HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-11 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB 1117 S A ·M BOOlllNG. Had some Col- -orado friends here aver the weekend SO, proudly, we had to show off the harbor district. Down Balboa Pen- insula way more new houses are nearing completion than you can shake a roupla jet- ties. J obn Burnham is fin- ishing a series on the ocean fror\t that will ~ around $30,000, but that Is nothing beCause · in the next ocean front block a new two-story place is being held for $55,- 000. And to top all the high prices, 'twas whispered that 0 Bart" Bartholomae is ask· ing ~00.000 for the mansion he j>urchased several years ago from Fred Lewis of the Diamond Bar ranch and tha t his cruiser can be had for $75,000 more. The handsome home occupies about a block of the bay front and runs back to Central ave. on the Peninsula. · Perhaps Corona de! Mar's business area is booming faster than any other, with the possible exception or Ma- rine Ave., on Balboa Island. Attorney B. Z. McKinney just compl et ed his block on the highway, the comer housing George Englehart's quite elegant Super Market. whicli had its opening Thurs· day. The postoffice, Brook- ings Variety Store and Bar- ber Lee are also part or the setup. Like t he way Mac has stepped down the build- ings and the color of their face. On down is Hampton's Drug. Walt Mellott's South Coast Construction and Earl Stanley's offices. Over on the Island entered snazzy F rozen Foods operated by the Pleasant Walkers and that's a place to revel in fo r any well meaning housewife who loves her hubby. + + + Mo"' Light& Glad to note that Balboa merchants have straightened out the misun- derstanding over its street lightSand hope the city coun- cil will revoke its previous rule to give that section bet- ter illumination -to which they are entitled. Biggest piece of development is the new huge telephone struc- ture on Central near the old Sam Stleftel cottages. Be- lieve the central exchange will cost around $375,000 and is by far the greatest expenditure for a single building made thus far in the harbor district-just another sign of population expansion. + + + PoslA>tticM. While pn the subject -0f public service might present a chapter on P . 0 . consolidation. Corona de! Mar. folks are definitely opposed, on the ground that it would slow up rather than . expedite delivery. About three years ago Newport's postmaster made efforts to combine all the offices. but W a s h i {I g t o n officialdom frowned on the idea, so the plan was abandoned. Many people do not feel that a Main postoffice with sub-sta - tions would do the trick ; that the afternoon mail coming in from Santa Ana to one city point would not all get redis- tribution the same P. M. and would lay over till next ,morning and now they say, they get an afternoon de- livery. + + + Sat~ Driv..._ Harbor bus- iness men .. or at least a large portion of them, are firmly behind President Truman's appeal to "Drive with Safe- ty'', thus halting "murder" on the highways by barring ''morons and nuts'' from the driver's seat. The campaign nJ!IDlng In the News-Tunes Is~ down some of the reckless klds. but it's a bard pm.: to stop. You can stand In ! any busy intersection like the main street at Costa Mesa or Newport or C.D.M. and DOt2 tbe cars that n ee ~ at 50 and 60 miles Piii' hour. I .. I...:..:., +S<mebody ~ tbe other day: ''The trouble with nidlo Is that a man wbo can't make his wife "'*" to him. thinks be am dlum t.en m!D!m air fam!" • • . r ' • .NEWPORT • KEEP POSTEDI 1 Y.r ...... ... lac • .., ... 11 o.t ., ·ti " ..... Ole .. _ -~...,_ .. N ... -........ lfwpwt .... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WF.ST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOUJID: DXVD1 l'o"E16rolrr BSAOB. CALIFORNIA. AY, rn1''E ll, Uta ~ 1 ~ ta • . Albacore Run · .Att !act Sco·res ·to Harbor Nei hborliness Is Subject At osta Mesa Graduation; Retiring Teachers Lauded Stressing the philosophy of neighborliness, J ohn D. Hayes of Santa Ana. assistant county sup- erintendent of schools in charge of elementary education, told 113 graduates at commencement exer- cises of the eigh th grade class of Costa Mesa Union Elementary school Thursday evening, that they should learn t he art of get- ting along with and understand- ing ail peoples of the world. The exer cises '-''C're held in the auditor ium of the Newport Har- bar Union High school and were witnessed by more t han 900 peo- ple, pare nts a nd r elatives and friends of the graduates. Haye!'i said that the graduates were taking steps into a new "'orld. a world in which ther e is no longer !'iuch a thing as distance. He spoke of the shortening of distances by airplane a nd said that it is no"' only 40 hours by air from New York to India. "This shrinkage can lead to only one conclusion : we a re rubbing elbows with all the peoples of the world," he said , adding. "This can only lead to one a ns ... .rer . that we must get along Y.'ith people, with our neighbors.'' Loyalty S treASed He said it was difficult ·for older people to change their mode of living in a world thrit is rapid- ly changi ng. but he added that Boy Accused In Rum Theft Keene's store. Bay avenue and P alm street, Balboa, reported to the police Saturday night that a group of minors entered their place and one of them picked up a bottle of r um and ran \vith it before he could be caught. The incident occurred around 8 p.m . Police rounded up the group of juveniles, but could not find the boy who had taken the bottle of liquor. All the others were placed on a bus a nd told to leave town. They didn't come back police added. Howe Heads State C. of C. Harbor Body the upcoming young people can go 1-lubbard C. Howe, Ne"'POrt along with the new innovations. Beach boat builder. \\'as on Mon- "You can help '-''ith the artistic day appointed chairn1an of the development of the world. That is small harbor development com- one of your responsibilities. You m itte<> of the California S tate can study the la nguages. This Chamber or Commerce. \\.ill help you to bett£"r under-.. The appointment was an - stand the pcoples "-'ith whom you nounced by Dr. Robert Gordon come in contact in your journeys .... Sprout, chairma n or the state He said that most P<'OPie of the chamber's state-wide na lural re- world look upon Americans as a sources committtt. soulless people. "I \vould say to The !'imall harbor development you young folk&.'" Hayes added, committee was appointed to pro- turning directly to the graduat-mote a series of small vessel har- ing class. "that you have the op-bors and refuges along the Cali- JX>rtunity and possess the quali-fornia coastline. fications for so"ti ng good "'ill . It's Yachtsmen. po\\·erboat O\\'ners. an art to get along '-''ith other commercial fisheries, fishermen's people." unions, boatbuilders, and city. F aith in themselves and loyal ty county and port officials are mem· to Christian principles, courage hers of the committer. \\·hi ch wa.s and. loyalty to the Constitution of named following requC'St of thC'SC the United States, •·and the ability groups that the state chamber to do your O\'\'ll thinking," are create such a group to coordin· good rules to follow. Hayes said, ate establishment of small har- pointing out that if these car-bors and assist local communi- dina.1 principles are adhered to ties in this effort. Preliminary by the graduates they need have studies already are being made by no fear in a world of change. Army Engineers between the ~-tex­ "You can make it a new world. ican line and Monterey county. a world in which you can do much The penclin& Rivers and Harbors good for other peoples.." bill authorizes similar Army E n- Trlbute Paid to Teacben gineer s tudies to the Oregon line, Everett Rea, superintendent of including San Francisco Bay. (Continued on Page 4) Members of the state-wide Former Balboan Given Character Ro~e in Picture • ..... • • GENE llALVUSON small harbors development com- mittee include Willis H. Warner of Hun tington Beach, chairman of the county board of supervisors. Traf fie to Balboa Still Being Shifted l}o'WJlSixthStreet ~-lotor traffic is still being de- toured from Central avenue and Sixth street. Balboa, Into Sixth. thenct> to West Bay avenue and along it to Coronado, from whence it joins Central avenue into Bal- boa. The reason for the shift in aut~ mobile traffic is the e xcavation a nd erection work in the construc- tion of the new Newport-Balboa telephone building, which is to CX'C\IPY fi\"e lots and 30 feet more near Coronado street and Central avenue. The Newport Beach city en- gineer·s office reported it had no definite information as to '4'hen the new bulldin& will be ready for occupancy nor had It any infor- mation as to when tM t.rricaiie ColllPlaia Abad 00.ltle Parld11g On Marine Ave. Motorist. and pedfttrlans who use Marine avenue regularly dally have begun to complain to dty I officials about the practice of double parking by deliverJ' trucks ~ when making their deliveries to I local stores. / Motorists a re complaining be· cause they find it difficult to a:et through the narrow space that is left and sometimes they are forced to wait the disposition of the driver to move his truck . Skippers of Three Trolling Boats Land Big Specimens Captains Covey, Offerle and Ross Are Among Baggers of Albacore-Capt McNally and Frank Linnell Snag Tuna -Baiters Net Bass and Halibut By HUGH MdOLLAN THE ALBACORE AKE REBE! PedestriBns complain because the double parking by the trucks obscures their view of oncoming traffic and they say it is danger- ous to try to walk across t he street "'·hen they cannqt see the traffic. t 'tt'iltt u IS GOOD off Dana Point If one may Judre by this catcb ol .pecl!nens of the deep. Nlnety. Count 'em. Thirty-one of them "·ere white sea bus. The catch was made from the "Skip Along", skippered by Ca pt. c . M. Tucker. Child, 3, Runs Into Car,· Hurt The first albacore ol the sea- son have been caught out of Newport Harbor this week! The \\'i ld news or aJbacore caught on trolling boats out ot. Newport Harbor swept from the docks throughout Southern Cali- -Photo by Sportsfishing Fleet Assn .. C, A. Griffis, phot ographer. ~ An observer of the ha zardous conditions told City Councilman Bob Allen Saturday tha t the per li ce should better e nforce the or - dinance against double parking In Marine avenue. The council- man said that he knew about the conditions and would bring the matter before the cit y council. Fishermen, Who lesalers Continue Price Meetings Th.ree-year-old Dorothy Wood-fornia a nd the nation this week worth of 945 Central avenue, New-as these marvelous Cish again de- port Beadt, narrowly escaped ser-cided to pay local waters a visit ious injury Friday when she r a n this summer . in front of an a utomobile near Th.OS<' ofC-again-on-a.galn fish the old Pacific Electric right-or-many years ago paid regular way in Newport Beach. visits to Southern California Th~ child sustained bruises or wa ters. then for several seuona the body when struck by the c&r not a fish was caught, many pe>- driven,. police said, by Mrs. Marti pie blaming the explosions from Bernice Johnson of 1007 West ,tar get-practicing battleships off Central avenue, Newport Beach . the coast. Where these fish come Only the alertness of Mrs. John-from or go to s till remainl a so&-and the tact that her machinl'." mystery. Some claim they come Mesan Elected Official County Bar Association Commercial flshenne n of San Pedro ue In the midst of a eertee of• meetlnp with wholesalers this w•k ln an a t tem pt to reach price ... reementa, whic h, tbey .. y, are already la effect In Newport Beach and otber ooutal cJUes. The sttlke by Local S7 of CIO lntemationaJ Fhbennen a.nd Al· Ora nge County Bar association Ued Worker& of America. Ne••port last Friday elected as its new branch,. ls sUll In etfeet against president. Lew W. Blodgett, Santa two wboleu.le boUACs.. while three Ana and Huntington Beach at -•u.ent-ha'\-e slp ed a price agree- torney. I m.at and are recelvlog shipment• Leroy P. Anderson of Costa of 0111. accordlnr to Charles Mc- Mesa was elected second vice Ltwlcblan, business ma nager of tbe presid('nt of the association . local. O!her officers elected were J ack Many San Pedro fishermen are Rimel of Santa Ana, first vice bringing their catches ~o the Ne\\'- president; William P. Webb of port markets .. ~ccording to M.c· Anaheim, third vice president. and Lauchla n. awaiting agreement 1.n Georg(' A. Parker was re-elected 1 the San Ped~ ~arkets. . s~crctary and treasurer . Over 200 fishing ~ts in the Harbor area arc "'ork1ng together, Log Disables Navy Boat's Propeller :P.1cL.a uchlan said, and there has ~n close cooperation "'it h every- one. UnJon Views The union's views of the situa- tion were written by 1'1cLauchlan and presented below: '"The Newpor~ Beach Commer- cial Fishermen have definitely de- cided t hat they must finally take 1 coordinated action to assure them- selves of profitable fishing '-condi- tions. A submerged log in the water~! '"They _have been receiving the [f 'h N t Be h uru·ci·-sa me prices. governed by OPA o e ewpor ac m ·r f h · 1-h f I pal c~p grounds was sai~ 1 to . be ~~~~· ~o: e:~t~ce. or s~~:r r esponsible today for the ~sabl1.ng prices in effect prior to the tem- of a new navy LCS boat Just fan -• · -r OP ·1· lshed b th Co lid ted St l porary suspenSJon o A ce1 ~ngs Y e . nso 8 ee were: Barracuda 8-9 3;4. halibut Corp. Ltd., at its yards here. 11 -13 white sea bass 14-16 3-4 According to reliable informaL black. sea bass 9 1-2 _ 11 rock ~ tlon receiv~ by The News-Times, 11 1-2 -14, king fish 51-2, rock the new ship was . o~ Its way to cod 7, black cod 83-4. Now they sea and was negot1at1ng the wat-as fishermen were not-"too much ers of the bay when the log got concerned with thoSe • prices as tangled up with the propeller suc h, but they are ceiling prices, blade and put the boat out of not minimum. There wa.s noth- commisslon. ing whatever to curtail the whole- The log is believed to h ave lConua.uec1 on rage .nvr) broken away from one of t he land-· ' Coast Guard R Sh• 1 has good brakes saved the girl all thC' way across the P acific escue tp from more Rrious h urts. from Japanese waters. The alba- .. Police reported tha t the child core ma ke about the nicest eat - On w as in the custody o f a.n older ing fish t hat swinu. D t H · ,girl. who with another girl, was Of the albacore brought in, It U Y ere standing near the old r ailway hasn't been determined who · right-of-way, when the W oodworth caught the first. Capt. Eddie Of. child broke loose and sprinted ferle caught t hree of them from The 50-foot Coast Guard sh· ovl '8.to the path o f the John-1 his trolling boat Dolphin off Dana , 1P s.an .-ebide-Point Sunday. Dave Ross also nowd anch1°1 red inf Ne"·port Bay The injured child was taken to brought in three albacore Sunday a n . on ~a to per orm em~rgercy the office of a local physician,· from his boat the Twtrp. Red duties "henev~r n~sary ts man-where she was treated for her Covey caught eight albacore Sun- ned by a 'comb1nat1on crew of both bruises and then ahe was taken d ay from the trolling boat So :egular Coast Guarders and auxil-to her home by a policeman. Long 1 using feathel' jigs. Dave 1ary, says Harry Ashton. local a t-Ross also caught one forty-pound torney and , commanda nt .' of_ the c H blue fin tuna besides his albacore Co~: G~~:~li:r~lev;~~b~~:~rt~.ho rew onors ~~~Iii~~ o~r~~:h:4j·:i~~o~ro~ serve a minimum of 24 ho urs a aboard his boat th e So Long II. month. come from all sectiom of w Bab Commercial fishermen brought ship and six au.'<1hary members 1 . B. McNally was out a board the th~ district. to se:~e aOOard t he arren y • in 20 albacore Sunday. Capt. J. go aboar_, daily to \\•ork "'ith two l I Skipper. with Frank Llnnel Sun- ~~~~d o~~~ip2-~s ~:~~s the Dad Gets Cup ~=~gh ,-r:~rtt::~:~tofinth~n~4-~~: Ennis. I bank. Capt. McNally plRns to Leo Hu6bard of Alhambr a, dis-'""ait until around the tint ot trict operations officer under July to run for them. Capt . J . H. Commandant Ashton. assigns the John Cavanaugh W arren , born "&>rt" J\.i ills of the ,good-ship auxiliary, many of whom are busi-May 2 to Mr. and Mrs. William Lorna-P a t plans to go out after ness men of Los Angeles and Or-Warren. Dablia and Fint avenues. f albacore by trolling for them. but ange county, to serve. started his BOCia1 life early, when will be bringing along a tank of The ·regular Coast Guard is the O"eW .that worked with his I live bait. If he _can hunt up a short of trained personnel neces-father on the Pkneer, the largest good school he w1ll start fishing sary to perform all the r egular priVate yacht naw afloat, owned I for them using the live bait. duties of t he Treasury depart-~ Vanderbilt. gave a party for 1 Regular live b.ait boaU have ment's sea-goir:ig arm, necessitat-h~ on. tbe bm.t Thunday, where 1 not yet started go1n1; out a!ter aJ- ing th~ use of the reserves who-~ father n!O!i~ the silver cup bacor e, but ha ve continued their performed notably during the given to John by the crew. Forty regular good ca tches of barTacuda, war. guests attended tbe party. John's white sea bass and halibut down . . · fatbs-~ reconvert the around Salt Creek ahd Dana The ship and its crew has al-Plcmeer after it bad been in uae Point. A ~pound halibut wu ready been called. on to perform durfnc tt.. .,.. by the Navy. caught by D. E. Smith of Perril, emergency duty-in fact, on the '1be yacht will sleep 12 gueetl and (Continued on Pa,e Ji1ve) second day after her arrival. the 8 crew al %L sip r escued a saUing vessel off t..be--------- beach of Newport, which bmt wand ... ed too c1ooe in to'"""' and Gay Crowds Jam was becalmed. Harbor's Beathes Sailors Undismayed By Girrs Strip-Act Staged in Rowboat ings or slips in the bay. These have been disinte(l'ating very fut, a harbor official said. Moms Polled 247 In Huntington Beach Balboa Youth to Upwu• al :I0.000 penot>a in While Newport Beach wu try. gay •WMrc attire swmed them-ing to figure out who was the se...._ on Newpca: l Harbor's sandy woman who clid a stri~teue act Wachs S hJ. in a rowboat in the bay off a local Blue Fin Tuna Active Purse seinen coming up from Mexico reported seeing a blue fin tuna hitting the waters off La- guna, Thursday, according to re- ports received hereo. They netted t~·o boxes of the specimens. In one of the nets was an albacore. R. I . (Olba) Morris or Newpor t ' Enter Nat. Track Beach ran Sheriff Jesse L. Elliott Meet -on June 28 a close second in the sherifrs race a • ~ ~ behaved and steel com pany's wharves last Fri- no nxnpl•lnta were ·registered day night, sailors who saw her In lo Huntington Beach last Tues- day. While Elliott polled 286 votes, Morris polled 247. Musick received 190: Tipton, 156; Bell, 104 and Howard. 84. This was g;ven to R. M. Clark of Laguna Clamps Down the "Vic ki,' a local boat. On Bathing Parties On Way to N'Orleans . LAGUNA BEACH, June IQ.- Dale \Valls of the Higgins Pleasure 0-aft company, 810 Coast High"·ay, lef t Saturday for New Orleans v.·here he will visit the factory Cor at'lout a v.·eek , and on his return \!>'ill have informa- tion as to when the new boat models may be expected on the \Vest Coast. Angelan Hurt There'll be no dressing or undress~ ing ln automobiles by beach par- ties here in the future, the city council ruled in an ordinance adopted last week. The ordinance also prohibit.I camping or sleeping on the beac:h betwttn 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Placed on Probation A most successful four years at 'Nith the Newpxt Beach police. the nude admitted Monday that Phillips academy. Andover, Mass.. Gaill' cnlored lhadr µmbrellu they weren't thrilled. has just· been completed by Nor-weft' In e'\'ide••e at all the One of them wryly commented. rrian Crawford Nourse jr .• son or beacba. Rwtdredl Jett with high-"l "ve seen a better show at the M d M N colcrrd coats al tan,, while here Orpheurl} in Los Angeles." r. an rs. onnan C. Noursr. and • ..._ __._·of t)1· ten From what information could be 1805 Eas'"'t Bay Front, Balboa, with ~weft' i...-t---15 ~ some indiTkllmll who stayed gleaned . from others it was said his graduation on June 8 from in that oldest and most distincnriehed too lgag la. tbe open under the hot that the femme who disrobed e.--rays o6. tbe ..._ the rowboat was a nE"N'C'Omer to ~ ~ew England preparatory Elsewhere. m 980,000 other these shores. ''From what I bear," 00 · perm spent Sunday in the same said a policeman. "she was trying It was only incidentally that lll&IUltt. ouwdbc the oouUine to 'make' the sailors on the new the Newport Harbor youth, who from v.nbu to Del Rey, Hermosa Coast Guard rescue ship!' "·en t through the grammar grades t o Redtu:kt t :tr& and at Long But the seanlen aboard simply in the loca l school, returned to· Herb. ~ viewed the undressed spectacle u the locality of his forefathers, for something crude. "Nuts," said one the Nourse farm Jn MassachURtU 8 _.__ a __ "=..:finan or the lads. "She must ~ Just is one of the historical landmarks ....... .lUla ~ plain nuts to do a thing like that." or the otate. Loar:a Radjo at Beach Latest report is that the nudist NonnaD baa be#n prominent in was disappointed at the reepct• at hletics a t the AndoYn-IChoal. Santa Am: CJtJ' Canndtman to her act and took the 1nldnisht Fie played vanl\y football for Otto & -I* 'L•t al the bus back to Loi An&'els. Cutla- Euceae Hah'V'141l. a former El Toro Mutae. wlto UYed at 51' Weal 8af eVeet.. •••a. re cea.U7. ft-h' N a role la -of ilollJwMd"• .,,.. na-. .. ..,. __ .. at Ceitnl OWllUO and Sixth -t COSTA-·m A. J une 10.-E. E. wuuld bo ttll>OV<d. Piper of Loo Angeles IUStalnecl .... ~ua:! T . NK&m111 a( Plwho. two ~-one! -~ ., -•a ,. aa1 ·n: -Pl>: -...._ .. .K"" ... a a vy seaman. track for two years. Lat Sahll'· mua.tb d ',._ s.... Au., repart- pleaded" cuJllY to the 'joyride' theft day ~ ~eoented the achoo! at ed to Nauiwt E 11 poll.oe )Im.. ol a car belonging to Wanda Odett a meet of Eastern pttp """°"'" c1q -=~· -blo pert. In Newport Beach, WU placed on at &oton and won the ihot put. alJle -rr---at Q>. thnoe years prmatlon by Justia. ~ the 12-pound lhot 55, feet, ............ -........,.. Kenneth E. """'"'""in Santa Ana elsht and one-half -to - Clllld Sadde11d By Loss Kiddle Car, Police Say "Yotfll have to ask the tele--slicht injuries wh4!n 8 whed. ame phone company inspector on ~ otf a car driftn by Fred Macltm- job," laid one d cy offlctal. zle, 23. of Buena Park, a t N~ boulevard and Baker •lrfft. _,. Loses Cosmetic Purse here. Sunday nl&bt. !ut Saturd1~" Kamm ,... .,.. ,._ bla own record. u_-. 'I I d Girl ~ to naval a utborttiel. He bo&dl the NCOid fir tr-* .......,. Owr in Plaomtia a ddld II led A &l'ffil auede purse CCft ta1 n1nc Returns to Duty Park Time • tor New EncJand b1cf1 -SwffSB Cu-lnjary tom,. --blo -_. II .Newport Beach Kondalr after-coaneUcs WU ~ported to the -Chief ~ R. Hodc-nded Oil JlbJe 8 wlU en!« the utlonal ...... n.. -.... left - noon booked Gen.ld C. Kartln. 38, N..._t Beach poll~ lilcnckJ u -ot N._t Beech bu re-, tradt meet at Son An-. T ,._. ~ ....... Gf 112 -0oemt n.iai, Sollldq lllclit. - Sanla Anan Booked of Santa Ana Gardens, on a dlarp loot by Bea ffllstcn of 11519 Mor-tutmd from Saeramento, where be Wltb the bot -after which be 'wW flY -· "'" tlQ>9t as • E • ~ 1elaw\ ..,,. - ol aDesed clnmk drlvtac. He -timer 1trfft, Santa Ana. Mia attended a lta-lllfftiQs o1 lone laot, rivlllc July L First latmdlals· ftnd' - -... NB Ill Jadt siYlla ol 123 -h picked 'IP by polkle at 23nl -Hlatm aid that -left them In low mfOl'OtDmlt Qlllcll!h -..,,_ wlU bo p'en••I that l)' --~ -l)'. ~ -.r -~Is• -. Pla<fttla, --' tbe 1-• allil Cout hl&hwo,y, ..._..,. lD the l'OSti'oom m the Newpw'l pier o•ed tbe lllJrillns toll ol -i-vlson -the d<wtn& man bu --II» W-&. -.r 9' lD tbe poll.oe, late lo Its ...... the booklnc rca.d ai tbo 9t1\tian-and - -re-lcr tbe dents on tbo ......,_ and -· time ol Inlm l'lrll f!aa 9 pJD. ~ lD •.vnp!rt.o, 11111 AM au , Qlola1 • ~ ..... -Ba ~ be W loo• 1 I llUJ a? Ila ...... t purw, tt .... mmfnc. to rid the atat. ol. uaftt m+ ••• *& to 10-p.m. _,_-. .... -a .. - ' • • ' • • • .. •••rcmJ •••MO& N&wrn•• Mwew!Y t OnWa 9 Ttl! a "~IL .. I NE:WP.ORT-BALBOA e I RISE ' I Clla•ber of c-rce Directors Wll Co1iider City ,. ... Cllanage TO REMARK --• PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY r.IEWS-TIMES HOR. IORN PHILLD'>l PllOND: ll&W'.HM1 lll -D Tbla lo written u WMblJ>Ct<n tlonaJ ~-Aaociallon. y-mftD walu f« the electiaa retumL It with 331.000; the 0--A ..........,.,..tlm -t 1..-----------------~11 B. T. Bult&ww6, 0. D. I ~ 0 .:.. ~1 .!::,.-::.r;:.; '~ · 7 y p D ia a pod time to wmromt on a Union of the U. S., 140,000; tbe name Newputt Harbor be the detail of political llfe, wblcb of-Natlmal Council of Jewish Wo--of Ibo City lmtnd of Ille lut«ilptloa Payable tn AdYm:-$2..50 p11r ,m • Or I Oluat7; fecu ,_ ... nta-..,.,....,.,..,t. mm. 65,000; the A.A.U.W .. 80,000 ia-eomt N<'W .... t Be'acb will be • $2.'r.I per year to 4th zone: a.oD per ,_..ID ltb -Tbla natlon wu crea!M u a and 13 othon, uodal. economlo .--.nmended to the dlrKt<n of Entered u s.->d-Oaao ~ at the -ID Neapcwt Bn-b, Republic. In a~.~~ ""t ~t~~-of the N...._t Harbor Chamber of C&lilornill under Ibo A.ct of llan:la 3, 1Blll send reia-eoentativea <-.. a~-may-.--ucme Oimmorce for action at their • fomla example) to Soaamento the good 'IVClllfll ln these --•--_ .. _ ·~~ _.... &.. A. MEYER • P"+Z: • rr and to Washington. and uay ...,,_ ,_ to dlucov..-that tt,:y-;;., -F~ ~ 1tudy of the GM D. PORTER GeMnl M= thing like thlo, "You go and rep-being fflll'ea<nted ln Wuhinctm _.,Jatlona wblch muat be follow- F. G. FROST ·Ad , • u•"a Ma·-resent us. You "'ad the bU1a and by Mlaa Caroline Ware, who ed tn ..,...nstnc the name of aey :-:~~t. 301.i_-'-w-'-__ C.:..:_n_tral __ -_A_._.;._,_ ... ...;•_New pmt i' *· ~ ~:~-'°--the arsumm, I .. ,and. ~-~o.::: :: :.;""""'!".:.~ dty, the ._.., .committee •P---a.iiu-•.ul ,...,....-We ee 0 YOU VO e U ...,......-u<& aD IUUP-pointed 0Vft' • )'ear aao lo make Nine New HOmes Under Construction Official Paper of the City of Newpod Beach y.U think belJ for the Nation and lean manufacturer or an Amor!-r«ClDllDendatlonl ha• finally £ D•ll d•ble Local lasUlllllltl fw 0..-ft T_. for m.." can farmer la entitled to receift acrttd that the chance mould be Eaeven permits calling for $48,- Ambltloua political cn>UP" ...., the coots of prodllctlon, p1 .. a recommo.-to the voten. , 1000 ....nil of bul1dinc work""'"' !·, ,.s . wa.Y, T.!. o,,, u 111& , ·~ TA.a tw ..... _ ... ,. sm a•,,.,.11:11 .A.•u.e:..1 -.. 'Olllhlill ....... T--. W7" DIPartaJ ''° .... 1....... LKNm DlJl'LI~ -U-wt.la. 8-11 tu ---. .... SI b ...... Hf I I .&v.rn -61WIW UM W 0.... .&..., ft. --· ..... •**HMI -nc9 . . ~ a&Wiatm&om -... --. --11i... __________ _J ----•ac•••IDI" Annand Monaco _ ABClll'l'IJOT Bit W.•:rA-. ..... B=AioJ 11S& 1111 ,... il ••• """ llarpre& Dant OwbeU 'Ml .. a.op1 ::e.,a ......,......,.,.,_. -n • E. Neff WOods, D.O. IMbeutor -.i ............. a , ................ ......... .._,__. ... trytng to chanzt! this plan.· 'nley reasonable profit, on what be Considerable \ tleJ.ay wu · en-luued by Odef Bulldln&: Inspec- want to say, ·~ou go to Sacra~ makes or crows : and u belna ~ counteft'd because of the dlttlculty tor A. M. Nelson and hla ~ smtvsYOM mento or to Wuhlneton. and do poRcl to the prompt releue of of gettlnc an expreulon fr<m the datea ln the Newport Beech dtyl'------------...ll r-----------~ LM ~!1 NOa ,...,. Mel CORRAL DUST The Seaway Plan Since the starting ot the present century, poiitlcal agi- tation for a St. Lawrence Seaway has been pmhed by adv<>- ! cates ot pilblidy-owned power systems, who ll!e In It a chance to promote government owned hydroelectric power !nabiDa- tions. exactly u we tell ,ou to do. We price '"'IJ.lnp and c:ontrola, jult u •fate board wblch puaea oa all ....,, durlnc the put week. ATl'OaNEYll wW tell ,ou bow to wte oa nWJ -n u the cummod!ty COllWs tnto ~ ....,_ 1 and name -Nine of theae permlu proY!delr------------.1 lm-'"'1t bill. We will c:onlr!>I product1on and th..-e lo no k>nCU chan&ee-It waa dlftlcult to Id a for new home building, the value ,ou. U ,ou don't vob! u we tell a ocardty, and u oppooed to end.-....ion of the board. but tlnally of which will be $46.000. you, the people In our srouP wlI1 lne. uay within • ,...., the bi.-approval wu lllven by the eucu-Plana w..-e flled by the follow- vote aptnat ,ou ln the next e1-tOl'ically dlsuterouo and deceptlft tlve ottlcer of the board to go Ing. tloa. • ........,.. subol«Y procram. ahead. R. Barton Ruot ol 1014 E. Cen- !!cme cr<JU111 CUTY It ID !or Nim W&1'<! wu uked bow the n.. recommendatlm of the tnJ avenue, Balboa, who·wW build MAX HURWl'IZ ATl'OaNUATLAW 1111 -<Joa-... _ -Hl·W N_.t that trlendly !etlala!Ma have oeen came to represent all theae IJ'OUl>O. committee which will go to the a one-•tory clwel1lnc at 217 Ju- "endonemolltl" withhold beca-Sbe said her •tatement had been board of cllrecton at ltl next mine avenue, eor-a clel mar, '-------------' out of thirty or fort)' vot ... the 1'<!ad and appovod by .....,.poolible meetln&. provldea that the dty $8500. CLDROAL t..tpoe•may !~tor mill' haft voUd c:on-otrldala ln Hd1 of theae crpnl-ooundl be ukod to call !or a wte Lewin A. Blah of 506 Narcllauli trory to "ocdera" on a linale bill. zatlona." Sbe alao said each or· at an electlm for the pertkular avenue, C<rona clel Mar, who wW 1"'11-•-• Laboratory Thia lo d!ctatonhlp. jult u aurely caniDtlon had ldoptm a pooltlon purpooe, and that If the .....,. enct a two-atory dwelling, with '->UlllQU u If It conterod at the oth..-end. In "'-' cl the 1ta,_t. In her change be appro•od a reuonable aputment above and c""ce be-om. -., 1 • ,,.. ln one man. awn orpnlutlon (the A.A.V.W.J time abould be allowod for It to low and a two-bedroom addition -~ .......__ n.. machinery ct thlo ~ lo the finally admitted that the po-co into effect. at the ..,,.. a-. $6:!00. •• ....- of coune. propqanda. n.. _.. litlon had been taken owr a 19"J' TI>< axnmlttee fllrtber reoom-Hamil G. Jones of Loi Angelea, mu:l'llONS R...aa - at heme must be told what to do, before "at • convention." Preaed menda that a campaign of educa-who 11 bulldlns a one-story hou9e 1111 w. ~ Aft. Raub & Bennett ... ..,on ... --.,.,.n ... lf ............. ~- 'l'ttt1t •• B11e1a ... w llJ.TW.0.-N-.an-"91 ,, .......... 1.11 H. R. Hall, M. D. ft) 1 0 .......... Haun: 2-6, "" Alll'oln-t TWphone B!ll eon 511'8 Ul....._,. ~- As to the practicability of the St., Law1ence Seaway, overlooking the fact that it would be fralen IOIDe ftve mooths out ot the year, the Honorable Carl A. Hatch,. Senator from New Mexieo, received a letter from Frank-J. Taylor, presi- dent ot the American Merchant Marine Institute, Ins., regis- tering the vigorous opposition ot the Institute whose mem- bers operate the larger portion of the American-flag mer- chant fleet an4 how to \JOte, and what to about the "convention" ahe ftulJ.y tlon on the reuons for the chance with earage at 2114 Seville ave-'-------------' write thelr representatives. Tber'e-1ald (J quote) ''Tbe conwntlon be carried out. . nue, Balboa, $6500. r-;;;;:;;;;:::;;:=:::-=-=- ln lies the danger. The American wu not beld phyolcall1, becauae The committee lo headed by C. H. Bullock of 1025 Weat DAY 80BOOL OONBAD BIOH'l'EIC, II. D. people have, rightly, bffn taught of transportation difficulties. It Hubbard C. Howe, and other Central avenue, Newport Beach, ,------------...,*'?• ... La 18 to have confidence In whet their wu held by mail and the number memben of the c:ommlttee are who ta comtructinc a ~tory Mortimer School t.:IO E government otfldals tell them, of votes waa about 2000." (Note W. M. Longmoor, Lew H. Wallace, residence with attached ear.age at Ml <Joni Bal1'oa lalaDd · l8th St. and ln what they read in the by JP: 2000 out of 80,000; on a S. A. Meyer , W. T. Jefferson. 124 40th street, Newport Beach, an.: Oollep. ........... l'J' COSTA MESA papers, and hear over the rad.lo. general policy vote taken by mall W. H . Hitchman, Earl W. Stanley, $6000. SIJMMER SCHOOL 0-•-. HtKln: 1~12 a.m.; 3-5 -p..m, Today, it is necessary to exam· a year before!) L. W . Briggs, Erwin Spicer. Walter BaJderton of 415 Be-Phone Beacon~ ine ~ery release from a govern-on that basis, the OPA releued Some of the reasons suggested gonia avenue, Corona del Mar, O • .&. llorUmer, M. A., Odord ment agency. Let me give you a the statement that )fiss Ware for the change are given here-. who will put up a two-story Prt.aclpal PboDe Barbor 151 Mr. Taylor said the seaway has been described as a deep water channel, but so far as shipping is concerned it is of extremely shallow draft. It provides for a 27-foot channel from Montreal to Cake Ontario. He included in his letter a table showing the number and draft of ocean-going mer- chant vessels constructed by the Maritime Commission and private owners between September 1, 1939 and December 31, 195. The number totaled 5,025. The number drawing 27 feet of water and over was 4,348, of which 3,241 were the Li'berty and Vi.ctory ships, the type which would supposedly use the seaway. A ship woold have to draw much less than 27 feet to operate in a 27 -foot channel. As a matter of fact, the of- ficial report made by the United States Maritime Commis- sion sh°""" that only 8.7 per cent of the gross tonnage of the great American merchant marine would ever be able to use the seaway properly, due to its lack of depth. brief example of what I mean. was authorized to speak for 23 or-with: dwelling, with apartment above --------------' While the hysterical head of the ganizations, with a membership of 1. The request is that only ~e and double garage and bedroom DENTISTS OES was annoying the air waves 10.000.000 women. There was just last half of the name of the City and bath below at 415i,t Begonia ..------------ recently with misleading state-one bit of information which Miss of Newport Beach, which covers avenue. Corona del Mar, $6500. DR. GORDON E. RAPP ments about what Congress "'.'as Ware did not give the Senate the districts known as Balboa. Eugene G. Kock of 550 Hazel dfllng to the Emergency Price Committee. I will giYe it now to East Newport, Newport Beach, drive, Corona del Mar, who will DENTIST Control 1 Act, the statement 8.p-the readers of this column. Who West Newport, Newport Heights, erect a one-story dwelling with zus Wett Cflll.tnl peared in papers all over the is l\fi.ss Ware'? Lido Isle, Harbor Island, Beacon attached garage a t 1610 Larkspur U. S., that "23 women's organi-From 1941 to 1942 Miss Caro-Bay, Balboa Island and Corona del avenue. Corona del Mar, $5500. Phone II.arbor ~1-.l zatlons, with a combined member· 11 W head' of the Pro-Mar. etc., be changed to Newport Majellia V. Petterson of Sierra Newport ship of over 10,000,000" hd'd united ne ;;:~~g Unit Consumer Harbor. Madra, who will build a $5000 ad-~-----------' to oppose the actions of the Con-~~m-f th OPA'.. d since 2. The area ii alread}' listed or ditlon to his present residence and gress. This interested me: Who 194351~~~ ahas ~en th.e ~~airman titled as Ne\\l'port Harbor on many garage at 124 Collins street, Bal-~----------~ v.·ere these women, and which or-1 th. 0. •tt f th maps of an offidal nature. The boa Island D Obed L I ti • o e execu ve comnu ee. 0 e U S Englnee ps refer to the H el L. K f 1116 Eth I r. Uca8 gan 2a ons . OPA Advlso Committee. . . r ma . en uman o e The list, given to the St'nate ry area as Newport Bay Harbor. street, Glendale, who will con-DENTIST Committee, by the "r epresenta-Do you wonder that here in 3. The more important features struct a one-story dwelling at 213 tive" of these 23 organizations, Washington v.·e check every state-of the life of the entire commun-39th street, $6000. HOZ \O W. Oon-. Barbor 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH !l!howed them to be: the General ment released from a government ity center about the Harbor, hence Madeline M. De Graffenreid of Federation of Women's clubs. agency, particularly that agency? the name Newport Harbor is much Loa Angeles, who will erect a one-. wtth 2%: million members : the Constant repetition, even of more suited than is the name story dwelling at 310 Goldenrod.I '------------...! National Women's Tl"ade Union truthful statements, will eventual-Newport Beach. avenue, Balboa Island, for $5000.1,... ___________ _ League, 11h millions: the Na· ly get people to believe them. You 4. "Beach." the second word of Claire Claxton of '127 42nd -without Fanfare ti.anal Council or Catholic Wo-remember what Lincoln said about the name, ls used by a score or street addition of a two-bedroom men, S millions: the National fooling people. There ls one un-more coast dtles which do not and ~loset to his present build- Board of the YWCA with 2% mil-answerable reply: it annoys the have a harbor as well as a beach ing at t hat address $1000 lions : the National Congress ot propAgandists greatly. It is a attraction. ' · P.-T. A's, 3~ millions: the Na-good, hearty laugh. 5. The name Newport Beach V. H. Wickstrom of 1045 W!'t Dr.W.W.Wedmoreland Dentin 1801 0out m...,. CORONA DIEL MAB Phone Harbor l!ZO Private enterprise continues to build its reputation as a conserver of natural resources. One of the recent develO!>- ments in this direction is a $9,000.000 gas absorpticn plant in Texas,'called the acme of natural resource cooservation. The plant converts casinghead (low pressure) gas Into methane (dry gas) which can be burned by industrial and residential Harbor Area Has Good Health Report Jokes-That Is was gtven to the city when it oc-Central avenue, Newport Beach, cupied only a small portion of the conversion of portion of a garage present area of the city. into a bedroom and bath at thatl'------------...! 6. Since incorporation and adop-address, $600. INSURANCE A Scot was engaged in an argu- ment with a conductor as to whether the fare was 25 cents or 30 cents. F\nal.ly the disgusted conductor picked up the Scot's suitcase and tossed it off the train just as they passed over a bridge. lion of the name, there have been K. H. Storey .of 703 E . Central ..------------·; Cas. h d Jik Jin residu Both Newport Beach and Costa consumers. mg ea gas e gaso e was once e Mesa had a fairly good health ,... of no commercial value. Private enterprise turned both of port for the two-week period end- them into a priceless natural resource. ing June 1, according to statis- The Texas plant is set up to handle 30,000,000 cubic feet tics from the office of Dr. E . L. Russell. county hee)th officer, of low-pressure gas and 55,000,000 cubic feet ot high-pressure there being on!)> 10 Jo<al cases of gas. It is centered about a control room having 45 automatic conununicable diseases reported ' · tak ture d and nine for Costa Mesa. -<:Ontrols that regulate the m e, tempera • pressure an The epidemlc of measles Is on "Mon!" :screamed the Scot, ''It isn't enough to try to overcharge me. but now you try to drown my llttie boy." added several subdivisions, each avenue., Balboa, remodeling part Larger than the original city. of hjs present building, $500. 7. Some of these subdivisions are equally .. well. if not better Orange Woman Hurt known, than the original dty area. HUNTINGTON BEACH, June 10.-Mrs. Mabel Englehardt or U the i"equest iii granted, the dty will have a name not used by any of ita subdivisions. Orange suffered major injuries in Farm Developments a collision between a car drtven by her husband. William Engle- Sandy F. MacKay --INSURANCE-That's All distrlbution ot the gas as it is transfonned into. usable form. the wane with five cases for each Only one man watches the controls while four othen check locality. Each also listed one case ''Doctor," -~"" the patient. On A d M tin .. -~ gen a ee g hardt, 60, and a vehicle operated '-----------' "can '-'OU cure me of morln1rf I ·-.a-'--f , • J S ta An Tod by Roy Hawl\U13, 37, o Fullerton, · furna val and other ~ f or pulmonary tuberculosis and one the canpression engines, ces, ves .,~. 0 of German measles. Newport had snore so loud that I wake myself n an a ay at IDghway 101 and Orangethorpe ..-----,....;. ____ _ up." canpllcated apparatus. Even the gas to heat the furnaces two of chicken pox and one of avenue, here Sunday night. "In that case,'' advised the phy· Farm developments were being 1---------'---- comes from residue of the plant mumps. We have heard the meat packing industry described as For the county meas1 .. ~ sWJ sJclan. ··rd sleep in another room:•. discussed at noon today at the I,-------------, -high Wlth 155 ~ of red meules an example of efficiency where everything but the squeal reported (which have been respon- ot the pig was saved. Here we f'md what might be called the slble for two deaths thlo year) and ••am 1eeJ'' in oU being saved. 32 cases of GemlBD measles. -..-Mumps numbered n , chickenpox One Sunday the little daughter of a great publisher ca.me home from Sunday IChool with the illus- trated text card in her hand "What'• that you have there !" asked her father. meeting of Oran~ county farm bureau and county reaJtors in the Santa Ana Country club. Farm prices and output also wu one ol the topics under dis· cuulon. White House Cafe J:'bo'!e sm i.c-Bwh, <lallf. It would be well for the people of America to recognize 35 and tuberculosis was next With just what private enterprise has done in developing America. 17. The"' were 12 cases of eon· This .:..... _....,_,tion plant is but another example of haw it orThea_ and 8 of syphlli.o, 11 of ' "Oh, just an ad about Heaven." Dma caretull.Y-llp.re a ut.. Dear Old Lady : "Captain, would !;::=====~~~~=~~=======:;~===~ .. -~" . • whooping cough, four each of anl- pushes ahead-no fanfare, no pronuses, just teilUltz In the ma! rabies and scarlet fever, two serving ot our nation. influenza and one each dlptherla, infanWe po.ra1ysis. merdnsltls and Dreams Must End -· DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WIJH OIWIGE on salmonella infection to make up a total of 358 ases. Husband (arriving home Jato): "Can't you guess where rve been! .. \VUe: "I can; but tell story." ' you please help me find my state- room T'' Captain: ''Have you forgotten what number it is, madame!" D. 0 . L.: "Yes. but r11 know It lf I see It again, there was a light-house just outside the wln- dOW'." C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S Newpwl NOW OPEN l!lVENINGS MAI.TS • MNDWICBJ::s • BAllB(JRP'B8 j 115 NORTH...MAIN ST. 24-Hour Radio Service ROii&, .&1'.JTO, llA&INE aADI08 SD"•D.w:D BurtR.Norton m cio..t llhra:J •• -.,.. Newpor& Bs·• Qlltl.. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA on..t Yoa tbe Fl Ill PIMie to DIM la On.p Oowl7:1 All New· • • Even the Location ..• One-Half Mlle Eut al. Old Locatlm Oil Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California In the Servine al. -SEA FOODS - AUlO YOtJB ld94 et 8'.l'Z.lU -VIS1T OUR Kl'IUIEl'I - Sui's Sea f OOd $pa and Fish Market .... c..a ..... ., • Llacol!l NaUonal IJfe lnslll'IUlce Co. "1"' Mame lDdlcMel 1 .. ~" DON ll:BNJOAN .,.._ Barbor 114-B 188 MartDe A•e. -Jal. New York Life Insurance Company DON L DUllANT --.&..._ Barbor llll-1 CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL Lin IN8URANCE 00. Ray Nielsen. rt .... lfll .......... ----.u .. ..,.... ..... llO&TIOJANS • Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelva the Better Sene by SeMnc Otbera Beat"' ........ ~··-· ~-Oallf- Ro~ A. Crawford Opt.. D, OPl'Ollrl'alBT Eyea ---G1wea P1tt.i l'lllN_pwt_ ..__IUI ~llm& Dr. G. E. Tohill l'll)'llda.a --' 2209 Coast b1vd. NEWPORT BEACH -PRONES- Oftloe:' Harbor 11&-W ReeiOenoe: HU'bor 288-B U No answer. e&Zl Harbor I Gerald· Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT 1'EACH Pbo&e Barbor IOU No auws: Cllill Bucoa ~-/ X-Ray Semce Milton IL Maxwell, M. D. , 1101 0...1 lnway Ooroaa del llar Office Houn: ll>-12 ; 2-5 Pbone Barbor ioa S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave. Balboa Barl>or l'IU 445 s. Bill 81. r..,. ~ TUcl<er 181: By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. . Physician and Sws- ll409 w .. ,1 c..1ra1 • Telephoae Barbor eoz J_ A. V. Andrews, M. D. PllYSIOL&N ..... llUJIOIEON Toi.....,.. -r n11-1 Dr. W. T. Mooney Phywldua a.ad 8wp. Nbllil -°""-..... , .............. ) ....... NORMAN :Nl.'ll:ON, M. D. Pedlalridaa Cert!flod by the Amer1can Board of Pedlatriai lot'! Ga.SOia Dr • ._ - Tele..,_ Lapaa 1-118' 1-ce B. Dorcy, 11. D. Physician &: Surgeon 121 lfariJle Ave., •na1 111..m w..,.... Dccgl-._......, Dr. W km o. w..- Ollropract1c. ~ Phyido A Colonlc 1benp:r ... ~ ..... -...,.__ -- • l ' ' • ' • ' . 7 hi ...,., ... n. JMt Pua::::.~=:NS ;;;~:;.pm~~ Honeymooners' t:c:.C ~i?£E . Old Glaiy, Bear Flag To Slt1re State Honor ~~ . ----· Ex • Ia r U1:lllCU I am. Set For Wed. M'orftina> <Action bnJUSbt 1a the super1or RICHARD ROE. Truotee 1n Bank-S . , T bl Ari Af G Role la Plcblre ms ""--11>e -.,.. ., A c1v11 len'lce -rw Court at the County or onnp, ruptey or the estate at KELLY an D1egans rou es se ter room c. R. J°"I""", p;-1otor at Cdlcinlla ---· 1n Ibo pro1Not1onary -1n the New- and Complaint tiled In the Of· ROOFING Co., Ltd., a OUiput· Hires Gas B~gy for Trip to L.A.; Stopover Et...,.. HaJvenon. a former El J.--t of·~~~·· -Balboa~~ "Slata -nae-· l'llllat-. ~ -fire ~t ii to ncr of the Oerk at the Superior atlon, BankrUpt. WM. MERE-H Co . ~ .. ;-,. G T Id p 1· Toro marine who realded at 51' -new ~.-v•e-'Ibe St.rs --St .__ be held In the council -Court of l8id County.) DITH, WIU.1AM L H OPKINS. ere Sts Im ~ room 0 0 ICC w09t SUrf ~!net, Balboa. until ment modation. at their orpnl--,_ ~ ~ .,......, -· at the dcy hall °" Wednnclo.y at · MARGARET H. mGBY, LORNE two zatlco meetlnc. held Thunmy VJ -~-ta!~ 9:30 a.m. 'Ibe poo1Uco1 carrios .. -llapsiGr Ooart of -8-ADDI KEMP, ;JAMES P. COS-A San DkcO couple decided to ... a divan -In the c:ahln, plet.r~ ch"::'.;ct": ::i:·i::" .= nmlnc In Balboa. J-H, im. wllJ be 189 )'Mn with lt a Sl?S .-thly 1alar7. al o.uf..-la -For tbe TELLO, COTNER SECURITIES t married Friday In 1..quna and when they awoke, after oev· o Selznick's $S 000 000 Technl Other ottlcer' are Theo. s. :y,,.. old. Ace limit ii 21 to 31 1"VS old 0-'7. o1 ar_.. CORPORATION, a ompuratlon, :ach Alter they "ftr" wed, they en! lhakes by the cr-n, they .,.;ior production· .. o.,.1 In u.."; Elroy, vice president ;" n-... 'Ibe -l'1IC wlll be lOO !'Mn er the applicant m,.t haw been TIT L E INSURANCE AN D decided lt W<Nld . be nice to Co admit ted that they ..,_ noth-Sun," ln which he appears with Dugan, ..cretary, anoJ J cbn W al-::.. ":;"°""; It flew fer the flnrt cm a paid call list fer flft ~ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. TRUST COMPANY, a c:ttpar-lo Loi Angeleo fOl" their honey-Ing about the mlalng $30. Both such outstanding ltars i t Jennifer 1-, treasurer. . -. ,_ C. 18'6, In Scwmw In prier to April 21, 19'2, to . take a M.Wtldpal Corporation of the aUon, Trustee. TI1E FIRST NA-moon. So they hired two boys had llept ooundly all night long. Jones. Gregory Peck Jo&ellh Cot-Objectlv .. cllscuased &ncl acretd Earl W Um at that .,..,..t, Gov. the-examinetlon. A California Sixth C14a..Plalntlff, vs. JESSIE TIONAL ' BANK OF OOWNEY, to take them ln a machine to Loi Well. thett wu nothing the ten, Uonel ~... Herbert upon by the memben and ott1-H a ...,;. -proo;lalm<d J._ 1tate motOl" veiilcle driwr'o ll· K. SCOTI'. et al, 0erenc1ants. • National Banking ~.11on. Angeles Friday nlgbt. groom could do, except tell the Marshall, Lllllan Gish Walter "'t" or. the new organization were:\r:~~j·~~~~~'.::~~;00;;•,..;;:is~ai.o~~roq~uir~=~~:;;:;;:;;, The Peopl• of the State of Call-JOHN OOE ONE, J OHN OOE It wu rather late when they police that -~ had Huston. Charles Blckf.;ro TUly l) the Improvement of beaches In . , lornla Send.Greetings to: JESSIE 'IWO and JOHN OOE CORPOR-started driving throu&h ~ swiped his 30 bucks during the Losch and others. ' ~-a manner as to attract """"' K-SCOTI', E'IHEL IONE FUES-ATION. Defendants. Beach, after watching the moon night. Although Halvenon hu appear-people lo Balboa; 21 ext"!"lon of S£L. ELMER A. CAIN, MIRIAM You are directed to appear ln beams on the water for an hour, The poUce ~eport dJd not 1aY ed. in 100 pietW'ft since he came to the idea to promote more revenue E. CAIN, his wife. ORANGE an action brought aaalnst you by ao they suggested that they all wh<!ther or not the newlyweds aot Hollywood 16 )'1!tn a&o, "Duel In from. the prnen.J _public parklnc COUNTY TITLE OOMPANY a the above named plaintlff in the spend the night in a cabin at lo Los Angeles nor whe ther ar not the Sun" marks hil: debut in a lot near the Balboa per; 3) iren- o:rporation, Trustee, w. 'w. Superior Court of the State of one of thi local rootel grounds. the two boys got the $20 they Selznick Tedtnlcolor production. e_ral _im~t in the .present CA.'iPBELL. ARTifUR H . RICE, Callfornla. in and for the County According to the story report-~ere offend _for the automobile Halvenon. whose profeu:lonal lighting systepl for the entire Bal- LULU B. RICE his wt.te LE-of Orange, and to arwwer the com-ed by the newlyweds to the po-nde to the big dty. na.n'W!' ls Gene Leslie has appeared boa area. with a bli.nJrer •l® 1'ITIA w . DYMOND. BENJAMIN plaint there.in within ten daya 11~. the couple and the boys &lept M far as the police are oon-ln night clubs ~ vaudeville lienal at the intersection. ol Ma.in w SELBY A. L. SHEPHERD after the service oo you • thll tn one dwelling. In the morning:, cer:nect, there are no suspects, and theaters throughout the nation as streel, and Central avenue 4) re.,.. JOE sHA.WNBERGER. EMMA IUmmON. if served within the the groom arose and began pull-It 11 8 closed case. · a combination master of ce:re-onable wi4en.ing: of the sidewalk c. HAFNER LOS ONGEL.ES County of Orange, or within thirty ing on his trousers, and u was morties and eccentric dancer. on Central avenue, bet\ll+•een Palm MORTGAGE • UNDERWRITERS. days lf served elsewhere. and you customary he searched his pockets Steelers Cross In Hollywood, Leslie teaches street and "A"' street, and 5) efun. IN~ a corporation FRED s . are notified that unless you so to see that everything wu there. dancing, an~ occuiona.lly acts as ination of parking meter fees and EVANS GIAN 0£5.PALATRO-appear and aNwer as above re-But not everything. There was Bats With BUdS an agent for his pupils by getting fines imposed on auto parkers dur- VIClll. M. L. JACK. JOHN OOE quired, the plaintiff wlll take judg-$30 missln& from one ol the pock-them Into pictures requiring danc-Ing Sundays and holidays. JACK. her husband STEDDOM ment for any money or damages ets, so the groom told the police. ers. In the picture "Duel in the & BLANCHARD. a corporation, demanded In the Complaint, as The two boys were still asleep The Steelers, 8 first rate ball Sun" alone, Leslie was tnstru~ STEDDOM & BLANCHARD, a arising upon contract, or will a~ Cteam colldmpooedsof •1mpJoycs of ~e mental in the placement of more ply to the Court for any othe r re-onso ated . ~r_e • Corp. -Ltd s tba n 30 dancers. Going to 1,000 Americans Die ••n:J 11&1' rrorn Kleh Blood ~. aerordllia' i.. a.n .n.lcJ.e lD \be Rea61"r'1 DirMt. •hk h ttf'1!l.t It "T he x ~ IWleT''. lief demanded in the C9J?!plalnt. PUBLIC NOTICE sm~ll boats division at 2~14 'nu?\ "Dancing is hard work," Halver- Given under my hand and seal Rhine,. Ne\~rport ~ach, ~l cross[ son said, 'and ordinarily dancers Bread Shortage Leads Grocers to Erect Signs Limiting Loaves Sale of the Superior Court of the Coun-Saturday, July 6, 1946, lnclU1lve. bats Wlth the Bud~ s~rttng goods get really exhausted in t he mo- ty of Orange, State of Callfornla., or Wltil the r eturns of the Asses-company aggregatior;i tn the first/ tion picture Industry. 1-10 .. vever, If you don't think there is a this 24th day of April. 1946. sor have been rectified or verified. r~und of the Hunttng~on Be~ch W01'king in . 'Duel in the Sun' was shorta~ of bread, just try to get B J SMITH city soft ball league, this evening. 8 dream job for all d Th a loaf at one of t he groceries in · · · • By ordel' of the City Council of The outco of th' · ·11 a ncers. e County Clerk and Clerk of the the City of Newport Beach. me 15 session Wl I routine was the old fashioned Newport Harbor around noon Yoa proheNy have your dram bowie all won..d out In yonr mind -or maybe your arddted or contn.ctor already bu prepared plulS on paper for yon. Tolll M••P•~" w.111 ot proml.Dent ~ dTlnc &1.mo.1 dai!s • •itb .,.. ~Md .. B~art Failure". imm\7 broqb1 t bJ' RJrb Blood Pre.un.. Our £:11:JudTe Drusie. Ren.es X• lhod redU<"'W Q OUI ot JO e...ee of BJ.P. ZO w 60 p.olni.. the flnt Tl'e~trne11t -c .. nunu""1 ~talent mal• the ,....ult permanent.. Our ~atDH"nU DO !llOT Suppre• the 11...n to ~t rHUll-lD f.et the Heart i., !U~Mned arid Beot.flt\f!od. U Jou ba•e ''dl.a:ay .oelt."-bead toe tulJ-patn. In Mek. •houkle.-. aDd be~lf 7oar 11ffP a t l!J.1bt 11 .. ftl· tur•. -u1 before 700 ha•e a 'Mroke". about determine how well the dail Superior Court of the State of FRANK L . RINEHART, Steelers "',·11 •· able to defend stqhuar~ dance, and rehearsing tori "'Ouy. bread 1 . h rt Calif · · d f th Co · uc e picture was more fu th r suppl' IS very s o orrua, m an or e un-Clerk of the Board. themselve •h th 1 th n an a · . . . · ty of Orange. s "" en ey mee e party-no one wanted to go home. We are limiting one loaf to each By RO Y J IRWIN Deputy Pub.-JWle 6, 11, 1946. B<,U"ber City ~afe team at West-Halverson, who has wor ked with i of our regular customers," says a (Seal Superior Court ' · CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS m!nster on Friday, J~ne 21· W . L . every dance director on the West ! sign in !he.Newport Market , C. F. Orange Count ) F tc11t1ou. Firm Name Riley, . sports organlZer for the Coast, claimed that working with Loy, propnetor. -y . Tbe unde"IJned do hereby ceritty Consolidated . ~t~l corporation's Professor Shaw in ··ouel in the ''One loaf per family, please!" Pub.-Apr. 30, May 7, 14. 21. 28. that they are conducting a KETALIZ· small boats d1v1s1on here, believes Sun" was the best assi t . reads a sign in the LeVall~ys Food June 4. 11. 18, 29; July 2, 1946 ING bUAJ neu at 506 Thirtieth Street. that the softball nine will gtve his own dan~ng c ....,. gnmen in f\1art, McFadden Place near Court City ot Newport Beach. County of Or-ood ..... ar ...... r . ange. State or California. under the a g accou.nt of themselves in · street l:ledridty wlD have a large part In making ....._at postwar llvlng come true. When JOU go over the plans with your builder be """' to .,.. him abont the nrwe•I de•·elop-_._In ~old labor saving and func- tloMI lleudy. NOTICE OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATI ON ~G fl ctltlou• firm name or both settees He ts PoSsessor of over 175 Typ" 1 . . . CLARK • BATES COMPANY .' dance trophies, all of which repre-ica Signs ar_e appearing tn Our E•perlB In everything ele<"t rtcal will be pd to help with layout plans or problems. One suggestion may make a lot of difference Im tlle "llve-&hllity" of that home. Pleue phone Harbor 11 54 for &ll Appointment on Mondaya or 'l'hunda)-.. 9:00 lo 5:00. E"ni- ntaco by Appola-L ~: r~1tt~wi8:~d .:e.1:-:;MI.• ,;~~~! H . M. B1zzel is manager and sent first pr izes in dance contests stores elsewhere 1n the city of and addresses &re aa follows. to-wit: M. Poole is captain of The Steel-throughout the nation H 1 Newport Beach, Ba1boa, Balboa Notice is hereby given that the Manley H . ClaMt. 145 Via Waslen . ers softball outfit. modestly d~s not hope. !oar vacr5soern-Misesaland. Corona del Mar and Costa Lido lele, Newport Beach.<. Callfornla. "'" Oty Council or the City of New-Fay R. Batee. 216 42nd .;,treet. Kan-Their tentative lineup for the ious future as a da nC€'r tn HoUy-1 · por t Beach will meet at a Board hattan Bea.ch. c.ittornta. t · tod ' b · f I ood b . • WITNESS our ha.nd• this l:ith day earn in ay s com at ts as o · w • ut rather is working to-Manll f Id N D&. EMIL F . ~ D.O. PILO. 101 22nc1 s"""' Newport Bffeh, C&llf. of Equalization commencing at o! May, 1946. lows: I \o\'ards establishing himself as an [ a 0 ers at eW!·Timcs. 4:00 P. M. on 1'-l onday the first day ~~L:Ye~T~· Lewis Dotson. catcher: c. High-actors' and danCC'rs' agent. His ··iF=======;;;:;:;:;;:;; of July, 1946, and wi11 continue in STATE OF CA.LIFoRNIA. · firld. pitcher; H. rt1. Bittle, lst1 hobby is keeping an active file of a urn sessions rom · · On this twenty-Utth day or May. A. Base; M . Poole, second base: K . specialty danCt"rs, and he claims djo ed . t 10 A M I COUNTY OF OR.ANGE.-. Expert Radio Service ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN ::::::::::::::::::::::::::!~t~o~U'.:'.'!'l~oo~n~e~a~c~h~d~a~y~th:e~r~e~af~t~er~to D. 1946, betore me. Rola.nd A. Wrtsht. Poole. third b••e.· Bob \"1·111»-•, that his file includes the names I a Notary Public In a nd tor said Coun-""" 'Y _,..., t>' and State, re•ldlns therein duly short stop; L . Lrwing. rightfield; and phone n umbers of over 1500 commluloned a nd BWOtn. penonallJ L Re'! d appeared Manley H . Clark and Fay R.. . l snyder. cente rfield and ~t.1 ancers. YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. ~ Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- you r permanent g ood will and patronage th rough the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at re asonable prices. PHONE L. L. BEAN Harbor 2645 DIESEL SERVICE • • NEW 225 H.P. DIESELS ON HAND BeoondlUolled D!Mels on hand with choice of nidoclion wait& e WI: AB& WIUTINO OBDEBll ON BIGUT-AND LEFT- HAND BOTATION DIESELS POB TWIN INSTALLA- TION& OBOIOS OF ll&D11crl0N UNlT8. Oil Band: 165 IL P . ~ Motor.-New. ' See us for Information on V eon Severin Diesels , DIMel G-tor Sela of AD Kfndo nA.N1l & .LZWll ("'-*7' J.ewll) Oww Ma··p PBONE8 Bate•. known 10 me to be the pe:no.a Drysdale, left fi~ld. Initiating and modo'fyi'ng dance whoMl namee are aubacrlbed to the · within ln11tnunent, and acknowledged Substitutes arc: Bob Tromley, routines have won Halverson a tol~e $!¥N':~~ ~~t~J~~ ?mh'.a_.,e right field; E . LcMance, center r espected reputation in dance-wise hereunto .et my hand and affixed my field : P . Bo"'ers. third base: R circles on the \Vest Coast. Th ofhclal Mal the day and rear In t.hl• Sch I d b H jung1~1>oog1·e. and an alter-, P ea-certificate nr1t abo•e w rl ten.. oo s, St'C'On ase; . Alcorne, ~ ""' ROLAND A. WRJGHT. first base; C. Denney, left field ; body step, are t\\'O of the routines Notary Public In and for aa..ld R h . County and scate. My com· oy Churchil l, short stop and C. ""' ich Halverson has originated. ml•lon ex.ptrea October 19. Dotson, pitChE'r . Halverson now resides in Holly-1947. ~CYI'ARIAL SEAL.) wood. He is a war veteran. a nd b. May 28: June •. 11 . 18. 1946. tvlrs. RussC'JI Sweetman and was att'll.cht!d to the marine base ~/ T.io..d .. i;, ol.. _i..-,.. 9' .,..,. lrlo•c, SLATS.O · WOOD _.,...,. tood · loo~i119, 10111 l•1ll•t •11cl ccOfl....tc.1. A. ,a.... ul ................. .... .,...-. ......... I~" cnt .. '-'It .W1 te ( ....... h-,. Sa.An+wooo AWDhtg Co. of Orange Co. ,, ...... , F 'l't .. 4 mt h o.111'. ..... nru.aaTO!lf l...., da ughter Judy of San Francisco a t EL Toro during the war. are guests this week at the home !:~·::::::::::::;.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,;.-. of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sweet-ii man. 24th street, and their daugh- ter, Mrs. Mil ton El.zea of Santa Ana has been spending much of the time there visiting her cous- ins. 1'-lr. Elzea was last week chosen president of the 20--30 club Santa Ana business men's organ~' izaUon. 1 Riding Apparel and SaddJery, English and WflSfera ROSSI'S Liquor Store '700 Cout Blrbway ormerly Oordoa 'e Drul' S tore Open Every Day Co mplete Line of \\'earing Apparel for Men, Women and Cblldren AJ Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop 206 No. Bro.dway, SutaAna Phone 1'72% Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick M!i Ci pool Blocks Now In Prodnctlon HYDRA • MATIC Walter Kline Concrete Products Co . 1560 Newport Ave- SPECIAL IS T·S Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLE NlY OF GEN UINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. '• 3011 w. Central Newport Beach • JllE 30 --·-& I LL ... I I I 1111111• m atya.am, • .. , Ma SINCE I 9 Z 0 Phone Beacon 5816 1000 COMt lllway Phone Beacon 5522 Palmer Radio AIM 1a -:r..*"4i:lleeor Wll.mlDcton·St.ockton-San-Dle:eo-OM••"" EI.ECTRICIANS " AND ELECTRIC ZM8 Newport 81'"1. OOSTA MESA · A Stnall Business Like Mine Helps Make I I America Great , I . ,,.,_ may -how die &r,s. psqll ~ cowa, buc my Mobilgu •-....... big ill driYing 1ati1factiom eo a "- people who CC.C IO -for ......... Mobiloil and die bat car .-...... I can giw them • You tee, I'm ia &miec:w for&) T .. iodcpcndcotly 11<t up iO Jin dM: w.d .C · tervicc thal will make 91 t. · · i• pow. I rcaliu thai I can pooua -I ..... ar stake oaly as I pl .... yoa -..... you back •.. and tha1'1 imporiut ia - · times wbca good, dependable labm ii ia such demand . Tbc S.-U INC w bettVC<y09 __ ,... of the FIJillt R.W H-, fOc llctI\;w - rions on: iodepcndcuff -.ia 11 ' lip _. business men like mnysclf. Wka ,-. .- Mobflgu sod Kobiloil' •. .,_ -...., .. top Sight ...,..,. fud -...,.; n, .. courtcou.s aJSd i;onacic.olioea cs CMC IUViac. LISTI.If TO """°hlAnON· ft.DIP-.... MIC I TAllQltt.;I. ~;.Y AT J.JI r.M.,IP_.T .. I I ........ .lj.,rl ~ •• ......... __ _ -· -.t.iu.,_wirt.ip.w ""-.... ,;. S.-A.N, CMif. ~ ""'*' ;,, ti# MllUll ••ihl"11. llis M •bilt•• ••" M16W ..,,.,,, 6.s Mii Mill 6iJ ltis ... lwtl"4 u.. H1 1. • ..,,, 11M1 1N ,_ of In -••ilJ ;, "' .. its ; J'*'4 H1 4"1 ,.,_ .f M """· S. ,,. • •} ·,. /,;,,,Nlf;,, •ilJ•t f w ,_,J,, · ...... a..;,._. ofY•th Ad;.;u.. fw • J-#r a-... of c-.--a•S.,s-t T-tC-.ill#a-;.. -°'"'....,, -of In rff-.., .... ..,,,.-of s... ,,_,,.,, ·~., -,,._ ... a.;. <Ml'-• • < I , ' ,_ ft&Wi'G&I a••aoA M&W.V--Jf ..... t • Balbo8n Arre8ted on Drunk Driving Count ~~~ Neighborliness Is Subject - WWlam Thomas Sewell 45 of more meeting Ill .., the dodret to Of M c t 312 Bay avenue Bal~ ~as round out the spri-.: .ocial cal- booked by Santa 0Ana Poli~ Jut endar and that ia the brld&e lun-esa ommencemen Friday .,.. a c:har&e of drunk driv-cheon or June 'rl -lllrs. Ed Ing. p~ otfken ~ hia Farnsworth and lllrs. George •car wu weavtna in and out of ~will be hoslel9ea. Hostesses "traffic In the 1400 block of South at the tea will be lllrs. Metzgar Main 1trftt. Santa Ana. and Mrs. Warren Flrt.cber. CE P. .A.. PALMER UDO ISLB mJPEKl IES • Ef3alboa rket (Continued from Page 1) Laurie, Dorothy M. Leal, Kathryn B. Ubby, Robert G. Un&o. achoolll, paid glowing trlbut.. to Nancy Jooephine Un&o. 0...- three retiring members of the dette Lockridge. Barbara Jean Costa Mesa school faculty. They Long, Raymond Henry Louvier, w.,.,, Mn. Clara M<Nally, prin-Robert H. McClelland. HarVey C. dpal, and Mn. Wlnifr<d Taylor McCorkblll, Frank McCubbins, and Mrs. Martha Pickenpaugh, all Jim M. McVay, Richard Melendez, of Costa . Mesa. Lewmann Mesfing, Ronald Mid· Alluding to Mn. McNally, Rea dleton, Ethel Marie Mitchell, Bob said that she was one of the be!t Monroe, Barbara Lee Moore, Mary school executives and one of the Josephine Moores., Rose Munaia. bett English teachers in the Raymond Munoz. Bob L MWTay, country. 'When she first came George Murray, Anita E . Nickell. :~ :: =· 21,,::~o;goha:: ~~r::, ~~ ~1~;1~~ £:;; 1114." Velma Jean Pridham., Dorothy Lee IDNDAN.&O uoacc••. o.plle pntM&: kllCel i.,. l'1lla Bal'llor, Appioxlmately 1486 chlldren Queener, Ralph King Reed, Donna Teo-._ -....,...., -· ---U Cn1J -i. have graduated from the Coat& Lee Rock, Laverne Rogers, C::UVJ tlaa& oe ,......._of u.e Mled••-. bm ed a.et weell on a.boa jeU:J°, MHa school during her steward· Jean Rowh. ... ... a. DaMM-OapL PUct.er ..ad It waa • .......,. te •l4Pubu. 1hlp as irtndpal. "We can thank James Rumaey, Phillip Shafer, .. <noio bt' Keat m.~1 God for her supervision of our Gene Sherman. Karl Slhilling. , ~l system!" declared Mr. ~ ~~:-·s~:~= 's!!I'!: Moon1·1g' ht Roof 0 ~rbequed lo~~p::cu:~on responded with ~:..st~~ko °Su°ctU: ~= oa After referring to Mn. Picken-Sutterfield, Donald Tate, Richard s ks Pl f B ts f po.ugh and Mn. Taylor, third and Taylor, Beverly June. 'lbompoon, tea an 0 oa men s sixth grade teachers respectively, Betty Lorraine 'npp14 Edmond - -, -O-B-ITU--A~R--IES--1 · -~ the~i...~ ~ • IL--..... -....,.--1--------' ~ALLMARK Mn. Mary Lou Wilde. 45, 1249 • West Central avmue, died Sunday CARDS at Santa Ana Community hospital after a Jong UJnea. She ,... a Father's n--native of Lyttle, TBU. and curie &1_, to Newport Beach a )'l'8r ago J ...... 16th where she taught In the IOCal ......,.. ·- grammar achoo!. Surviving are her wldowv, Phil- lip F . Wilde; two daughten1, Mary Louise and Ollvla Ruth Wilde, both of Newport: Beach: ·one brother, Herbert Gates. Tempe, Ariz.: one sister, Mn. Byron Rob- erta.. P<arsall. Texa. and her 1n9thtt. Mrs. E . F. Gates, Tempe, ArlzOrla. •. FuneraJ services were held to- day at Santa Ana with interment 1n Falrhawn ~tery. ha •el 8U'1M!9 llotihsta -v-:: Plpa' , .. ,. :: Ooltee M leW~ Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop %10Z Om.a Jll'rGat . We Wrap Gifts -~ services for Samuel ~,---------.--- 'Barnes ROOerta, 64 . ......, held at -.....,..,.._._ Forest Lawn maUBOleum today. ' _ .. "="~~\'-. He wu the' father of Mn. Eliza. Howard W. ~ ~ Baet:kens ot Newptit Beach. 1W Nw.-n ..... ~ ~ BOni ln Provincetown, Mass., he hlld u-i In California 10 years ClOllT.A. ...... apd In Santa Ana one year. where ~ wu cashier for the Yellow ..._ •••: 1111 Cab Co. . Automobile • r- 11ore ftaa SO Yean ol Service to die ..... ._._ 901 llala n-t~lele Ph. II.arbor 85 aa having been with the school Chorles Trompeter, Betty Updfke, · 16 years and were leavlnc with Jack Eugene Updike, William' G. N c f B lb Ba Mr ~d Mn Victor Buechner ~~~::~o;;l:;;~ ~=~:~Elaine White, Jack ew a e on a oa y i~ ~l?~f3~:::;: Accident • Uh I..lttme and 0...- -Written I . Bedroom Sets wortmmt: full Md twta • ._ • • IOIJle Maple, with Oak, 18th Century Groupings . poster beds. Colonial Mahogany and Modem .. with con- \'entional rinishes and bleached woods. Prices rrom ~Z5 for a complete set. N O\\'! A supply or mattresses and box springs starting at $49..50 a set. Easy Terms A Year to Pay \\'e Carry Our Own Contra.eta Santa Ana Furniture Co. Tbos. R. Wllllama Santa Alla, Pili. It! ,,,. presentation or tll• dlplomu Teen Agers Band Balboa shortly w1u ... the ope · i;..;, ·rri .. a. ror many Y•&n. ·-----------.J wu made by Norral C. Lamberton inc of the first moonlight roof Sc t C 0 of Costa Mesa, prestderit of the Plays in BallrOQm steak barbecue ca!e In tlle New· OU atnp pens ~~ ':::~~n of "Th• ee1111 . port,,.:~r 1::i~auon for lovers Next Tuesday With of St. Mary's" u given by the . The Rendezvous Ballroom in of boating and flshlng wl.ll be in· Lif S • p · combined glee clube of the school Balboa presents the Teen Acen stalled on the roof of one of the . e aVIDg rog. wu deemed by spectators as the orchestra. Friday and Saturday new McNally buildings on East best aong of the evening. nights. Bay avenue, Balboa. We saving and first aid lnstruc- The graduates were: This is one of the favorite bands The roof wtll be furnished with tion will be featured at Camp Ro- June Elizabeth Allen, Mooneen in this area. and a packed house is tables and shade umbrellas, two Ki-Li this year which opens for Allen, Luanna Arlene Alton, Dorla expected both nights. grills, one for barbecue steaks, Boy Scouts of Orange county on Arnold, Evelyn A. Barkley, Don· The Teen Agers orchestra was the other for other foods , such June 18th and operates four 10- ald Ray Barnes. Mona Bird. Rob-just another deserving but unap--as hams. ' day periods, it was reported by ert M. Blaisdell, John Boyd, Leon preciated high school outfit until Patrons will be able to have Wilbur Barr, camp chairman. Caldwell, Maureen D. Cameron, Hoagy Carmichael heard it one their ham and eggs. pancakes and Ro~rt C:ilbertson, field Scout David R . Canchola, Joe Casillas, night early in l944. The famous saus8.ges and other breakfast executive, Will be in charge of the David Click, Charlie Compton. ~~=tr~w:~lli!saa -:~~~ ~!~ food be!ore goln~ aboard the boatS' new and improved water front Peggy Cook, Ra,y Cook, Lola R. h' lf tl si ed the for a fishermen s holiday. which includes a dock and navy Cordill, Charles Covey, ~oanne ~~~ ~ tJi.~ P~~U: N~ Car-I Then In the evening they can. rafts. Culbertson was a travel- Cox, Harry,L. Crosby, Robin Ann . h 1 h It was their big if they wish, partake of the bar· ing aquatic instructor for the Na- Cros.s, Oevra Dodd .• James Robert ~~-e ~!wy. bands had e ntered bequed steaks which will be tional chapter, American Red Dorsey Joan Nadine Drummond I .,....illed on the rl'lhf. as they view Cross. as well as an army life sav· · · · military service and they drew the e.· "'T ing instructor during World War Don Edman Ronald Engle Leola · h ard •1..e · illumina'ted area of Balboa · ' ' I job of supplying the music e u• II. He promises to qualify every Funk, Vern~ Funk, Robert Hall. on the program with millions of Island across the bay. Scout that will work hard during Robert G1llum. Roger J. Gor~ listeners every week. From. the Frank M. Linnell of Balboa Bay the 10 day period for the Life Sav. man, Joseph H. Gragg, Shirley first broadcast they gained ne>A' Shores and of t1hLoe AjaxBe~~ned ing Merit Badge, BarT said. • Get the Best for Dad! It's still truer than true: Give Dad a brand he knows from a store he knows! If his gift is in a Vandermast box, he'll know that both you and this store gave the right thought to its selection! Irene Gritfine. Edmond A. Hale, momentum. ment company 0 ng . Other improvements inc Jude Leonard W. Hall. Gloria Dean Their records began selling prominent as a record holding springs and mattresses on every Harris, Rosemary Hartman, briskly. Smash engaiements at sports risherman. has leased the bunk new tables and benches in Wanda ~cille Hiatt, Dick Hincb, such ballrooms as the Aragan Ca· buildings from the owner, -~pt. the dining hall new flush toilet Jean Hollinsworth, Barbara Hud· sino Gardens Pasadena Civic au-J. B. McNal1v. well known fishing system. new el~tric generator and son, Jinuny Hurtado, Donald Jack· ditorium. Sw~ts in Oakland, The boatsman. Th~ former wtll op-dish washing system. Athletic son, Marlene F. Jacobson, Marcel Trianon in San Diego, Mission erate both the barbecued steak equipment will include a cargo net Jean jr., Thelma Jean, Marvin C. Beach in San Diego, Fresno, dinner restaurant. and the conces-for climbing soft ball volley and Johnson, Waunda Lou Gasper, Stockton, San Francisco. San Ber· sions which will also be ~.t of soccer ball. Ping pong ~nd archery. Joan Marte Kelly, Stephen Kuser, nardino and other civic auditor· the lower level in the buildings. The .central staff of fifteen men ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: Jimmy Kimbroug~, Wllliam Kil· iums too many to mentlfm;: Their Llnnell said today that Robert wiD include experts in handicraft tle, James E. Kline, Daisy Jean records are on Universal Label, Hasselbring of Long Beach, army archery, star study, compass, maP Lane, Carolyn Lange, Lo Mae heard on every juke box tn the air force war veteran, who saw work, first aid, rorestry, nature country. service at Casablanca in French and other SC9utlng skills. An or-------------•1 They have made personal a;r W~t Africa, will be manager and dained minister will be on the FOURTH AT SANTA SYCAMORE ANA • PAY CASH FOR THOSE NEW APPLIANCES I Borrow the m oney from the First National Bank in Sar.ta Ana. You'll find, among othtt advantages that the cost is low, you get quick. ac;tion, You arrange convenient JlllY· ments to suit your income, you establish val- uable bank credit for future use. COme in today! .. ~ ........ • • Complete Loan Service • I 11\S l. \ \.I IC)\ \I . I)\\ I\ ·· S .::;.f\tc. (_,:.::;. , -~..: ·J F 1 '\,1& ,. ' ' • 0 If I' l11al II' II 11 llh-nwww_ ... °""90:" • Carr's Feed Store pearance on various one night chef of the moonliltht roof restau· staff each period u well as a H d G tours. playing the major ballrooms rant. . registered medical physician and ay an rain in competition with such bands as Among the concessions which surgeon. Quanty Feeds Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, wi11 be in.stalled on the lower level Moving pictures will be furnish- -§-Stan Kenton, Woody Herman and of the bulldinp are one which will ed by the U. S. Army, National other great names in the f_ield. carry soft -drinks, caramel com, Headquarlers of the Boy Scouts Dally Dellvery-Beaooa 5244 lllZ'! Newport Blvd. Featured with the band is lovely popcorn and fio.511 candy; one that and the U. S. Forest Service. Pa~oad VENETIAN ~BLINDS WOOD • !!TEEL • ALUMINUM ..... T--0wM111t -Se11191n -&~MnM S -.,.._ ... .,,,_, __ 814 Coast Highway Phone Beacon 5881...i Kim Kimberly, girl vocalist for· will have frosty ice cream; one Rus Campbell, business man- merly with Bob Crosby and Les that will have hamburgen. and ager, also reported arrangements ------------------------- Brown. one that will specialize In a new have been completed which guar· OOl!TA MESA -------------------------!type of hot frankfurter biscuit. antee sufficient sugar, meat, can- GEORGE D. BASSE'IT-·~: I ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service • Before You Build or Remodel YilH oar boteresUq •mple ........... , ...... . . . Color guides, plan.. nlng aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, C8Jllels and linoleum. C"wsst. ........... LUDLUM Carpet Works " IUI -llbla II&. l'lloM ... ta Am l80i SANTA .A.NA ' SEASON TICKETS!! " GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS Laguna Beach . Playhouse ''AIGEL STREET'' -·-John Emery !lo••• Tleb6s •a.le Now for 9 Plays, $20--taK Ille. lllall -· ----poyable to: ..,.._ -~ ...... 877 .... Oollt .......... 1t1 011 .,. Apia: .._ ••ntoe _......, -•01w~ C11rp A 1'1l:a;a • Duti; Vletllr7' •• • ?''Ill ...... ,... C-•1 •s tt'1t .. ,m sr Thls latter biscuit ls the rage on ned and fresh fruit and vegetables eut coast amusement lunch for serving 24;000 meals in the 40 stands. A large soda fountain and days u well u 500 boxes of the ice cream parlor will also be one best candy made. Hugh M. Wilcox of the new innovations for the will be Camp Director and Uoyd Llnnell enterprile. Paxton, Assistant Camp Director. The choir of the Community O'lurch, Congregational, gave a barbecue dinner in the back yard of lh4ir leader, Mrs. Leslie Stef- fensen, 209 Marigold avenue Sat- urday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. R . E. Morris, who have been < Light Truck for hauling By the Boar -....-.1m-J faithful members since the be-'--------------' ginning and who have moved. to ~-----------­ San pemente recently. The af. fair wu attended by twenty in- cluding families of the members. Afterwards the choir held re- hearsal. ROOFS APPLIED OB DPARl!D Free Estimates A Inspection ' W. J. llell1- Scotch tape, various sizes, on 3602 Man:w Ph. Hbr. 1012-J l&le at the News-nmes . !'------------~ EVERY WEDNESDAY -18-• ' ·11 ~to8 P. M. Mea ry~~ROlind, £e1.r:Js _m..I -~ - -·--TUlc Sc • I -BALBOA F.U·rt ZOIE • • l Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico; Hawaii Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See Mn. Boy "-. Pb. Barbor S9L 801 Palm, Balboa · Ban: 10 a. m. to I p. m. . ______________________ __, BBING YOUB RADIO TO US OM n., -We'll ae~· It and Yoa c-Haft It ... :Next. hctor7 Para Worll 0uaruo-. IM*ol'J' ~ ~ ' Radio SOS Electric • . ,.,,.,, ,,.,,,,. -fll.Jllt• , ••• ,, ••• , •••• , •• , ,, ••• ,. . • "I.. -\ • • • : ' ' l'bw 8-58U Newport & Ooeta llMa CAB CO. :U-Boar Seo wlce Hvw I~ Yc'l '~ INSURAWCE? -- St. James Auxiliary To Elect Officers " The final meeting ot the year for the Women's Auxiliary of-St. Fish Price Strike Confab Continued !Continued !l'om ~ 1) James Epi<copal churdl will be saJ I ·~-• ·~-bid the held Thursday. June 13 at 2 p.m. en_ RSU-C9':_uve \-=:J,1.1-.:' to at the home of Mrs. Chauncy Mc-dockside pnces ~ and of Kellits. 2124 East Central avenue, course the .ultimate consumer re-- Balboa. Pouring will be Mrs. B. ceives our ~.products at the reg-s B and other friendri of ular ""markup -allowable to each the h~er dealer that lets our fish pass "" Cunneu. • h will .d through his hands. Hence the Mrs. ing am pre5J e consumer's ·cost ls at a level or and annual . reports will be pre-hlgher than most meat at the sented. Busmess will also include butcher shop. the election of off~cers for the ''The rl!hennen do not feel that coming year. a healthy market coodition for PueL1c NoTICE their fish can ever beco.De a fact until all markets agree oo estab- lishing an agreed miniinum price for all fish delivered dock side. NOTICE OP PUBLIC llEA&ING Competition will still be on a wholesome basis between dealers The Newport Beach Oty Plan-start.inc from minimum pricm u~ ning Commiuion will hold a Pub-ward, coupled with attractive serv- ile Hearing Thur~y. June 20, ice, rather than the old method of 1946 at 7 :30 P. M .• in the Council beatln& down dock s)cle prices to Chambers, City Hall. Newport such a level that both dealen and Beach. California. fishermen are operating in a cut- PUBLIC HEAR.ING upon the throat manner. application of Wm. H . Scott for a ''Then too, the fishermen look to three foot Setback variance for the adva.nctng costs ot operating, Lot 17, Block 2, Section 1. Balboa with considerable concern. To . Island, California. name a few : labor for repairs and By order of the Chairman of maintenance $2.50 per man hour. -, nFl'EZN JANDJ:D. 'l'llla .. a -' of Ille --..,. Ille -of die ._. D on Saa Mateo i..&: Trr tq. IDcJlllleil were wt.lte .. bu&. o• of wtdda welPef M Pft'CP'r; barnca1a ... ...._t.. Oeorp Ktatr la ~I !r of lM lblWt& boat. -oto by C. A. Gr!lfi5S. Sportsfishlng Fleet Assn. the Newport Beach City Planning Webbin&: to repla<e or ~ ... u . sk· f Th T 11· Co~~ROEK. ~E.i:~~=::"'i~1 1ppers o ree ro 1ng .__ ______ .,~b.--June ll.s;.tary. ~~b~I.'"!5?:.~Eck= Boats Land s·1g Specimens now $1 .10 and 11ot pJentltul; twine • T P R d M.D up from 55c to 77 per pound The (Continued from Pace 1) T ' . . ee er, . 1 ... quo1auon "" all cotton pro-Mod I Fr k ducts on the netting line up 20% Call!.. aboard the llve ball boat e oc Announ""8 the OpMdDg of Offl""8 since the l int of the year. Music. Sunday. He used a aardlne D . d p h ""Now the fishermen cannot 01>-for bait and caug~t it on a man· enJe UfC asers at 3409 west Central erate economically with the abcwe ber one hook, which Is plenty mentioned prices while receiving small for such a big fish. For the practice of Medicine and Surgery Phone Barbor 602 Hours By Appointment pricts lower than the celling prices July 6 is the date reservations se~ up by ~he OPA. are being taken for the first 'The fishennen of Southern trip from the new live bait boat California gathered together and Sport King from King's Landing !ormet;t a Joint council with rep~· in Newport Harbor. This new sentat1ves from the Santa l\.fon1ca boat will dip into the water at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!Bay, San 1'.'edro, Newport Beach \VUmlngton · this week. To get ~ and San Diego to thresh out an tickets ro1 the Valencia Il.l which ~-------------------------~!agreeable solution to all parties leaves dally at 7 a.m., passengers concerned. They ~te ou~ a price-are requested to make reserva- schedule they believed fair. based tions in advance as the Valencia on the former OPA ceiling. ~ith is always being loaded these the assurance ~h?t these. pnet"S mornings. You . will always get would be the nun1n:-iwn pnce-$ or-out the re, however. as over-load fered them, dockside, for . th.eir boats are available and fish r ight catch .. They have a mechatton alongside the Valencia m Lots cla~se inserted in the agreement or people are fishing these days. Now Offering A Complete Line of Women's and Men's No record has been kept ol cus- tomers who have tried to buy the ve ry attractive dress displayed on a model in the window or Ork.in's Department Store in Costa Mesa, but it hasn't yet been s6ld nor will ft be. Designed with the stylish sim- plicity of a Louella Ba.Uerino. the dress was designed and con- structed (with the aid of basting thread and pins) by Mrs. Damia lDptlen. sto~ manager. fronl a bolt of matena1 and any would-be wearer of the frock will have to do as Mrs. Loptien did, construct it for herself. Expansion Brae eel ts which a11ows. for 24 hours .notice All of the Uve ha.it boat landings should any disagreement anse. . your friends and mine "Some of the wholesale fiih buy-are reporttne: the same types and As Low as ers declare th t t .11 al catches .of fish : barracuda. bass. e con rac 1 eg . h rb h. b They say the Sherman a nti-trust awl . ut, alwl Ith• seb.8 alb"'· laws govern their dealings and 1th t e 1g a ~co~e news. that the contract presented to lt has taken wi all this time 8:"d them by the fishermen is defin-space to get around to ~e pier itely governed by that law . The fishermen, who are knocking over fishermen believe that agreeing on the mackerel these days. ~a a mJnimum price, is not 'price fix-trout and halibut are al.so betng ing,' caught. A 25-pound halibut was Leaving next week with the Santa Ana group or boys for Y.M.C.A. camp. are a few from Newport Heights, including Bob Trusty. James Conrad and John Miller, while some others are hOping to go. Th~ will be the ninth year at ·camp for Bob. • .... .... Corona del Mar Nm ..,. --. Dem'• ...,,...._, lbJor anc1 -. J-Gdoll9. lBJ -• L. -·1 , ::-.. =· ~ m NU' 432 Carnation awnue, 0.-.W ._IJ.&L'I Kn. Norah Bata, 324 OtthJd Mar, are pattftb al. a -bona ., Mn. Gertude Rippey. Sn umuo. lo ~ from a -June 9 In St. JCIOOpb bolpli.J. Bo Acacia a"'"'~-attended the Yett ~ weighed aix pounclo, aix -. graduation exact.. at Hemet Union Hieb ochool, Thunda7. I t • • • • \, • • • ~ * • • Ii-a • • • L • L r when-James Dl1wort.h 90l'I of Mrs. JUppoys friends, Senator . and Mn. Nelson DIJwwth, was val~ dlctorian ot his c1Ma. Mrs. 'JUp- pey will remain tbr a week's visit with he< friends. . -Mr. and Mn. John Knox. 222 Narcissus avenue, returned re- cently from a combined business and pleasure trip ot two weeks In Oklahoma aty. They found the drive was through bea utiful country with spring flowen in evidence all along the way. Mr. and Mn. Gustav Grupe, 701 Mari&old avenue, returned ·re- cenUy from the east. They went by plane with stop offs at Chi-caco. New York and Booton. "They were sone aix weeks. The ftturn trip WU made Jn 18 l)oun with thtte stop offa. Mn. Nick Haugnea. 227 Ju. mine avenue, •pent a week with her daughter, Mn. Andrew "Dens- more, Ca~al Oty • Lt. Col. one! Mn. F . C. Venn, 230 Larkspui:. avenue, had aa £'Uel.!J over the weekend Mr. and Mn. Wilcox Wild. Inglewood, who came to look over their property on }fuel drive preparatory to bulldlh&. Mr. Wild Is test pilot fOr North American. Miu Ruth . S!mpaon visited friends lately 1n Pasadena for two daya. She entertained Mr. Mcfarlane, Pasadena, and his cousin, Mn. Frank Cleveland, Oleyenrte, Wyo., over the week- end Mr. Mcfarlane attended the funeral or his ni.other. Mn.. Peter Mcfarlane, recently. Mrs. Mc- farlane had many friends she had made in the Harbor district. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stauch, 316 Marigold avenue, spent the day in Catalina Friday. -"··f,.~ . ..... ._ ....... . 11 l!'J'... :laa -.4::. . . • J?r. and. Mrs: G. S . Sharp and son George and daughter Paula, Piaade na, have taken possession or the beach house, bought from John Pierce, recently at 1605 Pa-i--------------------------- cific drive. Dr. Sharp is a noted r--------------------------, cancer specialist. · Jack McDonald jr., Pasadena, is spending his weekends with his parents, Mr. and :l\.trs. Jack Mc- Donald sr., 311 Narcissus avenue, while his wife and children are visiting her folks in Canada for the summer. Mrs. Paul Mattison, Dunsmuir and children. and Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Alhambra, spent several THIS WEEK WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (80 . 60 . 90 Days) Marbro's invite you to come in and open a charge account. Our stocks are complete with the latest styles or Ladies' Fine Apparel. . ·' . ' - • ) 98c "There the matter stands Three ! caught from the Newport pic>r by wholesale dealers In Newport each John Shrank, 320 E . 3rd.St .. Long have felt the y could legally sign Beach, in his first 17 minutes of the aireement and are receiving fishing. Other big on~ also have fish daily. been caught. . Mrs. Bertha Tillotson and Miss F'ranoea Damoth of COsta Mesa are leaving Friday and will drive through to New York where they will spend the summer with r ela- tives and friends. PLUG MASTER CORD SETS Nationally Advertised READY-TO -WEAR ' Arvin's Jewelry Co. 116 Twenty....,.,.,nd St. Newport Beach "San Pedro boats that wish to Ye scribe oounted noses of fish- fish are being released by their ermen and kibitzers on the New- s trike committee after the crews port pier last Thursday evening have served duty on the San Pe-and the grand total came to one dro picket tine. and are delivering hundred twenty.five. A fair their catch to the three fair mar-moon was out and yellowfin ·---------------------------'! kets in Newport Beach. This fish croaker were being caught, ~pe­ is being rushed through the regu-cially along the surf. U a per- lar channels to help relieve the son ever took count of the nwn- meat shortage. her of people fishing in the bay, "The strike is being carried on along the surf, off the pier, from in a quiet manner, no trouble o( the trolling boats. barges and live any c9nsequence ha.s arisen. In bait boats in one average day fact the Newport fishermen are around Newport Harbor he Would more than pleased "'1th the co-op-have a tremendous figure. eration they are receivinl' locally. 'The In and Out cafe operated by Ted Stamm offers free ooffee and donuts to all men who se-rve on the picket line after their tour of duty. "Many people, both local busi- ness men and obsenrers have gone out of their way to wish the fish- ermen well. Even business people are helping on our pic ket lines-- Mitchell Bros. and Doc Pearson of Mitchell Bros .. wholesale manufac. turen. of commercial fishing sup- plies, are walking their tum on our picket line each Sunday.'' Sell that unwanted through N...,._ Tlmet ado. article MEANEST THEFT Meanest thief of the week was the person who stole lwnber and plumbing fixtures from the prem- ises of Mrs. Q. K Roblruon ot n2 Beacon street, Newport Heights, Saturday. Police a.re investigating the theft. MOTORIST ACCUSED Roy Rutherford of Balboa Isl- and will be arr~gned in New- port Harbor city court to enter his plea to speeding on Friday morn.in&. He was cited by police Sunday for doing 45 in a 25-mlle zone. Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting •.• off the Newport and Balboa Piers Plenty or Uve Bait .&\'llllable ,._____,,.. HI at -of Pion • • ' • -5'"' ner Guests this week at the home of Mrs. Ed Mirkovich, 144 Roches- ter street, Costa Aiesa. are the hostess' sister, Mrs. Mary Mc- Donald and Mr. a nd Mrs. H . G. Ballou of Santa Barbara. With the present warm weather the group has enjoyed many picnics. A daughter weighing .fi pounds, 15 ounces was born June 1 at Santa Ana Community hospital to Mr. and Mn. Willis Weaver , 221% 19th street. ' - L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 511 State lllchwa:r Beacon 5505 N-rtlleodt mRRBROJ c/ant"i ana, 218 WEST 4TH ST. PRONE HM Store Hours: Daily Including Saturday 9:80 A. M. to 5:80 P. M. • PERSONALIZED ATTENTION l Braken Lenses Duplicated • I To most people ch~ pbrue "Greyhound Sen-ice" mean• one ching al>o'\'e all ocbea- che friendly, ~ U.-Greyboaad folb take in helping daeir _a·--wUb ia puseogen bu been che keystone of GftT" hound poliq. Driven, mgena ud all per- --an canfu11y c:boten and chorougbly cm-' to c:urr oui tbiit poaKy. Trik-E11~1·, --i.r.miiilLUJ Ml tie halter a.-. lb ita St; Tribliada0 • ~ - outaide .irawstring, fold. roll wl nph II l Easy-to-ou& nyon .pbudlae; ,.... . and lighl. mellow p '-Silll 12 --~ •· $7.95 • • I • Qbmoa AdJuled • ,..,._ 1!ePMre4 • ;, I I.' I E.T. B•tterwortll, 0. D. 111' """* Ollllnl --IA1 Ev 'p -Aw1ta' t --. VENETIAN BLINDS Wood -Steel --Almninum FMt 8& •lee -......... .. OaB Us ... lleftne l'llaM Clwpe Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1085 E. w ...... 11.-d l'tlw I.mg lleedl '5$-!8 ........ • I I • net:y tnnl· prob!-, ill doieg., ever1c!1ing they can ui -ellcb p·menp a mollt enjoyable trip. Greyhound'• rep-lc1dom tor penonal;..t oenice ia no acrident rn.n lbe '\'ety ~·· •' • . • ... ' • .. . .,,. l,. Dial· aft{Q1 t\wMicle11d.M: roc\liie- Today,~iJdgbtlypmad'of!be : • .I • &a chat a dtild, an eldedype-,or people who U'\'e De'\'U ttaTelled before C&A -· ~depocudbelaftol . . i'C•ing..rely,plea•ndyti0daelrd11rinericw _..,. t!*'J&1111 wl fw"!'INWJ"1C.9l11 s (, • J I I T I l I l I T -., I I I I • ._ I I I I I •• •. t T I I T T I . T I 'I Y I I I " I PACIFIC L .I • IS • • '. -· ' • • ' ! • • ' • • • • • -- = _,.,,. Dr.4B Canada, Ke.-ny "'~ .. f~i::-the~~ta ": up on IS ay a ac New Doecwy Book Asked to Take $42..50 a month. In -caee *=-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REAL TOR-* &ys on Return -rmts are ---· vary-Cl b Sti I t Memor. ..:. :ti:.!. r=. :!i"': Over Army Base -W. c. Wagner, Associate Broker ~.~ to the.:.:: u mu a es les ;:-:~~..: o... ot U,. subJocta to be -l&64 Newport Blvd. Phone Beecoo 5434-W Butter, bread and all -of by~~.:::; that their trip Of G. d Be ft R ' a daM!f!ed directory ot t.Mi-....ci by,. the Santa Ana city O ~ "'::, '";..~~ ~ "t ;-:::.:.-::~a"":.!..~.:. or on nne aces = ~:.--.:::;,. = ·= :;-~'.~:1~ bew: Corona del Mar Kenny of Balboa, who returned dropped on the railroad tracks . ·aftk!aJa and --la belnc ~ to aruia the entire Sanlf, ' 2-Bedrooni. ~; exa!llent oceen and bay view. ~:"i.:'t~ :ng.Colum-and blocked traffic for nearly aix On cllsplay at the Coronado I the west oout In 1941 under the :;s.,_ by N-po<t--~::;:: :z_:=; ~ ~~ An artist's dream. Large living room with real brick Pubfulhen are hardest hit houn. Yacht club for the Memorial day lpOnOOl'lhlp of the Long Beech , The ~ wu made June 7 fireplace. Nice grounds with double garage. Priced for tn.ltt by the •trike-bound paper Dr Reeder Moves r aces with which the club .. uon ~:!'t,::: i!';1 =.~ theBer:: ~t i:,.,~:'".!:V:.,:·=~ by the Santa Ana Board ot Real· quick sale at $8875, full price. milb which supply all of the · • opened. and at Newport Harbor to ~-do--~ reh-u.t will be In the columns or Th• tors, wh,o •PPolnted a connlttee N W 3 Bed · Co t M Cabadlan preaa and about 100 Am-To His New Office Yacht club on Sunday evening o;;;;~.uu.;:---~have -Newt-Times. -later In -of Everett_ A. Wblte and Carl e -. room tn s a esa er!can DeWlpapen with newsprint. after the finish of the predicted wtnner that time ~-t for hli form, the directory will be . in Mock to promote the idea to the Lot 80'x330'. $8950. Lot 50'x330' adjoining may be had Kenny laid that the.re was one Dr. T . P. Reeder hu moved hla log race was the solid g old Jamet • --.. both dusttled and 'alphabetical municipal otllclala at that meet· for $1800 .. co~laUon tn the fact that llvlnc offices from 1001 West Bay ave--Craig trophy, prize of the race, boe.t runnin1 out ol. cu half a t Ing. "'"" were loweT in Brttlab Co-DUA! to 3409 West Central avenue, which was won by Don Allllon mile frnm the flnlsh line, and arr-. The air -with 1362 a<nS, Vi Acre in .Santa Ana Heigh ts Jumbl• than they are In the United Newport Beach. with his cruiser Hoaloha. ~::~~ ~H~ Z:::: ~= o!'!.fy~ta~ would be devoted not only to In-Modem ~rocm house. Rabbits and diJckens with It's Always The original trophy, the enor-on, tnourance officials demanded the flnt -of the book. A dustr'ial uoe but to residential de-equi~t. Nice garden, Garage and workshop. $7950. mom silver Bermuda cup, waa the cup be returned to New handy CIPde and referenoe to velopment, under the plan out-full pnce. Easy tenns. paoted in 1907 by James Gordon York, where It bu repcoed in 8 Newport, Balboa, Weat Newport, lined. Bennett. pioneer newspaper pub-bank vault until the wee1t before sea Shore Colony, Lido hie, New-Some 400 • .,.... of tnrttory Nearly New 2-Bedroom Usher and yachting enthusiast, the r ace. port Helehts, Corona de! Mar and lying betw.en the south llmlt of East side Hardwood floors and "~'--•. 66'x330'. Only COFFEE · TIME and was won twice by James Costa Mesa bual-..,· profes-Santa Ana and propcoed to be In-$97SO. 1 •u~ Craig. It was kept in the North-Harborites Fined Ilona! and lnstltutlona will fol· eluded In the annexation would At The . . . . . . DO NuTC&w'Am:t:LE SHOP . . . . . . . Serving COFFEE &: DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whipped creainJ • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. part, L I., yacht club from where low. be set aside exclusively for resi- it was llsted as missing in 1914. • S A Diatributlon of the book.I will dential de-ve]opment. Craig, ln,;J;,oj,.~aUon with the $53 1n anta na be free in the Harbor area. A. Opening of S. Briatol St. from Boat and 't'iigine Manufacturei;s nominal lilting charge is made present term.Jnus, through the air association of America, posted the Five motorist.a from the harbor .tor including a card in this repre-base proper to link with Newport new trophy, a plain chalice of d t W f ~-=1 sentative work. BJvd. at Costa Mesa was · pro-. 18 I h city area pai ou a to o ~ posed .also as a mean1 of giving solid gold, which is nc es in fines for traffic violations to P--al sollo'tatlo•• are not ~· _,.., '"'" Santa Ana a new outlet to the high and stands on a six·inch the ·s anta Ana dty court-tut being made: invitations to or beaches. square black onyx base. At the I Thursday. Operate in the enterprise are be-The '1r base has all lmprove- t lme it was made it was valued They were, Henry A. Bickeler, ing extended by telephone. ments already installed and has at $4000 and the insurance com· 26, of 2508 Uounvw-t boulevard, Pe-••• who are not "·led In ~··..-• •aov..... ua tts own 'water supp!r, tapped from pany no\v values it at Sf,000. a nd Cleo D . F e rguson, Z7, of P. 0 . the telephone book u a buslnesa Metropolitan Wa ter district lines In 1920 Craig. the only man Box 394. both of Costa l\fesa, Sl O ph~ ~ who h~ve not turned in serving the Co8.stal Municipal to win the Bermuda cup twice, each : Anthony J . Z. LOpez, 22, of the listing of t.Hetr business or pre; Water district,. w hich comprises took his boat , the Aisla Craig, P. 0 . Box 3.55. Corona del Mar, feuio~ should call Harbor 12 .or Costa Mesa and Laguna Bea ch. the n getting old. ou t into the $1 0; William J . Neth, 20, of P. 13, Directory Departmen t, to m-Thus adequate water supply would middle of Long Island Sound and 0 . Box 591, Costa Mesa. $3, and sute the inser tion of their name be assured.. "'ith all n ags flying, sunk her in Arthur J . Gilman, 52, of 521 Jade and business. -Santa Ana has lease on the Costa Mesa In potential business district. Lot IOO'xl20'; small busi- ness bldg. 1.arge· 3-room modem apt. In rear over double garage which can be made Into 2 more apts. at little cost. This is a chance to make some money. $8500. 2-Bedroom Home 65'xl50'; brand new root; ~. $6850. 2-Bedroom-Eastside-Home Built just before WaF. 'h acre. hdwd. floors and fireplace. $9750 Corona del Mar 2-Bedroom, furnished, view, double garage. Nice brick patio. $8875 decent burial. avenue. Balboa Island, $10. original 410 acres comprising the \Vith racin g on the eas t coas t During the day Oty Judge India ls the world 's largest pro-. bas MANY MORE ... COME IN AND 'UfALK IT OVER'' a t low ebb, C. King Brugman, Ronald l\f. Crookshank reported ducer or jute. 8.ll' Pro~~ boundaries of the an---OPEN SUNDAYS--- Balboa Island 305 Marine Avenue KeDDy Nichols Georp Slerlbt( Open Even1Dp UnUI 10 o'Clock -Cloeed on Wedne9day senior vice president of the Aro S477 was taken in in fines for nexation would extend from Delhi erican PO\\'er Boat association. both speeding and o ther misde· Scotch tape, various slzet:, on r oad and M ain street to sou t h O l--- arranged tha t the trophy come to meanors o f the road. sale at the News-'Ilme1 . limits of ihe base. west to H arbor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ boulevard, nort h to Baker street 'tl'-FRANK P. JOHNSON. REALTOR-* ~ • and eastward to Bristol street and 1644 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 5434-W 46-ltc iGasoline and Alcohol ~~;ik .••.. and safety should be the main thought in motorists' minds these days of overloaded highways and overworked jaloppies. Drunken drivers account for ' thousands of dead and maimed every year on the nation's motorways .... deaths that are so unnecessary and downright shameful. There can be no pity for a man or woman who kills snmeone in an eccident caused by a driver's inability ·to mix alcohol and gasoline. Judges and court administrators are incensed over the rise in automobile deaths traced to "drinking then driving"-so should the public. Santa Ana Man Fined $200 Pleading guilty to his second offence of drunk driving within three months, Bryce H . E ast- ma n of Sa n ta Ana was fined $200, had his oper~tor .. s license suspended tor 90 d ays and was given a 90-da y county jail sen- tenct". suspended on condition that he pay the fine and be- come involved in no arrest in- vol ving liquor for a per iod o f two years, In city court recen t- ly by J udge Bob Gardner . Eastman was apprehended on Central avenue in Balboa alter poUce recri'w·ed a com~ plaint from a m otor ist t hat he ha d been sideswiped by the car which Easunan was driving. Eutman wu found by New~ por t police, being held by a driver who said that he had been forced 9ff the road by Eutman and had glven chase. "Hot Rod" Driver Given 90 Days The s tiffest sen tence in the book a llowable un· der the circumstances \vas meted out by Judge D. J . Dodge or the Newport To wnship cour t when he S<'ntenced Donald Eugene Archer to 90 days in the county jail for flagrant violat ion of traffic regulatio ns recently. The hottest of the scrcaJIC'd ;,hot rods" con- fron ted police patro l officers, and in his spectac· ular attempt to get away ra ced through the busi· ness section or Costa Mesa at speeds r eaching u p to 70 miles per hour. fi nally was stopped a fter officen said he hit 98 miles per hour on Harbor boulevard y,•hen Officer Raymond Johnston fired five shots at the fleeing youth. He was Donald Eugene Archer of Garden Grove. Driving a hopped-up Ford V..S roadster. The Safest Distance To Follow Another Car One car-length for each 10 miles of speed. At SO miles an hour, for example, the safe "following'' ·distance wollld be S car lengths. Given SO Days In Jail F ound guilty o f hit-and-r un in a collision with ano ther ma- ch ine at 33rd s treet and Coast boulevard Jast week, P. E. Beck of Huntington Beach was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail. Speeding Blamed · In Car Mishaps Speedjng is the chJer cause or traffic acc:ldcn ts. according to a survey ma de public yesterday b y Edgar E. Lampton, director ot the State Departme nt of Mo- tor Vehicles. Traffic ca.sualty figures for . last year showed 1093 accidents in which one or more persons lost t heir lives, 10,416 accidents in which one or more persons were injured-all d ue to ex- cessjvely fa.s t driving. Mllllon Pel'!IOm Injured The National Safe ty Council re-- ports on tra ffic accidents: "'ti'ie toll for 1945 wa.s 28,500 k illed. One m illion persons were injured, 8:>,- CXXl of "'horn suffered some per.. manent disability. Direct economic Joss from these acciden ts, includ- ing wage, losses, medical expense, overhead' insurance and property damage is estimated at $1,450,· 000,()(X),'' IT PAYS TO DRIVE WITH CARE GOOD BRAKES MAY SA VE YOU FROM A SERIOUS ACCIDENT! DON'T DRIVE wrre SMOOTH TIRE8 HAVE 11IDI RECAPPED This "Drive With Safety'' Message Sponsored "The Arches" "Juot a Utile Bit Bettel"' Cocktail Lounge and Cafe Oil OIMt Jllatlw_,, at Nw,..,t ~ Vallely Boat Rentals Motor and Sall Boats oi-1 -8oatla llay-Plooae 1t J".dcewater at PaJ:m-.Plaooe '11 Hi-Way Garage Offtclal South~rn cantornla Auto. O ub Guai'e 11-IO Newport BITd..-Ptl. IS1 Reed's Super Service Shell Oil. Gu, t..lbrtcation and Accessories !ftO w ... C..tral Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing · a-t l!lal-Marine Wa~1 Coaal ~....,. Balboa Circle Taxi Aay Bour, Day or 1''1(tat-ft. Npt. MO Newport Auto Works GenenJ ~24-hr. t--· 5uMet Ges 4 OD Jlul-.....-a~-. National Auto.. Club Emel 1a1c:y Station Market Spot Anton Hershey _....._ ... ____ _ Lldo Richfield Station Wuh -Polltt1 -Lubrlcstlori M.11 W. Oeatnl '-l!rwtll TOllM Newport Tackle Store 1911 M~ "'-N-rt Commerdal and Sport Gear Good S tock ot Pre--War Line llenn_.._ Authorized Shell Dealer H1 Mariao-Balboa hland "Lubrication" • Washing -Polishing Tire Re-Capplnr our s poo1a11y Belen. ... Doe Wood.t hone %%19-l\' Boyd's Service Station 1500 Wmt ()eetn.1 -Pltoae 985 MobUgas and Mobiloil Lubricating • Washing -Polishing Batteries • Auto Accessories Bayside Fish Market -·~N-rt- by the Following: Balboa Fun Zone -Newport-Balboa Auto Supply Automotive Supplies -Open 9 a.m. to 8 _p.m. Ut U1 Help You With \'our Parts Problem Glen W. O>nkle -Manapr 1108 W. O.tral Aft. -NpL Bell. !lD Carrell's Garage General Repal.rlng • Brakes Relined Mo tor 'J\Jn~Up • Wheels Balanced -Z8tla St--N-to r.-Jllo•o ~ Sj1DP Casino Cafe & RefresJunen~ Lounge · MIMalaSt.-~VN'treT-- . ....... Kenneth E. Wilson Co. · ~ Cruioen-Olrysler Marine .,,,.,_ --~- ' By 4 Assailants Window Pelted; Family Warned The livin g room window of the house of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis on Lldo Island was pelted Sherif f's deputies a nd Newport by a BB rifle sho t, shortly beCo re Beach police oCficers were st ill 3 o'clock Sunday afte rnoon. For- investigatin g today the alleged as -tunatel~ the ~l~et, w hich ~truck Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 Ooaat Blcflway • Old fashioned malts '\ye mean Just this. sault by four men on an Orange a. w all in the living room. did not w oman some\\•here In Newport hit anyone: GI LL' s Beach township. The ~hce report sta t~ that The woman, Mrs. M uriel Holt, the f~milfxioft 7;ereshtt ~orris :'ash 31 of 447 S. Grand street, Or · warn ~ u e coting w 1c , ------------• f was believed t o have been shot l ange, told law e nforcement o fi-1 BB ·n th · · cers that she w as disr obed and rom a ri e o n e~r prem1~s · · 11 tt eked by the foUr by s<;'mrone engaged m practice cr1rmna y a a shooting m en a fter she got into their con- 1 -;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;, vertible coupe a t Balboa early SUnday morning. Police said she reported h aving att e nded a party with friends in Balboa and left t hem t em par arlly to get a cup of coffee around 8&lee _ Enctneering _ Service midnigh t. She said she did not 8ZO Coaet Bl..S., Coron.a del Mar r ecall getting the corrce, but that Temparary Phone, Day 654 Le· she did reme mber ge tting into the &UM. Beach; Phone Night, U362 automobile. Lagun Beach llllLLEY'r REFRIGERnTmn JERVICE camPnnY Mrs. H olt said the ffien held -======"=====:::::; her , slapped her on the head a nd :- in the race, and subject ed her to a for cible attack near"-a light beacon some distance away. SHOES DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sauce • Fancy Crab Meat • Salad Dressings • Pickles -Olives •Ch..,..., -Meat.i • SardiJJes -Anchovies • Crackers -Biscuits • French Rolls -- SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher Vegetables RED BIKE MISSED Repalnid While Yon Walt Better Meats Peter Graham of 510 •Acacia R p Fancy Groceries dMve, Corona de! Mar, has asked . ay agan police aid in finding a red bicycle, 515 E t B Fr t with Santa Ana license plate nwn-as ay On 245 Forest Ave. ber, which was stole n from the Nat door to Bay View Cafe LAGUNA BEACH rear ot the record s.hop on Balboa L:::;;•::a.:m.::;to::•:J>:~·~:::::;::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Island, June 4. I:•:..... _______ ....._ __ _ TENTS BANNED Police are enforcing the dty or- dinance prohibiting the erection of tents on beaches within the city. One such tent plaC'ed on the beach in the 4200 block on Ocean Front on Sunday was ordered removed. AD kinds ~tor r1-i. stock It the News-'nm.. Boat Owners a a a Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-AD Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 18Z9 So. Main St. Pb....,207 ' SANTA AN.A 'I . Gas Heating & Ventilation CHAR I ER & PRESTON B ttz1 l<l•••l ol•JMI·-..... Wum .,......_ ' a Ill P"91ie Ml& 1ar.1•llldl-oe1 ..,.e, Na or ZM ~ WANT TO SELL . YOUR CAR? • • We WW Pay Y oa Uie lllgbe8t Po..ible Price ••• Stop ID at: I t' • • MceARTHY USED CARS Hanahaw'a I-Stop Service Station °""Ce Auto Service t.lobrloa -BrakK Relined S~d Bowling Center "Boots" and Roy Keene Mala .. 81111& Ba'•• ftn•1 Met lJay Shore Cafe · Brealrfc:.~ ~-,;-iJn:y ~':...-,. . PO.B. ~ 7 L m. to 9 p. m.-Ooled Montlq CLOTHf S eo.&a .._ ' 1"'9 N ..... rt ~ •- Lq~ Boat Bui,ld~ -New,.n-. (Mt.; - Ets-Hokin & Galvan Slectr1clans co-,_ Fire ~t for PVtory, si-. omc.. Fann. Home tMC:..---UM Dean Termite Control Quuu-Tennlte Ollltn>I Lalelt ~ -Ul, ......... ., .... ft ,_ "Tor Your Health'• Sake, Bowl" Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana-Callfomla Foster & Sons Tnaott Crulaen -920 c-t Hllbway -836 Newport 8-:b Gm Beach Hancock Station .,,,._..,... Prodllcta and Hancock Ges -Supplloa, Appllancoo, Paint. Hardware -N-pwtllh«.-C-.- "U• Your BnJra btead ol Your ff<n"' M E N . Johnstone Servite AND C:..llhd.a'111~-· no vs Phone 1872·J If your tire la flat o< 1"'1J':battaey nm -J., Mol>llps and •KIO~OllC"1 Higgins Pl~ Craft o , Dalo E. Watts; Ka-C>C:U'4pt• n• ~ ~ tH& 1t--~ OJ MacCardy & Calldnt, Inc. _,--o"°'P Haft! Ardllt«ta -S..t Ballden -S..t ~ .. •-A-. :uc..:ftO.tble rcr Boat& Ft:r ... ••s1 ...... 111& ·:...... ..... 1• ..... ,... .,. 'l~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~LJ ~~~====~~~===========~====-:----=-i:llL--~~~p ' : • I • aalboa Islanders Not Enthused 'With Farm Life • • • • Lutheran Society Meets-at COM . The Women's Missionary ~ • • • Harbor ,_l 1* ' • Fourth District P-TA Discusses. Scholarship, Hears Convention Reports at Anaheim ~ W-has been received from dety or the Newport Harbor Lu-Phones 13 and 208 t. Col. and Mn. Paul Schttpel, theran church met Tuelday ~I ·--------------;--------+----~------------;-=:::=::;:; onner realclenll of Balboa bland, Ding with Mn. Harold Faceou. 305 8 1 Graduates Say Far ewell to Grade School Days; Commencement Play Depicts '66 Union A 1-t ocbolarlhlp for col· retar7; Jin. Darotby Heacod<;/ loge seniors -""' •tullJ!nl to p!hllctty; Mn. ~ Harvey, pro- be elementary t .. ch<n .... --and lln. ~ <:USled by the Fourth District, Callromla Ccngroa ol P aretti and Tead><n, which held an all-day meeting Thursday at the Anaheim dty pork with members of the McCann Engagement Is Announced . that they are now 1n Illinois and Jasmine avenue, Corona clel Mar Bri dge Players after v111t1nc 1n 1nc11ana. wm with Mn. Ed Willcutt. the v1ce EnJ·oy A fternoon at reach W ·-"--D c. b Jul president In charce. After a dis- 15 -=•·0 "· · Y Y cuuion ot the ~onary leuon Lido Isle Home They left here the last of April there was a sod.al hour with re. With their llOD ])on, and after f:reshment.s served by the hostess. ~ Mrs. Tom Henderson and Mn. 9J)eDd1na IOIDe time in Mrs. Present for the session "'.ere the George Peters of Udo Isle were Schrepel'a home town, Mercedes, Mesdames E. Schultz.. Ed Wilcut~ co--hoeteues Wednesday at a Texas, went to Minnesota to visit Iverson, Don Wedek1n1, Cbar~es! bridge luncheon given at the Mr. Schreper s parents. They were Seebew. Richard HMbbell. Pauline Peters home, 539 "Via Udo Soud marAed In Honolulu. where they CUI~, 0 . Grochow and Mn.I Punch was served in the garden lived until coming to Balboa, and Lowse Roth, mother of the pastor. and luncheon followed afterward this was the fl.flt time Mrs. I in the house where snapdragons Sch.repel and Don had seen the Word has been received from ln shades of yellow and other elder Schrepela. They repor t the I Ft. Warren, Wyo., that Capt. Dan-flowers in blue were combined for country is lo"ely but that farm J iel C. M cNaughton , 320 Via Udo an attractive decoration. . life has dinstlnct disadvantage-a. Nord, has been ordered to the FL Mrs. OiHord Nolder was wtn- Dougla.s, Utah separation center ner of the first prize and second Scotch tape, various atza. on where he will receive his honor· went to Mrs. Dean Campbell. Mrt. aale at the News-nmet: . able discharge. Lester Isbell received the third award 1.Qd Mrs. Everett Lutz v.·as consoled. Before an audience Which tax.td to capacity the auditqrium ot the Newport Beach grammar schoq'l, 81 graduates received their di- plo111&1 Thund.ay eVening from Marion C. Dodd, president of the board of trustees, ln an informal commencement program. Opening the program were three numbers by the school orchestra, directed by Ointon Sawin. Diane WesUake led in the naa aalute and the linginc of America •at followed by the Invocation by tht ii..v. E . D. Goodell, the ii..v. Ardys Dean later giving th.! benedictiOn. fler.,,. J oyce May Purcell, Arlene Joyce Ragan. Anita Loube Coane, Mary Joan Barrett, Patricia Ruth Cox, Mary Diane Patterson, Vir· ginia Lee Stroup. Diane Sedinger, 1'1argaret ~1ary Howe, Carrol Fitch Pierson, Mary Kay Morris, lt'Iary Morales, 'Joan Beverly Mohr, .,hyllis W . Mostyn-Wa\kins, Sony1 F. Johnl, Maxine Henrietta Hart man. Kathleen H. Meston, Luella Joyce Leater, Mary Catherine er.is. -Lou Fiero. J""""" UOioru Dye, Patr'tda Janett·-. Williams, Mary Ann Mofty. Janel J . Hill, Joan l>tlrleoe Benbow, Donna Lee Stine. Beverly Jeall Bechtold, Nancy L Snyder, Bar- den Claire Greenleaf. Anaheim P .-T . A. coundJ u ·the Mr. and Mn. Robert E. Mc>--t organization. cann, 305 South HW awn~ Linton Simmons county super-Pasadena, formerly of. 'l'\en--._ lntendent of ..,.,;.,Is. explained China. and later of t.ido Ialeo .,.. the proposal and stated that rom-· nounce the engaaement of their plete college H&rds of all COUnty daughter Barbara LoulR to pfc. students are available at their Lewis C Jano, U. S. Army Medi· local high schools and from this cal corps. son or Mn. Darotb:r source information 0 to whom Jano ot San Joee. No da.~e has should be awarded the $500 yet been set . f~ the weddina- scholarshlp may be obtained. The bride-to-be ii a graduate Vacation Time • ~~ Oh! • • The main part of the Pt-am wu "Glimpses Into the Fu~ ... purporting to be ·the graduatee Guest.a present were the Mes-as they wU1 be in 1966, holdini dames Gordon Findlay, Isbell, a reunion and telling ot their ac-- Ralph Mas.key, Sally P eyton. Obed Uvltles of that -time. Cleverly Lucas, Spalding Eastman, H . R. l written and# presented. it brought Ring. Nolder , Warren • Fletche r . 1 into the dialogue plans for the Phil Neary, Campbell, H elen Gu-future and memor able incidents thier, Lutz, Jack Zefler, P auJ Hall. of the past. Incorpora ted in it Robert Powell, G . E. Tohill, Mc· was a reading, and transcribed Fadden, George Lowe, Betty broadcast, of the prize-winning Phillips. Harold Caldwell, Rod· poem, 'The Stallion, written by er ick Burnham, Cameron Thom Robert Hei fetz. one of the gradu~ and Everett Morris. ates. Delegates who attended the of Newport Harbor Union Hiah state mnvention of the California school of the claa of '42. She C.Ongress at San Francisco made attended. Oregon State coUece _.. their reports and atnong them on June 3 creduated frun F\> were Mrs. Jerrold Spang\er of mona college. Her fiance-~ • Udo Isle, v:loe president of the on the Army Speeial Trainlna Newport Harbor Union High program at Oregon State and School Parent-Teacher usodation, plans to resume hil pre-medical who reported on the magazine studies at San Jose State coUece Mrs. Heinz Kais er Mbo Elhoor H-rt. daugh~r or dinner. following his pending clilcllarp. M.r. and ~In. Charles E. Hobart, . Mn. A. E . Siphttd of Orange H ost ess at Eact• Bock. w-man-tap to presided at the morning session All kinda typewriter ri-1n Bridge Lunch eon O<>orge M. Uol•~ln m. !1% Via of which the scheduled program •tock at the News-TlmeL U do, Nonie, will take plaee on was: Pledge of Allegia nce. Mrs. -============::; Mrs. Heinz Kaiser e nte rtained J uly' U. R. Deane Smiley, citizenship chair-t Wednesday witQ_ a bridge lunch-man: tnspiR6onal reading. Mrs. eon. 1ruests arriving to rind the Grange Planning Monln Schrader. character and attractively arranged tables set outside at the hostess' new home Fa1·r Exh1"b1"ts ,· CPS splrltwil ";·education chairman : welcome Nn:. R. R. Roehm. presi- a t Elden and \'irgi.nia streets. It Spea ker Sl ated dent--.::..;s'&n council; response. NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards stationery We What Fun! ~~ Have the Togs MOTHER AND DAUGHTER PLAY SUITS 3-Piece Short Bra and Skirt • LAGVNA BEACH COMBER SUITS CATAIJNA SWIM SUITS ARE WELCOME GIFTS F OR FATHER Orkin's 1793 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Department Store • Dessert Bridge for Church Benefit To Be Held June 19 Sponsored by the \Vomen's Aux- iliary of St. James Eplscopal church . a church benefit dessert bridge u'ill be held \Vednesday. June 19 at. the W omen's club- house, Costa Mesa. There wtlJ be door and table prizes and tickets are $1 . They may be ha d from Mrs. Oinning- ham. president of the auxiliary, from any member of the com- mittee or a ny m ember of the aux- iliary. Mrs. Charlea McAJary is committee chairman and members are the ?.1esdames George Hol· stein, Dixon Smith, F . E . Finster, C. A. Case and J . M . Campbell. Margaret L. Scharle (Member Music Teachers' Assn. of California) Teacher of P iano Organist • Accompanist Studio: S0'1 Goldenrod Avenue Corona del Mar PHONE: HARBOR 1046 Following came the valedictory address by Diane Patterson. daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Patterson of Newport Island, and the presentation of the American Legion awards by Commander Don Durant. He stated that it had been a difficult decision but the u>inners finally named ,..,ere Mary Ann Morey and Ralph Erwin Wells. h1ichael Smith gavl" a trumpet solo a nd there were numbers by the eighth grade mixed chorus and the eighth grade Girls' Glee club under the direct.ion of l\1ary Batten Steffensen, The Lord's Prayer (Malotte) beortg notably lovely. Accompaniments \vere:f>y Miss Clara Spelman. was the first time she had enter-u-. ·.lohn~~g, Vernon, district tained "'ith a party since return-:=~tan.an : business; con-ing from England \\»he re she spent The Home Economics section ..-...-~-Ls two m onths \'iSitlng relatives. of the Costa Mesa Grange met ventlon ~u;; by , de.legates. Both bridge and rununy were 1 last week for an all-day session ;.;.. lnvi~ was extended by played, v.•ith !t1rs. Lew \Vallace at the home of Mrs. Mary Wil-the: ~t~ent·Teacher asso- first for bridge and Miss Frances Iiams. East 20th street with 16 c;fatltisJI, of, the Harbor district to Damoth second while Mrs. S . A. present. hfembc>rs brought sand-the l'our<tt.' District. to hold the Meyer received first prize at wiches and dessert \\·as furnish-Now!inber·.·meeting at Newport rummy. ed. by the hostess. H~ ~on H igh school. Present v.'ere Mrs. Elizabeth The time was spent setting up A pot•JUck luncheon was serv- Weissman of Los Angeles. house-and \Vorking on a pretty quilt ed. at 12:30 _p.m. with coffee and guest of the E. I. Moores; Miss which \vill be raffled off at the rolls turni.shed by the · hostess Frances Damoth a nd the Mes-fall bazaar. and the Grange as a c:ouncU. dames Meyer, Wallace, 0 . M. whole is also planning a booth at From the Newport Harbor Campbell. L. V. Llnsenbard, the Assistance League Orange UnJon High ·School P .-T . A. were Henry Egger t. J . A. Gant, C. B. County Fair a nd Horse Show, to t he president, Mrs. Wesley Fow· Rudd, Charles Hand, P. V. Parkes, be held June 21, 22 and 23 .at Jer and the vice president, Mrs. Bertha Tillotson. E. I . Moore, Sam the Santa Ana m unicipal bo\vl. Spangler . From the Newport Kinsfather a nd Fred Catlin. There are four Granges in the Grammar School Pare nt-Teacher Brookings V ariet..v .. 0-. • .,.. c--... .. c-.w. u.. "' "'" 7 .... ... DDDD'S Principal H . O . Ensign pre- sented the graduatin2 class to Mr. Dodd. Y.'ho gave diplomas to the Mrs. Rita Boardman Hostess for Get-Togethers county and each will have a booth associa tion were Mrs. Edgar Hill, with farm exhibits. president; Mrs. Wilbur Buck, sec-Open E\•eninrs. Except Monday This week on the evening of -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Thu'Tsday, June 13, Grange mem· r rollowing: Wayne James \Velty, Lyle A. Hilmerson. James Jay Norek. Dona.Id L. Standage, Jack Charles Mrs. Rita Boardman cntertain- Reed, Roger Alan Welsh, Cabel ed memben. of the Get-Together Braden Finch. Leonard Timber· club Wedne!day for an a ll-day lake, Rober t Thomas Hayn<'S session at her home on Onyx Donald L. Bayliss, Floyd Kenneth avenue, Balboa Island. Sweet Duncan, Allen Theodore Pedersen.I peas, dahlias· and other garden Adrian Gordon Robertson. A1-flov.•ers were used for decora- phonso L . Portillo. Marvin Lloyd tions and a prettily appointed Smit h, Donald Lee Cantrell, Har-11uncheon was served at noon. lo"' Thorne Richardson. l Current events were discussed bers are asked to attend the meeting to hear a !peaker from the C. P . S . at Sacramento who will talk on the health insurance pla n. The next meeting of the Home Economic section will be June 18 v.'ith Mrs. Parsons. Pllf'Sons road. New Grandchild for The Walter Spice rs Individuality for the "Mother-to -be -· If w e don 't have it, we ma~t' it, you see! CfJonna,ctlt[arie S liopp e 515 N. Main SL Arcade Bide. Pbone 3608 Stephen Al bert Sailors, Robert and pla ns were made for the. club ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 Stephen Pridham. Rodney J,..ee to dine in Los Angeles later in ; 1 Smith, James C. Ibbotson, Donald the month and attend a perform- 1 Warren, Ketcham. Charles Nich-ance of Bloomer Girl. Mr. and ?.lrs. R obert M. Allen !~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~====;;====-:. jr. of San Marino are announcing I the birth of a son, Scott H azzard Allan, their second son and the second grandchild for ~1r. and Mrs. \Vatter Spicer, 33 Harbor Isl- and. He was born on May Zl. Youngsters of Balboa and Vicinity Will Have the Chance of Coming Inio. their Own in BEAUTY AND HEALTH This Week When Registrations f or the ''~ddies Karnival'' sponsored by the Pythian Sisters of Orange <}lunty REGISTRATIONS TAKEN UP TO .JUNE 15, from 10 LID. to 5:SO p.m. at lhe 'BOBBY SHOP 11 1 East Centn.I Ave. In Balboa Baby Beauty Show= be THE LAST WEEK OF JUNE. It is to be super- vised by five judges who will grade· the babies on natural beauty of form and feature alone. Brief costumes such as sun suits or bathing suits are the only requirements and children will compete only with other tots approximately their own age. From each age class there will be selected one boy and one girl. From these winners Miss and Mas- ter Bal.boa will be selected on the stage at a Coro- nation Pageant. Blue ribbons will be presented to the winners while Miss and Master Balboa will re- ceive trophies. Date of t4e Coronation P8gQllt to be Announced Later at which t:tm. tM mo1t OUtstandinc children will be crowned and presented with trophies, blue ribbons and other awards. Every mtrant is to receive a physical ex~ amlnatl<>n. 'lbooe judged ~ fit will rt<:elw either a blue ribbon dlpk\ma or &Old Rel Cfttiflca~ aocordlnc to their K'Ore. TA&SN SCREEN TESTS GIVEN- ALL ENTRANTS . Health Examinations Beauty Show Coronation Pageant BY "r e WW Be No lllikMllB Jl'ee • • I olas Slaughter . Jack W. Ehlen. \Vi th schools closed: this was J E'rry Duane Blue, William t>. the last regular meeting of .the Clancy. \-Villiam Wayne Jackson. year and other gatherings will Michael Smith, James Harold take the form of picnics with ! Hitchman, Ralph Erv.rin Wells, children included in the fun. Robert J . Heifetz, Gene Mc-'nlose prese nt v.•ere the Mes· Masters, \Vil Ham J . Hamm. dames Rosemary Smith. Santa 1 Beverly 1'tae Davenport, Pa-Ana : Eliz.abet_h Belmont, Oran~e; I tricia Josephine Quigley. Lura J Helen Mlrk?Vlch, Mildred Merrill. life(' Landfield Diane Louise Gor-Lela h1cM1llan, Nina \Valters, don, Margaret ' Rose Keller. Diane I Doris Jesko, E d Zube and the Louise \Vestlake. Barbara Jane hostess. Brownie, Dorothy Mae Joyner , -------- Launa Barbara Patton, Jack Walter Clark, FredC"rick L. Guard, Picnic Luncheon Norman L. Myers. Norman Lee 1 Mrs. Robert Ross, 1028 West Miller , Ronald La.Verne Jackson. 1 Ocean Front, entertained the Don Carlos Brent, \Villiam David second book section of the Santa Joyce. Ana ~11 club Wednesday for a Nancy Lou Walter, Katherine picnic luncheon in the conserva· Louise Rabbitt. Bette Ann Stat· tory of her home, thirty mem· 114W.4•St -PASADENA bers being present. Mrs.. Sam Nau gave • travel talk cm South Africa. A marriage license was issued this week to Douglas Gordon Mur· ray, 25, Corona del Mar, and Joyce Betty June Braun, 20, Abilene, Texas. LONG BEA.CB • JI(. Dz rs ... .,., ....... ~ ..... L. .. ....., • . • Mrs. Allan is the former H ar- riet Spicer . Her husband is well knowrl in yachting circles and has sailed in nationa l and interna- tional races. While stationed o n the east coast he sailed in Star boat races on Long Island Sound and also at Chicago, and since returning home has en tered in t.he Rhodes events. Mr. Spicer ls head of the Bay State Lumber oompany, Coast highway. All kinds typewriter ribbons stock at the NeVll&-Times. CDLDWAVE. RIMO MORE ft THAN .nJ8T REDUCING • Here's a way to rebuild vi- tality, relax tense nerves, tooe up tired mUldes, while )'OU achieve that alimmer, •traicht· er. lovelier ~. Different -_....,,.,. -~ the Stautrer "8;ot.m 11 ...y, pleasant, 1timulatft circulatlon and encounca eo..i pooture. N o drup, •lectridty or eur- tion. You'll enjoy Jt ! -. Treat niL _-flJliO .lJ~ __ ... 15.90 II Treats •• -.00 Stauffer System IACHJNA ••CB ll'f... h~ .._.KU a.--.--·-·- Janet Blair OPEN TUESDAYS. FRIDAYS AND' SllNDA'YS'. • By .App .. ib:wwwit ~ nm1 •·: aa . ...... ,.. .•. I • ,.