HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-26 - Newport Balboa News Times. • • 11 SAND CR·AB · : • • • • .NEWPODT Nil Pl.IT. CliB . . . .... FOUID II .DEATH CASE AT COlolA DEL MAR _. • • .. , • • • . • I "11iWFWI llALBOA wewa. --. ·. .. [ . , NID#POAT-aALea" • · • , ;tus"E TO REMARK • • • NoT1c£ NOTICa H .YEARS AGG I-... tlli'"""" 11a -.., r.IEWS-TIMES ~-ioe;NPRJU.-,. --it..1:0.-11&.U. --~ .. -1 .. aa. _ _ _ ..,.., JISt'/fOlr'f l! ~ !I" talking, Jut -_ --for 1G1L Yaotre ~ to ,pr TV AT l'IUVAD SAUi -ot al -'11<11.W=.;t,. ~ -F'ROM ·ouA F'IL£9 Jlt17, ' . l-.:i.Jt~Ettl7T' 0 1 _.n..-1+wAftw: ir• y ..... mtm caPUnl:;-Off period" for con· be~alnsta.bar." Isakl."-rou've Ne.11111 1 hue.,•'" SU nnt 'hwt · . °""·• . 1.-... 1'-• p I 7 I , a.J' W b ltf y-D ~ted by tbe ~ -mo for ten ,_,.., What! do In" ~ s.._..,. Cuilrt al t_be p ... ,. • 1. cautanda. It C. ---at Newldt Beech Prior to tbe .,..., 1,IUl,CllO ----......... tlon ot ~. at Ito Miami yuu think!" He oald. "It doeon•t ~·•t• o~ California In and fer tbe d tbe t. tltle -IBta t al -· -peqi1e· W8'e "'""' '911 ID -3ub>a 1,u°"_l'<!lable In Ad>-: r50 -yar ID <ll 57 0 W; ;;.;.,i;.;tton. I aald tbat i qre<d oound ricbt to me." I ujcec11!im. County pl Leo A,,...ia aald at tbe t1mo ~hill :.-~tbeOI ?"° ,llrot-tlw Nlell .-R>•ldic _,,.. __ ~~-'..>. l"'_'" ~ to_ 411> -; '.SIJlO -,_r to Illa -~ ..bestly, -that I penon· "What am I ZiUPP'-.d to haw .;.,.,e n the matter ot the eott" al doall>; • all tbt rlcbt. title ---. baYllls ...::.~led-: wl-.,.. United !ltata. '1111111 E•·.,.,"1 a,, S..'COfld-Ous ~at the ro.t~ In Newp><t Br;, ally! would like to have time to -T You know, lobbylsU for ELLENIM«ilJ_IRE, 1Doompol<1't. Interest that the .. tale ot aald de--tot f<Nr -wlUdi = tm:.e -tbe ·-- calltornia, undec me .Aa at -3, WI!! -,. homo -talk to several unlona, Just Jlke lobbylata IOI' :-:01~ Is hem>y pven that tbe oeued uqu1r91 by _..llOD uu-a otnun ot-1« a b--..t ~ jobs In aul•••tl1 a. A !EYER -. _ , _ _ _ _ Pr" I• P".1'1* Jn the dlltrlct, about con-manufactur-en, have to have undersigned CHAS. I.,_ O~ ot ltw otbet wiae, other than feet Into tile air. plants. .,. a.ui D. l'ORTER . 7 • -• 7 -Gn 7111 M-~ In Washington. I salcl, .. ·-now -then, to lteepl up s~ Guardian, Will Jell at or In !Im to that of. Aid de-Dave Wlnono, -of tbe ..,.. L. n. \IILl.ARD • • • • _ • • -.... Jetter ended. that I wooJd the lntereot at tbe -PQlns private . , to the bllllwot bidiior, ce111d the time at death ID -llmt ~ of. tlie -.., cUecl In w. F,-plXON -• • -,Ad>atllllna Mme ID: a !Jlltle "coollnc-o!f period .. memben! I lhmk tile 'ilJ!le' \blS ~-lhe' ~-·~-c:ondl...= to all t certain real Pr-b 1111Ueep.lltttnc.~.fn1111 Printior: Plant. 3011 W. Contra! AYODUO, N..._. B11:b, C.-.. wl ~ trlendo who belong to the YHI'. is the Smith-OJnnally bill. et men~ !ltua~' the' COunl)' of Oranp :hair • m. I I belleve In the lhlnp That -a bill --:lllent to . tlon b,Y Aid 5-lor State ' ' Callfornlt. pertlcultr.; e.iboa . ~ of. c1o1~--·1 ,Off~c~.~ r.:.= ~ °:: fi1tz.0LN~!_w:la =~ 1:"".:Y In~~ ~ "!t~":' ...':r. ~ =· ~:!~the :C ~ descrf 19 u81~'7:'ot. tract 234. _ =.:i'"i.~or:~:: wlih the people who worked for expirft automallcally, u llOOlll u TER BLDG., 206 SOUTH BROAD-in Oty of. Newport Bead>, · pn!ll un~E0110RIAL Active "'!i-I don't like radr.et-1n&: left the war la __ .. WJ,Y,"Oty al Leo~ Co!)nl)' Ccun ot Oranp, State of The local cannery, --• If ssoc7J[;,IAT .. _1,.o"'-N w!Ps • .;!sh• wins. or rnlddlesof· "Oh," Mid 1111' friend. ''l -at~ AnPJeo. State al Callt-U.. Calif .. per mtp records completed 11• fir?' IHloa, l&ltlns --~-..-".--''-':._-,- __ ... .......-=------Member ~-a racketeering, It'• all tile about that bill. I lhoucbt that all the rl&ht. title and In-at ed Book 13, -_.. 36 -Ill< ....,kl. rep01ted '8000 spent 11:111 r# r ' ""' scctii ef ..hie to me. In Northern Call-WU a pn!tty ~ bill inyielf." l&lcl Ino••qwlmt at tbe time ot :fl . . Ml""'11aneouJ Mapo, for labor dllrlng that tlmo. ..__ AllD ----'-------~----------~~~~-! fornla. as this 1a written. we are TheH wu a pa,..; then ho IAld, lnaJmpotency -all tbe rl&ht. . ot Mid 0.-t:r The Palm cite at Balboa"--'-"""""" r ... 'lfllJCIW&WI · lM!lnc treated to the opectade of a "Don't ~ about that letter, title ..., In-· that tbe eottte -...i -opeclal1zlng In fllh -.... Pete a Co.. lne. "iiriOcllcttonal dlopute" affectlnc John." Thon WU anotblr -of aald Incompetent llao _...ed Lot Blodt 11 ot Tnct 234, cbldcen dinnen. ule a•Mries. Waces. worldns llichtiy 1_.., pa-. Juot -~ bF -"'llOD al law er alt"''!''""· In Oty of New ... t Bet1cb. The ....,k ~was otonny but =~tt .. :-r-'T,:a,.lfi:F cOncli~ boun, ore not lnvolYed ; fore tie hun& up, ho lald qulotly, other than or In adilltlOD to that of ot Oranp, Stata al tbe Santa Ana ~ --• it"• a ~ of whether the A. F. ..I have a boy tn the .Padfic lllY· said Inco11petet at tbe ttn,. ot u per map ·reoxd- .Apparl!ntly the AmeriCan people knoW a good habit of 1. is to contract with the cu-oelf." ""'""PoleDc:J, In and to all µ.at eel Book 13, -36 and non, or If the CIO la to contract. That to me la tile true voice ot corta1n1 -1 Pi'Olldb --Jy :fl "-la-11a19o 1'Ml they see one. J?wing the war they got into the habit ·In a few d&YS tile spinach 1tarto labor; u lt la ot the farmei:. or -OI foJJaww, to-wit: of !aid County. ot saving money~ War Bonds-and now, according """8 to market; other ~ fol· the veteran, er tile -...t: ft la Lot 15. Blodt '133 ot Cenat or.r-ot oale are cull In ltw· A Good Habit to the u. s. Treasury they are keeping up that babtt amaz. !j::· The NI.BR bu ..t a!lde a tile voice of the 22nd tllltrlct; lt la ·de! Mar, u per map lherofll ful at' the United Stat.ea on lngly well. • ~ ~w1:'1bo~1~ u;~°'';d°fiu~ home for ~'Mi:""11a~=.: -.tlon ~er.,:r::;:: HANSEN'S 1111 0-l'f I t JlfOtr WM ~-· For the month of January' "E'' Bonds equaled 80 per U..w another electlbn can be held. a "coollnc--ort period." Except for al Oiance County, and loc:a~. by a trust -cm tbe cent of the January, 1945 sales a month when the Nation 'the AFL. which had a Jons term one thine: rm olrald It might.not !fv.1tt'*'t Bea:b. . '° aold. Ten percent of was still at war. Total Bond sales for January were 90 ,r.'.=!;,. ~:!, u:'~t.h:4 ~~ :er: ::it:'ve1~~~ J!.! fUI money ~~~ta~: ::""' bid to be depooited with per cent of tho8e of the same month last year. ~won't haul to any cannery which with yuu, and tell you what la 10s oonfl~~ttcm ot oale, or part cull Bldo or of.fen to be In writlnc .' Bond redemptions are substantial but the net galo ot ~ala with the CIO, oo the Steel Ing on down here In WubJncti>n. and .,....... evidenced by note lies -be rece!vo<I at the ar0,,,. •••• • a&imwa•g • 1•1i•.i=•1:111·11s11111•1 aales tum ins 1 half · billi dollars In Worken !CIO) are reported u and how the propqanda mocblne c:ure4 by mortaace or Trust Deed Aid ce at any time after the over -was near Y a Oil ihreatenlng to reru.e ..,.,,. to llllY worta, and how tile people back In on the .. ._ ty !O !Old Ten per !Int tlOD hereof -bd January. Treasury officials say that 80 per cent ol all sav-i:annery which dealo with the AFl., the gr .... roobi are being imP<Jl<d cent al amount bid to be depa!lted date oale. ore/~=~~~~~~~~::::~~=~~~~~~~:::==~ lngs Bonds ever issued are still in the bands of the pureb-'1\d on Jut notice (the o!tuatlon """"· by eovernment acendes. I with bid. Da : Mardi 25th, 1946. PROFESSIONAL Dlnm'C'WIORY asen. Figures are not available shnurina exactly how inuch Is bot) th• Lonphoremen were ,..,. wonder If you'd cool off, or If the Bids or of.fen to be In writlnc GER UDE PAUUNE WATSON, , .... I• • • .• ..,.._. .... -& · • ported asking if it were a private temperature at home would rue, and will be received at the ·at~ trtz of'tbe estate I. 8. WRYTJ: ..... 'r.ll 00iii(ii4'Alft ... ~ bf' tM Uldtld ..... ~ CIT ~t $0 19Pi 1 .... Ill eoaDICUOll wtllt. lDOOIM . \u: ...... . .'ABCJDTECT the people of California are putting mto savtngS Bonds but fight. or If they could come In. u I know ft is rlalng In other diss aald office al any time alter tbe al Aid decedent. in 1945 they purchased more than $220 million worth lfhe farmers, who have no Interest trlcts all over the country, and as, lint publication hereof and before RI , Woboter It Donahue, through the state's largest bank alone This would Indicate !"h&tever _In the argument, stand I 1en1<!, It is rising In the con· date of !lale. A e)'!I for wa admlnistra· ' le lose theu-cropg and one-third grea. DA'J,'ED . March 19, 1946. 311 First Trust Bldg that they are doing pretty well. Te f~ct, too, that bank of the nation's canclnc fruit> and So I gueu It is just as well for CHAS L. OVERSHINER, dena. C&llf. " savings accounts in California continue to mount sU!adlly vege•bl .. w1ll spoil, If this isn't me to stay here In Washington, MU u Guardian, CR 12620. Is a good sign. !settled quickly. and recprd a few moro votes! tual 9211, Station 2557 Pub. 26. 28 : Apr. 2, 4, 9, 1946. . . We're supposed to be helping All of us will do well to continue to save as much money 'reed the world. Now I want every • HAROLD W. KENNEDY, that they are doing pretty well. The fact, too, that bank (unlon member, either union, In the Bero of Book Grves County Counsel, and savings, life insurance or in other fonns. It's a good W..y il2"d district to stand up and be Author Working Over EARi;.;;?;,YLIPPOLD, t k I funds f pushin . counted. Do you, or do you not, o eep surp us rom g up pnces on scarce !approve ot this situation? 1 do HALL OF REC'O~, • goods. It's also a good way to build for ourselves and our not. u you do not, then you would The next time Fred Beck writes ws ANGELES. S~A BARBARA.-Thls city's , ArmABCIDTEC'J'and Monaco 'arniJ' f ' "al fu d th , ha have voted for the "Case ball'' a book it will be about a mouse Attorneys for Guardian. famed Semana Nautica which, ,, ies a secure uuµICJ ture. An . at s W t we or an emu or a purely fictional Pub Mch 26 28 Apr 2 4 9 1946 for a umber of years before the all )Yhen it went through the house a · · ' ' · • • • · 814 W Ba Av Balboa San Barbara Will Re ve Water Fete PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINSENBARD Graduate ..,.. OWenatorJ. Iii! .. , Ph.1252·W 15211 w. Oceen Front B. R. Ball, M. D. Hours: 2·5, by Appointment Telephone 2620 want. Ew weeks ag Remember you'll hero, and not about a flesh-and-war, tracted yachting and boat N-..Lrt 19;u told it waso~'vicious" and' "anti-blood character "':ho is apt to ~p CB.-1!8'78. · enth asts from all over Cali-!T%l ~ood A"" abor" and that you should vote up and object in no uncertain No. P-6383. Pasadena Dept. A fornia · will be hetd. again this Ul an.clWSJ' Oolta 11_ ~gainst anyone who la on the terms. NOTICE OF SALE OF UAL year y 4-7, according to R . F.lll..Loo __ A_n_:"':_"'_•--N~O_n_•·_~_:_ ___ ~I '-~-~--------' Young Blood Needed l>lackllst ... reiult of that vote. Beck got in hot water with the PROPERTY AT PRIVATE MacF land, president of the Civic Well brother where do you stand writing of "Second Carrot From SALE. a.ssoc1 tion. DA.Y aoe:oo.;t. Of all the early trends in this first post.war election on that one? I think I know the End." the history of Holly· ' \!l'itli <an extensive program ol 1r-------------.11 OONRADRICHTEB,11.D. rha th t signifi' • • th ressed dete where you stand. I'll tell you wood's famed Farmers Market. In the Superior Court of the State e~ter~· ent planned this dty's Mortimer School ~ Ul4 Ra..-~' .pe ps e mos cant IS e ~xp r-hoW 1 know. Dahljelm, a Minnesota farmer, or C8:1ifornla, tn and for the p1ct~ ~e bay this year will take 120 E. 18th St. mmation of World War II vererans to carry mto the political Not only by what you've told who went In business with eighty Colll)ty of Loo Angeles. o_n > fint festive aru>earance . IOl Oonl Ba-r.laad CX>STA MESA field their battle for the kind of America they fought to pre. me privately in the past; not only dollan .and ran it up into the In "fee •grim war da)'!I when all Gradeo: Oollep, ~ Houn: l0-12 ·a.m.; 3"5 p.q>. beachh d d battlefi Id. by what California labor leaders biggest thing of its kind In the the Matter ol the Estate of P eu craft were confined to re-DAY SCHOOL ,... Phone 133 serve on ea an e told you privately when I first ran country is the principal character Press Lucas, Deceased. strict~ areas. Events scheduled G. A. MorUmer, .IL A., =ord Seasoned political observers are predicting that among for congreu, but 'by this little In· In the 0 00ok·length tale that res . will •~peal to both sail and n\o!Or Prfndpal -tll% ·candidates this fall, particularly for seats in the Legislature ddent, out of real life: counbi bow the Farmers Market Notice is hereby given th~t the ooat Tth~asts, and the program '---------~~-' and ro~~ there will be a s . . I hea rinkling" In the early fall wt 1944, my got started, how It 1klttered along underoigned will sell at private will clunaxed by a huge, Spec· DENTISTS '""'·~·-.;;~, . . w:i1.nsmg Y vy sp phone rang in Banning. It_..was a on thin ice and aimoet failed for sale to the "highest and best bid-tacuJ rught marine Pageant. i ~-----------~ of young, determined men With discharge emblems on their call trom another part of the dis· several reasons, and how, for other der, subjeot to confirmation of said ;::=:!=========:: . Jape.ls. trlct. It was from a long-time reuona it finally blossomed as an Superior Court, on or after the .I ''Veterans are in politics," Edward S. Shattuck, State frien~. of mine, a union man. He enterprise that rates 8-! o?e of. the-, • . ~ INSURANCE SEE Commande f th • ,....rr--rco declared . talk th Cali said, John, some ol the bo)'!I have seven wondeJ'loln America 11 plaster JOKES-that IS ward W G-n.b r 0 e .n.J."f.LY.Ll.L..::>, lil a to e -had le tters, telling them not to Athena' Los Angeles. -t . fornia Republican Assembly. "If the p~t Administration Tw Irishrn h d •TT-. If-rt - tin to te • · red hich o . . en a ~ fighting coo: ues wrap up a ve rans ptogram m tape, w , pestering mooqultoos on a blister· COSl'A -.. unwound, reveals only bureaucrats, this Nation will see the CROSSWORD PU%%1£ ing hot night. About two o'clock · ._ lat organization of the greatest pressure group in its history they fma!Jy got to aloep. While • they were in a halt-doze a lilht-composed of and manned by veterans. The proffered aid of ning bue came Into their room. the Administration Is but a mockery. When full demoblliza-AC&088 --.. """' ..,,.. "Mike, It's no use," ex.claimed Pat. tlan occurs you will find 17 million veterans men and "Here's one of those pesky crlt, . women, detennin""' to hsape the kind of Nation' they were : ~~love " turs sarchln' for us wid a lantern!" 1U-and Ooldnel omobile • Fire ccMleat • Life 1 e..c1aw.m.D Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST PIL l&IO NEWPORT BEACH Dr.W.W.Westmoreland Dentist 1eo1 o...t m~ COBONA DEL MA& -.... Newport 1• told and believed they were fighting for. 9 = 7 of " A very thin man and a very fat , __ ._ _______ __J '"'Ibe welcome and the back·slapping the veteran re. 10 Boll man had been havtnc an argument. '--....,r=---------' lit .,._ 12 Gallen "From the look of you," said the ----·-celved on his return to civil e were fine. But he has w.... H Cav•rn fat mtn, "there might be a lam· Bxpert covered he can't rent or build a house with them, he has 11 Speak ine." g ·oe· Repamn' • C dltf!culty bu·•--a suit at twice its value, he has discovered 11 Produced "Yeo, and one look at you would J' u~ ltti ta Uoo vtn that competing for a job has put him at an unforpmate dJs. 11 N•uter :::,.,i''':t."anyone that you had "le y OU Wait advantage. He has found !lhortages everywhere, and he's 19 ~~~ deed against buying butter and ~ from ~r the 2ll Uolt c1 work COWlter." 21 Look askance ·That Is a healthy, constructive statement on a generally D Wrttill1 ftuld 25Compu1 unhealthy, destructive situation. What this cowitry may poillt tabbr.l need most Is a heavy infusion of youns, red, dauntless blood 2" Witt,-••7"'1 28 l'ruitinl In the body politic. It will get if when Mr. Ex·G. I. goes to 1p11te ot a Washington and Sacramento! 30 ~~1J:~ f.:e.> • Butter Fingers .. Lesli butter for the family table Is the prediction of the "Big Butter and Egg Men" of the Pacific states who recently held a convention in San Francisco. California's butter pro-I ductlon, which was 70 million pounds in a pre-war year, was 30 million In 1945 and Is expected to fall to less than 10 miJ., llon pounds In 1946. Why? Well, ii the farmer sells his but- terfat for butter production he receives from 53 to 55 cents per pound. But ii he sells the butterfat for other uses, such as ice cream, he receives from 85 cents to a dollar a pound. Undl!r such price ceilings it is quite remarkable that an)! butter Is being made at all. OPA has steadfastly refused to raise the ceilings an butter. So the price of butter Is not as high as It would , otbelwise be. which Is fine, except that we would like to baV)! some butter. Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARIER & PRESTON Stare ~ Cmtractor B11 ... IN*aP.U1•1 llaD Want l"d1 tr BB-'-? ..._MM 811'tssoe fts s· MG H IW • U Measure ol wei&bt 34 Liberal P•rl7 n White Un• ve1tmem S9 Similar fl Music note 42 Petals of• llolffr 44 Foot-Uke or1an '5 Ireland 48 Hole tor a cord 488ftaUM 50 Cc.uclout 51 Require Slaed> 4Tranlport over a rt..er IType me•sUH I Sttick ot ba7 T WbJte 1Uk acarl <Eccl> ICut. 9 Lij<ht lllnt- lock musket 11 Grassllke herb ti BlDdu 1annent ITNotan7 111oe DGlrl'o nickname M Vsrlet:r of cabbap 2T Tu 21 Mualc note "' Ccofr<mla 11 Dutch IU]den 3' RJ ver (Afr.) 15 Scofta SI Savor 31 Plckllna aoluticm · 40 Boat (Eolrlmo) GAtoneUme ttDrama nromaJeohoop ·-· ntcbeme 315 NORTH MAIN ST. ............. 1f .. MT I --• ·An Indian ordered a ham sand- wich at a drug counter, peered between the llices of bread and then aid to the walter: "You allce 'm ham!" The walter replied: "Yes, I sliced the ham. .. "U&ti," grunted the Indian, ''you ••• Bay P'ront lo 8-1' ~ Oat. i..m.to6 .. m. near mi.u 'um..'' '---!-''-------' DEFEND YOUR H 1' ORANfE ;~ on ' ONCll AG'AD'I SIM'S SEA ·F We Lead 8c0twta C.Hbiilia -SEAFOOD Al..90 o·sPA • • • Loation . lllJe ... al Old ~ ll!Pway. New Bar. , YOOll lit.d alal ~g:~~ -vmr oua 11: Sa_.s Sea F and F.iM -· o.sa na•wq • et Spa cs ___ , INBUJLANCE New York Life Insurance Company DON B. DUBANT 428 Orchld Ave. COROOA DEL KAR OCCIDENTAL LIPE IN8URANCll 00. Ray Niel!en -nit-I 115 II:.. 8-J' A-...,_ llO&Tl<JIAN8 Baroid K. Grauel Chapel ) "We OUnelveo tile Betttt Serve by Se<Vins <>then e..t" Pllo9e Newpot& 181 ~-Oollf- Robert A. ~wfof(I =so· orro-nwrr E)w: Enrrdned • rners ! 1 P1tt.ed 1711 If ... ,., • ..,.,..,. -"" OOllrA ..... . . . . . II:. T. Blltterwwtla, o. D. OJil;&LtaW na i:x•llDl:co llllfm Dt!PUCA'l'llD .._.,.,... ...... •IHW.~~-~'I' •••••• mw: 1 0 ... Siegel & llaub .,...,,,._.I NI•• i-.•wrn•-..--Tf t' II W-. • , •. a ...... r ..... T, 1'111 • Dr. G. E. Tohill l'ltywlel ....... Ra..- 2209 Cout !!Jvd. NEWPORT BEACH . ~PHONES- Offico 286-W Res. 21111-R U no anower, call Newport S Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Ph. lalS-No anawer call 301·M X·Ray Service Jllltoa II. Jfuwell, If. ·D. orttce Houn: 10-12: H ' S. R. Monaco, M: D. st• Ba7 Ave.. Balboa New..,anu "' ... Bill llt., Loe Anp'll TU-UU . By Appointment T •. P. Reeder. M. O. A. V. Andrews, M. D. • , Dr. W. T. Mooney 1'11,.w.a ud 8w ) . .. -·-~ ' ._(H·lllr .... tee)qM . . . I Wapv Dzl, s ••UC 11ii Dr •••• 0. ....... ~~1 -~ ......... ... , --- 1.0NE THERAPY CLINIC -. ' •..--·•1·1••= It 0 I~ a Is .... , ... -a ......... . ' • • U!!!!l!!!!t ne!'h. ~ 'I'll I h r . Millard Sheets Inte ds to p . t N Hubor C!homber al c.m-Lt c I Sc . · 1 R tu ~.::::ii ::J:: Nm.Ari .Harbor s!ne for ~nit ~?~.:= · 0 • . e M1S . i.!,.~~n;::':,; ~~-alc.Jlfcr-otbenwhohaw9cre<dtoRrftbe andclonatelltothef 30 ths • I di 1 SACR -Callfomlalo psm-wveaub- llla'• fm..-t artlllta, ha olpi· are Oiiweii Jadaoo, preoldent ol bl&~ IChool. Either ollo or -ter rom 0 1n n a -the ..._t state In --llD Ille wt--fled bi1 lntmtlGll to paint a ~· the Lacuna Beech Art o-.dotlon; coJOn iwlll -be occeptecl. the only I , Ille Union. W. Xlllltk, ddof •ment, ...i odmciwl<dced tO ine c1a1 picture ol a N-'"*t Hor-Mn. ~Finch of Ccrcna cleJ Mar atli!uJ,ltlon belnc that the m . 1 • statistician ol the Motor Vehlc:le -t U.,. eRC:Uted the same. bar m wblcb will be entered in and Mn. J, A. -. Bo~ hi· muat be from the areo oround the L~ Col. Paa! H.'S<:brei.:1.1. u . I .i.i--told. -ol...... ni WITNESS WHEREOF, I , the oom1nc ablbit ., palntinp by and Arthur Millier. ar1 editor tuirpor. Air ~ 104 Etnerald a• •• ,.,. "--t· M p:...:.. f omista ...,..,tly. Laat re•n, ... bereuato wi -b8!ld well ~ artlota wh!Cb will be or the Loi Angel .. 'nnloo. haa eJoo qi>e!lina day will be Saturday, turned IUt Tue9clo,y !rom Banga· '-"Rt esa VB .. 0 o1 the burftu sbowed --llQ' oftldal -1 Bich school May 4 to 7, lnchmve. the board of Judc<o. by ladieo or the bl&h school Par· 30 months u cble( ol the aupply "'°" with a t1on or 9,249,000. -. &ate -.-Writtm. • • I ROOFS APft.llli:t -.... Fil9 ...,., sm Ab II'! l '!IJ. I. •m'1w -......... Pb. NWpt. ~ held at Newport Harbor Union/ been invited to act u a llleJDber of Maf 4, when tea will be _,,e41 lc:re, India. wll<ft he had been for Am n• ,.,... Le~• Pmmylv ..coOd to. New York Ille day and 1ftr·ln thlo certi- S-. Jacoboen, famous vfolin-The exlubtt ;. being sponsored entl)Teacber uaodatfon. • division or Southern India Air de-Initia' tes 19 ets • Killidt bil preclictjon Gii a (SEAL) lot, will be one ol the judges, and jointly by the high scbool and the pot,!""' ol the Jaraat air dopota 1 • -careful • or varlouo hlo...,.dlcm /---:---'-------..'.==;:=:========= , 1 FILUIBNT ILLtJBJOli 1n the India-Burma theater of war, I . or pvwtb. o wblcb he ha •• ;-~=·::;;;;miiijjjiiiiiiiiii._=='--:-""."'-f"---~=--Jl .Mlhough the 40-watt lncandes· The Southern India Alr depot The p.ta Mesa Poot ol the ---~--------I THE HURLEY BELL cent tlght bulb filament ._... and mllltary setup Included Hindu-Ameri""1 Legion took 1n 19 mem- to be ircarcely more than an Inch •tan aircraft, owned two-thirds b7 !Jen Jut w..k. Initiation comloted NOTICE Ol'l:N DAILY .AT' P. M. l!I tpatlp.m. - '"Ibe !louse ol Fine Fooda" For Reservations Call Newport 1273 ,. ·v/J.at do.s sixty mi Ilion dol'lsrs have to do with ?'" me. Young .Cady, this particular sixty million dollars can have a lot to do with you because it will be used this year to add swit.chboards and other equipment to the South.,m California Telephone Company's system. long, It actually contains about the government of India and the or a Pie eating eonteot, ...,.. by -;;;:;;;,;;,;:;j; ---- 18 !inches ol accurately coiled State or M~ and emplo~ Jacob Naarda, one ol the mem-ATI: Of" auson:ss wirf. says the Weatlnghouae lamp 15,000 Civilian worken. TheY ben ~d to be eopedolly fGlld of OUll Jl'DX NAJD: di:vifion. Ir the diameter of this performed major overhaul Of pie. Oimmander John Weboter THE' ERSIGNED do he1"" !ilamejit coil were enlarged 50 1ransport aircraft u well u on prftlded, and Leroy Andenon by eertify ~ they are conduct- times, it woold resemble the engines and aircraft acceaorlei hondledl the initiation. About 70 Ing a Ma e Shop buainesa at sprtpg for )'CUl' scn!eD door. .It was the job or Col. Scbrepel to attended the me.ting. . Foot ol 3 t Street. Qty ol New- irocure all spare ~ and NP-. A dal)Ce coinmittee waa aet up port Bea County of Oronp, Frozen food Cabinets Roll-A-Door B;v Since 1898 Franchl9e Dealer plies needed In the work a~ the to arrange a social event u a State of fomia. under the fie-- depot. I benefit :toward the ,,.... boopltal tltloua Dame of Ram Eng!- Before being assigned to the de--to be erected on the bluffs over-neering pany and that . said pot he waa on liaainn duty in the looking Newport Harbor. • firm iJ poaed of the following United States, reprewnting supply SpOkesmen tor tht' proposed new persons, names and ad- division headquarters Air Service airport in . Cosla Mesa outlined dresses are as follows, to wit: Command, Burma theater and al9o their plan. The part would be John Ay , 2117 N. Mare~ requisitioned and procured au~ called Newport Harbor Skyport, Altadena, · .; C. R . Rustenbach, plies for the China-Burma·t.heateT. they said, and would be a safe 1631 Aile Square, San Gabriel. An enlisted man for ten yean distance from the Huntington Calif.; V. Muncy, 1833% With service in the Hawaiian Isl-Beach field, and no colli&iona S. Atlantic,. ambra, Call!. ands and In the states, Col. Schre-should result. w our hand this 25th ~ was commissioned captain fn The new members voted in day of 1946. March of 1942 and miJsed only were: , Signed: two grades, second lieutenant and · N. Amburghey, Henry A. Assurlk, chief warrant officer. He intends J ohn H. Bennett, James T . Dillon; to make the· army his career and Edwin C. Dinger, Lewis W. Dinger , has applied for a regular commls-Angelo Van Ditto, Carl W . Hagen, sion. Leo Huard, Lorelle H . Kinberg, D. Stoned by Natives F . Le Vangie, ·Donald Ludi, W. R. While waiting for the boat home Murry, Jacob Naarda, .P. H. MC. "he was stationed at Camp Ka n-Cartney, Don ald B. S tear n s, chrapara. India, 50 miles north of Charles F. Scroggins, Glen Thomp- Ca1cutta and while the men were son, Earl Fra nk Wight. bein g convoyed in army trucks to ~State, r HN AYLING R. RUSTENBACH NALD \'. MUNCY IFORNIA I ) .. ORANGE ) th day of March • before me, Nora th, a Notary Pub- or said CoU nty and ding therein duly the ship Marine, Angel in · which Sta 0 t f p k they returned, were stoned by na-y u 0 ar ' tives who dropped large rocks: on D J D d w the trucks from trUSS<ll over a • • I 0 . ge arns bridge. Two men were ao badly H b k R•d CL 'THES inJured they were aontined to the orse ac I ers hospital and eight or ten other - men received lesser Injuries. The site of Costa Mesa's public I t w as the work of hoodlums park, which Is waiting for grass r ather than an organized demon-seeding, ls definitely not the place atration, the colonel stated, saying for horseback riding or any other that as a whole Americans were trespass. ' well liked in India. Col. and Mrs. Judge Dodge-wishes it to be Schrepel and their son Don plan krlown tha t th~ ground, which has on leaving Uie first of lday for been ploughed. cultivated and pre· visits in Texas and Minnesota be.. pared for seeding, should not be fore '}oing to Washington, D. C., trampled on, played on, burrowed where the colonel hopes to be as-in or especially. ridden on. signed to the San Antonio Air Last week, one young equestrian depot. calmly rode his charge around the Soft eart h leaving post holes six FOR EN AND OYS ~ ' EN.IOY WEARING YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYING .•. ·-· ' ,.... __ .. ...Ill!: C'11 lHI - ~­HFOX I .. Acclaimed by Dentl!ita the Most Beautiful Dental Plates Ever Created T~T U1! haUeil bJ' t1M ...., ..... the .._, ,_w.-..... .... ............ c-....... .. NboSMoo n.iltfto ~ b Ct P• ,... f.-1 ,.,.,..,, TtiMtT ... • .... tlnn. aw to nw ~ _. -- fOli. ... ... .. all. ,._ 11"!1 -· 8--ft-llDpl ,. oat hollow eheeb ... Wp ' ftJllt.ote the Pl ..... Zxpr9• I . . ldon of YoatL • • • , I The bigger the system the more young women we need to fill good jobs ill just about every building in every town we FROZEN BABY FOODS -inches deep behind him. The Judge Frozen baby foods will ease the shooed him away but wishes every· 1 .~==:!!E=;:=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ problem of feeding infants in the one to know what is planned for near future, SJlys a University of the site and to stay off until the serve. And, if you qualify for one of these attractive, permanent jobs which now pay better than ever before, that's where you come in. So won't you oome in and see MRS. RUHL • 6-Door Reach-In Porcelain Interior 100 E. Bay, Balboa 623 So. Los Angeles St. or call Chief Operator SPRING IS POST WAR ITEMS H £!£- Anaheim, Callf. EMERGENCY PHONE AnaJWm "51 ERE ••• RD TO GET! TARZAN BARS -DOUBLB SWING LADDER -JBlilBR TOI IER -CLIMBING POl.E -RINGS - TRAPflZli Pl.A Y 7 CHllDREN AT ONE 'QME a~RATU --.... . -...... .. ......... ,,__ WUT COASTE.B AD s1ee1w...-. a..rt.ns wheels. ~, ... $9.95 DOLL B1JGGmB. "8 - --.-Jlty . .-. _,_ ..... -----.. -...... BeeUl'AllDer ....... Dor l'atab halll7 ........ - A· wtnd·wp tor. SHULER -STROLLER -WALKERS :.'.!::'...!"::!'~~ ~ $12.95 llOTAL GAJU>BlfJNG 811'1'8 ...... Boe and 89C Shoftl. ·-· -· ·-· -· ·---··--- G ......... BUDS ~~-1'.".'_._$29. 95 O...mtPre·WarlkulNoM X Y LO l'B 0 NS R --......_ $2.45 ------METAL nacroa Rft-• __ , Hundredo ol -PIUlfTtlfG PUBS-.,.. TtPEWRrn:&I ~ New To11 ~ VISIT SANTA ANA'S MODERN TOY SHOP Orange Co.'s leading quality ltOre for childttn, Birth to 14 yrs. WHEELER -Baby & Juyenile Shop ••MT _. rLOUJts T.&TJ.Oll. 0 f a :tt5 N. Sycamore 2 Doon N. of R,n1rin'1 Pl,.. 6382 8l'OB& BOOBS Doll)' -l:IO a.m. 1iD l:IO p.a. _.,.. t :m &&·lo 1:91 J).JIL ' I , California food expert. park has obtained. full stature. 24-Hour Radio Service ROME, :&1JTO, MAlUNE RADIOS BEPAIRJCD Burt .R. N ofton 915 0out 111way ,._ un Ne.._--· Olllf. J STEAKS--• OUR · SPECIALTY • GENUINE HOT BUTTERMILK CAKES • Complete Lmlcbeon-'l$c • Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 Kids' Cafe HM N-rt a1..i. Ceota M-Bamey and Al Props . ONE DAY SERVl iCE Motor Overhauled '6500 up_ • Fror.t end corrected __ . .:_ ___ .. ___ .. -.$3.75 Straightening or replacing parts extra Brakes relined (labor only) -----·------'-·-.$10.00 Carburetors rebuilt --·----------------·-··--··-------$4.96 .cylind • Major tune-up, 6 · ers ·---------·-·-----.$4.95 Lubricating Olassis ---·· --·-------SLliO Mutter and tail pipe -·-SS.liO llnsJ8Ded. Labor nn)y) • J • NEWPORT AUTO WORKS NATIONAL A1J'l'O ,<JLIJB ' J:IRIWENCY STATION ' Earl Mlld>en? Pn>p, M llOtJB fllQllRllENCY SmVWIJ -.. ~-..I -<-•...-11.- . • . . . I 1 You Kllow Where Cpunc1lman t '1RE-ELEC L. L. ISBELL NE I ' • ' I / :f~ a man of I IJ // • manJ moQr/s I ••• so mommy. took mo to AUSTIN'S to copturo thr10 of my mony oxpro11lon1 In an A·usfrn 1lanel ~oruait TllEE PIOTOCIAPIS I• O•E CllPLETE 5" I 12" •••EL 8 POSES TO SELECT FROM ,,_ ........ .., ..... ..,, .... _ ..... _ 1 AUSTIN STUDIOS , ·~ N ..... 8t. 8&N'J'& AN& ~ 14611 , DallY 11oara: s ..._ .. • ..-. -Jl'ltday a Siatmdays 'Ul s p.m. . . • I . -. . N.-T~ ' ell Stands s • , -,_AFRIL -.9th _,. ___ c ,,,, ra..~ ......... -,, - • ' • • .. j , • • • l • '· . I . • , ~ ..._. I ft &WPOaT BALBOA NlnWS· ._!.N!!!!~!!..!9~r!1ell~~~~Ot!1!!!9f!-!!!!!!J11--~~....l!'.!!~!lz.~•!!!!·~ .. ~.!!t..!!!!;j.~,_:.-+~~~~~~~~~...,~~~~~~.:.._~~._~~~~~-'-~~ -~ . ~ . -M Bui H hcA•L Ra k F T Po • on Legion Leaves First -i1. Tbat objoctf ... - '4 ~(~i ~d;H!d ~ii!~'!'a:a~:C~~ghter . • i:~ : itc UU\, ~c rom exas 'H~t I 'Driver g~~veM=.= . =-==-!~ F.ec:~i_ .!: Poo.: Health ~ ~b~da= ~~~ ~ I ·re County Regatta forsees One Here Go~ ~-~~-1) ~tint oojectiwba kq aiJKe ~:?.. =-·: u:::. ?· ~ ~:-,.' ~ .. 1 ... "iC""!S for !.in. Allyne nounced Kee-kl) recently appoint· . I 1 be.en taken. First Vice Omnmander · a~·.; ..... , 4-.... 115 38th stre<'t were <d state controller and 8 candi· ~a.ta Mesa agam led the coun· . r be need down ... -... h Daniels of tl)e~ American Legioa World W~ D veterans had joined be"-! a,, Z p. m. this atternoon1 date 10 succeed hlmseu In the ty in business applications ap-Home from a 370()..mile tri . · ....... ~ Poet 291 -ted to hia oxn the ~ and that a new ob~ ('l\J --,, al· the Wee ,Kirk O' the coming stale primaries. The new p( ed al Friday's meeting of the through the IOUthwnt. with his T ~--1 B tch diabict at 70 mlles, mander .,r ~ ol the pas; wwld :be .. t. - Hea.1i<r in Forest Lawn Memor .. aniv;u weighing 7 ~ pounds was ty planning comrnwion. A 1peciaJ objective u . B~ville ~ 0 er -------------- la! par~. Glendale. with Harold K. lntrod~ced at the Huntlngto~ M"' l .... malt ahop and a cement block and other Gulf ot Mexico pleuure Named by Um' 'on m' ~~ =· = GraUl I in charge. moriaJ hospital in Pasaderut ~utacturlnj business was m-ports. Kent Hltchdck and qis wife Harbor boulevard at a . Mrs. Horridge was found dead The Kuchelo li In Anah Im cl~fl\led. had pro"--of probe for Damage Sw't -eroul clip, and >-..an to ln-ve e · e following. were recommend· the bospitallty and thoughtfulness . 111:• """'• ------------1 where Tommy repl'tM:nted the :, . of ihe Texans. He wu the euest crease speed to a dizzy pace. county in both ~ ~bly and Charles O. Grober, dental ottloe, racing commissioner foe the Am· Jack Lyons ot N~ Beach, As the , lice speedometer rose to Car;fcll's Garage ·New Localed 304 28th Street Next to l.Aicllle's Beauty Shop • Geaaeral Repalrblg • Bnbs Relined • MotoJ' Tlmf>.Up • Wbeelo BaJan(WJ senate before being appomted to, r(eWport Blvd. near 19th 1tttet: erican Power Boat UIOdatlon at former financial secretary of Local 50, 60, · • 80 and finally. they 1, his present job. ~family la alao ~e M. Holstein. ceneral con-their thtee,day regatta In the bur-284 , International Amalgamated said hit !; mlles per hour_ It Jook- _well known In the harbor reck>n-tiiaj:ton' office and garage and der dty, aiid represented the M-Meat CUtten and tlutcheri Work-ed as If the wild driving yooth ' storage yard, Fullerton Ave. and sodation of Speed Boat clubl of men of America Was the object of .would es ape. I n his mad rught at her home, It waa believed from nth 1trfft; Roy M. Johmon, malt the P adflc Coast u commodore. a suit ·1n Orange county superior he ~ two can on the right, an overdale ot al.eeping tablfll. shdp, Newport Blvd. near Rochea.. When the Tex.am put on a show court charging mis-manqement of causing e to swerve over in the She bad been In poor health for ter stttet; ~e ,c. Friend. ~ they do 1t up brown. Kent says. union affaln, ae<ording to tnfor-soft ear and nearly turn over. IOlfte ~-She wu a native of taU business bulldinc of two He and his wife drove down there mation made available tn Santa Foll this Officer J ohnston Indiana an~ bad llv.d In Newport •\opes. Newport Blvd. and 18th In their familiar red Buick which Ana yesterday. The suit u ked !or fired fl shots over his bead and Beach lor 1.5 years. Survl'llnc atrfft: B. E . Butler, cement ·block turned over Jut fall near the dam41eo of $5000. the dii of the fleeing car her widower, Paul; ooe daughter, manufacturing, Newport Blvd. Santa Ana Air base en route to ~local 284. acconllnc to the finally over and stopped. He Beverly Munoz of Newport Beach near Mesa Drive; Nellon Fox. pot-another race on the Saltoh SeL papers rued with the court. wu wu ht to the Newport police BAY VIEW CAFE ' .... " Die .... c.te a.mo ··-· .,, .. A. w- At tile J'ea11 , ......... -Palm ud Bay Aw., BaDicia BREAKFAST SPECIALS 3Sf PIES • CAKES e DONUTS Opsla..m.t.lp.a.-D111IT1 I 'rS9 and her 1t~mother, Mn. Emma tti,. manufacture, Harbor Blvd. This time Kent and his wife-had orpn1zed in 1935 with headQuart· station cited for reckless driv-'-------------'1 Johnaon of Los Angeles. near Hamilton street. no difficulty, he said yesterday. en in Lone Beach , which claimed tng.1 nc. cuttin& ln and drtv·I'------------------------.-' Newport Beach-Wllaon Trailer but on the !Int day out of Loo all Oronie county union blitchen Ing on t~ wrong aide of the road. Corp.. Inc., new and uaed can and Angeles counted 23 driven llxlnc u membera. 'I'hll local wu dia, Sherif!'• offiC!m ...,.. notified by GEORGE D. BASSE'l'l' tr alien: Coast Highway near 17th blow-outs. solwd by order of the lhterna-radio t join In the chase, but 1treet. The Brownsville peopl~· had dug Uonal later, and membenhip wu Archer as caught before their a 17-mlle canal up to their dty transferred under t he jurisdiction auis:+ waa used. General Accounting fuhermen'1 Bookkeeping INOOMIJ TAX SERVICE 2602 W. Central Ave. Ph. 1~ 114 W. ~th St. PASADENA Ana SANTA Newport Beaeh Ph. 6688 WNGBEACH H N. EacUcl Pb. Sy. !·!491 Ml Pine Ave. L B. 824·0'7 I, Fri d Pay Last from the gulf, and tn the'.turnlng of the San Pedro Local 551. • en 8 baaln right near the cent ... of the The suit filed by Woltt and n~ th N 4-!-Respects to dty they held the speed boat Wolff of San .Frandlco, attorneys, ~a Oa.a;eS , races. Two Californians, Ed Silva asserted that' both Lyons and hll Mn j:mma Klncham 34 108 U-Lois Cottle of Hanford and Moreland Visel wife. Olive. who was hi~ ua!atant. Roch~t strfft. Coota Mesa: cited .LTD"-of Hollywood distinguished t hem-were joined in the auit u were Sa · tn St Joeeph hospital Funeral services for Mrs. Loll aelves by winning finta in thelr officers of the local. They failed after arl extended illness. She was COttle were held Monday at 2 p.m. respective cluaes after dragging to pay the aaeument of one dol-born tn ! Minnelota and had Uved in the Baltz chapel, Corona del their mounts all the way from lar per head to the international; tn Cost MeSa for five months. Good U in California on trailers. the suit charges, did not hold Survi ng are her wtdower. Mar, with Revln. E . D. t e In Ha)' Stace Local Re(atta stated Q'leetings, did not obtain J·-es Finrham· 8 daughter cljarge and termen was ""'"" Hitchcock -•·ted fri •-bo d --~al ·1 In ....... · · "' ' ' vies ' rial k. .1.ue s v~ enua n er pay ;,vi.;..a securi Y or -Rhona ~anson ·of Costa Mesa: her t:mlnster ~m~ eo':::f in Phoenix and .Wickenburg, also come withholding taxes. parents , Mr and Mn wasil JOyn ~~s ~d an 1 ~ we~; boat enthusiasts. At the Texas Milton Maxwell, international t Min~ ·a~lis two brothers and marned in the ch~pe Just city of Brownsville, however, they vice president was sent to Santa ~o sis en Servtces and inter~ mOnths ago by f ~v. ~e~ and found a definite interest in a re-Ana to take over the local when ment WEfe i~ Minneapolis with t he atjlthe r~uest o r .. t e ~ gatta which Hitchcock hopes to this situation was discovered, the remainsjsent Monday by t he H. R . J~~e Miller sang the edsodi~gs w ~ hold on Newport Bay v.rater this suit explained. The local was de-B own Colonial mortuary Santa were used at the w ng, · coming summer. Several of the clared in receivership, and no r ' Floren~ Anderson playing the ac-Texans promised to come out and trace could be found of its assets, AOJ!. compan~.ent. enter the event if the local di;ivers including furniture and books. Froni J 'Bittick 78 862 West Qu?nt1t1es of flowers w1 ere sent1 are sufficiently interested to stage Further , tile plaintiffs asked for an lSth Strrt· Costa Mes~ died last by fr1'-'nds and the chape was no one here accounting or the S2500 paid into · '·' s t l g ugh to hold those who · . . I week a a rest home tn an a ar e eno . 1 t The well kno~ photogr~pher the local from th~ ~nte.rnat1o~al Ana . She was a. native of Ar- came to pa)' their ast respects 0 and sportsman satd he conf1rn1ed union. and sought aid 1n recovering k nsas 1tnd ha d lived in California th~ young matron. his ~lief in municipally, cj.evelop-that amount. r!-43 ;ears. Surviving are one Drlve Carefully-Spare a Lite. ed city y.•ater frontage \Yhen he son. Al ed. of San Luis Obispo; saw. the. well-develof>e.d . yacht S h J Th "ft p , t.\\'o dau htcrs. Mrs. Evelyn Zazzie, NE W LINE Craft Greeting Cards Statloaeey Brookings V arietv .. c-, • ...,.. c-..a .. Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard -- Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana 'Fent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. · Phone 207 SANTA ANA marinas_ in Corpus Chr1st1_-They C 00 fl• rogram Sacram nto .. and Mrs. Etta Les- are paymg well. too, he Sa.Jd. fl• To Be Continued nick. ~·· Mesa, five grandchil-pro~ the same to the city dren and one great-grandchild. ~1:1nctl here a year ago. Th~re The th.rift. practice . program, FunPr 1 services Y.'ere held Mon- 1t is an orderly development which through which more than S200,-day at 2 pm from the Harold is a good investm~nt. he declared. 000,000 in War Bonds and Stamps Grauel ha~l . with the Rev. G. At the BrownsVlll,e r egatta K.ent were purchased by Southern Cali-Willard Stearns officiating. Inter- represented Yachting Magazine, fornia school stude nts during the ment w in W estm inster Memor-Pactfic Motor Boat and Sea l\1aga-1.al par zine. He was enthused about the war years. will be continued in the m ajority of schools in this area C. A. Woods. who ran a book- participation or thousands of as a Permanent part of their class keeping servi~ (or fishermen at school children in the Charro Day room activities. the H "!ton fi Machine company, program wherein every one. o! . d Lafayet e ave'nue died suddenly them were dressed in costume, and Thts announcement was ma e i. , . 11 d --A i tfi by Avery J Gray educational d.i-last Tu~day hlle 1n Los Angeles s~~ ~ ;e . as 1 an'-~ n e rector of the u S Savings Bonds and fun ral s viC<'s were held in sp1r1t o ex1can ore. Division of the . Theasury Depart-that ci . He had been in poor ment for Southern California. health r so~e time. \Vhile here sal~~t~~h!a~~w:~~~· ~izes, on "The student.I of Southern Cali- he r esi ed. a~f the tra.ilr r ca.mp. White House Cafe fornia schools led the nation in corner . Mar1f~ avenue 1 :id H1gh- the purchase and sale of bonds w;;ay;;;l;O*.;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;; and stamps during the last 18 months of the war," Gray saJd. ''This was a superlative ac- complishment, and it is heartening to know that the habit of thrift thus foi-med by students will not be allowed to lapse tn most of the 0 s 1·' s Li'quQr Store 003 q>ast IDway '------------·schools," Y, So'th of the Arcbeo NO LIMIT BRING YOUR RADIO TO US Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales -. -· -... Store window and showcase displays are at t heir attractive best under the daylight glow of fluorescent lighting, the modem way of showing wha t you have to sell to the best ad- vantage. There are no shadows'to distort the picture you wish to l"''sent to the customer. Colon appear in theji exact shades. We are now able to provide fluorescent light:. Ing to meet yo~ special needs, from the small- est Installation to t he largest. Calls for estimates answered without delay. Regular ""1'Vice maintained. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 ' 1 92 0 1000 Coast lJlway Phone Newport 1884 ADo In San Francl1CO-\\'llmlngt.on·Stockton-8an Dletto·Oakland for "!..ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fire F.qulpment FAGrORY.PLANT,STORE, OFFICE, FARM, BOBO: . • FIRST • One Day -We'll Bepalr It and Yoa Can Dave It the Next. Factory P&rta. W ork Guaranteed. Factory Trained Expe...,.. Radio sqs Electric When You Re-elect COMPLETE FURNITU~E STORE ' To Serve the Entire Harbor Area Opening May l,st ( • -· MODERN · and OUTDOOR FU1RNITURE Refrigerators Small • Ranges Appliances • • Radios · • Washers Floor boverings NatJc..lly advertloed prododa which )OU will 11e .. Jll'Olld to ....... ..., ...., to ... m LES BLAKESLEY -VAN HA YES HAROLD L DAMM Plloae 180 S80 ~ A-. Bal-~ We'll SHOW Yo·u HOW 1. To take the best photographs foe yoor plctoriAI aJbwn. 2. To maloe the best use of yoor equip- ment. · 3. To develop yoor photograohic hobby into something to be proud of. _ • • Oxne inta the shop and let us advise you oo your dark·rocm problems or •ur cest improvements oo your ptx. ---w Forsythe Camera .Shop ~ .. Photopaplllc 8apply -L. L. ISBELL ·for the CitY Coundl • e Giving Your Commqnity~a Capable, Independent and .1 •• ~,1reo11S Man to Watch and Safeguard the City's Business. H is chairman of the important Finance Committee, I e -o ~fic io. member of the City Planning Cornm tssion, · experienced business man, member of the Newport H rbor Post of the American Legion, a citizen for 15 y ars and a n:ian whose councilmanic actions show he · resent_s the entire city. OTE FOR ISBEIJ. IS A VOTE, FOR PROGRESS • I Three-Daj 8tor ...... ..... J1Um DenilClplng FURNITU~E MART 32nd and Coast Highw~y El!ctlon April 9 "Oile Good Term DHenea Aw#rr"' I BeDweWnM . ' Col. Thos. P. ~·tkinson for City Counci · 11 .A Veteran Army Executive Election April 9 11 · -- ~The Man ·w o Gets Th ,·ngs Don~. \~ wl1w·• I II kl ed br N~ Citiie..I • • • • • {'nm ....,.S"llWDt !I~ bF ~ l'l1emd9 of ~ Go•• ,\) --NOW AV.All.ABl&- SErtJH!ti .Jr(lARIJION llODllL POnA11LJ RADIO '18 ·o1 army and navy materta!S throuKbout- -and beaJ' this r:eeDy fine AC 1IDd DC _ ndlo to appreciate Its value__ You must '2415 Newport f.lecblc M1H111:e Co. · EP•Nlllwl 19" -l'bllm 2i! ... ~ ,Jll50a_...._ , . ••1111 ." ' • • • •• • ' • . . 1 ·- 8 4 '.806 IC&Wa· -·IMI . Jr~?:-~~ ~::~~i~ ~~i:i -r~mJi! ·. C.osta Mesa HaS Raised s·4139 ~~==~=~~~to The~t Sentence Toward Hos1>1·tal Nurse ry . • Giv~ ~ days jail oentence, and Mr. and =~Tom Gowen, 301 • placed*probation for two yean Coota Mesa's a ttention to the East Bay front. Balboa. are par- for 1te ·radio tubes and parts need for the . Presbyterian h<»-"C M b " en.ts of a ter, born March from Norton. radio and elec-pita! overloolclng Newport Barbar feW em er 20 In Fullertoo j Cottace hooplW. tronlcaEer on Coast highway, Is being 1tremed In a nunery, al Miss.mg As za .. a Sh,e weighed ~t pounds. three Wllllam Kimmel of Coeta indicated above, which the com-'"' ounces. · Mesa. wife and mother who ap-munlty Is planning to c:ootrlbute. About to Sail Mr. and Mrs Norman Weeks, peared court at the aame time 'J:he nunery, Costa Mesa's con-113 24th street New-pert Beach, ' HAPPY EVEN'IB rArea I In Har l!APALMER. LIDO ISi.a PNW!liti • W. 0. .BUCX-Insurance Counaeb- .IL. 1500 9&.:it&.ol 3;133 Vli LIDO ~ ·, failed shake the determination hoopiW , is uauttd. according to Errol Flynn and his wife, the 20 In Santa An Community hoo- pr ... ns a touching scene but tr1butlon to Orange county's new are parents of son. born Ml\f'Ch ;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;~~~~~ ot aty udge Bob Gardner that Harold K . Grauel, campaign chair· former Nora Eddington. _,.. oiW, weloht el t pounds, fifteen -----------'''-------------the you had tt coming. man for the New Hmpltal Fund about ready to aet sail for a few 8nd 8: b81f om-'" ~------------------------. ~l's mother and wife tear-drive in his community. days .. shakedown cruise" to Cata-It was a son or Mr. and Mn. l'rS YOUR G~NDS! Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., PhC. 191 lllld SL ewpert Bweh, <Wlf. Boan: ,, .. te ,, .. JI~ ... Tlulroda,. tiilly pleaded \vith the young Judge Tuesday Grauel'• committee re-Jina llland Friday morning •h!m Glenn Moore, 1 West 'Central I E s E L s E R v ·1 c E for clemency, but Bob Gardner ported $4138 ot the $15,000 estl· they found one very Important avenue, born ai'Ch 20 In St. D · I maintained that he had been mated """t ot the nunery had member of th e crew waa Joeeph hoopiW.J He weighed six lenient +th the 30 year old ot-already been railed. 'Ibtlr Ott m I 1 at n g. That w a• the i r poundl, thlrt~ounoea. tender, Who was charged with wlll be memorallzed \n bronze In prl2le Gennan schnauzer, who Capt. and Mrjl. Michael Smith, petty lnli ead o! grand theft when the living memorial ,_.. planned had _,,.how managed to elude 'JU1'I Anaheim a'jenue, Coota Mesa. it was l!"lnted out lb., value o! for the main lobby. them when Mrs. Flynn -..t llho!>' are parents o! J" daughter born his pllt~ when employed by "The rest will be easy,• Grauel ping In Balboa from their yacht March 19 In s,_ Joseph ~ta!. Norton aver lix months had been told his committee of 11 civic lead· anchored ott Lido In the turning Sbe weighed ar""' pounds and larger than the $197 originally ers. "Now, u the county-wide buln. thirteen ounces. I charged ~o him. Over S200 would campaign approaches the quarter Calling the police department Mr. and Mrs~Roy Kirby, 2341 have constituted. grand theft. of a milllon dollar mark and the wu just the rta:bt thin& to do. Orance avenue, Costa Mesa.\wel-~l had been shown to have lucc8a ot our drive ls auured. beca\191! Humane Otftcer CulU-corned a daugh , born March 19 a recor~ ot lncorrtglbillty and larger gifts will be forthcoming mano knows nearly every canine at St. Joseph'a oopitaL petty ~It. He was captured In. from wealthy donon desiroUo ot resident ot the ~· and be also. Dr. and Mn.. ~ward Gans. 309 Glenda.le after police fired into making tax-deductible giftl to wu aware that there but few Goldenrod avenye. Corona del Mar, the air U he tried to escape from non-profit worthy projects." schnauzers hereabouU. are parenls of a aon, born Marcil DOOEL MOTOR SAJ,E; RE-BUILT DOOEl.S PHONES them w~en he was suspected of Members of Grauel'• committee, Summoninc Rex Albright. mo-19 at St. J~ph holpltal. He ~;;;===;;======;;=;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;==~ i trying to pus the stolen goods who attended lut night'• meetinc torcycle officer to help because it weighed eight pounds, two ounces. lut Feb. 11. held at Grauel chapel. to report wu ·a cue of hute, the two om-Dr. and Mrs. G. E . Tohill, 1756 • ~ were: c:en chased the F1ynn pooch up Miramar drive, Balboa, are per· Offtce: Newport !088 ·:· Ba.: Newport '°8t-W W'IU.NK B. LEWl8 (IAll:llQ' l.Mrla) Oww-Mee•pr • Befo. re ·You Bu' ild or Remodel K"1wan1"ans Put Mrs. c. P . Viele, vice-chairman: and down Central avenue and enta of a son born March 18 at Howard W . Gerrish. secn!tary· acrais land Iota, finally cornering Santa Ana ao;;;;;;unlty hospital. Meml bers on Spot treuurer; Lloyd Braddy, Fred J. the pedigreed dog near Eighth. He weighed eighi pounds, nine and DudleY. William Lord. C. W. T e--He wu returned to the cratetul one-fourth ounces. Wink.le, Mn. 0 . F . Weatherwax. actor and bis wife. Then they --'-' -"'' ___ _ "On the Spot" is the subject of VtTnOn ?t'lathews. Mrs. Clyde C. sailed away. Drive ~ly-Spue a Ute. a program which will provide Otto, public information chairman; YllH oar lataeatbig wmp!e .... dlaplay rooma. . . • Color guidee, plan- ning aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. amusement and interest to mem-Betty Kirby, vl~publlc informa-Lt. and Mrs. Robert Cannon, 225 bers of the Kiwanis club at White's tlon chairman, and Mrs. O. M. Ruby avenue, Balboa Island, an-Carr's Feed StQre •'THE OLDEST IN NEWPORT HARBOR" Balboa cafe Friday noon, accord-Dodd. nounced the arrival of a son, born H d G Ing to notices being sent out by March 16 In St. J ooeph hospit al. ay Jan rain Jan Briscoe, secretary. Ex-Harbor Student He weighed eight pounds, eight ~ty Feeds Five members will be "put on ounces. ~ § the spot" by being asked to give With Honor Ribbon, Mr. and Mn. Edwin Denger, Dally -... ry-Pho .. en extemporaneous speeches or five Released From Navy 2335\1, E lden avenue, are parents minutes each. They 'have wide of a son, born March 23 at Santa 1821 Newport' Blvd. la titude in their choice of sutr . l e Ana Community hosplta1 . He C~TA MESA · • jects. Willard W · Bertule1t, i=:hM 1 · 1 ;w;e~ig~h~ed~s~ix~po~u~n~d~•·;•~lg~h~t;o;un~ces~. ~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Last week the members were son of Mrs. W. A. ·Bertule1.t of 144 Bepa1red YACHTSMEN! New Shipment -of- Merriman Fittings LUDLUM Carpet Works ltn South l\.laln St. Pbone Santa Ana %806 SANT A ANA treated to a recital of the twp South Bay Front, Balboa Island, winning SJ>E'<'Chl'S of "Buzz" and former student of Harbor Chambers and ~iollie Redmond. co-High. was relcasl'd from the navy I \vinners of the Harbor High speak-last wc-ek ·after 18 months over- Let Us ••• Repair Your Electric ppliances LIGNUM VITAE BLOCKS, single and double TURNBUCKLES . If you are · ·--unable to come--~ in during - off ice hours, why )lot ' save [Jy 'niail? Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan Par# ot All you Earn i5 Yours to Savtf Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna federal Savings and · Loan Association, LAsm l*eh, o.ut. -Ph. S90 Vote For- ing contest being conducted by the se as duty and participation in the Lio ns club. Jwo Jima. Okinawa and Philip- 1 ' pine campaigns. GET 1200 FROM S AFE Bertuleit, \vho ~nl.istcd in the I AT . ~l.ESA LUMBER c o . navy Feb. 2. 1943. is th~ hol~er of 1 Safe cr ackers found that the 1 a personal commendation obbon lumber business is good when they received for his part in the. I~o jimmied the safe at the Costa Mesa Jima s ctlon as well as the ~1a~ Lumber com pany office 1'-larch 19. Pacific. American and Phtl1pp1ne at 18th and Newport avenue. The theater r ibbons. the ~ood conduct ma tter '"~ rcporteO to the sher~ ribbon. the ."ictory ribbon and, a iff's office. marksman citation. RHEUMATISM Kendall Sends Huge and ARTHRITIS Petunia to Opening I sulfe~ tor years and am so thankfpl that I can walk and work again without pain . tha t I will glad- ly answer anyone writing me for intonnation. MRS. EMMA IVES, P .O. Box 189; Los Angeles 52, Calif. Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey -Kenny Nichols accepted con- gratulations last week from Bal- boa Islanders on the opening ot the Cottage Donut Shop on r..i arlne Ave. The shop which is en tirely new. specializes in coffee and dcr nuts. waffles and all fountan spe- cialties. Included in the floral disptay sent on opening day fr om well- wishers v.•as what 'A'::l! described as "the largest double white pe- tunia in the world" (La Belle) f rom H . E'. Kendall, Island flower .,,.,. hobbyist. Attention!! Home Owners: Something Entifely NEW, PERMANENT, o...lrable -Artistic AWNINGS and CANOPIES --col· Thom as P . Atkinson FOR CITY COUNCIL Executive Officer and Commander of Troops at the Santa Ana Army Air Base for four years. KnOws the problems of the Veteran. Member ot Newport Harbor Post, American LegiOO. Favors development of. recree.timal fadllties and wants action in dty government in ad- vancing growth of Newport Harbor in the . difficult years ahead. . Vote For a Man Who Gets Things Work For the Entire Community. Done and Who· Will • ELECTION APRIL 9, 1946 t J Dllltllftc 7 bsl .... IMlm wta penrszmt b's'llle free _,.... loe .......... -.. .,.. •' ............ . ...... We 8'1«1eltse la ._.. O!P 1'1'1 ?7 The answer to your par- tkular awning and can- opy problems. 'lbese awnings withstand gales and provide maximlim comfort. roa U'Dll.&n:ll PBONll 08 'WJUT!l Slats· 0 ·Wood Awning Co. of Ol'up (loaty 115 ... p· • 1 t' .. •m'',~·1 ___ ,..., ···--Twi9. Ore .. Trouble ' Radios • Appllan SALES AND SER ICE Harbor Radio & ectric 2602 West Central (!). Newport Beach 911 • • CANDIDATE FOR CITY COUNCILMAN I Be'eves that all the problems of · ur C~ty Governme11t can be sol ed by COMMON SENSE and CO ON HONESTY; that the ayer8 have a right to know in detail . what their money is SMnt f or;j and that the official ac~ of tile Council should. be :r emed by the wishes of the 1 ple. · ta , City Election April 9, 1946 \ ·1 . . I • Phone 184 • ' ' • • J , " ( 'j I I I · 1 • . - J - • I I -• • -• • ' . i • • -. ' • ' • Orange County's Fastest rowing G. N. Wells Real Estate . .-·x .. "°"" m 1-x .. ,.... ~ -Ollllf. -4;4;4; Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPTOMEJ'RIST 1'91 x-................ ~ -Com. .-MM l t 4; ' Curt H. Bowman The Bohman Company Tele._ !.a ud !089 Mt OoM& JUPwa;r-Newpwt Beae•, CdL 4; 4; 4; 0. Z. Robertson General Contract.or 1119 <Jou& Bl&'~way--COroaa dol Har, <Jollf. Newport SS 4; 4; 4; Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL llO Broadway Ootita Mesa; CalUonaia d; d; d; A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. ~ and Maytac Dealer-Phone 15'1& 1111 Newport Blwd.---Co.ta M..., Calif. d; d; d; John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Offtoe Pbone: %0St llOZ Main 8-t-Balboa, CallL d; d; d; F . B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFl'S OF ALL KINDS Phone 2152·.I noz Ocean Front-Newport -(Jallt. d; d; d; L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. n-us 179' Nowpol'& Blvd.-Coota M-. (Jallt, d; d; d; HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company HU W. Central-Newpol'& %800 d; d; d; HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1'1111 Md <Jou& mpway-Pbone: Nwp&. 11%8 d; d; d; Lew H. Wallace Reel Estate and Insurance Broker ftoaeo: Ottloe s -1688 DOI W. <Jeatnl An.-Newpol'& BeMb, <Jellf. d; d; d; COYE. WATI'S · Balboa Liquor Store -.. <Joatnl A-, IW .... (Jallt, Pio. M-.J --.,~-o;e.-.-... d; d; d; Louis Verwey, Prop. ~o Cafe & Cocktail Lounge -llata llnel mtaJ•aa l'IL. TTt-• d; d; d; J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Pboae 1U! Utll at Oea.tn.1-Newport 8-1111. '"On Your Way to Balboa" d; d; d; Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer &n Fwaleal ATenae--Corona del lla:r, v.ut. Newport Beach !~-w d; d; d; Newport Engineering Associates FREDERIC J . SINGER. President llaautaetuttn & Salee Enctneen u15 eou• mrtiway-l'tl. ua d; d; d; Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station .UM W. C..tnl-Newpon __..,_ 11111 d; .t ;t Wallace C. Metoon Mattoon's Shoe Store • . Foof.WMr for Al lthe Family . . UICI N-n B1ft.-.()ae&a M- d; .t ;t FRANK A. AND MDJ>RED WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. Slwwbt-W.... Qmllty l'lllata Keht•tor Appllaw ._ --W Ooola 11-1NJ Newpot't lllK IMP''''T•Qiii I ' Costa Mesa, Wide-awake · Miracl Town, Tops in Business and N w Homes ~y HAROLD K. GRAUEL Co8ta M-CUI well lay claim to beiDc the fasted pvwllic eommllllity ID o....ge """""' ..w. new ...,_ eolD& ap by UHi dcaen. ud ·a bullw c!Wrlct rapidly expe""q; wlUa -....._ bebag bunt; old oae11 being ealarpd ud rmiodelod aad - baslneM ventures started eadl week. The centrally ~ balhteM area~th t free putdilg opaee Is a mecca for shoppers of .the .territory who P"'fer to do their buying where they know are eompl.!te and fnllh and of~ quality. F=eaUally H hi a town of h-makers where each r"8i&llmt takes pride In an attractive, well-kept place with lawns and g....i- wblch produee fruila and vegetables In season, and In the mild climate of the coast the "seuon" _,,,. all the year. SEE .HIM TO SEE • ' RECORDING · 1ENGINEER . .. -'. .. r • ! ' . . . l . . -. •• f • ' I • I . • ·-t . i i . • l' , . ;·1 . . l l li .. j ' Dr . Robert A. Crawford Robert L. Shorey ~ .---. . Dr. Robert A. Crawfonl, Co8ta Mesa optometrist, is a native of Iowa but came to Califomia and graduated from USC as Doctor of Optometry. He practised In Long Beach for eight years and then came to Costa Mesa. Durlq the ww he was ID chal'p of optometry for five Army Air Force lieldl and camps ID Centnl Arizona and ll8ed the most _.,.,. and advanced equipment, wllktt he bu "'i-ted ID his own office. Robert L Shorey, recording t"nglneer, putner ID the Davis and Gay MDlic company of ~ Mesa and Huntington Beach, started his career st the age of 12~d even wb,lle going to ocbool ID his native Loll Angeles bad a o shop of his oWD. . · At the age of 20 he bad de eloped tlOllle radio-phonograph record playen of the type wlil!>b~' sUU popnlai'. Be worked at RKO and other recording studios Hollywood and It .,... at one of them be ~ his future wife, w o Is now ID charge of the Hunt- Be bu his own laboratory where he designs, repairs and ad,jaAI 1111 tyi-of g!•eos. Bis hobby Is the study of foreign languapl and he also likes badminton, llWimmlq wl riding. ite 18 a boooter for Costa Mesa and Is a m<mber of lhe ·chamber of ~ ..,.. the Padfle C...t dab, Elb, lanlor Chamber of Commerce and Amerlean ·Optometric AModaUon. ington lleaeb otore, the Show f1o4t. . 6 DariDg UHi WW lfr. Sb.orey ,..... dlief radio mecbanlc tech· nldan ID UHi ndlo IDtelllgenee on at the .Sula AU mon- Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet ._ .. ~7"' ........ _ 1 d; d; Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. lWl <Jou& mpway--Oorona del Mar P!tone Newport 108% 1 .t d; Howard l. Gerrish HAJlTFORD FIRE lNSUllANCE CO. Phone 161 1808 Newport Blvd..-Costa Meea,. Cal.U. d; d; d; DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market -<Jlatnl A......-- Balboa Market and Delicatessen ANITA SEXTON Prop. 718 L 0..11»-1'11. ll'ltt - ltorlag tllaUoD, """ blll tech•leal wledge Is • valuable ..idlUon to tile Dag and Gay lltoft. • .J-A. -& Siegel & Raub ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1-N_.t- 'l'Mllo UN·.J OD-. M- . .t £ 4; DAMIA LOPrrON, M•.....,. . Orkin's Department Store . Ready-to-wear, Beach Top. Piece Goods Infants' Weal'-~d Ware Phone U!O-la tll\& -~ llMCa 11- d; d; ;t Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. BALBOA ISLAND VAllDTY 9TOJU: .t .t .t JOSEPH L. MARSHALL ~ ...... . Christian's Hut ..... £· ;t £ Thomas F. Norton . Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE . --1,.,.. o-ot .... "., SERVING 12 NOON TILL'9 P. ll. • T.LEFEVRE "Fre chie's" Barbecue 141'1 Delicatessen d; d; ;!; Volney Hay alboa Motel 1111 i C..tnl ··-<Jollt. -~- ;!; d; d; · aden L. Finch Gen Mg".. . ch ceramics 4; d; d; Robert Sborey-Reconlin& EnclDftr Davi 1 & Gay Muic Co. 11181 ··91:,:~ •= ft. me fH 1 11L ewu a1• - ' . ' .t .t 4; eodore Robins ORD DEALER . Pio... . 1111 w. <Joatnl. SPORTLAND-BOWUNG-PA VIUON BALBOA • • 0 . Burt R.. No.lton . . --' RAD'IO ELE~YICIAN . llll <JoUt ~ . . •=• ·-. .t.t.t . AL ANDERSPN Fun 7A>ne --·I d; 4; £ Bob Callis Dlltl'tbator I 0SNELU. PETZ (FLYING BOllUILlfOW-1 m -11&.-:-N_....._ m • d; d; d; ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage --1 411 ---........ <Jollt.. ;td;4; I Capt~· j. McNally MoNolly'o Balboa Boat Livery 706 E. Bay An.-l'boDe - d;d;d;' Dr. Conrad ~ichter <Joeta M- Pl>one• Ottlee 111 ... hle-.. 7'-.J d; d; d; Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA ' (Jollf. d; d; d; Geo. -Weiss L. Elalile Wela COast Prooerties Co~ Reaitors TOI E. <Jentnl-Balboa-Pbone l8S d; d; d; " · W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe !lat Plaoe--Newport d; d; d; Fritz Goossens , Gus Vander Linde Balboa Market n-Newpol't 85-501 M .... SL d; d; d; jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods Phone 208'-W llOl CJout: Hlchway-Newvport Beach, o.nt. d; d; d; ALLAN DAR'FFORD The Blue Sails -8tatlqnery, cards, Art 8npplleo -·-SL-Balboa-Pio. N-n 9'1S d; 1 d; Robert E. Arvin's lewelen and Wat<lhmakrn 111 Twenty·-Street . Newpol'& -· Callf. d; d; d; Wllllam MacOirdy W. H .. (Skip) Calkins MacCuJ,.~t, ~s, Inc. ll. E. Nledecker, Sec. oil ~. J.IU OoM& BwJ:.-!fowpon --I'll. 1'""" - £ 4; .t Stanley James Barden MASl'ER MARINER ___ 1'_t __ .. , 1111 0.-BlcltwaY-l'looae lfll d; d; d; C. F. Dennison A-W wl&b A. "SANDY" STEINER -_. .... ' _ -0.-Jllsll•WiJ-.l'bo9o ta'll . d; d; d; MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy 1108 ~ Froat-Pl>one 5 d; d; d; ANTON HERSHEY . Prop. Hershey's Market-Spot n-1~--1 d; d; d; Donald J. Harmon .. BALBOA HORSE RACES W"-, W.; Wo. .... lb21& a.nlJI d; d; d; Dennis H~limd I . PLYMOUT~ ...... ~ ·-. ,_ ,,. ... ~ ..... ~ iii I ~ ~SILVER New Blue Room . 1w .. EIOctrtc Grilli · . UT8, D8DIU Mm~ w.L ,.. : • w.l c 1 • •· 1 -. ·1 . -3 • • ; ., . -• • • i • • ! < < - : • ' I • • ;~~~~~~~~~~t~P:~z;:~;,~~~~,,,~~·;-;·;·~~-~ ~~~!!!~~!!:========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.';':~::::.~.~;::;:::::;.:;;~~~~~~~II~~-••-•JMWll.A...... • 90A~tllll9Llll8 .lill'Oll~~llKIC~~IT~~::::::::::~.i.~ .. ~•~•~-~-~~.~ .. ~::::,:_:::::_~---~•~n~.~-~~.~ .. ~.: !"* f l WWW •• •1JUNW -It -~ =-M••:S• .. C! --~. ilQUlPIO.NT n:sni -..,... bulldlnc -· ----J. M. M-~ l .L L E R I YACHTS WAVES Crystal Seta -$2.9S ~TWo. "1• ' 6 ,_. ~ -Newpcwt BML .., Au T ~ ~~o ~ILE c 0 Mp EN s AT I 0 N on-. -Mn' •me 2-~~ ..... ~z~ :e i::i .. i:--m':"~ . Coot.a )(--~~ Real !)Ila. Broker ·. ! Vi'• BealltY Sliop To build 1<1lllr -elcetric ....... ir-1W. 'l'a.tfc ' 15th Uld Ol!ntral '. ''STU'' DUNLAP Insurance I ~ Appola-lo "'-l~W · Q.AL'l[.4)1, 1000 Qout lfleliwl<1. · J 1lOS Oout piwa:f. 6inM dol Kar -Bacio A --Co. FOR SALE-liot<r boot. ~ft. ' . -119' Newport Blvd. D--ttc runabout. with J..,,_, motar, ~ttc Choice West Los Angeles Home mKPL()n..-:;;cn~ ..... ;;;n;,,..;1 .... ;;;.._:a:w.iiiiD-liii• ---=o-=RAN=:.--::G:::E:-:CXl=UNTX==:---. like-: ,boot completezy equip-WANTED TO RENT 13117 ~t Near May Co:s New Store and Shopping Cl!llter I ' 703 E. Cent~al Phone Number 683 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN-UPHOLSTERING. CO. pod. ldW for bey or lakL $250 ,home fer th ot July or ftnt Two bedrooms and den; 1~ baths; 2 tlrepl&oes. Brick wd days or .. .._ Pb: UICJ6.J. Kn. Maaurloct\llen ~boo1600 Eut Central 21Avetfc., .2 week&. 4-bedrm. Mn. all around, MllJIY beauutul flowers and trees, Owner will Ba Ibo a -Sbeeto. »-tfc Of~ Fundturo ~ -Stoi<er, t. 586 w. 11th sell or trade for.harbor property, WILL CARE for chllclren ....,, m w. 4th St.. Su\11 .... FOR SALE-Buda motor, 115-h.p., St., 01' 7321. lll-lltp -I - -.:....-----~----:-:PRIV==A-;;TE;;;-cPl;;;;:-•:::oo:-:-and:::;-.:v;;:1o1:;;1::n-;L;-:,...:: ironinc 1n my home. aoe ....-i. Factory and Showaoom 6-qde, heavy duty 1938 cu MARINE M and wife -. Business Lot ·Pu8uc: N0nca oons by Miss Imelda Anton. &<>Id Ave., CoroiJa clol Mar. Pb: 5IH Weot Om .... S t.. 4nahllm model. $1:50 u IL Harry Rico, fumllbed or . apt. pj_. B~lbo!l Pbme 123Z-W. 24-4tp 1~. 1!1-tfc --Aubolm •n' -159 w. 10th St., Buena PaJ1<. s. A. '601 401, Major Man- - __________ U:_tfc --=,,..,..,..,.-________ 22-1_,tp~ terfiel~ 24-.,._ WCAT111 or IRJllll(W FOR A REIJ4m E Pablt Job .. WANTED-Carpet and Upboloter-.... Flctltl ... Firm Name ·-cleaning In yoor -by J·-' • ............ 11"1"<'''· • MDIO M WANTED RENT -Beach __ _ = ~· call New-\c!.C:! lc:.i ve..,.an World War I i. Il. ~a--:"-=~ FOR SALE-Upright piano. 413 house. Bal Island or vicinity, THE UNDERSIGNED do heft. • p.m. Work iruaranteed. Color ancl BA'l"l'M'SI . 39th SL, Newport Is1&ncl. Phone 2 weeks to montho, July-Aug- by cntlfy that tb<-y 0tt conduct-CEMENT CONTRACTORS -beauty rovlve4.. &Ive ,_ lllwen. 0 , .... a.. llU7. 24-2tc uat. W. , TI1 '1111• Guar-- lns an auto coort buo1neu at 822 Driveways, walks, foundatlono, Pbme Newpart :aoe&-R. 21-3tc w -a. INL • antee Loo Angel<1, W. Central AWftue, City of N--curbo, etc. M. L. Abohor, 2053 POSITION WANTED-Former -FOR SALE-Small ~t pi.no, MA-1626. 24-4tc _. .Beach, County of <Jnnc<, Maple, Santa Ana or ~Hamp-Flrot Q!llCer, Mercb&nt Marine -----------$125. 'fn1 Larkspur SL, Corona State ot eantornla. undeT the fie-ton, 394 So. Grand. <>nnce. Pb. declree poaltlon or In-In Auto Batteries de! Mu. 24-2tp ~·~·~AJ.~ll:ll~llT~~A~-=-=-----~" u-. firm -of Bay VleW Oranr• 1361-M. 23-ttp Spart or Cm>merd&I flohlnr en-lJl.moatb -a.:5 EL RADIO FOR SALE---6-yolt broad-EV A Oourt, and that aald firm 1' com-~ Hao operaton 1lcoNe C ded M to O'l cut ftC<lver. Hal Knl&hton pCIM!d ot tho toUowlnr ~ COOPERATIVE w. E. ~tum. 314 N. eom: ompounGell 70co r 1 Radio, 4TI Newport Blvd. El B Tr ct -""fD<" and adda-eo are ROOFING CO. •tock. WIUt-. eanr. Pbme on. 24-2tc yo a .. f-. to wit: 417-597. 22-Ctp -----------2 Bedroom a maid'• room. llv- Omar J. wu.oa. Rt. 1, Box 1182, New and Repair' Western Auto Supply Radio Repairs Inc room. .._.., ldtcbon Vlota. Callfomla. -.or-• Aulhoriud Dealer AD -'~-. ~.~ tc. Pb ... 7 6 2 b& SUnporcb. Built Janice -•-Rt. f. Box 1182, ~. ~-. • . -. In UNO lo-'· bomci bM ..._._ ~,.~:::'.:'.'. Phone !m-M WAITRDlllEI W.unn> -liq lD Newport mw., Coot.a M-BURT NORTON • -"-·-w· all ~·-·~. __, __ •• ,.. ~~~ 218 E. :20th St., Coot.a -Sboro oat•, 17th A 00oot lllCb-23-tfc 15 ~~ -,~ ~ _...,.._ ·WOilam F . Marx, 822 W. Cen-»-tfc way. Pb: N-pcrt 2SU. 1._tfc 9 P>elt Hlcl>""Y, Newport beetlnr uni Excellent .WW ol ~-~°'u::!~dayr-«n •mae .w·=a· .. LlGHTBULBS BU~Spliwtcypo= r and$~500 al )(atth, l!N6. P.ADft'DIO -~41'9\ -. - --Extenalon Cordi, Iron Cordi. Etc. plomo, a 1m-pJa. Tw1m. I1om5-• .~~d·.~r "': 1i . ~..;~~~~':::: NewPort Pharmacy ~*": eo.. •No.= Ne ort Mesa WILLIAM F. MARX ~ •~--Pl call N B -w •• • 2108 Ocean Front 4-1\00m houR "" 1arp lot: 2 nna. State of C&llfoml& l .u Olcl °'"C:. ii;.. •W.. eue · · ' ·~ · ~tc Pbone 5 24-ltc GOOD -pla-Some • low ~ In tty pine. CountyofOrance ) •-_ !-----------WANTED-H~ .. per In lov•ly Ste I K'tch ::...:'-~ ~ ir:-=: J 4750 ON THIS 2na day of March p A I N T I N G home, 2 1n family. Private room, e 1 ens Scbanldt Pl&no Co., 520 No. Main - A-D .• 11M6, before -Ruby A. 12 Years Servioe In Newport good wages. Ph: IOTh-J. 24-tfc GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES ._,.ta ·---"tfc I Ne ort Island Tbom:pliOn a Notary PUblic ln and H bor Area s o DOORS ~ -.. · ~ for aald County and State, resld-ar HELP ·WANTED -Girl to help H WER 30 Ft. lot at t locatim cm Near new dvic center In Newport Call us for price and tenns. View Lot Corona del Mar South of Highway $4500 3 Bedrooms' 3 baths Near Balboa $8500 Cash Corona del Mar 2-~home South dt Hlghway FUmlshed Beautiflll!1 Located Lot on Lido Isle 00.ft, Frontaae ' Lot on Central Avenue Ol06oe Location for Afllrtment Price $3350, terms-' Phone Your Listings In and --wW live them t!Vf!lY conalden.tion J. M. Ml LL ER • New .... -t-• "On Y~ Wey to Balboa." Ina therein duly commiaioned and Harry Hall with house work tew houn Sun-Southern Counties Radio Repairs Island. ;...._.. __ ,,,, appeared Omar PAINTING CONTRACTOR daYll~ Phone Sat. or Sun_ N. B. Su Jy C All -it•· tuboo. k r.. U17 1650 H U B P 0 W E RS AGE NT j~\VU'.c,';;;'j".;;.;;,' WU.On, and Wll· Phone Newport s;n.w 1341-W. 24-2tc 144 ~t Blv~· N. Burt N~ 816 ~ Hhn.7: · ' Uom F . Marx known to me to be 274 E. 19th Street 24-lfc HELP WANTED -~enced Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach Newport llM<:h. 91-tfc / Co Mesa §--- the penom whooe nam•• are sul>-P A I N T I N G palnt•rs. H. E. McDonald, 414 24-llc Arvin & Emerson 2-bedroom h with single gar-We have several attractive Balboa Island homes that should ocribed to the within Inotrwnent. antl Old County Rd., Coot.a Mesa. B A R G A I N S R A D I O S age, on E t side. 8 yrs . ol~ please you and they are priced to sell now, beginning at :!,:~~~e'." me that they D E C 0 R A T I N G ~tfc 24-Hour Radio Service Possession fl°"" of esa-ow. $10,000. Good tw<Hlwelling unit listing at $16,000, and IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have WANTED -Men (or Women), Single Iron bed with springs, Inner Short c· 't R dio $6250 others. hettunto .. t my hand and affixed Interior -Exterior Noat appearing for profitable spring mattress, acousticon hear, 305 P~U:Wi.! I I -- my official seal the da.y and year ad•ertillng campaJin now In et-1ng aid, latest model; fine Violin Ph l~W l3-tf CoroQ del Mar 1n this certiJlcate first above writ-1 Specializing in Marine Paints feet. Excellent oppartunlty if and cue. Phone N. B. 296-.J. one c 2-bedroom ~-. e, 6(}.ft. frontage ten. you qualify. Apply Mr. Van 24-4tc STEINWAY Grand, like new, one in eood 1 tlon. 'This house ls RUBY A. THOMPSON, The Paint on Your Boat Denn, 508% N. Main St., Santa N Fu •t S . I of the world's rrdt.,t planoo. I 'Ir. years d and Is furnished. Notary Public In and For Holds Up Ana. 16-lOtc ew rnt ure pecta S Gorgeous tone. Beautl!ul cue. House 1.s acant and quick Said County and State. WHY NOT PAINT YO UR GOOD POSmON for the right Unf!nlshed Desk ................ $17.75 This ls an lmtrurnent for the possession ·n be given. (My Commlsslon Expires HOU$E , WITH IT! Unfinished Otest, all dl"'1'imlnatln11 buyer. Danz-$ O 500 May 24, 1947.) We Have first Class Painters person. Four In family, all aduJts. SJ.Zes .................... $6.&5 to $19.50 Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main ' (SEALl Working I% days orr per week. Bendix HOSPITAL BEDS FOR RENT Santa Ana. 11-tfc washing machine. P e rsonal · C t M Corner lot at Park Ave. and Opal $5000 ---§--- H U B P 0 W E R S, AG E N T Phone 62·W J. A: B e e k 0 f f i c e Ferry Landing Balboa Island Pub:-March s. 12. 19, 26, 1946. __ .,_ d -1 d Santa Ana Furniture o a esa W~ung an ll"On ng one a t RADIO HOUSE '"""' T •a Now H. SWIONSON 426 W 4th St. Phone 922 ~ --: 3--bedroom st cco house on East ------------;:~::::;::::::;~~:::;:::;:::===:::::; NOTICE TO BIDDERS 7311 S eashore Drive home. Private room with bath, 24-ltc that additlooal compet.ot tlleh-side, venett blinds, hardwood · MONSY TO l.O£llf • P hone Newport 8701-J-2 radio. Llve in. $l20 per month. Dtclarul are avallable, we are able floors. P Ion cloSe of ea- Submit qualifications by mall WAN'l'ED 'l'V ~ a to m&ko .. rvlce oallo on large crow -BU IL D N O W LOANI TO BVIU>, '-••, --and arrange for interview. Write -----------comoles. All work ruar&nteed.. · modenlf8 or ..,,-;:. ___ ... ..,. The Board of Trustees of New- Box "R", New.-Tlmes. 23-Stc WANTED TO BUY OR RENT-HAROLD L. HAMM , 8.0 .S. 7500 N.wportlla_hdenl .. "'- House on Balboa Island only, Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph: 780. LOW COST HOMES Md '-•-attcm port Harbor Union High School E . J . JACKLIN dlatrict reque5t bids on one or two Building Contractor suitable for family with 3 chi!-11-tfc EVA . RHODEN -Y1a Lido -~-~ dren. Phone 1555-w. 24-4tc -----------·! ker --.-- new S:dlool bUSles to carry forty-4008 Marcus Ave. HELP WANTED -Woman for three high school pupil3 or more. Phone Newport 1522-J light housekeeping. 611 No. Bay AL 'S ' 470 NOWl>Ori Blv~. Coot.a Me1A Radio Electric Service ELTON D . • Salesman Pb. N 1965-M 23-2tc Must conform to California 21-8tc Front, Balboa Island 23-2tc. School Bus regulations. Full sped-'l:&&N---llPO--BT-.t.no--N-----IA HELP WANTED -Someone for WILL N. T CA8B fW :JICMI' fJB"-. ·ncation must be submitted with t1m bookk a.ltuN or wb&t ban ~ J8KJDe bid. Bids will be opened April 8, SANTA ANA part-e eeplng and of-Jl,'wpt. IOOO o ft. 0.wley 'lbe 1946 at 4:00 p.m. In the board room Auto Travel Service rtce ":'ork, '>' day. Hours of own Pood aaoi.., · WI Me.:.i.on 920 Coast IDway See Models At .. LOANS ot the High School. Private can to all dties ln choosing. Ph. 590· 23-tfc IDYd... eo.ta Mea. -.UC Corona del Mar · The Board reserves t he right to u .,s. A. daily. BALE ~ • FUllNlTllllS PO& MU: D Plcl< Up and Dellvery r eject any and aU bids. UCENSED -INSURED CASH FOR USED FURNITURE Phone 470-MK 19-Stc 711 Begonia Ave., 2 Oce $100.00 and Up to Sl0.000.00 See US If )IOU need money Paymento to nt Your 1- A.H. Fl'I-..ZPATRICK, Ph. Santa Ana 6548 · FOR SALE -Westinghouse elec------------- Oerk. 312 French SL, Santa Ana PHONE COSTA MES,\ 7~~-tric range, 2 ovens, automatic · Radio Repairinl! from Pier . Heliotrope at 4th Corona del Mar Loano Oil Caro Truclm -Tra1lera Over 22·Yearo In Santa ADA Pub:-Mch. 26. Apr. 2, 1946. 21-tfc c clock and utility plug. Call Har House calll dally except Sit. and FOR SALE-Roll-away single bed bor 'rn>R. 24-2tc 81.m. CompJete stock of tubee A w 27 Th 28 F 29 s .ao lN<I TID~ TABLES MARCH Newport-Costa Mesa T,A,X-1 ID11h Low HJ&b Low Under New ManqemenL 4 :29 U:Ot 1:10 11:50 2'-Hour Service-Phone 25SO 4.2 o.o 3.6 2.5 609 Cout IDchway 5:30 ......... ' 1:%7 11:44 17-lltp 4.6 3.9 --0.4 1----------- 6:19 12:30 1:u 1:11 BICYCLES 5.0 2.0 4-2 --0.6 Bold, Rontod or-"-1red- 7 :01 1:08 8:16 l :M YC>OEL'8 5.3 . 1.4 4.6 --0.7 108 Kain SL, B&H1oa T"'-.rt ...... 1:11 __, ol. WWW> c· U&tlt·acui-.. -.; ..... ~ .. - ~ )farlne, Balboa hlud. IN-tfc Pa,,ctJ04i VENmAN BLINDS WOOD • S'HZL • ALUlllNUll ...... ~-ow , • -....,.. _ ••••wtt a -.._ .. ,... .. WING SANG BOAT & RRPAIR YARD , ill Coast HIPW'1 101 I'll-Newpeirt 188 • 11.oedmo Md • JN' ·-·Ne ,........... . • hdill9Boercla ... .... .., .......... . A fuli College Course for you WITI EIPEISES PAID Here'• impo<tant ne"" for young -18 and o•ar (17 with pu- mb' oon-tJ. Uncle. the GI Bill of Rigbto, if you mliot in the u. s. Anny bdon: October 6. . 1946, for 3 yun, upm YOIU' dio- cbarge yoa will be oatitled to 48 -the of oollege, tnde Cl' busi- -odaool ed.-tiooa. TWtion ap 10 ssoo per onlinary ochool yea will be po.id, ADd you will """"" '65 monthly li...U., aJ, low.--m if you an ...,_ ried. Get the fac11 at your _, U, S. Army R-Wting Stotion, IOI City Ball BaHcllnc, Sula sAaa ' • & innerspring mattress: double FURNITURE BARGAINS ·factory replacement parts. Ph: laundry tubs on casters. Phone Gas Range with oven 345. MESA RADIO & ELEC 1T17-WK. 23-2tp con trol. Special .................... $17.25 TRONICS CO., 17lN Nowpor1 WHY PAINT YOUR BUMPER! Gas Heaters fro111-.... -................ $2.95 Blvd. ~tfc Uel! KROS-O Cast Iron Wood Heater, l'OULTKY a BAJllllTll • 24-lnch fire box ________________ $9,95 ----------- RUST OFF 3-burner Kerosene stove .......... $6.50 FOR SALE-9 N. H. Red laying F R S For liunediate Sale Eug ne Elliott :501 E. In!!, Balboo 2'.'-4tc ' Phone 886-W Salesman Wiii Call PICO BUILDING MATERIALS Federal Finance Co. INC. 4211 No. Sycamore Phone ~· Santa Ana, ~le •1J'l'OllOWYm • ,, --• Sold at AU Dealen 3-burner Gas Plate .................... $3.95 hens, 2 ducks, $15. 321 Poppy 0 -3-bedroom house, S. le D. Kte. c.o .. Coeta Meu Manning-Bo~an Electric Ave., Corona del Mar. 24-2tc breakf8J:t ~::. lJ~~:;:: 24-2tc 120 Broadw Phone l577.J Waffle Iron ....................... -... $4.45 porch. .Y NEW CAR PRIORITY on 1946 Otevrol~ or Oldsmobllf to trade for 1-yr. Jeue,on 2-bedtm. -· !urnllh"5 or unfurnllhed. Otto Culbertoon, Culbertoon Cbevro: let Co. Phone Hunt. Beach 318. ay 17:8tc Kitchen Otalrs .............. __________ $1.00 am.AL ~otllf•••cbl'lll II Ave., 9<JO Mesa. Ph. 24·7ii;1:itp __ B_UY __ Y_o_ur_H_o_m_e_o_r-~ or Business From Us. Coro a de! Mar Oventuffed furniture cleaned. Doby Buggy ------------------------------S3-95 0 ERA TING Modern, ex ptionaUy well built 3 day pick-up and delivery. Full-slu Hollaway Bed. ________ SJ,9.50 home on po-tt. lot. 2 bednnl., 35 yean of aalilfled customen. Table model Tlffanytone p A YS Uvlng dining alcove, hard- ORANGE COUNTY Radio --------················-·---------$14.:50 wood II , tile bath and kit. Insurance Brokerage B. A. Nereson · 1972 Newport Blv~. Coot& Me:sa 24-Tu-2tc 21-4tc TENT & AWNING co. 11-rt. extension Walnut Dining GO D WAGES chen, oe porch, 2-ear gar- 614 W. 4th St., Santa Ana. Table, like new ···········-·······$39.50 I ltge. letely furnished ln-•---A-t_Co_ro_n_a_de_l_Mar __ _ Phone Mr. Benedict, 1569 Sant& Day Beds ............................... -... $3.95 N 0 experience necessary eluding n elec. refrigerator, A REAL BUY FOR S~1938 Dodge Ci>nvert- '. Ible Coupe. Excellent condition. 1135 Goldenrod. Corona del Illar. Also good lunage lraUer. 2G-5tc Ana. !22-tfc Studio Couch ···········-··-··-··-···$9.75 stove, va um cleaner, washin& 50-Ib. Ice Box ----· ------------------55-75 Earn while yo~ learn machine. FOR SALE-Cash ttc!>ter. 1003 8.3 x 10.6 Velvet Rug ............. .$24.50 Pri e $12, 750 Coast lDghway, Rout's IJquor 6 x 9 Wilton Rug -----------------.S16.75 There are manG other Store. 24-tfc 36 x 63 Wilton Throw Rug ...... $4.95 FOR SALE-Ice machine com-Hardware, Plumbln&, Mlscl. Items. advantages to eing a pressor, motor, coll and unit. Hundreds of them priced to move. teJ~hone employee. Shell Station, 2920 West Central Shop ~~ur dollar~geta more . Ave. Newport. 24-4tc Cformerl~· FOR SALE -Air-Way vacuum 2nd Hand Store) cleaner, like new, $25. Western 1962 Harbor Blvd. Phone 74()..W Electric fan, $15. Golf clubs and Coot.a Mela 24-llc bag, $7.50. 206 Collins Ave .. Bal-llOATll. BtJPl'USe I a boa Wand. 24-2tp . · FOR SALE 40-ft. boat mooring, ANNOUNCING new, $125; w .. tem Giant gar-Our New Location den tractor, used 5 hours, with all toolo, $250.· Pete Kaluf, 1550 We att now IOcated a~ 2818 w .. t Newport Ave .. Coot& Mesa. Bax Centul Ave. Pbme K.B. 1781-W 745. 24-4tc B'ay Electric FOR SALE -100-gal. cu tank Complete Motor and Generator with flttinga ; 12 Boss Honer Ac-Repair Soni<» cordion; 12-foot mah0&any Pad-2818 W. Central A ... dl•board; aingle rowing shell Tel.phone l'l81W Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514% N. Main SL, Sant& Ana or Aak the operator for the Chief Operator Southern California Telephone Compuy 111-tfc No Delay Refinish your ldtcben ,bathroom with new t1lo boon!. with sweepo; Royal No. 5 office 17-3tc • al typewriter. Call eveninp 6-10, F. P. W dron Mtc: 1008 E Central Balboa. 24-ltp FOR SAi,~ b.p. Marine Deloel. Te1epbono 2MW .. . ' like ..,._ Half oric1na1 ooet. CaD -------:--::--:-:-- FOR SALE-Siudlo Grand piano. Newpari 2234-W. 14-tfc · Carpenters Available high chair, crib, Easy wuhln1 --far ...,..i m1•.-•s11 machine, tent and stove, Uke ALL P.L4STIC 12-ft. 11G-lb. TOP-and '-" new; Mitt.. box and aaw, 7-ln. 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. 0. Z. llOBR~ table saw, '>' h.p. motor, two Immediate clel.i\-ery. Other mod-·a.a NtowpOrt II 7X16 Sprinsfioid lir<s. :50 h.p. ei. soon -dinghies, aallboo , U-tfc Marine motor with reverse nma~ta. O'Uiaen and paddle------------- gem, .. t ot bar bells. nmci. OOardl. Plutlc Wat..-a-aft Co.. K E y S ltemo. 309 E. Edgewat..-, Balboo. 703 E. Central. Ba1boo. Pb: 683. Kado Wbtlo Toa Walt 24-4tc 24-1tc VOGEL'S ' ' 100 Kain 8t.. -JOI Karine, Balboa t.land - Gertru e A. W aldro'n Wm, W . Sanford ROKER . Balboa Wand 111-tfc 2 S all Houses On Lot iled for BUiin ... 1-0,000 Bay Front Lot Ced Right Front-Lot . JORDAN Central, Blllboo 153 ., 23-tfc SAL&f-'In thC! heart ot Bal, t otucco with 4().ft. adjoinlnc, neto S250 $25.000. See Fred K M. Lane Real c.oart Ave., oPP> Flaw-Ma. 21-tfc Beaut1tul 2 Bedroom Home . Furnished • On SO-ft. Lot Near Ocean $19,500 Immediate Delivery W. J. HOLCOMB 1!517 Cout Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags Fly" 24-2tc AUTO n:avrom · Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Us. BATTERY REPAIR WORK· IS OUR BUSINESS • Wll.L EXCHANGE 4-room fUr- nilhed apt. In Buacalow Court In Hollywood, nomluJ rent. far houoe or apt. In Newport, Balboa or Costa Mesa district. Jack W. Street. General Delivery, Balboa. 24-4tp Storey' s Batte?'>'. Service WESTMINSTER AVE. (Between 18th .. Mapnlla) COST4 MESA RESPONsnn:!I Telepllone · em-" 111-t!c ploye wanto to excbance 3-bed------------- room home In W•t Loo Ange1el ~ ~ter ~-Iii for aame In Santa An& or vldr>-liloc\< at thC! N.,..nmea. lty. Call Soutbem Calif. TOie-';;;;;· ;;· ~· -;;;;;;~; pi._ Co., Santa Ana, 5628. n? _._ tmoro -II at 1!1-tfc pi-. --• •AUIOa wiWiiiii ' '1'£ NEED LATE MODEL CARS llld WW Pay Top Prteea .. lll!l.I, YOUR CAR Maw: Wl'r P1111 _...,. • ftmr b_.w ..... !J,.Qu wlio .. "'&: •lw,.ad•I ~0'4 ·FW, sdr..Sw I• din• - CULB~TSON CHEVROLET 00.. lno. 0 sa I I ..SO' '? Dm! a .. #--.lite tMl.•s 'crttP -C •0 .r •I'• ._.. .. ._ ... • • , I • • ' • • ~-l '. . awm ,,,.,. ••••·"*" • , lkapt 1>F Pilot Oass Meets Enteftained With _ At Newport Htil. Home Albacore Dinner Harbor Feml.n1·n· e· A. ct v1·t1·es Mn. Rowland Hotl&JcbwJa onter-Mn. Boward Rapp jr., bead ot . Mr. and 111r1.. Herbert McI>on-.Dutch H-. ~ leleei taiDed mmiben of the New'°'t the Junior Amstance leacue or , tnot ten.Jned Illa -.,...._ ~-~ ot the "---Santa Ana. told of the dance whlcb Ptumes 13 --' 208 + ...... Winifred Bertre + Ph-1837-R alcl entertained the Pilot Caa of OOll-.111", en~ .--~~ ~-· .-. '"' -me! employees With an aJb.c-11e COUD'1' .u.latm leacue at her the Jeacue la gtvln& at Newporl · , -• I . • Oirlat 01"""1 By-~• at the tlinn<r Sunday s .t his . homo, m Lido Iale home lut week With Harbor Yacht club Aprll 16. nck-So. Cal.. A. & C. E. to Business, and Professional Women Hear Dou le. Celebration Mardi oOcial moettn&. held Fri-Ea.st Bay FrollL TwO ::!' =.!o1a.!e~ .=: :!:i ~;tr!:° M:.' i:::: Meet At Orange Mrs. C. M. Deakins; Plan Bosses Night Ho rs Guests at t1oy ewnina: at their""'!'"· 414 01d ;:: bU~ W.:-:=~ · -· Yardley, Harbor 'l').J. Proceeds March 30 "Wei~ _ home _ husband _ ' . Joh Vogel Home · ;::1y Road Nineteen meiDben an0U: waa cut •up and at Q-eam-r -\ottod stockl were ocm-are to go toward the Presbyterian however • drunk" ii the amUllng• ' pr"eleD.t. by other employees wbo Wtte bln<d with dalfodll1 for non1 dee-booJ>i_talGrtundtba Tub~ ••• 1 Orange county chapter of the name gtven 1n England to the little H·arbor Stamp Olub Mn John Yoeel and Mn. Ruth Fred Glau presided at the --pesait: j oratlono and luncheon wu oerv.ed =.. e ~. ~·00 nune, Southern California ADodation ·aedums faD\iliat "beo and Chick-Ad t N B Il. Cole Santa Ana joined In hon-neu meetln&. after which the ;Dinner. was oerved at '5 l!""1 from. beauWlllly appointed buffet Wal present and told 01 the good for Cblldbood Education will hoot ens" of0 Ca!Uornla garden1, which op s ew y !' ws onng two mutual ftlenda, Mn. eventnc , ...... spent playlnc . heatta and mtU1)' pl the gueota ·~ table. .. . ~~ the ~tance league it do-the meeting of the parent organl-ue planted on the roofs of cot-Ray aunden of San Diego aDd With dice Mn.. Roa <Hen enjoy an evening of pmea. Mn. Walton Hubbard jr. pre-mg tn p~g dental care for zation, to be held Saturday, tages, according to Mn. c. M. New bylaws, written by Mn. Mrs. Vogel's sister-in-law, Mrs. · . -won 'Ibale p:menf were Mt&. slde<I at the business meeting, and ldlool children, and It wu uked Mazdl 30 at 10 a. m., In the De-~--~-~-•-·-r the Edward H. Mone of Corona de! Ray tlritlge ot Puadena, on their lint for ladies and Fred Wood-Ser and the Messrs. and )( that names of children who need · GA.Uw, c .. ~11 ""-'auUMU• 0 Mar were the sub'--of discus-... hi b f M.raJ Nancy White of Santa Ana . . h Dr Orange Women's club, Orange, Orange County Federation of Wcr • ,,..,.... birth anniversaries. Wot'u.a was g or men,-with dames A. C Hoffman. told about the county fair and &uch 8.ld be turned ink to ~e:· i. with 300 teachers, Supervisors and men's clubs speaking at the sion and adoption by the Harbor . party wu held Saturday booby pr~ ,going to Mra. Fred ' Fred McMDl•n, LJml hone ahow which is to be held Shean ~ the wor at uie COi principals present from all over Thursday ev~ning dinner meeting Stamp club which met Thursday ~ at the Vogle home on the Glass arid Rev. Oiarles Hand. McWiu'is. Harry Breithaupt and .June 21-23 inclusive. proceeds of matena.la, it was reported. , Souhtern Californra.. ...i;.~ of tM Busineu and Professional eve~, March 21 at the Mesa pe ula and the spacious rooml Men of the claa will be in children, A. L. Oliver abd ch& from wtuch will go toward a Present at the meeting were the Miu Elsa Findlay, ttacher of Women's club held at White's Park Radib shop with 20 members and decorated witlt blue iris, charge of the· April meettne, which dren, Wllllam Hottman. 'l)d ~ county cancer cllnic, a IX'Oject Mesdames Walton . Hub~ jr., Eurythmics at Teachers college, avenue cafe. five guests present. . st , sweet pE!:as. comelia.s from Will be held at the c:hurda. and. an denon and dauchter. Gw: Cut: wt*h the Alaiatance lea~ is ~~ctor Grace, Willard Kil.lion, Columbia uruversity, ts speaker I nteresting and amusing stories I In the abse!loe ot the new pres~-the anlen of the holtem, and auction of hard--bpt articles ii atjll Mel Smith and cblldrea. ai spomc;rin&. Dixon Smith, Everett G~. and will demOnstrate the Jacques-were jtold by. the speaker of how dent, Kent Hitchcock, Vice Presi-other spring flowers. . planned. . ~.ta Ana. ~orter ~kee, Jack Hillman, WU-Dolcroz system which she has ap-flowers got their names. some dent Jenkins acted u chairman.. Th honored guests opened their . .------------.11iam White Jr .. Stanley Otambers. plied to the .... ol the dance and classical. some religious, and many Announcement WSI made of the lovely gifts at 9 o'clock, and N~-B-"·-~'-:'io I •• e~--u ,.._ Frank Ba~--George YaJ'dley, Vireinla Castle. theater and to the training of r .. h ., __ ered ,. stamp exhibit or Southern Call-Std a buffe t sllpper was "'"I"'&• Al~ ~ Ul'UR, ,.._ .llll& Kn Evere tt Morris James Rogers E . . or uie men w 0 u..i.M.VV uiem.. fornia to be held in the Elks ball· · · .an U"AA-J Tra-' ~--'-_., M. H J hn P k J Addi-teachen, with the SJd of Orange Spedmena were exhibited and a Los An 1 April 5-7 . _ . piece de resistance or ..... -...-.,. ... to , "-=v, Ha ..... ..... n G~:yy, ~bert ~.ricer· Eddie school children. formal flower arrangement dis-~~;e It isge•P<>es~red by ~e was the big Italian rum RoW'd-th.Worid Trips bt the · future. See "" · • Scheduled to appear are the I yed M De kl 1n•-· · ay cake fashioned uKe an .~ Haugh, Mary Addis Abbott, Ed-. Pa · rs. a ns was uv-Federated Philatelic clubs of ' Jin. Boy Keene Ph. Sti stl .,_._ !WM SPIBELLA OOB8E'l1EKE ward Chapman Jl'. H E Christler state pr~~.ent, Mrs. G 1 ad y s <\uced by the hostess, Cay C.OS-Sout hern California and cuna and open k. Names of the honprces • • __, . ·• · · Re . ' Chandler: MISS Abby Perry, junior rrove , ...,.. were written In blue on the white ao...: 10 a. DL tit IP. m. Houston Witherspoon, F. E . rn-past-president of the Souttiern · . trophies have been donated by frost pages, divided by 8 pink '-------------' hold and Edgar Hill SectJon· A C E and Dr Helen .Dorothea Wnson presided. and r adio and cinema stars. "rib .. and decorated with pink, Christians~n .. m~sic chai~n of a~nounced the "Bosses Night" Club members welcomed L~. Col. whit and red sweet peas with Southern Section dinner . to be held at tt)e Newport P aul H. Schrepel, who has just gree stems, a wonderful example · Harbor Yacht club Thursday, returned from duty in India and I -----~-of pastry cook's art. C b S Fl April 4, with Dorothy Sut herland who hopes to be transferred to G es were played by some of U COUtS tO Y and Maurine Craig as hostesses. duty ·in Texas. Other guests were the ests and oth.ers danced In Kites in Contest NatAlle Mi chaud is in charge of Mrs. Everett Ernest, wife of a club the lroom on the third floor. the program. Malie Rolling Is in member ; Major and Mrs. S. S. ong the hundred or more . . . . charge of table decorations and J . Nicolay from the Lighter-Than-Air Kit7flying. premier sprtngtin:ie Leslie Steffensen "'"'ill be master base and A. L. Fletcher of the gues who came from all over pursui.t of boys of all ages. \VIII of ceremonies. Long Beach Stamp Collectors club. Sou ern California were the con- ALLMARK Easter Cards For Easter Sunday, April 21st when CUb Scout Packs 105 and I A!l rese~ations . mus~ be in by 1'!1e nextd meeting WI.. on and er husband, and Mr. and WE LC 0 M:E C A F E 2:!60 Newport Blvd., Costa M- l'hone 4llll-111 Finest Place to Dine Famous Complete Dinner . Ol*lllLm.fA>2Lm. SPEriAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES Lamp<1 :: Vases :: Figurines :: Costume J ewelry have its day on Sunday, April 14 , . . . .11 be cert rpianiste, J eanette Savaron 11 0 will join in a contest to be I April 1. Tickets "rill be on sale at I A~1I 4 an the program co.m-Mrs. Enrico ?tfartlnelli. Local h Id l 2 th bl rr . t the chamber of coronierce a nd the m1ttee has announced an auction gues included the Stuart Dunlaps OUR KIT()llEN OPEN FOR INSPECl'JON e a p.m. on e u s JUS --.ll G . Tubbs f th" d t west· of the site of the Presby-~ammar school, KJIU retha or is a e. and ug Wilsons, Major and Mrs. WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. terian hospital. near the overhead Will have them for Balboa Island Hu n, Mason Slier, Sain t Ocero, I !:===========:=:=:=:=:=:=::::=:=:'.::'.::'.:~ br idge. and Corona del Mar. Former Member Billy Neilsen and Mr. Westlake1. Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop We Wrap Gtltlll %102 Ooe&n Fro1li Decision to hold the contest was o,·e~ Aid Welcomed by and ughter, among others. Ir-----------------------..,.., made at a pot-luck luncheon of Asked to sponsor a project for ...,RANCFS BEAUTY suo· p ' Den Mothers of the two packs, sending clothing and necessities to f iremen's Auxiliary T I p ,.. . held at the home of Mrs. H . 0 . a needy person overseas, it v.•as _ r . Ve rogram H US E 8 EAU TY SCM Marine Avenue Balboa Jaland -Phone 1827 ()poll S&turtlays UnW May 1st Cl-.d on Mooday WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Boyvey. when it ""as found that learned that Borghild Step~ens is !\1.embers of t he F iremen's Aux-Fo Capilla Circle the scheduled date of the next sending clothing to Norwlfy and iliary wer e entertained at the pack meeting, April 19, would fall the club voted lo take that as their home of Mrs. June Kiddie. 308 Capilla Orcle of Corona del in the Easter vacation period, project with Marie Ehlen and Alda 32nd street with court whist as Mar t;ommunity church will meet Awards are to be made for the Gorton as 8 committee to help the game of the evening. Esther w;d1esday, March 27 at 2 p.m. smallest and largest kites that Mrs. Stephens. Johnson held high score and Ge-in -lie church social hall. Mrs. Oy, the best home-made k ite, the Mrs. Deakins announced the neva Daynard was low. Not only Geor e Lewis will tell of her trav· one that fljes best and the one Orange County F air and horse these two. but all the other play-els i South America a nd Samoa which shov"s the best workman-show June 20;23 and told of the e rs were rewarded with gilts. and e will bring an interesting Helen Curtis and Halliwell Cold. Waves .. Specials on Machlneless Permanents Hair Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide ship. On top of t~at, the boys wtll flower show. de~tmen~ where I . Members receiving gifts from coll tion of souvenirs for dis- tbe ultimate in beauty care. be served cold drinks by the Den many cash pnzes Wll1 be given. and their secret pals were Geneva Day-play. l8U Barbor BJ....t Coet& MN& ----•.a•• Mothers. another announcement was of the nard, Norma Briscoe, Esther J ohn-me of the program will be ~------·-~------------~----~---' 1WO OPERATORS -MOZEIJ.E & BONNIE HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE • Den Mothers of Pack 110 pre-coming dance to be given at New-: son and Helen Randel. Alma "Friqndly Service" and Mrs. Her--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,_ ____ __, __________________ _, sented l\1rs. Dorothy fleacock, \Vho Port Harbor Yacht club by the Thompson "1.\-"aS welcomed back as bert King, Friendly Service chair-r -------------------------recently resigned as coordin8tor. J unior Assistance League of Santa a member after an absence of two man, asks members to br ing their '1 "The Tire Turban" -- ,,7'his graceful flow- er Turban is now being . shown here along with hun- dreds of other new Spring hats. • . • Our Prices ••• $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 N °"" Higher "'"'ith a beautiful plant in apprecia-Ana. years. W inner of the r affle prize mite ~xes, contents of "'"'hlch are tion of her work. Lucky winner of the prize was was Lillian Souder. used for religious education both Present for the meetin g were Ruth GerTish, and it was a double Refreshments v.•e.re served by here and abroad. the Mesdames . Heacock, Boyvey, relish dish. the hostess, who chose the colors; of . Benjamin Livesey of Santa R~berta ~uthrie, Margan::t Al-Guests introduced were Barbara St. Patrick's day for the decorative Ana will present a program of br1ght, Elsie Kopp, Frances Gra-Ehlen, Kay Gerrish. Wilva Blue t heme. voca numbers, accompanied by ham , Lois Mason. Jewel Tunnell, and Mrs. Deakins, while Cathryn Members present wer e the Mes-Mrs. LeSourd. Louise . Hoste tler, J?<>los Brf~p, Brewer was 8 guest from the dames Johnson, Briscoe, Thomp-.Marjor1~ Raub, ~1o~a P~rk1ns, Orange club. son, Kiddie, Daynard and Souder. Dora Hill and Marior1e Srruth. . The next meeting will be at the Bi 'thday Noted Members presen t were Ma rie Guests Honored at Laguna Luncheon . -Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson and Mrs. John Sad1eir of Corona del Mar entertained with a luncheon at Victor Hugo's Laguna Beach re- cen tly, honoring Mn. John ?tfeador and her cousins, Miss Inga Howard and Mrs. Ira S. Bowen of Pasa- dena. For You Ehlen , Ruth Gerrish , c I a r i c e home of Jean McDonaJd in Bal· Brown, Margaret Ege, Cay Cos-boa. grove. Dorothea Wilson, Dorothy Sutherland. Alda Gorton. Gretha Tubbs. Aileen Dartford. Elaine Weiss, Alice Slemons, Mina Her - shey, Rut h Hershey, Winifred Barbre, Hilda Briscoe; Borghild Stephens. Joyce Piper, l\farie Hamilton , Mercedes Vale, Meta Bachman, Kay Vaughn. Car- ol Denton, Harriet Martin, Mil- dred L oc khart, Marian Mc- Chesney, Marguerite Way, Vir- ginia Shirley, Matie Rolling and Mildred Stanley. Lt. M. R. Sinnott Honored at Dinner M s. Betty Fra ncis entertained with a dinner at her home: 106 Z7th street, honoring the birthday annifersary or Mrs. Ruby English, a neighbor . On the menu were chic~en and noodles, wt th an Mrs. G. C. Smith (Rosemary angdl food cake bearing the birth· Sinnott) entertained Friday eve-dardles, served with lee cream. ning with a buffet supper at her P ces were laid for Mr. and home. 1405 Maple avenue, Santa Mrs D. B. Bl'!an and children Ana, honoring her brother , Lt. (jg) -Be , Ruby, Helen and Buck : M . R. Sinnott, son of Mrs. Belle M/~gt. William Keeller, SAAAB; Sinnott of Balboa, whO is home Misi Jeanne lt&th, Robert Francis on a 45-day terminal leave. Sweet andl th e h01tess. ' peas and daffodils from her gar- TAKE HOME NOW 1 · Phonograph By Capitol A 'N-·Klnd Plays At the Beach At Home On Home Current. In Beautiful Luggage Carrying CBSe s5350 Record Changers V. M. Changer Plays IO·ln. aad U-la. Beoorda Intermixed s3700 Webster Changen Are tbe ftncet we know ol- Smootll, Trouble-"- Perfonnanoe s4900 · TURNER'S \ WHY PAY MORE .ad. collect.on to wtaom a ...... old ...,.,., .. -ttaan bOne, doe Or frlend, there'• a beaaUf'lll dhplay lleautual 4·W-·Old German Sheppard Puppies den were used by the hostess for ~.and Mn. Dutch Heacock and decoratlon1. Mr.· and Mrs. Harry Breithaupt Guests present included Mr. and were in Palm Springs Tuesday on PlwDe 1111 Mrs. Bill Kirk, Lone Beach; Mr. bualneu ~======~========~=======~ Y OUT Electric Appliance l)...Jcy -1.llM SANTAANA :!05 W. 4th St. DOTTY DUNN- ll4 EMt 4th St. -ARCADE ANTIQUE SHOP 6111 NortJl Mala 8- SANTA ANA (Opp.MIM Cat•) R~ 'd. ~Uc,oMti,,,ue,4 'k/a11, <JUHe. o11olu1 Daily Store Ho111•s 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. • Every Day Including Saturday In adopting these hours Rankin's is following .a po Ii c y enrouraged by many progres&ve com- munities. - For8ale Thoroapbred •. fine champloa family .. --Bollywood mo.te doc -~O. podl...-, and Mn. Walter Keny;, Costa · · _ M ... ; Lt. Don Wilde and Miao -.,.1----------Ir------~~----------------. Janice Campbell, Santa Ana; Mr. Ir-;---------.,,.-., and Mn. Jim Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. John Keefer, Mrs. Belle Sin- nott and Lt. Sinnott, Balboa. See IA. l-v. Ntn., SOii !o\ Mala St.. Apt. :ee, -All klndl typewriter ribbons In stock at the News-Times. Authorized Dealers for • -• • PZJIFEOOLD • BBUN8WICK e BLUE rt.A8H •TYIZB • FIXTUBE8 . llEFIUGEBATION CoolonaDeep~ Deep Free. ••di-la • Wallt-ta_ 1Cte. • COMPLETE LINE HOME APPLIANCE llAINTENANCE • FB.ACl'IONAL B. P. MOT<>& llEBVICE --RADIO -8en1ce Newport Electric Appliance Co. !'A'*bl'+ri IM& -Pbone 2118 !SOii Cooat Blvd. · N-rt - It's Always GOFFEE TIME • CHIO KEN SPARE-BIBS LOBSTER • • ' ........ I I