HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-02 - Newport Balboa News Times• ap SAM T IDAL WAVES.Many Harborltes had a case ot jitters Monday over reports of earthquakes and tidal waves on the·-Pacific Coast. Some ot the scares went thus: wave 50 feet high 100 miles at sea; 14-foot tide at Santa Barbara; 5-foot tide at San Pedro; 14-foot tide headed for Newport Har- bor· 13-foot tide hits San Die!;o. A number of families on the various islands and the peninstila were getting ready to evacuate. Most of us remember the tidal wave scare from the 1933 earth- quake and that this section would be inundated. Insti- tute of Tech. profs. have al- ways assured us tha.t Cata- lina island was an impreg- nable buffer against any • I • • 1 • . . . ....... Netn • ll'ln& .. • • • • ' KEEP POSTBDl 1 y .. ' ........ . aCl tr · ... ... o.&., 0 " .... o.&.,_ -~...,_ .. Hewa•n -. NNpwt lllMil!ll EMBRAC)NG BALBOA PENI_N_S_U_LA,...::...· -'-W--1f-N_E_WP_O_R_T_;._S_EA_-::SH:O:::R::::E=-:C;;Oc:i:~;;;;O:"".N;;-:Y,~L:::l~DO=l~S=L=E.=N:":'E::-W-:-±:f0i::R,--:T~+=E-IG.;..H_T.;..S;.;. • ...;BAL;.._...;80...;.;..;A;.;.l;.;.S.;..LAND;.;;,_;;;.•:...C;;;.0;;;.R;.;.O.;..N;_;A::::,;;;D...;EL~M..:..:AR,~-C.;..O:..:S:..:T.:..:A:....:MESA== VOLIDO: J(l(J('VDl NEWPOllT ~OB. CALIFO&NIA, TUESDAl', AflUL !, ~ T ~ M Ti.dal City-County Dock Progre~ Seen With County Spend ng $40,000 on Public Facili ies ·--------- City Agrees to Co-Operate With County ib Im· provil)g More Than 500 Feet of Area Op- posite Arches ' tens Residents ·Residents Kept Anxious All Day Monday by Wild Rumors; Strange Action in Canal Radio Reports Upset Harborites as Official Word Is Lacking of Tidal Wave; Grand Canal Puzzled Islanders high tides hi.tting these City and county development of the public bay front op-News of a tidal wave approaching Newport Beach shores. This was borne out posite the Arches was seen as a probability in the near tu-which might sweep across the strand into the business and Monday when a fast rush of ture as the Orange County Harbor Commission request.e<I and residential section had hundreds of citizens in vanous·stages water was reported on the got city approval of co-operative development of the area be-of conoem from noon Monday until late in the evening as re-, Grand Canal, Balboa Island tween the overhead bridge and the yacht slips to the east ports of the disastrous Aleutian earthquake and seismic tidal and in some parts of the bay, r whieh have housed the Walsh wave filtered in during the day. Lack of official notification none of which equalled 7-ft. 11 d w Sportsfishing boats. PORT ORA.,..GE FISHING FLtET-<>b&llDJ: at th~ dock, 80 to •peak.1 hen wlndf kept tbe II cntt ID by either the U.S . Navy or Coast Guard on the extent of the tides h ere \Vhen the wind Th h S40 000 . ta the bay lut Friday. Toget her with the ne\\' Scott·~ I.anding fleet, sop ZO cnf "1ll e&n'}' rron1 sb: dded bl to th . f .d ll al was right. s an om an mone~· ~~~u1;i5ro -f~~ th~n pur~ ~=-r::•::;-a'!:"f..e'° ..!:on ~!.~u~:s~~~:g °':'~o~~~ ~~:-"'rt,u T~ ' ~-=r C::'e":, ~V~ measurea Y e anxtety O rest en ts a ong + + + _ . PoSe of unproVlng th(>1r 500 feet .James s. Buntt. prorn.lnent contractor, O\\'tt11 both landl.np. photo by Cerhardtl First evidence of anything un-1 bell H d ''The I.al\' West ---,, • H e Ch d w·th \\'here the county dock is now usual happening locally came to s ea s was pounding, his typewriter arge I located, Roy Edwards. chairman Need Ordinance p 0 s I L d' the polloe and engineering depart- . at a 2-40 clip. "Why the , ~~:h~~r~:nc;iym;:',;~'\'::~~t;:; ort range · (,.ott .t an •1ng ments at the ci'ty when residents '·rush?" quipped the Crabber h To Ban Shooting • \. -? a1onr: the Grand eana1 between H u aftJ~!$:J;~~:~ Flower Thefts ~::J1~:ff ~;~~i;:i~fjl ·~~:~r ~::n are Fleet Ready as 1 F·1sh .. l s·1t·1ng §iT; ?5Ef~ ome se jury. clerk. etc. or this bail-area behind it and extending the d I or the bay ran 1nto the canat at o·ISCUSS.f On wick. Up at the Court All flower lovers will be inter-I dockage along the water front for expected today to pass an or in-,.__. ted b bserv / House they call me '1be law ested in decision of H. E. Kendall, large and small craft. a nce prohibiting discharge of fire-You can't ~eep fishermen trom qers anxio · to get their mount.s a sl"""""~ ~ Yo ers .at , d I 7lO South Bay Front, Balboa Isl-Attractlve lmprovemont arms i9 the Costa Mesa area in t~lking. \Vhen the fish begin to j 9ut into the deep. Ever~ boat has nearly eight mlles an hour. west of Costa Mesa/ an d h limi 1 •11 answer to a resolution recently bite and where is about as closely I ~n placed in nice condition for .A!J the canal filled. in a few ---supPose I've gotta live up to an ' to p~u}e to~-e h' t any 1 Ed,.wards said that provi:on ~'l . sent to the Board by Costa Mesa kept a secret as the details of a he season. and the sight which moments it emptied with a surge Home occupations-shouJd_ they that rep.'' All of \Yhich adds person gw ty 0 ste .i.ng ts rare I be made for an attractive eve op-Chamber of Commerce. new Paris hat among the gentler f reeted the eye look<>d as 1·r .-. of water into the bay, the ground /be· outl.awed or;. be permitted in.the plants. which are grown with care I ment of the entire area, with putr .._ LI.:" th 1 f d staff of some of our top \\1aT a woman was detected by f.1rs . no commercial concessions because weapons. particularly by youths from Port Orange came back with ot of boats to choose from. swift flow which cut into the bank that was the question which both- up to the fact that Bob and kindness by their owners. lie buildings possibly providing ice /Persistent violations or safety sex. So when word got about late +vid fisher d.n had the world at under the canal seeming ~o tip ~ty Wl out 1ce~e o any kin , Gardner, \Var vet and on the .So. it was no Wonder that when for service to visiting boats, but regulations in the handling of last 'o''eE'k that one of the day boats I r ·s feet with such a fine looking perceptably, actually causing a subject only to police regulatlo~ officials, is back on the job Kendall in the act of tearing up it wouJd be kept for the benefit using rifles. resulted last month in 147 white and calico sea bass, as ked Ahead at the entrance of the canal. Eddies ered the city planning commiuion l d · ed t th b h b lb · t 1· and the r_..uest for su....,.rvisorial ac-far as the customers were con.! Atost of t. e charter boats are and whirJ-i• resulted from the last week, and the city council and speedi y a JUSt o e y t e u roots exotic u 1ps of the public and no profit would "'"'-! I""-.--M d rum-Oum of civic life. glado;. las t Saturda)' evening, a hue be expected to accrue from the ex-tlon. cerned, the season is on. ready boo for week ends well swift action of the bay water as on ay afternoon. · + + + and cry was raised and the culpr!t pend.iture of tax money. Hft anticl-Examinatiefn of police powers 1 From the two modern landjngs \nto the s -mer. Cole is seeing dozens of curious persons lined The resolution of ~e first body <Mk. captured and the a11eged culprit pates attractive development of has disclosed that there is only one with 400 feet of water frontage o that· by d tributing 50.000 time the banks.. Cty Engineer J _ B. was r:ad reco~nding to the city, SiDgle Shots. T mg to brought into the house while lhe the entir e area in cooperatiorl wtth ordinance on the subject and that awned by James J . Barrett, well and tide books to every tackle Webb was unable to account for co~cil a change in the present or- Les Isbell the other day and police-were called. . . the city. one bans discharge o( flreamrs ln lmown contractoi-, 20 sportfishing l 'tore in the Southland, from .Fres· the strange behavior which went d.inance eliminating the definition told him that reports were The Kendalls had been sttting 1 The county owns 15 feet out into the Los Alamitos· area only. boats ere ready to carry Qlstom-no south to the Mexican border. on for more than two houn, of home occupations, and rehming current to the effect that his quietly In t~ir ~arming living the channel ~nd this is being The new or~inan~ sets out the nrs out fC"r day of charter 'fishing, That alone iS. a splendid advertise-starting at about 11 a.m. licenses to them. The city at- gruup was single-shooting room conversing with. Lt. Comdr. planned for rrlore adequate im·, s ame prohlb1ti?n rn the ar~a ranging from six to 60 per boat. F1 ent for Newport· Harbor. The y "Ddal Waft torney g~ve ~hi~ ~pin~on that any him for re-election to the and Mrs. E . H. Whitney. when provement in order to accommo-bounded by Irv1ne avenue. TUstrn ~n the aggregate, that's a lot of ·ere printed b}' the ~e"'port Har-At about noon reparts came 1.n ' ~ne mak1?g his living in hia home dty council. 41Nothing to it," Mrs. Kendall went to another part date visiting boats for •hort per· avenut. Palisades Road. Wilson people fishing from one landing. r Publishi g Company. that a tidal wa~ ·had hit aloSilg ! 15 operating a home occupation. he denied. "I believe it would of the spacious home. She heard! iod.s of time. The chairman of the s!.reet_ ~nd the Newport Bea_ch 1 Port Orange, under !he man-Scott's L ding, \\•hich Barrett tbe northern California rout, and 1 All l)'J}eS of businesses are includ--be a mistake for any voter a noise in the front yard and saw county commission also thinks it city limits. all parts of the un1n-ageme!'t of Jack Cole is one of recently pu chased ·""";11 be the that one.might be expected here. ed ~d 0 . B. Ree1:''s esti~te ol to single-shot any candidate. someone tearing up large gobs of may be possible to provide dock· corporated area of Costa l'\fC'sa. the. f1n~t alon~ the Souti:iern ce.ne of ex e nslve improvcn1:::!nts I The harbor master's office had 100 different ones _in the city wu rwo are to be chosen and prized plants. age for small freighters similar to California coastline. Last Friday ater when time ana materials thP renort. and were swamped declarl'd wns~rvative. Monday morning Mr. Kendall the Paragon which loads and un-C M t-h e News -Times photographer ake it pos ble: In the ml' an time with cans. ThC'v ~re unable to / Une Dllftcult to Draw every voter should make an went to the city hall and .swore to lo ds there now w. . acDonald caught most of the fleet tied up . A. Kem r is getting a fleet determinP from anv official source ~ter Isbell, "'.ho led the ~ earnest effort to select the a complaint against Mrs. Mar-~ile no imm"eruate construction EJ 1 due to rough wea~her °':'tside. It f ten boat ready to run from what might be t>xpected. The police position to extension of them be- two best qualified for the garet MacConnell. 316 Am~thyst may start, tentative sketches have evated to Place may be _the last time this season e adjoinin port. As a speciaJ had no official word either. I fore the city planning commission job. That ls the democratic Ave., Balboa Island. She said she been dra wn by Morgan Noble, as· O p I such a pic ture could be. taken. . eature, the own boats will be When the News· Times called I dec~ared he had no objection to way of doing things." also owned property at 6710 Pa· I t nt county engineer for this f ark Supt. , Eleven sleek and trim looking 'oon equip d with ship-to--sbore the p-. s . Coast Guard public re-many, but the line is hard to draw • + + cific ~venue. and 6721 Rite street, ~~r~. Edwards said. The cost of cralt lay in their slips, their skip-adio device installed by RCA. latidns office in Long Beach they11 between good and bad ones. Santa Theater's Good Work. F or Huntington Park. the entire layout might be con· W. C. ~IcDonald, "'ho has b«n werr ttnable to mnfirr.i whether Ana. ho\vev('r. was said to have fl.fr Kendall stated that Mrs LOC s the wave had arrived or was due no such occupations defined in ftve nights over at the Lido M cC 11 b ht . t th · siderably more than $40,000, he acting as park superintendent for AL HO p JAL FUND later, becatl9l' at t2:30 p.m . water their ordinances, Hub Powers of theater appeals have been h a o~n: rd wa.s . ~g d ~~ ~ h e admitted. As it had just been the past 10 years, and ha.s been had suddenly rai9ed five feet in Balboa Island declared. made for Red Cns funds. ouse ad~ ?' tn;g ft ;n sh !it ; proposed to the city cow\cil Mon-employed by the city for approxi· ,. the Lm Angdes Harbor at 8 time Mrs. Hub Powers, whose prti- The reason is that both Ma-;-:t, mu_ th t~ ~oun~ footprints day. no estimate of the dty share mately 17, \Vas givPn official title ) i near low tide-, an officer said How-tion railed the question of the 80l1 Siler, owner, and Bill in e h~g ·g~en eand has covered of the improvement could be otr a~ Superi~tendent of Parks by ~e QUOTA NOW 60 rftf' tlrey Wt!!l'r tmeNe to 1tate dentist practicing on BaJboa Island Alford, manager, served them with shingles to preserve tained. city o;>unol Monday ~temoon. I whether °' not • tidal wave wu across the lot line from the bu&i- huge hunks of time in the them for identification purposes. Whtie the veteran employe has ' bearing down oil this part ~ the neu zone said they were willing last war and been right up to "I feel keenly about the theft $52,000 Realty: Sold worked ':"'der the street depart· I . . coast own tbouell reports of the to allow him a time limit to the work.inac. of the Red of my plants," he stated. "a theft [n Two Li"do Deals ment canng for the shrubbery and Hard.on the statement by Coun· ccept $60, as 1t~ _q.uota instead high waw strlldlic above Santa change, but Roland 1bompmon (:roas in t"i;"' field. Which, that has been goiAe on for two par~wa.ys adjoining streets ~t aev-t?' Medical Officer Dr. E. L Rus-if the $35, onginally sought Barbara 'tft:re bead b7' radio stated this would not change hi8 years Anyooe Mshing flowers eral po1nu a.nd around the library sell, that the county ls 400 beds and surpass~ , ~ statlll 81 a violator of the law , perhaps, is one reason why can g~t them from me gladly, but Two Lido Isle propel)ty trans· park, as well u having charge of Short of the minimum nrcessary An inte ied ~!fort ls being Al the afternom:I: wore on with No license should be given · a't their earnestness netted $416 when a fellow nurses and brings actions were lilted wtth the county public piers 'he has never been for its population, the Newport made by the comnuttee, headed by childrea. sll87inc Clll the beechel: all for home occupations btcaUM for the drive and t<>PPed the to fulfillment betutilul posies and recorder last week: the transac--called park superintendent. Yester· Harbor executive commJttee for Braden Fin , who is al.lo county and led boat oaw calllnl the city hu no special fomw fer list of monies donated by any then have someone grab them tions involved a total of $52,000 day's elevat ion Would take Mac out riaising the Presbyterian hospital I vtce chairm th, to secur~ addi .. ~<>nal the ~ aw:. boat yards them to be carried on ln f'el.idrntial movie house in Orange Co. ruthlessly lt makes me mad. in two parcels. ot the street department a.nd give fund-met lut week and voted to la area 1n oruel" to maJdng pitjMittlonl to u.ndbag aectio~. the council" agreed. While And Chainnan Grace adds Other ,_;..pie on the Island have Mr. and Mrs. John Lang bought him a separate designation without I ~ available. Santa I t •-fr 1 ~~ -had T-bell itill held out for eliminating --· ' raise in I Be h · .._ •...::-propet:~. -.....~ ·~....,.... ,.. haven't mailed your check to none of us like it." las C. Warner for $29.000 and Mr. $ a oa 1vmg forward with du~ lo a seoondary quake reported dences, the fact that moot cities her reminder that if you suffered the loss of plants and property from Mr. a.nd Mrs. Doug· sa ary_ ~ k B lb . 8 . ac • it was ~ 8 wave dme bl!re at about 4 p.m. them to curb the spread into red-- .... please do so and give New-Mr. Kendall is vtce president of and Mrs. Austin E. Fox purch&sed J d Dod La ark1"ng Lot toward larger sums... fn the Alukan ~ Calla were allow them . was 8 sobering influ-port Harbor a chance to be the J . c . P ennel' Co .• and a di· a nother p&rcel from Katherine R. U ge ge YS · t 300 residents of the again made to ttte harbor master ence, and before taking a definite the first to win its. quota. rector in the Newport Harbor Blake fo• $23.000. Heav H d Evpans"1on harbor hav contributed to dale. and pallce dopmtment, and they atand. it was agreed that J . J . + • + Oiamber of Commerce.: y an on "" I Many more would like to help if were agaiit without information Sailors, new city administrative of- D k D • The public par.king lot in Bal-they can re~cJ:ted. tt was the [ to satisfy the bundledi of perlOftl l ficer, be ~ppoin ted to check into That Man Forglt. Was T dy run en river I boa is a good business deal for the consensus 0 opuuon of memben (Con~ued OD Paa'• Fou.i !ta status elsewhere. trading chestnuts with mild-M. I p evented rage' I city, declared Postmaster Herb of the 'ltee, many of whom llp9ken but vigorous Al. For· 1rac e r Theodore William Waters, 281 Ke nny of that community, who a~ are membe s of the Assistance lit at his Ne\\rp<>rt Tackle . : Broad,vay. 'Costa Mesa. pleaded peered at the council meeting League. M H B •1d• p • t ~~·t~~ ~:,:~ ~~ p~ As Gas Truck Is Overturned ~~~~~ 6~ Jdr~g~r~i;;d'l~f~~. ::~~fonar~~n;:~ ~~~w~~ ~ tio:"~ .. A;: ica~ ~e;u~;::: esa ome· UI 1ng ro Jee s Navy gtl)'. to talk to. Then \\'as fin~ Sl~: .~ \\'85 suspend-~dd more cars . for the. e:<r>re!ed cation of fu ds to outlying sections Al. ~·ent dO\\-'Tl the counter cd and his drivers hce.nse suspend-increase in visitors this coming for hospit purposes. and their R d S250 000 p trying to sell some out-of-Lad Lut'k and resence of mind • beginning to pick up speed after led for 30 days. 1season. pro~al ha been incorporated in ea y• . rogram t0\11.'ller a reel. leaving Rin1a rode ~·ith Don Joons. 42. truck J~aving thc1 Miracle l\tlle sectio~. 1 Ha ttie L. l·fe-:km<t.n, :.!325 Old The Jot ""as paved l~st spring ~~t~= .:~r~o :i;;~~r 'Ille J ~ I . with me to .find out that he driver for Mc.\lillan Petroleum Co .1 As the vehicle left th(' IiOad\\·ay, it ~nnt a Ana road. appeAred before at the behest of the business men I 1· al • r th hos pr&-l I Ap-1 for two large subdi· 1 avenue, Costa M'esa. · h' h t cul · t · the area and th j ti nd t ded t guilt there \\'ho agreed to put up half por ton s are o e P'I a .,. ........... has as much to say about \\'hen a left front tire or his loaded tt t eon Y "er i~ e \JI ce a Pea no YI . fund read hen this bill becomes visions which plan building ex-The remainder of the total con- k and trlU'ler ble\\' out on the truck turned a tnd<y slaw-roll to the same offense a.nd was ord-the cost. They did advance 5845 1 . Y ndl-ol ~ 000 bed 1 ted f d lli d dditions to the store as Al. Ketm had tr~st hi h\\'a near the city dock onto its back. but the trailer re--ered to appear for trial on April which was agreed to become a re-la\\', it: was .aid. so that they ljln ~e M;;.;;; ~~t ·~ of ~e~p ;.e w:~l a~ ! f<'w busl-/E~ k~td R uss \~y~er;r t ~ea a t 8~10 ~esday morning. The! mained upright. The front wheels 4. Bail "'as set at S150. 11 voJ'";ng" fund. Kenny said; and ~he f'U::~ munecJia::,.~al1 f?rri~tch1tt~ Costa MeA bejCtilf the $315.000 ness buildings, none of \Yhich ex- st1c ,to use on . . 'fe -result "'-as a SJX'Ctacu1ar accident were turned loose tram) the truck Douglas , John DelofontaJne park "25 then pav~ by the city r . ~ Y prK> es. an mark, a cbedc at the county1 ceeded $10,000. The largest buli-r~ \vhen they both ,_go but no injuries. ~and imbedded themselves in the pleaded guilty to drunkenness and a t a cost of approximately $5600 / oder eqw ent. bnDding oft'Jce ~ lhls week. neu building permit was issued ftsh1ng. Ryder. \Yho skip-k d h f t th t soil 10 feet from the mt of the was fined S15 on April t . I ovrr all. However. he -added. the SJ P er Bed M buahw:w ppU to Gwenn H NOUJ"le of 83.lboa for pered the Ptfilida and then c!°~h alu~1c1'~lan t :r.ive~c for ~5 vehicle. Coom emerg~ from the Tholbas Harold M<KX'e was found parwtthklning$flees178off$4856th thatalve yieltdedf l'pit,'\al~e will build as Jargedo •t. hol,: lions~ bd\6d ~ :...~; conatrucUon. of 1011 S. 16th street. -years. turned ofr the ignition ' · .,,_.. 0 grancy sen enlX\.I Jot and operational chargr. He Finch said. "About $1000. sp€ak-total wfdch buc:Mt.ed a.ta Mesa .-...,,. I at>ttled dO\\'Tl in a Mesa gar · · right-front window st:J,a ... en but un· auilty f "" and t _.. o e o cos o ! as we n secw-e na ions. .nNW'\ age, mutters roughly a_bout switch practically in mid-air be-hu~~~ en ines stood later in to five da,ya in the county jail, belJe\'ed that on that bub it would lng in te of the bolpltal size, to tbe top al tbe buBd1nc per--. • • Jetf.whoheloveswl!hfie~ fore the truck ttJrned loops, ac-the~.. pinljtruc:lalbe-the sentence being -do!<! on peytoextendthelottoaddabout·will buy e bed. We WllJI( .. mltn.tfaro IJrnnl-•put•ted Soft Drink Machines abandon w~ making him counted foe the fact that he erilerg-gan transfe• of~line lrom the :'::::3."wt~ bls leaving the coun-80 more can. many beda as we can ceL The territories. Denied• No Location pull in the big ?"""' \o the ed from the wrecltage with only a wrecked conveyor to oompany Mr. Kenny feels that more vislt-1 need is 'ate and acute." be The I-_.mt In llarch wa Stated by' A Ji t point of exhaUStion. skinned shin. stand-by trucks and wrecking 'on th!& .ummer; due to the end declattd. -to -Newport JIQ' Co., pp can + + + .Eyewitneues report that the al· ~ws began the task of righting Mesa Schools Show of gas rationing will b•lng 4' more l Memben' of the Assistance 212 Lido """'-• ...-~_to Flndl&y's Choice. Sat chat-flUT could ha,·e turned tntn calam· tho smashed ,-ebtcle. J _____ _. Atte d revenue. and that. even $3000 for League ,.ill ~ their elf'orta to build 30 al"&'• • llJr ,....._,.. An appll<atlm f<W vendinc .,,.. ting with Contractor-Gordon itoos proportions because the tr'!"i< no.:c.,..,,.,.. n ance enlarging the lot would be ttpOid ll"t ..,.... tlono. ·Letters -and··-lw • a.ta --chines Within the dty to ~ Findlay in Hanson's Tea careened acroos the htghw_ay out Typewriter Stolen . Within another l'iocal yeu. eoing out """'1t to reedi as 111.-at • -of '15(),000. Iott drinb Into a pallft' cup -l'lace and he introduced me of control and narrow!}' missed a D&1Jy attendanre at Coota .Mesa Coundlmen aDft(I w\th him. but many to u poaible. The Ge<lrp ll(l. -. doftiopft' ol im«tlng a coin we-e tumed -to Veteran Architect Shelby passenger-filled Santa Fe Trail-From School, Found elementary school for lut month neither he,..,.. Oty Entlneer Webb 'eucullve ttee -"' or the projoct, - --a-· when the location of the_ ... _ Coons . h . 't h <+u wa)'11 bus travelling westward. waa 904--an tDO'<Oaae of 118 pupilo ,._certain of the pm!ble effect the folloWin : Braden Finch, cllafr-mft tar: an --pa-at -not opedned to the dty.....,.. • w ~ lS QUl e _ a e~v Coons was headed for San Diego _A type•Titcr stolen "trom the ewer the same month last year, ol the unusually hl&b tids which man; H. F. KenQy, flmTJ' Welch~ ll51 S. rnll .c:r.t. ._. Onnot dL -1 . figure, "'.hlle I put him down irith 61Cll callom of high-test guo-Costa Meoa grammar s4>ooJ build-•carding to Everett A. Rea. ru-ocasionally visit the coast. '!be Mrs. Artb s.st, Mrs. G. L. /.b-a~ for 91111111 The --might be all rtaht. ~ myShemindlb ashasa sleodertak 'per-line froin company refineries at Ing Wednesday night was recov-porintendenL city engineor was autbormd to 1 drewa, IW Kukey, G. N. ~. Thr -oad 1-o•-t the dty attmaoy aald, but tho di)" 80l'L· . my r en a cor-Lon& Beach. ered by deputies in a clump of Enrollment at tl\e IChool has atuozy the propoaaL and the city II. D.: Georse Y~y./Mn. eo. • ._ -l**milli to build --reqlai... a locallcm lie ner of Findlay's o[flces, not At the time of tbe blow-out. the bushes near the school grounds now ,...ched ll25 and tncreulnl: ..Ul APtt to extend th@. -ldng 'Walton H Jr, W. H. Hitch-31 ~ at '5000 -. -•podtled befar:e a llcew be srant- u a member ol the firm, but truck and trailer was travelling at Thursday altttooon, deputieo re-every day, Rea oays. fadlltles if he thlnb It advlAble man. Mn. uoan Rutf>erfar:d; Mn. pa-at Dm -mt l*-IJP ed for-·_..._ n.. ep. just as 8 good place to light. approximately 40 mph and wu ported from an ercltwtlnc ltondpoiat. Wm. T. le jr. .; CR ._ --. -...,_ pllmllcm -· ...,""'-• . . , , .. J .- ' • I ..... ~ -I • • • -- NEWPPRT-BALBDJll l..t EWS-Tl-MES • e I RISE .. . • wwm•••aoa TO REMARK-·· BOll'. -PRILUP8 • ' • ' !./"'. • , • -· MSWPOaT U -U Mr. Bu'ucl> left -ncl -!tom they are manUfoct\lrlnl. PA:P't s• 1:we17 Y.11 'SJ ... n. rfs7 Alllll•• V..._ .mvur In the Bank.in& and' CUmmey Com--'JbirQr·nlne per oent said that tt ~ PJSt·war crime wave Scbool·mlnded r"didt:tita ol Jilan.. v..ta "--m:•Ma• p ,, .._,. w' rntr v---. a mitt.elf', after be cot tJ'lrouCh wt.th tbtOPAwereputoutofedate:oce, ~ 1be fedenl bm.-'at hattan Beach voted 2' to 1 ln -. -:-~ • his testimony the o.-day. He did their production would Inert-al-ln-tlsatlcm ro..i. a 12 per cmt f of $2'15 000 -bond Subocupuaa Payable In ~:-$2.51 per,_ Im°'-C&m~. say that he ~t -ought to mo1t at onco. Forty-three per cent -In ---;;;:: a ' · __ ......:S2_._15_per yar ~ tth -.e; s:i.oo __ ,_to Ith -put up with the OPA, after maldng uld, In auch an event, they -.Id 19" to ·19'5. The lncreue ....., week. at~ ~In~ !:! Entfl!red as Seoond<l&M ma.tter at the PM•Mlot m NtttpiA"t B1n"2t, ..-ratrlcttft mnenlmeata to hire men worken lmmediately. the blsbn:t In the ftfteen yun Beule..,_L BenedJct> 867; aplnat ,,.. 38. ~ IW'I>' ' Calltomia. under the Act ol Kardl 3, 1179 the .Price Control Act, for anothor Suell are the •ta'-taf'D"de durlnc whk:h the nil bu been Mn Harry Stauch. 31• ceeds will permit the district to It. A. MEYER • PuN"'-year. !'won't arirue the point oow. constantly betono the a•nmltteeo compiling nation-wide statlstlcL ~· aYm.;., and Mr. and MrI bey a lite and add cluorooms to ...;::=:___;;.:.::::...:=====:::.. S'AM D. PORTER · • ,> • ~ v-Moot of uo might as-. If"" could bore by reputable t.m._, ..-Att.cmey Genttal Tom C. Qsl< Baroid 320 Im avenuo, ..J. the C...ter -t ICbooL lat&m!fi 1 _ ~ L. a MILLARD -, -.Editor be oure of the reatrictlona. and If and manutacturen, reireoentln&: t.ermo the ..._i alarming and ~,-nna:u W. F, DIXON • -• - -Adwttlilic M=-we C<JU!d add "honesty and humll-all lines and aectlons and ab•des of dlrecta all federal attorneys to In-turned day from a three-day . ftDCllll MID ~ Prlnllna Plant. 3011 w. Ceatnl A...,..., Newpon Bn"h, Ca--. tty" to the precepts ot the OPA, opinion. '11st.,., "the .......,.t penalties" for trip to ath Valley. They fountl On the Index bull of 100 tar · ....... mqouw • . • f N D--L which Is what I told the OPA serlooa federal off•-· The litwa-a tlons at Furnace er...k 1926, the ......ued ''normal" year, M. Eltiate & Co.. De. Off1c1al Paper of the City o ewport _,... executl...-luncheon club the othor Prope~ T tlcn ts one alAo that should con-from they took trips to the operatln&: c:oats of American auto-• . . A Jle&l t ''1 1.-1 lwlleuM• fw 0..-ft 'l'wa day. . 8X cent all state. county and mu... country. mobiles had declined to 50, or half, l(llla• :-r. !"P:•p'!! I t's more or 1-a matter of 1"-;emptiODS D---1. nidpal Jaw mton:ement authori-tound Scotty's • CUtl• t by 1939. U1'e.L£. ---;gt11 EDITORIAL.. ActiYe · how to treat tho patient. When a. EIA .l.\Cilll:I.' ties. 11 rMpeCt for Jaw 1a to be tor-est. with the llO<I.-,---------------------...;__, SOCIA.,ION penon has the elope habit or_ the A1J ~-Hi h rootored all these ofllclala muot S and ltallan rugs tJld N___. Balboa m • ...:~ B 0 '' Mwbw a1co11o1 ha.bit. IOIJ1e c1octors think • J.uue g rea11u that redoubled ettort and drapes. •rugs are kept 1n ~-..... ...,. •• • .a0.111r111• ureau :Jl(Uf.l;L.. of the beot plan la to cut them orr, . co-operation are lmpenltlve. feet by the manasement ha.Ir-All Mods at Travel to ll:Urope, 1feidco, Bawd --------------~----~~~~-! zip, juot like Uiat. Some do<:ton (Ftom c,utornJa Future Service) Swift and aun juotlco ii the only Ing all visitors wear cloth ihol!s • Rnmd-tf».Wodd Trlpa Ill h w AJtun: h think It better to take them off Willlam E. ("Fa.-") Riker of -Not only do <rimlr!al• ~-lel;lnc. The CUU. bu H gradually. That's the way with Holy Oty, California's porennJaJ · •"~...-of dltt....,.t types, 11'<> Jin. ..,. RPTES ft. Ill. •I: .... '"'1a G. I. Advice To A General price controls, and we'll have to "dark bone" cudldate for lfN• =od -:Zoe ~.:=u '!.i::I; muolc Jectrl one of these contain--· 1• a. -. • I p. a. decide )lfttty ..-wblcb cun to .._, will upset all the dope -In a day when speed muot match ~: : pipe organ_ Artist '----------------------/..+! -. win this _.--tt his peocentqe · . Stauch uld, Is sun;ty -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;It nie appeal ot ·Maj. Gen. Basilio J. Valdes, heeding a deJe.. What made the bpys' taceo ncl satn aver his 1942 abowJn& ii u ~ ,::!i °:Y .,:0 =:::.th';; an t's -.n wltfl the loWb' I wao the ~ the Elder Statesman snat ao the percentqe lncft-' pink. and yell-hlU.. 1"" gation of Philippine army officers in Waahlngtoo, for lnclus-of that party llt Into the fallacy he ran up that '"' <>Vft' his wte caustit. ='"=tip~'"'; group not strike rain until tlley Ctmplete FggnbbJ 8errice at Ion of Filipino soldleni under .the Veterans' Bill ot Rlgbts. of controlllns pries without --In \938. Flcun It out. for )IO<lr' :::"9 aiurta. 11 11 an Interstate rea~ ReclJanda. They stoppecl,to warmly touches American sentiment "It will be remem· trolllns all elomonts. Or ot saylns aelf: In 1938, ''Father" IUlrer poll-lltuatlcm In which Justice ii cailed ... . !M In Colton. ben!d,'' said Genera.I Valdes, that about 50,000 Filipino' sol-wqa C<JUJd be lncrftaed without oc1 110 votes, but 1n 1942 his wte .._ to lcft'p •-ol the -~ *iith-!_~ family opent the . lncftulng th• pricw ot the fin-total Jumped to 10,00t. Pecent-1 .,.. ~ pu'Onts, Mr. -dlers have died In the line of duty." t.h<d proclucto. And what he uld ase-Wlae, that'• Uttlo abort ot ter-1'be ftCOl>t swift appiebe~ Mra. Folsml. 319 Marls<>ld a+e- Indeed that will not be forgotten in this <Xltllltrq. 'lbett about opencllns more 1noney than r1llc. · · of the """' who abot down an nue. Rlwnldo schools wee · _ , tho country takei In. which Is the ExenpUons from p-opor b tax.. Indiana state polk>m>an Is an ex-cl-4 for Easter vacation. 'J?>e HANSEN'S :Hao Or nz .... .__, are other aspects, however, that bear upon the generals pro-balls ot lntlatloo. And particular-crantod to Callfomla wterano or-ample ot what can be -· Im-F • ""'·Howard and a ftle!>d, posal. In a few months, when Filipinos celebrate their inde-Jy what he aid about PRODUC-phanaseo, churct--~ mediate ro..i blocb and co-opera-Mr. ttonon or South DaJcclta; y•ia • ll.UIDWICllD • BAJWVM pendenoo, Filipino veterans will become dtirens of a foreign TION belnir the beot an~te tor r ... the til<:al year, hit a new all-tlon with Jaw mforcement opn-th Howard, la attending '! . • lnflatloo. <loodrwa. you ml&bl &no hlah of $231,068,990, accord-oleo In nei&hborlnc states macle[the Archer School of Pho~-... <kl • to .a Old nation. For another thing, many !J· S. Yetenms rould inform have thought It wu just the writer Ing to reports of county ._. escape of the f'llgltlvo virtually Im-raphy t Loo Angeles under the GI I~=~~~~~~~~~~~==========~±! the gooerai on a bitter fact-which they have leerned the of this column talking! to the state board of equalization. pmlible. Th• victim ,. .. a state tralnlns procram, spent the "'t'k I· hai'd way-that sympathetic personal aid to the veteran like Production. the ~·t productive But with thousands or ...,. veter-policeman. That may have ..,.. end wll,h his parents. Howard 1' a p111Arr•••ONAL D1IDll!',...,,.DY J ' . • . . ' . United S till tumln and ochedulod counted for the extraonllnary returnf4 veteran havlna served, In l'IVF ~ ~ I Vl'l charity, ~ great part begins at home. ~ Flllpmo exsoldier :.S ~t ~the worldta.i:;,,';;;: ~ .:C:Om:"home :,;,,,.,.., state Ill-miuura taken to catch his aDall-the All'C · In Africa. Italy - may obtain friendly aid far more readily m his home Islands war 15 the salvatlon today against cal exi>em say tax exemptlon to-ants. That sort ot swift and sure Brazllmey took quite a few shots AOOOUNTANT PIANO ft!A«WQ I than from a remote goveniment. infl~tion. The time gets 1horter. ta11 are slated to mount far sev-action alao must ~ the · ~tee-of assi ents they were given of I ~-----------~·1 r----------.. ,..;.., Last week in San Franci•~ Ernest Lenn. able newspa-The OPA Is the brake on prodUQ-era! years to come. ~r:__of evebery ordinbed aryb th ~· Co,':'!!, de! Mar and the harbor.I I• 11 • W By TE PIANO TEACHER . ._.,.,., . . . tion and must take the major ..... u,M:' can cur y e cer-au~. Bartoo, Montroae, b lpe~d-DIOOllJI 'l'il WllL'l'An penron. "'P:>rted tha t u. s _ Employment SerY1ce off1ctals ad-sh.,:. of the blame If we have In-Mountain Tents talnty of punishment. Ing th . week with Mrs. Edwin WU-............... Om... ...... ..... G. v. LINSENBARI> I mit tJ:e validity of veterans' complaints of long waiting lines, nation. Strikes, right or wrong 118!':':', ~ Marguent~ avenue. ~~ '°~ ~ ~C...: Graduate I lnade<juate listing o f jobs available and indifference on the strikes. all hamper productlon. So Declare'1 Surplus Sterrographers Need,ed ~JdM hMcoute dGail18bra.ik1nth, derg218 ~~~ ,,..,..,.. -unm llo7al ~~· ,.....,. · · ' · · · · I thought thiJ week you might like Approximately 152,000 mountain • go ·~0 con uc a ILl-\.CU 90KSSD'Dl'O u:anos 1~ w C>c:ietm Fnlnt part of USES mterv1ewers, The off1ctals, m turn, complain to have the figures trom a poll tents declared surplus by the Army In w ashmgton, D.1·· 1chool n Balboa island, " vioi tjng ..... ~ "=..."""-M.o."':' -. . they are underfmanced a nd understaffed. But the answer taken among small manufacturing are now on sale to priority claim-Free Transportatio fr1en in Los Angeles for two can h 'trdJY be in stepping up still farther the enormous fed-firms. each employing 1000 or ants-Federal. State and local gov-w~s. 1 d Ri hard G be ABCBlTEC'J'. PBYr,ICJAN8 a 8UBOJ:ONll,, raJ d" rT d · · 3 mill" stro fewcr employees. Independent in-ernments and veterans-as well as . ~ya ':an C ra n-~-----------,t e s pen in., program, a n mcreasmg a -ion. n~ dustries like these. just like little wholesal~rs and retailers, the War U Ra,_Y. MSatthtewsEon, ml anagert oSe~ the ddik~. thversl tdEe, spent ttihe w~thk army c! fec!eraJ empl~yes that has more personnel m Cali-business, are the backbone ot Assets Corporation announced to-ru c:u a es mp oymen rv-ur~n .e r aster vaca on wi Armand Monaco fomia tha'n it has in Washington D C Growing public de-America. The poll was taken by a d Ice, Santa Ana, ~ounces \that their ormer schoolmate, Harlan ABClllTECT • · · .. 1 . Jd ay. . • male and f~ale typists and sten· Hoyt, n of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Sl W .,_,._ __ ·mand fo r return of USES offices to state control points a l"t'putable firm. t 15 sa to repre-These tents. ""hlch cost the. gov-ographers are needed immed18tely Hoyt 4 Heliotrope ·avenue. 4 • Bay Ave., ~ . sent a cross section of 250.000 ernment $4180110 are avB.llable . . . J· ' Newport 1124 WlSeT course to\vard decency and efficiency in veterans' af. American manufaclurlng enter-1 lth ' ' ' tt material for Federal C1v1I Servtce pasi,1ons Mr. Lee and daughter, ~· 2121 Lakewood Ave. H. R., Hall, M. D. l'tlJwldaD ....i Sa,...... . I Hours: 2-5, by AppolntmeDt Telephone 2620 I I 111 Bro&dway Ooata II~ fairs Al d · red b d " e er rayon or co on · 1 in Washington, p . C. Transpc>rta-Edith Dial and Miss Margaret · . ~ y, comrn_unity-sponso ureaus an P~ prises. Each unit ~eighs abou t l O pounds, tion by Pullman is provided and Cook, formerly of Iris avenue, Loe Anze._ NOnnudy MOI are spnngtng up to give the local veteran a hand that LSn t Thirty-four per ce(lt said they romplete ~th ropes and poles. The 1 adequate hOusing for single per· Coron del P..tar, visited old friends '------------'1 :1 .~---_-_:-_:---~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-;_:~ entangled in red tape and directed by impersonal, remote had to hold up the introduction of odrlgiOnaPIAun1t.l?>5t w~ $27th.37. U~U· sons and reasonable living ex-and n ghbors Thursday. DAY .ICBOOL trol new products, because of price er ce1 ing pnres ey wt penses are guaranteed. r Maj r T. L. Kistinger 1310 ~-----------, 11 OONBAD RICH:n:R. H. D; con · ceilings. Forty-four per cent said retail to the consumer through . . . ' ~clan and a- lt th · 'ting Fil' · · obse . k od d ti t Dr Margaret Starbuck Federal Ocean Blvd., received his discharge M rtirn S h 1 e VlS1 ipmo officers rve this trend and they had to stop mar etlng pr • regular tra e OU ets at no more ~ting Officer will interview from e A.T.C. recently. He was 0 er c 00 120 E. 18th St. profit from it on their return home, their trip will not have ucts they had pr~vto_µsly made, than $IO each. ri rit applicants at the' office of the in se ce five years, serving in all ioz Ooral Balboa lslaDd COSTA MESA been in vain. because of price ceilings. The adv9:nce s~le to '.' 0 Y USES, 501 W. Fifth Street, Santa theat ~t the war. One ot his Grade.: OoUep, PNp&ratory HQW'S : 10-12 a.m.; 3--5 America Gathers Speed! To millions of Americans. announcement by the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railroads of 0 faster Schedules, with direct sleeper service from coast to 'coast, signifies more than swifter and more conveniellt transportation. It signifies a new era of aceeleration in American life-a not-distant fare- well to the war-created nightmare of. cong.,,,tion, delay and cl~g in nearly every phase of civilian life. /Plans of the railroads to introduce speedier and mo"' lux- \ir\oos passenger service we"' revealed m onths ago; so news ot this particular transcontinental travel improvement, in In which the New York Central and Pennsylvania lines joined with the.western roads, was not a ltogether surprising. The news of most moment was give.n by Claude E. Peterson, S . P . vice president in charge of passenger service, when he said: "Prior to the war, when earnings on regularly established lines were thin, we did not feel able to make the experiment because of the small proportion of the traveling public which was likely to use the service, according to our traffic studies. With the hoovy military load, it was, of course, impossible to do anything about it during the war." • 1bat means the abnormal war traffic. while still heavy, is beginning to lighten. And it means that the railroads foresee (slnCe there will be no raise in rates for the new service when It Is Inaugurated shortly) a more prosperous America perma- nently, with far more people traveling for pleasure and trav- eling on business than in the best times ever known in the past. . America is gathering speed all along the line! One Reason for Government Econmomy A common-sense declaration of why the retail distribution Industry, or any Industry for that matter, works for sane tax and spending policies in government, Is voiced by the treas- urer of a repreoentative chain store company: · •'ReWJers today are one of the largest groups of employ- en and are ill a field where competitive enterprise still func- tions without governmental subsidy. We have a great duty to perform in broadening the market for the products ol our factories. We have a duty to fight for conditions Wider which adequate 'merchandise is produced and sold at fair Prices. '!be expenditures of government must be paid for through reduction in the purchasing power of our customers or an Increase In the selling price ot our merchandise. We must, therefore, actively support those people !n government who work for the reduction of government expenditures and the development ot governmental policies which encourage tree competitive enteJprise." "In the United States, public sentiment is not only over- wbelmlngly opposed to government ownership ol rallroeds, banki; and electric poy.w companies, but Is evei less in favor ot the Idea now than a few years ago. Here are the figures: "'Govenlment ownetShlp of the rallioads--TI per cent disapprove, 23 per cent approve. Govenunent ownership of ban'a 69 per cent disapprove. 31 per cent approve. Gov- ernment owoaship ot eketric power comperles 63 per cent disapprove. 37 per cent approve."-Geo!'!:I! Gallqp, Director ~ the Afiierican Institute of Public Opinion. Fifty-one per cent said they had claimants will continue until April An Th d M h ~· t buddi Lt Les Winch and wife D 'Y SCHOOL N'•• nt..--133 6 d ••eir rd .. ...., ""II be fill-_. . a, on urs ay, arc , a . . n. 9Ma .riA.lllllC' to decrease the production ot cer-an ...,, 0 ..... "' • eu 10 a. m. Shorthand and tY,ping of edo, Texas, are visiting the tain lines, because of price ceilings. immediately. Orders from C?mmer-t ·11 be d ted t 1 . Klstin ers tbs week. Mr. Kistin· ~rl!i.!,ortlmer, !IL ~= Fifty per cent saJd th_ey will be dal buyers are being received a t vC:::r:. as ~:i. u~ ot~en: f~~ ger's rother, Major W. H. Kis- forced t~ curt~ production •till ~et!°uth Maple avenue, Los are qualified, are w-ged to a~ly. tifiger and wife, Uplands, and 1st DENTISTS further 1f ceilin~s remain un· g · · Effective March 30 all offi.J.. of Lt. esley Bennett llJld Wife, 1 ~------------changed. ThirtY·SlX per cent of . th USES will bs fi '-fda Santa Ana were guests of the this last fifty per cent said this At the end of the war, unfilled \ e k 1 1 ° S ei;"~ v, Y KJstl ers 'saturday. All the of.' would mean shutting down their orders for domestic oil burners to--wee · cos ng on a ys. ficers~ived their discharges re-Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST plants. taled more than 100,000. Since 't\ centl W. Kistinger from the hf a· Fi!ty-seven per cent said Utey then, the demand is Increasing by Horsehiders Unlimber rines, ~o served In ihe First DI- wer e losing money on at least one thousands every month. At Harbor u·gh vision 'n Guadcµcanal, and Bennett HO!~ w. Oentnl Ph. 1'80 __ I from 1-e army. NEWPOBT BEAQB • ACll06ll 1 Insect 5 Goad 9 Weary 10 Lon1~ared rod en ta 12 Sooa IS Cele1Ual boinf 14 Law 11 Place 17 Traduca 18 Resistend Nune (abbr.> JO RJver •.a•U. la K•n ..... Coach Wendy Pickens had ~look ~ at his green but aspiring Harbor Ho ser Recommends High ball squad last M~' day, Le to V ts and In spite of • 7-0 shella g n ency e at Ute hands of St. AnUtony rse-In . . nal Cases rl downhearted at the appear . e of Ho rably discharged vet~~ his outfit. . shoul H'ave special conaiderepon Dr. W. W. Woetmoreland Dentist OOBONA DEL MAB l'bone Newport lOG hiders, seemed to be anYwn:tbut ~ I The Sailor nine is com of in ttnal cow-ts ls the opiftJon but three veterans and Ptdc La of L County District Attoiney '====--=====:------' concentrating on building aJ for-Fred owser. ! IN8UBANOE mJdable team for the fuJ by "I ~ongly urge a change irl.~ working with his ·frosh, ph~ law r moving the handcuff• mores and junior stickers. Free our S perlor Court, permitting ·1t aubltituUons and experlltjenta-to ~1 into -consideration all j the tlom, espedally among his pitfhing mltig circumstances lh&t may staff, is probaJ:>ly the reason for jus ( the granting of probation. -~New York ·Life lll.8urance Compariy DON B. DU&AN'J; Dr. G. E. Tohill I l'll1ildaa -......... I 2209 Coe.st btvd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONJ:S-I omce 286-W Res. R U no answer, call Newport ! Gerald Rausa, M. 1· 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 1028--No answer call 801- X-Ray Service JtlDt.on H. lluwell, 111. D. • ' Office HDurl: lC>-12; >Cl CSwlu) ... 13 At home Moiida.y'a lop..al.ded soore, blit the A jut should have this pOwer 428 OrQhid Ave. dividends in game• tO come, ck-post-rehabilitation program of I'-------------' I I experience for all bands x:· pay and I should be granted In j our CORONA DEL lllAR ens rightly believes. • the v eran. I !~-----------~ S. R. Monaco, M. D. - 8lf Bay Ave., llalboa Mewpwt 1114 J4 Crown ot the head JIS Dlmlnuti•e 1>oin. •Infants 21 Glr1'1 name JOJumbt.dl;ype II God cl pleasure a Ooojunctlon as Country s. Europe 311 nu 31 Per. \0 the ...... GLumlnom cloud f<Malamele . character Jn • •tol'7 t5 Sc.tr ti Like pork '' f'irea.nna acn-. to bilhtem ooe -1Anc.wolpt IMotal ·- -. .. .. .. .. 4 Editor (abbr.) 5 T!tln IA -· I Equal • 7 River( Ruu.> I WlttJ' npl)t I Kind of cap II Tlmldneu 13 Daze 15 Is\ letter <Arabic) 11 Resort 10 Uu n.ext to 21 Aulinin. 22Flowed 25 Warp 1a.rD J7 ColA (J'ort.) No. I 21 Cholar 30 Woodsmen'• -· S4Joun>e70 35 Brute ln .. Gulliver'1 Travell" 37 Oatrlcb·Ulr.e bird 19Jloman ........... to Vo:n 41C<>quottlslt 43Boy'1 nickn.•me 48Plumbum (qm.) 315 NORTH )otAIN ST. ..... ~ ....... ..... ~, -r .. Outatandlng performance In for the locals was by Ralph OCCIDENTAL Freitag, 'burly right hander who Expert ( LIFE INSURANCE 00. allowed no hits or runs in UU"M Re • • Innings and whiffed eicbt vlllton pairmg Ray Nielsen with a combination of a handf tut I ._ 11181-J ball and a lazy curve. . I . e You Wait tlll E. ~ A-- Willett, SL Anthony ch cker, turned In a classy perf by chucking a two-hit pert for the six-inning affair and at no time was be in trouble. Being one jump ahead Is g- unless you are headed In the ri&ht cllrectlon.-Extracted. I ••• We 1-1 Seliitbenjt a.-inil!j ID tbe 9er the ot FOO i- AI.30 YOU& -:'. af~=:-~ ---llOBTICIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel OPl'OKl:'l'al8Tll Robert A. Crawford o.t., D. OPl'OWI- Eym £nmJned • GJes•!I .ntted: 1791 N-AG<i - --OOllTA ""'' I:.. T • .Bwtluwwill, O. D. Osl1m1kW -JISAJIDfa) LICN9U DllPUCATm .._ t I , ..... -:.~·=·=·-::... auc w. a...1.1.-Tisi .......... 9V&'i'&tos8 • tu 8. BID St. Loo ....- TU<kor 111J • By. Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D . lMl Weot Baf A- TelepboM Newport 1!111 ' A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBYlllOIAN ... IRmGICON Dr. W. T: Mooney Ph7*Dz wl Sara---~ -(U-Slr. __ , - ' w~ Du.,-. r "" • • wwm c. ~~--1 Ph~~ m.~-.-1 '-... -· f ZONE .'llJIERAltt . CLlNIC I 1 1 I • ' .......... , .. , ........ II•*' ~ a' la -.icitlil , ... ,.. ......... :· • H. s. Trustees, Tax Rate Raise Face Voters May 17 M&Wi'091 H k; Line and Sinker 'Brick' Gaines Extols Col. Atkinson. for Councilman '"\ __ t;;olnc about bit work methodlc-Two lrultees will be elecUd for -.JIJ', ,.,._ Morgan Noble. new the Newport Harbor Union Hlch (117 T. N. "llridt" ·GAINE8. ask about the colonel In the BaHioo • -t county ~ uoip-School dbtrict on May 17. at the Cl*>' --• slrt• -bnncb of the Banlt ot America 1-------------+----+.--=------11 ed to N..._t Harbor has begun aame time l'ffidenb of the dbtrlct ~·-ill ~-~~:,.t m1~t where Statz worlml. ' The fiahinc llict= began to look -1-In the bay ot varloua will be asked to approve an In-.. ~ ~N • •" He tiun't OD)' super-plw for brighter thb week with the fint ,., __ points, and ls oompleti.ng his new crease in the maximum tax rate tqrn out to be a series ot busl· Newport. Ftnt. find out wtiara barracuda. being cauaht on the live omc. In a de:nollnted trailer unit for the school dbtrlct from "1.75 nesoes on the parties asking the n"lled moot, then llncfout wbat'a bait boab, and big barn-door hall- at the county dock. per $100 asaeued uluation to voters to elect .'em dty coundlmen 1n the -to clo audl .....i., then but beJnc caught from off the pie!-. ·.Noble Mid that the dredgln& $1.4S. for our muniopallty. go-ahNd with community dowloP-Appattnl]y the halll>ut that the ot about · 800 feet wu completed The legal notices calling atten· I~ concerns T. P . Atkinson, who mmt. '11\at'a hb: ldeL live bait lioats were C'ltchln;; oft tut Wft:k iii front Or Richardson'I tion to the election give the ob--until recently WU a colonel in the That IOUJlds senaible, doesn't it! Abalone Hill lut week. moved _.on ancbcraae to a depth of el&ht or jective u building additional Army Air Forces. So ~ Col. .Atldmcwb up the cout to where the pier fish· nlnO feet In allpa, tapering ~ IChool buildings. making altera-rm not •uppoaed to .,. ..... ODY ermm are now able to tie Int? tju..,,. to Rftn feet. Tbb week he ex:. lions or addition5, IUpplylng preference ror a ~d;-te ln these , them. lJve bait ii what the halibut pected the work to. be continued IChool buildings with furniture or articles, but I think It. proper to Quonset Hut want and It may be ...,.,_ on the load. barrels drifted In Balboa Yacht club. ment of school grounda. The pro-make a good councilman •hould g OD W8Y '!be fint barracuda or the &ea· p on the OWJ>Ort pier. Others for about 250 feet north of the necessary apparatus, and improve-say that Col. Atklnsoo would Risin ~h end of the pier,. sand two were hauled · t The C'OQ.nty ii tl.a.ving shoals posed rate would, it ii -stated, be he ~ elected. Some people F Di J aon to be caught on the liv~ bait pick up and never beard ~In the bay u hill survey In effect until 1950. wouldn t approve of the way he 0[. ese es boats were brought In lut Friday. ~ ========================= tlndl t.Mm. Noble worka with a The 1ebool district would be di· blunUy and accurately speab ~e 1b~ fish were caught way down One ~ bartt'b on the pier :-------------------------crld aystem trom a small boat, and vtded into three voting precincts truth, but 1 do on account ot that• 1be first unit of the aalel and the coast, which means a long as knock~opim and everyone .. now ·engaged In sounding the for the elections. ~bat we ne:ec1 all we c~ get or in l8'Vice buildin& to houae General boat ri~ to get to them. However, ted to ve a party. It really B A y v 1 · E w c A F E bay near the Upper Bay bridge. city ~cilmen. <Said he, un· Moton diesel engines in Newport Oley will aoon be moving up thr eveloped ln a wild affair, but no ' Ch h Pr t t grarnat1cally.) Beach wu under way late Lut coast so the boats wont have to 4ne fell The "Big t urC es 0 e8 Biographically, Col. Atldnlon week for Max H. Schacbner, area make such a long trip to noach ~unny" left th as much as could Race Track Permit at an early age he went to sea on dbtributor for the heavy marine them. put Into bottlea. Word of the . at an early age he went to see on diesels 'Which he will display and Spot!in croaker fishing off the ~fair finall reached the Newport P'O .. INaURANCE 9EE. Howard W. Gen.uh Same Mee·s-l: L A. Wells 1W Newpart 81•s_,,. The Santa Ana Council of a whaler, of which our yachtsmen service at the McCurdy and Calk· Balboa Pavilion in the bay is the lice statl • and an officer went Churches has joined other church should approve. Later'his folkl de--ins yard o n CQast hi&hway. latest bot angle for bay fishermen. ~t on the or the pier. On~ of cided he was going to be a con· ,_,._ new building •-a Quo•••t The best bet seems to be from row e ~--•-as empty by ths ••--. groups in protesting the establish· struction man and he decided he .1.1..:: ma .---boa h _.a f vili LICl.l n:"io u.1•..,. ment of the automobile race track wasn't and 50 left home at 17 and 20 entirely of steel and with sev· ts anc orC\I O f the Pa on ~the of r rolled the other BREAKFAST SP~CIALS ._ 111 proposed for construction near joined the Army. While serving er~l patented. features which per· and live bait.ls the .way to fish for ' tin to the station . Seal Beach, in a letter sent last from then until almo&t now he mit most of the building to be them. The hve bait may be .~-The da of prohibition have week to the board of supervisors. received probably the most t.hor· erected by a crew or men within chased on the d~ at the Pavilion. ~ed and now such events are Wattleo. or Co11eo -o.neo ---25• ll'cp, Ppta- -o.neo ... -----·-· 35! Automobile • Fire r a surprisingly short time after the Razor clams are still the old stand· on the I sI•-of the law. A Rejection of the application was ough schooling possible, as a lot 0 f da . . . t lied by for croaker 1 ega ~ urged as a "protection to youth" his time was se rved as a v:rgeant· oun lion 19 ins 8 • • • • • • uple ye later the "Big Sunny" and "as a sareguatd to law and instructor.~ A sergeant·instructor Schachner had the foundation Live bait here and live bait th~ lew up w en the engine back-Open I L m. to 9 p. m. -CIOM!d Taeld.aya order." has to be smarter than anybody, and concrete floor in Friday morn-means . those J>O?r sardln~ and ired and ouc;hed off gasoline ~-----------------------~ even i;:eneral. ing, and by night the service crew ~chov1es are taking a beating, but wnes insid the hull. It was re-I 'P!!!!!!;!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .--::::============:!:=====;;;;;;;:;;:;:---had the upright steel pµlars boll· 'n' hseem! to be the way to catch uilt with r oper ventilation and 11 PIES • CAKES • DONUTS CARPET & UPHOLSTERING CLEANING Local Veteran of World Wars I and II WORK DONE IN YOUR DOME Color and Beauty Revived, Give New Sheen ·Dean Ward PHONE NEWPORT 2056-R '''What doff sixty million clolfars r: haw to clo with ?'' mt .• YoNng ,Cady, this particular sixty million dollars can have a lot to do with you because it will be used this year to l!dd inritcbbo8lds and other equipment to the Southern California Telephone Company'• system. The bigger the system the more young women' we need to fill good jobe in just about every building in every .town we serve. And, if you qualify for one of these attractive, permanent i?be which now pay better than ever before, that'• where you oome in. • So~yoa-lnandsee MBS.RUBL 100 E. Bay, Qalboa or ..n Vblef Operator ' \ Much Schooling ed. down, and most of the roof s · . . ast heard _was operating out of He's gone to about every kind beams in place. The entire build· Surf fishing is still hampered by ~n Pedro. or school you can think of, like the ing comes knocked down so that foul '""'.eather, .choppy surf, and Army's cooks' and bakers' school. it may be erected in 8 matter or other inconveniences. Repor ts or --+----- horseshoers' school and school or ~·eeks. some Sur[ fish belhg caught down on of osta Mesa equitation (horses). He's done . San Onofre way, have lead some •d • T k ' much of his work in universities. The dealer said he would h11.f'dle f" h t try ·1 d th Or eSI e In 0 YO th 1 · ~~ r . 1s e nnen o 1 own ere. , and more or less m ajored in jour· e arger size eni.~·-.. , anging you can wait until they move up nalism, editing and writing most f-ron:i 350 to 2000 horsepower. the coast. Pre. Har ,n !\tiller, son Of Mr. of the Ft. Sill Guiden for two Their ~eadq~ar~ers has been 1<: Barge fishermen still have near· d Mrs. Etrl Miller, Costa Mesa, years. catcd in . \V1lrrungton, but he is ly a month to wait before they among Uie latest group ·to join When \Vorld \Var I burst in our transJerring . to Newport. Bea.ch can get into action. May 1 is the he F irst ~valry division in To-- faces he was in Chicago a nd was because their _trade radius .m· date scheduled for the barge to yo, accor ng to word received commissioned immediately an d ~ludes 5 the ;~tire t co~talt re~n start having shore boats run out ~ his pare ts. sent to Frarfce in command of a brom ~n al .ego 0 ts ~ ~ • to it from the Newport pier. Many Miller. o rseas 13 months. is a battery of [ield artiller y. But he ar~i e ~e~ 0 t aved: big stories are told of fish caught eteran of qkinawa and wean the volunteered as an air observer a nd :m h' pot"'.''~~ ~ agency 0 8 off barges anchored off Newport iatic-Pa~ic ribbon. Combat In- f ought the whole war in airplanes 0 18 ac .IVl es ere. in years past. -Barge fishing is a ifantryman· badge, Good Conduct a nd balloons. being shot down In Schachncr \V&S enthusiastic great sport. edal and he Victory medal. one of the first and three of the about the proposed boat show for April Fool's day h as past and It latter-in n ames. He holds a num· the high\\'BY section this summer, brought back to mind the first trip Watch th Class1fied columns. ber of French and Italian decor· a nd hopes to have his display Com-============ '"-====:t::=======. ations which I won't record here plete by the time the season gets r:"" because I can't spell 'cm. But under way. they're good. ------- EJ Don, Newspaper Of Santa Ana J. C. Again Honored Anyway. after that was ... ,,as OVJ'r he went back to the r a nks and continuC'd teaching p<'Oplc what they should know. He was a mas· ter sergeant cre\\•i ng a B-17 when the last one started and his r:eserve El Don, ne\\'Spaper of the Santa commission immedia tely we nt into Ana Junior college has again won errect a nd he became a captain a first place avoard in the twenty· in the Air Forces. second Columbia university nation· Came Here Ia UHi wide contest for junior college 1 He came here in October, 1941, publications, John H . Duke, ad· and was first adj~tant and execu· visor. announced today. Frozen food Cabinets ·POR EN AND I OYS live officer of Santa Ana , Anny This makes the sixth first place Air Base-his friends will point award the paper has won in the out that running a "dty'' like that ; Columbia contest, Duke declared. containing 100,000 people is good El Don has also won 12 'AJJ·Am· practice for being a cound.lrnan-1 erican honors since 1931, t.en ot later becomlng commander or them consccutiv~ly, a feat. it Is troops. believed, which no other junior col· 114 W. 4th St. Ans SANTA Ph. 6688 He'll have been married 32 years lege paper has accomplished. cpme next May. Has two daugh· ---·---- ten, both married (One of the Try worklns today's ~cr~ ... -w-or'"'d IOns·ln·laws is John Statz.. You can pale Fresh Daily Delldoul -Fooda Or, ccaple:te equtpment wbm J"O'I. want to catch JOIJt own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVW:NUE, NEWPOllT BEACH ' DIESEL SERVICE DIESEL MOTOR SAT.ES RE-BUILT DIESELS PHONES Office: Newport 2068 -:-RM.: Newport 2084-W FRAN& a. LEWIS (Loclcy Lewis) Ow9er-~ 1so1 coaa lllgbway • Newport Beach , Roll -A -Door By Since 1898 • 6-Door Reach-In Porcelain Interior EMERGENCY PHONE •-w· .ea PASADENA LONGBEACA Maif Kl'UUIJ. • • • • The City of Newport Beach and the · Community of Costa Mesa now have the L. B. 6Z4·0'7 Bea•h City Merdlal"i~ Fatrol and Detective Senice I Yo Bea • Licensed by the State of California_ For the Protection of Your Places of Business and Your Homes May Now Pli.one 1421-R And request a member of this service to call and consum- mate an agreement for this service. Want You to Know I That the personnel in this service appreciates the splen- did co-operation rendered by the Police, the District At- torney and the Sheniffs Office in .behalf of the estab- lishment of this service . Walter Applebury, Principal 'City Merchant Pabol and Detective Senice f ·, YOUR CITY NEEDS A VETERAN B SINESS MAN • y ·ou Get One When You Re-Elee ·I · bell·Tues, April 9 ' Go to the Polls ~Early · to A void -Rus at Clos.ing Tiine . I , ................... 'I , ) 1 • • I r • • - , .. n !!'!P M&Wl'WI• •••pa II 8Unboo Room Books Holly and Lee Team For the Season •nwmc tbe man &qi'..,. w • the "'*"1. and the Soutl>lad'• fa. voritel, ~ to JlllrjllQ'. IJo?ena ot www vatlom ue be- ing made every 4lY and a &ood home is expected ~ nlghL A gre•t treat ls in store for Holly and Lee will present many the many friends of that famolll new oumben in addition to re-- team, Holly and Lee, when they peattng -old fawwitel wblch learn that Bob Murphy's Bamboo made them famca.JL Room presen'" them for the sea-'Ibey will appear nl&htly eurpt son, •lartinc Frldly nlgbt, April 5. Monda)'ll, ptrnttng tbelr pleu- This II their first Public ap-ant ahocldng at;yle ot entertaln- ""8J"llllCO U-1942 wben they menL . took time out for Lee to enter the ' Umy. 'Ibey were then conaidered For Better PrtnUng Call 12 or l.S. U. S. Takes Sea ·uon CenSus, Fishermen Cor1Sider a Menace Census taking is being extended to tbe denizenS of the -1>-'lt least so far as to count the num· ber of sea lions• along the Cali- fornia coast. according to the fish and game cornmiDion. • Tidal Wave Talk Kept Residents Anxious All Day !Olntlnued fTOn\ Page H • • V: teransn......Glft '~ Ma,, ~=.:.~~. · , V~l I 8.ave String Medal t P-.-LL-11 P t Attached · a .......... ~ . OS . . FRANKFURT, Germany, - The Oty ot N""'pcrt Beach ac-10. 1916.-Technldan Fifth ~ At Balb Quired 0 barge Monday---0r WU John A. Gurley jr, ,736 ~ llwo oa about to. by the &imple matter .of Noni. NcwjUt Beach, caui.. Jo. a WU of aale-wben it suddenly been awarded UM! Good ~ OC<.UrTed to one of the councilmen Medal whlle _, in the+ that •ucb a gift bone might be pean U-tor with the civil -- On esday night. March 26, the looked in tbe mouth, to lee it It ahlp dlvlalon ol USF'ET ·~1-~ter who fought bn many for· .really was worth acce:ptin&. quarters. -The thorough census of the population of sea lion herds ls ~ Ing undertaken to help in devising ---------------------------la means of eradicating one--half t eartuJ of a repetition of the 1933 •arthquak• In Long Beach. At that time moot of the reslden'" of the lowlands left their homes for high ground as a tidal wave WU· re- '!fin ~ • fron'" met at John E . Earl Stanley UKed. when the AC<'.<ll"dlng to the citation Sadlet office at. 302 Main street. offer wu read to the councD. Mon-pe.nying: the award. he has ··=== Balboa to organu:e the Veterans day afternoon to tum over the atrated fidelity throu.ch t&iihtul of Fo gn Wan here. barge Mlndinao to them, 11 the and exact performance of +t;y, . Have electric !'fOT WATER m your home for -I Thrif ly is the word for an Electric Water Heater! When you have eleclric hot water in your home, you get the benefit of a special Edison electric rate that makes the operating cost surprisingly low. You save in other ways, too. An Electric Water Heater gives trouble-free service and lasts for years. Add these CCOO· omics to the completely automatic operation, de. pend ability and cleanliness of an Electric Water Heater ••. and it's easy to sec why so many families arc plan- ning to c~ange to electric water heating as soon as new Electric Water Heaiers are available.,..._ HARDWARE J. H. ESTUS PUJllBINO GENERAL ELECTRIC MNOU • Bl:nLIG.JaBA.TOB8 • WA"RDI D-AJlllEU e lliDIOll PllGlle 116 the number to save sport and com- mercial fishing along the coast. the commission stated. According to many loc:al fisher:- men. knocking off one-half lan"t half enough. and Oulrley Mc- Laughlan. buaines1 a.gent of the CIO Fishermen"s U nion, declarel that the belt way to t&ke a sea lion census is to count each animal after It has been killed. He esti~ mates that 18,000 to 20,000 of the animals can be found between Orea:on and Mexico. The ltfte commlasion plac.es the figure at about~. Until about 10 years ago, the California sea lion was taken in Mexican waters for dog food but these activitiet eventually proved unprofitable and for 10 years or more sea lions have been relatively unmolested. No EffecUve Comtrol Over the past few yea.n the fish and game division t\as made lim- ited kllllngs of both adults and pups in an attempt to keep the population under control, but the attempts haven't been effective enough to allevia te the fishermen's trouble wi th the destructive, if playful, sea lion. The most serious obstacle in contDOI, the commission stated, is the disposal of the carcasses. lf killed at sea. the body sinks and cannot be recovered until it has par tially decomposed. filled with gas and floated ashore where it is a st>rious nuisance. McLaughlan thinks that the State should gi\·e a hount y for each sea lion '''ash<'d ashore a nd buried by local health depa rt- men ts. The romn1ission states thot no use for the mC'aL oil or hides of thC' animals has bee n de vised which has pro\·ed economically sound. The value in the hides is too low to pay the cost of skinning and rendering pla nts ha\·c not been able to process the animals. G. \V. Bassett , manager of the California Marine Packing Co .. is home with an attack of t he flu, and his boss. 1\1. Gregory Gorby, spent ·a few days here to keep things going. Greg now lives in Altadena. THIS WEEK TOASTERS Lido Electric Co. Electrical Repair Service 516 State ml{hway Phone 1264 Beadquarten Ho-Id • Appllaneeo Newport Beach Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- Dally Delhery-l'!loae 11!1 18%'1 Newport Blvd. 008TA MESA .TM ting wu • ittt•I succeu fl~ting white elephant wu tt... efficiency throucb capadcy to - Wlth H. Harding. Ch,ief of and deu, or heavily loaded wtth duce desln!d results, and beha\>lar ported on I .. way. Staff, partment of ~omla liens and mortgages. This rather •ll<h u to deierv• emulation.'6·' pr<Sen to help the Vl!ts I'\)' the llOben!d their reflection on what r lligb tide Jut night Which WU due at 8 :56 alarmed residents who still did not know whether hl&ll water might be expected to rile ' above the uaual mark. It did surge in around the cannery dock, C. G. Porter said as he watched several waves raise the hi.ah point about 14 inches every five minutes until the crest of the tide had posed. The harbor muter and his staff stood by to check the tide. ground wwk for the Balboa Poot. rni&ht be done witb the hullc rest· 1 · Other fflcen of the VFW pr<Sent ins In the ti.y between lStb and her OWnent who had no pla~ to -~5 1 . e Elrldle. Asaiatant Otlef 16th street of! the camp growids tak• the former fishinc ~-Tbo 8/80T. ANTON s,UTTO.&A : Fr..i P . MacPberoon. Roland lbom..._-~·-~ tbal. _Mlndinao ':"as ta..-..! to the ~ t= of Lacuna Beadl -1, . ,_.. ~ -·l!leltt than six .-iu.. ago "ilien Son of Jtla• •r .Newport t Medal of Honor Man of the. at)' mµat auume such item aalvaced of.f San Pmro by se&.tb .. Nlppoa with JW!!dlcal .... -American war· Ralph except those for J:abor on her. Al Brothen. I ._ ol Finl C.ftlr7 r CochmmanderP Elect, La·:':! ~:::e;i~he ~~-Before the next C<lUJldJ ._t. -a mt, and Monte R. ....._... --. . ~ Anton Suttora Grim Senior Vice Comniander <I agree<! to report on that phase Inc the harbor muter will UV.-. 1.agun Beach l"<"L ' belore the dty accept the gift of tlcate her act""! atatua. \ Promoted in Japan ITorn Roten was appointed tem- M re.tdentl sighed with relief over the paaing 9r danger, an elec- trical storm flashed nature's de- fiance or mere humans adding to jitten of many who were ready for untroubled sleep. but uncertain whether to risk lt. County Lays Plans To Control Rats And Mosquitos ~ oorary qllartefmuter until Uv To Staff Serg 1 ant :~ rutC:.~~-~~!~ .n;:.:; wrnt THE EIGHTH ARMY IN boy, aid proJ>drty owner in New- JAPAN.-Anton F . Sutt~'a, New-port. Be ta a ~orld War n vet· po t n. ch Calif is rvln eran, imd r~tly retired from r DC& • •• no le g the u.ts . .6.~i-·u Captain. H• is wtth the !amoo.o 1st Ca air'y di· -"" vision in the preaent occupation a vete~an of European tnvuJon. of the Nippon capital. Sutiora wu Se"'4f"al veterans Joined the or- recently promoted from ihe' rank ganizatJon Tuesday night, and of sergeant to st aff sergeAnt. many inore are to come into the Overseu 13 months, sOttora is VFW alt the next meeting Tuesday serving with Headquarters1 Detach-night ii\pril 2. It is believed that me nt, 1st Medical Squadron as the &dboa Post will be one of the supply sergeant in char~e of di-very &st in the State of Cali· Th VIS. Ion medical supply. veteran forniaJ e county. is going to continue its war against mosquitos again of one carnpajgn, he wears the The charman in charge of get- this season. but the public is asked As iatic-P acific Theater / ribbon ting this post underway ls Monte to do its part in keeping the pest "ith one star for Luzon, the Ross Grimes. recen tly discharged under control. Philippine Liberat ion r ibbon with Chief jYoeman, U. S. Navy, and Approximately SO per cent of the one star , the Good Conduf t medal, vetera~ of l wo Ji ma and Okinawa coun ty's mosquito trouble is the the \Vorld \Var II Victo!)Y medal, in..,·as i ~s. He served on board ~he result of residen ts' lack of prep-the Meritorious Service ptr que. the I USS ighlands ( AP~ll9) ~h1ch aration against them, is the opin-Presidential Unit citation and the 1 \vas o~e of the ver y fi rst. ships to ion of E . E. Frisby. chief of the Combat ll-1ed ic's badge. land t-foops at Yokoham_a 1n ~okyo I department of sanitation. Resi-1 Suttora attended Newdort Har-.tiay. 01 '(·J day. Mr . Grimes 1s the I dents of the H arbor ar<'a are asked bor Union High school ~nd later , senior vice commaft dt'r. of Laguna to leave no containers outside that \\·orkC'd for his fathe r as a cler k Beach Post, and was Jus t named 1 are capable of holding "'ater for in his liquor store. He 1was also de_put~ chi~f of sta ff fo.r this ~is­ mosquito breeding grounds. a member of the Ne,vport Beach 1 trict. He ts n?'v assoc1~ted with The county has announced plans fire .department . I Joh,. Sadle1r. 302 1\1:81~ street, I tp acquire three j(>('ps to augment J.J•s father . Fra nk G. Suttora. Bal · the mobile anti-mosquito force of r es1dC'S at 2804 \Vest Central! _ ·- ~'::ra~~~ command c.ii"s nO\V in avenue. -· 1 Bu¥ders Want The. presenc. or malaria:carrier Local Veterans A!mong I Ga~ge Houses mosqu1tos has been located ln Sand St d w· . Canyon and Bonita la~e waters u ents 1nn1ng Of 00 s Ft which_ are the main points or at-In SAJC Election 1 q, ' tack 1n the current health offen· .I BRING YOUR RADIO 'ro US One D..,. -We'll Repair It and Yoa V.. Saft It t11e Ned. h:loil) Parla. Worl< ---Futory ~~to. Radio SOS Electric no .. 'l80 For your own · good, don't delay ~aving part of your • income regularly ,..,.,, ......... ....................... .. ,..,,, ..... . Sa ve and Have. s1. or more opens your account .. add any amount at any time . NEWPORT-BAL.BOA Y'EDERAL sive. Failt(lg to agree on the size of a Returning ser vicemen grabbed • SAVIN d off most of the honored si:pts when dwelli~ which might be i~cluded GS a tl L 0 AN ASSOCIATIOl\J Write-In Candi<lates Include Prominent Men of CDM, Mesa eleetions w er e held for offices re-"';th a ar age on t he rear of a lot, 3333 VIA L 100 ·cently in the newly revi~ men's e"•en t ough a r ecently passed or-TELE~HONS 1eoo servicc clubs a t Santa Arla Junior dinan~ p~o:-'1des th.a t . no dwelling 1,_ ____ ..;_N:.;E:.:W.:.:.:Pc...::C:.:R:..:..:Tc...::B:.;E.::.;A:.:C:.;H:..:..:,_C::::A::;L:::.;1 f":..,::C:.;R;.:.:.N:.l:.:A::.... ____ .J college. I m ay built cons1s t1ng of less I Chosen skipper of thf Bucca-than . square f~t, Mayo~ Hall neers \\'as Vernon AshbY., assist: appo1n d a ~mm1ttec . of five to B. Z. McKinney. Corona del Mar ed by Wally H a maker F. m a te. spend me ti~e stu.dy~ng the r e- a ttorney a nd property O\\>ner, and l\fillard Black was name(l keeper quest the ci.ty ~u1ldin g depart· R. G. Chambers, Costa Mesa r eal of the log; Matt Nisson of the ment f r t~e right to pass garage estate man are writt>-in candtda tes harbor area will handle the funds houses h aVJ.ng a total area of 800 for cen tr al committee mem~s of as keeper of the booty. an~ Charles square feet. the Democratic par ty to he elected Carrillo holds the positior;i of slave Eug ne ~enelon a~d !'· M . Nel- during the J une primaries. master. He also Jives In Newport son, o r ating the budding depart- Democrats will stage this write-Beach. ment or the city had many r e- in campaign in the Fifth super~ Former army. navy a nd marine quests of the city building depart- vsorial district to complete their men domina ted the Gauchos elec-ment or the right to pass garage slate for t he central commit tee. tion. Max Racey wa.$ chosen house~ h avi ng a total area of 800 When the filing date passed last president ; Gilbert Bradford, vice SQU~ feet . Tuesday it was discovered the 1 president; Frank Childs, ~ecretary-Eu ne Fenelon and A. M. Nei- Democrats had designa ted only treasurer. and Gene Cairns, ser· son, o rating the building depart- two candida tes for the Fifth dis-1 geant at arms. I · ment for the city had many, r e- trict committee although they are Veterans were also ~nsidering ques for small structures which entitled to four. The error was this week organization ~of a woul fit across t he r~ar of a 30- caused by the fact that the number strictly "Vets Club" whij::h would foot 1 t and have room for~ a gar- eligible has been increased by tvo·o be similar to organiz8tlons ln age. They suggested a minimum since 1944. Previously named for major colleges in the e~te. 800 uare foot house, including the commlttee were Alice P . Beck-gara~. However, members of tt\e ler and George E . Thompson, both For ottlce supplies, I see the coun~ could npt agree whether new members. News-nm.es. such change ln the ordinance 1 woul encourage shack.I or not. • ·* Bring Your Home Mortgage I • • Up To Date! r-----------------------t-1---.i I afy Attorney Thompson point- ., ,_ 00 o~t It is unconstitutional to ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1 • ShirtB, w have f ne size house called for on Biding Apparel the !font of a lot and another on and BoOta the rtar. Due to the dillerence of Vote For - Col· Thomas P. Atkinson FOR CITY COUNCIL Executive Officer and Commander ,.. of Troops at the Santa Ana Army Air Base for four years .. " Knows the problems of the Veteran. Member of Newport Harllol" Post, American Legion. Favors develoi-nent of recreational facilities and wants action in city govetnment in ad- vancing growth ot Newport Harbor in the dlttlcult years ahead. Vote For a Man Who Gets Things Done and Who Work For the Entire Community. ELECTION APRIL 9, 1946 This ~t Olntributed By Balboa Supporters Will and Saddlery, Eaglhh and Wedera . J . -~~·· .. I .I!/' i.' ,, , .. . Men, Women 111111 w.l- Al Sherwin Riding & 1 Sport Shop PhoJ°6'722 205 No. Bro.dway, Santa Ana ' New, Sensational Trolling Ji s For Albacore and Barracuda COMPLE'l'E SUPPLIES FOR co~ nsllJl!RllJ!!N Speciali$g in Trolling Gear J ' McCallum & Harvey 26th II Bay F?omt Newpori • Also Miscellaneous Help Blue Room • feellilis in the· matter. Mayor Hall appaf)ted the city attorney, Ad- mini.$rative Officer J . J . Sailors and douncilmen Stanley, Isbell and Alla· to investigate fJJrther, and then eport back whether an am- en nt is desirable. M!. Hazel Gill. Costa Mesa past fnuter, expects to resume her duti"f' by the middle of April. She is ni at home recuperating from a m r operation which kept her in ·hospitaJ for some tbne. Freezi111 f OOds For Home U. m Your Own Fruit Trees udV~hGm YoarOwa a.... Caa Be -IN YOUR BOD , by . followlng &imple di· ·ona • illustrated in •'Freez-o ~ Foods" cataloeue by Uni· vei!stiy of Minnesota Acricul· • I Extenaion S.n>ice, U. S. oe . of Acriculture. -.. ~ ... y .. • •m1•m1t r U you are burdened with <me of the old style monpg... It 18 time to stop and ·lnv .. Ugate our modern "euy..,....reat-pay-. . . M-Y~" mortpge plan. At leMt It wW pay to Investigate. • , Mortpp 'hsntc bu hlll!ll brought ap to dat.e ud oar plan an w.. aloac with ..,. paymeaU, the ablolute certainty tbal ;roar ~ wlD be me o1. mortpp dal-Ill .. delllllte •tllllbtt of yfllln. Conlpm.te Loan Service I • I • I -ri l , . 1 :....~~~~~~~~~~~~~...!~-""~...!!!!l!!:!!!~•!!!·~· ... !!l~·~ . .... .... ~-=-=-~--=-eR.e-cc-~-;h_g_H..._untington Beachlegionnaire =~08.:t'8 v:•.;:T!e . 1:~ ~ ':~k t=t!i:~ Sf;~;~.~ In Costa Mesa U A: Ba C 1· For City Beaches Ends by 600 R sl . ot.H t In San Quentin ~ ~ !.-=.w be -. .:::=~ ~~o~li:·~· ~ rges Air se as 0 1seum 1be long -ol tbe dty ~:.. ~ ~ ~ y 011"9s1 Post The State Adult Authority h&s Mr. and Mr!. Joe SWNnen - shop equipment service chain, are Another proposal for use or tbe for use ... 80 exposition ground -• full time life IUIJ!\. con· with Early California fact~fic-,,.~_i..::-at ruled that Eugene w. Crozier, 31, Mr. and Mr!. Paul Fanner - p1Annlng to build their seventh recently inactivated Santa Ana and Orange rounty coliseum.. tended Fire Odef Frank Cfocktt tion, u written by the late .Jen ~ who lived with 8 15-year-old girl son Michael, Los Anaetes, spent concern in ec,-ta Mesa, it was re-Army Air base has been forwarded Orange county needs an expos!-before the_ Monday • km f>l .the H~t Jaclaon, will be . ted M~ V W in Newpon and Balboa as hus-Sunday at Pte horQjt ot Mn. FkJr.. vealed last' week with the an-with the announcement of a plan tton site to keep up wtth the dty ~ Crocker, wbo 1,1. like-this year for the first time since t band and wife under the name of ence Torrence, 27th street and Sat .. nouncement that the.Y had purch· by M. M . McCallen, former mayor growth ot the Southland. McCallen wise ~~' ':tter aafety "' the the war in Ramona Bowl !near · ~ Manhall, must serve 10 years in urday guests were Major Roy Da,y Ued the International ot Four I of Huntington Bea~ and . CIOf!'· declared, and he points out that ~~·~-~· ;:'~ ~emet. With most of the incoming of-San Quentin for statutory rape. and his wife and .son. Major Da,y Square Gospe_J property in the mande~ of the Alperican Legion m the air base ii equipped with a red.• beca be felt that the dty F.dward Poorman, prui~t. ot ficen ~ the Veterans of Foreign Crozier, who . ~aims that he ls f was taken pnson.er at the becio--. I that oty. complete. aelf.-supporting water e Ulie • the Ramona Pageant Assod,~. wars. OJsta Mesal poet. veterans an ordained nuruster. was a df1·j ning of the war and was releaMd downtown district. -MCcall ha.t proposed to the and sewer system. and has many should employ a man to !be 00 announces six perfonna.n~ for of World War n . the new com-sen.er from the navy when he wu: after Japan surrendtted.. He ii now The transaction "-'at handled by ! executiveencommittee of the Assa-good buildings that can be used ~orty ~ ~ att now the current season wtth pl*>'lng manc1er.'John Thorh.J*)Jl, could be lll'TeSted on the rape charge Jan. in the Army hospital at San Dlqo_ Ray Barrett, Costa Mesa real dated Chamber! of Commerce, for recreational and exhibit """" available be -:;Id'. In cmtrlist to dates over the week endll of rpril ~ Mth tbe yoUnger croup by 17· Records showed that Crozier Mr. Summers reac;hec! home last estate broker. that the buildings and facilities ~uffid t th ~ the lack ol quallned swimmers Z1 ,Jllld 28; May 4 and 5. and May age, bui is actually a veteran of fled from a ~embarkation 1 week after serving:. in France. of the base should be acquired acre .ait:'1tors~cew;~d's efair LI during war time. Theo &fowtn& 11 and 12. World 'far I. ha~ been 14 years center near San cisco on the ~·------- -------------------------. i -• b M~-'l In ddl-need> ol this dty,.wbich hU the Thi! will mark the 19th "'iason of age When he enfl•ted. ';-------------------------.---------------------------. enV\S onoeu Y '-'-41 en. a km en sbottllDe in the qi,unty the play hu been present~ ln 'l'hornPeon enlls~ in the Na· 1 1 n - ---. " VENETIAN BLINDS tion to staging the annual rounty ~ a run-ttrnP man 'MOf!llll'Y: Ramona Bowl by the rest~ of tional Gu.rd back ln Missowi and I'~ fair at the s1te, sports events of To Lester Isbell's quesuOf:t'.t what San J acinto and Hemet. Eadl year was d.iKharged when they reached all kinds could be run off on • a man would do ctuOzir Winter the citizens of these two co un· camp and his age "1'U discovered. WOOD • 8TEIIL • ALUlllNUM year·"roond buts. be said. months the tli-e ·chief s&Id he itles have banded t~e 1 ln He wu1 sent home, but the next The SAAAB ye1terday became ' •-f •·~ t back t d ...... 'hr-. -o...~-~ ... .,.. -.....,.. -._...... -Plw • .,.,,,_••• offlci'ally "Inactive" with only. a would pu 1 t him to work tn -his ut:""" brinctng to life the o "-J wep 01 camp an en- putmen h Ramona and Allesaandro. Over, _600 listed In another regiment. He 81• Clout. Highway Phone Newport Z780-W skeleton mllltary and dvlllan force • residents take part in the pr;icluc-JeTWd overseas with the 35th Qi- • remaining to keep the wheels turn-U he ts ntteaarY, put to tion. three hundred in the cast and vision knd received . the Purple Spring Housecleaning Is All Done - - - The COACH LAMP • Ba.lboa '.s Uniqut Dinne-T Hou..st Will Reopen Saturday, April 6th 504 WMt Central Near Island Avenue tng until complete abandonment by work .. members agreed. ~ voted the baJance on various committee. Heart. ~g both wounded. and the army. The war Department to authoriu one to be hired tern· recelltly named the huge baae, porarlly, a t l~t until the end of tn the production work. ~ gassed. . 1936 he wu honored at which trained over 125,000 army the fiscal year when tht' ne1t r Reheanala Under Way the ~ Barbara I encampment ot ainnen during the war, excess to budget is made up. The depart· Rehearsals are now under way the bled ~can Veterans the needs of any army or AAF ment has only one man to call with the choral group and s h and lved much publicity as Its upon for duty, and has been em-dancers. In the former . , are youn~ veteran. ' command barrassed several times by having over one hundred persons ~tld· Off1cbs of the P91t will be in- Ask State Stop Proposed Building In Park Area no one to send ln a distress call. patlng urlder the dlreclioli of stalled Ja t ceremonies to be held Qt.hen can be obtained ln emer--I Llllian Roberts while Malf'olm Friday !evening ln, the American gendes. the chief admitted, if Knight ls handlll1g the s~nl>h Leiion hall with Put District those emergencies come on week· dance routines. J Comm~er Jame1 Sullivan as ln- endl . 1 stalllnr officer. A""1llary o!ficen · Direction of the play itsel wd will al be lidtallell and the meet- The delicate question as to whether the city building depart- ment can deny permits to bulld on property expected to become a part of lt)e Corona del Mar State Park popped up again a t the city ~ conducted by Victor J~ and ing ls~pen to the public. City Won't Dred' ge his wife, Jean Inness, bo of . Oth officers are senior vice- whom have partldpated lo the oomma der, Helll')'' Robertson; Bay to Lease play for :nany years.. [ Junior !rlce-oommander, Ivie Bel- Executive supervision of 1 the ote; ch8.p1ain, Rodney Willis; of-MOOring Area spectacle will be .Adrian 1-wan ficer ot[the day, Molache: adjutant, ..-.·ho has been associated witt:l the Bob J;a ck s.o n ; quartermaster. council meeting Monday. The cost of dredging was de- Councilman Earl Sta n1e y wanted clared by the city er1gineer a nd to know if the cit y cannot now harbor master as being too great stop lot O\vne rs from building a~ I to justify improving the .cha nnel the state has declared its lnten· at the overhead b ridge for moor- tion to proceed \Vi th acquisition of I ing C'ight boats as asked by the most of this property along the H arvor Invesment company immc- hluffs. on thC' ocean front and t d iatcly \Vest o r their building on Chinese Cove. The city attorney, submerged la nds recently \VOn by ho,\·pver. \Vas dubious. 1 the city follo\ving a condemna tion The s tate can stop building ther e suit instituted by the s tate. over night by getting w-fuurt order 1 Space exists for addition.al moOr - for i ~med iate possl'Ssion apd use. ings over t he submerged tidelands, he said. No letter has e.¥r been it was contl'!nded before the council rc~iv~d fro!'1 the s ta te de'Cloring fat a pr evious meeting. Investigat· their 1nten t1on t.o take the prop-ing the area since then. City En- crty, and although the appraiser g incer J. B. \\'ebb a nd H a rbor for the st ate park commission ask-Master Russell Craig found that ed the city to do something about the channel ..-.·as too shallow·a t the it , the council agreed with Roland west end of the t urning basin. Thompson it is t he dutY or the .The bottom should be dredged, state to make known its inten-they agreed, but the rental sug- tions officially, and then take ac-gested would not make it worth tion to hal t contempla ted buildings while. on sites it may acquire. Upon thl'!ir r eport, the .council Pilgrimage Play and the 11011~, James l Benedict: guard, Small; .: wood Bowl a nd Los Ana:eles pVlc publicitl)r .. Donald Ludi ; county L \ght Opera season for many council t delegates, Gage and La- years. I Per le j\:-. Names of color guards Ramona Bowl lies in t he ~oot-could not be obtained. Otto Dodd hills adjacent to Hemet with spow-is retiring commander . capped Mt. San J acinto formi'\g an 1 impressive backdrop for thej un-Fr 1. Food L k fo\dino o r this dramatic a nd highly oz'Fn oc er colorfu l play. 1 For flalboa Island . I t is thirty-four miles from /Riv-Mr. and J\.1rs . Le..-.ri.s G. W alker. ersidc, a nd ac~sible to any point former ly of Arcadia a nd Blooming- in Southe r n California \Vith'n ~!ton. Ill,. ,,·ill open a frozen foods fc\\._ hours o\'t'r paved high"'aYf· At m a rket 1 Friday at 318 Marine ave-1 t he bo"'l C"ntr ancc there is a qark-nue, Balboa Isl and. ing acre age for thousands of cars. I Mr. fuv.;s '"86 recently dis· .Reservations ar e nO\Y avai~able l chargeQ from the army a fter serv-1 by \vriting to Ramona Bo' l at ice in t}le Pacifi c and the Lewises H emet. have decided to make California their Pfrmanent home. Mrs. EugC'ne Baugh of the. Ca-Lewif' Frozen Foods \viii featur e brillo Beach Yacht club wr: a frozen Jmeats, _poultry, sea _f~s, r ecen t visitor at BYC and was vege~a les, fr uit and ~rozen Juices. the guest of ~lrs. Ira Chandle a nd and I cream sa ndwiches. Mrs. J . L . \Villiams. Timely denl&I care Is now MORE ESSENTIAL than ever before, Don't let lack of ready CMh stand In your way ••• you llftl wei-to ·aVlllJ younelf of nr: Cowen'• Uberal Credit Plan With· out One Peony Additional Cost. AD of your n-. 8IU'y work wiD be completed RIGHT NOW ... pay later In small weekly or monthly 11D1ounllf, oil CO\'i~N ~ -- . ' Dr. Cowen 's prices n!lllaln at the same low level for all branch.,. of dental work. Have neecllld den- 1111 w6rk atteaded to Right Now and Save! No Advance Ap- pointment Re- quired. Come in Any Time at Your Co nvenience. Day or Evening. , Previous nc-tion of a simJlar n a- ture by the city brought threat of a law suit by a Los Angele!' at· torney. decided not to lease the area as Mrs. . G. Metcalf and daughter proposed. HO\\'ever, they author · and left the 'vay open to re«flve Barbar . who live in Alhambra, !zed the a_ pplicants to obtain costs I another proposition based on' pri-are pl~"ng to build a new home on the rona del ~far bluffs. '----------------------------' of dredg ing the same area u20n \·ate dredging costs. if such is de--;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ See U• About Your HOME AND CllURCll WEDDING PICTURES Be SW'fJ. to lnqalre About Copying Old Portral111 --..,, 10 A. M, to 1 P. M. Dally SANTA ANA Two Mesans Hurt In Hit and Run Driving Case figures to be prepared by the ci ty, sired. ..• ALL MARK Easter Cards I · Vernon H . Starnes. 22. Chula Vista, was cited by the highway patrol for hit-and-run and drunk driving, following 1l collision Sa t· day in which two Costa Mesa resi- dent s were injured. For Easter Sonday, April 21st '1 Charles F . Osborne, 32, 2620 Lamps :: Vases :: FlgurinM :: Costume Jewe Newpol't Blvd, was driving north N rt So ' • d G"ft Sh on Newport Blvd., south of Santa Weew'!P~-. uvenlf an "l~ ~-' ~t Ana, when his car was struck by __ ~ ... -"' .,~ ....._.. another nor thbound vehicle alleg-~~~~;~;;~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;~~l~ edly driven by Starnes. The Impact knocked the Osborne car 100 feet into a field, causing serious injuries to Mavis L. Os- borne, 33, and Robert Osborne, 10, both of whom were taken to the Orange county hospital. Starne did not s top a t the scene of the accident, accordin& to patrol of- ficers. ------ To settle a friendly argument a challenge race was he1d by two THE HURLEY BELL 135 OJAST HIGHWAY, O'.JRONA DEL MAR OPEN DAILY AT•P.M. 8unda79 at Z p.. m. .. ;;; -,5' .. :::---------------------!PC skippers March 24, Stan Chris- "llO •t1# ,..,,., nH•nt W#I# JOll •n Tllll nAJ·"'101&1" Clayton Thompson a • • a • • I topher of San Diego Yacht club racing H eber Erickson of BYC. The San Diegan and his wife went home in the belt of splriU; he WU "the winna.b!" WELCOME HOME! Newport Barbor Post 291 AMEJUCAN LEGION ...... • • M'lr D' a ..... .. _ ...... _. ..... , ..... ... .... &.-. bf a .. 7-..8 ~-. GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • • Fnatt Jello • mi-Galore • BoutM ..... • Kltdlea F"8ll • S-leds ud • ~Tarbya • • JIWa A Oysters SHOP AT GILL '5 UllF..tAve. LAGUNA BEACH '"Tile House o! Fine Food.5" For 'Reservations Call Newport 1273 Veterans! Atenttion! Your Ne~ Home Financed on Your Lot 5 -Room ' House 55975 6 -Room House 57000 Colegrove· Heacock aid · Pa1ttt:r ~--'718 , • ,. • • • • ! NEW HOME S_ERVICE 1 < I i 1 F,or the People l of the Harbor Area! Weep No More, My Lady! J e've the Answer I Your Problem . • . WITH practically no help available, you've probably been worrying about Spring Cleaning! Our neat, uniformed workers will be very happy to offer you our services. Whether you want your house renovated while you are living In it, or would like It ready for you to move Into this season, we are the ones to 'help you with your r•em. Call us and let us discuss this with you! WINDOW WASIQNG. I . SCREENS REPAIRED OR NEW ONES rl IF MADE TO ORDER. WALL CLEANING. Jl'URNITURE CLEANING you have a home In the Harbor Area, have your Spring Cleaning done ' for you and save yourself unnecessary wm:rJes! I ~ cleanlilg ;-and window-w~ also done: • ....... OME SUPER SERVICE COMPLETE HOME RENOVATING Calls from 10 L m. to .3 p. m. 1 18 Coast Highway . I I Phone Newport 2574-W Corona del Mar · • • • c L .. . ' • C'acer Drive llonon L-Ocal Woman as Captain ROOFS Al'PID:D oa .... ..,, r.r. btimata 6: h•!:tloa Burt R. Norton IU~--_Ml, M .. PW& nx=t, OaBf, • Before You Build or Remodel ; visit our lnleniotlng oample and display rooms. . . . · Color guidl!ll, plan- ning aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. (!).J. R CANDIDATE FOR CITY COUNCILMAN • • Believes that all the problems . of our · City Government can be solved by COMMON SENSE and COMMON HON~TY; that the taxpayers have a right to know in detail what their money is spent for, and that the official acts of the Council should be governed by the wishes of the people. City Election April 9, .1946 • 1 • " This advertisement contributed by ' Co na del Mar supporters I Vqte f r GILBERT !SEAL ' . For City Council Corona del Mar Needs: 30-mile-per-hour syn- chronized signals; Approval and quick action on state park; Playground faciliti~ and tennis courts; Improved beach park- ing &: clean-up beacll. Election April 9th I Gas Heatl11g & entllatloa CH~RIER & P ·E$TON -tbtc· 1 .. __ • I .......... ............ ---······-·······---•····-·-··········--······~····· um•·rr._.. -.. - Col. Thos. P. Atkinson for City -Co_unci .. A Veteran Army Execudve El,ction Ap 9 The Man Who Gets Things Dome --... cna. .... ... • ... ••"9o--· GEORGE D. BASSETT General Accounting • Fishermen's Bookkeeping Income Tax Service Z602 W. Central A-~ 1805-l, N'-rt 8-lt FLOOR FURNACES Terms if Desired • LOW COST INSTALLATION • NO EXTRA FLOOR CU1.TING • NO FLOODING OUT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Hardware Appliances lSOti Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar IT'S YOUR GLANDS! Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., PhC. 107 H iid 8t.' ~rt B•cb, o.ut. Boan: 8:ll0 m 7:30 Mondolyo ud 'lti~p . STEAKS -- • OUR SPJ!:CIALTY GENUINE HOT • BUTTl:BllllLJl CAKES • Complete I..nneheoa 5lie • Open 1 to 1 -Sunda)>o 8 to 5 Whether it is If you dre saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru -unable to come ~ in duri 11g = o ffi c~ ~CllJI S, our· savings plan I 1tv n y )~ot S3V E t1)1 ''Tl~il? Part o~ All you Ear11 i~ Youn to Savtf Resources f4,906,000 .00 Laguna federal Savings and· L0an Associaff on · 1agm ...... Ollf.. -I'll:. - • ' ! :1 I ' I ( , .. I -• • • • • • • • • i l • i • I I I 5 I I • I • • ' i J· . Prominent -Men of Our a bor District· Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPI'OMETRIS'I' UIS N-rt ~ -c.llf. --ttt Curt H. Bowman The Bohman Company 'hll••-· ZOii ... ,. Ml o.-i IDPlftJ'-Newport llrdt, cam. ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor 1Jll Oou& 111Pwa7-()oroaa dol lllar, Oollf. Newpert llS ttt Jlarold K. Grauel '" CHAPEL 110 • .-...,. Ooota-C.Wonda ttt A. E. Groty -J . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. JMcldaln> aad Maytac Dealer-Plloae UU 1'791 Newport Bmt..-Coda M~ Calif. ttt ·John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Otftoe Phone: 20M SO: Main Str...._Balboa, Calif. F . B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS Phone 21S2·J !102 Ocean Front-:Sewport Beach. Callf. L . H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. I Phone 345 1'79-1 Newport Blvd.~ta Mesa. Callt. t t t HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company 2212 \V. Central-Newport 2600 t ! ! HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp · and Boat Landing Ilda and Coast ID1h"'·a1·-Pbone: Nwpt. lUB t ! ! Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker PhonM: Office S-Res. 1669 %2'>:! W . Oentnl Ave.-N ewpott Beads, Calif. ! t ! COYE. WATTS , Balboa Liquor Store TM I:. Central Ave.. Balboa. Calli. Pb.. UTW .,..._Home of Cordl&llty" -O. B. Brader, Mp'. !£! Louis Verwey , Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge HI Main 8tr...t Balboa-Pb. '79-11 , t ! ! . J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER • Pbone 1!42 lit.It a& OflatraJ-Newport BeaM "On Your W ay to Balboa" ttt Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer 111 Fwnleal Aftllue-Corona del Jl&r, o.ut. Newport 8-ll !9!-W !tt Newport Engineering Associates FREDERIC J . SINGER, Pr<sident -ut-·-~ uu ()out mp ... y-Pll. - !!! Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station UM W. Clemnl-N9W90rt Beacilt .,._. tel ;t ;t ;t Wallace C. Matoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footwl!ar for Al !the Family .. UN N-ri Jlho4.-4Joota II- £££ FRANK A. AND MILDRED W ALSB Costa Mesa Pamt & Hdw. llhenrbt-Wllllum QaaBty Pu.Ill Kehlaator Applle...-._ --W ~ 11-18&1 Newport llhd. ;t t ;t G. N. Wells Real Estate .._ N-ri l'IS lTW N_,..... ~ -Oollf. To Be a Qualified Leader One Mu t -I Have The Feeling Fo Service <:By W. T. JEFFERSON While pKt of the phenomenal growth of the Barbor area lo cine to the natnral condlUom ol mBd d!m•te, rich ...U aad a '-'1Ulul bay, without the le&denbip of publk>4pirlted mea, -.. of ~ would have been enough to draw to the commwaltiM of Costa M- and Newport Beach the popol&Uon wbleb lo growing by le&pB and bomads. To bolld a good baslneM for oneaelf a com-Ddahle thin&; to reoognbe tbe lad that 1e84nblp ~ obllptloas lo better yet, and UU. the boolne9s men have done to marked degree. No dvlc or dub office lji too lr to be shirked; eacb pull! blo shoulder to the wheel "i"1 each glv"I' unsUDUn&ly of blo effort to the program which meam the bette~t ol all. While prmellt renltB show acUon In the put, leaden looking forwvd to the • It lo to civic leaders of the dlotrict the credit belongs for devel- oping line ~ and resideDU&I dlotrlcta, providing good schools, uslstlng church... civic clulJe Uld ...mce orpabatlons Uld first aad foremost, developing the harbor llllell M tbe ~ factor· In both bust-and pleunre for resldenla. lutnre when combined acti<fn from all tlons of the dls1rict will guide the new growth lnto-U-1 toward the de~ .~· •. r .. •-. ' ... ~, . . ~ ;:. . . .. .. J AUTO DEALER Theodore Robins ~~ ~ •• • • • •• ' ' 1 I of a commwalty wbleb may1weD bear t ...._".Jewel City of tbe W...t''. CMC . . . ,~ . ' t .-. • ¥ ! . ' .. ... '?', • Forrest B. I • Theodore Robins, aut-Omobile dealer, was bom in Seattle, but arrived in Long Beach at the age of two and a half years. He was a member of the Air Foree in \Vorid War I and contin.ued flying for the fire patrol in Northern California. He established the wo_rld speed record in 1920. Forest B. Owen was bol'n in Ohio n the Fourth of July and during bis early yesn. was farmer, woqlen mills worker and pnbllc stenographer. Then he went into railr~ work and sen·ed as trav- eling freight and passenger agent and J hlef clerk lor Middle West.- em railroads for 20 years. I · A member oi the Fraterpal Order J Eagles, he was state presi- dent and became Grand ~ rep ntatlve for Califoml&. He came t-0 Costa Mesa in 1934 ~d is one of the boosters for the Har- bor area. He is secretary! of the COfta M~ Chamber of Com- merce, president of the board of FUrv!"w Farms Water Co~ secr&- lary of the Costa Mesa Sanitary dis t and a member of m08t of the loeal service clubs. Going into busine58 for bimseU, be took the loeal fllrd agency in 19%3 and bas been identified \\ith the growth of the city ever since. He was first president of the Newport-Balboa Federal Sav: ings and Loan Assn. and was a member of the first board of trus- t..... of the high school. He bas been prominent In all dvlc club. aad is a leader In Boy Scout work. His bobby Is gardening and bortlcultnre. ' Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. UGI Clout BIPW&J'--Oo"""' dol 11ar none N ewporl ioa £!£ Howard J. Gerrish IUSTFOKD FIBE IN8UBANCE 00. l'llotlelll 1'911 Newport B~ta -Oollf. t!t DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market -0..tnlA.........._IOI ;t ! t Balboa Market and Delicatessen ANITA SEXTON Prop. HI &. 0..tni-n. UH t ;t 4; Paul Lorentr.en Balboa Sportfishing Fleet . .._ Al--lleJlloa Pa- DAMIA LOPTION, Manager Orkfils Department Store · Ree.dy-to-wear, Beach Togs, Piece Goods Infants' Wear-Household Ware ....... w._1a u.. -.. or eoota 11- ttt Bob Allen . COUNCILMAN Prop. . BAUIOA ~ V.almT llTOU t ;t ! JOSEPM L. MARSHALL ....,...,.., ...... . Christian's Hut ... , .. £££ Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE ftwlHI nta.•~inpway SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. t t ;t .I'-A. .I'-& Siegel & Raub ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS UMN_,..t __ ---.I'~ II- SPORTLAND-BOWUNG~PAVIUON "' .............. ~.-. ...... ~. ,......,, -. olney tiay boa Motel Ill ltM& O..tnl Bal-o.llf. 1%8 - t t ;t • _ enL.Finch Gen Mer . ch ~amics t ;t ;t Robert L. -Rec:onlinil Enatneer Gay Music Co. ;t ;t t ore Robins D DEALER ...... 11 ''" o..tnl t ! ;t . LEFEVRE I "Fre 'e's" ~~e & licateaaen I in -ta...--.... ~ . Telepho e- 2402 AL ANDERSON Fun 1.one · ---. ! ;t ! . Bob Callis Dllb1bator cmNmlAL PETlt (FLYING BOBBPOWSa) mlftllsL-N_,.__m ' t ;t ! ~OBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage . ......... . 01 ...._ Bt.-Newport Bm=Jt, Odf. £!! Capt. B. ] . McN~lly lloNoll7'• Balboa Boat Liveey 'NI E. ...,. A."' ftnne tN ! t ;t Dr. Conrad Richter f:Jo*ll-......... ~111 81lltencie 16-J · t t ;t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA c.w. !£! Geo. Weiss L. Elaine Welu Coast Properties Co. Real ton 108 II:. Ce!>&ral-Balboa ll'llOM 181 £!! W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe Zl.lt Plao&-Newport Fritz Goossens -Gus V ander I Jnde Balboa Market ll'llolle Newport M--3-01 -BL !!£ Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods . Phone !OM-W 1.IOl eou& mpway-N-...rt Beecb, Oollf. !£! ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob, StaUoaory, <Ja..S.. Art Supplleo -llaln SL-Balbo.,_Pb. Newport I'll !£! Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelers and Watchmakers 118 Tw<uty--....i Stnie& N-...rt BMcb, C.W . ;t ! ! William MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calldns MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHITECTS M. E. N!edecker, Sec. & Trees. Ulll OoMt llwJ'.-Nowport BdL·-ll'll. N ..... 1- £ t t Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER --to Brobr-Yoclo& ODd 8lllp B-811 eo..t lllch-~-Plloae see tt! C.F.Dennison AHodaWwlU. A. "BANDY" sTEl'.NEa -- -Oou& JllPwaJ'--14'11 t t ;t MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmaey llNo-nn.t ..-1 ;t ;t t ANTON HERSHEY M;\:tS;ot ..-1000 Bol-- t t ;t Donald J. Hannon BALBOA HORSE RACES wt., W-. W• 11a1n. l!IRee& llaD 1 a ttt Dennis Hogland PL YMO(,.JTH ...... UI Ooota "!r" lTM N-" .... ;t t . ;t ARTHUR SlLVER New Blue Room (Wes Electric GrlDI M'l'8, DRINKS AND 8011.&NOll - ~ .. "· o.ter, ••••• . £££ . Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN -1Ml7. 11ll c.s.t .... ., ......... • •, aim. • -~ ~ • ! • • ~ ! • • • ~ ! ! ~ • I • I i • • ~ • • -• • • • • • • • ~ • • -• 1 ' I I I . I ·I ' ( ) • r • ' ; """l!..!lll!el!!l!!!!...~~~~~~~~~~~....:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..JN~&!W!!Hl&!!!!glLl&!•!•~ao,,gA!. . ~1~llir!j!l!!!.!!!!!!li.J!!!!!!!!!llL..J!!!!!!!lr.Aili!!-J..Jl!!!~t-~~~~~~~~~~~~.:....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....,.~- Puauc N..,a PU11L1C Nono PuaLic Nona Ciom. Swonlf•rmen Ask CO-Op State C. C. Selects Resirese1lall:AI NOTIOIJ op s.ui: op az.u. described u fono-. to-wit: NOTICE oP SALE oP uu. Here to Market 1Cateh from San ·l>i · · · 1· Joff t1u To Dlsc•ss F1sll amcl Gall!ltt Beacll PBOPEBTYN!_'l'1=.ws SAL& ~1t ~~.8:c1'-733ma~ = =.EBTY AT nivAn: To Santa Barbara; Local Men Elect;H 5 Beam Park, Small Harbor Develap-.e•t In the Suporior Court · of the reconled In Book 3, Paces il No. P~. Pasadena Dept. A-To 1t1mulate and imWow the c:cmmlttee and l'<ll<....,";"ru.m .., •o."" F'DNMo.. ~ted statewide 6111 State of California In and for the and 42 of Misc. Mapa, Recon1s ---diltrlbution of freah filh ~...,.. bomO porta -... John F . Ziolutt, County of Loi Angeles. of Orange County. and locate<I In the Superior Court of. the State ally, the Commercial Swordflsber-V. F . Greg and L. E. Bra4Y ol · N;Q'J' lllA!l~T came ~. • statewide pro-Sandwich Shop Patid • E~ M~~'. ~com°";:::.,~ ~;. ~ Cuh 1n Jaw-~~;1~ ~e~ for tho ~~•>'•b~":/.':' ~~0 = ~ D~ ~~=1i."t and otli°!. ~ = !:"oixr'.:1 ~ ""':! h~..!; To Serve. Island Notice ts hereby 1Pven that the f\tl money of the United States on Fishermen'• Cooperative Associ-Arthur ToUow and John Seri-.. squads . In the .Southland Coast. the state park and beach Trade This Summer undersigned CHAS. L. OVER-confirmation of aale, or part cash In the Matter of the Bltate of ation u the best one tendered for of San Pedro. and U. F. st:fwm whett our appetite ~derably develo(:mertt rrocram. federal and . SHINER. as Guanlian, will oeU at and balance evidenced by note ae-Press Lucas, Deceued. the .. uon for th<;. marketing ol and Alexander Metaon or Santa tluri6g -~! ftewflndweeka'-<lowh t thwe st 1 1 t . 'ti "'·-· d A aandwich &bop with a pratlo private sale, to the highest bidder, cured by mortgaa:e or Trust Deed their catch. The ac'\lon wu take n BarbarL scou 1UVUUU 0 · a e 8 e ores acquw on .......,_ an for summertime aervina ll-plaDned upon the terms and conditions 00 the property IO sold Ten per Notl~ is hU:bY given that the at the annual spring meeting of local · ne can otter in the way_ ot. federal payments to counties in I and ~ oonatnlctlon by Robert hereinafter mentioned and subject cent of amount bid .to be deposjted undersigned will sell at irtvatP the group at the Fishermen's Co-10th Anni horse 1 enterWnment during lieu of · taxes for acreage taken IF AD,n, formerly of Berkeley o. Court. on or after the 10th day of Bids or offers to be in writing der, sdbject to confirmation of Mid 24 Of H OO Ope wasn t encour&g1ng. the . f t d to the newly~ Cottage :00. to eonCurnation by said Superilt" with bid sale to the highest and best bid· operatiYe headquarters On March ve~ the 3f season. '!h-1 we found over by the Forest Service \\'ill be Martne ~venue Balboa~~ April, 1946, at 922 CIVIC CEN· and will be received at the afore-Superior Court, on or after th,. Thia marks a departure from the 8r f nmg Har High a school which ~. topics or ~ udy an 1 nut and Waffle shop. 1_ TER aux;., 205 SOUTit BROAD-said office at any time after the 10th day of April, 1946, at the of· policy a·dhered to by the sword· To Be Celebra'--f.I turns t crackerjack football, discussion by the statewide natural Allen, recently ttationed at WA.Y, City of Los Angeles., County first publication hereof and before fices of Riccardi, Webster&. Dona· fishlng group for the ·past five lietl. basket ·and trac~ outfits for resources committee of th~ State Santa Ana while servinc: in U. pt'Las Angeles, State of California, date of sale. hu~ •. attorneys, 311 First Trust years in soliciting bids on a fixed ~~ i§~ deep 0 ln ~ throes of Chamber of Commerce m San Army Air Force, ii hldldin&: him all the right, title and interest of DATED: l\farch 19, 1946. Bwlding, Pasadena 1. California. price basis from private concerns The events committee of the base pathy' a c\isease com-Francisco the afternoon of Th~· businea 00 the lot. leased from said Incompetent at the time of CHAS L. OVERSHINER, all the right, title and interest of only whO we~ in 8 P<l!'Sition to chamber of commerce ii about to mon many schools ~ the cotm· day, April 4. _Peter Cook jr., Rio Jack Hamon, at a cost of approxi· incompetency and all the right, u Guardian, said deceased at the time of his handle the business. The'.-original start work on a suitable aJ'fair to try. H , which boast.a of many Vi9ta, statewi.de chairman today mately $6000. Allen plans to opea title and interest that the estate MUtual 9211, Station 2557 death, and all the right. title and object of this method was to elim· commemorate the Tenth Anniver. champfo~ps on the gridiron, on reported attendance will represent ln approximately one month. of said Incompetent has acquired interest that the estate of "'8.id de-inate irTegular buying practices aary of the Re-operting of Ne,vport the h and on the cinder· all parts of the state. . . by operation of law or otherwise, HAROLD W. KENNEDY, ceased has acquired. by opentiora on the old open market basis which Harbor. W. J. Cole ls chairman, path, not been rici'\)y endowed Members o~ ~e State ~h and other than or in addition to that of CoUJlty Counsel, and of law or otherwise, other tho resulted in severe losses to the and the date of May 25, 10 'years with amp baseball nines in put Game ~SSlon ~d fish and said Incompetent at the time of EARL O. LIPPOLD, or in addition to that of said de-fishermen. · after completion of the federal game division executives have been Sarita Fe Adds incompetency, in and to all that Deptity. ceued at the time of death, in and improvement program will un--are. many legitlmat~ ex-invited to discuss the commission's certain real property particularly HALL OF RECORDS, to a11 that certain real property The new setup is designed to doubtedly see a yacht race in· or little. baseball interest present fish and game program, in· New High Speed , Trains on Chicago Run LOS ANGELES. situate in the County of Orange, make available to all firms inter-eluded. cipation at the local High eluding establishment of public Attorneys for Guardian. State of California, particularly ested. an opportunity to purchase On the program is the finish ot ·n reason being that, be-shooting grounds. Additional train service berwee. l!lllW LINE Craft Greeting Cards Slztlooery CR.-12676. described as follows : supplies of this seafood on an a race from San Pedro to thf bar· cause f the limited size of the Steps to create legislation to Chicago and California and Chl· Pub. Mch. 26, 28, Apr. 2, 4, 9, 1946 Lot 19 Block 11 of tract 234, equitable basis. bor, the regatta to end in front studen body and its number of ~tablish It state sea~t engineer-cago IJ.nd ·North and South Tebl Brookings V arietv .. 0.-. ... e--..... No one who has suffered an ac· cident ever expected to have it wh('n he did. Constant carefulness is the price of safety. Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales • -- St-ore window and showcase displays are at their attractive best under the dayUght glow of fluorescent lighting, the modem way of showing what l'Ou ba\•e t,o sell to the best ad- vantage. There are no shadows to dlst,ort the pictme you wish t,o present t,o the cmt-omer. Colon appear In their e:ucl shades. in the City of Newport Beach, l!:ttecta of Change or the Newport Harbor Yacht club, athlet , doubling up of boys on ing board, to synchroruze activities points \fa8 &nnounced today by tb6 County of Orange, State of The effects of this change in it is understood. The same club differe · t teams is necessary, with of all feder8;1 and state agencies Santa Fe. 'When equipment now California. as per map record· policy will be closely studied by has its season opening on that day, the· r It that when a track meet concerned with be~ch Pf'?tectlon on order ts delivered this fall," ed in Book 13. pages 36 and the sword.fishing group -during the and an all-inclu.sive program will is sch uled, no baseball game or and. management \}'ill be discussed Fred c. Gurley, the road's prea1 • 37 of Miscellaneous M~ps. coming summer as the manner in undoubtedly be arranged. practi can be skedded. Weather by Col. ~arles T. Leeds. who w~ dent revealed today, "the lUXlJrJI records of said County which it Is accepted by the \\'hole-perm.it ing, three days of practice a leader in the State Chamber 5 streamliner, the Super Chief, and and '• sale fish trade 'generally, will Wildcat Well Drilling is all · at can be expected out of ~g ~dy of stale l)eacll pcllcies. our de luxe transcontinental chair Lot 20 Block 11 of Tract 234, largely determine the future po1-thew· k by a hard-\\•orking coach. bee h n~tehint~ co~ttee .:'car train, El Capitan, both oper. in the City of Ne"·port Beach. icies of the association, whose In West Mesa Has ail shares little of the H acRa an Js :~ ~pro ~· Wl I ating on a J9..hour and 45-minute County of Orange, State of membership is compr ised of the Oil Men Interested -· sports allocation from the school h . Y .u t • ~n~ t z, 88 schedule, and pulled by high speed California. as per map record-major portion of "1dependent boats funds, probably necessarily so, c airman, ts 0 par CJpa e. diesel IOC'Olllotives, will be operated ed in Book 13. pages 36 and in the Southern California sword-Oil interests ...... reported to ....,. with e result that the varsity The proposed state park and daily between Chicago and Los An· 37 of ~'liscellaneous Maf\4. fi sh Oeet which includes boats ......,.. ~ I beach development program and l ,, n --rds of sai·d Cou-ty. closely watching development wo"rk is Pa ·. g in some nondescript the State Park Commission-re-gees. ~v _., from Santa Barbara. San Pedro. cti un·f ch ed Terms of sale are cash in law· of Maooil Co. on the hogback -at pra ~ 1 orrns pur as sev-cently provided with $15,000,000' -------- Newport 8"ach and San 'Diego. Costa Mesa, just above the field eral y an ago. This fact isn't so f tat . ti t be C S ll, N t Re t !ul money of the United States on In the election or officers for the impor nt, but it does help 8 rom s e approprta ons, o an e 0 n confirmation of sale, or part caab com ing yea r . Wallace Yeargen , at \Vest Newport. where several squad' morale to look as snappy matched ~y ~n equl!1. amount of M t S te and balance evidenced by a note chairman and J ohn Norek, treas-unsuccessful wildcats have ~ th i . h local fundS-m acqu1rmg and de-0 Or COO rS •-•red by a trust deed on the drilled in recent years. as e ppos tlon. even though t ey veloping parks and beaches will P;~~rty so sold. Ten percent ol ~ee:e ~~~edr~~o~."~~o~le:~ McKee interests have leased do tak a beatfng. The local grass· be outlined by mem~rs. of t~e amount bid to be deposited with their 11.acre parcel at Whitti~r less amond isn't much help, Park and Beach Comm1ss1on. This b'td. and Lloyd Munson respectively. and 18th streets, Costa Mesa to either\ or morale or for game con-additional source of revenue will Elected to serve on the executive ditio Bids or offers to be in writ.inc \.Valt Elliott who drilled the first allow expansion of the state's park and will be received at the afoN-major producer in the Wes~ New-The best thing on the local and beach program to more than said office at any time after the PUBLIC NOTICE port field several years ago., scene, in fact, is the coaching. twice its present·scope. - first publication hereof and before Wend l Pickens, late returnee date or sale. New Insulated Bag from e Navy's muscle-building Dated: March 25th. 1946. firm is composed of the following progra . is vitally interested in I GERTRUDE PAULINE WATSON persons. whose names and ad-Keeps Frozen Food baseba 1 and in turning out a dresses arc as follows. to \\'it: cred't•'-1 tr·t H kn th Adminlslr&trlx or the esta t• Frozen One Hour I ' e OU I . e ows e , ot said decedent. John Ayling, 21 17 N. Marengo, game and -is impartin g his knowl- Al tadc na. Calif.; C.R. Rustenba.ch, edge tf h1·s student asp'•ants wi·th R iccard i. \Vcbster & Donahue, -"' I Attorn·,~ for saia administrP 1631 Allegro Square. San Gabriel. Increased use of frozen food each uccessive practice session I ~· '2 Calif.; Donald V. Muncy, 1833Y.r produ~ts throughout t he country is wi·th t• esult that his proteges ~-. 311· First Trust Bldg ,.e r ......... S. Atlantic, Alhambra. Calif. creating a corresponding increase ar · p oVUl' ~ck s I• Iooki g Pasadena. Calif. , e 1"1 r g. r4 en n WITNESS our ha nd this 25th in the development of innovations to the ,f uture in building this sea- Pub. Mch. 26, 28; Apr. 2. 4, 9, 1946. Signed: try. according to a statement by too gr _atly on any winner for this JOHN AYLING C. E. Heifsteck. secretary of the year, i giving important 'practice- NOTJCE TO BIDDERS C. R. R USTENBACH Frozen Food ~Cwncil of Southern under· ·re' to his bunch of frosh, Pays Maximum Fine For Doing 70 M.P.H. Dashing through Coast Hiway traffic at speeds ranging from 70 to 80 miles per hour recently, cost Lyle C. Blystone, 511 E . 3rd Street. Santa Ana, the maximum fine for speeding, $50, levied when he appeared in justice court March 22. Retail sales of motor scoot , bicycles and other such vehicles in the city are all right, but rental of flowered propelled vehicles of this na ture are forbidden by ordin- ance, it was stated by the city at· torney \Vhen application was made for an agency at 708 E. Ocean Front Monday afternoon. Wlrite House Cafe l'b:se S1.8! ,,.,... ... , .. _ CR 12620. day of ~'larch, 1946. in the general refrigeration indUf· son's sf1 uad and while not banking DONALD V. MUNCY California. sopr a d junior stickers. · 'The Board of Trustees ot New· STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. A special insulated bag, guaran· We 1Jlink that his zeal should be I port Harbor Union High School COUNTY OF O RANGE ) teed to keep frozen foods frozen "'""' . ti Telephone 1347-J district request bids on one or two ON·nns 25th day of March [ ror one hour and built to bold rewarr:-with 8 lit e more en- nc"' school bUSS('S to carry forty-94 f N h dard k will thusia!FD on the part of school for A. D., 1 6, be ore me, ora elg t stan pac ages, soon authorUes and interest from the We are now able to provide Ouorescent Ught-three high school pupils or more. S. Marg\varth, a Notary Pub-·be available in local markets, Reif-student body. Inf to meet J'Ottr special needs, from the small· Must conform to California lie in end for said County and steck explained, and will assure Som new uniforms and a sodded FIVE--DA Y SERVICE es installation to the largest. School Bus regulations. Full speci· State, r ('siding iherein duly proper temperature while foods are playin field, to be incorporated I fication must be submitted with commissioned and swprn, per-en route from market to l\trs. in th school expansion plans, OD Calls for estimates answered without delay. bid. Bids will be opened April 8, sonal1y appeared John Ayling, Housewife's own refrigerator. might elp. Regular service maintained. 1946 a-t 4 :00 p.m. in th e board room C. R . Rustenbach. Donald V. Many manufacturers of me. Cleaning and Laundry of the Hi&:h School. Muncy, knO\\'Jl to me to be the chanica1 refrigerators are now in- ETS HOKIN & GALVAN The Board reserves the right to persons whos" rlamt's are sub. corporat.ing a special freezing com- . rejl'Ct any and all bids. scribed to the within Instru· partment in their units, he said, • I _ A.H. FITZPATRlCK. ment, and acknowledged to me to accommodate larger quantities Clerk. that they executed the same. of frozen foods. 1 Pub:-Mch. 26. Apr. 2. 1946. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I I have hereunto set my hand ..igo 000 000 Pound SINCE I 9 % O CERTIFlCATE OF BUSINESS and affixed my official seal ~ ' t FlCTlTIOUS Fl.RM NAME the day and year in this certi-Fish Pack Includes 1000 Coast Hlway Phone Newport 1384 THE UNDERSIGNED do here-ficate first above written. Local Product Aleo ta San Franc1900-W1.tmJ.nctoa·Stocktoa·8an Dlf!ll'O·Oakland by certify tha t they are conduct· <SEAL) for ELECTRICIANS ing a Machine Shop business at NORA S. MARGWARTH Foot of 31st Street. City of New· Notary Public in and for C-0-Two Fire Eqalpment -port Beach. County of Orange, said County and State. FACTORY, PLANT, STORE, OFFICE, FAB.'11. BOID: State of California. under the fie· My Commission Expires titious firm name or Ram Engi· Jan. 29. 1950. neering Compafty and that said Pub: Mch. 26, Apr. 2, 9, 16, 1946. Y OU 'R CAR WITH GENUINE PRE-WAR PAINT! But first come in and take a look at our fine Bake oven .. then you'll see why our jobs are tops! One-Day Service --Credit If Desired ALL WORK GUARANTEED HARRISON PONTIAC CO.: •• Cornrr Second aad Sy.._..., Phone 60S6 • .. . , •• I For the second successive year, Long Beach-Los Angeles Harbor fish canneries outstripped all other Aliherican canneries in weight of fish receiv&d. according to ttle Fish and Wild Life service in Washing~ ton! The port's total for 19'45 was 480,000,000 pounds of fish, mostly sardines and tuna. Two other California ports fol- lowed in t he standings, according to the service, which listed-Mon- ter ey _ f!1d San Francisco second and tt/1rd. The Newport Harbor total is included with that ot San Pedro. Boat .Owner5 ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. ' Phone 207 SANTA ANA Beer Wines Llquers Whiskey ~{~W:gp~ . I @~l~~ 0 • Boots and . l<o~· K.-eJ Palm anrl U· ~-B·1lholi Phon• ~I • I Fat er and Son Ad itted Recently To 'rgion Post CORONA DEL MAR CLEANE~ 1087 Coast Highway • Pick-Up and Delivery Carl Philhart, Manager Fa!:f.~ r and son \\'ere taken into the N '])Ort Harbor Post 291 of the erican Legion at their last 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; meetink. 1.. L . Loveland, assistant field ~ector of the Red Cross at the Fianta Ana Army Air base and fo er commander of two dif· ferent ts was transferred from Lagun J3each, and h is son, E . H. Lovel d, who hu re-enlisted after nsive tour of duty, was as a new member. Let Us ••• Repair Your -Electric Appliances We Specialize In Ider Loveland saw service wij.h t field .artillery during the fint j r ld War, and the younger m~ is eturning to serve with the engm s. Driv Caretully-Spare a Lite. Harbor 2602 West Central in Trouble Shooting ltadlos • Appl(ana. SALES AND SERVICE Radio & Electric 1 lfbelr Stands on His Record 'Re-elect I , L. L. ISBELL for ~e City ~11ncil Your Community Needs a Capable, Independent and Cour- ageous Man to Watch and Safeguard the City's Business l He is chairman of the important Finanee Committee, ex-officio member of the City Planning Commission, a hard-headed business man, ~anaging head of the Newport Builders Supply, a cit~n of Newport Beach for 15 years and a man whose councilmanic actions show , .. he represents the en~ire city. (A VOTE FOR ISBEIJ. IS A VOTE FOR PROG~ 'Election · April 9 _ <nM..M"''*"'''"' -•• IJ id • IM ....... .C 4leod Oouw 11) • • ' l I ( ' I I I• .. [';' I ' -" . -- • ' ~:::~l :--"i:::~::~~~~~~~~==~;;;;~~::;;~~~::;~·~·; ...... ~~~~~~~sl~~..2!!!~~~~~~~;~·~~·~~~"ri:..,~·~·~~~-;;;~~-~~·;-~~~-~:;;:===-====::;:~:;::~~-~=::!:·:!: .... ~, Jnm;8se, Improve ril&HfillA& J'O& u.u: •~ IP'Oll u.u: •J ::;:.::::_:;=;0ir.: ~":: ::1:.. whl~ 11n1C1AL 7'e>m101••cN1a • i~·~·~·:.· ~-~~·~-!...----~·~,~-~·~·:·!•~·~·~·~·'.._ ____ ~•!! ~utisctstUOutput, CLEAN-UP SPECIALS!_ ~ar~~~~~ =·~.,r·11527':s.~~ I TEl.BPHONE • J.M. MILLER ~le~ rges WE NEED THE ROOM. HUNDREDS OF ITEMS school between 8 and 2. 25-4tc FOR suE 2 sinal• 1ron bedsi 0' ERATING -Reel Estate Broker TO BE SACRIFICED! w ANTED-Someone to come c1a11y 1 matt...a, -trunk. 1~ • 15th and Central ~ fte PaUrDl'ler) .>.. and cook ., ___ 1-f·-"y ot 4 Bay Ialand. 211>-~ p A YS During the lut few weeks, this -H u.u.v.-._ aw.u aJW>try has heard pn>pOUDded a Good used doors --plumbing fixtures -• Han!wa.re Call N.B. TTJ,.W. 26-2tc POR 841.E-G-E autom&tlc Hot GO D W AGF.S lot ot Ideas about jollo and wqes. • • gasoline pump • • cabinets -• show dlSes • • dis-HELP WANTED-Male. F<male. Point do-dry.,.. Exd. cond. Moet of the more fand!ul ones play tables • • and many more Items space does not Local or travelln& in.,. ....... !or Phone 28l..J. 26-3tc: No expteuce necessary came from yoongsten in unlortlom pennlt tO mention. younell. No money recilllryd FOR SALE-Table top 1u r..._ -men ...-experience wu gain-d Good tncorno. You are Y<l'lr """ 1 -te. -· ......,. Uled: 1 Co\\-Earn hile you learn ed through an era when industry No Reasonable Offer Refuse -A.pplf H. Van Deren. 508~ -eaamel. i.405 West Boy A~. wu ClOCJl)enlt1n1 with government Buy Now! N. Main st., Santa Ana. 2619b: · 211>-2tj> There are man~other to OVtteame the effecb of a world-d •, to • wide t1opr ... 1on or wu working * HELP WAlfl'ED -WCIDUI 'or FOR ULE--RoyaJ vacuum: Radl· a van ,.ges mg a tor It. turning out munitions. -....ic. 111Da11 -· two ant --ter. ana11 electric . telepl on~ employee. 'l'bouCb tbele youngsters worked H A R B 0 R F U R N I T U R E adult.a. Private -room. OU~ hu.ter, pre-war electric broiler ,. tholr publicity rnachlnes overtime en~. Not ....,.ip wwlt ,for 219 QraJ Ave. Balboa Idan4 in projecting their thoo&hta. their Fonnerly Trlc:key's Secondhand Store a11 11q. uw 1n, but -bave , :..1tc m«e rullstic elden dlsregarded 1962 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa oome me baun. Call Newport 100 E. Bay A~ Balboa 5H~ N. Main St:, Santa Ana them ..... -... when they sat down 25-ltc 891..J. 25-t!c PRIVATE lndMduaJ oeJHnc -~.., . -. plete -ot flln>!ture, ti> -otlate wqe ral>es on a bula GOOD PU!IITION for the ~t 1'168 Nowpcxt mw., Cmt. J1aL or that could male• jobs a1aln. In the -= www UlllAll'I I 01llD& t•' penon. Four in family, all adulta. Handled tlJrGUlh Heme AllP!I· Aalc '* ._,ator for the General Moton conferences. for 1~ da10 off per ....._ -once. Phone m r 25-2\c q.1ef Ops9tor . BAY FRONT Near .Balboa In Finest Section $15,000 LOT We Have for Sale One ol the most beeutiful homes in the Hamor Area facing Oil the South Bay Front of Balboa. Islend. No Phone Information I • J . Full Price $65,000 example,negotiatonaklpper tbe FIE . YACHTS waoblncm.clllne.Per1eael · .• l PhoneYoUrListingsln "ablllty-to-j,ay'• and the "look-at· R wuhlns and lrcnlas -at FOR SALE -Dawnport, !Ire So~m California and ~n the &ook" proposall, while in 1teel AU TO M OB ILE C O M p E N S A TIO N i-. Private room with bath, ...,,_,_ aboVe1 -poker, -tal -,..., give them f!lleey cww!drn.tkln parleyo pr1ce a11 the wh!le .,. .. a radio. u... 1n. $120 -month. wood buket. n-1amp, O<:<*. Tele one Compaiiy · J M M I L L E n-... .,.,.,.,.,.,,itant o! a WA&• ralae. -t Cl''"--llJ man• table, owntuffed chair, ltud[I<> I · · n. ' or. LudWlg von Mlln stated • ' ' S T U ' ' D U N L A P and anance for interview. 111lr!te COllCh. -chair and °""¥' . -1&-tfc t.11111 -o..tr.i • Nw'"*t -·• ! ...._ ua =-., ~~i;"' o1 be~':ti~ I n s u r a n c e 11oa: "R". N ... 'I'lma 2Utc =.:"".::. ~ "';!.'·::=-No Delay "On Yoor yray to Balboa" 26-ltc and Soda1 ~ 101111t montha MU~ .. _..._ De a 1305 Cout JDchwaY, ODrcm& de1 I -' · ...,, 7 O 3 E. C en t r a I Ph one N um be r CASH FOR USED FURNm1RE. Mar. Ph: l'IW. :IS-2tc RMf!nloh ,_,.,.. ldt<Ml .--H U B P 0 W E R S, AG E N T He aald: "fhe only me&nS to PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. llO&ft. _.._ . • ~-tile board. I IJICl'ftM a nation'• wel!att II to B a I b o a 8 8 3 :O.tfc FOR SALE--Moortnp !occ 35-fciot • Waldron IJICl'ftM and to Improve the output FOR ~ALE _ Ol!lcer'• unl!ormo. boat ott Lido. Lara• ,,... cam, 234W. Mtc We have lllf!lleral attractive Balboa Island h<lmes that llhould o! prod\lctl. The only me.:n+ to Same never wom. Phone N. B. $UO Phone 189,L :IS-2tc ·• please you and they are priced to sell DOW, beglnnq It ~ i:.a;.tecto:= i:~ atlmfW 01JIDS ie ci.un oP THANKS 11 784. 26-3~ ALL ~LASTic u.rt. no.lb. TOP-BUY~our Home or $10,000. Good~ unit listing at sif.ooo. and ra11e the pro1uct1vt1y of 1ahcr b7 p A I N T I N G • ci.un OP THANll8 FOR SALE -rueyc1e, s1rra. baJ. <>-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. or B~ess From Us. othenl.. capital invested and !mprovlng the Harbor Atta !or thelt many expreulona o! 43:>-R. 26-2tc ell ooon _ cllnghln aallboata ce Brokeraae A most attractive Island comer dwelling. 2 bedrooms with lncrftlln1 the per head quota of 12 Yean Service in Newport We wish to thank all our rrtends loon tires, Schwinn. Pb: N. II. Immediate delivery. Other mod· * methods of production" H~Hall sorrow and the pro!ualon o! nor-runabouts, -·•·-n -'-• ~~ B A N guest room and apartment over 2-car garage. · . al orfertngs durln& aervtcea for FOR SALE -Boy's aood bicycle. ~--•-Pluutl~. wa•~';"'t Co • • ereson Experienced union leaden know PAINTING NTRAC1'0R $15 ~-r bl d -2 ••ub! ~~ c =u-Bl ta M $26,500 Miies la right Phlli M ..._ our late daughlB and slater, : &~ • ey •. -: ~ • 703 E ·Ce tral Balboa 'Ph 683.. 1972 N vd .. Ceo -von · P UIT&Y Phone Newport 0,,1-W Erma, who passed away Mar. 23. beds complete. Large fire screen. · n • · 2&-il~ · 24-Tu-2tc §--- the tame I ea when they wrote a.au""aa-.--G E N T and Monisd L Cooke expressed Z74 E. 19th Street 24-tfc Mr. and Mrs. Vernon On-Phone 1691. 26-2tc • ·9~ OPPO~ .a H U B p 0 W E R S A their book. "Organized Labor and PRIVATE Plano •and Violin La-and Family. 26-ltc RUG ... UPHOLSTERY Cleaning. Marine RadiQ8 ' Production," bafk ln 1940. They sons by Miu Imelda Anton. TllANBPOBTA!l'ION l• Rugs aized, ahampood. deaned. Avallable Immediate delivery,_.. STt!DY A HOME-Real Estate J. A . BPheonee k620-Wf f 1· c e declared the .go81 .. mus_t be "opU-Phone 1232-W. 24-4tp SANTA ANA Overs~fed furniture cleaned. plete ranee of ai:&el:. Your In-Ucense. Quick results. Guaran· · • mum productivity, whlch they de-FOR A RELIABLE Pain Job A t Tr ) S • 3 day pick-up and delivery. 1pectlon welcomed. ffiGGINS tee. 208 •• ty Bid.. Puadena Ferry Landing Balboa. Island fined as "the hlghest possible bal· h call N 1 t 1;; U 0 ave ervJCe 35 years of saU.!ied customen. PLEASURE CRAFT, 810 Cout 20-t!c anced output that management ~~ 4 ~30 e, ewpor lQ..ttc Private cars to all cities in , ORANGE COUNTY · JDghway. Ph: 1104.. 9-tfc ----------------------- and labor skills can produce. er · p.m. U.S. A. dally. ' TENT & AWNING CO. l'OB a EVA F. RHODE)l' FOR SALE-Lot on Magnolia. See equitably shared and consistent c EM ENT CONTRAcroRS-LICENSED -INSURED 614 W . 4th St., Sant&. Ana. ~~~N: F TE.a~llb ,FOR REN r-Store bui1d.1ng 20x60, -owner at 224 Magnolia, Costa wtth a r ational conservation of Driveways, walks, foundations, Ph. Santa Ana 6548 Phone Mr: Benedict, 1569 Santa OO• fb:~ myste~ an~~~ 150 feel' off Newport Blvd. on Newport Mesa Mesa. Phone 278. ~2tc human and physical resources." curbs, etc. M. L. Absher, 2053 312 French St., Santa Ana Ana. 22-tfc now available. ET8 BOKIN A Rochest St., Costa Mesa. Call 4-Room house on large lot; 2 nns. There's just no getting away Maple, Santa Ana or Ray Hamp-2l-tfc FOR SALE-Cash register. 1003 GALVAN, 1000 Cout Highway. Newpor 2030. 24-2tt:: finished ln knotty pine .. from the old (ashioned truth that ton. 394 So. Grand, Orange. Ph. BICYCLES Coast Highway, Rossi's Liquor Phone 1384. 73.t:fc WANTED TO RllNT 42 $4750 - the only way to get a bigger PIKe o~ange 1361-M. ~tp Sold R 1 d R -·•-d. Store. 24-tfc MARINE Major and wife desire ot pie ls to bake a bigger pie. · en e or e.,_...... FOR SALE-Motor boat, 15-ft - COOPERATIVE VOGEL'S furnishE house or a pt. Phone Newport I ) d FOR SALE-Ice machine, com-runabout. wtth Johnson motor. · s A ,, 40 M · M · S an FOR SALE-In the heart o! Bal· boa, 11-unit stucco with ~!L vacant lot adjoining, nets $250 monthly. Price $25,000. See Fred Briggs wtth H. M. Lane Real Estate, 2006 Court Ave., oppo- site clfy hall. Phone 343. 21·t!C "It may be your little old. slick dime that paves the way to a cure "for polio.·· -Jack Lindsley. Attention!! Home Owners: Something Entirely NEW, PERMANENT, Desirable -Artistic AWNINGS .and CANOPIES 100 Main St., Balboa Ilk boa I · · .. 1 ext. l , a.JOr an-30 Ft. lot at excellent location on ROOFING CO. 208 lfarlne, Balboa l&land . pressor. motor, coil and uniL e new ; t comp etely equip-terfield. .24-2tp Shell Station, 2920 West Centra! ped, Ideal for bay or lake. $250 ::;c:7.;;;";;±-==:-:--:-~:...:..:: island. ~~=--~-----94-·_ttc Ave. Ne\vport. 24-4tc cash. 1600 East Central Ave., WANT ·1 RENT-Apt . or house, $1650 BEAUTY AID8 18 Balboa. 21-tfc furn. o unfum. Veteran, per-_ Ph S75-M FOR SALE--40-ft. boat mooring, manent. Best references. James C sta M 216. E. 20t~n;t., Costa hotesa COLD and ll.ACHNELEBS· new, $125 ; Western Giant gar-FOR SALE--20 h.p. Marine Df;.1~1. Sexton, f 78 Elden Ave., Costa 0 esa w AVES den tractor, used 5 hours, with like AeW . Half original cost. can Mesa. 26-tfc 2-bedroom house with single gar- ~New and Repair 20-tfc 'l'lllting and Manicuring all tools, S250. Pete Kalu!, 1560 Newport 2234-W. • 14-tfc W . age, on East side. 8 yn. old. _P_AIN_TIN __ G_C_O_NTILA __ CT_O_B __ Evening Appolntmenta Ph. 17 .. W Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Box MUSICAL &: RADIO S4 JANTEL TO RENT . -During Possession close of escrow. ;;BEAL=-:-:a::T'J'=°'.t.::Tl:=-::u=CB.t.N==o::J::--,,,'8 V"' B t Sh 745 24-41 uly or ~ugust, funushed house $5600 PAINTING _ PAPER HANGING l B eau 8:, Op . c FOR SALE-Upright piano. light or apt. Contact Dr. M. Sosin, _ HAVE new 3-bedroom home. Near and DECOR.A.TINO ll03 Cout Jilway, r•na d~ Kar FOR SALE-Squaring Shear » oak. good tone, $290 cash. Phone 112746 J ing St., No. Hollywood. C d l M M-G-M. Want Balboa or vicinity. H . It. McDonald e-ttc in.: 4-ft. x 6-ft. Spray Ik,oth, N. B. 2124-M. 26-2tc Ph: ST.~3519. 25-4tc 2 bedr Orona e ar Will exchange tenancy or equity. 4.14. Old County Rd .. Ph: 164-W EMPLOYMENT WAJllTED 11 CompressOr, 1 h.p. Sharpe motor. R d" R · EX-AR~Colonel and Mfe desire -1 oooodm lhomUe, 6().Thisf~. troh nt~~ Avery McCarthy, PR. 7242. ~-ta "' g• tf 908 ~---H' h N a 10 epalrS ·•· n I oca on. ouse w ~2t ......... -.ea& u-c ~t ig way, ewport All k . 2 1 to ren apartment or small 1" Id d •· ~-'-hed •~ c --=-...,..-~,..,,...=-~----WANTED-Gardening work. See Beach Ph· 2560 '2S-4 tc ma es, tubes. etc. Ph. 4 7. . n years o an ia iw-iua • -----------p A I N T I N G Myers. Box 103, Balboa, or 422 . . . BURT NORTON home. illlng to l~ase. Owner House b vacant and quick WILL EXCHANGE 4-room !ur- and E. Bay Ave. 26--Stp F1re Place and Kindling 915 Coast Highway, Newport ~!!4"!1va1~~:le~u~s.Be~!:r; possession will be given. nished a~t. iA. Bungalow Court DE CORA TING WANTED-{;ardenlng work. Call W 0 0 D 23-t!c Hills cr;:tview 14001 25-4t $10,500 in. Hollywood.mominal rent, for at 530 San Bernardino Avenue, Delivered S ' t · p -• house or apt. lo Newport, Balboa Interior -Exter1'or Newport Heighla. 26-trc H. w. WRIGHT-Ph. 2030 BEplA~ pallne'.r type ~rror w ANTE TO RENT -Beach Corona deI° Mar or Ceola M...: dlstrict. Jack w . Specializing ln Marine Paints The Paint on Your Boat Holds Up WHY NOT PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH IT? We Have Finl eta.JS Paint8" Workin& H. SIMONSON 7311 Seuhore Drive Phone Newport 8701-J-2 W ANTED--{;appet and Upholster- ing cleaning in your home. by local veteran World War I & II. Work euaranteed. Color and beauty revtve4, give new sheen. Phone N--t ~R. 21-Stc 1784 Ne"wport Blvd. 3-tfc ano, a .arg n. emu. anz-house, boa Island or vicinity, Street, General Delivery, Balboa. Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Main 2 wee~te\ 2 months, July-Aug-New 2-bedrm. house on comer lot. . 24-4tp Crystal Sets -$2.98 Santa Ana. S-tfc ust w Ber 711 ru G Fireplace; dbl. noor furnace: 1----------:..:...:...: · · ger. e uar-hardwood floors A lovely house RESPONSIBLE Telephone em- (Bakellte Case} GOOD used pianos. Some u low antee uilding, Lo Angeles, Quick possessio~. · MA 1~ 24-4 ploye wants to exchange 3-bed- 2 Tub R d • K"ts "' $89. Fine fo_r practice. E"'Y •· ta $9500 • e a 10 I tel'TTUI. OT will rent. Danz--room hoU8e In Weal Loo Angelea To build your own electric i'ad1o. Schmidt Plano Co .• 520 No. Main W ~~Veteran and wife need for same in Santa Ana or Vidn-· Santa Ana. S-t!c furrush . apartment or small Costa Mesa lty. Call Southern Call!. Tel.,. Mesa Radio & E!ectronlcs Co. house .. ermanent. Call Newport Priced to sell! 2-bedrm. house with phone· Co., ·Santa Ana, 5628. 1794 Newport Blvd. l!rt!c Arvin & Emerson Beach 9. 26-2tji garage, dose to shopping dlat. \ 19-t!c ORANGE COUNTY R A D I O S , W • . • TO RENT Veteran 1 % years old. llON:J:I' TO J;OAN \7 a UPHOLSTERING CO. ~Hour Racllo Service wishes 1 or 2-bedrm. apt. or $6800 WILL ~ARE FOR CHILDREN-Manu!acturen Short Cireuit Radio hOUle, !urn. or unfum. Very, -~=,,;1! ~~ -•'= .. or eves. Ph: 180!>-J.~~ O! Upholltered Furniture 005 Palm. Balboa • ~ge ~=ate. Call ~~ EV A F. RHODEN N-port'. Balboa Federal 8""'- E. J . JACKLIN 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Phone 16311-W 1$-tfc ., Broker . aad 1-11 ..-tl<lll. Building Contractor EMPLOYMENT Ol'Tl:llED 19 Factory and Showroom WAS. TO RENT or LEASE-470 Newport Blvd., Ceola Meoa lll8S Via Uclo ,,.,_,_ " 4008 Marcus ,Ave. ~West Center St., Anaheim STEINWAY Gran~. like new. one House r apt., fw-n. or untUrn. ELTON D. BARNETT, Salelman Tiiie...--UKlf" , Phone Ne'WJ)Ort 1522-J WANTED-Reliable general main-Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect of the world'• greatest plane.. Prefer' Balboa. Need July 1 rr Ph. Newport 1965-M AUTOMOTIVE a TIRES 51 , -~---wltb permaaeat; troa.lble-fnle ..... - Ice are polll.U"ft featwM of oar wlDdow ... door awa· ...... 21-8tc tenance man. Udo Theatre. ].2..tfc Gorceou-tone. Beautiful cue. sooner Write Mn. Henry Vo-25-2tc ------------!------------26-t!c Thia II an tnotrument for the degel, r Palm Dr .. Glendale 3, FOR SALE '31 Mod I A Ford TIDE TABLES JUBt Arrived dlacr!mln&ttng ~-Danz. Call!. 21f>.2tc 2 Small Houses coupe, goo.loondltion.•good tires. WAITRESSESShore Ca! WANTED -Bay .,.,_ -,.. -· Schmidt Plano Co.. 520 No. Maln On Lot Zoned !or Buoinea 1405 W. Bay Ave. 26-ltp We Specl•lhe la Porell 0.Popl• The answer to yoor par- ticular awning and can- opy problems. These awnings withstand gales a n d provide maximwn comfort. FOB SBTDIATSll PllONE' OB WBITE Slats • 0 • Wood Awning Co. of °"""" Ooaty Tl.I a.. ftf1·'11pMa St. A••Mm,, Cam. .,_ ....-1--1 ..... Toll a. ·- RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS AJ'RIL, 11148 • _ e, 17th a. Cout H11h-BA TTli""" Santa Ana. g.~ BEAL m_T~TI: ~7 $IB,OOO · ... Gundenon Drue ~ FOR s A Good Buy FOR SALE -Two 7.00x16 tires; Hl&h Low m-~ ~ way. Ph: Newport 23'4. 14-tfc """" w 3 10~ ~~ 10~~ s~'! w~H~ILW>. ~ 117 Maki BL I'll. 51i. ~o~?tt~ ~t;::. cub. ~-acre and s-~:;;::lo Choice B;{ Front Lot studlo grand piano: high chair A Th 4 10:53 4:41 10:41 •:Zl 80-tfc aiclan• are available w. are able frame house, furnlahed. Take Pr1 Ri&ht :;::~~ l~~~~!e;· ,::: 4.2 --0.6 5.7 0.9 WANTED-Housekeeper in lovely Auto natten"es to make "rvlco oaD. on i..r.. ~~~. 3()() note •t $20 per mo. -· 309 E. &dgewater, Balboa. F 5 11 :58 5:38 ll:t4 4 68 home 2 In family Private room '° conool ... AD wOrk ,...nntOod. ..,.,.,., !Uh. Inquire 333 Del Mar, 2 Houses on 1 Lot : , . ' 18-month -$6 45 Ex. HAROLD • -...... -., 8. d. 8. Coeta . esa. No agenla! 25-t!c 211>-ltc 3.6 --0.6 5.5 1.6 good wqee. Ph: 1075-J. 24-t!c C d d M Oil ~ ,.,....._ At Corona de! Mer s 6 ......... 6 ,45 1,12 5,41 ompoun e otor Radio, 300 Marine Aw. Pb: 'lllil. $18,500 • ..... --0.3 3.1 2.2 Gallon. 70c ll;t!c B ' I L D N 0 - Su 7 12 :19 8:15 S:.. 1:00 -. · W In 5_, --0.2 10 2.1 Western Auto Supply I\ AL'S _ · come Properly __ -,. ct.,_._.. 2--Bedroom HOUie and .. ... -Authorized 0ea1... Radio Electric Service ...,.. ,.._ L -.: - -.. • WA NT E D 1836 Newport Blvd .. Ceola Mee& · LO'i COST I\PMES 4 Small Rental Vnlta For quid< raulta -N...- 11me9 el•esttled rillDIW JUST RECEIVED .... 8appl;y of PAPER CLIPS lOe !IS bu ol 100 Clllpe 6 Skilled Yacht Painters ---:=-:------;.....:.23-_tt_c ~~de!~ -Ocean Front Lot B A R G A I N S Pick Up and Dollwcy See Models Cxllce Location Single Iron bed with 1irtnP, 1-Phone 470-MK spring mattress, acousticon hear- 19-Stc ing ald, lat .. t model: 11ne v1o11n Radio Repairing and cue. Phone N. II. 296-J. Home can. dally except Sat. and 24-ttc Sun. n.mplete otock of tubes a. --.,.------------factory replacement parts. Ph: Small Deep Freeze 345. MESA RADIO a.o ELEC- For The Home ~cs ro .. 179& New~! Newport Electric Appliance Co. DOGS. CJATll a PI:TB A Phone 2138 At . $3000 I 71 Begonia Ave., H liotrope at 4th C lrona del Mar Phone 8701..J-5 ~"""'U1 Will Call W. L. JORDAN 700 East Centnl, Balboa Phone 153 23-t!c At Oonlna . do! Mar 60 Ft. Highway Frontage $;5200 W . J. !IOI.COMB 1!117 tout Highway • C<rona de! Mar Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Us. BA'M'ERY REPAIR WORK 18 OUR BUSINESS Storey's Battery Service . News .. T1111tS 6 Experienced Boat Builders 211>-ltp FOR SALE-Boxer puppies. lawn. 1-----------~ I A.KC. champion stock. Phone -• ...,_ tJje Flap F1y'' 25-2tc wE.Sl'JIIWltll!A .l VE. Pli:~O BUil.DING , XD Ida&' 1J1pewt1ter r!b1X.W 1a CBe-~ :,:4".:""'1 T1111t s Mewpoft U .. u "· O+atnl A- Steel Kitchens" N. B. 2452 or CHarleaton 80601, GLASS TIJB ENCLOSURES Burbank. 25-2tc ATERIALS ~tbe N-...'nmes. . 19>tfc I ouffered for yoan and am oo tl>1nkful that I can wallt and wort< qaln wlthoot pain. that I will clad· 1:r _..,yone writing me for lafonDlll<ii. MRS. EMMA IVES. P.O. Boa: 1119. Loo Ance1es 52. Call!. I'------------' ' SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. KEYS 26-tfc ~ WAWIWWW ~ wa""iiii* • -V-ery-1_,L'-tr-!i-ove-r-~-~-e--~'----=ft NEEQ LATE MODEL <;A.RS WING SANG QOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 APPLY Mr. Petty _y.,,._ • 144 Coast Blvd. N. Pb. 5852 Laguna Beach 211>-ltc WAN'IZD TU BUr n Kade Wblle Yoa Walt VOOSL'll 100 -Bt., Ba- 208 llartae, Ba--M-:tc ftes? Newrwt• SOUTH COAST C~ w=°"ron!~ ~. _C_arpe __ n_te_rs--A-v-ail-. a-b-l~~i-i IU!table !or family with 3 dill· fw _.. ---............ ..-........ tar Boala for !We • hddle ...... hr lleat by thf! _.. .... mmth. MewrTJmea 9dtaC1s-nmta an '*"· -----------=--=----------I Ort"" cuetuUy-1>"" a Utt. . I --- ~ Phone 155$-W. 2'-ttc and ...,,.i. O. Z. llOBEllT90N WILL PAY c.ulB lar ,...... """' Coll NowpO<t 11 nlbln or -b&ft J'OL -41-lf< Nwpt. 2000. 0 . R. O.W'l+J, Tllo ----------1- Pf"lnd ~ .. ~. 1112 Newport For ottlce 61\-d . Cogta ~le.a. -98-ttc Nev.-s--Times. I_ ·-... supplies, &ee I ht ---.. I nice icatton. Lea than 1 ~ . and Will Pay Top Pncoa old. nusually larle living room. . ___ ..!!> - En<:lcPed patio, kitchen anc1 din-sp:r .I. TOUK CAR NOW nett< 1 bath, 2 dtaaln& rooma, While PlloM ..,_ Hiib ' :I.car~ $16000 . ...._._.~· 1u-w\!f!cad'ad ' .. atvlw )'Ott c.A' 11 ......._. a e-. Ge trude A. Waldron j p' 1 1 11111 w •1'. "17 ' '• •, · . m. w. Sanford . CUJBE.lirsON' CHEVRO'!ulff a> ~ ·BROKER. , a aflat -O'S " ... -. - :!Cll· ~~~tic ~Wat Onbwl.Nc..,..i 11•dll. • Oc1 *· Blllllltctoo Ta· • , . . -. . ., I .. .. . "' ... -. .I • . ' \ • , • • Guest Organist, Sol o ist, P l.case L a rge Audi enc e at C O M C hurc h Vesper S ervic e P<JOtponed from J anuary when Next Sunday, April 7, memben the och<duled dedla'.tlon ol the of ,the church are Invited to be . -ppe orcan at the Corona del -t at a recopltlon service liar Cconmunlty churdl wu lnlft· and reception at the Btta Con- nq>ted tilr fallun of the pawer ~tional churdl, honoring the llne, Akunder F . Reilly of Lo9 new putor of that church. Rev. Anceleo, not ed OIPJllrt, and his Halsey Rhine Cantena. Harbor 1 Feminine A}ct vities t6b:~c~~~:~:~~s~~:h·~!::ers ,,,._ l 63'7-R miait1e at Mar Cua. 1310 South wife, Alic:Le Andrews Reilly, con- Phoms 13 and 208 S couts Spon sor 'Jeep H e rders' Film A t H . S. A pril 19 tnlto IOloUt. gave a program at G I A hi the Vesper service at 3:30 Sunday i r t etCS Planet Pictw-es. Inc. of Holly- aft.emoon. R eceive Letters wooc1. who have swung into """ Opming -number waJ the organ duction of. color plcturft on 16 prelude. Serenade {Schubert) and With Mother Goose as the t heme mm. film expressly made for Pan1I Angelleu1 (Cesar F ranck). tor skits and decoraUonS, the Girls' schools and churchn, will show and other .elections played by Mr.1 Athletic Association of Newport the feature "Jeep Herders" at the Reilly Included Gesu Bambino\ Harbor Union High school held. high school auditorium FridaY (Pietro Yon), Meditation (~land their initiation,... banquet Friday night. April 19. it was announced Dlnle), Revery (Roland Digglel, evening at the Women's clubhouse, by Harold Hall. scoutmaster-or Air on G String (Bach ). and March j Costa 1.i!esa and presented awards. Troop Six in Calta Mesa. About Triumphal (Vogt). Seniors receiving letters for 60 2000 parents and Scouts wtll ~ 'Ibe trlc>i. memben of which are I points were Lois Strunk, Loretta ably see t he picture, he estimated ' Beulah Pttker. Laura Joiner and, Coleman, Nancy Neice, Mary While familiar movie stars are I Mary Bat ten Steffensen sang He l Hpwe and Helen Bean while lower included in the picture. the star Shall Feed His F1ock (Handel' classwomen receiving letters for of this particular film is a machine with ~flu l\fa.rgaret Schule at the 152 points wel'e Jean Trompeter, -the jeep. "Jeep Herden " U. the I orean. Fred l\tunson sang I Am the Verna Nielsen. Margie Price. Dot enttttaining story ot a group of Builder (Cadman ) and the gues\ Wright; Nancy Wilson. Glol'ia paratroopers "'ho come to the eoloist. ~trs. Reilly, sang The Pen-Matson, Nod Cass. Georgia Bris-rescue of their pal, ex-corporal ttent (Van de W8ter ). "the anthem,\ roe. Thirt~-seven girls , received Bob MM-tin. They actually h~rd j Hark, I-lark My ~ul (Shelly} \Vas i thei~ 26-po~nt G.~.A. sh.ields and cattle with jeeps. sung by the cho1r. 1 33 girls the1 r 4-poi.nt numerals. Girl Scouts of Costa l\iesa wi11 1 Appropriate cerc~onies a r e have charge of ~ncessions ,in t~e I p).ann(od for Easter with an early ~lrs. Percy J . W ilson. East Cen-evening's entert&Jnment. The p1 c- eervfce at 1 a.m., the most im-tral. Balboa. is •recovering from ture is being sponsored by the I pressive one of the church year.( an apendectomy performed Sa~ur-Boy Scouts in the "e~rn yaur own Rev. Perry Schrock, pastor of the day morning at St. Joseph hospital. way" program. wh1cti includes church, in~rites citi:z.ens to unite their annual summer c!mp at Ro- with the church a nd to bring their1 Mr. and l\'lrs. Oem Christie. 411 Ki-IJ. The joint Boy and Girl children for baptism on Easter North Ba\' Front. Balboa Island, Scout affair. or jamboree. wilt have Sunday, the most significant day paJd a vi;~t rcCt"ntly to thC"ir son, the added a ttraction of contests or the church. In all, three services , Cadet Collins Christie, student at and stunts. !'fall said. I wtll be held at the church on that Bro\\'ll Military academy, San I day. 1 Diego. S o n gs o f C o mposer O n M usic Club Prog. + By Winifred Barbre -. + c h 'i I d r e-n I s p 0 r t r a i t s (Phow by Roann STUDIO. S..... A"") .-.__ Bay Fr<>nt, Balboa Wand, for Mn . Gl.r l Scout s Mamie Foote, w11o. 1iu been 1n charge ot the chun:h home for 19 VFW A uxiliary to Insta ll F rid ay t o H a ve Hut t::.i ~,.! ::' he";!1~ 1natan.t1on of otflcen or the • ia being taken by Mias Smith, who Veterans ol Fettlgn Wan - Costa M-Girl Seout was formerly at Monte Vista Auxiliary ..W be held Friday ....,_ Thooprrj all ~eel and ~ names Grove. Pa.u.dena, a retreat for re-nin& at 8 p.m. at the Cost:• M-wai~ list. wtth a new tired Presbyterian ministers. American ~ hall with tlte ed lll the fall, plans for Mar Cua was given to the Pasa· public invit ed to attend. Opal ~at ... ob a Girl Scout hut in dena Presbyterian church in 1926 en and the drill teem of the #.na- whlch to hold meetings occupied by the late Mn. David B. Gamble heim Auxiliary ..W put on tlle the a entlon of Scout leaden at and has been used for conferences work for the ladles and Jamee the m tin& held Monday evening and religious retreats by churches Sullivah ot. Santa Ana. put en... a t the ~of M":-~ L Pi~ey, of aD denominations, colleges, Girl trict commander, will install. tbe 153 B dway, retiring presiden t. Scouts and YMCA l[rOups. Girls of men. Refreshments ~11 be ~,,.. N . flcen in charge for the the Pasadena church enjoyed SUI'('-Louise McCracken being cha.irmall first e were, president, Mrs.. mer programs for ten-day periods of the committee in charge. Mat thews; s ecretary and or less, with beach spor ts. boat· . Officers ot the Auxiliary, both , .?tfrs. Ralph Graves; ing and swimming under trained electlvie and appointive, and OCllll-' , Mn. Jamel Campbell; leodenhi . mitt .. heada, are'; -1dellt. H- public rel~tlons and camp coun-:M.wy Meettnp ter Tallman: wnlor vtce-~rit, selor. . H~ld .Hall. There are 12 dormitory rooms Oda_ Wells: ju~OI' vlce--prestdent. A •~able building may be ob-upstain and downstairs the Louise McCracken; treaurer, t ained _the war surplus board dining-room and large living-room Marietta 'Yillis: 9"Cr"etary, Dre- and :rt · Pinkley, Mrs. ~all and which overlook the water havt' lorese ftforrtson; color-be~. Dor- .. ?f~tthews were appointed a.5 been favorite meeting places for ot~y J ackson, Anna ~ading. C:•~ a building committee to get. ~ti-local organizations. Each month enne Nugent and W ilma Rob1ril. mates\t the value of the building the \Vomfn's Society of Ch ·st· Banner bearer, Jewell Wells; and t . in a b.id by nex t Tuesday. Service of Christ Church ~~· ~~~ historian, Lois Thompson : 'PB:trlotlc The f1 al meeting of the year will Sea has held its monthly meeting l~tructor, R1:1th Benedict, mu· be th~Court of H?nor to be held there as has the Balboa Island s1clan. Mar jorie Belote; chaplain., ~ay 1 . and .this will be.a pot luck circle' and duriitg the "''ar the of-Anna Theuret : conductress, E\'e~ dinne for girls and their parents. ficers' wives ou of th A Stocks; guard, May Buckland. Att ding th.e meeting were the erican Red Cr~s ::.iet ther~ ea~h trustee. Luc_i lle Dodd : wa}'-a a nd 1\fesda es Pinkley, Matthe~. week. ~ea~s. Louise McCrackep: . hos· Grav , Campbell, Hal), ':-<>is Mrs. F oote, assisted by one p1tal1~y, Edna Jones; publicity. Sands, Mary Long. Mary Knipp. helper, has served from 25 to 150 Margie LaPerle; \\-elfare: Del~ Rober Schaefer, Hazel Rassm~-persons at a time and fi res Morrison. and membership. Lucille sen a Elizabeth Schlegel. something like SO.OOO pe~ons I ~td. 1\Irs . Dodd is retiring presl· served duriqg the years she has en · Higt Bulg arian been there. She will make her Chu Ch Offl ·ci·al home tn ':""adellfl. where she has ' Scav eng er Hunt two sons. Her daughter. Mrs. T A . d C . V isit s 'on Lido Isle Dorothy Foote. who is a nune at 0 I hanty Four songs \\'T'itten bv Grace the Good Samaritan hospital. Los Shattuck Bail !Mrs. Dan Ingra-( An interested and interesting Angel~. was down for the week-A scavenger hynt usually means FRANCES BEAUTY SHOP Helen Curtis and Hall iwell C o ld Waves Specials on Machineless Permanents Halr Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring TWO OPERATORS -MOZELLE & BONNIE dU Barbor Blvd., Co.ta Meu Phone 2423 ham). 105 Eighteenth street, re-" 1 end and took her to Pasadena, an uproarious evening of fun and ceived flattering commen t when THIS HUSKY YOUNGST ER with tbe big brown eye. ano light visitotr. in the harbor ,area recent Y Where she is under the doctor's a ne t return of useless and queerly brown ha.Ir 1111 .lohn Bruce Story, pictured with hJs mother, Mn. was ishop Andrey of Bulgaria, or ders to take a complete rest. · assorted articles but the hunt they wer e sung on the program of t Marie Story ('llckle Starck ), <&00 S8th all'M't. Newport bland. He head f the Prav<>-Slav churches staged recently ·bY the Youth Fel- the Schubert club Wednesday eve·~ llvea "'Ith hi" aunt, M rs. Eble Pattenon, and Mommle vtfllts hJJ:n in th~· country, who was a guest Mr. an..i Mrs. John Golling of lowship of the Costa Mesa Com-nlng in Los Angeles. according to w""k en•-for -•-la In d vll ,.-•·· In • ·-An~les. ThlA eober at th home ot 'Ir and "-He' r -~ o.n .. _ --~·~ .....,.. "I'.-:: 1~ • Ul• ;3, • Saskatchewan, Canada. were r ""--m unity church brought in nearly the composer . 1--1. a....-11-.... character, for he "-n_... ino.t or tbe dine. 19 very be t K1·ng 216 Via Mentone ,-._. ~ ._ --.-r · · ' cent guests at the home of Mr. 250 cans of food which will be sent Othe-on the program were \ iood and hardly e\.-er crl.., except when dinner b not aened ae IOOll Lido ~le Mr and .,_ King were· '" · ·. B•m1 • '. -1 and Mrs. J . K. Elliott, Balboa. and the needy of Europe. A house-t~ Dr. Mary Carr Moore, who g<\ve u he thlnks It. should be, ror he likes to eat. for 1 -years in u gana as m S· others were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ho~ canvass was made by the part of her opera, David Rizzio: . p siona es and heads of a mission De B d h.idr f young -pie. Charles Wakefi eld Cadman, who Interes ting r o gram Harbor Ladies Take schooG r a an c I en -o Ingle-~-~~~~rtt~~:i;hnr~~~~:;,~~t:i~~I F o r Ebell Club C o untry Club Prizes 1 Th 1 •Jbishop washtndthifstcoh unBt'i' ~· The_Ca_li_fo_r_n_ia--Ari-.-zo_n_a_ci-·trus in· ---------------------------! or [years as ea 0 e u -Try working todaVs crossword dustry uses 200.000.000 board feet Grace Bush. lecturer and com-gari Orthodox churches of the . 1 3 JX)Ser. who gave a pianologue. The Some of the intangible things Tall callas. hand-painted in Unit States, with headquarters l>\lZZ e. of lumber per year for boxes. program featured new American \'.fhich go to n1ake the thing Easter colors. made a stunning in Ne York but spending most of ,.--------------------;_ _____ _, Broken Lenses Dupli~ated l music and Mrs. Bail's numbe~ in-called "charm" will be outlined by decor a tion for the e ntrance hall of his ti e visiting churches through-,CAlud~ \OVhe nDrSperaimsng CHomresbor,RSoounndg ~hlrs.dGracl.'t Beart~leyo. lspethaekeErbe~~ bthr~1dSgaenituancAhneoanC~~d~~~~d:yt ~~~ out tJi. country. He later wen t to ~A I . 11.. G••res Adjusted Eyes • Frames Repaired Examined E.T. Butterworth, O. D. 5114 West Central Phone 2511 Evenlnp by Appointbent · gain. ur . a t e esser mee ing · ls tJlntlil for two years, trying to \.+"~ and Restless Wings. Several of club a t l p. m. Thursday after-' members onl}'· Mrs. Les Phillips get b~ck into Bulgaria, but could (1,ft.. 804 Marine Aven..,, Balboa Island - P hone 1821 her poems and songs are included noon. according to Mrs. \Vayne of Balboa y,·as chairman a nd hos-note ~rand was forced to return in the big volume or Radio Book l-larper. progi-am chairman. Mrs., tesses were Mrs. William Hutchins here without even seeing . his of \'erse, just off the press. &>ardsley has held JX>Sitions with or Santa Ana and Mrs. George moth , now in Sofia. W. H. Pilley. -123 S hort strttt, Costa l\1esa. is home this week from his 30-acre frui t ranch near Auburn -.ut expects to r eturn such \Vf'll-kno"'n stores as Bui-Peters of Lido Isle. lock's \Vi lshir e and I. Magnin and The callas had been done by Owlier of a large vtlla at Varna. will talk on design in clothing. as Mrs. Hutchins. who also arranged on th shores of the Black Sea, the well as other things of particu-the flowers for the other rooms. bishoij. was greatly interested in lar interest to women. Mrs. Peters had charge of the long Ne\VP')rt and pronounced it a de- H U SE 0,. Open Saturdays Untll May 1st Clooed on Monday BEAU TY WHE R E HAr€ STYLING IS , AN A R T Our alm is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide '---------------------------'I shor tly. lunchron table whic.h was centered JJght f place. While a Catholic, with a bowl of pink a~d white Btsho Andrew. ts very liber al and double camelias and pretty figur-ts vi ting ptissionaries of other the ultimate in beauty care. • T her e 's jus t the r ight hat t o be most beco m- ing t o your Easter Out- fit. Hats and B ags to match by Sherman . 14 .95 up. Hats 4.95 to 25.00. Bags 5.95 up Cardigan Suit with deep set sleeves ... Front tie belt ... all wanted shades in- cludi n g g rey 29.95. Other sui t s 24.95 t o 69.95 . H OURS O PE'S: • 9:SO .<\. ~I-'o !l:SO P. M- SATUB.DA\'8: ~:SO A. ~L to 8:SO P . M.. T h e N e w Tunic Suit in g r ey o r black whi t e c heck, 39.95 , Ifs i mpo rtant so select y o ur Eas- t er o utfit c a r efully. It's i mpo rtant t o o , t o make y o ur selection at Malcom's w here you , 'will find s tyle and quality. • fAS~ION 008 N. llala St. ' S~OP fOA WOMEN PhOlle 0821 HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE ines bearing s"•eet peas on each ,.,..,...i,i who have in the past work- side. ed in is ~untry. '---------------------------' Harbor ladies were lucky at play with Mrs. Clifford Nolder takin g first prize and Mrs. F . J. Parke, second. Far ewell P arty for Eas ern Gue sts Will The M~ther-to-Be Find Individuality Here Present from the Harbor sec- tion were the Mesdames Peters. Nolder Parke, W. O. Haldy, Rober t B. Powell, L. L. I sbell, Ralph Maskey, Warren F1etcher, George Lowe. H. R. Ring and J . K. Mc- Honhring the three cousins of Miss I Alice Pluhler , · Newport Heigh~, who leave,for their Mass-Dresses • achus!tts home. on Friday after SuitS • Jumpers Bed Jackets Donald . spen~the Wi nter here for the first ·me in ,.,ver al years. Mn, Slack Suits • John per entertained Monday Robes • HAPPY EVENTS In Harbor Area with delightful luncheon a t her home n Santa Ana avenue. AS8[Jt-Donna Mar1"e Shoppe ing the hoo tess was her diughter. " • · Mrs. Eimest McClellan. ,515 North Main St. Santa Ana Arcade Jlld&. FollAwi ng the luncheon hour L---------------------------' Mn. l°Jper's guests went next door t the Plwner home for an --------------------------- aftem n ot rummy, at which hon- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Eldridge, on wfre taken by Mn. Bertha 121 Flower street, Costa Meaa, are Davis nd Miu Addie Yeaton, two parents of a ~n. born March 26 at of the honored cuesta. and Mn. S t. J oseph holpital. He weighed Myrtl King. Third guest of honor eight pounds, six oW'lCell. wu :t· Emma Estabrook. Mr. and Mrl. John Sinclair, 1005 Pr nt fCJr the enjoyable after- Wnt Bay avenue, welcomed a son, noon ere the Mesdames Davia, born March 26 at St. Joseph hos-Eatabrpok. King, Sam Meyer, pttal. He weighed seven pounds Coo~ McClellan, Miu Yeaton, even. ' Miu mma Baker and Miss It wa.s a daughtef for Staff Set. and Mrs. Otarles Hemon, 118"' Pl · Br oadway, Costa Mesa. She' was born March 26 at St. Joseph hos-Rob' McGlohn jr., son of Mrs. pital and weighed seven pounds. Wayn ' K. Ball. 2610 W est Ocean SEE OUR JUNIOR DEB "FASHIONS OF THE MONTH" SU IT S a n d COATS AS ADVERTISED IN VOGUE, GLAMOUR. CHARM AND HARPER'S BAZAAR 1WO-AND TIIREE·PIECE IN DRESSMAKER CARDIGAN OR BOLERO S'I"iLES MATERIALS OF GABARDINE. COVERT AN D SERGE A SELECrION OF MANY STYLES AND COLORS ALL OF 100% WOOL -SIZES 10 TO 18 EXCLUSIVE IN SANTA ANA wmt Lt. and Mrs. Charin W . Web-Front, h&J been pledged t!) Sigma ster, 105 Eighth street, are parents Phi ilon fraternity at the Uni- of a son. born Marc.h Z7 at Fuller· versit of California, Berkeley ton Cottage hospita1. He weighed camp , and is living at the fra- sevsn (X>unds, ten and a half tem i house. He entered the odfices. univer ·cy in February after gradu-SECON D & BROADWAY l\tr. and Mrs. \Valter Browning, ating from Harvard Military 2S6 Second &: B~way Bide. SANTA ANA l!eoondFloor 921 East Central avenue, Balboa, l aiiiicalid,.j~' iiLii""'iiiiAiiiinigeiiliiesii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii are parents of a daughter, born j I March T1 in St. J oseph hospital. She weighed seven pounds, thir- teen ounces. Drive Ca.n!:tully-Spe.re & Lite. Mrs. Frank Bates 8PIRELLA OORSETIERE au. Oldlld Corona del Mar BOOKS THEY'RE HERE ' at our new location i 605 N O RTH M A 1iN ESTRELLITAS (Fwwly Aftade 814) PIJOM 5S1S 8rlllta ~ OB MUR,HY'S BAMBOO ROOM Balboa SHOCKINGLY Presents • NIGHTLY HOLLY & LEE • Except Southland's Favorites !Monday • ST A R T I NG A PRI L '5t h ' I ' - I I •