HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-13 - Newport Balboa News Times• ... SAM MESA-BEACH? Dick Pat- 1 terson1 former city en- gineer and ooe of the best in- formed officials on Newport Har)>or in the state, told a Rotary group the other night tha~ the most important de- velopment before the com- munity was that of the Up- per Bay. He believed that more could be accomplished by combining the resources ot the Mesa and the Beach than by each going ahead separately. He did not take sides on in corpora ti on or an- nexation, despite the fact that he was employed by t he Mesa C. of C. to make a sur- vey but he did feel that the gro;vth of the district was moiie important than the fights or jealousies of the two groups, recalling the old Los Angeles • Long Beach Jeua. Patterson pointed out that ' approximately 1500 ac.res comprised the corporate hm- its of Newport Beach and that a similar acreage was contemplated for Mesa incor- poration. Many arguers, pro and con, put in their twe>-bits worth. among them being Col. Franklin, Sam Meye r. Harold Grauel, Bra-. den Finch. Hub Howe. Clyan Hall. etc., but what the forty or fifty business men wanted to find out was the proper thing to do for the best in- terests of the community. That is something our ciyjc leaders should A L \V A Y S have in mind-thousands of ne\t citizens are no~ lnte~­est'fd fo r a single mmute m thei pet peeves and disputes of 1>ld timers and those of us with those ·thoughts still rankling in our craniums, should quietly step out of the picture. • + Postoffices. Seems that every time I try to write something about P . 0 . con- solKlatjon, one \Vay or the ~ther, I put my foot way in. Herb Kenny, Balboa post- master, did not agree with the statement that C.D.M. would be deprived of its P :M. mall. under the sub-station plan. Said. in fact it would receive it earlier. The n Bill Adams,. Newport P . M .• ·de- nied he was the on~ who tried to consolidate the four offices three years ago. Pointed out that a league posed of ladies promoted. the move· that he was always willing to heed public re- quests for jmprovement of the service and that if Pl'9' pie wanted it, all they had to do was petition the proper authorities. + + + Balboa llland. Mr. Adams also reported, as did Mr. Kenny, that many Balboa I.slanders want delivery serv- ice! and have appealed to various departments for it; claim their efforts a re blocked because some busl· ness firms want people to come to P . 0 . after their mall. Tut, tut! Mr. Kenny says his district gets ~ ll!'d sometimes three. delivenes a day. How come? Newport- ers .. at least as far down as 30th street, only get one de- livery, but. fiscal reports show the Newport office is larger and has one more car- rier than Balboa. \Vhat do we do. Mr. Adams, to get in- creased delivery sernce? . • + • Father's Day. 0 , boy. all you fathers and near-pa.pas, you had better wash your necks Sunday so you can -...~ that new tie without getting it greasy or slopping gravy on same ! Strongly suspect the haberdashers, etc. had a hand in putting oo the Day to vie with Moth- ell's Day, although President ~ said in 1924 that ltS wide observance would eoltabllsh more intimate re- lations between child and 'Dlid. And I wouldn't be so mean as to report what ooe strong-minded male dedan!d: "that It was little more than an excuse to buy hbn pres- ents (with his money)." But .e\>ery Dad should promote 4-!r ccmradshlp with his ~ but why wait 8hd do It only one clay In the >l-! • Kl!'.EP POSTED! 1 YfJU' •••••• SZ.50 -~ fl.110Mof~, .. ,.. Ow& .. -· -~...,_ .. N...-n-. Newpwt ....,. • • ' .NEWPODT BALBOA· • Pint .. Ad\wtt • I . • Pint .. Clrealatlaa EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOL1JJO UXVDJ NEWPOllT BIC.&CB, CALIFOllNll. TBUIUID&Y, nJNJC 11, 19M ~ 7 NV1111Sa C7 Urge Devolopment of Upper Newport Bay Jet Pilots fly to Capitol, Return to Riverside Field In Historic One-Day Flight Jet Plane Flyers Were Guests at Balboa Fete on Saturday Another Radio Stolen Mn. K E. Summon d Route 3, Box 429, Anaheim, reported to police that -portable ndlo .... stolen trom the bNd1 at a.- do! Mar. Lut ...-a portable ndlo WU reprted stolen tbere trom•O. R. Haan d Santa Ana. BICY.cLE FOUND County Harbor Commission Seeks Federal Cooperation For Big Dredging Project Report Packed With. Supported Factual Data and Backed Up by Many Endorsements Is Submitted to U. S. Engineers' Small Harbors Conference at Long Beach ' • ! I ' -. s , ~, a-11, lMI or .. ttzs (Juda -• -VuWty .. II ml -Mesan Home "WE INVxn: YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" c. E. LOUCKS B ·1di I • ' . I Steelers Lose =..: ~ ooa••"'-tar First Round in 1nc1~ ~ ~ =-~ Softball League Dodlon. pitcher; B. ~lb; ' M. POol•, 3b; R-Cb...mlll. .. , IC. Poole, a; L. ReifsniderT' rf~ a w.1::~;!'~~~ u1 · 1ng teaps !.__ ______ ..,!~~~B~-ea.~•~-~l~A~l~ll!.._ ______ __! SANTA ANA, June 12.-Coota ----------------------Mesa continues to grow in new The Stoelen frun Newport l>ryodal•, If; C. Donny, d . Beach, local entry In the ooftl>all league now .~ in nel&hbor- home population. l'tTmlts callinli: ing dues, dropped • tint roun.i To Enter New Work encounter with -·· s_.inc .--------------------------. for the erection or $36,024 worth Goods of Huntington Beach '!\-. .COSTA MESA, Juno 12.-~, day nl&ht at the -Oil Oty diamond. Carl B. JohnSon, pastor of tho 8-3. ' Coota Mesa Community churdi, ALBACORE For Canalng ••• Orders Taken Now for Future Delivery Phone Beacon 5387-W ••• F. 6 B. PRODUCTS 445 Newport Blvd. Wbol!t le COSTA Mn!A Retail of new homes were recorded here last week, the county recorder's omce stated. Permits were laued to the fol- lowing persona: Frank Chapman, 1101 20th street. ~100 ; Clayton Balley, 21932 Santa Ana avenue, house and garage, $6412; W. L. Palmer, 21922 Santa Ana avenue, house and garage, $6412; Georae DeRoullac of Santa Ana, Maa:- nolia street eut of Westmlnlter avenue, $3500; John Harris, 1952 Laurel str<et. $480!); Donald Cole- man, 1691 Brnaclway, $3000; Al- bert Dixon. 201 Westminster avenue, $2500, and J. H. LaRue. 2231 Santa Ana avenue, convert garage into home, $400. The local squad got away to a wtll start his new duties as ~ flying st.art at the outset or · the dent of the Council of Pro-t •ncount.er and Jed the Sport Good· Cburches of Orange counfy .. .... :l-1, but found their clefftlle July 1- dislntecratlng In the llnal cantol The council Is compooed of al and took a sbellacldng. Erron Protestant churches In the county, counted for se\."en runs )n one with 1~es.m.tatioft bued oa ona inning and cost the ball game fnr minister and ono layman fnr .... the locals, who took to th• dla-300 adherents. Let's All Say • -• ''HAPPY FATHER'S DAY'' Drive CU'efully-Spare a Llte. --------------------Bank of America Balboa Merchants' See Summer Invest.s in Garden B sl R ·nec1 b R d C t To Dad This Sunday with a Jewelry Gift • 1heDOLL llOU2E Excellent Cuisine • Ox:ktails ~· , Grove School Bonds U ness UI . Y , 08 U Bank of America. together with There aeerns to be DO end io ~ improvement, excavation Flnt National &nk in Santa Ana the trouble. that are vexing the of the !treet farther on certa1nl7 and First National Bank of Gar-merchanta of Balboa.. jeopardizes business interests bl f find here." • den Grove, today purchued $250,-Faced with the pro em o - 000 Ga.rden Grove Union High Ing more parking space-for the ------ School District Bonds to finance increulng number of motoring Rea on vacation construction and improvement of visitors t o that area, they found school buildings and equipment. themselves In a more difficult The banks bid for 1 'hi% bonds: position late Wednesday. paying a premium ot $3.109. The 'They wer e informed that be- bonds, dated June 1, 1946, mature ginning today, part of Central $14 ,000 each year June 1, 1947 avenue". eastward from Coronado to 1963, inclusive and $12,000 June to as far as "G" street, would 1, 1964. be tom up to make way for the --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;; laying of the needed conduit lines • for the new telephone building. PHONE HARBOR 8'7 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sign lllan "This means." said one mer- chant, "that our entire business scht'dule for the summer will be COSTA MESA, June 12.--Su- perintendent of Schools Everett Rea, Mrs. Rea and their children, Everett Rea jr.. Evelyn a nd Ralph, left yesterday tor Benton Harbor, Mich.. where a family reunion will be held ce'ntering around Rea's mother, Mrs. Irene Rea of Chicago. About 31 mem- bers of the Rea family are ex- pected to 'attend the event on the shores Or Lake Michigan. Watches -Pen & Pencil Sets -Rings at Harr' s Jewelry AND WATCH REPAIR I 1821 Harbor _ Costa M-, • BOAT LE'ITERING A SPECIALTY ... ruined. And ·to think that we l\1rs. Mary Batten Steffensen of have invested thousands of dol-Corona del Mar was installing ot- lars in Balboa, toO. What can ficer and Mrs. Walter Spicer of we do-what can we do?" Harbor Island was one of the I When the ne\\'S reached Presi-hostesses when the Musical Arts ~===================~~ dent C. R. Johnson and Thos. club installed,.. 1 offi ccT rsA recew· nbtlyl at f .- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Dugan, the latter secretary and the home of 1~ rs. . . tn 1g er, * I * = treasurer of• the new Balboa Im- Marlne WQS GENERA LREPAIB8 • provement association. they head-1-----'----------. I ed straight to the grounds of the Wh s ff ? ' new telephone building. where y u er . !.- they located E. H. Grimsley of Santa Ana. Southern California Telephone company ·inspector for this area. Grimsley, they said, confirmed the' report, and added that work of excavating the street and lay- ing the new conduit and making other changes would take all summer. "Jr the city's master plan for re-routing traffic were now in operation, the problem that now confronts us would never have happened," President Johnson said today. flaekache, B_.,M'hea. Paln1 In Groin and Lep-Loa of Vital· lty-"'Alwa19 Ttred"-Hlgb and Low Blood Pre11u.re -"Sllp- pl.ac'' -Growtnr Old · before your Ume-Anemf• 8kln and Kidney Aliment. .-pond quick· ly to ov Exclllllve Technique Without o~ Pain, Sursery or InJecUona. (loqalla&I-RES B:r Appetatment Dr. E. F. Ball. D. C., Ph.O., 107 HDCI 8- Nowport Beach, OalU. '• In these days\ ' . ~ 41$ East Central Phone Harbor 2110 "We're in a grim position," Du- gan declared. "It's more lerious than you can r ealize. While the Phone Barbor 1154 Bea.: Barbor 1191 u-: .... • nan., •:• .. a• CMMrR ..... b:rAJI'~ or shortages there ~ • IDEAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER Useful Gifts Serve a Two Fold Purpose Your Rexal Stores Are Stocked With Many Items "Father" Was Not Able to Purchase During the War For the Smoke;.· Pipes Tobacco Cigars Hum idors Cigarettes Pipe Racks Tobacco Pouches Seaforth GIFI' SETS Conlllltlng of: Shaving Mug, Lotion, Talc, Shav- Ing Soap, Hairdressing, ~· Deodorant and Soa.p Balboa Phannacy ~~xull .~ ti::.:. ( (JJtHfi11l6 hilt IJttH rpp_rtci11t1 FI NE & TOll.ITlllU FOR MIN 'HIB' AnD SHAVI LOTION "Northwoocla Fragr-" -<I cl9<m. .. 1r..bln9 fra- <Jr"""9 aa bradn9 cmd ID- 'rigoratinc) aa a oprillg mornlllq i D the north woods. $1.00 For the Shaver Gillette Razon Shaving Brushes Toilet Water Razor Blades Shaving Cream 'H 15' COLOONI The 111S' olric:tly -Jin• eschul•• "Nortb- wooda Fra9rance" Co-I09M that i.nm a Int•• ~ touch ID 90"d gr- 1D9-$1.00 Shaving Lotions Sportman's. Courtley's. His. After Shave. NEWPORT ·DRUG STORES Pen and Pencil Sehl Parker Eversharp Shaeffer Brief Cases Bill Folds Poker Chips BRUS~ Hair Brushes Military Brushes Oothes Brushes Tooth Brushes Harbor Drmgs C-del¥ar • Pharmacy · ~, >.ull • • telephone company building ls al'----------- Announcing the New Vibrapac ' Buildin Units .. g ALL SIZnl BUILDING U)IITS Bric* wt OtiMpool Jtloaks .Now la Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1560 Newport Ave. YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled W_orkmen. --tr- Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable ' ' prices. --tr- PHONE L. L. BEAN Harbor 2645 - DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIFSEI.S ON HAND e W. AD WUllNG oaDm OJI mCJBT-AK'D LDT9 llA1'D aor.AftOJf' DD#81M nil 'IWl1' DfftAl.1,A .. DOK& cw:& OP mocnGJf VMH&. 0. &•: 1111 B. P. fJ1•1nl llatel'9 N-. See us for Inf~~ cm . Vl!!ID Se,;aln Dtuela D' 11 1 6-ater 8e4a al All ....... } n.&NK & LKWlll (Lllcll;r i.wte) Oww M ••• -PBONJ:B omc.: Newpaoi 11188 ud N-poo1 ION-1' . , 5Ultllart.A'f! w .,._, • ., ... ' \ ----..;,--never has been a shortage ' of Edison elec~icit7~ • • and nowadays you get J • more or ·it for your ' money th8n ever before~ Can you think of arq "-..._ other living item tJl,at is l so eaS)" to bU7 and use ••• • and that costs less : than before the war? EDISON COICP.&lt llODWAJIZ .1.1. mas GENERAL EI.ECTRJC I • a.urw • wmo-•2Q118 • w• ' • wwwwe+HF I ...... ... 111' •. ,..., ..... • ( \ lfw;-t·1 d 0!!!1 I 'p, fta1'g, aw U, I.Ml .. - Now Offering A CAmlplete Line of Women's and Men's Expansion Braceelts As Low as 98c Arvin's Jewelry Co. 116 Tweaty..-d SL Newport Beach Supervisors Order Spans For Canyons SANTA ANA, June" 12.-The Orange County Board of Supe<· via.on this week ordered the com- pletion of plans for the construc- tion of six bridges in SllveraOO canycn and one in Mod,Jeska can- yon, to cost $60.000. The board discarded. at sugges- tion of Architect DonaJd R. War- ren, consideration of p-oposals that r-einforced concrete struc- tures be built. Warren said that this would increase the cost to at lea.st $66,000 and there would be difficulty ln obtaining rein· forcing steel as well as sufficient concrete. Calif. Town Asks Place 0n State Map PE4RBLOSSOM-Evtt bear "' thb: town! If not, tloo't look on the map, for it lm't there at least on moat maps. Of cOUrse, theft were low maps p<OCIUC<d during the war yean, but antldpetlnfi: a vmtable flood of new maps IOOl'l, the Pear- blouom Oimmunlty Improvement Association and the P earblouom Helgl\ta Mutual Water Company have joined forces to put it on every new mmmerd.al and travel ntap laued. Pearblossom has been a post- office for 15 years. It experi- enced a building boom and bu a1.l the earmarks of a typlcal c.an. fornJa community. The campaign will also endea\IOI' to have the name placed on highway signs as well u on maps. California Leads '47 Amer. Metals Meet Warren saJd that no guarantee __ _ that reinforcing steel would be SAN FRANCISCO-The Amer- '-------~-------.._--------~1 ready for delivery before No-ican Society of Metals will hold a --:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j ' vember could be received from western Metals Congress and •• You Can Get, Pradically an You Have Beea Wanting in- Wood and_,.. rotture Chairs. -· Copy Holden. Masonite Floor -. Fire Proof ChestL Swivel lack Chain _,w_llatk_ -I Smoking Skmcls. -I Card filer. FROM? At your otace equJpment head- quarters, that baa been aervin& you for over 25 yean -yes ot course at- 1 any mill, but some mills have Metals Exposition here In 1947, standard heavy beams on stock according to Bill Eisenman. na- and could deliver them for the tional secretary of the Society. It spans, so that the contract prob-will be he ld In the Civic Auditor- ably can be let about September ium March 22·29, and noor plans 15. for exhibitors will be ready next Meanwhile, plans proceeded for ! August. An attendance ot over the county's calling of bids about 10.000 is anticipated, according to September 1 for the construction Golden Gate chapter. A.S.M., of a $30,000 structure over San ! which is in charge of preparations. Juan creek at San Juan Capis- trano. This span. known •as Del Stat C f C S Obispo bridge, will be financed e • 0 • ~S chieny by the state. but county I Vet Influx to Cahf. f4nds in a mount of S7500 \\·ill be included. The county will call SAN FRANCISCO-More than ror and let ,the contract on . ap-1 a million veterans of Wor ld War p~oval of the state of the final I n will be Ji\'i ng in California as bid. civili an residents by the end of Completion date on Del Obispo this year . according to the re- bridge was e xtended to December search department of t he Cali- 23 by the state. fornia State Cha mber of Com· This span will r eplace the old mf'rce. I\.1cKinley avenue structure which The report on economic con- "·ashed out in flash floods a few ditlons states that since VJ-Day: years ago. approximately 440.500 discharged Natural Rubber From Indies Arriving Here vets have returned to civilian life in this state. including 93.500 from I other states. Veterans in Califor- nia at !he clo9e of 1945 numbered I 710.000, including 187.000 out-of· For erunner of an anticipated staters. 200.000 tons during 1946, the first 1 -------- s hipment of plantation rubber to Robert William Hirtler . elec- reach the U. S. in five years. was I trical tOr JX'doma n. second class. unloaded recently at Los Angeles-son or Mr. and i\frs. \Villiam Long Beach Harbor. The shipment Hirtlcr. West 19th str~t. Costa 1 of 2600 tons is sufficient to make J\·lesa, has received his discharge I 520.000 passenger car tirl'.'S, but arter ser\'ing over l\\'O years with -;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ 't;'ill be used for truck tires in-tht" navy. Pa rt of the time was • • I stead, according to U . S . Rubber SJX'nt at the ship repair base at Lumber and Building l\'laterials o[ficials who point out that this Guam. year's imports of natural rubber Is --------Bay District lumber Co. o nly ont--l hird of the prewar an-Scotch tape, vario us sizes, on nual volume.· sale at the News-Times . Phone Beacon. 5111 Ill OOAllT MORWAY AT THE ARCBE8 Laguna federal Savings and Loan Association IS NOW I N ITS NEW HOME 222 OCEAN AVENUE We Will Welcome Our Friends and Clients of Newport Beach and Vicinity to <9pen GJeouse Wed1esd1y, T111rsday & Friday J1ae 12, 13 and 14 BEGONIA SEEDLINGS FOR PLANTING NOW 6 for $1 General Nursery Stock for the Summer Garden SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS LANDSCAPING Barbecue Charcoal (Gardeners Available) SMlTH RARE PLANT GARDENS AND NURSERY Newport Blvd. ud Old Sula Ana R....i Phone: Beacon 5170 Prepare NOW for "Cooler Weather" this fall! FLOOR f'URNACES Floor and Dual Wall Types El...,.&•le SAVE 10°/o ·-Gao nllod ON --FURNACES Owwww._. ........... Twmr -.w.u. If ..... IN8TAI.l~D DUIUNO ~ JUNE OR JULY - PERRY'S~ca Oar• Idol - Rem tations Taken For Dessert Bridge I P.APALMER LIDO ISLE PPa£1Q'.lf.S ·---- Santa Anan Builds New Lido Home Rfterva-an bolnc taken for the church benefit tleaert bridle to be held at the Women's clu-. Coot.a Men. Wednes- day, June 19 under the ._. ship of the Women'• Auxiliary of St. James Epilcopal church. Mn. Oiarles McAlary of Costa Mesa ii general chairman and others on her committee are the Mesdames Dixon Smith, ~ Holstein, Ed 'Rogen, F. E. Fin- ster, C. A. CMe and J . M. Camp- bell. 11.ckets may be obtained from any member of the com- mittee or any member of the aux- iliary. w 0. »UCX-Insur= Counselor Permits calling ·foe-building work valued at $46,EO> were issued by the office of Chief Building Inspect.or A. M. Nelson up to Wednesday noon. Walter E. Blair ot 2426 Helio- trope avenue, Santa Ana. filed plans for a $16,000 two-story, seven-room residence, with a two-- car garage, to be erected at 125 Vla Nice, Udo Isle. John Smoltz of 113\!o 29th street, Newport Beach, t11ed plans for a two-story apartment, double garage and laundry room at th~ same adc:lreu. $7000. Mrs. M. L. Bet'.:ker of 603 1'lar- guerite avenue. Corona del Mar, flied plans for a o ne-story, sin gle Mn. Andy Durocher of Newport Island left by plane for Detroit where she will visit a month at her old home. She also plans to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Mc- A-1500 ~.4.il 3333 VU. LIDO CALIFORNIA 6f3alboa rlr et -"""" • y..,. of llenloo to ... _...... !01 llaln ._ Clloatele l'h. Rarlaor 85 Donald ln Detroit. Mrs. McDonald ,,.. _______________ .._ _______ _ is the former Ruth Farnham of ll Newport Island. family house, at the same ad-All kinds typewriter r ibbons in dress, $7000. stock at the News-Timcs. GORDON B. FINDLAY Corliss and Jane Leonard of ---------- Huntington Park, filed i>lans for a CONT&ACl'OB AND llUILDEB om..: sue o...t Bl..t. one-story, single family dwelling at 4400 Ocean Front, Newport 1 Beach. $4200. I Phon~ Beacon 5824 Newport & Costa Ml!"& CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK Mrs. John McMillan of Ne"'1>0rt H eights is s~nding several days in El Segundo with her parents. l\>lr . and ?\1rs. R. L. Dole. CAB CO. T. C. J OHNSON, Supt. 24-Honr Service Phone: Harbor !S88·.I ' '/$TEA TIME /T'I ALWA .,, "'"'of,,. "' ,.., ,.,.,, y ot . . . --------------------1 2 cooli•& bever1ge1 for w1r• d1ys If you're seekin1 ways to red uce the temperature these day•, then look to our rerreshing notes on iced leA drinks , They're guara nteed to make the warmest days seem fair a nd cooler. ICED TEA -Fo r truly delicious. full-fla vored iced tea, always make it fresh and in d6uble strength. Allow 1 ~to 2 teaspoons tea for each s tand- ard measuring cup of boiling water. Pour the ""'Bier, freshly boilin&. over tea in heated earthenware, china, pottery, or a lass container. cover a nd steep 5 minutes. Strain immediately and pour o ve r crac ked ice or ice cube.. SP-ICED TEA -Pour 4cupsfreshly boiling water O\'C r 8 teaspooTUll tea in heated container. A .. 2 or 3 mint leaves and ~ tea•p~ allapice. Cover a nd steep 5 minutes. Strain immediately and add l cup orange juice and ~ cup lemon ju.ice. Pour over ice a nd aweeten to taate with honey or 1u1ar. Serves 6 1enerouaJ:y. Ca.sv:J ~no.kt-Dmctor 1 ~ Homemalr.1:r1.' Bureau I M f..dy-., s./t'fiJ47 .k""" I I I I . I l l I l I L------------------J Thil complete. and colorful manual containe tharou&b directions about ca.nnin1 and f.reain& all kinds of food- fruiu., vept.abhs, ma ta, poultry, filh. Everythins you. nMd to .. you &.hrou.sh the entire cannin1 _.,... is included in thiia oonci9e, authoritative booklet. lt'a all yours for a di ..... Just amd lOc ia coin OI' ata.mpa to •'llAIL THIS COllPOITOllAY'• r., c....i Dralle. Dinctcr TM Hem.-..• .. • aw. eo.1110 SU ,.,._-. Calif. -.o..i-~c·....,. G.W. book1ot. far wbldo 1- dw l(k In caia (• -) wldltw.:c-.-. N---- ThaM prica effectiw• throqh Sot.rd'ey, J._ I~. 1946. No so ... to4Hlen. Ript h li ... it NMn..t. Sf-r,·ed hot o r iced, Tea i1 • year-round favorite •.. a 1-ie,·erage "·ith a lift, a compliment to the food on your table. Be sure to k~p a supp l~· o f your favorite kind o{ tea on hand. CANTERBURY TEA ~~o Pekoe •ncl Orange P~koe. B~ 8aYor and fragrant 1/4-lb. pkg. lllU bouquet. ~·lb. pac~, 43e. l *'--package, lie. BLACK TU BIGS To Canterbury Brand. Choiee yoang lea>"* in filter.paper pk'.:;. of 8 l.ag1 bag. Package of 16 bags, 13e.. Pack-°' J baga, 36c. !~e'-af !.~~~!~ ~leded, lender, pk~. of young leavee. Each tea ball in Nllitary ea•elope. 16 uall1 17° LIPTON'S TEA 2&c: Choice blend of P ekoe and 0....., Pekoe tea leav.,.. V4-lb. Equally good, hot or iced. !oi.U.. pack..,, Slc. pkg. ' , ~ ,, ~1, ,, 'tjl •11,.111!1.,0 <,'•~I~'' "11~1 , ' GO MORI-SAVI MOii AT SAFEWAY Mason Tars u ........ 12 Q1.10rt }or., 7 Jc. 12 1tl ..gotlon jars,. I .o&. Jar Caps · _ 1• JarLids _ • Coffee Jar Lids _ • Coffee Jar Caps _ 1 .. Parowax 2•.a.21--Jels Rite .__ 11• Certo 1..,....,.1• ~ Offw. Buy 2 bottta for )le. Gal thifd bott'9 for Jc. Powdered Pectin 3 !: 21- M.c. '· lf'Ol'ld. CANTALOUPES Very 1weeL Serve i-'d (• laa kfoyt POTATOES LEMONS TMa-ak .. •ffl ••• ~. .................. t.L. ... ... SlRING IEANS -----.. T ................ .. .. Walnuts -.. ........ 42" ....... TomatoJuice.....,.~.:.:: r ....... c:9',20t. Grapefruit Juice ...... _Ir T1 a •t~ Pear Juice u""""°""l3-1z ... - Toilet Soap ... 10-w 3 ... ~· C 9 ••~Brand. . · LavaSoap 3 ..., 17• Light Globes ....... -::,: II" ~Ma lrand. OpcM 'Nhit• typl. .. CIBRIS ----•·· .... _, ....... PEAOIES -----~. .. .. • (!le.._. .....;--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·~~...!N!&!!W~~~!T!t,!•~·~·~ao~A!.JN!&!!iw~•!:!'1!•! ... •~•!!!s~a .. ~!lJW!!!!~'~1~.0'~·!0!-!!!!!'!a,.;'l'll~!!!i!'~~~·~'!!!!~J.!,!!a,~l9~M~:;:-:;-;;::::;;;;:;::-:=::::7°:""-:~;----::~·-:,~=-~~:::::::::::::::::'.:::::::::::~ J!:: IU~ see the Air Criminals tdc!!thw~kr:;, County "Harbor. Commission ~~E~ wa·nt Ads ~~~= Corona del Mar Malt Shop m. Given Leave Seek Fed 1· c t• 7 bued on the l&l'lte scale clredginc BUlllNDlll GCID& 11 strippnc. Excluaive territory, m~ l~ en::;:;~~ Mn. Susan Rutherford. who haS s era oopera ion ~haw noted the total m1t FOR A REJJABI.£ Paint Job on w:O ~ ==:.:-:.pel'~= bend dvlllan violators oL llt&te been chairman of ""'®ctlon for of dredging In the ~ Bay ..,.. your home, call Beacon 5330 alst with house work and cue ~n~~to:-a~~'!; ~ ~~~:., ~.~ e": For B·1g Dredg·1ng Pro1·e· ct · =t !!~: ~~ng~ afterP 4 A, 30 1Np.m.TERS and l():U( offof ~ ~:~;ee1' ~ Hllo...tmpway • Old fasbloned mall> We -just thb. Orange county police In Santa have a leave of absence for a lime several causes. La.ck of adequate Ana Tuesday. because of illness andh Chalrmanted funds at any one time, the fact DECORATORS WAN'I'FD-Woman to help With •-w A. M Jurgen Lottnwm as appom · h man all housework. Half cloys, COme at FBI Speci~t . . Ul'· .___ Phoebe ?tf .. 111 ... an to take Once t he atta is sufficiently that t ere were Y an con· 2 o'clock. Off after dinner. No -------------I phy of San said that the ~~ .....,. <Cool'nued from P1l«e 1' deepened fllrther maintenance traps, and that the several con-R. E, ANDERSON Navy haa ma ammeementa to ~~-Mulll•an _, __,.,.Uon not , and will not be OVP'looked or dredging llhould be . Vft'Y ....,\ote. tracts were awarded by different Paint O>ntnctor small cblldren. Must be plaln EY1 usi.t In •!lift-oL aerial =~ • ·-'"~-under...,.tlmated. W dvlaed tha aerl Interests '!be average coat per cook, Phone Harbor 682 fat ap-Wlll ~ REfRIGEJ\llTIDn criminala. Low f]ylns lo a mlode-chairman at Corona de! Mar and Up to this time, June, 1946, the e are a t a es public Y~ wu probably higher __:_Ph_,.;.on,;e_Be_a_con_57!Kl-J ____ 47_-_uc polnm-L 46:4tc meanor and drunk Dyin& J:s a fel-has served thoulands of hours comt of harbor improvement works of borings bu been made 1n the than would be necessary in carry-HELP W ANTED--Glrl to help ERVICE CDffiPURY ony It wu pointed .,.,t, He asked during the war yean. She Is ask-In the Lo-. Newpurt Bay area, Upper Bay region and nothlnr; Ing out a uniform progn,m on a PAINTING and DECORATING with houaekeeplnc, ~-time. -' 11m ... ' tlon of pollce chlefJo and Ing that all Red Crosa worken h u toWed appnodmately $4 000 has been encountered whicb ml&bt 1 scale and by doln the k By the hour or job, Bay Front house. Call at 81' -'C .. -• coopora f th Harbor district a ttend a • .-lead to the belld that this dredg-&l1tO I wor "-·•- -~ ~ (loo-. ... -sh"':iff• In preventing dnmb from ~ !:z_ ally to be held Wed-000. Of this amount, about $,l Ina would be difficult or expemlve. at one time," the report goes on. Also ,,,....,__ W. Bay, Bal-. 46-Uc Tompo<ary Phone Day 6154 La· flying dvll alttraft and In allllft-r 400,000 wu spent for construe: adding that the present develop-Call Harbor BIOl-J-2 HELP 11\lnA Reed\; ~. NIO>L llllSl hending penmo suDt '1"I ftolatlDc .-day, J1me 19 at 1 p.m. at the tion of jetties and $147,000 -Evidence Is all to the contrary, ed area of the toWer Bay acc<ird-~ 1 to 5 p.m. aboutw2~T:,' :;';. ~ Lacuna Beedl other d vU !lylnc la-Corona de! Mar~~ fib!": expended far Santa Ana r h"1' di-~:i,~ appoan to be readily Ing to a letter from th~ harbor "'8tt Ing, S:S.OO per clay. Apply Geo. C -;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,/ will be out at e · w --• version, leaving 1-than 12.· T,,..,., ',...,__ the ..........,,, muter now accommodates oome 1 ---S-I_G_N-~P-AINT-==~IN~G--Hiner, N--'-r, 46-2tp a lo Just off Coast Highway, ~ 500 000 u the coat of the -era1 """"' -... ....-···-2llOO ' Is with _,,_, •• --~ • ... aD who have done Red O-OU work ' machinery and equipment de-vnae · ~ on ,uie HELP WANTED W ,~ Burton's Paint Store Now in Their New Hon1e On Newport Blvd. near 16th Street • The Only Exclusive Paint, Wall Paper and Venetian Blind Store in the Harbor Area PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Balboa's urzed to attend. dredsing programs. veloped by encineen during the way for accommodating 150 more, Boa Trucks Wlndowa llftl"l'al -k. run°"':~ ""' No 1-.....,.._ war the problem of ttmOVal of roughly a toW of 3000 crafL "It w':iu and BunetlnL ~ • It lo important to keep In mind the '1.arge volume of dredged ma, i. believed that the Upper Bay time, liw In or out, Good -..., To Enter New Work that any plan for Upper Bay d~ terial llhould be a simple and not area would be able to accommo-Raised ~~!,"i.'t'~ and ~;!f In family. Ph. H~ COSTA MESA, June 12.-Rev. Carl B. Johnson, putor of tho Ccota Mesa Community church. wW at.art h1I MW duties u presi- dent of the Coundl of Protestant Churches of Orance rounty oa July L The coundl Is oompooed of all Protestant churches In the county, with ttprt:eent&Uon baled on one. mJntater and one layman tOI' ead 300 adherent.. velopment will not requlre pre>-too expma.ive matter ' date at leut the same num.ber. LACHMEYER vision for two of the ab<M! ltema. A con>plet~ plan '.wtuc11 would and with careful study ot the AL Th<Te att no expensive jettl .. to provide for the awardlnc of l&l'lte plant for development this nun>-1726 West Central be bulJL no river !low to be di-contracta, and for doln1 the work ber ml&bt e""1 be !n<nued." Hari>cr 12eM verted. on a ~,.'°"' ICale, should bring It may be pointed out that fa-COOPERATIVE The extmnon of the develop-the COit per yard to a re:uomble clllties for mnatructlon and re- ment from the alnady hlahly Im-ncure. Without a detailed onct· PAlr can prabably be """"' econ-ROOFING CO. prowd ~ Bay Into the Upper neertng plan It would be dlf!lclllt omtcally provided near an area al- .Atta and the conatruct1on of a to estimate the yardq:e to be ~ ttady improved. and ""°"' there New and Repair high level highway bridge att the moved. and of coune. the volwne Is alttady a great aggregation of major problems Involved. of material will depend upon the crafL than would be posllble In Phone ~M The bridge m,.t be a major depth to be dredged and the par-detached areu. This i. an Im-218 E. 20tll SL, Ooota Id ... constcleratlon. Traf!lc on this tlcular plan adopted. portant argument for Increasing )():Uc highway 101& ttachel ti:enen-Soa'•ted. the tadUtle1 tn Utla already esta~ ___ P_A_l_N_T_l_N_G_ All kinds typewriter ribbons In dolls proportions, and such a It Is suggest ed that perhapo an llohed general area. An lncreue •tock at the News~Timel. bridge should be adequate to Mavy overall depth of 10 feet would be in valuations in the area auggest-12 Years Service ln Newport civUlan demands u well u mill-the economical depth for dredg-ed for improvement should follow HH~•bor HAttaall tary needs. for the tJ.lghway con-tng the get~ pattern of the lnaease nects two vttal navjll and mill· This depth, which might appear of valuations ln the Lower area PAINTING NTR.A.CJ'OR tary areu at San !llego and a t more than abeolutely necessary at referred to as Newport Harbor Phone Bee.oon .5259-J Long Beach. i the inception of the project, s hould and the d ty of Newport Beach. 274 E . 19th Ctreet 24-tfr ROOFS SALESMEN -Ad,..,.tillng cam- palsn now In effect. Ela:ellent opportunity If you qualify, Aj)r ply 508\lo No. Main St., Santa Ana. Mia Bayer, - BOAT BUILDERS $1:47 per hour APPLIED OR llEPAuta> f '1 t.>e F..tima tes &: Inapection RENDEZVOUS I .___3602 _M:.;,,.'_· ~-1:.~. 1__;012-J F ortunately, land etevatiom on be of advantage. It would take Letters from prominent harbor PAINTING ooHTaA.croa either side of t he Upper Bay area care of washings trom fills, etc., manufacturers and yachtsmen ------------- are of adequate height . and the a nd t he cost of removal per yard supporting the h arbor commls-PAINTING -PAPER HANGINQ engineering problem of provtdJng would be less because of the slon'1 contention that now is the and DEOORA.TING a bridge satisfactory to t he larger volume . It would be un-feasible moment for development H. E . McDonald. BALLROOM 'A \ A . NERICASNAL ~osr5ENSA110 // SHOES Repaired While Yoa Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Next door to Bay View Cate 8a.m.tolp.m. ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100 Oout Blcbway service which it will be called necessary to return and re-dredge of the Upper Bay accompanied 414 Old Conty Rd .. C.O.ta Meta upon to furnish should not be dif· any areas for many years. Then the lengthy r eport. Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tf< ficult nor should it be too costly. too. larger and deeper draft boats Those who signed these letters TRANSPORTATION 11 A major factor of importance is could use the waters and the ex-wel'e R. L. Patterson of the eqgin- that a part of the area surround· tra depth of water ~·ould help to eerlng firm o! P atterson & Boyle, Ing Upper Newport Bay is already keep the water cleaner, and more Sant a Ana; Russell E. Craig of ndequately furnished with do-sanitary and would provide better Corona del Mar. Nevrpor t Har- mestic water from the ?.fetro-fishing conditions. borll)aster : Hubbar d C. Howe. politan Water s:y5tem. The bal-Any improvement plan will president of the South Coast rom- ance of the area can be readily probably call for the removal of pany. Newport Beach ; M. P . Klick BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S _ 100 ?.fain St .. Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa llland. 94-tfc supplied with water from this or about 10 million yards of ma-of Lido Isle, general manager of -------------1-8 other sources. Domestic water tena1: A certain partlon ot this the small boats di,ri.sion of the c8,;EA..;V,;T_l'_AID __ s ______ _ supply ts an Importan t factor in material will go to fill in islands Consolidated Steel Corp.. Ltd., C'OLD and MACHINLE.SS all Southern California develo~ "'1thin the area and some will go Newpor t Beach ; Henry P. Grandin WAVES ment projects. on nearby lands. but a share m ust of Newpor t Beach , commodore of 'nnting and Manicuring In the Upper Bay Area there be disposed of on the ocean front. the Newpor t H arbor Yacht club. Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor l79--W SEE MR. PETI'Y SOUTH (X)AST CO. NEWPORT BEACH 41 -J'Thc HELP WANTED-Elderly ma·1 as watchman on construction of new telephone building In BaJ. boa. 64 hours per week. See Hams, 313 E. Central, ,Balboa. 46-tfc is no stream en tering the Bay, Probably the larger amount will 'Also F . E . Beal of Los An-B ~h and there Is little silting except have to go in the area west of geles, general manager of the Vi's eauty .... op openings nov.• for a few glrll OI local run-off. This has been Ne,vport Pier . I t ls possible the Sani:hez-Wheeler Yacht company ll03 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar woman with art training or abU· DECORATORS FINCH CERAMICS hu KAY brought about ln a large measure disposal atta migh t be extended of Los Angeles; A. S. Richard-___________ 35-_t_fc ity. Ask for Miss Dierker, 121 c:": YOUNG BAND .. vfa.t4 of tk · . by the construction of check and some distance to the west with son, Eileen B. Richardson of the LOST AND FOUND H Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. hrmerl7 Oordoa'• Dnc Btore control dams and other de-silting advantage to the public beach con-A. s. Richardson Yach t Anchor-------------43-Uc ___ · _~ __ rv_._..,_Da_y ___ , I devieeeB aroEunAd c<he OBaNy reglosn. EcerAned. FOODl' :~~a 7i1:2~: ~%~~~::F:~~~'. Si~~ ~~~r£:¥Q~u~:.:~ __ Y_O_U_N_G_W __ O_M_E_N,;,,;,;, Ll"ght Truck .,_ boa Island channel, Newport Bay; 2129 Miramar. Balboa. 46-2tp Telephone ope rating Harry CUiver of Newport Beach: l'!MPLOYMENT WANTED u p ositi ons arc available • Roger S . Watson. head of the for haubng Watson Boats division of the P ly-LIGHT house wor k by the hour, to you in your OWTI By the Hour NOW In woOO. Fabricators, Inc., Newport ironing or care of children eves. •t Beach: Norman Wllson, manager Phone Harbor 1023-J , ask tor COIDIDUnl y. Plloao Bubor 111'12·1 of Hubbard's Yacht Landing com-Mrs. Henneberry. 4~tfc Starting pay is good, pany, Newport Beach ; R. M. Allen 16·A~TIST·\6 Fri,, June 14, Sal, June 15 COMING: Fri., June 21 & Sal, June 22 -Bob Crosby Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So, Ila.In St. Phoae 207 SANTA ANA Expert Radio Service Pllone JleaC>Oll 15816 Palmer Radio AND ELIXJTRIO -_,.... lllft: OOllTA -· For-the Ultimate in Beauty Care , , • Phone Harbor 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S Mariska House of Beady lMN llariM Aw., ........ h!nw' . HAIR STYLING AND HAIR SHAPING by Gene SWEDISH MASSAGE BATHS THERAPY VIRGINIA BELL OF BALBOA ISLAND AlSO P.il.M SPRINGS AND LONG BEACH -Open Dally E'lr<Jft SUndqt-- NEW LOCATION 1135 Coast Highway Port Orange Fresh Sea Food Cocktails With Arnaud's and Norton's Sauces We Still Feature: • COOKED LOBSTER Fresh and Smoked Seafoods jr., yachtsma n. Newport Beach : PUBLIC NOTICE experie nce i s n o t required and Herman I. Ranney of Pla· :....===-'....:..:::...:.==---- centla. sports fisherman. NOTICE OF INTENTION Frequent i ncr e ases. TO ENGAGE IN THE Vacations with pay, Quality Lumber and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO, A. E. HOSTETLER none BeMGll 8015 SALE OF ALCOHOL, Advancement IC BEVERAGES, o pportunities, June 12, 1946 To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that fif· teen days after the date posted, the undersigned propoaes to sell alcoholic beverages a.t these prem-, laes, described as follOWI : Fishing Boat "ESTHER MAY," ll35 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Ca.1ifornla. Pursuant to such intention, the Apply 100 E . Bay Ave,, Balboa 514 \lo N. Main SL, Santa Ana O< Aak the operator for the Chief Operator Southern California Telephone Compa11y 42-Uc undersigned ls applying to the ------------ TIDE T .i\BLES State Board of Equalization for SALE MISCELLANEOUS M IUNE, .1"8 tasuance on original application FOR SALE-High oven, 4-bumer of an alcoholic beverage license • Hl&h Low High Low for t hese premises as follows : 1tove, $25. 1249 W. Central Ave., F 14 9 :39 3:21 8:U 1:11 ON SALE BEER. Newport Beach. 47-ltc 3.4 -0,5 5.8 2.2 Anyone desiring to irotest the FOR SALE-% h.p. electric mo-s 15 10:32 3:55 8:58 1:'1 issuance of such license may tile tor, 14 ,000 rpm., 50 cycle. Phone 3.4 --015 5.7 2.5 a wllned protest with the State Harbor 281-W. 47-ltp ~=======================~!Su 16 11:18 · 4:31 9:18 1:14 Board of Equalization at Sacra-F OR SALE-Sunkist Junior J ulee 3.4 -CY.5 S.6 2.6 mento, California. stating groundl Extractor, 215% Marine Ave .• Contractors' Rental Equipment Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 • ' •I M 17 12:07 ~: 0 10:04 1:411 for denial u provided by law. The Balboa Island. 47-ltc 3.3 5 5.4 2.8 premises are not now licemed tor ------------ T 18 1:01 5: 1 '10:44 4:11 the lale of alcoholic ~ages, FOR SALE-Wardrobe trunks, 1 no. an plAC9d ta~ OI cc 11 1m ERNES'nNE G. GRAHAM. large, 1 steamer ai ze. Harbor Wsbt ft911n9 ._ •:~a.--P... Pub.-June 13, 1946. 316-M. No. 7 Beacon Bay. 47-ltp BUSD0:811 omp& UBVSINJCSS GCIDE H FOR SALE-Used i~ar ouk -.:..'INSURANCE- . wood, 100 pieces, 12 ft. lone, 6 In. wide, 1 In. thick. See at 20I Ruby, Balboa laland Sunday, or call GL 3725. 47-2te • FIRE e AUTOMOBILE • YACHT A NEW 2-bone trailer, built by North American. wru aeD at deeler'1 coot. See Doc Stricker, n1 Cout mgp.oay, Newport e COMPENSATION ---"Beeoon 5551. 46:4te "STU" DUNLAP j roRSALE-HallicrafterR~* COAST PROPERTIES CO, c1>amp1a ll:lOR. all --- 703 _ I bands, aenclln&' and reeelvlnc. Eut1 Central -BALBOA -Hari>cr 1183 $79.50 cash.. Ph. Hari>cr 5()3,J, I *'• ;;;;;----~==;;;;:;==---;;;;=--;;;;;;;;;;;;;I FOR ~,A autocnPhlc ~ WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD =; ~~~ I Sil Cout Highway lOl New..,.1 Beach. Harbor ~~ I ft?aa B•e• 6'14 FOR SAL&-Bnlkllnp ,_. -~ tncton llMdl. allly -.. 1 r.+ne ...... ,_ ... ~ ........ '" Dat -; all lumber, ba11JoC. panel ematnlctlon, 8 ............ 20'9""98"; 2 "''""'-ll<rll'' •: Alonzo J ......... 124 7tb It. Huntinctoa· Br1dL. Pbane 2111. Sell ' that llDWIDted ........ --nm. ... *721e , ~. -· ---,"""" ,. . ~ .. '"' . __ ,. ---• . . • WWl'Wi 941M* If - _, ·. . • ' • --,•; . • . • ·"'!?>~''',;: .::-..1. . ---' . ~------------------+----~·--~·-------·-------------~ SAL& lllllCELL&Nl'A>1JS a BOA.TB. 8UPPLIZ8 II l'Oll ...or U -~~·~·~·:.:-~~-n~:-=:-;..,.--~~~1 , ~-~·~·~-~-~'l~A~'l"lll~-· --,-,.--,;&~1~-~·~·~--~~D~=~'=::--~&~1 pga1.m.n =-=RAD..,.:;,:..,,..Io=-=T=-=u=B=-=E=-=s,...--=-~~ ~ ~ ~i FO;_ :,.-=. uth ·~e:; Gertrude A. Waldron BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIIES Many seutt ones oow 1n stock. condition. Price $675, or will Wm. W. Sanford, Broker 1- BATI'ERIES for -tables and trade fO<" car ... what have you. FOR RENT -Room with both. 308 Marine A....... SMALL DRIVE-IN RE>TAURANT; good i:.wrws section hcarin& aids. Electric broilen &-See Doc StridW"-717 Cout Sittpo six. l'tlane Halt>or 197&. Phone 234-R on highway __ --.----..$3.SOOOO. roasten, Electric Heaters. Highway. Newport. Beacon 5651. · 46-2tc - Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. · 46-ttc WILL LEASE-1100 oquare feet Balboa Island Exchanges RESTAURANT AND GROCERY. 1 room living quarters. 1794 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa FOR SALE-New Marine Kohlet wood workin& and cabJ"'1 llbop. Balboa ll1and North I!«)' comer Good income for couple -----, $3,250.00 47-tfc Generat 1500 watts 32 wll Fumllhed with all M'W ma-lot. So. Bay lot and sood Inside . ' . I -=--,--=-=---='c--,--:---D . c.. re~ prloe for this --Must be rospoi>Slble loL Owners will oxchange r..-SEVERAL GOOD ESTABLISHED RE>TAURANTS.1' With , Father's Day Special · plant ts $516_ we haw 10 lef1 p&rV. Ph. H&rl>or 2427-W <«l lmpn>Yed ll1and ...-tt. or without property. 50 Tampa {Panatela shape) Ogan for cl•arance !ale, $374-Yeokel ..., Doc Stricker, 1112 W. I!«)' -• clear Havana. Box of 50, $2.95 ilr<>o., 225 So. Vermont, L<JO An· Ave., Newport Beech. 46-4tc Business Lease RADIO STORE IN HEART OF BEST SHOP~G district plus ules tax. geles. Phone EX. 0882. '5-tft WANTED TO llDIT U Two store<, excellent location, with 12 exclusive tranchlses Oil l')ldi06, oil be9ters, freez. 223~ .. t ChaH.pmBan,~oange • • t T-_.-WANr TO RENT-il or 3 bedrm. M&rlno Avenue. Good Income. ers. Big repair business; illso excellent spot :O sell_ appli- Fire Eqwpmen "'""' unfurnlsbed "°"""· ww Ieue. -ances, toys, cameras, etc. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.--Sat. to 9 C-0-Two. Pyrene & Foam refills Call Som Porter at Harbor 7(11 Houses --. _________ 4_7_-1_1c co fixed system and PC<'tablet or 13. ~tfc Well built. large living room with INCOME PROPERTY. Small hotel; 9 rent.al • big ilving n,.. Plaoe and Klndllnll now available. • _ or SMALL HOUSE wanted lln!place encloaed !rOClt __,, quarters; room to expand. A-1 w 0 0 D ETS HOKIN. GALVAN ~· • ..--.. . I 1000 Coast Highway by man and wife. We do not bedroorn. dreainc room. kitchen FURNISHED COURT high OPA Income $21 00 Deitverad 73-tf< drink or smoke, no dllldrm or and both. OD way. · · a w . WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5522 pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W Price $15 800 dally and owner's view home. . · Ph. Beacon 5665 Lehman Kits of Parts or write Box "X" Nt'W-1 Bal-Furnished. Immed.'pcmealon. 17114 Newport Blvd. ~tic To convert Fon! A, B, Vll-35, Vll-Q boa Newo-nme.. 37·tfc --HOMES -HOMES J •.....: ed engines to marine \lie. Kill art VETERAN and bride pl1nntnc to Vf!r'/ attractJve newly furnlahed t ust .n.r-nV compl with directions. Comlnl reside In Ooata Meoa. Want sm. 1->e. 3 bedituo., 2 b&tbs, patio, 5 ROOMS, lf.i ACRE LAND, garage and workshop. Ra.bblts, ~BATTER..,,,,RIE' Aids soon Ford 4. 6. 8-eyl. andandWllly'kl-' rum. apL"" house. Cont&ct Mr. Price $23,750.00 chickens ___________ ,, ______ .. ·--·-----.$8,000.00 "Jeep" marine engines ~ Jorgensen at Harr'• Jewelry, Immed. alo I °""-DTUg Co. See your dealet' or write Allle4 um Harbor Blvd., Coota M-. Terms. _ pow: n. OORONA DEL MAR; 2 homes on one lot, $60.00 monthly U7 Main SL Ph. Harb« ~ti< West DlsCallltr .. ll8 New Mtg'~~ 41-tfc 2-bedroom. nJcely furnlahed heme inoome. S. F.. . UAL mt".&D t1 on wi4e lot. 2~ garage. . :Auto Batteries Rubber ~ton 13-month -$6.75 Ex. Compounded Motor Gallon, 'lOc Three 50'xl2%'x3%' Shain '"I'rlm· FOR SALE-Chick Fryer plant, Price $16 000 CX>STA M7ESA. New; 3 bedrooms. tile features; ~gar. mershlp" express cruben. round Bantow ou~•t 1200 -.. FUnUshod, age, etc. Many others. bottom. twin Oirywler Royals. near • .. _ &£ T Oil Built In 1943 by beot Seattle en J>OT week. Excellent equip. -LOTS in all aectlons of. bay area. ardl Full living accommoda-Two modern houHs. Good water Attractive Z-bedroom house on ~ns · 6'4• headroom thniout, supply. Pit. Harbor 2625-J. rear cl 6().ft. Grand Canal loL . ., .... ~ HARBOR 'INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors • BALBOA ISLAND Model 2 B. R. boine, rompletely tumlshed. Excel location. Immed. poss. Tenns. $20,000 2 B. R. home. 00.ft. frontage. Near north be.y. Part furnished. lllllned poss. $22,500 LIDO ISLE New 3-Br. Home. Large yard and patio with barbecue $27,500 Modem two-story be.y front home. Unit beat. A-1 loca&n. $47,500 NEWPORT HG_IGHTS 3 B. R. home on Santa.,Ana A Ye. Large lot. Immed. poss. '8,750.00 CORONA DEL MAR Brand new home. 2 B. R. and den. 1"' baths. Nice view ol. ocean and be.y. Tenns. lmmed. poa11. $19,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES West.em Auto Supply Authorbed Dealer $15.oOO.OO each. Two 37' Hlsgtns 4T-2tp Room to build. Completely furn, rescue launches. Double planked El Bayo Tract Price $23,500 bottom, 250 h.p. Hall-Scott In· Lot on Bay AftllUO - vader engine. Built In 1944 by $4000 Corona de) Mar Lots LISJ'INGS. Our 101 Highway location stops buyers trom every state, looking for businesses and homes. Bring or send your business and home listings to us. --0- To Lease--New building on Central Ave. 25x70. Excel. loca- tion. Wiison Boat Works. $3500 each. 4().ft. lot, ocean view, below hlgb- Ph. L. B. 47587. 47-8tc -way. Price $4,750. 1lDll Newport Blvd., Coota M ... ... f 41-tfc A . "SANDY STEINER, Realtor To Leue-200 ft. on bay front in commercial zone. Long term lease can be arr&ng1!d. VENETIAN BLINDS---Alumlnum. 1teel, wood Call ua tor tree esti- mate. Renovation &: retlnishlne. So. Cout Venetian BllRd Co.. West 18th and Newport Ave., Coata Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5..'\5!>-W. FOR SALE-Boat "Gale K." :is.It Large Corner Lot Two Ocean Front Jots. both priced Charlie Dennison and Associates ''Rusty'' Baker 634CoastIDghway101 Phone; Beacon 5173 twin iaew cnllser. nice galle1 On Penlnlula, with vieW. to tell. with Ice box, butane stove an<! $5750 Other lots from $1,375 up. plenty of cupboard 1pace; -- sleeps tour. Mahogany planklnec On Peninsula Houses "We Appreciate Your Listings" u0n the Miracle Mile" ·47-ltc Suitable ror passenger or com· 2 BedJoom Home Modern home, 2 bedrooms &: den, mercial business. Hauls 7~ ton.I $13 500 large llvtng room, We kitchen on deck. There ts no better boat ' and bath. service por ch, 2-car 38-tfc J. M. MILLER WANTl:D TO B UY Sl WANTED TO BUY-Need Immed- iately, good, clean light car. Price no object. Phone Hunting- ton Beach 3521. 38-tfc for its size In Newport Harbor. -garage, on well landscaped lot A. L. Matthews, 509 31st St., Income Property south of highway. ' Real Estate Broker 15th and Central Newport Beach. Phone Harbor 2 bedroom house and 4 small Price $16,000 2577. 44-t!c rental unJts. Unfurnished. •• --Costa Mesa • WTLL PAY CASH tor your tur· MUSJ€AL & RADIO w. Several good Bay Front Lots otture or what b&.vE' you. Phooe FOR SALE-York Trumpet, thor--2-bedroom home, 40-ft. lot. nicely Busin~ frontage Be 5656 0 R Cr wley LOT ON OCEAN BLVD l ocated. South of Seaview. With with improvements aeon · · · 8 • oughly r econditioned. $75. Call · good view of ocean. Room to 1812 Newport Blv., Co!ta ~~~ Harbor 2640. 47·3tc $3000 build on the front of lot. $I 0,500 -=-==-o-c==-=====::-I FOR SALE-Marine radio. direc--$15,000. Furnished --CASH F OR USED FURNITURE. tion finder, 3 band. 6 vol t fisher. See Us For Other Houses, _ . El Bayo PHONE BEACON S53S-J. Nearly new. 509 31st. Newport $6500 and Up Small attractive house with view. . . 23-tfc Beach. Ph. Harbor 2577. 41-tfc Also Lots Partly furnished, nice location, Beautiful 2-~m hof!le. ~l'~O~R~N--l~l ~U~R~!:~-F-_o-_R-_-_s"'A~-1"._z"'_-~---_-::-:si_ KNABE Grand Piano. walnut case. W . L. -J-ORDAN south of highway. Large living completely furnished. Quick ·nu: ~1c~1ahan Furniture Stora Famous Knake t one. Also \Veber r oom . fireplace and patio, 2..car possession. Courtesy to Balboa 2-Story !Jome, n ear Bay Isl· and. Newly decor.. move right ih. Ari Excellent Buy Terms lCan Be Arranged Bay Ave. Lot near Yacht club ___ , Gitt and merchandise business. Best location. Nets' $1000 month. Full pr. $14,000 12-Unlt court in Balboa. Avenlge inc. $650.00 mo. Full pr. $45,000. Terms Tackle store. Gross $100,000 Prime location. I SEE US FOR Bj.JSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With !Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT . COMPANY -=-.. Realtors 1--=" 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 & 1601 -;; 47-ltc 3 Acre Ranch al Grand. Sohmer. Schulu. And 700 E . Central. Balboa garage. brokers. by constantly being on the er t H b 158 for all of the better known and many other famous makes. Phone ar o r Price $8 ,750.00 most popular line! of home fur· DANZ-SCHMIDT PlANO CO., 45-tfc nlshinp. have succeeded In be-520 No. Main, Santa Ana:is-tfc J. E. Barnes & Son ing able to provide for you tn 1806 Newport Blvd. their stor t"S wide selections ot STEINWAY Grand Piano. Mahog-ea.ta Mesa Ph: Beacon 5320 . -Balboa Gertrude A . Waldron Business Corner Wm. W . Sanford, Broker Fine location profitable busi-308 Marine A venue ' . . $4500 Balboa Island I BeautiM home on South Bay front. 70 foot frontage; pier and float. Plenty of yard space. Guest house. A rea) place for those who enjoy Balboa P eninsula Modern home, furnished, unob- structed vie\Y of bay. Brick wall- ed yard and patio. Immediate possession. $18,000 1 % miles from Corona. 460 ft. highway frontage. Excellent far business. Modern 2-bedrooru stucco. Price $10.000. 11' down. Possession 30 days. 89 Hamner Ave., Corona. 4~3tp the most attractive patterns and any case. Beautiful tone. Med-_ the most outstanding values. lum size DANZ SClDflDT H Phone 234-R 46tfc n ess. Improved with service station and cafe. This enables u5 to offer wonder-PIANO Co.. 520. -No. Main, 2 Bedroom ome1 tul THREE and FOUR ROOM Santa Ana 38-tfc Furnished. near Newport He ghta QU'l'F I JS. assembled for har· · district. Lot 90x150. Large gar- many and utility. Now we are RADIO HOUSE CALLS-age, rabbits and chicken eqW~ H . M. Lane Real E state 2006 Court Ave .. Opp. Oty Hall Phone 343 featuring two such outfits, one Now that additional competent ment and a very nice berry at $399.50 and one at $699.50. technicians are Avail.able. we are patch. We believe this would Lots! Lots ! Lots! Lowest terms. free delivery, nc able to mak~ serVlce calls on pass the G. I. loan. Price-- r ed tape to open your account large consoles. All work guar· $7500 Newport B each Select yours now. Evening ap anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, _ Oose-tn Lake Tr ..................... $1100 pointments on request. Mc S.O.S. Radio, 300 1\{arine Ave. A beautiful home Central Ave. lot zoned for Mahan Furniture Company, Seo Ph. Harbor 780. 34--tfc M ' multiple family ···············-··· 3000 ond & Broadv.·ay, Santa Ana SEE the new style world famous Ii:i C~st~ . esa S Rite spot for a ''Pre-Fab," 30 ft. Calif. 45-4Th< upholstered pianos. 1'-tany colors best residential dis'-!'i~t. Large liv-lot In Seashore Colony .......... $900 to choose from at DANZ-lng room and d1rung room, 4 50 ft. on Central with BOATS, SUPPLIES II SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. bedrooms, 2 batrui, frreplace, double garage ...................... 6500 STAR SAILBOAT. Just recon-Main St., Santa Ana. We also floor furnace, wall to wall car-Ocean Front 30x75 to . dJ tioned and new paint. Phone rent pianos. 38-tfc pets. Double garage with laun-15-foot alley ... -................ -... 1700 Santa Ana 4148 between 8 a. m. --,====-=:-:--...,--:=----,-dry. Lovely lawn and fiov.•en. Udo cor . near North Bay Fr. 4250 REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir-$15 750 and 5 P· m. 4S-tfc ror·Piano. This ts a real bargain. _•_ Peninsula FOR SALE-IS.ft. cabin sloop; Other used pianos as low as Lot wtth Bay vtew on Ocean $25,000 ~Down East Newport Near library. Two houses on one lot. Good income. $16,500 living. I - !Bay Front Choice 'ot n ear yacht club $15,000 ---§,---I Wanted: Bay Front Home for particular client. ... ~ust hav~ private beach, pier and float. ... Lid or El Ba.yo Tract u You Att Interested In Harbor Area Propeky We Can Help You sleeps 2 : complete with sails. $85, $87, S125. $175. DANZ-3Ji Acre Land ood Wvd. near polnL·-·········---·-3500 $300. 1139 W. Central. Newport. SCHI\fiDT PIANO CO., 520 No. 6-room stucco house. hardw 521h -ft. on Ocean Blvd, J M M J L L E R Ph. Harbor 1974. 4&-2tc Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc Doors, basement, on Orange Ave. ocean view ........................... 4751 , , • Double garage. Immediate pos-tral ~·~,. n-ch • Ph Harbor 1242 28-FT. POWER. Redwlng Marine. Arvin & Emerson . N rt H • hts 15th&: Cen • .... ~.,.... ~ . Ocean Front 1110NEv TO LOA.'1 u Att:active 3 .~oom . home, fur-LOANS TO BUILD. buy, unJ>l"O"- n.1shed. with immediate posse&-modemla or retinancts. s1on. A reel buy at Newport B&tboa FMera.J Savtnge . $15, 750.00 and Loan A•ooclaUon. -3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 Balboa I s land AUTOMOTIVE a TIRES 111 2-story, 2-bedroom, 2 baths, fur------------ nlshed home, 35 feet from bay. Immediate possession. 0 $13,500.00 Costa Mesa 5 acres on Santa Ana Ave. betw. 16th and 17th, with small house and out buildings°. 0 $10,500.00 Newport Heights 2 bedroom furnished home offer- ing beautUul , view of the Bay and Ocean. $8,500.00 RECAPPING R ecap All Five Tires In One Day Wheel Balancing Section Work LESTE RS O .K . Rllbber Welders 2900 W. Central, Newport • 46-8tc AUTO llERVlC!: • Completely recondltloned. A DI O S session. ewpo eig 47-ltc Corona de) Mar complete jig and set line equip-R A $8700 50x117 on Santa Ana Ave ....... 1750 A 1 2 bedr 1 24 H n _., Servi 5 f Cllff Dri 5000 d p partmen ' ooma, near y NOW ment. $1800. 116 22nd St .. New- -our ~o ce -94. t. cor. ve.......... Costa Mesa Inc ,me roperty new: hardwood Doors and room port. 4&-2tc Short C ircuit Radio -88 ft. view onRRedledl "',!~····· .. ·-··· 3250 , ·-e, modern 2-bedrm. home In 7\0 acre ~anch. Good five-room for another house. HERE • 305 Palm, Balboa J. E . B a rnes & Son View lot on an~ near 2100 -good• location on east aide. All house cotltpletely furnished. Re-21-tt. SAIL BOAT "Clipper' ; new Phone 1•-w 1•t1 Clay street . •-' d I $6 900 00 condi tion. Slip 45, Udo anchor· UoiJO'" ~ c l!K>S Newport Blvd. ·······-··················· rooms are large. Hu fireplace. trigera""'i gas range an p ano. ,_. •••· Sat.. Sun., Owner Harbor Radie Repairs C.O.ta Mesa Ph. Beacon 53207 1 50xl37 on 16th Plare ........... 1350 Door furnace, patio, kitchen Aliout sqo chicken&, 8 cal~ 196. 46-2tp 4 • tc Houses Houses Houses range, venetian blinds, curtains. and duckf. TwCM:ar earage. •wu All makes; tubes, e tc. b V B and wall-to-wall rugs on part of cabins, i;ent $65 per month. WANT TO RENT or buy mooring B e acon 5763 Ro ert . rose Fine 3-bedroom home. double gar· Modern chicken houses. -- 2().ft. cabin cruber. Atlantic B URT NORTON Licensed Real Estate Broker age. guest house. 50 IL on ocean house. er. H"'*" grounds all fenced In 21758.. Rewne charges.. 46-4tc Corona del Ma.r front west of Newport pier. $11,000 -'th , .. ....Ji fence. This 11 really 915 Coast Highway, Newport p I t d t w• ....,. FOR SALE-22-ft. hull, Cape C.od 23--Uc -assess on 8 en ° escrow· -the best buy we have had 1n a dory type, $250. Phone Orang• H omes -Costa Mesa Lot long t1m.i.-Full price only 1691. 45-4t< DOOS. CATS a PETll IS One bedroom home good condition Three bedroom house and three-50x155 ft. lot located 1 blk. west , $21,000 Balboa Peninsula Lots $2,950.00 Up JOHN E. SADLEffi 302 Main SL, Balboa Phone Har. 2034 47-1tc FOR· SALE-17 monthl old male partly furnished.' double garage, room apartment iD rear, fully of Newport Blvd. _ 20-rr. SAILBOAT. detlgned b1 Doberman A. K. C. champion excellent location, ocean view. furnished, o~ ocean[tront in Bal-$900 FOR ~2-story ocean front Scheel, w•ll built In 11140. Ph· boa. Immediate Ion. Corner Lot hooMi and Income property. Up- Burbank Charltet<>n 6-9405. stock. W. Purdy, Balboa Motel, $8875 --On Udo Ille. All Improvements per: 4 bedrooms. sleepln& poreh ir. A 315 E. Central. 45-ttp C sta Mesa and u bath p t tJa1 Income 4.,....tt Two bedroom, two story Ena:llah Three large bedroon s, bath, and 0 in and aueuments paid. Priced ?S • 0 en _FO_R_S_A-l..E~--,.2-ne-w-:f:-as"'t-:-:li"'gh:-t. SPECIAL ANNOUN<JEMENTS 11 type home on two lob ln very %: bath, hall, l8J1 e clOHts up 2-bedrm.. house wt.th aleeplnc to sell at S75 per week. Lower: Sun wel•ht Kayalcs with paddles. TYPEW'RJTERS -good location, garage, furnished stairs. 15x24 living dining porch oa east side. Rooms an $6500 ' porch, living room with real flre- H bo 1788 $13.000 room, kitchen. ,., ette, service 1•-e. Dbl. •ange. _ place; dlnlng room, kitchen, $85 for both. Ph. ar r . OFFICE ~T~-....... -• .. li -~ bedr b&th d 47-ltc ...,.vor~u" • porch, down stain. Garden $6650-1/2 down WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU uti ty ..,,_., ~ an ---~~~=---,..,----.,.--Oeanlng. Oiling, Adju:sti.n&. Beautiful new three bedrm. home, apartment and gul..1e space in • _ _ shower. Furniture tncludes C.Old FOR SALE-3G-ft. cabin crulset' OYerhaulin& half block from ocean front, lot basemenL Entire house n:'.~ Newport Blvd. Lot B. A. NERESON Spot electric refrlg., electric "Hobo," good sound boat, Grsy ROBERT'S 40xl18, large 2-ar garaee, very and beautifully ~ted. .. ~ ~f ~... 1 cl • on Welt-REAL EST•'TE washer, and G.&S. CU range. marine motor. Privately owned, TYPEWRITER SERVICE f'lnest possible construction. home ii on an oce.,n front COi'· ..,..,. t 1.cuu_e a "• .,.. Price $20,000. 418 E. Surf, Bal- Your authorized Cltrysler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorbed parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanics Kendall and Quaker State oils NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Aw. Phone Harb« 1!IM-J 38-tfc have aUp, 15th St .. Am. Legion 2602 W. Central Harbor 447 table top range, large Electrolux ner in the neck of Balboa Penln· mimttt. New double 1araa:e. Insurance and boa. 46-4tc dock. Sell for $3,250. 47-ltp 40-tfc refr!aerator, Door carpetln& and sula, % b!OC'.k troi1> bay beach. 16500 -Opportunl-$1500 DOWN. $37.50 monthly buys TLULEll8 11 FOR SALE -Star boat, Dush Carpenters A v ailable draperies Inc. In price. PoueuJon at end of..,,._, --1!1'12 Newpo<t Blvd., Coote Ma& attnctive new 1-bedroom house TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do your deck alttin&. latest ri&. No. 2081. $23,500 -I 57-fl Lot Pit: BeMXl!I 5225 47-1tc with half acre. Price $5650. Vet-own hauling and moving. All 311 Apolen&. Balboa Ill., week for ~ malnten&nee Good Selectloa o! Lota Udo Ille, 4 bedroorml . sun ..-n. Bet-..·een Coota M-and Newport FOR SAIF.-O>olce located lots · eran'1 pre!e"""'°. See owner. new equipment, $2.25 and $2.50 ends ..-... Mr. Paul O>est ... at and repair beglnnlns at large livtn1 room. 2 !lttplacoo, $4500 -% ..,...._ $400 to $3,000. Monrovia. between 17th and per clay. We fUmlsh the hitch. South Coast. 47-ltc o . z. llOllm!ION $l400 dining room. kltcheb, patio, crtn. _ .-UC s-rm. '-2 bedrm. !Ar-18th. Ooata Mes&. 46-4tp Myrehn Broa. Serv1ee Station. 75-ft. !rOCltsse walled and land· · 17th ~ N rt n~~ Coota FOR SALE-One new Gray MA· Call Harbor 83 icaped. Shown by '\Pl)OintmenL Corona de! Mar -with cueat rm. On 2 bis lots, FOR SALE-Five ..... lllngle roll----owpor ~-. rlne rn ... 1 motor, 225 h.p., 1% M-tfc BROSE REALTY -' ~ -.. ,_,,home. View. -..... view of --• ....,. with m&tb ..... S2ll... Mea. - to 1 reduction. Price $2500. KE y S 1307 Coast Highway Six room !lucco, will fUmished. Double prap. Tore! f-El<-~~: 5:fa.~rm':: 41.8 E. SUrf, l!alboa 46-4tc Manila folclel"I at N..,.1bn& Braclley-~""-Co.· L<lO Angel.._ Mada Wblla y.., WAit C<lnllla de! Mar hardwood Doors ;,..._ --cellent -tlon. ~ Im-~ heme 2 ~ • •&11T09 W&lflW • Adams 143C6. 47-2tc voom.:s Ph : Harbor 2048 47·1tc ment, _...ion'j °' ~.... ~te "'" I°"-A buy·~ -n::;: ..,.::Ci; AVBl9 WAIHW» . FOR SALE-20-!t. O!h boat, Star. . lOO -llL. -OSTA MESA $12,000. $8850 oink. larp ~ llreplAeo, '""E NEED LATE MODEL CARS lull conVttted motor, steel hull, ~ !ll&rine, -IslAnd C --.,. Prtoe llllOO. Adele Gimbel. 915 W A·l condition. 628 Clubhouse ....... On Broadway, double-· -Beautl!ully ~ 6-rm. -EV/I. F. RHODF4N • Del Mar Ave Pltame8llor311, and Will Pay Top-Prices Drive or phone Anantic 1·2036, PPOlil'nJl'l1TlD 49 modern residence. 1 front r-.. oc Udo Ille on 3~ landocaped • Reek Sa Clemen~. 43-tfc """°'· 47-4tp BUlllNKtlS 0 14xl8. U...S now u lw•k-lots. Wall _,,,._, $35,000. -~ ~---!El.J, YOUR CAR NOW Whlle Prtcs are Hiib-FOR SAIE-.star Boat. light con-PLASTIC MFG. BUSINESS struction. caivanb:ed machined keel. atalnless' steel rlulnl-L<> WELL ESTABLISHED cated at 17(17 E. I!«)' A~ .• Bal· boa. Name: Hyllte. 42-6tp $100 to $150 -kly. Ma~ry. FOR SALE -Johnson Outboard tools and lar1l'O rupply o! mat.,.. motor. 4 \0 h.p., good condition. Also dory. Friday e'\'t'. or Sat. Lal. For sale at cost of ln\·entory. attemoon, Cowles. 109 Edge-$3900. 219 Mapolla Ave, Costa wata. Balboa. 41-ltp Mtsa. 46-2tc --... Shown ·---:--r 470 Nt!Wport ™-· ~-=c:~ ~~~ = by appoin'L ELTON D. BARNrrrsm.:- center or town. Place to llw. -s.. ~ Ph.· ~1 41.11c with sound 1n-tmenL Fred Bri or $21,500 Danny ead FOR SATE 4 bo.lroom -· s Ra~I h P. Maskey with I batbo. ~-"--. H. M. Lane ~ Estat.e carpeted throusbouL 1-~ 10 Cout Blvd. 2006 Court Ave._-t !I-HI lowly prden. fruit -1111.- Phone 402 Oppaolte Cit Hall. ooo. 280 Map!lla A-o..ta 4&-tfc CT-1t.c MelL Br? oo 5482--R. 4'7-ltc • • ' .• ·i-~ ..... --. AT CORONA DEL KAR Beautiful 60-foot Cotner I $2700 a Hillside Lots $2250 PhaDe for cur .courtllaul buy9' who will Clll1 IUld ...... )'IXI ........ OPA replatkm, CA'Oq jil'tc. Uld WN'•t air delalJa w. 1.110LC0idi ' CULBERTSoN CHEVROLET CO., Inc. 1511 Cout JllctrwaJ' · Q ss•t _. a S '· Dss'rn Coram c1e1 Mar Bubar 2168 .. w .. c ,,..,IL•fWl • o, • o , n r a' "Wbore the Flap Ply'" -.21c ------0 -. .. I . ~ • ---..... ~ -. ·.~ .. ·-r_ _,,,-"'i!· ·-:_-._-.':°"I_.. ~--- ., I • . 1 ' I I I • I • \ ' . I • • I • ...... tl&WfiWI •••.B()A r Newport-Balboa TO'lrist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See .... Boy S-. Ph. Bailor S9L SOI Palm, IW'-ao..: ie a. a•lp. m. GEORGE D. BASSE.Tl' ACCOUNTAlft Monthly Bookkeeping Sem "" 2t01 W. O.tnl A"-t Phone Barbor 1800--.1., N'°'-'"'"''°"" - Trio Land 23 Albacore ~Safus:.ts Additional 1 Parking · Spa. ce, ~~n:;ty, :Lt:raryMys~~ ·1 . Says Dr. Russell Newspopon n!acb larC<r aclver-Ne T n· L A ' No book for --II tba! sr:.~~=;=: w ra 1c oop mong ~~~::=nc::: ::~~=1 ~s;::~ Otarter boat, Loma Pat, spent York chapter of the American ward Lee Ruaell, county health Kelsey and 1be Troub&e.at Turkey Gedlman, • dlrecl<lr of.tho Nr.o Balboa ' Needs Assn Says to •Mexico tlWo summer, Dr. Ed· teries ..... Whisper Murder, by five hours out in fishing waters Aslodatlon of Ne"NSpA Repre-I • offlcer, today urged travelers to Hill, by Knight. Wednesday morning and came in .aentaUves. protect thenmelvea agalnat Mexi-U you go in for more 9erious with a handsome catch of 23 large Gediman, addressing group of Adle.. aot clllly~. pol't-A coinmittee wu appointed to can malaria. . things try Adventures ol the albaeott, the largest catch of the 400 business, industrial adver-poaematl ud Neoe-bollq eoe-get local architects and designers Russell 1auecl the warn1n& Mind, by Castiglionl; n>e Saints sporting fish to come In at the thing executives, said e reached Ctt9.lDc thdr N!IC(ON" f• ~ to draw up a plan which would after two of 15 persona in a party 'Th.at ?ttov~ .the World. by Fulop- 19th St. landing so far this year. that conclusion as . .result of mualty lmprovemmta. wu aouctt.t provide additional parking apace returned from a trip to the Miller; Political Handbook of the The three happy anglers. who a recent intensive st~ cal ~tudy of Ute dty .,.. the aew Balboa aa well u a new traffic loop on southern section of Mexico with I World, by Mallory; Sub Rosa. by landed the haul In jig time, were of the two advertlsm mediuma. lm.pro'fflmf:llt u.odatioa at tbe the ocean tront from "8" to Palm attacks of the disease. 1bere is I Alsop., and 'Ibe Rocle Book, by Dr. and Mrs. E. G. King ·of O> He u.ld the average half-hour croaP'• third meettac oa T'De1'ay streets. The loop would allow one case 1n Anaheim and one in Fenton. • .-------------------------;! vina and Dr. C. I. Hubert of San eve~ing program over national alCht. The meetlq ..,... beld. ln motorists to easily turn around Santa Ana. he said In . fiction an. intriguing title ls ?tifarino. The largest of the fish radio network gets audience lob. Voeti'• b&eycle abop ID: dcnn-in the downlo"A'TI area without Malaria is so dangerous that Co\Wn from Fiji. by Undsay; then - Gas Heating & Ventilation weighed approximately 25 pounds. rating of l6 per cent 1E!f'S than an ~ .. Balboa,. ud •·u attetlded by having to go way down·· to the precautionary steps should be there are Tw"o Mirrors, by ~ay; The Lorna Pat is skippered by avttage national n per ad-•earl.J' IM of Ute ·towa'a .._.. peninsula on crowded days when taken : Atabrin should be taken in Valley 8?Y, by Pra!t-and ~ Bert Mills, sell-styled Mayor of vertilmlent of from to 500 DeM men Utd propeit,. OWJaen. heavy traffic prohibits safety suffldent dosages recommended of DelUSlo.n, by Reimer. • 19th St. lines. aad. WM pn1f1tid Oftl' "7 C. B. turning sooner. by their personal phys.id.an; aero--;::::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::; CHARiER & PRESTON Tuesday evening an electrica1 refrigerator ,in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, Z7th street, caught on fire, filling the kitchen with smoke. ~1embers of the family were home, hov.•ever, and disconnected it before other damage "'as done. StaU. Ucenaed Contractor D 00 5~HUeWann~ ._ __ PMne MM Re11d!moe ..._. MG or !W HYDRA • MATIC SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US . FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet & Oldsmobile Dealer 3011 W. Central Newport Beach • .Job•--, ae.·17 elected pr~t The group learnt'd from Vice sol bombs containing iNect re-• New Books Li of tbe -.tt .... d promlDeat President Theo. s. McEiroy that pellants found sate by our armed Y a I r Purpose of the organization ls W8I to appear before the next sons aller~c to the atabrin should to speed up the much needed im-city coundl meeting concerning ei ther take some other preven- Dead Center by We ll is one provements on Balboa streets and the-lighting situation. This re--tive medicine or remain at home B Loe I L"b t , .. ....,.., . .._.. · a cornmltt"" or the association forces should be used, and per- of the new novels ived re-beaches which reached a • deplor· quest '\VBS made by a councilman and out of the malarial regions, cently at Newport Beach library able state during the war and,· as of the lighting committee and is Dr. Russell said. Calfonla Ml~ Aaodatloe and other recommen~ new fie-yet, have been untouched except believed to look exceedingly favor-Dr. Russell pointed out m alaria lion inc ludes Brave Mardi Gras, by the merchants themselves. able for BaJboa. is transmuted by the mosquito, by Roberts : At Mrs. Upplncote·a, From among the 1 nwnerous Elimination of the glass hazard but that the disease is not com- by T aylor ; The Snake Pit, by problems confronting the Bill-on the beach also waits the city municable from one person to an- Ward and Star of the Unborn, by boans, the three most urgent were council's approval and the asso-other. \Verfel. chosen for discussion at Tuesday's ciation will attempt t o spur ac--------- 1\vo n8'N' mystery books are meeting. They are 1) the need tion here also. B Ibo Arm Off• Hangman's Hill by Pell and The for additional parking space; 2) On all these points the mer-8 8 y ICer House in Lords~1P _ Lane by Ma-a need for better street lighting; chants seek "immediate action" Patient, Tex. Hospital son. New non·fiction ~ks ar~ 3) a need for fTequent dragging before BalOOa dropped to a bad First Lt. Ralph E . Frantz. son Treasure Hunter , by Rieseberg , or gener al cleaning up of Bal~ last place among all the new corn-of Mr. and Mrs. H. E . Frantz of P.1an-eatC'rs or Kumao_n. by Cor-boa beach to rid it of t he large munities springing up in the Balboa, ls at William Bea umont bett: Th~ Great Pr15oners, by amount of broken g lass \.\'hich ne.irby region. General Hospital, E l Paso. Texas. Ab~amow1tz, ~d And Another causes daily casualt ies among t he Other problems, such as signs for treatment. Thing, by Sprang. bathers. to acquaint visitors with the Sun· Lt. Frantz entered the a rmy Drive Catttully-Spatt a Llte. Herb Kenny, Balboa postmaste r day parking• me ter regula tion , August 22, 1942. He was last and member of the chamber of I dredging of the harbor, inade-stationed as training aides officer. commerce transportation com-quate playground equipment, et c.. Luke Field. Phoenix. Arizona. mittee, v.•as present to answer all were touched upon at the well Prior to entering the army he was questions a nd to explain what bas attended meeting but were left employed as Visual Education Di- been done thus far by the city. for fut ure discussion. rector in the Balboa schools. IHVITT YOU TO HW "CILIFOINIA CAIAYAI" nHSf, nuE TAUS OF EAlLY CALIFOtHIA • Every Saturday at 9:15 p.m. On Your Mutual-Don Lee Station A P.tilic s.:mc. Plott"• ia t.ffalf of ~ CAUPOINIA PHl'llCIANI' laVICI The Prepaid Medlcal-Hoepltal S•rvlc:e which tak•1 th• Economlo Shock out of llln• The present ocean front parking The various committees will His wife, Mildred, lives in Bal- lo t w as built a few years ago meet again before the next gen-;boa~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::; only after similar agitation and eral meeting which will take BALTZ MORTUARY action by the Balboa merchants place Tuesday. June 18, at 7:30 and J\1r . Kenny suggested such ac-p.m. at the Balboa Rendezvous tion would again probably be the ballroom. quickest way to get the parking -------_yENETIAN BLINDS -;f;-' Lady Attendant -;t,- 410 Coast Blvd. <X>RONA DEL !MAR Telephone Halibor 42 DAY AND NICfIT ,. pr oblem solved. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 18!! Y: Newport Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No llmlt to any of OW' mercbandlae OOSTA MESA, OALIF. Phone Beacon 5011 For IMPOUND DOG F ound straying on the beach in Ne\\'port, a black and brown mixed ma le canine. registered in the name of Nancy Lou Snyder of ~ Bayside drive. Corona del !'f ar . ,,·as impounded by Poundmaster Cusuma no, Sunday afternoon. Scotch tape, various sizes, on sale at the News-Times . Drive Carefully-Spare ll L1fe. MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE ~ It's the Wood -Steel -Aluminum Fast Senioo -Free Estimates Call Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road Phone Long Beach 458-28 Long Beach • Before You Build or Remodel vlalt our 1nie ..... t1ng oample and display rooms. . • • Color guide9, plan- ning aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, call>ets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works lat Soutll Main 8t. Pbone Santa Ana !808 8A.'1TA AN A For prompt low-cost service see your Dealer Authorized Ford Service I Genuine Ford Patti Where you see thia blue-and-I Preci1ion-built Ford-en1i- white Ford oval ai~ you'll find 1 neered parta that ftt riaht •.. prompt, low-eoet service • . . I perform better ... Jut lonaer the but for your Ford car. I ... are now here in l'ood 1up- Ford4trained mechanics, u1ing I ply. The same engineers who Ford methods, special Ford I deaigned your Ford allo de-- equipment, and Genuine Ford I signed these genuine parta. So parts are all here. They'll belp I bring your car "b:lck: home" to make your present car perform 1 the se"ice department where ita best until your new Ford'• I you'll set the kind of parts ··· bere ... and be}p JOU l'et I your car deserves. It will pay better value whea JOU trade. I you dividend.a. ________________________________ J, _____________________________ _ Ford trained mechonica We bave more help aow-our Vetaranl a.re 1>ack home" and mekial' our ae.nioe depart- ment h\IDI.. So your Ford W"Ork will bo doae promptl7 -"1 mecb•nlcw wllto bow Ford can. J'aclor7-tn.lll0d. 111<7 employ -iol loolo, wlpins inomi- -""' oonleo todml-.. elopod for J'onl can. 'l'lllt'1 _.,. .. can ,_ a11e .. UM won --fnm GV illoop. I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I ?Jae~~ no place lib lfD8E tor r1n1 3trvtce Immediate Service ancl Fair Price• from . ' N • 23rd & Ph. Central 2600 F• W • pleas11re ;., anno.,.mng 1he openmg of a i,,,,,.,h offi+e ;,. NEWPORT BEAOI 20G4 Wei( Uotnl ATCDue Tckpboac Harb« 137"-J 0. ,;_ 13, 1946,-' lhs ..ppoMI-of DEAN W . CAM;PBEl.L M l.esidmt M....,.. As80l'i r#J _....., WI k CX)IIJN W. Tl.A VDS LESTER & ca. I I tt euua:t:: M '\II _. c.p;a•1nsc I .... 611._.,.........._'-'.sl M .Msll'h-Lot ... Sw4 , ..... ----... .•e&d I -·- Going to You probably have your dream home aD worked out In your mind -or maybe your nebltectMoontractoralreadyhasp~pued plans on paper for you.· Eledrielty will have a large pan Jn malrlng dlMlll9 of postw... living come true. When you go over the plans with your ballder be 8111'1 to Mk him about the -en clevelop- imnta ID bomebolcl labor avlng llDd flmo- tloaal i-aty. Our Eaperta ID everythblg electzbl wtll be glild to help wl1h layoat plam or probllmL Olle Alllfllfl• may imlle a lo& of .mr..aoe ... the "llv84lllllty' ol. a.at ....... ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN RllCB * ltlt 1IOO o..t mw.,, Pllme B• a• Mii Alm 1111 8-1 ~irn1 .. 1l*1 ... 1~W ... m'llisc*t1•a~• .. •P~'llDl~lllDl~DP~~··->11g...•llll .. I EI.FCI'RICIANS THEOD.ORE . ROBINS l llll W. CeMnl, Newport BeMh • • -- --------HOspital Fund Still 'Lags for Want of Money N&Wi-OWI a••llOA PuBLIC NoTice: PuBLlc NoTicE PUBLIC NOTICE INVITING BJD8 tne penc.-11 ~ namm are sub-. Coull~ ol Onnp.. ~te of C:all-•xexM ~ --; ac:ribed to the within Instrument, fond&, tblll 11: ';':' ~ 1lM6: Patt.non. Elmer Notice is hen!by given that the and • .-1e<1ged to -that they ~--Clerk and Clerk ot the Patt.non. Elmer Boord of School Trustees of the executed the ..,,,.; IN WITNESS ~., 1 N Newport Beach School District WHEREOF I ha"" hereunto eet 5uperlor Court ot the State ot a, R Inc: Thi censr•cn to ralle $500,000 will receive sealed bids for paint-my band ~ afflnd D\Y omdal Callfcrnla. 1n and far tbe <Joun.. N A: R Inc. to ettet the Prftbyterlan hoepltal ing 18 rooms of the Fldlool ;!Julld. Mal the day and year In tblll Ca-1Y ot <>ranee. N & R Inc: on Newport Hei&btl continued to ing located between 13th and 14th titlcate first above written. By WAYNE A. DRAGER. La Roe Otia drq again this week, altbou&h a Strttts 00 Centro! Av.nue; aJ.o NORA S MARGWARTit, Deputy; Hofrma:.. Albert C: total of $271,440:90 wu reporred-Caretaker's cot!&&• located ca Notary Public In and !or (s..J Superior Court Hof!man, Albert C: ly rettlvod by the fund office In 13th Strttt and the caretaker'• Orance C<lunty, State of Oranp County) I , Santa Ana. during the put week. cottage located on Carnation ColltorniL Pub:-Apr: 25; ll&Y 2. 9, 11. 23. 30; Solldton In the Santa Ana· Street in Corona de! Mar: (My Comml-1on Explree June 6, 13, 20, 27, 19t6. Raball, An.u. B: SECTION A Lot 1 2 1 2 3 17 12 13 -331 331 425 425 425 430 530 530 row --18:99 11.87 73.03 124:46 61:48 13:75 927 11:15 9:97 • :;• -D• .t.a1 z n rd Owatt Let • -' •• atbenl Natlooal 1'nllt "' SaVL Bank ot L. A: 28 .t.-35 UT Otbenl NatloMJ 1'nllt a, San. ~ ot L. A. 211 .t.-35 UT 16 A-M t.'11 La ~ye. Frank L. Otb>enl National Trust a, SaVL Bank ot L. It.. 8 8:32 17:91 Otizenl National 1'nllt a, San. Bank ot L. A. ' crB.,Jl-32 tot .. B£.8lJB OF OOBONA DEL llAB Elmore, Hetty J : T SS SUI Elmore, Hetty J : 8 3S not Boyd, Robert L. 15 133 19:ZI Brinkerhoff, H: It: NEly 15' 12 13'! 9.71 Tustin area captured Sl30 to add Painting to be done a.ocordlnc January 28. 1950.) :+ • 1 to their present total ot $1~-to opedfications on rue in the Oil-SEAL) N0: "35591 • 406,50, which gaw them a grand trlct Superintendent's office, 14th l;~ M 23 30 J 8 13 1946 AUA8 8tJllOIO!C8 McMlllan, Neil S: McMlllah, Nell S: 8 11 12 219 ZlO ZlO 24.S3 lt.51 Brinkerhoff, H: It: SW1y zy 14 137 1S:OI Lloyd. Hue! K 19 141 11.91 total of $108,538:50: Laguna Beach and Central: AD bids to be In r~ ay ' ' une ' ' , , nR8T ADDrl'ION TO NltWPORT BEACH held oecond place, with no change the District Superintendent'1 ot-N0: 435e0 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Barre, Annie Ellil NEly 50' 12 20 In U...lr previous week'• total of nee by 8 :00 o'clock p1m1, July 2, ALIA8 BUMMOQ THE STATE OF ~RNIA. Barre, Annie Ellil NEly 50' 13 20 '39,464:50: 1946 (Action brou&ht In the Superior IN A.ND FOR THE COUNTY Newpcwt Beach'1 flc>lre $42,· The Boord of School 'l'nllt-ot Court ot,the County ot Orulse, OF ORANGE. 606:10 WU unchana:ed from the the Newport School Dlltric:t re-and Complalnt filed in the of· --Cbamberlln. Pierre A. Pl•-;-but • ddlnite pr0: serves the rl&ht to reject any or !lee ot the Oerlt ot the SUperlor .t.ctlcn brouaht In the SUperlar Chamberlln Plenoe A. SllOl'ION B sram ot appnl will be made to all bids or waive any lnfonnallty Mid County l eou.t ot the County ot Qnnae, Alnander ' the lummel' people who maintain in • bid: Court "' 1 and O>mplal•< filed In the Of. • Charlel """-h<re and who will ooon be GORDON B: FINDLAY, b -8aporior o..rt al -8-flee ot the Oerlt ot the Superior -., for the ......... and to yacht Oe<1k ot the Newport ot Oallfonla b -rw &lie Court ot uld County: Tapley, Olrlatlne et al OWlWH for both tbe9e cl-..es have Beach School Dtatrlct.. C...Q el. Or.ace a peroonal internt in the com-Pub1-.June 6, 13, 20, 1946. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH e munlcy and IO lhould be Interested CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Munldpal C.Xpcwatlon "' the Netsbban May B: In the hospital CEBTJrICA TE or BUSl!CUB • MunldpaJ c.a pcwetlon ot the lbctll clw, l>ltintm, • • Huntlncton Beach and Clran&e Fictitious Firm Name lbctll clw, Plaintiff, VL RICH· ¥L reported additional checks of ARD It: TATNALL, et al. Def-. A: G: WERMICR, et al. Defend-labell, John C: $1385 and $1600 since the esti-THE UNDERSIGNED do heft. antL antL mate ot a week co: by certify that ...., an conductllll The P<ople of the State ot Coll- Otlel and community totals a deeninc busin ... at 1844 Har-fomle Send Greetings to: RICH-The People ot the State ot Call- SEOI'IONB BUB. OF BLOCll "A" IJ48T NEWPORT 71 28 13 5 4 9 _,. u follow>: Santa Ana-Tus· bor Blvd:, Coot& M-. Coll!cnila, ARD, It: TATNALL and ELIZA· fomla IODd sreetlnp Ito: Elllott, Eucme tin, $108,538:50; Laguna Beach. under the nctltloua !inn name of Brnl a TATNALL, Hlllband A. G: Wonnlch and ,Vivian Wer· Johnlon, Georce L. et al All (Ea SEly 44:9') 15 $39,464.50; Newport Beach. $42,-Men:wy Oeanen a, Dyen and and Wiie, E: D: MORRELL and midi, Hlllband and \Vlfe; Deem, Joe It: 606:70; Huntin&too Beach, $25,· that 1ald firm is compooed of the SUSAN E: MORRELL, Hlllbend fl M: n-and lAlona Tbomu, I 176:10; Oranc•. $19,986:00; San 1onow1nc persons, whole -in and Wife, fl A. CARRIER. EU.A Hlllbend and Wlf.. NltWPO&T BAY TRACT Juan Capistrano, $16,100:00 ; Coot& tull and places of reoidence att u CARSON, J : It: JONES, HAR-A. G: Wennlch al)! It: Mi Plummer, Anthony K Mesa, $6,06&50; Anaheim. SllOO:OO; follows, tC>:w!t : RIET TAYLOR, a sln&le WMW>, Thomu. CO:putnen dolnc -· Plummer Antho K Fullerton, $3,645:00; Placentia, William Powell, 259\0 Grand JOSEPHINE M: GRIFFITH, neu u Otanse County Reftnlnc De M ' a de f $1 ,600.00; Garden Grove, $5,075 ; Avenue, Long Beach. California. AUDREY ISABEJJ, a alftale Com~; oa, Y · DOFH:OUDty, $2,38011 Betty Powell, 259\0 Grand A~ woman, LES'l'ER PAUL SIMS, 0eorse 0 : Hartman; nue, Long Beach, California. WALTER MORRIS GUEDEL, Wm L. Jonee and Roolna K Elliott Eugene Calif. Canning Firm Plans Big Expansion Robert Powell, 259\0 Grand 'IBNRY EDWARD COFFMAN Jones. Husbend and Wife; Hues 'James w Avenue, Long Beach, California. and GERTRUDE K COFFMAN, First Doe, Second Doe, Third Hu ' J WI WITNESS our hands this 22nd Ht11band and Wile, SANTA ANA Doe Corporation, a Ccrporation; J es, amlllesl I day of May. 1946. MORTGAGE and INVESTMENT Defendants. ones, W am R. HAYWARD-Hunt Foods, Inc:, WILLIAM POWELL COMPANY, FANNlE PEAS~ You are directed to appear In Jones: Wllliam It: Wly 13' 52 90 3 4 15 1 4 5 fl. 7 15 15 18 2 9 109 A A ... 3 3 4 6 8 8 8 8 hu announced plana for a 150,000 BETTY POWELL OWENS , SIDNEY F . PATTISON, an act.ton brought against you by 8Quare foot addition to its present ROBERT POWELL JOSIE THOMASON, FLORENCE the above named plaintiff in the EAST SIDE ADDmON TO BALBOA TRACT (And o...uz Frontage Adj.) plant here at a cost of nearly State ot California ) E. McDERMOTT, KENNETH D. Superior Court of tl\e State of $400.000. Recently ·it acquired 28 County of Orange ) ss. CAMPBELL, EDWARD D . MOR-Callfornia, in and for the County Elliott, Eugene trucks and 25 trailer! from a local ON TlilS 22nd day of May, A. D. RIS and MINNIE MORRIS, Hus· of Orange, and to answer the com-Elliott, Eugene trucking firm rt>r transporting 1946, before me, Nora S. Marg-band and Wife, WS ANGELE'S plaint therein within1 ten da)'I Elliott, Eugene farm products from ail area within warth, a Notary Public in and for MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, after the service on you of this Elliott. Eugene ' 8 NEly 30' of SE!y 60' T 9 SEly 30' T 18 a radius of 150 miles of here. the aaJd County and State, residing Inc. a corporation, THE ELLIOT swnmoiu, U served with.In the Crocker Frank w Tonnage from this area reaches therein, duly commissioned and HOkNE C 0 MP ANY, E . J . County of Orange, or within ' · a peak of 2400 tons a day during sworn, personally appeared WU-W ~. FIRST OOE, SECOND thirty days U served elsewhere, the -toma to S<"ason alone, accord-liam Powell, Betty Powell, and DOE, nnRD OOE CORPOR-and you are notified that unless Lampert, Frank s. tng to company offi cials. Robert Powel1 k no'''" to me to be ATION, a Corporation, Defend-you so appear and answer as above Deutsch Emery TRACT 518 43 _:: ___ :_c_ ______ C:_ ____________ ants. required, the plaintiff will take Deutsch: Emery ' You are directed to appear In judgment for any money or dam-p "fl St S &. Loan Co SE!y Ii 10 11 31 8 9 28 This -pair of wires carries 480 long distance calls simultaneously an action brought against you by :ages demanded in the Complaint. a~ . c ates aw. . the above named plaJntiff in the u ariJiag upon contract, or will Pacific States Sava. &: Loan Co. Superior Court of the State of apply to the Court for any othet Pacific States SaVJ. &: Loan Co. California, in and for the County relief demanded in the complalnt. Pacific States Sava. &: Lo&n Co. of Orange, and to an1wer the com· Given under my h&Jtd and seal Pacific States Savs. &: Loan Co. plaint therein within ten days of the Superior Coutt of the Pacific States Savs. &. Loan Co. after the service on you of th.ls County of Orange, State of Call-Paci!lc States saw. &:. Loan Co. 1ummon!, if served within the fornJa, th1I 19th day of Mardi., County of Orange, or within thirty 1946. days l1 served elsewhere, and yot1. R J i SMITH, Bergeron. Arthur J . P'a.citic States Sava. &: Loan Co. WJy &75' ue notlfted that unless you 110 ap-County CJerk and Clerk of the TRACT 948 pear and answer as above re-- quired, the plaintiff will take judgment for any money or dam- Superior Court of the State Sharp, A. G . of California, in and for the Gogerty, Frances E. County of Orange. 32 7 3 29 20 23 96 ages demanded in the Complaint. u Mlalng upc--n contract, br will By WAYNE A: DRAGER, SEASHORE COWNY TRACT Deputy: Beeby: John D: 4 apply to the Court for any other relief demanded In the complaint. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the (Seal Superior Court Orange Beeby, John D. SEly 15' of NEly 20' 5 County.) Mcinnes, Ida B. NEly % 3 Pub: Apr: 11, 18, 25 ; May 2, 9, 16, Mclnnes, Ida R 4 23, 30; June 6, 13, 1946: Mcinnos, Ida R 5 -------------------------Mclnnes, Ida R 6 DELINQUENT TAX A.ND E:::: ~E:~ g Nmy 2Y E:! ~ : ASSESSMENT LIST. Hammer, Fred Nmy 30' or SE!y 60' ot Nly Ii 3 Hammer , Fred NWly 30' of SE!y 60' 4 Hammer, Fred Nmy 30' of SE!y 60' 5 OOEAN FRONT TRACT City of Newport Beach, Sta~ of Callfol'llia Small, Lora V. 6 16 16 24 B c c c F F F G H J K M F F 3 3 3 3 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 51 NEWPORT BEACH CITY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS DELINQUENT FOR FIRST ADDmON TO NEWPORT HEIGHTS ......... ···-.a...ly ... _put ol -1 .. ~~ cmcio r 11• C'O'sie• ab&e Uoaa cbe IOlllt • •= n r liae). le will bo ........... aible-4 foe ..... c:alll md .S..ilioo 11wwr·ss;oe Acwlly, mis p:~ 11 ODly put ol -plw ID e1mod wl opoed II-. diec II • ........ Maayocber' pro11mz •man.,.diowar.Jorltlt- C";:.:':!!.'°=.,.":;~=--J"= FISCAL YEAR 1945-46 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH t IS: I Porter, Miriam S. Porter, Miriam S . Johnson, Peter Johnson. Peter Karge, Henry P: McMahon, Edward D: Hart, Ethel B: Wallace. Leow H. Lee, Virginia et al I, IL IL Hodgkinson, as .Ex-Officio Tax Collector, in and !or the Oty of Newport ;Beach City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, Statr ot California.. Oty f N rt Beach HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, default having been ~ in the H\Ul 0 wO: R payment of taxes and assessments due to the Oty of Newport Beach H t. Willi R. tor the f:iscaJ. year endin&: June 30, 1946, upcm the s:roperty bettln-a~t,of N am t . Beach after described. and that. unleu said taxes and usessments ao 0 of N ~ Be-acb dellnqt1.ent. together with all penalties and co.ta due thereon, be ~d O ty of N "'PO Beach at the Tax Collector's Oftlce In the Oty Hall, or on bef<n;e Saturday, M!un.., -;:::' D J\Ule 29, 1946, AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M: ot that day, all ot aakl ~ McMlll ' John Di - erty described In the within list on which &aid taxee and .. ...,,,.,,,., McMlll an. John 0 penalties and eo1tJ are then unpaid. will on the chte a.ci the hour an, · abow 1pedfled, BY OPERATION OF LAW, be oold to the a~ ot O\adw!cl<, Nettle Adozm Newport Beach, aod that such lole will be made In the OFFICE OF ~· ~BR et al THE TAX COLLECTOR ot &aid 0'7: ger, It: RI HODGKINSON, Ex-Ottldo Tax Collector of Newport Beedl, Coll!omla: Griesser, Robort Al. Jr: Lot - NEWPORT B&&CH TBAcr Kittle, O!d1 L. 24 28 Spelllcy, Anna E. et al All (ex RR) 14 32 SpelllC)', Anna E: et al All (ex RR) 15 32 Tola! -. Rambo, A. M: .. WQ' White, Forrst H. Macaw.,., Jeuie R. $ U:eo Holmwood. Isaac N : I 10.35 Bffitbaupt, Harry R:-tll Ely 100' ot Wly 720' CEx Hwyl SEly 100' 9 10 11 10 11 5 11 16 13 18 19 1 2 7 20 21 10 n 12 19 10 2 60 9 2 3 F H Kentz., Emma A. 1 3'7 5S7 D'AOT 90'7 'BIO l8Ul 71 9' 112 THIRD ADDDION Griswold. Loyo B1VD SECDON Plumer, Alice C: SWllhlne Fanno Inc. SWllhlne Fanm Inc. Lane, Dorian J.ADTB.Acr McFarland, Qeo E. 5 41 19 :r 13 14 41' 7 4S s U5 Wrlclit. O..,.W Bumbam. Roderidr 9118 Grlttlth 0wnpa'I)' Grittltli 0 ..... 47 5a cuttaa. -r. 11:43 :Carlton. -L. UJIO ·-. Herman A.. 4:53 Moclle, ~ L. Nl27 Ii lll NEl;y Ii 222 223 aat 5411 8W1J' 1' 15'7 ., 14 14 17 17 18 23 24 24 26 28 28 32 32 32 32 32 34 34 34 34 3.'I B 2 4 5 Lloyd. Hue! Mi 21 &64 OORONA DICL llA& 6.52 G!owr, Wood Jr: NESy UV 11 Glovft, Wood ~r: 13 Leedt, Vernon A. NEly 20' s 2Ul6 Leed!. Vernon A. SW1y 20' 5 46.93 Sawyer, James fl NEly 10' 6 48.79 Sawyer, Jameo It: 8 Z...Uel. Kathleen M: 12 40:211 z .... u.1. Kathleen K 14 Zweifel, Kathleen K 16 Bean, Raymond P : NEly 20' 29 33:01 Bean, Raymond P. 31 Been, Raymond P: 33 Whyte, Jameo , S. NEly Ii 28 1729 Whyte, Jameo S. ao Oty of Newpcwt Beadl 18 CarTOJJ, June 20 22:91 Oleyne, John 20 23:39 de la Torre, Alphome G: 14 26103 de le To<re, Alphonoe G. 15 Hoean, Paul J : 10 Oty of Newport Beech 3 25:91 Stoevtt, Ruth B: 6 19:48 Oertly, John W : 21 18:66 Meyers, Otto J . 16 Collins, Thomas M. 22 70:42 Still, Mary J I 4 34,51 Kroenke, G: C: NEly 12' 19 35:49 Kroenke, G: C 21 28:18 Shellenbach, Harold C . 6 13:84 Bettis, Gwendolyn G. 14 Morrow, Bertha R. 2 Meyer, William B. 11 Meyer, WUllam B. 13 34:78 Meyer, William B. 15 2:15 Johnson. Mary Ann 19 33:25 Johnson, Mary Ann 21 2:15 Hanns. George W. 8 9137 Harms, George w. 10 Hanns, George \V. 12 Hann:., George W: 14 6:10 Harms, George W . 16 8:63 Coram, Roy E . 4 16:77 Coram, Roy E . 6 8,78 Savoy, Phillip A. 5 6:10 Casler, Emma W. 10 1192 West, Ernest 0 . et al 1 6:10 West, Ernest 0 . et al 3 5:48 Peck: George N: 9 6:10 Peel, Leone D. 5 7:97 McBurney, B. A. 11 27,32 lienderson, Tom W. 17 5139 Henderson, Tom W. 19 Morris. M . Ethel 7 9:20 Siegel, John A. 11 7:97 de la Torre, Alphonse 15 de la Torre, Alphonse 17 23:90 de la Torre. A1phon5e 19 1:66 de la Torre, Alphonse 21 3161 TRACT 323--00RONA DEL MAR 3.97 Boyd, R: L: ·3 3:34 Bennett ,Oiarles A. All (Ex: Hwy:) 4 2:99 Bennett, Charles A. NW1y 3.'1147' (Ex: Hwy:) 5 Richardson, Angus S: All (Inc: Por: of 9:55 Elec: Way adjJ 2 Richardson, Angus S: 3 9 ntACT 678-CORONA DEL MAR ·74 Keeler, Sallie Lathrop 12 Frye: V: J : 16 Ballard; Robert R 22 12176 Ralph, William H : SE!y 50' 44 Ralph, William R SE!y 50' 45 4:84 Ralph, William R SEly 50' 46 7!;~ TRACT ~RONA DEL MAR 2 1 53 Nugent, Chester 0 : 16 4 1 23 HOllllll: Paul Ji 36 6:97 H011R11, Paul Ji 37 4:23 TRACT lOM--ClOBONA DEL MAR 6:97 Otizens National Trust a, 8:99 Savings Bank of L. A. 2:99 Otlzens National Trust a, 11 2:99 Sav!np Bank of L. A. 24 141 2M 2M DI Bi 23T 23T :141 ro 241 243 243 243 243 243 332 m m 33:5 33:5 337 429 429 431 433 433 442 529 529 531 532 533 539 539 539 539 539 542 542 542 542 542 629 629 635 638 640 640 640 642 643 643 643 737 737 737 737 737 737 E M M y y B B B B B B 3:~ ACREAGE--OORONA DEL MAR 4 23 Wagenhehn, Edwin 50' lot In D 3 1 61 <Inc: bet aiune "' hllh tide llnel ;L61 (So: of Co: Rctl 160:0& ft: SE!y 2 09' of SWly at: of NWly llne of 1S:98 Aceda St 4:58 R&SUB OF SllOTION 1-aALBOA ISLAND 3:61 Stephen, Lester J : 28 8 3:61 Mye,., John W: 15 7 19:20 Mye,., John WI 24 7 Bonham, Edna F: et al 24 13 l2Jl7 SECnON !-BALBOA ISLAND Sharon, Russell El 18 SF.CDON I-BALBOA ISLAND US Nowbury, C: S: 23 16. 77 McKenney, Stanley V: 19 7: n Ruaell, Georp E 25 Sbool<. Neille Vi 3 5& 79 'Iborn!*>n. Hollis fl 28 112.10 B~. Harry C: 34 ManhaD, Ray v, ) 18 Illmmltt, Ralph B. ~ 15 84:02 4106 I SWllON 4 11.80 Harw7. Harold a. et al BAJ,llOA ISLAND 18 6 6 ~ Rldiardson, Anauo s. ;~ --."-s. 6:97 Hamm, Harold L. ...... ?.I' U45 - 7 1 1 6 9 12 13 18 17 18 al 2 11 11 14 \8-45 81XJDON 5 BAlllOA lllfAND 5:84 M-1<1171 WIDi.m I 12 2 3:211 Henderwm, Lulu -9 a l3A5 Riley, Vlrian Wl7 30' 71 8) 8.9J 1.74 10:50 5:91 5.l5I 2.81 2L82 11.0ll 10.87 lo.sl 531 T.72 T.72 2.73 U'1 1.53 IUS 9.71 1.71 UI 3.50 4.31 15.32 6:74 4:10 e.n 3.50 2,0& 17:43 7:99 4:10 9:24 6.74 6:74 6:74 6:74 7:99 350 3:50 350 3:50 3:50 7:99 7:99 350 6:74 t.10 350 350 3:50 3:76 121 7:27 6:74 14J6 3:50 3:50 3150 17:60 6134 19:79 1L38 10172 10:13 15:98 4:71 5:91 727 6:74 6:74 4:38 4:36 20:10 12.54 &57 23:a2 10:60 1621 31:79 37:90 29:67 20:91 20:71 25.()5 28.50 !509 54.32 13:38 35.45 211:00 211:00 '2:51 Mtb ...... .-... ~Ji-M llwss1- wt t'r .. .a.ico..-,wr. ..,~ _ _.,, ... ...,, ,_. _,,_ ..... ..,_ ... ,,,,.. Gloeaer. Id& L. 15 Blair, Dorothy A. 19 CANAL 81JCDON U5 2315 ; r -.GocdoQL I:.bi*b-Corl D : -I:.bi*b-Corl D: &IS-. Golen ,J lo.IS Miiier, Golen -SWb' l6 11'1 m lM5 Riley, Vivian W1F ID' • 8) I.All AD P1'upert7 bet••• ' I 1 -11 II-Ill t1io .......... 19Jl3 llmlls; ot the Cl'rY1 Of' HZWIORT ••ca, <XX1NTr OF ORANG&. STATE OF CAUFORNIA. I ll.23 ~ c!*"U t U U'OON ll&Y r111ino"1•~42~•J Dated t1t11171116 111jr ol 1-, 1lNI. Sis'•• C • 11 TJl11•111 C1 11•1 -=-., -. tu,..., !·'11 5.21 , • . Jt. ........... w. 1J.Jll Cl] I DA DD. WAR Ex.otlldo Ta Oalloetar, N¥WJ1Wt Bu di, cautanz1a. 6:95 a-Na-nu.t It --.. L A. • .t.-311 UI p.~· ... ,_ .. 11, al -"· 1lNI. f Heoley, J-sii> Mi 3 ~ Heoley, J-sii> K 4 ~ HeoJey, Jooepb K 5 SmlU.. 4-'la. et al 8 i ' ~l.!!!l.M!!l!!!L---------------;_::::.:.:.:..-_-_-_...1_"!!1'~·:.,.::~'·1;~~~:~,""~il~·n;7.--~Sllare~Jt!l!!!llllWl!lt!LJIP~C~SSZ??lll'!li..lPDll!1~1!!1-r..·li--,.ll~~CoeT~-~A~.~ ... :"'.A"".CO~.::.::U".".N'.'.:ITY~--:,'.""~~Q'.""rr=-s-s:_1n_1_A_L--D-,.-• .:.._-,...:C_'J_O.,..U. _ _.;:;., NEWPORT-BALBOA I y ~"'TO THE I In Ato. 88Bomlgb TL..~ N E w s ~ -Clt(Y'!C". .. . .., ¥ 'I . ~~.-;.!J~.!~ . ~~~;TIMES s.me18~tt~._::, of the ~~f:?-:~ .. ~tJNTANT .-II!:.-·-;-.• -'*'-·':-• 1':7,---' .. ;..., ='.:..*':"!".T •;',U.~,~~:'r"'!I' v-~ ~=ul.1i0!.i~t ti; .:.r~ c Hu D c HE s ~~*':!;=-in-!.-.sw.w..'!.!!~ '~•fl"?"" 0. ~ M-ca~ ~ In Adnnol: Sl.S) sm-JeU' in OraDce eo.mcy ; THE PJOU'l'8 DEFl:N"SE the government of over $125.000.-.. , termed.late. Adult. 9:30 p. m.. =~~ "'!:,.• ~ ~ n•llJirm S'l.'r.5 pis YMl' to 4th zpne; p.oo per,_,-to 8th zone IN LOOAL 8T&lllE AFFAD 000, are among the sh1pa beaded lL------------"'I &wnlnc Mi+lce, 7:30 o'clom. ms ... _ 91~ ._ a.. ....._ !!:.~ ,,.JC,t!lf-; _ -.;;;;;;;;-;;-s . The follo+ving w ell written com-f or Bikini atoll in the Marahalll OUR LADY OF' MT. CARMEL JiOd .. week tellolnb.lp and prayer, Al1Dln • a1 a1www a11& W. 01sM1 Aw. ft. ...._Ill.I Dilleled u Seeond<lW matter at the Pmtomce ID Newpol't Bt-idt, munication from the Commercial for the atom bomb teltl this 1423 We9t Central Avenue Wednuda7, 7 :30 P. m.. NO'(••KPDIG mYw::a • •••••1 aam callfonda, under tlw Act at llaldl a., 1879 Fishermen's Union, giving the month. Among tbem are the Fill-SUDday Ila-: 8 &Dd 10 a..m. U L m .. Prayer and Sermon. om. ':.. ~1.i....,oa.ts. .._ s._ A MEYER -Pub!llber views and thoughts of a picket, more and Colusa.. nameld after Ooaer.1•=•: 8at:u:rda.Ja frrcll ft)( D. PORTER Genen.l Menapr follows: California cities. Anothe!" oon-4 :00 to &:30 &nd from. '7 :30 to P. G. FROST Editor The events leading up to the tribution from thil state afe about l :IO p.m.. AJISEMJ!l.RS OF GOD W. F . DIXON' • .. -• .. • A.dve:rt:Wns M•0 taer present local fisherman's strl.ke 4000 animala-3700 rats ahd aome -------P!rlatbia Plant, 30U W. Central Avenue, Newpo.1 Beach, Callfonila were maey and varied-4utflce it 200 goats--On wbooe ••fifth and e_,.,. ad Ida .... ate, Putcin a.eo-a""'°t,N ....... s~ llljbool: 10 LJD. Armand Monaco ARClll'l'ECT Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach to say that we fishermen attend-blood" the ertects of . tiie atom · ft w ed several very lengthy argumen-bomb exploaions are expected lo 4 D 11 1•ble I.om.I Jma&wllaa for °"91' •.... --' ti!" li h tative meet:inp before a strike shed aome M:Jen K' g . t. Acme Member of Save the Good Casualty records of a large life insurance company, cover- ing the two World Wars, offer an interesting gauge of medi- cal progress during the past quarter century. During World War II, the company paid $5,668,344 in death claims on war c,asualties, representing 7% of all death claims paid during the veriod. In World War II, the war claim payments repre- sented 11 % of all death claims paid. Dep.th claims in World War II resulting from disease, were $890,267, or 16% of total war claims. The corresponding figure in World War I was 58% of the total. In World War IL military statistics show one death from disease per 1000 men per year, compared with 65 men per 1000 in the Civil War. Life insurance companies do not juggle figures. The medical progress indicated above is real. It explains why the medical profession and large sec- tions of the public are favorable to a ge>-easy policy when it comes to politiCal reorganization of the American medical ~em. No other nation has shown such striking scientific advances in medicine. In fact, in those nations where the government has participated most actively in medical activi- ties, standards have deteriorated dismayingly. Protect His America What if this issue of your favorite newspaper carried a banner headline reading "215,000 Veterans' Homes De- stroyed by Fire"? Such a story, flashed to a world long ac- cu.stomed to shocking news, would eclipse in cataclysmic por- tent, any event since Pearl Harbor. Yet that is exactly what happens every year. Forest fires annually destroy enough timber to build homes for a city of nearly 750,000! Throughout the United States there are 210.000 forest and woods fires on an average each year. That Is an average of 575 fires a day. and in the aggregate they burned over as ma ny acres as there are in all of New York state. Vital watersheds are denuded, and, as a result of the fires and resulting floods, valuable livestock and game are lcilled and crippled. Moreover , billions of little trees, the tim- ber crop of tomorrow, are destroyed .. Nine out of every 10 of these forest, woods and range fires can be prevented, say officials of the Forest Service, sin"" they are started by people who deliberately set them for spite or some other fancied personal gain, or by people who are careless with matches, cigarettes and camp fires. During the war years much of the forest region of the na- tion was closed to the public. The. return of peace has started a higera of vacationists into our national forests and ' parks, with a resultant hazard to timber and watersheds. Forest Rangers will be on the alert and the customary educational program to "Prevent Forest Fires" will be launched as in past years. But despite all this, the 1065 of timber from care- lessly-started fires will be appalling. In the past, radio, me>- tion pictures and newspapers have given freely of their serv- ices to help stem the losses, but still the red menace of fire stalks through our timberlands, urged onward by the negli- gence of people who steadfastly tum a deaf ear to all pleas to help protect the forests. , One of California's greatest tourist attractions is its for- ests, particularly its giant Sequoias which were mere seed- lings when Cbrlstlanity was born. To destroy even one of these carelessly or maliciously is to desecrate a sacred heri- tage of our state. Justice in such a case should be as severe and summary as for horse stealing or murder. This year's slogan for the forest fire prevention program Is ''Protect His America"-meanlng the returning veteran who has fought for a home and the happiness it connotes. Let us help prevent the destruction ot the timber that would ·bulld our veterans 215,<XX> such homes! _,.-- A Good Appointment, Mr. Truman! Once in a great while the Truman New Deal administra- tion makes a fede ral a ppointment that wins the applause of the nation. Such an appointment last week was that of Eu- gene Meyer, the genial publisher of the Washington PosL Truman could not have chosen a better or more reliable man tor the post of president of the $9-billion Intematiooal Bank than Gene Meyer. Little known outside the Washington capital circle, Meyer was a successful banker before he be- came governor of the Federal Reserve Board and chairman ol the Reconstruction Finance COIJlOration. The people can ~ assured that the Washington publisher will be as effi. cient In the office of president ot the International Bank as be-was In all ol his other put activities. Good luck, Gene, and 1-.lthy sailing! MODE~ MllllE SEIVICE I . SHEll DOCK BALBOA. ISLAND vote was taken against thole fish buyers who felt they could n.Jt WOOD IN ZVU.YDAY LIFE honor our request for a stabilized Wood, one of California's prtn- price structure. dp&I crops, plays an important When our turn came. up to 00 part ln our everyday lives. News· duty on the picket line we did so print requires IOme 3.6 mllllon not because we liked our job: but cords of · -pulpwood yearly; rail· because we knew in our hearts road.1 uae 50 million wooden ties; that we were doing somethine for utlllties require from 5 to 6 mll- our own and all fishermen'• ben~ lion wooden poles, while some 70 fi t. million cords of wood go into the We put on our picket arm band mailutacture of barrel staves a nd s tarted our walk-keep mov-yearly. Wood ll preferred for ing, do not loiter, no arguments, fence posts, for handles for many no abusive language, take but do tools and utensils. for · furniture not give-those were o ur strike 1 and homes. Help prevent forest committee orders. fires and conserve one of Cali- W e knew that we would not be tornla's greatest r esources. a 9.reJcome sight in NE.>wport-we knew that we were the tint strike pickets ever to parade in our city. Bad Month While we walked back and forth. According to the National Con· we wondered what the people's servation Bureau 20 per cent of react~on would be .. Well. most of all drownings in 1944 occurred in the time our rece.pt1on was pleas· July with 8 total of 62 per cent ant. many people ignored us . m a ny I coming In the period fyom May more stopped and asked why the through August. Drownings were strike, or what our r~ues~s \\•er~. lhe second largest caus~ of acci· Many were ver y positive tn theu-! dental deaths for children from 5 ~t eri:nination to cross ou:'° picket to 14 years old a nd fourth among ltne. 1t could be seen written all children under 6 years. over their faces as they approach- ed. or course they crossed-we didn't try to stop thC'm. and It seemed some times as if their Jet· dou>n as they found themselves by us, with no &rit\lment, was pretty severe. Then too we had one lady (?) that was so put out, that we s hould actually waste our time on a strike picket duty that she felt It was her duty to tell us so. She did so in this manner. (quote) "You ---·---lazy B ·-····, haven·t you any thing bC't ter to do than waste your time here? Why don't you go out and make some money? Of course she wouldn't believe us \\'he n we told hC'r that '''e had fished all night the night before, that we had severely damaged our net to the tune of six hours of patching and further that \\'e would all go out at sundown for another full nights fishing. Boy. oh boy-we are used to rough language but that lady (?) sure took' the wind out of our sails. Then there was the nice lookinli? lit!le lady that came past, stopped Jokeses--That Is Mr. Newlywed: "ls the steak ready now dear?" f\.trs . Newlywed : ''I'm sorry I'm so long. George, but i t looked hopeless grilled, a nd it doesn't look much better fried: but if you'll be patient a little longer', I'll see what boiling does to it.'' You're an old-timer if you re- member "'hen B-29 "'as" an apart- ml'nt number. Diner: "Do you serve crabs he re?" \Vaiter: ''\Ve serve anyone: sit down.'' Two friends were riding in a bus when one noticed that the other had his eyes closed. "What's the matter. Bill'!'" he asked. "are you ill ?" "No a nswered h is biend. "I just can't bear to see women s tanding." And said "Oh , are you picketing deserved. poor old X --• ·?" \Ve of course After talkin2'. to him we felt said }'e8, u•e're sorry .but that I that we cou(d stand quite a few we ha,•e asked for a stable price catcalls, and ill spoken words of for our fish. That the three of our those \\'ho do not understand. local fish buyers agreed to our As we walk up and down our r equest. we were pickC'ting the o pponent 's pro pei-ty line, we try two markets that turned us down, to analyze our own frame of mind. that we must support the ones Should \\'e sim ply not deliver fish that support us." She answered to those markets that do not wish t.hat she hoped that we won ou.r to sign a purchasing agreement case but. quote "But my goodness with us? I must get a fish for my cat. so Should we stop our collective you'll let me In, won't you, but action and work individually, sell· please don't tell my hmband that in& only to the highest bidder ? I crossed your picket ltne ." No -that question Is answered We receive "Boos" from a pass· easily. We who call ourselves old· Ing car. at the same time that a tUners in the commercial fishing pleasant nice appearing gen tleman business. can r emem ber the many is asking us why the strike, and times we have been blt~er'ly dls- wishing us the best of luck. appointed wtth ttie price offered There was the well groomed for a good catch," simply because e lderly gentleman that stepped the buyers have started a "Down out or his car and walked on Price," bidding spree that has throug h. without looking to right knockl!d the bottom out of the or left. his c::hauffeur placed his market. No-we canno-tj Lwork In· car to pie~ up his employer upon divldually as ·there are thole in his employer's return. The driver our fishing fraternity at seem seeml!d a little concerned, al· to need the backing of numbers though no word had been spoken. to keep their spirits up. \Ve must, Upon the gentleman's return with tr we are golng to wt.n a dtcent a fta:h under his arm. he noticed minimum price structure, do our our arm ~ds. GenuJne surprise job collectively, and we must do showed on bis face when he asked our fightlni; in the open. Thence i! we were picketing. and he show-we feel that the picket llne is the ed his knowledge of the commer· answer. Well, during our mental cial fisherman's marketing troub-bout we have probably looked lf"S as he apologized for purchasing pre-occupied to those whQ may ob- anything from oUr strike oppon· serve, but now we are ori our toes e nt. while "ishtng us a victory again and looking at all comers whi~h in his opinion we honestly eye to eye--our Inner ~ assured. Cemplete Fountain Service at · H ANSE·N'S ZUK> Ocean Front N~ NOW Ol!ZN l:VENIN'08 lllAL'IB • ~W)()W • BAllBmlGERS loeOr11·te~o.& Ill lloRnlJIAlli ST. - ' ST. JOHN VIANNaY CHURCH a.lboa l•l•"d s..-7 _, a:ao a.m. Cent--= Saturdayo i;-1 :IO to S:llO p.m. OOllONA DIEL IUB Morning lerVlce, U a.m. Evenlnc evanaeliltlc aervlce at 7:30 p.m. Mid-week MrVlce. Thund&y at 1,30 --, 81t W. Bay A-. Balboa -rl7J& m1 La-....s A- 1-Aqeloo N01 ·~ - OOMMUNITY Oll1JIWll, Fllt8T i-oUUQV.&JIS C111J11C11 CONOIUCOATION'.&L . OF OOftA. lll:!!A ,------------, Pw'7 rro1..tdt s•-. -•• ...__ __ 1oca~ ·~-· Clini"cal Laboratory 111 --0..... del'lllar ,....,...._, ...... -~~· LoiPm Hall a.urch ICbool bu two -1ona. Bn . ...i Kn. a. WUl&rd 8-omoo -..., t -t:se All aho'tt primary liopartment · Pulon ...i r.,. appom- meet at 9:30 a.m.. Bettnnen and Plloae llT1 primary department ages meet at Sunday SChool B:30 a. m . 'J'llLEPBONE RARBOS Ill 11 un. duri"ll the morning church Mornfni wonhlp service 10:45. 1111 W. Oea-A.- hour. crusader °"""°" 6:00 p. m. 1,oq p.m. Youlh meeting. Beroan Rrvice 6:30 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lido Th4ater. Central Avenue aAd Via Lido A bra.ncb ot 'nae Motber Olurcb, Tbe Flnt Cbureh of ChNt, Scl- enU.t. ta Boaiton. M•-chu.ett& Suiidl.y School &t 9:30 a. m. Sun- day Service at 11 a. m . Wedne.day TeatlmooJal Meeting at 12 o'clock Reading Room located at 111 Palm street. Balboa, Is open daily Crom 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.. except Sun· days and holidays nationally oti- served The public la cordially invited to attend the chureb. 11ervtce1 and u.e the Reading Room. &T. JAME& EPISCOPAL. CHURCH 515 West Ceftlral, Balboa (E.bell Clubhou") Rev. A"*11 T. Dean, Vicar 8:30 a. m., Holy OommuD.ica.. 9:'6 a.m., Sunday Schoo!. 11 :00 a. ta., M orning Praye!' and Sermon. CF'lnt Sundaye: Hoty Communioa.1 CHRl&T CHURCH BY THE &EA COmmuntty Methodist 14aa W-.t Central A.venUe Rev. E. D. Goodell, Pastor Church School, IJ :60 a. m. M eming Wonbtp, 11 a. m . Youth FetJ.owllhJp, 6 p. m . Evening Worablp, 7 p, m. M.ld·Wee.k. prayer eerv!.oe, Wed· needay; c!overed di.h dinner , 6 :30 p.m. BALBOA ISLAND CHA.Pli.L 218 Ag•te A.venue Rev. Harry W . White, Aaaoctate Pastor Cburch Bc.hool, 9 :30 &. m.. Momta.g Won.hip, 11 L m. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Coat.a Mes.a Rev. Het"bert Roth, Pait.or Servt.ce.: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS CoNMr ••lnut and Church Sta. Cost. Mq,a Sabbath echool, Saturday morn· lng, 9 :30 O'clock. Preach1'g 11ervlce, 11 L m. ' FULL1 GOSPEL CHURCH .!2nd and Elden., eo.t.. Maa Sunday echool, 9:.(5; morning ...arwhlp, 11; m.anpU.tlc oenlce. 7:30 p. m.; Kld·week pn.J'4r meet· lnC on Wedneaday, 7 :4.0 p. m.; young people'• eva.nseu.uc •ervi« on Friday, T:f6 p.. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Church •ncl Walnut 8tl'ffll: L Duane Canby, Mlnl•ter. Service.: Suaday, JO L m., Bible study: 11 L m .. Momtnc wonblp. Evening evangelistic service at 7 :30 o'clock. · Tuesday evening prayer service at 7 :30 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST-CHURCH G.. Edwin Ollher, Past.or Euclid at Stanford. Garden Grove. 9 :30 &.m. Church echool tor all ., ... 11:00 Lm. M.omtnc Worahlp: Meaage: ·we Thank Tbee." 11 :00 a.m. Nunery for all chll· dren daring aervice. 6 :00 p.m.. 14.etbod18t Youth Fel- lowahip. Young Adult Fellowship. 7 ,oo p.m. Evening Wonhlp:- Me1••ge: "Come Ye UYe." Christian Science Topic God, Preserver of Man "'Wl t~bold not tbou thy tender mercies from me, 0 Lord: let thy lovlngklndneea and thJ t ruth con· t1nualJ7 preserve me." Thi• verse from the Pa&lma will be the Golden Text of tbe Sunday Lesson-Sermon on "God the Preserver or Man" In all branches o( The Mother Church, The First Church or Christ. Scten- tJ11t, in Boston. In a Bible cltaUon from John'• Gospel J e11u11 11ay11, "Labour not for the meat which pertsheth. but ror that meat ·vohl cb endureth unto e'·erlaaUng life, l•rhlch the Son or man aha.II give unto you : fo r him bath God the Father sealed. Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the work• of God'J J esus answered and said unto them, Thia Is the work of God, that ye belle\·e on him \\·hom he bath sent , ... Moses ga\-e )'OU not that bread from bea\'en; but my Fatber giveth you the true bread from heaven." A1 ary Baker Eddy says In "Sci· ence i.nd Health '>''Ith Key to the Scriptures:" :,.!-do not maintain that anyone can ex.lat l.n the flesh v.·ltb•ut food and ral.ment; but l do belle,•e that the real man la l.m· mortal and that he liv es In Spirit. not matter." "In that perfect da1 o( undenitandlng, \re shall neither •at to live nor Uve to eat." N aine San Franciscan R . 8 . Kestor of San Francisco, general m&Daa;er of a leading California food firm, has been air point~ by State Director of Agri- culture A. A. Brock, to the 19-man California Dairy Industry Advis· ory Board, succeeding L. J . Tut~ Ue. retired c::heese manufacturer. White House Cafe ' P1aoM sm i:.c-., •• <WI(. 24-Bour Radio Service BurtR.Norton Ill Oout 1'lwa1 lll!aData na :NewPwt ••*-Olm. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often Yoa a.. I' 1rt l'IM!e to DIM la Orup Ve.a$)': All New - -• EVen die ·Location ' . -. ~,ttalt Mlle F.ut al Old Locatloil OD CO&fl Highway, Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Leed ~~·Jn the Servin& al -SEA FOODS -- Ai.so Y008 ldlld el STBA•• -vmr oua &pUIDI - ·S.m's Sea Food SN ud Fish Market ; or--•1 •> DAY 80ROOL Mortimer School -()oral Balbo. bl- ONdM: Oollep, Pn.paratory SUMMER SCHOOL'::;;". 0. .&.. MorUmer, M'. A.. Odord l'liaolpal Pl>Olle -· 85! DE.'ITISTS DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST !W ll'~t Central Pbone Barbor Ul ·I Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DENTiST 2%-0t ~ W. Central. Barbor 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist 1801 Coalit Blway CORONA DEL MAR ( Phone Harbor 2220 lSSURANCE Uncohl NaUonal Ufe Insurance (Jo. .. Ji. Name lpMea&e1 JY Ch&r.cW'' DON .JEllNJGAN ..._., Barbor !M·R S08 llarlDe Ave. &I.boa bl. New York Life I~ance ComPBDY DON L DIJJLANT U8 ~ An. a.it.or llJH' ~J,.DEL NAJI Hirol_. K. Grauel Chapel ''W• Ourselves the Better Serve by Servtnc Otb•ra Best'' Plloee •• roa Alt Coota ,._ ~orala OPT0111l111W1'19 . . RoJ>ert A. Craw.ford o~ Eym £nmtned, -GJa 7 ! I J'1tted 11'\ Ne•~ ·-··· .._ -.aa omr& _., llarpn&. ·Dant Vond& Ms .I ~--... :s•• --:alll:J9 ( -E. Neff Woods, D.O. · ... ~ IMl:Lw._.. -.: ....... -.... a , O .. -':..lie. ::.to"=:!. - H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-8clrz­ Houn: 2-5, by Appoin- Telephbne ---!!81.8 . 111 ~ 0.C. M .... OONRAD RICilTER, 111. D. l'll,JWlolu --...... 120 E. 18th SL COS!"A~!ESA Hnurs: 10-12 a.m.; 3-S p.m. ~--50'15 Dr. G. E. Tohill l'll,JWlolu ---2209 Cout 1'1vd. . NEWPORT BEAOf -l'BON.._ Offkoe: BarboT 118-W B.ellldel>cl: Hubor 18&-a It lfo ui•wer, eal.J. Barbor a Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REAOf Phooe B arbor 1011 ) No &na•er: call e..coa &O@.a X-Ray Service Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1801 Co.at mw~ Otrona del Mar omce"Hours, 10-12; 2-5 Pllone Harbor 106! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ Balboa -rl"IU "' 8-Bill 8t., Loo Aaceleo TIJciker 7811 By Appointmat T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and S~ U08 WNt Ceiatt&l Telepbo11e ~ 802 A. V. An~wa, M.D. ' l'llYlllCIAN -lltJSO&ON Tel ... -...,.._. •ll.J Dr. W. T. Mooaey Ph7..._ and llm'gsoa --~ n.aa (~._....._) ..._ M • NOUAN NIKON, 11. D. Pecllatrldaa C..rtltied ~ the Alner-kan Board ol Podiatries 1001 O.*ta Dr,1--Tel•---i..-1·1814 .._._ B. Dorcy, M. D. Pbysl~ " Surgeon 111.llarllleA-, I .......... --·-- "'•.•~111!4'1 11 .......... Di' .. W&&• .. O. WP• ~netetlas, . Alymo.1; <!loliialc 'nlerap)' ·-~~~ r,.. ·-·· !!lo!!!* .,_ -·-• • • -" • • ~ • • • • • • ' I I I i I ~ I I • • • • i • i • • ~ • i • ~ ~ • G. N. Wells Real Estate Phone ae.coa. 5.181 1111 Newport Bl~ M-Ooll1. Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH llwcim 508'7--co.ta MNa-1180 Newport Bl't'd. Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (Wu Electric Grill) DTS, DKINllS AND ROMANCE f'IL Bar11ol" HU !OI Palm Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN PboDe lleacoa 57U Ull Cout 111ctawa7-Newport Bw+, o.Jlf.. 0 . R. (Pop) <:rawley-N. M. (Monie) cra..se,. I5t1tinctlve H~ Fumlshlnp Crawley'& Furniture llU Newport 111Yd.-PIL lltt MD Mii o.ta Mesa-""in the Heart ot Town" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station ''You Otto Buy from Boyd" 1500 w. Central-Newport-Ph. Barbor 985 AL ANDERSON Fun ?.one Balboa G. T. Everson Ma nager METZGER STORES . • . Fl.reatone . . . 1189 Newport Blvd., CMta Mesa. Beacon 5'US-W "Home and A uto Supply Stores" RE· ELECT Jesse L. Elliott -ln<'umbent- SHERJFF TUESDAY, SOV. 5th Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway-Ph. Beacon 6610 Costa MeAa, CalUornJa A . E. Groty -· J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. Frtptalre and Maytas Dealer-Beacon 5565 1181 NoWJ>Ori Bhd.--Oosta M-Calli. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance otnce Ph. Barbor 2oS4 IO:I MAID S~t-Balboa, Calli. F . B . Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFl'S OF ALL KINJ;>S Ph. Barbor !lS!·J 110! Ocean Front.-Newport Beach, Callf, HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company !ti.! W. Ceatn.l-Pb. Barbor %900 HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1 ltll A: Oout lllpJ'-Phone Beacon MIO Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker P'tlMnMm: Ot11ce. Barbor S-Re-. Harbor 1568 t111 W. 0-tnl A....,_Newport II•• Calif. COYE. WATTS Balboa Liquor Store '°' E. ()ea.tral AT&. BaJbo&. Pll. Barbor %4.,..J -n. Bome of Oordl&Hty" -O. H. Brader, M&T· J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Pll. Harbor UU lido at °""lral-Newpori ee.ch ''On Your \Vay to Balboa'' Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the "TI.YING JU:D HORSE" JOHNSTONE SERVICE -· ll'll-1 (lout Bl'fd. •• 191 mp-.-, NewportEngineering A880ciates FREDERIC J . SINGER. President --• -ElqlDeen Ull o..& IDWQ"~ Ben ccw WI Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . F""""'9r for All the Family . . Ull N_,. 81".--0oeta ·- Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Nbltlo -Oeatral ft. -(h·llr.oenloe)" Robert I. Shorey-Re<ordlni EnelnHr Davis & Gay Music Co. ...., Newpoirt BmL-()oeta ·-8•wt 1181 '1• W..._ SL ._lllei•• lleMll I • ' 1 TIM..-.....-S HA VE ARRIVED Costa Mesa i ·s Bo r nding Ahead With r;;By LARRY EWEN Buying Is a domlaant fact<>r ill modem merchandioing and most of this oountry'1 greater sto"9 ...., members of buying ~ with offlcos and baying 1taffa,ill Hollywood, Lo& Angeles. SU Fnn- clsoo, New York, DallM, Paris, Cairo, Sh•fte!;' ill fact, nearly all of the Important "porlll of call" and cell of aria and crafta throughout the world. Each center throughout our country calls for different merchan- dise. 8<H:alled "wet dlstrlcta" ...., more rabber goods tJlaa arid, an8 our own sunny Southland dtWDm•tes with sport and resort llemL Some flStablishmealB, however, 1p-dalfle on the personal bnyer angle where the bnyer becollM!ll the private purchalllng agent for . . . ' ORKINS _ . -. , . ·-.. -~r ,, DAMIA LOPTIEN c: -· · ..... . ' . ~ . ., "· ··-· " . -' • " Mrs. Damia Loptein is manager of Orkins Department store. "Iri the Heart of Costa Mesa", coming to the new store from the FUiierton store fiv e years ago. She was born in Mallard. Iowa but while still a small child came with her parents to Long Beach where she received her education. Moving to Pomona she became associated with the drygoods business. After her marriage and subse- quent widowhood it was necessary that she again seek em- ployment and this time chose the field of cooking and domes- tic science. 1 She had charge of the purchasing and preparation ot food for various girls' schools and later went to Berkeley where she was in charge at the Acacia Fraternity house of the Ma- sonic order. supervising all parties and entertainment, doing the buying and seeing to the preparation of food and taking care of needs generally. Some 12 years ago she returned to store work and was associated with Hart's Dry Goods store, Santa Ana. where she was buyer in charge of the piece goods department. She liked her chosen work and after seven years with that store joined the Orkin's organization at Fullerton from where she came to Costa Mesa. Sile Is a strong exponent of the "Per- sonal Buyer" theory and buys for her customers in Holly- wood, Los Angeles and San Francisco. • their _pa~ complete ..........i ouUllB, -Wing ouUllB, travellllg a-is and the like. Hollywood of latter· years baa become compeUtiwi with Paris u the style center of the world, and bnyera from 'round the world .,.., f Olllld there. Buyers are the buffers between the producers and -- Costa Meea Is justly proud of Ha storm for there ...., several that can proudly bout of being the latgest ill the Barbor dlstriet ill their respective fleldll. Two of the m•n•gers of sto"9 keeplnc step with Costa Meea's growth .,.., featured here today ill pendl and prose. METZGER . . ' .. " . :· ~ ~~ ... , " .. GEORGE T. EVERSON , . . '·.-.-"' ·.~.-', .,f_·4 • ... • ' .. .. -" George T. Everson, manager of the Metzgar Store in Costa Mesa, was born in Cra\vford, India na. and was edu- cated in the public school system of that city until time for university training, and he enrolled at the University of Min- nesota. After graduation from the university. where he majored in personnel administration and.was pledged to the Phi Keila Kappa fraternity, Everson went back to Crawford and en- gaged in business until the beginning of the war. At the outbreak of hostilities, he joined the staff of E. I . DuPont de Nemours a.ild Co. as personnel director on con- struction of a huge plant for the manufacture of T :N .X., a super powerful explosive invented by the British. In the Spring of 1943, Everson was sent on a secret mis- sion to the Isolated desert country of E;astern Washington. The work was so secretive at .the beginning that his family was not permitted to know of his whereabouts. Everson helped acquire land for and the construction of the Hanford Engineering Works---0r what was·Jater known as the two bil- lion dollar atomic bomb plant at Ha'nford. Wash. Everson left the DuPont Co. in May of 1945 and joined the Metzger Stores organization in June and opened the Costa Mesa store in November as manager. , "CHUCK" SMITH-new owner Balboa central Market DAMIA LOPI"IEN, Maaa~r FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH (l\~u BaJboaM•t Marti.et A: DeUcateleelt) 108 E. Cenhal-PIL RarbGr %T!9 Bob Callis . DlotrlbatlN' OENEaAL PETE (FLYING BOll8J:POWD) !21 !Otb. St.-Newpori-ft. llartMtr 111 Howard W. Gerrish llA&TFOIU> P'IIQI: IN&uaANCI: 00. ....,_ Beeeoa 11Gl llOI N-ri BJ..i,...co.ta M-c.llf. MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy uoe o-. Fro!B-ft. -a GLADYS BEVJtllUy a.Ito--Beverley Realty Company M'T E. Centnl-l'IL llarttor 1111 PzCNf Thomas F. Norton BA y SHORE CAFE -~ 11-1'11111 • (lout ._, SERVING 12 NOON rn.L 9 P. M. A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C. F. DENNISON. Aax:!ate w eo... ~-n.o.e 11e•N9 a.in Larry Ewen-Owner Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. Orkin's Department Store llH<IY-ID'wear, Beach Thgs, Piece Goods Wants' Wear-Household Ware Pboae BeacOa 8113-1& U.. lieut of Oleta •- ' Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES w-. W1111, w .. Main Stnle~ • ANTON HERSHEY ~:tSPot I'll. llatbor lOM &lltoa 111...a NEU;ON STAFFORD • GERALD IJBERTI .. ~ .. ~-Hokin & Galvan Newpo<t Beach • San Frand>co -Wllmlnctm San Diec<> -Stockton ll:UlCl'lllCJANS 1-<-.llml. ft. ltnce. &lb· .... -..: 811~ NU·W Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe ~cure -llanlcurlnc , .. s. °'9tral ••• •• ... ........,. lw-J I 'I'hnl the But>er Shop • • Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino ~e . & Cocktail Lounge -.... r""''' ._. ..... -.--,,.. Braden L Finch Ge. Kar. Finch Ceramics Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw . Sherwin-Williams Qnallty Paint. Kehiaator Appl!ancee Beaooa S'JS.I. Costa Me.a. 18U Newport BITd. Dr. Robert A. Crawford 0PTOMEI'RIST nn N __ , -...o.ta -.. Oallt • n.o.e BtlriN. 5111 Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet n. -· u1--.. ... _ 0. Z. RobertBon General Contractor 1.IU <-. .... .,-co,_. dol Mar Ctol!f. -.... ll&r'hor a . Curt H. Bohman The -Bohman Company T1'1,•a I 811-Mil ... Mii 111 o..n JDPwar-ltf••e,d •••' Odf. ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Sto~ge ............ aa Mii M.-Jllfw,..t Bs 5' o.ar. . Walter J. Gerhanlt Our Photographer U1 .... .._,A~ ... liar, Ol8l. ft.--· I Wolter A .......... ). Pl-pol Be&ch City Merchant Patrol Alld Doteolhe ... •k>o --Froe"-l'f.....-i'L-1'11·• . Theodore· Robins FORD DEALER lll• w. Oeatral --ta Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER a.I_ .. 9-.,,._y_, -........ 111 ()Mat lltwQ-PIL •• a. Ml• C~ F. Dennison ·-.... wltlo A. "SAND\"' 8TEINEB -a.JW U6 Oout Jllc!l-;r=I'!!. -- Jack S. 1ttd V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS llOI Newport lloal..... - Pllw ll•eon AM·W. o.ta .._ JOSEPH L. MARSHALL · .........,.,. .... •emaw .Christian'~ JI-.t Rarfina T. LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicatessen ' 107 Main St.-Ralhna Hotel Arcade RICHARD I. PATTERSON Clvll Englneen Patterson & Boyle Spurceon Bldi:.-Ph. 5915 -Santa Ana %441 Coa~t 81\•d. Nnrth-Ph. 5123-Laguna Capt. B. J . McNally . McNally'A Balboa Boat Livery 705 E. Bay Avr .-Ph. Harbor 4-00 E. C. "POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Largest Number Dart Game-s on Coast Play BaJI with Dolls B . B. Rlfle Ran1te -Balboa Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Callf. Geo. Weiss L. Elalne Welu Coast Properties Co. Realtors 70! E . CentraJ-BaJboa-Ph. Harbor M58 W . B. Rowe Starck's Cafe 21st Pl~Newport Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Ph. Barbor M--301 Maha St. Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods Phone Harbor %01 1801 Clout Hlchwa:v-Newport Beaeh, o.nt. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boolm. Stationery, Card .. Art Sappl:I• 806 Main St--Bal--Pb. Barbor 1'18 Robert E. Arvin's Jewelen and Watclunaken 118 Twenty·lloeoad 11'-l Newport -Calli. Wl1llam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calkins MacCurdy · & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHITECTS M. E . Niedecker, Sec. & ~u . 1%15 Ooeat m-1··N-ri llclL--1! 15115 DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market %000 Central Ave.-Ph. Barbor 808 J.E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and Windsor 111 E. Oel!tral • -ft.Barbor SU --- Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop . BAl.B()A 18LANn VARIETY STOU VOLNEY L . HAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" lNll N...,,.,n 11mL -Ceota -·~ M. I. VAUGHN "I'm no 'h .. l'-my '><>l•'s' In this .,_ Modern Shoe Repairing o.t .._ -8. "W. 1'fewpwt A-. Dutch Heacock BOID lllUILD!Ea 111 & ..,. ~ ••7"ut1 .. -711 .. ......... EARL W. STANLEY ' ' -= = • ; ~ ~ " " ~ • • i • ~ • i • ~ • ! ~ " • • ~ = = " • ~ • ; • • ~ " • • = " " " " = = " • • " ~ i • ~ • • • = ~ i • • • = • • • • • • • • r .· ' -..,, .. ~'!:;:•::...----•---~----------....:-~~:...:-::~:~~-~~~-..... -----!!!!!!:!!!!!!.,!iYl!!!!!,!i I 1'&Wl'mi S 41 l'O.I. M&W•IW'~1 Jlf!JW!!'JF~:!'l•!!!!!!*~.!;Oa!!!!!7!!>!!!!!'!:..:ftw~!!!!!!l!MZi•~1!!!!!.'..lU.~,.ll9!!!11!.. __ t--------';';~:";--:;;-:-:-;:--:-;":""---':":~J~------- Business and Professional Women Close Year With Picnic at Lido Isle Community Club . . Delectable enchiladas and lried Fern H-. Two teams played a beans, with crisp ereen salads, relay race of keeping balloona ln rolls coffee and for desaert cl10C-the _alr, with the winning side re- H b F I • • A t • _ J • t • Balboa Yacht Oub Honors Members of Armed · ar or em1n1ne c 1V11 les F~r:s::.:.:n::'~~~:!_0pening ' ' """'llll candy ban. and Grelha Phones 13 and ~ • By Wlnitred Barbre + ~ Phone lG37-R for members -bad been ID Cocktails '_,.., served in lbs the armed forao and -ION patio with 170 present there anol and dauehten ot. memben who at dinner, while weu over 200 at.- had .....,.ed their country, that was tended the ~ which feature! the 24.th annual Rucm'• openlnc an excellent eight-piece orchestn. ot Balboa Yacht club last Sat-Saturday afternoon the Po- olate cake, featured the annual Tubbs won the prize for guessing picnic which doees the season for the number of beans in a jar, com- the Business and Professional ing with.in ten ot the oorTect num- Stork Shower Honors Former So. Cal. Girl Women'a club. ber. It >A'as held last Thursday at Those present were the new Lido lsJe community club house president, Gertrude Collver; Joyce with Marion McOlesney, member-Piper, Elaine Weiss, Carol Den-:t.trs. Joyce Carroll of Santa ship cha.innan, and the losing at-ton, Dorothy Weiner , Meta Bach-Ana, who was the former Lois tendance team as holtessel. The man, ~a~e Rol!ing, Mildred Stan-Hunt.er ot . Newport Beach, was committee in charge of the picnlc ley,. Virginia Shirley. Kay V d~g~, 1 bonoi'ed with a surprise stork wetr Harriet Martin Clarice Ullie Thomsen, Eleanore Unkie, shower last Thursday given at th4! Brov.'n Eileen Hibbitts 'Alda Gor'· Margaret Ege, Marguerite Way, hoi:ne ot Mrs. ?tfi.nnie McKenzie, ton Gertrude ColJver ' and Wtrd·I Borghild Stephens, Nathalie Mich· 1010 South Bay FrOnt, Balboa tred Barbre. Guesu wett Car-, aud, Ruth Ge~h .. Alda Gorton, Wand. . . neUe Kennedy, chairma.n o! the Betty Handl'.°, Lois S~, Betty Mrs. McKenzte is the mother ot winning side a&id members of her! Barstad , Eileen Hibb1tu, Joan one of the hostesses, and those team. ' I tJerTick, Ruth Hershey, Alice who entertained were the ?t1es· . Siemens, F ern Hobbs, Evalyn dames Ben Sprague, Albert Og- A &ame in wh~ch teams acted Rider, Hilda Briscoe, Gretha den, Harold Steck, Grant FUiler, out song titles which were guessed Tubbs. Clarice Brown, Harriet George Conaway, Howard Crowd- by anoth~r team was played, with M artin, Mildred Lockhart, car-er, Judson Sutherland and J ames prb.es going to Betty ~~ nelle Kennedy, Marion McChemey Ramme of Los Angeles. and Winifred Barbre. There were over 50 guests pres- ent, old friends, bridge club mem-co LD l lAVE bers and sorority sisters ot Sigma R Robert Roy Staaf Tau Psi rrom Los Angeles and A · W d d Santa Ana . Decorations or pastel P/11&1$~ rnves e nes ay nowe ... complimented the stork I which centered the mantel, and :r.~ A son was born Wednesday tiny baMinets in pink and blue rllf'; morning in a Hollywood hospital held candy and nuts when refresh· IUPlflfl ... -11 to Oary and Kay Staaf, l30li,i I ments of whipped cream pie and COLD WAVE \Vest Bay avenue, Balboa He coffee were served. . "'eighed seven and a half pounds I 'IWelve members of the bndge and has been named Robert Roy. I club ga';'e a beau~ful crib. in The baby is the first child for I bl~de "ood, and this was fl.lied the Staa!s 8nd the second grand-Wlth the many other lovely gifts . chil4 for the \Villiam A. (Andy) M:s. Harvey _Bodman won . first Kirks. 1208 East Central avenue. pnze for making and m odcl1ng a .. aw ....,.. w w ow .~ baby. bonnet of crepe paper and !\t rs. Maxine Peterson "'on a prize for collecting 00\\'S which guests The Bobby Shop -NO\V HAS- Beautiful and New Dresses Pinafores Sizes l to 7 Play Suits In All Sizes-1 to 14 Swim Suits and Trunks ''Bobby" AlJ Sizl'S SALLY AND BOB BRO\VN were forced to give up as a pen- alty for mentioning a forbidden \VOrd. Prizes were ceramic pins and earrings from the 1\1artha Nl'Y.'man studio. Catholic Women Hear Co . Council Reports RePortS of the annual meeting. of the Orange County Council of Catholic \Vomen were brought by M"'. Colin Bro'olo'Tl when the Altar Society of Our Lady of l\1t. car- mel met last \\'eek at the USO rooms, Balboa. Mrs. J . \V. Ne· ville presided and 30 members were present. An instructive talk on the his- t ory and use of vestments was given by Father Noonan. a nd after th(' m eeting a social hour fea- tured a game of bingo. Prizes went to 1\1rs. Condon and Mrs. Jo-- seph Smith. a guest. who was vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hende rson . 711 Central, Balboa Harbor 1158-W Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Doyle Ha tch and Mrs. Ar- thur Taylor. Youngsters of Balboa and Vicinity Will Have the Chance of Coming Into their Own in BEAUTY AND HEALTH This Week When Registrations for the ''Kiddies Karnival'' sponsored by the Pythian Sisters of Orange County. REGISTRATIONS TAKEN l!P TO .roNE 15, from 10 LllL to 5:30 p.m- at the BOBBY SHOP 711 East Central A""- \ In Balbcw. Baby Beauty Show= be THE LAST WEEK OF .JUNE. It is to be super- vised by five judges who will grade the babies on natural beauty or form and feature alone. Brief costumes such as sun suits or bathing suits are the only requirements and children will compete only with other tots approximately their own age. From each age class there will be selected one boy and one girl. From these winners Miss and Mas- ter Balboa will Ile llelected on the stage at a Coro- nation Pageant. Blue ribbons will be presented to the winners while Miss and Master Balboa will re- ceive trophies. Date of the Coronation Pageant to be Announced Later at Which time the most outstandina children will be crown<d and .,.....,,ted with trophies, bllle ribbons and other awards. Every entrant is to receive a phyUcal ex· amlnatlon. ,,.._ Jud&<d phytlcally fit will recoe1 .... elU- • blue ribbon dlploma or Sold see! oert!llcate acconllnc to their scott. SCREEN TESTS GIVEN ALL ENTRANTS Health Examinations Beauty Show Coronation Pageant a.Pihr Need Noe lie PrMmi for ~ oANNor BE BY . TELD"llONB ~H L1 • Vivian Horvath 1!i11 aroor1tes O~serves Birthday _ 1 With Formal Party Mrs. Marlon Flem!,.:: of. Balboa Island and her granddaughter. Mr. and 1\trs. Francis J . Horvath Dixie Smith, daughter of the hosted 8 formal party at their DiXon Smiths, left Wednesday for home, 116 35th street in honor of the east and will spend the swn-the fourteenth birthday annivef- ~ visiting in Olica~o and other sary of their daughter Vivian. The 0~~-Joseph Smit &, who has living room had been cleared for been visiting her dab:hter, Mrs. dancing and the girls made a Frank Henderson on )farine ave-pretty picture in their white and nue, returned to Mr home ln pastel. formals. Arizona Wedne!day r, ut will be f1owers decorated all the rooms back in July. a nd the tables where punch and the buffet supper were served. The Dean Bradtofds of Bal-There were three birthday cakes, boa Bay Shores broug~t their very each aglow with candles, accom· new son home tr9m-lthe hospital panied by turkey sandwiches and this week. He was born June 5 at st. Joseph's and ~ighed eight ice cream moulded ln the daintiest ~ of noral designs. and a hall pounds. H was named Candid camera shots of the Richard Lynn, for th grand-party were taken by Lee Lindley fathers and is a prosf tive mem-ber of BYC., where h <fad is en-of Zalboa Island for a permanent tertainment chairma _ . . ~ ~;~· and Mrs. Francis and George Jones ha~ ·:tits staysa1l Vivian were assisted by Mr. and schooner Dee.an ~at(. changed to Mrs. E. F . Herbkersman of Costa a yawl and lakes it eVer so much · bett Th 43-r t ~ 1 Mesa and young guests included . er. . e oo .,,..at not on YI William DoY.'Tling Georoia Cla.""<-sails easier no"'· fiut can be ' 0 • handled with aller ton. Jack c:rane. Gr ace crocker , H 8 5~ crew. . John Councilman, Nancy Ward, !he . urnphre) . ~garts \\'lll William Bodenhofer. Ruby Laurie. mtss a bit of the sa1l~ng this sum-Lee Proctor, Jerry Cashane, Jack . mer, for they are going to. Stam-Fourney, Bud Fare. John Tagger- ford, Conn., where th:ey \\,II take man Laynl' Knjght Gene Howard the lea~ 1~ a revi~al of \Villiam BettY Easley, Je~nette Talstra'. S~o~an s 'The Time Of Your I Rober t Hubbard and from Los An· Life. 1 I I d Lo. Pi House hunting are the ruchard ge cs were o a an is erce. Burkes and their two Siamese I cats. now living !><,_Balboa Bay Luncheon Hon ors Sho .... where th_• W~ter or m>~-Depalting Islander tery stories has Just presented his reading public with his latest, R eluctant Hussy fand which is al-r.-trs . Colin Brown, 217 Pearl r eady on the shelves 9f our public avenue. 'Balboa Island. enter · library}. The house in which they tained "'1th a luncheon this noon a.re living has been bought by Mrs. {~ursday) honoring Mrs. Esther Walsh, and as she has sold hei-Ric~ ter of Pearl avenue who is Corona del Mar home, she and her le~v1ng Monday to!° ~8;Jlkato, small son are li\"t""hg with her Minn. where she . \\,ll visit her sister, Mrs. Thomas !\"fat tingly of t daughter and son·tn:law. Balboa Tables were set 1n the lovely · I patio of the Bro"-11 home, a nd I pl aces were laid for Mrs. Richter, Balboan Entertains . her daughter. M .... Heckles. and N t . D h I her daughter-in-law. M,.,.. Rich-a !Ve aug terS l tc r; Mrs. Virginia Hatch, daugh- ter of the hostess; the Mesdames Mrs .. TennJe Padilla of Balboa Ann Langjahr, Betty Springer , entertained the AJoha club, mem-1 J·lelcn Grace. Evelyn Henderson hers of "'hich a re past presidents a nd Louise BaITett. Surprise Shower HonoIT\'3ride-Elect Virginia Fernandes Given Sunday afternoon at the N<'Wp()rt Helghts home of Miss Diana Margwarth, a surprise shower honored one of the sea- son's bride-elects, Miss Virginia Fernandes, daught~r of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fernandes, 2369 Elden avenue, Costa Mesa. Miss Fer- nandes, who ls a student at Ful· lerton District Junior college, is to many Lt. Glade McGowen of F\illerton. but no date has been set for the >redding. White petunias, snapdragons and whJte ltaper"'S decorated the buffet table 1 where the young hos- tess served tea. dainty sandwiches and cake. It was a personal shower, and many lovely gifts were received by the honoree. Those present were Miss Fer- nandes, Mrs. Johnny B0yd and the Misses Peggy Nielsen, Rosalee Cleveland, Rosemarie Cribb en, Dorothy Dodd, Wanda Fuller , Mary Ann Rock, Peggy Mickle- wait . JeanrUe Lou Grund and the hostess. Mdsm. Bill Reavis Home, Sails to Catalina Island urday eventna. boats ~ out for a predicted Joa Accepting the special invitation ~ and ! winnen were, fU'St. issued by Commodore Don Kemp C:::~--Willjama; second. A1Q and introduced in his welcomJnc '""'' thitd. Gerry Reed. and speech v.-ere Staff Commodore fourth. Cl)'de Kemp. · - Howard Baker, Stall Commodore Sunday Was the beginning ol Ed RieRn, Staff Commodore Ted th~ Sprina: J Invitational series for Johnson and a former club 9eCl'e-o sailboats, SChedult'd at BYC l\ith tary, Joe Bosio. races every Sunday this month. Others Or the honored guests The Stars were out for their first were Vince Healy Ed and. Jack race of the year. Oarence \Vater- Richardson Bob Boyd m Pb1l man came in first and second wu Greene, Ja~k Jones (son of Georee rian Hatch, ca.ptain of the Star E . Jones), Jack Boyd, f1etcht,· w. thlrd,eet andusodl ati~. Ebsen wu Day. jr., Saint Cft:ero Bill Reavis ollowina: were Georce Don Hall, Dean er'adlord, Bob Mclloberts.m, Toodie Christensen Henley Bob Sb tller and Bob and Harold Christler. Fores~an. Also present were As the Memorial day aeries Staff Commodore Arch Bish who counted. also as tJ:te first ~ace of wa.s in overnment service in the Spnng Invitational senes, the South America and on duty in PC's were not racing for the seriee the east for radar work, and Staff ~1:1t held a special race for the Commodore Fred Hunle. ~ Bangs trophy (that glorified Seated at the commodore's table were Commodore and Mrs. Don Kemp, Vice Commodore and Mrs. Bob Boyd, R ear Commodore and Mrs. Dick Fenton, Secretary and Mrs. Ray Loomis and Port Cap- tain and Mrs. Bob Henley. Also there were the visiting commcr dores and their wives, including Commodore George Fisher of the Southern California Yachting association, and Mrs. Fisher ; Commodore H ollis Strait of the American Power Boat association; Vice .Commodore H . E. Bailey of S.C.Y.A. and J\1rs. Bailey <Mr. Bailey is also staff commodor e of Coronado Yacht club); Commodore F. C. Mullins of Hollywood Yacht club and Mrs. Mullins ; Herb Riley, chairman of the regatta committee of S.C.Y.A., 11.nd Mrs. spittoon ), and Fred Smales won iL Sell that unwanted throu&h Newt1-Times ads. DDDD'S arUcle Open EvfCl.b:lp, E..t:eept Monday . Off earl?'~ this morning for Cata· hna was Midshipman First Class Bill Reavis and a party of friends, planning to attend the dance Fri- day evening and then sail back Saturday. Bill, who is the son of Mr. and M.rs. Converse Wurde- mann, Balboa Island, arrived home last Thursday with 18 other California boys from Annapolis, whO'charter ed a pla ne for the trip.1 -------------------- Frank Simpson !Ii of the pen in-Ex pert sula was aJso one of the group B and had planned to be one of the e a u t . -c . yachting party which 1. going over I I a n s on the Wurdemann·s Rhodes, Mid- ship, but as he expeced guests, f Mil d was not certain of joining them. or a y There were, however , two former • Permanents, Cold W ave, Hair school chums or Bill's, Don Pitts Styling. Hair Tinting • , • Bleach· and Kay Lee of Los Angeles, who ing, Cold Wave. arrived Wednesday evening. Both ANN -CARMEN have been in the armed forces. Featuring Helene Cw1U For the past weekend Milly Cold Waves Kennedy of Los Angeles was a OpMl s.tan1.,., All o.7. of Santa Ana parlor. Native Daughters of the Golden West, at her home 1\fo nday evening follow- ing dinner at the J.lurlc y Bell. Mrs. William Mize presided at a short business session a nd a so- cial hour followl"d. La\\Tence B. Johnson of Costa house guest at the Wurdemann l:T•l.aa: APPOl•t.sienu fer f'ft"ID&aeftt•: ~f("sa has r eceived his honorab1e l1 hbme and Bill and Milly, Frank Pho-Barbot- 817 discharge at the San Pedro sep-Simpson and his friend, Pinky, Balboa Inn Beauty Salon :lra 1ion et>nter after serving in thel were dinner guests of Mr. and na\·y for t"'O years and 15 months Mrs. Wurdemann at the BalOOa Balboa Inn Arcade · • Ooean. Front at the Pier O\"erseas. He was seaman first Yacht club opening dinne r dance. I ~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ class. a nd was a student at New-JuJy 3 the Annapolis boys are I: All kinds typewriter ribbon1 Le port Harbor Union High school to be at the airport for the re· _•_toc_k_a_t _th_e _N_ews __ ·_Tl_meo __ · ____ be_ro_,_e_e_n_•_•_ri_n.:g~th::.e~se::_rvi~·ce=·--turn trip, but whether they will get their chartered plane or will SEASON TICKETS!! CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leman! ~r. Manaaer Balboa, onlla DELICIOUS FOOD .. _ COCKTAil.. BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS Sunday June 16th WE'VE THE GIFTS HE'D LIKE • Neckties • Sweaters • Sport Shirts • Yacht Caps • Trunks • Shorts Fishing Hats " • Catalina Swim Suits • Bath and Beach Robes • Hickok Belts and Suspenders .. .._.,, ... I take a commercial plane, they do not yet k now. R . c_ Owen , secretary of Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce and proprietor of the gift shop at NeWport, returned last week from Bakersfield where he attended the annuaJ meeting and installation of Eagles. NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards Stationery Brookings V arietv ... o..e, •n. o... ... -CYc'• a.. .. (a" 7 ... ..... on Sale Now at GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS Laguna Beach Playhouse THE SEASON OPENS JUNE 25th WITH ........ ''ANGEL STREET'' John Emery !!eW>o TlclrelB on Sale Now for 9 Plays, $20-tax Inc. Mail orders accepted-make cbeclu Jl8Y&ble to: Lacuna 8-11 .,,..,..,_, Lacuna Beaoll, Oallf. PIL 1-a 191 -•mm PLAl's--- OeOTp -~ .. Dari< Vlcto17 --People -OonlarJ' • 8abjoo& to Clluce GIVE HAPPINESS -• GIVE JEWELRY Give· Dad A Watch A Perfect Tribute to Him on His Day 17-JEWEL WRIST WATCH ~tainless 1Steel, Radiull} Dial, $4250 Shockprobf, Waterproof ....... . FO NTAIN PEN SETS All Popular Makes Diamond Ring • Signet Ring Birthstone Ring • Fraternal Ring Leather ~allet • Cuff Links Cigarette Lighter • Key Ring Nec~tie r ips • Belt Buckles LOUCKS ' 179'7 .N ·-01• .... '