HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-09 - Newport Balboa News Times' . 11 SAND CRAB ~ SAM s""'_. LIVING 0081'8. Otester Bowles says living c'osts have only gone up 3.4% in the last few years under our ceiling OP A prices. So-<>-0-0 just for fun dug up an old is- sue of News-Times, April, 1939, to compare with food prices in April, 1946 and that ~.4 % is knocked into a cocked hat or at least higher than an OPA reiling. Here are a few examples: Fresh asparagus in '39 sold 2 lbs. for 13 rents; today It is 25 cents per lb.; spuds were 10 lbs. for 19 cents; today they are 10 lbs. for 39 cents; avo- cados were· five cents each, today they are 15 cents each, average size; apples were 6 lbs~ for 15 \;ellts; today 12 cents· lb. Now let's touch up meats: ground ljeef was 17 cents lb.; today 29 cents; lamb breasts ' were 8 cents; today 10 cents lb.; p0rk saus- age was 23 cents lb., today 39 cents; wieners were 18 cents. today, 37 cents lb. Most of these prices were taken from Safeway ads. re- garded ~ about the average paid for mdse. and indicate that prices of food have jumped from 25 to 50% in 7 years. Just where OPA gets this low increase is as puz- zling as their ceilings on mep's shirts, which run as high as $5 and $6 for cot- tons as against the pre-war Sl.95. Point is that mfgs. can't afford to make the • -' NEWPORT . BALBOA I • " rlSLAtll ASSOCI 01 ASKSFOIEl fiOIPEMEIT OF LAWS; CLEAIUIESS 1 • . I Isbell and ;Robertson in Group Re-elects Beek President; Include8 Off'ICel'S of Inland and Bay Front Owners on Directorate Law enforcement. garbage collection, mosquito abate- ment. cleanliness and noisy cars were subjects of discussion among smne ~ members of. the Balboa Island Impr<M!lnlint llS!lOCiatic;in Friday night at the Balboa ' Yacht club. J. A. Beek was ~ president of the organization which now numben; about 400 Islanders, and a new group of. directors ~~ Includes ottice111 of. the nalboa Island Taxpayers llS9D- caation and the Bay Front Property Owners association were ~ O. Z. ROBERTSOS in City Council Election -~·-. ' 17 5 Meet to Corona del Mar ·'Contractor . Protest COM Leads Atkinson By ~1.-votes ·State Park , I In Unofficial Tabulation la~ mem.= -:!t :r=: No Str·1ke Seen and arrests of all violators., which are expected to grow ln int.ens.tty during Easter week.. Hub Powers, I s h c reporting .. chairman of the police n out ·. oast committee called attention to the danger to children from carelea operation of can oo streets and w I alleys. The police deparbnent in-age SS formed him that a full-time police -ue service woold soon be available to I Request Meeting Fri- day With City Coun- cil for Review the north side of the bay, both I I FINAL UNOFFICIAL. ' COUNT from a police car and that a motor-j Neither the ClO shipwork•rs cycle officer would also be on union members nor the rna.nage.. 1 Lester Isbell -964 Votes (re1elected ) · duty in that area. ment of the South Coast compaey o. z. Ro bertson--4>67 votes (appar' ently elected c . v. Wurdema"'! proposed that _want a stri~e. WU the •xplanatlon cars which ~ with thear muf-given to the Ne\\'S·Times today Thomas P. Atkinson--4>20 votes 1 ners open be unpounded. J . B. relative to the discussions now Representatives o f t b e Siemens declared that police pro-going on here as well as in San Bluff and Sand Lot Owners tection "'.as inadequate. The~ s~d I Pedro between the union and COJU· Association of Corona de! Lester Isbell, incumbent city coum)ilman, was re-elected that ott.cers of the associauon panies employing the Industrial Mar, said to have numbered 1 to office and 0 . z. Robertson; Corona de! Mar contractor was should be mere active in attempt-Union of Marine and ShiPl!uilc!lne about 75 members \Vho are apparently selected aJso by a naITOw hlargin in one of the ing to correct the situation. Workers or America on a new opposed to the creatiorf of a closest councilmanic races in the history of Newport Beach H . E. Kenda.II, another prom-wage scale. state park in that community, Tuesdiay. As unofficial tabulations were being made in the inent resident e_xpressed _the opin-Local 52, of which Gilbert Seal, met at the Ebel! cl ub at Bal-LESTER L. ISBELL city hall after the close of the polls Jast night, Robertson rnn that Balboa Island " one of candidate for dty council i. exeru- Corona df'I ~far candidate, ap-ln<'umbent, re-elected to the.city \tas leading Col Thos p Atkinson f ff' b the most beautiful in the world, Uve secretary has petitioned na- ps.rf'nt "'inner by 41 votes over boa Sunday afternoon, deter-council by 964 votes, largest of l ,,. • · · _ . • or;mer. army 0 icer Y and a~ times one of ~h~ dirtiest. tional headquarters for the right rormt"r Col. .rhos. P. AtkJoson, mined that al) res i d en t s any candidate In t he city electtoa 4'.' votes for the other vacancy m the council. He said that the condition of the to conduct separate negotiations Bl\lboa. (photo by Gerhardt ) ·should learn of their feeling Tuesday (photo by Gerhardt) 15 A s Id tel~hp:o;:tu;!po"~ ~~ntt~tt:: allt redeys, withd,papen anddiscan.s scaAt-because of the peculiar conditions toward the state acquisition e aroun was a grace din 1 t · the city hall It wu not unW t he ftnaJ · , surroun g emp oymen m Theater Planned of that property for park pur-State Contacting cres 0 precinct w .. beard from WU .... Jetter from Ray R Reeves •tress-Newport yard, It was learned from poses. ret1ult detennlned. Thea late tabu-ed the unport.anoe of cleanliness a company spokesman toda,y In Costa Mesa Indignant at the reported sched· CDM Lot Owners F $ 200 000 latlons chanced tho apparent :~ eleas~~ li:ng ':'~ons. He Both management and the~ ule or prices which the state is ' earUer count "'hlch had 11eemed to ie es . ean a es were are cooperating to bring about Would Seat 600 willing to pay for their lats and On State Park or favor AtkinAOD for seoolMI place. ~~b~re important lh_an a new negotiations on the wage issue, the feeling· that all residents of the f Ho"'ever, 11.ate returns from the Co-· . _ principal difficulty being straight- cheaper garments because The proposed theater for Costa they get more for the better Mesa is already in the plan stage brands. ?lit when a feLier and it waiting for building ma- needs a sli1rt he buys 'em at terial not needed for veterans' any price, inflation or no in-housing, according to \V. T. Jef- flation. Just what the fcrson, owner of the site on New- port Blvd , city have the right to be heard on I N rona del Ma.r Uld Balboa Island s:m.e tcompansot .m h~ve been ening out a wage increase for the the merits of a state park, the The state last week began the t ma e in . ax ra es m va:ious parts repair end which was given 8 aep- gathering heard a number of contacting of property owners re-n ewpor sections gave Robertson. a allght of the oty, ~ H. Rolll~ report-arate boost late last year, it la prominent attorneys and others garding purchase of the bay and margin..4 ' ~ .~ese-did ~t indicate any understood. About 200 men are speak against the imminent pro-ocean frontage in Corona del Mar 2 The flaal unofficial ''ote \\'M ~nation ~atnSt the ~land, employed by South Cout C.orn- posal to acquire this area for a fallowing completJon of appraisal --891 '\'Otes total of the 13 preclnct·a. he said, bu.t advised further study. pany, as compared with a peak park site. James Ingram of Pasa-of the mile-long proposed Corona Sale °' approximately 15 acres Subject . to final check, this l"•ve New o(ftcers and ~tees were payroll of 1000 durinc tbe war. dena presided. de! Mar State Beach Park. between the state highway and the lsbeU ~ votes, R-Obertson 681, elected ~ fo~ws : President, J. A. Representatives of both union country has been saved The theater, \vhich will serve from, when a person is in the entire Harbor area, is planned di.re need of wearables, is as with a seating capacity of api>raxi- tough a problem as many mately 600, but with the accent other queer ideas coming out strictly on comfort, Mr: ·J efferson of Washington. I said. George Penney, well known Los The state has accepted the ap-West Newport channel. lying im-AtkiDAOn 620• Seal 4M, and Gor-Beek; first vtoe president, H. E. and the company haw been tn A I tt h I praisaJ, supplied by the Newport . zuchovskl 11S votes. Slightly leu Kendall; second vice president, am1·cable ••--usslon ot th• -·-nge es a orney w o recent y medJ ately westerly of the over-than a 40 per cent vote ~·u cut. aareoce Stan r tary K t \,WK; --- purchased the John Vogel home, ~arbor R ealty Board, as a basl1 head bridge for a consideration of ISBELL STRONG McCann U:e ; secre Lo '. a rI Issue which was rt:Clli1anended by formerly known as the Harry or · negotiations for the purchase A further break down of the ; asurer, ws . the National Stabilization Commit .. Carey mansion, was elected by the which may aggregate about .$250,-more than $200.000 was completed Breer; trustees, R. .H . Rollins and tee of the shipbuilding indUlltry to group to represent the association ()(X). yesterday. The new owners, the ~~~::. ~e1:eb~at~a~re~::~l b~:d Rev. Harry W. White. add about 18 cents per hour to + + + The site. ,~ .. hich is a t t he five-at a meeting which was proposed Let trrs have gone out to owners Balboa Coves Inc. consisting of strongly in almost all precincts, their pay checks. However, it wu .A New Star. BnJCe Mc· crossing point that faces the end of Gavren romped home with Harbor boulevard at 17th street the honors at the H. S. iri-and also faces the e nd of 17th l ''rh street \l.'hc>re it cros.st'S Newport to be held this coming Friday of all property openin& negoti-th~ well-known realtors. Jahn M. falling t.o outnumber other can.di-Ancient Anchor pot,,ted out that offiC"C'rs of the night with the city council. Carl atlons for the purchase. J ~'Iiller, Tom Henderson a nd P . A. dates 0~jy in two polling places. local were uncertaJ,n whether they Monahan was elected secretary. Palmer. purchased the prope_;-ty 1·le r rceived his largest number ot TQ Be Given City could negotiate separately here day night in the Pay, ' e Blvd .. \\'as chosen by ~tr. Jeffer- Man . \Vho Came to Dinner." son and the late H. J . Siler u He was darn near as clever the most favorable spot to attract and as boisterous as Monty patrons from coastal points. Wooley, who. won stardom jn that role. In fact all the un- usually large cast presented a finl; performance. Great credit goes to Stage Mana- ger Virginia Bachman. Only criticispl .to !)ffer is that few of ·the .actors or actresses talk loud enough Mir the au- dience ,to heftl", ~hich . was not the case with Bruce, who told au and sundry in no un- certain terms what he want- ed. Monahan said the consensus of Count.y ApprOVeS I for development this summer into ! tallies in one precinct, Nllfl'ber 4 because they are working on pleu- opinion expressed was that the at Balboa which gave him l ('8 UN" yachts and commercial boat city and state already provide Four Subdi"vI•Sl.OD S a unique bay-front subdivision sur-Roberts'on who ran neck·.and-The 5CX)..pound anchor, fished out building only, .not on navy Jobs u miles of public beach and do not rounding dredged out -v,,_ · · · . . of the ocean bed near the New-i a .... the 01•-yards t'n the • -. -... .., "'~· neck wittr Atkinson until final tab-1 ~t pier and i'dentified •• belong A_, 1 Lo•~•Be ch II -ted need the added area in Corona del F bd .. 1. 1 The property '"as sold by Fr k ul 1· ·1 · ed hi 1 l I"-" GO -nge es-ng a area a ec • • • Red 8hh1a. Quite a con- test has devl!lojied in Santa Ana between union pickets of some half do1.en cales and H. S. students. who parade with the pickets and carry banners with such inscrip- tions as: "Why don't you get a job?" "The AFL ain't what she used to be!" etc. The kids areuse the unionists ot being pro-Russia because they wear red coats. but the "Unfair" men just plod back and forth and say nothing, because most of the stulll!nts are football players just llch- ing for a (racas--no doubt. + • + Wand Aolooclation. Glad to note the Balboa Island Im- provement association is tak- lllg up the cudgels again for more and better improve- ments. It was • Joe Beek who organi:ll'd the group 90me 15 years ago in ' the days when the Islanders had a difficult time getting any help from any civic body. Joe is still president and says their problems are just as great. only more so. due to the island's rapid expansion. • + • \\1Uord MacDooald. It took more than a decade to ll!IJBrate the parks from the ltreets and lt'l them stand on their own, and in aU that time Mac. went along pa- tiently with his work of beeutiflcatlon. Now that lbe City dads have created a aew department and made ]liln park super. Mac. will tiave rree· rein in creating projects that will redound to credit of Newport rch. ·s the right man the t place. Ele ct Mrs. Viele Pre s. Costa Mesa Red Cross Branch Mar. Los Angeles county has ad-our su IVlS ons or Costa -" an . a ion, recetv s ai:ges ~um-ing probably to one of t.he old by the strike vote. ditional miles to offer its residents, 1.'Iesa wer e approved last "-'eek by ?\.·I. Strobridge. who has owned ber of votes from Pree.net No .. 7, windjammer schooners ~·hich call-"""-'"'~::::_:::_:::__:.:.:_:__:_ __ _ the county planning commission. most of it since 1919. While it lies Corona d~I Mar, wh1ch gave him ed here before the turn of theJ and they feel it ls an imposition Appll-at•'ons approved wer th \ 107. Atkinson -1·ved 27 votes ,·n 1 will be ted Bo h t A k f ·-l be I . ed h .._ e: e ··•holly wi'thln the -unty the new . •"''-"" . -cen ury, ~n to the , UC ey 0 s or tneae peop eta nVlt ere development by Bertram I. Smith I ~ 1. '" f:I that precinct a.she did in another city by John ",.::.·k-and ht's crew in droves to create police problems I corpora ion expects to 1 e a pe-C rlPJ M """'""' in this locality and ta depreciate li nd Wilford E . Lord of three acres, titian with the cit council next o:ona -r ar precinct, No. 13· of fishermett, it was reparted by Lea ve EXt·eDSl.OD ~ southeast corner of 18th street and M d k' Y . 1 t which gayc Robertson 66. Walter Loncnnn.o"YP director of the I property ln Corona del Mar. An h . Cost M I h an ay see 1ng permiss on 0 an-Atkinso'n polled stro gest . & .... -.. F c·t Co Members of the association be-a elm a\'C'nuc, a • esa, wt ne x it to the City of Newport . n m chamber of commerce Monday. rom I y unty Mrs. Calla Viele, well known 14 Jots. r Be ch 1 Pree_ inct INo. 5, Newport Beach, Norek and his men Caught the ' b · 1 r-M lieve that the entire city has not J a h h him 102 t us1ness woman o '-'-'""ta esa was been consulted on the project, and Development by J ohn Seigel on An . unusual deveto ment at-w ic gaye . vo es. . six-foot anchor fn their net last unanimously elected chairman ol 10 acres owned by Mrs c B Cub-d 1 Pf 1 Fl P.d Newpoi',. HetghUl gave Gilbert fall and sin.._ then It h •• ..........,.-" 'Illomas E. Bouchey, who for- h C M B h suggest an election take place to · · · · terne a ter a success u or1 a Seal hl 1 1 86 b " -• •.--u 1 1 th t e osta esa :ranc . American bon of Santa Ana. located at south-wat·~ont o'ect will ovt'de s l.u..geAt vote'! , ut No. opposite the city yard. rusted and ; mer.y he d e pqst of harbor .mu- Red Cross at the special meeting feel out the average man·s view· east corner of Orange and Del Mar . ~-'1 pr J pr 6 on Balr-a Island gave Seal 84 weathtt beaten. By its peculiar ter 1n Newport Harbor and 11 on called Monday, April 8. Other of-poinL Further, Monahan pointed avenue Coeta Mesa with 42 Jot». :,agon&l hlohta ~t 8;ll angle~ the votes catptfng that diJtrict over 1 shap!' and rope attached. it is tiie=j leave from that po11ition, expfda flcers elected to serve with Mn. out that the state ls expected to Deve'iopment of, Newport Bay bey'ct.eac d a~g its vie;;; Wi;;.ate Isbell. Sfal, who was tom-th tn.1 Jfeved to havr been dropped from to ask for a continuance of h1I Viele were Judge Don&ld J . Dodge, tum over the control of the state Co. on 30 acres between F1ower r a A an eac :r: t th t a the votinc ran steadily behind the I an old schooner whlch once docked I leave until he ls officially releued vice-chairman; Hugh Davis, ~e-park to the city which would take street and 18th street. Tustin and s ~P· common w a e cen er leading C'1\didates tl\r.oughout the I at the pier. from the service, it wu learned tary and Mn. Gunning Butler, a large police force to patrol on Irvine avenues, Costa Mesa, with will ~e every lot accessible to tabulation. I from John Vogel yesterday. Bou· treasurer. Mrs. John Webster and busy week ends. They want the · 1.20 Iota. the slips in the center of each of A surprising number of votes • • chey's automatic leave wu to have Mn. Jerrold Spangler Wtte nomin-entire matter aired which the •tale I Development by c . a . Grant of three coves. which are to be dredg-were cuf for the 21 year-old war Busmeaa Booming traru:pired April 14 With the ooun- ated to represent the local branch is about ready to convert into a South Puadena on five acres on ed. out from the present cpannel. veter~, ' Stanley Gorzuchovski, Jn City Court ty and the following week wtth at the Southern Orange County public park, and aak the council Irvine avenue and 19th street. 11 Lota ~ed who rece:f:ved. hB strongest vote the dty. . . Chapter at Santa Ana. to review the matter wtth them. Colta Mesa, with 20 lots. A .new roadway 11 planned par-from Pre<.jinct No. 8, Balboa, which Strikes rmy Interfere with .ome· 'Ille former harbor 'fnUter '9 Notice was gi\.'en that new Also approved by the commiulon alleltng the atate highway, it wu cut 24 bltJlota for him. lines of bti•new elwwbae, but spending most of his time on the rooms would have to be found and Moody, German schnauzer dog were business applications of Al-explide~ned. by! Tom Henderson, ~ce-One ~te--in Vote WU cast in the dty court Is booming: right desert neir 29 Palms where a syn. Mn. Viele, Judge Dodge, Mrs. owned by Mr. and Mrs. Errol bert Carey Hottman for a tile pr~ nt 0 the new corporation. Nor 9, N~rt Helchta, for H. P. along With the first sipllll of sirinl. dlcate of county men are planninc Webster and Dr. P.A. Chamberlin Flynn escaped in some manner I shingle factory, 17th street, near This road will reach all 68 1?tl, YatneU.t Lut mmrth J~ Bob Gardner to develop a large tract into • will act u a committee to investl-from their yacht Za.ca anChored Santa Ana avenue, and J . L. whJcholare30plotted to have 8 minid-COrl1ectf'd $X93 fnJm. fines in the townsite. However he hu not been gate locations and nport at the off Lldo. and was killed by a mo-J Thompson. auto repair shop, Har-m~ feet on the beach an HAU · S 45 LB city court. He had 217 cues filed. released from hospital treatment next regular meeting. Other direc-tarist at Central avenll4j bor Blvd. near WUson street. 50 m the rear, each being an ave!"-• • Jail eentences were meted out to entirely and ls planning to request tors and chairmen present were ag~ of 120 feet deep. Gross sales FISHJ ON LINE seven. Smne Wftk endl were par-the dty and county renew h1a tenn Mrs. W . B. Mellott, ~tn. Paul Nor-~rices of the developed property ticularJy heavy witb traffk cases, of leave so that he may return it man. Mrs. Lloyd Gabriel. l\frs. J . L. " is expected to reach nearly $800,-AT BAVILION as many as 30 to 40 being placed Barnett, Mrs. Harry Burdick, l\tr. 000. A t?tal of $165,000 will be ex-• ri'1; on the calendar after two or three he should decide to do so at a H. B. Mcl\furtry, Mrs. J ohn \Veb-pcn~ed tn imp~ovements. Thcy'r doing a bit of strutting days of traffic check for speed, later date. Bouchey rose to a lleu- ster and Mn;. Sidney Davidson. JLQl Miller .15 presl~ent of the today d . at Paul Lorentzen's loud mufflen, or various viola-tenant commander In the U. S. l\trs. Viele extended an invitation new corp:>rauon, while Palmer. pavilion "1d Kern Rima's Ne'WpOrt lions Coast Guard. to the board to meet at her home resident manager of the Griffith Tackle store, because Or. W. c . --·------------------------- a t 2109 Ha rbor bouJevard on Tues-Company here was named secre-Mayes ha'Wed in a 45-lb. fish with f E I h w B d day. April 30. tary-treuurer. They expect to set a hook ~d line. • f • • up a community association to Paul is Proud because Doc. coax-1rs ng IS ar r1 . e Joint Harbor-Mesa govern rutrictions in building of ed the h~!ty halibut in from the l homes. It is one of the last pieces bay to tne dock and after quite · Committee Members . of bay front property to which a tussle Iindec1 his prize. Rima is A • Named by President title can be given, Henderson said happy beCause the medico, who is rr1ves. today. entitled aome credit as the guy I Wife of Balboan Newport Harbor and Costa ~lesa have complc>ted a list of members of their joint oommittl"e for mfft- ing together on mattl"rs of mutual concern, i't v.'as announced here )'t>Sterday. The harbor committee u-as named by J . S. Barrett and the mesa grot,1p was given by Har- old Grauel, resptctivc presidents of the two ch.ambers of commerce. The commlttet> or 15. Including Su- pervisor Ir.in Georgt> Gordon. will meet regularly once a month. Those sen i ng from Newport Harbor are Ralph P. Maskey, £Nin H . Spicer. Gordon a Find- lay, Tom \V. He.nderson, H . F . Kenny, \Valter S . Spicer and \V. M. Longmoor, and from Costa Mesa are Harold K. Grauel. F . B. °"'en, C. V'f. T eWinkle. Dennis Hogland., John S iogel. Freel s. Dudley and Bertren Smith. 'Ibe committee will bold ita initial meeting on Tuesday, April 16. • Newport Girl Hospitalized in Auto Crash who dJd the r11hing, blushingly . . claimed that the 30-Jb. nylon gut N~t ~bar-received its lated that they m~t 1n an Eng~ lead<T ~1' from his emporium t firat war bride Friday afternoon pub and a courtship ensued which cadcets and Al Forgit try ~o when Jessica Scholes, wife of Tech. 1 lasted for sever al months. The pro- conVfnce anglers are the proper Sgt. Bruce Scholes ol Balboa, ar-posal came. the sergeant chuckles., things to I~ to nab the wily ~ . _ riced here fram England after over during a crowded train trip back zens of tHe deep. ru 18 months of negotiation and a to Blackboum one evening, with 15 And to J>r'OVe that the fish tflree:weeks boat a.ml train jour-or so ~~ Englishmen and Miss Adele Van Fleet, 20, 3311 weighed P.actly 45 pounds, both ney. --. ladi~ witnessmg and enjoying the Finley avenue, recet..ved. head in-gentleme~ carefully placed it . The pretty English wife, who ar-whole affair. The oouple were mar- juries and I was unconscious for a scales at their store and it w: rived ip. New York on March 28, ried Sept. 28. l~. . Rvera.l hours after being taken to a beautiful apectmen. was met at Lm Angeles' union st.a-Mrs. Scholes revealed that 1he, the hogpital \\'hen a car driven by Uon by Sgt. Sdvalew and bis and the boatload of wives Who Thelma Pauline Woods, IS. of 129 Co ' P l mother, Mn. 'G. E. Benz. DlllDIOgl!2' aaJJed on the British -pital ship 24th stnet, collided with one uncy anners Deny of Bal-Inn, and returned with EriC<JOn, ·were, .. she puts it. driven by William John Blirdorf. ApprqvaJ of Mesa them to Balboo wbeft the eouple "trtttecl royally by the RA!d a-- 20. of Anaheim at SantJa1<> boUJe-V ·---ff "taJ ...m make their lpne while the and the military." II residents will vard and Vi111t Ori...,, near Orange, e~ yuu :f 08pl Sergeant is sta~ at S_AAAB. recall, Frida1 , waa a beautlfUI Sunday ev<!ning. Driven ot the 'The appllcatlon of Dr. Horace Mn. Scholeo. the forml!r Jeoalca ~ day and Mn. Schain WOI. can were only slightly Injured but Parktt filr a veterinarl&n hoopital Mary Hoyle, is frnm Blacl!hnum. qUlte lmprewd with our -tlier, Misa Bertha Bon& of Anaheim M>-oo N~ avenue near VictcR-la Lancaablre. and met her tullbend thank you. • ceived major injuries. . atftet In Cpota M ... was disa!>' in the ne.arb1 -., at Whartan Serceant Scholes, who has 16 Miss Van Fleet. who works at prOftd JW the county pWmlng wt.ere Set. Sd•..,.. auttlt In the ~an -In the _..iar ""!Q'. the Newport Pharmacy, wW be ......... issif1n lut w .. k folloMr!g a Ninth Az= Air Force __ ala-arrived In the Stateo on bis motb- oble to retW'tl ~within a few com.,.8!D( to the bocly that the tloned. The ......,.,.. -.,... lOllll er'a birthday Oct. 28, 1944, after clays. it wu atall!a'at the .. lioopltal ' acljnin a residential In a state a( •-•eeney at -42montbaotov ...... dutyilr~ pital • IUbdl •Pl*--It o>od fcwbmit ID boinc -ted. r.-land, Franeo, Germany and AlJ1c:a. ' ' ' • • • • • , • II . • •• ~··-I ---•e•1 iiiOii ~-·-• L t 1f4pll. ,,. E:wsR~TILM°Es R C Conducts War Brides t ...coronadeIM'1' 8tabilsm~r;forWorldTradeDlle, • , .. ·~Tll~~=u • • • · 0 cay s '~e~~,-. ~!t~!;J~!~!?.'al..of.Commerte ~ ,._ E..!!'._1 __ • t· t « ~ ir b ,. , ... ::": New Homes Hubbies Notified Mn. c. G. Waldeck and mother :ntes -~t 1o be~ ... Downey Volen Raise llubsc:d~1 ""' Payable In A-:~.llO pll',.... 1111 Ot 11 O Q'; I . . lln. Weedell. 436 Doltlla avenue coun)?Y. Wbeft operaton 41!1':'>1::()00 b 11· 1 to 1 $2.15 per yer.r 1o 4tb _.; S3.llO per,_.. 1o llll -One at the mozt lntftfttlnc and a trlead from Son Frandoco pin ,thelil veaels, they will aeek ..-, Y -----'---''-----bdpful """"""' lnausurated by left recentty for paints eazt: They com~ory rrt .. that will ~ Sn~,red as S.'<XMICl-0.. matur at lbe Poot<lmee ID Newpaot •nm, the RA!d crou since end of the war County ,. Counsel will drive by way at the Carlabod fleet lna1iUed operatlnc ccots and Voters of the Downey Union _____ C&lllomia. under lbe Act at Karc:b 3, 11179 bas been that of handling lnforma· ,,,_., Canmo. They expect to be ln yield a reucoable retW'll. Higher Hlch school district last week Sc A: MEYER • • PIJNI • .., tlon and actual transportation 01 Ap>ftAnln Decision St. Louis until June. r'teo ~by British and other voted Oj)pr'OVal of a $525,000 bcmd GM D. PORTER CEWlil "='IP" war brides of Amttican GI'• from ~ llr .... lln. B~ ,..._ n1 Oreign operators wUl make the iuUe by an unoffictaJ count of • '·- " ' .. ..._ 11221 & o&Jf• -·MfD~ FAW8111A ••1 M. -•a Co.. -WL·1!;_· •,tJMcARDON . • ----• .. -.-" ; II v~.. their Port of debarkation until On Se.._.,ation ......... •-..... , -Clim-lcompeti~.f~ctor 1.., lmPortant 111 1o 1'. ~. £J1A . :.~~;~n-;-·;·~-~-~-~~·~ th in th t their h et•_,, k• •• pa.ce at ftl llartsold •Te-In det~ the level ot rats F\DKll received from the ~ pik ..... Plant. ;IOU W. C..ntral A~ue, r:iewpu<t Bmd\ ~ ~~-:e e arms o us-An appeal haa been made by=;!:".,_,~.;:';_":.:::.'"'! on In~:tii::: !0< a ~ :!1 ~::.t\:~~ ::-.. ~ ... :-r--r:-.A;ll Official Paper of the City of Newport Beada Little known hereabouts b the County Cwmel J°"I Osle aealmt -n-i!aa Dlep'wm drive ·duced at tramc c1epreaec1 uincl~udlng~~a'._'.'.new:'._~a~udl~tori~wn.~--!..:=======I :'==::::; • A D1; z' t'e 1.-1JmUWU..,_~11 'l'W9 ~ U:: r!e~~:-~~ !:!: ba )udgmen1__.~,~tly handed down wt ~. to M"W~l!ie. m.. ocean tritcht rates far below an .-rJ h bb'-t ~-y,a ~~court aimed against -Jin. I-will --economl~' level during the '3111. N~· D-IL--T--' ... B""11'M m EDflORJAL-I Acm u ~·wan 1o ~~ about who JleKl't'llatlon of students of Mexican ;...... ... -Jin. Art -With pr~ts brlcht for a sub-,... .,... •"Dal,_ ._... \8ia8 fSOQAUO.N ~ one~ :an~Austtre ;~t~t onande·, or Lztln decent In four Orznse Tiie eoa,llo will -• ilr. l_.z stantlal inCr-eue ln the volume of AD Yo'e ot Traftl m DJrape. If r"-, llanll _..., ~ ~· .. ~ ~· oounty ICbool district. -a& ~' ocean fr1!Kht tramc over the next RO!md.the-World Trips In tbt W Mi! n. j 8le . -of Mn. Bruce Schol ... come In Fri-W ~ ":""""ci for Santa ·Ana, ... I-will r• to Clllcaro to ,...., ye~. competition should be llN. 8oy •snz ft. -Ill ......... - day and was met by her huaband 8 ns er, arden Grove and u.e Natleul ae.e.reJa Coaadl lea lnteme. And alnce costs will ..,~ and motle-ln-law at the train ln ~ )(:;""'-school distrlcU. rays ..--lo• --to Ulli-be aubo~tlally higher, It b loirl<al -· Ill a. & to I .. -. Lor ·An~les. at the clrc\llt court -......ity of c.m-.. -0 ....,_ 1o expoct that rates will be stabll·1 ;;:;:;:;:;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;:;~ The local chapter wires the port Coet apln1t the school dlstrtcta be •••!II' Ce. Nor*•P Aircraft. tzed at & level well above that ol chapter at which.she ii expected to ~carry the laue to the Sui;rerne Ualted Stat. P'b•a•• o.. _. i.. the ~ period. This will call \Vorld GovernIDent contact the expected bride, and to · NatteMI ~ ... ......,~ for considerable lncreuea over tbe -cue at her. '!be local office '!be ,._,,t Judcment which the -o.. of ea.-... -... prnallli\K 1...,1 of rat ... Crmple&e Fe ~·· •••• at It Is 110111eWhat puzzling to us when we bear atate- mmtll such as were recently made In the Senate that the United Stat.es, In order to preVl!llt an atomic war ol the tututt, should joili a world governments hearz from ?few York, for example, county districts are al'l>OallnK was -°"'IO> te _....,. a -... lf that b the port of debarkation made agalmt -•tlon. u a~ -a.-..._ .,, 1-· 1762 pty D....la for her ahlp .......i days before suit of a suit broucht by ,...era! _,...,. .._. Ir ••lmc • a ' """°" HANSEN'S What world gov~ent• n u. due to amw. u her buo-Lzttn-Ameritan dt1uno on behalf plMUc -Tiie v .... ,.. -. A vai le to Veta band cannot meet her, then the 01 thetr ""'-chlldren and of -Ir_.,..• •-ell Jn V A. ff fta)s chapter verl!IH thb fact with the "some 5(J()(J penons" almllarly af ... .,.. .. to -olep u.. .. of var-~ 08P Red crou at that -t. feeted. -.,._ ~ The U. S. military forces do not Tiie .... Ir rreat to oapp1y Ille Empq__ bed! ln Southern Call- poy her tr.,,._tatlon after she Would Stop Labor . 17 --i. -...,. fornia J V•tenns Aclmlnlatratlon •. , -8111s1a:r..111 •1 t' I . . ....... ,. . ..... , •. •Or? ...... - 1be aenators who made the proposal do not mean the United Nations Organi2ation, which they openly fear can do little toward preserving peace. They apP&rently have In mind the formation ol a world government like that tDlder . which our own 48 states exist. Well, If It were poo;sible under present world ronditions to create an "International nation," so to speak, that would be endowed with sufficient authority and respect to make It workable, it might go a long way toward preventing a future war. But, unfortunately, such organizatioos cannot be O"ellted overnight. In fact, even the UNO, although it is practically Impotent because of reservations and veto powers held by the Big Five. is finding it hard sledding to go through the motion of carrying out the plU1JOSeS for which it was created. arrtveo In port, lf her husband Dianutes ·on Food w1ia. ..ai.111e artllldal 1 """"., holpltq._ or leued facilities April mtttl her, It .... explained here 0 .. I--"' -to Ille ec;v .. ~ 1 tow~ 1762, Lt. Col. F . G. by Mn. Eve Hendr!claoll, 1n President A J. Scl\utte or 0r--...,.... .. w-..-to Ben. mtclical director tor a11 v. ~==jijijjjij~ijfjijij[=~ijijij~fjji~f~ charge of home services. However, ange County Farm Bureau an-...._ ,.,... Ille dlftleal&ler 4 A. hOOJjlW!zation In the 12th the Red crou will ... that the nouncec11ut night his organlz&tlon '"-· ..... .., ..... -~":.. Branch" uid today. These ... p Dll~OIY bri~ and child. if any, are pro-wU1 attk to place an lnJtlattve tac Ute llhlaUcm. ·~-... -avallab~ for veterans of either •I' vided wltb food with a regular propooal on the Jenera! election World J:Var I or II. ·'~- daily allowance which ii a gift to ballot thit fall whJch would out-Mia Susie P1eger, 700 Avocado, Spe.~j ~or 369 domiciliary beds her if she arrives without money. law hot cargo, secondary boycott, 1;~=rFrtday:= at Sa~lle. tt wu explained, hu l .. -----------.., nus ts ttve dollan per day which stoppage caused by jurisdictional a 0 a gn>Up 0 been i at West Los Angeleo I. 8. W II YT• she may spend u ahe chooses. dJsputes arid other labor unJon frlends, followed by a treat at the by mo ' g of the Los Angeles Re--..,.._ ~ ~ ti hich ld picture show Those enjoying Miss •• ...__. W ..._ tl'....S 1..._ ~ Red Cross staff asslatants ac-prac ces w wou interfere Pleger'a h~pltality were Lois glonal fices to the former Douc-.,.,. ~' to 1..,.11 1 ._.. a. company these foreign bom brides wtth production, movement. pro-. Holtz, Sall McMillan Joanna las Air<!:raft company plant adja-....uon wtu. ._.,,.. &u: _...._ across the coun try to their des-cessing and delivery of food to Llth Id J Y K N • M cent to the hospital on Sepulveda .&UBl'l"I -11arm ti ti d th o , une eent>, orma ar-Bl d Addi . al 1 .... _.a_ 9001l.&Wll48 m't'ICS na on. an arrange em in consumers. shall, George Chambers, Steve v . :1_-. tion space or ~ em. !Me ....._ 91.._, o.m ._ groups for such trips. They see His action was announced fol-Sailor. John Parks, Dick Jones, wil.1 be Lava1lable as soon as o~er n-•t'WP9ri ....,..., that the new citizens arrive safely lowing the work stoppage at the Ray Wallner and Peter Pleger. office ft'r~ ~an be moved to the '---"="-'==-'-=.:..--' at home. and keep hubby informed northern California canneries be-Dougl,bu1ld1ng. ASCBJTEOT of her tlmt> of arrival If he is un-cause or a jurisdictional dispute be-Mrs. John McDonald. 312 Nar-d . . . able to meet her. tween AFL and CIO unions. clssus avenue. ls recovering from The ditional figure Qf l393 Armand Monaco ABClll1'EC1' - England Strong for Social Experiment, Declares Richmond Times-Dispatch a major operation at her home represe{tts the number or beds She returned recently from ~ availab]f !15 of April 1 in the gen- Angeles. ' er~l hosp1tal a: Sa,vtelle, 1n Bir- mingha~ hospita l, and in Army Pat Anderson. daughter of Flor - a nd Naty hospitals with v. A. con· ence Anderson , 428 M ar guerite tracts. l avenue is at home from the Com- 814 W. Bay Av&., Balboa Newport 11!4 !1'!1 I.Mewood Ave. Lor Anceleo NOl'lllalldy - _ Pl&lfO n:Ac+++ PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINBENBilD Gftduole I ..,...o ;11.,,• 'Id Pll. Jll52.W 1.525 w. o-n ....... t H. R. Hall, M. D. ·. .....,.... ........ 177 Houn: 2s~, by Aj>pointJnml TelephODe ~ lSl BJWdwq This is not to say that a world government is entirely visionary. The world may be forced to it some day. But In their varying stages of political and emotional devel<>!>' ment nations simply do not seem ready to join such an or- ganization. How many Americans would be willing to place the Nation's affairs under the control of a world state? And, even if the majority were willing, would be British, the Rus- sians, the French. the Chinese and some 60 other nations be willin • g. The British Labor party, 1n con-munlty hospital In Santa Ana re-~ '-------------' trol or the national government C f C O co\•ering from an apendectomy. Two )riveters sa~ down to eat .-------------, since its sweeping victory at the • O • pposeS Mr. and Mrs. G. Grupe, 701 lunch. fld one began to un''Tap a DAY SOllOOL OONRAD BIUBT&B, IL D. polls last summer. has recently Ch , Se t Marigold avenue, returned Satur-package about eighteen inches .------------, ~ ... .._ It would seem that, instead of throwing the UNO over- boord as useless and trying to set up a world authority far stronger, we had better do all we can to strengthen the present organization and make it work. If we succeed in that, the world will be better prepared for a higher step. strengthened its position by sue-ange 1n na e day from R three-day trip to San long. ' Mortim~r School cesses in a number of local elec-"\Vha't's that?" 120 E . 18th St. Representation Diego an d Julian In the mou ntain5. .. •-0o-• --•~-os•--• tlons in many ~ts of the country. ''Myi'fe's away, so I made my-'-"' .-.. ~ _ _... CX>STA MESA The party either maintained or They a rrived at Palm Sprin~ just self a ·e." 0 -radM: CoUep. PrepU'a.t.orJ Houn: 10.12 a.m.; 3-6 p.m. increased IU control of local af-in time for the l Oth Annual Desert "A t long, isn't it?" .DAY SCHOOL . "-•• Phone W fain in these contests. A proposal to change the state Show there. Mrs. Grupe saJd the , Lo , S . . , Labor was already powerful ln representation in the California parade was two hours long and h '~~ -i ure lt s long-Its a G. A. MorUmer, )(. A-, Orlord the borough and urban districts. senate to place it on the same was dell J httul. Sa lly McDonald •• r_u __ ;,:p_e_._" --------I Principal Pboa 152 Lo~don was ruled by a Labor ma-basts as that of the assembly, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. EU' which the Marlpooa County Cham-John McDonald, 311 Narcissus ave-RH MA TISM jo ty before the recent elections, ber of Commerce communicated to nue, was B Dutch girl in the school but now !ta majority there Is ln-the local group would be dangerous float. The Grupes visited the Jack and ARTHRITIS creased. The party won 18 seats from the Conservatives and lost to smaller communities, especial-McDonalds. parents of Sally, who I suf ettd for years and am so ly cities of Orange county, it was have a lovely home up on the thankful that I can walk and work four, two to the Liberals and two . DENTl!!TS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST Small Business Boom It bas been said that there never was a more favorable time to start a new business than at present. How true that statement is we don't know, but Californians by the thou- to the Communists. In the munlci-stated by J oe Beek, secretary of mountainside towards Palm Can-again W;ithout pain, that 1 will glad- pal government Labor now holds the senate, wh? was asked for his yon. The Grupes registered at the ly ansWer anyone writing me for 220!~ w. Oentnl Pb.. l'80 90 seats, while the Conservatives view at the directors meeting of Winter Garden hotel at Palm lnform~on . MRS. EMMA IVES, were reduced to 30. the chamber Monday noon. Springs, run by Mr. and Mrs. P .O. Bo 189, Los Angeles S2. caiif. NEWP.OBT BEACH sands seem to agree with it. The number of new enterprises being set up in the state is breaking ,all records. In one month recently more than 7500 new businesses were born. · I The best interests of Orange Taucher , 423 Poppy avenue. 'nle -==::::;:::=======~ '-------------' Moat of the county counclls out-county cities would be served by Grupes found the mounWns and ,.. side of London have been tradi· keeping the representation in the desert in full bloom. ~ Uonally anti· Labor, but ln the h It Is o-k 'd ...,,.,_ • Dr. W. W. Westmoreland • Of course, most of these are small-gas stations, beauty parlors, -retail stores. But small business expresses the ~ desire among the American people to be "on their own." Some of them start their undertaking with the money they have saved or With the help ol friends or reJas tives. In these days, and especially here In callfornla, small businessmen can ree.dily obtain financial assistance from banks. Iii fact, banks In this state have Jong made a prac- tice of giving special attention to the needs ol small busi- ness. The large number of "little fellows" who have thrived and grown into big companies bas been due In no small measure to the advice and assistance provided by California elections the party gained con trot upper ouse as ' ~ 581 ' Sh R • • or .ix counties 1n addition to tour because 11 1t 1s changed .. proposed West Newport Field ; epa1nng Dentist It already held Anti·Sodallsta on a basis of population, three H els 0·1 • • llOl ~ mwa1 hold power ln Sl countries but cou nties will control the state, he ~a I Drilling e y OU waft Labor claims that It now co~trols uid. Those counties. would be Los Permits for State OOBONA DEL MAB local affairs for 2S,OOO,OOO of Brit-Angeles, San Franosco and Ala· i ••• ftODe Newport toa ain's 48,000,000 people. medL Macoll Co. or the West Newplft Since these elections wer e con-The present system works well field was placed at the top of the lay Pagan cerne\i with local Isauea, the re-in stabilizing the state economy, Uit for the state for the tint time !E.""st aulb cannot be regarded aa eapec-giving the producing areas equal Jut week with the filing of notice 515 ,IJ,;.;;· B•v .,_Ont tally lignlflca.nt with regard to the representation wtth the heavUy to drill on seven wells on the Ban--V I'£ public's attitude toward the Attlee populated ones, he pointed out. nlng leue. It is planned to drill Nest: to B&7 View Orb government, but they afford aome The directors agreed, and voted Noe. 48, 56 to 59 lnclualve, 62 j 9 L m. to I P. m. indication that the British are still to have their leclslaUve committee and 63. L.--f---------' strong ln their support of tbe So-prepare a resolution oppoolng anyl-----=-:------'----if----.----- ciallst experiment. legislative change of tJUs natw'e. banks. Reports trom throughoot the state indicate that 9ome of SAJC Classes to Hold the best opportunities for new enterprises are In eating and Ann. Dinner April 11 drinking places. food stores, sporting goods stores and lug- gage shops. Other lines such as music and radio, home furn-Alumni of the 1926-27 claases lshlngs, . . of the Sonta Ana Junior oollege tobacco, liquor and jewelry are said to be less brights will bofd their annual get-together At any rate. small business In California is experiencing dinner Aprif 11, at the Fn!nch a boom cate tn Santa Ana. aecordinc to · Allen Goddard. chalnnan of the committee on arranaementa.. It will be an Informal affair, Goddard dlscloeed. with a dinner and rodal hour. Miu Thelma Down to the Bone , Patton Will be toutmistreu for FOii INIUllANCE 11!1! Howanl W. G z 1 iala GOeTA. yre• -lll Auwmobile • F"ll'e Accid.rt • Ufe u...... 11114 Clontnct -w- of this Clean, Fomlly N~per TD OIBLmAN saEra M<Hl'<ll ·-·--···: ... .-. ............... . ----•'tf'V: ..... ..... -'; .... ~fl •rt I_. Spe8klng of digesting and brevity, perhaps the Jong I ·thfiiei!!everune~~·~· ;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;=;;;~~~;;,_7-~-~-~-~~-i;~-~-~-~-~-~-~-i~-~-~ threatened newsPrint shortage would provide an enforced 1 i schpoling In the art of epitome. DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH F;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;::;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ~·= ~o!~tstru..!eln tosu!r~ O/Wlf£ -SAM'SONSECBAAFG peg., daily newspapers. This me~t little flair for individual on . inl:eil>retation or approach, but tHe papers told the story of the war and the public knew as much-<>r as llttle--as any ,)JUbJiC anywhere. · In fact the lesson seems to have strucl< too well British ~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ papers will keeP their reduced size under government direc- tion while newsprint is exported. \ D SPA IN8U1ANOE New York Life Insuranee Company DON a. DUUNT U8 Oreld4 A..._ .,_ 11111-1 CORONA DEL KAR OCCIDENTAL Lin; IN8UBANCE 00. Ray Nielsen -Hit-I 'IU E. llq A-Bel boa ---' MOBTICIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OunelYel the Better Serve by Servlnc <>then Bear PhomeN-portlllJ. 0--c.lll'orala Robert A. Crawford Op&. D. OPl'O ..... "i•&lllT,..• Ey.. Examined • G-11tted 1m Nw,.t ..... ,_. ..._ SUI 008TA "D' I:. T. ·~odll. 0 . D. o;•a-tsW Dr. G. E. Tohill ~-a=::r- NEWPOR'T BEACH -PHONJ:S-- Offlce 286-W Ra :186sll If no answer, call Newport 5 Gerald Hausa; M. D. 2830 West Centnol Aye. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 10'28-No answer call 301·1' X-Ray Senior • lllltoa J/l llUweu, II. D. 1111~-- 0oz.-W- Office HoUrr: l()s12; lHI S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 •1 An., •n... Ke...-t:l'IM "' .. 11111 •t.. 1-... , 7 TUm.Ttu . By Appolntmmt T. P. Reeder, M. D. PbymHen ud 8m.s- 1N1 WMt JlaT A- Telepbw ~ewpori • A. V-: Andren, M.·D. PBIUCIAN ... ll1lM1COX Dr. W. T. Mooney ftJ"*' ... llwc ~ --Olw-.-C-·->• • W11p• Dlnlflh 11 h IH 1p Dr. Wile 0. ... 1 \ I I 24-llom: Radio Service ' . sm n•-nm LJ:lfll&:ll D'IJPLICAD:D ..... as-.. ....... ti WA w. °"*-If.-.. Y ' st••• ..u MWIV&Ta&m OllroPr.ctic. ~ ~·ownc~) ~ l.EtOom .... ~ .... -1" M1 I Burt R. Norton tll (loa.e--MJ.T Newpwt 1111_of',, OIBL 315 NORTH JIAIN .ST. • •> • Siegel & Raub .......... .., .. i.--......... ~­T 7 5' m1 IF 7 I tllTW.~1'-­T I,, I~ di , ' ZONE 'l'lfo.APY CLINIC .......... • ••• I 1¥11!~11 IUJ''T a I p .. J , ....... >as1 .... I • • ' ' • lnspedfon, .. Play on·. Pr0gram At ·c. M~ Public School Wk. Fr~sh Daily Deltcioua Sea FOC><Y Or, complete equipment wbm you want to catcb your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH 'l'HE HURLEY BELL 135 COAST OPl:N DAILY AT 4 P . M. 8undayw at % p. m. "'Th.e House of Fine Foods .. ..... HIGHWAY. CORONA DEL MAR ..,. "'!; ,. ·,5 ~ .. IT'S YOUR GLANDS! Proetate Backache, Headache, Paln11 tn legs and C'l'Oln-AchM and p&l.m and "d.rag'ed·out" teellnK ln ~omen. Lou or Vitality _ .. Alwaya Tired" feellng--SUpplng and Growtn1 Old before JOUr tame. Aneml&--BJgll and , Low Blood Preellure--Bronchla.I .&.UuDa--Ecuma.-Pslorlas-KJdney and Heart Oondldona. re· lpOU 8CIOCieMfWIJ' to oo.r Exclu.lve Gland Teclmlque developed dlra 18 yean' osperloaeo. NO PAIN-NO DRtlG~NO SUBGl:RY-NO INlECTIONS. CONSULTATION FRU: BY APPOINTMllNT. PBONI: llM Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., PhC. lO'I ftnd SL -ri -. Oellf. Boure: l!SO to 7:SO Moadaya and 'l'b.undaya Aak Your DenU11t To llbow YO!I Samples nt:hb both aocl&lm. and rc-,.,....;.;.Dd u.e new ~t tortal and N-Bue Trans- ucent Trubl'te Teeth u belA& the clo.est f'HeDlblance to Na· ture's OM'U Teeth aad Gums ... so "llfellke .. la de.ta.II, tbey tend to enblince 1·oo:r pe.nonal appean.a.o&. The exCepUona.I lll{hl wet.pt of Uleee New Ma- terials rmulC. ID added Com· lorL EASY TO WEAR • , • will not warp or sl:utak . . . beli» avold clJelrln~. wob· ~.Int-.ete. -Dr. Co._'• Uben.I Crelllt Tenn&. No lnter.l or -., es· tra ctaa.rce; ....... • llQ" ........ tm&I' ...,,. ""0 ..... ""'&111 of U-Tlllo llboral ol· rer ejlplk!o. oa an at:J1eo o1 --~~ lnohl6lc _... --~~---' ~ -- • STEAKS .._ted by Pnlf-oa&I and Amateur Daacen of Tiie GRACI: SIDPMAN SCHOOL OF DANCING. OF SANTA ANA Friday, April 12, At 7:4a p. m. NEWPORT HARBOR UNION HIGH SCHOOL Featurtn,; Slx·Year-Old LINDA BLUE s..,,..re<1 by the GIRL'S LEAGUE for tbe Benent of the Orange County Presbyterian Hospital Fund Attulta 15o--Cb1ldreli Uc • -- OUR SPECIALTY GENUINE HOT • BUTTEBlllLK. CAKES • Complete l.dmclleos l5e -· Open7to7-~8to5 Kids' Cafe ISM Ne..,.n ..... ~ -Bamey and AL Prq\o. Boat Owners .•. ~anvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA LUMBER Fine Spanish . MAHOGANY • Spanish -CEDAR • lllosde HARDWOOD • SEE US • Sampson Mathine Works ' .Coon ii A cepts Subdivision Plan ear Corona del Mar Far lleet.er 8ulld&y, April 21st lamps :: v-:: Flgwill .. :: Costume .Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop We W.... Olfta !II! Ocean Front • THE OPENING • of in the FRIDAY, APRIL 12th I . • ., l r • • --• . JC&W:tG&l' BA•;aoA ..... N j, Furniture Mart VF w Post 6886 'The Man ''~o Came to UCLA Still Hopes '~~ s~p~~-::io· Puauc None~ Puauc Nonea °'!"er& Move Here. Meets at USO TUI' . For Gl. University ~ iij ~ ~1b!,.~1ce7'!:: thereof .... ~requested -------- Prior to Store Operung Headqmarh:n 0·1nner' Is R·1ot of fun a·t H s AtS.A.Air~ ~a~t~::·:i...= :.v:·-::...:to~ ==-~9'l2the~~I N~~ =i~~ w~chu: The second meeting of the Vet-• • ~ Community in ~ county :n ~ ~ ~e.:e.':°:':: =:-.~wi;:t :=:et = ~y~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ed to open with the com-erans of Fonlgn Wan Poat No. Considered one of the best schoo which hu upresaed an opinlon on market:• which Is at 301 Main datt of sale. · · of Loa Anseiea. St.a~ of C&llforula. plebon of the •ton! building on 6886 wu beld at 7'30 p.m. at I produced by the tu dlapoal&n of the Santa Ana Army street ~ to Woodrow Coo By Order ol Cit Council all the ricbt, title and lnt<lnt all Coast hig:hY•ay sometime in M~, the USO bulldin&: over Gunder-:e= ~ Man Wbo Ca.mes t~ Air Bue agrees that a · iropo&al the ~ to ~ completed MorJ:;• Newport Beach &.urorrua' said Incompetent at the time-ot. has ~ved to Balboa Island with son's drug store. ~ laat Friday n1 ht at the to Atabllsh a G. I. unlv.nlty there , • . April I. 1946. • . Incompetency and all qie rllhlo I hts \\llfe and small daughter. 'Ibe Monte RcM Grimes. District high school brou ht ~torms of s under auspices of the University of ' . RUSSELL E. CRAIG, title and interest that the-eitate ~~t~t~:r ;,.';;,eMtoBl::U~f.;,,~ Deputy Oilef ~-Staff temcalled the laughter from a ~arge audience, r,.... c.p!cml.a at Loa Angel'!' WOtlld be PuBLIO NOTICES Harbor Muter. ~·i:,ai.!~~~~ ~o•~ -~-. meeting to ~ aa porary with Bruce McGavren In the tlU• 1't 'WI the moot ""'lcome, It was a,,-. Pub. April 9. 11. 16, 18. 19'6. ~-,.---~ on April 20. . • chQ.irman. and it was decided to role of the wealth and eccentric by directors of the chamber of f NOTICE OF PUBLIC REABING other than or ln addition to that ot The pa.rtner_s have announced hold another meeting at the USO writer. Y lt7 llUGB M.nMJJ.1.p commerce in an Informal dbcus-NOTI~ OF PUBLIC REAIUNG said Incompetent at the time of that the furniture mart has ar· Tuesday night. April 9, 7:30 p.m. lion Monday noon. j The Newport Beach City Plan-incompetency, ln and to all that ranged for exclusive dealership in All correspondence ahould be The ~ waa by far the largest ~ of the i,tl filh1ng tales The uniYft'Slty still hu the mat-. The Newport Beach Oty Pl~-n1ng Commission will hold a Public certain real property particularlJ ' Zenith radios, ABC washing ma-addreaed to Charles T . Roten, trained by the drama department goina: the round& these · days are t under discuslion and local men rung cpnunialon will hold a Public Hearing Thursday April 18 1946 described u follows. to-wit: . chines. Magic Ole! stoves_ and P . o. Box 634, Balboa. of the llChool and Ruth Froehlich Is enqu&h to make a fisherman's hair .::.0 contacted Dr. 'a......,.,. Dyk-Hearlrjg Thursday, April 18. 1946 at 7,30 P. M., in th~ Council O.am-Lot 15, mod< 733 of Corona O'Keefe and Merritt ranges 1n ad-A membership committee con-entitled to great cred.lt for the tum ltt)'. Al Foreit hu the one tra t f the Institution at 7:3Q P. M., in the Council O\am-hers City Hall N rt Be ch del Mar, u per map thereof dition to a complete line of qual-slating ot Dale L Johnson and way In which the rtrta and boys about a aurf fisherman catchlbc :e e'n~ ~o bell~ that ef-bers, pty Hall, Newport Beach, Califomla. ' ewpo • ·' recmded. ln Book 3, Pass '1 ily l".rnlture. Much of the mer-Richard R. MOOft waa appointed carried out their parts. ~ a barracuda on a aand crab at 38th forts .,.. be!nc made to locat• Callf'*1Ja. PUBLIC HEARING the and 42 of Misc. Mapa, Records diandise l.S in storage in the Har-and they assured tbe poet ~ many Bachman u stage manaa:er did a a tree~ 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon. such ml ente-rpriR there. Santa P~C HE.ARING upon the matter of a petition of '::n prop. ol. Onnce County, and located bor area waitlni .for completion new members by the next meettnc. wonclerful Job In arran&lng th• The fish .,.lghed 7 poWlds. I don't An 11 wu ...,..aled. holds the application of S. N. Yale for Lot 1, erty owners of Block ~ Canal In N•wpcrt llffch. 1. of the new b~. Tbomu w . M.,...,... appointed propo and -one hundred and see why this CO".ltln't happen, If a k "·to the slt\latlon beca".Se they Blodc !A.. Tract 518, Balboa, Call-Section Newport Beach, Calli TERMS OF SALE: CUh brla.-; chairmall of the building commlt-one details needed to make any aurf tbberman h&d hia bait out h:~e under long t~ leue \be 400 forniaJ far a SO per cent aetbtck nla, f~ the . Re-zonina: of 81:-k tul money of the United Stats op tee. and w to work with John L. abow a hit. far e'ftOll.lhJ acres upon whJch are located moet vari&rte for above mentioned Iota. 634 from R-2 to Cl. canftnu.tion of Ale, or pu:t ~ I.anon in thla c:apeclcy. 'The meager plot deals with the Sand crabo and m\ISllei. for bey of the ut111t1 ... water ,..,ns, major By Order of the Olalrman of the J!y order ot the OWrman of the U>d balance evidenced by note "'!" ' THIS WEEK~ 'The rnembrn all the newly form-arrival of a oelebrlty, Bruce Mc-!lshlni Is another seemingly ut-bulJdlngs and fadlltla which any Newpf.rt Beach City Planning Newport Beach · CUy Plannlnc cured by m<il'tpp or Trmt Deoil ed poat are looking f°"'ard to a GaV""1, In a small town, an acd-terly ridiculooa bait to old time lnstlttltlon would Med to operat• Conmiiuion. Commiulon "" the propu cy IO ao1d. Tm 11"1' Heaters very active U>d --chap-dent which maroono him In th• fishermen. It wu never heard of the baae JOHN M. ALLEN JOHN . M ALLEN eent ol amount bid to be depoalted ter and ooe that will irov• an home of a wealthy dtlu1> and hit oevoral years ago. Now ea'rl E . Cltlni ·th• ben•fit which an edu-JlHILMER J. ELLERBROEK. PHILMER J ELLERBROEK, with bid. asaet to the community and the utter disregard ol the conventlona SOma and Loo Stein, of 449 Udo catlonal Institution mlsht brine. It J . .. _ S.C...tary. -i;e;,...tary ·' Bkll or otfen to be In wrltlJII veteran. u he talc .. <10er the hOWie and Sblld, Lido We, uoe such bait to wu pointed out by President /u. P".b~prll 9, 19'6. Pub -April 9 l!MS · U>d will be recelwd at the afcre- L1Do nms It Ilk• he doe& hit oftlce. The catch spottln and corbina from S Barrett that th1I might obvla~ NUflCE OF 8ALJ: OF BEAL · ' · sald otrlce at any time after tbe War Dept. Penru.· t opec1a1 scenery built by Arthur their hom•. They cast their 11nes the neeeulty of another Jw\lor PBOl!EBTY AT PBIV ATE 8ALJ: tint publication -.and before Worden with the aid of John Nolan out the window, ~ad their paper ooll e In the south•rn part of the . No. 2501Zl NOTICE OF SALZ OF BEAL date of sal•. Asked for Pier and John JohlllOn In the school WIW the click ltarta slngtn1. and Coun~ By all odds It would be la tM S.._tor Coan of tbo Slate PBOPICB!T AT PRIVATE ULll DATED: March 19,'1918- ELECTRIC Co. In Canal Section work ahop. added to the s11C<eU th•n run for their pol ... Sunday much ·more dealrabl•. members .t CalllOnlla, 1a aad 1..--' No. talllll CHAS L. O~ J. of the play. they caught six 1potfln from 3\0 agreed than th• recently rumored · C-t7 Gt Loa Aqoloa. 1" the Superior Court of the u Guardian, Dec&lk::al ae~ 8en1oe Appllcation hu been made by B. F. Balley, 7124 G street, San Bernardino, calitomia. for war department permit to «JnStruct a pleasure pi•r with landing float at bayward end. to be located In front ol Wt 6, Blodc 238, Canal section, on the westerly side of and extendin1 30 feet Into the Rivo Alto channel, a westerly arm ol Newport Bay. 611 State mpwa7 _._ Newport~ o.-r.i • Electric B.,_.,oldA.....,_ Gas Heating & Ventilation ---·--- CHARTER & PRESTON State Llcensed Contractor --lmtallatlom lllako Warm r-. DIESEL SERVICE DIESEL MOTOR SALFS RE-BUILT DIESELS FllANK B. LEWIS (Lucl<J L<lwlo) 0.--Manapr PHO~ Office: Newport 2068 and Newport 2084-W 512 ~ Marine Avenue Balboa Island Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales Store window and sbowCMe dlllplays are at their attractive best under the daylight glow of floo......,..,,t llgbthlg. the modern way of lhowhlg what you have to 11811 to tbe beet ad· ..... tage_ There U'e DO lhadOW9 'to di.tort the pidnre you wi1lh to pnMDt to the customer. Colon appear Ill their uad lhadee We are DOW able to provide nuor-t light.. :t ::...m:!k,°"l, ~::i.111, from the -u- ' Calls for .,.Um•tea UlllwerM wW.0.t delay. Bec1llar oervlce amlata!pM ETS • HOKll & ·GALVAN • lllNCS 4 ltlt 1000 C...t lltway ...._ Newpwt lS8' ...... ~ .............. ......---..--a..D1110()=M=ef ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two l'lre l:q1dpmmt far "FACl'OaT, PLANT. noa&. OFF1CS. F~ BOID Mualc .electlom by the high to 5% pounds each, and three cor-cotton °mUI alated for ea.ta Mesa. 1 State of Callfornla in and tor the -----M1t:Jtual 9211, Statkm Z57 llChool and Newport Beach Gram-blna, 1\0 pounds each. Ralph Mukey, _realtor, laid he In the Matter of the Eatate of Cotinty of Loa Angel ... mar school c:rcheltru, directed by Two Army officers from San would like to see thil and other DONALD F . TAPLEY, Deceuec:l In the matter of the estate of HAROLD W. KENNEDY. L. C. Swain, ahowed good iractice Bernardino were flshing oq: Bay non-tax paying property returned Notice ii hereby ctven that the ET.J ,EN McGUIRE, Incompetent. Coum:7 0.-awl, and and technique. Following Is the bland ".Sing mllUela and ruor to the coW1ty tax.rolls. Wld.t.igned will sell at private Notice Is hereby liven that the EARL O. LIPPOLD, cast: clarpa: and caught a 6%. and an 8% aale, to the hJgbest and belt bid-undersigned CHAS. L. OVER-, Deputy. Mn. Ernest w. Stanley, Her-pound._1polfln, plus four 3 poWld-L • All der, mbject to confirmation of laid SHINER, u Guardian, will .. n at HALL OF RECORDS, berta Johnson; Miss Preen, Nancy en: They did their fishing from a eg1on ows Supeiior Court, on or after the private sate, to the highest bidder, /LOS ANGELES. Neice; Richard Stanley, Jimmy row boat anchored in the channel. 19th day of April 1946, at the of-upon the terms and condltiona Attorneys for Guardian. Balley; June Stanley, Susie Walk· The ocean d0ry fishermen of fice of her attorney, Ronald H . hereinafter mentioned and subject QB.-"'1&. er; John, Jim Rubel; Sarah, Jeann~ Newport are enjoying a good nm Non-Part·1san Coombs, 9648 CUJver Boulevard, to confirmation by said Superier Pub. Mch. 26, 28. Air. 2 ... St UK8 Edick ; Mn. Baxter, Jo SchuJte; of sculpin these da)ll. Their fish CUlvelr Qty, County of Los An-----:::==================:::::-- Mrs. McCutcheon, Nanq Pierson; is sold from their dories pulled up geles, State of California. all the Mr. Stanley, David CroSa; Maggie on the beach next to the Newport rlght,1 title and interest ot said ~~ ~ :_;::~· CUtler. Jeannie Lou Grund; Dr. pier. Sculpin are good eating and o· . dece~ed. at the time of death I Bra~e~, Ralph Freitag; Sh4',ridan you are sure of getting fresh fish 1scuss1ons and aJl the right, title and interest ~ [ Whiteside, Bruce McGavren ; Har-from the dory fishermen. The fish-that the estate ot said deceased riet Stanley, Char Priest: Bert ermen are getting from two to five has a¢quired by operation of law or rSi>:"iiil l!J lt·@ ' ~· . ~~· Jefferson, Dick Wallner; Professor hundred. pounds of fish each day. othetjvise, other than or in ad- Metz, Bob Doughty; the luncheon It ls an unusually large run of Matters of non-partisan. non-d.ition to that of said deceased, 4i.t guests, Leonard DeBord. Nolan sculpin. tontroversial nature IA'hich will the t~me or death, in and to all Archer, Calvin Mcintee: Mr. Ba-Selma J ones and F1orence Baker serve the good of the community, the certain real property particu- ~~ .• , ... -.11 ••m ROSS i. BARROWS 509 E 4 'ST -SAN TA ANA . OWEN HOOflN L CO ker, Richard Rumsey; expressma n. state or nation '"';11 be proper sub-larly described as follows, to-wit: of Newport, caught sL'< sculpin off • .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;:;;;~ Ber~en Hess; Lorraine Sh~ldon, the Newport pier Thursday night. je-cts for discussion henceforth in ~ undivided one-third ( ~) Chrtsty Gardner ; Sandy. Jimmy Other pier fishermen are still the meetings of the Newport Har-interest in a parcel of unim- Nelson; Bever ly Carlton, Reneto catching halibut from the pier bor Post of t he American Legion. proved real property In the Mo naco; W~~cott, J ack C~h '. using live bait. This was made known by Com-County of Orange, State of rad.I? techn1c1an, ~er L ind, Eddie Hill caught 10 surf perch mander Don Durant following a Call'!orni~. described as: Lot 5, ~JO, Duane Thornton, two depu· on sand crabs in the surf a t 3Sth pre .. ious discussion as to whe ther in Block 2 of Tl-act 626, in the t1~. ~rge _Yardley, Jack Mc-street 8 couple a.fternoons ago. mem bers could deviate from the Qty; of Newpor t Beach, Coun- Kibben , a plainclothes man, John J .C . Renner, of Huntington Beach, established policy of non-political cy of Orange, State of Cali· Fowler. caught 12 yellovJfin Saturday debates. fo~~a as per Map thereof, re-The Legion is not '"going politl-cor ed 1·n Book 30 at page 40 night between 9 a nd 11 p.m. with • cal,"' the commander said. The and 41 of Miscella neous ma~ Premier Ahmad Ghavam of Iran -"With Marshall Sta lin·s good in- tentions toward Iran and the friendliness existtng between Tran and the Soviet Republic I hope in the New Ye ar to bring about an understandin g between t.he two countries and to begin a new age in our re lations with Russia lay- ing bilateral respect on a lasting foundation." sand crabs a long the s'ame stretch · -· of beach. preamble to their constitution al-records of said Or a nge County. It's O ne big white sea· bass was caught from the live bait boat t>ina Lee from the Balboa Pavilion this week. Halibut a nd barracuda are being caught by the live bait boats oper ating these days from Newport Harbor. With the barracuda back in local waters the trolling boaters now Always COF f EE TIME At The . . . . . DON uTC&wilFFLE SHOP . . . . . . . Serving COF'F'EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES SANDWICHES • MALTS and SUNDAES • COMPLETE FOUN- TAIN SERVICE. lows progressive a nd construC'tive Terms of sale cash in lawful money discussion, but matters "republican 1 of the1 United States on confinna- or dem ocratic" ar e out, he pointed tion of sale, or part cash and bal- out. • ance evidenced by note secured by Two new m embers were elected Mortg'age or Tl-ust Deect on the to the executive committ{'(' of the propet tY so sold. Ten per cent Of post Tuesday night. They ""'ere amouq,t bid to be deposited with Paul De Ruff and Dr. E. T . But-bid. f tenvorth, optometrist. Four others Bids or offers to be in writing a r e automatically members, the and Y{ill be-received at the a!ore- comma nder, first a nd second vice-said office at a ny time after the i;ommanders and adjutant being first publication hereof and before entitled by reason of their office date of sale. to dfr ect the policic."6 of the veter-Da~ this 2nd day of April, ans organization. 194&. Dur ing the next few weeks 'BERNECE S . TAPLEY, Durant expects to put on an in-1 Administratrix of the Estate tenSive can1paign for new members , of said decedent. in o rde r that the 21st district, in RONALD H . COOMBS, w hich this post is included, m ay 9648 Culver Voulevard. have an excelle nt chance to show CUiver City, California the greatest increase in the state. Attorney for Admlnistratrix. Already this district has been sur-CR-12-698 passed by only one tor top ho,aors. Pub . ......!...April 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 1946. George Kellogg, district command- er, who was present at the meeting NOT.CE OF INTENT TO SELL this week, wilJ re present the Or- ange county posts a t San Fran· cisco. have a chance to try their luck. One fisherman had the thrilling experience of having all of his jigs load up with fish at the same If you are -·unable to come~ in during - off ice hours, why .not . sa ve !Jy ·mail? Whether it is -· saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan ' Part o\. All you Earn is Yours to Savtf Resources $4',006,000.00 Laguna federal Savin.gs and Loan Association 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island ._ l'o'kbols Georp Starllnc 1 time as he trolled along. To have six or eight fish fighting in the water behind the boat at the same time leaves a fisherman with his hands full. The City of Newport Beach in- tends to purchase from Cleo E. McF&rla'ld, owner of that cef.taifi barge known as the "MIN.- DANAO," ex-Documented Num· ber 11rr-786, County Barge Num- ber Q-144, b\lilt In the year 1902 at Aberdeen, Waahington, and BJ>" proximately 566 grogs tonnage,[~~;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~ said .barge being now located on fl property owned by the City of Newport Beach between 16th and 18th Street in Newport Harbor. Said 'Sale will take place and the purchase priCe money paid Mon- day, .April 22, 1946, at the hour Open EnmlDp UaUI 10 o'Clock -Cloeed on WfllllllneMay CARPET & UPHOLSTERING CLEANING Local Veteran of World Wars I and II WORK DONE IN YOUR HOME • Color and Beauty Revived, Give New Sheen Dean Ward PHONE NEWPORT 2056-R • • Before Yoa ·Build or Remodel rillt oar lllter•"*I -P.le .... dlilploiy .......... . Color gu1des; Jl)8n: nlng alds, compre- hensive stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. ._. Oarpeta 0--re1, LUDLUM Carpet Works tm -llalll II&. -S-ta A. -SANTA ASA Drive Clttfully-Spare a Life. .ROSSI'S Liouor Store loOs ClaMt Blway li __ .,llle_ NO LOOT or 10:00 a.m ., at the office of the Harbor Muter, located at the WasJlington Street Pier, ln that Portion of the City of Newport Beach known u Balboa. All per· aona 1having or clalmlng to have any ijens, claiml, and/or demands agalnot laid barge, or any part I Permanent Positipn Offered To the Young I Woman Who Can Qttalify -. f: Qaalllbtlo--!I Yoong (Undelf~.40) Bright , Attractive I Reliable Neat II Accurate ' Permanent (~bly) Qoallfted to-J Take Dictatl or. Do Bookk .I . :I lf Qualitie<l. Do · t Phone, Call in Pe o-·rw I ATTEITIOI! Boat Owners! We Have About SO Large Heavy Duty 6-Volt • Which We Are Putting on Sale at BA'I*I'E:RIES. • Only $18.00 Each n.e baUeriee have fl plates plir eel, wrlp lllO llJI. 1 wt ..... lsted today by the -~ <lo. ... '611.00. Tltey _.., made. for tile eowa• ud, bat were-·medud-ao&oldltoek. ·" -11 ' ;; W&•bave just recently opened a~ Rl'Ylce here In Costa Mesa. and are using thla llll!lllod ot -- some new frierids, for we know that 1' .mat you wUi bl! If you get ooe ol these baiteries at $18.00, for tbai Is lells than it rost the manufacturer to m8Jce them. I ' STOREY'S . BATTERY , . . w .. · > t• (llzluwww UCll a 008'rA lllJIA, <lAUJOBNiA I I • • • ' . • M&WW •••PC>& M&W..,,. ..... JI IMI Deprived .of All, Czechoslovak Girl lndignan·t Boat Owner Denied. I RISE Red r edW.::.":t"':e=i::t-~ AVC Chapters Set Asks A•nt In Corona del Mar TO REMARK - - -replaced by Colin 111-.. u Red Apr. 26, ~7. 28 Datee F~ Ma_.,,-to Make wec1c11nc Gowa 35' Moor·ing for ~,,, Boat ~:::: PlllUD8 Nea G · I· ~=~~E~ For state ~vention BJ' llESSO: L BltNEDICT and shoes too, and especially the LL c-.r-·. om...: preciatloo was tmclered Mr. Oak· Olapters In all part> ol tlte Forced to cllg clltch5 from 1 ootlee. That wu the flnt I have The cherry blOUOIDS have been I f -den for hla tine oervk:e to Red atate_ are now ~ plana to - o'clock In the morning untll '2 In had In six year.. When the Geo-The ever-pttSent iroblem In bloom. -In Waalllngton, and Dn'<! o· , . Pl era... . maxilnum delegatlom to the first tbe afternoon for the Nazis be-tapo came my lolk> had two cows boat ownen living Inland who Navy Opens Pro--beautlfUI than ......... Once they 1s· c 0ses· ans Vobmteen are needed and Calltornla State Con-tion ot Ute came-they were told the Rnulam and two pigs but the Gestapo took want to ~ a boat, or if they own e• _.. were Ja_panese c:helTy trees. but on lhould call the offieoe at 18SS. American Veterans Committee, ....., coming, and forced at gun all this away from them, al>o'my one. to bring It to Newport Har· For Pilot Training; Deamber 1, 19il they ,.-Jy ; slated for April :l6, 27 and 28 at point to gtve up her watch which bicycle and wrist watch. I fought bor tco~~1 the~_bor1 tlyDepartd· Choice Left Open became Kottan trees, or oriental :ii: Sue to Compel . the Alexandria Hotel In Loo Al>- ahe wanted dearly•to bold,-these for my watch but Uley put a gun men 110•\UCM Y. t""1 ...... en • an cherry trees. I never thougbt the •'Qne lu push an we're OVtt;' geles. . ::"tec1 "':'.:'e~ ~~~ ;:a on! n::f~ 1:0 g~g clltcl>es at ~t ~f ~";".;.;~=.:r-~ ''The third peacetime c1 .. ol ~y t ~ had much l"ftthponall· =t~ u · v;~ ~ = CoPropertyl te 01933wnersDeatol ~Alt!-::: :.c:: :: .: f th a~llcant "-•"·· t the famed V • Naval A·•·t1on Of. or u~ war, any more an -·-of ·"--r Red mp e Marcuerite avenue, Corona del the front w ith the German of-.~ed e .... was ..... -.......,, la -fleer Pilot ~,...,_,__ .:::.,.am . 11 thought, in 1917, that calllnc: it ,.__... mei fund C&JD.. L. • ... Cox lel"Ye AVC ln action,·• · declared Mar ·by her oelce In C>ech"°;I<>-flcen yelling, "HUITy, don't you ~ · . ~ .. ~~ "Liberty Steak" ~ed the na· palgn for "'" fifth ar u ahe ~tua and Emma S. l.arTY Bachman, chairman ot the valda. bear the Russi.am comina'. you Why Newport Harbor 11 IO now open for enlittment!" an--ture of bambw-ger With the S\D"Veyed ttie results or the lut Cox of 807 Ocean Drive, Newport convention committee. Appealing to her aun; tor some Czech and 'Pole beutl!" we due widely advertised as such a nice nounoed Commander KeJth F . cherry blcmoma ~ tM uall minute apptaJ to ~dents leav-· Heights, filed suit Monday in su- ma*ial with which to make a in the rain and sleet. With wet feet place to own a boat as well u to James, dlrector of naval officer beautiful magnollu 'hJch:, ~ lng but ~ to be taiaed ~f the pert.or court to compel Lena A. :--------·----- wedding c1r .... the ctrl wrote that from 7 a.in. to 2 p.m. and then live •lumped Mr. and Mn. R. s. procurement, Loo Angeles. v~ Is have .. good a ~ :'aenL no $14,000 quota for Ne.,_t Jiarbor. Blshop to dellver title of the prop-.K.O 0 F s Aft'IAD oa .... ,__ Free btimata • 111-.:tlt:a ... , ......... she expects to be married in May had to march with our lhavet. Jersey of Montebello who wrote topa in aviation traininc and men • • • Sam Petten&W aa,ya in hil 'The city Its leadlni the county er1y to the occupants. ~ con- and that the small amount of ma-on OW' &boulders for two houri. the News-'nmes, that thef worked who want to tty and who qualify syndicated colWDD. that "Our Stan in it.a etrol1:s ' to ~ enoucti tend they contracted to pay $9500 terlal there ii not uaeable because A.nd now I do to want to have a all winter at hOme on their boat. will receive the ftnett aviation and Stripes ruea ov the only money for ltJ>e year' total Mn for the property in 1933 and are It lo made of wood and paper. nice W<dd!.ng! So, can you pleue' waiting to hear from the harbor tralnlnc In the world." defeated creat na::.. In the :: Grace aald !mthualu Cally. •N..; ready to poy the balance or $5900 I Since th• .oo ol the warrthey do help!" . department to get a moorlnC-In The Navy spends $30,000 in edu-tltt world," liooe the •nd ot the 1y ~ aliort a .....,k qo,. the now due. They also aeek Slll(\O u not bave meana with which to buy Mn. Deyhl• thoo&ht the.e might deoperatlon, they aaJd, they ran eating each and every piloL Japanese war O K. rm wllllnc to worken under her ~on man-dam&ges for delay In obtaining I 11(11 -..... l'll. NwpL lOlN -wedd.1.nr garmnita. be some one who would etve IOme an ad ln thiS newspaper for one, Tra1n1nc includes up to four eem--let Jt go at th.~ bu't did you ever aaed. to obtain Mar the ent..ttttl __ tJ_e. __ , ________________ ..:.:_ __ :...__: __ It la euotornary In her country drea or any part ol a llftdcllnc and cot an Immediate .......,.. eoten of college followed by com--an undefeated champion with-amount of Uie goal b lut minute - to be manied in white 1n the outfit to this cirl. lbere la so much Coming down to make arranre-plete and intensive oounee in 11y. out a lot of would·be testant. efforts in cp11tng uF.many who .--------------------------~ church. She k>np to have • nice duty cbaraed o~ new thlncs. 'nle ments for It: they were told in no lnl:. When a candJdete hu com-tryina to &et him to :':enc1 the l\ad no~ct and f ls that lf all n . ., ·VENmAN BLINDS -.-!ding, ahe writes. &irl la 5 f .. t 1 mcheo and wel~lll uncertain term. by the harbor pleted the r<qulttd filght train-title That'a why champa keep who In to """ d aend In yGllt:Oau • •'The boxes you sent were filled 105 pounds.. muter that they could not keep Ina:. he ii conunialoned u an o(. th · 1 in good pb,yalcal 8 ch~ drive d be over with wonderful clothes for the men the one they propooed to buy. fleer In the U. S. Navy or Marine cll~rnae ves COD· the total~ WOOD • 8'liiiilL • ALmllNUll , 8PBINO rzvsa Some hot wordl were exchan1ed. 0.,:.. The Naval Aviation Prep-• • 0~· W th ch A ab: · ks wat safety cam-..._ "---._ 1 1 -.__ --.._ .. _,.. Deoplte the clory of aprinc, the and they went home and wrote the oratory pro&Tam la the only olflcer _., e 1gotht ano er amplobln· palgn la pl f""~thla aummer 111• n.,.;.._. ..,...._., W-11· H careful motoriat will remain alert paper. They planned to spend a tralnin& prop"am open ln the a.iu.p out 0 e war. The pu ic under ' .. ~ --... ., PbWt Newport l'JBO..W h~' OllH while driving atalM the J;lllbllo few days a week here fl.lhlng, they Navy at the ""'"""' time. debt of the United Stateo la nowl the. dlrect.l of Frank '-------------------------' I'-"-. , aafety ~I of the National uld In their 22-Joot boaL Cancllda.t" who are &elected and ii,~ to th~publl~ debta ol ~ ~~er~ Red er;:.,.::,:: ---------,.---------------- ..,... Automobile ~ub Spine fever Harbor Muter Russell Craig re-enlisted now will rel)Ol't to any 0 coun es 0 the wor ' Yin 1 ' fh ' ~"-===•==•==-==== inattention or~ may ~ callt'd the lnddent. but denied that accredited American unJven.lty Thanks to recent inc:reuet in Ki I dailyt claaes: swimming iii ft 1 7 1 .. ault in a ~UI acddmt. he had given the Montebello real-college, or junior college of the.tr'. population. .~e i;euury hu fl&· ~ 1:d_ sa~t~ ~ e ~!:ea~~ I e-lie•*• ... dent a rough time of it. In fact. he own choice at the bea1nnfng of the ured that only' $2,118 ii now •. Drtve CarefUlly~ & Lite. remarked, Jerzowwld (instead of fall term to be elven up to tour owed by every man, woman and be announ later. --------------------------Jersey wu the con-ect name of the aemesten of 'couece by the Navy chlld in the United States. Multi· Nutrition J claues ~be held owner of the boat) did not do They must apply and &aln admit~ ply by" 4 to get the debt which again ln~al.l , ~d · Ralph mmt of the arguing .. It wu h1a tance to colleee by their own ef-rests on the average American Randel, 1 ~· e states that companion. forts. While attending college, the family. the classes, recen Y· concluded, BRING YOUR RADIO TO US ODo Da)' -Wo'll Bepolr It Uld Yoa Oan Dawe It Ille Nert hclor7 Parta. Wort< OwtM4. l"llctol')' Tr.i-1 J:xi-to- Radio SOS Electric BAY VIEW CAFE Formerl.y. The Palma Cafe Same 111.......-t: L A. Wolls i At the Ferry Landing -Palm and Bay Ave., Balboa BREAKFAST SPECIALS' Egp. Pot.atom IUld eortee ·············· 35! PIES • CAKES • DONUTS Opell I L m . to 9 p. m. -CI09ed TUMdaya ll•11·•·l1 lla1sft•1·,,·••1·ks ct11 l 1ttl11111lti•t llt•t•(tt•tls ~lj ' 1ko new •ymphony recording• headline the li•I of Co/.,,,.. bia record. made arailable lo mUJic loverJ lhiJ month. BL.et: sp;,pbony in C Major: Phil- harmonic·Symphony Orchalra of New York, Artur Rodzinski,$(>oduc- 1or. Columbia ~la1terwork1 tel M-)JM-596 • $4.SO Beethovm: Sympbony No. 2 in D Major. Op. 36. Pittaburgh Sym· phony Orcltatra. Friu Reiner, con- dqclor. Columbia Muterworka ee& M0MM.S97 • $4.50 I Paul W'liite: Sea Chanty (or &rp and Strings. Edna Phillipa, harp, with •tring quintet. Colombia ~fu­ terworb aet X-MX-259 • $2.50 • • Borodin: Prinee lgor-Polonalan D-The P!Uhdelphla Orclieotra, E...,.... Onnandy, eond11<tor. . Co1-bia --U2B9-D, ~}$1.00 , Bmld: Zamp~ Er.-K--a..tiq-tbil Philo i...-ic-Sympbony On:hestra of New Todt. Colnmbia r<eord l2Z10-D • Sl.00 Bahert Bath: Comllh Rliapaody (from the 6lm Low Story). Harriet Cohen, p.i._ with the London Symphony ~ .....clocted b'y Hubert Bath. Colnmbia r<eord 7440-M • $LOO • ~l>onny Boy ('l'eatherly-~ditional). The. Old Refrain ( Mattulbth.:.Jtrm:r..). J'ieJ-Eddy, bari'-with orcheatra eondneted hr Robert Anahnaiter, CoJwmbia r<eord '33S-M • S.75 ,,._.,.__.. •• , r'•• .,....,,. TURNER~S Your l!kctnc Appliance D<akr -1.llC ':1115 W. 4th St. SANTA ANA • l'hOM 1172 P.AP.ALMER Craig called their attention to 1tudent is on the same basis as • • • "All taxpayers should tight· proved '° popular, d the need the dty ordinance which prohibits civilian students. . en their belts." Thi.a is current ad-here so indi ated, ~t fall classes a smaller class boat in an anchor-vice from the Administration, should be ell fill~ and dates age designed tor a large craft. This C. M. Grammar School quoted in . the Washington Ne"'.s will be an unced 2, ter. wu the case at the 19th street Digest, which asks what · good th11 P . el IL;~ ... sea area where they were about to buy Gives 36 Memberships will do. after the taxpayer has al· Home s ce has some person- a mooring, and pay brokerage for ready lbst his pants? nel chang ~-Y Alford re- getting it. The real problem is to In Scholastic Society • • • There has been a Jot of taJk, sign~ a.s . alrnlan_ and will act get space for fishermen who are del,iberately promoted by New ~ vice--.ch an, WJ.th Jane Calk- spending their e ntire time earning The following students of the Deal propaganda groups, about a tns ac~ing chainhan, and Eve New, Sensational Trolling Jigs For Albacore and Barracuda a livlihood fishing, and not for Costa Mesa Elementary scfiool recent so-calle<J;'Veterans Housing Hendrickso • new siaff ~xecutl~e-1 ,---------------------------, those from the outside who in-won membership in the scholar-Bill," which I tried to explain in Polly Walk and Mi-s. Dick Whit- tend to make a part-time business ship society for the third quarter, this column. will build no houses son, _who h~ye lon~served in_ home 1 or it. it was a nnounced this week : for ve terans! I wonder how many service, WllJ continue to give at • 1 The harbor master is constantly Eighth grade-F ajth Smith, Bar-people heard or read an equal least one day a v.•eek to volunteer being pressed by the Fishermen's bara Long, Dorothy Stearns, Shir-amount ot talk about other bills 1,case work. ,' . Union for more anchorages for ley Griffin, Joanne Cox, Lucy to provide houses for the veterans . The load P0 "' incr~ases, accord· regular!)-' employed fishing craft. Pinkley, Lewann Messing, Velma to live in? Two weeks ago the 1 ing to Mrs. Alford, since Newport Thirty to 40 boats are being built Pridham, Joan Drummond. Wanda House" voted S250,000,000 for 100,-1 has taken oye.r the work formerly here right now. \Vhere will they .. be Hiatt. Daisy Lane, Charles Covey , 000 temporary housing units. to be done by the !Costa Mesa f"~up and put, he asks. · Ralph Rea. Marvin Johnson. Mar4 moved from wartime locations a nd 8 repor_ted /123 cases ~~Y over COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR Specializing in Trolling Gear Subsequently a mooring was lene Jacobsen, Mooneen Allen, recoriverted for the use of veter-: ~rom this mbnth to_ next, So busy found for a 22-foot boat, and the Wanda Kasper, Dorothy Leal, Lo ans. The vote "'as 347 to 1. These 11s the ho~ service ~epa.rtment Jerseys, or J erzowskis, were ac-Mae Laurie. Jimmy rt1.cVay, Bar-Y.i ll mean quick shelter in t he 1 that_ a comrruttee of citizens repre- commodated. Hoy,•evcr the same bara Moore. Phil Stafford. Chizuko emergency while "'e v.•ork for the senting docth~ an~ schools will be McCallum & Harvey 2814 La Fayett.. Newport Phone 81S quest goes on for moorings, and Sug ita and J oan Sutterfield. long.pull program. Changes in formed to af\!lSe Wlth the staff. i---------------'-----------'--- according to the harbor master , Seventh grade-Lois Straling, OPA T"egulations v.·ould hasten the I the property owners must be take n Eddie Paul, Pa tty Huffman, Beu-Jatter. ' care of as well as fishermen. And. lah He nsen, Charles Cheeley, Mary • • • Some cons't:ituent asked me, t Craig asserted. he is playing no F a ullin, Billy Pence, Jack Alla n-a while back, how much the United favorites as the Montebello couple ach, Marlene Andersen, J oe Breet, States would get in return for 1 -~ charged, but is trying to crowd Carolyn J ohPson a nd Jean \Vest. Lend-Lease. I can answer that ~IG' I about 5000 boats into some 4000 now. We are getting back less than ,... ' berths. Japanese Famil1'es 11 cents on each dollar we spent I for Lend·Lease material, and the The first common carrier steam Are D1'spossessed Senate committee investigating trairl carried coal as its major . the situation says our disposaJ 1 load, but added nour in sacks on At Afr t method is contributing to a syaem top of the coal. \\'hile passengers por of cartels. among other things. a nd ~ ~a t on top of the sacks. permits countries involved to sell I ~ -T · -~ A tr ailer location in Costa ~fesa the goods at a profit. The couft· t · at 18th and Whittier is now the tries prohibit direct sales by t he 1 rM f F d home for 13 ill and aged Japanese United States to local people, thus rozen 00 families who were moved from leaving the foreign government as 11..,,!c 'i their previous loca.tion at Orange j the only possible buyer . A.ccord.i4tothebe9t county airport last "'eek by the 1 . • • William D. Murray. who authoritiea, the in.ini-c b War Relocation Authority. writes a column called "Capitol mum daily IA. Dand B a • t A total of 73 persons were dis-Capsules," tells about the OPA ~Jc!t~v::: lne S possessed from the airpart and executive, wllo wanted to write a ) ap ~ are: have been moved to Long Beach, Spring love Jetter to his girl. He A \;• USP Units. D San Diego and Costa Mesa. tried to say,. ''I love you.'' The ''-II 1':r ~n1'f:1~81z.: Roll -A -Door B)' Since 1898 At one time some 300 persons best, and briefest. he could get out .;>-, )lkrosnms. and .,,.. of Japanese ancestry )Yere housed was, "Comple te assurance of maxi-=~t.• Mlcnpamf Nlc:o-- at the barracks of the army air-mum affection is hereby implied." 1 req,uired amounts for other B lex VltamlDI ban DOl drome. Many of them have since ~t been liahed.. returned to their former homes on A University of California ex· th!:.6!.$ ~i~ ~\tu°f ranches all over Orange county. pert has achieved an increase in Wh¥ not ate ey takinl FOf office supplies, see the News~nmes. aize of a selected line of Leghorn ONE A•DAY BRAND chickens for the seventh consecu-. ""I VITAMIN TABLm I r..ch OICB-A-DAY Vltomin A and tive generation: D Tab)et '°1>t.'m 25~ -more of u. cod liver ...;1 vitaJ:nim than the min.i-i '"' (.!!.ll''A"ll'"'"'B1,,,R,,,.,1Ertllf1A"''T···H···· ,,, • 0 1! ... F.H'"*''ol!'"L'l"DH•H•n•uLA'!""·'"'G'('Hu•H•1tN•H•HA•u•11•1t•H•"'""i mF!n. ~ ~i~':l"u\ •-_. • Complu: Tablri O>Dt&inl full mini- mum dail:f. uirements of Vitamins i at ~ B1 and ea ~ 10.000 MM:rocrama oe ~ ~ NicotiNmk'• toptbn' with • sub-. M 1 M I ' S • atantial amount ot. other B Vitamins. < ~ \ Whc riu buy Vltamim, comp.,.e Ii 1745 SOUTii O'.>ASf BOULEVARD ~ ~8'A'.~~b~.!~~"°"'to0N.f; ::. OOWN THE STAIRS ~ •venc-J:iwnao requirema:i.t&. See 1 J4 W. 4th St. Ph. 6688 PASADENA LONG BEACH ~ ~ how mscimible the con. i LUNCHEON 12 to 2 -D~ ll to 9 ! I .-~Get~~~=-~· :a:'~'°"'~=dn..r~~"'°""'=~~~=H~=N=·=EDclld~~=Ph.~=s=1-~%--~~=5'8~=PIDo~~A=..._~=L~ll.~=IU~:e'7~~ ~ ·Starting Saturday ~ 11 , Peruhhlnedor m So. Los Allgeles st. Ae=' 1' , Oallt. DIEBGENCY PHONE Au--- I Serving Sizzling Kansas City Steaks i · • CLOSED WEDNESDAYS • • i i ? FOB Bl!U•VATIONS CALL 1.. ! .uei 1111111n11t111111111t11tnlil111111111-111111-ww>11111u111111tu1111111111111n1n1111111u•n .. 11111111111n111111.,,:0 J·UST · ARRIVED! Spring and Summer SWIM and PLAY TR~KS (CateHnawlJubM) -I AND A NEtf UNE OP ADAMS TRUNKS (la .... ) g~ S(UJ'li SI.op !01 llut.e An.. ••.,Itel • NOW OPEN With Complet.e Automotive Repair Maint.enance Service • and ASSOCIATED Gasolines -Veedol Motor Oils l Lob. rication ' ' . . . . • ONE-DAY BRAU SERVICE ~mCK-CRABGE"BAT'l'EBYSl:BVICB OPEN DAILY FBOll '1 A. II. TO 9 P. 11. HARBOR GARAGE • • :~ ..... l(cC&vran • ~ Trau1-ln • Jlliutioir Bhd. ud Ber SM SL .· • I • • • .... .' t a a pm I T 0 I e 7 .... llr. -Mn. Wqca"" Payne T Robins »--11--A ........ ._..., Bal-i.,'. o . • ~ sL~~~;:.-:_-.~ •• -.-.-.... ,,......--=,,.....-1""~·~-.::a;::;:;-c.ounty Incomei Ilia. o.c.r -·st• i.-..... No· -In-•a .. 129 Pd.' • • , • • offdw nue. &lllao. --al~~~~~·-!!!!.-~ land. -lut -to s.n ae-G wth . f H. S. mate -.. Mr. l'Qne'• fllli"lll ro 0 ; ..... ~ ~ dlmK -BT llclnodllcl- 'H A R B 0 R S""""4. From 1939-1944 S RT Bea• =.i_na~ ~ i:r ';.~ :::': --~ aiU:.. '::..": tlttt ot&rted ---SaturdaY F li'wft ........ -the ie:· . avors .&:IA..-m10n ~ -I 11n. Chari .. Pllldnct<Jll "' s.nar. ""'.._ -~---.., A marrlace ll<ewe bas been i. ~ Robins, member al the sued to Cecil Junes Oliver 32, ot tint Board al Trultfts al the Newport llHd1 -em; Mary N..._t Har.bor Union ·~-29 llChool aild one~ ita moot enthus- IndiY,ldual l.ncomel of On.nee '===11 ............ 00 .. -....... -Ana. Mrs. Jadt Pmdn&ton and dr"tWS aft .. f~ to wit: ~ oountn dvlllon nsldenta ,,_ ON ~ ll&Ul children, c...oI -Jolm 1-, Jolln Ayling, 2117 N. ~ ... • r+ • -rrom ~.OC9,000 In 1939 to $153.· Ralpt R-i. clbnlnutlve ond ~; Mr· -Mn. Pbllllp Altadena, Calif.; CR. R......-, • 698,000 bt-l9H, IKCOl'dlnc to a &enlal ' eoach at Harboo-Hlch. ....,~ ond' dausbter Katblline, 1631 All<sro Square, San Gelriel, H · bo H h B c T k T survey by the "-arch ~t _,.,. I,; enjoy a rare comradeship Mr. ond Mrs. Hush McMiiian and Calif.; Donald V. 11\mcy, l.8S3\i • ~ut, • a..l>oygan, Mich. iutic boosters, r.cailod when ln- i====::~~~~=~ I formed of its plans tor expansion ar r ig ,_ rac · earns· ~~ ~"".'"'~ :.th~~ u: :.~~.:;Mr._ -Mn..... s. ~ ~~~ ~ -that he and other. directon had to wu an lncreue ot 129.2 per oent bu to JftCUcallY atond on a hlll'-p N day of March. 1916. Slats • 0 • Wood AWNINGS PAV FOR THEMSELVES Freedom from upkeep and replacement expense makes the first cost the last cost. Fal>ric -frays ..... WM.ft raged. 19 com· pletely ellmlnated la - SLA'IS -0 -WOOD Awnhlp More comfort! Pennanent good looks! Tallort'd to fit the archi- tecture of YOUR home! secure a special act through the S A he F II over the fire-year period. In com-die to' equal the height of moot UBLIC OTICE Signed: Wamp na •1m u erton --with a 144.6 per oent pin of hla11aW..tes, appean to be a JOHN AYLING for callfomla ond a 109.8 per cent pal U i'el1 aa the ''bl& 1-s'' to the NOTICE OF llALll: OF U:&L · C R. RUS'I'ENBACH It was one of the first cues on . f · gain for the nation. f•ll<>M\1at Harboo-who tum out for PllOPll:llTY AT l'IUVAD DONALD V. MUNCY record of a joint committee of Harbor Hl&h'• mighty B and c 10_7.; Impact of wartime population the ~ aporta. All of wbich s.n,1e STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I a state legislature back In the 1930< in order to separate tJUs from the Sant& Ana achool district. , both N...._t ond Coata M ... track outtita cave their league 660-IO•'"'""'n (NH) DavllOn -lnduatrlal chances on the may '"t· one 6f the reuono that the No. P-6383. Puadel>a DepL A.. COUNTY OF ORANGE I cbambon of roi1w....,,., working .,.qbbon formal tlce that they (NH), Bonnett (NH) ' Nlelllon _.conomy of California coun-Is Sailoni alwa.ys stand protty hlgb ON THIS 25th day of March tog•ther to oecuno a common o1>-are out to capt::, the Sunaet (NH). nm., 1m. 36.21. · • appra!Rd In the study, ............i In the, acthn-In which Reed In the Superior Court of the State A.. D., 1946, before me," Nara jectlve. They sent Leroy Andenon, crown In thoae two ciasaea In the 120 low hurdlH _ Bell (NH) by net lnwl-from waceo and toachef. Recocda M'Wal that Tar of callfonUa, In ond for the S. lilazputb. a Notuy Pub- Coat& Mesa attorney, and Gear&• all-league flnala to be held this Brown (NH) Wooclhouoe (NH)' salariea, proprietor&' profits, prop-outfita1.,.. alwa.ys threata In bu-County of Loa Ali&eN-Be In ond for Aid County and Mci..od to Sacramento to help Friday by overwhelming Fllllerton uov.,_ (0): nm., le!L ' erty. and other IOUn:el. ketbal.I, track -footti.11 and a Stat.., resldln& -.i clul7 IOCUl'e pauage of that leglalatlon. and Orange In the aeml·!lnals 1aat Shot _ Brown (NH) French Wages and salariea accounted ROOd lbatt of the credit m111t &O In the Matter ot the -U! at c:ommlillloned ond sworn,' -- Judge D. J . Dodge of the New-week md. (01. Pr•ll <Ol, Hamon (Na). Dill-for $41,069,000 al Individual In-to the looachlng staff, u exempll-Preu Lucas, ll«eued. llOllally appeared Jolln AyUnc. port Township Court Is the only Harbor's Ba amused 70\i polnta tance 45 fL 6 In. comes In Orange county In 1939, or fled bir Reed. . C R. Ruatenbach, DoN!d V. member of that original board with Fllllerton taJdn& 37\i and High Jump--Carter (F l Fergu-61.25 per cent of the total, ac-OFF ~ ll&Ul Notio. Ill h....,by given that tho Muncy, known to mo to be the still !leT'Ying, wblch comlsted of Orange 12. The local Ca wop with 1011 (F l, McI>owell (NH),' Ambler OO<dinc to the survey. By 1944, T!¥ poke last W1!0k at Har-undersigned will ae11 at privat. persons whole...,,,.. ~ MJb. The<>do<e Robins, Leroy Anderson 62 and Fullerton trailed with :zi (F l . Height, 5 rt. 4 In. wages and aalarles bad jumpod to bor H -ball. or rather the aale to the hi&heat and heat bid-scribed to the within lllltnl- (presldentl , Mn. Fraru:es Nelson and 13 respectively. Broad Jump _ Smith (NH) $89,701,000, or 58.36 per cent of lack , · lnteroot In the natlcnal de', subject to conffunation of oaid ment, and W..-ledaed to me and the Jate Dr. F erry. Robins r e-The Sailor A team came out sec-Krugsrud <F >, Council (A), wa~ the total. , put~ and Indicated that the. SUperlor Court, on er after thl' that they eXK"Uted the~­ called that their many citizens f•lt ond best behind Fllllerton who In-(NH). Dilltance, 19 ft. Proprietors net lnoomes-;>rof-local tieam was rather a ......ruJ 10th day of April, 1946, at th• or-IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I that their plans for a 600-ctudent di ted th t the will t t Pole vault-ne Hay (NH) and its ot p-oprietcn and pa..-Wrs in IQU&d. ~So. what he,ppens? Wendy nces of Riccardi, Webster & Dona-have hereunto .et my hand plant entirely too ambitious. It S::ta Ana': e:ful team~:e Prell (Q); Woodhouse (NH), non~ate farm and businea Pie~· aaapping nine takes the hue, attorneys, 311 First Trust and affixed my otndal -1 actually opened with 200 and 12 Friday by ta~ the meet with Me&MI (NH). Height, 10 fL 3 In. enterpnses-rose from $10,315,000 Tustin/ Tillers Into camp by a de-Building, Puadena 1, California, the day and year In tbll oertl- teachers. 60 polntl to Harbor's 31 and Or-440 relay _ Newport, Orange, in 1939 to $33,133,000 1n· 1944. cu:tve ISCOl'e of 12~ and Indicated all the right, tlUe and interest of tlcate tint above wri~. "Since those days the growth of ange's 2l'At. Brtan Hanz.al was a Fullerton. nme. '8.91. Pl'opel'tJ beome . . 1 that ~ may be a surprise to said deceased at the time of l)is (SEAL) , . t the achoo} has been phenomenal.'" double winner for the locals bag-Points: Newport Harbor 62, Ful-Property income including div-ll!'~Y viSitor that ls ~ooking for easy death, and all the right, title and NORA S . MARGWARTH Robins remarked. "Enrollment has 'n both sprints . ' lerton 23, Orange 13. ldenda. interest, net rentals and p1 . We mentioned lut w.,.k Interest that the est"'1e of said de-Notl\f)' Public In and for tripled. Teachers have been tn-gi g . · royalttes-accow:ited for $8,741,000 that ens ii a whale of a coach ceased hu acquired "by operatiOP said County and State. creased from 12 to 31 ... Statis-Qualifyn:ig in the A events w~re of Orange county's 1939 individual and t still stands. He knows of law or otherwise, other thu My Cornmiplon Expirei tics published by the Orengo Wallner with a second In the high Tony CornerO Income. By 1944, this type of In-the galne and his team learns a or in addition.to that of said c1e-Jan. 29, 1950. County Superintendent's office hurdles, ';lanzal In the 100 and • • . come had risen to $18,687,000. lot wii each practice. ,Who knows ceased at the time of death, in and Pub: Mch. 26, Apr. 2. 9, 16. 1946. show that our high school has al· 220. Martin with a third ln the Said Preparing Other income, Including pen-but th t, by the time the pref<nt to all that certain ·r eal property ways been among the low cost 100, McK1bben Wlth a third in the • slons, direct relief, compensation, bunch are seniors, Harbor may situate in the Cflunty of Orange, NOTICE OF INTENTION schools with an average coot per 440, McCallum with a second In 'Gambling Fleet' soda! security-<llld In 1~. mill-turn with the horsehide !ll'ide State of Calif~a. particularly TO ENGAGE IN. lllE pupil less than that of the county the 220 low hurdles, Archer with tary dependenta' allotments and of the )Sunset league. l described as foll~ws : SALE Of ALCOHO. L average ... " a second in the shot put, Walln~r veterans' mustering out pay-was BEAKINGS .. : · Lot 19 Bfock 11 o( tract 234, Slats • 0 • Wood The well known auto dealer se.id second In the hJgh jump, Peyton tie It apPears that Southern call-$6,924,000 in 1939, and $12,177,000 Keston Diemling and Cam,ron in the •Oty of Newport Beacti. IC BEVERAGES. , . a.: for second in the broad jump and fomia's gambling fleet is due for in 1944. Thom, 'high school tennis aces look County of Orange ·state of A • Co further, 'I have no hesitation 1.n Robertson with a second in the a reappearance In coastal waters . . like the best bets to 1 d th local Californi ' wnmg · • urging the passing of the high Je vault. well beyond the territorial reaches Principal source or wage and ea e . a, as per map i:ecorcl-April 4. 1946 FOR ESTIMATES PHONE OR WRITE ot-Oranp County school expansion program on May po or the law, according to wire 11!-salary income to Orange county !Quad ~o ~e top of the league net ed in Book 13, pages,36 and TO WHOM rr MAY OONCERN: 715 So. pwlaAeJplUa S&. 17. The harbor district develop-Clw B " · residents was trade and service heap.:.c1dc~tally, the two netters 37 of Miscellaneous . Maps, Notice is hereby given that fit, A•a.helm, Calif. ment will exceed the proposed in-120 hJgh hurd1es-DeRuff (NHl, po~~ retum of .)he fleet, which enterprises where payrolla in-and ..;:,i., haps a couple from the records of aa!d County teen days after the date posted, P!lone Fullerton 18$3·.J crease of capacity to 1000 enroll-H illhouse (NH), Rima (NH), Mc-was decommissioned by a state creased from $14,116,000 in 1939 Tar ~-,.e-man team, plan _to enter and the undersigned proposes to 9ell Bevene Toll Cbarpt ment in a very short time.'History Graw, (FJ . nme, 9.Ss. supreme court decision In 1939. to $27,580,000 in 1944, the State the 1>9~las °:IP competitions in Lot 20 Block 11 of Tract 234, alcoholic beverages at these prem-~===========~~will~~r~e~pe~a~t~its~e~U~,~o~nl~y~fas~ter~.'~' ~I lOO-Osborne (F ), Davis (F), will also bring back a ,farnlllar Chamber's report states. Agricul· LA d\;ng spring v~cation, says in the City or Newport Beach, is.es. described as follows : 1301 Graban, (F ). Young (NH). Time, name, as it is reported that the ture accounted for $13406000· Coach · arryman, their net mentor County of Orange. State of Coast Hfghway, NeWport Beach, 10.7s. head of the new syndicate that transportation, communica'tto~ and · · · · ~rlan_ Hanzal, sure-fire cin· California, as per map record-Ora nge ¢ounty, California. Gf,0..-Mason CNH), Berry CNH), intends lo run the gaming ships utiliti~ for $4,978.000 and manu-der ~~-~mt-winner in the dash-ed in Boo~ 13, pages 36 and Purs~a'nt t~ such intention,• the GEORGE D. BASSETT General Accounting • Fishermen's Bookkeeping Income · Tax Service Jameson (0}, Spangler CNH>. is "Admiral ot the F1eet" Ton . facturing for $20.717,000 in 1944 es, looKS lik~ ~ sure-fire bet on 37 ot Miscellaneous MaJ'l", undersigned 1s applyinJ to the Time, lm.34.2s. Comero. . Y local payrolls. the local gridiron . this fall. H·e Records of said County. State Board of Equali1;8tion far ii· 220 Davis (F), Young CNH). . should be able to skirt the end ala Terms of sale are cash in law· suance on original application ot Nulty (NH), Graban <FJ . Time, 1 . A f~r trans-A~~uc; 1~ s D" Se ki Turley, of last year's Sarita Ana ful money of the United States on an alcoholic beverage license (or 23s. 1ner. lS now ~nde~mg ext,ens1ve an 1ego e ng champtonship outfit .... On the confirmation of sale, or part cub licenses) for these premi.!es u ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 220 low hurdles -McGraw (F), .~pairs and ts being re~odeled M W D S nationt.I sport scene, it is the talk and balance evidenced by a note follows: Mello (NH), DeRuff (NHJ. Han-into a swank floating .casmo, but • • • Upply of the1 aseball world the way the secllred by a trust deed on the ON SALE BEER son (NH). Time. 13.Ss. Cornero, recallln~ previous run-ins Pasqu~l btothers of the Mexican property so sold. Ten percent nt Anyone d.eslring to protest the 1320 -Straw (F), Coyle (0), with t~e ~aw.hi Wd n~t re~l the With the purpose of obtaining a ~ajor ' league are knocking off amoe.nt bid to be deposited with issuance of such license(s) may tilt %602 W . Central Ave., Phoae 1806·.J, Newport Beach Thia aew alumiaom akBl .... --cle•eloped. ... Ip• kMP caataloatt. &.IL. cmd cMeM o4ors oat ol a ~ I»•••··· mWr to keepa.-lr..b..wML Cross <NH), Craig (NH). Time, name 0 es P or ts ocauon. plentiful and permanent water high-salaried players from the bJd. a verified protest with the State 3m.34s. supply from the Colorado River I St.at~the biggest name player to Bids or off!!rs to be In wrftinrc Board of Equalization at Sacra· Shot .p~t-Hanson .C NH). Hicks Co t Off" • J Aqueduct, the San Diego County jom tlie 'l>E;low the.border' league and will be r eceived at the aro ... mento, .California, stating groundl <C?>. Ktlhan (NH), Pinkley (NH). un y ICia 8 Water Authority on April 5 filed recentJy ,be~g Vern Stephens, for-said office at any time after u.. for derual as provided by law. The Distance, 43 f t. D G bJ with the Board of Directors of the mer ~rown1e short·stop of Long first publication hereof and before premises. are not now licensed foi High jump--Pollock (NH), tie ecree am ers Metropolitan Water District of Beach\--but It was to be expected date of sale. the sale of alcoholic beverages. Hillhouse CNH> and Wiles (F ), U J H Southern California an applicati~n becaule after all, the only loyalty 'Dated: March 25th, 1946. RALPH G. SESSEL. Corner (Fl. Height, 5 ft . 6 In. flWe come ere for consent to annex to the dis· owed by professional athktes ls to GERTRUDE PAULINE WATSON Pub: April 9, 1946. Broad jump-Rima CNHJ, Pol-trlct. the $.1 slgn. Stephens is rt>ported Administratrix of the estat. I;:============ lock (NH).· Mello (NH), Struve Gambling ships, such 85 those I dd·t· t th cit f S to hate signed for 1tn excess of ot said decedent. CF J. Distance, 19 ft. 11 in. apparently planned by Tony Cor· Dl:go a Ji ion ~ e thy .0t !;:' $18,000 and, if St. Lquis won't pay Riccardi, Webster & Donahue Robbie's Riggm· g Pole vault-Tie Osborne (F ) and nero off Malibu Beach will not be clud ' . het wtha er "tlau .ondy -him What he's worth, he might Attorneys for saia adminbtri' · Loft Ward (NH). Th . es eig o er ct es an areas ll . .th · . ompson (NH), welcome near Orange county re-in the uth ty Th as we sign wt the highest bid· • trix, 311 First Trust Bldg Pentecost (0). Height, 10 ft. 6 in. sorts, it was stated last week by Oceanai: e~ cou:; · Ne~ ~ der. "fhe Mexican league should Pasadena. Calif. Relay -Newport, Orange, Ful-Sh~ff J esse Elliott and Dist. Qty Olui Vi 7_na t~' La a~on turn out to be rf'ally big time. The CR 12620. "Be--Rlc 't:~:!.t.~Yins lerto?. Time, lm.12s. . AttY. James L. Davis when ques-Lem~n Gr:ve !nd s;m v,J:ea, ~m· from the-South may take Pub. Mch. 26, 28; Apr. 2, 4, 9, 1946. Points: Newport Harbor 70~. tloned about the various rumors Irrigati o· trict, t.h laJc ldy time from their pulque-squeezing S~~~~ ~; = Fullerton 37 ~. Orange 12. lyt week. r~ tion D·"ir· t th• Fallbes ke to make the whole venture w:orth ...,.0 TIFIC TE ' Etc. " ••• ga on IS IC " e roo while. ....£<Q. A OF BUS~SS Clau C They have never attempted to Public Utility District and the Ra· TEAM' BEAMS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME Contract or 11me and Ma· Newport Electrl ·c Appl"ance Co 50--Vaughn (NH ), Bell (NH). operate from here," Davis said. "I mona Irrigation District Total es-' ' THE UNDERS .• terials. I . • Councin (F), F erguson CF). Time, see no reason why they should timated population of . the nine W~~ens rune went down before by certif th l thIGNED do hdere-Sorry, no ~n....... in or ,_ c-t 81 _. 5.&. choose to try "t H . . . · WMJq. of Long Beach on the Jocal Y a ey are con uct-dro ___ ....... vy .,.... r..taNka...t 19" ~ !118 100 \ft -. I now. owever, commuruties compns1ng the au-diamond Thµnda afternoon S-0 ing 8 Machine Shop bWliness a t P me a .....,.u. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(~F~>~-~S~m~lth~~(~~"~,'.~=~M~>-~<~~>~-~=~~~e~~~=~n1~:~~~0~~~:~0~;~~~=~t~~~~~th~e~y~~~w~--tybisedMOOOand~-~is•of~be~~~of=s-~of-~m~q~ • come. e a com m area of 150 square ball outfits in the Southland and port Beach, Cl"lunty of Orange, 1568 Santa Alla Aftl. miles, with an assessed valuation ls seeded in the forthcoming base-State of California, under the fie-Co.ta MeM. CJallf. of $270,000,000. ball \oumey in Pomona .during titioUI firm~ name of Ram E!1gi-! '------------..i ·. ' ' t A. F. of L. Opposed to Communism The A111erican Federation of Labor has been on record for over two decades as being GppOsed to the Communist Party and has made a consistent fight to expose their m ethods and pro- paganda as evidenced by the records of the A. F. of L Contained herein; in part, is copy of Article 2, Section 2 of the constitution and by-laws of the Orange County Central La- bor Council: ARTICLE 1·1, Section 11 "No organization ~fficered or controlled by Communists, or any person espousing Communism or advocating the violent ove1 tl1row of oar institutions, shall be allqwed .representation or · recognition in this Central Labor Council" ~ .._, ----------- • ) 1··'· '· ' ' ' , ORANGE COUNTY CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL ~ Fa of L 0. C. BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES A. Fa ofl • , , Easter vacation. don't want that type of people in 1,. ------- Orange county " Coach Lam Caf Sheriff Elll~tt &aid he hardly • 1 p e expected the matter to come up, Reopens Saturday but that the &amblers would not be welcome in Orana:e county. ~ date for the Coach Tony Cornero, one-time "bi& Lampl caf•. 504 West Central shot" gambllne boat owner la: aven~. was set for tut Satur- rumored to have several Juxury day, ~prll 6 with the new IChedule ships In the prooeu of belnt re-caillnS for the serving of dJnnen fitted to be anchored off the only. j While keeping to the -them• Southern Ca!Uomla couL lnstiti/ted by "'l'he Boys," who • Beer Wines J,.iquers Whiskey Boot. ud Boy IU•e l'lllmcadJla7,~ l!h-. 191 Expert Repairing Typewrlten and start~ the popular dinner house, the pl~ce has beeft newly decorated and t~e counter taken out allow- ing ropm for six more tabl~ seat- ing frpm two to four each. Th~ new arrangement will al- low far more variety on the menu according to Clifford Braden, ~ prietOf. a nd he has promised to make !his famous German potato pancalces more dften. Mr. and ?tin.Braden returned from Desert Hot rgs last week. Office Equiplllellt • . I • I . , . • .. .. $400,000,000 construction projram •nder way oi the Pacific Coast Dwlng cbe ...,.. he ,._,., a four huodred mil1ioa dollar " ' ........,;oa ptopm is~:;" "' iaiPtoft and apand ., ,p.on. scnice oa cbe • Coast. ilMI fl'll .... is 111....ty ""'* ....., wl is """' ohad ; • II ilily. la 1"6 ai.-_ -a.a 70 building projeat, josn!la. lioa ol eighr biDioo f-ol wire ill ndwnp callle _. •••U<Poa ol :zoo,ooo mild ol llOil """ ..,._, diu r 'I! ~ dlaaloue"1.....tm1ie......,i.:..i. -....mi:e-"il .. die w ID c of a ,,,,........w. ................. ~ b kma C ..,. md 11111 uiliwi rt 'iita., .. le .. -'9or 1ftll W7 -IOft'ial wl '•ft ,. · I • 1 • will be laliodi"Y'l I ... k" -(IDlpma .. ~ wlda dlie ~-.. "!'IP ..~.z;,:i~~-·UBWI 7 .... CCU-.... 4----~ I c S11 .. 1N Cdht·a11 T1l111••••-<iz ,,., --·-@ .... -" • • I " j • ::l . -'/ -. . . . , -., l . ,----'·• ,.,-· . • • • -. ' H='T ,,..___ ~ • -; _ '.~·· ; .. , ~--- '-4.IAl.grn BIJ811Cm GVIDS llBOWIXm 01JIDS 11 Dll'IDYllDT o••··-• mY, ~ &I IRICl&l..,..qlJN.*"•Nn• ·-~·~··:.:·~~·~~n~ __ ·:._ __ ~-~-~·~·~·!'"~·~··!_ ____ ~·!. "-Plann -~-_::_::_.:__ _________________ WANTED-HOTEL J<AiD. Bol-WAR SURPLUS tmts ... .ai. ~t 1 . ' - "'1UD ers FIRE y Ac HT s ----..... Mc'Maban Fumltun O>. Santi ··-. J. M. MILL' E Rr. Throttle lndush-v 0 M 0 BILE c 0 Mp EN s An 0 N WAITRESSES WANTED Bo7 Ana. 1006 pyramldol tmt com-' TELEPHONE . "~J AU T Shore Cate, nth a, c-t -Hl&I>-== .":ith~~:ix:::; OJ ERATING · Real 'Eltllta Broker M&WHSI •••Wl• ' •a.usJ that the county pl~-''STU '' DU N LA p wa,y. Ph: Newport 2344. 14-tfc lltt ..........,_t. For ... for maun-PAYS . 15~ and Central . nine co1qu1Mion Is blocklna cle-WANTED-Houoekeeper In lovely tam. de9ert or ----· ~~ of Industry In Orange I n s u r a n c e home, 2 In family. Private -... famw for protectlaa 0( snln GO 11D WAGES Balboa Peninsula Lot Bey Front -Best Locatlm . $15,000 eaunty w...., made by Henry i.. -1ood wqeo. Ph: llmhJ. 24-tfc or bay or "Ill' me u ._-. • Harvtll. a•nu•!f ot' 500 acres In · Lem: than mual wholeAle cost. • S...ts An~ .,,._, wl.-appllca· 7 O 3 E. Ce n tr a I ' Ph one N um b • r w~..:._lia~:.m-Saw -avalJooble at ..,ty No e12ce neowary • tlon lo .. tabllsh a $350,000 die Z.tfc SU.95. Tenna. McJbhan FIJml Earn , hile you learn caot1na plant on hi• property wu B a Ibo a 6 8 3 tare cam-. Second a, Broad-: 7 -Balboa Island Lido..: Isle 'turned cld,wn by the commission HELP w ANTED-Woman to tnln way, Santa Ana. ~:itc There _ man~ther I lut Friday. for cooklJ1I at the Corona de! ·;.;;·-----------~., The ~ ot supemscn, w1>o TIDE TABLES PA INT IN G Mar school ca1eter1a. Call at wAllTllD to B1IT 11 ad:vant gee to • g ii ·m-*"""'"" or dlstpprove the 12 Yean Service In Newport ochool between 8 and 2. 25-4tc teleph ne employee. 2 Bey Froot lob $10,000 & $12,000 Ea. Beautitul ~ home CJll South B8y Front'o 4 ~ rot..... 2 batbS, tx.tbome, 4 car prage· ~ guest ~ with 2 tJed.. flbdlnp of the planning commit-.A.PIUL, 1W Harbor Arft HELP WANTED-Woman. Jl&ht WANn:D -To, buy addlns Ill&· w, meet toc1ay cTueoc1ay> tor -... 1-HIP i-• Harry Hall houRkHtJina and -.ie cue eld-c:hJne anc1 twns cabinot. s or 4 final dlspooltlon of thll appllcatk>oi W 10 4 :39 11:57 1:41 --'-· '-pAJNTING OONTR:ACI'OR erb' Jod7. s lo 4 boun dally. dra~. LeValley'1 Food Kut. 100 g_ ~ Aw, Bllboa u well u ·orv..-al o"""' bon!-4.6 ~-6 4.1 -Phone Newport· 837-W 10 a.m. lo 1 or 2 p.m. Call New-Pbcil>1i_415. --lJS.4tc 5141' N:r.: St., Santi Ana :=!li.:: In~:;"~ 'lb ll 5~ 12: 't! ~4: .::..4 ~111=-.:Rlire:' -~t J~tfc port 2057-W. ~2tc ~ -.. ~.~--~ ~ • or • Establiabment of a vetert.n.arlan F 12 6:39 12:52 1;M 1:11 •vn. a.• r-g;jl cm HELP WANTED-Male· Female.. -a ,-, ..-- One Inside lot 50x88 $5000 Costa Mesa WJ!•IS.. This Is a very exdualw b@e• Prlce·and la-quoll!d CID' request_ . i-pital !n Coots M..,. is one dis-4.9 1.4 4.T 0.!1 JUU&' -· Cilll ...... 1 llln Local or travellnc In lion!-for -.&. :i::'; O. IL 0--. ':'" AM , _.tor for tbo approved U ti that will be S 13 7:23 1:29 l:ft l 41 att. 4 "° p.m. :Ja.tte Yolll'Vlf, No money nqulred. --~ Illa Noirpod ~ Oplntmr I aw ca on • : Good b --. --. -~. moiet n stucco located . -P!!red. «-9 o.9 «-9 -0.3 COOPERATIVE"""' .. You Aft """ own South m c-"6onu'a OD Ma.....,,la -..... .,,_ .... _ Corona del Mar Harvtll contended that "th• at-Su 14 8 :01 2 :05 1:11 S:ll -. Awl7 H. Van Der<on. SOll\6 ~ -11AJa II l.r aiu ......, --=-r<=u t1tuc1e.o1 the planning commJalon u o.s 5.1 o.o ROOFING CO. N. Main st., Santa Ana. 2619tc FOR S.A.LE-G-E •-tic.Bot Teleplione Compuy caDy new, with all~ Larse lot, south ot Hl8turaY. wU1 -se,,..,. the future pr<)Ol>erity -... -·-.. ---New and Repair HELP WANTED -Wcmian for Point -clr7<r-Exel. --I . conveniences. Extn. large OD Poppy. Priced for qplclt ot the county.• .....,.. -a. -.: - -,. a ...,._ work, omel1 -· two Pt.me 281~. :JS..3tc• -----4------=lll-:.lfc= lot. sale. "I understand the oupervllon ------------Pbone 875-Y adults. Private -, outside ,. · ~· n..1-have Instructed the planning com-211 E. :JOtli Bt., C<>9ta -..,tr._. Not ..,.,...,. ..,.k for FOR SA!E ~ oincle b'on -. 0 _......_, mWton to encoun.ce the establish-Puauc NOTica :11).tfc an day. u ... Jn, but could ha... 1 ---trunk. Pb: mont of desirable !ndwltry In the oomo free houri. Call Newport 2167-W. ·•2tc JW!"':111rlil~ ~tlil- oounty but tM commiulon la cer-•tr =e Cl&! .,._ 881..J ._. ~ tabily not followinl that policy," NOTICB OF PVJILIO llllAllJNG · 25-tfc FOR SALE -A -utltul c1a ..... Barvlll uaerted. -e N-port ft---L Oty p•--P.A.IMlDii) -,.,.,. B£-eD"J GOOD POSrnON for tho rtsbt pun and chtlr. Exe. cond.. SSS. F ~· w-• .. --... --~~· ~ ·-DllCJ()!U,._ petllCllLFourlnfamlly alladults. 271-a,y. Coots MHL Ph: • • ' •unJU Business Frontage MIRACLE MILE One piece Oil Inland side. One piece Oil Bey side ol Highway. The 1upervlson are also slated nine Ccmmlsll<ln wUJ hold a Publlc B. a. -•Y 116 dal'! otf per ~ Bendix 1755-M. •ltc' '1\dop -· .,_ ,..-to take action on the auto race Hnring Thunday, April 18. 1946 -"-'--track in wrstern Orange CO\D'lty at7:30P.M.,tnthec.oundl0\am· '14. Otd Olmlt7 .... ft: 1'4-W --...... machine. Peraenal SMALLDAVENPORTand2over-ll118INm bl'POSIUl'tttlU"' _ _. b •-th Lan•L•-•-OooCa -• -waohlnc and ln>oln& clme at tutted ~"-· I kl Phone Your Listings In and we will live them fMrY oonsldel atklll pro,,..-.. Y ~ ur u~•· ~-ben, Oty Hall, Newport Besch,1---=-,--:-==-=-=-=---I home. Private ,,_,,with bath a a-•· ename-tap t-BnlDY AT HOYE--llal J!lltata lion on thll Jand-uae application Calllornla. p A I N T I N G rodlo. Lift In. S120 per ,_U.: chen WO<k table; until gas 1.-. reoults. Quann. _ '-WU defern<I from the Jut meet-PUBLIC HEARING upon the and Submit qual!llcatlons by mall ranee. 109 30th Street, N.--t tee. :1()8 ty Bid., PuadonL In&. appllcetion of J . S. Brown and and arr-ance for lntenolew. Write Beach. 28-:ltc :IO-tfc _ J. M. MILLE It llllb -Cmtnil a NMPot'f -e ,._ lM I r I '. ,.._ E. D. Jones, owners of Lots 30 and DEC 0 RATING Box "R", N .... nm.. 2S-8tc FOR SALE-Westing-EJec.l,__---+------1 ''OD Your Wa;y lo Balboa" Drive Caretully-Span a. Ufe. 31, Block 11, Section 1, Balboa POB BENT u Island, tor a setback variance from Interior -Exterior SALii IOllOJ:LLANEOU8 11 ranc•. autoonatic clock and own -----+-------control Exe. cond. Call 1125-W. 8 feet t o 4 feet for the above men--FOR SALE -Large wardrobe 27_2tc FOR RENT -Sleeping room and tioned Jots. Spedallz!ns In Marine Paints trunk, $35.QO. Ph: 839. n -2tc · kitchen prl0leges. Single roomer -. HEADACHE HUB POWERS, AGENT By order of the Oiairman of the -· FOR SALE-4x6 foot s•-J body BOATS, 81lPPLIBll IS preferred. 816 Orchid Ave., Co-•:--- Newport Beach Oty P lanning 'Ibe Paint on Your Boat \JC'C rona de1 $· Ph: 169. 28-ltc ' Commission. Holds Up traijer, good tire!, iso. 361 E . FOR SALE-lO-ft. Top of Car ply-w. ~-We have several attract1ve Balboo Island-:1;1lllill!ll that should JOHN M. ALLEN WHY NOT PAINT YOUR 18th St., Coota Mesa n -2tp wood boat, iso.oo. Also 16-ft, ~·~ -BENT u please you and they are priced to sell now,~ at PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK, HOUSE WITH IT! FOR S $25. Mr. Hall, llayshore Trailer I ----~-+.:==----= $lO " " Good _ .._ __ m--We Have Firlit Oau Pa.int.en ALE-Three set llnet, 350 P ark, Home Sunday. 28-ltp SMALL ., room or house tor ,vvv. tw~we~.lE unit listirw at $1 ,000, and Secretary. hooks each. nearly new, 361 E . middle-ag lady. Call Mrs. others. · Pub.-AprU 9. 1946. w _or_klng 18th S t., Calta Mesa. n-2tp Marine Radios Feeley at fligh School 1400 or NOTICE OF SALE H. SIMONSON FOR SALE-Water -proofed fish-Avallable Immediate delivery, com-after 4 p.m/ cali 1283-M. 'rl·tfc A most attractive island coroer dwelling. 2 bedrooms with 7311 Seashore Drive ing suit, shoes, baby buggy, baby plete range of sizes. Your ln-WILL PAY fsONUS for house or guest room and apartment over 2-car garage. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN P~e Newport 8701-J -2 bed and 11\8ltress. 2646 Elden, spectlon welcomed. IDGGINS apt., 1 or • bedrooms. No chi!-$26,500 h .,.., Bo •-· F ' h Co ti -Costa Mesa. 28-2tc PLEASURE CRAFT, 810 Cout dre r p t at r .~e ru.c1 is rpora on, High Pb 1104 9-tfc n or .~ts. hone 1371.;,J-4· t'c §--- 1135 Coast Highway, Newport E. J . J ACKLIN CASH FOR USED FURNITURE way. : . . -I &-1 ~~hRCa~il%~~he~'."' if:c= ~n~arC.:":';e~r PHONE COSTA MESA 740-w: ~~u=z F=:'ttll9. WANI' TO , ,NT-Apt. or house, H U B P 0 W E R S, AG E N T Highway, Newport Beach, ca1;. Phone Newport 1522-J =.,,..-,==-~~---=23-:...::tt::c ooa tlae4 .,...em and Port&blu furn. or i; lfurn. Vet eran, per-Phone 62-W ~ fornia, the cabin cruiser .. Alert" 21-8tc FOR SALE -Officer's uniforms. DOW a.all&lll•. E1'8 ROKIN & manent. B , s t references. J ames J. A. B e e ·k 0 f f i c e No. Z1 E SlS, 8 commercial fish-=---------~:..:::::1 Some never worn. Phone N. B. OA!..V.&.N. lOOO Oout ffi.cbway. Sexton, j Elden Ave., Costa F Landing Balboo Island TRANSPORTATION I8 764. ~3tp Phone 1-. 7•tfc Mesa. ~ ttc erry ing boat. All persons having or ur -. -. ~ 28-ltc claiming to have any liens, clailns, WANTED-Rlde to Huntington RED FRYERS -WANTED TP RENT During and/or demands against said boat Park or vicinity, dally except FOR SALE Call 805 FOR SAI..E-Motor boat. ~ft. July or AIRU!lt furnished house -----------------------. · at 1 Tustin runabout. wtlh J ohnson motor, or apt. c·"nt ·act' Dr. M. ~-,·n, _ For Sale __ FOR SALE---Oloice view lot Dana are respectfully requested to pre-Sunday. 1532 Ocean Blvd., Bal-Ave .. Costa Mesa. 28-2tp Ilk L--t I t I ul ~ sen t said liens. claims, and/or de-e new; ~ comp e e y eq p-12746 Kl.in St. N H llywood. Point, 4-0xlOO and nearly com- mands to Robt. R. Steele, Port boa. 28-2tp FOR SALE-Studio couch, folding ped, Ideal for bey or Jake. $250 Ph. ST 7' 19 ' o. 0 25-4tc Balboa Island pleted double garage, suitable Orange, 1135 Coast Highway, N ew-SANTA ANA ironing board, Excelsior bicycle C8Jlh. 1600 East Central Ave., . . . V !tr ti 2 bedrm h for Uving. $2500 caah. Call Mr. port Beach, California on or before A to Tr 1 S (pre-war), Rolls r azor, floor Balboa. 21-tfc EX-ARMY Cj>lonel and wife desire e~ce ~OC:~:.e ~ than. 7 ,=. Hall, Newport Beach 1128. April 20, 1946. · U ave ervice lamp, boys toys, decorative\Jap FOR SALE-20 h.p. Marine Det.el; to rent ~apartment or small old. Unusually large u,n .... ;.;;,_~ 28-ltp Signed Private cars to all d ttes ln &lau floats in nets, one ~tbch _, like new. Halt ortginal'C01t. can home. WI g to I.ease. Owner 'Enclosed patio, k.itch~ .. ~d din-1---HO-ME--IN--COST--A-MES--A- ROBT. R. STEELE. UCENUS. EDS. A. d!Na!JSyURED. S small. 1().1 Emerald Ave., Bal-Newport 2234-W. 14-tfc of Santa a business. Refer-nette, 1 bath, 2 dreu1-... rooms, ~--'-Led. 'Move In n'ght now. IS •UCM A BIG r.1TIU 'fMING D&.MD• Anti-Pain Pms iinau1 relkT• nol on!;J u...i- a<H. bul SU.pie N.nJclo., •-nla.r Paim ... F•actlo.aal 11-tllr Palu. b A · 1 946 -boa Island. 28-lt ences ~v . Call Beverly ._ rw•~• Pu .-prtl '1 . P h. Santa Ano 6548 -Ste 1 K ' P ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-lb. TOP-Hills, ew 14001. 25-4tp 2-car garage. $1500· cuh. Full price $5.000. 312 French St .. Santa Ano e 1tchens O-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Price $16,000 · Phone 1174. 28-ltp A spokesman tor the navy says ___________ 21_-_tt~c I GLASS TIJB ENCLOSURES Immediate deliver y. Other rriod-BEAL ESTC ,, it is reserving its conclusion about BICYCLES SHOWER DOORS els soon -dinghies. sailboats. r the approaching atomlc bomb tests Southern Counties rupabouts. cruisers and paddle-EV A . RHODE)l Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford Do JOU -Dr. Jllleo hll-Palll PW81 U not wb7 not t Y ov ean pt Dr. KU.. Anti-Pain Pilla at of war vessels. The bomb has up-Sold, it.nted or Rep&lred. ... __ __._ Pl ti w af Co V ... _. ·s Supply Co ~~-as c a tercr t ., I -set so many concluslona already """"" 703 E Ce tral BaJL--Ph 683 Ne rt M -' BROKER --• t11 I 100 ~-•-St.. ~-·~ 144 r ••. t Bl d. 0 N · n • -· : · wno esa - FOR SALE-In the heart of Bal- boa, 11-unlt stucco with 40-lt. vacant lot adjolninc, nets S250 monthly. Price '25.000. See l'Nd Brina with H. M. Lane Real Estate, 2006 Court Ave., oppc>- !lte city hall. Pbono 343. 21-tfc ,.... -''°"' In Ille ~ J*:k• ... tor oal7 ·a peml7 api.c.' that none will be aa.J.e un t ls ~ Dal-\..,\HU v 4 Room ., ,... 308 Marine Balboa.Ialand based on an established fact.-208 Marine., Be.Ibo& Ialud. Ph. 5852 Laguna 0 Beach 28-ltc -h~ on l8?"Ee lot; 2 nm. Phone 234-R ~tfc Kansas City Star. 9<-ttc 28-ltc MUSICAL & RADIO 14 tlnJshed lnl $476t'e. 1------------ind in the eeoDOIDJ' peck•p .,_, --· Wh7 not sot • _..... =r' y...,. dnenls' bu - --and -oal_r .. dlndtd. Yoar 1D0110J ]laq U ,_ ----'1' ''Take the 'daze' out of night life and you may have a dull evenJ.na." °' -Jack I Jnc'1\ey HARBOR FURNITURE 1962 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA. For the Buy, of Your Life Shop with Us! · Good Used Fumlture, Rugs." Springs, Tables. Chairs, Hard- ware, Electrical FixtUrEs and many other items. • (Fonnerly Tlickey's Secood Hand Store) lllEAUft ADl8 11 RUG a. UPHOLSTERY aean1nc. Radi~ Repairs ~ 2 Small Houses Rugi alzed sh pooc1, cl ed. N On Lot Zoned for Bullnea OOLD and KA.OHINELEllll Overatutf..i ~ture cle:'ed. All makes; tubes. etc. Ph. 2417. e ort Island $10 000 w A VilS 3 day pick-up and delivery. BURT NORTON ::.!i Jot a excellent Jocatloa "" -'- Tllltlns and ~ 35 years of satisfied cuatomen. 9u; eo..t IDibway, Newport 1 $1650 Choice Bay Front Lot -bill' A~ I'll. 17._W ORANGE COUNTY • Zl-tfc • Priced Rlcht Vi's Beautv ShoJI TENT• AWNING co. BEAl.JTlnJL Spinet type mirror -uos eo...t -.7. &....,. ,... 11er 614 w. 4th St., Santa AnL piano, a btrp!n. 'l'mnl. o.n.-Ne~ort Blvd. ~ttc Phone Mr. Benedict, 1569 Santi Schmidt Plano Oo., 520 No. Main 50-lt. frontage with business buUd- -----------ML 22-ttc Santi Ana. S.tlc · Ing .lo hotlse. Excellent location. WST AND FOUND n FOR SAl.E---S<juarln •hear, 30-GOOD used planoa. -.. low . $11,000 LOST-Small tricycle, name Carol In.: 4-lt. x 6-ft. Spray Booth, U 9. Fine for practice. Euy I - Ann painted on It. Phone N. B. CCmPft&ICll', 1 h.p. Sharpe motor. -. Or will rent. Danz-Cordna de! Mar 822-M. 28-2tc 908 Gout HJghway, Newpot t Sdomldt Plano Co., 520 No. Main New 2-bednb. ho<ne on carrier Jot. DIPLOYllllMT WUT&D • WANTED-Gardening work. See Myen, Box 103, Balboa, ar 422 E. Bay Ave. 26-Stp WANTED-Gardening work. Call. Beach. Ph: 2560. 25-4tc Santi Ana. S.ttc Fireplace' dbl. floor furnace; Fltt Place and KlndUnC Arv.in & Emerson ~:;-"-A lovely -- ./ '!_.<?..Q..D R A D I o S Quick j. $9SOo ~·~~ 24-Hour Radio Service H. W . WIUGHT-Ph. 2090 - 1784 N-1 Blvd. ~ttc Short Circuit Radio Cpsta Mesa 2 Ho118e8 on 1 Lot At Corona de! Mer $18,600 Income Property 2-BedromiHouoeand 4 Small llental Unlta Ocean Front Lot O>olce Location . $3000 W. L. JORDAN BE4L ESTATC EXClHANOE 41 WILL EXCHANGE 4-room 'rur- µ!shed ·~•· ta Bunaalow Court In Hollywood, nominal nnt. for hou.e or apt. ln Newport. Balboa or C<!lta M-district. Jack W. Street. General Dellvuy, Balboa. -.. RESPONSIBljE. TelepbaM em- ploye wants lo exchange S-bed- aoom houae Jin w .. t Leo Anp1eo for '"""" In Santi Ana ~ vicin- ity. Call SOUthem Calif. Tele- pbane Co., Santi Ana, 15628. J.9.tfc at 530 San Bernardino Avenue. Newport Heights. 26-tfc Crystal Sets _ $ 2 . 98 ~~~boa lS-tf Priced to M!ll ! 2-bedrm. house with -~----~----c garage, close to &bS>PPfng dlft. 700 Eut Central, Balboa Utl, UTATC WANTED 1141 w ANTED-Gardening and Land- acaping. Write to Bobby Theuret , P . 0 . llOx 413. Coota Mesa. (Bak.Ute CU.) STE:iNwAY Grand. like .,...., one 1% ,..,.,.. old 2-Tube Radio Kits of the world'• .,....test p1ano1 '-$S800 Pt.me 1S3 2&-tfc INCOME PROPERTY in good dis- trict. Small hotel, apt. houae, Inn B U I L D N 0 W or •tore buUdlng. Edwin Kokko, 3201 29th Ave. West, Seattle, To build _,____,_ __ .ai_ Gorgeous tone. BH.ut1ful cue. l -yoorown~u~r--. 'Thll is an Instrument for the EVA F. RHODEN Mesa Radio A Electrolllai Co. dlacrimlnatlng bu,..,r. Dam--28-ltc 28-4tp _______ _::_:.....:..::: \ Wuhlncton. 28-2tp . WING SANG BOAT &; BMPAIR YARD 811 Coast Btpway 101 Pita•• )kwpod 881 . :::=~=-··•He • Pc'' ..... .... ll:r ..... -.... .. NAGGING BACKACHE -.... ..=.'\.I:'--1 .. ~~:::::"· W I,'= =.fu ~-s Iii_~ ftlll··--DCWt• ~ ...;.z.:.-.~ c: ......... ...,. 4p1'4;:t C't.: -.:=:::...:a :-.:-.. ~..:= :::u: •• , ...... ,~. ............... ---· 5 , .... ... .... .... ... c·=-·~ ~ .. -·~ .... ..... ..., ~ .. -~ ~..., ..:-:.,. .. ·-· ....... Era:r-r:= .. ,... d..,._, ... ri..: ••.:*..: ::.".:. :::..=..=..=-.:.:-r-.. If: zr..--.§1#..~;-i: --......... .._. __ ,,.,... .. -. DOAN'S Pll1IS ...... _ .. • -.:r ·---·- I , I ' . . . 1794 Newport Blvd. 19-lfc Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main 470 Ncw~t Blw., Coots -LOW COST HO~ ORANGE COUNTY - WORK WANTED -House work by the hour, Newport or Balboa. Box 148, N. B. References. 28-4tc Santa Ana. S.tfc ELroN D.Frr. s.•--- UPHOLSTERING co. RADIO HOUU: CALLS I":" N-Ph. ~l91!5-Y ••--uta--that oddltkllial ~...-.. tacJ>--. 28-ltc Be Sure and WILL CARE for chlldren eves., -..ui .. Lw.-.:.• -.---------...... Jroninc In my home. 309 Marl· DI Upholltered FUmlture mcUlll are &vall&blo, .,. an &Iii• FOR SJ.Ul-A Good Buy. Need See Models ...... WLO.A.lf • Id • ~---413 W. 4th St. Santa Ana to ...U --.DI "" IAISo cull. 11'1 a""" and 3-_..,.,,,, f~ve., ~~ del Maris.~~ l'act«y and SMwroom -·· All W0$ ,,--. frame~, fumlshed. Taint At 504 Wst Center St. . .._ __ ... _._ BAJtOLD L. HAMM, a. o. a. Oft!' note at S20 .._. mo. 711 B . A AVTOMO'l'lt'lt • rim II W ·~·-·-• ~~ a.~ -• ~ ~ egorua ve., -· ·-~.-t ~ Upliollter-Phone AnaMlm 4TI4 oollect ._..,, .,.,., ~ A""· Pb: TIO. ~ . lnq>lltt 333 Del Mor, FOR SALE-;1941 Dodie Recoi.. q cleanlnc In your home, by 12-tfc · ll-ttc Coots Mt:' No aients! 25-ttc Corona de! Mar na!IKnce (iommand car, S5!JO. local vetenn World War I A Il. ----::-------=-=--Good tire! ~--• Work cuarantee<J. eo1or and Just Arriveli ·Radio Repairinit ~ 1186-W Balboa. · :· ~ 305 A=~ Phone Newport 2QM.R. 21-8tc BA . -Sun. <Jamplde -ot tubee .• Sa)eoman wm Call . AIBPLA!IEll • beauty 1'<'Vlw4, slve ...,. &been. ,,,_ Hsi-Aid Hw ..ii. dtl1J' acept Sit. and A Rt,z' VALUE ~ factorY replacement parts. Pb: 7 400 00 -MASTER MARINER, 30, deaJree 0tm k ew Deq 0.. 345. MESA RADIO & El.EC-• • FOR SALE-Airplane, 1941 Ta.J'- pooltlt>n yacht captlin, salesman 117 .._ St. ""-115 TRONICS co. 1794 Ncw'"*t 2 bedroo<ji otucco home, 2 yean' PICO BUILDING • =~ent ts~~tlon -~·~ ~ marli>e 1uppllel, marine Insur-GO-tfc Blvd. ~tfc old. Flm$bed. Odctm -a MATERT &'T" ~ ~ .--- ance or any limllor pooltion. Box about 20 l ayina hens. Ni car LtUAOJ ..U. CUh or !ennl. May be oeea "C" c/o N...,.ThneL n-4tp Auto Batteries LJVEllTOCll n c1en -:r kitchen. i.e:e im: · at Oranie Co. Alrprt. s.e .111r. -_ lS.month -$6.45 Ex. ' Good 28-tfc _, or CID n h'CI N. ~ §ITUATION WANTED-CCmll"' Compounded Moto Oil FOR SALE-Ollld'• Paint Pony! -It ct.,'lbllwon't1a1t.001.~~~~~~E=~~~~1~1e-~R.~~~!:::=:=7T=-:1tp~ tent eecretary desires po91tloo in Gall 70c r very gentle. 2465 Tlmtin Avenue, AV'W W I& llA.Uloi w•1~ Herber area. Sev~ yean up. on, Coots Mesa. ~2tp B. ~· Nereson _._ • as private secn:tsry, ieneraJ W -· . .! · . booltl<eeplng, PBX operator and estem Auto Supply snxitALANNoUNt;+•cNnll um Newport Blvd. fi MCl:J'\ LATE MODEi!. CARS ' ....,.ptioniai. Box 907, Balboa Authorl:red Dealer KE y S (j:oate Mela $~tc ~and,._..., 1 Island. n-2tc 1836 Newport Blvd., Coots M-At~ de! Mar Wtll Payrfop Prtctef1 1 . 23-tfc Ka\IO Wlill• Yoo Walt The aV<T11p age ot motor trud<I ;;;ronRD<s=~==.,..-~~= VOGEL'll ts $1500 SEii, T,0tJR CAR 'NOW I In this country is roughly eliht ALE-Paddleboardo. 'I'htte 100 -Rt., --_l . Wiiie P17 7 .... Hiib. -t yeus. Farmers own the oldeat Hawallan Suri lloanl model i-d-208 Jltrlne. --1lland Choi"f' Corner $2000 1 ,-- -... 25 per cent of their ell~ One ''tailor-made -Have~me Fine u.~ Pl'!l. 7 lar .r -• • ....,. Wao -I ~ & · £ trucb averagiJI& av~]:; years of ~ $45.00.0ne~1tyle ---,,.----~----1 UU,J~ A ks 111111 • I '; OP.A ii a. ap, with 411 per ...,tot the truc1<1 MO.oo. One dlvtna: ~ 135.00. C&Qlenten Aviillable I In Bo evard Frontage' IRll •......, -' · datlna from 1~ or earlier. Bst style and models. f!xrtollent · tot a'iDlftl ma1ntw .._ .. · · --i-I AD klndl typowrlter ,_ ID stock at the t'lews.-11mes. - condition. Write or CID for ' -._ir • • w. J , BOLOOYll QUBERTSON CJillVROLl!T m L...... . ollowini after 5 p.m. I.ff I-. 0. Z. ltOa&lfnON 151 Oout HICb•at • . 0 a • I .. #t ;· D ·i ' -·- 210 Pallzada. San cie-te, Cal. pail Newpwt 11 11!1 Mar -I S2tc -u-ttr . ~ be'1apliy" S2tc -• , \Pk 7 PR F •01 ,11ni.s1111.•clk••z~- I I • -I . -u ~'-· -I ' . 11 ... l . --.:. .. 3 ~ •'· .-. -. . " . t I f \ I I ' • " ' , • ::~=:;:H!?~:!1!o~1 Mn. Harbor Feininirie Activities ~=;~r::ce~:~:g;~ ~t c ;;:, ~ .t.=':~ ~ .:':=-~ ~ Phonee 13 and 2al + By Winifred~ + REL hk'e Pbone 1637-R i::~1r: ~ ~TdH . i>ori . ~and·and-~~-~~Mn.-1 ----~------~~----------~---------------·~---~-----,~-~~~--a1 'es =-tine~ be lnotalled at the May :;: ~ ::::..~ ~U:i"r1a1~ 0. z. Robertsons Ho$t Bosses' Night Dinner of B, & PW Best Yet daucht<I' of llr. -Mrs. Eldrod I I' Named to oerv• with Mn. Mc-The performance, "The Great Anniversary Dinner Say Guests; New Officers Named ~~zz.!t.o~~ ~.~ ~(e ~ Brldlo • .,.. Mn. LelteT Iabell, ~ Western Melodrama," wu written A r't. Cl b I evenlnc April a, ~led marriqe 000. -..... ~ ~ · -•- president: Mn. Rlchard Othmer, and staged by Mn. Morris and het t \.AIUntry U EJOctlon of ottlcen for the 0011,_ ~ tablea "°""red In red ..,... with Lt. John Robert Q:w. Lorent.ft, :lll09 East Bay l'ralt, recording ""°"tary: Mn. H. B. ballet atudenta will-take part, u In&' re"'" with Gertrude Collver of and ~-checked cloths with pot· lngtoa, u. s. Nani ·_,._.., oon ~~~ ~ -~~t Baetz. co<reapoaelins aectttary; well u pr<>rillnent club women. Congratulations and beat wtahel Udo Isle named u president, a ted geraniums for decoration and of Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles A. Q:w. v-·-:-~~ ~"..' ~- Mn. Susan Rutherford, treaaurtt; 1 were showered on Mr. and Mn. Door shew directed by Natalie Mi· li&hted candles in beer bottles Ington, YoongatOW!l.·. Ohio. The t., ~= ~ ~ ..__ -- lira. Willard L. KlllJon. parllanien-S k Sh H 0. Z. Robertson of Corona de! Mar chaud of Lido Isle which broucht gave i: hint of the entertainment. c<remony wu perfoqned by Dr • ....ideftln tand~ ... ~-la ~-tartan and Mn. Vlctar Grace, di· tor OWer OnOrS when they entertained a group of down the house and an evming of when 1' group led and directed by Luh in Shatto Chapo!l'ln the JftS· art ..-•-• - rector. Mrs. Irene Morris friends at dinner Saturday even· tun that ..... voted "tops" by --NataJ.t ~-ud came out to alng ence of 350 guests. . Mrs. Lorent.ft -to llnlao, Names were presented by the Ing at the Santa Ana Country -. men of the district, featured such p,!d tjme numb<:l'll aa ''The The bride who wu g1,..,n ln·mar-spending two moatho In lfo:lco nominatlne committee, Mrs. K. V. Sharing ho&'lea resPon.sibWtles club tn celebration of their silver the annual Boues Ni&ht banQuet Bird ~ Nellie's Hat", said bird rtqe by her father, wu gowned in Oty, ~vaca. Acapulco ·and ooi.. Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson and were Mrs. Al Horvath and Mn. wedding annlveraary. of the Business and Proleaaioaal havl~ a spread of about six feet. white aatln with a long fitted other cl-where much aloetd>- Mn. Ralph Holden, at the business Clifford v Mn. RobeTUon wore an ordtld W°"""'s club held Thunday eve-TalcinC pert were Ruth Gerrish, bodice, 1oag pcinted sleeves and a Inc and P8intlnc far ~ - -Ion presided over by Mn. Vic· stork show";""...;,00~n ~.pres!; corsage: gift of he!' hmband. and nine at the Newport Harbor Yacht Cay~·· ~tty Batstad, Mn. sweetheart neckline, and fallln& project WU clone. She -bel' tor Grace. Morris of Loi Angeles Friday eve--lovely remembrances presented by club with over 80 present. Michai.ld. Carlee Brown and Vir-to the end of the four-yard train own car back to Vermont ~ cmn- Pfocram of the a1tttn00n was ning at the home of her mother t.Qelr friends induded 1terllnc Dorothea Wilson presided at the &in!& Sruriey. All were in bustled wu the veil which. fell in gracetul pany with another ~ by Mrs. Grace Beardsley of Loa I Mn. Mary Stanley, 1629 weai silver candlesticks and buffet bowl, short bua1ness aeaaion at which cootw!-of the Victorian era, aev· folds from a coronet of heirloom from Pasadena and a Yale Angeles, who gave an 111teresting Ce tral The a!f . had oompoto. aa1i. and peppen and other officen named by the noml· era! .pt them heirlooro affairs ,_ ~t lace. The bouquet wu Mr. and Mn. C1lftaa Cole MW and pertinent talk on faahiona.1 ~o ~~:-far a w;:_ be-pieceo to finish the)r nat sliver. natlng committee were Don>th) -, had belonged to Vlrgjnla of white orchids which Mr. Re IOld their Puaclena _,. and will 1tatlng ~t one lhould dress to . . . Dinner was &er'o'ed at a long Sutherland, vlce-~dent; Alda Shirl<;r's grandmother. IIn had flown from Honolulu~ be Installed In their ~ Jal. suit one's own style and not follow :r":e u:~ee .!'C:-=:se~;:: table decorated all in white, wtth ~oo. recording secretary; ma-~ Blomquist. pianist for the the occuioo., and which were set and home after the fifteeath ot fashion bllndJy for ·whlle fuhions chiel attraction at the party. stoclcs and ~weet peas and lighted ne Ehlen, corresponding secre---grou and Marie Heibsch., who di-in a surrounding shower of white April. are of the moment. comJ.ng and -candles while the many bouquet.I tary; Natalie MJchaud, treasurer. rect .. them, received complimen-gardeniu. . Mrs. Walton Hubbard Jr. ol Uclo going. style ls bu.le and always The Easter motif was used in sent b). friends· decorated the and Gretha Tubbs, parilamentar-tary flowers from Mrs. Michaud. The maid of honor, Miss ·Doris Isle has -tttumed. from ~ Wffb rttnaina. I decorations and games were fol-rooms. ian. 01~ who were responsjble Leavitt and the bridesmaids Misa in San Francisco, Where lbe During the a fternoon there was lowed by r ef·reshments of cake and Ladies receiving prizes at bridge ::-A!::..~ a':':~ Mrs. Sutherland intnxluced the for ~ affair .were Dorothy Suth-Doroth). Ford Miss Leslie 'west visited relatives a.nd friendl. a musical interlude wtth Mrs. E . E .I ice cream ~Id~ in th~ shape of were Mrs. Lester Isbell, who also Balboa I••aed, wlMlee weddlnl' . master of ceremonies, J . Les.lie er1&n4 and Maurine Craig; in Miss Shirley Somerville and ~ among them Col and Mra. Robert Boudinot leading in singing, Mrs. QoQtees. Winning prtzes were took the traveling prize: Mrs. John took place April S ta 8laatto Steffensen, whoJ announced that ~~ of deCorations were Matie Patricia Covington sister of the ~il1er. who are bpi.ck in it.heir Bur-- Harold Ahrendt acccmpanying at1·:Mrs. Earl Stanley, l\.1n. John GU-Meador and Mrs. John Sadleir. cba9e1, Flnt Coft&T'CIP.Uoul when bosses were introduced they Rollirig, Mildred Stanley, Virginia bridegroom weie gowned alike in Im.game home after spendlnc HY· the piano. tis and Mrs. William Kennedy. Men's prizes y.'ent to Ralph Mas-churda. Loe AqeieL were expected to resJ>C'.'nd ~th a Shirldy and Dorothy Sutherland, white man:iuisette with lace pep. eral years in the HarOOr: UM. New me mbers accepted into the Present were the Mesdames key, J . A. Gant and Lewis Ba1tz. (photo by Lansdowne) song appropriate to their business, and the very clever hand-painted lum over a bouffant skirt and ·all Mr. and Mn.. Howard Wright ol dub 'A'ttl' :P.trs. Henry L. Potter! Stanley, Gillis, Frank Summen. Guests present included Messrs. or else ... Don (Tax Collector) Stace cards were the ~ork of Kay carried red tulips. The little flower Pasadena took the Slwuh over to and l\irs. Paul Roetner, while those I Spalding Eastman. Ke nnedy, Ho-and Mesdames John Meador, John Womack-Fleming Mozley was the most popular man of the public library staff. girl Tissie Kiessig wore a gown Catalina for the \l.teekend and accepted recently were the &tes-mer Lockhart. Kenneth Gorton,! Sadleir . Arthur Kemper, C.onra.d of the gathering, being greeted Tick sales were by Margaret lde~tical to that 0 f the brid d guests on board were Mn. Stephen dames Paul Jon5S-J . A. Gillis. Joe ~icChesney. Mary Stanley, Shook, Sidney B1ack1:>t>ard. Gerald Wedding . Announced with "Boos" from every side aJ -Ege, f Meta Bachman, Greth a her brother Fritz Ki . e an Royce of the Hotel Htmtington and Boward Roberts, Vera Doane. Agnes Blomquist and the guest of Ritchie, Lewis Baltz, w . H. Hitch-though he .and his h~tess, Mrs. Tubb and Cay Cosgrove. ring bearer. 'perry Pero:SS~~~ = Mr. and Mr:s· John Oiapman. Dorothy Leve-ring, Ruth Horvath,' honor. Sending gifts but unable man. Frank LeFevre, K . V. Dilts. Announcement is being made of ~~er, "J~1ndly1 J re!rai 1 Jn_ed 1 ~m man and ushers v.•ere Emerson . Mrs.SEdv.'lnBoEarll fof ~ ·~~-~ Oralee McDo"'rell, H . 0 . Boyvey to attend "~re Mrs. Bdrt Morris J . A. Gant, Lester Isbell, Gordon the martage of l\tiss Laura F1em-smging tng e ang e lllg e. Egbert Royce Howard Robert is at ugar w or uu;: ~ ............ and H. E. Kendall. sr. of Arcadia; Mrs. John Tubbs. Findlay, Ralph Maskey; Mrs. Betty Ing. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P olice Chief Rowland Hodgkin· Ludy Pinkley in Sattler' and Arthur Re ' , Mr. and Mrs. Undley Morton Slated for Friday. April 26. is Mrs. Anton He rshey, ~1rs. John Trine: Mrs. Essye Wallihan of Los Fran.k Fleming, Sacramento, to so~ _won the award for the most G d R I The reception was h~~~t the ot Pasadena and Do~las McLel· the benefit performance which the Upson arid l'fl iss Dorothea \Vilson. Angeles. who is Mr. RobE>rtson's Maurice E . Womack, son of l\.irs. ong&nal number when he sang the r I ua ti on ecita hom e of Mr d M Ch l Ian. the noted architect. were FINE FURS GJar Easter and cAfter! ..... wl "'· ;:::::::.,......__ 1-pl1 8elecUoa of- Far Jackets and Scarfs! Buy )\(ow on Our Lsy·A·W•y Pion FURS Remlideled • Repaked and Cleaned at Redu<ed Rates! FURS 218 North Broadway I OR..\ '-'GE Cou sn"s FOREMOST f t'RRIER Santa Ana Phone ' 373 Cold Storage Vault on Premises I mother: r-"lr. and Mrs. Lee 1\.1.etzer Fred Vance of Gardena and form-'"Ptisoner's Song" and the best Egbert Ro al. ~ rsG.I d air es weekend guests at the Jergen of Santa Ana, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben erly a r esident of Newport Beach. r"eUUJ on was &"""' o a I accomp ished pianist at the When th Youn 1 1 f f rentzen me. ,.,..uu-.; •-I · ~'ti' jud-' t be th t of An I ' Y 8' enue, en a e. Lo ho • -~L---'-t I Larson of Long Beach, and Paul The ceremony took place March Howard Gerrish who sang "My age Qt 12 and already a teacher ChJcag~ eh ~h cou~ ~U e t ~ was Lucille ~imert. who Jett ~ and Zeller jr., sons of the host 16 in Reno, Nev., at the home of Wild Irish Rose", which the ~wo in he' own right, Lucy Pinkley pre-their hon~:n t>!ior:'1 oi spe':.o day with Mr .. &nd ~· Rmlell and hostess. tbe officiating minister who is a later gave as "'8 duet. The pnzes se'?teh a recitaJ at the home of her thcl fut h . . y g ng Havens of Holmby Hii.m in their friend or the bride's f~ly were thoughtfully turned back to parerits, :P.1.r. and Mrs. A. L. Pink-Oh' r th ure oMme Coin .oungstown, private plane for Nor~ CUolina., Mrs. Hart Honored By Club Members . . th I b d t ' ed I '53 B d Cos 10, e ~ rs. VJngton wore h h will ·•·•t •L. ly Mr. Womack graduated from e cu an were auc ion sev-ey, i, roa way, ta Mesa, .t f Id b din w ere t ey .... ia.a ~ nrw Newport Harbor Union High eral times over to interested buy· Satuii<Iay evening. She had been 8 :w ~~oh t ga dar e ~th ~ married daughters ot the two school in 1938 and tater attended ers. Also adding to tt club funds a stt.yient of the· Sherwood Music dpo ke-bl • e Sha ~ accessories 0 families. Ludlle'a column may be . . th d wl f I bl hool Ch' f ar ue. e is a graduate of ed L. vivid •-~ Fullerton District Junior college was . e ra ng o woo an-sc • 1cago, or five years and H lmb 11 d expect to , ... ve a ~·P- where he majored in aeron&utics'. ket, which went to Borghild Ste-this, Jier graduation program, was cho 1 Y cod tehge b adn CUmnock lion of their "plcn.Jc in the air." Mrs. Charles Hart of Newport Isla nd was honored when her rum- my club met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Craig, Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Hart are celebrating their sUver wedding anniversary this week and silver leaves were com- bined with flowers for the decora- tions. while the luncheon dessert was a ~wedding cake. A lovely crystal sugar and creamer, inlaid with silver, was presented the honoree. Guests included Mrs. Anne McLuckie and Mrs. J ohn Mc- Luckie, Pasadena: Mrs. H . D. Mc- Geachie, Claremont ; Mrs. William McGowan, Glendale: Mrs. J. Cooper of Berkeley, a house guest ot the hostess, and Mrs. Hart. Life of Piglny Told Newport Circle Newport Orcle met Wednesday wtth Mrs. William Ellis, 1511% West Central avenue with Mn. W. S. Hunsaker presiding. The faith jar was opened and provided $18. Mrs. John U'Ren gave an in- teresting account of the life of Apollo, the native pigmy mission· ary of the Belgian· Congo and Miss Elsie Newland gave the devo- tional talk on Modern Conven- , iences. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. U'Ren, 3512 West Ocean Front. Islanders Celebrate In Death Valley A! · d · h ed phens escort -V.f Col Tonuny At· <riven" · f h t h s oo • an e rt egroom is a ter gra. uation .. e accept . a . , II"" • b' , in me mor1am o er eac er, graduate of Ohio State university civil servtce JX>Sltion with the kinson. the l~te Mrs. Leora Custer. and Jaw school Army Air depot at McClelland Mifs Pink.ley's numbers included · Field, Sacrame nto, and left there Party Honors Pomponette, Op. 80 (Durand ), Pol-Mr. and Mrs. Covington and on an indefinite furlough to enter ish qance, Op. 3, No. 1 (Schwar-Dorothy were guests at the Reme-- the army in 1942. Npt. Heights Matron enka1. MiHtary Polonaise in A, lin home for a week prevlollS to He served three years, eighteen Op. 40, No. 1 (Chopin ), Claire de the wedding and returned to Ohio months. being sent overseas at the Mn. Edwin Munsey of Newport Lune (Debussy), Sonata in C Saturday. Mr. Remelin. who has Hawaiian Islands, Palau, Anguar Height& was guest of honor at a Minor 1Beethoven), Dolly's Fu-been in Tokyo wittl the Air Trans- and Okinawa. He was a technical delightful bridge luncheon and neralJ March (Tachaiko-A"Sky). port command, was in Honolulu sergeant with the 494th Bomb shower Wednesday at the home of Pui>ib presented were Ann during the tidal wave but he ar- squadron and received his honor-Mrs. Francis J . Horv:ath, 116 35th Trau wein, who played The Golden rived at 9 a.m. the morning of the able discharge January 17, by an street. Rule , (Martin), and Here We Go wedding. odd coincidence, exactly 'Z'7 years Centering the luncheon table Rount:! the Mulberry Bush (Rich-Local guests, wbo attended the after his father was discharged was a mirrored lake banked with ter), 1 and Patricia Shafer, who ceremony were Dr. and Mrs. W. 0 . after the first World War. He ferns, background for a sailboat gave Postman (Thompsoil) and Haldy, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dun- has now returned to his work at filled with sweet peas. A gold Dee~Sea Diving (Sctiaumf. Play-lap, Mrs. Irene Hiller, Mn. Louise McClelland Field. stork bearing a pink and blue ed a duet by Miss Pinkley and Hanson, Mrs. George Hanson, bundle was at one side of the lake. Misl Doris Billings was Blue Da-grandmotJ:ler of the bride; Mr. Cub Scout Kite Contest Sunday The kite-flying contest which is to take place at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 14, will take the place of the regular meeting of CUb. Pack 105, according to Olb Master H . 0 . Boyvey, and the regular advance- ment award! will be made that afternoon. For the guest of honor there was nube (Strauss). and Mrs. Paul Mantz, Mr. and Mrs.. a gold baby shoe filled with a cor-James Van Every,. Mr. and Mrs. sage of violets, her favorite flower, Charles Egbert, Davis Hatch, and favors were miniature pink 1 Emerson Egbert, Robert Sattler, and blue three-cornered pin-ups ~PY EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. J . Gordon Smith, with aJmonds in pastel colors. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Last and Mr. In the living.room Mrs. Munsey Harbor Area and Mrs. John Broughton. found a pink and blue parasol filled with many lovely gifts, and --Ii-----------' she also took first priz.e at bridge, second goi ng to Mn. Victor Grace. Those present were Mrs. Mun- sey,~Mrs. Grace. Mrs. Vera Deane, Mrs. C. B. Rudd, Mrs. Sue Hor· vath. Mrs. John Gillis, Mrs. Clif- ford Varner and the hostess. Popular Mesa Girl Tells of Engagement . and Mrs. Elmer Hartford, 721 Costa Mesa. are par- ent5 of a son, born March 31 in Sant Ana Community hospital. He freighed seven pounds, eight oun~. -~ and Mn. Donald Stanford or Cola del Mar are parents of a son, born April 4 at Santa Ana Co unity hospital. He weighed Guests at the home of Mrs. Flor- ence Torrence, 'Z'lth street, on Thursday and Friday were her brother and sister, WaJlace and Eva Kennicott, South Pasadena; her aunt, Mrs. Elsie Hagerman of Idaho. and Mrs. Daisy Schmidt, South Pasadena. Drtve caretuJ.Jy-Spare a Ltte. Harborites Invited To Exhibit Here A sped~ invitation has been issued to residents of the Harbor area to participate in the •annual Flower and Hobby show at the Anaheim Ebell club April 25-26. Mrs. Arthur A. Kemper, 90:> Qrcf'an boulevard, Corona del Mar, ii in charge of classification, which will not only include seasonal fiowen, bulbs and orchids, but flower arrangements and school exhlbltl. Entries will be received April 25 from 7 a .m . to 10 a.m. and all hobbies must be in place by April 24 . Mrs. Bert Morrla and MW daughter Stephanie, ~o' have been at the home of Mn. Morrl8• mother, Mrs. Mary Stanley. Cen- tral avenue for two weea. Jett Sunday for their home ln Lee Angeles. · Mrs. Frank Bates Sl'IJU!!ll,4 OOBSl!iHltRZ -·-PlaCe of the contest is on the bluffs by the Presbyterian hos- pital site west ol the overhead bridge on Central a•enue and 1ic;na will guide to the location. Prizes will be given for the.small..: est and largest kites, the one flying the highest, the one •howlnl the best workmanship, and two sur- prise awards will be made. five f.unda, six ounces . It as a daughter for Mr. and Announcement· ii being made of Mrs. ol'!n A. Lowe, 307 Bay Ave., the engagement or Mia Virginia Bal , born April 3 at Santa Ana Loulae Fernandes, daughter "Of Mr. I a>mijiunity hospital. She wei1hed and Mn. C. W . Fernandes, 2369 di, nine ounctt1. TUIGlade. tin MacGowevenue, Colta fMMresa, tdo . and Mrs. Don FUckwir, 223 ().:JP' U8E ~-,,.a·,. •SAUTY' SN •· ' 1 A•t•w Jlal1-M N -fta. lD'J ~ a......,. Until Mq i.t 0111d •Monday Mr. and Mrs. William W . San- ford, who have recently purch&Hd a home at 309 Onyx avenue, Bal- boa Island on which they are plan· ning extensive improvements, are vacationing this week in Death There wUl aha be prizes for winners of the three-legged race, the aaclt race and relay race, and a1ao on the program I.a a baseball came and treats for everyone. Scouts are uked to bring their famlliet for the fun. n. IOn o · an avenue, Balboa Island, wel- Mn. A. L. McGowen, Nlcklett a daucht<r, born April 2 WH.ERE HAIR STYLING JS AN ART avenue, Fullerton. ta Ana Community hmpiW. Vall I I br U f th ir ird Mr. and Mrs. Jesae B. Wolle jr. ey n ce e a on ° e th are residing at 437 Dahlia· street. wedding anniversary. Corona del Mar. Mr. Wolfe baa re-- They are former Glendale rest. turned after serviJ\g two years u dents and accompanying them sea.man third clau aboard the Vic- were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cowlin tory ship Mercer. of that dty. Mr. Sanford ls a I Ptir. and Mrs. H. A. Northrup broker with Gertrude Waldron's have been spending a week at the real estate office and both. ~e and l Charles Scanlon home on 41st Mrs. Sanford are an addition to street, NC'\\.·port Island. Mr. North- lhe badminton enthusiasts and rup has recently returned from have been invited to meet the best I three years in the Aleutians where pis.yen of Laguna Beach. he was with the army. . MR. FRED BECK wlD AUTOGRAPH bis book "Second Carrot from the End" at our NEW store Saturday, April 13th ' at 2:00 p. m. I Estrellita's 605 N. Main Street Santa Ana, Calif. l'boae5315 (Formerly Arcade Bide.I Easter Specials on our Permanents Machineless Permanents Hair Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring FRANOO BEAUTY SHOP TWO OPERATORS -MOZEl,LE &: BONNIE• lMI -BmL, Ooo&a -.._ !U1 • • Miu Fernandes wu one of the ---' th acalel 1 .... h m&t popular and acholutlcally ~;;.;;,_ • at •• 1 ,Our aim Is to enhance Milady's beauty and proylde outstanding graduateo of Newport and Mn. Byron Roblnlon. the ultimate In ~ C&O!. Harbor Union Hlgh achoo! last t Surf. Balboa. are par. year, and la In her tint year at of a aon, born April 2 In • HEAD Tb TOE BEAUTY SKRVICE Fullerton District Junior college. ton General hmpital. He 1 '----------------------'----_J Her fiance attended the Fullerton ed eight pounds, 12 ounces. 1:1=========:::::::":----------------- achools and junior college and is and Mn. ·H. H. Rogers, 525 1 ;-------------------------=; now in the Merchant Marine. The Mes drive, Colta Mesa, are par-11 date for the wedding has not yet ents •of a daughter, born April 5 been set. in Santa Ana Community hospitaJ. ' She Jwelghed eight pounds, five Wonder Horse at Nwpt. Schools Friday A change in time has been made for the performances of Serrano, the ''world's best educated horse," who reads minds. and spells words of any length in any language and who will appear Friday, April 12 at the Newport schools. He will be at the Corona del Mar school from 8:30 to 9:30 and will give two per- formances at the Newport Beach school. from 10:15 to 11 and from 1:'30 to 2:30. Prices f0r children are ten cents and twenty-five cents ror adults. ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Myers, 422 East Bay avenue, are parents of a ~n. born April 7 at Santa Ana Community hospital.i. He weighed six riounds, eight ounces. It lwa.s a son for Mr. and Mrs. D. C1\VaJters. 216 Coronado street, Balbba, born April 7 at Santa Ana Comlnunity hospital and weighing eigh( pounds, seven ounces. ~. and Mn. John Dunlap, 834 Wesi 18th street, Costa Mesa, ~1- com.id a son, born April 7 at Santa Ana ! Community hospital. He weig ed. &ix pound!, U ounces. w tch th• C:hiaaJfled col~. for Al Sherwin Riding 205 No. Br<ledway, S...ta Sport Shop Pllc.e81%% • DRESSES Made of Luxable 1'191 :Newpuri lllN.. Luxurious Fabrics Be Heart Melting In Sparkling White or Pastel COAT·S * 1.-gtba . Large armholes Full, broad shouldera Pulled In cloaely et the waist by Its belt Orkin's . • , I Department Store o ........ .. f • f