HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-04-18 - Newport Balboa News TimesI ' • ' l 1 ,, ~ ' Tl SAND CR -AB . . ., SAM 'l'JD: nmm>ENT. About I town, ln.4be quiet streets. on the little ranches, the !IOlTOW over the death of the· President was poignant and real He was conceded to be the friend of the little milll, not because he had wealth, but becall.'le he spoosored their cause and insisted on 1he!r rights. Some of us dls- agx.:ed with him, more or Jess violently, bui none of us but admitted his stawich courage, his determination to do what he considered just-and achieved his point despite all obstacles. He truly gave his life for his country and his memory will live in history as one of the world's Great. 'Ibe task he Jett to his successor, HlllTY Truman, Is colossal and overwhebning and he' needs the prayers of his fellow countrymen to carry on in · this time of world crisis. In line with the thought of prayers and guidance was an angle presented Sundar by Rev. Perry Schrock m a sern\on he delivered at Co- rona de! Mar, when he told of the work of the Olristian missionaries in far off lands. Their efforts have been re- sponsible for saving the lives of hundreds. and perhaps thousands ot our soldiers in the Pacific and in Europe, as n a t I v e s, converted from heeihenism to Christianity' took the boys who were forced down on th!! islands, In tow and brought them through the Jap lines to safety. Had not the prac· tice of soul-saving been lJe. gun years ago by American churches; who Is there to say that these boys would have been killed and never hear from? + + + J.l'lnt with News. News- Times was the first paper in -' the harllor district to flash the news of the President's tmtimely death last Thurs- day. 'Ibe paper was on the streets and the news stands before 4 p. m. and no out· side evening paper coming in to this territory had a word of the chief executive's sud· den death. '!bat the public appreciated the flash was at· tested by the many phone calls received and the large m.unber of extra papers sold. + + + Veteran m John S. Har· r!s, heed of Properties, Inc., was a local visitor last week end. Mr. Harris was just up aft.er some five weeks in bed with rheumatism. Mr. Har- . ris, who has some positive views on set-backs and Co- rona de! Mar frontage, is in disagreement with the city on the subject. Aside from the legal and material as- pect,, of the case, it must be said that John Harris has always been a consistent booster for Newport Beach and has done much for its up-building a n d develop- ment. Regardless of the outcome of possible suits, he can still be listed in the ranks of those who want to see Newport Beach pro- , OS a .--~ I • -.. ~ -NeWJ)Ort Balboa NewS-Tim~s Costa Mesans See~ing Facts on Incorporation and Election Costs . Last Week Fishernten Couldn't Get Price; . This Week Fishermen Can't Get Fishl City Sells Interest in Five Lots . . U lt lm'I ~ prloe, lt"e a. W! It er u.a(" placw tb6 fieber-.. __ ....,.. Local ft.lberntea. topetrr ~ 1ep: ••tathee trma Bea ._... 4ro Uld S..ta Moalea ID a mrrt'"'S wt.Ul OPA lut ... eoactat sa exieuloD of tllle wlater (Wr411eC OD b&nacu4a. 'J1da WU .... -In ....... ,.,.lerday moraaas. Wiater ceOlnp for tbe flab. wen exteDde4 for a moataa, _.. aordlns to word .--br llel1t N..,ior of tbe Ba7ok1e ._ in Proposed Lido Business District; Dedicates Another for Parking Commi~ Being Formed to Study Services Needed, and Cost of Same; Whether Spe- cial Charter or Free Holder Is Best Harb&, -be -to IM$ anUI Ma7 H. Now, .... _...., Ille b&rra<oda ...... , blUnc, ...... Uloucb a C1"ty ~opes 0·11 la.rp 8Cbool wu reported. eeen ttu. morhlnc fOW' to ftve mJ.1M. off allore. Warmer weatber. expedJtd 1.11 a week or .o, eboul4 ;::.::.:. plenty of flAb, In Ille opinion of Danell Ktnr. of Kine'• lear on Its Land ' Progress of Lido Isle Community , Center Aided by Action of City Council; Another Hearing on Animals B. A. McKittrick. eecretar,r of t;be Fllbermeo'• Local, CIO, A d ,. Lea Facts pertinent to the cost of an election, nwnber of elec· baa led <#mplaln .. aplmt tbe OPA pollc:leo of penall•1nc t1abor-n annts se In order to aid in the beautification program of Griffith ti·ve offices to be set up, services to be provided, and fixed men wttb low""'""'" due to Ille low •ummer prtoM whlcb wool4 Co., in its plans to create a new bllsines district in the vicinity not allow a ma.rstn of proftt. Tb.roqta tbe Maritime oommlttee overhead for each-these facts are to be sought by a fact· of tbe NattoruiJ c 10, w. baa ....., laken up ,...,. ...., floborieo of the entrance to Lido Isle, the city eouncil Monday after. finding committee to be appointed by the Costa Mesa Olam· ttee of ooa..-, -All lndlcatlom point to the city noon sold its interest in five lots to Griffith Co. for $6,368 and ber of Commerce in their discussion of the pros and cons of Fhbe~ •till have not r-notice of Ille pri<8 oD ball· ot Newport Beach getting Into in addition decided to dedicate another lot near the Lido . ti but for the -..on. but Naylor Mid he expected this by the end tbe on lJUlllneM, provided. there I.a _ brige approach for parking ;;~;~~:~~;~f~=; Fix Hour~ G 0 EfllleNWEeek.RAL MORSE SAYS :.:.~:J.i~;.;:; Balboa :~~.~t~o~~om~c~ mittee bu not been named by R. granted a 1eue to w. J . O:>le Oil Stanley and concu.rred. in by Coun- W Ba.rt.lne president of the cbam-F Bl d Company to drill on lta five acres B k M cilman Isbell. following a confer· ::~:i ~u~::'t:ril~:::i :.:~ti~ or 0 ° CHINESE FLYERS GOOD ::i.i:. ... ~.,.:; t!~~tyP=':,! an gr. ~1~~b:.:,;g:~~.;;,°u,w6oR addition to the a.bove tac~ needed, jecl~!:;.• otten and ordered Councilman Isbell said the sale ~:~foil~~~~:: Donations commanding General~, posite Wing, For-~~~::£:11e;~:~:£-b,E Resigns ~~~~:~r:~EtlE,~~~ That C.oet& Mesa muat be ready offered, u the {))le btd wu $600 Grlttl.th Co .. at the aame time belp- to roceive th• growth and develop-merly a Balboa v· tor, Describes Lan-with tho ...w c1amo for one-otxth 1ng 1n the progress ot tho city'• ment atter the war to which all In· Moot gnUtylng ..._ are guage Difficulties royolfy. George McKeeban, for a year civic center In th&t Jocallty. d1Cationa now point, brought every pouring into the city-wide appeal Mr. Cole t. a re91dent at 112 Tbe Planning commlmkm wilJ subject dl.acusaed right back to the for blood dooon tor next Satur-~ Balboa I"•nd, and Iii the and a half man•ger of the Balboa get be.ck a. report it ma.de to the nece81ity of incorporation now. All da.y'a vt.tt of the Red Crou Mobile Qtlnese nyers are better than Ja.ps they are as good as pruldmW1ect of the Newport-branch of the Ba.D.k of America. councU on pigs and other an~ members pruent voiced the opln-Tb.In. Thia ta the word from Mn. Americans in combat, if they fiJbly led. asserted Brig. Gen. Balboa Rotary dub.. H.e la a1ao ln-today elated that be w&a tendering aald to be a nuiaance, a.a the city ion that unleea • city govemment '\Qctor Grace, cba.Jrman, who aay• Winslow C. Morse, comman g general of the composite terute4 ID wva&l other weU. DDW hia realgnation to ta.lee effect u attorney held that the report was I.a eel up to draft and enforee .ehe and other members of the Chinese-American Wing of the 4th Air Force, whose boss is drilllng cm the -.me .tructure, and 800n a.a he could be relieved. He incomplete lna.smucb u not all tbe building reatrtctlONI, • tragic altu· board a.re very proud of Newport'• General CJ . Ch uJ d bas i.. connctent black gold 18 to be objectionable animals were lnclud- atlon with undesirable element.a put records and now reuonably . 8.lI"'e enna t, an just returned to Sou· found cm tbm c:ltJ"• p-opert7 at the wu conferring Tueeda.y with bead ed. hence another hearing must be could ...Uy arloe. .,..u .. d that tbi. April donation them California after 18 months in the ~ed CBI theater. weataD alp ~tile dty. olficl&la In Los Angel .. wbo were held. (. STOP S.IGNS will exceed others made prevtoully. Thl.8 composite unit i• the fl.nt ~ln-g_eq_u-lp-ped--wl-,t.,b-t~lwo--fut--P--5~! .A.l Die ..me Ume tbe city clerk eeeklng to persuade him to stay, Jack Cole aaked the board if' Other lmportAnt mattera dls-Appllca.tiooe may .It.ill be ma.de one of Ile kind. the genera.I Wd. Mlllta.np." They new b'oro ad-.,,.. m.tructect to nottty Walter D. but Kr. McKeeh&n stated th9'_t hlll they had a.ny extra lot.a that coWcf cuued included est.a.bllahment of through the Red Croa off\ce. Some crew• &tt mixed, 90me are vanc:e ba8e9 recently captured by Elliott to appear before the next health would not permit. be uaed fqr bowrlng 4.2 memben- etop tigllll a.t three tnteraections All donon ahou1d receive a.p-•para.le. but, the. enUre wing the Jap•. but which be would not eeaalon at. the Ooanell and explain of the new Boy Scout troop juat. bl b becom1Dg lncreulngly 1 tm t -~· ""d the Ne....,4....,,rl works together, and bu u good ..._ .. _ •--nnt __.. _. _ _.._. h1a The McKeeha.ns came here from •'--t h •·• to t w c are po n en Ca.iua -6 .... .,.... Identity. He refu&e:d to say whether •··~ uc ...... --r· 3o;o• ..,_......,, organized; ,,.... e wan.._. pu b ••• ~-u•: on Newport Road at n--h Gnunma.r echool will --1 .. a record u a.ny unit in the entire _._, .. -'"•-_. ... -"kltt wu ..tven Fowler where Mr. McKffhan. had ___ ,, 1>uu••-·-d --..-uu ~ ..._....... ehtt,ttle bombing between PbD1p-w Ww.M.16• ~. _.. a-~ up a ~ w.ug OD ume, ... Bay, 00 22nd a.t Orange and on be converUd into a Blood Donor remarkable force stationed ln ptne and China. hues would be & 1e&88 lat fall after qua. a been 1.11 charge ot the bank for the waa a.dvtaed to look over tbe dty'• Monte Viata at orange. Wlth con-station with all members ot ell Red China. General Morse sa.ld he bu feulble. spec:t;aculsr oaGwntlt at a eeriell of tut three yean. Prtor to lha.t they tax loU and see what be could geatlon lncreutng tn the bu.linen Croa corpe bu9y at work from yet to see a. Cblneae flyer dMert "t..nguage difficulties were the publfc beaing9. W'beft lt wu had ttaided in Iowa.. flnd.. Councllma.n l&bell eautkmed .ectloo on busy shopping dayw, It early until late. Dooatlou wtll be hl9 formation regvdl .. Of the gnate.t." General Morae sdmttted pointed oat tlmt web drilllnp It la bla intention to open an h1m a.bout prlortUe1 and told him wu euggested that the parking taken between ten ·snd two.~ oddl'. and this le the1more remark-"'It ta pretty hard to convey ln-woul4 ruin. the Newport~ West accounting and tncome\, tax of-to be careful a.nd n ot get any Of bia area be lncreued to Flower .treet portatloo will be furn!e;ed lhoee able ln view Of the fact tbat aome llU'uS~ m, the air when we un-Newport t..cb-. aJthoug'b the ttce in the San Fema.ndo Valley, workere in jail, thereby adding-200 feeL Tben a.re who request•tt by the Motor Corpe. of the &dT&nce training took pl.ee dertt.Ood lttue Ch.iDese, and most ala.nt d:rtlllnp would nortb Of the where he l8 golng in the bope of Contra.eta for water ueera out- 4.8 different buafneu bouees a.nd Canteen members will 9el"Ye re--tn ehoot:ing down Jape. of the Ollneae did not underwt.and' coat ld.gllwa1 Into the ocean. lmprovlng ha health. aide the clty were approved with otttcea being aerved by th.la area..1 fre.sbment.a. Gray La.dies. Nur9e9' AMPLE TA RGETS ua too well. especially during the After .Wlteral month.e al in· The McKeeha..na have been wet-tbe Irvtne Co., K. c. Blue and the The matter WU to be referred to Aidea, Staff ...nat&nt.a and many General Morse, flanked by b1e bea.t Of battle," be declared. acu.fty lfr. JClllott WU ulr.ed. ~y comed to the 1<><:ial 11fe of the com-Townsend Land Co. the atreel commVurton. volunteer• from vat1owi Red Croes pretty wife and 10-yea.r-old daue'b-General Mone. ortgtjlally rrom be had not ,proceeded and advi8ed munity by a la.rge circle of friends Approval of plane for grading Thoee present at the meeting groups will be on ba.nd. ter at the Sa.nta Ana Air Bue u L<>a Allgelu t.ralned a.t March the eotmd1mm that llOID.e dltn· they have made ln the 8bort time streets and alleys in tract 109, Bal- were pttaident R . W . Barline, sec-newcnen abot que.tlons at him F\eld after ~uatln.g trom Red· cuity bad art.llm between h1a ~ they ba.ve lived here. Deeply in-boa Peninsula. wa.e given the city retary F . B . OWen. Cla.ire Nelaon. T k Drink from every side, 8&.id tha.t in China l&nd8 Vnlveratty wbere be met and ject and the got& '"""'t, bu• that tereet:ed in civic affairs. :Mr. Mc-engineer, work to be dace rmder Bertren Smith, R. N. Ludt. C. W. a es f It WU never a que•tlOD Of a target, married Mn. Mora. Tbelr 10-ye&r be ~ It could be .t:nJg.b.teDed Keehan waa recently appointed by h1a direction. TeWlnkle. Loyd Braddy, Fred {A) M but which target wu the moet lm-old daughter wu &r1. excited o~ oat P•~· . the Chamber of Commerce u a A letter of thanka wu received Dudley, Jlm. Kilpatrlck, D. C. Ma.c-SeS Oney portant. tierver. He aald tha.t while in train-delegate to the Orange County from Chu. D . Kimball for removal ~oe:~~:!: ~=c~~ Attacked by a man wearing an 1.~:;eM~~e~-::n=~l~2:: ~~ :: !!re»::! =~~w!~-= Bllllu CeDllS ~~!on:~!v~~e: ::P~ ~~e~~~ &Ibo~ Weatherwax, Anton Wacek, I... C. a.rmyhl beu:~nn w~en~ we:: ~~ "but added that they are now be-vtaiton a.t Balboa. chlldren with one in the service. The council adjourned aln.e die. Button., Gua Beach, Gordon Al-m a aJ.gn ft.&. 1--'• W mond aDd Glen DaWI. street and Newport boolevard, -------------m;g. ..r ay; ch h --F-ou_ND_:_--; =::~~~t!f~~i~:~~lStart Rev. Edwards' Trial; Extensive lame Eai1J1eraton Corona del Mar urc LICE~SE .~~ of a billfold CQntalnlng 1Battle Seen as No Jury Yet Selected I u Shaw told deputies he WU In· Naming the_..,. m1DDl!rator• Starts ln"1t1"a n"1t A 1M& CallfOl"'nla license vited behind the sigtlbo&rd by the Not 81 single juror bad been M- 1 ~------------.ilar the ispecla1 count of all those P1a•· found over the week-end soldier to have a chink• ahd after ln tb.e d'-•• _ .. _ .......... undertak--I lected for the Rev. Wesley G. Ed· FIRST NEWS "' ~-........, Service Men's Children on the Coast Highway In the he lowered the bottle from his m Cid. . ..,_k by' a repit:MDt.ative city llmlt• of Newport . Bead>, lips, he was hit on the jaw and wards trial In SB.nta Ana oupertor OF DEATH wu left .at the Newe-Tlmea to knocked to the ground, after court at prem time this an.ernooo J Of the OrmUll Bure&D tD Wub.J.ng- be claimed by the owner. Claim-which the billfold was taken from following nearly two da.ys ot r ton broagfrt oat Ule fact that the ant may have same by proving his pocket. Shaw said he saw the Fll"St again! The New.-Tlmee city wu dltlded Into ei.gbt gen- ownerahlp to licen.e plat&-1 ~oldier jump O'\l'er a fence and run wra.ngltng by defense &nd proee-wa• first on the str'ffts of New-eral dlatrlcta wttb one or mo~ 1 s 13so. through a nearby trailer park. de--cuUon over whether prospective port and Balboa with the new• ermmeratorw for eacb district. I puties said. Jurora bad formed an opinion on of the death of Pre•ldent Frank-By -g far a re-count, the the sensational cue.. lln Dcl;r,no Roosevelt last Thurs-city bope11 to prove it. permanent While both !lldes had nearly ex-day.-restdenta have grown coruriderably Report Corner Sold To Telephone Co. For Exchange hausted ·their exemptiom: ln ex-When the new1 wa1 fl<Uhed st.nee tCMO. thft'eby entitling resi- cualng jurore. a jury wu In sight. ove.-the teletype, the New•· deola here to a larger llhare Of gas It was reported by &News-Time• Times was notified by Ctlaries taxe1r and other mwcea Of revenue The population of Costa Mesa, ~preeentaUve at the trial. p.-lfft, desk .ergcant at pollce trom the .tate.. estimated to be nearly 8000. is ~ewport cltlzerui have a dlrect headquarten at 2:55. and he Tbe names f:6 enUmerat.ora under seen to be destined for larger ' -interm In the cue in which the promptly notified this news. Mlal El8fe H. Krtnke ot Wuhlng-nl1(11bers, if the action of the Sou· CM198.dlng minister wu said to paper. P.-eues were stopped, ton are u follow9: them California Telephone. com- bave 90ught a. huge bribe in ex-and the front pa.-made over Balboa and Pfsttnmla District pany is indicative of that k1nd of This little ...... b f ·-h c ange or a withdrawal from bltt with the sad newL Coples we.-e No. 1, ICrrama'ator Jira. Mollie prop ecy. :Vt!° U:"'Ztrac::. cru.&ade. Chief of Police Roland on the streets by 4 p. m. Fenelon; D1J1b1ct No. 2, Eut New-It was reported late last week olyD 18 claaP.W Hodgkinaon a.nd fellow otncen ! port, lln. Ruth Jayred, Enumer-that the telephone company had Construction of the first unit of the Community church, Congre- gational of Corona del Mar 9t&rted \ last week at 611 H eliotrope Drive, it w8..!J disclosed yesterday. Work on the auditorium, cl8.88 rooms and k.Jtchen lB under the direction of Cbarleti E . Kyte, superintendent. and completion of the._ structure to take care of immedfate need.a ls expected during the summer. While the entire building p~ gram will be completed later, the present unit wilt eventually be taken over by the Sunday School department, being used for general church purpoees meanwhile. of ht. and Mn. who arrested the minister with a1-1 ator; Dl.trtct No. !, Newport. Mn. purchased a lot 80x150 feet on • • ... c . B. Arnold, and legedly marked money, wUI be Mesa Resident yen. Gmm. Enumerator; District the southwest comer of 18th and One for ·the Book. The at tile tender ace among the principal wttnessu. No. 4; wmt Newport. Km. Welthy Orange st~ts f~. C. Wd. ~- gress. . Rev. Perry F. Schrock, putor. formerly of the Santa Ana CoD- gregatlonal church, hea.d.8 the con- gregation, which represent.Jr-a.11 protestant faiths 1n Corooa. del Mar. He is seeking &n additional $1000 to reach a goal of $8600 by May 29, and when reached, will be matched by a subacrtption Of $1~ by Jamea Irvine Sr., It wu stated. The auditorium ill the first unit city cleric started his-age.old of S yea.rs bu Rumot"S of a l'pltt in the high-o• • 0 Redckm &Dd Mn. ·Rutb (',oeeboom, ers. An office bw]d1ng an tee-custom of reading communi· shown a keon In· powe~ defense force• m.....,d by Jes ID range Enumeratorw; ~ No. &, Udo phone exchange are expected to be cations. He came to one tere1t ln boob the crusader were rl!e In the court IsJe Mn.. Marte , JIOWl'J' Enumer-erected there. f th A vntd bnlDette room when it wu sa.td tha.t ooe Deeth came to William James ato;. Di9trlct No. g ' Newport As the telphone officials are about a request ~ e W 1th 9pllricUllC of the three attorneys defending Turner, 87, 175 E. 17th street, He~ta, Kn. Sue ~ Enwn· known to be far-sighted and plan dty engineer for •ts to =M ~·.:;;.!fn: Rev. Edwards could not agree with Costa Mesa, in an Orange hospital erator; Dl.utct No. T, Balboa. Ia-considerably in .ad~ce of pop:i- ' be given the water fund, plctim! In -Jerry Geisler and Sam Rorowlts, !Ast week. Remains were for-land, Kn. Betty rink, Kn. Looll8e Jation growth, tt nught be ~d from some other fund, etc. blne and wblte the other two well known attor-warded to Homer, La., for int.er-Sm.Ith and Kn. Jean Smith, that this represent& a propheuc Then Mr. Patterson, looking prlDt dreea. Pft. neYJ on the method of conducting ment. :e:numeratorr, DtaJbkl No. 7, Oor-move for the growth of Costa a bit puzzled, asked if he A.mold Is --tac-the defel18e. , The deceased wu a retin!d lwn· ona del Kar, Kn. ;r..,.. ~ a.ad Mesa. could see the letter. It was wttb Ille lnfaa. Whether Rev. Edwards baa 111>ltt ber salesman and had made his Kn. ~ L. Klng, l:ti™ton. ls expected to seat about 120, and will fake care of all needii far tbe present. an official at. the church __,1 aald. shoved to him by Mayor b-J' bl Oennaar. with his fonnu ·-•te. Rn. borl.e In Costa Mesa for the put To ---tile --Overheated ~otor Mrs. Bob Reed Ill 'Ball and a grin spread over lltlroQa -Mr R._....•bl ID the ADU-saloon 1.:1 ymn, Smvtvon Incl-two worlren -Oumtlwr ~ °"""""""" Bl bis face, as he said: '"lbat ::i:: ;:'..,_'f°:; league, wU1 alao come out ln tbe dau&hten:, Mra. Jea:n Van RJptt haa appA•d+t a . mpectwt oen ... Threatens aze , letter Is dated 1943; how -wtlll 11n. trial ol Costa ~ and Mra. H. G. Ba· cmimnt.. --memlwr -Mrs. Bob Reed, wife .ol our looal did you ,_.. It!'' 1'Wel1'*, an-aesere. ker al Bomer, LL: two80DS, J"eae eadl dlltalt:L On tldl: cnmmlttee Quick action of. the Newpart. ice and cold storap lJ"COOI'. M re-,.~ ~er 1, ' a P"8SSl!I 'DDOUOB TIJmer I~ Costa -and Emory an -_..., -B. -,. KA1!m7, Fire Department oaved what covering at st. Jo.eph Ho.pital awered Clerk Rinehart, It '"" mi -Mr. a.ad Kn. llldney a. I>avt6-G. 1'ld>er ot Tens 017, nus, -.,,. F • •": i-H. ml&l>t have been a disaltJ'OOs tire otter smgvy performed Jut x...-waa m my desk, SO·<~!' that aftH6. .,n. 11as 8aD.ta Ana ••eaua. bad a and ept ~ , w.necw, a.t Jlfewa-t; Cbmtel when an overheated motor in the day. ended the Incident. n.....,. llflm-~ 111e1r _.In--,. I>-ww, .. ' h1al -and ~tloo plant ol the Van l'atMr Bob and bll mother, Kn. , law, LL CJs) Anlold ~ -ol Mr. and Mra. Bllmer Nwpact; -Ru'""'-Bllpb Cotjlp S.. Food comptn7 thrat· Nora Reed, an -. b!>t lla.oJ p Pe 'Wedlde. It bas UBN, wbo llu Jett tor oo•JJM I:. lllelloU, lief J'lowa, an Mr.~ SQ; 1Mo 1*, F. A. = me4 to break Into S>blau, adjoin· wltb the ~pie'• two oana, Pllncb7 t.llll stateif repeatedly ~ cluty .-.. a -•w.-r.· lfn. a.ad lfl!a. Nania Ill-~ Jiu>. •rwt n W • ; ._ i tnir ltbe Gmenl Petroleum dock at a.ad Peyt&. I>auPter Jwl;r ta U. : .. tt•!!:'~tatian ~~-~ '--~--~~~~~~~~~~J·~~~~-...... .--J~°'~-~--;~-~·~O~OG~~~~·~-~lb;"":·:i~chl~ta,~·Q;·~-~.,,~~ ... ~·~"":i!:.:Mra.::_~··:11m:1~Ba;-~;·~·~s;0~·~a.~T~-~D~·;•~p~;~Ooo-~~llliil~~ aiand;~tbe;~°';·=-=~~N~o~da:m:·~•en;c!t~D~tr~Ba:11~Karlno::~B:·:"~at~PI:•: ,...... .,..~ a u-~ (Plloco by &Iman STUm>, S..C. Jb;a) at U.. ~ ol OJ--. -~ <lido. ·-M -. 0. S. .• II taoL OP, ,,.. reported. dma. al a.way. ADd 1 L , I '2f~~~ Please Co-Operate Wit4 Census TaKJ This Week! a~ l • ·, • '/ • • • • • ' I • ---------· -NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES l'llONU: ~ U -U • ''Oz'Sftl7T'l•lqul'DiLi c 7Anaaa1 v.--.mvu '~ PaJabl• 1n Ad>&bce:~.110 per ,...., tn 0ranp county; P.75 per year to 4tll !one; is.oo per year to 8th SOile. J:ntered u Second-Cl&u matter at the ~ce in Newport. Beech, C&lifomi&, under tbe Act Of K&rcb S, 1879. -.-.-A.-ME-:==Y=E=R=---.---:--. • EDITOR AND PRICSIDll:NT Prtnting P1ant, s.o11 ·w. Central A'f'Onue, Newport Beach, C*lltfo~ · Official Paper of the City of Newport· Beach A. Dependable Local llllUtuUoa for Ofer 11 Years .! Y"- Active Member of --------- Franklin D. Roosevelt ''The President is dead!" i SUddenly, last Thursday afternoon, every daily news- paper in the United St.ates pushed aside every other news story the wires had brought iii-and re-made its pages to flash that momentous message to ifs readers. Every radio station stopped whatever program was in progress and siarted gi~g its listeners bulletins from the White House and other official quarters in Washington concerning the tragic death of the President. To every person on the street, every man in his office. every woman in her home, the news.-"The President is dead!" -carried personal shock, almost as great as an un- expected family tragedy. A whole nation mourned the loss of its leader-and in other nations, thousands of miles .dis- tant, big and little people alike were shocked and stunned by the news. Pyl.e lf ith the Navy: --- Marines Land on Okinawa Without Battle Casualties Leathernecks Show Nervous Tension as Zero Hour Nears B7 Ernie P7le i OFF THE OKINAWA BEACHHEAD-(By naVy radio).-' This is the last column before the Invasion . It is written a board a troop transport the evening before we storm onto Okinawa. We are nervous. Anybody with any sense Is nervous on the night before D-Day. You feel weak and you try to thiilk of things, but your mind stubbornly drifts back to the awful ' image of tomorrow. It drags on your soul and you have night- mares. But tho1e fear1 do not rqean any lack of conftdence. We Will take O.klnawa. Nobody has any doubt about lhat. But we know we wtll have to pay for it. Some on this 1hip will not be alive 24 houri from now. • • • We are in convoy. Many, many bi g ships are lined up in column• with our war- sh ips escort on the outsides. We are an lmpres- slve sight-yet we are only one of many s I m I 1 a r convoys. We left tr om ·~ m any different 1 You wouldn't believe It. And we don't either. It just can't be true. And :ret It 11 true. The reglment of marlnea that I am with landed th.ii morning on the beaches of OkiDawa and we~ abso- lutely unopposed. whicb Is Indeed an odd experience for a marine. Nobody among us had dreamed of such a thing. We au thought there would be slauehter on the beache1. There was some opposition to the rteht and to the left of us. but on our be-ach. nothing, absolutely notb· Ing. places. We have .l',j.:;j~fl:?j been on our way m any da ys. We are the biggest. We don't expect this to continue., of course. A marine doesn't tool himself like that. Certainly there will be hard t'lghtin& ahead and we "' all have our nneeri crossed. But to get the firm foothold we bave, with most of our men ashore and oyr supplies rolling in. ls a 51itt for which we are grateful. strongest torce ever to sail In the Pa- cific. \Ve are goinC into what we This wasn't just Franklin D. Roosevelt who had died. t:x pect to be the blegest battle 10 This was the President of the United St.ates---a man whose rar In the Padfte. .._._..endous influence had reached out to every comer of Our ship 11 an APA. or assault • • • Th\1 ts Easter Sunday mornlna. It 11 a beautiful one. One of the marlne1, after spending months in the trnplcs, rema rked a while ago, ''Thi1 weather feels more like American weather tha n anything since I left home." l-11:11.l tra nsport. The shJi;i Itself la a war the globe, a man who personified Uncle Sam to millions of veteran. She wears t'lve ttara on little, helpless people. whose very right to live might de-hec send ce ribbon-Africa. Sicily, Italy, Normandy and Southern dend on the policies of the United States government. France. She wears the Pur ple History, in the years to come, \vill place its O\VTI valua· Heart. Bronze Star and Legion of ti Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It may mark him do\Vll M<'rit Silver Star She ha!l tared on on . . . well on the other side. We hope as one of the greatest Presidents m the annals of the Amen-I h('r luc k hold!" out in tbe Pacific. can people. or it may give him lesser stat:u.re--dependent O"'f We are carryinJt" marines. Some h th ts f h" dmi · trat·on measure up \\'hen they of them a_r~ going Into combat tor aw e ac O lS a rus 1 the fi r~t 11me. Others are veterans It is sunshiny and very warm. We bad hea rd It would be cold and many of the boy1 wore hea vy un· derwea r . Now we are sweating a nd regretting. I wore two palr-9 ot pants, but I am about to take off one of them. are viN'ed dispassionately after the man's personal magnet-rrom as tar back a1 Guadalcanal. ism and warmth are gone. They are a rough. unshaven. compe-Marines Equipped for . tent bunch of Americans. I am land· Every Eventuality l I ) 11 l9 .. , lf Jt so . " 61 BORIZONTA l A Nea;ro people of Nlgeri"l 4 Bone 6 Part of flower ll Continued story 13 A sea demi· god IS Be longing to 16 P u tting on a public displa7 18 Negative 19 You and me 21 Heavenly body 22 Prophet 24 Employed 26 Male parent ot animal 28 Indian mul· berry (pl.) 29 Brine• up 31 Close 33 Old pronoun 34 Marshy land covered with heather 36 T o fall in drops 38 Argent (a bbr.) 40 A vict im 42 Idles 45 To ob.serve 47 Exclamation of regret W•&ile g >t.m lilln•. • s • 1 I u u 66 No. 12 49 Woody plant ~Sharp to the ta ste 52 Medicinal h"'f 54 Printer's measure ~ Plura l ending 56 Feels regret to' 59 Symbol tor calcium 81 Wanderers 83 Direct.! 8:; Saltpeter 58 Symboi tor sam arium 61 A v.·onn VERTICAL l A volcano in J ~,.::i n 2 To ~ejtct 3 Either 4 Ce real grain lpl.1 5 Thin, narrow boards 6 Agitated 7 Sea eagle 8 Hogs 9 By 10 Dreary 12 E x is ts I• Pertaining to ancient Scandinavia 17 To obtain 20 Line of juncture ·23 Babylonian deity 24 City in Chaldea 25 To let tall 27 TIUe of nobility 30 Genus of rails 32 Unlawtul outbreak 35 A setback in sickness 37 To peel 38 A 8oy,•er 39 A cause 41 Eastern university c u p 9 61 10 IA "' 43 Enclosurea ff Compass point 46 T eutoolc deity 48 Musical com· posi tion for the voice (pl.) .51 Allowance tor v.·a ste 53 A tropical Alrlcan tree ~7 To m istake 58 Note of scale 60 Beast of burden 62 Six (Romaa numerals) 84 Prefix: down Something to Thirik About (Wrt-by a bllnd aoldler la a Batler, Pa., booplt&J) '.!°.Jou'r11 sick of the W&f the oounky 38 rua, you'ni sick of the W&y raUoning h done. And you're sick of standing U'OWld in line, You're sick, you oay ,well that's just floe. Yes, I'm sick of the lllD and rm sick of the heat, AND I'm sick of the feel of my aching feet, And rm sick of the mod and the jungle mes. I'm sick of the stench wheo the night mists rise, And I'm slck of the siren's walllng shriek, And rm sick of the groans of the wounded and weak And I'm sick of the sound of the bomber's dive, ' And I'm sick of seeing the dead alive. •. And I'm sick of the roar and nolae and din, And I'm sick of the taste of food from a tin, And I'm sick of slaughter -I'm sick to my soul I'm sick of playing a killer's role ' And I'm sick of blood and death ;.,.d smell And I'm eve n sick of myself as well. ' Bot I'm sicker sUIJ of a tyrant's rale, And conquered lands where the wild beasts drool, And I'm cured damn quick, whea I think of the day Wheo aJJ this hell will be out of the way. •. ' "'hea nooe of this mess will have been In vain And the lights of the world will blaze again ' And things will be as they •ere before, ' And kids \\ill laugh In the streets once more,. And the Axis flags will be dipped and furled, And God looks down on a pe..,,eful world. Mrs. Fe rn Griffiths 114 19th I' street, and daughte r Llnda, went to Whittier Saturday to attend a birthday party f or Llnda'a cousin. Billy M orton . .--~-Bonds~·~~1 ~-iiiiii Over America . ROSS & BARROWS S DOOeMOn to .. : ~- Owen Roofing Co, 509 E. 4th St. Phone 4338 SANTA ANA Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1822 ~ Newport Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey COSTA MESA, CALIF. Phone Newport 44 But this much every real American would grant Franklin ing wtth them . I feel 1 am in good We are dresaed tn green herring. MRS AMERICA f 'al h h d • depending on size. make and model. ,,,,,,,,, D. Roosevelt: In (MJJ" country's greatest hour o tn , w en an s. bone combat uniforms. Everybody • ' • " 1 .1 u 111~1111111 .. 1u1111ro1111u1u11111!1u1u .. r1111u d d iled if h d f iled • • • mad• the trip In khaki and <hanged MEETS "EFENSE If YO\j buy one, be oure to look for ; G R 0 c E R I E s • F ORT RALEIGU we could have been over-nm an espo ' v,re a a I've shared a cabin with Marine lh U the ceillng price on the tag. Don't Seven English expeditions invaded :.:_-~" 11 m omine aboard ship. The mea Roanoke Island bety,·een 1584 and each other, President Roosevelt rallied the American people t.t aJ. Reed Taylor 6f Kenstn.-ton. left their old khaki lying on thelr A ne .... · pl&n now Lo effect for pay more. 1591. Fort Ra leigh blockhouse marks ~--Cold Meats :_: solid! t th .th 'th ne CB''"'"" to save Md. He Is a Cuadal vet and be bunkJ; and they'll be collected by alld tln food ti tam will To be a good neighbor is an the site of the first E nglish settlc-y oge er, Wl one purpose, Wl o ~ Joklnily belittles newcom·-who v a g ra oa 11 ps · Am · ~ ~- Id nsl t d t ..... . the n•vy, cleaned and u•ed lo clothe mak• Mnr Am-~ca·o marketlng Amer ican tradition. If you are sWt ment m er1ca. Am adas and ~ • the United States and the wor from e avemen an yr-werlen't throueh "Green Rell." 'Ibe prlaoners and our own caiualties and "'meal · pl~g easier. Both driving an automobile, be a good Barlow took possession of the cont!· ~ Fruits and Vegetables ~- anny. He had great ability·, he bad great courage; he had a ma or and I are sort o1 two o1 a who have loit their clothes. 1 '"'ft-with nent fpr Sir Yi'alter Raleigh there I d h stripe and we eet alone ftne. blue atampa and red .stamps w ill ne gbbor and auo.ae your car July l, 1584 . It's wide open shore ~ Pboae Ull ~ gree.t capacity for inspiring confidence in the peop e--an e We b'ave the nicest cabin either On our ship we were up at 4 •· m. becom e good on the f lnt day ot others l eas fortunate. Ca.r pools are now, *'°°· But for the effective pa-~ ~ used every power at his conunind to save not only the Ameri· of u. ever bad at •e•. And w e've We bad done our ftnal pack.inc of each calendar month. Former ly, going a tong way toward eUing trolling of U. S. submarines, planes ! OPEN SUNDAYS ! sear last night. We broue bt ashor e red tam al alld ted the wartime burden on our over-and ships-and the Coast Guard = - can people. but all freedom·lovm.· g people, frotn the loss of taken advantage al. ft by sleepln1 onl1 what we could ca rry on our a pa were ways v a ti lllti d shore patrol~---E"nemy landing par-~ I " ' G • away almost the whole trip. We've OD a Sunday-a t the beginning or loaded traruporta oa fac ea, an ;;._-"_ u on s rocery=.";_ their liberty backs. When we put on our aew t k fl k 1 in we m u at ahare-tbe-rlde at every ties could seize beachheads in this · 1lept day and nJ&ht. So bave ma.o1 IJ'ffn tatlruet, one marine re--a our-wee or ve·wee rat on g war. War Bond funds help' supply , The President is dead. May God give strength and wis-other1. muked. ''The tat.est Eaiter st)'le-period. But now, ttve new blue opportunity, with a.a m any people those patrols with dependable wea~ ; 1734 Newport BIYd. Coda .._i There 11 1 daily ar .......... ent on ahlp b•._. ____ ._ .. ,.... atamp11 and five new red atampe-os po8Slble. GIUI. u. s. 1 ,,,,~ .. ~Y &'"°'''"'"' ~ ~ dom to the President Who SUcceeds him. ......... ._aau .. uu,.,. 'WJ..U t '"' 6 ftlll t!l llllll tll l!l llt Ml llt lll lll !llUI Ul lll lll lll lll lll ill lll l•fUI whether or not you can at.ore up • • • a O..ai ot 60 polnta lo each col r-j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, S. F. Rolls Out Royal Carpet Even in the midst of hectic wartime activity, with its streets crowded with tin-hatted war workers, and its street cars literally falling apart under their unaccustomed burden, San Francisco is making ready to roll out the royal carpet for the United Nations Conference, starting April 25. • The lusty City by the Bay. which has never quite recov- ered from its gold days tradition. and which still likes to talk about its one-time Barbary Coast and the sailing ships which gave glamour to its harbor, is determiiled to play host to the thousands of dignitaries from visiting nations in the grand manner .even if it spends its last ration point. And as an evidence that even the United Nations Confer· ens:e will have its lighter moments, Robert O'Brien reports in the S. F. Chronicle as follo"~' · "Noel Toy, th~ Chinese fan dancer a t the Kubla Kha n . is planning to welcbme delegates to the conference WJth a 'Dance of the Pants of All Nations'. !tis to be a strip-tease act, during whic h she will ta ke off eight pairs of pants which combine the colors of every nation to be represen ted a t the conference ... Even Joe Stalin ought to get a chuckle out of that one. And from wha t we've hearct about Winston Churchill, we WOfl't be surprised if he attends the conference in person, if that innovation in international technique is called to his at- tention. ' Bow to Have Peace sleep and enero tor the ordeal will become good the tlTl!Jt day ot ahead. The doctor saya It's non-M7 •chedule for laad.ln1 Wll IA every month for buytng meat.a and sense-that 1ou can't store up sleep. e•rl7 one. I wa.1 a abore • short tat.a and processed fOO<b. Your L'I Sh . time after the ftr1t wave. Corre-budgeting or points should be 1 e on ip F oun4 1pondentt were forbidden to go be-Rather Dall En Roat• tore the flttb wave. I was on the e8'.81er under the new aet-up too. tb ·l.natead Of 50 red polnta one time Our trip bas been fair'---ooth •even · ~ .... I h d d d-" tb igh and 60 another-depending 00 the and not many of the troops were sea. a rea ..,.... e & t ot the •-h tilt ed ·th led length of the rationing period-sick. Down ln the holdt the ma-~ac er Wl mang bodies. M • t I k nd d th you'll have the aame number each rines sleep on racks four ti•rs blgb. Y urs 00 up a own e beach ' 1 And th montb-00. All red and blue It isn't 8 nice way to travel But was a re uctant one. en like • m in th yj ho look d stamps will expire oa the lut day I've never beard aro•body com-an e mo es w .s an ~ I k d tb udd 1 I ... _ ot the fourth month a.fter their plain. They come up on deck on oo s away an en s en y oo- nice days to sun and lo rest and to back unbeUeving, I ttalked there validation. were no bodies anywhe,-·nd no Here's an item that should ease w ash clothes, or lie and rt'ad or ......-.... play cards. wounded. What a wonderful feel· the ache ln the family 9\\'eet tooth. we don't have movies. The ihip t\l.i! More candy ba.r&-the nickel ktn d is darkened at .sunset and an.er that In tact our entire refl,ment· came -will be avaflable soon. Candy there are only dim lights The food ashore with only two casualties. One manufacturen a.re now &ett,ing is good. We get news every mom-was a mar1"e who hurt bis foot set. aside fewer ot their five-c ent candy fng in a m imeographed papf'r and ting out of an amphibious truck. bars tor the armed forcea than once or tv.·ice a day the ship's ot-And the other was. of all things, a forme rly 35 per cent instead of 50. flcers broadcast the latest news over case ot heat prostration! Of course, candy makers will get the loud speaker. And to ful1UI the picnic at-leas !ugar In the next three They've kept us in!ormed dally of mosphere, listen to thi!-months. so the ID creaae w on 't be &B the progress of the Ok ina~a bom· Aboard ship we had turkey dinner la r ge as It might have been . Still. bardment that preceded our land-last night. So thU morning the y candy counters s hould be better Ing. E\•er y little bit of good news tb:ed me up with a bta sack of tur· 9tocked cheers us. key wings, bread, oranges and ap-' N o p~aise can be too great for l l\1eetings a re held da ily a mong the plei. So instead of grabbing a hasty the unsung h eroea or the home officers to iron out last m inute de-bite of K ·rations our first meal fron t fi~ht against infl ation ~ t h e I ta1l.s of the landing. Day by day, ashore'. v.•e sat and lunched on tur· volunteer w o rkers on w a r price the marine troops are fully briefed key wm rs and o ranges. a nd rationing boards. They are on v.·hat they are to do. • • • doing their part t o ln.eure the f a ir Everything we read about Okina· There are tow chalky cliffs oa this distribution of acarce commoditia.s wa stresses lhat the place Is lou11 Island. In lheae clilra are caves. In -to h old the line again.st price with snakes. It's ama:ting the nwn-the caves are brick colored urns a rtaea which, tf left unchecked, 1 ber of people who are alrald of couple of feel hi&h. And tn these would 8tart prices upward in a~ snakes. Okinawa "snake-talk" crop1 UJ'Tll are the aabe.11 of ma.ey honor-disa.al.roua lnflaUonary apir al. But into every conversation. •ble ance1ton. theae patrlotlo Amerlc&M need On the last day we chaqed our Our bombardment bad shattered your help. Why not enllat now ln money into newly m anufactured '"in-ID&D.7 Oil these burial v•ultl. Whac the fight a,ga1nst Inflation by se.rv- vaaion 1e:n." drew two days It ra· our SUM miaed. the toldlus and tng u a volunteer wor k.er to help t1ons, took a last bath. and packed marines took a preca\itfonary look your fellcnir Americana on your that liberated and enemy peoples should participate in plan-our kits before aupper. We bad • Into b7 omn& olf the stone alaba local board. bu1e turkey dinner and, IAJ', we at Che mtrantt.. have just come out of a huddl~ with Ten Peace P rinciples bve steak aDd e11• tor breakfa1t. -In trcmt. lookina out to sea, lta.ncb Tbe price panel of the local war which in their opinion would "make World War II the last "F•ttentni< ua up for the kill." our ml&bt7 fleet with ..,..... al lltu. price &lid rationing board bee two the boys tau.ehineb' UJ. black liDe9 atend1n.I to abore--our Important tunctlona. One le to pn>-war". With all due respect to the eminent gentlemen, hav-At u..-o'cloelt 00 th• last after. tbousaocla and -..an<1a ot land· teet ynu--the oomumu -qaJnst Ing read their formula we ttill cannot 'see any necessity for 0000. there was a celebratloa ot the l.nl craft brlo.linc mOl'e men and overchargea. The other la t o Pl"Ct enlarging the U. S. delegation t o the San Francisco confer-Loni'• SUpper. It wee the attunoon bill lllDll and ouppllu. l<et th• bon-m•rcll&nt from up- belore Easter SuDd.a.y. A k>t ot ta And behlod m e, not two feet aln.1, 1erupuloue competition. Whenever J!DCe to include the experts on human behavior. could not help but fttl the tr•&ic b a ca•• tun ot a-Japanete. Which you. have reuoo to beileve you 'lbe No. 1 principle enunciated is that "War can be avoid-11°""'1 ·'<If it. --about to""'"' la Jut the wa7 11 ahould be. What• ban b<en charged mnre then the oed-, war Is not born, but built into men." Nothing very new ioo1t'a battle. Die. Euter Sund.,, after .n. ceWng prlce. Report It to Ille prtee panel "' your 1-1 board. . 'n.ey there, nor In principle 2 which states that "In planning fOI' will 111-..,.., to -It a vlol&- permanent pee.ce, the cunlng generation should be the pri· may brtng resentJDent and bate. Since those points are gen. !loo oecurred. u 11 did. they will mu;y focus ol attention." It aeems falrl;y obvious that tu-eralJy remgn""'t. here, aurely they are plain. too, to.· those take action to reoover the """"' lure generations will have to fight aJ\Y fUture wan. ·who will ~ Ill at the psce tables. :!: ~ '::'1:· ~~ "Rada), national and 8JoUP hatreds can, to a COllllderable Wblle :e:.Pect the ~ ~ are utlllzh>g penny lien &lid a penny_...._ MUI· ""-be controlled." states pliUt s. mtier aemaN•tated ... ot ta.e trtdm ot tbe1r b'*to 1teer public t1t1nklnir ttieir ~lf"'l-..... ,. u. .... ..,. "' -.. ._...... -• . • -~ .. ...,.,...,. tile ....... p ....... u. .. otair- that prlnclple to the vmcie waddl watroW,. Illa people the 'ft3', to ut ,the IDilit ...,m.:..u. tblac about their 10 prlnd-~ total al -clollan w1wg way-lar war. plM fQr 1 r 7 m la tbat 'l!l'ltb -trrln eaa:i>tl•lf'W. ttie;y are the wb1cb coulcl otart .. cm tile rcl&d _........._.... ed¥ile tllat .... c d .. to -le ...... Pn>td,.,... -l\itlb!r, tbe ....,.._ · C> • 1111 1.9.,rtl',. lila"111f pi!Ct>' evlllrllt to d"•• who never an-~ &D4 tile nall<m'o by wud '"lnf'ed<w'' groups d 1 4'• dwtwM lllr 1 1 1 ,he II ra, I' v,. ar Ji~ a~ ~ a ~ .,.. cm .. nma: =:-:.:.=;:::.;'·~;Joli 1n1.1.1~';::_ 6 ,19 fanDula tor mak-"t ~ ";,. '"':. *:. ~ ... dMft1 ... (jl I e 4' ·-= .... tpored •b;y the PQ!r• ~ w1lf - -trio -.lilt ... rellllilldn'Kt'Z?-W-. 'ftlat bn•!la ·llllia11y,--l.m11&n1ta-. -· • ..... ... .. td. .... ,.... ..... riPt -.. toa -a.• --M0811ltllli-...,. • .-t • . - • The Home You Want May Be Advertised Today in the NEWS-TIMES Whether you want to bu;y a home of your own, or rent one, exceptional op- portunities can best be fouhd the time and mon- ey-saving way, through News -1imes Classified Ads • Dependable financing seivlcet Is offered the home builder or purchaser through the Haney to Lou class!flcatlon num- ber li6. IEWS-TIMES Plw'e U•U ' wwma1 1L -\. .... , ..• I . .. IJJ,.tf ., •• Oi'm'fJ , I f u.. Jn.s Kn. l)aDlel 8· a;.... Local Man Heads Puauc NoT1cES Puauc. NoTICES Puauc NoT1cu 1 Puauc NOTicu "*"-apartment.I, Corona dot b -----------·an lhe ponnta of a...._ born H. B. Rotary Clu CERTIF"ICATE o.-PARTNER-A-•· B<olboa. ""'1bed In ll&ld Deed. n>eord<d In nm ~ ot lhe City 0ouncn. w..ine-y. Aprll 11, at th<! Santa Georg. J. Wheat. SllOe Cb.ann•I IHIP TRANSACTING aull-Tl!!IUIS AND CONDrrtONS 011' Deed Book 821. Pqe SS: after the ""Jlln.tlon of ll&ld Un Ana Community b.ooplt&L Place, Newpmt IalAIDd, Southlll1l NEIS UNDER F"ICTITIOUI SALE: C&al1 In l&Wflll money of Tllence weeter1y alOOC" th• ooutb.· (10) ~ lay -objectlom be- catlfomla Edloon CO. dlatr1ct man-NAML the lJnlt..i Stat.ea Of America: ten erfy un. o( Slot Street. around a fdre oald City ClouncU who llhall r-~~~~::":~~=;;---,; I ager, wu elected J>"Sldent. at the per cent ot the purcb.ue Flee to curve concave t.o the 90Uth and tbl: a time for bearing aid objec· J, S. WHYTE Hllntlngton Beub. Rotary club at a. c. Sennott and C. It. Kc.Niel. be pal<l at the time Of a.le, balance bavirqr a ....u,,. ot 185 feet to the tlono. not lw !ban one (1) .,..k ~ .l.0001llftANT the orpnlzatlon meellnjr of the do hereb.7 c:en1ty that lhey an upon cmftrmatlon at sale by ..id end at a.Id curve, which point i. th.-tter. 'nle City Clerk llhall JlfOOJD TU OOntJL~ ~ of cfll'ectora meeting. c:onductlq' a t&zl --and ...,. Superior Court. or upon llUCh other In the northerly line of said Lot 7 thereupon notlty "'-pereollll mall· tlllWrl .. -,, co '7.. Be aucceeds Wenen & IDbert U bullnW lnddental tbento er 1n terma U may be agreed upon. and il.78 feet euterty aL tbe Ing 8UCh objectkma Of tbe lime •· &. .., 1 .... head ot the local aervice club, and conneCtlon tbeftwttb. wt.th It. prtn-All bfda or offers must be in northwesterly cOl"ller of uJd Lot T; and pi,ce al. tbe beulng of Aid ~ ~~ C ...... ~ = wi1I be m.talled ~ t.be N!N1al clpel place ot bua1ne99 at 1D01 wrWnc and may be left at the of· Thence South sa• 15' SO" Wut objec:tlalw by the Oty C.ouncll and -==========~==~·~.,..,,~~on~y~J'.'.ul":y~8'.'.th~.'.______ WMt Central Avenue.: Newport nee Of the above named necutor 42.78 feet to lbe point ot begtn· notice Ol Rid beut.np mall be • Beech, Onnp County, Olllf-S.. or may be filed In the ottlce of nlng. stven by depooltlng a notkle there- Wider the ftcUtlouo firm name of the Cink of Ihle Oourt, at Illy All portlone of the otreet to be of In the pall ottlce Of oeld City How to keep trucking along . Right now, when yout track .,.,, keep going, RPM Hesvy Duey Moror Oil is your best bet! For blended with ia ... Jected base oil are special, pawued compounch. Th-pre. nat ring-sticking ... keep oil passap open ... moke ior long, ttpair-frce moror life. (By government directive, RPM Hesvy Duey Moror Oil ;., ""' available for can and tt..du uoder ~ ton.) Clayton nompson Phone 155 Newport Res. Phone 1094 , Your local repre~entative for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA ... he more he works for you ... the lower his rate of pay! • "At ltDJP Kl'" • ' BALBOA ClRCLl'l TAXI time att.r ~ tint publlcatton ot eloeed up, and abandoned are more of Newport Beech, pc:ftace prepaid and that aid ftrm. 19 cotzipoeed of 'thla notice Of ule. clearly ahown on a certatu map thereon. addr•ad to aid objector. thetollow1ngpef"90UwhaMn•m• Executor reeenee the rtcht. to apprc:wed ·and adopted by the Qty RE'Jl"ERENCE IS HEREBY and -.,.. u follon: ,..ject any or all bid& Council of the City ot Newport llfADE TO 8AID RESOLUTION G. C. Bennett, PVb1er Dated : April 2, lHD. Beech tor uJd cloolnr; up and OF INTENTION NO. 8128 FOR 1501 West Otntral ·A.venue, U. :I'. LltWI.8, abandonment by RMolutioa dated ALL FUR'l'HER PARTICULARS. Newport Beacll. 'cat!fomia. Eucutor of aald Estate. the 2nd day at AprtJ, 1948, and RICHARD L PATI"ERSON, G. E. McN!el, Partner Pub.-Aprll s. 8, 10, 12, 11, 19, 11146 deelgnatod RaoluUon No. 3121. Buperlntendent of Street.I, 1601 Wut OentnJ A.•enue, BF.CTION 2. That the exterior City ot l'fewport Beach, Newport Beach, Ca1lforn1a. FICTITIOUI TRADE NAME bound&J1e1 Of the dlalrlct of landa C&llfomii. .. WITNESS OUR RANDS Ihle 22'>(1 CERTIFICATE to be affected or benefited by nld Pub.-Apr. 5. 10, 12, 17, 1945. day of March, 1945. (INDIVIDUAL) work of improvement and t.o be G. C. BENNltTl' U9eMed to pay the damages, coeta NOTICE TAXES DELINQUENT C. E . McNIEL I, the underalgned ROY WIN· and ellCpe.neee thereof, are part1cu- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) DELL_ do hereby certify that I larly deecr1bed u follow•, to-wit: COUNTY OF ORANGE l •· am lnnaactlng the busineu of re-All that certain real property Second In8taD.ment T&xea delln· On thla 22nd day of March, 1945, trtgeratlon and related acUviUea attuated in the C1ty of Newporf quent Friday, Aprtl 20, 1945. The. A. D. before me, Came V. Dudley, 1n Orange County, Callfornla, at Beach, Co\lnty of Orange, State of nu. Collector's oftlce will be open a Notary Public ln and for u1d the locaUon of 1~ Fullerton Ave· California. and more particularly continuously h'om 8 A. M. to 5 County and State, personally ap-nue, Coet.a Mesa in saJd County described u follows, to-wit: P. M _ on that day. peared G. C. Beonett and C. E . and State under a fictitious name Beg1nnlog at the 1outbweet cor-If remittance be made by mall, McNlel. known to me to be the or dealgnaUon which does not show ner of Lot 1, Block 328, 8J!I ahown plea.ee be sure that check la drawn peMIODe whose J'l'ames are subacrtb-the name or name& of the persona upon a map of Lancaster'& Ad· on the proper bank and that It ls ed t o the wlthln lnatrument, and lnlel"Mted in .said bu8ineaa, viz., ditlon to Ne~:port Beach. recorded tor the correct amount and prop- a cknowledged to me that they eJ11Ce-COSTA MESA REFRIGERATION in Book ~. Page 14 of Mlaceltane-erly signed Le. identica.l with your cuted the aame. • SERVICE: OWJ !lap1. Records of Orange signature ae tiled with your b&nk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 that 1 &m the aole own~ of and County, ca.llfornla ; running th~ce If paynient be made ln person. have hereunto set my hand and the only per10n lntere1ted in aa.ld northerly along the euterJy line time may be aaved at the counter a.tfixed my offic ial Ral the day busineS&, that my place o1 real-of Lafayette Avenue to the north-tt check ls drawn. 01' exact amount and year In thla certificate first dence 18 1905 Fullerton Avenue, weal corner Of Block 529 at aid Of C&llb la ready before reaching above written. Coet& Mesa, California. L&ncaater's Addition; the omoe. CARRIE V. DUDLEY, Dated: the 9th day of April, 1945. Thence easterly ln a .tra.lgbt line All payments should be &ecom- Nota..ry Public ln and for said ROY WINDELL. to the northeast comer of Lot 1. u panted by tu. bill, deed, or other (SEAL) County and State. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) shown on a map of Tract No. 815, document bearing deecrtption ot (My Commlseion Explrea Nov. 17, COUNTY OF ORANGE )ii. recorded ln Book 26, Pagee. f3 &Dd property. 19•8.) On thU. the 9tb day of April, 44 of Miacellaneoue Maps, ncords Pleaa make checkl payable to Pub.-!lc.h.. 27; A.pr. S, 10, 17, 1944. 1945, before me, CARRIE V. DUO. of 18.ld C.ounty; DON 8. MOZLEY, LEY, a Notary Public ln and for Tb enc e aoutheuterly fn a County Tax Collector. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE No. 16210 In the Superior Court of the State of California In and for the County of San Bernardino. 98.ld County and State, penonally straight line lo the 90Utheulerly Ptzb.-AprD. 17, :11Ft5'. appeared ROY WINDELL known conier of Lot 10 'of Tract No. 815; to me to be the pe,.on wboee name Thence wcetcrly along the eoath.-WHAT'S COOK INC. la eubecribed to the within ln11tru-erly line of Mid Tract No. 815 to ment, and acknowledged to me the eouthweaterly corner Of Lot Looking for a dltferent main that he executed the same. 17 ot aaJ.d Tract No. Sl:S; diah ?' End your aearch with thle 'WITNESS my hand and ort'iclal Thence westerly In 8 etra.lgbl cereal and flab ecallop that you seal. llnSeEtCTio tho•J'°slnt of begin.Ding. can make Jn half an bour. Cereala IN THE .MA 'M'ER OF THE CARRIE V. DUDLEY. ,, · That aatd work provide protein, B vila.mtna, cal· ESTATE OF LAURA HD...BURN Notary Publle ln and tor Of Lmprovement ill for the clOllng cfum and iron u well aa energy, PEARS, allO knO"Wn u LAURA B&1d County and State. up and vacating of a portion or • •ddl:ng mrtrltioa to th.18 delicious H. PEARS and MRS. J'OHN W . (My commluioo. explrea Nov. 17, = •treet berelnabove more clUrb made wttb tbla recipe: PEARS. 11148.) ~3', d~l1~, an~ I~ ~ F"i.11 Scallop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Pub:-Apr. 10, 17, 24, May 1, 1945. ~Of N ewporty ~c ~t e 4 tableapoooa butter or margarine that the undersigned executor of. -------------Y e no 2 tal:lle9poclm minced green pepper tbe eat.ate of Laura Hilburn Pean, uae.-ment. '-ne<:e-.ry. 1 t•81pO(m mtncwJ onion also known aa IA.un. H. Pean and NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORK SECTION 4. That the proceed-4. ta.bl~ flour Mra. J' ohn w . Pean, deeeued, will - - -inp for the cloeing up Of the 2 CUPI milk --• to th hi b. t atorel&1d portion of a. cert.a.ta sell at private -..e e g es N'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN etreet in the ·aty ot Newport I eup ~or canned peu and beet bidder, upon the tef'ml THAT ON THE 2nd DAY Oll" Bea.ch hall be had and tak _ 1 cup cooked or canned carrot.a and condJUona btteinatter meo· APRIL, 194:i, THE CITY COUN· 1 en un % teMpOOn Worce8lenhl.re a.uce tloned and subject to cOQflrmaUon CIL OF THE CITY OF NEW-der &nd ln accordance with the Salt md pepper Of aa.id Surwortor Court, on or after PORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. "Street Openlng Act of l889, ·~ t 1.c_ n.1riec1 cooke .-proved AprtJ 4, 11141, Statute• ot ,.. cupe r or the 20th day ot April, 194!S at the PASSED A RESOLtrrlON OF canned nm off'lce ot U. F. Lewil, attorney, INTENTION NO. 3128 TO OR· 1941, Chapter 79, Dlv1.aloo 5., Part 1 cup com f1ake9 Sulte 10 V. L. Gregory Building, DER THE FOLLOWING DI· 1, Streets and HJghwaya Code." 1 cup wheat lhNd9 20810 Orange Street, Redland.9, PROVEMENT TO BE DONE, TO-SECTION 0. That any peroon Melt butter or marprtne tn California, &ll the right. UUe, in-WIT: interested, obecling lo •Id work •P"*)MD. Add green pepper and terelll or estate of the ll&ld Laura of Improvement or to the extent al. on.loll; brown UgbUy. Blend 1D H. Peara, deceued, at lbe time ot SECTION l . That the public the di.ltrict or land.I to be at-no.r; add mllll gndually. Cook, her death and all Of the right, lntere8'l and convenience requlrea fected or be'nented by .ald worl: stfnir:rg CGJ.tanUy, until thickened. title, tntereS"t and estate that Mid the cloeing up and abandonment of Improvement, and lo be anered Add peaa, carrot. and Worcester- eetate hu acquired by operation Of a porUon of a certain 1treet in to pay the colll and expemiea there-shift to aance; eeuon with ll&lt of law or otherwtae, other than or the City of Newpo'i1: Beach, and of. may make written objectiam to mad. ......-. Aft'UIC8 Teg'etable ln addition t.o that ot aid deceued It ta the intention of the Ctty Coun· the ame, wtthin ten (IO) ~ .ace and ti.fib ftak.ee tn alternate at the time ot her death of, ln and ell Of the City of Newport Beach a!ter t:,;e ttplratlon of the time layers tn g:reued be.Jdn&' dlah. Top to that cert.ail) lot, piece or parcel lo order the followi.ng deacrlbed ot the publication ot U:da n.tice~ wuz. ~ arranging com flake. of land situate in th~ C1ty Of New· portiona at. a ce.rtain street ln 18.id wb1cl{ objectlona ab&ll be dellvend m top la cm1er' and wheat lhred1!I port Be&e.b, County of Orange, City to be cloeed up and ab&D.· to the Clerk of the aiy a.-••• In lfnc arc.nd oater ~ or cu- Btate ot Callfoml&.. deecribed u doaed, to-w1.t : who aball endone thereon the dlrte mnle.. BKe In moderate oven follow•. tcrwtt: THIRTY-FIRST S'TREET Of it.a reception by him, and at~ (~ F .) 20 minute& Serve. .t,. Lot Seventy (70} at "The All that porUon of Slat street Subdlvlalon of Bloc:k "A" Eut u laid out and shown upon a map Ne'tA'J)Ort," as ahown oo Map recorded ln Book •. page :il of Miacellaneous ¥ape, records Of Orang~ County, California. located at No. 103 Edgewater s'!""''r" S(U"li SI.op • FOR MEN and BOYS of Lanca.ster's Addition to New- port Bea.ch, recorded in Book 5. Page 14 of Ml11Cellaneoua Mapa. Records of Orange County, Cali- fornia, and a portion of Slst Street descr ibed In ~d from the F\rst Natlooal Bank of Newport Beach to the City of N ewport Beach , re- corded In Deed Book 321 . Page 6.5. Records of said Couoly, d escribed u follows, to-wit : Begtnning at the northweaterly com er of Lot 7. Block 429 of eald Lallcaater 's Addition: running thence N orth 20° .54 ' 30" Ea.at alODg the no rtherly prolongat,ion of the euterly line of Lafayette Avenue, 6.45 feet : Thence North 89~ 15' SO" Eut a.l ong a line paral.lel "1th the n ortherly line Of said Lot 7, 62.66 I t el; Thence South 69° 05' SO " Eut, 41.76 feet lo a point in the e.a.st· erly line of Aid Lot 7, whieh point la 10.13 feet from the northeuterly comer of eaid Lot 7 ; " lew Fishing Area In Central Pacific Commercial f i a h e r m e n who mourn the a.b8ence at one variety of fiab or another, or of reatrtc- Uona on thJa or that fishing growl:la, will be interellled in a let· ter reprinted from the latest "F\l!lh- erman" publicatioo.. The letter f1"0m one who should know, wu written by Lt. Ralph F . Cluaic, ,.N.S.N.R., trom the Caroline Is1&nd area where he i• <»-Ordinating the work at native ftahermen with military needll. Lt. Claulc wu formerly attached to the C&llfornia State Flab and Game Commiaslon. The letter fo;. Jowt: '"This 11!1 juat a note to exprea my opinion of what the newly ac- qulred Pacltlc mandate& might be va1ued for after lhla war bae ter· mlnaled.. Betldee their value for Try working puzzle. ...... Th,. today's c:1wwocd latern&Uonal Harv~ n_V(OOIAND~ l'ABll EQUD'lllENT M. Eltiste & C.O., Inc. -JC. ,... 'P!a. ---IU N. L A. ft. I'll. Wl Av' ' • Asphalt Paving • Concrete Cutting • Equipment Beatall John C. Bly~tone General Contractor 511 E. Th1nl Santa Aiu. Tel 1704 detenae baaee and commercial air I"'------------. liners' stop overs, there exlst.8 a potential eupply of the natural re- sourcea Of the sea. "Striped tuna are found the year around and during the spring and aummer large schools of the.se nab run ln these waters. Other species Of tuna, such as the yellow f !n and members of the mackerel family are found in good schools. Many kinda of crustacea and shellfish are fOUlld on the reefs aloog v .. ilh agar producing alg&.e. With modern fll!lhlng equipmeot and refriger- ation and the use of the Chamorro natives, I believe the filth caught In these areae could be transported by reftigera tor ships and packed during the closed sardine &ea.son in our canneries along the coaat at a coat that Would be equitable to tiah caught ln the Slate&. After the war, I am sure that the military would welcome the development of the nshlng industry ln the ll!llanda, 8.8 the many natives would then be taken from the government dole and placed on the lnduatry payroll, "At the present time I am at- tached to the military government at Clncpac as fisheries ot!icer and the procurement of fish tor the military and natives Ut very ea.tis- factory .. Increuing the . present sampan !la.bing neet with converted , naval landing craft is my present problem. ''With beet wiebes to all my frtenda, I a.m- 1'Slncerely your&, "R. F . CLASSIC." Mrs. Stan1ey Sawyer, 14 Bea.con Bay, Jett Sunday to v18il her fam- ily In Cincinnati. · F actory·to· You· Prices REDWOOD FURNITURE DeLuxe Redwood Chaisette Extra he.vy rope and conatruc- Uon, i...., wbeela, --dyed pod> In a variety of $2195 of oolon. Complete .. Redwood Chairs Wiiia po4o, $1495 -~ -------------· . Redwood Coffee Tables = ".'.':" -...... "' $895 =:':..:::'::.~ -$395 Many Olller Ontdoor 11 .. no Redwood ReNu ~ q':.n.~~--_ 9Sc SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 18H Soatll lllalD 8&. -SANTA ANA · Phone S&a.ta Alla 11'1 Electric Refrigeration Repairs In the New aad Modem Manner Let us solve your retrlgeration troubles with the im-tlll! ._ ~ proved Instruments designed especially 1 .~ for refrigeration analysis. We Find the Trouble Wlum Others, Fall Our work Is speedily and expertly done. Our charges are -.runa1. Results are guaranteed. IZOWeot4til 8&. SEIERSEN 'S a.DTHES TO WASH and iron? ... Rugs tovacm.':m? ... Dishes to do? ... Reddy ~ill help do the work at the snap of a switch! Docs your home need brightening> ... Household tasks need lighten· ing? . • . Let Reddy do it! His rare of pay grows less per day the harder you work him. Any elccuial outlet in your home is an outlet for Rcddy's tire- less. energy day or night. You can r:>.ke advantige of.this household serv20t with a dear conscience! And what 2 comfort it is tO know myi alWdJS tie- petidab/t Reddy Kilowan is on the job! Thence South 20" M ' 30"' West 1.40 feet tq a point ln the south- erly llne of Slst Street, u de-ANY MAKE Painted ' Waxed and Polished SOUTHERN CAllFORN~~~EDISON COMPANY LTD. -~ . J. I. ESTUS PLtJMMNO GENERAL EI.ECl'RIC MJJGa • l&UISIPIPl1m•a.t.•TOU • w·- D w••• 1 • ••s1oe ' • ftp 1U :New;1rt •s'lll tlllOaut ...... • • • • • • ESCROW SERYICI / 12 Mos. to Payr Fenders Straightened Bodies Repaired Frames Straightened Wheels Aligned Motors Overhauled Motors Rebored AJA, WORK GUARANTEED ' • '.HARRISON P N'l'IAC CO.· t-.SANTA A - .. • I -• I • • .,.._~~P~ ... ~:.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....,..~~·~•!*~lPOll~~z~s~·~·~ao~•~~ .. ~~·!8'1~~·~·~.,~-~~11~ .. ~!'""~~--~~!•~,~·~•~·~~~~~~~~~ ,Apdl 11, 1.t&I Five Naturaliud I Ceremonies, Closing$ Pay Tri•ute To Late President Over Week End . ' Clorm>Dnles thnlu&)lout the bai:-churches in the ...... olloerved the l>m' ana SUnday follojved nation· solemn OCCllsim similarly. wide cc a tton ot all activities Im~.., Saturday noon In memory or At the huge Santa Ana Army Fnnklln Delano Roooevelt, whose Air base. first olloervanoe al the IUdden dee.th shocked the entire period ot mourning came at .the world. command of the war department Most stores closed fOI' an hour --a five minute period of quiet Saturday noon at the request of was observed d'Urin& the Satur- Jilayor Hall. The beloved leader day noon meal. Sunday morning, was mourned Sunday in special as the war.time presJftent W8.!I be-- services. ln nearly all local ing laid ln his grave at Hyde dJ.urches, and titting ceremonies Park, returned veterans at the ti)' men in service at the Santa, baJe here stood rigidly at atten· Ana Anny Air base. ti6n while Col. T . R. Hornaday, The late president's O"-'n fav-adjutant general, resd the war de-- orite hymns and "God of Our partment eulogy by Secretary ot ~thers" featured the musical tri-War He,nry Stimson. bute to the deceased at the New· This was followed by a telegram port Community church -Christ from Lieut. Gen. Barton Yount, Olurch ay the Sea. Rev. E . D. commanding general of the AAF Goodell pastor, spoke eloquently training command, praic;;ing our of the late president. late leader for his sacrifice and At the Catholic churches spe· inspiration. Me n in the ranks ciaJ prayers were said at all wept openly as the message was masses in his memory. Other read. Taps were then sounded. QiDe 'llOIQI, p~ 1'"4 Moilun.i ~~ MAY 13 ~peei11/ °'''" Beautiful Bronze PORTRAITS * * 6 x 8 inch size * * $ 25 IACH I• let• .,_ Proofs Shown • N1 .Appo;,,,,,,,,,1 Is N«""''1 AUSTIN STUDIOS New Hours 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays by Appointment 508~ N. Main St. Phone 1463 N.T. 4-17-45 From 11tis~ """ proud _, dU-"' the Unltod St&Uo am-a -ol 28 natural1---"' u.o court of Superior .Jw!P K-· 11:. Morrtecm. Banta Ana, ...,... from the harbor areL Tb.W 'WU tbe ttnt naturalllat1an procram of tile ,._,., and m.Uvea of 11everal Zuropean. oountrlea took adv&nta.ge of the occuton. TboP becomlng cltmml from u.o .,,,.. weno: Btttel NataJ\el Gmtaf'IOD of Newport Beacb,_ Art.bur Everet.on Heacock, adding the name l>ut:.cb to ht.a name; Charle. Conrad Carl- "°"-Balboa; Kelboun>e Rumell McLat.cbJe and Gladya vcr4tcble of Cost& Mesa. Daughters Of Union. Veter&nll presented them wt.th an American flag. and the solemn ceremony was over. Typical or the ..,.,.,.._ from his greatest admirers in this re-- gion were the following: Prominent citizens voiced a trl· bute to the late president. Among those who were his staunchest friends or supporters throughout t he years and who added their words of grlet at the passing of Franklin Delano Roosevelt were the following: Diaries W . TeWlnkle, promi- nent Costa Mesa dt:ben, former Democratic committeeman, said: ''The death of President Roclfle- velt came as a great shock to every citizen of this country. ma influence and accomplishments will live in the memoey of all fu- ture generations. I feel that all Americans will stand united be-- hind our new commander-in'"Chlef, Harry S. Truman." William K . Adams, pogUrlMter I or Newport Beach, sald' "With the passing of Franklin D. Roose- ! veil the world has lost a great leader and advocate ot just and I lasting peace. Because his politi- cal awareness the world tunled to him for help and he has built a great alliance that wtll stand the test of tim~ " Harry Welch, 1!eCl"etary ot the Newport 01.ambet ot Commerce located in Balboa. said: 'We have been exteremel}· fortunate, bi ad~ dition to his many other qualities. in having a man for president who foresaw the gigantic scape of the war. and prepared us adequately ror it. "\Vhatever their measuring stick or Mr. Roosevelt's greatness, the reaction of the public instantly to his death-the immediate out· pouring of eulogies from ncwspa pers, radios. moving plctutt thee· ters and the pulpit .-ed the tMendous lnlluence our late president had on eft'l')'Ol1e in the land, and In all walks at Ille.• JfiJi'ii'E .N ' S ~~Pharmacy D2 FOBEllT AVENt!E ( LAGUNA BEAOB "In Busint.u fO'I 'Your ffMlth" 8••rl ,.._ .... _ .. , OOlll'i.nt Wl'OLOOJO.&L, A DatJO l'l'OCS P..WW. .............. m..u. m •t•• a.... er.re.-. S-: ••• ,.._.,. =-arms ""'-: 11491 FOR INll\IRANCE SEE Howard W. Geniah UICNI N'ewpmt - OOllTA IRI!• Pbou Ill . Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Lice.nae and Contract Bonda Wrlttan "The Proof of the Pudding is the Eating nereof" Read Our Statement Below and Be Convinced WE PAID 3% INTEREST ON SA VIN GS LAST YEAR WITH IM- PROVED EARNING POSIT I 0 N FOR 1945 YOUR SAVINGS WILL START EARNING INTER- EST AT ONCE . Paid In 1944 CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENT As of Mudl Sl, 11N5. I.IABU.ti'IES ,&88El'8 CASH . $ 52,643.00 War Bonds Owned --· 305,000.00 F .H.L.B. Stock 45,000.00 l.nans on Real Estate _ 3,002,902.40 O:Jotract5-- Sale Real Estate . f\Jmlture. and !ib<tures,__ Mlscellaneous Alleb - 1,787.91 3,340.30 6,094.52 TOTAL ASSE;rt; __ ,$3,416,768.13 'We An Now~ ·ai. l•Yeataeala Wilda ue I &ed Up a .... , s5000 Invesbnent' ~cates _$2,390,522.18 Withdrawal ShanS 18,239.79 Incomplete l.Mrui ---177,()80.70 Advanoes, F .H.LB. ~-532,500.00 Other l.Jablllties , 8, 73>. 70 Resen>es, Surplus and Undivided Proftts -- Guanurt.ee Stock -·--- 16',69'1.76 ' 125,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS __ ...,$3,416,768.13 Major Ashton Homei Jap Prisoner 3 Years Rucued. trom the infamOUI BW· the Jape &leo on that trip. He in~ bid prt.on In Manna by Yank al,eted that be be allowed to act ar troopa, Major Paul Aabton. Army medica1 atficer on the detail and· Medical Corpe, ta rating &t hll When refueed by the Jap officer borne 1708 W. Ocean Front and the major •truck the Nip. Only be- ptnlng eome of the 80 pound.a lolt cauae the Japanese officer wa• r · during bta three yea.re 1mprl1!0n-b.lmaelf and needed medlcaJ Can! meat by the Japaneae. dJd be spare the life of the major. ""'I'm having my usual good Major Aahton (then a captain ' · luck." wrote Major Aahton to hJa waa at Letterman Hoepltal. San wife tn one of the few com.mun!-F,rancl.sco, before the war and left cations that ru.cbed her during tor the Pblllpplnes In June of 19<'1. tho. three dark years. To hear of He was 1tationed at Fort McKin· ht. struggle t or exlatence, bla fight I iey. When the war broke out he wtth a Japanese offtcer. hia c~7~ went wttb the Philippine Scouts bruab wtth 11tarva.tion and faclng and wu stationed a short dll!ltance murder cbarge1 placed aga.lnst ! from Manila. He was IA.1th the by ht. captors. bean out the Ma· $cou~ all the w&)' from Ungayen jor'a statl!.ment that only by ex· Gulf to Batafln when the Jape traordlnary circumstances could he overwhelmed them. be sitting, ~taxed and recuperat· . MATERIALS RETURNED lng tn hl• ~ach home. A small root-locker of posse!· H ts wife, Wave Ensign Yvonne slonl!I Major Ashton wlis able to Aehton ls on a 30-day leave from k eep with him all during his Im· her duties at Camp Ell\O'tt 90 that prlsonment. It contained among she ms.y be with her husband. The other things an American flag major will report soon to an army with three "\v'ounds," a compBB8, b08pllal tor check-up. I medlral kit and mess kit which had TAYABAS DETAIL I been decorated bys ~atlent of the The only medico on the famous m:ijor'e. His fountain pen and Tayabaa wo rk detail, designed \\'atch were the ·.only ones not 1peclflcally by the Japs to kill the taken by the Japanese. The major prisoners, Major Ashton told of 11aid that many timee a Jap officer 9tarting out from Blllbki for Ta.ya-I ~rould demand It but A11hton would baa, south of Luzon, to build a road •Jook at hi.in in the eye and 86Y through the jungle (or the Japs.1 "No." Some of h.la good fortune Having seen the tragic condition may bave been attributed to bis ln which previous y.·ork detail.! bad beard which he kept cut In an un- returned, the medical major asked u8Ual manner and which seemed to to be uslgned to the one headed I awe hl.s captors. Tfl,ey called him tor Tayaba..9 hoping that he might 'Itc hy Pan No. 1 BOy.' be able to help hl9 men. Underfed and overworked, men p tm B k p• died dally. Out or the 300 in Ash· OS an a es IeS ton·· detail. on1y 10 survived the In a Castle 10-week ordeal Many of these su.r· vtvora were sent to Japan. Only Sgt. \Vm. Haun, former Ne-wport Major Ashton and four others ~ poslma.n, didn't ask for a walking turned to America. job when he joined the army- N AR ROW ESCAPES C'on trary to the alleged custom of During his three yea.rs impri.son· the mailman tak,i.ng a hike on bis ment. Major Ashton ca.me clo9C to day off. death on several oc::a.iriob.8. At the 'Sgt. Haun is a baker attached Ume the '¥anks took Bllibid. he to the 94th ,Chemical \Varfare Di· wa.a facing murder charges placed vision. 8!1d Ls reportedly working ag&in.8t h.lm by his captors. at the profession or baking bread, Charges grew out of an instance pies and ,cakes In a ca!flle in Bel· when a Japanese guard at Bilibld I gium, according to word received went crazy and 9hot one of the here. Hl8 "-'lfe"llve9 at Rt. 1, Box major's pa tients. an American. f3. Orange. Aebton heard the shot and found i the American on the floor dying whil• the crazed guard ran back Newport Man Is and forth ecreamlng, teying to get 1 Reported Mis&g the bolt back into his gun. an Enfield taken from the Americans. Wben he 8UCceeded. the Jap turn-Official word has been received ed. the gun on himself ln a'atipsbod by Mr. aJJd Mrs. Fred Smith, 1712 m.lclde effort, abooting off hia W . Ocean Front, that their son. chin Aabton disarmed the guard Pfc. Gerald Smith, was reported and · stood holding the 8tlll amok· missing in actlon ln the European tng gun u Jap officers and ruarda theater of war on March 26. rushed in to discover the dtad and Young Smith who graduated wounded men lying on ~ noor at from Harbor High in 1943, has bJa feet. ~ j been with Patton's 3rd army. He '-rh.ey knew I didn•t do tt," went overseas in January. the major Mid, "but for eome un· expla.lned reason they accu.sed me Fame usually comes to those Of murder and questioned me daily who ue thln~g about 90mething about the incident." I elae,-very ~ly to those who In additioo to nearly dying u say to themsel•s. "Go to, now, the reault ot the Tayaba..9 detail. I let WJ be a celebrated lndlvidual!" Major Aabton had a cloae call with --Oliver Wendell Holmee Newport Shoe Repair Shop E. B. Doa.stu. Owner 109 %2nd Street Plenty of Good Leather at Pre.ent for MISSES' AND ·LADIES' HALF SOLES BoweWJr1 leather ls detln.ltely on the abort U.t for the . balance ol the year AIM, just received: 1600 prs. non-marking rubber sole. for children ONLY Brine tbem In NOW. Star Boat Champ In South Pacific Hopes Rise for Corona del Mar Beach Purchase ''Do pass" is the recommenda· tlon gjven the assembly ways and means commlttA!e ol the OtJ!fomla state legjalature for a bill to spend $300,000 in the purchase at one mile of bay front.age and strand at Corona del Mar for a state park. The recommendation W8.!I given by~ the assembly steering COMING _EVENTS Wednuday, April 11 Balboa arcle, 2 p. m ., home ot. Kra. Allee Yarnell, S20 Alvarado PllM:e. Thur'9day, April 11 Bu.lllneu and Professional Wom· en. annual meeting, S:.U p. m.. Wblte'• Park Avenue ca1'e, B&Jboa I.ol&nd. Ebell club deuert bridge. Kiwanl.8 Oub, 12:15 p. m., Bal· -ll:lec:tr1c Grlll. committee soon after Senator Tires, Tubes, Runs· Thomas Kuchel or Anaheim Intro-· duced It, aloog with the Hunting· Reported Stolen ton Bee.ch perk plan. Thieves are looking for tires · County Counsel Joel E. Ogle these days-not for mone}·, it last week closed his desk and de-...,..,._ parted from Santa Ana for the A report ot the theft of three state capital in order to advise tires and tubes from the Van with legislators on these ·ana o~r Camp Sea. Food warehouse was matters vital to Orange county. registered with the pallet-early Supervisors of the county and I this week. A red disc wheel and both assemblymen "-·ent on record a rim were also described as miss· as favoring the blll, and its ing at 2Z7 20th street. chances of passage were consid· -''------------ Barney Lehman. Chiet Warrant ered good 11145 Officer. USN, loyal devote ot New- port Harbor and famous Starboat champion, is a !ong \Vay from his favorite haunts down In the South Pacific where he hi working with ship repair units. Lehman who had been associated w ith the late Wal· Dick Harper, Football Tackle, To Enter Navy w. Th. TIDE TABLES High 18 2,09 4.6 19 2 :40 4.3 F . 20 5:11 4.2 Low High Low 10:15 5:55· 9:59 ----0.t 3.4 2.9 11 :30 6:49 .... 11:49 -0.1 3.7 . 2.6 12:27 7:24 --0.2 4.1 ton Hubbard for many years be-Richard Harper, son of Mr. and fore his death, ha.a been in the Mrs. Wayne B. Harper, 116 Aha· Navy for the past two years eta-I Ione. avenue, Balboa Island. ex· tioned at Terminal Island before I pects to . be called for service im- goinK overseu. mediately. A senior at Newport T\d• &l'9 placed tn order ot ooeun-e.nce. Former life guard for the City of Harbor Union High school, Dick, Licht tJcurw L m.; dark nl'W"M p. m. Ne?.tport Beach, Barney writes of as he is familiarly known, has ;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:. trying to manage hls daily awl.m been prominent in athletics and but that many tlmea th~ pressure played right tackle on the football of work prevent.9 him from one or team. ! his favorite paatlmes. The loss or Enlisted in the Naval Reserve, ten pounds of weight 11.nce going young Harper had planned to go atioard pleaaes him, according to to the U. S. Martime school at bis mother, Mrs. Leon Lehman Vallejo, but instead, will enter B ·O W L BALBOA 2 4 0 2 who, with Mr. Lehman, are ec· 1 :se~1V1~·ce~inun~~edi~·~a~te~l'.'.y.:._ ____ _!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cupying the home of their eon, !~n:. Bay avenue, during hla WUO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT Leaders Organize Girl Scouts The seven Lone Troops of New· port Harbor Girl Scout.a and Brownle Scouts numbering about 125 girls will ~ incorporated un- der a Girl Scout Council following plans formed at a meeting of Girl Scout leaders and a group of men represenUng the Newport Harbor Scout Committee. .,,,, room or Held in the Director'• the Newport Harbor Ya the 15 present, all vitally ed in the youth. dev through Scouting ln the lty, heard Mn. Elbort CJ line the formation and fun Of a council. Well qualified on thla matter, Mrs. Clark cu Commissioner and p lations chairman for the Beach Council a1.1 well u cht club, lnterest· elopment com.mun- ark out· Ctloning to talk le Coun· ublic re· Laguna leader o( a troop. With & 1membenb.fp at 17 to 20 uncll will men and women, the co have a representative Leaders' Association an sentativea from churches in the entire Harbor &rt>.a act in an administrative for the troops. Headed b mlasloner, the council wt board of directors comprt deputy commissioner, and treasurer. from the d re pre- and clube and will capacity y a com- 11 have a eed of a secretary FIRST MEETING e newly- I convene First meeting ror th formed council which wll once a month, has been May 24 at the yacht c ~fiss Nancy Hargra\'e, Fi visor on the National Stat Scouts v.:111 be the guest and 1A.·ill help with org set for tub wnen 'eld Ad· f of Girl of honor anlzatlon 9leps. n active Girl Scouting has bee around N e"'-port Harbor years, the past ten of tho tng impetus from the en '-nd down·right hard work ·:rubbard H owe and Mra Vi ncent. These women, •..hem leaders at troops, ha nany leadere ~e the co 1r . become tt.,.e, bu •ought out new leader 'n the area and thence ~cobting alive. There ls no "'rf girla eager to become Sc for many se recelv- thu$1um of Yrs. . Lonnie· both' of ve eeen mm unity t h&ve ·material kept Girl dearth out.a, in their opinlOll. lut rrt-Pruent at the meeting day were the guest ot. bo nor, Kn. Elbert Ouk -leaden-..... Howard Baker, Walter CO .. le, Harr old Holts. Hubbard Bowe Nunan. Richard Pleger, Rabhltt, Ben Sprague, 1 ll'Yerett KUmLy WOllam ~. Lonnie Vlncmt. B. P. Yar- oell; -~ wu.an Jlrw. Robert D•aa. V and L Loo H&rry Stetr-. W-lay - Welch twp:awnted uw.\ Harbor Scout Ownmlttff Nwwpwt on .wblcb Kn. -md·lln. Vlncen t ....... rleaderw for tbe Glrl l!cwrta 01J1te tmable to be pl'I llD.t ~ Kamy and·lln. Sftlyn~ Kil. • e CoataMea~ ri-11 ""°'"' -.. far a ........... --..... Kn. -• to llo "' I FIR~PLACE AND KIND\,ING wqoD- H. W . Wright, 1784 Npt. Blvd., COota x ..... UllOd Lumber, Ph. eM-J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR- Gordon B. Ftndl&y, 3'10 Cout Blvd., Ph. 4.12. Plana and Con.structioa.. LUMBER COMPANIES- Coeta Mesa Lbr. Co.-"Let u. help you plan your home." Phooe 48. Bay D1strtct Lumber Co. Phone 1160. Coaat Highway at Archea. OFFICE SUPPLIES-- Newport Harbor Pubu.b.ing Co. Pbonee: 12 • 13, Newport Beach. PAINTING- Nev,:port Harbor Publishing Co. Phone9 : 12 . 13, Newport Beach. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE &. NOTARY PUBLIC-- Lew H. Wallace, 2202 W . Central Avenue. Pbooe 3. RUBBER STAMPS- Newport Harbor Publlahlng Co. Phonea: 12 • 13, Newpcirt Bea.ch. IHEET METAL .. WORK- Viele Plumbing & Sbeet Metal Worka, Coeta Mesa.. Phone 210. VARIETY ITORE- Balboa Ialand _Variety 8 tore--6c, lOc, 25c &nd up. Phone 2111-W. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ABOJllTECT PllYSJIJIANS II SUJWEON'll. H.D . , Armand Monaco Gordon M.Grundy,M.D. ARClllTECT Physician and Surgeon ' 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Newport: l 1U Ninth and Central Ave. Z'IU Lobwood A-Office Hl"S.: 10.12 a.m.; 3.5 p.m. Loo Aapleo N'OrmandJ' MOI Telephone 37 All'TOILNZYS AT LAW LEROY 1. ANDERSON Conrad Richter, M.D. ATTORNEY AT LAW Phyaklan and 841.rgeOn Costa Met.a Bank BUiiding Office 107 22nd Stffi:t J Newport Beach Phone 426 Hours: 10-12--a.m. and 3-5 p.m Coota Mesa Callfomla Phones-Office 133; Res. 74· DEN'Tu!Tll DR. OBED LUCAS DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Dentiat 2208 Coal't Blvd .. Newpol"t Beach . • -Phone - 2202~ W. Central, Ph. 1480 Office 286-W Rea. 286·R If No An•wer Call Newpol"t 5 NEWPORT BEACH . I Phone 1529 Gerald Rauaa, M.D. DR. CARTER 2830 West Central Ave. Newport Be<1ch Metascientist Ph. 1028--No Answer call 301-M DRUGLESS HEALING X·Ray Service 1860 Newport Blvd. Coot.a Meu • DAY l!OBOOUI MORTIMER SCHOOL S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., BaJoo. 302 COral Balboa l~and DAY SCHOOL Newpot-t 1 'IU Gradee: Coll .. • Preparatory '4111. BID SL, Loo ....,._ TV-78U ,JiNumbere 1o.lmfted BJ' Appaln-t G. MOt't.lmer, M. A., Oxford , l'rlDOIPo,l. Phone 652 / IRJSl'JC'l'OU"" llOa'nCUlfa . JACK RAUB HAROLD K. GRAUEL LICENSEO LANO aURVEYOR OIAPEL 2117 W. Cefttrel Avenue "We OW.._ tbe-.. Bene Phonte: N...,.ort By ....... OU.... -~ Newpwt M1 Offlor 123; Ra 1151 -ii..e c.n- WIOMW•w•19 , .. ··~ ---.::-,.,":'i;. DR. M. D. CRAWFORD "&..'::':r~- Ol'TOMETRllT N.,D. CASH .,_ Wre•d1i?d -<»anee ~ D. V. IL D08 _, CAT HOll'fTAL • 1'191 N~ loulevard IMte:Ane ... MM ... M&M et.. _... A-. c.nt. --COITA MUA . . I llJ' al ..... -... 18tla It 1 le m'·e1d at LOoC'/lte :Tr • ..,. .. Mqilojwl, I . -_,. °""E SIM -• roa Di'FORM&ft()N ... •8.JJd--.. D.V.11. ~ ~ -~-.01 .... -......... Ill' ..... . ·t1·::•••1•--qlN' .. -11&. -~ • lo. "llltllis -. --o.ma. '!/If. --Pio! ... I -emploJ>od al r· . 'NllH'•a oo.p. '-... . Kr. Via-a . iit1rr -:-...... _.,. 8 aS .. , • TS' _,. "••t• DetU a :1 s _ a . --. ~ ' ' .J Abo Cuboid P.,.odaliR Slioa ' • ' • ' • ' • ~-........ •18' Porb:aits Needed Dies Sunday Ueut._lo .. rbon, Coron1 del Mir, •!'f!~ 1;81e!>~Eneldters City lets $3S55 Mesa wscs in For News-Time& Mesa Vej;erail I . s· L ft..k Leaf Cl 'f8 0 F I Monthly Meeting • Pwlnlta of -men'• c1>ll· , ece1Yes ilt11 VII aster . 1C. w. J00<s, who bu bad 25 0 ive Lois ' . • Reverend cart e. Johnson spoke / Memorial W"mdow In Mesa Store , ann_ ,..warty ap~ In tbe Lloyd A. Rowe, 41, ~ of _... exporlence u a realtor, 11Ub-to memben ot the Women's ~ The Davis and Gey Music com· N ... T!meo, an not l'ellrlcted to World War I, died llwld&y at• bta THE 326th REOONNAIS,!IANCB: dlvlder and property manqer, bu Tile City of Newport Beach re-clety of Cuistlan Service of the. P1U>Y paya tribute to the late , Newpo.'t Beacll a1-. Plcturu of home, 611 23rd atreet, Coat& MM&. WING, l!:NGLANI>l -l'lnt U.u-~ I' -~-ti ~~n hla hat Into the real 01tate alJzed '38M from the sale of city-c.i.ta Mesa Community Oiurch President In a simple and d1plfled ---pattnla 11n any· A Native ol Kal!Ona, 1 ...... be bad 0 . zetltt a--21, of ~ ew J.AKa 08 =·~.~ ~ Mos&. His CJftlce ls owned tot. when five bu3'ero were on the crusade for Oirut at their memortal dlspla,y In their north w11 .... In the harbor .,.... are In· lived here t~ I.be put four Oor<>n& Mu, bU bffD awarded And p rtn f ~ •< l9'l4 Newport boule-wcceaafUI In meetlnff the price regular meeting last 'Thunday. window. Centmng the wlnclow la duded. Survlvlnir -u,;; wid .... , -·· the •lxth Leati Cluster to bta a er or pla<ed on th ... propertl!ie. when The cru.ade which ls raising 25 a reproduction of a pencil sketch Service men who are reslde.nte Costa Mesa; George F. Rowe, tath-A.fr )l~ It bu been &nqounced. M Radi m..-.. Coming here from Loe Anples aealed blda were opene<1 at the mllllon dollars, will take over the of the late Mr. Roosevelt flanked Of Collt&. lleea, Corona del Kar, -er of the deceaaed. Kalona, Iowa, Holder u well Of. the Dbtlngulabed esa . 0 r 1£111 and Glendale, Mr. Jones states he meeting Of the city cotmcll l&te tremendous task of rebuilding for on each side by tall pots ot tropi· Balboa. llland and other comm.uni-&nd two brothera, Jeue Rowe of P'tytng Croea. be la the navlp.tor . ~ chosen Costa Mesa because he ye.terday. Ouistlanity in the Wa.r-tom coun-cal plants. Guarding overall is a tiea In the Newport ~ct are In-Silvis, Dl., and Flty Rowe, Buttelo, of a Moequlto that ruea long re-L. H-Ewen Radio Repair Shep Ct!fls It ls a highly strat._ic s pot The five bidders wh-often tries. large American flair . .tted to ha.ve their-baby's portrait Iowa. conn•1u•0 ce mi•tou over Europe, which b locaUd at 1836~ New .. tot building development. TwQ were considered. adequate :were the · Orcle I of the WSCS Will meet taken at Robert'• Portraita, 407 Funeral eervicea will be beld gathering data f or tutu.re air and port b\>Ultwrd. O.ta Mesa. will m 1 n h lg h w a YI which pass following: . Wednesday, April 18, at the home N.. Ma.In atreet. Santa Ao.a. for the Wedneaday at 10 a.. m. at the Har· ground operation.a a.galnst tht!' move about JUne 1 to the IOUth ~ It and proximity to a Arthur H. and Mary E . Wind· of Mn. John Taylor. 1104 Cliff Try working today's .crossword Ne'Wll--'nmea. old K. Grauel chapel. Coat& Mesa. enmny. half ot Dr. Marpret Crawford's · as well as quldc: acceu1bility ringer, $650 ---for lot 10, blk. 32, Drive, Newport Heights. Mrs. puzzle, with the Rev. earl Jami.on of· The cttatlon at.ate. thJe award bulldin& at the comer of 18th and :; the beech resorU make Costa Firat Add. to Newport Height.. Amy Viele on Hamilton street will I:-------------• Lad Collects Much Paper for Drive ficiatlng. Interment will be 1n wu made for, " ... merltorlou.1 Newport boulevard. according to ~ a bright IJ>Ot ln the future. J&mes ,L. Hendrtltle and Luelle host Circle n on April 26 at 2 We9lminster Memorial Park.. achievement ln accompU..htng with Ewen. ,. u ... on~ la manager for the El Hendrlkae, 5450 tor tot 10, btk. 4, p. m . Also meeting on the 26th is diM:.ln.ctlon a number of reeonna.Lt-Working with. Mr. Ewen nbw as ~yo rt ln.1Ne'Np()rt Beach ~d Seaabore OJlony tract. Orcle III with Mrs. Ida Boies on Quality Lumber Uttle Leroy Batea, 10, ts dolDg hia part tn th1s war. To tut Fri- day night he had eougbt out and collected 1377 pounds ot wute paper tor the salvage drive. Leroy we.ma everyone he sees that the paper drlve has only two weeks more to run. and tells them they bad better hurry up and help. He has a ape,;:tally built wagon built by himself and his dad, who work.a for the Pa.Citic Electric in Newport. Leroy's accomplishment b all the m ore remarkable beC&uae be ls not a Boy Scout, Property Set-Back In Corona del Mar Co nsidered Thursday Tbe second hearing on the set- back ot the ocean front.age in Cor- ona del Mar owned by Properties Inc., Citizens National Bank or Los Angeles, will be held at the Newport City Hall Thur!day eve- ning, April 19, at 7 :30 p. m. The Pta.nning commlaalon ha.a scheduled the bee.ring to enable interested ownera of tnd.lvidua.l pieces in the mesa community to proteet the proposed aet-b&ck for building purposes. Remodelin g -Altera tion Men's an~ Women's Apparel J. K.SEFTON 412 EAST CENTRAL, BALBOA Next to Richfield Oil Station RADIO SERVICE SHOP A. W. ARNOLD un Newport Blvd. COS'.l'A MESA Pb. Npt. Bell. U (1 Mlle North of Bn'hee• Dlatrict) DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH I ORANGE rs OWN • Before You Build or Remodel visit OW' Interesting sample ud display rooms. Color guides, planning aids, com- prehensive stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. K upll Carpeta Cleaned, Repaired ·LUDLUM Carpet Works 1622 Soutb. Main St. Phone Sant& Ana !806 8 .-L""{T A A...~ A ~ In choosla9 yow "V betrothal - you want the .,.,., finest fer the price yoa can afford te pay. Ho Nfter •-.... .,.. .......... 1 ....... .,.. w1I fhHI tlie b e It .. 1ect1 .. ... "°"' _.., ....._ w.•.,. • wide cM!ce of clla-cls . la ...., price nage. 1llJT .aJIIllLU4iG B .... ~---­... -. sance ml.sll lona over Europe. Thue his partner is ·Ale, M. Herts, a ~r Tom Carson properl:.les tn Clyde T. -coxane and wife.. $1500 Fullerton avenue and 'Orcle V m.iu10ll.ll, over are&J!ll heavily de-graduate radio engineer from e area. for lot 12 tract 234 Newport with Mrs. Irene Smith at 7 :30 p.m . fended by the enemy, were fl.own USC, who has' been in the service Beach. ' ' Circle IV will be hostessed by Mrs. ln unarmed aircraft.. Information but ls awaitin~ b..ls medical dis-lune's A1"de Tom w. Henderson, $2~ tor lot Hutchinson on Balboa avenue, at waa obtained which wu or vital charge. He and his wife and son 24. blk. 1. tract 919. 2 p. m . importance in connectl9J1 with op-live at 375 15th street. Mr. Herts, Class SfarfS Heien Hoover Hinchcliffe, s1000 "' ------- eratioM agairust the enemy. The who was in the navy be/ore Pearl tor lot 6, blk. P, tract 323. Men are more accountable for courage, cool Judgment and skill Harbor, was in the radio business their notlvea. than for anything dtaplayed by Lt. Robertson reflect for 12 yean previous to entering Al A1"r Base Your friends and mine else; and primarily, morality con- great credit upon him.self and the the service. stilts in the motive8• that it is the Armed Force8 of t,b e United Remodeling at the new location atfectlons.-Archibald Al exander. States." will consist of shelves. counters Mrs. Zeller Bender, 110 28th and Building Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER Phone 48 . The son of Mr. and Mrs. 0 . and fixtures for a complete radio A n~· Nuree1 'Aide claas will street. and he r daughter, Mrs. J . r----=:;°;jiY9MM~'"9 ..... ~Q;~°"''"9 ..... WVr;;::---1 Zeller Robert.son sr., 439 Heliotrope repair department. New features be given at the Santa Ana Air 1 Sidney Jackson. were guest1 of street. Corona de! Ma r , Lt. Robert-ot the shop will be n-pair service Base hospital, begtnnlng April 23. Hollyw-ood !Mends at a box party aon Is a graduate of Newport Har-on all types of electrical appli-at 8:30 a. m. This cla9 wtll be at the Wednesday tllBtlnee at the bor HJgh acbool and attended tbe a.nces and a hobby shop which will open to wtves and mothers ot 8erv-Blttmore theater, and greatly en- Unlversity ot' Ca.lifomla at Berk-be operated by Mrs. Ewen and Ice men stationed at the Base tn joyed seeing Helen Haya ln "Har: eley before entering the army In Mrs. Herts. The two women plan the beadauarters unit. rlet." Auguat. 1942. Completing navtga-to make their shop the headquar-According to Mn. Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rotd H. Flnk. lion school at San Marc08, T exu, ters tor stamp collectors and West, County Nur8es' Aide chair-203 Diamond avenue. Balboa Is- be ha.a been overseu since March, young aviation enthusiasts. New man. thl.9 Is the first time such a land. attended the clrcw at Pan- 1944. name for the conce-m ts the Mesa courae bu t>ttn given In an a.rmy Pacific auditorium Saturday even- Fresh Daily DeUcloua Sea. Food.I Or, complete equipment when you want to catc.b your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET Malt Shop Prop. Sue s for Divorce Radio and Electronics Co. hospital. Thi•, aayn Mrs. West. Ing, taking with them eight-year- presents a unique opportunity tor old Ronnie Kepper to double their O~ CE NTRA L AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH L•IODS Gafheri"ng these .. rv1ce women to be trained pleasure with his youthful enthus-j !~~:;::::=;::=;::=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and then aas\gned to serve in an lasm. army hospital. James E . Frost. Petty Offi cer From Beach Cl"f1"es Applican,., many of whom ar e Second ci.... NSNR.. bas won Mrs. Mildred Due. former em-expected to · come from the beach advancement tor the second time NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ploye of the Newport Beach ~t area, should apply at once to Mrs. in six m onths, according to word Adelaide Da.niel, local chairman, julrt received by his wife, who office, who recently purchased the Fifty members ot the Hunting-1 t 12 Cl bb H ED SLOCOMB -MANAGER 'd al Sh 2121 c whose telephone number Is 2408, lvea a 6 u ou.se avenue. e MermB.I M t op at oast ton Beach and Sea.I. Bea.ch chap-or to the local Red Crou office. bas been on duty in the South B "t T kJ Fi h" Inf ti boulevard. petitioned superio r tere ot the Lion• Club will meet M F t ' al • aC e • S Ing OfDl& On All applicants for this COUI"8e Pacific for some time. r. ros £ court Monday for a divorce from with the local LloM tonight' at h N --f 0 rd NEWPORT BEA.CB ed r will be required to pus a physical brot er, orman .-.v .. ~ o xna . ~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~;;;;; Aust,in Due and also. ask or re-the American Legion hall in Costa examination. which wtll be given ""as an over-night guest at the storation of her maiden name ot Mesa. I at the Air Base hospital an"y day Frost home Wedneaday, when be Mildred Maxey. The Huntington Beach members thla week. except Saturday. Phys-was returning home from San Mrs. Due stated they were mar-will turni.sb the speaker and en-ical exa.tnlnalion blanks may be se-Diego. ried at Comanche. Okla:, April 17, tcrtalnment Douglas Ward pres!-cured from Mrs . Daniel or from Leaving last week for their for- 1933 and parted last ApMI 8. They dent ot the. local club sa.ld 0 wb.lcb the Red Ctosa office aod a rrange· mer home ln Waupakoneta, Ohio, have community property consist-\\'ill bring the three chaplers to-menta made for the examination. were William Christler and the ~ng of $3710 in the malt shop, S750 gether tor social purposes. Ladles A.a 19 true ot all Nurses' Aide ?.1isses Ruth and Mildred Christler, in bank accounts and a car. Ex-or the Legion Auxiliary wilt serve courses lhoee taking the c.ourae father and 91.aters of H. E. Cbrtst- treme cruelty was charged. the dinner. starting at 7 p. m.. m~t arrange to take all cla.s.ses. ler of Balboa Island. Tbelr.,atay is ,. At their Thursday noon meet-Thia la a.n lmportant t ype C1f train-indefinite, but Miss Mildred Cbrisi· Human faculties are common, Ing. Lione of Newport heard Pr•· be Isl! h but th t bich th ing and each clus in the coune is ler, ~·ho bas en a.es ng er a w convergea ese siding Judge Raymond H. Thom~ b th Tb I I d t I f Ill In Id 1 r necmaary, to itn completion. Wom-ro er at e a an er or near Y acu ea to my en ity. sepa-!JOO of the Santa Ana Superior h f t tro otb en fak.il'lg thb course will be cer-a year, may resume er ormer rs. ea me m every er ma.n. Court expt·•-the funcUon of "'· k boo! t h cuu 11u1 titled t o work in &rmy boepitala wor as 8C eac er. court, dlfflcultles of securing a.nywhere and both Mrs. West and crossword GORDON B. FJNDLAY • CONTBAOTO& an• B UILDER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR . OUR liPBCIALTY Cabinet Shop Service Offiee Cabinet Shop 9418 Coast Blvd. 407 SOth st. Phoae 41! I'll. !1188-J. l'llMPOBT 11&.t.t:Jll. C.t.LD'. juron. and nece88ity of public un-Mra. Dan.lei are ls8Ui.ng a speelal Try working today's dersta.nd1ng of the democratic pur-appeal tor volunleenl. puzzl~ ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ poees of the court system. Wm. ----------------~--BALBOA THEATER Bo:r ottlce opena at e:so p.. m. Lut complete •bowfn&' of a Double Feature PTopun alarta at B:IO p. m. Toeo. -Wed. Lord, program c.ha.lrman a.1ao led th,_ Race Day for PC's atBYC Jack Haley -llarrlet lllll1ard '<;[AKE IT BIO" alao "SHADOWS IN THE NJOHT" With Wamer Barter 'l'b.lll'L -Fri. -Sat. Alan Ladd -Loretta Youns .. A..."'ll> NOW TOMORROW'' al90 "'DARK M OUNTAIN,. sun. -Moo. .. SUMMER STORM" Chuck Haynes sailed into first place in the P C races held at the Balboa Yacha club on Sunday. qond was Darby "F'razier and Reber Erickson tied for foa:rth ; Ed Giddings, filth: Jack Hillman . !<ixth ; George Strom. !Oftflth; l..arTy Wheeler, eighth; Bartlett I He nderson. ninth and BUd aam- mond, tenth. Coming: "Ab......i With Two Yanb": ''Thirty SeooDcb Over Tokyo"; "Tonight and Every Evo!l'J' Nlp t". B 1J y . . ~... .. .. . ' . ' . '' Bech •one·A-Day" brand Vltmnln A and D Tablet io .,,.;ya/eat izJ Vitamin A and D JllOftlKT to on• and on~ball I -pooa/ul& o f Cod Liv.r Oil mee\in& m i n im u m Unit ed l t ate1 Pbamw:opeial St.in· I ...... A aufficlent aupply of these two important Titsmins is as aec-·ry for you as it ia fOC" dae ch!idten. YOU CAN INSURE ade- .... w Intake for you and y our bmlly bf eeelilc to it t hat each • '"-takee a •o ne--A-Day" Tlillet nery day. ' TMl.ET & UT IS W. TOU TM! c 'ti' ·c.1.r .............. .,. ... ., ....... .............. twww. The Father In secret ls unaeen t o the physical sieb.su, but H k.now1 all thlnga and re"N&.rM ac- cordln.g to motives, not accordln to wpeech.-Mary Baker Eddy. LID 0 T H EA T E R Phone 2114 Free Parldng Box Office Opens at 8 :SO p. m • ~latlnee Saturday at 1 :45 Contlnuou9 Sunday (rom 2 :SO '''edneM!ay Only Lon Chaney -.Jean Parker Paul Kelty -Acquanetta "DEAD l\IAN'S EYES9' a1 .. "BABES ON SWING STREET'' With PeRY Ryan -Ann Blytb Thun. • Frt. -Sat. Gall Jtuuell -Dlana Lynn "OUR HEARTS WERE Y0 1JNG AND GAY" San. -Mon. • TnM. uno:N MAN GOES ROME" Comlna': "l<eyo of the Khlr dom"; "Sonc to ~: "Pnetioaily Yoan": ...,._. man'• ~: -NatloDal Vel· ---B 1J y w .t.. BOJfD8 I~mber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. -ua au oo.t.11'1' BJGBW.t.r 3t-.f 1JJ..Otllm ~ ~ 3£.n .cw~ :RJ.,. . ILlGillQlL1111 • I , r.n °}1•--·l1S..•S..Y• IL w: c.r 4, ~ $ycmlfl UlllA AM .&~·----- TUT, TUT, IT ISN'T NICll to grind up the wgar with your fingers when you're.mix- ing those "Old Fashioncds:~ The South Co2st Hardware Store has some handy MUD- ' ' DLERS to USC for that very purpose. They' re made of hardwood, beautifully finished, and HA•DWA•I A ••WllOM Of ........... so.... cdilst --·· ..... IWIUllU "'i ne.• ..... CIMtut. lllW•O•I UACll .. • ' .. ' ' • 1 I • • • waw•n••1 KwwpNt 811 .. 0 ,, 'e ......_ -I.--·--...... • -. . •t1pe F1milies Shire Clot•ing In 0Ner to lppar on Streets Four -Billionl1 In E Bondi Goal In 7th War Locin ~1 .•K.:l1in KittJ' Collech ' Th1I wuk will Re the middle wu DOt bflcMnlng or eomethl:n& WASHINGTON. D. C.-.. In \b.• al the drive of the United National WU WfUll' with the ftt. Send lt Snentb. War Loan 70\lt eovemmeot Clothln• OollectJon.. Goal of Henry ott. It wU1 never be any better, la •aklDI for the lar1nt 1um In ln-e ln natmentl b7 lncUYidUala ln the hla-JCateer'• comm!ttee ta 150,000.000 and may be a joy to eomeooe tOl'7 of Americ•~ Ofl the .-.000.000,- poundo ol clothing.' 0-thla _,,, need. 000 1Ddi"1clual IOllL Sf. 000.000.000 lib a hu•e amount? It bu been How about th09ll woolen blank-la to be ln I: Boads, •• Secretary of -"m•ted that 120,000,000 people ete that are weartnc thin on the tbe Treatur1 HeDl7 Mor1ent4.au are dapel'ately in Deed of cloth-edcee ! Tb.ey can be cut dOWD. for Jr. recentb 1tild in •nnouncinJ the tna in the ,..u-devutated areaa of chllclren'• bed.I, for any kind of Advance· Payroll Savina• d.rlve. SUrope and A.ta. Tt:L&t means only blanketa. lb.eetl and pWCJllNCUea 1'be Secretary turther staled: f ·-.,~-· Y•-'••e can alao be "To meet tbla unprecedented but a UtUe more than a pound o -v -..9Y. .... .._. 9"aU1 nece1,.ey E Bond quota, the c:10thtnc pir penon. much lem t.baD 'U99d If over a yard ln len.rth. American worker, thtou&b the pay- tbeir Ktual need. Glance oo,·er your old evmtng roll pvilip plan. 11 beln& called Many famllle. a,.. almOft: with-d:ruae& They wl11 not be Ul&ble In upon tor increaaed allotments and eut c.totttlng, ao much to that mem· their pruent 1tate, but 1t matertall extn caab War Band ;urcha•es ..,.. of • family Mare their gar-are wuhable, decide whether they •to a 1reatu extent than lo any ,,_..b ao that one member" may ap-can be cut down tor petticoata:, P~~ r.v:h e ,..,. on ttte streeta. In come coun-alJpa or Di&'bl«owoe-&nd then do srlmmeat and ~ not In ai-tlcJe of clothing ha• it younelt, for it LI only a tew 1teateat of bu- --.,, aold In a year and a hal' momenta job and DO one el.111!1 wUl m 1 n .adurance wtthout epeolal government per"-be able to do it. \e1b. The side rnlt, rationing having been dltcard Be aure above all thinp that that wins, in the Prtor to that time. clothing iJ clean. It is a simple dnal analysis, la Sh •'--th~ .. -matter tor the donor to clean the the 1Lde that l1 <>ea .are among I.UC ~.. 1n there work:ln& needed moet, and mates ehould be t..hl.ngs abe gives, tor lt ehe does and ftgb\ing at tied together. Heavy winter cJotb-n ot do It, aome one else will have the end-the side tng ta still needed, &a well as ar -to. Relfttt th&t tmpulse to strip off with the stamina ticlea tor eummer wear. Go buttoll.8 and zippers, tor there w111 and the spirit to through your wardrobe '<'rith a be none t o replace them where endure the loni mental yardstic k a pplied to every they att going. and terrible or· Sec. Morcentbaa p.n:nent and see ff It measures up. Ftnd out your local chairman or de·~e present war imposes Its \est It l• neceeaary. becoming, wear-take your donations to the city no less upon civilians than upon \he al>le ? Every v.·ar drobe has a "mls· camp gTou nd where the workers \ men in the armed services. Victory take," something which has been are collecting and packing them, goes lnevitably to the side whose kept because It w as expensive or and above all. DO IT N OW, for men and womf'n, in and out of pretty, but never worn because tt the drive will be over thla month. uniform, stick longest and most un· waver ingly to lhe performance ot "Satisfied Radio SerV:ice" NEWPORT -BALBOA -COSTA MESA 1836~ Newport BITd. Ph. S46 Costa M"8a Open 10 '° 6 dally, excel" Sunday &I Monday IEW SHIPMENT OF GUITARS th'ir jobs. "There has been a fundamental change in the nature of the war. There i1 no limlled objectiv' now. The objective is total victory. The nearer we drive towa rd the enf'my's heart. the CQstller the war becomes A1 we begin to go ell out against the J apanese. so will our costa in- crease due to greater d1llance1. "I know tha t America ns need no apµe al to meet the dem .-i nds of the Seventh Wa r Loan. The way fo r each of us here at home to meet these demand• ii through increa1· ing War Bond purchases, u:1ceas· ing devotion to his duty and hls job and through a vivid knov.. ledge that to win we m ust sacril\ce. After hea.rbll' a wt..,. 1t, thet:r ba«alloll ellaplaln, NaT1 Lt. Joha 1111. D11. ht. of Det.rolt, 1beb.. these ftn members •f a plonett 'bat.- i&llon of tbe l'nrill Martne Dlrialan Mme"tfhere Ill &he Padfte. .... re oft' nrurfD&. The ~udn IUU,.,"' • ~ can wtth a dot. tn the top. helPI ibem keep their ftMITe. for eaeb time one flf. tbe qu!n.td n.M. be mast make a eontrfbaUon to the ~tty.• The moDe'f roes to ChaplAl.n Du Puls. who brna ll Oft!' to a loeal lmtJtatloa for ~as charity. The flye Marines are. Id& &.. rl&bt. Corp. Joha H. Saanden of NashTlll~ N'. C,. Bet. T-L. Wllllum of Tacoma, Wa..b.... Corp. Wiiiard A. Carpenter el Grand Rapid-. Mk.IL. Cerp. WllUam J. Seipel. Jr., of Col...-., O,. aal Stafl' BP. Cb.arts J. 1'loon 9f Warttn Point, N. J. (U. S. ~ C.. ,._) Harmony , Kay and "Our response to \he Seventh W1r Loan will be the vindicalion to \hese men of their faith rn us." George Rolan, Track Star of 1895, Hasn't Missed a Shift in 18 Months Custom Craft Makes - Instruction A vallable -. "Everything 180'7 Newport Blvd. CO". in Mt.4Sic and Sound" Costa M"8a Phone %310 J. A. Beek Cabin Entered; Gas Gone l!. u an active man reaches lo.to bis aixtles or mo re, and dur· ing the irpan ot hi.a lite be can produce a newspaper clipping re- t errtng to him 2~ years ago, he Is a rll.ther rare individual. When a man reacbee 68, worU The Black Star canyon moun-day in and day out, OCC&l!ionally taln cabin of J05eph A. Beek. 528 m&king a 16·b.our ahitt, and not West Bay Front, veteran secre--mllalng one regular ahltt for 18 tary ot the state senate, was the montha-now when this man e&n scene of a party sometime within dn.w from hi.II pocket a clipping the past two weeks, unauthorized about blmeell tltled "60 YEARS persons having gained entrance, AG0'0-then he atanda out among possibly by means of the front hi.a generaUon u a rare epeclmen door key hidden at the site. indeed! A!te r enjoying t heir outing, the Geof'ge Nolan, guard at the "guests" lett. taking with them a American Pipe and Cout Co. on barometer, air gun and 15 gallons 28th atreet. baa been a. resident o1 of gasoline, according \o reports , Newport tor 28 ye.an--be Ls well L..--------------------------'lmade at the aberiff's oltlce. known to ~t. u • concu- 1 It's the FLAME that makes it perfect! I • • I Calls for ''hot V.:ater" are alway~ urgent. You want it right now and plenty . of it. And it's the f la~ of your automatic ' gas watelheater that gives you the . "mostest the fastest:' Economically, too! HOT wan• COSTS LISS 3 Liff-flame cooking bakes aruJ broils an4 roasu -to perfection! i J v .. ODIRN ••• PRACTl.CAL ••• ON TAP LOTS MOU IN A HUUY •• •• ··----.. •• , .. iS! "The silent Servel Rcfrigcraror freezes with just a tiny gas ft-. Not a single moving part; oocbing co wear. Ia "cold" is comtaot. • slooalre In the Balboa diBtrtct t or many years. He is the f'&f'e !fPKI· men. • wo,.ld Record An athle te during bl!! youth, George Nolan was unofficially Cf'edlted with the w orld's record tor t.be 220 yard dash by the Police Guette, the Loa Angeles Times and the Ne'W' York Mirror. How· ever the record was not granted, a.a Nolan admlta, because lt wu made wtth a wind at his be.ck on a cl.rcul&r track. The time was 20 4/~ aeconds-a record which w&.s not equalled until Jeue ~·ena aet the · present wof'ld record in recent years. The clipping T'derred to above was from the Rlverelde Daily ~ of Feb. 22, 1895. Tbe tb.1rd It.em in the .-porta column stated the following: "George Nolan of Rtvenlde e9tab1lahed an inter· collegiate record tor 100 yards, bet.ng timed at 10 2/:S seconds." Nolan had moved to R lverwtde in 1880 when hie Cather took up a ho~e•tead. the center 40 now be- lng occupied by bu.nga.lowa tor ot- tlcers stationed at M'&rch Field. Collta Mesa News Mrs. Marvin W\lcox, 2031 Or- ange. haa returned trom a week's vacatJoo epent wlth her parents ln · Montazuma Valley. Mr. and MrW. Wllcox were boeta to Sgt. and Mrs. Frank Ball of Santa Ana on Saturday night when the aer- geant 'e birthday wu n oted with d inner and the traditional cake. A fou rsom e gathered at the )\)me of ?rlrs. Ernest McClellan, ~27 Westmiruner . last week for an a:t~f'noon of cards. Present were Mesdames J ack West, J ef'roJd Spangler. K enneth Stewart and t he hostesa . BUY WAR BONDS . / .. - """"° ••r"" .. -. ........... s-.c.w ..... .... , I ...... re ....... . _ ..... ... .... .. 1 ··ttw .. ••• 2 ..... ,. ........ . ....... , ........ -.. ......... ~ .. -,.. ~I I ....... -.:• -Wl:F••· ....... :=":".~ -. ? . --...... I • • L • ( ' ~ \lh.1 ..,,·lt.1•·1 • • ' 1 I ' ' REAL 'ESTA!rE TRANSFERs DEEDS ~ WEEK OF APB1L IT.R 11815-J'am.ee E . Fmvler ~ wife to S. A. Meyer It wtfe, lot 7 \a blk. A of tract 18, Hazy.rs Ftrot ·~dd., O>lta Meaa. \ 11044-Abetl'llCt TtUe Ina. A: 'Tr. Co. to Sebutla.n SoUz.a A: wile, part of blk. 184 of Irvlne Subdn. 11660-Lena F . Harvey &: wtfe to Jeanne F. Wllliama a: wife, lot 32 ot tract 682, Corona del Mar. 11642-Caroltne L. Schultz to Anna De Oliveira.. lot 1~ Of New· port Hetgbta. 11845-Berl. C. Mulvehill to Fred WA.TOii US GROW! B. Jenklns &: v.:lfe, lot 12 In blk. 7 of MC, 2 of Balboa llland. ;_ ______ ;... _____ ;I 11647--Cbarlea C. Fi.pp1 A: wtte lOUS.-Mary B. Patton to Har· to Angus s . rue~ a, wife, old H. Butterworth an4 wlte, lot part ot lot 16 and all of lot• 18 and 17 or tract W . Corona del Mar. 20 In blk. 139 of Resubdn. ot Cor· 10995-Cbu. lf. Walker A: wtte ona del Mar. to Georp J .-DeLeon • wtt'e, lot 8 11649-Loia E . Thee to Fred B. tn bUt. 39 or· First Add. to Newport Jen.k.ina A: wife, lot 2G In b'!:. 6 of HelghU. eec. rs of Balboa Island. • 11001-W , T. Jeffenon to Harry 11626-Mary J . Bussey to Dcn- W . TaytC>r Ir. wtfe, part at lot '51 o.ta Hogland & wfte. part of lot 17 of N~ Helghto. In b!k. c of tract 18, Harpen First JlGt&-Clty Of Newport Beach Add.. eo.ta Mel&. Gene's Bakery • SPAGHETTI DINNERS 106 Cout Corona del Mar to Emily McKeeth. lot. • and 1:5 J 1626--Dennll Hogland & wtte 1 !'------------• ln block 227 ot B&CUon A of New-to Wilson J . Yarbrough &:. wtfe, 1' port Bea.ch. aa.me aa 1162:S above. 11210-Hal C. Ritter A: wife to 11629-Irene M . Burnett A: bu. Jack IC. Balla.rd &: wile, Jot 1 in band to Clyde E. Vose &. wife. lot block 737 ot Corona del Mar. 1023 ot tract 907, Newport Bea~h. 11122-Clltt ord C. Ferrell arid 11&7-Leo S. Koch to Emanuel wite to Job.n F . Vogel et al., P*t S . Solomon, lot:a 10 and 12 ta blk. ot lot 1 Of tract 464, Newt. H eights 639 of Corona de\ Mar. 11278-Veterans Welfare Bd. of 11659--CJaude Wiiliam Hippler St. of Callt. to Ada Adele Gimba.l, & wife to Jea.one F. WUiia.ms &: Shell Products at REED'S Suoer Service 2920 West Central part Of lot 22'5 ot Newpt. Heighta. wife, lot 29 of -tract 682. Corona l Ne rt 11157-WSlllam J . Travers Sr. t o dd~el~Ma~r::_.·:_ ________ _I~"""'"""'"""'"""'~~~~"""'"""'"""'~ Marjorie Travers Ff'ench , lots l .:: and 2 ln blk. 35 of Newport Beach. .. • 11229--Grifflth Co. to Ralph E . Condit &: wife . part of lot 622 and all or Jot 623 of tract 907. Udo Isle. Newport Beach . 11231-Grifflth Co. to Ralph E . Condit Ir w1te. lot 624 and part of lot 625 ot tract 907, Udo late, Your car may, 1 be a '...: ' 'tS~\ y\\ \!.' "' . ' , ljz Newport Beach . ., 11164--Glrard P . Putnam lo G. P orter Putnam, part of lot 99 of tract 300. Coata Mesa. 11331 -Glenwood Ballinge r to Martha F . Ballinger", lot 13 kl blk. 3 or Reaubdn. ot sec. l ot Balboa Island. ::£ OOPlt •!1 --~~- -, I ffif, - 11161-Ctty Of Newport Beach to B . H . Gibbs, tot 23 in blk. 16 of Sec. 3 ot Balboa Ialand. 11122-Edwtn 1Arnold Brown &: wUe to Fred T . Celden &: wife, lot 20 in blk. 39 of River Sectloo, New- port Beach. 11222-Gri.ftilh Co. to Marjorie P . Smit h. )Qt.a 426 an d 427 In tract 907, Lldo late , Newport Bea"'t:b. 1U24--J. M. Coo~r &: wlte to Della E . Ehler. lots i3. 14 and 15 in trac t 973, Coat& Mesa.. 11226 -Griffith Co. to E . A. Thackaberty & w!te. lot 919 ot tr. 907, Lido Isle, Newport Bee.ch. ll~Allce M. Eakin to W . B . Foote, Jot.a 19 and 20 in blk. 27 of Newport Beach. 11601-W. B. Foote ,. wtte lo Ernest P . Webb, loll 19 and 20 lD blk. 27 ot Newport Beach. 11602-Edward D. Goodell and wUe to Hild.a. K. PariAh e.t al, lot ts ln blk. M3 ot Corona del Mar 11610-F'lnt Nat. Bank of S. A. to Edith V. Van De Water. lot 14 ln blk. 26 Of. Flrst Add. to New- port Helghti 11611-Edith W. Van De Water to Llllla.n T. La. Perle. lot 14 in blk. 26 ot Flret Add. to Newport Heigh ta. ' ~· ll5J Watch Out! Hidden from sight in your car is a posaible Booby Trap that y0<1 cal! a battery. It loolu in- nooimt, but Watch OutJ It can cauae a lot of crief. That'o why Shell check.I it carefully dur- ing Shellubricatfon eemce ••• j u.t .. other vital part.a are eerriced and tested. 11612-J06eph Turek & wife tQ Edna M. Hutcblnson, part ot lot 5 1n blk. B ot tract 5M, Gibson Home Acru, Costa Me.ea. ITS TIME TO CHANGE TO GOLDEN SHELL MOTOI OILI Warm weather wilt ooon be here. Be aure your oil is cle&nt summer-grade Go1den Shell for f11lleat protection aralnat wear. ·SHELL OIL COMPANY, /~. Cat• for yo•r Cor for yo•r C.O••tr'J 1'1813-A.llce B. Hoga.D to W . J . Golden &: wife, lot 166 ot Newport I Heigh to. .. , long- s ho rt ~ the Unlon PaciBo main llDe- belw-elations-a lliqDaJ. fla1heo nd. The train slacken• opnd and llDpl. The mvmeer qru. the whistle cord ••• °"" lcag and thnMt llhart blu!L That's a sic;i• Dal to the fla9""'"• It la hla du!J to gift adequal8 ,..m1nq to any train iollQwinq. To do m, be waib a onflickmt d"'""!9 "' !be rMr "' tmm-fall proj8dloa. 'Ilda la cme cl !be llWIT ~ = • ·--..... hr umo.. Pacallc me! c6-nf11uede-i> ~ p11 ··~ wtfn6ghtmrs --... • aw. .. -ra. 2 3 CA"' -,.. .. .... ................. , .. ,.. ... ,.., __ WI NtHIU#ln INION •ACIFIC •ic••·· ... .... " \RA•~aoA• <&IC&am&AM ''9' ... ' t Sele tranaportalloll ll«>omeo 1Dcne.t~!1 important in wartime. Tralnloach cl troope and e•enttal material.I are oon- alanlly on the move over Unlon Paclfld• Slrateqic Middle Route ..,.,!l!nq the Bait with the Pacific Coaot. • • • hoot -the a_.. pic"9cll his train, ., la It the job of all ,AmerigeM "' ptOtidot iar fubae MCcully J>r ~ hoadol and _...,,th.a. 'l'llwo -_. Wp nWl!a hwtp*J and • ""''"99 0. Jm&' u lrdcfl:adiridmle '1rpciaeucl~ • .. • ' f . ..,...:....:.... _ _:__:__:.__~_:_-~~.,--~--~~-~!!!~~!::~~~~~ .. ~·~·~·~·~·~-~!99~.:...!•~~~ .. ~·!..~·~·~~ .... ~_!0ollt~~-~~,~-:..,:~~~~~~~~ . -\ ' . ·• ' ,.__ N OPPORTUNITY! u ...,;, don't ftnd what you are looking, for advertlaed In this Issue Phone N_,,,,_rt Beach 12or13 and ~•·-""""' own ~ ---DlllNN180N ·WRITES ABOIJT ' back the taxes wlllch are -on J-~-.-,_... J-• <llTY TAX LOT PBICEll th• property, and to set them/-----------:::-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:-:::r::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::-;-::::::::::::::::::::::::"'::=-:-:::::::::::::-------::------------=--R The following copy of an open back on the _..,u, not for any -----.,..,=-----1::-:l I Jl1llllNW OUIDll 11 5&111: llJiKlii1-"1SOU8 IO BOATS, llUPPLIES a DAL ___ a_n __ A_...., _______ 47 DAL UTATIC . letter wu received by tbe News· greet profit. lll1BIN:Ull 011JDJI: -+- ii times: So why not cut out this foolish· CONTRACTING RALPH'S GARAGE, 1666 New-SAl!LB ~ocl K..-at. llze 18: BOATS-Bot, Bold &Del Thded REAL HOME CORONA de1 MAR • • April 14, 1945 """' and sell the property at the ------------port -.!., Coot& M-. Repair-Coat practically new, $226. 114 Marinf Ellgtnu and Pana Sturdy conatructlou: blgb quality To the Honorable . city minimum price, wlllch I feel O.Uual Oo11tncttnr log. O.o.eraton. aurtera. EleeL E. CentnJ, Bal-, between. one :MARINI!: SALVAJE AND 6 HOUSES FOR SALE plumbing & fittings. Tile In bath Mayor and City Council is more than a fair price set. Who--Repair and · Alte.ratlone Welding. Spectallsln.g oa. Dodge and ftve · P. K. Phone lSU.W. KFG. CO. and kitchen. Flrepla.ce. 2 bednna. of Newport Beach, Calif. ever appraised the property sure . Frank Peltltof~ "' Plymouth. Good etock parta. 80-2tc 3-090 W . Central """-I'll. 2388-W. To Be Moved Double garage. Fine IQcatlon. Gentlemen: had a pipe dream oo the actual 3'05 J1nley"A.ve., Newport 'Beach . 19-ttc FOR SAL&----Boy'a blue suit, alze Newport RKCh, c.ut. Beautlfully furnished. WW autt I would be very happy to have value on some ot the property the Phone 1498--M 29--4tc --Gu>--Beac--b-Se_rvl_ce_St~-.-tt_o_n--1 t«. $8.00; BoT• leather .boot.I, 26..Uc the m08t diacrimlnaliDg buyer. you explain to me why the city off I city has to offer to the fpudobhc p --.-~--0-00_N_'l_RA_CTO __ R__ Tln-Battery-Igu!Uon Service alse 8, '8.00 : Boy'o black ahoee,FQ =-,-R-,S_A_LE-__ D_y_e_r_D_l_ng_hy'",-$350. QompJeteJy Furnished $17~~C.OOARD. OZ SLO•" Newport Beach, a corporation o 1 Therefore I am in favor o tng ~·'""' Lubrication abe 8 $1..60 Ph N t. 2289--W n... A ~, the people. have to sell property away with this sealed bid monkey ' ' ~ · twp so.2U Vtking'a Port. Ph. Newport 59· 2 W 503 Coa..at Blvd., Corona del Mar which they have taken back for business and get down to brMS Painti?:?~al-~e~~auting 20th.lo N•;?::;,:i;,r.eootal~~c --1~-'''----------. 30-ztc 01 estminster Ave., Phone Newport 47 30-itc taxes, and already have set a fair tacks and get rid of the property. Roof nciP r • .ra.uo ng F'O SALF--Black. patent le:ather DINGHIES, ·Paddleboardtl, Te.nnia Costa Mesa, Calif. price. We the people have to t jus t can't conscientiously advise Symvson & Nollar TRANSPORTATION 18 ta llhoel, 11.tt 6-B, wooden tape, Tables. Retail and wholeaa.le. D. C. MacKenzie make a sealed bid in order to ob·1my clients to even put in a bid on Pb. Nwpt. 1217-W 612 S8th St. _B_I_CY_CLE--8-_-8-0-,d-.-.. -0-t-ed-0-,-r-~ good condition, 205 Weltmirul:ter WATSON woobCRAFT SHOPS, JOHN VOGEL 1808 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa taifi same. or wait possibl)· 301 the property. 12-ttc Ave .. NewpL Hta .. or phone 2122 611 Coast Highway Phone 161 days for the council to meet. th~n Your truly, -------------~~ :'n~g~;,:· ~~ln~:en~~'. after 5:30 p. m. 25-tfc Pbone Newport Beach 601 Phone Newport 145 to find out that someone has bid c. F. DENNISON. Attention Pamters ! • Balboa Island. 22-tfc LADIES' Rayon Hooe, all sizes. ____________ 14_·_tfc 29-tfc 1/. Acre. Close In $10.00 high'er than they did. the n Plenty of L.T.Z. Paste. ---------------Pr' ed RI ht the council must either \\"r ite them Come in a.nd see us. LOST AND FOm'D H Women's&: Glrl .. dresses. Blue EVERYTHING FOR SALE -IMMEDIATE POS-$!4COO ogo or tell them. "Velly, vell y sorry, +-------------+ Costa Mesa Paint Chambray work shirta lt.l9. SESSION-;?01 Knoxville Street. · but another nart;· bid above you LOST-Girl'• green and white bi-HI-chairs, baby bugg1ea. Auto ELECTRICAL r -' R bl" ' 'R d and Hardware Co. comer of Alabama Ave .. Hunt· an dtherefore u:e must a bide by am 1n oun cycle wltb M!ar rack. Reward. batterlet1, 18 & 24 mo. guarantee E H k' & I lngton Beach. Open from 8:30 Home and 2 Lots the rules of the sealed bids, and Next to Sale"A·ay, Costa Mesa.. Mn. WQrlh, 409 EMl Bay Front. $6.4~ &: $7.45 Ex. Western Auto ts-0 JD Ga V~n t 4 30 d .1 T . Corner. New. Modern. Close In. S-O-•tc Phone 483. 27-4tc Supply Co ta M-.. 29 4tc a . m. 0 : P-m. at Y· o in-retum )-our deposit." Ry Barbre ' 3 ~· • Electrical Contracto"' .YeBtors for rental income or Immedla.te Posaesslon. Whoeve r had this nightmare ..._ ___ _;;.:_.::;;,:...;.:_ ___ 4 WE do Carpenter \Vo rk repaire by LOST-Wrist-watch A>Iar. 31 . Vt-\VA.NTED TO BUY 31 1000 Coe.at Highway 11edge against inflation or for $7900 OQ must hav_e had a sea horse instead, Thi~ is a notice to the makeup the hour and outside painting. clnity Balboa·Newport. Colomby Phorie 1384 97-tfc sale for occupancy to Shipyard · ~use it. only creates bad f('(>l· I ma n that if he is short of space 91 5 E. Central. Balboa. 30·4tp waterproof, sbockproot. Reward. LOT, suitable tor income, In Bal-workers or other workers in ..,,.ar 3 Bedroom Home 1ngs betuo een pros pective. buyers and v.·ants to pull this out of the 2 boa or between Newport and MUSICAL & RADIO SI production plantil or civilian em- pa{>e r today. he is welcome to do CLASSIF1ED INDEX ~1:'.1 ·C:i~dl~t~:~ .f:ca;!, p~~. Balboa. Will consider one or t..,,·o FOR SALE~Male Daschund. Ped-ployees ot any Governmental Modernbu~;~t~ ZiC:~t!e!~· from HOME, AUTO, MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED Marine Electriclan BURT R. NORTON 1111 Cout mwa.y Phone !f.17 Newport Beach, Callf, so. fHe would an}"\vay. if he BUSINESS GUIDE 10 den&, Calli. 29-5tc room cottage. Must be reason· igreed. 7 moe. old. Call 1524 for agency if they are not now ade- wan tcd tol. Reason being we CHURCH NOTICES U -------------ably priced. J . Mcaoskey, 22 1 appointment. 30-2tc quately hou9ed or are being $6500.00 guarant('(' there \vill he nothing PERSONAL 14 LOST -On Balboa Island. male W. 76lh St., Los Angeles 3. Calif.. evicted, thls well constructed 3· in here \VOrth reading. This is SHARE YOUR CAR 115 Fox Terrier puppy. white. with 20-l tp RADIO REPAIRS-All makes; bedroom house. The sub!loors 3 Bedroom Stucco the season of the year "''e feel TRANSPORTATION 18 brown ears and tail. 604 So. Bay tubes, etc. Marine Electrician. are 2·ln. planks, the hardwood Corner lot. Double garage. B• •UTY AIDS 18 J 3 WILL PAY CASH tor used Dingh-Ph 2,17 B t N rt fru.:;trated. \Ve want to get out z.ra. Front or phone 2105-. 0-ltc · "' · ur o on, 1111 Oak floors are one inch thick, Liberal tertrui. HEALTH AIDS 20 les. skiffs, rowboats. Aleo patio Co&.Bt H N n--• and put little seeds and plants in LOST AND FOUND !! EMPWYMENT WANTED %8 umbrella frames, officers fold-gwy., ewport ~. prewar enamel bath tub, metal $8750.00 the ground. \A.'ater them tenderly SCHOOLS a INSTRUCTION u -------------lng chairs. Watson Woodcraft l·tfc jacketed water heater, 55,000· a nd v:atch them come up and see EMPLOYMENT \VANTED !.8 WILL CARE for chlldreR in my BTU ga.s floor furnace, lot.a ot K , the bugs eal them orr. It's a sen· D ~ . d Shops. 611 Coa&t Highway. Ph. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 wardrobes and closets. Price: D. c. Mac enz1e EMPLOYMENT OFF'ERE .... home, all hours. Also sew1ng an 601. 23·16tc Sl sat io n that's probably as old as SALE MISCEILANEOUS SO alteratloiltl doue. 2459 Tustin -------------DRESSMAKING and ALTER· 1!5850.00. Down payment $58~.oo Phone 1 the human race and it 's called WANTED TO BUY 31 avenue. Coeta Meae.. 29--'ltp WILL PAY CASH for your fur· ATIONS. 614 36th Street, New-or more, monthly payments $60 1808 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa spring fever. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 niture or wbat have you. Phone port Beach. 18-17tp for tour years at which time 30-2tc Asid e from a general. chronic BOATS, SUPPLIES S3 W ANTED-C&rpet and Upholster-Nw t 2000 O R Cra l Tb they may be reduced by re-1------------- spring fever . this acute altack MUSICAL & RADIO M ing cleaning in your home. Work P · · · · w ey, e KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT quest. For further lnformatloo: &EAL E8TAD W.&.NTED M DOOS. C . .\TS & Pf:TS S5 guaranteed. Color and beauty n!:· Food Buket, 1812 Newport Vogel'e, 100 Main St. Balboa and NORTON ~BAILEY 710 Oc an --------------was caUsed b}· our Sunday dinner. .. RABBITS ll8 Blvd., Coats Mesa. 99-tfc 'll\o M-~-e Ave., Balboa Island. ~ • e Wanted at Corona del Mar · ESTS POULTRY ., · vlved, give new sheen. Phone ------·--------•= ~"' A en Seal Be h Phone· n.IY' low al It was the first time we really LIVESTOOK S'7 v ue, ac · · learned about barbeeucs. Oh, yes. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 Newport ~16. 30.Stc IF YOU want to sell your old 22-tfc Long Beach 310-97. 25-tfc 3-be4room home on or near OC'ean f .EM.El THE WA' ~·e have. over a period of y('ars. BUSINESS OBPORTUNITIES 40 EMPLOYMENT OFFERED Z8 piano aee us. We pay highest YOUR TIRES RECAPPED while Fftint.WWilJI pHayOLuCpOtoM~20,000. a te steaks . cooked on barbecues FOR RENT 41 ------.CORONA DEL MAR · · d W •~n TO RENT ,. B cash price. 30 yea"' In Orange you work. Bring in your car or 151 7 Coast Highway. a BITHIOOM Lools l• a n on li ttle fi res built bet""·een ""'-'-"'"•"'"' ~ WANTED-HOTEL MALO. albOa county. Daru:-Schmtdt Pia.no Co.. t ires ln the morning and they Unfinished House Corona del Mar. Cali!. stones on the desert or on the APARTMl:NTS & HOUSES 43 Inn. Phone 660. 6-ttc 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 5-t!c \1,:ill be ready t o roll in the eve-$2100 th Fl Fl " 29 ztc beach, and counties._.:; wieners. but RENT, MJSCELLA.'VEOUS 45 "Where e aga Y • ROOJ\f & 80.UD 48 WANTED-Woman to clean two ~ Ding. Phone Ney,rport 2342 tor this v.•as something different. A REAL ESTATE 4; or three days per \Veek . Phone WANTED...:..... Washing mach ne ur· appointment. Costa Mesa Tire &: 5-Bedroom House I WANT Balboa Isle 2 or 3 bed.rm. home-grown chicken. hung on a REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 48 252. 30_4tc gently needed by mother of tour Recapping Shop. In the rear at home or tot. F. Ellls, 131 N. spit over a little charcoal fire INCOME PROPERTY 50 -------------active boys. Phone 1850·R. tf 20th & Newport Blvd. lS-tfc Partly furnished. On double Broadway, Los Angeles. Phone wit h one stick of walnut at the RANCHES & ACREAGE 52 HELP WANTED -Housekeeper corner lot. MUtu.al 4212 ; res. R0-8435. side to navor the smoke. melted R EAL ESTATE WANTED M for expectant mother. husband WA.i."'iT to buy valve refacing ma-WANTED TO RENT U $7800 26-lStc butter brushed over at intervals !'tfONEY TO LOA...."11 M ov erseas. Room; board, salary. chine to handle Ford valves. ____ ...:._.:_.:..::.:_c ____ .:..::. until the skin "'as R de licious. MONEY WANTl!:D 58 Call Newport 1626·J. 30-4tc McN!el & Bennett, 1501 West 2-BEDROOM apartment. Through !-Bedroom House ~olden brown gla7.l', and a ·flavor AUTOMOTIVE & TIRES 68 Central. Phone 2125. 29-4tc Sept. Balboa, Ne\\l'J)Ort or vicin- beyond anything chicken ever hed AUTOS WANTED 59 HELP WANTED _ Janitor and ity. can Harry Powell a.tter 7 $4500 before. \Vhile the chickl'n v.•as AUTO SERVICE 80 handy man f or permt. job in F'URNlTORE FOR SALE S2 P· m .. Bamboo Room, phone 1702. roas ting. bucke ts of gr('(>n peas l'RAILEB..Cj 8l trailer camp. Bay Shore Camp, 29-•tp I-Bedroom House HELP! WE have list of bu Ye rs w&iting tor lots and homes. Li11t with us now for quick action. HARBOR REALTY CO. were picked from v1·ne<. '''hi.ch Ph'l t I' ts H 17th and co .. t Highway, New-FOR SALE--4-burner, high oven and bunk room on double corner I f h d Good WANTED-Officer returned from ' I ded th f II d I a e Is ear g"" range. e t· an oven. H U-£N AM£ L .. ~ ,... ,_, oo e ence . she e and port Beach. See Mr. Homeyer. $7500 -ked N d S conditJon 20• Westmtnater Ave · averse"' desires house or apt. ooo within 20 minutes or ~ick· ote tamp Dealer so-ttc · " ·· IATHllO• • .,.,iJ.n, torc-.W.. 1ng. Salad and quantities of hot Newport Helghtil, or phone 2122 tor wire and self. No children or SEE- 30th and W. Central Newport Beacl1 28-tfc llU /I•'•" /•r •• '''''• •• •.• ·coffee, and a heaped pla tter of SALE MISCELLANEOUS so after 5:31) p. m. 26·tfc pets. Call s . A. 7141. Ex. 235. W. J. Holcomb DIE CERT PEI SQUARE FOOT raised doughnuts. fully. flavorful Mrs. J. H. Lee was hostess in FOR SALE-1 ..nltary couch $3: Capt. Ungerman. 30-2tp U17 Coast Hlway, Corona de! Mar HONEY TO LOAN' LOANS TO BUILD. buy, tmprove, modernise or re.ttnance. Newport Balboa. Federal S&vlnga aJld Loan AUocl&t1on. Hu.&IAMR is '° "'>' to • .,,,,. thot 1" -point It J'Hf'Mlf, _. II JOit ar. • 1Mel11,,.,, •Nf ... pfof•uional ,_lh. ......... toa th.t Mv-ha....t k --" wllil wat.ptoof aUI 10 that It win with- --' ..... COftcf°dioM .... tr.q..m 'tfnUI.,. .... aftd .tJU m.dn "9 beotltlfvl lt1dr•. Vila J'Otil' M•~ .t.o!.r tod01. S.. the .rtt.cra... ,_,.. colets which -... 9'p.d partkvlart, for __,.,. bathroat11 ..,_ co1ab'not4ont. , $; U• NU-IMAMIL ..-~,~-...... ,.... -.- roNtCOATCOVERS' ~V:.~~.f..~ ~'::SH ~!~t,,,- COaSf Hardware 246 -48 Forest Ave. LAGUNA BEACH SN OODLES and drenched wt.th powdered •. u· her home. 7208 Sea.shore Drive, PROFESSIONAL diving barge, ''Where the Flaga F1y'' 29-2tc ' W "'TED TO RENT -Doctor's --------------Newport Beech, to members ot cost $1000, a. 11teal at $400. uv-1 A.B. white enaixiel, high oven n.J, gar. fried that morning by the th N H lo od tJ 1 gaa stove wttb oven control, famlly, adulta, would like to rent host. completed the menu. Oh, e ewport arbor Stamp club. g accomm a ans, g a.ea bot· !or a ranch! Guests of the evening were Dr. tom, diving ladder, radJo, etc. $15.00; 1 Domestic blgh oven ga.s 2 or S bedroom home on Island, Albert Salathe, well-known stamp Phone TorrBJJce 1761-R. 27-ttp Btove, gOOd condition. $5.00: l mainland or C.D.M. for a year or That Saturday wind upset sev· dealer in Long Beach who traced -------------Overstuffed davenport, excellent lea. Ph. 492-W. 30-4tp eral small boats but oddffl acci· the history &! France through its El t · H t Pl te frame, $7.50. Tbe!e pieces may WANT TO RENT-Unfurntahed 1 dent was when the strain of it stamps, and Mr. Severn, an off!· ec _nc( O a S be 11een at Thrln Shop on 22nd Pro ed t h S 1 $4 95 or 2-bedroom houae in Newport v oo muc for the stainless cer of the Long Beach Stamp club. 1ng e • !Jlreet, Monday, April 23rd from Beach or Costa Mesa area. Per- 1 st~I rigging of a Rhodes cruiser. A design was chosen !or mem· Double $10.95 11 :30 a . m. until 3 p. m. 30·2tc mane:it. No ch(ldren. Phone Mrs. v.:h1ch gave way, crashing to the bership cards of the Jocal club deck wi·th ·1 • • h. Th Cord Included NEW Apt. size gas range, $69.50 A. L. Smith. Nwpt. Bch. 718. sai s n everyt Jn g. e which will bear a p1'Jot 's wheel tf ·k1.ppe t · · ~ b Coa"t Hardware Used 2-pc. Bed divan suite $79.~ 17-c ·"' r was no 1nJU11.."L1, ut the with insert of a small sailing ves-o:---------------boat was h J J d J v 246-48 Forest. Laguna 26-Stc Used 2-pc. Olrlter Mohair suit, e P ess an oe erge sel. Next meeting will be at the and Lloyd J ohnson of the Harbor home of the president and his dresser, $39.50. pol'.ce t t · ·d T · Uncalled For Sui"ts Santa Ana Furniture Co., "'·en o its a 1 . oss1ng the wife, !\'Ir. and Mrs. Alex He rts, 374 rope to the skipper in rhe rough E. 15th s:t rC't't. Costa Mesa. An 200 men'! suit.a, $4.9~ up. Top ____ 426 w . 4th. 29-4tc .::: .. ?, fh t"' M'.'n mi!scd the catch and auction or slamps will be held. and rain coata \\'atches. ward- the heavy tO'-'' rope hit him in l'vtembers present a t the last robe tru1~ks. gun.a. Ba.skins. 220 the nose Ev idPn!ly the st"'-s de-mreting u·e re i\1r. and 1'1rs. L. H. W. Ocean, Long Beach. 6-tfc CJ'e(>d it \\.'as his dav for an acci-E\\'en. Mr. and l'virs. Vernon O rr. ------------- dt>n l. and by golly. ·he was going l\1 r. and Mrs. Alex Herts a nd Mes-WE HAVT!; good used pianos for to get it! I dames Edna Jones. l\1orse and Ed· $95, $125. $165, $195 up. Fine --gnr Hill . grands $395 up. Ternl8. Some Mrs. Harry Theurrt. 164 Flower, I -------for rent. 30 years in Orange BOATS, SUPPLIES SS --=-----COMMERCIAL FISH BOAT 28 ft. Trunk C&bin. fu?d Wing motor. A-1 condition. All equipped. Call 343 Newport. 27 -4tp ONE PAJR 95 11.P. direct drive REAL ESTATE THREE BAY FRONT HOlllE&- $6500.00 furnished $6750.00 furnished $9000.00 unfurniBhed All immediate posseggion. Ralph P. Maskey 3410 Coast Boulevard Newport Beach Phone 402 26-tfc EL MYO TRACT S3S3 Vta Udo TelepboDe 1500 On Bay A venue 3 Bedroom HOU8e. 2 baths. Com-_M_O_)i_E_i_W_ANTED-,==------156::: pletely furniahed. Immediate oc- cupa.ncy. $17,500 Bay Front Lot $10,500 21/2 Bedroom Home On large Lot. Near Bay. Immediate occupancy. $8500.00 W . L. Jordan 700 .,Ea.st Central, Balboa Phone 153 30-2tc Juot • glance. proves News· Times Leadership! WANT 6o/o Money. C&ll 1963·J, Newport Beach.· 5 to 7 evenlnge. No agen.ts. 26-&tp 8-tfc AUTOMOTIVE II TIRES FOR SALE-1939 C?lev. cylinder block assembly. Excellent shape.· See at Culbertson Ohevrolet Co .. Newport or W. Doy~, 611 No. Bay, Balboa Island. 29-4tp 1929 FORD ':A" Coupe, 5 tires, needs repairs. $110.00. Phone I.850-R after 5 p.m. 22-lt. BUY MORE WAR BONDS has returned from Denver. C"lo .. I A daughter was born April 11 county. Danz-Schmid t F lano Co .. \\'here she \vas prf'sent for the \\"ed· to Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Diehl, 520 N. Ma.In. Sa nta Ana. 5tfc Chris-Craft motors. $800.00. Ken ------------- \\'Uson, Chris-Craft dealer, 925 FOR SALE-Half a cre and 2-bed---------------------------- Coast Hlgh":ay. Phone 584. room houBe. Vacant. $3750, $1500 dihg of her son Staff Sgt. Bobby 190 23rd street, at St. Joseph hos- Theuret . pital. SUV WAR BONDS ( 7 out of 10 people read N.,..,._Tlmes Classified Ad•.) WAA1' IN . ~ ... l'f~ W)RCDS -r~ MA1'1'ER Lrt'l'LE' B-OY "7 21-t!c do\•rn. 470 Newport Blvd. Phone 1965-M. 26-lfc By Cy Hungerford 11$ A fEtlAS rmrrrrmiit~~fil OWN FALT iF t\b SiTS ARVNO Al'. 'B1 t1i$5fi · llt'.SGo1Tt\ Sree1' 'UP & ~e; SQSl'I; ~t.6' ' ' I WISZ, , ,:-...,,,· .,., :f\Si I LONESOME. If fl£' !-VANr.r l(OM1'1NY· -~ $~0o1)LES' DON 'T PASS THESE BUY! $5850 $6000 $11,500 $14,500 Nice. small home in Nev,.-port. Nearly new. Large lot . 2-Bedroom Home Furn . In Costa Mesa. House is old but roomy with la'l?f> yard. Terms . 2-&>dnn .. 2 baths. Or.(•·ha lf hlock fron1 1-)Ay in BaJ boa. Excell. location. Terms. Balboa Peninsula home and income prop. Nice furn. Te rms. IF YOU WANT THE BEST-on Balboa Island.- Bay-front home just 4 years old. 4-bed.rm .. 3 baths. Unit heat. Elec. refrig. Completely turnlshed in finest taste. Immed. poss. Terms. WE HA VE LOTS in Newport Heights and Corona de! Mar. Priced from $400 to $1500. Many fine values. 1~ HARBOR REALTY COMPANY 30th at W . Central Newport Beedl J>OROTHY DA.RNIT . TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED ----·- SerYIAl!! Man and War Workers Ant .All I>epmdln& UpoD Our Glds at the 811 lb4ibceQ! 90l1THERN CALIFORNIA •, tBLEPHONE 00:-- 100 ... Bq ·-· BeJbne m E f'la llD: Maki &, Sin II• Alla Q' • .,, ..... IJ .. 3';·1 • ~.. • • t. .. ... -- • • ' • • • ~~~~~~~~~-::-~-;~.:..~~·:-_:'....::.:.::::.:.:~ .. ~~~T:::-:~W~U~A~-~l~U~l~,S~t~'~PO~·~-l~i~U~·a!U!::~~~·~·~SC~l~!l~~~~Or~-~·~,~,~·~~~~~-~A~poll~'.!_~l~'l,~lt"~ll~'.._~....:~~~~~_:.~~l_~~-;--;-~·-~~~~~~~~~ _~:nnM$ing illround, Ha· r · or ·Fem"'.:n·:1 1·ne Acti·vi·ti·e·s ~ic,DirectorofCh~in~s-eCo-lleg-e - • ~ f. Gives Interesting Program for WSCS /Ja/boa .,Ps/a11d with Fern * ' BJ Winifred Barbre * Phones 12 and 13 _,_ · l41a Eugenie savage of car1., d&y tor -...i, m each tor egp • Don't know wbotlw!r -to mm-Cu ,..,.. name CO' ~ or s1:1 ""° Harb r H · Girl doesn't love a lil:lteT Don't foqet 0 I tloa the --11ir spot for -klda u w..n .. ;fells Betrothal at or not; but here !be en>wn'0PL Bob bu • com-Birthday Party a-, tUlng It plete line ot no1iom and kltd>en- "" the optlm!at!c ...,..,_ Koop the am.all fTy C011' idde -• -Befare !alt -• -look around In the BaJ, you start on that boa 1.sland Variety store, :ll3 Ma, ;'jaunt", go by rine Ave. e Ialand Shell tatlon, 'OT Ma· Not too tired rtne Aft, and have yoor car to nm _,., and \ "lubod". Don Woods bu a good put out a wub ! location tor you l1landen. comer All rlcht t be n. ot Balboa and Marine. U YoU &"e t a go o d want to cet a little dust ctt the clothes baaket at jo.llopy, try Don's wash and po1, the BllY Diatrlct lib job. He alao bas a tire l'e'CllP' Hardware", 210 pin& service for those mud> worn Marine Ave. Al Paine bu plenty tires. Sta(t the day out ri&ht and ot baskets !°" the wash -- -as stop at Don WOO<ll. · Of coune if Well 'as clothes line. Not changing YQU have any stray gas coupon$-the subject, but I saw a few CoJe- Don will accept them, and ''!ill !llllh lanterns In his store. Didn't 'er up", YoU lucky clop? know there wu such a thin& any, more, just the thing for your fish- ing boat. Stop ---at Al Paine's, 210 Marine Ave., and be surprised Dropped In J ... t.:q.-~ at the Island~V:: I/ -Shop• ~ -and if you want to be prepared f o r those summer beach parties and barbecues g et one of bis lestherette at what you can find Granddaughter for The Jay Beardsleys • SUJ]>r1ao mommt of a' cbannlng birthday party hol>orln&" Ki• Bar- bara Nle ... n, daughter ot Kr. and lire. Ray Nleloen, 216 Ea.st Bay avenue, wu tbe announcement ot her en.p&ement to Sat-Wayne Dauoey of Muakel"", Klch. The party ,... -pen at th• Nlelaen home, and newa ot the be- trothal was revealed by tho bUtb, day calte, •blcb bol'O the lnttlalo of tbe engaged couple, and w1llch were &190 tn.:.rtbed tn gold on the napktna. The tablea were •t ln the paUo ~d they were decorated ln a coior 9Cbeme ot pfnk and whJte. Miu Nlelaen wore & lovely pink ca.mell& corsage, gttt of her nance. A8llil"tfnC Mrs. N~leen were her mother. Mre. H . Warner ot Minne- sota. wbo ts via:ltlng In Calltorjlta. &lld Mrs. LeOCAJ'd Caael, 367 We.et Wilson et.reel, Costa Meu.. Games were played, with a prtze awarded Gloria Wilhelm. 'I"be brtde-el.ect la a student of Newport Harbor Union High l!lchool. &nd abe Is an otficer of Santa Ana Bethel, .Job'e Daugh- ters. No date ha.a been aet for Ute wedding, u Sgt. Dausey la now ln the P&elfic theater of operatlona. Tho&e pl'"e8ent for the occutoo were the Ml.&aes Joan and Jean Nett. Gwen Merigold. Nadine Leh- man. Margie Mays, Glo1'1a Wllhelm, Helen Boys, Virginla Camel, Joan Add~. Dorothy Standage. Donne Cl'a.lg, Roeeanna SWI, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Beardsley, 190 23rd street. are the proud gTB.lld- parenta ot a daughter born to their daughter a.nd son-In-law. Mr. and Mn. Robert Glle1 of Ventura. Mr1. Gilea was Dorothy Bea.rdaley be- fore her marriage. She· and her very young daughter who bu been named Barbara Joan. are reported dofng nicely at St. Joeepb hOlpltal and wW spend aome tlme with Mr. and Mrs. Beard.Bley following her return_ ------------ Mr. Giles who served 1a the army as lieutenant Jn the Field A.rtfllery, bu received a medical discharge and ia employed with the Southern Countle• Gu Comp&ny portable record cases, at $3.50. Holds 50 records and has an in- dex to find your tavodte record. Also noticed a fine mahogany re- cord cabinet, with or without doors-a nJce addition to your bee.ch home. FUJ up these record cases and cabinets with some of the-latest releases -classical or tremi'Classical; symphonies an d quartets. Have a ''yen" for musJcT 'Ibe Island Record Shop Is the place, 201 Marine Av~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. l.n VenturL Mhl Barban Niel-, daaPt« or Mr. aad Mn. Bay NWllen, !ta l!!ut Bay avenue. whoe& en-racemeot wu announoed at a blrtbd.ay pu-ty. - Mr1. Harry Lanham. Mrs. Cassel. Mn. Margie Hayes. Mn. Warner. grandmother of the holioree. Mn. Nielsen and Barbara. Local Club Woman Forum Speaker ><" ba4 •aa riieot _.... at tho end f96 a pound for pork, other meeting Of tho W.S.C.S., bold at things In proportion. At the elgbt-'Mrs. George Wheat Elected Vice President Of Orange County Fedration Mn. 0eorp Wbe&t, asoe a.an, n<1 Place, N"'"J>Ort -i.land, promln- e:at local clu.bwoman and llPl•ker, wQ eJected vlce-pre9iden.t ol. t.he On.np Cbunty F'ederaticxi ot Women'• clubl JP'rid&y at tbe an- nual con•entioo held Frtday at the ! Banta Ana Ebel.I club. Mn. Wbeat 1 bu tor tbe pUt year been cor-1 raponcllq -ntary tor tho or- pn•utbi. Mra. Arthur llay of Banta Ana. program cbalrman. of the Feder- adon, wu elected presldent. Other 1 otnoerw named were Kn. Jerry 1 Young Of Ana.helm, recording aec- retary: Mn. E . R. Reed of Seal Beach, treuurer; Mn. H. E. War-1 ren or Buena Park,. audJtor. Mn. E. H . Smith ot Orange presided at the meeting, at wbtch 20 clubl were repre.ented. MB8. GEORGE WHEAT Speaker at the morning eeasion waa Glenn H. Lewiil, vtce-prtnclpal Of FUl.lerton Union Hig'b. achool, llltbo talked on "A Forward LOok at Education," and Mrs. Ernest Lee of Ontario, dl.atrict president, wu luncheon apeaker, dlacuasing pending legislation which wUl a!- f~t education. afternoon speaker, talkiDg on the coming San Francisco conference. to-one rate of exch•nge th18 would ~ Cllurcb by ~ Sea wec1n-be '" a pound tor pork, In Am..-d&Y. and lbe broucht a atory of ic&D money. tnteqae lntereat to ber audience for The program and buaineu aee-. &be haa but recen.Uy retumed trom ston.. at Whlch 11.n. D. W. Holtby KDJden Prorince, Cb.tna. where ahe pmlded, followed a pl•nned pot_. NrVed aa mullic director and luck luncheon. at DOOll at which teacher at Huanan college. membere of the Newport Ct.rcJe ot apecial mtereat wu the Chi· were h01teues. • nue m.Ullc played by' the .-,ker The mo~ IUeion, whJcb con- tor that country la comna-u ely vened at 10 .SO, wu led by Kn. ..--v Ivan Go11Mr, and ltudy wu com. new ln the WOl'ld ot mUllc. There J'leted on the text book. .. The Un· are oo.ly !tve tone.a in their llC&le, foldiJ:lg' Drama Of South~Eut and the muaic la written tn num· A.II.a." by Bull Mattbewa. It wu bon, lnaUsd Of DOW. Ono of our ot particular lnW..t, be•n-about ecmp, "Auld Lang Syne," U. com-~ ~~hie, In that it !a written In tho small ialand Jl'OUPll, nere the ...--work ot mlmcm.a.rtu from the OIUy tlve tCX>.ea. Mm Savage alao churchu ot Great Brltatn and the played tho oUrrlng Chlneae na, United Stateo !a now bearing ln- Uobal anthem and a group of folk-terut in the aid given Our aervice IOllp. men by tbe natlvu. Stor1.u were told ot the almoet uuurmountable obstacles which Nes:t month the group will begin a eerie. ot lemon.a using the Bible •tudenta muat overcome, with col-a.a a text book. lege• being forced to move to The afternoon program opened other locations. The present in-wtth devotionals ln charge of Mra. flatlon, wb.Jch would be much J . K. Elliott. who choae u her sulr worae except for England and leet ••Brtdgee." At the buaineaa America.. ii responaible for such &e91!1ion it wu voted to send $3 to prlcea U were pa.id by Mlaa Sav-the camp tund for Los Angeles age on her, trip home, of $350 a Bt!ttlcment children who go to Big Bear this summer. Annual Meeting of B. & P . Women Mn. Blanche Horan, bead of the 8'pe&ker'e bureau for tbe LeAfUt!i ot Women Voter1 of Loi Angele&, wu Report.. were heard from club president.a:. Mre. Victor Grace giv- ing a moat excellent report on the work of the Thrift Shop with il.!I outstanding donation of $1000 to the Red Crom. and the purchaae of three building Iota. which are all The annual meeting of the Bu.li- nen and Profession.al Women's paJd tor. High _School PT A Officers Seated Ofncer1 of the Newport Harbor Union Hi(h IChoot Parent-Teacher A.amoclat1on were iNt&lled at the final meeting-Of the seuon, h eld TUeaday evening in the acbool cafeteria.. Seated were Mn. Gunning But- ler, prealdent; Mn. Clyde Otto, vice-preaident; Mnt. Harry Bur- dick, secretary; Mre. W. E . Nickell, t.reuurer; Mrs. C. L. Thom, hJs· torta.n: Mn. Murray Rabbitt. par- llmenta.rtan, and H. Lynn Hughes, auditor. Otttcen who have headed the organlsatioo for the put year were M.ra. Gunning BuUer, presi- dent; Mn. Clyde Otto, vlce-preat- dent; Mn. John Sa.dlelr, recording 9eeretary: Mrs. Don Mccanum, treuurer; Marlin Brautl, auditor: M:rw.. C. L. Thom, historian, and Mra. 0. Zeller RobertlOn, parll· meutarl&n. Yn. Hugh Maraball. wbo !a a put-p~.Cdent, wu awarded a Ute memberahlp, tt being the custom to award a life member9h1p to a teacher In the school and a mem- ber ot the a..oclatlon. BOlteaea at the social hour whleb followed the program were the Meed&.mee J. W . Peyton, Hugb Parshall, Harry Burdick. C. L. Tbom, Marvin Brown, Leo Fryer and W . J. Neville. Mn. C. M. Dea.kins. amenities club, which will be for memben chairman, arranged corsages tor only, is to be held Thursday eve- the officers and guests of honor. ~:!~u~p~~e~9·S.:.too:i"~!d~~~ among whom wa.s Mrs. Alber:t Launer of Fullerton, irtate treu-6 ~•5 p. m. Stmdito}'ll Models Bike • Rental urer and candidate for the atate Election of otficen wUl be held ~d d ~ alao at this meeting and chairman will [ !OB MartDe A"" Balboa blaDd p~._. ency, an mue WM re-tbe~Al~da~~Go~rton.~~~===::_=~============~ spon.alble for the dainty place _ carda at luncheon. Delegates from the local club were Mrs. Whe&t, Mn. Victor Grace, Mr1t. Deakina, Mra. Bruce McBride, Mn. W . D. Xertckel, M:rai. Albert Redden, Mrs. Harold Ahrendt, Miu Marcia Coombs, and Mn. Suaan Rutherford. Noteworthy Program For Playmates Club Practical training &a future citi- NOW OPEN Vi's New Beauty Shop (Viola BrelUWI) • :tena and club women 18 being re- ceived by a group ot gir"' ot -Permanent Waves a Specialty from eight to thirteen, who make Tintin D Ex rtly up the Playmateo' club, and wbo g One pe gave a tea recently at the home of Evening appointment& Will require one of the memben, Barbara advance arrangement& Truaty, 330 Santa Ana avenue, Newport Heights. Plooae ne Temporut17 All the members appeared in '---------------------------' ak:lta, one Of them being an amua- lng "Rube Goldberg" lnv'91tlon of 1--------------------------- Ebell Book Section Hears of Hawaii an enl&rg1ng ma.chine. Tbe "moth- er," EsteUe Berry, left her baby, which was a small doll, in the care of the machine's inventor. He. hurrying' to a.newer th~ telephone, thoughUesaly placed the baby ln· the machine, where It became en- larged, the borrttled mother re- cetvtng be.ck a baby (Nancy Sprague) as large a.a hertelf. Dues are two cents a week, with flnee im.poaed tor bre.aking rules, which are: 1-No sillinesa or quaz.. ret.; 2-Do what you prom!Ae ; 3-Be a good sport; <I-Help with club work; {>-Tell the truth; 6- 0on't talk without pennlsalon. The pledge Is. "On our honor we do good for those who are needy and shut in: to be cheerful and helpful; to keep the peace and to have tun In our work. I do pledge to do what ls asked of me." Project for the group thht week is the coUecUon or clothing foi the United Nations Clothing Drive, and the girls devoted Tuesday afternoon t-0 lt. with a prize for the one "'ho collected most clothes. Their regular meeting date ts Monday afternoons after school. Members are Nancy Sprague, Barbara Trusty, Eleanor Ferguson. Evelyn Woodworth. Estelle Berry, Gladys Berry, Carolyn Woodworth. At the cloae of the program punch and cookies were ffrved the gueeta, who were Mrs. Fred Wood- worth. Mn. Howard Berry. Mn. L. H. Ferguson. Mn. Wllliam Trusty. Gall Sprague and Fred and Dorothy Woodworth. Girls' League Host Sixth Grade Girls • Send Her Your Photograph For Mother's Day OllDU NOW IN TDo: FOB llADJNO -----SPICIAL.-----'-r .. ..... krt• ~ OtpJbc Oii ..._ .Roberts Portraih ,_ ..... ,, '