HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-22 - Newport Balboa News Times. . I . L. • M. ~t!n l.ql. u. Springs and down there will stay awa or so after publishers' Coronado, it ~d strin earry the sand dabs in' ..,.td · for this issue. • • • Harbor Aris No word • having been ived from Tommy Bouc ey, gossip around the arbor has it that he is inte ed in a new realty develo ment on the desert. and y not return to 'the pool e held before the war as ha bor· master. Russell C g has admit· tedly done a job in the same place. e has taken a vital interest finding the ·. hig hly elusive moorini;s for pleasure era and fis hing boats alike. an declares that pe does no discrimina te against any t of boat. He helped the cit attorney re- vamp previou control meas- ures into the e\V ha rbor or- dinance \vhic , \vas passed in. i rather a h . but will now require new rmits for all' moored , boa and llring in more revenu to tlte city. The inspecti fee. he points out, does not cover the cost of repair of oorings: tha t must be take care of by pri- vate contract s before. + + + .Bridgr. \ h e r e there's smoke there' bound to be something e n e r a t i n g around the roposal of •the county plan comrnissiot1 to have a ro te settled upon . for re-locati of . the state highway a high level bridge a upper bay. l:fe rb Kenny ys the tunnel · idea is obso ete and una !- tractive. Th high bridge, if the state d make up its mind would n make pos·- sible a greate scenic attrac-. · -tion and 'ng of the up- per region of e harbor. The harbo commission, we predict, · soon have an engineer wo Ing ·on plans fOF dredging e silt out of the main I and ma p- . pin&JOf the u per reaches of the bay. Of . no one but James e hlrnse!f can tell us wba t will be done with the 1 d around it. Nearly every e in the har- bor area ex the wealthy land owner talked of his plans for Ding of the fabulous regi • • can- says there's • ' • . . . . • , ' for 38 years the best pdvertising medium in \ that goes ~me the newpori harbor ttistfi r . . ' . . newspaper ·-the -- • ll'lnt .. J· N-, • ll'lnt .. Amrtw.ig •-nntla j . Clrc•••tlaa " : . ' NEWPORT 1 OA ·1. \ • KE8P POSTED! l y_.., ... ~.:Iii• ~ Csmtf a.'IS OM ol OI IJ ...... °"* .. -11 -~~-x ... r 1,.Newp:ut._.. . ' EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA,_ WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE ·coLONY. LIDQ ISLE. ~WPORT H CORONA DE;l. MAR, COSJ'A MMA VOLmi:E XXXVDI • .) ~ , JlfOJUID ~ ,. . . ' . Su gest SAAAB · Ba:rrac Mesan's Son Now .in Peking; Assigned Asst. Military Attacbe to Gen. Marshalt I J Lt. Col. ~ohn M cCann Returns Near Scene of Birth; !Parents Were With Congregational Missions There· for 35 Years When Lt. Col. John McCann. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J . H. McCann of· 180 Broadway, Costa Mesa, arrived back in Peking, China, last week. he returned to within 250 miles of his birthplace, along the China coast. to become As- sistant Military Attache to the American e mbassy in China. aecording to word received by his parents. The McCann fam- ily had spent 35 years in and near Tientsin, where the father was treasurer of the Congregational missions and hospitals in three northern provinces. Apparently the army officer had been rcquestl'd by Gen. George Marshall. former Ch ief of ,staff. \\'ho is now actrng as advisor to the Chinese government in the roll of ambassador, and has sue· ceeded tn effecting peace nego- tiations bet\veen the nationalist a n~mmunlst forcCs there. John ro leted high school in the Nor ina American school. op- erated by American instructors. a nd speaks Chinese. City Wiii A'Sk Study of Bridge Over Upper Bay In furtherance of the coun~y harbor commission action. the ci,ty engineering department will col- laborate Mth the county board ~~f supervisors and other coun,~ bodies in asking S. V. Cortel;du, division engineer for the state high\vay system to make a study of the location' of the proposed high level bridge· across up~r bay. Acting upon t he county's re- quest, Earl Stanley, city counciJ.. man. moved that the council go on record as requesting through the city engineer , that the road be located definitely for future de-- velopment of the valuable area. The route proposed would pass across the channe l a t two high points from some 700 to 800 feet nor th of the prkent bridge, only on a )ligh level. $16,198 Quota For 1946 Drive Of Red Cross F.or· Housi;ng .Huge Meat~ Storage Plan) For" Mesa =: ~ ~;:,; 300 Veterans Petitioning o~y !~IE ~~ror ff or Relief. in Housing Phghf; ' • ~~~;i~1~ :~i!~i§ Suggest Rental Ceiling Rise · · from . home~fi classmates of Plans are completed and exca- vation already in progress on two new establishments for local busi- ness concerns on N ~'])Ort boule- vard, imrnedfately south .nf 16t h Newport Harl''" High school, 1rom Committee Would Cut Eviction Time to Thirty ~~/l he wai aduated in April days; Also Suggest SAAAB Barracks in street. • He is station on Saipan .and Emergency; for _Married, Single Veterans as he ~ites his parend, Mr. and C. 0. Flanigan, meat distribu- tor for the past 15 years, has an- noWtced he is building a $30,000 plant to be used for both whole- sale and retailing o'f meat <lS well as family and CQmmercial cold storage on the corner or 16th anq Mn. T ed A. right, 306 Hazel drive. he has enty of time to read. O ne of s pa~s is the Newix>rt Bal . Ne~·s -Times, which his pare ts St'nd to him, with news of h' fa,•orile city. Newport boulevard.· Whe n in operation, which· Mr. Flanagan hopes will be around June 1, the plant will 'have 33,000 cubic feet or cold stor age space as \vell as cutting and ageing r ooms, wholesale and retail count· , ers. a lounge and extensive ma· ohinery and equipment .. · I n charge of construction is South Coast Construction Co .. and He attends e\--en seeing . VeteTanS desperately needing housing for themselves and Cami· lies. said to riurrlber 300 in New-- port Harbor area alone, brought their plight to the attention ot. the chamber of commerce late last -------------l week with the (oJlowing results: Council Votes To Annex ,49 , Acres 1. A· special meetlnl' of tlte chamber wu held lut 'nMl:rr day· at th& '"-et.erans• reqaMt fn h~u8lng relief, whlcit WM . 8*- tended by Ralph Maeke71 .,.._.. dent ef tlie realty bout. _. !ltuart Dunlap,' cboJ.-o# .. " \reterans' Servie& commlitee., and also b y Ueat. Later, ._,.. Ing officer of the 8Al\AB. Frank Andrews · of the OPA rent.al bureau in L09 ~ appeared for the gowel1lmlllet acency. architect is Richard Pleger . Although all membel;' cities of Ne'"""v'rt Bc-ach has been allot-Next to Mr. Flanagan's estab-th 0 Cou t J · t 0 ti 11 .--lishme nt will be the new bus in"ss' 1 e range n Y ~ otn u a ted a quota of :S16.198 for t he com-" Sewer system had not formally ing American Red tross drive, home of Robert Diniels. loc~l given approval to addition of 49 a nd Costa Mesa assigned the quota paint contractor. ~{r. Daniels' aQ"eS a,nd other proposed annexa~ of 55.031 in the campaign soon to pl ans for his building include a tiOns to the city of Newport star:t to replenish f unds for the divisipn into two · parts. one for Bea.ch, the executive board of tha t 1-lis ol d'er brothC'r, Rober t. \.\'he> 1,1,·as pl aced in chains by the Ja ps '''hen they over-ran norther"n China. '''as in prison fo r . six months and exchanged on the first voy~e or the Gripsholm. I-le \vas at that time in the automobile business in Tientsin. and since t he close of the war has returned to make a survey of t h e conditions in China for the Federal Economics Administration. ' many activities or Red Cross dur-display and jsales of paint and SYJtem had , agreed to include ! ing the year. it was ,learned {rom supplies for ~is concern a nd the them q, the ' sewage sYstem . and Santa Ana sources. other to be leased to some other with the supPos,ition tHat the cities %. Reply by tile claamber to a. tele,,,..m friJm Eric .JQ~ reque11tlnK' tdrormaHon ol t.lle local . homtni' sitUUoa. Tile tt.n!!lwer to tJle pl'Mldent of ~· U. S. Cham!fer of Oomme M1ReAted rM>-Jble me of Santa Ana ~ Air Bue for veterans., both alaPe and mu- rit'ld, If operated by &l'b1)' otn- clals. ' Wu Pomona Student At ihe hdne of the parents in Lt. Col • .John McCann Costa Mesa are pictures of the ------------- children and one grandson, now in the army . Both sons were for- m er students at Pomona College wher e their father sent them to complete their education . John was a member of the ROTC be- fore the '''ar. and was taken into se rvice early in· ho~tilities. About to be commissiontld art infantry captain, he transferred •to the air corps, and' went in as a ,second Ueutenant. After attending the staff officers sch.ool at Fort Leavenworth, he spent mor e than a year in various activities in this country, and rose to severaJ higher r a nks, , finally being assigned. to the staff of Lord Louis Mount- batten, head of the Asiatic-Pacific comma.rid. . Draft Missed Hirn, So Official's Son Enlists ih Army The fact that the draft missed him completely and he never ac- complished the mission he set for himself when he left Guatemala several years ago bothered FTank Riley, 31, this week so he joined t he army. 1 Riley, an American citizen bom In Guatemala Citj, was employed until t he time or his enlist ment by South Coast .. Construction Co. The recruit, who said tha t ttis father , Harry J . Riley, was a U. S. consul in Guatemala and other central American countries at one time, ca.me here expecting to be drafted but was never called. He lost a brother in Germany last The county was expected to business. '· would approve their action, the rRise approximately $127,000 of The $16,000 building is dty council Monday afte rnoon which S108.000 would be for local cOnstructed tiy the South Coast P"ssed a resolution approving the needs. and $19,000 for nationar Construction Co. and plans call proposed annexation of the tract use. J . H. Lorentzen from the har, for completion , sometime within BOUth Ot Corona del Mar subject bor v.ras one of those named to the next two or three months. ' to the alJP.lOV8.l of. member cities sen'<' on t~e chapter' fund com-· P FC . .JAM WRJG_flT. and dirtricts in the sewer system. mitt°". Tre county C"111pa;gn Han ·Brothers ' . -:!" 117!>• council then adopted the hc<1d~uart<'r .. \Vas liet'C'd at 418'4 I •· • .. . t~1<' S<lme ~~tur over nume~ r-rurvmce authorizing inclusion of Nor th 1'-t ain street. 1Ant1ctpate Reunion ; times. I-Ie h ens t~broadcasts ol\ the propogro subdivision of the ll"-. -One Home Already ~he _u . s. 1 tb 11 g";""'s. takes vine Beach and Country Club Es- M d R 'd t , I .:1dd1ng fro1. the camps one sheet tales south of Corona del Mar esan an es1 en . . nf \','Sipapcr boul .be.ing ~is!a.nt l into the city boundaries. Thlii-Of Newport Among t Staff Sgt. Arthur L .. HaJI, son to t~e serge¥t, n his stride. Has property is owned by a group of 21 N t I• d OO ·Mr. a nd Mrs. J . P . Woods. 207 no kick to r 1st r about the t.cr:>d. Pasadena business .men. and will 3 .Uf3 Jze . 20th street, ari'i\led home last liki:ig esps>C ly the holida,y did.-be developed by Raymond Dorn 'J\\•o local arr a r c!tden ts \Ve re '''eek and received his honorable) ncfs. . .1 company of that city in to one ('I~ S. A dhcuNton ln ·the Moa- d'ay meettnc of the dty eoantft • -I~ W permit tho ~ can Leeton post here t.o pro~ a site owned by the city foT ..et· rerart8' housing U they cho9e UD· der Legion jurt&dlcUou. There are about 300 recently discharged service men ln this (Cortpnued on Page Five) Citizen Protests Parkin q: Meters for Local Residents · · a'mong 21 men :tnd "'omen who discharge from Fort . MacArthur. After th~1PhQOn. Sa1pan_ trans-the finest residen tial sections last week \vere admitted to United He was in Europe for 14 months-ports had o rush supplies to along the.coast, they have assu!"eri S tates citizenship during the first with the ramous Rainbo\I.' Dtvision Okinawa. 'le they (elt•the blow .~ city officials. The first written protest..ag8.inat 1946 naturaliza ti on class in super· of 1he U. S . Infantry. · it .\vas not~ sever e at Saipan.I When discussion revealed tti;o 1 the new city parking meters was ior cour t in Santa Ana. • . Mr. and Mrs. Woods are expect-\"::.r 1nay O\'C-r but lx)\v about the· city attorney had only parti~: read to ttie cit y council ~'Ionday Alfred Reinhold Lorenz of 1695 ing \\'ord at any time of a younger I some lette rrom. t~e tloys in confil'Jnation of the outfall sev·cr aflernoon from J urgen Lorentzen, I r,·i~e ave nue, Costa Mesa, a nd son. Edward Hall, who has beeruin Newport Be ch to f11l 1n the hours • system to serveo-the new tract and prominr nt Balboan and lender' of Mabel Downs Gay of 119 39th the American Transport Service to the boys fti ll on duty'? two others. which may come ir.t(l the local chapter of the American st;rce t."' Newport Beach ~ere for 20 months in the India-Burma-• · the city, three members of th<> Red Cr05S. among those who gained citizen-China theatre of oper~tiorts:. When 1 Noel W~oo1ie Passes ~1 felt .tha t 100 per .cen t ap-Lorcnt7<'n e"':"prcssed in well ship in. ceremonies pre1ided over last heard from he was to .. ave . P-Oval would be forthcoming from chosen \VOrds what .many citlt.ena by Superior Judge Ke nneth E. left Burma on November 10 on ' Naval · 5 Exams all member cities and distric:s. have ]fluttered recently when they Morrison. his way home. Councilmen Lester Isbell anrl got' tickets from police seeking to _l ~ Bob Allen, however; refu.,.ed to enforce the ordinance against civtt PENCILLED PERSONA·UTIES .NO<'I P.. Y".roolie. son of Mrs. vote !or the annexation until tho>e parl\ing in the metered zone with-S'l-. Vernon \Vroohe of Newport Beach. ·ties had fonnally paned resolu· out paying the m e.ter ahead of ~ """! a . c b . . • . has passed examinations for the r tion9 filvoring the action,, he· time. . , v j ACX. LINDSLEY, ow O":J Artist 1\TRvy v.s aviation course, and was cause, they contended, with the The Baiboan wrote that the ..__ . ~ inducted. on _Jan. 12. H e is sch~-! opinion at. Roland Thomp800, city met ers were never voted in by The elder McCann doeg not be- lieve that rumored peace between the "'nationalist and .so--called. com- munist f orces in China signallzed the end of hostilities there. H e saw the beginning of the movement in North China many years ago. and beJleves that the communist movement is not strictly one for (C0ntlnued on Page Five) ye~~mpanying Riley to the re-,, •. cruiting office were his wife Oara 1 a nd their children, Harry, 3 ~. 1" Vernon. 1 %: and J anet. 5 months. uled tf,l graduate from Brown Mm-r atturrtey, that ·the city would bC' the 'people themselves. a nd oon- tary Academy F eb. 1, and tben1 "in a bad spot" if the member" o: stitute an unwelcome sight to \Viii rccei,·e larders to report to that sanitary disposal systcrn re-Visitors and residents alike. They some college by March, it is ex·t fused to take in the several j1ro· might have bf'<"!n installed aloni peeled. I -· posed subdivisions. in May to encompass the summer Judge Dodge Sugg~sts Traffic fines Go To ·.Hospital Fund New .art 1Had S6 70,531 . ~::;::~~~~~:;E~ ~~ community. A man ~'ith his ha nd on the ( fund allocated to high'l'"BY repair pulse of a speeding public this , and upke<'p: the Judge suggests ''·eek quoted some alanning sta· however. that the money go into tistics on auto~obile acci.dents in' a . fu_nd for· h~pitaJ care ~r indigent , gcne i;al and vo1C«I a ·~1ble par-VlCtlffiS of highway accidents. rial solution for Orange' county in pilrLicul'I". IN B 'Jd" Bond Outstanding Jan. 1 1 9;·~~;;~.~ Th'O city 0 Newport Beach sold citi<es sold $666,000.000 in bonds Quarantine, Girl $1 .873.500 in bonds during· the .30 anc! at the c1ooe or the perhxl •hey Gets Rabi'es Shots years 19?4. 5 through 1943-44. still owed $422,500,000 in bonded • r Oi:lifornia payers' association debt. 1 stated tod . making pubµc Jta -_ ''Pfyinent.s on bonds must be Ninct\"·!'eV!'n doJ;<; \V!'re Quaran- •..s1u4y of bo ds sold and bonded made in bad · times aa well as in tilied whe n county health o(ficcn debt of Calif mia cities. good,'" the ~ation said, point-learned of. the infection of a coCker Carel""'n~ a nd Oag<~nt viola·j. ew Ul Ing tion or common rules of the road F E M S •th are responsible-for 96 per cent of or ~ • nu acciden ts in Calilo~la,' according I on· Coast H1"ghway to Newport township's Judge 0 . J . Dodge, w~ interest in violations 1 is both professional and a source of sorro~ing reflecUon. P.taking use of material released by ~thf' Department of ltfotor Ve- hicles. Judge Dodge Tevealed that there w e r e approximately 90 deaths a ttributed to motor acd· dents in Orange county last year and using the national average of one death in e\·ery 30 accidents, there were probably 2700 acci- dents in the county: Two new 50-foot buildings, 'dupli· eating the reeently' oom)>le ted structure on Coast highway, have been started. for E. M. Smith. ad.I joining the Marine Hardware and Higgins Pleasure Craft &tores. Gordon Findlay is ·contractor for the improvements. The two buildings will appear as one, and-h ave an IS.foot ceiling, as does the present structure. Tenants ha .. -e not been .eiected but an~t wUl · be made soon. according to Ralph MUkey, r.E"al tor, who relretents the owner ln~~~e•=n~ The number· of deaths from ac- cidents are on the increase and if the presen~ I method ot control of v\olatiom b)' the use of tines is lnidequate. as tt a~ to be, the Judce advocates stftr<t penal-diately behind the t.Jilding will tin by WaJI of Jail ""'1teaces. not start unW about April ~ A luuestlon !or aJ1ocatlon of street work and -connecitloDI llnel money co~I from the are expected to be completed. A county wu aloo m9clei by Judp now 1-.1 la beins ~ from I>oclc<o· Under the ~t -the hllbwoY to ""'1ftOct wltll ox tho -Y la hlnlotl to tho. lltlnc •bwu on the hel&hta. Boi!ds sol by the city during ing out that where public improve-spaniel irl NeWport a nd its subse- the 30 yea included: streets. menta are financed by bond Is-quent death from r abies. accordfng $21,000;. se en and sanitation, •uea.. the chargetli for Jnterest as to Dr. Ed>.yin f...ee Russell. county S200.000; mu icipal buildiqgs. $17·.· wen ... the repayment of the debt heal\h officer.E a other dogs have . $44 1 abouJd be k "' t in mind 1n been infected: as far as could be 1·500; \\·ater , 3.000; electridt;y.. · ep · calcu-determa·n~. b t the -"-· ... hter ot S30,0C,O; har r, $1 ,162,odo. lating the1 cx.t Of the improve-1;."\,l \4Cl....,. The city had $670,531.25 · in meat. J ohn •Shull,' 120 28th street is re- bonds outst ding at Jan. 1. 19'6. • · . ceiving r abies treatment to pr<>- Fine Fi Off d tect her trom any poul\Je inteo-the latest d te for which state-. ve en ers tlon from • scratch inlllcted by wide in! ·on is available, CH;y For Damping their dog which died of the ~ad I Treuurer G t 114id today. Int.er, 1 , disease. t!St Md red pLion payment. by Trash Oil E. 17th Sl · ·Dr. RulfeJl Aid tbat ti-e II nQ the city to eel $102~ in 1944. 1. ,.81 or know!n& If oit'I other peta the asaodatl .-Waabc to -.i.e lndlocrim-might have been Infected by the Over the te as a whole, ~-lnate ~ al' prjftt.e propa,ty Jsr Shull cocker 1pe:niel 'which becanW fornfa cities sold $666,345,133 Ill "'"'•••c ., -... Eut 17th m Jan. u and .... later !-.cl bonds the 30 yearo 191.4'15 ---lat _.. by to have r.bi.s. n,.; Shull ~ Tom Nerto._ ~wt~* OiOm bM • i ... te·tnlaw. through Water .,,.. the .ladet.D. '·~with penaltiel been know11 t.(> run -lomie t a wl!o eaJa ldo OW1I -i.· -ow:ie6•"" ~ -z' e4 J: It~':! bluetlt -1or -law' ed ••hwf four oft....,. ,..., "tlajos priOr to lndlca it. ..... _..... !,lie ~ Cele. I-o I a, et Calitbrnla poll-o o I d with -cw P'"""• ' ' . OJ'IDPlmM whicb led the -to HIP~ ~ -CoM& ...... ..,,. , ---'ftw ,._... fOF -. -f ,574 tbtnc -30 "-ol '5 W9>e eolleoted from ha.., tho <Ioli~ TOM NORT0N-Resta··-~-ur yeus. ' -"' a.._ a..... del Tbe -~ -llilt.4 --_, "t Ill...., ''Tho~-c1ebt -... ; Bl1Pme R. Y-. ~le; u from Newppi t ·pa11ce -to • Varied expttience with bUvy many i-!tlono bolt a aolld beck-ot CalU dtleo &>.,.-• Birt ~ Olwta --aith otnet. ud brtween the - abcent on lndulgence ln the art ol i:fO'IDcl for ._restaurateur waa in--what the deddt ~ tlii•wled • ·ap•llW WWW tram La-and bQ ~ }Veet Nw pcwt. .U cookrry dots the pn>tniture ot d.uded In the -·1-man:J ,_,, indeb . --iiC1 Iii -B & · ..... wjll be -tar - the owner of Bay ,51ooroo me, a1nce bll ...----l*th ,........ ot ftn.ndns ~ 4 1 -•-"1 -"1 ~ ..__ ,.,.., · TbomM F: NortAJD., . .-do at t11t, _,, at ,.....,.olp!!, "Ille ·, rn••• • ~ D Ts •la.•--....... If ~ «oih11 -: · r- Tbe -!ler ..,, -boil -' (0-11• ... • 1'1119 :tlftl -"Ill Ill -c.;11 . : . a.: ::i ~ Orlla ..... \ • . • a. ' . ' ' • j l i l .. I • • I 'v I • ,NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES 1 . l'llONU: NrWPOST U ... U I •••FOWi ........ , Corona del Mar News · (BJ' 81 di Bes1Mc~) New Amvet Post .. •· To Be Named for Capt Rufus Putnam I . · ~,. ..... Tbllroday ~::---;vr.:.:::-=--:m::;;;;;,;;;w;;;I ~----"'!-'Edl=tloll= hllftst1d El'VJ' Wectr «•1 · Yelw D Mr. and Mrs. E. F . Coop. for· A local poet or AMVETS, Nner- SUboeripU.-1'9yable b> Advance:..'...$2.50 per Y""' In °'-' <>Md7; merl)'.ol 1.'193 New Yori< drive, Al· lean Veterans of World War II. $2. per )'~O 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8tb ~ tadena. mov~ to 309 N ardsslil bu0 been Ol"g&nized in LQS AngelH --,--:..::J= ____ . _ . avenue, recently. Mr. Coop la a b .., • Arnold. St Adj Enr,.-..i u Second-class matter at the Pcotolflce In Newpc:wt Pm=b, retired fire chief of Pasadena, Y .. m. -a te utant ..,. ·. ca.til~ under the Act of March 3. .1879 after 24 yean· of service.. tot the order. The new chapter -'-'------· will 1>e named the Rufus Putnam • _ Puhllshpr -· Mr. and Mrs. John Heaton Post. Geneial vll!Ul,IU' Smith. 'f?:9 Orchid aven'ue, spent _ • Editor the week end at Desert Hot 'l1le chapter wil1 bf. presented W . F . DIX N • • ~ Manaa:er Sprinp. to Colonel Putnam on Friday eve- Printin& P t, 3011 W. Central Avenue" Neowport Beach. cautor.rila Other visiton to the desert were nlng at a dinner to be given in his · • • ' -' Mr. · and Mn. S. Haugneu, 208 honor at the Paris Inn on the oc- Off 1al Paper of the City of Newport Beach .lrla avenue wbo spent a week at .,,..ton of his being relieved or his Dept t•tale Local i..ut1IUoa for OYw 11 y_,.. Cathedral O ty. assignment u District Engineer of · Mr. and Mn. Eugene Williams. the Loe Angeles District, effective ••l·:no . at E.D"'OftlAL Ac.:..e San Gabrie l, spent tbe week end as of Feb. 1, 19f6. Colonel Putnam NA !'\-11• n 1.a• 'With Mr. W illiams' oarents, Mr. wt.11 ze succeeded in the position I~ -~--~_q.'f\?_._N Member and Mn. Edwin Williams aod his by Colonel Robel"t C. Hunter, C.E., "'-~•""''"""""'...... sister, Mn.. Florence Anderson formerly of the Seaamento En-of and fa,mlly, 428 Marguer ite ay<>-glneer Distilct. theo District En- ' . r . ' ' , ... _ ... , ......... • . • .. 'lbe "abundant llW' Wbld! J-. deslr:ed to ~ to be had lilr the sincere a lloD al '* - • pel to life.. f -- • E!<J>ulsloo or J apanese from tbe mandated lslandS of M;·cronesla may prove a shot ln the arm for ·the vast California tuna industry which with the opening of large tuna reserves in th'e Pacific. is 1l""'j planning exi>ansion.. . : • POssibillties of exploitiJ'ig the re- ported tuna richa will be a coni . mitt~ appointed .zy A. R. Heron director or the reconstructtpn and re-employment commission. . . . I 'I1he COll'UTtittee will begin \\i th a meeting in Los Angeles called for Jan. 24. and will investigate prac-- tical· operating problems and in .temational Political angles o treaty ri1hta. ' . Aheyh ' Cateriitg Service ('.ooktnc -~ • a..tz1 •s for Parties. ' . ~a cant to: 411 Vkitorla so.. eoOt. - ROOFS APPLIED oa RatAIBED Free EoUmates a Inspection w .. J. llellbow 3602 M.attUs ~ .Pb. Nwpt. 101.W' nue. A birthday dinner was served gineer of the General Engineerins 1n honor of E ugene who ia ~ eld-Diltrict, with headilruarten ln Ma-WITH !5 Yl:AB8 OF A&MY 8EBVICI! beldnd i.lm. Muter ~ est son of the Williams nila PhllJpplAe Islands under Gen. ce-t .loeepil. P . Fraacle, U. of 115 Bay Street. Coet:a Me.a. hU nr O.L.CULLY . o.rluied Tu Ooaoal-March of Dimes .$,tarted on Mesa · Do • 1 M _ ... _."' '. 1 en11...,. at hla former ellllated rank a& tbe Sallt:a Alla Army Air Mn. T . H. Bueett bu l'etun.ed. ug u 8""'"'-'" .. ,ur · bue )Id a tilM)rt t:1me after be It.ad. been 91epU&ted with the rank Or Profi Sharing Plan .Pablloo --· Speclallzlng on Income . Tax rr-8aa Fraadoco to ber 1'ome Cap-. Be ,... rt-a '6Jec:t eo...-on ID UM%. Be lo - t extent industry will follow the lead of Eric at -Dablla aveaue after an !gold avenue, gave a party for the tl11IDc oat blo ...U.-t form wttb t1oe belp of Mbo Beyrl -., Jolmst --'de t f th U S Ch be. f C · -.. of lh mootU Her 1a .... Coron a de! Mar Community -=""=l•:.:ta=·:::•c.to=-tloe=c.recnd:..:.::..:.:-=::C~O:::Hloe=:c..'·c._ ___ -'-. -------- Costa Mesa's Match-of Dimes got under 'way last week With Mn GUMing Butler as chatnnan . Your ~tronqe appreciated on . Pi~ n o e . . am r o ommerce, m ~ Commander T e. Bulett church choir after practice, Wed- J!rofit sharing plans for their-.m1ployes remains ,... transferred to! tbe Navy nesday night at ber home. Twenty. Ed• Puts Thi d Bo Id D t• Johnson, ·however has set a good example in bis Licll ... ·tbaa-Alr -s...ta Aaa. ~ests were prft<!nt. ISOD r ll . er aJil Ine e · Mrs. Butler Is assisted · i,; th campaign by Mn. Harry C. Bur . dick. '" __.._ ""'""'as -w. ttll ~.A- ........ . I ' th rofi · lJe.. .Dr. -tt oxpoeta to opea an of-. Mrs. Murray Rejgle, 700 Helle>-J t · Se • • C ' 125 MR KiJ tts. approxunate y 25 p;r cent of e net p t Ike-· wboa be -recdved .... trope avenue ts at home from the n 0 mce, ap. ,uuu owa fore.tax . with the workers in his Spokane-plants.1be profit d!ech.,.e. desert. Mrs. N!Jno or G.-n · · sharing i is not new, of course. It has been used with ex-Mrs. Leslie Steffensen. 209.Mar-Grove Is visiting her. ~ort!~ee~=d;ie::dw: R ~ c exiS&nding Southern California, a e ross 24-llOur Radio . Service • cellent ts in many businesses. But Johnston's prestige move a will be . t_hrough and labor circles will attract considerable atten- plan as"a possible means of settling some of the d threa tened labor disputes. He t.erms his liew "t<> bring industrial democracy in'to America." It teresting to. see. if J olmston's idea "catch~ on" t industry in gene ral. Faire Taxation The verage Californian paid $518 in Fede ral, State and local tax in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, a ccording compiled by the California Ta.xpayeIS' Assaciation . hole bill came to $4,619,509,000. Of course, most didn't pay anywhere near the average amount of · much of the total collection came from business con But whether paid ·by individuals or companies· the true blll as astronomical no matter how you look at it. The 9"t in federal taxes e ffective this year will help some- whar,~personal taxes will still be su bstantial. Business, t oo, will till be lugging· a hefty load. In fact, taxes paid by some · ess e nterprises are almost. unbelievable. Recently it was f d tha t a heavy-duty commN"tia l frock and trailer in Califo ia in the normal cow-se of operations., is assessed as much s $4700 or even more in taxes in a single year . This amounts o 38 per cen t ·of the original cost of the vehicles.I It is uite, understandable, then, why various business groups a well as the truck owners themselves have urged a l'Nucti in these taxes to a more reasonable level. Unde . war and postwar conditions taxes t an't be as light as we'd e to have them, but they sh ould never be so heavy 1946 ally stifle either i'1dividual or business initiative. x or combina tion of ta xes th;; t in one year equal t of a business investment are alm ost confiscatory. y, there is need for fairer tw:ation. uto License 1 The e is gett!g"g short fol you to obtain your 1946 auto lice . February 4 .is the deadline and after that you &CllOSS 1 Applaud 5 Subsides • Cul 10 Vent\U"ed 12 P roviaioo room 14 Wash I~ Noah's boat 1e: c.oon ru lnto Ions 18 Music not l 19 Prod 20 Vex 21 Wa.lk with Iona: steps 23 Band across an escutch- eon %<Type measure ~Elevator cage 26 Millponds 28 City ln Alaska 31 Shoshonean lndJan 12 Mwlcal instrument 13 Presiding elder labbr.) 34 An orde r 36 A seaguU 37 Large pulpit 38 P eolo&:ical ••• 40 Layers 42 Outside 43 American Indian 44 Require / DOWN 1 A wine 2 :;fugte ring of a cha in • " • 3 Pe rform f Punc tuation ma rks 5 Editnr I abbr.) 8 Island in Pacific 7 Pans Cor <"""" s ::: Cuts 9 Masts 11 \Vriti ng table s 13 Bo·~da ge 17 NC'on tsym.) 19 Faste ner• hl•U•• ta N~ ....... No. Zl 22 R ecall 23 Young deer 25 ThisUelike plant 26 Gold coin (Aust.} 27 Very minute 28 Finished A.111wer w f.:•••I• Number, !O 29 Unfolded 30 More recent · ~l!-.*#'IJ 32 Exclamation 35 Additional 36 Apportion 39 HJnt 41 Selenium (1ym.) new Southern California Edison Company major transmission line I baa been placed ln service, accord-A • •t• . ~~g ~~ ~c~:."endore, p-esident ( IVI leS ''The new Une, the Edison Com· I pany·s third m &jor 220.000 volt rs. G. L Andrews transm ission line connecting wit h Mrs:L: retha Tubbs, school nurse, the Boulder P ower Plant, 1s 130 here ntid now serving her fifth miles ln len gth and has a capacity yeai: at Junior Red Cross chair- of 125,0CX> kilowatts," Mr. Mullen· m an, h'.as made an impressive rc-- BOME, A.V'l'O, JlAIUNS RADIOS REPAIRED Burt· R.. Norton 815 ~t mway .1'11,o .. 1411 Newport ae·s. Oalll. dore said. "Constructior\ of the por t of the work done by the '------------------------....J line•"'as begun under special War· grammar school children. In ad· -'--------~--------'----------"· PROF~SSIONAL DIRECTORY time authorization and its Com· dition t o packing 84 boxes for pl etion adds substantially to power overseas children' for Christmas. ' supply reserve!'ll for the Southern they made more than 1900 sep- California area. arate articles fo r the ~ and AOOOUNTANT PHYSICIANS a BURGEONS. Mti> "The establishmept of a new n··y hospitals near by, during ,...------------, 1 major Edison !lubstatioh on a 30-Novemper and December.: They · acre site a few miles south or Col· also gttthcred hundreds or articles J. S. WHYTE ff. R. HALL, M. D. ton al.So is a part of this prqject. used irl overseas boxes sent from INCOMS TU coNSULTA..~ . Physician and Su~.· n This new station. named High· the IITr I Red Cross office tb men !;.'b~P~!!'a:b:O 0r!~:!c~~11~J::in grove fo r the community near in SE'r ce. · ootwlll!'\ton with tDCOmt1 tu: mattert. .Hrs.: 2·5, by appointment "'"hich it is located, '''ill be com· Mrs. Tubbs points out that AUPIT8 · llYSTEMS T elephone 2620 i BOOll:UF.PINO 111ta\·1cs pleted soon. Cost of the line and J unior Red Cross 1s an all·year Ottb 1840 S-IMw 81 ... 11., C:.\a ._ ISl Broadway eo.i. Mee. substation is about 54,500,000. projecti of service and she con· !_ _ _.'.•~·-~..:>'.'.·.,.~-~~ .. ~·~•:::"'..-_...! 1. '------'---------l "The energy carriecf by the new siders k:his work fine training in transmission line is generated at interndtional fri endship and un· Boulder Dam by units installed for selfish participation in ~ial .prog· -----------~ the f\fetropolitan Wa ter District r ams. ··J unior Red Cross is spans· Armand Monaco · and Basic ~1agnesium. Inc. Peace· ored by the American Red Cross time . realloc·atlon of generating in all schools or the country. ARCHITECT capacity at Boulder permits use of In peace time· Red Cross Setv-814 W· .'Bay Ave., Balboa the unjts." ices~ increasing". l Newport· 172.f A ding to reports from na· . %721 Lakewood Ave. " l h d t Loa AilplM NOrl'oandy 840S Ca·p· t. Campbell ·. uona ea quar ers, the recrea· . tional and service wor k for men '--------------' New Provost in the :1occupation forces is more ·' .i.mport8.nt than ever a nd many ~----=-------~ thous:tnds of canteens and recrea-' ROBERT GARDNER At SAAAB tional Centers are doing a vq.l uab le -and- picce of \\'Ork in the Orient and in DONALD D. iIARwooo A'ITORNE\'S SANTA ANA. Ca lir.-Capt. R. the litary special services, is 118 N. Ka.Ln. st.. s-t. Ana. c.w. Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Physldan and Su.rpon ,, Ninth and Centnl A.-e. omee 11rt.. :10·1! a..rn.; s-a p.m. Toi..,-n ' Conrad Richter, M.D. Pbyalclan and 8urpoa UO E. 18tb 8L CJott. Mc.a Rouw: 10·1% a.ni. and 1-5 p.m. PbooetU A. Campbell. 30. took over the dutiC'S as pr ovost marshal at the ·Santa Ana Aftny Air, Base today, replacing Capt. R . A. Stansell, Euro~ Red Cross. working with ATTO RNEY& AT LAW increa ng its entertainl!lent work -Tt:U:PBONU- on th ground that the men in s-&a Au •'189: Newport lkMb tteta '--------------' rore1gn ] lands nee.ct it more . than I'-------------'· o;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::=;:~:::::; IL \vho has been separated from the ' \·service. Campbell Is a r eturnee from the 13th Air Force in the Pacific. ' ever ., l DAY 8CBOOU1 .. ,------------ Homf. service work ~sho\\'S no ~----------~ turnin service .men' and their IOI <Joni 11&100. bi..t PHY&ICIAN and SURGEON'" .· pay a pe9alty. ' . Actu~ly, the. sta te isn 't i>-ouing a new plate to replace the present roe. Instead, when you pay your fee you will re- ceive a small ml!tal tab wh ich is to be · bolted over the "45" on the license plate you now ha ve. TINY TOTS 11dlNDR , Credited with over 2100 flying hours, the El Paso, Texas, pilot new 28 combat missions in a B-24 and another 10 in an A·24 dive bomber . Before going overseas he was assista111t provoet marshal at Tarrant Field, T exas. His civilian background includes experience as a border patrol inspector in Texas slacke,·ng as the problems or r e. Mortimer ·Scbool DR. G. E: ·TOHILL ramilic are many, and J ane Calk· Ondee: CoOece, Prep&n.toJT 2209 Co.art' Blvd .. NewPort Be.ch · ins of he staff here reports. that DAY 8CB.OOL ~~ , _ Phone _ -; -""'" the of ce her e is as busy as ~ver. ......,--OffJce 286·W · Re•. 286·R Take your "white slip" registration .card to the nearest office of the Department' of Motor Vehicles, or mail it along with draft or money order for amount Shown in lower corner. FOR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED F rom ~.50 up WHIOfARB So.Id. W-Jth Thil UnUS!••' Quann• It'• 815 NORTH.,.AIN ST. PHONB 42~ ltllPIAltl D,IALla • ,. ., 48-Hour Diaper Service $I.SO Per Week .. Complete Infant Service $2.00 Per Week and New Mexico. ' After 22 months overseas and three yean in the Army air forct'9, Sgt. John Sihillil)g ·or Costa Mes~ returned home Iut week . -•-&ow. Phone Newport 45 Sgt. Sihilling received his dis· charge at Fort MacArthur and is the son of Mr. and Mrs1 Herbert Sihilli.Ag ot Costa Mesa. PR~TECTION ~LAN ~•presellfatlYe lo I B. w. GEORGI: (Ask for Dtaper Service for Pick-Up and Delfvery) DR. CO\VEN .,,.. - ..--.q... .......... ~OOSI ~iii HFOX .. \Vor9'·\\1de N~ • p. .... Dally Watch the Classltied. columns. · US 8tb SL Haau.cton - .T R A N S P A R E N T I a:i-;; ;:i: .. .. ' ~ .. '."!, ~-"~~..,_ -----M AT ER I AL ....::::.....:·!-~-====::::::::L ~ase D E NT A L PLATES ,,, .EXTRA ·COMFORT . , • WID !lot .~ or shrink . . . helps eliminate cllcklni wobbling, Irritation. • The comblnadoa· of Transparent Material and Ney.' Hue Translucent Trubyte Teeth is acclaimed the closest retemblaace to Nature's Owa Teetll and GUJDL It is light weig?t. which gives Eitra Com· fort . . . )'et it is durable enough to serve the hardest bifes. Recommended for penoae la paMle We. ., ~ t•enlk .. D'I'. c.-.· ... N• .......... .- _, llTT .. "l'Mtl- nf; .... KU.,--_. ...... .... I• r•••!t_. •f ,_..., • " Ct bin ts Since 1 • G.A.. llor$hner, MA., Odord If No A"•wer Call N,...,port 6 Plbdpal PboDO IM DENT18'1'11 . DR. OBED LUC.As Denti1t • 2202" W. Central,. Ph. f480 NEWPORT BEACH INSURANCE New York Life Insurance Company DON It. DURANT ... OrehW ...... OOllONA DEL KA.a MORTICIANS HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL . ' . ~ "Wt OUreelvea the Better Serve By Serving Othe rs Best" ~hone Newport 56t COila Mesa · Callfornl• OPTOlllETIW!ITll ROBERT .l. CRA WFOBD . Opt., D •. O "!TOME .T Rl8T ,· Eyee Ez•mtned -Gl&uee Pi\ted 1792 NeWDOrt. .. ouJevaf'd • Phone M30 COST A MEIA 8URVEYOB8 SIEGEL &·RAUB J:actaMn • .,..,,.,,.." ~1-!fewport Blft. Costa .... ~--·J N11W.0.tral N--• ) . Telepa.o.e 1t1 PIANO TEA-CRMR [ G.V.LINSENBARD Graduate _,... Ca .;at•~::-1 ' 'r I _o Pb. 1212-• JD w. 0-. Front· • Gerald Rauaa, M.D. 2830 We.t Cent,.al Ave. Newport Beach Ph. 1028·-NO An.wer call 301·M X-RaY lervlce Milton M. Maxwell, Ji. .. 1801 Coast : ·Coron~ t!t•l omoe llburs: !~. \:. Pbone :SeWf>'" S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa. N~rt 11%4 , -8. Bill 8L, Loo ......... TUcker 181 i .., B J Appointment ' T. P. Reeder, Ml D. Pb)'llclan & Surgeon 1001 Weit ~y An. Telephone Newport 60Z ~ Waper Dr.,P. IUtltidit Dr. wu• c. w..P.r Chiropractic. Dietetics, Phys!o & ~Ionic Theral!)' lftOOoMt_...., Lopu-.ft.- ZONE THERAPY . .CLINIC • ·---... ... - • -1--, SUpestlon th t !he use of fire- arms be outlaw by the board of supervisors was made last week by Judge D. J . e after many com.plaints to office by Costa •fesans of tn · nate use o{ fitearms in the ta Mesa area. Judge Dodge "d that he knew of one Mesa res dent who had1 a narrow e5cape ~death or in- jury from 8Jl 1 dentltied r ifle- man's stray ~~t ·and that many more cases have 1occur~ Francis 'J ,. ' orvath INCOME T SERVICE Fede.nit.I a d State 118 !5th SL Pb. t!in·R ' . ·~ -WHMI M 1 ao& N&W&• !-'I ,. . .. ,. No. American Yard Builds Tuna Boat; Also StOck Trailers . The North American Shlpbuilil- ing Corporation has one 75-foot tuna clipper on the ways. a 45-foot commercial fishing boat, and two smaller ones at the company plant. TI7 Coast Highway. Hone and cattle trail en ate ·also under con-- struction, the company having al- ready completed 35 four-wheel trailers for stock movement. V'aF 1~.LA. . . Sc• 111 Oilf, a.., .. 19" liaise Patmlate NO 'OOllNGt loh "'°'• lhi"t' "°"' !Md tooltftg fol Mlpt llrll ._. •. too-podooff IOOpt, lovftdrr IOOJK. Roo111t9 t00P'1. "''°" •'°<•t"Qt. cono" .t. .. n . pci~·. r ' , l'io lurA pofftt. Erw::I of P<""' ro~ do.!of''t -"we co" tlop 1al¥0Q•"9 us.rd '-""9 fol. looduitrial Iott Orw::I oth wih COfllifl11e to be thort u"til ••II iflto rie•I yeot. The tuna clipper is of a wooden hull, 75 reet in length, 21 ft. 6 in. beam and with ·a draft ·of 9 feet 6 inches. She will be equipped ' with a Washington ~linder die- sel, will have cabin and refriger- ation facilities for tang-range tuna fishing. WhJle Arthur M. Rambo, gen- ~ral manager left for the state ot Washington, associates did not know whether the traUen are to be continued. Other boats a.re con- te mplated, it is understood.. from C. E. Bowtr\flll. aecountant. We need not poy,·er or splendor ; Wide hall or lordly dome; The good, the true, the tender, These form the wealth or home. -Sarah J . Hale Stude~ts from Harbor Among' Candidates · For SAJC Offices Several Conner Newport Har-Charges Breach bor Unio High students. now at-Of Lease·, Sues tendin a.nta Ana Junior college, are ong candidates for class of-Lady for $1200 fices in an election which ls to be Breach of rental agreement is I settled by primary balloting Jan. charged by H erman ?\f. Piper 23. Run-ofr ·elections a re to be against Anna Hein z of Costa Mesa. held on Jan. 25. according to_ .,·ord from Santa I Stanle}' Gorzucho\•ski, who. was Ana. Peiper sued the woman for 1 a 1if€' guard a t Bal~ las t sum-, $1 200 da mages. 1 me r , and a veteran or World \\1a r Piepc>r claimed 10 ha\·e "enterM +JI, is running for ro-t'lection for into a rC'nta.1 acrcement with Anna prt"$i dent of th(' s tudent body. He 1-leinz for a grocery and living is oppost~d by Bob Flctcb<'r, a for-quarter s at 312 E. '17th street in Mer i\t nrine corps la nk n1an. Cos!a i\•lcsa li:tst Nov. 31. to be· Bill Nl'lh. co-captain of the foot-come efft"Ctjvl' Jan. t and that she ball . team. is a ~an~i~ate for . ,;~e h.ad refused to fulfill her obiiga- pres1de nt and V1 rg1n1~ J\·lcBa1n IS t1on. aceording to Santa Ana ad- a candidate for president of the vie'\; AssociatNI S tuden ts \Vomen's of- fice·. Paul Kellar Among Group Destined For Early Dis1:harge Coast Guard Opens Ranks to Enlistees; Vets Keep Ratings Not~ educa r who ttmakes th• San F e rnando Valley bis home• gtven highest otnce in Al Malalkah temple for 1946. The new potentate plans early visitatto111 to Shriner irroups in thil commUnity. Art Class Starting Tuesday' Night At Harbor High The first evening cfass or the nc"' yeaz: at the Nc"'por\-.,J-!arbor U nion High school \\.'ill ~arted Tuesday nigtlt \,·hrh a group ""i ll meet at 1 p . m . to ~tudy var· ious phases of art under J . F. No- lan. an art ins tructor at the high school. . This is the onl}' class sta rting now. but Sidney Da vidson. princi· pal. ~id yesterday that the school stands ready to open other classes if such public demand exists a nd --. i( they hav~ a teacher available NA\.AL STAGI NG CENTER. An intensive dri\'e ,throughout fo r the subjcet. , P F.ARI.. H i\RBOR, T. lt.-P aul the Eleventh Naval District to • Nola n has taught art here and I-t . KC'llf'r. ra darman. ·third class. farn iliari.ze young me n in the area in othe t schools previous])•. H e 302 W<"st J.lth s treet. Ne\\·port \\'ilh the opportunities offer ed by will take up sketching, oils, water neach. i~ ~('tting rC'ady to rejoin the JX'!lCC'lime U nited States Coast colors. past els a nd any ottie r ph8se !he r a nks of civilians. together Guard "·as launched this \\'eek , it of a rt wanted by membe~~q[ the \Vitfi thousands o f others going \vas disclosed today by Rear Ad-c lass. On£' session per weeK""'i~ex­ through this Naval demobilization I miral \V. F. To1t1.·le, District Coast peeled unless suf[icient numbeni cent('r hf'nd cd "for thC' S t<ttcs. 1 Guard Off teer . .._. tur n out to increase tha t to two ,..\t this staging crntl'r. the pros· The Coa_st Gua~d. America's o~d· evenings. JX'Cti1,·e discha.rg<'es are group€'d C'St sea-going unit, has opened its -------- according fr) ,,·hat sC'par3tion cen-1 r a nks to mf'n 17 through 25 years ter they \\·ill r eport to for their\ or age '''ho are in &ood physical final ptlf)('rs. They ar c placed condition, citizf'ns of the United aboard car{:o ships headed for the States a nd ,,·ith grammar school States as soon as ~hippi ng s~ce 1 education. E nlistments may be foi:: is available. two or three years. In addition to opportunities for 15 SAAAB Wacs Say They're Ready To St2y in Army 'D'll t S d in ll'r<'.s tinf! Sf'l'\"iCC' a nd a n oppor -~ r •• o t S 0 pe~ ed tunit \· tn travrl. rhe Coast Guard 1 "1T~ A:-..i1Pr\, ~dalrf .-HA p<Sr-~376,000,000 Pr.OpoS providC's facilities for training in ! iton:i 't.~r t n esi ent nr ry · · • S • servi('(' schools and th bt . . Truman signed by 15· \Vacs a t lhc Watson Plastic ' Add to th ! list f new plastic products a dd.1eboard ! The la test s u riding enjoy.: m ent is p ised by Roger S. \\'at~on. h~ o the W atson \Voodcmft dust ies on Coast high\\'3)'. F. he is patenting 8 new lightwoutht 12-foot OOafd 1,~:h ich a lady! ican arry aroun~ \Va t~on is ~ ding his shop; t Aking in a~j:ption I space which will double ·~t'> ca cit}'. but this· is to ~erve 'if t building-and sales a!' weJl. I-le has signed up sev!'ral deale up and down the roa&t tO mar et h \Vatson Sail- inl? Dink. w ich h will also dis· play at the l al s op. The well-1 01,vn dealer is get- ting ready r\V • ( r the comil}g season \vhic he nticipates wiD be better th ev r . He is start- ing producti on is new plastic foam produc no\ . he said, ln order .to supp t h increasing de-- mand. Wanderirtg Costly to 'M ivestock Allowing hfs-liv stock to have a ccess to property other than his O\vn cost Lµis C arillo of O:Jsta ·Mesa S50 ahd A day suspended sentence in ~e unty jail fol· lowing a ses 'on · Judge D. J .. Dodge's court last veek. Tbe compl t, s ed by several -I • ' I . . . . '( I A n -A U s T 1· N Po .rt r a i t -I , I j FOR · THE ONE YOU LOYE I ' ' • We ar.e fully equipped to tok,e portraits Iii Home or Church All'Studlos open 12 to 6 P.M. every Sunday and two or more nights per week 508% N. M.Un St. SANT . .\ t\~.·\ Phone t.&6S DAILY HOURS: A a. rn. to 6 l,l-' n,. Friday a'.nd Saturdays •tu 8 p. m. N.T . 1-22·46 In Special esston of h i ... h "C'hoOl apd col~ 0 ai~n~ Santa Ana Annv Air 'base-<>nt' Net appropriation bills intro--b)' ,;; r.-.c-• .,_-.~•l•n,.... ege er or them "from M!:-souri. too"-rc- '-V• -·.''"= ·· _._ courses. , h · f h duct>d in the first tC'n days of the \rmi· ·nd '"a·· C t quests 1 e continuance o t e ' .. 1•' · . 1ne orps ve er· ,,. . c · California s~ial IC'g islative SC'S-an . not OV"r "" ,. f .11 ~' omC'n s Army or1.Js and an op- of Camarillo'~ ne i hbors .a nd pre- sented by th~ dis ict attorney's office. a\IC'g<' . tha the defendant permitted his*ve ock in general i nd a yC'arling ull in pa.rJ,ieular to r oam free. co tra to count)' or· d ina n('(> 471 . So c damage was l--------------------------- r eported. l ,· SANTA ANA , WEDDINGS Take~ in Church, Home , or . Studio Be Sun Inquire About Copying Old Portrait& YOUR HEALTH WITH OIWl'E YS • , .., '-JI.! cars 0 age WI . f h f . sion. \\.'hC'rC' the amount is spec1· be :tCCC'pted in the ,..._ 1 G d portun1t)' or t e airer sex to . . . d 1. \,.,Uas uar at . .. 1 ,, fiC'd and eltm1nai:.ng up 1cations. ra ~i ngc;; C'f!Uiva lC'nt to those the s•e:n up as ref!11 ars. ~-: tota l ~76.321.742, California Tax· held, up to the rating of corpo r The e ppeal to 1he prC'~td:'n t. payers' associatio n !'aid today. r a · b'!sC'd upon "rurr.ors of thC' dis- Senate appropription bil~s intr<:" 98 ,-(J KEEP INSL'R...\NCE b:>ndi~g: <?f t he corps ~~ or abo~t duced. \vhere the amount 1s spec.1-The propor tion of peo 1 k thr I .>t h of F ebruary, states 1n fi.ed, total $254.684.690. Asse~bly Ing their life ins~tranJ ~1i~~1 pa.~t: . bills total $340.1&1 .552. Duphca~ in full force in spite of !inane· 1 . 7'.Yany 1!!1rls at !!le nge of tions amount to $218.527.500. leav· emergencies' is toda t 11~-t·.,'r.nty ha \'e no funds to continuc ing the net appropriation meas-timc high . A,pproxlr: t al :7' 8 f th€'1r education and. if thPy have urt>S introduced at $376.321,742. alt ordinary policies a;~ "0t l not ,,·orked . natural!~· have no 'l_'he 1945 regular session of t~e th "start I of tbe year beca~~ce a. v.•ork e~peri~n.ce. Why . n_ot havC' legislature authorized approprt· ab\e' UJ:!_der the polic t ~Y a years nulitary tratrung (or ations of ~5 1 ,7811393, with $320,· ing the )'C'ar or rem.?-in~~ fo~ he~th's s'a~e (m any of us ha1,·e 259,552 for state ~overnment pur· throughout the ye gai1ned weight and. a.re more poses 1nd _.$431.521.841 for pay. ar. healthy tha n we were at the time men ts and grants to local govern· of enlistment); to continue edu- ments, the association said. Farmers this yea r set a new cat.ion: prepare Tor work in civil· peek in the 'purchase of li!e in-ian life; training for civil service ff.ALF U. S. OwNS INSURANCE s~ance. Countrywide, they bought positions. or the right to enlist in n~arly twi('(' as much as in pre· the regular army." war 1941. There are now seven times as many people who. own life Insur· .Tu~ ;, 'tla nrP Tin1l"s Lea de · tp! on I ance policies in ·the Un ited States as there ~:ere in 1900. One-half 'I the population no1,v own policies, ~~:=~r:=~::::=:=:=E~~~~~~~=====~=:J!\"'hile only one-.eighth owned them ~ then. - llP' CIJ R~ TO PROBE HEART DISEASE 81 R.-w Harri· o· 1seases of the heart and arter-I les constitute the No. 1 killer 1 among Ute insurance policyhold- ers today. accounting for nearly one-third of ·.all policyholder deaths annually. The Life Iµsur. ance 7'1edical Research fund p1anS ~;Jlft-.n · 'IU-....... ............ c ..... .......... '-' Rae In Skippers:- san Boat H ardware · Sail Track and Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers 'ort Marine Supply Co. Fresh Daily Dt-Uc\Oue Su l<'ood• O r. complete equipment "·h.en you want to catch -own. Phone 2780-J ·-.. MEN FISH MARKET 1111 ,C NTlllAL. AY11.NUll,·N£WPOlllT a£AC:H \ CLOTHES FOR. MEN AND BOYS s~ ·S~-Sleop t01 Marine A•e. .,.. .... Gunde son Drug Main ' t.-Balboa . l ' to make SJ,500,000 available over the next six years to get at the causes and cures of these diseases. I '------4--------' r Artificial I Leat r TOP DECKIN~ M~TfR~AL Dupont "f'd Chase In All !Colors lsoLD BY TIIB YARD Balboa L"land Pbone 6'18 1· "h c,l n s·t!l1 oet call tA' -.oe-ettn· r1r '·a:--'r1 vuli _,., -onlt ·~··· =============-.!._~~~ of this Cleon, Family Newspaper 'nlE OIRLmAN SCENCE MONm>R h&omO-.wl I 1 1rJ ..... , .... froa ... 'del .._,,. PMe "C:::S w ktzJ -.i ... ..._ • 1111,_ ..... .-_______ ... _.,_ • ' -..... ~_ .... El........ . ... ,. -~._..,......... ... ............. .. . ......... . . -------o----- -""!"'--.. -Iii n. Oo I• ,...., -. .. ; ··-····-·-··---· • -I ~ ·····-·-··--o ......... _ • ··-·· ... -·~·······---··· ........... _ .=. ~1 2 rt ' - • ' ' I Seat Covers Made to order or notdy -tie Boat Cushions ' -I • c • PtUICOadi VENET ~AN BlJNDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUM 814 Coast H~ghway , __ ·Phone Newport 2780-W Charter & Preston GAS' FURN ACES Still Difficult tQ Obtain . ' We have a few in stbck for inllnediate install~tion Eliminate sweating windows and moisture on walls Pro~t your home and health. Om comblnef'koo.-led~ total e f 48 yean In tbe Heating and Ventilating Field will .01,,e f~ur probl~ ( NO C HARGE FOR SURVEY A.SD ESTIMATE I ,CHARTER & PRESTON He&tla~ lnata11atlons Make "'arm Friends B • NS Phone M84 Residence Phonet1 9-162 or 2995 280 Forest Ave. -Laguna Beach =------lll1511l lt11119lll lll 111,IC!!IHl1151!11 CUf l!f !I f I I I t I I• I> I <I f, C<.f ll l<f l,llll <tl l!CHl hl,i ~ i I Modem 'and Up-to-Date ·I i · I ~-~-· Blue Printing Facilities .. I Photostating up to 18 in. by 2.2 in. • ! . • " 1 ..... 1 __ ._Pick_· _-U_p_an_d_De_liv_ery__.__Servi __ ·ce _ ___,I' . Watch for.Opening AnnouneelJlent " Plsotoitat Slsap I ' c ' . • • • - . ' • • r ;. • • - I M&WI· M&WF<WT M'aoA .... • .. ~ t Brok~; = ~~~ M .. Postmi~ Pinkley Kiri _ in London Envv · u~~ll·Pl'Pi on T'""tmlli.inal Leave Beach and when ~ to • lblp Asks Patrons Give . -' . ' 111 . c.. ...... o-ge -~ iin ~ ..E.,~:;.E Ad~ss. ~early American 'Shnrtages' of ·fnnd Monte~y - _ amber.: Members _Taking ote on , Election of Directors Udo ~. IS now on ered. Confusion and a great deal of ~~ ~ 1 "jV of the Police de- tenl!inal w aft.er four years lb labor trouble Is the anler of the "-1• who ...., aoeuatomed t I t In Ettng oooperatioa Bftmben and ~on · of 0 tbe vacancy In I.bat area. Tho alDlb UM! 'U. S. Cont Guard. ~v-clay at the Costa Mesa pciilo~ ruah about from one market to Col ~ Ca I fog 'at the harOOr N.,,,_, Harbor C>amber ot Olm-district Is tho Cout ~ - Ing hla 1 a"'O on .January 3, the The killing Is over but the clying ,_ c1aya according to :Mn. another In oeorch• of_ another , Gnel f SOJI to "" When the fog mel"Ce are balloting on election .of Newpri. Hoi&hts. for wbldl - next day wu back at his busi-hasn't yet ended .wtth the war. Haze) Gm postmistrea. ~ eggs or some margarine, get T lk p ~ La comes n, and con+enely when it's c:lirbcton for tbe ·COl!lini" year. trict J. s. Barri:tt la the hWcli •• -... t -at hla office Help protect WU' vlctlml -.... The atc'irementloned confualon little sympalhY from the VIrcil a . OSlliftnlea out, t to _ml1'CI _tho 'tory ot Each district of the City, entitled Candidate. "i th Walter Spicier - m Bev boulevard, l..<lO An-from cold and ~ Give !Ill the Is the mUit Mrs. Gill revealed, of Plrikle)'I. residing In a, London _ I ,..a bureau mvestigaton seek-to i two dlttCtars, has one to be llany 6artJer competing for .!bo , aeles. . clothes. shoes and beddl:n& you can tmprqier use of box and route suburb. Virgil Pinkley ii ...,J..ondon • Suddenly taken m with pneu· tng .wbere1~9uts of a fog horn elected now and another held oW!!' vacancy. . 'lbe has been fortu· spare to the Vtct.Gry CJothlnc Col-numb& on return addresses, a manager of the United Press-, and rrioma, Colonel Evans Carlson bu on th Monterey peninsula some. tor\! anOther year. Nine diltrlcts -------- nate In at be hli.I been able to lectlon. ' . new system of which was lnaugur-a brother of A. L. Pjnkley wb6 beeo ordered 'to cancel all rciurrent time ( o. ' l"'Y 'be increased to 19. U a pro. H H d W d-~ ated November 1. · runs Pinkley's Pharmacy m 0.ta speaking dates and stay in bed for Sev al had been placed on the made to the directorate ii · er an 8 ~ ~ Residents are still using the old Mesa. a month, according to wcjnl re-foggy . ninsula_ near w~ere €hi-ed._ allowing Balboa_ Island to Into Cash Register'; I • · Will · Phoi9graph You -. . - lamorously · Different Our Laguna Beach an~ Santa Ana Studios the , • : oysten, neglecting to use their box The British, attordlng to letters oelwd by Martha Elliott, ~am nese artichokes, but they be1 l'ejll'ftented by two instead of $2S Fin S ded- nwnber an.d dilferen~ate between received here by the local Pinkley chaJnnan of Laguna Beacl1 Town disa a.red for so~ mysterious o as at present: e UBpeD . routes 1 arid 2, and wtth the ever-family, ar~ stlll in the throes ol aJ,l. Meeting A.uodatlon. • I re So when a delegation of addition to its own organi· increUing volume of mall belnc ahortases, hardly any better than Colonel Carbon has been re--weath men and ·F .B.L agenta n, the chamber invites the · Found guilty of petty tbef't m. handled by the local po1totflce, during the war. 'Ibey •tpl en.joy cuperating from wounds ri!ceived called .n the Oilnese working on 1 dentS of Rotary, .Uons and volving wanderfhi .hands and a c1angen of delayed_ '!'all increaaes. the luxury of one egg ~ month, when he aod his Raiclon '* part the f -bound land, the first Cl>J. Kl anla clubs to meet with them cub re&is_ter._ Mlss LOia crev...... Aooording to Teeent count there one pint of milk per day for chil-1n the assault on Saipan. tie had nese contacted knew nothfng ce a moitth to discuss · matten of Rivers1de wu ~-$2S • with are ava 1200 resident!! aerved on dren under 10 (no oae ver that been ICheduled to speak !at th~ about it. So he called over an-0 ~t 1n, harbor affairs. payment suspended by J~ D. the RFD rout'et, 658 of wh.J~ are age gets any), and mea cheese Laguna Beach High ~l Audi-other, who spoke ·a little EngU.h. 1 t~ districts are as follows : J . Dodge ·in h~, court tU .'Sl\ur- ln route 1 and 599 in route 2, with and other oomrmnplaoe I®* In tortum on Saturday eveniJ'.W, Jan. •T horn," the agent explain· West . fiewport With Gordon B. day momiqg:' ' .. ~ ~~ ~:,. .. tho nUlpber lnaeuing In propor-this country are relatively non-26. It Is understood that tI\it pro-' eel, " ~.' Fog horn,, be FlndJAy the holdover candidate '!be complali\~ stated ' inn Ult tlm to ,_ bullcllng. _ .PtenL aram will be "°"oun~ I far a not . What happened to lotr aJ\!I Ralph P . Mukey aod ~ defendant ~d beeo f~ lo) ... In~ respect, Mrs. Gill also Houaewtves can't shop around later date.' horn? aske4 'the official, u he Wheat ,0 be voted on for the new with an open cash J"eCll. IDd a revealed that a new subdivision from one market to another.·".lbey point out to the p::>int where director trom that area. In the check of the b:>ntenta.~ tbd of 36 units between Santa Ana and 1Wl have ration cards, good at me Sel • Se • sevel-, _were missing. Nf.wwrt ,Beach district, Wm. M. the recisttt was $1.70 atiort. • 'J'Uatln ~ F1ower petitioned and market only, Their stores . <>1--loocl · ective fVIC1e . "F horn," the Chinese ~-1'9"gmopr ii the holdover caridl-The complaint WU &lgped by will be served by RFD In the tu-have,..,t improved much SUlce the Board Members yes h knew about tt. "Fog horn date wl\11 Hubbard Howe and Henry A. ~ of J!lewport ture. war ended, apparently beca~ no£n," he 18..id, and shook his Rpland Wright the two candidates Beach. · · shipping: apace bu not returned to A d d M · d I head sadly. "Fog · horn go for the one vacancy. M. P. Klick normal, between the _Brit!sh Isles ·war e e 8 S 0-• and'fog he come in allee !s ,the, h?l<joyer candidate In the 8TOBINO FOODS PllOPDLT'· Oil Search Reason and the dalry-produong countries sam '.' Lldo._Lsle area. with paul Palmer When storing food 1n the ,,... FOP Detonations of Norway, Sweden aod Denmark. Orange county joined the atate So e police department here 8!ld Tom W . f!enderson. competing frllrerator remow -wrapplne Britishers can still buy only one and nation Monday afternoon in 1 out their own solution for the ~d place in the Lido from all except frozen food. say In Costa Mesa suit or one coat per year with presentation ceremonies to selec-1 ·to action of the dty .Isle ·dist;ict. In East Newp:>rt, Westi~house borne KfW!M'6cte points allotted them. And, perhapl tive service board members of cer· coun 4onday afternoon. L.1 W. Briigs is the holdover candi· explaininc that paper acta • • DetonatJoM of explosives tn "the stubbornly, they. refuse to r~uce tlficates of merit and m~ for , llt e ~th Dr .. G. M. Grundy and sula.Uoo and hinders the cold frmll area whleh puzzled many Colta the duty o.n lmporfing ~can outstanding service during the • • ~ pel'Vl50r Irvin Geo. Gordon com-gettins at the food. Instead. me Mes.ans w t:1 o; explained last week ~oods. The cost of clothln&: se~t national emergency. CI powers Leg1on ting for that district vacancy. covered containers for all ttftlr Santa Ana are open - Year; 'RoUJfd .Laguna Beach when it was told that on experts in to . England from America lS Appreciation of the ~pie of To ase Front Lot s ' Kinsfather is the -holdover. erate<I food u:cept uncqoked imat. were attempting to discover pres-doubled b>: the customs, a~nling the county was expre~ bl!' f the Balboa busfn,ess district, and cover that lightly wtth wu:e4 • ence of oil on ~e Banning ranch to ~· Pi~kley. Many ~ends of chairman of the board of super-For mp. Holl.sing ~ Bob Murphy and ·Paul Lor-paper. . · by means of "photographing the British subJeCts found thlS to their visors. Willis Warner, and resen-e tzen in the' running for the Bal· soil." The method utilized the use consternation when they attempt-tatlon of the certificate and med· Th~ erican Legion can lease district vacancy. In the P enin· lntel'll&tlonal llarft9ter of explosives. ~ to send them presents of cloth· als "'8.S made by presiding Judge out the city property on which s a section, ~· F . Kenny is the TRUCKS AND Tlt.ACl'OU The oil COf!lpanies ~leasing on ing. of the Superior Court, Kenneth they Iha e jurisdiction near their h ldover ~didate ~th two .new FABJI EQUIPIOtNT • Sll! W. 4th St. S65 So. Coast Blvd. Phone 3029 Phone 4S4S from Harbor boulevard to the 0 d D I Seventeen men r eceived the of .ve e r s if they wish, but the t t area. Captain C. V. l.fcCarty • l e O •• the north side of Walson street Morrison. I clubm~ for temporary housing n es having been introduced In M Elf st & c Inc. ~;;;;t;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~: river, and on Victoria street from f er n.emova at:vards and inclu4ed members of roun I lieved that the city camp a d George P. Pr~. competing m E. ttt. Pll. l200 ........ ; Placentia to the river. Of Mi"ndanaO '""local bo'ard number 171 : A. c. grou should be kept for 8 f the vacancy. On Balboa Island, Bl! I'\o. L.A. St. Pia. tut •··t ?• Petersen, Stewart D':lnlap, ~1· trailcf rk at present. S T. Du~lap is the' hold9ver can· WhO pays for advertising! 1"~ And Barge· burn G. Harvey, Leslie F . Kim· Th~f Jing of Mayor Clya.n Hall d ate with H . E. Kendall and R 0 S S I '·S body. I t pays for itself! • mell and Earl Stanley. I and , thrr co\lncilmen was thatl , uis Everdi.ng in the. contest for . . any t m~rary housing deal mighi t e second director. I,n the Coro~a Li 0 st 0 re The harbor master 'was em-Ex-Army Vet Pl,.ns be refer ed to the legion, u they (I I Mar area, L. H . Norman . IS q u r ARR'S _ ~EEO 'STORE po\vered by the city .council to · ,... shoult sire to make the lot ad· t carry over candidate with 1003 ·Coast IUway bring action against the owners Mesa Home on 18th St. joini their . clubhouse on the B aden Finch, the past presi~l'nt Yi Mlle South of the A.rebel of the Mindanao. anchored Off the Building a nC\\' home on a half south bay front available 'to the 0 the ch~ber of ':f'Ommerce, t~e Closed on Tuesday (FORMERLY ABBOTI"S) · I cnmp grounds. and a barge salv· acre on \Vest Wilson street in erect n of temporary housing. i 'o~n~ly~c~a~ndi~d;at~e~no~m~an~a~ted~~fo~r~th~•~==~~==~~~==~ aged by Smith Brothers Boat Co., Costa ll1:esa purchased from 1'.1r. -+·------I' also' moored in the same area and Mrs. E . G. Lane are Mr. a nd · ' SPECIALIZING IN Branded · Feeds Quality ' Hay and. Grain I . Fertilizers • Seeds Phone 627 DAILY DELIVERY 182i Newport Boulevard, Oosta Mesa E. R. CARR, Owner ' .. IF I R.Ai."'l THE DRUG STORE •.. " .. If J ran this d.:UK' store," the illb·tongued salesman said, "I'd 111ake a killing on cheap cosmetics." · Not for lonc-.he would. The women who trade here have confidence In our mer- chandise, and they know our co&metles &tock repreM:ote quality. They buy more be· cau~ they buy with more confidence. Newport Beach Ph'armacy · !1Q8 Ocean Front Phone 5 'Jlei.ay Victory BoOO. - without permlssion in order to r..1rs. \Villial'.1 Schuitt. fonperly of I ~.r;:iw.: r.~~c:TRL; w . E L c 0 M E c A F E mo~e the two craft away .. No Lansing, Mich. Mr. Schuitt was . . • action has been taken by either recently discharged at thl Santa 01 r cars:;:should be lubr1ca1ed 2560 N:ewport Bl\•d., CoSta Mesa party since the city e ngineering Ana Army Air Base. mor e frf<Jue~tly than when they Phone 433-M • department wrote them on No-'Mr. and Mrs. E: N. Bo en are are w1 cautions the Service De-Finest Place to Dine v.ember 20 asking that both inac-making plans to erect a 1 ome on p~~~ of ~h~ National Auton10-. t1ve craft be moved as a menace t heir newly acquired property on bile uij.. This IS because v.·ear has Famous Complete Dinner to na vigation. West iBth street. Mr. Bo"1en was red.u ~the lubricant retaining The ~indanao once had a ver-discharged from the M&tines ·on abilit~ "the various bushings and Open 11 a. m. to 2 a. m • bal permission to wintering 1n the Jan 3 after over four ~ears bearing of the chaaia. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES bay when '1"e was used as a fish· Ing barge P!f share a number of " . I OUR KITCHEN OPEN FOR INSPECTION years ago, it was admitted. How-\VM. E . LUDEWIG. Prop. , ' ever. no present arrangement ex· ists for alloWing her to re main in the harbor, acd the council, at the suggestion of City Attorney Roland Thompson, decided to let Russell Craig draw up ·a com· plaint against the O\\'Ders of both. .~ . ~ ~I.LU~ I ULJ!<!!ff ess. Edison lw 'been adding o iu clccttical ' • . MAKE HOME REPAIRS NOW "'know-bow" 'for more than 0 years. "Every year in the hUtciry ~f the · n Company has its record( of some outs g dev~op- or information lead4tg to . the arrest and conviction of the person or perspns who s~ole 10,000 A C Oil· Filter Replacement -Elements from the Lampert Motel Property /\., I UNITS on the Coast Highway . HESE CRATED AND BOXED 'ARE I • H you see them,. or have any iruormation about them, WRITE BOX L NEWPORT ~EWS· TIMES 11 Coast Blvd. Newport Beach . (All information confidential) I • ·• I I · ' • AS p.LUSTRATED HERE ' • ment o f Sectrfc generation, · ion Ind distribution service. The engincor~g and co · oo tasks. that iµtde chese ai:lvances possib W<fF · revolu- tionary and ubnendous-frec t;nterprU<:~obs. As its tttriroq lw grown, so · the company apanded ia f<"'ice to provi e the elcctrial """'st!' for cpmmunity dev pmenL _ Ninety-th.red-thousand st kholdcr1 and · 3,500 employ~ are this • pany" ,of el«· trial oervice ownen and opoj:Sioa. I' J' H. ES us . PLUllBING r .. -.- GENERAL CTRIC MKOl:ll o 4:nuo,11:11M'Olil8 e WA-• •. &£1)108 ~" ( l'tlcmell6 _.:.,_I • ' ) I • • Now is the time to make theSe needed repairs and· to do the m:linten!IJlce . jobs that will keep your home in good shape. And the low-cost, convenient way to pay for this work is a First National Lo,in that you can obtain promptly. · You can · hpair the roof or have a new roof ,put on. Pain,t inside and " out. Havf your home insulated Re-• pair p)wnbing and ele¢ic wiring. ' Remodei. IMany other rtipairs and al· tei;ations can · be ·made. I · We will be glad to give you complete Information and belp You with ·all <letails. . • Prlrr .. 'DI M • l * . ' • . . . . ·I , 1 ' r !fZWPOllT ~A MSWll, U1e Tell Growth,.Ideais Tom Norl4>n; Bum Street light.$ Mesan So~ the~-=:R=~! ~at,,. the~-,..a ·Dock fishing · 300 Veteran8 Petition for Housing Relief Of Kiwanis Clubs Restaurateur, · · · AU Night; W"ill · . Aniv in Peking; 1n 1o""" out the J-. wbQ baw ment by occidental _ ... "-U f Pi ' H ) "-J • ~In J!lortb Chin!& for _,.iy 10 crown more ext-ID ---On 26th Anniv. \Al edor 0 pes e p \AIDtro, Crime Asst. • Aide Jl'!U'S, Q>at the R....... -.Id few yeors. M .. t "' the b'*1 7 I I 1tay. ~ -to belnc borne out, be Amel:lcan ~ ID CW-• kipper of one of (Continu~ from Pt e One) (Continued trun Pqe One> ll belieY<s. The jlovietl -Clllltrol have ,_ -.. com-''--' ID .._ Commending the oommunlty "We are racfug a -aituatioft the old 1'ranFSlberian rallrood ...... • · ...--~-- ,,.., rmest sport-yea. one ot them told! ~ cham- ~g~~!ni~l: ber of commerce. who Would even services odlvl-of Kiwanll In-Vt. now, one that we haven't had ID comm t that hal mM,y aC!'OOS Mandturia and moot ot the a Cb1-president and -l:r leml\ll<>nal, I.which wu founded 31 . Through no volition ot hll mm, c:ootend with for many ~" des good po1n • H"""'v , . be indi-ports in that rich. province. And, Chin<;so capital in--t. "'.""'!" stand !or a rise in .-.ma! ceilings the 2'lnd' ttreet on a large number of ~ said Pet!ro .. now known to be vacant here during the win- Yad\l' ~, ter sepon if the OPA woold grant Hall thil "feek joined onayon of travel aiol!& the Atlantic oea-rd, kimon In ~ tl>at tbe Boxer Re_-brought to . it r N · Tlmill ad I' ell ,.. Jl'!&n ago lljis month, Mayor Clyan hll early ,...n w...e spent In clart!d Polke c;biof Row~ Hodc, eated, It il,,_'tu!<,.,~ the old be Said, jtheY are ooc 1n a ~UITY r cities tbroultbout the United States reaidlnc Wftb.i d puata torr a street llghtf be kept on. all nl&ll't.. American venturyti. in the early :.ft-~ that ·•-·--t wv~:':~. _.a:.· t .ll IT;, 8,ge. Fee~g -recenC-unauthor-that,,..pennission. 1bey were told 1 !zed· publicity another publls that the OPA had no funds for re-~tion was mial din&, be wants lt convenlon of exiltlng dwellinJt\. diltlncfly und t°"!1 that the Star ~ that loeal ~ ctlidalS Angle"I' will not be rpoored at any hiust adhere strictly to rent con- ocean pier ·but t a smooth-water tro! regulations. It wu suggested l&ndin&". that reduction of the six months Two other Y .boa~ Keith eviction notice to 30 days would Rima's Zoo II and Frank helP the altuation. " Hall's OffshoJ' will join the new Out of the meeting last Thurs- fieet, and will also be five day came a petition stgfted by rep- ama.lkr boats. Eddie Mc-reser.itatives of the veterans who ~ttP, will ski the Star Angler, said that five to six hwufred in all .w Jl'h!Ch was buil J>Y the San ,Diego would be aflect.!!I. S. ;r. Dynlap, Marine boat w ks !or spm't fish-George Dietrich, Is 'I"· Btiigs. .•• Ing ctr the Cor do Iolandl, and Mary Hare and George Weiss Martin will, te his time to were appointed as a committee t o running the : help the men draw up 1 a petition and Canada in dellsnatln& the time 1n Maine wh<ft be loit hll Bode~ did not aay tl>at • part ot thll .,.,_ ~ ~-·-5-- week endinc January 26 u Ki-father in ~ badl: up to Crime wave had hit1 the city, but Good tnto!i.1~os :e• wan.is Anniyersary week in New-Muaadtusetts and' then to Flor-believes that attempted thievery men start · that u port Beach.. lda. and other crimr may be defeated wiell as c Kiwan.il aow bas 153,000 mem-It wu in Florida on the ao-by lbed41n& plenty of light on the trend. It is a ~ner~ 'move. ben in 2300 communities and a called million dollar pier-that atreetl. At his request the city ment but ti-n~~t feel- diltlngulshed r«Ord of dvlc ef, Y<>UDK Tom obtained hll first Im-will uk the Edison oompahy to Ing, the f nilalojw-y aald. It fort. porta.nt YoUthful employment u burn the street Ughtl all night. ii now a tly a Use of two !)Ii ~e ~ for 1946 streues life tuard. Two )'f.'lll'S later ~om rather than ~ them off at 3 factions' for power, ,Just u t'econvenion and the development made the trek back to MU&a-a.m. he remem the former war of nation&l· unity through in-chusetts where be had gradwlted "I t will 'be worth it." was tlie lords some yean ago. creased rmphasis on human and from b1gb school in Cambridae'. expreaed opinion of several mun-El&llt ~ .. spiritual values. The club ii The next five Jl'!&rl were spent cilmen in _apftin& that the C<lOt Mr. M · recaJJli that in iine pJedeed"" to endeavor to fncreQe with Howe and Yrencb, wboM lillcbt be an additional $120Q per five---Year while they ·uved underst&ndlng ~f !he United Na-economic interesta lay in whole-year. They authorized the ex-in the lri &tional Settlema:\t tions charte; m support ot world 8'tte c:hemiJtry, but Tom's interest penditure. . outside thel)..~lled city of Tlerit8lj, peace, to aid returnlng veterans, lflade a· switch and he went with the dty w eged elcht timls ' rrs YOUR .GLANDS! .. P1"M&ate IJerlraeM, Be••·• ~ ........ ,. , I ' I . ·aai ,.a.._.~..,.... tee'h& ta w--. 1.-ef ~ -··~-Ttred" ._.._____...._.__ -o ... wbic ow .._ .,..;;-;:: . Anemf··fiii\~L;; ..... Pr0•111N •• )' I .uu.-J:.eeem• ~........ ·~ ... lieut: OWaetl s, .r epcm11 ~to Oar Es:dtlllh-e Glaad Teetmllpe tew1111I, tllnl 'ti ,_,... espert ea tie. ) . . . NO PAIN-NO D&U-0 8UllGEllY-NO IN.l&Vi'ION!li · OONSULTATION l"llEE '9y APPOINTMENT. PHONE ~ ' Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., Ph.C. strengthen democracy by personal the famous Childs· Restaurant Co. Build _today, then. strong and sure, by various lordil, and Ndt. acceptance of dtize••hlp -pons! •1--7 • St. . · ' Nw-.1: Be·•, Oom. .... ·--of Boeton. With a firm and ample bue; time aack the mllltary lea• •• .1;~ r-· The dock cat opened thil week, which was addressed tc> Rep. John and a new ta e store will be ·1ups in the United States built by the e the fishing sea-Hoose of RepresentatiVes'. IOll opens on arch 16. While s.:J' --VllC&lll the boaU _have ~n moved to a In •the petition tlle veterans nev.· location. ea owners will called attention to the 300 houses continue to ma e their homes in and apa.rtinents cla&ed, as they Newport Beach said, because base Ten~ do not b~ties, expand >:0 uth 5!:r:vtces to Childs, who have ~n conduct-And ascending: and secure who envied e o~ in power~~ ...,_: 1:81 *-1:M Min_,. ... ~ build character and ci~hlp, Ing a thriving meal-dilpenslnc1~~S~hall~-~t~"""~""~~aw~~fln@d~l~tl~pla~""~-~in~th~e~d~ty~.B~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;:::~j~ and to mobilize public opinion in business along the eastern cout in -1 support of individual enterprise many cities for over 56 yeai;a, be- and opportunity. lieve in a tboroua:h training in all comJM;nsate sufficiently for • cost Try wortdne today's aoawatd qf repair, rene\1(8.J _and overhead. puzzle. ,.I Also ownen re~ to _rent under pr6ent six months evlcllon notice. Suggested 'changes lnClude, (1) OPA legalize agn!emen\s between landloM and tenant which would guarantee tennlnation of l~ without lengthy eviction proceed- ing; (2). allow increa.ge in rents to those underpriced; and (3). allow The Kiwanis clab of Newport phases of the bualness for em- Harbor wtll observe the 31st annl-ployes, ao Tom found himselt versary of the organization at a. starting as fountain man in such meeting to be held at noon Fr-I-cities as Boston Albany and New day, Jan. 25, at White's Coffee Haven. ' SbQp in Balboa, Oub President For a period of a y~ar Tom ob-- Fayette Blower said today. A served work Ln the fountain meat' feature of the OOservan•ce will be cutting tn the storerooms baking the reading of a message from try cookery, salad making and f~ ~Bn?"ton Holt: ·president of J:G-a time, tantalized sidewalk passer- . arus International. The admin-bys by fancy handiwork of a fa- istrative theme tor 1946: "Build mous Childs trademark the flip. for P~ace, U~ty, Opportunity," al-ping of flapjacks in th~ windows. ~ will be discussed at the meet... In 1940 while manager of a unit, ing. Tom otitained a leave of absence ------r-t---~-----------------from Childs and established the US!: FULL MEASURE poSt exchange at Camp Edwards I OONCRETE PRODUCTS OOMPANY B LLOW BUILDING TIU: AND BRICK -WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor --Plant Loca ted at-- 1560 Newport .Road, Costa Mesa Don't ~tte~pt to divide cake iMass. It was then back to Chit~ and cookie recipes. They are best, again for duty in Boston and believes Mrs._ Julia Kiene. director Tre"nton, once again as manager. of t~e We~tingh~use Home Eco-In 1932 Tom and his family, con-nom~cs fnst1tute, 1f .the full meas-slsting then of his wife and two ure is used. And since they keep daughters, came west and he join- weH. pl an to bak<' enough for sev-ed Consolidated Aircraft Corp., \.-----,..;--->~-----------------' eral meals. where he bec~me employment re-surve~ of rt · h manager for ihe corporation's Ph. ORGE D. BASSEIT General Accounting ishernien's Bookkeeping INCOME TA.ic SERVICE • . J·-ce a1n areas w ere r--' 1 t I h 'I · h local officials are will ing to defray· ~er .P an s. 1 \\•as \\" 1 er \\"It cost on pla n similar to census bu-~onsoltda ted that J\·tr. Norton reau procedure 'for t a.ki ng special 11v~ :°n Balbo~ Island and took_ on cen~us popula tion figures. Also add1t1?na l du~1es as U'aman __ first the opening of the SAA.AB under cla!~ 1n the coast guard aux:1l~ary, a nn~' OJX'ration for-both single and serving 12 hours a "'l'<'k at nigh t. married v'eterans would help they In. June of last year Tom leased agreed. ' the. Bay S~ore _cafe from Heinz The committee of veterans who Kaiser and 1s assisted by Mr. p ave signed _th e petition "'as listed as: P atterson \".ho \~:~s associated as Russell Dietrich formerly of the head chef \\'Ith Childs for 18 years 2602 W. u . S. Air Corps\ Shirley \Va.Iker. and is now chef at the local cafe. I f0rmerly of the \Vomen"s Reserve. At his home o~er the _·care To~ Central Ave. l~ u . S. Ma rine corps, and James has an opportunity to indulge 1n Newport Beach j j Annear. formerly of the U. 1 s. his ho~by of pipe collecting, enjoy \.-----_,"---------------------' l\1arine corps. the climate and ocean. both of ------4'-----------------------------------,[which he is highly in favor of, and I . . has .... for BABY'S COMFORT! Just i;.ectived a shipment of Quality Furniture . , , No seconds • , • No job lots! NATIONALLY FAMOUS QUALITY Quality Cribs I Ste SHOWER GIITS 'Our Shower Gin Oe,pa.rtment 11 RCOnd to nooe I Mate y0ur 01end happy w1tb a Olft ~ the Wheeler Shop Seal of Quality. A few &Ul- gesttoD& CUddle Nests, Bunt.- lnp, Blankets, Crib Spread.< and dor.em of tbinp wtlScb are ~ptable to the young mother1 Always QUALITY a t. I UUllg Ul&L'I baps B•bJ C--In Comll 1n &nd ---f-'1 Dl!W i .......... l Shop. THE BEAL OP QUALITY Special KROLL CARRIAGES For ThD Week! Beauutul B&.rdwood Crib featur- lnl' noo. .-pobooow: fl.n.bb, aim Wet-Proof Ma~tre:a a D d 8teeJ wiTR TIOLET L•1' COVZU FO& 8~ llATBS corr"°"'.::.,._~ an_ n11'0,,.117 famou. $ l2. 95 up ~= i:r": $29.95 Girls r.ess Dept. -ltoH. b1 n1CtooaU, f>a- IUcb .. Pie- d • b1 ICA1 Lewll. J-Loni PUil- • OLUIGll COUNTY'S LEADING "QUALITY 8~ llDlTB TO FOUllTUN YEAll8 1,W'HEELER BAI~ & JUVENILE SHOP' -A1CD Mall. B. \',TA~ OWl'i&U ' , 415 North Sycamore s- TWO -Jirom· OP LlHIWl'll ftUl'BOD - -ll01Jllll: DAILY t .&, .. TO I :• P ... a.tnmDAYB, t .&, .. TO I :• P ... SANTA tNA • dream or the luxury-boat that will be his, he says, on retirement . Carryi ng on the Heinz Kaiser tradition. Tom Norton is determ- ined to main,tain lf high degree of quality in meats, which he cuts himself, a nd other edibles, and also of service. It is not uncom· mon to find a cclebrity or two eating at the cafe en r oute to or from S an Diego. UNDER-INFLATlO:S BOGEY It is not a)\~'ays lack of oil vr grease in steering units that makes steering hard, says the sen .rice department of the Na- tional Automobile Club. Under- inOation or the tires. more than ~nder-Jubrication is the cause. All the great masterful races have been fighting races. Coward- ice in a race, as in an individual, is the unpardonable sin. -Theo- dore Roosevelt. AGAIN! • FRESH MEATS. • Plenty . • Same Fine Quality. -§- Bal boa Market and Delicatessen Anita &-Lyle 708 E, Central Bal'- Beer ' · Wines !Jquei:s Whiskey BooCa .... Boy Kee-! him wl Bay, a.o,... n-191 ' I I ; ' , • • . . See it! H r it! Adtion Wb.irls! I MGM's usical roma,nce in Technicolor ·t Epic of a famous a ing Place ! Hearts, Hei;oism and H appiness in a Harvei ouse!. When the Santa Fe, back.in the last century, pushed its on out through the West, Fred Han·ey followed with ''civ 1· ed" eating places 'along the raiJ. , road. Waitresses were ladi s. Food was good. Harvey Houses along the Santa Fe became ational .instirotion. . I • Stir U'I) the H~,r .Honse Girls serving beefsteak aod coffee in a witJ and wooll)i" frontier town, add a handso~e Western_ hero and a crooked Western political boss, season -:ith~veo hit songs, including tbal toot-toot·tootingest hit, "On the AtChisoo, Topeka aod The Santa Fe,'.' produce it underiamous MGM pr0: ducers, wrap it all up in Techn.icolor and you have .something! I I You . met ' her in St. ouis. She made your b ean .ticktock in "The· Cloe .''Now she'll put your hair in airls in "The Harvr Girl.so" Who-0-0?· No- body but Judy Garland. Neve such a 1oog for Judy 10 sing a.s "On the Atchlsoo, To ka and The Santa Fe.'' Never such a part for Judy t play. She carries coffee -sings songis. She C\U'bs · e. She rates romance- and she bog-ties ~er ·hero a.s e lights go up. ~ P- W"lllllillgest cast of HNI West Along wirh Judy you got Ho·Mf.. JOHN HODIAL PIESTOM F0STU as rho wkio~ YillalL Flo4-of-lho-yw All6!U l.AllSIUIT. IAY IOl.611 willl lho tmky !I -""' Vll&IMIA 0 RIEM. 1lloso taooltal tulups. llAlJO llAIM lllltl CHl1 WlllS. Allll lElAIY WO, llcd. la ,.ltam, rr..I. tn. hlllwvr lllltl radio "''""" ""~. aol d . '" .. -.1..... ..... JOffilT llllCEl aod llWT llAll!ll. lodudlng 1111 Hit of Hits. "Oa rho A a. Topeka aad 11oo Soito h." • Yoo tit llrodlao tN ......... ., ll&ll's-"°"' Slaoy aad·Artloor · frootAMallaTsdlokolor. Historically ·'The Hf.n~ GUU" smr up with Sf"-re. 0ar railroad and their eating pushed through the 5!"!'1'wat aod Wat wbeo towns wue times wue cough, aod a It's -45 was a maa'1 .-dard equi Today, the 70·yar-old Fred Haney ClllCDP""J'-Which h.u the m•n•geaoenc of the same Haney ' family £or dlree geMr&Cio ~ Santa Fe _cliain can aod tbe Fred Huttf houls a.ad locacsed along the railroad. ......__ u.-r,_,~ ,, · · ,.IJ.f a -'--•--7-~ I . · · • .1.11111" aw..,,.1 uuu u a----an wuu~-ecrem1nmem: cbe encire fmiily will eii' I 'llVouh yoar newspepcn fur ·n- ~. I (Santa Fe \~ ./ -OQ wbiea "1'lse " will be in -. . , ----. ----- . ' . NTA FE SYS EM LINES ........................... . ' • • , I - I ·11 • . .. .. ' I JVJ ' .. I ' ' I • . I ' . • • • • • • • • Girl Gave Lift; He Her Car; a . M&WHMI .. , .... W&WW • =: ~~ ~~ Prepare .for $2.5,0oo Santa Maria ~ ~":'.:::;-of .. sailor Stakes Next Saturday at Santa Anita driving a similar "'!' In Balboa: ' • durinc that .... enln&. &ad lri a lbort The fourth week of racing at ----------- at 19th and time it was found ;md returned Santa Anita Park, which got wi--· • ' • Mesa. p.ve a to"""· The ._ied ithJef was not der way. Tuesday will build up Men ID Semce . onn a ride In app'ebenckd. through a series of rich ~t S b • A Great Job to Do , but alter park· For -·..... reou1u """ News· punes to a smashing cllinax this U Jttt to Satoe ~~~~~~f,~Place~~·-~~~~~~~~.,~~~~~=-;::_::: coming Saturday, January 26, In Jn -,..... Sat· !n the News-Tims! the eighth running of the $25,000 . oome Tax Laws added Santa M.a.ci.a atakes. Thia race will mark the second featW'ed 333 ' MALTS CE P.A.PALMER LIDOLSU!~ • • 0 . BUCK -Insurance Counselor 1500 VIA. LIDO ~.t.t CALIFORNIA Fountain· Service at HANSEN'S . I Ocean Front ' Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS • SANDWICHES • HAMBURGEP..S , Ice Cream to Take Out outing ror three-year-old fillies. "Members ol the armed forces and will lengthen them out to·the are sy.bJcct to federal inCome tax mile distance, as against the six laws the same as civlHans even furlongs of the earlier Santa Su-though they are given the benefit sana stakes. of many special allowances and The Santa Maria carries the so-exemptions," Collector of Internal Revenue Harn· C. Westover de-called "weaker sex'' one rung fur-els.red today. ther up the ladder towArd the $100,boO Santa Anita derby, to be "If they are req~~ to file re-- run on February 23, and the longer turns, se:n~men ins!de, the con- route will definitely whittle do~ .tinental 11nuts of the United States t he eHgibles for. the latter classic. m';15t do 50 on 9l' before March 15. The race, besides being.an import-. 'The due date for personnel out- ant event in the three-year-old side continental United States is schedule , takes high rank in the the l~th day of-the sixth month banner offerings given by the Los f~llowmg retunt to the U. S., pro- Angeles Turf club for fillies and vided such return was any time mares. It will be followed by the after Jan. 1, 1945. Those \\'ho came Higgi s BQa.ts Expec d -_in March Santa Barbara stakes, and the back tt>fore _that date wer e al-W ith our help the Vic tory Qolh- $50.000 added Santa , Margar ita. low~ approximately four months lng .Collection stands r eady to do richest race in the world for this to~.fTh1le. ·r r . most of the job-the greatest 1job division. e \\'l e o a senriccman over-of putting warm c1othlng on Chin- seas m ust file a return by the ese men. women a nd children and Novv t t Andre"' J . Higgim normal due date reporting one-new hope in loyal Olinese hearts. industries have . resumed boat half of the total community gross We must a11 act immediateJy 8-nd building i New Orleans. models inoome and claiming credit for enthusiastically and wholeheart-arl' eXpc(' "d to start sliding off one-half of the totRI withholdings. edly to make this collection an the asscm ly li ne \Vithin the next VFW Says California Will Have 3,000,000 Veteran Population provided she r eceived at least oveT'\\'helming success. few \VN'k , and by l\1arch 15 the S1200 during the year. She may, • ne\\·I~" l'St blished sho,vrooms here S AN FRANCISCO.-Discharged ho\_v~ver. reserve .the right to rile Viele Plumbing shol1ld ha c· several on· display, it service men 00,v pouring into Cali-a Joint return with her husband ,,·as the pinion of Dale _,\Vat ts, fornia rrom every section of the ' after he com<'s back . to this ~u~-1 Work s Sold to distributo on Coast high,vay. country are rapidly creating t he try. I f she const~ct1vely recc-1vro • \Vatts aikcd \vi.th a Higgins E-.G GS 'F, RESH· EVS&Y II A Y I ~her and . Building Materials · Bay District Lumber C9 : r-,_ _ ; ..... UllO ' ·118 ()O.&!IT MORWAY . AT Tiii: AJICllM . GORDON B."FINDLAY CONTRACTOR and O!ftce: SUO 'Coast Rini .. ,. • I BUILDER ftlone 41! CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS and MILI.WORK largest labor pool in the history tes .. than S1200 1n th(' year, she Smith Brothers repr~ent 1ivc just bcfor(' the holi-T. c . J ohmon, Supt. • of the slate according to Richard nC'<'d not file until her husban~ re-days and \\·as gratified 10: he ar 407 SOtb St. Ph.: i3.88·J N . Ne\vhall. ~partment Com-turns. Sale of th~ Viele Plun1bing and that the an1ous "·artin1e iru11der ~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ mander of the Vl'.'terans of Foreign '"Perh_aps the most d rastic ~h~t ]\:fetal i\\'orks by l\frs. Calla of boats ·as r ea d:: to get back \Vars. I changl' in thl' prt'sent revcnuc la\v \'ielC' of Costa 1\.1esa to her sons into ?Jn"lruc-ti.on <1ftl'r. strik~rs ) • ' I I 114 '\f. 4th St. 548 Pine Ave. S~A ANA Pho1!e S. A. 6688 LONG BEACH l'h.. L B. 6'.!.f -07 ' . • r Re~rninfJ Boys · nt to Call Home ' , the war iso' r overs.s f.itas (de-phone ca.llsarc cerned. There are more cills to handle than eTet. ill you bclf ha.odle the thousands of alb. our rcllw>li'ng s.cn'ice men are making as they active in uthcm California on the way ho me? There is n ·ag these boys wuit more.than ro tdcpbooe • h~e, and we need more ~ls t~ hand.le their~ ywrul< lcsming.Pmn>nen< 1obs. Good """"g n withfttquen<inacases. Th<f<isprobably•!d.,.. pb neollia:oeuyourbomewben:youcould......k. lF ask the Op<nro< fa: the Oiicf Opcnror. .. hf> will gi•• you the address of 11.11 emplormait mou cooftniecu: foe you. • I ~ or -Mrs. a.hi 100 E. Bay, Balboa ' Newhall said that inforrpation dl'clarcs that all' acli,·c service Bertren and Lt-ster Smith \\•as a_n. had tied p his extensive act1v- furnishcd. him by the u . s. Vet-1 pay of membc-rs belO\\' the rank nounced !Rst \\·('(-"k by the former1 itics th!' . \\1hile no promises erans Admine;tration and the U. s. of commissioncd.-ofri('"('rs or con1-0,,'ller. · ha\"e lx---c n1 adc, the dC'a lcr ,,·ho Employment Service indicate that I missioned ,,·arrant off~cers. is '.I;'hc busin{'SS tocatl'd a t 1829 moved in the ne\\' E. M . Smith 'G-,liforni ~fs ~lischargcd "·ar vet-exempt from .. in~on1e tax.:· ":est-Nc\\·port boulC'vard \vas establish· I building o Coast highway a few ('~an population \\'ill skyrocket to over statM. This exemption goes ed. bac k in 1915 bv Fred Viele who \vccks a~ says that they should 1,1150.000 by July 1 and tha t wh<'n back to Jan. 1, 1941. lat<'r sold his ·interest to his ha,·e man · of the· 14 models for demobilization is completed Cali-brother. th{' lat<' Ralph Vic){'. display b n1ir!-.\pril. and .delivery fornia will have a veteran popu-New Cases Mllmps, After the dl'ath .or hC'r husband soon afte1 ·ard. Jation in cxCt'ss or 3.000.000. larg -Measles 1.n Mesa in 1941 . Mrs. Calla Viele decided -+------ t>st of any slate. to continue as proprii'trcss. ••nil,....,..,. -...·\'E"T A d H ho ,yo,vvvvvv.000 J:., ~ ED \\·atch tne C~C:&Mi!ied Columns, ' Quality Lumber -and Building Material1 • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOST ETLER P hone 41 n . ar r Area Bertren Smilh. wbo has recenl- Jy b«>n made manager. •s chief or Life ic~urancc companies go''' Costa 11.lc>Sa·s fire department and• have mnr-Q than S.1 .000,CKlO,()f(I · in- Two cases of mumps and one caS<' of measles \\"l'rc Costa ~1esa's contribut ion to th<' Orange county communicable d isc>asc rL'cord for the past t,,.o \veeks. it was an- nounced bY health ofric.i~ls this \veck. a member of the chamber of com· I vested it' mortgages covering mercc. L:cs!C'r \vas dischar ged. as homes nn housing for An1e rican tochnical sergeant ·in the army air families. a a ll-tin1e peak for such forces on Nov. 3 of last year. financing id. The CQmpaniC's are no\\' prep r{'d for a still greater Enos Kirsey 92 r ole in post-\var housing. At IC'ast ' ' one billi oq dollars \viii be avail-Passes A way at able for ne\V n1 ortgagcs l'ach year Newport Hts. Home in •h• early post-war years. Ne"·port Beach area "'as slight· Jy more bcd·ridden \\;th German m<'aslcs claiming two. ol'dinar y measles thr('('. mumps three, and r'r;~~~;:;;;:;;~;:;;c::;;:;:;;-1 one case or tuix'rrulosis reported. 6 A rE>sidcnt of t he Nc>\vport arf'a , for the past 23 yC'arS. Enos Clark T r y working today's Cf'OSS\vord Kirs<'y, 92, pas~cd a\,·ay at his puzzle. home in NC'''1>0rt H l'ig hts last ;=============.'...::============::; Thursdi\y evening, Jan. 17. . , Mr . Kirsey, a r etired car penter . Newport. Balboa Tourist Bureau was born in Hendricks county. All Mod f Tra 1 Euro Amo. I ndiana. , es O ve to pe, Mexico, Hawaii H e is survived by his wifl'. Round-the-World Trips in the n ear future. See Blanche. a married daughter and Mrs. Roy K eene. Ph. S91. SOl Palm, Balboa a brother. D. A. K irsey of Indiana. H lo I 8 Funer al arrangements \\'ere by oun: a. m. • p. m. '----------------------------'-Harold K. Grauel chapel. I Orange County Trucking Co. TRUCKS FOR HIRE General· Trucking, Hauling, Transfer l..ong and Short Hauls • 229 W. WU.On St. -Costa M- PHONES Nwpt. 200. Day&-<>r-Nwpt. 512-M, Nights SN OODLES Sunday dinner guests at the I home of ~1-r. and Mrs. J.I. 0. Ring, 306 Grand c&nal, Ba lboa Island,\ were l\lrs. Ring's paren ts. Mr .. a nd l\1"rs. Gordon Holllngshead, West- \Vood. Mr. Hollingshead is a noted I motion pic ture producer. N'EW LINE Craft Greeting Cards . !llldionery Brookings V arietv 1" C..• Rn. 0-... *'I .. C-pWllU..et~·--- \ __ 24-Ho r Tow Service Compl~~ · automobl.Je repair o.nd J.~ntenaoce .en1ce BA TT!:RIES e TIRES TUBES • ACCESSORIES h..rewport ~~~w!:~~ 124 SOth at. Co•t BlVd. Phone .. rday or Jdght) 1'20 (A glBnce prove8 the leadership of the News-Times) ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA ·FOOD SPA ~ Offers You the .F1nest Place to Dine in Orange Count~·: All New r" • • • . Even the Location · ... One-Half Mile East of Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California in the Serving of -SEAFOODS - ·ALSO YOUR kind of STEAKS -VISIT OUR KITCHEN - • Sash's Se.a Food and Fish Market Spa ' I µo1 Coast llJ&'hway (Near Seal Bea.cit.) ~ Before You Build or Remodel I . visit. oor Interesting sample a.od display roo~ Color guides, planning aids, com- prehensi\ie stock of rugs, carpeta and linoleum. · ' . . ~·-'&Dp& .(larpota . , LUD~U,M Carpet Works lift -· lhla 1!1C. PloOM !laata' Au -9.ufTA ANA . • ' / -~TCM"A ~ LAUC4H.I ... tU!'1". , - - '· ' ---· \ . t. r I • --• • I - ·- •• .. . ' • • ' • I at Cari You Spare? I I - Let's Be Ami rican! ' . I By 'CA RL VA1 DO R&.'/ •. In r:..irope and e Fa.T East. men. women, and hildren, with- out fuel to warm t elr houses or • Holy Name Mass Expected to Draw Capacity Crowd food to warm their bodieS, will Preparations have been ma de shiver a nd" sleken and die this • to handle a capacity crowd at St. winter for want of the clothing ] Vibiana·s Cathedral, Second and thitt lies Idle in Arq:erica. Main streets, Los Angele!. where In the P h!li ppin(>S men, women, I Holy Name members will attend and childrl·n •.\'ill g,b naked or in the 8:00 o·clock Mass on next Sun- rags for want of[ the summer day morning,' J a n. Z7. clothing that f\.n1erh:ans have pUt The l\1ost Reverend Archbishop away for "'lntt r an will probably J ohn J. Cantwell. D.D., "'ill cele- ne\'er \\'Car a gain. I brate the annual Communion \Ve shall not be 'rnerican if we Mas:\ on this occasion for the Holy .. ttfusc to share o r plenty. We Name mcn1bcrs. Because of the shall not be human l we forget or 1 Jargc number of representatives neglect to do it. Le us be Arncri-of the H oly Name sodeties that can. Let us be hum n . will be present, the 8 :00 o'clock Let's gi\'C' to the [Vic tory Cloth-Mass has be-en reserved entirely ing Collection for O\'erseas relief. for rtf me n. ~ Re(lreseatntivcs of their J:1arish Temporary ousing Holy Namc >;ocieties from Pomona. · -Fullerton. Santa Ana and inter-ls Predicted Y vening towns to the south, and L. A.' Supen\isor the Santa Maria Valley to the ., 1 north, will be present on this oc· • 1 casion which will mark the tenth ~ annual Ct"Jebration sponsored by LOS i\NGELESJ -Emergency 1 the Archdiocesan Holy Name housing within 30 c:(ays in the Conn , Society. of reci:>ndi tion<"d . !barracks a n d r -------- Quonset huts was1 predicted last , No Relief Seen We<'k-by L. A. coJ:tY supervisor 1 Leonard Roach. • I From Scarcity of Such units are e ted to house . Men's Clothing , forty to fifty tht:and families, Roach said. They re intended to , act as a stop ga un~.il building !J1e present shor~age of men s materials be c 0 me sufficiently swts and overcoats 1s expected to available for pe ent construe-1 last .until the · middle of 1946. a~- tion by private ntractors. cording to a statement made ~1s week by Ralph L. Carver, Vlce- "Commissioned fficers, includ-president of the Merchant Tailors tng commissioned ·df.rant of ricers, a nd . Designers Association of are exempt on th first $1500 of Amenca.. . active service mi · ary pay receiv-1 Th~ pnnc1pal cause .or the sh~rt­ ed in any one y . This exernp-age is a lack of . basic materials, Uon goes back to-an. 1, 1943." he said Car\'er . Hoy,·ever, he predict- aaid cd, manufactll!ers and custom ) WING r-.. tailors "·ill soon be able to catch up \vilh demand once woolens and other scarce materiala beomDe avaOable in sizeable .quantities. "About . t\\'O million suits a month are being demanded by r e- rurning ser~ men," Carver stated. While goveniment require- ments for \\'oolens have rapid~ dropped, he pointed· out. it y,•ill atfll be some time before yam spil)ners and ,,·eavers can readjuSt themselves to Cully meeting civil- ianr requiremtnts. RIGHT tlEfGRT OLOTllESLJNE If of aver age height, insist on a clothesline about six feet high, say \Vestinghouse' home C'COnom- ists. for then it can be reached easily. yet won't sag to the ground. lNt -1 t .. • I . EVERY NEWS-TIMES CL·ASSIF ,ED -D IS AN .. OP ·PO ·RTU -11·TY '! : Read Them for Profit .• . . Uee h~ 1 for Results,-1 • 1 ---U you. don't tlnd ~t you ~ looking fot advertiaed In this lsllue Ph~ Nl!"IV!lort ch 12 or 13 and place )'OUl'OWll adliertloetnent --- Hold Up Chang.es In Building. Permits For Apartments P~G OONTKA.Cl'OR EMPLO~'T OPFWD • BOATS. 11UPPUE8 • SPECIAL ANNOUNCDIENTS 118 BEAL l:llTATS • ---~---------,____________ ~--~--------~ {'AINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E . McDonald. 41' Old County Rd., Pb: 184-W Pre-pa.rations of fl new ordinance ao.ta Meaa 86-tlc WANTED -Woman !or house FOR SALE--$100. 16--lt. rowboat \\'Ork and as· mother's helper·; and steel er. Both Med live in or out. $100 per month. paint.. Ph: N B. 2210. 6-4tc 105 Marine Ave., Balboa 1'Jand. FOR SALE-1 &-2tc 411 No. Bay Washing Machines I Repaired . PaJU For All Mak• Pick u.p a.ad DelJveri. I scJlt1LER'S ' WulW>g'Macblne Sbop For Sale Balboa 'Island 2 bedr6om furnished. OlOlee Jo.. clarifying the position of lhe city ------------~ inspector governing issuing per-8U8INU8 GIJIDE 11 mits for apartments having gar-EARL PHELPS, TREE SERVICE ages on Balboa Island and which Dry Walnut wood tor sale, $21 w __ A_NT_E_D------.. --I land. (North I 12161-W., Waitress, Fry Cook, Dishwasher. FOR SALE-ea\ry duty 4!Hoot I seagoing , $6500: al5o ~ meter :sloop n g.Dod cOnditlon. >718 Newport Blvd, Ooota M-/ Pbone 2:263 M-tf'c cation, .near South Bay ClJttlil .. 1 1'1andl $10,500. Immediate _. sessi""r . [ Gertrude A. Waldron w'm. W. Sanford would be less than the new 600 per cord delivered.. 300 No .. Los square foot minimum allowed un-Angeles SL, Anaheim. Ph. 29'11. der the recently passed law, was 4-8tp held up by the city council for at least two weeks until the city has GE.NllRAL CONTRACTDIG, Re- an opportunity to study the way 'pair and Alterations. See Ji"r&nJI: almilar apartmentB are h&ndled. in Pellkote.r. ~ Finley ave., New: Laguna Beach. port Beac:b.. Pb. 14:98·». 4S..ttc BAY SHORE CAFE 17th & Coast Highway Newport Beach Phone 2344 3-tfc .. 'Ibis situation arose out of a letter sent to the council in i.,. · BICYCLES FOR SALE-Hoover. P erfect COD· half of Arthur Andenon who Sold, Rented or Repaired.. d.ition. with all attachJtlentJ:. Ph: wants to build on a small lot on VOGEL'S 1583-W. 5-2tc the island. In a n informal discus-100 Main St.. Bal~ slon with the mayor and a cound.l-208 lla.rine, B&Jbo& Ialand. FOR SALE-Irlllh Setter, male, 2 man &.s · well as the city inspector H-t:to years old. 206 Walnut, Ne'NJ)Ort the position of the owner was out-=:-:-:==-==-------:U::;; Beach. 5-2tp Bll:AVTY AIDll lined, giving his pro~ plan for ;:.:=~"-=~-=====--1 FOR SALE--1 Buck Stove, gu- -FOB-llENT · tl At Swales y cht dine. 6--2tc ROOMS TO R.ENT------521 Balboa &-itp 0%-FT.' Ugh wei t Weldwood Skiff, unpai led. top car- rier. m :oo. .Call after 5 p.m. Fri., Mon. or Wed. Amethyst St., Balboa 5-4tc now. • w tts Ph. 1104 83-ttc Street, Costa ?..1esa. LARGE ROOM. -Separate en· trance. Cl05e to bath; to' sincle man. 51& 36th S\. 6--2tc WANTED TO RENT or lease, un- furnl5hed houoe. Phone 1850-R. ' 5--11c WANT -APARTMENT. any me,, any, price. O. H . Grigg, 1016 Lowell St, Sanla Ana. Pl;tone Santa Ana 1579.' 6--4tc less than a 600 square toot apart-OOLD and .MACH1NELSSS electric combinatloo, $25. 1100 il"IIUlni:i"°IBQiQimrwm~1TS8Tllt'iiimS:= ment and garage. w AVES E. Central, Balboa. &-ltc c-0-;rwo, :£-. 1"Qom ntlllo. w ANT TO RENTj-Small a pt. or Lester Isbell did not belie .. ·e an Tlntlnl' and Ma.nJcurin« 001 nxect:. . .em d Port&bl• house for two peOple 3 or 4 moa. exception should be made in this &:venlllg Appolntmenta Ph. lT•W FOR SALE-9x12 rug and Ozite now avana e. .8 ·HoKIN • Gall Crestview l-o345 Beverly case, but until a thorough study Vi's Beautv Shop pad, $10. Phone N. B. 1639-W. GALV.Al\ moo Hlgl>way. Hills. Reverse charges. 6--2tp is made of th e matter, If it worlu 1108 Cout Blway, 6orona.del Mar 6-atc Phone 1354. VS.tfc a hardship on many, that the pres-78.11< WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE FOR SALE -Overcoat, suitable ed ent ordinance be kept. r-{o stand for man going east. New (Gor-CONSULT us about MAR.mE IN--Up to $125 per_ m o., furnish was taken on the proposal, but a BB.ALTS AID8 IO c;lon F erguson} black chenille, STALLATI<?NS REPAIRS. or unfurnished 3-bedroom house study of LagunJl Beach ordinances heavy satin lining, size 42. Call Expert teclprlci , ruaranteed or equiv .• Referehces. Ph: N. B. governing Jmall apartments wUJ Sickroom Supplies N. B-550-M. 6--tfc service. nu; sam high quality 1652-J. 6--4tc be made before the next meeting. Bed Pam and Etc. work on marine adio that has BACON AT ITS BEST • Newport Pharmacy 2108 Ocean Front -Phone 5 • 6-ltc F OR SALE -Man's light-weight made our other · es of radio o v ~ r coat, new, herringbone service t oughout the weave, blue, size 42. Call N. B. Harbor are A RADIO & 550-M. &-tfc ELECTRO .. 1794 New- p:.1rt Blvd. r3-tfc WANTED-Small apt. or house for discharged service man, W e and child. The need is urgent. Mrs. Joe De T emple, Ph: New- Port 88. 4--2tp Broker · Phone 234--R. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 9 Untta. 2 Loll. $16,500 -' Several Good Bay Front Lots I - 1-lf~ Corner Income Lot El Bayo Tract, $3,250 Hotises $6,500 and up W. L. Jordan - "' 700 lllut Central, Balbo& Phone 153 5-tfc 2 B-edroom Home Fumlabed On Little Island. • Bay View. $9750 Gertrude A. W aldOOn Wm. W. Sanford Broker Phone 234-R 5--11c To keep bacon from curlini when it's to be used as a decora- tion and ought to fook its very best, Westinghouse home econ- omists dip it once in water before placing It in the frying pan. It v.·on't splatter either if the pan is cool. EMPLOYMENT WANTED U WILL TAKE CARE of Children. FOR SALE T Used once. pure Linen, large Dinner Cloth, 8 napkins, $45.00. New linen 54x54 cloth, $10.00. 124 · E . Central, Apt. 2 after 7 p.m. 6-2tp 1 ' 14-MO.-OLD BOY "rants home for 1------------- Gather Ye 'Roaebuds Corona del Mar. Phone N . B. 550-M. 2-tfc \V1LL care for children evenings. 330 Del Mar St., Costa Mesa. 6-ltc EMPLOYMENT OFFERED INT E ·R EST ING WORK Pleasant Working Conditions Learn TELEPHONE OPERATING Increased' wage rates now In effecl Al>ply Southern California Telephone Company 100 E. Bay AYe., Balboa or. 5141,9 North 'Main Street Santa Ana or Aak the o perator for the Chief Opera19r 86-t!C THOR MANGLE for sale. Radios ·repaired, 24-hour senice. Short Circuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm Ave., Balboa. Phone 16J8..W. J:-tfc MOTOR 31 h. p. S epp rd Diesel 10 h .. F Icons 2 h.p. Bri Har: I a~t Equi me 111 Agate Ph self and parents. Promises to keep them foeing the mark. Oc- cupancy F eb. 1. Balboa Point Hotel, Apt. No. /12. Phone N. B. 2722. -3-4tp WANTED by , responsible TE!le- phone Employee. 2 or 3 bedroom house. Pefn:anent. Phone Santa Ana 5829. 80-tfc . REAL ESTATE CIRCULATING E ltttric. Heaters, only $7.95. Health Lamps. Ultra- violet, Infra-Red, Verdi-Ray. Batteries for Hearing · Aids & Portable Radios. l\i.ESA R ADIO & ELECTRONICS CO., 1794lr::=::--::---:-::---,---,C-:-=lt----.---&--2-::tc Newport Blvd. 3-t!c MUSICAL A " M EVA F. RHODEN Boulevard Frontage Large fron tage on Harbor Blvd., very close to Cente r of Costa 1\1<-sa. This excellent· location is well .suit~ for many types of businesses. A lovely 5-rm. home is included on the property. Fire Place and Kindling WOOD Delivered H. W. WRIGHT-Ph. 1784 Newport Blvd. 2030 3-~c CORONADO Electric Range, $178 Immediate Delivery Auto Batteries 18-month -$6.45 Ex .. Pennsylvania Oil Galion, 70C Western Auto Supply Authorized E>ealer 1836 Newpor-t Blvd., Costa Mes 3-tfc THE RADIO .TE CIAN is as near as your pho e. HoUse calls made daily exce t Sat. & Sun. Large stock of t bes & factory replacement · ts to insure quality service. PHONE: 345 MESA RADIO ELECTRON· l (:S CO., 1794 N wport Blvd.· 3-tfc RADIO HOt;E LLB -Now that add!U mpetent tech- nlclan.s are v&il a le, we are able to make a 1rvice calh on large coosoles. 1 w k gua.rante¢. HAROLD Hjo.MJI!'.., S. O. S. Radio, 21~ e. Pb: 780. .Newport •Heights Ne\v · 3-bedrm. homes, now com- pleted. in Heights. Ready for oc- cupancy. 'fht>Se homes have large r oonis, lots of tile work, pull~ man lavatories, manY cupboards an'd linen storage space, etc. Now open for inspection. $8500 -Terms 94-ttc -~---+--+------1 Extra Jarg~ Jot in Newport Hghts. Rad · pall"S $1200 ·' LOTS All makee ;. tu etc. Ph. 2417. Two lots, 82Jh xl35, on West side. U d B. 1 Burt Nortob, 91 c...t H iway. $650 each se lCYC es Newport Bf-cl'-93·11< 2 lots, 58xl80. Close to Costa Mesa Balboa Island For SaJe-3 bedrooms, completely furnished, electric refrtger atlon. 40-ft. lot, near South Bay, $9000. % cash. P ossession at close: of escrow. Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford · Broker Phone 234-R. New 3-Bedroom Hollies 1-ttc Fifteenth St . &nd San Bernardino Ave., Ne,vport H eighti ' Hardwood floors-Tile bath Tile sink-Double g"J'age . $2900 dov.rn-$56 per '\'Onth -a!S<>- 12 mOdern 2-bedrm. Duplexes at Broadway and Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa , Ralph P. Maskey 3410 Cout Blvd. '·, Newport Beach, Callfornla Phone 402 3-tfc Newport Heights Modern, well-built, 2·bedntl. home. Large living room, mahogany flooring, firPplace, dlnnette, tile kitche n and bath. Laundry tray in 2-car garage, Patio. Lot com- pletely fenced and landscap!!d. and Tandems !!~~~~~~~~~~j WANTED-HOTEL 1'A<I>. Ballloa Adult m eo-!-$10 Up llPlDOUL ANNO ~......... . $1000 each • - Inn. Ph<>oe eeo. 8-11< VoGEL-too Main St., Balboa. ' iD l'a' y 50•127 ft. lot near High School Gertrude A. Waldron Excellent value at $10,500. THIS nyon print lhowt iti pretty border to ezcellmt adn.nia,.e in thi• poay-pickcr drne. The new turn-ha.ck cap aleevt:t match the bordtted collar. A rayon du. like tJU1 ii cool to wear-and _.,. to care (ot becaUH the tt:mi-lheer rayon fabric bu pallNd laboratory waabing and wear team LooJr: for informati•e labe.la on n:ron fabrica to tell 70D about wuhability. , 19-15 TIDE TABLES JANUARY Low 7:SZ l . \ 8:16 1.7 · 92-tfc iD Newport Heights. HELP WANTED -Want r efined1___________ $1100 Wm, A.,Sanford woman to assist mother of 2 Just Arrived Refinish y kit en ,bathroom One of choicest lots on Cli!f Drive. Broker children. Room. 008.rd and sal-Fresh Hearing Aid with e board. A corner Jot 50X170. It .hils an un-_P_ho_n_e_234-__ R ____ ---,---__ z._tt_c ary. Ph: N. B. 2210. 6--tfc BATTERIES -' .. celled view of the harbor. CORONA DEL MAR _: Best . lot HELP WANTED-Woman to do Gunderoorl Drog Co. F. P. W ldron $3750 . . available on Orchid. hall block light housekeeping. Room, board 117 llaJib st. Ph. GlS Telephone 234W 3-4tc The adjoining lot to Ocean front, $6000. Owner, and wages. Doyle. 611 No. Bay 60-11cl----.-. _R_E_C-+------$3~00 Box 153, Corona de! Mar. Phone Ft-ont, Balboa Island. 5-tfc with your 1 Cor. lot 39th & COast Bl, Newport. ·N. B. 2055 or Terminal 302-13. P u eL1c NoTICES my office this 16th day or J anu- ary, 1946. ANN RAETZ. Notary Public in and for the County of Orange, S tate of California. '(My Commission Expires Au~. 31, 1948-l Pub.-Jan: 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12. 1946- CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS: FlcnT,OUS rtJlM NAME Floor Furnaces $1000 6--2tp _\ · O!le·1day rvice. 37.000 B . T . U. 5 acre& .on West side, ocean view. Immediat~~h~ -$49.40. Tires! an Tubes ~ $5000 100 Main st-.-Balboa Complete -L brieation FOR SALE-2 lots well located south of highway. Must be .sold t ogether, would ~e fine home-. site or 2 houses may be built on the property. Priced at only $3200_ 2-tlc Hosiery Mending Service 3-day service. Advise on the best hosiery to buy. May Worley, 224 OU. Bldg., 4th &: Ma.in, Santa Ana. 2-4tp WE RA V1t poC1 UM<1 -tor -$120. $1115, $195 up_ -,,,,. sranda sm up. Term& Some Tire and b'tte plc1ru .rm d po -for your car. ' Costa Mes service Free ·very attvice Tire Co. ce Station , Prop. ., Costa Mesa _ 2342· 4--11c for ""1t. SO y<an In a.._ 'ELE~I A PUANCES and 1 county. Danz-8chmidt FiaDO ~ MOTORS e · ed. according to aaG N . Kain. 8uta Ana. 1 -5Ue factory spedfi Uons by. DIS- WANBD TU B1TI' a ABLED S. Work guaranteed. ent: MES A RADIO &JELE ONICS CO., 1974 NeWport Jvd. 3-11c E See This New 4-room1 house. Well built, plastered. C9mplete within 2 weeks. On l acre of land,. I $4950 -=.Terms ' EVA F. RHODEN ~ Broker 470 !Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa ELTON D. BARNETI', Salesrr)an ~ Ph. Newport 1965-M \ 5--2tc H. CARDOZA SLOAN 503 Coast Blvd Corona del Mar Phone Newpor t 47 BlllAL l:STATJ: EXCHANGE 411 UP TO 1200 ACRES North New Mexico land, $25 a . Good possi- bilities. WilJ trade for a 45-ft. cruiser, sloop or schooner. Hu· paylo, 625 W. 9th St., L. A. (18). .. 6-2tc: FOR SALE-New Cape Cod house, 2 bednm., 265 BroadWay, Cilsta .. Mesa. 45 days until completed. MONEY TD LOAN . Lot all fenced If you buy now • ~. -------yoµ can choose own colors and ~ANS TO BUILD, buy, UDproYe. debrations. Phone 502. 5-2tc modembe or nttn•no-. ----;-------~·---.--Newport Bal-'hdoral Ba"-. · 2 Unit Modem. Furnlahed. • -$15,500 Half Caslt. and Loon A_...tloL - 8311 -Lido ll'elepliomo 1IOI' • l J • ' . . I ) . ·- Harbor Fourth • i ·Delegate Elected Vi !strict P .-T. A. at Fulle . President on 7 ·. ' ' .. SAIW - f-• 1 . . I • I ' ' ' I ' ' 1 esa circle t Plaits Birthday Dinner For Rosean~ ·Still F rst Meet of Year . 11r.' and ...._ c 11. ·St,111. GI . • Harbor Feminine + . -Lone ..,.....i a Nardaua a~·-dol -. , StaRedote "i fboneide· n 11U 637 DC·R ~~ ~~:;: ~"":,. blrtlmy :=:..: N<'Wprt area will be d-and Mn. Allee Birney in 11117. fedenUy U!d on · t h e Five life membenhlpo ,. • r • Phones 13 and ~ + By ,Winifred Bartire Fourth Dis Executive Bdlrd, awarded to ciutStandln& pencm -..:..===-==-=::....:=;......-----------~~--------· • Callfomlac • of Par=ta throughcut the c11str1ct. Capilla Circle, to and by Mn. Harry Bur· Mn. Rollin Br-own, tint vice-f M did< .--'""" .... e1ect-president, Calif+ eonereso .... Hear <> issions SAAAB Psychiatrist Speaker at Meeting of Business and P rofessional Women t 17 'church met at her 11lt Brin Convention 1ll6 Eut 18th •lrftt. w ed- ol their dau&bter. Riare1nn. f .. t1v1ti8 were hclil at the S. ed to the of of sixth vice-presi-the prtndple 1p<ioker of the clay. dent at the ' tqJg, held Jiin. 17 She streslled ~g legjalaUon In at Fullerton. _MA. Arthur Sipberil our s'ate and oullined the "Yarious of Or&Jl4e U . fe-e.Jected to the bUls before the convening assem· presi~cy f the following two-bly Past preside.1'ta of Fourth Db- . year term. trid: were tntrbduced by Mn. Mn. s;~~~I p-eslded at the Wayne Lawrenoei who stated that n g which· alao com--since the district! had been orean· e founding of the i2ed in 1913 that all ·but three Nattonal Co ess of Parents and presidents are aWJ living and all Te~ by Mrs. Phoebe Hearst but one were pr~nt. Fourth ots.. trict has a membenhip of 13,311 to date. SMll cafe, Balbo&. wblch llir. StBI Repo to Ch, a"ters ~· Elclateen mem1>en were Capilla Circle of Corona de1 Mar P P<_,t and lltn. Verna Anderson While most people take it for voted to gi\le $5 toward·"!e . , waf, asslsting hostess. Community churcll. Congreea-granU!d that they know exacUy of Dimes. . Presen lion of the Bonni•. mue u~ Ruth Ki.,_ led ,_ cle- hu recen!Q' oold. and wblcb - . CBY with la-.der and1 wbltt · chrysanthemums for the ..,.,. .... tional, will meet Wednesdl..J.. Jan. •-the'--:-..1-~1•· Doro Fl ch f Los ... --·• r-~.-iu h&l1 t what ts going on m . 1.e lu..u.ua, .-1~ ucnt thea Wilson. r:n-ag apter o .r·t .. 11geies, a votionals and Mrs Dale Kjpi) ~ea~~~ ~.th~~.:1 Warn:i, what they are doing ,and why, u a nounced the Saturday disgtct new unit pf the United! Daughters al~ 'nua ye~-the .,, ~ of Udo Isle will be guest speaker, matter 'ot fact moet of what they meeting at El Centro whl~ .a of the a;ir~aey, w'5 made by W.S.C.S. will have one btg U&zaar La b h are thinking, feellng and exper-group were. planning to attend Ed the ~tate president., ~"Gertrude ln i...._ tari , and Orcle 1 planned telling of the work of Dr. u ac iendng takes place in the uncon· stated that the next meeting, on Montgo!Eof Balboa lat a lunch· th li;.""'"part in it which Will be to among the illiterates of the Jltls. adous mind of which we are to-February 7, would be a Valen 'ne. eon mee of South~m~ District f~h pillow~ They a1tp alon field. the "al hour will tally unaware, according to Dr. party in charge of the new mtm. held Sa . y at the Biltmore _p~ to ererve a itay breakfaat Hostesses at IOCI and Romuald Kralgesko of the Santa ben. I hotel. f .---f the 'w .s cs· and made be Mrs. S~dn~y cr:lackbeard Ana Army Air base. speaking to Introduced u guests . were Dr. Miss 71ontgomery, assisted by t:h'' Yf&rly ~~dar of host~ . The ·Y,OWIK ~ta were - mates of RoR&nn at Newport H bor UftiOn High llthoal -~ ' .. after a ~UghUul e-in& ot - a buffet supper was ~ Attendlne were-Beverly Myers., Jacquelynn Benedict. Barb a r a Pack~. Betty J'•cldln.· ~ Yoong, Jean McCub. PegJy John- • F olJoWing luncheon served iq the basement of the Finl Meth- O<list church an amusing skit was presented by members of the Ful- lerton Council. Music was by the Women's Chorus o f Fullerton Dis- trict Junior college, directed by H arold Walberg. Mrs. Sipherd an- nounced th~ State Boa.rd plans to hold a con'\rention in San Fran· cisco May 1, 2, 3,, providing accom- modations can be obtained. Mem- ber;shiP-posters w ere displayed a round the auditorium. Another • feuional Women's club at their Dartford. Vl.rginla O'HaJTa, the UDC poss of Servlce"to Hugh thf church and before the next Mrs. Geral t e. memben of the Business and Pro-Kralgesld. F;laine Webb, Aii Mrs. JanlF5 Westphaling, awarded Oihnes are to be instaned in son, Johnny S<oflcld, ~ loZI- denon, Dick Bean. Johnn1' c.....-. We PIL 515 ·No ll&ta Street . Boom 8 -Arm<le Bullcllac C Ubauy Contains 'test Boola ... : t :SO to 5 :SO . I p.m. • 5 :SO p.m. A marriage Uceme was luued Thunday evening dinner meeting lyn Wright, E<lythe Vooburgh. Evans of \LO" Angeles, whose wife m<ietlnr members .,,, to earn a Jut week to Robert Neil Welch. at White's Park avenue cafe. . Anich, Naomi Cohen. Gene e is autho~ of "We Fbund It ln do~M each toward the fµnd. and 23, of Glendale and Barbara F. The speaker wu introduced by Andrewi and Gladys Wri'h~. Natchez.'~ 1 to report hoW they earned "it. Mrs Martin, 24, Corona del Mar. Joan Henick, health chairman Members present were CaJ-nFlle !he st te president brought to w , ~therwax was appointed to and hoetess for he evening. A K~nnedy, Cay Cosgrove, Natjllie this mee ng re~rts of .~e recent t~e charge of the cheer fund. me nt will start at the Lathrop trained psychiatrist, Dr. Kraigeski Michaud, .~rtrude Collver , N<>r.a national r>nvenoon held •n Hous-ftecetving gift.a from theii-MYs Junior High, Santa Ana, on F e b. spoke of the time when that Wade, W,m•fred. Barbre, Joyce~Pi· ton, Texap, and she also gave the te~ P als were Dor0thy , P age 4 frowi 3 to 5 o'clock. science would ta~e its place with per, Mat1e .Rolling, Mildred ~an-reports a, a luncheon meeting of VE?""a Anderson , Semone Otto' and . - -. Delegates from Newport Har-other branches of medicine and ley, Borg h11d Stephens, Mt~ ed Hollyw~ chapter held Thursday Bunny Harris. Three new mem bor. High Parent-Teacher As90-one would ~o to an expert on the Lockhut, Elaine Weiss, Marg er-at 1!1e ~ayan hotel. . bets were "welcomed, Mrs. 'Mar ciatlon were Mrs. Cunning Butler , mind as easily as to a dentist. , Ile Way, Gret},la Tubbs, Grayce1Se-Highl1dlts of the , ~nve~tion garet Madison, Mrs. .Elsie .. Mc- Mrs. Burdick, Mn. George Gay, The tnvestigations of 1 Anna vier; . . rep<>rts ere_ that CS:lifornia re· Co,llough and Mrs. Coyla Mu'nson. - • dlman, Raymond Silll. Dick WU- heim, Mr. and Mn. T . Piper .. Mr. and Mn. ow.m, ~ a.in Dickerson. Luis Nuewro and - Nell Westlake of P•.~ _White .HO.~ . Cafe __ . .PllOlle SUI! ' --. . Mrs. C. S. Ki'pp, Mrs. Wesley Fow-Freud in the patte rn beha'-?or of F ern H_obbs, Dorothy R9b1nson, c.:e1.ved ~h pr1~e for the most pub-ldrs. C. D . Kipp appointed th ler and Mrs. J errold Spangler. children during London bombings Ev.alyn R1d~r._ Hilda Bri~coe. Mer-11c1ty.,g1v n Sidney Lani~r, ;south-foilowing committee heads: ~frs ' -showed derinitely that as l t~ieir cedes V~le, Eileen Hibbitts. Dorer em poet, wh~ \\'as nominated ~or ~g , devotions; Mrs. Raymond K ~----;,..--------1 1 class in the Sister Kei;:iny treat- LagUna ilMcb, Calif. , -. Announcing the Opening of Irene's ·Balboa Beauty Shop • Wednesday, January 23rd 36511! Main Street Balboa • Above the Florence Bakery Phone 1880 for A ppointment s parents act, 80 will the chUdren ~Y Weiner, Meta ~chman, Lois tht; Hall of F ame. ~-. Llll1an E~tman, membership: Mrs. Oti act a nd me ntioned in this con-Sun~ns . Betty Barstad, ~uth P;Mcbett f Laguna Beach is state Wf:Btherwax. cheer; ~· Clyd nection an examination he had Gerrish, Alda Gorton. Do~thy ~~or o.r the . work and was Otjfo. hazaar: Mrs. Leroy Page made of a young m'an who had Sutherl~d . f\,fargaret Ege, Dt>ro-reop1~t ?f the prize. The national hospitality: Mrs. Betty Kirlby Pad • • flown 00 139 bombing missions and thea _Wilson .. Joan H errick a nd organ1za9on has pledged S5?00 dock, publicity. . t I I. f't both Maurine Cra1g.1 toward the bron ze bust o f Lanier, came ou ee mg mor e · 1 1.f · UDC ·11 · mf'ntally and physically than when .andt Cal !I· orn1a "Wl raise a h ed. I .. h M JP f paro1 . e start . · _nvestigations s ow-USiCa rogra m Of lt'liss f+dna FO\\'ler bt· Los An- ed that his childhood had been an O D d I )at h ' t · · ed ' all h ' h rgan e 1'cat1'on gees, S e IS Orlan, r ece1V exception · Y . app~ . one • Wlt highest mention for the most his- pleasant r elations exis~.1ng between J torical dfta submitted to the na-h~s parents . I Alexander F . R eilly of Los An-tional hisloria{'l In war bond sales H arbor H i P T A Ex-Bd. to Meet Tues. • I - 'Ne\\--port .Harbor H igh schoo P arent-TPacher Association execu tive boar d \Vill meet Tuesday, Jan 29 at 9 a.m. ·irl the board room oft the high school. All of ricers an~ chairmen are urged to attend ... . • Expert ' • Shoe Repairing While You Wait . ~ eee Ray Pagan - 51f) East Bay FJ:ont Next Door to Palm Olle 9 a.-m. to 6 p. m . • Perhaps the most cheering \\'Ord ge~cs. n oted organi~t. and his wife. Californi* division more tha~ to hi~. audie n<."E' was t~at a mental Alic;=e Andre\VS Rei;llY. wr.re ·~est m ade. 'the quota and received a condition of alternating ups and artists at. the dedication servtces citation from the u. s. Surgeon do\vns is e ntirely normal and that for the pipe ~rgan at Corona del General, !w hile Miss Montgomery the person who lives at an even Ma: Commun1 tly chur ch , Con_gre-received 3 Minuteman citation rate is the one in a dangerous con· gational, S':1nday afternoon. r rrom the S ecretar y of the Treas-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dition. Mrs. Re1Ily gave as conll1fllto ury I The speaker won the drawing s 0 1 0 s H ark, Hark . My Soul On F tt>. 11 Miss 1'1ontgomery prize, a set of highball glasses, and CS.helly) and The Voice In ~he will visi the RivC'rside chapter the hostess was rortunate winner Wilderness (Scott). Mr. Reilly and will guest for the night at in the blanket drawing. I t was gave. as th~ ?relude J esu, Joy of the horn or Miss Edna P ierce. New esa Cub P ack MATERNITY Dresses e Slack Suits e Suits e Robes e Jumpers BedJack'ets ~'Ian s Desiring (J . S. Bachl, \Vhere'ere You Walk <Hanael), Largo (Handel) and Romance (Grunfeld ). For the offertory he played Air o n the G String (Bach) and for the postlude, March Pla.ns Many Activities Fea,turecI By Soap fl arving was the indoor D M • Sh Triumphal (Vogt). Afte r the service tea was served work for boys of the newly formed onna -ar1e _oppe· ' 1n the social hall. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lutheran Women Form Society Den 2 o the Cub Scout Pack of 515 North 'Main St. San ta Ana Arcade Bldg, Costa 11.fr-;a which r:!}et Friday,at 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~".':~~~~~ !he h~' of \,heir Den Mother , I . Mrs. Hel n Mirf!:o\'ich, 144 Roches- You • In know a glance ... They're 'Swansdown._, Fashions with a distinct elegance ... an air of sophistication ... wonderful tailoring you associate with this fine l~bel! Turn the pages of leading rashion magazines, you'll see them. They,..e lovely! They're here exclusively! Come try them on in our spring-bright fashion salon. AU are beautifully rayon lined. • Mrs. R ichard Hub~ll was host- ess at the organization m eetirlg of the Women's Missionary Society of the Newport H ar bor Lut~eran church, at her home on Newport Island, with Mrs. Ruth S ebiers as assisting hostess at the ~ocial hour which followed the' business session. Mrs_. Theodore H aber of Costa 1'fesa was elected president and Mrs. Edward Wilcut. also of Costa Mesa, is viee-.president. Other of- ficers are Mrs. Ernest S cl;lulti, Newport Beach, secretary and Mrs. M. K! Laurie, Costa Mesa, treasUrer. 1 • Rev. Herbert C. Roth, Pastor of the church. led in devotions1 .and introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Eva Magnusson, president of the Women 's Missionary society of St. P e ter's Evangelical . church, Santa Ana . · t Costa Mes a Circle 6 Meets · Thursday 1 Mrs. E. A. Van de Walker will be hostess for the meeting of Cir- cle 6 or Costs Mesa Community church on Thursday, Jan. 24 at 2 p.m . at her home on Avocado street . This v.•ill be the first m eet- ing of the year. ' ter st , Costa Mesa, a nd base- ball was the o~tdoor fun. This as the second meeting of the pa.cl(. 't.he first one being on Jan. 11 lv:llh the meeting devoted .entirely J to working on the Den scrap bcf>k. because of the wind. The boys: have equipment for arch- ery, boxyig, baseball: football and carpen ter work and are enthusias- tic about plans for future meet- ings. I , USE BEAUTY 904 Marine A Wlnoe Balboa Island -Phone4 18Z7 Open Sa turda)'s Until May 1st Oesed on Monday W HERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART · Our aim Is to enhance Mila dy's beauty and provide· the ultimate in beauty care HEAD Ito TOE BEAUTY SERVICE Warr! Chester is Den Chief and Cu are George and Victor Moores, Dennis Ha nson. Arthur Delgado, Gordon Sutterfield and '-----------=--=-..:'.:.1cc::."'::.:._•..:•="'----------' Phillip l\firkovich. ========================= Mesa H ostess Has Frienfs for Bri dg e Mrs. Homer Mellott enter tained with bri~e Thursday . evening at her hom f .ori Flower street, Cost& Mesa, •fr'ving a dessert course. Floral d~rations brought a no te of spri~. with Chinese lilies, na r- cissus aiji other: bulb fl owers used. Telephone 1347-J • I . I • for FIVE-DAY SERVIC.E. on Cleaning and La._ndry CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS The ~~tess held high score, Mrs. Keffieth Stewart was second, Mrs. H Burdick low and Mrs. Edward Morrill held hundred honor. q.thers presept were the Mesdam'!S Ernest McOeDan, Jer-10S7 'Coast Highway rold Spangler. Claude Anderson Pick-l:Jp and Delivery Carl Philhart, >Manager - • I ' l I Frenchie's a nd M. J . Hostetler who played '---------------------------' as substitute for Mrs. Richard --------,--------------~----i Dittm8.r, who was abSent" because f · of illness. J- ' ' ' • • • . As seen in FEBltUARY CllARM I • • • . ' As ..... in . JANUARY MADEMOISEl.J.E . . i Delicatessen aad Barbecue Balboa Inn Arcade Bids- -§- Spare Ribs e Chicken Lamb • Prime Rir of Beef e Hotdogs. • Barbecued on the famous Stainless Steel Du - Sa,,...B-Q Machine. -§- Complete Stock of Shrimp e Lobsters ' ()y5ten lmpo.ted ~ Sar.U..ljo aad Anol>o .... FAC J3 ri dge Meets Wednesday A fternoo n The bridge section of the Friday Afternoon club of Costa Mesa v.·iII meet \Vednesday, J a p. 23 in the sun room of the club with MrS. G. L. Linsenbard and Mi-s. Henry Eggert as hostdses. Reservations have been made for eight or "nine tables. It was S: son for Mr. and Mn. James Tay~or. 303 Ruby avenue, Balboa Islajid, born Jan. 18 at St. Joseph hos"riitaJ. He weighed eight I 'pc>unds, f 1 Ollnce!I. '-----..,.-------+--"" l"ar 'Better . AL 'MA· Gre ting : :February -1 V~eo . Dll&lmdhe LAMPS• .... t --~-.· • .... \ l --• In choosin g your betroth •! stone jou w1 nt t he very fine~t for the price yC\u can afford to pay. ~o m•tt•r how much . you decide to inYeat, you . . ..m find tfie b • 1 t MloctiOll for yovr money ...... We'.,. a ·wic1o-choice of dla-cla In ....,Y price ra"9e. BIT!' .&Jtl I WWWO A.T n•• 'I'**s'1••X-.• -...-. • 'San. ,.... "Ce. .,.,. ...... ._-· ---··--llU l • • .. ·-' . ' . 1