HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-11 - Newport Balboa News Times• • Sand 'Dabs '· • ......... ~=-"'"---­......... MA~~·~=~'~' ~·!!IL .:: I • ""-* .. Ore htl• \ • • • NEWPORT . , I KEEP POllTEk»- 1 y-........ . la(Jg ~ ··-.. --.. -~'-¥.~ N-• 'P s JCszs & a # ~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA,_ WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPOllT EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MDA LB.M • 0ll!llNCH Wfi'ING-for the r -Sand Crabber who re- ceived the sad news Wednes- day that his brother, Louis Meyer was gravely !II In Oakdale, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyer left hWTiedly for his bed,gde. He too is a newspaper publisher. On the same day Santa Ana reports gave . the condition of Col. A. B. Berry, publisher of the Independent as serious but not critical following a heart attack. The newspaper busi- ness takes a heavy toll of its executives. There are mru1y easier ways of making a liv- ing. • + +. Election Aftermath. Vin- dication of Lester L. Isbell, Balboa peninsula resident and ewport business man was seen in his Independent handling of many issues tha t confront the council. His friends deplored the futile iast minute implication made against Him and other mem- bers that the city ball mat- ter bad been rigged without adequate public hearing , and ·rallied to give Isbell the ~ vote received by any candidate. He declared that he had tried to do a good ~. and believes most of the voters agreed with . him. He consistently refused to allow the factual record of the city h a II discussions t o b e brought in as making it a political football. This rec- ord, incidentally was wiih- h e Id although it clearly shows the open and above boanl history of the whole matter. I ' + + + Roberfllon. A close race won for ''Robbie" the sea t for four Y"ars also on the council. Strongest in his own Corona di!! Mar and Balboa Island, the well known IUld able business man Jed Col. Thomas P . Atkinson to the wire by only 46 votes. 0. Z. has lived in the community longer than his close oppon- ent, and that may have made quite a difference. Then, too, Robertson's determination to weigh all issues as a business man would and his stand against sectionalism m a y have made an impression on many. . • The oolonel made a host of friends, and lt might be possible that, If the rumored resignation of one member late in the year beccmes a fact. the councll might offer ·him that seat. Gilbert Seal likewise made a fine Impres- sion everywhere he went. He l!XUdes sincerity and belief in ltraJchtening o u t m a n y CU""9 In th.. dty's coune onward. lJkewlse Stanley ~ aurprlaad everyone bf_ ~ number of votn he polled In some sec- tions. He WU not a serious threat, ptthaps, but got the attention of many to the problems of his getll!l'lltlon, and lt was good experienoi!. He may wih four yean from now-who knows! • + + Progilostlcatioas. A pro- phet IS without honor In his owii ballwick. but here's our neck out for someone to chop off! At the• coming Tuesday Session d u r i n g which the votes will be certi- fu!d after the old business hils been taken care of. and as the hew members are VOLmD: XlaVlll Ci New County Harbor Law Paralleling That of City Passed by Supervisors - Provides for Harbor Master, Inspection Fee for Building Applications, Contamination ofBay, Speed of Boats Homes Under $5000 Predominate in M~sa Permits Home building continued on the mesa last week with seven per: m its being granted by the county seated and the mayor re-, signs to make way for a new To N egot1ate on one. we will·predict that ge-H B S p k building departmenL Seven permits for construction in the Costa Mesa district were lsz s ued last \11."ttk by the county building department. nial; cautious, detail-minded . • • tate ar • 0 . B. Reed will be elected to till the shoes of Mayor Oyan Hall. Reed ·has usually been oo the conservative side and Y"t is progressive In many 'll'llys. He' helps Isbell make ·~ the budget, which with thrir known ability to see well ahead; have kept the dty w i t h i n its . taxable bounds during the recent in- flationary years. • • • · OtMr Dectlom.. The 33 per cent vote for council was a distiqct disappointment to Javers of democratic gm(l!m- ment. because it shows· too many qegJect the duty which they wOuld shed blood to de- llllnd i' threate!M!d 'll'lth its ,..., .. Permits Were granted to A1bert 'J'h(> county boa.rd of supervUon ~f. Dixon. 1210 E. Central avenue. is ready to conduct negotiations Balboa, for a dwelling at 23662 with the state park cornmluion West Avenue. $4600: to Robert J. for 9400 feet of bea ch property Barnes, 504 Orange avenue, Costa between ~untington Beach and Mesa. for a d\wlUng at 22t41 Newport for a state PAtk, it \11.'U Santa Ana avenue, 69 feet south learned in Santa Ana yesterday. ot Coata Mesa street. $4000. Authority was given by the su~ To Frank H. Prackett. 1780 vison to work out an agreement, Rembrandt Drive, Laguna Beach, appraisals pttSumably being made for a dwelling at 1621 18th street, by the Santa Ana Realty Board. east of Santa Ana road. $4000: to n.e state legislature had ptt-A. Gentori. 319 19th street. Costa viously allotted $399.,500 tor pur.. Mesa. tor a ctvvelllng on the west chase of this strand without a side of Santa Ana road. $5000. matchlng clause on the part of To G. E. Gordon, 177 Flower Huntington Beach, which had fed street. Costa Mesa. for a residence milliOns of dollars into state <:;of.. at the same addrea. $5000; to fers from oil revenues.. In the HelU'}' R. l\foatt, 2625 Elden ave-. st.ate fund~ park commisaioo nue, Costa Mesa. for a dwelling: at m47 secun 250 ..,,... of land ~ 1122 Wilson street, $3432: to J. T. hlad the boad> for a camp and Collino, Box 193, C<>&ta Mfta. for -'<Inc .,,.. ~tary to a bulldlnc •t 12242 Victoria ltreet. the --k. $1000. l • • i I ' • • • • • .- . I I ' ' ' ' • " ' • • Isbell and RobertSon Assume • Office on Tuesday; Official Count Shows 33 Percent Vote Young Vets As Officers Costa Mesa's New Telephone Office to Be R~ady April 27 An~ that more than that a new cable from Santa Ana $200,000 ii l>olns e•1wuled by the to the Costa Mesa office and at-->~ Southern California Telephone tendant work in· laying the cable company in building a new central and p1acing conduit calls for an otnoe-at a.ta Ilsa bu just been additional expenditure of nearly ..,ade by C. I. McDonald. district $75,000. I ., manager. Re ai.o !'e'Ye&led that '"The permanent construction of ..,. Installers are working u raphDy the new Costa Mesa building re:- a.s pmsible in order to cut the fleets the faith that the Southern Costa Mesa office into eervice <Ml CaJifornia Telephone company bu April Z'T. in the growtq and development ol Mr. McDonald .. ,.. that the. the Harbor area," Mr. McDonald ~ apeuditures for the job says. "The building Itself hu total $21l8,400. Braldna dawn the been dellgned to receive additlonal total cmt ftgans. the Soirtbem equipment for la ter expansion al Callfamla Telepbwe l'INllPBSIY Data tbe Costa Mesa office and a job as having Invested 1211.000 for land la already being engineered which and the new huDdlng at 18th lhould add to the capedty of tbe street and Orange svenue. central office later this year.'' New """""'*"I --·!latlon With the placing lilto aervloo at co.ta were the lazgat e•1ewt1-a new Central office in COit& tures of U.. s:IDll.«XI CJUtlay for K-. ·an -tonlty will be pro- the entire l*Oject.. Se1mt)'.tz vided for telephone operaton llV- thousmid -ii -. ....-. Inc In c..ta .._ to ....... -ec1· f"or aeutral afftae ftll•i&•1e•t their1 homes, acoordlnc to Va,,..er and -S29.000 -a< ! llecl to McDonald. 'There will .U.O be a awlrud awl -the ,..-. need for .,.... telephone opentors plant_ fadJltlel&, -.Q:r --to man aw!......._,do at the .,.. gr-<a111e. tD the --lnl pudinc Newpo<t Beacb """'-• office 1aai-. · both In a.ta K-One! In New· -.~ ~1 -~- 'l'hnoe-lrol-jollaln Ana-CGota .._ tdepbcne ----. ,, _ helm. Newpat B ot l&lllJ Santa bee.I notified ot n-. ...._ 8E8VICINO THE BELL BUOY. Few 1 , •2 ta .._ Mw --l*'6 ...,. :f lall8 ...... •lbw , Am ue la ... 1,81 ~ tile cmt ftc· the awn-pr IQI. ad tek--• -It -lie -... pftt1Mcally, .. -...... la ....... .,. II-* ..... _ I ... -.... U.11. '-' ...... ot the o.i.. -;.et be---.. In Ne pat - Guanl teMer "'••11 -n ••'let tl9 --~ ....,._ alrrpl....,. receaU,.. :.!' wapel ... ..,.. t'-7 wae • _..p".. baft a19o been told~ prefix~ tne at aD 11owU. wMdl llilllJid:' z !1! Ha lc"c1te "'seer. Bae el •. MJ 7 '• a'"1t ~· _ ..._ . .__ -= ~ -~ -, t ......., • -* '8 IEl9* ,_. -. .. !MB ...... ta "'!11111 _.r, wa ' a ssP1n awQ om ... .......: ~--..__...,,. w -• • --Jllll .n ~· W 1 • ...., ..... _ , ____ If&. • . ~ .... 'Die ..... , .... I • " • ' I . , .• .. DIESEL SERVICE D~EL MOTOR SAT.~ ~BUILT D~EIS ' • . ft&NI B. QWl8 (l..ac*:J' Lewll) OWW Mszslll PHONES Oftloe: Newport :eo&8 and Newport !OM-W • YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE BOWL ' MODERN SECtlONAL DIV ANS YN. bere 111 "'Lo..".:Ul')"'' In sectional Divans. So practlcal-mo,·e the pieces about to cet just the right effect and UM> ID yoUJt home. Big, roomy Divans ln Chartreme Dopak:, Rlalto Beige and Maroon. Vb.lt Orange COunty's tlne8t Furniture Store-!\lah&lfey &: Fl~ Ana.helm.. 1%3 -lSl West Center Street • :.a1;..._, pl..-. -... $16950 ANAHEIM STORE HOUBS 9 :SO t.o 6 :SO 81.s da;r• a week Phone Sll5 • • I i I I ' • SPORT LAND B 0 W L 1. NG ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -. Balboa • For ReoervaUona Phone 2402 10 Modenl --Ana,. ''BOOTS" and ROY KEENE • • I • 1 1 TO RESIDENlS OF NEWPORT BE~·C .H · ( Newpo • Balboa, Corona del Mar) · I Certain interests represented bl local political bodies are pro- moting a State Park. 1. It would open a high class residential district to picnick- ing with all its attendant ref use. It would crown surrounding streets with parked cars -open the· possibilities of camping and trailer parks -bring each ·and every type of undesirable people into our residential resort area. 2. Cause in excess of $600,000 or private tax paying prop- ' I erty to be condem~ed, ~us throwing a further and substantial tax burden .on all tlte ~ther property own~rs of this district. 3. -... This pro~ action is holding up improvements that would result in · cre~d property values with added city !!i- come. 4. Similar Stat.t Palk projects have invariably lower.eel prop- erty values. Therf are 1 miles of available state beach property elsewhere. ~ . · · :1 . I ea:ne OMJ /JtU.r; G Neit;/tio;,, ' • • • ~LUFF · & SAND&' PROPERTY OWNERS ASS<f.IATION • • • . ' ( ,, • r • ' • ~-J----------~~~-'.'."":'."'"""'.'.-------:::--:-~·-:--~"!!!•!!•!lM~!T!.JB!:•s:•!i:!O!!!!~A:M~·!!•!l•~!'*" Ptze! •••• 05. 2 -,.,, !pll U. ..... • v..: bz 7 ff Registration for Ne~ Mathews Tax· a' hie ·Incomes Explai-. .. J I Balboa IsJander's Onllyct:,_!:,~ t;.~!...... Lo~an Delivers ~1-... ~1.a· l'""'=· ::: June n..: .... _..:~ Cruiser "-=..es llCU Store "'-"Le rn:__ ~ uuam Se...,.n::. i!A P_ .. _ a...Luww-ll!ldtoGaa11 Cl'UIUIC.R:e .lllTIY t.':>L£1& 1.1a1 Minsed Eight Votes"" n vv-ruuwer; H. strlcktt ...-.Uy 'at 4115 -~1r-t1on°0of ~t!.rilf-~-A~ss~~Y. ~ ~--By State Tax. Commission _ Up Goodyear A~ c-. -u to Third Due Soon :; E~~ ---•v ~· -u~ •~ -w ~~· .-~ M--A ltrilre 'ICaimt the Utt die-the total 1'0te. palled by h1Ch man '11'e tblrcl of -~ oport-ncrth ol the prwnt -'ud die J,_ 4 State primary election will Ing their brand """' ~-C'lbll Is !tJe third of a -trlbutlnc Iii-of a....... ~ ~...:: -~ ': llol!lns <bortor -t. Will be !In-~ ooqiect to ...;a..,; oil th$' -April 25• cruiser durtni the put -at artlcl8 PftPOttd under the ell-Stal>1e' In PUa""-and South ab< f.;. ., ...... within .ipt -and ...,_ -omnlng offcrt lo -attor .llq 1, 1.oor-~ ot i.saJ ..., wbo baa the Seacraft yard on Cout hleh· -ot O>aa. J . McColpn. Pa -. t litlon at tbe ot ekend t the v llbu Pier I lllllUI AW. All aoept ...., -been a resident of thiJ: State for way. one ~ the Ddt complete franctme tax commiaioner, rel.a-u cr ftCOCJt votes ::;:nc the CXllTKt nurn--~ er _. com-cm.tructlcm wlD t. far ,..,.. the put year and of one county and beautlfDl cabin crulaen aeen Uve to tbe llablllty ~ ~ AFL local u .We bup1nlnc ber the candidate woWd seL pany ol llallbu Be•cb. lt wu .. ~1e1 and the ~ •.a Jhe last 90 clays Is eligible to reg1s-In the harbor ln many a day. under the California ~ In-asent wu aak1 to ha"" tied up ~ ~·~ ~.,:::c" ~ = .:'!! --bl" Nile L 1-wQl :JO.foot ~ for a Loa ,Anpla tor. A trUJe wider 40 feet, the twln come T~ Law.) Payment deed-distribution of tires fnlm the Loa -tha pooltlaD, t 987 known -t ltullder ot N""pcxt attcrney •. Voten who tailed to partldpate engined yacht which Is the first line Is AprlJ 15. • Angeles plant ol the Goocbffr Tire Aloe> bl the J . ' Isbell, Hei&hta. '11'e -.! ot the three ------------ In either the 19'4 primary or _.. poot-war model built ts a little The wt under the law Is bued and Rubber oompell)'. Stanyer Is -•-~~ --._...i ~ wu trucked ,.---~-------....., en.I eleCtton. or who have changed larger than that handled by Mr. upon ''net _ .. ""1cb Is com-a prupet l;y <>WW on -lal· Frank ......,_..., Dick Racaa. R. to the harbor and launched Tues-G .-nde 1lnoe that time, will be and Mn. Robert Staatl before the puted by allowlnc taxpQ0n the aM. -beeclo tbe -laland t.:Ottopoa and IrYfn .G.qe .i.y at the Seacraft yard,. and was USt ~g lnella:lbloe to cut ballotl In the conflict. Its eye appeal and com-deductlona from "groa Income'' -rax_. 11ooc:laticlll. called the CO-BI-DO. • lllO"N fCll'tllo:lljlln el•etlob unleu they paetneu, however, and appoint-that are . allowable In computing Tb,e Goa«ll.., cxmpo'Q' oued In . l '11'e Imp cab1D ~ """I'll .. wpuK Bhd. ~•sister before the April 25 ments built ln for the abort er "adjusted groa Income." After Loa An&'eles auperior eourt to ob-Le Balon, MWD boats were ordettd by Wm. b . <>08TA llE8A e -,,. long dlsW>ce trlpo would be dlftl.. computing groa Income, taxpayer ta1n an lll)Unctlm prohibiting the A_., Kno H Huber, president ot tbe company Phone Np&. Beb. 9'15 cult to excell, vtstton exclaimed. may.elect to compute net tncome International Brotberhoqd ot "'f~1!lf WD ere, on Santa Moalca Ba.y. 'lbe tint a. »'11 & D i'i4 · ...... ----------;I Most viliton on board. Mrs. by taking certain spedflc cleduc-~ 0...utteun, WareboiJoe Dies m Loa Angeles -tbe GB, -tl)e lldrd: Is to '------------' Staats admitted. have but two tlons which are allowable even min and Helpera from carT)"lnc . ----,., ------~-----~--------Owll8rS ••• B.,.t Canvas complalntl on the 'sleek craft. though not dlttetly connected with out a threatened boycott ot the Geolp . Le Bum. who had "'ll='=====-============== 'lbooe are that it does not belonc the production of groa Uocot1>e, or pl'Cidoctnc -· Pldtets MW charie of buying ri&fita of way r to them or that they cannot cet he may elect to compute net ln-IUITOUDd. tbe plant. It WU c:bused I for the· Jie~tan Water aque- one soon. Accommodations for come by claiming the standard de-in the complaint that on February duct sinCe i932, and a frequent sleeping six are provided, and Mrs. ducfion; wh.Jch is in lieu of all 10 a union agent prH!!nted the vt.ttor ~ N~ Beach, died at Staats said the boat has a cruising cJeducttons other than tboee that demand agabwt St:anyer for recog-hil home lri Lo. Ancelft. on Kuch radius of several hundreds of are subtracted from groei income 'J!ltion of the union as barcain.ln& 3~ it :;J .. leamed from the Aque--By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths miles carrying its own cookin& in computing adjusted groes In· agent in his retail stores. The duct N~ yesterday. fuel, ~g 8 hot water shower, come. The tollowtng are eome of agent planned to boycott Good· Le~ 64 wu a well known large ice box and many built-in the deductions allowable under the year unleu they ceased doing busi· realtor Wf~ he became the qent P.APALMER. LIDO lllUl PPOPB>Jl!.s • Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. r efinement.a. They plan to uae this law In computing adjusted grou t)eu with Stanyw, the mmplalnt for 1.he ri&hts of way, and .tnce one, which rues their Tuna Club income: said. _. r ftnishing~that job consulted with pennant, for their own pleasure, SALARY INC'OME-In the many dhitrictl and cities planning and for demonstration purpotes. event employment requires that an Theodore Roosevelt once said: to join. individual travel, expenses so in· ''I am only an average inan, but, W. Q BUC:i:;-r.-rarn:e Co..nselar .4'a..w 1500 tJl,,,,p,,,r &...{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFOll.NIA - Phone 207 SANTA ANA Keep your eyes open before mar- riage, half-shut afterwards. -Franklin. rartlcufarly /laco••attded For rer10•1 la r•bflc Ufe New Hue Tremlucont Trvbyt. t..+h .,.. sheded to match yovt' compluion MCI shepecl to metch the contow of your fec:iel f.eturn. They ft e I p efiminete cMl-white, artificiel eppe•r•nce. A.t , .... _.., "' s .... r •• s..,.i •• ENJOY WEARING YOUR PLATES WH)LE PAYING curred including board and lodg-by George, I work at it harder Sell' through Ing are deductible provided the than the average man!" taxpayer is not reimbursed. lf re-- imbursed or allowance for such expense! is made, such amounts must be included in grdss income and the actual expenses may be c1almed as deductions therefrom. No deduction may be claimed from salary income for: Cost or educ&• tion or training to fulfill or qual- ity for a position: expenses of trips in search of work ; car fare or other transportation costs In go- ing to and from work; expenses of moving to another locality upon change ot employment. PROFESSIONAL INCOME - All professional fees must be re· ported as income, and deductions therefrom are allowable for ex· penses incurred in practice of the profession, which include rent, 'Patsy Rath Struttlen. wbo \\'UI be oa e of the ~atertalaen at th~ Dance P~eaat to be p.re- sented at the Newp<l!r't Barbor ' Union lllih .vhool F'tlday eve- nJng, April ti. The ~t la spon.ared by . the Girls' Lea.cue of the school u a benefit for the P1'6 byte rian bo.pltal fund and 11 being-staced by the Grace Shipman School of Dancing'. Letts High .Bidders On Sale of Home By Order of Court automobile upkeep, light, water, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Letts, fuel, supplies. telephone and salary 2427 Virgittla road, Los Angeles, paid assistants. Any expense in· were high bidders on the eight- curred in part as penonal and room home of Mrs. Blanche Har· 1 part as professional expenses must rison, 3208 West Ocean Front, be allocated and is dE;ductlble only the prlce of $5100 being entered to the extent attribu~ble to prac· by Mr. Head of Lane's Real Estate tice or the profession. The cost office. The bid was approved or furniture, fixtures:, equipment last week by the court, according and technical books is not allowed to Rev. E. D. Goodell, guardian as an expense but the cost there-of Mrs. Harrison. of may be recovered through de· The house was purchased. by preciation deductions. the Letts tor their son, Rober t G. y.., .S...'I li<no IO buy faacy--« l1'a -,.-IO bo MIN of tmdlr, derlldom Wtl al Safe'WGJ'~ our iw UJJ d .. cub Tc:=h roan. Wmlm. -2. c:u9 en ~ukmallr panmleed to pleoM. U JOU .._ vet a Qd of lafewar ..GI lbal 1aUa to ·_.. ..... ,.... J-• .. -.... -.;....I<{ bo. let .. -· w. ...m 91 .. your ..., bock, wld.om ~ of,... ..... CANNm Fl\111' JUICES , Prune Juice ...... D -J Heart'• o.Jlght Bf'ond.. Prun J . --._, .......... e wee .,..., -- Grapefruit Juice '::"' 13'< Appi;j°~"; ~.,!',. .... :!;: 31~ Lemon Juice ~~· '= • CANNED BEANS, PW, APPWAU(l Sliced Green Beans'~ l&j lonQroll't French Sty!•. article , ......... ......... ,..a. .. ,. ... ~-- - Take ad.van.tap of Dr. Cow· en'a Uberal Credit P1a.n. for all b.....-of dentistry. Arrance to have all your DfJCNlaJ'J' work completed BIGHT NOW . • . pey later ln amall weekly or monthly amount&. N 0 T ONE PENNY ADDITIONAL COST. BUSINESS INCOME -Profit Letti, and It ts understood he from business operations must be plans to mak e his home here. He Included as gross income. From I is a r ecently discharged veteran. gross profit, which Is gross 1ales Furniture of the house, which in· less cost of goods sold, deductions eludes some fine antiques, will be may be claimed for all the ordl· offered at a separate sale, a peti- nary and necessary expenses of tlon having been flied with the doing business such as salarll'S and OPA to allow the sale . Highway Peas ~~ i:=· 13- Applesauce ~! ':':'· ~ -. j Make Your Own Terms . . . Wtuun aw·on ... wages, rent, light, heat, power, water . advertising, stationery, a joint return and their aggregate postage, insurance, delivery and adjusted gross income is $.5000 or trucldng expense. more, the standard deduction al- STANDARD DEDUCTIONS-lowable ts only $300. The Personal IncOme Tax Law ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiio., gives individual taxpayers the 01r tlon of taking a standard deduc- tion in lieu of all deductions other than those that are subtracted from crou Income ln computing adjusted cross income. The am· aunt of the standard deduction depends upon the amount ot the adjusted groa Income. U the adjusted crou Income .. $!5000 or mon" the 1tanclard cleductlm Is $300. It husband and wife file Ftr HOME lz ti II - THE OPENING "1IS l8JI --111111 ..... of • lil the • FRIDAY, APRIL 12th • · NEWPORT ELfJCTRIC APPUANCE 00. DELICATESSEN FOQD .SHOP: • Jl'raH lello ) • • SHOP At GILL '5 , CANNED CHICKEN, TURKEY, SPREADS , Chicken & Noodles ,.: 'Zif lyndwl lrond. I Sliced Twkey \:::!:·~:SI• Meat Spread =:" ·~-iilo FRYERS •. 49° OYSTERS ............. ......,.,.... .. ....... 10 .. 15 ,., ... Iii . 43 0 pill Hom Ot Tongw won.tin. I ""' .... ,.. i ( • • B-p• 1Upe, •oa17, ..W faiwk. ~ ' AVOCADOS ·~ OEANSllS, ILUING Clean1er :.,. 2 '!:' I .. ............... ""5'odiolul air.Al_......, ... __. .... old Dutctl ('•• -·..., 25c _... two Old Outd C"-"-....... Old ~ a.w, 09Pf. 46, ._ u, OWoee to. ·-Sunbrite Clec 11pier '::"' .. ~25° ac JUICY LEMO-"S Thi= I I • .. Callfonda elir. fz:iii-Uoe fOI' p1eo, aaaceo. ~ Sootch Clean'aer '!: • T--Flaked Bluing llfu. \ :•te ....._ CJ I ROTS T ....... , friap, _,;eel wt ol lllllforln abe. Sene baked. CELERY I ~ &c. Bluing -;,!.,,,-· Anti-Kio :·.;i..: . Fancy;Utah-cype. si.Jb are meat~1, ..Up wl tender. •• ~:..-;; .. ~ g!~~-12° Mixed Nuts~:;· ·~: ~ Pecans.~":';!...~ ... ";:' W~ w~~~~~e..11.,_J. ~~ English Walnuts ";:' Stwwort"t 9rond.-....... Shelled Almonds Almonds ---. --Cashews :::, Spanish Peanuts -- ' ,_ -,_ -.... - IAVIOUS Raviolis !=!:" Superio Raviolis ......... · · Raviolis Airway Coffee"'='"';!• ....,.-f ''-13-,_ . '~l'r ·-1c• ,_ _ ............. ., ... ,. '-,!"' mCJ: THESE SAFEWAY VALUES Hemo ~"":... • • n..'h--edsOupll.llo--.. ..,......,_.wMm••Mll•.__• \~JW .. ll .... .,., • ~ •• I I,, ...... llittyCNdler ... PalmoliveSoap 3 _ _. -~---.--·-~ --Sbreddecl'Wheat ,._ 11• Palm 1; Soap z •• ""'I ·-I .... I o,,.ve _ Giro' bread,. .. _ ..__ ---_'4)91 .I.TUA .... -·1 Cut Green Be •11• "::" 129 -----.:-----.,, ... -. QllUJIF9 ......_. ---1 -I ' I 'i , I • • '~~~~~~--~~~~~.:...~~~~~~ ..... ,....,....,~~~JK~.!8!W~ry+!!!!!IJW~•~•~WOA!!!~ M&WF'l'W!!~-!K~-!•lf!1!1t~W8!!!!~*!!..iSOl!7!0!!!!~0!!1i..!'rl!!!!!!!!P!r~,~Apl!l!l!!!...!U,;-;;11;!!11::.tl~·-;:;::: ...... -:~~~-;-;;:;::;:;:;:::::;::;:;;:::::::::::::::'~:::'fJ:±::::::::-~_;,~~+-~ -PueiJ:ic NoT1-au111Xm ft~-i--~ ------~-~--~--.....::.;11 m:ilPLG'1'111&NTOlll !!J-... ·-- Cottnty Adamant . =...::-1,.=.. c:i.::.': In Refusing iPemut ~e:.ie::r.:=...~~ F Rae ~ u.x:l•ta. or e 1n bis -OIJ!lllcatlan, Lanthier . .... -.oat.ed -Keib' htl1lo, The auto race track proposed well known racing driver, but 1n for ,. .. tern Orange county waa the oecond, Lanthier announced moe agoJn given the fishy eye by that he had clxupped Petl1lo - the county board of auperviscn was working with a croup of who 1urned down the propooitlon WilmingUln' bualw men. that y;ould establish a track near Advocates of the track declared Seal Beach. for the second time. that it would be built on land uoe- ~ u;adc's land-use application. le91 for farmlng er dwe1llnc coo- whic:lt was violently opposed by struc&n, would pn>vlde tax rev-c.ountY churches on the grounds enues and would establish tbe that It would create gambling, at· county as an auto tstmc P'OUD4- Greeting Ca,,,. and a Grat Variety of Unu.aal Glfta ''WE INVlTI: YOU TO BROWSI: AROmm" C. E. LOUCKS JEWEL.RY and ITATIONIERY Ol.amon4s • Wat.oftn • F ine Repairing ..._.Newport 11.- 1797-H Nil'wport Blvd.., c.ta ...... Caltf. 0 0 l WISH 'rO 'rHl\NK AU 'THOSE WHO varw FOR ME. AND MT WIPE WISHES 'rQ 'rHl\NK AU 'rHOSl! WHO DIDN''r. Gilbert Seal 0 0 Bob Murphy's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM EASTER WEEK Ansell Hill 1 ' • Saturday ..• April 13th Sunday .•• April lilth Wednesday ... April 17th Friday .•. April 19th Saturday ••. April 20th Skinnay Ennis Thursd~y, April 18th Dancing from 9 to 1 FOR EASTER • • • Give Jewelry Nurses' Watches $37.50 Li~I Watches $33.75 ·~, '; 'J ' . ,., • ·I :·~~ ,, ·loft''·\ I ·· ~ ... . . . Ladies' Watches $42.50 up . - Men's Waterproof Wrist Watches Sila.50 and up All prices include federal tax Wahl Eversharp Pen Sets • Pearls • Earrings • Costum Jewelry • Gold Filled Bracelets LOUCKS ,...,.1.,, ond Sutionny im111...-..,..._ , ' • • Harbor High Wins and Loses During Week Seal Thanks Supporters In City Election Elect New Mayor Next Tuesday; Start New Term (Contlnued l'rom Page ll :rli llloKD IUXJ'DOK P A I N T I N G NOTICll ll Yean Service in NEWj)O<"l Bari-Are. q.:::J4' is.: ~-N!:~ Ham Hall B .. dl !!d>ool District of the Ooun-p AINTING O'.>NTIUCTOR ty of~. State of Califamla, Phone Newport 837-W that tn1 a<XOnlance with I.aw, an 274 E. 19th Street :M-11e FOR It REI,IABLE Paint Job on .... . ·~ WAlTRESsEs 'W.un'EI> --~ Cafe, 11th It ~mp. ..- ...,._Pb: Newpon 23&4. 1- HELP WANTED-Woman, llaht ; bolmokeeplna and ........... -. orly lacly. s to 4 houri .wq, . 10 a.rn. to 1 or 2 p.m. Call New ... part 'JJ:Bf-W. ..2tc )'<><Ir home, Clll Newport. 10417 HELP WANTED-Male -Femole. after •:30 p.m. 19-tfc Local OI tra\l'elina in bi;wl1 !Ii f<lr COOPERAT"'"" younelC. No money req- J. Y r.t Good lnccme. You att your OW11 ROOFING CO. -. AJ>llly H. Van Deren. 5Cl81' N. Main St., Santa Ana. 2619tc eJect!oni will be held on the 17th day of .May, 1946, in Mid Dlstelct, between the hours of 7 o'clock A. M. aftd 7 o'clO<'!k P. M ., during which l>erioct and between which hours the polls. shall remain oi>en. at wllldt electlon thett will be submlt~ed the quettion or lauin& and sellhu< bonds of said Dlstrlct New and Repair HELP WANTED -wcman rm to the -..OOW,t of $150,000.00 Doi-Phone 875-M -work, anall -·· twe Ian. 10. the purpooe of raising 216 E. 20th SL, Coot& -., adUlta. Private ,_,,, °"-money /or the following purpoooeo: »l1c ""'"-· Not enouch work far (a) The purchasing or school all day. U>e In, but could' lluw lots. PAl!ftl!fG oom&Clfta l<lme frft hows. Call Ne.._t 891..J. 25-~ (b) '!be building or purchasing PAIN'nNG -PAPIB BANGING ~=~=-------- of school bulldinp. Olld ~'IDIO LOOK HERE! Wanted-Men.and (cl The making of alterations B. a Md)<-'M Women to start in bualnea °" or addltlom to the school building •u 0"1 <lDml;J" lliL, ,., J.M-W our .,.Pt&L Sell oome lOO fotjn- or bulldinp other than JUeh u ~ ~ -heme Producta. ~ '"" ~ be neeessanr for current __________ ..__ DMJen --make quick uJeo; maint..,ance, oporatlon, or repalrl. TIL.UIVOaT.t.TIOlJ 11 bis pnillts. Far particul.an write (dl The repairing, restoring or Ra-iaht'a, Dept. ~192, rebullcilng of any oc:bool bulldlnc WANTED-Rlcle to HuntJncton Oakland, Callf. 2S-ltc ~Injured, or deo~ by Park or vldnlty, dally mpt fire orf other public calamity. Sunday. 1532 Ocean Blvd, Bal- ( e) The llU1JPlylnr of IChool -. 28-2tp bulldinh with llJrniture or ....,.._ IUY fpparatua of a permaMnt nature. (f) I The _.,....ent lmprovo- ment of the school grounds. All bt the foregoinc purpooeo en~ated herein are he'J'eby united~and shall be voted upon u one mi.cle proposition. . SANTA ANA -Auto Travel Service Private .... to all dtleo In U. B. A-dally. UCENSED -INSURED Ph. Sant& Ana -Sll henc:b SL, S..t& Ana 21-~ Saldi bonds propooed to be Issued BICYCLES and oold ahall be of the denornln- atlons hereinafter specified, and llold. Rated • ~ WANTED AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS WITH CHRYSLER EXPERIENCE Newport Harbor Motors 26141 W . CEN'nlAL shall bear Interest at a rate of VOCW:..'8 not exceeding nve per cent per 100 Kalil 11t.. 11a1-See Roy J o.hnson annunl, payable annually for the 208 llartne, e.n.o. :r.tud.. 29-ltc first year the bonds have to run, ___________ N-_~_ ------------- and serni·annually the?"eafter, and UAUIT AJD8 II BALE 11180ELLANEOU8 • shall be numbered from 1 to 150 OOLO and KACJBl."'{ELl!ll FOR SALE-Wardrobe trunk, 2 Harbor High's baseball squad Gilbert Seal, executive secretary . VladJcatlon cons,ecu:tlvely, payable as follows, small trunks, 2 .rowboats and found itself spit in the won and of the cro' Shlpworkers Local 52 I to wit WA VllS kayak. Ph: :134-J. 2S-2tc lost colwnn this week as a result The election was a vindication : Tlnttn• and Kanicurtng of 8 win over Fullerton on 'Tues-at the South Coast' company, who of Isbell. too, others be\ieve, who Bond9 n.~ l:venlDI' A'Ppotntmenta Ph. 179-W FOR SALE-Water-proOfed filb-• day and a tos sto the powerful was a candidate for city council saw attempts to smear his par-Nnm~red ...., .. om-· ~ in the election held Tuesday ticfpation in the city hall con-(lnc1uatve) atton To Run V*t's Beautv Shop lng suit, shoes, baby bu&JY, baby t:;~,;~~ Colonist Wednesday at-thanked his supporters, and his troversy defeated. He repeatedly 1 to 7 $1000.00 1 year 1103 Cout Htwa.y, Corena del Kar bed and mattress. 2646 Elden, wife added her thanks to those refused t~low a factual history . 8 tq, 14 $1000.00 2 years 16-tfc Costa Mesa. 28-2tc Ralph Freitag turnjd in a mas-1 who did not vote for her hus· of the cit 11 diseussions brought 1 22 5 to" 2 28 1 $1000.00 3 years ------------CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. terful performance on the mound band. to $1000 00 4 yean: LOST AND FOUND !! PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. for the Sailors against the Indians, The unsuccessful candidate who 'nto the campaign as he felt that 29 tO 35 s1000:00 5 Y.ears LOST-Small tricycle, n8Jlflc Carol 23-tfc allow ing only one hit and blaking m ade 8 favorable impression on 7c::i:i~k~e ~~~:~~ef°1~ti~~ 36 to.; 42 $1000.00 6 years Ann painted on it. Phone N . B.1 ------------- the opponents, 5-0. The burly many residents of the city for ~is printing them elsewhere to clear 43 to .. 49 $1000.00 7 years 822-M. 28-2tc RED FRYERS right-hande r also turnid in a broad program and zeal vlith the misconception left in the minds 50 to 56 $1000.00 8 years ------------FOR SALE. Call at 1805 Tustin double that scored the first New· which he proposed it, would not 1 of many 88 to the hh;tory of these 57 to 63 Sl000.00 9 years EMPLOYMENT WANTED !I Ave., Costa Mesa. 28-2tp port runs. say whether he planned to run deliberations, thoroughly discussed 64 to 70 $1000.00 lO years w ANTED-Garde"1ng work. See RUG & UPHOLSTERY Cleanin&. The Tars lost the Anaheim en-again. He received 453 votes in over 8 period of years. 71 to 77 $1000.00 11 years Myers, Box 103, Balboa, Qr 422 Rugs sized, ,.shamPoOd, cleaned. counter, 9-2, on the Colonisu' dia-the unofficial count Tuesday night o~ z. Robertson acceptf.con~ 78 to . 84 SlCXXl.00 12 years E . Bay Ave. ~tp Overstuffed furniture cleaned. mond after the polls closed. gratulations of friends on ning 85 to 91 $1000.00 13 years 3 day pick-up and delivery. the election graciously. e said 92 W 98 $1000.00 14 years WANTED-Gardening work. Call 35 yean of satisfied custoinera. USED CAB LOT IN Friction from a steel cable pass· that he had no set policy but 99 to 105 $1000.00 15 years at 530 San Bernardino AvenUt!, ORANGE COUNTY COSTA MESA ing around a dry stwnp started a would consider all problems as 8 106 tf? 114 $1000.00 16 years Newport Heights. 26-tfc TENT cl: AWNING co. A used car lot has been opened forest fire in Oregon's Wilson business man would who is inter-115 t~ 123 $1000.00 17 years WANTED-Gardening and Land-614 W.·4th St., Santa Ana. by J . K. McCarthy of Huntington River area ln 1933 which destroyed ested in up-building the city. He 124 tq 132 $1000.00 l8 years seeping. Write to Bobby Theuret, Phone Mf· Benedict, 1569 Santa Beach at 1910 Newport Blvd., more than 260.000 acres of the declared he is equally interested 133 to 141 $1000.00 19 years P . O . Box 413, Costa Mesa. Ana. 22-tte Colta Mesa, under management of finest virgln timber valued above in serving the whole city and not 142 to 150 $1000.00 ~ yea:a 28-4tp ------------- J . R. Brewer. $20,000,000. just one part. He feels that it is For the purpose of ~old1ng said Fire Place and Klndl.Ln& the duty of 8 councilman to gov-election, the School District shall WORK WANTED -House work W O Q D I ~------------------------1 I ern all , and not for the interests be atJd it ls _hereby ~lvtded into by the hour, Ney/port or Balboa. r>ettvered GEORGE D BASSETT of any section. 2 Bolf\d Election Precinct~. num-Box 148, N. B. References. H. w. WRIGHT-Ph. ~ • He would make no statement on bered from 1 to 2 consecutively. as 28-4tc 1784 Ne.._. mvcl. ~tfe General Accounting • Fishermen's Bookkeeping a controven;ial question, but iald hereinafter described; and the per-Wil.J.. CARE for chlldren eves . Cry..,.al Sets _ $2.98 Income Tax Service he would weigh every problem on aons hereinafter named being com-. I in h 309 Mart., •• -t t d qualified electors of 1r0n ng my orhe. -(Bakelite CUel !~ w. Central Ave., Pbo•e 1805-1. Newport ee.cla ita own merit.a and decide it for pe en an . . . ld A · Cor del M Ph· L:======================== the best intcresu or all said ~hool D>Strict, and or thell' ~~J ye., ona . aris-11 · 2-Tnbe Radio Kits -F=,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;:,,=~ res~tive Bond ~lection ~ecin_ct · c ~-------------------------, t. are ~ereby appointed officers of MASTER MARINER, 30, desires To build your own elect:Jic radio. Now Open -New, Modern FISH MARKET SEA FOOD FRESH FROZEN SMOKED Northern Crabs jumbo Shrimp Eastern Oysters Fishermen We Have Bait and Tackle Swordfish Steaks . Salmon Steaks Haddock Fillets Owners: Frank Glasgow Bill Hinds -Open Sundays- M A U L J N G . electi6n, as hereinafter designated, position yacht captain, salesman Meu Radio A: Elect.n:inlCI Co. ES to serve in tl\eir respective Bond marine supplies, mardne insur-1794 Newport Blvd. ~ttc tbe M A p L Election Precinct.I, as hereinafter ance or any siml\ar position. Box l.------------- set (orth; and said Otricen; of "C" c/o News-Times. 27-4tp . ORANGE OOUNI'Y MIXED DOUBLES Trams W J. V.oeel Its. Burwell: .• _ 54 V. &: J . Bidderman. ............. 45 D. Toombl cl: A. Forgit .... 43 P . Forgit & G. Hurnpbn!y 42 V. Bailey &. L. Wells .......... 38 R. Leslie &. ~E. Willcut. ..... 38 ' M. V<>Jel & c;. Atjclnson .... 30 E. & L. Laur~ce ................ Z1 C. Leach & R. Rous~........ 26 A. Suttora & H. Snyder.... 22 P. Guy & D. il<Ju .. _.,-..•.... 22 E . & R. Broyl'!L··--············ 21 Election shall conduct said eiec· -------------'-UPHOLSTERING CO · L ti on -and make returns thereof EMPLOYMENT OFFERED .:19 -Manuf actur<n 14 punuant ~o law. w ANTJCD-HOPBL KAID. -Of UpholatAnd Furniture 23 The voting precincts, polling Inn. Ph--· 6-t<c 413 w. 4th St.. S..t& Ana 25 places and election officers. duly ------------Factory and Showioom· 26 .ie.t"'ated and appointed are as W ANTED-Houaekeeper in lovely 504 W..t Omter Bt., - 30 follO\ts: . home, 2 in Canllly. Private room, Phone .Amhelm 4714 coDeet 30 BOND ELECTION PRECINCT coocl wag ... Ph: 1075-J. 24-tfc ·a.l1t 38 ' ~o. 1 wAN'l'EI)!_.Rellable senora! ma1n:1------------- 41 sball~nciude all the area embraced tenanee man. Udo Theatre. Jllllt Arrived 42 ln Otjmge County voting preclncU •tte J'rwb H•U"IDS Mil 46 Newl!<>rt .Beach Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, --------~--BA""""'D""" 46 8 an1! 9. WAITRESS WANTED-Cheryl'' • • .,.~ 47 POLLING PLACE therein shall Cate, 322 Marine Ave., Balboa ~ Dnac ca. be at Newport Beach School, Cen-_Is_l_an_d. ________ :is._tr_c lli Kam st. Ph. Om Death N()tices tral at 14th In said District. WANTEO-Housewlfe with 4 hrs. __________ eo._u._ Officers of Election for said rree tlme per day to represent Auto Batteries .JOHN R. PETZ&SON =1 ~.~~:~tor Avon Product.s Inc. in Corona 18-month _ $6."5 Ex. John H. Petenon, 75, died at the Mrs. Emily McGavren, Judge dtoel MCalifar: Write Box 177· ~21er-Compounded Motor Oil Balboa •-•--• •--f I n, . ·~ P , ~-"-. ~ ~au '""'QIC' o h1I aon, Mrs. IJJJtan Gant, Judie ....-uuu '~ Herbert Peterson, when! he had BO~ ELECTION PRECINCT TIDE TABLES .~ visiting far the past five NO. 2 . Western Auto Supply ,months. He was a native of Swe--shall1il\clude all the area embraced den and had lived in Monrovia for ln C>tante County voting precincts 21 yean. SUrv!vln1 are two daugb-Newj>ort Beach Nos. 6, 7 and 10. APRIL, lNe Auu-m.d Dealer Hilb Law Hieb Law 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa M- 6 :39 12:52 i:M 1 :16 ___________ 23-_11_c ters, Mn. Hazel Morris of Mon-POLLING PLACE therein shall F 12 F. & B. PRODUCTS rovla and Mrs. Gladys Haines of be *t Corona del Mar School S 13 South Gate, aho two granclchll-Building in said Dlstelct. -~ _ _. Costa 11-dren. . Ofticen of Election ror said s 14 4.9 L4 4. 7 0.5 FOR SALE-Paddleboards. Three 7:23 1 :29 8:02 1:'5 Hawallan Surf Board model pad- 4.9 0.9 4.9 --0.3 dleboards. One "tailor -made 445 ·Newport ISOUle•a<U Services and intf'rment were at Bon~ Electlon Precinct: u Monrovia Tbetday afternoon with Mrs. Isabel Andr~. Inspector M 15 8:01 2:05 8:!41 l1U Rotren" U5.00. One Rotrers style 4.8 0.5 5.1 0.0 $40.00. One diving board $35.00. OKEH! OK.EH! OK.EH! We know you are waiting for Radios SO ARE WE! Let'• pt ~tiler till tbey pt 1iiere. "Well 'r""' 'Th"" Up So T"" Om 'T""" 'Thcm In" Bring ywr radio In for repaln If a small one. If a console we will call for and dellver. Oar PrleM Are Bes·a-•hle •.• &M WeDIMO... W-loOoool. \..,- • PALMER RADIO .... . Electric App I la ice :tSC8 Newpcat Blvd. l'tiw Kn CJ.a. lltm \ 9 :39 2:39 8:48 1 :11 Best style and models. EXcellent the Baltz mortuary tn ch&r&e. Mn. \Ann Anderson O-Owl, Judge Mn. Velma Gates Cass. Judge Tu 16 LOUIS V. B:t:i'i'ilNI Il'i WITNESS WHEREOF, we 4.6 0.2 5.2 0.3 eondltlon. Write or Clll for 9:13 3:11 8:119 1:1'1 showing after 5 p.m. Lee 1.......,, Lou.is V. Bettini.. 63, 1613 Cout have here\D'lto wt our hands this Boulevard. Corona del Mar, died 2nd day of April, 1946. suddenly at a Santa Ana hoopit&L GORDON B. FINDLAY He wu a native of Italy, a bach-T . WESTON JAY U 0.0 5.2 0.7 210 P 1 J111 da, San Clemente, Cal Tldm .......... lD ..... Of 28.2tc ~ ............ ; ............ . WAlllT-'l'O llU1' ~~~~~~~~~I n elor and bu no -known survivors. MARION C. DODD 6el>ool District. of Qruce WANTED -To buy adcl!na ma- Services will be ~ later Members of the Governlnc C-,ty, California. chine and 1lllnc cabinet. 3 or 4 bybJWlthe:.!!Bal:!!:tz:.,::mortuary::,:;:::::z.,· ___ ..!,_!l""Boanl~~~ofWN~.ew::IPo<::t~Beach!:::;I Pub~Apr!l U , 18, 25, 1946. dra_.. LeValley's Food Mart. 1 -415. 28-Ctc I WE NEED 251 ·GOOD USED CA·RS IMMEDIATELY!- Before you sell -stop In at McCarthy Used Car lot, 1920 Newport Blvd, ~ Mesa, and see. bow much MORE CASH welwlll pay for your car . MdAuihy U+etf Cars J.. IL Bluwm, "leol'lom- .1910 Newpcat BmL ( 0.... .._ Jl!All'l'KB .t.T OCCJDDTAL Sunday, April 21, President-elect Arthur G. C:-.. will speak at the annual Euler SUnrlse Service at Foreot Lawn. WILL -y CAllR lor ,...... .,_ ilMmworwUtb&n;..a. - K.-pt. -. 0. R. 0.....,, .... Food •• 7 • 1112 ....... llhod..Ooota-- WING SANG BOAT & RVAIR YARD 811 Cout B'8hn,J 101 • ftw1 lll:a;11't • ''' . :;:;::h ... ....... 1 ........ "F•""*•• n • .... ,, I I . --r -.-. , • • . ~ ,_. " r-' . . ·--- l tc••roa'I' ••• ..,. lfi ~~~~~~==~·=·=~~~ ··~u~~~ .. ~-~~~=~==s~~~~~~-=~===~~~~~~==~~~.,~ ... , .. --.... nIUflTIJD, ro• SALB II IU8ICAL • :&ADJO M •w:••. ZSTA.n ,, ··~s~·~'·;D'~T~·~-~-_;.·_~· _.!.'!1 ·••1. l'.B'l'.A.'IZ For .~ lllcMAHAN FURNI· FOR SALE-Medium size uirlght ·. -47 wsas. ft 47 pg•L ~ A7BB•l. l:llTA.ft • , TORE jcolllPANY .,.. been piano. excellent conclltJon. $22:5. FOR SALEtA Good ~-Need EV A F. RHODE)l BR 0 SE RE A L r·"' Y ' "speclelhin& In C 0 MP L E T E Npt. Beach 1283-RK. 2S-2tc cash. l 11. acres and ~-' -· I HOME otrnns_ T~ you LIVESTOCK 11 frame houae, !umlshed. Take Newport Mell& Coroila del Mar HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY -Realtors will find hett, 2 well cht»en, lS-OVft" $l300 note at $20 per mo. 4-Room bowe oo large lot · 3 rms. . piece ....,mblies to outfit three FOR SALE-Oiild's Paint Pooy, $3:500 cull. Inquire 333 Del Mar, flnllbed In knotty pine. ' rooma. One retailing al $499.50 very gentle. 2465 Tustin Avenue, Coot& Mesa. No _.ta! Z.tfc $4750 and the other at $699.50. This Ccota Mesa. 28-2tp 1nc1u11esl tree delivery. Other ~ SPECIAL ANNOUNOEKZNTS 18 -For Sale -.... · - room out1111 as low u $299.50. Balbo Isl d Newport Blvd. . Low"est tenns of course. No mat-FOR SALE-Stock and fixtures of a an 50-ft. trontage with b11sinew build- ter what you plan to Invest. you Gilt & Baby Shop. Invoice 10% Very attractive 2-bedrm. home, Inc & hoflse. El<cellent location. will find best values at your dlsrount. Mrs. Fuller, 128 27th nice loca~. Lesa than 7 yean "$11 000 McMAHAN FURN ITU RE St .. Newport Beach. :!S-ltp old. Unuoultlly large llvlnc room. ' COMPANY Second & Broad· K E y S Enclooecl paUo, kitchen and din-C -way. Santa' Ana. 29-4tTh -nette, 1 bath. 2 ~ rooma, osta Mesa Made While You Watt 2--car garap. Priced to le.ll! 2-bed:nn. home w!tb FOR SALE-2 single Iron bedll, VOGEL'S Pri $le OOO garace, c:looe to lhoppln& dlot. (.1 mattrea, wardrobe trunk. Pb 100 Kain St., Balboa • ce , 1* yean old.• 2167-W. 1 • 28-2tc 208 llartne. Dalbo& Island -$6800 roR SALE-Clean, fine high-over 114-ttc Gertrude A . Waldron _ A.B.C. stove, $15. Phone 2006-M. Carpenters Available Wm. W. Sanford Costa Meaa __________ :is-_ttc tor general malnt.,.nce BROKER Lovely 2 bednn. -_In best Jo. SMALL DAVENPORT and 2 over· and ropair 308 Marine Balboa Ialand cation In CooU M-. Built In stutfed chain; enamel-top kit· O. Z. ROHltTSON -234-R 2&-tfc ·1941. Hardwood floon, dbl pr· chen work table; amaJJ cu can Newport as 2 Small Houses age. Attractive ~ range. 109 30th Street, N~ U-ttc On Lot Zoned for Bush -$10,600 Beach-28-2\c $10,000 -Newport Heights. FOR THE BEST BUY ..... USED FURNITURE. RUGS. TABLES. CHAIRS. HARDWARE AND ELECl1UCAL FIXTURES - Ill Harbo~ Furniture 1962 Harbor Boulevard Ccota Mesa :!S-ltc DOUBLE C.Oll Springs, double closet bed "'1th mattress, large 1ize davenport , excellent con· ditlon, 6x9 rug, occulonal table, O'dora wardrobe closet. 416 TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES • No experieJiCe necessary Earn while you learn 'Ilhere are many other advaptages to being a telephone employee. Apply 1001 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514% N. Main St., Santa Ana Choice Bay Front Lot Priced Rlcht 2 HoUlleS on 1 Lot At Orona del Mar $18,600 Income Property ::1-Bedr--and ' &nail Jlental Un!ta Ocean Front Lot Oder Location $3000 W. L. JORDAN 700 l!:ut Central, Balboa Phone 153 23-tfc 32nd St., Newport. 29--tfc or USED PRE-WAR FURNITI!RE Aak the operator for the J. E. Barnes & Son Walnut double bed, box springs. Ollef Operator 1806 Newport Blvd inner-spring mattress. taffeta Southern Califomi·a Ccota Mesa _ Phone 516 New 2 bednn. homo just canplet- ed. In block with -and all other utilities. Completely fur. nlahed with best of -fuml. ~-Tiftplace, -noon and extensive landsceplnc. $12,750 Santa •na Heights 2 bedrm. house with 2-<8!' prace and extra room, on % acre. Sev- eral fruit trees. Quick pou. $7900 EVA F: RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ELTON D. BARNETI', Broker Ph. Newport 1965-M 2S-2tc H . M. Lane Real Estate 2006 Court Ave., Opp. Oty Hall Phone 343 spread. 3-pc. Maple set. Double · bed. coil springs, mattress. chest, .. Telephone CompaJ1.y Nearly New Lots'. glas.s·top vanity. J...pc . Monterey Tw bedroom set, double ~bro, coil springs, lS.Uc 0 house on Bernard Lots! Lots! ma ttress. ches t & vanity. Van-St. Close in ; lot 60xlOO; fruit Newport Beach lty. glass-top. mirror and stool. No Delay =· 5:,"~w~e ~ ~ Close-in Lak e Tr ..... -................. $1100 Kitchen porcelain top table, 4 -nOW" ~t oors , P 30x85 on 46th Street................ 650 chairs. Estate gas range, porre-Refinish your kitchen ,bathroom $6BOO 28th St. bet. Coast Blv. & Ocean lai n, tabh.•·top. has double oven. with new tile board. 28th Street betw: grill, high broiler. steam cooker, -Coast Blvd.~( an.. ________ 1500 60-cycle oven control. Umbrella F. P. w aldron Acre and a Half Ocean Front to table, umbrella & 4 chairs. Fire--Telephone 234W. 3-Ctc with entrance on Newport Blvd. 15--foot alley ...................... 1700 place screen. BUSINES An excellent court sJte. Price--Ocean Front, ashore SACRIFICE AT $415.00 8 OPPORTUNITIES 4-0 $7500 Colony ....... ·-···· ..................... 1250 Phone Nev•port Beach 156 STUDY AT HOME!-Real Eltate Ocean Front. Blk. 47 .............. 1750 -29-ltc Llcense. Qulck resul!I. Guaran-Don't Overlook This One I Ocean Front. 3200 Blk ..... _, ______ 2500 JIO--A-TS-.-SUP--P-LD:S ______ SS tee. 208 Security Bid .. Pasadena. 7-room house on two acres of land; Newport Heights --~:......------~ :::-:-:==-,,..--------=-20-:...=tfc 1~ batl_l: 2.car garage; fireplace. SOxl17 on Santa Ana Ave .. ____ 1500 Marine Radios w ANTED TO RENT U Poosession soen. View Comer. 50x143 ........... _ ........ 2000 Aftllable lmm.<llate delivery, com-SMALL API'., room or house for $9,000--with half cash 2 good lots on Riverside. each 1500 plete range of sizes. Your in· middle-aged lady. Call Mrs. Balance $40.00 per month 45x105 on Broad Street. ......... 1750 1peci.1on welcomed.. mGGINS Feeley at Hig h School 1400 or -PLEASURE CRAFT. 810 Cout after 4 p.m. call 1283-M. 27-tfc Two bedroom home Costa Mesa Hl&hway. Ph : 1104. S.tfo on west side ot town · partly fur· 45xll4 on Wilson near l'1BlC EQUIPMENT TUTS _ WILL PAY BONUS for house ?r nished ; %: of an a~e of land· . Newport Blvd.···-············· .. ··· 750 C-0-.Two. PyTene A: Foam lle.tllli. apt., l or 2 bedrooms. No chil· garage· 50 hens · chicken and 90x120 on Santa An a Ave ....... 1700 00• tbttd ayatem an.d Portablff dren or pets. Phone 1371-J. rabbit ~uipment -'electrtc b ood· 135 ft. fron t on S. A. Ave, now available. ETS HOKIN A: , Z1-4tc er. House has jus't been ~led. good court site corner ..... ~ 2350 GALVAN. 1000 Cnaat IDgbway. WANT TO RENT-Apt. or house. . Full price $6 000 50x140.7 on Roch .. ter ······-~::; 2100 Phone 1384. . 7!.tfc furn. or unfurn. Veteran. per--I Houses H ouses Houses man ent. Best references. James Busi"ness pro rt FOR SALE-Motor boat. 15-ft Sexton 2378 Eld A Costa pe Y 6 rooms. 3 bedrm . 2 baths in Hunt- runabout. with Jo~--on motor. Mesa.·' en ve., 26-tf near center of town. 100 ft . on i 1u.,. c ngton Beach. Occupancy end ot. like new ; boat comple tely equip--====-------Newport Blvd. 121 ft. deep. This escrow. $6500. Agreeable terms. ped. Ideal fOf' bay or lake. $250 NEWPORT bu.\iness man, wife & location is hard to beat. _ -ca.sh. 1600 East Central Ave.. 5-yr.-old daughter need perman --2 bedrm dbl fr 0 ., . gar., ocean ont, Balboa. 21-tfc ent house. One, two or three . ne Full Acre Newport. $7500. FOR SALE-20 h.p. Marine Delsel, bedrooms._ ~alboa Island pre-On Harbor Blvd. CJose in. ,. _ like --Half ori&lnal ooot. Call !erred. Willing to pay one year $5,000 Cash 3 bedrm. home, lot l00xll7. Avo- 1 Newport 2234-W. l'"'tfc in advance. Write Box H, c/o _ cados , fruit . All fenced., on Santa News-Tim~. 29-4tc "' A A NP H E I ' MlJ810AL • llADIO Income Property na ve.. . . . ar y OCCU• - ----------" FOR e~ •• 0 N t Bl d 2 pancy. $'™l0. ........._..,... 'IL& n ewpor v . stores, 3 apt.I. Radie Repairs ROOM FOR RENT-Twin beds. all furnished. Comer lot, 53xl50. Stucco ren t'115 heart t Balboa All makn; tub6. etc. Pb. 2417. SS per person or $10 single, per Full price--7 rooms 4· a'p11 Nets 0 •~ mo. ·HOMES • Beautiful Ocean Vie'!Vt Home with two bedrooms, ooe bath,!living -and dining room combination, kita;eD, single garage, washroom and extra WPrkroom in garage, large sun deck; house or very good construction. plastered inside '11td out, Jot 40 ft. x 118 ft. located between Seaview Ave., and Ocean Fronl Very Choice loca· tJon. Immediate po6Sessi.OO. ' $15,000 '.: SPECIAL -·1 .. Two-Bedroom Home, South of Highway an eonwdln&ly attractive home }n_~cel- lent location, very attractive lving room with real fireplace; good size kitchen, two bedrooms and ooe be.th. Has~ garage and addltlooal storage space. H~ is well constructed, plastered interio1j. . bas just been completely redecorated induding new llnoleum in kitchen, fioors 1 • • -· " etc. Completely and cbarrnlngl Lot 30 ft. x 118 ft. . Full Price $8500. Ttlnn Six-Room Home, South of Highway on 45 ft. x 118 ft. Jot, in an exdellent loca· tlon; cloee to ocean fronl House about two years old and of the very I finest pos- sible constru<jlon. 22 ft.· x 22 ;ft. garage .. ~pletely & beautifully·~-Many ruce details too numerous to mention. Im- mediate possession. Shown l!Y aWoint- ment only. l . Price $22,500. Terms ' , LOTS 45-Ft. Lot on Marigold Avenue south of highway, block and half to ocean front; convenient and beautiful :location. $3500 > 30 Ft. Lot on Poppy A.venue south of highway, between S<iaview ave-' nue and ocean front ; beautiful lliew. $4750 69-Ft. Corner on Marguerite Avenue south of highway, excellent location. Zon- ing permits six units. $6000 ' * LISTINGS WANTED * BROSE REA-LTY • 1307 Coast Highway -Corona del Mar Phone N. B. 2048 ' -I ]. M. MILL E :R Real Esta,te Broke 15th and Central Balboa Peninsula Lot Bay Front -Best Location $15,000 29-ltc -k OUTSTANDING VALUE! FACING ON NJ<wPORT CANAL - }-Bedroom home, tumisbed. Immediate occupancy. $6950 DUPLEX-EL BA YO TRACT F'emJanent unobstructed view of bay. 3- bedroom; fireplace; upper-1-bedroom & fireplace. Lower -barbecue, double garage. $22,500 LIDO ISLE 3-&droom -beeutifUlly tumlsbed; lm- rredlate possession. . $18,500 NEWPORT BEACH Brand New, 1-bedroom. hardwood fiOOl'll • tile sink, double garage; lovely garden-· Immediate-possession. $7850 BALBOA ISLAND Small home on 'r_ear of lot.--<iewly palnt- ed. Large building site in fronl Faces Parle avenue. I $9750 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOAT ANCHORAGE in Industrlal zone. 100 feetl water frontage. 132 feet on Highway 101. Some buildings and slips already in. Property has ample depth for substantial im11rovements. Priced to Sell Rest~urant Fully equipped, ideally located in Bal- boa area. Well establish. -Seats 45 - Completely redecorated. Favorable lease. Radio store in Costa Mesa.. Completely equipped and well stocked service de-- partmenl Has a number of nationally known exclusive franchises. Favorable -~ lease. BUSINESS INVESTMENT Motel··· 24 units on highway. Nets $26,500 year. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results Lido Isle 2 Bay Front lots $10,000 & $12,000 Ea. B~1boa Island HARBOR INVESTMENT Beautifu\! 2-story home on COMPANY South 1Bay Fronl 4 Bed-. Realtors rooms,: 2 baths, boothouae, 30lb at ~ A..,. Tei.phone 1600 • One inside lot 50x88 $5000 4 carj garilge; separate .!.. 29-ltc guest touse with 2 bed· rn~U:E=tt;;;;;&i~hb.;;.-j~~~~;;===-=; rooms. ' . I FOR SALE-Home A: beach busl· This is a j ry exclusive home. neu. Ocean Front near Main St. llONl:'I' 'llO LOAN • BURT NORTON night. 217 Via Dijon, Lido Isle.. $15,000 Price $25.ooo. · ~ · 915 Coast Hl&hway, Newport :!S-tfc --Co M 23-tfc FOR RENT -Large furn. light 2 Bedroom Home .Balboa Island income. Near ferry sta esa Price ·and tenns quoted on and pier. Zoned for business. 2 LOl\Nll Tit BUIU>, btJS', - request. _ apt1 1 . Opporif tunlty for beauty N~ or !di.!'.';"~; · par or, g t 1hop, cafe, etc. Good --....-6-B&lboa .r:o.-5'& BaTtnllt lnooa_te buy, $15,950. Terms. Ph: iUld 1.-n ~-20!56-M. ~ttc saaa Via Lido Toiepboae ~ FO~..,.....R--S~A-LE---R-adl~o--D-irec-ti-on room. outside entrance near On Broadway, oqly 5 years old landing. 3 apt.I., 8 rooms, annual Large, modem stucco located Co ' d 1 Finder for boat. &-vol t fisher .. bathroom_ Man only. 5l6 36th Double garage , hardwood noon. recelp!I $4000. Price $25.000. on Magnolia streel Practl-i:ona e Mar A. L. Matthews. 509 31st St.. St .. Newport Beach. ~2tp $10,500 -cally new with all modem Large Jot -~"-of 01 -'-way At Corona clel Mar BeauUful &-unit modem apts. near ' ' ''"'"'' ...,.., ' . or call 2577· :!S-ltp BEAL EllTATE 41 -Lido Theater and water front. conveniences. Extra large on PoiiP'Y. Pliced for qplck Lots $1500 Choice Comer $2000 • Have Some Fine Buys In Boulevard Frontage BEAUTIFUL Splnat type m1rror J. E . Barnes & Son Shown by. appointment. lol sale. .I piano, a bargain. Terms. Danz-A . E. Johnson · 1806 Newport Blvd. _ Sdunldt Plano Co .. 520 No. Mair and A ssociates Costa Mesa .. Phone 516 Fine 2-bedrm. home on Cliff Drive. ' Santa Ana. 8-tfc 29-ltc Unobstructed view of Ocean and Radio Repairing Pick·up and Delivery 24-Hour Service Newport Electric Appl. 2305 Coast Blvd.-Phone 2138 2S-2tp -' Heart o( Balboa -Bay. Occupancy end 01 escrow. Newport Blvd. . $13,ooo. Ideal for doctor or dentist bld&. 3 bed.room 6ome, furnished. Has bardw~n and plumb-Full size lot. Ing. 50-ft. frontage. Ocean vie w. $7000 Price - $10,600 Torma Balboa Peninsula GOOD ..-! pianos-Salle u low a a . Flne for practlce. Eu)' twrrw. Or will rent. Danz- Scbmldt Plano en .. '520 No. Main M~rvelous Bav View Sant& AnL S.tfc DUPLEX or home wtth lovely modem upstairs apt. Large Arvin & Emerson comb. living & dining room. car- R A D I 0 s peted wall to wall. ~ce. 3 U-Hour Radio Service nice bedrooms. Complfote be.th, Short Circuit Radio tiled. Col~ tile lrltdtm. many 305 Palm. Balboa built-ins, ven.. blinds. Lo... apt. 1638-W U..tf hu large Hv. room. flreplac-.. ____ Pbone ________ c 1 bedroom. kitchen & !I bath. 11/2 Lots on Ocean Blvd. Balboa Peninsula $4500 Hall Cash. Small House Large lot, Costa Mesa. $3750 Hall Cash. -- Ocean Front Home 3 bed.rm. home. 2 acres. Costa Mesa Rancho. $3000 down. New, modern Canal front stucco, dbl. gar., float and pier. Immed· -Ion. $16.000. -See- Fred Briggs or Danny Head with H. M. Lane Real Estate 2006 Court Ave. -Phone 3'3 °'1Polite Oty Hall 2&-ltc BUILD NOW Business Frontage - MIRACLE MJLE.. One piece on Inland Side. One piece on Bay side of Highway. W. J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast IUghwair Corona del Mar "Where the F1ap F1y" ! Phone Your Listings In and -will give them every cionalderation ••••• ICllTATI!: EXOBANGE "1 ' J M M I L L E R WILL TRADE for duplex, 4-unlt • • court one-half block 'off Colo- 15tli -Central • .N..,porf a.ml • Phone ~ rado Blvd., Eagle Rock, for large ~ home ln BdJoa or vicinity. Call "On Your Way to Bal)fa" • 29-ltc Albany 1T79. 2S-2tc SPECIALS TH I SI WEEK RESPONSIBLE Telephooe em-ploye wanta to Oltdwlp S-Iied- Channel Corner Lot $5000 A ,f room bowe In West Leo Anceles Joo( for ume In Santa Ana or vldn· lty. c.n Southern Calif. T.i.- Cq 11crete Brick p1>one eo .. Santa Ana. li828. F actof}f 1&-ttc AUTOMOTIVE a TIBIJll Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To ·Us. BATTERY REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSnrasB II wn:INWAY Grand. Ilk• new, -Outside shower. patio, barbecue. o1 the world'1 r:ruteat pie--double garage. IT'S TOPS AT ~ tone. Beeut1ful cue. $22,500 On three Iota. 6 bedroom home, furnished. Fittplacr. Unit heat. -In excellent cooditlon. Attrac- tive. modem. $47,500 LOW COST HOME;S Excellent Comer Highway Lot Small bOme on 1 acre of land U&L lllllT.&n: WAllrm M · • Good ~-Reduced to sell INCOME PRO~ 1n 3J dis-StoreY's Battery Senice -trlct. Small hotel, apt.~. Inn WESTMIN:flDt AVZ. T1ils II an tnotiument for the -tins buy<s-. Dam· Sdunldt Plano Co., ~ No. Main Open Everungs and Sunday A Ufetime Home. . s...ta 1-na. 11-ttc A. E. JOHNSON JOHN E . SADLEIB 302 Main S.i... Balboa Phone 2034 RADIO BOUR CAua -Now 469 Newport Blvd.. Ceola M- u.at -competm>t --.. Phone 404-R :!S-ltc -~ I~..,-.,.,-,,,----------29--ltc llldans are a..U.l>IA, .. an -e USTINGS APPRECIATED ----------- to -....I<• -· -... 1'!rP oouo1 ... .t.11 wor1t ,_....i-i.. LEE MATTHEWS A REAL VALUE $7,700 HAROLD L. HAlOl., 11-0. & Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Pb: '!80. ll-tfc Radio Repairinir with F . S. OWEN (Broker! " · • •-··--Hard ?S a~. ruce .rrm. • ..-. • 509 31'1 St.. Newport Beach wood. Tile. 2 bedrooms. Double Phone 25T7 :IS-lie garage. Oticken equipment. Bet- 5 Acres Leased for Oil ter ·hurry. with Woom house 1n B . A. Nereson Ceola Mesa -$12.500 1972 N..._, Bl''d. • . -Be Sure and See Models At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar ~ - 1; • Phone 88!>-W .sai-manwmc.n • PIGO l BUILDING · MATERIAI:S • •• -"i' 8-oallo dally except liiit. and Sun. Cnmplete stock ol tut... A factory roplacement part&. Pb: 345_ MESA RADIO & EI.EC· TRONICS CO.. 1'19t New_. Blvd. ' 9--tfc v.nn. foadeft at Newa--'l'bna.. F. s_ Owen Coot& Mesa :IS-lie 509 31st St .. Nf'"''OOt't Be,.~ For office suMJlles., 1er UM -Sco-t-ch_t_a.,..-. -varioul------on Pbono 25T7 :IS-lie News-Ttrnes. sale •t 1M News-Times . . -. -~ .. • ...ta·I': __ . --. ...._ ·~ ... For Motel, Stores, etc. llOxlOO. Reduced price $9000 Costa Mesa Home Hoqie on Channel ·Fu6Ushed. 4 Rooms Plivat.9 pier. Gar. 6 yrs. old -. Comer lot. Imilledi"iate p:i ea raslon f Bedroom& Expensive fumi. ture. Garage. Immediate po&- 91!sslon. On highway. Lot 50x150. $7200 101 ~gf~~ts 29-ltc r 200x235. A. "SANDY'' STEINER - -Realtor C. F. DENNISON -- A late Realtor REAL Dn'ATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNI'I'm!I 634 Coast Highway 101 -Pb6ne2573 • • -·,, ,,_ ,-, ~ _... i -'... ;. or ltAlre bulldinc-Edwin Kokko, (Bot•K}l 18th A )I_..) 3201 29th Ave. West, Seattle, OOSTA >«W Wulllnctol>. 28-2tp 2&-ttc ._. ....,...w.unm • T WE N£E0 LATE MODEL CARS and Yfl Pay Top Pric11 WJ, YOVlt cut WOW M 11 Plt111 'ar.Mat • ptnrz lillr _. n•I c -•111• wtio wlD cw!lcJ:: a ;•a ,.. I 'x:s mi& I I ,...,..,., ,_ ........ , .. QlnERDON OIEWtOLET co .. a -• s n t -·a r· n.m. , -WM Oi9tnl. No pat 91 oil, 31111 0.-, ~ ..... ---· .; .-·'l,_ ' I • I . • •. ' .. W1llta Hoase Cafe r ·a M B•+, &m.. Telephone 1347-J for FIVE-DAY SERVICE ... Cleaning and Laundry • • N&wrvwr•••aoa CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS 1037 Coest Hlgbwsy Pick-Up and Delivery Carl Philhart, Manager • SICKNESS, DISEASE AND ACCIDENTS STRIKE WITHOUT· WARNING .No 'k/fi/UUw; i4' .Nu&J la <Jell, 'lfou (jW/. eo11UHIUUJ, Neetk a. HOSPITAL We can have a SS00,000 HOSPITAL -Our Share at Newport Harbor is another $25,000 . SICKNESS-dluue -accident-strike with- out warning! You. your family and friends, need the protec- tion of adequate hospital fadlltles. But in Orange County you do not have that protection and many lives are needles&y jeopardized--,,e lost--be- cause of the critical shortage of hospital beds. • Minimum requirerrients. according to the Fed- eral Government, are f<>Ur and one-half beds ~ thousand population. Orange: County's popula- tion, conservatively estimated a t 170.800, estab- lishes the fact that 765 general medica l and surgi- cal hospital beds are a minimum re<\iJiremen{ for public safety. .1 The total number of civilian general medical and surgical hospital beds, accorrung to Edw. Lee Russell; M. D ., Orange County Health Officer. is 467. . From these facts it is apparent that there is an alarming need for at least 298 more hospleel beds before the situation can be considered anything but dangerously critical. Realizing the urgent need. and determined to do something about it. the Presbytl!rlan churctles of Orange County fonned a non-profit corporation and elected a board of directors. to serve without pay. Dlrecton were carefully 91!1ected. regard- LET'S FINISH less of church affiliation, for their knOwiedge Bild ability. 'Nearly f!Vtt'Y oommunlty In Orange County is represented on the board headel by Howard W. F1emlng, M. D .. Prelldl!llt. A goo! of one-half million dollars has been aet. It is expected that, after this sum ha5 been raised by popular sub5aiption, additiooal funds will be forthcoming from the Federal Government, which strongly recommends church spon90rshlp for he& pitals. under the lnll-Burton Act which has passed the United State Senate and Is scheduled for ac- tion by Cbngress. The Act, when it becomes 18.w, is expected to provide one dollar for each two dol· lars subscribed by civic minded citiz.ens of. Orange County. On this basis $750,000 will be available to build the first units of a Oass A, multiple story, modem hospital. A 20-acre site, on Newport Heights, command- ing an unsurpassed view of Newport Harbor and the ocean bas been purchased. Before the campaign had really begun more than $100,000 was recejved In gifts and pledges. Olurches of various denomlnatkln pledgai their aid in raising funds to build the hospital that will be open to all faiths regardless of Creed Uwling doctors ol the County and the Orange County Medical Association be6rtlly endor8ed the pro. ject, pledging all possible aid THE JOB NOW! . .-, (l!!l!Lll t::fl1tllll!ll!~llll1111!8llilllt -tr This space contributed by the Newport Harbor Publishing Co ., Publishers of the News-Times • • • I • • I CARPET & UPHqLSTERING CLEANiNG Local Veteran of Wort~ Wars I and II WORK DONE IN YOUR BOD Color and Bea'1Y Revived,' Give New Sheen Dean Ward PHO~E NEWPORT 2056-R Huge FJyiq Boat . ' To Be Launched Soon. aAY VIEW CA FE F""""rly The Palms Cafe -~&: L A. W- At the Ferry Landing -Palm and Bay Ave., Balboa BREAKFAST SPECIALS EcP. Pota- &Dd Cottee ·--·-···-- PIES • CAKES • DONUTS Open 8 L m. to.9 p. m.. -Cloeed ~ For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES It's the • 23rd & Ph. Central 2600 35f LOCAl CIVIC-INTEREST \ I 9reyhowid Jw gro~11.-dilyWd>cbe ciOel along cbe Coat Highway. Greyboand folk. ~ their fwmilies wod<, play ~d lift ia :ro1* commwiities ... are - neighbon Uld frieadis of JOUft-Nlllaftlly, dmefore, ~ ia in._.ty imer-.d I ID_, fOrm of~~ weUUe Uld coo- daaed p<Opw Of dje cm. wt tuwm ol which it la a put. h ia pmad ol tbe-rigotolll mle ia people Ii&.. }ierf>Oo• 11.ecf iD helping 'Wilh fint-dau motor tra111po.rtatiotL IA .pro-ridiag du. w.1 oommunity ~ GR)boomd ha /#1 cbe way ... Ml cbe way. nm dar·ait !•denhip. ia modem baa cnmpot:mioo cu -'! be ...p!•ined by cbe r.a m. Greybom>d 11111 a1....,. aaec1, -i . "":* ia good b ,_r mm•uniq ia aood I •fll Tll Ill ~ II Ill 1111111 •• • I I I I T I I I I If I I I I I PAC IF . c . I I .. • -' I ' 1 • • ' ' • .. • • ' . • • If you have a question regarding · dev.elopment of your land- Phone 2353-J., Siegel & Raub Eagin"""' and Surveyors 1808 Newport Blvd. R. L. PATTERSON J . R. LESTER BOYLE • Engineering Off ices of Patterson & Boyle Phones: Newport Beach 9744 Laguna Beach 1082 Santa Ana 0405 S08 W. 6th Sl Santa Ana Going to Build Yoa probahly bave your c1rMm home aD worked oat la your miDd -or maybe your archttied or ~ iilready hM prepared plam cm paper for yoa. . J!:leoli ldty wUl have a ~ p.n la ma Iring drn-of poetwar llvlag ....-tr-When yoa go over the plam with yoar baDder be Are to -hJm aboat the 116Wdli clewlop- -· m boaubold lllbor avillg ud fuo. Oar •• ,. ... ~ elooliltal wlll .be pd to ..... with ~ ,.... OI' plr 7, 0.. sr;gm&lem -Y • h a lot of differ •ce .. tile ..........,... ol tllM lane. ETS-lOKIN & GALVAN lllNCll 4 lilt leet Oaaot lllway ' ~ Newpon U8' ..aa.a-r. tsaa·M ,,._ . ....,. ... _D11p0ett"s' EI.ECTRICIANS ~Two Jl1re F.qodp .. -F~Y. PIA!ft', lll'OllZ, OPFl(JS, FAJP!:, BOID: Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. PlloaelUO 1'11R ('OA.ST MGBWA.Y 'ftlit ow ........ =mph ud dlllpla,J roo-• . . . Col<r &\lldeB, ~ nlng alda, ~ hensive stock al rugg, Cll11lets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works 16%2 Soutll Mala 8t. n..o -ta .ha -SANTA ANA If You Can't Get Your House Finished SEE US -·- We Have "The What it Takes" to Get Houses Built -·- -• Colegrove, Heacock & Patty P.O. BoJ: U Res. Ph. 5ft Newpwta.elr llm.ft.nB ROOFS ' ....._._.._ ....__ ... ,, .... - •. I. •w'aw llllllil .....,.. ft. NWft. un...J .COSTA MESA L_UMBER CO. A. E. MOIT(T\.Ell P,,one q ans Tarn to Market aterlals I •'Painting . Kline Concrete Products Com~y Hollow Building Tile and Brick 6 • 8 and 12 Inch blocb l'ble for AU Type& of Bnlld!nr; and Pa1So Walll Product Available For Immediate Delivery WALTER L KLINE, ~tor ' -Plant Locat..i at- GORDON B. FINDLAY ._UI CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABIN1!JT8 and MIU.WORK T. 0. lloot ..... -... llap&. 401 -!It. Pll.: 11111-1 Gas Heating & Ventilation - CHARTER & PRESTON State Ucensed Contractor --. IMlllllallom Mab Warm .,_ • 111 ~MM Beeldence Pbone. MC or bl6 'Whether it is If you are = saving for a home; comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru unable to come a in during - off ic e hours, wh y )lOt save by 'mail? our savings plan Part ot All you Earn hYouri: to SaY(/ Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Association· I..aguaa Beacll, Calif. -Ph. S90 • Flat Work • • Cement Work • Foundations 8~ I I . ~t Us Handle Your Repairs or A• 1522-J E. J. (t.I Jaclclm OONT&A TO& NEWPORT BEACH - -. ' • ' ., ·KEWPCRT-ALBCA NEWS-TIMES EWOlll•: WWW U _. 11 N&WPO&Ta,&•aoa H ~~~~==~~~~~~~;:::::::::~::~i!~ib;;;;;;;~~i;''i:i4:00iiij~;;;;;;;;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjj Courage, Detennination and Justi(e N E .:.i 8 .. => ... _ •. :::. =~. . Balboan Getii $14,000 Needed in Post-War World, .Ge~ Says · W' --. ~ :,:+rw• Bequest from Will . r•· • , ~ Tm1 IFJ-... = I , .&newaa I I Voe-. XXXtW A war-weary world demandl re--the F1nt Great War. of the )( lll"'Ylm. 11 un. Olilla ._ ••''st.P tr ·s• S'tW7 Wit 0 ., • .._. D lease from the curse of inlerurity, ....,. ~ 1-*k:e! ~nanaeillllc .. -......t.ice<0 u An outright bequest ot ,14.000 , but so long as human nalun! la It Is an .-., that pe... la CHU ft CHES 7:30 WU made to Brooka Hoar by bla sut. 1fl>tlm ~ 111 Adwanoe: P:JO per ,..r 111 Ot-Count;J: dominated by natural, radal and founded on justice to the m>al,... ~ 'Iburwcla7 u sranclmotb<r, Edith Potter, who . $2.?.I par JWr to 4th,.._; $.1.00 per i-r to Ith,... ~ous hatnds theft can be no natlo111. How have they fared! '------------J 17:30 clled April 2 at the Hoar bame, DI-u ~ matter at tba Pootdflce In Newpa<t Br +, ::-•°";_-~world ~tory °:: ~~tvla and Uthuania haY<! OUll . LADY 01' MT. CAllMEL FU + wpow• -•·ull~u ~ ~= =:;;:i~ Clllfom6a. under the Act at. Kan:h a, lB19 ave ~n years o peace ~ -~ off the map Without 1421 Weet Cefttrtll AV911Ut Li. ...,,.. -.. "'" _... ~-x#tns' = 'tilt ':"A:Miijiijt=::-:-~:---::--::--:---:-"--~-5-:J~B;;i;. j tllousands of peace treaties. Since a protest from anyooe of the . Big ~ •-. ~ -med for probate Monday. Residue EE ~ ME'tER • --PUM'4• the eod of hostilities in Europe Three. 1'housandl of peace trea-9anday Ve••: 1 and lO un. ~ e:f.D; ....., 'of the estate went to his mother, -.er•••ANDllQCJft!C!!mB-D PO-a ,... __ , -= Cont JIOD•: ........... __ f'ITIDl ~ • B. .;... • ~~::"' _ _ · _ _ • • _ -~---'two ..,.._.nts have been brollm-ti" ,.._, .... the ·-ha"" not --.• ; . ..__ w'1oo. Mrs. Stedman B. Hoar and -· • ..... ~ _ u,..~.. _..... t :OO to 0 :30 and from. T:IO to --M. ,,,.... .... _ IL Co., •--W F DIXON • _ _ • • Adwrtiolas ~ The AUantlc Oiarter wu clltched hall<d the bloody soource al war. S:!IO P-"'-7:IO p. lil; ----valued ln excess of $10,000 ln per--Dluate ai. un;. Printinc Plant. 3011 W. Central A.vmue. Ncwpcorl Bi·±, Cala'Cftda ~-t Yal~,,2>Y fthe ~~ which \ 111e average lite of a peace treaty int' oa~t1My, T:M p.a.; aonal property. A niece, Helen #fa... ft. -._..A-. · m anou~ o our ,,;&uuea. ls two yean. aT. JOHN VIAHNRY CHURCH 1ClaD& 1 •~ .. , .... ·Taplin of. Lm A.nge.les, wu left al!le.L.A.M. &Mill • p p Official Paper of tlM City of Newport e.c11 For thJs ""&rl' world tber• Is When th• Russians ttached the ... _ lofand "" """'1· 1:411 .. ... $100 by the decedenL A. D ,, ' He ~ la Htw9m 1Dr O.W IT Tww ' iredJcted a time of trouble such Vistula. word was lent to the Acme Member of as ne\•er wu, with .. men's heartl Polish underground to rise and 8unday Ihm: S:IO La Nl.w~RT HAR.OR failing them for fear." In post-tight. 'Ibey an:.e. Men, women Ccmt_....,,.: 8aturda79 tron LtHEfllAN CHURCH 7·:ao to a:ao p.m. war reconstruction there is need and children fought desperately Gra Chapitl, C.... •- of a pcllcy ot oouraa:e, detennlna-for 63 da)'3 and the Russians only • Re ~ ftetl\. P'l:cUr tlon and justice, rather than one of 250 yards away never railed a OOSOllf A D.l:L lld : , 10:IO a.a. politlcal expediency. Few things hand. 250,000 Poles ell-victims OOMM17MTI' CIWRCB, Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureaa All Modtw d. Traftl '° Dlrope, MUiro, Hawaii Round-tbll-Wortd Tl1pm ·Ill the mar future. See are more important in Europe than of tttachery. It hu ~ quite OONOas<JATIOllf.&L a strong and independent Poland. apparent that we have been right-rwry ~ 8ellr"-*. lllal8kr · The atrocities committed by the Ing a war to pull down one devil, Ill Rellotrope. C.... del llar • CHUllCM >I" CHllllT C'h~ Md ' W•lftut at,.... t...bu....~ .... -. ..._Roy Kone n.:1111. IOl ...... •'- -: w .. -. to a,.~ 'Caste System' Germans ln the· west of Poland only to put another devil up. Sunday, April 14. 1lH6 were no greater than those com-AU through history, and now as OllJrch achool hu two 9eSSlons. ew.iro: ••'1!!• 10L111., -.,. _____________ ._ _____ .,. mitted by the Russians in the much as ever, the rlihts of unaller All above primary department The Anny's investigation of its own so-called ''caste east, and between the two there hi nations against the deslrns of meet at 9:30 A. M. Beginnen and system" is a step in the right direction. The investigating little choice. strong and unscrupulous neighbors primary department ages meet at committee under the chainnanship of Lieutenant General Mo ntenegro and Armenia were are in jeopardy. Monte.negro, Ar-ll A. M., during the mornin& our only allies in the First· Great menla, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, church hour. . • i!tUdJ'; F L .,__ M..,,tng 'O'l:lnblp. • F1111T Fou11 uARll cHu11cH C.mplete Fountain Seniee at F COaf A M ltSA Rev. aT ..... ci-Wiiia"' --H A N s E N ' s -p:;c;71 Jimmy Doolittle is giving a sympathetic he¢"g to the War. Where are they now? A Lithuania and Poland have found 11 a.m. Morning • worship. Ser- gripes which the men in the ranks have to off'fr--and they cultured Englishman. a member ot to their sorrow that the so-called mon by Mr. Schrock:. "Why apparently have many to offer. f the House of Commons and a cab-Christian y,·orld is as deceitful and Church Membe.rs Backslide and It appears quite evident from testimony criven before inet minister, remarked, "It is r e--as treacherous as hell. Tha t ls Saints Preserve." Mon¥.g '!o p Mrvioe 10:'6. 8und&7 Sch~:!!O a.m. I 1100 0-ll'nlllt Newpun c.uaader oerv • 8:00 p.m. NOW Ol'EN EVENDl'Gs • • 4 • b'" • • • gTettable but true that England the truth. All have the courage to 7 p.m. Youth meeting. the comnuttee that soldiers do not object to the military dis-will go 9ver to her enemles and criticize the faults and crimes of dpline necessary to make an army efficient and effective. betray those \vho have fought for others, but few ha\'e t.he oourage Bere&n MrVic 8 :30 p.m. Evenjn, ev~tu.ttc -.toe at MALTS • MNDWJCIU8 • HAMBUBGl:BS But they do resent the favoritism shown offiCers in regard her in difficult t;iJnes." That is to tell of our own. . . . . . the reward received by 100,000 F . E. BURHAM, to food, quarters, and recreational and· social facilities. Al· Armenians who fought for us in Brigadier-General. Jegecl protection of officers at the expense ot enlisted men in courts-martial is another sore spot. . It should not be assumecl, however. that eve,ry gripe made by enlisted men is valid. No matter how much were done to make the armecl forces more democratic there would still be those individuals who felt dissatisfiecl. Nevertheless, the volume of complaints has been so large and persistent that there can be no doubt that changes in the present army system would be very much in order. Army morale certainly need not be weakenecl through democratization. If anything, such a move should improve morale and heighten the respect of enlisted men for their leaders. After all, the boys fought for democracy. What better place could it be practised than in the Army itself? Highway Safety • Everyoody's Rich But Who's Ahead, Asks Omaha World Herald in Question Concerning Minimum Wage Boost Judging by the news from Wash· ington, prosperity may be guar- a nteed for all. Item: Senator Pepper's bill to boost the minimum wage from 40 to 65 cents at once. and 75 cents later, is before the Se nate. Item : Senator Russell of Geor· gia ha s introduced an amendment to the minimum wage bill which would tiE'.' an increase in parity for agriculture to the minimum v.1age who live on interest and dividends will be taken care of. The whole thing sounds dandy. Ever ybOdy will get 20 per cent more and will spend 20 per cent more to live ... but wait a minute ... who's ahead? Woman Gets 49-lb. White Seabass increase. The Russell amendment The first lfU'l'e \\'hlte 1eabau would, among other things. in-of the season to rome La at thf' crease the price of cotton 3 cents Balboa PavtUon \\'u caught by a a pound and the price of wheat 50 "'oman ! Viola Schweitz.er, r eald- Before this ' year gets along any farther every motorist cents a bushel. Ing at 901 E. Central avenue should make a resolution to drive more carefully-and then Item : Sena tors Johnson. La F ol-c•ught the blJ fl.sh, wbJcb uy stick to it u he does he'll be happier and safer and so will Jet te. lilcFarland and Butler have male \\'Ould h•ve ~ Jl&d. to cart Introduced a bill for a Oat 20 per bom&--4 49 poander, It l\'U a.n- many other persons for there will be fewer accidents. Right cent cost-of-living increase in all nountt<l Friday by Frank Bell, now, in view of the carnage on the roads, there is certainly payments · to veterans of tx>th manac~r of the Balboa Sport Fl•h- need for more common sense behind the steering wheel. world wars. · lnK Fieet, &It.er "·eighlng the Of th th ds f t .-~. h v r Business h,as not yet been taken prize. course, ere are ousa.n ° mo 0.1.Q~ w O ne e 1 care of, to be sure but. it seems The larce one "'&s amoac the experience serious accidents. Many truck drivers travel the reasonable to aup~e that it will 100 or more barracuda and other highways daily without mishaps. These individuals are not no t be left out. Some Senator ft9h caught on the trip made by just lucky. Their safety records are du mainly to the facts s urely will introduce a bill t~ in-the Dina Lee, skippered by Fra.nk , . . e t •• . crease t he profits of business Schuber. that they don t drive at excessive speeds and they keep thell' around 20 per cent, so that people ------------ vehicles .under full control at all times. Commercial hlghway transport lines give their operators special training in safety driving. In this way, these trucking companies not only protect the public interest, but they are able to give more efficient service than they otherwise could to farmers, manufacturers, retailers and others who depend on them to haul the greater part of all intrastate commerce here in California. The California Highway patrolmen have comrnendecl the truckers in this state for their c<ioperation Iii making the highways safer. Every man who drives a car owes it to himself, his family, and the public to use his head as well as his hands and feet when motoring. Our highways can be just as safe as we are wi!llng to make them. Strike Lesson Seen By Reno Gazette In British Action A strike by doctors who ha ve taken the oath of Hippocrates air pears unthinkable, yet the British Medical association has threatened such a strike if the LaOOr cov- ernment's new public he•llh sCheme contains objectionable fea- tures. O n the other han~. why haven't doctors as much right to strike as anyone else? True, their ski11s are oftentimes essential to the preser- Ch r istian Science Topic Declares Disease Unreal "Are Sfn. Dlseue, &nd Death Real '.'" Tbls question ts lhe aubje<:t of lhe Sund"y L.esson·Sermon tn all branches or The Molh6 Cburcb, Th e 1'"ir.3t t'hurrh of Christ. ScleD· l ist. In Ouston. The Golden Tut la rro m the l'!'•'.lms: "Wby &rt thou cast dov. n. O my aoul ! and why &rt thou dts"uieted witbln me! bOpe tn God: ror I J11ball yet praise him., ,.,.ho Is th e bc.alth or my cou.nt• n.:-.r.. e. aud c y God." ' vation o( human life. But so are The Quest for Food •ome vital servi""" that have bet>• threatened or cut off by worken A Scriptural selection from Luke r~lates that "there .,,.u ·a man \\'hose right band v.·aa wltbered. An•l the scribes and the Pharisees 11·a u:hed" Jes us "¥,.betber be wou1d heal on tbe sabbath day; ... But he knew their thougbts. and a&Jd ... unto them, 1 will ask you one thing; Is It lawful on the sabbath day1 to do good, or to d-, el'll! to save life, or to destroy ll! And ... be 1a.ld unto the man. S tretch fortb. thy band. And he did ao : an'd bta hand wu restored whole aa the Florella La Guardia, the pint-sized former mayor of of lesser skills. A doctor's sklll New York Qty, has taken on a full.sized job as director might avail nothing If communi-cations were cut off and he could ~• of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Ad· ot be reach·• or if el-tric power o.h ... " .~ ........ ~ n cu., ..... Jn "Science and Health with Ke7 ministration. Right OOW, his work is as vital 8S any could WU to be shut off during the to tbe Scripture.~" .Mary Baker Edd7 be, for the liv~ of millions of hungry people in Europe and course of surgical treatment. Hu-Jiays, referring lo Jesua. "BJ pa.r- man health ls inextricably tied able and a rgument be e.iplal.nl tht Asia will depend on the degree of his SU~ in obtaining up wtth food. and yet we have lmpos11Jblllty or gCM>d productn1 sufficient food to meet the desperate shortage in· war-ravaged them cut off. e\·ll ; a nti t;e also sclenUflcally deDi· -•"tr\·-onstratf's tllls creat fact, pro•lns .......,....,.. ,.;:;.,. I by what are "'rongly called mlr- 'The next several months will be especially critical wttil "Buy Bond! and keep them-buy I acle11, that sin. islckness. and deatb the crops are hruvested in the various countries. Even then, today-not b)'C and bye." a;e bellf'ifl; Ill usive erron1-wblcb --Jack Lindsley be could and did destroy." the need tor tood in Europe and Asia will not be eliminatecl ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: but only lessenecl. The people of America need to realize that by eating a Uttle less and by bein~ Jess wasteful with the food they have they CllI1 do much t o make greater supplies available for those in need. Hungry people become desperate. Desperate people are easily Jee!. into violence. And violilce can only contribute to a further delay in getting the world back to some degree ot normalcy. Mr. La Guardia should not only have our best wishes Iii his great task, but he should also have our full coopera- tion' and support. ' "'The worst thing about history is that every time it re- peats itself the price goes up." 24-Hoar Radio Service ROME, AUTO, MAaINE llADI08 REPAIRED Burt R. Norton --' MOOERll MARINE SERVICE I SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND 315 NORTH.JitAIN ST. Fl .. &T CHU .. CH OF GHRIST, &CIENTlaT Lido The.•ttr, Central Avenut and Via Lido 7 :30 p."1. w.-.+-y In&' prayer_,,_ lee Cres= to Take Out le. at T'!!O p .. _______________________ .. A branc!:I at The Mother· Church, 'lb<! Finl Chun:b at Chrlot, Scl- entllt, 1D Bo.ton. 14....,cbueetta. coatA ·~ ~HMMUN•TY -.. ,;ij1~0--F•E~s.-.s..:1o~N,.A'"L---.D~1;m;RE..-.c ... T~ouRY.v-- Cat1 a. Jo..{neon, Mlnttlet' 1~. 20th (at. Ph. 247'--R Sunday School &t 9 : SO a. m.. S1:111f day Service at 11 a. m. Wednesday T.umonlal Meeting &t 12 · o'cl~k Reading Room locattd at 111 Palm street, Balboa, ls open dally from 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served. The public la cordially invited to attend the church eervtcee and u.ee the R eading Room. Cb ech~ 9 :"5 L m. Mo W~ 11 o'clock. You grou~. llJ&'b schoo~ IJ>- termed\ate, Adult, 8 :80 p. m. Even}.nr 8eniee, 7:SO o'clook. Mid-Week fellowl!lblp and prayer, Wedn 1 y, 7 :BO p. m. 11 a. m .• Prayer and Sermon. FIR& METHODIST CHURCH 8T. JAMES EPISCOPAL. G.. S:dwtn o.hlt', Paetor CHURCH EU<>lld:flltanford, Ga.-Grove. 516 West Central, a.tboa 9:30 . Church 8Cheol for all (Ebe II ClubhoUM) .... Re'I. Ardy. T. O..n, VJcair 11 : &.Dl. Momlne' Worwblp: 8:80 a.. m., Holy Communioo. :u:....,,,: ''W• 'I1Mank Thee. .. 9:46 a.m.. Sunday Bcbool. -ll•°" a.m.. Nunery f or aD Mll- 11:00 L m .. Morntns Pn.7er and dren d'"1ng 11ervice. &OOOUNTANT J. 8 . WHYTE mooxa Tll OOM8t7LT~ .&11.~ bF U. U111'8d st.-~ VJ' DeP~I \o ~I ~ .. .. ~ W11b lDcom. lu: ........ . .&tmrn -••• ..... 900&I&U'Jllfe UAYJCS etn. JMe .... al•, 0..... ... ..... !(~ ....... / Armand Monaco ABClllTECT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa :Wewpori l TM nu Lakewood An. Loo ~loo NO..-;, MOI PIANO ~oSBR PIANO TEACHER G.V. LINSENBARD ~Grw.duate Bo,.i {)omenafm7, I .. ~ m Ph. 1252·W l.5211 w. Ocftn Front PllY!llCIANB A BUllOIWJl8, ILD. H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ ud ..... _ Hoon: 2-~. by Appoln-t Telephone 2620 Sermon. (Flnt Sundaya: Holy 15 :00 li:>.m. MelhodW. Youth hl-~----------~ Communloo.) lowabt'Ji Younr Adult Fellowahip. DAY SOBOOL ..--------------. 1:00·1 p.m. Evening Wonhlp:-..------------~ CONRAD RICllTE&, M. D. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SE.A ~: ·eom. Yo un." Mortimer School Plu'llclaa ... -·- community Methodtat t 120 E . 18th SL 1420 wnt Central A"-"tM Abo~t the only avenue of enjoy-90! C.Oral Ba.Ibo. bland COSTA MESA Rtv. e.. o . Goodell, Jtaltor ment oPen to the henpecked hU&-On.des: Collep, Prepuato17 Haun: 10-.12 a.m.: 3~ p.m. Cbnrch Scbool, 9:60 a. m. band µes in sassing his wife DAY SCHOOL ::.:. Phone tll MomJng Wondllp, 11 &. m' when s}le has laryngitis.-Bridge-G. A.. Mortimer, M. A., O:dord Youth Feilqwl!lblp, 6 p. m. port Post. PrlDclpM PhoDe 85% ' Evening Wonblp, 7 p. m. J Mid-week Pr&Y'!r eervice, We<S. Columbia university opens a DENTISTS needay; covered d1ab dinnu, 8:., new sc~ool for the purpose of un-11"'-----------~,!! p. m. ders~ng Russia. How about D Obed L BALBOA ISLAND CHAPltL anothe~ school wher eby we can r, UC88 218 Ag•te AY9nue begin Understanding ourselves?-DENTIST ftev. Harry W. White, Detroi~ Free Preu. Aseocl•t• Paator Cbweh Sc.boot, 9 :act L m. llklnllng' Wonhlp, 11 L m. &EVE.NTH DAY "DVENTl8TS C.rncr W alnut and Church SU. c-.- SabbatJi echool, Saturday mora- lng, 9:SO o'cl~k. Preaching tet'YICe, 11 •. m. ' . •pert oJ __ Re • • ~ pamng I lf1dle You Wait ••• iRaY Pagan 5Jt4 Eut Bay Front X..., -to Bay ~ Oille i &La. t.lp. a t -t- y Attcftd8nt -t-. Ph. ltlO NEWPOll.T BEAOB Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist 1101 0ou& m....,. 0011.0NA DEL MAR l't>oneNewport UNI! New York Life luuranee Contp&JtY DON a. DURANT U8 Orollld AYe. Phone lUCl-1 OORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL un: IN81JBANCJ: 00. RayNielseR ---1 IU It. Bay An. -- -··-, JIOBTICUNS Dr. G; E. TQhill ~~:;;i- NEWPORT BEACH -PHO~ • Offlce 286-W Res. llll6-R I! no answer, call Newp:>rt 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 vf .. t Centnf An. NEWPORT BEACH Ph, 1028-No a~ call 30l·K X-Ray SerW:e Miiton II. JIUwelJ, IL D. letl~-- 0.-... - Offlce Hoon: U>-12; >5 -lfwjlWtl- S. R. Mo~ M. D. 814 BaJ ...... --lfcwp:;ft 171& &&1 a. BID •t.. Loe trs1'11 TU-ms By Appoinm.>t T. P. Reeder, M. D. -Pbywlclan lllld Sms- toet w .. i Bay A- Harold K. Grauel . .Telephone Newpori &OZ Chapel ,,._ ______ __, i 61') ()¥ llh>d.. apaoKA. ~KAR O•erree•l•e t•• ••••• .. ········· , ..... rJ.t.,.l.o~ .. .2 !DAY ARD NllAn OliCl!J AG SAM'S SElf!Ou!J £P! to Dhle -"" Onmp ec-ty: All New· • • Boren $e LOeation ... One-Half Mlle F.ast ot Old Location on Coast Highway. tr~ r. 8::j1 New -:--· C l Bar We Lead Soutbena C.alifomla the Serving ot -SEAFOOD ' ALSO Y°!!r~ °'":z:~~~ 0) J "We OUrselves the Better Serve by Servin& Others Best" PlloDeNewportlMII CI09ta Me.a c..utonda OPTOMm'BlllTll Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPl'OMET11.18T Eya Examined -Glaues F!tl<d 1'11 Newport lloaleftr<I l'lloDe USO OOllTA Mga E. T. Butterworth, 0 . D. Opt<w- lrDJ8 J:llAlllNZD LENllZll DUPLHJATED .............. ....,..... lllt. w. o...1 .&-. 2'11 st•• mu M&WHM'f a.&08 811JlVEY0118 • Siegel & Raub hat:;! !IS Uld SaneJrion , u. x-poot lllM. °"* -Tai r1t ra1 ,....., IB1'W.~Jf~-T n a 1 5 I I • A. V. ~drews, M. D. PllY81CIAN mi 8UBOEON 'l'ela...,,_ HlW Dr. W. T. Mooney Phywlelea ud Swpm Nbitli -Ooatnl -(U-W ... ""'°) M w...-DI ag1 c• h tlllllie DI' .......... <L Ww . Ollropriicttc, Dletetb, Physlo & c.o!onlc Therapy 1-~--- 1---- . I -ZONE THERAPY a.JNJC .. 1 I ... _ • • ws· ·:_.1r•0~1111 .. ,. . ....... . ' .. • • • • f -• r . l!ISWPOllT ........ • . •. ' Crowded Schedule For Spring Quarter At ·Fullerton J. C. A -spring quarter session open- ed In the Fullerton Junior col- lose April 8. While any eligible -may enroll. It Is Intended ldmarily for veterans. The de- mand for admiJ.sion to the seci>nd -Ur -.. peat collop authorities °"""~ It u an obU- 1atlon to provide ~ties fer veterans in thiS repon to return to their IDterTUpted educational endeavors without bavin& to wait for the fall session. Los ArtCrllle Aarees-to · • ;_a;:-.,~~ Se~ as JllClge om Dl~-of Work ed ,_,~ In' u. l'IGrth ~ 111 Ar~ur , art crltlc of the ~ W-Art Gall-' at San Ga!Jri!!I riW.. accanllns lo !IP.• • ---"··-_ __. 3113 West Sixth street • -• -N~al Automobile Club. 'Ibelil ~ , .u._, •.---. ~ ~ b been selnlag aCtiVtty kir trout to oerve J, the Boord of Judges ge1ft, at the Lqwla Beach Art at. onis' dam. About S50 ·~ .. During the nine weeks of the spring session, semester units up to a maximum of nine can be earn.- ed. a.au and labora\Qr'Y hours are scheduled for double tune to make this pogiible. Veterans in attend- ance have the full benefit of public law 16 (the G. I; bill). Public law 346, or the Call!ornia Institute program. • -.!!..•-~ .Gallery oc at the hllb school at -J for the ""I""': of palntlngr of the N...._t Beach any time In ad-been taken byltbe end of !Mt -N..._~arl>Or a.-to be held vance of April 27, the day the and releued ~Dom No. L A_. at N Harbor Hieb 1<h9<>l judging will occur. : t.:. ~ tnmf""91 - ! May 4 to If. The Judges ~t -------~--------'--+-----­ NllW LINB Craft Greeting Cards StaiU-ry Brookings Varietv .. 0..-~-0.-... ·-a a· '1 u.., m·, _.. ..._ .To a mere man it seems that if a woman makes a mess of a dish, ahe dumps it on a lettuce leaf and calls it a "salad" Brok.. Lenses Duplicated Gl&•M Adjmted • Fnmell Repaired EY"". Exunl!Wl E.T. Butterworth, O. D. S114 W..t Cealnl Phoae 2511 Evelllllp by Appollltbent to vieW tile ''Gallery of Pictures" one week advance of the open- ing. Ac judging will occur Sat-I urday, 71, when the board of 1 judges meet ·at the high school to e the awards. . TO be Uw:luded in the collection all J>lcturis must have a Newport Harbor &r!F• scene for the subject. The scboOI has been provided by the N~t Harbor Ownber of ~ with a fund of $300 with whh:fl to acquire one or more of the ~ displayed In the exhibit~' ch opens May 4. . Altt a nwnber of well known Southern California artists have ' Indicated their tntentiop. to submit plcturft flind. others are completing important works which they ex- pect to iave ready by the time flKed foe {1'Mlcl111-. In chaqe of the exhibit for the hilh sch . Is Miss Ruth Stoeyer who can be reached at the blah -J. '\. ICbool b~ phone or mail at any time. F~ convenience of CAST OF THE .. GAY NINETIES" re'V'lew wtdell made a...-. hit a& tbe &1111' Nl&'M: •nser of tM artllta may be left at the Bwt-and Prof_....-1 Wo--.'a elab ~ Apltl ' at Newport lluttor Yaicllt chlh. ••'"we left to ~~iii~;;;;;;;:;~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ r!Pt. tlleJ are Butb Gerrlsll, CaJ Cooc•ove. -V Barstad, Natalie ~ "PM Blomqalot, autoe Browa and Vh-&tJl1a Slllrley. (Photo by Anene) American Legion Sponsors Nationwide o~ A Find8 ~estaurant Price Gouging ''TAVERN" Essay Contest On "Jobs for All"; Restaur~t price gouging aver-Rules and Prizes Stated for Contestants aging 48 per cent in the Southern California area was reported ~ day by Edwin Sad1er, Southern Califor:nia district OPA price board Again Sets 1.ou ng J:ady, this particular sixty million dollars can have a lot to do with you because it will be used this year to add switchboards and other equipment to the Southern California Telephone Company's system. The bigger the system the more young women we need to fill good jobs in jWli about every building in every town we serve. And, if you qualify for one of these attractive, permanent jobs which now pay better than ever before, that'1 where you come in. 'i-So won't you come In and see MRS. BUHL 100 E. Bay, Balboa or <all Chier ot-ator IRll! A $2500 "Jobs for All" Msay 2. Anyone who is not a paid contest with a top prize of $1000 employe of the American Legion in cash for the winner was set is eligible to submit one essay. up by the American Legion as 3. Essays must not be more the result or its annual Employ-than 3000 wards long. ment Co•ferenet'.! with nationally 4. All entries must be typed. kno\\'Jl leaders in the fi eld of gov-'ftouble space, on on e side df white ernment, labor and business. paper and submitted in quad- Announc!'m!'nt of the contest ruplicate. came from Lawrence J . F enlin of 5. All entries should be mail- Chicago. chairman of the Legion's ed to the Anterican Legion. Em- National Employme nt collfi.mitt«:>e, ployment Division, 1608 K St., N . "'ho said. "a year ago the fore-W .. Washington 6, D. C. most authorities in all fields of 6. Entries must be in possession employment \Vere brought to-of the American Legion or post- geth('r ror thC' firs t time in his· marked no late r than midnight, tory by the Legion for the pur· April 30. 1946. posC' of drawing up a program or 7. All essays become the prop- maxtmum employm('nl. erty of the American Legion. "As a result of that conference 8. Three persons of national the American Legion develo ped its reputation "';n serve as jUdges of program for ma.xlmum employ-the contest and their judgment lilent and for veteran employment. will be fina l. Hov,cver. the \\'ar was then still 9. Anyone participating in the on and nothing e ffective could be contest may obtain copies of the done to put these programs into American Legion's Program for effect. Maximum Employment and Vet- "At the conference, the Amer-erans' Employment by1writing to ican Legion concluded in Wash· the American Legion, Employment ington, we sought to find out how Division. 1608 K St.. N. W., Wash· the plans cou1d be made to pro-ington 6, 0 . C.: American Legion duce results now -that the war is Na tional H eadquarter!, lnd.inap- over, but we still wltnt more in-olis, Ind .. or to any American Le- formation. We Me hoping to get gion Post or State Headquarters. it through this issay contest." 10. Prizes will be: First, $1000 Rulet1 in cash; 2nd, $500 in cash; 3rd, l . Essays must t ell ho\\' the $250 in cash; 4th, $100 in ca.sh; American l..E-gion's progra m for 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, $100 each in maximum employment and veter-cash; next five, $50 each, in .cash. ans' employment can best be put 11. Each essay must clearly into effect or improved. show the writer's full name and address. ROSSI'S Liquor Store DON R. DURANT, Commander. New Dancing Class Started on Mesa 1003 Cout Blway Yz Mlle 8outb of the Arclaet; NO LIMIT A n eW class in ballroom dandng for seventh and eighth grade boys • 60 ,..,_ era•,,..., wltlt CMibig - ==--I and girls will rbe started on the evening of April 16 at the Friday Afternoon clubhouse, Costa Mesa, by the Grace Shipman School of Dancing. Time of the class will be from 7 to 8 p.m ., but this will not cgn- fiict with the present ei&hth grade class, time for which h8J been set from 8 to 9 p .m. Other classes are also held for high school students. ,, nd ..._ ... p/"11 trlcb ••• th hancly answ•n • .... •• ---· ... el to _,,,,_ proW.-of ,....,, •"flWfl,... Moll ,,,. _,.... for your ,_ ,, ,,, ..... ~ ..a ,,,,, ,,,,,. ,... :r:"""'····· • ,,,,, SOMITHIN• NIW Fl ,., .... __ ,. __ .· .... , ........... -..... •• • •1s ....... ..... ................... ~ ,,, ..... , •. ,, ........ KllP THI VINIGAI ____ .... _._ ___ ....,.,.,_ ........ ---· ........... _ ... _ ........ '11 Axt .. .... -.. -- COflY JOD.AYI •ATHl90M GLASS" ... __ _..,. .... _ ... ................ ... ......... ,__...,. ... ... .................. .... ............ ...,.-4 .... . SAVI THI LIQUID ...... .-........... . .... ....., ........... .... _ _ _... .... ..... .......... _ ..... _ ... ............... b .... ---............... ~,····••M•••M•~---•••••••••••••• ... ,..., co•••• .. ,... •••• COPY .... -A ton CM9t ......... a. ......... ..... ...... ~._ ....... Let ....... M.C•-• ................... .., .. W' .................... an -.. "'---- ~ ··--------------------··---------~--• • I I I I r ! i .......... FOR SIGNS BENEDICT '!be .... -•BOAT~ A SPBC1AL Tr . . Bo/,1HG11 . --·· ...... MADW&NAllm - • "'"-i IJol-.,, q-,..,,, -0..DI!., ... -.... _ executive. OPA tnve9tigators checked 1836 restaurants-about 12 per cent of the total number of restaurants In the Southland-and found n umer- ous violations during the investiga- tion. which was launched because of many complaints that priCes \\'ere going up throughout the whole area. Sadler stated. Some 609 restaurants have upped prices above the legal price on old items. while 376 were found charging excessive prices on new items, the survey showed. Sadler stated that the investi- gation will continue and that all restaurants in the Southland will be checked. A general cleanup of restaurant price violations is in the immediate offing as a result Of the survey. Many of the violators are now under injunction and li- cense warning notice, Sadler said. VFW Asks Priority Raise for Veterans SAN FRANCISCO.-A proposal by the Veterans or Foreign Wars that veterans be given second priority instead of third in the purchase of government surplus property Is winning strong public support, Richard H. Newhall, Cali- fornia Department Commander of the organization r epor ted here t~ day. At present; Newhall pointed out, Federal agencies have first choice; state, county and municipal groups, second, and veterans, third. Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey; Boolll and Boy Keene Palm and Bay, Ba1l>oa Phone 891 • 15-inch "TAVERN" CASCADE CANDLES Sf~ Extra larse decor.a- tive cascade c • n --.,.";;~~dies 1n w hi te. ~===;;=-Burns •ppr ox 1- _::. mately 72 hours. ~-""'~~ A distinctive cen- ter-piece for your Easter table. EASTER STYLES Cur store is the place to come for Easter needs that will dress your horne in its prettiest! Take your pick of our c.omplete variety of Tavern E1"9r Candles. Do it soon, 11 quantities are limited! LARCE RABBITS One in a Box Cunnin1 l.1rse Can d I e Rabbits , all In white, with pink eyes and pink tipped e1rs. 'SMALL DUCK CANDLES EASTER ECCS C1.1te little candle ducks .• Attractively cok>red •.• Very appropriate for Enter decor1t- ;'l'· We Carry• Cornplete Vtr!ety of TAVERN i CANDLES I I• the Popula1 Easter l ColoriRI 4 ... ... 6St ... Colored c.andle Easttr Eris In purple, vellow, 1reen and white. Urge eu size. No nnt Is complete without thae! 4~· 6St -"TAVERN" EASTER BUNNIES --65¢ _ ... 8-utlfu! llttlo c.ndlo 8-lol In white, with blue eyes, red mouth ond pink tipped ...._ At-.lwly boxed. I wish to tHank you, Citizens of the Harbor -·of Newport ~ach ·for electing me to your City . Council. . . '· I reiterate my plattorm of _ an _hon· est, impartial, independent government for I, , I . , you on m part . ' I • ; • ' ' ' . • £ • • • Expert Beauticians for Milady • Permanenta. Cold W ne, Hair Styling. Hair Tinting , , , Bleach· ing, Cold Wave. R UTH , ~ • CARMD( -1- THE OPENING of The Bobby Sho·p SUNDAY, APRIL 14 with a complete li ne o f CHILDREN'S APP AREL and A CCESSORIES Come In and See Our Fresh, New 711 East Central Stock Balboa ' --Qpen From 10 to 6:30 Saturdays c ea. iC -~ptd1tl °''" B.eautiful Bronze ·poRTRAITS 6 x 8 inch si ze Oao er •~ fr:':lny o• HtireJ Proofs to s~lt£1 Jr~:;J GRADUATES I We fu rn ish cap an u gown . ,, "'1tlm ul rharge. He~·s a srudio wht-.rc you receive the highest qu.alicy of materials -finest an~u -and best of service, regudless of the amounr you spend. Communion Photogrophs A. SPfCIAlfY.,. 1 AUSTIN STUDIOS All STUDIOS OPEN 12 TO 6 P. M. EVllY SUNDAY ' AND TWO Ol MOU NIGHTS PEii WHK / SANTA AN.A 1508Yi N. Main· St. Daily H ou rs: I Phone 1463 • 9 a. m . to 6 p . m. Fri. & Sat. 'til 8 p. m. N.-T. 4-11 H U•& ~-"Dr •IAUTY 9M ,,_.._ A11'W-•1 ..... hhecl -Piia• 111'7 OWoe ....... t1Bdl u.,. lit C'1115-~ WHERE HAIR ~YLING IS ·AN ART Our aim Is to enhance Milady's beapty and ~ the ultimate In beauty care. HEAD 1'0 1'0E BEAUTY SEtVICE ·THE LONG WANTED Parker ''51'' -PEN AND PENCIL SEIS Are Now Available • • at- LOUCKS f ewdry and SWiOMry 1'181 N_,. BmL , • • Will Find lndiTiluality Here Dresses • Slack Suits • Suits • Robes • Jumpers Bed Jackets • Donna-Mari~ Shoppe 515 North·llaba St.. ~la Af" Arcade Bldg. for PLAY You'll Find in Shoes for I . • • • . . the perfect i hoe for the ·~each .or for lounging or ~h . rr opp1ng ... Styles Wear Newport Beach PTA ln'stalls, Officers;' State Welfare Officer Speaker of Day Now Shcnirlq Thro S&turday - "DOLL FACE" -•b-VIVIAN BLAINE, PERRY COMO CARMEN MIRANDA DENNIS O'KEEFE Balboa 'llleatie -COmpaulon mt.- "Frontier D~s" IDTeoblool-tll ROBEllT SHAYNE I --- Mooday Oa.ly-Amtl 15- Tbe 8~ Story of .&D! ~-­"The Lady Confesses" wllll MARY BETH btJGBES HUGH BEAUMONT ~ Only-April II-- YVONNE ("S&lome") DeCA.&LO ROD CAMERON "Frontier Gal" ln Techn.loolor --Oompaalon Blt- "HitJer Lives?" ' l I ~ -Second Borror Blt- "Monster Maker" Thunday • Friday- Th' ri ghi tr<atment for weary h2ir with . .. Ille right touch 1to your grooming under 1th< deft fi ngers of ~ur hair beauty experts. Otflvk SnJtrJ Citdil. hc:fr • -. • pt"t· -~ uf~.4 ·. SIM I«~.., ()jl . • '°" "°' Oil ~-s1.-.. s1n.11• C.a tllot So.Ip ~ • . • for '"1m'1" cka NW. .. '" St ... • JfifW#lltJ 1Virl~ .• -.-. IO ..Ccwr" INI ...... , t.lttt. ,, .. C.O.C""'-' ~ C...-0. .-.. . ........... "'"'::.""-,. .. . _,..., ~ ~ -..... ~- LM-h V'--.t"• BAl.Jl'OA PllABllAOY 'The RaaJI S«we M'1n and Centnl ........... .:n:'WPOlrr PHARMACY 'l1ie R-a Store 2108 P<eM i'rant -·· -· • • • • ' > .