at Newport flonst m the 2700 block of Newport Another bomb threat waa mode at The Second Glance tn the 2100 block of W .. t Ocean front ln both 1n· e~dents, wlucb occwred Wltbtn 10 rwoute~ of each other, the caller aaked the vtcltm bow much money wu 10 the store No bombe were turned up at eatber locohon Three 01la by Tao Gaea, an 18 karat gold • watch, a a&lver candelabra, a N1kon camera and a 1973 bald bug valued at $17,450 were among atema stolen from Patne~a I Lynn Hilton 10 the 100 block of ~aOw~ I ARRESTS around 11 45 p m Alld when the ofbcer ochvated bu fla.abtng ltgbte, the man fled Speed.a of 70 and 80 mtl .. per hour were reac hed an the purawt, wh1cb ancluded a stretch ol wrong way dravang on S.aahore The suapect abandoned hiS b1ke an th rear of Nephme and ran away An area MOich and a radto check of the laat reqa1tered ownet ol the cycle were both negahve, palace reported Robert f Nova'-lt of Momtng Star opened h.ta gazage door from the 1011de and found hla new.paper parltally on bre. pohce reported Palace suspect a..raon In tbe anc1dent ARRESTS Adr1enne Melaua Jon•. 20 of Santa Ana, wa• arr .. ted on auap1caon of po .. u1ng bad checks Pang Lee Terd, 55, of l.tvme. waa ane1ted on auap1 c1on of petty theft S1 x men were a.rreated on auap1c1on of drunken drtVIng, ancl ud1ng Mar tan Joeeph Mulholland and AI Steven Mendez ol Newport Beach Saturday. Sept. 4 CRIMES b&cycle wath white eeats, valued at $300, w.u reported atol.a from Dorothy Si.lveu 10 the 300 block of 32nd AMESTS 1 Jam" Robert Hwat, 24, and Ronald Paw Rather, 25, both of Phoena. were an•ted on 1uapa c aon of canytDg a concealed weapon fi.reann 10 a vehtcle I Cath1 Ray DaviS, 31, of Coeta Mesa, wu an•ted on •uaptcaon of petty theft Concha E.coba.r, 39, and Celmda MaUUie<JOS, 26, both of Newport Beach, were an•ted on 1uapa caon of petty theft Mtc bael Joeepb Day 18, and Joe Lynn Balo ... 19. both of Laa Ve<Jaa. were azt"ted on eusptcton ot poaea1ng ampbetarrun" Jamea Paul John.aon 21 of Hun hngtoo Beach. wu a.n .. ted on suap1cton of contnbutmg to the delanquency of a mtnor Rlcbazd Carrntne Januzu. 21 ol lrvane. waa arrested on suap1 c1on of c reahng a d11twbance wath a loud and unreuooable notse Three men were o.r re1ted on suapac1on ol d.runlten d.r1vmg, no ne from Newport Beach SUDday. Sept. 5 CRIMES A woman was raped and rob bed o l $220 an an apartment on Ba lboa laland A two karat $4,000 ll1 caa.b waa reported atolen from Joee Wutpby'a an tbe 100 block of Mcfadden A bronze bgunne of c uptd, on a marble baae, valued at $500 was reported atolen from JOM ph Joatah lnqraham m the 1300 1 block of Outugger ARRESTS Jerry Melendez 22. ol Rl a ltl w.u arreated on luaptcaon ot burgla.ry Stephen Wayne Huddl•ton 22 of Coeta Mestt Wal arr .. ted on IUipiCIOn of disorderly conduct tohcallng ; lewd act Roger Dale Scali 26, ol Downey wu anested un IUipiCIOn o f po!IIGUing hashtsh Asbestos (Conltnued from paqe 4) government olhcaals themtelves and not leu payer~- were held eco nomacally dC.Cuun table fo r such health relat~d damag ... at htast the govern ment ofb c1als wo uld behave more re1ponsably Ton1 Ann Keller, 28, of Is· vme. was arreated on suaptcton of forqery . John Edwa.rd Michael Scott Tyree, 21 , of Newport Beach. waa aneated on 1uap1C10n of contnbuttng to the dehnquency o f a mtnor One man waa arreated on ausp1c1on of drunken dnVIng. not hom Newport Beach Pas Graphlct Inc . of 3950 Campus, waa raneac lted and $93 d1amond rtng valued at $23.000 Ronald K~nnt.-ody Corona d el Mar , I WALKING JOGGERS ~ Blue. Grey, Royal Blue. ''1M c.___,, ..cl "The Pee•" ~I LVll{ T.\L[ •\','1\l lo(,\11 •llliolllo\l ' • 1(\111\lo"' t\ \tt' I 14", I\ I I 1\ t ,,, 1 tl•~'t ' Ill II Jlllll ''"\llh41h 'llt\I,C, IHIIOC .\1 4111.\ NOACK TROPHY I "tt l I -lh 'llrt•d '" 11" 1 chlol \It•'·' I.H rn" ''"'"\ron' """I'P ""-! I t•nl•·ri (l~6-~)4 J a R EMINDER florists $18 A rose 1S cl rose New Fait Fashions ( Wine, Red. Sizes 5-10 A flort!>t '' d d tffert>nt matter J.\ ' REG. $25.00 There s only ont> C.ldrk Kennedy ~ / \ '4...~ ~ " ~ \ \ __ )-4 'v, '. ~ / - cw~ Tke Skae T '~aft »11Newportllvd. 641 08 10 • Stone Mtll Busrness Park Newport ..... 2915 Red Htll Ave • Costa Mesa h•cro.lrom C•ty H.lll .. Don 't forget Gra ndfather 's Da~ ~" (714) 751·4705 314111RCH ST .• ACROSS FROM AIR CALIFORNIA auaJit8U eecou,.ta set up o"' r•• pltotte Here's The Proo YOu .---._ ... _.. __ ,_ ............ -· ·- ~---,. .......... .,., .. ·~---.... ---·- oo• ......... ---·- 0 •• -~,.-­.,_._... ........ l'lH )(H. \lllll PhP[~)~J.tphh l ll\l'lll\11\ Hl'!.!h{l l. ~'111\lll~·, .I j'l..'llll.llh IH H'l1'11.l ,,t' \1 llll' 1'''"""'\'l l~lll'l, ~.l.t t l'' ll\.lliJil ~,\. .lthl l'""l'" p.11d.ln 1111\' ''k .tlhll,ltl\l'll h'llt h11hl~.1.' lll!1 ''"' .til thh 11 11 \llllllll•lfl-~''ll' .1\ (ll,t l l''l\1(\l!.!f.'l'h' ,, 1'11•\1 11\\ nvt-.lllp tt hl \due: ~,, '''h' hk ", tP dunk .th111 H ttt ,·-. .trhl bu r~!.'"''· l•tH l1 ' ,j,, h.q')-x ·n Itt t.t~. L \ru~.h" H 'L\rt" J rt-. l'lU )( )} ,, 1' h tit . 1 .1 IH'h!,h hPr\ h 1111W l.tu~hr tl1"· I \·'l'll l tlh· ttrlllll :1, 'I11Jt'. ''1"\ .. 1 ~h.lll l'J,I II\Itl~<, 11.111\l. '"t.' '1'1111~'· llhl 1·1.1\ ,,~.J . I)' 1' It. 111 u ·" 11. lll.lttll.' d. I t r !11" IL q' 1 'l 1.1' ·,I t, ' ' . 11 , , • 11 Ll ' . • 11 h 1lH.'Illl'l'1 \ '" 1\ 1tl'tll Ill l'\\T\ '''''Ill. I ,, 1\ \. !,.,, ,~ It 11•1t. \IIlii ,1\.l lllJII( (II th l· 11 hll1.1ll\\' l\1111p.l11\ \\11\l:,l Ita! ,jl,tl( ''ll.lll\l ,,, IPI~II[(l'lllt ~'l lh . ()I 11 thr ~·\n lh·lpl·ll tlt l't ll'~ hl·, Il l ( tl.tl llllllt·, 11. I I I '' Ill l lllll.l. lhl\\ lllld\.1 \Ill!,,,,,,,. riLl[ till· llt,l ll·, \\I I ·:1·( ', Ill\ l~utth.,,llllt'''tl rh ~· j,,l.d ,lt,l,lli1H ,r,q l·~ lll c.' .llll l tlwtt \.Ill hn \1HII ihHlll ''' ,,th u .1r .all\ 111 11, \1 ,1 1t 1 It l ·' J 1 '· ' , 'u 'II 1 h ·v ~.I I , 1 H )( ) f r , ' 1 1" '' 1.!" · 1 h l J' • \ 1111 1 \ 111 1 i 1 •II \1ll11ln·l t,,, l.t,t. t.ur ,c,:ttlt·llll.'llt ,,t lh'llh'''\\111 1' uhl bu-.uh '' 1thll1.11h l ,l.tllll\. Plh 't'' ,\,,~,ultwnt.Hh'll t-. rill , '''\ 't. llh1't ~,,,lll}'t l·h ~o·tht\~o' \\.1\ c,, 11\\l'tH,,n tn J .1\lthcnth tfl '''lll b,·l,,n~ul ~'· \r .1 '"T' t l',l'''n.thll· l'lll l' ( )ut l''l 'k"'ll'll.tlplll'l '~r.tt'h'-·' \\lllu,tlh t11 '''lll h,,tlh' .tthl d" the JPh m Jlht .1 In' lll'llr-.. fhc11 \ ~,,u'll h.1H Pl\t )( )l - h c.ttltd.ul c.PI"'' l'h,,h,~r.q ·h' ,,t \l.'llT pn ll·~.ll'"'"c'"h'll". lllt!,.ltll/~'1.1 Ill .I h.\lll{'II.\1\H' hllhkt. f hl''ll' .Il l' th e k11hl ,,t drt .ul c,l. l't't tll.tlll't lt '"'"-"''~.I-. tll.lt u\-.Ut.ltll l' "Plllp.mH'\ .trill I. I\\ ~.:ut ~. H rcmctlt .l~l'll l. tl'-. t'l.'l'\ 'I \11\ll'lll.l. ( '.dl th'" t,\1 .Ill l'\tltll.ltl.' .md dr t.uk \l11ndd .lll m-.ur.mu: ~.l.utn .ttt,r. \l'll.ll b~.· ~l.1d \~olll ''~'"-till, '""pic prc:~..\llttnn t~' l'''''hl,· \11\tt,,lt \\ltlt .l l.l'lllplct ~.· h,Hlll' ,,r,ltttu·mn·nhlr\. \uhlh' H t , ,,1\llll'll. ul Ph ""~r.1phv lXII N ~.·" l"''1 <.. \ nrcr DnH·. \\lltl' 1~ l.'"l"''t lk.tlh,t' 92660 (i t4) twtl-13M ,,, 645-( :!1 IJ7.._.Ctttl O.lllt .... W:at u.. ....... ~ .. ~ ..... Mcr..w..·. .,...~ .. ..w. hQ-.. ... ..--....... _...taD. at ,. ·-a..~oee. AltW-.u..- •• to Mft I •fJMd .-.~wta. ... .......... cW badbea ....... wtth .. ......,of cWU.ad!MwlDe ~.-.... ~ tbat tM ~~de* woWcl '-"'*""• ... Ny ~-.... ..,. moUily 10. Hat CUIII ...... oJ laa•t::o•••JIIIIde .. ____ u.. ~pof 1m ... ~ ..... lclar..ly oao...eu,.n. c.u.. ud let• .. a ' $ .-t-of lnJite>'ala o..a lbiat. ltilllater to becc•• La o.w .. n..~.w ....... i•tlolled ,., .... oa!JtW.......,Md me.ter:l u el-vut bUibo ~tt.cl to '"tnaly cr: QlldttaD adli-... nu. C\II.Ue ........... u.. ._,rtao-olour ~·· varied toodl aad--.,lrca .-...c:~a aa-. to ItaliaD s-M-. Chi=-.tyl• cdlp ~a.bl-ud ScNtJ. Am-leu ·...a.d..ata." w. tktpp.d u.. '"grud npeahag", wllldlweea wiDe ta.tiae ud cboPI*f lD for cllD.D. tM lollowbag ~.Wewwea l*tJ of low, ad la· d\alv-l ill much tutmg .., .. Q,; 'IM..U,\o ...... , ..... h.- t...WQ .. 'e. r.dore'1, ud Wcra- •'• laJ*Ie. Ja a\ICh the ..... Val.t par ... iD9 .... b-. ecWed. ~-·toucho.l .a.vaace. DOt really "*C ,., ..... ia • lalve parkiav lot. ,.. lat.tc. baa bMa Nfur. .,.... u.. ... tood bar Ja gooe. .. ia tM dia· taoc.eewwallewla. 'n..buiaiCI ....... hOlD the clia.lDg IOOJil by a Dowered eurta.LD oo s bra. rod. ud buq\Mitt. liDa the wall. with beetwood ud cua ch.a1n at the ta.bl• Colon are dark blue lor the c..rpet, '*• ~ 'IJ)bnlllery, pinkilb walla ud PMCh tab~. tu.... 'l'beNla~ hugiDg lD bMkets, a:od tr.b Dowen 011 the tabl•, ud a vt•w ol U.. wat• &om MCh table. w. Ubd the eoft Come In For Ow ~yNight . Foottaal 8p1clal Dinner 5:»7PM SEPT. 14, 1982 Ftr ruvltilas ell: &75-2051 1tV11I Cer••• lieu •t•ick•• Greco la ... ...... .._.. did DOt Bad tM .......... cc.- bt.W.. a..u. .,. a--.balODQ ...J.udthe . .......... baaquett. --.,. d ... gned b tho. wbo daD' liD9er OftW a ...al. na. ..... tao ia cuu.al a:od U... ..... to be DO dnet code. Em.to.W.aiaa tiM cUt. tram.d by hia JDOther wbo i8 diNctor o.l the OaliDary haltitut• of Pwu ... •Yldeatly baa worbd out the IMD'A. which w. woWd detlne u "int .... tioDal" rather thaD Aaaeru::u. .. it often CI"''-a.Dta, pia&. puta, omet.tt-. but lea¥M moe ol the actual cookt ng to hl.a ~trym.ua O.Yld (proaoUDC»Ci 0.-wed) ot.da. WeUk~lmMo'a Bayaide. It ia DOt a grad rteta\Uut, but a hiadly ud ca.ual OIU. The kitah• la a bit Wlo.'tala at UU. time, but ahowt onativ- ity ud po.U.. Servtc. la 1\l~b. pro..-onal ud helpNl. U w. .,.,. F u Weet s.Ma.a. ._. wowd be pl-...d to acclaim thl.a ~ houee u oA• of our OWD. AAMlNS IA&.80A ISlAND ,•••Mats, 311 MIIIM Ave., 673-6510: New Orleans arUiwork ushers ~rons Into this cuuaJ Italian restaurant that hs been charmtna lslanden ud .,ests al~e for many yeaiS. Culln.ry favorites are found amona both ltaliu and seafood deu-.u. Wines include both Callfomla ud imports. Reserv.ak>ns are a must. Hours: Daily, S p.m. COlONA OIL MAl GIM~a. E. Cout Hl1hway, 673-1121. Clna, who does all the cooklna, offers special pasta dishes, veaetarian dellahts, a tasty piua that has loads of cheese, a zesty sauce and a not- too-thick, not-too-thin crust, and eleven sandwiches aJona with MONCHATtAU 2364:1 ft toro Qo IOUPS Met salads. You can pt.., to eat on the patio or tak• out. Don't mlu this charm&na deli that is known even In los Anaeles for Its plzu. .............. <640 Heliotrope, 615,.2051. FUm favorites are often seen in this romantic hkleaway just off Coast Hiahway. Intimate alcoves, a fireplace and a co.ty ~ offer patrons privacy to enjoy ouzd and Chicken Greco, accompuled by many aoodies. An excellent early bird special is available dally. ReseNatk>ns suuested . Open daUy at 5:30 p.m . EL TO.O Mon ce..t ..... 23CM2 El Toro Road, al0-.3410. An ele,ant latden room for the leu lerlyakt season ts on. Join th~ celebration. Start with a slulln&lknlhana Shrimp Appetizer. Then enjoy our delkloua eoup and crtep aalad. Savor our tender Benlhana St~ak & Chicken Thrlyakl. • • filet ef Slit Sir* .-.: lill. c-••e. -. • ulld, Mad ......... rice .... ij••*~•· -- 2136 Plocenha \at VIC tOto) Costa Meso ~-otoo ()nf\9 6-lOJCipm o-7JOpm SpeciQI El Toro • MC 1/ A~ 0C C BeQan & J:tencl"' CU~Sine L Uf'Ch • [)wv1et HoiPil Appeor.ng ReS8fvOhOI'\S 830-3110 ~l'l' •. 141ll .\ TRAI'M'fi()S • Olt 60 \ t. \M"i C H111 t~Htl ( 11ltl r•IJl'f'\ Ut( ftflllltJt (i~l ,) ''HI. '"lrC't~ ....,,, frr'lr ,,. /111llll •IHI tHHihn· 1'-i~,-I.111K'Irrm1 \/If rHII• NEWPORT 8 l VO & COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH IQ I_ ...... INSIOO. .......,._. ,..,..."' CKAfi4U LA lllllltOTHCKII.O -------~------------------ FOUR REASONS TO BRACB YOUR8BLP AT THE HAPPY HOUR Me•...,. U.n F"-S to 1:Jt PM whh ~han d'oc11nea It'd a Sea Food Bar MEN'S NIGHT ~Ito It PM reaturtna . 7 5 well drinks LADIES' NIGHT w ... ,.._,llo It PM reatwina .1S well drinks BIG BANDS ve ROCK A ROLL s..-, ··~~~·~ IMS Sl 100 wid! mUSH: o( the 5()'a IDd 60' I , q fSERIIA TIONS SUGGESTED 145-70n ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY 4-STAJ. HOTEL S..Vong loll ' 00 4M 900 Ntwpott C.ater Dme • Newpon 8caca.. CA 92660 • ,._. (714) 640-.000 GEORGE SMY .. NIOTIS ATH • ~ fit I I 0 M IO I p m Sol & wn 4 p m •o I 0 m form.a and a mbre form.a d nine room 1"'-dinett a choic• of atmo ....... they s.mple e-.quisite BefaiM and f~.nch dinner or luncheon deflchtJ. Su~ dishes u squab. fro,'l ... and sweet btQds, ~ prep-.d with deliute flavors for the ewnlna dlnet. luncheon patrons .,. charmed with crepes, omelettes, salads and fresh fish . EnhMCinl th. quiet, lntlm.te feeftnc of the restatrut are the soft, flowlna sounds of a harpist Wednetday throuah Frtd.y ~d Sunday and a mandolin/aultar duo entertains drners on S.aurday eveninas bcellent wine selections, both domestic and Imported. All veaetables and fish are fresh. Reservations a mu" Hours: Lunch 11 a.m .-2:30p.m. Dinner 6 -11 p.m. CIOMCI ~Y and TUesday . I&V1NI ~'""-.... 18100 MacArthur Blvd., 8U· .2700 This 250-room hotel, convenient to Or~ae County Airport and southland beaches, has JOfMtM"-for ~· For diners thefe Is the Captain's Table, a 24-hour coffee shop, that provides meals of all types In a comfortable settlna. The Medlterraneu Room has a traditional steak and seafood menu. For dancers, the Cabaret lounae offers Uve popular music nlahtly And for those who want Sunday brunch, the Alrporter offers that too from 10 a.m ·l p.m. complemented by luedoua Onental vegetable•. nurfy rice and ~n tea. What a ftutl Brtn& the gang and join our party. The more th~ merrln. But hurry. ~rtyakl Season doean 't last fOrever. ~/&.gJ/NVe ITALIAN CUlliN£ 6d·7110 .... ,. ........ c ....... and VALET PARKING HARBORUTES ~ ........... ,.. ~ are C!OIILin9. 'fte aatiqued~ are OCWIDQ. n..r'• oo•1"9 to the Newport Hut.. Art N-.ua Uuougb th. ....... d of ....... 17th. '1M I.Dvttatblal preview party lor tJ.e mu.uaa'a SU. Auul AatJquee Show Ia oo 'nlunday ...u.g the 18th. A buf»t tup- per wW be euved aDd 9\llllltl will get a ftnt 9li1Qple of u.a..-o&r.cl by uUque deal-from all over U.. Umted Stat-. lor tboee Who doa't WaJlt to jUil look ud buy, but ... th.ia u aleenaiDg ~. doc:.Dta trc. U.. utiquee comm.ltt.. will .ooaduc:t toun OD Friday ud Saturday IDOI'Di.Dgl and a .... of flw lectlllee will be oflend Oil Friday, Saturday ud Sun- day. The Mc:t'lnft and U..U aubjecta are Gail .Ideo of WI.Dterthur NUMum wtU talk oo S.ttblg tbe 18M c.,. tury Table; Dericben lri.D.Mrboff of uc Rw..ide OD Gr.e.t loou oad IAeU &.ian ~Nov.UHen­clrio.._ of Newport INch Oil OviJta; A..erica'• Folk Art; Jolua P. Cuh.k. of the IW.u eoa..., J.... Ha.u.Jl aDd ChuM~ Ptoa.t. na. .... Ia oM.ri.Dg repeated .,._,....,. tor thia abow, ieted a.e of the top five m the coutry. A cetal09ue COll· tai.JliDg lDionaaUoll OD U · bib6ton. tpeelel evuta and t .. tu.re articl• Oil utiquee ia lJl. eluded lD the pdce of admia- aion. Gay ~ut, Nora t.hmu ud G.tnade n.c-.. head th. coaualtt.e of 40. A..oag otllen wbo haft b.. worauc, Oil th.ia fuDd w.r .. lou ..... Nancy Foent., a.tty Hgghe., Ptsyllia 0. loche, lither Oulc:k. ud JaM Con,.U. For furthew IUonnatkm make a cell to the Voluat .. Office at th. Newport Harbor Art N-.um. The telepboae I nWD.ber? 798-1122. a v.ctoda ud Albert W...ua OD &J,g/biJ Potcelu o1 tbe 18tb Ceatury. Do..ald I. I.Agerberv of Cal State Nlertc. will OODduct a puel dilcUII&oD OQ New~onOhJ ObJect• ud thoee .,.. .... arlDo tbelr optakmeare W. ~amAraderiD. t.ow.. .... Julia get- acqu in d offer- 15%off everythiDgln lbe atore! lhia Friday and Saturday MWPOIT lDCAJIC* OIJil Y W•klftPIIII IRYIM£ AT 171M ST. John L. 'BCotn CUSTOM PHOT(>GR.APHY WtAnPIOUD• Ha••'~ 0.0. ..... EMILY ROSE S&nl 314 to lS/16 Dear World MY YOUNG SON atarta to acbool t.hia week . . . ll'a aU aoiDI to be eon of atrup aDCl DIW to bim for awh.Ue. and I wilh you would lOR of U.t him patly. You ..._ up to DOW be·, been kiDc of the rooet ... H• ·, been bou of the backyard ... Hia mo&ber baa alwaya been DMr to aoothe hie wowwla and Npll.ir hie f•linp. But now UUDp are aom, to be diffvent. H•'• piDa to walk down the front at.pa, wav• hie baDcl. &Dcla&art out on tiM II"Mt ad- watun . . . It ia an advutun that miaht &air.• bim KI'OU CODtiDeDtl, KI'OU OCMnl ... lt'a uadvuture that will probably include wan tpl trapdy aDd aorrow ... To Uve hie Uf• iD the world he will bav• to live in will .... quiN faith aDd love aDd courap. So. World. I wilh you would aort of look after him . . . Take him by the hand and teach him thine• he will have to know. But do it pntly. if you can. He will have to ... m. I &Dow, that all men are DOt jua~ that all men are not true. But t.eKh him at.o that for evwy -co.•ndnl then La a hero ... that for evwy crooked poU- ddan than La a ar-t aDd clecticated Ieeder ... T•ch him that for every enemy. there ia a frieDCL St.er him away from envy. if you can ... and teach him the aecret of quiet laqht.r. In achool. World, teach him it ia far more honor-able to fall than to cheat ... Teach him to have faith in hie own id•a. evan if every· ooe u.ya they are wrona ... T•ch him to be pntle with pntle people and touah with touah people. <illy Brtlnt.hight) r..:enttv ret"ned from Africa, discuun. the AntiQue Show with Mlc:heel ,_,ki,... St.tr photo bv Dina 110t1 But~ Try to aiva my eon the atrenat.h not to folo- low the crowd when everyone ia pttiq OD the bandwaaon ... T•ch him to liat.n to all 118\ -but taech him ..a.o to m• all ba blara on a acreen of truth and take juat t.he pod that aiphona t.hrouah. Teach him. if you can. how to lauah wbeD he· a sad ... Teach him there ia no ahame lD tara ... Teach him there can be a1ory l.n fail. ure and deapair in aucceaa. Tr.t him pntly. World. if you can. But don't codclJe him ... &.cauM only the teet of fin mall• fiDe ...a ... Let him have the cou.r- .,. to be impatient ... lAt. him have the pa- tience to be brave. Let hAm be no man 'a man ... T•ell bim U. w~a to hava aublime faith in hJ.maelf. Becauee then he will alwaya have aublime faith in mankind. Tbia ia quite an order. World, but ... what you can do ... He· s auch a nice little fellow. my IODI By DAN VALENTINE Harbo1· Lawn· Mount Olive Men10rial P"~rk · ~ortual)' · \ lausoleums · Creanatoay SER YING ALL FAITIIS RESTAU Art OFNEWPO T EACH THE FIRST & Or-fLY SZECHWAI't STYLE CHII'IESE CUISII'tE ll't l'tEWPORT BEACH. r. ""-nllbeaa (714)IJO..IO ll04.l EJ T .. Re.4 0 Ter.. CA ••JO C•• s ... ._k v.,..., Ptua> w Luncheon Special 83.25 ~ from 1 1 ·30 10 ~·()() Includes Hot & Sour Soup • Ch1cken Salad Fned R1ce e Fortune Cook1e and cho1ce of one mt~m dtsh FORA. REAL TAITE TREAT ~'lew Dinner Combination peclal '"'J ,·nlv •t~.•s ,,,,4 ,,,,., ta7.75 Beer&Wlnoe Lunch/Dinner 1,,, ? t •IIIII t30. 'J5 I r r, 1111/\ t3:S. 75 G'Jnn I"VINI. CALIFO"NIA to,. II .. Or-. C.."'¥ A......., (114) 133-2710 l l :3(). I 0130 p.m. Deily FoodtoOo TrllaiTo Dec.17 OCCPNITTTR' ............. In Tournament Aobvn Rty, director of tennis at 1he Newport Beach Marrion Hotel a'ld Tennis Club, has been invited to partidpate Vl the u.-.ted State& Men' a Single 36 ChampionthiPI being hekt at Ftushing MNdowl, New VOfk, begiming today. He ia one of 16 top-rated p&eyera from thloughout the country invited. He il ranked first in hia divilion in both northern and .outhem · ,...._Co....ttho ,_ ol tho-Coool, who Mve ...d to lklp tM oompe•y'a oontd •uhtr at pl-..,. .cMchaled ~go to tdal O.C. 17. O.....O:aaty .. J6or eo..t lwlgo .... ., .. loot -t~~..W tho-Co.'o IDDtioa to COMO'id.te two Fri ...... _ Ia o I()._. •• hooriag, tho jlldge oloo ootohlioheel • brioliag ochodllio, oot oa Oct. I dolo for ooubralttol by tho f'rloGdo.ol ... ad•i•ietratiw record aupportiDg thoir oult and oot • Dec. 17 triol date. j "We're pl....d that the cue ia uow oa track. wh.N it abould ho." ooid Jm .. Co. opo..._aa 0.-Cout~ photogtaphy IDotructoo Berbozo JCaoiOD will _.,ci iho foil .. m.ter on th Ea~t Cout work- Ing on o photogtaphy followohip awardod by tho John Simon Gu.gqenheim Memorial Fouoda- tioD. laateo wu pr ... nted tM Guggenheim FelLowabip in April. Sbe waa one of 271 .cholan, ICieati.ta and artll:ta c boMn out ol a field ol 3.200 opplicaDto. Wten, • member of OCC'a ataff for the put •ven YM18, il \Laing bet award lor a proiect in CODjWlCtioD with the ft.leroid Corp. Sbo will -Dd tho loll ....,c ·-,...,-, .. ~foro ct'm'nll ot tlliellllt. 'n. ....W ... o ,.,.Uoeel loo tho l...t - plea MopMd Ia holy 11181 "' ... CeJUrnla eo..t.a 0c: S E '"'en B hod--v.ocl.-'-br tho .... _ ec...q,-ol ~ liowver. the,..._. c~ I tho plea .. -lo tho- ll,40().ecro v1lto bot- Newport -oad Log .... --Tho .-poay'o plea lo b up lo 2,000 ...... -... 1,900 hot.IIOOIU. oo-narc161 ..-., oHioo bulldlog oad • - I 010101. Slaty -~ of tho ......t• wor~Qv oa tbe com· poay'o ~ .,._,, :i!Oa24-1Dch, color ~aroid camer .. located "' Camhriclgo. -Sho allio will -d limo work· ing ill a 1tudio lll New York Q . ty. laot., Ia makir>g photograph• of her owza mirror, wood and metaltculptUNe. liN work CUI· rooUy II bolag nhilllteel iD ohowo ot tho to. "-1• eo ..... ty N-WII ol Art ud tho S... FrODCioco Nodom Art w-um. Tho to. "-1• nhilllt ...... thoough Oct. 31; tho S... Frao· cillco lbow cont:un ... ..alii S.pt. 26. -. 01' ahoul 8,000 -· WO\Ild ho loft "' 0--· (Cor>lillu.d from .,.90 I) ' Newport·W-lllto moot other diatricta lQ tiM ••*., bM decliD· eel otoadily iD omollmon~ lolino about l,OOO ttudent1 a YMf lin~ 1976. Current enrollment 10 about 16,000. Twcb..t bod threatened to ttri .. thia y.ar unl .. conhact MVQtiationa were completed bliore the ecbool yeu beQ!an S.pt. 13. A oM·periOa. exh.ib.t of her work will IUD S.pt. }1 through Oct 6 at the Jcbn Web.r Gallery in New York City. A m.mber of the OCCC 1taff li.nc. 1915, kuten il auistant cbabpenon ol Orange Cooat'• DiviiJon of Fine Artt. She i1 Iarmer dir-.ctor of the college'• photo gallery. A graduate of the UnJverlity ol Amooo aad C.IUomia Uni.,...tity of Art, Ka~ten baa -.hi.bit.d her work at gall•rt• tluoUijJbout the nation. Klr work hM been ieatu.red in nwneroUI photographic tournai.• and magalia. ... 0.~ Cout Col~ _.or .,..! poo.._,r ol poyc:bology .,..! bioqy 0.. Doo R. low woa,ocheelllled to_.., • paper at the lOth batenaatk,.ual l llolllld Tablo for tho Adv.-. mootoleo ...... u.. •. The conference WP ~ehedW.d S.pt. S.9 at tho UDivorolty of Lauunr:te in ... Uil&Jlna, Switurland. Low, who 6or tlw put yeat h.u bMD dir.ctor ol the Women·i.n· Sc:ioaco l'l'ojeet ·-eel by the NatloDal Scieooe Founda· tkm., will deecribe hi• work on that proj.ct The Women-in-Science Pl'o- ;.ct i1 deeiqn.d to encourage women to enter or re-enter ICience and matb.matic. oc- cu.pt~liona. Low wu cootdinator ot a one· day "Women in Sc ience" con· terence held laat 1pnng on the OCC campu.. The conference attracted more thaD 200 people from throughout Sol.ltb.rn C.IUomi&. Low'a trip to Switnrland will be privately lunded . A member oJ the OCC 1tafl ~ 1971, Or. Low coun.MII Orange Cout atudent• and teach• cow .. In biology ~d s;.ycholooy. H. 1.1 a gro.duate of the University of ~W'i and the University ot Southam California. A ho~ey of a savings. THE PR ICE OF TURTLE IS DOW:\. There s something differen t going on at the Velvet Turtle. Both 011 your plate. And i11your pocket. We'vegot a new"'"""· New dishes. New decor. B111 best of all. new low prices . NIGHTLY SPECIALS ON BOARD. Every mglit o11r chef will be servi11g a changi11g variety of black- boa rd specials. Six delicious dim1 ers starting as low as $7.95. Everything/rom /fi!Sh fish to tklicate duck. I 11cludingyour clwice of soup du jo ur or crisp chilled salad. Plus a warnrloa/ of sourdo11!(h bread. All waiti11g on board a/the Velvet Turtle. A 1'-<EW SET OF LOWER PRICED DISHES. Besides your old favori tes like Bee/Wellington or Roast Rack of Lamb , we've adtkd some bmnd 11ew lower priced specialties. Like a third cut of juicy Prime Rib. And a Petite Lobster Tail. Or iftentkr, succulent rhicken is your dish . yo11'/l [l11d it prepared in a variety of la11la/izi>1g ways, sta rling as low as $7.95. THE BEST DRESSED TU RTLE IN TOWN . }Ou wo>~'l recog>~ize us from our shell. Wo<'re taking on a brand 11tw look. l#'re lighter. Brighter. And mon relaxed. The perfect selli>!g fo r dinner. All aJ jfrices yo u're sun to find very fashionable. WE LEAVE WE LL ENOUG H ALONE. Some things 11ever chang<. Like our sp/endid sel'llice. Wan n atmosphere. Fresh cut /Wwers . And superb food. So why enjoy your mght. Because the price of Turtle was never better. \\hl l,o ,.~t:ill.l,lin . .fJM, 1~,... ,\.·to .. f:tUt..,.._.z:~· .. \ \\-t •• ,,.,, u.u .. ,:tl:t• ,,~ .. ,.,•,:,i• ,.._.__ !:li.JJ 71rJ :11111 'j:;.rr""",. 4JJ.'b M lli1+1 • • '' • Your ........ stu"" offt>r you a saving in appreciation h1r vour patronage throug h th<• year. r ... ~ llo•ltt"ll ~-~~~~.·.f I loll'! /,mf<JII:t•l,~ \l u•fol>ol ~o>u/1/o•r, f ·-·--~ ,,,,, .......... -------------, A HONEY OF A SA VINCS AT 1 .......... .... ' ..... ,,_ ... .... -~···~-~ .......... . ,.... . " . . .. ............... ... .. .......... .... .. ' ... t ' .~ ... ' .... . , ... _ ..... .. • Et~.~~:': .~~~~~ ~·.?~! : I\ ,~ .. t ····-··· , ... ....... '" ' .. ·-' .... .. ' ... •· ' . ' " "" ."' ' " " ' ...... ~ ~· '. '"" .. ' o.<o ••I o • I ... ' . " . "" ........ ·~··· "'" ........ ,. '"' .. ... ... .. - ..... Ill I ....... t ................ ... .• " ........ •t"' OIIHAl , ...... _. '" ~ ....... ~ •:•· ··~. ~ ., . -· ·- modine's I I I ! OIAIIII COUNlY'IPIIIIIl PIIVA,liiiiMlM CI.UI krWCNMnOnly . · Come fielD Us Celeblale Our ., ........... nus yea.r'a varsity football team at Colo114 del War Hlgh Schoolloob more lib a cnu.ae ebip filled with qpenai ve cargo that may ju.t have bead coach Dick Worrla and hia S.a King• ealliDg away toward a league cbuapWuhip. With nmning becb who lD their apare time bteak ~ebool track reoorda, and a 6-4, 220-·poU.Dd tight and. lt u DO wODder that there ia a l•li.nQ of oonfidaoce ov• at Corona. Unfortun.ately, the one very important thin9 milling from thia luxury liner of a team, la a captaln. or in thia cue, a querterback. Paul WataoQ. a 5-9, 165 poU.Dd jU.Dior, baa experience that goea back u far as laat •aaon where be was a MCOnd 11trbag aopbomora quarterback playiDQ minimal time. Yet Wat· aoo ia at the helm for ooacb Noma, linoe •nior quenerback ~t Corky Carpenter bad to be ...cently moved back to bia lut year's starting poeition at oomerback when be davolped arm troubl-. ''The uy for \II tbia •aaon will be our quarterback," coach Nom. eaid. "U W at:lon cu do tb• ;ob th.n that jUit mak. my job that much Miler." Wboeve:r ll playiDQ quarter· beck. the Sea JClno-are look1119 very touob with their runlli.DQ becb La.Dce Nartin and Dave Pattenon. wbo ate both ... ~eel to be UNCi a lot tbia ..aeon.. l4.iM Molinaro and J.tl Brown will provide the mu.cla lor the ofteo. at fullback. bebi.Dd an olt-..iveliDa that ia inex· by .... ~ Lut year when the Newport Harbor varaity football tHDl wu having their diana} 1-9 Muon, another Harbor team ju.t below the headliner• on the eopl:unore level wu going quietly undefeated. They even bad an ezpertencad coach by the name of Nike Giddioga whoaa credeo· tiala roea all tbe way up to tba National Football League. 'nlia •aaoo however, Gid· dinga la no longer a eopbmore coacb and t.bo. talented playen are DO longer on a eopb· more team. They have all been reunited on the vozlity level ··-··--•couPO .. •••·-~~ 1200 OFF perleaceci. yet more than maba up lor that with tMlllile. "We wlll probably be mora of a runn.inq team than a paali.Dg team thit ..aeon." c:oecb Worria aaid, "b«:a~ of the l.ct tb•t we have a quarterbeck and an oHeD.Iive liD• that both a.re not exactly M&IOoed vetera.ua." Of oou.ne, wb.D CdM doee decide to 90 to the air, they have a blg target lD the form of 6-4, 220.poWld Rob Richard. Dec Prt«. a 6-2. 185 pound along with eight ret\lr'DI.ocJ atart .. from lut JMl to mU.e for one very bopeiul Harbor footbe!J program. ''The only thio9 rMlly mia&nc;J tro~n tbia yeu'a rotter ia ax· pence," OODlalented aaiatant coach Bucko Shaw. With &3, 196-pound •!Uor BUl Brown leading the attack at quarterback. the S.Hou will be juat u to1oa9h ln the au aa on the gn>Wld. When they do decide to rU.D, the playen they will tum to will be 6-2, 195 poWld halfback· I linebacker Stev. BruaL "Bruaa la tbe type of rUDDer .,... ................ , ··•··· , ......... . juab bae aleo be. doUag • very good job at -s>lit end ac· c:ordi.a9 to ooecb WontL O.fen.aively, Corona baa an abundance of aperi.ac., alonv with 101M retum.iog atartera at ~y poUt.iOD.L bf-..yw_. n.. A.Jo.ko Eog/e bu I&Dded lD N.wport and 1a the proud pc•• •lela of the Oruo• Coeat College Sa1linG Academy 'nlia beautUw 65-foot aloop. value at over Sl mi.lJon. waa built for Nell G. Berqt, chief executive of W"'.-u Aidm.. and iounder of Alaaka lntemahona.liAd\lltriea Sept 9 Sept 17 Sept 24 Oct I Oct 9 Bowl Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct ~ Nov 4 Nov 12 •• kt.edul• specifically to be the firat U S. HWltiftQt.oo IMcb 1.. -..,.. • br d at Su a .... nte yacht to r.c. in tow ... rut .. C.pwtruo Valley Around-the-World Race in 1978. et r..tanaa She won that r~ and f:i.Jusbed et Seddl.b.clt at S.Ote A-lD tbia I&IIM event tbia year EJ Toro •• occ Tbu elegant yacht Wlll be the et 1rvu1. larg•t boat lD the OCC Oaet of eo.. W.. at OOC I thr• ocean racera The 47-foot UIU~ty Soudode waa donated tn 1976 at N.wpon Hubor wbo can llOt only get you that long yardage, but can l\llt u i~nportantly get the tint-Gown when ite third-down and abort," coach Shaw laid. When GiddtDQa doea decide to unlaaab Brown'• arm, thaze are more than enough race1vera ready to make the catch. John Stockham, a 6-0, 174·poWld junior and 6-0, 2ll·poU.Dd •oior Greg Jacobe have the tn· aida edge at tight end. Gil Ward, a 5-10, 155-pouod Mnaor wtll be a returning .tarter at apUt end. Two of the meet unporta.nt playa,. in the lineup this year ' will be Dave Caruc;Jan and I Blatt Kacwa, both of whom Wlll be g01n9 both waya oo the oHen· aive and dHiva hn• Cac:bc;Jan, a &3, 228-pound Mnior hu accordinc;J to coach Shaw, ''The aU.., apeed end qwcko .. to be a mayor college proepact." Sepl 10 Sept 17 Sept 24 Sept 30 Oct 8 Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct 29 Nov 5 Nov 12 ... ._. ... lofMULA Cypr- et W•tm!AIIIt• D Toro Utuv•~o~ty •t lrvut• •t lrVIae r...~ et s.ddl~lt ., eo-...... at occ Coron• del WAr and abe 5l·ioot Scoadolow ill 19?8. both by William Pucoe m Ala.ko Eog/e waa aailed b.e trom Port.moutb. Engl.xwJ by O.vad Grant, bead of the OCC Sailing Academy and dean ol oollege atud•nt afla1n. Grant wu la.rgely reeponaibla for ac· quirin9 tb.ie wonderful qUt for the college Ke 1~ that Mr Bergt wu anter•ted lD donaU119 hla yacht to an mahtution and wu tluo.bog of gtvlll9 1t to the U.S Naval Acade~~~y Two former OCC atudenta, Mlke Farley and Alex Bu.la)tcb, were crewiDQ on tba boat 10 be con tacted them and uked them to help him convance Bergt to gave at to OCC 'nle A/ouo Eagle wtll be used lD tbe bl9 boat aaabng and naVlgahon cl .... ln the OCC S...Jing Academy "Advantw .. under Sell" pzograDl lb .. ct ..... a.Je •llaupporhng 10 the boat which wtll be docked at the OCC Saalin9 and Rowtng &ae on Cout Highway an Newport wall btntaaned at no ex pen• to the taxpayera UPCOMING EVENTS The fourth race of the Orange Coun ty Woman'• Ocean Racmg San• wtll be bocted by Voyage,. Yacht Club next Saturday and they wtll be vy1ng for the Jane Schock Memonal Ttophy ------ un an~ larJ!~ ,,i1.za "''". tltll"'" any large .... ,··-·--PRINCE OF THE CITY • \ wt. .. •-•• ... ••• tk+ I .. ttuh • \ Mtl.n •I t utul, \l•••~·h. h • • ... tt. ........ t ..... t. ... . . ' .......... , ... " ... \ .... . .lti~VJ ·.) <CuJ~m. .#'aJ...i~~n~ Cus tum cWI'1111UIIl cl drv ... smalung Tlat (il't•st in fashions created • rp«Wlly for you. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 10% DIICOtlllf 011 All lt•edt·fO· w •• , •aTH UH PU\ • \.....,.., t._~ t .... ,...., •••n•l, • ' ................ ,, .... "'i' .... .. . ......................... _ • • W'!t ..... """"''' ht \ ..... , '"-·• • )!'. '~ ~ : ,, \f •, .· . \ I I ' FaD Fashion Sept. 15 You deserve it ... Treat yourself to the new Fall Fashions Unique Gifts For The Home • Cry..,tdl in lingerie • B r ,1 .., • Port t•l<-ll n-. • "''' k Flower-. L fA~~~f!/S' ~ It vt14p~t· :!i:.!J f .U.,( ( CIU\/1/tC/hLl cJij. ( CIIIITicJ clt•/ \/ut. ha h.Y/1 .IIHI d \,Hil'l\ 1 11 o l ht•r ~rlh Open Doors 88.000 Circulation 673·0550 Ill •l II\ 'f 10 '" o C!ll ,,.,,n"' ltHil '-'llllll-'' 17 U WP~l< liff l>riw Nt•\'\'port Bedt h, C A ql()b() (714) &42·Jl90 Have you Made Your HOLIDAY TRAVEL planst We can-you~ .-ld worry by reM~VIng vour ~pece now c-11 lor U£*1 counM~~ng 1842·44031 Limousine Service NEW CADillAC LIMOUSINES NO MI.-.IM\IM Sl5 Per Hour -LA $60 r • I Cutter• Way Arthur SOP Prtvate Benjamin Tax I Driver The Frlaco Kid Conan the Death Wlah II Barbarian No club to loin, no memberahlp fees 1 OOOs of movies avallalale, oil ratlnft1•u Star tin~ today. make regular ex rei a J)l'rt of 'our buMy s(·hedule Eat food~ that art> good for 'ou J nd J.:t~l phmt '' of rest PampN vourqelf v.lwn tl l'Offit>"i tu I(TOomtn._: ht~o:h hghtmg \our attrtH'll\'t-ft•atures Choo,t· llothtng ''' o;upport \'our tmu~t· u.., v.(>IJ d" t>nharwt> '1111r appearant't' Abovt> all-.'-,,\//1.1-' \ ht>alth' utl r.H 111 , ... milt '·'" la kt> vou an" v. ht>n• We Keep You Smlltnq PA K MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 I'• tt·r I '"'""' • 1, I• Ill'' c•tto \o•141M•II H, . .,, h ·' -·"-,.,. Mlowt 1WO onMime ,...,... ... ,..... .... ~ t-. ~ eM· ...... paiN, WlltiO ••ootlunllt't ~ lront .....,..and--=" Olhef wWI larll ~.~ ...... ,_, Ql*tlonL .... ftC (ICenlrM'~ IMIIAMI Jl Tueedty .,.., -. thel old cNIInUt abOUt • ycung wom.n -.o ,...,, .. IntO • ~ poltlcaf femifV, Wid II then lotced to~~ '*' beii.'Hed fMWIV .... Of ont .... ,...., Or.rwtll v.n Owen .,., (INnOt ,.,.. co-llet In ..... whiCh t.g~n • • play r. Frwce e1 the lt.lfn of,.....,.._ • • --of the u.s. Open. .... He (U:XIIIMCent.IMt) ...,.. ... ,. Altthtf tcMntuf ... ... tNBC (1Centr~tain) I'W'oLL· 111•/01 t~• O.iM ol ,,. _. ... LOe ~ Oodiget1 at HcutonMtrOI. ButtaiO lol~by Wlaml~ at ,._Yotk """'""" ------------------------------------------------~~~--------------~ .. ,,, +"Entrepr~a. Se<o- nd/~t-Time Cole.ta flrat part of o flv• port.,. 9 o.m. In t~ Stud.nt C4t"t.,. Coat '' --------------------------------------------------------------''· + "Coltl8fophy for c.. ........ ' 1 •• ••hlblt ond aole 9 o.m.· ~ p.m. Soturdoy ond Sundoy, Sept. ll·l2 ot Lido VIllage, Newport leoch. ~rfte lhlr• exhibits aelectlona from "Anonymoua Journola ot the ~oJCoa Gallery. 2815 Vlllo Woy , Newport leoch. Hours 11 o.m.· S pm .. T ueadoy·Soturdoy. ............ y lrefte ..,. on view Tuetdoya through Sundoya ot Mildred s.omater Gollery. 33~ 1 Newport llvd .. Newport .. ach. Information· 673-0.00. ""-tro-.4 '-"-..,. _,....,_tllvea:The Oocumentory lmoge" ••hlblt of phot~apha by contemporary ortlat lUI Rovoneal ond Form Security Admlnlatrotlon photographic recorda of ~ rurol poor. Irvine Fine Art a C.nter. 4601 Wolnut. Heritage Pork. Irvine. Houra: Mondoy· Thuradoy. 9 o.m.-9 p.m .. ~ wire Kulttturea by Alon So ret. new works by Oovld Amico ond The Moving lmoge feoturlng ort used In onlmoted fllma through Sept. 12 ot the Newport Horbor At1 Museum. 850 Son Clemente Drive . Newport leach. ~atork C4wroueel eniMela ore on dlaploy ot Newpor111olboa Sovlnga In Corono del Mor through Sept. 9. .. yMOIMI ..... hhlblt through Sept. 25 ot H~nmoker Gollerie· a, 312 N. Coost Highway. Log uno leoch. Hours: 10 o.m S p.m. doily. Anti .... lhow S.pt 1 7 · 19 o1 the Newport Horbor Art Muaeum featuring 42 ontlque deolera. Admlaaion Ia $5 Houra 11 o .m. 8 p.m Frldoy ond Soturdoy 11 o.m · S p.m. Sundoy Joen Chrlat ... •n watercolors ond ocryllca will be featured In o ahow ot Sondatone Gallery through Oct ~. lnt .. llo world '-Y -···· ..... IW...a..r .. r ot Whitman·, Goller lea 3545 E. Coost Hlghwoy in Corono del Mor Hour a· lonnie Wh1tmon. 675·2478. Club• &rwlne Cherter Chep .. r of Amencon lualne11 Women 1 A11oclotlon will be held Tuetdoy. Sept. \4 ot lob lurn't Rntouront In Foahlon lalond. Coli Morllyn Cooley. 838·1 022 tor time ond Information ... ,.,.,. ..... c:hopt., of Amerlcon luelneu Wof"ft4tf\ 'a Auoclot~ wUI me-et 6:30p.m. Tue~. 5ept. 1~ ot t"- Sheroton Ne...,pott. ~lnteffltedln foi'*'CI coli Franc.et Stvtk~ 130-3009. ga ond Loon. t tOO trvene, Newport leoch. ............. .......... ,.... Aasoclotlon host on Art ExhlbJt ond Auction noon Sundoy. Sept. 19 ot The Newpot1er. Empire Room. Worka by Doll. ltockwell. ROMnthol ond othera. S2 donotlon. .............. Chrie ............ . Club luncheon meetirw II :~S o.m. Wedneadoy. Sept. 15 ot the Airporter Inn. 18700 MacArthur. Irvine. Coat Ia $6.50. -. .. rvotiona: S«-2921. Mra. Jim Dority. ........... lote Oronge County Alumnoe Chopter hoata o pot-luck supper 5 p.m. Soturdoy. Sept. 11 ot the home of Noncy Ronkln. 2117 N. Olive. Sonto Ano. ftMtt'a PIJI'/Ilarklnaon 1 Educational Program m .. ts 7 :30p.m. Fridoy, Sept. 17 ot Pork Newport Aponmenta. • Phone· 640.021 8. Ne-.ort HUit o.-..a .. -. chompogne aoclol 10 o.m. Thundoy. Sept. 16 ot the Phoae II Clubhouae. Annuol duet ore S 1 0. New~NWt Her'-or ........... 4 ,....__.oneiWomen ore holding o 50th Annlveraory Celebrotlo· n 11 :30 o.m. Saturday, Sept. 1 I ot lolboo 'ovllllon. Cost ia S 15. -.aervotlons by Sept. 6 to Dorothy Copolbo. 6~2·2320. tMHWtU...-. auppert group for the deof Ia sponsoring o cut-o-thon 8 o.m.· 8 p.m . Sunday, Sept. 12 ot the Aura houty Solon. 2700 Coost Hlghwoy. Newport .. och. Ne-.ortHeriMwHieh ..... a .. of •t2 lt'a reunion time. Soturdoy. Oct. 16 ot lolboo Pavillion. Information· Gwynn Armantrout Llak . 5~·«20 ond Down Pierson Mun l&. 5~5-5441 Now,ott ... h ~ ............ .. preMnta The Mogle Of Color" 12.30 p.m. Mondoy. Sept. 1 3 ot Hotbor R.form Temple. Gueata welcome. wwyen Wlwet of O.C. ore holding o aodal meeting Thuradoy. Sept. 16 ot loyehore House ltottouront In loke Forest. Coli Sondl Coplul, 775-4901 for informot ion. NewporiHerMr ,_fthollonk m"ta first Mondoy every month ond performa mony philanthropy protect a. tnformotlon · Michele Fricke. 859· 0125. ...... _.. With Tho ..... 11M. "'"'' 7 p.m • ..,.,., Monday atartlng Sopt. 1 3 at the Newport lolboo SoYingt In W•tcliH Ploao. 11' AND Stop A Nucleor O.V01totlon 7 :30 p.m. Tue~. Sof>t. 1• ot St. Mkh.a And AN Angela Church, 3233 tt.etfk VI"" Dr .• CotOM del Mor. "Turning Howtla Into Ocwfl" Ia tho le<ture ~ect~ CMhton khth'Or. Fr ... Center. 3 Sandburg Way. Irvine. ........ '-Y •• Orent .. ..,. Certified Rolfer 7 p.m. Wedn .. doy. Sept. 15 ot 488 E. 17th Street. Suite 221 . Costa Meso. -. .. rvotlona: ~0·7661. ..... .......... '-''"'•...,.Y Deportme- nt apon.ara fr" w"kly lectures e very Wedneadoy. from 1 30· 3 p.m. In Conference Center II, +Sept. 15 Criterto UMd In Bronchodilator Adminlatrotlon" by John A. Rumafleld. M.O . +Sept. 22· Self. ht .. m .. How To Make Contact With Oneaelf And Others .. by Moredele Anderson, R.N .. ..._.we loa-DeUen ltret ..... spontored by Southern Colifornla Ed l.an 8 o.m.-1 p.m. Thuradoy. Sept. 9 ot the Newporter. 1 I 07 Jombor ... Newport hoch Fr .. odmlaalon lncludea o dealgn kit. Qtlaen't forUfft television toping for Group W Coble Invites the public to ottend ond portlclpote. Topic for 2 30 p.m. Thursdoy. Sept. 9 Ia · Computera ond the Queation of Prl vocy'. ond for 6 30 p.m . on t~ some doy. . s~mogote Motherhoo- d. .. -. .. rvoHona 6.42· 5797. '-eel ~taof Dlverce 1·3 p.m. Thursday. S.pt. 16 ot UCt'a Women's Oppor1unlty Center. Pot Herzog will apeok. lnformot 10n. 833· 71 28. occoHwa .... y lectw-. Oueatlona should be asked ot 556-5880. Here's t~ current menu: · Prl~ .... t .17 + · Nlc• P"P'e Flntah Sick· : 'oulo Jones . lecturer. 7 :30 p.m. •n Fine Ana Holl 119. Admlaalon ia $4 +"You And Your Children· Talking About Sex Together": first of two-ports. Jill Ovord. lecturer. 7 p.m. in Science Lecture Holl 1. Admlaaion ia $8 for porenta. $4 for children. + :'Finonciol Plonning for t~ 80's . Cory Zuk, lecturer. 7 p.m. In Fine Arta Holl 116 Coat 11 S5. + 'Nuclear W01 Security In o Nucleor Age . Timothy Vorglah. lecturer. Firat of two· porta. 7 :30p.m. In Chemistry luilding . Room 207. Fee 11 $6. .. tur4ey, ..... 1a + 'Winning Money Strotegiea for the eo·, Mourlce H. Gerord. lecturer. 9 o.m. In Chemistry Building Room 21 ~. Admiaalon Oepoait any amount •n the ~g Money ~Up" Cftec:lllng Account, and earn 5'•' If your ~lance 11 $2,000 or ,... Every ttme your ~lance e11ca.cs. 12.000 the Big Money Wranglera at Far W.ll Will eorfal that ••eeu c:.al'l and herd '' Into a hl9h Interest fund that pays our high repurchaM plan rates You'll earn thoM rates on every dollar over J2 000 until you nMd your money a day a wMk a y .. r or lOnger• And, your money •• onsur.ct by an agency of the F.cteral Ooverment up to 12.000 EXTRA SECURITY TOQJ Your ~ltno. o~ $2.000 •• not 1naurad by the FSliC. ~UN 1111 not a Mvlngs account or depotlt lnateed. It II aacured by obflgatlona MCured by the U S Go\lef'nment or a U S Gov.mment AQ.ncy The MCurtt ... art he'd 1n • Mparete KCO\Int •t one of tM ler~t commercaal ~nils In the united Sta-. and ~ to Far W..t AounCS-Up Customera ~n you need It, wt\te a cf\KII If vour balanc:. ckOPa ~*ow S2.000 you'M still Min 5'4' So round-up your fQdy caeh and tPC)ty tor .,.._...., .. cf\K•tng. tOdeyl ..EWPORT EACH 4001 ..-cArthur Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 833-8383 Profit". ANte Okimoto. l.cturer. t o.m. In At1 D.portrNnt ~m 102. Coat Ia $10. .......... lftt ...... tlo~ •• c ........ 2919£ . Coost H ghwoy. Corona del Mor. preMf\ta o cloas on ttolion Cu•aine 7 p.m. Thuradoy. Sept. 14. Coat •• S25. -. .. rvotlona. 673· 2343. "Mow l• ltey bclte4 ......... ,. ..... •~y" by Mlchole Joon londaey 7 p m Thuradoy. Sept. 16 ot the Registry Hotel. 18800 Mo<At1hur Irvine. Reaervotiona 776-2990. Lawn CN S-9 p.m ot John Woyne Airport Medlcol Clinic. 2192 Morfin, No. 130. Irvine . 1 Coats $8. Contact C1ndy Riea. 833-9.690. "Oretthk De.~p..ann.­ ' ond Outer Space . Inner Resourcea of Ideas ond Creotlvlty lecture by Ken White 6 .30 p.m. Thuradoy Sept. 16 ot Steve Giroud Phot01Vophy Studio. 2960 Airwoy a. 1 03. Coato ~ao. Preaented by At1 Otrectora ond O.algnen ot O.C. F .. 11 Sl for membera. fr .. to atudent membera. $3 for atudenta ond $6 for non·studenta. Coli 752· 1249 C.olyn Porct. .womon poet. will reod 8 p.m. Soturdoy. Sept. 11 ot the Loguno Moulton Playhouae Ito' S.Oklftl Clinic 7 p.m. Tueadoys ond Thuradoya ot UCI Med col Center storttng S.pt. \4. lntormot•on 634·6721 Crystel Cowe ltete ~k wolk olong beoc~a ond tldepoola ,_.,~ MCmCI C# OD AtA.T AHD ll.IC' 11011 lO IIU. \1'NDD DUD C# ftWf •t1100ft AHf NOT1CI lP TOI.TI ,.OPUTY II IM POQ04»WJ IIICAt8 TOU AU IDCDC) Df YOUII PA TW1HT1. rr .wAT I& IOLO WITMOUT A.lfT OOUI'T ACTION. _, -.. , -.. .. .a. ._a_.. ....... .,.,.._,_ _. ....... "" ...,... all ~ ,_. ........... _ .. --_...rt.c~-... _ .............. _ ... _,_ ........ -. ........ _ _....... Tloio .-..... n1 40 • _. ...,._ I I.a. _, ...U • .,_.an~ __ __ ~ , . ..., .................. , .. __ _......,.. .. __ , -..... htll ... ,_ .... ......., ........ __ .,., ... __ ~ """' -_ ... "-......... =••1 ... *-..._. ....... ....... ·--"""-~ .................................. _ ............. _...._ ........ -" ... ...., ............. ... .... 1.... ""' .. ,... II!. aalu• _ ....... ...,_ ........ ,_.._._ .. ____ _ .., .. __ .... ..._. __ .. ......._., • d ,.., _., • ................. , ...... _ -C._...., A-..yal Law 1151 Dn• II "'"• 170 ........... ....... CA ~ (7141 '~'!~all ... ._ ....... ,~,.... ..... _ . ..,.,.. ..... _ -....-Y~ .... , ..... _... ---..... -. YOU WAY LOU LIQAL ~ IF TOU DO NOT TAD....rACne* .._..,cw.,._,a.-.. w u..,.~.,,..,... ..._.,~._,.,.,,a.ao~ ............. cu..-__ • __ ..,...,...,.._ ..... ........... ........., ............ ~ ....... • 'rurr Gl.eO ltr•• ...... Doa JO. •• 1 .. -Mo li!IIM ...... ,...,.. -..... Cit .....w ............... u. ......... 01-..~ ...... .... .. _ .................... _ ly ...... a.-.._c.w.-w.a.T-...• ........ ............ ,._.._ ................ ....., ... JD4 ............... I ..,._ .................. ....., ......... a.....o..., ~ ............... __ _ ....._ ......... _ ........ _ ... IIU7140 ,_. .. ~-.... ......... _ _. ......... . _......,-__., ..... "' .................... ...... Ia. .. tits-~...,... .... ............ __, ... ......................... ..... ~,_ ... a-111000 .......... .._.. ,. "-llloolt ....__.,., 40 ....,...,_..._. .. ...... .............. $' .... .... .... ............ _.. ... ................... ,, .. ... -..... o.e.. .... ... ~ ... o...... .. ~ ... ... ...... ......... ....... .......... _ .... . •• 2 ............... . ....................... ...... ...... _ __. ?We .... ....... ................... ·---~-..... ---~·· ,......, .... --............. • ,......._c ..., ........... , t ... ............. ,.. ............... ,, •• , .•• ,, h• .... ._. u 1 30 o.m. Soturdoy, ...._ ............. for Corono _,Mot Hfeh Sept. 11. Weor ~ lrvW'wt Cultural Sc~ beginn ng Sept. ~ortobl• aho.s ond C.nt• 12 30 p.m. 21 . F" ta 125. "v. ~~~ pknac lunch Soturdoy. Sept 11 ot w..-... Reg -* ot lnforrnotlon 974-1250. Newpon Harbor Yacht ,,l.lt •n cety holt Club, 720 loy Avenu. Information 640-2271. .a..4 Drtwe 8 .45 o m 1:30 p.m. Sundoy. Sept. lt ot Our Lody Queen of Angela. 20"6 Mor Vlato, Newport leach Moke appointments with lrik Norria. 6~ 6U3 . lolboo T tCketa ore $ I 2 for odul~ $8 for ktch under 1 2 yeon old -...,,ot10na 631 1671. AJid4o Joponeae Mort.ol Art leaaona now stort 7 15 p.m Thuradoy evenmgs ot .. ...... Ou.tet ploys contemporory ond •ozilion jou ~ p m. Sundoy. s.pt. 19 •n UC I 1 Compus Pork Free ....... --Help The Deaf Communitv----• Come get your h01r cut by one of 60 of Southern Callforn•a s Ftnest Hatr Destgners ,. The Cut -A-Thon 2700 West Coast Htghwoy Newport Beach Tax Deductible Donation $10 Sunday. September 12 . 1982 8 A M · 8 P M No Appointments ~~ HCIIIK»W__. .... ".,_, n.. .......... ,.j_ .. .. .... ~ ... ,._ u QOLOD WUT AC CUJOIIU lotS w_. ... ,,. Way C.. ..._ CA t:al:l7 au-.. 0..... ~ 1015 w-ard Wu C.. ..... CAUIZ'J Tloio..__ .......... ..., ... ............... c......o ...... Tloio - -w. -· ... c-tr Ood o1 a.-c-~ -......... ,....... .,. & 15. n :ze t.:z .. ,... ... ~ .... r ,.,.,.,. ,._, .....:~ FCiitiOIA _... ..... .,_, n.. ...... ___ .... -• IQWn III'\.OAATIOIII QIIOUJ 1.,., .................. \ ,_ v..., CA ttnOI IM!y "-I "-~I 1W1 1.-......... .... CA --.l. Wlllwa L ,.._ ~I IWiy '-~ ..... CA eatal. , ............ Ill. ..-1 GW .....,... .... CA~ Tloio ..__ .. _..._ ..., • _., .-a • ...,.. Lilly "- Ptt.. Tloio ··-· -w. ...... • .. c-ty Clift .. Ot-c-., - A"' :M IIG ........,. s..,. & 15. n 311 1.:1 .. "'"""-''-r tMO» ~ ~.anal riCiiliOW---IIAMS ft.,_. ,......,..... __ ....,. -u WATD WJICHDft 00 fMn c..u...t c-.. ._ CA .a» ........ ,_ .., c-u-.. o..._ c-.., "'-CA ~ , ... "-.., o..u-.1 0.... c-...,..,. c.a:azs n. __ ......_..., • _.,,.... ,, ...... ....._ T- 1\ooo ··-· -..... -· ... c-ty a.. .. -c-., -.. \Ita ..._ ... I 1!1 A 111 I.:Z ta n.. ......... -.. ,,_. Maal .. ~~ ... fCiftiOI$-.... "~ n.. ...._,-........... b ... l•-.. AICAOIA PUAOIMA HaC"'IL AIIOCIATD L 'ft) ..... no W40 v .. c..-""-' ...., ... CA tr:i1e10 ....... l W.o., ..... ).JI) W40 v. "---... _ ~Melt CA .._.., .._.... ...._ -c. -..... JJO ..., v. tw-""~ a...e. C.A ....0 ~-·-lrr• .__.. ----· ....... .._. l w....a., "-II .._ 1 •• c. -. l\• ---· --.......... , ... c-., ' "' I -c-., • ... n .~ '--... I l'l u N .\C .. ,... ... _._ PI9G7l NUS7 P'IIIIJC acma ,...,,, .. _ ....ft~ ,... ........ _ ....... -.. AQUA II'UIII VUIDDIG .:x> ~" ~ ,..n..-c. 9a» ,_ 0 a.--11 JIM N ._.... • ... ~···~ c. 9~l ~ ce--u JIM " ..__ ,,..__,c.,,~ n. -• ,.,...~ .., • -"''*_.,. ....... _0 a....-u n... ........ t ••• "'-' •ttl\ , ... ,-,.., O.k " 0.-( _., .. s..,. l lte:l .............. 8 1\ UN ltiG •• n.. ......... ~ ,. .. 10 ~ ~aon:::a nctti&M__. .... ft.,_, ,...~,_ .......... -.. ltA.IIIVA. 1175 •• ..-A.,.. .................. c. eaaJ .. _.. A o-lell ._ ,..._ AIM a..JO& ......,.... ...... CA 11*3 .... c a -nn ~ V_. a-D ll& C... ..._ C. 9»Z? Tloio ....,_ • ...........-.., • _ .. ,. ................. -.. A. C't.-~--·--....,-·, ... ~ Old .. a.-c-., - ... l lte:l ,__ ..,.. t ,, n a 1wa • '(h..._...._ ,._. ' .....:.:mea --....... .,.__. ·-·~ ~~.--...... ~~----~COM PAHT 4000 .......... .... .._ 1000 ... _, ~ 0. ti3IIO .. r.....,._ .. • eo..--- 1 ·-41000 ~~ ... ... .. lOOO ...._. ...... c. .-o ~--......-~·-.............. ,~ ... " ww. ....................... Tloio ---Weill --... -? o.• .. a.-C..t? -,. ... lO ltea ,_ ,... a 1" n a 1.:z •• ~ ... _,._ ri~Mn ~ ........... .._. .....~ n........., ___ ...,. -• IDICO r.umc. 10. W--" Way 0.. ...... CA._. a.....r,_._o •: ~ . c........... .,._.1_ 1011 W--.IWa, C.. ..._CA._. ~ ................ ...,._ -·-...... a.-, ...... ~a-..· .... o.-a.. -·c.. ~-· ............... u. ... ., a.• .. a.-c-., .. ""' II IIG ...._ .,. a I! n ~ 1111111 .. n.. ... _,._ PIM7'l:3 .... ~.anal ......... .._. --"-n.. ........... -......... .._. tAane ~ IDOal ~-lt&ITAI1' .. ~ lll&l ..... a.. ... 10 ....._c.., ........ , .... .. 1 ... .._ ·-.... a.-..._. CA ..a'7 W-I ,_ ••"'" JU M.tltao4 11••~­....c....a ~.._ ........... ...,. _M,.. ¢'1 ............. , ..... ~----..--"'" c-., a.t .. a.-a-... -... 11-....... e..t ll Ill ll • 1.:1 loll n...._. .... ··--~ ......... .......,..,.. ~--­fiCiiiWW-... ..,_, N:IJ&)8-.... _, n. w-1.. -1a 4euoe ......_ • CUI1QM CSUAM. a13 ,......,.._ ...... ...._.. ..... ....._. ....... c. Gll3 ...... D a.-al.) ... -' 11""-. ... _. a..c-. CA aiiJ no..-.-.~ ...... ................ IIU)b-. ..__ -~ ct.INCDI. 1Q4 l c-""'· c.-..... CA UliZS ....... a-. • a.w...u. _,._'-3300 l c:-..., c. _.,...,c • ..,. n...._.~"'·­ potall-s...... N l a.oe•"-'"-'-1. !Wo.l.l-T\ia -· -111M •-* .... c-, 0..~ .. 0.-c-.., -... l.IIIU n. ·-· ... lllod ... u.. floiiWl .... 1\ 1!. :z:l. 2t. IIISI .. ,..........,.r.....a c..., a.... ... a.-c ..... .., - ..... '¥71183 ,. ... :1 Mia. ....:-.me. f'looW.oool. s.p. 1 • as n 181g .. n..~a- PC IIIKJW ...... F196ll» ~ ---~ n.. ........_-....... P.UC IIOnCII n-.._ • nt1 a.=unva or riCIItaVIIII. lOll ...._ C..... o.. ..... _ C. n71S ...... C.C. IIOnCIIOII nowawa uu YOU AM IN DUAULT U)C)D A Lata rOIN -=-no (1JG'tAIJ. W&N'TI LAND cotniACT WITH POWD or u.u DATID MAIOC 17 1~ AJC> IIJC)D A 1CW0MH r..,oltl..., • ~ c.-•-. ::..a ...._ a.-. o...,.. ..,_ t A9l715 n.. --• ....t..cled by • -pot•floe S..aed '•tucaa lr..c~ ~ ... edc;,...,.,..,.,,_ "' .. "'·--lllod -~·~ u. c.-, a.~ ol Or-.,. c-.., ... ~ or 8IC'UM"' INI'ALumm lAND <X»f'nACT wmc POWa or SAU DATED w.uot 17. I~ UM.1SS YOU TAD AC'I'IOtl 10 J'IOr'IIIC'I' YO~ ..... h . IT teAT • SOW AT A fUIUC IAI.I , YOU MaD All IDLANATION Ot l1Cl N.\1\1. Of TNI ~ AaADIST YOU, YOU IMOIA.D COH TACT ALAWYD '""" .llll8a .............. 9.15 Ul9 IIIG~a n.. Noowpnrt r.-v.. r lllfltl I I Nt8eS I'UILH. NOTk. I I I( TITIOUS IU!IINU~ NAML S TA TEIIIItNT I • I $ f r I I J I • lith ~ IIMt I •INl I '""• . . .. \ I I .. t..... t • f. A ..... , 'It--. I 1 .... 1 '.I ' .... I • • A '•' ., ....... '•. . ,,., '• .. , ' ' • I I I •I • .. ,. "·· ... I .t 4 I I ,.. I • .. ~. ·-I'UILH. IIOfiCI I k. TITIOVJ IUIINI..~ NAIUITAU:Illrlll • MIMHIII "'"' 14 ft t 'I 1 • f •I• •I I t ,,. ...... ,..,... k.. I A It,,. "~·· "·. .,, ' ' I• • I • I ft •• T• ; • •" I I j .. .. A" 1 I I..,. J' t A 1 •1 ... '1 N .. •l t, I ,. 'UII.K. IOOfiCl 1 w;nnous ausu•tu NAMJ STAftMPIT 11'1• • •1 14 I"'' ., ''"''' -.., t t t t~H"TIU1t 'I ,. ~4• • ,.,. • •• N '\,.1 H•"'l "•• f. 1 ........ a..... " .. , ,.._ •I ..... t' ••. 'VI UC IIOTICl riC'Tl'novl IUSUIUS NAJIIC If A TDIUU r •. t .~ • ,.. , ••• ' • • , 1 ••••-• • VANI>«IIIII T A :t;t ls "'o\NAiol >oHNI l ,lh!ll, 11/1 )oC, fi H~· t H~"IIU fl ~. l A •.'i>4" "-'• ,,.,1 I A h, It ,_, I "• • ••• Jr-4•w t A 1/f', ,, ..... , -· ' ·~ -· '\ 1,•1 S.,,., lt ••~ I A t• ,.., ....... , ' . ' . • I I•·• 4 ~I 1\J + ~. . ,. ~· .. , , • ._ A ~ J ,., ' .. , r.,. ..... ,, . ... .. PUIUC NOTlCE IOIU2 NOTJcl ~DUTil OF PAUL A. IIIL1D A11D Of PE1111011 TO A.DIIDIMI&a DTA TlltO. AllUIO To all ll.U.. bn«<c<ar- credJtOf' oonllovent credu or' aa.d 1)«110118 wbo may be oth•..n.. Ultet..ted Ul tb. wtll or eatale of Paul A HtU.r ~. A paCitloDII bu be.n bled by flonn.ce G H1ller en the SupeTior Court ol Oranqe County re qu•allng that Flo rence G tWlet be appolnled h per -ooal r•pr-nlallft lo ad unn .. ter the •ltale ol the deced•nt The pet111on re q1.1Mt1 autbouty to admin•t• the •tale und•r lb. llldepen dent Admlnietratlon ol F..atal• Ad A hea11119 on the p«1Uon wtll be held ln O.pt No 3 at 700 Ci¥1c: C.nt•r Otive W•t Suta An., CA 9270 I on Sept 22, 1982 at 9.JO. Ill lP YOU O BJECT to lbe qr&atiOV ol the petition you •hould ... a.r a~ al the MulnQ aod ltate your obtec: t~GW or W. W"Jitt•n objectlooa Willl th• COUll b.for• the h .. rlng Tour appearanc• mar be ln .,__ or by your alloreey IP YOU ARE A CJW>IT. O R or • oonll~t creditor ol tlte ~ fOU ID.t Ide yow dal.tD wtlb the COWl ol pr-1 It lo the .,_-.~ rapt-taU.,. •PPG*ated br the oowt wtUtln low aontht lr.-tla.t de .. ol tint '-ueow of lett•• M prcmded ha tee· tloo 700 of Hw C.Ubnla Ptobet• Code n. u.. lor IUtoQ dablll will aot •pte• PrlOt t.o low IDO'ftlht hom tla.t date ell 1M beu1no DOtked abo.,. TOU WA T EXAWINI tla.t fiJ• Mpt by tM Q)Wf U JQU • , •• .,.._ '-*••ad lta tlw ........ 1'0" • .,. hie • f~ W1llt t~ aowt to ._,..,. epe a..l Nb'ol ol t~ ~ ol IM Ua_..., of .......... ad GIU..ptt...,~ca .... eed ............... ..n.a. J3001 ...... ~ Pto-bete.O. LeVoee A eo;,.. .. .._, At._.., e t ........ v .......... . ....... l ....... CA ... (1 • .,,. .. , h W... .... I , I. IS ............... ...., o. ..,. n 1..:1. al 11 ... 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Call us today or use the handy form below and mall In your ad. Then don't go far from the phone. Please Note.' l I h•ml11n•· \lundu\' .11 1101111 111101 tu \\ t·drw .. d,l\ puhl11 .tllun ~ \II l 1rl\,tlt• l'llrl\ louurotnlt't'tl ''"' lllll'l Ill· rn·puld pru•r ICI p uhlll.tllt11l t't Clllllll\, h<lfllt' 11 "'' \ultr \1,1.,11'1 t 'harlo(t' or \'I"\ rartl .Ju..,t lt•llu-. "I t1 llltllltn.c 'uur ud. """P" "'r tl• 'otUr 1 h ,trj.(t' ,.,1rd tlllfltht•l on I h·· •·nup••ll 1 .. 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J E.tet• 1 l..egiiJle IMch Smell Want.d Eachan I cl-at., I.Ddi~d~Ua v• I ed ~.utNCtloD. er .. u.,. ll EIUilht Am BALLOON BOUQUETS Brf.DC cub Sell them in CluaJfled. a 673 0550 Put it ill priat 6 7 J 0~~ g "--ale I 0 Loart a.ad F OWid II Scboola!lutriiC1n 121k.an- P4K-all 13 BenkiAq 14 p ... a.ad u w.tocla 15 Gull9• Sal• 16 Heelth 17 TraveltVacet10a 18 £&,terta~.nmeot 1 g GUt lkr9v-tlona 20 CIWopr lid k EIIPl.OYIIIEin 22 D.cot lltlelp Wanted 2.4 E.ploym-t A9cy 25 Cowl..tua2 Svc 26 uC*l..t Ch.ldcre 27 SU.,.IIOM Wanted eDVUOG.ID-l, lrada NOIII.E HOMES 1 gart• thro1.19b tb.l.rd ao Woblle Hom• vrade 494-4423, 5!12 81 Mobile Hom• 3086 Wanted 82 Mobile Home Ptb IOATI 84 Boata Eqpmnt 85 Boat Cbu t• 86 &o.t Sllpe AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Upholllery 88 MotOt Hom• 99 Rec:rto Veb~el• 9G Sar-V\c. Rape.u 91 Motorcycl• Moped a 92 Biqcl• 93 Vua Trucb Fcx S.le 94 Trucbt Va.aa Wa.ated 95 Auto P&~ta Ace..,,. 96 Auto/Trcla Le.mg 97 Autoe Wanted SC:WiihY catPIII I.OI'S DOIS NOT AOC'D"f ~ ... -........ . ....-IIHrMI ........... . dee, .... 0 ···-...... a::J ..... II •lr ._ tireC.... ...... a., liiUIDIEU n:uo•AU IDEAS, IXVINTIOHS, D.. prod\aC'tl wanted I DOW tar ..-tetlola to lodvetry C.ll It• I 1..8()0.51S-8050, qt 831 ------- l•PETI I UtDJOa ....... W. WIIGHf NOW. 1o••a.•lD•~ c. ~ S31.7t .. •· -···-at ..... .cl Cell WIDAUft dMitlhiM, ...... ltiiUS. AliW AT ftiODUC'II ~. JID& .. . ... \:,h"' ... -~~--.u 100~1 e t • ... ·~ ... "'01:'-11. 100C ·-I • .......... 0 Oal&.-...m..l7• -.GII7. UIUqtae, panoe&Uaed ~lit o.t~-ed locaJly Order lode] "lallooru of Newport, 644-7440 A BIAU'TIFUL lEU Y OANCD wtll m.a. your oat C~CC&~k)n .pec:lal We •tertai..D lor private and bl.lllln-groupe Cal1731-4574 • ·STOP! 1.00~1 AND L.IS'TENI' • £Me .... ._ -• ~II lll raa · lee All ly-p• ol IIIIIDC opttoD&I bUU\Ou. &-lho..Pt~ r-able 137-7303 liQIFT IDUI a-.. WUTID 23 HELP WANTED You can ca_ll in your ad direct or use the handy form below and mail to: ....... .., ...... I I COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP 2721 bll Co .. t H1Qh1uy COton• del M•r CA 92$25 20 WORDS FOR S20.00 Wl\en maollnQ yovo •• be,..,. lo .ncr.-..,.,, cr..<:• oo ..._, Oldef 01 ol yov eta cl\4lo1f"'9 rov• •II to y-Maatef Clwl•9e 01 VISA Cafd be ,.,.. to onct .... rOIIf Cl\el'ee Card n ........ Clwl19e Cafd ,...,_, I •uc:aeUD , ......... CRROCAU OPPitl l soM18CSL- LADOOS I STATE LAW RE EXEC WAIDTtNG nc:iA~aiiaiiafiafijiiJiTl OUUlES th.t ~ <DOUP t.ntr~ the SAHOM SHOES OI'POIITP.l'.!r' who pro~de duld ur• ~ ud g~~a~a.ateed "HAPPY" ru:r lor -fA~~·I'ooR. t.n tbetr b.cme be Uce»-Wll.E.AQI WA.I£1' tue laatly s..,.., ~r 1: K L ed For utbmetloa oa I (714)i80-4413 u ...... L u t• 17gs..$16 9!S NI!:D ~c::~~.. bow to obtet.n lic:eaa t.n WANT TO BUY Ol ----Dwtnkxttonr waated aAftD Ouo~e Co11nty cell Sill • b~aD-J Call IRII_,S 548-3193, 2217 Win• Dlaaaoaa 1714>834·5172 •-G Slur .. '~*"'*'~ t.n seoo COWPLETI. Altec: Co.t• w... FOutl•8cHI!1i •-bUMD-opporhwua ~ Ooor ~ TENNIS' SOCIA l Ll! D U 2711TUATIOIIS C.li!SS2 1800 Sl50 eec:b f.cel.let Travel Cha.b t-a. S.slu poslllons •lth d o 1 w·-BENUTt' PACI.AGE COD ltloD ~~· tYrD tOW"UUD•ta puflee the luder In sthoo ..... .., PrcmdUlo d-Ial I-vai. table, 150 ~ and trtp~t a.g.._.. wlu tndu'<lry Sell COWPA.NlON AID eCOOWlttJ19 optlc.l_ "P r--· $!0 Will deal -~come FTM ~- '1 p or I\ reI ate d NW'IUlQ, belptnQ with to 30 ' cii.IICOIIDI Ca.1J 857-4198. e.r Te1UUI Watch (71 4) produl l\ to ~thl~t lc n-boma ehort-t-857 2145 lor tw1ber UJ ltNABE lli16) Ebocy 1 96J..5gs1 Depart,_nh, S.nd\, C4JI.DQ lor yoUJ bcxae kmn~~---Gra.ad PlaDo 8'6" twly BOOIS -OLD, JAR£ Ch~erltadf<\. ttl. I end duldr-w1u1e you 1 rebwlt, acell.tt 0011d1 and o"t-oJ pnat We S.larv plu~ r omrn•' .,. ewey R-~ 1$2 ftVIT DEEDI naG (71 4)771 30SMl buy eod Mll ''Out of •ion E•cellent fong Fra.akl Heal,~ • ..,. 11iONAS ORGAN 2 pnnt boolta our ..-=•&1· beneftl' Mrnrmu "'"., laieTboarda. wabaut luuah IJ " Naboctlnrid• !leech urnongs first yu IIOJlTGAQEI I.D perilct CODdthcm 3 Servloa, ~ Veult. IIIIOIIEY TO r-n old. la• bereiy 3682-A So an.tol Sen S2 1,500 plu\. Loc a 9 "•• f1:BST a SECOND To.. bee ~ Good ck&ll te Aaa. 5-G 9S48 territory. Thoroug _._ QwQer a.ad -~-• I (71 4)7~1 ltmBY VACUUN training Merit ad WON!'Y -WONEY -I ooc:up~~b uJUta. E~-STEINWAT Grnd ct.a.aer $45 Zi9 uoq ~•nce,_nt Reward Hom.,_. loaAa by C:U0,('' p~ 'i!ij;1 I Plano 5'7 ' walnut _,DQ medune. etul lng posrtlon for res ~bcee. 2nd aud 3rd Q64-1S-a evw 171 41 Ptlvate party 760 9uaret.d S5'S pnn~lblf . malurt, Tlu.t o-t.. tatlored to 620-Ql6e 0449 Va cuum c i..DoeJ S25 go.sl onented ond" • yow •tuatloll or oeect. VlOUN 816 So Watn S.nt• ... ... 11 C.U Jim. d•y. A•-ht. lrCIIII G.nnAJJy Ana !714) 953 1789 uual. ,..,u'll IW .tva -.blada 58&-SU:l7' .a.TIQUEI Complete w1tb ceN I _ -able Sept. I J . I CJ82. Make coB. 8J0..38e0 CAR OOVD tar Send reJume tn 'o)nlr WIDOW HAS WONEY Ci eW iiiliiCiJi after 5 p 111 Poncbe 356. ph• oth• dcmce to: J.JW\. fiKES lo r Truat O.eda. Olai\18iiiiCMII ---•u Por-=be perta. p 0 . Bo• 7 8)2 SIO,OOO up No credit E...-y Iter. ..Hc:ted from Selhng Your Cal? Twm bed willa bwlt ta St kton CA 95 07 cltec:.b. ao pell&.lty Call the t:.Mhnl Met• TM Call Ctasslf'ed drew•a. aew\ftQ me O.ateon Aaaoc:1et-. IU9b._. of etyle a.nd 1 cluJ., ak1ur ud bcx>b. Jadcro.s 673-7311 derliqQ. all r--.bly 67) 0550 Portable •-· wa- ._ ............ ~-priceci Fl.Dd tbe reel breUe floor lamp. -~-"0 · ·N!.ID MONEY) We'U •"'•--t ••1 ·~ 011~ ...... ..,.__~ -· ... ~ "'~ ~ ~-pay c..aa b m .. ..._ ~op -_-.-._ PECAN CHIMA I LOVE m 't'Ut'a wh.t you c.med wlte you W• .,.._ iQUIJ'iiEN'I' CLOSET 80 1500 ~ your home Eric ll N ..,. ,..__ ..__, ow ch•ta MY Pto... 1 ,..,.98'16 4 ., '-AmiDD ..., I IJ5W fbi5NAL COW White Seen bet._,_ a1onal ael•• peno n• ---Su a-••• PU'I'ER or Apple <! and l ban9iog cabin• 145 dJ-Unique, IIUIOY& m.,-.., puDtera liluel ••II I S.u w multld~l hve product lacoallet 30 lt1SIIU:88 Op. Wed..S.t~ II 5 67J.. 74ll flool ~ 1400 u to be •ada Call onrn pen O'S.LI. -- oow. (714)631·5&40 •1 PUIIIII'IvaE •• -·--~ 1 cabrn• I ll! 8!17· H 0 us E I ll pER TU.Ua.UI --.-...---I 2733 WANTED -LJve ID, ~~a~tyoh OiiDftAL •= ad ......., .. V I ,,..._. ctiatag ,_ ..t Tablre. Iu ton ae to Y .._._ nl , .. taW.. 6 .0. F3!'ATl f II!OONO- d Ia a b led _ al •.W le F• · ....., · Tt...-c*alra. 2 "-t claain. HAND JIWELI'Y ud 9•tt..u ~~ Wlllti·~ -.11 LD..... ....._.._,_ ebelll •--••~latwere 001118 acco-..oda~ eel· -t. lr• tta ... l tu -,..,......... ___ .. ._ '-' Ul OWd okay CaD ~~ MD la-tc.y !!.!00. W..ke offer ~E. l7Uat St . ~~ 1 o lllr • • a 11111 b • r No bookk"M plag la T~ 1013. ,... HI8S l.aoo.532..3S112. ..ta lror portu._-:-::x u.mAHT 1 ~PIICI LAD,_ D' a .... ,.. ....... ~,..... Ad-..ca. ..... b..&~-... ..... ~--..72& rwm .... rate.> Iota. SOLITAIRI: 0.. 1 '"-at. .._ t.w.r-ca rat Apprateed •1 .. aat le•p C11rio U ,OOO Twade for caWMrt, 2 t.tii•IICI*Iroa..a ~r/pJ.c:hp (714) i ililllllliiiiiial m ..,. 730-Sla:i CUI'IOM~~~"=JU:=:r=--p.t_,. O.C. fl iUID cW .... 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