HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign' ~14 Poge3 Pofle lB ~· THE NEWPORT ENSJGN • ESTABLISHED 1M&• 35TH YEAR • NUMBER 16 (714) 631-81~ • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WED NESDAY DEC £MBtR 8, 1982 The apparent coincidence of two accidenta occurring witlwl four dayt of each other lD nearly th• ea:me a pot at 54th Street aDd Weet Coaet Highway baa perplezed Newport Beach pohce and city offiaall The ... nungly g,ntly curve 1D the highway turned fnghtful Dec. 1 when a grueeome head· on ooU.Won clc:dm.d the liv• of tlu" youg out-of-towner.. And on Sudoy, a 19-yecu-old totall· ed hit pickup truck after locing COAtrol aDd ~math.lng lnto a parked ocn on the other aide of the road "The roadway la wide and at' 1 lD good condition," taid New· port leach tra.ffio tovMbgator Rick Bradley. "The b.nd in the road it really DOt that bad." Bradley poiDted o~&t that the two acakleott are the tint "real bad oA•" to OCC\U at that DCUat "lD a locg time " Meaowhile, ternc" were b.ld b ~-AU P.,aSgg, a , ol Hwl~ leOC~ at POctMC Vie" Me~norlal Chapel ID Coroao cMl Mar Saturday Pta.ivg WQI ptODOI.lnc:eci dead at fouataiD Valley Commwl.ity Hoepitol trauma ceoter lollow- ang the 0.0. l emalh·up, one of 1he wom lD recent city h.iltory Her J)OIMnger, John Scaran- bno, 19, of Son Juan Ca~ano, and the dnver ol the other cat, Marc Luia Manto, 18, of South Laguna, were alto killed 1n the 9 2S p m crcuh Orange County aupet"f'Uon wtU coatider o doMQ alte1· oativ• b future u. of Job W CIJ"U A.i.rpor1 thia mooth Should the ai.rpori .. eotually be abut clowo? Should U be u · pcmded to pei'1Jlit more them 100 daily d.partur• of oommerc(al , .. ? Should o -.ooDd airporl•te be found? And what about joint m..Wtary- ·etvilia.n UN of D Toro Marine Air Station? Th... ore among the alter· nati• tb. aupenWc>n will ez· amiDe Dillie an by Tom Bennett Newport Bea c h poet laureate T Duncan Stewart hat •peat 10 much of hit lile trytag to make othert happy that he '"med a bit uncom· fona.ble last w"k when the tabl• were turned on bim Newport Balboa SoviAga held a comang-out party for the firat ·ever collection of Stewart'• wcxka, "Plea.M Doa't Stand On My Catheter " (The title it baaed on a witti~ by Stewart whUe recovering from one of three open heart aur· geriee he hat hod All profitt from the book go to the American Heart A.oootion ) fred f orater, prMident and chairman of Newport Balboa Savtnga, aotd the bank 11 "proud and honored Duncan would permat ua to pubbah th.la .. "Lake forctDg cream on a cot," Stewart broke 1.n It wot overdue, for Stewart hcu beea peDAiDg doggerel about Newport Beocb oDd •n· Ylrou for puhlic:otloa for tbe 30~ Not ou.lf wcu bia firat book WlY.Ueci I~ week, but hit poet Ia ureote atotua wae widened cu well Supervwor Tom Riley preMnted Stewart with o framed certificate of the Boord of Supervt.ora' reeolu- hon namtng Stewart oftiaaJ poet laureate of the fifth Su_pervi8orial Dl.atnct The reeolution reoogn.aaed (Conhoued on P&Qe 2) AD LDtroduction to the vortoua olternativ• will be preeented at the aupeniaora' Dec 14 mMtlng, but the actual choic• of the beet alternative offered may toke more than a year Stepbeo loaok Jr , auport Plant and Ptograma Offker, aald the hill range of altwoati•• i.a bemg pr ... nted now ~ the ongiDal mcmter plan for ail· port ezpa.Diion waa rtruck down by Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruoe Sumner Sumner eaid them~ plcm'a 1 DUNCAN S l t ~ AR I. p.>el l aurt>al~ of ttw Fifth Olttrtcc 11 proclatm~d lu1 wf't'l.. ... 1 t'k>nW tn "~wport IMach wllh wlf~ J~ wor.t dehaency wat a fm..lu.re to co!Wder alternabv•. accord.tng to la.ak Swnner'• ruhnCJ come after the city of Newport S.Ocb w.d a lcrw.wt and .. veral community groupe oppoeed ezpoD.Gon of the airport The board of auperviaore receAtly adopted a reeolutlon atahng no feaatble elte ia available for a aecond county airport In vtew of that action by the board, Mveral euperri8ora ban ac:nd John Wayne Airport Steff pkoto bv Str-."' '-""''"" c. rem ama the aole alternabve for mMb.Dg the county' a projected au tra:a.aportauon aeeda Even u a aecond 11te co\lld be found, it might be yean away from aernoe, they ecnd Once alteraativea a re pr ... nted, the tupern.ora may order •nvuonm•ntal impact etuda• Eventually one of the alter· nabvea w111 be pr•ented to I udge Sumner for apJ>roval or re,.ction Howe•er. thl. ia not eJ~pected to OOCUJ before 1984 The Daily PUot wtll be por1 of a chcnn of o~ra baNd an Connecticut aomehme after Dec 31, lt waa aDDounced la.t WMk Orange Coc.t Pubha.blDQ Co ecnd the hoard of directon of the por•nt Ttm. Mirr01 Corpo.to· lion Ml og:reed lD priaaple to •» Orcmge Coa.t Pvbliahio; to IagereoU PubUalaiag Co of SbarOD, Coll.D Onmp Coa.t pubbahel the Pilot cmd th. lrWte. NWoa Va.to aad Hutlngton leocA Minor weekly~ lage uoll pultlJelaea four CaiiiDraia ~. QU pu.rcaa..d lD U.. I.e two ~ hey an tbe 0'-CW.,..... Pre.. Bur- bcmk DcrUy Rmew. Coatra C<*a led siP tnd•t aad ~ Ga••U•. Tlae olaaia aho pu"bh• 11 OtMr daWee ad tO wee~ ..... u ....... ,..... N6nVr trW n·· 0........_. ~alii.-. oa•~eo.._.. ,._., TIM pap~~t .. ,_ •• if wb•ll •,....••~~t lM ..... , ..... • Propone6ta of the 15-ltory e~ pcmaion of the Newport Beoc h Marriott Hotel ore echedu.led to aquore off ogmut cntie» of the plao Thunday, Dec 9 at the New· port Beach PlanlllnQ Comnu.a· aon mMbng at 7 30 p m a l Ctty Hall The fu.t four atem1 on lhe commuatoo 'e age nda a re related to the Marnott propoea1 whach colla for a 15-atory tower a porklnCJ etructwe and oth•r amenitiee added to the eli.Wtlno fac:ality, a 377·room hotel an Block 900 of Newport Center near Newport Center Orave W..t and Santa Barbara Dnve The company 11 requ..Uoo peri'1UM.lon to add another 234 rooma, an underground porluno lot, a ballroom, cocktail lounCJ• reetourODtll aDd a Yldeo ;am• room onto th• eawtmg faohty U completed, the Newport Beach Momott would be the lor;eet hoe.l lD Oren~ Cowaty Propoaa" dcum the laotel U · pa~WGA woWd mea:a about 11 1 f .nWaon a yea.: lor t city hom 1 eaJ.. and h.d t<-•• Accorruoo to hotel ma.oogera, tA.t• 11 a co.naumer need for the eapan Oa•l• Event S.01or Cab.Mu ore LDvtted to a pancake brea.kfolt f:rom 7 30 to 10 a m Saturday at the Oac.e Mu lU purpoee Center 800 Mo:rguente 1n Corona del Mar T:~eketa ahould be purchaaed an advance from the OOAa of· hce Clau•• OUered The Caty of Newport Beach Parka, Beach• and Recreation Dept 11 oHennCJ new c-.. ao a rt, dance, mu.ac, eaerOM, ecnl· lDQ, pre·ac hool te nna1 a nd aport. Mall-lD r8g\ltraboo for the cla.... will be acepted begao DlDQ Fndoy a1 Parka, Beach• and Recreoboo Ctty Hall 3JOO Newport Blvd For detcnled 1nformat.on on clata tun ... roll 640-227 1 Burrougha, wbo bod built at a nd 1ta predecetaOrt from a w"ltiT to nne. thrM bm• aad bve tim• a week Burroughe, who II aUll a New· port Beach rea1dent, had pucchaaed the Cotta Meao Globe-Herald lD Jcmua:ry 1948 He alia lbted a Newpon Beoola ecl.itioa caUec:l the Qlobe. HeTa.ld aad Pilot, aad louaclaed o CorOlla cW Ma:r wellly, the Newpon t..l&p Ckatet eald to former fet*tll An-a Hoapa) lvrrougla1 purclaoMd tla• ncnae "Pdot" for ooe dollaT from a ree&red ~ w~ nm o w..&ly la s.al leoola. lu.reo\agM rea,j)ed Moaday lae ~CNglat a b\lr-ad .W tiD n.-Minar la la2 MociM ... wc:w ~ wt~ oaaoer ~ aa.. reoD•a-), ad ......... M ..o.w. Gild ......... .... dm ...... ~ •••Nl 110 0 But cnbcw are qu.WonJ.Dg thol need clo'UJUng that a.fte.r ezpaa· 11on. the traffic load at Jobo Wayne A.lrport would probably IDCreoM lo fill 11 Hole) ofbctall bave couotw.d thoae cha rgee LD a atudy whlcb claLm.l lhot only 14 pe.rc.nt of itt cuatomere arnve by air at Joha Wayne Au port and that tmpoct on the lluport Wlll onlT be marQ1n_9l a fter ezponaon J o .... E t ol c._ ......... Food. entertammeot aa.d fua ore the them• olloca ternpl• w ha c h b e;ln Chanukah celebrabODI at IUD.MI f nday The boladay ta aD -'9lat-da, commemora hoo of tlae re · dedac::Gbon of the T•rns>le by tbe Maca.b• alter their Y\Ctoty ~ lb• Syraaa1, ood wlll b• celel.lra ted through friday, o.,. 11 CundJ" will be ht on a 30-foot Menorah each even1n; beQtn nang between 4 30 a nd S p m fuday Dec 10 at C habad of Jr. vt ne lewah CommuDJty Center The ceremony will be aued locally on Teleprompter a nd Coble Syatema channela eac h naght lrvtne Ma yor Larry Agran will be a monCJ thoee boaated by c ra r e 1o ught the Meoora.b each naght a nd the mnglnCJ of a chudren s chou will be heard 'lfter the condl .. a re ut C hlldren · 1 Nrflc• will be held 7 30 p m Fnda y al Temple B<JI Y chm uf Newpor1 Beach, Reform, lO ll Camelbock,New· pori Beach The d uldreo 1 chou tnd 1he voh()()l will por•j ctpate r l\f 'l"W 5Me Hospllll wUl al8o e1ebtote th., brwt andle by tH ahnQ 'l nc n lu nc.beon of he nta wh r Nl Je u' the hOIIpltal a nd ·~·•m Q ~eltl The luncheo11 w\1 be a~~ated by tbe Newpol'\ Beach C ha pter of Huda.oh and w1U be oJ nrle the duectlou o1 Ra bt.y i werluy For r_.f'Yab.oa.l t •h11 ,. ·ent call O.rda IUch, ~45 oo~· <;econd candle c•l•brobont w1 tw "l eld 7 p m Saturday, ~onltnued l ll ~CJ• 2) I I I 'I ~, • I ' • Vlttl Named To 'flaDatloll Comml-- o\a!looaJ N. VIlli, ......... , ol tile O..W.. Woot Capitol Ooo.ap of Newport leoc:h. Ia. Mea ....................... !loa oo....Utt.. ol Gcwonoor· oleo! a-ve o...-.m. VIlli, aa -...., cm4 a dlroo- kM' ol Commerce lcmll WOI oo- cllaino<ul ol tile Oraage CoUAtJ n-c-lorDo.W..• jlaa '. """""""'· ~omotlon Announced Robia C!Uid ol Zucar..a• Public R.lcrtlou/Ad-'loUig of TUliA boo-p<Omot.ci !rom CIOOOUAI ooordiDator to OCCOWlt .,._.._, Cbild io a UCLA QMduato cm4 a Newport Beach rlllllid.n.t. om.,...oNam•d Dr. Nom. Fier ba• b.. a -*'ecl chlel olooall ~, =-l>en ol u.. medical -ol Coota M.a Mecliool C...ter Hoopital. Ft.r, a g....,al cm4 thoracic •u,zveoA, reoel..d hi8 medical degrM at Ute UDi.,.rllitJ of T..-oato, mlemed at Ml Sioai Kaopltal lA o...Jcuul, aod cam· pleted relidezu:li• at Cayahugo lfoopital lA CI.Hkuul a•d tho cu, ol Hope. Other officer~ named w•a Dr. lorey JorgeAMa.. clliel of oJqff.oJoct; alid Dr. lob Edward HCIADa, ...,..etary.trecaurer; and Dr. Fraacio it. C. Foa cm4 Dr. Atilia M. -· memben-at· large. Rothmcm Honored J~l B. RothmaD, geaeral manag•r of the Aa.ah.eim MorrioH aa.d former guezal maaagez of the Newport Beoob. MorriArt Hotel cm4 Toaaio Club, belli beea. iD.Italled a. Pl.aclut of the CaWoraia Hotel aa.d Mot.! A.ociatioa.. Alllcmce Sp-.k•r Tom Saffer ol Newport Beach will apeak at the pu.blic forum oa. America'• atomic vetera.a.t at 3 p.m. Sua.doy at the Oraage CoiUlty Alliaa.ce foz S\lnival of· lico. Soffer, author of "Couatdowa Z.ro," Ia deputy director of the National A..ociatioa. of Atomic Vetera.na. Tbe Alliance for SP.U· 1 vivol ottice t. at 645 N. Hariloa. in Orange. I (CooliDuool baoo-I) Pee. 11 ~, T..,.P. loa!ah ol ~ lleach,Co-.atl .. , at O.e cha.bAoUM of Oakwood Omduo ~ 1700 £. llllh Stroot. ~ewpcwt lleacb. The ....U.g ..W ~ with a lull-........ ~ulf .. ·-cm4 ..W iDclude opeciQI -· -mODI ~7 Pearl Jlenaooloy. Coet!oSIOa•dr-.atioaoiiiOJ ~ """"""" by calliAg Flory Vaa liMit, 568-6900. A pol-luck bulio! ..W ~lA 1:30 a .m. O.C. 12 at Temple Sbaraa, 617 Hamilto"' Coota M.a:, iD a party lor famili• CJ.Dd. aia;gl" f~hui.Dg gam.M and mu.ic. Fr ... A traditional luncb.an and ligbliog ol caacll• ..W celebrate CbaDukah GOOD Monday, Dec. 13 at TempW Sbir Ho-Mo A'lot, 2100 Mar Villa, N.wpon B.ach. Pilot (Continued hom ~9• 1) who wat pubUeher for m::J yean before b.e rMigMd we. repJor;.d by Thoma~ Haley. The Pilot reportedly ba• recently laid off 17 aewaoom employ .. , circulatioA 11 dowu to about 40,000 from a h.igh. of •7,900, and the new pr-iutall· ed. two yean ago 11 ru.zuWag at only about 18 peroeat capodty. • The pa'* ba1 a COAtract with the GanneH chain to bevin publiahing the weet c-ocqt edition of USA Today aut y.ar. (CooliDuod "--I) Stewart'• "lUllqu.e pcMtio ....,..c~~ago ol 0 ...... lUIIIJ." s--.-w, ...... od ~.. able .. ,_.nd tb!o way: "Momeata like tb.il coD mab .. c:ry, "It oo\&ld.a't ~ to a moq wil1iDg ou.J.' Ho aloo qulppooi !bat tho award "will really gift .om• clc.~ to my obiha.ary." Tbe hut colleotion of Stowart'o WO<k ..W d!ooppoiAt ooly lA Ito bcovltJ -95 _.. It 1o a doilQh!IW collootioo> ol rb...-alid muolDgo, ...,..., ubau! Har~ Area oubjocto. Here '-aa uample: "What do we eerve wbea we're down at the beach "That a.o matter the nu.mber, our budget ccm reach "Aod alwayo ban pleatJ for every aad each? "WieD!oo. "What do we rOCIIt when we're f..diog '•m o~o~t "At the lake, in the park. or on aom• tceGic route? "I'll drop you a hiAt. .. they con<*~! w.U iD kraut. ''Wieni ... " Tbe d•Uvbtfu.l work wboee puhhcatioa wa. •pearbeaded by tbil newspaper'• priM· winniag colWIUlilt, Jim Felton, Ia a mU81 and CCU1 be purcba.· eel at th• Newport Balboa Scmo;o ollie. at 1101 !moo Avenue ila N•wport Beacb alid 3021 Eaot Coaot lllghway iu Corouo del Mar. A special limited time offering of diamonds one carat and above. S iu-1.~ J moot I lilt" I hlllf' I ltll I IIU.Jkt•l" tIll .!~ t·ullt•t•t IIIII uf tliulflttllll-" rt'markahlt". (Jualit~ i_, a nu lht·r. Fur tht'!>t' llrt• rliarnuutl!i L"arefuU)' &elt·t'lt'd fur tl,t·ir t·nlur. t"UI IHJtl daril)· Oiamundl'l that a rt· of ~·xtraunlinur·~ 'ullw lil' wt·ll "" imt•rt"l'l:o i\t' ~i1.f'. Maul In lrtult-it in fur a •liMIIh.UHI uf J.:l"!"at,·r 'uhu·. ~t·lt·t•f u diamutul that i~" dtJuhlt· tlw \ ahw uf \uur .d ull1'. a.-. dt•lrnnirwtl h~· tttl. uwl wt·'ll "',j"· ~ .. ,;full ,.,.,.,Jit fur tllt' ~·urn·nt tnark.t·l 'ahJI' uf \uur diumtmtl.l A one-year limited warranty that warrants your attention. If. .... ·ithinnn•· ~··y, .. '"llr tliumontlts tlamatt-f"tl nr lost fro rn it11 ot·i,::inal mo unting. wt· wi.ll ~adl)' n •plat'L' it. t\...k fo r full .... ·arrant~ •It"! ails \ol.lwu ~uu t·um.-in. T. Duacaa Sk:•wt'• fbllt pvNieMct work Cllt"NN'ed. ia 1M Jriew. pod 'a dp Ia 1 .. T1le ..., -~oc~ae 0 -oloorloge ....... CIIJ --................. lll'.tolldfg .......... ..,,..a '""' ""'e -•· o..-u.. ploo!ag ola brloll Ia U..tollotlak. s..an ..... ..,... ad u.. EMp pvbH'Id tiM ioUowtpg b.JPOdl•lloal wut~~~M"J•oebetwMD. s...anaad tM City Cou· d), THE PHAlli; OK THE BATHROOM FLOOR ~ T.Dwlcaa Stowort Door CltJ Cowadl, I noM, lo lalcna you, U.. tho~~&~hl makoo mo bluoh, That r .. put lA u.. - But my to6let u.ow eticJal ADd U.. dara tbiAg r-to &uob. Door gu, Our plumbiog '- Coo!endo !bat U.. ~ -"' lo u.. hickey !bat ~-­Juot-ltpl- Tho ..u .. alaag lido your llljoctar. Dear Cou.a.dl: J woa't he nalli'f•, Your \jad•-il highly penv.CIIiYe, But ~yalid my coa!rol The Oricb lA u.. ..... . he DOW lodged ... ODd they're .,..., a.braa.-e. Door SU, Our plumbiog d_...oa! Hao juol lauod a lucid lm-oal, That If ..., cm4 wbOD Wo-lock:bagoiA Th.•y mu.t go in th• uppez compartm•at . Dear Council: You'" a right to be oautioua, But my bathroom 11 limply atrocio\il. 'my ICICI"u.m ia a:iliDg From bailicg aDd bailiu.g I opelid all tho day lA ;alaohool Now t.b.e .bric.b which JO!ol gcrq auch approval Have impeded mt .wage removal, So J her•with oonbde That I'm build.i.ng outllide Ao adclltloo with baJoo.olighdy o>ai. I 0 Dec. 9~ 10~ 11~ a 12• 0[]0 What makes our large diamonds difTerent?Fur unt· thin~ot. 1hr f•unfitlt·nn· ~~~u·u huH' nmUn~ ltJ tJIIt' uf 1lu· na tion\ 11111~1 n ·putablt• jt•wt•lt-rs. While M t' p r it·t' uu r tl is ntund!! l"llllll)('liti' ··I~ "'itt. "'l•a r~u iu ·· tliamo ntl .!>lllrt·s . "'t' ufft ·r 11 diamuml pulit·~ lh ~t us~un~ ... ~·uu uf comvlt·lt' '>llli!<ol"at ·tiun. A money-back policy that'~> a real gem. If ~uu art" nu l .. ntisfit·•t \ol.ith ~·m1r tliamutul. fur au ~ reaiQn , \"UU ma\ rdurn it \ol.ithin 00 du, .. frum dw tlah' uf 1mrc:hasC for a full n ·fund. · A trade-in policy that's truly a cut There's no better time than right now for diamonds. \ntltwl.K'ttn pl .. n · tu lirultlu· twrft«'l larj!t'" diomnnd than ri!(htlu:•n •. Hut tht·s.· art• juii l a MIUIJilt· ,,( thr lrt·nu·rulous s4"1t~t·tiun uf fitw tliumunds )"I•U Mill fintl in uur l'ilun· riP.t no~.• Hut t•urnt" in svun.Diumund 'a hu-.!1 this rart· \ol.'n;t'l laal fort>\ t•r. f" t Trac:k·m pohcy dc..lt'.S not apply to >lll ~tOMS • \II ~tun•·~ a rr nu' 11-..ailahlt• in11ll •lur•·•· C11tl (ur '''lll"t I"I"MIIull• above.Aflt"r _\ou n"'·n uw · uf uur diamund~ \nu ma~ ~L 0\AI. I II .. l \\' ..;~. .. 79SO. I I :~ cc X~. II, ISO. 1.33 ..... rw r~. ... 1,9SO • + MARQUISE 1.30 ....... fW ........... 1,5SO. 1.37 ....... CRI Xf ....... I, 100. 3.74 ....... TS!IIl ..... 15,325. ~~r!C HOL'ND I I( I T\• I H 1300. (J..!. cc r ~ 1,300. ,, I ... Wll HI l, ISO . 1ll1 CR Xf 5, ISO. IJH TS Sl 3,000. "" LS . .t.~ 3,200. ''" rw Ml 4,750. I HI! TSI ~Il 2:,400. I 1111 CRIH I l,400. I IJII TS/Mll l,200. TS t MH I 01 2:.200. I o.: cc f N 7,100. I I Jl, TS •Sl 1,175. l .llh TS/MH l,6SO. l .llll TS/51 3,075. I 07 CR/MH 2,100. l Oij TS/Sl 1,525. I oH WHIH1 1,925. I .114 " " SC/CE ...... 6,150. !.It> " . fW /Sl ... 9,400. I ..I: .. . WH /fN ... ... 9,650. :to-t .... ... SCI Xf .... 14,950. \LI I'RIC:LIIii 1\U.LU[ COLO SOli"T \H £ MOU \TI~V· ,, n.. Sttwt" Onh NEWPORT BEACH # 18 fA HION ISLAND (714) 644-1380 ..._ .. ...._:«; ~ PEAH I 1 (~ cc r~ I, 175. 100 .. .. \\' It ~' 4,100 • 1.07 ~I\ , .. .4,5SO. l . I :! cc Sl ..7,300. I :<(> cc ~·· 12,2SO. l.t.J:! cc ~' 14,025. :! 10 .. T~ Ml " .1,200. 2.2(> Ct. Ill .... ll,UO. 3.37 . cc. Efl ..... 1,650. EMERALD l ~ ~ ..... C R /~f 13,125 . . .. I I I I DrNden Moci•JJLLUS. PICIAI.IAUHOU..., -.-Itt. ...... _ ... LE 714-1147 '• .- DAMAGE -Alletu'k> "' mast beart wHrwtt to ttorm At prt11at~ pe~r off TurquOtN on Balboa Island <up~r left), Tony Horvat clean• up damai~ ~•••m•t~d at SI.OOO \lUitlt~ h11 Marirw ~ven~ butirwtl (up~r riRhf), Surf pl.)unds ~"WPM' r'"'r I 1~11 1, r r.t~l~rs ar El '\Aorro ( 1)11~ b~ow N~w port Sl and I ast .l:> <urr .lrfl\-~ With a fur'f I naht) Th• N•wpor1 HOJ'bor area waa g•tting boc.Jt to normal thia week following the No• 30 arctic atorm wbach blew through Southem Co.lifon:Lia wttb triAd. ..tunated up to 70 nu.J. per hour The wtnd broke 30 yochtl lOOM from docu a nd moorlnga 1n N•wport Harbor and d•atro y•d docka along the Balboa Y acbt Baa:m Th• 8alboo Ferrr ahut down Mrvice, th• hnt time anyon• could recall wh•n th• f•rry waa halted becauM of bad weather A high tid• readung m:a to ••~ht feet rolled an 01 wtnd and rQlll pelted the area, and alrMtl and •ven hom• on the Balboa P•ninaula we re flooded Reaid•nll w•releft atranded a nd ~ A UMITtD •u•o Of ATTUtTIVl Cllrlatllla Carol s-.1 SMeta AilE lOW AVAILAIIl TO orst In lactnCJ the expeoaea ol r•pollUlg soaked carpeb.nq_ a nd lurruture The Harbor Patrol ho11t•d amaU craft WOTruno-at 12.40 o m Nov 30 a nd upqroded to 9al• worniDgl at 4 a m Thew ,r ntnga were not reduced to small cra ft unbl 8 p m Dec I 'We w•re very buay a Hu r bor Patrol apolte.per~n 101d 'Phon•• were nDCJlnCJ off the FREE MARKET EVALUATION ON YOUR HOME LltfYOW Home llfo.IALr CHURCHES I -.N1ZATIONS ('al ill p~,_ II A. \1. te 5 P. \1. ~Fat In ........ U.teng loolr HARBOR LAWN ~ 1625 GISLER • COSTA MESA (Located acttacent to the San O.ego ''••••r & Marbor at"d So 1 54().5554 SOl HARG£ SO OBliG \flUS BT I C. Hr/IJtiiiiiOU6S a:RrU'aDGDIOLOGJST, AGS MEN AND JEWELRY ao tOif*r r ... Drtlbua (ull• uf tc,..rltv ror '"u•ncn are aboul u tradll10n111 at ( h"''"'·''h01C "' llii'IIC'hlt lllld rru,tcake But did you kno• '""' nn:n • .rc: "'''" "u""l JCWCiry In mOA ways than at all) 11mc '" "'""" ' It'• true It Ill a tract that hu b«ft ~clop­'"1 for many )Ufl. U met\ ha" blpa 10 feal mote , ... illwut •lui ~~~ mo~) •ur T*J'• modem tnat. faJJIKHb ,,. C\lrcnlCh •ell With rcwtlry Wh.at .,.. IM "* •catt " D•.Aiftt>nd ""I' h ••• •l•a)t bec1l pop.J.r. and ,_&111110.. ~ mC'n .... ., lth~ ""J' "'''" c tonct ltoeea. Ootd IICil ~--a,.. rof"ll..tr 11"' '"'' trc t•tfd 10 llnadab............... Iva hi t-.h .. und r••l.f m ••l•cr trnoll'-t a«wo~• I(,._""" m )OUt fire h,n11'1 C\flru.Mid I •1611 (Of I pft Of jewdly, drOJ) lhn1 u 111111 \ "" m•y M r,._. .. llow ~I) t.c will JlllftJI .All he ,h,~c hi ha•e I at.:. PMQtofjcwcltJ (01 Clitntt• m.t•' And wu rn..• be t¥rpr\Md. too, 11 .. ylt ill~ buy 1ttftl -h " a•ft OM lhl .. 'a few '",. -MKl 1 t~l\ ••U ~ •Wid •.S mncnlllcred t ma11y Cllriltlft.-10 ~ j. (~ , )JAIJIJJ/.,.,·_,J ~~l ,.J: ,lP NlW'.<)ftT I&.W COSTA ~SA MuTEACARO 648 3401 Vt~._ lORETTAQJRCI (1M) ..... 1367 l M.l ~ 114 'tl-\ r01 Apoonlrr'lent Joplzit.tl/!!,l'' 1 ;\· ec·fi(JJl M ... UWVUAGa CINTIR U ''bluff Dr . N.,_port ch 64(). )1•11 ph..'lo>t tl\ )lf'\f'n v<Nr~ ory wall The mobl.le hom .. at £1 Morro Cove b•twe•n N•wport and Laguna Beac h wtth.atood new •hr•ata from I'IIQh hdea and 'l•avy sud Ntne tr'ld er home• were sev•rely damaged befor• ere_. .ncludtnCJ )all tnmat•• aand· bagged the tradeu a gatnat further dama ge Fnday And New Upper by '!'om Bennett The atcrt. Dept of Fiah and Game baa written a compreheD· li•e new mcmagement plaza for the Upper Newport Bay Ecological R.ern The objec:tlv• are to r..tore cmd maintain the r .. "e, im· proYe fiaberiea by creating IUll"Mri•. forage and apawniDg grounda, protect and eDhcmce watez wildlife, provtde IIClentihc and educahonal uae, aD<l rec:reatlonal uae The plan waa pr .. nted to the Upper Newport Boy Tecbtucal and Pubhc Pohcy Adneory Com.nutt .. Nov 18 The mecba got a brat look at 1ta lcmt w .. k when ofhaa.la held a pr-confezen.oe at the Ea.tbluff and 8aj Bay Dnve ovezlook The purpoee of the pr-con· ference waa to ahow off the reaulta of th11 year'• maJor d..Utabon proJect, brat mnce th• eal• of 527 ocr• wttlun th• bay to th• alate m April 1 ~5 Rarely 1n recent yean bav• aa many public of:fioala been ... n together. anuhng, whil• d.iac:uaa- lng th• Upp•r Bay An•mbly womon Mauan Berq.on, flftb Dlltnct Super- fona Tom fW•y. N•wpor1 Beach mayor }ockl• Heather and .tot• Fl&h and Gam• chrector E C Full•non w•r• pr .. nt, amonq otben Th•y vt•wed th• r•ult. of e:a COVoUODI by the } W Mltcheli Co of lzYln• wb1ch removed an .. tunated 493,(XX) cubic yorda of matenal from th• controvermal Zone 1 of th• boy bord•nnq on Ja mbor" Rood one• th• 11t• of a aolt evoporobon woru 1ecued by the lfVln• Co Th• ••covotlolUI created a body of wat•r now t•rmed a •edun•n tatlon ba.ul re.tormq bdal Dow cut off 11nc• th• bUlld.lng of the ealt woru ln 1934 How•v•r. the cUCJ cov•red only pan of the area and Mv•re w1nter rollUI could undo J W M1tch•ll 1 worlt ''l•t 1 not l•t up now that w• ve got th• hnt hoi• duq u1 th11 or w• could loa• th e mo m•nt um o f th• a p prOpriOhO nl 101d f ull•rton whou d epartm•nt r•1•a••d $7()(),000 It had )ealoualy CJUOld• ed 11nc• th• 1975 aole Th• mon•y wo.a put wtt.h ltat• granll :nd c1 ty of N•wport B•oc h County of Oranqe and Irvtn• Co lunda to pay for th• Mltc heU proJect A.11emblywoman B•rq•aon played a ma1or role u1 prymq ' ~-'. HRFOWL "" Up~r B•y pe-rch. Phoe,, b• 8•rr' Slobtn lOOM Dept ot flab and Gam• lunda · let me teU you abe haaland· ed on my caae often ," Full.rton 101d 1 Toys For Tots Rally Sunday The fourth annual To.,. for T obi open hoUM aJ)Oli.IOnld by the U S Manne Corpa R ........ will tok• place Sunday m th.• bhmp hangora at the Tutrlln h•hcoptez atatlon The day 1 actlvttl• will begul wtth 5· and 10-lulom•ter rune at 8 a m A flytng model au thow, a ntique car abow morcb.ua~ banda a nd Santa Clou.a amYOl 1n the Goodyear blunp will follow AU CJUeatl a re wed to bnAg one new unwrapped toy The Ma nne Corpe R...,...e'a Toya for Tote program, h.gun in 1947 haa been reeponmbl• for datnbubng milhona of to.,. to needy chudr•n The reMrve' 1 qoal for 1982 ia to collect 15,(XX) IOJ1 for the fe•dba c lt f oundation, tb• Alben Sttton Home and other chanty orqanuonooa Toya c urrently or• b•tDg collected at Fue StaUon No t , 2 Cahlonuo St Fue Stab.on No 26 468 1 Wdlnut, and Fu• Sta· bon No 36 301 E Yale Loop, 111 lrnne All toya are truclted to a cen· tr..J l coUechon cent•r 111 Loe A lo mttoa lor daatubuhoD throuqhout Oranq• County ,.I I I I I A bared Trust The Dept. of Fiah cmd Game ia detarmined to preYent the d..truction of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reeene, and tru.ta othen to aid ill that work. That ill the meaning of the newa that Fiah and Game haa draft.cl a compreheuive management plcm, and llarled it through the department'• ad'YWory grou~ for the r-rve, the Public Policy and Technical AdYiaory CommitteM. Fiah and Game had previoualy acted aa a reluctant bride and foil to any d.a.ion. reached by the Newport Ir- vine Wa.te Management Agency, which eought to write a plan for compliance with the federal Clean Water Act. It ia Jede to eay Fiah and Game doubted NIW A lacked the will and the enforcement powen to prevent liltation from uptream. Fiah and Game waa right. But now, in the wake of NIWA'e virtual demiM, Fiah and Game hat been 1 ured into cooperating in the firat major ucavation project ainc. the l<lle of the r-rv• by the Irvine Co. in 1975. There il an atmoephere of coopera- tion among the varioUI agenci• that eeemed un- reachable four yean ago. VPPCR SAY ' ' The airing of a management plan mean~ Fiah and Game IMU to define aon.. within the Upper Bay in which it can enhance natural habit., improve water quali- ty, control moequitoa and develop acientific and I, recreational uM oJ th.il vital reaource. Thil atep never would have been taken by the department without a meaaure of faith in developen and county and city government. to kHp .Ut from enveloping the bay and wiping out any r•toration effort.. rr=====~~~==========~~;;~;;~;;====~;;;;~~~~:~:~~~:aDd we do DOt bave U you are among the many who find the Upper Boy an ineG8tibly pleaaant place to viait and wiah to ... it main· tai.ned, urge your city government to enforce grading or· dinancea thil winter, and aupport annual d..Utation and blending of the efforta to mHt federal Clean Water atan- darda and write a comprehenaive plan for upkeep of the bay -TB A Test 01 Skill CalTrana h01 provided motortat. with quite a te.t of their alertn .. and driving akilla at MacArthur Boulevard and Airport Way. MacArthur waa recently r•urlaced, and the 1tnpmg m the weltbound lane il a good deal out of ahgnment from one aide of the Airport Way intenection to the other Waiting at the red light, a moton.t .... the lane ltripe emerging out of the center of bit hood. I. the driver at hilleft awake, he aab? Ia he a rtt9ular commuter along thia route, and thua knowa my predicament? Or ia he (a) half-aalHp and (b) a manger to the mea, and thu.a I face •veral hundred dollan worth of damage to my car in trying to .tay in the lane when the light chang•? The planner who deviMd the atripi.ng in th.il mea of MacArthur m uat have been aufferlng from m yop10 Something ahould be done about it to prevent accident.. -TB AGo Job The reacue boata of the Harbor Patrol braved gale-force wmda of up to 70 mil• per hour Nov. 30 to aecure boata which had broken looM in Newport Harbor. The hmbor and ita yachta, valued in the ten~ of million~ of dollar•, were at the mercy of a violent atorm on a day that one officer recalled "Mparated the men from the boyt." The area'a boat ownera owe the Harbm Patrol a debt of gratitude for their courage and their effort. dunng the ttorm ow To Elected t1NlTED ITATEB SENATE The Hooonahl. AlaD Crcm.lkla, lOiilliO w.ww. Bl.d., RoorD 930, Lot ~-. CA 10124 TNpiloae (213) 134-7141. n. Hoaorabl. s 1 Hcryakawa, ..,. Cam~ Onn No 213, Newport lead, C A 92&10 Telepllo .. SU-7175 (S.aotDr·D.ct P ... WU.O. WID be_.. ualll Ja:aaarr ) CONOR.aa Tile Hooora.bloe Rob.1 t lod.llam, 40IIa ~. 110 Newpor1 c.._._ Dmo., Newpcrt lecdl, CA .._, T~ '"toto. ftATE IDIATE (n. dJT al Newpait leacla wt.U be wt~.t o ** ..eater u.a t•,) n. Ho.cn.b&e ww... c-, b.U, 31 1t Dtldnct (pan of !mae). lMl Haa09• Rocld. Sua. 303. 0ty ol Ia- -TB ves dutry, CA 91748 Telephone (213) 964- lW 'nt.e Hooor<lhle Joh.a S.ymolll ~ DWIIrlct (pan oJ Co.la ~). 1360 s ~-. Hood A.ocda.W. CA l2m5 Tel.pt.o .. -.o!l&3 8T ATE AI8EMBL Y l'lae Hoa«a!* Mana:a B.v_,• 74tll Dwbid, 4500 Ca.,pu On.., Swa 3t4. Newpon leocll. CA 1&0 TelepU.a Ml·7ttl Tll• Hoaorub&e No&aa Fna.U., &SUa 0t.tnct (Iac:l~ all ol COlla M-cmd lm..). 1.-xl Mout St , SW11t 800, Hu- tlo9tOD a.cQ. CA GM1 T.,.._. au.ms I'D'TIIIUJ'I:RVIBOIUAL D....UCT n • ..__.. n--r ..,. sa DIMdc:\ 10 CMc C..tw "-· Sana Aaa, CA IDOl T~&.plaaae .,._,W) e • eDougb top caDdadatea to LETTERS replace them CuneDtly, we are faong cruoal teacher alaor1ag• 1D math, acaeDce, apecial Raile Standcuda To the [chtor [ducabonal ucellence aDd reJorm are the mQ)OI .u• foe. 1ng our pllbbc a:hoola today 8oth pa:ren• ODd Ileac hen agtM that our chtldreD'a future depeDd.a o n the quahty oJ educo· bon th•y rec:eaft The Cahloro..aa Teach•n A..oaabon 11 d"ply comnutted to refa~m that ade- quately lunda pu.bbc educobon, Improved cla.room ch.opli.De ' toughena academac staDdcuda. emphc:ra.H~ homework a Dd un- pro•• teacher lrCDJU.Dg The chaag• m\Lit begm LD the heart oJ the educcrb.oDal ayatem -the cla.room A ma- Jor problem we mu..t ~Ye aa bow to reform our core curnculum - what a child ia actually taught Ul the claaroom -10 that tl will toughen our academ1c atC1D- darda To make reform of the core cumcw\lm work. we mu..t hcnre amaUu claaa mua CaWonua'a pupll-teacbu rabo 11 the b.agbelt Ul the Daboo Smaller cla. aa. would al8o help am prove the cha- ophne Ul our cla..rooma We need to 1ncreaae the acbool day back to eq a nd Mven penoda at the tugb acbool l••el. Too many ~ebool d.aatrJCta LD the pa.at few yean cut the leng-th of the 1Chool day to eaYe money We cannot aHord a bcmd-a:ad a pproach wbtcb tgDor• the content of the mate.nal taught d'-Lrtng the adchboDal daa tune 1 Any leDgthenmg of the a:bool day m \Lit al.o pro-nde fot ade- quate compenaahoD fo r 1 teach en [ducabon m~ be fuDded OD an adequate and dependable le'Nl Ca.Woro..aa need. aD am- mechat• uUu.aoD of fuDda to local echool chatncta Whale lk>p- gap fuDdiDg aa Deeded un· me<hat.ly, we mu.lt build for future yean We muat a1the.r ded..icote local eourc:ee for echool &uppor1 or generat. Dew aate taz• earmarked for educatioD Adequate fuadUlg will allow ua to reduce the brCllD-dr<D.D away from the teocb.tDg prof•- llOn We are lo.aDg YeteraD educa1JoD aDd bilingual educa· bOD It aa ampwative that we provtde deceDt, compehtive aalan• to a tt%oct aDd kMp !ilood teacben Aa we toughen academac atandarda, we bave to fuld waya to get pareDtl ma~e unvolved, •peoaUy to make aure that the homework we 081igD 11 doDe We Deed attODijler backing from pcuenta aDd adnuniatraton Ul the areo ol dwoplin• The CahforD&a Teachera AaaocaboD aa prepared to lend a wodung coaliboD of educator•. b\.W.Jl-leaden, polibclazaa aDd parenta 1n faahioJUng a 1983 educabonal reform packaljle that addreu.. tbeae cnhcal a.ll.lel Manlyn Ru.ueU Battle Premdenl THRV THE YEARS 5 Yean A9o : D.-c. 8, 1977 FouDden Ano and Peg Haapa OJl.Dounoed the eal• of theu newwpaper, the tDAqn, to Herbert W Sutton of Newport Beoch . . . Truch Roven, who had heeD m appoLDt.d to bll out the City Council term of her late bu. baDd Howard Ragen iD 197'6, ' announced abe would DOl .. n ree.lecb.on . . . The Co.2a M~ Caty Couacil genre Wauen G Altlaalf. 1523 Orcm9e AYenue, 10 clay'l to g.t nd of tow g .... 10 ducb and two chid••· uplaolding tlae . . Hollywood actreaa Mamte 1 VaD Doren cmd ber Dew bua· band, bu.ai.n-uecubve Ro.. McChntock, will live iD Newport Beach, accorc:l.ang to repon. tb.ia week from Loa V-vaa. wheJ'e they were marned lmt Friday 25 Yean Avo: Dec. 8, 1957 Oil ltarted Oowillg y..terday afteruooD from the fint tidelanda oU well of tbe Monterey Oil Co. Dear Coa.at Highway and S8tb StrMt, 1 uat ou t.id.e the city lun.ita In the contract betw"n the oty CUld the oil company, the city ia to receiYe 12.5 perc.nt of the fi.nt 80 banela from eoch well d.r1lled . . . ._. .... , police ehiefa den.ia.l oJ a permit to keep DOD -domealicated cmimala. The Harbor CiU.na L.ague, ~uon of the campaiqn for a city chanu, lllued a aatemeDt augg..Ung change• iD the charter that w011 defeated in 19&9. by Rep. Bob Bcad.bam Varioua theor* her... heeD ad.cmoed 01 110 why Orang• Co\.lDty bucaed the ao-oaBed atat.wlde trend in the Noftllll.b.r elec::bcm.a, yet 10 far I bcnre ... n Dotluag which ..U. me mucll that wasn't already known by the.. of ua who hCJft li•ed cmd vot.d here for many yean f o.r ODe th.a.ng, 0r0Jlge CoWlty b08 almc.t a.h.aya buc:bd the statewide trad, if that trend we. toward th• left. and wlaen the trend w08 m tbe mv&dle or to the fi9ht then 0raD.ge CoWlty wa. Jl.l8l more 10 than the,_. of the .tat. Accccding 110 the cmal~ the bi.g •u• ba .... ~ .a.c. tiOD wa8 u~ea.t. mfJG. tion hcnUao pnltf muda ben ta.keD care oJ by the~ Ad· 1JU.1111tratioD a:Jad i.Dterell rot. OD a downwordllde I'D 11Gb o good put ai my repulaDcm ca 1M~ daal wa· ... ~-... Mit Q ..afar ...ue la tlda ow•lrf, wklq ~ to "'" a.cq. ~--..-.a.r*­u... .... .. • .... wtaabag ~~,_.1Nicilila ~,.e. ..ajca.. .. tM u.s s..... ..,... o•t caa ••-heac••Cl n ••• .,, •• • 1 '"a CliiMI ...a ta a ----.......... •. . ................ w ..... to a.. ..a"' a o. acsa 10 Yean Avo: Dec. 7, 1172 The [D.IIigD reporied date, county cmd local age.ndee who were aDter••ted lD turning Upper Newpot1 Boy lnto a wildli.t. refuge were lookin9 for money to conti.nu.e lh.lr ltwly of the idea n. League IICiid the 1949 chart., defeated by l 52 YOt .. , "waa and ltillia a lp).Dd.ld docu- ment . . C1Dd cc:m be U8eCi 011 the framework for a Dew chaJ'tler at a collllld.ro..ble 8CJ't'i..Dgll to the tcm- pcryer. TN ..._pw, t..p, C:O. W.. N.• ad 1ntae T~ .. '"u • i ...Yy • .... _,.,. ,.. • ....,...,..C'UIII .. l -t 's , ....... ;,;; .. .....,..--.. --~ .............. ..., ............... _ ........ ,.. .. ........ o...~w .. c....~~t .. a....., ...... c· ........ .,_....,.~. ...................... .., ... n.M: P ......... _... $¢Etlllf .. C11t ................. ... .................. ........ , .... ,_ TbneOI My Llle by Jlm Felton Ia The Cruel Sea Tellinv Ua Somethlnv? The eouDd of U.. ohaia ICIW filled the air hom U.. 8alboo PelliD.eula to the otlfielde of Inca aDd La Hobra after the bW'riCICIDe willa ad rcdDI hit the oounty la.t ...&. Ny OOIIl· m\la.ity adi~tiea tpa:D.,.,t tlult diatcmoe, Cllld I walked Ia U.. water at MoFadda Squan a.ncl watched them cJ.ar tU 6al1eD eucalyptue on Imperial HigbWal in Brea·l.a Habra. [veD after the atorm, the battued coa.tline IUffered tU tormeDta of the cmgry eeo. A. waterlroot dw.U~ eopped up their .ogqy £loon a:.nd ocupeta, bd• up to Mftll leet COAtla\&ed to tlueaten pien aDd piling8 Recorded bi.Mory of tbil ana could give concern to thoee wbo eD)OY living by th. MO. Former Maya~ Don Mclu.la COil Vi•• you a tirlt-band ac::QOunt of bil pereonal battle with the eu.d. He baa photo• ahowing lO·foot breakera craehing o•er hia hOUM OD Seaade OriYe. OD.ly t be gallant affoa1a of Nci.DD» aDd lu.a Delgb.bon -Dota.b!y OK:k Clucaa -ICI't'ed the MelD· Dil borne. ArouDd the clock aandbaggl.llg e•eDtually held the ocean back aDd new grolu and reveDtmenta ha•e preveDted tid• aDd cunen'- trom erodiDg the beach in Welt Newport But 1t ha.n't alwap been <11 eaay, a Dd there ll evidence that tD the pa.at, th. ..a baa won. Le. tban 100 ye<Ua ago, the oc:ea:n beld auch .way O"J' the land that the federal go .. rnmenl labeled the Balboa PeD.in.lula "overOow aDd .wamp l<Dld." l.n 1892, JamM McFaddeA bouglat tbe pen.uaula -fTom 40th Street to 9th Street -bom the goftm- ment, paying the rid.lculoua pnce of oDe dollar C1D acre. If you walked hom City Hall eaat to 20th StrMt lalt week after the storm, you might wonder U the daya of overflow and awamplaDd were back with ua again At rrudmorn.iDg ou day, you could staDd on Newport Boulevcud and look eoutb lo the oce aD and aee the giant breakera p oundang toward beacbfroDt homea. Pollee barncad• kept the curioua trom 1nterfenng With protection ef. fort.. At Mcfadden Square, the aand blown in from the ~b or to.ed by the wav• wall a foot d"p aad low apota lD the ltr..t were a mucky miature oe IO..DCl aDd MOWateJ' The peniuula WOI ori¢nally formed aa a delta for the Santa ADa ri•er wblcb emptied lnto Newpor1 Harbor Ita abape a.ncl 11M 90ried from year to year There woe DO certaiDty at cmy tune jult where the peD.lnnla actually waa, or whether it WCII under wateJ' or chy eDough to walk OD. Early deYelopen ltak· ed out lots which looked good at low tide but could.D't be IMn at all at high tide The &.ton aDd NGragauett f11bing Clu.b of SoDta Ana h• queDtly ...W-.d Abbott' a LandlDg on the Pelliuula -located about where the PcmlioD t. now. lD Auguat 1899, tbie olub brought 50 memben lA three fouT-bone wagou aad a tallyllo to the Lo»ding, but tUy llod to judge their 't'i•U •ery YerJ carefullt, neg~ tM hm· eukJ lftidway betw ... ldgll tide aDd low tide. At &owdde, tM IOild would be 10 cby oa tM pelliD.eula that ... ,.... ..... wo\&1d gel mack cmcl at ~ll .- the land wa1 ~ watM. Thill club, by tM WUf, '-oct a deUghdul motto: "To liMift • good • time <11 paee'We, a~oa.a 01 pc-tW.!1 1\•• an IDCIIlf la Ne,.,port leocla, oc.w IMD or bJ9b wcn.r, wlao INihn cmcl proctioe that ~ today. t ucs SATURDAY, NOV. 27 cnm.. A Virgo medalbou wath a .35 c:wot diamond. go&d jewelry aad a baDdgUD were amoog the it.ma ~ued at S9,W reported .eolo hom Pbillip L. Eriobon iD a burglary o:n Halitage .. Silver .. mc.ware aDd 1.-..lrt Yalued at SS.890 ., .. reported -'oleo from Tl\omaa Clark Caeey iA the 2000 block ol K.ewam .... A JVC •reo a_Dd other pro~ty valued at 11,485 w01 reported atoleo from Lowruce Stockman lo the 2900 block of Cotob .. Jewelry and a tripod 'VQ)ued at 11,420 were reported .nolen horn )an• Baily M\llpby in tbe 1300 block of Boy ... An o~tboard engiae, a marine UHF radio and other p.roperty valued at S1 ,210 were reported atolen from a boat belonging to Mark W Ellawortb an a .Up at Balboa Yacht Club Arr .. ta Jeffrey )ef&ey Earl Jobnaon, 23, ol Paeadena, wae an•ted on auapiaon of entenng a non· commercial dwelliog Two men were an•ted on auapacaon of drunke11 dnV1ng, neather from Newport Beach. SUNDAY. NOV. U Crlm" .U.., ;...try YO.lued at 11,200 wae reported atolen from Edward B. Ak1u iD a burglcuy on h .. rn-. . Two piec• of luggage contahung property valued at 11,007 from Jean Marie Job.u.aon iD the 600 block of Bo.lboo A white, two-foot tall concrete lion waa reported atolu from the Lamb residence m the 2300 block oJ 16th Arr•ta Jane lrene MoUer, 40, of Hun· tulgton Beach, woe orr•ted by Newport Becwh pobc e an El Monte on 1uapicion of murder BcW waa Mt at S250,CXX> ThrM brother• and a friend were arreeted on eulplClOn of criminal conapiracy to commit a reciden· bal burglary Rtchard Michael Pagnma, 28, Davad Anthony 1 Pagnini, 24, Michael Joeepb Pagnuu, 19, and John Gerard Parenb, 29, aU of Coeta Meea, 1 were arreeted on the charge .. Anto na o Torre•. 36, of BakenJaeld, wa1 a rreeted on IUiplClOD oJ grand theft auto Fave men were arre1ted on euepi· Clan of drun.lten dr1vmg, lour of them fr om Newport Beach , Ste phen Leo Schloemer. Stephen Dale Helmer, Philip Machael Kacmarelt and Robert Au1tm Butt MONDAY. NOV. 29 Crimea Center .. 10 unfiaitAed wood oablDet doon 9'Glued at 13,600 were repon.d lloleD from Ala· aoder CoWaet Co. at a r-'den· Hal COiutructlon 1lte at Mac.Atth\ll o:n.d Ford .. A Howt .team c::1ecmer .aluecl at 11,300 w01 repon.d ltolen from the Beocbcomber RMcrl&rant m the 3900 block oJ Coa.t Higl\wcry A Dole Fcuhoey cu.tom club chair .alued at 11,1 00 waa reported .eole:n from VWa Del Udo Corp. in the 600 block of Lido Park Arr .. ta Daniel Ray Mefford, 28, of Newporl Beach, waa an..ted on auaplcioa of battery . Cherie Ann Ado:ma, 36, of Coeta MMO, waa arrelted on eU.Ipicioo of defrauding an lllnk .. per ThrM men were aneetecl on auapioioo of drunken driviog, in· eluding two hom Newport Beach: Robert Andrew Dizon and Roe~ LM Laird. TUESDAY.NOV.30 Crlm .. Twenly·ti•• Uoion brood tir• valued at $1,500 were repon.d ltolen from George and Son.a Unioo Icc in the 3000 block of Newport Property valued at $746 woe reported atolen h om a car belonging to Anthony A Eckloff parked on Ceotral near Vaa Oporto A ladi•' wedding rmg valued at S600 woe reported atolen from Sharon Mer ltle an the 100 block of MOfUle Arre1ta . Gene Ray Waggoner, 23, hated 01 a tzanment, waa arreeted 1 on 1uapa'caon at obatructing ' public atrMta ThrM men were D~ I. 1• Th. Newpon ~o/Co.ta M..a Ne .. /b-Yloe Today Pove ~ reported etoleo from aofety depoeit boa at Loa Aaoel• F ect.ral Scmnga, 3201 Newport PrOJ*fy Yal'lled at 13,390 WO. reported etoleo hom a boo1 pcu Ud lD the 4000 block of Hilario . . A.o IBM S.l.atric valued at 11,100 waa reported ltol.n h om LJ.ngo R.o1 Elkne lA the 2100 block of Son )oqqu.iD Hill.t. Arr•ta Carolyu Ahce Cordon, 49, of Newport Beach, waa aneeted on auapiaon of ahopUfti.ng .. Two men were aneeted oo au.plClOO of drunken driviog, neither &om Newport Beach. THURSDAY, DEC. 2 Crlm .. Sa• fuhang reela, t wo apeakera and aome hquor valued at $1 ,760 waa reported atolen from a boat belonging to HoUy Ann Wooter1 at a dock an the 1200 block of Bayfroot A Puch Mam-Lu• moped valued at $700 waa reported atoleo from Daana GeneV1eve Woodaman 10 the 2600 block of Bluewater Arr .. t. Kathleen Ann Sonlll.h, 28, of Newport Beach. and Kevan Thoma• Conery, 31 , of San D1eqo . were arreated on I luSpiClon of robbery Both are b~ung held an lieu of $25,000 ball Jeffrey lam .. Rlghtnure, 19, hated aa a tranaient, waa arreeted (Contmued on page 7) A boU.IMMper pl.od.d iaao- ce.nt lD Harbor Court Friday to c borg.. ahe 1 t a b b • d aod bludgeooed ao elde%ly Newport Beach woman to death. Jane Irene Moller, 40, of Hun- b..ngtoo Beach, woa an01glled lD the court of Judge Sehw Frcmkhn at Harbor Co\lrl, where a prelinwlary beanog date will be appoLDted tbJI Fnday Meanwhile, Moller 11 being held In Orange County Womeo'a }cnl10 heu of $250,CXX> bail, pcdi.ng the pretnal con· terence MoUer waa ar•..ted by New· port Beach detecb•• Nov 28 at the home of a friend lD tl Monte an conoection watb the alaJUlg of the ailing wadow, Helen DeWoU The body oJ DeWolf, ?6, waa found an the batluoorn of her home at 1729 Ir-nne, Newport Beach Potce ea1d abe bad been dead aeveral daye An anveahgotulg coroner reported that DeWolf bad been atabbed four bm• 10 ber bock and ber allull bad been cruahed by a heart object. The ak'llll tractur" were "not coDAitent Wltb an acadeotal fall," the report ~md Worlung under a warrant, pollee aeorched DeWolf'• home ODd touod four btcheD kAi•• m one of the bedroom~ Blood· ataiDed '-'l• and tu ooatenlll of a waahi.ng rnacblne ••~• among 47 ttem.. remOYed &om the home by police. MolleJ'a 1982 h.ge Ford Graoada waa at.o aearched MoUer bad been employed aa DeWolf'• hve-m bouaek .. per awe• October She waa an..ted at the mobUebome of Gene Meyen ao [1 Monte 1 ... than 2<t houn a fter a ne1ghbor found- DeWoU 'e body CHP Lists Nu•be• To Report Drunks Harbor Area relhdenta con help remove drunk dnven trom the road by calling the Hlgbway Patrol emergency number . ZENITH 12000 Catueoa who oDMr ve a ve hl c le they belteve 11 betng operated by aom•one under tbe anOu.enc • can cilul o· and oak the operator for ZENITH 12000, a toll-bee number You will be awatched to the neot .. l dl.patch center, aod the CHP WlUattempl to aet o Pabol veiucle to the locoboo d ~n• .• vauable Two money bog• contCllrung S 1,100 an quartere and dun ... two meo' 1 gold ringa, a )ode bracelet and earring• valued a t S5,8SO were reported atolen from WUham Horvath an the 3800 block of Topude S5,400 caab, a Sentry combanation aafe, a ladl• nng and paper• were 1tolen 1n a theft totalling S5,820 from Gory Vancent Mendel an the 300 block of Bay Gold and Vadeo eqwpment and ltereo equapment valued at 13,720 wae reported 1tolen from David Drew Bartlett an the 400 block of Golden Rod Property valued at $2,910 woe reported etolen lrom Cbarl• M [nut an a car parked at 900 Newport arr .. ted on IUiplClOD of drun.lten I dravang, none from Newport -----'"""": Beach ,. NOACK TROPHY WIShes you the memest season evtr• ENGRAVED GinS LAST FOREVER SILVER o mntR o ARMEl ALE " BRASS lAHKARO~ BOWl c; t.081 Etc, BAS~ CUP~ ~'tl fU Rl fRA~[ ~(JN[Y l.t•P, ~l ASK~ t .... , l h'l 't' Rl%~ .,,\kM'l ('<[(,UII\t (JI~ I~ tNClUOl Pf ,., AND PH~ !)[ T~ CR~ PENS PAPEk Wl It•'' LETlER OPENERS CARD HOlDERS ttc E! 646·3141 110 E. 11t' Strt1l f111 a(. lOt' hun Vu" I «)"()()O n Q L tH lAt I CO$TAMESA At this rate. ·t• 't aftord to wa• . you can 14111)1\)\--.) l l4 OO% per year ono • Second mortgage loans to $107 ,000 • Fu\\y amortized • lS year term --no balloon payment \ ment pena ty • No prepay . h' 72 hours • An answer Wlt \n t r a !a~t an.,wer LOOk to Benev~s\ o second mortgag~ and a \ow rate 7"oOo your tunding \oan up to S \0 ~~Investment~ source for ma\d mak\ng su.b~tanMI starong a bu ~~~~ts. and tak1ng home \mphrei'J Important p\ans care ot ot er GL NOORA S.MU \1 lf\C 7ll rend Ar.fltiH' (213) 914.3977 BUENA PAHk tt.N·\i.U. In< 984 k nn4t Aun\M' (714)995-3366 WEDNESDAY. DEC. 1 Crime• A wh1le gold engagement uno valued at $3,800 woe 645-8431 Custom Printed Sportswear ~porC,~t-ar b~ Stein~bronn ~' \ ~ \nzi Be,-.on \\''''\' · tl.( .( . lin \otUI nt 'I louw. "''"d ,l.ndiAl In ian •. , ur , •ll•n~ot fur r~'4!r• '"II""'' I ,a U' h\'lp •ith (~ /?. omin~e 'Oeln: \\·(ht' 'purh~~•r fur boauina "'"""· JOK~Cina 642-5630 I • • . , . • f',· • , ( / ~/ , • .J' l •. , ... '"'' ..... Ill ._Hill_ I' ""41 dPIII\.! 1'\C'I\ '''"'~ \1111 c ·"'Ill"'·''' I.!·'', .... tt•.rlh "''""'' I 11-\t lll'Ltiiii iL: .t lin\\ ll''lllt tor hc •\\t'l ''' .1d \It~\\ 1) .. ,, ,}hl\\t 1 lw.ul '''til'·"<' ''"• .tl)(llll ...;'"l(l I \t .II Ill\\ llt'l .ltlcl tiW ~·'' ""'''('to ht'cll \\.lie r \tHI ,, lnw llcm '"{I" •·rh•'c•rf ts c·as\ 111 "'"'"'" \Jl '1111 nu·d , .... "" H 111 II · I ht·n \nil l 'all """''lui.., ul hot tt l.t\11\&!, \\.lit I Wtlhnnt "'1111.! loa ... ol L!:t'.m .our...-. c ~CClli--!f¥ • ._. • .,.. ... ,.nDa.l&4a/C... ..... ~TodqD•a•=h•l.l• t~';'A lamdy the \18ty lldg8 of ln&anlty ..w-..n tMir eldeSI oaught81' returns 11om the Qtlve ana trl4t!l to taketnem ~WIII'Ihel ooaatahmel O.nn.s WNW(, whO snouldknow bettltl', Val- Mit Hatper. whO ITI!ght not know Dell .... and Aull'l Gofdon wt'lo ~ knOW ben., Dut aon It let the rnon.y ol Haroor otten stay lorevet let a ktUtu stalks among the squalls' Pa\flck Dvll'1. C•nO)' Plc"-ell. Cline Malll, l.awteoc:e Pressman Spooky 'd'f\ "' ( •• •nN NBC (8CentraiJMountl tnl THl FIRST ~y SIN Fraru. Sinatra 11 1 reltrtment age ~ '1etll City Pollee oetecttve lollowing 11"141 randOm !I art ol a otychOt•C ktUer wtlo ci!IOIICI'Ies nts vtChms Wltn a moun- taineer's tee a .. lt lf" OIC 11 .. nNCBS IBC.ntreiiMountaln) I WAS A MAIL OAD£R IRIDE A oreezy romanltc comec:l'y wtl/'1 Valeroe Belltn.elh as oacheiOr gnt l(ate Tos cont. a Cl'l•CaQO magazone w101er THUNO'n CHILO. Gena Row· Iandi, Don Murray. JeAK:a Waner ana Rob L~ rn a story ot a bf.ghl. athletiC 17·yHt QldbOywt\osudQIInly becomH til end .-...ntuatly r«~~omes a hean tra~nt. and the ordeal's al· !.at on ti'IIS c!OM-knlt tamlly'a strug. gte •'"'' • trl•thl""~ crials. larry Hag· man 15 a nellcoptar PilOt whose ell~ IS to helP out an QICIIIame turn onto tt1gn ad\lenture Wotn Susan Ansoach J~tmes Gammon. hAICnael G Gwynne and some 01 the most e•CIIIf\Q cnopoer S4tQuences ever lolmed H.gh YOII. aH the way! 18Centrai/Mountalnl THE MEMIIl" Of THE WEDD4NG Tony Award W1nf'lef Peat! Batte-y 1n tne rote (OI'IQ!Nity created oy Etner Watets on BroadWa'/) as lhe comoas soOflate cOOit on the f10UStttiOI<l ot a soulhelfl widOwer wo\11 two young <;!er s lne thorO PIOOUCtoOn on 111e Love Tneater seri8S ot co-stars Dana Holl ano R..Qtl,_s HowarO E Aollons J1 Carson McCuller's c1ass1c orama ' ot.aentatiOI'I ol the PeabOdY At.ardowtnrung dr il/Tiil wtucn oarroered an Emmy lor ole pro MICkey Rooney on the 1ole ot &II who. throvon an ;;.;;;;;;;.;; ;;;::;; and the helP ot a lhe world bey(ln() the conhnes ot 1 men- tal ln51t!Utl0tl In Whlcl'l he hal: aptflt 44 yeefS S.sec:t on a true story1 specials "1.' '• OnNI NBC l9c.ntraMMounlaln) CHRISTMAS IN WASHINCIT<* Yu .. hde musteat &ntel!alnmtnl wilt\ ChrrsiJNS carats !rom 1r. Nltlonal 8u11cJ1ng Museum lfl the Olslrlct of Cotumbra Barbara Manorell, Ben Vereen. JoM Sc:nnetder, lhe UnU.cl States Na11at Ac~y Choir and the chon ot me Sl'lltorl Bapttlt Ctlurcll. Ill!" 1\fl " "'"'CBS (7 Centra~Mountaln) l.T. AND FfUENDI: M111a ...... Vl&ltono An ente1taln1ng kxlk at tt\e evotutiOI'I ot our '"hngs tQW'ard e.o;tra· lettestnats Robrn Wllllamt ~~~ E T 's te .. oebut Dan A.,-krQ¥(1. Gar· rttt Momsll'ld l.llllnt Newmlrt ~rts ---.' i2! ... , C8S (11 :3001nt IMount l NFL F()()TML.L The Ph1~11 Eagles revtStl the scene ol 1878"1 most oncredrble pley call (and t..,moter· as 1ney are holtfd by tne New Jersey Gtants al The ~­ lanOS m East Autnertoro 1:30PM·? NBC (12 JOCtnt /Mount l NCAA IIASKETIALL The F~gt~ttng llllno ol ifhi'IOIS IIW&de lhe Sll;led oomaon ot the Kentucky W~ldeal& R..,pp Arena on Le.o;mglon. l(entu.cfl:y Dtck EnoerQ ano .AJ McGr.me rec:rort ence,..trn; between what be two teams tor tne Suoer Bowl 30. 1983 cnec• Sll/1()11 101 gllmeiS) /9/eca!,/ .n 'fOl.JI v•wll!oQ area Hovslon versus Syra· cuse from tne Carroe1 Dome on New YOlk. CM' USC veiSUS Iowa !rom the C.tver·Hawll.e-ye A1ena '" Iowa C•t-y. '.li N IH ( '' 11:WM· 7 CBS (11 lOAM Cent IMt l N'L Aegoonaltetecasls startong at 1PM NYT Oetr011 at G1een Bay Tampa Bay at NY Jets Wasnrngton dl St Louos 4PMNYT Ch1cago a1 Sdal!le New 01leans at Atlanta 12:30Pitl·? NBC 111 JOAM Cent iMl ) M0 '00TIALL DOUILEHEADER NFL Reo~onat telecasts Stllhl\0 at 1PM NYT Baltomore at M1nnesota Portsburgto at BulfaiO Mtam1 at New Enolaf'ICI Ctevelano at Ctnc.onnat• 4PMNYT Denve1 at L A Rams LA Aalders at KansasCttr '\!lPN rlf r ' tflll.t ABC (8Centrai/Moun!lltl) N,L '00TIALL Tne eyes ot tne natiOfl are on Te•as as tne oowerlut Dallas Co.olt>oys w1tt1 fleet r.attoack Tony Dorsett ride 1hat tooesome traol across tnt' Lone Star Stale to rouno up I he Houston Oters and tl'leor pre· mter 1unnono oack Earl Campbell 3t_...f NBC (2:30CeniJMQunt 1 NCMIAIIlll'MLL. IoWa II UCLA DICII Enberg and AI McGuire rl(lpOft _,., C8S (3 C.,.,lraiiMountalo) NFUI~ It w1ll almost seem tl«e 8 ~omlngas the Aarns return to Loe Angeles. ltle c•ry Wl'106e name ttley sUH (how4ver tf\Qppropn ata~) bear thOugh tl\ey Heo south to Anaheim Awettlng them m the huge e.o;panses of the Coliseum w111 be tne nerw tenants, the LOG AngeleS lnae O.klandl AaiOIIrs .,.---. 1PM NYT Bullalo at Taf1"01 Bay HoYston at PMaoel()tl:a Plllsburgtl al Cleveland 4PM NVT Kansas C1ty at D~~r New Englanc:l at Seallte 12:30PM·? CBS {II JOAMCent IMI ) NFI.. ReQ!one.t telecasta startrr.Q at 1PM NYT New Jersey 11 Wash!r-.gton hAI~ta 11 D~llrott St LOUIS at ~ago 2PM N'fl Green Bay at &1\tmo•e 4PMNYT New Ofleans at 0.11as .... 1\H\t "I o IPfltof ABC (8Centra11Moutllaln) NFl FOOTIALL The Super Bowl tunner·UO Cmconnato BfN"IoaiS stalk the Chargers on San Dt&QO. wnrch means the au should be h!ted wtth OtQSkon and ltle runr11ng Dacks Oo a 101 ot pass bl0ck1ng 101 QUarteJb&cN.s Ken AroderSOfl and Dan Fouts ***************** IM'"t .._ ..,_, ... CMIIM up"' ...................... ~ .... ,,,.,., ........ --..""of ......,. .... , .............. ... ...... , ................... ... "-'• .. Jtl ........ INa .._.,.lis-· ..... ,.~ ......... , .... ~ 6a~Wftoffhc....._. o,t£,11J.o .. Olst,. Former At~Pro Detensove Lmeman Meortln OtMn 11 ptCJOat)ly oack on the clOuds (lespite n1s re!lr8'tnent l1ve '/ears ago On Feoruary 12. t983 ne woll aOCl yet aootneo nQOOI wnen the Waller Ca""' Foott>an Foul\llalrOrl a rlO!l·P'Oht or~nltatiQI'I oedlcateo to !tle pe1petuatl0f\ of the tdeats &s paused toy camo. e.o; Yale coacn anO ·tather ot Amencan tootbatr oesrg· nates nom Man ol /he Year at the Fourodatoon s an~al grtdtton commen1a1or and an actor on the lotte rOle of tl"le oooular Fa/he, Murpl'lr \etevtSIQI"I senes when r"lt!'s 1101 trtunoe11ng aDoul the courouvsode collectof19 accotaaes ••••••••••••••••• '<e. '"'Do.....oo.-o."~<eo.Ol!!. .._ f.ent Ill 1\tnys 7 rny tar 0 3 mg mco!lne, Kem K1ngs 13 mg ·tar" 1 U rng n1CUllll€, av pet C1ga1eHe. nc Report , December 1981 ' '' ·'· • . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ·-.., ..... . . . . . . . 1\ENT (J] =-.... ·- ICJNG&ZE W•rning, The Surgeon General Has Determined Thll C9ftnt SmoUlg Is Dtngerous to Your Hellth. ' • . . . -. . . . .. .. . I a ew Cent r The N .. port Beoch Police Dept Mid opening cenmo.U.. Friday for ita Dew ~ CO!IUilu.k:atf.ou C.ot•. The oeoter boc-. the ".tate of the art" iD emergeDC:J com- mu.Dioatiou, accwding to ao cmDOWl<:emeDt. Raf.enac. materia.la are eaaly acceeeible. Neceuary phooe n um.ben are at each pc*tioD. Everything ia bWlt i.D, hom alarm paoeh to the 911 emerge.ocy cmaweri.Dg eywtem. There ia blue Ughbg to reduce atr-. "Computer Ooori.Dg" ia ra.iMcl •veral iDch• to allow wir• to be laid uoderneath. A tuperviaory coD80le po.itio.o e<m be u.ed by a tlillt tupenilor or fourth diapatcher i.D tim• of unutual workload, or wheo calla lor eenice iDcrea.. The mo.t importaDt aapect of the new ~•m ia the qualit, aod capacit, of the radio ~wpmet, police .aid. The primary Police and Fire frequeDciet are m.gnificantly more clear. Ally diapatcher COD Mlect aDJ ODe of 10 Couoty radio {requuc:i• aa the primary for tra~D and to be monitored through hia or her headtet inltead of Uuough an eaternul tpeaker Five other frequenc1e1 can alao be monitored from each p<)Gtion. A diapatcber ca n be "Mlected" on one potibon, yet ca.o UM the "inltant tran.amit" on (Caotillued ftom page 5) 0D I~Oil of probation nola- lion ... )ob.D McutiD Stuart, 21 , of Angelee Oob. waa arretted on euaplci~D o1 drbing on the beach at 29th ODd Ocecmfront ... Rodney Eara Ta.bot, 21, lilted aa a traU.Ot, waa arreeted on euepiclon of poueuing CDilphebmin• . . . nu.. men w.re CDTelllhtd on eUtpicion of dru.nken driving, including I Jam• Winfield Raymond and Cbarl• Lou.ia Daniel of New- port Beach. FRIDAY, DEC. 3 Cdm .. Jewelry valued at $1 ,910 waa reported etolen from Sherly marie Ben.-:h iD the 4800 block 1 of Park Newport .. A cobraeki.D I PW'M coctaining 31 credit carda and other property valued at $730 W<ll reported etolen from Nancy Jean Dulien in the 600 block of Udo Park m.ent wuta. The alarm ay1tem.t he..-. been cbcmged to utlliae a digital, vitual diaplay di.rectly iJl &oat of the chapatchen. MOlt alanu no loDger require tupplemeDtal liatillg March. One look to the tcreen and the inlormation apeci.fying the addr-cmd type of alarm ia available. An .. ta Six men were arrellted on lu.plClon of d.run.keJl driving, m- cluding tbr.. from Newport Beach· Roger Dent Hanke, Rlchard Uoyd Willia and Gory Robert Brown. . Two meJl were arreeted on ~p&c:ion of public into&ication, neither from New- port Beach ... Lorie Elaine, lO, of Coeta Meea wa11 arr..ted on lutpiaon of grOJ1d theft. Karl }aeon Cooper, 28, of Laguna Beach, waa an..ted on ·~· c1on of credit card abuee ... Timothy Stephen Do., 22, 0J1d Brent Ro• RiDgoot, 19, both of Newport Beach, were arr..ted on lutpk:ion of contributing to the dehnquency of a nunor Richard Duane uppert 28. of VahJlda, waa arr..ted on IUipl· cio n of poeee111ng a mphetam1ne1 Salvatore Anthony LaCagn1na, 23, of Huntington Beach. waa an..ted OD IUiplClOD of p011e111Dg Album ------------------------------cocaine Cbarl• >\ \o\hW s~.11h o>f $-)uttwrn (altfomulland a~allt'd a It~·~·~·" .lltd tl"" ~""n~t1o>n of a shoppena ct'ntt'r ·'" ~·.ld\ u thk>rway wll h I tw ~lnnl"fS of ~.t) ( o> ••··•~· \o\ho:•n th1s artwo>ri.. w.s pubhstwd •n """~PI.W't lnstt:n Juh IS. 1%5 ~uth (,,,ul Pla:a ~rt.•• ,,, t>.· ~1111,• ·' ju._·(~$. ~~·"i ll'w "'''\o\d--~1 rarlo.m~ l,•ls tlus (hr•stm.as M'.taon For the "Grand Master" The new ~ of Grand Master puzzles from Ha.DmMc are the most difficult yet-like "Difficult Die :· tn which every ptece seems to have the same shape, or "l'l\e Shclpes of Outstmas tn which 12 of m ore than 700 pteces embody familiar Christmas shapes Puzzle tum. today' /HOP 2300 Harbor Blvd., Harbor Center. Costa Mesa Hours Mon -Fro 10-9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12·5 AIIJM)W 100' COfiON FLANNEL SIIIIITS Amertca ·, cool weather fM!Orit .. ' Tr lion •t 1 r HI\ J>h 1-!holt "lkr tl, "'hI tll11· rt ~ P'"' '~'"'' t • • ~· btu .1 .. d ''" '' \'vtdo ot"""'rn•nt r•f ,.,,, pflullolll'-lfh rth 111J • •~If' ~,t.,t .. t ""' r J'l• .11 1nd ,~ ... l...t hot olll,o•ur. Kn\111•'' >Utd·~·~ "' Ill• I••••• 1 .,,." J" I 111.1~.· \t•Ut .,.l,•<tktO tu.l.l\ Lont alccvca 111.00 --------- • 171-1112 \ Auguetua Sm1th, 25, of Sao Clemente, wa a arrMted on IUI'plClon of pa.ealDg matl)Uana SATURDAY. DEC t MILITARY plOGv• under o :n.eut-ld con dlbona Crimea A man called 10 a bomb threat to Balboa laland Ferry, Inc 1n the 300 block o f Coaat Hlghway $7,300 waa reported stolen h om DaVld C YanCJ in a recdenbal burCJlary o n Miulon Ba y An Ev1nrude out board motor and a LJdo rudder valued at S 1,1 00 were reported stolen from a boat In West Germany Second Lt Robert S Donnel- ly, eon of Robert r aJld Manlyn Donnelly of 278 Walnflllg Cu- cle, Costa Meea. baa amved for duty 10 DueDMn, Wwt Ger- many Donnelly. a ma1n tenance and asaembly ofhcer wtth the 59th Ordnance Br19ade wo e prev1oualy aa11gned to the pres1dlo of Monterey Ca.W He 11 a 1981 graduate of the U S Military Academy W eat Holiday Special ~ \aminarion llnd ( l~llnin~ 'induding \-rll~'' 00 Wt" 1\.t•t•p ~ c1 .. " ... ,; .. c. PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 . . ' ' ,. f . ' ...... .. \' alleri\!~ Po10t. NY Munition. Graduate Army Reaerve P.t frank N Buah aoo of Mlchelle Bu.ah of 838 St Claue Coata Meea, bae comple ted an ammunlt1on stora9e courM at the US Army Mu.Ue end Muruboca Center and School Red.a1one Areenal Ala Dunn9 the cou,.e studenta learned to dup etore a nd 111ue ammurubon .:1nd military ea· Colorado Post Auman Br en !) S-. h\ol:nm eo~ of lenoeth [Schumm ond a1ep .oa of D1ane M Schumm of 9 fremont S1 Irvme h<D been a.mgoed tc. L... W~'t Au r orce BaM Colo aher Ct,m pletlng A.u Force bOSlc ttmmn9 ot Lacldund AFB Tea The atrman wuJ now rece1ve spectahaed 1natr .1ctlon 10 tht- munltton a and we opont matnte ncnce be.d Schumm 11 a 1982 gradume ol lfVlne Hl9 h Sc hoo1 FOR A 9L~t~~ JvEM~~? .~ • CALL OUR PROFESSIONAL STAFF ..wroD 1MILU'IUTIC PACE PROFESSIONAL BUILD NG 404 WESTMINSTER •2 NPT BEACH be" "" • ,. B·• li BY APPOINTMENT 0-b 541-2117 ttfliR BEII,NS IHDTl ID PPLY l 18DTiflDE 43' Heliotrope Av• (orono del Mor ~ !!'!~~~~~!!!!~ lehlnd 'or1 Theat•r ,,~ ,o, "'th • lloC'Il., "o "' • ',. t~umf' tot,."' II Ito ttlh u ~"•''" I"'-''' you tu r•l u• ri1011 HI t l \ '"'" L .. t ~_,..., ,. ,., ..... • , ltoliu.a To Sk!p~l' Yacht CoW'GCJeoua by Marr Wapw "Ke'a oae of the b..t match RaciDg akippen in the COWl- try," .aid &•no Summer.U, W .. t Coaat Director of the o.fender/ Cou.rageou.a Group, wheu he aADOWlc.ci that John K.oliu.a oJ Ho~. Te~. would be the dipper of CoUiageou.a. "Jtoliu.a hca won both the 1981 and 1982 World' a J 24 Cham- ptoub.ipe and wa.a OD the 1976 and 1980 U.S. Olympic team," Summer.U eaid. "He'• had big boat ea- perluce iD the SORC and we ·~ him to b. a big h.!p in the Defender/ Courageoua t.am practicing effona, Thia ia bia tirat uS*ience in 12a." It waa al8o a..nno\lDced th..ia wMk that David B. Vietor baa be.n named ~ cbcurman of the Defender/ Courageoua Group by Chuck ICirech, chair- man. Hia job will be to bring CoUiageou.a and her crew up to opbrnwn eailing performance. • • • Here we g o a ga1n The Catalma moon.nga 1ecue 1.1 up lor grabe and "everyone ia 8outiiCoaatPiaaa To Host IlK Team 'nle Weatln South COOit Plcua Hotel anno\lDc.d laat WMk it will be the bOlt hotel for the National Football Confe.rence ch ampion team during preparation• for tbta year'a Super Bowl game Jan 30, 1983 at the RoM Bowl. atud ying e-..-yone · el8e' 1 bid." ICDd Audrey Bombard, whoM hu.abcmd Doug Bombard h.ada and Santa Catr:W.Do Wc.nd Com- pany which ba. h.ld the leaN for the la.t 32 yean and wca awarded it again la.t Deoeznbel: For a whole year, the boating community of Southwn Califor- niaa baa b.en on tent.rhoob becauae of the indec:ild.on of the State Landa Commillion, which controla the awarding of the leaae. The boateu unanimou.aly aupported the Catalina leland Company when it waa given the Maater t..o. ta.t year, but the Commieiou included the pro~· con that it could ope.n up the bidding again and award it to eomeooe elae within thrM yean. No one uowa what will happen The high..t biddw waa the bland Ncnigation Com- pany. which oJfwed 1216.000 a year t o operate the ?20 mooringa. The Catalina Marine Service, which ia a au.beidiary of ' the PionMr Chicken chain, bid S252,000a.nd the Catalina lala.nd Company $20>,000 The Catalina Manne S.rv1ce offered the hjgh4Mt bid laat time but becauae they have no a~ to laud OD the wand and WOuld have to opwate out of barg• theu bld waa turned down until an envuonmental ttudy could be made The Wand NOVlgabon Com· pony. on the other band, ia the operator of the ahozeboat Mrvice 1n Avalon and the Seaway Nav&gahon Company, wb1cb ruu. the only lretgbt Mrvlce to Til• 10• IS IIIGtm STEEL-RADIAL BARGAINS Ito • 1\1 ll( I I S4l I ~ '• "( II( I I ISO I .. , ttl )I( I ~ 151 IIi'> "UI< I ,J I §S CtSTeM LYSTEEL 8 .,, ,., ., ·I< 1 ~ ss• ,. '" l ~ 'I( I~ S.l l'llf , -.1(1 I S6§ I' .'II ' ' , I< I • 141 ... _., •• '\1(1. ,,. I' .1 :·. • ol< I 1 178 PIR.LLI RADIALS FOR YOUR IMPORTED CAR! S&Z( PIUCt F.l . T 155 I ] ]6 8.? t .. •• ISS I I P8.' l '' 16 '> I j l<j 8.! I'). •6S 1 4 4b 8.? • ih 1 7S 14 4 '8.? ' ){) 185 1 4 C..JtU • l' 175 70 IJ 48 a. I J') '8511011 J 52 8 2 1 £>I WGJI.Pt:RFORMANO: RADIALS QOODYE~a EAGLEST P19Sf70R 1 l $S8 P19'i 70R14 $65 P21'i 70R14 $70 P23S,70Rl 'i S77 P23S,b0 Rl4 $73 P24Stb0Rl r, $77 P2SSib0Rlli $11 n rrtllt: TPM 1PlU$l~TW ··-"·\-11 ...... 1 .. ,. t ... ~,~SillS 75 v..a.e In An lconotnk•l ''""~" Tw~ 1 ..................... cs ....... ,, .. ~w·•.,"•• 1 ,....,.,,._ ~., Ill••• •"•u•• • -"' ........ flee ,, • .,.. .,.. w•M the,.I~M•• o"•• e oC.U.III "-"dl•l\t W...t-•11• I•H ... every •v•o COMfi\ETl AUTOeiiOTM IIIMCa ~_.DO , .. O..eut ..... OII the IM:md. eo it alr.acly hat o aboc•balecl operatioll. x..., you.r fioaen cr~. boeden. If--)Ugh b6dder CCJn pay that much to the -... the co.t of the mooring wtll probably go way up. We won't bow tile final deciai011 until the State Landa Co~n mMtl again Dec. 16. • • • Lldo ble Y acbt Club b.ld ita Change of Watch Dinner Dane. SotUiday night and 1982 Com- modore Jamea Stegol.l waa iD- troduc.d. Bill Palmw Jr. will Mzve a.a Vice Coounodore cmd George Deebiell aa Rear Com- modore In oonj\lDction with thi.a .... t, the pa.t commodor• oom.petaci in Lido 1 ~. racing ang1ebaDd· ed, for the Commodore Ted Hinabaw Pwpetual Trophy. It waa won by Dave Tingler. ••• Newport Harbor Yacht Club WUlter Seri• No. 2 will be held ttua wMkend with the amaller clOIMI racing on Saturday and the lar~ez boata on Sunday, all tnaide the harbor. U S Cocut Guard AumlicuJ boatulg aa.fety and aeamcmahip cla~M~ begin aoon at Valley High School, 1801 South GrMn· ville in Santa Ana. The 12-week Saihng and Seamanahip claaa begi.na Jan. 31 and the Power Boating clCI8I begina Feb. 2. Both are from 1 to 10 p m. and Navigation ia offered in both cla.-. For more information call542· t298 or 962-0720. Advertiae in Oasalfled for~ resutta. That·• where the action lsi ---- By JeMM .. a.cna'OO n. COfOQQ cW Mar ballret· bcalltJeca ctida't ~ ..... 1eC80A oft OD tJ.e dQW loot COA· ~ AD-CIF So..._ S.O. t6oa paiat pard ............. beeD lkWiMd by Q lraahaNcl boDe oa 1M top of tM arol. ol W. we toot. W6 He. out. the Sea ~ hcn-e 1oM two of u..u tint tbrM gCIID• lalt ~ iD the MariDa-Lakewoocl ~t. "I WCIIIl't uahoppy wttll the touruamut," CdN cooch Jack Enioo aaid. "It g<rft u.a a cbcmce to look crnr a lot of playen .ar· 1y ln the Ma80n." In the lint gome aga:iut Olle of the beat teama in all of Orange County, Huntington Beach, the Sea ltiDga were play- ing .,.ry w.U and ww• OD.ly trailing by two poinlt at bczlftime. Yet a 2-2-1 ~• pr-by the OUera at the ltart of the third quarter put an end to th• aucc:eea of the CdM offeulve attack, cmd It may be December, but for bead cooch Jerry o.Buak and the real of the Newport Hcubor baaketball team, U will be aomewbat 1-than a holiday preaeaeon. Coming oH a 60-44 lo. iD their opening game agai.nat San Clemente, the Sailora are now entered in the Fountain Volley townament cmd will have to play two of the be.t teama iD ol.l of Orange County, Hunbgton Beach and Labwood 'Tm 1u.t looking forwcud to geltlng th.ia pr...aeon over with and playing aome other teama," DeBuak acrid. Againat Sa.n Ct.mente, the Smlora were ouliloored 23-1• in the fourth quarter after trailing by only aia at the half. Sia-eight centez Joe Seager, who played on laat year' • varcty team, led the Sailor attack oHenaively and defenaively with 10 poinlt and aome fine rebounding. Guard Brad Harker and 6-3 forward Jun Wolle each bad 10 pointa al.IO, whlle oontnbuti.ng 10me 1m preaa1ve defenaive perfor· man eM . Stcmdoul guard Brian Folk ia atill working bia way back alowly a fter the k.nH aurgery be had due to tome torn cartilage. "l eapec:ted ua to play better than we did," DeBuak aaid, "Our floor game wam't good, and we really didn't play in- telligent baaketball." Now Exclualvely at the 9Q1De, 52-40. CdM guard Dave Va.n.Steell.hu,.e 8CIC¥ed 18 pointl with aome fine perimeter ahooti.Dg, while 8-3 forward &arl Wolf played ftrJ agvr...tve ln grahbtng ll rehond.l. The other atarti.ng forward, Gr.g Wynn, ued hia eoft touch iD ecoriAg 8 from the field, gi'rillg the Sea ~ a.n llnpr...ave ba.lcmced attadt. Cd.N came back ltrollQ in it. MOOnd game aga1Dit Hueneme, and got a 19-point aecond quarter for a lead it would never relinquilh. Wyu led allecori.ng with 13 polll., while Wolf bang- ed in 12 from uDderDeath. ODe Alter the Corona del Mar gi.rla' volleyball t.am la.t to Mira Coeta iD the fiDala oJ the CIF 4·A obampiooahipe, tAeu o:ry waa, "We want a rema1cb." It became a reality Saturday night in the Mmi·fiDa.ll of the Southern Callfomia CIF Cham· pionahipe, but the retu.lta were the aame. The Sea ltinga loet in thrM atraigbt gam•. 1~-9. 15-2, 15-4. The to. mazked the end of a long aucc:eaaiul MCUOD, one of the beat in CdM b.iltory Arnong the atcmdou• wwe Sea View League MVP POJU Lawrence, Nttw Den• He•, outade bitte.r Bzooke Herrington aud middle blocker Mary Au Mueler. The S.O ltinga advanc.d to the Mmia by beati.Dg two tough teama, Marlborough and Marian Marlborough waa the 3A champion wb.lle Marian waa the 2-A Sao Diego Section runner up WCDLTEX No advertis•r 1n this paper IS n1ore than a qa/Jon /rom you the euperlor c•r ... t cover Velvety sott. Durably comfortable. Av•llebte '" 1 wtd• rang• of colOre LRTIMI QUA._.NTII • 100-.. pure,.,_ ....,1nowoo1 · Funy mec:h•ne waal\able end tumOie dry " lUliUIIO\II on. InCh dMcl ve4Vet)' l)lle Wilt tiOI met (unhl!a COIWeniiOI"Ial aheeC)ulln cxw.tll • S..m ITM aHUng ., .. lOt Q, ..... comlon and durab1ll!y • C.n•f~l!on by Unii.O Stalaa TMung Com· peny II'C lhal WOOilell comph" wtttl ap. proproata llemmablltty aafely llandatda • L~o~xurtoua cvatom tailored lor apec111c eutomoblle modele abo 1'-ndlrCI co~• ol equally high Qualoty designed to Ill moll automObile mOOell " Guatani..O anuo Itt enCI limple •nt'-1 .. 1101"1 • WOOilea h .. M tN<I the rtghl 10 utry the lnternal•o"•' WOOimarl! The cover for all seasons Warm In Winter -Cool In Summer of tM two CdN ou-. 8-.s Tom VG.DCe, oddecl 10 pof.D"' wb.Ue the otMr We IDCUl, w Ch1p NcCJ.bb.n, played eac.llut d ..... "I dWU both <MDten play..:! w.U c:W.uiftly throughout the tournaaeat," Erdoo eaid , "alo~ with aome good reboUA· di.ng.' B.fore the Laguaa B.ach TourDament, the Eatancia baabtball team WQ8 ooU.d too amol.l a.nd ~to b. a OODtendw thle ~L Someo•• forgot to tell the Eatancla ploy en, bow.-.er, beccna8e they Uterally lx..-d through their first tbr .. game~. wtth ~ of 50, 15 and 18 pomt margiDa. In their firtt ~ame agai.ut Heritage, tb. EagJ.. DeNr took a minute to land, 011 they got 23 pointe from 8-3 returDing forward Doug PlDcbet and won, 82-32. Forward Gavin Warlamoot added 15 poU:ata, in a game that fo\lDd bead coach Lany Sunderman utilbing the entire bench. The Eag1• looked aa though they were going to have another laugbez agai.Dit Sontiago, but the Joke waa almott on them aa they trailed 4.5-« goiDg into the fourth quarter. Some clutch defeue m.ised in with aome fine ahooting by Junior Jim Curtla gave the Eagl• their aecond win of the aeaaon, 77-62. Curtil ended the game wtth 20 poiutl, while retur- ning guard Jon Johnaton pumped in 12. Na...r Mu.tafa, who can play guard, center or forwazd, added 10 poa.nta, wtule Pincuey netted 11 The Eagle• g ot anotbet balanc:.d aooring attack againat Weatern in the Mmi·finala, and went oD to win 65-49. Leading by only thrM at halftime, Eatanda outtcored Weatern 20-6 in the th.ird quarter and never looked back Curtl.l waa hi9b acorer with 18 poUltl, wb.U. Pinckey and Johnaton each ailked 14 and 13 r•pectlV.ly WooUolk tar At llrowa Jwuor Audrey Woolfolk of Ca.ta Meaa ia cunently inYOlved ia pre-aecuon conditlolling with t be 1982 Brown U nlvenlty womeu'a aw1m team iD PTovide.nce , R.I. The Bru1na bad a •ery aucceuful 1981-82 eeaao n , fini.ahi.ng wtth a 7-1 dual mMt record, a aecond place ahowing at the Ivy League Cham· pionah.ipe, fourth place at the Eaaterna, a nd a 12th place at the AIAW National Cbam- pi01Ulupe, their but fuuab ever WooUolk hat been one of the top awimmera on the team her tim two yean, a nd 1.1 being CO\lDted on once a gain thia year to come tbzougb with a .terling e1fort She capped off laat year' • oampaagD with an Ivy League ti· tle in the 50 breaatiUoke and tiniabed aecond in the 100 a nd 200 bzeaatatroke eventa She baa been All-Ivy and All- Ea.t in each of thelaat two yean. Also: Atrcratt seats, ateerlng wheel covers. saddle covera, pollahlng mltta. '"" ,J h· ,,urn ... l .u '" '" \>In'"' >\till\ At·-."'. 545-2755 30421n......,. Cotta.._. BOOTS SKIS, POLES POLES SI(IS, POlES soo eoo 100 .. / 1100 1200 1400 1100 ISO() 1100 I 7S Th, h.•ur• ht ) " ... "'' 1 ,..,.,.1.,,-n,t "'" ntl'q t ,. '" '" •· •" •r ), •u '' rd1unl "'11h '' •Ill h,.,., hi• •nd • '' 1 ' • • • •' .~ t \ • ., \\ trhl! "'\ h .,,.t. \t \I'"'.~.,., .. , ... ., \t ,j \\t ,\ 'tift \ ll' tf f I II I '"I ' J If 1" 1 ... I oll\\•111 -\t" 1 1~ ... ,,, K.t ,.,.,.,, • I •t.) • I''~ .1., R.,, "''' ~ ,. 11100 200 2100 lOO J 7!1 1800 1:100 OF~EAING THE FINEST SKI-TUNE UP & REPAIR IN SO. CAUFORNIA I Value) , • The cigarette that changed two million minds. The one that rewrc_)te the hook on cigarette.-making. The MERIT cigarette. Made by actually boosting the taste you get out of smoking. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smok10g Is Dangerous to Your Health . MERIT Fdter ..___-------~ 7 mg "tar;' 0.5 mg nicoune w. per cagarene. FTC Rtpon Dec 81 December I. 1-'l'be Newport Enalqo/Coeto ,.._ • ..,.,'lm.o. Tocloy .... I Boosting ta te to equal leading cigarettes with up tL) twice the tar. MERIT. The 'Enriched Flavl)r: • ctgarette. There' nothing halfway about it. t • Ora~age Coaat College'• wome~a'a YOU.yball team will be g nDDh'Q for ita third .aate t&tJ. iJl fin yeon Saturday, ae the Pilat. travel ~aorill 'o tab OD College of tJw Sequ~ for the Colifonlia commu.Dity college crown. Coach Jane HUge~adorf'a Thr.. memben of Orange Coaat College'• 1982 South Coaat Conference champioll women'• volleyball team were named to the All-Conferee• team, Mlected by coach• at their annual poet·M<WOD ban· quet. The OCC players named to the conferell~'• fua team in· eluded outaide b.ltter Laurie Adam a, middle blockez Val Grady, a nd utter Kathy Mollica. Adama, who wa.a aJ.o a firat team choice for the Buca la.t leQIOD, Wal voted the COD • fereoce'a "Player of the Year." Grady waa aleo a tint team cho1ce m 1981, and Mollica w<D named to the MCOnd unit. OCC aquad captured t~e SouthetD Califoraia cb.aa- pioaebl.p laM wukeed, wW. ~ cmund tM Nortla.a Cal1itle. Saturday'• ttate chaa· piouhip mcnch. bU9I at 7 p.a. ill the Sequokn gym. f'~e c:oUeve • looated m v-.... betw.u BoW&I!eLJ cmd r...o. The two lq\aacM will plaJ a be.t thrM-out ... of-five-game match b the title. Hilu•dorf'• Bw::a baft beell in th. .eat. title COD ... iouJ of the )08t tift yean. The Piratla WOD Mote c:::rowu, ia 1978 aDd 1980, fb:Uahed aecoDd lalt year, and were third in 1979. "We feel very good about ow c hance. OD Scrturclay," HiJge~a­ dorf IGJI. "We played ow be.t volley ball of the eeaeon laat weekend i n willlliDg the Southeru Cal Toumey, and I think we're ready to put~ a atrong periormau~ agai.Ait S.quoioa." OCC and Sequoiaa are Dot etraAgera to each other thia aeaeon. Saturday'• batt!. for the .tate tiUe will mark the third time the two t.ama bOYe met in 1912. The Pirat• hold a 2..0 acha.D- tage over the Gianta thit aeaeoA. occ blit.ed Sequoiaa in u.. Santa Moniaa To\li'ILOJDot in October, lS-2, lS-2. The Piratee nipped the Gicmta a moDth later . . . OIANGE COAST stan (l -R) ~ .... Nndt. Jo6y and Dtanrw Low ecrwnl* fOf anoctwr coownunity ~ tttW that weft. wer•'t yery ltroog wb.eA '" lltroll9• from a 'fundame~atalt' played in Odober. !My wwe lkmc:lpoi.Dt." m\&Ch bettN ill No~. <llld Hi)gudort ~ her Pirat. they're eftA ltror:l,ger Dow." dOD't take the Gicm.tllightly. Hil?eDdorf aaid Sequoi a• "U '" do, 1N'U get beat," abe waall t favored to wia the ecrp. "After beatiAg a gtecrl North.na crowa kilt ..Noel. team like El Camillo la1t "EftrJODe ·~ o.Aala weekeDd, it would be a ahame to to will the title, but Sequoa let dowu and 1~ ta. .tate title pulled an upet. They're playiag thil weekod. I dOD't think that very good YOileybaU right aow.'' wiD happen. Our kid. will be reedy. Be.idea, th.ia ia an •~ The OCC coach ia plec.ecl year and it'• our tu.rD to win the with the way hN aquad w play-tiUe. :. m~·w . -'-1 of Hilgudorf wa. referring to • " .uowll a ot UD· the fact that the Buca won lkrte provernent ~ well. aa we're a crowna in 19'18 and 1980, cmd much better clubthCill we were a are due in 1~. Sacldlebock College tra*r ~ ,....., .. tM talk of uc r:m.. baiiiDethaU team. Th• 6·foot 2-illch guard aconcl24 poiAta. hittia9 10 of 15 ._ from \be Door, ae UCI oame lrom 18 poill• behiAcl to . .-op Peppel'diDela.t week at tM Allaheim CollventioDCeAter, 8$.82. Tunaer il a welcoae adclltioa to the UCI teGID which .,_lODg Deeded em .tt.ctift playw at the pcUt guard politioa. He woe that and more Satw· day Dight, addiDg eight a.iltll aud two Mala, brecdiag away for~ alam dUDb. Coach BW Mulli9an, who alto matriculated to UCI from Saddleback College, oalla Turoer, "a gtecrl player who cQD do eYWJthing." The 22-year·o1d from Gal...-,n, Tu<D woa a b.J9h achool All-Americall who played for the Univenity of Te•· aa in 1m.&O before moYiAg on to Soddleback and now UCJ. The Allteaten have ClDother imprellive Dewcomer. He i16-foot 4-inch fr-.hman forward Jten Bardal•y from C~a Meea High School. Bcudaley hit two 20-foot baaketa lc.t week in the upaet of Pepperdine. UCI Coach Bill Mutha~n ~" by Lwry Slob!, UCI prompUy hit u oJ the lhrH·pointera, two of them by Bcudaley. aod UMd the clock eJJecti•e1y to come from 18 pointe behind. Pepperdine had a 2~ 7 recozd laat year and advanced to the ... cond round of the NCAA tour· nament. The Wa'le h<D fow ltarten back from that team. The Anteaters are tcheduled to travel to Loyola Marymount Thunday, Dec. 9 for a 7 30 p .m game UCI h oata Chapman College Tueeday. Dec. 14 on campua at 7.30. The Puat•, who ha .. e woll the la.t tive South Coaat Conferueoe btl• in a row, logged an 11-1 confereo~ mazk During the paat hve aeaaona the Pirat• have a bnlliant 57-3 South Coa.t record They have a 64-8 mark ll.llce volleyball became a South Coa.at Conference aport 111 1977. 1 in the Santa Barbara Tou..rno· ment, 1S.l3, 16-14. moDth ago. w. h~ to beat the occ·. '82 aquod ia a veterau number one team m theltat•-c rew. All aia atarteu are El Camino -k> win the SoCal ti· aopbomor• aDd all u were The WOYe plop in the WMt Coa.at Athletic ConfereDoe but agTeed to the UM of a thrH· point ahot and 30-MCODd clock ill itl gome again.lt UCI. UCI wUl play in two bohday tournament•. the Wolf Pack Claa~ic Dec. 20-21 at Reno and the KOA Cla.ic Dec 29·30 in Billinga, Montana ''Sequoiaa ia undoubtedly the meet improved team in the alate," Hilge~adorf aaya. "They have a lot of young playera OD the team who ha•• really matured thJa year. Frcmily, they tle, ao I think that demoutratee named to the All-South Coa.t )uat how lltong we are. Conferen~ teom thia year. "Sequoia8 baa a big, lltong --------..:....---------------------------- club that blocb <llld )umpa well We're not aa phyaco.l, but we're . a lot quicker I aJ.o tlun.k we're ___ covert e c eckbook that may: never run out of money. The Beneficial Reserve Credit Account with 'lliPle-A Checking. ;-.J, ~~ C..thll 1m1..1 htlm~' lV. ncr-. \.·.m take aJ-.antagc 1111~ Ben· l'lll'l..tl Rc-.c~c: Cn:lhl Au.:\ tUn I v.llh Tnpk •\ C'h~·d.mg ·\ppl~ fl(W. h~r ca.-.h to do un port..tnl thing-. nov.. p/11, g\.'1 I"II:Nm.thtcJ I npk· >\han~ dlc:l ~' .t line nh.n:J11 h1r 1o.mo. S20.!0l ,,r n"KIR' ft, Jr.1v. 'm "'"' llllk: . ..~n't'v.lwn:. hlr "' h.Jtc.,cr\ 1m portantl\l) OU ()n~·c ) \ IU hJ\ l' them. thc:n: \ n~ 'lllll'n:-.r ~h..tr~l' unlll V\tU u~ them y,,u Rl.l\ rl<\e; h.l\l' "' ..~ppl~ 11.,-.. lo.m llw achllllt.a~~ ~a pre.approwd credit tine. rllC Bcnchc1al Re--ci"e CreJ11 Account ntter. ''lU '"'l.tnt .-. .:c'' rotund' tai greater th.m ava1lahk un mo't n m-.c:ntl\mJI cn:d1t lulC' Th..at \ c:'pectalh unportanl w farmhe' w1th majt)r ~:..apuaJ outlay' \10 tht.· honwn With Tnple A c~~' there '" IKl mtnamum per c~k Yuu l <lO wntc ad"-'\:~ to ~lO ur ')10.(00. up to }tlUf credit hm1t To t.al.c l.Me oftwtlon payment~ <1.') they come up. Make IOV\!!'Itm.:nt~ Puocha.-.c:"' car. BuikJ on tu your home. And bec;.w..e yoo have "ca.\h on hand:· you·~ in the nla'\t <khanfager~tl\ J)(l\IIK>n hl OCl!Oll.lh.· any amJl011anl rltm.h.N" Ideal for .. balloon" p&J'IIWDls. l --c w ur BeneticiaJ Re~rve Crcdu Account to 'uit vour 'pl.' 1altma~taJ ~itii>o You l.tn u\4.! lltu meet a haJioon pa) rnent At reasonab~ raacs. You can liquidalc pm.ent nubtandin balanL-es and ellen l orne aY~ay with a angJe ffi(IOlhJy pilymeo& k~ than total outlay for your~ paymcnb. You 'U b.:ave the fleJubtht ) to C\.lntrol your own cash tlow to n~t ctlanRin& requireme~ If you hie, you can even protect y If and yoor ramaly wilh aal ctedtl l :"lo application ftt". 'iopoints. W1th 'nur &ndtct.tl lk "'"l' Cn:dai >\l·._,,unr . ~nu pa~ fl(l ..IJ>IlhC.:.llltm k~ 1lf f"''""' ~re\ fl(l halltlOO p.l) llk.'OI .11 1~ coli 'I\ I nun~ mum hn.Hll.\.' dwgc '\n prep..!~ rn:nl pcn..tlt ~ Allll fl(' l h..trgc I\ 11 11-k: \.~d' ~ou U'<. ,...~ ''mpl~ .aJJ tho.! umnunl h 1 ~ 1lllr nuht.mdmg halarK:c The~·., . .m 1111t1al Plan P.u1ac1pal1nn kc ,..a 11 r uf ~uur totnlcraht h~tma' ~001 and an annual t~ 11t S5 nr le'"· tkpe llllm g UJl' lfl ~ our b.tl.llll c: tO.. tht ftnandalh mphisak:Wd .• '' .1 Rt:-.ci"~ Credit Accuunt tm C'~rwo~ 'Ochmtelv noe But 11 '' ~ wek~ ..ef\'k.~ appn."\:1 .tted hy me mdl\ adual WM re<.·ugnue' the u~fulnc !II of 1n \tant acct=~~ to \UbsWmaJ fun<h 41 llour !itnill'e. V&Sit or I vour neaml Bene· ticial <ifice fur all &he dtuil Apply lOCby and"~ c~ UMI· ally have an arbwer tor )'lU in "" t Beneficial, xou're~. 0 '"""' .... Beneficial Finance Co. ol Central California ••••••COUPON•••••••-. Now Open Sunday tor you convenl•nce I ~ am-2 pm I SUNDAY SPECIALS I o I s 00 ! Style Hair Cut ~eg ''7 1 A FULL SERVICE SALON I FoR MEN ANo woMeN P r S ials22 10 I (714) 557•2234 1 IIOftnatural pwmanant I I (Haircut not Included) I 270 a. BRISTOL 1102 w•lnlflti COUpotl I at Brlatol a Red H11t-eo.ta Meta I (715) 557 •2234 -Ell~~~-~~ J .. _________________ .. ···---------------- YOUOON'T 1\ROUND It )ou'rc lt)(\J,.ang lora SNOOPY lur 'omeun\.' 'pecial an )UUr funul). -.top ""''~Ill~ He'' ri.ght here ..1t Kn n·, Mcrr) Farm. Now. JU't m umc for Chmtma'. we hav~ o~ of the tine-.t 'election' of SNOOPY and BELL Plu_'h Doll nd IO)' to be found any· "here 10 outhcm Califom•a. And. then:\ a v. hnlc: .t\\Ort~nt tll great \:\ cumc' br e..t h of th~e '-uJdl) doll tn \\Cdr, ~pt.·dall)' \ r\.".ttcd h) 0 ~ ~RMI 1::.0 PROD ICllONS, IN • Whtlc )t)U're here. plan nn \C(· , m~ SNOOPY'S n~v. hniiJJ) 11.c 'hO\\. ")("..,a D''l! G''""" Gotll! Chra-,tmJ, .. (open-. Dcccm~r UUh). Then, lett he ~1ili ch u "uh Sunra. anyume bet\\-ccn NQ\m anJ 8:30 PM. (lhru Dc~:cm~·r 23nJ) • SNOOPY mcrchandi!te availabk nul ide: the Park at Virgima\ Gaft Shtlp unJ Grund A't'e To} hop, •n"idc the PJrk .at lh) •\lie)/ Mu!!l\.' Shop • \2 huhda) gall 'h''P' hl lind tht~ \J)'!CIJI Chn,tm..t..' ~tift-. • hl)t rNJt>r crcdar c:an.b · cc:ptcd New Flrm.e In Airport C.nter SMwCird Titloe Guarcmty Co. oi Houtoa, Tea. cmd New Eagkmd Mutual Life luurcmce Co. of Boeton, Molt. eetobUehed recPonal offic. in the Airport B'lltn... Centw-Norlh, the l.r- riM Co. onnounc.d. The complea ie ot 18668 MacArthur. Flncmdal Otficer Stan Schulte waa promoted from OOllholl.r to chief lina.Dcial ~ of Monarch Properti.M, Inc. properly mcmagement and iDY..tment compony of Newport Beoch Brcmclman'e New Firm Michoe1 Brandmon & Ae.ociatee, Inc. profeeaionol couultanta in enruonmenta.l cme t r ment and plonning open· eel oHK:.e ot 18021 Sky Park Cir- cle, Irvine. Brandman and vice prMident Thomaa E Snuth were formerly with another leading p1an.n.ing firm 8W'veylnq Firm Colvin Woolaey a nnol.ln<*i the formation of Wooleey EnginMring, Inc civll •ngilleer· ing and land tl.lrveJlDg ot 18001 , Sky Pork Circle, Irvine. Awcud For Stevena Paw Stevena of .Lrvule, duec· tor of the fo.il energy dept. of the Aeroapace Corp in El Segl.lndo, won the firm 'a PrMident'a a ward for Program 1 Management It meoot SS.OOO and a pewter plate for Stevena, who was honored for contribub.ona to the Dept. of the Interior'• c oal· lecuing program Earbet, Stevena earned an Aeroepoce Pr09rama Group Ach~evement Award for h1a work Home Savinqe To Open Dec. 21 A n bbon cutb.ng ceremony will mora the ofticial opeAing of the nation· • 1argMt aavtnga and kKm in Coata Merea at 11 a m Dec 21 The new Home SoYlDgt of Amenco branch, located at 450 Eatt 17th SttMt, 1.1 a two-.tory, 5,560-~uare-foot remodeled atructure wh1ch lndl.ld" 10 teller Wllldowa and eagbt new ac· count d..U Other feoturee 01e a D.iQht dep0111tory· and a drin throl.lgb tell•r. ManCJ9lllg the branch will be John Web.ter of Newporl Beocb. An a.i.ttout VlCe prMidellt, be comes to Costa Mesa from Home' • MJ...ioo Viejo-Gateway Center branch A native Sol.ltbern CaWonua, Web.ter graduated l:rom Whit- her College with a degrM iD buain .. a nd eoonomu::. and received a maaten degrH in bWiiD ... admini.tration from the Univercty of Sol.ltheru CoU.for· IUa Preliminary plana for the San Joaquin HUla Trauportation Corridor. which woWct eaud from Corona del Mar cmd Scm Juan Coplltrano, are the aubject of a heartog tlUa wMk before the Board of Sl.lperri8on. A prehmi.Dary report on the coniJor will be the tint oi o ••ri• of cliKI.le.iou Public rn..U.Oge will follow in January. FiDa.l recommendatlou Oil the oorri.dor are elpeCted b1 krte aprillg They will then be offered to the county'• Plcmning Com· rm.ioD and U.e eupel"YWon nut aum.me% Tony Bonaue.lo, a UC lrvlDe iDatr\lc tor, wo1 named vic e prelldent of Haniaon/ Lorenaini A.rchit.cta oJ Newport Beach ULJ Awcud The 520-unit Promontory Point apartment comple.z in Newpo rt Beach hat been Mlected foz one of two 1982 Awarda for Eacellence g'lVeo by the Urbon Land Inatltute of Wa.tbington. 0 C The other a ward went to Heritage Village , a con · dominil.lm development in Connecticl.lt The In1ne Co o pened Promontory Pomt 10 1974 Fo.culty Show The Prof...UoDol Facl.llty ~ow of wc.b by 0rCIA9• CoOil College iutrl.lcton for euob clio• oa Coldwell Bouer, PocUic Federal ond Sperry U.U.oc will ru.a Dec. 7-Jcm. 4 at the HiJ)pol)'te Bcrycvd Memorial Go.JJ.ry at the ooU.ge. WiDdmlll Saved The Newpon Beaoh linn of Robert BelA. WilUcam Fro.t cmd Allociatee aided iJa preeeniAg a 1900 Yintoge wi.ndm.111 OD the 1...., RaDCb neaz Ml.ioA San Lula Rey, where the ciYil ugiAMrt ar• plonniDQ a water pi~. n.. windmill WOI moved to the llite of the orlgi.ool lv•y Rcmch farmhou..e in Ocean.llide. nuor Feat Groundbreoking cwemolliee wer• held Nov. 22 for the world's lcugeet binary cycle geothermol plcmt ot Heber iD the Imperial Volley The 70-megawatt plant will be bwlt by the fluor Corporation for the Son Diego Goa & Electric Co. Awcud For Beckman A ayatem developed by fl.lllertoo-ba .. d Bec kma n lnatrument:a won tecbn.icol ad · YOocemeot awarda epoAIOred by the trade pubbcabona Chenucal Equ1pmeDt and Polluhoo EnginHring ' The system i.a a control deVlce 1 which improves combuahoo ettictency in pr~ beaten for rehoery and petrochemical operationa, lowenng fl.lel con· aumptioo Warnmg : The Surgeon General Ha s Determ1ned That Ctgarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health Oi..atiafoctioa with euo~ elemeata of lit. oe eoa.ooJ., trouportalk)a cmd ~ • oawiag o Nb*mMoJ ~ ol 0nmoe Cou.aty ,..._. to co.W. leaYinQ t.M ooQ&ty, ac- oorcli.Dg to o nn-ey COAduotec:l by r..arciMn at UC Jni.De. Tbi. readiD-to loeGft could e•entuolly ..,.U em ead to the population growth that baa loDg beN a gi•• iD Orcmge Col.lllty, lurYeJ ~ eay. Con..,...ay, oowaty rellidQtl foll into line witla notioDal a.erog• OOiloenWag IOtWac- ticm a.bout the quality of their li••· Sisty percent, for~. are eatWied with their tobe. 63 perc•Dt with their oeighborhooci. and 30 I*Ciellt -a typical notional figure - with theu tincmc:ial lituatiou. The fiD.di.nge are coDtaiDed in the tint "Orange CoWlty AD · Dl.lal Suney," an anal,. of the way Orang• Col.lllty r..ad.u• bve and peroeiYe their li••· The tl.lrvey, conducted by UCI reeearchera from web di•eree campu• unit. aa IOda1 ecieDoee and enginMriDg, il baeed on the r-.pou. of obout 1,000 COWlty r•sidenta inteniewed by telephone 10 Al.lg\llt. The auney '-aimed at, among other thing~, prov1d1og 1nformahon for dec~taon-maktog w1thio the county CareJI.ll ltau.tical Mlecbon of thoee who were called allowed the reMCUcb.rt to draw coo· cliUlona abol.lt theli•• of col.lDty ree1deota in general. The auney duector. Dr Mark Ba.ldaamre, a u ocaate profeuor of social Outshines menthol, and leaves you with a clean, fresh taste. S9t9..L s ecology at UCI, ...,. then th. "P"C'GI Dature of Or~ Col.l.D- ty ~ the tuney r.W..cmce to OD <Ilea brood. thaD t.be COWlty itlelf. "Onmge Coun- ty lsca fakeD o.o loru:v oJ de ... elop- me.al COIDI.Don to CD'ea. i.a tbe coun- tzy tbat aN o.o the ru .. , "Oro.Dge Col.lllty. which now baa a population oJ over two milliou peopl.e, baa lakeD on forma of d..-lopment common to areal in the COWltry that are on the riM. Orange Col.lDty boa a lot in common with o place li.k.e Ho\.Wton, for eaample. A lot of problema n<*d in thia auney would be generaH~~able to the Soutbw..t .. Accordi ng to Baldauare, a nalyC.a of the '"'"•Y data ehowa that. -Thr .. ol.lt of 10 pe,nona aur· veyed were inter-.d iD mo•· Ulg, a fcnrly typl.cal proportion nation ally Of that grol.l p , however, 40 pezcent wol.lld con· mder moVlllg O\lt of the county, a higher proportion than wol.lld be eapected Stated another woy, one o\lt of nine penona, or 11 perc.nt. oJ the COI.lnty r .. denta au.rveyed ore cU.poeed to moYe out o1 the COI.lDty Tb ... hgwee take on added ugnihcance when one tak• mto account the Lncreo:amg ownber of factora that stand to kMp people from moVlllg into the county -Among theee foctora, the auney reafhrmed, 1.1 the coun· ty'a hol.laDQ c tuaboo Thuty- Mven peroeut of the rMpOnd.e.u• were reotera, a perceDtoge abol.lt even with notional averag•. Of thoee rent.en. 80 perc.nt hoped to aomeday OWil tbeu own homee Of thoee per· aona, ho wever. 23 perceDt thought they wowd own bomee w1than the oez t three yeara. r urlher' the demogropluce oJ that 23 percent were mgD.lhoant· ly at vanance w1th oabonal DOZrtLI. "Uaually w• ezpect people who fNl1t' • bkely they will own theu own bome to be young marr~eda w1tb c h ildr en," Bo1dauare aaya "Some o re here bl.lt not m the lugh numbers we wowd ezpect '' Tboee lo Orange County who fall Ul tbJa cat~ory ore akewed toward dl.lal·lncome couplet 10 the )ugheet mcorne bracketa The re.pondentt' ~ abol.lt future home owneralup doe. not bode weU for co\1Dty grow1b, BaldCDaC:Ue aaya, anc. a mong thoee IIUrveyed, the No 1 rea.eoo for movtog to Orange County waa affordable ho\Ulog C ounty rettdeota a re 1n general qu1te d~ed watb the quaWy of theu atrMta and roada a nd even more d.Liaatl.a.bed with the quahty of county achoobng Ttua cL.:Jt.Wacboo, aubetanbally h1Qher tban tbe national averaget was great.-t 10 the northern part of the co\lo· ty, parbcworly 10 the Anabeun· Ga rden Grove·Santa Ana area • -··~ .... ,· T6l6S ' ' .. -alboa J~lanb t)barmacp A clever gift idea: Come in and see! ·Cheesecake • Chocolate Chip Cookies • • Fresh Croissants (baked dally) and other specialties 216~ M&rme Ave . Balbo& Lsl&nd. C.A 714·6'73-1334 from . ·I ardvark 's ('hris/IIIQS Shoppe • Cards • Dolls • Candles • Mualc Boxes • Ornaments • Chnstmas Collectibles Imported Hand-Craft Art Fashions From lndonesia-lndia-G reece Special Holiday Fashions • Batik • Embroider)' •cutwork Ties & Dyed with H1nd Pltltinas Cotton, R1yon, 1nd ilk F1brlcs Balboa Island laguna Beach 326 A. Marine 729 So. Coast Hwy. 675-9338 494-2998 • Brass • Candles • Boats • Gold-plated accessories • Jade tree • Clocks • tuffed toys • Wood carvinas • ea-Life Candles and Stoneware 118-8 Aaate 67~1117 f nr.tl dtlf>r 10 0«/( 'Lt~v't Flo-.,} A nnouncinK the opening of • • artvart c Designer Apparel imported from France a unique collection of ladie.'i clothing (or t>legant tastes ... at rea w nable prices. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL: 30 01 OFF EVERYT HI G 10 IN THE STORE! Sweets 'n' [lreats 7'' ..... TrNt of the Month: C ~C•n "'ou lfa WeF .. ture 15 Klnda of Mou ... 12 l<lnda of cn .. eecalle Brownlee. C()OI(iee, Handmade Cand6ee r:bucky LueJ s. 9fow~u 111-C A8Me Ave. 17J.MIIIM+IIU • PolnMttla Planta • Chrltemu Nov-'tlee • Plant Buketa WE OELIVEif ANYWHEifE IN THE WOIILO Say it with ... ANAC E especially at Christmas \\ lHllCn!oo • \\t car-\\.:live Wear-Resort Wear 221 Marine A~e. 10-~.Jo 673-1810 • Crazy HQ(st • Get Off Your High HQ(M • Andrt Bini • Oaveya Bags ' St M1chtlt ' Jus1 Mtnls 2~ Marine Ave .• Balboa Island -(Open EWfYday 714-873--4280) • FAE£ Gin WRAPPM MI'C VISA Wtlc:onle SOLD JEWELRY , " Dlaa ftD ... ., .. I WODCiedal ,.w.ekle ~ oc- CNl thro~laout tM month of December, to eet U.. mood for ............. TIM opeaJ.Dg of the Chrilbnaa ..... troctit6oo411t begiu wttb the Newport Harbor Art Nuaeum'• Chrietmae Tree Feii&YGI. For IUu yean, th» baa been a family affair, where tree• decorated by the Nuaeum Cou.Ddl'a worbhop are on c:U. play prior to bUg dOilatN to auoh phllaathroplea at the A1Mrt SlttoA Home, CbJJdrea'a HoepUal of Orange County, Ju•Mil• Hall aad the Good SU..d Lutheraa Home. tforcWrom ior U.. eeooad year udeawaote the childru'a ad· m'wkm, two door·pdllt tr .. b a boy cmd a girl wader 1~ cmd the thircl geaeratloa faa.h.ioa ehow. Thll ,.ar'• IDOdH ... the followl.ag tamlU .. : the Stablera -BobW, ClumuM, Miac1:.a cmd l.cnuM Johuoa; the MiD -a.-. JoAue, Sklcy aad Laurie, Ocmielle cmd Neal ~; the A,.n -Toni, Doug)aa, AJ!Wm Victoria and Jecm Wc.oa; Bello Amoa with Lmda ODd CrY*! Myen; the Campbella -IJ.Dda, IJ.a cmd Scott; lria Whl'-, }OODA Lemon aad CGtlay cmcl }tlllica Long; Jecm Aldrich with Elt'CJbeUl a.nd HeatMr Toomey; E1criDe Red· field aacl Michelle A..,., and Melinda, CrWy, Aml•Marie cmd l'rcmdy McN.o with Alice Aftll. I RENEE SEGERSTROM CO!!Ifltul.tttt hutNnd t-Wnry on beine nam~ Ofa,. County Ma.t~r CIWraM Patron of ttw Year. 0 0 S1aff phoco b) 0.1\a \Of\ lur~r • The t.hr ... dcry felti.W.. oe> chaired by BeeJay H.nhmaa and Merion Seeley, woe preYiewecl at a.n iAYitatioaGl gala. Some of thoee who dtllll· ed were DarJ.e Ferrari, Joeeph LaDe, Paulcia aDd PhJ.Wp Erlcbon, E.G . ChamberU., MacWine ROM, Nary J---. Sara L0.10, Jean ODd Job Moe- nab, Jo W.U., Mar,cmne cmd Len Miller, Betty Siaemore, Anna Mary aDd William Jordcm., Janie Fiaher, ElleD Wright, Helen Pedlow, Ruth Loth, Dolor•• and John Virtue, Dorothy Beaaley, Emma Jane a.nd Tom Riley, Margaret Per· tiDa ODd DorotAy Yczrd.M'f. Oihera were Mildred McNeil· ly, 0.. Perld.Dt, CarollJ.Dcola, Norgy and R.N . ~eithly, Jau Cou.U, Michael aDd Robert Perkin.~, Doria a.nd Jam• Or· tia,Marj A.W.on, Emily Hamp- ton, Char Raffetto, Lucy Pullman, .An.n McNerney, Alke Englilh, Jeaue Pcukizl, Gale l.aTman, ltit ODd J.E. T. Ruttw, Mary Wolfe, Ccuoline Clucaa, Betty and Hugh Oberg, UUa Sellae, Olga twa, LoW. and John Watt., Ha:rriette Witmer, Jo and Bob McLain , Boote Tallman, Solly Somen, Lmda w-. Bret Andreeon ODd S1 Chebith•. More were Cora Baldikoaki, Lee Ch..terfield, Julie Cook, Dorothy and Jack Hall, Simone Highland, Toni Ha.rkere, H.le.n Reuter. Dorothea and Marlin Sh .. ly, Sue DeWulf, Nancy cmd Tony Otting, MUUe a.nd Tom Oyer, Ellen and Olin Stapp, Phyllia and David DeRocher, Sue McGowOD, Helen and Don I Andeuon, Suean and JamM 1 c r CHRISTMAS TREE GALA-M~ton SftWy ('eft} and Haf"t)« Art Muuum \.ounce! ~rwtu. BftJay t-Wnhman co·~ha~reJ nenth annual Newport Scaff pho4o .. , s._ Geotpa Barlow, Lcuena Do•ett, Lynda Caao, Peggy Cotton, Nora Lehman, Lou11e and John Einhorn, A.o.nen. Hunrita,. JODet Byen and A.o.n aDd Bob Andw· lOll . . . The foUoWUlg •••Ding, the Bachelon had theu <m.Dual yule party at Big CODyon Coun~ Club. Gue1t1 attended from Scottadale, San Diego, Palm O.Nrt, Be•erly Hilla ODd New· port. Among the latter were Bar· bora Aune aDd A1 Taft. lebe Andenon, Su.nnJ Perino, Kathy Hard..ty, Tom SimoYich, Mary McDonald, Roger MWlloe, Hal Pinchon, GiDDy Zalta, Ruth Ur· bcm, John Nuton and Zoe A.o.n RhoadM . . . The ea.me eYeJUDg but over at the rMicleaoe ol NC1Dcy Adler ThorutoD, the Orcmge CoUAty Maat.r Chorale honored Hu..ry Segeretrom with ite annual Patron ol the Year award Nancy'• lovely home waa fill. ed to capacity at the recepbon Amo ng thOM who attended were no. and Ed Schumacher. ROM a nd Noram Smedegaa.rd, Mary LM, Helma and Jam• Nagamatau, Toren Segentrom, Mary JonM, JeaDnette and Dean Troma nhaueer, Ted Johuon, Ken Heant.a, Barbara Caldwell, Joan and Tom Murphin•. Lorra&lle Llppold ODd, of coune, the chorale which e.ntertalned the over 200 attend .... • • • f or 18 yean, the Chnatma.a Carol Ba.ll ha.a been one ol the rughhghtl of the eec:.on. The black-tie ball epouored by Hoag Hoapital' 1 major tupport group, the 552 Club, WOII a ..U· out A 01cke.n8 theme permeated the grand ballroom of the New· pori Marriott iD the old-laahion BARBARA AUNE (l~h) and AI Taft wlth ~ ~dcnon at S.Chdo" an- nual Chrtllmas party 11 81i Canyon Country Club. decorahona, entertaanment pro•ided by Dianeyland'a Ccuolen, Bon• W _. (a ~oupe of 40 tromboae .,_,., ad tbe mu.ac ol Freddy ~cutiD cmd hie orcheetra Harry Babhltt acted 01 ma.t.r of ceremo~ aDd i.D~oduced co-chaumen Gcuy HUAt a.nd Tim Parker, cu well cu Vin JorgeDMn, who waa r-.poDIILble an obtaini.Dg all the "Chri.tm01 Angela." Among the o"r 500 el.Qant· ly·attired gu.n. were Sarah a.nd Bun Allegaert, the Richard Alleo.t, Angeline ODd Edward Bell. Syrene cmd Sid Stok-. Jecm and Jim Biby, Mu:key ODd John Bowler, Bobbl ODd Al Gelgele, Judy and Geroge Argyroe, MaryLou and Harry Azene, Anne a nd Bob Badham, Nancy ODd Jack Caldwell, the John Applegat., the Bud Brandta, Carl Carbon Robert Chew, Ellen and Bob WUooz. Phyllia Olld Ge.n. Baum, the RlcAard Bramao.t, the Charl• Bilma.DI, Derek Allen, the John Blaich. ODd A~ Blomqu,wt Otheu were Jam•• Cun· nlllgham, Sarah ODd StU. Du· Scaff photo b) 0tn. -.on ~rP' on, lleane and Nack Doolm, the Donald Drakee, Geroge Eh.rhard, Pat <1Dd Tom E-.cra~, Newell Fa:lt, Potnc:ia cmci Pwoe flemang, Vtckl aDd Mike 0.· 1ng Jo a n and Michael Glbelh.no. the Jecm Plene OW., Betty and Fr.cl•1ck GrOMr, Shirl" and Bob Gu~. the Donald DrakM, Chculee Gabbert, the Raymond Hcu, G&l1lly aDd Tom Haley, H.eer and Earl Hardage, Marilyn cmd Richard HaUimcm, Nora cmd Charl• Helter, Lyu <1Dd Ct.. ment Hinch, Patricia and George Hoag, the S. G. Holte, Cl.ant Hooee, ta.oa cmd Donald Jacqu•. the Dcm ~en. Jean a nd Ray l o•ac., Sa.y and Roger Lubby Bill Luek. the Robert Mclntyr•. the Joel Mancbeateu the Mtchael Mannoa, Geneva Matlock, the R Enc Millen. W D Mllhke.n, the Douglae Newcombe. Ltnda Thull Olld Merl.an Nonon. the Maaam1 Ogatae, the JamM Par ken, the Gwyn POIT"fl, Jean I Peyton, the Ern• Popee, the ROlldall Pr-.lep, Mcmdy ODd hm Reed a nd the Machael I Robm.oo.t ecial Jewelry Prices ' ...... n.. ... pat En...VC.... * • • Cotta Ne.a Hletodcal NuMua '• boUday clieplayt leatuN a l9391JoMl ~•.ag• traia wwld.Dg ill waJ arou.Dd U.. a... ol a CluWmal tne; ~ iroa loJI; a 192:2 wbacl-up ~ Flier; cmd a ftrf n · ........ doll collectioL "We lwne fou.r geuratiou ol doUe r....-tbag th. la.ll. 1910, U.. 19301. cmd the l!MOI. Tile doll with the cAiDa Mad aad leather body origiDally belouged to Nildnd n.her't mo4Mr cmd her boptilmal dr- W<II WOI'D by MiJdred't ... iD 1911," eaid BettJ Jecm Beecher, prelident of the SocietJ. Beecher iacluded eome of her own dolla to round out the varioue generation• reprtMDt.d. AmODQ othen in the dilplay are tho. d.r~ up in era coetum•• depicting famo\LI h11tor1ccl aad bjbijca} characten auch aa Mile USA, Ou--Dt..~ cmd' ~. tM au.. Girl, cmd Mr. cmcl Nn. Saato Clau. 1'M k1J Gild tlaia ooD I'*-II cow-, of Job fhaeeaed cmcl the doll. wid. ~-b'MI d -.1 croc.....a p.dod .,.,.... •• GN courteey of Dorlt Glbeoa ~ • • • Bullock'• in South COCIIIt Pla.a ha.teci a epedal rece))tiola for aU of tbe Frie.Dd. of South COCIIIt Repertoay Guilda in the newly remodeled Faahion GallerJ. Tile , Cotta Meea, Newport cmd lrriDe I GuUde were MJ)eeially well· I repreeen ted and they eDjoyed .Wting with one another OA thJe ~Pedal oocalliOD. The neDillg etarted with gourmet hore I d 'oeun•. included a quart.t harmonillng fcnorite Ch..riltmaa Carola and concluded with a faaluon ahow of St. John h!ta. ~\ \.ESSONS FOR e4! ANAl TOUCHES-IWtty Jnn t h~ Cosu M~sa H llh>rlcal Bftctwr puts the f1nal touchn on Mu~um. the Chr11tmas tree and 111 trap- Ptf'81 for the holiday wason at St.att ph.>t,, by ""~'' Watton ., !ftar !ft1Ur ~1fGifrS can fzav~ _, '<Ybat CJ5ersonol ?/'ooch .J,\'\(;L~.,,.,1JX'i''"~ GwF"''VJ(;4'-')~)7 (7~ )(!." ';A'-> t; ~ "•.xptYtU vvurulf d•lu'iousl_v · · WlCAIIY IUfftJUFOI D•pp.ng Chocolttes • Molded Candles Holiday Cake Pans • Flavorings • Cookie Cunera Novelties • Candled Fruit ''"Chocolate Demoe Mon., Dec. 11th 1 p.m.; Wed. 0.0. 11th, 11 a.m. CALL FOR RESERVATIONS TOOAVI 548-CAKE The Frosting House 2314 Newpot1alvd., Coet.e Meu Calendar All you'll ever need to know about florists the meetings ~)eekHellen4 Newport Harbor Acton ,...... laca naDy pv.IW • • adNag u.au.al b ..._ ~ clay -ft. llttow II oaDecl "a.n.a.a. At Waktla'd," aad Utaaaa-....._ sot ,. • .., creede CUWIDCII iD IMCMna1 Eaekmd A. JO• walk iDto .... tMah you are gr-.d by lads. cad ~~-·-iD ~ OQIIhuu, aDr•-Dkdlft of 1M peopla iD Waktftdd You are uell1 eel to yow .at. oaly U... ern ao cbain cmd JW lit Oil platb .. aDd are~ t~..-d by a clw:lna llll9ag ~ caro& ~­ JO'l CU. ~ by OM o.f tM Wakeleklicrv to .. a puppet aow. after wllJcb C01MI 101M jUQgliDg. After ~ ~ wiM - or elder -U. ...-..d alolao wt~ IOIIle tlcl.bit8 DOt D.CUtorily tTP'cal of medieYal Eag&cmd. Tile fiDa.l ofieri.Do U. a l)r.atatloa ol what it thought by eome au~oritlea to be tAe int actual elrama. Allegedly wriiMD by a Waketield mo.U, it ia titled "The S.coDd Shepherd'• Play," a farce for the tint part which lat..r leada into U..pherda at the bUth of Chritt. The entire prooeedlnge COYW only about aD hour and a half. The idea ia int.reetlng cmd the attempt to iA~ tAe au~ eucceedt to a degree. The puppet .how It rather a.mUIIlllg t.f not totally entbralliDg, cmd tAe jugglen are rea80nahly good, with u.. cWM. ol maai~~ aad tM humor ol Niehale Jam• Mpecially amuing. Mia CO• juggler, Jobn Whitfield, had eome trouble at tim• holdillg on to the baUI. Aa for th.e play, 1t w01 in· ter..tlng to .. thla remnaDt o.f early theatre. The ca.t tMmed to eDjoy themtel•• although the faroicalelemenlll in the fiDt part could hcmt MeD a bit more boUteroue aad epirited. Some o.f the aaton were having trouble with the penleteGt rhyme eohem.e, which INIDed to ~t them . Peter Stolle, Jeffrey Schoenberg ( .. ry good.). Rob- bie SchooAover (qui .. am\LIIl.Dg with good timi.ng). DuaDe Boyer. and ltevi n Haueer were aatured. Don Laffoon directed. Linda Darby produ<*i with NanCJ Ebeen acting aa Produc· lion Coordinator which probably 11 a new title for Originated By -. The idea wat a refreehingly different one for thh eeaton with joy and camaraderie 01 the keJDote. The coming MGtOD here will feature "Ta:rtuffe," with a TUCII aetUng (why do companlet alway• hove to try to make period piec.. more contem· porary?); "Game Show," a new play by Lew Riley; aDd -hold onto your hatll -"Nulll," the •DICitional hit which rem for month.a in Hollywood. How the company plane on d.obag thia ooe wltb all ot lte gplicit lcmguoge aad IU1IGl trc-h.. S. gcU.g ~he eMU..,..,, to 111J the JeaJt • .,.. .... ~ cmd the .......... play will ~a!. thr ... lourtM of "• power. Goocl 1\aOk., NGDCJ, you're a~ eovl to ~ t.b» OM. 'Sherlock Holm•' It ia a peculiarly co.tuaag cmd uuatWybag .-ocladloa at the Lagwaa NoWtoa Jllgy~. The problem -.u to lie Ia a coDfu~Aoa ill ltylea. At ..._ It loob aDd fe8 Mila aa ald·tlae melodramatic tpQOI. At otMr tim• it ia played Mlafgllt, abDOit iA a COiltlaaporarJ ttyle 10 t!.ot ou ill D"-r quite ewe tu w)Mn COilcept ia at work we. U tM illtat we. to reprocluce the play, a cJa.io in iaa OWJl right, aocordiDQ to the tMcrtrica1 motif o.f the late 1800', aa klea which teems pateDUy UD· nec••ary, then that might U · plaiD eome of the appiOQCh ua- ed. u that it 10, theD tAe play lhould have bMn totally Ia that way. However, thit U. no ahow in which the IDMriDg .uJaiD twi.rla hie moulltache and MiMI the tair heroi.Jle to hie boiOm 01 ahe at:ruggl• with him to frM her and to eave her home. ThJt ia a well-etructured aDd good myetery-tutpellH plaJ which hat witUtood the oulaughta of time. All of that U. gou here, with more laughter them chilli aa the r•ult. The fault would appear to 1M with Ale• Qol.eoD 'I CODCept Ql director He hat dODe eome good thioga, but thit II Dot OM o.f h1a beet. He fill• the atage with awkward pau .. which IMID to eugg..t attemplll at W~pea., ac:ti.ng 11 painful to 1C1J thel..-, poe. it leaden, cmd claritJ il DOD·exittent in mc.t oaa.. E.,., good director hat h1a off dQ'JI, and thie it Golton • •· The catt ia of no help. Th1a haa eome of the ma.t inert actiDg IMD in agu. LoW.. Clrt.fBDg Rodecker Ia paiAfully lacking ill any kind of chcuoder cmd b. YOice, a thin. p.\ping oDe, pulll a great deal of main oA audlbllitJ. John W ..ton 11 at one time the IDMring .ulain and at other tim•• a eomewhat confUMd dolt. S1ouJt Kerwin can't do much with the part of Ter-. aad Suaan McCartney h the peuecuted Alice Faulkner George W ooda it the perieGt ttyle for Sherlock Holm• but the clever tricb the man plcryt IIHm to be too contrived here, lacking in any au.rpNe. He aJ.o haa a tendenCJ to race h1a liua too much. NU. Andereon Ia podtively overdone at the leer- ing, oily, vidoue MorlaritJ. He c hewe up the ~Aery for all he't worth and thia i.e unfortunate becauee the •t Ia the ahow'• h.t a.et. O.nn.i.t Ure, Jon Sidoli, Bruce Belrma G and Gene Bened.ic are good Othen in the CCIIt range f.rom adequate to effective Wally HuGtoon'a aeta are remarkably good, a tuperlor job comparable to the ••cellent work done for "Crucifer of Blood," which waa, by the way, a good emmple o.f how to deal with a Sherlocll Holm• .tory. ~ CIN~ ~ ~ and events you don't want ..... to mi88! 64 1-081 0 • Stone Mill Business Park CD 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa .:John £. ~Com. <i ell 804'fH. , IZA BAZA "Orang~ County'.r Largest Selection of R~a$onably Priced Howe Planu" Homemade Christmas Wreaths and Ornaments Cards Giftwrap Poinsettia Plants Country Baskets and Much More Don't Miss our Bear Nook /(,, "unbf'arablv" dtliglufu/1 Gl(u • Boolr.s • Canh nc ttc • CUSTOM PHafOGRAPHY We Are PROUD To Have Photographed C HRIS DAILY for her Senior Portrait 7 ... 1717 »40 E. Pacific Coaat Hwy . Corona del Mar. CA ~y llllclrM .... 'n. tJae eec.GD to be jolly - alilo toM origiaal iD your ChrW- mca gl.tagl FIOIIl ucttmg eaotic glfta to t!wlee of fczmily bhiOD, tb.er.'e a way toeay "I to.. You Very," to quae. s... Oorikl'• becnati.ful aumberecl potcelalA ~ Dol by Nll.cb.cl ....... Brace cmd gciiW .-. rcrroa bloom .. a:Dd pun ti1k t'ocklng~ woa't be toWid oa cmy faaily'e Chrietmae llet tlala eecuoa. How.Yer, ta.y ... aaa.a the apparel~ wb. Sean ia· uoduced ita fl.ret Clui8tmaa catalog back ia 1933. Tbi.e year marb tb.e Wlab Book' a 50th edltioa, cmd wb.fle itt clothiDg Mlectlou r.o.c. tA. lU..tyl• of toclcrJ, it aJ.o m.lrron the dCDii,QI of Chrilltma. pall. ~ it • Dot u.. gift Cll muoll <11 U.. wc:rr ia wbid. tt II sne-ted. N ... wiD we forvet d.. look ou a daug!der't too. whea ahe ope~aed a ••l•et ,...... boa cmd foUAd two porcelaia t.etll, borrowed lrom our de~alilt. A 1\&bde wc:rr of Wl- iAg her tkclt tlloee frODt twth ia DM of capsUg had Mea taUD ccue ~ -get you to tM d.eAtilt. dear! A pearl riAg b the piAide mode the gift ..,., eadbg. THE PROVOCATIVE n«kll~ of Anrw Col~'• black maillot It hlt.,.ltht~ with llpttkk-~ lacf't. From the Retort 19tl·t3 Anne Cole Collec:Uon of For fanuly holiday cln.up wear, IM, at right, block wool· blend panta cmd a pl.-d froat wlute bloUM, both from 0..,1 Tiege, the yoUD_., ia a two- piece dr.. look with plaid taffeta ekirt, Dad'a b~ velvet bla:aet ODd h.ath.et grcry flauDelllacb with wlaite button· doWD ehirt cmd lbipe tie, aad navy velvetMa blaaer with wool-blend dirt ODd ahadow mped cream bloUM. E•• a~ huabcmd ocm get caught up iD the CUMtmaa U · c:itleme~at if you tie a card OD U.. tne wtth Q 1oag cord -YW'f lolag iad.eed, l.adiAg him all through the hoUM to the gare~ge where you haYe ~muggMd lD a tpeeial piece of equipaeat for hie hobby. Aad what would I like to fiad uader my ChriltzDaa tne? n. MUUOUI black maillot with liJI'tick·red Jac.. by ADM Cole, ahOWD here, WITH a , .... wt~oa to •rod Q week at Q health epa! A ' get younelf ia ahcrpe for IUIDmer" remj~ad.et l Th.ia could be a great gift for a mother to ;t•• her daughter who'• gaiAlng weight. Or, r.....,.. tbcrt, a daughter'• gift to her oftn!Night motbrl EYU out-of·ehape hutba~ad.a might like a pair of bathiag truAb if tM gift lAcluded a ..Uud at The Palm.t lD Palm Sprtaga. There haa been a Cot. behia.d Col. of CaJilor'Dja ••• liAce e~et•nt twimw~ar and cowrups. 1925 who Fred Cole fouaded tbe company. Anae Cole it Fred'• daughteJ a~ad aftet maay yeara workiDg lD maay pha.. of the compcmy operatiou, ehe haa at laM tow.d what ahelafl i8 "011 outl.t for my mOlt eleg011t and uotic fGDklli• of beach and pool faahioa." Ouite eeparate from the deligaer'a CODtiDui.Dg involve- meat with the other Cole of Calf.fonUa dlYi.llou, the Anne Cole Re1011 1 9n-83 collection Ia obrioualy deaigned for the Americlan womaa of qwet but dJitiDctiq peniOilal etyle and a Jc.tidloue ..ue of quality and detail. The tobriCll uaed by Anne are •uatiollally different. For LD· ltcmce, the bikiDi in pure wool c:Gihmere with a huge bubble of theeame caahmere to cuddle ill· to; the euite in a diecreet meuw.cu herri.Dgboue weave of nylon and Spandell, ln· cludiDg aD elegant etrapleM maillot aAd a tcmbujt with the eztro chjc of a thln, tb.i11 belted .aWl. Aad a maneloue long, lanky eweater coat of heavy cot- ton yarD! • ANNE COLE S srrapless matll"t tn Th... holiday faab.ioDI are a vallable from Sean 1982 Chrutmaa Wi8h Book. VlckleNartla, HartuaaWM The Newpot1 Beach home of the bride' 1 parenta proYided the Mtb.ng for the weddlDg of Vickie L Marti.D and Paul W. H.artuag ni of Laguna Niguel. The bride ia the daughtet of Mr and Mn. Harold W Ma:rti.D the bndegroom'e pareDII are 1'-h. and Mre Paul W Hartuug Jr of CODtoD, OMo A double-lUlg ceremony waa performed by the Rev Tony Wolfe Recepbon followed at the MartlD re11dence. The bnde ia a graducn. of Saddleback High School cmd Santa Ana College ~ hue- ' band h old e degree• hom Aruona State Ulllverlity Ol1d M.&arm of Oluo He cunently manag .. a realty hrm LD lagUDa N1guel a n~w •~•lured herrtn~b"n~ After a honeymoon along the w~a~~ "' nyl"n anJ sp<lnd~"· Not~ I CaliJonua cO<Dt the couple plan ttw n~w chtc of rlw rhtn ~h. to hve l.D Lac;runa N1guel Looking for Something Special? If you had something to sell ... Our lar ge display of un1que and unusual g1fts. accessones, and wal l decor have all been mdiv1cfually hand-selected and includes - f or some hard-to-fmd item you wanted to buy ... or were looking for a job or a place to live ... where would YW look? PORCELAINS CRYSTAL ANTIQUES BRASS SILK FLOWERS Let us color co-ordrnate a beautiful s1lk floral arrangement to match your o wn <inlltrie of ~nteriors Fine Furnishings And Accessories 170 E. 17th St. Suite 118 Coeta M- 631-6984 EltNESTO'S BAYSIDE Calalne btraorcflnalrc Announ(e'> The Weddtng o f Haute (ut-.tt •· with Haute Couture Presentmg Holtday Fashro ns Cre,l!eJ R't Janell Berte Oran~e County s Exattng New D\• .t~rw r Wednesdays Decemtwr 1 8 I'-' 1 00 2 300 (f,,, k 333 Ba~ I>rtw. Newport ~ach For lunchtOO Raerv t ons CaD. (714> 673-2733 1 SEARS Gtft 8oc* 11 «WbrAtlnt ~h anniwrNry tNt y~Ar. '-------------------------- HOAQ NDIOIUAI. HoeP'ITAL Newport._. Mz cmd Mta Rober1 L.ar, a ;Vl. Noor ~. Mz aad Mn Ja.-~. a boy No• 6. Mz aad Mn Robert So.-. a boy, No• 9. Nr aad Mn Ricba:ld Tun· bWl, a boy, N~ 11, Mr aad Mn Job Stan a gul. No• IS. Mt cmd Mn ~~ Wobol a gul, No• 18, M1 aad Mn Robet1 N.wbefv, a boy, No• 17 c..t • .._ M.r ClAd Mn AaU.O. y Ccrpvto, a boy Now ~. M.r aad Mr. Jerald Ne~ a 9\fl, No• 6, Mr aad Mn Dcrrid Wymaa, a gul. No• 6, Ml a:ad Mn G.._ None, lw\a bo,. No• 7, Mr aad Mn P.-M.laett a gul, No• 11 . Mr cmd Mn WUhan! Manh. a boy, No• 12. Mr aAd Mn MlcbOIII NC~~UDock.. a boy No• 13 Mr a ad Mn Georv• Motloaea. a gul N09 14, Mr aad Mr. M.i&e WUhama. a gul, No• IS, M.r aad Mn Fidel C.boUoe. a boy ~ 11, Nr ClAd Mn t-Oarw:s. a gul No• II ll•lD• M.r aad M.r• l.ltlr Acimll&cMoG, a boy. No• ~ Mz aad Mn lob.a V-.ec. a boy No• ~ M.r aad Mra Mark~. a vul. No• 6. Mz aad Wn ~ o.~~~~ a boy No• 6, Mr ud Mit Ooaald M&Uagaa a p l No. I, )6 ad M.r• Michael Tuu a gul, No• I. .. =d M.r1 Cody IJ*DDCUU., a tRt. H.. 8 M.r a:ad Mn Roocdd Nn1t. 0 -,, No• 9 Mz cmd MD Joo Kean1. o ttld. No... 9 ...., cmd Mr. Olea 1.-. • boy No... 10 M.r aacl Mn 1WMr1 Rocb.U. a boy N~ ll. Mr a:ad Mit 1nulg cac.. a boy. ,_. 1'2. Wr ad Mn Fr~ Vrm AD-. a boor. H.. 12 Nr aDd Mn ~ ·~ Cl boy N09 12 Mr aad No. Jbctwlrd ... 10a1.. a gul. No• 11 M.r aad Nn O..W lohoaaoa. a gul, No• 17 WUII EIUf MEDICAL CEJri'D Co.toM-. <Aoar Ca.cmeda a:ad Lon o.ror-. a buy Oct 21 Mr aad Mn ~­ Ccunllo a boy Oct 3$ lrYlDe Slu C~ t-lau.Jen A l..cd*ty, a boy Oct 21 M.r aad Mn Ro~ AD., a boy Oct 23 M.r aad Mn ~ CoH., a boy Oct l6 Tired ol the same old spots! CllecJr CalezJclcu Contl~ntal. the yogurt SpeC\IJIStS.. IntrodUceS the on I)- NONfat "b;Jurt With 1 tzsta 30 diiiCIOu.S you·u ttunk Its ,.tar 'f09-Jrtl ConttnenUI s New NONfat P\itn "b;)urt IS IOO'lb !Vt\JraJ 'f09-Jrt w1tt1 onty 140 QIOnes per 8o1 wvmg And thlt s good fliWSI Continenti! NONfat -.ogurt 1$ rtOW IVII1Ab6f Ill tht dJry or ~rt J«Uon of YfN' -..p~rrnan.t In 16ol and 32o~ sues Clip tht Coupon tNt I'Ntdles the SIU you prtflr Al'tm ••• ' I The n.. cookboolt ''Pilar Wcrru'• Fc ... o•·"• cmd Fabuloue Realpee," W DOW cmdJahl.. wu. of tb len. actor )obll WayDe, the Peru· YiaD·borD actr.. in· clud. Oftl 150 apecial· ty redpee ill her collec- tion, obtained through her yeon aa a Corona del Mar r•tourateur aDd through uteui" troYell with her late hu. band. Thia culinary collectioD l.Dcludel John Wayne '• fa•orlte redpel a1 well a1 mcmy aDecclotea relating to food, frieDda aDd eDter· taWDg. Publiahed by PAX P..Ntehtng Co., of Co* Neea, the cookhook il pdced at 110.95 and ia cnailah1e at retail outleta or directly from the puNiehiDg compcmy. • • • "The n .. Crowu will c1oee Ch.Ntmoa Day to uo.ble our co-workea toe*' the holiday with theu familiea," aD· nouDced Da•id Stockman , Vice· PrellideDt of Lawry' 1 R.tcrurcmtl, me. The CorODG del Mar reatauraDt, modeled after em old Engliah lu, will opeD with a apec:ial diD.Der muu OD Ch.ri.at· A great Chnstmas meal as a Marnott trad1t1on. ln our Ktng's Wharf Restaurant you can enJO)' an Old Fa~htoned Chnstmas Buffet. Two convenient seatangs at I, 30 & 4:30PM. Capncc1o Cafe offers a Turkey Dinner complete wath all the trimmang~ FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS PHONE (7 14) 640-4000. EXT. 6100 **** m08 t.e, Friday, Dec. 24th at 5 p.m. Sumptoua meola cmd fine tpirita will be •ned l.D true EDg.liah trad.itioD aDd eDterlo:iDer Mary Lou O'Toole will be featured i.D the C011J bat, pteMD· tmg a reperloi.re of hoU· day ccaola. The Five Cro'WilJ will aJ.o be opeu for brUDch at 10:30 a .m. OD SUD· day, Dec. 26th. DiD.Der will be aerved that even· i.Dg &om .t p.m., with the ShowCOH Sl.Dgen OD hcmd to help CODclude a weekeDd of holiday f..tiviti ... • • • ORANGl: < • .'OUNTY'S ONL V 4·STAR HOTEL 900 Ne14port Center Orhe Nt14port Buch. CA 91660 Com• Earty• and ~Y a A G,.ot -.o1 ot a Terrtflc Pttce. full COUIM dinner tnctudea: • loth Sukiyaki S..okond Mtbochl~n • MtbochJ SMmp ~er • Soup~ SoJod • Nc. • C:OC..ct v~--. •G...nT.a AU For onty $7.95.. •Moo Fr 57 p m Offer 9ood rhru De<e-mbEor )Q 1962 A complete d1nner prepared rtght or your h1bochi roble by your ~own pe~nol chef He'll dazzle you wtrh his sltctng d1etng SIZZhng. and seo.sontng Benahono It's a mogtcal expert· e-nce Come ron1ghr Come early. It's o remf1c way roend a busy day or ro begtn a tvn evening our And a great treat for the whole family I '-I I I I ' llaJtaa 4eJ ReJ: H21 ·0fi&i Newport Beach: 955-0822 • AI:L&belm: 774 4440 • TOJ'I'&D«: 316-7777 OOer noc avelllble II BeYtrty Hll18 1ot ,.lion V el•et Turtle Relkrurcmtl hcnoe Dew luuch aDd diDDer meDua, Dew dilbee. aew decor aDd Dew low pnc.. It begiu at di.lu:aer where patrou ccm fmd a •ariety of Dightly blackboard tpedale Sia d.i.D.Dera are featured e•ery Dight with a choice of aoup du jour or chilled ealad, aDd warm aourdough breed. Pricee begiJ1 aa low aa S7.9S for a complete diADer. In additioD to old favorit• IUCh Ql Beef W el.li.DgtoD aDd Roaat Rack of Lamb, gu..ta OQD alao ICJVOr braDd Dew lower priced apecialtiea auch aa a third cut of Prime Rib aDd a Petite Lob.ter'fail. The Turtle haa alao changedfor lUDch. You caD DOW order more 1ala d1 a Dd new taDdwichel Or, a la I oa.rte and blackboard apecialtiea. 'sA .,. .... Lee lrriae Cowacilwo.aa Ja:r. bani ws... la l.D Jo.. .. tWa rec:q. aad all tbat U 1ep1 1 ·II ~Mr. sa.. ICI'flt ''T~t. tM OM tiWr.g tbat I .waM ~ cmd C\rW-cw -.y ,.... ,., gnnadW!ther UMd ~ ~Dab it a:acll oaa ..W ... lt.-cal' a c» Uao lL nu. il my owa 1*-.al trodMSoa. '' Although tlUa recipe uee IDGDJ ~ .. it'e WQdh the etiort. What oov.Jd be more l.D the holidcQ qUit tbaa plUJD pud· <i1D9? What la the harcMit part? "Not eotUt.g lt,'' IG'J8 tbe chef eai'Mit- ly, but with a ..u.. UUUA'8JII,UIIPUDDIMO ~en&» IN.._ "' 0\&P ...... ..._ ~ ~ Jlt. 1\A.-_ liaely fiO\IA4 (...U.W. hoata.INW..) , .... 1 ~ 0\Ajle ~ llow 1-~--1 •• ~ • ...-4 .. 1 ... trO\Aaci claaCDD- 1,\ .... .. '-' tep. tnwwl ~­~ tap. trO\Aac& ole ... It\ cv.p INttw..alk 1 o\Ap O\U1'CIDta 1 larcae fear ., ...... m '--.at v. 0\ll) br-c&y 1 0\Ap caoppecl.. p&ttecl ..... (op-u-.u CrNIIIl tao it""-eacl ltrow.a 1\AfGI till 0\&.Uy; Mot la 1\Aet eac&...,.. ID • Ml""ot.ltowt .til t09otaw U.. Go\&1, ..... ~. po ......... _ •• •alt. .u..&--· ot ......... Dow m1atwe lato INttel -.&xtuo elt.r· neto1y wlta lt\AttormJik; •tl• ha CNrr-'-• m.l.laoetaOCit IIDAI ..._, p\At all Ut.Le lato • cr.....a 1 ~--or a. q"cu1 pu4.tlhat moW. or o a..PG\&Ilc& oo!AM O«D wit& • c&o\&.Wo .w.a. .... alWDia\Aa leU-.tw. ht u.. ..w FOR A REAL .. -. ............ -• tri..t. ... .w~ ..... Q-U..~ ...... ..w. c. ....... a..ttle ... ...._ ... tly A. I~ lMuw. Yo\A-a.a. tw. • -".a. • • week la eel· . __ ............................ . ....... "' ..... .,... u.. • .w. ~ .... ~ ......... ., ...... la lo&h ye\A -, ...... u ...... ... ·-cM\At-'-u ~ ........ . -·1.\Aoe .... tllo I.U..U.. Ia • Mw1: 1·1'-' 0\A ................. 1\AfeJ 1 etiok ~Matter .... ... -.lt to._.. 1 tap .... mo To tale alat\Aro eclcl ~ • '-' o\Ap br-cly to t .... OauJl IMI\AOO UlllinD. P\At . epooa.fvJ 0 ...... ·-p\Acl• cllat. a~acl, • ... .._.. ...,_, "It'• •-cled\AI." • • • A11emblywomaD MarlaD BergeeoD la bu.tJ k .. piDg up with the aUain of tile "th Diltrict, eyeiAg a State SeDate Mat, and followlAg the wat.r polo QploU1 of her lOA Jcm:Ue, a TASTE TREAT f\qlOfe/ terGltl ifPD' GOURMEl DINING MEDITERRANEAN RM 18700 MAC ARTHUH BLVD. CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNOAVS 10·3 PM IRVINE. CALIFORNIA IOppo"t• Orenee CounfYAupor (71 41 833·2770 • DANCING NIGHTL V CABARET LOUNGE • CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP 74 HRS Parking On Pr~mls~s Want to give somethin& special? Try a Gina's Gilt Cerdflate .~ ~,·ard-Winning CONTINENTAL ClJISINE .lu\1 a fe-.,.· mi/efi down the coaH • l.uncht:<)n ' • Dtnncr' • SA T .·Sun. Champagne Brunch - /111/lllllfc· 111door u r (tllltu c/111/11/( < 1 H 0 I 1-< 0 I 1:. on phmo· \'o< u!l ....... t.to ... 494-0162 Hotel 8&ll lllauta 696 South Coast Hwy Laguna Buch 'SPIZZA In Corona del Mar OD E. Coast Hwy. in tiM ~rt1011•• Sltoppllta Cat• Hours: Moa...S.t. I 1-9 s.. }.I There's a constant demand for good used bicycles. Why not offer yours for sale with a low-cost ad in Classified. •n" Va STUFFED JWII LOISTD , '""c.,~, I ..... ,1 c \1"\ \. '"' ~ • kf"llo•r r • I 'J"'~'I • WMou: JWJII LOIITII -·--· '395 Celebrati• on' CtuldRn t.nl.he ~>arne room \tay free. • up to 5 oc:~upants prr room Our famous F1sh (, More' hlls two cnspy fish fillets. fresh cole slllw. golden fryes. and two crunchy hushpupp•es. And with SliVings like these. who could ask for anythtng more? You can stay with us at~-15 off normal room ra1es That't a veat deal when you coruider we're one o( ._ 14m Mob•l Five Stat rated resorts tn America and have bKn ror 1 J ~ipt yean. BiJ. ~omfOt\ablc e<>zy rooms Two swtmmina pOOls to dip )'OW' toea ln. Two championship aolf counea and 10 &eMil cOUrtS, 5 liJhtcd for 1\ipl play. Holiday dinn.r. pool tdo butfcta. a wide variety o( cntenail\mCftt and orpnlud rKrea.Uoftal Ktlvitin for ,..._.. 10 pve mom and ct.d some time ollhtlr own • CaU your ttaveJ .,ent. or toU frwc 800-228.9290 • "IQUiaTRIAN Ae CaiMO I h or .. , U 7t" Dr .................. l.Mnen Art PhototJaphe by Rena Laursen In hla flrat one- man show will continua through Jan. 6 at South Coast Art Canter. 283 E. 17th StrMt. Costa Mesa, 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p m. Tuesdaya through Saturdaya. 'acuttr membera of OCC Photography Dept. will be exhibiting works through Jan 14 1n Photo Gallery. Free l v.-rn Munro. Laguna Beach photographer. will exhlblt her photographs of Europa In the lobby of Port Theatre. 2805 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. during December Clubs Newport Hille Garden Club will hold its annual Chri stmas Party 11 am Friday, Dec 17. at the home or Mrs Clarence Pearson G i fts to Fa 1rv1ew HoSp i tal Wi ll be donated. Contact Mra Knut Htdle. 640-0320 Stephana Co llege Alumnae of Orange County plan Christmas Party 4-8 p.m Sunday, Dec 12 at the home of Julie and Nick Lee. 6 Ribera. Irvine. All alum- nae In area are invited to attend. Call Carol Vasconcellos at 951- 9358 for Information NewportJM... AAUW w111 meet 7·30 p m. .. Paperwork" an axhlbt· Wednesday. Dec 15 at t 1on o f handmade Newport Ba l boa paper art. will be on Sav1ngs and Loan display at Irvine Fine 1100 lrv~ne. Newport Arts Center through Beach Beverly White IS Jan. 28. Free guest '"Palntinaa of Children. Irvine Toaal m latreaa Land, J:lowers and Club Will hold regular Sea" will be these of meeting 11 30 a m benefft exhibition for Monday. Dec 13 at Albert Sltton Home at NewPort B a I b o a Pomeroy Gallery. 5851 Sav1ngs and Lo an. Lincoln , Su ite A . 1100 Irvine. Newport Cyren. Through Oec.,Beach. Information L1z 18. Information· 827· Slocum 545-8163. 1010 . HolidaJ Home Tour w111 81a local er11ata will be be presented by the featured In watercolor New p or t H e I g h t s show through Jan. 1 at Elementar y School Glendale Federa l PFO 10 a.m -3 p m Savi ngs In Fashion Thursday . Dec 9, Island. featuring s1x local "Dunaac apea" by Pamela Roberson and ··cut Flowers" and "Botamcal Layouts" by Betty Hahn wlll be ex- hibited through Jan 29 at Susan Spi ritus Gallery. 522 Old New- port. Newport Beach. homes fro m Bayshores. Cliff Haven and Newport Heights Buffet luncheon Is In- cluded in $7 ticket price. T1c kets are available at school or by calling Susan Grogg at 645-7182. La Olea Chapter of International Toaet- mlet raae will hold meeting 7 p .m . Wednesday, Dec. 18 at Golden Phoenix Restaurant , 8927 Walker Avenue, nNr Valley VIew and Ball. Chrlatmaa gift ex· change with a S5 limit. Reservatlona: 833- 72~. a aecutlwe Women International will hold ChrlstmN party 8:30 p.m. Tuuday, Dec. 14 at Disneyland's Club 33. Further Information Charlene Berg, 731· 7711 'r'-da of ICJt lrvme Guild will have Christ- mas potluck 8:30 p.m . Tuesday, Dec. 21 at home of Sally and Howard Ulene. 210 Star. Newport Beach. Harbor ride for Parada or Lights will follow. ASVP~Lorrayna Alllaon, 551-4937. KlwaNa Club of New· port Beach will hold ita 1982 Christmas Party at Baxter's Street Frl· day, Dec 10 Alpha Phi Alumnae Association of South Orange County Invites members to join In cruise of Newport Har· bor during Featlval of Lights 8 p.m Monday, Dec. 20. Reservatlona: Nancy Waterman. 839- 8295. Tea dance will be held 1:30-4 p.m. Dec 12 at OASIS Senior Center Multipurpose room. $2. Home tour and Christ· mas Boutique spon- sored by the Newport Elementary PTA 10 a m ·2 p m. Thursday . Dec 9. Tickets are $5 pre-sale. S6 at the door Information and t1ckets 673-5509 AUlance 'ranclaM of Orange County w1ll host a potluck dinner I 7 30 p m Friday, Dec 1 0 at the Congregational 1 Church. 340 St Ann. Laguna Beach Bring a dish ror eight or pay S6 1 United War of Orange County will hold Its an-1 nual v1ctory dinner Dec 1 4 at the Disneyland Hotel Reservations 634-2252 ' H arbor VI e w Hilla 1 1 Garden Club will hold tts annual Christmas party 1·3 p.m Wednea- day. Dec 15 at the home of Mrs Edwin Van Dell Girl't Club of the Har- bor Area Will present The Nutcracker" 7·30 p m Thursday. Dec 16 1 at Coeta M... Com- munity Canter, 18•5 Park, Costa M .... S 1. Lectures .. Burn Out: What Ia It?" Is the topic of a lecture by Or. Robert Schwartz 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec 11 In Community Room of Newport Center Branch Library Spon- sored b_y the Orange County Singles, $3. M iscellany Ctt&aen'a 'orum topic will be "Battered Women" at a taping 8:30 p.m. Thuraday. Dec. 9 at the Group W Cable Studio. 901 West 18th Street, Newport Beach Public Is In- vited. Reservations. 642-5797 Holldar 8outlque - featuring International gifts are offered at the Newport Harbor Art Museum's bookstore through the holidays. Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m .. Tuesday-Sunday. M usic COUNCILOR DrOMelrNr* and Clara wUh the Nut· cr-.c"er .. The Nutcrack11" w111 be presented by Ballet Pac1flca 2·30 and 7 30 p m dally Dec 20-23 at Laguna M o u l ton P l ayhouse 6060 Laguna Canyon Road . Laguna Beach Tlckita are $8 for adults. $6 for k 1ds. students and sen1or s Chargellne 494-7271 Gultarlat John Holm· qu1st and OCC Guitar Ensemble •n noon con- cert Tuesday. Dec 7 1n OCC's Fme Arts Hall 119 T1ckets are S 1 50 "Chrlatmae Faworltae" will be performed by the OCC College Choir 8 p m. Fnday. Dec 10 1n Moore Theatr e Tickets are S 1 Golden CltJ Chorua will offer an evening of barbershop mus1c l'lar· mony 8 p m Saturday Jerrold Davia and Suz1e Ketchum will JOin 1n exh i b i t i on or landscape paintings and sculpture through Dec 30 at the Turn bull· Lutjeans -Kogan gallery, 611 Anton, Costa Meaa (In the bank tower). DO \'OU WANT TO SPEND THE HOLIDA \'S WITH A "TVRKEY"? Watar c o l o ra by Walburga Schauer and Lori Ouarton and Chris Stevens and oils by Winifred Smith are on exhibit through New Year'a Day at Quorum Gallery. 37• Coast H i ghway . Laguna Beach. Houra: dally 10 a.m -4:30 p.m . AAMINS 1136 PDcentrn 11 VIC lOtiO ,...os lo \Ae$0 ~2·0f00 Thai st>em~ lo t:w wtldl V(.lU lmd n a Slngi(I'S bctl If thtS d(I(I'Sn I i()o.>K ltk(l' th(l' way you wanl Ill ,~rv.l your Hohdcty Sect son l dil us 1 \A.,.,·· Great Expecc.ationa .md ow members haV(' found i\ ~1fP "•Ill\' way 10 m~l qualtl\. u.•mmllnwt 1 mmd"d stnyk> ~oplt> Our uruqt~· combtMiton o4 ~o ddttng ,u '" thea. rnps .snd w mm..r-. "',1: ht•lr you gel on tht> rood to rrw .. ttn<,~ 1h. ~ht krnd ol p('rs<m ''' Sl)t'nd ll'w HohdclY$ wtth Th.at wAy the T u~e\-c •" be on lhe c.abte. not attting ner.t to you. THI NIGHT THlY lllfVINTaO CHAMPAONl THANK HEAVEN FOA UTTUG•"LI 0101 f ill QlAO tlil NOT YOWKa AHYMOtllt I>-c-mw 1. 1• 1'h. Mewpon ~'edp/C......._ M.w./lm.ae TM.y .... 17 O.C. 1 In OCC'a Moore Theatre. Advance tlcketa are $4, 16 at the door. $1 dlec:ount for a.nlofa 81\d klda. C~k Mang&one, ja.u muSician of reknown. will make a speci al agpearance 7 p.m. and 1 p.m. Sunday. O.C. 12 at OCC's Moore Theatre Raaerved seats are S 10 and $9. available at school ticket office, Tlcketron OCC Chargellne. 556- 5527 Orcneetra; 1 p.m. Dec. 18 Ia Briar RoM: 1 p.m. O.C. 20 Ia Southern California Earty Mua&c Contort: 7 p.m. Dec. 21 le Loa Angelea Chamber OrcM*a; e p.m. Dec. 22 le Baro- que and Claaelcal Herltaoe and noon Dec. 23 lt'a Loe Ange6ea Chamber Orcn.stra. lrvtne H.., Singers will prea.nt holiday perfor- mance 7 :30 o .m . Saturday. Dec. 11 at Costa Mesa , Presbyterian Church; 1 p.m. Monday. Dec. 13 at Groves Mobile Home Park In Irvine and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 15-16 at Irvine High Theater "Potter Place" ts an ongmal muSical based on tales of Beat r~x Potter an d will be presented 3 and 7 p m Dec 11-12 and 18-19 at the Newport Theatre Arts Center. 2501 Cliff. Newport Beach Reser· vatlons. call 675-3154 or 642-8119 Price ts $1 at SCR s Mamstage TtCkets may still be available $1 0-S 12 Box oH1ce 957-4033 .. SIM mbeth" comedy about m oraltty. will have 1ts Orange County debut Dec 9-11 and 16-18 tn OC's Drama Lab Theatre Curtain 11 8 p m Advance ucketa CtvletmM conc.rt will be presented by the Pacific Chorale 8 30 p.m. Friday and Satur- day, Dec 10 and 11 at Santa Ana High School Aud1tor•um , 520 Walnut. Santa Ana Tickets are $12. $8 and $6 Call 542-1780 .. HoNda, 'un" 11 tneme of a special program for children which will be held 2 30 p .m I Saturday. Dec 18 at the Mesa Verde Branch o f the Costa Mesa PubliC Library. 2969 Mesa Verde East. Costa Mesa Two puppet shows. stories. Christmas pantomime and caroling. Designed for k1ds 4 to 8 years Free. .. A Chrlatmae Carol" plays through Dec 26 1 are $3. $4 at the door L.A. Wind Qulntel w111 perform 2 p.m Sunday, Dec 12 at Turtle Rock I Community Park. 1 Sunnyhlll, lrvme $8 per I I couple, $5 general. $3 seniors Roblneon'a m F ashton IINIITIR _,..1ft..,.,._. Island w111 precent a "....._. program or hOliday ... hedock Hotmee" Will music beg1nn mg 1 P m c 0 n t 1 n u e through Thursday, Dec 17 wtth Saturday. Dec 18 at the Young Mus1c1ans L aguna Moult on Foundation At noon Playhouse. 606 Laguna Dec 1 7 Is Bnar Rose. 1 C anyon. L a g u n a p m Dec 18 •s Los Beach Ttckets 494· Ange l e s Cham ber 0743 Improve your home care skills. • YMI ·apaehettl • Piau • Ioupe ...... ... ndwlcftee ., ...... • Fetdotftl • Etc.. etc. Dally Spec'-la 2'701 MAIIOI COITA_. .,..,. BENSON & HEDGES BENSON' H£DGiS ,oo·~ On I}' 6 mg yet rich enough to be calkd delu~ Regular and Menthol. Opm a box today. Warntng: The Surgeon Generel Has Determined That Cignne Smo .ngls Dtngerous to Yow~ Llmlt.ct ouanttttes GOT A PUTS NOa&.IM? 1\slc 1 Ou»flfO counrer~n. 0n1v CAROUEST n1s t!Wm • ~ Pncts gooa rnru Ot>cf'moer 31 1982 ~tall oart•c•oarmo CAROUEST Auto Par ts Storts ACH UTO CARQUEST the Right PIJ(t:' to buy tuto p,tr r. 'Ught Pd1,....... • lill'!hf Prlo· • lll,jh\ ~d "l{!' ., I, , ...... Andereen-~ ptogram. Thuraday. Dec. 11. 10 a.m. and 12:45 ~.m • ..., S1rMt -holi- day program. Thurt· day. Dec. 11. 7 p.m. c.lttOrn'--holktay program, Wedneeday. O.C. 15. 1 p.m. Harbor VIew -hoU· day progr:am, Friday. Dec. 17, l ·a.m. Kalter -musical program, grad• K-2. Wedneaday, Dec. 15, 8:15a.m. Klltybrooke -PTA· aponaored Santa's Secret Workahop, Tueaday• Thuraday, Dec. 14.18. Marlnera -''Holiday by the S." program. Thuraday, Dec. 18, 9:30 a.m. Marion Paraons - holiday program . Thuraday, Dec. 9, 7 p.m. Paularlno -"Winter HOliday" program, (a program with an Inter· national flair and a vlalt from E.T.). Tueaday. Dec. 14, 7 p.m. Sonora -holiday musical, Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. • .....,. ...... loMole Davia -winter con· c:ert, Thuraday. Dec. 9, 7:30p.m. Enalgn -winter holl· day ~gram, Thurs· day, . 18. 7:30 p.m. Lincoln -holiday program at Long BMch Veteran• Hoapltal, glfta, refrethmenta and entertaln"*lt preaented by studenta, Wedneaday, Dec. 15. 9 a.m.; h<>'lday program at Seavi ew Plaza Senior Clttzen Center, canned food and enter- tainment presented by studenta. Thursday. Dec. 18. 1 p.m. TeWinkle -holiday concert. Thursday. Dec. 18. 7:30 p.m """lchoola Cotta Meaa -winter play: "The Witch and the Wardrobe" by C. S. Lewla. Wednesday - Friday, Dec. 15·17 (for Learn ----------- etac.a. Famlty" program. Thuraday morning, Dec. 1 e. (pfe... calt Steve PavJch, director of atudent acttvttiea. for more Information, 78(). 3319). The 1980 KCJWCI8Ciki mobc:J· cle alma.t c:oWdad rill Olk. Jacoby'• ~1e wbea the Jatt. pulled aloDgliide on PloceDtka, the officer aaid. The cycle entered Hutbagtoa Beach, w!.ere oac.n lrom u.at city joi.Ded the cbc.e. n. ~. DOw doing an ..eimcrtecl 100 milee per boU%, t\lrMd ODto tM &eeway north cmd uited at Beoch. The New~t oW~ COil· tiDued the cbc.e tluough w ... mi.D.ater, Go:rda Gr~. S.C..· ton, Buena Park, Fullerton cmd LaHabra, with oWcen bom each cit, joiAillg iA. The au.apectt bally turlled at Ea.t aad Whittier and pullecl to the aide of the road. The pcliMDger jumped oH aDd the driver attempted to bide lA 10me bu.ah ... police laid. The au.apect moWlted the bike agaiJl a nd took off but appeared to be having e.ngine trouble~. The au.apect waa pulled into aD empty goa atcrtion at Whittier and Colima, where be waa a rreated by La Habra police. We'll Help Wtii)Ou? PAY ONLY ONCE, YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITE GUARANTEED! When you place your "Private Party" classified ad with us you're going to sell your Item. And iflt doesn't sell after the first week, we'll run your ad FREE again and again and again until it does. That's our promlae to you. Your ad will appear In The Irvine Today, Costa Mesa News and The NewPQrt Ensign with a combined readership audience of over 1ts,OOO. Little wonder we can make guarantees like this. Call ua today or UM the handy form below and mail in your ad. Then don't go far from the phone. Please Note! 1 I >t·lulhnt• :\1onda\' at nuon prwr lu \\ t.'tlnt.•,da\ puhhrulum. J. \II ·PrJ\ ate Part v ( iuarantt't'd ut.l'l mu t be pn'-p~ud pnor let puhlt\ .tt 11111 1\ou l'an chargt> it on vour \lo~ler Charge or VISA rard .Jut u•ll u ... ur, •f ma1hng your ad. 1mpl,v wnte vour char card ~~mbt>r on thf' t.•oupo~ bt>lo" I .J Only private party ads qualify for "Guaranteed. PleuSt' nu comrTWrc1al advertiser<~. horne:5. mobile homes. or I nd for I or I ·. mum' for rtonl. garagt" or t> tate sale. or bu m ~ oppl>rtuniti..' t Corrections will bc!o accepted only aft•r fir'lt pubhutwn. :l I~ sure to c&all and c:anctl vour ad after vau ·vf' 11old ,vour llt•m r COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP 2121 Eaat Coeee ..._ •• , Corona del Mat. CA t2US 20 WORDS FOR $20.00 .._.....,.,_ ... ...,. ...... ,_ ......... ......, ....... ,... ........ ,_. .. ,.., ..... ~ ........................ ~ .... ...... a.,.. c.. ....... PU&IC IIO!'JC& &.-af nctlf~•-na:­ MAMK ftA'I'DG:W! n.. .................. b"••••n u HIOKPAIUt ASSOCIA1D. IJOI Do-l. S..... 5\llle *• ,._..,_, laaU. CA 92810 Cll•••oa Load aall o.nk;a ••• c...-,.~ Q.fp If ..... 31111Jl ()oWM ... Sa.... Huu.toa leoe~. CA 'J3I4I. taillry 0.-.'; J I I C.. pcay, '-·,..... ~ l:Kll Do-l. ,....., ,.. 300, ...... port ~CA- Tw. ....... II •tOIIIIIIII'hhl.-cliCIIIMI., a 9 .. eacl ~' C\.eftoa 1...-i CIDd o. ... ~ •• -·eo.,-,, II J Mleee~a. V P • E•loy O.•elop111e111 Co .. pooy, lac , ~ J Rat-wt Pr.-deat ~ .... ~····-111ed~~ CO\lAif 0.0 ol 0.C.... Co11_.. oo NO"r I, lila ~ No• 17, 24. Dec I, I, 1913 ... Tu Newpor1 t.ao• ~1136 NIH22 f'UaiiC JWT'ICI ncnnow atJIIDCEU NAME 11'A1'DG:NT n . t.aowt.o ,.._ .. dcM.ae btta.-• A.I.I'KA OEWS, 131S 011~ 0. Ouoaa doN Mar. cA ~ ~ Earl Pcrllenoo, 131S 0\atnn• 0.. Coroao doN Nat CA ta2.S n.... ~It cotldll<1ed by ao LACbridiiGl Sieaed Robeft tar1 Patter- n.., ..._••1 wca IUed Willi U.. eo .. Dif O.k cr1 OrCUICI• eo ... " oe No. 2lllla P~k D.e 1 I , 1~. 22 al to Tho Nowpon Eaaga ~ NtlliS PU8L&C NOT1CII: NOTICE 01' On Dft"'IN '1'0 DfOAQ& 1M ,_ aA.LC or ALCOHOLIC ~a II'UG To WW. h Nay Coecon Subtieet 10 -co of ._l.lcea. appll.d lot, aoke IIIIIIIM'eby fl"'•• that ... ll..._,aod PfotMlMI 10 Mil ~ ....... oe-at ... pr--~ Gil !olio.. 3 ... Vlo ()po.1o ~ Newport leacll, CA Pl.r.~~alll 10 N cla ta'-tboa, lbo ........ ad .. appl.,.... 10 .._ O.pc111t1Mat of Alcoholic '"•ao• Coalrol lor IU IIoac• ol a a aleobollc ileYOJCJOo 1~auo (or IICIIt-) lot t.._ pr--• lolow. MAVIS INvtsTMENTS INC .... c~w ~ D.e I I. I~ 13 10 na No.,.._.. taago N£1114 PUal.IC N011CII: rtCTmOutl 8UioDQ:8I It~ 11'At'DCEM't n. ~~ ,.._. 11 dolat b..._ .. tnliAH n.AHNtNO lltSOURCI.S IU P II ). 11002 S.yperk Circle C A t21U TawkJ 1~ 2l51S catw«*~ Mit -Viejo. CA Gil nu. ~ .. coe.diOCtod by •• tadlftd\601 ~ Tak«aaa ... flu.--~~~-~-laled WI~ .. Coualf ct.ll crl OJo~~ge eo ... , 00 ..... 23, ltta ~Dec I I, IS 22 l21ano Newpcm ta.Qa nD3I?O N£1163 PVIUoiC N011CE ncrmoua auaon:u NAME ftA1DII:.It1 n. follow\-. ecwporcaoa 111 do 109 b11•J•••• a• THE IIILt tNSTmiTt or na: ""'· 110 t 2:W St C.O M-CA tal'? n. r ..... lol*t Otllrch ol New pon lecxb CahJonoa Corp 2$21 Abo Vw~a Newp«t leacll CA 9!MO 'Mia bu~-.. eoodiOC'Iod by o CMporahoe StQ .. d Til• r ... aa,_. Clllwclll ol Nowpor1 Be« II r '" .. loll &.llore ,._ T\l.e .-otameal-lilad With tht Couaty 0.11 crl Oro119• Cowaly oe HoY 23 lila ~D.e I I I~ Z2 l21al\o N.wpo.rt taao• FWlM9 Ntlll9 P\lllUC N01'JCI: nCTT1'10ua atJmXJM "ANI ITAlDIDI'I' n e ~ p.rw• • clotev ~ • JOJOlA CULTTVAJI JU:StAftCH L TO 1'2.1 Lkto Pa:rll 0. D 3 Newpor1 a.ac11 CA tat l'abe.r1 • Seoll. 521 Udo Poft D. D·l Newpor1 t.aclll CA 9.:1 TILit boo.-.. coadiOC'Iod by c lt•ll•d porlooullltp S•v••d ~~ Scon ,. ... a .. -bled wrth lho c-• ., 0.11 cr1 o.-e. eo ... " cr. NoY 23. lila ......... o.e 1,1, u Z2 'Cl 10 n.. ,.._.,... ta.le• ~ Ntllle P'UIILIC NOTICE ncnnoua~ WAllE ftAi'DiD'r TN ........ ..-•• 4ol.e9 '-'-• OAANQmiOAPI 6 WDIDH l.TD . ~ Uall• !I . C.... w-. Col1lora.lo 13121 s. ... Dnt&ap••t. ~ r... ... c.-....... Cel&lonl6o ta27. '-'--I ,._,..,, ~ ..._ S.., C... ,.,._., CA C&21 tw. ._._ 111 co•clw:led by a ,.....t JIDt\aenlll' S19 .. d .... ,_,,......, ,..,, --~.nu..-. eo...., O.ll .. ~ a. ... , ........... ........ .._ M, DIG I, I, lS. 'G ~an. ....... ra..a noaa HO'DCior DUS1'11S' SAL£ O.D• ~t.•••u• -... ,.._ AIDICA• 'ft'l1.& IDVaAJte:l COIOA.MT. • CelUer&k ••• •••••••• •• ~-~ .. ~ ...... ~ ......... ~ •••'-la AU·Iael .. ahe D.M ..... _._..._.a.yUMA. ~ _. IIAilT Q. MMK. h-a.-4 _. ..u. ... _ .. "~'·--~ -· ....... &a.._ .... . ........ o..w ...... .. o.-.. O....ty, C.WW.le. _....,..... ........ ...... ....... ~ .... _.....__ -~ ... ., .... . ......_.-..:-. .. ..- 1-l .......... o..w ............ c.-..,. w4.D ~ .-4 ---· ........ 0... .n'NM ...... ~-"-........ ...,..., _.., .. Ut.e UaU.l ....... A.a.'-• ~ ...... ,~ .. ...... T.._... ._.-• ..... • lloll•••i ~.~. • ••••• •• w ... J ct041&1 ........ , ...... or ~el ....... -4 '--'.U-~lied Ia ""-...... ~ .............. _ .. ,. fll .. A-n.-'Y\tle a..-ce Coapeay laeel•4 ot 114 z:...IVUt ....... La,.._ ctty ot leateA.ae. ~ eiJ .... ~\ tlU. .-4 ....... He• ,.., .. te ..4-...W a., It.._. 6er .,.4.D.e4 .. '"-\Mit lf' tho p, ...... ~-·la ..... 0.\&11• ,, ..... ~-. ......, )! Lee • Dl ..... GO Mal.-·-Oil 0 .. . ................ "' Mall ,_, ..,.. I •• 14 lnoh*••· mhcelleaoollo aep1, ••••••• of Hi& OroAto c ..... ,,. c •••••••• til•• ..... eiJ .u ......... .. mla•tola, •l•••el tlthle. nelllrel ••• rlthlo, ••• ••her a.y&r•e••~••• ~, ........... •••e u--.,._ ..., IN wtUWI or \ola ... U.e .-eel .. l-d harolaeh••• .t .. c•l~a4. ~ .... "'""' u.. ~ .~~. ................... . ,lerl.at. •4 o.-.ua. ,._. ..... -~ .... lot la -· ·····~ ..... -.... .el4 •-• 01 eny .U.•t 841.. lncht41at the rltht to whlpoiM~ Ol 41>-'l.,..tly •• Ill ClJ\.. alA. fr 0"' !an de o ther thon tho•• horolo.Mve 4-t.»ecl oU at •• w.U... lu.&aole on4 •hello 11\to lhro\olth or ocr ... U.e 1\ol'-w-loce •I tho '-act .... a!ft ..... UM.l'-1. oa4 tO ~ ...... 1\ICiot elU,.tw la. .... , ~r.cU-oUy 4.JUl ... w.U.. t~oU>oel. o:n4 .A..,_ .......... .nd ~toft~ or lleyol\4 tho ••laelat liallll IA ...... OA4 to tMrW. ral..-.t. ............. " .. "· .......... ~-4-...­ o:ny 1\oiCIIt ..U. or M.IAM. wltho\oll, IMwavar. tho rltht •• .w. ........ n.••pleto -..1 .,..... U.n~h the .... ..._ .. , ........ -.... ol tloto 1\ola..\u&.ca aJ tha 1-4 llouol.aoM¥e ~~ e4. • ,_, .. lly 1M lnrlne c ..... , ..... ,~ eerpeotl-. Pot .. l I &ue•oeta (AI •-neti4ll-l.eto too IM , .......... ....u .. --4 --··--.. •• .. .. uu .. -4 4).r.... '-tlJtiM I•• •••••••lil•eel oe4 lor not\olrel •tUoe-1 ol IV\olc• 1\olt•. aell Cll•"''-1~ .. t.be rlthl of •Miootloa •••• priY.W ..,..., wlUUA tl\o ~·-··" .. .,.. .. , ....... p\olr.-M Ia lntreol ond •trotl oil •• more por· tlc\oll•ly 4-•~ Ia tho ottlclo oG IItl od E-m_,. Ill U... cerl<dn doclcucrU-ol C'BV--.n• ~oDdltlal\o nul r..trictloNt ·-4Mct A"'•"ot II. 1,6 In 8oeil IIIII. ,.... ,., Ia 1114..-...&tec•da Tko otr"t _...,_. or oUter ~·--...... ..U... oJ -'41 pt...ny: Ia ~.._.to IN 11 m.-1 o... c.-. O.J ...... C4 ........ will'" ..... .,..._~, ""•-• or __ ..,, .... -.. lal,U.-. ......... p anulo •• eon.~•--.. ~ ~ -,.w W..eo ..... _ ............... _,"..., ..wDM4 ~ .. ,..,, ..... m 11. .a~ ...... u.atecl ~--·-----·-·--.-.. "-.... laid .. ~-of ""-......... IWo: ..... NO'\"ICC '\"0 PllOPCJlTT Otnn::JI' YOU AilE IN DEfAUL'f UNDD A DaD 01' 1'1UI'r, DATil) Ai'l~ 17, ... ~ YOU TAU Aa'I"'IOt '\"0 PaO'fCCT YOUR PROPat'ft.IT MAY KIOLD AT A I'U'Mol() IAIL lP YOU Nl:a) AJa:DI.AJIATio. OJ' THE "ATVIlE Or THE PllOCEEDI•Q AOAIM8'\" YOU. \'OV 8110ULD <X*"\"AC'r A LAWTD. MUT AM&aJCA. 'I'ITLC DnuaAJIC3 COIIPAifY. o ~ ....... ..... .,..,.. .... __ .. ·-.... -': a....&.&..__ r\uU...-40... 11 .... ,_.. ..... law ...,_ On'M mk mGl tntJ-..al aw II 17 II M . \211 ptg.WC NOTIO& NO'nCC or ftu.n:E"a uu ftUI'I'Oft LAWIIDCI T.&lte.l .. NOTICI YOU AN: 0. DtrAUl.T UNDU A OEt.D OF 'fJIUSt, DA Ttt OCTOHII 12 1•1 UNU~ YOU TAKE A CTION TC PROTECT YOUR PfiOPEJlTY n MAY at SOLD AT A PUIUC SALt Jr YOU NUO AI\ IXPLANATION Of THJ NATUI\E Or THt PIIOCUDlNG AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUt.r CONTACT A LA'"'" 0. o-ber 23, 1112, ~II CX A N . WECO rtNo\NCIAl CORPORA TlON oo chatr o, poU~tad Tru~ee .. ..., o.ad p11.r WCIDI 10 o..d of Tr .... r-decJ No....bel 1. 1•1 ao 111M No Ml lA book ltZn, PG9t ... ol OtMclal llecotd. ,. 1M crllw of IU Colltt\ llecotdor cr1 OrCJDve Co~alf s ..... ol ~-t-lllli ~WAN W LAWJU:NCE. oo "-amec mao WIU SUL AT PUILIC AUCTION TO HIGHES1 IIDDU FOil CASH (pcryGbl.e .,. .... ol ..-.. lowf\11 _, of till. Utllted Sla'-) at tlla •-lobb1 pork!~ 101 ••a-of MtCC fiNANCIAL CORPORATION I 3103 Vutwo a\'d ~41o C~ty Ca tliOt o1l noht lUte cuod 1a Ia .... COIIYoyad Ia oDd ·-bold by 11 IIDd.t OGid o..d ol TriiM 10 IM propa.rty oillocU~ Ul -.d Co11a ty oad s..n. u..d aa rAACtl.l Loc 13ofTr«1No G 111 tile Cily ol Newport leoclll Co11oly ol Oraa9• State of Callba~a 01 per raap r-dod 1a ~ 24. PQVO 1 ~-u. Map.. ,. llle otta.ce of tM Co"•" "-del ol -ct COIIIIIf Pr\1\Ctl. 2 A llnp ollaad bc.ud <•o Ilia Soli .. w ... rly lido by tho Non.__,!, 11 .. crl Lot 13 ot TI0(1 10:1 00 pet ..ap ·-dod ,. "* u 110911 7 ol ~ ... Ma,. ,_. cr1 OJ11a9• eo ... " oa 1M Nor~ly tide bJ a baa ol U.. o.dlaory IUvlll .0. crl tb.e rdiC!be Oceaa •• Nowpor~ loy 011 -ltttl•lllad ~ Deda~-.o ol tile s.-.-Cowl cr1 0rcaoe C> ... " c-23MO. 0 ceru.d ~., al W~ WCW IO('Oidod '1 13 21 ID book Il l poqa IU Oll1ctol "-• O...ave C4~&alf aod oo tllo Soutllea •lo r ly a a d Nortltwaetorly atdo b y tbo prcMo~~gattaa ol tmd ltd• li•• of taid Loc 13 10 eood luoo ol oo dlacn y "-ft.ellda -1 addr--,od ~ ~~·-t.l aaJ oflile ceol propeny ci..mbed abo¥• .. f:~ 10 D. 13 Hot&.o. t.loDd a.ac111 Co T\o ~~~•ad Tr-.S.. clauu -Y llaa.lalf lot aay •• C'Cnectll-ol ...... uddt- nad o4ll4rt C!OIIUDOe d.-qaalioa t.l Olf allawe lt. ...... Sc.d ecLe .nJI be made b11t wdlout ~til 01 wanaalf •• p-01 ""~ reqatdlaQ bile P' oo or oac\Uftbro~ 10 perf tllle ·-G1a.lall pn.ac~pol """' ... tlt.e ootet&l OCIIIad ~J omd Do•d ol T1 1111 '1111111 taloroet tberooo a t pro•tdod •• ooad 11oto(e) odwoooeo, If a.oy. uader lho ternu ol Oald DHd crl Tr.,.. .... ~.a.d ~oi iM TNMa a.d ol U.. .,._coated IItty ad o..d ol Tru1 1\e 104o1 ....._., crl 1M uapa>d buAo-oltu o~ -~ by 0.. property ID lie JDid o.d ·-tale ..-4tad c:ulll u .,_ aad act-111 1M ... of ~ Ia.\~ p~o ol ta. Not~ee of So.le • ~ .., 00 Tile be .. hC\G.JY 16Ddor oo1d o.-1 ol Trut t..etab• ueculed cr.wA Mktootad to •a a~ad a WTI!Ma Daclarallloo of Oefcnalt a ad o..a.d loJ Sa.le, aAd a wr1tt.o No4lc!e ol O.&al&ll oad Eloctloa Ia SeD n. -~ co...t-,..._ crl O...JI aM o.n-10 Sell 10 ... f-ded .. 0.. C'!NOif -~ .. o roo.l propetty 10 lorotad Dolle ~ 2lltl3 Maoo r~.aa~ol Co~• • -d Tnutee 13103 v .. twa 11\'d ~Ci" Co (313) .. .., ... Tt• lrotlllle tt• Aatlltorlae d S'9110t16re PIIWI.II Dec I I ~~ Cl to T\1 ........,... ta.qa Nlllll PUm.IC .O'l'ICE ....,, ncnTIOUI..,..... IIAIG 1'1' A 1DIDI'T TN.._..,.,,, --~ .,..,._-~ VDm1JU:S I (MAIM STilEITl, UOO MkW.. On.,.. ..... 230. &now.. cM r • mas ~ ta• ....... u...tl... • .. 2!00 ..... '.Dr ...... ao. ~mao. CWib'llo mas. ~ ... .., .... ............ a--.. .... ~.as ,_....,....,c•••~&t,• ll•lte4 pertaerulp Sl, .. .t rr-.ell tuM...-Q LlahN ~t..lt.,_Hr.­ ~,___ t\la __ .,. ...... c..., 0.\ .. 0..... Oourr ...... ~·-....... 0.. ... ll 1l • '1:1 • ............. ,_ MllliJ rvawc MOTJCa T·liMI MO'I'IOI: 01' ft~MJ..E ., ...... , ... IJttlllc.'I,..--AIIlf MO'I'ICK 1'0 Pa.Oft'll I I C.... YOU ARE lN DEfAULT U'ND£111 A Dt£D Or TMIST, DATU> Altt 71. 1•1 UHUSS TOU fAD ACTION TO ~TtCI 1Wl' ,_OPDTY. IT NAY II SOLD AT A PUIUC SALt ll YOU NEED AN DI'LANA TION Of !HI MATURE or THE PROCUI)INQ AOA.INST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYU. O.W.l.,D1: w22.1-el 10 00 A )t, ....... UU*f- 01>~. ~ O.t· ......,..4llolyepp ' t 'Trwttee llJI6w .... ,..,_, • o-t ol T ..... ,.,..... .. ,, ...... 1. .. ..,.. No aa. 1a ..,_ aun. poee ... el <*ldaJ ._._..._ ~ aHica ol"-O.~arr Auu.,_ o1 0JCIA90 C.v.att. s... .. c.llb· 010 eun.,.. ~ '""-e M Sc-.. a ~ V ~lumdt W1U SELL AT PUII.IC AUCtiON TO HIGHEST IlDDEil roll CASH (paya.INa a1 ... ol ... ,. lawNI .oa.., oltllte U IUiolli Slatol) at U.. Nartllltoet aatraat"O to ~. coll&ly eul6rtllolltO, 700 Cl'r\o C oatar Ort .. e w-. SaoiO Aaa, Caidora.lo aU ntllt. .... o Dd tater_. COD· YDTad 10 aM -kMd br II u..O. IOld Deed crl TriiM •• lho ,.operty •l\latlod 111 omd Coualy aad S.. d..al.bed Cll Loc 13 o4 Ttact No ..:l, ao allo.a oa a raop r~otded 1.11 looa 110 Poq• lO 10 23 crl ~ ... Mope ,_. ol Of<lll9• Co16olf ColilotOIO n.e .,... ...w.r-a.ad 01a.. eoftuooa .... ollloa t.t ooy crl .. roaJ ,..,._, ~ ........ II ~'"'ported 10 be 2e01 l 16aya Str .. l, Newport &-II Ca!J.Ior OICI ~ Tilt• ~~•~•od T.-e 411 ciOUNI aay bcrMiity lor GOJ 1.11· correcta-cr1 1M .Ueol addt- o.d 01..., camrooo d~acr1&oe .J aay oltowa "-'- Smct .U. W\11 be made b11t Wlllttolll CO'IMCI•t Of WCiflODif 0& pr-M •,.a-t. revowdulo •U. ~··or eociU!lbr~ •• ,.llldlfl~ feM, clt.cu•• a oc:l •• pa-crl tlt.e Tr..-. cuod crl tbe ITiiftl c:YoaMd by OGid Deed crl TrlliOI 10 pay LM NftCWUOII pna <:~pal t<UM ol tb.o e.oto(o) -~~~ed by oa1d o..d oJ Tru 10 Wll • ~ 00 .nth toter• tlllat!ooa lt- fobr ..... y lllla n21U,petae """' .. proYided Ill Od>d ..... ,., plua ~ aad ooy <MtooiK'• ol 11.00 30 .w. IOior ... Tile beooJ!ell1f1 ""dar e .. ud o.ed Cif Tr..-lttor•' lor• •• ... uted 1od d..,_,ed Ia the ~nd•r~aod a wrtftoa O.Ciarnllnll '>I : •I.J11h <JOd Domaod ICM lo. tl'.l.l .. ""'"'"o Nollo<'e al O.lo11lt aDd tlc tv>o lo SoU T\o 11od.-.qe.d .-J L-.1 N· bio vi Dolmth uoi L: ... .,. • Sell 10 be tOC'Ofded • I~" "'' 'Y where lbe rool pre~pe•"r •• • 11101<J Dolo No ......... I )lj,j II 1<111 Mo u a,.yaoce Cotp. t"''-•• ,. O<Dd tr.-.e l100 N M.21n <:tr-t lltltt F'lcMw SuDta Aa" C 14lf<>rlll<l 97101 71t m 1916$ Jy P A Te~m Pt• A"liiOO'\IIDd SI(JIIoturo p,.~ No• 16 Dec , I ~ .,, Tho Newpo~t E.uova '4[1, t; PUal.IC NOTlC£ nC'TmOUI IUSIN'I:U NAME 8'l' ATEMEN'T Tllo •••• ol tbe bueteoM INTI:RC~CY loeolled at co I DuYid la110f11alllooallaYMrloolo. ~ Moc~IU CoW\ Sui• 100 8 '" Newpo.n a.oc~ Cohlor01o ~ .. ~a • .-, ,..,..,ad by '"" loUoon09 pweoo f Do~ lat.r u rre iiC'f I IIC o C..Wor nM> coo p.:~rnno11 'nl• b...._ • cOAdu• ted by ' .. rporalta • S1;aoture <>I ro; .. trool Noacy l Hoo••• S.nflall Th~a ~eat woo hle.l ""'h •no Co .. alf O.llcM Sao O..Vu ea .... ry .,. NO'r " lila Puw.ltt NoY 34 O.C I I I~ 12 ID n . Newp«t E-..qa r~1n1 NtlttS .. ,. I'UaL&C ltO'I'1CE CPP4.iW N01'JCE or TRU'Il'IZ'a uw: ., ....... 011~ NOTICE YOU ARt lN DtfAULT UNDO A OttO OF TRUST DATI!D AlllU. 1~ 1912 UNLJ:SS YOU TAU ACTlON TO "'OTECT YOUJI n<>POTY. 11' MAY K SOLD AT A P\1ILIC SAU If YOU NErD AN txPLANA TtO N Or TH£ NATUJU: or THr PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYU 0. DtctNIER 3l-. Ita. o1 II$ AM . ~ATl stllVlCt COMPANY, INC o Ce.1i1Dn1o COJ)IOiatloD 00 dt&.ly op ... ted T~ ...... 11ad.t oad ,~1 to Deed crl Trllll ~~ ~ 211. lila, a Will No 12.161111. crl Of,. k6ol~totll.~cri!M Co11oly Jloeordar ol O.oope c-.~y State of Cohboio C. ec:vlied by l M MtHDa. N D AND CHAJU.tNt I MENDEZ, KUSIAND AND WIR WlU Stu AT PUIUC AUCTlOH TO HlQtW;T BIOOEJI rOR C ASH (.PQyobl.o at tun. of oaioo .. '-'fvJ •oa., ol tbo u .. led StatM) at .._ kODI OOirODCO 10 tho old 0nuaee Co .. ory Cour1bouM loeo1ed oo Sa11ta Aaa l l•d botw••• Syeo.m<WO St • lcoochooy S..aia Abo Calol aU r.qbt ti.IM a. ... lA· leroot coa•oyed to aDd •-lt..td by 11 uoder •end o..d crl Trlloll 10 tho prop«<y ., ... ,ad .. omd c-· ty <tad Stolle deacna.ct .. Lot 110 ol Ttac'l No ~ City crl Newpo rt Bo·Hb Co11a ty ol Oro•oo S101o al CaWoe ..... ,. tAOWD 0C1 1 map roeotder:ILD looll 310 Paueo 12 to II aad••• al-ce.llo•-mope lA tt..o ol&co ol tlt.e Co11ory Rec:oc» dar of ooid Couo If [egept clll oal otJ nvb•. rtll.Dero.l ........ Datwo.J. QOO IIGIIIIol IIQe r.qh• a.Dd adler lllydtOCQfbou by willa-DO .... Uatn Ute!...,. be .nt.lua M .aador Lila pcnc-W ol load borotllubo•• d.-cubed tnvother With tho parpet~o~al nvht ol 1nllu.q muuaq ••~ aad oper ab.a9 th•relvt ~ad r-oona11 tho oomo hom ecud load or aay o)tJi.at l<md la CIII<iiDII tbe nobl Ia •1\lllfllodt OJ duoc1>oo<lUy dnll aod w .. lrom ~clade vtb., th<1D tlll- h•r•IIDborre ~ a.J or liCit welle luaaele 1ad ehnho 1olo thro1111h or ocro.the out.urtoooof the lu11d horo1o•sboYO d..cnbed •JDd lu boaom our II wlupt~~oclled or dlroe'boa..Uy dnlle.l ,..u, t\6 ..... 3ad ohcdtt ... ~, 111d be•eatlk or beyood tbo •••111 ' hrru"' th•r-1 uod 1<1 rodnU r.tiiDAel oq\OIP m rlatata ropa11 d"PD" 1ad per·11e aay N t h w.U. oo -- WIIho"t 1\o_, .. tile riv'tt Ia dnJl m•lle ••~• olld nperato tluo .. ~b th • ourtrr• or the ~ppet SOO 1-1 ol tho •~b•~>rloco ol lito luDd lt ....... bo•• ioecTtbad ... ,_" • I 1~ lttrt j..J kJJ "' the lr'PID• f' "'1.• "' ' Woe~ Vu111D1o Cor ~' r t'''" r rrled r obr~JliY 22 .'f74 '" Booll lit*> Pa11• I~ Ill llltw Racordo I r '"' .r"'o" ·o ,,,, C -2• 7 OJ" M 4~ \lJ 0'1 Tt • ou-t •·id•-~od thot ''"' r. t.-qnulloa .t Jllf ot tho r•r1J pr operty doeenlMtd tlbo¥0 10 '-•''" •••1 • . .,. 2lCX) Port D"r..._ PLn • '••P. .n S.OCII C A crao n .• •h"•tot<~•«~ T,...,._ .- • ""'' ••, bubWty lor >oy to t, • '••• Jf the l'bH I .:addr- oJ •h• .mmoa doeqaolloa ll ny ,., WO "-•'M.D ' 1 •••• wUI be m do l>tll Wlth H11 ¥.ft J8f Ot WM IODt'y ea P•-• .rn ..U•J •IMilardJ.aq bile tw•... f1 or en \&mbt'tloe• 11110 P lY "• ••.,.nnu.q pt\lletpol .,.., •t 1h• " '• I ...... red by ecnd U••! ' Tr \£It w'lh ,ote reet •h.•r • •, u pr('fY~d•d 10 aoad n .... • • • a" • 1l :lOf uade.a •~• •• ,.,, t ead Dood <>I Tr.ut t•-~ !1~ .. !Dd aa:pe.,_ .,j tho •ruol-md .1 the 11..-cr•Jted by "'"'' P-j I T"urt r~ •..•. , "''''""t ol l~e uepcnd t> t .. 11 •II• blovaboa eonued C>t • • 111 perr:, to be told aa.d • .. r.. l>i• -.noted c.-e• ~ .. .,_ t~~<i 3d"'l iiCM at tbe biDe ol •r.• '"'!lUI p~>tWcnllloa ol tbe Nobco I "'I·• 101 S 69 210 112 Til• t>eoohc10ry uo.ior ool<i (l.o•l t Tt d' ll.,otalo~• o..c111od II• j J•Li••red Ia tho IIDdotWQBed 0 wntt•r [)e.; I U lboD ol De.fowl CJ.d 'loomna.i bt Sole :utd a wn._ ... tJ• Jt l ·~~..11 lad o--.. ~1! ; ... .~o-4•f•oned 1~ lmd '4 ·tl• • t :::>.1 Jult aod D.ctloa 10 ~U '" "'" rMvrded •o tbo C<M.JAif wh•r• tlwt ,...,I pr...,..,., Ia Loccnod [l,t. 'I ••mbeJ a 1912 A.l.tl-,.,..,. c .... pa.' I.a.; I (' mt >f1l t•l •)fpot atan• 00 oaed r,,..,.. J89C MOWt"y A•eauo S>AJt• C rr...,oot CA 94531 T •l•piH>II• 41 ~ "91 90 lla.t b... du.ly o.-b.!stu'-d » • .....,. ••de• th.o •""'-deed ol tr\1111 ... Rn t.a rt., 8 P e rry So· lal;u'f T••lO•H•r Authona.i 5to• ,..,. Pl.bl.all p., 11 • ~ n 1.1 ... n.. Newpott tn•..J• Nt1 190 PUBUC NOTICE lt-017 .. nCT1T'Ioua ~ NAME ITATD&Eift Th• ~GI cupar 11 • clo tall b-..-Cll L£ 11$T1110 WDa. CHIESI CUUNA.Jrf ETC ,._ Voa ()porto ....,._, a.-11 CA t:aJ Mcnooo ta..,.,_. IK . DU f'oct 011.-.-Pl .......... ~lt CA ~­,.,...._ Tb ~ • oo•• Meet by a ,.jiOI.... N... ... • ...... IIK'hr9e~ ........ n.... ......... ,_._. .... Co ... lf 0.~ .. 0...,.0 O...IJ .... NoY a •• ru o.c 1 11 22 a 111 n. ~ta.qa MO)lQI P\J'UoiC MOnCl:K ~~,_==.~ n......,..,__ ... ~•••-.. SKUWOOD t IOSII. ana at ....., A--. 0., Oliltla ...... CA _, ..... "-"-" I "-..._ ....... CA v .............. .... ....._. CA ............ _. ,..,. t; ~..,.,. are ..._....., n. -..... a...., a.. .. a....-Clilllailt ... ,, ...... 0.. , ....... "-..... r.....ia ntiJG ""' ..u.wc ltoTICZ T.& No ~11 NO'I'ICC OP 'riU18'RE .. MI..& YOU AilE IN DCrAV&.T UIIDD A DIZD OF ftUft DA'i'U Oete.._, IS. , .... uw:Lia TOU TUK AO'I'10II TO PllOTCOT TOUR l'tWPaft. rr MAT ICIOLD AT A I'VaiC UL&. IT YOU ltiZJ) u DPLAMATIOII or TME ltATUae OF TNC PBOCE&DIMO AOAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULD doln'Aaf A LA.n:lt STAN SHAW COII.POMnO N. a CoWor&WJ c:orporatl-ao d11ly ap~ted Tr"•••• 11odor tba lollowtav doecnbad deed ol ...... Will Stu AT PUIUC AUC'nON TO ntt HJQKIST llDDD F'OR CASH or ao ... 1wt1tt 1.11 ~ .... ....... 091.1 Cock. o1l ........ t&1le u4 ~a•• eoe....,ad to ad -ltt.W ~II ....t. ... Deed ol Tr .... ta .._ pr~ ._....._ dereenbed TRUSTOR DONALD £ lW:St n d N.AJUANNI: l RIESE Ill• baad Clod ... <II tollll ....... 8£NfFICIAIIY WtSlJ,ANDS BANI: a eawo...., eo~parcrtto. Aeecwded O.:.ober I~ 1• '» t.a t11 No ;:JIM 1D bt>OII 11190 page 11 54 ol Ofboal "-cord. ta tu o4. ll<o ol tbe Recorder ol O.aavo Ct.uo ly O'lld d ••d I tnu l d-.rlboe tho loi.IC!W\.011 PI<Jpwty Lot 1~1 ol TrCIC'I No W., 111 llr.e C11y of Nowpotl leacll <11 ~ Mop tecoaded 111 boolt 1 ~7 Pov•l Ia 1t tael ...... ol .... .u.-... Mope •• tho Ottaee ol tile eo ... ., 1\ocordot ol -d Couoty MAY 1£ ALSO l.NOWN AS ~ l:•••~a11 Ste1r Lao• Nowporl Booch Co 9»10 (U a llllloel oddf-·I C'OtruriOD J_11_,.o• 111 abown r.a.bu.o aeo w >n a.aly • 91••• aa to '"' com pia+-• c:GifTOCill- T\a ~ .. .l.ic\ory ~~Ddor IOld ed crl 'f~ by ,_. Gl cr Droo.c~,. clolou.lt 1a tho oWI90110u ..CYied tlaMoir, ba.'ololo.e N ...,,.,ad aad debYwad 10 tile 11ader o.qaed a wnttOCl O.Ciar.._.,• ol O.lalllt cuod O...cad lor Sola :utd •ntteo a-. al btooc:lk a od ,f elec11oa 10 aa .... the "nde~oad to ..u ...t pr~ry 10 lll1lollty omd ~ aad tb.t...n.. tho ... ian~qoed oawed O<bd aot~re ol brooc\ crad ol ol-o• to be "-corded lilly 2 19113 a. tii.ICJ No 14 231013 ol-ct OU.C1o.l Jloocordo Sa.. oola .nll 1M roade b11t WllhOIII ~ o>r wanOAif .. pr-or ~mplied tOMilatdlllGf bile I"~• Of eDCumbro-to PCJl the IOfiiGliWICJ pruK'lpol t\Uil J tho DOIIe(•l _...,ad by omd o..d a4 Tr'llolll .,. .. •••• .-1e om<l note pro""'-d 3dY..-II 111y .. ad• th• lwll\l of oaad o..d ,f Tr ... t '-clwzre~• ao.d u PD-->1 tile Tr-nad I ~. •t ..... .. ..,,erc:f by oad D.ad T r 1.181 S.:nd •u• ,.. .II be floOd oo ~>«-herr 10 1913 ~~ • I 00 A M '' tb• !root enll<lnc• t St''" Sh JW Cuporl>11oa 3.315 [ : 'th St S.;~n ,, Aa~ CA 9771: Tho IOia.l tn'I<•IIOI •t •b• .. apaad ,.,.,10(0 ..., th• b..., fli<JQ ..:-u~ed i'y o<:ud prop•r ly lu be 10ld ''~Mh•r W\tl. ~nter• k.lt• ~h uQ• a:l -...:~ted ••PD-Jo.d :i• ..,.._ ,. •I tho J "• l~tra..,f I s~ .;.lleo 01te l\lon mb•r " ill. 'TAN SHAW CORPORA !ION ••• ld T....... 23 ' toot ~·••-olh Str-Sa•• A. .. Cl4loo-f471l "1 4 \4.:Sil. By lyao StuD••• A ot~ttao• s. .... ...,, P•bhoh No• :14 ~ Th• "io,...or1 t<18Qo PUaUC NOT1CE nC'TtT'Ioua aua1JfE81 NAME IT ATDCJ:XT Th• lobowt"9 penoa • ~ t .. ...,_ "" lA YStDt Atf A1JIS ~ATt:IUNG l ..,._ "-.1 Cat-a del Mar 926~ J.aho l'lette 1 8 nnar C ""•" iel Mar gl,S Tltt,. b.....,_ 101 coAd\IC1ed by :>a •• i>n.:111.li Sw;,.ed lllloe Ae.te T)\10 ti<J'om.-1 WOII h1otd ontb til• C4..a"T O orlt of Or 11111• Co11n lf >D ..,..,. 16 1112 P11bboh '4.,. 24 Doc 1 I IS 12 a Tl>o O\lowpol1 U...V• rml04 Nl:l i.~ PuaLIC N01'1CE nCTmoua avuJf1:ll8 NAMEftAW n.. lollow>IMil pe.-.. do&Aq t-... ,... :u 16 0 t:N'TtJIP,USt:S ll63 P •nh<-A,. No 1 COOle ~ c" G%7 f .. o, O lona ll63 P:onb. A-~ ' C .,.. Me.> CA 92U' nu. bllae-.. «>od\U'10d by 1r. 1adl~ual $oqaed leuy Olaoa ~ ......,._,-IUed Willi .. . (oualf C\erlt ... O.oaqe eo ... ., ·• Dec ~ I~ ~ 0.. I IS l2 lSI Cl•• Til• ~poc1 ta.q. r»:W9 NOftCI: C. TllU81'1Z'I &ALtA: .... ..,. YOU AJU: 1N DUAULT UNDU A OEtD Of TJIUST DATED N_._ II I til UM1.ESS YOU TAD ACTlOH TO ~TD:T YOUJI PI'IOPOTT, IT MAY IE SOLD AT A ruiiJC $AU tr YOU NEED AN lDLANAnON o r THJ: NATUU OF THt PROCEEDING AGAJMST YOU YOU S.HOULO CONTACT A l.AWYtJI 0. o.c-her Z3 ·-crt 2 00 PM ~r~eS.t •leee lac <11 dilly oppoooted r ..... ~aciat aact ,..,_1 .. Deed crl Tr...-r-o-1 ~-1. 1.1 .. ..... No 10111 .._.. l U IS. pove lOtS. ol Olbcual "-• ...CII ... ltlr O.ll(llal N NanMD aact .._ r Narata.o&~ -.,...(I ) Ul .. eMicoo crl tM Co11aty R•cordar ol O ro•v• c-alf, Slrrto crl c.ldonua. W1U SELL AT PUIUC AUCTlON TO HJOHEST llDDtlt FOR CASH ~~ at -ol ...... 1-*"1 ..__, crl ... UDlled !hatea) at !iQII .. Itaat .. troace to til• 0.~ eo ... " Old c~ :u 1 •• S..ta Aaa lov.ie'fard. Coty al S.o 10 Aaa s-of Callian.ao. all nvll1 ode o.d ... ..,_. coa...,ed 10 all!d •-llold br •t ....0.. ~ DHd of TriiM 10 tko ~ aluated •• oaxJ Co11aty :sod Stlrllt deacnbed » Lot I a1 Tr~ No 7Sl0 1a tbo C'lfY of Newport leoeb ... pet mop ,_ci.J Ill ......,_ ZSI2 pava 17 to 21 LDet ...... of M-.u-eoliO Mope .. lho cl hce crl tlt.o Co1101J "-ood. u1 OGid Co16al'f Ucopbll9 Tlll.,o hom :Ul a.J olln11bt1t ••••ra.lot r~uearal nvto.t.. aai\Uol vae nvltt"' no arlh01 b ydroctar..,_. ltly wliiGt -.-e1 aame '--tiiiGt aery be .ndua 01 1111dat th.o pare.~ crlta.dbet ......... d~ wtlho"' 111-t.111.e nollt .. dnll --.. p~or. aad petalo tllto..qla ... ",._ 01 upper SOD 1 ... crl \he ~~ 1.-nl tko load ..... ~ ~ .. c,.bad • ,_,..ad 10 ~deed air-• Til• --... d artMa: ~-CMI ..1-.gaallloa II aay ol llle real propwry ~ ~. " Pill por1ad to be II ..._..,_, C11cla Coroaa Dol Mar ~ 'nae .. ad.f'W9ud Tr-ioo c:lauM aoy ltabUiry lor n y •• r:onactll-ol tile IIIII-lddr- aod arlhM C"Omm'>o do.QecrllOa If ,., ...,.,,. a .... Smd -wUI be m.:r.J. b"l Wilhoit I C'O'ND >at ~ wartnaty •• !"-or ""Plied roq~ IIIIa p aD.,. o~a-to P!"'' ... ,_ ... "'119 pr\11('\,.1 11\100 ol tlt.o _..,., ..,....,ed by .-d Deed ->1 Truoo1 ontll tatot H t •boroo11 ~• pro•1dod •• ootd lll,.a(IJ >dVO-tl ;)ey yadoJ tllfl -· ..1 ..,_. o..d al Trtoll ,_ OTQ .. rad • ...,..._ I lho T,...._ 1od I tbo t!-u ...-.:1 l>l ..ad [)o..J I Tr .... IM tho ,...,uat ,_..,abll ~alod r t-oo p; ~~ Til• r..n•t .. .,ary •DJe• tel t'loed I Jr ..... IIIDtotcl<>r • ••..::.11od tnd dell•orOfi ~ tile ~aderwov•ed " wnftaD 0ec-l<n JIIOD <>J 0.lolllt .lDd O.mo11d lor "'• •cd ., wntto11 ~<>0-, ..... >t 0.t IIlii led £J D I "-il n .... 1•"'4Ded o ..-1 tat1 N.•O·• ~ la-.il 3D4 0 «1>oo • '-iJ to be r.,..ord..t •• •h• "0-.ary wh•r• •b• •onl proi>Of"f .a ,..,noel Onre<i N ~•-boo 16 'lt. s~.~r ............. .._,...._ • lac .,. ou..J T f-By 5ub.!stuboa 8y VUQID• Ap , r.. ........ v Pt-.1••• "••hor.-S19D~••• N£1112 SP'I,.... f' t ~ .. • ~ c PV.UC N OT1C1: rtCTrTIOUI BuatN'£88 NAME S'fATDCEJfT • h • i.,U. WIIIQ """P""..-.,D .. j 0 ·~ • ,., .. ,,. ,. <;HORCO rtrl llSHJ'4 • 'I "io"'l"'r 81•.:1 S 2n 4 " 8 ~366j 5h .,. ... n or••••ll-1 Ia A ;:' 1Worn. Nt;' S()t 'I _,.wpo .. 8...:1 s 8 ~J 1"\.a.e r:-n .. .,. ~•d .... ed bt • •P<lt.JI .>8 5•qa•j :ih r ~ M .. ....,n~ Omoui Wr"< Shrr• :TO Th• ~•"'•"' •» h.•«1 ., •h 1b• • un"f Ci<n k :o1 Oro .. 1• -•D'' r D...-• 191J .... l>loal: o.. a ~ J.i " '• " :h• "ioorpnt1 ta.Qc P\TBLJC NOTICE n CTlTIOUI 8\1SDft:U NAME n ATDG:N'T ·"· loiJc--. ~ Ill d • ,, •••1 • EOUIPM£'11 ~I:POIITtll 1~11 ~ w.~,,_. .• ~ ... t "-•~ CAW 9RJ "1Htt.l Oell<>cho 1009 Yach• "-'! .. ,.. Ne~ &.ocb c,c.l iJ5tiO 'na111 I:>U&II-• .-nn 1~>o,-,od by JC adt.,dY.ll StQAM [l.,,.d ~)• ~~~. Tlut -..-··· .... blretl wtlh lh• -.... " o-~ o1 Ota~ r.o"•" ,. Doc l lltl P .. hilttlll "*' ' ~~ n a ll •• 11le Heypott £aeiqa ~'".103M3 !If[ I I 6" J"VauC ltOT'ICE ncnnoua 8UIDIDI IIAJ8 1'1' A l'CICOPt n..~,.... ...... ...,._ • TOUCH or CLASS IHTWO!a t Pelat s.u D. Cor •• D•l W.a, C A t2:l1~ ~ ,._ ....,., I ,_., Sv 0. c.-Del ... c. tal$ n...__., t :trd"• l ... l'lf14hto1 .. C a.t "-' ,.. .. 1_ •• _~ ....... c...., a-~ of o-... c.-.. •O..ll hew. 0.. ' l), II. • n.. .......... l.atlllte ,.... ' llQ P'UaWC MOTta: YOU AilE IN DEFAUl.T UWJ)D A DEED 01' ftuaT DATED J_.IJ 1 .. tllfLia YOU TAitE ACTIO" TO "'OTI:CT YOVIt ~n 1'1' MAT 8E IOLD AT A ..U.UC tALE IF YOU NDJ) AJt coa.ANATlO• or THE NATUilE OF TNE PllOCEI:DJNO AOA1 .. 8T YOU. YOU 8HOU&.D COiftACT A l.AWTal NOT\CE OF ntu.TU'I u.L& NQ 041114 0.. )aallOry WI I~ at 10 00 A M m tile ftWLD .. aaac-10 Lawyore Tttle t .. uroaco Cont poD' uo Nortll M&a Sa-.. tlt.e C~ty ol S.akt "-Ca ... lf ol Ora•v• ~to•• vi "ahlora'e CAUTORNlA N:CONVrYANCt C"OMPAN'Y 2 Cohlorata Curpor•tllOO Ql d.Ur OP90U'ted T r-u d.r 0... c. klla DHd .. t Tr..-uocllliod b, l'ay W Do Vaa-r h ; IUIQI• •c • a 'fWIQto • ded 0 , .... 13 ·-,. lutJumoat N,, 40'1'0 111 llc»>l I l6l4 p ,Q• II~ Jad Jle •-dod N ·•eonl>ot• l4 _, 1oM -..e6 PaQ<O IWI 1-Nu ~ ·t Otbn ..J "-<-... it .j Onaaqo •>11oty '>lnle ,f C ioJ,taJa .. ..ct. tlwt power I •••• tbor.a eoa lwaed ....U .. u 'I' ~ooubik •-lr• tl>e h'll"-' D<lill•• .... .. .. II« It .,. :t. 'tlbod ,_ payllblo I th• !Uti• ol tul• II ~>wt..J .. ODOy •I tbo Uallod ~ ... ,. .. ol ,.,..,..., -ttJioyt _".,•'Y ••p.na 01t 1111 pi-t •• hila .... ..., • .,....,.bro., • sl. nQIII' bile cod <J~Ior-.,_ Plaid toy 1t • .,...h Trua~• .n tao.l tc. th• ... OWIIIQ ~ PI ·~,.rty al.._,.ed •• llile M a.J>d Cowel'y raol ~ • • -tt All >I •II• '"'h' h~>• _,. ad • ,.,_ whM't. lr•t•or lt\•ty nil• •• ,. t ma y h•r• lft•r St ~~ r• l lllrlyd>ACI ... l>ho ,., ~JIW •II·~' aO'f t.. xqvuod ... ..._ " '" ........ d -·"' I'll....... . .. <JI ..-... ~ .... [An ... tad to ""' 6 llecll 7 al TrctC'I 771 lfl the c:tty al Newpor1 a..ch • alta•-.. ••P U..J"I reear4o4 In --~~ 11 Po9o $ A I IAch••••• of li(jocelt---.o N crpe roc••• •• .. tci O...n9e C.\oln '' n -..4 by t},CJ1 ... ~."' ... -.~-tttrto4 I...Jy I 1113 o..cule4 ~, r r-\ N Ay•••• o\ loe A c., ... _.._ • l.o•••• end ~, Nowporo II\••• Co o coparmor•p • r.....-rorercia4 011 Au9 t IIA 1n ... ~~ -, ... I oJ Of hctol a-teLl a....-• 1AI01-• •~"'~oncly -~ ... to ftoy w o. v-., 1r A -•le - blln9 ~a>rr-tly h--uk Tls• ~ tm• •ua l ol ..,_ I>' •-1pal bol>o•• 1• .. •••• •her-18Q.U..0 '""' ,_., -ted ...... -Mad '!ld •re<• ~ Ill• ts"'e >l th• •IUD..J.I p"'bhcd,J~.Jr. t •ft1• ~ '• • a t• Ull801 \' ' ..... ., ... "•c-•• I N l<10 f -· !'.l ·~· "'"' ... t ... oJn "hOI:'\ t •rl• ,.. ... s ... t1~! p poo~ 1 .tJ C """ s• -.. .. r ••' I • • o 9lf.~>CI 5 l tt·r•ny ~• tw.nu t~u4id t ., _,. ~ ... , p .. ,. pr1y1n~ th• ~•\l n l'i• _ ... , ed by ·~1·1 {.le<o<l " .. t .. will>~ ,_ 111.1 ••I"' -t • • .. ::.:t ... itl'-• •'-11'~ No,..mDe' ."1 '4. -1t...t(\z n~a R "'"'' ft• • "" ~ eal-1 !' ...... a.~"'. r..n• [,.. !1•• ... , .. t 4 ··~ .. f 1t IPil l4:f.1 • t) PUBW<. NOTI<.I: rtCT1TlOUI 8\J8lNl:sS N AMI: STA T1:MDM' • • w r ~ ..,r.,. 81 D _. i'Cla~ ..a -J A.M[IU-A.III SOL.AII I "r IIG' ',. err'tS 2J6(X) C t , ... o.·· ..... Jr. £1 r..,,, •• ll' -:. J• PIAol 2410 1\n ..... r.. "4-II v CA rl'o)-.. ._, 111 (' • l61'01 " .. v .. D• "4-D ·.; f'A •.olt~ -'-r-••l•n9 ''1-l'tl [n< •· V., I~ 111 1-t.U. "'A t:36SJ \.\ • 1• .a <1 ~ tnc-o -~· ~·· ... 'J• J.' H • -A 't~ •1•cted by •r•n p s,oa•1 -• t '• • • • •.&lert .,u. th• ., I ), >aq• C<o .. ary .... ,. ~ .. ~ hua~ ' • , .'4 Dac I IJ '-tl .. '" ... ~. '-•·~"' '' (na(Ja r .r lZ'I NtlliO ..UBUC N01'JC1: nC'TlTlOVI~ NAME ST ATEJrti:RT ~>•lcot.·-•t:.<~ -· ~ o o••• " AUT O MtO !N~PIAS ~t S[fiVlC'tS LTD 100 to .. tl-r• A•• Scra10 Aae -A tt~ J••ry Hom. .--.1 .,. .. n.. , .. ~ Do.. A .. '\nt• A• C A 9l70S leny H ••t ....... to<i ~ liDO £« ._. A•• Saatcr A-CA.,., PI Jqm• 11,..., ll:ailael .......... 1100 t O..t~ A•• !cudo A-. 0. ~ 'o ao. ,.,. .,...,._ CA "2'!13 \ ...... ~llea....,t"= tu•O.c ha•t.l• ---I ...................... ......_ -CIIM66o ~ ... a.Dr. .. ........ Ieee~. tltiO C~rleU•• W a r l?a... ......... CA .1. ,._..__ .. g_, ate•.,• 1.-M.w-1 a...... ~ ....... ... Liillk ,...,, __ .._. .... a-., a.. .. a..... a...., ...... 11.1-...... o.c 1 ... ll.D. ·•a.n.. =r .... N&.ll• ~110'1'1Ca PICIIIIOUa ·-IUME ft&ftlalll ,.. ........ ,..,. ....... ltul•••• •• SPICIALITT PROOU<:TS <XlMPAHT. 8:300 Lo Ah dm ,... 311. ...... v..,CAIMil &.tAr-.. 1 Lo s.-. ar... CA .,1$ !\ill..__ II :a ... _......, aa taclln4ul SigaH. lael A r-. ,.. ... _Wed .... Coaly a.n of a-.. c-.., -Moor 23. 1113 .......... Dec 1. .. 15. a. '12 Ia 1\• ................ niZZ!U N£112'7 PUaiO lfOT'JCS FIC'tihOU.......,... ...alE ft&1'DII&iif n......._,......_dcae .._ •lOOM AJ)VEJmSING INC CoJi.f 0... m t I,. S.Mt. 0... W.... CA ta2'7 lo&a s..-t. 18 0.-r. eo. ..._ CA .............. Clca"la c--. I~ D.lpM. Tamxe. eo.-del W... CA ~ n. ......_ a coecl¥*"* by a baltad ~ s..-t lolut s.-rt 1\.11 ...... -... WltA tAe eo...,., 0.11 of o.a.,g. eo ... tr oa Now 3:3, 1113 ~Dec I. l 1~. 32 ·a ,. T'ae N-pan t-va FZ2I53 Nt1116 JV&IC lfOnCE ncm"10UI 8\JIIMaa MANE IT&TDIDI'f n.~-...... =··· ••o .. _._ • POCI O N WOOD. 110 N-.-• C••••• On-. .... 110 .... .,.., leecll CA~W~lac a c ......... _,.. ... 110 Maw '*'c.. .. Dn..., s... 110 ..... ,_.._._ CA_, ,....._ .. ~.,Q eo~rw • SlpeO N Jlaoeocll lac .. ~ Pt. ,.. ......... -.... WltA tk c-.tr Clatlt of 0.0..• eo11aty oa .... J3 1112 hWWt Dec I. I. I$ n '12 •• T\e N.w,..1ta.o• nD'all$4 NEill& PUaLIC NO'I1C& ncnnoua IIUIDfl::ll 11&18 ITATDIDI'f l\e Wloon.ao ,.._ •• cto..e b-aa Al.UAHD£111 AND LOUDUMILI GENUA L luu.DlNO AND O.OINtDUNO CONTRACTORS 31S7 l11~1t s.r-. ... ~ ~ "'"-»3 S.O 0.... I A.te.CZ.O. 21'1$1 ta,-. LaM Hill~· leecll CA D4l Wecie Oan. Lo..- .&A. • ~ eo~-del Wu.CA~ n.. ....._ • ooad .. ctact by 0 ••••ral ~naerelup s •••• d W ... GLo~ ,.. -----~ Wllll Ill• Co ... tr 0..' of 0rCJAqe Conly ......... %3 1!12 ,_...o.c 1 1 ·~ z:a a •• n . N.wpor1 t-v• J'ZIZI5,5 P1.1aLIC MoneE a9~·- N[IIJ1 NOTICE OF 'nUMTIZ"I IA.Lot ,.._.... "• IJID 0. n.--w 2t 1112 a1 II OD o • f1RST AMIJUCAN TJT1.[ INSURANC E COMPANY o ~ C01110tnoa aa TT~~~tee Cll StA-Tr\WIJM or S..bllutAMod Tr\WIJM, ol IAat ew1alll Deed ol Tr...t ... c\lted br R1cltord H s-o.. aad Slleryl A .. s--11.~ cnad ...t. aa Coaa\IIUty I'YOJIM"f Clad record.d S.,....bat I~ l•laalulr..-atNo I~ u. led lUll ~ 1501 of 01 baa! Recxwdll of Oro119e c-.l'f c~ aad , ...... aat lo tAo1 c a r lala Nolu:e of De la~tll t~a ..... odc ·-ded ""9Wi 311 I tl2 .. lam11-•r No 12-30300:l "' Otiaoal Roecordll o~ eaad eo .. ., w\11 ud. aad ~~ 1o ...t Deed ... T.-.u al ,.woe Ouc:1aoa lot ..... Jawt.l -.y of tk U•ued Star .. of Aaeraoo o ~ • c~ porya.We 1o .act T r udee drowa oa o II ole ot ·--baU ..... al t.deral cred•t ......,. ot a _... or '-'-a! oonav• a •d •-• a-crUo• dotlualed ..... .,.. at u.. ..... .. lroace lo rna Aa.noaa 'nlllt 1-.aa • Co.paar locallad crt 114 [-fthlt s.-. .. u.. Clly ... Sera 10 "-~. oJl ..... nettt. •· tie cr•d • ..._. _....,... 10 Clad D-ll.ald by II ..-..W o..d of r ....... ra... s-..,_., ~ ,. emci CoUAI'f -d S.. ~ CQ Lol 60 ol T roc:1 No I :Ill. CbJf "'"-• ....... -0 ~ ·-d· ed ... Book 71. ~~. tlaadts ol M-'la-• W..., ,_.of Or-oe eo. • .,, Cal1lanAa T\e ..._ ....._ • odMr CCIIII· mo• ..................... ~ .. ptArpoe1eci • 1M -~.~a .. Plac. Newp.ta..Q,~ Saad .. will 1M ........... co-.a•t .. --"· ...,._ -......... -.... -.__..._ .. ....., .. ... p=-1~ ........ ... . .,.. ......... ~.-o..~· T""" 10 wtt l lt.S,.m 17, .... 11M ~ ..... leer..-.-................... laal ""'' • of ......... of w. ... NOT'ICt TO PIOI'DTY OWNER YOU AM Dl OD'AU1.T UJC)D A DaD or nun. DA n:o Sept I . IMI UWLUS YOU TAU ACTION TO PllOTICT YOUil PIK)IQTY. IT WA t 1£ SOLD AT A PUIUC SAU IT YOU MaD AN art..A)fAftON Of tNt NATUII Of THI I'ROCXIDINO AOADIST YOU, YOU SIIOUU) CONTACT A LAWYO fiRST AMtiUCAN TITLE INJUIANCI COMPANY • Cdl6ar* vxpm1W • ,....._ l '-'ttA~O...I14 tQit ftlllt ...... ..... .. •• c II .. .,. (11~ Ja..Ull ~ ........ .,.,. ~ 0... ' ll, II. .. • TIM ......... r.r.. lflll?l 0....., a.. .. a-.. 0....., ..... , .. ....... .. 17,1&,0. 1.1. l ............. ~...- Filc.l NEill ~.,... ~ •ones cw ftueYD'I ..... UIIDD amD OfT ft~ ... .. *'* a-a..~ft'AL YOU AU IN OlfAUL T UMDD A D11D CW TIIUST DATil) JANUARY f . 1- UNI.IS$ YOU TAU ACnOif TO PROTECT TOUR PllOJ'I:IrrT. rr NAy • SOtD A'f A fVKJC SAt&. IF TOU HaD AN EDUMA110N or THE NATUaE OF THI PaOCEIOINO AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CON1ACf A LAWYD NOTJCI .............. SiMANO UCONVrl'ANCt CONPANY. • Oallt .., C..· ~ •lnrtee. --lniiiiM. or =' • ...., ......... ,.._, 10 ._ Detd of TJ\1161 n • e cated bt EDWARD R SOLOMON AND LYDIA SOLOMON. PETU T UT AND PAUl, Y UY aad ,.._.. ed loa.., 15. 1-Ia ... I,_ ..... ......_.No IIIli of Ofkoal ~ ua .. .... of .. eo-tt~Ool ONag.C...tr. ~ .... ~ ... N«*e ... DalrN.lt ..... o.c.c.. 10 w ..... ... _..... SD1'DCID 11. 1111 ~a ._.. lUI$ ..... t73 z..n. .... No 13:111 ....... OMiQQI Recorcla, w1ll SELL o a JANUARY'· l_, at .I$ AN. at no; FllOHT EHTaANCt TO THE OLD OftAHGt COUNTY COUaTHOUSE. LOCATED ON SANTA ANA ILVD IETWEEN SYCAMORE Sf A lftOA»WAY SANTA ANA, CAUJ' at pe.bbc al6dloa. 10 tiM luolll• ~lor caall lparaW. crt lllte .._ of aale ua lawN~ -.., ol U.. Ua~.tad S--.1 all <IPt, talle, aad ..... c:oa ... pod 10 aad-lleld .. , ,. Ill --.d deed Ia .. pro1*1J at¥ated 1a ..t eouty cutd Seute da.::nbed -..._. Lol 2'7~a '*' t. r~••-• of s.c-I. 116oo w.a.d .. .._. oa a aqp ·-~ ua ~5 ..... 30.~\M Mo$le 1a t.ll.a oAr:. ol .. CoYaty Rawtdw of ..t co.aaty Ptopetty ~. ~~~ ~•ow• ot 120 AGATE AVDrut IAJ..IOA ISLAND c AUJ'OJU«A n.. toiQI ... 0\lal ol ....... paad bGia-. ol ~-obbqdoe ~ed by ""' ,.......,., 10 be ~ aad •-aaw. aMI:nlated I.'OIIIa.~a.acl o~al 1he -· ol U.. 1111LIGI ~~~ of IAe No~ of SaM • Ill~ ll4i4 O a l y """•"tly dote d Coaluer • Cll.cU or C.r11bed CUcb OH ~W. 10 the TNIIIM ptoww:led propot odu llhcoboa .. O"fCCIIaWa Scud a:Je Will be mode bul Wltllo .. r ~-~ or wano•l'f •e;pr-ot 18\pbecl revarct&ae It tie p ·-Of~a­ IQ aot1al7 tile lad•btad•- oecllred br amd Deed Uld"duo9 •h• 1-oad •• ,._ ol rbe ~~-oad ol llle •~~~rtt tt-'ed by 101d deed o d•a •c ee , ....... ct.. ..... ........ .. prcmded U...er.a aad tile ... pood pnac1 pal ol til• •ol• MCatad by ~ deed WIUI .a ..... til.,_,. .. ptoor.ded .. .ad N<>~e Dcrted No•-t.r 10 1912 S.ncma Recoa .. ,011C'e eo. PG•J 3731 ·~· louJeOPWd Lao o\aqat• CA 90010 !2111 m.mt ... well r ........ ., Rod Kill v-Pt..s-• Publoolt Dec I I IS 12 .. Tile Newpor1 Ea100a NE1165 J>UBL.IC MOT1CE lt-0'17t.J nCTJTIOVI luaiJfEaB "Ala: IT A 'f'I:'IIIDfT The lallowulv penou o:re c:IOLDv bu1111>-o• SltRRA EQUITY PARTNERS Sl~ Buell s.r- Thud floor Newport leoc:b Cal.tor••o 92660 G ••• V ct.n.t.-~1.0 lltch s .... Tl:,ud rloor Newport leocll. Ca.Wan;o 93660 Marlr V '-•• ~1.0 larcll s.-T\ird no.. Newport leocll CaWol1uo 13110 Wilham A NoRa I D H S.Mt. Mod-Cal:aonuo ~ n... boa.-• coadiOC'Ied by 0 v•••rol par1aenlup Stva•d a. ... v o.n..- Tiue •-•-bl.ct .,lA lll.e eo ... ., a.1r .,. o.-.. c. ... tr oa Now Z9 1912 Pu~ Dec I I~ :12 28 12 ua fie Newp011 f:aaqa f'2ml01 Nil liS • PUaLIC IIO'I'ICE ua.-NOT1CE 0'1 ft\M'IE'I &ALE O'I'D lki- R. ~WUI&MO ("J'VI) a. SU NWEST IANI A CALITOftNlA COUOkA n ON aa d~Air ~tad TlWIIIIM ...... 11M ioOowt:av 1 I I~ Med ol 1ru1 WILL stU AT PURIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST IIDDER FOft CASH or aa _. ~ ~a s.ct.o. ~ ol dae Clftl Cod., oU rlolll, lltla aad IUirart ooa· ....,ad lo ood -MAd by I aacler ..ad Deed "' TIWil Ia ~. property ll•--"-~ TRUSTOR PAUL D wtSTIDO AND ELIZAII:TH P W'ESTKftQ, H...._. aad Wr&e aaTe...-&aO... ICNtriCIARt SUNWtST IANl, A CALIFORNIA COftPOkA TIM ,._... Matct. 30, 1.1 .. Ia· tlr No .,.. .. .._. 14001 pave ltR ol Olldrd ......... .... olt.k ..._.. .. Or .... c....,, ..dtleedeiW..~ .. ~ r.::; .. ~~n~-..- ro Newpe.1 ...._.._,. tM Oatrel Newport Ieee~. Cowatt of o.a.q., s-. of eawan....,. -.~ .............. .. ... _.b._ ........ Ia ... oao. of ~. c-at, .._... .. .... ::V\.: A1.IO U'OWN AI 101 s-a.t.cudiao A-... ,.....,.... ~.~ "(ll o .... _.._:a_ .... ~--............. 110 wanaty II ...... • to Ill ... ~~~~~ __ , .. n •• ........, • .,.. •id o-.4 of ,..,.... ~ -... ~ ....... lra .. tb'ttMIU _,... ....... ~., ... 0 ... .......................... ....... ...... .,. .. .. ~-~ ..... -........................ ......... _.__, bt' .......... ,...., ........ ..... . , .. la'g .... ..._.,...._. ................ , .... ...... l .. ,.. • ......... o..w .... ......... .... ..... --~ . .......... ~·-. ....... -;:.r .. -;:: -= ........ . .., ..... NI1112 Pua&..IC NOTlCE "..,. NOTICE OF DUTH OF 'XWiri:N "· OOO&E, Dl. N.D. AHD or PI'ITI'tOJt 1'0 AJ&, NDf1ftD aTA'R "0, 4:ll ... \ILI'UJfi)CQftCN Thia •tete-I-fUeO with • .._c.""'' Cl .. ll o~t..o. Antal. Oo'"''' on Jan"•' 11. tm. NE Ia Ill? 11:14.121121 PUBUC NOTICE nCTITIOUI IUilNDI NAME ITATDUNT 'Ole followllliJ pero.une or• doo.AQ b..lua-oa THE MtNDU.SON fRAME A GALLERY CO lOI Palm A•• Newport leoc:h, CA 9~1 D<u"1ono Co lid 3:12 Moateru A•• -..ewporl Beach Co ..... ,_.., L ..,_<Jrllaa 322 Mo111erl) Awe Newpon B.och Co 9'lfi61 fll• b<don-II •Oftdllned bf a •-CIJ porta.,.. S.Vaeci lw· ...,,.. ..... 'nllll ll!otem .. r ... hied onth lhe Co11111y C!.t~ ol O.llov• Cou11ty on No .. 2 1113 P10bll.h .. The New~'' L~• oa ......... M.O. 1.1 II,G 130111.9 Ntl~ Pva&.IC MO!'JCE au. ncrrnoua aUIDfi:M MANE I'!' A 1'I1CLWT ..... foUowl .. __,_,..,. It .. 1141 b~ • KUNTIEAL. c/o t..oea a ~. lOO N .. pol1 C.ater Dr'"· Newporrleoc'-CA.._., K111>1Dua, t.c a Cai&bala Clllif' porabOA, IMOO ,.__ w..,, Svita 300, Vu N11rw CcaliJorato 91401 T\.11 bYat-11 coadiW:Ied by a cor porCIIIOa Slped Corporcrlloe Noae Hntmla. lao , Robw1 H .. t. C lwainaa.a of lA• loard T\.ll~tGMD•I •• ll)td WltA U.. c.u~y 0.11 of Or-e-eo • .., oa No.. II 1112 Pu.._.. Not U, Dec I. I 1~. ·.a ,. l\e Newpor1 ..... no:ao:IO N"£11 t$ P\TIUC "O'f'ICC &..-a nC'I'ITIOUI 8UIIJfa. ~fAME I'I'ATIMDrl t\e ~ ..,._ .. .._., b~~a-• AM%.4 lNOUS. lOZ E ae-fraal, llo1:Me. Colli ldot Dill ,__ W "--. fr 7CD I Ooeaa fr•t. lraUioe. Colai:rUa 9211t1 Mcrtlt•e P 0 loa 711. la.laloa. CoWor.io ... T\.tt"--tt~bya lmutad ~ Sipad lea• " keacl Jr T\• ...,._, ... w.ct Willa u.. Couty Clerll ol Ore1119• Cot&aty oo Not II. 1•.1 ~ Not 24, Dec I, I , 1$, '12 •• ,.... Nawpol'l Ea~· F'302113 NE.llt:l PVaLIC NOTICE lt--nC'I'ITIOUIIIWIIQaa ICAMEit'I'AWI 1\e .................... .. ••v ltula•" oe PIO,MED SYSTtMS AISOClATtS, 11t71· H., Jw\ Orde. lrftM. 11714 w.u.-.hJ.aer w.-.... a.c. ~ _.,......., lft71·H sq r-11 Orda. lrMe. CA 1171t !\ill ~ .. 1:113 hdt4..,. llalte4 ,.rtaereblp Stt• .. • .................... Lac Wtat.eel A HuM. t•••r•1 ...... n.ta _._ ... -IIMd ~ .. CowatJ a-te ., o.-.. eo.-, ...... 22,1.:1. P~o~W~~t o.e 1. 1. I$, a. 'l'lta n. .......,ta.vw rmmo N"tJ 110 T\11 .. __ .coed~"'­ IAdrridiiGI Siqeed RICHARD RA YN O ND DOUGLAS 'T\11 ............. 11/.ed W\ta. .. Couatr Otrk of Or~ Oouty o• Od 21. 1112 ,...,. MJ:IIM II 17. II :It , 12/1, 12 I PUaLIC IIO!'JCE YOU AJU IN DEFAULT UNDO A DEED OF TRUST DATlD Auqu~ II, 1•1. UNUII YOU TAlE ACTION TO PllOTfCT YOUR PROIDn. IT WAY IE SOLD AT A PUIUC IA.L&. D' YOU NEED AN DPLAHA1'10tf Of TH£ NATURE Of THE PROCEEDING AOA.INST YOU, YOU SHOUIJ) CONTACT A LAWTD NOI'ICa 0'1 Tau.ra:-. uw: ... JK.fl .. ..,._ Ora o.c-w a. , ... 10 30 AN . l"'aaii: • .....-~· ._, a c.IIMrw _.,.. «<r • do&ly~...,T,.,.._...__.., ~t too..c&ol Tru.~-"-' All9-21. 1.1 -.... No ••• ._. ltlll. liCit• Ill. o1 0.... ~ nentad by D.n.U I leatler. o •oure4 •••· •• ....,,a}.tat.t...._.., .. c_ " .._... of Or-.. o....,. s.ate of Ccahbaio, WJU UU At PUILIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST IIDD£ft fOR CASH (payaW. at ~ of .. Ia lawt.l -..., al t.ll.a U.a...t S...) •· out.Ncle tt.e lro•l ••traae<e to ~ T* a-u-O.fJ'CIIO· .... 530 NaQ Na:ta h-. .... A.a. CdMnie, all dallc. ... _. IDler--··red lo fDIII-..... by 1t lllldtat .... o..4 ofT.., 18 ..... ........., ......, Ia .. eo.. tyndS.....~­ I..oiiSaiTNGtNo llaia .. CIIy ot Newpon a..c' eo .. ., o1 Or~ s.. of CoAI6aneM. ---...a_..u-... ~-..a l8 leak t32. Poe-31 k1 41, W'nMD=I'OIII NQp;. ,_. al lllld o.-.. eo..., n. ........ cmd ... -o.... ..... If CllfJ, of .. teal .. ...., • • .... ~ .. ~to -..·UliiiMO.. • Nawpon ..... CaWaraM ..., l\e ",......_ T,.,.... .. c::lal.a _, l6aiiUity .. ..., ... c«naea-............. aad odl..-1' 1w o:Cfaa, if oaf,..._.._. ScDd .. wUI" ..-. ..... ritoorat OO'fWGIIII 01 ~. •· .. _ ..... ,..... ........ ..... P Joa, Gil..., .... , ... • PGY ~ .._dsl .......... - of ... ~---~~ .... D .. cl of ,..... wu~ ~a ..... tll.,aoa, • Pfericle4 Ia ..W .-(a}, ~ II ..,, ..,._ 1M --of .... o-1 .. "-................ ._._ .. .. TTtartae_, .. ._..,_ ...... " aaW o..t of\"~ .... _. ·-·.., # ........... , .. , l\e llli•.tidart ..._ ..-.. Deed of Tnrt .......... ...... ... MlhwM tD .... ft ..... .. '"*-D I I eiiWRII .. o.....tlorS., .... -...... tw..ll ... a... .. w.n. • •r••.....,..,.. ...-.. .. o.-.. ....... .. w tD -......... 4IIIIISIIf •M.a .. ,........., • ......., ........... tEtd"r 1.-y-.1'111a ........ a...-.;.. ......................... AM. Calif • _,. f714) .... D•t• N•~••IM• 11. ltll. ,..... s.....l o..r:' • eel.t \"rut••· It &.u,, A"*...,..~'M4_.._ s ....... ~ nl•••••· L•• .....-.c" ..... Cl~ ,..a.. ~ .... "-0..1,, .... n.~ .... Millie o... INcM tht ........ ~durin~ tht Chrita~ £w p..-ty 1n tNt teeM from CMc: ....,. of Souetwrn C .. lfOtnea't full·lir"''h production of "Ttw Nue~radil«." ~118 prnented •t Or-. Cout Collep on ~w 18 end 19 ~~ l p.m. Give your budget a break ... shop the Classified columns for bargain buySf I ,. I 33 HELP WAHTED .... M ~ APPLIANCES 019ftl ' Sean cWu. ponaWa Babpi~~-0.. You 0... Jocm I d~ehwa1hu Good I ::;•· b-;,;:';/}~ura 2 Spor11weor, lafaal·l ~~~~blu11 g1~ .... o.ly tha oJd 761J..36d9 Pretoaa or t.od.l• ~.p. -v f uead, -•-moll • pcuel Star. OUorUIQ 1 o pp•oraDce . wall!£ I alJ ctatioaolly kaowD woodarOUI lop 1125 w I bra!la.. awc:h <a Jor· 157-1114 ovea1ag1 c. PART T1MI Work. ea· daebo, Clue, t-. Le'ri, ""kead {Rlta t Lee) c oJl IIIQOale Ill V whol.al. aupply Con· aador!lllt, Ca1•1a 0 t Waaber 1 Ga. tact Ot Poner ('71 4) I IUeiJI, Wraaglor a ad Dryer, Hoa...y duty 2 536-5~48 over 200 otaet broac:lt 1!1_ . old 1300 pr 6» ~.aoo 10 11&.500 t.o-5671 chad01 .,.q1aaiag Ill· 1 15 GARAGE SALES Glamo r lob w ith Leod1Dg Co•••hc: Com Full· tUDe . pay d!l part•tuno hn. MIJ.Il bo orq_a.U.d We wUl Irena Sla.rt DOW for tho holidar b~.~a~~.. ~· 9774 ••lof't caldare lor one 2 fleln geralon S~ k:l the oMtoa C.ater1 and l lSO 2 • .,. OtUt Trtlial.ag, Fbtw• Clacll 8a1 rtoot. 190 aocll Oroad O..P••Iag 9&3·4930 ProaaotJooa Call Nr -------- lealhl•t . at Pr_eJ~~.-9• t6 NUIICAL fCIIIluOD 501·nt.&J77 I IHITRUNENTI f1JWOAl. 21 Nolley w .... cod 2t Wo11e., To L ... , J0 ...... _ ()py.. I )1 la-•••nt Op,, l2 T11u1 De.d• •nd Mortq~·· lJ Forec:lo4'"" s, , )4 1111111.1\CII NERCHAMDlSE 35 a.. ••• S.l .. l6 SpontiiOJ G i • )7 Arl .l8 An11q11•• l8 A11cllon• 41 '"'"''"'. 42 Apph•nu• 43 Te lev1aoun Sl•'"' ' ~ NllttC•I '"'"""'"" 45 Otlte• l quopm••·' 46 St•JftP\ ... d c Yl l. 47 SewtnQ N•r hol'\f'\ 48 Febun 49 O..m~·nd• '""'"'" 50 h1110C•II•n• IH Sl W•n• T B" RENTALS 52 i'enr•l• T Sll••• 5) Apellm•n" Unlu S4 Aper1m•n11 f11 tn 56 Ho~o~Ma Uul""' s7 Ho ..... , r ....... ~~ .... S8 Colld•·• Twnll"'' F'or Reno 59 v.c.ltull """''"" 61 Rwma f , 1 """' 62 Otloc• C.mmt I 6Jit.nt H..,m,. 64 lo&rd .. nd <"•r•• 6S G.rAQ• r. r """' 66 W•nled T R•n• IWU. ESTATE 67 A.el L •••• 61 Hotu•• f 1 S.l .. H Cond w.I'Twnh-• ror S.l• 11 Lo!t •11d Ac r .. q• Tl R..urr Prop.rly 73 ha~n-Prop.11v 74 lKo•eiCotnm1rf Ptop.re., 7!1 Prop.lly Nn-.~mr•• 76 lncom•'lndulln"l Pru~rly 77 RNI Lee•• W•nt.dlt.a< h••·•l• MOilLE HOMES 80Nobtle Ho- 81 Nob•l• H m .. W.nted 82 Nobolf' Hum• p, .. IOATS 14 loeta l~prr r 85 lc..t Ch••••~ 86 .,., st.,.. AUTONOnVE 87 Alilo Ue~llol•••" 88 Noror Humfl 88 "-cr1n V•h 1 .. 90s.,.., .... RAJ .. I 91 Nororcvcl•• Wopedt 92 l tcvcles 9J v.,.,. T ·uc • f'or S.l• ~ TruC'h v., W<>nlf'd 9'5 Aut P••• AC"ce''"'-''•• 96 A~o~toiTrd l•" r,J 97 Auh·• w.n .... j 3CDIET£RY CJlYPTSAND of Dimes ILEoAL SERVICES ROGER C TURNE.R PaleDI, corttracte, 111 corp (714) S48·5649 DOaOJlATION co~ 'eertilicatioa. Atll...,_t ol ..... ufatha Pettlloae, Ctu .. ulllp, No•· laaiplat ........... Ia· ........ "Law <*eel ol CrWIIt t T....U •. Call lfl5.sm 1M.-.,... .•. , tPEUONALS I D U ICE EVERYONE t llnow About [, lt•r•lt••• fo• " w11y vi hie lot lh• lndtYiduol r .. ~. ,n lormollon "" o40 u~ BAD CREVIT R.-"'v" \ Maal•rc 0 rtl •I V 11·1 IOIU~U~tnl~$ ... \t."\ lt V •U ho•,. t 1d le<llt n tf'dt• r h<\vf' be.tn bon•• Jp' f' 1 h•e b r, hure til U S Cr.d11 O..tc~ I· llh•• I 800 442 ISJI 1nv ROMANC£?- CUL nJRt' TRAVEL' II th-anlereet a lad., C1l much 01 tbe., anterNt rhll healthy o"roctiYI mole prof-r neochag u new home wn t• Cooal Medao New• P 0 Boa SOU 1609 Babcock N8 ~ [nclo ae p1 ctur • & refer eo~ • • 'ELAINI HA WltiNS SO COIUI.l U. lrvua.e. , Co Coagrolulabo M' You ha-.. tWit woa two ~aeb• &o "S~por f un P*-e call~ lor fOIU bek• ENCYCLOPEDIA t Uoopened $4.50 w01 11100 Will make o tel"l'\tic x-glft 731 ~ Frel&k f"tMAl.I NEWPORTER uedt • 11Ao11dal Clllliftlac. lor modiCal IC~ PI- call 873.4Q7 1 10L08T AND FOUND I REWARD! S teko watch, -"'• Lo.t Sa1 I 01 3 Newport P .. ia· IWO CaD coU.ct ••. 2027 11 SCHOOL Reodtog Chn1c Reading Spelhoo Comprbeuaoa Comple te .Ph on•c COil lll Reu alll i 11oroale ed' Nadeau Readulg C111ac. (71 4) Sl0-1413 (714) 893-35T7 I.OTS t• PETS Fe. da ;JOY• t t r LJVEITOCI lot 94 Uaadowlawa 1--===:::;====== So~alb Paclfle Vt•w • Suaq~og Caoam .. Maaorial Pcnll ~I bea utiful, be alth., eacll ... 664-646() 'lUOrODieed IIDgen •• __,..nu-r_ Will ho&d ubi Chrut -"u~ m01 831 -1578 -·· n.ots-·.hiiOf. al•t 0•••~ 'Mitlil !:':::'~! ..... lt ... a 0 n Ill~ lel·A·Oroo..- llewa. .... G.o.m· .... • lA 0\al 9'COM at ~ohu Hecdlll c:wtified ('7 U ) '(::-(;rf;r There's someone out there who wants ~. Chn.tm011 Pupp• Oold.eo r.trlover AKC mole• Cbomp1oo BloodlUae -I I SO ~~tol ar Skip Goldo o Rolu e••n Or.n CluWmCII OtJt AIC, pas-nand ahota 7 male1, 2 fe maloe (work) 975 7071 (home) 768-50$0 Ctn ely Wh111 Do••·llled 111 Mog\C Act I ll pt S f1m.. Coge 1M 6SO I ANNOUNCE. NENT8 Set of 4 ch01n SlO VactorW~o doU bod Sl4 Muton S2 ~ 110 Blaaket racb 112 Lac:• table cloth. 6 ba•u SOc 10 S.S Own ball macb.ule S 16 O&d pic:tur• 6 ftam• 12 ro SlO Ot.aMe. gl081· ware I Oc lo S4 6 milCh much more ru Dec 10 7.6 p m 1622 MoaroV\0 2 b1U. W of Plocenbo ea. M.o MOVING SAL£ Everyllung muat go ADIIque• ~Olollnga pnoa. eo&or TV. rcbl• 6 plana. Ste phart•• Call ltftmedJately 720 0854 1IIIEAI.TH LOS£ WtJGHT NO W 10 I( ,29 lb& til)() d I)" '' yout l31 75 lor I munrh • aupply r•turn .d C•ll HERBALlfE d 1•111butor Wtchell" 645 S423 OR INKING WA TtR Pwiliex ho~aeehold d e l1clou • T rtole ttl•reci Rev•,.. Oamoeia Uo1t remo•• a ebeetoe chlori ne, eocbum 'fllll.... con tam111aote Warroolf NEW S l49 (114) 499 3414 l7TRAVELJ VACAnOH AIRLINE TICKETS '11 I I I I .Jnd ll f l.AX I Bn•tvn Rell.un foc.m N•w Y •I~ S6SO .. a h worth •"•' S92C:, •>< II b4-& Q278 M O 7070 11 EHIER- TAlNNEH'T HOLIDAY DAY ~OONS Uo1qu1 p.utoDolt&ed 'illft O.bvered looall., Order toda., Balloou of Newport 644 7440 lO HIUUM Balloona 1 d ehvered With c h.ml paqoe Perfect lor a U occ:omou & houda.,, Call 673-4419 HIRE A HAREM !11 Holaday hhVIh" Let lh• ean hnQ At"h 8eUy Do nc•n enr•rta tn your Qu"u 6 "Uenll 1 1 pnr II• I pnvolto :!lout c ~u (71 4> 131 •~'• le.JVf' m-I:JII o' STOP! LOOIC 6 USTIHI •• Eddl• "-tor a ad hl.a .a~.&aieolllic:a All I'[J>ee of IQUAC optioGallWan ou.lour ....,.._ Pl 1 II J)D al recwoeaMe 83'7·7:KD PIAN() LESSONS S...., """'' t·h on • I ' '~ r •• , t,,,.,,, .. • .. 1 J r t.-a 1"\l ;••'' "• ~t, or,.,J o 'I ol II r! • G 'h toll o "'.I tot... 1>4., ~~~·· A Bl AUTif lll 1\t I DAN( lR .,.tf •r "· PUFPrT SH0 W" t I v.,,., 1~1AI r u•r•ln IJd lltf'• lub I 1'1 U ll J'Hio•• C til P tl V.rl C:,47 1090 23HELP WANTED Need mcrtur., cbnlboo lady lor la••·ID ciuld c ora compaoloa Room board, aolarJ DetJotiob'-CaU toU lr• au.rnbar I 100-~ 3972 a elt: lor Pea ~VIf Adwalcb .. a. Y o ur O w n Bo.ll .. We ore look· IDIJ for 3 or 4 upen.ac· e d houatJllttt wUh/ without cUnt• tor o bu.ay Lo.ke r or_. Hau Soloo Hlghoal pold c ommi.NlOn 0 1 will 1-lla1lon PI4Giaal woriiiDg CODdlhODI Call Dan~~~~l59·9418 (U), 8.59-~ (oft., 7 pm ) Need ..Uo IIIODOt - eell tra•e l club memberah1p1 Tolle tnpe fO\U..U 4~1334 Norma SALIS INT DECORATING. flou lor ct.-go, Oelllble hte Will trClUI Call J0011y 01 8S7·81S4 PleOH caU Moa or Tu .. SALES Pa rt hme Chr~~tm<a help $4 ~ hr Aj~ply 111 penon BAC K STR[[T F'a aluoo t.lood N 8 . WANH[I v.. ..... t '\ 1ttl_.~lf r • I .,.r It ,t-: • , t tv .. , t r .r L oJur,t llrll "• f ., • t &n-."" \ ll ..... t •n .. t h A ... ,,,,. ~·, Ill, .• ,, ... •' .. rJ'i r th ,. •nq~.. .. • f' f •I '• f I ... -i #\ ~II t, ' t <'" M1 M "' -i ,,, H4.! tw,.,.,..,, 1 .' 4 1J m C RUISE SKIP JOBS' Gr«Jt UICOme poleataal All occupoti<lat r or Ill lormotloD call 602·998· 04.26 nl 1963 Need eatto mooey .. 11 trave l club me mbenlupe Take tripe rou.tMIJ 4~1334 Norma RtGISTtJUD NURSE ..... employment Non ·t moll!!.:. local refer•--.,. 7836 R•pou~ble European couple -wUI ho~AM-•1 LaliJUDO orea home Will do yotd work ~ 7641 Ho~ltlng Got.ag on vacahoD, T L C lor pelll piClllla 497 ~~ 2.5 COUNSELING SERV1C£ kt A ·1N , { l ;\ ., •I .. .. \I I r ~. , .. It : ~ ' ' . l't" I J ,. . . .... 26 LICENSED CHILD CARE Need o bobj'll"er Will n 1 10 my Coeto M.-, h ~m e A l l a q•• r~oable r01 .. Moo llu 1.1 r n 662 7922 Prol-ooal O r011dma. offer loYUig care n•w boru cluldren poreol V<lCOtlOJll houaec:lean rng a ho u 1e11tiiDQ Hr Doy W\ Yu ol ••~• 6U ·2219 27 SITU A nOMS WANTED Lave -lo Houee boy a Yotlobie unmecLotely fie ••ble bou ra Comple.. bou.M care occOIIODnl cook1119 Coll toWr" number 1 800-S3:Z-397:Z a ek lor PeoD{a<ner Adwolch M2.53 E•cbooge Work f or L•••ag Spoc • Carpe11 .. , b011drmoo wllhog to node wack lor r eal Eac elleot r.t.reocoe 496-lll7 ~ ALLEN PlANO. ... ..,..,... Corolllel .... c.gaa Wooled lo own oAd Oood co11clllloa , opera•• Ca.odt ._ Saoc:a booullJul loaa Uaa tl Soh DnA& Veodlng I co.buael 1750 Pboao Route Ia Newpo rt 'lS9-0357 Beocb, Coeta M•aa -=s=n=J,.,..N~W="""'A""Y___,G,_,R,...AN~D Corona del Mat 6 eur-p• • ... 0 ".7.. __ L roundulg arao Plea· ~ ·~ _...u_l eaDI bue1neu H1gh Pnvatte party, 710-0441 probe •tom1 CaA etart pari b.me Age or u pon eDCa DOt Urlportaol Requar• 11950 lo 117.· SOl) 00 COM IDVeetn\eDI f 0t d etaUa 0 ad local Ill 1e n1ew ""'• C A L WEST VENDORS SUPPLY INC :ZS6 Logo Dr -Rancho Mu11eta C A 95683 Phone 916-~-2771 or caU o11 r TOLL rRtt oum.,.r 80().953 5656 a nd a.& lor t.t 014 EXLC MARKETIN(~ C:ROUP ••r .t ... u. ~ •f,,. un•1~t" '"d 'l.Jtt •n t ... d M'l EAG £ MAKE R } 14 98(, o& .. l l WAN'T n > BUY O R SELL • r • '"" l•&r. Sh,r '' '~ t 1'-' 1 b 1a1nto ~·r tl.. •,.- I '"ll 5C:, .. t f'lll( WINI">I 1W ''l ~AN IN , '"·~•' ••• ,. I t 'A · ··•' .. ' •••• t •• I • '",,.. W .,, T FA t • t • I• ""' '•. • m •'• 414•1 b-.44 r••"""''' ,.,.,., AMWA Y PRcmurr s , .. Satu.l\ t\ ' ~ ' .... t " n•' n., • .,.,\f WANT TO BUY OR SELL a b\WII .. , Call Jecm Sluror lti*MIW tD bulloen oppor IUDltl-. Call 5!2·1800 Sl5,000 lo'aii.D•Mtmeol tunu wmechate probt loveelo re o w n e r op_e rotou •elcome ~-9252 . 'G MARTIN 2n5 Loren1o Coero Meea C o Coo gra •ulohana' You hav• IIlii won two 11clle11 lo Super fun PleaM coli 673.~ lor your nck•ll BUSINESSMAN-... &. C'OUDI .. mcrture Illig). P T to help n poad whoi.mle 111pDiy bu•a.. CoDtact Dr Porter (714) S38-S848 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES fiRST I SEC OND T D ·, Owner and noo owner occupied un111 Commeraal b~&.~&.n­ loou {714) 964 2519 .... (714) 62().9166 stCOHO & TKlRD T 0 'a. OwnM & non· owne r co mm a~.m-& Swlnqe A. low aa lZ ' .~ 171 4) 914-Ult · Bao&•r I DVAflo u lfttr-owoeri'llr~· -4\f 4 bedroom Sao Clemente home 13,000 down S600 moothly Tena ncy oOI tacluded 491-l383 35 Eatcrte SaJee [elate Sale by o wne r W b c~le houeolull lurn1lur• cho adeliere muron 11lver brtc a b roc Saturday Sunda y O.C.mher lllh 12th 8 a Ill ·1 p m Poc d1 c C0<11t H1gbwoy, lake ···••l y , fight 0 11 H..na-. &o 128 Orood v-.. Lovuo loaeh S.lme r S1goet Wood 8 flat ClarUiet with cOM Proleuloaol quahty h ke new 139~ 540· 0675 ltlNILE PlAMO ro.-IA1Z. l..Lh .... fuJI keyboard couole, piOJI l.llcell.al 11300 498-4321 or 3fJ.am work Goloa r Ele etro111c org 011 -pMr,e 17 corc:lt outomatlcollr . tht!l- patt•r•• I beate , apaaal etiect~ lt'a you owu combo Uh oewm Or_~IJ IUOO · Sell 11000 5!2-8112 uomct EQUIPMENT Mlcro-Compuler Z.•o• 820-11 double 8 d&K duvee modern . seroa 630 pnnter 13 10ftwore ptQ9JOI'M lD· clud1.ng word proc- roq & tu per cal• O.•r $10 000 coer fuluog suoo ~.QSSO Muel S.U Adler elec triC' ty~wnter f ull IIII tell correchDiJ Coel S78~ eell $39~ L1lte n•w ~6 8392 MA 'HI~~ t.'r '' ,, t J ' n 1 .,,, ~o ''• ~-·~ r1o~t·' S4'f') t.,. ••• '• I 1'\ I , J·<C:,k IRM Pf R..>:;( ;'NA( ~·I 'TfR •0 ~ I ' ... • t-o I '4 . . ,.,. ,. 1 ... RC A Vadea Rocord•r VIdeo lome.ro tnpod SS Q•:JIIoo a q 14anum eland 10 ~ galloo n um lOI~pump other ~PI 494 ~20 494 4901AMONDS JEWELRY D~.·m. nd bu lhoot ;ul 1!>~ -croll Wllh mau wntt• 14K rtng VS2 r1re while USGS! ~~ I.!IC"lhon ol ••oluatloo SJ 82Z Wtll .. 11 lor Sl200 C11l 71 4! 750 U 74 B•.J ~tdul D1amo od tolorotr fl I Z3 Carol Appr3•••d SIOOOO Moi• < lh" trade eqw ry .n pr Pflrly 64.5 ~5t98 MASC ULI NE I BIC DUQg e t IIDQ Wllh 3 carat• hoe daamoade GIA laborolo!J op· P!aa.d toe 17410 Toke 13500 Plt•ate party t71\) 6JI 9276 O .C. 11 IUYER Th• Coeto M.a ColB I J•welry Eacbonqe 2426 N•"""P'II Blvd eo.. M.... buv-ead MI .. .... <i •••lr y r •P qold :!ental watch• C'Oin.l Ill .... 8J I 5933 , Af'Jl .; f'I AM~1N [I ... 11 1\IHt l '''"' I A ~ ...... I i otl Tn t• '' I' 0 > p J 14 ."" .... , ... 4 Pra c llc ol Nun• I •• F'URNITUJU: f RENC H ,._OVINCIAL bdr eat ll•r t A r•ou• ROUND IIULUANT DIAMOND. I Cll cent . "pptoleecl 1 12 SM Prleole P~..Jj••t oftor (714) Pral-oal bom• care lor dl•ab1ed t coD ~l..OD9 U hr -· otiCI CctU Me Terry· ~-2937 30 BU8INE88 O.PPTYI WANT TO BtTY OR SEll a bllliull' Cell Je<n~ Sh.I.Mr fl*io.lalt le b utiiiOII . _OJJIOf• tw11.1tlae Co.ll ~ 1100, QiMII IEN£FIT PAC ICAGt p.ovtchnq dofttal I.Qal ACC<'W~IItiQ ~··I "C 10 J0 de.cG~~!II Ca dS1 :214! lot turt her "' tnnn.tlcn ;.c-~~lhDO ~ 7 PIECE Oak I ........... '" 'a a*ooa aatiAao ... .,. ~· CltiiJ&Ck. tioa O elhe .S •l•o .....-A-Q.ml OAJl DINJNO Tebla, 3 2 ,. •• liM• • MAel 0.. c.w... ·~:.~ ~--­........ I POOL TAIL£ . TY' t.a~UeDt coad w oak rae k AU eqwap,..•t P ble proJ .... oac:U move 6 LMklll Aa lattle ,. 1600 ('71 4) MS.~ Carol BEAUTirul HANDMADE C09pwwo re Thoutand• of •t•m• v-, wo .. r pacbon, molliCitl, all -aAd d~u a-ut from w orld' I r au boot}~ Will or amall PncocJ SJ to vn..•o Wcrterl Ocean .. 11 111 icu'l• quoDIIIl• 1• t.AOtnfA BEACH , S4 8.5()..3232 •l ew I u a u r J £ec:ycloped1o 1982 ~· ODe bloc:ll Uao p •aed S :ZOO I to b e oela t lowe :~~Y !OOrAJao I ~:~~~.=Y ~; .............., 1-1 ra all CHU 0 l 'I' I 731·4.580 I Pel.. 4;.,;.~ w A John Wayne Teon11 WHY PAY uo Rr N C I u b r o m tl ., .., ' ~ .. Membereh1f S IOOO ••n• nq 1-i •"''" rtot P P (mOVtoQ 76().8160 u nad<t Ar.u •m .. ~h Pr m• ~"' '"" •> ., • &OOICS Ol.lJ nAflt. m•n•a ,. .. " ,...,, ~ '" .. nd "''A pun! w.. Hun t o n ~· n a •• n .. I buy ~na w ll o ..... 1 One <~nd tw • t:..<i• • "' pun• bc;(..h •ur ·~--· .1 <tp .. llmllnla h no S-4.!'1 1~ N,.hon., tJ• S. "'"' 71 4 847 ~4 S.r~ •. " &. lo V • •' NEWPORT BtAL k 1682 A S.. a, .• , , S.tr r. ••nlr .11• v.,,.,,, t . • I .a An., 54'1 ':j'.)4~ ''' NEW Tol1pho .. Aeaweflag moc b1ae fr om I U 95 ~~l-.. Clty. ~ WINDSURftRS · ooly 2 1eh AU n•••• ua ed S648 o ller Colt 498 7396 Come To The ChnM ma• HoUM Booullfw I u n1qu• h o adma d • decor1Jo oa q~hl 6 food Nov 27 a 28ah l0.4 p n1 12!> Sapphare Bolboo leland -;:-=r~.;ood ••• Eucalprtue I P1n e r,.. d•lt•er.J lim Shuh• Tr-Ser•1c• Call 830 9891 (ooy1Une) 8eau hl11 1 -o~ t u ,-o I )aguor fuJI length cocrt WI Ill bloc: II IIIUI" tnm Apprcn.tad ol SIO 000 Mob offer '"·1451 Two onglllaJ o&1 paua· llllgt Pop ular d-r1 cuUII 84 br 14 cac:bee 1310 35 by 22 1110 Nlooly &amed Pbolae 673-:Mn AMW A Y PRODUCTS came lo .,ou Sollafac hon guarantee d or moo.ey bo.ck S!9-M43 51 WANTED TO BUY V.MITfD LI"H •.• • ~ • •. 1• , f • • ... J1," J• t . ·~ 4 , t.• r, II ,...,, "" •' "J~J r • 1 it r J l •t. \ .,.., 1 "'I 1 I A ~H ~A:f ~' Al!IY >\\i l . t '" • 1 .. • • r I ... Jl• ...... I t I ;-. ' .. '"' .A • I<'• \t ~ 14 ·H~I 1·->1 ... ,._, V.A..,TH , 't:o ' ••io I> • 1 • .-... • ""' .... ,,. •1 ....;,, I• , • ' <;p< ki~ 52 REICT AU TO SRAAE SJSO Non Sm ••• • ahore lmoe 4 bdrm home 10 lfYlne ~8891 (D<Jyt 552·421'2 IAit•r 7 p m Sbor• be<Ju!Uul Lo;una Oc-.an Voew Ho m e L.1 0 11DJ Booch need roomot• 1350 tnclud• ullhllet r uwt la.et 494 1 294 PR O F'E S ~I 1\.A l WO MAN i~ .... 1w • • bedt "'-"'" C t \ ,.,. CIJ\fl 1 J' kltr "• : ,. l .. I w11h ~r .. ·r• I ~ 1 •' bl• onter• • • • l tt attn . .,. .Jt " • t , .1 11\n pcoy.·h " 1M N•wp. ·II S. , ~ • , M .. ~ H .... N-IV'(_ ftMAU R\ MMA n n-ded N r md ••r Woodbnoi\J.. lr •Into ~ h.droorn 1~. I•·•'" ..,.. iu l l<}S f..,l m"nll plu• I 2 uh•·•••• IC u•n .... , 1191 ..... ~ ...... 71 4 551 bJ04 $3 APARTMENTS I t1NF\IRN C OST A M£SA Newer l bdnn 2 ~h 1475 NQ Peta 711)..1411. 542.. 7 ~31 ••••••g• or ... Pc:lt ~ Jfautl • o..;j1 " ""' l>t111 \1 lOV . II 14 JJ ';(Jib f CJ A R[Nl t ..... Jf a ,fT' un t ~~'""'t "f\U'I" ••• Jl.aw an 1 -iit • .,.. 'J .. 'W • t -.J A,, ... , St'Ji"f :'\ ~9'\ not>n'h •. • l •nn .._ t 1 s.. .. h A. I •I I r •• ,. Bv wr~•• -' ': ... i< furoothed Studio p_nvilleeotr 3ne e Ho11 ae l d to ln•oo Dowot lalla !Jr•il Ootetlook.t POOl oOh h u aleeptog :Irea ah .,. I cJOMI 0ule l ~ n11n •o be'lcl'l ehopp1nQ fl .. wa y ~~~0 6U 4136 • BDR mvd•" a lwcn .~ .. n ~t ':IC'Y ifl ••nr ,. wl rvom.p tu 1IIQ .... 'JIIIy $62S .,, R•l rtt({lllllld D •Y• 71 41 667 7000 •"•• 213! 439 1004! 5I HOUSES t1NF'U1Uf let s • 'PU.X • I J Jof..,. t ,. 'r--~ ,.., • I• .r n , 1 1 ,._ fr ' ' t ''"" ', .. , t •• ... J ; '. " ,.. • ,. .. , . u 1 4 ~·. J .. 1 1 , M • ••.,. : t II ) '• ' l ' ' .. 4 ........ ~ LAROE ORANG£ ~~­ patio bome J bodzm Z bath ProleuJooo lly decorcned Ma11r up yrodN re n111.1 pool L-opllOo ~I• S8SO ml)oll• SS'9-l 44.2 C"D M n•11~n•• J :..11 J tn • ~., • ._.,1 ... • u ~ :r q to b.. r..y Wto l t I J r J•r •• !.1 .. s.~x ., ... n ~l 4(,-. t··· f. ; ~ ' ' ',;. .... ..... •t \ "" . ' ,.,, . ... N r•t.w .J T!l .. I •••• • • .. 1r • 1 'II • f1l•Y J~ .. ,.:J• ;~ •' ' w II "le ~ ••n•ott.•• F "' '"'·' 1 t ••• w.•r ~'P" ·n I t'IYy •• f._,~ New c.~aby r recw:il Ka .... ~r real lm-o• l o e clroom 3 bo tll Oce oa •••• 11.100 mo•• S LOG\AAQ Call Marv 131 3'754 S7HOUSES FURHJSHD> ,,,...r~ flf~ ., •f• •r • .,, '. l" ,R l\ -t f • t r • •r! { t • •• I '' •' u •"'• •• t •• 1 ,, 'J• ~ • ~ ~ I' S ' I!' ·• (I' ' • I • o-4.21 ~ BEAUTif UL ... , home 3 bdr t b.:Jrh In lr••n• T•rrace ne.:t r r luoo r. N•w~,, Center SlW mo 673 1?00 wa/lrriae T.-, .... 11 sa CONDOS/ TOWMBSD FORREMT F' AMIL Y TO RENT Newpor1 Towohou.ae 4 j Bdr 2 cor ga ra ge Wo ab e r d1y1r retru~er0101 SIIOO Mo Jan I 833 5806 16(). 2578 NEWPO RT BEAC H neal to HollQ Hoep11ol O ce <J n Bo y v1ew :it bdrm 2 ba1h S900 mo Pt.o. epa ga ra ge M<"unty 750 2022 RA NCH O S AN JOAQUIN 2 belt I lowobOIIM Groot v1•w Near goU roune com mun1ty pool & apo Avculoble }'ln l S8SO mo 730 1890 Nonhw~ the La~• 2 bclr 2 bath 2 .sory L<l la•11d 1 p a tto Tn woho "•• a .l JmmeDIIl .. f Ill fer> I or lttaM Wllh C1PIIOn to bu., 213377296~ ·v~~~ Coado. few mo or Ho t Sprang• Monlaaa' NoY-ber ~ l ~b 1175 831·0337 Rental Oua a.l Cr•ak Coado • Loguao HAUl. I bocbOOtn tpllt·t...t 3 c or g o ro9• Ral:nQercnor wcaher drru Comm11a11y pool te onll 1800 montAJy Call EW. 131 0836 495 1731 • LoQ\1 DO Baocla T 09 ol th.e World ILouee for leaae ly pnvote ~ f Obtaltle \'lOW Q1110t "'eo 2 bodzoom 3 both S I 000 494 :1683 e•oJUnQI ·c011do 111 Allaa- oear Duneylood o 3 Ded.room 2 bath lauo iry room pool, garo9e S67!> monthly 661 6936 ·coa :s S ;;,o l 11aa r.l plllr<:~AI)" N1ee 3 oe droom .JU poo l .eaae $4~ per moAth .Jher 3 mo nrha !Ill 6?16 . S9 VACATION RENTALS .;, ~ Jc • ~· '; • ,, • ,, t ... ~\AA r;. • H,,. • ·•4. ... , .... I.AC'.ATIO~ Rt.NTAL E IC ht11ve Mummotb Tt.mb.r.d~• ondo Slu • It •n• dt:><~r D.c-orator • -J na n•1 ~ D<ir J b<tth , : T\' ll•r•o l , I w I •• lot•p\.- J:: ,~,. '" •nter With 1 uU & .. 1 ... n ' Now 1 l 1f1 J r•••rv lit 111 "€(' .46"' BIG BEAR J 8dr ca lm• 10 the 11t ., O GOII ,,, ;..o e t r ee• ltr•P 1 • o.or TV s~ ~' do:rt Sp«:la.l w .. lt..y rot .. &46-8181 PALM S PRINGS R• • t.'"l bl• w1o1 e r r :1• L aury Coodo r .. :r , t", n11 bed 1 oedtoorn &l-pe lour Te ooa IW i mmi ii!J h~A U • Awadable w_.enat nudw•lt or oao•r .. ,rna Call aftoJ S p m S4.5 1668 or 846 JIB& PA LM <\PRING S S UMMER RATtS Sll Ll IN E HECT L .. au•r "oodo F'uUJ I.JIG.IIh.d I becirOOI'II •·••P• fo.o r Teoa11 aw1mm1DO lCUlll A•aolable we•keade mtd week o r lonqer l•rmt Coll alt•r 6 p m S4.5 16i8 or 846· 31• <;Q [AU T A.HO t T ohoe leTt Lo.W, 2 bO<Uoom ronda 5 rrul• IO CQAJIOI .iwnq lD Joor pool 1011-boot dock. etc S?O dar 11t ) 646 2183 t J,X£ AARO.,_Ht Ai • I tl\ t'lt-w.-• t ...... -,.. . .. II l to.o•t ; hf•IJ ' ... .' h ' '~·1o olh• h •• •1ltn 1 ••· •t T'\' SltHtpt I 4 N rth ~" "' S2tiS .......... n 1 \ l-<C. .... -~ \C,I.I.., n r •• J/86'\1 '> •NNY moun'"'" "' • n 8 0 .... , •bll'l } lot'd to'<>m plua I •It Sl ... p. q 'i!t J'MII 1\IQht \70 rf'lllll·'leble ~uroty :i•JM»•I Call a..lrn•1• AI IH4 I4 J4 8 .0 5 p 111 11 800111 FOR RDT Roommate w011tad lem_ole t::rocJ, lor N.wrn a eolttdo Poo oed lauadrr laahta.. s:w lab mahoa coli lollfree owahar l·aoo.W..»n a u for Pelleyta••r Adwatch MIS19 11 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER Apr>r •lU m••ely ) 50( o.q II oUiu rT hut.., ~~ perty n I I "< , .... ,,~, "'•"" 1 ... 11.nr1 ~4 11 ..,. uu .rded ummu~ 1y P .1 t•n ,,. •H I •.JI4fd ··~'t"tr .1•n en••r l '.i m ,.,_ • L A r N ... r r• a. • h Lo ,,..., r • r 1 1'1•1 w•rh 4 r -· ·. , .. r o.l n••• _., ·' h ..n r-•y n.-, •1tu~ _.,• n '• '"'·'" r ~,, .. •'• 1 .,., r~ . .1m\ r,rl K•' , •• I \>&')I iOtl c .... r ••. , • • J"' • C .. ll 7 14 <;-.c. .. '"· 81 .... " .. 'A.rnt1 Spoaal ~· moot With rt'Ucbo 1)11 1ad b •droom a ewly decolotocJ block lOwll I boach yeculy r•11tal S?OO month Lov\lao ISaach '97·47'73 O w ne r Deep•rate No rh •ao D o w 11 le a •• b11 y M IIIIOD V1e1o ... elillve lctk• borne 831 Xll9 '~• m~e TAX IKEl.'!"D fOR '13 tP\e • 3yn old l;e _111111 Aaum l0011 135.000 do sm CO) DUPLtX oc.o11 ..,_ lrp lce Au11m looa II~ 000 do S I~.CXX) TRI PLEX walk lo beacb [acel Coad ~CO) do ID),OQO C~TER lli:ALTY tNV"E8'nttaaT c7l4J ..... la VAC ANCIES COST MONEY' Reacb reDaate qu1ckly Daol 673 OHO aow 68 HOUSES FOR SALE O WNER Bo • Bll y S ewport 2-rtory 4 bod· room 3 boUI Mod•ro wolh pool JOCUAl b)Q • J ""' gar:~o• 1150 :« uaumable $410 "00 ~2 !366 Pnce R.ducocJ Co.y 3 hedroom Ha,bor ;.. o e S a o Juoa Copwtta oo F'uo~ lDd large bnca pcmo Ou nwe to Oo~ur B.oc b Dona Horbot ~o w 1 112000 ' O woer w\J COlfJ 1ad VA fHA o It 4~-&C*l WO,JDBRIDG£ War moo9loD Townhou .. Plao D 2 bd.rm + d•n 21 1 bo 2 co:r gcu 1ge ~blJ UNraded Sl ~.~ Pnnapa.la Oll· y »n·~ BI:ACH BARG AIN Pr • alaahecl nn llua 'I .lmt nQ 3 bdrm l •n h o m to ~ Sn o t...,.nte 1 !:..1 w till k:l b • h 1loon :;, 1 '.... u rtyeard entry All 11•w lt11Cheo >per. beam eJllnge "'"•w• bnck breploce llno &I.M mcwtor bd.r No-. pnc-ed ol S210 (XX) w1th fi4111lble lonna Ad. 1" Ruth Cbartot R.aJ ty & lnvwtmeota 496 8 122 U2·06ZI ••eDIDqt . • ... .. tll ' ., • t ol' . ' . •• '-r ..... ~lal di8Count couPQna for Marlneland"a .. Chanukah Celebration•• are avaltabae for a $2.00 aavlnga per ~ton. The apeclaJ dlacount ticket price Is $8.95 for adulta and $4.50 for children agee 3-11. For Information and coupons. call leraet Today at (213) 788-4000. Marineland Is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10:00 AM to 5:00PM. M.o.\TI IX)UIPIG:N'l' r~~=" N.rcwr ........ . ........ ~ .. . ~~----· ~~-(7- Hobi. 16 -Good c:oa · diUoa, with troU•r ~ 1120000 .... 0121. 1980 CX500 f Ali\ING Trunlrc:e .. 7.400 mil• ucel'lent ab.pe or~q IMI owner 871 0641 559 9299 S2 300 beet offer 1980 y AMARA XS400 Spec:ael £JCcellent con dthon radden only dur 1nq aummer months Sl 175 Nuat-to <IP pr•cu11e Cdll 8111 'lSI 0736 1t71 ...,. 1niGlN 17' .. aflordo~l•. htlly 1978 Hondo ... apreN 1990 3205 ct.ASSIC every opiiOfl •v••l•ble ft.c:•ru ... ta lamated productiOn IIIQdel new tar• <'nd br•k• C•ll fi73 9168.731 e8IP 1979 733t Fully equip~ lADE 091 1 516,500 Call (213) 862 3222 ~~-~--~J~ • • e e e e • e e .. e ~-;;! U HOuaD I Advertise in I FOR BALE I IIHOUU:II FOR 8ALJ: -, 89 C01Q)()8/ I TOWJQISES :.\4*ppecl Norlla l S300,, O BO taC.U.ot boat lia C:OilCllboll Low mil• c:a•t t. .:~ -:1!. Call Stev• at 67~2.508 1978 !l28t -AU OOGd • l•tt...1 evto.eUo. I\IN 001, etc: laoel&ea t ooradJUoo. tli,OOO. (348 U Gl De'f' (213) 583-1421 RIA&. TORS ID Cl-•-..._.. 1 Lake For•et -By GDOII..U Owur, 4 bedroom, 2 _.;;..;;;;.~~~-.N LAGUNA lEACH'S Vlotorto lead., ••• natduv. for -Direct ..... bWkler l&S NcAQ]oy ~~ W~llon ~Suite 128 28M E. Coalt M1ifY for .... ~ bath ot Lake n. New ~ c:arpet, c.to.nuc ble, orono del Mor (714) 67$.2373 r-· ..._ I opphorac:•• 120,000 V'QIUI... 1 dowo, 11 9111. Ptoo. .• 1...., • • e • e e e e e e e e • e e oa\lmo.bl• $142,000 Beach Home 4 bdnn 21,.~ boAfamlly roo"!. 3 iTJ>Iol VCeaD YMW I fl 20'\. dowa Eac.lleol tell'IU S21S.OOO Charter Realty 6 lo•ennets• 496-8122 Celebrate the Holidays IN FRONT OF YOUR fiRE,LACEI BRIGHTON SPRINGS, walk to all from Victoria & College! Models for Sale!! Lovely 1 Br .. no steps, up- graded, closed garages plus port. $92.300. May lease opt1on . 2 br .. 2 bath split level. $130,000, pool & spa too. p EN T A I D Q E C 0 Y E, Baker & Paularino. 3 giant steps to South Coast Plaza. Award winning un- tts . Models avail., 2 br .. 2 bath corner $126.000 or 2 br .. 2 bath with city view. $134,500. Pool. 2 spas, 2 closed garages. Lease option? CORONA DEL MAR, 41 1 lay OWNI:Il. ~ Va.jo Coado oa U•• =-2 lMMirOOIM. 2 1 14~uv'T-'o':;::. .~. 1144.~00 770-aa:J LOW D1TDD'1' Ia ft"' AIIUIIA&I. 2 bedrooa, 2 batt., ~110 Ninel Home For tol• \r owo•r $141.000 ·1~ CUSTOM ~\:· ~IOWI CAll. GfMY II' c.&TA 673·7111 • 7 ... 1317 • • • BY OWNER - NORTH ~OUNA · Breolbtokan~ •lew, 4 be droom, 31) both near n•w Great terma S6SO.OOO 494· 7464 OWNER 8,,, ~ B ,, Nt>wpo111 .! olnry 4 I"'" •~--.... ·-~~~~~~~-----~~~~~ 11•um l .,.,, h M"cl"'" 1 wclh IX"•I "' u111 bJOI Agenta Uftlted lrokera. •eoltora UOICIII 01 IALIIPIIIONS Now Offenng QO, at our Corona del Mor Offtce JOHN CAAEV. GRt I 1 1 ' ,., u u 1hl ,, \l"tOUOO 1 aum,t blo S4 1 o (100 b4.l t 166 I 69 CONDOS/ TOWNHSES tor lease excellent lighting, carpeted, will dtvlde right tenant. Call today for detalla. for Cout Hwy tore Front excellent location for boutique, oHice or other high visablllty store front. Large picture windows give spec. tacular display to those driving by. Call today for un· believable rates. or 411 % Dah lia, reduced to $295.000 & $225,000. Open Sundays 1 2-4 p.m. ~c»ona ~, ~ ~ ~u-~ ,Cfl~-t,, ~-.~~~>llnl~nl~ Call DO CASIO REALTOR LAGUNA BEACH 1105 N Coest HWV 494·1177 •e•••e•e••••••• Classified columns for bargain buy~! •••••eeeae••••e lllNTAL DU'AaTMDIT J IIOIIM 1 bottll -tllnl!nt ~SO. mo UNI()Ul ()( lANtliON'T wtlll 1.-1 ...,., llSOOI mo ltlMMUICW. SI'I'IQ 500 tq II S c-HWy ISIIV mo I.MUIAIJ) lAY 4 bdrm l bottll "" lllrn ~­ ·~ 2boMII \pKIM:UIMWIWYifWStJOO,Imo OClAHf'II()Hf • llcWm S&JOI mo IUIHISHUl STUOI() S450tmo NDiml OrO 2 bdrm -saDOI MO OWIIUI .. on.cnotl We -TliW 1• cMca -.. ,. .... rth1-. 873-1278 Hu EveMIIill I WIJICM Grow, NRport • NNrty new 3 bdrm. 3 beth home • Prot d~Ofat.CS lnleriOf't•xteriOf' • 40' lep pool. tpa. fount.a n • Formal dining room hbfery • GOY''"-' country i(lktlen wlllr•pl Aeaume 13'14%, Uat.ooo Flxed RMe L.oen, Submit Yow 0..., Owner , ....... A8l-117-1717 PEIUIII :t • -Oceen & )eftY ~ ...,.,. room. 4 bdrm. 3 beth, S1oo·eq ft: 11.-.000 Oc.enfrOf'l\. L-.IUII,... Lagoon view from I belrm. S bath, p&ayroom, dll1t rm. eMf\. 1oet allp Now • '.000.000, MfiiiiPUCI S~t.aeulaf .,..._ ._, br. 2 be up, 2 bf.2l)l~ ~---•••• &00000 I •1 I 73 SPOI\TSTER XLH. _ __ ' Ptt.• Yac~ aeecled .... _.. ~. Foni<Jib<: Buy 3 Bclr ,.., r•tlor ~ pcll• I aU JIGI1I, ~ •-.. Condo N•or park, .._ Call JOM ... :Mll "'*· oaat,..., aaay l ~ehool I manoa Try 24'WlNDk>Si l879 -i~:dcf/010 1-=~~r r~!·~l=·· .~n· ' ~=·~'.~ ~-: I 3 , • S.O.lt• I m.~ C~r ~ty I wllh dodo• C.tallD• I IQ77 HONDA 360T I CADILLAC a ln•••m•o•• 4~· r..dy ~a;~ 58.800 G ,Qd •h I P• """'"· 1 ~122 lt!"';'4>,."u_ eea~~ 1 ;~t S:;~ .. 1»-1 ,11,., 1 ~:'~~~c= Ocean V,.w $129.~ C•btn Qw.er 2l' IC.aJ.y 0... .... -49: 1107°att.f s·: a SpoCIO~at 3 bdr Ill, 2'-1 Never \IMd l8el S~a · OJW. 1•1. 3,· ba ~pl.lt 'level c:oodo I C:IIIIOIII tre~l•. c:env... oor' mil•• ••tro W1th deck I private 1 ed !If 0 1 S I 0 000 cAiro•... lmi~~ac~alol• potlo Cloee to com· 1 (714) s.M-42e2 or 540 ' c:oadltloa 4M·U'11 muDlty pool, du.bho~o~~e 9089 cdttu 5.30 p m 6 golf twceUe11t ll11011· ----- 1m lldorodo eo ..... Ubi•. o•w to.P. aew palat, loocleci ftne good 13,000/ 'D••t alt• IS~ c:ang An for Rutb 12 BlJ'lTERFl Y '\All 1 VESPA P200£ lurg11.o C harter Reoltl 6 BOAT (aln\ll.or 1 1 dJ Uode r 1400 1111 lnv..tmen'-496· 122 UaW•1 Whtte ""1''1 ~· legal 11100 492-0628 eveDlnge •to1<10• tube f'K< •'"""' j edt• 8 p m ar <•ntlttoon S I )()() ""•• ... ~~~ IS56 ~upe d• Vllle, lmmoc~ Ia a 0\at ••a te wltll orlttaol d eaD ~.,.. .... oM. OYW 13,100 -.s.ue I NEWPORT "JLUITS" c:oado -by oaaoua OWIMr, ll ... YeaDie at 1142,000 00 oaet. ~ lfoiJ 03'56 I t'OR SALl I b Hobtt· VACANC IES COST I C'at Orttnou hull "''" j MONEY I Reao b I q7q SF.VIUE DIESEL d~>w• •tht>r utr·•• Wtth teaaatt q_uackly Olol 1ra.: •. , Sl Q'i<t 11 4 1 673 .os~o oow t ' Sh.up bhtc:~ factOfy CB 8 track ANIJ'M E•c-e llent c:ond1taon I w•ll mo•nlo.-ned Aakt.ng S9000 Don (71 4)633 8862 (2lll 268 4830 Bu y A P loae !11 984YLW 613 6o.!"l I SAIL AWAY tn vo111 A.lrp)an .. tclR SAU EiY O WNt.R V opt .. mJ 14 1•11 .. •1 •I I l • Mon< h, lo•wnh. ""' \.Ill• II "'"I m I I •II --:---:----:::-:----:- M .,~t . .-J m .. t .. t Auum•' lht • .. .," •t•• 't 'j I s l • I tXKl '"" r I I I no'"' 'I 'lQ<; I. hn ·~ • l(l •• " '••··•t F w • '" n• • ,,, ' fi lt •"><,lb • \ • I 1-t II 1">4"> 1 •• TASTEfUlLY f UR NI~HFO n• tw tr • n 'r n•l nd u Hw 011 •II I !So 1 I ""'')l).t.'l tiSHINl, IK IAT I Yti I 1 f\., Tr • ~ .. , II ....,,., '" mut.r tr u •'t r ... ',,.~ ... ""'' ... ., ' h ,tt ... rt••\!1 '" tu r .... ,, toh "'" •rr .. ·•.-t 1 tol l.tnlr "' /14 /h<l Nl) A I olh >Vo•l Ul S. ... •• 1 I t4 HOBJ£ <At ,. tl &., tt) tf6.H• '• i iOOflO(I 11 .. 1 I ,, ''"'' s~ 1 bt-1 • 1 '"' M.at .. II' 496 84 /.'l 2 WOODEN SAILING elup madela, s· ICfCitcb ball bdt._J~·--··· qvdty I:JUOO' oa. •. C\ltty Sor\ 1,250 I 71 LOTS ACREAGE I w EAN VIEW 1 n rs 1 tr.m $&;{1f..l(llt on. I• I r.-,Uy ''"" Mu11 b .• ~ oti• U3-0333 ATTENnON SAlLOASI I m~a~t Ql•• up lh• ahlpt 14'10ilbocrt lD •ao.ll•ollllap. You cl.eeene Ill OoJy kJO Co.ll Ml-814.5 _,,. • AQ,.nl 71 4 760 8160 ~ t o 2h Ac:rea. Rea1deobol Iota wtlh p~a ll ora ma c vaewe UtWtiN aze ovcnlable Low lnter.t,low dowo Terma to ftl your budcJet Ors.ly :U mU. North E:aet of Palm Sprioge Call ogeot (619) 36S-2312 (24 houra) for appoaol· meal l.arve Fatnrcry v,.w lot -wttll pJcru. Ia· aide 9Gte at 1acticnl w .n C:Ouatry Clu Below mark« .aha. $125(000 IJ OWNS 864. 4.51 I •Millt NU Big Bear Lak.. 4 lo.b &oat ~~ 8ou.ld.r lay -.soo, eac:ll OwDer wtJccury or trnd• r~1 ... elM (714) 49$.5311. 12 RESORT PROPERTY TAVERN lAY -Lok• Arrowhead S 8cb , 3 bo gu• bo~o~~e, vcu· age Walk to priY'Ote dock, oc:ro•• from beach Good all ~!'-ocoe. :~-.r. (ii)Dl~,, .. <*X), ~ ~i3) ... 3931 • 110111.£ lOla 'SPACiOus a.f0 111Et lrvcne1 J ~~ walk to pool end ehOpptno No pet. S.C:u111y 45 ~·· to buy Only ~000 U.ne ..; nt, 5'JI JOel I l BOSTON WHALER 40 hotMpower M•r cuty under warr•nty M•tc h 548 9001 1110 SEARAY. 22S Dadd.J_ Co~la , 350 Mere 110 . radio g:r~~ ..... ~ 117.DJ c_-.A..; P~ Pl4) 1 •·fMD~ 532-3057 I It~ Ft Ql.aepor Cold c:ndMr II~ Jt p M.f. 1 ~ o.~ a trailer 13750 C I radio. I deptil eonder 111· 7SIS. Boat -19'71 Oalcu:ie l iT lk1 01 ball Mcray ea· tra. V• c:l.oo JS,SOO lt172 ~lo Matador, MV arsee.2301 SAIUOA.I\D -t.cmd ......... .-. ..u~.n -.... ..,oo . ..u lor .aD C» C.U Teet MS-am .MOTOR HOIID HEADIN' FOR THE SLOPIS?'? Rut a lu· u.rl0111 1M2 R••coa Motor ~ 5DedaJ wlater rot•ef N o mil•~t.• c'oaoe l AITORDAJU: VACAftON CONCEPTS. INC Bet· ty, (714) 150.1111. ~::~~a 0d~~~: 19!1a ELDORADO S. lot 19821 S.lbng "two • II• MH"b.ntcally 1 3 tnlereate oo ~~ 1 ''~ .., ..... .a Ill• all Ptper Wmnor S3 500 pow•• u lunq $2.000 d o w n plua S i71 UB,) Co1ll Dall 633 m o athly Oro oge q 148 County ba eed low 1982 CA.OIU.AC houra, fuU I r R CoU SeY.Ue Tnpe ucl ..... toll "" number 1·800-uterior wttil la~&Pe • S32·3912 Aak lor Pen tencw iow IDU.. IW.ly DI_~av e r Ad wa tc h I aqllipped Wiae M0697 518,000 C.U ....._, 483-38'74.1~ 93 VANS/TRCIS FOR SALE 1941 CHEV Poo•l. IUDI t_ood OrialaaJ II eo~£c~ 11soo, oao 136--.s7 75 TOYOTA P\ckup Camper ahell, g ood c:ondltao n Good maleoge S2.200. beat offer ~·4534 1979 C ADILLAC S.vtlle D .... l t.o.ded "•c•llent condtlton brown Mutt aell S8 500 85~ CHEVROLET 1978 Chny Malibu C la u ac otr, 1111 wbMI, lterea 'leatller IDIWiof.L. elo.;ueDI COa· diHoo ;w,600 492-_, •7 AUTOS 1 1976 Cilnt Moua, cdr, AN/FM racUo, low WANTED mllot•• 12200, 413· WCJDted 1911·12 BMW I 4035 ~~ ~·miUi 1 97~ Chevrolet Monte day 1 eeeDUIIJ Carlo Good c:oodlboa Beet offer buye l4(). 11003 MAUTOSFOR SALE CAJlS ..U for $117 9S Ca•woo•) AJ.o }Mpe, pick vpe A eaUa.ba. at local Go•'t Audloaa r01 ou~, aU eos. 617 ·6000 el't 2301 CaU rti\&Ddahle BMW BMW 1983 7 4St T U R 8 0 252 hp tully loaded apecaal Eu10,._n op· 110n.a OClly • handM IAI U S F'aal S.t~al 46ll I 213 ~76 4611 1980 BMW ~ - Bl•upynkt t utelle Iter~. l\lruOOf, elloy wheela, eu 112.000 or b4ttl ofler Col'llet't 831 eele, nt 2228 liPI INW 3D~ 31 ....... '-*•• coaciAha (11') ._ 1- I 1978CAMARO cleoa ell arp . AN/fN ca ... u•. ~~~~. ••• bra.k .. , •• Ia· terior, ~ ata..1 IOCriMoe .,,. (7141 no-a:. 1979 CO R-V £TTt Whale w red leoth•r tnl E.atro red plaetk: OltiO top 11,000 ntil• Loaded Sll,900 (71 4) 84().1760 8 om 1 pm CITROEN '71 Catraeo·DS1S. 931 111il• Exc.IJ..at lA a out R.ceatly tued 4 I'DHd moauel t3SOO ,,14) 491--4923 CLENET 1~'N -~.iOO rrua.. 54~ 500'010 IU: JAY> (213) 8J8. 0181 691 8827 1982 CLE.NET Vert low tn1t.. Ul\ with leD IAter101 C.IJ loa ep· poutlmeot e~ 4g3 2874 1 34& 3025 DA'TWUJI 21W71-utl. FlAT PlAT 11'M 134 .... -•s.oao .... s...,.., --. ....... .... 1M. AWIPW 1 OWMI. fie .. S3.17S/OIO (010 l'Zl) Pri•••• ,..rtJ, (71-4) 52:1-3006. I 977 F1A T SPtDD N•w 110ft 'Of· h.a.rd top, ,...-........ -----. c•• c:ov.t, ANin.t CQo Mil• SJ,100 4~·3572 •"•• 5 p .. '10 HONDA fiiLUDC. 21.000 --. perilct c oacUUoa AM/fW c M ...,_,,A/C, ~oab .•. 500 . .... oM.. (114) M2- ll55 1111 Hoed~~ Orio 1300 OZ·LIM ...,, 5 • r t. olr coadltloalat AMIFN ~IS.· 500 ~1-1322. R.od #he Cloallled ods •• 1 HOIC)A Aoooal 1976 f lAT 128 4-door 3·4oor ~ato .. .Mcll Exc•ll•nl cond itiOn ao.ooo ........... w. N•"' hr.. Low m11.. ~ ............ . -•••• Mutt -S 1,850 Of bwt AMIN oM.tt... Air r--oller 642 1701 631 oo.dlt~, cnile FIUAIU · lr7~. 315 4267 coetwol. te,!IOO m. GTt-11 lo.ar. 12 C"f1 0'717 uo ~It 1 1,00 0 FORD 1-=-980~KO=HD=-::A Pr•l\ld• o«ialMl t1U oa.IJ £a. Su .. r, '-•P"d. AM/1M c •Jleat c oadllloa 1979 fORD FIESTA -c .. n tt• Aak 1no 1.. 1 Sup•rcl•an, eunrool s• _ ll\&•l ••lt• lal•r or m•o• 9r•at cond1hon !!l-. Wut ••II p p Beet ol.ler (317 NAN) •• 8804 (lEYIIeO) 157·1~ pp 838.9457 -,...----1"......,_--- FEIIIIAIU 1970 1969 MUSTANG E.ac•l l974 JENSEN lftl•rcep J65GT 2 .. 2 EJcc•p l•nl IUOnli"<J conditiOn t~·aJ --... 1t~ AI-r br ~ lot Coupe Navruhc•nt ....,._ ....,.... -·· .. _ pow•r at"nAQ. .... ~-.... 000 1 per*t l\4ld 58 000 au S I 750 (S56.JIIOl a...,pe ~ ml " m1lee 1 19.000 13EIC 714)633 6629 d"p blu• ••t•r101 With JS 1) pp 1714 831 be1q• l .. tber IOieuor 8188 $8 900 Call 955 1491 Fr•••JU BOXER 512 19'73 Mu.~a~ ClGIIIic dav-646-4137ev .. o:.nnn • Coaurhble 7 1.000 881 I~ model red OfiiJ IDol milea, aew LINCOLN With blacla IOt•uor J60 POIDI IDierior ea• )972 Llacola CoataD•II hp lett•• produchon I eeli•Dt CaU tollbM Ia) Work IV Vert c•r made I~ ql .. ual Du.mber 1·801>~3873 c:leoD R~au good Fu.ll <2 13} 276 461 1 <Ilk for PeaAJ'ICI"f'W -pow• Sl79.S. 581-2191 r Adwotcb Mtl!tl M' .. An ~ZDA WA••n 1882 ~I bo -....... ....___ --" 1 1980 Ford M1U1ta11g, au, ·-Mada RX1 Red .._.. -... D•w tuea alereo 1 "' 8,SOC) ..... 148,00() ~· eleciDI 13~ •at b)aek iDI , OH, Olert wW be CCIUW.r· 496-1932 ' ~. flawte. eoDdl· ed. (1011548) "· m•> ________ uo11 a •• , M3-81S5 or 1714) 548· I oller (WI32~) (714) NOt.. 643-2153 Ill L()Qking CAll NETS I ABINtTS ('Jot n "', s. ~,· r ••h b..-"'" t ll t .: •qt.·• -tfht I ""' 1 1 l"l4 '\b<;/l 1 ~ I• 1 f m I C HRISTMAS SPEC IAl. C lip 6 Sa•• CAll WASHING/ DETAlUNG CAR OETAI LINc; Sl't (.IALIST R ..... I ,., ., ' J111• I ;t lf<htfJ t • C •••Ill I PI( k I I" I • I• ' Jav,.,,.. r,.._, "' "" .,. ' C til K•no.~ 4~ l lY.2'> ........ 'U UO SL lrowa/browa lot~ ........ 111,000 al. SIU50. E 1-lpa -1»3all. or ........... &31- 1300 No 31 ...,_ 1970 300 SEL 6 3 t41nl cond&IIOO 111 ouomal 72,000 mlle A.tJu n.g S I l 500 C a.ll no 0290 1 1 E.AH 803> 1979 2400 Wereed• 58,000 mllea, red S~owroom coaditioa, ao dowta -~•• '--ot13151t•oaawr CoU toU free ai&IDber • 1()0.$32.3872 ad for PeaUJ~•• odwatc~ Mcaxl 1980 Merc:.dee leu- la]IM, 300, SD tw~ load~, miDI J3 UUU below boo k C all ~ .. umber 1-800-~31'72 atlt fw Pell· ~,.,., A d wa t cb CONTRACTORS ' MCHJ'I'IlCT • COift'Ucro,. a... ()l&a.llty, Low Prioe Call IU·I210 L.lc 1322217 Try the Clouiliecl ocJs b •outdul IIOI Ill & 6~ 1 Han.d stripped, ICIDded, I cA-~0 r tn•t hDIIhM Lw: • ~ lit ... .u nroom.d Item."'' lod~td• O.o•al CootrGC•or Propertr llaJ)I~erneat • •• •·1111 I CONSTRUcnON bonded & refer SIOO ro • • w ·.,. oH quoted Mimi & 1 prof-onal bartend•re room pont led tr.. I CJYcDlobl. for Mni.o_g on Lo-~ 1 1~ L '' Chri.tmc:w 6 New Yeor No advertiSer i n th1s paper ua IUC• Of n• nOu• l..eiv'lll• Pleo.ae c:aU day MCUOD CaU Tod St.. 64S l4l8 ' RO N'S StRVICES 493·2.Sl8 ' • · Carpeolly eleclllcal, T A" IN F T' -plumlM.Q9. cerom~ot ttle 1 1 < >M 0 • "Help ·-with your lntW\Or cte.gD Cl.ll1om K ' '" t ··' •• '1·" 1 HoUdaJ tDterto.lameot r•mod•l.t.a.Q t room ad .. "·' • '•·• ' 1 S k o ppiDQ food I d 1t 1 o ~ae (l 1c o o •••••• t n-,., ,,,... •• " o\1 I d' I preporOuOD, MU'III.,., 422180) O.oe rol COli boneDdtag or eleao l "odOII $48.6613 "' 1 ... '•h 1 up 01cu1a 497-1619 or IS n1 o r.-than a qallon from y o u I. I l Tr •r • .... 7 ....,... me.age ~ .• , •v OVERHOLT Cou tnw:· • •• ACOUSTICAL CEJUNGS \ fiAh. s S~'k;\ 't'l I A , ,r, , l •• ,, • , v .. , ~ '••' • f\h ,,f I •'· 0,, 'h /,HI(t ,. J1, 'tl. I I CARPEMTRY fAIR PRIC'fS •v w "" P.~t t•-~ttw .... 1 ht ' tO I J U1 I• .nd' , ... r • r el ,,, ~ t.; '"' I " '·' • '>Hl 0····1 ........ t • , ~· Hp.>r •m oil • En~llah Ca.rpenl•r JournaymCU\' CWIIom •P•clah atoQ doare cabtnt U, paoe ltno ehe lv1og formica ReOM>nabl• Bnan 714 ~-6743 CEMENT COMC'IU:T£ PA fiOS • ORIVEW A y-. W oti•r p.tll· ''' ,. .u IVJW• N ' I< b •• buo~ •m\ll N" .291.21'• As.-I ·r l•m '14~ 710.2 L'0NCRF.TF AN[l MA SONRY P ''I•" ,,., lr t1 ~ onl.ty Jfl'tl••w ... ""'1'h ••;th.tl• Custom W~k '"m '' ' r "",. ''" Custom C•~• .... lt••• ""'', hi· • "''"' f , .... ACCOUNnNG B OO~Jt£E PlNO & TAXt S C PA lo dlY\duolt, portnen h1p 8 <1IIIIC.614!1 whh U<~~U/ ••1111111 ''"' [ 1,, •, !fl Leaded" Doola /44CI l• 1'.114 •• Bay 'c'!«!.!.~ w .. _,_. \(lNCRETf Wl•HK & Corp Ouobty work at budQ•t pnc.. lmllol conaultallon I" ~9 4119 559-0991 Referrale--An WOfk 1 P , '1 , J 1 , .... 1 ~ olf~1~~ I blnf ~w tilt ' • n I I II .~~~~~~~·-~~~~·liU··;·~~~~t •nl I tw •'tift I fl.vkh<,. ~11.1 •• R"" I.ATJII.EEM n...A"AOAM I Aceto ausnn:ss ltftVJCEI t 1 '"'-, t ''""i' nl p1,rPII l•ttt••ty '•" r••l.tn~~~o •tJ ,.,n.,• ........ nUll.! n1•' t t1 '"'"'"• •v''"m ~ .,, I ' I .. W'<'LH• HI t I -------- 1 .. '1' II I '" "·"' ...... CALL PERl &a.. Fia11p ~ 4212 Maa .. aD OIII'JMID'- cmdoddr"PP*tobt R L 0 S T I N ·r H £ L ,_ld.M ($ooVIrllah) poJ)II"WOfk ahvJB.? I' • --..7 a CPA, cnul l'U Wp •••- J OII •t liP JOIU 00001&11· O\Ja'I'OM llae a ad r.oJroll l Wood Pdo Coftft •J•t .. u A eo, I'll Dec:b 6 Feeoee ly J)lepch JOIU eaJel tela, Rciacty poJioU ta:a ~ ... .-buaa.. olld I.JIIooee taa ret\anrl, loa. CARPET HCIJltiiPia, 55~ 7M5 C1..£.AJCIRG IEAUTY IVCI/ LOOIII fo.U Ca.tpet I fiillll ~.aopJDJa.ka1 1 1 sAUY'I -BEAUTY Sty, \&P to 1100 1111 tt NOO~ 188 E 11\h St 171 Lo rv .. ~ome eo. ...... ,.. __ t• .uo~u, \'vh' tad lrunt S I l !0 liP TUitmg, c:...ct!Moe''O 6 1 cMtr S8 00 up hrnr.: I Od 011 ? F'I£EJI ..._, $4 50 roetlao ..-JOif IERVICD :iWtw,.,~cutt"'9 5laoe tt7s .,...11 • •t.o. ~t.t F•ll' • "T~.. H ~~ Cam brl•e• oyl" ll'e d~l o..id -W. 17U • AliD £Qr.1 Wbaw Oae SIIAMOI~ oroet Ot'd UoN* I t'l '¥ C leCJnrl'9 5pe <..l!littong 1('1 dltlrC\il IODIIC s O wner QC)OrOiod t::lOSed lt'l trW. ~· .. dl'nt ~ rrn •• L.c 2547.:4 P • 17"ol283 7JO:,tll/l CONCRETE I S P ECIA LIZE 10 1oelahammer worla and remo•ol of coDcr•t (poboa. adewa.lb a.ad dn•-OTI) AJ.o cut bnQ and haDd.oWlDQ Week '• Coner•t• Rem09ol 631 2610 CONCRETE PATIOS DRIVEWAYS Woodea patio ~. a.lJ ~ No loh too WG/aall. No 291m. AM lor Um S48-7103 COJK:UTil u.IIAI.t •auu.o IIIDIOYAI. S lo 1plo,,der dump truck j41Ck hamm•r ~ ,., .. expenenced quahty WOJia 1neured hMesluo•l• 157-ISU II'IICJA',.,... -LD ............. ........ .,. •• .tiM, .. ~ .... w .. aa .--.... Ouctl&ty ................ r... ••"•••••· c ~~ .. ewe-. ..... (7\t)al..-. I bell "-modeb.oo aad etr r rGII\lllg ciryw G.ll baJ w\adowt, f reDCh I doore 0\lobtr at low pztc. Cell I .Mo &41 IT73, JohA 497·S095 !i WIUiON SONS 8. • .... ,-., ~ t. •• ...,. 1U t'• t{ '' tU. .. 'CJMIII • '1<. li. I· I I I ('•/4t1 ° t-4tl 1/~ ROOM ADDITIO NS R•model.iog oad new Electrical, pl~am· b.Uig a nd aolal ooaboc:· ton Uc.D.Md (41.19). 30 rear•. 100% ti.Dan· eiaQ Lou O.ae Coutr Co . (71 4) ~S:.1 O VERHOT Construe boo Remodeuov and ••c fram1o9 drywoll boy W\ndowt french doore Q uobr., 11 low pnc. Call By_ran 64 1 8773 John 497 ~5 CONSULT RESUMESVC FH AS<~NABL E FIA' f ft ""' .. ,. .... . , R•u.met PretXUed by D.oreed Ptol-ooo.la moclen word J)l~ 1ag •qu•pm•DI Tl:a• R.e11m• Repor1er, 832. 1330 CLEANING SERVICE Ka hdo y Sp•c1al R./Comm Fr" W\o dow WOI~J:Ii W\lh Mr Y!Cle 1195--1 V ACANC JtS COST MONEY ! Reocb teaoata C{_WCklJ Otal 173-0550 oo w l Oa-lecl Ada DRYWALL -nu::t EST'IMA n:s oa ceaeat, lt1o e k or bricborll, ••• eoa llr'llctoa 011 re_paUa Lie -.:22 CoU -0138 _,... OAYWALL TAPIHQ All t•atur u oad ocollahc Roo• od · dltloae a ad rola d a aage r, •••• tleat.• ~ •• , •• &SO· .. o.~--~-· wpon £a•ea/C.... .._. ...,..,u'riiM TMcly D 'II UO DIESEL .... eu.l .. -. :c .-....... .... -.Au..U. 33 .... 16250/0ac:> c.D-.36M 117l_,SL~ ..... 10 ~.st.. ... l:reaely cleoa, eoU. lop~}~all powet , ANt •"" kdr1i Ddced. E~~- MEilC £DE S 8-E:N Z 1978. 450 SEl Brown brown laotutiC cond hh new Oftly 45 000 mil.. 125.000 1482 WDOl PP 17141 955 074 5 979 903l 11981 380 SEL Under Cl 000 m1le• oraent rttd hrom• 11m• sunroof per:ec l ond•l•on S44 000 w .. ltd•v• 557 071 I evft w"lt 1QIO JOO i) ... ~ ... .,.,_-.j, lM* 33,000 •••• ,. ....... lee.. ANini ...... .....,..._ ... 4; .... ,...,. colof. PueJ II tu• 125.800 5s:l i725 1 ~I -:-3000 Derla bl11e blua lrtt•uor AWIFW ~te. low ••••• IUO.IQOI t hll under warre~tty C.ll O.n•l 7~1 221 1982 3000 -TUUO &IIYtr bl11e ••ta l he blu• SIR, 01tho ... ,,_ r .. , '-de. lac 101y mata N~.~o~t .. u PP 1714) 73 1 Olen 1965 JOO SE CONVE.R TL81.£ Elctr-'Ordlnary cond Ilion' R•c•n t rebu1lt •nc;,1n• tr•n• lliiUIOn M'1ch•ll n r4dllll n•w l••ther brown lop wrlh wh1te •• t•uor r-hampao11• tn lertor PP S25 000 080 Aa1t lor C•ry 71 41 ijg7 2526 21 )) 430 2959 1 MO 19Q.SL -lEST riiAAI.ag ut 0 C 16.!100 buy 111 PP Dave d•ys 6753012 •nda 675 2464 1979 M.BZ 300 SO 1977 t48Z 280£ Ivory 14bco tunrool I Clrm•te control c•nrr•l new tutta c•-tt• 83 locluno eac•llent con It• •DM PP 17141 557 d111011lo"'mu .. cru...., 1051 Monf11 85 I control AM FN sl•r.o p m Cdll957 8071 dttys ~--------- 1981 .300 so TURBO Mercury 1 luw mllea ell<.ell•nr I ··ondollon all pow"' '75 MONARCH 28 m1 ,.unroof IYOry lttn tnlllr I p•r vollo o Rebllllt 10r (18GC277) 130.500 1 •O<ilo• 2 door, 6 cy1 PP, 111•1 832-He:l. I Red ShOO ~1813 873>04'71. ELECTRICIAN II<"ENSf[) f,,, ,, 1111 C t l•fl•l f tt "l• ~~tl"l llt•J·I'II .. I. I••"' .. '" fh~~l1 ' tl ._. ',, ... ~ .... • •••m·••• C • 1 r "' h 11 ;on. ELECTRICAL PROILEMS? N•w. old, IIIIG.ll, lar8, 'nuaedMne l =·ai9b~~~ 640-W1 VACANCIES COST MONEY I Reoeb teAaata q_~&.lckly Dial 873-0~~0 DOWI C'1alelfi.ed A.d.a fURNITURE REPAIR II RESTOR£ FUJ\NTI'\l"RE & CAll NITS -EJ~l"'rl ••pe1ra quAlity lecquer llrwlll• coiOf ruatchLnQ hM .. t1m•t• lltcba.d ~ Z728 Your wll.fa<1•0fl IQ-IAftl .. rtA~I STRIPf IS , '•I '. ' A· I ' • 1 ,,, tr ntt"' •l•tfl • r• •t ,,, .r , i • .. t- f•t ( IAl I • ' I • . ' I, I t •n 1 •'t ; ••·1 t •, 1 tro1 '\1••1'> A j.,,. c .. ••" lur•·r• ,, .l\.f 4\ (';, '' • l tt • Jr. , ~ • I M •• , I titl,' l 4h1\ GARDEMING txPER OAROtNt.A r. rtlliJii.og. uee trtm m1n9 _. oew Iowa • a~J repa:U WIAiet rye vr~ & eleooupe s.&S.I215 RtlTUTIU.IN , [K N. [riRT .... • ~ • ,, t. "' II w..-• t'-Pd , .... ' ' ~ I 'r: ... l H .. ' tt It-t ttM f, .. ., t1'.1 • n4h l819.sn,· "'" DOWN T0 EARTH t ... ..,.. ... _ tnd l~ u 1.-n S.··. r ,. Compl,.,.. 1 •' • It th n r•n'-'>" _,,, '' tO" tTl;tlnt•n.)nCfi l)l4 t ,, ' .. rv•c • ,.. , uth puC"•'' ..~stom•'' .. ~ ' '' ~'UOIIty C.,) i ~· ~~ b46 7819 LAN DSC APE & 0ord•DIIIQ lp6CI<lh11 1 Japan-Oordan•u IS Y" e •p •r Lo:ndeeope cl.eon I.IP mo1nt Bl·hnQIIOI & r•bable lod R• fr" ell Coolranon L1c 363323 CAU Alu ~47 7733 YARD REJUVENATION GARDENIHO G tNJ:RA.L C LEAN· UP Mow1 .doe, weed lfM tnm, aallliav 6 ler· llh&IIIQ R J • s OordelUDQ s .rvlc• ~9-8028 oalt lor Bob AJ6S Oarct.uv s.,. I rice Moe, eciQe, ...cl, ltM trllallllll9 6 •ator cleoo~apt Ko\&UII!v 6 I l•rtllia.iDg !~9-1021 "* 101 Bob 1 Complet•:501d mcnat Mow 6 • to Jard cleoaup aa IJM trim· rruaQ 10 ,,.. ... ;;-•ce Call Ooo 648- PLASTER PA TC KINO 101 reptf)e'• •tc Ouiela eLeao 6 r-Da ble lu..tlol doou & deod boltt too 1M 7396 HAULING KAUUNO & OUIC l Cleoa~ap Ycude. g01 ~-OJ* 6 COIDID Ca.U l.rfa or Rick 631 09S3 831 ~ PLASTEIU"Q AIL PHASES ·I PLAS T£RIN\I R. I. '•••t ;t tl t tnhunu ,.. '-'fl t ,,,, kw ''~ Ro.-..trr• 1 j t I U tfl t 14lft1nl ,, ,, •• , • ,,.. ...,,lf'li~h· 1'1~/Ht I hn ,. INSULATION ATTlC INSULATIO N Hom• w~ r ,.. ... Taa c:redita Low COlli ~-011 <:'Oab ,.ba.... !II bol commeraol · l.a· duCial o.~ 979- ~700 HOM£ IMPROVEMENTS KOUU: ITADnNO · TRDI. W1adowt t.· cl ud•d "or ll guaroDteed Aoytlme 497 6463 'I' l Hl 'Ml R .. , • •·m• r '• ~ • n'••., '" ... •• r 'n I ' • _..,'It ,,.,.., Pt fl uri, mt ,., ~ r I ~ 7334 It H lKI I ~IN1 OI.J)III'C" I ="~ Wit~ •&IJU lt.bWlt -e'-ud ···--· -. ~· lliA.IWI9 co.dJ:taoo S.. to ap ~ .... .., 551 PO NICHE 1 ga:z POaCiiE IU.-ck Ter~ Loaded 800 Ill liM . bta, $1 l()() ..,eo 132.DM beat ., m •l flf¥1 7283 Of <ll3l 883. 9159 -.o.-•I'd --'· ... P<:>aCHE 1 98J g 17 look a 1-* PorteM 911 6-cyl ~IM Nab ol ... 1833 SF1J pp C71 4l 847 ~244da-,. •••••••••••••• 110 •••••••••••••• PAinDA PAHfi.ilA 1974 lmm.s c ulat• SJS 000 lum pp 1213) 836 0 18 1 e81 8827 ILEJAYSl 1961 PORSCHE 356B c.onv•rt 1 bl• Pr uno' t-41161 Ml11 67) 6.JS2 IS Peugeot~ FuU pow•r 111el11d1oQ lu Droof $900 10\&Dd .,...t~ ~ c:rvJM COD• uot .N uw mJlea sa,. 300 U'4.2589 after 6 pm PORSCH! 1 Ge! g 12 New peu&l carpet h•ad1111er •••tiler •tnpptAQ 5 epeed lu t ond aobd S5 000 111111' 1928H8Wl PP 171 4l 82136 aou.aaoYCE 1979 '' CORNICHE Conv•rltbl• Wh••• m1g~1 low 1111!• d~~Jital daah ustom rt•reo B.t vlt•1 PP 12131556 3312 JUNE 1981 SILVER Wr••th Burgundy r•n aunt cond1hon PP 21 l l 654 5310 1963 SlLVD CLOUU 111 Good cond1•1on whtle RHD AM fM 8 track •u t-4••• Jll•• C.ll Ia-Elltor PP (5)21 896 8000 1971 WHITE Cornt 1 ~ Conv•rhbl• 8e• •'i n "unt cond111on R..,. r portun11y <*PP'"•••rl S70 000 S.ll SSS 000 Av.s d•bl• l1n<tn ~ l 163 I PVK I PP 7 14 ~78 924 All equtp me11t bl•d on black. aulomlhc qood r11bbe1 S9 SOO 0 80 Call 8621295 1759 1397 HOUSE CLEANING H JUS[CLE AN IN~ (" mr .... no.. leor. •flq •J utm~nh· h .... n-,.,, n1 \ Re~•vn4t• P • , I•• Rt+h•1•nc • C., '"'" 4 ~ m %.' .''> J. , ...... It HAPf'IN t.SS IS liA \' INU TIME I • , '""•I! MAIOMRY BRIC K \!f NHR s ~• p.tVIO j t1,•n• w ''" hrepJ• • I •· " u•ltt'"'"' J wa,l• dOd lf!j)dlll I, "" ... 4i ll">S r , ... ••'1"1 •••• Surtc.n M•AOnrv 114 898.2985 I 1 ... ~\ h,u,,t t , )Hf 'HUNGR Y rOR ltt~t n.nQ r t"tWt Wr h t 1tlt )fl hU'\dlt·" fh t" l47'l Th. M· ''"'''• ~ l .IU\.1 Prof•aalonol Ko'-'•• or Condo CleGnio~ P•noool touch Sot Tu .. Call Audrey ISO 0933 CLEANING UNUM1TtD For u c.U•-tA boUMCleoD 1 1og p rov1d1D9 all eupphet te cludtDQ YOcuum Truatwortht cmd d..,._.dable Coil IOdoy for ..umaw ~-3?26 ltn:OJaR CLEAJmiO IE,.VICI. Hou••• o ptl •m pbM Wta dow• carp•t• Ea c alle al wo rk b y pro.lllllioaala ··w. do wl:aat othen proaaiM Tl:aat'• wl:ay we are t.h• b.! . . '7:J0.0268 HOU8ESJTTING ELOERL Y COUPU AYmlahl• to ho-t lrom 12 1~ 8 2 to J I 83 Pleo.M all !>38 )207 LANDSCAPING YARD JUJUVI.:NAnON ,r r • r,..., ? , ,.. .... .. • "· • ,~ ... ;-if' J ... ,. '" Hut. 1 Ar• t .. "'~• .... ~ ·• t " .. ,.., ........ ~ t f ,_. ..... ,,,"' .,,,., All SuS 141-t211 LaodtcJ piDO N •w L<~w n • ap11o la l•r IJ'"II•nan tr.. d-go. ycud c:leo o up brlck a c•m•nl worll: AU pnc. to reflert r-urr•nl I CODOmlr CO IId WO RJC 1 Low pnc• on quollty bnclrw orla con cret• a woodwo rk I~ hoooang cnra.u Rel•r CoU Buan 837 92.S9 01 Nell 768 0805 MASONRY W >t !J DALY Land.acape fENCES PATIO'- SPAS DEC KS 173-llll MIRRORS NIRROJU:D W A.1.lA Wordrobe dooR Hiel:a qu.ollty, bolletf ~ e ap•rl IDIIGllOUODI R.lloWe LooaJ refer Mlke IU-116i CHRISTMAS -- SPECIAL O Nt Y 8 • 12' •all 1 • p1a1• m1rror 1DIIlll•1 lor SJ98 SpKJOJ oo muriJI wcudJobe 1oore c.JJ.; Murl)t Br• k• "14 ~~ 6300 MOVlNG STORAGE THE STAR\1-.. ~f\ ,f ~ .... ' f '. "-J ' I A T • 4-4 4f-· ... t ~ • I • .. I t ""l ...... AICMOVlMG E • r>•. • $.$2~0410 V AC ANCitS COST M O NEY ' R•acltl t•aa11t1 q_1.11e&ly 01al 673·0~50 Q O W C'lcwl!.d Ada PADCT1NQ PAINTING ... r.,.,. 1•f t 'Ill; .... , , •• pr m't •••' .,.., •• ' •rft• + r 'tl4 i f 't • H' m"'" 1 14 '"'--'" <;68.4 ' 4 h ,j-• ~-· J~ph • La odecar1n~ 4961147 71 41 II SOUTH S HO RL Cleoo11p • Tr• Tnm lll.ltUDv • Lowa R•nO'fa 11011 • R..Umc:t.capng • • S.n\IIQ Hcubor Ar- ,. 1 W ""' R .. l,r, L.e 1 '-o~ 1 k·•• h•n••,. ,., 1 .,.. PAJNTING and Wood IWI~ R.-deotl<ll o ad comm•r c1al latwlcc l£atenor Cab&Aela, ttau ra1,. "-" Doon IAll 85(). 1D a IS7-1131 1 nuw yean Stat. laceo.a ed Ula\lled r ,.. .. umatet CALL 80 8 646-92.11 t ~ . '• . .... I n 1 .. I "" r G.ll d«m .• , • Prv.a.&.t ''"'' ·~·~mea. t • ,. t • n 8 I boa Spte.. • lncll •''"'hi m WOfl! T,... ~ 4M-S390 HOUSE Cl.EANING PJ\INTINQ PRIN'TINO JDeaoo. fAIW1_,. ........ •Ea.• 18 v-rt , ... ...... ROLLSROTCE IMO I'OW ROYCf. 5&lv•r Wratbe I 1 Ol.SV"161 Naloul w1th t•n 1nt•'""'' 5 500 •d• Irk• new a.u •• 60 raunrh -.... •• Sl 450 IIIOflth ph.11 Mla t•n PP 121JI 595 5551 I BleQQ TOYOTA I~TOYOTA C ELICA GT wttbaclt to oou mil.. ttulom"'" .un rool AM f M ...... u .. tr\119• '"' ... h..,l ••. E.ll •ll•n' Mu•' ,.,., S & 5{)0 trr "' I V!i ZEHJ ~·\ '; "''-06 .slt•r 5 p m VOLKSWAGEN '71 Co•••tbhl• Bug N•w ~·~• In abowroom Wlute 0 11 •• Lot. of e.1tlc:w Mlltt .. u $9,500 or oU.er ~S2 2971 631 3fE ATTENTIO N IIW . •ector~ 1964 lo.~r~<~r launrool but '"' r..-:1 ....,htt• be<tuly t-.a ~ I 111m \& 149 444 M M S 15 I J504 [I" II M1r"' v roc:; 1974 VOLKSW A• >f N [)ASHER N•w br ,,, Juuble r·r'Vlln~ f '"" I ltt.s n tnr•" •I 1 ., '"IHI Mull Mil \1 4y< I or besr oil•• 1490 ICRZ 7141971 9889 PAIHTtNQ HO USt PAINnNO Autumn Colort rr W111te~ Rar.. fr" •" O~o~o l11 y w r'l & mat•nalt rr•d ~Jt) 3471 Wf SATISFY Y , • • ut lr••nfih • ,,. • Th .. I ,,,..1 lln,.r "' N• •1 1n I •mr ,.,,, ~ • • • p,,ntlf,~ (' lr '• I I \';<.10 F"1"'' r t, .. ,. til ~ ~1)]1 fAUn DOCTOR u p.«.-c• and •xc•1 leoce 1n tol•rtor and • 1w101 ~DIUIO W01bnQ wull you and Ia. yow o. v\d 9fiO 704 7 local COA T O f MANY COLORS Pcnatsae lilt• e.lftel ocollollaclal c•1laav• Ouallt y wo r ll maa 1b 1p 6 mate uale r•fl •c' ·• •••ry tob CoU ~40 0240 IUc: I~J PAPER KNGJNG 'M flAM. ,.,;. • • kl' • ~ • r• ~, :: n, ~· "' •' "'· '"' d • ,,., ,,.. • ,, n ,,, .. fi, .• , •• • ~ ~ • I f\ P') • '. 1,- PRI.:CtSJON WALL COVERINGS • • ~ • t ,It m1 • c.u Ill Alld ...... 20'1i. JO'Ii. 00 VUI.OI puzo.:hAM . """. ' ... • H ... lr . '"'I 4 . WALLPAPER!~(; L•t me t1iJnQ 11 lor y , ~•a' 11.11 r•Cllkln It •• • I ~ IC ~.39 .i2" PAnO COVERS ~ t "' • r • ' " •• q• , • . ' ~ ,, .. , .. '. I J '''' • ,,_ . , ... VAC ANC"I£S C"OST M O NEY R e Hh ldDOOII QUIC kiV n1<1! 673 0~~') n •w Clcumhed A•1• PlANO ORCA.N TU1CING f I-'.., '• .. "" I I• ' . PLt1MIING ~"~ 11r. ""' POOJ.S/ IAVIQII ltOT l i78 SCIIIOCCO Good eortd•I!Ufl NK• •••reo W...a •ll 1h11 .... ,.. 500 .... bwl ot ... c.u 1..-171 41 750 II :M TIU1 someone who wants fO buy it with a low-cost ad in Classffied. 91AlmQUE/ ClASSCCABS REPLICA 'i :W fRA/ 1IER Nooh Sh4rp 1,., •Dd ••1 VW ""!J·n• dr v•r 11 r .! '\75 ,.,,t. A.ttt,r. ~ \t: ..,A 41'2 WEM ').4<.; L 4 c '""'' t> I r m 1 1165 Dcum1•r )Q916t.U Coll.c:tar CGI, 3 J'ft 6 Sl 1,000 tA rMIOfcn.o& M111t aaenhce 1 .. 1 offer 1'714) 641·1141 (71 4) 683-5(0 '( •IH I ·llt Kf f lJI A, • "• I ,1 I o I • ' t t w• J•r11HUu I m ct .. r n, '1,.. I \..'1.1 <,IJ(o n'">4 'I l'"loJ A... S.o Dlevo 921 og (714) 272 9'795 ROOnNG to. •v " •IN • !'t , .. 'tit> etna. t .. , J.4, •••• t ,.,, • .. )!\.. ' . . . •· I ROOflNG I • . ., .. ,, 1 t\ I Ma-0769 "' ~· ... "" ...... TH_t __ 8 Al..BOA ROOFDING CO n. world • beat worll..,. P011111ag 6 P~ too Loc:a.l ••letea.cM 67S.8229 k I ~( • Ot~tnJ .. .=. I .-~ f ...... ., I ~ t l • TIL£ INST Al.LA n ON ~M 'Ooto\M , .. .. . •' ... ..... " \. ... ,.. ... ••• .... ... .. TYPING ·. '" . ' . ·. ..... I •• I'"' P! UPBOLSTDY SOUSSAN lNTt:JUORS ~~' c·ll cU J MJQQ411 hbfiCI An llqu• to m.:.der11 AW. upbo .... r.d •<llM ~u.nao-.d prnl.-0'\(\1 worll: fr" PIC"l llf • d•hY.If 71 41 !157 01l8 SPARr: A .. r 1"'117 '11 VW·IIIIIIIit (1CHF2SHII WASI5985 $ '79VW IU§ (092ZEJi I WASIIH5 $ Now I I .......... LUXURY TR7 ICin. Allll.l ~1ii~~~i1f10~~~Hii~r1i~~~~~I5MZSU) • , ' ' 11172 AMC Matador (199ETZ). Super condition. Fully loaded. Was prevloualy priced at $1796. Due to our au per low prlcea, many of our quality cara can be purchiiHd lor only tax & llcenae down. 13,000 mile, 13 month warranty available at •mall extra charge.