HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-04 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB ., SAM • RENT CONTROL. Here's a better and more correct slant on rentals in resort areas such as Newport Har- bor, as given by Gregg Wat- son, area rent director, of Santa Ana, for Uncle Sam. Mr. Watson quote; Amend- ment 88 to Housing Regula- tions which adds a new sec- tion 5Al4, ai; follows: "A landlord may apply for ad- justment in rent on a seas- onal basis where the follow- ing requirements are pres- ent: 'The accommodations are located in a resort com- munity, are primarily adapred to occupancy on a seasonal basic;;, are vacant, and the establishment of sea-. 'sanal \·ariations in the rent would not, in the opinion of the area rent director, be in- consistent with the purposes of the act.' " Mr. Watson went on to ex- plain that a landlord can ap- ply for a change from a level to a seasonal basis. but the house must be vacant, and he can then a pply and get his place on a swnmer or winter basis. In the past tl:>e complaints from tnis area, said Mr. Watson, is that the resort rentals were too low, due to the fact that the army folks had come in and taken over most of the rentals: with their departure owners can apply for summer rent- als and it h as been the policy of the Santa Ana office to grant such request where a reasonable increase is \var- ranted. + • + Navigation ~fenace. Else- where in this issue is a letter about the navigation menace the Mindanao. which was bupied last week. is reported to be. While not taking sides with the merits of the subject the Crabber would like to point out one or two other spots. One is a Navy target. 2 !Jo miles off Doheny Park pier in the fishing boat lane. It is a triangular af- fair, about 30x50 feet in size and partly submerged. The second one is another navy target, also out to sea. ll)at can also prove disastrous to a vessel. The proper au- thorities should investigate. • • • A Free Pres'I. The U. S. Supreme Court has just · given an unanimous opinion on the freedom of the press, which has gone further than any previous decision. It permits comment on judges and court decisions, holding that comment, whether true or not. is privileged. In Cali- fornia a newspaper may at- tack a public official, pro- • vided the publication be- lieves it is writing the truth. But the highest court in the land goes that opinion one better by holding that a newspaper can print what it feels justifiable about a court and would not be in .contempt and suggests that • if the judge is not strong- minded enough to "take" the • criticism. ·he should not be on the bench. Ouch' • + + Organ Funds. SL James Episcopal church. now erect- ing its edifit'e in the Lido Isle area. has gone and pur- chased a handsome pipe or- gan. But as is usual in cases of that kind. when the in-· strument was finall~· paid for with the chul'Ch dipping into its building fund, insufficient money was on hand for in- staUatioo purposes, so a n ap- peal is being made for SlOOO more to help. Donations may be sent to R. Donald Hall. 225 Marine Ave .. Bal- boa Island. treesurer of the Organ committee or to G. A. Mortimer, 302 Coral Ave .. Balboa Island, Hoo. Organ- isL • • • Lo<s1 PiclielB. Newport Harbor is growing up. We now have picket lines on two places of business: Bayside Fish Market on Lafayette and John Honnan's place on Central Ave. Fishermen want the price of fish in-creased. but if wholesalers do Increase the rate they will run into trouble with U. S. So what ahould be done; both slcSea WllDt to know. • l1nl .. . ~ ........ , • ll'lnt la Glrculalioa • • .NEWPODT • ! KEEP POSTEDl 1 Year . • • • . . $2.:ie .. <»-t:t fl. '5 09& of CMat:f '3* 09& of·--°""'* .......... N ... -1' 11, Newport 8-llt EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, S_EA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPOR HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA VOLmD: xxxvm ' NUMBER« La9una.Chief, Allison Captures .Cr ig Trophy 11_2 Graduate Wife Inured . .. , " from Mesa In Car rash Rupert Clinches Se ond Place On Thursday Police Chief Paul H. Johnson One hundred and twelve gradu- and Mrs. Johnson of Laguna F• h f u p k H t 11• T k N f Ed Pl d ates of the eighth grade of the ~I~~ :::r~:~,h?:~yw::~. ~.:, 1s ermen s n·1on ·1c ets u se a es , at on s 1·tors ease ~~·~..,~~·th:·~;~~:~. :t:~ turning from Santa Ana was ercises to be held in the Costa ~Jjf.~s§;b~~~li~~s:~.:~ Two Wholesalers in Public Third Place ith High Court Decision ::rg~~;~b:::~L~~:;~ w!lc.;1.':;;~g :h~ iu!~"'·"~~~-:~ or·1ve to Stab·11·1ze Pr·1ces In Log Race In M·1am· ~1 Conte t. ·c g~~~i::. g~';:, .~ :: J:: and S. Ma;n street.' Santa Ana, ' -mp a~_e D. Hayes : "All God's Chillun' Got ""h{'n the crash occurred The , ShCX's." Ne&rn spir itual. by 8th Johnsons \\'ere returning home GradP Boys' Ot'tPt: presentation after a visit to the Orange county Picketing action against Ne.>\\"· By \\'l:SIFRED BA_RBRE. ------Editors and publishers of news-of diplomas: ,;The Old Barn jail. where they had .deposited a ! port Har bor fi1'h \Vholesale mar-Sa A Ne\\' ·TlnlCS Starr \\'rlter E 50 000 papers all over the nation were Dance," fron1 LorC'nz; "Funicull prisoner for safe-keeping. kC'tS by Local 36. NC\\'l)Ort Beach nta nan I Don AJlbon of Hollywood \\'On xp ct I heartened today by The Associ-FunJcula," from Dent:a, by Boys' unit, CIO Int('rnational Fishermen 1 the Jurnes C rall" gold cup In the atf'd Press repor t of the -decision Glee Club; "Grem1ins," from Lor- and Allied \Vorkers of America be-pred1et:ed loc race sponsored by made by the United Slates Su-enz and "Bells of SL ?.fary's" from Id W• gan last Saturday and continues F d $200 Long Beach Yacht club O\.'er lhe v T premC' Court in the oontenipt case l Adams, by the C.On1bined Glee Una Ins this \\'l><'k a~ainst 0 1\lt.-"O markets as •1ne · 1'1emorla.I Day open.ing of the e or-ot~' • urnout against the Miami (Fla.) Herald I Club. foll o\·:ed by Benediction by yet unsi~nC'd on a new contract. on.Iulo \'acbt club. HJ'I e rror per and its associate editor John o. the Rev. Carl Johnson. Horman·s F ish Ma.rket, 2320 \V. centage for the entire race, do"'" Pennekamp, which grew out of The graduates are: June Eliza- / Central, and Baysid_e Fish Market, and back, was l.l!. t"'.O editorials and a cartoon which beth Allen, ~tooneen Allen, Lu- Pleading guilty to his second of· Beach, are the concerns still being fense of drunk driving within for the race down wu for. the e ve 77,000 r istered \'oters in Orange 1n 1944. lyn A. Barkley. picketed at prC'Sent while three three months, Bryce H . Eastman trophy and the race beck was for county , ere expected to vote to-In its decision, the Asaociated Donald Ray Barnes, Mona Bin:l,- At nine o'clock last Wednesday other wholesalers signed a new p f Santa Ana was fined $200, had the LBVe b'opb;)'. as "-eu u the day (Tu day) to select their fa-Press reports, according: to the 1 Robert M. Blaisdell. John Boyd, evening 22 boats of the 45-foot agreem('nt with the union follow. his operator's license suspended N ·o-\\"ay race fo r the Craig trophy. vorifC' c ndidate for the beneral Los .4.ngel<.>s Tirncs t~ay, the Su-1 Lron Cal~\\'ell, Maureen D. Cam· Racing Association lined up at the ing strike action Sat':lrday. for 90 days. ~d gas given a 90-Of the total en~ries, only the cl~ e lection ~n November. preme Court unarumously r e-l eron, DaVld R. Canchofa, J oe Cas- Ne"'"POrt pier for the aerial bomb ~e intC'nt of the fishermen, ac-day county -~1 sentence, suspend-A boats competed for the trophies. Most Closely contested fight is versed 8 contempt conviction t illas, David D. Chambers, Jim \lt.-"hich startC'd them on the way I cording to Charles Mcl.auchlan , cd on cond1Uon that he pay the CIM8 A boat-11 mu.st ha\·e won tM·o expc_-ctcdj-in the campaign for against the Mlami-(F1alrlera1d\C1ick, Charlie · Compton, Peggy to Coronado Yacht club. The wind union business manager, is to be fine a nd become involved in no ~ and Dick Dwyer, who won . sh('riff 0 l>range county. Six can· I and its a.ssodate editor, on Mon-Cook. Ray Cook, Lola R. Cordill, "''as SSE and thc> sea smooth. By a_ssu red of a. stabilized price for arrest involvini! liq':1or for a period la lb nnt race at ttte MJdwlot.er I didates ire in this race, one of ! day. Charles Covey, Joanne Cox, Harry the time the boats reached Point fish brougHt into market a nd the of two years. 1n city court Mon· 11ertea, took nnst place for the no,·· these S~riff Elliott. who is run-I The Supreme Court said that L . Crosby and Robin Ann Ross. Loma the wind failed and having I setting of a minimum price at day morning b} Judge Bob Gard· Ice claa D on tl:te race down. and ning forj re-election. I the cartoon "held up the law to l Dc\'ra Dodd, James Robert Dor- used up all of their allowed motor I former O PA levels. ner. 1 came back \\1th his Uttle Lady IV OppoJ" g Elliott are R. I. public obloquy." It . agreed ·with sey and Joan Nndine Drummond. assistance.well before crossing the Prices of fish vary consid~rably Eastman was apprehended Sun·•'" tihe A clus., third place ln th~ "Cuba" 1orr~s of Newport Beach; the Fl~rid~ Supi::eme Court "that 1 Don Edman, Ronald Engle, finish line, 16 of them were elim· from \\'N'k to week. according to day on Central avenue in Balboa over-all l'M!e with an error per \Valter . Tipton, James Musick the editorials did not state ob-Lrola Funk and \'crna Funk. inated. McLauchlan. a nd drop off during after police received a corfiplaint centa.r"e .01 S.6i and ntth place In and Flo Ho\vard of Santa Ana; jectively the atti!tJde or the i Rober! Gillum, Roger J . Gor- Comink In first was Middleton's times of plentiful catchc>s. The from a motorist that he had been the LB"\C race. Harry 11 of Fullerton. judges." It added that "the full 1 m an, Jos<'ph H . Cragg and Shirley lduna at 6 p.m. with a corrected fis~ermen _ desire '"reasonable se-sideswiped b)' the car '''hich East· Second in the Craig trophy rn.<."<' Politicpl wiseacre!=; all over the ( truth ... was not published by Irene Griffin. lime of 10 hours. 67 minutes, 8 c_ui:-1ty .. "'·h1le engae;C'd in making a 1 man was driving. Eastman was \Vas Frank _Rupert's Helr:nont, 3.54: county ,.-ere confident that Earl the paper." ! Edmond l\. Halc>, Leonard w. seconds; l-l. B. Warren's Ecume , li\'1ng. ~cLa uchlan stat~d._ and : found by Ne".""POrt Police: being fourth, T~1 ~I. 4.01 ; fifth. Lazy w . Stanley of Newport Beach had! Fr'f!.e Dl~oo Needed I H all, Gloria Dean Harris, R.Qse- \vas second with a corre<::ted time i th~y lx-l_1cve that thc> m1n1mum hC'ld by a driver Who said that Daze, 5.79, sixth, Pretty Seldom./ the edg~ovcr Mrs. Madelyn Platt But its dccUnon, written by mary Jtartman. \\';1nda Lud.Ue of 11 hours, 37 minutes. 1 second; pr~<'c "'II~ enable guarantee ofl he had be-en forcro off the road 9:05: scv_e~th, I~anola, _10.106 but of Sant Ana for th(' state assem-Justice Reed, asserted that "free Hiatt, Dick 1--linds, Jean Holling- third \\•as J . Foy's Thorobred, 12 this premise. by Eastman and had given chase. d1_d_ not r1n1~h : e1~~lh. A1rco: _16.98: bly. Als running for this office discussion of the problems of so-worth, Barbara Hudson an d hours, 10 minutes. 1 seconds. \Val-' The nC'w contract. sign<'d by the Lili th I~. d1squa~1f1ed for rat11ng to arc Pa olman Charley Hindley I cicty is a cardinal principle of Jimmy Hurtado. ter Franz' Amorita '-"'&I fourth·; three marketeers, calls for mini-Mesans Slt"ghtly Hurl I~ wt:i;i~tler; rpnt~, _Puzzly Ann, and Ra ond Gartner, a Tustin Americanism" and that the press I DonaJd Jackson ~1arlen<' F J a. G Boh , S r·rth d p' mum prices on five different spec. disq&al1f1ed for finishing at 2400. ca·~nt commmt fn qmstion "could not cobso M 1 J, . Th , Im . ns uccess i a n .,. r 1. h d . . . ·-. • n, arce ean Jr., e a Davis' Santa Maria was sixth, all 1es o as an stab1hzat1on of Ek>rnie West. 26. and Nicholas On the dov.·n race finishing in _ __ d_1rcctly affect" the judges ac-Jean a nd Marvin C. Johnson. on corrC'ctcd time these prices above these levels. A. West , 22, of 23rd street and order -A•ere Hoaloha, Helmont, lions. 1 \V d Lo K J In elapsed tim~ the Amorita The minimum price can})(' chang-Tustin avenU(', Costa J\1lesa. re-Lazy Daze. Toi JI, Ivanola, Lilith Pho e Fees Reported (Ed. Note -The court in its j ri ~ul~ a St uh asKper, _ _L_oaJ~ Ma- . ed by mutual a"""c>t'mcnt ., can ceived m inor 1niurics Sundav. a nd Puzzly Ann did not finish. Al-p1' • -•-f t f e e Y. ep ('n asser, immy rC'cent ,,·inner of the Vallejo race .... "" o n1on ma11.es requen re erences Ki b h W "lli Ki ti and at San Francisco was first v.'ith ~he specif'S of fish as s!ipulated morning in a headon collision with lison in Hoaloha was also first on The them California Tele-1 to the principles laid down in its J m ro~g Kr t am t .e 17 hours. 42 min~tes and 40 sec-1n the co_n~ract, ~fcLauchlan said. a car driven by Joseph P . Plazt. the race back and others in order phone l(lpany c 0 n tribute d decision handed down Dec. 8, 1941, am~ · ine. onds and the Santa Maria SC'COnd ~e sp1r1t nf the _agrNment. ac-5 1, of T'rabuco. The accidl'.'nt. Cali-\\'ere C. Hutsell's Toi fl. Jerry SZ<tSO.S l ol-l'''O per cent of its in the case of The Los Angeles Daisy J!'an Lan~, Carolyn \\'ith 17 hours. 66 minutes and 55 cord1n~ to ~he business manager, Comia highway patrol officers re· R('(_-d's Puzzly Ann, F. Ruppert's grosS' eipls tor May to the city Times, which h ad been charged I Lange, Lo Mae Laurt~, Dorothy seconds. Thorobred taking third has l~C'n _in E'ffect for several ported, occurred on El Niguel J;eltnont. Dick [)wyer's Little treasury City Treasurer J . A. I "''ith contempt on the basis of pub-M. l..E'al. J_<athryn B. Libby, R?b-- placc in both elapsed and correct-year s 1n fishing waters north of road, one-fourth n1ilc east of La· Lady lV, Paul "\Villiams' Lazy Cant's port to the city council Jished editorials dealing wilh court e~t G. Lingo, Nancy . Josephine d 1. Santa Cruz. and local members of guna canyon road. Dn.zc and Ivan Wells' Ivanola and revealed Manda}'. The Te lephone j cases. The present de;cis.ion follows Lingo, Claudette Lockridge, Bar- e ~~~·v.·hich did not finish ,,·('re the_ union ha,·e indicatrd that they ! Tom Sibley's Lilith did not finish. compa.n} a lso turned over a 15 , th!' reaso_ning set forth at that bara _Joan Long, Ra ymond Henry Arro"' Biue Jay Cherrio 11 Ora-bche\'e the agreement can be N Fu F On the down list for the class per cent gross or $l8.74 00 the re-time, which upbeld freedom of I Louvier and Robert Harold Me- gan. F~ith, Four '\V inds. Noc~urne, made appl~cable in_ th(' south. 8Vy 8e OD arm B'~ "·ere Litt.le LaCy IV, error per-ceipts t ken from their pay sta· comment:by the~-) . . CJeUand. . ~tarile n, Philadelphia, Ram t, I The str1kC'. ~·h1ch was called ---CC"ntage 2.96: Ga.le Frey's Pretty lions he . The hlgh court• _op1ruon was Harve~ C. _ ~1cCorkh11l, Frank Spindrift Trendeway Tr:;:t last \Vednc>sday 1n other southla nd The compact and po"·erf\d "B" Seldom. 13.27; Ben Maniere's Spit· based on the question whether ( McCubb1ns . Jim M. McVay, Rich· Butcher Boy, Vir ginia a'nd Rejoice'. ports, v.•as called by the local unit batteries used in the ne'" farm fire. 18.62: Jim Sheehan's Airco, Ci"h ) Offi'ces Closed t he editorials and cartoon were 8 I ard Melen~ez, Lewann Messing, aft<'r a meeting of the members radio packs are built with the 19.14 a nd Alan Craig"s Maurine m "J'I "clear and present danger'' to the (Continued on Page 4) and decision to continue picketing same nat cellular arrangement was disqualified. Miss S pitfire City () Newport Beach munici· administration of justice. It said 40,000 Visit Our Beaches Memorial Day Oose to 40,000 people visited the beaches or Balboa, Balboa Island, Corona del !\tar and New- port on ~1emoria1 Day. The crov.'ds began to surge into the harbor area by busses and by cars nt 9 o'clock in tht> mom· ing and a steady strerun of private automobilt's contjnued to brin~ sco~ of people to the beaches over nil the highwR)·s leading to them. ~te rchant~ in all the beach areas P"i.'po1·tf'd "land office busines.c;e:;;" ror th(' day. One ice cream , soda fountain and rt"Staurant proprie- tor in Ne,,·port lkach ~id h is rl~('(' report('({ the bi~est sales l"f'COrd in year!', No ac't"ident_.;. \\"t're reponed by the fir.-.· and police depe.rtments and no dro"'llings \\'ere r('ported during lhtc1 day. Japanese Glass Buoy Found on Our Beach Or. ~1ered.i1h Watenna.n of 5401 &-ashore Drive, Newport Beach, proved Saturday that it pe.ys to have a hobby. He is colleMing odd sea ware from the beaches. \\'bile beachcombing on the Sab- bath. he came upon a Japanese overs.in glass buoy, a rarity for these waters. th.is we<>k v.•as made during a ses-which proved so rugged and de-took the race back with 2.108, pal offit were closed today in that in ''borderline instances .. , . sion held Monday night. I pendable in the b~tteries which Alan c::nu-g'• Maurine m was se-observan of primary day, to give the spedtlc freedom of public com-'K s d \Vholesale markets tn Los An·, pov.•ered the Navy s famous ar-cond wtth 2.38, Pret ty Seldom was their e~loyes an opportunity to ment lhouJd weigh heavily against enny en s geles. in failln~ to sign new con-1 tille~y -:veapon-lhe "VT," or radio I third and ~rco was fourth. vote eal-ly in their respective pre-a prmtble tendency to influence tracts. have indicated that the prox1mlty fuse. (Continued on Page 4} cincts. ~ pending ca.s... B w agreement Is a violation of the In separat.e ooncuni.ng opinions. est • h Sh~r.man Anti-Trust law and are , Justice. Frankfurter, Rutledge IS es ~·a1t1og Department or Justice (Continued on Page 4 ) ruling City Civil Service To Newport Realtor J. M. Miller Increases H is Staff Calls Examinations The J. M . ltfill('r Real Estate office at 15th and Central. N("\lo'- port Beach, announces the ad- dition of several members and associates to his starr . R. C. &nner. forn1erly of Hono- luJu. who was at Pearl Harbor during the rrcent unpl<'asantness. is nov.· associated v.ri th ~1r. !\filler as is l\lrs. Jane A-fc.'('orkc>ll of Bal- boa. In addition his hrolhf'r, Hollis l\lillc>r, is aiding this busy office. J . l\1. l\1"ill r r is one or the of-t , fiCE'rs of the rt.'CC'ntly incorporated "Balboa Cove5," a nev.• sub-di\i s- ion on th(' Coast Highv.•ay v.·est or tht• .i-\rchc>s overhead. • -.. , For Four Positions ! ., ' ' • OLD GLORY LEADS parade of muochlJll' leSlDeG Io navy blue east on Cent a\·enue, toward MaJa Tennis, Dillon, Get Beer, Wine License tit'"t. llalbos, Ob MemorlaJ Day, aa part of Newport Harbor'11 lmprea5i\"e but •emt tributo to war dead. I .... ~ ..,. °""':'.... Laguna Opens Annual Ceramics Exhibition :£.± ~~~~ ::~n;r~~~1 Harbor Patriots Pay Silent Trib e HOT CAR fe=gannpr'::u%~:cs .,:;:;:; · ed r h S ' Norman & Ables of Anaheim ~~:!~~~:t:1~€;~ To War Dead as Planes Dip Ove head ~l~-:.r1:.~E ~~uf~~~~·s~~= j barge. n.. ..,. lo ~ u a The eldtlblt, sponsottd by La- Herron's Loses Bike By 1om1 DONBOFF Earl w . Coppenmlth. former 1ership MaJor Bean. formed a ;:: ~-~ = i:., ~· ~ guna BHch Ceramiai Society. oc- Joe Herron of 122 2'lnd street. Simple, yet impressive cere-flying Alarine captain' from Corona cross flew in perfect fonna-front wlleeL cuples the entire lower floor ot ~ Ne,.._1 Beach. has uked New-monies. sponsored by Newport tlel Mar and ...,...,,rot many dee-~ assemblap while 1.qufta art gllllery and la under port Beach police to be on the Harbor American Leaion Post 291, orations ror action in the Padfic:, r "" Dunmt placed a the direction of C. Leland Free-R Is 0 t lookout for his blue and sliver marked Newpo11·Balboo observ· wu in charge al the ceremoolel a cross to P"Y homage Alf.ering Building man. ll11UleY U bicycle, which wu tal<en from ance ot Memorial Day last '!bun-and introduced-the speelt:en. The ·ca·s heroes f.nen in J . Bert ~ iO IMlrlna alter- Raymond Elmer Rumoey, son near the Lido theater. Herron day and was fe&tured by dedica-Rev. E. D. Goodell aave the invo-battle. ....,.. souncl<!d liy • atlom tG the b4eiar al blo bulJ6. TABLETS TAKEN of E. R. Rumsey. 2448 Santa Ana said the v.ltlcle has Texas bars tlon ceremonies at the Balboa pier cation and Lt. T. I_ Norttu'up, Marine and caruwm --,__ ~· ,_,_ a\.·enue, Costa Mesa. was disch•--folJowtna a .-..... --d..o. ..z--cha....t .. i -at Terminal -r-•--.1 Naval ed a sa.I t~ to end'" the ceretnonies. ....__.. at ~Jen> aw. lklhrw _ ----• and a high seaL • .--... .-......-;-uv-u i-u• ~ Islmd .-· ed from the Navy on Ml)' 29 Central avenue. base, gav. the ~ -.-_ The • he9ded by -· Pollce -.e notilled by Dr. WU- after oervlng 12 mootbs o ........ u . I . . . c•---The puade, in wltlcb six local On tile speaken' stand and in-N • famous war doc. hand-ir M llam R. HlllbUab. Orona clel - according to the separation center rutiation -units and a clivlsion ot inardllna trodUcod by Otpt. C:O.-Midth led by O••um•no, combted. D ecba eetiq wlttlnarlaD. -Ida -at 338 at Tennlnal Island, San Pedro. sailors from the Naval Air sta-~ Mayor 0 . B. Reed. Harry ot mom ' al Ooota II'-Leclon "L" aired, Balboa. ,... ent<recl Rumsey, a gradu4te of New-N....port Harbor 291 paot of the at Santa Ana participated, formed Welch and Canmandrr Don Du-po1t. N ·loatJ al AFL. Le-A rmdfac al ... -al ... and ...,..aclred ~ -cm 1fe. port Harbor HlaJ> ICbool. ~d-American Legion la havln& an at the dt:y libruy and proooeded rant ot the locll Leclon post. cion 2111. a Boy Smut l""'P recton al -Cmta -0---W Day. Pollce laid the oa17 pated in. the inYulon ot ilol-initiation ceremony n-.,.l, to the ~ -erected at Twelve NO]' lip!« pla--al Hin7 1:.w, lie-al C a -.. -lllllarddO n 1'11 .... M ~bit tbo and -an four ampolp modala with the Oranae county tealn do-the pier, wbere the oalcn we-e piloted bit llariDe pllota rr-Ill pallm .....-. - -emta -~ a.a s 'Pl ---., --•" J1 s. with -star. inc the boaon. puuntecl ' Taro ... _ lllae -die --NAS . IT 7 z). _ ... -• . • I • ' • • . T-. 14WWW 8Al.llOA. oPening n.rsday, Jane 6, 9 A. M. · . • George's Super Market -601 Coast Highway Phone Harbor 356 Corona del Mar • GROCERY DEPARTMENT • An independently owned market, member of a large co-operative, buy- • • • PLENTY 'OF FREE PARKING SPACE IN REAR • 1ng group Monarch Chicken & Noodle Soup, -········-·-····101/2 oz. 1Sc Alpine Milk, tall can ···--·-·-····--··-···-·-···········-·-····-··2 for 19c Carnation Milk, tall can ··-·---·-·-·--·····--·--············-···2 for 19c Sure Fine Cream Style White Com ···-··--···---·-······-------14c Taste Well Cream Style Yellow Com ·--·--··-··---··-· . ··----14c Iris Spinach, No. 2Y:i can ···-··-···--···-·-·--·····--··-----······· ----19c Monarch Cut Stringless Green Beans, No..2 can -----17c Monarch French Style Green Beans, No. 2 can ---·······24c Ben Hur Coffee, I lb. can --···---·-···· -·-···--····-------·-· ........ 32c M.J.B. Coffee, 1 lb. tin __ -·-······-······-··-··--··---·····----·-·---··-32c Val Vita Fruit Cocktail, No. 2Yz can -·······-···----··-· ·-------33c Hunt's Fancy Prune P.lums, No. 2Y2 can ··--·-----·----··---18c ,. SUGAR (Bk. 4 l Spare Stamp No. 49 good for 5 lbs. of sugar , effective May 1; ex- piJoes August 31. Spare Stamp No. 9 good for 5 lbs. ' sugar to be used for canning purposes only; expires Oct. 31. Butchers wW give 4c for e\•ery pound of sal\'aged kitchen fal8 received. CARL'S QUALITY MEATS Make appetizing dishes with the excellent offerings of our Super Market Even tho' some of your favorite cuts are not itlways available at the present time, you will find a good assortment to choose from. You can always count on Quality Products. ' FRESH MEATS DELICATESSEN HEN TURKEYS FRYING CHICKENS ROASTING FOWL FRYING RABBITS SMOKED MEATS • • CLIFF'S A.SSOR'l'ED OOLD CUTS Piqn.m SALADS ROAST TURKEY ROAST CHICKEN FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES TAMALES FRYING MUSH BAKED HAM ROAST BEEF CANNED BISCUIT8 YEAST OUR FACILITIES will enable us to maintain and carry the best quality of Fresh Ft1iits and Vegetables as they ar- rive from the farmers - - -We mean STRICTLY FRESH. You will find a complete line of Frozen Vegetables ---such well known brands as Bird's Eye • • • Picksweet -• -and Polar Bear. With Our Complete System of Refrigeration We can serve you with BETfER and FRESHER Fruits and Vegetables. • o.·· n ' r:iHarborites E ~~ :::;::?: ~:~:::::~:th !:.::S P~w!ea;~ W ending at the E. M. Har-Formcoa drive. Hollywood, loot Ladles Nl&ht Will be ol>eerYed Charles and Emma Holt ""' vey on Harbor bland wert! her tiny, bloode-stnaked. whit• by the Klwanis club at the - movilll! Into their now homo aa NIUICY Pelton and a friend from female pekinese clog, while mo\<11'-Udo.Club on Friday at 7:30 p.m. the end of the Balboa peninsula Los . and Mr. and Mn. ing through Newport on Memorial Speal<er will be c.mera.. 'Thom, and Jack and Diane Hillman ha.,,, Paul ·car1 of San Marino. To-Day. She told police she would soo of Mr. and Mn. c. L. ,,..... after sunnounU,,. many difficul-day ( ) Mrs. A. c. Sher-give a $20 reward to arcyone re-of 543 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle ties, got into , their new ~an riffs. dilughter of the Harveys, en· turning the valued peke. The dot who wUl discum the Atomic Age: front place. Its just below the t~ with a bridge luncheon was last Ileen scampering away 1n The Kiwania.ns will also pre8mt very attractive Bruning residence. guest& being Cathy Gardner. Pat~ t he vicinity of Court and McFad. the personal trophy to the TU' o< with all that lovely wide beach sey w and Beth Emison. den s treets, poli~ say. the year, Ralph Freitag of Balboll In tront and they. are, pleased no Mrs. Frank Perew, West Bay · Island. end. avenu had as house guests tor which they sailed down from San Last Friday, the Kiwanis club The Mark Pierces of Balboa the k end Mn. Susan Font and Pedro with the Be81"daled 00 was addreised by HapPy Jadl ls.land left today for SeatUe Mr. d Mrs. H. A. Perkins and board. and have anchoi-ed it at Kinney, the blind humanitarl&n Where ~Y have chartered a boat on day the four went on to Newport Harbor Y•cht club. They of Sh06hone in Death Valley. KJn..~ and will spend a month in the Del ar where they will spend are building a lovely new borne on ney conducts a tchool for ~ lovely Prfnces::s Louise inlet, Brit· the of the week at the Per-the peninsula next door to the habilitation of blin-people at iah Columbia with a couple ol con-kins ttage. Howard Kresges, with Roland Shoohone. The school is cal1'!d, genla.1 friends &Jong aa guests. Don and Olarlotte Stevnlng, Coate of Pasadena u archltert. Rancho del Valiente-the ranch They recen~ made a trip to Cor-who 'fere here during the war, of the valiant. onado in theU' .runabout. with the came back for the first time aince Whe':' the Paul Howards sold ------- time clocked for two hours, thirty . ' to their new home at Red· their big house on West B~ they T ----R ded minutes clown and two hours. ~ ta t Nell and k•pt the picruc ho""' and pier and ............,.. ecor twenty minutes back. The boat is J':, i">'!.:"'::. ':: ~ end of have recently a~ cir •n1 Fire Oilef F . W. Crocker ..,_ four feet ahQrt of the required the ~ Harbor Yacht club rooma. Th~y al9o have their anall ported to the Newport Beach dty length of 30 teet to oompete for _,.r; The well th Dick house and garden lot, and ......, coundl Monday that $2925 In tire the Craig $4000 gold cup which To~k-... y, u ":;, • who down for the hOliday with their loues and $340 In marine 1- Pi h h ld er~, were amon1t • c.e datebter Carol and a home cuest. were recorded by hil department erce u e &ince 1941, eo be at Mn. Walton Hubbard'• Miu Joan Gilfillaii. Both clrls for the fint four monU. of th1a c:ould not defend his title In the party Saturday afternoon. After debutant3 this winter ;re.r predicted log r&C<! to Corcmdo the~y a sn>UP which dined te>-were . • and back. ge at the club Included Mr.t..-------·---------------, Ray Milland ls doing some ex-and . Andrew Brown, Mr. and · tensive ttmodelln11 on his new Mrs, Roy Balley. Mr. and Mn. Ifs Always home on Udo Nord and over on Hook t Beardslee, Mr. and Mrs. the other side the Herb Nado Jurge Lorentzen and Mr. and Browns have been redecoratin1 Mrs. b Raab. their home. ~1 n down for the opening Mr. and Mn. A·. B. McCollum ot Wen!! e Roy Balleya, who were Udo Ille and Hoopeston, Ill., re-. on th ir boat Virginia. cently hmted a dinner party a t Frances and Ira Chandler were Earl Carroll's Theater-Restaurant, at ~1 rry Cove, Catalina, for the Hollywood. GuesU included their week end on board their Guards- daughter, Norma, Mia Jane Mc-man. aving no guests, they had Ferren of Hoopeston, Ill., and Mr. a gr~d time visiting everyone and Mn. J . A. Eisele and daugh-else Qlrrer there. Also anchored at ter-in-law, Mrs. Harold Eisele ot Cherey Cove were the Eight Bells Westwood and Rossville, Ill.. with fdr. and ·Mrs. Ralph Ross on The Rowans, George and Vir-boar4 and the Misty ID with Mr. ginia and Lou and Betty, and and !Mrs. Clyde Kemp. Griggs Hugh Blue, were ainong the Pasa-Carlt~ n had guests on the Mar- denans who week ended with Ed-ques as did the Byron Osbomes win and Dorothy Earl, W est Bay on he MaManna. The Arlan a venue. Moor and Jack Cole were on Louis and Virginia Cass have th~ . aggerak. Dr. and Mrs. J: L. I got back their ketch Vagabundo "'.1lh ms had guests on the Tico- which y.•as on p3trol duty with T1co and Hugh \Yalker ~'as on the navy and has just been re-the adcap. ...... CQf.f EE TIME At The . • . . . DO NuTC&wim:FLE SHOP . . . . . . . Serving COF'F'EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY W AF FL ES (with whipped cream) • COMPLETE FOUNI'AIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island KeaDT Molloi. - Opea Evealnp UnW 10 o'Cllock -Cloeed on Wectneed.a7 conditioned. It is cow at the dock El anor and Tony Cole have of their East Bay Front home sold eir house at Pasadena and a nd they arc enjoying taking are no"' pcrma.nent . residents at friends out on her once more. r.trs. Har r Island. They "'ere dinner '-----------------------' Louis Cass jr. has just returned gues or the J ergen Lorcntzens, I r~::~~~~:::=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, from England "'here she spent two as \ ere the Harlan Beards lees,! I months with her family. She went ""ho were at the yacht club for over and came back on the Con-the our-day holiday. Mrs. Lor- stellation. a nd this was her first entz n's son. r.1.idshipman Ted trip back since she came here a Ba~, U.S .N.R .. ~·ho is at the bride, six years ago. Cali rnia ~·taritime academy at The Carlton Enfields were at Vall jo, had a four-day leave and Fourth of . July Cove over the Mr. nd Mrs. George Sturgis of week end and others at the Island Pas ~na were also guests for the were Dr. a nd Mrs. Herbert Wink-\\'ee ~nd . ler and Joan on Three W inks, the P gy and Andrew Brown have Bill Herveys on Moana Mele, the a ne Island clipper, the CUidado, WA.NT T YOUR • SELL AR? "'e WW Pay Yon t he IDgllest p...,.ible Pri; . . . +Stop In at: llrlO ~~~~HY urD c~~ M- $ CASH ON 1 .SPOT $ YOUR PAINTING 1 DONE NOW! All Highly Skille~ Workmen. --.tr-1 Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage throu~h the use of only !It grade materials and unexcelled workma hip at reasonable prices. PHONE L. BAYVIEW Builders Supply Ballden' llardwue V. D. (Bob) Qalck BEAN Harbor 2645 • Going to Yoo probably have your dream home aB worked out In your mind -or maybe your architect or ooatnclA>r &lre&dy bu prepared plans on paper for yon. Electrtclty will have & large part In m•klag dJ'fJSID8 of postwar Uvlng come ti-oe. When yon go over the plans wtt.b your ballder be IJ1IJ'e to uk ·him about the· newest develop- ments In bomehold labor 11&vlog and fnne- tloaal 1-uty. Our ExperiB In everything electrl..a will be glad to help with layout planll or prolllems. One snggesUoD may make a lot or dlfffll'- ID the "llT-i.mty" of that laome. ·ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SDICZ ·4 ltlt 1000 Cout lllway PhoM ~ Mn .&Jlio ID s.n ..,......MO""WIJmlBCtoa·8M*tca81e-~ ELECTRICIANS <J-0.Two Plre EqnlJlll*lt fer FACTO&l', PL&JIT, srou:. Oftl'IOS, rASK._ BO ... ' -NOTICE- ~ _____________ palr 1a· KeJ1tDM M....,. 1- Bou'd ·-----·--r_... tL V (plywood '1Jbotitute) CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS has changed .ownership- changed management-changed the quality of the quality of the work. The name has been changed to-- Moltlple s-. .,_ Clore =~-~--------.l•t l i ~ ~~-·---··.wll 290 45· ..... OOllP08mON SOOP1NG ~-et.I-.. .. -.-llolta 1-~ IL 117 II IL ·---V <JAaPENTZa TOOLS ~-IDie. BaD•1r_. ~ 818 ~Highway NewjNl't._. MERCURY CLEANERS & DYERS, NO. 2 Your garments never leave our hands until returned to you! • Harbor 1347-J-PHONES-Beacoi 5613 C 'LEAN CLOTHES' LAST · L Q ·N GER . I aewwa••ao&••••• -Christ Church Fund Boosted by $7525 At ·campaign Meeting Dr. Wellor said that the cam- paign committee had recei.Ved a pledge o! $5000 from Bush Stev- E'hS, but that the Latter. had con- ditioned his donation on the ~ sibility that the church workers Subscriptions of S602S in cash would raise an additional $20,000 and $1500 ln checks were reparted for the fund. Annual Meeting of Christian Scientists Paints Spiritual Need Until all responsible government heads are made to ttallz.11! that the measure ot a nation's true greatness is the spiritual stature by the fund railJng committee of Mn. Laura B. Winkler ot l..08 the Christ , Olurch by the Sea ,in Angeles, whose '°"· Rev. Kemp the latter s cam~ to raise w . Winkler, was pastor of ChriJt ,., _______ ...,... __ •,•.• ~·~ for the building of a new I chur'ch ten years ago. gave $1000 • r edifice. Sunday. to the campaign, Dr. WeUer said The announcement was made A $500 check was received from following a breakfast meeting in F H Rohr of Santa Ana who the Ne"''J)Ort Harbor Yacht club. I • • ty in Newport Beach. Dr. W . W aldo WelJer of Los An- 1 owns proper geles. finance officer for the 1 • Southern California and Arizona Mrs. Techella, Altadena, and Conference of the · Methodist her sister Mn. Qv..·en , Pasadena, church, who is director of the cam-1 spent a few weeks In their cottage paign, made the announcement. at 216 Jasmine avenue. ROBERTS ' OIL PAINTl~~GS 51.95 5x7 VIGNETl'E • NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY • Portraits of Beauty and Character plus Glamour .' See Us About Your HOME AND CH URClf \\'EDDING PICTURES Be Sure to Inquire About Copying d id Portraits 8'-llo Uoan: 10 A. H. to 'I P .H . D&Uy SANTA A.."JA Bi11tin~tive not expensive! ASK YOUR DE.NTIST '' ~lA .. lltore "° D\l!'Ch-Deo· 1..i l'llll" llUde rrom \lit' n e w T'tlJ.ZllP~D\ X.- ter1al .•• rward- l t ••of lbe l r ma.as di1UQcti.Tt1 ft!al"llfff. ,.,. .,.. ................. __ ,.... ... Traa.oa.ren1 lCat.ttla.1 ls UD· 1 orpa1114 fOll' S..UtJ. c-tOf'\ a a 4 Dunblllu aed 1ffl>f'da lllyY ,. EIJOY WURll YOUI PU TES WllLE PAYlll , ....... . --.. . --.- •••• 0... y_._ ..... ,..,.. c• ,. ad'll'&ntal'M beretofore unkDown \0 ~l~ftlftn. ... ,,.,... N.-c.tlw ..,.__ ... ........... ra ,,_. .,,,wee. ·. LUTHER P. CUDWORTH l nco1ning Pre~ident of The Flnt Church of Christ. Scientist. in Boston, ~iassnchusetta of its people. rather than its physi- cal resources. there can be no end to the conflict be1ween materially mental fOrces that precipitated \Vorld \Var 11 , The Christian Sci- ence Board of Directors told the Annual l\leeting of The Mother Church. The First Church of Chr is!, Scien1is1. in Boston, Mas- sachusetts. Jn the field of relief, clothing valued conS<'n·ati\'ely at $4.250,000 has been shipped and distributed, irrc-spcctivc of race or creed, through Christian Science chan- nels in at least 13 foreign coun- tri('S, according to the report of the Clerk of The 1\fother Church. In addition, over 550,000 hand- knitted garments were said to have been distributed among the armed forces. Announcement of the appoint- ment of Luther Phillips Cudvo.'orth, C. S. B., of Boston, as President of The l\'l other Church by the board of directors. l\1ore than SG00,000,000 \\'Orth of sunke n ships and cargoes "'ere rccoverf'd by the U. S . Navy dur- ing the "·ar in coastal salvage operations. CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS s~ SptJlli Slwp !01 l\lartae Ave. Balboa bland l"bone Harbor 576 SHOES RepalJ"ed While You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nut door to Bay View Cafe la.a.&elp.m. FOB INSURANCE SE!: Howard W. Gerri1b lllOI Newport Boale.....S COSTA MESA Phone BNcoD. 3151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds Written llxperi Radie Service Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC INI Mewptri Blt<L ()()ftA MJ:8A Liquor Store ' --~­............. 17 .......... _ Cate: plllai Bon O• Editor's Desk Speeders. Clutter Up Police Dotket ,Arthur , --cited far dolne to In a 2S mlle """"; Leland i..i.-. :ic. for spoedlnc a trailer o.ttadled to his car t Cout bldtway and Here's one for Robert Riprey. • A number of motorists were Maquerite avenue ·and 0arence Believe It ar not, a cate!]lillar handed police citations ~ O. ...___ 25. rO:.. llPHdlnc at which was in the embryo st.ace excnwlve speeding over Memorial ™190 when Its cocoon left the preo-o.,. and through the Jut -" Coast and Fontleaf ave---·-y_...,-....... _ _._ 901 .... -<mm-Pll. llarloor 115 . room or The Lon& Beach p,_. end ~~ue~,~~~~del~:;v~·;··cxiCicxq lien-, Calif. Telegram ln Long Beach Sunday They were: 1,.-----------------------1..,_-_~ mornln& came to Ml conception Margattt Anne Mulvehill, 21, of GEORG. E D B~ ASSE ~ on the desk Of Fred Frost, editor Redlands, "i>o WU cited far aJ-• a•1' or The · Newport Balboa News-~edly speeding 40 m11 .. an hour JH $ WEEK Timet in Newport Beach. at 9:08 in a 25 mile zone at c.entraJ ave- a.m. Monday. DUO and 28th •treet. Newport VACJJ1l)l &c1 al Ac>ell *hg • ........._ •• Blwllduoeplnc bo • Tu 8enlce Frost ~ the cocoon on Beach. page A·2 of The J>reoo.Te)egram. Kenneth G. Drown, 44. of Ra- alonpide the black margin of. • mc:na, chtll"ged with speed.inc on Father's Day a-..u.e-nt of ~ ~ 101 alternate hichway and Kay Jewelry store of 319 Pine San Bernardino avenue. -W. 0 ''111 A-. --· 11106-J. N-rt - street, Long Beach. The news--Larry H. Havens of Lone Beach, paper had been oecureJy wrapped charged with speeding 45 mlles before it was tmaed to the door an hour in a Z5 mile zone and of the N...,. 1bnes bullilin&. and using loud pi~ there Would have ~ no way fo!' Martin J . Gregor, 21, of Ana- the caterpillar to eacape from co.-i-heim. cited for alle.edly doing 55 finement alter birth had not the miles an hour in a 35 Wlile zone paper been opened. on highway 101 at Marguerite Witnesses to the blessed event avenue, Corona del Mar. weft Winifred Barbre of 116 41st Walter NolJer of 406 38th street, 8ervlce ~ street, Newport Beach, News-Newport, cited for doing 45 miles ~· nmes soc:iety editor, and \Vood-in a 35 mile zone at Central ave-.... . ·'O Electrtc row Dixon of 3828 Walnut avenue, ;;u~e~an~d~1~9~this~tree~~L~~~~:~~;~B~~~l4~~~~~~;~ Loni' Beach, Ne~'nmes adver-Three Los Angelans were also tistng manager. among those cited. These were: Feeling that freedom was more Important to the newly born in- sect , Edjtor Frost did not place the caterpillar in a glass jar for exhibition purposes. Ho"'CVl'T, t.he cocoon from "'hic:h the specimen or nature was hatched can be seen on page A-2 of the Sunday issu(' of The Long B<-ach Press-Telegram in the copy DO\\' an display in the sho\v "in- dows of The Ne"-s-Times. Riding Appare} and Saddlery, English and Western Complete Line of earing Apparel \ for ;.Men, Women and Children · If vou are , -unable to come § rn during ~ " office ~ours, 'Wh ' r-t ! ~ I: u save b' mail ? , Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do . it better thru our savings plan .. • Part ot 411 .rou' Earn is Youn to Savf.! If anyone wants more proor than that. they can go digging in the "'ceds and among the wild Oowcrs outside The, Ne"'S· Times building. Kitty is crawling on all eights somewhere in that "icinity, if she isn't already headed in the dirccliqn of Earl Stanley's office Al Sherwin Riding & .port Shop NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS 11t1d LOAN_ ASSOC IATIO ."I 205 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Phone 6722 SS:S:S VIA LIDO_ PHONE tfAR•OR 1!500 just down aways. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF'ORNIA • Are You-• Quality Con cious? WE ARE!-and we ~liev most parents are, when the wdfa:tt of their Babie.t and Children is concerned. That is WHY you will ALWAYS FIND the WHEEL ER SHOP .•. a CLE STORE ... a SANITARY STORE whett ' the QUALITY MERQ-!AND SE curied, may be SAFELY D!SPLAYED and KEPT -until it finds its way i to your own home to be used by your Precious Baby and Children . In line with the WHEELER SHOP policy of being QUALITY CONSCIOUS, you ..ill discvoa that tbe mtrrl:>crs of our sales staff are well informed 'regarding our merchandise. Y ou will also find They Have the Desire to give you QUALITY SERVICE A little "shopPjg around" will convince rou of th~ facts. Remembe< ... Y ou PAY NO MqRE H ERE, for QUALITY MERCHANDISE than elsewh ere, and you get MAJ..ry ADDED ADV ANT:A.GES when shopping here ... things you can never hope to get whe~e the most important factor is ~ "SALB" tag. Nati ~.-~~~l!f Known L ~n ~s Featur ~ ut. Whee[e r Shop • You may buy the finest crib in America, but it needs a famous Kant-W et Mattress to make bab y'~ofifc happy and sanitary. Yes, Kant-Wet Innersprings arc now available here! KROLL BUGGIES, al~o WHITNEY S.teer-o-matic l!lyggies H ft -~ .. O CRIBS by KROL!.., LULLABY and BABY LINE A GOOD STURDY PLAY PEN i.s a luxury for Mother u well u a nece~lt:Y for Baby ••• to corral bis wandering habits. The famous Hamilton Chlld Craft, al.a Baby Une and Chiquita are here! All, off-the-floor pen..s with easy rollers and all fold readily. QUALITY la the~ as usual! - • Nut ••• is .. good oturdy HI-CHAIR by Baby Guard , Chiquita, Rcadboro or Appleton. Our first • consideration, a safety tray and legs diat •·on't tip! If it's for BABY, or that "Jeck" to 6 years old, or our "Jill" to 14, we have it .. , in QUALITY -at REASONABLE PRICES! MOTHERS OF DAUGHTERS ••• rwo to fourtttn you baven•t visited •ur exchulve cfrls" department on the I cony. for Sult.a, Dre.uea. Coats,. Hats aad other apparel • • • . HA VE BOTH MlSSED SOHETHINC. Remember. you are WAYS WELCOME! • gam - Going to a SHOWER? How proud u.at apect'nc Mother ..m ~lf-llfttebor-.. u.. Wheels -., QaoUt;r. Wacone. Trucks, Electric Tralna, Wading Pools, rm Bets. . Teeter Totten and bundr~ of otbe-r Toya tq~ the ldddtea happy. · Give the Kiddies a Glimpse o "Paradise" \~~~ ••• Our TOY IL'!IEMJ<NT, wh•re 10U will the Lupot a"4 Finest 8'1ectioa. ot T0)'9 la Southern Callfo WHEEL · R BABY & JUVENILE SHOP HAllllY _. FLOllINB TAYLOR, 415 NORTH SYC -I DOOIS N. el RANDN'S --· ~· .................... ir. ........... _ . • • OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT -or buy OD MONTHLY ' PAYMENTS • • . , Cars in Collision . Can cperat<!d by Alexander Quentin Barlow of San Gabriel and Joann. Marie Reynold.o of San Marino collided at Orchid and Seavtew avenues, Corona del Mar, 112 Will Graduate From Mesa Grade School 'lbursday Ji&Wftal 8*•JM)A . . • • Nation's Editors . Pleased by Court Decision in Case . (Continued from Pqe l l • Want Ads · Memorial Day. No one wu hurt~ police reported. 'Continoed from Page 1 \ Donald Mlddleton, Ethel Marie Mitchell, Bob Monroe, Barbara Lee Moore. M a ry J osephine Moores, Rose Mungia. Raymond Munoz. Bob L. Murray and George Murray. Hutse11 Takes Third Place In Log Race and Murphy went even further than Reed. FOR A REUABLE Paint Job ca your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4,30 p.in. 10.tfc .__ ladcM lndepemdent P AINTING and DECORATING Girl's Bike Stolen Frankfurter wrote that a free press and an independent judic--'By the bour or job. iary are both necessary to a tree Aleo . Spraying. (Continued from Pace 1) Clifford Tupp ot 30091h: West Central avenue, Newport Beach, Anita E. Nidtell. The race was run under Th opening of George's Super Mark t at 601 Coast highway. Co- rona l Mar. on Thursday, brings anoth r modem business to tha t society and that "one of the·pc>-Call Harbor 8701..J-2 tent means for ~assuring judges From-1 to 5 p.m. . repe>rted to the police that his Nonna F . Opp. of the American Powerboet sister's bicycle waa stolen from Crawford Earl P agan, Lucy · cia lion. ' Coronad!) street and Ocean Front, Elizabeth Pinkley and Velma Jean Officials present included Senior secti of the Harbor area and Friday. Pridham. Vice-President C. King Brugman will operated· by a ' grocer of • Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 Clout BIPwaY. • Old fashioned malts We mean just this. • WELCOME" HOME! Newport II.arbor Post 291 AMERICAN LEGION '" ...... ••1..u.b D' b ... ,.. -.. 'f'Wl ... 4-1& ll&b 8t.. ... ..,. ·-JM ..... 'hlee.. 8 p. .. Dorothy .Lee Queener. and Mrs. Brugman: Arthur L. Bo- Ra.lph King Rea. Barbara Jean brick, chairman of the race com· Reed. Donna Lee Rock, La.Verne mission; Kent Hitchcock, vice- Rogers, Carol Joan Roush and chairman, and Mrs. Hitchcock; Jame.s .Rumsey. · Hollis Strait, commodore of Re- Ph:ll1!' S~afer, Gene Sh~, gioo 12. On the race commit tee !<arl S1hillin~, Rita Lenore Sill, wei-e Ed Riesen of BYC. chaimtan; , lo\vard L. Slinkard, Faith Smith, Bill Dennis and Jack Griffin. Glenn Smouse. Phil Stafford, Dor- othy Jean Stearns., chizuko Sugita and Joan Sutterfield. Donald Tate, Richard Taylor, Beverly June 1bompson, Betty Lorraine nppit a n d Edmond Charles Trompeter. · Betty Updike and J ack Eugene Updike. William G. Warne, Joyce Elaine White and Jade Harold Wood. It was one of the most success- ful opening programs yachtsmen have att ended and Commodore Wibble proved a genial host. Staff Commodore Ed Bailey is well known in Newport Beach and many Newport Harbor people were present including Commo- dore Henry B. Grandin of NHYC and Mrs. Grandin; Walter Franz. Barney Lehman and Hook Beards- lee; Commodore Don Kemp of BYC and Mrs. K emp, Vice Com- modore and Mrs. Bob Boyd, Staff Commodore and Mrs. Ed Riesen, , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greene. Mr. I and Mrs. Alan Craig, Russell Craig and daughter Claire, Staff Cormnodore and Mrs. Howard Baker. Frank Ruppert and Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Munson. Purses I.Ost . STAFF COMMODORE SHIRLEY MESERVE,. OD-' of the founden of tbo Newport Barbor Yacht dub, st~ tbo opealnc ._b at tbo tonnal flarralshlc ceremony on openlac day, May 26, aa offtcen of the clob whoee prtvate pennant. were rahled, •ta.ad at attention.. Corona del Mar News By BESSIE L. BENEDICT long xperience. George Engelbert. En'elbert, who sa"ys that the market will be the most modem south of Long Beach. was y owner of George's MIU""' Anaheim. but now resides at il carnation, in Corona del Mar. A ee.ture of the daylight mar- ket, f hich has 12,000 square feet of 5Pfce. is the ult ra·violet light- ing '15tallation which is said to purify the air and kill germs pres- ent · the ordinary atmosphere. Free parking on a black-topped surface at the rear of the' new store will be available to patrons. Irtfbarge of the fruit and vege- table departments will be Cliff Low.,ry. army veteran released after three years in service and former operator of a fruit and vege\able store in Ontario. Ar$>ther veteran, in the person ot darJ Jones. will operate the mea~ _department. Jones, a naval vet tfth 38 months in the Pacific, is a Tormer salesman for the Wil- son :packing Co. and ~lso operated a meat market in La Verne. Mesan's Garbage Permit Picked Up; Violation Charged Two women reported to police Miss Patricia Alden, daughter CO lections Boost Ci y Treasury Fund ' .IUD\'. ""HlnEV and \\'ES \' . .\UGH.~. popular en tertainers \\'bo h.a\·e jUltl completed a succeS11ful season at the Rainbow Room, Pa:tn Sprinp. opened a limited engagement at the Balboa Inn Cafe Thurs- day, ~lay SOtb. WANT TO FLY? • • • Flying Instruction Charter Trips Plane Rentals AT THE NEW NEWPORT BAY SKY HARBOR . . 19th and Placentia, Costa M ... for information PHONE S. A. 2140 --FOR SA.Ll.JOF-- Aeroncu and Anny Stea.nn&Dll Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 0.-0 Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWICHES • HAMBURGERS Ice Cream to Take Out S E ·A S 0 N T I C K E T S ! ! on Sale Now at GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS Laguna Beach Playh.ouse THE SEASON OPENS .JUNE Zl>th WITH ''ANGEL STREET'' -John Emery ~ Ticket.. oe Sale !'!ow for 9 Plays, ~$20W--''a111J1:11 IDc. lllail orders accep<ed~make checks P&YUJe to: lApaa --Lac-a -Calli .... 1-ltl -•OTBEB PIAYS--- Oeo...., Am ... lr,_ Sii Dalt< Victory --l'Mple !Otll Ceatury • Sab)eet .. a...p 1 Memorial Day the loss of their Somewhat concerned because of Dr. and Mrs. J . S. Alden1 San purses on Newport beach. Mrs. his temporary permit for gar bage Marino. a nd friend Miss Marion J . A. Bodman of 107 13th street, disposal in the Co~ta Mesa area Moore, Sierra Madre, are down ! Newport Beach. said her purse was picked up by Newport police for a few days at the Alden place, contained $15. Mrs. Lois Dunlap last w('('k. C. S. Nottage, garbage 214 Goldenrod avenue. , of 1899 Or ange avenue, Costa ~ontract collector for Costa r-1esa Mrs. Ho\.\•ard Barnes. 410 Nar-A total of $709.l l7.90 was re- M ·d h · t · ed $4 d 1 cciv and a total of $54.434.55 esa ,sw er s con run an and Santa Ana, anf)f'nred before cissus ave~ue. was g~ven ~ baby was aid out by the Citv of New- her I .D. card. the Newport Beach City Council shower Friday, by friends in Ot:-port each in May for fhe main-! l\1nnday and a~ked the city fathers a nge "'ho \Vere her former bus1-· . . . . ~e used to pay $15 for a permanent- ' MarMin EDOna v/ MUW'Ou.Uc "/{ow s_;'ie gi~es herself a~ wave at home ..,.. Fo1' a \n\·("\y. nl\lurnl- look.in~. loo;i:-1~;,.,g pe r n1 11.nent, Kive y o ur•cl{ a T o n i I (l~1ick, (E'D.tle, f'MY to J ., 1n rt to 3 hvu"' at horoo..\l.i)... Qf2"" l101U1 hu "0 ~ a becn 50JJ. -- ,,.,,,. ,..., ~.._ I ca••• , .... wava Gunderson Drug llaln a.ad Ceritral Balboa . ,,_,_. __ •I Ob d t ....... • 110 7 ..... . _, .. for an expla na tion. ess associates there. The sho\ver tC'na. ce of the m unicipality, ~e-n . cording to a report made b)-• City ~tayor 0. B. Reed told Nottage. ,,·as for o ne of those friends. too. I k 1vh o lives at 116-41 East Hamilton They had dinne r at S'-''anson·s. 1 Trf ef ure.r J . A. ~81 nt tohn:embers l C l •1 th l N l M B . d be t·r 1 o t e city counc1 at t eir regu-:-tree . os a 1~ esa. a 1 ewpor . rs. ~rnes r eceive a au i u tar onthly meeting I\.tonday. police had informed Col. J . J . Sel-1\ool crib blanket. . J ,\ ong the chier r('("eipts we re \ers. city administrative officer. Ern~st Hern10 .. postoff~ce cle rk , stat gas tax sums a mounting to that one of the trucks in t he Not-~nd \\'lf~ settlC'd 1n a tra1ler1camp SlS.t .43 a nd collections of una\- 1 tagC' ent.ouragC' '"as seen to de-1n Huntington Beac~ rcce~tly, .be-tach personal property taxes posit garbage from an ar ea outside ,.8u~e of . the . housing s1t~at1on.1 amo nt.ing to $12.673.36. \Vhile C'osta Mesa into a cesspool basin Their tra iler 1s completely out-the pi;ncipaJ disbun:.ements were in the CO!'!a l\lt>sa city limits. This fitted ~nd comfort able: They h~ve 1 525 .~4'.ZO for the current expense is a violation of the city ordinance, a pat io covered .'v1th .. a\l>'l\1ng 1 . fund and SlJ.lOl.l 2 for the water the mayor said. wher e t~ey have t~e1r refrigerator mai ~tenance fund. "If such a thing occurred." Not-and radio. H'e said that a~ least I A 11ain on the credit side of the tage a nswered. it was done with-it was .a place to stay until they l ledg~~r. Water Supt. J ohn R . Mc- out my p(>tmission. It is possible can build. I Mill 's account disclosed sewer tha t someone employed by me w y H t 224 Mr. a nd Mrs. . . oy . con lions brought a sum total may have made tha t mista ke. 1 Heliotrope avenue, mo\·ed Tuesday · of 77.50 for the month, while assure you it will not happen into their place they bought re-Tax Collect.or R. R Hodgkinson again." cently at 312 Heliotrope avenue. , reported current taxes and assess- At th(' rc::i:..:cs ~ of n1embPrs of The former o\vner bought it from men~amounting to $6603.50 and the city counciL Col. Sellers ex-J . Murphy a fe\v monl'hs ago, and rePc ptions at $59'1.6~'. 'llained that the permit was issued is returning to Florida. ro Nottage in 1939 and wa'i con- t inuro on a ten1porary cont ingent . • • arking Fees Up basis since tha t time and until it Traffic FtlleS $3840 Tl}' No~lJOr' Bo ch police de- was taken by the ?>lice last week. Traffic fines for A-lay totaled partple nt collected $383.76 in From further remarks from the $3840.50. ...,,hile fines collected park'ing lot fees for the city treas- city administrative officer , it was from violators during the month ury ~n May, a report to the city learned lhat the city ordinance totaled $1186 City Judge Bob courkil Monday said. specifically s tates th~t no garba.ge Gardner reported to City Treasur-J ~oll.ected from out~1de . th.e city I er J . A. Gant. the latter informed • limits may be deposJ.ted inside the the city council Monday. *ook Rentals fftgh limits or Costa Mesa. It pemlits Ci y"tibrarian Marion McChes· the dumping or sewage pumped C G d Fu d rted r· d tal from within the city limits only. amp roun n s ney po ines an ren s on • ·pe.1i boo~ issued by the city library The city council agreed to defer the matter until the next council meeting, June 17, at w hich time the council will have a report from both the police and water departments on the subject . Not- tage was directed to continue to collect garbage as heretofore, but also to appear at the June 17th meeting for· final solution of the matter . INJURES HIP Airs. J oseph Deious of Rose- mead slipped and fell while get- ting into a boat at Port Orange, Newport Beach, Memorial Day, and suffered a hip injury, the po- lice say. She was removed to he r home by ambulance. • Receipts fr o m mun1ci y-during "May totaled $166.80. the owned camp grounds for May tO"" I l M d !alled s2163.47, a report by Oty city council was to d on ay. Treasurer J. A. Gant informed the city councU Monday. C(>ST EXCEEDS REVENUE ~venue for the sale of water to conp. ers in the Newport Beach city a.Tea totaled $8177.36, Water Sup . J ohn D. McMillan reported to ity Treasurer J . A. Gant for Ma r' I t cost $13,101.12 to main- tain the system in May. Meter Collections Parking meter collections for May totaled $1292, according to a report made by City Trefl.surer J . A. Gant to the city councU Mon. day. Fish Fees $84 A sum amounting to $84 or nve percent was received by the Oty of Newport Beach in May from the A Newport Pier fishing fleet, City Treasurer J . A. Gant in- formed the city council Monday. Mooring Fees Small Mooring permits ror May brought the Oty of Newport Beach the total sum of $298.45 . H arbormaster Russell Craig told t he city council Monday . DRY CORD WOOD FOR SALE Hi ne Gum, Euealyptus and Citrus Immediate delivery anywhere in bay area. Pb-Da71 Suta Alla 3881>-W Sea Trout and Hal bat Are Biting ... off the Newport d Balboa Piers ~:!fo1°'J::e ~. A~George Hiner BRING YOUR 0... 0..., -We'll ._ir It -CM Ban It i... Nert hctM7 -w-a--. hdo1T Tr.-lb:perta. Radio . so~ Electric HAROLD L. ---A--- their independence is a free press." 1 __ -:'. _________ 4_4.c8c:.:t• "Criticism thererore must not SIGN p AINTING feel cramped," he continued, "even criticism of the administration of criminal justice-~ Weak characters ought not to be judges. and the scope allowed to the press for so- ciety's sake may assume that they are not." Boats. Trutks, Wlndows Walls and Bulletim. Raised" P.letal, \Vood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M Murphy asserted that "the free- dom of the press ... includes the right to criticize and discourage, even though the terms be vitriolic, COOPERATIVE scurrilous or erroneous." · . ROOFING CO. Rutledge said that "if every newspaper which prtnts critical New and Repair comment about Courts without justifiable basis in fact, or with-Phone 875-M hold.o the full truth ln reporting 216 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa their proceedings or decisions, or ~tfc: even goes farther and mis-states ------------ what they have done, were subject P A I N T I N G on these accounts to punishment 12 Ye.vt Service in Newport for contempt, there would be few Harbor Area not frequently involved ln such Harry Hall proceedlngs." PAINTING CONTRACTOR He added tt.1t p&rt of such situ-Phone Beacon 5259-J atlons are "due to carelessness, 274 E . 19th Gtreet 24-tff often induced by the ha.sle with PAINTING OOJlfTL\OTOa which news is gathered and pub- lished." PAINTIMG -PAPER HANGINQ Ferry Fees Reported The City of Newport Beach re- ceived $15 as its share of the fees collected on both ends of the Bal- boa-Balboa Island ferry terminal during May, Qty Treasurer J . A. Gan t told the city council A1onday. Pier Permit Fees $125 Approximately $125 in cash for pier pennits was received by the city of Newport 1*ach from les- ~ees he rP during ~1 ay, Oty Treas- urer J, A. Gant reported to the city council Moriday. - ROOFS APPLIED OR REPAIRED Free Estimates & Inspection W. l. Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J ud DECORATING H. E. McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd., Calta Meoa Phone Beacon 5013-J ~Ut PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC( REAltINO The Ne\vport Beach City Plan· ning Commission \\~II hold a Pub- lic Hearing Thursday, June 20th. 1946 at 7:30 ?. M .. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Newport &>ach. California. PUBLIC HEARING upon tht application of S . C. McKay for a 50 per cent setback variance, for Lots 7 and 9. Block 736. COrOna dt>l Mar, Calif. By order of the Chairman ot the Ne\\'{>Ort Beach City Planning Commission. PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK, JOHN M. ALLEN, ::::::::::::::::::::::::~;:{~ Secretary. Pub.-June 4, 1946. Light Truck for hauling B y the Hour Phone Harbor 1672-.J Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- Dally Delivery-Beacon 52~ 11121 Newport Blvd. 008TA MESA BUSINE88 GUIDE NOTICE OF P UBLIC REA.RING Thl" Newport Beach City Plan- ning Commission \vi.II hold e Pub- lic Hearing Thursday, June 20th, 1946 at 7:30 P . M., in the Cottncil Chambers, City Hall. Newport Beach. California. PUBLIC. HEARINF upon the application of Ch&rles G. Boice for a 50 per cent setback variance, for Lot 27. Tract 884, Newport Beach, California. By order of the Chairman of the Newport Beach City Planning Commission. • J OHN M. ALLEN, PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK, Secretary . Pub.-June 4, 1946. H BUSINESS GUIDE lt . -INSURANCE- • FIRE • AlITOMOBILE • YACHT • COMPENSATION "STU " DUNLAP COAST PROPERTIES co. 703 East Central --BALBOA --Harbor 683 WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Phone llMecin Ml( . iii • Moorinp Uld lpMle a....n.ble for Boata tor Sale • l'llddle Boarda for Bmf by &be wwk or moath. Announcing the New ~ibrapac Building Units ALL 81U!8 BlJILDING 1JNl'1'8 ~ Md C1 pool Jllodm N-la Procladlaa Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. • ' • • • • • • MWW1'<91 8 41....,. II ,....,. .... PuBL1c NoTicu PuBLJC NoTICE Puauc NoTica PuBL1c NoncE PuBuc NoTicu c NOTICE PuBuc NoT1c1: PUBLIC NOTICES c UCENSE ORDINA..~CE NO: Ml make a charge of $2.00 for each connection therewith, the sum c' have to pay the liceRle fees herein 8ecUcm za. ~ rate of license fish shall be $15.00 per conducting a dairy, the license tax engaging in the buatness ot re-. • dupllcate license Issued to replace $l50.00 per day, If a separate ad-provided for and that eadl of oald for running or operating a milk and the rate of llc:enae for shall be $25.00 per annum. ceivtng and "-ting pe!'m • The City Council of the Qty of any lic:."el'lS@ issued under the pro-. mission fee ts charged to such representations are true. \Va&Ol1. or vehicle shall be $15.00 the bw;lnea of alting, 8ecU-. S'J. For tbe business "'"'ithin the Oty of Newport Bee+, Newport Beach. by and through visions of thil Ordinance. which sideshows. nte Tate of license for a general pe1" annum ior each such wagon , preserving or canning of conducting a c&.mival or circus, for a considetation. in speed boata tts Qty Coundl, do ordain u fol-hm bttn lost or destroyed. Stt.ttoa JS. The rate of license contractor, o ther than specified or vehicle. their by-producb ahall be other than a fun r.one u hereto-and sail boats,-&hall be $25.00 per lows: That no license shall be grant-for evf!rY show. concert. theater' he-rein. shall be $25.00 per annum, Sedioa 11. TI'te rate of license per annum. fore ·defined, in the Oty on any annum peT bOat. Section l. It shall be unla-wtul ed undtt this Ordinance or under or similar entertainment conduct-except plumbing contractors and for carrying on the business of • 49. No license ahal1 oreasion, the lianse tax shall be Secdomi 11.. The rat.e of llceme for any person, persons. firm. ~ any other Ordinance fOJ" a busi-ed or presented "ithin the 0.ty plastering conuactors shall pa.y a pawnbroker', or conducting a be gr ted except upon permit of $100.00 per day: Written applJ-for engaglq ln the business ol partnership or corporation. OT' for ness or businesses to be conducted of Newport Beach. $100.00 per an-$100.00 per annum. and tile and pawnbroker's shop shall be $120.00 the ty Council for the conduct-cation must be made to the Qty operating a live bait boat in the any penon.·as agent., clerk or em-on the public streets or highways num, provided that when the pro--compa&ition contractors shall pay per annum. ing~f a fish market OT of a place CounCil for such il.icense, ahd the Oty of NE!\\i>orl Beach, 'whether ployee, either for himself or for and it a.hall be unlawful at all reeds of any such show. concert. $50.00 ~r annum. Sectl• SI. The rate of license_ at w ·ch rtsh is smoked. salted, Oty Council wider its poljce pow-the same be operated from tbl any other person. firm, ~pa.rt· times to conduct a business on the theater o r similar entertai.nment A subcontractor shall be con-for carrying on an auction house pick) or othe""'be treated. ers reserves the right to reject wharfs extending from the maJ.n.· nership or corporation within the sidewalks or highways of the City are to be devoted to charity or strued to be a pen.on.' natural or or selling goods, wares or mer-• 50. The rate of license any such application, and shall land into the waters of the Pa- corporate limits of the City of of Newport Beach, and any per· some educational purposes. the artificial, who shall enter into c:handise at auction shall be $35.00 for ducting the business of sell-further ha\."e the right to inquire cilic Ocean, or within Newport Ne\A'l)Ort Beach. to trans.act, e.n-son violating this provision shall City Council may authorize such contract with a general contractor per day. or used automobiles shall what shoW!, exhibitions or ('Tiier-Bay, shall be $25.00 per annUDI gage in or carry on any purswt. be deemed guilty of a _mlsdemean-exh~bition ~'it~ut the ~yment of to ronstruc t or repair any pot'tion Sttttoa S!. The rate of license .00 . per annum. tainments are Proper, and its ac· rer boat. and in this connection 1 trade , occupation. avocation, em-or. and upon con~ctiOn by any I a license fee, and a license for of a building or structure. whe n for selling or contracting to at. The rate of license tlon in all i:espects shall be final live bait' boat. for the purpose-ot ployment, business or calling, 1 Court having jurisdic~ thereof, any . s~ch show. c;oncer t. theater the contract price thereof shall be articles of . wearing apparel. ctry. for cting the buslnrss of and conclusive. this Ordinance, shall be deeme4 hereinafter specified. until he. she. shall be fined therefor 1n a sum 1 or s1m1lar entertainment shall be s:;Q.00 or more, and for the pur· goods. fancy goods, notions. Jew-publis 'ng. circulating and dis· Sfftlon 88. Every person. firm held and construed to mean 1 they or it shall ('int obtain a 11-not ·exceeding $200.~. or by im· issued only upon permit from the pose of this section. a.ny person, elry, cutlery. groceries, 'hameSs. tribut g by carrier or otherwise, or corporation CtllTying on a floating structure that n!'Ceivet cense therefor as in this Ordin-prisonment in the city or county Qty Council . co-partnership, Fi.rm or corpol'· pianos, organs, machinery of all a ne~1 per in said city, or con· "'holesale business in said Ct'' and transports persons in the OtJ ance required., jail not exceeding twenty.five (25) Stttton 14. The rate of license ation who shall commence the kinds. hardware. tinware, mill duct:i a p?"inting shop, ahall be shall pay an annual license t.;. of Ne"t>Ort Beach, for the por· ~Each and every day or frac· days, or by both such fine and im-for carryi ng passengers in aero-erection. construction or repair of products or any merchandise of $15.00 per annum. of $25.00. pose of affording such persons an tional part of 8 day tha t said pur-prisonment. plan~ is hereby fixed at s:?'!=i.00 any portion of a building or struc-whatsoever class or character Sec 5!. The rate of license Section 89. Every person, firm opportunity of fishing from sud suit, trade, occupation. avocation. Section 5.. No license shall be per annum. tur e. when the value of said erec-from house to house or-upon the for mt· talning a captive balloon or corporation who shall engage structures, in the waters of th4! employme nt, business or calling in issued for any ca nning or fish Stttfoa 15. 'J'!le rate of license tion. construction or repair shall public streets and not to persons for ying passengers for hire in the business of contracting, Pacific Ocean, for reo-eation. at this Ordina nce specified is con· preservi ng plant, liver y or feed I for conducting the busin<'Ss of be $50.00 or more, shall be de(omed re~larlv engaged in can-yin~ on shall S25.00 per-annum. gTading or laying street$. side-a consideration, \\'1.th live bait. and d ucted or ca rried on without such stable. public laundry ¥.•here wash· checking r oom or station . "'hich a subcontractor . as herein defined a business in the city of Ne"v· Sec on M. The rate of license walks. drains or se\\·ers In said v.'h.ich boat carries a live bait tank license. shall constitute a viola tion ing is done for hire. hotel. lodging shall be defined to mean a place and sha11 be liable to pa}' the Ii· port Beach . for the wholesale or 1 for naging or carrying on the City shall pay an annual license and pwnp. but such li,•e bait boat of t his Ordinance a nd any person.I house, chop house. coffee house.I a t which baggage. parcels. valu-cense herein provided for unless retail ·or the above mentioned busin of selling or distributing tax of $100.00. shall not include charter boats at •A.rho. for himself, or for any other bakery restaura nt, l~n~h counter, a~les or clothing are checked for the owner of said building or articles of Pf'rsonal property, and ice am at wholesllle shalt be Section 10. The conducting and herl'inafter defined. perSOI'\-shall violate any or the shooting galler y. b1lll~rd r oom . hire. shall be S1 5.00 per ann~m . s tructure or the owner of the a t their rE'8nective places of bust-$15. per annwn. carr)'ing on of wholesale or retail Stttlon 79. The rate of license provisions of this Ordinance. shall, pool room. pocket b1lhard r oom . Section 16.-The rate of license l:t nd upon "'hich such building or l ness. $100.00 per annum. Sec Ion M. The rate of license establishments, stores, or places for carrying on or en,aging in the for each violation thereof, be ska ting rink, merry · go· round. for conducting t he businC"SS of s truct ure is beln.11: creetl"d., con-Stttlon SS. The rate of li cense for nducting, managing, or of business of every kind and de.-business of renting or hiring boat.a _ deemed guilty of a m isdemeanor oi bowling alle)', fortune telling. card \\'T iting, 51 5.00 per annum I str uctt"d or r epaired shall first for every solicitor. peddler. or l carryipg Qn the business of post· scription not other\\rise pro\!'ided to ch arter parties shall be $15.00 a "'1 ;.tpon conviction by any court clair voyance, a nd kindred prac-~Htlnn J7. The rate of license make a sworn sta t('m en t that thry 1 huckster of ever,v class and char · ing. sficking, tacking, affixing or for . in this Ordinance. \\'here per a.nnum per boat, and in thi.! ha~ng jurisdjction thereof. shal1 ticcs, garage, crC"an1cry, auctions. for m aintaining a card tablt"' nt a rc rrf"cting. constructing or re-1 acter , excepting drumme rs \\'ho· paintihg hills or signs to or upon articles or personal property for conntttion for the purJX>Se dt this be fined in a sum not more tha n auction house. junk dealers.\ \\'h ich cards are played. S20000 I pairing a por tion of such building ! deal dir ectly "1th established posts.( fences. bui1dings or other use or consumption are li>aned,1 Ord.ina nce. a charter party shall :!:200.00. or by imprisonmt"'nt in the "'rt"'cking: house, or automobile for per a nnum for each such card or structure as t he O\\'ner thereof plaCM or business in the Ci t y of 11 structpres excepting bill boards or ren~ed. let. served or sold as a be construed to mean and shall city Jail not exe«'ding t\\·enty-five hire, stands, or places on the pub· t able, and no such license shall bc l a nd tha t they have not entered Ne\vport Beach, Sl00.00 per an- adverJisi ng si~n boards. the rate ?us1ness, shaJ I be kno"-n and des· mean an)' person or persons v.•ho days. or hath such fine and im· lie streets, or }X'a nut vendors. I issued for a car.d 'table ':'·ithout into a con.tract either Vf'rbal or ! num. and C've:y s~ch person ~hall. of lictnse shall be Sl.00 per d ay 1gnati:ct as a general busi~csi, and s~all, for a consider~tion, hire a prisonmenl : provided. ho"'·ever . tama1e stands. or lunch "·a s;:ons an. ~rder of t.h"' City Council auth· \\TittPn. "·1t h any cont ractor or 1 bcfor~ .e~ga~1 ng 1~ thr bus1n:--s per . ptorson en2aged in any such I the license for c:onduct1ng the fi s~ing boat or other vessel for a tha t ever y honorably discharged a t stations. stands. or places on ori z1n~ the issuance therf'of. and subcontractor . or any person of sol1c1t1nt:. peddling or h a\vk1ng bus1n~. provided.. that if the same shall be designa ted a gen-dt>S1gna ted sum of monC)', for a or honorably released soldier . the public streets, or for any I th<' .City Council "ma)' in ~t s ~is-1 wha~SOt'.'VC'r. to ~rect , con~truct. or l "'a.res mf'ntioncd in .this sC'Cti?n. licens shall be paid month ly in eral, .business license; provided, ~esignated purJX>Se and for a des- sailor or mar ine of the United game. or for a ny \\'holesale or , cretion deny any such apphcat 1on. r epair a ny portion of said build-procure from the Chief of P ohce adva . then the r a t e of li cense ho\\. ever . ~hat \\'here a gener al 1gnated. time. States who has served in the Ci\'il manufacturing businc>Ss. or for 1 and .the said City Co1:.1nci'l may on in,1? or str.uctur~ ~nd tha t a por· ? number \\:hich ~hall be displayi'd shall $10.00 per month. I business license is granted, the Stttlon.80 .. The r ate'.ot license \Var. a ny Indian \Var , the .. s~n· any fact?n'· e'.'tcc~t on the .order hearing revokC' any hC<>nse grant-~ion ~f said bu1ld1ng or str ucture 1n a con"p1 ~ous place upon the Stt n M. The r ate of license h?lder thereof shall not have t~e for .engaging tn or c~g on the ish-Amer ican War. a ny ~h1l1pp1nc of the City Council of the City of ~ .ror the ~~duct of ca:d t abl rs, 15 ~1 n~ erected. constructed. or y,·agon, vehicle. cart, ba sket orl for t e o~rat ion of a motor or 1 right t~ con~uct a resta urant 1n business of. a fis~1ng ~.' aa insurrection or in the Chinese Re·) Newpor t Beach, a nd whenever any 1f. 1n the op1n1on of the City Coun· repair ed by day labor a t a st1pu· other receptacle used for the con- other vehicle for the purpose of connection \\'1th or as a part of that term ts hereinafter defmed. lief Expedition or in the World person, persons, firm, co-par tner· cil . the sam" s hall be> de trimental lated \vagc. (said \\-;tge to be spec· veyan~e of goods, \\'ares a nd mer-sha ning and grinding knives, such ~eneral business, \\it hout shall be $1,9().00 per annum per \Var of 1914 and years following, ship or cor por ation. desires to or dangerous to or aJf<'ct thC" pub-1 ified in sa id s tatement.) a nd fur-chandise to be sold or peddled in axes, scissors or other cutlery. proc~1ng the resta urant license barge, and in this connection, for or in the \Vor1d War _of 194 ~ and open or keep a~y business speci·: lie peace. health. or quiet. j th('r that ~h<'Y .are making su~h the City of Newport Beach.. Sl.00 per annum for each such prov1ded . f.or in this Qrdinance, t~e .purpose of this Ordinance, a years rollowing, who ts phys1caJl y fif'd in this s('ct1on, he. she, they Stttlon 18. The rate of li cense reprcsentaJ1ons 1n order that said S~tlon 34. The ra te of license vehic and providing further , that "'he re fishing barge shall be deemed, unable to obtain a livelihood by or it shall petit ion thC' City Coun-for conducting. ma naging or petson. firm or corporation wilJ for carrying on the bus iness of Sec on 66. The r ate of license ~ general business license is held and construed. to mean a. m anual labor , and who shall be a cil to order a license therefor , carrying on the business of a pub· not have to pay the license fees a ~ddling machine and using for rating or m aintaing a issued and the bu~iness conduct-floating s tructure anchored in the qualified elector of the S~ate of whic h petition sh~ll se t for th the l li e dance hall ot public ballroom h<'rci~ provided for . and tha t each mus1~ or other device fol' at· blac~mith or m achine shop, ~d thereun~er consists. in the sell-w~t':rs of the Pacific C?cean, California, shall have the right to name of the applicant. the char-or dancing academ y "'hich is de· or sa id represC'nta t1ons ar e true. tract1ng crowds. SI00.00 per whe the same is not used in 1ng. of fruits, confectionery, gro-"'1th1n the exterior boundaries of dis tribute cir cul ars and to hawk. acter of the business and t he lo-fined to be a place \vhere dancing The rate of license per a nnum quarter . . conn tion with a garage, S25.00 ceries. W:ygoods, hardware and the City of N ewport Beach. for peddle . and ve nd any goods. "'ares cation of the premises \vhere the is taugh t for consider ation. shall for any subcontractor shall be as Stttlon 35. The r a te of license per a ,num. other . articles of general mer-the purpose of ~eiving persons or merc handise. except such goods. business is to be conducted. a nd be $200.00 per annum ; and in follows: t o-wit : for conducting a photograph gal-Sec\lon 151. The rate of license cha~dise or. t~e loaning or the on board thereof for a considera- wares a nd merchandise as the on the hearing of said petition. this connect ion no licf'.'nse shall For plumbing contractor .. , Sl00.00 lery, shall be S15.00 per a.nnum. for the business of junk collector. re nting of f1sh 1ng tackle. or othC"r tion. la"' prohibits the sale t hereof.I the said City Council may grant issue for said business except on For roofin'lt contractor. 25.00 SN'tlon 36. The r a te of license junk~aler or maintaining a junk ar ticles or personal property the Section 81 . The ra t.e of license w ithout paymen t or a ny license the same in whole or in par t. or order of the City Council. a nd I For e ll'<'trical rontrac tor." 100.00 for conducting the business Ot a ya rd. 100.00 per a nnum . holder of the general business li· for the operation or conducting tax or fee "''hatever a nd the Coun-1 may reject the same and no Ii-the Oty Council may refuse to l For painting contr actor ...... 25.00 pla ning mill or lum ber yard and See on M. Th~ rate of license cense to so conduct such general of a n ice manufacturing plant, or cil sha ll issue lo suc h soldicr .1 cense shalt be iss ued lh.erC'On C'X· grant any such license or to order F or plaster ing contractor .... 100.00 building supplies shall be' 51 5.00 for duct ing t he business of re-business shall not have the right a ny bus iness dealing in the sale sailor or marine "·ithout cost a cept as ordered by saia Ci ty Coun· a license ther ron. and may revoke For CC'ment contrac tor... . 25.00 JX'r annum. pr ovided . however .. if fining ,reducing or distilling pe-to conduct in connection there. of ice. either a t "'hol<'Sale or re- license therefor.: and provided fur-cil. .\Vhere ::i.!1~ ·business in this 1 a license issuC'd after a hearing, i{ For ~r i l."k contractoi:-. 25.00 the t"vo businesses shall be_ con-trole urn. shale oil. tar or any other "~th a restaura ~t or lun ch counter / tail, is her eby fix<'d a t $~00.00 ther that no hC'l'nsc can be rot-] see.lion specified may becrnt~e in 1ts judgment it shall determine For ti\<' and compos1t1 on "' d ucted togC"t her then t he license , hydrokarOOn substances. shall be ~'lthout prcx:ur1ng the. res t~ura nt per annum: a nd. t he ra te or 11cer:ise lected or any penalty for the non· danger ous to or a ffect the public that the continuance of said li·l contractor . . ..... . .;Q,{)f) '"<' shall be SlS.00 per annum. S200.~ per annum. for each such license provided for 1n this Or-for oper ating ice "'agons, \\'h1ch payment ther eof enforced against health, peace or "afe ty. or bt'con1c l ccnse \\'Ould !)(! d('trimC'ntal to l F or shf'f't metal contr actor 25.00 / SM'tlnn 37. The r ate of license refine y or distillery, a nd no li-dinan<'<': pro\'ided, tha t the holder I ara her eby construed to be v~ any commf'rcial traveler whosel dangerous to surrouuding prop. the public hf'alth, Pf'Ace or safE'ty. F q.r h~rd\\'ood fl oor finishers _ for conducting the business or cense snau oe gr an tea for the or a ny gen~ral business liCt>nse l hicles optorat ed, run or driven b usiness is lin'lited to. the goods, erty, the City c ouncil shall r<'fuse Sf'("llon 19. The ratC" of license and layers ........ .... 25.00 a rc>S ta.ur "'nt, cafe, lunch counter , condutt of such business except "'~o shall 1n. connection t her r -from house to house, or to busi ~ ~·ares a~d m~rchand1se sold or to grant the li?Cnsc. . . ror conducting or carryi n~ on the \ For carpenter labor I crtfete ria, shall be S~5.00 per an-upon rmit of the City Council. wit~ engage . 1n a ny other . tr ade, ness. plaCC"'s, hotels, res taurant$. dC"nlt in 1n this State, at "'hole-Should the ~1t y Counci l. of said business of auto ¥.Tecking or con lractor .. . ..... ~.00 num. and "'here said restaurant j Sf"C on 59. The rate of license b~1ness, ~a1hng . o~ occupation r~r I lodging ~o~s<'s or . apartment saltie. City a t any time dctc rrrunc tha t m 'nta'n'ng a place a t \\'hich l For plate glass sett<'rS ..... 2:>.00 1 sha ll pay a Federal a musement for ducting or maintaining a \vh1ch a hcense is imposed by th1s l houses , \V1 th1n the city of New· The term of d ura tion or every the premis~ \Vh.erC"in a.ny b.usincss aua~moibi1lc~ arc wrecked , shall be For chimnC"y contractor ...... 25.00 t ax the license for said business l shoe hine or boot black stand, Ord.i~ance, .then he sh.all pay ~e , por~ Beach , :or . the . purpose ol license shall be annual unlC"Ss dcscribf:d 1n this section is con· ~25000 per a nnum I F or all other subcontractors I shall be $100.00 per annum in-1 SS.00 r annum. additiona l l.1cense required by this selling or del1venng ice, sha ll bE o therwise specified in the sections ducted, a rc not in good a nd sani-" · ., · . of any other trade stead of $1!),00 per a nnum. Ser on 60. The rate of license Ordinance. $1 00.00 per annum. for each JX'r· following . tary condition . or not properly St"i·ttoo .... o. The r~t c of li cc.nsc or cra rt . . .. "-········· .. 25.001 Set.'tlon 88. T he rate of license for intaining a beauty parlor Section 11. For evf'ry business.I son, firm or corix>ration conduct• Annual licenses shall date from drained. or have bc>comC' danger · I for opernting or r unning a~y cart . SM'llon 2S. The r atP of license for a lunch stand or street kitchen I shall 515.00 per annum. trade. ca lling, occupation, art. or ing or carrying on the business of the firs t day of July, of the fisca1 ous or affect the public pea~. dray, "'.n.~on, tr uck .0~ vchicle~r l for condu'"t ing the b usi n€'Ss of a is h~rehy fixed a t $2.00 per day,j sec 00 61. For every person prof~ssion not licensed by some sclling or deli vering ice wit hin the )'Cil r in which they are issued. 1 health or quict. It may r c,·oke its !hf' drli,er y of fre~g . t or g ks park ing place or station . and I pro\·1ded tha t no lunch s tand or condu ting, managing or carrying section of this Ordinance. the said City of Ne\\-port Beach, by monthly licenses shall date from order r~uiring . t he license !Or ror hire. ~r t he ~ehvf'ry of r~ · \\'hi ch is defin~ to be a ~lace or str('('t kitchen shall r~ive a Ii-! on th business or engaged in any rate or License for :arrying o n means of i~e "'ago ns, unless, how- thC" first day of the month in such busmess to issue and no fur· sA nd .. w a \f'.'l or, dirt or a ny 01 C"r station at \Vh1ch automob1!€'S are <'<'rlSC' except U(Xln permit of the busin s hereinafter enumerated, the same sha ll be ·S2o.OO per a n-ever , such ice "'agons are operated "'hich the y are Issued: no license ther license shall be issued th<'r "· ma terial, for hire .. r~r ~~~h00cart. recei\"ed for the purpose of being City Council. and in this connec· sh all y a license of $1 5.00 per num. a nd where in t his Ordinance In connect ion "'i th an ice ma.nu· ahall be iss ued for the frac tio nal on until such premises shall h~vc dray, "'a gon or vehic e. · per parked for hiN', shall be S1 5.00 ti.on. a lunch stand or street annu . any b~si ness, trade. calling or facturini:: business y,•hich has a1· per t of 8 term. AJI licenses shall been put in .a safe. pr':>~rly drain-annum. . : per a nnu.m , provided, ~owever.1 kitchC"n shall~ constr ued ~o mean ) A chitect occupa !1on can be .or is construed ready pa id the annual l icense of be paid for in ad\•ance and no r e-ed and sanitar y cond 1t1on. . Sfftlon !1 .. The r a te of hCt'.'~~e such parking pla~ ~r station shall I a sta nd or kitchen at which pre-A sayer lo be. licensed. under t\VO sections., $1 00.00. bate given for any unused por tion Stttloo &. The rate ?t license for the ?pcra t1on of n lnundr ) is l not be on l\\'O' d1st1nc t and sepa-par ed food ls sold or food is A torney at La"' and 1n such sections a different Section 82. The rate of license of the term. I for carrying on the p.ursu1ts. t r ade. he reby fixf'd at ~.00 per annum, r ated pa.reels of land. and. for each cooked for immediate sale. and I A ditor ra te of license is imposed, then for engaging in or carrying on All licenses issued under the occupation. avocation.. emplo~-an.d the ra te of hcenst.• f~r oper· such distinct parcel. a 11cen~e ofl ~he lunch stand or street kitchen A u.ntant the highest rate of license shall be the busine ss of selling at retail provisions of this Ordinance shall ~ent,. b~inC'sS . or calling spcca-at1ng laundry "'agons .w~1ch shall $15.00 per a nnum shall be ~1d. is po.rtable and so constructed emist deemed to be the . license Ji?'ed or a t who.lesale, cut . fl owe rs, trees. be postC'd in the place of business f1 ed 1n this Ordinance shall be as be construed t~ be a \:Chicle opcr · Section 24. The rate. or license that it ca n be mo\•cd from pl aCt' iropodist for such l!ade, business, calling, shrubs, vines, grQ\\'lng fl owers or of the licensee named in such Ji-follows : . ator . r un or driven f.rom house to for cond ucting the business of a to pl ace. ii. Electrical. Chemical or or occupation. . plants, fl oral pieces or displays. cense. and the sal.d license shall Sfftlon 1 •. The rate of. license house, or to busm~ places. barber shop wher e but two chairs Sfo.ctlon ~· The r a te of license I echanical Engineer Section 72. Every person. firm (Xltter ies contaJning pl ants ot be produced by the licensee 14•hen-for conducting. managing or hotels, r estaurant$, lodgi~g houses arc used. S15.00 per annum. and for conduc ting a broker's business.I iropractor or corporation not specifically fl owers, shall be $15.00 per an- e"'er the same shall be l'<'QUired. by carrying on the b~sincss of a or apartment houses, "''lthin the for each additional chair US('d . rea1 estat e, fire insurance. stocks ntist mentioned in this Ordina nce. con·' num, and in this connection, the the c:h.ief of Police or any officer bath house wher e suits are rented Ci t>: of Newport ~~ch , ror col· $5.00 per annll'!'. . . a nd bonds, or any othe r kind or Obtometrist ducting, managing or carrying on cng~ging in or carrying on the of the O.ty. or rooms are r ented for the c ha ng-lect1ng and . r ece1Vlng clothes. If a man l~1st .l.S emplo}'ed in class of broker , shall be $15.00 ~ulist the business of ninning, driving 1 bu~1ness herein specified, shall be It is here by made the d·uty o~ ing of clothes, shall be $25.00 per t~ble or bed linen, and other ar· connecUon wi~ said barber a.hop. per annum. !tidan or operating any automobile, auto-con~trued. under the tenns of this the Otlef of Police to enforce all annum. t1cles to be washed and return~. an additional license of $5.00 per Section 4-0. No license shall be teopath or Osterpathist mobile truck, automobile tank O rdinance as a separate and cfis. -the provtslons of this Ordinance. Seetloa. & The rate of license and unless such wagons ar e o per-annum. granted for engaging in the bust-p ysician wagon or any other motor vehicle Unct business and no person shall No personal de~and or notice by for every artist, agent .or can· ated in conn~tion ""1th 8 laundry Sf'ctloa !.5. f).•ery wagon, or ness of selling tamales, sand· Stfrgeon used.,for the transportation of bag-be entitled . to e~gage t~erein or the Chief of Police to such pe.aons vasser. soliciting, painting, r e-which has pa1.d the above llcense vehicle liable for the payment of wichea, ice cream, peanuts. beans, S~ Painter gage. freight, household goods, I ca~ on aa1d bu111ness without ob. ~1 ng such license tax shall be touching or furnishing pictures of ta.~. then the license fo~ each laun-a license under the pl'O\i.sions of candies or other edibles of any VEterinary merchandise, lumber. brick. ce-tainJng a separate license there- ne-cessary to incur the penalties every description , where no rate dry running or operating wagons this Ordinance shall have ·a num· description from wagons, hand-and e ch person carrying on or ment, oil, rock, or gra\!'el, shall pay l for. of this Ordinance. is fixed by this Ordinance, and for In uJd d ty shall be SS0.00 pE!r ber printed or painted thereon or carts. trays or baskets upon the engag in the business of treat· an annual license tax of $20.00 for l Section Bl. The rate of license SecUon '!. ~J Ucens.e_s issu.ed ever y book agent. or ~an\•as.ser annum. attached t hereto In some conspic-P.';'~~ic streets. or "'ending of any ing~ing. administering to or each such motor vehicle. for eng~ging in or. ~~ on under a nd by \'lrtu~ of thts Ordin· shall be and the same 1.S hereby Stttlon :tt. Contractors shall uous place in plain arabic figures 1"·11 ~ giving treatme~ts to the sick, Section 75. The rate of license ' the busmen or soliciting or.den an~ shall be pnnted in blank fixed a t $3.00 per day. be eithet' a general or a subcon-of not less than one inch In length. Sec-tlon ti. The rate of license wo or infirm for the pur-for carrying On or e ngaging in for flowers, trees, shrubs, vines, form s lc ncd by the Clerk of the1 Stttion 9. The rate of license tractor. A general contractor ahall and of a proportionate width, and for engaging in, conducting or posefrf bringing about their re-the business of renting row boats growing flowers or plants, floral City of Nev.1>0rt Beach, couner-for conducting, managing or carry· be construed to be a person. ?at· of such cok>r as to be readily ~a.rrying on the business of shoot-cove by any method or pur-canoes or out-board motor boats. pieces or displays, or potteries signed by the Chief of Police. who ing on a billiard, baga telle Ol' pool ural or artificial, who enters 1n10 distinguished, which number shall 1ng gallery, $15.00 per annum. suna to any belief, doctrine, or sail boats in-board mot bo t ' containg plants or flowers, or lhall se t for th the ~ame o~ the table, excep t such as arc used in contracts to construct or reP:81r be desJgnated by the Chief of Po-Sttttoa tt. The ra te ?f lice?se syste other than those herein-for hire, eitheC as owner : 0 ~a~ ~dl ing n~n. trees. shrubs, party to "·horn tht' license l5 is-private homes. $6.00 per a nnum. I buildings or structures of any kind lice who shall keep a record for conducting a skating rink abo\•eJ specifically named, and tor or as the ag t ~ \·1nes, growing flowers or plantl:, 1ued, the na ture of the trade ~ per table, and there shall be . no in the City of .Newport Beach. thereof. 1 shall be $100.00 PE'f a nnum. 1 ch~g a fee or compensation emPtoyee of ano~e~. se~~ : 1 flo~a1 pieces. ?r displays, or pot- bw:iness h(', she. they or I~ are h-1 extra licens~ cha rged for enga_g1ng for a contTact pr1ce or for a per-I Section %S.-The ra te of license Stt!I~~. 4-S. The rate of license ! there~r, the swn of $15.00 per $l5.00 per annum where not more tenes conta1n1ng plants .or now~ censed to pursue .. the time for in t~e b~tness of soft dr1nk.s .1 centage or its cost. wher'l' the 1 for carrying on the practice or for .carryiifg cm or conducting the annu than five boats are used. and $2.00 e.rs. from door to door. is htteby ~·hich the same ts gra nted, ~e candies, Clgar~ and .tobaCCO;S. 1n value of an:r such structure: w~en profession of astrology, pa]mistry", business of a tele phone exchange. 1 Sec on 8!. Everr person, firm additional for each row boat, .fixed at $25.00 per annum .. date th('roof, and the amount paid 1 conncet1on "'1 th said. bus1nC"'Ss. complie ted or the contr act price I phrf'.'nology, fortune telling, life sha ll be $1 5.00 per annum, unless ?r cor;poration who shall engage canoe. or out-board motor in ex· Srctlon ~· The rate o~ license there for. Ho\,·evcr. such annual l1C'<'nsc shall ther eof shall be $50.00 or-more. 1 r eading, catomancy. clairvoyance. opera ted under a franchise. 1n th~buginess of searching public cess of five.· for eng.ag1ng in the business of The City Clerk shall cause to be not. in a ny case. be l<'SS than And, for the purpose of t his sec· crysta l gazing hypnotism me· j Sectloa «.. The ra te of license recor in said City sha11 pay an S . conducting or operating hotels, printed a suf[icicnt number_ of $1 5.00 per annum. . tion. eve ry person. co.partnershi p. djum.ship, prophecy. a ugury,.divin· for mai ntaining any contrivance ! annu license tax of $15.00. r tttlon 14•. The rate 0~ license apartment houses, r o oming such licenses as may be required The Clerk of the City of Ne"·· firm or corporation who shall com-ation magic or necromancy o r dc \'ice 111 "'hich the public is Sec OD a:. E very person. firm or .conducting. maf!agin.g or ho uses, boarding houses, motell, for one )'t"ar . in book form. with port Beach shall ma ke a list of mcnce the erection or construction 1 ,,.h "r~ n fee is charged a nd receiv: ln\ri ted or pennitted to throw or ration who shall con-~ar~ying on. or f !'gaging m. the auto courts. bungalow courts, and blank s tub to each and sh":ll de-each such table menti~ncd. stand- of any building or structure or ed t:for the practice or exhibition rings or balls, 'or other object!: duct al \!'eleMnary hospital in said ~iness of leasing or hrrlng I in~s. where not more· than five · 'li"'t.'r the same to the Chief of ing in the place of business "'here / shall repair in any manner a ny of anv such practices Sl0.00 per [ at kni\'es, "'hips, dolls. or other City shall pay an annual license I ~· ~~ter ~ats for rod and reel! units are rented to acoonm1odate pear a t the office of the O ty charge a license "'hethcr said of Newpor t Beach. sh all be deem -· f li per annum. Sec OD M. F or every person era or, or as the agent, servant I be $15.00 per annum. and for each Police 1here¥.i th. who shall ap-the saife i!: maintained. and I building or s truct ure in the City day · · t hings for a prize. shall :! s.50.00 tax 01· $25.00. is \ng. either as owner or op-guests. roomers, and tenants, shall i · Cler k on the first Mond11.y in each table is used or not . • ed a con tractor as herein defined Se<'tlon 2!-The rate. 0 ce~e Stttloa ._, The ra te 0 license firm :r cori>oration who shaJi or employee of another. shall be se para te accommodation O\'er five month, and settle for the licenses S«tlon 10. The rate of licensej and shall bl' liable to pay the li· for .conducrting or C&JT)'lhg ~n . e for a ll stree~ exhibitions shall be engag in the automobile garage· Sl5.oo per annum per boat. f $2.00 per annum additional to 'said sold; licenses no'A' is.sued shall be for conducting. managing or l ce~ hf'l'f'inK,ter pro,-idcd for , business .0 a m~·g~roun • ~-) S2500 r day and no license shall I busineSs. the annual license tax SecUon 15. The r ate of license fees. + 1ood for the time for 'A'hich such carrying on a bo'4·ling alle)'. $1 5.00 prm'iding tha t the contract price I cular S\\"lng , ~nlC r·~ilroad.. ferns be ~a:ed except by special per I shall ~~ $25.00. for can;'ing on or managing or SecUoa ... The rate of license licenses "'ere issued. 1 per annum. for each alley, whether or the value of said structure or "'httl, ·~~p :"~ g 1 e~ng or l mit of the Oty Council .. I Aut~mobile garage 11 heret>, de-engaging in the business of leas· for operating or conducting the The O t)' Oerk shall. on appli-j the same be used or not, and for building ~·hen completed. shall be other .s1 ar e ce ~ em . or 1 ~ Th · f . finSf and declared to ~ tng, ren ting, or the hiring of boa.ts busineu of renting bicycles to cation of the Qrle_f nl Police, ls· carrying on the business of a box-1 more than $50.00. unless.the own· anything or a 5 ar nature. t:kJ9. ~ e rate. 0 license lace he aut a to others, for taxi service, either I the general public in the Qty ot eue to him such blank licenses as ball game or alley. $3.00 per a n· 1 er of said building or structure.· or I $100.00 pe~ month. except v.'he~ fdryor ~U~ting the buainesl! of a ~tored OT :red ~~Ues !;'e sold, as owner or operator. or as the Newport Beach aha.11 be $50.00 per may be required, and . take h1I num for each such alley in such the owner of the land on which these bus.~nesses ~ a:>nnect c eaning or clothes preuing . and wh~· ~an or re-agent, aervant cw employee of an-annum. Under the terms hereof, receipt therefor, and shall fill the game, whether th~ same be used 1such building or structure is be-with_ the fun .zone bus:ineu as establlshment .which a.hall be con-.~ bk necessary other, shall be $15.00 per annwn a bicycle ii defined u any two« stub attached thereto, which stub or not. and in connection with said i.ng erected, constructed or re-her einafter defined. •trued to be a place where c}othes of ery ·n e~~ for the P'Uriic-e where not more than five boa.ta three wheeled Wflicle which ta must be kept ln the office of the business and u a part thereof, paired, shall first make a S'\\"Om Stt.ttoa !:&. The rate of !icense are cleaned, renovated ~ pr'essed. WheR~~il tomobll~ and are µsed., and $2.00 addition.al for operated by man power and the aty Clerk. soft drinU. candies, cigars and to-statement that they are erecttn.g. for running •a "tun zone" aha.ll be shall 1 beundrySSO.OO per annum, and ollne 1 ils 0 and :U a~es, t~~ each boat in excess of five. term "Bicycle" do8 not include Section s. Each l~cense granted b8.L'CO may be sold without the constructing or repairing such $250.00 per annum; and a .. fun any a wagon that collects and ' d PP es are ac., Section. 1t. The r.ate or li.ceme motor driven vehlcW:I of any de- or issued under any provision ol pa.)'!Ilent of further additional bulldlng or structure as the owner zone" t. dermed as a place of or receives clothes to be cleaned. tor carrying on or encacina' tn tM ICl'iption. this Ordinance shall authorize the licenses. thereol. and that t.bey have not amURment under one manag~ renovated or pressed, a.hall be Ev person operating, oon-buaine91 of reQttvtn1 and trans-8ecUcm M. 'Jbe rate of Uceme lice~ to transact or carry ~ SecU.O. U. The rate of license entued into a contract either ment and on lands that ~ con· $50.00 per annum. and any d the bus1nea of ~ porting penans within the Oty of for operatJna music mach.lnn, a the bus.lnnl or calltnc thettin for carrying on tbe-\>lminess ot verbal or v.Titten. with any c.xm-Uruous where amusement is fw'n-la~ wagon that collects or re-stati dea11na in oila or luoliM, Newport Beach, in boat.I or other that term ii herelnatter detlntd named. at tM place the:reln desic· seUtna bread from a· wacon or tractor or subcontractor, or any l.sh('d to the public. including cesvea clotha to be cleaned, reno-pe~l products, or other au~ water -a-aft, for the purpme o( in any place of biwtnea In u,; natal and at no other place, and other vehicle, whelheT' the bread person whatloe't'tt, to ettct or ferris wheel. merry-go-round. cir-vat.eel or prrued ~ in additioll =. or motor vehicle ~ atfordin& such pi!'l"IOm an oppor-Oty ol Newport Beach, lhal1 be tbe said license sball not be u-be baked In the Oty of N...._t construct or ttpair aaid bulldin&: cular swirl&. scenJc railrood, .....,.. to tbe Hcome hereiabefore Im-and aupplles sball l*Y an tunlty of viewing ~ of In-$5.00 per annum. for eacb - llpable or transferrable. How-Beach or not, for each such wagon m 1truc:rure. and that said build-plane &}.ide, swtna: or other almllar ~ UJIOI> any such ~undry -of $25.00. tettat In and about the Oty at. machine'« llbo'<.,.opb lmtalletl. ever, a chani• of locatioc> sball be or vd>lcle used In ouch business, Ing or structure la being ettCted device or dodgem, cames of skill. ~ PllY an adclltlooal Wnw A For the .......... Nt'Wpcrl Beach, for l'ftftalian, at attached or ~ In the QI>' allaWed to the owner of the Ii-the sum of $25.00 per annwn. or constructed or repalttd by day and penny an:.de, and olh<r al. ..,..oo per annum. al. or Ol'ffttlnc a can-I •••Heralian, ettber u -of Newj«t Beach, cenoe UJIOI> tbe payment to the -u. The rate ~ llcenae la-at a stipulated ..._ (said gamrs and devices of entertaJn.. Sod• n. The rate of licw!Me nine ~ ~ the U-or opntor, or aa the -t. ..,,_ Tiie i.m ·-· ......._ aa Qty Oak of the sum of $2.00. for every circus or -nag.no ex-waae to be specified In oald ltllte-ment and amimement, but es-for -.ctln& • !lob IDU'ket lball ..,.. lball be. '100.00 per .... -* EDll>lwe< of -lball -ID -~ lo Int N and upon appllcalloa made ti> the biblted within the Oty Ill New-montl and turtber that they are cludlns thenbcxn tbe _.lion be $15.00 per 'annum. num. bo tl!().00 per -per bcN.t. to -and lball Qty Council port Beach, the sum of $100.00 per ma1<tr111 such ttl"""""tatlona In and coaduct of a l'ftlaurut or ... -"-The rate ~ I.._ . A For _,. per-•u«m n. · Tbe rate of"' e _.,I.., Wb1cf> .,_ =, - -t.. Tbe Qty Oerl<,,lball day, and for every si~ la order that said -will aot Ntlnc ploco_ • for -. tbl '" • rm al. ~ , ----tins ar for -Hlhw ar cw11llc -or (0.ll•Mld • 'l'llp 11 .,. . I • ; • ' I l I I . I • • c;;;;e;~('.:iiijb'"~o;:n;;;i~(it;=::.::::--ir\::iL:::i:::::~.-::1L:"::::::wi.~"~':a~~·~··~.,..~~·i=ijj"~':ijij~'~•~-~'!•~·~•i"~z~•;·~0z~m~~,~;1';1~1cy~,~'~-~'~"~""~ll~·~:;;~~;:;:~;-~~~j:;:::::::;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::;;"'~ .. !;;~1;;a~· ~:1H:r~l:mec1 Crime Detection laboratorY Is~~~l~~~~=P.~ot ::::c:the~ VENETIAN BLINDS Last Thunday evening a group 0 She ff' oo· lice Memcrial DOJ' that -TELLO, COTNER SECURlTIES ty Or-. State ot Calltomla, o! amateur camera f8115 met at perating •1n r•1 s ice ontettd blo blmk"'"-and m rnd CORPO~TION, a corpontlon, tb1o th ~ ot Apil, l!H6. the home o! Harry.Fonytlle for lt ·up, but nothinc w• mbRnc TITLE INSURANCE AND B. J SMITH, the purpoae of lonnlng a camera from It, he said. TRUST COMPANY, a C<llpcr-ty Oerk. ond Clerk ot the club for the Harbor area. the F or the first time in the history These 9Cientlftc ana)ysel may atlon, Trustee. THE FIRST NAe Court ol the State of meeting was presided over by Mr. or Ornnge county. a complete. either lead to the coovictlon of Puauc NoTIC• ;1<;r.~~ru.i:: ~~ Ornla, In lU!d for the ~ Fonythe. Hu.eh Davis ot Costa modem and scientific crime de-an aC'CU.Sed or it may· convince a JOHN OOE 0 ..._. JOHN OOE ty Ora.nae. Mesa was elected --A-t and tection laboratory has been set court or jury that the defendant .A-' ... c.... By ROY J IRWIN .____ .-~· gull I · No. 40161 'IWO and JOHN DOE OORPOR-(Se · • .,.,.....,. Mn. Alyoe MeM.abon, IWlo ot up by Sherill J esse L Elliott in is not tY o a crone. su-lor ~-1095 E.'Wardlow 81*1 •• ••• 8U_O_ A TION, 0.fenclanta. ~ ~• Costa Mesa, was elected teere--the records and identification de-Nothing is concealed from the ............-a ""0 County) Wood • Steel -Aluminum FM& Service -nee •••· a. Call u. wl ·-PboDe ~ Int.erci~ Lino-Shade c.o. taryslreuurer. partment of his oflice and It is ultra violet ray machine. It can (Actlori brought In the SUperlor You 8"' directed to appeer In · ~ Lomg Beach fM.!8 w -B•cll The ldea of the club is to auit now under the supervision of a spot anything, no matter how Court of the County of Onn&e. an act.Joni broucht against you by Pub. A.pr. 30; May 7, 14. 21, 28: 1 ., _________________ -_..;;, ___ ,: amateurs to take better pictures. qualified expert. Capt. Tom Mc-small t-O the human eye. It is as and Complaint llled In the Of, the .~ -~ plaintiff In the une 4, U. 18. 29; July 2. 1lM6 · I Along thia line t9e program com-Gaff, di.rector of that department_ powerful and as reavealing as the flee of the Cert of the Superior Superic;;,. 1COOrt of the State of l mittee hu arranged for many Hereafter, trained ~nonnel microscopi~ ~ra_ and the mi-Court of said County.) Callfomia, in and for the County I prominent photoerapben of will be able to cope with any croscope itself which has been of Orance, and to answer tM corn-. Southern California to -live a situation involving criminal ac-added to the new laboratory b ta.e 8apen. ()....t of ~ State plaint therein within ten days leries of lectures at the various tivity in Orange county. No longer equipment. Microscopic e.xamina-of Oallf..aa la ... P• U.. after the le?"Vlce on you • thla meetinp. (I'here wm be club dis-will it be necessary and expm-• lions ~11 be presented in ~-CoaaQ ~ Or-ae summcms, lt served within the cualons of plct:ure9 taken by the sive to send samples of blood and Court. JUry and spectaton will be County of Orance, er within thirty memben and alto projection other specimens to Loe Angeles able to view the evidence m a 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, days it served ~ and you abowtnp of the members' koda-for chemical and liircroscopic 1 screen, the film and stilll ~ a Municfpal Corporation ~ the are ootlfted that unlea ~ mo cnime plcturs analysis. 1' jected from a spedally equipped Sixth CU., Plaintiff, VO. JESSIE appeer and answer u &bow res It wu ~ at the meeting When any type of c:rtme occurs photomlcrographlc camera with K. SCOTT, et al, Defondanta. qulttd, the plaintiff will take Jullc- that the name for the club would from anon to murder or man-I arc Ughta. 'Ibe People of the State ot Call-mtl'lt for any money er damlks be the Harbor Camera club . 'slaughter, trained . detectives in Murder ~nes ~11 be photo-fornia Send G~tlnp to: JESSIE demanded tn the ComplaJnt, u the sheriff's office will be able I graphed Wlth specially equipped K. SCOTT, ETHEL IONE FUESs arlalnc upon contract, or will •J>- ' All camera fans are invited to to make their own probes, collect minia,ture movie cameras and still S~ ELMER A. CAIN, MIRIAM ply to the Court fer any other re- the next meeting to be held June the evidence and submit it to Capt. machine.-, both capable of taldna: E. CAIN, his wife, ORANGE llef demanded In the ...,,plaint. 13 at 215 Marine avenue, Balboa McGeff, who with Dr. John Mon, in every detail ot the crime. One COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, a Given under my hand lU!d oeal Ialand. The meetinc beglm at tanus county autopsy surgeon and or the cameras will be equip-corporation, Tnlltee, w. w. r------------ 7:30 p.m. chemist will analyze II and then ped with a sketch board. an in' CAMPBELL. AR'nlUR H . RICE,1..------------ present' their conclusions in the valuable asset in covering, a vio-LULU B. RICE, h1I wife, LE- Newa-'nmlll nl u•.........._ an. ronn ot analytical opinions to lent crime. 1TI'IA W. DYMOND, BENJAMIN 1WI' .... to e,,l'mt IPllM"lc. court and jury. Prints of teeth, feet, doth. W. SELBY, A. L. SHEPHERD, burglar tools and even prints of JOE SHALLENBERGER, EMMA • Betore YOll l•lld or RHledel Boat Owll1r1 ••• Canvas .. By tile Yard ~Ck~ . ' ' • • • ' ..wt _. ittz1mssHac sample wl dllplay -' . • Color guides,. plan- ning aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, C&Illf?ts and linoleum. firing pim In cartridge llhella will C. HAFNER, LOS ONGELES be developed by the police scien, MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, lists. Prints of ti.res, revealing INC., a corporation, FRED S. the various patterns, wUI aJao EVANS, GIAN DESPALATROs tum.lsh clues to the perpetrators VIOi, M . L JACK, JOHN DOE of future crimes in Orange county. JACK, her husband, STEDDOM The new laboratory is equipped & BLANCHARD, a corporation, Wide Wkttha-AD Lengths .. .., . ... • • . • ·> t.:· ! ' -I ' " ~ ,, < ' . 1 t l ' I)_ 'lt • • :tt . Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1829 So. lhln 8t. Pho.em SANTA ANA HYDRA· MATIC SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. 3011 W. Central Newport Beach , •.• i ., t .. ~ . ,.. it•; ?~ ( ., :. ti ! ! ~i Vien rec!, Bepalred to do all the necessary plaster ot STEDDOM & BLANCHARD. a paris and riloulageo jobs tha t were co-partnership, KELLY ROOF- forme rly done in the crime de-ING CO. Ltd, a corporation, tection bureau or the Los Angeles RICHARD ROE, T'ru!tee in Bank· sherifr's office. H eads of both ruptcy ot the estate of KELLY livi nc a nd dead persons will be ROOFING Co., Ltd., a corpor- made when thE' occas ion demands ·ation. Bankrupt. WM. l\fERE- t hem. Ha nds and feet. even shoes Dmi, WILLIAM L HOPKINS, and their .patt erns, can a nd will ;~AR~G~~~~~H~·~B~l~G~B~Y~,~W~R~NE~~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be done in molded form in any e mergency. Force and p ressure of fi rearms PRESI 1 ENT TRUM ' ~~~--~~ ANAS nature can be analyzed under technica l proeesst'S developed by LUDLUM Carpet Works 11:% -lllala 8L PboDe Santa Ana l!80e llANTA ANA . CURB ON RECKLESS DRIVING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;:~~~~~~~ the laboratory. ; · I Soon the laboratory will add a I spectograph to its valuable equip- ment. A spectograph \\'orking in the visible spectrum will be use-1 I ful "'hen de tenninlng the pres· -Announcing- PAINTING CONTRACTORS 1 ('nee of small qua ntit ies of metal , as in a naJyzing traces of gun- 1 powder. Blood a nd analin inks I can also be a na lyzed by it. Another essential and va luble asset of the new laboratory is an enlargemen t a pparatus with con- denser. This is especially useful in enlarging typewritten letters. INTERNIOR AND E,~JOR (Estim a tes Freel Still another valuable i n~t rument Patton & La Veque "'ill r('vea l wh£>the r m ail ha~ been I t a mp<>T'NI wit h \A•heth£>r it has t)('('n openr<t a nd r~ealffi. whether the \vriting has hf>('n chan~ect on I 1h(' envE'IOPf'. "''h£'ther certain J88 Oak SL. ~na Beach. Callf.-Pllone Lacuna Bf.ach 6811 finger prin ts were lert on it. (Locating in Coro!la del Mar Soon) • Scntr·h I Rf"lf'. va r ious s i:7.('S, on i S:l\~· ;•' !h1• N•'\VS·'l'iml'S . Post War Prosperity Club Roster--Continued The fall-pap .-rt layout by .Jack Lindsley, cowboy arUst, Is our way of serv- bsg oar ....ten with portrayals In prose and pencil, the face and life stories of our ...... dtlsMry. Oftlw their Work Is reiterated for the benellt of newcomers to the area and to ..,...1w1 "ohlsters" of their contribution to the bulldl•g ol the lbrbor dWrk:t. New f..,.. and their stories give ui.cklog hlatoriea," displaying them M -111 Ill oar midst. Walt..~ • ..-,.i Be8ch City Merchant Patrol Am DelrecUft 8enice UM 0-. FloDt-N-~ -r lUl·a :t :t :t Theodore Robins FORD DEALER 1111 w. Ooalnl PlloDe Barbor %8 :t :t :t Stanley James Barden MASrER MARINER __ B......,._Y_l ___ _ I'll eo-t iD1n7-ft. lleac:a. M.14 :t :t :t C.F.Dennison A JallW. wta.. A. "SANDP ri&IN:U -a.lt... IN OaMl ~Barbor 1611 :t :t :t JOSEPH L, MARSHALL ~rnut BaPt •• MAC PELLETIER · · Newport Phannaey IHI 0-. Proa&-ft. -5 G.N.Wells Roal Estate Pboae 8'11:ooa. 6111 1-N.._t ~II-Oallts :t :t :t Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH Bwocm 1881-eo.ta Keu-1,IO Newport Blft. :t t :t Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (11' .. -OrW) EATS, DRll'QLS AND ROMANCE I'll. Barbor m4 !II l'lllm :t :t :t Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN ~ BeMOG 5111 Wt ee-t ~Newport: llrn:", Cam. :t :t :t 0. R. (l'llp) Crawley-N. M. (Monie) Craw!q ~ Home FUrnlshlnp Crawley's Furniture till Newport BhC.-ft. 8! -. 1151 Coot& Mesa-"ln the Hee.rt of Town" :t :t :t 11. L VAUGHN "Tm DO i.ttl'-my ~e's' In this blW-ea" Modern Shoe Repairing <>mt ·--8. W. Newperrt Aft. :t :t :t -Dutch Heacock :t :t :t GI.ADD~ ...,._, Blatw 8==rJ!?.i~ ~m~y BOllE BUILDEll W & a., .....,.._Pllamee &anor Ill -111 ........... ----------- DON'T DRIVE WITH SMOOTH TIRES HAVE THEM RECAPPED ' This "Drive With "The Arches" . "Just • Utile Bit Better" Cocktail Louna:o and Cafe On Oout m cb.wa7 at Newport: lllT4. Vallely Boat Rentals Motor and Sall Boob Opool """ -~ 'n, ' Sdpwa&er at Palm-PltroDe Tl Hi· Way Garage Ottldal Southern Calltornla Auto. Club Gerqe 11 .. Newpori Blft....-Pb. 11'1 Reed's Super Service Shell Oil. Gu, Lubrication and Acce- -Weol O..lral PRF.sIDENT UMAN called upon the natloa's traffic chiefs t.o halt "MURDER" ON THE WGH- WAYS by B"*ING "MORONS AND NUTS" from the driver's seat. His appeal for action t.o halt the DEA'f¥'0LL -NOW NEARING THE EX!UIV ALENT OF THREE ARMY DIVISIONS A YJ:AR-was presented to the National IDghway Safety Conference In Washlngtort, recenUy. 11 The Preslden stated: ''The nation amnot afford and will not t.olerate this tragic waste of human resource.'' . Deat 4 2 Percent Higher On Rural Highways in State "Slow d and live longer!" This terse it of advice to cali- fornia mot°"1ts came today from Edgar E. ~ton. the new Direc-tor of Moto ,-Vehicles, after a study of 1 traffic casualties disclosed 1 accidents in which one or mo persons lost their lives becauseEr traveling too fast for the condi ·ons . ..1 The same tudy Showed 10,416 accidents in hich one or more persons were'f.hjured, all attribut· able to exce ·ve speed. Deaths on rural highw , where Speeding usually , went up 42.4 per cent and in ·es. 48.2 per cent. '"'Th~ fi indicate conclus- ively that mh.y people are driv- ing too fast 10l" safety," Lampton commented. "Almost overnight we have returned to pre-War con- ditions of traffic congestion. The average car on the high-ways is now more than eight years old. Our tires will not stand excessive speed. "The obvious answer is to slow down to a safe speed and avoid getting into trouble." ' Lampton added that he has in- structed C8lifomia Highway Pa- trol officials to pay particular at- tention to speed violations. He favors an overall reduction in speed' limits untll such time as worn out equipment can be l"e"' placed and general conditions re- turn more nearly to nonnal. GOOD BRAKES MAY SAVE YOU FROM A SERIOUS . ACCIDENT! I Safety" Sponsored by · the Following: Message Market Spot Anton Henhey -)lartao A..._ -Bal-- later'11 Recapping eom..i..te 'I1rw SeMco New--UIOG-~hr. Servloe ~ W. OoaWU-N-.... l \ Virg'11 Garage anti Texaco Station -WMtOoalnl omed Shell Dealer ~--...... Balboa Fun Zone llall>oe Newport-Billboa Auto Supi>b' Automotln SUppljea -Open 9 a.m. to 8 .,.._ Let U• -P You With ll<>W" Put1t Pr-.. Glen W. (Jqrtkle -Manacer 11• W. Ooatral A"" -Np&. -. 1181 Port of Seven Seas Boat Lait~ tlon" -Wuhlng ~ Pnllsbtnc ~ Oar llpod&lly lleleB aad Den WOCI .. ....,_ Ht•W Carrell's Garqe General Repairing 7 -Relined Motor T\JnesUp , Wheelo Balonoed .... •.• • ..... w.,........., cwt......,.,. Balboa Circle Taxi JU., -· Day or Nl&fa&-n. Np&. m Newport Auto Works Gemra1 Repalrlnc-24-lu'. taoo """"""· s.i-Gu A OD ....... Ill.... .... • Olut ...... National Auto. Club ~ Statlcn Hanllhaw's I-Stop Service Station Complete Auto Servlcfo Lubrication -Brakes Jlell'*' lnl N....,t ~ 11- Lowman Boat Builders -N-i-t~-' Ets-Hokin & Galvan Electrldam CO:TWo Fltt EquJiin-t for Factm7. Store, otllce, Farm, Heme , ·-~----.-. · Dean Termite Control Gaarw1teed Termite Control--Laust httpioftd -- 1117 ......... "eta.A-..... - • Bqyd's Service Station I.Mt Wen Ooalnl -Pllo.e -I Mobllgu and MAlblloU ~J:f..'_w~ l·r~~F?8~!!~~ s:rs' d Bowling Center --and Roy~ 81iee& 1lea11 PlllllMr 1411 -4or Your Health's Sake, Bowl" celsior Creamery lianta Ana-:-Callfcmla I FOltB & SoDll TN"'°"' erui..r. -!W CGut HilbW11)' Pllane .. Newpcrt ~ • • -Utll SL-Next to r-<!le'o ~ .... Casino Cafe & Refreelunent Lounp II! llalll st. -I.om v.,...,,. -...., •• Kenneth E; Wilson Co. Cltri...cratt ~ Marine Ena!-'-~ ...... , __ ... Bay Shore Cafe -3:~~~~ Open 1 L m. to 9 P, ID.~ llmdoJr '1J• Your Brakeo lmtM4 <11 Your Harn'' Johnstone Settice OIMt ..._ a ltl 1111Jtiw4 N"""" -1672-J If :vour tltt la Dal OI' lll'I!' battery ,,. -llobilpaand llclJllcll Hinins Pleuare Craft n.Je E. Watts. v..nepr IHO:ml~.llM MacCmcly & Calkine, Ille. Naftl Ai--BoatJ3ulldon-Boat J14ahflc SU.. AnD1Ne FOi' J1oa1a For Sa» uuci.. .... .., -- • ' -• • • I •• -- • -f'fEWPDflT-AL8DA • NEWS ...... TIMES RmRD: M&Wi'OWI' D -U .----._..,rep a· t • S.-,. tr '•-. V.._ D I ~ . Sumer!~ PllJable In Adt..-.~!IO -,_In~ CJouDl1'; $2.15--to•th-: sa.oo--to8th-' -Dl-,...-ed-as-Seoond<laa"'" matter at the Ptwir41kP tn Newp:lrt Br&, CllJl(omia, under the Act ol ~ _11._lSlt ____ _ MEYER Publllher ~ D. PORTER • • -• Gerienl Manqer ~~ Editor F. G. •~~· ·~~-•--v W F DIXON -• • • • -=-·-Ptiodbc Plant, 3011 W. Cenlni A....,., Newport -· c.ittornla Official Paper of tbe City of N_.port Beach _. n 1,me·Ne Loeal IMUtaUoa foT o..-l'7 y...,. Active Member of CORRAL DUST "Soon ... no more Jea·sic~ne.ss _ .. they'll jwt. tll~: 'Do you have straco.s-Jw.,_''-)Acr l.rNDSLEY. • Corona del Mar Youth -L fidn ' One of Survivors in Or1 ishing Battle of Bulge, Home ~~~~~ES . led • was the. first live bait boat to ever ' By BESSIE L. BENEDl<lr ·------------fish out of Newport Harbor and Two flshinc areu In Jack Powers. son of Mr. and I it.I name brings back warm mem-Souther,\ California. one near Mrs. Frank Powen, 601 Marguer-LE'rl'ERS TO THE ones to the many flabermen t hat Newpon', may be clooed to rlShlng lte avenue, Corona del Mar, who have caua,ht good catches from it ~e tion, which both the recenUy returned from Saalfoldon, NEWS-TIMES her decks. 'The "Little &mnle" Sou Council of Conseivation Austria, where he was stationed leaves daily al 7:00 a.m. along clubs commercial fish1nl" in· on occupati?nal duty, said_ only BOAT OA.PTA.IN PllOTl'.8T8 with the Zoots Me. U "Old Lady terests seek~ enacted. JO men survtved out of 500 m tbe WBE.aZ "MINDANAO" SUNK Sunabine'.' was back en the pier 1be &reas are between Salt lst Battalion. 242nd Infantry Rec· Fish Hubor again, the picture would be com· Creek a>id San Mateo Point off iment. 4.2nd Division, in whi~ he TennlnaJ Isl~d. Calit. plete. Her barking for CUBtomen Newpo~Balboa. and between aerved in the battle or the Uttle May 31 1946 for the "Little Sunnie" wu eome-Point Ldma. and Bird Rock in Sa.a Bulge. He received the Sil.ver Ed.Jtor Neww-n.mes.: · thing a peraon can't fQr&"et very Dieeo . ty. Star, I nfantry Combat, Unit Cita-Newport Beach, ca.ur. soorL TheW artu would be closed to tion a nd Good Conduct medal.I. Recently, the city adminiatra-A 22-lb. halibut W-. caught seiners two years and reopened While stationed in Austria, the lion of Newport Beach as exemp-Sunday of.f the Newport pier by for net · g for two years, ro- boys in his division took advan-lified by Harbo!-Muter Crai& Mr. L..ee FeTTier, 352 W. 47th tating ery two years. Pending tage fl!. entertainment offered of undertook to remove the old wood: street , Los Angeles, IO reports Al passage ;o\ ·t the Jaw, the areas will s ports in that neighborhood. One en hulk "Mindanao" from ltl Forgit of Nev.rport Tackle atore. be open to commercial fishennen . i?.~~NAL ~ AtlldT9 • MlllW ..-• '!"Gtemam ......... _._ ..... c-...--., ~----.. ..... ftM.71' Armand Monaco AW,..iitfl)(tt Bit W. BaJ .&-, Balboa -l'IM ml I@ Wl*I An.. Loe Aac1'e1 N0111 1et;r MOI MAX HURWITZ ATl'OB!>'EY AT IAW Hll Wat Central Aftllae -Hl-W N-rt DIREC'i'O&Y f II:. T. &l&eaaw ... 0. n. OJ1 _ .. .. Kl'D V•llQID) IZN-D~ ............... ,, IU-t W. ~.&-.ft._._, NU xawaww,m: -...: ••I. ilM -A.al I , I -So. Bal' ...... ................ _... .... lllJJIV1CYOB8 Raub & Bennett 8m f8J9ft ....... 1111 1808 N-rtllhlL, ~­Te!L,.._ lle•Oft -..w 1117W.O..-Newput't-.. 'llelelJllDBe 11.uttior ua was the ski jumping contest ln mooring at the city camp groundl Al also report.a that a mea of tar wnich a 19-year-old G.I . who had to 8 final resting place in the has floatetl in ·on U\e beach mak- just learned to ski, was the win· ocean beyond the hundred rathom ing aurf fiahing lousy. I guess the ner much to his !Ul"prise. Jack said line tankers are back in their old habit his skiing . efforts wet'e on the Harbor Master Craig, 8 self es-of clean.in& bilges just before hit· CoJ-ona del Mar : News 1 '------------' IPilIIDOL&!r8 & 81JBOlllON8, llUl Air Express The Wright Brothers, at the time of their historic first flig ht, would have been astounded if they could have looked ahead to the manner in which the airplane would soon be utilized by imaginative man. They would have been amused too at some of the cargoes carried. Recent shipments have • included incubators. broken-in shoes a nd dead monkeys. N ot long ago the birth of triplicates in a Kansas City h ospital created a sudden emergency that would have ended tragically in "the good old days." However, an incubator was delivered by air express in a few hours. In another Instance. a number of dead monkeys were air-expressed to the Museum of Natural History in New York, all the way from Colombia , South America. Speedy transportation was necessary to prevent deterioration of the carcasses before they could be treated by taxidennists. The oddity of the shoes was occasioned by the vacationist who wanted his favorite pair of broken-in shoes delivered quickly to him in Mexico City -and they were, by air express, the morning after a telephone call to his wife. Dismal Outlook The utility industry planned to launch a large-scale program of plant expansion and service improvement in 1946. Those plans have been wrecked by strikes which created shortages of necessary materials. Ins tead of spend- ing a contemplated S750.000.000 this year, the industry will be lucky if it can spend $300.000.000 toward more and better electric' service. With prices of equipment averaging 50 per cent above the pre-wa r level. the $300,000.000 expendi- ture will mean less e.xpansion tha n \l'3.S made in the depres- sion year 1933, when $164,000,000 was sepnt-at depression prices. -A late report in a leading financial publication observes that a quick . item-by-item survey of delivery time now quoted by manufacturers on key· equipment needed for electric utility expansion, shows how dismal the outlook is. Insula- tors. essential on poles to support electric wire, if ordered today would be delivered a year or so from now: transform- ers. in ten or twelve m onths: delivery of electric m eters may be delayed as long as 18 months: wire, nine to twelve months. And so it goes through a long list of items. slopes of Mt. Smitenhau inuned-teemed salvage master. did no t I ting porL . iately above the town. One rode need the consultation or adv!ce A 29-lb. white .. sea bass was up on the ski li ft in 15 or 20 of anyone of a dozen expert~ in ' caught Sunday on the live bait minutes to the top of the ~ San Pedro, or Newport Beach, boat Flyer by Gordon Adgett, 1234 foot ski run and could come down who knew some thing of the m n-South Wood s~t. Los · Angele:-. in five minutes. that is if. }'OU .were struction and buoyance of these The Flyer, a ~ball live bait a n exi>e r t. He said he had to take old Jutnber schooners. boat, leaves_ daily from the 19th the run in stop offs. un til his W ithout placing any additional Street Landing at, 7 :00 a.m. The knees learned to behave. ballast to weigh the hulk down, Comet leaves ~om the same spot He brought home his ski shoes. such as is required by the U. S. ~t 5:00 a.~. daily and fishes Cavta- obtained for him by the persistant Engineers, he caused to be moored.I hna exclusively. The Sco~t lea es efforts of the boy of the fami.ty this old hulk in a direct line Y.ri th at 6:30 a.m. now. Incidentall.Y \\rith whom h£> lodged. It \.\'BS ~1!-one of the best ve-Mel courses good catches of barracud~, ha.11· r-tcult to get the cobblers to yield rrom San Diego to Newport Bay. but . plus a few large white sea their leather to make shoes for I The old hulk now lies decks ( bass arc being caught on these the G.I.'s, but this boy had the awash without lights whistle or boats as well as all ,the other boats know how. I bell. 8' menace to a ny boat or ves-out of Newport Harbor. The si:iiall boys of ttft' toY.·n "'ere \ sel in the Newport Harbor area, Sixteen boats went out from By BESSIE L. BENEDICT Mr. J' d Mn. Fred Moss and Mrs. J . Smith, Burbank, spe.nt Saturda with Mr. and Mrs. M. Pownall~! the Triple M Cafe. The Pownall • son ~1'ason will be out of the . Cal. l\:lilitary school. Long BQach, and \\ill attend F ort Ord forlextra training two -weeks before .Cf>ming home for the swn- mer. J~y Golden, an old fam- ily fri~d, from Carson, Kansas, started. work with the Pownalls Tucsda as cook. As soon as t he govern1 nt assures them of sup-. plies he will be their pastry cook a nd as · lrs. Pownall assures us, "He is good one," He and Mr. Pownall! "·orked. together several ;:BJC NoTl~E a~mpl.1sh~d skf'Crs and a t moun-a source of danger to any one of King's Landing Sunday. D . W .. taJn climbing: ~ one of them ! the many boats doing night fish· himself, reports ther e were ap-. proved by bringing back 8 sou· ing or any boat approaching New-proximately 300 boats fishing venir for Jack or a cluster of port Harbor in a fog or at night. around Dana P oint · Sunday. First cr<'am colored waxy plush tex-This is in contrast to the estab-thing you know. Stop a nd' Go tured eidelwei~s. the "d.eath flow-fished p0Ucy of the u . s . Govern~ Signs Will have to be installed er.'" as the natives. call .it. ~cause ment. and 8 violation of the Fed-around there to keep the boats CER~IF ICATE OF BUSINESS of the difficulty 1n climbing_ the er al Marine laws regarding dis· from bumping into one another . llqtllowi Firm Name steep s~oix-s of the snow-co,ered posal of \\Tecks and der elicts. If But for all around good fish ing The u derslgned do hereby certify mountains. . It is the policy of Harbor Master Dana Point can't be beat. l 'm ~~ad t~~ n~~ C:tn~tl~Lri.i~Gt~~ ClllNIC&L IABOK&TOaY Clinical Laboratory Ottlce boan: 9 • 4 :SO -~_..-t TELEPHONE IL\RBOB 8S8 l8SS W . 0..tnl AYe. . DAY llOBOOL Mortimer School SO! Oonl Balboa hlaad Ondeo: Collep, Pleparatory S{lMMER SCHOOL ~:;;" 5 G. A. Mortimer, M. A., O:do....S Principal Pbone Harbor 652 DENTISTS DR. GORDON E. DENTIST 28Sa w .. t (Jenlnl Phone Barbor '21 ·J Newport Peopl e .or th<' town \.\'<'r e friend· Q-aig to moor such da ngerous rather r eluctant to say fishing is City of !'fewport Beach. County of Or· ly and kind to th<' C .ls., h£> said. hulks in the appr oaches to NeY.'-good on the boats for fear you 1ftfi~"1o:~~~~f n;~~ro~la. unde r the He is enthused . o~·er a s~eater port Harbor. then it is time to "'on·t believe me, but when it is CLAf: • BATES COMPANY Ir-- his ~thchr. is lkn>dttlindgy focrathch•m .,hase make a change and get another good, like tt hasbebeedmin .fo~~the past ~: r~tri' ~~d i!t~nsl.• ;~~:aer!n~! Dr. Obed ·LUC88 he sa\v is an a ha rbor master. "'eek , it m ust a ttit."U. and add Mea are a11 rollov.·s. t <>"wlt : h h · 1 d then card and Manie H Clark 145 Via Wa..zlef'l!I. DENTIST s ccp. s car 1 an · · No\v I Y.1sh to notify the City Besides the Balboa P avilion as Lido Is Newport Beach, Calltornla. ~pin the wool. However . he was • of Ne"i:iort Beach that l do re-a spot to buy Uve bait for bay Fay R~!ates. 216 42nd Street. Man- ordered home ' too soon for the I gard this misplaced sunk<'n hulk Cishing, there Is the Port Orange I ha~\~~~h0u~1~~~~a.lhla 25th day \Vool to be dyed. . as a mC'nace to the oper ations of Fishing Hole. This is a barge of May.~ .. '· The Cl's took. many. sight-my [ishing vessel. and, if while in anchored in the bay at Por t Or· ~,,tfLl,Ys11.Ti~~RK. seeing trips to points of intcresL th<' right!ul and legal oper ation ange, where you pay one buck to ~~;~~ 'OFC'ovt1JJC~~ In Romc Jack \V~ one 0~ many of my vessel l accidentally strike fish from the barge and use all l On th! twenty·ft fth day or May, A. boys that had a udience with the this unlay,•fully mai ntained me n- the live ba.lt you v.i sh YelJOwfin D. 1946. fore me. Roland A. W nght. P \vh ,. i the ruins of · · a Not.ary Public In and tor said Coun-OJX'. · en 'tC\\ ng · . are. I propose to sue the City of a nd spotfin croaker, halibut, plus \ ty 11.nd State, residing therein dul>· a church at St. Johann he srud Newport Beach Harbor Master smelt when they run are being romni 1~11 ned "nd s"'·orn . pent0nally di ed th rved • • · • appea Manley H. Clark and F ay R. they scover e. prese Craig, and the Oty Council, in-1 caught here. It's an idea for any I Bates. k O"-'n to me to be the persons hand o! a patron sai.nt and re-dividually a nd collectively for the of you that don't like to go out =~~ at~m:~. ~i:i~ac~~ow~~di~ turn('d it to the c hur ch. sum of o ne hundred thousand dol-on the ocean. to me; JJt,at the~ exe-cuted the S&lfle. One int£>resting place was t he I tars, ($1 00,000.00). Port Orange had 17 lx>ats out he~un_i~'ZtE~Y ~nFf~irlied~; Ludwig castle, "'her e every thing I Furthermore I am thls da y Sunday including the MissaWit ofrt clal teal the day and year In thta \\.·as madc of "'Old even the c han-' · • c~rtlllca(e flnit above ..ntten. Th "d ' d t r Lud protesting to the tJ. S . Engineen; J . B . Skip-A-Lou, plus the others. · ROLAND A. WRIGHT. deliers. e ecen an s o - 1 S P ed A 1 his 1 Tw boa Ca all b k otary Publlc In and for said . t"ll b ildlng the castle at an ro. copy o t et-o ts to t na came ac Cou nty and State. Afy com· \\'lg were s 1 u L d . I ter and a copy of my protest will with no fish. One of these boats mlsaion exptre11 October 19. just befor e the "·ar. u Wlg . . mm! I r N H bo 2 ()() 1947. . h 15th centur I be mailed by air to t he co t-e t ewport ar r at : a.m . (!\'OTA !AL SEAL.} star ted It in t e . diy. tees of Harbors and Rivers in to get to the Island for early Pu" M y 28; June 4. 11. 18. 1946. Arte r the war the Amer icans s-Congress. morning fishing. Not to catch any 1 -~->---------- covered a Germa i:i Gener al and l Yours ve'l"V truly fish is discouraging especially I ...iBarg fishermen out of Newport refugee children hidde n ther e. • J h th bo I ' k • · f ai·b ck ·--" th oofs CAPT JOE PILTCHER w en e ats a ong the elp are en y1ng catches o h 1 ut, a Ja not1l.~" stones on e r . · near Dana Point did ao good I of so many houses a nd found they Fish Harbor, · lot of mackerel, and recently a "'er put rhere to hold the roofs T ennJnal Island, C.allf. Port Lido re ported good catches few ite sea bass have been doY.~ because of prevailing h igh on its boats for Sunday and I caugh t Newpor~-Balbo?-pier fi sh· %!02~ w. O..tral. Barbor 1480 NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist 1801 Coat Blwa7 CORONA DEL MAR Phone Harbor 2220 INSURANCE • Sandy F. MacKay --·--INSURANCE-That's All H. R. Hall, M. D. ..__k..- Houn: 2-5, ,by Appointment Telephorie Beacon 5848 IJl Bro.clway CONRAD RICHTER; M. D. ·~ ..,. Swat•• • 120 E. 18th St. CX>STA MESA Hours: lC>-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m.. Ptione Beacon 50'75 Dr. G. E. Tohill - Pb,-... -.....,_ 2209 Coast &1vd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONJ:S.-ornce: Batbor sso. w 2".idea~: Bubor 188·B If No &n•wei:. e&ll Barbor 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 \Vest Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH PhOD!I Hu-bor 1011 No an•wer : call Bea.eon &049-8 X·Ray Service Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. ieo1 eoo.t mwa:r Corona del &far Office Hours: 10-.12; 2 -5 Pb.ome Jlart.K)r lO&Z S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa llal'bor l 7:U «a S. Rl11 St., Loo -TUaker '781! By Appolntmoot T. P. Reeder, M. D. winds. The division was quartered May BuiJdm' g Hi'gher through the week. Port Udo has ennen re catching hal.1but, mack-71' r. Central Ave. t ne time in Count Zeppelin·s the Neptune leaving at 7 :00 a.tn., erel, pus the other miscellaneous BaJOO. -ll&rboT·269'J ~o;e at r.-Iulback from ¥there plus the charter boats Recapture, varieti4s. Evenings spotfin and ~-----------~ they visited. the Cr1.mmel Falls, Eighty-seven building permits Ernie Pyle, Sueno, ?.iarianne, yellorr croaker, and corbina are • Up Wages ---Up Rates Physician and Surgeon 1001 \Veet Bay Ave. Telephone Harbor 602 During the war the railroads managed to meet rising costs of operation without rate increases, due to a stagger- ing volume of traffic. Since the beginning of the war. wages alone have risen fifty per cent. Prices for materials and supplies h ave risen one-third. As long as volume remained at amornamlly high levels these costs could be absorbed, although even then the effect of rising costs was such that the railroads realized less net operating revenue and less net income from the heavy traffic of 1945 than thy did from tl)e lighter traffic of 1942 and 1943. But now traffic ls falling off. the second highest in the world, vaJued at $435,997.10 were issued Ohio: Earlene. The Balboa S~rt being ught on soft shelled sand ~-----------~'~------------' on the Salzback river. by OUef Building Onspec:tor A. b-t. Fishing Fleet has the F ishing crabs. Lincoln National LHe The railroads fa~ an emergency in their revenue posi- tion. In their recent. petition for a general and immediate Increase in Creight rates of twenty-five per cent. they warned that the combined effect of lower volume and change in the composition of the traffic will mean a reduction of twenty-three per cent In 1946 operating revenues. as com- pared with 1945. In view of the adverse effect of ach day's delay upon both the carriers and the national economy, and the fact that increased ratc.g cannot be made retroactive (recent wage increases are retroactive to January 1). while shippers can be amply protected by awards of repa.ration. the railroads ask that the new rates be pennitted to be- come effective at the earliest possible date, subject to subse- quent action by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The question of adequacy of rates is not a problem which is the concern ot the railroads alone. The railroe.ds involve the stability of the "national economy." Millions of per- sons depend upon them lor jobs. Healthy railroads mean a blgh level of tax revenue to national and local Wlits of ln a castle above Saalfelden Nelson of Newport Beach in May. ~~sa dleav1ng at 6:00 a .m. and ~-~----------.1 luunnee Co. they saw one of Mozart's pianos, n -~-alpenvilia_t 7:oo a.m. from the ,b1"te House "1\.1 Nam11 lDdlcal.el 1\.1 Cb.,.ader .. also beautiful Polish paintings. Small Craft Harbor ~ • on. The work! •·ere · guarded and will A 23-pound halibut was caught Caf DON IEBNIGAN be returned to the rightful owners Plans Confab CaJled by one fisherman aboud the Mar-. e --r --· eventually. ga.ret K from ,Earl's Landing Sun-PbCJDe l18Z 908 Marine Ave. Balboa Ill. Jack said the returned. veterans lansSmallof ~ harboal r devh elopmtenoft t~~ ~:r::r,usLanlc isdintgh• 1eoapeVJ~ngboaatt .. 1 __ Beech, Oa.111. appreciate the wonderful efforts p oues Oil&' t e coa.s ~ made by various organizations ln California south of C.ape San 7 :00 a .m. daily. their behalf, but it seems difficult Martin will be discussed at two ----------------+----------- for veterans to obtain work as so meetings scheduled by U. S. en; many important positions are gi.neers for early ~ month. filled by men deferttd during the The first meeting, for cities in war. But he said lt seems good the northe rn areas, is being held to be back In America. in San Luis Obispo today and on June 12, the second meeting will 1'-1n. Lillian H enneberry. 309 be held in Long Bee.ch city hall Goldenrod avenue, returned Sun-at 10 a.m. day from a l ().day visit y.rtth The meeting will be under the friends. ?.t iss Lilian Parry and direction of Col. R. C. Hunter, dis· l\frs. Arthur Lydd)·, Los Angeles.. I trict engineer, Corps of Engineers. Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON Stale 1.a--s C...tractor Br *1' I t •t11• Ilaire Wum ~ ..... ,.... ..... .... • on re ............. !1115 ONCE A SAM'S SEt_ 1 Oll!P! to Diiie 18 Orup CooatJ: • New York Life Insurance Company DON B. DIJBANT UI OftlLld Ave. Barbor 1161·.J CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen Slelr-... ~t P.lldM f'lao11e Blll'Mr ~ SlG S.. aa, A."-B&lt.. HOBTICIANS Baroid K. Grauel Chapel 'We .Ourselves the Better Serve by Servlni Others Best" Pkme BN rlDll 5110 Ooota H-Callfenda government. Efficient railroads mean keeping open· the'~=======~=~~=========~ channels of commeroe. The people can forget these facts I · Al~"1ew -• -E,ve ~ Location OPTOID!TIUSTll Robert A. Crawford only at their own peril, as the peSt war has so clearly dem- onstrated Fresh Daily . --.Half 'Mlle Fat d Old Loeatlbn 911 Coast HJ&hwa,y. lie& . New Bar Opt., D . t ' OPTOlU!l)IJllT - E)"9 Eamlned -eas-Plttad 1'111 N"'puot ----C99r.AJID4 1 A. V. Andrew~ M. D. l'BY81ClAN -8UBOEON Telephone Harbor HU-I Dr. W. T. Moouey Ph)'Uclan and 8mpon NORMAN NIXO~ M. D. Pedlatridan Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics 100'7 Gavtot& Dr., Lacwaa ~ Telepbooe 1-l·IIU Laurence IL Dorey, M. D. Physician &: Surgeon 821 Marine Av.e., ---""-Barbor - Waper Drupa ••..._le Dr. wuaa. o. "'12• Chlropi a:tre, Dlete!lal, ~. Go!on!c '1benpy lllH VMai-.- ~ ....... .__ Oell---Or. o••pws cq '& -wt when yw '!Mt to - DEFEND Y0UR'· fl£Al.ftl """' ....... HORMEN nsH MARKET ,r ii • -~ ON CllHTllAL AYSNUa, NEW..0"1' aEACH 115 NORTH..MAIN ST. - • 1, Saai's Sea f. .· and Fllh wo...a...,.. ... Spa • ' . OIWllE '"" ' • -· • ' , ·. • • PUBLIC NOTICE • Pusuc Noncu (Continued from Page 6) each different game so conductr elthes music or talkin11. and which eds lball produce muslc or tallclng, Seettoe 9L :: ls not Intended llpob the placing therein of a coin, I in this Ordinance to license any disk. slug or other representati~·e business, occupation or profession of value. I prohibited by other Ordinances of $<clloe 81. For each mer-the City of Newport Beach, and chandise vendJng machine oper-such other Ordinances prohlbtt- ated in the C\ty of Newport Beach ing certain busineuel. occupa- by' the insertion therein of a coin tion.s or callings in the City of ot the value of $.05 or more, $2.00 Newport Beach shall remain in per annum per· machine: and for I full . force and effect and shall merchandise vending machines not ln any way be amended, re- where coins are inserted of tl1e + pealed or modified by the provis- value of less than $.05, the sum I i~m of th~ Ordi_nance; this Or- of $1 .00 per annum per machine. dinance bemg a license ordinance Sectkle 88.. All machines known I and licensing only such buslneues, u '"penny machines" and which occupations and professions as are are not 1·pecifically enumerated or, not proh1bited by other Ordin- mentioned in this Ordinance, and ances of the City of Newport where pennies are inserted therein j Beach. for service, shall pay an annual SecUOD H . This Ordinance license of $1.00 per machine. shall not repeal or amend any 8ed:loa 89. The rate of license ordinance or ordinances of the for the business of operating or City of Newport Beach except Qr. conducting the business of placing dlnances numbere<S 393, 340, an. punch boarcls in the Cltrof New-416, 446, 458, 460, 471 , 475, 476, port Beach, shall be $150.00 per and 502 of said City, which by annum: and for every punch board the passage and adoption of this 1n excess of fifty. S3.00 in ad-Ordinance shall be specifically re- diUon to the license tee of $150.00 pealed, and all Ordinances or as aforesaid parts of Ordinances in reference 8eeUoa. to. Any person, firm to the licensing, regulatinc, ·or or corporation conducting more prohibiting of businesses, occupa· th.an one bualneu In the same tions or professions shall remain store room, shall not be required in full force and effect. and in to pay more than one li~nse tax, the tvent that there shall be a provided. however, such additional conflict between this Ordinance busJnesa so conducted by him shall and a.ny other Ordinance ttCU· vided for in thb ordinance. lating, licensing or prohibitlnc tomari.ly conducted in connection businesses, such other Ordinances with such other busln~. and pro-shall be deemed to have repealed vtded further. that inoee conduct-those portions of this Oniinance Ing different kinds of 1ames un-! in conflict therewith, and such der one business shall pay for other Ordinances shall remain ln ''.Movies in Your Home PARTIES Any • CLUBS • CHURCHES • CAMPS Kind of Show You Want OPEN AIR • INDOORS 16 M. M. Sound Projectors MaWW •••aoA~!!!!!!:: II PuBLIC NoTICE Zacca Seaman Loses Car ~tion Tag tun force 8lld effect. 8ecUoll N. The licenSes _. BW Pattonon ol the yacht -Beacon Staff Takes Journalism Honor11 In College Contest · • - P~""°"d VENmAN BUNDS. WOOD • 8TDL • AUlJllN1Jll Trolans la Final ... Friday quiJ'ed by W. Ordinance shall be Zaca, moored In Newpurt 8-)', annua1 licenses unles otberwbe ':~d likebo to lay his hands on the Newport Harbor High school's ...... ~· -aw a 1 -._.. _ •-,.''"'•• _ ..,_ •--· spedlled, 8lld shall be paid In t w tampered with his sta-student ...,..paper, Beacon, came advance, 8Jld no rebate given for lion wagon, which was parked In for its &hare of awards. In the With ooly the paosibilltf of 81f Cw& JDOi-y Phw Beacow 5881,J any unused portion of the term near Vla Udo, Sunday. annual high school press cmtest ovehhau)Jnc the california Bears !~~========================~ for which they are issued, 8lld Pattenon told . Newport _Bead> conducted by the department of for secorld place position at stake, shall date from the First day ot police that the thief stole bia res-journalism at Santa Ana Junior Coach Akt Reichle'• UCLA base- July of the flS<81 year In which latrat!"" slip 8lld tac for the oolle~ ~tly. ball ~ 1flnds up the 1946 CIBA they are l.ssued. mach.iM. The Beacon was named third race !>Y ;playing the Utl~winning 8ecUoll M, If any section, .w.. best all-around school paper, ·be-USC ~ Friday at UCLA 8lld section, sentence, clause, or phrase Reporta Theft hind the Anaheim Anoranco and Sat'.':"""Jl at USC, Newport-Balboa Tourist B.ureau All Modrs of Travel "' Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See llln. Boy~ Ph. Barbor S9L SOI him,..._ Boan: 10 ... .. .. • ... .. -of this ordinance ls hereafter for T . G. Kibler ot 2001 S . s_....... ~e Orange Reflector and took Idle ~ splitting a two-pine a ny reason he1d to be unconstitu-street. Santa Ana. reported to high honors in two fother di:vis-series th the Bears two weeks tional or un-enforceable, such de-Newport Beacb Sunday the theft ions. ~ ago, the Bro.ins can salvage some cision shall not affect the validity of a leather case contatntnc a pair Tar Talk, ~~ column fea-honor knocking off their tradi-!'.::========================:::! of the remaining portions of this of drivlng glaslel from hla car ~ on the editon page of the tional rifals. In the season's first ordinance. The O.ty Council of while 1n the Udo theater coo. was named e best col-two enc+unters, the Uclans drop- the Qty. of Newport Beach hereby · umn ?f all pubJicatibns and two ped a ell-played U-inning tus- declares that it would have passed editonals were P~ second _and sJe. 2-1. and then a 6-4 decision thi!" ordinance, and each section, PUBLIC NOTICE ~ in that diV1Sion. Nomma-to Tro The same hurlers for sentence, clause, or-phrase, hereof, Uo_ns ~d Race Prejudice were the both cl~will probably start this irrespective of the fact that any 480. 471 , • 475. 47s, and 5Ctl. of edi~n~~akin~ebehono~--Hw~ken im· Daniel and Joe one or more other sections. sub-the Oty of Newport Beach are . . en aw~ et.non or UCLA and Doug Es- sections, sentences. clauses. or hereby repealed. ~rtificates by the junior college, sick an Bob Webster for the Tro- phrases be declared unconstitu-8ectHa a In no cue ~ it was announced. jans. t tional or un-enforceable. any mistake m.de-by the Oty Complete results were as fol-This al series may mark the Sectl.• ti. U the licenses in Clerk .... _ .........i-of Po"-In lows: return o the lineup of "-- this ordinance provided for 1hal.I 1tatiq or th~~ of 8 ·~ Best all around pa~r: 1-Ana· :·Buck" ; Compton, UCLA's ,;:ct;: not be paid on or before the t!ith prevent or prejudice the collection helm Anoranco; 2---0range Re--mg s~, who was operated on day of the month following the for the City of. what ahaD be Oector; ~Newpon Harbor Bea· for a ndicitis two weeks ago. date when they shall become due, actually dUf! from any one catty-co~t column: l-Tar Talk New· His ysiclan indicated that then a pena1ty of 25% of the ing on a trade, calling, protes-port Harl>or Beacon: ~ide· ComptOf' could return to his back- license tax due and payable shall &ion or ~pation, subject to 8 lights, Oran-Reflector: ., ...-......,._ stop pqsition if Ile felt up· to be added thereto, and no Ucense Uceme under th1 Ord.in •-· ~· .... the chore. · •.hall be issued until such penalty · 1 8.J)ce. ers at Work and Play Garden 1 Sectl• 100. Thia Ordinance Grove. • Corrett CIBA standings: shall have been paid, and ln ad-shall be publlahed once tn NEW-Best feature: 1-A.U.H.S. Grad, t_ . W. L. Pct. GBL dltion thereto. such delinquent PORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Anaheim· G Stev So. Ca.J:ifonua. ..... 9 1 .900 sh:ll be liable for prolecution a newspaper of general clrcula-Leaves, 'val!nd~; ~RolU~ ii81"onya ............. 6 4 .600 3 an f the penalty herein provided, lion, printed and published and Comedy, Orange. CL.A ;-·················4 6 .400 5 for allure to pay his license pros circulated In the City of Newport Best editorial: Sc'-l Spirit Stanfor}I .............. 1 9 .100 8 vided for in this ordinance. Be ch d .... Ord! ·~ ' Seettoa 91. This Ord.Jnance a , an uua nance shall Anaheim; 2-Nominations, New· ihall never be held or co-•trued take effect and be in force trom port Harbor· 3-Race Prejudice ,.., and after the first day of July, Newport Harl,or. ' ' as licensing or permitting the 1946 carrying on of any unlawful trade · -Best sports story: Colonists De- calling, .DCC\lpation Or game and Tf1e above and foregoing Ordin-teated, Anaheim: 2-Varsity ance No. 548 was passed at a Swamps Poly, Laguna Beach. 3-- e\'ery such trade, calling. occu-regular meeting of the City Figh ting Panthers. Downed ~ Or- pation or game is prohibited and Council of the ctty of Newport ange. · no license shall be granted or Be h h Id th 27 d f issued therefor. ac · e on e th ay 0 Best feature: John Owens, Or-May, 1946, by the following vote, ange· 2-Student Dri ers La Section 91. Any conviction of to-wit. · v . guna Y h Id t I. · . Beach: 3--Ever See a Sidewalk an o er o any 1cense herein A YES. Councilmen Allen. S iJer. Walk Anaheim mentioned for breach of this Qr. I sbell , Robertson. Reed. · · dinance or .of any conviction of NOES, Councilmen None. Judges of the contest were Geo. any such person. firm or cor-ABSENT. Councilmen None. H~. editor and Bob Guild. sports JX>ration fo r failing to conduct the The above and foregoing Qr. editor or the Santa Ana Globe busine"Ss so licensed in accordance dina nce N o. 548 is appro\'ed and and Fred Beck of South Coas i \\ith the Ordinances or the City of signed by me this 27th day of News, Laguna Beach. Horr,d Boys Take Swi~ Togs, Abandon Gir~ at Del Mar Two J..ong Beach girls complain- ed to L~guna Beach police at mid- night Spnday that two boys riding a blueroonvertible coupe with Ore- gon licehse plate. left them stra nd- ed in c9r ona del 1\1ar. P.A,PAL.MER LIDO!SIZP~ • W. 0 BUCIC -Is.sw-arioe Counaelar ~ 1500 01.-JAI.,{ 3333 VU LIDO cALf"FCnU'UA DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESEI.S ON HAND Beomdltloned DiMela OD band wltll .. ..,,, of ft!dacl.lcm aalla. • WE AU WIU'l'ING OBDEBl!I-ON U611T-Aim I.UT- ~ IWTAftON DJRIEI.11 ~ TWIN INSTALi.A· TION& CBOIOE OF BEDUCJ'ION UNIT& Oa Raad:. 165 R. P. Geaenl lloion-Nt1w. See us for infonnation on Venn Severin Diesels DI-I Oeaeralbr S..111 of All Kinds, FRANK B, LEWIS (LuciQ. 1-lo) OWner-~ PHONE<! ' Your Films or ~line • Reasonable Rates Aereo Movie,-Service I $ Newport Beach. or statutes of the May, 1946. tate of Californi a. shall ipso facto "·ork a forfeiture and can- cellation or such license and the same sha ll not be re-issued "'ith· 0 . B. REED, A1ayor of the City of Neu1>0rt Beach. Bike Stolen But \fhat peeved the girls most- ly ~·as !t~at the horrid boys took their . S}"Vun suits and purses, a repart ~o Newport Beach police said . Tbe girls gave their names as Alicf Betty and Flore nce Gil- Office: Newport 2068 512Y.! Marine Avenue and Newport ~W Balboa Island BEACON . 5078-J Attest: :=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~;,~;;~;~~:\out a new application being made therefor as providf'd for herein. MS zz~w:> m tl""'!t 4 ... 4 W'i!'~--~ Section 98. Ordinances numb-~~; ·":" .(i -~ cced 393, 340, 371, 416, 446, 458, FRANK L . RINEHART, City Clerk or the City of Newport Beach. Pub. June 4. 1946. GIVE YOUR CAR AN OVEN;BAKED THERMAL-SET IN A HARRISON AUTO PAINT JOB YOU GET All 7 FEATURES -YOU PAY NO MORE I . 0.:::t~· "'::\.:r =':W -::::--11 ~~.;:. n.. ' .... 2. h ·r! -m I ' ... 1r ........ -O' I' ... ••±! ...... ,b ~·· ~ Oum ...... tt ' 1 ta1• I ....... JC 'd• a• • s' .. Nrt#a.. 'II•• ....,...,. .... ~ 4. fta I a 1P1L wwm' • • .,_ pasWr a ..... ., ....... s. .. I I w 1 tt r ,._, :::-:·::::,~-=h::.:~: · I Woh-• - -o• N Wll _. a I a.. .. ,, ' r 1-•• -•_,. a 41 a ms c 6. ,,, .. , t01W7 ................. .... ........ ,. ... lww'1•tllll&-r. :..·~·\~·":~·~.:::. .... Jill ...... , PLAN FOR THESE MODERN "SERVANTS" ••. an Automatic Gos Water Heater ••• a new ''jet-propelled'' Disftwosfter "U.,7 tltts ii'' .•. w j1J, tbt ""'1 ••l,.•lic Di1bwt&J1'" ! Tr""1h-Jnt, tNI .,,,,, ••• snwiJ.,, ~lll•rr /,_, ~ ""'" J711,.,,,_ NoratNG symbolizes up-to-the·minuce, 1ff,,1/.t11 house-- kttping more chan the nC"W hydraulic D ishwasher you 11 1tt at the Ftiu Bwos PQStWar House. And you! prize "modnn servuu" will be the Automatic GM Wattt HC"acer that supplies hot w1.tet eoough ... for your au· tomatic Washing Machin< ... &nd ilr automatic dish---- , .. ,tits ...... POSIWAI MOUU WJIPit>e 11....,. I. HO. ........... l.OI .....c;EW IOUTNl lM COUNTlll OAI COMPANI GAS • fm ._ #uA. &,, .C.' a Jt. .,.... am 1111acncu.1001 Don \Voods of 279 E. 19th street Costa ~1esa. reported the theft of a red and white bicycle \\ri th bal· loon tires. Sunday. according to a Newport Beach police r eport. IUILLEY'r REFRl6ERnTmn JERVICE camPnnv Saleo -Dictaeortar -8en1oo 9!& fJoMt Blvd., Corona del Mar Temporary Phone, Day 654 La- guna Reach; Phone Night, 11:.362 Laguna Beach ROSSI'S Liquor Store 700 ()out mpw'ay Formerly Gordon'• Dn!K Store Open Every Day 1,000 Americans Die fl"UJ' 4&J' from llic'tr. Blood Prnaun:. llC'COnl.lnr 1.o -.n 11.1'1.lele ln tbe Reader·• Dl.ft!lt. wbleb term.I It '"Tbt! Muter Killer". You.r n.e••D&De'I" I.VJ• ot promlDent pe<>Dle drln&" -1m091 dailJ" wllb .0- called "Bea.rt rallare", mot1UJ" bro'il&'bl about ti,-841:1 Blood P'r-eNure. Our 'E'llcluelt'fl Drurleee Reflfti: X• tbod reduC"N 9 out of 10 ~ ot B.B.P. 20 t.o 60 p0l11&a the tint Trt:atrrn!'nt -Continued TT-e6tmen\ zn&Jl:N tba re.ult permanent. Our T1'eatment1 DO NOT Supp,_ the Boart t.o nt renl~a fact the B eat\ I• St~l"tbetN!ld &ad Bene!IU.ed. If 7ou bat'tl "dlJ.•J"" •Ptll•"'-bMd lOo full--t>ala• In aeclll, •boulders and bead--U ~w-aleeD at n.1..-bt iJ9 .. fit· tul... .ee u1 before 7ou ba"e a "1troke ... Pleue ~ Barbor llM for an Appolntmea.t on M~ or Tbnndayo, 9,00 to 5 :00. En- nlap by Appointment. DR EMIL F , llJ:LL, D,C. PILC. 107 22nd Street Newport Bt111cb, Oallf. ~I . r._ .. At._ ........... . ol .-"-· Sl.A TS,Q, '11000 ...... -,_cl loolii•9, fo., 1.,u., -4' «o~... A ,._.. c•ll .,..,. ... _._ .. ... ,....-. ....... °" tlricM <••IMI l.ilt .icf, .. (J .............. 11.m+weaa A-111c Co. of Onqe Co. na ... rs,''' a •mt h ~­ -~....., • • I 1 l l . PRE-OP·EN ING AN N 0 U N CE M .ENT large Ocean View Homesites ••• ON SllE wlthla a short tlMt ••• REGISTER your naiat now for tarly choice of locations. 'The Coast 's Most Distincliv• ResidentiaJ Community" Here's your first opportunity t0 purchase on the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Girona Del Mar, where the ocean shore line takes 1 pic- ruresque bend • • . natural setting -unexcelled beach, all improv.emencs: underground utilities, sewers ...:.. uchitectural restrictions. Large s.ites, each with its individual appeal. U you are ocean- mioded and want something """' °" th• '°"'' ••• this is it. by Developers of Santa Anita Oaks ~ymon~ A.~rn Co. evelorers 340 E.Green St , • r SYcamO\'Q 2-51QI -· h•ll~ r ... a..~ . C•llf.. Uy.,. 1-0164 TRACT OFFICE-On~ HIPWIJ,Jllll Soutll o1 Coroaa Del Mw~ ' .. ' ' • • ......... NBW LINB Craft Greeting Cards StMIW«•y Brookings V arietv .. 0-.. • .,. o.-... - C 5'? 1-. .i Ol'Wlt ..... GIFT SETS" ................ , ···-·· ........ 2.00 to 7.oo• I INDIVIDUAL AF"l"ERSHAVE. TALC OR COLOGNE, each ........ , ................... 1.00• FINE TOILETRIES. street floor. • Plus Tax, Fourth & Sycamore SANTA ANA Glamour Knows No Age 'tl The Distinctive Style of Bernard of Holl ywood is as recognizable in c~il· dren's portraits as it is in ou r portraits of movie stars, The most discriminat· ing parents will be pleased with the ex- ceptional quality of a Personality Por- trait by- OPEN ~AYS. FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS By Appointment Only Pltoae Uc-4Mll Bal._ ... Arade • ' ' MWWIOa'I 841AOA.1'&W&-'t1•• •a..,t aa·• QLIO;ns 1, T11•i1111 I-.. .. 11M ' ll-e•A•L•L•M-A•R•K- , CARDS Father's Day June 16th Vases : : Figurines Stamp Clu b Thursday June Wedding for · Beacon Bay Girl NC'wport Ha r bor Stamp club ur friendll and "iftin(: Ji.1r. and Mrs. J. E. Van Wigg of I Puente moved this past week en@ to their nevv home at Balboa anp their daughter, Mrs. Roy erE·g a nd her husba nd: 117 27th st t. moved to the Van \Vigg ra ch where they will be in ch rge. 1rs. J\1ary \Vindringer . who has n employed at the city hall at v ious times over a period or te years or more, has no\V joined • Sell that unwanted through News:Timt>s ads. - ) • Evenings, Except Monday Individua lity f or the "M othe-r·to·be · - If we don't haVC' it, we ma~e it, you see ! 'Donna-cO'fCarie Shoppe 515 N. Main St. Arcade Bldg. Phone S608 Lamps :: C<istume .Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts "'ill resume their meetings, which l\·Irs. J ack Boylan of Beacon Bay \\'ere interrupted \vhen the holesa is announci ng thC'' engagement of Radio Shop "'as closed for redec· her daughter. Rae Vi rginia Shep-- orating a nd a vacation for the ard to James \Villiam Bu<.'11, son propric>tors, l\1r. and Mrs. Larfy of \Villiam Buell of Hermosa E""en. Thursday, June 6 is the Beach. ' th staff a t the office of R. W . -..~~~~"!!::)'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M lellan a nd Son, ~Vest Central - next meeting date, 7:30 p. m. I The bride-e1ect is a grad uate of av nue. r------------------------------c------------------------Pasadena Junior college and the rs. Joe Summers a nd a friend fr rn Los Angeles were down for th past \veek visiting l\frs. Sum- m rs' mother , Mrs. Florence Tor- re ce, 27th str eet, and Mr. Sum- rn rs and Glenn Nelson spent the w,-k end here. Oceans of Cool Clothes FOR Catalina Swim Suits Laji;una THE FAMILY Trunks and Beachcomber Jackets Sack Dresses • • Anyone can make their own in 60 min. Materlall' and model on dhplay ln our wtDd.ow Orkin's Department Store 1793 Newport Blvd. Co.1ta Mesa COLD lit. Wff C. The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH-HEAT FIRE -THEFT Cold Storage Vault On Premises ' HAVE YOUR FURS REMODBto NOW AT LOW SUMMER RATES! Pasadena Community playhouse. She served for two years in the \VAVES stationed in W ashington. D . C. Mr. Buell was in the Navy for three years in ffa,vail. The wedding will be in June. Mr. a nd Mrs. Leland J . Dietriqh i Milwaukee are guests for two w ks a t the home of their son, R ell Dietrich, publishe r of the chcomber. and his wife, 509 E t Central avenue, BaJboa. Rod Burnha m and \Veston J ay sailed on the> Amorita \vlt h \Val- ter Fra nz in the race to Coronado Thursday, coming in first for time and fourth Qll ha ndicap. The George H olsteins, '"ho are in the middle of remodeling their house on Lido Nord, e nter tained ver y informally when their son's fiancee. M.iss Elinor Hobar t of r::agle Rock was down Sunday with a group of friends. " ~1rs. Paul Hall. the H arold. Cald- ~lls and Jack Zellers went over to Catalina last · week ¥.'ith the an Campbells on the Vide III a had a grQnd time at the golf to nament although none of the wd turned in a winning -score. STYLE DEf AILS OF OUR EW SU I S SHOW TI!E NEW i1:NCIL SKIRT FULLER SlEEVE NEW NECKLINE iru:ATMENT DIAGONAL tuCKS A DRESSMAKER lsOF7NESS WITH A TRn.l LOOK FINE 100% Wrn!>L CREPE crhe Fran:~IOJ~~on Shop ~ * J) 'ttr Second Floor WE WELC d ME YOU TO OP$ A CHARGE \iCCOUNT (30 -60 - Marbro's invite you to co in and open a charge account. Our stocks are complete w:i · the latest styles of Ladies Fine Apparel. Nationally Advertt.ed READY -TO -WEAR l 118 WEST tTB ST. Days) Stare Boars: Jldy h!rJladll11 &-.so A. .. to lletmda.r ::SO P. II. • ' F ourth Street and Sycamore SANTA ANA Vacation Varieties Summer is ' calling ... warm, la zy days ahead when you 'll be wanting play togs designed for comfort and sma r t ap- pearance. We've every- th ing for relaxation, play al)d gardening. SPORTSWEAR. Second F1oor. 114 W. 4tb St. Pli..16688 PASADENA :II If. r. ., ... .,. ·- l LONG BEACH -..-..... -La. ... . I