HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-09 - Newport Balboa News Times! • Tll SAND • CRAB p.i. DONE. Twenty - one years is a mighty long time to bold down a teaching job in one school in . the same community; to send forth the hundreds of students with an educational backgrowid and with some of the kindly spirit of the teactier imbued in their mind;. So, feeling that her task has been performed, 'Mrs. Clara (J. B.) McNally is retiring next month from the Costa Mesa schools as bead of the English depart- ment and Dean of Girls. In that period she brought two children, girl and boy, to ma-, turitY.. and kept her well known boat-owning husband cheerful. She bas earned a rest, if such a lovable per- sonality as Clara McNally can live a life of ease. But the record would not be complete without present- ing the names of two other edu~ors who are also retir- ing from the Mesa schools. They are Mrs. Winifred Tay, !or, who bas been there 16 years teaching the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. and Mrs. Martha Pickenpaugh, who has been teaching for 14 years. Her husband, Dick, has bought a ranch in Ore- gon, where she will join him in June. Principal Everett Rea, in commenting on the work of the three ladies, said today they bad a record of which any director could will be proud; that the mold- ing of youth by sincere, thoughtful women lays the foundation for our men of tomOITO\\'. ••• Take a Bow. Two new publications came into being within the last week. At Corona de! Mar Leo Koch, formerly of Riverside. bas started ''The Breeze'', watch it blo"(. he sez, the paper be- ing 8 \6x13 and mime<>- grapbed. Seems to have the same trouble in getting sup- plies as the rest of us. The n in Santa Ana Dunlap and Hart presented their first is- sue of The Sunday Globe and hope·to make it a daily soon. Its first number of 24 pages is full of ads and good reader content. They in- tend to pattern it along the lines of Terry Stephenson's old Santa Ana Register, pub- lished by J. P. Baumgart- ner. They've cut out quite a job for themselves. • • • Slaff of Life. The bread shortage has hit the harbor district with an aching void. Is all the wheat being ship- ped to Europe? Well, as one miller stated, the flour mills are out of the running on purchasing, because the gov- ernment pe.ys more for the grain than their (the mill- en') ceiling permits them to buy it, hence tanners sell where they can get the ll'I06t. Sarne old law of sup- ply and demand, which busi- ness men are arguing about with the Oc' A, and y our own gove rnment violates its own ce i Ii n g rules without a qualm. 'l hen they talk about black markets anct Leseech you to igr.ore them. Ain't nature grand! .... As to Fats. The other day a navy officer was vis- iting his aunt at Balboa and was curious when be saw her 53\'e grease. "What's that for?" he asked. "Why the government \\1ants it," was the reply. "Well,'' he snorted, "when we were in the South Pacific our fleet dumped tons of grease overboard all the time; all it needed to save it was an order from Washing- ton. but none ~ came. The same applies to food waste and-the terrible con- coctions the chefs served the meo; most ot it unfit to eat." • • • CA.LC. Cmnes Hitch with · this one: Predderit Tniman attended a rooventloii In Washington ol Big SboCa, saw them all .....ering but· tons with "C. A. L C." on them. "What does that mean?'' be asked "Why, came bai:k the answer: "C.ri Am I OlllfuRd." "Wr so am I," replied the nation's chief ix.a. • Jlllnt Ill &A ff I nu••-• I . • Flnt Ill Clrcula&loll I • .NEWPORT • • K~EP POSTEIM I y-...... .... • '05 c(J .... ,._ .. ~ ll:te ·o.t o6 ... -~...,_ .. Nwa" 1,Jfwp:wt ..... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPOR HElGHTS, BAL'BOA ISLAND, COR(>NA DEL MAR. COST/l MESA VOLUllE XXX\IW N&Wi'OWI •s•cm. ~ IBCIUDAY, IU.Y .. lMI ..... ., N11llBElt n Fisherman Fight Propos d Bait Net Law Dr. Hill Will Talk on Life's Great Riches Residents of Newport and Bal- boa are invited to a seriPS or free lectures to be presented at the Long Beach Municipal auditorium May 13, 14 and 15 by the world- famed philosopher and author Dr. Napoleon Hill on the subject "The Twelve Great llidles of Life and H ow to Get Them." Throug h the applicatiop of this philosophy of individual •achieve- ment, Dr. Hill. dea n of industrial I philosophy of the Pacific Interna· i' tional university, probably has in- fluenced more minds than any per-: son living. He has a student fol-1 lowing of 65 million persons · throughout half of the civilized I world. More than 6 lh million copies of one of his noted books, , Frock Coat, Beaver. Hat Badly Needed Wanted: Frock coat and beaver hat of the 1865 vintage; aJso, it they are available, eome sailor c:ostumes of the same period. In order to re-enact the ar- rival of the "Vaquero" the chamber or commerce commit- tee is in need of a tall plue: hat of the beaver type such u was worn in 1865. Also a frock ooet of the same period. These are to be ~·orn by Stu· dents who will represent the delegation from San Diego ar- riving on the "Vaquero" to make the Te nth Anniversary celebration. Anyone having costumes of this kind or similar ones will please contact the Newport Harbor L'nion High schooJ of· ficials or the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce prompt· ly. '1liink and Grow R ich;· have l'-------------' been published in foreign langu- ages alone. Mor e than 200 students, most ot whom are well known in the business and civic life of Long Beach. recently comple ted Dr. Hill's initial course and constitute the bulwark of the newly formed Napoleon Hill club under whose auspices the forthcoming free lec- ures will be conducted. Dr. Hill's philosophy is not a religion, bu t a definite, positive way of life wherein the negative U.S. Renews · Agreement On Air Base traits of the human mind are sub-The federal government re- jugated by helpful. creative think-1 nev.·ed its lease on the 400 acres ing. It constitutes a time-tested of land adjacent to its lCXX>-acre and case-proved ··blue print for Santa Ana Army Air base prop- success" taken from the pages of erty on Tuesday. Save b Building New School Urii_ ts . . Pull i~ YOllr Belt r Local Union ~{ Pop, We Haven't Now, rges Judge Dodge, Citi'1Q Data Any aread! ! Leads Battle To Support Contention it Can Done ~~~Er~=:~JE /On Petition $150,000 Bond Vote By Beach In discussing the propased ex· several grocery stores today. DtGoa":nciDC w .. t tbe7 c~ pamion program for Newport M M h No one of the retail grocers I terh:.ed u a vldom meuare .. Harbor Union High school which esa efC 38 ts could predict how long the , oatlaw ..... ftohhlc le Callf..- la to be voted upon May 17. Judge U +d A d dearth of bread would continue. water.. Fbbermea'a UalOll No. M. D. J . ·Dod&e, Presiden t of the fg to tten Neither would tti. l>aken In the IFAWA, today 1....,ch..i a • ....,_ Board of Trustees, today made the Im t t M Southern California region ven-i "ide ('&mp.Ip to prevent tlMt lnte.res~ revelation that the en-~r an eet lure a forecast Oil when more pladnr of • DrivaleJy...gpoMCll~ Ure cost of the present high school loaves would come. n~hla1 11r te lnlttattve r r frrf'nclaa Newport Beach G;ammar school I ~a!"",,i.!o might be regard~ as a , h All rchants of Costa Mesa Shipments abroad of Am :<r-on tbfo November tllf'('tton ba.lloL bond isl f Sl50 000 ~ ._. ave n sent invitations to at· .can wheat ror t he famine areas IA'sdln~ the Nto\Ypo rt h:-.rbow wtll vote 8 · ue 0 · Judge Dodge supported his 1 te nd an mportant breakfast meet-or the world ..... as said by the phr.-e of the 1ttnt.,..·fdr tight on May 17 for improvements and statement by presfnting a com-1 • f M h o · · f(der aJ governme.nt to be in· ~st the propoa&I wu marle11 expansions, according to Board prehcnsive study of tax rates in 1~g ~ · e M ere c!:;ts be IVl~i~ of creasing. although was not yet MclAur-hUn. bwdneM maaac;t of President Marion Dodd. who out-the Newport Harb6r Union u•gh t e .s, be esh aid am7 r 0 Thom-sufficient to ----~-te all Fl lined the nT'n am for which the . . . ~'-' mC'rCf" e at .'.1.m , urs· cu.;u..tUu1~ s ht'nnen•s Pntoa No. SS. w re- r · ~gr School District and 1.n the Santa day Ma 23 at the \\'c>,come Cafe of the starving peoples. aid~ ln thf' harbor dJatrlct. money ls to be s~nt . Ana lligh School District which Anno nce~ent for the meetin,; 1 P\,fcl..auchlin declared 91.at the Three rooms wtll be a~ded to have prevailed sin~:-Ne\vport was ma e today by J. c. Lion: Balbo USO /referendum if votl"'d on favorably the Newpor~ ~chool ln add1tio~ to Har?<>r Union High :i.~I was es· 1 barger, ~hairman of the merchants a 1 a nd carried at the polls next N~ sh~wer fadl1t1es for bo~ and girls. tablished 1 division who set forth the folio"'· i ".C'mber. would not only deprive ~hi.ch ~ust be ~ro~ded _where By comparing the total cost ing prh)ciple r easons for calling fishermen ol a lifelong livelihood. 1un1or high work 1S given ln 7 th acttiaUy levied against the assess-such a ession: T Ob 1 but that it would seriously affect and 8th et:ades. . I ed valuation or the Newport Har· First, to get better acquainted 0 serve all anglers and other purchasers Completion of the landscapi_ng bor Union High School District with e :h other; second. to get of live bait throughout the state. of the Corona del Mar school, i.n-with that which would have been better ;jcquainted with the mer-· White the referendum explicitly I clu~ing . sprin~l_en. fe ncing. sur-levied at the tax rate which pre-chants ~ivision of the chamber of M th , 0. s tates that it is aimed to forbid f aCl ng, In ~ddit1on to atage equip-vailed in the Santa Ana H igh comme~; third, to get better ac-1 0 er s ay the use or purse a nd round haul ment. It will be remembered that Sch6ol District, a net saving o f quaint with the mutual prol>-1 • · tishin~ nE"ts in certain defined $100.000 was voted for that school $623,155 is noted for the past 16 fems of he chamber of conunerre area of the Pacific ocean between, lut year but the cost of the build-years. In only three ot those years and ho to overcome them tor Long Beach and San Diego, the ings exceeded $140.000, the differ· did Santa Ana have an advan-the ben Cit of all concerned. and To remind servicemen-those full force of acceptance of such 8 ence being out of the general tageous tax r ate. and for those fourth, o weld merchants of the! who have been .. in" ror some time proposa1 would seriously handicap fund. three years the total saving In Mesa i o o ne group for further and those just inducted-that all fishermc:n and es ially do Despite the additional bond Is· favor of Santa Ana was $48,383. deve lop ent a nd advanceme nt o r 1 Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12, great harm to the can ry indua- sue of $150.000, Mr. Dodd said tha t In the other 13 years the Newport the city as a whole." the Balboa USO club at 115'1'i try, P\,fcLauchlin added. . next year the school tax will be Harbor Union High School Dis· I Lion er urged all merchants Main street has set up a specia1 8f'e8 lokf'r lower by about 10 to 15 per cent, trlct enjoyed the most favorable . to at ten~ the meeting. desk to facilitate home-bound The referendum s tat In part even though it will also Include a tax rate for secondary school pur-J r -telegrams in the clubrooms. that it would, however, nnit th~ 15 per cent raise for teachers. He poses, . and the total savings I Ne~rt Will Share Volunteers who know what use of taking bait tr certain says he will explain that next amounted to $671,538, mother would like to hear will other defined areas. Bu the joker week. Judge Dodge pointed out that State Gas Refunds help GI's com-their wires. in the deal. Mcl..auchli said, is • prJor to 1930 the Costa Mesa and .~ The desk has been open from clause which sets up a hree-milf!o-the composite life experience of The lease, a 25--year agreement, the outstanding men and women originat1y signed between the red-Wounded Balboan on who helped to formulate it. eral government and the city of W ff F lk T Id Newport school districts were in-SA~MENTO, May 9.-New· 10 a .m . and 11 p.m.. daily and will restriction limit and then ~ duded in the Santa Ana High port Be ch city treasury will be continue throughout this week un· I hibits seine fishing entirely by School District and that had they enrich to the extent of $2166.25 ttl noon S'lmday. according to stating that bait nets must not The author lisbl 17 keys with Santa Ana in 1941. was again sign· 8Y Ome, 0 0 wttich to open the doors to sUC· ed by Mayor Asa Hoffman for the cess in w~ich ~efinit~ness of pur-dty of Santa Ana. a nd by J . w. ~e. appl1~ faith. going the extra Harrop of San Francisco, contact mile. learning from defeat, self officer for the federal government. di~pline. organized thought. th~r The entire property was recent· habit of soun~ health and con-\ ly transferred by the \Var depart-troll~ attention are 8:mon~ the men t to the War A5sets Adminis- nof withdrawr: from Santa Ana as a It of state allOCfttions to Clyde H . Ashen. director or the exceed 120 fathoms long nor 10 most important. Dr. Hill "'111 ex-trat' d th I tt I Mr . a nd Mrs. Ralph Dimmitt, the saving of $623,000 would not c~ntie~ of their share USO club. fathoms in ?epth. Onyx avenue, Balboa Island, had have been enjoyed, and t he money ohn~ l1cense fees col· At the pt csent time and con-McLauchl1n stated that New- word Wednesday that their son. would have gone to support the July 1, 1945 to De-tinuing through the summer port harbor fishennen wouJd be Ralph. who landed ln New York. schools already in Santa Ana. cem~r 1. 1945. _ . months . sleeping accommodations hard h;tt by the net r 6trlction as \l.•ill be home wtthin a week. He , Harbor pupils would have been Orang c:ounty wtU receive_ $16,· for sel'Vlcemen and ex-servicemen j !here 1!11 not a bait net an;vwhf>tt was wounded in combat .hospital· transported to Santa Ana by bus 106.51. h1le Santa Ana will be on weekends and holidays are 1n local waters leu than 180 to ized in England and since recover-and would not have had the bene· aUocat $4621 .65 and Laguna urgently needed In many in· 205 fathoms long and 20 fathoms ing has been with the a.rmy or oc-fits of a local plant. Beach 11 get $1596.25. ~t~ accommodations for serv· deep. cupation. (Continued on Page 4J 11ce couples are needed. Public adoption of the referen- I I h · d ·i · h ' r I ion, an e a er s now Pan t em in etaJ .1~ is ree negotiating with the Federal Put>. lec~ures at t he mun1c1pal audi·11ic Housing authority for conver-t tor um. sion of some of the property tor ni;.~ 1:::~~:"~~ ~:c.~e:ni~ housing purposes. SI-PENCILLED . PERSONALITIES autographed copy of Or. Hill's M w· c . ~, By }AC~ LINDSLEY, Cowboy Artist Raub & Bennett If any of the residenbl or Bal-dum in •nv form. Mcl..auchlin boa have rooms,· apartments or added. would most !itf>riously jeop.. Now; Siegel Out• dormitories ror rent over week· ardize the future of not only the ends, please phone the Balboa USO sports fishini;t fleet. but or the and register them. 'lbe telephone cannery industry, in the Newport ramous "T en Commandments of esans JO ampaJgn • Suttns" with gold illuminated A • t Pl ed H border suitable for framing. Lee-gains ann og tures will open promptly at s p.m. Ranch for Orange Co. BWI Park Fees Shown I ·sANTA ANA. May 9.-Dr. c. E. Price or this dty OD Wedneiday Pacific Electric and Laguna bus lines contributed $50 in parking apace fees to the dty treasury in April, accordin& ot a report filed by City TreatUttr J . A. Gant with th• dty coundl ot Newport Beach Moridal<. City Gets 15 Pct. Cut The Southern California Tele- phone company contributed 15 per ce.nt ot Its ~pts from pay stations in the Newport Harl>or area. in April to the city treasury in compliance with city Jaws. a report by J . A. Gant. city treas- urer, to the Newport Beach city t'OWlCil Monday showed. The amount WR$ $15.35. withdrew his application to the Orange county board of supervis~ ors ror a permit to operate a ~animal hog ranch on Gisler road, near the Santa Ana river. due north or Costa Mesa. The applicant declined to press hi.I proposal to the board after soores or OJsta Mesam appeared befoN-the board and a petition signed by 1000 persons was handed to memben ln protest against the plan. Protestants claimed a hog ranch would be objectihnable from a community standpoint. The county planning commission recently approved the plan sub- mitted by Dr. Price. Vaquero's Arrival ·will Signal Harbor Reopening • Jack Raub stated ·today that a change tjas been made in the sur- veying and engineering firm ot number is Harber 2341-J'. harbor area. s .legel al Raub, tbe former r e-Sixth Ferry Group tiring anl! Fred V. Bennett oonung V p , f into the tirm. . acates ortion o ~. Siegel Is de.voting his ttme l Long Be.ch Airport to o ~groves, his large acreage . deman~g all · his time. Mr. ~ nett who cam\: here from Santa Ana ArGtY Air base ,e ngineering staff, t>oPi:ht Mr. Siegel's intere1t In the Orm. which is located at 1908 Nrrt Blvd., a.ita Meaa. Tells! Tax Coll~tions CUrre~t tax and assessment col- lections ~de by Tax Collector R. R. Hodjjkinson In April totalled $56,731.sp, and redemptions under the ·~ phue totalled St 726.06, accordin to information filed with 0 Treasurer J . A. Gant and re ed by the latter to th~ city ctl Monday. • WNG BEACH, Kay 9. -More than 30 aaes al. land 1eMed by the War depar1menl from the dty of ~g Beadl for the 9zth Ferry- ing Gn>ap'o Air ~ Com-m--Mii will be returned to the dty, Col. K. C. McGttcor, commandlnc ol!loe< of the Sixth Ferrying Gr1lGp. uld W-..ia~" The colonel'• .,,_,_ whldl 1J apprOftd by LL Gen. Harold L George, ...-cl the Air Transport Command In Wuhlng- ton, D . C., dem"8 the way for im- mediate draftln& by the umy en- gineer's ottlce al the ioupplemen- tary 1-. 1 Bio d Donor List Plan Ad · pted by Legion Post MlWOD!I IDVHtf'd The fishermen's union official emphasized the fact that cannery In terests and the fishing indU!itry have between $2-milUon and SJ. million invested ln the harbor re- gion, and he pointed out ·that this Investment would be at stake, ti the referendmn wu paued.. "If the •Po-on ot tit.la pro--1_1_ ootpa. blrtla. tlMi referm Jw11• wtD be placed OD Ule Ncwember bal- lot." McLaacblta said. If the referendum ls carried by amajorlty vote of the ddzenry of the atate. Nfwport and every other waterfront area a.nd inland area on the California coast will reel the brunt of tbe new atate Jaw. mta Aact ... "It wtD retuJt. ta provlcllal all lam.proper maclleral pro. docUoa, and It wlJl brlae about an unprofttable _... for tM whole of tbe ~ n-. 1 "Even aa1r1era who fh,11 from piers wUl aot. be Ule to s et &DJ' 'Nit aachovk. udl uJted .aardtae9 for bait," u.e union manac~ Wf!9t on. pomt.. Comp· ation or an emergency membership to imare. a wider tac oat. alM the fact that blood donor list, available to hos-wtthoat bait. flaltennea w1D May 23 will mark the tenth an· Landing, now Newport Harbor. ...,.-~ pitals, ~ors and health workers IC'.:S~ormairm ue Mked to oon· not J>e able 14> Ket tWr -a nive-rsary of the reopening of New-the nation·s finest recreational ~L~· & through«11 t the ~unty, is under-tact Gus Clark. If tbe7' have not qualUty of albMlOl'e aad oi:ltff port llarbor following the big fed-harbor. , ''""-0..5 way by lthe Newport Beach post already done.,, .mt g1w him their ftah. eral improvement project which In early days the ··vaquero" ,_,!Al (-._. of the Ainerican Legion as author-name and blood type. to be i.Dclud-.. At thla parUcalar time wu started in January, 1935. and brought supplies for the ranches ~ !zed at the regular meeting or the ed on thl-list. wllea tbeft t. • worWwlde completed ~fa.y 23, 1936. To mark in this section rtnd carried back past Tuftday evening at the Le-MafD speaka-at tbe TUmda;y st.ortase of food. ellPf '•RJr the "finish or the big job a cele-to San Diego hides and tallow, the &ion Hu,. · meeting-.._ Pi l++dpwl SidDe7 Da-protehl food. It ._.., to .... bratlon was held, the feature of principal medium of exchange in The ~ood donor list, suggested vidlab c:A the ~ mcbool who out-MclAoehllll ..ad rdent.c to whidl,kas the re-opening of the thooe days. The little vesael after Walter E. Tipton by BaJj>oa Fire Ollef Frank 1IIJOd the --p1ms for the the ftobe.,_'• -~· "• •"7 harbor by signal from the late a deviaw1 passage through the Walter g Ttpt;en, .,.,.... m atete tor tliie oft1ce ef t --..n, Crockerj will contain the name expam:lcm ~ tbe • ••d: plant and Md ....,.e I• ~ to .Ue President ~elt iB the White channels, which then constituted wtto la u.e wHll Ma MTI ' iz ,.. • ._. ta cw1wt17 ....,tbe Ol'_,a and bk>r6d. type of every member ~fl aw -,.,.. a JOl1 eo" to h·-..... tile -...,. ~ Rouoe, to Cout Guard cutttts off Nt'Wport Bay, reached Nowport -tT'• tn ntbtc po-• Mo ••a"o -;;;t;o:to<o. of the Le.dOn poot -will be PIOSiiilll. 1"" -pmt -pre-.WO -tiop-oa.· the entrance. This started the big: Landing, the aite of which I.a now A..U..rtt,. ... ••ll1 • • crtw paeeau. _.4 .... _ made aJ.nibJe tor emerceridel by vlou:lly endmmd tbe l*CCllllll. and McLauchlin Mid that aD cqan- pa.rade or boats into the Harbor. known u 0 Bay Shotts." •aeDCJ tie la Wfllc -14' e:wsaUw Cl 'ttaw la &Ma area. Don Durant. AtQatant ii mg:bc a illbWC wte ta fA'Wll' lzed fiahenntn. includinc traw.,_ Thlo ~ar because of conditions Later frcm this point lumber "It is far wiser to build a fence Mr. Tiptoo opont .. ..,, Jeon In Ralph I or crocker ofter or the 101 Lii ID 1111)' 17 elee-en. frcm here to the ~ line over which few of t11 locally have wu hauled into the interior but at the top of a cliff than to the Orance county theritt'1 ottfet comple by Service Offtoer Gua ttom.. W9'e up tn anm Oft'!' the Pf.-d any control, the plans heve been Newport Landina: eventually cave atatlon an ambulance at the bot· u e deputy in chu'Ke ot the juYm--Clark. F&""eth• f6 a *-CSI' w refermdmn became ol Its. un. modilled but wU! be unique In way to Iancllnp at the ocean pier tom." During the put etcllt yeon 11'! dlvlslcn. He wu the Ont of It related to .-,, by ..,_.,.... -a -tr ,..,., eqaltablo. ph- many ways. at Newpprt. built later. OVtt 2000 audience froupa In Or-the oix eondi<lata lo mt.er t.be crocker that hJo oft1oe lo wtth pr--.1 ' e Im -~ P ·-~main~~~ :!:u:!: c1:Z~:!'r:';:1:::; ~sen;:'~~.=:,,:'= !:m.""'..., ror t.be ottlce al= tC..!:. ~.!';:::.. -zs' ',a ID -wi!1-"'-:;,.lt6:ar":.~~ th1o _.,, ta the °'!!"li ol the "VOQUe<O" brlnclnc P'fttlnp from fonn to bear ouch chalJOftciuc 'The canclklau wu born In that th1o Dot w!ll -Adfa!ul ..... R-._ --pme -mlsbt -"V~" a omall which San Diego olfldalo to otlldals at otatoments. Hlo DWI>' tbousbl· Selma. a omall qricultural com-unity to have a 1-..dy '"'""" e<I -15 ,.., ';a - a --_._. the 1111''4" · ' wtll -u a~ ol the orig-N--t Harbor. O.tallo are be-Jll'C)YOklng rm>arla on poot-wv munllJ' Jn tho San Jooquln vat-any '7Pe of blaod at a In •••W -· - -_.. rat..-..., 1J lo -n tlwt the lna1 "Voquero" wblch l&lled rosu-Inc .. -...1cm out by a oommltttt of <rime pre-tlon -c:rtme de-Je7, wbere he attmdecl the local -• -· It 11o bopaf ---· ~ _.. , Ho "•"'' ho ""11 a 1-p -"17 larly Into Newport Harbor In 11165 the N~ Harbor Chimber ol tectlon are bo1nc otudled by dvlc biP -Be OODtln-blo the that -c:Mc -· p cl -----to -mm1,,. from San Diogo. '"!'he Commen:e With the help of hlcb and county croupo In -Juda at -the Uul-.lty al RM-oorW:e will raD--llW pr.. 18 -• ---. P; 1 -In ha--~ Harbor of the SUn." to N..._t -otun and otudents. I Callfomla. (Ccoo-'"' Pop tl -up -"'-.C - w I tir • B I lltl 11 • . . • J \ I I • Ci~ for Speeding Willoughby Lockwood Farquhar Navy Issues Warning On Gun Practices of Costa Atesa was d~ed .by Police The 11th Naval District head- ' MAWl'CWI' Clergymen Silent on Sheriff's Return of Owner's Slot Devices oo Monday to appear m aty court. Thursday, to answer to charge o1. quarters has announced naval gun-SANTA ANA. May 9.-No re-- 8Pf!'E'ding. Police said an officer nery and bombing pr8ftlce danger verberationa were being heard clocked the defendant doing 50 zones in the !olJoorln& Southern from ciellO' circles today following _.,_ -mn 1 the ..._t Wedneoday that ~··an hour in a "" e zone. California waters: Sheriff Jeue L. EWott had de- . . . . South ot Coronado oo the Silver dined to protest return of five Receipts by all milk c;l.i.ltribu-Strand, Raward ftrinc from the alot machines teized in a 1eries of ton, lncluding ~ucer-diltnl>u-j beach at Camp Pendleton Marine spectacular raids here a year ago tcr, and manufactunng planta far I•---and _, A-'-to ow11en: of the properties. the •entire year 19'5 exceeded 205 ua.ae, nav-.a ....... ._.. in an area Three of the machines 'tftre million pounds of milk fat u ccwn-enc-OmJlmed by a •mne radius taken back by the Santa Ana pared with 196 million pounds In 1 centend m Begg Rock, ~west AmURment Co.. and two others 1944, an lna'ew of 4.8 per cent. I of San NldM>IM w....i wett recovered by V. T. Smith. E P.AP.ALMER • • W. 0 . BUCK-Insurance Counselor a-1500 0..,aori.4.,l 3333 VI.A LIDO CALIFOll.NIA through hla coumel, Alty. John Martell. The attorney filed replevt.n ac-- tions in Santa f.na Township Court for his clients, and Constable R. E. Steinberger served the actions; Sheriff Elliott had five days far objecting by which he could pro- test the move for recovery of the machines but elected not to do ao. Had the sheriff protested, the case then would have seoe into the Superior Court for argument u to the rf&ht of the former' own- ers to claim them. Devtces recovered by the amuse- ment company, With which John Glover, 1bomu Block and George .. ----------------------•! Landie' att ldenWled. were volued at $1nl,$400 and $175. respectively. Smith'• machines were worth $650 apt"°" to him. he l&ld; they had been termed .. lrreplacable." C. C.'s, Coast A88n. Plan Joint Confab in Orange on May 28 .. Music -- -The Gift that Kteps on Giving" Topics of especially important Interest to members of both the Cout Association and of the county chambers of commerce will be discussed at a meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce to be he ld Tul'Sday, May 28, in Orange. Portable Record Changer and Phonograph Album of Records The program \vill include four or five speakers. yet to be named by \ValtC'r Longmoor. vice-presi- dent of the Associated Chambers of Commerce. The Coast Associa- tion will attend in a body. ~~PHONOGRAPH RECORDS:~~ Complete Selection of Both Classical and Popular FISH AVAILABLE lo mother CLASS VASES 921• .. •41s la. la. "Ster Uni" vnes ... L11ht •mber colored stus • . • Frosted floral desisns. 3-PIECE SUGAI & CIEAM SET Blue frosNd st-. . __ In-., .. dud9t. .... a-af'ld _,,q tr~. I-PIECE 3-PIECE PYREX IOWL SET CONSOLE SET AttrlCflw ~ 1• tto-r •4ff bowl COCC4*ot• wtttl t w 0 __,,.,,_ I-PIECE Cl4SS SIT •4ts 8-1.wp ....... .,,_,... ... 0-. of c ... --"""' IDtd ti.di er dMI' 1W. with cola end _,.. dKCratlaft ••• In sift bair. Sunday, May 12th Mott. ... tM Nd ., --4 .... .._ JM • ., Mr afft •t .. , ..... w ....... J911 •~ " ........... wil llwia1 ... ..,. ... .. nm.fort '8to .. ...... •• .... ...... .... ,...,. •• po4 .... for f011 too_.... 1" ky Mett.•'• lift ..... SN wil pt Mtter vahla a•4 It wfl c..t 1-t tfl• JM ....... le ..-4. Yot1 ,....,. ..... te ..... sift ylftety .. .,,,.Ate itl CLASS IEllY SET POTTERY TAILE LAMP '4" CryJ.t• &!au with 22k llCMd dl<.or•titd 9df• •.. rnc k.ode9 bow1 9"'d fruit dishes •.• Plenint1 de- MI A. HAND PAINTED TEA POT ~~ r~nd" Pai~ IJ'5 dlcoratlon .•• ~ 1lu1. DUNIAR CLASS COFFR MAKER No mtt.lllc t•t. . . . S.-W Al st-cott. ""'"'-., .. ..... ~ 9CCml-..... cof1" ....,., tim. '49" CLASS CAKE PLATE Frcshd &lass pl1t1 .•• ,,. t...p 91za •• A 11t t thlt Motto. will bl! eed to ~I 8-PIECE Hl-JACS SET WUI fit ft'IOlt 9ff'f llt.1 -'• ....... At- _.,ed colon •.• At- trKtM!IY bolc9d. ., .. 65-PIECE "APPLE ILOSSOM" DINNER SET S1nice for I fH11 N Balboa Sailor Loses BllHold Hard luck attended the home- coming of Robett Sankey, slgnal- man second class. US.N., who ar- rived home last week on a 3<>-day leave after two years in the Aleu- tians and ls visiting his mother, Mrs. Pearl Sankey, Balboa Island. Some time after leaving the Boy Scout meeting at Costa Mesa Wednesday he ·lost his biWold, containing all his Identification cards. As he left his ship at Seat- tle and is to be reassigned, he will be restricted for some time after he reports. unless the documents are found and r eturned. Dr. Rapp Opens Office Nearby Boyhood Site GIILL'S FOOD SHOP • Smoked Tarkey • Smoked Fish • Bout Moats • Sweet Plcldes • F"'8h Salads • Brandied Fruits • Maraschino Cherries • Cheese Galore SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher Vegetables Betttt Moats Fancy Groceries 2415 Forest Ave. LAGUNA BEACH • Mercury Clea,ners & Dyers Offer Regular 3-DAY 'SERVICE ... 1 -Day Special Senice If an Emergency Arises -1- y our Clothing Is Cleaned In Our Plant Which Is Located at • 1844 Harbor Blvd. 008'.li MDI& We Ale M 0-to Yot1 M Yoar Phone Beacon 5613-J Mercury Cleaners & Dyers • • . ., -. . • • I . 7. Fish Landings NowUpto2 c. C. Ditecton "Will Dilcaas Important Matters ~ext Monday A regular monthly moettnc at the board of directon of the N-- port H~ Olamber of Ccm- merce will be held Moimir at land-White"a Coffee Shop, Main atftet. Balboa, at 12:15 noon. are: President J. s. Barrett boa Pier. urged that all directors ~ pi cw:ut • Mc-f.,.. this meeting u m8ny 1mpcrt. r..,._ ant bus1nea matten must~&. can -• nd!nc. mUnc, Dock. croaker being caught. Surf ftab- Earl'• ermen are using IOlt lhelled aand Scott'• crabl to catch oorbina. Albacan •• and tuna are on the minds _af Land-many flahermen these da1S a tbl orage, fishing .. uon gets ~ )Dto St. the swine. These flab .... -to Yacht arrive in local waters 10mettxm • Rich· during the summer, and cood 1'\1111 of these llah are expected by all fishermen. Trolllnc boats .... ewpmt the ldeol way to flab !or tbe:n. ch bar-llelld<\I the many boats now In and an operation out ol Newpor.t Harbor, The many othen att beinc built In . loco.I yards. Thett "' plenty of cood room on the OCMn but · moartna • apa"" la the ~tlon. I !iahbll to en-Amule : ck .... 1 ANTIQ~ alibut foe "' lllll.Nortll llfala •eet much, IJeefaAm l New-Ce>pp.!te Armcle ~) halibut spear I.arc-t « r'r 7 ~ wMeai tls!led -~ ••• tllea..&&11'9 IMt wm 11e .,..._~~ ; pl en- Cl'! .... -·· .. --. y con-VISJTOllll WELO()IDI • tlin Breken Lenses Duplicated • Examined E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. SI 14 West Central Phone ll&rbor !611 El·enlnp by Appolntmeat 8th & OcMn -RnntJncton 8-11 Under Same Mana.cement Open Daily, Including Sunday Dinner, 5 to 9 $1.35 up I Sandwiches -A-la-Oarte Onlen PboD6 '911 The Bank of~ bnnch iD your' t.own la a wdt of one of the largmt banka iD the world. Yet,~ l:ta great me and lltNnlrtb. it la iD every real -~ ho,,,. lollm benk, mparvlaed. and •a«eci by local. citiuma, many ofwbom aluire ownenbip of tbe"buk with thouaancla of Californiana. TbMe men and women are cl.-to the heart of the community ad welcome ;.,., to the bank M a neiehbor ud trimid. 'l'lm iutcr ·Illy local 9Jlirit la eupplemented by a com- plete metropolitan -.vice J>0M11>le otib to a ba11k of •mple t.cilitiee. Whether you're bnildln1 a W- or an •the rmnmunity, the local Duk of A-a bnnch ill r11~ to provide wnoncl fbwncial advloa -~--• -., I -~ t~.• ~ t 1 t ' ti l _ \ 111 L' r i Lit ........ P-&D......_ ··~· ....... u ...... ·-·-·llAT1-• ll&M•U FSDCllAI. ... C:•YS ..,.,.. • • • • • , • • I • I . -Assistance Leag.tJe Leaders Plan Coming Flower Show Condi Defen Action Dredging Cove Land All-tor--1n1 For - l1oCk at ~ N ... "l'lma • N-n-. -........ *I · All -~ .... .-.. l1oCk at the N..,...TllML • lcleu lmplttd by the Flower &how were brought back thlo .....,k by Mn. Walton Hub- bard Jr.. president or Newport Hutxr branch or the Assistance ~ or Orange coonty. and M.tL James J.rvt.ne, who went to Mowery Retams For RendezvOllS 'Ibo matta-or IP'&llting a re- newal permit to Balboa Co-. Inc., ror the ~ ol cln!dglns approximately 65,000 cubic yatds of material from property near N...._i bland and clepcoltlng it en the ocean beach in the vicinity ot 43rd street, .,.,.as referTed by the city oouncil on MondoJI to Cty Engineer J . W. Webb !or lnvestl- ptlon and reiut to the Mn council tMeting. the exhlblt In the norlh<m dty Appearing at the Rendezvous lmmedla~ly arter the ~· and Ballroom In. Balboa again thb Sat- &arden party held at Mrs. trvtne;t urday everung, May 11, will be home, Rancho San Joaquin, with Mith Mowery !'°d orchestra, an avtt 700 county wome.n in attend-aggregation which has ~ in ance. popularity on the West Cout 11nce Mn. Hubbard and Mis. George Its leader's return frOm the serv· Yardley are memben of the ~· lee. tral committee for the Dower Mowery, who wu d.iacharled lhow which wUJ be held lD con.. from the Coast Guard as a Ueu- junctlon with a hone ahaw at tenant Commander. participated Santa .Ana June ID-23 under the In the North African campaign. auspices of the Assistance Leque, H e came to California u music ~ from the event to be director for the Pua.den& Play· SCllEDULED TO BE IN8T.A1.l,l;D a& a ........ ...,...1117 at Hew• No action to p-ant the permit _..,-:;< _,~ WU taken by tbe cli:y council after Councilman O. z. Robe....,.. said he would want to know wbat affect the deposit would have on other iroperty In that area be- fore be would vote on the pro- posal. pen-· mp -~ '"'"' .... -__ , ....,. --oen eleelell la 1ut ...._.._ elecUom. 8eatied. at tlte-ooiadl tule. from left t. dcllt an. Bopr m11...,..._ t.r.aarer: a. On""llten, pre .. Mnt; Bill Pe7f,oe. vlce-pr!a'ce-i. ud Nod O... aearet.ia7. -.photo by Gorlw'dt med for e&tablishjng a oounty house and reorcanized his dance --------------~---------- cancer clinic. A number of new band In the spring or 1945. Before DRIVER BOOKED G• I' G classes have been added and en· the war Mowery had a band ln California hJghway patrol re-If S ym tries wt.II compete for 11350 in the Ea.st and Mfilled ~agementa ported Morday that Harold D. premium award!:. Mn. Irvine is in many of the. exclUSJve night Talbot of Long Beach was book· seneral chairman of the show. spots and hotei. and proved popu-ed Sunday on a charge of drunk v·t I N . d Loc:aJ women Who attended lar in that area. driving after his automobile is said I a ee Mn . Irvine's garden party includ· Sin~ reorganization, the Mow· to have rup into an automobUe ed the l\1esdame1 Hubbard, Yard-ery organization has played at the driven by .nr. J. F1orsheim of Bev- Jey, Dixon H . Smith, Mary -Addis Casino Gardens as alternate band erly Hills on Bayshore drive near At School Abbott, \Villard Klllk>n, Uvingston with Harry J a mes and Tommy alternate highway 101, Newport Motion to refer the matter to the d1y engineer wu made by Cound.lman Bob Allen and con- ewttd In by CoundJman --oon. Deirnling Advances ive Happiness - --Give Jewelry . ~ Wwld • • • • Diamond Ritt~ Diamond Earrings Diamond Set Lockets • ·Diamond Watches • Ceramics Vase~ - F iguriry es Glassware Fower Bowls Lagu 1797 Ne and La Mirada Pottery rt Ave.. LOUCKS COS UME JEWELRY Dozens ot Charming New Designs String of Pearls Wrist W-atch Bracelets Necklace Pen and P encil Sets Thom. John Parke, John Sadlier, Dorsey. and appeared at the Holly-I Beach. No injuries ~esultcd. John Meador, Sidney Blackbeard, wood Canteen and the Pasadena H arry \\'elsh. Art hur A. Kemper Civic auditorium. Fourteen-year-old Kestori Deim- li,Jlg, Newport Harbor High's fresh- man tennis ace. advanced to the quarter finals in the Southern California tennis finals at the Los Angeles Tennis club over the week end in the 15 years and under di- vision. Play WUJ be comple ted I next week end. . I '-----+-------------------------------1 and C. V. Dilts . Thcrt> is a difference of tv.•elve Old Timers Picnic ml1es bet"'"een· t he highest moun-1 Or ange county's annual r eunion lain and the greatest known depth picnic, interruptC'd by the "'ar. of any of the seas. will be held again on June 30 at FRESH FISH Daily Direct from Fisherman -t<>- C ustomers 10 &. m. to 5 p. m. ii. On the Beach Foot of Newport Pier Irvine P ark. according to Earl R. Abbey, county coroner and self- elected president of the Old-Tim- ers Society . The annual picnic, be- for e the war. brought up to 10,000 old-timers, their children, their grandchildren and their great grandchildren. Robertson Upped The Newport Beach Oty Coun- cil Monday accepted the resigna- t ioh of Mayor O . B. Reed from the city hall building conunittee and approved the a ppointment of Councilman 0 . Z. Robertson in the m ayor's place. Washing Machine Wringer Rolls Rol.l• ror any make ,ace. You fumlah the u.mple. Brand new rubber, white and pliable GUARANTEED-POSITIVELY! COMPLETE HOME SERVICE Refrigeration, Radios, Small Appliances Newport Electric Appliance Co. Ph. Barbor % lSI ZJ05 Coast Blvd. • • • Come and See Our Selection MOTHERS DAY .Sunday, May 12th 11 -Jewe1 Watches $28.50 and up ALL GUARANill::D * Diamond Rings * Weddin g Ring s "{;( Birthstone R ings * Signet R ings Vinyl P lastic and Plastic Calf Di Palma Ceramics All Hand Made LARGE SELECTION OF Pins • Necklaces • Earrings BE.\tl'J'InJL CRYSTAL • SILVER PIEX:FS GOLD AND SILVER CHARMS STERLING SILVERWARE BEST JEWELRY AND GIMS Q-RIO SHOPPE 205 Main St. BALBOA Harbor 2261 - Santa Anan Hurt Rober t A. Stevenson, 60, or Box 321, Rou te 4, Santa Ana, suffer- ed minor injuries lat e Saturday afternoon when his auto collided with one driven by Rayford Drennan. 41, or Gardenia, at the intersection or Orchard and Burch streets, Costa Mesa. Stevenson did not requir e hospita l trea tment, California highway patrol report- ed. Santa Anans Nex t Sponsors or the Newport Harbor Union High school and elementary school l)uilding expansion program today cited more instances or crowded conditions in the present school buildings. The need for a girls' gymnasium at t he high school as well as in other buildings is acute. Both girl and boy students are forced to use the large play areas in rainy sea- son a nd consequently the school athlet ic program must be restrict- ed, they say. O ther ronditlom cited by the school expansion committee fol- Newport Harbor's baseball nine low: takes on Sa nta Ana Wednesday on In the girls shower room. over the local diamond in a second 80 girls must use facilities plan- round ma tch moved a head from ned. for not more tha n hal! that Friday. Coach \Ve ndy Pick ens' number. 6utfit, \\-•hJch was laced by the 'J'.he girls have no place to hang Dons in a first round game 14-5, thell' clothes or l~k their books is out ror revenge a nd has the out-a nd personal belongings due to the side cha nce of ruining Sa nta Ana·s crowded locker space. ho pes for title dreams. Many losses or books, purses, Last Friday, the league-leading etcete ra. have been reported. Girls Fullerton Indians avenged a pre-excused from gym must go .to the vious de feat a t the hands or the study hall because t here as not locals and defeated the Tars 4-1 enough room for them in the in a fairly tight ball game. The "quiet room." i Indians got to Harbor's ace F aculty m em bers ar e doing a I chucker, Ralph Freitag, in the wonderful job against tremendous first four Innings a nd were able odds. Teachers have too m a ny stu-! to hold the S ailors at bay ror . the dents in class but there ls not re mainde r or \he fracas. r oom for a nother instructor under existing circumstances. Many T o a cynic or ~ur acquaintance other cl asses are conducted under lt appeai;s that rwlroad tim etables similar conditions, but the girls are not. intended to indicate when gymnasium situation is one or the the tr a ins run but to tell how late first on the "must" list if voters they are. will back the "Pay As You Go" Liquor Store Boota and Roy Keeae Palm ud Bay. Balboa Phone Barbor Ill expansion progra m at the polls May 17. P olling places "ri ll be set up at all loca1 schools to a ccommodate the public. Transportation will be furnished by members or the New· port Harbor High School Parent- Teacher Association, if Inter ested. Persons will telephone Mrs. J er- r old Spangler, chairman, telephone Harbor 2369-R. The time may come when our friend from the rarm will wonder what ktnd or a drug store this is ~~~~~;t~~~--~~~.a~:www:.~~~· ~t~,~~~~h~e~can~§'t buy a plow there. ''MAKE YOUR • • • lteaso11abl• • • • OWN TERMS Y• will •"1reclatie Mw _,. it 19 lo unap fol er.-t at Dr. Cowfti'• .•. DO ielay" OI' 11+*¥!eJ! I ~ &aT. ... tloe C.-la ... 1 ~to'-"' all J'OGJ'-.: 7 work COf1111 ?4eii UOBT NOW ••• pQ" later t. wll weeldy or moau.iy ............. Dll8 UB- !!:•U. llEKVICE DOU NOT C08T YOU on &X1U l'l:NliY ... 1" ~ make Yoar Owa psgsgmMe T&IM. Q.&11 '-c• HFOX ' TYPICAL SAFEWAY SAVINGS Half & Half ~~= ,... II• ' Shreddies ~=· '!.7 13-/ Com-Soy<;t Shreds -:,;; IZ. K~lo00'1 Srond. Graham Crackers •.•. 17-.... 5uoof" ~d lrond. l ·lb. pockoge, 32c. Peanut Butter '= 'j!· 739 Peanut Butter .".:~ •: ~ Peanut Butter -~ , ... 2l' ""'"" .. .. 2-Jb. ;ar, 48c. Sno-White Salt ...... -Ploin or Iodized. Dry Cleaner ....., '""' ... ..... .... Raleigh Cigarettes 2 ,..,_rl• ~n cw Corti. tiP99d. CortWi. 1.33. COFFEE AND OTHEI IMIAGIS Airway Coffee : !:," 3-lb. pad.0g9, 51c. M11How Mild Mend. Edwards Coffee 'i!" Drip •,........ grlnck. Rktl w.M1 of fine cotte.. 2·Jb. vt-Jot, Sk. Hills Bros. Coffee =-'!; ................. ,.....,. ...................... 2~ ............ ..,_.....,.. Hemo """°'°"w""'"'""'-, ... ~-..,.,,.., Brond .. "'Drink yow ~ltaft'Mnl ond UM 'M\." Ovaltine .:,.i:., ': H Chocoklte Ovottinll, l.os.. jar, 34c.; l 6s0&.J 61c. Ploin CM>ltlne, I~ Jar, 6 lc.. Ambassador Wine _ 1. Pon, Mulcote4 OI' St.Ty. Burgundy Wine _ 7 Ao t "'""'°' lrond. ...... ,. -.... t ., ... 1........,. 1111 1tii4) -. ....... ..., ...... ..,.. ............ .... CA1ND FlllT JUKES Grapefruit Juice '::"" lalo Town House Brand. ~L CGft.. 30c.. I Citrus Cocktail '::"" I ; ---. OranqeJuice""'.:="' '::""I 46-oz. can. 4Jc. Apricot Nectar ·!:;:I c..1111i ........... .... Apple Juice "';:;' !:: a lllOO"B, llACAIG .. SP F.ggNoodlea ::; !:," zt. SllMMllilll...... j Long Spaghetti , ... I• ---·... .=:: -Db ........ ·- F.nJor .._ wWJa dioy -plentiful. A hamper crop of dmert growa ~-II-• Nie at yoar neighborhood s.few1y Ston. -al diil dolld-cil:nll fruit today wliile ii is at tho paak al ...... gocm ss Give the family all tliOy w1nL liBIPEFBllT c • C & H Gronulo ted CANE SUGAR JWcy, llllllllleet, thin.skinned desert fruit. ~rk the breokfc:Gt. ,,.,., with genetOUS servi~ of whole fruit, or serve a glassful of tangy tuice. It's grond ot other meals, too. ' l•Y ••w f er -----· .,.,. ,, .. , "·····-..... 5 ••. 340 sock OIAIGIS CANNED VEGETABLES, FlllT, SAIKI Shoestring Beets '::"" It• Sni<kr'• Brond. Diced Carrots ~ IZ- eiue-Di°'"°"" Brond. Shoestring Carrots ':;:'-IZ- c. H. B. lfond. Peas and Carrots ·-1 .. -Wit'ner Brand. Bestex Spinach '!:'" IZ- Spinach · ~..,. 11: 1r Grapefruit ,::. "::'-_. RoYQI Rio. Renown, latex or Dion 1dwr -Tomato Sauce •l!o-t• -Tpmi T11H1 • Godlwzl• ......... Spaghetti Sauce::; '.:I• Chef-hy·Al-0.. lnlnd.. CORN • 19-10ldm bantu .. ONIONS uc ....... .... ......, .•...•... .. .................... <BERY .. ,,, ........................ ........ ....,_ ........ CUCUA9ERS .. 11· c.. ........... , .......... .... ..... ,,.... . •······· TOMATOES .. zao --............... •<•• ' SAFEWAY TENDEH, JUICY MEATS LUii SHOULDER • 3-3c Saeealent ....c. R1111t ._ .. , .. -.. LAMB llEIST II° Eud'ezl ftl lo. ~II I ...... .. Flaked Blni"'iJ ---S1mbriteCle "EK Scotch Cl•n ser T--~ -: 2: .. Brooms ···:.._ ...... I.Ii SALAMI ---,.... ........ ....,, . ~!.!!115 .. JIJla --·--... Coo Fl.Im .. __ ,,,.._, ........................... 35• ................... • m1111&0 'cl ens ~ as • .. • HWWWWW ••f;llOA ww••··· •• ..,. • o,cncr· • ., 17,llaJI,- Tipton Interested In Youtlt Problem (Continued from Page 1) lands and took special courses at Oregon State college and· South- ern Methodist unlven:lty. Since his collegiate days. Mr. npton has had a broad execut.ive back- ground in the administration of various estates, llfe insurance and organization a nd reorganization procedure. • . Puauc; NoTICE State ot Callfomill, County ot ~. On this 7th day of May, A. D. 19t6. bdott me, Nora S. ~­ warth, a Notary Public ln and il§llNt8 _ooms 11 INTERJ>R-EX'tERIOR Palntinc and~tinc. 812 No. Or..,.., Ph. 247.J. R W. Stimple. ll&-:ltp COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. • New and Repair • Exnerienced Painters -H: E. McDONALD 414 Old County Rd., Ooala llsa Beaeon 501W 36-2tc uur:·~ .• f<ll' Nici County and State, ....id-s I G N Phone 875-)( Ing -n duly commlak>nod and 216 E. 20t1> &,. o.ta -FOR SALE-12-foot -cae. .....,.,,, penonally appeettd Mn. 20-tfc Newport Electric A~. U111am H . OJbbon, F . Roy Gtten-18 ·-UJLD--Df-O-llA--TIClll---6,-3---0 ~~Blvd.. N~~ leaf, Jr .. John A. Siegel. known ~· ·~ to me to be lhe penons tn-. ta, Tnlcks, Windows, HA VE a &OOd stock ot roll roolln& FOR SALE-High 0ia1r and crib. names are subocrlbed to the R4W;dalll, llulletino and Comp. Shlngl ... 'l'lle Doud Hieb cbalr turns lnto play table. within Instrument, and aclcnowl-Metal, Wood and In many colon. aloo Bo,len'• Bolh for $12. 218 Grand Canal, edged to me that they executed PluUc Letters. 100,._ ~ Paints at pre-WV Balbooi Wand. 37·ltp the same. prices. Copeland Lbr. YllJ'da, 5th In Wltnea Whereof, · I have , LACHMEYER A Artesia Sts .. Santa Ana. C&l. FOR SALE-Seven cir&....,. Sing<r benunto .. t my hand and affixed M-Uc Sewlnc Machine, treedle style; Mr. Tipton is a home owner, re- siding with his w1fe and two daughters at 702 East 17th street in Santa Ana. He is actively engaged in many youth and adult movements in Orange county and $out.Mm C&.lifomla, Among these qrganiza lions are th e Boy Scout.s C l I I I llW POJ.T " o o m ~ U I l D I n Ci my otrlclal -1 lhe day and """' 17 6 west ~entral ------=-------· aloo .clrculatln& cu heater, like ln this oertlflcate !int obove r arbor 1243-M PAINTDIO OO~C'l'Oll .-. Coll at 122 27th St., New- Un I 0 R MIG M St~ OOL -tten. -36-2tc PAnlTnfO -PAPlllR HANOINO -' Beech. 36-:ltp of America, t he Parent-Teachers CLASS aooll BUILDING-Above la a ~·· ootlbM of llow tbe pnpoeed. aew 1%-dw room a.aodatlon, t~ Association for bulJd••s la ae; Newport Barbor U.SC. mp, ecltool .. d elemeet&r7 ICllool eqwuioa. propam wW. the Prevention of .Juvenile Delin-look. lf tile ...,._. ~ dlet:ricl •o\en cwry a majortty la favor of Ute ........_ propam aerl quency and otheT church and dvlc f'rkla7, -. 1,. NORA S. MARGWARTH, ----!---------Notary Public ln and for Aid and DIDOORA.n:NO Machine Shop Equipment County and State. My com-Fl A I N T I N G · H. I:. lf~WI One small lathe mlalon expittl Jan. 28, ·12n;--Servlce.~New-1 ~4.._~ldBeConty ~1• ~ )(~c One lArae lathe 1946. ~ ~ l r-~•Xlli ~ -o.ru' VIies. 4rtD. Jl'!ll!I, etc. !Notarial Seal.I =Hall f'DllOl!f:AL' 1' can Newpt. llffcb Bel""' 5ll51.. organiutlona. Mr . Tipton wu the ---------------------------------------- founder of Hobby HOUM". a home A table follows showing the comparison of tax rates for all secondary achool purpoees, including the for bovs, u well u the Counsel-junior collepm. and the method by which the savings have been 8timated.. A111•1ed on club. At the present Ume Total Total DUf..,... v-- he 11 actively engafged hln the School 8. A. N . a la N. R. preparation of plaid or t e open+ Year Tu Rate Tu: Rate Tu &at. Dlabict lng of a home for underprlv!legod 193(}.31 1.39 1.53 .14 9,015,000 children ln Garden Groft. 1931-32 1.39 1.32 .rrr 8,387,815 In his candidacy for the offtce 1932-33 1.19 1.35 .16 8,657,705 of shttiff. Mr. Tipton offers t~ .1933-34 1.22 1.51 .29 7,648,465 clefinll• polld.. for the ,_. 1934-35 1.45 1.18 :n 6,984,455 ganlzaUon n•nd -ration••~-t~e ~~~ ~:~ ~ :!l ~g~:f: 1hertfr1 of ce. Among u~ o~ l937·38 L30 .B8 .42 11,2114,l:!O jectlves are: 1938-39 1.18 .Tl .31 11,946,995 1. To pro"1de 11.de<'luAte protec-. 1939-40 L13 .84 .29 12.514p.35 tion for the r apidly expanding l~l 1.30 1rl .43 13,069,985 rural attH of Orange county 1941-42 1.33 .73 .60 14,040.390 where criTnP Is known to have tn-1942-43 1.18 .69 .d 15,358,530 creued and rPmalned unchecked 1943-44 1.08 .60 .48 15,146,175 1944-45 1.39 .76 .53 15,124,265 ln lhe -·· 1945-46 1.31 .73 .58 17,946,535 Pub. May 9, 16, 23, 30, 19t6. p J!hone Beac!~R WlLL NOT be •--hie for any M-ttc 274 19tb atreet :M-tfe bllla but txll' own on ruo Ocean Le Valley's Food Mart SavlllC N.B. No.43580 ALlA8 811MllONll (Action brought ln the Superior Court ot the County ot Oranae. Blvd, tot ~ Block F; Tract 518. N ,.....t -l"OR RQ,I.tJILE Paint Job cm ~ S. LAMPERT, • ,~ - ,_ bome. -NewjlO<t 1on Sll-.do. ar..,.. Co. Clothes Pins aftao &:JO p.m. ~tfe -•tc ••-5,871.00 and Complaint ftlod ln the of-~ Sprtnc type and lots ot u~ 11 36-2tc nco of lhe Clerk of the Superior lB.858.00 Court ot said County.I TIDE TABLES BiCYCIJ!l8 19,245.00 la IM llaperlGr o-1 of tile Stale II.Ar, lNI llold, -• R119-. ~·~:l:l of Callfonla la -Far tile Hieb 1-Hieb 1-, . . ..· ~B ' · ~ty of Oruce F 10 5::15' 11:57 l:n .... :.... 100 Mala BL. ....._ ~~:l:l 4.2 0.0 4B -..._ -._ ~ ,,,.,,·oo s u &:21 12:39 l:M u:n , N-U. ~~·00 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, ......... 4.2 u 5.0 0.3 75,256:00 • Municipal COrporatlon ol the Su 12 7:rrr 1:19 1:M t:et HAUT!' AID8 72,702.00 lixth clau, Plalntlff, vs. RICH· 4.1 0.6 5.2 0.6 OOLD and MACHINLESS 80,158.00 ARD R TATNALL. et al, Defend-M 13 7:49 1:55 1:44 t:H WA YES 94,089.00 anti. • 4.I 0.2 ~.4 0.9 nnUnc and Manlcurtnc 11 Electrical' Repair-Service Appllo,,._ H-. llotmtl A Marine SerYlee. t"""""-te AttmtloL S. L 111.1.NKLlN Ph. Harber 119l·W 2818 Olllltral 32-tfc 2. To Immediately create a J uvenile Dtvtsion adequately stat-Total Savings 48,383 671,538.00 fed and charged with the responst- 1 ________________________ Dll __ fer_e_nce ___________ 623_._1_ss_._oo The People of lhe State of Coll· Tu 14 · 8:28 2:27 8:91 1:51 Evenliig Appt. Ph. Harber 179-W fomla Send Grtttinp to: RICH· 3.9 --0.1 5.5 1.2 Vi' Bea~Sho RUG • tJPllCRJl'n!llT a.inms 1tup si-4, +eo•«Jd. :I I. Owntutfed -twm.bare dis s ' s day pick.up and dell..,..,.. billty of delinquency prevention. 3. To actively cooperate wjth public school officials and other rommunity leaden to curtail de- linquency and crime and to pro- mote general security and justice. Nelson's Bldg. Report Encourages Council Reports madC' by 0..ief Building Inspector A . M . Nelson to the of- fice or Oty T'rca1>urer J . A. Gant at the April month's end showed that the buildin~ department in· come was $19,174.00. This figure mcluded fee receipts !or building, plumbing. electrical. plastering. tile. chimney, plumbing and electricaJ exam permits and sales of copies of the city zoning ordinances. Watch the ~I.fled COIWTUUI. Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 Coul mrtiway • Old fashioned malts \Ve "'ean just this. So He Rubbed His Eyes and Looked Air.ain, But There Was No Mistake; It Was the Same Man on the Bench It's a tough enough problem I passed sentence and is still prob- staying ahead of the law when abl~ wond!rin~ what it is all a~ut you're on the bum and just have "'·h1le resting 1n the county ja1l- to confront one judge in each his home for the next few days. community when picked up for vagrancy, but when the court starts splitting up and you find yourself appearing before the same Judge in the afternoon that sen- tenced you in the morning-only in a different town-then the sit- uation really gets confusing. That was the oredicament of Hobo Anonymous ls>st week when picked up by the shr riff's officers in Costa Mesa for dr·1nkeness and brought in for appea .. ance at jus- tice court in that cor ~munit y. Sitting · in the cha:r of justice and taking the pln,.e of ailing 1 Justice D . J . Dodp.e, was Bob Gardner , judge of the city court of Newport, who has bttn hand- ling Judge Dodge'l't cases while the latter has been in the hospital for a minor operation. So far. 1 everything is pretty understand- Mesan Graduated From Navy School JACKSONVILLE, Fla.-Marion B. Melton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Melton, 527 Balboa ave- nue. Costa Mesa. was a member of the sixth graduating class of the Aviation Fundamental School at the Naval Air Technical Training Center, J acksonville. Florida. This i.s the newest schOol In the aviation branch of the Navy and provides a 12-week course of in- doctrination in each aviation rate. Upon completion of this course it is decided in which aviation rate each of the 200 students. graduat- ing weekly. will have further training for specialization. -----------1 able but not to the confused pris- onl'r who saw In the presence of Melton entered the service in November of 194.5 and received his recruit training at Memphis, Tenn. White House Cafe I Judge Gardner. the unrelentless ; machinations of a very far-reach- Phoole 1111! lA«um Beadl, <J&llf. 1=19 llEFRl6ER11111 ° "5:::::!RYl:E a-•Nf 9Uell -.......-.... -.. .... -Ooul -. Oo.-a ... ... Temporary Phone, Doy 854 La- cuna Beech; Phone Nl&ht. 111!62 Locw>a Beech ing F ate. Re rt B • F It seems thal the prisoner had po usmess ees t-arUer appeared before Gardner April business licenses brought iQ Newport'• city court and had the city of Newport Beach the been handed a suspended sentence sum ot $586.50 in fees, according for vagrancy and told to get out of to a report filed by Police Olief to,vn. Well, the "floater" had left R. R. Hodgkinson with Ot,Y tO'-\'Tl but had only reached Costa Treasurer J . A. Gant at mon~ s ~1esa before succumbing to the end, 1!1e latter reported to the oty lure of drink wi th his consequent I council Monday. · arrest-and now he was seeing 1 double. Po~yed and still uncompre- hending of the fast turn of events, Mr. Wanderlust stood by speech- less while Judge Gardner wearily Tax Fees Told GEORGE D. BASSETr Income on unattached penonal proptrty taxes for April totalled $237.69, a report filed by A..sessor Frank L. Rinehart to Cty Treas· urer J. A. Gant said. 11te report was presented to the city council Monday. GeDenl A-tmc • J.IWlenDen's Bookkeeplq IDeome Tu Servlee !II! W. Cilflllt.n.I A.Ye., Pt.one Ba~.r 1803-l .. Newport ae.cll CHRISTIAN'S HUT Parking Fees The N<Wport Beach police de- partm""t collected $598.25 ln ,..,. ceipts for parking lot privileees In the harbor area during April. Cllef of Police R R Hodaklnson reported to Treasurer J . A. Gant, acocrdi.ng to information filed with the cit..v council Monday. For otnce suppli8, lff the N~nme.. PBO:N'I: llAIUIOa 11'1 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT ._ .... Kan e JIOAT Ll!:Tn:IUNG A llWCIA!.'l"I' • . • Blue Moon Coming Home ARD,'R TATNALL and ELIZA-Tl"-~_,,,_.,_ S . p BE"nl B. TATNALL. Husband Wcbt L -.; c1artl n...,. p. ~ 1103 Cout Hlway, na del Mar · 35-tfc and Wife, E . D. MORRELL and --+--------- SUSAN E . MORRELL, Husband Pua'Lic NOTICES LOST AND FOUND n 35 i-n ot satlolled ~ ORANGE OOUNI"!' TENT A AWN?NG 00. 614 W. 41h St., Santa AD&., Phone Mr. Benedict. 1!169 Santa AnL 22.!Uc and Wife, R A. CARRIER, ELLA CARSON, J . R. JONES, HAR· -1-+..-------'--LOST-Earring, green" stone, val- RIET TAYLOR, a single woman, JOSEPHINE M. GRIFFITH, AUDREY ISABELL, a single woman, LESTER PAUL SIMS, WALTER MORRIS GUEDEL, The famous express cruiser l.JENRY EDWARD COFFMAN "Blue Moon·· will enter Newport and GERTRUDE K . COFFMAN, Harbor Saturday to make this Husband and \Vife, SANTA ANA port its permanent home. Pur-MORTGAGE and I NVESTMENT chased from the U.S . Government COMPANY, FANNIE PEASE more than a year ago by Gordon OWENS, SIDNEY F . PATnSON, W. Shultz of Los ~ngeles, t~e ship J OSIE THOMASON, FLORENCE has been undergomg extensive re-E . McDERMOTI', KENNETH D. pairs and Improvements for the CAMPBELL, EDWARD D. MOR- past six months at F ellows & RIS and MINNIE MORRIS Hua- Stewarts Yard on T erminal Island. band and Wlfe LOS ANGELES To this all mahogany double-ltfORTGAGE tJNnERWRITERS, planked vessel. has been added A Inc., a corporation, THE ELLIOT n_ytng bridge ~th all cont~ols top-HORNE co Mp ANY, E . J . side. Hydraulic gear sh1Jt and w At.SH FIRST OOE SECOND throttle con ~ols facilitate ban~-DOE, TinRo DOE 'CORPOR- ling. The crwser, 57 feet long, is ATION, a Corporation, Defend- powered with two 300 horsepower ants. Ste rling engines giving it a speed of better than 30 knots. You . are directed to appear in In command of the vessel is an action brought agalnat you by Capt. John Callahan of 410 Club-the above named plaintiff in the house avenue. Newport Beach, for-Superior Court or the State of mer master of the 55-foot twin-California, In and for the County screw "Sea Dog" and the 47~foot of Orange, and to ans.wer the com- twin-screw "Dorabee" and for 3"' plaint therein within t en days years on Capt. F . E . Lewis' 173-after the service on you of this foot steam yacht .. Stranger." summons, l! served wit~n the The ship will be moored at Rich-Count_y of Orange, or within thirty ardson's Yacht AnchOTage. days if . served elsewhere, and yau are notified that unless you ~ air City Water Costs Told Disbursements for the mainten- ance of the city water system for the month of April totalled $7978.- 40, according to a report filed by Treasurer J . A. Gant with the Newport Beach city council Mon- day. Report Book Rentals · Llbrary rentals and fines for April in the Newport area totalled $170.54, according to information filed by Ubrartan Dorothea Wil- aon wllll -rr..uurer J . A. Gont and reported to the city council Monday. Camp Income Shown E. Sickler, custodian, reported to City Tree.surer J . A. Gant. that Jncome from · city-owned camps during April amounted to $1815. pear and answer as above re- quired., the plaintiff will take judgment for any money or danl- ages demanded ln the Complaint, u llrising UJ>C'U contract, OT will apply to the Court for any other relief demanded in the complaint. Gi ven under my hand and seaJ of lhe Superior Court of the 0-ty ot Orance. StatA! of Call· fomla, thUI 17th day of April, 1946. B. J . SMITH,' County Clerk and Clerk of 'the Superior COUrt of, the State of CallfornJa. in and for the Coun- ty of Orange. By WAYNE "A.. DRAGER. Deputy. (Seal Superior Court Oranse County> Pub.-Apr. 25; May 2, 9, l~ 23, 30; June 6. 13. 20, 27, 1946. PUBLIC NOTICES / NOTICE INVJTJNO BIDS ued as keepsake. Please leave at --------___ .-..,_ News-Times office. 37-ltp Fire Place uld KtncJl- WST -Man's dark brown hat W 0 0 D with Pheasant Lea. Leave at Delivered Keene's Cohler or News-Times H . W. WRIGHT office. RA!ward. 34-4tc Ph. Beacon 5665 Beach, California, on or before May , 1946 at 4:00 o'clock P. M. and 111 be opened and publicly read aloud a t or about 4 :00 o'clock P. ·M. Pn tha t day in the Council Chamtiers in the City H all, New- port ~ach, California. The !above mentioned check or EMPLOYMENT WANTED bond 1hall be given as a guar- antee 'that the bidder "''ill enter into tbe contract if awarded to him arid will be declared forfeited if the f ucccssful bidder refuses to enter f1to said contract after be- ing r e:quested so to do by the City q<>uncil of Newport Beach. 1784 Newport Blvd. !8 .....:....::.:...:,c:..,.::.,..=-'..,..,,.,..,,.==:----0 RANGE COUNTY Bid<trs are hereby notified that pursuapt to provisions of Section EMPWYMENT WANTED as chef, or cook, wife as helper. Phone Beacon 5240. 37-2tp WANTED-Employment for man and wife, ranch, restaurant, or house and yard work. Live ln or out. Phone Harbor 1643-J or call at 309 Undo Ave., Balboa. · 35-4tc UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturen Of Uphollt..-..1 Fumiru... 413 W . 41h St., Santa Ana Factory and Showrocm 504 West Cenb!r St., Anahe!M Phone Anaheim 4714 col1ect U.tfc 1770 of the Labor Code, Statutes EMPLoYMENT OFFDED of 193j, of the State of California. n Ju.'<t Arrived 1'-r.bH~Ald BATTERIES the ~ty Council of the City of WAITRESS WANTED -Cheryl's Newport Beach has ascertained Cafe, 322 Marine Ave., Balboa Oundeman Drug Co. the gelieral prevailing rate of per Island. 37-tfc diem Wages and rates for legal 117 Main St. Ph. Har-515 IO-lfe holidaf" and overtime work ln the W ~Ho~keeper in lovely locality in which this work is to "1lome, 2 in f~y. Private room. be 'formed, for each craft or good wages. Ph .1075-J. 24-ttc ~~f workman or mechanic W~Rellable general m~ ;i'e:l~ to execute the contract tenance man. Lido Theatre. Auto Batteries lS.monlh -$6.45 Ex. Compounded Motor c.llon, 70c Oil which will be awarded the sue-26-tfc cessful bidder. The prevailing rates so deter - mined are as follows: ... Hoarly Wac• Clualflcatlon Ratf'.ti ~=:t~·.···tr·~·~·~······s1:so Per Diem Wage $12.00 rnaj:hine .................. 1.625 13.00 Operator. shovel or draglihe .................. 1.75 OperatcS-, air com~r ·········-·· 1.25 Operatof, concrete mixer ...................... 1.25 Oper ator, pump ........ 1.25 Operator, tractor ...... 1.50 c.ement1finlsher ····-l.M Truck driver ······-····· 1.00 Carpen1r ................. : 1.35 Pipe la) r .................. 1.25 Oiler . . .. . . ... . . ...... .. ... . . . . 1.125 Commo~ laborer ...... .875 Watchm8.n and 14.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 10.80 8.00 10.80 10.00 9.00 . 7.00 WAITRESSES WANTED -!lay Shore Cafe, l 71h 8t Coast High· way. Ph: Neivport 2344. 14-tfc HELP WANTED-Gardener, tun W estern Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mae 23-tfc n or part time. Also Woman for WANTED TO BUY part time house work and per- sonal laundry. Apply 611 Cliff WANT-2 end tables & matching Dr., Newport Beach. Ph: Beacon coffee table. Will trade or sell 5958. 35-4tc all-metal steamer trunk & two linen table cloths. 8 napkins, 3 EMPLOYMENT OFFEBJ!:D !9 odd pain drapes. 2007 W. Cen· WANTED TO HIRE-Two girls tral, Newport. 37-2tp for waitresses. Experience not WILL PA y C1J!1B fm' )"OU!' tur- neceS88r)"to Full or part time. ntture OT W'bat ban vou. PboDe Good hours. Apply Island S nack Beacon 5656. O. R. Crawley, Bar, 307 Marine Ave .. Balboa 1812 Newport Blv., Costa Mesa. Island. 36-3tc 30--tfc HELP WANTED-General house· WANT TO BUY-Balboa Dinghy, work. No cooking. Two days off with or without salt.. Must be a week. Uve in or out. Good Sal-tn good condition. Phone Garden ary. Two adulta in family. Call Grove 6256 or write P . O. Box Harbor 704. 34-4tc 64, Garden Grove.' 354tc ~Ya~ ~i~ifi~~tio:15 7.00 CHAUFFEUR WANTED -Forty FUaNITUBE FOB SALII: D omitt4*f herein, n ... ot ~vit ·th~t··~·~~ ~8;( one-~;: dollan per wttk and room. No night work. Six days a week. Garden. Own car necessary. CASH F OR USED FURNITURE. PHONE BEACON 5538-J. · 23-tfe Write Box J , c/o News-Times. _FO_R_S_ALE-_~_Dine,,,,-tt-e-,.-t.-na"""tur-al"" 34-tfc finish, 4 ch.alr9, leather seats. Water Revenues John D. McMillan, superin tend- ent ot the city water department. reported to the dty council on Monday that revenues for the month of April amounted to $8025.46. . ( l 1Ai: ) times the said prevailing rate of 'fage shall be paid. except NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN watch~, flagman and any other that the Oty Council of the Oty non-m.arrual workers, for any of Newport Beach, Calltornia, will workingltime more than eight (8 ) receive sealed bids for fumiahing hours d~g any one Cl) calen- all labor, material, tiansportation dar day'! where such work is re- and services to construct a vttri-quired bl cases of extraordinary fied clay sanitary sewer and ap-emergetfies caused by fite, flood, purtenant work, in and along New-or dang~ to life or property, and Who l>8¥S for &dftr1kb:ac f No-port Beach Boulevard in the Coun-for ti.mt on SWtdays and legal W~HOTB!L lfAlD. Bal- Irm. ~ IMIG. • I-If< LOCAL or traveling in business for yourself. No money required. Good income. You are your own boa. Apply 5081> No. Main St., Santa Ana. 36-7tc 430 Aliso St., Newport Hetchts. 37-ltp F OR SALE-15 complete double bunka, 1 will -.ell at S15 each ii take all. 418 E. Surf St., BalbOa. M-ttc ONE Kroehler Lv. Rm. Suite, one Occ. chalr, me Duncan Phyfe coffee table, one dinette suite, lawn equip. Ph: Beacon 5658-W. lm Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa. body. It paya for ._, ty of Orange. from State IDghway holidayB1 HELP WANTED-Elderly colored to Old County Road. ln accord-It shall be mandatory upon the man er woman wbO appredatet PUBLIC NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BU8IJ0:88 Fictitious Ftrm Name anee with plans and apedfi.cationa Contra+ to whom the contract a nice permanent home at beech on file in the office of the Oty ia awarded, and upon any aub-con-__ ... with •'-•t k, to act. ~~-.-ot N<WD"rt Beach, Call· tractor~' him, to ~· not lea ~ ...,. wor u ~....... ~ ~ houleltftper to mlddleagm cm· fornla. lhan Aid spedllod rat<1 to tleman -Uvin& in Balboa. Must 80 --Aft,--ll-UPPl.mB--------.- Each bi~ shall be made out oa all labofers, workmen and .,,.,. have unquestionable rer .......... 36-tfc a form to be obtained at lhe offkle chanla pnployed by them ln Ille 1706 E. Central Ave., Balboa. FOR SALE-Snipe. Hull ,_,.,. The undenigned does hereby of the Qty Enclneer and lhall be execu~ '!' the contract. 364tc di-SalJa fair, $325. 2 BQ' ~rtify that they are oonductlng a accompanied l?Y a certified or ~tY Council of the Cty of ------------Illand. Ph: Hari>or ~W. subdlvldlnc. doveloi>ing land and cubler'1 check or bid bond for N Beach ...,....... lhe rlcht 35-4tp ·- the sale lhettol buslnea at 12702 ten ~t (10%1 of the .,_..,t to,.. OIQ' or all.bids or walve BOAT BUILDERS . Newport Boolevard, Rou't• l , Box of the bid. made Pl<Yable to the &Ill' inf ty In 1 bid. FOR SALE-J'-9-h.p. Out.• . 337 Santa Ana. CaUf Cty ot order of lhe Cty of Newport FRANK L. RINEHART, WANTED board Motor. 3806 Rlvtt Aft., For 12-FOOT Sale: SHOW -- Newport · Electric • e..,. .. , -c-.-..----- ~tin County of ~ Slate Beoch, Callfornja. Bid lhall be ty Clerk of the Qty of Newport. , 37-ltp ot callrornla, under the fictitious sealed and filed with the Oty ewport Be.ch. California. on, M-Ft. r 1iiHiJii6 , BOAT, 6\!t-lm firm name ot Oak at the Qty Hall. Newport Pub.-9, 14, 16, 19'6. Plywood Skiffs bold. Twin ..,_ Ciryolor - Meu Development Company and ton.. Mrlwn) ana; alt+ E :,!":~.=inc~ia..=.·~ WING SANG BOAT &t:AIR YARD ~ing Dinghies =:·i:.,.w. 20th. TE= names and adda ew::a are as fol· ~to~H.Cllbbon,ll02W. 811 Cout HIP ~y 101 TOP PAY F~~'!~~ Fourth S San •--~... "'-e l!l•e• f TIME radio ~ a:mplete with t., ta ~. ~. OVER . tic -~-~ ..._ F n-~·--· J 1102 w automa ~~ ·~. --. · ~, ~. r ., · £££ ontenna. See Ed Ralno"l'. 210 Fourth SL, Santa Ana. Calif. BONUS . •-te. Balboe .lllond. 37 ...... John A. Slepl. 'Rt. I. Box 337, . .... • ... Santa Ana. caJlf. • :::--..: ::: ....... FOR SALE-Two l!G-ft bJ 12\!t ft. WI-our bands lhll 7111 ~ WA'i'SON BOATS ,_ bOt-~ Watw ot )fay, 1946. • .. •• • • .. , .. -TUm. BuDt In 1N2 ..,. SbelD LILLIAN H. CUBBON, ,_ a,e ""'* • 1111 Cout Blcbwq Boat Works ot Seattle, SJ0.000 ROT GREENLEAF, J1L, sz Hari>or 5277 -. Phone Lm& ~ 47llln . . JOlfN A. Sl1XlEL 15-Ue ..... .:. '• ' • • • IL --,_' ' -·-1 ' • • MWWIWI •••:Na -·--~ llUl'l'Llll8 a roa SENT u ~-~·~·-~a~T~.&~n::!_ ____ ~t!_1~V~&L~l8~n~~&~..,.:!_----_..!:•11•ilwu•1L·li18BIAAii..,.s _____ t&i1Jliu_L'i~i.U9~.:---'-'-.-.,., ••1 . ...wJ. ft"''-~ • FOR SALE-Boat. "S..-Seu.• ROOK FOR RENT-Twin bods, N.,. Chrysler motor 41>-ft. """' 15 -ponco or $10 llnsJe, per all. clean !or Mex. 3° tons. Holda night. f 7 Via Dijon. Lido Isk. 5% tom cruahrd k:e. l\iocftd · 29-tfc Kl<Jg'a Landing. See V. L. John-W&.Nl'.CD TO llSlft a oon. 1650 N.._t Blvd., Mon.. WANT TO RENT~ or 3-..,_ Thv.n.. Fri. after 5:30 p.m. untumiahed houoe. wm leue. . 37-41< can Sam Porter at Harbor 701 FO __ R_S_A_I._1". __ _,Flshln&,--.,---ro--:da-a-nd-:: or 13. 35-tfc reela (!or tuna and Hfrht tackle) w ANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bed- Aloo , wood !or klndllng. can room -tumlah<d. for 2 3 Harbc'>r 1479-R bet= 9:30 un. or 4 .,....,;, llland pttf~ ______ _. __ ll>-_2tp-'-I Mn. Smith. 1018' S. Osden Dr., Marine RadiQll L. A. 35. Phone collect WHltney AnDable lmmedlata doll'Vft7, oam-8469. ~ plete ranee al -. Your ID-WANTED TO RENT-By taacber, - COSTA MESA 2 Bedrooms, frame house, hardwood floors, stuooo Interior. Available now. Located oo Short Street, dose to Arches I $9000. Terms t --11--, H U B P 0 WE RS, AGE :NT Phone Harbor 62-W . j. A. B e e k 0 f f i c e- Fe-ry I .anding Balboa Island 37-1tc opectlon _....-, HIGGINS ·small turn. ....,._ or apt. by ---------------------- PIZASURE CitiiT. me Clout June 1 for 3 a~ts, mntwhere F. JACK S'" • nr AN Coast Proftertie!j Co Hi&hway. Ph: Beacon 5635 In Harbor attL -t. can U UU> ¥ • • 9-tfc Corona clel --2110. REAL ESTATE BROKER Rea tors -tf . IN OORONA DEL MAR Fire Eauipment Tests -c • - C-0-Two, l>yrfteolFomn relllla. WANTED TO RENT--oom 'New 2-Bedroom Stucco Balboa Ocean Front CO tlud -and l'llrtabJeo beach booae for auamer mdlltbl Flttpl&ce larp dinette hardwood 3 bedroom home. Newly redec<rat- now available. only. Mr. A. M. Y-P--.0-fJocrs it.roup.ut, pg;.""'°" at ed. Lovely tars• patio. Roor!IY ETS HOKIN ol GALVAN Box. 704, Calexico, Ca!U .. J&-4tp clooe of eoaow. ~t cottqe. No rent celllnp 1000 Co.at Hlsl>WaY WANTED TO RENT-Houle or -on elthET ....,._, Nk:e lumJoh. Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc tazile apt. Phone Harbor ~. Nice Lots lnp. 1111Uolz. .a iliino N u1c for Earl DoucJAL Penna!>-aooe to 0ceu on Goldenrod. $16,800 enL 3&-2tp _ RADIO HOUSE CALIS-$4250 N-that additional competent w ANT TO RENT-One or two , . • _ .. Costa Mesa ·~-'d --·-~·-bedroom -ar: apt. ~--v· Lot Five year old 2 bedroom •"•cco. ~uu .,. an a·~~ • ...., are ent. "·'boa. Vetar'U· ind wife. 1ew . .., able to. make aervtce can. on ll<!:'nas. can H..-bor 53'7-R. Cole to Ocean on Polnaettla. Comer half acre. Gueot ....,._ larp conooles. All WOTk cuar· · 31>-4tp ~ by 118. ~u1'!....~. '!:~;.orn1. Ex'. an teed. HAROLD L HAMM, r • ~ A850 _, .---~· •---S.0.S. Radio, 300 Marine Aw. W ANTED-6 or 7 room ....,._ or ..-. ceHent terma can be aTTansed. Ph. Harbor 'lllO. , 34-tfc cottage, furnlahed; for the aea--• $12,500 aon, up to $200 P"' month. m-90 Fl on Poinsettia 1 - tereated In buying If reuonable. WW aeH all or half. Make otter. Balboa · • .._ """0r ~ iraetlce-~ Phone Santa AnA 4286. 36,41< T!ll.. lo choice pro-'Y. 180 feet Ololce bualnea lot acrma from Wm&. ~ f'ft'lt. ~ from OCl!an S@lwi.,it Plano Co. ~No. Main WANT TO RENT-Prof-. Doll Houae. Good tenna. SUlta Ana. • • 8-tfe man, vetETan, dealretl to rent I h b -"'·tin W •·• $6 500 furniabed or unfurn. houae or ave uyers ~ P &n\.e\L ...:_ OOOD_,.a_ Samou1- BROSE REA'-'TY Corona del Mar , 'LOTS 3 Very desirable building k ~ on ~ avenue, north of Highway. \ill price for all three lots, $4725 I 2.Lotll on Poinsettia avenue, 1 rtb ol High-way. An excellent value at, $3000 FOR BOTH LOTS 39--P'oot frontage on MaJ~rlte avenue, south ol. highway. Can bull• three units. Very choice piece of for lncmle. $3oo0. HOMES I NEW 1WO-BEDROOM HOME JUST BEING COMPLETED -possesilion close ol 1!9Cl'OW. Lovely large , hard- wood ft~ real fireplace, r location. A REAL BUY AT, $12,500 • ONE-BEDROOM HI ME FURNISHED, a good small h ~ with lots ol poalbllltles. House In ver · good cmdl-tlon, oouth ot highway. FULL PRICE $6250. TERMS SUMMER REN r AL CORONA DEL~ D SIDall house on ocean front; I ~utlful view, available for June, .July, A and Sep- tember. Couple only. Must u' l<e for entire four months. apt. WW pay maximum rent. - Ph' Oran§e 1688. 36-2tc F. JACK SUILIV AN Radle Repairs All makes; tubes, etc. El Bayo Bay Front B R 0 S E R E A '-' T Y Modem 5 bedroom stucco. The 2 1307 Coast High rlk--Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 91!5 Coast mfrhway, N""POrt 23-tfc •AUTJFUL Spk>et type mirror piano. a bar&&ln. Tt!Tml. Danz.. Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 8-tfc Arvin & Emerson RADIOS AP!' SMALL H OUS£ wanted 1213 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar or Phone Beacon 5876-J by man and wife. We do not 37-ltc maater bedrooms each have pri-way -':1"."""' del Mar vate lull bath._ Spacious knotty ________ Ph_one __ H_arbo __ r_-+-______ 3_7_-1_tc drink or smOke, no children or pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W or write Box "X" Newport Bal- boa News-Time9. 37-tfc BEAL ESTATE EVA F. RHODEN Costa Mesa H. M. Lane Real Estate 2006 Court Ave., Opp. City Hali Phone 343 pine living room opens onto large brick patio. Excellent beach. 3-car garage. $47,500 Lots! Lots! Lots! Peninsula Ocean Front Two story furnished home. 3 large Newport Beach bedrooms. 11> baths. Corner 10- 10 Ocean Front Tax Lots. Let us cation affords nice bay view. Very clean 2·bedrm. house on ~ take your bids. $24,500 acre. Has nice yard and garden. Close-in Lake Tr ..................... $1100 _ J. M. MILLER Real Estate Brol ier 15th and Centn Balboa Home Lido Isle 24-Hour Radio Service Short Circuit Radio 305 Palm, Balboa Phone 16J8.. W Good locati$on75o0n0Elden St. 28th Street betw. P.e ninsula Ocean Front 13-tfc Coast Blvd. &: Ocean. ...... -. 1500 45-foot lot. A·l location. ------------Central Ave. lot zoned for Very clean; 2 bedrooms; large lot. Near South bay front. Immediate possession . Full Price, $15,500 Terms One o the most attractive. Comph ' ely furnished homes in the Harbor area. Beauti- fully I andscaped. Ready to move i . STEINWAY Grand, like new, one of the world"s greatest pl.a.nos Gorgeow1 tone. Beautiful case. ThJs ls an ln!trument for thf' dbcr1mlnatlng b\lye?'. Den-z:~ Schl"'itdt P,ano Co .. 520 No. Main S ant11 Ana. 8--tfc DOGS, CATS .II PETll 16 Lido Isle multiple laJnlly ................ 3000 $5,000 A really beautiful 3-bedrm. home 3 lots in Seashore - fenced with lovely yard. Com-Colony · ........... $900. $1000, $1100 Peninsula pletely furnished thru·out. Now 50 ft. on Central with Distinctive 2-story. 4 bedroom vacant Can give quick poss. double garage ................. 6500 home. Spacious upstairs living A b t $18 500 2 cor. lots in River Sec. for .... 2750 room and balcony. Walled in uy a ' Ocean Front 30x75 to patio. Few furnishings. -15-loot alley ..................... _ ... 1700 $30,000 Ft I Price $35,000 Terms Lido Isle B: y Front Home . 4 Bed ~ms. Fw-nished. Pier Costa Mesa Ocean Front. Seaahore FOR SALE-Pointer pups, regis· 2 bedrm. house with garage on 1" Colony .................................... 1500 Corona-d-el Mar tered gun dop. Dr.'s Blue Will· acre. Loe. Just few blocks from Ocean Front, 3200 Blk ........... 3000 Balboa Island Home Income property; choice loca- tion . Modem. and in first class condition throughout. and _fl< ~l 'ate Possession • ing and Manitoba Rap blood shopping center on east side. 30 ft. on Ocean Front, west Superb Bay and Ocean vtew lot ' lines. Grant. Irvine Home Ranch, $6800 of Newport pier .................... 3750 and a half. 3 ml. east of Tustin. No phone. _ Six 30-ft. lots on 44th St, all 6850 $8,500 -------..,---3_7_-2-:tp EVA F . RHODEN Lido cor. near Clubhouse ........ 7500 Balboa Peninsula I pt $3000 FOR SALE-Irish Se tter pups. 2 Realtor Peninsula El Bayo mos. old. Reg. A.K.C. Champion 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Lot with Bay view on Ocean Modern duplex. Permanent bay . . Phone Your Lis,tlngs In -· stock. 344 E. 20th St .. Costa ELTON D. BARNET!', Broker i 3500 view. 3 .bedrooms upstairs; 1 Mesa. Ph: Beacon 514g....M. Ph Be con 5713-R Blvd near po nt................... bedroom do\vn. 2 fireplaces. and we will give them ever ' consideration ' 37·1tc · a 36-2tc 52 ih·ft. on Ocean Blvd., Patio and barbecue. _l!IPEOIAL ___ ANN __ o_UN_OEHENTS ____ 18 Balboa Island Home ocean view ..... .. ........... 4751 $20,500 , HOSIERY MENDING -Edith Smith's. 408 No. Sycamott St., Santa Ana. Mall ~ce. 34-8tc MOTHERS DAY -Give her a Canary and Cage. Lo\-e-Birds, Parrokeets, gray and • white Zebru. :sas E.. Central Ave., n.tboa. 32-8tc TRIPLE M CAFE Where Friends and Travelers Meet to Eat. 504 Coat Boulevard Corona del Mar J6...tfc TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD ·WAGES No experience necessary Earn w~ile you learn There are many other adv:antages to being a telephone employee. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave.. Balboa 514% N. Main St., Santa Ana 2 bedro<im. Furnished. Newport Heights - $ll,OOO 50x117 on Santa Ana Ave ....... 1500 Balboa Ocean Front View Comer, 50x143 .......... ·-··· 2000 Seven bed.room mansk>n on 3 lots. Ocean Blvd. Lot $3,000 2 good lots on Riverside, each 1500 Beautifully furnished. · 4Sxl05 on Broad StreeL ........ 1750 $47 500 · 90.5 ft . cor. Cliff Drive .......... 5000 ' Bay Front Lot Good Location. Priced to Sell 63--ft . cor. on Newport Blv ..... 6000 11()..ft. cor. on Newport Blv. 8000 Costa Mesa -45x114 on Wilson near 2 Small Houses Newport Blvd. ...................... 750 On Lot Zoned for Business SOx140.7 on Rochester ....... _ ... 2100 $10,500 8 ac. on Newport Blvd., ripe _ for subdivision or Trailer Park. W. L. JORDAN, 50xl37 ,on 16th Place .............. 1200 100 East central. Balboa Houses Houses Houses Phone Harbor 153 36--tfc 2 bedrm .. dbl. gar., ocean front, FOR SALE Newport. $7500. - Newport Channel Front 50 foot frontage. $9,500 Business Buildings Newport and Balboa Coast Properties Co. Realtors 703 E. Central, Balboa Harbor 683 J. M. MILLER 15th & Central • Newport Beach • Ph. Harbor 1242 "On Your Way to E boa" · 37-1tc INCOME PROPE~TIES FOR SALE ' Motel 7 Kitchen Units --0-- Gas station, groeery -Beer. Hotel , Costa Mesa Excellent 101 Highway spot. Bea fumlsbed. $645 A Real Money Maker 1110• c i>A ~-Large own- --0--er's . 5 garages. Concrete brlck and tile foo-Room to ~­tory. n Home, 1 acre land Priced to sell A T mely Investment $5000 Down -o- A very desirable home, nicely lo--- cated south ol the highway. 2 Ocean Front stucco ~bdroomJ .• 2 HOMES For Sale ' bedrms .• large living room with baths, sun deck Ir: shower. E. of fireplace ol floor furnace ; 2-car Newport pjer. Poueulon June HA YE BUYERS WAITING FOR 9 Months OI~ and Extra Apt_ Hunt:ijlgton Beach; 8 mos, old. garage. Bearing lrult trees, a 15. $21,000. HOMES ON LIDO ISLE. YOUR $32.00 mo. mcome. 1 acre 3 Bedrooms; fumlsbed wealth ol shrubs and flowers. -LISTING WILL BE APPRE-land. Planted garden. •o.tv. • .,.;,,,., Down Price ls low on present market, Stucco rentals, heart of Balboa. CJATED. $6CX>O Down ~ $17.000. 7 rooms. 4 apts. Nets $250 mo. ~ bat you can 1-bedrm. house. House Is small but Price $25.000. -w convenient, attractive & turn. A -" We also have nice building lots --0--it for today. very desirable lot 40x156 on ra-Dandy 2 bedrm. house on Newport as low $750 and. up. 2-Bedroom Home vine side or Poppy Ave. S8500. Blvd .. $12.500. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Corona del Mar --0-- H. CARDOZA SLOAN -F 503 Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar Balboa Island Income. Near ferry -2-Story. Almost new. Partly urnished Home Phone Harbor 47. 31>-2tc landing. 3 apts., s rooms, annual B. A. NERESON furnished. Good view of bay. 2.RPfli-m. and sleeping porch; J .E. Barnes & Son recelpts$4000~lce$2S,OOO. ~an~= $10,750 ~~-garage. lawn. Lot 50 1806 N.._t Blvd. Beautiful 6-unit modem apta. near Bualnea Opportunities --0--, x 110. East side of Costa Coota Mesa Ph: Beacon 5320 Lido 'TheatET and water front. 197'2 N Bl d Coa B h H -b 1n · ewpor1 v .• ta -eac ome Mesa. Aak the operator !or the One Full Acre OUef Operator On Harbor Blvd. Cimo In. Beautiful !Urnished 6-rm. house on ----------- Shown y appo tmenL 37-ltc 100 ft. from ocean; 1 bedrm.; partly furnished_ Lot '25x90. $5000 Cash ,.5500 Cash Lido Isle on 31> l&ndl«ped Iota. F S OWEN Southern California "' _ Shown by appointment. • • _ $6500 --0-- Telephone Compuy 2 Bedroom Home Fine 2-bedrm. home 011 alff Drive. Furnished Duplex and~= ....,._ ~tfc On Broedway, only 5 years old. Unol>otroctad view ol Ocean and on one lot. Income S87 .SO per A. "Sandy" Steiner & Associates -------:----:'.,.---::-:--Double ~. h&1-dwood Doon. Bay. Occupancy end ot dCiOW. month. Santa Ana. Carpenters Available $10,500 $13,000. _ Price _$9_500.00 , REALTORS 634 Coast Highway 101 Phone Beacon 5173 for 1enonl maintenance and repair • 0 . S. 'IO"llKT90N can Harbor 83 34-tfc 2 Large Lots West 19th StreeL Approximately ll acn. $1250 Two 2-atory houses ol 14 Motel We have aeveral Iota In N..,pca-t '-----WAITINI FOR-. unita on N..._. Blvd. Monthly Industrial Zone. Some with HUY~ take. $5&00. rental Income. • · Balboa Island 2-_Bedro+tn Home. -See --·Balboa Island~~ Home. Fred Briggs or Four Acres vacant IAnd In Coata . Lido Isle, Bay Front L or Home. 2 N-Bid Lo Danny Head Meat. west side. Newport ,Helghts View Lot K E Y S ice 2-ts with $2,000 per acre. Terms Inaxne Ji!ropertles_I • lllade -Yoa Watt 16th Place. l50x140. VO<lllL'8 $2500 H. M. Lane Rea.!._~~ Two _._, ;;;;;. ___ .., fllrn. ___ _:WE~_ ~·~·~~~'"~TE~Y~ou~1n~~--~GS~_:37~~l~tc:__ 100 -It.. --:lll06 Court Aw. -~ -tahed In NewPAt. ,....., ' -~-•-Bal--,___.le a-Hall ------------A CORONA DEL KAR ----Ten Acres .,,..._ v $8500 00 · &-L •....I.-"'- ____ N_o __ Dela--,--y----v":"~~ Santa taabel SL. ~ ~.!.-== = :::ck= . ~ !:;; 1 ~eJ.=ts " HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors - NEWPORT HEIGHTS Nice 1·Bedroom home. 100' frontage- $8000 DUPLEX-EL BA YO TRACT . . Permanent unobstructed view of bay. ~ bedroom; flreplace; upper-1-bedrowl "'- flreplace. Lower -barbecue, double garage. • $20,500 Balboa Peninsula Bay Front Beautiful 2-story S.bedroom, 4 bath home DOW under coostructioo. Two fire-. plftlleS; unit beat. BE!n' LOCATION. $50,000 Bay Front L-ot,_J.ido Nord Center of Island -lncliides bulkbead- lng. °"'-.. $14,000 °"'-.. BALBOA ISLAND Lovely home on Topaz, with modem apt. over ~ Partly fum1sbed. $15,850 Small home on rear of lot-newly paint. ed. Large building site in fl'Olll FftlleS Park avenue. $9750 . Income Property Best. modem 8--unit apartment In Bal- ' boa; completely furnished. Excellent lo- cation. Property in best rondition. Shows good return. $75,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES --tr: Completely equipped boat building and repair plant on highway witll 112 ft. ot bay frontage: {j Fully equipped electro-plating plant do- ing large volume of business. {j Restaurant, in Balboa area. Excellent business. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTIJNrllES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 · 1601 37-ltc BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL $9000 Small dwelling on front of lot. In business section, on Agate Ave., near Ferry Land- ing. Available now. --!•-- HUB POWERS , AGENT Pheine Harbor 62-W j. A. Beek Office Ferry Landing -Balboa Island Ocean Front Lot On Peninsula $4750 Attractive -37-ltc Balboa Peninsula Home On 1% Lots BEAL ESTATE llZCBANOI: ti RESPONSIBLE Telepbono am- ploye wanu to achange ~becJ. room houae In Welt Loo Ansels for aame In Santa AnA or vlclD- lty. Call SoUtbern caH!. ,... phone Co., Santa Ana. 5828. 19-tfc $28,000 MOIJUTO-. • Furnlahed. 3 bedrma., 2 batba, WA.NB TO BUlLD, buy, ._...... Uvtncroom. fireplace, kitchen, modemlse or reltnance. larp patio and 11UD deck, 2-car N-port --.-.I 11&""- praae. . -1.ou..-lktn. -3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1!500 JOHN D. BURNHAM :I001 ~ Blvd. Ba- UU Via Lido -uor AUTO•ortYJG a t•*N U Phone Harbor 316 -FOR 8 ""' ~ .-T:OOl<18 ::--u. M-ttc . N"'!"-nme. oftlce. ...-- ne1. m.&ft D.CllA)IGJI M ft.ARD' Cl RENTAL EXCHANGE -1.Dftly LEAVING CITY, m,.t ....-1t1oe North HolJ1Wond bm>e. 3 bed-amal1 houae tralier, good ~ .._.,. and den. ~ for dltlon, aleepo 2, fully equipped. beach haule for A~ can lnclucllnl radio, 3-burner po ·-l.337L a&-2tc atove. table, lamp. etc. $300 cub. l-s;;[ltt;;;:t-;;;;;;;;;t;;!°;;i;;;, Inquire owner. Sect. D, Bob I Soll that UDWallted m llde Mani, Ba)'Whor<! Camp, 17th A t1>nlQlb N--~ ~ ca.st 'Hlfrhway 101. 37-3tp ..,... ...... ' ft NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top P,:ic::ea SEll, 'fOUR CAR NOW Wldll Pltfm In Rib l'llalie tar oar _.._ ·~ wbo wlD call 11114 lllklla • )llllll a I cllic OP A 1'111' h"'n, t'llP>I ............ mil datmlla • -$lo,5oo -Supply Limited ~~~~- -,.._ 111ec-,11a11u--All ktnc11 typewr11ET nbbona 1n F S Ow B k ~ - with -tDt --J . E. Barnes & Son atoclt at the N ..... nm...· - . e1;1, ro er NEWS' •.tn-MES .,~w..--. tbe "-,,,.. 3&-2te -1806 Newpcrl Blvd Lee Matthews, Sal...,,..a.n ll•;;f••;;;--;;;;JN;;; F. P. Waldron C..ta Mesa Ph. Be...., 5320 For omce aupp11eo, w t11o 509 atst St., Newport~ rar qmm • n -"-" '!'de~ 23CW. ....., 37-ltc N.,.._._ Tel. Harbor Z577 37-1tc !..-:....:.::::..;;,,;..;;;...._~..;.;.;p;;;;..;:..-1 1 -' XW ..,_., Q.U,BERTSON CHEVROID ~a • 0 £A I ... 0 2 •• D ' _..._c i.• ;nt• e, •o 11F r al 'LP ' ' --. -. . • • -, :. ' ·- \ . \ . ·-• ···,,,•· .. .. ....... .... -. I .- .. .. • M&WH*I •••,eoa Musse• Impure for Sta•leY Tells speec1en Add f15 Newport Vie··ws Planned Human Consumption, Platf · for To City 'Treasury WU1U1 Beuth Board1Nlll ~rs:~=~ ~tf~=~~~ ... oed g~=L. A. Yacht Harbor From at San ~ Is Issued~ 1;: vi.,,.. on maJor subjects of wide Tue9day, forfeited $25 bell In cicy Own I p • S tate Board ol Puwc HealJ. <f· councy lnternt WU announced to-court for traveling at 60 mlleo mprovement 01nt fectlve May 1 Local health f day by Earl W. Stanley as his per hour In Corona cleJ Mar'• 35-no.n lbs~ ; · goal if elected to the A....,.bly mile speed zone. cardl :e iCUOUI :;.:~_r:: trun the 74th District. E&eanor F. Askey ot Loi An-Cltizenl of Newport Harbor wUl yachts with aae111d val:u.daii. in Inc the == of the quarantine Aggreu1ve help tor war veter· geles was fined $15 for dolnC 45 be interested in the Item fnxn the exoMI ot • $5,000;000 1 would be and are charpd with enforcement ans. especially stressing veterans' mph. in a 25--mile zone.. Loe Angeles nmes ot April 26 by avall.ab1e. at the order. rehabilitation. Is one plank In his Donald R. Wild, Santa Ana. for-Paul Zimmerman, 1ports writer. '"lbll would be a plbllc pi.ce. Only ex<:eptlon to the order platform as he himself, la a vet-felted $20 bell for ipeeding 50 ~ports roachinc this paper ·where anyone cc<ild r...t apoioe, which 11 effective until October 31 eran of World War I and hia 3% mph. in a :ZS..mile zone. state that plans few the big Yacht with the Har~ Commlulon col- 11 the iatherlng of "inussels for years u chairman of Selective Keeney F. Sebrin&:. Lone Beacb. Harbor development for Loe An-lectinc a flat water area rental: fllh bait. Such muaels must be Service Board lTI points this need forfeited $15 for going 50 mph. geles county at Playa de! ~Y are a peroentace of the moorin& ,...'. procesaec:1 with salt to render them Agricul~ ahould have .. ~ in a 35-mile zone. now being studied by district engi-ceiptl, or both. unfit for human food and the con-~ .. voice in its own attain netts office of the U. S. Army. "I t ia uidc:lpa.ted that the Coast tainen ln which they att placed and ,,'be protected from racket-POSTAGE MACHINE CAP•n:n 'Ibe De1 Rey procram calls far Guard will, lD a abort time, return muat be labeled, ''For fi1b bait eers, Stanley declared. advocat-INTO POSTOFFICIC lllUlLDING an exponclituro of many mlmona the old Callfornl.a Yacht club a te only. Unfit for hwnan consump-mg expediting of marketln11 meth-or doll.an and the Loa Angeleo in-to U.. cicy of Loa Anlleleo, and tion." odl. . The metal postage stamp m8-terests are uking: a 60 per cent Horton and Cari.on p:opcme to Reuon for the Board action. . All pcmJble a.id to State plan-chine which was found lyln& on contribution from the federal au-let up on tbil site a public yacht wh1ch ta taken annuall)', ta that rung and perpetuatlnc the beaches the floor of the Newport Beach tborities toward the $12,000,000 teTYioe which will take eatt ot all durin& Ute summer montbl a min-~r public use will be extended. postoffice building last week by a estimated COIL the needl of thole rmtin& moor- ute orsanWn, the gooyaulax, 1s said. policeman was not the property 'Ille importance of yachtin& in lnp. &W"neJtt 1n Calltornia waters. When Organiud labor wu aaured of of the postoffice, Pcatmuter WU-Southern California is ln evidence "Everything from a sandwich to' this orranJsm ts ingested by mus-aald ~ea~ent .from him and he liam H . Adams said today. ln all directions and Newport Har-a weather re~ could be obtain- 8eb., the bivalves become poison-e will give t.he same _faJr The machine apparently was bor must keep its plans for the ed there. ous. treatment to all who work. He ripped from near the tront of the future ln actiw shape to· get the 'The proposed fad.Ii ties call for - ~v~J:lr full employment for I building housing the LeValley gro.-benefits to which it is entitled. moorinp, public clubhouae, restau- F b~ ing .~0 work and suit-cery store at 112 McFadden place, Mr. Zimmerman's ideas are rant, snack bar, roomt and dorml- or otnce 1vi;ptics, see the a e pensions as an earn.ed right Mr. Adams a dded. Belief ii that given he~th. He writes: tortes, accommodation stores, News-nme.. for those ~ ill or too old for ' the container was found on the "f"or a metropolitan area the shore boat service, all sorts of employmen~; . • street and carried into the post-size of Greater Los Angeles and j nautical lnfonnation from weather P 0 TO DO BA'ITLE--()oaaell of war for the ~ ot the poU. 19 plctmed ~ .. tM. trio rr~::':c fsmall busin~. is the office building by the finder who for a city with the harbor facili· reports &nd predlctlona to lnstrue-pla~ how to pllt IEart W. Stanle7 of Newport -lato tlle alate •• ·mbly 14tll -.., ............ Expert Radio Service 1~ e-0 ~ur country, Stan· thought it federal property. ti .. we have, it is a crying shame tlon classes In navigation, sailing, O county . .at tlle l UDe f primary, At left h Br..m ~ fonmr pro:it lent of N""•P•rt -., small y pledg_ed full protection for A Los Angeles firm manufac-t hat there are no suitable facilities etc. The whole thing would be C r of Commen:e ,aemed tut wMk u camP.tcu director for Stanley, llbown. at rlPt. WWI f . ~ess and. en.~agement tu.res the machines for private provided ln Los Angeles Harbo-r set up on a 24-hour service basis. ~h Mn.. babel ~ well known Republi can woman leader wH will banclle pndnet work Phone Beaoon 5816 Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC !.SU Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA 0 pri\ate entcrpnse. comme rcial distribution. to take care of yacllts. "There is nothing in the plan _and_-1_r......, __ .• _..,. __ P"_,.. ____ 1a __ tbe--;S,-taal_ey __ c1rt_ve. __________ ' ____________ _ "Ever since the war, when the that would call for an exclusive Coast Guard took over the old yacht setup for the \vealthy. The ~ H b St~. who wintered in Florida. planned for some time late 1n Vet Office Moves The Orange County Vet erans' Service Center announced that on Monday, May 6, the main office and reception room moved to the ground floor, Room 223, of the Pacific Building, 225 North Broad· way, (3rd and Broadway), Santa Ana. BALBOA '.S Dr. Frost Nicked Dr . Jack R. Frost of Laguna Beach. nabbed by Newport patrol· men early thiS week fo r speeding 55 miles per hour in a 35-mile zone in Corona del Mar, forfeited $-?Q bail ror the offen~ in city court Tuesday morning. California Yacht club. the local small boat owner would share a •t were there and are to be house June, but Jane end Paul are not yachtsman has been left high and alike with the large boat opera-r or1 es guests at the Lorentzen home for too busy with plaiis to spend dry. or else be had to take his tor. a \vhile. George now .bei.Qg out of glorious weekends sunnin& and craft elsewhere for sui'able "It is our understanding that the navy. sailing. ,. W ley Nutten sr. celebrated his moorings. the area is scarcely used now and Mrs. Harold Cass is in Queen --'------ "Not only from the sportsmah's can be spared. Other plans for Tith irthday recently. He and of Angels hospital, Los Angeles, Drive ~y-Spare a Life.. angle but also from a purely yacht harbor space along this sec-Mrs. Nutten Were among those recovering from an operation. I-------------- monetary point of view the thing lion of the coast are in the diltant who njoyed the winter sunshine Her son, Harold jr .. wu given ;------------~ h as been deplorable, because we future because of normal con-at oke Tl'ee ranch, Palm emergency leave and came home BALn have been kicking thousands of struction restrictions. Sprin · The Wesley juniors spent for the v.:eekend but catches his dollars 1n taxes in the face by "But here is something that the ·eekend here and had a pre-ship tonight in San Francisco. chasing pleasure craft out of Los will give hundreds of yacht own· view of what their new Hardy-The Ed Frazers have bought Angeles Harbor. The local yachts· ers with mlUlons invested in their craft 35-foot cabin cruiser will be the former Ridgeway home at MOR. TUARY man has been forced to move his floating stock an assured anchor-like •hen they went out with South B ay Front and Abalone craft to crowded Newport-Balboa, age where thelr boats can be t he ayne Harpers for the first avenue. This month they are en- RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM and Orange county gets the tax berthed and protected." time on the latter's new boat. tertaining Mrs. Frazer'S parents. revenue. Whil the Harper boat is designed Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Henderson = "Bill Horton and Bob Carlson R C ·1y for fishing, the Nuttens of Salem , Ore., who formerly made • who have been sailing boats i~ eport afes, Dairies to spend the summer on this the home port or their power races hereabouts ever since we Sign With AFL Union cruiser F1orenci!. · can remember, have come up with ~ anniversaries were hon-The Clyde Kemps have recently an excellent plan whi·ch awai·ts Th oredi"hen the Jergen Lorentzens bought a JO.foot power cruiser, the e AFL CUiinary Alliance and • ffi Harbor Commission approval. Bartenders union announced over en~ ained. Sunday. It was their Misty . '1"h.ey propose that a yacht an· the wee k end that eight restaur-sixth ':"'ed~ng anniversary, a two-Attending the tea at which the chorage be established m· the East t 1 5 A week _ anniversary for their house engagem ent of Jane Boland of Al· B I a n s n anta na had signed gues . Mr. and Mrs. John . Burn-hambra and Paul McK.ibben was c -t- Lady Attendant -t- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Intermission . Dancing p d Cocktails ·Holly & Lee Entertainment VWtthe Bamboo Room MITCH MOWERY AND HIS BA ND Saturday, May 11th Watch for Coming Name Bands ·------------' DMclng from 9 nnW 1 • I = as n, which ls in front or the union shop contracts with that or-h wh -• ~ am , r., o were i'ust back from announL"l::U were the Hook Beards· to 8(X) moorings accommodating dairies were said to have recog-their one ymoon, and the birthday lees, Sue and Andy Kirk and their Telephone Harbor 42 • • > California Yacht club, where 700 ganization. At the same time two DAY AND NIGHT nized the AFL Milk Drivers and of a other guest, Mrs. William son Bill and his wife, and Kay I Dalry Employes union as their Tau mer, also of Pasadena. and Clary Staaf. The wedding is ·-------------- collective bargaining agents for Gues s arrived in a big Tanner Mesa LIQUOR !ilHOP 18%! YJ Newport .Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No Umlt to any of our meJ'dlandl9e COSTA MESA. CALIF. Phone BMCOll 5011 their emplo:yes. bus, playing gin rummy on the way, and brought loads of pres- Loud Pipes $5 • Charles B. Davis, Buena Park, paid a $S fine for loud pipes in the city court Tuesday morning: Manila folden at News-nmes. ents which were opened on the bea~. Among those present were the 'f ~:er Smiths and John Scotts of Ppdena, Larry Mitchell and Odell McConnell, Frank and Mary woo.t. of Bel Air, Hugh Blue, Mr. and !'dn· Alfred Wright, Clo and °:[aycott, who are also newly- w Mr. and Mrs. George ~ The deep rich .notes of the b~bass horns, th, tubas II ~ and the bass viols are the foundation of symphonic music. Likewise the mellow ftavor of fine rich barl 1 malt is the fo undation of fine beer-such a beer as Eaatside. ~e co~pletely satisfying flavo r you enjoy in F.astait Beer ts possible only through the long aperience and ~ · caze of one of the world's really great breWma&teral I • . I I For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE t · t It's the I 23rd ·& Cen tr al Ph . 260 0 SOFT WATER SERVICE Is Available to You ... NOW! Soft Water Service solves your hard water prob. !em. A pholJe call will bring aq eftlcient and .. reliable sel'\llce man to your door. No obllptJon:. Phoa• ~ 70 Sada Alll 1' We 1111.ftt .iy -ll8ft'ice to after 1Ull ... .,_ Wtlee la 8eft ....... SQf.T WATER Sf•· lltlS.WWW I. ~ . . • . f . I ... .._ ........ -• . . ll&WiOaT Ne~s ••!·"0 • 'Slow-down' in Buildino n1 A ~~~d!!;~·::-1. Tlma.I!. A Sho • p •ts IHI& Cl An eerq --ot the plan--...tonrl!•tbe...,.tl• BHU .... EiC-~ ctiVl•ty wn 1n ennl nine ...,_ --..0 m t committee .,_ cwoipellan" wu on•h•' I _. ot tbe &-woc!ated Cba..-.0 flll by the N-prl -Ot;J ~ 1 .. ------------+-By ]ouPH WatOM c.:a..u, ot w111cb Wo!ur 1--<ii llmMioy. g ~ ., The .-me up al home __ .____________ • Color 'H moor ot Newpwt -. lo c:bolr-Tiie •-t . -r- 8C40(i ~~:: ~-:: = 'Doub6ng Up' A series°' pure bright ~ar:n= aminge themselves ~=~~~; = :r .u:.:.~ =- ------------tlon--hu-.,..,.----v-ed:--:-for--"'.the--"'.dura=--. ::::i: ..:-the -e: = . naturally In a drde and return to ~teYer color we may the matter of an lnduatriallzatlon DIUVJNO A nivwll Contractors tlon of the ernercODCY In the lnC department for the• -up T Id Aid rtart with. . I . zone for -tl!nl ara.e county. Drivlnc lo • priYllep. not a Southern callfomla metropolitan unW 'lbunday morninC:. The to-0 as When properly distributed a is establlsbed .from The appeol WU mode mare ri&ht. The Public Safety cllporli' by w of $38000 -bolltiftd by • which limitless color hanncnles be automatically ob-urcent, It wu rewa!ed. ospedol-ment ot the Natlonol Aut_.. ::~u~~:,. of permit ~'iii.ooo -for con-taJned. 1?' \n view ot the 11<-4 eota~ club.-motorim to -t Shelv M h the Aaoclatll!n of General eon-structlon of a atore ...i. ai-t· 1 H • Opposite points complementary bal' liahment of a dty of Z500 -that pr1v11ep with ~ 117 · e . UC tractors of America. 'l'\u. ..... "'""~~ a,:-----t n OUSlng mon1ea: neighboring ts show acijacent or ~~ :::-~: drivlnc &lowly -carefully ount does not Include publlc a>n· In The '17 000 ~t wu ioaued analogous ment. • • C str d• structlthe. ~~216 ~~~l-t wu°' to Ra~ H. Gonion. 21625 Lime To build a awbeel we suggest the The i.ctlon came about d·~--~In a --to -On U Ion ~~ ~~ ~. call wl following procedure . --~--._ted In the -eoJd. Ave., Rlwnlde, and plane One man bu aime up th Divide disc• to twelve equal _...., lut lilsht .. meetinC of the board ,..n_t ot UI --!II cMe Ac:cordlnc to w. D. Shaw, man-!or construction of a atore bulldlnc what be tftma u "the onlY .:i1u-~· N~ it:from to ~ of dlrecton of the Auodated, dur-leaden ot the county . u - er of the contradcn' poup, with apartments on the KWUd tlon to the lncftulnclY -· one • Ing which repreientattveo of var!-vlclual memben, u ~ported b7 Mon than S2llO million In com-:,.tructlon considered -tlal atory and a &arace with aport· problem of bouolnc ~ ID starting at the top. oua puts of the county comment-Fromel, mombenblp cbalrman. merclal ...,_ Industrial true-by the Civilian Production admln-menu on the aecood at<Jry. The the metropolitan -of call-c. The colors be pure HUE. That ed on the pcm!blllty of clewlop-:------------, =~~==~~,,,,,""""===l 1atration 111 proceedlnc on ached· bulldln& location Is A<ada and fomla." The aolutlon lo tbe YOIUD-Is, ot brightest ln~ty. menu •uch u the propoaed ~ ..------------rl ul 11..-vtt other conatructlon. Cout hlch...-.Y In Corona de! Mar tary "doubllnc up" of exlotinC fa· d For the mOsll ~ harmony, artist division tract "-ttlne the plan-R 0 0 F S ~polly ~ ...i. In· and the contractor "' Alvan c. c111-...i. the man "' BurtAlll E. colors should ~ be used, but for the ned growth of the county uni.a .......-ca _.a7 • eluding 1torea, olficea, enttttaln-Clemence. Edward&, wbo lo _,...tary-man-peroeptloos ot 99 per cent ot us, ~ pigments of llOIDO type of zonln& la provided. • n. IMI •tw a rn-- ment bulldlnp such u theatre& Other permits ......, ioaued ito acer of the · A--t -'-'-of good quality, which may be ptll"Chasj!d by any home painter, That the Auodated Chamben VETERANS and bowllns alleya, will dellnlteiy 0. W . HUJ11UOO of Loo Anplft or Loo ~i.. oounty. should do very well A list given st!u'tlng with yellow-and la viewed u the one county 'W. I. 8 • •• Two-W.-laoll ec • • • remain untouched unW the -a !Ive-room stucco dwelllnC on Durin& the ~ days. Ed-around the circle ' j . acency wlllch can correlate' the 38112 llama Pb. Hllr. l21D-l ballt • the lot yoa Ing emeraency bu ~ Alvarado place, Newport Bay warda Pointed out. the avenae -.· • dealrea of all the county's dtl· ------------' '"Bullclen of heavy ainatru<>-tract, $6000: nlDDber ot penona occupylns an i . Crome yellow llibt. 8. tntaramarine blue. tlon projecta are .-that To Dr • ...i. Mn. Andree, for aputment wu far In -of 2. Crome yellow medium. 9. ftusslan blue (very every atep be taken to provide a dwelling at 201 Garnet, Bal· preaent day averqea. 'lbla, be 3. Otrome yellow orange. strong). adequate and decent houaln& for boa laland, .,_, uaerted, wu principally due to 4 . Brilliant red • 10. Qne pert ultramarlDe veteran&" aald Shaw. ''For ihla To C. C. l!oenln& of Paudena the fact that the """"ge penon 5. Hooe madder. 'bjtM:. 1 part chrome g1een rffaon. ~ have uked our mem-for • frame dwelling and caraa:e today haa more money to apend Ivory black with a little raw medlum. Yoo pay omly appnillal benhlp to withhold the fWn& of at 425 Fernleaf, Corona clel Mar, and la not finding It economic-wnber added. 11. e green medium. any appllcatlon.1 to the C.P .A. for $8000. ally helpful to share hla aport· 7 . Three parts rose lake, 1 12. glftll llgbt. and legal f-. projecta which they have any rea· m ent and the expense of Its part ultramarine blue Zin . titan! white 100% G. L Financing PHONE Z«'7·K Denison & McBroom Sales aon to believe will not fall into City H• 3 maintena,nce with others. • C um · the category of eaaen Ual COll.ltruc-I ires Edwards called on the local Now to use f!ie pigments and tpe wheel. . tlon. u this ia followed. we will repreaentatlvea of the National Codors opposite one another on, the wheel are comple- be able to keep vlW work In Houalng acency and others who mentary-and harmonious. Complementary color.; when ;:::====================~~ process without creating unneces-New Workers have expttlled a desire to ald in llsed together heighten the appeari!nce 'of color in both. UN Newport Bhd. COSTA am8A (In the Meoa Realty Bid&.) Corson and Ray sary work for the agencies which a solution of the housing problem. Adjacent colors are harmonioui. are already swamped." to exert an effort to change ex-Black and white are complemeniacy and harmonious. iaUng OPA regulations '° that HUES harmonize with black:t·te or an admixture f ICE ()BEAM LEAPS , owners of properties could exer-th • O The Newport Beach city coun-cise personal jurisdiction over the e two--gray. . . Ice cream manufactured in Cali-cil Monday approved the addition number of persons living in an If ~ h~the sha tones, or tints of these fomia in 1945 totaled 38.285all,{)(() of three new employes to city de-apartment. Under existing regula-hues will hannontze. gallons. nearly 4 million g 0"' partments. Ilona, he said. OPA does not per-A monochromatic harmony me the harmony found more than in 1944 and 16 million Lee Lankford of Newport mit eviction of tenants for non-with any hue and one or more of i1;S tints, tones or shades. gallons more than the 5-year Heights and Walter H~neycutt ot use or tor under-occupancy. Cool colors are those containing l>lue. L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;; 1av;;e;;rag;;;e;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,; Newport Beach were hired tor the Warm colors are those conta.inillg red or yellow. street department and Edgar Frye Value means light or dark of Newport Beach was employed How Safe Is w rth berin . ~ for the water department. . 0 remem g: . Use pure lor (HUE) very spar-Lumber and Building Materials 13ny District Lumber Co. Phone Beacon 5111 IU OOUT BIOBWAY AT THE AJWJDl8 your Car? mgly. Have Jots of white handy, d don't be afraid of C• I A •1 • black. Try the harmonies devel from SHADES-that lty S Prl is from HUES grayed with black and white. Our first peacetime vacation in Have fun! t five years will ·open in a few -JOSEPH WEsroN Architect R 0 g• weeks. Yet the needless loss of • · e(elpts lg ~=· 1!:;;': ~~~geq~a~ th~':.~ Shriners Plan nf0 UNTAIN oRrvmo Will Open New Store About May 1st lest months of the war-unless , , Wh.., applying brakes on • Fuller Paints for every need. •Rite Lite Venetian sotnething is done to dull the Big Fete ID smoo ' snow or ice on those s kiing Blinds. • We repair and repaint all kinds of blinds. Receipts and disbi=ements by weapons of the killer. L. A., M 11 trips, e Public Safety de~- • Trimz Wall Paper • --Hang it yourself. • B irge the city ot Newport Beach dur-In California. ~e average ve-BY men t f the Nation al Automobile ing April were reported to the hlcle upon the highways is more Wall Papers. mayor and city council Monday than eight yean old. Unquestion-club advises motorists to uae a A. J. Burton's Pam· t Store City Treasurer J . A. Gant ;.... ably. the unsafe car ls con tribut-. Shrlnen of this community ~d very· ught Plll"Pin& action 50 aa • • • H you have a question regardbig development of your land- Phone 2353-J Siegel & Raub Englneen and Surveyon 1808 Newport BIVd. Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL 8IZES BUILDING UNITS Brick &811 °""8pool BIO<lb Now In Prodadioll Walter Kline Concrete Product.8 Co. L'i60 Nnwporf:A,·n. ported that receipts totaled $693,-ing heavily to the tragic total its suburbs were today bus}'lng to av<t:d locking-the wheels and ~ewport Blvd., near 15th St. 190.44, while disbursements to-that has given California the t hemselves with preparation! to ssikl~d~~+'.:_· ________ ~~====~================~ ~======================~I taled $53,204.04. Total funds per doubtful honor or leading all the attend the first big cer emonial of - Gas Heating • & Ventilation • CHARIER & PRESTON State lJcen-' Cootrac~ PM*bc I t•ftet'-. )lab Warm l"rtmdl ·--..... W •WIBTM :nt1• 1 11r NG or !Ill clerk were $639,985.40, while out-states of the Union in highway 1946 to be held in Shrine audi-• standing w a rr a n ts reached casualties. ~ $2253.41 and total tunds per treas· Begi.nnin g May 15, the police of torium, Los Angeles, Sa turday urer amounted to $642,238.81. Newpor t Beach in cooperation evening, May 11. Included in the receipts were with the Callfonlia Highway pa-Potentate Vierling Kersey of Al traffic fines totalling $3624 and trol and the I nternational Asso-Malaikah Temple ot the Shrine tine collections ot $2468, both from dation ot Otiefs of Police. will issued a clario all t all nobl Oty Judge Bob Gardner's office participate in a nation-wide Police fro S Li:;. c Ob' 0 t S.: and business license collection traffic sa.t'ety check. ~~ this Die~o ~~ty line ::.r tro':n the fees of $568.50 from the office of check, whenever a vehicle ll stop-Ari bord t th h f OU.et ol Police R. R. Hodgkinson. ped for any moving violation, driv-zona ers 0 e 1 ·ores O Parking meter receipts for April en licenses and registration plates the P:Ocif~ t~m;"' ~•;;,ans J0 totaled $13.50. will be tns~ted and a check made =~cular even: e:t :hi~ ~~ ol brakes, lights, tires, windshield era) hundred neophytes will re- ;;;DrtV;;;;;";;™==;;y;;=s;;;pare;";;" ;;;a;;ili=e;;. ;;;wl;;;;;per=;;an;;d;;;ho;;rn.;;;;;;=;;;;;;=~ ceive the obligations of the i==~~~~~;§§~===========, I Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic S hrine. • Before You Bulld or Re111odel All of Al Malalkah's crack uni· formed organizations, band cbant- villt om' latues'l•g = Te era, patrol, temple guard. it.age and 6play ,__ . . . craft. will take part In the cere- Going to B1ild Yoo ~ llave you di s• "Ji-.. worllied oat • you mlltd -or -ybe your anldtietl& or -trader ..a.-1y bu pnpu'llll ,.._ • P'I• for JOL • e11lrilty di llaft a lit.rp put .. 1•' I tlr 1 el pmtww Jtriq -tr-. ...... ,_ p -llMI ,.._ wllll .,_ • 'l1r • _.. ...... Ida .-.t ...... .....,,.. r tit i. llom1lldd lilhor •.t.s Md t.o- ·r I hwl*J. 0v Sapwlsi .. ecrj"'911h ltilml d .. st-ii tiD 1111p wllll ~,.._or pzat• o.. •aatl• _,-b a IM el .-r.a m .. ta.e -.:e ahTty" el tllll& IM I ETS · HOllll & GALVAll. lllNOS 4 1 t I I lOOOv-&111-r ~nB11-Mn Aa. a -•111~ ..... 11ae1•.-11W,..lll'17z~·-1e111ooi11<11•-1•..,. ••• .,..... 1kM « EI.BC"l'RICIANS . ~Twe fte J:1!i 'a rt ... rADl'O&Y, l'l.ANT, ~ -rAaM, - • Color guides, plan-monies staged by the Potentate ntng aida, ex and members of his divan. Festiv- henslve ~ ltles atart at 7 p.m. to be followed .,._ ,___..,, and by an Arabic supper after the aec- .. ......., ..__.. ~wo ond section of the ceremonial, ac- llnoleum. cording to Jooeph Wade Brlcance, ........ LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m -· -II&. --A.a -MftA .&JIA ceremonial director . Raub Will Be Honored Jack Raub, co-partner in the firm ot Siegel &: Raub, Costa Mesa contracting engineers, will be ire- sented with an award for five years perfect attendance at the meeting of the Newport Harbor ~===============~=====;;; Kiwanis club Friday. Raub resides at ,406 San Bernardino avenue, Newpwt Helchta. If You Can't Get Your House finished SEE US _:_._ We Have I "The What it Takes" to Get Bomee Built -·- Colegrove, Heacock & Patty P.O.BaG --ft.-•••••• ••• a-,ft.m Quallt7 ...._._ aad Baildin1 Materiall • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. II. L HO&TllTl;Ell ....... n-Mll • Boat OW111n ••• Canvas . By the Yanl Wide Wktth All lAICllw SutaAna T•t & Awnina' ~ .. .......... l'hzn.-r SANT.A. ANA ' .. i I Travel Convenience Plus! - Greyhound Gives You More Service to More Places from The Arches y.,.·11 get mere qalckly, comfonabl}' &Ad fl1 yoar - ""'"..,;..,.. wbea you go Gnybowad. No ocber cnffl i)&·•n Mf"t' .. 101DUJ placet, 90 oba • • • faf' IO 1iale ca11. No -aerwbedoer k'1 10 neighbor cidel for ..... lwaor rea•iioa.orioagwaipo 10 ...,. ...... 1a .. Y-. you cu 80 bf Gta7""-'I w ... for aicia J.r 111za11...a10clrift. Yaacubs•poddna,....,._.., -yoarcar, &Ad ~-_,10 lpaadwbeayaa pr ..... A* ,,_ local Gs., .............. for "11 If m d" EIAllPl.E OF LOW FAIU Los .bpi• ---.'7S Loze Bnaeb --.29 Su Fnz cileo .. llO S...Dlnp $1.41 ,..,,. __ J ~ .... IM ... 011•-... c. (). --· .. Cla!!Mt .... .,. -• -- . • -·..,.-·...:• ; ' ' ... " '''FM as an ·;cm 'a-2 2.-.1.-"' .a12"-ws°":.!aTAl.LMaDAES . ll.El"1'ERSTOTHit, , . ~deJ-Mar , vlWI ' • .:_n~~';.F: ~ ~!~~~~,,..~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~:,! ~1en· " -• ff ~· ..... .,, • Ulllimit_.. -NEWS-TJMRA 1111• • i:.."a:1•t1 tit· ~· wu1m.u ..... y.--.mvm ...... ... n a IOIATIOl<IAL BOAT AlllllOI. Mn. Glim.on --DI c. . R .ft. 8 7:1!1 -·· 7 II'! •• .., • I)<; 01<1 LOOAL BAY VAUID Goldennjd a ....... , att-tho El , wtlco,. '11111nda7 at N.., Yark, May 2, 1946 i'oundera' Day banquet of Pb! 7:30 ;. ..l · , B 91 Dear Editor: Be~ -·· fraternity ol muolc. OUlt ~DY CW llT' CA~lt .,. ll:b-•~natter• II» Poet•-.. Ke•P>"'1 4 We 1>4ve been ttgU!arly r«etv-dance and drvna. which was bold -W. I "'~i CllUllCH 1W CHltlS1' )~ umler 1M Act ol -a. lift Inc oollieo ol your papor at -In tbo Colon••I ,_ ot tbo Am-.... "inn !Lfli A ~ ..... w~-.. '• I, I. WRY'l'lt h-• T.6S. Cl• jl.Uft .. __ ... __ _ ~ °'" 2 ' .. ... •l ....... .......... ,-.. Atrmn , ftarm _.,.HNV YJca .-........... a.-... --- • Ethel Neff;D. 0 • ~ Dr~ ..._ •1a1 I flf _,.. Tnf, I,_ BsM yw.. -.... -..... ---.. ..... ..., .... ..... ._... .._ ___ _ &..A. lllEUa ' ' ' ':!' 'Ir A9oclatl0il'I olfl<e and have """" l>oJ;:dor IM>tel, Saturdayp..,..w,.., QJafJ Ill,~ ~,.:.:,_, '":.. L .... CM@llr, .......... .. D. PORTER ~ 0 ned eoch -carellllly for -Besa hu many t t·M t4 .,~ aod tNa( T:IO '° 9' Ila I .. 10 L Ah --··-'" G. !!'ROST -• ' F.dlbr of Newpcat-Balboa Harlxw and Ito momben and patram -C a:ao,.... ' llbaq: ,.._, ...... _,. ,. r---..:.·~-~-~&UT~~---~ll r:-::-_;::~::;~---W. F . DIXON • • • •. • ---v 1£ ~atlcnal boating fadll-. which are Mary Pickford, Amparo ' f'IMT OU~ ... CMUilcH Pl .. I' I 'l'-"t. 31111 w. C...tnl A-N-pcat Bil .... ~ In your llSue of Thunday Iturbl -Helen ~ ,. C)O!ITA 11111811 Arm~M Raub & Bennett Offi-'-' p -• ...__ C"'-of N rt 8 cla April 25, we have noted an I~ Mr. and Mn.. HQ!ntd Barnel ST. JOHN Yl~NN!IY ~llCH Rw:Jll · 11,. ~ w...,,. 191.,, .. ,,.m,.,. ~ llWN/--';wJI? in .,... aper .,. ..,.. "':,{ ewpor • on tbo flnt po&e entitled "Hlch attended the Gem -Jollneral ex· Pl• -1_,._ le. lfowipwl ...... d.M.-A llD'"''"'•=,.OblOallo -k • .. tw o.w n Iw. ~-" and ha·"-g to do ·-tb ••-hlblt at Exp.ltlOll Puk Saturday. _, II' ~--~ Sit W, JIU A-a.it= -r.-1.._~ "lll -· U.111:' -• ~ -•' ....._., ,,..._,, ..... .._ .. wt sit BJ? fllli ~- --· sale or waterfront property to Mr. Mn. Barnel' friend, Mn. Sue aa.t,.. : -BcW,l:ao a.m. lTM lllTW.<Joa-N-;poft-ActiTe Mark Pierce'. It so happens that Keefn' of Loi Anplea took ftrst T:M te 1:-. P.:IA. Mon+c WGl"lllalp W"riol 10:'6. ITll t•t a ••Aw. Tc\!"stszs llufilit.lJI M'-'-Mr. Pierce was the Winner of the for her .Uvn pin. ¥J'. J. Frost. Om ... ...tee e:oo p.a. Lile A J!ls1 NO. b .... • 1•--------.:_ __ ..J _. 1941 race for the Jame; Qoalg anoU.,S friend. """" la a """* 00901<14 DliL llA& -.... -l:IO p..... 11 of ~tual Trophy ottend by our ·hound" 1pent Sunday with Ibo OOWilMlii 11a11-. ....... ...,..--at CUNUlAL r.A-•'l'C)ay i~;:~PIANO~~:;"';:•~._~::::=t --------------------_::~!!:~:_ Association for sea races. Appll· s.ar.a, ~DOll.U. T:ap ,._.. :------------· ~~~!4°tr~~ ~:_ ~...!;': t. ~~·1~~s.n~~ ~nl'i.•i::: ~ Z M: too.-:{,:~---_,__,.. Clinical La~ratory P~?~ER the Long Beach and Coronado Earl Stanley, realtor, Cout ...,..... Suaday, May 1.2. llN6 +---------= 1 _ ,,. ~ T o vou ii on.e proof of your true citiumhip. · jACJl LINDSLEY Yacht clubs tor another ra0e on way. Cb\D"Cb ICbool bu two 1 J kl-. ~A MUA COMMUNITY ~ 01 I u ' f1. t J ' the Pacific Coast and arrange-The four ~ brothel's, sono of All aboYe primary department _ I CHURc:H -bJ' • .,. ,.,_ fb. Hartior iz.:lnv/ ments have just about been com-Mrs. Fra.nc:la Cox. l895 Padf'lc meet at 9:30 Lm. Besinne:n and Caf'I a. '181 ::. Mw.tef 'l'ELEPBONS JUJll!IOa m lSll, w~·Ocw ,.,.._ pleted to ro..a;ard the cup to Mr. Drive, ·have ltarted their con-primary depertmeat -meet at 1~ L lml! .._ I'll. ,..,.._It -11'. o..tn.t A- C. King Brugman of Loo Angeles, itructlon C<Jmp&ny, the Cox Broo. 11 a.m. durln& the momlnc church ~ oMMI, e:&a LIL who Is not only vice-president of Engineering and Construction Co., hour. _...,. W• 'Ip, 11 o'oloc&. Pllilllm41'9a~NII,11..D.' the American Power Boat Aaoda-Stanton, of wh1cb Gene Cox. for· 11 a.m. Momin& wonhip. Ser--Youtll groupe, H1,gtl Wool. 1.o-r----D_.&_:r __ IKIROOL_...:_:..:, __ ~ A Dishonest Measure .. Unless it is thwarted by organized action of all fisher- men along the coast ot Calltomia, the voters of this state' will be aSked to cast their Dallots next November on a coos~ propoeal that will be detrimental both to fisher· men and to the cannery interests. tion but is al.lo chairman of its merly with the Haddock Bros .• la mon by Mr. Schrock: "Sentiment ~' Adll&t, l:IO p. m. Ouiser Contest committee. p~esldent ; Alvin Cox who was port and Sense About Mother's Day." Sv~ -~ 1 :30 o'a&ock. We were particularly interest~ d1nector in the South Pad.fie dur-7 ~ p.m. Youth meeting. Mid-week ,._..., and prayer, in the statement in the article to Ing the war, ls contact man; Rod-W~J. T:IO p.a. the effect that prices for water-el'l_ck Cox, who was with the Am-U &. .0. ~ &ll1J Sermon front property at Newport-BalOOa ph1blous Tank.I. is engineer. and Fl"aT CHU"Cli OF CHRIST, J ' · might climb to $1,000 a front foo t. Matt Cox. now the Balboa! Island Lido ~~~~:r~I Avenue Fl"SjT METHODIST CHURCH For many years we have been con-Servtce Co., ii in charge 0 equip-•ftd VI.a Lhlo q.. E41wln Olher, P....,. Mortimer School -Oona ............ o.-....: Qitft?p, Jlnparet1r) DAY SCHOOL= G. A. lbrtt 1r, 11.. A., ~ Prladpill l'lloooo -· 1111! A referendum to be known as "a fishing nets Initiative" will be placed on the ballot, if the sponsors of the measure can obtain the required 185,000 signatures necessary for that purpose. ducting a campaign for improve-ment department. A bra.nc!l ol. '?be Mother c:Jaurcb, Eucl4;d 1• Stanford, Gardlln Grova. ment of waterways and construe-Gene Cox, who resides at East The P"tnrt Church of Christ, Sci· 9:90 Liil.. O..urcb. acheol tw aD ,-----D_l:NTIM'I! ______ ~ tion of munici pal boat basins. We Bav Front, Balboa, y.•as engineer ac-. U it were a fair proposal, there would be no reason to oppose placing this referendum on the November ballot to give all the people an opportunity to vote on it. But It is not an honest measure as it brews disorganization and places group against group. h "--Cam p dJ d Alvl d entlat, ta BMton., Me-chu.etta. 11 ·."" • -u-•·· w....-.o-.. D" GORDON E. RAPP ave v.:.~n constantly in touch at p en eton, an n an SUIMlay School &t 9:ao a. m. Bun-....,. _......_ --... ... ....... ,.. °"' with Mr. Harry Welch-, Secretary-Matt are with their mother. day 8en'tce at 11 L m. Wedn•'1 ~V'-••-•---.se: 'We 'I'Mm.k 'I'tlerL" DENTIST Manager of the Orange County Mr. and Mn. John P . Conway, Teetimonl&l Meelln.g at 12 o'clock ll:Gf ....... MUNmy ffr .. chO- Chamber of Commerce, and he has Santa Ana. will attend the play, drlln _.... ~ · %811 Wed Central kept us informed of the tremen-Ramona. Saturday wtth Mrs. F . Readin& Room located at 111 t :OO~p..nL Ketbod&at Youth 'J"el-Phone Barbor Ul-1 The measure is discriminatory as it would prohibit fish· Ing fleet fishermen from obtaining bait in the coastal areas of California waters. It would deprive a life-long livelihood tor fishermen in Newpott waters. dous growt h of boating in your Cox. who is the sister of Mn. Palm street. Balboa, is open dally .low 'If. Youq Adult. Nlowahtp. harbor. The ""Titer last visited Conway. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun-T:OOI p.m. EvenJn.c Wonblp:-Newpori Newport 1-larbor in 1930 when Mr. and Mn. R. Markell, 602 ~and holidays n~tionally ob-M-.e: .. Come Ye LI••·" I '-.-----------,J plans were being made for consid-Begonia avenue. enjoyed a t;rtp Tile public le cord1ally lnvtted to 1. erable dredging and the extension through the Cleveland Nation&) ••-• --Ir Ch • • c _ • T ' r r di. · f d a--c W'Cb 1ervtceo and u.. r111han .,.,1ence op1c o a 1t1es or the berthing an Forest to Elsinor-e recently. th ft.eadlnC" Room.. mooring of recreational craft. One 1 'A~im and Fallen Man' of our arguments has always been Miss Marilyn Wheeler. 410 that the creation of a marina. or Coast highway, and Louis Siepker, ST. JAMES EPISCO~AL "Aa n Adam an die, even so In 1 I 1 ed CHU"CH Chrlst shall all be made &live." Thia up-to·date boat basin. has lnevtt-Los Ange es. ~ave a ove Y w -t p I t th C rt bl di • di e Sunday night at the •15 w ... ~~-,., .,._ atateD\ent o au o e o .nt . ably resulted in a rise of ratables n nn r · ii ~-.., ans w\ll be the Golden Ten or the Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST ZZOZ)\ W. Cistra!, -r H80 NEWPORT llEACll While the proposed referendum is aimed at prohibiting use of purse and round haul fishing in certain defined areas of the Pacific ocean between Long Beach and San Diego, it goes a step farther by setting up a three-mile limit and then furthfr restricts fishermen by stating that bait nets must not exceed 120 fathoms long and not exceed 10 fathoms In depth. and upland values. The story In Hurley Bell for Miss Wheeler's (Ebell Clubhoule) Sundar Lesson-Sermon on "'Adam your paper seems to bear out our cousin Lawrence Wheeland and Rev. Ardye T. DMn, Yloar and Fi.lien Man" tn all branche1 of I ;-------------1 contention. his bride the former Miss Mar-8:30 L m., Bolf' C.O....unien. The Mother Uhurch, The l"nt Dr. W. W, Welfmoreland DeaCiot The writer has been asked to garet Hicks of Los. Angeles. who 1:'8 a..m., Bunday 8cbool. Churc ' of Cbriat, Sclenttat. In Boa-- give a talk. early in' June, at the were married Friday at the Little 11 :00 L m., M:omiq Prayer aDd to~be Lesson-Sermon Include• thf1 annual convention of the National Church of the West, Las Vegas, &er.en. (rtnt a.nd&ya: Holy Bible ltaUoo from Gen esis: .. And Fire Protecti,pn association to be Nevada. OommunklO.) God a&id . Let u1 make man lll our held in Boston. It has occurred Sixteen guests included the tma.ge; a!ter our •Ukenes1 : and let to us that it might be of extreme bridal couple's friends of Los An-CH RIST CHUfltCH · BY TMIE 8&.A them tiave dominion over the flab lllel Cout ilhn1' OOBONA DEL !11AB Phont1 Harbor-mo There is not a bait net used in the Newport harbor area that is not less than 180 to 205 fathoms long and 20 fathoms deep. U the bait net is restricted to the specifica· !ions of the proposed referendum, our fishermen will n ot catch any bait, except in exceptional cases along the coast. interest if Y.·e could tcite Newport ~eles and San Diego and Miss Cofnmunlty Methodlet of the sea, and over the fowl or the Harbor as an example of the rise Alma Cole. who resides with Miss 14aa West c.ntr•I A""""9 &ir, a.Dd over the cattle, and overall INS-.-. .. ~ de •-ed ".., I! D Goodell p et the earth, and over every creepln1 u~.Eo of waterfront values through the Wheeler. The brl ui employ · · · • 1 or thlng \bat creepeth upon the e&rt.h. Ir------------, U this referendum goes on the November ballot and is n ot beaten by a majority vote of the people, the seine fleet lllld cannery industry, which have millions of dollars invested, particularly in the Newport harbor region, will be disastrous- ly tµt. It will not only result in the tie-up of all seine fleet boats, the loss of hundreds of fishermen, who have made Newport harbor the colorful p lace it· is, but it will make for improper mackerel production for some time to come. development of . a conununity of at Firestone and the bridegroom ChW'Cb School, 9:50 •· m. So Go0 created man In his own Im-S d F M boating minded enthusiasts. with the Pontiac Co. Morn.lng lVonbip. 11 a. m. age. . . And God saw every tb ln1 an y • acKay Sincerely yours, Mr. and f\.tn. Edward Porter, Yow.th l"eDowllhip, 6 P· m. that had made. and, behold, It _,. __ mA HAND. Secretary. ~15 Narcissus avenue. leave Satur· EYeaiq' Wo1'911Ip, 7 p. m. WU very good .... Thus the be&'t'· INSURANCE-1bat's All -------day tor a four months' trip "'hich Mid-week prayer .ervlce, Wed· ens aid the earth were tlnlabed, Why a Clean-Up Campaign Country Editor On the Job I ne.day; covered dleb dinner, 1 :30 and au the boat of them." will circle the United States. The r •·Jn iJ)clence Md Health with Ke,· first stop will be at Echo: Nev., p. llL to we Scrlplurea" Mary Baker where her niece's husband is man· ' -------Eddy •ays, "All that la made 11 the ~ ager for Bing Crosby's stock BALBOA ISLAND CHAP&.L work P,f God, and all la good. We ranch. At Lincoln, Nebr .. Mr. Por-211 Agete Avenu. leaTe µ1a brief, glorious hlatory or Herr·s a country editor who's ter wt.II attend the homecomlng of ,.ev, HerT')' W. W'Nte, 1plrttual creation (u ,stated In the proved that his metropolitan news· the class of l896 of the Univenlty A8MOl•te P•ftor fi rst bapter or .Gene1l1) In the b th ha · Th 'II vi NI Church 8chool. 9 :80 L m. band a of God. not or man. In the paper re f'f'n Vf n~ comer on of Nebraska. ey W1 sit • keeplQI ot Splrtt. not matter,-joJ- the high.speed pace of the air agara Falls, MaJne. her home ln Morning Wonhip, 11 a. m. fullJ 'ackno'll'ledgtng now and tor- Some of our readers have asked us to give a few of age. Vermont, his old home in Con-ever <J:M!"• supremacy, omnlPotence, the reasons for a Clean·Up Camrn>ign, so we asked Mayor Typically "Mr. Fix.it" for his lo-necticut. then points of inter'elt IEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS and o presence." 714 E. Central A..,, Balbo&--rlW! New York Life Insurance Company r-cality, Harold L. Darmer ot '"The in New York and Washington and Comer W~nut •nd Church Its. 0 . B. Reed for a few lines on the sUbject. The Miyor sug-Date Palm." published at lndio, they· hope to take the Inland water Coota M- -gests these few arguments from the standpoint of the city: Calif., had a cry for help from trip to F1orlda. They will go to -Ill -. Saturday mon- So times it's not that the des-DON a, DtJllAllfT sert if too rich for Junior but W Ordlld A•e. Ba.nor 1156:1 th ,.., __ U Dri Is Campaign · the · two readers who needed air pu-the Grand cinyon, Yellowstone inc, t :SO o'clock. Because e ~IQU_,-P ve a m m-sage to HonoJulu on short notice. Park and Zion Park. At the last PrMcb:btc lft'Vice, 11 a. m. there ;;nay not be enough to go ..._ __ co __ RON __ A __ o_n. __ KAR ___ _i arount terest ot general welfare. Mn. Mlldttd Sherk, heroic .place they will make an extended Because a ciesn city Is its own best advertisement. nune who wu tortured and Im· stay wtth her niece at Seattle, HEWPOltT HAR•OR Because a clean city will get more visitors, visitors will priooned 10<' 41 months In Santo Wuh. They have a fine trailer LUTit!lltAN CHUllCH Tomas Ja~ prison in Manila, oompJetely outfitted.. GNUel Chapel, c.... •- stay longer and they will spend more. and Joey Solem,. nurse who help-f;ii.. and Mrs. M. Pownall of Uie ltOY. H..-It-P•1r Because when streets and alleys are kept clean there ed the lnjUred at !?earl Harbor Triple M Cat•. Coast highway, -= -,.. 1e:ao a.a. Is less liability .to accidents. during the attack tb$tt. appealed gave a clcUghtf\ll chicken dinner FULL GD91'1!L CHUltCH WhDe You Walt ~HOES Because "Clean-Up" bel~ reduce fire hazards and coose-to him for uolatll>oe In reach· Friday night In honor of their son --••-. ~ M- ..,.. ip& the ialanda. Dvmer lost no Muon's 16th birthday. Slx of Ma-8 "V ecbool, I :~; mont.lng · Ra Pagan quently tire insurance rates can be lowered. time eont&ctlng Pan American IOlt's !rlends and s<hoolmat .. of ., .. ._ 11; JCnapllotie -· Y Because "Clean-Up" Is also a help in preventing spread Alrwayo, and two lut·mlnute can-the Southern California Military T:ao p. m.; V16--.k prayor me... 51 East Bay Front ot disease by reducing trash and weeds where vermin hide. oellatlom 1ave the pair their seau ,lchool it Lmg Beach helped him ~ ca W6dn1ooay, T:4CI P. m.; N -ID 8"" ~ °""' ,, " , today. celebrate, not only hla birthday younc people'• evancel.&11t1c ae:nlce t .,;. -. .. t ._ -. Because CJeaJ):Up helps to establish better, hli!her Rushed to the airport to board but the honor he wu given In on Friday, T :t~ p. m. L--+----""'----l and more permanent values to real ~te. tbo clipper, and anticipating their placlnc thW In tbe South. -------------+.----===== . Because "Clean-Up" builds up pride In one's home one's fll&ht to HawaU In lea than 10 California Swtm meet In Paaa· 1--------------4---,,,,:=====:::; • boun, they agreed that their clena Friday. There will be a meet ... B city and community. rountry editor moves fut! later to decide tbo finals. -Gm' We urge all to join in the "Clean-Up" Campaign in every way possible and to plant more flowers, plants and shrubs· We know regimented medicine would cost $100,000,000 1 a Sel'Yite which in tum create a better and more healthy atmosphere year more than taxation would ·produce. We know it would tn the home, city and community. destroy the sanctity of doctor-patient relationship. We "Clean-Up" week, May 19 to 25. know the laymen administering the program would 01Jt· 1 number the doctors. We know private ente~ would W , Le d Our Le suffer another body ·blow. e ve arne sson So it is with satisfaction that we read reports from ()r.. -••v.o.··-M!DICI• BliPA>J:m-• J.Ji R. Norton .. ....,. •11•111• SJll ..... ~ .. •re•.~ Qallf. \Vhen military science wants the answer to a question ange and Solano counties. w bere the first Vohmtary Health on which the Mure securltY of the Nation may depend, it Insurance ~eeks were conducted recently, proving the public seeks the answer in the laboratory or field Is responding wholeheartedly to appeals for enrollment in 1 ~;;;;;::;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ That is why, soon, a lush Pacific isle may be made for-voluntary health insurance plans. ever uninhabitable; why a score ot warships will lend their The Calltomia Medical association and the insurance in· ONCE AG . hulls and decks to the twisting torture ot an atom bomb; dustry are to be congratulated on meeting t1ie problem of SAM'S SEA. F 0 I . SPA why a large expanse ot blue ocean will chum and boll and the moderate-salaried worker who needs protection against roar at the fearful im)lllct of released energy. adversity tor himself lllld his family. 'Ibis county, we 1:Je. But In the field of medicine, we need no Bikini atom lleve, will lll!!o 1espond to the logic and sanity ot the volun-011119 OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSU&ANCE 00. Ray Nielsen --·-J IU E. lla.r A-BalbM KO&TKlLUr8 ~arolcl K. Grauel Chapel ''We~ tbeBetter s.n., by ...... otbon -· ........ e-.1111 ~ -Oallfonda OProlDllmtT8 , Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. '°"'°llE'INllT Eyeo Examin«! -GU... Fitted l'lllNewpon- E. · T, Ba&tel word!, O. D, °"3"=4f'llt sna lilLUIINED LEND8 D'ClPUOATED m.... ... .,.. ....... ,, IUol W. ~ A ... ft. ..._ Ull -~~· B. R. Ball, M. D. ..,,.......,.....,,.,. .Hours: :Hi, by •llPOln-t Telephone Beaooo :58C8' W • 1twq Q1m1a ..._ OONKAD BICHJ .. M, D, hiwL'•= ... lea .•• lZl E. 18th St. CXlSTA :aBA Hours: 10-1.2 LJD.; 3-5 pm. Phone Beacon 5(115 Dr. G. E. Tohill hl::;·c= =zeaa NEWPORT BEACH -PBOND- Offta&: Barbor 1811-w RMidileC!9: RAl'btlr 186-B U No aGIWW, call Barbor I Gerald Raua, M. D. 2830 Weot Central Ave. NEWPORT liEACH Pboae Barbor JOU ' No &ru1wtt : call &M:oa 50&P..& X·Ray Servtoe MDton M. Maxwell, 11, D, 1eo1 °"""* m-., Co"roaa dol Mar Office Hours: 10-12; 2--5 Pbone Barbor IOI! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 81f Bay Ave., Balboa llal'bor ITU "8 S, BID St., Lee AY1w TUelDer '7tU By Appoln,,,_ T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phywldan lllld Swgcoa ' lMl Weot liq ·- Telephone Harbor &OZ A. V. Andrews, M. D. PllUIOl.&N· -' 81JllGllON Tele.._., ean.r nu-1 ' ' .. Dr. W. T. Mooney ~Md8wpoa Nlatla .... ~ ft-. ,......,. _ _...._, ..,._ ... w...,... iDrq' 77 .. M&cte Dr. WU-C. W- Ctiiropnlctic, Dlell!tlcs, Ph)/lllo & Colonic Tbel'apy lflZO OoMt '!1.,.,, - Lapa& a,.ci. -. - ZONE THERAP\ CLINIC Vapor Badl9. ,.._, M·msp .. 1 di! ft set · ti ,_ o.ada •u)I "'"* 0oatni. ._ bomb test-.ich as compulsory state or national heelth In-tary heatth Insurance campaign wbeR the drive is held In t9-'Dla surance-tD tell us what we already kDoW about the de-this area. ' jU · Newport-Balboa T~ Bureau vastating effects of doctor·)llltient ...;,;~ta!kn '~--Even"' No, we have already bad our Bil!lnl ol ~ warfare. -------·--- • • -.j • -S.S. S.. F • :~ -"I AD Modes ot Tnm!I to~. M8xlco, Hawaii · Ralnd-t!M!-World TriDa In the -f\$1re. See .....BoyK<Jnr. Pla.~1rf1L IOl,..,tc"'= .... : ............ .. • • ~. Cnaplete Fountain Sdtlee at ·HANSEN'S IUldttMtl c ,, " ~'!,~~ -.. , __ +... • .. 1 I ~,p., . N• W#r .. C!8 f' .... .... • unw•• ~" I • ~ .. a , .ii-t .. . " 2 ' ! l I -I ._:__,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...!•~W!W!!l'O&Z!!!!!!..•!!!'!•!.WO!!!!AL!!!l!!~!!!!!!aj"!!!!!I!!!!..!!!!!!~~ !L!lr.Jla!!M!...-t~~~~--.:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...:~~~~~·~·l;,;·;,,_~ Pu&L•~ · NoT1ciE p f . Sa . p • f ' E Great M of Water CA>nsumed Pua Nona. wi-11r.-' ... ,.... -1..-------- NOTICI! OF SALB as or ys r1n ers rrors Here CA>mes from Santa Ana River I No. ~ ~~ ~ ·::.::'1..i~ Gust ·Tnding Notlee ~:b::,: tha• the Have Proved 'Useful Mistake' ~~~E ot :~E-~"";:~ IN TIIE*~:-:~ OF~":!._:~=::;: 1:~~~ undenlgned, ROGER S. WAT· articles about the -llllP!JIY aianty, pccept during periods· ot TIIE ATE OF CALIFORNIA. wttb llr. and Mn. Jc.epb Mur-11 hi a b .. SON, doing buslnen under the A printer's mistake wu the In-accordlnc to Matthew made the ol Oranae county and Ill tutuft flood now, is water that naturally INOF 0., .•. roR TIIE COUNTY firm name and style of WATSON spiration for the aermon preodJed tint Palm Sunday mistake. He malntenanoo In adequate volume. ""1111 up Into the ri ... channrl In nAl'<GE. rroy=·=a=cuoa=='"=to=ma=t=e=lt:a::::::perty==·=";;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Opening WOODCRAFT SHOPS. located at last Sunday morning at the c«ona made It In telling the otory of the -.-., l'ff<hes In the lower -t of Action ~I .-,~In-the Supeior 611 Coast HighwaY, Qty of New· del Mar Communlty church by the Triumphal Entry. He bu Jesus Oranae councy compises 510.· the upper valley ol the Santa Ana Court the County of 0nnp port Beach, Orange County, Cali· Rev.· Perry F . Schrock. The speak· performing the dmis stunt of rid· 000 acres of mountain ancl' plains-rtv.!r. This .._,. valley, which lies and c plaint rued In the or: fornia. intends to sell, transfer er stated that he had announced lng two animals. He aaid that land borderinc the Pacific ocean. i:n RivenJde and San Bernardino fice of Clerk of. the SUperior and convey u.ict btulnesa to as a topic for his Palm Sunday Jesus rode on an au and upon a Mountains occupy about e>ne.ball counties, ls triangular ln shape. Court &aid Orunty PLYWOOD FABRICATORS INC .. sermon, ''Why Church Memben colt the foal of an aas. He made of this area. They Include the The low corner of the triangle· is · Announces T ·W. V. TREADWELL, M.D.,F.A.C.S. a Ca!lfomla ~ation, and "that Backslide and Saints Peraevei"<!." the mistake becauie he gave a Puente Hills and the Santa Ana at the entrl'1ce to the 12 mlle CITY 0 NEWPORT BEACH a emporary the ule will take place and the But the paper, In announcing the quotation from the Greek Old Mountains In the Interior of the gorge through whlch the Santa Munld Corporation of the • of Offices at purd>aR price be paid at the of· sermon topic read. "Why Church Testtament. Tit• translators of the county and the San Joeqln Hiiis Ana river _. Into Orange ~ • Plalntlf!, 122 E. 17th St., Santa Ana nee of HARVEY. RIMEL A. Memben Backslide and Saints Greek Old Testament made a mis-in the southeasterly part near the count)'. Tile first of the two VI. . JOHNSTON. Suite 200 Rellan<e Preserve." The printer had cbang· take In tramlatlng from the oric· coast. Between the mountalm< and reaches In which water naturally A. G. CH, et al, Defend-Phone 2414 cBaJfldlng, 310 North Main Street, ed "persevere" to .. preserve." inal Hebrew into the Greek. In the cout, except in the IOUtbeut-wells up into the river channel 11 ants. I Santa Ana, Orange County, Cali· "I )Jn!ached on the topic that Hebr.W the aame word ls used eri.v part, lies a broad i>Jaln on a •th!tch aeveral mlles long Im· 'l'llUiid&y ucl S.lutday o.ly . fornla . on Friday, May 17, 1946, 1 had announced," stated Mr. for "and" and "ev.n." In trans-whlch is fQUnd the laratt dt!es mediately upatream fl'<lnt the en-The i;:t'• ol the State of Call· Practice Limited to Obstetrics and Gyneaikigy • at the hour of ten o'clock A .M. Schrock, "but the printer's tapic lating one must detennl.ne from and the major agricultural devel· trance to the 12 mile ...-ce and fomla · ll"fftlnp to: / That the -"dress of the intend· was equally good. For one of the the context whether to UM aad or opment or the county. In the the second beclnl 14~ milel fur. A.G.~ and Vlvtan Wer.1 ,F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ eel yendor ls 123 Grand Canal. qualities ot saints ts that of being ••OL These translators used u4 southeasterly part, the several ther upatream. Although the river mlch, H d and Wlfo; Balboa Island. California. a Jl!"eoervlng Influence In life. when they ought to have uaed streams flowing from the Santi channel, for llOlne dial.-up. ~..!.net~ and· 1-11 Thomas, 'Ibat the present office of Jesus expected his follOW'ers to be evm. The correct translation Ana mountains to tlw ocean have stream f1'0m the second :rffch ls Wlfec w 0 M E N w A N T E I ' vendee ls located at Suite 200 Re-preservers. 'Ye are the salt of would be 'Behold. thy King cometh only small ' areas of plalnsland dry for the most part .,.cept du,. -~-~· Wennlch and R. M. . • l:lance Buildlna. Santa Ana. Cali· the earth'. he aaid to ru. dis-seated upon an aa, even. a colt alona their lower oounea. ing periods of flood flow, water "'.__.__. O>partnen 6:dnc buai· fonla.. ciplea. Salt 11 a ireservatlve u the foal of an aa.' 'Ille author of About central to the broad plain wen. up the year around lnto ~~an.ce County Rdln1nc Dated May s. 1946. well as a seUOtter. Our topic this Matthew had a theory that this In tho middle and westerly part these two roaches of river channel ... ~;0 H . NOW TRAINING FOR OUR ROGER S. WATSON. morning ls "Useful Mistakes." all happened In order to fulllll of the county the Santa Ana m very subotantial volume and ~"'! · artman, Piii>. May 9, 1946. This mistake In publishing my ser-prOpltfCY. And he juggled the River. the l~t river In south· forms a peT<rulfal stream, It ls J.!:JH..: and~~ K. NEW FACTORY mon tople will be a usdul mistake facts to !It his theory. Mary, Luke ern California. breats through the tldl P<ftnnlal stream that fur-· • If It will make us reallzo that and John all tell the story but Interior mowitaina In a 12-mDe 1llshes the supply for dlr'OCt div«-Doe~u!:"""" ~ Third LADIES' FINE SPORTSWEAR Mn. Everett Souder, 303 32nd 1treet, ls ~ from St. Joseph bolpltal and recovering from a major aperatlon. churches and Individual a.rtst!an they have Jes,. riding but one gorge and crnues the plain to the alon Into the Oran1e county eanall , a Def tlon; AND DD'l:'IC!C!ES men and women are to be pre-animal. You aee. they were not ocrran. This rtw'er' ll the prtndpa] during the lrricatlon •uon. At endant&. n.EQD !lttVen of all th<Jae things In life Interested In publlshlnc a theory sour"" or watel" uOed In Orange other times, th!I pettnnlal atreom an y"!.,."1 ~-~~ In that are auodated with truth, but In telling a story u It ttally county. It feeds the large Wider· -by tho canal dlven!ons and. the a-.-·r namedt ;i.i'ti'ff YoU by Single Needle Open.ton, Presllels, Help In all J)e.. goodness and beauty. They are to was. This mistake will be useful ground water basin lying !Jenn.th In Its mt!ttty. peroolates from the .... ~ n ID the partments. Clean, Ught, airy factory, Best work- preserve th<Jae stOndards of life If It will call attention to the fact the coastal plain naturally by per-riv.,. e!tannel Into the largo -·I g...-:rtor I Court ol the State of Ing condltiOllS, the kind of surroundlnp you will that Jesus taught and lived and that our Bible is a translation and colat!ng from 111 ehannel Into the gTOUncl water buln beneath the :::=· 1::vi, and for the Councy be happy to work In. Excellent _pay If expieri- they are to keep alive In tho world that modern tramlaton are more deep and porous alluvia oompoa-Orange eounty coutal plain. plain ~ to:" the com-enced U not exPerlenced. we will gladly teach and 190 Oou$ _.,. 7 this spirit that we call a.rtstllke. accurate than older ones and If It Ing the plain. Other IOUl'Cel of water supply after t the1 servl wt ten claya pay you while learnhig. 'Thb calls to mind other mil-wt.ll make clear that in BLltle Generally akin t 1 000 in Orange county are ln the · . oe on you of this FoiiDll~ ='~::, Store takes auociated with the Euter study one needs· to use hla brains cubic feet : SttO';;d ~~tet: streams of the aoutheuterly part ~if ,;:rved ':,thinwt::: ~~~;;~:;;~;;~~~se~aso~n~-:Th~e~au~thor~~o~f~th~e~Gospe~~l -Just aa he would in the study of into this underground water baSiii ot the CQUPty. These rise in the thJrtyty rul.v. lf =~ ehewher ROSSI'S Liquor Store : any book. from the ch 1 f the Santa Santa An8 mountains and now d.1-and ~"'." e, '.'Htte is the mistake of another Ana River wi~nlyo 8 small part rectJy ~nto the ocean. The unde~-you ~~ :~:S!s = pnnter. SOme yean ago I an-reaching the ocean u the now ground water buins along thel?' required. the plaintiff will tak nounced as the subject of my ser--approacbes the 1.000 cubic foot courses are not nearly as exten-judgmen' , for any money or ~ mon for the early Easter service, per second rate. With nows great-s!ve as those along t~e Santa ~a ages denianded in the Com laint 'Why Weepest Thou?' Imagine my er than this in the river channel nver and their now is much less. u --=-1-L upo tr t p will, Uirted here are addlUoul f..tan. io -1re yoar work ph•••t DIESEL SERVICE DIESEL MOTOR SALES RE-BUILT DIESELS PHONES Office: Newport 2068 and Newport 2084-W · ' The ordinary and low-water n ow cu~ig n con ac , or surprise when I read in the Satur-still larger quantities percolate In th t d h apply tote Court for any other · th t I t b ese s reams an t e wells day everung paper a was o ut a greater proportion of the th t dr d 1 l'elief de anded in the complaint'. 'Wh P t Th ,, t t l ch a a\v on groun -water n preach on Y eepes ou . o a. rea es the ocean. This th t · · It . Given der my hand and seal The printed had charged W' to water. that percolates into the al-so::ce~ 0~~pyl 8f,e t ~po~t~1 of the Superior Court of the •p•. I was quite embarrassed about luvta from the river channel, su 1 d th p y u e 0 a County al Orange State of Cali it a t the time, but later I came to spreads out naturally beneath the th pp y tan . e ar~~ . served b_y fornia, tfiis 19th 0 day of March. • Lunch Room e HoepitaJir.ation In· surance Plan e Nurse in Attendance at All Times e Public Address Sys- tem e Music While 'You Work • Transportation Good, .Next Door to P. E. Station and AU. Buses. see that the printer's version of ground surface and supplies water 5 ese t 5 r~~";5 isf s~a ~n ~m~I-1946. ·j ' m~ topic might be quite appro-to wells on the coa:ital plain from ;;er. 0 a 0 e an 8 na B. J. SMim, , pr1ate for the Easter crowd A the vicinity or Irvine Station on It 1 · th f th h Coun\y Clerk and Oerk o! the &ltabllsh yourself now In a rw.nnanent · h 11 k E t th s seen. ere ore. at t e . . ,.-preacher rrug t we as an as er e eut to the Los Angeles county gre t b lk 1 th t 11 Supenor Court of the State all y-~ 'l'Olllld · job di 'Wh p t Th .,. ti th a u o e wa er natura y , ~ a u ence, Y eepes ou · ne on e west and from the v ·t bl f in Or of California in and for the F or tha t is what many people do mountains to the ocean. Contribu-a a_i a e or use . ange coun-Coi.mty of er'ange APPLY *JN PERSON NO on Easter-peep, They peep at the tions to this underground water ~~~aw!~",.' ;:':.,~_0'1!'"•\~.!;' th~ By'wAYNE A. DRAGER, W church. They get Just a tiny peep supply arc made, also. by the t'n t h ___ ,, pot" 1 tohu Depul" l. , I uld l"k t k all . . e prn.~ng ar ices is J · M A U R I C E E . at re 1g1on. wo 1 e o u sm streams that drain the w t 1 1 hr h (Seal Superior Court Orange V E R-£ T T them to take a good look. Come Puente Hills and Santa Ana Moun-a er arge Y pa_sses t oug; p~ts C.Ounty:) again. and come often enough to tains and by rain falling directly of Satin Bebernfardino chland RiOrverside_ Pub Apri 11 18 25· May 2 g 16 U_._,_ -405 French s---t -"--ta •-coun es ore rea ng ange · , • • ' • • • a--.a,, """' DmU .ca.ua really see what the church is and on the area but these constitute county. It is the· remainder of the _..'.23'.::., ~30'.'.:;i'J~un~e~6~·_'.1':3;.· !_194~6~-::--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~ what religion is all about. Yes, thle sm1a!Iehr part ofbothe total _sup-flow in the Santa Ana river and ·~ Th Id be p y. n t e past. a ut four-fifths .13 trib , f h ,,___ . YOU ARE INVITED \..-11y Peepest ou. cou a of the water used in Orange COUD· 1 . ut8:"1es a ter t e u.u~t di-~;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~v~e~ry~use~!~ul~E~as~le~r;;s~er~m~o~n;.";;;;~ ty for domestic, munJdpaJ and ag-vers1o~s into canals and perco-riculture .supply has been pumped laU?n ~nto the underground-water trom wells and fnost of these wells basins 1n the upper ~anta Ana val- h av dr wn th 1 t fro th ley in San Bernardino and Rlver- 512\,2 Marine Avenue FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE SPORT LAND BOWLING ALLEYS .... Foot of Mala St. -Bal1- For Reaervattona Pbone Barbor 240! 10 M ...... --Allep "BOOTS" and ROY KEENE ' BOWL • e a e r wa er m e side counties have been served, to-large underground-water basin ly-geth with th t th t t ·be hth 11 . This er ewaers a na-ing neat e ooasta ~ am. uralJy well up into the trunk chan- underground-water basin, .. there-nel of the rivtt just before it fore, takes a _primary position in enters the 12 mile gorge whlch all considerations of the water separates the upper Santa Ana supply of Orange county. valley from Orange county. These The next largest source of sup-physical circumstances inex.tric- ply is the direct diversion of sur-ably relate the prlndpal natural r8:ce now from the s.anta Ana water supply of Orange county to River. All of the or~tnary and the supplies of San Bernardino low-water fl ow entering Orange and Riverside counties. count y during the irrigation sea- son has long been diverted into canals a nd used on nearby lands. C. G. Porter jr., 4lst street. is This supply nuctuates consider- r ecovering from an emergency ably in volume. At times it is as apendectomy performed last week large as 200 cubic feet per second at Fullerton hospital. but usually dwindles in the early "I U'D~-=Ll'l'lCAL=~-__ 40...:.VER~· ~TISEMENT==~-~->, pa.rt of the irrigation season to I about one·thlrd or one-fourth ot this amount and often gets as low ·SERVICE ' I BEFORE ;sELF • ! @ * EARL W. * STANLEY Oli'F'ERS TO THE A&ii N- BLY bis bliJmd ~-~ ~ -~~t'ri'7~to:I the 74tb Dilltrict al Soutbenl Clnmp Oluat)r. • • _,EMJNEl'iTLY. SUCCESS 1'lI. repl' I Ilation Is a.mire( OD bilJ panuat.ee of Service BEFORE Self ..... ASSEMBLY, 14th Di1111d • l ' ' .. Dr. MIJIOUOH HILL. lln• .. l••a 11lel pltllwpliJ ef ltall P•clflc l,.•Mlll•••I U•lftnitJ, H• • lhl· ............. tlll..rM et., •ii-.......... ,..... ........ .. --"'"'"-... .... • wt ...... c..a-........ .. Ila• .... .,..... '"Tllailllc •• a..... Rldi.,,Nw.._ ....... , ........ .................. 1 Cho•n by Andl'IW Camegl1 to organize ttw world's first end cnly ~et• "phlloscphy cf Individual ochleve"*1t," Dr. Hill spent eJ(,oo octly 20 years in completing the assignment, end during that time tw hod thl rar• pri vilege cf direct end penoncl cwxiction with mere than 500 cf ~ greatest business. incNltrial finoncicl leaders th/1 r· o:uitry has prcc:t,ced. His philosophy Is NOT c religion, but o woy of life. Non-sectcl'iGn ond non-political, It constitutes a time-tested end cc1i1.proved t'bfue pr~ for success'' taken right out of thl pages of the composite life ltXPfti•r'IC9 of ~ outstanding "*1 who hllped tc fonnulote· it. Read bllow whet Just o few of the• grllOt Americans haw to ICY about. Or. Hill ond his wcrk.. ... WllQ.IY,A··~~ I ... .._ Md I -· Mtftlf. W U. _. ... u.. .. ,_. 17 ~· prlnclplt:J .... U. Ill s...a., f Mf'"' I ti.. dM ,__ r1 llitlflt,...ftnt ......... WOIHU. WIU:ll • • •'fllll 11. ,.. .... ...,, U. ... fFldkal ..t: .. lb .... I _____ ... _ .......... , Ml1-it _., .. .,~ ....... ... Mlr) If It --.... ,..w ~ -·-----. F. W. WOCIUWllTlt • • ""I ,._n-.., lrlt• ....... fllfldKl ..... 69 W11I a tll ....... altM .....,t, M Clli.i a --.... _....., ... ~- DM t. MAlll•, .....,.., I I t s • ~C..·•"Mb_.. ......... .. .... "' ...., ,.._ ...... ftMidlll ---· By the Napoleon Hill Club of Long Beach TO HEAR NAPOLEON HILL Ph. D., Litt., D. World Famow Philo1opli.r.ontl AUTHOR OP 'Think and Grow Rieb" """ "Master Key to Riches" in 3-FREE-3 LECTURES Long Beach M·UNICIPA'L AUDITORIUM • MON. TUES. WED. EVENINGS-8 'P. M. MAY 13th, 14th, 15th • ~1.aao ._ lilll •-,_ T"'liet. IWf • __..,. ,, .............................. ,.,... ••••• 1 .. _ .... •It'';_, ............... e ...... 111 'V1 •I' I -... illll DI.•• .... .t ,. , ....... ..,. ....,. ... ...,.1 ,,, ",. _..-•• rtt'" ?"' .... • r<•••,....... -ha# I I wll .. --'11.ira -............ lflae II ..... ....... -.... llllftl M9J 16. 1Ws.., ..... SfJ '1•1f ,..,, ....... I N I .... liittiiiiJ 69 _._, ............... T1fstr....__.. ............. . ft• .. p u • . . -..... .,. . ,. • • ' ' • • • ·-, Pr ---• ......... !AA • Opportunities of Women of Today Told By Harbor Santa Ana Teacher at BPW Dinner "Women ol today .,... lool<ing at Rlvenide •hie!> llhe and Mrs. out t1uiJush the cloon of penoo.al Gretha Tubbs attended. She stated SQOC!CJ and aood•W into inter· that women are definitely eoinl national friendship" said Mils Into politics, and told of the aid - Dorothy Decker. mercbandislnc given a.ina by the dub i..t yew. Clubwomen Pour at and home economics teacher of lllrs. Eee introduced )llu Muriel Santa Ana. speaking before mom-Anderson. Garden Grove librarian. Art Exhibit Teas bon of the Bullnesa and Profes-girls of the high ICbool and .J'rln· aional Women's club at Whi~s cipal Davidian, who spoke on the 1be Newport Harbor Union Park avenue ode. Sidney H. Da-coming election and toJd of the tax 1-11.gh School Parent-Teacher auc> vldlon. principal ot the high IChool. plim f0< building needed additions elation wu i-.... at the Initial and etrll of the graduating class to the school. . t .. of the Newport Harbor Art were special guest.a. 1be next meeting will be m-exhibit on Saturday May 4 trom MW Decker who wu intro-1tallation of oftJcers, to be held 2 to 5 pm. ' duced by the ho.teas, Miss Marie at Newport Harbor Yacht club The beautifully appointed tea- JDebsch told of the many varied Thursday, May ·lS with other clubl table was placed ln the window fields oPen to the business women invited to attend . alcove of the school library where of today, who are paving the way G':l"ta prewnt were Sidney H . the exhibition was held Dona1d for v.•omen of othtt countries, DaVJdson, Dorot!ty J?ecker. Jme--Button, lecturer and contributor those of Russia alone having the phine Schulte, Virzin.ja ~chmann, to Sunset magazine honored the aame freedom of choice they do Jeanne Edick. Ruth Aldridge, P .·T .A. with an. ..;,usual floral here. The wonderful advance ~de ~ancy Neice. Clara Fukuda. Mur-arrangement which centered the by bw:ineu women can be r ealized 1el Anderson, _Joy Grower, Ellen table. Pouring were the Mesdames when it ls remembered that in Potter, Virginia Shirley, Beverly Sidney Davidson. Joseph Hamblet, 1919 .60 pa cent of government Myen, C. Priscilla GocMoe and c. L. Thom, Harry Burdick, Gun- Jobs were cloeed to women. Even Rose Kolew. . ning Butler a.nd the new president, war appean Jn the tJeld of their ~embers mcluded Maurine Mn. Wesley R. Fowler. .ct:Jvitles, aak\'the speaker, tor in Craig, CarneUe Kennedy, Betty AJTangementa for the tea Y>'ere the r ecent conflict they received Handy, Meta Bachmann, Grayce under the direction of Mn.. Ray- decoratlon.s and some of them lost Sevier, Ruth Gerrlah, Dorothy mond A. James, assiJted by Mrs. their lives. Sutherland, Alda Gorton, Greth& Olarlea Andrews. Mrs. Margarit Ege presided in ~bbs, M~aret Ege, EvalY__" Sunday hostesse5 we.re members the. abknce of Miss" Dorothea Wil-~ider, M~e :Jibs~h, ~t ~ of the Friday Afternoon club d.nd rtngton, za an . pouring were Mrs. W. E . Nickell, IO~, who is on her way to ~apan. Herr!clc, Gertrude Collver, Eil~n Mrs. Re uben Day, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Gertrude Collver, president-Hi~b1tts, Nancy Pierson, .El&1ne Mrs. George Gay, ·Mrs. J . P . elect, reported on the convention Wet!!Sf Mildred Stanley, Matie Roi-Cooper and Mrs. Joseph Hamblet. I ling, Borghild Stephens, Helen Monday was the Mothers' tea Kennedy. Katherine Vaughn, Carol with the Girts' league as hostesses D I I I 'S Denton and Winifred Barbre. a nd Mrs. Sherman ~ing. 1:1iss P aula Castle gave p1ano selecuons Delta Zeta Initiate both Saturday and Monday. -= Tuesday the home economics de- partment acted as hostesses under Miss June Wightman, daughter the direction of Miss h-'tarijane of l\.1r. and Mrs. Charles W . I Wightman. 2155 Miramar drive, Brand.hofer . Each day some 200 \,;;~~~~ Balboa, has been initiated into people attended the exhibit, each Delta Zeta soror ity. She is a t-r egistering a vote tor their favor- tending t he University of Cali-ite picture. and on· Sunday many fornia at the Berkeley campus. out-of-town visitors were present. It was a daughter tor Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Douglas, 433 Be- gonia avenue, born May 2 at St. Joseph ho.spital Sun Valley Picture Slated for May 23 The motion picture "Sun Val- ~------------...------------; 1.1ey," in color and with sound. o _reeUn.c Card• and. a Great Variety of Unmual Olft. which was to have been present- "WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND·• ed Thursday evening, May 9 at C. E. LOUCKS the Costa Mesa American Legion JEWELRY and STATIONERY hall by the Costa Mesa Grange, Dlamonda • Watcbe9 . Fine Bepalrtnc has been postponed and will be Phone Beacon HS9·M shown at the regular meeting of 1791 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mee.a, Calif. Thursday, May 23. '---------'"----------------1 There v.ill be a pot-luck dinner THE PET PANTRY llS Agate, Balboa bland WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS (Closed Thursdoys) ·Offers You Glamorous Bits of COSTUME JEWEL~Y for Mother's Day 1211 Coast Hiway ~~~ DEE BOYD Corona de! Mar jAN HENDERSON at 6 :30 p.m. "i th the program to follow. to which the public is cor- dially invited, no charge being made. The Home Economics section met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Alice Mullens, Broadway, with 16 members present and they busied themselves with sewing for the October bazaar. Next meeting ot the section will be Ma y 21 at the home of Mrs. Bradley Hughes, 345 East 18th street. Scotch tape, various sizes, on sale at the N~Tlmel , Balboa neatre Phone Barbor 28 ---- Now Sb ... owlnc- Carole 1 ·Mia. Wllllam Oarpn la "Behind Green Lights" and "Strange Confession" 811Dda,y Thru or.-day- "Duffy's Tavern" Alao "Midnight Manhunf' Wedaeeday &ad Tllund&J"- ~ a-Kid Ill "South of the Rio Grande" Aho "Hold That Blonde" F • • A • • • . First Annual May Day Dessert Bridge of em1 n Ille c t1 IV l t ·1 es ~p!:.:i~:~es Delightful A(fair + BY W!ulfred eume + ~ Phone. 1637·R ' :'"° u.!""°u:' ~~ ·= No Birthday Gifts · Pa for Returned :::"'~~pi,::: =. indelthe.;: But 'Food for China State Officer Installs Mrs. Mary McBride Servi , Men eommun1ty c1>un:11 for eacl> to1>1e Other chl1dren 1 ... fartunote Ebell President; Mrs. c. M,Dcakins Speaker .... centered with • ~ ID tbon he ...._!Int In the mind Mn M.-. E. u-.. a•..a-well Mrs. Richard OIJuntt -MliR... One f the hapP,est parties !:n ~ ea:=. ..:i: of Muter Donald Seal, son ol Kr. · ·-r • ~-. ·' ·---.. given in the Harbor.,.... in many and Mn. Gabert Seal. 615 BroM known In Hawaii and Oollfomla oecretary; Mrs. H. B. Baetz. cor-a doy tho! OV1!T the Wl!ek end ~ ol sweet peas about the atreet, N"'ll>O<t Heights. who as a club woman and lecturer, wu respcmdinc .teeretary; Mn. Susan at the e of Mr and Mn.. ....-:. . celebrated. his le\.'enth btrtbda)' lnatalled Thunday aa president ol RutherfO<!l, treuurer; Mrs. Wil· R. S H Ide 29 Be · a... On On the stage wu a tab!• on Friday. He had a -~ and 11>-the Ebell club by her life-long lard KIW0n, parliamentarian, and · n. aeon .....,. with a beautiful bowl ot aweet ,... .., friend. Mn. Albert Launer ot Mrs. Vlctpr Grace. director. Dec. 7, 9il the Holdena gave a peas and Maypoles on each llde vlted a llT"OUP of friends, but Mbd FWlerton, state advisor ol .,iunlor Oommittee c:hainnen named by party f their son Bob and prom· all the _.k ot the chairman oi them. Instead of bringing Sifts clubwomen. the new -'dent inc~ lllrs. lied ther party when all the clecOratlonS lllrs Sidney Black· for , him. to bnng Instead cam 1 rha •n• ... "•• .-= boys ha returned from .. rv1ce. be-~ -: ~ froze and packqes of food to be IOrtt me!.;:' J" the ~".'°w1':::~p;;t; i" L. .Isbell, ~; ." F ~ Last 'feek Cliff Todd came back cab ....j'~am cont~~ ~ to China and through bis unae1111b ol the program tying In to ma1re ~ ~:, ~ ... and from 'fPlcyo and the party wu In pastel nower effect and during ~ =~ cartonacne.JCJI a harmonious whole. lllrs. C. ll. her uslstant. Mn. Blodgett; Mrs. given. fll the boys had . seen ot the lune!> boor clasllc reeordlnp De~ local clubwcman who ta P. J . Wibon, membership; Mrs. ledt a t,ear ot active leTVlce over-were played. , 1be ~frnhmenta of ice a popular lpeoker thnlual>out the E. E. Boudinot. welfare; Mn. seaa anjl all returned. On Satur· In the receiving line were Mn. and Individual cakes _,, s southem section on the .subpoct s. w. BIAci<beard. bridge; Mn. doy evejtlng there wu dinner and 0 _ Z. ROOertaon. circle president: outside after games were pl on which ahe is a rec:ognized w· L. L Isbell, publicity; Mrs. Wayne ~in the patio, and movies Mrs. John Sadlier, vice president; and there wer:e favors of ! thorlty, now.... and floral ,.... Harper, reception; Mn. George B. taken of the .flnt party wett Mn. Newton Cox. chairman of balloons for each '"&mall ~ rangements, wu the speaker. S:ae Weiss. federation; Mrs. O. z. Rob-shown. Swimrrung_ and boating 1Vays and means. and Mrs. Ar.thur Prizes for 1ames went to OrYtDli is .not only Southern . ~I ertson, courtesy; Mrs. Robert L. werGe Eho. er. aclctld~esMenjoyed. d Kemper, general chairman. HDe~elstreet,andOtarDiJ~. Fu:aeWhlllt, II.of • chairman ol Nan:oUcs. buf is Jayred, bazaar and Mrs s Hey-ues in u <>t-ears. an Door . were won by the aru c. eman.. coonty c:hairtnan of Gardena aDd man, house. lllrs. H. 'v. · Snod-Mesd Cliff Todd .and Nibbs Mesdam~ Pleger. Birtcher, H . Others present -.. Lorna and had .aJTBnaed a "one-man filJlllilt'er grass wu named chainnan of the Gilm&n ~an Gabnel; Dick Mower, Hill Harold Ahrendt,· L. A. Nor-Kenna Johrtl;<>n, Bill Hemstreet. sh-' which not only provided the Second Book section John Llrieback, the Mlstes Sally • H e Erank E Pow· John and 0 Nell B .. ttie, P,,ter decomtJve note with unusual and · Gray, Jpyce Brown, Ullian Brooks m:, ~Id. ai;t~~t Deihl." Bea Cotton, Paul Sitton. Pa.>'ton Reed, interesting arrangements, but proa Mrs. Victor Grace presided at and J~ Brown, Alhambra; Mr. ~cimde George C;a.y and John Dick P adfield, Dennis Cole, JU. vided illustrations for her talk. the opening business session and and ~ Bud Newton, Los An-W C ' _ Th painting done mle Barnes, John Henrotin. tbl\ Also in keeping was the musi .. received praise for her splendid ge!es; . and Mrs. Bob Holden, b · ;mero~~ l~al .artist Bert young host, Donald, and hia cal program given by Hazel Tay-work l1S head of the club, Mrs. Ted an Jack Thomas, Corona del Y e no b Mn 0 M brother Larry. La , ti h ··"th lll Proctor was won Y · · · tor, soprano, a~d Ruth Arm-uner .presen ng er wi a ar. Campbell. Table prizes were ------- strong, accompan~st . of Santa Ana. beautiful bowl as a gift from her , ! d . h d· de tea aprons made F.A.C. to Install Mrs. Launer. in the ceremoo,y appreciative board members. Mn. Haraor Stamp Club a1nty an ma . . of installing .new officers. arranged Launer also paid tribute to Mrs. ~ byl memberi; of thnle circlf'.'.:.tive af Officers May 17 r h ch . flpw· McBride, her parents, the late Mr. Postt ones Next Meet t was not 0 y a .. • e~ ~:c ex~r~~= =~ty of and Mrl. Conkey of Fullerton, and fair, but a highly successful one Officers of the Frl~ay Afternoon each individual. Taking 0 ft j c e her late husband. Bruce McBride, The arbor St!imP club met at and over $150 was cleared .. Mrs. club will be installed at the l~- were Mrs McBride president· chairman of the Hawaiian Homes the Meta Radio and Hobby shop Arthur Kemper, general chairman, eon meeting to be held at 12:30 Mrs. Leste~ Isbell. vi~ resident ~ commission. for an auction with J . 0 . J enkins expressed appreciation to_ all the •p.m. May 17 with Mrs. A. J. p ~ committee members who aided her Lupton as chairman and members acting . chairman in the absence and to the merchants who _gave of the Arts and Crafts section in C M P T A Cal Co P T A of Ken Hitchcock. OSta .esa .-. . . ngreSS .-. . Lt. Woodey of Laguna Beach pri:zn. charge. Reservations should be H E h h G d F I · made with Miu Alice Plumer, onors ig t ra e avors ncrease 1n was pr"l"'nt .. a guest and applied 5085 T h • S I · !or m~bership. He has lived tor Newly-Weds Return Beacon · eac ers a arteS l8 ye in China and has a fine C lllrs. C. M. Deal<in1 of Balboa, The iast meeting of the year . . co11-ti n or ••amps. From Mexico ity county chairman of gardens. will for the Parent-Teacher associa-~ lion of the Costa Mesa Grammar Resol.utio~s favoring the in-Due o improvements which are . be installing officer and the pro- crease 1n minimum pay for teach-to beJade in the Radio shop, it Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rex are at gram will fea1\D'e Donna Jean school was held Tuesday -at the era from $1800 to $2400 was pass-will cl . l , for the next few home at 4100 Seashore drive after Grigg, aoprano, with Leonora ed. by the 3265 delegates who at· weeks 'and the ·next meeting of a month's hone.r ... oon spen n Pomk.lna u atCOOhlP._.a.nlst. Hmt-Main school auditortUm with ~ """° •"-t I pupils ot the eighth grade as hon-tended the 47th annual conven· the c will be postponed until Mexico City, Grand Canyon and esaes will be Mrs. Fred Brace, Mrs. ored guests. Mrs. Kenneth _Stew· I I h Calli l Co f • · f ' t t PhJnn d .,_ r~m ton o t e orn a ngress o it is ned. again. The Junior other points o in eres . Harry B. ey an uu ... -r·· art presided and brought an tn-Parents and Teachers, held May Stamp lub has disHanded for the Mrs. Rex 1s the fp nner Miss nlng Butler. teresting report from the Cali-first to third, inclusive, at San summe . Helen Churchill or Beverly Hills. ------- fornla Congress of Parents and Francisco, and it wu advocated B _;_ p The couple plan to build a home A pre-Mothers' day party en- Teachers which met at San Fran-that the state allow $120 per eacn arty On somewhere in the Harbor area. joyed over the week end at the cisco last week. capita to the schools instead ot i ?.fr. Rex ts a former New York home of Mrs. Florence Torrence, The drama class of the high the present rate of $90, according Thir Birthday advertising man and wits co-27th street, lnduded Mr. and Mn. school presented a play, '"The to the r eport brought back by owner of the Riverside Nev.'S be-Joe Summers, Mr and Mrs. Paul • Pampered Darling," those taking Mrs. Jerrold Spangler, delegate Fun on the beach and games fore going overseas for service. Farmer and son Mike, and Ed pa.rt being Charlotte Phinney, Her-for the high school P .-T. A. suitabl for the younger set were He is also a veteran of World Wehrley, Los An&'eles : Lt. Oxn- ber ta Johnson, Nancy Neice. 'Ellen Raises advocated were to help the c)· er of the day when Master War I. Slander and Mrs. Bruce Andenon Potter , R enato Monaco, Nolan relieve the teacher shortage which Stephe McNeil, son of .Mr. and New Residents and son Scott ot the San Diego Archer, Elaine Quarry, Pat Glass. is acute in California, with 30,000 Mn. E. McNeil, 1501 West Cen· But"Jd t"n Ba'Loa Naval base ; Cordon Wllll&ll1' and ~1ary Milling, Barbara Stovall, teachers needed, and to aid poor tral a'fenue, celebrated his third KJ Miss h-fargaret Stovall, South Roy Ward and Ardelle Kennell, school districts which must accept birthd<yY anniversary Frida)·. Pasadena, •while Sunday gunta the latter being property manager. poorly trained teachers. ~ 10:30 to 1:30 when it was Mr. and Mrs. Olarles R Owen. 'were Mrs. Ray Craig and Mn.. Musical numbers on the program Mrs. Rollin Brown; past presi-time fqr_ naps ,everyone had a good clubhouse avenue, are building a George Francis and sons. we.re by Paula Castle. dent of Tenth district, which com-time ~th Stephen opening his new home at 2205 Oiannel Road, ,------------; Eighth grade mothers gave a prises all Los Angeles city was many gilts and blowing~ out the Balboa. and their daughter, Mrs. N E W L I N E party for students after the pro-elected new state president. three candles which topped the Earl Stoneback and her hu!band C ft &feeting C U gram. serving ice cream, cake and Fourth district members wore cake, ecorated In green and yel· are building one at Miramar Drive. ra &r punch a nd were a lso hostesses at large felt oranges as a badge of low. Mr. Owen is an interior decora-8faaonerJ tea for the P .·T . A. members and Identification and to advertise Qr. S 21Jests present were tor and after a six months vacs.-Brooltings Variety teachers. ange county. The publicity book Bridg t a nd George Powell, Benny tion plans to open a studio here. .. Olilrill • .,. a.-.., ._ combined by Mrs. Spangler won Fren Glenda Caq>enter, Paul Mrs. Stoneback is well known as 0 1·, u.. e6 a-D\ca'i ..._ P.-T. A. Leaders Back From 'Frisco the state gold seal for Fourth FUlle Lewis and AJec Bishop, leader of the Junior Campfire district. Ruth t~.arie Slater and another Girls in North Hollywood and small j[riend, Larry. Mothers pres-Plans to organize a troop here. MCKl.bben-Boland ent "!'re Mrs. P. o. Bishop, Mrs. Earl il'ench, Mrs. Gus Slater, Mrs. Mrs. Edgar Hill, president. and E T Jd Marg~ret Powell of Santa Ana Mn. WObur Buck. secretary of ngagement 0 d an rs. McNeil. · the Newport Beach Grammar School Parent-Teacher associa-At a tea given in their home Ed j M G lion returned Saturdoy from San on Sunday. April 28. Mr. and Mn. 'iie OOreS reet Francisco. where they attended Wllliam P . Boland. 1525 South Mrl Kaiser in N. Y. the annual meeting of the Cali-Second street, AJhambra, an- forn1a Congress of Parents and nounced the engagement ot their w . bas been received by Teachers. ; .' daughter Jane to Paul McKibben, frien here of the arrival in New Theme of the convention was son of Mrs. Elizabeth McKibben, York of Mn. Heinz Kaiser, who A daughter was born April 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Copper- smith, 300 F ernleaf avenue, Cor- ona del Mar. ExJ,!lert .. In Larger Freedom," tak~ from 122 Amethyst avenue, Balboa Isl-h bee · ·tt 1 the preamble of the United Na-and and the late Dr. McKibben as ·r..:::n visi ng re atives In Eng~ latid or the put three months. · tions charter. Mrs. J . J . Garland of the medical school at the Uni-Mn. r wu greeted. at the Beauticians . for Milady presided and there were excellent venlty of Southern California. by Mr. and Mrs. Eddie conferences for leaders. P.·T. A. The brlde--elect attended U.S. C. M , who drove back to meet ls lar&:ely a matter of child wel-and eraduated. from Santa Barbara· her , 8 surprise. The three will fare work, Mn. Hill stated, and State college. She has been teach-ret together, visiting point.I of much attention wu given to the iJ11 in the Alhambra school system int t on the way. question ot delinquency control for the put year. Mr. McKibben Th y evening Mr,_and Mn. and youth protect.Jon, also to the graduated trom California Insti· Fr Hardiman, former residents teacher shortage and the raising tute of Technology and recently of hle anc11now of New York, of teache.rs' salaries. was discharged from the navy in dlroedJ with the: trio. wtt.ich be served for three yean u A baby daughter was born a lieutenant in the submarine l • ·Penianen11; °Cold Wa.., Ha.Jr Styq. &ir Tinting , • • Bleach· inc. Cold Wave. ANN -, .CARMEN Feaimbl&' .... _. ()m1:M Cold wa.- 0,. ........,., .&JI a.,.. ~ ....,,,. tr k f• Pw • I : ..--. ...... a11 Balboa Inn Beauty Salon ........ A....a. -• Ooaiaa F....a .......... Monda.y, April 29 to" Mr. and Mn. aervi~. _____ ,._, · ge ~~Luwere ~ Earl W. Coppe:tmnlth of C.orona While no date hu yet been set recenuy to •--.,.:''" tbur ...... -.w-~-amed Sallie ford. ITT. of Orange and Helen Al· i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ del Mar and hu ~· n for the wedding, it will be some font kattericll,1.l, Balboa I.stand: Ann. Mr. Coppersmith was form-time the latter part of June. abo~o Duane eney Hafner, 24, erly from Ventura and bas re- Cominc' "SUNBONNET Sm", cenUy received hll discharge aa Mr. and Mn. V. C. Barbre sr. Col Mesa, d Ruth Frances ""BELLS OF ST. MABY'S", HAL-captain in the Marine A1r corpa. and Mr. and Mn. Qyde Lamb of ~If· 25• Walnut Park. The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH -HEAT FIRE -THEFT Cold Storage Vault OnPNmisM HAVE YOUI RJRS llEMODELB> NOW AT LOW SUMMER IAllSI LOTMENT WIVE8", WSNAFU'', Mrs. Coppenmith ii from San Los Angeles were Sunday guests ~ "FEAR", "SONG OF OLD WY· Franclaco and Sioux Oty, la. The at the C. G. Porter jr. borne, 4111 F quick rbJta use New11· OMING", "VACATION FROM family II now residing at · 300 •treeL 1 clasaltledlooluum.. MAllRIAGE". --~F~eirnli~eial~•ivieniu~ei. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillll1 I r=========:::;:====F· ===~·======1 1 1 ''MOTHER'S D Y GllFTS'' Lido neatre Pbone Barbor lllt: Now Sbowtnc- Gene Tierney "Dragonwyck" ()1 .... ••tr3". 11.&7 19- Paulette Goddard -Ray Milland in "KITTY" Nm wm.: •wur•emo IDIF*'• "r.llfGIS&'9, -enAA• • For the Mother~to-e . I _, a Nice Littl Play Suit Featured by Do a-Marie Ill N"o. ._ H ec .,._,,.a,. 8EAUTY • .. ICM .&-ae ..... _...._ .... 1117 I ()pm Sa UntD Illar 1llt . ....., WHERE HAIR STYLI G IS AN ART Our aim la to mhaDce Milady' bwrty and pro111de the ultimate ID ~ care.. IJtlD TO TOE BEAdTr SERVICE ·-. • tkt.! Screen Star Casuals - - - in the 'new colors • • Sports..,--.,. • Dry Goods CXlSTA MESA I . •