HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-23 - Newport Balboa News Times·THf SAND CRAB "1 SAM CHANGE! We used to go in a store and buy what we needed, whether a washing machine or a piece of meat; we went to the city when we felt like it with not a great amount of work in bucking traffic; our scheme of living was by orderly pattern; one man said his two grown boys had everything in the way of food, but that his teen-ager was being restrict- ed a sto sweets and starches; you oould build an addition or a house by just asking an eager contractor. All he had to do was to step to the phone. order the material and it would be on the ground next day. Most of us want to return to the old way, the old social plans, pick up where we left off as though there had been no war. Regretfully it isn't work- ing out that way. For the rest of our Jives \\·e must face the problems war left us.-the strikes. the confus- ion, the dissention, starving millions, the billions of pro- perty sliot a way, the lack of supplies. the Black Markets. the groping after Jost ideals. All the avenues Qf human.ex- change are tangled and broken: when we want some- thing we find it missing, much to our annoyant'e. Must we not all undertake the job of readjustment, fac- ing a herculean task left by war's · tremendous gas h dCross the broken threads of the old way? Are we doing our part in helping solve this heart-break and teach our children that other values exist above and beyond the power of war? + + + Newsprint. The other daY the Crabber mentioned the shortage of newsprint. It has bit the NE!WS-Times right between the eyes, due to strikes in woods, pulp strictions are being put in strictoins are being put in force,. number of pages must be cut down and with that advertising and . features. News stands and street sales have been reduced, but all regular subscriliers will re- ceive their paper, and if you have been in the habit of buying it at the drug stores · or on the street, please join our list of paid readers if you live in the harbor area. Sorry. + + + $30,000 D r ug St or e. Claiming to top all pharma- cies in the Harbor district. as to •size and cost, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hampton are opening their drag store at Corona del Mar with a $30.· 000 &tock ol goods and fix. tures. The new owner is not new to'this district; 15 years ago he worked for Walt Eastlack and later for Joe Elliott in the Newport Phar· macy, then . went to Costa Mesa and ran his own store, now operated by Sam Craw- foro. For the last two years the Hamptons operated a drug store nt North Long Beach. The store, said to be one of the largest in the county is 30x65 and occu- pies part of Earl Stanley's new structure. It's worth a visit. + • + More Ut;bls. Balboa mer- chants, in their usual Ui>-and coming style, are after more lights for their business streets. Claim the lamps on the standards, in many cases, still have the war smut on them. Certainly the proper dty department can find time to at least wipe off the globes on Central and cross avenues in the business area. The merchants' point is well ta!an + + + " .. 1'llis True! Down in LonlsjaM Uncle Sam is said to be selling. sugar way 11boYe the ceiling. . A few emples: Pepsi Cola pays 7 cients aboYe celling; Seven- up from 8 to 14 cents a lb.; other mtp. in propcirtlon. u the OP A violates Its own oelllnga, what do they mean when they talk about Black ~!What should Uncle "Sam's children do, when Unky k u bed an ottender! .... ,. ' I. • • .NEWPORT KEEP POSTED? 1 Ymr ••••• ~ Sia .. " SJ $1.74 Olll el Ola .., • Jl'ln& la &d•ertill!g • Pin& la Clreulatlaa P •o.a e1 -__ ..,_ .. NewrDw. Newpwt a.. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPOR HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA VOL~XXXVJD ~1 Nll11BD U Rail Strike Hits 1000 Ne port Commutets ·Dr. Schrock Will Deliv~r Electric Boat Co.· Selects Jay, Ass . ciates Baccalaureate Sermon for As Authorized Dealers ·in So. Cal fornia four Hundred Workers forced to Remain Away from Jobs on Bus Route ' High Scho9I Senior Class Burglars ~~¥?~r2~1~?~{~ Ba ks Ready Bae<:alaureate services for the J B lb La di d E COM age of Southem California of 3440 T • R fa" · N i rt About 1000 riders on the New- 1946 Senior graduating class of the I a oa n a y nter Via Oporto. Newport Beach. Cali· o· ece1ve e 1n ewpo port Beach-Le• Angelos run of the Ne\Atport Harbor Union High F" d SlOO f fomia. as the authorized dealer . Bay Surveyor Pacific Electric r ail\vay and bus school will be held in the Costa IOe Of · for Elco cruisers and motor yachts linf' \vill be affretl'd by the na- ~~';':,;~~~muni)Y church on Sun· Housing Violation Dwe11·1ngs in i~~.s~~~~~mf~~if~~~iawa;;.~~~e fa ·1ne fund On Road Payroll -i~~n~l ;~l~a;•lt'.'ut schedule<I Rev. F. Perry Schrock of Santa job of building more Pr's for the Exactlv ~-00 of th~c are> resi- Ana, minister of the Congregation-Mrs. R-uth Deister of Bal-U. S. Navy and. foreign govern-Retention of_ H. Noble Morgan dents of the harbor ar<'a \vho are al church of Corona del Mar. will ment:i-than all other American as engineer assigned to the Or· emplo.yed in other cities along the deliver the address of rare\\'ell to boa Island, defendant in the Nt'wport B<>ach police are this builders combin<.'d., is now in pro-Mone is no\v beginning to come ange County Harbor commission Pacific F.l<"Ctric bus route int.o Los the graduating students who num· case involving the violation of week on the trail of burglars \\'ho duction on a ne\v post·\\·ar fleet in for t e Em~rgency Food Col· and on the road department pay. Angelt>s. Tu•o or the bus operators ber 108. a city ordinance prohJbiting entered several homes in Corona or five 1947 mode ls at its large l('('tion. ccording to chairman Dr. roll was ordered by the board of who are employed by the rail\vay The iRVOCation will be given by the use of more than two del Mar and have been living in plant in Bayonne, N. J . G. N. P ase, v.•ho announces that supervisors th.ls week. company live in the harbor dia.- lhe Rev. Carl B. Johnson, pastor •1 dwellings in a R-2 zone, was the old Chinese house at 1210 R To give \vide distribution to the · c;a ign is already in full Noble will continue to draw his trict. of the Costa Mesa l.fethodist found guilty and ftned $100 in street "'hile conducting a methodic thesl" new ·cruisers, Elco. a divis· swing.~· ith co!Jection under way pay from the road department dur·, En:iployf's or the Pacific Electric church. and this will be followed city court last Saturday by pilfering routine amongst nwner· ion of the Electric Boat Co .• has in sch s, and through all-local ing J une while continuing his bus line are mC'mbers of the Broth· with a scripture reading by Fred J udge Bob Gardner In the ous unoccupied homes in the area. orRanized a nation·'-''1de system of organiza 'ons. work of ~ying Newport Bay erhood of Railway Trainmen's Briggs of Balboa. cllma.~ of t.he trial ll'hich h as Seven homes were found to have; dealers in important boating cent· Rolan Wright, manager of and developmeot of the harbor. union which has called the walk- 1 been broken into by palice after! ers throughout the country. N ewpor Bank of America, says He expects to be re-a'ssigned to out for late this afternoon. If de- Thc services will be inter· been prolonged 0\'er several responding to a call from Harbor· I This arrangement. in addition to that in J.ine with national palicy the harbor comm.islion pa)Toll as mands made by the motor coach spersed with music. including !\'ten· Saturdays. · maste r Russell Craig, 112 Dahlia, expanding sales facilities, will also setting 'up banks as collection soon as his work in this area of and train operators are not met delssohn's "Adagio from Second d . . . I b · · 1·-• hru Organ Sonata," Arcadelt's "Ava Ju ge ~ardner, in his JUdgmf.'nt Corona del ~iar, who reported that make it possible for Elco owners agencies both Banks of America the county is f"mished. Y the companies 1nvo "'l;."\I t out Maria." Bach's "How Shalt I Fit· made at time of sentence, d~ared some one had tried to steal his 1. to get special company service and local!y \Viii accept checks er The mpervtsors also informed the nation. 1 M .. · that a pre}Xlnderance of eVJdence car. attention when they cruise away 1 money.__ eeks should be made! the Irvine company that it can· No estimate could be made ~ eet Thee, . the latter to be pointed to the fact that the Deis· Craig, hearing a noise at 7:35!from their home port areas, as out to ll!! ergency Food Collection. not acquie9Ce to its recent re· earlier today of the number ot g1venbyam1xedchorus,and d ' Td · fhdl h hA -k hhdl!t N S h . , "M h Re . al.. ters ha intended to house a party ues ay evening near his garage, I most o t e ea ers t roughout t e C'Count have been .c;et up in quest of cleaning Peter's · canyon wor ers w o a C' t'.'WJ>?l"l c riener .s arc cession · of seven girls from San Bernardino went downstairs and found his car country \\ill have large ''marinas" both baa.ks heTe and monies \Vill wash since the land is privately Beach for Los Angeles or way Exercises \\1ed.n6day in a garage in \Vhich they install· pushed almost out of the garage. and docking facili ties for visitors be fonv rded to New York, where owned points in defiance of the possibility Graduation exercises for the ed a stove and icebox for the en· In the car were a record player, 1 1 in coqncction with their show. Harvey ibson has been appointed The Irvine company also filed .a of the walkout going into etrect «t senior · class "'.ill be held \Vednes-tire Easter \\'eek for which they sever al articles of clothing and a rooms.:! treasu~e , by national chairman .. protest with the board against the scheduled hour. But. some day at 8 p.m. in the Newport rtar-received S50 rent. The Deisters butcher knife. / In announcing the selection of Henry'\'. allace. the 1~ of stop signs on roads workers were known to have made ~r Union High school auditor· contended that they intended for Investigating officers found that the Anchorage of Southern Cali· Herve Gibson has recently re· leading out of the El Toro Marine the trip, and thE"Se apparently did ium. I the girls to live in the garage' un· homes at 1309 \\'ay Lane, 1315 1 1 fornia as the Los Angeles dealer, ceived. e Medal of Merit from Cori-Air station and the m~ter sd with the knowledge that they Dr. W. Ballentine He nley of the ti! another house was available \Vay Lane, 138 FC'rnleaf, 1211 .H Mr. Sutphen said: "Elco i~ very Preside Truman for his work as l was referred to !the trafnc a:m-n:ti~ht be marooned in the latter Los Angeles Osteopathic college, the next day, a house belonging to street, 1210 R street, has been' pleated to be represented 1n the Red Cr Com.missioner to Creat 1 mlttee. , cities should the walkout become will speak on the subject of "Blue-Robert Norris of Los Angeles a t entered by forcing . a window in I increasingly important Southern Britain' nd \Vest en Europe dur· Manager W. B. Heddis inquired 1 official at. 4 p.m. print for Tomorrow." 211 Sapphire. each residence and evidence ofl California area by Mr. T. \Veston ing the ar. He is now Chairman why the board bad>not sought the Approximately 600 of the daily Bruce McGavren of the senior The girls lived in the garage, ransacking. Jay and his associates in the An· of Man acturers Trust Co. in opinion of the company and area riders aN> 1ocal area people who gr aduating class will make the ad· undC"rneath an apartment where The old landmark Chinese home chorage cf Southern California. New Yo k, and adds one more ll· residenta before removing the stop shop in Long Beach and Los ·An· dress of welcome and Lois Strunk eight oth('r girls '-''ere housed, from in ChinC'se Cove was found to have After a thorough survey I am con· lustriou name to the long list sjgns on Tnbaco 'l"08d at Central geles. None of these weTe expected of the same class Will say farewell. Friday night of Easter week until been entered and the lower half vinced that this progressive group of nati nally important people aven~ .ad. Highway 101 near to take the morning busses out Invocation will be made by the Sunday. at which time investiga. had evidently been lived in of yachtsmen and businessmen will who ar aligned \\ith the effort CUiver's Comen.. He aald the of the Newport Beadl depot of Rev. E. D . Goodell, pastor of the tors from Newport police depart· by the pilferers. Furnishings inl provide the finest facilities avail· to aids arving people abroad. mOve may ~te a 'traffic hazard. the Pacific ~ectric line, due. to Christ Church by the Sea, New· m£'nt arrived and informed the the home were mutilated by slash· a ble." It Hll been asked what is the the forewarning of the possible port Beac h. and benediction Will be inhabitants that they \\'Ould have Ing and an American flag was Mr. Jay. who residC'S at 201 Via connecti n between the President's1 p (m "'--=--• walkout late today. made by the Rev. Ardys Dean, to mO\'e. torn and thrown on the fl oor. At Orvieto, Lido Isle, has resided in Famine mergencyCommittee and 3 er .I. Wllut lft There also wu some question vicar of St. James Episcopal All of the girls fr m Sa Ber· Joker playing card with the writ· Newpor t Harbor district since Emerge9cy Food Connection. Dr. Hospital Same Day whether local grocery and meat church here. nardino W{'fe pre~n; at th~ trial ten inscription "That's Me" was 1912. He owned and operated the Pease wints out that they sup. markets would be able to gl't Principal Sidney H. Davidson Saturday morning and testified • found pinned to the drapes and Balboa Marine Hardware stores. plementt each other in that the That pecUuar fate which seems adequate supplie9 al. food and meat will preSC'nt the class and Braden substantially that the)' had made liquor bottles of various descrit>" one in ·Balboa and one on Rig~· Presideqt's committee is for the to follow twins worked last week for thf'ir ('tlstoll'l(l"s-during the Finch of the board of trustees of arrangemr-nts with Charles D . tions were .litter<.'d. ar?und the way 101. for a number of years. purJX)Se of arousing the sympathy / for Marjorie Smith and Jean Pres-strike. J)f'riod. Sever al meat mar- the school district will presrnt Calderas of Balboa Island to rent room. A r adio ~'as playing softly During the late war he was and coo ration of people at home ton twin daughters of the P. A kets and concessions tn grocery the diplomas to the grad!Jates. a place for the week and had '"';'hen officers entered indicating with the Robert V. Staats company and ed ating them on the means Pahners ol Lido Isle. Jdrs_ Pres~ markets wer e f~ to c1oBe lut A feature of .the musical prcr round themselves housed in the that the thieves had evidently been as personnel manager and pur· and im rtance of saving food. ton wife of Fred w Preston of week when the str1ke threatened gram v.'ill be a soprano solo by garage They also t(,'sti fied that surprised. chasing agent. This firm is now Erner ency Food Collection es-~ Anaeles pve hirib to a baby t he nation at that time. Grace Howland, with a mixed there .;,as no indication that they Fingerprints "''ere obtained in known as the Seacraft company. tablis}\E a link by which people son MQ 15 in Huntington Memor-Although lumber yards in the chorus accompaniment. A piano were to move to another house the Chinese home but evidence Mr. Jay said today that he ex-here c! convert their saving into ial h<Bpital, Pasadena and on the harbor district were rushing last solo of Chopin's "Fantasie Im· until investigators told them they shows that the thieves evidently pected to have a number of boats actua1· tidpation in the pro-. same day her sister Marjorie un· week to get in all the supplies of promptu." will be given by Ethel "'·ould have to move wore gloves when e ntering the on display after the July deliver· gram t help Europe. derwent an operation in a Santa boardwood available, t'Jte strike in Jacobsen. · other homes. ies and said that t he new firm A ty cal noon day meal for a Am. hmpi'd the timber industry was also be-- Oraduat-e u~t Calderas presented testimony Officers Dyson and Montgomery would also handle Lauson inboard man in reece was recently served Mrs. Smith 19 ...,.. ...._1 ..... rating ing felt here. W ith tim ber produc· Graduates who will receive their that he had arranged for the girls have been assigned to the case and outboard motors, radio tele· a grou of New York business at the home at. ano ........ __ tion stymied and rail shipment a t diplomas are: Arthur Jesse Abbott. toh. liveb itnNNoi:risd'_dhomebo!' Sahp.. and all owners of homes broken phones and yachtsmen's togs as men. s .. idinc Eastman ~~ie"::t a standstill, thef'e wu some oues· R th Al Aldr"d Al v I P ire u orris 1 not nng t e into have been notified, according specialties. The nu consisted of. e~ to ,•t1&n to tion there, too, of when both .:rg Anfre~. N~la~e,Lee ~ch~r~ key to the home in time to house to police records. On tablespoonful of mac--B;.n;; Id•,;,~ ,!:k. home on would get back to nonnal again. Charles Edward Akison, and Betty the girls on Friday night when • aroni th no cheese or buttE\f. I n Loll Angeles lut ntght. W. P. Jean Alexander. they arrived unexpectedly and he Balboa Will Be Scene Tw lettuce leaves with no N utter, general dl&lnnan of the Joan Virginia Bachman. James then prevailed ypon the Deisteni R•I I s Jaysee Celebration, dresii Stays jg Theater P . E . Brotherhood at Railway Hayes Bailey. WUliam R ichard to allow the girls to remain in the I ey s on On ~hln slice of dark bread. 'l'VL:W.-. c B Tl'ainmeft, said: Bean. Helen Louise Bean. Alicia garage until he could obtain the Dance Nex t Tuesday Sevtn raisinS. ... ..... ar urns "11 -.... --· •trill• Ann Beck. Alice fayt> Boyd, Helen key. Ame*ans can cut a great dl-1:1 there wtD be 90 loaaJ .atlle," he Avis Boys, and TIJomas James Testifying for Mrs. Deister were B k K h I Climaxing of the Homecoming and s be far above such meagre Mrs.. Ra:F S. o-.lg had quite a told D""UllWJIL "We haft ~b· Brooks jr. Robert Norris of Los Angeles, Mr. ac s UC e celebration of the Santa Ana fare. Emerg~ncy Food Coltec. shock 'IL hy when lhe came ed. WCJt•lllre ~-· wttll Grace June Campbell, Mary E1· and Mrs. Calderas, Mr. Deister afld Junior college Tuesday, May 28, tion co 'ttee urges all citizens out of the Balbm Theater to find tbe ~&, "' t.here la •• ten CarrotJ, Norris Doddsworth Mrs. Deister. will be a gala dance at the Ren-to give to the committee what firemen •WWWlll Ri' car which wU occula for a Jocal atl'lll:e. W e Cash jr· Quincy Tufts Cass Rotr Maximum penalty for violation SACRAMENTO, May ~Burke dezvous Ballroom in Balboa, ac· they c sa ve by cutting even so on fire. !De> aid her daughter ca.a and wlU f!ODtlnDC to MCO- ert Ted .. Ch~k. Lorena•Ann' Cole· ~-· told her tJmt c .....,..,._... 1-• -""" of the city ordinance is S300 or 90 Riley, son of former State C.On· cording to Millord Dahl, chairman much a slice of bread a day. ·-·-Ille WU ....-. .. Uat.e -=- man, John Robert Connell jr ., Ber· days in the county jaiJ or both. trotter Harry B. RiJey and an as· of the alumni conµnittee in charge Checks may be made ·out to the owner al.• em' tbst WU a.fire ~owe•em, tile aa ca.al J.sue nadine Elaine Couron. James Wil· sistant to his father at the time of the celebration. "Erner nCy Food Collection" and but ne'ller' iawcfn'd lt could be le Just u ...a Mii' lleht u the. liam Cramer, David Mark Cross, The well-known Bobby . Sher· mailed to either Bank of Amer-hers.. otben wlMt are t.-Yolvecl. and tf School Zone Speeder lhC' latter died last February, has Mr ~ ~ CraI will J · and Alfred Martin Crane. wood and his band have been en-tea. Coi s may be dropped in con--. ~~ ~ I eave. t here i• a •tloaal otrll<• t.omor-thrown his support in the June h • 1 ~ -~-·~-~ ho ---Leondrd A. DeBord. Elizabeth Faces Newport Court gaged to provide the music. and tajners in food stores. ett ·-~ ~ u~ me row, tbere wm be a Padlle ~ primaries to State Controller • at Puente cm the ranch of h k • Kathr}ll DeGrasse. Robert Ed· Thomas H. Kuchel. the ticket.s will be on sale this er par-hie wor .iopp.ce. ward ~ughty Robert Chapman ! week at the junior college offi-. ents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Van Wig, Bus operat ors of the Pacific vv • . Slated to appear before City Riley, who today revealed that ""~ d• ho ha retb.-...a _ _. li Bal Durkc-e. J eanne Edick. Norman R.I Judge Bob Gardner in court next he had been urged to enter the Homecoming·wtlt honor 1500 ex· 10 wboa. -~ r--':: will_. .... ~e in • Electric line wndho live inwlll~-ha:r· C · ed p 91 students, former and ~t mem· au.. ....... ...., Ulll:' remem--bor district a 'f'iho 1.-: lir ~ ont1nu on age Wednesday is E. D. Stern, 2412 June primaries a'nd make the race r· ... -·. ....___. •"--Rath, f f ·~-~~ bers of the Armed Services, who ~ a ~ a ormer operative as a result o L.l1': M.:&.R:U-Canyon Drive, Los Angeles, who for the office his fa ther so success--...u.-af -~-.,,_ --• Irv! S "th f have been invited through a spec· e • ...,_..,,.,. .. ..__.. .. ,...._ ...-... uled walkout are~ ng mt o was appr~hended Wednesday trav· fully administered. said he turned lal Don Letter-<>f·the-Month. R,e.. • identified. with the A.ckei-m&n BOat l Newport Beach and J . Bevd&JC'y Safety surve .. 'S have dctermjned eling 50 Miles per hour in a 15--down the suggestion because he 1es Co until it t -f bust f n-M " plies of alumni interested in at· · · 1"!11 o ness. o ~ta esa. that the most dangerous age for mile school zone during school believed it "'ould be "trading" on . automobile drivers is from 15 to 20. hours. his father's name. tending have been received from -------------------------"But." commented the younger every quarter of the globe, by Di· Qty Ado ts N R I Riley. "I guess some people do net rector John H. McCoy. of the death of Lou I .P ew u es M t l•t W t B d . have the same moral scruples. A The dance will begin at 8:30 neer film e ropo I an a er Oar Harry E. Riley from Southgate p.m. With the Don and Dona pre-of Joseph • and of whom I never heanl is run-siding over the affair. Election for and· show G • D k R t ~ ning for State Controller and using the bonor of reigning over the fes-for 34 years and one-time ouem1ng oc en a the phrase 'your state controller' tivltles will be he ld Friday, wh~ head •o the Balboa film studio, f 1 on some of his campaign liter· members of the student body will. was ived here earJy this week. DANGEROUS AG.E ·>J attempt to hoodwink Ute v~en Don · n a . or in Los es Tuesday. A former wm be amtal GI' Jtn i e4 on a No addition ol waels of any The Oty of Newport Beach must j from the secretarial office of the into believing they still are votlnc GeorXe and V~a ~· Mano~ New Y k actor, mUlical ocmedy ,.,.,,. tit o llllllla .i;,. With kind be permltted bwide <r akJnc· meet fy.-0 stipulations of the Coastal Munidpal Water district, for my father. Hel A.sh 1 Dona. pson an lead vatJdeVille star on the a 30-daJ' •w•eftatka dame and llde ot. any dt7 dock, ewpt. With l\.f tro 1.t wt di trict bet l a subsidiary of the pa.rent Los "I would not run for Controller en er or old ' drcult hewaa known no •ab' M!I Se ta lie ___.tt.ed -n-ar tbe L~ -··ter, e po 1 an •er • ore j Angeles .•yztem. informed mem-because I feared I would be trad-Further plans for entertainment as · Old Soldl;,.... in ,..._ ~ -·- It can be annexed to thet syztem bers of the NO)"pOrt Beadt dty •-· on my fatWs name and bo-and procram will bo aruiounced at show bef0tt be ;'!.'!'.: ;~ w ••,•-:, ... ,. ~ .:! --thm only bJ .... the full f the ·--' f · di M A ... aft ._ the end ot the week. ~ -• -~-_..p rata al Ill oento por foot or ..,.,= purpose o rece1v-coun on_, ernoon that the cause I belie"" stncerely thet the ecttnc came to Southern C&Ji. creed -JttwjGI -06' ........n loilgtll to the City al - ing an abundant and adequate su~ board of directors of the MWD at man who shouJd be elected to that S . famia Schenck in 1916. C.oundl me y hi 8fl8 __. BMcb. ply of potable .... t ... """" it. an its May 9 meeting authorized that office ts State Controlltt Thomu adors Takes Over He -·~ such -u M • • -~ -'WWWL ,_. ......... -. ---....,,--!di-Thia -~ -n boats-~ authoritative communication re-the stipulations be preoented to the H. Kuchel Mr. Kuchel In truth is ·Water · Se-er D ties -(Fatty! Arbuckle. Buster aroepllocl -pt 7 ar a •-,_,_ ... ~-ud -• ~ reived by municipal otfidals here beach dty. your atate controlltt. He wu ap-• " U Keat.on -Al St. :John -wu me--,_ _.., atates. . After a discunion ot the two pointed 0n my fa tWs death. H t Cot :1. :1. Sa1J<n. d ty admlnts-king ot · oomecty ~ m-te ae ...d' ~ bmtlor ... for larp -11 berthlnc ·at Flnt. the City of Newport muat requirttnents, Councilman O. Z. ts a traJned publlc afl!dal Be ts trati"" officer for Newpc:rl Bnch. In IM eerly dqs al tbe tllmo, as ---._ ::.:i ~.: ~ ":.i ~ 8 ~ wtll be place on deposit with the Los An-lloberUon Vl!lltured the suqe&-a man with whom my tatbe< work· was authorbecl bJ the Newpcat -tint In Balboa, then ot -be :t pd far .a -~ for .. ...__ bal""= and gelea MWD system the lllll! al tlon that perhapo the people ot ed and who bad my fatbtt'a can-Be8cb d ty couiic:IJ Oii ~ to 1-,llJ!il flnaUy Hollywood -.,_,. • • «IV dodm --lar)r radiiti.._. at ~ l • .2, $2500 to defray pre1imlnarY ex· N~ Beadt should be given an plete confldonct. ....,,,.. ~ dwp ot tbe In 19'JO -Sebo -'< antwd In that ;;: £ . rt F be let I, 4 -&, ud 8 rate ol S40 - penoea ol such propooed annexa-~ty to vote aa to whethor "I -tllat my late fathor, otllee al tbe d~• _,,. -tbe .,.ptaJ. at $15. ·· ~ tlon. Secondly, the dty must ac-or not they wmt to join the who bad the confldeDce ol cau--ter depu -ta. He -·"7 his Wife, Rio -n • H -ti! for lltAlnp bW!dlnc - cept an tm~tlon roqulring tbe Metropolitan Water district sys-fomla's voten, W..Wd bedt 'l1!omal -:J-R. JlcM!Dan ~ BMW11 "'-• former -... 1111 .. w ~ -lies n ~ No. 5. payment at 10 cena on each $100 tem. H. Kuchel to the -t aa I mn auperln,_;.,,t ot tbe two..__: -I O>iDlctY -· 1122=_ -.lilt -.... ol Ille dl1 _.,.ii ap. "' --valuation ot tbe d-1 N o action WU tak ... by -~-..... -L•--I~ ·~-1 --M ~n -11n ... to ~In-to be -~M~ "!!. --...-ar tlie ....... __ --~ moll wbol --~ ---~-----·--~ ~ - ---.... ...,-...... --..... aa by tile 1 , .,.,._ u a e ptDdinc fllrther fathor -be tbe -tD .-t dlarp ot tbe operatlzls bn-dueled tile Woe Kirk d U. dw;rt -.. ..,, , z ,,,.__I. I.· .... -V= 4 -umocurec1 county voJua-. dlacUalon •t tbe Delli meettnc ol the atumpt ar aa:J -u•-te ar -.... ud -...,,.t-Ba 1a F-I.awn v r•lll <NI 'I • • " -._ _. llMM y tw <>Ills 'l1le m mounbtlQll wbldl came tbe coundl to trade cm a fadtJ -. • mmta. J!1irk -tod177. .IC. ..j ._.Ji,.. -IE: .... 1 .. Ille -.. ?"8 • \ • ' C'A»ngratulations ~, • • To Hampton Harbor Drug ALL PUJMBING INSTAil.113) BY HARRY W. TAYWR , HAMPTON Harbor Drug WELCOME • • -to- Corona del Mar WALLIE'S eo.....delllar Liquor Store -~ Bl&'nn7 DWW ••1 ao& aaw•ri•• ••rwt • o, o.m1 , , -• ~~ M~ Opening of Hampton's Latest H · ·;;rr::a!:~t Sheriff's Runo St I Set f Safu da In J Cell '"'~~~ ~ J::r:.· L ~~ ore s or · r y ~= ,_,ths all - Manis ot N...,_t Harbor a good Saturda ) -~•--"--~•·~-• had to t waa a cup of cold storch ch of being 1n the runott In Opening ...._,_ < Y an ~~~ ....... -==·~~ u-Inf with maggots." 'I1leoe th:";'eneral election for aherltt of will be the latest addition to Co-se~ ~comm~ty.q.uppod .th were words ot Prof. L. M. Orange OOUDty. rona del Mar's rapidly-~ the lat>ot .;::"'pment dslcned ""by Stump last F.ridsy nicht at the 'Ibey u.v that Manis' long ex· business section, Hampton s Har--·-fixture _ _._ __.. __ Hour Phophecy Tabernacle. Mr. ·--.; bor Drug store In the new Earl ~-..... --•• a~~-.. Stump, who was deo:>rated by Gen· perience as a peace officer In his Stanley building. 619 Coast Hlgh-to surveya made by the Unl!M eral las MacArthur for smug. own county, plus his ability u an way, Corona de! Mar. ~ ~ the store of today gling fi to starving Americans, organizer and te-,der al men, easily Assodated in the new firm. Mr Ham t~n Will be man spent o years u a resident out· make him one of the outstanding which will present one of· the mmt of ~ "'';.tabllshment and~ side camp. nine· days in the candidate. f~ the offtoe. complete stores of ita kind in announ~ that William Miller, a Santo Tomas prison, and nine Becauoe of his work with the Southern California, .,,., n.mell .-..turned veteran who was a pria-mon In the Loo Banos prloon. • WELCOME ·to C'A»rona del Mar Ha1.-1 Harbor Dr91 ~--• We Wish You Success r BROSE REALTY - • California Highway P11trol llnce Hampton. former Balboan with oner ot the Germano for many The Profeaor statod that the 1942 Monis bas workod In all ...,_ many yean experlenoe In the drug months during the war snd broth-com tacts of conditions In the !------,------------------' Uons ot the county and knowl the buslnea. Lonnie Vln<ent, owner-er·ln-law of Wllllam Bruah ot the Phili Islands during the Jap- problems of every area and thua manaa:er of Balboa Pharmacy for Technical Laboratories ot New-&neR tlon had never been ------~--------------- ".'lli draw votes tram virtually all many yoars, and Mac Pelletier, port Beach. will bo In charge of print and that if thq ..U-., ---------------------""'! county territory. managing· partner 0 r Newport the apadoua fountain. Amem would not bdleve them. Experts agree that, with Mor-Pharmacy for five years. Elsie Hampton will bo In charge He t of one man who statod ris carrying the county's coast-The new store has been opened. of the cosmetic department and just ore ~ died that he had line, he stands an excellent chance according to the owners, because will assist Mr. Hampton in man-eafe.P slugs. In conclusion Mr. of being In the nmott. He Is also ot the neod ot a modem, up-to-agoment. S told ot the mlraculous de- strong ln the-La Habra. Yorba date pharmacy and fountain in A feature of the opening, to Uvl!ra of the 2100 in Loe Banos Linda, Placentia and Fullerton Corona del Mar, and to .terVe the which every resident of the area by ~ ppine guerlllu, Amtttcan distrlctt a.nd, plua b.1s loyal sup. residents of that area with a com-i5 cordially invited, will be the part , and an alligator tank porters in West Orange county plete line of drop, amnetlcs and sale of many hard-to-get items m. ,unit. e pra.t.ed the American and the Santa Ana~ge dis-a well.rounded line of needed eluding Kleenex. alarm clocks, film aoldie for their bravery, and com- trict, he wDl poll a ~trong vote. Items. and chocolates. pa.red their act of delivering the However, it 11 agreed that Mor-Many local firms have been u-Merchant:a of Corona del Mar priso to that of Ou1at'1 aec- r ia, the harbor diatrlct'1 own can· iodated in the erection of the and many in the entire Harbor on~ ming and the deliverance of didate, mwt have the 1upport ot Stanley buJldlng which will house area have joined resident.I In con· ~ ple of ~ at that time. EVERY voter ln the harbor dis· the new drug concern including gratulatlons to the new owners comlnc week Evangelllt trict and his friends in his own the South Cout Construction com· and point with pride to the growth Goff announces another inter· . . We Wish You Luck • • • Hampton Harbor Drug Welcome to C'A»rona del Mar • • home town are urgin1 a 100 per pany with Rex Brandt Auociates of the business diltrict on Coast est! program. The topic Satl.lr· ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ cent vote for Morris when the and Richard Pleger, Architect. The Highway and to the new services day ght. May 25, will be '"Three ; ballots are cut on June 4. building is of modem design and offered. · Ang F1uh Message to World" S y night. May 25. will bo Corona del Mar Cafe Welcome ... to Our New Neighbor Hampton Harbor Drug ' flogan's Food Center Coron& del Mar m:·-·~···''' ~ _.. ••••: ... ''!/ """-CMILDUM"I ....... JOO .,,...., ........ ,_ ... r/lt la*will .. _ ~::;;:~: ........... °"""'"' .. Q; , I aa.r,S.. ... _ ....... .... ~ ....... ..... ~--,_,. IA:••• Vtw.t"• elVI YOUll...liil A •1AUTl:lD . -- Yau an aeat ,......iE ID 1 pe<fwt. -' natunl-loolring ~-<L-. homo-in """' boun ..... widt "'" oimple, _.,._ c.o.....mg Glccy CaW Waft p.o 'Ttrt Sohm..• .. sm:p, . P.,. ,.,... hair iD cudm, d•mi-wh ... wbh c.o.....mg GM.y md, la .... - .-. ,... bdine, ,... i-. • "'"'1-,....._..-...i, .. -la,.,..._ - ·-·· .,i. ... And all ,... wcl .. -CROWNING GLORYI -----BAIM& PHABMACY 'fhc EWxa11 Suwc Main snd Central NEWPORT PHARMACY 'rhc Rcxall Srorc 2108 Oc"8n Front l!'MDe Bartlor 5 -·-1• JIAJIPl'ON'S BAlll!OB DRUG lt9 ~ HIP...,. -eonaa dol Mar n.. Rexall Storo • Phooe Harbor 25.15 Congratulations • • • ON YOUR FINE NEW BUILDING Earl W. Stanley ... and best of luck In your campaign for Assemblyman for the 74th District ERN~T W. GOMMEL Superintendent Kenneth P. Schmidt BUILDER Woman Assembly Candidate Speaks · Here Next Week Co Nigh~ In which Mr. X will be · . The"' will be a judge. an ----------------------• atto ey, and a jury of 12 taken ---------------------- from e audience. On Wednesday and . iday nights the lectures are ~---------------------., res tively ·'The Drama of the Mrs. Madelyn D. Platt, Santa Little! Horn" and "When Infidels Ana business woman. who ·is a Laug6ed." There will also be mo- candidatc for Assembly 74th Dis· tion ictures each night at 7 :20 trict. r eports that her campaign p.m. has reached the peak and will con· --+-------- tinue at this high level until elec-. tion day, June 4. She states she off• ' is stressing: ''Wom en have is unable to go to all the meetings earn the right of r epresentation she is asked to attend. in go ernment." She feels the Cal- On Monday and Tuesday she ! iforn Legislature needs a \VO- • \\~ill at.tend rallies for he~ can·\ man' vie\\'point on legislation ~~~~~~a~e\\~~~~ ·~~~~at!::~:\ con rung women and children . It's Been Fine Working for You on Your New Building 2702 Coast Highway N ewport Beach group is holding a meeting at Co-~-+---------; 1 rona del ~1:ar. Thursday night is "'Politician's Night•• at Santa Ana Earl W. Stanley -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Leg ion Post No. 131 . Friday night. !im she is going to Laguna and South t:aguna. Congratulations . . . . To Hampton Harbor Drug All Electrical Work Executed by S. W. BLACKBEARD Electrical Contractor 216 Orchid Ave. Pb. Beacon 22 Best _Wishes - - - To Hampton Harbor Drug .... -- Rock and Gravel for the Earl W. Stanley Building Supplied by Us R. W. McCLELLAN & SONS 2617 Central A venue Best Wishes - - - To Hampton Harbor Drug ALL PAINTING DONE BY Robert J. Daniels PAIN'l'ING OONTRACI'OR 500 Suda Alla Avenue, Costa Mfl8& n-Barbor ~M . Best W"IShes - - - To Our Neighbor Han1111ton Harbor Dt 111 Richard H. Pleger Architect for tbe MRI. W. ~ BIJILDING m llarprite Bldg~ eor-.,. ..... . ' ·Mrs. Platt. as Orange county's first woman candidate for s tate Welcome ... TO CORONA DEL MAR HAMPTON Harbor Drug A. J. TWIST REALTOR 607 Coast Highway Phone Barbor 2422 Welcome --- -TO- CORONA DEL MAR HAMPTON Harbor Drug VI'S BEAUTY 1108 Coast Hlway Rl-ILICT CONGllESSMAN JOHI PHILLIPS :~~~.-Ix "' , ... --........ Best Wishes -TO-- HAMPTON Haroor Drug ardoza Gardens 508 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar NEW LINE C aft Greeting Cards Stationery rookings Variety o...~. c--.... ....... .,~ .• ---- Corona ·del Mar ) Malt Shop lp18 OoMt Blchwa:r Gld tashloned ma1ts We mean just this. I aIFaret L. Scharte Meiml>,,. Music Teachers' Assn. or California) eacher of Piano I Oipnist • Accompanist : S0'1 Goldenrod Avenue Corona del Mar PifONE: HARBOR 1046 and Best of Luck to All Business Firms in it. Hampton Harbor Drug Earl W. Stanley REALTOR South Coast Construction Co. I OONTRACI'ORS Richard H. Pleger ARCHITECT Rex Brandt Associates KENNETH P~ SCHMIDT • Builders "Balboa Bay Shores" 2702 Coast Highway Newplrt Beach Phone Beacon M7S All Types of Construction , GOOD LUCK • • • ' I .. • • To Our New Neighbor HAMPTON HARBOR DRUG • Earl W •. Stanley Rex Bralldt AssociAtes South Coast Constructioll Co. 615 Coast Highway C'A>rona del Mar Phone: Barbor 1646 • ' . . • Best of Luck - - - " To Hampton Harbor Drug "The House ot Fine Foods'' Mr. ud Mrs. Gm Obnemm The Hurley Bell 135 c.-t IDghway Corona de1 Mar Best Wishes to --- To Hampton l;Iarbor Drug LEWIS BALTZ BALTZ MORTUARY 41 O C-OaSt Blvd., Corona del Mar Best Wishes . HAMPTON HARBOR DRUG Roofing f Of the Earl W. Stanley Bldg. Supplied by Us • OPA Must Approve OPA Declares Summer Rent Increase Restaurant Price In Reeort Are8s Gonging Increasing Best Wishes • • • To Hampton Harbor Drug CEMENT AND PLASTERING BY OTIO M .. DODD 420 Bernard, ,Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5786 Lots of Luck - - - To Hampton Harbor Drug A. L. PINKLEY COSTA MESA PHARMACY Drive Carefully-Spare a Life . SATURDAY, MAY 25TH IIAM , CORONA DEL MAR • Opening Time 9:30 A. M. Toiletries C.andy • Wbtbnan's • &mw!ry • Miss Saylor'a • - - -· Alano Clocks Watches Kodak.Eihns Heating Pads ' • .- 'p !! I All -'tsrewzt1a -"'I Manfla ,_, at .-.-. ilodr: at Ille New•'nlw. t11nJQ1b -~ ...._ BestW°JSh~ to Hampton Harbor Drug . Kay Finch Ceramics Best Wishes to Hampton Harbor Drug EXCELSIOR ICE CREAM and Mi I k Served Exclusively · Defend Your Health ' With DRUGS· -- Kleenex ' 919 COAST HIGHWAY M ~Avenue • Opening Time Pe111 • II , • .• It& 7 HP ••. hi 9:30 A. M. • ' • • • • --,. ........ ...... CAFE PEKMI'M'ED Puauc NOTICE Pu11Uc NoT1cu PUBLIC NOTICES • A. J . and K. A. Smtt won Ii>" "-"-"-=~-'-------- proval from the Nrwport Beach No. G2l9 You are directed to appear In ROY GREENLEAF. JR.. cit)' council Monda)< of their pe-Al.r&A llV-O!QI an action brought against yoo by JOHN A. SIEGEL. PAINTING 12 \'e3.r'S Service in Newport Horbor Atta -T>lcl<Je box SaL on New-FOR SALE-Boy's bicycle, 28-ln. FOR SALE -2().ft. Cobln Sloop. pier. atatlon Uo. 40. Uberal wheels, racing typo. Schwinn. Viklns cl-Good aalla. Boat tltlon to open a cafe at ll3~ the above named plaintiff In tho State of California. Agate aven~. Balboa. IN THE sui>Elu:OR COURT OF Superior Court of the .State of County of Oran~ ard fer "'tum. Lave at Po-$15. Call Harbor 60t. 41·2tc just off the --and In A 1 Station or write H . A. CoU-~-~ · • OOft· THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. California. In and for th<! County On this 7th day of May. A. D. IN AND FOR nm OOUNTY of Otange, and to answer the com-1946, before me, Nora S . Marg. Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J' 233 Unwood. Monrovia. SURPLUS FIXTURES FOR SALE dltlon. Must sell at once. $1785. 4G-2tp -Ll.q_uor store neon sign. cash Ph: Harbor 895-J". 41-ltp , OF ORANGE.. plab:lt therein within ten da,ys warth., a Notary Public in a nd after the oervlce bn yoo of this for said County and State. rftld-274 E. 19th Stn>et Zt-tfc ~~~VIU:NT~~~w!ANTZD~~~=:~ia~\ "'cister • .8oda fOW)taln back ber FOR SALE-16-ft. Dory, Johmon ;; with min'or. mahogany English Seehone 21 h.p.. oom~te. $400. ~d jobs, such u yard or wall cases, shelves and misc. Uke new. Call at 127 42nd. St. Action brought ln the Superior summons. it served within the lng therein duly oommission«;d and Court of the County ol Qnms1!. County of Orange. or within sworn. penonally appeared Mn. and Complaint filed In the Of. thirty dal" If served elsewhere. Ulliam H. CUbbon. F. Roy Green- FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job oo Y'l'lr home. call Beacon 5330 after 4 :JO p.m. 1().tfc h<!IJSe work. etc. Phone Beacon R.oui's Uquor Store, 700 Coast NewporL 4.1..ft~ M. 39-4tp Hlway. Newport Beach. 41-tlc IS YOUR BOAT BATn:RY TOO Radio 11er .,. nce of th<! Clerk of the Superior and you are notln.d that .unless leaf, Jr.. John A. Siegel. known __ S_I_G_N_P_A_INT--IN--G-~ Com-t of aaJd County. you so appear and answer u above to me to be the persons whoee W.~TEiD->=i1.aL;;unc1ry;;;d~-;;w;;:o;;rkklln~yo;;ur;;;l MAN'S featherwdgltt bike. A SMALL FOR THE JOB! Then . $1 .00 per hr. References. beautiful English Speedster \\1th why not tum it ln for a larger NEWPORT l:Ll!ICl'KICAL APPIANCE lll6~-­......... -r %ll8 required, the plaintiff wtll take names are subscribed to the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a judgment for any money or dam-within Instrument. and acJmowl- Munldpal Corpratlon of the ages demanded In the Qmlplalnt. edged to me that they executed ne Harbor 197J..M. 41_2tc hand brakes. dual sprockets, ex· one. tru. Bargain. A. P. Graves, Lot We have a large stock of NEW Boats. Truda. Windows Walls and Bulletins. -PO&ition as machine ·kk .. per, typtnc and address- aph. General office exper· 223 Treasure Island Trailer DELCO-REMY BATTERIES a. Park, Laguna Beach. 41-1tp we make very LIBERAL Af,. sixth clau, Plaintiff.. as arising upon ocmtract, or wW the same . Raised Metal. Wood and Plastlc Letten n.. apply to the Court for any other In Witness Whereof, I have AL LACHMEYER CAi~:NTIE:R""woruc:-;:;;;;;;;;;;.41.1tp DODGE, '41 recon. Command car, concert grand Etiewart·Warner radio & record player; child'• high chair & basinette; all-metal cot springs; 5-caJ. thermoa Jue ; assortment ot articles. Phone Harbor 2106-W Fri. or SaL a.m. only. 41·2tc ROSSI'S A. G. WERMICH. et al. Defend-rel!A!f demanded In the complalnL .hereunto aet my hand and affixed ants. Given under my hand and ....i my official aeal the day and year of the Superior Court ot the in this certific&te · first above County of Orange. State ot Call-written. 1TI6 West Centnl Harbcir 1243-M L i q u 0 r s t 0 r e The People of the State of Call- , .. ~ Jllatllwoq !omla ....i crtttlnP to' Formerty Gordo•'• DnlC St.re A. G. Wamk:h and V\vlan Wer- '-IDow7 D-.r mlch. Husband ""4 WI!~; ;.._...;;.;.o-.._.;.,..;;.._...; R. M. TI>OmU and Leena Thomas. Husband and w11 .. Quality Lumber and Buildin1 Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A. E. HOSTETLER r-..ll•DGPllU Mesa LIQUOR SHOP UHY1 N-n llhd. Pfenty of Whiskey .. No II.mil to a.D7 of oar men+•Nllle 008TA llESA. CALIF. Pllone Beacon 5011 A. G. Wennlcb and R. M. Thomu. ro-partnen -.C --neu u Orang< County Refining Compeny; ~ 0 . Hartman; Wm. 1. Jones and R<lalna K Jones. H1.11band and wtfe; , Flnt Doe, Second Doe. Third Doe Corpwatlon. a Cort>matlon; Defendants. Radio Servke Pahner Radio AND l!:l.ECrBIC U'8 Newporl lllTi.. 008TA lllE8A fornla, this 19th day of March. NORA S. MARGW ARTH. 1946. Notary Public in and for said B . .l. SMITH. County and State. My com- County Clerk and Clerk of the mlsalon expin!s Jan. 28. Superior Court of the State CNotari1al950Se. al.) of California. In and fer the County of Orange. Pub. May 9, 16, 23, JO. 1946. By WAYNE A. DRAGER. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repai! 38tft DO house work by the hour. Electrical Beacoo 5635. 4G-2tc Pho"" 1175-M ASHER-Bay Shore Cafe. Repair Service 216 E. 20th SL, Olota M... th and Coast HJchway. Phone Appliances .. Home. Moton a: 20-tf• aeon 57'5. 4().tlc Marine Service. ~te Deputy. (Seal Superior Court Oran&• (Act! ~ hllUIDlln ONS W Dish washer, part or s . 1. FRANKLIN • County.) Pub. Apr. ll. 18, 25; May 2. 9, 16, 23. JO; June 6. 13. 1946. ~o 43560 ====...,-,-------1-1 ~ Attention. on u~ug t th<! Superior flAVE a good •tock of roll roofing f time. Ph: Harbor 2268. Ph. Harbor 1181-W Court of th<! County of Orange, and Comp. Shingles. Tile Board · 41-2tc 2818 O.ntral 32-lfc and Complaint filed In the of· In many colon. allo lloyoen'a r:;[N'n;o:::w;;;;;;;;-t;:;---;;;;;:-;;;m; j------------nce of the Clerk of the Superi« 100% Pure Paints at pre-war W Woman to stay with Fire Place and Klndllns Court of lald County.) prices. Copeland Lbr. Yards, 5th I age children evenings, oo-W Q 0 D Cm'D"ICATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Firm Name la tloe Superior Coart of t1oe Stat<> ot California b. -4 For tbe CoalotJ' of Oraap !t Artesia Sts .• Santa Ana. Cal. lonally over n!ghL can Har· Delivered 34-tfc 299-W. 41-tic H. W . WRIGHT • The undenlgned does hereby certify that they are conducting a PAINTING OO~CI'()• -Woman for general Ph. Beacon 5665 ljoo...,.101rk. 2 children, salary 17114 Newpoct mvd. subdividing, developing land and CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. the sale thereof business at 12702 • Municipal Corporation ot the Newport Boulevard. Route 1. Box ltxth clau. Plalntlf!, va. RICH- 337, Santa Ana, Calif .• City of ARD R. TATNALL. et al, Defend- Tustin, County of Orance, State ants. of California, under the fictltlow. The People of the State of Cali- PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DJDCX>RA. TING B. E.. KcJ>onaJd 414 Old Conty Rd.. Ccota Meu Phone Beacon 5013-J ~tfc TRANSPORTATION H firm name of !omla Send Greetings to: RICH· BICYCLES Mesa Development Company ARD, R . TATNALL and ELIZA· and that said rtrm ts composed of BETI-1 B. TATNALL, Husband Sold, ~~.:epalred. the following penons. whose and Wife, E. D. MORRELL and 100 Main SL, Balboa names and addresse! are as fol-SUSAN E. MORRELL. Husband 208 Marine, Balboa laland. 3-tfc n. Box 251, Balboa Island. ORANGE COUNTY 4().2tc UPHOLSTERING CO . W Accounting inltructor Manu!acturen usiness school State education, Of Upholstered Fumlture pPer:tence and salary. Address m W. 4th St., Santa Ana ~x J. c/o News-Times. 40-4tc Factory and Showromn W Reliabl~ g~al main-504 West Center St .• Anaheim mince man. Udo 'nleatre. Phone Anaheim 4n4 oollect 26-tic 12-tf< ------------LP WANTED-General house-lows, to wit: and Wile, R. A. CARRIER, ELLA Q.4.tfc •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;~;;;;;;;;;~ .. ~;;~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Liilian H . CUbbon, 1102 W. CARSON. J . R. JONES, HAR-=-==-==------...,.., 1 --------F ourth St., Santa Ana, Calif. RTET TAYLOR, a single woman, BEAUTY AIDS 18 d B ")din M '-.--=-·-F . Roy Greenleaf, Jr .. 1102 w. J OSEPHINE M. GRIFFITH, ro=R~ll~A-LE-~-P-e_rm_a-ne_n_t_w_av_es_i_n· ork. No cooking. Two days off week. Live . .ln or out. Good sal- . Two adults In family. Call Just Arrived P'rMb Hearing Aid BATTERIES GundeNOD Drug Co. Lumber an UI g a..,.-....., Fourth St .. Santa Ana, Calif. AUDREY ISABELL. a single your home. $10 up. Mrs. Bond, w , l be C J ohn A. Siegel, Rt. 1. Box 337, woman, LESTER PAUL SIMS, lie. mgr. 19 years exp. Box 414, D -Stenographer, book- arbor 704. 38-4tc 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 80-tfc ' ' Bay District um r o. Santa Ana. Call!. WALTER MORRIS GUEDEL. Newport . 38-4tp l'<'per, general office work. Ex- Pbone BMoon 5111 Witness our hands thi5 7th day 'fENRY EDWARD COFFMAN a typist needed also. Apply Auto Batteries of ?.1ay, 1946. and GERTRUDE K. COFFMAN, COLO and MACHINLESS ater Department, City Hall. Rubber Separaters ;~~5~t~8~00~A8~T~m~o~e~w~A~V~;;;~~;ii~A~T~Tn~~~C~A~tilRC8~~~~~~~~LILLIAN~~~~H~. ~CUB~~B~O~N~, t Husband and Wifo, SANTA ANA WAVES 41 -2tc 18-month -$6.7'5 Ex. MORTGAGE a nd INVESTMENT Tinting and Manicuring Co~pounded Motor 01'1 COMPANY. FANNIE PEAS.E G L for counter work. 5¥.. daY11 -~ Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 17~W .,,eek.: Must be steady. P . 0 Gallon, 70c OWENS. SIDNEY F . PATIISON. 'Vi's Beauty Shop ~2 B !boa JOSIE TIIOMASON, FLORENCE· a · 39-3tc 11 03 Coast Hiway. Corona del Mar ~ Western AUto Supply E. McDERMOTT. KENNETH D. 35-tlc W SES WANTED -Bay CAMPBELL. EDWARD D. MOR-------------$here Cafe, 17th a: Cout High· Authorized Dealer RJS and MTNNIE MORRIS. Hus-LOST AJii'D FOUND %! ay. Ph: Beacon 5745. 14-tfc 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa band and \Vife. LOS ANGELES LOST -Lady's Helbros wrist LP WANTED-Care of child 41 -tfc MORTGAGE 1:1NDERWRITERS, ~ watch on Bay Ave., near N.H. or working mother. Your home VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum, PRE-OPENING Inc., a corporation, nIE ELLIOT Y.C .. also keys. Phone News-r mine. Phone Harbor 106. steel, wood. Call us for free esti- HORNE C 0 MP ANY, E. J . Times, Harbor 12. Reward. 38-4tc mate. Renovation & refinishing. WALSH. FIRST DOE. SECOND 38-4tc 7l~i'E:O:::Harii:~AliO::!W;;;; So. Cout Venetian Blind Co .• DOE. nnRD DOE CORPOR-~ HOTBlL MALO. Balboa West 18th and Newport Ave., WW ANCES on trade ins. We recharge any alz.e or make ot battery that ii brought In, for just filty .. cents. Sto~;~Jl Service AVF,, !Between 18th A Magnolia) COST A MESA 41-2tc llU8JCAL & SADIO FOR SALE-Marine radio. direc- tion flnder. 3 band. 6 volt fisher. Nearly new. 509 31st. Newport Beach. Ph. Harbor 2577. 41-tfc FOR SALE-Small studio upright piano, walnut finish. $125. 212 Amethyst. Balboa lalanci 4().2tp KNABE Grand Piano. walnut case, FlllDOUS Knake tone. Aloe Weber Grand. Sohmer, Schultz. And many other famous mak5. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO, 520 No. Main; Santa Ana. SS.tic STEINWAY Grand Piano. Mahoe· any cue. Beautiful tone. Med· tum size. DANZ. SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 38-tic RADIO HOUSE CALLS- Now tllat additional oompeterlt technicians are available, we are able to make service calls on large consoles. All work guar. anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, S.0 .S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. 34·tfc Radio Repairs AIJ makes: tubes. etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Coast Highway, Newport 23-lfc SEE the new style \\•orld famous upholstered pianos. Many col~ to choose from at DANz... SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main St .. Santa Ana. We also rent pianos. 38-tfc ANNOUNCEMENT ·-ATION a Corpor.tl·on Defend LOST-Diamond rina, 5 large and • ' -"' . PhC\oe 860. 1-ttc-Costa ?.fesa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. ants 17 small diamonds. Reward. Call · 3S-tfc You are directed to appear In Beacoo 5Z70. 40-2tc AL or traveling ln business or yt>urself. No money required. income. You are your own REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir- ror-Piano. This is a real bargain. Other used pianos as low u $85, $87. $125, $17'5. DANZ. SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc Liff!' o-Y-Honiesills ••• ON SAll willii1{ a short ti1111 ••• llGISTll your r.a1111 now for early claoice of locations . "The Cati.St's Most Distinctive ResidentilJ Community" Here's your lint opportunity to pun:hase on the ocenic cliJfs south of Balboa and Corona Del Mar, where the ocean shore line takes a pie· ruresque bend . • • natural setting -unucdled beach, all improvements: underground utilities, sewers -architectural resttictiom. Large sires, each with its individual appeal. If you att ocean· minded and want somelhU.g fUUI on th• rOtUI ... this u ir . by Developers of Santa Anita Oaks ~ymoniA.~rn Co. evelorers 340 E.Green SI. J.A.fh"'t YcamON 2-51QI ~ •• .i.."". c.ur .. ~ ... 1-E!64- TRACT Off ICE -Otl Ocaa HIPnf ,JllSl Sollll II CllW 1111 Mar. an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the State or PUBLIC NOTICE Cali!ornia, in and for the County of Orange, and to answer the com- plaint therein within ten days after the service on you ol this swnmons, if served Within the County of Orange, or within thirty days if served elsewhere, and you ue notified that unless you t«> a~ pear and answer as above re- quired, the plalntlff will take judgment for any money or dam- ages demanded In the Complaint. u llrialng u~ contract, or will awly to the Court for any other relief demanded Ln the oomplaint. Given unQer my hand ud seal ot the Superior Court ot the County of Oran&e, State of Call· fomla, this 17th day of April, 1!!46. B. J . SMITR. County Oerk and Oerk or the Superior Court of the State of California, tn and for Ute Coun- ty of Oran&e. By WAYNE A. DRAGER. Deputy. (Seal Superior Court Crance County) Pub.-Apr. 25; May 2. 9, 16. 23. JO; June 6. 13, 20. 27, 1946. ( following persons, whose names in full and places of rftldence are as follows. to-\\'it: William P owell. 2591" Grand A venue, Long Beach, California. Betty Powell, 259 " Grand Ave- nue, 'Long Beach, California. Robert Powell, 259~ Grand Avenue. Long Beach, California. WITNESS our hands this 22nd day of May, 1946. WILLIAM POWELL BE'ITY POWELL ROBERT POWELL State of California ) County ot Orange l u . ON THIS 22nd day of May. A. D. 1946, before me, Nora S . Marg- warth, a Notary Public in tand for the said County and State, residing therein. duly commissioned. and S\\'Orn, personally appeared Wil- liam Powell, Betty Powell, and Robert Powell known to me to be the persons wh09e names are 1ub- SO'ibed to the within instrument. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS seal the day and year in th.is Cer- Flctitious Firm Name tificate tint above written. NORA S. MARGW ARTH, THE UNDERSIGNED do here-Notary Public in and ro.r by certify that we are conducting Orange County, State of a cleaning business at 1844 Har-California. bor mvd, Costa Mesa. California, (My Commission Expires under th~fictltloWI firm name of January 28, 1950.) Mercury Cleaners a: Dyen and ISEAL) that said firm ts composed of the Pub.-May 23, 30, June 6. 13. 1946 BUSINr.118 GUIDE H BU81NE88 GUIDE 10 -INSURANCE- • FIRE • e AUTOMOBILE e C'OMPENSATION "STU" DUNLAP ffiAST PROPERTIES • YACHT m . 700 East Centnl -BALBOA -Harbor 683 WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD 811 Coast llighw-ay 101 n-a.-su• ''' • KOO!i' p _..,... an"Ne s. Apply 508~ No. Main St., anta Ana. 36-7tc SKILLED YACHT PAINTERS, SANDERS and BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour. SEE MR. PETI'Y SO!ITH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH 41-3Tbc BOAT BUILDERS WANTED on Plywood Skiffs and SaiHng Dinghies TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS WATSON BOATS 611 Coast Hltrhway Harbor 527'7 WANTED TO BUY 11 CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tlc SELL your house trailer for the Top Dollar to Luf!in & Lewis Trailer Sales. 2201 South Main S t., Santa Ana. 39-4tp Arvin & Emerson RADIOS 24·Hour Radio Service Short Circuit Radio 305 Palm. Balboa Phone 1638-W DOGS. CATS & PETS 13-tfc ' Ill FOR SALE -Springer Spaniel NTED TO BUY-Need immed-pups, 7 weela old. AKC regia- ately, good, clean light car. tered. 7310 West Ocean Front. Price no object. Phone Hunting-41-ltp ton Beach 3521. 38-tfcl:::===-=--:-:======~::: WILL J' A Y CASH tor your fur· niture or what have you. Pbooe Beacon 5656. 0 . R. Crawley, 1812 Newport Blv., Costa Mesa. 30-tfc FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE-Desk, beautiful hand made Philippine mahogany. 528 Park, Balboa Island 40-2tp .iOOD, used, reconditioned Gu Ranges, $13.95. Harbor Furni- ture. 1962 Harbor ffivci. Ccota Mesa. 39-tlc SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 18 BE COMFORTABLE, year around. Johns-Manville Rock Wool home insulation. Free information Wnfe Box M, c/o News-Times: 4G-4tp TYPEWRITERS OFFICE EQUIPMENT Oeaning, Oiling, Adjusting, Overhauling ROBERT'S TYPEWRITER SERVICE 2602 W. Central Harbor 447 4G-tic BUNK BED. Complete with mat------------- tress, springs· & ladder. Harbor Furniture, 1962 Haruar Blvd, Costa Mesa. 39-tfc BRAND NEW unfinished chesta of drawers, all sizes. Harbor FurnJ- ture, 1962 Harbor mvd., Coat.a Mesa. ~tfc FOR SALE-Bedroom set. comb. hiboy wardrobe, solid mahog- any round table, seats 12 when open; grill, chairs, lawn mower, sm. elec. range., odds and ends. 661 Clllf Dr.. Newport Beach. Ph: Beacon 5958. 38-4tc FOR SALE-Gas range; Hot-Potnt elec. water heater; pre-war kit· chen sink. 121 E . Bay Front, Balboa Island. 41-4tp FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 uoed single beds, cotton mattreues, $5.00 each: 4 folding cots. 510 W. Ocean Front. Phone Harbor 1Z1().J. -. 41-2tc TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES No experience necessary Earn while you learn There are many other advantages to being a telephone employee. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave.. Balboo. 514% N. Main S L, Santa Ana er Ask the oporatOI" for the Olief Operator 35-tfc1-------------Southern California Telephone Compuy 111-Ue BOATS, 8UPPLIE8 II Carpenters Available for 1enenJ maln1- and repair Fire Eauipment Tests M-Uc C-0-Two. Pyrene A Foam relllls.1----===-::----~ CJOo !lud system and Portables K E y S O. Z. SOBDT!loN can Hut>or 83 ~ available. -WU. Toa Woll ETS HOION A GALVAN VOOBUll D, med springs le matt:r211e1 1000 Coat Highway Harbor Furniture, lll62 Harbor 100 Kala Ill. llalbea Blvd.. Colt& Meoa. 5-tfc Ph. Be"""" 5522 ~tfe JOI v.m... llalbea 1- c. ' fw~lw!We • P..a.Bcu• ..... by U.. weell or a llL. R SALE-Boy'a and clrl'a bl· FOR SALE-S-Wblrd, reoenUy -__ , ~~-• . OYfthau1ed. 1375. Inquire up-~y ~ . I "-""' ... ~= _...., 28 In. ata1n 1400 W Bay Ave (1.2tp ILK ~•ulNG -Edllb • FllliY equ1ppec1. can Harbor eoc. · · Smltb'a, «it Na. s1--.;. It.. 31Mtc Drtft ~. Ufl. S...ta Ana. lbll Ila •loo. ........ • I• • M&Wi'OWI 9 41ac\A -- 8l'90IAL A1'NOUNCDIENTS A ·v:••· mAD ,, ~U~U,~IB~T~A~ft~-----~'~'-"~~·~··~urA~~n~ _ _:·~--~" ~-~·~·~-~T~A~ft~=====·!,~·~·~·~~1~~.~~====~· ..... ~ SPECIAL one week only. May 20 1<0-H. M. Lane Real Estate thnl May 25. 3 ties cleaned & :lXl6 Court Ave., Opp. Qty Hall p.-'CI with every man"• crder Phone 343 amounting to $1 or more. Corona - cleJ Mar Oeaners,· 1307 Cout Lo~! Lots! Lo~! Biway. Ph: Harbor 1341-J. Five-• c1ay aervtce. 39-3tc Newport Beach roa az.,-r '1 Oooe-ln Lake n--·-····--·····.$1100 28th Street betw. FOR RENT-May 26 to June 16 50-ft. bus. front on 15t h St.. only. single apartment. 211 To-»rt. alley on 2 sides. • paz, Balboa Island 41-ltc Get it quick. ......... ·-······-······· 6000 FOR RENT-Rooms for summer, COast Blvd. 8' Ocean. .. -...... 1500 3 adjoining rooms and bath in Central Ave. lot z.oned for Balboa. Harbor 133&R. 41-ltc muJtlple family -··-··-·-··-· 3000 3 lots in Seashore FOR RENT -105x420 ft. lot In Colony ... -......... .$900. $1000, $1100 • Miracle Mile near Greyhound SO ft. on Central with station, for display or other pur-.double garage ···-··-··--········· 6500 pose. Ph: Harbor 212. 38-tfc 2 cor. lots in River Sec. for .... Z750 FOR RENT-Bed room and bath, Ocean Front 30x7S to private e-otrance. one month only 15-foot alley ···-··-··-······--··· 1700 from May 23. 309 Magnolia. ~ Ocean Front, Seashore rona de1 Mar. Ph. Harbor 1Q23...J. Colony ···-·-·--··········-··-······· 1500 41-ltc Ocean Front. 3200 Blk. .. ·-··· 3000 ====--==-=-==:----:--:::; 30 ft. on Ocean Front, west WANTED TO RENT U or Newport pier ........ ·-·-··-···· 3750 Six ~ft. loU on 44th St, all 6850 APr at SM.ALL HOUSE wanted Lido cor. near Oubhome... ....... 7500 by man and wtfe. We do not Udo cor. near North Bay Fr. 4105 drink or 1mOke, no children or · peu. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W Peninsula or write Box ''X" Newport Bal· Lot With B&y view on Qcoean boa New.-Times. :n-tlc lllvd. near point.. ................. 3500 WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. 521'-ft. on Ocean mvd.. . unfurnished house. Will lease. ocean view ···········-··········-··-4751 Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7f17 Newport He1gh~ or 13. JS..tfc 50xll7 on Santa Ana Ave ....... 1750 WANTED TO RENT-2-bednn .. View Comer,)iOxl.43 ................. 2500 hunished apt. or house for sum-2 good lots on Rivenlde, each 2000 mer OT permanent. Prefer Penln-45x105 on Broad Street. .. -... 1750 1ulL CoupJe. 920 W. Central. 94.5 ft. cor. 01rr Drive .......... 5000 Newport Beach. 39-4tc 63-ft . cor . on Newport BJv ..... 6000 WANT TO RENT-Small upright 110-ft. cor. on Newport Blv. MOO piano 3 or 4 months. Ph: Harbor 88 ft. view on Redlands. ........... 3250 1146-M. 4Mtc View lot on Redlands near -------....:...· ---Clay street ............................ 2100 MAIL CARRIER, Balboa. single, wanlll apartment between Island Costa Mesa Ave. and the Point . Call Harbor 50x140.7 on Roche!ter ............ 2100 932. 40-2tc 8 itc. on Newport Blvd.I" ripe ROOM w ANTED for single girl, for subdivision or Trailer Park. does not smoke or .drink. Bal-50x137 on 16th Place .............. 1200 boa Island preferred. ,Phone Miss 100 ft. cor Flower & Raymond 2850 Gl n~er. Mariska Ho~e of Beau-Houses Houses Houses ty, 1-larbor 1827. 41 ·2tc 6 s hd n ood rm. tucco. w. oors, g WANTED TO RENT-Small cot· furn.iture. Complete ............ 12,000 tage by rC'fined middle aged _ couple. No pets. Permanent. c/o Ocean Front stucco 5-bdrooms., 2 Box B. News-Times. 41-4 tp baths, sun deck & shower. E. o! WANTED TO RF.NT ...a... Furnished or un!urnishcd apt. PermanC'nt, Newport pier. Possession June 15. s21.ooo. dependable. references. Box L, G h 90 ft f t cl N , -Times 41 _2tc uest ouse on _ ron, O e\.\ s · Cliff Drive 11,250 WANTED TO RENT-« sublease. - house near beach. preferably Dandy 2 bedrm.' house on Newport Balboa Island, beginning around Blvd .. SU,500. July 1. Write Box N, c/o News-- Times. 41-ltc Balboa Island income. Near ferry 18.{lding. 3 apts., 8 rooms, annual VETERAN and bride planning to receipts $4000. Price $25,000. r eside in Costa Mesa. Want sm. _ furn. apt. or house. ~on tact Mr. Beautiful 6·unit modern apts. near Jorgensen at Harr s J ewelry, Lido Theater and water front. 1821 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Shown by a ppointment. 41-tfc BE.AL ESTATE ''7 Beautifully furnished 6-nn. house ------'-------on Lido Isle on 3Y.i landscaped EVA F. RHODEN lots. Wall enclosed. S35.ooo. Lido Isle 2-atory 2-bedrm. home with at- tached garage. All rooms are large with living room across entire front of house. % block from bay. Shown by appointment. Fine 2-bednn. home on Cliff Drive. Unobs:tructed view of Ocean and Bay. Occupancy end of e!CTOW. $13,000. Two 2-story houses & 14 Motel BROSE REALTY Corona de! Mar HOMES New home, now being completed. P<lsa ssloo close of escrow; good size living room with real fireplace; dinette, cheerful modem kitchen, 2 bedrooms, each with wardrobe closets; good size bathromn, with tub, hardwood floors throughout, single guage; lot 30 ft. by 118 ft. In good location. ' Full Price $11,500 2-Bedroom furnished home, north of highway. House about 2 years old. Lot 30 ft. x 118 ft. Full Price $8000. Down $3500 INCOME PROPERTY Home and garage apt. Front house has extra large living room, kitchen; 1 bedroom and bath. Garage apt. has two bedrooms. Both houses fumlshed. Very attractive construction. Good location. Full Price $12,500 LOTS Builders Attention 4 adjoining lots in excellent location. Have ocean view. To be sol!! as a group and PRICED TO SEI J .. Lovely comer lot on Acacia avenue, close to wa~ front. 30 ft. x 118 ft. $2500 Beautiful 45 tt. x ;1.18 tt. lot on Marigold AVemie, block and half to ocean front; half block to new business center. A good size lot. A convenient loca- tion. Very close to beach. Full Price $3500 Emerald Bay Lovely lot in Emerald Bay on ocean side of high- way. Full price $4500. Infonnatlon upon request. BROSE REALTY 1307 Coast Highway -Corona de! Mar LISTINGS WANTED J. M. MILLER Real Estate Broker 15th and Central Balboa Island Lido Isle 41-1tc 2 Bedroom home fumishro ; also 2-bedroom home over 3-car garage. Patio, barbe- cue. Well locatro; posses- sion end of escrow. Lovely 4-bedroom home com- pletely fumlshro. $19,000 Balboa 4-Bedroom, completely refin· ished and newly decorated. Immediate possession. $17,500 $25,000 Lido Isle 4-Bedroom home, 75-ft. front- age. Large patio and barbe- cue. Flowers; shrubs. Jm. mediaµ> P<>§Se5Sion. $29,500 Balboa Peninsula Lot $3000 Pp_on: Your Listings In and we will give them every consideration J. 15th & Central • M. MILLER Newport Beach • Ph. Harber 1242 41-ltc $20,000 units on Newport Blvd. Monthly Co rona de! Mar take, $550.00. Shown by appoint-F. JACK SULLIVAN • N ewport Blvd. ment. Exceptional value. Modem 2·bed· Corner lot, 6J feet frontage on _ See _ room home; llvingroom, fire- Blv. Excellent business location. Fred Briggs or place. dining alcove; attr. patio; CORONA DEL MAR Homes $6000 1-car garage. Good location, be-Danny Head low highway. near school. Con-New 2-bedroom home, hardwood EVA F. RHODEN H. M....Lan:Real Estate =t ~~:~:in~~ter and ~1':':y ~~~~~~:. ~~~te1~: -R<!altor M 2006 Q>urt Av•. -Phone 343 $9,500. Unfurn. ' dbl. garage with laundry room. 410 Newport Blvd.. Costa esa Opposite O ty Hall Well built house , near ocean. Lge. $10,500 ELTON D. BARNETI'. Broker 41-ltc llvlngroom. fireplace, 2 bednns., Ph. Beacon 5713-R ,. -----------bath. kitchen-dinette. service 41-2tc Balboa pon:h, laundry room, rumpus --J-~E--B----&-8---Attractive 3-bedroom home. un-room """' 1-car garage, paUo . . anies on fumWled. Near the bay. and barbecue. Lot 60xl18 ft. llll6 Nrivpi>rt Blvd. . $17 500 W U l dscaped d Coota MHa Ph: S.accn 5320 • ' e "" an planted. Just completed, possession at once, 2-bedroom stucco, large dinette, hardwood noors, nice nrepiace. Garage. $11,000 COAST PROPERTIES • l!EALTOR GENERAL IN"" n: '"'CE "Insure Today -Be ~ TOOIOITOW'' INVESTOR)! co . • Here's a good proposition: We I ave, a sound newly painted duplex and a 35'x100' l~ on "Orange avenue to sell you for only $5250. H~ will have to be moved 300' over level ground toE site. You can make some quick money on this . COSTA Mij,A Sea Ema Motel. Modem 15-unir layout and 3-bed- room home. Newly decorated. Lots of space for more units or trailers. GoOd terms. $55,000 EL BA YO BAY RONT Modem 5 bedroom, 3 bath stu :co with tile root. 3 car garage. Spacious knotty pil living room opens onto large brick patio. Each' r bedroom has Its own private full bath. $47,500 BALBOA 2 Ocean front homes. Fullyfur "njsl>ed No rent oeil· lngs. Large furnished patio. $16,800 EAST NEWP DRT R-2 lot. 31'xl 2' $3000 R-3 bay front lot. $16,000 CORONA DEL MAR Brand new 2-bedroom home. Forced air heat. 2 car garag• $12,900 COAST PR,OPEI TIES REALTORJ GENERAL INS'n ... CE co. .. . 703 E. Central Balboa Harbor 683 · 41-ltc INCOME PROPERT~' 's FOR SALE Beach malt and hamburgers; Sm '. Hotel, Costa Mesa. livinlt quarters, 2 apts. 3-utifully furnished. $645 car garage. Extra lot. Big m~ O.P.A. ceiling. Large income. Excellent buy. o er's ·quarters; 5 gar- ag . Room to expand. A --' tiily investment. Factory 30'x45' building of heavy construction, con-- crete floor; % acre land all Mot " on Coast Highway 101. fenced in. Bargain price 3 o select from. $7000. Suitable for lumber 101 Highway frontage for yard, etc. "' ~·or lease. . . --§1 ---I-• See Us for lnco~ Property Newport Beach _ Newport Beach Ocean '1ew-two-story stucco Beach house house with it!eal room ar-on the rangement 'l\vo bedrooms, ocean side bath, dining room and 4 rooms kitchen on first floor. Liv-' Garage. ing room takes in entire se-Patio. cond floor with unobstruct-- ed ocean view from studio • Good value window. Hardwood floors. at Partly furnished. In good $6500 condition. Garage: Priced to - sell quickly. $8500. Terms I• HARBOR . INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors AT NEWPORT HEIGHTS • Nice 1-Bedro<xn home. Large garage. 100' frontage.-Inunediate pa;session. $8000 3-BEDROOM HOME on Santa Ana. So. of Oay. $8500. Immediate p<l6SeSSion ' BEAUTIFUL 2-BEDROOM HOME 60-ft. frontage. $22,500. - Posliession close of escrow with LCYl'S IN SEA VIEW TRACT w1ih miles of ocean view. $2500 up. 60-FT. CORNER LOCATION, BALBOA PENN. R-2 Zone. 100 ft. from bay. $8500. DUPLEX-EL BA YO TRACT Permanent unobstructed v!eW of bay. 3- bedroom; fireplace; upper-1-bedroom I: tlreplace. Lower -barbecue, double gatage. $20,500 Bay .Front Lot, bido Nord Center of island -includes bulkhead- Ing. $14,000 BALBOA ISLAND . Lovely home on Topaz, with modem apt. over garage. Partly furnished. $15,850 Small home on rear of lot-newly paint- ed. L;trge building site in front. Faces Park avenue. $9750 Income Property Best modem 8-unit apartment in Bal- boa; completely furnished. Excellent lo- . cation. Property in best condition. Shows good return. $75,000 . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES *: Completely equipped boat building and repair plant on highway with 112 ft. of bay frontage. -& Fully equipped electro-plating plant 00. ing large volwne of business. -& Restaurant, in Balboa area. Excellent business. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 • 1601 41-ltc CORONA DEL MAR 3 Lots TRACTORS Near Ocean and Bay FOR SALE-Fordson tractor, - tires, reasonable. Phone Beaccm 5508-W. Jack's Service, corner 17th & Santa Ana Ave., COSta Mesa. 40-Ctc All Three $2250 W . J . HOLCOMB • A beautiful home In Costa Mesa's Newport Heigh~ 2-bedroom turru.hed. Beautiful Bay and Ocean view. $18,000. Unfurn. Building Sites Nice home on large lot 70xll8. numerous fruit trees, shrubs and flowers . Garage on front and rear of property, one in front has partly completed apartment. Price is right at- --§1--+- 1517 COast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 'Where the Flags Fly" 40-2tcA __ UT_o_s_EB_VI,_cz ______ • · best residential district. Large llv· ing room and dlnlng room. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. fireplace, noor furnace, wall to wall car- pets. Double garage with laun- dry. Lovely lawn and Oowen.. $15,750 Completely furnished 2 Bedroom Home east aide or Costa 1-!esa. Lot 50x 1Z1 ~-Refrigerator . washing machine, rabbits and hens. Fruit trees. Price only $5350 Will take house trailer as part payment. J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Nowport Bh-d. CO.ta Mesa Ph.' Beacon 5320 . 41-ltc $8500 Corona del Mar 2-bedroom modern home. Hard- wood floors, fireplace. Brand new. $12,500 3 Adjoining Lots ~ block off Coast Highway, Co- rona del Mar. $7000 For All Three. JOHN E. SADLEIR 300 Main S t.. Balboa Phone 2034 ' 41-ltc Let us a.smst you m securing a lo- cation to suit your needs. We ha,ve a wide selection of choice lots. Balboa Island Beautiful 3-bednn. home. Living- room and fireplace, solarium with charcoal broiler opening on enclosed patio. Guest Apa.. pro- viding exceUent income. Good value at-.. .$27 ,500. U nfurn. · $15,500 LOTS Nice lot 200 ft. from ocean on Goldenrod ···············-·······-~ 80 ft. on Poppy with 20 avocado trees, fenced in. a buy at .... $5950 Near 1chool on Dahlia St., below highway. 30xl18. .......... -....... Sl500 Well built home; 2 bednns .• living Fine lot on Poinsettia. 120 ft. room and fireplace with large from Ocean, 45x118. .. _ .. ____ $48.'5() 2-bednn. income Apt. over 3-90 ft. on Poinsettia, fine View car garage; laundry room. Ex-ot Ocean. Make offer, all at half. cellent value at-- $19,000. Furnished LISTINGS APPRECIATED F S OWEN Gertrude A. Waldron F. JACK SULI.JVAN BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE '8 COSTAM SA , WILL TRADE LEASE Of 5-room Ocean view 1-bedrm. home. new, immediate possession. $4500--Terms Not quite completed -4- rm. home. Garage. Very sunny and cheerful. Move in June 1st. $5900 . 1-bedroom home-near High school Lot 65x125. Recent- ly remodeled. Full price $5600. Terms. Srn¥ home-1 year old. Dbl. furnlahed home. 2 bedrooms, 2. I ir.rage. Mod. stucco. Large car garage. Corona de! Mar for . apt. or home in Ba1boa or New-! ·:-See this house today. port. Address Box P . c/o New.· · ill not last long at Times. 38-4tc $5500--Tenns. RESPONSIBLE Telephone em- A iandy 3-bedrm. home tum- ! ihed. Fenced in yard Nice chen. Elec. ref. Nice ploye wants to exd'l.s.nge 3--bed- room house ln West Los Angeles for aame in Santa Ana or vicln- 1ty. Call Southern Calff. Tele- phone Co., Santa Ana. 5828. e. Will ronslder trailer --------19-tfc .trade. REA~, EllTATE ICXCBANG!!: '8 1 · $8000-Terms WILL EXCHANGE renl Of ;man --§-f-- LOTS--l DTS house In L. A., Bev. &,,Y..!"."ont. for what have you Ob--~ Ill. Permanent or ! Phone L. A.. FI 8865. 39-4tc 2 Newport comer lots. 1 -• lot. Newport Hghts. MOND TO LOA!f II NOW HERE Your authorized Chryaler· Plymouth Dealer. Authorized pe.rtl Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Export Mecbanl!:I KendaJJ and Quaker State olla NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS · ·_ Wm. W. Sanford, Broker gJ~o~b~~ FOR SALE-cA beautiful 2-story Furnished duplex and 2 bedroom :UI Marine Av.,,u• Ph: Beacon 5B7S-J 41-ltc Newporl Beech lot, new Lake .Ocean Front borne-Close in. ~ house on one lot, ln Santa Ana. Phone 234·R 38-t!c 1------------1 $1175 modm1i:a or nd'JM"C' t $1000 cash. 1 LOANS TO BIJIU), blv . ...._, 1 . level lot, good aoll, Nowport --:rodenl II&~ 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor ~ '--'t trees. $1250 --'-,,_ &114 1-11 A-1t1on. • ~ """"-.......... 3333 Via Lido Pb. ~ 1500 ~Mesa. _A;.,_;;:~;W;:All~;rm~::::_.:::.='.....'.:~.~ ... =.,_==w=u===-....,======. tential Income ol $15 per day. Good Income. AT CORONA DEL MAR Balboa Island Home tract. . _: Can be In<reued. 5 -m• .. ~ Price: $9500.00 3 Bedroom Home 2 bedroom. --·-··• · Barto. ~·--·•-•~ $2900 oJ«plng porches. 11' bath. large _ • unuooeu. .....,,..,......,. ,,,.,.. living t'OOm -.ith real flttplace. NeWJiort Hei"t¢,•-Lot Fine vl~w of Ocean $11,000 and up. : Nice dining room. kitchen and ..., $13,000 - utility porch. Partly furnished. Ith Ocean .. w . -Ocean Blvd. Lot $23,500, by owner. 418 E. Surf. $1850.00 • W. J. HOLCOMB $3,000 .BaJboa Ph: Harbor 2739. -. 1517 Coast Highway 41-tt.c We have a buyer for a two or Corona del Mar Harbor Z766 --A:-T=-co=R'"o"N"'A~=D=EL=-"'MAR=:--three bedroom house on bay. ""Where the Flags Fly" 40-2tc 1 Bedroom Home water front. u you have ouch a FOR SALE--O>olce l"""ted loll! Part) FurniShed ~ce for sale, just give up a and ~ aaes, $40(). to ~000. y$6250 ring. Artistic 5-rm. Ilse. 2 bedrm. Gar-Telephone Har_bor 25Tl. age with guest rm.. On 2 big lots. W. J . HOLCO~m m1 eout Highway Conma de1 Mar Harbor 2766 "Where tbe Flap Fly" 4().2tc .. day or rught finest ave .• view" ol ocean. near -all convenie:ncea. San Clement.e.. LEE MAT'nlEWS, with $12~ unf\lm; $14.~ tum. F. S. Owen , Broker Adele Gimbel. 95 Doi Mtr A-. 509 31st St.. Newport S.adl Phones 311 or 316. San a...-t.e Ta Harbcc' 2577 41-2tc 41-ltc ·--· • Bay Front Lot Good Location. Priced to Sell 2 Small HoU8e8 On Lot Zoned foe Biw'r !91 $10,500 W. L. JORDAN 700 Eut Central. -PbOne Barbar m 35-tfc I A. "Sandy" Stei er, Realtor . And tes 634 Coast Hlgbway 101 Phone Beacoo 5173 WE APPRECIATE Y' ··~LISTINGS 41-1tc --VETERANS FOil SALE-OJOico -cor- You can bqy my nice-bi& lot In • !r. heart Of N..,_t bullnea Costa M09& for ~-Ullll-. 3 frontag ... -'1J' lm- a.,.Doblr Good .... .,.....-. hu fair Income. Elred-a-In. Call B r ,., :5809.,1 i bt lnvestmmt -drveJopnont evmJno. tl).2tp . • . lnfonnatlon N. R. • qn, ~. 1197 So. Cout Bhd., La- Drtft ~. ur.. ~ -~2tC . ----• I ~---~ WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS , , and W'~U Pay Top Prices ' SEl'.IJ YOUR Cl\R NOW ·~ Prta!s are Hlcb- Phalle for aur CD!D ._. buyer who will call ms lllh .. you ~ OPA regulatlalll, ..... Pi'-and ~ ... detalla • OJLBER~ £~~.?LET1 .co., Inc. , rn ... WeltC 1N1,Nowp:wtB17 5' DO 1-.e d; ... i •• I . I· I ' ' .. -~ . - ' • • ' , • .... ~--M&WW p•iAQA J!!!!!!!:!!!!! OM'a' Scotch tape, varioul -on \ Sell that unwan!H ale at 111e N.,,..nmes . through N.,..nmes Ida. • These Editon Are Bum -Fishermen • lMI ocfilum Gave Up Mrs. Jones Fm~ Second Shot Huge Fuel Tank • . ROOFS APPLD:D oa aEP••so GEORGE D. BASS.&IT Qty Profits By Auction Sale of Lots • . Goes Underground For Phone Compan y Free Eatlmat ... I,_ctlon Gwn1 A-Qq • ~. Bookk.N!plag i..ome Tas 8ai ...... -W. Oentnl A-,.._-· 1-.J. N-rt-., . R E F R I G E R A T I 0 N There were pleasant amlles among members of t be Newport SALES -SERVICE Beach city council at the cl~ of its auctioning all of 12 city tax • Blue Flula ~ Cooler title lots Monday afternoon. There • Perfecold BNcll. b. was reuon fo r those smiles, too. • Pbllco Domestic For the city was $4912 richer than • Meat Cue. U FL it expected to be at the end of the TYLER REFRIGEBATION EQUIPMENT day·s sale. CUSTOM BUU..T FBl:EZEB8 Before the auction sale the dty had set a minimum of $11.300 on N wpo' rt Electr"IC Appl1"ance Co the 12 lots. At the close of the e • sale, the city otticials found that , -=%se5=..:C-=..:'..:B..:l•..:d;... _______ 1_9" ___ Pbone ______ ._z_u_8~ I the lots had sold for $16,012. Prices -on the lots ranged from $815 to $1600. Two brought more than $1300. AD a.at a parlJ' of eoatlt eoaaty aeWlpapermea caqtlt OD u all·da:r 11aJbir Ulp to Catallaa hbad wao -loeo -.......... ---8-l•r Earl W. 8~ of Ne•-port -·· --. .._.a "1W cuaey II -off A..io.. fte uc1en, B. N. hbon of Mrs. Jock Joneo of The Southern Collfornla 40C avenue:, O.U.. del phone company ·was on M Mar, ...., applaudinc her for be-given permission by tbe N in& uite an expert with • gun. Beech city councll to . ins ~le- onday ewport tall a the t Friday ioornlnll. they aay, 2()00.pllon fuel oil tank wtder ~"!Jones took the meuurement sidewalk and street in the VJ 'cinlty opmaum, Whole borne was ot Central avenue and Coron ado in canyon near Corona del street. Mu, and who wu annoying her 'Ibe tank will ti. equipped with cut dli "' and puttinc up a fight. a water-proof, traffic type d will It u the tint time that Mrs. iron filler and sound line an Jon ever bad a gun in her hand extend 14 feet from the b She ook one look at the ah.imal front and eight feet fro and fired. 'Ibe animal flopped curb, C. Day Woodford. archl over as if dead. and Mrs. Jones told the city counctl .. ulldl\,g m the tect, e forward to collect the • ns In 01ooslum, She hadn't gone tar All kinds typewriter ribbo befo the animal snorted at her stock at the News-Times. article looked u though be might -~ on her. Sell that unwanted w, '· Beallow 3602 Man:us Ph. Hlll'. 1012-J . DRY CORD WOOD FOR SALE BlueGmn,~pa. aac1atrus Immediate delivery anywhere in bay area. I'll:~ .. Aaa -"' ~ .. "-_"' . Jones kept right on and through News-TI.me_s ads. again. nus time the opas-------~---~----------­ sum ,played possum no longer. It !..-----------------------; YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! (Pop) I.-ol Caota llll-Georp IL -er. Bob Gall<I (hoW!nc thtl), C. C. Wlllduoa. T. N. Ga.lw., Bolt Gftvet. W. I . Mon•hen, 8anta Ana; Sherman Paddock of~ BMcll; 8. A. MtJV, W. B. IDtcbman.. 8&m Porter of Newport &e.clt; NeU W..t.bertloit of San Juan eapotnno; Hoot StaaJey, Bex Albrlpt. Joel E. Ocie or Suca Ana, Ted lloda'e9 of i..cuu, Wa;,ae Dracer of Balboa. W . T. Erlcaoll,, L M. Boele.., Sllerman Paddock of 1.acvaa Beacb; .....a goner for sure. c. R. ST AAF All the vacant lots were located V. W. Carl.Mn and Ra.mJd A. Falrl:lialra ot On.nee. ~ Craw· in the Seashore colony, west of ford of Newport -tl>e pie-il: Busm" ...,., u,: __ Municipal pier. ----------------------1 ~"" .rtcum Main St Merchants Corona del Mar te in Costa Mesa .t .t .t Remodeled Carver Seek Brighter Lights ; Moorings Installed and Repaired Bul·1d1"ng Cost $4000 Chosen as Site 0 new business firm;; housed Buoys Painted and Lettered · un r one roof opened m Costa When Joe Carver came home Better lighting for the Main1 For Co-Ed Fete M~a tast week and brought to ;t ;t ;t from the wars he took over the I street business area in Balboa was '. tha community a new sports shop p H ho 1698-R bwlding the 7th Day Adventists \ suggested to the city council on ; Th al an saddlery and a jeweler and hone: ar r · All Highly Skilled Workmen. -tr- MOORING SERVICE • Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. were using at 1850 Newpor t Blvd. ~1onday in a petition signed by1 de anhodnu b<f ahch U~ty ~f the wa~h repair facilities. nd 5...,nt S4 000 in: remode lling it \ . stu ent Y o t e ruvers1ty of .. l d Cl d 0 1 for Prompt Senice a ~h 'r c·-r· , C ft and over 60 per cent of the merchants \ Redlands will be held Friday at JV· an Mrs. y e tto, ong-L----------------------' into a ome or ar,er ra · residents of Costa Mesa Jl.1ears Camera Shop. both bust-~~ . property owners in that the Corona del Mar beach. ope ed their sports shop at 182i -======================:: -tr- PHONE L. L. BEAN nesses being opened to the public vtCllltty. ! Al Joyce, o~er-manager of t~e H bor boulevard last Friday and last Saturday. ~1ack McElroy and John Vogel Joyce ~nceSs~on at the beach, is are offering a line ef sporting DIESEL SERVICE Harbor 2645 It ,,·as inadvertently stated that of the 1\'lain street merchants com-coo~~ating r~h the stude nts, who eq pment-as well as items for the C I t M ed th struc I . numuo:::r 300 1.n the Corona del h 1 d ·d· th are on . e~ own e .-mittee asserted that brighter Mar fete. . o e over an r1 ing en us- ture, which is 36x6? feet and 15 lig~,,·ould be a stimulan t to The stude ts have been holding tas one of the best looking strUctures busi . h 1 •-h ~ 1 r t the same address Mr. and !..----------------------1 in the harbor area. t er ~ac part es or the past \ . . NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND ' Contractors Attention! RESERVE YOUR NEEDS NOW We Control Our Source of Supply. ---·---We Are Diverting Our Entire Mill Output --Of- SURFACED LUMBER to Serve the Home Bµilding Program of This Area Priorities Must Be Served First-Some Material \\'ill Be Priority Free ' FIRST COl\'IE - - -FIRST SERVED ---·---Deliveries will start in about 10 days. ---·--- WOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY 425 SOth Street Newport Beach .--The New Club Lidou-----r Formerly Galley Cafe NOW OPEN • Featuring Sea Foods · Dinner · Dancing Presenting Dorothy Dillon at the Organ • • ;f; A. A. TENNIS, Manager ~ I Lido Just Opposite <litpBONE BA&BOB Theatre on E\o Bay Z 7 8 & for BllSEBVATJONfl> l\1ayor 0. B. Reed appointed i 15 years at ~guna Beach. but de-. . O. C. Harr o~ned their Councilman O. z. Robertson and cided after recent visit to the Je lry store and \VJ.th two re- Robert Alle n and City Electrician Corona del Mar beach that the tur ed veterans at the helm, are Carl Woodmansee as a commit-latter place was the most aus-rea fo_r_ watch r epairing ~ well tee to inv(>Stigate the situation and picious place for their at.fair. :is rcta1l1ng . of popular Jewelry Reconditioned Diesels on hand with choice of f'e!luction unit... report back to the next meeting In the evening the students will ~te : Associated with the Harrs of the council. visit the Fub Zone at Balboa IS 1lton Jorgensen. former Ma- e WE ABE WBITING ORDERS ON BIGHT· AND LDT- BAND ROTATION DIESELS FOR TWIN INSTALL&- TIONS. CHOICE OF REDUCTION UNITS. ---------------+------· _ rin , who is in charge of the re-On Hand: f65 H. P. General Motors-New. BU I LD N 0 W WI: CAN OBTAIN NECESllA.BY MATERIALS A COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE For over 20 J'ean OW' buslneaa hM been "BUILDING Bt:JTER OONSTRUCTED HOMES" DUTCH HEACOCK P . 0 . Box 42 Newport Beach (INCUMBENT) SHERIFF of ORANGE COUNTY s... Phone 502 805. Phone 718 No INDMDUAL nor ANY SPECIAL GROUP . shall dictate the law enforcement 'policy. KEEP County Government in the hands of all the people "rHERE IS NO SUBSTllUTE FOR EXPERIENCI!" ml: ELLIOTr FOR SHERIFF OOlllllllll'ITD C11/if 1,.tti1 'llttt/J U.S. SrNATOB WM. F. DOWLAID II WASBllGTOI · ll1tt ,, RETAii BIM JOIE 4t• * * * Ill -111. n._.-o1c1 -••• of World Wor II Md • '°"'*' ,..,..., of both --ol .. 5""" 1.,;'1¢D .......... _ ...... ....... .... °' .. Ntumed ... .. and of Col- * * * ---""-!• .,..~ ... .................. ., • <Ail•··~ I -I n • • I -· -w 'I l'U -... -Lu I DD c ' ...... ,_, .. ._ • a , > ...., ....., • 7 i1S ._ ._ YDTElllETlll IUIG-1 sa1n11 u. s. SENATOI KNOWlAND COMMITTEE pa· department. See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels lllEY'r REFRIGERnTion JERVICE comPnnY Diesel Generator Sets of All Kinds. 8+ -Enctneertnc -Servtoe 9Z Coast Blvd.. Corona del Mu Te porary Phone, Day 654 La- gu a Beach; Phone Night, 11:362 FRANK B. LEWIS (Lucky Lewi>) Owner-Maupr PHONES Offtce: Newport 2068 512~ Marine Avenue and Newport 2084-W BalOO.. Island r . . Laguna Beach ILL'S Mercury Cleaners & Dyers or Ft-esher V egetablee Better Meats Fancy Groceries 245 Foreat Ave. LAGUNA BEACH Offer Regular 3-DAY SERVICE or 1 · Day Special Service If an Emergency Arises -§- your Clothing Is Cleaned in Our Plant Which Is Located at 1844 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA We Are "" CI08e to You as Your Ph9ne Beacon 5613-J Mercury Cleaners & Dyers 6~14 7 THIS SUMMER ••• It's rime now io enjoy that iong·postpooed ncatioo! And ri,ji,. bae ii> the woaderful -. Narure bu potided die bat ill_,.. tioniaacls, all a.a, mcbal ... nrift, mod- em Soma Fe aaim. . * YOll "'1J ..., ., sP:<Dd -a-... dado ,_., ia tbe ad mo;aoaiQa of ~ Ariww or New Maico, --,... Qll ride aod ..tu amid ..-mrunl .......,. * Or, pcdwfl ,...., fwy ,...... tbe Glud Q JOii iD ,,......, Aim-... its iaopiriag ~ American hiltory, ,...'U enjor the p<bio. Ulric diJf ~ azouad Soma Fe, New Mexico.and Nnajolud ia Ari-* TbeQ, chere is Culsbld Caftml ia D•dwn1m New Maim, .. "w.!erp>llDd GaM Canyon" ..... io .......... miles«• .,,,.,.,a flmur. * /vq-ol lbcoe flod. -.,.... Qll --,_ .... ..., ..... 1111icmliead ...,..,. ,oulanens ..,°'"' Comulr,.,... s.... .......... c •••• dmila.lbu'UWlllm•1ru.iwi6aa t.t -"' giwp<deur. * u,...liUancicM fJl a:awl IDlf --........... .... • C. D. LINDSEY TJa,,,., ........ Apmt •I N.tll .._Stu• -Pllw1 - SANTA ANA, CAUi'. . - l ' , I 1'8Wl'G&I 941 N>A • - lo7 PAUL MQZJ'. &&tz?• ~ C-tJ' "'"*-Dlotztd Closing of Unga_ted Outlets ~= l~,:~ ·-dc~the Would S~J Water Aow To Drive Safely _ =~" -=-~-= = IJCC\J Despite the appoals of national Ovenooo · lines C.st plue left al\(! state leaden to .,.,_ ,__ lrom the tario airport with the ftttlls al the -ter ,_ In Orange clrivlnc and speeding 00 the bl&b-tint all._ air ahlp- county for munJcfp.J, dcmestlc, wayo, -ta oontloue to be -t to from the United apicuJtural and other IJUl'll"'" h~ dtatlona and hailed Into Statet. - has been pumped from wen. and courts, Wbett they .,., releued CuTYtna tl),000 po u n d s of 'lb1a II the llfth ot a -of moot of -wdll draw ~ alter payment of fines er fcrfelt-freisht. cars<> comlated of artlcl.. about the water aupply IUIJPlY from the !up under· ures of ball. $100,000 ot aeruma. vacdnel I P.APALMER LIDO lSU! P1YJPERilf.S • w. Q :mICX-1=ar¥le Counselor .tLw 1500 ~"-' 3333 VIA. LIDO CALIFOIUllA Brek• Le1ses Ghan Al\1r1 4 • ~ _...,... • BJ-P-==laed E.T. B•lterwor6', 0. D.: nt• Weet 0-bW ..... •rlw 11'11 Ee .... '-7 Aftr'rt t ' of Orange county and Ill future ground--ter butn beneath the Hett In the Newpott harbor clis-qalnlt , cbolera, unallpo• ma1ntenan"" tn adequate vo1ume. oouw p1a1n, 1t 1a bardly pm1b1e trlct five motcr11ta w11o ~ died and t u well u 111r111c:a1 I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _ to reduce tbe draft trom tbe bu1n for spoedlng °""" the -..k end supplloa. U norq>al conditionl 11 The tunctt\,p of the !up ..... very much ~ by procurlnc contributed S80 In flMo and fer-the tr.... c fitght, via Hawaii, • -r1 ~ • dergroun<l-water buln lflnl be-subotltute aupplleo from"""" new fottura to the dty court. J-IGn KwaJaJ<in, Guam. ~--Heatl-ri ~-· ti' :~1,)d C'1 .. -th tbe coutal plain of Orange aource. The five-"'· Edna A. Johmon and Oldna wW require 211o da)'I ..a -• .. , .. 1IOll count)', In atmnc and lloldlng avtt So pompletely are the waters al of Newpcrt Beach, who was fined from th!t S. to Shan&hal. ~ - Announcing the New Vibrapac , Building Unit8 ALL SUM IRJILDING VNIT8 Brl'* 111111 Onrpoai B!o+e Norr la ~ Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. for later uae the storm and flood <>ranee county In uae i!iat aubotl· S1!I for going 50 miles an hour In waters of the Santa An! rl•er and tute aupplles are difficult to ob-• Z-mlle zone on Central avenue: ,---, . ....,..,t..,.. _______ ,I Its tributaries. has -pointed taln. They can be obtaln,od locall7 Wl1llam FOK, T. Henclridm, and I s out ln the previO<JS artlcl8. Theoe only lrom waters now wut..i. Donald C. Hull of Le» ~... V E . E R_ A N storm and flood waters ~ llllore wu1 be aald In a auhoequent who. police say were doin& from tile buln naturally_...,.. they article of the W1ter-pollcy that to 16" 50 reapectlvely 1n 25 and T1..,.-ll;drloe1• ltarra ••• occur and then remain In the un-bu recently tieen adopted by the 35 mile zones and who paid from ballt tile lot de 11-1<1 -to be pumped dlncttn of the Ora/!&.• County SlO to $20 reapectlvoly In 11nea, J'OG lrom welll u needed. The rapid Water Diltrlct ln ~aid to fur. and William J. Bryan of San IJ'O'l'lh In the uae of these wider· ther lncreulnr the supply to the Diego, who forfeited $20 for dolnr ground waten, because of their underp'ound-water bu.in and to 55 ln a 35 mile zone. ~=======================~I convenient --'blllty to indlvld-proeurlnc aubotltute auppllea for -ual .,.._..u... has also been acme of the draft from IL Floyd Howard, in Sheriff's Race, Here In Vote Campaign G. 100% Financing .. ---------------------~•I pointed ouL M a reoult of the Amonr the principal accompllah-rapld growth In the use of thew menta of the Orange County Yoa • Before Y Oii B•lld or RelllOdel '1llt: ow ta•w••ag •mph ud «1pa7 roe I • ' ' :::~~ h'enslve stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. Ruso a Oarpetl ...,._, LUDLUM Carpet Works um Soatll ..... M. ....... -Alla -S&NTA ANA For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES , HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE ') FOR £ It's the 23rd &: Pb. YOUR Central 2600 HEALTH'S waters, the water-levell In this Water Diltrlct ao far ln lmprovlnr underground butn have been re--the water .. aupply ot the county ceding in elevation and it ha.I gen-since its organization in 1934 ll an Co n and Ray erally been known that the vol-adjudication of the aood:water Former Santa An._ Police aitef ume of water being pumped from rtghtA on the Santa Ana river so F1oyd Howard, was in town this the wel.11 that penetrate it exceeds that definite portions of ttl 'flood week in the interests of his can- the average supply. However, the flow will be allowed to reach Or-didacy for sheriff. Floyd, who wu first engineering determination of ange county by upstream comer-chief from 1931 to 1939, became the · amoun:t of thla overdraft hal vatlbn works. This adjudication f~ed for his traffic warning but recently been completed. Thil was started ln 8 suit to determine signs that read: "Remember-lS- determination found that, under the respectl*e rights of claimants mlle zone," which are still in use. the present conditions of supply to Oood waters of the Sa nta Ana Howard was a veteran in both and draft, 12,000 acre feet more river and Its tributaries. The suit W~rld Wars. Prior to his police water per year are being pumped was filed by the Irvine Company job he was four years criminal from the basin than enters it from while the district wu still in the deputy in the sherif('! office and its average supply. This is a vol-process of formation. The district, during the war was Security of- wne of water sufficient to cover after its organization joined In fleer for four years at the El Toro 19 square miles to a depth of ?"e the suit u intervenor 'and finally, Marine base and in charge of de-I -;;;;~~~~;:~~~~;;;t foot. in 1942, concluded negotiations for fense of Shore Patrol for the II llABBOB 11 Although this overdraft is a a consent decree without the ne-county. He has been a resident of :SJ G NS very large volume of water, yet, ces!lty of a court trial. Or ange county for 25 years. because of the vast' size of the Principally through the endeav-BE EDICT underground-water basin, It could on of the directors of the district, Control District, the Santa Ana continue for a good many years ad justment was obtained of t he River Developme nt Company, the without exhausting the water in final differences within the county Santa Ana Valley llTigation Com-11ie Sim Man • BO.\'T LE'ITERING ~. Tr ... storage there. It could continue, that had been preventing con-pany and the A"'lheim Union however, only with further lower-struction of the Prado darn. Since Water Company. These agree- ing of the water-levels in the basin construction of the dam. expert-ments give priority In the salvage and this has been found to be In-mental spreading has been canied of th.I.& water to the three afore-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ advisable in any large amount. on in the river channel below the mentioned companies which owri The investigation of conditions dam and a practical method has most of the wet lands in the reser- along the ocean shore show that been developed for spreading the voir bottom but provide that, Lt there LI inunlnent danger ol the river ()ow• over the width of the not done by them, the salvage of entrance of sa1t water into the channel so as to obtain maximwn this water may be undertaken by blisin u the water-levels ln that percolation into the underground-the Orange County Water District vicinity are drawn down below water buln. The lands in the river and the Orange County Flood Con- sea-level. They are now clOle to bottom needed for this purpose trot District in cooperation. that elevation. have been purchased by the dis-The directors, also. have an in- The dlrettors of the Orange: trict and the work of spreading vestigation under way at the pres-GENERA I,JIEPAD18 County Water District. appreciat-the river n ow has become one of ent time of the poaibility of sal-MAINTEN ing this situation, for some time its normal functions. vaging evaporation and transpir- have been working for lmprov~ The directors of the Orange ation loues from wet lands below ment of the relation between the County Water District now have Prado Dam in the lower canyon supply to and the draft from the pending before the War Depart-o~ the Santa Ana river. · underground-water basin. This re-ment an application to clOle one Also, through the eftort.s of the lation can be improved either by of the two ungated outlets at the directon of the Orange C.Ounty increasing the supply to or by de-Prado Dam. Their studies show Water District adjU!!lltments have creulng the draft trom the basin. that the closure of one of t hese been secured in plans for U(lltream Efforts have been made tn both ungated outlets will lmprove the flood control and conservation direct.ions but, Inasmuch u four-regulation of the outflow from the works on the Santa Ana river and reservoir for conservation pur-in prope&ed legislation that might poses. 'They have been active also adversely affect the now to Or-R R ~ f'E;'~ In the project to salvage evapar-ange county of water to which it ~ LS U'\.J LS ii!!) atJon and transpiration losses from is legally entitled. • wet lands in the bottom of the In the next article, the. activ- 0 ~RLI·~~ Prado Reservoir and have made a ltJes of lhil cliatrtct with respect l,-----+-------- \~~~11\i~~LNJ~~lS=~~~l fillng wtth the State to appropri-to the Metropolitan Water District B t Owners \ ate th1a water in the name of the and its Colorado river aqueduct 08 . • • • district. 11\ey have worked out aa a IOurce of supplemental water- agreement.a in recard to this proj-supply for Oranae county wlU be ect with the Orange Count)' Flood recited. Liquor Store c nvas ___ ...,._ Palm ... .., •••••• ---• SAKE BOWL CHARIER & PRESTON ; n '"sii e ~, •• • .... ·--..... I I 2 -I ..... Ml& at.Cl I p-11 ... w - ------····--- • OF FARMING · · • OF BUSINESS • OF CIVIC NEEDS • OF GOVERNMENT Should Be Understood By Your Assemblyman Earl W. Stonl-r 11 not a farmer, but h• DOB UNDERSTAND THEIR MANY PROBLEMS. Earl W. Stanley fs o aucc.ssful businessman AND CAN APPLY THAT SUCCESS TO THE PUBLIC GOOD. 'eorl W. Stonl-r. long a civic lfQder, hen full UN- DERSTANDING OF THIS DISTRICT'S CIVIC NEEDS. Earl W. Stanley, 01 Newport city councllmon, was RECOGNl?ED AS A SOUND, AILE PUBLIC OfFICIAL Get This M.an's Ability in the State _ Assembly LET'S . ELECT STANLEY! ............. 0-.....0nh s a..a" ••I') 1 SPORTLAND ~;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~·~~·.,.~ ... ~~·~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~ ·BOWLING ALLEYS Foot ot lllaln St. -Ba8- For ~ PlloDe llart:M>r U02 lt ..... Ill &£"'* ~ BALBOA'S , . -··-.. . ... --~- RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM KING GUION 111111 ,.,. doU!e Double'Rhythm Band Fri., May 31st Sat., Jane ht • Pl ... ANSELL HILL AND ms ORCHESTRA Sat.relay, May 2Stlll Watc:h for Friday Night Bands L---------_.... D bl fNm 9 - 1 • Going to Yoa pnllahly bave yon dn a lu• e .a ................ ,.........tad_,..._,..,... anlIHect w ----*-17 ._ ,.._. ........ ..,1 ... ,... "1:Arwt7d ... .,.a~lm PP I dr r= el JI IWW' It' I -tr-. W:.. , .... --.......... ,_ brl<Mm be -to "* ........ tbe ........... _., .. ,. Im Ptrr11Mid Plhor •'t'lms 111111 '-o- tlss • .. ..,. 0... w: .......... ,.I s electaleal .. .. &W tie W, wlMl !apirt ..... • i*•H O..rrz «•r _, bawc ... -• ......... ., •• ,. el ~ -- ETS • HOlll i GltVAi -m4 •••• r 1080 01ut ~ -,ml Dp -llll1I Am 1a -••.,•-••-·1wftl••11a:tic'i..• .. 1111.+16i19-4s .. .;mmi111sc..cOnM111111111•· EI.ECTKICIANS . MOVING DAY To Oar New Hon1e, 222 Ocean . Avene AGUIA FEDEBAl SA, VI ft GS & LOAN ASSOCIATION All Day Saturday, May 25th ~"'-.1 lee Yoa . I• 0111' New Home MolDAY,~ MAY 27 • ·- I . . • ft -ps ' • NEWPDRT-9AL'V'• a-4EWS-TIMES 1.-w1 1'&Wii • _.II p , p , 0 --= t' ' C _. = ' .IA ••:~T~;~~A&A~~~y~W~ o.m..-~~ P 15 2 ._,,. 0 1'J7 D -· 0 "' ·~~111.t.dtw: ., • .,...,_..IDOi pa-tJ; ' Medical Aid Enrollment Campaign Continued Week NIWS ofdae CHURCHES Sl,'lllpeo,_.ID4tll-; ...,,.,,_._ .. __ ir..i,;t;· ;1c1;d'°';;u;"i~ ~.,:/;:~I, IDJ;;"rst Budt, ~~=~~T s._ A. MEtJ:k , PtiM ' r st.cs. Wm. H. Bowman. ~ l Right Guide OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL W 142SWoot_A_ 8unda7 Me I : 8 ... 10 a.a. ~= _....,. tne 6 :00 to 5:JO and from T:IO to 1 :30 p.m. 11 L QM D. PORTEK am..i v SP' Uve director, today announced F . &. FROST Edltoo tbat"oniy one more .....U ttma!n- W. F. DIXON • • • • , .U.U'dlills M·s1911 ed to take advantage of the J.ow- Prmtlas Plant. 3011 W. Omtral A-Now .... 8 1 ""· ()jM"willa ere<! employe group roqulftmeftta. Thia column is deslcned to ctve ottlcial VA answe11 to veteram' readjustment prob- lems. Send questlona to: CPS is sponsored by the bali- Official Paper of the City of'N-port Boada fonlla Medical AAodatlon and la A. D11 ...._ Lwl llisH•I•• fw °"" 17 'l'W9 the doctors' own plan of low cx.t. Right Gulde, 1041 S. Broe4- way, Loo Angel .. 1~. C&ll.f. IT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH --·- Actm M wber of CORRAL DUST ''l'{iagara Palls will won &. out of fav<n with honeymoon· .<n ... spa<< ship. will "'4< the moon iUelf reall, a 'honei moon··-j Aa. LINDSLEY. prepaid medlcal, hmpital and 11\11'- -y-:l:IOLJL glcal care. ~·~ I'------------' T:IO to l:IO p.m. During the current campaisn Businest loam for &bout every.- -· "nlunday at persons sell-employed or any thing In the catalosue tlun bull- groupo of employes, reprdlea of c1oz1on to flshJna boo.ta and tlun OOllONA DSL llllAS URCH OF CHRllT how few, are being admitted Into shoeshine standa to beauty~ 0000~0 • ...,.~o-·• Ch~anci W•--the service. A.ccordlng to CPS of-h ~ de •'--·...a. "" __ ..._. "".., • A--Mlft"'11 fidals. many thousands of new ave ~1 ma ...... .,.,...... the VA Pen7 ft1l11'1dl 1*1 lllr. ., ' l• -. ,-y, "· members have enrolled during the Loe Anaeles ottl~, accordlng to Ill Bel" ...... apa, O.W ... llM' ~-&.ad&y, lO L m., BSble past fe w w~ks. ~ D. era Bois, regional loan Sunday, May 211. 19'6 ...... f a. 1L KcnJnc wonblp. "Before ringing down the cur-guaranty officer. Olurdl ICbool bu two • k>aL rr ' lain on Orange county's cam-Mr. du Bois said Southern Call-All above primary deportment nJUIT mmq11...-Oll1lJICll paign," Mr. Bowman said. "on be-fornla lendlnc agencies had loan-meet at 9:30 Lm. Beslnnon and r OOllTA """" half of the 6,400 California phys-ed veterans a toW of $575,930.411 primary department ages nvet at Tempcjraly location. American Clinical La6oratory ~-:'t-6:1t ... bf" °Ci$ p I s I 'l'll:LRllONB RA-- -W. Oold:nl A- DllECl'ORY H. R. HaB, M.. D. nos s .. •ass•• Haun: 2-6, by AW-I t ~BeaocmSlll 111 • ala., A Confused Giant icians, who are members of CPS, and the VA had guaranteed $74,-11 a.m. c:turin& the morn1nC cburdl I Ltgkin. Hall l want lo thank every single per-130.64 of this amount. hO\D'. . ..... , lln. G. W1llanl -D.U -.OOL OONBAD llrollTD, M. D. son who has assisted us in making Veterans who mttt eligibility 11:00 a.m. Morning worahip. &r.. PutlDn ;----------...,....-,IJ ..,, 'rt 7 _. I 1117 this one of the most successful requirements of the Servicemens' mon by Mr. Schrock, 'Today We · ftltme 11'71 Mortimer School enrollments in the entire State. Readjustment Act may apply for Dream A&aln." S School 9 :30 a. m. -Onsl Baa.. W... UO E. 1lllb St. Amazement and concern is felt throughout the world at the spectacle of endless confusion besetting the United States. People are appalled at the exhibition of a giant who cannot pull himself together even to take care of his own "Particularly do I want to ex-1 loans for ''building. supplies. equip-7:00 p.m. Youth meeting. M worship service 10:~. -: Oollep, --~ COSTA l!OBA press this appreciation to the ment, machinery, tools, Inventory, r service 6:00 p. m. 8UIDIEB ..... ..,._-.-;, Hnun: 10-tt a.m.; H p.m. newspapers and the physicians stock ln trade, or for coat of con-FIRST CHURCtl OF CHRIST, aervice 6:30 P· m. SCHOOL=-• Phone Beaeoa 5015 who have cooperated so marvel-struct ion, r epair, alteration or im-&CIENTllT I evangelistic service at 0. .A.. ll•rllmer, IL.&.., Odol'll 11•------------' ously." provement ot any re alty or person-Lkio Theater, Central A.venue ock. Prmalp&I .._Barbor IU . ' needs. Local CPS headquarters are lo--allty used for such purpose, or to ancl Via Li do Tu7 30 ' l~g prayer service cated at 1061h: E. F ourth street, provide funds needed for wor king A branc!l of '111.e Mother Oiurcb, at : OCugo... DENTI8TS San ta Ana. ca pital." Tbe Flrat Church of CbrUt, Scl-t--------I r-----------~ T o obtain a government guar-enU.t, la Bo1ton, M•smcbUMtta FIR.S METHODIST CHURCH DB. OOBDON E. RAPP Phillips Sends Pictorial Book To Constituents anty for a business loan, an elig-SUnday School at 9 :30 &. m. &m-G1 Edwin o.her, ,.....,. DENTJST tble veteran will get the deal all day Servlce at 11 a. m. Wedneeday E_uclid 't 9tanfenl, Gii,.._ ar-eve. set-have all the facts and costs Tut.lmonl&l Meeting a.t U o'clock ~:st Olurcll. ICheol for all !811 Wmt Om.tnl for his proposed enterprise in writ-Reading Room located at 1.l.l a.pa. Pbone Barbor Ul·I tng, then apply for his loan from Palm street. Balboa, ls open da1JY 11 :00 &.m. Momtns Wonhlp: any established lender. The lender trom 1 pm. to 5 p.m. except Sun-ll : "We Thall Tbee." L-----N_•_wpo __ n ____ ..J and the VA carry on from there. days and holidaya nationally ob-· ll:ll &.m. Nur.ery for all chil-• • • aerved. dren d eervioe. ~---------~ RIGITT GUIDE has selected a Tb~ public la cord1ally invited te 8 :00 .m. Ketbodtat Yeuth P'el- few or the ma ny questions asked attcd the church eervice. and u.M l•W8bip Younc Adult 'Nlow'lhtp. about loans. Any veter an who does the Reading Ream. 7 :00 .m. Even.tng Wonh.lp:-VeeMg : .. Come Ye UYe." not find a n answer to his particu- Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST ftG!I!\ W. <ltmtnl. Barbor Hiii Dr. G. E. Tohill ft"1' ' '17 ... -I 2209 o-t• aml; NBWPOkT v•ar --Oflke: ........ . ... -.:..._ .... . U1'o.....,,mll....._.I Gerald Rauaa. M. D. 2830 Welt c.iitnl Ave. NEWPORT llEACH Pboae. Barber lOM 1'o .....-: c&l1 ~ ~a X·Ray Senlce The reasons f<>{_ this country's confusion are a collec- tion of little acts !Jlat add up to a mighty destructive force. These little acts are being committed from one end of the country to the other by an army of public servants who knowingly or unknowingly undermine the source of our na- tion's greatest strength-the enterprise of individual citi- 7.l!llS. They promote grandoise publicly-financed schemes In direct competition with the efforts of private citiz.ens. The gigantic tax-fmanced and tax-6empt public power program is typical. Constant hauling and pulling between private enterprise and public enterprise in this field is dam- . Constituen!-5 of Rep. J ohn Phil- lips, M. C., 1n the 22n!'-6ongres- sionaJ district, were surprised to- day with a copy of the "Pictorial Directory of the Victory Congress" in the 19th Congress. Second ses- sion. lar problem about loans (or any other readjustment question ) in this column. will receive a prompt reply by writing RIGHT GillOE . ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHUAOH Chris • Science NEWPORT BEA.CB l lr-----------, ' MDton M. lll.uwell, M. D. aging to the cowitry beyond all calculation, because plainly The pictorial carries a pro- evident is a basic struggle between two philosophies-the fusion of pholographs depicting philosophy Of private enterprise upon which this country President Harry S. Truman and was founded, and the philosophy of socialism. From elec-members of congress from every Q. May a veteran pay off a guaranteed loan before i t becomes due? state in the Union as well as of trlc power the spirit of conflict seeps through countless delegates from the territories out· A. Yes, Five veterans Y.:h o had activities with an insidious ene rvating effect. side the continental limits. their 1oaru guaranteed by the VA .. As an illustration of the process, consider a-few news-The cover carries a large JX>r-in Southern ~fornia have paid trait of Congressman Phillips. The off these loans 1n full. paper items of the day . From Coos Bay, Oregon, appears back cover carries s tatuettes of Q. Is there a limit on the size the notice of the mayors ·of seven communities holding a President Truman. J ames F . of the loan? conference to consider the possibilities of public electric Byrne, secretary of state, Edward A . No. The limit Is on the power . Attending the meeting· was the BoIUleville Adminis-R. S tettinius, U. S. representative amount which the VA may guar-on the Preparatory Commission antee. trator, a Federal official who actively encourages public ot the United Nations. Sam Ray· Q. Must the veteran put any of power at every opportunity; another item from Junction burn. SJ)('aker of the House or his own money into a business, a City, "-"on, tells of efforts to form a public utility dis· Representatives: Eric A. Johnst on, home, or a farm to ge t the guar- -· ""'& preside nt of the United S tates anty? trlct for the 'distribution of tax-6empt Bonneville power. Chamber of Commerce: Bernard A. No. ThU is not the require- .Another item from Oregon Oty, Oregon, cites the local tax M. Baruch. special adviser to The ment for guaranty, It is a question assessor as reporting that half 'the property in his county President ; Henry J . Kaiser, Indus· which is settled with the tender. tralist : Walter Lippman, news-The only bearing it has on a guar. is flOW' tax-ex e mpt public property--olcal tax-exempt Bon-paper commentator, a nd of Bob anty of 8 loan is tha t in the case neville property alone, he estimated. would be assessable at Hope, war camp entertainer. of a farm or business it may affect more than a milli~ dollars. The same situation prevails !.-----------~ the likelihood of the veteran's suc- ln all sectl of th 'ted S h ra] cess ln the venture. ons e Um tates, w ere Fede govern-LE'ITERS TO THE Q. If part of the guaranty has ment's tax-i!xempt socialized power program is absorbing been used. how is the remaining taxpaying private enterprise. NEWS-TIMES guaranty computed? • til • A. The amount of guaranty Un this basic confiict is resolved one way or the other which may be issued on behalf of America will continue to be a confused giant, increasingly RIGR SCROOL BOARD any one eligibl e veteran ls up to unable to Sl!PPIY his own needs. APPRl!lCIATES PUBLICITY $4,000 on r eel estate, or up to Newport Beach, May 10, 1946 $2,000 on business loans. Il a vet· Mr. Sam Meyer, eran uses all or a part of one Newport Balboa News-Times: type guaranty (borne loan or bust· Se to "al Court In behalf of the Board of Tnls-neu) he automatically cancels all na n esy tees . f aculty, and students of the or the same frac tional amount of Newport Harbor Union High the other. Sergeant Eugene Wise ol Inglewood thought he was one school I should like to express to ----------- of the luckiest of ·-•---.. h ,__ got his disch you our sincere appreciatlon for war •~~~ W en ''"' arge the efforu of your entire staff in from the Anny Air Corps. supporting our expansion pro- Sesgeant Wise's father h&d bought a Jot for him and had gram. The splendid resulu of the moved to It a house from another location. All the fonner election on May 17 give evidence of the generous publicity given oergeant needed before be moved in with his wife and baby by your paper. White ·House Cafe n-sm ......... llMcb, Oallt. was 20 feet ot soil pipe and 300 feet of redwood siding to re-Sincerely, pair damage done in moving. Total cost, $50. __ _:s::_. H.'.::..:D~A~vm~=s'.:o':N'.:.· ~Pri:'.:''.'.'.nc1~pa1~c==========- Loca1 deft.lers had the soil pipe and siding. But they couldn't 9ell It to Wise. He owned a home. so the NHA wouldn't give him a priority. The hotne stood empty for three months while the ex-sergeant fought his war against red tape. Finally, says the Hollywood Citiz.en-News, he took the case to Washington and with the aid of U.S. Seu.tor Know- land obtained a priority-last week to buy $50 worth of ma- terial. He also received from Senator KnOwland a note which said: ''The country will get bogged down In a mass of red tape If applications for ma terial costing $50 have to be cleared through Washington." Thousands of war veterans can give their own versions of the Inglewood case. Red tape is the principal barrier be- tween them and a place to live. CHRISTIAN'S HUT Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau AD Modes of Travel to·Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Roomd-tbe-World Trips In the near future. See Jin. RoJ ~ l'tl. BarllGr S9L 901 ...... llalhoa a..n: l ........... .. • - Leonard Maraball, Mana&er ...,...._ Clllllfonla DELICIOUS FOoD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS S1S West Central, B•lbea ( Ebell ~ubhouH) Rev. Ardya T. Dea•, V&ear 8 :SO L m .. 'Boly eomm..-. 9 :4.5 a.m., Bud&y Schoel. · 11 :00 a. m ., MonU.nc Prayer and. Sermon. (Flnlt Sund&ya: HolJ Com.munJeo.) Subj t 'Soul and Body' "Krio ye not that 7e are the temple f God, and tbat the Spirit of ~welletb In you!" Tbt1 QUe9- tion tro.fn I Corlntbla.na will be the Golden ext of the SundaJ Leeeon- Sermon on "Soul and Body'' 1D all branch of The Mother Church. The Fl t Church of Christ, Scien- tist, in ton. The sson-Sermon I n c I u d e • Dr. W. W. Weetmoreland Dentist 1111 eo.t mw.7 CORONA DEL MAB P hone Harbor 22ZO CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SE.A Communrty M .. edtet these Ible 1electlon1 from the INSURANCE 1420 Wat Centr-al Avenue ftev. I:. D. GoodeM, Paator C'burcb lichool, 9 :60 a. m. Mendn& Wemhlp, ll a.. m . Youth l"ellowmbtp, 6 p. m. EvenlJI&' wonlllP. 7 p. m. Mid-week pray.r eenot.ce, Wed· Psalm.B "O God, thou &rt m7 God; I r-----------~ early I I a eek thee: my aoul thinte fqr thee, my fl esh lonceth tor th in a dry and thln;ty land, whe re o '~rater ta; To see thy power d thy glory, 10 a.a I have aeeu th in the sanctuary . -.. Mr aoul ab II be aatlefled as witb mar- needay; covered dish dinner, 8:SO p.m. row an ratneea; and my mouth shall p alae thee with joyfu l Ups." Sandy F. MacKay --·--INSURANCE-That's All BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 211 A81ite A.ven..,. Rev. Harry W. Whits, Aeeocf.te Paltor CbW'Ch Solaool, 9 :80 &. m. Momtag Wonb.ip, 11 &. m. And r m 1 Corlothiai:ia, .. \Vbat! know 1 not lbat your body la the temple f the Holy Gbost w}llch la in you, which ye bave of God, and ye are ot your own! .. · .. tbererore l'"------'------...J IEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Comer Walnwt and Church &ta. CGota ..... Sabbath .cbool, Saturday morn· lnc, 9:IO o'clOOk.. Pre&ching eervtce, 11 a. m. NltWl'ORT HAAao .. LUTHERAN CHURCH ......... Ch• ..... c.-.. _ kev. Hert»wt Roth. P'•tor Servtoee: Sunday, 1&.:IO a.m. glorify ·to your body, and lo your ap Mt. wblch are God's:• Mar.y Baker Eddy writes In "Sci- ence d Health \\'Ith Key to the Scrtptu ea :" "Soul la the substance. Llfe, intelllgence or man. \\•blcb la Jodi: duaUzed. hut not to matter. Soul never refl~t anything in- ferior Spirit. Kan ta the expre. 1100 or Soul." SHOES Whlle Yoa Walt FULL QO&l'EL CHURCH llnd and Udal', ~ M- Su-y oel>ool. •=•3: mom1n, y Pagan M>nlllp. 11: ~ oervlce. 7:80 P. m..: Kld-w.ek prayer meet-515 East Bay Front tnc oa W..,,,,,..7, 7 :46 p. m.; x to aq View Ode Yoa:DC people'• nanpls.t..lc ff!'Vlce t a. m. lo I p. m. on Friday, 7:43 p.m. '---+-------~--" ONCE . AGrAU"l1 SAM'S SEA F D SPA ---Location Mlle~alOld Cout Hlgbwoiy • New IJncoln NaUonal IJfe Insurance Co. "Ite Mame IDdieaie. IM CbarK'W'' DON .Jl:RNIOAN Pl>oneBarborZM·R -Marine A"" Balboe Ill. New York Life InSurance "Company DON 11. DtlllANT WI Orald A"" Barbor llllhJ CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFll: IN8UKANOI.: 00. RayNiel.en ..... ..,.., .. ~, .......... .--..... -.. 91.a &. 9a7 .a.-. ..... KOin'ICIANll Baroid K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelws the Better Serve by Servin~ Othen Boot"' l'looae&m...aMl.t Costa Meea 'cantonda OPl'OMETB18T8 Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D • . OPl'OMETIW!T !:,... Examined • Gluses Fitted 1'11N_rt_ n-. ....... aeu oan.& --' E.T.~O.D. Os' ta ... sm ss•wnt&D Lll:N-D1JPIMlATW> .._.£1 ..... MJ II 111.t. "· ,....... ............. -.u ......... 19'1 <loMt _.., Corena del Mar Office Hoon: 10-12; :1-5 Pbone Barbor lOll S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ Balboa 11ar1>or ·nu 6CS 8. HUI St. Loo ~ TtJcker 791! By Appointment T. P.)Reeder, M. D. Physician and Sargem 1001 wen Bay "'"" Telephone Harbor 80! A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN •ad 8UBOEON Tele~ Barbor Hll·il Dr. W. T. Mooaey l'llJwldaa ud 8mpoe Nbltll -o-tnl ...._ (Mok.-n.)_..._ M NORMAN NIXON, K. D. Pedlat:rlolu Certlfled by the Amerioan Board ot Pediatrics 1CI0'7 Oariota Dr., 1A1c-. - TeleJll aae IAc'mla 1·1116 Waper Drq,'1• '"•nte Dr. WUNt Q. W .... Oilropractic, Dletetlm, Ph)'Blo &: Co!Olllc Therapy HIO Cout-.. -....-.--- Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited --,at-' NEWS-TIMES .... MllllE SElllCE SHELL DOCI <Mnplete Foantain Sstiee at HANSEN'S lltlOe11a...-.•.. , ' JllOW orw BY..._ BALBOA ISLAND I ' ••1.M • a&MJLZ& M • •••+t• ' Ill llORTllJIAIN -· ., ._ lllOJ-• .. tllill9 Owl I . • .i -. • ' M • • GIFTS -for the- . HONOR THEM wrru THE TRADITIONAL GIFT ~A NEW WATCH- * * CHOOSE FBOK OUR SELECTION OF FINE WATCllll! AND SELECTED .JEWELRY • hlo...tl'eDdl- • CompRta ·• B-llt ·-• Oo-fvme .lewelr.r ON THE MESA rrs . . HARR'S JEWELRY 1821 Harbor Blvd. ;: '-' . c;&.:W N . :" Wi& .. MAKE YOUR l'!e asonable. • • • • • You "'t.11 appreciate how easy It ls to arrange for credit at Dr. Oo":en'" ... no delay or unnecessary lnvei1tlgaUon. Come ln a.nd a.rranir to ha\'l!I all your necessal')· work completed KIGHT NO\V . , . pay later in mall weekly or monthly amounts. THIS Lm- P.:RA.L SERVICE DOES NOT COST YOU ONE E..XTRA PENNY and you can make \'our Own Reuonable Tenns. ---,--.... --l:i'liocl 'lffi ~ill HFOX wo-n;,_W1D1: I •• 1111.. DAlt.T IRll MRlll/li 11 iJ!LpitAft ) • • ' , • aawmu•.,.. -Ille' -tape, ~ -.. , All -. ~. Nie at tbe News-~ . · otocll: at tbo N,..nm... G E HAPPINESS for . Her . nr. Schrotk wm ::::--~=-=~~ Frowns· f.\·n Address Students tenon. Katharine Phoenix. Naney ·V !Continued fnlm Page ll =d~ .lr~nna.: Sher•tt Sub C\Jabman Priest. Maude Elaine I Fidler. George Finch. J<llln Wesley ~~· R . es Van Naiman • Fowler. Ralph s. Freitag. and RU ~rKeI·th rum Jamea s . Id I Clara Tsu)'Uko Fukuda. ey, . a. t t• Olrlsty Ganlner Norman Lor-Lyon Rubel jr., Ridlard Carl Rum-a ion ea GIVE JEWELRY ralne Ghere, Rlchard · Gl'llble, sey, J-i>hJne Helen Schulte, and I Jeannie Loo Grund. Geer&• Min. James Louis Shafer. oru Hedanl, Bergen Y. H-Vlr-Be~s~":'.'~ ~~ On account of the slimnea of ginia June Holker. Joanne Clay Rive Ninon -Talbott. Bobby Jean the county municipal gowmment :ogan, Hubbard O.ase Howe Jr .• Taylor, Cameron Catesby Thom. budget it will be impossible this R 8;f;,iii:'~ Howe, and Anne Duane Sennitt Thornton, Jemmel year fat the sheritrs office to in- 17 • ewel Wr st Watch • • • • .Edi · · Avis Thompeon, Robert Wllliam ·l augurate a proposed system ot e u Pearls Styled by Madelon Delta .............. $7.00 up -.. • Eaniap .......... .._ F1 th ~~oob&e~erberta Thompson. . sub-stations in various strategic J= Joyce ;:;,.,e Jones i:i~ Susan Witwe• Walker, Carl parts or the county, Sheriff Jesse ard L Keller Ann Th 'Krlly Richard Wallner Goodell Parker L Elliott explained to members of Ardelle K~ell. G= ~ Warren, Fran~ Inne Wilcox. ~en Grove <;hamber of j i• ~ecltlaee. e Sta&loaer:J Kentch, Patricia KllJefer, RJcbard Donald Lee Woodhouse. Donald Tuesday n1i'ht . Kilpatrick, Eleanor LaVerne•Kln-Milton Worden, George Harry Howe\'er, the sher1n said that berg, and Rcee Kolew. Yardley m. Gard:en Grove and other munici- CtJ--a T HoU.HKldaaBHerberta Earning diplomas on the basis pallties, which also favor the tn-1 Niles Arthur Lederer, Joaet L. of wor-k done while in the armed troduc:tion of the sub-station sys- Lenski, Roger Sherman Und. La-service were William Hugh Blue, tern, are getting as good, if 'not 1von May Uonbarger, and Agnes Riley Blair Coe, Robert A. Brock. ~tter service than .the other lun- Marle Ludwig. Robert J. Ramsey, Cayton'. Leon mcorporated areas 1n the county. Johnnie Harper Martin, Peggy Ruaell. and Harold Van de ~wleuneu . In Garden Grove, he McCall Bruce Hatch McGavren Walker. pointed out. lS very much less than C&lvln 'George Mclntee, Richard =t it ls in other parts of the W. McKee, John Han.ford McKlb-ANNEXED BY CITY ty. ' ben, Lorie Meyer, William O. Mot-Four sub-stations wou1d require fitt, Renato P. Monaco, Ro.a.e Balboa Coves was annexed u 32 men to Of)erate them, the sheriff Maraaret Muniz., and Beverly part of the dty of Newport Beach added, stating that under the Myers. at a final hearing held tn the dty present circumstances he would Nancy Lee Neice, James Jetter-cow.di chambers on Monday after-much rather have more patrol cars son Nelson, Marjorie Jean NeI.on. noon. and have them ~JI work out of his Expert Beauticians for Milady • Permanents, Cold W ave_ Hair Styling. Hair Tinting -· · Bleach· ing, Cold Wave. ANN -CARMEN Featurlnl' Helene Curth Cold Wavee ODea lkt•'*7• AU 09¥. E'l"-l•s Appel.at.Mt. r.. ~fttll : Pho• Bwbor 81"1 Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Balboa ln.ll Arcade e <>c.n Front at the Plef' MADELYN D. PLATT • Candidate for Member of the ASSEMBLY 74th District Favors Immediate and Effective Veterans• Legislation * Women ·have earned the righ t of Representation 1n Government • ·I central office in Santa Ana. CANNED VEGETABW Green Beans ~ "~•. -Cut ce-&- Green Beans ""'°'c.""" ...... 7• Sliced -Green Beans H,..._ "~·· 5• Brand ·-Pictsweet Com '~ 'JC ·• Gold9n. who&. kernal voriety. Sliced Beets ""~.::."' ·~~·· 5• Diced Beets =· '::-· · 1 • Shoestring Carrots '::," ZC C. H. 8, Brond. Diced Carrots '0~"' 2--Blue Otomond Brand. Diced Carrots Del"'"''" ...... 1-Brond N• &,- VegetableCocktail •::: 13• l'kr•'• '"'-olth Srond. • l ' MUSHROOMS Mushrooms <><•«• "-•-· Slem1 and pte(;H - Button Mushrooms •~ M• ... Joc:obt lf'orw1. S-wns and pieces, 4-u. 34c. • Mushrooms ,..-....., ~·-15• lreftill6 ... VWttw - IE.ADY TO EAT caws Raisin ·Bran "'""'""•« ·~-· 11• Kc11ogg'a '*• Grapenuts · ., .... 14• .... GrGF*"'lolt• flokn, 12·o•. pkg., 14c. OIECK THESE WIWAY VAL ES Condensed Mille , ...... 15'• ·-~~o·· s-1..wd. BakingSoda "'"'&--1·•· 8rond fllte. Balcing Powder :;;:: '!:"· Mouse Traps ::;; 2 DogFood : Sierra Pine Soap n-....-. ....................... ,,..., ............................ • ..... .... ----all popoalar -.. I • Cootume Jewelq For Him Waterproof -Shockproof Wrist Watch .. • • -$42 50 Pea and Pencil Seta ---AD Popular BbkM • Dtamoa4 Set e 'be C1WD1 • Black Oa7'< ~ • ""' ~ • Slpot ~ • Sllttlonery • Blrtktone Rill&' e WaUeb LOUCKS -PWUTBUTTER 1 .... "" ----MEAT SPREADS ·~--.............. u...,....... OUYE BUllER . s-"" ........................ DEVILED HAM ·-· ... httt'• ...... ..,..,... ,_ .......... LUNCHEON MEATS 11 .... ... Chlel ........ ~ ..... CARROT JUICE ....... -............... .....,. ... ~ CELERY JUICE 11 .... ... J HE MONTH of May brings outdoor attracti ons that few can resist. Mild weather and green countryside combine to make it a perfect season for picnics. So why not plan a picnic. Select needed supplies at your neigh· borbood Safeway. H•'11MM.NetwNl.,...t .... t.t.. Fancy, Hen or ·Tom . 27· 21Jc II• 14· 34• 15• 17• TDRIEYS~~ Turkey is a family favorite the year 'round. lnas. much as all Safeway Stores do not carry a complete assortment of turkey$, it is recommended that your order be placed two days in advance. •• FRYING CHICKENS Gnde A, New York 117le. Serve It hot or cold on picalco. Ht. ~~~~DE~36- LAMB BREAST T ......... t~Dlldl•..t .. ~ ........... .... Ht. 13• DISH CLOTHS .' f 2 ,_ 15· 11" lty IJ"tGa. W-.-1.- ttwlJ ...... ...... ..... . "~-..... .... WIENERS COD FILLOS D .. lellua, fteilly, .... wt . .., M,,..,... C... •1•; I¢ llt. 39• •. 39- HOME CANNING NEEDS Mason Fruit Jars zc::l.24 Regulof.12qu!Wt Jen., 76c. 12 Holf.gollon }Ora, 1.06. JarCaps '-.-.... » Jor lidl, doi..,,, 9c. Certo ~l .. Special Off.r. &-oz. bottle Cer1o, 2 for 3& . You get third bottle for k . Jels-Rite M. C. P. Pectin ~11• 3 ·~·· 25• -· Sure Jell ..... 11• .... ~ial 11ffer. J-qz:, pockoge SIK. Jell, 2 fot 22c. YOl.I get third pock~ for .le. Parowax ,z ~ 25• OIOCOUTI AND COCOA Bitter Chocolate ~ 11• Bok.,..1 Pramium Snand. Bitter Chocolate ~ 13- .......,,. Brin:I tot boldno. Baker's Cocoa Hershey's Cocoa Hemo ""' .... -.. , ... II" vitamin Mix ,_ .. Dr .. your vlfarnint and Illa 'Mt. H I llOUSfO ENUG ,A11S Bowl Cleaner = '!:'" II" Semi-Flush ~ '!:" ... Bowl Cleaner ·:,::· '!:" It• Bon Ami Powder '!: 12-... _c.o..-. 10.. Oakite -.-... --Calldop Heads ··::..-•• _ .. Ill ... -t'Wdnl, ••• • , .. • . ' • • -...... Mesa Red Cross FAC Book Section • Cities League Meeting Improve Pier Front . H bor Femi· n1·ne Ac ·1· v·1•t• Meeting of the Orance County NewJ,o..t Beach street ...... I> Ottlcen and OWrmen ot the The book section of the Friday ar I es Leogue of O des will be -te>-ment ""'"''" have levellecl olf Ille Coat& MHa branch, American Red Afternoon club will meet at 2 p.m. nl&ht ('lbunday) In H1mtlngton •Pl'l'O&<hes to the Balboa pier • .e-• Croa will mttt at the "°""' ot In the sun room with 1i1rs. J . F . Beach. One ot the apeaken will cor<ling to word recelwd .....,. the chairman, Mn. Calla Viele, Webster presenting the program. Phones 13 and 208 + By Winifred Ba.rtft + Alline 1881-R be former county auditor and now from the Main Strttt bu1inea • 2109 Harber Blvd. on . Tuelday, -------------------,.-'------;--------------t-----------Santa Ana City Auditor WUllam !Odatlon In that RCtiaD. M .... -•Y_ 28 _"_ 1 _ 7 :.30_p.m. ______ -_Bett __ •_r+Pr1D-im_g_can_ 12_°'_,1a. Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon Club Installs Mrs. James Irvine Tells ~ssistance League c. Jerome. I , N IT'S SMART Officers at Final Meeting of Year Need for Cancer Clinic, !ans for Fair Honor for Fathers t 8 ew • • • • • • and Fathers' Day senrices are now Bringing a succesaful aeuon tol h001e grounds: Harry C. Bur-. · . James Rogers entertained bein& planned by churches In the it's fashion's newest high wedgi.e glistening black patent leather. (All sizes and widths) B. A. AA. AAA Now Showing at . . . sandal in BERttf!!'~tTES S05 .Marine Avenue BALBOA ISLAND a clooe, memben and friends of dick, rentals; Sam Crawford, men>-Co M H m hers of the Newport Harbor barber tlistri I. Fathers' Day will the Friday Afternoon club gath-bership: Raymond James, hosp!-• S!a. esa to onor br ch of the Assistance League be observed June 2• ered at the clubhouae May 17 for tality, Kenneth Stew~t, courtesy; Retiring Teachers of Orange county a t a butfet the final meeting of the year. Goss Grable, hlstor1an ; Elmer l cheon Tuesday.at her home, Mrs. C. M. Deakins of Newport CJ~k, music; Arden ~g. Feder-Three teachers of the Costa 1 West Bay avenue with Mrs. Beach pa.st president of Newport auon Ne"'I; Grace ~il~ calling-> Mesa grammar schools who are re. VJ tor Grace a nd Mrs. E. E . Bou- Ebell club, and county chairman of \V. E . Nickell •. Cal1forru:a history tiring after many years of service di ot as assist ing hostesses, al- garden1 of the California Feder -and landm~ks. ~tty ~ P ad-will be honored at a public tea to th ugh the latter was not able to ation of Women'• clubs, conducted ~~~:ty ; ittsS Alice Plumer, be given from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, I ~ ~t. the impreat\re lnstallatJon cere-· May 29, in the Women's club al guests were Mrs. James monies, presen ting each new or-house. ne, head of the league, and ficer '"1th a beautiful corsage, the Mrs. Heinz Kaiser Teachers so honored are Mrs. . Segerstrum. Santa Ana. Mrs. flowers being aymbolic of the dlf. Back From England Clara McNally, principal of the \ talked on the fair and ferent offices. ?ttain school, who has taught in e show, the only one to be Those Jmtalled ,...,e Mesdames With E. I. Moores Costa Mesa for 21 years: Mrs. gi n by women, which ts to be H.B. McMurtry, president: Robert Winifred T aylor, who has served!gi en J une 20-23 at Santa Ana, Skiles, first vice-president ; Joseph f\.frs. Heinz Kaiser. Virginia and 16 years and Mrs. Martha Picken-[ of the need for the county Hamblet, second vice-president; Cecil Place, Costa Mesa, is back paugh, who is retirin g to her r a nch c cer clinic which will be estab- George Gay, recording secretary; from a two months visit with her in Oregon af-ter 14 years at the lis ed with proceeds from the fair. Jerrold Spangler, corresponding family in England. She was sur· school. I er a thousand dollars is to secretary; Reuben Day, parliamen-prised when the Argentine docked. The tea wilt be under the aus-given in prizes for winning ex- tarian : C. H . Ridley. treasurer; to be greeted by Mr. and Mrs. pices of tho F'Tiday Afternoon club hi Its Jn the flower show, and the J .· l\f . Shearer. auditor. Directors E. I. l\1oore, West Central avenue, and Parent-Teach('T' Association, p lie is invited to m ake entries. are rvt esdames W. B. Mellott,j who drove through to meet her "'ith the presidents. l\frs. H. B. l\l . George Ya rdley iS chairman Elmer Clark and W. E . Nickell. and who were K')ne three "'eeks McMurtry and Mrs. Kenneth of the local flo\\·er Show com- Mrs. Nickell is the retiring presi-1 and thr1c'e days. Ste,vart in charge. All parents, tee and Mrs. Robert Walker is dent_ and .she.was presen tec;i a past ) In Ne\\· York Ci ty they visited I ~or~er students and residents are irman of the local cancer com- pres1dent s pin by Mrs. Skiles. l\1r. and Mrs. Frank Hardiman, tnvtted. 1 m ttee. Ticke ts to the horse show A ri sing vote of thanks was former residents or Lido Isle, and m Y be obtained through her. or given Mrs. Sklle., program chair-spen t live days sightseeing. They Crei g hton-Stoffer in mbers ol her committee, Mrs. man, in appreciation of the splen-then '°':ent to H acidonfield, N. J., R 't A ed R wland Hodgkinson and ~'lrs. Ev- did programs she arra nged. An-where they visited a friend of Mrs. 1 es nOOUOC e t t Morris. nual repor ts were made by sec-Moore's whom she had known in . . rs. C. ~1 . Deakins told of the lion and committee chairmen. 1908 in Los Angeles, and tn De-Announ~ment is being m ade of d I exhibit now at the Bowers' ~frs. J ack Shearer had charge 1 trait they ''isited friends of Mrs. the ma~iage on Thursday, May ' m eum, Santa Ana, w her e dolls of the beautiful decorations which I Kaiser. They came home through l6. of Miss Irene Stoffer, .daugh-1 f m aJJ ovei: the world are no"· gr aced the club rooms. The arts Denver and arrived Saturday,.re-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rose-o display. Some of them were and cra fts section, under the di~ porting a fi ne trip. grai:t of Colby, Kansas. to Wa.yne m de more than 2000 years agO rection of Mrs. A. J . Lupton, serv-Creighton, son of Mr . and ~frs. some are worth that much in ed a delicious luncheon. Ha rborites Attend A. E. Johnson. 469 Newport boule-m ney. The exhibit is tree and if Hostesses for the occasion were S T vard, Costa Mesa. a ty goes; a ·lecturer will tell ~fesdames Calla Viele, P. V. Oror i ty ea The ceremony was performed at th history of the dolls and other Parkes and Claude Anderson. 7 p.m. at the home of the officiat-th ngs on display. The program of' the afternoon Kappa· Lamba Sigma sorority i~g minister, the Rev. F . W. Nied-ameron Thom and Joyce Ann · b Do J G · of Fullerton Dis trict Junior col-r1nghaus, 205 20th stree~. Santa . was given Y nna eann~ r1gg, 1 Ana. pastor of the Ft'rst Con'""""-Jo es were announced as wmners soprano, and Leonore Tompkins, ege installed new officers and e.·- pianist. entertained mothers or the mem· gational church of that city. of t he two $150 scholarships, be- bers at a tea Thursday evening in The bride wore a suil of rose in studen ts "'ith the highest the junior college lounge. Red color with black accessories and nts for four years at Newport and white gladiolas were used for her nowers were gardenias. Mi. H rbor Un ion High school and ful- dccoration and the officers were and l\frs. Floyd Stoffer, cousins of fi ing other requirements listed by Newly-appointed chairmen an- nounced by ~1.rs. McMurtry includ- ed Mesdames Otis Weatherwax, presented with corsages of white the bride, were attendants and Mr. ·th league. Presentation of the glads. a nd Mrs. J ohnson were present. s olarships V.'as made at the r e- Miss Diana Margwarth, dough· The young couple are making ce t annual service banquet of the ter of J\.frs. Ll oyd Wade of New-their home at 419 Newport boule-s oot. Reports "'ere also made port Heights. \\•as installed as vard. l\1r. Creighton is associated o progress or the Presbyterian second vice president at the pretty v.•ith the A. E. Johnson real estate h pitaJ fund, another league pro- Dear Bernard: nd of deep A. word of thankhs a "Western" . · for t e · the apprec1a_t1on d l think it is . Sue an picture. t ken of me. best ever a Sincerely, ALAN LADD. Virginia Bell's candlelighting ceremony and }a.tiss company as a salesman. The -t . Jeanne Ann Ge~h of Newport honeymoon was delayed for a few s. Walton Hubbard jr . pre- Beach sang. Mrs. Wade and Mrs. weeks. when they plan to ta1ce a si ed a nd 32 members and guests You will be equally pleased with you r MARISKA HOUSE OF BEAUTY 304 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Open Daily Except SUnday HI FASHION HAIR STYLING By Expert Stylists Virginia Bell of Balboa Island Also Palm Springs and Long Beach 4~ The Formal Opening of The Bobby Shop n1 E. Central Ave. Balboa. C811f. Friday, May 24 , 1946 Inlants to 14 yeon Clothing ---Toys - --Accessories 6 Ph. Harbor 1158·\V Now Open 9 :30 to 6 :00 Bob and Sally Brown ' . ~,. ... GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS, Inc. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF <Jiu!. .f~ Beadt. Pia""'"" The Season's Plays ANGEL STRESI' GOODBYE AGAIN BLIND ALLEY 'GEORGE ROOM SERVICE 20th CENTURY PETI'IOOAT FEVER BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AMPHYTRYON 38 June 25th thru September 9th THE SEASON OPENS WITII ~\.\,~ .._,"t,\. 8TAm&INO ~~ JOHN EMERY of U. Ortct-1 New Torti ........ rnN!: ZliCh to rnN!: 30th, 1ML The Guest Stars IIEAcnn:R ANGEL JACKIE COOPER SALLY EILERS JOHN EMERY REX HARRISON EUGENE LORING CLAIRE TREVOR RICHARD WHORF KEENAN WYNN Season Tickets on Sale Now for 9 P1-ys, $20 • Til DIC. ._..for ... dclwl PaM da •a.le 1-. ta at lln Oftle1 ._... ... ~ tu Ille. KAKE CHECKS PAY.ABLE to LAGUNA BEACH PLAYHOUSE, LAGUNA BEACH. CALIF. For ,....._ ..,..,.. ... wft'Ce i.s-.a llwlll ~I I W .a.__. 111 So• .. s.lleiotpt.._ &gected, 0. to J>'W S•'hl ~ (.:a&LKIL& UD OUT tum TO CILUIG&l • Genish were both present two-"·eeks· trip through Mexico. ''Deauville'' 739 So. Coast Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH, CALIF. "In the Cliff Hotel Bldg." Exclusive Original Handmade TROUSSEAUX LINGERIE "by Tewi of New York" Original TEA GOWNS & NEGLIGEES "by Mayo, New York & Hollywood" ROSENBLUM of California SUITS GLOBAL PEASANT COSTUMES "by Madlyn Miller of Hollywood '~ Also branded personal garments TELEPHONE LAGUNA 8313 AfoQEl" 1P. -tepa. Aw...,p thlo hoooo UI -25 .-n old it UI ltill a rood, ..-t1o1 i..-... --too old to ......... th,.,..p PllA. Bonk ol Amorioa FHA 1-td 1oao .,. anilable tor n6- nancirc -nilll:i~ Dome io.n or far u. pa:rchaa ot • i.,.. •.. -........,. it mq ha .. -bailt ...... bedt In Modal -r-.-,..'11'oprn ,.....-o1111ei.-_1to __ rnv;IQ U9 tbe lmpoctaat 0¥9Jer+tL._ So, If,_ -plannq to bou' a -CW wiob to NJ. --"" old -nc-... bdter --of Aaeriea,, liltBT. •---· ttda ia tM Nadoa'• J1s .. bak la ftL\ ts• ..... ad._. JOG Hmibr _. ,apeiiieaold wwwvb 11Do4'> -bcw:ln. .on roa1A&JOa1A&tl:dl:bmk7QlawlBW.a 91!st1 I .. WWWtk& Bak ol AJ:Mrfoa .-,. m' 11 .... ......... 2!tiliidb al 7 f .. ..-d, trrd1I Wtlw tD l'lllllal-.. -----' "Ol• TODI WAI IOMDI UNTIL MATUllTT ' • w re present. Portrait in the di stinctive style of OPEN TUESDAYS, FRIDAYS AND SUNpAYS By Appointment Only Phone Laguna 4848 Balboa Ion Arcade ~ ~\le 1nere' s a Bus \.ea ··•PO From :~:~:Ji:EACH PORTLAND • Leave Newport Beacll: 1:80 a.m. 7:80 a.m. I • 6:80 p.m. 2:30 a.m. • 9:80 a.m. t 7:45 p.m. § 5:45a.m. 1:80p.m. 8:80p.m.' • 8:80p.m. ' Obaaae San Fnnchoo I § Via -to SO-Minute Schedole ~y Northbound Via -Tenalaal r.. A,..- SOUTHBQUND SAN DIEOO e EL CENTllO e PHOENIX l:L PAIK> e YUMA' e TtJC80N Lea"" Newport 8-eh: SO-lllute !ldiedllle from 9:S'7 LllL to 10:07 ~-dally . AdtllU.-•' Roarty ~ 8oaU!bomld: 11:08 p.m. 1:07 LllL 12:07 LllL 3:07 LllL 4:0'7 LllL ~~8;!:, 7:07 LllL C. C •. SW Al"l'~D, Agent flG8 Cw& lllgl!way.....,,.._ ...._ MU ...... CENT, 00~. LOCAL -.VXS GRIYH,UND . ftlQUINT, COllVINll &OCAL llllVICI .... ,._ - • ---"""' ~ i I ~ j f '