HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign~7 ..... rt FMak Newpod get~ a..._, MW cbucll aatl ~ II tM \&acllepated wtaaer la tile moatlle-loag St. Aadrew'• ,..,...ell~ .... Newport t.aoll otty ooua· oilmaa aad ... ber of tile aediat!oa ooaaUtee Pllllip NciW'el heca..t eli .... allvola a ad Ue frleadlJ, feadia • ae&e~bon: "I .,. proad to repr .. eat Uae otty la eaoll RCIDJahl ~~, wWoll, 1M ooatlao • were ll.cnuU4Ml wttll crraoloue, tluoagll ~d---. n. cb\U'CA, 1oocn.d ~ 15tll Street bom Newpart Jlar. bor Hisrll Sollool, ~-to r..wtta ~ p&aa. aacl ollop lleatlJ )lalf tU .. ~ trc. •• propoeec:l IS-foot olloe •••· T~• eteeple ~ad beea t~• ~teigbborbood'• major com· plaiD t, oocaeio~tallJ belag referred to ae aa "office buJldiAg" whacll WCII agatut eoiWlg cod• aAd collll6dencle•· ~"for a r-'de~ttl.al CINQ. Whu bWlt, tlle ecmotua:rr will be DO bigber tbCla 48 t .. t. wtlbout oiioel ill tM -..pie. ht em u.aooouped *'tlollary ..... pie will be aDowecl to eaOMCI tbat heiigbt, nbleot to futwe ooa.adl apprcmzl. SlDoe em amoUAt ol u.table workbag ~pooe waelolt wM. tM claucll agteed to tab tM otlote o~ of tile .... p&., .. cbucll wm ... allowed to ..-. cmoea.- baUdt~, ~.,."deo t~ae -e lqU(IIe IDC*I9e C:W tMt la.t, to M erected ha a~totller pent of clluroll pcoperty. AAotber mQjor ooup 6or CWf Howa llcaeowun t. u.at tbe eaD.ctuart will 1M ballt a miaimum oi 82 '-' tro. .. CNrblbae ol Oat . NMsrll· bon QCJC* C1at • Ull datmecl tiM ~ 11* r nil " ..... tro. tM ~.-.ar...v fcloeclda.-to lift ........ clay Ia tM ell~'• f 1 hw. ~wtllallot.ea.....-. .. oi 250 ........... ... S..Page9 ld GUINNESS WORLD RfCOIO HOlDERS? Harry lubb, ~~ of Pacific Mutu~l Ufe tntunncc and Untwd Way General Campatcn Cha rman II tl1nked by Pactfk Nattonal Bank't Pretidtnt Jlmft lynch. left. and Chatrman of the to.rd U.T. ''Tom" ThomJ*)n. rteht. durtna Saturday'• attempt by the Un ted Way to crute the wortd't 'oneett human chain. An ettlmMed lO.OOO people Unbd handt atone the Sa nta .\na ltlwr like Trell to kkk off thit yur'• United Way C1mpatcn. Chatrman lubb ennounced an apparent vktory. but It wtll take Gulnnea M'Wfll weeki to centfy the ""uttt before an offkial wortd recent can be declared. Photo -.v lon Stone Cuatom Bultt AIN IKES "The StumpJumper" The high t.chnology biCyCle that eonque,. the uphalt Junot-. and off·ro.d too. 1~apMdt.. Super· llghL Mon.W brak ... ~at knobbys. The ~ of actv.nture q i- Metlng. $ 5 RIG. uoo Several Stylea To Chooae From $ FROM AS IS/ COMPLETE LINE OF BICYCLE ACCESSORIES DIICRIPTION MCL NOW ( 1) Unlvega CompetlziOM 57cm. Pea~ I SUO 518.86 (9)Unlvega. Folding, 3 aPMd $188.86 181.86 (1) Bertoni Pro Racing 55cm. Red. Campl$1000 848.86 (1) Motobecand Grand JubiiM Mlxte19~ 1500 388.86 ( 1) Unlvega Gran Turlamo, Gun Metal, 23" ~9.95 319.95 (1) Unlvega Sportour. Black Mlxte '81 1319.95 2&4.95 ( 1) Special 1 t82Ya Red Full Super Rec 55cm $1850 12t9 (1) Used ltal Vega 52mc All Camp, mint $1100 985.00 ( 1) 00 Pro-CruiHr $575.00 311.00 (5) Unlvega Sportour '82 Auortment $335.00 288.86 (1) Unlvega Rover Ill. 3-aPMd 21 ", red $149.86 119.86 (2) Cycle Pro Unicycles $80.00 59.95 (8) Specialized StumpJumper Sport allver $550.00 488.95 (3) SA Alpine Sport Mountain Blkea 1500.00 438.85 (2) Razorback 8-apeed Mountain Cruisers $400.00 338.95 { 1) Mountain Goat Cuatom 20". Camo paint $2100.001895.00 (1) Cook Bros. Racing 15-ap. Mt. Crulaer $1100 885.00 • ORDIR NOW ,OR QUIC~ DILIYIRY • '81 Unlvega 15-ap. 58+83cm Sliver $530.00 439.95 '81 Unlvega Super Strada, 50,54,58 83mc $840 588.95 (Blue or Pearl) '81 Unlvega Super Speciale. me (Blue or Red) $1300 988.95 SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AT TIME OF SALE I ·~ ' . ~ I GE Onty 6 roa ~ rid\ ~h to be called~~ ~lir and Merthol. • ~a batt~ Deuta u~ Joe w~~~oa. Waber Daly, IoWa Cole. &efta ..... Nartr an.. )Ia Rraa. Nor- IDQD WelaJ:·~·· Aacly !Wdea..ct A.u.r. on.. -., oee' IV arouad a CABLE CHANNEL 10 br*, ............... JIIOChaoer wbo ~DGDC~ge~ to ooa a hcmakal "aagel" iato baak!ag ~ .. ....... ,. .......... at .u ........ ~ .... •••~n•ar•t'• WGatldad -~. Oal a.. 1 p.a. n. _..,:::r=-· oi Dr. aacl Mia. Jolut oi Cwo.a del Nar .._ a clear 1acll oi .... al = wlkea Eaa, (Nn.. O.C.C Laae, deoalcdluMdwdr, .. llelpeu are Uuo•e~ r~ttta..---. Plaaiat lloger "Step" Weigaacl. wlko pia,..& '-I yean at Dt..,lcawl. ....... tcaa ........ a~~~~....- .. Not eo bad" wdl be .. IDocl promlaea Fraaclae Stela· HeacMcl bJ ....,_...._ ._, CUWkm l'aeJIM'oUI, tM .... So1111l Coaaa "-a'• C"''h"' team of IOU o~eta. taM· mcmger aacl ....._, ....t tu.. lnt ..a--aw• la tM 1112 Loa Aagelea Saloa Oalbaain, Wei at .. c..eu, Pia.. Aug. 22 aacl Zl. Tlae CQIIl~W.O. WCII Mad U• cler tbe al&aploea ol t~e Azuncaa 0\abarJ r.-.,_ cmd .,...... ..., tM a..llcie cwu. ~ oi CaM'-· •• lac. Fint place~._. woa Starting today. makt> regular ~xerciH a part of your busy schedule Eat foods thnt ar~ good for you and gel p)l"nty of r l . Pampt>r your-..elt wtwn 1t cnnws to groomtnlo(-hagh· hghting your attra<'ll\'t' ft-atures. Choose clothintc to support your im&i{t' a" wt'll u-. t-{lhann> vour appearance. t\hove ali-SMIU::: \ ht<ulLh\. uLLracLI\t' -.rrule can take you anyv. hen• We Keep You Srml111q PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 J\-tt<r I' ~nv .. uk Jr . l>l•' .I'*-I \t .. , \rthur Hhd Newport lleuch • • ' Waf I fq, 11$'1 bM ........ 2$1 .......... . J c:..~·G~M~a -c:....· ~c·--c.-••~~t• ~· o..e.c...c..~~~~~r· ~--~·c a , I b,ll ' tulatMM/.alaad cat •• ..,; !.any ..... ... ..................... ..... ..,; ... ..., ... aa CliHID M .. a W. a-.• Ia a'!'Maa tD tlr.e ~ .. pa... a•=• tM .._ ....cl ~ou., •• .-.. u...n. ~11 1 whwtnr INa ....... Coact "-a ... ,._ :1: 0. O'rnrae. ~..nnav. • ........... Da:a L,_. Mlat-O.O..Id N IIQ, .... Kay, Wille Cook That's what the Community Services programs at OranQe Coast ColleQe. Golden West CoDeQe and Coastline Community College are aD about Hundreds of selections in the areas of ~rforming arts. fllm. courses and workshops.le~s. seminars and continuing education so that you can improve yourself. enjoy yourself-by yoursdf or wrth farruly and friends. Wtt ~ udtttd about Cornmuruty Servtces at the Coast Community ColleQ6. For your ~e calmdar of activitks. please caD OCC. 556-588(}. GWC. 892-7711 or Coastline. 963-0811 I . I ] l I I t . I I J I ] J . ' 1 t J J J . t ] J . I aacl ..... CJoea We'nt confident that youll ~ e.xa ted too And m ·riched (v). a... C...~ • ~ W.. eooe. • Co C CC.C-•PIIft ~ • a..... c...c..oa.. · ~ -c..lllet· Cr . J ck y's The Best Checking Account We've Ever Offered! Our new Interest Checking account keeps your money working for you 24 hours a day-365 days a year. Earn high interest on any balance above $2,000 and 5 1/• 0/o interest on the balance below $2,000, FREE of all service charges unless your balance fall s below $500. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ARTS COMMISSION Presents •tntcnst Checking r~tn will fluct~tt wtth ~rket conditions. C ~u ow otfte~ for currtnt r•tn 't ow balanc. OVU Sl.OOO is not .. w vings ~ICcount or d~posit And is not insured b) tht rsuc It IS wcured b) note or oWiptiom of the U .S . aovernnwnt o~ govurunmt ~cin. For andh id~s. deposits under Sl,(XX) _.,_ S ~.' interest and an inwnd by the FSLIC. COII\mUO.J cHpostb under S2. 000 ~.-m no int~. unday, October 3 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. .......... ., .. ,.. ,....... ............... Watdiff Piau, 17th and Irvine Avm~. N.wport IUch • n41~ Corona del Mar, lOll L COMt Hiahway, Corona dll Mar •1M/675-1060 ()pm: ~-Thu~ 9 •.m. to 5 p.m. ~9a.m . to6p.m. ~9 •. m. tolp.m . • • • ' '\ If \OU are • . vuuve ~n what it can do to a familv •~r a rela- tionship. You lh·e "ith the heartache. The hla<'k- uut.s. The broken promis.es. \ou"ve reasoned and s~mpathized. Co,ered up and lied EH"O tried tu i~non· the problena or make ~xcu~ for iL lie only drinks on u·eekf!nds. he twnir · drinks before fit•e. He s u ncler n lot <~/' pressure at u'Ork. But it onJy g~lh \\orsc.~. If~ pill~ flO\\. too. What can you do'! Call CareUniL CareUnit i a m~icaH) ~upt·n i~l aJcoholi m and d~ twatment program availabl only in select comn1unity h 'pitak CareUnit U<'C fully treats more ~·oplt! for alooholi m e.ach vear than anv oth~r private program availabl . But before treatment can begin~ you have to care enough to call. II you don•t, you can he ur of one thing. The problem will only get worse. '10 ~ per!!OMUy with a CareUnit counselo.; your loool Care nit or coll14S al 8004224427. • 8\'.IUi tiUII\ \'nl'f.I\\'J !111 11 1 <14..\.1'1\lth • ANNIVlM~AM' •IUR I 111>4"' • (,JtAOUAriON ttAlt' HtiNl·' ( \l( IIVl' W£001N(•' OUilOTH NINVots.AaY stavt'IIG T .. lOC4l AUA Need Foreclosure Assistance? NOACK TROPHY 170 E 17th Street. No117 Costa Mesa WEARI:.: (•cross from Von's Shoppmg CentN) 646-3J4J • PROFESSIONAL A • 1-XPI:RIENCI:D IU:.AL kNOWLEDGEABLE ~~T~T: ri~~~RNEYS • EFFICIENT • 1-\ST -\:'110 A({L RAH "itRVICE • FRIENDLY A COURTEO\;S • \\1-00 OUT 01-OUR WAY TO HELP VOl WI fll YOUR PROBUM M lOX. WftN AHD MAIL * Mtfocts. Pdntinga. Gtaaa. etc. * Wood Oantng for...,_. or Pubic Newport Beach laguna Htll~ * &tate Pocldno * Pick Up AYOIIc:lble Trustee Services \ I) I\ !')ION 0 1-* Packaging and Honcllng Start at Sl * MaiYcu Pockogee Hefe 'ljl v. PVI( 1 '"lilt 'lj \ TIO"'' \l StltVICE c..'OR.POIV. TIO"' * Supple• ·----·-·--( 714) 833-0510 , ........ CIIT, ........ . nl11 'l" ., ..... ~\1 ...,\Rllll RBL\0 ~~H~(A80T ROAO Su11c \000 "e.t T U'"f' SUITE 210 __. NEWPORl 81-\CH. CA ~2t~H> I \C.t '"HILLS. Cl\ 9265\ e quiet alternative. A ma~ntftcent ~<;t,He 'Itt• that gruws nch and rare 1n a legendary land pf natural lx·.1ut~ A dream home w1rh ont• uf rhc ffil)~t nllHI~Ie addres!'lt"~ tn Amenca. Whatever rhear future plan.... d1scnmmaung buyers everywh en rel ll~nne Fauhank Ra n ch m presug1uus Rancho Santa Fe d \ the ffi(l t 'uperb e xpre ion of their taste~ and achievements. Away from crowJ,, Clmgc ted sne~t . nohy traffic and hemmed, in ltvmg un small c tty h ume site . Fairbanks Ranch i a 1 ,240~acre rna ter planned cummunny of majesuc eucalyptus trus. mllmg meadow . W\'OdeJ naals and park- lina lakes. Wath a plush cluhhouse, tenm and equestrian facilities, plu a suphisticated electronic security r.y tern. Within 4uack travel rime of La jolla, Del Mar, San Oieao and Los Angeles. Fairbanks Ranch as also immeJiately adjacent to the unique hops anJ variery c:A prof'i ional aervices at the charming Fairb.mk Village Plaza. Fairbanks Ranch. The uhirruue tatemenr of di tanc tiOn. ESTATE SITES . ONE TO 1WENTY ACRES FR M $100, CXX> Fairbanks Ranch at Rancho ntaFe , .... r ..t r.lm.h !Pur .m.tn.:\·J h, ~~ctal dppt•tnln1t'l\l, rhllnl· (7l4) 7S~l79S FAiRBANKS RANCH REALTY COMPANY P.O. BOX 8001 RANCHO ANTA FE. CA 91067 • H Oaae of t~e moat elegaaat priYate parti.. •ae ~oetecl reoatly by DJu ad lob Wilcoa . Combiaae tlle grado~ of tlUI 00\l.-rih the outlkmcliag cuiliDe Cll oaly The Rita ocm prepcue cmd you bcrYe the iaoredielatl b em out- *mdlag party. Heartily lD ......... . all •llo atteaaded iaaolucliaao FOR CLEANER CAIIPETS THAT MONDAY NIGHT II '\.ADIII ..._..,. LEAitH TO MAKE YOUR CHOCOLA 11 CANDIES OltEA T F()lll THf HOLIOA YSJ • COIIIMClAnUCTN*I• INCLUO« HOLIDAY PATAI!I OUMPASTi OlMOS • OINGIR MEAD HOUSE CAll ~48 CUE FOR INFORMATION STAY CLEI.IEII Try our revolutionary new Hoat system. -A UNIQUE CLEANING METHOD THAT LIAYEI YOUR CARPET DRY a RIADY TO USIIMMIDIATILY FREE ESTIMATES (714) 551-3121 The Froatlng House 2384 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~~ Residential -Commercial E LEKNICK CLEA~~~T ~tr~56 Citizens Property Rights Committee THI TRULY NIIDY. OR, IILINT ITR IT We haven't gotten around to running any .cia rec:antty. but thla one wu too much to k.ep qut.t about. An affordab .. d~atopmant Ia being planned (by the Irvine Company, no 1 .. ) at the head of the Back Bay. The people ot Eaatblutt have comp4alned that the d~at~mant will, baing Inhabited by human ~nga, produce tratftc and n<M ... Actually It aeema that hera Ia a wonderful opportunity to exerc1se real social reaponalblllty. Thera are ~pia at.aplng In thaatr•ta In Orange County today. Why not open the deYafopmant to theM truty needy? Allow only famlli .. with one car. or better yet. no car at all to live theta. That will dMI with the traffic problem, and they can walk to work In the Airport arM. Aa for noise, I don't know whether we can ftnd enough d•t-mutae to ftU the development. so we may have to Juat make aura the reeldanta we too poor to afford atareos and tv aatt. But what than will we do If they lnalet on brMklng Into spontaneoua song In the atr•ta? We might alao Ilk wh.thar the people of Eutbluff are carrying the1r own part. Are they walking to work? Are they keeping their ataraoa and tv's turned ott, and refraining from tinging and thoutlng? The cruaade for empty. silent strHta invotv• all of ua, not juat certain lnhabttanta of newer developments. The Cllzana Property Righta Commltt• (Cttprop) Ia an organlutlon formed to oppoaa compulsory redevelopment and other ctangara to property rlghta. CITROP P.O. Box 4492 ----- Newspaper Thankato HAIR lnLIITI: Jim Ooul, Patrlcla Daarochara. Et)'M Etpper, Aobln Landavuo, Patrk:te Kennedy, KathM R"", P1ul Alct\atdl, Jerry Schwa~ E*na Wahl, and Vk:kla WMMarna, Awe; B.J., N....._. ... ,. Jimmy, C a r I • .... ,. "* ......._.. J~ and ki from.....,._ Joenne from Jon ~ ..._ ,_ ~..., ltll Terrano. WMaon, h•rt•r. and othara. aHAMPOO C .. aW: CMr_.,. BMuty School, Santa Ana Irvine, CA 92716 I P.M.-Midnight sroup. Fibro.u 1rill boll aa eYe~Dt N · I Rook CommuDity Ceaat.r. ' tided "We're CWthag Ow Ad GweAda Wat.on bOIIted tAe T~ cuad TcdiDg lt oa tM ob.arter meebg oi tbe uwly Road" oD Oot 2Dd at U.. Tu.rtle otgcmi8ed Womea'• Eaecuti .. THE LAW UITTACTIC The Bible says there will alwaya be wara and rumors of wara. In Newport politlca there will apparently always be lawsuita and thruta of lawauita. During the lut city election a lawauit waa flied agalnat Individual city offlciela over tnatr vote not to allow the Koll Co to build a very large hotel near the airport. The city backed off, Koll got his hotel approved. and after the election. the suit waa dropped. MaanWhUa. the thrMt posed by the pending suit hung like a scary black cloud oYer thoM whO _,.,., tempted to voice their conv1ct1ona. What affect do you "hlnk It h.ci on that campaign? Thla election. once agatn. we had a lawault. It waa brought by Councilman Phllfp Maur• because of the ballot wording on Beeco-Bannlng written by Jean Watt. Mike Johnaon and Olck Nich<>'a. In order to stand by their convictions. th ... thrH had to defend thelr befleta which was costly THE LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE ARGUMENTS WAS DENIED BY THE COURT. BUT THEY STILL HAD TO PAY. Lawaulta appear to have become a favorite election year tactic of the big develo~ra and their frlenda They go to court Intending to lntlmtdate those who oppoM thetr plana and deplete their campaign cotters. Even attar the de..,elopers lose one of their lawsuits. the wmnera (whteh wa·ve always been). are hardput to pay ott attorneys who have defended them The developer writ" It off as a buslnaas expense. Money. after all. 11 the name or the developer game. When Mayor Heather heard that Citizen groups were short of money she aatd. "If they are hav1ng trouble raising money. It may be because not many people support their point of view:· We dlaagrae. While the mayor and her flnanc~al bacl(ers see our lite style In terma ot ··greenbacks," some of us see the future of Nawprt In term a ot a taw green open apecea. Does the heavy legal hand of the davelopera have a chilling effect on Firat Amendment rights? Will people with opposmg viewpoint• continua to apeak out If threatened with law- suits tor hav1ng an opmlon? Think of the thrae ~pie who just won the recent lawault. They stuck their necks out tor all of us Let's not forget that. lt'a an el(penalve but vary necessary process 1t we are to mamtaln our democratic way ot life '.utPEAID P~ ~IOAY HOTEl SllUA TED ON ()H(.MAlF "'CRE IN l AGUNA CANYON PFIOVIOES PEASONAlllEO CARE TO PET lOVERS ~0 WANT THE BEST PET ATTIHOANT AATH'f MilLER '£IDS 80*11 A MU.K.ONE a.KUIT OU....O DAilY ... ACK TIMI """* queedon -almt*enewer. For tl'le ~e of mti'Clthat •now·ng wnen tney are away ltll l theor Pita ara racet'ltlfiO tne ~t ot care at Orange County'l ltn .. t bOarClmg tac•l•ty lor both cata and Clogs Pam~ad Pat I e11par 1 1'\Ce<l Stitt really care about your oats anCI •n Cli'VIdUI IIZI lk oiled par SOl' I serviCe For targar llOQI . accommooallons are b~ outdoor runs w•11'1 •nCllvtdual Clog ,., ... ..,,.. *"•le tile tile guys ••• pr._ 0\o.J cozy nCJoor •uns II "•Oht l•a r ampared Pet 'tart ""9"'" •• par~anc.eo •n oat c a• e d e or eat b.,t~l tn Iraan •" sunanone and a baJanc.o ,utr t•oua O•et All Clogs ara eJ~arc:•sad several tome' e1a11y '" a large outdoor play area Special attention 1s always grven to Older Clogs pupp•es and tl"le han Clteapped PubliC tnapectton s encouraged Clur· •ng v11111ng !\Ours Lei us 11 llO* •f you dO not ... a lot ol waggtng latll Cal Iewers' Come'" our c:omp,.t.rt aeparate llllly otay l"touae and tn- Clt~ual l"tyg1en•c l·breglau ~loeur .. at the coasts moat modern catt~ OTHER FEAT LJAES Groomtng on oremts• • r .. tdent maneg., • 24 nour supervtston • dally mllkbone Jnac" l•me • 24-l"tour veterlnartan emaroenc" aervtce • automatic: "'ale• ayatem • dally atMm c:l .. ntng or runs • laundry MfVtc. dally lor Mdelmg • spec::tal nee baths • dta- count for multtpla pets and ~-wm ~rcs.rt • lrM mec:t•catton and sSMCJal feeding Senior Cltlun• -Violet de Rutha. UlMan krey, Ml~ Ractne. Arabttla Raddon. Ramona Mendez. Dorothy Goeman. Allee Strkklrd. At Haaue and Mildred Farrell -leaw for Auttralla. Rfiadobout tlJem bJ tll• Sport. S.CtiOII THE ASSOCIATES FRENCH FILM STARRING MICHEl. SEAMUlT UATI fAIM JOtl INIUIANCI CAU Dennlsloaene AGENT 41 ow. Coast Hwy. SutteT Newport Beach. CA 645·6470 Uh • good Mtghbor. • Sate Fum 1s there. Stat. kllm nuonc.~ Home Ollie-. lloOI tliiQIOI\ • When vou · re on rough seas and you ne~ a sense of peace. spendtng \Orne time here can help to meet your need. let you gam reassuranc(• of God's care. a clearer concept of who you are. and stronger guidance as to wh.ch w~ to go. Here you'll fmd tM Bible-the chart life for so many ~le. Sc1ence and HHIIh w1th Key to the St'flptures by Ma a.ker Eddy- a boo~ that illuminft ehe Btble. .And mu~h more. The Readfna Room is here hefp. We hope you -now it C4Nl b4o your • eoo. , cunerewar aoa TuiDmer Conan the ........ If you· re already a Cable l'J subscriber, you can enjoy a fantastic weekend ol great non· stop entertainment ABSOLUTELY FREE! • See Hollywood's best m~ Including Arthur, Stripes and Body Heat Plus HBOnl~ ,.,. -exclusive entertaJnm.nt prenMrtng nationwide only on HBO. like the blockbuster The CannonboQ~ntng Burt R8ynolds and The Great Muppet Caper. All during the HBO MAGICAL WEEKEND. beginning Friday evening, October 1. and running through Sunday. October 3. You ·n enjoy great entertaJnment no matter when you watch. That's 24 hours a day. packed with blockbuster movies, championshtp sportl. dazzling specials and Broadway theater All uncut and without a single commerdal tnterruptk>n! Best of all. the entire weekend Is FREE! So see for ~If what makes HBO Amertca s #1 entertainment servtce. Just tune in to ttae Free Preview star11ng October 1. .. and let the magic begin! WGJI.PERFORMANO: RADIALS P155/80R13 $45 P16SI80 R1 3 $41 P1 75/80R1 3 $50 P1 75/80R14 $51 P185/80 R 14 $55 P155/80 R1 5 $47 P1 75/70R1 3 $51 P185/70R14 $58 Goe YEA EAGLEST boW~Ittten P195/70R13 sse P195/70R14 SiS P215/7 0R14 $70 P235/70R15 $77 P235/60R14 $73 P245/60R1s sn P255/60R15 $81 Call for eagle net & eagle gt prkes ClJSHM LYSTEEL P1 75/80R13 $49 P185/80 R1 3 $55 P1 75/75 R14 $59 P185/75R14 $63 P195/75R14 $65 P205/75R1 5 $61 P215/75 R1 5 $11 P225/75 R1 5 S78 FU1lJRE BELT PM 2 PlUS 2 ...U:.Ill Tm AS LOW AS fOf Silt Plls.. u rt.l SUI J.I.T. IN POf'\JlAI P-Metrk SIZES 'IIUU .... V~ue In An Economical Passenser Tire 2 Ftberglaaa bel" prov•de streng th REGULAR FUTU RE BELT PM enct cknebility 2 fltolve•Mr body phea ensure a SIZE OUR PRICE FE T. ttnoot'-.oft ncte J7.. 1e1 ''-t treect end w•cle ahoulclera offer H .. 114 eac .... nt tutncthng 42M 141 w.-........ ...... 1.51 ''" tor .,.,.. auto 46. 77 155-12 166·13 165·13 165-l.t 175-l.t 185-1 .. 175170113 181170113 COMPLETE 38.82 37.82 38.82 46.82 .t7.82 52.82 1.22 1.27 1.57 1.80 2.00 2.12 lfalt.or HIP &-hen IWdl Sc...wt Jw. woa tM oaaaol ._ Aaledclaa t..p. _, ooa-... SM 001q11tlcl ..,..,. -..... *' ......... ad ..... groclen tMouPoet Calllonla. IWcli. 13, --........ Har· a.. ANa coe..., ad ...a oa ~ ..... cMrtnae ad --... totallet.M ........ s. ~ WQI ''W, hit Ia Ou CouatrT• F1&-.u.., E MARICET EVALUATION ON"10UR HOME GEM TALK llY I C HUitiPHRIES CUTIFUD GDIOLOGIST AGS j. ( ~ . J/,.,.,,,/,,.;,.J J•·w··"·r 1 1823 Nt•wrnrl Blvd Costa M t!sa MAS TERCARD 548-3401 ·'' .. (ClP a SA VI M$ AD Fa. '-IIXAMNA'OOH) AIHLnES n..••=· .. ---.. . ...... ... ..... 1 ..... ..... ce•-•fl hut 10 ........ I ,a~Vt .... W...t... Wwl II # I aM a11111c .... 11M Ad.,..... u.... . ., ol Caldania. !MM. Satu· clay, Ool I. at I p..a. Pta CIMrM .W Ma.Ut tl.e Uat•anlty Itbn:ar. '' " closeouts •nd bantru ~· b\1;, ~~t:~ KEROSENE HEATERS Sold Reg. at ei.e5 TH NOW .................................... d ....... y VWa clal Oro aacl VWa del Sol, EaltbluJf," ... ...., T-aa. cuu.a. oi ..... Newpart leocll Cttt An. Ccw•'r:ICIIa . Tlt.e ~ Muddan, led by New OrleCIJLI a1lliciall· dru.auD. Fn:mk be., will *rl the Mow at 2 p.m. with their oolorfW cmcl eatertallliDg Oia-..m.ct baiUl. Bcmct member~ are Joha Hea.c:lenoa, trumpet cmci .-ooall; Cluack Alldenon, trom· bou; DaYe Rolliu, clara .. ; lim Ogdu, tuba, Vic LofiDe , bcmjo; cmcl Fraak Ama., d.ruma. OtMr adti.Dg typal oJ taa OD the program iDclude l.an.ma, ~ l.ocler LW. Peralta, ~ a:Dcl clrwu, formerly wU1l Diay Gm.pe, ill a ro~ LatiA m\&M abow with lAger Hagelberg, LaUD •ocallat, NcaUal1 Otwell, picm.\lt, ODd Wait Urbcm, be.. 1 ()Q .... t. fecrturi.Dg leader Al AayoaeW. 0 .......... CommeiDCJI'd-.. Ndll. ...... o( botb caa coU W~IIOO •••WaJa.«wdlle,... .... Library, P .O . loa liSSJ, Umeraty oi Caldcnla, lntM. Calif. 92113. n. n.. Ant Theatn Boa Otlce will ...... S.pt. 29, 30 cmd ~ 1 ..t I from 2 to 8 p.m. "'"'ck.t ,._ .. Magic Circle 125, 0..11'01 ~ m'-'oD 112.50, ~ •• Na'alot Herator Reform Temple at tM ~ ol Jamboree Bo1lle•ar4l ••• EaatbluU Dfl•a ia N~ Beach wU1 hoW a •khn' . ...._ bat s.m.c. at .. c... ... Beacb oa Friday, Oet. 1 at I,... For more lDforaatlaa, telephou the Temple oAc. al 644-?nl. T OVER 1,000 FANS IN STOCK! I 16 DIFFERENT STYLES COME WHILE THEY LA T • ' gl "[ . nn . ~:!2. · .. , ~' .. . .• 'I'. : . ! ~ . .... ., 1 :r -JJtltri !llllllliji = b:=~r g r ~~~ :J-• > .~ .... 21 · ·~· I:it1rr 1111. , i!h ~ ~ ~; 0 -21 ... 0 -0 • :t • ...-; I .[ ,r ·•1 ·, 11 t · .. a -z o-·V' ~ o c · r r r -rrr "' ~ .o 0 ~~ , · · . -a r •t ~ · ~ r ~ c =, _;;1 :5 ·r r ifrrrrr i lfji ~ ~ i ~ ~"'~ ' !Jff -H e ~ ~ ~ ..;;; " :X 21 ~!tn r .r • t a , ~ ' 'Jid f ,. s " S' ~ ,..-:: . l g ~·· ~ g ;: ~ ~ ·" ~ %' 1 ' ~ r • ~ ~;:."'~-> t l r!j ~ t ~ -: r-..... 3• -x t .a -.,.: -~0~ " . . IL •ts fi • .o .o :-r-:>~ .r r 1i• .. t r g • e ~ !.a ~!!,., 2 . .,.g 0 f j ·jl Jt .rh frr j ~ o~ ~ ~~ .,..., !. .,. ~ ~ ~ a • J · utpi rr -_.,. 0 ~111 ·;. ~=-,., Hf ! . 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( 9 •.... a.tn ~-~ I a.U If ll 1-1-!:" ~ Ei'Ulti iII r ! If - .r ~~;t ;fi 1~ f , I ·. ~·:1·. ~~·; , ! :. •.1 J=, ...... :.t i! :J(.'~:f~~.f. -'~i ~~ ....... ,. :alt~ti.~i§ji.J .. r~',rl . •· itnt•:t··a~~ [Hit~ ifrJiiiiJ-i!'•·rr ; .. H-~~.l~~ la.i;8J'.,·.:~,:= r II . ~· ,I ' i . ~ ~ ~· ' r --~:.r. , ; .p.. I' ' .ss.•.J.• .. j .. ' ,' l I , [.f t ' . Jl ' ·~ I . l·l r . i-f.· .• ' ' ' I . a&. ' ' ., ... .: . -!l_.:c. t ., .• ::i.1 \![ I ~~., .h.d :fib:laJitfJ 1J11-wr ~ltfi.J.illtt!. iJ.rull-l fatl t~J. H .. ufrr !JJ.fif,h • ,,... . Clark Kennedy and f~. What a nice arrangement 641 ·0810 • Stone Mill Bustness Pa:k 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa John£. ~Com. (ll'TOM PHOT<."1GRAPHY We Are PROUD To Have Photoaraphcd Lesley and Meglwa daughter• of lUrk and ..... ldtr .. ~ ..... PWN Cardin'• rwwett cMtlcn clnct~ f« the f..Non forward American man. dittributed by htle Shirtmabn. CaMft l(llift fNbt • tubdt mhl of tht caeuaa Mid ""cJ:I " -'th • drw~y merino woof ribbed V ·ned ,_.. wtth pentm • • Wut o•· ford buttOfteiown etwt. d1aeoNI tmped '* t6t AND bnllhed cotton army fatltw pantt. T1w rwMtt of lookt for Fall 'tl SALE! All up to SO% Sa•ings I I tNIIR llllfiNI IHDft IDPPbt l ,18Dfi.Dl FALL FASHIONS FOR MIN AND WOMEN LOO K~~~:~~~ng New? MJf CENTRE DE BEAt:TE ~ Joa Eader, 19, ol Newport leoca..,,.,.. an •••tt oa =lplmoa ot b.,.Jary ... Eric lltwMolcl. ol ...... Park, ... ar,reetecl oa tueploloD of .... .,, Sept. 22 CIUWES A 34-,.ar-olcl wo.aa .. ropecl Ia tM 1400 .... oi Noaro9ia ... A ~ler wu ... ll.... &a tM 400 Wed~ oi Milo. .. A ocaMN. a • ..._ ._. Mod acl a MW1111 ---at.., ......... =:::ia:.~:: r.wc. Iliad. n.. IIIWl ... wa loocn.cl aacl r..ua.cl ... ea..n eql&iprtat 9GhMcl at rm ... repoNe~ .._ &o. Kirk N.J Dawoa Ia 1M 2700 block of COCIIl Hlgllway ... ~ wca repoaild .._ troa ..... Dwtalll Cede Ia tM .., Wock ol se.Mon ... A a..• watoll aDcl a ola• eqabre1 ~ at 1510 wen repoded ..._&om Naralou I . JaeoW Ia a buvJary oa RoJQ19e. Gecqe. ARRESTS CatiMriae Au Porter, 511 ol Nouo.ta, wae an .. t.d OD euepicioD of Graacl Tbft ... Juaita Wcmda Holt. 10, of Ap- ple Valley, w • an.-cl oa eu.pdoa of trytag to i'Wlde a wU•ell... Eclwarcl lryeoa t7t0 SANTA ANA A VI. COSTA-lA RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At Worki of Moulding You Will Find , •Moulding -IHardwooda a Sottwoodai- •VIctorl an Fratwork -Chair Raila -Finial a - • Decorative a Plain Corbell -Baaea - •Ceili ng Moulding -Bar Raila - • Stair Parte -I Oak 1 Hemlock I - •Butcher Block Tope - •Ceiling M•dalllona - •Wood Turnlnga -D • And Loti More Come On In And See Ua I t No advertiaer in thia paper ia more than a 9allon away. f Youz chance to be heazd You Are Invited To Our Grand Opening Celebration Sat., Oct. 2. 2 :30-6:30 p.m. OPENING EXHI&ITION: Etchlnas and llthoaraphs by Charles &rag. French primitives by Valentin. Palntlnas and Pastels by Disney Studio artists. lncludtna Gustav TenQren. Kay Neilsen. freddie Moore. Ollie Johnson. Mary a&alr. Floyd Gottfredson. Nino Carbe. ltaJph Hulett. G. Gordon LeQ and Hardie Gra~tky. Car- toons by Vlrall Partch and 20 other ma)or American cartoonists. SAY HELLO TO VIRGIL "VIP" PART<;H He'll be on h"nd to chat Md autosraph books. cArtoons. etc. Jolnlns him will be other notable cartoonists. lncludtna Mar- vin Myers. who will be autosraphlna his books "The Wine Set." "You A.re What You Drink." "How Not To Catch A. Man ... South Co.st Art C~nt~r . lrxCHporatlna the Museum Shop ol (CHonA del Mc\r. also f~aturn Nl ~~ttensl-.. scle<llon of AnlrNatlon all muwum re-pll<.s and OrM&~ County' flne<rot coltt<tiOn ol <Mslanet mouldlnas lor pktur~ fro~~m1ns SCHdh Ooost ARTC€ TE:R GRAPHICS ·CARTOONS · FRAMING 283 E.. SEVENTEENTH ST .. COSTA MESA (At Santo~~ AN A~nue. Near 8ullders lmpotlum) For details phone 646-4545 • I -. . ;· .,(: .a :: I,/ ,• ... t• • • -i ... ~: ·~. -•. . ~. I