HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-03 - Newport Balboa News Times' I---• • ' • • • . hillbor district ,. for 38 yean .the -------· . f ' • • .. ' . :.tv~ •• • , ·aALB· • lrln& .. ..u •• ,, •• ' . ,,.. .. Ole I .. • EMBRACING BALBOA PENINS WEST Nf;WPORT:, SEA SffORE· CQWNY, l.'..loo ISU:, NEWPORT HEI .•. · VOLmD: XlaVDI . 1945 Record: ' Explosion Blows ·out1 WaHs L: Of Corona del Mar House;··· Burns Wom~n; Baby ~: Unhurt . • • ; • • ........ , \. --- \ - " -- . . : in ,tB dg. Per ' -·/ ' ' -. Gas-Filled Oven Brings Tragedy As Woman Lights Match; Hair Blown Off; House A.1- inost a Wreck -~--\ . I ' I • I f . • - -~-~ 'newwi-that ·. iOes home ·i . J - '• . ' KEEP 'POSTBDJ 1 y-........ . .... _ ..... . laCll 3 } .... --.. -· .· .... ~,. t'i .• C \ l!lcac DJ ~ .. • "? .. ~:tit ri TS, BALBOA JSLANn,~RONA .DFJ. ~~TA ~~+.f NmmD ~. ' its· om rO i • • • . ' -I r·: Gr@t j Building· Year·· Ends ~ i · · -~ With · Decenlber: Totals Aboye· Entire Yearl 942 ~or · 1 ·943 : .. I : . :\ 1\ - fenelon Belie~es 1946. Will Again Th:!d>Ie Perr mits H Materials Are ·Available;. $60,000 Motel for Highway . _ · • J • • ' • ' \ • ! • '· ·- ... 1 . , . • • .I t ' ' • . \ ' ' .. • • , MUWWWW 9 '1 WM -, e · CORONA DEL ~ NEWS • N· E \Vs ~·".::"::~::. ::." 187._• U -· . . ~'!' llr. Artl!ur Suttle al oj, of ~L;.. . ~ ~1'.'mt,~---· lln." n.,,....,. Andel-. di the, jColo .• Ida Depi.... Kmt Sul-UR: llarnlna ieriice, in LDL ~7 ... 'harwlQ Anenl:• •• v X:IL&Ym llarperlte avenue. her ~ts and family of San Dleco and . : l!\>enlnci eYahaeliatic •tb at ••-..,.. ... ~ Wdi ••~ • 11 llr. end Mn. Edwin Willi•-: her 'Hocan'• mother Mn. Olar-CH URCH ES 7;30· p.m.. · · 1 . j • · -I Pal -Eddie, apont "°.......,... ~. N. Y. Mid--aervice, 'lbun!lq at Payable Jn Adwooe:-$2.!50 per ,_In ar-. <>-m:J: ~ day with her brother llr -Mn. Huilld WU-. 7:30 p.m. I I ' '15 per year to 4lh zone; $3.00_per J<U'to lllh--wife Mr. and Jin. Eusene Mn. ~ .. puenla Mr. oPd ·aT. JAME• EPllCOPAL · I Second-Cass matter at the pQrtomcp In Newpa-t pzs± Wllllama. San Gat.iel . W. R. .swt.cec. 300' Ooean ' CHURCH t F'IR8! C~URCH loF CHf(iaT, 'Clllifon>la, under the Act of Marc:b 3, lBl9 .' -Nellie WeaUake, LoO An-Bivd., spent OuiatmU day wllh 115 Wool ,::.ntrai, ....... · ICIENT18T • · geJes. WU a guest Chriatmas ol lab. Wlllo0'1 mother Mrs. Aanee (IE.belt ·Clu.bt.ou11) Lldo 'Tt.Mter, Central Avenue -' -. ---' " PllN!o!wr her nleee Mn. Cl!ester Sllll and Wllaon Cools Mesa. Later the R,_,. Ardp T. Doon;. Vicar -Via Lido "!J.!{,~RTER~ ' • • • • • -• -• -~~. family, 616 Narcluua avenue. famuY '::t returned to the. WU-a·:ao ·L JD., Holy Owimnn,,,.. A. !Jrw1> ot 'lbe Kotllu 0.urdl, ON' • • • _ _ Advertllln& v~ Mr. and Mra. Frank Powers, aoaa. · • . · , , 9 :'5 a.m.,. Buday 8cboOL · 'nle nnt .Church~· , Sci· Printin~ !ant. 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newpott Bnl"h ciJifw!f! 601 Marguerite avenue, Wft'e Mr~ and Mn. L G. Holma.D. 11~00 a. m., Konitnc Prayer an:d ent.llt, la Bn-t0 n. tta. . . ' = ,plenaed wllh tbe reault of their 307 Marigol~ a-ue. bad •\happy 8enuoa. (nnt Sul>d&10: Hol;J' · SUDday Scl>ool at 9:30 m. Bun-Off~ Paper of the City of Newport Beech ooechln&-.( lhe p:oup of ,......:. Cluiattnu end family n!unlDn Oammunlao.\ · day Semi'" at 11 Lm, w-...ia:,1 Dt12 «tMe Laea1 IMtitat&oe tor o..-n Yeara people that have been meeting whenl thelr 1 eon Bill Holman, at· :_1m'!". rl Keetblg at .P 0'61.~k 1 • at lhe Community clmtth the put tad><lci to the ROTC at Colorado CORONA DEL 11AB A • month when they heard lhe tinlvenlty, !Bouider, came home OOMMUNI;l'Y , CHUJICll, Rudln Room IOc&ted at' Tll Cti't•e Cluiatmu caroling they did on !or lhe ~· Their daughter . CONOllEGATIONAL . Eut ~tnl Avenue, Bali-, lo Member ChriStmu """· I>eaPite lhe' rainy Mra. 1'George Viau,. Santa Ana. P<trr7 -8cllroel<, Jllalater open dail from 1 p. m .. to & p. m. f ....,._ many homes were glad-whme · hua~ Is Pfc. George Ill Jlellotrope, Oorolla del Illar ucept aaa hoUdaya Da· 0 -by the ....... t )'OUlllJ -Vi111u, amved In time to join the Sunday Jt 6 19t6 . tlonally . _:'-.::::,_ _________ ~~~~~ nilled In iraJae. llr. and 11ra: .reunion fl'om Camp Qowder, Mo. Decllcatlon ~f .;... i.;._ of Tba J>U1"1< lo conllally umted lo -~-.-Gu1tav Grupe, 701 Marl&old He ls Jn tbe Slll\&l c.rpa there wonl\lp. · a~d · cf!urch aervlcea and -. . J avenue, served -la to the and 1'1ll be home on· f\lrloup un-. 9,00 un., Communion Service the . Room. ' ff • t N Y . . cuolen later In the evening. ' til J'1'µuy 1. . with ~tioo ot members. 8 apples ew ear llr. and Mra. Hal W<ja. 1607 Jl4t.·and Mn. Jomes Whyte, 416 11:00 a.m., Service of Dedl-.,..,__,_ ..,. · Pacific . drive, bad u IJUMla for ~ drive, bad a reunion with catl!!n. Mr. Schrock' will be u-'41C., Sairll!'ll o1J Nineteen Forty-f'\ve is ·deiidi his de;ts fuR ~ ~ i!'f:· ~ ::d ~ flfamlly on . ~lrtmu :: alsted 1n ·the service by Dr. E.'D . Lesso f c ~ mo - -'" · ~= ~ ~. ·~ aon Gaylo<d of OattlQODt and Rev. · o great ts-V-E Day, V-J ·Day, and birth of tbai>'dn!am Frank Baldwin. her brother wife llr. and Mra. Don Whyte ot J.-II. Batten of Corona del Tho NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES ftl<>NZS: ~ U-U · • . . . o·o.F,s . . . 'APPLIS oa m>•- 1'?8 E8tlmat.. " JmPec:tlon ' . . W.1. Belibow " .3$Jl llal'CllS .Ph. N"Pt-aD~l_ ,CHRISTIAN'S HUT .LeoD&rd...,.... ''snqe . . B I•.-. Oe*nmh l!l" ' , , DELICIOUS nXll> ... cxncrAIL W DINNEllil .•. BANOUlfI'S . . ' ot ' , the United Nations Organization, In our awn H. L. Baldwin and mter 11n. F.· Loo Anc•lea, tbelr~ter lln. Kar. Dedication sermon by Dr. f:::! . Calitfoortijl S. Erdmnon and daQIJhter -· L. RobHcn., 5UI. J avenue; Nelaon C. Dreier of Loo Ancelea. T .. Fin . . . aD of P~. Vance Danf<Jl"d, Mn: 'Whyte 1 mo Mn. Nellie ' U•t. 1D too, t. trom ReYela.t.loa. lr=======================~ Nine Focty-Stxhaacomemtolife-365clean.pagesoo a triend of Mr. Wm from Cal. ~ .. Santa Ana. and her aunt C:HRIST C:HURCH ·av 'THE SEA .,,d : "lamAlpb&andOmep.. 'continue the diary of humanity. Ne9er has kic»•led Tech joined them. . Mra. Ullle Raven, Loo" An&elea, cam.nYnity Motil•-lhe be.. s and lthe ••di.,..; nlth . . . · llr. and Mra. Albert -en, :na bad Ouiatmu dinner Mlh them. 1-weot c-tral A . th• Lord which la, and which waa, atime. New ~fullmotre sen?'18to'" ttsth cMllenldge and at the same ~ ~~°'Fland Mn.F ·Bow-'lbeir 99" a.nd Wife arrived Sat· ·Jl:w. •· o . QGtdt .. ~': ::ht;~.1 LI to come, the Al· mo J:sprorruse r e wor en• aunt au-.. ora arman, urd.ay, Cuistmu mominc tlleir Cl:u&rdl 8cboo! •·~ L m.. · lD. • On ." 'de th rebuilding of h and «-'--Siem Madre, --·•lllt!Dtr ber dauchter served bttakfu(-to u · .,_ ... _~-1 • 11 • --~ ~ tb J sen SI ' e <>]le IXJl!u<rgr for lhe holl-'-"'--t Oirlstmu f ••-t ,_ ~---" . p, L m. .o~ • ~ • ...... o&Jd unto and f~ ~' I et · full. h--·•-~ •-"" the ...,., -~, . 0 ~~ llJ'OUP 8 ~ ~~. wbere TOO&tll r.ilowllllp,·9 p. m. leaua, "How lon1 doet thou make . 8J over Pan. IS , Y as "'';..._, a ......., 89 day wllh Mn. -..n • daughter they Opened their presents. llnnlA&' WorUlp, 7 P. ... ua to. doilbt.! If thou be the Ctmo~ ~ of b ghted cities and restoration to health of pri-Mn. Robert SWnbertrer and --..-.,..,.... aarv1oe Wed-teil oa p1aln1r.1eou• ana.wered them. vatfoo-sfl:'i.ened I peoples . · . tmnlly of Santa Ana. ~hrine Served Coffee ..-,_y· oovend -........;. .,IO .I told 1011. &Dd 1.• l>ellOTed not: tho I & · · Mm Marylyn Hill dau&httt of ' ' worU th\.t I do 1n my Father'• . 'On side f hope, we see a symbol wherever we go-the Mra. W . Hill ~ H•llotrope ' 0 Hundreds Of1 Men· p..... name, they be&r wltneso or me ..... A,,,,. · Ea J H · t ' · f the _ _., · ' l I and m~ Fa the• &re one It I ·:-1-" g . e IS !JO pouncing. upon a oe, u ........ avenue, spent lhe holldaya trom Over Xmas Holiday· BAL•OA ••LAND C:HAPEL do DOI thi' woru or my F~ih~. be- tl<lilal aijrmvs · -his talons. He is weaponless; his wings are the University of Oregon at . 211 Agate A'Hftue lle'fe me noL But 1f I do. though 1e 24~Hour Radio Service BOlll!o AUTO, ~I u.qros B&PAINll . BiJ. It Nort I • widesp d as if he were alighting at home after Jnna and tar Eua<ne. Ore. She Is maJorinc In , Hunclred5--it seemed like thou-'Rov. Harry w. W\Ml•. belleve opt me, bell••• •be woru:' • ~ art. 1 • . A.aool.U Putor that ye may know, and belle-Ye. that fiight. e is the eagle you see upon the discharge pin ill the 114n. Francia Cutro and oon '1'tb~:re ser.1edhrlnby btheull· USO at CbU?<lb a-•~• 9,30 a. m. the F•tJ>er lo In me, and I In him.''. · =--------,---------------~4--...1 la Is 'th ds f · In ~.h,__ • ~m~tmas s e t acrou ~ Marr Balter Eddy wrttea ·1n "Scl· 1 _ pe ousan o young Amencans new civwan Gary 1 Carpenteria are staying from the Arches by the chamber ~onling WOf"lh!-.p, U L m... ence 1.ndl Health with Key to the' clothes. I a~ the home of Mn. Gertrude ot commerce' tor the benefiJ of .Scrtpluref:" ''As a drop or wate r It IS . · • Ri~y, 507 Acacia avenue while service men in the spirit of the OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 11 one wlf1b the ocean, a ra.7 ot llgbt PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR he symbol tha t youth has come ba.ck to Amenca-l~ti.n~ a house. Mr. Castro is season. 1423 Wetit Central Avenue one wltbte aun, even so God and e on slim strong shoulders under young faces that field director for the-American The shrine which . won one of Sunday lif:a.uel : 8 and 10 &.m. man, F&i er and son. are one 1n d . ~'~ · · h I d f ldste and Red Cross at the Santa Afr Air th · i Chr" tm Conlenl.ona: Saturdays from being. T e Scripture reads: 'For l,Sap~a...~-u 1n a war-tune ome an o o :rs base . e _pnzes or is as tree •:OO to 5 :SO &hd from 7:30 .... 1n H.i.m w~ uve. and move. and have • In that you ~ iS: ~he ho~ of this nation, and _of a ~. and Mrs. Edgar Chaplin, ~~~e j~g~~e:~~~!t h~ld i:~ ,:30 p.m. . 1 ..,, ~~n~~~~~t~cg:,t ~~~~: p~~ 0 !;.:·.,! ~!iT~ 1 world t l~ks to this na tion fo r ·Its hope. The L"OUl'Bge of f~rly ?f San Diego, spent the Friday evening. served s.e\:eral ctple, w~cb gives man dotniD.lon Autb0rbed·b7 uw On.lted Sta1.em TM-. the mid e.aged and the old has \VOm thiruier in war. But the h~hda.y with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart purposes. It-enabled service men ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCtt over all ·tfle earth." ~f~~ '°~re.e.o~ ~~ th t red Id f · d I ked death Diehl, SM: Goldenrod avenue. Mrs. to get hpt coffee and doughnuts B;alboa lsl;and ~the f ce, still \V81ks tm.afratd into ttie future. son RM 2/c · Wilfred · Chaplin Is )'uletlde spir it, at the same time COnteeatons: Saturday• from . C. dwln Osher, Pastor om-iMD BMbOr IU•'-· ~ .... AOCJOVNTANT Hrs.; 2·5, by appoln . T.itephone 2620 1Sl Broadway · Ooata ~OU at co.nque_ a \VOr. ~ enemies, an oo Diehl is their daughte.r. Their at the structure · embodying the Sunday Mus: 8:30 ·a.m. FIRST ¥ETHODIST CHURCH ~~O.en=-v:z The ears ahea d· may be thorny, but there is no place for stationed ·m Hawaii now after a acting as a stop for motorists 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Eu9~~ at st~ord, Ga~n Grove, '----·.,.-~·;;M0-;'r.-~';; ... ~-·-"---' h f ·f h t beh' d' '"-year a t San Diego. The ChapUns willing to pick u p men in uniform · &. urcb llChoo1 for all ABC w:11,a,-,. '1 fear. e o~rso war, ?rt ~presen ,are -~ US.-1.ue.moved lnto 'their,new .house he goingeitherupordownthe high; FULL GOS~EL CHURCH ag~ · . · Ir-----'--....,.....,..+-:;....,', ec;tgle o Amencan youth ts flying home. .ProVJdence bas built 1tt Wtl~n and Elden street.I, way and presenting a pleasing rf?f· !2nd and Elden, COllta Meu M:~ootf· m. Mo~e-w~.rahlp : granted to all America the ljappieSt Ne\V Year ever! ~ta Mesa, ~n Wednes4a,y. Mr. erene.e to the hospitality of New· Sun~ay •cbool, · 9 :4~; monrlllg 11 .J.ie. 'W~ Th~k Thee. . , · and M~Joe l\.fcChesney, form· port Beach . . worahtp, 11: Evangellatlc service, · .. m. ursery f9r all chJ,1- " erly of Oron adel l\-1ar now of 7:30 p. m .; !ifld·week prayer mHt-dren d C service. j · • 1 315. Mon ro street, Bal~. spent Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gerrish lng on Wedneeaay, 7:45 p . m.; &:OO P· Meth.odlst Youth Fel· Rt!VieW . Otristm with the Dlehls. Marion and daughter Jeanne, 29th street. young people'• evangeliBUc aervlce low7~001P· oung Adult Fellpwahlp. 1rfcChesney is 'itbrarian of the with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gerrisb on Friday, 7 :4.5 p. m. . · P · Evening Wotabip:-1945 ' Armand Monaco ARClllTECT • 814 W. Bay Ave., Baltx. Newpoit 1114 !ttl Lall.ewood A"' Loo Aacei<IO N()....a.dy • MOS .. Gord<>P M.Grund1,¥J>. ~ aD4 ka'c.sia . ' Nllltli and 0-tn.I Ottloe Bn. :10-U .;.,.., H ~,11 I He 1945: . . "bllc library. , . and ~rs. Mabel Ulve, were ,Christ· -Meaaa.ge: "Come Ye Live." a re some of the unportant events which occurred In · Mr. and Mn. ~. S . Hogan, 1305 mas dinner guests at lhe home of . NEWPOf\T HARBOR ' ' • • 1 Coast h1ghway, had as guests on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bradley, I LUTHERAN CHURCH 9: . MacArthur invades Lllzol'I Island In Phil!~ Christmas Mr. Hogan's brother -Orange. Gr•uel Ch•pel, Cootli M..;, j .--~-A_TT_!>R_NE_Y_s __ _, II---.-'. --. ~-jo.,..,J, '+_, Conrad -Richter, ! Febru 6: Febru'1JiY 19: Match 7: April ~i Y Rev. HerbeM Roth, Pastor pines. • American troops eapture Manila. First landings made on Iwo Jima. American forces cross the Rhine. Invasion of Okinawa begins. President Roosevelt Msses away at Warm Springs. I . 4CllOS8 I Proof ServicH: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS t 'Corner Walnut :itid Church Sta. ' Costa Mou . ,Sabbath .achool, Saturday morn· lng, 9:30 o'clock.. . Preaching service, -11 a. m. Bu.rt.On's Paint Store April 1: April United Nations confere'*'e begins In San Fran.-0 bland (Ma- lay arch.) 1.,..1 CHijRCH OF CHRl,JT ' Map '"""'t and Weetml,nb;ter .. Church and Walnut stfreets STA MESA .. cisco. Italians execute Mussolini. I Potato (dial) 10 M ide 12 Sill:r IS Pied L. Duane Canby, Mlniater.· ne 1179·3 April May];: Hitler declared dead by German ·radio. V.E . Day .. •• Servteea: Sunday, 10 &. m., Bible ·---+-+---------' Study; 11 L m., M..orntng worabtp. ===:::j:::::j::======= May 8: · June July 26 . August 6: U~ted Nations Charter signed. Labor Party wins British elections. · Atomic age begins. First A-bomb drops oo . Hiroshima. ' V-J Day. Gas rationing ends. J aps sign formal surrender al:loard U.S.S. Mis- souri. 14 Indeftnite article 15 Fu<I 18 At home 11 A~staln 21 Employ . z:z A.bout :a Cnfta >I Samarium . (aym.) 25 Farm animal . 215 Material from around FIRST •FOURSQUARE CHUftCH OF COST'\ MES.A Rev. and Mrs. G. Wiiiard Stearn1 .Pa.tol"ll Phone 2671 Sunday School 8 :30· a .m. Morning worah!p Mrvice 10:45. enlaa.cffl-eervlce 0:00 p.m. Bettan 1ervice 6 :30 p.m. · . Evening evangeliatJc · .ervlce at 7:30 p.m. • r 20: War trial of top Nazis begins at Nuremburg. · d.rmaa r 23: Virtually all rationing ends. • : ~:.!' . Wedne9day everdt\g prayer eerv- lce at 7:30 p.m. ===::i::+======= "Ci tion," a World Menace S4 A wort o:r highest u:eellrnce 3$Llke 38 Coquettlah S'1 Msmai • Ge~ral Marshall's final re119rt on the war, his peace pro-S8 Vorb tormJnr mill ~..._.... ..... ....._ , future tense He. 1' or tary pre.,....=~~. and his grim warning of «> Province of or perish " should· be "required" reading' for every Awtrfa • SaCftd hull l•nat.> · .. -' • 4.1 Chowed T Cartins 28 Bright Ucbt . . ·It calls attention to the development of 600-miles-M Rub out veblcle 2'1 Beata planes, 50,()()(}.pound bombs, and finally the ultimate 4S SU«hea •A paJ.oter 2B Yea AM.wet ......... N .. M:r 1• COSTA ME.aA -COMMUNITY CHURCH I . Cart B. Johneon, Mlnl.Ufl 124 I!. 20th St. Ph. 2475-R · Oiurc1:a .chool, 9:45 a.. m. Karnintr Worahlp, 11 o'clock. Youth Sf'OUPI, 'High llCbool, 111- termedlato, Adul~·e:36 p.-m. . l!lyenlng service, 7:30 o'clock. Mid.week fellowebJp tLnd prayer, Wednelday, 7 :30 p. m. \ U ~ m., Prayer and 'Sermon. destji'J. ctlve power; the atom bomb. If there should be an-. 49 Apportion 1~ =:• : ~~aloft ,. other , the ~nemy will attack with "su-.;.....-'c" ---' • oo"" 15 A dbea.. . >I run of ~-.u ~ of sheep ftQuru Phone 8'7 FlJR .. SIGNS Neve: jigaln will distance protect this country from attack. 1 One who II Buddha n &acand •Never. will this country · have years to ooostruct de-• laoa hldea ICbln. name) 34 Reaplrat<>17 JI Cod of , tenses. er war starts. Our fate may be decided In .... _ 2 o ... t letter ..... , blacult. -~~11-. Vlltl.J., I Tr'anacrea IO P?eacriptioo -~· hours, minutes. t Elev•Uoa term . · 31 Astoofahment .cyrucs and the phil060Phers who think that the · <roui 11 Biblical e117 · 40 S.... 1od __ .,,_ .. . I One ot our 23 Alde <mech..> '1 Wrath .1.oe -..... -.an . 11 al\vays be .&fflicted with v.v because ·war is· pQrt ODell!leo .. OpenUip a R<><leai -r... • BOAT LETl'ERJNG normal hwnarr behavior, should study Marshall's report. ' 1 .. _..,;A;;.,;SPECIAL;,;:;;;;;;;,TY;,.:..;,·.;.·,,;·_.J j orror it depicts is normal, then why bother with the world to war until a coodltioo Is established by 'suppo&edly 1 • of schools, universities, churches, "hfgher educatioo" sane men that creates a following for mad men. . the para~ of w.hat we are.pleased to call dvi-Are we oa~ble ol understanding.the lntpllcat!01;15 flf Gen-D , f · ! Wby dtape distinguished personages or superior era! Marshall s words. o.r will we allow ~ perve!'Sloo o1. sci-a0ff41UJ4f. ty ill caps and~? Why send them out with little l!llO! and higher educatioo to desttuymlmk!nd!I · I , · - and Greek letter badges hariglhg from their vests , · ~llel1~1g their intellectual ciipac!ties to advise end· teach ..a.m. '.Jilli ot iis! ·wcy send them to lntematlooal cooterences · · · O&NKUL",!IR~ • jopl m: ~ gl.bberl.\h .or . "dlpl0macy:· wblle the ·•DEii -..1•.t -SEIVICE .f .. ~~. us stand arOund awed by portentrus ~ setting)<! "1 I BENEDICT • Is w1oog somewhere. Nonna! ~-are , " «I: _ .-OEOBG& ltli 8&. .jmctoa 8-(\11 IL B.-1 yov Mad .. _.,,.Y ACU"."! .,.... . ........... ROBERT G,ARDl\"EB . ---DONALD D. HARWOOD ~lTORNEYS AT L...AW '119 N : •ala Sl., knta. Ana. C.W. ·-HLEPBO?rro'U-- Br.a&. Aaa •'789; N~ Bt.dl 11•& DAY ecluOOLB Mortimer Scltool -Oonl · ~- Oade9: OoDsp, Preparaliol7 DAY 8CBOOL Now ~ 6.A.. lllorUmer, M.A., Odcnd l'Jl""4pd Pboae • DR. OBEo LUCAS . Dentiat' • 2202'6 W. Central, Ph. 1480 Nl!WPORT BEAC:H: INSURANCE New York Life Insurance Company DON B. DVB.\NT :"-1:8 OrdlW ATit,. COl&O~A UR. MA.a HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL .1"• OUnel.•a the Better SUve BJ' llon1ntr Otherw _.. -N-port. 11<11 COlb M..._ CallfOtnlli OPIOIDll'IUllTll · . BO'"B~l!iK'.-· -r ·A. cUWl'OBD Op&. D.' . OPTDME'TRl8T • ' .,_ Eumtnect' -'Ol••Tll •JU.tied . . •• ' I Pbyudaa -a;:.v, UG E. 18th at.' f Costa Meaa Bova. 10-1! LJD. and H Plioae llll :Gerald Rauaa, Ph.'1~--No A.n.wer · , . X-Ray SeN'- . lllHon ii. lllaXwell, • 1eo1 eout m S. R. Monaco, 814 Bay A-, N-pori l'IM "' a. mo st., I..oO ~'19U lb.._... T •. P. Reeder, . ' Phywldan" .. 1792N_hu ... anl . --. C:O.aTA MUA tfl-------~ --WWWi&ioD · ' .. • :!;" ~;rble ~t': ~!;;rand total destn» .S .. HE. L~·· ~-···, . I I ~ 'Ibey doo'1 want to tlitit aDd kill . Different Jan-,;. ·· -_ -·1 ~~'1-:dlfr=~ t!:;:ntu!-~ u:t~ .:'::; BALBOA · Isa.oh 1 ·, &l..w":: .e.•p-f'' ,ie,mt-4of11RtioosXaniomeuureup.totbe~i,m-· 1 · 111 'a-mp ;q . .. f' • d ... _ .,_ -"-' . • , ~ ""-JI& Pl ~Ji'l wau .,.,......... mad mm ~" ooi1011lt tbe ' -:119 I , • .. . • • • .. I ' . •••l{,• .. •i~· ........... . ... ········· , ..... . . I . ' . . -• .,, ... " ' . j. • ... • ' -• ., • ; r \ ·• • . . . .;11o· JOEL -ASHLEY _,,,.J' u;_ otliJinJ N-Y°" C.... · ·Tick t8 on Sale Santa Ana Book Store -.,.w. 4 .St. $L20, $1.80, '2.40, $3.oo, $3.60, Tax Ind. t ~~+:c-_,-,-":-~~~~~~~ ' ' • asucasu •••• • The dty wun't dispooed to gl\re Smith Brothen Boat company &n extension' of time in whicb. to re- move the barg~ Mindanao Which WU salvaged by one Of their crews ln Long Beach harbor ,...,,. months ago and towed to NeWport Harbor. n.e salvage oompany wrote. to dty round! ukint for permiAion to. moor another barge nearby which -.W4'6Jd In remov. ing the old aalling vessel now lying of! the city cai'np grounds. ' At the suggestion ot the city at- torney, ihe matter will be taken up with the War'Depirbnent, and if they _co~der it a menace to navigation, the barge can be or- dered removed wt thout delay. 'l'he government would remove the ~arge ·from the ch~nel if : the •----;--~-----------------· company w~re unab·le to do so, 1t was said. The matter was re--. ,· ONCB AGAIN , ·. ' • 1 (, ' ; .-j \ . . ' SA 'S SEA fOOD SPA •t . • Otten Yooa the .,,_.. l'laiie ~1 . , ·: to Dine In Orange Oouuty: All New· - -• ' Even the Location .. . . Cine-Half Mile East of Old Location on Coast Highway. Bea11tiful 'New Cocktail Bar . d Southern Californla in the Serving of -SEA FOODS-· ALSO YOUR ki1¥1. of STEAKS l -VlSIT OUR KITCHEN - am's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market Jllchwo,y (Near s..i llMcb) A,CE EFRIGERATION ',SERVICE . ; •• c Commercial Marine '. PIL H. . 462S io15· or.iece Ave. • HUNTINGTON BEACH • \ " (Repai 1 Work on All. Household Electrical EQU.ipment) . .. , ~eorge D. Bassett .. '· eneral and Tax :Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping Notary Pliblic ~ W .' Central Ave. Newport Beach thone ~J . ·~ ~. r Reiurning Boys .,. ·~ .. ~ ant lo Call Kcme ... l · ' . . . 1W,che....,isn'1overas&ru1el<phoneal111re' ncemed. There are more alls co handle than "'f Will~ help handle the thousands of alls.oar ~uni'ing l!O"ice men are m&lring u th<r arrive~ uthcm Cali(cmia oo ·the war home? There 11 ~ili' '8 rh ... boJs WIDI men rbm IO ttlephoo• e, IJld WC need !DOR girb to handle theiraJls. . . Pa711'1Wcleemh11J.l'enmpeal jobs.Good staniog wirh~'.J1-isprobohlyatele­ ~ clfice W J'O'!fbrimewht:reJOU_could wO<t. wt ask rho op I 10' ftt the Chle( Opeiamr; will gin I""' rho eddttss ol ao emFJ-. _...,,...._a,.,... • . . . ' . '! sc"*'•• u••amu ~ COMPANY . ' . . .. • .. • I ... ' " ' rerred to the city engineer. · James Frost Returns From Pitcific Action James FrQSt, second .c1a.ss petty officer, USN, received his honor~ a.me diScharge last week from the separation center at Roosevelt Base, Terminal Island, and is now at his home on ~'Ylubhouse avenue . He reached ¥attle two weeks ago, aftrr t"•enty months in the South Pacific, where he has been in all major invasioris. 20 Win Letters In If ootball On Varsity Team BOOKS · We· B.aft WU.t Yoa Need ' FSTRELIJTA 'S <Estelle CUnpbeij. Owner) PIL S-... Ana S82S 615 Nortll Mala Street Boom B -Anlode Balldbte OUr Lending Library Contains the Laleot Book> . . • · . HOUl!i 9 ,30 lo g,so i:-pt-Mo11., ! p.m. • 11 ,so p.m. ' S.AMPSON Machine Works l&M Newport Wvd. CostaM- • ·We are now through with-war contracts and open for~ machine work. lo AD modern machinery .. AD types of macliine work. • Marine en&lne parts du- 'plicated • Arc and acetylene weld-. " mg. - . . . CYLINDER JU:All8 MU,I.m . SA,MPS0N· Machine Work& " IN-## tMlti., nl fw nr -· -""ti•., •••141 ii,.._. ... ,,.JI••~ •••1 f••ll• ;ml• ti• •••~tll•• ~lt•I' 1f l•tNH~ ' New Books at Public Library Promise Good Reading for Winter .Evenings · . J Mesa LIQUOR SHOP' 1822Yr N9wport Bmt. Plenty of Whiskey No ll'lllt to any or co;;: ~LIF., · PboM IS"ewve>rt 44 r J ·' . • • . , ROBERT A. CRAWFoRD . OPTOMETRis:r 1'79! Newport Boalen.rd Gotta 'MM& Phone USO Credlt Tenns Broken Lef!S<S Duplicated .. ~· , . . ! .' ' • ~- !" ............... ,., ................ ~···· ... . . . ' BALBOA'S . .. • I ~ ENDEZVO·u·.s ,i ~ • = = • • . . ' BALLROOM I , .. .. 1· • ' • nAlllE ST111 .....,.... . I 'I ... ' ; ........... ·.;·: ' . . I . . ... _ <" . . ' . r \ . • . I A NCI .NG _;1 ~;:-~ ·•• lVID 9 u~ ;1 . . , 1 . . I ' . ' l .. . ' \ • J .. i . l .. ;. l -.... I ' ., I l · ·.·. • ,, ' \ •• • •· • • L . .. . ' • • ' • ·' • .. • •• ... ~ ·'··~ J" • ·: .· . c • .. · ·r "''::::~~:::::::::;:::::::::::::::~:·~::::::::::~::::i:::::·:·:·:·:filW:::·~==::::;:::::::~;:::~:::::::=:•:;;·;;~: .... :::•::l!;;:::~-====,==z,:::::~::~~~::::~;:~:::;;:::~:::;:;:::;:::::~::::~:::'::~:·::; I I . -, . ~ . . . . ' . ' .. . ' r . ' •'I . ' • • • • F;OR YOUR INFORMATION, WE SERV.E • THE I 0000 C ITIZ ICN ' 01" QUiii: C OMMU N ITY BY Ll:NOI NO TO H I M FOR T t-1.E .. UAP08C 0,. •UYJN01. au1LO I NO. bR MOO· l:lllNI Z IND H I S H OMlt OR au9t- Nll•9 PROPIERTY .CA AEFIN• ANCI NO AN VtlSTI ND LOAN 0D N H I • PAOPl:,.TY. · . DUlll ~AN a AAll: CUT TD ,.IT H I • NEED•. LON D T EAM. MDNTt4LY Alt,.AY"'4CNT, L 0 W CD•T, aE a tBLE. ' E SERVE T HI: 1 'V,r:STOAB A NO TM C 8 AVCft 8 ,.. D UA COMMU NITY ANO 0,. ANY O T HCA COM· MUtu'T'•E • . av PAOVIOINO A 8 A,.E R E 'P 0 8 IT 0 A Y ,. 0 A ,.U NO •. I N 9U A INQ T HE l!'UN09 AND PAYINQ SEM I· lNNUA LLY A HIDH DIVIDEND C DM""ENSIJRATE WIT H SA,.ETY . OUR CURRENT O IVIOENO •• RATE 19 ' 3% CHAATl:lltl:O •Y UNITED BTATCB GOVERNMENT ' • -·~ • Eig1iteenr~ · · Semi-cAnhual . ~ of • 1'f~~1 ~e5s::, . ' . : t'urnmi 'Dividend Rate: 3~ ' J, . . I • I -.. 1--·1 : \' ' \ .. ~ ( . . ST-ATEM·E-NT OF CONDITION A»of V.t..;i.,, ~I, 1114S FIRSI' MORTGAGE LOANS J I • -. I ·-I ~ A.mod&UO. 09* l'tr'lt nut Dliedll. ~ OD ~ la IM Jlespca' Barbor ...... ~ mopt.W7 ..-_."'-.,. ..... u... ""'° ... -w -)p&m .. tRUr ..... ' I • . . LOANS ON PASSBOOKS AND CER'l"IFlCATES LMM .. ia•""°" ~ l1J' ~-' of tbetr M!e01lDMI. ~ to... au.J' _, UOll9d 901i of ~ MDOU.l of U.. ID· ·~·· .cco1lDL $1,475,462.53 '2,500.00 65,500.~ 47,506.67 508.37 • ' . LIAB .. ; . ·I • I . • ' . 60,000.00 14;367.18 ·-o?.:.• -· 'fO'l'AL : -- - - ----- -$1,591,477.57. TOTAL - -I --I' 1· - -$1,591,477.57 ~is Association is chart<T'eci'by Unit<d St41ts Gov:mmrnt a:d is supervised ·and c.!.mined by the Fed.,.al H~l Loan &In~ AdmT· istrati;r. .1 I •.-.. CUl'lltl:NT OIVIOl:NO lltA.TI: 3 'It I • • \..., Newport Balb()a . Federal. Savings ·and Loan Association •••• v: ... LI DD . I . ' I ' . NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF'ORNIA Resources in excess of'fJne and ·0~-half vrlillitjn 'Dollars New c5\cc-0unts are ,cAlways 'Tu)elco~ . . ''·'·. ( . I ' TELEPHONE 15DO , l ·' > • • . .., . ,. • . . ~ .. . · .. I .; ' I" • • .. • I ·' , l .· , . , ' DP'P'ICERS ·J . ~ •c.1.:tt 8 . A. MltYEft W. A. !!JRA"'B -... P.. A. PALMER "' WALTER B. 'BP I CCR C. W. T 1:W INKL£. W. A . WILGUS ·-• •• ' ' • . I 'I 11 I , " -r f , ·t . . ·i I I ..... .__-~-___ ._. ___ ----lr :. ·1 • :---+----~w~;w~;J;ic;~W1;.s;;o;wri-.:::::---1 1 ·Ex.Jfosion Blows any mateiiai. or help at th.is time. through the wall where it struck Greyhound Statio IPi }I Upa.tair1 •'Porn Loose And both o( the huge bay windows I • D ~ ' ~ ~ ·"'"-i:. -Out Walls of Home The-.!ntlre upstairs sectlon ·was which lighted ~he upstairs section OJ>fnS on Highway Lumber an~_.,.Buil~a·. Ma~ials Fresh Daily Dellclou.e Bea Fooclo Or, complete lqui pment when ye>u want to catch yoqr ~ HORMEN-FISH MARKET In Co tom l~e from the lower. The left were compl~tely " blown out. "_I. . B . . rona del ·Mar upsta~ wall was oompletely Mr. Schneid~r. intervie.wed ... So!rapid h_as been the increase ay District .'1,.utp~ C«;>. ' blown out, every windriw broken, he was removing, valuables fr9m in 1~a1 bus1n~s in and o~t of · " · . (Cont.in -lo ( p 0 ) all the other Walls torn partly the wreckage Friday after noon, NeWJ?(>r t Harbor that Greyhound 518 ooUT BIORWA,!I ~ 1~ :~ AT ~ ._ ____ ' ·· .ucu rom ~e ·ne out. arid the roof was left bUckled declared that he and his wife had Bus~nes were compelled to build /I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~ lower right wa ll had been blown and sagging from the force of the spent morning, noon and pight for its o station, which was open 1 ' more than three inches out from blast. One of the· kitchtpi. doors the las~ five months r edecorating for Ines~ last Saturday ~t _608 the foqndation. And he w u pes-wu blown open with such force the place. They had Just finished Coast H1ghway, near Gordon's simistic about being able . to get ttiat the door knOb for ced itself t very room in the house except P harinacy. • 1 ., ON CENTR_AL AVEt.IUE, NEWP9RT ·eEACH i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the front hall. i..oCai . agent •is Mr. Charles L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The couple purchased the house Swafford whil,e Mrs. Swafford is last August ... It wd.s insured for ifi ~arge ·of an enlarged lunch only' $1300 by the F irst Savings roo I t W84 announced t hat open and Loan Co., Mr.' Schneider de-. ho us would> be held Friday· and W H .1· S K !E y· .- ' ,. _, ·FIREMAN! SAVE MY . CHILD! I . / Ever stop to think of w~t you would save first ifyaur hou aught f~? . . . . With modern fire protection. de- vices it is possible to save every- thing. Your insurance agent knows this, and figures the.premiums yoa pay accordingly. · · We carry a full line of CO-i'wo and Pyrene fire extinguishers ; can install a built-in system that will automatically save ,your ·warehouse from destruction-'-Or sell-you a port- able model that yr u can-tuck in the h11-11 c!Oset. . . SINCE 1920 . r . E·IS-HOKIN & GALVAN · ~~war -N.._t 1W Aile II: . . . . tr ~~ 8....._. au~. o.wW • E'LECTRICIANS. · c.o.rwo nu l'.iQVll'1llENT 1 p.MJToall', ft.ANT, -OJIWICJ&, P ..... ~ dared. . · Satutday of this week, to which The YOUl1g man WU ~ch.,-ged thwlic is cordially invited. I in Sept. of '44 from tl1e Navy • ·· breaks me," he said des- 0 . where he served as a .machinist'.• po ntly. 'I put every cent I had mate: "into · plaCe." ) , Will Photograph You · . "\ ( Glamorously Different Our Laguna Beach · --..-.... an if Santa Ana Studios ' • are open ~ Year 'Round Santa Ana '\ 3 18 W. 4Qi St. Pbolle S029 Laguna Beach 365 So. Cout Blvd. Pboae4MS BATTERIES CHARGED 1 11 30· MlndeS WIGtO.hd-' ,....,. -. """. . n--c·~-Oe ... i . LUBRICATION :SPECIALlS ~ ..,.._ ....-;; -~ m _. • .,.__ .............. ,..· .. 14*111 ... ~· 1'1t •• ,..., 1 .. ~ ... IZW ,__ flf Dlpllt: MW --,_ a& .. VIRG'S 4RAGE 'IDAOO. ~ . '• "!:~· &U .ftAnOJf . ...... c ..... ·"""-.......... , • r -• ' ow-i~-'-· l . I 1 I • Racing :Skipper~:-:-' Sail Boat ·ardware Sail· Track nd Slides . Stop Watc~es - Yacht Timrj .. Newport Marine Smly Co. s14 eo..t ~--r . l I Phone 2180:1 I " M ·£ N ,, s J A I I -E J_ s • cl . ' . .nmi• .&T B.&L ~ 8~ lad<, -~· r .n.w0oi- C4ffDIGAN or ,roar -r to ....... on 1a a· wuh- ..-.1 pllanllwJ - AMAC ' . \ ·ROSSI'S ·y Liquor Store -r ~ • IOOS Coast. Iilway Yi Mile Sou.th of tbl&.°Arcbei..,.._ . ... . ' . Pre-fiabricated ·Homes 1 · .. ' i . · · and · Garages · , · TWO BEDROOM . HOME, 36x2.0 I I . Girders, joists, rougq flooring . . . . , All walls pre-fabricated · ~joists, hania.rS, roof fnuriing'ptt; 7f IDJ! w gable ~f-Aspbalt shiilgles ~ Shi!lrtrock filr lnteri11r walls and ceilings · · '• ':.: 1 4 'Ox31o D.H: windOw and ftiame I . . 6 3'0x4'0 .. D.H. wiQdows Md 'irames · 3 2'6x4'0 QJJ. windows and tirames ' 1 • 2'0x3'0. Dl.K windows and tbunes · .1 • 1 . 2'0x3'0 Dll. window and friline · . .._ 1 ' 2'<¥'8 door and frame · · •. · '-' . 4 2'6x6'8 doors and frames · . 1 ~'8X6'8·· door and frame . Bue lhoe and' a.illiig mol-. .· ' ~ for do!>l'9 .and _wlndilws Tie wire and paper for exterior · $1328~00 - j ' . ·<: . •. \, "J . • > -J. . • < " - ., ' . •' . -.-. . .. •• • • • J ' I ' ' ' . . ,_ • • • ' . . ' ' • • ' 1 .' ,, \ " 'c • ; -::~;;;;::;::·:l !;u:•::~:;i;:~~;~;;;:;;:t;:;;~;i~;;~;;;;:~:t ., . .ft L I N G i>. ~-t;. J rt 7 7 •'-.!:·p1•t1'r::'A--of1 "•' tllr ·.·,,.I! .. I U _ K. V-1. E. 1th-II II . ,_ ~ 111 '~ f .. • j '!-~~~~ow~ .... ~-~·~·· v.e.11oy,i..we11a_ 11 ·e H ...... 1dP.........____., ' -!'! ' E. ~IL ,Broyles -15 T --.J • • ) I . • --I ' -.:'!'!"& ~."::.i-. t • G. fi.i.L. _1'.'.""~ : ·l m By . IP Mllltmy Ha1ars ~ .~ us· E' -o· . 'Fl . J. em-I!. ~-•ell 11 1 917~11:"1 ~WlllcuL · ~ J = MQ>r Cbules IL. "'"' nctad\.blo (mmab that """ I .. . )lllfiy AW · Gora & 4 ' 66'7 . • • 1 --bia father-__.inc bi attackf _, n;ul1 ~·111tata tbe · . 1· • w:-G FpnpltiT 8 4 661 f!nt World· War u a flier; pve 'tiaia. "At __ palat be - y; A J. , • ' 7 5 5113 ~ '.OCGftO -l'ftUlta al hlo life In World WD Il U aM ·-·-lo a adl _,.,... belp · ' ot the sreat a1r · ""'-tn tho 1i<iin. amt fOtmd h-t '!"'..,..--1r----------..---------Europan tbeator ot operatlom;'lt ,aiol.e lle-14:"~ WU learned ~·, 27 -hJo S , !n a ·a -. nuarv ;31 ·iAsl DAY niolher, Mn. AgnH . SpenceT of down """ . .IHd tlpter In 128 Montero, Balboa, • '/VU pre-fiam."".i safe!T ...-.S lnt- sented .with. three high military ~ •traai<n. and • ARY -4tK,1I . i I n • HE . . ' . ' R MIN. NOW IN THI ARMY TO ·R TAIN THEIR PRESENT ·a \REENLISTING ••• GRADES " bonon p:ioibumoualy for her gal-the bcJinben: 1ant son. · .. · · -The I ':~ a1 the third -- The pre9e11tatlon wU qs8de by aticJn....ftbe Air Medal-was accom- Brtg. Gen. De· F: Barkor, com-~)by .tbe'll"09Ctltatjon of_ ""t manding general ot the S...-Ana Dvor and ~ Ilr<nR Oak .....,. AnnY Air Bue. She wu given the a .. ter. ~ _.. awarded for Silver Stat for 'the . lut Ollll:aae-"meritorlouS Od>levmlent· while ment In which Major 9-WU portld~tlng In ~ qaintt the seen lillve-fightlnc otf l.eD c.r-memy, for the deolnJctlon of three man plaoes lllnclehancj.c'lly. · Ac-enemy air<:nft." ~~':t~ :!~' main f,;. ~ 11-:•-_..:·"'"tio. -. --M-ad. matlon, Major Spencer-together . .PP.1HA1 . n e wtthone other P.JS-gallantlydr-. O 'n.......11-e Area· cled the tattet area to cover the P~ Iii~ ,f.,,.1 •"'1 ,..,. HICHLIGHTI o• THE llEW withdrawing bombers. Noticin&' Jn tJpper Bay e P""-7 1 iril/· EllL'llT!llEllT PROGRA• approximately ten enemy fight.,.. corning tn tb attack the rear of a --- ,.,_.•~= " ' • I llEllE' 1 · I . I 1 . • .... ' !-.--f l 1111111119119119!111t1111U111en ... 111ii•1•nen• ·-· , . .. . . ' ·• ' WffAj-. Yotr no:· I" : " ' ' -<' cl.n1.J . ""'' "'' 8f'U• t .;;. tbm /'fntclfl -1. B~ f« l'n, 2 • 3 ~ fiight of t>orribe:n, h~ unhesitating· A~tion hu been made by ho,.or••l1 4i1-~ r::;-:;.u ~~ ::.::; ly turned to ' the attack, meeting Sbellmaker Inc.,· 124 West FOW'th Fttniilt .Uhin 20 2. ~ -1,_ .., ,. 3< ,_ the . n\lfflOl'lcally superior enemy 1treet, Loo Ansel.es ~ California, tliichaic ia the · mc1usi-, acept for ~now l;D Army, force head-on and attacklna: ao for an extenalon -Of tiiqe in which dilcl.n(i ""'"'WI who -Y r.-Hlt: •t1apY.... viciously that one enemy fighter to complete work under. War l)e.. ~J •I dw ~·of 3J M-r-iidins;....-.,....._,t~ exploded in rnid·air and the re-partment permit dated April 16. trorithJ dwy ~ ~ ~~:t;'-~1, 1-:,.~ mainder were dispersed." 1942, which ·~~ dred&inC .Fft,,...,, 1, 1946. 4. Th.II 1-t p.y .cal•, ~ical care, The Dlstingulahed Flying Croli to depth of 30 feet below mean .. Th~•, i. ong Ii. of attractive tt:enlUtm. nl pririlegea in the D~· · for~ Voluntary Recruitm nt Act of 1945. The obility keep your pr-nt grade ii ly one of them. hut this p : ilege expire• on January · . food, quarten aPd ·cloth me iD &my · was won by Major Spencer in very lower l1ow water. · removing sand . bistcwy. mUch the same way he had gained and lhell, the sand to be depo9ited 5. Aa. lncrMM in u.. ~imnent I d' ed b Jrv1ne Com bonin ta SJO r« .-ch y..., of 11Cti•• Ufe/ Silver Star: by facing the on an own Y . PIJIY, ..n:. .me. such bonu1 -• l•u p.ucs. ·enemy formations singlehanded. approximately one mile frOm the or sine. lMt 9Dtr)' inta ~ .. · In ·'December 1943, while leading Stat( Highway Bridge, extending 6. Up to 90 dM~ ;i.id fw-l~b, cs.. his grOup formation 85 escort tor about three-quarfen of a mile =~0.°.i1~:: =!'nd~ Liberator bombers over Sofia, Bul-northerly ln the upper channel of for men now in Army who -1i1t. garla.. he was faced with an at-Newport Bay, at Newport Beach. 7. A 30-<by f~loulh •• ..,. ;r.ar •t full t'c:~ by 20 eneiny fighters. Drawing showing,... location ~ ~-"Major Spencer so skilfully d1-plan of the work formerly author.-a. Mu•tirln1-out pay (b•••d upoa · 1--• under the above penru't is on l•ncth of Mr"Yic•) to all D'l«ll who .• ,. ~ There • plenty of other disch•rcK'"fO r-n.11.t. . bowling~ in the Balboa Mixed file at th~ ottiCe. lnteresied per. reatom w y many thou11a.nda 9. Option to retir• •t half PllY ror Ii~• · sons are invited to inspect this •( h nl' d, d •aft.r 20 yean' MCYic•-im:r.•1inc to Doubles league, frida,y. ~· 28, dr wt d t b .1 1 wr'•i g u men . a e e 111te an more i ~~u.rtan P•Y •ft'er 30 y••~' .er-at Sportland Alleys, Balboa: a ng an o su rm n 1 ..... n . tdhooaayn~ are enliating every ~,.!· All_pr•viou: • .c,tiv_._J~K-!'•I mil,t-Dot Toombs .......... 137 146 134 Tuin tr1d·pllca3te, on8 o1r 946betore 11 b•j·~· oy: ou certainly want to _.., merv1ce coun.. ow .. u r r•.m•n . El Les 130 147 120 es aY,' an. ' ' any o CJ..- kno II I th . . 10. Ben•fita und.41' the Bdl of ra ter ............ t • b ed · tion int rests w a· · e opportun1t1es Rilht.. . Val Bidderman .. '.. 120 133 114 ions as on naviga . e open to ou. U you'll read 11. Family •DowalK'ff for th• te•m of ;Jim Bidderman .... 138 112 138 lha0t thetiy mayb haedve to 5 1 81hd' wthork. · · th .. 11 'II .,__ .enli•trrwint fat dependent• of men who EveJyn BrOyles .. 112 93 l15 bjec: ons as on o .. er an em c~r ~u Y.1 J,ou · ~ow enlist before J uly 1, 1946: i t • t t ts cannot be why a JO 1.0 ~her~new peace· 12. Opportunity to learn one or mor• Ray Broyles ........ _127 138 146 nav ga ion " eres time Re Jar AnDy ia being of 290 •_kill• and trade,. . -June Vogel ............ 142 154 134 considered. retarded odav 89. "'The Beet 13. Chotc• of b~nch of. H rv1ce •nd Stan Bu~elJ ........ 130 · 164 147 Juri'ch ·--0-n-e_o_f_l_S_OO_ . r O"l'.--1 theat•r 1n th• All"; Ground or Pat Guy 96 109 132 Jo in th World. Strvic• Force. on 3-year •ftli1tmant.. Bob O d ············-··· 127 164 165 . , gen ···-·.... Navy· Men Sla.ted · ' Ruby Leslie,.:........ 143 · 135 166 MONT ED ME ,.,., IMalot. ....... On liONTHLT Ed' wwcut ............ 141 139 112 For Discharge llT~IWINT i Edythe Laurance.. 107 129 130 __ ..,... ~ /.~~":, 1~cow1 AfTtl: Les ..Lauran~ ...... 14~ 1'!$ 168 Marvin J . Jurich, C.ox. USNR, is '~ -~o ,_,. JO 1•or1' Ruby' Go-171 140 100 I t \ be M..tti '.S.Nlc:• .s.rvlc:• '""-3 .......... one of the ates navy m~n Q ' .. ' • Muc« Serpant . Waijy Gores ···-··· 164 142 114005 discharged under the point svP-l ;. . ....-Finc:·Serpant · ):138.00 ,:89.70 ,:1,5.2' -Wanda Marks ... _. 100. 129 tern. Jil.rich 1'. one of t!1e t.500 I -... ~ ·TeduU<ol Sorawant 114.o<i 74.10 128.2' G•;i H. umphrey .... 158 158 136 _,_-~--~ Sulf S...-~ 120 navy veterans aboard the S. $. S. - • ' ;:: 62.40 I08.00 Sara Fish ·······~·-· lOO l05 Fregus,· a part of the ''M8.iic Car· ~j. _r -'-... •• Sersnt.t • • ' • '0·70 87·7' George Fish ........ 134 143 i~~ pet" fleet of over 300 carriers, bat-1.. -~ 1 Corporal 66.00 .. l.9CJ . ~ ... ~, Mildred VOgel ...... 102 109 1~ tleshlps, cruisers . and destroyen PTivate Fine: O... , ... 00 ).,.18 . 60.7, Ed Johnson .......... 110' 124 · p,.; 1·; "-110 ~ Qestlned for discharge. -vate • • • 'f'·oo .32."' -'6.2' Clara 4each .......... 113 138 'l He left Pearl Harbor Dec. 19, . ""' . . . • , . -I' r:·,, ... . I , , F • • . ' '. ._.;:.___":"~ .; ~ .. ,. \ ' ---r )• . ..... / t .:--::-:-i.... • . • ... ,,.. . ~ . -. -.... • . " r . ,,, p T I .JOI THIOUOH . ._,,,NOW AT youa•-..am· . . Lloyd Wells :......... 124 148 1451 I . 1-------------I for ·home. ~ ~--·· One Son Re-E~iiiiis; Another· Enroute Homb from Europe · · -' :-.. , u. .ARMY • ' ''GUAI 11· ... • IAH Of VICTOIY" Al .. e•o ND. Sll•.VICll PORC&S. 3()2 City Hall " Building -; • SANTA AN& Wines Be~r Whiskey · Liquers, 1 " • J.H.ESTUS PLUMBING GE~ Ei.Ecm{c ·ou • -~o~TORS ·• wAStu:Ba WBWA8pgll8 o RADIOS • Z206 Clout Bmt · Boois and Roy .Keene Palm and Bay, Balboa Phone S91. : . Th<i . , . .-. &Ji•"" Compartlj .... , . I Ca/if omta ..-,:,outr;J8"1 -· · I/ 1 ~ cuafo••"'"' .. ;.hes a orr-y. ' -. a HaP1'!1 N..,, ..,, ' ' . ' r Gl!O. WHEAT · . Dittrict MM-· a I . · I I Sgt. Robert $. .Han reported back to Fort MacArthur this week for re--enlJstment in'to the army after spending a 90-day furlough with his ~fe, Gene and daughter Carrollee at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. D. Woods, 207' 20th street.':' Ne~i>Of"t. Mrs. Woods expects to hear any day of the return o( be.r other aon, SISit. Arttrur WoddS to tlie east- ern seaboard, as he :is ndW· en route hmoe from serving with the R.a.Ql- bow Division ln ~the Eu:dplUl theater. .. ' . Watch the Oamfled CQ}UJJU)I'. Newport , Au~ ~ ...... °""'* ...... " -(~ ....... , lde• 'JALn · MORJUDY _,._ L11,dy ~ttendmt .,, _,_ . . . 410 Oolllit llhd. - CORONA DEL J1AR .· . • ·11rf¥ C. w .f.2 DATAlmM•i • --' l --'---· . . . . ! kl ·-PENNY'S WORTH \\'hen the n~ city par ng meu:.n to-tnto ·U.e }"'ri~•. January 4th, oa:ae ~~t ''1ll purchue 12 tanUte, of parking-ti.me ~ llhown on dit'-Two cent• buy1 ~ mtnUlft', s cents S6 minu~ 4· cenbf 48 jmlnute&. and a nlck~l pv.;. all iHtar'• tt~ Both mm of cbln! p Into the same slot, rtME .to MOVE-When the red 8.lgnal appean la tbe dial 1i:iace of the meter; It means tbri parkln& t.lme you paid for Is up and You are subject to • nne for O\'Cr~ ~ u yoa. do not move your car ._t once: The one ~ur putdlls llmlt la lte&lgned to keep·~ av..Uablc d~ day. ~ . . I ,obown bY .,,..., I . . --. ., \. ... • r • -. • , ' I . . POINTEIJS FOR DUAL PARKiNG .MEl.ERS . i . . . . . FEE--On.e,oea.t for U ~; two omte for U min~; fliree ~ta ~or sa mbwt.ea; 4: oent. for 4.8 mlnute.i: one . .-.ea for IO mlll¥1;ea. -YoG au ba1" -~Y the .upu1ot..i pertods ot ~ 1'1-"" im -.,..i.w ....... . · · · o~~o ~-~ m. 'to • p. 111. ~ ~ -.,. ud 1>olldo,.:. I . I . PENAL~Ftne of not more tU:n •t ~ ~ tor ove ... tlme ~: fbte of ~ot more tbaa..; ~50~ and co.ta, o~ lmprbo~t.. IOI" Ille el .._ or e~ ootia Mlb- 1t1tu.te In the llliMm'I or for tampertnc wttll -or ~ a ---,.· . I 1 · _._ • \ . ' ,, ' • ' \- ' "' . r " , • ,. • " • • • • . ' I . . ~ .. Pu.i.c: No.nc.. .a ·.:,;;_;;..~--ts fo G.L Bill -sr. -·-. ~ o.i:lr. n1G;;111r;E' ;=~'~L~ .. ~ . .· Pum.ic Puauc NonC:E :.PU..=aue==..:1'!1:,i;..::0:;_1:;.;ic:::::*::*;..._.,....,...1 _~----'-----1 ftllft:llUIJM:I . ftlll llnot,. I 11z'1a• zl -Oldlt- ·=;.:.=-:=--1 • . . . . . v ts 11.lftaft L-... I .:...it OD B-' . --· .. II · bellls Mr. -<II 9 • I ~ party· ol ~ -•e.S pert zhoiI at ~ 20,.1915, PJo.00! 5opCan-aid ...,_ Coant, '*' <r -.J e .,._, __...... , ,,__ . -~ ... !°•of Oodt -- -"" • Iii .. BDJ: --llllmelt In danpr ber 20, 1945, _m>.80; October 20, ::: ftb day::,. !::'!7 i::;;:: Of ..........._ ....... _ ..... 11 I ~ • -~ by ... lee I z'llre.,,:4 ~ Mr .• and . ' · . l · ~njgby~~~ i:::..::: =·::::·and~ 20 • ..... =~--Title ~in.aw. ....iton and GI'• ID tbla -are --.~i,ci by tbe Vet-:;, :t-'!aancl~~":. To: · P. ~Clo tberool untn"tb:~11m o1 the That, ~· Wiiiour W. ~ BnlM!ns. 433 -1!fr1ac -t, tbe --to to tbe -....,. .. A_.....tljm -· tbe pr.if-. . . . B. D. · • ~ .ArlilaLut time above limited for tile _.. doel. under tbe tBmll ot aeld DOie .Jn U.. City ot -Oopaty ot 1-called GI Billot ftlillte wlddo llM ~....,,, l'OQult""!""t. tbe -. • . -· W. · 1-~ Courily .,....t u.er.ot, or If said Put7 ot and . .,,.,..._, elect to doclatt ~ 8tatlr ot Clillfonla., oil alrnd1 !l'rr•d, ~ a,Dd ii 1llOY ~I!'" loon. nq\drlnc m1Y . , • ol 1-callfornl,a: . th<! tint pert sbaJl oOli or attempt and' cioeo ..-y dedare· tile whole t!Ht•ttgbt, tltl.j aJ\4 Jnt"'-t ot -now awaiting. the Pnsidont • ala· the wt<rb • dloeharp • a <er-If• L J 1' g "'GMllAll P. ll'1m!flll8, Coll· to sell said property, or aey pert amount ot said tndebtelln-now -at the !lnl* ot &alb and oatUre. . ~bWty. Craft~ C8rda '' fcmla OUl&nd. .caJlforol&; thereof or If the 'aame sbaJl !Ml. due and owing to him. to-wlf, the 1111 tbe rigb~ tlUe and lnterqt that ~ a_..i . amendmente · 'Any w who cloea not have IC ... • LD>O 'I' ACRT AN-levied .'..pan or taken by virtue ol. sum ot three -.id etebt bun· tile -f1I aid --baa ..,. make ~ta! chanc<S In t,be a certificate or who ...,_ • •UJ•1r7 • : . CllOllAG&. .Tlllrty:flnt •tr.et. any attacbment ·or execution dreddollan ($3,800.00).and<l<ds ~ by .opuat10n Of Jaw OE GI oi>e!'•tion by (1) ralalng tbe oelvedac!iocbarceotbeEtbanbon--B_rookings Vanety R. L HostinAa Newport .. Oijilomla; agah)st said !Int.party or If said to and has taken ..... the poo-otb<rwlle, ot.bertllan-OEbtodditlon loan cuarantee ...,._. from arable~ apply to tbe VA !OE. 0 .......... eu ... -· -• YOU.. < EACH OF YOU, fin( party shall· ~e or at· seuion or said schooner or .-...el to tbat Of aid dee--at· tile S2QOO to .$4000: (2) ~ tbe a =.ti!16'te ot eUclblllty; (3) ,~-~~·~~-~-~·~,.;;~.,.~~-~~.,.~-~~~:;~:;;;i;;~;;;;;;; ARE 'N_CYnFIED: tempt· ro remove, said v~l be-pursuant to the terms of Sa.id Um.e at death, t.D. and to all ~ ~tee automatic. U thr ap-sut.tltut1bg '~le ,value" u 'Ibat. Wh merence ls made yond the limlu. or !be United mortglli". and elects to sell and cer1a!n real properly altua~ tn desJgnated by a VA appnlaer bu to ti\at cert mortgage of vessel States pr if said first party shall .convey the same In accordance tile County or Qranp. stale or PUBLIC· NOTICE. been subatltuteG for the contzoo. frorp G P . Fumlss to Wilbur suffer' and permit said vessel to with the torms and condltlons of Calltorola, partJciJI&rly cleaerlbed Venial. "ttul>nable normal value" W . Croua. . tbe said Gra-be run in deM to an amount ex-said mortgage. u follows: JUI<• box, located In and about In !W mlilnal bill; (4) limltiog t ham P. · .of·the Oty of. Oak· ceeding in the !ag"gregate the sum Now, thereto~. pursuant to the Lot 22 in Block 3, and Lob the ca.re business and premises the t!~t on loans to not more r.. land ln"tbe late of Oillfonlla, tbe or fifty and no/lOOtbs !$50.00) terms or said promissory note and 17, 18, 19 ...,.d 2o fn B10ck <. l<nown u "Sea SbeD c.r.,• -than 4 per cenL Home loans. • · llOle owneo. the schooner or.""'-dollars, or lf iiald first party shall mortgage and ~tlon 296T of the Laguna Helgbi.. pei map re. located at Ill• addreu kr\<>wn u niuat be repaid within 25 yean, eel called e ,"LADY Ai>A. ~~ negligently or wilfully permit wd Civil Code. the underslgned hereby corded In Book 4, page SJ or 601 East Central Avenue In Bal· fann loaas Within . 40 yzan, and \b• bunion al twenty-eight < property to waste. or be damaged gives ·noUce that on the llt. do\Y ~ Recordoo, tn tbe boa. Orange Cooi>ty. Collfornla. -1111 otber l loana within 10 years; tons. or,_ ·~-~-~~~ or destroied, ~wd party ot the of ,January, IMC. at the hour of omce of the County Recorder together with the good-. will of. (5) omittlna the proYislon in the part. being tly ~In WJ:· secood part i.. hereby authorized 10 o'clock A. M. of sald day. In the Of a.Id CoUDty. said buslnel!a, the On-Sale Gen· original act which prohibited ln- bUr. 'jV. or , · In e to take-possession or saJd good.. yard or the Ulo Olannel Yacht Tuma or qle, .cub fn lawtul era! L1cenae held \Ir tbe aeller tereat In 'excess.or 1 per cent on S tate. ot 0~ tJ tbe~~ chattels, and personal property at Anchorage at Thirty-font street In. mooey ol ll>e-Ull!ted Stat.ea on con.. ln ~on with sald bualnea secondary loans, and (6) by part. ~in the 0 ve ars any time. wherever _found. either the C1ty of Newport Beach, 'fttmatfoa. · ot ~e, or part ca.ab establilhment. and t/le unexQir-~ ~g. the automatic guarantee and nol1 • ~~:'!f'·!'O> do~I before or aftey.the expiration of Orange Oo1:1nty, caillomJa. and and be.lance evidenced by not~ .... ed term of the lease on said .j>rovtsion •effective for · 10 yeara upon a · -..,.."?....,ssoZi ~~ ei~ the time aforesaid, and ,to sell and landward of the mooring ~ere cured by mortgage or trust' deed business~ fellowing . the end of the War. copy ot ts . attach here· "de-convey the same. or so much said boat or vessel l! af ·presei:it on the property 90 BOid. Tm per The date whe11 and the place 'The bill, as now written would ~~:re d mo;-gag!.rl thlD f :thereof as may be necessary to moored or tied and in view of ~ cent or amount. bid to be deposited "'here said sale ii to be made and enable a veteran to buy a. horile • an ma e 4 ~ ~ e~ · satisfy the said debt. interest, and described vessel. t!1e underi:ign with bid. the consideration or price far such costing up to $20,000 with 00 did. for . • pucJOSe •Of securl r: rea.wrtable expenses. af~er first will sell and convey, punuant to BJds or d!ten to be in wrtUng sale is to be paid are on January down payment, if' all financing thet~ :'. ~d ~debt th':."ln· giving a "1>tice or ten (1~) days, the terms or said mo~~· ar;; and will be rec<tVed at tile I.tore-21, 1946, at 11 :00 o'clock A. M., were donj, through federal agen- • le'J'I · Y ,no · sell . to be givetj by publication in some said and pursuant to . on aaJd otttce at any Ume after the -at the office of Fred A. Wilbur, des, acco¥ing to .the 'statement ol te=t the ' · ~t. 'd J:ub newspaper published in San Fran· of the Civil Code. at publi~ ayctlon flnlt publlcaµon bereot and 00-'509 First National l!&nk Building, "Headlines" the official publica--B t\ .1' , V ~ .0 T 0 ,8 Y ;d ~ hi!0 ~e~ s~xecuto;:: cisco .. California, and in the ~~ to the ~ghestf :'i!ddUer.tt~rSt~!:· f ore date ot sale. Fourth and ~fain Streets, Santa tlon of ~~~ National Auociation 1;~~~~~:;:;' ;:~;:;:~;:;:;:;:;:;::;;:;;;;:;'5~~ · . ' · · . the at which the vessel may be bert lawful money 0 e n ' Dated this 13th day or Deeem-Ane California. of Real ~tale; boards adm1~trat d ~~rr5~1 at the specific time. and _to retain the schoone.r or vessel above de-her, 19='!S. D~ted: Deceplber 22, 194.5. .1 In corruDentlng on lbe amended ·' .. who e of th r with the the same out of the p~s ot scribed, or so much thereof as may MILDRED M. JORDAN, CHESTER M. STIL,L, bill whkb ~ undoubtedly be-l l . .. • ~re01; ! th m~s~~e prlt. boat. such .ale: the S\lri>lus ~f ~nyl t~ ~ ~ecess~ .to !;;tl~y J::~Jms Executttx or tbe estate ot Intended Vendor. f:ome la . art r the first o( the \;emp)et(l )"QunbQi 'Service . at anchoi8, ca tes. chains, rigging. belong f~~e ~rs~tu~ 0 581 0 ~~e~nt~;5~h 'day ot Dece~-18.id deceased. Pub.-Jan. 3, 1946. !,Year, Mr. ~a Barnes of Barnes' ' , _ . · 1 , tackle 8 1 furniture. and all -~ 0 ~ pa.that, on such 1945 '\ HOWARD F . SHEPHERD, · . Realty. COsta esa, declared .that ~~SE o~r ; n ·es thereunto ap-'And It ls a~ f t rt his her. wil.sUR W CROUSEl Attorney at Law NOTICE OF ANNUAL · It was 011e o the really bright H N .J S --..:irung d belonging to said s~e the party of l.dme. 1~t pat • 0 • · Mortgag~ t29 Title In.!urance Building, ~CEETINO OF MEMBERS spots · on the tiding horizon for , · ~· ~-:u· he.3:.executors. a 1n1s ra ors. r · Lo I l3 Calif h .... ,..r:· " "' vessel; · · become the pur-2104 Eagle avenue. Al aineda. 9 Ange e9 • • t e co ....... ~ ye · A lot of sales 2100 ()ceuj Fron ·· NeU!'nnrl 1bat said ner or vessel. ac- 8551 · s.,. may California. CR-12570. The Annual Meeting of mem-have been he ld up because vet-•• r' cording to I last enrollment with eh rs. .• -ROLAND THOMPSON. Attor-Pub.-Dec. 20, 27; J an. 3, 1946. bcrs of the .N~vport Balboa Fed-erans \varlt to buy houses but have , the TreUu' Department, Bureau That said five thousand dollars nev for Mnrt~aizee. 210 Spurgeon er.al Savings. and Loan ~i8:ti~.n no money or \•ery little," he de-NOW . OPEN -EVENIN9S ] : . of C\Jstomsi. was a pennaneht en-($5,000.00) Indebtedness h~reto-B . 'Id' Sa ta Ana California. NOTI CE OF SA~ IN BULK "'111 be heh~ at the AssOCJ~ti s ared. . l'N::I ANDWI,.,.,,_, HAMBURG·...,., rollment. N .• s .. O!flcial No. 216-rore mentioned was to be pa•d by U• mg,. n o.c' 21·10t-'d!y·R TO WHOM rr MAY CONCERN: office. 3333 Via Lido, N MAL .. .,. • S • .,,...,.., •· ......, 933· said er belng ot the tbe-sald Gra ham P. FurnJSs in th.r Pub : Doc. 'ZI, J Rn: ·3. 1946. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Beacli. Callfornia. .on J~nu lizabe h 'Bergner fee C-to Tab Out ~ tonn e of 28.73 tons: that foll~ng manner : The sum or · pursuant to the provisions of Sec-16th, 1946, at 2:00 o clock in e . aaid mortp was duly recorded two hundred dollars ($200.00l on No. 218755 ,. Lion 3440 or the California Civil a fternoon. for the purpose of eleqt-Ue J Uary }} .. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jn the otfl of the Collector lot the 20th day of J anuary. 194S. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Code. that Chester M . Still, whose ing two DII'ectors. ratifying acts At S' A Aud"to 1 ;f Cast.oms trlct of San Fran~ an a like sum of two hundred PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE address is 616. NarciSsus Street, of 'Officers and Directors, approv-• I r1um j DEF.EN. D YO~R . HEA. LTH' WITl.f daco ~rt f San Franclse<M)ak·-dollars ($200.00) on each and ~ Corona del Mar, Orange County, ing rep.prts, reviewing progress , 1 land.' on th 10th day of January, every 20th day of each and every In The superior Court of The statr California, hitends to sell to Wil· made for the past year, hearing ,a EY2;'8beth &e.rgner, one o_f the -1· A. D. 1945. t 2:30 P. ~f .. and re-following month t~ereafter, for 8 of California In and F'or The liam Paun, Joe Nlcholy and Wul· full report of the Associatjon s :worlds ve test actresses, W111 ap-QIAJIGl \ ' S . .C-• corded In k No. 50 M.M.. In~ period of twenty-f!ve <25;l mi?nths County of Lo• Angeles. j kan G. Marksity, whose address is financial condition, hearing an pe~ at t~ la.ft of the four New ~nt ?i .-7. by Paul R . .Leake, or until the entire Pr 1nc 1 P 8 1 246 }Vest 15th Street, San Pedro, outline of a pr ogram foi; the year Yofk produc:tio s sponsored by the 016fU / Collector bf C\lstom.s. amount of fi ve thousand ri?IIS.rS IN THE ?.fAT'TER OF T Los Angeles County, California, 1946, and the transaction of such Modern Lifera ure SeCt ion of the f'rft ., · .. That said mortgage In fact "pro-<$5.l:XXl.00) had been fully paid. ESTATE OF PAUL JORDAN all or the personal propert}"" de--other business as may properly Ebell Clu~at eSanta Ana High ' vides 8.s f o · . That said Graham P . Furnss has p ul J d J , scribed generally as follo\\'s : come bet ore the meeting. School ~Udit ·um F.riday · eve--''But If d j\uli: ~ made in .such not made any payments on said I also kn;\\--n as a or an, r., All of the stock in trade and NEWPORT BALBOA F~DERAL ning, J ani 11. J •• .... -. . • .j; ..... r " .;~ COSTA MIU. . CUM8U·Ql_ ,, I BAL ·BO~ C·LE~.IEI .. . 60()' Bast Central A.-enae, Balboa 4 • Day . C~niag Senice . . " . BONDS- .. • " , " • p&Y.11"lents In any one ot such note and mortgage since the 20th DECEA ED. th supplil-s, and all or the furni-SAVINGS AND LOAN The tit of the play featuring ~·-' In any one ot such dav of June. 1945, and ls now In I Notice is hereby given that e ASSOCIATION Miss Ber er " ;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~!~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pa.,. .... -•• ..,., d d lgned will sell a.t private ture, fiXtures: equipment, in-s , ."The Two ~!rs. the prompt and. faithful perform-default for the payments , ue,.un-un e rs st bld-stallations,, tools, utensils and P . A; Palmer-, President. Carrolls'' j\\•hic ran for two years .. of a y of· the covenants der the terms of said note and Mle. to the higbest and be J Pub-J 3 10 '1946 i N Y'o1k h · ted b · ~ · -' :;in C<>nt ned, or If the aald mort·gage. July 20. 1945, $200.00;. der. •Ubject· t i> confirmation ot wari><. <'CCpt the coffee urn and . an . . ' . .n go:;; c~~. . e lS suppar, . y o·o R·D 0 N 8;. . F I N D L A' y· J ' J • .\ ' " (_ " - ~ .. -"5' -. LOS , . . • . ' ' • , • .-. '· be Worner Jansson Symphony 1 of Los Angeles Cirrrnt C.•ttrl D•tn · IEbell Thrarrrt . ]•;,.,,.,., 6 .. Ftb;..,ary 3 -with Nalha11 Milslti11 ( CPl.ilharmonic: Audit6'riumJ • /· Mdrrh 17 4 with }tt• Pttrrt .......... . ~' ·' -an ens•mble of many--varied . .. . I . . . I The ~rcat,Sym;Phony ~orchcs~s a bala~ccd .asscmblag~ ~f .. · i;, • man: instru~ent~-:-thc pianos, ~arp~1olins, v1Qlas, • 'cellos, bass viols, wood .winds,. brasses, ·W:c ~and instruments ( .. 0 · cymbals, uniting to. produce the grand ensemble. · _.,IJ . ' L > . , I . ' - ,Into the fi~,(or of fine f<¥><1s, fine 11'1Jics, fine..hitr ~ enter .many · . ' clements, meticulously ba/anud. Fine beer is -the pr9duct. of . ' many, many years apcriencc in_)rcwing. Eastsidc is sucli a beer. ... ..... ,. I . 1 I f. -' . . · It .is produced b~ J nc of the wor Id's really ~t brew~:astcrs. Its heritage dates back tQ1 the &mous old brcwcncs of Europe. ~t · . /( : L[ .. ' .... , .-a choru1 of many ·1ul;atle 'Cf:~•• of. taste .. J. ' ( ~." . , . I . ......( ·e ... \ • ~-1 ~· -•Li~ Bacti lNG CO~ LOS ANGILH ' . -. 'l. ' ' , .... ~ ~ .. ' . • . . .. • • / , I r· ·. • Dr, Sttrde aker Calls Upon ~ch Is .for Aid Jn Clothing Drive · NEW YORK-Dr. John 'W. .. CONTRACl'OR aad Bmi.DER Ottloe: MlO Ooaat Blvd.· Phoae 4U1 , ' CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS :0d MILLWORK / T. 0, lolluoa, ~L . '1 Studebaker, cominissloner of the U. S . Office or Educatioµ, has· ca.lled upan the nation"s s.chool children, college youth and educa- tional Je'aders for "utmost support ~===========;::=======~===~ in the Victory Clothing C.Ollec"tion ·.- for 0".erseas Relief, His statement "'as made public today by Henry J . Kaiser,inational chairman of the '.o1 st\b SL · {1'h.: 2'88·1 , . J Orange CQ"'ty Trucking. Co~ collection; . , Dr. Stuaebaker pointed out that -school children. college students, school administrators "'nd teach- ers thro4gh spiritfd cooperation in . the April United . National Clothing Collection helped collect clothing :which aided 25,000,000 General '. TRU.CKS FOR HIBE Trucking; · Hauling, ' Long and Short Hauls ' 229 W. Wilson St. -·Costa Mesa • ' war suff~ers in Europe, Ch'.na ONES and the fhillppines. He pointed PH . I out that inlllions of other ill-C:ad Nwpt. ~. DaY5-0r-Nwpt. 512-M, Nights ', children, ~women and men·· over ."! :~;;;;;;2;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;i;;:~;;~~· seas are uttering l\fld dying and need our e1p. .. Harmon Discharged · At Grt a.t Lakes · ! Roger Hannon, Mlc, of 1405 .iv. Bay lvenue, Balboa, was dis-tharged irom the U. S. Navy at .b reat es Training Center , it tN.u imrt ced at i.he Ninth Naval Distri<!t eadquarters Dec. ·22. . ~:AVE.· .-SAVE SA'VE -. .'"'-..Get on.tJte IMG Bandwag0n More Interest on ~avings · , INSURED .. i. INVESTMENTS ' '\ NOW . ACCEP I ED UP TO . . . ss·,ooo ' . Over $100,000 'W~ll Be ' Paid · . to Our1nvestqrs for. . • . . 1,~s I . . ~ · •; _, • ·interest rate on sav-· ·l ; This means .that .the 31%' ings invested with us · 1 · .'O • ....... • 11!"- • '1Jf.- was--• ' . Wltll 1111~ ...ni.c pomu.. ter il:Ne ' "' "••. " ' I .. .. ' . .. .. • .. • . ' "· . •. ' . . ...... , . • • • • . • • - I .1 I ,. . ' . ) . T, ~.t~!-~~-osm--:=!i~~EVE , Y 'IE1 WS-1"1Mij.,!_LJ .!!.lf~·~'!.j !:1• .. DjLJ.1 .. ··.~PrPO_ 111t'~1.·,1JI . "l"W'ftPOIJll 10".ulZ 41.' Old· Oounty.114. Pll: •. JM-W • I . • . . • Do.ta ii--· ---.,..._It 11:111. dcdtJIDll wbat_ ·YoU _. b4' I for ad' mtll1~ Ill ........ Alme NtiAl!C)llt1 Bmcll ll er 13 lllld plllm J'lllll' ~ adua'tl s•;I ----I · GNED cSo~ . . .,.., <10DC1uct-·SllllDI s ooqia • 11 ___ .._ ____ ....;.._.,... _____ .._ _______ .,... ___ ~-i-.----'--------';..-+,-:---~--:--:---...;..----.,....--....,....,----.... ,...--...;..~ othing ~ ~ OON'Tit.A.CI'DfO· ~ ~TB .&ID8 •1 Ula llWW"~ .. l!IODW ' • arnuc&L a umo_ M ••i7 sin;•n J · · · A •••. aun ~ 1&T im•i. mAn .. • venue Balboe • --....... · --' T11.TTmn ~ ' ~ ... poii Beach, pair anit~~ . ickroo -BED l)IVAN-8ee 11. A. Doepke, ·' Radio Repairs ll'I v ~fMENT ' : slate ot Call-~':~;,.Ph.._~!";; fled ~ea=M..a.Col>rillo ·~= ~"':.,~"'=~Ph.~;: 1;~uQt_EJ~~ HARBOR· INVESTMENT COMPANY g"': ~ ·· · Ne'Wpi> Newport B•cb. . , 93-ttc · ~ : · Realtor.I that wd flrin BICYCLES. 21~ Ocean t-Phooe 5 i ws HA.,. .--pl-c.. -~·,., 161600 ' · -·. · Seid, R<f>t<!d Or Re~ • 1-ltc, -.-. -.... -:'""_, ..... ANNOtJNtll:llENTll 111 , . • • . I • t : 100 Malh St., Balboa ·, = · lor ·-. IO JOU" ·la o;-. ntadlnP. 90lfW. 4th ·st., Santa -. r + . (Oiff Drlve) I ' nam;a ~~= VOGEL'S, . tS ... _, ll'Omn> • . ·-$W up. --REV. i1ARGER, Plychlc. Private . View Ld,t>--$4000 Newport Heights ' wqrth, 1820 208 Marin&, ,..,_ Llland. "-wall~C!!"talnln&' driver'•' ...-o. Du· • ' kit. ~Clo.. ' An-, Ph: 4406 tor •PJlOlntment: : HouSeH6500 Up Modem 2-bedro<im h<xne -fuml!lhed. ' <. Calif s. H-ttc Ucerioe and niOne)!. Edith M. -•· --A11L . _. . · · .' . l-3tp, ....L BAY and OCEAN VIEW. HardWood floors, ~· 0.'Wo.tb. 1&20.s : sa&vn AID8 u ~en,~ s . ~ ~tatp :roR BALE--Oeona ..n for s ·x.. FW.Y'"" W : l 1Jordan $_10,500 -Excellent Value · · Callf. a. <:. . t.1-boat, perfect cood. Trlplopt NEW ~LUX 'CIEANER · 700 ICu1j Centnl. .Balbcia wtfirop. 412 N. Mc-COLD and KAClflNJCl.SSS. $26 OO Reward ' tube taoter, ucellen~ c:andltlon. .Sal.., aem~u.. i IP'~ IM · 96-tfc Modem 2-bedrooin home-roinpletely tw•\bf"'d ~~~':,"ter ._1:~!_. ~.~';..th , WAVES ~.,.. any· 1n1· onnat1oo .. to wbo ~N·.1!::.!.-._w~~~ s.e a. . · -Betr!g---~~fil,-.;-, -J+1 8-,.~,=--.---· $13,500 · ...... ~ our ·~ ~ •• nnttac and -r tf Be r ... I -. -~· ~ ~ -.A.utbori-1 .A.pnt . . . r '"· e . l l day ~ Decen 1945. l:nnk>& .A.ppolDtmaa•• Pb. 17~W took cat o aoon . ~ nc Kar.• , --<0th St., _NewPort BMch , Bal T-land to.r'. rt . • NOIUIJAN W: ULWORTH V" Beautv SSbh Tueod.r!Y, Jan. l•t. 1-ltc , l . 99-4tc "' J'leWJ).O BERN AD . I . DUI.WORTH 1108 a!,! Blway~ &roaa ~ ~ LOBT-S•·m-brown paint kits BKY-llCO~ -ruJ "PY~ KE y S · . ~. 1 ~ ,..:ec:~ 'IW<>-BedrOCm 'Hqme-$4500 MILTETOONFVC.AG ~P, . · ' 7&-tfo ten. 4 moo. old, f1'0m 809 block, -~~ ~.t . .....-.. -·· .._ ~· ~ p at CANAL FRONT HOME ISTA n.i.'l&,4 , Ocean Front. Balboa. REWARD __. • .-.. --.. ~ Made Wblle Ya.I Walt tqe ·ror , COlfle. 4Jue11!oa. tmJ. tumisbed \COUNTY OF 0 GE ) u. BJ:AJ,TB AJD8 le for ntuni. : can Jlr. \leatoy, HOl}BY SHOP. tfc VOGEL'S cl,_ Of "'1 . with Income t ON THIS 'rlth y or December Reline eye main with VERDI· li!7s-J. te.4 WJ.:Wiau m ml' a 100 Kain .St., Balboa , ( e ·l.!rland) , '9500 " ' A.D .. 1945, lid me Tom w. RAY U.bt Bulbo for readln«· · T Jbrlne, Balboa 1"fand · ' $850 ~.Terms ;· , l.leridenon a Not Public In and 2'Tc .. 48c. Photo Wor 11'\ood .au)'l'IO:llT w..Grw • ~ PA"! .,.._ -,_. --H-tfc . Canal front kit, 30XJ.(l(), Oft 3l!tt1 ~ . for said County d State, resld· · LAmpo, SSc. KESA RADIO .. t . -er - -,..._ -Gertru~ A Waldron $5000, Inc. comple~ aet of drawings anid specifications . iwom, penonall aweattd· Nor· children evenlnp. 'Phone N. B. J1ii111 1tz t ' llU' ...... ·-_..,. Phone ,w. 96-tfc_ MODERN S'IVCCX>, 2-BEDROOM"HOME big th<Rln dul)-and ll:U!lCTRONICS co. 91>-tto CAPABLE GIRi.. wlll can at Jllw'pC. .,.. 0 , B. 0 ... ._.... c:.~::=~=A~v=ai~·l:a~b~le wil. . i,s:"ANFORD ' . man w.' Dulw , !lemadette I. IHI 22:)9,111!. 1-2tp -,.. C-irr... ·· --. . OJI 40th St. -Putly ~ ' Dul"'.orth and ton v. Gawthrop • TIDE TABLES .au>raan oaa • • WANTED 'TO ,BUY -Private · "· z. -iurT BA!¥A, ISLAND · $6500 foLlu~.:ck '-salc known to me be the pe:nons JAN'UAB'I' 1• party will' pay caah for 193l or can ttwpwt aa 1 Lot on Pepl ~t. $4~. Cuh or whole names l'Ub9cribed to W~llACD.J ~. 1934 Chevrolet coach or coupe U.U.: ~. · Te _ Newport Bel·a2tpch C d l M within tm anc1 -. --. ~ -· orona · e . ar the nt, &e· Hlgn. Low High Low . in good condlUon. Ph. N. B. CUSTOlll! CABlNET~O -Re- J<nowledg<d to that they exe-F 4 8:56 2:43 11:01 4:%1 W"~ _ Girl or woman •~ 2011.:.T. 1-ltc ~. 2 Bay Front LotsJn Chinese Cove c:uted the same ~· •L~ .,., P&ir work """re of all :Bal~a Island $6000 E . h · • " , 6.0 2.4 3.6 --0.9 take care of two chudren ev.,_ Palm lOxlO h kinda Custom bulJt·tn tum! aC .IN ~EOF, I S 5 9,32 3,20 ,11 ,u 4,118 i\lnp. Call 73\atter 6,30 p.m. etto canvu tent: eavy · . • • For Sale-3 bedrooms, "'comi>Jetely have 11ereunto t· my hand and 60 24 36 --OS floor, 2.50 drlll aide waJJa..$37.25 ture. DOUGLAS BOAT & ~ c refrlgen.tton, Balboa Jsland .. atf!xed my off! al seal the day Su 6 lO:li 4.oJ . G'Sa · l·ltc A • ~CANOE CO., 2819 W. Central 40-ft. lot, near South Bay, $9000. , and year ii> certificate first HELP WANTED Secretacy t uto Battenes -Phone Newport 26:14. %' c&ah. Jouession at dose ot 1 "'BEDROO~• HO·""" boV wrltte ~ . 5.7 • 2.4 --0-6 ..,. . or 1J!.. . th $6 45 Ex. , 98-Uc ,.. .,. '"'""' a e TOM HENDERSON M 7 12:23 ~· 10:56 8:18· Real Es.late. and.r.:lnsurance of· rnon -· escrow. • •• _.,bay, with '-rm. ~ over dQUbJe PNP, · • a.1 5.a --0.3 tire. Reasonable ..,ours, good •al· ..,ennsylvan1·a 01'1 r F P WALDRON • -· Half -·" .... .:. location. · Notary bile in and For Tu s ' 1:11 11 :49 8:59 ary. Permanent pooition. ,John r Gallon, 70c • • Gertru e A. Waldron . ......,_ """' ' Said ty and .State. 3.9 . 2:5 4.7 0.1 E. Sadle!r,. 302 Malq, Balboa. Build1"n~ . Wm.IW. Sanfor:d .15,000 (M,y Colnmlss.io Expires March 7, ~ aa7U&M _.., .._> 1-ltc , 1Pu94b9·-J> 3 1 17 -24 1946 n ...... ......, ... _otoooi,n.nc. -Western Auto Supply Remo elinir Phone froker l-ttc Two Large Ba~ front Homes ,. · an. ' · ' · t.i. as-L ... , ...,. -P. '" INT E RE S TIN G . Authorized Dealer Painting ' · • 1836 N rt m d r.-ta Iii! 1 . . $32_,()()() and $35,000 PUBLIC No.TICEll The €1.ty Pl ing .Commm· ange, State'of California, particu- W 0 R K . eWJ>S' v • ~ ~ esattc .. r-or Sae ~ Tel•l>booe 2M-W. Bl,tfc Bal oa Is land Pleasant Working- Conditio!lll Washing Maehines 2 bedroom urnished. Choice Jo-Repaired cation, near South Bay (Little Pa.rte For All l4akee . -Island) ... $ ,500. Immediate pos- Costa Mesa Five Acres on Comer Faciilg Costa ¥esa Park . ' $7500 . f ,. .. . . ' ' ' -~ o( the City of ·Newport Beacli l~ly described as follows. to-wit: • ha\ing, by lution No. 243. Banning Tr beg at STA 138 Learn 15' YOU .....t to Mii "fW" Q&i plaao eee ua. We pay. h1&h4« cub. price. SO yeare 1n ()nap eow:it7. Da.nz...Selaldt Plano CO., 520 N. Ka1n., Saata AnL ~Uc Plck up and Delivery. session. , Business· Opportu11ttiJ.a ' . .. rerop1mended t the City COOndl Ro S"De Santa Ana. ·th S 36 3/40 t. SCHULER'!!· of the Ci ty of rt Beach: the E to TDD ,ditch, th NLY 420.32 TELE pH 0 NE ~!!"OB SALE a . Waablng Vochloe Shop change in .front ard set-back line ft, th W 200 ft. th S 120 to beg 0 E RA IN G 17G8 Newport Blvd, Coeta 14 ... ' G erj;ru e A.'Waldron Wm. W. Sa.nford 5<Yx462' highway frontage (Miracle Mile) Zone CZ & Cl ' from five to t feet tor Lou 1 in Lot A Sec 17 Twp 6.. R 10, P T SIMMONS METAL Single Bed, Phone 2263 M-tfc to 9. Inclusive, t Block 13 First Terms of sale cash 1..n lawful T-creased wa·ie rate·s !fl)rlnge, two matlre!lses, $12.00; ------~-----Phone 2 Broker R. I-tic ·wooDWORKING and BOAT PLANT Completely ~ttlpped. $5500 1 Addition to ewport H~ights money of th.e United S tates on ill 5-p1y. Plng Pong Table, $18.00. SUNDAY SCHOOL GUILD of ----+. ... -~----- Newport Beach California ' confirmation of saJ~~ ' no<IT in ef ec.t. Phone N. B. 1305-W. . 96-4tp c. D. M. C<>mmunity Church Coast n:operties Cp. NOTICE .1 :J"HERi:FORE Bids or · offers ti) be n writing 7 ·· Will have a Rummage Sale Feb. - . l\,EALTORS , 1 • GIVEN by the ty Council of the and wlll be receiveiil at he afore-Apply · ELECrRIC ICE' BOX for sale. 1st. J'.ny . one wishing to con· HARBOR INVESTMENT City .01 N Beach that a said office at any ti after tbe Southern California Overhpliled. as good as new. 206 . tribute clothes, dishes, toys, etc.. P.enins ula • COMP'" NY pubJjc hearing will be' held on first publication hereof and before E. CentraJ Aye., Ap"'6. · 1-ltp may call 550-M or 1902-M and I....Ovely 3-.'-~l .... _~~. home under COi}-.fi Monday, the 7 <lay ot Jan\W'Y date 01 •ale. Tel~RJione Company FOR sALE-:I'avern Table with JU'tides will be called fori.9tp strucUo~ Ocean Front. Oc· Realtors . i.9¢6. at the h ur of four o'clock Oat~~ this lSth day of rm.:. ~ E. Ba.18:;., Ave... two benches. Don R . Durant; cupancy March 1. Living roortl, 30th at' Central Ave. Telephone 1«.wl . ' • • I ' P. M. of ,said ay, in the C<>uncll ber. 1 5~ HELEN SOUDERS .. 428 c;>rchid Ave.. C<>rona 1 ._dttecl Typewn. 'ters Repaired dining room, kitchen. 2 batb.s. 1-ltc , Oiamben of e Oty Council, . . . · : \ or Mar H d ood n Dbl • --------,----==-::-:::-:,-,=-.,-7=-~ . as A~tratrlX of the . 7 pay •·-•·e ar w oors. . garage. • LE-. ~ • .CIN Hall N rt Bee.ch Cali--=='"M..0 d · wl b becu FOR SA House in '-""""na f~a. o~ sa1 recommendations ~ate of. said De-6WJ,i North ,llatn Street BoATB. a1:1wu::ile • MESA RADIO .t: ELECTRONICS Large si e patio th ar e. FOR SALE -Lot. 50 xlOO· ft. Mar. Owner will sell~::~~ ot aald PJann g ,...--mmlssion In 1 • cedent. Sant& Ana 1794 Newport Blvd. '$18 000 Water front, Canal section, Npt. or unfurnished; 2 . reference to chinge of front A. JAMES AYERS. . or PUROX·.t.~tyl~ne torch with hO!e 'Phone Sf$--Coeta Mesa 96-ttc . ' ' Bch. Write Box J, c/.o New.-fireplace, covei-ed patio, fenOec:I, Atto~y to .I'd Admln' tr 'and gages: .also bench la26;:;{the . E' a' "' Ne ort Times. l·tfc·Th yard aet:be.ck e from five to )en r 5 . 1S a-q" wp yard, small guest house· and feet on Lobl 1 to 9. inclusive, ot trb&. 1 . Bendix Bldg., 1206 Ask the Opwator for tbe Ass~ated Station garage', ''¥ore For your Money'' ·2-bedroOm home. Deep lot. Garage -age. Open daily after 3 :30 p.. Block 13, Fin Addition ID NEF.· Ma~ ~Ve., Los Angeles 15. Chief' Opel"lltor 86_t!c and Central. · 98-Ztc W~ have Ju.at installed 3 new tac-in rear'. sl>rinklers. L Q T S 436 1Pernleaf Ave., Corona ~ p0rt Heights, Newport Beai:h, C~~~";nia. LOST-.'l·ft. plywood skltf, paloted 'f>Z'Y methQd ljetread moldo whlcl! · $7500 . . M."i· 1·1 California. ... wtute. Reward. Ph: N . B. 162. pve a d.eeW tread than new ._ pcean Front Lota in .1!y qrder of he City Council. Dec. 71: Jan. 3, 10, 1946. . SQUTH~RN.' 96..ftc tirell, meani more mil-•· 2 :JO.ft. R-2 lots oppooite .Newport Seashore Colony ........... $1250.i ' J. E .. Barnes & Son; : Dated .the.·l day of "Decem· H" . ~ ~ave tires ~e morning and Harbor y cht Club . 2 good cor. vi~ lots ln . . ~Newport ~•d. : ber, 1945. L. jUNEHART, CER~~J~:~ F?!.,:'r!1!,1?BS ~tiifri 0~ . {jf~ M ~.:._Ui t;•:v= a!:"'!~ ~~ . j375' ea~h O.:T! ;~liQJ~;n:> $1000.00 Coota. KeA. . l'l"1ae 5~ ., 'aty Clerk. COMP ANY' Prlorlty'ordera taken now. . i:ar and ~hr u.me day. Free -• •. , Newport Hgt.. (terms) $1000.00 ' ...,-· . I 'Pub. Dec. n : Jan. 3, 1946. . :::::. undersigned does hereby loan•ra ll ~ Money back Ne ort Heights 111 ft. on Court Ave .. zoned ~e~-A17crtheS,.J.t1St.' tGoodin A_!!· ~ cerl-U,. that he conducts a paint· ~ DaJe Watts ~tee~ yOur aaeur&Dce. 2 stucco dj..ipl exes. Nicely furn. for multiple ··--------... -·--··-$8000.00 n ...... ~ -.. Ing (Contracting) business at 512 '<. needs 8ll Coast High.way Pli. ll04 ' Grachl' A Truck Ru-r ished I ~ 00-n. cor. on Central Ave. , $1750 • I NOTiq: OF ALI: OF REAL ;-rur~~dstm NJ:."":im ~!: Young Woman , 9S-ttc N Avllilal>I.. , $19 500 each zoned tor_ multiple .: ........ $4000~ PllOPEJITY A PBn' ATE-SALB Pasadena, Calilomia, under . the k ' B lb FIRE EQUIPMENT TESTS -<lootal · M ... T1"' & Retread ~l\op · 1.' -West NewpOrt lot n...,. ocean.. N 229l!li:I to WOr 1n a oa '"" """ ·•ddttu Modern &-room home.I CQmpletely Lot on Court Ave., .for mul· 0· . , tict!t!ous name ql Sympson & business· office 0-0-Two, Pyrene" Fe&m renu.. 1780 N...,,_. Blvcl. furnishedJ . ' t!ple family .. _ .... -...... : ..... $1300 '3 Bedroom Home ~ _.. Fireplace. Har.tdw,.oodood noon. 3-car garage. Court of the posed of the following persons, Pleuant worklng condtUOOL DOW anD•Nti HCJKIN A '1P , Two vtew Iota near the Bea. " . Only $7600· •• -. . • , Nollar and that said firm b com· OOt ftlr.e!I ~1111 Porta-Tel. N. B. 2Sf2 154-tfc ,,.13 SOO 3C>-ft. lot in El Bayo tract...$27!!0 State ot omia, in and for whose names and addresses are Opportunity for adv~ement. oALyAN, 1 Cout Blpw&y. Ff* UN'I' a. cmi t.n Newport Hetgbla, . the County t "Los Angel... .. follows, !<>-"!it: • . Vacatlom Wlth pay. Pbone llM. . I . 73-tfe SMALL APA1tTlll!ENT tor ex-GI. Coast iProiierties Co. eacl> ......................... -...... : .. $1200 2-Bedroom HoD)e ' . . : John T. Sympson, 512 W. 38th Wage lncreUM regularly. BOATS-Bot. .Sold ·and Traded . Hu to buy some furniture. Ph. . ~altors -!Arie comer lot, E . aide. of N"t In the Mattet of the Eotate of St., P:!ewport Beach, p.u!ornla . ' ·. "·~--~,..-aild Parbo N 1 836 98-4! • · port Blvd. Dpub_.le garage, I Blanche T. er, Deceued Wltnas my h•nd this 20th day Apply ti!s Palm Stn>et. Balboa ~..,. --.--I ewpor p 703 · ~'.·central, Balboa HOUSES. • T'. Monda Wednesda Frida .1n. MARINE SALVA.GE AND ,_, Dearly new. · w · ot De=nber, 1945. · y, y, ,Y P IO'O CO Ft>R RENT-Beautifully furnish-. )'hone 683 1-ltc Dandy HUlde ooti!IJe · , . , $6000 '. , • . Notice is h by given -that the JOHN -T . SD1PSON. or call Newport l«l for 3e90 w. Oentra.1 Ave. · Ph. 2Sll--W ~ one bedroom aparbne nt. $20 and ga.rage ·······-·--···---.$5000.00 unden!"'ed ~u · at private State ot California, appolntmont. 911-tfc Newport -Call1' per week. Box 823, Balboa. -·zANTED -. 4-b<:dnn. houae, gar ... go;._ 7 '91-Acres salt-, to the t and beit bid· County of Drange--as. 2$.ttc l·ltp apt.,, rum., on water front -·, . , ~ cler, subject t co'nnrmation . of On OU. 20th day of December, WANTED-Woman tor general • UPSTAIRS offire suites, Balboa Real state Salesman and near Lido Theatre $8500.00 With 397-tt. tront,age on N~ laid, Superior , on or • after A. D. 1945; before me, Nora S. housework several d4)'S a weeJt~ FOR SALE -:--13·ft. m01?J' boat. B k Be&Utlful S.-bedrm. houe, Blvd. Corner location. $18.QOO. the l~th day January, 1946, at Margwarth, a Notary Publlo in $1.00 per hour. 105 Marlne Ave., 226 Via Lido Npnl, L1110 Isle. buslness section. Suit~ble ph<>-Or ro er lge. livlng " auung rooms; . '· .$6,000 dl>wn . .' torney at Law 6:51 Bendix ·llulld· personally appeared John T. 2tc deotilt, attorney. Mter altera-tor Ne"!J!Ort Beach office. Ave. 'penlnoula,· patio .. ., . On One-Ha· If· Acre', the office ot James A:rtts, A}-and to~ w d County and Stat<!, Ball>oa Island Ph. 754-W. Ph: 1194-J. l·ltc tographer, beauty shop, optician, • 86 ft. frontage oa Ocean . -J in 1206 M A · in the sym~ kno-to m t be the 1 . .. 98-FOR SALE-38--ft._ cabin /cruiser, tions. Small a pt. avall8ble in Liberal comm•··io'n arrarjg-g, a e ven~. .--n. ...... e o 3 . ias .. -landd.plng, poueufon 2--:Bedroom home. Double , 1 • _p:ty ot= Los lM 15, County person whose name is subscribed BEAui"y OPERATOR for perm· double, ender. Licensed for 1 re~. A~ BOx S, clo New_s-riient. YOW' answer kep~ in "'-at end of e«row .. ..,.: .... ..:$17,500.00 1mm· edi•te _ _._,,,..n. . of Los Anael , State of Catlfor-to the within Instrument, and ahent work. Excellent oppor· passengel"s, galley an~ head~ Times. · l-4tc strict~t Confidence. Give H;e, Flile a.rm. bome .fully tum.. r ,. .-~ · nia, all the ri& t. title Md interest ackno~Jedged to rne that he !unity. Vi's Beauty ~op, Pb. Stleet ps261fuur6 ' $3500. Ph. Ifr'tp ; ..... ILD 'iO awn • 'experiern:e. etc. I . inl:l. S.ft. dee. rofri«., . . > • $700,0. Tenrui . 'death and all r!Cbt, title and In witness wh~t .. I have here--FOR SALE _ 30-ft. Sp0rtflshlng ANT TO J'\ENT Apt., furnished Write .Bpx "S" wuher, dbl. iue gOl' ... api. . 21/2 Acr!!S . ot &aid dece at the time ot executed th..._nme. l~W. 98-ttc • e · • I l4agle O>et ,..Dire. ll&ytq ,.: : • ~ ~ i(l\ert"St that e .estate of said unto set my hand and affixed my UL& lll!KZLL&NEOUS SO Cruiser. Perfect condition. Coen· I or unfumlahed. 206 E. Central, ln rear, garden plot. ~ East ~lde, clc;e ln, ~ home, ~ued bu cqulred by opera· official seal the_ day and. year ln FOR. SALE-O'!{eefe & lli!erritt pletely 1'Quipped Pli: N. B. 86L .A.pt 6. l·ltp .c/o News·'I\mes. 1,11r patio, brick barbecue & brick .ne~!y new, gar-. . ,.: ttan. of law r' otherwise, .other OU. certlflcate first abov• wrUten. , rel'Tlgerator, A·l condition. Ph. ' . 1-4\p ANT TO RENT Nnll>hed house 'BA.j.BoA ISLAND 1 . oven, all endooed by brick $9000 half Cl . than or in a tloo to that ol wd NORA S. MARGWARTH, 1473-J · 911-2tc or aplLl'tmell.t. Young couple, no New S.l'O<>ljl home of the vety (in· wall. Poueuion at.end·ot · '- deo>ued. at . ~ ot death, in Notary Public in and tor said . . 22;FT. FISHING BOAT tor sale, . cbllm,D or ~ J'h<>"" 415: est construction,. beautlbilJy ea=lW .................. ~ .. .$15.000.00 J, E. Barnes & n . • and to all certain .prop.. °"!Jlty and State. FOR SALE -Large Temco gu lll!odel A motor, marine traris· 17-4.tp decorated: large enclooedi paUo INCOME· lB08 N_port.111• t " . erb s!tuate Uw ot Qr... J>:Ub.-Dec.. 27: Jan. 3, 10, 17, 1~ heater. Good condition,. $22.50. misafbn1 comple-tely overhauled. off living room; real fireplace; 16--unJt court On N_,,__.. .BJvd.;. "'-----Dtuw.. ... 1118 . _.1-NeWl·Times oU1ce. 1-tfC "\ ~ 3Sl E 18th St. Costa WANTED TO ~-Two or . ... ... _...... -...--.-. .. ...,..._ • ~· · • • three bed.room apt. .or house In many bullt·in featurea. A love!y l540 monthly take; $20,000 wJll , 1. \ ' " •• . '. I • Pea ' . . ' Class Instruction · in Painting and Mod'eling . PRIVATE LESSONS Portraits Model ~ F\atraits ' ' GOO-_-D_CRIB ____ -S_prinp----an-d.,....ma_t_·I 111!..a. 1 ltp Corona dol lbr by manAirer ot home In _ ezcellent locaUon. handle. ' l i;iiii;;;"iii~·u;w;;-t---- trffl.. lltah chair and wanlrobe, BOAT PAINTING and machine catet.na. .Plume N. B. 1738-W. $16,000. 1 95-ft. buainea frontage OD · IWWWW t'C)IQ•• I sso. Phone N . B. 683. __ ..,., __ eon a1so tlJmlsh ·pun 17Atp . -eentra1 Ave .............. _ .. .$80QO.OO ilomro ~ _,.., , · · INCOME · PROPERTY-Houoe & Fully turnlsbed duplex wJth · I , · . / ' · " FOR SALE--Oilld's crib, up to 8 outs. Work guarant-. Phone W ~ bJ ~ 'l'.W-garage apartment. Front house es Jo• ~ ft. by · ""• • • , • yrs. Paneled ends. aia~· N. B. _1.243--R. . l~ . pllCDe -.Sployee. 2 or S bedromD ....... a 3 ~-... l -th ou•·•de prag ' ~ ·" 1f pat 0 2 •...,_ill~ ,_ u.:wcvuu• .... , ,,.. ,125 ft., in Newport . Md Lola 'Pd r.fW, Good condlUon. 213 Granil JlllUO&L a a&DIO II --Pmnanoat.: ~ -entranoe Om! a,dlaoent .. parate, Helehts ·-· .. ··--·--...-"11>.5®-· ·-· ~ ,,, , II-·-Canal. Balboa Island Pb: 761-~ .. · ..._ 11188. 11<>-tte bath; w*e!y 11v1ng room opena , ---I ""i"'· -,,-C'7.,,--,,,.-----1..,·1-+t,c FOR BAU: -U'prigtlt ~~ DAT . ._.Wf '' on enckloed patio; real fireplace. FRED W. BRiGGS a fl •• . ;"' FOR ~Pair ~ .aver tol. Sood cao!lttlon. I.a Ooada.' !"'-"" GataJe apt. bu 3 1-· Both with H. llL 1sA1'llC . tun.. Pnctieally ""'· 5150; ~b7J-nwii•11ona. .5" New . unu .. ~~furn!ahed, oWo'lloW,. HAii '· 1H2 !illj"ft -~.·, fb1.iao wolf, ~ _, ___ tur -!: Pli"'! $186. -N. B. 1822-J. z... OBedr 'H (. ready tor lmme!ILa pu11=!on. Phone 343 :L-ltc I 12.00ll ma-. ~ . can Ill ,125 . 2294 JC. o.,,~-Ave.. Bal7 . • -. oom omes Thii -I>' 1a a t s )'eon . , / 1 OaJZ. -1•1111 .•. 17_,. . boa. 17-4.tl: ' old. 'M"I eood ~ .,.. . ' '""' rt ii RADIO HOUSE CAI.ts ~ M .ft» .. !It. ud ..... Aaia Aft.. ceDent· Ooodltlcn. SJB,000. AtmlS W.&llW ~AlnQe ....... ~ WING SANG BOAT ~ REPAIR y •RD Used Bi:lcl1!$ f that .-....,potent ~ .._ , ' ......:... I · ' •" ' an an ems to malie ooni.:. ean. onJ · --. Tiie -60-tt. Jot Orchid ... _ between · ~J ~ ' · d T · nlda.nllJ""'• ... "•*·--~ ·t:o~A DEL .MAR YE·NEED LATE ·MODEL nAoa Adult -$U Up CCDOOI ... All wart< ' " 'l'lla •!r ~ -Snvlriv Oeed Blvd. '°'°' , tad· WJU P•Ti Top Prima I' ' .VOGEL-100 Kain Bl,. --1U.RnLD 4 JU)()( B.O. ---d $118 pw """'"' s-.-..· ......_ oouth ol Jdcbw&Y, 1 n-ttc ~1 21.D --. Pi.: !no. ...,::... · .-.1y-..e>-11.1ot, --· . " . •. _1;:,'fgm fCARJ!l" '·"· . .h ---_-!-__.--A__,_,_--. -.... --:-I ' • . llapla "'°" '"'1Jd!n«-ft!ll1 featur9 llM:ludlaa:e:r1' ~· .., -f,1 .._ ArrlY... I , -1 -. tile clra-.i, ·l!101wclote Piii -. ~ ......... .,.,_. .. -a--. ill • ' ATl'ERIES I "·Ra111h P. JtalMf """'"1oa '8500.-. ~ --· "' <ifl•vwvs~!ii,•1111·! "' BA TTBRIIS For -u.rtn&I Alo '0out lll..s. BROS. E .,.,.,. T mv ' ~-·:: I\ a 1 'IJ m • -' ,, ' z • • ::: "=·:: ::h • a•h"" --"'•.• Ilnc o.. •ri-= ~ ta1-JCaapaPhOae '*4IYI-l.UUUl.l _. F*, • 6 \ . A . UT -It. Pia. ~ -;B .... lr ,_ ~ ~ OJLBERTION-atB'YRIJLB'I Q>. -. ., 8ll ea.rt -Jijch-n.t 101 ' · lfN ·1·Jrawpad • ' "' • ,. " • Pz",1 lt1a••-----------~+'··-· R•mo. ft.a Oalwia "" -• n Ill" ;-c'L er 7 I '' '. .· l.:.lwi....;..;'•-•lir•.•llia-• .... __ ._. __ , .. _____ _,.,_,"'I~,~ r ~:-r~--'l': r1,.,:7r~-~ --, . -·i~ --~Q. It~'~· •c: ... 0\$.Jt ~ -! • ( I l ,• ' I • ' .I • I .. : ' ·' .· t ·' .. ' • • ' .. . 8.nds.·Ariz. 'and~~ Island, H' '1'.n ' . m~· . . . . A 'ti.. •. . Dlmllt ~ride :Lt.<ALRotiertWµt~s -: :· / . aruu . e . J•l 1ne . ' c VI les: ~··'OOl•••·fjir · .. ' -'1'1111,,.&CJl,ef ...,...-•,:::· ·-= ;::'";: ~'t; :" ~..:: Ji1lvww 13-S D "I _ + llllrtn '. ~· + . . P1alt-i•IP1Ua1&'1'1'-R =:.;_,a,.~•.;..,,::";•~~ 1111o __ w111, It. -.i:...--u--"'-al ftAVW.1-. ....-L... F I Al Rath .. . . -. w1Dlle-otlp.&f'r*1~1-.to{-qi.. f.:'li . . ·u::.:-:, t ~ :ae ~~ ~ vllo7~ -.:i:.: A~d:Uust!rid H I m~ ~l$S Georgu,m . Barrett W~s Sci~ of ::::=i O~·· ·=-= I"' 7..: = .. ~ -~o;:.'":; ·tom and Ibo late Col Sbe .... attended by .... ....,. J-·returned·after _., ..... I I· . . y . Delano Family· at Impressive Rites . ... PQDe -Wiii.ie · ..... , •. ·IM 111iton·-· ..... a .Laallllan!lo Glondale.Ariz.andW.IDl~mac-ell,~a~Cllriotmubol!da7alll~}" Mr. i'nd )ln..R07 ; . · , ·· • Jl<ioe-'.atPl"l'n1&-.loSpp-atthaclq :lOCJ South . . Front. Balboa crepe IU!t. and . Lar tune ror: J.-to enter 9Cbl.ol Cra!& Jia"" tttunl<d tr.,.. tblib' On1e at tho ~ '-tut -. . . 1IUl'YIWd bJ --uw, Wiiiem 111..,.t, -•Col llolJett Dray-served u -man. · . 1 Chris~ "EW wu cWlchtiul. ~-at Blc Beoi mid~-""'" at 'tlM! 1111 m -that.al C • R h R ' . PQDe,"FMr_ W.......,, -~ Ellm&dhm al . ..,.., -at Mr. ind Mn. Arter the .,.._ ....,.u at-Viewing the 1.y ·-claa'' at )va-,.,.na w ·are at -at 117 Ji11oo ~ BuTett.. claucbt<r r.atg7 at l ltes . -· . • • · n"•-.,., -,O' 1 1 Stanley • ltl20 South WU-tended the weddllul.dlnner at the riou9 n!O>t clubo. the tradi~ Zlth ;~ Mn. ~. ~ tile "' Mr. and Mrs. ~-s .. Burett, Re~ted \YI ednesday . . . . . mn J'ld. An&des· The serv· Newport H'lri>ot Yac[)t c;IUI>. holiday celelJn-al. bolow ("!"""" Alma . Van WIS !l JlaJboa lla1' Shol'ei. -~ ' • . . l · · . ., .ltt-by the Rev.A.Tenny, The bride Is a p-aduate or the border. Other -ben al clolU&h .or Mr. -Mrs .. J. l'OftW-Mlnettl, -.at Mr. and Keepincher~asOcrettmW ;:.I!'; • 1' .. ·IOI). Pblllipo 111 11_-oetting or poin-Blsbop llChool.at La Jolla and at· pirty, wlllch wu ~ by Van wic. Puerile, mid¥' . ·Mn. Antonio PereW-Mlnettl or Ibo Fut P1bldte. Mn: Alma Mar-• -· , • ., •1 2 -"•'-•-• oettlaa t,:cl t•Pl"'!· tended Pomona .oo~e-and th• Mn. Keene.m lltayini:"for a .iqnr r!age .tciok place Dec. ·26 .. at 3 "4 Delano and Lido !SI•· which took tha Rath, 127 Zlth ~ was . ' ...._ •' M ._ i'llu•T -· Univenlty pt Arblol>L Sbe !" a er visit'. Min Alice Malley 1JO: In Ca1a 'de San !:ntonll>. ~'-place 'Dec-.ZI at 10 Lm. In St. nian1ed ·fate Wedhesday ~ . • · · :;J . . meulber or. lie ~ Junior Ing to Acapulco, while Mr. land ~. th Rev. McAulay or ~ John .~ chun:b: Balbda Ia-at capua de'·SUi Antonio, Alla· H • 11: • · 0pm Sa . Until~ League and 11as ..,,eel d~uthe Mn. Amoo · ~-Mn. 1.·;;rothy once ~ the service. I land:. · · . · )tebn; to ltAf Stanfield CrOic . or 7'.;. . _ a nod M_., War ..... N....-'·Alde in . or-Mi:Klnner and ~ ('dJlno r--w The~ weft. gray llult wltt' 'Die cettmOOY -perr.,......i Whittler. 'Her dater, Mn. Bet;cy 81:A!J)TY . . -' -' nlo: an4 Arizona. eor. Williams ii remain ro;,,:.t•· -. Keene ii black .:""'-and a.'c~ by MaJor w. E. Guilfoyle, who Francis._,. attendant. and -,_WHER' "E HAl.R ·srrL· ING IS 'AN a .graduate of Harvard Military, plannlnC trlp.lat&' I oonap. She waa alt..-by h<t baptized Georitum I!' Ml..._,tA, .Francis, brother Of the ~ 4 school and Pcmona college and ii . ·' sister~, Mn.\ Betty Francis, anp and who came We.t for the ~ent. croom. wu t.est man.. . . . . Pll'lll'l411i l on terminal leave after four y,an Guests at the ~ lnclljde_d the bes man\wu tile brlliegroom¥ Silver and green Cllrlllm41 trees J\elW'ninc to N .. port Beach k> Our lllm la. ~-~~te~~~ and in' the Piscific area, expecting. his Mr. and Mn. WlUlams. ~ ~ bro 1 HolriOr (Blffl Craigr -I. and phlte nowers made the oet-tell other relatlws and friends the uiwua "' ~.,, ~~ cllicharge 111 F.e6ruary. and Mr. and Mn. .John Sands,...~ The new~ Craig is emi\loyell ting. A stt!ng ~ pl~ be-.-., .the couple left hmioedlateFY HEAD. .. TO . TOE ',·.-'~• • ...;.. SERVICE .:._ ___ ~ _ _:. ________ .::... ____ .:.._ ____ ,sons, <Pendale. Ariz.; Mr. and Mrs. at'the Newpo'\t]Dredglng company rore the wecldlnc. -·and otter-on their honeymoon at Big l!ftr. . . ==-v•1 -----+--------------------..-, ·Fred_eflck Larkin . ";"d ,daU&l\ter, u -,.,.•ary, . d W1IS formetily a~ ward at the receptTon. · ~ Mn. Mrs. Rath ii the cjauahter or .Mr. • -;,,.,. : ..w.;f ...0. .:..:..:. _.,..,,1119,.. canta aft.d a Great · Variety of Unusual . Glfh Dr. and Mrs. Phillips 1and ?,Ira. vtrg~:~l~arag . the A. C. Hoftrna:p Elmer Porter sang SCh.ubert 1' Ave and ¥.rl-.J . E. Van Wig, Puente, ._ ·~ . • INVlTE YOU TO BROWSE AROUNP" • Wheatstone, Los Angel~; Mr. lllld tax offll:e and the News·TimeO ol· Marla and Tanis Ailgellcus by and has. numerous relatives in the ·-. , , c.: E. LOUCKS -. Mrs. Sterling D. TuUle and i!fil·· flee. S~e WU the first emplo>"1 ea ..... Franck. acxompanied by Harbor~ she :is em .. ________ _J_,.;,_1.i _:~:....-~------.!./.-.... JEWEL.AV and STAi'IONERY and Mrs. W. P. Keane Jr. and 59ns, hlfed b¥ the ckerman boat co'!l"' Mrs. Gee, Church organist. who secretary at Virge's ~ and T •. ·h ., lq,17 J Olar11ond• -W•tc¥8 -Fine RepalrlnD Santa Monica ; Mrs. H .. Mc$'Pad-pany ~the Asi t0 go when the played the wedding marches.· ,before th,at was with the., Ho an 1 e ep one t)'f -. . · ""°89 NMfPOl'l 1A8:"& ., , "' den, Glendale, and Miss '3etty c6tnpan cl0f, . . : ] The bride was gowned in heavy accounting firm and With the1 • • • , • _ • , · ~-~-M ~-llf Porter .• Rockford, DI. j -.. l Mt. alg the son. of Mr. anli white satin with bands1 at' ~ News-Times. . -(or ... · 17'17·11 New--Btvd .. ~-.... -· Lo s ds olde )>rother or r • th ·' D . · .-. .. · ws -an . r . Mrs. W'ia]ter A.. ·eraig ·oti Whittie.r, ·pearls outllngtng !he net yoKe, e . 1 . . · ' , . • the bride, and his family were un-and formerly lived in Santa AruL belt and the long sleeves. Her Bal. Isl. Man'.to Ta Ire 'F JV E-,., · A Y 'SE RV J_C, • ~1111111 i.i11111111u 1111111111111111ien1n1111111n1111111111u11,.~1~1tu1u111111ri1~1•n1n1111111111111n1a1J111 .. 11111•1~•11•111111~. able. to attend becaus~ of illn~. He enl~ted in F ebruary, 1942 iJi finger-tip veil,· in three ·layers, i , .,, ~ ' ' ,. r . i Thetr rather, Col. Lows Sands ..,. ... ;the Engineer Corps, u. :,:;. Arm:J. was held by .. a -matching coronet Minnesota Bride . . OD , ~ ~ was. well known on Balboa l51and, and after I training at Cainp a.~-of ~arls ,rnd abou~ her n:eck waS . . ~ ~ ha\'lng &pent som~ 14 :oui:mners borne was sent to Iran where tor a platinum chain frOm Whtchi hung Mi-s. Marie '.Thie~. m NOrth Clearun' g an' . d LaUIIdry !! '!! bere. Mrs;. San_ds 1s ~turrungl to Z7 [!lonths he "was Chief of ~ a single 1 Jarge. pearl, gift of the Park street, Fairmont, Minni, an-! , ~1111"111111•u11 •1~•nll'-11'•.1•n., '' 1 1 1 ' 1 _ ~ her h°-:71e m Arizona thl;S ~eek and port on• the life· th'te to Russia and brid~m .. The· shdWer bouquet nounces the engagement· and ap-. · ' '-) ~ • the bride and groom will occu~y went overland with a huge, convoy Was.: ?r I two varieties of whi~e proaching 'marriage of-her daugh-.~-~ .. ~ the Bay Front .h~use. After. his of trucks through India , ana ·or chids f.tid gla:diolus. ter", Larraine Apn. to Lt. (j.g.) . CORONA 1l>EL ·MAR. c_r . ...,. A )J I !!! dfscharge Cot. Williams expects to Assam to Lido Road. following t.hf. Mrs. <!:. C. Read .of ,Santa Cr'1z Byron Steward ·Marshall. U. S. ~., -i.-•. : . o· A· N A y L ·o· ·a.'.· s i __ :; join ' ~e stafl or the Bank of r a m 0 u s "Merrill's Maraudersr was matron of honor and prides-Navy, son of Capt. and Mrs. Byr .. >n IUS7 C)oast Highway .. _ Amcr1ca, Lagun~ Beach. along the Burma Road. thence t9 maids 'were Miss _Jean Per elli-L Marshall, A ·rm y TransJX>rt Pick:·UP aiid DeliverY --... Cat:I: ~hilh~ Ma"I S 7 Kunming, Poasha ng, Chan Yi an~ l\finettl a nd Miss Laura Ann Fel-Setvice, 116 P earl street, Balboa ~==i=:'.:'.:';====:::::= '='.:::====:::::===:±~:::~ ~ ~ Chunking. He returned . to thf lers, sister a nd cousin, of the' bride-Island. · .! ., • • ii Ex.pert United States in October, 1~ gi'oom, while the bride's sister, Lt~Marshall' has just returned _ _;::_ _______ ..C::::..,..,-____ .,,;_,....,,;__....,,~...;'t ~ BALBOA IS~ i h R • • and was diSchargcd Oct .. 13 .... He Mary .Barrett, was junior brides-to the S.ta.t~ after 20 months: serv-r-• • I ~ s oe ' epa1rmg held the rank of Technical Ser' ·maid. All wore gowns of ,white ice as ellWUtlve· officer of the 'n~_M"'¥0J" ,;1· v .EN.ETIAN' . s' _LIN_ DI S,.: ii geant. jersey and !let, Mrs. Read ca:rrY~ L.S -T. 555, in the Nort!J· Pacifi~, . /" .. ~ . ! . i While You Wait· . ' . ing nn 8rm bouq~et or American and Is a guest at the home of his . w_ ooo. • . STEEL •. ALUMINUM. s'.J..· --Island Circle to / Beauty• ros~s. the bridesmaids' fiaf1£00's ·family .. The wedding Is ,-"i ·' ·11 b I ed unt1'l ~ ee• M T . d bouquets combining the sam. e ~Iaqned for, ·early January. ....... T-• ~ G9-*'-ll -~-.-vau ... ~ ....... ; WI e C OS ~ eet ues ay 11"" .. with sweet peas. . . · · • • -R·ay Pagan ·Marlo Pere111-M1nett1 ·servec1 his ·Frank Linnells 814 cOast mghway l'l!oae N;.wpori Z'Jf'.W ·, . · l .. ".-, •. \ January 8 due·. to ~--.= . Birthdays of members whose brother as best m an, 'and ushers . , • natal anniversaries fall in Novenl-H t H J 'd P ty. 515 East Bay Front ber, oecember and January will were William Per elli'Mlnettl Bild OS 0 I a y ar i.. '• t'h"-e 1'lln.e' SS ·o'" f . ,the =_; be celebrated at the meeting M P eter and J ohn Barrett. Mr.' and Mrs. ·Frank Linnell, 26 ' . • • ' ' . , • .. Next: Door to Palm v.19 A!ter the ceremony a reception Bay • ShOre Drive, Balboa 'Bay !: --.:... ~ 9 ·a. m. to 6 p. m. theld Baiboad lsJland 8CirclMe, ~be and w.eddJn'g breakf&st was helli Shores. entertained with a holiday ~ en-tire force, · , •,: . he Tues ay, an. at ar a. at the Newport Harbor . Yacht party ,Saturday :eve,µng. Cocktails _ It will! be a pot luck luncheon, club. •.vhere silver bells hung from 8nd dinner, which featured de-~ i ~ served at l2:30 p.m. . ( the ceiling and silver and-white lectable smoke<I turkey and cham- e.:_ ~ c L' 0 T H. E s Christmas . trees' g8.ve a festiv; j)agne, were a.t the Ney,rport Har- • •• .. . ,. ' .. J • • ' . • !!! / air. Orange blossoms · and heart· bor· Yacht dub and" 8-fterward i j · ~ · New " shaped white candles decorated everyon,e went to the Linnel' home ~ ' J1•111111111ustm11n1111J11111111111n1u1n1111 ii ' BALLET. CLASSES the tables .and· the bride cut the to" see the tall outdOor Christmas ..: ~ ~ FOR Begin Thursday, Jan. 3rd first slice of the foui--.tiered cake. tree, decorated With a mYriad or . , ~-\ I ~ M E N 4 :45 p. m. After the reception she chang~ lights, which overlooked the har- •!: •. • ·,=: c. to her going-~way costume of bor from its Place in fronLof the , Phone 2167·M gray. with a black coat trimm house. _ . _ Spe<\al Adult Class, 7 ,30 V · m. · · eel · " ' ;, i. -~ · · ~ AND l~ mink, and the couple' left for Guests included Mess.rs. and __ I . Mtl Ullltllll!lll tl !!l l!t •llUl>llltl11l l<l >!l 1ili•11111111!l l•l lllOl'll lll l!I !IJ111111111•1t•1111•111•1111ltllll l11111111rlf lll lll lll lll ll': '---------'-----+~I ·-~· ' · -' B. 0 .y S -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~· Palm Springs where the honey· Mesdames John B. Halbert; Harry ~-------1 , 1 • moon WaJ! 1pent at La Quinta. Buftum, S. S. Conklin,· Murray !,. 1 The bride ~ttended Trinity High Williams, George Clark, J . Donald ' g~ SpMi SI.op 107 Marine Ave. Balboa lal&ad Pltoae 671 school in ruVer Forest; Illinois,.and Locke, Dwigt)t McFadden, George ·I '· . \s a graduate of Stanford Univer· Chwck, Long Be a c h ; Frank atty where she ~u a· member of Wishon, Los Angeles, and Phillip I Alpha Omicron ·Pt sorority. Smith, Balboa. · · Puring the war Mr. Perelll·Mln-· · --~---~- •Iii was a first lieutenant, serving St. Ja:m~s Auxiliary . " :r~i:s.!!'.1:.r~cealnn~J~~! Meets J nuary JO Expe· rt Beaut~1a··a· ns· ~ on a B-24 bomber. The Heutenant The Worn n's Auxiliary· or St . .. -for • Mil df- "IF I BAN ·• THE DRlJO 8TORE wu awarded many decorations in-ThurSday, J .. 10 at the home of ANN + Pennanents. Cold Wave, .Hair StYlipsr._. rendered dlltingUl.ahed 1erVice anc1 James ~pisi church wt11 meei . ·,•I eluding the Purple !Jeart and the Mrs. Rowl d Hodgkinson, 117 RUTH + Permanents, Hair· Styling, Cold Wa~ -"'--+--+--T R E A y_·· -. __ ___, he · . olk$ ]ack· H6me .. .. , . _,-to a 0 ERTS. . PORTRAIT-. . I . of you • llllilll(tY 1IDd dander Pim Glamour ••• our~ • . ' ., .... ·~1 .o·o NO lll'OllN'IXll:NT ~RY _., ... ....--. ' . ' £C '.AL .. s , .. --~ b a-r• &I I °'Wloa OM PP••rtllnitllolo , . l ~ . . • rts . Portraits · • • 1 C41W .. IOI -Am,.....;·. ft)~ w:•-.., Ii. --u ............ ..., " . . I .. . . -HEARING "Ii I ran tllh drvc at.ore," -plmply·lllCOd, ...... -..... ' kid ...... 'Tdd oor'Dl7 baDdle F11ti1Y7 Sto-maq· dne." • ( No dOabt be woaJd,. we like to tblnk our entom- en· ftnd llle .-.,. trully , map&lnea beneath their not- ice. You'll ftad all Ute pod ~--here., and. oar rentai: Ubrary cantee" all pnp...1.,. tlcUoa.. • . NewpOrt Beach Pharmacy Distinguished Flying Cross. He Via Dijon, o Isle, at 2 p.m. CARMEN + Hair Tlzittng_ ~1 -.-Blea_ chlng, Cold . aye. .. was attending Menlo Park J unior· · · · I! College wh~n he e ntered the Army Capt. C. . \Villiarm· left Fri-1 Opal Satardaf, All DaJ" Air for~. llJld ls now resuming day for San ancisco after sper\~-Dr ....... ~tww.t ,tor ~-~ n'I his studies at U.C.L.A. ing· Chrlstm at his home, 4000 · · .1 · · · ' ' ' Among the 200 euests attending Channel Pia • Newport Islaild. Balboa 1nn· ·»1-auty Q;. lo·n ·the wedding were Mi°'· )'. G' Pas-From the ba city ~e will fly tO ~ ~ toret of Duluth, grandmother of his new co abd in the Pacific1 11.ao. Ina ~ : ·. _ e 1 J · ~ • 0... ~t -* ~ _the bride: Mrs. Mellon, Mrs .. I.,.e. the u .s .s .A .. s .o. '.1..--~---~--'-...:.~---'--'---~---r--+-' fevre, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1 ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;i;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;m Wicketaham, Delano; Mr. · andl , Mn. ·John ~P Schroer, M1'. Edward Elliott and Mr. and Mrl.' John Elliott. Oaklahd; Warren Mohr, San Franctaco·; Mr. and Mn. Cesare Perelll-Mla'1tl, . Los Angeles: Miss Farrington and -Go" •RI . , ' .. .. llOI Oee.a Front PlaoDe & Miu Moe H&rriman, Palo Alto. Gone . I Bay Victory -and many others. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Recent affain honoring the 'SM_.,.. ...,_ ...... ·-bride Included a cocktail •boover Wllll~t 7 al~ .. , ...... GuiJderso~ Drut Main . ·st....:.BaJboa . I ·- • N~w ~ to Serve Yoq • t ~·L--Wlth ~Best 11..--Tarkey • ... ...... , -Spml-e Bibs -I I-b ·. Pork -Prl-. Bib elf Beer •. -a.,.... I .. --1 • • · -Barbecued· on the famouS Rotary StainleM Slee! Du-All ~B-Q MacbhMi. I. ' · 1 J;>rop In and see I In t1on. I , . I , .: . . .I , ' -·' , . . ........ :· -• .. 0151**81 " .._'.-•• --..... I .:...... ~ ... . I I I ,._ ~ ,, _. JO • • .:.·' ... r.· __ , • ' ..l I . .' •.11.l'l ... Pllll" .,. .. c.iau ... , • given by Mn.' Elwell Averbeck of Pomona at t he Jonathan dub and a luncheon· at the Town House • with M ia Jean P ere.Ul-Minettl as bolteu. , . Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Farnham of Newport Islahd were guests on New Year's. Eve .an'l! ·the .next daY at the· home of Mrs. Louise ·21esctie, Puadena, seeing the pa. rade ·for ,~-tint tin)e.. • A D'iff e--rent Healing ~ience . . Anw fU'teell ,._,.. mpw'rr-e . -· --. ., -"111:-FLEXOPATB. 8YllTZll" (Cs· -""'7 ........ ) ~ -----· -•we "'-11ac....-. we ..._..,., ~·· we we ma W. r-;~-a(--­=··.J •: . t.,.....,, ant ., Ne..._ -Ne -r.-1 -Ne •tr Ne ..... tre-b L -S. -Y-. Out ...... a '_. mtt' •.a · • a . ,,... .,-:-:-~'fi:. =•::._ 'r •as "' , Dr. II:. r.-:... D.C. 1'11.<l. 1., ........ ••0;11& p ·.a... ... Al .... ,. • 7 .... , •• . a a •Y~" ':hcP 1111w.- ' (All 'W ts .. ·rt • .., • I I • , I ' • a I -~HANG£· OF .OWH.ERSHIP •I ·. ~· • • • \ • • • •• ~ v • • ~ .. . We Wish to extend oiir "sincere thariks to all I . . ' . 1 : o~ our manylfrieti~. :ind customel"S; ~ho ~~ave been so Joyalito us dunng, the past 17 ye~ We . have: enjoy~ ·servhig you, but feel that. it ~.tim~ f~r'.1!8 f9 a rest. Our ~ugJl~r Frankie .and . n-m-Iaw Gu LeValJ~J _w_ill_~rat.e the market .. - der the name LE 1V ALLEY'S FOOD. MART. . . • . . j ~~· . _ ~you again and wiihiDg ,yQu all a 'Bal)py:NewYear~w~rem•iN; 1 · • · ·i · 1 .• , 1 • .' I r '" . SiiteerelJ, .. • ........ ,A.8. ......... ,.: ! . l . '1.1lompa811'1 ... ftite ~ ·N~ . Mt · _, . . · , '· • I • ' '. •