HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• I .,. SAM· • for 38 years the • nn&la ~~~-­. .,,. .. Ad::outw•1 •f'ln4lll 1 a.et'._ • 1· ! " ., NEWPORT • ••• • the that goes • KIEP POsTBbl I y._ • •. • • • •• ~-~'.,......_ . .... o.a.. • .... ~ ...... N••r r • J1cas " a, a EMBRAq lNG BALBOA PENINSULA._ WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO JSU:--NEWPORT _~GHTS; .BAJ.BOA 1$LAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA HUA --VoL-mbi: mvm f NEWl'OS'j B&ACll, OALIFOlllNIA, Tmi:BDll', n:a&lJUJ' .. 1-I .. , ' . ~ :· Webb Patterson as Ci Engine.- ~~~~~~~~-' ' ' I .,,,._ • .,...=.--~~ Costa1 Mesa OpiniQns Divided , Three New Qty Department Heads 1. Named StlBDIV18IONS. An odd situation bas arisen in ap- ptoving adjacent acreage for annexation with an appar· ent contllct between county and City plllnnlng boards. ~ week the city plannen al'iiroved "Harbor Heights'', a tract of 72 lots, with the proviso that -er.I be in- stalled "within a reumable time". Almost at the same time the county planners submitted "Bay Shores," a tract Ot seYeral hwxlred lib, starting opposite Heinz Kais- er's setup, for approval with septic tanks, leaching lines, etc. but NO sewets. In the nrsi Instance 'I'. W. Hender- son makes the -annexation request and In the_ 9eCOlld 'The Irvine Co. owns the land. It is presumed that eventually Bay Shores will ask to annex. as under pres- ent rules all subdivisions within three miles of a city must apply' for approval. However, the Henderson piece is unimproved and does not need sewers yet. . On Incorporation; Some Favor W~iting, ·Others 'Joining N. B. .By Council as Patterson le~ves Job; .. - Cov~rt, Supt. of Streets; McMiiian,-1Water. Just why Bay Shores does not want sewers, even with· out city approval, seems con· trary to the first rate im- provements Jas. Irvine al- wa)is Installs on his proper- ties. One has but to refer to Ca;ta Mesa's anti-sewer con· dition tO realize what a mis- take . wOuld be made to per· mit tfils rapidly growing area to be developed with· out adequate sanitary pro- visions. It is as foolish as what has happened in the past with narrow streets, un- restricted sections. unham· pered building. If Harbor He.ights must expend $20.000 for sewers why should Bay Shores be permitted td go ahead with relics of Cl)ic Sales days. along a bay shore that becomes ·more valuable with the fleeting years! -+ + + Screwy Doming. Did you ever stop to think that it tc>- day takes from four to six months to build a moderate- sized house, as against l 0 weeks to three months in the/ pre-war days? That means at least 50% of time is wasted, which could easily produce 100,000 more homes · in I.he U. S. Why does not l!."'!ernment plan to take up th11t slack, due to slow la· bor and material, instead of greasing politicians palms to tll'j extent of· a billion? Why llOll regulate the-flow of sup- plies with some sense or cor· rect a labor situation that Henry Ford says is 34% in· efficient? + + + Maa of Bobbles. Over on Balboa. Island appears one Harry Forsythe, man. of many hobbies, who has come to neerly the last chapter of many ente~that of a photographic supply store. He comes here from ViUl Nuys, where he was sup- posed to retire four years ago to raising birds, flowers and photography. But all this \\'RS too t ame for an er.- gin~. an airplane instruc· tor. et c., etc .. so. he had to get into business harness. His 35 years in the art of taking and transferring like- nesses from lens to paper will be helpful to ama teur and pro alike. + .... + New Headache. The world do move. No\v comes ''Doc" Stricker with one of those new . fangled boat : autos, heads intQ the bay from a street end and is warned by the harbonnaster that it's ag'in the rules to launch craft over street ends. Now the question arises: when is an auto a boat and when is it an auto; also does a mobile have a right to take to the water off a street end? + + • Assemblyman. Santa Ana's Green Shef!t says Earl Stanley might run for Clyde Watson's job, as Clyde is · after State Senator Tommy Kuchel's poSt. Also is a re- port that Jim FaniuJ!ar, Huntington Beach publisher, would shy his chapeau Into. the !ll"M and that Joe &ek .. al8o,flirting with the idetL AZJY others! Sewer and Water PJ'oblems Govern Many Opinions; Cost H1kd a Detriment by Some Land Owners; Only One Against ldu Varied opmmns were expressed by several Costa Mesa residents on the question "should Ca!ta Mesa incorporate. join Newport Beach or remain in an unincorporated status?" in a symposium conducted this week by the News-Times. Death Takes Harry Rider of Balboa Island Some of those queried were in favor or immediate incorporation a nd others did not believe the community was ready or large I enough to male• this move. The se'W'er and water problems came In for their share of discussion and opinion was divided on whether incorporation would solve the problems or whether incorporation would naturally follow their solu· lions. Everyone agreed that there Death Saturday ended the were certain advantages to be career of Harry Ernest Rider:, 57, gained by Incorporation but some one of the notable figures on Bal· felt that the costs would be pro· boa Island, where he lived since hlbitive and the area could not 1919, and husband or Evalyn Rider, stand the expense. An anonymous for many years pQStmaster on the agriculturist, who incidentally, lsJand. Funeral services were held was the-only one questioned to an· Tuesday at two o'clock at Grauel I swer negatively on either pt"OJ>O'" Chapel, Costa Mesa, with grave-sltion. declared, ''if incorp:>ration side military serviCes at \Vest· comes in, I'll have to move out." minster by American Legion Post Put• Sewen •F1nt 291, its members also acting as A. L. Pinckley. druggist : '"Talk pallbearers. of inrorporation should come after Mr. Rider in the 20T and 30's the sewer situation is remedied or took an actlve inter~\ in local solved. I believe t~at inoorPora· and county politics but never U· Uon would foUOW' wtthin a )"Nr or pi.red to office. The Riders have 18 months. the solution to this lived here for 26 years. Deceased ~roblem.' ' was born in Jamestown. N. Y... Howard W . Gerrish, insurance wh~re one sister, May Rider, sur-~roker : "I ~not in .ravor of join· vives. Death was due to a heart 1ng Newport. I lhmk that we attack after a protracted illness. should incorporate now and that l\tany sorrowing frie nds attend· sewer a nd other problems . would ed the last rites, Rev. E . o. be solved after the commuruty be- GoodelJ, pastor of the Newport comes incorporated." . . Belich Church By-the-Sea. offic· La."1'. Ew"en , i:ad10 business iating. ?.tr. Rider was in the first man. . I do not be~eve tha t Costa World War and served in the M~ is ready to incorporate. I Navy and was on the retired list. believe that the best step at pres· He had been 8 member of the ent would be to join Newport local Legion Poat from its incep-Beach.". tion. Dennis. ~ogland , auto dealer: j'lncorporat1on for Costa Mesa Pallbearers and honorary pall· woV]d be the best move providing bearers for the military servi~. the COISl would not be too prohibi· named by the local legion post. tive for residents. Joining New- were as follows : Earl StanJey, port Beach would be the next bt>st M . M . M. Leonard, Harry Estus·, thing." Irvin George Gordon. Harry Wil-D. J . Dodge, justice of the Uamson:-Theodore Robins. Glenn peace: "Careful study should be q"oft, Byron Marshall, Richard 1 made by eveT')'one before either in· Whitson, and Capt. C. V. McCarty, corporation or annexation by U.S . N. retired. Newpoct be considered." • ~tor bearers were designated R W. Bartine, former president as Gus Tamplls and Ralph Randel. ot the chamber of conunerce. last Lieutenant Phillips-- On Termiital Leave First Lleut. Grant Phillips, son of l\trs. 1'farie Phillips. 139 Albert Place, Costa Mesa, arrived home recently from Japan on a 45-day terminal leav(f. He has served. as a bombardier in the South Pacific '""ith the Anny Air Forces. week presented his opinions in a speech given to the Santa Ana Boan! of Realty. Mr. Bartin• s.Ud that annexation to Newport Beach might be plausible if the citizens of tht> community decided not to incorporate. The most urgent need for Costa 1'1esa, he noted. was a .sewer system and added that more policing is a n immediate need and that soon more school faciUtirs v.ill be needed. since the commun· ity is groy,•ing rapidly. Plan Commission Approves City Property Use for Boats Seven public hearings Were heldj first hearing, the comnuss1on de·, at the city plailning commiuion cided it was too important a mat- Thursda.>' night for changes in ter to pass on then. and re-ad.,.er- zoning or set-back of properties in I tised for a second hearing. The various parts of the cit:Y. the most property had been the center of important of which was expected a city hall controversy, two of the 1 to produce a delegation opposed to' ~n wanting to place the 1 committing useage of the dty,Ci\riC building on the site. How· "'ate.r frontage of some 2000 feet ever, whrn the Central avenue along Coast hichway to any corn· site was finail)' gi\•en the green mercial venture. Howe\-V, not a I light. the matteT" of obtaining voioe was raded against a previous revenue from this long \\'aler recommendaUon or the planning frontage attracted the comm.il- c:unmission that tM: valuable sionen' attention. Last night the frontage be leased for boat sUP1 final recommendation .,.,.on unanl· and non-industrial uses comple-mous approval ot the members mentary to theui. presenL ' More than a rn >nth ago, Walt'1 OU-Heanap Lj>rlgmoor otfere a resolution to Other h•arings, not rovered else- the commission ctinl as a com-where in this issue "'ere tar set· inittee of the wtM e to recommend bat:k variances. Max R. Hann ag),:. the bay frontage be leased for use ed for a change from 20 tc; 11 ~ of -II. but not for their re(l9ir. feet for Iota I, 3 and 5 in block Also. the .auu · carried the 231. Corona del Mar. Adlacont stlpulatlon that tlle inside ancli to him. W . C. Cart.,., aJoo uk- hiaflway be utilized for ed for the same change on lots 2. buainea<o havl r to do with 4 and 6. 'Ibey were approved and ix.ta. WUi be ...commended to the <oWJ- Whm no -at tbe (0..--p._.. Oaae) M t Sh II A genentl re-organization of the department beads o/. Or ar e S the city following the resignation of R. L. Patterso11 as city engineer llJld water superintendent effective as of February 28 elevated J. B. Webb, superintendent of streets to the office "DOC" STRICKER AND AMP&hnous n:EP, -..... OD the NY Explode· None of city engineer. Bill Covert, who has been assistant super-lront _, bis home, 111% w. aay •--. Tl>o ..,......ioped ve-• intendent of streets then became superintendent, and John blcle which runs alone the hlP""7 at IO m11 .. per, or owlmo •• .U. f McMillan ~ became head of his departmenl · ~f"~~ w::!.:-:.. ..... N~~~ ~b:,.::W· lnJ·ured W•bb hu been uslstant dtr' Seek R ------;-,..----,-----':---.----·-·-•·_ .. _ .. ___ .... __ ._>_ . •ngin .. r .. well .. street super· s ezone NEW AMPHlilOUS JEEP An i~wcation of the . dang~ ;.~rJ~~~§.~~~~~2 To Bu' ·11d Hotel I ELIVERS To IOATS-11 E ~:::.~ ~~tr:: ::lls~a;,,~~:i ~ = = ::;~~e= to w;:tt~~: · which have washed ashore in and son'• former position, his salary.1 Balboa , . near Newport Beach during recent hOW'ever, wu to remain the same, n . weeks, was contained in a police it was announced by the council "'Need new yacht furnisrungs!· report over the week ettd. yesterday afternoon after a st.Ar ..------------...., \Where are you moored-we'll de-Two m en, 0 . L. Martin and Don.. chamber aeu.ion Jut Thursday I l y ~Id V t llver 'em right to your yacht." • aJd Stephen were beach-combing nighL , Opposition to a prOpo.ect change 1 2 .. ear e Such may be the answer one near the Santa Ana Rivet: mouth Webb sat in at the council in zoning from R..-1 to Cl at the To R for ~ of these fine days when Dr. Geo. late Sunday night when they heard meeting and resigned his SlJperin-end of the Balboa peninsula for C• C 'I? H. Stricker, former "Physician and. a severe explosion near the sewer tendency of streets in order to the purpose of locating a hotel on • Jty OUnCl • commander of Flotilla 26 in the outfall plant. They were almost make the pc>sition availabfe to lots 2 and 3, Block Pin Tract 518. Coast Gua rd gets a call at his new knocked down by the explosion, 'a.I-O>Vert. who has been assistant which w~re said by John Vogel, yacht furnishings sto.re, the Sea· though they were a considerable street superintendent for some the petitioner to be next to the port corrpany, which has been es· distance away. time. He assumed the position Ot · property still used .by the army .. \abli1hed in the former Hayward Notifying police, they awaited bead c4. that departmerit with a was expressed at the Thursday Lumber company office, moved to Kenny Gorton, aSsistant chief and salary vot~ him by· the council night mee.ting of the city CO\mcp. A tl·J·ear-old returned ve~ e.ran of World \\'ar ll bu taken out trnng papers for tbe coua- ctlmanic race~ HI• name la S tanley Gon.uchovsld, a sura- mer Ufe ruard ln BaJbo&. and e.lectcd presldent of the~•tudM.t body of Santa Ana Junior <lot-. legl' lut yl'ar a.fte.r he returned from the service. While Gorzuchovskl ,has· not .\·et filt!d for the race, be took out the pa~rs from City Clerk 1 Franl• Rin l'bart yest.erda.y. Fire Chlf':f Fra.nk Crocke.r admitted tha.t he did not kn.ow y,•hethe.r his protege In the fir e depa.rt- mt•nt ,, .... ~tom or not. "It'• / hard to te.11 a.bout the.e kJda," Crocker quipped. _I ,__ _____ _ 'Rochester' Will Moor Cruiser Edma Here 456 Newport boulevard, at the reserve offiettr Frank Gluer, who of $270 per month. Mrs. Newman, living acroea the crest of the hill above the Arches. rushed to the scene. Investigating, • street raised her' voice against al-· • Doc. Stricker's Shiny red and they found still hot emben ot the 8oa of Ctty Plooeer lowing the property to be zoned White amphibious Jeep which he explosive in a hole about two feel John McMillan. 80l1 ·of the foun-for busin1esS as she wanted to keep h j t b ht d t th h deep in the sand at the pumping der of the water department and . . . . as us roug own o e ar· plant. PieceS of tin from what had for many years trained in operat· J~ _r es1dent1aJ, she aaid. The ~ bor-and keeps in his garage at k--r· all tin ._, ___ ing the water svstem stationed at t1tio'1 bv tht> owner saJd that an 1112 W . Bay avenue--is the an-~n a ive g on conua.ulCJ; . · ' during the war t hat industrial uee swer to the delivery man's prayer, were strewn about. ·No one hap--· the pumptng plant, became water · fl ts djo. I his and or will be when complications sur· pened to be injured. · • 1 superintendent in the same ses-1 oh 0 a in ng proper~y, N b h di red Ilion. The council voted him a :-al· t at :t . compressor motor running rounding its use in the bay att ear Y t e me n scove an-at aU umes had made further real· smoothed out. other aluminum container stand-E'Y ~ of S270_ ~r month dential use obnoxious ing about two feet high with a lid Hia fa~ retired last fall aft('r Be .d V 1, ,_ ·. 1 The famous little jeep is a won· 1 f 40 . . aft 8el'Vlng with the city for nearly s1 etli, oge s wlter exp alned, d I I d d t locom ti·on cover ng our mm. a nt1-a1rcr , the •sscw;sm"nt had •-n r-•-~ er o an an wa er o . shells. They ~tere the only tier 50 yean. He is one of the pioneers, .d bl , h =! ~ It travels along the highway at 60 1 1 d having come here in the days be· cons1 era y on t ese ots, and d th dr. . t 1 e t In the can. an any one of . . there was no •vld•n-that .-. per, an en iven in o wa er, them could have blown up a sman l fore the oty was orgaruzed, and d "b don u~ floats with the greatest of ease, . . . WU'ked th Jd So th p army was r ea y to a a n tta being Propelled by Wh .. ls and a building, police said. I on e o u ern a· activities there , Th ffi k h · cific pier when lumber ships put · U t th t ·m I t e o tcers too t e container i I His opponent however' ,.,·d that prope e.r a e same I e.. gingerly to the station and no-In at the Newp:wt pier before .the th boats. h d I f. m.nkes about five to eight miles . . ' 1 t f th t Wh J h e army a e t the pier tif1ed the army demolition 1quad.1 um 0 e cen ury. en ° n where they had •-·n •-"ked, --• per hour In water. The explosion indicated, they McMillan sr. retired, he had passed th h . •x.,· ~ a.i..,. Shiftihg another lever starts a . ldl 80tb birthday the oldest city at l e air-rescue service wu to bilge pump, so that the boat·like it:mled tout, h t~at he~~~, emp1oye. ' be discontinued. Chairman John affair emits water which may have e m or ar 5 e 5 8 " · I Allen conCurred in this, and 1ug- been taken on in th<.".drlver's com· mersed In water, they were still New Office gested that another hearing be let Rumors th~ Eddie Anderson n 11rtment. In fact, so· many thin-dangerous. The public waa warned A new office of Public Adminis-for the next regular meeting He ....... e-to give the_m a wide bertft. and to tral£r for _Col. John J . Sailors named a committee to in-<-... (Roche1;ter of Jack Benny's pro-can be carried on at one time tlfy I f h tis had~ A'--·---A b t In ch ·----no po ice o I e or coo-Ult"IC'n ~WNM."U, u -asmu conditions supporting the petition gram ) wu about to bring his re-I with these wartime demons that tainers .similar to the t~ de9crfl>. • tile council members and Sail· I before the time the commissioners cently acquired power cruiser here one wonders if they won't cools. ed when seen on the brfdw-r (Cmrtinued on Pace Five) I meet on March 21. were confirmed by the harbor a meal while traveling alori:g I master 's o!fJce late last week. through the countryside. 1 • · Rochester waa granted a mooring At pre.sent an ordinance pro--H bo y1 cht . w· F. e Stanley May ~°:nu~ 2;1001 cruiser Edma~ on I ~1:i'.." ~:n~g ;:"'~.~er t!~~ ar r a smen 1n IV Run for State News dispatches about two !owneroftheamphibiousvehicleu F Md R the Edma waa disabled on an ove ome. But in the future when night cruise to Catalina Island uch type or craft become common, w .. ks ago carrlod th• sto tha*t he drove It Into the bay near his ·1rsts ·1n ·, WI, •nter egatta A!Sembly Post While many tho\lght the r.eporl a possibly some other arrangement , Under t!ie heading "Earl Stan- publicity stunt. those who saw the wtll be pro\'ided for owners of such With so~e o~ the boats losf~ Don Douclu jr. took finl °in the I Jey May Be Assembly Candidate," craft at San PedrQ later d enied· it. I multiple-use vehicles. In the their bearings m the fog of Fri-Oalifornia 32 clas1 with h1s ~ta-an article in thf 'green sheet ' cit The colored comedian is having the ' water, it Is subject to an e ntirely day and .u~able to f_ind the mark· mar. W~~ Franz taking th!rd 1 Santa Ana , known 88 th~ Santa single screw power boat overhaul-new set of laY.'S than on the land. ers, conditions were none too good with Alriorita. Bob Allen, son·ln·) Ana Independent indicat.,ci that ed. a nd wiU bring i t here. later. Stricke r j"ri!J run the yacht and for the 17th annual Midwinter \ law ol Walter Spicer, sailed Lady Stanley promine nt busin~ man The mooring assigned to him beach rwlnishing establishment R egatta held over the holi~y Ruth for a second in the Rhodes and re~ltor of _Newport-Beach was between A and B streets, of-f with the aid or his step-ons. Bob week end with Jarge ~ts s:a.il· 33 group and C. R. Staaf took would Uk ely be a candidate for the thC' non·residentlal part of the and w. c. \Vagner , recently dis· ing from Los Ang(jles Yacht club third with Conquistador. \assembly from the southern half peninsula. There are no race re-charged from the service. · and small boats from the Cabrillo With 13 BYC boats e ntered in of Orange county to replace Clyde strictions in granting mooring per· Beach ~Yacpt club. the ~ class, second and third Wa tson, incumbent. mi ts. it \\·3.·~ explained. Roches ter A J w T •I Saturd&¥ saw better ntlint, as pJ&ces w~ taken by Robert I Watson has . announced his in- \\·as descritx·d as being a gen tle-V3 On ater 8XI ! did ·Sunday, although winds M?re He_ndley tn Mololo and Heber t ention le r un for the post held by manly, \\·ell d rcssN:I and unusual /A Ji . W • ·I light to very soft. The Newport Ericbon ~Agnes E ._Bob and 1Thomas Kuchel, named state con- in that few of his race apparently pp cant a1ts Harbor group made a fine ·ShOW· ~tty White_. n~ted Snipe cha!11· troller by Governor Warren, and go in for aqua tic sports. j F . L d• ing, succeeding in chalking up / ptons, took first m that class Wllh I this leaves the position of assem- i or an 1ng four firsts, four seconds and tlree t Bob and Alan Andri:ws of c::o~ona blyman open in this t erritory. R . te b thirds. \Vhile Emerson Spear or del Mar second Wlth. M~hCIOUJ. I When a1ked by a r epresentative egJS r y Whil dim wouJ• Los Angelos proved th• outstand·I T. Ruby of BYC was first m P en· of th• N.l"'<~·Times before the Thu Sd •f e city coun en u . . f . . all plnL ~-r a.y I like to see water taxi servtce l ~ng per ~rmer, Wlnn1ng . raa:s , . I council meeting yestei-uaY Whe'ther W Jd V te established between the harbor in the six meter class with his Local men on t he r ace co~it· the Santa Ana reports were ODl"- YOU OU 0 and Avalon Catalina Island they Goos.. Bill Slater took second. lee were Fred Brewer. Herb Riley, lroct, Mr. Stanley replied that he Th.onday, •·Mo !8 I• the flnal dAy for r~tration for votl•C· a.nd for that matt40:r, tlllDJ for the dty eoa111dJ race to be lleld la April, It ,.... declared by Fra.k 1Uaielt.ar1., dty clerk. 1~ ·-\'oten 111&.J' ffllSter at Ute dty loall .. at U.. oe\-....i tire •tatlom before ~tp,t ti tMJ waat to vote for t~ ta...tte caHlclate la ~city eledloa. y,·ere unabl~ to promise th~ aruc· With lanai. Jim Webster and R~ll_ Cnig, b ad not made up his mind. al· · " r th · In the Ocean Racing Rule cl.as all 10 the large boat division. I though he had cona.l.dered the ious appucant or e pemut a -. . I Two outlanders Ed Baile y and ... specific landing pJace, it was re-T . ~eston Jay U.l_led Rod Burn-John Wuhlngton 'trom San DieS?o poss1b1l1ty. He said that he would ported by Councilft'lan E&J'J Stan· hams Gayle to first place and, Ba ,._ "dwi t cham . /make a statement later. I th . 1 v. won u1e nu n er pion· j ey at _ e council meeting yester· ahipa. cA their clauea after upwind • t day afternoon. OP A Sties Hav npta, -claaeo being resoec· Brenfs 'South' Wmd Charles P. Slocombe. veteran "I 11...ty the JWceni.g,, Hanwcap Being Reconditioned Long Beach boatman. who ac .. For $1605 Damages am Plidftc eo.t. • quired the ....,ts and good w1u at · F&ceitag• Handlalp -Ecume For Ext.ended Cruiae the Padfic water ~ccmpa..y, In Rental Charges iF.clBalle7>..AJura !J. A. Irving>, I ' Is the man who IOUght a Iran· Fu1tMJ (C C llooft). Docked at 'The Boatawdlba'1 cbll<! to run IOme at the fut craft ~ IYdllC ~yle (Rod Locker 11 ,U>e Soutb Wind, ow- ~----------~lfrom ..,.,,.. local landing to AV· Flied In Superior <lourt In Santa --). SUlnlQ> Petrel (Roy by GeorP, &ent, -- Hugh McMillan alon. He expecta to have 10 boata Ana llllt week wu -btoactrt McOdlcJash), F1ylaw Cloyd (Mm"-aix montlia aco from na\'al - In 1be llttvlce. I))' the IOPA acalnot Volney 11«1 -Stm1r;). Ice Jo !ta former -· J-Aird Bruce McKay He needed• i..11 ... 1rom the c11y to ~ tttbi.. ~ rar ·111-c.n• , .. sa -~ <Dall w.n.... at w.i-~ ,,,. r ·--ve Service coundl to the m .te rallrolld am. lesed ""tal v1o1a11o111. Drmill-Jr.). Olallta <Fred. Aid-trim 111S-t;ot -..... -· ..,.,.. -cuarantednC • landlnc Hay .. ~ by the·OPA at ->. -(W. G. Franz5. ) be!Oft -..... --bi7 Ille U.ted amonc 21 Orange county before be """1d set a frl-. OWl'Cl>arslnc .....-to Kn. I'. E. lb --~ cEma-'1 navy u t1oo aw-.. c'z<p d ..,. soldien dlschar&ed from Fort Thia the coomdl wu 1anablr to do, &i.nkel, Kn. E. R. Quirt<. Ills. Spoor), ·a-i (BID Slater), Luhi J-G. Aldon -llallt at the Mac:Anhur .....,11y ....-. Cpl. and-a lettor .to tho -~ E. 0--. &Jiii Allae -OB-•>· · · DoudFudSIEo pi;llnM- ll<uce W, Md<4y and Tech. Third -Inf~ the state body at -~ -u..,. -tc .. .. ... ... --LA 0..-,,,. --~ .... aw Grade Huch R. McMW.n,. both ol ~ i*WWWt ineNJlty to atillfy bii ...-tm&ta. De SJ .... a.a.a W' 0 ! a'& ). MddP (~ aat far ~cnllit _ la ... ... Balboa.· their .._ .... at aace.. bf tbe OP.A •'•-' tit tr 8'. I• .. ""1 -,,,. tM ~ h ea .... . ' I I -J • • ' J • • • , . r . -·. .... ENicwwPsa~-TaAILMaCAE s . . • ~;;A-;~-;:;· ~st'; The Sa. ., ... .;:g'ineer Rn.t Builder n.... ....... : ... : ... ~ --of~....:-) ·~, N&Wi'Ofi u -u 'B7 -i.. -· .. "" c111. -.toe! her~ wltll Y · Y · · · New· Co~ tion eo~~~B;iid -N"'l. 23, 1M6. •• ~;·~·~·~s•g&~t~~~~Ttl;~i~1a;.~-~~n~-;·~·~Al~";-~;..;,7~! .. ~:~·~·~·~\l~W'I Mn earl J Pc>. tndtvldual ~ wb.ic:h ·made it H d • . S'--..:tures • '.:__ R 0 0 F s 0...---I' a PAM' • -Wtb 'r Y-D Jfr. and . ...... ....,, all, her own J ~ 0me8 8D 1.£~ m ..tU1:il . -·-• ---::----:-:-! mono. movod to tMlr new-· Tbe huto had two apartments In ,... .. v-lleaela--Al'PLSD oa __.&_ ~ Pa)oablo In Advance: S:l!iO per )'981' Ora r ~; 310 Ord>ld avenuo Tueodoy. M.r. thom cOnolltlng of two bedroorDo, -Tio >-"If Britain _.t · Walts' B. Mellott,.,•jioeu.i.-n k. the J1abort H. Daniela stott Free -It.......,_ SZ.75 per yeu-to 4tll zcno; $3.00 per,_, 8tll --lo tho oon of Mn. E"8 Dut· llvlna' room, ldtdwn batll and pt tho Jou -will be f-to borbar -· baa bullclina .., Newpwt boWenrd. W. I. am•ow ---'------. ter, Ocecn boule'vard. Ho will opm • <'Xcl\lde u-Statoe "'P07'to and be..i srantocl • Qallfon • ...,trac>-the WholeuJe U..t It Storqe lloteftd as s.eond-<:lw matter at the Pootottlce Newpca't Br" hlo -t market in tho new bWJcl. dlnetto. All l'IJrnltutt .,.... al adopt other l'dtrlctl~ ~ tor'a -far the .......,tty form-bulldlnc. and • _..,_ for tbe ~ U-PIL Nwpt. lOIN caufomla. llD<ler tho Act of Mardi 3, tns beln& eftCled at Cout blgb-maple. Tbe -oome had twin Wbelever American fanm ~ od Soutll Colllt Oonttn.i:tlon.OJm. Adcllaon Gurleys of Lido Iale. "'"''-------"------' a. A.. MEIER "'"""'• WRf and Marigold avenu.. bode In ••ell one, alto• dleat of factoriet clepond on exporte the peny. indepondently operatod with n. ...... ~ about tbe fUtutt M.i-lr-----------., SAK D. PORTER 0-U M_.,... ~ ·-'-Kna-Mlnneapollt, c1r ........ The -walla were of c1 .. 1nc of the markete of the Brit --·-~--In --. ...~-• L.B. l(IJJ,•R.D -MMr ~ ~..::,"'~ 0n4'),!;.. Lours 30S pluterl>oanl and floon of W<JOd. Jab empire and the aterllng -no ~~~ any 0~ port Iott -hia cmnpo117 will doul!t- W. I!'. DIXON -----"=< La;;;; ':venuo fOI'. a ~th. There ~ no nip to tho bought would _,, ecooomlc dlsasto~ :f.i!'::".!.:t ':i.;.,:.:.,.."'\':!: :::. llO In fOI' GI homos In a bis -liiiS Pl&nt. 301i W. C...tral _Awnue. N*"PU<t (lalllt>tilla -Knapp ii the elater of Mn. ~~and"':,.~~~ wwk obtalnod ln.tbe ~~ · Official Paper of the City of N B•cla Loura. For the uv1ng room tho ""'4e bl~ Dr. -w........, a leo4-Tbe new CODlpm>y, which bu · · ••• , I "h .................. for 0..-'l'w. capt. and Mn. Debrecht. Den· curta1m and they had. couch and ... <hi" •• ---tlflc writ.-established an otttoe at 619 Coat r F s• 71 • 0 ••• . -· fcnnedy of eor.,.u. dol Mar, chair, cott .. teblo and a drop 1Nf "R111lien authoriU.. hav.'fallecl to boulovanl. and a 7Rnl offlco near -..; -n.tDIW -'9-'~ · Dalilla a,,.,,,.. tllla month. Capt. nie -. were u eman ae of civ!nc ....iooa mlotap<e In &do In Newport, II cuneitly er-ectlnC 1111. =rste A Co.. T--1 ~IATIO~ Debiocbt ii on tennlnal l•ove and trailer windows ucopt thole In inc tho ..mt ol atomic bcJmbo. • a nwnbtt of homes and .,._.,,.. "" &MC. O.LCULLY Olia .... 'l'u. 0 Mat ...... I I •tst sPeiMllz!i!I .. -,.. ~ y-~--.... .... I ... , •w.• _.._ M.&~'l'\ITnRIAl,_ are vtoltlnc Mn. E. B. Olten, 213 tabl• and chalra for the -. find any Gorman phyaicllite capable tho Padllc Electric risllt-<lf·Waf _ r.aw 9QLL WWW!! Iii :JJ£,ffJ.-.:;. will receive bbl clbcharge In the e front of tbe hut. nie kltchnl atruc:tuns. •&• ft. --AM r near ruture from the U.S. Army held a Philco refrigerator, gU Wlteel• llclDDem, editor Walter Mellott. who hu been al 1•~·~•~e.;L.~·;A.~Mo;;;·;ft.~~l~m~;·;=;·~i~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;~ -____ _:::_ ______ ,-,,,-----i--=~~~:_-1 Air Force. ~ wu atotlcned at 1tove, nice tlnk and adlolnlnr tub Fum •--...._.."':. 8Ucceaal\ll contrac:t<r .In the har-11 ,.. _ D tbe Santa Ana Air Bue. Mn. far wuhJnr and pl•ntf of cup. -'!NO<ll'lahment ii • more II<""' bar area for many _..., i. preol-vurral USt Delxocbt ~ tho ""'1ll !or boarda and folcllns doon In tbe tlcal matter tll&n world polltlcl dent al tho comptll)'i Hubbard ~ ' "Th< 'B' gfrl's hon<J;, only 'sting' d<ep ." tho v!sltlnc nuran of tho Rod clOIOte. and thoftfont abundanl food far H~. ~-1dent : Geno Hald. -] l.nmsLzT. 0-l>e'e. . Wooden walks c:onnectod the all natlona Is • bulc: foundation aecretary; Tom MattlnclY, -. Jin. C. G. Waldock. .as Dahlia butt and parallel..s the clothes-of permanent ..,,..lei peace.• urer, and Dr. Walton Hubbaid, tm!llUe, n:eelvtd wor'd from her lines. 'nlf' front door wu receaed · · dlrector. 'Take Care of Them' daucl>ter Beatrlco w ,iclecl<, who IO that a front porch furnJahod . Rex Brandt and Oaodatoe will The anniiaJ fund-raising campaign of lo Reaatlonal l>!reCtor of tll• protoctlon from the weather. Plote -L. ._ -•la>)' ar ,.. be the dotignlnr, md of the com-Redi Cl'ms overseas. that t he had of Cl'UI were crown !or little la--'"Ibo war'a ~ ~ In cbarre at an:bltectural C:Z..:-, opening Friday ot this week, bas recel Juot flown from Calcutta to Delhi, folks to play on and plontY of play .,.. at tho Unltod Stetoe natural niatten. Mr. Brandt 1s widely quent slogan In a simPle statement from MacArthur: India. and ii now etetlonod at equipment waa lurnlahod by tbe .....,.....,.. may Mve terioua •f-known not only u a fine archl- "Take care ot them." • Arra. about 100 m11 .. fl-om Delhi. rov.rnment. For amlllftnmt' Mn. focte on tho national .oonomy.'' tect. but u an able artlat. · 'lbe man• who led • _ _. __ soldiers, sail rs and __ ....__ She writ .. the can ... tbe Taj Barnol lald tlley attmcled movi.. Builcllnp rolnr up at ir-at . .n.ua:rH.ZU.1 ma.&u.-=n Mahal from her window. and held put:ln, and she found Pr •Wt 11u17 s. Ti" •• '"I include a fine rnidence at fuh- tbrough blood and agony to victory over J waa thinking Cpl. wuuam Glbl>ona of tho Uvlnr there wu not in the lout am lnfonnod that Jl!ADY at tbe lonabl• Bea""" Bay for i4.yw ot µie tens of thou.sands of woanded still in osplta)s; ot the U. S. Mar!nn, eon of Mr. and Mr41 a hanlahip. c:ountrlee at Europe now IJ1ll7-Cyan H. Hall; the new Sturdltoy 11 'S YOUR GLANDS! .............. t. Rrnk ., ..................... AO 7 .......................... filt'hc ta ... .... ., Vhllmt.T -•Alw&,Jia TlnC' fEett I apt&c _. Gawllic OM ..,_. JMl'dme. ARI 'p 'ns' .... IAw ...... a Bl1 ;t'1 &so s Ecr1 • ....._ KNP'J" ... lieut 0r·"U1•, ,.... . .,... ....,,, hlll;r to ev E:l:chslf9 m..I TIM' 'c•s .,....,... ..... 11 7'f!AW ........ ee. NO PAIN-NO . DauOa-No IJUllG&aY-N'O, INlilO'l'iolll& OONllUJ.TA1'10N FllE& BY AITOINTll&NT. PBON& UM Dr. E. F'. Bell, D. C., PhC. ...,_.. _ __. H. Gibbons, 423 Goldonrod avonut!, Mr. and M.rt. L. G. Holman, 3U7 1-whoat tll&n ii ~ to factory at Cotta M-. tbe Artltur h~sick men still ~; ot the mllll ot --..-.,.~ .~ hll clbchar&e In January Mari11<>ld avenuo told tht!lr lovdy maintain dlotrlbutlon, ... n thou8h 'JohNon n!Sidence at Bay Shoreo, • men and women who need aid In problems adjustment to and i. now attending Santa Ana place and moved to Santa Ana tllt!lr broad ration ii clown to a the R. L. ,Bofd chop at Coroiia de! I =~i;j~~j;~iji~~~~~~ijij~~~~ii~~ 117 n.. It. ......... Qillf. _, t:M le T:M M-.0 -ftm 't7S dvil life. :T. C. majoring In political economy. whero tlley will be with their 1tarvatloo l .. el.'' ! · PROFES•ONAL DfB1PC 0 y The Red Cross will remain at their side, clubs and can-Cpl. Gibbons, fonnorly 01 South daughter Mn. G. A.. Viau, 1311 • --Jokes -that is -I'll:. IFR OD. and.JeGE6.-Gate, wu graduated from Comp-Freeman street, for awhile. Sey-Paul A. Porter, Claalnnaa of the A cfrl entered the manaaer'a of- t.eells overseas; in hospital programs of edu ton J . I:,.. and then entered aervlce. eral neighbors met at the home ol Federal Comma.tcatloaa Ccw;:-n'1*-. fice to apply tor a job, and. when PllYUCIANI • 81JBOEONS. ll.D. tlon ; In counsellng and other personal aid to dlscharged vet-Ho wu oveneae thr .. yoan and Mn. B. Benodict to honor Mn. """ -"Pure &dentlflc .......,.ch ukod if the had any particular ir-----;,------111,---------'-----, erans and their families. ~.~. tlloG dalbattl .. alof HdendoNva, Holman Thursday afternoon. Mn. muatt be ba~.od fbyit thwille gbeovernleft-tBlente, lald tllat the had won eev-I • 8 • . W By TI!: ' . AOOOtJNTANT ()() mllll_·on doJ-Mu........., ua can an ew George Lewis and)ler sister-in-law men, or muu1 o eral prizes in crossword puzzle and IHOOld ra ~ H. R. Hall, M. D. The National gool of this year's appea\, Goorgla !>lands. His elater Mrs. Mn. McN•al of I"attJand, who ii undone.'' slogan contests. • • ......_. "' ... U>llOd ,...., "-- Jars, is modest when considered in relation o the vast and C M. Barnes an.d son reside with visiting h~. Mrs. Harry Stauch, 'That 90unds n0-vvt .. the man-~~ •• ..,,'."t_,.:!.~.i-~ .... -'" . varied field of Red Cross service. In addi 'on ti> the pro-her parents, Mr. and Mn. H. Gib-Mrs. Harold Scranton, Mn. Kath-brael , .......... director for ager told her, ''bu°t~ want some-·_. ........ 110101 Hours: 2-5. by Appointment . . d ~1_.._ bans. while her hµsband. C. M. erine Knox, Mrs. James Benedict Greece of the Amerlcaa Joint Dia--body who will be smart during of-aooa•ccrmo m'YK.111 Telephone 2620 grams for veterans, the Red Cross 1S saving ves an IJUl3u:i--Barnes, C.E.M. of the Navy is sta-and hostess, discovered many com-trlbutloa Commtttce--"PJ:operty of fice hours." om. tNe ..._ Blft... c.e.. ._ 111 BrOIMI~ Ooeta ._' ing morale among civilian populations in war-devastated tioned at Guam. un til July when mon interests as neighbors and Greek Jews who died hep-~Jess_ dur--"Oh," she exclaimed brightly . ._· __ •_h•_•_• _,._, ____ ..... __ w __ _. I!_ ________ .:,• __ ....J areas around the world, and maintaining Ion -established do-he expects to be home. hope to · meet a&aln when Mrs. ing the past .several yearS. of Ital-"This was during office hours." ABClllTEC'1' mestic services. He is a member of the crew of Holman visits Corona del Mar. Ian, <;;erm.an and Bulgari~ perse--Journal of Education I r----~-------11.------------., the submarine, Queenfish. He hu At least they all agree they can cution is being turned ovtr' to a Arm d M Populous, generous California is expected to take the lead, been in service ten yean. BefOt"e not find a lovelier place to l(ve in newly formed foundation to be ad~ Income.tax exemptions may be an · -008CO as she always has, in raising the quota ass· to~seven wes-the war )le was on destroyer duty than Corona del Mar. Mrs. McNeal ministered by· the Americmi Joint Proadened to include all the people , ARCHITECr Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. · Pll,yolalan -8-' . Ninth and Central Ave. te tates d Al k c:!14 338 7~ four years, but entered the sub-contends though that Portland Distribution Committee." you support, with the exception 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa m S , an as a.-..p ' 1 • marine service at the outbreak of equals it. of those on the Government pAy Newport· l'JU Genera.I MacArthur's plea will n t be in ain. war. Hi5 submarine hu had no · B.obert McLean, pre91dent of 'the ·u-G~t %721 Lakewood Ave. Office Hn.: 10-12 a.m. 1 "' 3-5 p.m. ~ • mishaps but he has seen trying AMoclated Preu -"Let us con-ro · 11 • Loa Anpile& NOl'ID&bdy MOS Telephone ~ Th S• . times when it was impossible to Hanshaw Buys tinue to establish our moral credit No two persons in this world are I'-------------' 111--------'<::..7;;,:..._ ·---' e Bar IIllster lltlrface in the day for over 8 Richfield Service Sta. around the world by our efforts Ju.st alike-and both of them are DAY SCHOOL Disc) th t R . · been seeking roonth. Then he said the atmos-to maintain free exchange of news, glild of it.-Stolen. osure a a USSian spy nng . . phere became heavy. At one tlm• In Costa Mesa leaving the actual conduct of that l r----------~--i •------------, atl>mic secrets In the U. S. and Canada ma e exctting news. t11o crew watchod a baseball game exchange to those dcdlcatod to '' • • Mortimer School CONRAD RlCJtTl!;K, X D. But of far more serious import to western tions is a funda-!rum of! the coast of Japan. Dur-. impartial and objective reporting. Jlarbor Commufidi~ soz Conl Balboa hland PbyUcten -&u-s- ta! bell f •f th R . t _____. m· Ing two years Mn. Barn.. did The Richfield service station at Thlntaerteswtay.'', indeed, u .. the national .• ""-ceed Fat Quota o-.., ,,_,......., ----120 E . isth St. men e u e USSian govemmen as exp'""°"" not know her hW1band'1 location. 1778 Newport boulevard. in Costa ;r.x --~ '·...--., Stalin's latest broadcast to the Russian le. "lwo 11ma• Mesa hu boon purchased by W. L. • DAY SCHOOL ::.::. COSTA MESA ' ''Our M.ITTcists declared that the capi system of world Mn. Barn .. aaid they Uvod at a Hanshaw of. Balboa lsland, who P ope Plue XD-'To obtain the . Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, and G. A. MorUmor, M. A., Odon! Hours: l(}-l2 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. e<X)f'l<>my conceals elements of crisis and w · '' Stalin said In Mare Island village called .. Iwo took posseuion from the former desired harmony between labor Corona del Mar all exCeeded their 1 ._Prlnd ___ ..-i _____ P1tone ___ 115_z_,. Ph911e 133 1 • • ' Jim.a.'! for tour months in quonset owner, J . L. Thompson last Wed-and capital, professional organiza· quota for fat salvage in January L-------:------' pa.rt. 'Thus as a result of the fll"St Cl"lSlS the development huts. She described the huts as nesd.ay. lions and µnions, have been de-according to figures from the pro. DENTISTS · of ·the capitalistic world· economy the ijrst orld War arose. very livable although all alike. It Hanshaw ls former part owner vised, both of which are intended, ductlon ~d marketing administra-1 r------~, ----, The second World War arose as a resuft of e second crisis.'' would have been monotonous but -of the Palms Cafe in Balboa. not as a weapon ~cted exclu-tioh of the department of agricul· D Obed Lucas Dr. G. E. Tohilf . . sively toward defensive and often-ture. r. In other words, Stalin believes that er world wars alve war. which causes reactions Costa Mesa with a quota of 234 DEN1'1ST ~ ~ ::r- are inevitable if capitalism survives on a lobal scale, and, and repriuls, nor u an overflow-pounds turnod In 515 far a Jlft'-NEWPORT BEACH therefore that unless capitalism is e from the earth, ·CROSSWORD PIJ%%1£ ing river, which a dividod, but as centage of '.120 per cent of quota; -~ w. Ooa.tral PIL HBO -PHONES-"~ · ust' · h If t fi htin and may as well a bridge which unites." Newport had a quota of 789 Office 286-W Res. 2811-R "'•ssia m resign. erse o 1g g pounds and collectod 987 tar a NEWPORT BEACH rt no answer. call Newport 5 prepare realistically for it. Adm. Chester w. Nlmltz, chief 125 per cent of quota a.nd Corona I '------------~ 1 •-~----------1 So Jong as Stalin believes that, the R ·'an people muSt AC&088 1e1••• •• x.n .... of naval operatlona-"Demoblliza-del Mar turned in 59 pcninds, one 1 ~----JN-ll_UBAN ___ CE ____ ~ I i------------1 bell •t. Th · h ti pea-ful and fn'endly ~ lion has roduced the victorioue pound over their quota of 58. eve l ey a.re m eren Y a ... c r-..... United States fleets to near im- Manila folders at News-Times. ple. But how shall other peaceful and fri dly peoples reach 1 ::;i-of 1 potency." them, when between them and outside id stands their gov-1 n1vi.1o.. ----------------------- eriunent with its iron censorship of press d radio! More 1 ~0!!°fit, than half of Russia's huge population was m since the Qo. 10 Thin tober, 1917, Revolution. They have indoctrinated In :~ ~~!"tter suspidon and fear of capitalistic dem cy for nearly 30 •• Tn>e • measure years:-Their minds are closed, 15 Al!lnnaUve Far, far more dangerous to world peace than Riissian pos-reply session of the atomic bomb is the m y false convlc-17 ~;~;!,': tlon of 193 million Russians that they m destroy a.pita!-11 Unftlled •••· ity ln rock Ism in the world or capitalism will destro them. ,. caran1<>1d That is the bar sinister to permanent orld peace. llth•• Only liberation of RussiaD thought, ian speech and 22 ~;;::."/' the Russian press, permitting the inf19w o democratic Ideals ., Lak• <Russ. from abroad, may remove that bar. that eventuality 22 ~~ .. appears far distant at this critical period! 2'I een .. u. SI bland iD '"You' I make ride a i y ridel• • Jal<• IS Bestowed 14 Deeper part of a water-.,., SI EncounLettd S9Cl&nred 40 A cheer U Nickel (Qm.1 '3 Nimble ~ An Wlcul•te !So. Am.I 47 Helme\- ohaped pari 41 To cut up •PaUM,. ~S...pond DOWJf I LuUy • !:n&lloh -SQuaUon I Scorchinl 7 Conical tent a Ptvision of lhe calyx I Sittln1 utensils 11 Bulb 19 C~blne mooU7 ltGueDe 21 Eak.:lmo tool :t!Arrua ,.,.,.....,_ Ne.ll 21Mlllpond 29 Clote ct. ds.1 30 To 10 '° bed SJ Thd.c• (mUI.) HW&b brokea d.ilr M Blbllcal chanctor '80Jd-wcm--J7 Door cat.et. 41 A sunk. fUc:e MO.Vour .. Jlelal - _ .. ... ,.. ...... .. -r ... It'• -• euiu dwl falling oJf a log I Jmt tty Cb<"°" S..pr..,,. ill 1°"' taaL lc"1 taiJo<ed 10 'fO"Z CU w;m m. -lkill ibat pufecud Saadard's WU·ptoftd 8pag t..cJs. KL1N1!: CONCRETE PBODUC'l'S COMPANY ROLLOW BUD.DING· TD.& AND uwa1 • ....__ .... _. Now 6laJc!lng .,...a ill a.. .. oa liU!,... .. .,. .. ,--,_ -~ acttlentioa, piogl-......... --11'1 die . '--..fuel Soadud...... 1°" -""'* Oil......, crip bciDg 1 plaiutt crip with Soap: IT'"I -- 6 -8 and 12 Inch "1nda. .,_for AD T)peo of 9WM'ac -Pa&lo WaDt WALTER L. KLINE. Pl•ietor -Plant Loc:atod at- 1-Nowpon -~ - Frem Daily Delldoua--o..-;w.~- -7"" -t to -,..... OWiL HORMEN FISH MARKET ON C•NTllAL AVllNUE, NllWl"O"r B•ACH • . .._,.., SIS NORTH ..MAIN ST. DEFEND YOUR HEAL TH WITH OIWlf E on Modern and Up-to-Date ' Blue Printing facilities Photostatin_g up to 18 In. by 22 in. Pick-Up and Delivery Service .. -Watch for Opening Announcement • nn. .... • • • I ' New York Life Insurance Company DON IL DURANT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL· LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen P1H1M nl9·1 115 E. Bay A"" Bal- MOB1'1CL\N8 Harold ·K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves tlle Better Serve by s.no!ng Othe~ Best" P1H1M N-rt 511 e>om. II~ callfomla OPTOMJ:TIUllT8 Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOID:TIWIT . Eyes Examined • G'I• .... Fitted 1'1111 N'-port - --<io!ITA 11&9& llWVJ:YOllll Siegel & Raub . =s19c21rs .... ._,.,.. 1111 Mewpwt ~o.ta llw T1'1st rnt 1111"* lllT W. ~ N-J;"- T I ••••• PIAJIO ft&CM«• PIANO TEACHER G. v. LINSENBAJU> Gnduate -..or I oat ),I SJ 'p Pll. lZD-W lllaW.Oceen~ Gerald Rausa,-M. D. 2830 Wnt Pentral Ave. NEWPORT REACH Ph. 10'28-No anawer call 301-M x ·Ray s..vtce • MDton M. MuweD, ill. D. 1901 o.ut mwJ. Coreaa dol Mar Offk:e Hours: 1()-12; 2-5 . ' S. R. Monaco, M. D. . 814 Bay Aw., lla!haa N'-rt lTU · cu II. Rill !It., Loo .a..- TU<!Ur Tell By Appointmmt ' T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phywldan w1 Su,aw UH Wan liq A ... Telepll-Newpwt m I A. V. Anchewt,Jtf. D • PBnlCiA!f -IRJllGmOlf ~ 3 p! LS llQ.f • - .,., ,... loot ,.;.. _. 1" 2 a lr.zo;;;;NE;-;;1;,B;;E;;;;;R;:;APY:;;j I'm IO om17. -!lid It=~'"· CLINIC -& WM IDeelt ~ & ....... _... 4 "Kiiied i.,. a w az!T -n.r. ~ r 7 ~-~11· -·--·-.. ·== WWWWft .-u.. A1_W1 --·---T< I I --..~ •• ,._ .... 1a-. .1-. -mis • fD M 1 sC G' 7 •1 ~ ~... a ........ I ., a"t ..._. • •1•t1.• ~1o·.--"'l"-';l'"------.:.• ___ .. I • I I . ' ' . • • • • , ' !!!!1!!!!.J!!l!!!l..!!!!!!!!!!&....!!!S.. ~!!EL!!!i...!!1-.,..·-;---...--.......;.-.:.. ________ .:......--!:! l!..~!!! .. !!=t.. ____ __,'Santa Ani ·Goes in~ Final 3 Weeks 15-y HolldaJ The Red Cross~ on MefcifUlly ~A!. N,J,} !.!2. With Rich t Stakes Luring :a.e Fans Brlllp 'l1nlll of The War tllat Won't End or Years (. IN Y E . I ...... _ ai&LSS 1 "z .. ...._ Santa Anita bu rounded ~ _.,,, Durtnc -Pie-Seek.S Wzr lz ·--far tbe Red ••• I I ..,. -#ft··· 1aT HARR'( HAU.. tbe f.,tt;i),, and 1a w1nc1nc up ti.re. -t11e c11mu1-. .-.ta · Mark t. Ope to · <:nm. -F-W: 'k40:...w the .,.,._ ztretdl in Ito """*d-at tbe •-will be ,beld, creet U It lan'l .,...,._., lt'z a tact e r8 r8 A battle la ret belnc fO'oPI bY bftaltlnc 1946 win t-...,.. -tbe nation 7 top rank-that thn>ap ol ..... and fun --Band to D..-vent .... ~ -... ..., . race mee ulr thonJuCblndz 11.z.., been .... .,.,.._ lazt ~-wbool F 11C tbe Red a-1z with U-. . ---~--------inc-· _'l'btte ____ -+.......in---"'-t11e, 1 bliildlnc towan1 z1nce the ttnt o1 many hundredz took a11van-o1 Organimtion · n.e 1946 lUnd ... mpz1p o1 tbe .-tbe year. a tbJ'eo-dz.y 'lftellmd and at Jeazt ----Red 0-lz belnc oz.._ New putt-Balboa Tourist B a , ''lbeze .-.i. zcheduled for 000tbe c1ottec1 local -troai. with n.-.•--·~ ·~~ ~-~..-th o1-- HELEN FULLER· Swedlzb.._ . Relaxing and Reducing Treetments In Our Body CmtO!Jring Departnient clooln& clays -tbe $100, ba~ and tbe bay with zmaD ~,._ --~ ol -a na~ soal <JI. S!CAOOO,OOO AD Nodm al Trawl to Europe, Malm, wall Santa Anita Hanoilcap to be nm on craft. · to orpnlR their i.•••Hn u CGlltlnuation ol ...,,P to bazP-. Rollld-tl»:Wortd Tripe In the near • See March 9, the $50,000 San Juan n.e beach at C«ona c1e1 Mar ·-telzm." ow1ien of zmaD taU...t -arm. tZ -tlaa. HEAD TO TOE BEAtrl'Y SERVICE ·• ..... lloy •rr.r ft. Ill. 901 ..-, Capistrano Handkap, mile and u well u that at Balboa brcQcht marlceto, numberinc zomo 160 Or-and w-. u ~ u _.1':=====================:'.::::! a.... oi-llalf clazzlc Tblch wlndl up out the weekenen and If coazld· ange county -non, Jut -.k munlty health, oduc:atlonal andl : 11 a.-. to I .. -. tl>< ..-Unc on March 16, and the Oi'Od a. a lftYWw In ztyle, It looks -t on ·re<C<d az wllllnc to ftsht dlaazUr relld P«>CI-wlD be l r-----------------------~ SS0.000 Santa Manrstta Hancll· like another •alJ-oot" year In far the ._, lhop principle and made pmlble by voluntary """' p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;+:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j cap on tblz oomlnc Saturday, ladl<o balhlnc fuhlons. Very llt· named mmm!-ol their ten-tributlona. March 2, rich<ot race In the world tie, It any ol lb fair zq' anatoOny ta~named aqanlzation, Qr. w ... la never over far the Red fer mn.. and mares. AJzo theft 1a IOinc unbloszed thlz year with' ._ ~ty Food Market 0w..... a-. Help ftsht tbe battle la the $25,000 acldod ztak~the out ultra-violot fJun 0 1' Sol. It ~ aaodatlon. EC~ human zufferlng~ l.\nlta Odqulta on March 13. . poarz. Ust.d u commllfftmen, who generouzly In the 1946 Red Q<m 8 A Y V I E W C A F E: 1-nber and Builclinc M[ateilriah! Bdy District · Lumber C • -UM 111 OOA8I' ms WAY General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeepin INOOME TAX SEKVWE 2602 W. Central Ave. Newpo GORDONB~FIND AY OONTBAcroa """ BUILDEB Ottlco: S4l 0 Coazt Blv~ Pbone 4U CABINET SHOP SERVI E CABINE'l'S and MILLWORK 401 -St. Prefabricated Home Planned In Corona del Mar Sophomores Take Inter Class Track . Meet With 151 Pts. zaJd tbe)1 prot .. ted ·~ trib-fund campzlp. ute.. to unionl were Frank Cottle · 1r. o1 eott1o'1 Market. 1n Now-Labor Urged by Woll port. Bal-and El Monte; R. L. Allon ot Allen'• Marketa 1n s.nt.1o To See Way Ana and ~elm, and C>ezttt G .. • Umberham of Umberham's Food Market In El MoclenL Edwin Cox, owntt ot the Tustin ~ne-c.te .u tll81'&1y l•pdlag -l'lllm lllld Bay &ve., &ft• Under aame -t: L. As Wells, Owntt . ' Featuring Home Cooking I PIES • CAKES • DONUTS Opmla.m.tolp.m.-U....~ A new five-room pre-rabricated The sophomore class ma.de Har· Food Center and chairman of the bouoe belne constructed by the bor IDgh hllltory Jut Thursday af· commitltt, zald that tbe market Pico Bullding Materlals company ternoon when they captured the owners have agreed to pool their at nt Begonia avenue, Corona del annual inter-clua track meet for resources to Insure dellveriet to Mar, will be used 'as an office and the flnt time with 151 2..3 points markets picketed. and boycotted model home by Stephen Connolly, followed by the seniors with 126 by the unions. He &a.id th.at ship. agent for the company. 2-3, juniors with 100%: and the ping facilities and funds would be 1 The houses follow ordinary con-fresh.men with 79. ayallable to market owners who structlon lines and conlorm to the An all-time high of 173 track-stood firm against unionization or NEW YORK.-Ten&ncils to- wards "appeasing" Russia weroe assailed here tbla week by Mat- thew Woll, vice presiden t ot tbel'------------------------'---...J American Federation at labor. In I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j buUding code. \Valls and pa.rti-men competed in the event which their employes. tions are made in 6 to 18-foot sec-saw four new meet records set. In It was also asserted that market tions and are finished With plaster the B events, Hillhouse ran the owners would en lis\ help of retail iflsi~e and either stucco or siding high hurdles in lO:l!5 seconds and merchants. automotive dealers, out11de. Th.ere are four sizes of Doc Hansen was timed at 14.5 In farmers and restaurant owners. boU1es, rangmg from 12 by 20 feet the B low hurdles and shot-put to 20 by 36 reet and • house can , -• OPA s __._ w· · be completed In from 20 to 30 44 ft. 51> Inches. Murray Brown Ugge,..., IVeS da C t will be fro .. 50 t took the C shot-put with a 43 ft. S B k F Y'· OS • m -· 0 11 Inch effort. ave 00 0Uf • $5 per foot, according to Connolly. The novice track te8.m goes t . Housewives were advised today a two-way attack upon UW Ado-11 ministration before the In~ tlonal Photoengravers unJon. . Mr. Woli called upon Wah- ington to alter its poliey towards the Soviet, on one hand, and ad- vised labor, on tbe other to ceue depending on the go\;ernment for keys to win its battles. He urged further labor-management confer... ences to extend the s~pe of ~ dustrial cobperation, mptual trust and good will." Costa Mesa Resident, Native of Iowa, Dies At Age of 71 Years Elg~t of the houses have been Huntington Beach tll:is afternoon by the Office of Price Administra- sold 1n Corona del Mai:, 12 ln for a dual meet with the Qilen, tlon .to retain in their possession ~M~--m~-~~-t~~--~~~- port and Newport Heights. pete in the annual invitational te-only to obtain sugar. John C. McCollum, 71, a resident lays for schools with enrollment Although the CUJTently valid f Cali! · 1 62 FRAN'S DO-NUT CO'ITAGE la tile Big Whlt.e Building OD N9wpon Av- al 18th Street-eo.fa.llM& DO-NUTS .. OOFFEE Now Open From l :H A. M. UD.W 11 P. M. DO-NUTS . to SU ~A Y 5 p.m.-ll p.m. TAKE HOME Let Us • • • • Repair Your Electric ~liances under 1000 at Brea .. The Sailors sugar stamp 39 is the last stamp 0 orrua or years and al are looking fOT their fifth strai .. ht in book four that Is specifically Costa ~iesa for the past ten years. we Specia-lize • I beled died at his home, 284 Magnolia win In thi5 event. a for purchases of augar, Sunday night. He was a natift In · \ County Planners 0. K. Cold Storage ;:=========t===~ Plant on Heights ~pare stamps in that book will be or Grinnell, Iowa, and was a re-Trouble Sh.ooting P I esignated as sugar stamps from tired farmer. e 0 P e ~~0~0 =~ ~~~~:ia:°~ ":,~ The deceased is survived by his • • -/ Orange County Truckin fkneral TRUCKS FOR HIRE Trucking, Hauling, Long and Short Hauls 229 W. Wlbon St, -Costa M ' PHONES Co. The county planning commis.sion tained even, after sugar Stam 39 wife, Mettle, or <?osta .~tesa; a son. Rad.Jos • Appliances Ia.st "'eek approved the permit of has been used. p ~alJer of Snell1ng, California; a C. 0 . Flaiiagan for a cold storage Suiiar stamp 40 was used fo r the s1~ter, Mrs. I~~ne Halstead al S ALES A N D SE .R.V I C E plant and wholttale and retail One of the events of the week 1944 home canning program OPA Richmond, Calif.; seven grand-Harbor Rad1"0 & Electl'"IC meat salesroom for Newport Blvd. is the induction of a telephoiie in explained. ' ch~ldren and three great uand-children. ~ W · and 16th street in Newport the Mark Pierce home on Harbor r.,rvu,,, est Central Newport Beach Heights. Island. after many months of trav-p . C tr l The funeral will be held at 11 l j~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ An investment or over $60,000 ail. Mark J\appens to be president ?lCe On 0 . a.m. Wednesday from the Grauel is anticipated In the business in of Pierce Bros., who operate a Boards Closed Friday chapol In Costa Mesa, tho Rev. which the frozen food lockers and chain or mortuaries In Los An-Carl Johnson otf1dating. lnter- ret8il meat department will be geles county. Of course Mark _Washington's Birthda.Y, Feb. 22, ment ~s ·to be in West:mh::mter H e r · e ' s t h e Kind of Nmnt. 2&0, Da~.:.__:Nsnt. Sl2-M, operated independently from the would rather get at the tiller of a will ~.a holiday for Office of Price Memorial Park. ••r .,,..,. -· ~r wholesale department which' will yacht than behind the wheel of Administration employees, it W8(11 ' CI '-------------------+------'!cater to restaurants. an auto, if he can find one that announ~ today by P aul Barks-LIGHT BJLL ECONOMY eam. "ng SerVJ"ce runs. but after all he likes New-dale . d Or:· Southerr> California U all the light used in sn •Vl'!'l'- Soviet scientists have succeeded port Harb6r as do thousands of D~1;!,i!!ll"=t~r.I boards thr h age home \\'ere furnished by can-y ' ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA I Often Yooi tilt to Dine In All New· Even the ... One-Halt Mlle Location on Coecsj: Beautiful Ne • Cocktail Bar -- We Lead Soutben Callfoniia In the SeM111 -SE.A FOOPS - AUIO YOUB kind of 8TEAKl8 -V9ft" OUR Kl'IUIBN - Sam's Sea Food and Flab Mu-ket I Wt~Es••• ._., FRUIT TRE S Now's the Time to Pl PEACHES . PLUMS . AP FIGS • APPLES .. Wiu..i"I ORANGES . AVOCA STRAWBERRY • BOYSENB,....,.,.. YOUNGBERRY GRAl'ES , RHUBARB ' Costa Mesa Nurse Costa ...... _Calif. r READY~C HOM ·ES --See One Under Constrilction N T at- U'J ALISO, Nl!:Wl'OBT HDIGH~ CORSOI & .. Oonl ......... • y in transplanting hearts into such other Los Angelenoes. out th So t~I rod ·11 be oug -dles. Westinghouse Lamp Division 0 u L i k e ! warm blooded animals· as dogs, e u a n WI closed 1 experts say the monthly "candle. cats and rabbits with no apparent v1·s1·tor Deplores F.rlday the .22nd, as well as the 1 light bill" would be nearly 200 Ul effects to the subjects. district office located at 1031 I times the monthly cost or efec-l'---------·r"'i City Trailer Pa. rk·, ~~ sai~oadway, Los Angeles, tricity for lighting the home: Doctor's PrMcrlit:" Calls for the. ODco ,.,..,. doctor -wrtt· -·~ ... --penda • ._ pts-v..,.. for warUe cempa..., ... Tllat ta wMre we come la. EY9r7 pr._lplloa •-••"' m la mw w1t11 ..-uno ....,.. ocy-th tile -qaallty drup. Brbac ,.,..,. proocrtp- Uou ~ wt.t:t. ,,_~ We beck your doetor. Newport Beach Pharmacy %108 Oceu ...... t I""-5 • Price control board hours are Wants to Camp 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday, al which time 1 consumers are urged to report Apparently the plan to make a high class trailer park out of the city camp grounds has not met with universal favor . One man, who has enjoyed tl}e camping facilities there on the bay front price violations. Auto-Phones ' Make Debut in N. Y .. ' 1946 Modd ··Lawn Swings With w}lite frame ' covered with vat dytid army duck and 4 inch rringe on canopy. in year's gone by. wrote a letter l to the city council prOtesting the Trends to develop the latest in NOW AVAILABLE! -II k ·d gadget and gimmiCk had extend~.1 u n er par t ea. \.~ F1nit ~ la. Yean He said that he and others ~his w~k ta. the telephone ind~-t would be willing to pay a dollar ~·which had.~me through Wlth Wood Slat or so more a week if the dty a. 'walkie talkie for automobiles. I p h S hitched every lot to electricity. He j ha~ouncement of the Invention OfC hac\eS feels that the vacationists deserve been made at the convention S ' · comlderation, ~use they spend :':i the Am~lcan lnsUtute of Elec-anta Ana Tent more money while here than the cal ~een in New York. It all-year trailer denizens and he makes possible conversation from & Awning Co. feels that the. project w~ disoim-one car to anothetj or from the lnating against the common work-auto to its owner's. home. Thia ll!e 8. lbln ._. &.a Ing man in prohibiting camping Instrument utilizes a new selective 106 Cout BJ~ i..c- , However, his message did not hav~ '.tw~o-;w;ay;;r;a;di~·o~co;mm;;~unl~ca~u~·o;n;·;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ a great deal of effect on the city I co~~~::: ::ti:~~ an: ::l:: Harbor Engi~ & Equipmellt1Co. e<rs predict that eventual control 111 Agate Ave, Balboa Island ,,. of the release of atomic energy will result in the cheap conversion of mercury into gold, thereby pro~ ably erasing gold's value u a monetary unit. - • Heat Exchangers • Link Belts Phone 1723-J THE HURLEY BELL • , Centrifugal Pumps • • ... Sheppard Diesels Falcon Engines Briggs-Stratton and Wisconsin Motors 135 COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR ' OPEN DAILY AT 4 P. M. Sundays at ! p. m. 'The House of Fine Foods" For Reservat!ons Call Newport 1273 • I . Newport Engineering Associates J)Mlpbig. lllallafaetmiq ud s.i. Ewcl [ ,. ___ ,, __ _ Marine and Industrial Machiner)' Instruments MateJ:ial ~andling J'.quipment I • • • Lectrolox Marine Paints EV ANGEUSTIC BAND CONCERT ·Givep by the . LIBBY FAMILY BAND 11 .MftDbon. All One Family Two ~ Pua Pla,M by One Milmber at One ~ .M...-....i ~bye..._ llaad . lltrt.a: and V-1 Nmnllen Including Girls Trio BIBLE MESSAGE 1m& Aa Old Fn+ta . • Pamlly .........-·a.e G ;if 111111110 THE CBILDllEN htaaa••as ... ~ r.r ew:r. _. .Wla •-....-. THURSDAY NIGHT, FEB. 28th at ,.,.. ' ASSEMBLY OF GoD CHURCH ·I IM 0-ft-* ... Mcw.-r \ /. Q . 'k' WC • ..... • v' Thorough! ' Dependable! ·' • We Pick Up lllld Deliver • .Five Day Laund,y Service ER)fl-E'S Cl,EAIQ:Ri . .l.M4 Harbor BoUlevard ~,MeJ • J I I ' I • • • • .. .._;_ann_~_e_··~-ph-olstery---_N_oo_ks--+-d--Bootbs~:-111 1 Balboa Island Girl" Injured~ ==~ ~~1.S::d· ~~:S~ 1:~ S: ~~Id · .A SPECIALTY W k E d C ashes FOi' kkes' Post ' To Civilians; Date~ to Be· AnnoDMed · Others •1n ee • n r . SANTA ANA. Feb. 25. -The Colonel Farnum ·~ property N&WIGWT M'MOA NWW& .. ftm Nw;wt ...... ('Wlr ........ TMeila• • FOii IN8UR~NCE ~· ' Howard W. G air• ' Berey Sheppard, a peraonal and I paJlcy eo-nlnc the sale of sur-to be offettd to tiuye'a at 5AAAll " ' ~ friend of Newpurt plua IQ'1ernment propecty at the falls into one ol t.hree •ciatecarie1: Two harlxrit .. _,.. lnvolwcl a...-, la boinc prominently dis-s4nta Ana Anny /Jr Bue WU 1. Goodo fi('ooly for ..,...p. Thal .... Jfcapod •11112 1 ... 'l>lfttnc, hnlltme u ............ -~,...­ Pickup and Dellvery Se<vice • Frft ta OTer Wine SUc Boat Bepatr auto accidents over the """'k mcl,, Hot Dog Question Cl-.i ror the_, of ...cretary or oullln~ today by Colonel William means Its oo1y value ·19. ·Its ma- one of which lrought -In~ the Interior to llllCX:e<!d Harold L. c. Farnum. commanding officer. terial content. juries to Mia Betty W abon, 19• At Pier's End rc1<... Hla name, acc:ordlng to Col. Farnum announced that 2. Uaeful parts of military prop. of Balboa Island. She llllffettd ....,ni c:arrl~ In a Santa Ana pu-only Items or odd Iota having. a ttty or Items. havtnr direct value from bolb ltp fractured and face Hasn't ".~~ 1:....1 Of llcatJon rut _,,k, hu bee!'~-oost value of under $300 will be to the purdluer. lacerations which ""<!uired 22 UIU t:U mended t o Prttident Truman by sold al the air hue, which la 3. Salvage material havtnc no :_ _________ ....,.__. Ill OoMt mp.way "ltl" atitches. tt was dlsclmed In Santa & Congrewuen Lea. Elliott, Engel acheduled for inactivation Of1 or val~ to the purchaser In Its orig-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Ana yesterday. . A letter whl uk~ for -per-and King of California. \bout Mareh 31'. lnal form, but which may be con-RHEUMATISM Mia Wabon wu Injured early miulon to sub-let a hot_ doc con-The slralgM-lbtnklng, direct· -rhe lime, place and ~ of -~ to olhtt uses. , ~- STEAKS-- OUR SPE G ENU I N E HOT • B U TTl:B CAKES • Complete Lim~ •• Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 Monday momlng In the acddenl cealon from the live bait ...,.,.... speaking Sheppard formerly had Items lo be offered to buyers will Before anythlnc la placed on and ARTHRITIS which state police did not describe slonaltt on the end of~New-lhla community Included in bis be announced several days before aale, all P1<>perty will be arranged other than it involved the d:fiver port pier meveral wffka WU congrealonal dlstrlct~ but with the the sale," said the Colonel. '°The eo that it will give the mmt use I suffeftd for yeen apcl am • of the car. Robert HuellkamR. 21, again held up for • ve who re-.apportionment of areas to give salet will be opened to an civillana. to purch.uera. . tbankfUl that I can walk and ~ of Santa Ana, who was sllghtli in-said that he had pennlali"' of 'tlle lhO state adclecl congreamen, except civilian emplOY<S ot tM Colonel Farnum empbulzod apin without pain, that I~ jUred tn the aaah In Sau Fe concession holclor to locat.e there. Horey wu · oonflned to another war Department, mert\bers of the that the public will be liveu ample ly answer anyone writin& -I«. Springs. • Some · dlaagrftment -loped section. Hla official residence is armed services and ofllcen on nollllcatloD of ~ saleo a l .lnformallcn. MRS. EMMA IVES. Another ~ cruh lrnjned· among the members of the COWi-Yucaipa. He la one of the state'• terminal lene are aJao prohibited ~.< ' , . . . P .O. !!ox 189, I.,oo Anaeles Sj. Calif. lately north of the Arches bridge ci1 and the )'UUnC fellow wannns oldest representatives and holds from bidding. l,.,.::~,=·:::=~·===========.z:====::::::::!==; Saturday involved Heim Kaim, to RrVe the hot dors M. to whether seniority on ·many of the moaf Un-. 8-lel .._ • , . .. ~, 1 well-known owner of Bay Shore George Hiner, the live bait man pOrtant comm1tt... tn oongreu. Buyers will be liven an oppor-n,._.O..il!JI.,. VENmAN BLINDS Camp on Cout highway, and WU-would welcome the veteran at·lhe Toeelher with C<lclcr-man John tunity to tnapect items they are ,.,.,..,... --- llam Elkin, 33. of Fontana. John end of the pier. Phillis-, and Senator-Downey, be interested in before they make •. ~ ~ ' I ALTY' ILll. • 'WOOD • Bennett jr. of Fontana was alight-Roland 'lbomiwort. d ty attorney, wu gtven credit far getting New-their bids. The bids will be sealed 1y t:njured. This happened at. 5:30 said that a number of :;:tneu port Harbor opened to the tree and will be opened on an an- p.m. Saturday. men In Newpod r t hadln!ll<>lesdt let-movement of boats after the end nounced date. All bidden will be 8lt C-*. ..,_..way Phcme Newpwt ~W d I c f ting outsi en come an secure of the war. notified as to the date and will be ....,... 1 . s a Busm· ess Zorun" g the oonoeulon, .. they ~·d wall· Sheppard gave a moot Interest-ask~ lo be present. The highest ~~=~=========~=========i~ . ...... ~ -·----· -....... -•= , ... -"'-....... ed for the same opporturuty. other ins talk at the Balboa Yacht club bidden will be awarded the pro~ i Approved for New councilmen declar~ that Hiner luncheon tn his honor last swn-erty. P aymen t will be by caah, ·W E l C 0 M E C A f · £ Blri.. 11 -was also oppa&ed to lett:mg the mer on the international situation. certified check, or Poltal money Barney and Al Props.. I Hi h ...,__ t veteran feed the fishermen at the order made out to the U. S. Treas-· •Raft N~· .._.. ea.ta' llela ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g way J.rdC e nd of the ptei'. . • H . M h 8 ury Department. The responalbll-MIVV DITU.. ·LOTS 0 F HOT W TER YIUI AUTOMATIC SA WATEI IUTEI , IEPLACES IT IM A UllT, TOO i JlltST IATH .- HOT HOT J I J "IONDERFUL" ... EYEN TO THE ta T BATH! a. ~••tic o.. w ...... ......,. -adequacely sil' bl.--will de- liva a .. oeve.r run dry"' bot water supply for ex bathrooms. frrquenc freshening up, shaving. shampoos, ki t en, laundry. · llowchold cloning..Fiam<·P<rkct Gas -so • y in replac· i.ng your hot .water supply -is amazingly low i cost. O.Clri ,_ ,.....,., Mifti_.. Ket w .... le41w· STORAGE-TANK CAPACITY GUI .................. ~ ...... _ ·-' ' .. 2 ' .... • .... • .... • • .... .... -E ., o.1'-.. .. .. .. .. 15 ~ 6"1 ,_,,.~ Coed AwcieliM SOUTIUIN C:OUNJIO CO#IAHY • 1 6AS .SPEEDS 1111•• FOi MODEi r4 Stat..wur{ Ju, <!J. 3 .. R.~·"''°" eo.-o-.a J.I. M""' • HOT WATEI •EEDS Upon the suggestion or Coun-eanng arC ity of moving the equipment will 4.SS-K A petition submitt~ by Earl cilman Earl Stanley th.at the whole On Airport Plan rest with the buyer; and if he d... Finest Place to Dine and Mildred Stanley far annexa-matter should be st udied from the not pick up what he has purchased tion to the city ·of their approxt-s tandpoint of le tting the conces-F Co ta M in a specified time the property F OU Complete Dinner mately three-acre tract on . Coast •ion out for bids, If agreeable lo or s esa will be r<!SOld . No Wonnallon con-am s highway immediately east of the the live bait concession. He, Bob cerning the items to be offered to Opee.11 L m. to ! L -. Beacon Service station, which had Allen and Chief or Police . Row-A public hearing will be held buyers will be given prior' to the SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES • been 1"eC'OtlU'IJ'__!lded by the city land Hodgkinson were named On Friday, March 8. at 2 p.m. on a announcement of each sale. council, askeCr....,.the planning com-a committee to Investigate the hot proposal of three former air to~ Colonel Farnum said that items OOll 1DTCBEN OPEN FOR IN8Pl:lCl'ION mission far r e-zoning of the area dog and coffee situatio? on .both officers to establish a 214-acre air or lots having 8 cost value above WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. into C-2 use. Newpor t and Bal~ piers, inas-center on \,he Capron property $300 will be turned over to the Understanding t hat the appli-much as another resident .h~d ~n west of Cos{a Mesa in the name War Assets Cor pora tion for dis- cant wished to have the business received for the same pnvilege lfl of the Pacific Coast Airway Corp. ·position. zoning for the purpose of build-Balboa. The hearing will be conducted "This poli~y of disposing of sur. ing a motel, John Allen, chair-by the county planning commi!1:-r plus prope;ty," said the Colonel, man of the commission suggested Sk"i)Jed Labor Lack sion and' Mesa residents and all "is in str ict accordance with War that for a motel a C-1 zone would others interested are i';lvited tq be pepartment regulations. These , be sufficient, particularly if a cafe DeJayS Bui"Jding present at the Santa Ana meeting. regulations are designed to elim- and boat sales were allowed. I t is pr oposed by Majors G! E. inate stocks not needed by the Ralph Maskey, west side real tor· Mayfield and Thomas L . Mu.rt>hy armed services, pi'omPt return to who developed Newport Island air Southern California housing and Capt. M. R. Conn to build a the civilian economy all goods not peared to pr ot£'St granting a C·2 shortages are the principal cause modern and elaborate airpor t a t ~ needed by the ~overnment and to zoning. because. he said that of a rapidly increasing shortage or cost of thousands of dollars and obtain the greatest net return ror across the narrow channel rrom skilled construction labor, it was under the outline submitted \\'ould Uncle Sam." that property a11 was zoned "resi-r eportl'd this· week by W. D. Shaw, eventually be t,he county's most P reput Inventory dential. and beJjeved that C-2 manager of the Southern Califor-elaborate. . SAAAB officjals are busy classi· zoning "'ould permit repairs which nia Chapter, Association General It ·is proposed by the t~10, ~11 tying and preling inventories on might be objectionable. The com-Contractors. of \\'horn ar e expc'rienced pilots tn all property on the base. The final mission agreed with him. and R. Shaw stated that the indwi:try both private and military aircraft, report will be bmitted to the re- L. Patterson. retiring city engi-was woefully deplet~ of its force to begi~ their d~velopn:ent slowly I giona1 control_ eJX)t of the Tech- neer , proposed that if 8.{)d when of skilled carpenters. iron wor kers and build an air strip, control 1 nical Service mmand. The War the property is annexed, it be and bri~klayers. ~lenty o~ men tower and a fe\v hang~ at t~e i Department h the final say as recommended for a C-1 zoning, are available for 1mpor tat1on to out.set and eventua.lly. include an 1 to what proper y is surplus to the which will eliminate boat repair this area, he indicated, but lack administration bwlding, cof~ee I needs of the go ernment. 11' is this or haul-out. of howi:ing for workers is proving shop. repair shops, a~ RRBJ'tment proµt?rty which \viii be offered for This action was approved unani-to be an almost unsurmountable building. an automobile gi:\rage, a sale. mously. obstacle. He· said that his re-mechanic's school and 50 four-1 ports were aiso borne out.by those plane hangars. · Almas H use Mpvers THE FASTER THE HI GHER of t he A.F .L. Bul1ding TradH Mayflel,d. Mur phy a nd Conn The recently reveairo 800-pound unions. have been In the Harbor area I were u n ccessful jet propulsion engine bui1t by often in the past few weeks and I B'dd S 0 House d I W Id Le have conferred with the aviation I er Westinghouse for t he Navy ... Wrig ey OU ave ern plane speeds. But power in· The Engine On commerce. who have endorsed the were the bidde of $87 on the cus- Telephone 1347-J for . •FIVE-DAY SER.VICE OD Cleaning and Laundry CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS 1037 Coast IDghway P ic k-Up and Delivery Carl P hilhart, Manager Authorized Dealers for - - e PEBFECOLD e BRUl\TSWICK e BLUE-FLASH e TYLER e FIXTURES REFBIGEBATION Coolen II Deep F.-Deop .........__.Ia Walk·b, JCta. e COMPLETE LINE HOME APPLIANCE MAINTENANCE e FRACTIONAL H . P. MOTOR SERVICE Newport Electric Appliance Co. livers 1,500 horsepower at mod-committee of the chamber of I Almas Hous Moving compa:iy 1 . creases with speed, and at 500 proposal as a definite asset to the todian's house t the west end of miles an hour the same engine Once the gTt;a_t W illiam Wrig1ey, area. the city camp rounds at Lhe ~:cb. 1 !S05 Cout Blvd will yield 2,000 horsepower. or ~o on a transcontinental train, was 4 meeting of the city ,COWlcil I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ E:st&bllsbed 1944 -Phone !1S8 'Nowport Beoeb and a half horsepower for .each approached by a smoking car bore Mr. and ~{rs. Harry Homer and rather than th R. W. McClelland ~ pound of engine weight, company who said, "Mr. Wrigley, everybody daughter , Miss Homer. Pasadena, & Sons, as er eously reported in engineers say. 'u a plane could go knows your gum. I t's sold evrry-and their grandchildren, the the Feb. 12 i sue of the News- 1,000 miles an hour, the engine where. \Vhy do you continue to arl-Misses Barbara and Connie Wil!!_e. Times. The ·d wa.s rejected. would produce 4,000 horsepower . ver tise?" came down Friday and spent the The McClell d bid was on de-- Staring out of the windoW for week end at their cottag_e,' 3700 composed gra ·te for surfacing ,-------------;!a moment, Mr. Wrigley t urned Coast boulevard. lots at the c P grounds. around ind said : "My friend, this train is running along very smooth· ly right now. Do· you think we ought to take off the engine?" (As reported in a "Miss Swank" ad· vertlsement in Women's Wear F. C. VENN REALTOR Notuy Pllblle ..,., ()out mp_,. c.on.. .. llal". c.nr. CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS Sa~ SpMJ SI.op I01 )lulDe .& ... -hlaM -n• Daily.) • Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey Boots and Boy Kede l'lllm Uld Bay, Balboa Pll-391 ' ) -• ' -- -, ..• JOB ~tJA, Hiii All SOME OF THI T INGI YOU'LL WANT TO THINK A IN SELECTING" A POSITIQ e Doa die compaay baTe rhe repu being a good place IO wodc l e Are the people who wodc there you would like IO baTe u &iends e An diere arrangemena [.or more and more kilowledge and rhe jobl • An ...... opl"'mmities ·*-ICIDilp=lm __ iock i_ .. with ouitable -• --·-lllJIXC>-...... oi.bilicyl ... rhe job aeodyl • .. rhe ollice ...... JOG will WUllS fonable. dean,llfe. imd ~perlJ~lltl­ and healed l- • WilLyoa act TMMloal wlda pay ALLMARK G re et i n g Ca rd .s 111111111111111+11 Dis tinctiv e Costume, Ind ian and Shell Jewelry LAMPS • VASES • FIGURINB, Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop Wo Wnp Gitto . UOI <>c.... F.- I announce y candidacy for Councilman of the City of Newport Bea h at the forthcom ing Municipal Election • Will 709 be aea~ with tapect I lidaitioa 1 " · The Telephofie Compa these adfla•tage d ...... offers to be held on A ril 9, 1946. - ' • \ * I • JUSI Allr THI OPllATOI f I THI CHllf OPllATOI 114 W,, 4th St .~ . PASADENA LONG BEACH ·:::Z x. -... 87• t~ NI I'm A-I. a.·•n • ; I • • - ---• • • . &!fHWI a••,90& • [~ . ; • , . I • ..JJ,!!!•!!•!1•1!!1!U!!l!!!!!S!!l..JZ2!!!•!!!!!!!'!.:..---.:l"'!l'!!'!!'!'•YJ1_9'!:!!*!!!!-~n: .. UM 1-l ,~ I Con ratulate Harbor Hi Var ley Tabs 152 Poin Yathtsme Win U ·Bo · R 1· Rf N hers Three Dept. Heads· Mr~~l~:!:,,.~~I! GROPERIE afS; Five First!' in . se X, Ura · Um . N~ hy Council ~:.i ~~~.;.:I; ~ ... r .. ~ Mid · te Re tta E p f p 0 A ,.1.,,. Mesa As Patterson Goes =. -· Glenclale. and~ t . ~ .... .. .~!I!!...-~· .or · resen , . . . ~· ns 11b..11nuec1 from Pop One> LL !Js) II. R. Sinnott. .... ot. 1 1 1r1 ........... , ... .. Mn. BeUe Sianott. us East een.-0.-lmt • a1111- ert Handley), -E. (Heber Although atrHt numberlne ors, hirmo1f ...... l)Ot thoroughly tnl ......... la borne ca 45-d_,-· 1 ErlcUonl ~led attu ot. the count)> Pl Co • • famlllar with the pooltlan for tennlnal Pea'"· dividinc the time Rbodel . 33 -Whim (Ed Wll· la virt1lall)I completed. postal and an IDD118810n -Rolancl Thompecn WU -be-hia mother's home and I D1tt11'1 I ·Coach !Wph Rffd and hia Har· Beach. 111; RcuotKon.....,.,... bar Hi&~· h basketball -·Ilea Anaheim, 110: Bob ......e congratulated for their lerton,.81; Ray 1loberta standlnp the seuon that gup-n : A!fn!d EvMa, ed Its" tur ent lut Wedneada,y Beach. TI. afternoon. -----+- Although conceded a nee-cellar ""'th at ttje beginning of the sea- aon. the t~am. aparked by aluu·p- abooter Gei>rse Yardley, WOW>d up In a second place lie with Anaheim after UCklng every team tn the ~ at least once ln the double-- IJams), Lacly Ryth (Bob Allen), count)> authorities have uked A ...,, Pro rty. JOOring a reoolulloo. action wu de-that of hia slater, Mrs. n-mary i Conquistador lC. R. Staafl. resident. of the attU to ccntlnue PP• uVe8 pe ~ until the next -._ Smith, Map?e """nue, Santa ~ ! ...... IG8 I· star -11ambunct1oua !James to uoe their rural route and numb. Use fo Boats ' ~°':1.,, SaDon baa been He bas been 1n the South Pacillc ,11111 N-•-. _ .... Cowie), North Star (Lowe\l enuntllaP11<0valof .thenewnwn-. f u 1t l to the.dl)>enclneer,.W-~ulyoflastyear. f . North). Pagan (Bob White). berln& 119lem ~ fnim Wash-(Continued ciD Pip n.e) and purdlp\ng ~t at the re--...... ---:...·· -----------------..:. ' ...,.me! competition. · Pacific Inter. Club -Olpper ln&ton. quest ot. Palterlon aevenl months r-l~ard Brownl, Seventh R .. ven Fedora! district lnapecton ot. the dL · · · aao. He planned at that time to (Peggy Slat.,.) Rum Buclu!t """' ottloe deportmalt and CIDUDty Appllcalloo of A. K. T'wiesteo for resign, and bad Sailors take an (Dave Riehl). ' poitmutera are ln favor of the re-~wnln& from R,1 to P.l on admlnlstrallve poolllon llftder him California Cruising-Tomahawk numberln& and are cooporatlft&.ln ot 5. block 2, S.uhore Colony "'llil• be went on -1 time for lhe (Bob Alcorn). Z.Pi>Yr (R. N. cro.-Ito lnatall•lloo. but the change-bro<cht a p<oteat from a neigh-dty4 Since takliig tbla place, Sail- by) ·Blue EM:ape (Jim Taylor). over· ii a diffiOJlt problem for bor, who aa1d that he had c:.nly on has acted u usistant to the • Merrury -Four Aces (Ed various poat of.fices bandllng rural tteenUy bad a lot re--for the dcy ~ and water auperin· La~l. Gold Rush (George ll<>a-routes, of which Colt. Meoa Is same purJJOOe, that of sbU'tlng a tendenL . man), Zombie (Al Flela:ell. ogo. restaurant ln the west me! <.f the No prei:edent exlstl for creelln& SPECIALS FOR LIMITED TIME ' . $15.00 PeJTnanent Wave __ ,; ........... _ ... :-... -········-··--··-····-··--·~ $12.50 Pe.nn.anent Wave ....... ·-···-····-··-····-···-·····-···-···--··-.$1 .... Extra Special PennanenL. ..................... -........... -.............. -. .f LM We alllO feat:ue HeUta eura. ... mmw.u OaM Wafta SHAMPOOS FINGER WAVES MANicUREs FRANC~ BEAUTY SHOP ' I Yardley &athered bonon for the Tan and binuelf by nabbing the 1 blsh·acorirc Individual champion· 1 ahlp of the l~game league with 15Z paint. ·and la a dnch to be named to the all-leaaue center opoL ~ lanky atar •bone on FlatU. -Hurricane IA .. llD s. .... a1 weeks aao Mrs. Ruel dty, and tbousht It unfair to have a public administrators paa\llon Peeples) Sergeant (Ra.y Hopkins>; Gill of the Calta Mesa poat of. another wttbln 100 feet or oo. ln a dcy of the mth clus, ~ "-.-18H--llul>or-------(loa-ta_11_-____________ -_ __: tie · for' third amone Floating nee urged reside!>to to ..., tlieir Mrs. Twoiteo ...._...i, and a 0on ·admltted, and uked the mem-< · • ~ --WU almoot In-fallible oq tree ahou w!Ucb be ®mistenUy ploPPed ln with one hand. a llttle pracUce he picked up to g~ advantqe on the hoop 1n back of his home on Balboa laland. ~George Iii a lftlior and. accord-hi& to ttP<:irts. t. a.lated fer Stan- l f<ll'4-whlch, lnddentally, could · me a few good bu:ketb&ll play- ers. The top 10 leaeue a.corers fol- low: Yardley, Newport Harbor, 152; Faber, Orange, 124; Ed----------'---- Ochoa. Anaheim, 114; Elmer Combs, HUnlincton Beach. 113; Douglas Wagner, Santa Ana, 113; Alan Braybrooks, Huntington White H011se Cafe Phone 9182 Laguna Beach. CalH. INCOME TAX RETURNS Aooo•ntant wlll pl'9pare your re tum. Flllnr dNd · llne--S week11-Don't d e· lay. Telephone N. B. 1870--.J 119 Coral Balboa hl&nd Approve E Of Bayshore Without Sew rs Power-(Ebner Straford), Raider box and R. F. D. numben u as· two-way debate atarted ln earnest ben to become familiar wtpi u..1----------------------....!C-_;_ lK Herbert) and Furious (Ed signed to them ln a local change until they were called to order by duties u be bad written them. Olin). Jut year, and urwod that they con· John Allen. Another bearlnr wu Durln& moat. of term, Patfer- sn1_....Bobette II (Bob and llnue to do ao until notified dif. set for the March mee1111¥. aon lcted u dcy enain-. water, Betty White), Malicious (B. and ferenUy. Application of Robert Ad>ms for street and superintendent. A. Andrews), Rowdy (Henry De-County Surveyor W. K Hillard a setback ln the reai yard from and u harbor m ter. war). aaid that field workers of his cJe.. 10 to 5 feet on lot 6, block A. Webb, it wu , would 1uc- National One Design-Tardy (R partment have completed: the re-tract 518, which addreu wu given ceed Patterson on the p1~ SUiofer), Prowess (G. Walten), nwnbering or one section or the u ·107 G street wu not acted on commlalon. Nellta (E. Randolph). count)' and that the work Is pro-but laid on the table so that the ---~--- Penguin _ Rascal (T. Ruby), c:eedlng ateadlly. Eventually 22,000 same committee &J well lnvesU-Navy Dock Lease Ski-due CM. Herrmann ), Chilly (R. new addresaes will be made in the gate the V~I application for a Israel). , county, He aOO announced that hotel on the paint can report on H Jd Up Until All Naplea Sabot -Cee Dee (H. field workers will dellvor the new tbla altuallon. Adams uked to e Davia), Seabbcult (H. Colllna). addttws, but their effective elate build a storeroom on hll Balboa Leases Examm· ed Vickie CR. Violett). wUl depend upon announcement Df peninaula lot. Inter-Club-Sub Deb (H. War. ix-taJ authorities. A petition was handed in at the cester), Nuisance (W . Seeley), meeting-by W . D. Kirkpatrick for Prompted by a request for a Gadget CR. Smith). .. a change in setback from 30 to renewal ot the South Coast com- Uelta-Nljita (F . Porter), Skall Commission 25 feet from the bulkhead ..)ine in pany le~ on·l!ier 4 at the dcy (P . Peterson). Schelp (C. Kraak-Favors . Sewers black 338, Canal section. There dock, which the u. s. Navy ask- man). are but two owners in the blO<"k, .ed :o use, the council ~l review N T which is largely confined to a all tts leases now existing .on the Lindia Mujer, Feared Lost, Put in At Oceanside In ew ract playground. the own•r said. have more than 2000 reet of water agreed to the proposed change. frontage. ~n the north channel ~ The first hearing waS set in fore deciding what action to take Following a resolution of inten- tion to annex the 14-acre tract owned by George C. Pickering And others. including the Harbor In- vestment company immediately nor th of the Arches to the city, March. on . any part of it. , Several leases which have been in effect during the ·war either have run out or are soon to ex- pire. The city dock is .one of them · which is said to expire on May l, with a renewal clause which some officials believed would give the CE P.AP.ALMBR LlDO !SUI Ploa'liNIB> • W. 0 . BU<X-U-.V.C. Couneelor a..-1500 IJJ-.• .a-.&.( . 3»3 VL\ UDO cALIFORNIA 24-Hour Radio Service BOMJ:, AUTO, 111ABtN11 RADIOS REPAIRED BurtR.Norton 915 Clout mway Plloae UH Newport -· Oallf. which the council passed at its last regular meeting, the matter was pr('Sented to the city planning commission Thursday night for a pproval or land use. I t is to be called Harbor Heights. Gnbert Seal Follows Hobgood As Union Sec'y Gilbert Seal. 36. a !itkilled '!!"· chanic at the South Coast com- pany, \\'ill take over the duties March 1 of executive secretary of the CID Shipbuilders union which are being relinquished by Thomas M . Hobgood. The office is to be maintained only one hour a day from now on becaw;e of the re- boat builders another )fear if they '-------------'-------desired to exercise an option. TJfe question, too, of leasing the ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; While members spoke approv- ingly or the planning and zoning or the tract, several declared that they felt the 72 lots proposed to be cut out of the knoll should be served with sewers. The sewer majn exists about.100 yams below the property on Coast highway, it R O S S I ' S your Friends was explained. and the drainage is natural. duced personnel in the yard. · Hobgood ls leaving the employ or the company to build a motel on the desert near Morongo, in Morongo Valley. he said Friday . The location is on the 29 Palms higliway. where he expects to de- velop 10 acres, starting with three or four unJts. entire frontage, which the city planning commission recommended tor boat slips and ~plementary businesses was postponed for the same reason. ' Col. John J . Sailors, assistant to the city engineer will determine the status of the leases 1 before the next meeting, at which time the council will decide, as Councilman Lester Isbell painted out, which is the best course to Li su 0 r . st 0 re Mr. and Mrs. Dut h Heacock And Mine Tom Henderson, representing I S n--• HI a nd Mr. and 'trs. B ., the Harbor Investment company .......,.... way J• arry rei -and the other owners said they ~ Mlle &oat.Iii or tt.e ~ haupt made up a ty which Mrs. Maris Newland. Newport agreed that sewers were desirable·, ~~;;~Cl;oood~~o;n~Tuead~~~·Y~;;~~d~i~ned~~a,;t~t~h~eG~ree;;;;;nd;a;b;les;;;;;;caf;;;;;,e 1 Heights. and Miss Elsie Newland, but that the materials were hard Sunday evening. Central avenue, went to Riverside to get, and did not believe 8 sani· Friday to visit an aunt in the tary problem existed there. John hospital. AUen. chairman of the conunis- Joseph De Temple of Balboa, sion, thought that it would not be R A 0·10 S E RV I C E On Home and Auto Radios ·AT REASONABLE PRICES Palmer Radio & Elec • IC who recently returned to civili&n a modern subdivision without sew- life, has taken a position as 8 P-ers. Mark Johnson felt it should prentice carpenter and truck not be recomended for subdivision driver for O. Z. Robertson. Corona without them. . del Mar contractor. Guests at the home of Rev. Ida Upan the motion o{ Louis Baltz, commissioner from Corona del W. and Henry Sande, 5041,l Orange l\otar, the group after lengthy dis- avenue, Costa Mesa, over the cussion voted unanimously to weekend were Staff Sgt. Phillip recommend the subdivision mai> Tolstad, Seattle, Wash.. who re-lved hi& h ble disch at ~th appro.val of zoning' and l~y-ce onora arge out, providing that sewers are m-2848 Newport Boulevard Fort MacArthur last week, and stalled within 8 reasonable time. ~~~:;==============~~~~~~~~~1 L. A. Wall. A .M .M: 1/c, nephe~ ll the council favors allowing the • Bookkeeping Service • udits of Mr .. Sande, ""'!o ts stationed at lots to be seld in t he meantime, San D1ego. Arriving Monday to a bond could be posted to cover spend several weeks were MI:· and later installaUon of the sanitary Mn. A. W . Anderson of. Het~nger, system Jt was 6 plained. - N. D. Mr. Anderson 1s chief of -·--------Police at Hettinger. Mr. a nd Mn. William Correll, 220 Dtamond avenue, Balboa Is- land, are parents of a daughter born F eb. 19 at St. Joseph hos- pital. She weighed six pounds. seven ounces. City Employe Had Wrist Broken Inflating Tire Mrs. Jean McDonald hu been ill at her home on Oay street. Victim of a pecu.)iar accident at Newport Heights. the city yard yesterday morning Mn. Marie Mellor of Eureka. wu O~nce Baker, an employe Utah. arrived Saturday on ·a vial\ of the city street. department, w~o to Mrs. Ashley Knowlton, Finley had ~ls left wnst broken while Seal has been with• the com- pariy since last September, but has been a mechanic for the past 10 years: He lives at 615 Broad street. I Fran's Do-Nut Cottage Opens on Nwpt Ave. That cute little cottage en- trance to the Bray build.Ing, for- merly the Greener Furniture store at 1761 Newport avenue, Costa Mesa, Which has recently had an attractive face-lilting job, is the way into Fran's Do-Nut Cottage where "Fran,'' who is Mrs. Stephen A . Struz, dispenses the delectable All-American dessert with the help of her husband. • Made in sight of the customer , that tantalizing: odor and tooth- some appearance demand they be sampled on the spat, and the pro- prietors have thoughtfully pro- vfded a ~ counter where they can be' eaten accompanied by their natural partners, a cup ot coffee or a glass of milk. For quick reru1ts use News· Times c:la.saifjed oolumns. INCOME TAX RETURN avenue. She is step.mother by a inflating a. tire. former marriage to William Trua-The accident . happened w~en r------------~ ty, Newport Heights, anp she will Baker ~as inflatlt\g the truck tire, also visit the Trusty family while and as it. reached 60 poun~ pres- h sure, a ring between the run and II. N. BAFENFELD Public Aa:ountant Hours 1 ~ Gas Heating & State Ucm:led Om.tractor .................. Malm w.,,. ....... 18_,>._1 • ..._ MN &r '' • blln ea NII • C.mplete Fountain Service HA·NSEN'S Newpoot MAl,'JB 0 ,30 p. m. one 158 - t e~.ank Bell who runs t he Pa-wheel became dislodged, hitting vilion office-'tor Paul Lorentzen, his wrist with a tenific impact. ts able to be about again after an ?r· Gerald Rausa took. X-rays illness and found that the wnst was · broken, but probably would mend by it.self. Considerable flesh was taken off alao. and while pain- Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- Dally Delhery-l'llolle G1 111%1 Newport Bhd. OO!ITA 111E!1A ful, it was not considered serious. :::===========::; Jmt a &)•~ p:wes New.- Cases Cabinets WORTHINGTOfi ~ -~ ~... ·-· ' "f"~~~ s~ 1ll86 REFRIG~ATION -Air Co ditioning. ' Tlma Laderlblpl M-1.J QUO R SHOP_ lDI~ NNpWt-.C.1 Pleaty of. Wlailkey '!f•---~ ___ ,.._ OOft'A "N*. CAtzr; ............. Quality Lumber and lluildiq Mahriala I • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. L . E. "OSTETLEll --· General Machine Work • Marine Machine Work • • Boat Building Material • 20,000 feet Fine Sp&nlsb MAHOGANY for Boats • SAMPSON Madline Works llM !f-... ~-.... OOll't.& .... take. Isbell said that they had tried to plan all the leases to expire at about the same time, and they S]romised to give the navy repre- sentative definite word on the situation soon for their crash boats moored at present in front of the Union OiJ dock on Balboa Island. • For office supplies, see ' the News-nmes. NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards SWloaery Brookillgl! V arietv .. c:..... 1197. ~ ...... C J' t1 l..lilt fll RI' cu'a ..-. PIERSOL'S ProfMliom.1 Pharmacy Hll FOREST AVENUE '--"In Busineu fo., You.,. Health" ·1111 lplfd ... 111 ~ ..... OOllPL&TS: 8101.00ICAL a D&UO llTOOK PHldll:lll • 9w-rSe.I BdU m...ue ... _..., ..... 0.-. Cn&diel a.-.:•.• ....._: • I' &WWW ..... I 11411 SA I= ITT of each account INSURE:O, up to $5,000., by the l=ederal Saving• ind Loan Insurance Corporation \ .savers and investors save her• ... where . savnng PAYS • Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and Loan ·Association Laguna Beach, Calif. -Ph. S90 ;"'"1111u11..u11"u1u1111111:11u1n1n11·11r1~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ •• ~ .. ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~, ~ .. ~, .. ~.,.~ •• ~ ... ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~, .. ~,..~, .. ~,.,;.,~,.~ .. ,~ .. ~~, .. ~,.,;.,,;.,~, .. ~, .. ~,..~ .. ~"~"~"'~'"~'"~"~'"~";"~"~"'~'"~'"~'"~'"~"~"'~"~"~'-~"~fj • Post War Prosperity I . Club Roster.--Continued I . The full-page ~ layout by Jack Undsley, cowboy arllllt, Is otir ~y of..,,+ Ing our .-den with portrayals ·In prose and pencil, the face and Ufe stories .., ~ 'our leading dtbenry. l · ' I OftinMB their •ork la ...iterated for the benefit of newco,,_,, to the .._ and to nmlnd "oldsten" of their contri butioa to the ba11dtng of the Barbor di. triet. New f..,...· and their 8torie8 give "1-lilog-hl8torlea," displaying them ' -18 In oar mldlt. J -.$.. ,_!I. I Siegel & Raub ENGiNEER.s and SURVEYORS lleedy-to-w<V, Top, Ple<e .Goocla lnfantt' w ..... HauaOhold Ware l.IMN_pwt_ -__ , ()aata ·- ;t ;t ;t· Volney Hay Balboa Motel ;t .t .t Paul Lorentr.en Balboa Sportfishing Fleet . -...... ~ ... ·-- --.. --~~-;t ;t .t Milt.on M. Maxw~ll, M. 1111~~-­-Newpwtl- . ;t;t;t T.LEFEVRE '!Frent;hie's" Barbecue · &;.Detiate111n · m ..._ 1a ... ..J"HIJilD--Al • • • ·• L J • , • • • • • " " • • ! • -• • • ' • • i • • • • ' ' --• . . . A Bea h Comber's View 01 :our . F . ' i.g _ our 1 .. , G.N.Wells Real Estate ;t ;t ;t Curt H. Bowman The Bohman Compan ~---111 o..&: llfclnra7-N .... rt Bweh, 0 ;t;t;t 0. Z. -Robertson General Contractor Ult ()out mpwa,--CoNna del Mar, Newport BS ;t;t;t Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Bro.d.way Ooeta Meu.. Callfornla ;t ;t ;t A. E. Groty -J . A. Gro Groty Appliance Co. ~ and Mayt:ac Dealer-Pbone 6 1'191 Newport Blvd.--Ooota M-C . . ;t ;t ;t John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Otnoe Phone: !OM SM Main 8-t-Balboa, Calli. ;t ;t ;t F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift GIFTS OF ALL KlNDS Pbone !IS!-J 110! Ocean Fl'ont-N ewport Belle", ;t ;t ;t L . H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics -~$45 l'IM Newport BmL-Cooia M- ;t ;t ;t HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Comp y nu w . Central-Newport - ;t ;t ;t HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing l'ltll -()out mpway-l'lloae: N ;t ;t ;t • Lew H. Wallace 11%11 Ree.I Estate and Insurance Bro er n-: Olftce ~Keo. 1519 not W. C<mtnl Ave.-Newport Beadl, ;t ;t ;t COYE. WATI'S . Balboa Liquor Sto -11:. O.tnl A-. Bal-Callf. I'll. U~ '"Die -ol CordlalltJ" -O. U. B , ~. ;t ;t ;t Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lo ge -llata Street e.ntG• PIL ,,. ;t ;t ;t J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER l'lloeelW llltll at Central-Newport - "On Your Way_ to Balboa" ;t;t;t ~ Walter J. Gerhard Our Photographer U'J Fenlle&f A."ft!lluo---Ooroaa# del Mar, Oallt.. Newport~m-w ;t ;t ;t Newport Engineering A ates FREDERIC J . SJNGER. Presid<!n M.ulllfacturen a Sales ~ Utl eo..t mctn .. y-Pll. ua ;t ;t ;t Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Stati n 1111 W. O.tnl-New....,t .B•tt. Ill ;t ;t ;t Wallace C. Matoon Mattoon's Shoe Stor . • FootWMr toc AI lthe Family . l_N_.~- ;t ;t ;t FRANK A. AND MILDRED WV~..Sfl Costa Mesa Paint & Sim wl.,;WIMINM q..llf;y Pal .... ... ,, • ._. A11"·aee --·W ~ -tau NefrPo Rift. • . ' Balboa, Newport Beach, Costa Mes~~ Corona del Mar---~'All for One-One :for All'' ':13'.Y "Doc'' ·George H. Stricker I . That old adage llhoat "bulJd a, better mometrap ud the ;.on.t will beat • path to your door," -id well be .,,.:led to the harbor -, for with the dlocovery by boa&_.,,. of the WJ<eelled op- portaniUM far iafe aachorap, with botb ~ water ud ooeaa llllillng for yach...._, the yachtblg ~ bu lntly made a pathway to Newport Barbor. Attncted by vacatioa faclllU..., many non-resident owners have brought their boalll here while many more have decided on the ....,.. for .a permanent home aad will build later, while many new homes ve already under comtrucUon. In Yachting circle8 Newport Harbor luls claimed many famous names. The "F11ght of the Snowbirds," annual affair for the younger generation. Is lm11wn all over the world. Hook Beardslee with bis locally-built B-~-C and the late Walton Hubberd jr. with Tempe D were lntematloaal champions, while the late Bill lnslee, • member of Newport Harbor Yacht club, sailed his Taurus, the • Captain Stanley James Barden of "Wing • Sang," Knows the China Seas, Its Boats and Its People .The replica of oae of the famous Foochou Pole Junks, shown to the left, Is one of . the preeent day llllillng v-111 plying be- tween Foochou and Shanghai, China. They are -·ally loaded to the gun.....,,. and eanytng a cargo of any commodity ·- oary to the -tenan<:e of either port. They\ ,.i..,.ys Mil In con- voys of-ten or more, as protection apl-t plratM. Aecordlag to Capl Stanley Barden, pirates are still active In ChinMe waters, e~en In this day and age. These junks depend entirely on the wind for propulsion. It tak.,. about ten days to make the trip of about three hundred m1le8. , . first $ar boa& ever built, wbldl later developed Into a m... lluy other famous -are -Ute list of ~ owaed :1M•t8, -....,.. Ing -famom -la Uae--motiola pldme world. Ind.try, too, 19 tiatere.ted In the harbot ud -Y boUa b&ve been ""'1t here, botb for the' government during warlbM, ud far commercial aad sporWlahlng. . MlnesWMpMS, tug bcMlta, refltpr- at.ed cargo '" "'"'"' PT lSoalB, baby purse aelnel'll aad day boala have all hit the water at ""* yards. ; . The aporillflsblng fleet 19 oae of the Important lndustriee of the harbor and ere--~ kept busy the ~ U'OWld ~ of the three caanerles whlclt enable them to fist! In the winter month& With many pleasure boafll Idle d.¢ng the war ye&n many firms are busy In the repelr and ~n of bo&fll, while othen are featuring the very aewest In d"8lgn aad most modem In construction. Christian's Hut on Edgewater, Balboa, overlooks the bay and is the rendl!'ZVous of piclllre stars and yachtsmen. It had its be- ginning at calAtiria Isthmus when "Mutiny on the Bounty• was being filmed and Major Art La Shelle catered to the film colony. He later opened the Hut at Balboa and induced Francois M¥Sltall, for years chief steward for majpr steamship lines, to take charge as manager. Mai'shall was born in England and at the age .Ql five years went to live in. Russia, his fat.bet" being in charge of engineering for the trans-Siberian railroad. He was 16 when he left Russia and began working as steward with steamship lines, visiting all parts of the · world and learning the ·mbdng of many varied drinks of the Orient. He also worked in some of the larger bars in this country and once owned the Midnight Frolics in Chicago, one of the largest night spots in the Windy City . Hospitality and tpendly individual serv-. ice is the keynote of the Hut and others who· have a part in niaking it a popular spot are Kelly Mica, Marshall's right hand man; Hap Long, purchasing agent; Les Leman, chef; Alice Taylor and Hefena Long, in charge of .service, and a staff of waitresses dressed • .. In tropical costumes. , ---" . .• -. Howard J. Gerrish Bob Allen Braden L; Finch HARTFORD FIRE lNSU&ANCE CO. COUNCILMAN Phone 111 Prop. , 1808 N~rt Blvd.-Coota M-Callf. BAUM>A ISLAND V AIUETY STORE ;t ;t ;t ;t ;t ;t ANITA SEXTON• JOSEPH L. MARSHALL Prop. Balboa Market ~.--Christian's Hut and Delicatessen .. . --* E. ce.tnl-l'll. nn ;t ;t ;t ;t ;t ;t • Thomas F. Norton DON NORMAN Prap. Norman's Meat Market BAY SHORE CAFE .__, n••~...,..,. 1111 o.Jnl A"'° " 111 W SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. SPORTLAND-BOWUNG-PAVILION . - Pres. C. ol·C. Gen Mgr. Finch Ceramics ;t ;t ot Robert L. Shorey-Recording Engineer Davis & Gay Music ~· 18'7 Newport Bl~ !hr· P1L 1111 . . '1& Wobn!t 8t..-BuaU.C-- ot ot ;t Theodore Robins F'ORD DEALER ' ..... JlllW.O.- Telephone 2<102 . BALBOA Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN ""-HU 1W OoMt ~ ••• Otal. ;t~;t . AL ANDERSON Fun Zone ...... -· ;t ot ot Bob Callis Gll!IJl:a.&i" -·GlllCC••I, PCn: (FLYING BOllWO'Wc&) 117 JM. Bt.-Ne..-pon "1a m ;t ;t ot ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage l'llone "8 08 IOtll St-Newport Beota, <Am. ;t ;t ;t Capt. B. J. McNally - MoNaDTo Balboa Boat Livery '705 E. Bay Ave.-Pbone ~ , ;t ;t ;t Dr. Conrad Richter • Ciotta Mee. Phone: Olftoe lSS &e.ldenoe 14-.1 ;t ;t ;t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER , BALBOA • Calli, ;t ;t. ot Geo. Weiss L. Elaine-Weiss Coast Properties Co. Realtors . '703 E. CentnJ-Balboa-Pbone us ;t ;t ;t W, B. Rowe Starck's Cafe· !1.Jt Pl~Newport ot ;t ;t Fritz Goossens -Gus Vander Linde Balboa Market . -Newport M--301 Main St. ;t ;t ;t Jack Hamilton -Beacon Sea Foods l'lloae %084·W · UOl 0-t lllchway-Newport -..i., Collf •. ;t ;t ;t ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob, StaUoDOl'J', cM.t., Art Sapplleo -llala 8L--Bal--PIL Newport 1'711 ;t ;t ;t Robert E. Arvin's Jewelers aad Watclunakel'B 111 bmty·-8- Newport BMeb. Calli. ... . ;t;t;t WUllam: MacCurdy W. · H. (Skip) C!a!Jdrw MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. . NAVAL ARCHITECTS . M. E. Nledecker, Sec. It Treu. , uu ~ Bwy.-Newport ---a Nwpt. 1- ·;t" ;tot Stanley· James Barden MASTER MARINER --B-ef'-Yaebt and 8l!lp -801 Ooaot Bwy.-1'11. -·M ;t ;t ot C. F. Dennison Aeeod•ted wit.It A. "BANDY." BTEINO -BM!tor 113' 0-t lllP,..J"-Pboae U71 ;t ;t ot MAC PELLETIER NeWJ)ort Pharmacy 1108 OcNll Front.-Pbooe 5 ;t ;t ;t ANTON HERSHEY Prop. Hershey's Market Spot -·-llal--;t it .i Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES W-, W-, W• Kala Mau .. •·D11 • ;t, ;t ! Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH ..... 111 fJ11taV.. lWNewpMt~ ;t ;t ;t AR1HUR SILVER New Blue ·Room · (Wes Electric Grill I ' l!AT8, DlllNU AND ROJIANC& Tel. till "· c 1i1 ...... • I I • • • 0 • ~ • • • < ~ ~ • ' ' . I• I' • --• .. . ---Heifetz Appearing . ·At L.B. Manicipal Tlieeday, March 5 ~=~:ui. . .-Wd I NE'(S-TIMES CLASSIS:IED~~ co-portnenblf P lbouldt n!.~ . Read Them for Profit ••• 1 •. U• Them for R...U. ' • -• • Heifetz tbe wwld'1 patnt ..,,,. or peymen "' ~ . I v1o11n11t who will 1ppev at the 'i'bompooo, Att<lmeY at Law, SUlte It JGU daa't find 'lllb.t J'Gl are loo'11C far ad'usthrd la ti* IBll!. ,. Pbaae M peat Peel! l2crl3 and p11c1--aa edeulk ..f.t--- Lmg llHdl A.ud!l<Jrlwn Tueoday 2CWI Spurgeon Bldg., : ia>ita Ana. , , ,_ -... ..rune. Mud> 5 .. 11mateii that California. on ·or befol< Monday, JIU _ - he bu ~ the violin -Mud> 4, l!M&, at the ~ of ten TIDE TABLES pADl'l'DfQ OD~ .-...OlfJllDIT Gil* esp· • ~ Rll!PLla ...... m.t.n . ., ..... m·-'lli,000 hoUn durln1 hi. !lfe. 'Ibla o'clock A. M.~~~~~~_: __ _:_~~~~~~~~-:_ ____ ~.,~ Is the equivalent of playing am-t Dated and Ilene<! Ii~ 21st day i'ICllJIUAJIJ' P~G -P.t.Pllt lliNGUfO WANTED -~ oen1ce *i ~c 12-rt.110-lb. TOP--. nine yean llleadlly, 24 hoUn a day. of FebrUaey, 1946. lU&h Low lU&h Low -DBXllU.TING itatlon operator. Call 9'15-• 0-CAR l!OAT -CUUUER. J. M. M I L L E R 'At the qe of 43 Heifetz bu 311 ALBERT "-J OYCE W 27 6:00 12:05 1:911 1111 B. II. McDoNkl. . l&-tfc "°"".on dioplay. Other modela yean at ooncft't-playin& behJnd ROY °!!-.. 4_s 2.& '3.6 --O.' '" Old o-i;:. ~Pb. 1';:0 PART TIME job avalloble u c:ua-oofn ._ dinchl .. , Oanboatl. run- hlm. When he wu tllrtt his father Pub.-Feb. 26, 28. ),... Tb 28 6:44 12:46 1:111 1:111 · todlanof Corona de! Mar cburcil. '&bo<lta, crullerl Ir peddl- bouirht hlm a quarter..ize fiddle NOTICE O 5.4 2.3 3.9 --0.8 awzzc U\JW 11 Fine fer !IOmeOlle seml·retlr<!d. ~lutic Watercraft Clo., 'l1lS E. and cave him hi. tint lel&On. INTENTION _ ~. ' lfA!!C11 Apply 1219 Cout HlahwoY, Ci>-f""tral, BalboL Phone 683. From tben 00 thr1'uchout his •~ a~ F 1 7 :23 1:23 l :U 1·11 FOR A RELlAJILE Paint Job °" l'Dn4 de! Mar, or phone Mr. Rob-16-lic childhood he avo-•ed lour houri 5.7 1.9 4.1 -LO your home, call Newport 1047 ertaon. N. B. 83. 16-ltc ......... ~·· a IUDIO. , M 15th and, Central Bay Ave. Balboa ·-Forty-llx-foot Gu ''Nep-2 1.•• after 4:30 p.m. lt-tfc f,Ui'ii:O:::&;i;;;--;;;;;;--;;;;,;;;;;~;1-u~ a day practclng. It Is hi. bout tune•• will be IOld by John Chu S 8:01 1:58 1:1.t -WANTE:D-Saleo men and""""°" -------------1 that llnce the qe of oevm be bu Kirk. Herbert Fotch and Wm. 5.9 1.!i 4.3 -1.0 '"XCA VA.TING, GRADlMG, let far Newport, Coota M... and BEAUTinlL spnet type mirror Excepti<lnally well located bttn lelf-oupport!n1 t'r<>m hll oon· Semon to Prenti.a Moon! oo Su 3 8:39 2:35 t:U l:M plousblnL -t wall<I. dtiv.. Hunt!ncton Beach, to aell build-piano, a barpln. Tern& Danz-Jot on bey, avenue- =t aweuances. Thunday, February : 19U. All ._ -,.~ ... ~., 4.6 -l.O --foandatlcaL See irll materials on ""'11mlaloo. Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. llfaln Lot for sale In cen1er ot busi- ness district. Owner will lll!ll as Is or will build tq suit ten- Heifetz Pft""'ntatlon i. an ....,.t cl..-or liens tnoY 1 ~ preoented ,_ -., -.: - -., • -C...tnicllftc Co.. pboM Apply ~l Besonla Ave .• Corona Santa Ana. 8-tfc of the Lons Beacll Greater Artist to.Wini Sang Boat y jrd. Broker ~t 2!1!13-J. 8-9tp de! Mar. 16-2to GOOD ....S pi•-Some u i- Seriel and eeata are now on l&le Agent for seller at 81l · · Hlch at the Auditorium Ball Office. and way Newport Beach. California, PUBLIC NOTICE BICYCLBS · WANTED -Men (er Women! • 189. Fine fer pnctlce. EMl' Hwnphttyo Miiiie Company In bet~ February :l8, 1 It&. lldlll, Raie. ., ~ Neat appeartnc fer .,.;.ritabl~ termL Or will ""''-Danz· Lone llffcll. PRENTISS MOORE. NOTICE IKVJTllfO llSALSD vocm.:1 . . advertising campaign --ill ef-Schmidt PlaM Co., DI No. llaln ------------Pu F b 26 1946 · 100 Kala It., •""» feet. Excellent _,.-tunlty If S...ta Ana. ~tfc b.- e . • . PIWl'OSAUI IOI --llOI-loind )'OU quallfy. APPlJ' Mr. Van ____________ ..;, CDTDICAD or mno:ss Punuant to 1notruc:t1om of the -Deren. sai~ N. Main st.. Santa Zenith ~hie Radio Flctltloua Firm l{ame Oty Council of the Oty of New· ta&JGmGI z•no>w II Ana. l&-lOtc All waft. Battery and AC-DC. Pua1ic Non~ $3250 5-Unit Income Near ocean. Income nearly $200 per !11(Jllth. ' ant · Ocean Front , Bnsl-lot 100 feet frontage on ocean 50 feet Oii stI eet. Good fer 8tore!! or apartments. . Price $14,750 Bargain at $6500 ~1- czaftncAn or 1!111BDIU8 ...:!!!, ~-~ ""! hereby port l!eacll, California, notice i. n. -· • ~. •IJTO _ ·VEL· W& _, ... ,,_ • Play& oa bo&ta, auto bUI, ~ F!ctltlow Firm Name ~ ~, uwt ~ u a hettby Elven invltillg oealed pro-~,.A ~·-A • ~ ~ repaJr and sale bualneU at pooa1a or bldo for purcllUe of a SERVICE-Private can to all FOR SALE-Day bed. upboloterecl MESA RADIO Ir ELECrRONlCS I Phone Y C!IUr Listings In THE UNDERSIGNED do here-1301 Cout lU&hway. ty of N-five (5) room blJnlalOW ooly, I~ dtleo In u . s. A. dally. . chair. 211 Opal Ave., Bal-ls-1749 Newport Blvd. . and we will give them -~ consideration by certily that they are conductlnl port Beach. County of Or-. c.ated on the bay at 18th Stnet at UCENSED -INSURED land. Phone 1211. U-tfc Coot& M-lf-tfc • -·-, a Machine Shop bullneu at foot State of California, w dor the lie-the entrance to the Oty Camp Ph: Santa Ana 6548. S12 French J M M J L L E R of 31.lt Street. Oty ol Newport tltlOUI ~ name ~ DIESEi. Ground Street. 111-ttp DILLE " McGUIRE a .... -· Arvin'·& Emerson . • Beacll, County of Orange, State SERVICE and that 1jald firm la Bids will be far the pw-chUe of 118£Vl'll' ..._ 11 SS.75. ear-A.:acla and Padflc RAD I 0 S 15th and Central • N""'PO<t Beach • Pllme U&2 of California. under the fictltloua compmed of the fo:t:penono. the house only and will not in-Drift, Corona del Mar. lMtc 24-Hour Radio Service "on Your Way to Balboa" firm name ol Central Marine En-whoae nameo and are u elude the lot wbere the houae la COLD an4 lUClll'OU BM Short C'--·llo. Radi'o l&-ltc !llneer!ng eo .. and that aald firm followa, to wit: now located. Succeutul bidder WA VE8 FO.!f~~.'i::!~ ca:-.:_'>';::: 305 ~-l!O& • "' a FOR SALE-1" ac. In Coota llleu. ts compmed of the followtng per-Frank B. I..ewls. 010 Cout must remove thla home from Ito 'nnUq and ~ N. B. 1994-W evenlnp. ·1Mtc Phone 1638-W lS-tfc FOR RENT -Laree lurolshed 30· min. t'r<>m Long Beech, 2-"°""• whoae names and addresaes lUgl)way, Newport +•ch, Call-present location within forty-rive ~ Appola-ta Ph. 1n-w light room, outllde entrance, bedrm. frame, nuiipua room~ are u follows, to Wit: fornla. (451 dayi after the bid ts awarded. Vi'a JJ.alltv Skop FOR SALE-Hoover cleaner, per-STEINWAY Grand, like new, one near bathroom. Man only. Mn. nected to gaiagr, wash -· John Ayling, 2117 N . M&Tengo, WITNESS my hand 4th day of BJds for less than $200.00 will be uos eout HJwaY. -Oorma di1 Kar feet condition. Phone 1583--W. of. the Wtllttd'1 ~test planOI. Sweet, 516 36th St., Newport fruit trees, close to schoola aDd Altadena. Calif. February, 1946. r ejected. 1a.ttc 16-2tc Gora:eoua • tone. Beautiful cue. Beach. . 15-2tp markets, It's cozy, it's cute and C. R. RUJtenbach, 1631 Allegro B. LEWIS. Each bid shall be accompanied FOR SALE Co Thia Is an !natrwnent for tbe WILL EXCHANGE 2_bedroom un· it ts only $6,000. Doheny, 309 E. Sq uare. San Gabriel, Calif. State of C&llfomia ) by a -titled or cashier's check -Al.TB AID9 II -nvertlble baby discrimlna..t-... b D · . 1st St., Long Beach. Ph: 7"'.....-. Co ·-.... ___ ••cellent cone! mak ~... uyer. a.oz-~·-'·hed A t. in Lon Be ~ ~·~ Donald V. Muncy, 1833" S. At-unty o_r Orange l a . tor ten percent (10") ol the """"'' ~ ·• es •-•-'dt Pi Co -N Main ·~·~ P g a~, 1• --~ .,. W C M k p ' ·11· into car bed. Phone lTI"W ~=• ano " ~ 0 · Belm t Sh ••·tri 1 block ~·~ lantic, Alhamra, Calif. On this 4th day ot February amount ot the bid, made payable 0 an a 0 enlCl lD o-· Santa Ana. S.ttc on ores W4 ct, ------------ WITNESS our hand thls 21st day A.D., 1946, before 1f1e Nora S. to the order of the City of New-Capsules, Ointment or 16-ltc from ~y for unfurnished house FOR SALE- or F ebruary; 1946. Margwarth a Notary l'ubllc In and part Beach. Bids shall be sealed Llquld Solution. FOR SALE -Super Hudson Ca-Radio Repairing or apt. in Newport area. Phone Balboa · Island JOHN AYLING for said County and =iotate. resid-and filed with the City Oerk at Bring your prescription to us. nadJan Seal Coat. Worn verY lit· House calls daily except Sat. and N. B. 2560· t4-4tc Attractive, well-built stucco, 1 C. R. RUSTENBACH lng therein duly comr issioned and the aty Hall in Ne\vport Beach. Ue, $300. Call eves., 6 Waverly Sun."'Complete stock of tubet &: WANTED TO RENT U bedroom, garage, possession at DONALD V. MUNCY sworn, personally ap1 ~ared Frank California, on or before March Newport Pharmacy· Dr., Bay Shores. 16-ltc factory replacement parts. Ph: ROOM OR APARTMENT wanted close or escrow. S'ate or California ) B. Lewis known to m to the per-4th, 1946 a t 4.·00 o'clock P. M., 2018 Ocean Front -Phone 5 345 MESA RADIO & ELEr b 2 pl $10 0 0 • · Fire Place and KindJ!na · ~ Y em oyed girls: Phone , O _ terms County of Orange } ss. son whose name ls µbscribed to and will be opened and publicly 16-ltc WO OD • TRONICS CO., 1794 Newport 1763-W after 4 p.m . -14-4tc ON TIHS it.st day of February the within Instrum nt, and ac-read aloud at or about 4:00 o'clock L08T ANTI l'OUND Blvd 9-tfc · • -A.D ... 1946, before me Nora s . knowledged to me hat he exe-P . M. ol that day in the Council ' II Delivered APT OR SMALL house by local Gertrude A. w aldron l>largwarth a Notary Public ln and cuted the same. Chambers in the City Hall; New· LOST-Bunch of keys on South H. W. WRIGHT-Ph. 20SO ·~IO HOUSE CALLS -Now couple. No children .oo pets. Ph': Wm. W. Sanford, Broker ror said County and State, residing IN WITNESS n OF, 1 port Beach, California. Bay Front, Balboa Island Please 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-trc that additional competent tech-2268. 15-4tp 308 Marine Avenue therein duly commissioned and have hereunto set my and and af. 'Ibe above mentioned ch~k J n.-f nltoW.O.akare avail. ablcallioe, we arelarable WANTED TO RENT or le•••, un-Telephone 234-R 1°ltc fixed ff al ,.,... return to .oe """~k's o fice at FOR SALE-v -h.p. l().1'nch blade m • -~ . sworn, personally appeared John · my '! ici . ~al th~ day and shall be given as a guarantee that Ferry Landing. f. 14'-t1c pawer saw,"'..... No. 38 Dear-e ervice on ge furnished house Ph 1850-·R AyUng, C. R. Ruttenbach, Donald ye~ ln this certif1cat~ ftrSt above the bidder will enter into the con--op.JV conaolea. All work guaranteed ,. . one s.tf EV A F. RHODE}l V. Muney known to me to be the written. tract if awarded to him. and will REWARD for return of black coin born gas heater, new, $28; new HAROLD L. HA.:Mll.., S. O. S. c __ persona whoAe names are subacrib-NORA S. M, RGWARTit, be declared forfeited if the suc· purse lost Monday between Bal· suit, size 38. dark, S20· A-1 rah-Radio, .300 Marine Ave. Ph: 780. WA.Nna> by re9p0natble 'hte-- ed to the within Instrument, and Notary Public In iand For Said cessful bidder refuses 10 enter boa and 513 w. Central Ave. bit hutches, $5; Col.,;.an gaso-' ll'lfc pbooe Employee, 2 or S bedrooln Newport Heights acknov.•ledged to me that they exe-County and Sta e. My Com-into said oontract after belng re-Ph: 306. 16-2tp line light, $4. 1805 Tustin Ave., R d" R . houee.. PVU!anenl. Pbon•! Su.ta 50xl27-ft. lot with sewer. cuted the ume. mission Expir .. an. 29, 1950. q uested to do so by the City Coun· ICllPLOYKENT w•-•• Costa ·Mesa. 16-ltp a 10 epall1! Ana 5829. 8().tfc $900 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have !Notarial Seal) ell of the City of Newport Beach. ~·--ORANGE COUNTY All makeo; tubea, etc. Pb. '2o 7. WANTED TO RENT-Bay Front - hereunto oet my hand and affixed Pub.-Feb. 5, 12. 19, '6, 194( The City Councll of the City o( CARPENTER WORK by hour or UPHOLSTERING CO. Burt Norton, 91~ Gout Hlway, house for month of July or first Costa 'Mesa my ornctal seal t he day and year Newport Beach reserves the right day. Telephone 1805-W. 11-t1c Manufacturers Newport Beach. 9S-t!c 2 wee~. Furn., 4-bedrm. Mrs. Nice 3-rm. house with garage on in this certificate first above writ-• No. 125 to reject any or all bids and to Of Upholstered Furniture SPECIAL AN:\"lOUNOEllZNT8 aa Stoker, Claremont, 586 W. 11th 1 acre. EXcellent 1)1.ng land.I ten. NO'nCE OF OUAB.l IAN'S SALE waive any informality in a bid not WILL TAKE CARE of children. St., or phone 7321. 16-Stp $4500 NORA S. MARGWARTH. OF REAL PROP TY AT effected by law. Corona del Mar. Phone N. B. 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Study at Hom~Real Est. Ucente -'--~--'----.:.::..=:I Notary Public in and For . PRIVATE . --Dated this 18th day or February, 550-M. 2-tfc Facto!"¥ and Showroom Guarantee -208 Security Bldii ORANGE County Harbor employe, --Said County and State. 194 6: 504 West Center St., Anaheim Pasadena, Calif. · ll-20tP wire and 2 children. need 2 or 3 Vacant , (My Commission Expires In the Superior Oow of tbe State FRANK L RINEHART, P'M7LOYMZNT 1>1PiiBED II Phone Anaheim 4714 collect bedrm. house, preferably in Co-3 bedroom house. Extra large Uv- J 29 1950 > of California In ·~d For the aty Clerk of the Oty of WAITRESSES WANTED -Bay 12-tfc No Delay rona del Mar. P._ermanent. Phone Ing room, newly decorated. TUtt ' (SEAL) an. , . County of i •ance. Newport Beach, Calliornla. Shore Cafe, 17th & Coast High~ CORONADO -1244 or write Box 'N' c/o News-sink. Large lot. Close in. C..0.ta Pub.-Feb. 2t;, Mch. 5, 12, 19, 1946. In the Matter ol t e Estate and Pub.-Feb. 21, 2t;, 1946. way. Ph: Newport 2344. 14-tlc Electric Range, $178 Refinis.,i'~o:;i~e~throom ar.~~~OU8 16-4: Mesa. Gu&nuanship of Bt.ANCHE H . WANTED-Expert boat mecllan-Immediate Delivery $7500--Tenns NOTICE OP' TRANSFER OF TT.t.nRlSON I CERTIFIOATE OF BUSINESS ics, also <>vnot"ienced boat repalr -BUILDING-600 sq. ft. cement -~ • ncom tenL ~-~ Auto Batten'es F P Waldron floor space.. Corner 28th an. d V1'ew Lot STOCK IN TRADE IN BULK. NOTICE IS y GIVEN, Fictitious Finn Name man. See Mr. Miller at Bay • ' Ce l that E. D . Goodell, ii ardlan or the Shore Camp. 14-t1c 18-month -$6-45 Ex. Telephone 234W. 3-4.tc ntra . Will remodel. Apply Excellent view over harbor. Locat· NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN person and estate , f .Blanche H. The unclerslgned"do hereby cer· Pen syl . Oil 3313 Finley Ave. 16-4tp ed close to Arches. that Al.BERT·M. JOYCE, residing Harrison, incompeteht, will sell at tlfy that they _are conducting a HELP WANTED -Want refined n van1a Washing Machines Storage $3500 at 309 Narduul Avmue, Corona private sale to the llighest bidder general contracting business a t 325 woman to auht mother of 2 Gallon, 70c Repaired FOR .RENT -Large space for -- del Mar, Oty cir Newpcirt Beach, upan the term> Ind conditions Coral Ave., Balboa Island. Callfor-children. Room, board and aal-~ -Fbr All Kake• Balboa ls c d I M . California, Intends to sell and hereinafter meqtlon .• and sub'-t nla, under the fictitious flrm ary, Ph: N. B. 2210. 6-tfc Western Auto Supply Pick up aod Deltv«y. storage on land. Call prona e ar ~ ~... f d Ra 764. · 15-4tc 2 lot.Ii, bOth have fine view abave transfer to ROY H. KEENE, re-to confirmation by said Superior name o Corson an Y Company EllPLOTllEMT OPi, ,., • Authorized Dealer SCBULlCR'S oce , lldlng a\ 301 Palm Street, Bal-Court, on March 11 h , 1946, at the and that said firm Is compi.ed 1836 Newport Blvtt., Coot.a Ilsa WaaJllc )bchlne Bhop UAL ESTATE n an. -· City ol Newport Beach, Or-hour of 10:00 o'd clt A. M .. or of the followmg persons, whose WANTll:D-HOTBL KAID. --3-tfc 17S8 Newport B1"'4, Coat& ll-FOR SAI E 4 room, 2 bedroom '$4500 each ange County, caJifomla, all of his thereafter within th time allowed names ln full and places of rnl· 11111... ~ eeo. S.tfc Phone b83 ~ttc house,· newly decorated, near - r ight, title and !ntereat In and to by law. all that cer aln real prop-dence are 81 fol10W11 , te>-w\t : Just Arrived "~-•nters Availa"'e ocean or bay and storei. 435 - the follow\n1 described property, erty belonging to nd owned by DAVID CAMBLE CORSON, INT E .,_ Heutag Aid V<W}"' UI Goldenrod. Call NewJldrt 281-M. EVA F. RHODEN t<rwlt: ' s9Jd Incompetent w d her said es-1107% North Bay Front. Balboa R E ST IN G BA TTERff!S ~r _..... m-•-Immediate poaseu!on. 12-6tc Broker That certa!n business known tale, being the ho• •• and lot le>-Island, California. .. W 0 R K Gun-~-c..• aad ~ 470 Newport Blvd., Coot& Mesa u Spartland, loc~ed In the old cated at No. 320 w .. t Ocean JAMES DAVID RAY, ;l25 Coral 117 llaln st:•;:.. 516 o;). z. "411E«TSON BALBOA, 3-bedrm., 2-story, hard· ELTON ,D. BARNET!', Salrcnen Pavilion Building, Balboa, 01>' Front, in the Ci• ol Newport Avenue, Balboa Island, .California. Pleasant Working 00-tfc . can Newport ea wood floors, fireplace, 1% bath. Pb. N""IPOl't 1965-M' of Newport Beach. Caillornla, Beach, Orange Couhty, California, WITNESS our hands thla 11th Conditions u-tfc = paou:!:S\:7!i :;m ~y. 1J>.2tc together with lts fllm;lture. and more partlculai y described a.s day or February, 1946. W'Allf't&D TU IR1T II CUSTOM CAB furnlshlnp, equipment, supplies. follows: DAVID C. CORSON, INET WORK~ lnunediate pouession. $16,000. u11. 'ml'A.ft D<Rl•OS '8 good d ood will f JAMES D RAY Learn w ANTED -NI home n Ll palr work and remodelln1 ol '21 Owner on premises at 322 A.nade "";~;:;::~~=~~~~~ aald b::;:...an g o P01{;! ~~~. as~ Ta~ STATE OF cAI.IForufil.. Isle. Will pay ~h. W~te Bo~ klndl. CU.tom built-in ruriu-Saturda>" andjlunday. 16-ltc 6io I TO l2iiO fu b08utlfii! North That said stock in trade conslsts thereof reconl~ In Book 3 COUNTY OF ORANGE-a. T E L E P H 0 N E ' ''M" c/o News-Times. 13-<ltc ~OE~~~ Wsog,,~ FOR SALE-• ·New Mexlco, tr&41< on 6().rt. boat principelly of prizes and other poge 8, Mlscell lneous Mapa' On this !1th day of February, 0 PE RA.TIN G SNOWBffiD or "FLA'ITIE" want· Ave. Phooe Newport 2634. Balboa Island and up. HUp&ylo, 2106 Oak Glen merchandise used in connection Records of Ori hge County' A. D. 1946, before me, Nora S. ed. by private party. Any con-98-ttc New Duplex, completely fum.ilhed PlaC.:, L A. 15-Stp That aald transfer and sale will TERMS AND CONDrnONS and for the said County and State, dlt>0n OK. Telephone WEbster $13,500 -terms . ~ TO -• with aaJd bUJineaa California. • Margwarth, ~ Notary Public in Increased w~e rates ·' be made on Monday, the 4th day OF SALE: Cash, h lawful money residing therein, duly commls· now in e ect. 6661 , L. A., reve .... charges. KE y s ln)medlate pooaeaion, botb unlta. L().uq To BUILD. ""'· _ ... of March, 1946, at teo o'clock of the United Statl!s· at least ten sloned and sworn, personally ap-Apply 16-3tc llade ~"i.:i.;' Walt . --*¥ ar ' O AH- A. M .. at the law olflces of Roland percent (10%) of bid to be paid P"ared David C. Col'IOll and James WIU. PAY CA.!IH r... :ygar ,..,.. 100 Main St., Balboa Gertrude A. Waldron N..,pwt -_.. .. ,tuca Thompson, Suite 208 Spw-geon on or before lime r sale, and bal· D. Ray, known to me to be the Southern California Dlblra or wbat ~'" ,__ -2<l8 llarlne, Bal-Ialand Wm. W. Sanford, Broker aad 1.-.. •-di- Bldg .• Santa Ana. California. &nee thereol to be paid upan con· persons whose names are aubacrlb-Telephone Company NOHQ>t. :iooo. O. i<. O'a-. Tbe N-tfc 308 Marine A.venue 1111 Via~ Tele,._ lllO" The consideration or price to be firmation of sale ., the Court. ed to the within instrument, and .bo Ba Food Bulllet, 1112 Newport ·~ pakl at the time and place of aale. Bids and offers are invited for ac;knowledged to me that they ex-1 K. Bal~ Ave., Bt.d.; Oollta ¥.-.. ..... ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and Telephone 234--R 16--ltc Dated the 21st day of February, said property Ill must 00 In ecuted the same. · MOTORS repalred accord!ni to Lot On Peninsula LOANS 1946. writing, and will ho received by IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 °" llOATll. S-.-A factory 1peclffcatlona by DJS. Zoned for Duplex ROYH.KEENE. the aaldE.D. n.athlohome have hettunto oet my hand and 6U~ North llaln 9traet A.BLED VETERANS. Work $2750 $100.00 and Up 1 to $10,000.00 See US 11 you --Paymenta to Flt Your Income Vendee. at 3000 West Oceln Front. New-aftlxecl my oftldal .. a1 the day l!lanta Ana FOR SALE-20 h.p. Marine Deloe!. ClllJ'&Dteed. A.lent: MES A Pub.-Feb. 2t;, 1946. part Beach, Callf~(whlcll ad-and year in this Cer1itlc.ate lint like now. Half orllhW COOL Call ~IO Ir ELECrRONlCS co., ..,_. Fr-t Lo dress la hereby ted u the above written. .,. Newport 2234-W. lf-tfc • 1974 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc =>Y on ts NOTICE or DISSOLUTION place ot aald sale) or may 'be riled NORA s . MARGWARTH, A.oll tbe Operator fO< tbe WANT TO BUY-Snipe or Snow· . Several O.OIC<! Oneo or CO-PARTNEJl8RIP with the Clerk of allow--named Notary Public in and for Or· Chlet e>pontor bird In A·l cmdltlon. Write 1272 -Superior eourt. dellftl'ed to -County, State of Call-• • 86-tfc Roanoke Rd., San Marino er ' 2 Houses on 1 Lot _ NOTICE rs H;EREBY GIVEN. Frank L. :no Spnceon fornla. B u IL D N' o w At Corona c1e1 Mar that Albert M. Joyee and Roy H. Bldg., Santa' Ano California. at-Pub. Feb. 12• 19• 2t;; March 5, 1946. · phone Sycamore 6-8357. &-tfc $18,500 Federal Finance -Co. 0.... 22 Yevo ID S...ta Ana Keene, ~pertnen. who have torney for aald at llDY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE-One l().b.p. OUti-rd _ INC. heretofore conducted that certain time after the Iii' Jlllbllcatlon ol cmir1cATE or BUSCNE88 motor, $150; One 1()-rt. water---f.29 No. 8-mora biwt• _ known .. Sportland. 1o-tbll notice and 1>< ore the maklni F!ctltloul Firm Name state of California l · proo1 -punt. 48-m. beam. _ Home On Peninsula Phone GOO. Santa Ana. Oallt. cated In the old Pavilion Building, of said aale. County ol Orange ) a. m, wltb oan; One 1-ln. centrl-LOW COST HOMES 5 B«lro<am. 2 .Baths. nreiii-. S.Ultc Ba11-. Oty of N..._t Beacll, Dated: F 11, 19111. THE UNDERSIGNED do here-ON THIS 15th day of February, fucaJ water pump, $4!5 ; '1llO feet $16,000 !~~~~~~~~!::::~~ California. heft dlaloh·ecl aald co-E.' D. GC )DELL, by certify that they are conductln1 A.D., 1946, before -H. M. Hot-'Ii-In. lteel cable, $76. 2807 vma . . -I AWJ n•••• • ti • p+rlnOnhlp, and that, Roy H. Guardian ol the pe--a Yacht BROKERAGE, SalH of nr, a Notary Public in and for WoY, NewPot-t llffcll. Plu 458-W . -;--W. L, JORDAN Fon SALE-'33 Pl)'moUtt> -· Kftne la purcbulng all! the rfsht. and eat.a i. ol JUanche K New Boar. and Marine Suppliel the aald County and State, ...id-alter 4:30 p.m. • 1'-ttc '100 East Contra!, Bal-~ C<!Ddltlon. Call at us 11&7 tl~ and lntaftt or Albert 11. H !ncompeteftt. ~ equipment of every kind and 1ng therein, duly commlsaloned and • • See Model at Phone 153 U-ttc Fr-. llalhoa Jo-ID -to ••· •·-•---at Pub Feb 12, 1• 19 .,., -·~ character buslneu at 62S Cout .......... -10Da""' a--' BO& Manne Radios . . -===-=~~~~---~~~~~~; ~~---~J&.2tp~ ,_ -"""'1-ore-.-. ... ' ..... -~ ~way. Newport Beach. Call-ERT V.STAATI! and"i'ACID:r. c. AvaDable lnmiodlatadell..,-,...,.. 711 Begonia Ave., .&-•-WWW IM-W.&llWWW · 1cml•. under the fictitious llrm STAATS -to me to 00 the plete ,_. or -Your ID-Coro d I U" -~---....:... ____ ..::;===-=====----.:•: -ol ROBERT V. STAATS P"'"""' wi,... names are llUbacrll>-opecUori -. MGGIN!I . na e .mar· . u • • WING SANG BOAT & REP. - I • I 811 Cout Highway 1 •so ....................... ... iEi .. llliln ................ "7 ........ 'P ·----~ YA&D • COMPANY and that aald flnn la ed to the within -t. and PLEASURE CRAJT, llO Ola9t -WE .... EEO.LATE 'MOll>EL ·CARS com_.i of 111e fon-tnc peuoao, aclmowledged to ""' that they HJabway. 1111: ™ · f.ttc • , _ and W.tU Pay Top Price1 )"'hoae nameo in lull and placea of executed the oame. IN WITNESS ma: llQU1PlmNT IWII .._ Over 50 Units-sold f'ealdence .,.e U follows, to-wit: WHEREOF, I have bereUnto let C-0-T'tf'ot P)IW It re.a, ndla h Jast tti. · m ·i, YOUR CM 1ClW Wble lillba-· I ROBERT v. STAATS, 625 Cout my hand and -my olftdal co. ftl<oil ~ ----ere .mon . HJ&hway, Newport Beach, Call· aeal the day and year In lhll Cer-oow annaNo 8'l'B ~ Ir · 1"-tarcm-aa_wr-1 =----·· fornla. tlftcate ftnt --tten. RACHEL C. STAATS, 625 Cout H. M. HOLXER. =~OIO Oaut HIP.::; . ~~:ay, Newport Beech, caJI. Notary Pullllc-ID and fGr . ' . ~County, State or WAN'ITI' Sil!-..! a-1. ~ ~our hands tbll 15th dQ C&llfonda. My ow •• and Ail. aaD ndJlc -. -ot February, 19111. -~ k#eb 4. lMI. -or obape. w. B. l'IMu, Marl- ROBDtT V. STilTS (SEAL! -rim.., --· Cllllf; RAOIEL C. STAATS l'IA--leb. 19, .. M""> 5, 12. !Ml. 1._.q, ' ~ )'aU I I . IQ I --ye, • C ' PICO BUILDING lilATERIAI..8 ...... nilll •. I • I ' . ' ·~QJLB~~ Sf!Y!Pklf'J €0., lot. • ' I -~c -,., •• I ,••,., WO ,n 'Ja? ..... ; . ~-. . ~ .. .., --_"'t ........ .• • . I . -. -~ i.'>J. .. ·.-•.• _ ::i.:.,·· -• -:". ~·.j .. ' . .J. ·~ . ! i • ~ I .J ' .. F I • ' ' , I , 'i I I• . • • -• • · I . .. -I Founders' ·0a O~rved by PT A Silver Tea at Corona de! Mar Sch -;, Mrs. Doris Drummond of Balboa Shows Scenes of Africa at Meeting of B. & P. W. Foundtn" Day wu "'-•eel by directer of the tlna nune...,, the Plll'mt·T-dwT •-.tion of icr which Is in lb third yurl Harbor Feminine Alcti.vities . . , • Jin.. Dorla Dr>111!11-of a.I-Gerriob, Gntba ~ • a.tm boo. who opent three and a bait Btuwu. _,_ 'Ep, Alllo a.- >'"" ill South Afrl<a. pft a ire>--. Dorotb)' &rtbll'land. Dar- -of motion plctureo of wild WU-, Hue! -_ ~ life In the national pull pte .. oe ~ Eileen HlbbiU., ·.wrs ot tbat country at the meetlnc of Drrtfqrd. Ela.... w-., - the S.•-?m and Profewionel ert.::oe. Alic:. Satnmw, K1na HB'- ·Women's dub held 'lbunday -. ~. Wlnifftd Butlft, ·J-~ at Whlte's Park A-cal•. Piper, A..-Blomqllist. HOim tbe Nowp«t Btecb Gramuw' Orsanlztd tor war votl _ _:.Phonell.::=::..;13::..;•=ril:..;:al::;C::lll;__ ____ -:-+=:-:---:--:By=..;Wl.;.;lnlfr:;;;=ed=Ba=•"'br"-e;;.... wDri. wblch met for the -erw' It Is ,_ avallabld • l time at the. new Corona Ml Mar for every one request. A -i Mrs. Gaylord. Toh1l ~ NOTES of the -wtth past "'-ta u mna11 chargo ma.i. ror u.e . ....Vj Honored Guest at Balboa Yacht Club bonoftd cueota. n.... pteoont 1cr. whlclt skllJtd n9 _.. Mn. Blanche R<icen. Mrs. for -the _. -· Layette Shower Saturday ewnJna Bill Graham Robort Powell jr .. aJ!d Mn. Betty not qualified. brouaht bis projection .......,,,.. a Tryne: Each wu pt9<ftted With 'The ~Ugh musical procr5 Mn. Gaylord Tohill wu booor· birthday t rr.m his wifo a conaa:e u she mtered. was presented y Mn. Lola T°"'i:!'J ed cuest at a surprile 1-tte and 1111.., ~ of an offldai. Mrs. Alice Androws, director of who played ·harp ooloo. Bar, shqwer held at the home &I Mn. air fOl'Ce pictW'e as yet unreleued. nunina: tervlce for Oran1e coun-carole. A Ja Sunset. an4 Deah Campbell. 1559 Qoeoan boule-ahoWin the last bombing ol ty, explained the streamlined.nun-Sympathy who also playecj van!. Balboa, with Mn. Jack Zel-Tolcyo.c 'The pictutt was In tech- ing cowwe which 11 1now ·11ven in during the tea hour. I ter of Santa Ana u assistant bo9-nlcolor complete with sound. and six leuons Instead of 12, and a At the b · RUion, prnlde4 tea. ~ the eftllt from the plot- new departure ls OM for fathers, over by Mn. ar J:llll. Mn. Sall~ Itivited to the deaert bridse. ting of the cOurse to ·the return which should be of practical W1e Peyton and . Hal Holtz ••'<rf it was not until the dessert. mold-of partlclpathic 'Jllanes to two u such knowled&e is many times appointed. u nominating com.-ed. lee cream with pink and blue Jima. needed by the hea~ or the family. mittee. New ecutive board memr booties on top wu served that the Amoac guests present Saturday Mn. Andrews introduced Miss Ul-hers introd~ were Mrs. Wilbur aec:ret wul revealed to the hon-rvminc were Dr. and Mrs. Lester 11an Hendenon, recently appainted Buck, ch an of ways and ortt. Tabl'ea were centered with Lowe of the Newport Harbor dub. means: Mrs. tanley Smith, c:hairJ-white pottery booties with sweet who were cuests ol. Mr. and Mrs. mall of Co del Mar room peu and malndehha1r fem. ~ Graham; Staff Commodo<'e George 1~ + DATE Rrd'sme Pta. 1637-R Country Club Tea Attracts Local Bridge Enthusiasts 'Ibo Goorse Wuhlnc1on motif -Lions 1y1.ng in the road ill """"° ·Kennod.y and ~th)' _w-. wu beaut1full.y carried out at tbe of ab: or eicht took no notice ot · bridge tea held Wednesday at can which stopped to .. atch -Col. and Mrs. Shaw San1'Ana Country dub with Mn" cubo chasod each other playfully. G I bell H Oiffard Nolder of Oircma ~l Mar Tiny antelope, tall giratres; Afr!. UCSts at S QMe and Mn. Helen Guthler of Sionta can elephants with huge, fan-like , Ana as boo-. oan and many blrda and bouts, Lt.1Col· a..t MnL C. D. Sbaw, An exquisite cloth in embroidery both small and large, ·were shown former residents at Pia.Ya del S... and lace was used on the tea table, in their native habitat. · Balboa. are euests at the home at whlclt was centored with a pa· Partkuwly illtenstinc _.., Mr. and Mrs. L L Isbell. l3Ql5 triotic arn.n&'ement of wblte the pictures ot. Zulu life IOIDe East Central avenue. 1'bey ha¥9 s~ combined with other Dawe abowing the native ~ and been stationed in Pa,,.ma for ..ne en in red and blue. There ~re othcs sc;enes taken at the t.Jeral time but have reUned to tbe dainty tea ·sandwiches and the of a noted reliP>ua leader while stateo and will eo .bock to their oookles, abaped like hatcheta, ....., one picture was of East 'Incilan home in Oklahoma. frc.ted m red colardata walking barefoot over • Nearly 50 members and auests tarce beds of glowin& coals and .-------------'"--. • attended. Fonnln& two tablet others with spikes drivon throuch Amroaadirg a Toar to r------------•l mothen and . Dutch Heacock, after dtaert Mn. Tohill opened Roaman of Olbrlllo Beach club· ~ a.tier wt~ publici~y ch her many beautiful glfU. Maxwell Dance ot Knoxville'.. Special Both bridge And bineo were Tonn.. who 'Is • houso iruest or ·. ' ACHING FEEi'? •We malle .a.oe. •We .U ahoe9 • we ns aboee • We make arda .upporte (all kinda) ALL FOR FOOT RELIEF Only Ex:chnlve ORTHOPEDIC 8hoe Mallen aAd Teclmlct&nA la Lone lleoeh Foot Relief Shop "Where the-F eet Go Round in the WindO'N" lSO EAST THIRD ST. Mrs. Claude ear of Santa ~· played, with Mrs. Dora Lutz first Young Wilhoite; Mr. and-Mrs. hospitality c airman ot Four~ at bridge and-Mrs. Alyce Hall Paul Kettenbwy and John Washt District P.-T. . and Mrs. Wesley second, while Mrs. Oiff, Nolder ington of San Diego. who w ere Fowler, presi nt-elect of Newport took the prize for bingo. with the PC group. Harbor High hoot P.-T . A. Guests from Santa Ana were !-------- ?yirs. Gray Sevier, principal OF the MesdarTies Lutz. Blanche An- the Corona I 1Mar school. wu dttws, Mabel Holies. La'Nrence presented a life-membership Bemis, Hall. Maybelle McFadden pin, and she invited members to and Helen Guthter; from the har- inspect the· n buildings. ! bor area were :P.1esdames George The silver tea. '-''ith proceedS Lowe, Harold Caldwell. Warren Mrs. ank Bates ETIERE Co a def Mu Fletcher, Al Schultz, Cliff Nolder, Mary Neery and Eula Pelletier. Unable to a\Jlend were Mrs. Obed Lucas and 1.lrs. H. E. Christle.r . Illinois People Buy In Newport .Heights --. Dr. and Mrs. Louis AlJini and Mrs. Obed Lucas Entertains at Bridge The dainty blossoms of primula malacoides were used for decora- tion by Mn. Obed Lucas. 311 Cor al avenue, when she entertain- ed with a bridge luncheon last week, the guests bein g served at small tables. children. Betty Lou and Jimmie, ,....,--'---------------+-------,;moved into their new home, 410 Mn. Adrian Tiilotson received the award for high score and Mrs. Had Ring took the traveling prize. Others present were the Mesdam~ Lynn Kepper , Tom Henderson, Mary Blodgett, Spaulding East- man and Sally Peron. A DRESSMAKER SPR IN SUITS. Vacation for Four at Desert Hot Springs which played progressively were cheela and tongue, which left no Mn. L L. l.sbell, Mrs. Gordon marks when remOved an hour or Findlay, Mrs. Ralph Maskey an.d so later, according to Mrs. Drum· Mrs. Wayne B. Harper, and therr mond Still another film was of g11e1ta. Mn. C. B. Rudd. Mrs. Sam life in the West lndief. 'Ibis, and Kinsfather, Mn. Robert Allen and l IOme of the otben:, were in color. Mrs. Merle VerBerg. Also present. Mrs Drummo. d w introd ced from the ha'rbor area were Mrs. · n 81 u w Fl tch d M Geo ge by Dorothy Sutherland, ho:stesa for M. ~ e er an rs. r the evening. Dorothea Wilson pre- As th~· ti h d bee t sided at the business session which • . lS mee ng a n pos -opened with the dra wing, Eileen poned for a week, the date of the H'ibbi'tts wi· ru· th · . MEX l.C 0 16 Glorloaa Daya Ill Meidoo 16 b ·c1g l ch · th. k n ng e pnze, a cas ri e un eon 15 18 wee • serole. Blankets were drawn by Leaving LoS" Angeles ..Airport Thursday, Feb. 28. Oma Hall and Edna Wilson. APRIL 18 -Return MAY ! "111UEN-AGBRS will 1o.. this .I. d,...._with nriaby plaid nyoa ta« tta llkirt-white one-dmier rayon peaunt bk>use--e.n.d ftatterinc black velvt't sirdle. Drea-up nyon1 can ~ a1 practical aa they are prttty. The bHt way to cbttk on dry clun- ability. lffm 1trenrth. and other pod wearing qualities in RJOD is to· read informatin Libels th.It «tve JOU acc\U'11te racta about 70lll' fab~ic. Miss Patricia Parke To Graduate. Sunday From U. of So . Cal. A letter was r ead from Brade n Finch thanking the club for their dona ti on or $100 to the Presbyter- ian hospital fund. The club had previously voted a slim for the Girl Scout camp but as the As- Commencement exercises for the sistance League had given a large winter convocation of the 63rd donation for that purpose the annual comme ncement of the Uni-BPW was asked to give stationery venltY, of Southern Callfomia will instead. be held Sunday. Feb. 24 in Bovard New members, who gave such a :.. Auditorium at 2:30 p.m. wonderful Valentine party at the Townsend,Qub Hears Among the 350 graduates is Lido W e clubhouse were asked to Price: SSU.30 plus U. S. -- portatlon tax. lncladea ..,..._ .traaaportation, Hol;eh, M- on Trtpa. TOW'&. Tours include Guadalupe, Teno- chtitlan, Tuxco, CUernavaca. Toluca. Garci Crespo, Orizaba, Tuxpango, Cordoba. Umited to.Small Group. Reserve NOW to assure space. - NEW ROUNDED SILHOUE'IITE FOREMOST IN SHOULDER NEUTRAL COLORS LEAD TH NAVY. BLACK. GREY AND POWD BLUE SOLID OR lWO-TONE COL RS Clay street, Newport Heights. last week. They have been staying with l\.ln. Alfini's sister and her hu~­ band, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, 118 41st street. coming here from Franklin Park, Ill _ Another Franklin Park couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diddier and son Jack, were alsO guests at the Smith home. and will bring their family here to live, pla nning to enter business either here or in Santa Ana. They will occupy the Alfini home when the doctor and his family returns East to settle affairs there. Mn. Dean Campbell of Balboa. with Mrs. Blanch~ Andrews and Mrs. Lawrence Bemis of Santa Ana and Mrs .. Weston or San Ma- rino made a party of four which spent two weeks recently at the Desert Hot Springs cottage of Mrs. Charles Holt. Mrs. Holt, the former Emma Hughes. writes from Mexico that she and her husband are having a \YOnderful honey- moon. R Patricia L. Parke of 104 Via Yella, stand and take a bow. Co)1vention eports Lido Isle, Bachelor of Arts. She Guests introduced were Hazel Newport Beach Townsend club met Tuesday evening at the home or Mrs. Sadie Roehe. 30th ~treet, with Mrs. W . J . Holtzclaw and Mrs. Mary Erickson as assistant has been president of the Trojan Wilson and -Trudi ..Blake. Mem- Amazonsi honorary women's serv-bers present wer e Mildred Lock- ice. organization, advisor of Phra-hart, Ca.rnelle Kennedy, Grayce tefes and De1ta Gamma rush Sevier, Katherine Vaughn, Marie chairman. Active in student af-Hiebscb. Meta Bachman, Carol fairs, she is also past presiQent of Den ton, Borghild Stephens, Mar- STEVENS TRAVEL SERVICE - IN FINE ALL W!JOL MATE A1-S Frances Norto 0mS • _ _,,.,,_irl .z se Santora B1dc. -Second Floor - B SANTA A.."JA 'Open 10:00 a.m. to 6 :00 p. Grace Shipman of Dancing and Allied · Ar TAP -ACROBATIC -B BALLET Phone S. A. 2840 "YOUR CHILD DESERVES Ask Your Dea.Ust To Sbow You SMnples ' adway at 2nd chool LL ROOM EASY TO WEAR DR. COWL" .-- ( , . . . will not "'·arp or ahrink • • • bel avoid cllcklac. "''ob- bUn«. lrrt Uon .etc. 's UberaJ Cre41t bl.tettsl or aay Gs- : -.... -· r any niaam•"'e Thb liberal •f- 9ppu..j .. all ot)-lea of -· ;.."'1a•ac1sh•dlnc ~ ~ &Del roon ... - J . A. Robinson. father of Mn. Smith and Mrs. Alfini, was here for two weeks and ~anted to buy land, but returned to his home near Oakland. Bridge Luncheon At Rudd Home • 219 ll"""I' A"9. LAGUNA BEACH. CALIF. Telepboae lOIG hostesses. · Phrateres, charter member of the guerite Way, J~ Herrick, Ruth ._ __________ __. Fred Snedecors Entertain at Bridge ?t1r. and Mn. L. K. -:Ashbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. A. S . Thomi> son brought reix>rts from the con- gressional conventiatr held at Ri verside Feb. 10. At the social hour bridge and Chinese checkers were played. E. I. Moores Host • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snedccor of Dinner Party 1· campus Red Cross, chairman or greater universitY committee and past vice-president of Associated \Vomen Students. President Rufus B. von Klein- Smid will officiate with Dr. Louis H. Evans, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Hollywood delivering the commencemeht ad- dress, following a cap and gown processional across t he campus. Corona entertained at their Bay , Isla nd home recently with an eve-Mr. and Mrs. E . I . Moore entif· ·c D M T h E . ning of bridge. • tained Bl dinner WednesdaY eve-• . . eac ers nJOY =c:i\:! Long Be~h Tues. Eve. Mar. ,5, The World's Greatest Violinist HEIFETZ ~l- • . : Seam: $1.20 -$1.80 -$.2.40 -$S.OO Auditorium BOx Office +-Long lleacll 625-42 Humphrey's Music Co • ...J1so Pine Ave -73'7~ Mrs. C. B. Rudd entertained with a bricflte luncheon at her home, 320 Santa Ana avenue, New- port Heights. Ivy ger aniums were used as decoration and three tab1es wer e in play. Guests Included the Messrs. and ning at their home, 1221 West Evening at Laguna Mesdames Lew Wallace. Eugene Central avenu~. Fenelon. Ralph Maskey. J . A. Gant, Lavender and cream stocks were . ~===================~~==~ C B R dd H E t L L. used for decoration and -~ places Teachers of the Corona del Mar · · U • enry gger • · school w t t ' •m•-Be ch be) E I M d C F were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Oscar en . 0 ~ ...... a . a. • ii l, · · oore. an · · Tuesda d aft di Watts. Richard. Heinz Kaiser, Mr. and Y e~ening an er nrng given to establishing a cafeteria Mrs. Sam 'Kinsfather. Dr. and at La Haoe~da went to the home fund, was served at a table decor-Mn. Tom Reeder, Mrs. Harold of one of thell' number, Sally Kaye, ated with yellow tapers and Chi· Island Residents Waldenberg and the host and to spend a pleasurable evening. nese lilies. Serving were Mrs. Hal hostess Included in the party were Holtz of the Corona del Mar school Visit in Texas · Grayce Sevii!r. school principal: and Mrs. Monahan and Mrs. H. O. Gretha Tubbs, Ed\th Carver. Mar• Boyvey of the Newport Beach Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lowe, Wild Flower Prints • Jorie Romenl, Trudi Blake, Kay school, fourth and fifth grade room 310 Coral a""nue. Balboa illand, At Public Library Vaughn, Hazel Reed, Beverly mothers. returned r ecently frOm a month's li· S joberg, Sally Kaye, .. H elen Dud- ' th ch k I f d 1."he Newport macll public n e ec -up t was oun vacation, moet of the time as brary. is currently displaying an 1ey, Veronica Schleder, Lois F~- the attendance award had been guests at the home of Mr. and exhibition of wild flower prints. guson, Helen Thomas, ~nrue w~n by the kindergarten. Mrs. Peyton Sweeney, Brownsville, They are presented tn obser-Lang and Carol Denton. .-------------: T~. two couples spent ten days vation of California Conservation Francis J. Horvath together In Mexico City before the Week, March 7-14• and repreoent Correction on· Recent Shower INOOME TAX SERVICE Federal and State 11• &'Ith St. om..: %110 ~ ltft·R w. C...tral -·- Ma.rgaret L. Scharle (Member Music Teachen' Assn. of Caillomia) Teacher of Piano Organist -Accompanist SbJcU.o: S0'7 Goldenrod Avenue Cormia de.I Mar PHONE:.NEWPORT1046 Ialanden left for home. The . a wltle variety of wild Oowers Sweeneys were ~idents here dur-growing in thi• area. Ing the war. Not Mrs. C. F . Inns, but Mrs. W. W. Rowe jr. of Bellflower was Your Friends & Mine Local Girls Elected M' Muri 1 H t h ad te i hon<>l'ff at the layett• shower gtv- iss e a c · gr ua . '? en recently at the home of Mn. To Offices at SAJC Newport Harbor Union High R. jt. Randel, Balboa Island, ·\ " school, wu recently initiated into mistake having been made In the Mary Allee Pollard of Newp<S't the Alpha OU Delta sorority at story appearing in a provlous is- Beach was elected president of the Uruversity of Redlands. She sU:e. Mn. Inns wai holtess at the Piloteen club of Santa Ana Junior is on the college . honor. roll, a affair honoring her lilter. Mrs. college and Claire Craig was elect-me mber of the Juruor Sprnet mu-Randel ia spending much of. her ed vice president at elections held sical organization, the 0 . K club, time at Bellflower as the new ar- lut week by the women's service the Y. W. C. A. and the ·~rchestra. rival iJ$ expected at any time. clubs. FlMr. and Mtll. John Miller, 213 ==·===========~ Jo Ann Martin or Lido Isle was ower street, ~ta Mesa, are elected sub-supreme spinster with parents of a son born F eb. 18 at Eleanor Smekal of Santa Ana as 1 St. Joseph hospital. . s upreme spinster. The women of . :P.~rs.· Ross Owen and Mn. Wil- the campus are looking forward 11am Mct>onald were honored at to pledging and nl.Sh parties, for a surprise birthday dinner at. the which the service organizations Galley recently, followed by bridge have set no dates as yet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- ----------------------· ___ old Glass with Mrs. Mary Stan-,------------- .e~.q~ ley as assisting hostess to the 12 guests. _ Mr. and M_rs. J ohn Vogel and Mrs. June Vogel of Balboa, at- tended the races Thursday. . Expert Shoe Repairing _ Sprinkler Systems Installed . Sa'• Hovn Better Coverqoe (Free htlmateo) Merle S. Matthews • Phone 591-W • Before You Build or Rem•1 villlt oar ~-pie aad' dloplay .__ . . . Color guides, plan- ning aids, compre- hensive stock ot rugs, carpets and llooleum. . • ::.: <· -·:" a zs.. -... ;\! ......... LUDLUM Carpet ·works HZl--11&. __ ..__, &ANT.t.AK& • • Linda Sue Blue, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Casey Blue. appeared in the Midwinter Review held Friday evening at the Santa Ana Ebell club and spon- sored by S igma Tau Pli National Sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kepper have moved from Park avenue and are now at 324 Onyx avenue. Balboa While You Wait ••• - Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front N-door to Bay ~ Cale 9LDLtoSp.m. Wand. • ~·:.....--------~ The Mother-to~Be Will Find I Individuality Here Dresses • Suits • : Jumpers_ . Slack Suits • Robes •. Bed Jackets . Donna,-Matje Shoppe 5U :N.tll .... 8'. r e, '• .a.a .Anwde Bl!'s- " • . ' .~ Join the Breakfast Club I at the Blue Room . .... Breakfast Served from 8 a. m. to 11 :30 a. m. Palm Street in Balboa • , HAYF YOUR COLD REMODELED · ••• NOW AT REDUCED RATES ' ITOBMlJ: V&ULr ON Jl'U!MIP'8t Z18N.~ --Ana •