HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign (2)Page 10 Poqe 1 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABLJSHED lMI • 35TH YEAR •MUNIER 19 •(714)831-8130• SERVING ALL Of NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1912 A. family bc>und for A Chnscmu rcunl»n CfcwearCNnd) tteps up to~ n hrw M &tw alrltrw counter, tlw fAtfwf •Ppc•rt unmowd by the hol .. y by Robert Frank Mayor pzo tem Evelfll Hart aud couacilmcm Joh4 eo. h<n'e cuuaolUlced tUy cue CODd.tdat• eo b.oome mayor of Newport Beoeb cmd a ll:raw poll of tl.e couDcil lndiccd .. Hart eou.ld be the libly wln.oer at a Jcm 4 m .. tl.Dg. Couuczilmcm Don StrGllll ODd Phil Mo-urw ICiid they could be oon.alder.O likely ccmclid.a1. for mayor pro tem ln the reorvcm.iaation of the council, wbk:A occun e"'t two yean lA "ewpon. Mayor Jadde H.atbar laid abe '-'1 klkmg llid• cmd wfJl euppott whOeYet wiDe ill tU lpecial adtov..tued meeb.D9 at 4 1 p m Tueeday at City Holl. It baa beu e1ght w..U li.Dce the city cou11cll eleotiou in which Hart, H.eathet cmd Strcna. were re-elect.cl cmd Bill AQ" waa elecrt.O fot the tint tinut However, the co\Uldl ba1 put oJf reorgaolaatiou uDtU January, when AgH'I twm begiu. "I tlunk I'm belt qualifled to be mayor," laid eo ... em aciTet· tiaing uecutive who hca beea OJ1 tl.e 00\lAGSli&Doe Apdl la.l "l caD pro•lde the type oJ lead.enhlp oDd llklhO!ty that'e neec:l.O 011 the coucU. I han a vety ltrollg ooutihancy that te very •~pporti•• of my obcmoe~." Mayor pto tem Hart, a co\llldl m.ember Iince 1978, ecnd: 1 tp•hr at thft point Ott ' '-tn.l• ~.-.... • •bout 10 ttw l~i· ' mtnal at John w • .,,.., ~1tport •n thlt photOf'lfh t~ Fncs.r would coD8der U G.D honor L1 f we.re elect.d " Strau., wbo baa aJao been oo tU co\l.QCll ace 1978, eaid be w wpporti.Dg Hart b mayor. "I woWd eay iA light of her length of ...tee cmd bet record Cia nee mayor, cmd the fact that abe'a •n.ci on tie caUDal for a long time, teem to make her the nght choice," StroUII oommeuted Heather l• not Doming a choic:e. "b' a not appropriate for the mayor to try to oame hit or uz noca•or." abe aaid tb.&a w"k. "I'm oct particlpating Ul that. but 1 wUJ be YWJ eupportn•e of whefte.r wiu.' · A Hatt-Strau.• leadeub1p team would add inter .. t for St•ff photo b~ h rr, ~" Qrowth ilau• before the coWlol Hart baa bee.n a uy .w~ng vote LD the pcud wbile Stro\111 op- poeed commercial c:Mnlopmanl 011 the Jeec:o.Bcmuing tit. Ul W..t Newpon Strau.. L:.t au ally on growth '--\.1• wbeu Paul Hummel of Corona del Mar wcu outed by AgM No•. 2. Now Strau. ...b election by tl.e eounc:il a. mayor pro tem "I tb.ink I'm o logical perton to be eonadered lor it, .. Suo \Ill IICJld I oat w..L The longtime couac1lman complained Ul a letter to the Tun• that Newporfa con.eoJjdo- tlon oJ 1tl eouDCil race. with the (Contmued oo p.aqe 2) I Ford Aer01pace a Com- n:uuucotiou of Newport B.och eouclud.ed ODe of the m~ epee· toculcu yean ever ••penenced by QD AmericaD defeaa. COD• txac:1or lalt week Ford'a tCUlg 011 tl.e ~e come wWa ltl CJllAOUDC.DleDt that ll had reoeiY.d a SSl 8 nulUoa U.S A.nny eontl'act to dnelop 011 advanced guujonce for the Chapanal turiace-to-au ~ .,..tem Louaa r Het.hQ. V\C. pi-..denl and general mClllager, IO'ld at aa the latg..t dollar value dnalop· meDt contract .,.., rece1v.d b1 the Aeron auhca D1vuto n bead,quortered 111 Newport Beach TU com. on the h .. ta of the ~fo-o.heod for tM Dtviao.o Au DefeMe 0\IJ) s.,..._ (Dtv AD ) for iM Army, o eaatroct wtth oil eYUtual aet .al\le to ford oi a .,~g $5 bdbo.a Ford baa aJ.o ct.hvet.O the 142 etWoe Forwani Looadll9 lafiared pocl <FUR tor th. uw FJ A·ll S:ma.t 6o aad at- oft (lclMdw.cl to debut crl D foro Marine A1.r Statioll }GD 7) Laat week the contractor an · nounced that a denrotiM of tbe niR WCD belng fWJht ·t-ted 0 0 a Mc D ooaell Doug loa F -15 Eagle a t Edworda Au f orce Be.. The FUR ~ a precwon I.Jl&tr u men! under the haelage wlucb tracka tarCJetl and mowtor• weotheJ conchbon.a Ford • ClU· k>u lo ...U tt \o otheJ arm.O aer· vic .. and mo oufochuera for other aucraft The Chaparral mllmle COil· tract, mecmwtule, aa a 44·mOJ1th pro)ect to be camed out eotuely here Ul Newpot1 Beach F otd \.1 to develop a Roeet1e Sco.n Seeker. .lectrotuea o11d 10ftwore wb.ach wUl be incor potated 1oto 60 preproduction r:ru.Oe gu1dcnce a.,.tema foz tl.e A rmy'• veh1cle -mounted Chapanal Thomcu C Gordon of lrnoe de cmvel Ga.bne1 bJOWUlg lu.t horn at tl.e bow Li9bt1 were blue a.nd gold Grcmd Pru.e went to Ram- poQe. a 42--foot Hattatoa oWDecl by ron ... Q Smitb, Jr • of N.w· port leach Smith decocot.d lUI yocht with two gold reilld .. pulUog Santo Claue La \tl lielvll, will. cnulticOlotecl ltg\ta ftnl.D9 ~P tl.e t\IQa toww nd 011 tbe outri99.,. Juo.e Myera of N•w,ort leach wall CIWCild.d tM New- port a.od. TtOi*r b OM Sa:ata Oolal atop ... ~bloat ... )\1M. (CoetlllMCI oa ,...a) CHAPARRAl m1u11~ wlll bt tnhAncf'd b)' dnt8n lfHpf'\)>~ftnentt undtr SSI I mtllton Cl.)ntract •ward td to Ford ~'"~~e ' Co•n· munte•ttOns ao •nglD .. r Wlth f ord'• OIVAD diriaon, w01 pteeented a Heuy Ford Tecb.DolOQlCCil Award at a <hn.oez ~ en Ford world hecadquorlen tn D.arbora, M.achigcm The a~d recogo.iaea out· atCln&Dv r•Marob, product en~ cmd mcmufoctu.rta,o coutrtbuhooa by Ford employ..., aoc:otc:ling to all aa· 110UilceDtelll ac.dou WOI OJie of U employ.., haaoted ot tA. dmuer. ... Tlle US NGTJ lloaored fou.r employ .. of Ford aa pcm of tM Na•al MatertaJ Command'• Ouahty A.wODce program The fou r were A ldo Vagoeraoa, Jomet E Jam•• Douoett.U. Shmuel £1a.u aud Mcmbed Au9eU1eu:a of Newport Beech Vangenru w<a recoqnlMd for uperb.M I.D ·the 01ea of 10lder teclulology rntcro-weldmg a nd noa -deetructtve te•tao g reflected U1 performClllc. ol the Navy'• AJM-9L SldewlD.der be 1og produ c e d by Ford Aerotpac• Va Qneno.l woa aeceo tly b o oored fot con tnbubon.a to eolder ted111ology by o lftctala of the na•al Weapon.a Center at C hUla Lab , CciliJ Da11net1ell w at oted for work ca quahty enqUl"r on the Al.M- 9L SkieWUlder pzogram. where be aontnbuted to the high le•el of quality CJUd r•liabi.Uty bw.b Ultro tl.e mliiOe guidance coDtrol Mdlon.a n. Orcuap CoUAty Com--~ 0.-..lopmgt Coll.Dail a.GI auoUAced o llew reeource • b aoa·profll otgcmi8atiou. TH Fluadbag R.ou.rc. Cute ill loocned oa the founa Boor of 1M CoUACil'a offSc. at 1..0 E. Fiat St. lD Sclnta ADo. At the center, noa·proUt groupe IDOJ COUWt •olumM liltbag corporate grcmtl, s.a:ru bow to writ. o fundiAg proJ)C*Il, or t.arD fuDd-raWAo t.cbl· quM. The cen .. r " OpeD Moaday thru Friday from lb. hou.n o! 10 o.m. to 12 Dooa cmd 3 p.m. to S p.m 0. Wecbaeedoyt, itS. open ulil 7:30 p.m by IJ*linl op- J)()Uatment, ocoordiD.g to Marge Pritchard. rD<moger o! Trcmmo aDd Tecb.niclal A..l.ttmace fo~ the Community De•e1opment CoUAcil. Thote wiab!Dg r ... rvatioa. or further iDJormatio.D oD the Fun· dJ.Dg R.ource Center ahould contact Pritchard ot M7-6801, .. teUoD 238 Su~ H~r'JWtt Wledt-r. a«ond left, Pf'CMnlt Newpon IW.ch M•yor Jack6e Hc•tlwf • ._.,., with Ch6ncr 100'• Wom~n "' the Y«M ewri Carol South, ritht. ~\'ed the 8foup't IWerc:f f~ Mr• v~ to the community and ThebM Mull« •• I'«''Oniz.td for her contributioN to ChAit« 100. The membcnh4p of Ch.lne1 100. " women'• nccwortd"' Ofi"Nutlon. te ~ up of ~ wonwn "wOtkt"t tow.rd f.elow.Np wtthln thttr commun.ry •nd throuahout the n•don. (Continued from pa<Je 1) ge~aeral elec:tioD produced "an iU-ad.w.d Dub'• miature." "GeDeral election• are properly parti8cm cmd city elec· tio.DI are tpecifically de~~ipated a• nonportiaan," Stro\\11 argyed. A Newport i ncumbent '• chargee that o cballenger woa not o W.lo~ag Repllbliccm "il the type of thiDg that can hoppu whe~t pcutilan and nonpo.rtiacm rocee are thrown loto the aame balloting, I I The council will Mat ita new•t member, AQM, while it alto takee up the taU of r..n.l.Dg the abarter to pro'fide fot a 110oother reorgcmbation of city go.erD· ment now that election.~ c:alDaide with No•ember gneral el.c· tiou Ou HKtber'e reoom.meAda· tioll, the OOWlcil •oteci to ... to.bltah aJ:I EJ.c:tioll 1\niew Com· mitt.. to atudy chart. retilio.Da ooacerlllAg eJ.c:ti.oD timing cwi cho<*ng a Dew mayor ond mayor pro team. Newport hal bad four moyon dviag tM pall 10 yean, n. pop•lar Doa Nolu.il ..... two e.nu. &om 1972 until 11"16. He wo• replaced by Howard Roo-a. who ctJ.d 1D oftice Sept. ·~ 1878. Nilcm ~ ....d out ftoouw' twm. Pow A,ckol wa~ -*ted 111 19'18 ClDd ...-d for two yean. He well replooed by Heatber 1A April 1910. Heatker ia com· pleting her two-year twm. (Contlnued from page 1) Other winoeu were . Skipper'• Award, Jim Reld, Compton; Prelident'e Award, Jim Palm aDd Rick Edgley, Anaheim, for the eomp\lter· animated eail; and the Luak Award, Jlm HuletoD, Garden Gro•e aDd bit boat Ri•er Queu. Dr. Nothcm Scott of Fullerton, WOD the Juciqe'• Special Award for the oUa9erbread men oA bJI nlboat; ).J. and Oo\\Qiat Robina o! Pa.odaa wo.n the Chamber af Commerce trophy; ODd John· te CreeD of Son Juan U(r•trOJlO won the Spectator'• CIIIIMce award. DO YOV WANT TO SPEND THE HOLIDAYS WITH A "TVRKEY''? s ~Keep You Srmling ... That set>m!> to bt> "'*'at you hnd m a SJ~I bar II thts doun't look hkt> the way you want to spend yow Holiday ~a son. ,au us' Wert' GNAt upec wtiorw and ow member~ ha'-'" found a ufe. ~rw way ro m~t quahry, (Omnutment mmded i~ngka people Our urvquc combu-.atton ol Vld4lO dot D ng, ac tlV· 'nu. t n p$ and se rTUJ'\i) rs Will help you grt on the rOAd to meeting the r~ht ktnd ol person to spend ttw Hohdays wath ThAt w~ the Turkey can b. on the t.llble, not altting ~JCt to you. *** Line up a better jobl Read the .. Help Wanted" Gin Clasaifled ... the ~· ~ Duty lA O.rmcmy Pfc. Carl lvley, IOD of LoW Shafter of 1003 NWon Dri•e. Cotto Neea, arrtftd for duty lA Ka:nau, WMt Germa.Dy. He it a combat engi.Deer with the 3rd Armored Oi•l•ioD previouely a .. igned at Fort Hood. Te.t Complet .. TratnlDv Army P•t. Tao Ng\lyen, brother of U.n Nguyen o! 2878 Alauo LoDe, Co.ta M.J, com· plet.d bo.sc trGiDino ot Fort Jocboll, S.C . Hew a 1981 graduate of Co.ta MMO Higb The olty coU.Doll of Co.to Neea ill ooe»p4iaao I'MWDM for lb. potiltioa af Plcmo&ao Co~­ mfrfoaw ....... .aaou1d lD· clwle 0 brill ~ o! lhe QPP~ic=t'• ~ cmd oleo o lboc1 oomm•aklly 111· dlooUDg the lndl•lduol'a phn~, coacer:ai.DO plaaNao witW.a eo.w.... Relfdeaa an eDOOuroged to apply. TM oouDdl.nll o: lfder all crpplicatiou, lDcludi.Do u.o. oftb.e~P*-M&l.it ,..... to U.. Otr Mo:laaoer'• otilce, city o! Coteo Meta. loa 1200, COIIID Me.~ 93826 DO tat. than }an\la:ry t•. Boonw Booetera E. H. Sldaaer o! ColODG del Mar, Ftcua SMedy BuU. of lr· .tu cmcl OIAA H. Stapp of New· polt B.acll ... CIZDQa9 U.U..· at, of Oklo~ Cllwui wbo beoame ~ memMn of~ ~·· Pnlfdent'• PartDen grO\lp, oootribotmg 1100 em· Dually. BeAefactor George Hot.tei.D o! Newport Beach wa1 omoeg the beMfoc.. ton o! FCUDJly Gu.idcmoe Cellten i.D l\alltrioa ODd Aoab•hn. A fuc:lrallllaq . ...at at tbe FWlenoa £beD Club railed S.,· 000 to benelit the center•• cmtl· child Clbu.e progroma. Calendar for events hmes u nd dote s .. Ill AJ J.y " oW E tid~ ood watt .... ,. ~ ~ Saa ottll :J "1 bocft heoc! Hod Rod: are I boot Bu!. Cl\Ab = a lfiC Otl MerU Scm ~ • Pre for d ..... the Souu- ment Hct Haek4 Jan. J about obo" Ho.pt The b.&d a Club, CDDGte Pllflif ""' byoal 78().59 .. ~ .a. ... ..... ~ ... 16-17 PreparatloAt are beiDq made ~ the trcrditioalal Clambak. reek_ whacla will ~ with be olath aDD\lal Croaby kl\lthem Pro-Am Golf To\li'Da· oat Jcm. 16-17 to benefit Hoag ·~tal. Clcm.\bake week OU.. o Hoag iacbr'a Hij1U to\IRCDDeDl oa QD, 14 fw "t.hoee ·-.. rto\&1 1bo\lt golf cuad m~e Mrioua bo\ll beaefitlag Koag .. flloQIIIJ'KIJ, Ul TIAUGHTS IUCh .. ttw f•t .._.,,_ will k tn Cabo S.n luca1 ••~ Ma~h 1g. StAff phol., by s.rr., ~n Ragtime ~ roe«l by ...,_ TriM ~ a:Dd Libby Myen from NHYC. f:jgbt bocN from the Scm Frcm- dlco 8cry area are ·~ U.· cl"diDg Do.em Fu.b' beautiful QTMA h.Wrog. Job Mwrill'• Raoe Pa .. oge and Ini-ag Lou..be •• Brcmaro. n •• will be 12 to 14 Scmta Crua SO. rac:i.Dg iD tbia popular •"at. ODe of wbJoh 11 Newport ec:dlor Doa Ayr•' Dew Upbeat. Th.eae aiMk bocnt \&.NGJJy hoYe a race wUbJo a race amoog th~. Other Newport area boata e•· pec:tecl are Worrel) HCIDQOCk'• Aleta, IJrk cmd Diclr Elliott' 1 Ecul of Mo:r, Peter Grcuat' a NoJ\l, Roo Mel.W.'• 14gwig, Roger McGregor'• oew ultro·ligbt AAthelll. oAd BW Palmar. who.. Sbeoaadoah will b• juet fill!MU.g tbe SORC, will be ahcut.riAg a boat far tbia race Theo thetmpr.-.,. Sb Metre w~w·. o-amJI'<m•hlp, wbich will be b-.d by Newport Kor· bor Yacht Club, wW take plaoe April 7-17 Boot. from Ellglood, Oer· aaoay, A•atroUo, Coaaclo, s.-sau. r.a.c.. Norway, Sw1 .._ ~"Wad cmd Ita!J 1w1M alteoctr -t 1a tbeU ..... So\lU... ~ ia CIA atirac- li .. ~ cmd IDCIAJ of the lkl..-.cmdcr ... oq~ tWr ...,,._with lh.m. n..... U. DOthiDg m«e haa to wa1cll thaD 0~ rocUo cmd tM ~ 11M of u... naoee Mould be pr.aty eadtfag, Nay aodal ... aa ON pbt.a. eel d\lliao tM 10 day. cmd u.. nuDONd PI'Oiil*t of .... ~ peo:a toyaltJ ~ IDG'f bdag OW the loooJ be g I I II For tU ~·boot aailon who like lo ~ iD regular local ....a. ·~e 1~ OOIOa fClC> iDg Ma80D wW begta ~ the tint radDg do}'l of the AJuacm. eoa/ OW:Doa s.n .. r ebrua:ry '¥1 cmcl28. Smoll.r boat aai1on CXlD look forward to tbe mGDy regula:r regottaa 01 ..U 01 101M ~pedal ODM. Lido W. Yac:At Club be. chcmgecl the b1DClt olltl Adult Sabot $eriea aaclln-.c,d olroc- iDQ ODe day for thrM ••k•a.d. will race both daye of oae w-.keod, Jaa\lary lS cmd 18. Th.il .. rt .. will aJ.o ..,.,. Cll the elim.iDatioa ..n. for the SeAior Sabol Nationala. TbJ. aa a ..rt. that 11 a lot o1 fwl UYC member~ aene bot cbili and oold drinb betweu racae aDd there II Iota o1 eoc:ioJ.ia. i.Dg W\tb the ecWi.Dg. It loou Uke the fi.rat fo\lr moalh. of 1983 are gol.Dg to be pretty elldti.Dg cmd r-.member the o.Jeade.r/ Cowogeo\ll 12 Meter e.am wW be practic:iAg here \lDtil March 18. ••••MD lclaool ........ At OCC Hlghly·t\lcceaaf"l · Oroage Coo.t Coll.ge boMball coach Make MOJ'U hal OlllloUDCed be will operat. a baeeba.llachooJ at tbe college 1n January and Febr\lary Tbe ecbool eropbCIIII.Me hlJl. dameotal., te eba iq\lel and ltrcrtegy n.,. are lldou far playen rGJlgillg lroro 8 to 18 for more aaformatioo. call 751-0568 ••HA.-Oxy AU-aCIACcllolce Coroao del Mar High qrad\latle Eric Rati, eoo o1 Carol Raft of Newpon Beach, WOII Mlected all-So\ltAer-a Ca.li.fonua Iatercollegla te Athletic: Co&Lt.race flnt Team at Qc. c::id.Atal Coll.ge. "Eric led the Ocadutal team lo taoklea and aa 1\lmble recoYeri• 01 a MD.ior," ICiid bead oooch Dale Wldolff. A iwr•y.ar aean.r, EriQ WCII a1ao ...tected to the all·SClAC fint -.am aa o l\lalor cmd reoelYed ta. 1•1 Oocideatal defeuin Uemol'l of tbe y.ar award Upcm gtad\latiOD &om Oc· c:s.datal 1zl Jue. tbe ecooonw:a major plaoa to coD tao \le operatiAg tbe 1\lceeuf"l Alcwkcm dnelopmeAt company be a.aMd at year Ocolduatal1.8 a ~mall, pn'l'ate. coed\lcafiooal liberal arte oollege 1~ lll Dorthecut Loe Aagel• Dear PaaodeDa Lany Sundtnmln ~. btancia H'th rolhnj o~aa n hie b.-ow.ra.ll game for CclN, grobWag bota ......._ ODd eWe.-.. rebouadl wbis.IOOftao a lieCDD hi9h 16 paiAta VoA S• ldUJW odcMd lS, wbil. l.arl WoW bod a . "Ow fr011t hlle 1e ltiD lllell· penucecl, •· ErrioA ao:id. "They bO'I'e to OOACeatrat. OD their total ga.me rather them j \&Ill OAe CZIIpeCl of U, wbach ia Clot aA ea.y thl.og to do.·· The Sea ~Dgl will opeo league play oo }em 5 at Uo.i .. r- cty ......... 0 ._..N4NUioaT ... F..lmaaa may be the cmalleat team 1D th. Sea v,ew L.ague thaa MaeOD, but at 11 bO'YlDg a gmt of a pr...a.on Led by JwUor hm C\&l'ba Glld leDlou OaYlA Warla\lmont. Ntwport Harbor hnt'n"n Oavtd C~•n and Corona c»t Mar punltr G,,rdon \'\a.• h.t~tf bttn nam("d lo 1 ht Sourhtrn CahfQrnhl C'1v111~n J all-ttar ltam In addition 1'4t>wp~rt placnj 1unton 8rr11 ~a,·ura. a ~u•nt. and St~f Br.a:a•. 1lw ttam 1 elar run~r on the M'(:Ond tt.tm St11t., h~o pia''"" ''""' J" h'ih Khoola •c-r\" nam-td t.J tht two lt.tml by tlv Flret lnltNI.IIt B.an~ Ath~uc Foun dattan An ur.ards ,·trnn~n\' hononne hnt tram wt"·uon• wtll bf' htld J.-.n ~ .11 1\) 30 .-. m ac rht ftrst lnlt'tll.ttt R1nll •n loa ~n~lfs - CoMa ),C.., IKw bocl two to~nt couolatico cbam. piouhipe lb. ..... tM lint one comi.D9 ua the Sa.o CJ.a.a. towuomut, the MOODd aa the lr· vine competitioo. Tb.ia aecoodplace bchU it OM that head coach Tim PCD'Ml would Uke to bzeak ae }W M~ o.ow •'-tM 0raaoe tou.roamut crt c~ College. Beh..&Ad forward Ted Stitt cmd DcrYe Palmbla...e. the M....,. are loobng to theu finll.ague game Wedllaeday at IMD.e. Area •olleyball to.l.At woa pr~otly t.cma.r.d U. tAe ... cood oaaual Ull.lled Stat• v oUe, ball A..oc::krtioa c~. maa to\.l.nlClmat feoturiag ana gut.. el\lb tw:au at Qal Slate Loog Beach lCIIIl ... a.acl In the l~d·wad. cti.WO.. the South COCIIt t1ec:a:a 't Elabao Odeo (lnuae) ood ltooke Herriogtoo (CdH), aad New· port VoU.yball Oub'• Comm'e Doder (CdN) were QQJ:Ilecl to the all·toURa:meot '-om. Soutla Coaet loat to tbe tinala to ldubcm. 1~13. 1~11 lAthe 13-cmd·UDdet di~ Newport woe defeated by lcb.t.hall 111 tM ~P'o·hAJ» match~ lS..., lU ~-eMao Newport OD tU oJ.l-to~ team .. re s .. phOAie Alvrrot. JaniDe JurveuaA aAd MLDd:y Adame The Oraoge Couty team placed Sarah AlbeoD OD the all ·11o:r team PAY ONLY ONCE, YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD. GUARANTEED! When you place your "Private Party" claaaltled ad with ua you're going to Mil your Item. And It It doesn't sell after the tl ... t WHk, we'll run your ad F.AEE again and again and again until It does. That'a our promlae to you. Your ad will appear In The INine Today, Coate Mesa News and The Ne~ ~ With 1 combined readership aud .. nce of over 115,000. Little wonder we can make guarantMa like thla. Call us today or UH the ha~ form below and mall In your ad. Then don't go fer from the~. Please Note.'· You can call in your ad direct COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP 1-··-~ ....,.,.._..cAtaa1 20 WORDS FOR 120.00 ....,_....,..., .... ._ .. _....._c ... n .. -..,.._ •• ,..,-~,_ .. ..... . -ca..,..~, ..... ---~ ... ctwte ......... c. ........ S...~ Harr..tt Wledrr. ~ond l«ft, prfttfttt ._wport Beach M~yor Jac:kec HeM~. left. ~lth Ch,ttt~ tOO's WOC"n.n of dw Yur 1wri C.rol SoUih. rltht. r«'Ctvfld ttw ttoup'• awwd for ..,.. Ttw mem~p of Chlrt~ 100. 1 wonwn's rwtworki,. Of11nll.ltton. t. madlt up of~ women "w~lnt toward felowthlp wtchln thltt community and throuahovt the nedon. n. Orcmge Cowaty Com· a\Laby O...Jopmut CoWldl a.a. aaaou.Deed a Dew r_,w-ce b aoa-,.-olt o1~. TM Fucbg R.owce Celllu • )QccMd oa the fourth floor of tM CouDCJl'e oik. at 1..0 E. Flat St. lA Saata Ana. At the ceoter, Doa·proUt gro\apt may oou~t •olWD .. liltiag corpora'-gtaAtl, &.ana how to wri• o fuodfQ9 s-oJM*Il or t.arA fund-raWDg t.gh.DJ. qu• The Cute.r ie opea MoDday thtu Friday from the ho\an of 10 o.m to 12 DOOD cmd 3 p.m. to S p.m. Oil Wed.aeedayw, U w ope \l.Dtil ?:30 p.m. by .pedal ap- pobatmeDt, oocordiAQ to Narve ~tcbard. maug« of Trcm1Dg aDd Tech.DJc:o.l A.t.Utooce for the Community De-.elopmeot Couo.c:U. ThOM wiahiog r ... r.at~ou or fwtbe1 lo.lorma11oo on the Fuo· c:liAg Reeource C.ot~u ahould oooklct Pritcbcud at 547-6801, e~238. vlc:e to rtw commun.ty and The4ma MuMer wu recoplud for ~ contrtbuttont to Chlrter 100. "GeDeral electlo1u are properly ~ cmd city elec- dou a:re epec::lficaUy d-'gaat.d aa DODporUaaD ," Strauu argued. A Newport io cumbeot'a eha:rgea that o cha.Ue.oger waa Dot o U£.long Repu.hJican "II the type of thiDg that caa happen whea parti.-:to aDd ooopartiecm rocee an throwo toto the aame baUotiDg •• The oouool will M<Jt ill oew.t member, A9M, while It olio toll• up the laak of rntai.Ag the charlet to provide for a ~moother reorgaai.latiOD of city gcnoera· ment DOW that electiODI colDdde with No'"*"ber geaeral elec· tioDI. Oo Heathc'e reoom.mudo· tioa, the oouadl •oe.d to •· tahlieh aD D.c:tico a.-. Com· mlttee to INdy obanN reYillloM ~cenU..Dg alectioD timlag a.ad cbooeiag a ••• mayor oad m.aycx pro team. ... DO YOU WANT TO SPEND THE HOLID~YS WITH A "TVUEY"? Holiday Special Thai WYm~o In ht> "'*'al you f~rld 1n a !oJnglu b,r If lhl\ d<:wsn'1 look bk~ IM way you wanr 10 $pend your Hobday ~.tj,()n, cal us' W~rt Grul up«etlttiOM and our nwmber~o h.aue found a .ale, ..,,.,. way ro mHI quahty commtllnent mmded ilngM peo~ Our 1.m~que combtnatlon ol ~o dattng, ecuv ttles lnps .nd wmrrwt,. W\11 help you gtl on tlw road 10 rMehng dw rrgh t lund of ~Wrson 10 1ptond the HoladcsY' With TMt WilY the Turkey un be on the tllblc. not •ltting ~Jd to vou. Ex&8ludoa ud ClaaJq (leclllfl• X·rays) ~ KHp You Sm1/ing .. *** Line "'P a better jobf Read the .. ~ Wanted .. adaln Claalifted ... the ~· JQt» ' N...,pott 1w:. t.ad fow moyon duriag 1M pall 10 yecn. Tbe popplcg Doa NeW. ....ct two ...... froaa 1972 uatill9?8. He wae replaced by Howard ftoeen. wt.o ciW lA ~ Sept 12, 11'11. Nilcm no..a1 lined o~l Roeen"' WID. PvW ltrdrol wca .a.eted ta 19'11 cmd _. for two yean He wca rt~P~ooed by Heath. ill April l810. Heath~ ia com· pletiDg her two-year a.m. (Continued bom ,_ge 1) Other wio.Detl were Skipper'• Award. Jim Reid, Compton; Prelid.Dt' a Award, Jlm Palm and Rtck Edgley. Anaheim, for the computer· aDiiDGt«t eail, ODd IAe Luak Award.. Jlm Huleton, GcudeD Qron oDd bi1 boot Ri-.er C)uMD.. Dr. No them Soon of FullertoD. woo the Juc&g.'e Spedal Awcud for U.. ~tweod men OD bit aaiJbocrt, ).}. a.Dd Do~g-RobW of P~a won the Cllc:anber af COIIUDe:roe trop!ly; a:Dd )ohA· te CreeD of Sao. Juao av•lraJ:lO WOD the Sp«tator'. c-~ award • • • Battliag o.ear freeaia~ temJHtrahu .. , TuatiD·baeoed Maria• laaded with CcuaacMa:a forcea No.. '¥1 OA the ll&cmd ol Amcbitka, AJaMa. la 1M far reachel of the Norlh Pacific cmd 8eriag Sea. Mortae N.d.lu.m H.Ucope.r- 163, commaaded by Lt. Col Thoma~ Wall, .-ned aa the n. MariDe Corp. baa a.D· DOUDcecl that lDougurol ceJeaaoDJM for the F/A-18 Hona.e ailcrGft wtD be Mid at E1 Toro NariM Air Staloa faa. 1. Tbe COCJJe wtD be the flnt ..,. 'rice to ly ..... 135 ..... cdr· c:raft, r~D9 the V~ War F-· hcuatolaot at El Toro n. 1\lpenoa.lc Hon* ha. 0 top .,..t of 1.1 .......... ~Peed of aou.ad. n. plaae'• eecalatiDg price tag hOI llitted coatrcw.· IJ; it hoe bee• ca.n.cl the mali ezpeuin weopoaa .,..e.n ill ~Uitory. Duty In Oumcmy Pk Carl ~-ley, lOA of LoUI Sbotier of 1003 NW011 om., COIIkl M.a. anived for d~ty la Hcmou. W..e O.rmcmy. He • o combat eagiA.., with the 3rd Armored 01Ylelon pre•iouely aaigDed ot Fort Hood. r.~. CompletM Trcd.Dmv Army P•t. Too Nguyea, brotlaer of Lin Nguyq of 2878 Alauo Lane, eo.ta M.a, COlD· pJ.ted bQIIic traia!Dg at Fort Jac.boD, S.C. Hew o 1981 gradua1e of Co.ta M~ High , Bocm., Boo.t.r• E. H Skiaac of CoroDa del Nar. Ftaa sa. 1 •llr hU. oi J:r. .tu cmcl Olia H. Stapp ol M.w· pon Beacla ..... CllllQIIO u.-.. llty ol Ok'allwao alwu! wllo became~ ....... of u.. ~ty'e Pt-'<ieat'e PartDen gfCMa_p, OODtributiag 1100 aa· nually Calendar for eve n ts h m es n nd dotes • .. • ' 1 A. ~~ oWe E-t. ~ aoth watal ..... ~ ..... pcM.al Saa I oltiM ilag" OA. "T' bocnt. beadl H01b. ~ cue C boat Bu.tU Club, cWp bag 0 Me~~ 001 Medi11 San I ~ Prep for ll.. ••k.• the ~ Sout.he mat J1 Hct: Hack .. Jcm •• about about ~tel n. held at Club, . amcneu pu.ne 0 ReeeJ byOCIUi 780-591 .. Pleparaloal are beLDg made r the traditioD.al Clam~• .. k. whkh wtlJ ~ with ,. Dlath auoua) Croeby natlaWD Pro-Am Golf To\aiDO· ut J=. 16-17 to beAetit liKg ~-w"k ofJen a Hoag ~'t HlJiDk toW'DCimeDt Oll D ) 4 lor "thole ·-•rlau.t .out goU aad more •riou ,out beoefltlDg Hoag .. goU to\ll1lCDDul, to be at the lrriAe eo. Cowatry wU1 team ptoe with 72 ~n compe4bag for a of ,000 .... t"lratiaa. may be oOICilDed CXUIIIAg the M2 Club ot&e at Ul tuth at atw f•t .... &nw wll ~ '" C•bo S.n l~•• R~ M.rch 19. S.C•fl pNIO by 8MTY UotMn Ragtime beuag raced by ...,.. TriM 0wvcm cmd Llbbr Myen lr01a NHYC Eioht boatt hom the Soli Frcm· d.lco lay area are e~ iD· cludJ.Dg Do..... F u.1a• beautih&l ~--IWlfr09, Jolua Mwrtll'a J\aoe Poaeage ood lnlog Lou.be ••• cma.ro. There will be ll to 14 Santa Cnaa SO. rooi.Dg i.D tbia popular ew.ut. ooe of wb.lch t. Newport tCiilar Doa Ayr•' Dew Upbeat. n. .. aleN bocn. \&Wo.Uy baTe a race wttbto a race amoog them.l"'. Other Newport area boat. eJI- pectecl are Waneo Hoooock't AJ.ta, lkk cmd I>Sck El.Uott't &cul of Mar, Pet.r Ckaot'• Nolu, Roo MelY1.lle't Bigwig, Roger McGregor'• Dew wlla·light A.Dthem, aDd BJ.ll Palmer, whoM Sheoaodoah wtll be jut fiAltlaiDg tbe SORC, wU1 be ~Dg 0 boat for tAil ~ Theil the imJ)IniiM•e 5Ul Metre Wodd'a Champioub.lp, wiUcb wW be ~oMd by Newpon fb. bor Yacht Clu.b, wtD take place April ?.t? Boot. bom Euglalld, Ger· ,.... '-aothiQO ID<II'e ... to .... tl.aa oa.-~ roa..o aad tl.e ~ 11M oi tiM. roo. MwW be ....., .......... NaaJ eoalal ...... are piaU. eel da.rt.,.. ~ ) 0 .,. aacl tM na.ond prCIIpeet oi eo.• EuJOo peaa royalty pcridpati.oe IDCIJ bnaa ou.t tM local ),Jijc~t--. For the a.g.boat eaiba wlao like to ~ ia ,...-local.,.... u.. lm ooeaa fQOo lAg ---wiJJ beviD witb ... lint ract.D9 daya ol tlae Ahaaa· .,.j ~ Seri.. Febtuary 71 aad21. Smaller boat ted.lon ccua look forword to tbe mallJ regular regatta. aa well c. 101M epedaJ oa... Lido w. Yookt Clu he. cbcmgec:l tlae format of'" Ad\llt Sabot s.n. aad '•-.ad ol roc> log =· day for lhl ....... will race both dayt of oDe weekucl, Jaa\lCD'J lS a.od 18. nu. ..nee wtll aJ.o .... 01 u.. ~ ..n. b the S.U. Scbot Natlooa.l. Tb.i. .. a ..n.t that t. a lot of hlA UYC member~ ..,.. bot chili a1ld cold clriab betweu r~ aDd there it lott of eoc«a.U. U.g with the tcrib.Dg. It loou Uke the firtt four moot.b.t of 1983 are goiog to be pretty e.acitUag ODd remember the O.t.Adel/ Cou.rageoua 12 Me .. t team wtll be ptactk:izlg here uotil Ma:rcb 18. Hlgh1J·tucceufu1 Oraoge Coa.t College baMbaU coach Mike Nayue h01 auo\lllced he will operate o ba•ball aohool a1 the college ao Jaouary aod February Tlle ~ehool emphalllaM fun· dameolaa, techolquea aod ltrcrtegy There cu. n••ou few ployen rOilgi.og bom 8 to 18 For more lolormaboo, caU 75).()S68 CoroDa del Mar Ht g b ~aduote Eric Raft aoa of Carol Raf:f of Newport Beach, waa ..a.ct.d a.U~Southera CaWonua Io tercolleg la te A thle t1 c CoaJwuce Ftnt Team at Oe· c:idutal College "Eric led the Ooctdeatal team ill taokl•• olld lo fumble recovwrl• cw a •Dlor," actid bead coach Dale WidoW A 6our. J'eGl tlaJ1er. £ric wa. a.leo ..Jected to the cU ·SCIAC tint tecun aa a tu.oJor cmd reoejvecf U.. 1•1 OoddeutaJ defeu .. IJ.Aemao of the rear award Upoo qraduattoo from Oc ddutal m Jwae. the ecooouuca major plaot to coo llDue ot:katiog tbe aucceuful A em d...lopmeot compcmy he c::reat.d Latt .,.ar Oodde•tal '-a tmall. pnvate, c oedueatiooal liberal orta colJe,ge locxn.d lD Dorllseaat Loe A.llgelee oecu Pa.odeoo COACH Sundmn•n hM ht•ntta Hith rotta,. .., .. n. h. belt 09Wa.IJ game for CdH. grabi:Ug bod. ..... cmd dd IIIII._ reboa.ac:t. wAO. .....taca a t.cDD !Ugh 16 poi,DIII V em S• elua,.. added 1 S. w!UM LuJ Wolif bad aa "Ow frODt liae II ttiJl Ule~· periellced," Errioo laid "They haTe to cooceotrate oo theA~ total gcune tathet tba:D tu.tt OAe cqpect of lt, which a. llOt ao ea.y thiDg to do " The Sea l.ioga wlU opeo league play oo }em ~at Uon·•· lity l:.6cmcio may be the ema.U..t 1 team Ul the Sea Va.w Leooue thia tea800, but 1t w b<m.Ag o qwml of a pr...oo Led by )\UUor Jtm Cum. aod j aeo1on GoYlD Warloumoot, ~--------------------- N~wport Hubor lm~man Oavad Cldt1•n and Corona dt-1 M1r punt~r Gordon ~"" hav~ b~~n namt-d "' lk~ Southtrn C•l•fqrntet (''"'"'"" J ~II tlar tum In addlltCin. ""t-w~,, pl.tct>d tunton 8rr11 ~·~·ura .J ~uarJ, and Stn~ 8re1:as rht> t".tm s ttar runrwr on tlw W<'l,~ t~am Sl\ty two players fr~'m J' htah Khools w Prt' namf'd to) !tw two t~Mns .,~ tlw Ftnt lnt~nlal~ Ibn .. o\t~lte F"un dation o\n a"' arcts ,·t"rtml)ny honortni hrst t~am ~~~t•ons wtll ~ lwld Jan 19 at 1(1 JO am atlht' ftrst lnt.-rll.tr,• ~n~ '" L~.,. ""et"WS eo. N.m hal bad two touma:meDt coualatioa abaa· pioaeb.lp. t1UI --.. U.. lint ooe COID.lAO m the So a a-..... touroameot, the aecoDd ia U.. b . YUle oom~tio" Th.ia eecoDdploce hahlt II oaae that b.ad coach TirD POJMI would Uke to bree1k cu ki.a M"*mgt DOW .... u.. ()rage to\l11lalllut at c~ College Behind forward Ted S tt cmd Ocn-e Palm..blade, theM"*""" ate 1~ to theu bne J.avue game W _a udoy at 1Mu Ateo •oll..,MU toleat we~~~ proauDeotly t.atv.d ia tke-- cood aooual Ull.ited Stat .. Volleyball A~ Cb.nlt. m01 touroamut teaturi.D9 area g1.r Ia' club '-am.t a1 Col s.at. Loog B.ach 1ale ....a..cL Ill th• lS.cmd-u.acl. dtfotl6oa. the South COCIIII t.am'• llcDa Odeo (lnaoe ) aDd lrooke HerriDgtoo (CclN), cmd New- pori VoU.JbaD Clu.b't Cammie Oodw (CdM) wee Damed to the all·tOW'IlameJit team Soutla Coaat loet lo the fiDa1a to ldUbaD, 15-13. 1~.11 I lo the 13-aad·\llldar dinlle>a.. Newpo rt wa a d eleated by ldubcm Ul the c:AclmP'Oetltlatp match, ls-4. 1s.& Resw-Me.cr Newport oo the a.U·toarec..uJ I t.ea:m .. ,. S'-Pham. A..vlToe. Jaruoe Jwg•D.tOA cmd MLDcty Adam.a Tke OrOilge Cou..oty team ploc.d Satah Alb.oo oo the all·l1ar team PAY ONLY ONCE, YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD. GUARANTEED! When you place your .. Prtvate Party" classified ad with us you're going to Hll your Item. And If It doean'1 Mil after the tlrat w .. k. we 'II run your ad FREE agatn and again and again until It does. That'a our promlae to you. Your ad will appear In The l~lne Today, Costa Mesa News and The ~e~ EM~ With a combined readership eudlence of over 115,000. Little wOnder we can make guarantMa Hke th.-. Call ua today or uM the ha~ form below and mall In your ad. Then don't go far from the phone. Please Note!· You can call in your ad direct or use the handy form below and mall to: COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP 1•1111o1Dl Newp 1ft a..ot\. CA tJIU 20 WORDS FOR S20.00 ................ _ ............. """' .. _., .......... -~ ...... .......... -.......... _.. ..................... ...... ~-- I • • l t I ' ' • • ' 0 • a t TOOAY'S RATE Pays High Rates Like the Money Funds! Your Insured Money Market Account pays like the uninsured money funds. And your account at 1st Nationwide Savings is federally insured for absolute safety. You can open your account at any 1st Nationwide Savings office for as little as $2.500. Fully Insured to $100,000 ... Plus Total Liquidity No more risk! No more worry! Unlike the uninsured money funds, every dollar in your Insured Money Market Account is 1nsured to $100.000 by the FSLIC. an agency of the United States Government You can make deposits or withdrawals to your account without penalty any time you stOP by one of our offices for total liquid- ity. In addition. you will have limited check writing and automatic transfer options. -----------------------------------.·~~----~---------------------------------- Great News, It's Comingjan:uacy 5. Don't Wait ... Start Now! Unlike the money funds. our account g1ves you honest-to-good-• ness 1nterest checkmg. dally access to your money. You can write as many checks as you want. when you want. for any amount you want. And your money is msured to $100.000. Now you can have a 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Money Market Account with limited checking privileges and you can have an Insured Market Rate Checking Account with unlimited check writing privileges Both accounts are federally insured. Don't wait ... sign up now. We'll put your funds in a Market Reserve Plan* until January 5 when we will automatically transfer your funds into an Insured Market Rate Checking Account. If you air~ have Market Reserve Checking and want our new account, just tell us. We'll automatically move you to 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Market Rate Checking January 5. ·~deity .count a.e.nc. uP to t 2,000 wnt 5"'~ tnleresl Wld IS ,,..,,eel by 1M FSLIC The bl&ance • ..cw.S by notee end obllglto • ol lfte uS aov.nment Ot ~ .,ICIII Don 1 •ttte tor en oldofWitcntd ~ OheektnO aceovnt ----------------------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------- VISA, With No Fee! Why should you pay a bank for a VISA Credit Card when 1st Nationwide Savings gives you one free? It's true. When you open either an Insured Money Market Account or Market Reserve Checking we'll give you a VISA Gard with no annual fee~ Does your bank or money fund make the same offer? ·viSA subject to cred•t approval tionat I • • • '!'be lrriae Co. cmaoua.oed it ia YOIQtMri.Dg to iuklll HW hem· dioapped pgrki.Dg lioU iA ita ~ cea-.la lmu. New, taller aigu are now mcJDdatorr crt HW oommetc:dGl or iDclutrial PfOJ«* la the GitJ. ~ ~· Con10l~ttd Wat~r Olttnct board of dlr«to" honored ovtto'nc offtc~ of tt. distrkt's caurcont Ad-vttory Commlner Pic· twt'd are <l·R) Bob W~bourn. vi«·ch..lrman, J~an Robins. wcm.,-y. and Chuck Ropp. c~ rman. Th~ -voluntftf eroup ~IN'S dw dittr;« on -vanout ittun. Ttw dittrlct board mertt ttw third Thut"''day of ~IK'h month at ?,JO p.m. at 196S Pf~tla A~~. eou. homeJDGkwa cmd retir .. cope with e•eryday legal procedure~ ODd problem• will be pz ... atM at OtUAge Coa.t College thia wialier. TUMd ''Nlal Law CoQlle for ~,.aypenoQ.t,,. th• •n• 11 alated for-Scrtvdoya, }all. 8, 15 and 2.2. fr~ 9 a .m. to noon m OCC'a Fine Ana Hallll6. Th• •ri .. f" i.t 110 The •ri .. will be conducted by OrODge CoUAty attorD•Y Betty J, Fanell. The opeAing .... ~loa will foeua OA the lang\lClg• of the law cmd court eywtem. Th• ..coacln •oo il tiu.d "The Law and Yow Family.'' Topic for th• tlWd Millon II "Th• Low and Your Eatat." . . . Meum• ScieAoe D•pt. ta otf•r· ing a fou.r·unit ooWM UU. aprmg titled "Nov1gatioo and Seamou.hlp .. , Spr\Qg eem..ter clotHe begUl Jon. 31 . Th• eta., litted a. Mann• Sci•noe 210 m th• .chedu.l•, me•h Monday• and WeciDeedore from 11 a m to noon Studutl ore ai.o required to •Droll in a four·bour lob. Fifty ~At of tAe COI.IJM coulltl of olo.room work, whU• the oth•r SO percul il fi•ld ~======================~- Hot sand lnchi~ up between your toes and the surf~ just o few feet away. n o11 ~ ot lhl QOQQ ttfe. And OON thor -,oule reltl~ onct De~ can make that Ute-• ...., benec .. Cune sk• '1<>U' boots ott Tt • ,, •e•cbl •n the Pf1VaC1 ot ~ c..t -,paci()US IU\Uf!V\. to.Jse::. 0 "'l ldn~ No 11flt.•! tf l(J n 1 . .-tii' • ii ' ! • • 1Cl.ommcx.1aii()('IS ,,-Par~>. • • t+'le authentically restorrv 1 ' 'rw1trl9 10M! that s bee"· I• : ••• 'lOnest new cold spo1 1n rr ... 11 • Mike ......-vattona by 1/15/U and~ one n~Qht free wtth eect\ 7 t •• Call I (801)84._ l--------------. A GI FT that remernber.) by re1p1ng others to hve tranc~. T~ photo was t•k~ Monday ~•nine work Stud•.nll willapend pl•nty of tim• otf.hore, WOI klDg OA OA.e of OCC'a 23·foot S•acroft floating lat. . Th• cl011 oleo lDClud• crweee to Cc.talino ®d Sao Oi.go. Studenll will recelve iutr\.lc· bon in chart work, dockiDg. oochon.ng, marliMplk• (rope work), pomboD·fincUog, heavy weather le<DnaJUh.ip, 1\UVlval at tea, curr•nt corr•cboo, and lighta An mt•rnobonol rno.rk•b.ng I Mminar that eaplo:me bow ClD in cbvtduol or company co.n obt<XUl I a llc4tDM for MlliDg a product ov.raeaa wUl be offered l'hUf'l· day, Jan 6 crt OCC I lltleci "Unde Sam. May P ," tb• foW'·ond·o·half how MillOn W OO•IpOD.IOreQ by 0CC, th• U S. D•portmeDt of Commerce, a nd the South•rn CaliforoJo Oiatnct £..port CoWlcil Tb. NmJDor will run u om 10 a m to 2·30 p m 1n Room 108 of OCC'• Adminiatrobon Bwld.ulg Re¢aration fM ~ S20 The f .. todud.. lunch. mat•nola and parking Pr•·r•~;patr o l ton 11 recommended •pace a IJ.rruted s._tf photo by St~~ ~I>' II" A IUD•·w••k coun• that prow1d• oo totroduct1on to th• prrchol091 of odu.lt de.-.lopo· ment ODd oq1.00 will be off•red by th• OCC P.,chologl D•pt. thJe l'pri.Ag Th• two·u&Ut courN , I..Ltted aa Peychology 140 an th• cle111 .ahedu.l•. m .. ll Thu..doJ aft•t· noona from 1-3 p m A MCOAd nin•w"k ...con bequy Apnl 14 Tbe m.atructor w Dr Mary Momao.n, o f01me.r feUow W\th tb• Adrnuuarobon on Agang OCC l»ologllt, world hoveler. clunber and )ult•r Ot Gary lam•. will provt.d• oA lO·depth look a1 th• peopl•. cultw•, ood natural wood•n of .. ..,.,al coun trl• "off the beat•n path'' dut mg a thr"·parl lecture Mn• at OCC lD January T1tled ' Adventur• Wlth Gary Jam ... " tb• Hn• mMtl on Fn· day ev•m.ng•. )a.o 7 and 14, UOm 1 30 to 9 30 p m ID 0CC'1 Sc1•nce HoU A whol• wotdung tour ~ alated for Sotwday mozrung Jon 15 Adnuu1oo to the two lectur" w S3 50 Ttcutl for the whole watchulg cruae a re pnced at $15 eocb Nemben of tM N•wpo11 Balboa Aolary Ch&b u.. ta'ONIM ow. 11 /XX) la W..,. ~ to Map tiM ~eoa. YMCA aid oeedy cfv. illQ the holiday leCIIOO• CIGOGI• d.UaQ 4D J• de Boola. YMCA Ea-• ecuti'fe Oheetor ,.. DolpiWM. WC'U •••• ~ .. of the N.wpon Harbor Ana C\cn:Qbe, of CoGUUree, baN aJ.o contriboted aso I« Medy fmnm• thaa ho&IGy ...-. Th. YMCA hal cDded cto.u of fomihM d~ring 1982 by p.roYidi.ng oamperehipe, tr .. membe.nbipe to th• u.n-p&oyecl cmd o\.ltright ~ wpport to fa'l:r,ili .. lD need of food, aocor• dmg to d• Boom "Ther• or• a lot mor• neecly lamili• In 1982 becc:ll.aM of lM ecoJlotn y a.od beca~ of the hlgb •mploymeat," <M locm tend "W• ar• llldeed ~to th• Dolpluo.. oad tl:w Newp«t .8o.lhoa Rotcuy Club =d tWr mem.be11 for h•lping to ma&. Cb.Ntma. 1~ happier for a lot of ch.ildreu " I ••• .s.-··"· d~ th.• pteu •• r.moc14UA41 ol t.he Wucuy i.n bw Llclo Lle home. -.. p. , belplaCJ to ..U z:>_ • ._ Sc•-•t'• booll of collMtecl •• , ... ~d enjo~ every minute of it. .... ~ 1\.aJMI'Yiai.llq th• 10th hltthclcry party for bw mothez. ,._...._nat' 1D tb• porleb beaU of 8t. M.lcha•l' a cr.cd All Ano•la Cbu.rch. ,_,..,. 7-.t-dietributlAQ oopi• oJ bU fcrvorlt• colv.aua j cl.-c:ri..binQ h.b fovorlt• com· pculY s-~ · 1 1 1 J:llCl8t•nDinc:l.LnCJ a Chrlat.mo• QGlG cmd tryUUJ to c:omm.cmd quiet ao r:t. 11ft r>. •• could odch•u tbe c:rowd. ZJ-t 5-l..r• d•H,htinCJ I lorqe au d l en c• w l tb o d•ecription o( Ret•rr• 14- 7.-. • ~planation oi a qu .. tJonctbJ• call. 25% off Super All shetts on sale . Sale 4.79= ...,, _____ ., -------_ .... ____ _ ""' ::. ..• :: 0.0.. ...... ,.._ ... . ... , .. , .. ,_,_ ... _ =-.. , ..... ... .. ·-.. Save 30% to 50% Ski Jackets For Men-Women Glrla-Boya Ouot 1, If! cand SIV'"0i tlb 1 fl D•g IO&h.''" ;. pract•C.IIall ""'' 'tf! 'l~•,cs FNI., .. d \4en \ Wild QU llfiO 1~1~t• Or1Cl-HH Ull 1711 Ia Our best selling pantthOse ,.....,.. ;.. ,._ •• ... ~t M ~· ..-ct .,..... ...... " ..... ~ ~..,. '-"'--•1 -w· .J '1' .... 1 .. -~ "'Q. ·~ _,,, -c--· ... :zz~ -·• 250/o on al girdl , slip$, coordinates .. .. ' • TWa • a '*-e of ~ chaage b pubMc ed1aeatioD la CGidoniG. ,.. ... -.aca:..r oompllllltOJ ..... aN uaderwcq. Eduoaton mut pa. tMm ia ore:&. to obtri'a oa.J•Iki" aft. Jcm. 31 . E..librariau cmd .utitate '-clc~ua are reqWJed to pa. the teet. n. .tate Board of Eduoatioa hal dlltaiblaa.cl a model . plaD for upgrading grod'Uatio:A requinm_., oalliag b fOUl yean of Engliah, three of mat& (baclwitno two of algebra, oDe of geometrr) cmd todal....,_ (oae .,_, of world b.iltory, ou of U.S. bWor:y, a ~em..._ of eoo.Domicw mad a aem..., of U.S~ gO'fWIUDut); two Jean of fcnigJ:l lcmguage cmd aatuzal ~; OM ,.ax of Yinal cmcl perlormi.o.g alii; and a Mill.._ of oomputlel educaticm. Mecmwbile, Dew atate au~riateAd•at Bill HoAig prepuea to take offic., hG'YiJlg unleatecl lo.Qgtime auperialteDdeDt WU.Oza Ril• OD a oampcdgu to return Califonlia edue<lti011 to ''the balicw. '' Honig wa:DII atudentl to llpCld more time ill echool, priDoipala aDd teo.ehen to applJ more d.ilaipliu, cmcl d»- tricta to be more aocowata.ble to Sacramuto. Th.il Dew a~eault by atate appoint.-cmd the legillature oTerloob the wealth of good ill r¥1141 cmd educatiDg you.Dg people that 11 being done by parutl cmd 10boola. Howevc, •••n iD the mo.t lauclecl d..iatricia, t..tiC'ONI ahow room for improvement. PolJoe recorda iDdk:ate trucmcy rat. are higher than mo.t achoola will admit. A local diatJict recently CIJl.Dounc.d it h01 aequired a com· putet IJit8m which will permit kDowiDg where .tucleDta are at all tim•. Clearly it waa nai•• to hcwe beli.ned the diatrict Jmew that iD the fint place. The popularity of "~" IChoola (although they lD· variably acquire the oo~preheulve programa of ordinary achoola) meaua Honig' 1 aloga.u wW ha.e a rec.ptiYe audieDoe. But pareDtlneed to demo~ their commJt. ment. Education auCCMda when achoola ha.e good programa cmd pareAII emphCI8i.H homework cmd are wp- porlive of what teacher• are tryiDg to aceompliah. Trucm· cy ceaMe to become a problem when paren'-doa't giYe tMDagen automobU• the moment they are old uough to obtain a llceDM. Now that Califoruia hcu hoaen ita pll)periy tax• aDd dropped echool fundiDg ''~~qUeue iD the lap of the Legillature," aa A..amhJywomcm Ma:rirm BelgeiOJl taid recently, theaolODt cue talriDg a long look at eduC<rtioDal goall aJ well. A. Bezg.-,n ~. "Tbia ariU aa it Nlatel to ed~n offen exoallent opportunitiel foz OOZQPreh.en- llve refonn of our educaticmal .,atem aa well aa for a etable. long·range financial baM for education." -TB t I State Senator OWe Speraw (R-Loug Beach) hat in- troduc.d legialation that would outlaw profe.ional priaefightiDg in California. Speraw pointa out that while millioAt iu iJl fedaral cmd atate tea dollan are aput enforci:Dg OSHA cmd Cal- OSHA lcrws and regu.latiou on occupational acdety cmd health, the •tate lioeDM~ people "to inflict braiD and eye damage on each other" in profe.ional bouta. Cooktighting cmd doqtighting are i.ll.qal, bortng • not. "We have ltatut• prohibiting people &om llagiDg con· tem that lnfllct pe..rmanent and bloody damage UpoA animal., but we make the elate a principal party to the atagillg of violent cont..ta betwMD humcm bela.gt," ICIJ'I Speraw. HW propoM<l S.uate Coutitutioual Amenclmct 3 would not prnent amateur bmdng. It would ltop CaWor- D.ia from liceJl.li.ng prof.-ionala lD a 1port that, ae recent event. hcrYe ehown, ocm r..Wt in death. SCA·3 d-n• careful eoJJaideration by the Senate. -TB tre treloome len.. Uo. ,....._,., • ......,...,A•dvlat to edlt 101 1NJ9f}1. Sw:Jd row eo. ...... lo z,..,..,. fo •• Edltw, Co.t Jledlo Newe OroUA ~-~ Ne"'ttOI JJMd.a. CA INU. 134 MW.ion Per Hour To li.'tditor. Our ;ovenunellt ploat to ~peed~ mil11ou ecoh. h.ouz. ~ hO\ll'l per day for the nut B-.. yean building aucleczr weapou cmd their deliMrJ ~ It ia tim• k) realiae that we are bem; mcmipulated aad im· po....m.hed to prcmde geiMfala witk ,.,. war Iota OACl aUlltary ocmt!Gdon with lalv• proaa. It il ti.Jne ~ 09a:iA .... OUI Ia~ berltaace and in•••• O\U reeowo. iD a .etoag, eli••• ecoDomy which pro'f'id• u. wb.at we uec:l to qrow AAd U il time to& ... cmd thea. tecluoe the 1.6 mWiOQ Hiro.hiaaa we cmd the ftullfau ccm un.lecJQ on the world. Stephaa Pew C.O.M.a Houalnca Pr09rczm SllouJd Be E:Dhcmcecl To Uae Editor: I am .u.rpdled \hot cmr of t.b.e dedAoll·maba, mc.t recutiy the ooUDty PlcmDin; Comm ... GoD, would RgOIIl a ~out of the lllcluiODCII"f prog~am. • • • oua A aoa&Wy ~ cat lM N\UUc:lpal WGW ~ ol ~Cow, Orcmge Couty baa a raiDfall cnwave ol ODly 13 iDcMt pet -,.or aad a populatloa ol o.. 2 million. S.Yellty·ft•• PMOAt ol Orc:nage CoUDty•a wert. aupplj. cue lmport.ci hom lb. Cclcrodo ~ ot Nort!l.-n CalAbaia. A ••locmt amawat of6at-..lt tram \M Colorado At.-Wil:-\e lolt to ANollo LD 1-1\ot aa*Z.DI all ol ua 1a ~<IIIP Cowa· ty wUl ~ to cio l'JlOfe to CIOA• ..,.. ow lim1Md wa\er •JIIDIML AD OJ'ea w.._• we ocm -llrN coa•lclerable water it tl•• bathroom. ~~ half oJ Otcmge Coluaty'a ltildd.dal wot.r il QMcl fDcloon cmd abraGIIt 1$ J*OUl af OW iaQoor waW u.. oocm.rt lD the ~- n. tod.t u.tell the lllOit water m the bathroom. E..,. tim• a toilets. flu..aAecl. cmyww• trom 3 to 7 gaBoa.a ol wut.r goee lllto tAe ..... There OJ'e t.o WGJ1 ~ cut ciowD her•. Fine. a•t ue the toll.t aa a waat.balket, cmcl em ecm.-aca~ to claaage the dtr Dame to ''lalhoo" lA 1 !M8, but woa c:Wecn.d thea, too. • • • ••• rent ill Onmge Couty. The b.t hope lor l.ad\YDl cmd Ua worbn il to coatuuae ad .... eahoac» U.. preeMt LD· clueioACliJ bouill; progrCUD which ~~ o .wl portion of each p.rotect to be blolllt fot lowet·i.acome tcrm.W.. Wltb adeq\acrte ,..q ~. the lDYU*'f of cdfordable boU11ia41 wovld bWld up o•• time cmd h.elp our looal eooDomy to pr~. Bob}obuoD T\llti.D MCODd, recluoe the was. per Ouah. N01t tolleta llM more water thcua il ll«ll• ClrJ cmd wodl aa well wltb lea ha Jw.e 1911, the CaU.Jonua Dept. of Wert. ~ Ill coo~ration with Nuaioipal Wedel Dtltzkt ol O.aage Coun· tr, MaC a 1JQter OOilll~ klt to ...., rtlllldeat. &du.ct.d Ill tAe ldl waa a bog tJaat. wbM flU, eel willa water Clad u.-w ia tl.e tdlet ... d~ two-tWrdt olavaJioaol1fCIIIr.IIWMtM wot. '"'~}Mag, a~ ml1k or lav.D.drJ bottle ccm be u.-c~ ,..... d. rw aa. bot~!. wttb wcner cmd a couple of pebbMI to weig~t lt cmd place u la fOUl tdJet tcmk, way frOID the llloftag pa:rta ill tU tc:mk.. Do•'• a. bricb. lricD lllCIJ ~ to di. lDteerata edt. aw!ULt. oa11&ag teriou.t problema iA J'O'U' plum. bUag . Toileta ccm oleo be Dotorioua tor b.Htct. **' A leak oaa WQIIe .. ~ of ga.loM ol wateJ per dcry. L.ab ~r wb.• the toO.e il o"t al odlul· m.t 01 •"-pa:rta an wen. A .. OQD be cWI ..a bf P.odD9 a cbop or two olloocl ~ ia tM taak. U cditer a Mart P«W of time tM coloriao U.0..1&_l1a ~ bowl, J'OU'" gat a.._~ a lbDp&e ocltula-* tl a.-: •• ~ r or a ~-of• won part. Allotaer area iD your botlanaca liMit .-.a~ of.-.. il U.. Mower. A IMwer -. ~tw-.. t.rc. 3to lOvalou at waWpeiralaGte,deiiEM'9oa t .. e d.owedaeod cncl wert., Two Orecrt CaleDclan For lfbe New YMI U ha.r&I.Dg cn~W a ... J.af at u.. ftnl ol ....... y.ar lUaU oaly opeatag a •• oalendar. tMn an a ~ ol hecnat'- a•ailahle iJa our cuea: tll• p~ap.Wc eac*r..o. ol ... Hoov Hoapttal ttaH cmd the calelldar produced by Photographer Rue Laureu. Bot.. caleJadart wiD aot be tluowD away Q_ ,..cu &c. llOW; mcmy ol tAW ill~ will be tramecl for your walt. You certa:laly woWd upec:t a Rue 1.aunu CXIleadclr to be ou~v; thcrt'• biJ bog. But tae clocton, Aun•• ancl laboratory '-chDiciou at 8oog e-*l la daUy llldDI lrfoohiDg Ufe cmd death dedlioa b 'IIV• prisUag o:lld h~ to bd they aJ.o bow about f...._ deptA of Wei cmcl ahutw tpeed. for u Jeart. the aati at Hoag h.al ~ ia a P~J CODt.l. A -,.or a9Q. th. w(a,Q.,. wen puh'hhed ill a calendcu for the fine time, 01 part ol tlt.e hoepttora 30th oDDiur8CUJ C6lebtatiou. The cot•u:•uaD.ily reaction waa 10 favorable that tlle ho.pilcd'a pu.hlic realtiou d.pt., \lACier Sumue Maric:ich~ dec:tded to do it 09Qill ~ rear. Admlnletr~c MidwreJ Stepheu dec:ticaMd the ccalendcn to the 2, • 000 emplo,... of Moog Chand pdae wiluaer Jill Tait, R.O., dietary, recei•ed aD "eecape .... kend" for t.o at t.be Ne'tfJ)Oit Narriott lot b.er pao.o of a Mcna.i eu.a..t. Each m=tb of the yeo:r !eatw• a wiDaer Nu.ne Karu Cl"-. 1A the Duraerr. 0. Jou Skiaaer. SUICI:D Duaca.u lll b&um-... "ficte. Sa:rala Yoklrmcb" 11\ the laboratory ; Or . HaDa•l Jea,_ud.; Ricbardo Peralta, pubnoaa.ry, Oeh OeWaU, a IliUM LA pediabiot; Sueoa Bc.cm, tA Jal.or aAd cWiYWJ. Riclaarcl Coley I pharmacy 1 Eel Ramo... p'llmcoort. ad L\Dda H.U. ~cmDOQJ. 1\eae Launea'• caleDdar repreMAw the 1\lberb work of em outata:Ddi.Dg ~ Cout.Dy art reeourc.. ~ colcr pbotae i.Ddud. the lkDt of the N.wpon.En-..oda yocb! rac-e, Bogen Garde.. lD CoiOilO cl-t Nar. LaM M•oa Viejo. pear~eilla~lll N.-port Ieoda. o pretty blolld relaDatr m taD vro-b.slde lr- 'riu tell. ta lmae Perk Lauren acccmpaJ).i•d b1e oalaadar •"h a kolida y gJeetlag, reriewiDg llu a c · ti-ft ... , aad tJac. cl .... lcraWy 4\Uiag tM pall year Tlae pJ.otoa Sa U.. cu-... 'iar, h eald, ore ai ''local ..... that IIOf b.eteJ tAa:a 1. whr we bYe, wcrk cr.Dd play Sa tw. ..,.,..,. GNG. •• l.cnaaea WCII oae ai the top pbotogrophen fot tlae Loa ADge~ee r-.. • .._ be lklned Ail LcnarMa Color Lab aow Lew ' • ta 1rNe. fer77 MW*. wlilo GPWIIl• ScHatA. CoCIII Alt CeateT ia Co•ta Meta, it cwrealy .a.owtacr Q c.lilplay ai ..._., ~Y · ·la -hie pi'~U. --- "R.a.'• OCinJC was built OD qWM GOepM.a.Ge. t-cltalnoJ U • ...... me 1'rt Ita!. lll&aoelftt. ll~ ad M:nl .-.. Aad ..... OM_..~ ~ ol Qn.g. Coatr. wlidek ...... ~ 10 ... , al la.ll ph4Cigl ........ I "l I'IUDAY. DCC. 17 ca •• n.w.e ..... \, .... aad Cl poial~ -....aa •* .................. aar.,......_H--.s.ta.ea bJocl oiWa• hrtu ... A.._.. La... -0 Ra.lpb La..... ... lclcW cmd .,.. ~ 1.av.Na ..... 'fGhaecl at ··-... ·~ ...... trc. a car ~IIG to Do-aiel Warb H.r- IICIAdw ua Faa~Uto. Wad... 1• .W.O.,_ of TV~ CIA Aa.rkxm Twrilter W: .. a.ad two ~aa pr .... lt 'fOlued at Sl,cr.ll..,.. r~ ... lroe 0 CCII ~De to ~Grace Wooclbw-y ia tar.. 3"100 bloc:k of Newport. A.neet. Nille people .,.. arr.-.d OD racpidoA of d.rwabD clri'fieg. iD- c hadiDo th.r .. trom Newport B.och. Pbilip lanoo PWI., Job.D Elliot Me.,doaanic:b Clad Bcubal'G Atwell Saw,.. . Two ~--.re OD I rttli OD •ucpidoa of diaon:ledy ccoducV u.toDc:o- bo.n with alcohol, ll .. lhl ol Newport Beoc.h . Scott Aaclrew Squire, 18, of Gaitherehwo. Md • waa an uta d OD euepicloe oJ PJlRtzaao aropbebD.llla Joeeph RO'JIIlODd Jlmi.D-. 20, of Gard.o Gro..,.. wac an.-.d OD 8U8JMaoD of petty theft . A\lou-t Jam• Coh.acci. 36, oJ A.rcadio wot anecteci OD IU.IpidOA of nolab.Dg ptobauoD SATURDAY. DEC. 11 Crim .. A mao clcnmLDg to be W\th the PLO telephoDed a bomb tlt.reat to Ow lady Oueu of ADgg Catholac Church He told a w1tD.. that a "lO..m~toa bomb" would e.-plocle duri.Do a S~do~ m~ 'nu. tD the third tune ance Au~ a bonlh threat ha. beea made aQOillM Ou.r No adYe,li••r in tJU. pap•' i• mor. than a I qallon ITOna you ttall.UIIiMI -ausarP~»'' MMI.DI H· I" oltl41\ \ 11~ II .. , I ,, ,,. "'. "'" • • ''"\ll(\\lt't •bl~ltl:l"'t\ •l.lt\UL -'1111' tt\lt' lUI'-.\.\ ( \lt l liVl\ 'Ill OUI,~·' ou•atal~~..,._..TMaWOA~ADU NOACK TIOPHl 1 ... 111 Pth \tr~t No 117 (o\ta MestJ l.lt ru" trc•m \on \ ShopptniC Ct!nttor ) 646 -1J4J ....... r..o. Vlaeodo 30 ... Nawpcwt .._.. .._ .. 1 t•n .. dnaai•r-.. lae' ooocdae... Dteoo Jot .. Aa h-na ... o ciMaa Olhn .._ • O•••• an.... .. c:ilnli daan..WO.oiJr•m lag oor,u' • IUJmAY. DEC. II a.... . Soaeoae Mt ofl a large ~ lD aa oukloor lC~~~a,P Mloagi.ag to Deoa Nel'toD NaCaaaia tbe 17'00 block of Oalcarr aad W.. it up, CNICIIilag aa ~ 1100 clcmaaoe •.. row dumbeDe cmd a we&ollt bar ~at 190..,. ~ .,.,_ lrom Newport Ha:rbor Hloll Scllool. . A •aaclal ~l*d ~ breok l.ak> ta. gym at IJacoba O...•ta:rr Sclaool bvt aaly got aa b aa the loc:ker rooa. CIOUIIIIao toxpar .. em ... timoted 150 ia ~ An..-nu.. mea ,.,.. a:n..tecl oil •..a~ of clnuak• clriwmo. i.D· cludlao two from Newport ........... .............. A wtu._ go&d wedcli.Do cmd eaoaoemeDt rlDg reported -'oleD Dec. I wa foUDcl tuid. em eD'Nlope ill the llaf.ty depo.tt bo.a ot Lo. All gel.. r edefal So•lnoe, 3201 Newport Bouleward. A theft waa reported to New- port 8eoch polk:e wbeD the ric- tim.. ClD tUdedJ lady, did DOt loc:ote th• Jewelry Ia the boa. A 8eCOild look o few doya later fouad the p4eoe eafe and aouad, police acid UP TO 75% COMMJSSJON DISCOUNTS PLUS CONVENIENCf. Ammca·~ leadmg bank anJ Amenca!. lt:aJmg da .... 'Ount brok~m,~otc hrm. l'harlt·' Schwab Co, Inc luvr I(HnL-J fmcL" Ul hnng you a new 'to~.k tran~u:tton -.cr\'tLc Now you can bu-.· or ....:H -.ccurattc' at a d1scoum at the chw3b \u~k 8rnkcra~c Scrvux·t\ Counter. tn'llk ')('lt.'\:tl'd br.mchr'> ol Bank of 1\mertca. \bu'll nut only ~Vl up to ..,:,u., nn t.'tlm m ioru, )'OU'll get adA.led <:nnvcmcnCl' m ~ bara.aan. &a~ OflC(" ~'OU open your Schwab Acx:owu )00 C41n hmdlc all of YOUr sccuritics t:rarua('tlOO n~ht wbere YOU do )"'W bank'"" PIND Ot1f HOW EASY rr lS IUY AND SELL SECUR.mES V it the Schwab Counttt at ttcttd brancho and we'll ckmon uate bow to ux the quote m.achine tha& lfl~ up-to· &he-nunu q\.KlUS. \bu can thcdl pncet on yow own IC.'C\.lrlt Or get the ~test quote on any tnded ifcm. Even on brisk tradlna days. Abo. if your sak: dquit bM is located at 1 branch wnh • counter. then leocll; Oar._ Jay SMU cad WWicra OMriao Alcleaou ... n... ---. mr-.1 aa I 1 ..... of dllolclerly ooadDd/ lata,.C'h ..a~._.. tro. Newport llocla... £clw.anl Raadolp~ W .. tte, II, of Soott•clcde, Alicoaa, wa• CUI ¢ d OD l'!.pdoe of II f i.DQ a cl.l:mo-ou weapoe.. IIOJU)ATJ)EC .• on..- J•..U, 'f'ahMci at M.IIO WCII r.poned **' &om Dolot• H. Salldbefg ia u.. 100 block of er,..a.t .. A wcrD m.1not aad o boe~ ..t 'f'Ollaed at JlOO ..,. reporiecl .a-from Dcmd GnmoA Ma:r:rwo iA tl.e 400 blodt of )cwntoe. An-. ThrM meD were an..e.d Oil cuapk:io:D oJ clnuakeA c:t.dwiag, DOAe from Newpcwt leodl .. Tluee men .,.. an ... ed OD 1\lfJ>lciOD of cU.otclerly COA· duc:t/I.D.to~cation with alcohcX, lAchuliDo oae hom Newport Beach Gregory Cllarlea Courteau . Ricb.ard 8ricm HuDaaker, 25, of Newport Beach, wa. an-.d Oil .,.p . cloD of fc:Uae)J reportillo CIA emero•DCJ . Vi.AceDt J~ Rea9<JD, 22, of Gard.u Oro... WD an ..ted Oil l\llll)iclOD of ,.tty theft , .. Robert Arthur Meoeli. 30, oJ Brea, wac cm..ted OD l~dOD oJ SI()FII-DO cocaiAe TU'£8I)AY. DE'C. II Crt.m.e A . peo.rl necklace voluecl at S3.~ wac reported ctoleD trom Mart All4 Naab ill the 2200 blook of Cliff ThrM watch• alld a gold chaiJl volued at Sl.· 200 were reporled atole~~ from .._.J_E.,._laiM 400 Woak of Go' l1 •ocl •.. A_, of QQ~tyl • ..... 6 0 sad~ .... 1 .......... .. TwM...-........... .... r•pon.d ltolea koa o ccu beloaoiat to ADu ltidard Mcl-eaa Ia u.. Oabood Nortll UJ)I* padiag Jot, .......... W~ Howard COGQhke, 31 , ot Newport Becacll wa arr•••d aa ~ ol Woay clnua.lr.eA clmiao . T•ll ... were an•••d oD .......... of cl.nWra cb:tri.DG. laclGd&.g fou tro. Ne"PQQt ....... : s..a.- Robet ~aofal, Da•hl kirk lJghtller. Job.a MartlD Lowu aac:l Ocuy Nicboel S~uuoa. . . CbriMiaa CbcuJ.ec oma. 22. of Newport B.acll, waa arrelfed OD 1\lapiciOD oJ cileorcler}y COA· duc:V~ wiu. cdcobol ' Gregory 00 CoAtrell, 19, of Newpo~t Beach ClAd noma. DugoA, 20, of eo. w... .... auected oD auepcUoD of bW"glary . 'nOIIlCII Nicboel Murphy, 3S, of NeWJ1011Ieach, woa an.-.d oa ••llpCiioe of waDdolinl Mel•,. L" Mooda. 28, oJ Hwati.Dgtoa leach, waa arr....O OD aupldou of New ec111ft7 87·-• Goea Ia At U ... lftt .. A Dew ~ ..,...._. to im· Pf09e .mo. b library pat.roM by pre..atillg uaautJ.o.u.d bonowiag of boob b.ca beg la· .u.d at aD hrnacU. of tM Newport 8eacll Pllblic Li.brarr Book l~ which !u:rYe beea \\Ill 01.1\ ..._ltd\ OlP\\. t he LC Tllht.Hl'' \IIU f'l \t.llln~ trom "''llf hP'< tt• th( \t.h\'\.lh ~t.Urttll'' Dl'f'll'll fk,, \Lh"'·•h ~ l o In, tull lru: .ll ,~1-11 t~" ... >.(l.lc'<t :;l FtnJ ,~ut hn\, lll hU\ anJ -<11 "l'l urltlc~ mort• LOn\ \'niCnth ~hwdh Bw~cl.l)':l \<.'n•tcc:~ lt1Untc:r' J n· hx:Jtt·J Jl th1. tnltm .. m~ f'\.lnk uf \m\.'rtl...'l hrant.hL-.. In JJdlttun wnh vout 'xhw.lh •\~:·~;.,tttH r\4 1t nn h l.'.tn vou huv anJ -.ell \Cl\Hlltl'' whtll· mu h.mk hul \'tlU II hJvc .. h .. '\X'-' t11 ~hwab :\l."CUUnt lJtL'lUliVC\ b\ .1 tutl fll"l' Xl l(l telephone numhc:r Yuu ~o..tn rtac:c nrdcf' m g~t q\Jotl;'" 2-l hour' each Ja\' - J.w, .1 Wt"l'k anduJm~ m<l61 hohJ.t'" TiiE CONVENIENCE Of Al!TOMATIC SETl1..£MfNT Wuh a ~b\\'lb Account and a Bank of Amcna chccbna aa:ou.m. )'OU'll t.'nlO)' the extra convma.mc:e of Automauc Scttlrment We 'll dcb1t or crtdtt your Bank of Amenta Account for sccumtc-s transacuoru. Ant.! wc."'U C'Vtn dtpo\at "tock dtvldC'nd'\ Automauc.tlly. Tht..' ehminate\ tbc bothtr ul wanma fur ch«k.s m lhc mall or bavq to~ check.' m u~ to pay for purchascs. What' more, every nan cHon as con\~n•cnd recorded on your monthly T\m~~vcr t.actmcn~ <:ome uuo cmc of the Bank f Amma branches luttd bert Or caU C harlc ~·wpor1 Sc.u .. h u.u V 1.1 Lado ;..Jc"'-"J'Clft l enter ~ll Newron C.cntcr DTIVt L.l,guna Htll!> ~.&(161 Calle Jc 14 Pl.uAl l'lt:.,'IC' 11tnJ me~ tnklrmAtKln JO \«'<tll\roltfu ~I'Vk"n '•mc ... ~~- \ m Sua_ZJp __ Ph.ww 1 I---------- l \ArTnll a. n.k nl Ammca 0 \a\J U) <. tw~ ~·•b a ~. ""-l)nrSftnnd~ \an hann~tn. m t Gtls..., narc It ciOIUtlftg a laUIFti: .... Of 'Eh~ ....... ol CluY LOM-... ~ ........ ,. ~.._v..,,._.. ........... OM .............. b ... ...,. ,01 ~ ..... you r.-IY don, ._..., .... ~Yen to ......... drop. .m.. You oen ''-rtghtlntla•PQrt.._. "*"'~end hOt.,, have PIMned elebotate oeMbri!UoM comptata with lm· ~~glnatlve menua and mu.k). But~ wtth WI that a. IV.,IIbfe. If you et.Uf mourn the ab11noe ot your favorfta lampahada and Guy Lombardo, don't fret It Ia rumored that 1 ,..._urent In Powey wtU have both at m~hl Among the e.xqulahl Parking . Oo Prcma.es for a grand e.xper-.nc.. Notm Ar~MgM. the man r"pot*bfe tor Chu Danta'a. com· blnad hla culinary '*'' from Franca and Amarlca to craata aoma of the moat authentto 'ranch outalna found In ~~. OMf Audolto, OM of AI· f'l\agan'a trMaur.-. pro Jed Ne em sa'?liiiiOn In flleiiY oowte' from .. ............ not over glfloect to '- ootd lttwl IOUfla '* ......... tart and ~ ........ Not to lee tM mMI"a beginning and and ........... ~ MUteed .,. rrooa· • to tender perlectton and tha vaal Norwegian. ttnlahad with lhrfmp and a wNte cMM ~ woutd be worth~. Everything about Chez o.n•·• II aubtte. Alwotl flow. Ughttng glow. W.,..... .,. un- obtrualw yet aftlnttw. All appear aarloua about their Job, the A ward-Winning CONTINENTAL CUISINE Just af~.,.. mi/~.r down tit~ coast • Luncheons • Dinners • ~.-Sun. Champagne Brunch l~ttlmat~ •NJoo, CH patio tlt~tlret CAROLE COLE 0 11 {JIQICO•WX:QU FOR A REAL ....... TWa ~South CoMt Hwy. lApna 8cecb TASTE TREAT ~ *' .I qno-p.Oce, ·.-pOrter GOVAMET OIIIIING MtO.TEAAAftlllAIII F\M 18700 MAC ARTHUR BlVD. CHAM,~GN£ lAUNCH SUNOA VS '0-lN DANCING NIOHTlV CAIAAET lOUNGE IRVINE. CALIFORNIA • CAn a. IN'S T AilE COF H£ SH~ -N HAS IOtlootitt ()fen .. COI.II\IVA"I* (7 141133-2770 I •••u IT WILL CAJit CAN l. TH1 NtOHT THn JHVINTlO CHAWAQHI THAHil HIAVPI '0A UTT\.IGNU.t Q'OI f'MQ~•'MNOT YOUNG ANYIIIO"f ~ lllftlfell ~~ CHAN-II CHAPIJN'• 673-llll HOVRS; M....SU. 11-t s....u ~ 11J6 Pbcento (Of VICfOI'O) Ca.IOMeso ~-QIOO L. fV"8 f>.l030prn (>-1 JOp ,.., Speoo A Gina's gift certijlcate will solve all ur gi/t-glving prohltnu KMPUP With Thlnga -RMd CaJandar butt.r a.ad pcum.a.u ch .... for the flnt COWM. Theil com• Gra•o.lacu (raw, mari.Dated Salmoll) with potato aolacl, ~ wva cmd p~par­ JUcUJ hreocl. To liAiab up with a IWMt, Nta mokea Llngonbu~y NouMe SoutO.. When Rita waa 1ll 1- oHluent dOJt cmd ctid.D't wiah to buy all the requlred Lingonbeny preaerYel, elae atretohed it with c::ranbeny eauc:. ICOI\WDl!AM IPUT PEA IOUP 6 -.oked ...... a.o.-.... 6 ~ CICIITCMI. C'\l)ed • ~ OaiOGI 4loed • leu~ ~ cticed 3 ba9l .,bt 9'_. peaa IAnow'-d MI.Ua) 3 '-ry '*"- 6 wl.ol. bkldl ~ppueoru 6 wlloa.clo... S&aulw leq-relapcb (~ I.-oae ckry pnor 10 ~) Ul 8qtl ,.., -,... kun 111i1nAQ ~oalll "-trio-~. ·-~ tat \M toUowut.9 day ... h~a CJDd broUl tntll 1111 reca~~Wao la· ~-lor ,.. Alow. Salt aad ...... to ...., Add a.ay type ol bc-oth (c~ beef) tJ IOUP becoaJ• too tiuck 5.,._ ... ~ l.y DiDo •OA Bwq., The o.c.m.ber t.ue of Towu cmcl Cowatry feG'tvecl "The R.hu'G of the O.butcmt. Ball." lade tel, more youog ladl• are beiDg prtaAted QCfO. the DO• b them ner before. 'nle ballla tb~ hcnoe beeome more lema, emulcrtiJ:lg the debut. in tl•• ballroom of St. 'Jamee Palace, where the formal protocol of a young lady belDg sar-oted to eoclety began. Y OQ..Dg ladi• &om Orange Couatr cue pr ... oted in t\lch wh.it.tie oifaln 01 Loa Roeaa, Loa CampaDCIII, Nettlonal Chari· tr I..ag\le and Child.reu'a Home Society. In addition, maoy daughten come out ill Loe AA9el•. Euro~ cmd New York. Valerie Blake Santore, daughter of JCeu.neth and Ann Blake Satin, woe receDtly pr ... oted at the Debutante A..embly, New York Clty'a oki..e pre~e.UtatiOD ball. The Debutcmte Aaaemhly woe fouaded by Mn Thoma• Wehner Edgar Her grand. dcnaP*· Mn. Robert Stith Wlllia.mt, Jr., cczni.M Oil the tra.dl- tioll. n. IJ)O.UOrlllg committ .. reada from the pag• of the Almach de Gotha, o..brotta alld the Blue Boob with auch well· bowa oam• aa M.n. H.DrJ E. I. Dupcmt PrlAoe. E.terhcuy, KRH Prince Willy •oo ThUltl ud Tam cmd locolly Barbara S.uel Andenon, Ttaay Garro, Artllur Bucher a.od Dorothy S!Dith. Valerie . her famlly aod frieadl -Mart Bloke, Robert Saatou , l atheune Aoo Na\Uilan (wbo came from Hoog KoDg) and Allan and Mark 1-bder -begcm the New York deb pc:uti• with a high tea at Ncmcy cmd Robm Williama' Loog ltla.Dd uta1e, Pelham Mcmor. Ia the dayt euui.Dg, a wh.irlwmd of mother-daughter, father..daughter eYelltl a.ad pcu. li• were mt.aded by the young loc:li-. leadJ.og up to the actual ball ro. Aelem.bly 1a traditiooally held iA the gold ood white Baroque ballroom of the Plaaa A GIFT that remembers by hrllprg others to hve DEBUTANTES of NflWport Buch c:~er of CN6drea't Honw ~ at~nckd p.-.-ball party I~Jt wen f~ them and their eteortt. SorM of dd>• pONd for photo above. They we(front ro•. aeft to r18ht) AlytOn Jor· dan. Stwiley Portn. S~ ~ Perri Htaton. a.~ara Ban and N1taht Gray, (Heond row) Mlrtha Bonner, Ywtt« lohN. a.thany ken· Hotel N~cy WiWa:rn.a, the deb. cmd their mothen. alollg wttll the~ gnet tU ~ iD the Go.U.xy be'ore they eater the ballroom wblc!. la feetoo.oecl with twinkling wl:Uta lighta, .a.. foliage aod piAk now... Each deb then Ia eiiCOIMd by he father iDto the ballroom to mob lhe traditiollal promuacM, the formal cu.rtrr cmd the v .. llll ... Walta, afw wh.ida the JOUil9 ·An you'll ~ need to know about nonsts: lodiee' ..oorta may theo cut in OuriAg the eveuing each of the 30 cMbutcm ... ,.,.. .. nOMgO'J'I to commemorate their pr ... nlo· lion. Locxilly the Childreo' 1 Home So<:Mty debutante baU w m the ICIIIle gu.re. The balhoom of the Newport Marriott 1a beautifully decorated to recei.,. the 22 JOUAG lacliea, w bo aJ.o follow the traditioll of the promenade, OEBUTANH Val~ne BIW S.ntOft ~~With twr p~tt ~ncth and Ann ~ S.tln • ~.,..._ S.•tf ~o ~)' OtM .. on~----------------- cmd debe ahb t.au..n. S.W.U purcha8ed her gowD iA Porie thil IWIUiler, while abe a.od Scmdy were ma.k:!Ag the graAd tow. ne five bOlt famili• bad the Sewell home beau ti fully clecotated with reel aDd white polAMtb.ae, pine coo• alld eYervr .. u . wh.ich overflowed uato the lellted area, wh.re the debt cmd their ..:oAt, aa w.U Cll U.. pcueata, daoe»d watil the wee boww to the m\alic of tM "SUlglee .. The dillur eucutled by CatenDg UDhmlted waa a gourmet c:t.bGht ODd a lar~ a.Dd delecta.ble anay of d ... n. were cnailc.ble. all of w!.Scll wwe made by the hOlt mot.,_., aa U they dJd llot bG-.. cmJt~Wa9 .-to do clwuag tlda time. TJae 1982 Childra't Home SocMty d.bukmtel cmd thai parall were Jaoae Addy, Carole aod Ftcmk Hculem, Bcubara Ban, ny. Ann S.mmlt. l.aunt ~~~ 1nd JanM ~~ and (third row) knatin Bamljtan.lt'no.-. Rullt'f. k..tyla Gray. Adt'Wnrw Gun"f'l. Sharon S.mptOn •nd Gr~cht'n St1hr Lpa cmd ~-* ~ en..Jl &a.aaficm, llcDu cmd laO Bc.mcQkm Ma.rtho Jon,..., hd cmd Welliagtoo bJNr; layla cmd Natali. Gta,, Aua cmd J~ Gray; Add.au 0\Jil.kel, Rita aud Jam• Ou.U&; Perri Heatoo, Ncmcy ODd Curt~~ Heatou, Al"POD Jozdcm, )cmel cmd Richard )ordall, Bethaay KaAy, Coead <md ,.._ leaayl Yfttte Lob., Y•OAM cmd Raymoud Dcm.; Mich.U. Ogata, Potey aDd Moeomi Qva1G, AllpoA Pluo, Jocm a.Dd Albert PW.o, Shelly Portet, Carol aDd Herbert Pcnu, Sheryl Radoa, Scmdra cmd Ale• Rodoe; Lenoze Rutter, lit aod 1 E.T Ru"er, Anne Sam.m.ia, Jocm cmd Lee Sammie, Laurt. Sewell. Saodra a.od Rlcha.rd Sewell; Sharon Swpaon Jcmioe cmd Doug Sunpao11, Erin Sm.ltll, Tbereaa and Tor eat Smith, Gtetcheu Stahl, tli8abeth aAd )oha Stahr, Raody Trebler, )acquel'f'D and Per Ttehler the St. lam• Bow aAd the walta To reme~ their pr ... atation, each debutaote recetnd a Childrn'a Home Society gold medalliou The CHS debe for the mo.t part are away at college. When they come home for the holidaya, they begtn their whirlwilld oJ pre-deb pa:rtMa. A.ua ~d Jun Gray, Nancy a.od Cu.rt:ia Heatoo, LJllll aDd Cle me ot Huech, Saody a.Dd Richard S.w.U and Doug Sunp- IOA hoMed oDe of th ... pr..deb d.t.n.ner dancea at the home of th• S.wella Much thought 11 Q1Yeo to theM pre-paro• by pa:reota School'• Out- Watch For X!da )ofm £. 'BCotn CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPH). We Are PROt:D To Have Photographed Russell and Pam Evans • • • FOWLER HERTZOG iaaiiJ IMIDben em Ch.rialmCII E-. 0. aan.a..c. aontJ.Do the Ptwu..,. wut to ah\&loll aad tMa Ajoyed a trodltioAal tv by diaaer with homemade cmabeny 8CJ~. The Ptt.t.u.,. a..lwayw Ught tW.r fireplace duz· bag u.. holidaya Clunber of Commerce pr ... clat E. Fowle GAd bM .Ue, PhJW. had a big fcunily reu.AioA thie Chrlltmae. Their three daughtera cmd their fa.mru .. CCDDe 1:rom r-. Sha.w Lab cmd N...mde and Phylli.' 88- year-old father joi.Ded them aa well. On Chrietmaa E•• •"'lOU went to oh\&loh cmd oo ChNtmae Day tb• pr ... ntl ••• opened and tbe Cb.rt.tmaa Stoq waa read. Th• Fowler'• fam.Uy eAjoyed e,prita ooold• and IDGDJ other Norw•9tao goodie~ Cll ~ to their holi· day meala. O~a Dec. 28 the Fowler'• daugh*' ha.e.ci a ~g recepti.cm a~ad bufiet lD bo~aOJ ot tb.u pa:renta' 40th wedd1.Dg aD· niftDCUJ fie Chmnbel of ConuDeroe'• Nate R.ade cmd hJ., Thelma, 8peJlt Clut.tmaa E•• gag to theh churc:b 't epeolal CGAdlelight ..moe obolr perior. mcmce with two of their ob1lclreo Chmtmaa Day WQI IJMill at hom• cele.btabg with a b!g traditiooal twkey diD.Der Police chi•f Rog•t N•th ODd bit wife, Jcme, tpeDt ChNtmaa Eve delivering pl' ... ntl to bit 89- ·Je<D'·old mother aod to otb•r r.Jatl.,.. ODd f:rieocle. Oo Cluilt- ma.lllOr'D.iDg the N•tha' chllch•o CXI:IU OYer to ope.o ;tftl cmd that equmg a turkey c:UD.ner waa eojoyed a t Jaoe'• brother'• hoUM. Job.o PetruJ::&lello, bre chief, prepa.r•d ItcrUao rgvloht for Cluiltmaa He ec:ud Cb.natmaa il a quiet time for him liDoe bit 1 lcmUy il back eGft Leilur• SemoM eupen.oteo· cleDt l.llh VOD Holt aod hit j wife, Barbcna, Eatcmacr High School'• drama teacher, had Saod .ale wiJI be .ode b .. , Wltholil co.ea-1 0t ~ly, •• P,... or ""~ '-vcud&ao bll. ~· ot -.bremo., 10 poy til• IUIJIQid ~ of Ilia D04D(1) .-ured b'f lllid o..d ~ Tnut, to·wll UM,Ill $0, Ia chuhao oo prowtded •• •otd ..-.(e), ad-. II cnay yed.f the .,..._ ol laid DMd ol l'rWII ._, c.llowo• a..t ·~ o1 Ill• TNIIIN <1M oi llle sn..a. ~ by DIDd Dead ot frul Tile bu.ebao:ry aa•d•r 141d DMd oi Tru "-etalote uaeaared aaddela~ IO ......... edo WTll'llll Dedora~~ca oi o.mu.Jt aad o.-ad .. Sol. aad 0 wnlliM Haec. ~ o.lau.lt aad fJadaoe to Sell 1M a.edenga.ed ~ .-d Noetc:... oi DeAn) aad Dtedlo. to s.o 10 I» r..dad .. u... COo&&tJ ...._, 1M real prvpatty • located r,_ or PG"J a.d ....... .-r• ._,.__ aact Tn~~~~ c- pcay 3$40 W&Wure m.4 , La. ~ CA 90010 ll4-tOOO u l117 Data o.c.-.h. •• 1912 Tid. t....w-a.c. aad t.-Co,. _, c. lllid T~ e, v,,_ P\Mda Aulllom.d Si!patwe PubiMa o.c 22. 21. '12, Jo.~ s 13 ID 'nle Newpotl £~ N'tla2 ( ------------------ Art Werka ~tr IJH11ate will be ex- hibited Jan. +-21 In UCI'a Flne Ana Gallery. Fl'i Houri 11e Tu .... dey-S.Urday' noon--S p.m. ..... c ....... .. photographa by Eva Arnold, on exhibit at Bowera Muaaum In Santa 4na through Feb. 18-. The 1CM cofor photographa ara on a thrM-year natlonwtde tour Houra: Tueeday- Saturday. 8 a.m.-5 p m.. Sunday noon-5 p.m. IIIMGI CMANM _. w ................. Ora,... CoufttJ 'alr prize winner Marga chapman'a worka wtll be featured through Jan 31 1t Sandltone Gallery, 384 N. Cout H i ghway . Laguna Beaoh. • .. ...., ............ by N&uon Borah Ia on u- hlt»it thr~h Jan. 21 at Irvine Fine At18 Cenaw. Fr-. Clubs CltJ of H... Opan Door chat>tw wUI be holtklQ a book review at 7:30 p.m. Thuraday, Jan. 8 at Columbia Savinga and LOM ln Co.ta MeA. Thwe wtll alao be book ex· c~ AlpM XI Delta will brunch 11 :30 a .m . Saturday, Jan. a at WarthouM R•taurant In Newport Beach. RSVP Mra. Jerry Money, 83e-~74. .._........,. Clult of Newport Beach will m"t 10 a.m. WtdnM- day, Jan. 5. t.aturlng taahlon show by Nordatrom. Call Bat· bara SttOdel, 67&-1813, or Mantee Stockmen. 720-1838. for reaer· vattona and tocatlon. Aeaolwe of Orange County, tor people dealing with lnfertlltty, w i ll hold general m"tlng 7 p.m. Ttwr• day, Jan. a at St. Joaeph Hoepltal In Orange. Fr" and open to non-membara. Infor- mation: 858-0580. IINII ClUb will mHt 11:30 a.m. Thurlday. Jan. 8 at the clubhouH. Reaervatlona: Olga Plefer. 541-887a, by Monday, Jan. 3. Miscellany .-o.t Robert Mezey. author of "Coupleta." wilt read 1 p.m ru .... day. Jan. 11 In room 12e of the Humanltlea Off~ Building II UCI FrM. ,..,,..,_ a1 the Costa Meta Library. 1855 Park. Costa Meta. n.,...... .......... KMel'-. beglna Wedneaday, ~ ..... ,.will par- Jan. 5. Two Mlllont form at Knott'a Berry tor 3-8 .year <Mdt. 10 Farm along with 15 am. and 1 p.m . other groupe New Reg._tratk>n and lntor-VNr'a Eve. Ac:tvanc.d matton: 14t-ll45. t cketl are $13.50 al 0 A C 0 I XP 0, We at Tlcketron or Knott' a. Cout't lafQe11 atamP lhow, wUI be he&d Jan. 7-t at ~nahe l m Convention c.ntar. Ad-- mlaak»n Ia 12.7& for adulta, S 1 for klda. .. Women '" MletotJ" will be offered by Orange Coaat College during aprtng Mmta.., 8:30-11 a.m. Tutadaya and Thuradaya. 3 oredltt. Call 558-5772. Wlnter ..... on 18a3 baglna Jan. 10 at Irvine Fine Arta Canter tor klda 3 -1a yeara Reglttratlon Infor- mation: ~3638 Music Loe A•••• ......, will patform • p.m. S.U- dfll, "*" • .. OOC"a Moot-. n.r.. ~ ad **•.,. ...... the dOOt. Ctwva'lne: 566-6521. C Ofttrabaal aftd ,,..,.. will perform "Quartet tor flute , vlofln.. baaa and ceUo" by J.M. Sparger and "Quintet In G MaJor, op. 77 : by H. Dvorak 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 8 at Turtle Rock Communi· ty Center. $8 couple. SS generaJ. $3 aenlora and ttudenta. •rt.eutttmate'antMf" barberahop thow pr ... nted by the Har- borlltea chapter of Sweet ~ will be held 8 p.m Fr1day, Jan . 14 and 15 at Coata Meaa Commun i ty Center, 1845 Park, Co•t• Meaa. Friday ~~-are 15. Satur- day·• teaturea 1 no- holt bar and food tor H . Tlcketa: M2_.346, SonJ1 Dominquez. IIOtiC& "'TaUIITI:III' IAa.& Oa JOUCifl , .. 1 tl) ol 11 DO 0 .. r&IIT AN£1\IC~N TITLE IH!UIANCE CONPAN"Y • Co'll Je OGil,...,. • t...i.. ... ..tn..-. ........... ,.,..., ol tMt cwtJ8U o..d .tTn.tt .._.... a., IA)4 A IUIJC -' N.UY () IUIK. law. -..~ .... _ ... CA-. ...... 1 • ......._,No lCMI &e.,_ lftJ, ,.._,I:M. e1 CliiW.I ....... 0...... eo- IY.~.--~IIDW cotlala Nolloo oJ Oato .. h ........ ,_..., ttt -... ~ .... ..._ ..... Ill ..... lUll hv• 1.,, .. Of. '-! ~ ...... 0.--'f .... .... ud ,..,_. liD ..w o-t .t l'nlll..a ~ ~ .......... _..~ ... ,~ta..u ..... ... "'~ Q ~.,. ~~ ..... , ....... ---0 ...... Of ~-... O .... O(...,a)~~OfO ... " .... al GW\IIgll Clll4 loa. -adS a ..,_..,led 1a \lwt.,.. ot ~. -l.a •ab<ftc:e 1o F 1111t ~-,.. luouq.-Oc>a ,_, Docrt.d "' I I 4 tu rlltla k-. 10 ~ Clll"t at SoaiiD AM. CcaWo.tUcl, ail lbat ngbt. de cad ua.,_. _.,.,_j 1o olld uw '-14 .. , u .--cad o..d o1 r,w~ u. ~ JII'OP'f'l •t10.•'-" Ia .ut Coua " ..... ,.. doKniMd • PoroW I LOT 30 OF TRACT NO 14.3) AS SJtOWN ON A MAP TI«UOF AECOJIOCD IN IOOC ,-. PAGES I TO t• IHCI.USIVt NlSCtLLANEOU$ NAPS. IICC OJIOS or SAID OMHGE COUNTY C:XC'DTtNG THnlilO~ A LL OIL OIL JUG KTS M INERALS M I NERAL IUOHTS NATUliAL GAS JIIOHTS AND OTHU HYOAOCAJIJO NS BY WHATSO tVtJI NAME ICNOWN THAT MAT ar WITHIN 0 " UNOfli TH.l PAJICL or LA ND HEN:INA.IOvt OtsCIUitD TOGUHU WITH THE PtltPtTUA L JIIOHT Or DJIIU.IHO to4.1N»Kl, I:XPt.OJUNQ AND OPUATlNG TKtAtrOJI AND STORING IN AND IUtN OVINO THt SAM[ I'JIOM SALO LAND OR ANY OntP LAHD INCLUOll'fO THt RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK O JI DJAECTlONALL Y DRILL AHO MlHt "'OM LAHDS OTHtJI THAN TH OSt HIJWNA.IOvt OISCI IItD A ND TO I O TTO M SUCH WHIPSTOCltD OJI DIUTIONALLY DRILUD WILLS TUNNtLS AND SHAfTS UND ER AND KMtAnf Oil ltlONO rKt I:ITUIO R LI ... I TS THIItO r AND TO "t0 81Ll RtTUNW tl tQUIJ NMnAIN JIDA.Il\ Ot&,tN AND OPERATE ANT SUCH WtLLS 0 11 WINtS WITHOUT HOW'CVU Tlft RJGKT TO DIUU. MINt S10U AND OPOATt 1"HRRUOH rKt !UIU'AC£ OJI ntt UWtA $00 rtcT o r THt SUI SURrACt Of TH£ LAND H t ii£1NAIOVI OISC'IUBCO AS R£SOVCD IY THE IJIVIHJ: CO~ ANY A WU T VIRGINI A COMOMTION PAIICD. 2 tASUUNTS 1A OVER CON'T'INOUOUS LOTS fOR THJ: PU "'OStS \)r IHITALLATION A ND .,_.AINTtNA NCE O r UTJL ITIU A ND DIAJNAOt r ACilfTlt S FOJI tHCIIO ACHNENT AND r O JI NATURAL StTTLU4tNT Or STIUCTURfS AND 11 1 SUIJ'[CT TO THI IUGKT or D EDICATION OV£11 PaJV A Tt S1lW:T'S WTTlUN THt covum ~rDTY Ot THt PURPOSES O r lNOJU:SS AND tGJ\ISS AU AS WOJU: PAJmCUt.AJ\.L'f OUCRIItO I N THE A"TICLt t NTlTLt O 'EASJ:NtNTS IN THA f CDT AUf Dt CLAM noN Of COVENANTS, CONDITIO NS AND JU:STJUCmON$ U COaDEO AUOUST U lltt Of 100~ 11211, PAG£3 IQ1 TO 111• O FMCIAL ftiCOR.DS n. .... ...wr-011~­-...._oa coiiC>d prOl*'lf II ........... 1D D. I? boaJ Ot c.-o.l Mom• CA s..t u W\11 lie _,. iloovl _,-_.....,, ~" ....... -to lido Of __..._ ID ...,., lM u .... ~ .. ca .. ...,.._ ............. "' d6 o..d at T~ 1e-llti.W f7 Pl• die ....... -~...­......... u ........ ol ... .... ..... 1 -llrM ....,. .. 110,41171 NOTICt t O PJIO PUTT Olt'Na YOU AU IN OUAUlT UNl)tR A oao or nun. DATU) t a \e ll , 1_,\J'IIUaYOO TAll ACTlON 10 ...an:cT T~ flefQTY, fT MAY • IQLD AT A PUIIJC IAI.I D' YOO MilD AIIIDI.AMA T10II or Till M4'1UU or '"' JIIOC I 1100'0 AOAINST YOU fOU III04.U 'bOHIAc:t A LAWTJ:a ~ftl) D w 1D ... nuT ANDICAM nTU -~ COMPAIIT. .or , .. , ail ==~ftll ........ -.:c.¥.-~.,--· --11111 '" ,, .. nCTmoua auauc&a •AIIII: rrAW n.~~.--~ waa-.-rN'tUOOUJnlATI PUWUSKLNO 4.500 c-.-Or . ~.,ac .. CA~ T 1tu k..n, 7'01 II 1oao1 N lcll CA.._, Til .. ~ • coadudofd bt aa ·•d1,,,. ... 1 s•9•o4 r .... ,. b _ .. n.w. IIIGIOmoal -tiled .., .. lAo C<>ua17 O..i col 0.-oa CnatJ ... ~·0!\bal 11 ·-P\I.b O.C 29 r1. 1-I 12, II, 13 ~ N"£131, nCTITlOua •• ,..,. .... NAME ft AitW&ii I n.. ~ ....... cAaue *'••1• .. • •• lllAZAMW DI'T'D'T ADoiWDit. a .._ '- Newport licxS CA 813 r.._., 0a.1.e HAll. 11 a.o Loa ~W...:. CA.-:l n.. .._ ............... , .. .-...... JIGa.d ~, 0.. Hill fio.t _. -...... .r\IA ~ Co.~a" 0.11 ~ 0..... c-..ty G ~"e 0\bu 11 1.:1 M o.c 11 Q. r-1 aa. 11 a ~ Ntl* 1o1ft .. A Po•eu 211 U Poiii\Odo M.ialoa Yloto, CA G92 n..• ~~t~IIJ o• 1adi•1d al s..... ,._. A P_.n n.. _ ... -..........a.'*- eo_., 0..11 .. 0...... a.-., .. o.-"-11, ,_ M 0.. Jl. 'II. a-S. ll II. 'G rmcm NKtm P\1111.1-C •cnn~c ,. ''''a ..one.(# "'\.la1"U"a aAa.& 1'& .. a..-.r YOU Ala: IN OtrAUl.T tiKOtJI A DUO or fAUST OA TtD I 16 I I UNLCSS YOU TA.U AC'TIOH TO PltOT'tC"T YO~ ""O PDffY ll MAY I t SOLD AT A P'UIUC SAU: " YOU NtiD AN tlU'LANA nON Ot TH[ NATUJIE O r THC Pfi<X"tU>lNO ~OAlN~1' YOU YOU S~OULO C "'"'4TA~ A l.AWY UI A I a ..art ' I t J0 A M C'R OC lt ~ CUSTODY C'CIRPO"A f lll: • 1 , op pe-a.... T·-......... I ""' ""-"' l -• 1 Tt " , tee! J,n .. wy '~ I ., ,.., ,... 4J)t u "'""• I~ "'"'" ""' I Ott..! ~ll I\.. WI '" ,.._ It ~ ~ C • t Ro •• I•• ' .JIOO!J• Cc. •..tr '"' W 1L L StU. AT PUtll 1C :..•J rtt'l•l TO HICHE!• In. 14 r':lll "'ASH f' I' A i H ll.li :; tH I II t.&»>• ··-··, ... , ...... w~ .. l a. •• , I 'b• Ulll••J 510•.. I .... x. .... It ... 1 OQQ\1-, .... Old O t ••11• r-ovaly r .. ,,b,o~•• l,,..,ed 111 tho Ul Bto.,~ "' w_. ~ 'I Aft ftl•d II ,..,,.,,, ., ... Oil. -••-1 ""' Aa :1 '"'"' Ia I» c;<t •••• ,... .. ... ,ec~ -ua4 " • RoJcl by II .. odat Odt<l l...ci t-1 T,..., •• the p1"9"'1l •"'aiM • IOid c .. ••" .ad Stat. i-.:N...t ... n.. Co ••t a<a " "\C>de AIS lC'COpl._ Dtl t4 1<• op.ally • ....,_.,, tn • • tod '""" .. , » t.ltoM ~ c..,.-.aca.a• tx W:S.~ .. oa...i r411ltrlC11Cou • .. almaood Ia tA4t ...-O.CI.u!JIIoa al ,_.. ....... •-d.d No-.... 1' I •• ~ I~ P.~ll• ~?II I Otb.:wil fl.cotd.o a! 0• 18110 ,• "L'1 U4 ... , .. ~ ..... ,...... 'l1l o4 •W• bf tt •• 1 ... ~ ,.,. e t-r:u• ... ,.... •ll"o ... , (ofJI' I ,~.aooj ,a ..ad ... "'• j>4l t.••• t lA .. Qh h.Jh ._, r It ., • ..., P.uro Ua h• If J UJ• C' II""· p •• 2 A I. u.d.v .. J I 4 llfl Di•t•l II ... , ,,, L. I • •• TI·J • ~· ~ .. .a.., •• ·• t1 Mnp r~'Of l•l •• bou~ ~~. I I Jo+ 11 Ill M .. ol. ... -... Me•• •• .,dol ol O••~· ... •••'Y r,.,,, IUQ•I••I w,tl llJ ................... . ,.,_,,..... ·~,.. J IA.,.tl""' ~e :j ,,,..,..' !tlt I •a•-r-';111 to;; " , ......... '"'"' ..... .., .. l:.a.:•J~~••IIII •Ieh""' 10 ..aJ."' t .. J • 2 .... 1 ... t IJ 0-~ ....... . n~h • ..,,b.:n ... -.. • ~ .a D I .. a041 litO ,...,... j l)ood PI !AII'I'r ~ W I rtil •• ~ r!Jhll O o..tet I C o...,_ ll ~oo •• m•..f U.. C lfy bl "'a otpOf" looc: lt. I MilCh•,,.... c ... ..,or <>II ol tlu iUt C"io ..w.-.1 ' ~· lOt, d..s I ""'lll.. 'I6J oa lloof4 14o4J prop ... O&no1l "" f lvt l r I le 1..1 •ll ol :iAL\iATOfH PUGUtsl ANU JU:It Cf: A I P ll "lJ.[S l T~• •-• s 1G1-aCi ·~· """'"' .. ,. ~· kr~ 1 tny t t.A• r -..1 r• ,._," :t-:...t-.1 obc."'• .. r,.,,..,.IQd lW< be . _.._ ~k- • ~., ~11'0• i~at:I'D<>" .. -r t .. rtuali•J 1<1 lho tru.~-r o\11 .. JJ ,,~, .. .,,. '• • ' '"• "' ... , ... .,..J ~·· .. ., •t.• u.~p.._. t.a,kt•r-. &• • • • 1•1 c, ......; 1:!-i Trull 10 .,,, U • Jlo ql tD<Iw.SOO~ .. "' • .j4od 0 omd ..,.. • :tG ... !ll..... iJ ' J.DO,., •r.e I iol ..... 1 c.->1 Tr~• ,_ b. ·~­ <JA.I ••P"..-Oi tlle T•...,..,a1 I b. !I ..-e! • .-.1 bt ·~ •1 I ·,... n, .... = ... , ,, "" ,., .... ('-•' I Tr ol ••-" I •• ••• r-.J -.A 1.~ .... 1...1 IJle Q.J.t~G .. l a ...... t ... ~'I·~·"' "'"" ad ""''"u lc• Yil. tr.l 1 •nneo N,tllofo ut O.t,..ll anti Ua11ttll 10 -l1 n ...... 10"'oln•l ....0 ,..-.J N -. <>! I "'' l>ii a.;,_.,..,, tv ~ "" be 1•'f>l i.,l 11 the c:cN al'f •II••• tho ••ll .,, pen, •• vc ale<i ,,_ • prl1ly ....... ,.~ .... nru: IN~U"A.."'Ct A."ffi Tl'UST r'OMPANY Wolttiu•• It• I '--~·• • ., ~XIIO _. <Ql .... ,PrJ o, •• ' .... t. Rur xt h ORPO"A rh 'i TRU.iTU e\ Til&. la.n• • • u a;s I• • Co.ulcmt • •• ..., ·~··.., T ..r• Aau.on.-d S..• • ~· ~ O.C IS l2. It IJ~.a Tile ........, t..ap Ntl Ul PU'IILIC .. O'MCI: NOTICC 01' ~U'nOfC CWP~ "' .,. .. ,.._,._,. . I '41.) ~ .. I.. Ol.rpcw Jb .. _. ~ IIUCKAAU lARCH "-.1 CtOJI OIA CONI'IOLL T lteftllolol"o •••• ,,.,..._ • ,.,..,......, ... .,._ ... IAIC'H a u y .. 110 ~ Ott--..... ...,. .... .,,. :J DlC'DCit:A ' 1-ll't ... ......... II -•• ............ uai!IM\tr • • tDf aUg....,.,_......., .. ... .._ .... ......~Jl 18 1\.a ...... ~ "-"" m • n CTmOUI 11J1.1Ja:IB N.UUITA~ fi·~----~ b..-illeM oo IAI..OA f UJI$ l.IIIS2 c-._ CCUM~raa.o ~..ov ..... N19'1.l CA_,., W..~ z-. PC101a<M ~ Ca.atao Copl•troao l ot ••• N~q>t.. C A 'J3I7'7 n... ......_ • e-.d..c-.s ll't em 11WL ... d .. ~ Soo•.d Noe~oo• z.-P-..1 'Tlllll ............. b.l.d ..... Ui• eo ... " ' "' o....,. r:o .. ., :or. N ~•ahet a P:..o4t r:-11 ;.& &2 loa ~ 11 ·' 13 .. lh· Nowpon ~ rma... 1«117• nCTmOua aua&JCE8 HANE 81'A TE.1IIIIDI'f r•• t...UO --• .-..q o .. •••••• 11 • I A LIO A l.Do4.0USINl ClVlC[ ~ II Bu.lbc..A JU..J s~n· XII No • ...,,, '-"h r.A ~ I.U ...,..__ UA v • L.t I> !"Ito"'-.160 [ , ~til S• ~ '>4-. CA G77 Tllil> "_,._ •<'01104~ t.J 11 .udt•d""' S11••~ lc.r,~o lanlt<tlott-nu. ~1anl••• waa hl..t ~.u. •II• eo ... " o.~ 1 O.ou.1• c.. .... .., ... 0..-abef ... '* Pub 0..: 2• 11 I a ' •l :·J IIJ MOdZ2 NBI ~ P'\1aU(;.. Jt01'1CI T-1.,... NOTICE or TIUI.-n:E'IIAL.t Ta It• ..... DOOJtTA.In ~ TO noran OWlll:ll YOU AI" lH OD'AU\.T U"NOLR A DtrD or Tl'UST OA TtD ""' ~ 1•1 UNUSS YOU TAU ACTION TO PROTtCT YOUJI Pf'<>Pt:RTY ll NAY It SOLD AT A t'VIUC SAU 1f YOU NtiD AN txPt.ANA no"' or THC N ATUJit Of TH[ Pl\OCtWIN~ Ac:iAJN'\T YOU YOU CiHOULt. "'ON'TACt A LAWYU o. , ........ , .~ 19a.l • to ~~. A I.{ GATEWA Y L ANO ,UIVICI INl » 1..ly l(lp<MO.., ; .. -.... .oct.• ~ """"caa• 11-.i c>~ r,-1n1ecs """-.~ I I ,.,. •d•l A~qurtl :" '911 lui l~ .... j,;,... ., r:: fi<liil• Jil ol o..n.l! f\•,:~•cle,. Ia• •'b'"" ell •h• ~"'o~o~fll) ~ toan I (kaaqe .::., .. aly ~ <>I Calt.l•" lUll u a.:v._. by WllUAH tAN. liAIUII IJI WlLL Ul. AT PIIILif' A UC TI ON TO HIGHtST IIDl'tJI rOll CA!nl t• l a blot ul IUD• ol ...Ja , • _,.., " ., I tll.a Ua.•ad ~.,_ ,, Ill• ~1>1111 r ••• UIIO..,. Ill .... Cow•· , c., tthou• 1C!O C•-C•-;o ... _ ,. ... Sonia Aa I CaWoraill .u ,..,.. •t.o :nod ,.,.,... rot! •• .,... 10 1>4 ......... id "' ,, !tidal at.>i t>-1 >I 1•..-,. tao ~o"'""" rvo:r\ecl.. Co .. a" a...s --..-...s '- 1 • 41 ...t Tr:>1 1011 .>1 par Map ........ .s.J .. ~5 ...... 11 ... "'"'~--col ).( -.. Mcpo 11 ,,. If • oJ ••• Co .. at t "•"••o•• ••ad C. wa!'f Til·""-.~ .. .; I " U.lll.mo. tl •• , ..... •• ..-~l'""l dooc'nllrld :l-. Pl"l t!ord 10 lA 41 llnu...a Co•• ~••e>o<' ..,., .. c.~ .... TIM .. ~,.. od l~-w •11101• ... , ~' lot ~·, •• ""'.-••-I •~>• •.'!-' >ddt-bd •b•t ,Pm.rn ;. J-..-.,o..sts J ., "' -· ... . s.~~ ..,, ... ~ ..... ... .. ... .. h &J~i' -.-,-ena•t ' • .~r1.1nry •• ',... • UfttJI" ..d f~ , ...... u. c..-• PV"aUC •onct ....,. nC'ITI'10U8 INIDlD8 MAJGrrAW Til•..,._...-.. ~ buua•u "" TWIT CHtll.. !1\.lllLl[ltS lli T41PB• A-•• &!.b.>.: l.elaad ~"' • r .... ..:t.U 1 Jduto tac ~ .,....,_ •• To..-A-.. • ~~~ T I ~~ Co t.c c.klar tua ....... •= un s-....-en.. L.. .\.11oM c.~~h ... -=a ,....~lit<' d d d by .. .. .. 410('1 .......... 5 ... ... ik• • .....-.. ....... Do..t r.-..a n.. ..,....._,-w.t .. , ... ~ Co .. IT C&.rk •f L-Aa9• • c ... .., oe U I ,._.._. o-• ., n a a2 •• n.~c...... noDU 1'([111:3 PVaiC ltOT1C'I ·---ITA ... lCiiiM ..... -1 OF &aA.Ml>OK- J'~'BWL NOTlCt I(.Oif'. NOTICE Or DEATH or JOH.Jit ~ Y lilkCAJU:. a.ka Dl\ JOKN W McC.A.al: ou JACK McCA.K AJID or PETITIOH TO ADNIN18TI:I\ E8TATE NO A·lliJ. To • t II• •• boa•ltc•••• .. U ...,;j AII.Q~QI eodllon , lulloa W.Ut McCc.M Dl lror. W ,...,.c;o,.. ~o lo~• W :C ·•~ -·-.,.., """ r • ......... _ .......... .. . ... .~. ,.. ........ ... ' itJ h. , ...... 1 [c.• ,.. ~~ • .a.-a rvauc *""C'l ·--.,. A,.TDIIDfi"W'I'Vrt• or w PUIA..IC~ OPP•U• MOTJC£ or ft~ ua.c T I Wo .... U~ '-"• 'll'" ltO'l"JCZ YOU AA1 01 OD"AUJ.T UMDD A DU.O OF TIW$T DATa> J..tr lC 1_, IDIUISS YOU TAll A(:'TIO TO PBOTilC'T TOUI ~OI'DTY rT MAY • AT A PUIUC SAU 11 NI:LD AH tXPI..A.N A noN tiH l'-ATUilt O J Tilt f'l'oct.tDING AGA.DfST TOO YOU !HOULO COHTACT A l.AWYU 0.. , ... IICff It IS ~ •• , AM G;oa1-...:a .._....,._ C&n pot,_ ll..,., 4U I ' r • .-.. ... .}... .-.1 ~a r-i 1 r ..... ·-cWs.1• .._ • j ...... ,... 122Sl•~ ,r,•'J ~-91 .. oe....a .... b 1 • lt•r• ol tlao C.• '.c., I 0. age c.-ty I t"nt.j ,, a oa t1oet~IO~ '-t '>•pl!u t,....w.U RlcW, o ..... • H WIU 5tll AT PUWLJC I,U 1 10 ~ TO HIOHUT llll>t>t.l' fOA CASH t,.,.w. G1 ........ , .,)a .. lawtiJ ......, .... Uftoltoi1 5•4la01 11 tiM lroat,..._ , the 11 O•a•o• Co•••t • ••th • ---..d,. Sa.ao AM " ... --s.rc.--...... a ' 8t?•d•~r Soolo Aa•. Wi.klf..,. dl "9h .... ... Ia .,... . .. ..., ...... --~ t,. ,I ~rode< -o 0.0... .. '"-.. .... ... II'K'l ., ...... ea..a ., l>l s .. ._...... w r;IJoc~l1fol ......... llie•v-rt e.xla 10 ~ Oty el "4owp r• 8•a~ll Cooatr ol Ot oiC·" .. •.- 12> "'' .. -w .. ._.,,_.a .. ........ ~Ita<•"• Ma• .~ ... I tk c.,..., .......... ...t ... , .. .,_ ...... ....... --·~..._ ..... t ... .. • pr ~ 4wc:rW ...... • p..t P'-i .. J?OO ..... .._. .. ~....,. l..xll ~ _, r . ,,..,..~ T...-. a. ~ •• , Lw.!ll6idt lor _, ~ 11reoro -I U.. -.wa- 11•.1 u •1 ~ • ••oa • '"'' ohiJWll h.•- S...wl •'-"" '-............ •Uiotot 01 00 ..,...., -f··-~.,.,... ...... ~­-"""'~ .. !>Yl ••-tlO ... ~- ,._ •• <&) --.., ~ ~... ,, T.... ••til latot• " '"o••4o4 •• .-4 ••• J•o> ....... , .... •two .,.... .... o...6 .. T ..... ,_ w•o•*•~.,.._ ~' .,_ .. ,. tll.a ..... ..... .., • r,...,. ,,,... ·.....-1-uul ...... Wid"' • ,. .,.. ,~• a-_...,. r>y •h propoft'f 10 D. ..W _. ·--___, --..s .... .. .......... 1 P"~ .... ,..... 1 ... sam10 Til• ..... tlCIOty ... .-.... '-1 r,..,..., _... nd ~. .................... . .. !11!•0 tHe~"'~ .... t •noa..-1 Ia! s..;.. "-04 • -... • ~ O.iooo.lt ,... a--• y,.. .. ~ .... ~..Jr ..... 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EJEi~ li'fffi h~ f:8~r l~frfi li'i(f nrr 3 ~~me!H ,urrr l~ffh lm~ri' l~ifhl l[ ifll l~lifrl l ' ~i !1!! ili!i!i:•U!;!lUUP:!hH ;~tUinHrJ; ilnJfild!d·1 ~·; If !J~~!~~~~I1 l! H fl~i~~H~}IIi i'! !t ~!l~ d~~~~~l! l!Ui~~Uill1 !f~ lt1!Ji~f!!.QI l! It m~t i • , ~~,,, i r f87 '!efil~tffJI:~~~~ r ~~frr rf~rf:!~~fti r ~ rjl 81~~~~ rt~f~ffillri'l-;f~1i1 '!fi~! ltr litg~t r sz~~~§i'!l g~~ '~ ~iffft!l(8~; ~8!Si!·s f<lff)Q'r r i/21~,,( ' on~--r II) ~ ,..... -'i~~"\4~0(. O..V 10 }IOU II' .... , I ~· 1111'~01' .... , • QorW~C~a, ...... """""''I " ~-tl(..(e"C)f 10 (ei110111e ~·411 V'"' o- tntlvt. Q•l!• ........,. 101 '"~I 10 ~Oul I ... IIQ ·\~ ... ...... ~l)le• ..... VlQ ..... .. ai'O '"'II'V•e " 6' e I I!>QM ~"-""~ '()IW1 I t A~U:.MI<..AI\ l li\IC, ~\0<.1\IIU t 117 N Bro..owav S.nta Ana CA 82'01 ~~* Looking tor an apartment? Be sure to -check the many vacancies listed in Classified each day. 'Cr~tr 3CtN£TEftY CRYPTS MD LOTS ror ea.t. gra.• E t r lot ii4•odowlowa So11ta Poc1hc Vt aw Meaonol Par~ ISO() e.~C"II 1M WIO I LtoXL IIERVlctl ROO£" C TVRNtR Poteat C'OOIIOC'la. ta C'O'Jl 11U ) ~ 56t9 9 PERSONALS -------GI.n :ln H ooq•m mok•r 1!16 V~ato tn llodu Nawp('rl S..tC'b Co Coaorntulolloo.t1 You IVl"e tUtl w a two IIC"a•la II> Sup411 r~.~o '*-c:nll 6 J OM() 101 your tu·keaa :>f~l[ ChrLtU•lD wtl h prof oa.1l emplc.y..J backorou ad Su\tle patent lm 14 f t• • C'e ll .. ot 1•le r eo ce a Woolill th• >pp-c>rtuallf 10 lob C'Or• oJ you1 .. am. I coo .. nltt wlule fCIII tte uo wo~ obua Pl~a .. c\111 Od•ll o l SS6 ~ ot 9'19 1074 • ftoMAN<X? IS OOUIUUI'G I ~ ART I 45 OI"PICI C\1L rum TM vn 1 IJ ·~ ~a-.. 0 lady ot much c:aa laey ~ate«• thl.t haal\l.y. otlroebq, male proleoaot ~ o ••• !lome , wute Cooet Media N•!'..!l P o Bo• ~u. l.w labcocla N 8 1a1S r:aclu•• plchu• a r.t..r~ SDYICZ ~RY Ct.EAI\ANct !QUIP'IIIDT CRU TU4G A NEW * oo loaeer I -YOU I A bypou b<tbov :C. I I hltu.r• o~ Mwot S.U -Adl.J -*: lOr a t I p pr O.C h I u qlACIJlty • InC lypotwru.t fliJ.I aiM c:ll.no-1Nt Of1.Wbtl09 0.C:: =p ~UCTJON 1 .. u.oorrect~~JI. Coal w1ll rncl~ MQI'Illounq ....,.,.. •• C ~'1UC $11$ MU I.JI$ LU. .,o~~r bebewiOC end ow~ oa ~ ot •u.btec11 • •-~axl .,o~~r IINI9IMhon Cr•th•r ltJl.a then will pu~•rl lor Att Lec:aao. l.A.e COPY NACHlNt. t..trnq tta1h, 17141 (71 4) 771~ M an II• •• e nrlv 631 8080 re~""" ompt.t ...... rh BAD CP.torTI Rec.r w• 1 Ma1t•rcard Of VIM \iU4f<4111..cf e ... O tJ }'0\i ...... b...J C'tec:ht 110 redrt Of t_._ •• ban .. rupr r or he• 1 br<'cllur• c•ll U S Credit O.•• 1o111r .. I 80U«l1SJI lll\'f ''"'. check the restaur a n t revaewt 14PETI LJVEITOC& l Wlute Oo•N·uaed Ia I MoOiC' Aet I ll pi s 1 fine• Coo• ~ 150- Minom Scballer, PO Bo t. 1134, Ne w_.P.ort Beath 92t.l3 g~~ SALES' fOP&.C. K&OH I ;cK()( I PlllHC1JAJ.I ,ltAJ) ~oACHES IAHD otNCTc~ roN40 I CH.EUU..I:.AUCRS So.iN JK.ebo~ wrtb Ule lec:ldel II ..-ilool eo1ea toduatry ~.11 •r.orl• related ~odwc • to 1 ~rc ct"~~-=a~ • U I(H (a Ce lleD I 30 BU81ME88 OPPTYa Cooqrot~o~lotJoa.11 You howe 1u11 woe tw o trC' .. •te t o Monnelond PI- roll 613 ~ lot your IKke I •te 'sell• II ( pl141 CCim l lr&r~q• 'leaellte WANT TO I UY OR M.Uwl&11no • u.ua;a hnt S£1.1. ? year 121 '-oX' t" LocoJ 0 blallll-CoJJ lttrttor y Tborow ob leo a Slurcu .peaol.wt tro&AIDQ M•trt od &a b~o~eraeu o~por I llli.EAI.TH WQDO.me ol R.worda •. g I IVNb• Call m 1100 jt.tlS£ WEIG HT NOW poaboa lor reepoDable1 ogt ot , IIJ " l."i lb. rn )() ri·~~ matwa ~o~ool.ortaotea 1 Lcwt c:hooce lot -... ,o I 1 1 "' l JI 75 lm 1 111d1¥1d u II S end to .. • 1a 12 6 13 mDnrl\ •uppfy aeluJn r.um• 1n <>nbdta..• 1tll.lDdl forlaCOIII• lin o.i (" .. IJ H£J\BAUH 10 M pend la 'II lOA 71 Jaatnb .. tor Mu·h•ll• PI0Ma!!~~ dUO~ •rl.ll• oil. I SOO 04't 54 ll Stodtuo r;A 9$207 OWD (Jri• prohl '··sENIOR CJTIZr.HS pc~teaba.l i:JI.tlll MEDICAL CENTER PART T1Mt W01k. ••· 1 fX!:C MAI\K fTIN~ ••• Medioa:rt ~· ce ll loc:o me ID t.ROUP ~~~lrudu• "'"' th" fTI.OI occ:•pted rr•• wboleaa.la eupply Coli· untql.ll! tnd j1U1Iotnl .... ol tlrob IICI-~ Star loci 0. Porter (714) Mil EAGl MAK EH n110 JanWJry P Co1l ~-Si48 114 980 .41 I for oppo&atrn .. t 3$? Olaen~b w rth waU'9' TO I llY o• w._., Wtlaoa Shtet L _.... n Cueto M~ Call tor ln· e o d t a 0 Co• rn• tte 1 SELL o b~~Aa-? Call larrno~o 631 lcrl2 Com rull·hm• pay lea:a S~OI. ~ :=::::::=:::::=;::;::::;:::::::::;;::;::;::::;-::-1 W1lh pcuHill)!l kn M• ID b v ala ••• o ppo_r DRINliNO WATtR be orQOilLIDd We onll nuaUaN CaU S$2-1100 Plllilief hollaabolo tnlia Stan oow Joe 1111' d t it C' 1 o u • T r 1 ole I ~oy bi.IAA-~ lll•red R.•ene-Ounou Ua.1t r~~r~ow• I( LSS-MAJL AT AMWAY PRODUCTS • m" '"' 1 '" S•t •'" , i " ".~~ " .. t ., murtev IN t &;'\-. ........ ' UANI~t. •.ubtelot c .. l011111 -M[ SJr. 00 per 1odavm ""-C'OD 11" ad 1 •d No e a ~ INl l'lr tomla o nlt Worroal'r P«l•04:'tt Pan or hill • 'U•I ft "f•' 'tit~ •r ••n r ..... • .... l••l • I ,_.full .. , ... NtW StU (714) US Utn• S~t un.mec:Uotel' Ul4 D•lotle eead u l ocklreu•d tlo mped ••••lop• H o ll1a rn" t •,. .. • -.• n .. , ' D11111buto ra 115 Wmpalaeu Rd 'iatlu I 444 1')444 JO h~~~~ooaa I tl e lt v•r•d Wtlb o r wlll.out chompoqo• P.~~lor oU~oae " hohcio" Call 613 l 4419 I HIRE A. HAREM lor HoLdcy felltflll41 L..t th• n ahno AMah S.Uy ~llt'4rt •nt.rtcn.a TOU r I 4 1.1ee1a & • l&•M• a l par 1 t .... a pr1w•rt• aUnlfe Cnll r114) 731 4S74 l•n•• m_,o• A IUAUlUUI 8fllY I•AIIICI 14 "''' m .~., Y••ut ....... .. 1.11 , 'f'M-t \ V. .. "'''•rl lin tr.u p i\ •'• ••ul tN-.n.,.. <.110..1• · ~n H 1 •s7• KELP WANTED Allr ed Merrell . 147 Prnmontnrt Or w ... N•wporl leach . Co ~ CoagtohlkrtaoM1 You ~. lUI ..,..,D two tu:k•ll hJ Super r UD .• P!.o .. O'lll 673 ~ I'>• yout ticll•ta HIIJ$708 NMd •cvo -•t ~ ••II trave l clvb me robe11htpe Toke tripe rotmr~U 49$.-1334 NOrmo SALES INT DtCOI\A TlNO. llou lot d.Jqra ~. b.re W.lll IJOlJI CaU Jeo.Dy at I &.s7-ll~ PI_. c:o.ll Moo or Tv• Clt\1J$f SHIP JOJSI Cheat *'Oae ~tlal I All OCC'Ilpa.._. Tor La· lonna1toa coU 103-a. ~ ,., 19&3 N..cl UIJO •-t u iJ lra vtl chb meaabert~.'P' Tala• tnpe JOQneU -4~ 1334 Noract RtOI.STtJUI> N\J f\S(. -...U ..,:Morm•• Noa·t aola!.:.t loool r ... .aoel -.,. 7131 ~ E\aropeqa couple -wUl Ito~ La~ruao ar•o boa• "ID do rard ..ork su. '7s.l »aUIJJUas OPPTYS "0 MARTIN l7 ~~ Lorea.av Co11o M..:~ Co Cunor•llulohona' Yow h""• tw.J wan 1wo llelleltt lu SuP-1 f 1.1n PleoN cnll 673 ~!A> lor yovr hc-k•r• I USIHtssMAN ..&. ('OIIIDA-moN.rt u oltl P T to b.tp ea· poli.d whoi-.Jie IIIPDlf bll.ll.-Coo10t1 Dt Porter (71 4) S31-51ti 3l TRUST DEEDS AJI1D MORTGAGES fiRST t SECOND T D '• Owa:ter o Dd aoll· o•r ccco~ped o~atte CCitiDJilerC'\cll bUIUI- I.xma (7141 9i4 Ul9 ••• (7U t 620 9166 afCa'Hl A THIRD T D 1 Own•t A oon• owner comm , 8Wiln-. A lwinQ• A. low cu l21 .~ ('11 4) .... l!lt Bro~et •1 _,....,_,.._., •upph.-\.49S betrt c t • .. VtAn.l. v.. ... 83 I 795tJ IBM PEJISONAL CON I PVTEA I 0. l "'"" 2 PliC) M u~• a .. lr 67 J 14~2 UOIAMOICDS JEWIUY PMOO IAJY StroUw O.C.IliUY'Ia I .uh bouaClJa9 •u.~P.U '"'-C.O..a ..._. CoUt I 1100 I boeket t.oy New Jew~ l!.aeb.t~ 2426 QIO, oallaor 1100 9$). "'-1-t Blvd Co.la 31XM w.... bel" .ad ..u. 1-=------=--DANJSH TEAJC cho· uMd J::'lry. ecr•p Lo werenc• Ertoaoo I"" table t 6 ob-n Ea· qo.ld., ••l ••tc:bee. 132811 Sapp.lwe, Bol.boo ·-u• COIM. .._._ 631 5833 9:1&63 CoogrotulobOJY' ~idda &!~~';'~ 8 Jscr2 MAs c u L 1 N t 1 n I ~~"• ~'.':· lll.ll •oo ~: honng room lugb bod lavggel rlllq wit~ 3 Monneload Pl- dwun t.~Ueot C'O&d C'Of!Jtll bat cUaaaoad.t C'OlJ 67'3-0MO lor your 1 Sl50 1 0 t atote ante GlA loboraiO~I op· bcfatle S..t oJI•• (714) 9'il1 IS tor I'/410Tab 0269 Prbate PGJ1J -------- (7H)I3l·lm !1 WANTED OAJC DlNlNO Tobl• 2 leow.. 2 olm·4 aide C'luure 6 bullet Cbuao Cobtntl w11h round Iii'-' ~rn•n t.ceJJenl coodlboa 49$.4040 U APPLIANCES Sean d.,lll. pol1ob1. d11bwo eher G ood Cbu.etmo• gth Ooly llbQblly u..d bk•a•w o pp•ora ace whllt woodcucaa lop Sl~ 00 8$1 Hl4 eweiUIIqa or ... h od (Rita I Lee) 0 E Woah•-;--a Goa D.,..,, .Hi3Q3 duty 2 fl" OIG pi ~ 156'78 • &.6 MU81CAL Df8TRUJGM'T8 A LLEN PIANO Carol&.lel tp\MI orga:a Oood coadrlloa, beawtlhal toae, h•• eoblllel 1750 P~o .. '1~1 SffiHwA YGIW'm P~O S 1' walovt Pn.,.. party 7al-0449 w;;;.l s.q; •• wood s Oa1 CIAnn•• wnb c.- Ptoleu•oaal qunhty ~~~~· aew $29!1 !140 0675 ICI MBLE PIANO roR IA1L l.&.ka ...... IWI k.yboard ~. ~ eacelleal 11300 ~--4321 OJ 381·~ woclt. Golo •y Ele c troa1c orgoa -p1ap 17 ccwct. l uiOtftabC'Oll t. r btl. we polle rat I b e ole tpeaal ~edt Jl I fOil OWD COinM lJ.Il• u-rn O~~V I UOO S e ll S1000 SSU112 Wwllt ... J.t Coocert Coa.dola Plaao Sobel oak~~pu~ tape play. e4.o:I)O HAMMOND OROAJ<J txC'tl..LtNT CONDITION D u t W olDIII Beach $450 CAll 4!l7 I 096 ~ OITICE EQUIPMENT RCA Vld.o Recocder "'d.o C'Oill•ro tn pod ~ oallo~a oquan.am a toad I 0 S qolloo nu.aJ :101 pump olbll ~~.. 494 ~20 4!M ROUND IP.lLUANT DI.AWOND. I CR c:arat, o p,ro&u d 1 12 UtC Private ro••"'.L!."' ... (714 ~,., 8r,oa McDonald PO Boa 5007 lr¥111• Co CoaQ101ulllhon• Y "'" howe 1u11 Wull two I1C'ke1a 10 Mcrt~~elood PI- roll 6'73 0~50 I u your llch I, All It<; LJIA M\ IN I> 'lr.llll AIRl ·~· I I " ,, A I I I I ~ .. I SO: .1\•t T .. •~ 1 r tt I ~ • I It I l'lil 'll ~ , I a-;;utllul Onmoad .ohtou• I 23 Corv Appra&nd 110.000 1 Make alter tJoda eqw ~n piOptrly 645 lohrs W ayne Teaa1• Cl .. b r 1mllf M•mb•1•h•$1 SIOOO , P P lmoonnQI 760 8160 Ol1• "Aiu .net u• t " t '" • • ~ f1rtt b,_• aa II IJ~ 1 '' I> N •'""'"'"'' S." II t•• • but ~ t ul' t.ft,;,l A' ""'"' s.. Art • • • NEW Telepho .. Aoawenao ••oluae Ira"' l it 15 ~''"' City no. Come !a The C hrm rn<l• HuuM 1 lloeuui\Jul & un q~o~e ha admnd• J ... omona q~lte & locod N>W 71 rt 28th 10-4 p til 12~ Sapph•r • 8<sl~1 t.J._,nJ Mua\ Coot C"-brvunn 010r Eltonnl lull lao9th h9hl b.1Qe we 10 apprn&HJ 17000 8.-ou., ~7~ 50 MIBCEI.r L.A.NEOUS MoYUIQ ro !I l<lC\IW Clu., I %5 f Otd Otdl 110 I IIJIIII Coaapeblloa .Ill boot lUI ~~ luro•IUaqw (96.8196 RCOWOOD 2a6 OtCICINO •!k loa& Redwood I.JttJ. e panlt $1!1 99 Oo\ tueplac. mcuttlt Sl99 TRIJ.IfT'( WHOltSA LC 995 0122 TO allY WAHT£(1 USED lur n•"''' .. ••••• n ·1~rn *" H .. IIIQ•t•l r• • uh"''' lf't•U w r ta '"~ 1\ n w retnql 1,... $ ':f')7 HI It A H r·A 1 o • 1 I.Jl.A!IT f ANTIQUlS "" .. r r '" • • '·''" "1 J .. rt •• m~ h•t w' I 0'1 1 1 lo••\ •h t u..n• s• • 'r' .,. ,. ..... 'fj ,,,t ''' N f iJI. S.r u.• IJ• I I .. f_l. ,. "l , .. •h. 1 ..... 1 •t1· ~/1 ~2 RENTALS TO 8HAR£ ROOM MATt WANTtD lot Lo~Junn Beocb Cmtrald lay Aportmeat Walk lo Beach: _q~1e1 .Rd C'hor """" ~ etrcnqhl CUld noo•llllok•rt -Call loUhM 11umber I 11100 ~ l972 ~ lor Pen j~•r AdWotcll ._. ROOMMAT! WANTtO to al't u e Woodbudjje lrune Coado ~ monthly ~9114 rem ale Roo m o le tu ShoJe 2 bdr 2 both <1pl 1:290 per mo tDcludiiiO ~111•11• a:&-1482 I £MAL( Noa lll'lluler tlllr" wtlh ~>ame l•k• f rru l hom• "•rlt .C•I\ ~ wouda ,&J! -,m•n•''"' rndurtrnq ,. 0 0 I ct ' • " II I • .. R l • It l:r . I '1\ I p I 0 t...Jch a ,.11011 e ll.ib sm . ~•w'-n~ 8651 rt:MAL( Ilion ~ull•r oh re w1tb eamt •-•lu L ke ron• h m• ••rloo ii1D9 wo, • Be c~ .. tolully leco rnte d A ll tme n1tae1 t ncl11d1DQ "' ol 6 r•a•~a • m •mbe r t a l p 10 t..ach leD.AMI dub ~ • "tWII• 170 8651 PAY ONlY ONCE, YOUR AD Will RUN UNTil YOUR ITEM GUARANTEED! Wtwn you place your "Prlute P1r1y ' c.laaalfled ad '""' ut you're gotne to ..... YfWf Item. W li lt doean't .... 1fW the fnt ...-, we'U Nl\ WOW N FflEE •"' and ... ln 1nd 10• n ""UI It CloM. That'e ow~· to you Your ed w N .... .., In The I~IM Today, Colta Meea ..._.. eM TM Ntw,ot11ntlfn _. 1 cocNMned readlt""' •~ of..., t~ uu .. wondM .. can mallt .,..,.,. .... MU INs. Cal ut _.., cw U111 I'M M ftty tom\ Mtow •nd IMM In fOUl e4. "'-' *"'" ~ t11 ,...,.. tNpMM You can call in your ad direct COAST lOlA NIWS OROU~ ·-....... .....,.~c,.~ \ ._ •••• •d .. ..... ,. •• -.........,..._. ........ .___....... . ._. ... ~-.-............... -................................. _ ....... ....... 13 UUinALITO .... C 0 M aearly •-J bd.J 3 bo 2 bt.cW-. 2 Ull CJIDOQ• Mlcoay, ••' bcr,_ gordt a e r t.-JJlSQ pet IDO UN10Ut ~l 46S3 a.t.r ' p m Af>A~TM[NTS ood s.oca Otap&.. .,... .-~ ........ ltao a cta o t to6ooo oiowo 1 135, 00 tuwohout .. wllh LAC~UNA llf..AC}i cathedral c e rhnQI fm,.rei.J S,., ••''"""" luepl ... bon au ••nlr n• ~·•I •• .oadthoa1110 poole II'~"·• C •• il C.01 ""' aouooa, 9f"' le aate ;t lMih '' •ll(.t I 71Q C"C.O UIII lmmt d iO II ~~b C b a"•' "•cllf a ............ ~· 22 .mwobl.t I bedJOOIJl .~.t.NA f'o IN'T k£N1AI oJad deo I becboom l (• b ed room 2 b a th towQ bo~ Sorl} ao pell 2400 Hor r 81..-d C~eto Meeo 5S7 1020 • "'" n• •••UI• ,_, •'•Vf• 2 O..:lt ... _, I t •1h S ll.OC '" l,.'l l•l\ It Hal lena n 491l Yeorl 1119 A-t• lrvt11e Co f!frll 4 Conqrot.alataou ' You bqor• tu.l woe two ltt'ke t c to M.itLIIt lood Pt- =lJ 673 0~ lur youJ hck•ta • WI..... •HO• • '·••~ lA • No ~·· ~'!() 8~ ... , ... , 4\jf) CJl11 NtWPO"T l t ACK. odl to Hoeo ..... tal Oc•aa Boy .... 2 Wrm 2 belli 8:10 cao 1 P ool ~~~-vca..rae•. MC'Vnty 'J»3QZa E.cc-~e , ••4r•••· a " ... 1 :, .... 11~ W.,lll~ lltAUTlrUL eae ~ lla.e ) b.Jr l ba11l Ia hv1D1 Te110C'e aear fuh&c.a h Newport C.aler Sl Z50 mo 673 17<Xl Poaaa.lo (•a ae llll N••1>0rt l l•d Nt• ~orl leaC'Il 92663 Coagra twlouoa1' Yo" 1\a¥• IIII I WO Q IW OI '''kelt to Mrsnaelood Pi- RANCHO S AN IO AQUJN l lula .,..,..__ Gr-eat .... N.or Q0U COIUM. ~· mu aiiJ . pool a ~~ .. A-a)o.bOe loa I -.:10 -130-1& Not1hwooci. tb.e Lab.. l w. 2 bath 1 ..., La k•e1d1 pauo Towallo vu ell rmt._AI._ F01 r.at ae 1--. w1111 =• to bvy 213-m· r AM1l. Y TO P.tNT -~Towaa-4 ldr 2 C'ar 04rave Yfo ah•• chye t , r.tn;wotor SIIOO Mo lao I m.SD 1'11). ~7'1 roll 6'73 ~ lor your I uck:•:~~ .......... ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~ CAN IN ~ '1,000,000 C a nadian Govern m~ot Lott~ry L OVER S • '){ lrt CASH 0,.• a E v~r y Molllll ONE. IN FOUR CHANCE OF WII"CI"CtNG CASH PRIZES S.S A..PTS. F'R UP TO • I ,000.000 -MANY US Wfi'II'IEAS -Luoun.,ue Ve11o11ea 0 t.e B • j 1oom Write '-ln .. & 'Ml lwodlute P•Dihau.N Pool Spa MI O.A AGa..Cl&a lMC ClubhauM Souao aox,.... S600 S.varly 831 0300 ~ YANCOUYI"R, a.C. CA .. AOA ~· Newport S.OCh "'\ , .... , JU...U v.J 4W4 ------------------ VACANCIU COST WONtY • l.oct. ....... 4(_WClly o..1 173-0$$0 aowl o,;w ~ 401 ON RIGHTON NING8 a..R. 112.300 713 GRAYLING .AY 2 IR. 2 MTH, 134,500 411V. DAHLIA SHI,OOO. <:::c 2 IR, 2 BATH YIIW 411 DAHLIA. 1271,000. 31M. 2V. 8ATHI TAVERN lAY La.lle Arrowhead $ ldr, 3 ba gutlll ho~o~o~~, got· age W~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.~~~~~~~~ .............. . do ck~,. ocrou Jrom beoo a Oood oil ._.OAT M BOATa tl NftCYCL£8/ ti'::.L~;i --~~ CHAim:R MOPEDS ...,. 1110 HA.IlAY, 32$ 000 0 J1 (2l3) Go -....... ........ '-:!:.l td 0•4I4I.J. Ce~la, UO l qa() C'X500 FAJJUNG <*10, Ev. (113) .. ,._ W.. l/0 .... ~ Tr ~nil ". 7 400 mtl• X!!_·---~ ~~'--~ ~ .... ...._ ...... u .. na •h•PI OfiJ Sll RESORT coodo -'\oWl--.all ~. '"-· ('#I an •I >wn•·• 871 ~I Soli Lolli Utah ~-__, '359 2-h S~1oor .... , Gorveo u ac.o•ry, M 80AT8 ,,.,., do~tbl. llDJI l.l~h.a, ~~ n. ftlmc.Wa ~'lti<J YAMAhA ·~"'II~J IS'n EWorodo Coa._. tu.ploe., ~ area 24'WINDk)lll878 -~~ .!':· ;.)1«"• 1 l: •• '"11' 11 Uble . ••• to aew boH t 2 botlu, .....,_ f Wotc. trV, VHr. ...... IIUSO. C I racho, t.toon '"t•l•n nh •I" poial, lood:::f• R•u lal IWI .. , 1a11a01 5, ....... a..ri 1QQa an•J ... mn VI Ill •,at._ I good J3 000/ beet I' reetouroall Reduc.a wU~ ~-C...U.. ~ eo.Me.t 171· s, 115 M ·~• • r ~r a&. ese.?btc IStOO/Mme (101) 353. MCty II.IC(). 75($ , prw ••I• C.,t, ts .. l ~.,... CPI1274)PP. 1....a. s~1 one FLSHJ boAr l)tl I 19S6 Co~ape d.e VW., ).!'~-~~.~ S... Tre<"lrwr II M.wr 1978 Hond<1 C.apr-LamaCIIlata.. b I O.•J ~ ':""~ 1,_, cury motw '' uler S300 080 t•ceU.ot 1 11ote wut. orlglao 'SPACIOUS MOBU.E• ,_..._ --• 'P4'., 1,,. ~ <'(•••,. ' ~o~t.un t... .. aw.. cJ.aa oo.,.._ ._. ._ lrvtn.1 l ~roohl W.tlk ~~ baUer, ~·-ulre bellwr ' .nch 1 C<JU Ste•• l l 67~ 2W ,.,., 13.800 -~ I lu poul •n•J ah<.ppanq ed 11101 1 10,000 wwohho•IJ t~teJ INc. l)olll 5.<-urrry 45 171 4) 5.664~ Of 54(). bett '•"" ·•~ 11~, I : 1/1 tt<•NPA IOIJT 1979 S£VlW OfiSEl ~·•u to b<.ly Or•ly 9011 760 7912 I r: • ,t ,J,., f, •·• 1o ~b-'lrp bl&cll r ectory CADILLAC 10 NOIIU IBID \"6 000 l•ne ,,gent • I .. ,..,; I41Al .. , t.. ;•, u. 1 'S S h .. cll AMJFN I 551 3061 1<4 H0 81£ CAT wrtn 4Yl565'/ ~•c•llent condrllon .... _ .....,.,,...._--_.-llarler 1900 or bMt ol • -~RU.TJON "'~'ll lftatnte.n~ Atttnq FaaiQIIbc Buy 3 ..... Mob.J. Home -dou· l•r Nllll MIJI4SI6 8425 -"' ... 000 Do r71 418JJ Condo Neoc pa rk, 'ble wide, 2 '*hoom, 2 VDIIOLE:I ' 12 BDCES 1 ~ i21J~ 268 4,830 echool t. marlao Try I bo1hroom. dee ~~ol $13,000 dow a Aaum• ou LogllDO HWr; m .. ..,. ....,. tn.a. .,. RV SAoauJCI li?3 I L.adi .. 3 IPd -M.a. I I ~ !LW--- low taler••• ht T D -OWner d....-ote otfoulo~l.. , ... , ~ ......... JII a. 10 epd Sc"'hwlDo VOfli· 1958 ELOOAAOO s. 192 SOD Cbo.n.r Reolty SM-1803 1 :l:~C Norlta 114 Jooe olu.&av,.Jil ~ 1 IJ (.oo,k, t !idea oew .,,u. Mechan~eally t \o,.llmenll 494:1· • ~ wi_. .a.ctrio Wt, Q I Choice S49 So.,. up to luoA o1vod tar• all 8122 -_, ooq t. •• 000 m . qm .... ..-.., 1 160 Chud Comer I)('IWf'l 4S11Lng $2 000< -------I VACANCIES COST .,.1 I duJ .... IJU ••a I S? 00 ~8066 ..JBO c.,u OUI 633 NIWlOil'T "ILUFFS" NONEY I Reoot. rocl cdr coed . cw~ t Q148 e_. _ ll'r _.. •••a•• rtuic:lUy Dial I 12 BUTrERflY SAlL I coatrot •retO, ~01 1 ISVAN8/TRCU 1~:__---,CA.D~'""IIJ.j~AJ; ·----·• -t...Mrl Whrl• tr•tkr 112..500/v.u '_...... •~APt---. ••'•" , &....6 173-0S$0 a owl I BOAT larmtl•r to •1 TV . ~~00 al ....__,._ T --"" ......_~ ~~~.00000 e-~ I IU .,..._ I .toraQe lube .. cell•nt (l~JE]Q S51-D3 1841 H o .. t. , ... WlOf wtt) te ...... fOP. SAU BY OWNER L.r Mon no 'v•nh '"' · Murot el mc.J .. I A""'""'' Sl Jl 000 '"" T C• ll • )() "" .. ' 1tll••·d E•Lellenr , • • • dll 9596 ··""'""' Yll 4 5450H• TASTEfULLY f liR NISHEO "' t.-it m -_,"'•• ·olldiiiOn S I 300 otter rue ~ ~-I l~klt. low ~ UIPIIEN'I' 760 0356 I • IDYICI/ = uoo 0 g. ~ c.u -· MUST S £ L L . f;~,P. ~,!. 1h~ll ~:: 1 U.AIIl 483-2874. I 346-lOZS lf11/l_, 40 k twt.a OW$ orhtre•rru W11h I BIUTISH AUTO fiE 7~ TOYOTA P ... kup 1 'j19 CADILLAC cUee.l, ~ Sport •••''-' "950 17141 PAJ.RS la9"•' ,,,_.. Comper ahll ~qood S.vlll. o-t w.cMd rw..,, -.w_ 114.2.· I 6136629 HMt.y Tuumph M(. t"oadrllo D v .1o~ 1 .. cell•nl .-oodttlon 500 ot tracle ~. Trr~ph Stag ud m••• •uleoqe S2 200 b.-I Drowa W~tel \ell • --~ I SAIL AWAY '" '1'~1 I oea-8rtuahe .. IUII I S off .. ~ 4M4 ~.500 8598040 V .. 1 •bond 14 lull Ml ol Harbor BJ\'d CCI81.t t1 UT08 FlSKINO JOAT -I carla ''•''-' motor •II Ne•• 5 4 8 6:l26 WAANT>r>{ ~~~ I ~~ •t'~~·;s•• lovhonu HtJlB S GARAGE ~D ... _...~ -:-~· ' •..c.H. '"" > 1 Woo-.d llll·G IMW R.nodtrled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + la.r&t> ~ rm . '"'' ~ond ' '"•1' '1 _,.. • ~~ ~" AUTO RlPAJR 320 I Ho .. cae •. , bMm .-Ill .. -f~. PI'~ $420,000 Hul\lrn'llv• 8. • h ft ~;I'W'a-. • AntHT10N f orerQn Dome••• pn~t• pcuty 7'70-81.51 ~-.... Ad ... hs ovt>r .. u S. "'' ..na•llthW, l -· SAILORS! 1 •-' g~-.. ~1ne overhtul Tune ctoy n-.lag •v SIOO()Q() 714t ~...ar.;• ,_ .__ L •- 1 1 " •• l.u vp ._ .W,J 14' ~ up m••• .... "~·• I -•---_ SJC 9629 .,._ ia ...U..t .a.op. y" c.u 130.... • AUTOI FOR 1971~Mouo.;., AN/fM todlo, low milage , 13200, 413. 403S • Neerty new 3 bdrm 3 bath nome • Prof deeorated tntefiOI/exle#~ • 40 lap pool ·~ IOYnteltl • ~ormal diN"O room. llbtaty • Gcx.rr~ country lutc.n.n W/hrepl Aaaume 13V•%. s.ut,ooo Fixed Ra .. Loan. Submit Yow Ofler Owner, ... ....._ Agt. 8S7·.-717 LAGUNA BEACH l 10' N Cout Hwy ..... ,,,., at.n & Jifl\y wrwt. Manne room. 4 bdrm, 3 ••""'·~!1!111111 ~ ill o.1y sao. IAl.l 1971 CAMARO c1eu bath. 3700 aq.fl. tJ.~.ooo <ll'Nnfrunt CaD SSl ·tl.S tl MTROYOLES/ 1 •borp, A6.C /rN L8A 11&.1 UYPIIIJ La&oon view from 8 bdnn. ~bath, playroom. dar\ rm. den. Boet .Up Now UOO.OOO Mn.PUII ~ bejfronl dpbc 2 br, 2 bit up. 2 br. 2 b. dn. 2 baM II'** 1\educed· Sl ~.000 ··~ ... -· New 4 br. 4~ I& N*n ~ Normandy ..... 1 2 prune tcrt hWtop $1.~.000 ••-.un Coronado lalud CWl beyfront aot a~ boat dodL "--aWIU. Now mo~ooo ""'~ t.: -i, '')', ;',.,,TI~ ---- Now Offenng 90._. at our COforo de4 Mar Offrce JOHN CAR.fV. GRt I 3' BOSTON WJiAI.U 40 honepower Wer Cllrlf unci•• wen•aty Mllc:h 548-9001 MOPEDa CAI\S ..U lor 1117 95 ca ... tte , •o,cr..;•• (o•wOQe) Also I .. ~., I ::~ ~* all:· , SPOil-me~ ........ ol..-. .... rn. .. .-;-. ... 1 I••••• •o•te l.ID0/010 J-.. .. ._.·s.o.aa•. ~laupa A¥Uilo.bl.e a1 ICIC'nloe ~.-C7l4) loco.1 Goow't Avctk)u ~ f01 Duecbl aD.. -- •·IOJOU1 Z301 CoU 1979 CvH \lrf&. ""'*adallk Wh1te w red leothr 1nt UIN red ~ ! BENTLE~ f:d.:P s a ~ ~~ I 84(1.. 77iO 8 om 7 pm 19$7 .... , -[.a. --- ce&leet ~~~~ape· WW~t CITROEN ..0 Ca.U 79-1061 1979 990(. I m•!M S49 500 010 1U: JA Yl 1213) 836 0181 6il 8tU7 198-r Cl..ENET Very lcow mil• ten wtlh te n 1nhu10r Cell ltot •P rotnlraent evft 493 1874 I 'l4fl "l0~" DATSUN HAPPY HOLIDAYS 1971 2IOZ h2 Au A'Mff'-CAIIItte, ~ tPIICi ... zx tar• • .;a...le laaanlot• U .IU er a...!.,, recwaoW. a8w .,.. J ~&lly 09ll 2131 ·- I NAIIU.n ~-0.. ~~ ~ ol... a.4-1701. Ol.n wUI .. ...... 4267 ed uoa-. ,., <7J4l . -ro-.------ 8&3 _, • 171~ 541• 1979 roa.o m:srA - rPMJU • ltJ$ ~ an.• ~ 13 QJl liO ••~ ll,OOO odiiiMl.&..t,t.. un... ~oatlltloa II w~t• lat•r* ...... ..u , , FlAT --Supercl••~ auerool -__ "'"'1'· 91 .. 1 C'OIIdthoa PlAT l i'1e 124 SP1D11 &.t oO.t 1317 NAH) -45,000 •II.. 5 8S*d. PP. 8Je.N57 aew top. 3S •Pe, rad .. 14.\)UfN~ 1 0... n. .... t.3.87St 010 (010 nl) ,,.,e,. "''' C714) saa.~ . (IIYIMD •1·15.10 •• ~1.! IJOXt.t:tttt..tl.! (. IEAUTY nell Looking for an apartment? Be sure to check the many vacancies listed in Classified each day. I flfNW SAllY'S IEAUTY NOOK 188 £ 17th St eo.. ....... ,_ __ .. IJom S II 50 Ill) TiatlftV saoo up Stw..POO aad I _.., S4 50 Fra.ltf19 Sl200 11p H.ltc:\oltiDQ ~50 642 7&42 tl"i"ltl'i"l bl"i"l'i'Tl'l ACOUSnCAS. C!I.UMGS CfiAIGt; !\ .. MAYII I ~~~~~ ~Rs .... :~ I• ~ lr \IJIIn•! I loll I t•r~ ••• ,.,,,.t t1 ~ nn 1 F..... .-s"""" 1. herd II• ' lt•lrt•n .... •,. • I I hr "'' ... Unh b/"o CALL PO& ~ Ft.np Maa -all aarpea.., a•d odd r.,.au I* Jill L Pui!Lu IScot/~) I ~ll)t7 CAJU'£T CUAIOMG A • •l• .. I .. '" ..... •tr• V .'l t r• U· R tl ltot f,... . .•. ,,,.... /1 1 ')26 '· 91,) <'ASitlt I!) I STtAM OA Dll't ~~· ono l~ looO•~ roe )llo(".,j' J/lt; rl.?• A.OCOUN'tlHO LOST IN THE ~atalr&JB.?I'• a CPA., a:ad I'U kelp yeN ... tap fOUl 0000\&A• Uag aad r.ayroll ey•t••• A t o, I'll e. 'f'O'll --ku. • cuacl yov.r ad ,..-.oeoJ ..._. \:Ia r1ltl&l'ltl WI ~W.11U IAna..a::R f'\AitAGM ~·~a.s UIVlCO f •n•n• ••' payroll 'fJ t I " \ I -1 I .l!:..!!.L._ CABINET R.EJ1NI8H1NO CHRISTMAS SPI:CIAL ~ 6 love Haad ttnp , Naded beoutdu tlaln• 4t fiDMI hatelt• L1c bond.d • ,.... s 100 oU CfuOied ..-.. 6 I room palaled lr•• 1.oolt tUCe lor the bob· day -.oa CaJJ Tod 493-lSll V A.CANCIU COST MONtYI Reocll teaaa• ..,uckly O.al 613-0Ull •o•' I CARPEifTftY t AIR PRIC'tS Ou·•l• I'Y w 1~ Pall • ~vu• t...Jw .,.j lt•d l'o1n•l hnr1 l"'' uJ• •101 ,., .. I"'"'' ~•nf'r&l "t><'n ·r~ N<l IC • ' •• , ••• , T ·"' 551 l~ I ---• EavU.b Ca:r~nler }a\U'Deyma~ • Cu.torn epeclalluag, doo11, c:o l:no•t•. po oeh119 thehtav for m1ca R.c.;,~ BIIGO 71 •• MW'743 NEED AN EXPERT TO DO HIS THING"> JUST GIVE HIM A DING-A-LING Fl D ONE FAST FIRST PAGE OUR CLASSIFIED ' uca. CARPET CARt 111 '" Jld upho>lth", "'"'·''' • RF£ "~'• m 1t•• ,.;..,.-l•tr •n ...... 1 1. • 8 .u.n ~· n -Nftlltl , ..... , I NtH~ I t r• S...a I b -4 C, I 171 CARPET lMST A.LLA nON b ll ._ ARP£T <l[R .. j, "E. INI '"''""' ..... , rtJ .. ,. Ou~Ah•i * u: •' I '"' J" • ..,. l • I B II •• I '-S. "odltl .. , .. n,r '' I CAR W ASHINQ/ DETAJLlftG I, AR OnALUNC.: ~Pl CIALI$1' Rf>SIOr ''' n 1 t•n_.. u.•'t'"' lnt• ur~r [a ,.,,, , f•, ••·r •nd t• \ ..... ~ f ~... •""'''"" ..... C 1tl K 11•11 4~ I 19;.!C, OATEIUIIO u .ooo ..u.. . .,.rtec. coachlloa A.Nt rw eutool. A.IC. cdor ••• ar .,... oil• (71•> 8¢ t l$5 1974 J£HSEN lnterc:ep to-Coupe Mavn1hc.n1 eb.ept S4 000 IDI ... cMep bl11e e•te110r With beiqe . INih.r tnler101 sa.goo c.u gss 1491 d .... 646 4117 ., .. LINCOLN l~lLlaoola ~-........ ~ lal Mark IV Vert clea.a Ru u 9QOd, r l&ll poww 111'95 ~1-21• 'U 220 DIESEL ..... w.J a•to, o le, , .. ~ ........ .... ega. Au lllliiL 33 """ ~010 ean..-3516 I 970 300 S£1. 6 3 N1n1 co11d111oo •II 01191n.tl 72 000 nuJ .. Atltnq SI I .SOO Call 720 0290" £AN 803 MERC EDES IENZ 1978 450 SEl Brown I brown 11\nluhc cond '78 MAZDA S~o.rt like n.-. Only 45 000 Co11pe Low raU.. ~. ""'• 125.000 1482 oew 12600 Lie I WOO> PP (7141 955 QlOWDf .. 41$1 0745 g-n9()32 MAZDA CONCRETE I I SP£CIA LIZ£ ID I )ockhamm•r worlt aad r•mowol ol c:oDeret (paUOt •dewalb a.od dnv-are) A.t.o C'\11 bJIQ aod haA~ Week • Coac:re t• RemowoJ bJI 3610 CONCRI:TE PATIOS ONVtW AYS WaocA. palo ~. all tn* No 10at too "'o /-.call No 211m Aak • 1 ~?102 OOJitCRITE I A.DHALT MIAIDtQ f UMO¥At :;,,,., 'l•r Jun1r •rwr l 111 ~ ham"'•• UlW l•l•t OI CJ.4'11•11i .,, t""'''Y wvrk .n .. u.J "" .. ""'"'" 157-Wl IPECIALIZilNO -&A r..J.a-thal. drl••••Y•· patloe, iO\&D.aUOAa. ..look •• u.. .,. o".u'., weak. pra .. a lew. r... ••••••'•• ,~,. ao c.1 c. •. o .-.(71.)1ll...._ OONSTRUcnON RON'S StfWICtS Cor pn try elec1 nc:a.l plll=rCiefCU!LIC llle la'-101 CuatocD r-odeb.aq fOOIII o0 • d1110111 (l.IC' DO U2110) O.a•ral coe tiCIC'Iol ~ 13 OvtRHOLT Co010tJuc a.a., "-ockluaQ OAd ·~ Frcma.lcg clrpaU, bay Wlllcioww, FnDCll doon 0\&ala" at low ~ OaU lncm 64l rm Jotu. m.soas 8 Wll:.'iON c;QNS Bu1t•l•ro r,... ,. •• "''''"' )0 .... , ··~"''' ""O' Bnnri.-i L. • •'il4H/ M6 I •.ao ROOM A.DOmONS -fteaodella1 ••• .. -0 ::tMaaJ. plv..a· Wac~ ud ... ooAol> taft UoMNd (.l.ll). 30,...... a~ boa- ct..e ""a... Co.-Co (114) ... , CONSULT/ B£1UIIIEIVC ,. A~ A.ln.l RAn f'lu hrUIOAAI r•ou .. fl• tllll c,.,..,., lflvool< th"-1 '""•lllltnu l •II t'"""' C:ona~o~ltt~ 71 I b4 I ·418\ DRYWALL fREt ESTIMATES oa c e caeal, block or bric:hrork, ••• coa· *"rice OJ •• ,..,. Uc 21612:2 Call -.... cua.,... DRYWAL.L TAPING All t•alllree aad oco "''"" Roora ad dtii O III aod 1010 damao• Free •• umolet JCev1o 650 9088 VACANCIES COST MONEY t R.ao• teaaae. qutclaly D•o.J 673·0UO IIO W I C'laatded Ad. ELECTRICIAN fURMITUR£ REPNRit RESTOR£ PVRNrt'URE 6t CAll NITS -t.~• r.pe.~n 1~1tv '-cq-. IIIWiba co&or ••tclWIQ. w• •· ...... R~cta .. d 910-ma Your Mll&iec110n I owuanrM hi\N' .;TR I FPI ~ ; 'I ~ 1\n• 1 ·"' 11..... lurnt!UI" • "' h-ut n I''''" t .., u• t A, T " t I lnlll'rtt•l .o.'9 tO \~1 , " L.ne lint! F l' I • M.w 66.' I Jt)') GAJlDEJQJeG L AHOSC A.Pt t <Jord .. ID9 wpectWI Iapan-Garde oen \ s ,.. e I Pit Laad.tca~ c:leo11 ~o~p mo1D t Bi hovual 6 reliable lod Ree frM ... Controc:ton L1c :J&3J2J CAll Akl ~7 77Xl OHL ~ Go.tdea.r.aQ S•mce Prol-oaal UPCIMOC!e 6 eqWpal .. J O.peA.~. f.aiO~ tat• refereA.~ rr .. ... ~716M l'OWN TO tAATH LAw" allod Card•" !er~ ICe Cc.pl.te 11\".olt. I II fCIDCft'Atioa eM maU\t~n • O,..ht• terel('e el d 0 IO """ pncee S.111i1ed ru•l"m••• out llttl pliO' I ,y C.JI ARYII-046 78li TN Newport £.ui,p/CG~to M.a N ... /lrriAe 'fodlrr uO.C~..,... .. caw& POMC'HE I ROLtLI ROYCE ~~==; teet 380 sn -u"o.r 0000 ~ oc ..... ted clu0111te rom. a.u11100l perle c;t • u•d1t1on ... 000 Weekday• 5570711 ·--~ eJWiee7S2464 1981 3000 O.tl bl11• blwe 1111.,111r AN ,.... CM~~ttt• k.w ,.1lu •wa•aol •1111 wnde1 wenenty Call O.rrel ~lUI 1982 JOOD ..... TUUO ••lve r b lwe metal he blwa S Ill ortho -•• rMr liNda lac lory mag Nwat .. u PP (7141731 0202 1965 300 st CONVEII Tl8L£ -Ulr-dtNUY c:ond1t1oa' Rec•n• tebutlt •11~11 .. lreru .IUIOB .,ICh•ltn r•d .. la new leether brow11 lop w1th wtute •• •••101 ch.mp.qn• 1n ,.,.,,, PP S25 000 080 AaJo lui C•ty (7141 897 2')2b 211r ·U02959 am ..z B)l a.. lw~H •• e.t.ot AM fN -* C.U9571071 d ett. le&l 300 so nll\10 low mU. ·~ll.mt • ODd mae •II powet 11o10roul t~y te tnleJ 101 u IGOnl 130.~ fP. C714l I32-Ne.2. 6'13-0tTI OI.DIIIOID.£ 1969 OLDSMOBILE 98 Lu.ayry Sedan l,w.J.,d w1tll eal!d Rebu1h ~.,.. and • 161\&11111 t.oo e.-c•U•n! tuliAWQ co.d1hOO S.. lo ep p.eaet.e ~~S SSI 2880 -•nd .., ... It enda PAICTEI\A PAHT'EJ\A I 974 Immel Ciliate S35 000 lorm PP 121JI 836 0181 691 8827 cU: JAYS 1910 r.vveoc .soss r WJ po••• lecl~o~daoQ IUIOOf $900 t OIIOd ..,..._cur ~coa trol 10 006 -~-S8 300 c"-~ aJw 6 pm PORSCHi 1981 917 lotJAa • ltk• Pone h. 9 I I 6 cyl •nqtne Noh ul ler 932 Sf'l 1 PP t71 41 847 2244 d•Y• IOU.IaC>YCE I 979• CORNICHE Convertible Wh••• m~Qno.h., lv• m•l• 1• Jll•l <t.uh ... tum I •••r S..t ...... pp 11131,!16 )Jil I IUNE t g&t SILVER Wtellll 8vt~vnd}' ••o m•n• l.>ftd1toDn PP 1213 654"iJIO 1 SU.VEJI Cl.OUO Ill Good c<md•lo< ~ •"•'• RHD AM f t-4 a ''"''" 111 M•k~ rt•r Coli '""',.. Elhot PP IS 12 tt lM.tO • aeo a SIO-SL _ u:sT PO..: HE 1971 WHifF C' rnc ,.., I C """"•b•• S.a ... r~ '" "''"' ri•'• n R..r• •CJ P ''""''' •Pr·'"'""" IIUWI.I.Iq Ia oc M !M)() 11 961 PORSCHf 3568 lb11y II) PP DaY• da~ nv•rt1bl• Pr•m01 675 30_!.2 Mu~t ull b7; bJ'tl I S7U(IOO $..I \S'iC'l ..,.,,., tt>l• ltnan 11111 I 979 NBZ JOO SO Ivory lo~bco aunrool I new tu• c<tU.tle 83 hcenH PP 1714 557 1051 Won Frt 8 S P• Q.ARDENINQ YARD REJUVENATION Clecnuap • TrM Trun ~· Lawo JllleaO'Ia 1)011. • ~ .. 110 • • ~ Hmbol A.tec. ruu yean Skrle bceu ed. ~.aMUed r .... tunotae CALL 808 &.a-9211 t IRST IMPRE.SSI ON T •t •I t...n I .ope S.n '1 1c~ ln.lelt.all n •n•l lll.tlfl'""•n • Tr... ..r t. , • tpr otltl•" I ;wn '"'""'"' ur O..p root lat11l.lacrtioa W• •h I .. n .o .u ......, Compl.t•~d ~CWII Mow 6 to ycud c'aGauo o liM tnna lll.la9 I 0 t!S. .. • ;:,r•c:e CaJ.ll)aa M8 I· KANDYMM I PLA~ER PATCHlNG I 101 ~·~·· ·~ 0\&.I!Ck deo.a a feOIIOaable lSIIda1 doon • d..ld· bobt too 1M-,. HAULING K.AliUHO 6 OUICl CMoaaup Ycucle, crar ~E.%' or Lkm 08.\3, ISI.a5 Pl.Ait'EIUMG AU PHAS'fs t PLAS TERING R .. •' • ( •••turano .nl•rh" ... ,,.,.,, P<t'' h .... ,~ R • m 1 iJtiiOnt •rul u•l " hom• r, ........ rn ••• 1 Jtl8 181 I t n 17~ DIIIULATION A. me lNS\11..A noN Hom• -.r~.n.atfoa r.-... Taa cud.t• Low COlli lioa:.aclacr Ot oaaa. .... ~ ba1 • -...aot .•• ctWIIrial 0...... ,... 5'700 NO~ aTA.DUIIO · ftDI. "'"--lll elul•d Wo r~ fMratltild A.a.,... . 417..., 0 p Sl .. fMA, 1115 lcJ~, Coaoao d War, Ca C.fTQNlotloaat To• ka,. Jaa\ ••• tw~ to ... _,.. ru. ,_ caD fT.I.OP) - yow - I'&J t PVK PP 714 /.,f,J I 3'1/ 1 1 .. COHV £aaei.Lut ooec~~-.132 Wit ~~ ~ ... -c HONE ~NRY IMPROVEMENTS ~HI 'K VrtHFII" Sl • "'"' f Va'll •' n-o -. r • t I .. C. ' • t,;e f" lt!'!t • "' -J .._ tltA "~ ··~ ~ •• L ... n ... 4ll~"o~ ~ ·--"'" .... . s .. u.:n ,.. ... ,...,,, 71 -4 ~~19t!S ' VACANCIES COST I MONEY • Rea c~ IUOla.. 'liUC:ILiy Oaol 173 ·0~~0 aowl O==hect Ada R Haruaoa 2123 Ral.e19' Co-eo Meec Co Coagratlllolloru' You ltlove 11111 woe two bcbe. to Super r 1111 " Pt.a.. caJ.l673-~ IQr JOIII bc:h BOUS£ Cl.£ANtMG It' tl' • • t :11 • ,"4 , L .. ,..,.. !I • , .. r Q2 )l)t DJf HUNGRY roR WOR.l' Low pncee 011 quaU.ry bneltwCM'IIt coo c rete 6 woodwort I 00'". lulallc::uag a-.aa1 Rei•• CoU lnoo -e::t1 ~Of Neil '?U- !m\ "'ot, '\NJIY Wf'I()D DAlY Landscape J[ Cr r ~ TIOS • ~A:, t\ C'~S 673-llM I MIRRORS P•ote .. lonal Ho~.a .. or C..,do Cl•cmlo~ P•r.oaal l«hiC:b Sot Tu• Call Aucbey W. O!U3 ettA~\ lNG~--- UNUMrTtD fo r u eUeoc-e to hou-.:l.an I RQ pi(IYid t DQ ali t upplt•t 10C'Iu j 1og VOC'\.Um lrueiWOIIbJ JDd depeCld.;,b!• Cilll ~lof ..tJm~ HOU8£8.1TrlNG tl.0£1\l.YCOUPU Avonlo.Jbl• '" hu-1 I •m l.l I~ 8 2 to j I 83 PI• -C'<lll ~ )l07 LA.NDSCAPING YAJlD REJUVEMA nON • T r•"" n P. .. I• !1, • I I • llt•f I "'"' ... s• .... " 1 . ' ..... ~··" .. , L a adfCI'I p l BQ N•• Lll•D• tpnnHet ~.rna ., .. ~ rar d • "p "'nc:k a ceelltat work All pnceD to tefiec1 CIUT.OI •coaomtc cond 'I h'• LaaZ ap•no (714) ,.7 &...,ou~pl o..Qnl I AOI MIR.RORED W A.u.a WanLobe dnon tucl~ q uclaty boo• pncM • ap•tl tUlollatiOU ~ Loc:aJ , ... M!k.tu-lld CHRISTMA5 SPE,..IAL Ollfl v a • .2 w pia•• m.rr • • •1 lor Sl9ti Sp. . . n muror ... ::, ilob. l :oort CaU ~.r;o1 BIPl lu "'U) ~31 &300 MOVlNG STORAGE Hi ,-All\ I"' t •t T • ' .. ,, '4 • L. I ••I 4 V AC ANCIES COST MONtY ' Reach t•QoDII q_~o~tc~y Otal su ossa oo• • Cl-hed A41• PAJ.MTTNG t .... , r "'' I~ SOU TH SH O Rt P A.lHTI}oiG and Wood IMhn•k•ao R-deoacl a ed eo• me rc1ol I.a....,.. Utenot CaMiaell etQlr r al1t doon. 0oon a& ~ 1920 . lm-1136 -IS OUR BUSINESS - 11111 A I TOYOTA I ~> TOYOTA CELICA .r uht..o .. 16()(li "'HI •• n1"'' •·•" I I AM..... ·-"· n ¥' trll .. t.-.. rc r., .. ll•n• t.t .. • • .. ' 6 ~ 0 tun• IICN l.EH !>4!') ...... r-~ .u .. , !l p m VOLitSWAOEN 79 co.a .. rb.ble luv Hew · I.e .PI Ia ta.o.rrao,. Wlute oa ... Lo4l ol atr~ Mt~tl ..U $9,5Cl0 or olt.r ~2 2971 631· 3689 I A rrtHTlON VW • ol .,. tvrt I ~ E. .. rvpe..r ,...,,, •>I 011t rMivr«t -"·'· ......... .., hi.('~ ,, " \6 I•N 494 M )14 " 7S I ~SO.. rJ, • M, • ., M f ~ ') 1974 VOLKSWAu~.l' IJASHE.R N•w t.or .. h t ·uftl• f•lllf,,J •Ytl•m • •n ·•'*•'• ,, ~l~~~~ 1 ,,,... M Jal ••1 S I 4'1";, I bore! vll•r 4 k R1 714)#71 ~ PAINTING HOUSf PAINTING A utumn Colon ol W1nt•r Rat• frM ... Owohry work t rnat•ranla rreci Sl6 3471 COAT Of MANY COLOI'I.S P<Ua~La9 - lolea ...., .....,.,..,cal I ~•"••t• Oaallly workmae •btp 6 l.,olertah reflect •• e•e1y 1~ CoU ~ ~ (Uc 151G) P.VER HJIGIMQ PRECISION W AU. COVEIUJtGS W A LLP A.PtiUNG l.el .ne ha119 tl loa yow s.~ t~ •~o~ C <111 Mm k iJS. 1929 VACANCltS COST M O NtY Jlllea c ll raaaot. 'llllekly thal 6"3 OHI eo wl C ed Ada PlUOtORGA.M TVJWIIQ I ,\Nv TIIN IN~. n' 1•, • f •' "I '-•t l •t""" • T t PLUI01HG ..... -.... s. ....... af .. c.ll w. C7t ~11 •• 1 .. ,.., - ROOf"'MM )liALn Y ROOFING b • -Old And 11ew r..•rvn m Lrc•~ , ..... ..., •.DO ~ Ael•r•ll • •v•1lea.le , I k•Dn)' f wnk• aay "'• 04S Ot9J THt IA.LIOA ROOf"'Dff CO 'nla wodcl'e ............ l"aaatlllo t Po , 1 I liOo Looal , ....... ~n-em RAY S ROOFING CO S.t.onq .u Ot•nooe C nt~ A.ll In-Fr• ..... _,_ __, L.c t04l AU wo.~l v .. •r 1 ,_, 'i!lQ 9J6Q ~~AUAnoa DY~AJo41C ., • ·~·ll·tl;)n ..... 1 wai•IIOI •nd re , ... " r.-•'•"'•'" f'!~ot I ,.., " tn41•rw.f "' ",~ u. Up to 40'-t 1~ "' • Hunr111 wotl11 ....,,, 'J{" ... I nu W(lAK• " ·.~..., .~ •• u .... ,.. I • ••I•• "~ " •• I rr. ~t•lonl Utr .,.n •nd ~·r. Ov•t.t~ .. oc~m•• ... , r.... .... .. m••-lli .... ,.... ... H" 7141 l <4 I tt4<~ TU:ES D.PEI"T TREE SE.MV 1'-••·•· •NJ ""'"b •r,tn.m 1 t tlt\1 t•m ,.., I "( ,,, ... n ... r rr-- I " ... ~ CAll 'Jbj !;~ 0 ~epbart 23141 Borren D foro C• g.:)() CoD~~~ Yow a..a..., Ju.il -• two • to "Supe_t~ r~· .. Pt.c.e coli ~ ... r0111 bell .. II ~ ~ Tltrl -,l_RVICE lt mmonQ tui'P•noa n '"~ •''*" ••mqvl\1 • ""' , .. mr' 1 Y <tid L• .. n...,.i •nd :)\J<IIy .,M it ..._ •trr. • t.,... 1;46 . iPIN'• SE"VIC£ I I"'" t;obl• ond •rr.u ,,. s......... '"" 6' tv'•" P'l "",. '. ty f t R•••Qn•'-• .... 7J 4• 785l lJ