HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-27 - Newport Balboa News Times., SAM ANNEX. NOW! Rec e n,t events In the harbor dis- trict indicate the unpleasant emotions of some · factions outside the city, that it Is high time Newport Beach annexed contiguous territory before being placed in the unsatisfactory, situation of a hemmed-in community. In talks with some of. the pro- moters for incorporation of Costa Mesa, they frankly ad- mit that their lines for the proposed project run right down to the edge of Newport Beach. In some cases these proponents then laugh loud- ly and ask: "Where will Newport Beach then be?" All or which trends to the fact that they would have no scruples in undermining the economic life of this com- munity. throttling its pro- gress and hamstring its citi- :rens and their efforts to con- tinue in business. · That this condition exists has been revealed by the bit- ter attitude of the Mesa pa- per and a few of its mer- chants in indulging in invec- tives, threats and abuse over Supposedly humorous Lions I . Jubilee remarks, w h i c hd brought forth distemper an Intolerance. If that is the • attitude ot the Mesa folks, and It evidently seems so, as w!set' heads were unable to restrain the hotheads, then Beachltes should weigh care- tully every phase of the pro- position. Is it necessary to reiterate that civic leaders s h o u l d bestir themselves over ·annexing to 15th or 17th streets and thus be as-- sured. °' expansion in the busy years ahead ? + + • llAppy Birthday! Drifted into the varied enterprises of the Lido Isle office yester- day and bumped smack nab into Paul Palmer's birth anniversary. And what do you know: Got a piece of de- licious cake made by the itty bitty hands of Agnes, Bernice, Kay, Mercey and Ercyl, efficient staff work- ers, which they had concoc- ted and presented tQ their chief. Won't give his age away. other than to say that this dynamic worker is in his early fifties. Just now Pres- ident Paul is in the midst or the regular semi-a n n u a I statement of the Federal Savings and Loan, due June 30 with a 3% annual divi- dend to shareholders. + + + Hooray, We've Moved! It took eight months to build a 5-room house and just folir hours to move a load of fur- niture from a much smaller one and be comfortable again. The early months of construction were a series of headaches in which we ousted a screwy contractor, with a long line of refer- ences. who knew nothing about a square or a straight line, much less about build- ing a house. Only other nutty outfit was a plastic nrm in Los Angeles, who made rosy promises but wrren't worth a damn on de- liwry; in fact didn't have the nerve to face the Crabber and his Missus, but sent a telegt aln saying they could not complete their job. Nice . ' . gang. • • • Then, Smiles! When we persuaded Willard and Wal- ter Mellott to take over. most ol our troubles dissolved into thin air. Walter put Geo. Bone and Fred Tumer on the job ol correcting some 25 construction blunders and of tumJng it into a smooth piece of dwelling. Want to band a bouquet to Chet- ~ of the TeWlnlde Clo. for a swell job ol 1Jno1eum )aylng and for a nifty For- mica kitchen layout; to Bob Kine and Rud Rez for a modem, artistic decorating 8Cbeme; ' to Claude SWeet- mm tor making walls line up; 'to Ets-Hokln." Galvan ·for claMy electrical wori<; to TV Estus for superior ; to Charley Pftke eoxqulslte tiling of bath i'OW1S. and don't tell 'any- ~ but all lloon ...,, OOD- c:Nta! KFF.P POSTED! 1 y.,. ...... ..... ... ()11•Q .... Oftel 0 • ., ..... a. .. --~..--Meas T • !Wwpwt - EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, S VOLUlllll DXVlll • • I • I I I A • •• • ol Or• I al SHORE COLQNY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND; CORONA DEL MAR, ClOSTA MESA NSWPOllT a••Q\ CA.LD"OllNU. T1111J18Dil, nJNE 11, 1 ._., T NlJ-•C R . . . Police Seize ·Suspects of Armed Rob ry British War Bride of Yank, Now in Costa Mesa Home, Lauds Americans, Habits Mrs. Jean Leffler Boyle of W oolhampton, Eng- land, Wife of Fonner AAF Soldier, Is Also War Veteran -Fought Off .Nazi Raids Legion Plans County Fete Here Nov. 11 Lieut. Beek Now On Inactive List Orange county will ~ the guest ot the Newport Harbor Post 291 of the American Lfogion at New- part Beach on November 11, Arm- istice Day. Released recently to inactiv~ Tentati\'e plans fer the pa-duty at the U. S . Naval officer triotic program are now under separation center at Washington, way with George B. Devenish of D. C., was Lt. (jg ) Barton B. Beek, Balboa Island named 85 chairman. elder son of Capt. and ?ttrs. J. A. assl!ted by Don Durant, com-Beek, Balboa Island mander of the American Legion The lieutenant is 21-years-old post. and graduated from the California A parade and ceremony will Institute ot Technology under the signal the anniversary of the end Navy V-12 program, belng oom- or hostilities of World War I and missioned ensign in the submarine it will serve to commemorate the service. An apert yachtsman since close, of the conflict tn World War hill small-boy dayt, he wu com- ll, as no national holiday hu yet missioned in both deck and en- be<'n designated !or the latter &lneering.' war. Jn service in the Padfic area, Contractor Guilty Of Code Violation Harvey Miller, general oootrac- tor accused ot contractina: in the Harbor area without a license in violation of the state bullnea rode. appeared before Judge O. J . Dod&e In Coota Men Wednelday mornlnc and pleaded guilty. Time ot sentence wu postponed by Judge Dodce until Aucuat 10 on the motion ot. the cllstrict at, torneYI ottk:it to enable the de-. fondant to malr.e -tltutlon. Dominick Appointed Asst. Cib' Engineer he was at Sublc bay in the PhWp- plMS when the war ended Says News-Times Excels All Papers ,. .. ~ .. - • .' -Builders of Better Balboa Los Angeles Men Accdsed ' -. . ' • • As Participants in Holdup Face Hearing on Saturday Newport Beach Policemen Captured SupPosed Stickup Man and Accomplice in Eight Minutes ,i\fter Receiving First Alarm Here Tuesday Nighl laT .,._.cu --.Inc .... , .. •Pr1ed hol --...... -.,.. __ ---.,_. ..... _.._. 7 a ? ....... _, "" -Men emba• ml•L.Jll. -'JWchla, 111. lfewpat .eaa.ic .. ..... a -• a---... n · a -0..B. .... zru.ra. .. , .. n a ·-a a chMng wtttiout -o.ntra1 radioed YnM"hlne WU tral bot•-l~ AD l!Ye pa Ille medilne at Omtral avm.ue. ·-·to the poHceese, --tbe .. .. .,.. *'' no. palb oloo -Wlildi--·-IL a. ...... lb =--Ned~· in ... a.._,.,... lll!dir.11: ... --d61c .. a -. .... -IO~C. r ~ ···-1-+ I, " -1Cllla .-. -~-uaa' I Lila 1 t 111 palb_ ... _ _....._...,. -T ' 3 CL ~ '8 •= ,. --· .... Ill la' I '21 . . • ·----------------------------------'N-"&=W.,r._,D"'Nn'=-'llAUIOA=== ~' Nep:I!!& " rt Cdtll .... 'l1l!!r!MJ. lw 11, l!M .Opposition Forces Denial j . . L P • Sh A Unlwrsal Dag bu been ~ ·.a. a1 op ~ ... ~ ... ::-~.~.";!; the Uni-...1 F1ac -•tlon. • • By ~commission.·of Briggs Zone Improvement Plans Members of the Newport Beach The comm.isatonen denied pe- dty pla.rln.ing commiaion at their titionen Fred W. Briggs of Bal- reeular meeting in the council boa and R. H. Rogers, a contrac- tor, &l>Jrl?Val of their request for cbamben of the city hall Jut chang!J1g Block 634 In the Canal Tbunday night heard the petitions oection or Newport Beach from Ct eight penons seeking changes its present tw<rf&mily residence or variances in city w ned areas. zone into a light commercial zone, The commis.sion denied two after a protest petition signed by petitions by individuals who 59 property owners and verbal aought changes ~n zones, approved opposition was raised by F'r'ank two requesu for varlances and Windle, another property owner denied one on the same subject. in that section of the city. gave final approval to a map and In defending their desire for a tabled two matters for future change in the zone, both Briggs study. and Rogers pointed out that the proposed change would be a de- cided improvement and an a dvan- tage to the city as a whole. I BALTZ MORTUARY -t- Lady Attendant -t- Opposing property owners led by Mr. Wind1e stoutly questioned the views of Messers Brigp and Rogers and since majority r uil'd against the proposal, the commis- sion turned down the latter's petition. In making the denial, the com- mission took in to consideration the THIS 18 01\'E OF THE SClEJ\"ES taken of U1e Oo&ta Mesa·Newport. Uoas elu)) carnlva.I &Del fhll.. fry given ln behalf of charity recently. Sho\o\'ft here are townsfolk ~·alUJll' la line for eervlnp of the dell- clo05 fish. Fund11 recel,•ed from the sale of ticket!I t > the carnival will be q;ent by the Uons club for the building of an athletJc fl eld for the younpten o f Costa Mesa. -photo by Neal Beckner , Balboa. view of the protestants that a 1 change in the zone would ere ate zone in blocks 432 a nd 532 of the R I E t t traffic hazards and parking prob-Canal section. ea s a e lems for that portion of the Canal Due to the fact that the city of section. Newport Beach has planned wid- The commissioners also accept-ening of Coast high\\·ay. the com-A t G t ed this view in denying the pe-missione~ tabled for further study I gen e S titions of four other individuals, the pet1t1ons pres('nted by Ida including C. E. J ohnson, who re-Naylor of 204 Marine avenu£'. Bal-! ' 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT q uested changes from a tw(>.fam-boa Island, and by Claude S•.\'eet-1 H" s I k ily to a three-faro;1y r esidential ~~ch~f 122 24th street, Newport I IS a c -s ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Petitioners Naylor a nd Sweet - , Individuality for the .. M othtr·to·be · · lf we don 't have it. we maJtc it, you sec! 'Donna--§rCarie Shoppe 515 N. Main St. For MARINE ma~ proposed zo~£' changl'S in lots I Ned Jo)lnson. senior associate in \Vh1ch they O"'Tl 1n the Lake tr act, the business partnership of the Coast boulevard near 30~h strce~· 1 Piper-Johnson spor tsY.rear shop be-f~om. the present two-fanuly cla~s1-ing readied for opening Friday f1cat1 on to a proposed multiple . ht t 101 M · 1 1 8 lboa · 1 R 1 h M k n1 g a a1n s ree , a , ~a~:~~aes~~~e. for a rhe Na:yl~~ I a lways kee~ a promise. petition. But he was taken by surprise Wednesday ni ght when a prospec- tive customer in the person of Harry Williamson of the firm of Williamson & Williamson, r eal es- tate agents of 1520 1\1iramar drive, Balboa. walked into the store, which Johnson and his wife were decorating, 2.0d courteously asked. "Where are my sittcks?" Setback variancC's "''ere approv- ed for F . C. McKay of Corona del Mar on t'A·o lots "''here he expects to build a home and for a Mr. Boyce who owns property on Bay avenue; Balboa. But the commis- sion disapproved a petition by William H . Scott of White's cafe. Balboa Island, after it was shown that he was in error on his pe- tition for a varWlnce on h is prorr erty. Williamson was an utter strang- er to the Johnsons and for the m(>. ment Ned was a little curious. "Your slacks? Have I pair of your slacks?" he asked Williamson. Piper-Johnson Shop, Sportswear Sales, Opens Friday Night l\1ello"· Felio"''· a shapely male figure designed in cer amics by Dorothy Piper, will be on display and will form the permanent motif for the Pipc'r -J ohnson men's sports\vear shop which opens its door to the public in its ?t1ain street, Balboa, establishment, Fri- day evening . The Piper-Johnsati shop is lo- cated at 101 Main street in the heart of the Balboa community and t he store is within easy reach of th(' beautiful Balboa pier. Ned J ohnso n and Dorothy P iper, associates in the business partner- ship of the sportswear establish- ment, have announced that the shop "'111 be open from 7 p.m. un- til 10 p.m. Friday to give people an opportunity to see "'hat they can expect when they purchase at the Piper-Johnson stor e. Police Authorities Plan Battle Against Cornero's Game Ship 0 Su d Designed by Georsto EYetttt or pen n ay a. Cob, the white field ia Mi- , tered With a blue circle in which Is a hand holding a torcb. the lour I flames stand for four freedoms.. CU.lorn-made !urniture deslgned from fear, from want, to apeak to suj tthe Individual taste will freely and to worship God. The be¥' play at the opening of torch points to an elliptical globe the , shop. 411 Cout high-In the upper left oorner showing way, ona del Mar, on Sunday. the Eastern and Western bemis· a1, whose Hawaiian inter-pheres. have on exhibition and for sale,, l'or 8lttw Prtnana Call U ar 1S. BAl,ll()A PHARMACY preri::· ia, sun room, will also --------- a n ol ceramics, which were --------------------------- desi~· bY Mary G. Lloyd, noted .----------------------- Sout.Ji Pasadena ceramicist. and wife tf J . L Stamp jr., who is co- partner with M. V. Martine, North Hony}vood designer, in the LanaJ shop.1 Both Messen Stamp and M~ tine dre veterans of World War ll Mr. Stamp served with the navy aviation corps and Mr. Martine served with the army air corps_ All~ the beautifully made furni- ture 1 which will be on display Sund•y is designed a nd made by Mar~ne and Stamp in California. The~urniture itself is made from Hon rus mahogany a nd two new horn in the harbor area have alre 1 y refurbished their rooms with samples of the Martine+ Stf skilled workmanship. Dr1ve carefully-Spare a Llte. YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. -1:r- Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. PHONE L C. BEAN Harbor 2645 ALBOA SEA FOOD MARKET alboa Pavilion SEA FOOD CO CKTAILS Served at All Boon • Speclallzlng In orders to take home and for banquets • Opens Friday June 28th Fresh Fish and Sea Foods (In Season) Del and Ken Story Foot of Main St. SMOKED FISH Assorted Variety HARDWARE Dick Gearing. managing direc- tor and head of the Dick Gearing Productions, presented a petition asking permission to use Collins Island on the west end of Balboa Island as a site for a visual edu- cation institution for children. The commission reserved comment on this prbposal until a future time. "You have," chuckled William- son, adding, "according to a recent issue of The Newport Balboa News-Times you are quoted as having said you would give any- one a pair of slacks Who found you an apartment." Ora nge county law enfor cement , in the pe.rson of Sheriff Jesse Elliott, meets today in Long Beach with members of Los An-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ geles county she'fiff and district - PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' HARDWARE t It's the 23rd &: Ph . Central 2600 ~ defwl>i/J madeon<n~ JULY . 5 · ~~11wm JULY 1 IF JOU do not have a savings account, lltarl one todll,Y at any Bank of America branch. AK about'Thriftplan, the aye. tematic aavinp account deeigned to help JOU aave BUCC 11""ill,y. ••nk of .lmerini NATIONAL IH\l.'ft ASSQCIATION ....... "9&1Ui&.. ~IT IN•U...,.OS DO•..O~ -~ ....... ......,,. .......... -- ' "That's right. I did make that promise," Ned J ohnson answered. a ttorney's offices. to plan battle r--i--------------------------------------, against Tony Cornero's n e w The map showing the Balboa Coves developme nt was given final approval. This map was acceptf'd by the city council a t their meet- ing Tuesday. California farmers grow 14 per cent of the nation's food supply and 90 per cent of its canned fruits and vegetables. \V ith thousands of acres of new land made available through leveling and Irrigation, the industry is looking forward to an international range. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 18!% VJ Newport BlTd. Plenty of Whiskey No limit. to aD.J' or our mercbaadbe COSTA MESA. CALIF. Phone Beaoon &OU "Well, you've got an apartment. Give me my slacks," rejoined Wil- Hamson . The real estate agent walked out with a new pair of slacks and the Johnsons walked into their new apartment. Modern advertising methods did the trick. They both made a legiti- mate sale. Not bad, eh? Ora Eaton Released From Naval Service Ora F . Easton. son of Mrs. F . H . Easton, 501 35th street, Newport Beach, w as discharged from the Navy last Friday after two yean service a nd 12 months overseas in the Philippines. Easton. a graduate from New- port Harbor High school, plan! to enter college in the Fall. F or office supplies, see the News-Times. gambling ship now preparing for business. Elliott ">ill confer "'1.th Los An- geles Dist. Atty. Fred N. Howser , Sheriff Btscalluz of L. A. county and Long Beach police authorities, and the officials are expected to visit the ship, now bcing outfitted a t a Long Beach dock. No definite action on blocking the operation of the gaming ship has been found and the only feasible preventative measures of- fered have been those to harass potent.la! customers. While the nwnber of motor cars in service is expected to rise to 34 million by 1955 (27 million in 1941), gasoline consumption will not increue att"Ordlngly. Lighter cars, more efficient engines a nd more powerful gasolines wil.l pro- vide more economical consum~ tion. Nnva-'I'tmm advertiJementl &J"l your iiuJde to efficient speodJna. Free Nylons MONDAY, July I; TUESDAY, July 2; WEDNESDAY, July 3 • FOR LOW SCORE FOR WOMEN • FOR LOW SCORE FOR MEN BALBOA MINIATURE . GOLF COURSE ,---.. ;--- OPPOSITE RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM • BALBOA .. • I • . m I • 16# "''¥." a..1. •• ,, &.Ara"-•· OPAGrants· Wire Haired Terrier· Found in Costa Mesa Pn·ce H·1kes Mrs. L. J. Talley at 2406 Santa Afv1 •'""'""• ec.ta Mesa. has In-formed the Newport Harbor police 0 C Ti that a loot lemale bladt and w!tlte n ar Ires ~haired terriet, with tome brown spot> on Ito head. hal wand· ered to her home. ' AKWl'G&f ••saoa Newest of Women's Apparel Shops Opens Friday Noon in ·Costa • l.w eevils Suspected In Sw · Potato Crop M Olunty krteultural Comml$-esa siontt D. f"· Tubbl la uk1na houle storek~ a nd others who may ba"-e in their possnaion t potatoes pur- C.orona del Mar Daniels Building · chased the tint o1 June. to News Chosen for Site A Hst ol a low of the boola weevils. AD Sportfjahing Boat Owners & Opentora TRANSPORTATION TAX MOOING llONDAY, mLY J.. 'J:JO P. M. AD Oaaen ... Oper11wl ....... 8paa•1red. "7 8p1atr bbl ~ elf Newport. lla.rMr Ceillna prlcos for pusenger car Mrs. Talley hal asked the poll"" lly BllSSDl L. BJ:NEDlcr Of Establishment added to &helves of N...._t Beach The ~~~~-er asked all --and motorcycle replacement tires to locate the owner, who may Miu J 1 R d ...... ~ter Public library durinc May few in-IOnS who fi thel!' sweet potatoes have been lncreued at manufac-have the an1ma1 by calling for it. acque yn ust. a.,,... I tin to be infes to report to bla ol-------------------------_J turlng, wholesale and retail levels of Mrs. Ruth Jellerson Rust, 3CTI "-"'S .. -Jl'rldaT lo --:::'t1on~ awnmer reacllna and re-flee, rr to local Aarlcultural .. 1'1arigold avenue, 1s home on an · lnsrwwot"or a once by amounts equal to 3.3 per cent . OPA pointed out that the in-eight-day vacation before she en-o;---ea:e-=. UM! ..u.et:lve SHE Deborah, by Castle; Five Pus-,......... • . " r--===--------------------= ot the existing retail ceiling !'J!"!ces. creases in passenger car and mo-ters upon her work tn Occupation-I ~ wltlt C.:;-;-'• ~ engen From U.bon, by Ebtthart; try by Miilliams· Alexander the OPA an.nounoed today. torcycle replacement tires at the al Therapy, in various hospitals e-a:"i!.e.&e '°' tile ..:. SS::~ Taken: of The Oty, by Hays; Im-of Macedon, by t.amb: A Solo In At the same time, manufactur-retail level have been allowed on for the summer. Mrs. Ru.<11t en-t M Ranot pertal Venus, by Maaa;-'lben and Tom-Toms, Fowler; Lafcadio en' ceiling. far truck, bus and in-an interim basis. Such retail in-tertained her friend ?tot.rs. Ray-area. Now, by Maugham; Torrmta of Heam by cWUliams· Doctors HOLLISTER dustrial replacement tires have creases wiU be revoked if evidence mond Rll.!lt. Anahe im ~ver Sunday. fte MW V-ta •~ ...., wot Sprin~. by Payne; Captain Grant, East, 'Doctors West, by HUfte; I been incre.ued by the equivalent has not been submitted to OPA l\tr. and Mra. Brooks Williams be located la the bn.d 1M!IW" _. by Se~fe_rt ; A W~ld To Win, by My Father 0 ls On Far th, by of 1.4 per cent of the existing re-by Oct. 1, 1946, showing that deal-f V N · . . t th a&:tncdve .....,.., ~ • Slncl&Jr; On Thil Star by Sann-\V · ht Ch 1 d Emlly,.,- tail ceilings. No change is made in e n: cannot absorb the price in-~ an f u:;;, are dVlS~:g ; e Newpwt llhd.. ._,. l M 8L. b1 I sen; 'n.e Hucks ten, by' Wakeman; B ng ; b ~tte an · ; the -tail ~•1 :-a. [or these •'·es. cre ases granted manufacturers ome 0 · · · an · tuart Robe.rt IL Oaal-1... N~ Beech Delta Wedding by Welty· The rontes, y ey. .... ....~18-LU Diehl, 508 Goldenrod avenue, for -~ .., _ __... I · ' ' The increases, effective June and "'"holesalers on these tires 8 wttk. And incidentall to esca palattac coetr actor , and will fea--Pan1c--S~l~ken, by \Vllson. 18. have been necessitated by and that they must be allowed to the heat of the valley~ Mr. W~ ture cll•thlc:Uve •·omea'• "'ear at Non-f1ct1on ; lnfa nt and Chi!~. I I I 'S Brotllers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING higher manufacturing costs for continue passing them on to con-Iiams teaches at th"! North Holly-moderate prlce9. ~ll.: A Cu1de to C:Olleges, Un1- labor and materials, OPA said. sumers. wood and returns Monday to at-Interior of the new shop, on 1 . ven1t1es, a~d Professional Schools Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall, Man&&er Balboa, California DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS Contractors' Rental Equipment Jaeger Compressors ·Comet Saws Cement Mix ers Wood Workin g Equ ipment Everything for tl!e ' Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 tend summer school. '-''hich Contractor Danie ls has In !-he ~ru!ed States, by Good: -:: .. ~~§§{: . been .,.,.orking for m any weeks, ls Lows. D1at s Home Cookbook; ~ :..= Fertilizers . Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions Lt. (Jg) Harry D. H endren, done in terra cotta and a light 1 Creat ive Crafts in Wood. by Dank; P.a~ucah,. Ky., stopped off fo~ a green pastel shade. v.•ith 8 motif Ga me Bag. by Buckingham; My ~· • v1~1t o~ his way home from (_lt~na, of authentic modern Califor nia ! Three Years \\>'ith Eisenhower, by l J/J.(J '• with his friend. Lt. (jg) W1ll1a m colors being carried out both on , Butcher: Wralh In Burma. by E ld--- Kemper. son of l\1r. and Mrs. Ar-the inside and the exterior o f the i ridge : Top Secret, by Ingersoll ; lnqure at thur Kemper. 900 Ocean Blvd. Lt . b ·id· 1 I See th(' Philippines Rise ,,,. W"IJ " d h " h h. UI 10~. 1 --' 1 1ams a n is mot !>r met 1m ! _ Romulo · The Story of the Stars at San Diego on the 18th and the In charge of the Costa l\tesa and S tri'pes b H tt . I folloY,.i ng day he received his dis· S H E will be l\tiss Dora l\-toulton. Th"s H . YA u. onT. h" H . CARR'S FEED STORE · II k . · H bo I ouse gatnst 1s rrusc, charge. f-le saw duty on a n LST. "e · 0 0 "0 10 th!> ar r area by Sheean· C "bbe b , Ar · · . and n long-time Ne"1>0rt Beach . · a ri 8:"· ~ c1 n1e- 1827 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA P. 0. Box 507 -Phone Beacon 5245 l\1ri. B. Cassen, 321 Ma rigold .d t sh h ced. th t gas, Southern Cahforn1a Coun· avenue. has her daughter. Mrs . I r es1 en . e ~s announ a . -----------------!------- La"Tence l-lolmes and tY.'O chil-1 t.he ne\'' SHE \Vlll carry the same I dre n. P asadena, with her this hne of sports wear and othl'r ap- week pare! as thC' Balboa store and \Vlll 1 · . feature the slogan "Wo men's l\1rs. \Vr1ght, formerly o{ Corona Wear for Ever ywhere:· de! Mar. no\v of Los Angeles, has been a \.isitor for a week with l\1rs. Ea rl Olson. 213 Dahlkl ave- nue. M rs. Olson and Childre n wer e all ready to leave for Tokyo to join her husband. Maj. Earl O lson, "'ho is stationed ther e, when she r eceived word to w ait at cholera had broken o ut in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Stillman of Gle n- dale are down for the summer at their place at 21 7 Marigold ave- nue: Mr. Stillman is a publisher ln Glendale. Lt. F . Gilman Brookings, son of l\fr. and ~in . F. Brookings, 234 Goldenrod avenue, winged from Japan, arriving in Los Angeles Monday, June 17. He came im- mediately to his parents' f'iome where his wife and daughter ""iwaited h im. They will spend some time in the mountains during part of his 37-day terminal leave, when he will return to Corona del Mar . Lt. Brookings was a graduate of Newport Harbor Union High school. He served 3 t,t years. one year cif that in the South P acific. He "·as a pilo t of a B·29, partici- pating in all the heavy bombings in J apan. He has m any meda ls, Ple ntiful parking space is avail- able for patrons in the front of · the store and ladies of the Har· bor distr ict have ~n cordially invit£"d by the management to in- spect the new premises. A com- plete new line of fresh stock will be available to patrons of the new SHE, it was announced. The open- ing is set for noon. Another SHE is expected to open in the near future, probably in the Fall, in Corona del ~tar on Coast High\Aray. lour m ajor battle stars. Mr. and Mn. Harry Algers, 506 Marauer ite avenue, have 1-tr. Al· gen:' niece, Miss Dorothy Burtch. I Chatham. Canada. and h (>r friend l\1iss Marian L. Clark, Benton Harbor. l\1 ich, as guests for two weeks. Tt.J(>sday l\1rs. Algers e n- ter tained th<'m and Mrs. Flor· ence Ande rson at lunch at San Jua n Capistr ano, a ft e r they had visited the l\1isslon there. DEAL '.S Famous Smoked Fish Yacht Employe Given One Year On Rape Count I Rufus J ohnson. former cre\v n1cmbcr of a yacht anc hored in Nl•\vport Bay, was scnte.iced to onC' year in Orang<' county jail this \\'('('k in SU(X'rior court fol· IO\\'in~ a pll'a of guilty by the de- fl'ndant or statutory raP<'. Always Fresh 110 McFadden Pl. M ain Store: 101 BJgh\\'ay .. At Road to Balboa la1and" J ohnson admittl'.'d having rela- tions ,,·i1h a 14 -yC'ar-old 1\1onte- bello girl in a sail lo ft in Nev.·- port 1-larbor early this year as a n aftermath pC a drinking party \\ith sever al Los Angt'l<'s county youths a nd J ohnson. Testimony indicatt'd that Johnson had in- vited th<' mixed group to Ne\v- port to stage a party on the yacht. but "·c nt to the sail house Instead because of the presence of the O\Vner aboard the boat. J ohnson changed his original plea of not guilty and was grant- ed summary probation or five y(>ars after he completes his jail sentence. A cha rg<' of contributing to the de linquency of minors was dis- mlued. · Here's a tip for vacalionisls: Whether you plan11 weekend excursion or an extended tour lo distant points, you'll find ii a good idea 10 stock up 6rst at Sdeway. Fill your "lake along" food needs quickly, easily and e.:o- nom1cally _at our slore near your home. You can make a ttal saving on your vacatio n expenses. SAFE ·WAY FOOD PRICE POLICIES PLEDGE PROTE TION FOR YOU Regardless of what happen these Safeway price policies are be kept as low as possible: to OPA ceili ng prices on foods, pl edge that Safeway prices will 1. I n se tt ing its retail prices, Sa feway will continue to give customers the benefit of savings lresulting from our way of doing business by pricing at the lowes t oint that will yield a reasonable pro/it . For many years Safeway's p rofit has averaged less than two cen ts on every dollar of sales. I 2. Safeway will do .no spe tain the largest poss ible supplies be made available to all cnstome lative hoarding. Stores wi ll co n- £ foods at all times and they will 3 . Safeway will pay full le : ....... c market prices to farmers and other prod ucers of food. TOMATOES Larae· firm, ~pe. 'Ell· celleol lo 1l1ce.. De· licious tutiDI-lb. 1sc: TYPICAL SAFEWAY VALUES TomatoSoup ~~~ .. Grapefruit eo.11on ~': 1:1- Mutfin Mix °""'"""" -14 ......... AA- PancakeMix Su•onno """" .. 20 ....... . Spaghetti Dinner .... 31• o.f BcJ,o-At--0.. lrond. Spinach · [mefold Soy Brand l&• 11-.... Libby Pumpkin ' 2t .. •.ce• 12- Pudding M. C. P. C~•~d r .... VaniUa , ~ •• ButterlCOtch. Garnish Mustard Meodowmere Mu\Noom l .. ·~-.c:-.... , ........ ..,.., .. 1_ , ___ ....,. v- Cider Vinegar "" Min "'""" 47• ..... 'Chocolate Hetlhr,o Boking 13• .... & ...... v ·u r ..... an1 a""'uact ........... la- ScNINna'• Brand.. l ·oa. bottle, l .Zc. ~ botttll, 6Qc... COfFEE AND OTHEI IEYEIAGES :Edwards Coffee 'i!· 1:19 Drip or regular grtndL kldl blend of r1,,. ~ 2-lb. ... jar, 5Jc. Nob Hill Coffee ,_ .. _ 239 lltkft 9a.nd. Gta..ftd to otder. 2-lb. pko .• <Mc. Airway Coffee ,_ .. _ 18- ......, ... id w.nd. Ground ..... yo!..! buy. SHOP Skip Car Number Seen; Police on Trail Southland police I are on the lookout this week for a twcrtone Buick or Pontiac sedan be1ieved to have hit a nd dam~ged a parked car at 813 Central avenue, Monday ('vening, belonging to M. E. Kin- kaid of that a ddress in East New- port. CUCUMBERS 1oc: Crilp. well-tonn!4 Slice and serre w1t.b ri,pe tomai.oes- Instant Postum ....... 389 Hemo °'"°"""VI,....., Mio ._ ...... .,.- "'Drirll Yo.r ¥f...,,._ onc1 Ilk• 'em." + Custom The Door Qpens ----------"=---· · ·on one Southland's freshest contribu- tions to the art of informal of the l i V· and ing. We invite your • • presence • your op1n1on. 12 Noon, S11day, J1ne 30, 1946 LANAI SHOP 411 Coast Highway Corona del Mar \Vitn<'Sses say that the car ""'as trav<'ling at a high rate of speed to"•ard Balboa and after hitting the Kinkaid car. turned around a nd headed back toward Newport Beach. again traveling very fast. Police have the first four numben: of the liC"Cnse plate and apprehen- sion ot the driver is expected in the near future. CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS SfUIHJ9tl S~Gl.ap llT M rt I .&-., ......... ......... .,.. lb. --•ss;1 ••:&.Ou 1 .._ 'HersheyCocoa ..... -10- FREE LEAFLns .. .,,,-of. ••n....,. If you're look.ire few ideas on o.t-G(-doon eatin1 . 9end fOI' one OI' more o( Carol Drake'• new f rtt laeSeta.. Then .,. 3: S,x- ria/ Piaoic "Parlia, Barl>e- ,_ .-d -S.,.p_.. Add... ,...., .... -to CAaOL DR~ Dirttl.r nc Ho11Xmakcn· Bure.a• Sas 2JIO. DtJc.. P. S.. Franc:itco Ui, Calif. i • • • ~· • Praise City Poiiee For Seoond Quick Catch in 2 Years C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys 4; 4; 4; Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. 4; 4; Phone: Harbor 1080 4; or Harbor 739-J Service · for Prompt • Before You Build or Remodel Vklit Oar Interesting Sample and Display ~­ Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. Rugs& Carpets Cleaned, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works 18%% Soutll Malll SL SANTA ANA •<>Na Speed Boat I TIW'• _,. -™PL<>nttn ~ . \1sitor: "My, you're a briaht . 4N'l1!:D '!I U\1 le girl How do you know it"a WD..L CARE for 'elderly pee.,.. a. the lint of the month?" ">Y home. Rt. 1, !lox-HO, o.ta (Continued from Page 1l says that It ts very possible that a regatta may be staged in the Bay again this year. it .... __ _ The "ir' in the oinbnent is thJs. All someone m ust do. and by someo~. Hitchcock means the business men or civic fathers of the area. ii ask the APBA to stage the race and it ii almolt a cer. talnty that an open date in the r acing circuit cou1d be found for this fall. Asking the APBA is no chore, Hitchcock points out, be- cause merely by asking him to do so, Hitchcock can start the ball rolling and the races can mate- rlallze. Drivers from all over the coun- try have asked when the regatta a t Newport Harbor was going to be resumed. Hitchcock said that when he was in Brownsville, stag- ing a power boat regatta in that city, drivers from. New York, GOOD LUCK, MB. PRJ!!SIDB.."IT. N-(Doe) 81attont (left)), DeW pNmldtat of* Newport Haner Rotary elub .. llMwa beln& co..,..tu1a1ec1 by -"'tlriJI&' pnul _., ,_ Cole ( .tpt) alter - Go t ernor Warren today signed a ::°.l'.:1amation calling a Special 1El;:;tfon in the a.5th Senatorial District to fill the vacancy caused b,Y !'f:e resignation of Thomas H. Kucbfl. Kuchel resigned to accept an~pointment by Governor War- ren State controller. Special Election wUJ be held in njunction with the General Elec on November 5 .. The 3.5th Dll ct Includes all of C>ranp Michigan, Iowa and Florida asked ~ him if they would be coming to l--------------------------- lnatallaUon ---Ill --~"'PL . --Ol>"'\Oe b~ Anene etter Light :;~~y~~·~e:i:: ::: : Harbor Area Shoppers · parts of the nation come to South- Continued from Polle 1 l bus~· esa area has suffered con-side ably as a result of the dim- out ystem of lighting which was in o r ation during the war. ern California to compete in the A "t largest regatta for power boats in wa1 the world -the championship races at Salton Sea. If a regatta Business Directory e directors agreed that the mat er for discussion at the next mee ·ng of the association on was staged in Newport close to Thumbing through the 1 a r g e the dates of the championship re-Orange county telephone directory gatta, it would be possible to ror a loca1 number will soon be have the nation's top-rlight speed unnecessary, as the Newport· drivers a t the local e\.'ent. Balboa News·Times is compiling Driven, who seem to be willing a ready rererence guide to busi· to race or break their neck at a ness finns and individuals in pro. drop of a hat, arf' not apt to ress..ional fields in Newport, BaJ. travel clear across the nation to boa. West Newport, Sea Shore ('nter one race, but 1-litchcock is Colony, Lldo Isle, Corona de) Mar, arT'anging a circuit or several dif· Newport Heights and Costa Mesa. fere nt week ends for the drivers, A cooperative enterprise, first including a race at Lake Mead publicatJon of the complete list <tt Boulder Dam. and Canyon Lake will be found in the columns of in Arizona, both in October, and the News.TI.mes. l;;sued later in both previous to the champ race book form. the directory will be at Salton Sea. It is In this month in both c lassified and alphabeti· that Hitchcock thinks that a cal arrangement. Newport race can be arranged, it Useful infonnation concerning the community will make the the city, county and state will fill move. • the first pages of the book. A D. ·b . r . Tu ay evening, July 9, would be . 1stn uuon. o the directory Sun ay and holiday parking col- will be free m . the ~a.:t><>r area, Jee ns in Balboa. h~weo.·er. a nom1n~ list~g charg.e e association will also be ~ll ~ made for. i~clud1ng a ca.rd to decide what should be Jn this representauve work. about · a monthly municipal Persons who are not Usted in aut park rate plan. the telephone book as a business A map or a propcsed memo- phone or who have not turned in rial driveway a nd a plan for ad. the listing of their business or pro-di ti nal parking areas was r~ Cession should call Harbor 12 or vie ed, but no action in the way 13, to insure the insertion of their of a option of either plan or map name and business. \\tas thade by the board of di· Nortons Take Party On Catalina Cruise rect rs. of e association by the mem· Quid: '"Cause all of daddy's Mesa. ~21c =-have front Windows in IIlGH llCho!>J graduate WW... ol- floe worklor l;yping. Call "'-- BUSINESS GUIDI!: 11 5657-W ~ PRE-BUILT HOMES co. llKPLOFlllCP .. T Gf'FEIW) .. GARAGES -UTILITY HOUSES HOMES Immediate Delivery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 Westminster Newport Heigbta 51-4tc SIGN PAINTING Boats. Trucko, Wlndowo Walla and Bulletins. Ralaed Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St., C<>ota PAINTING and DECORATING By the hour or job. Also Spraying. Call Harbor 8701..J-2 From 1 to 5 p.m. • 44-Sto ·-PAINTING 12 Years Service in N~wport Harbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259--J 274 E . 19th Street 24-tfr PAINTERS and DECORATORS R. E. ANDERSON Paint Contractor Experienced BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per holll' SEE MR. PE'M'Y SOUTH 00Al!T co. NEWPORT BEACH MANICURIST 51-trc To Work on Balboa Island MARISKA HOUSE OF BEAUTY 304 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 51-ltc PAINTER We need another painter on boats. Permanent. Overtime \Vatson Boats, 611 O>ast High~ way, Newport Beach. Sl·ltc DECORATORS KAY .FINCH CERAMICS hu openings now for a few girls OI woman With art training or abU. lty. Ask for Miss Dierker l2l Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. 43-trc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=! "After much consideration, we handy guide and reference to Har-: feel that it ls up to the oommu* bor area businesses. professions -BEACON SEA FOOD.,_ nily. If the business men and and institutions will follow. This '''eek's "da)' off" "'RS some· thing to remember by the man- agem ent and personnel of Bay Shore cafe, for the proprietors, ~tr. a nd Mrs. Tom Norton. hosted a cruise to Catalina •on board Dick S tafford's 70.toot schooner Arlene. fore closing the directors m ing, the board a dopted the rule that a ll m atters pertaining to fur~er improvement of the Bal· boa community shou1d first be br o ght out at· general meetings be themselves before they are mscjissed by the board or direct- ors. ,or the organization. Phone· Beacon_ 578()...J_ 47-tfc Painting -Decorating BEAUTY OPERATOR Now In NEW LOCATION 1135 Coast Highway Port Orange Fresh Sea Food Cocktails With Arnaud's and Norton's Sauces We Still Feature: COOKED LOBSTER Fresh and Smoked • Seafoods FORMAL OPENING Friday, June 28. 2 to 9 p. m . DECKERT Surgical Co. 409 South Main St. SANTA ANA Bringing to Orange County the finest and most complete store of its kind in the nation. • Everytb.lng for the Physician, Surgeon, Nurse, Hospital or Sick Room. • Surgical Appliances • All types of rentals • X-Rays and Repa!n. TO TIIE NURSE: Visit our Nurses' Salon ·--•1' ...... .._ ..... __.. ~C..tole Pia. Barbor 85 civic leaders wish us to conduct races In the Newport area this Thieves Get A way year-it is their move. I know tha t the organization Is willing to With Auto, Rum,_ do It, if asked.'" Hitchcock de-Blankets and Pillows dared. When the races w ere last staged in N ew;port. they drew great throngs of spectaton to the area, and residents were voluable in their praise ot the events wtllch proved to be thrilling, en tertain· Ing and profitable. With California crops nearing the peak production for some things and setting a new record for others, the big question today is, "will the supply of transient labor be large e nough to avoid waste at the harvest time in September ?·· Three Harbor area thefts were reported to Newport Beach police Wednesday ~·ening: Mrs. H. P . Jackson , 123 Bay avenue, Newport Beach, reported the theft of two pillows and two blankets: Mrs. G. B . Ellls. Zll W. C<!ntrlll, Balboa. reported the theft of a grey Afghan blanket, a pjlJow and a fifth of rum from a convertible coupe parked at the r ear of the house Tuesday nigh 1 : Kern A. Fiedler of Pasadena reported the theft of his two-tone, gree" coupe, License No. 9J7822 from the Ne,vport Harbor Yacht club at 8 p.m. Wednesday. TIDE TABLES IUNE, 1948 High Low H1gb Low Th 27 8 :19 1:59 1:28 t:Os 3.8 -1.l 6.9 1.8 F 28 9:14 2:47 8:12 1:114 3.9 -1.5 7.0 1.9 S 29 10 027 3:34 8:118 2:U 4.0 -1. 7 7.0 2.0 Su 30 10 :59 4 :22 9:41 S:SS 4.0 -1.6 6.6 2.2 rtdM a.rt plaoM 1zl ordw ot OCCW'TmCI. t.tcbt nsune a. ..o..: ~ nsur-p. a Th•y left at mJdnlght Sunday and returned Monday evening, having dropped anchor at both Avalon and the Isthmus. Some fishing was done, but mostly it '-''as a pleasure cruiR. Hugh Harvey acted as crew, and iwith Mr. and Mn. Norton were M rs. Dorothy Schlickenmeyer, Frank and Mabel Gay, Georgia Lee Ban, Ida Mae J ones, Ted Trompeter, Armand NetUea, Rufus P e ters, James Goode, W illa Mae Nepom. ?-fr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gay, Mr. a nd Mn:. Clyde White, and Mrs. Irwin Sprague ot San Diego, house guest of the Nortons. Welcome Cafe Sold; Ludewigs to Move To Hollywood Horne ~tr. and Mrs. William Ludewig, who opened the W elcome cafe a t 2560 Newport boulevard, Costa l\·!esa last September and soon made a place for themselves in the hearts of the community by their friendly attitude a nd the serving of superlative rood, are re- tiring to their home in Hollywood and Tuesday the cafe was taken o,·er by the new owners, Mrs. Zina Kelley and George Sherfick, Mrs. Kelley is \\•ell known in the Harbor area, for she was in charge a t The Galley, now Oub Lido, be· fore it '"'as taken over by the nres. ent owners. She will mana~ ... af. fairs at the cafe while Mr. Sher· R'sults Patrolman E~am Announced Resu1ts of the civil service ex. amifation for patrolman for New- por~ach were announced last wee and the following resu1ta pub ed: l .,Robert Hottman, 87.2 2. John Larson, 86.4 3.1John Bloom, 83.2 4., Virgil Phebus. 81.3 5., Jack Croughan, 81 .0 6. LawrenCe Goddard, 73.4 I I Corona del Mar Man F3fes Check Charge Accused of passing a worthless ch~k foi-$60 drawn on a Santa An bank. Tom Geoghega n of Or ron del Ma r . Wf\S arraigned 1'.f'Jn- dayj morning in Jud~~ Dodge's Cm: a Mesa court and is scheduled to CU'JJCaT for preliminary hearing on Vednesday, J une 26. S igning the <-OmlJlaint against Ge 1ghegan ,,. C::harl('S M. Long of Chris· tirujs Hut. where the rheek was cas~d. R. E. ANDERSON , Free Estimating Phone Beacon 5780-J 47-tfc FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement Work of All Kinds. 918 W. Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Newport Beach 5Hltp FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. l!Hfc PAINTING CON'l'lr.AOTO& PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DIDCORA TING H. E. McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd., C<>ota Mesa Phone Beacon 5013.J 85-tf( l'RANl!IPOltTATION 11 BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa lllaud. 9'-tte BEAUTY AIDS 18 COLD and MACHINLESS WAVES Tinting and Manicuring Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 17g... w To Work on Balboa Island MARISKA HOUSE OF BEAUTY 304 Marine Ave. Balboa Island · 51-ltc Real Estate Broker Wanted Lively spot and good · deal for right man. Phone Beacon 5173. 51-2tc TYPIST, man. some experience general office work; 40-hour week; $40.00. P. 0. Box 125 Newport Beach-5l·lk HELP W ANTED--EJderJy m.an u watchman on construction of new telephone building in Bal· boa. 64 hours per week. See Harris. 313 E . Central, Balboa. 46-trc HELP WANTED -Woman t<r general housework, full or part time, live in or out. Good wages. Four In family. Ph. Harbor 1992. 45-trc Vi's Beauty Shop Ob\.iomly 1103 Coast Hiway, Corona d el Mar SAL~SMEN -Advertisink ....cam· paign now in effect. Excellent opportunity if you quality. Ap-. ply 508¥.. No. Main St., Santa Ana. Miss Bayer. 44-Btc \ ife--1 can't decide whether to 35.tfc go o a palmist or to a mind LOST AND FOUND WANTED-Lady t o work in vege- real'Jer. I :-=:=--:::,-,,-.:..:.:..::_ ___ -=22 table department. Cottle's, 508 Husband-Go to a palmist. It's LOST-Wallet on Balboa pier con· W. Central, Balboa. Apply to ob ous that you have a palm. talning money and papers of Mr. Miller. S0.2tc value to owner. Reward. Phone GIRL or WOMAN for light house. Long Beach 630-497: 51·1tp work, wages, good home. Alto EMPLOYMENT w ANTED %8 gardner for care of grounds. Call Beacon 5660-W . 504tc p BLIC NOTICES OTJCE INVITING BIDS GEORGED. BASSETT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service !IO! W. C.eotral A\.·e.. Pbone Barbor 1.806--J., Newport J1Mc1a ric~ will devote his attention to ,aled proposals will be r eceived management or the other part of the business ,the trailer court by 'the City Council of the City WORK WANTED-Painting SU· perintendent, with 25 years ex· perience, desires connection with large building contractor. I have my own ti-uck. commer· cial spray outfit, ladd~ drop cloth, brushes. Good reference. Call Harbor 8'701·J-2 from l to 5. HELP WANTED -Baby sitter every Sunday 10 am. to 6 p.m'. 50c per hour. References. Ph,,ne Harbor 96-J. 5().2tp or ~wport BeBch, California. at -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;'·h;;i;;c;;h;;a;;<ljo;;;i;;n;;s;;t;;h;;e;;;ca;;r;;c;;. ;;. ;;;;;;;;;;I or fore the hour of 4 o'clock : P . . on July 1, 1946, for a con· HI<;:H SCHOdL age boy tor ['lart time work. Apply Newport Fur... niture Afart, 822 Coast Highway. Complete • OFFICERS' CHAIRS Lightweight Aluminum Construction Ideal for Patios Pleasure and Boats 5850 and 51295 . Assorted Colors --,..:-:~ ~~t NOW! Back Rests for the Beath 5198 &ho of Outdoor Furniture in Aluminum and Douglas Fir Furniture 4S.trc 50-2tc traft covering the publication and prifting of all legal notices r~ ou~· ed to be published in a news· pa r of general circulation print· ed. and published in the Qty ot Ne ·port Beach, for the fiscal year en ing June 30, 1947. Bids shall be submitted for eight (8) point (B · vier) type publications. OPERATORS, pilot license, deck hand. Commercial Fishennf'n Box 284. Corona del ?\tar. o; call Harbor 550-M. 50·'.ltc HELP WANTED -Boy or man, part. time "-'Ork. Cheryl's , 322 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 5l·ltc 11 bids must be enclosed in se ed envelopes, marked "Bids to publication of legal notices," WANTED-Ironing and care for WANTED Experienced gfrl for children evenings. 309 Marigold cosmetic and drug clerk. Gun. ~addressed to the City Coun. cil of the Q ty ot N""ewport Bearh , ifornia. e foregoing notice shall be · pul>fished l.n the Newport.Balboa News-Times Prior to July 1, 1946, byj order of the City Council of tht City of Newport Beach dated Jr· 17. 1946. FRANK L. RINEHART, City Cerk of the City al Newport Beach. Pub. June 7:1, 1946. Rl&OLUTION OF THE BOARD OP' TRUSTEES OF N~PORT SCHOOL PllTRICT 0,. ORANGE COUNTY. ' WBrR&AS.. thin .... accrued to Corona del Mar. Phone Beacon derson\s Drug, Balboa. Phone 1023-J. 51-trc Beacon 515. 51-ltc BUl!llNE88 GUIDI!: , llBU81NE88 GUIDI!: 11 -INSURANCE- • FIRE o AtrrOMOBILE • COMPENSAnON "STU" DUNLAP OOAST PROPERTIES o YA.a!T CO. Newport School I>llftrlct moDeT Ill ~rlT...:l.oo~u 1ft the ..... i~~~j;'.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. ~IUWI. --.. -'" ;:;~t7 A.udJtor !ti ~ tor aid .. r.,.::,~'F.= ::.:,"o= WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD ti d di..triet tor ..... .,... ~o;,'4~RJO. BJ: IT 1tJ1-811 Cout Hlslnray 101 SOLVED tbat UM aid lWll of 11. •.oo be w1tbdrawn for UM~ ' PbGM BMIDa Kl' or, met~ euneat obllpttou ot .uct "[ tor mallrteee-oe ud oner.tloa. llARION C. DODDj • GORDON B. rlNDi..T T. WUl'ON ~AT. • ' . ......_ ro,. _ _,..ta "l>- f~b,,..W...,.dayorJ . .,.., .. _, ........ . .............. • 1'111·1 • ..... ... m OOAST moew&Y 1 l ~ +. "!r"~. --------------------------,.trii.. s.. rr. ,_ ~. .., ....... ~ • • & • N&Wf<M' llAL80A. llm-'l'IJl'1C& Wwert ....... Cafthe t nwww .,,, ,_ !'!, lMI . . ' -" .WAJ"1'ti) TO BUY . < 11 llOATS. IJ1lPPLl1tll D ll1tAL aTATlt ft UAL l!llrAD • tT BJtAI, aTA.Tlt • t1 u••·~ ""''·mAD .... n SllPLOYKENT OPW I ++:1• YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 5141> N . Main St., Santa Ana or Ask the °"""'""' (or the Ollef Operatcr Southern California Telephone Compuy 42-tfc HELP WANTED Fe111ale Excellent positions open. A C.ompetent Secretary -Stenographer Also a Competent Dictaphone Operator Pleasing personality and neat appearance required. LDt.s of work and darn good pay. Phone Will Pay casbFO _,;_R-SALE-~-N---llarine--K-Ah-... Costa Mesa Lot For your tumlture or what have Generatcr, 1500 ••tu. 32 vol• 50xl55 ft. lot located 1 bllt. .....t BUSINESS OPPORTUN.ITIES INCOME PROPERTY you. Phone Beacon -. craw-D. C, retail price tor this .,.,.._ of Newport Blvd. Joy Furniture, !812 Newport plant Is 11516. We ba~ 10 lcf1 $900 Blvd.. Coota Mea. 48-tfc tar clearance sale, S37t. Yeokel Bros., 225 So. Vermont. Loo An- W~mall -or h.,.,... geles. Phone EX. 0882. >iS-tf< with apartment in rear. Must be good Investment. Phone Harbor Fire Equipment Tests 2373.M or P. 0. Box 83, 3alboa. C-0-Two, ~"Foam refills. 5<>-2tc CQo ftxed system and Portablet W ANTED--Small icebox, not over 50 lbs. 23041> Ocean Front, Apt. 4. 51-ltp CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. now available. ETS HOKIN a. GALVAN 1000 Coast Hlghway Ph. Beacon 5522 '73-tf< llUBIOAL a BADIO M PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tfc F1JBNlTUB1t FOB llALE a Radio Repairs All makes ~ tubes, etc. nn: McMahan Furniture storeo Beacon 5763 by constanuy be1ns 00 the a1.n BURT NORTON tor all ot the better known and moot populu lines of home fUr. 915 cout mpway, N•--po1-rt nlahlnp, have aucoeedtd ln be--23--tfc Ing able to provide tor you In RADIO HOUSE CALlS- thetr 1toTeS wide selections ot Now that additional competent the most attractive patterns and technldans are available, we are the mo1t outstanding values. able to ma.ke service cal1I on This enables WI to offer wonder· large consoles. All work i'uar-- tul THREE and FOUR ROOM anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM. OU'l'F'f!S, assembled for har· S .OS. Radio. 300 Marine Ave. many and utility. Now we art Ph. Harbor 711>. 34.tfc featuring two such outfits, on« REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir- at $399.50 and one at $699.50. Lowest terms, tree delivery, "' ror-Piano. This is a real bargaJn. red tape to open your account Other used pianos u low as Select yours now. Evening ap $85, $87, $125, $175. DANZ- poinbnents on request. Mc SCHMIDT PIAN,O CO., 520 No. . Costa .Mesa . HOMES AND LOTS 2-bedrm. -with lleeplng ' porch on eut llde. Rcprm are RESTAURANT AND GROCERY STORE with 1-room living large. Dbl. garage. quarters. Small Investment. Good income. Othen. $6650-lh down . ~~ Good OPA cMling. Room to expend. Lido Isle MCYI'EL AND APT., can increase income at once. T!mely 35-tt. comer lot buy. $5000 BRAND NEW FURNISHED COURT. Dally rat.es. 101 50-ft. frontage of Inside lots Highway .. $6000 'I'RAILER COURT. Five trailers Included. Small down -payment. 57,fl Lot TRAILER COURT SITE, 101Highway,150 by 300 feet. Sell Between Costa M-one! Newport or leaSe. $4500 1WO-BEDROOM HOME, completed in 30 days, Newport -Heights. Harbor Blvd. THREE LIDO ISLE HOMES. Two four-bedroom, ooe threez Lars• lot on Blvd., with 2 bedrm. bedroom; by appointment. home, '"'-· and rear building with wuhroom and extra room. CORONA DEL MAR, new one-bedroom; cl~; a good buy. Buildings are set back from Blvd. to allow business location in front. $9500 EVA F. RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa ELTON D. BARNETT. Broker. Ph. Beacon 5713-R 51-ltc WATERFRONT LOT, comer; water on two sides; R.-2 zooe. 101 IDGHWAY BUSINESS wrs. Sale or lease. RESIDENCE WI'S. New subdivision, Newport Heights, Lido Isle, Costa Mesa. We Appreciate Your Listings Our 101 Highway location stops buyers from every state look· ing for business and homes. Bring or send yoor listing to us. ___ ..... " ~ahan Furniture Company, Seo Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc ond & Broad\\'&y, Santa Ana FOR SALE -General E1ectTic ------------ Calif. 45-4Thc. portable radio, charges own bat-REAL VALUES A. "SANDY" and STEl.NER, Associates Realtor FOR SALE----One blond birch teries. Philco record player, plays through any radio. Sell or dining room set. drop leaf ma-exchange for camera or type- hogany end table, desk, two .writer. Phone Beacon 5173. Davenports. two coffee tables, 50-2tc one bedstead. one fireplace set------------- all in excellent condition and KNABE Grand Piano, walnut case, attractively priced. 309 Onyx Famous Knake tone. Also Weber 3-bedroom home. Tile and hard· wood. Stucco. 2~ acres. 170 feet on Harbor Blvd. Equipment for 2000 chickens. 500 -capacity brooder. 2-car garage. Priced to 634 Coast Highway 101 Ph. Beacon 5173 ON TIIE MIRACLE MILE 51-ltc sell at only ~ ------------------------- $19 ,000 NOW AVAILABLE Ave., Balboa Island. 51-2tc Grand, Sohrner, Schultz. And many other famous makes. B lb I 1 d SEVERAL CHOICE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE-Davenport and chair. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO co.. a oa S an ON BALBOA IS --- 9xl2 Axminster rug, oak dining 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. READ TIUS CAREFULLY-LAND SOUTH BAY FRONT • . I- • JUST IN · TIME Brand new 2-bedroom homes being rushed to completion - 3 to choose from -NeWport -near BAY and OCEAN. And priced right at-, -$6750 to $9750 - Yes, we have a WATER- FRONT HOME - - - that you can afford. Full price $8750. Ready to mow tn. and only-. $3500 down And if you want Balboa'°' Island • - - --- - we have 3 lovely homes that will suit the best taste-with quick possession. By the way, we close on Wednesday HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 .!t 1601 50-ltc ' P. A. Palmer Harbor 1500 For Appointment table and 6 chain, oak drop leaf 38--tfc Enjoy year 'round living on this ---§1--- table. 1637 E . Central Ave., beautiful resort Island in a love--YOU S O Balboa. 51-ltp SEE the new style world famous Jy 2-bedroom home. Tile, hard· _H BULDEFO SEE 0TIIESE LISTINGS -----------u 10 phoch1't 005 ered 0 ptrianomos. M 31 anyDcoANZ-lon v1:ood, brick fireplace, patio and __ RE __ §Y tl · BUY. SALE J08Cl!LLANl'X>US SO FOR SALE -Two maple desks, .;,.____________ book shelf, tine old rocker, fibre sun roof. Modern built-ins and 48-4tc Auto Batteries rugs, misc. household items. ~~ :.1..~0Anc;' .. ~!°:: feoxrceollnelnytly furnished. Complete H U B p 0 W E R S, A G E N T BUY NOW-BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE I will contract to build your home at present for the following prices: Rubber Separators 204 Garnet, Balboa Islund. J A B k 18-month -$6.75 Ex. 5-2tc rent pianos. 38-tfc $22,500, terms . . . e e 0 f f i c e Compounded Motor Oil ---=--------FOR SALE-Wiicox-Gay Recordlo Immediate possession. Ferry Landing Ph. Harbor 62-W Balboa Island Gallon, 70c GOOD STOVE. 2 tee r efriger ators, radio phonograph and recorder 48-ltc bed, spring, mattress, desk, new combination, used, 1n good con----;;-;;:--::----=-c::;-------=--=---------:_:: Western Auto Supply A.uthorizt'd Dealer Davenport. 312 35th St .. New-dltion. Vogel's, 100 Main St .. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU J. E. Barnes & Son F. J. SULLIVAN port. 51-ltp Balboa. 50-2tc -1806 Newport Blvd Corona deJ Mar 11136 Newport Blvd, Coota Mesa 41-tfc FOR SALE -Simmons studio FOR SALE-Phonograph Chang-B. A. NERESON Coota Meo& Ph: Beacon 5320 _.,_ couch, good condition. 309 er, ampllfler, and speaker, Ideal REAL ESTATE -HOMES Amethyst, Balboa Island 51-4tc for rumpus room, $70.00 com-tmurance and 2 Bedroom House New 2-bedroom home, hardwood INSTR.UcnON or courses tn the FURNITURE F OR SALE -Call plete. Vogel's, 100 Main, Balboa. Business Opportunltle1 ~'1' acres land, on Placentia Ave. floors, nice dinette and large followinl: taught groupe or !n· Harbor 1773-M. 1305 N . Bay 50-2tc 1972 Newport Blvd, Coeta Meu Large barn, chicken equipment. kitchen. Extra large garage dlvidu.all : navigation, stability Front, Balboa Island. 50-tc ===---~-=--~-Ph : Beacon 5225 51·1tc Priced at with launA ..... room. &: hull con1truction, compass -~:----STEINWAY Grand Piano. M&hog-....... 3 oompenaatlon, general seaman-BOATS, SUPPLD:ll SI any cue. Beautiful .tone. Med-Robert V. Brose $6850 $10,000 ship. Capt. Stephen Freedman, Three 50'x12%'x311i:' Shain 'Trim-tum size. DANZ· SCHMIDT Ucensed Real Estate Broker B.S .• Master, U. S. Merchant mership" express cruilen, round PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Corona del Mar Marine. 1312 W. Central, Apt. 3. bottom, twin Chry1ler Royals. Santa Ana 3S-tfc --~~--,=----,--:-"'.48-4:---'tp Built in 1943 by be9t Seattle FOR SALE-Mltrlne radio, dlttc- FOR SALE _ Complete bedroom yards. Full living accommoda-tion finder, 3 band, 6 volt fi&her. set, twin beds, springs & mat· tiorui:, 6'4" headroom thruout, Nearly new. 509 31st, Newport tresses. Chest of drawers. dress-$15,000.00 each. Two 37' Higgins Beach. Ph. Harbor 25TT. 41.tfc er, two mirrors, $125.00. One rescue launches. Double planked FOR SALE-RCA Victor cabinet double bed spring!! &: mattress, bottom, 250 h.p. Hall·Scott In-radio, $50.00. Ph. Harbor 675-W. $40.00. One dresser and mirror, vader engi ne. Built in 1944 by 204 Garne t, Balboa Island. $10.00. 200 Crystal Ave., Balboa Wilson Boat Works. $3500 each. 50-2tc Island Call Harbor 892·W. Ph. L.B. 47587. 47-Stc ------------~21 SPWIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 18 ~ c FOR SALE-Boat .. Gale K ... 38-ft ----.,,.,-=----::-~ Don't Miss The Boat twin soew cruiser, nice gaJ1e, Everyone's saying, Robbins has "1th Ice box, butane stove and SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON $3.00 LOTS Beautiful 30-ft. lot on Poppy Ave-- nue, North of Hl"ghway, excel· lent location. Good 30-ft. Highway, tronL $1750 corner lot. South of 2 blocks to water $2500 3 Bedroom Home 1 acre of land, on Harbor Blvd. Fireplace, part hardwood floors, barn. Price , $14,500 Pt:mes.slon at once, new 2-~ house on a large comer lot; lots of cl06et space, nice dinette and fireplace. The floors are car- peted throughout. A real buy at: $10,500 2 Bedroom Home Right on the .;;;;;;, front· a new Near High school. Large living 3-bedroom home with 'a bath room ...,;th real fl.replace. Dining. and a half; lots of new ideas. room, large kitchen. Lot 63xl68. A large fireplace and fine view. Priced at $8500 2-Car garage. See this at once. -$18,500 Business For Sale - Ceramics manufacturing plant. In Costa Mesa TiffiEE..ROOM, 18x20, WlTII PLUMBING- -$3540 Materials if build , you ··--·------$ 830.40 Plumbing ·········--·-··-···-----·-----·-··-·--454.50 Wood or composed shingles, gable or hip root driving, T&G flooring. (Deduction tor siding, $145) 20x24 Contracted price ..... -.... _ .. _ .. ______ .. ___ ...... $4446.00 ~~ ... -.... -............ -... ·--·-·---------·--·---· 1Z75.70 umbmg ____ .. _____ ................ -.................. _ .. ___ 462.50 (Deduction tor siding, $187.20) ' 24x30 Contracted I. . . prce ... --.................. ______________ .... .$5448.oo ~ate~~ ---·---......... -....... -.......................... 2058.00 um mg ------................................................... 478.00 {Deduction for siding, $206) · Additional room ----------------··---·----------·---· 394.00 24x36 Contracted price -·-------------·--------..... $5850.00 Materials ... -................... ____ ........................... 2342.50 ~b-bfeg ............... -..................................... 478.00 me ............................................................ 194.50 ·(Deduction for siding, $235) the stamp!!. U. S. and Foreign plenty ot cupboard space: seU on approval. sleeps four. Mahogany planking. Robbi.n's, 515 No. ~"ain Suitable tor passenger or com· Crawl stroke in three lessons $7.00 DAVID RIGIIT Balboa Point Hotel Balboa Bay Front Good small beach house on 30-ft. Bay Front lot. $16,500 Wholesale and retail license, The best buy in this location· 8 3- good location. Four kilns. Gross bedroom home Jess than a' year sales over $1200 per month. 3-old on a large corner lot with a On cash transactions, materials will be on lot within seven da)'>- 3% sales tax and haulage added. PRIORITIES WlLL BE OBTAINED FOR VETERANS OR NON-VEl'ERANS Jll merdal business. Hauls 711.t toru Santa Ana. Arcade Bldg. on deck. There Is _no better boat 1115 E. Central Ave. 49--Stc 30ft. Bay Front Lot year lease on b_uilding. large garage. Lawn and shrubs A real buy, at $6500 all tn. This will not last long at: 50-4tp for its size in Newport Harbor. F\re Place and Kindlln& A. L. Matthews, 509 31st St., $15 ,000 Carpenters Available A beautiful home In Costa Mesa's $12,500 BEST DEAL IN TOWN -ACT NOW! W Q Q D Newport Beach. Phone Harbor for general maintenance Delivered 2577· 44-tfe and repair BROSE REALTY H. W. \VRIGHT 26-ft. speed boat, powered with o. z. ROBERTSON 1307 C.oast Highway best residential district. Large liv- ing room and dining room, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, ftreplace, flopr furnace, wall to wall car- pets. Double garage with laun- dry. Lovely lawn and flowers. Beautiful 2-bedrm. Home See MR. CONNOLLY In person on Saturday or Sunday between 10 On corner lot, 1 blk. from ocean. a.m. and 6 p.m. at- Big fireplace, nice den in Pllillp-700 BEGONIA A VE., CORONA DEL MAR Ph. Beacon 5665 Chrysler Ace Marine engine; Call Harbor 83 Corona del Mar • l784 Newport Blvd S-tfc 3 cockpits; thoroughly overhaul-34-tfc _:P.:..h.:..:_H::.:..a.:..r bo=r.:..2048=::.,. ___ 5_1_-l_tc_1 ed; in water now at Alamitos ------------F OR SALE..:....A modern ranch type Just Arrived Bay. $2850 or trade for cabin KE y S home overlooking Newport pine mahogany. Service porch, 2-car garage. Property 45xll8, ;K;;O;,N;lt;;:I~TO;;;;--;LO~&N~----~611:-:-A:-:UTO==-cs:::ER=Vl=CE=------­ all walled in. Must be seen to ------------• nm.b Htarl.ng' Aid type boat. Courtesy to brokers. Made While You Walt Harbor. The building site util· BA TTERJES Write or call Jim \V ilson, 35 VOGEL'S lzcs·an outstanding, natural view Gunder.:m Drug Co. Santa Ana, Long Beach. 51-tfc , 100 Main SL, Balboa location, a. corner comprising 117 l\faln St. Ph. Harbor 515 BOATS F OR SALE-Fast Snow-'?08 lla..rt.ne, Ba.Ibo& l.al&nd three large lots for a total of S().tfc bird type sloop. New stainless 94-tfc 150x127.5 feet. There is a roomy _VENETI ___ A_N_B_L_INDS-___ A-lunu-.-n-um-. steel rigging, good equipment. W A..''TED TO RENT U t\o,•o-bedroom, one-stor y house st~l. wood Call us for fl'ee esti· sa ils. Custon1 trailer. new tires, \.\ith basement, dining nook. pa· mate. Reno\·ation &. refinishing. 46 license. No use to owner. APT or Sh1ALL HOUSE wanted tio, a t.,.,.·o-car garage. and ad· So. Coast \renetlan BUnd C.o.. S350 or tx-st offer for every-by man and .. ,,.ife. \Ve do not joining 2-bedroom guest house. $15,750 3,4 Acre Laud 6-room stucco house, hardwood floors. basement. on Orange Ave. Double garage. Immediate pos- session. $8700 West l8th .11.nd NC\\-"l>Ort Ave.. thing. Slifert Boat Yards. 130 1 drink or smoke. no children or The home and guest house are Costa 1'.Jes.11.. Ph: Beacon 5355-\V. Coas t J.figh\o,·ay. Ne"-port. 51-2tc pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W being sold complete!)' furnished J. E. Barnes & Son 38-tfc FOR SALE _ Beautiful custom or write Box "X'' Newport Bal-including rugs, venetian blinds, ------------· ood boa. Ne\\'s-Times. 37-tfc pictures and kitchen equipment. 1806 Newport Blvd F OR SALE-Tu'O-'''hecl u tility built 9--ft. tender. PIY'v l\·ta· This is a d istinctive home that Costa l\fesa Ph. BeaOon 5320 trail('r made from Ford plck·Up hoga ny transom and trlm. solid \VANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. has one of those particular, ex-51-ltc body, good condition . $50; small br ass fittings, oars included, S90. unfurnished house. Will lease. elusive view sites that ha'l in--------·=------ 25-tb. icebox,.llke ne\Y, SlO! t \\'O-°"'ner 701 l\·tarigold, Corona dC'l Call Sam Por ter at Harbor 707 comparable charm. The fine burner gas plate, never used. SS. l\·tar. 51·3tc or 13· JS..tfc character of the improvements 1612 Fint A\'C., Corona d e11'1ar. \\'M'T TO RENT-Float or an-ROOM \VANTED--By permanent and furnishings is matched by ___________ 5_1_-2t_c choragl' space for 16-foot sail· resident on Balboa bland. I Jar-the numerous extra oon\·en- FOR SALE-~{idnight-blue. dble. boat. or "ill share use of boat bar 2372-M. 5().2tc icnces and refinements through- breuted Tuxedo in perfect con-for use of floa.t. Phone H. W . R.l:AL l'.STA.TE ,., out. Own~ leaving and house dltion. Two pa.In tTOUSf'T'S. Size Saulsberry, Anaheim 2614. -F-0----------....:..:. is availabl now priced to sell 38 long. Late model. $45. Call 51-4tp R SALE--Oiolce IOCBted lots at $30,000 Terms, one-half J ohn Donhoff at News·Times FOR SALE---.Johnson outboard and ~ acres. $400 to $3,000. ca.sh. Phone Hub Powers at ~If ArtiJtic 5--nn. hse. 2 bed.rm. Gar--Harbor 62-W for inspection. office. Harbor 13. ..,..,. c motor. 2 cycle, 5 h.p., good con-age wtth guest rm. On 2 bla: lots, J . A. Beek Office, Ferry J..and'- FOR S~Used lrregular oak dition. First $125 gets tt. Pali-nnest ave., view ot oCean, near ing, Balboa Island. SO..ltc wood. 100 pWcea. 12 ft. long, 6 sades ApartmenU. Corona del all conveniences, San Oemente. El Bayo Tract Lot on &y Avenue $4000 Large Corner Lot On Peninsula. with view. $5750 On Peninsula 2 Bedroom Home $13,500 be appreciated. $25,000 3 Bedroom· Home On Ocean front, large living room LOANS TO BUil..D, buy, unpro.e. modemtze or refinance. Newport Balboa Federal S&vine• and Loan AMociatton. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1500 with fireplace, deck with fire-AUTOMOTIVE & TIRES place, hard\\1ood floors, all tile =-=---------::_ __ 118:_: kitchen, breakfast room, large FOR SALE-Graham Truck 1934, dining room, 2 full tile baths, large basement ,,..;th hot & cold m echanically perfect. Call Har-bor 234-R. 48-4tc air unit. Guest house in rear. 2-tar garage with large work-FOR SALE-'29 model Panel t ype shop and service room. Lot 54 Truck, excl. motor, new paint. by 140, all fenced. See this now. $285. ·Call after 3 :30 p.m ., E. $49,500 Atchison, YMCA. Santa Ana. 48-4lp Emerald Bay A beautiful new 2-bedroom home, large rooms throughout. with a fine view of the ocean and hills. A large fireplace and a beautitul kitchen. A fine home In one of the showplaces of Orange Co. &e this property now. $26,500 LOTS FOR SALE-1944 Indian motc;r- cycle, model 741. Like new. See Wallace Rogers, 6507 Se&llhorc Drive, Newport. ~2tp RECAPPING Recap All Five Tires In One Day -Wheel Balancing NOW HERE Your authorized Qu;rsler- Pl,;nouth . Dealer. Au lhorized parts Complete Lubrication and Mainte nance Expert Mechanics Kendall and Quaker State olII NEWPORT HARBOR .MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 156t-J II In. wide, 1 In. thick. See at 206 Mar, Calif. $12,500 unturn; $14.150 fllrn. COSTA MESA Ru-y. Balboa :Wand. Sunday or FOR SALE-24x8 Jig Boat. Re-S-rm. home. 2 bed>ma.,. ,.,_, On BroadWay, cloo•bl• comer. -In call GL. 3125. 50-2tp built model B mar1M c:onvenion. hardwood noon. tile .-... /c modern -. 1 front ,_,, come Property 'l'1lAILmS FOR RENT-Do,... FOR SALE_ .. tal bed, coll Overhead controls. Fish hold ~ ~ clcaA•-•ts,G~· HxlB, llled now "i~'"wl::?L 2 ~i:-un1-::' t omoll R-taJ LESTERS =~:~and-.., All Section Work All locations, priced from $1100 oc up. Have aome busineM front· age on bi&hway. ~ one! ma-$12. '73ll Built '42. Some tl!T'IDL Phone n~ ..,.,.,.,. ~e ~..,... 95 Spoce tor lk>Ourt bw-vng w•w en S ... _.....t. S2!JS aDd SU0 ~ Dr .. N_.i S.adl. Fullerton 723-J. 51-2tc Del Mar Ave.~ 311or318, two street e11trancn. 1 blk. ~ -A beautiful location overlook!ng O.K. Rubber Weldl!l'll per dly. We tm'nloh Ille bltdl. Pb. Ra.-87Ul-1·2 after 1 p.m. FOR SALE-1().ft. toldflat row-San Oementl!. ts-tfc omter of town. Place to llw, Sewn! eood Bay ~t -Lata entire harbor. Wlll a1Hp 12 per-· 2900 W. Central, Newport ~ '?"'"-N 8ervk» "8ttc., t!Mte boat.,,.... varnish, c:<mplete with FOR SALE~kken Fryer plant, with IOUDd ln ... b,_t. I.QT ON OCEAN BLVD. IODll. For -of JUiy. Aloo ..... • • ewpu<t-._O.C. FO--R-SALE--or-TRAD--E-f_or_c:ar-,1 oars. S50. 8 Bay Island. Bal-near Bantow, ootput 1200 try-$21,600 $3000 • new now which may tum liiiiiiii:'WAiiiiiiiiil----;;;;;M;;;-.;;;~~==---_:M=eft: 1944 mock! 6-cyl. Marine ..,.me, boa. Phone Ha.-2408. 51-ltp en per week. Ellcellent equip. -out 10 I>!' permanent. .&1'11119 .W4JiiW •.&Vl'IM W.f.HISD 225 h .p. Call Ha.-232 ar BOAT CHARTERS--67-ft. ""'-"· '1Wo modem-· Good water Ralph P. Maskey See Ua For CiU..r Bo 11 1 F J ~ Whit-410-403. t!Mte er: accommoclatlona tor 6: ~· Ph. Ha.-2625-J. 3'10 c.-t BMt '8!fllO uc1 Up ' • ack Sulhvan and WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS n-2tp ·Pb 402 John J . Gerien FOR sAL&-S.....itlah roc1. ree1 iarse --occep1ec1. P . o. one Aioo Lota and wm p T Pr! and line complete, 1115-John T . Box '1ti3, BalboL 51-4tp HOME AND INCX>Ml:-l-bedrm. 46-tfc -1213~clel~-ay Op T •• CCS Sym-512 38tb St.. Newport FOR SALE -Seaworthy aldff, -· S ac:ns productive lemon FOR SALE--Esctllent bq .-W. L JORDAN Ph: Be.,,,., ~-!51-ltc fEll· YOVR CAR NOW Beach. S0-2tc "'"""'ete with oan. etc., $98. ~ ~oe N~Ueatowndls~ lot, south al lllcbwoY. $23SO. 'l'OO E. OmtnI. ""lboa WbDe ~are ffllh. FOR SALE-White ....-blah 424 Heliotrope. 0arona 11e~1v2tp.,.. llcbool. Price Sll.500, -Pb. Gerald Ritcble, 121,_?_~ ~ Phone Harbor 153 " COSTA ·M~A-,._ .._ __ ._ ,_ __ l....... _.,, _., __. ovm pa at<>ft, aood ---6ranp BI07-RA. 48-4te 'WOJ', Oarona del -· ·r~ 6tfe 123 FLOWER ST., home or --....a Ill ,,... - -....,..... .. ..., Wiii ,_. - 1319 Eut Central Ave.. BalboL STAR SAILBOAT. Just reooo-bor 83. :50-:ltc -: & mp nano, 5 -...... • WU )'1111 NSU ... OPA ............ ......, ------------.. -one! ....... pelnt. -FO~~ !:,.; = ': FOR SALE-'!Wo lots Lick> SoUlt Balboa ~and --... -. lot !50 117 "°· 1 ........ _.............. -~ FOR SALE-l~ft. ~ Santas Ana 4148 bet•_, 8 L m. -I11<ane Sl8!IO per _.. ..U.-t """ter -. --. ~ ~-IWA '1! -:::::...!" ::;:-• .'!_ooo-.. o.!:'.. OJLBER.TSON CHEVRdLET CX> Inc. 525.00. No. !ill IIH,.. !IQ. ud p. m. 46-tte Price $1?,500. '6.000 -.._ lJ>-100 ft. fron--Call ll<bND J1eo1 anpw, .. tie, ,,_Pl" ~ ~ ... _. SJ.-2ti> Sell that .......... •tldl quire m E. Central Aw. -. 7151. 51.a. -t.oia11111 • -=1-~-iirii~;;--;iiiN;;;;;;T 51.ate = " , ' 9!I a, , '' fsd La ,, ._,,.lg'' 1 at ,.._,T s dlrualbNft9.o'nllm.._ • -..0.C ldiv ibeetlat~'ft Pbme__.OI p11. -_Lat • 1taK.._,7iiiii: --~t!+4.Raszii&P dt; aq 4.i 1. • 9 . --.. • • .. • • • ' • M&WW Ml.80A M&W.-n•M, •cape& 81 *• C,,Qp a -IQ, a.._ ti, .... Entry Takes Place ;~ofs::..ithe:-~:§.~ Pear Grading Puauc NoT•c:a ~u! ~· --~~~;.:~;-... U..I~ No. eeo '"""*''t tar &llY IDODfJ',,,. dam-wUI .. 11m11"4 Ill u.. •'trovR of. S k -Boat Allll. He la In dlaTE< c •tt a11a1 80-01'8 -......_ la tbe Omipl•lat. no. at -,_ -... ""'.r.:l:· c.ona del Mar Mal& Shop -oi--2 Weepsta es ol radng for 11 Weotan 1tateo. omm1 ee (._ bro!lcllt la the Supertoi a llriolns _. .... 1r._-t. ar wlD '°!l:r.. .. .,:'&: ~ t::._ i.:t'°" Peay Hitchcock wu r<Clltrar !or Court of I.be Ooun'7 of ~. ol'lll1 to the Court for UQ' otbel ... B~ .,"&.~., the ...,,,t. and Omiplolnt fllod In the of. relief clnnondod la tbe cxwnplotnt -3';;t:r w• r .. • Old~__,_... •. _,.. __ ·~-~ The '""" wu the llnt l'llDftiq A eel flee ol the Oerk ol the SUperlar Given -my band ud --y,: :,:r _ ~ With two entries Crom Newport of the 4-60 two-man ou~ '°"' for the •'tank H. Hooper Helldiv.,. nnounc Court ol Mid Count)'.) . ol the Supaitw Court ol 11>1 "f..!"~"l:"i~ Barbor roclns with .,_,, thAo l'JO Ing l'Ulldbout c1ua. Ridinc ,_.. trop11y-e moot unUIU&I award. Count)' ol Oranp. Stata ol .caJI-Pub. ,_ 11. JO. a.'.f: J"'7 I. ,_ at ••-Weot'a -t drivers, tbe dtanlc far Spdo wu w ........ K. Th• trophy la 11~ to tbe l.oot lo • ....... -el • •-fanila, tbla 17th da3' ol Ari. 1llt6. CR·IJTf6. ----th al< .. c.llf-.. -..... ... B. J . Dll'l1I. lir:~;=~~~5:=:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Golden State s-t alte Regatta Atherton. allo of Lido Iale. The man of every meet at t .,. a 0-'7 el 0.-C. 0oun-Oerlt and Cerk ol the ---~ th Har-entry wu Frank spill, and la. more ar 1 ... , a con-SACRAMENTO-State Dittctor S peJ.,. Court ol the Sta ol thrilled more than 15,000 aM~: oMalerloy veteran driver who recent-solation award for a driver tak· or Agrl~ture A. A. Brock.. an-·--CH u te ton Who gatherm a t ~ u~ • Ing a dunking Every dri-who nounced tbe appointment of a .CITY OF NEWPORT BEA , Callfanila, in and b the <Joun. Manila folden at ~1' II Stadium in Long Beadt last Sun-ly came to N~ from Carpin-fll during •·race has his name grading committee whldt, pur-a Municipal Ccrporation of the '7 of Orance. day to watdt dare-devil antics ol teria. Balloy's boat d""eloped :;-en:aved on the trophy. and the suant to the prov!Jiono of the •lxth claa. Plaintiff • .._ RICH-By WAYNE ~i:!..~. ~ mpeedboat racers. tor trouble and he went unpla . final one ta.king the spill takes Agricultural Producers M~keting ARD R. TATNAU.,. et al. Defend-.....,-.-..,- Dave Speis of 610 Via Quito, Referee for the extravq:anza the trophy home until the next Act will determi~ the grades or anta. (Seal SUperlor Court Udo hie, made a creditable sh~w-and ~ charge of much of the Pfei>: meet. Four men took the dive in Bar0Uett pears to be delivered tor The People of the State ot Call-cranp Coun~) Ing for local honon by taking 1 aration for the i uce<Olful mttt spectacular spills Sunday. canning durlng the 1946 aeuon. fornla Send G.....,tlnp to: RICH-Pub.-Apr. 25; ~ 2. 9, 16. 23, 30; leCOnd ~lace in the second heat ing 'ft'U Kent Hitchcock of New-Competina Sunday were such F ollowing the app:tintment of ARD, a TATNALL and ELIZA-June 6. 13,00, 2T. l.N6.. racing title-holden u Tommy Hill the committee, Program Chairman BE'111 B. TATNALL. HUlb&nd ot Alameda Elmer Cravener of Walter G. Brown of Pear Zone 1, and Wife, E. D. lofORRELL and Los Angel~. T om DeWitre of announced that the grading com-SUSAN E. MORRELL. Husband Phoenix and Perry Peron or C!er.-mittee would meet on Friday, and Wlfe, R. A. CARRIER, ELLA daJe. J une 21, at 1 :30 p.m., in th~ CARSON, J . R. JONES, HAR- Newport-Balboa Tourist Bareau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Tnps In the near future. See Mn. Bo7 ~ Pb. Barbor S9L SOI hlm, IWlw. . Boan: 10 • m. to 8 p. ... VENETIAN BLINDS Wood -Steel -Aluminum FBBt Service-. Free FBtlmates Call Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road Phone Long Beach 453-28 Long Beach P.A.PALMER W 0 . BUCK-kur·-anoe-Coonselor ~ 1500 ~,&,,.( 3333 VIA. UDO CALIFORNIA Agricultw-al Bldg., M.ission street RIET TAYLOR. a single woman, a t the Embarcadero, San Fran-JOSEPHINE M. G R I FF ITH, NOTlca OF &ALE 0,. RUL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE &AL.E. No. 241194. IN nm SUPERIOR COURT .or THE ST A TE or CALIJl'Ol\NIA, IN A.ND ~R,dHE COU?lo"TT OJI' LOS AN-The Sunday regatta was Ult' second of six major ones to be held in this district and the next race will be the Annual Heal'St Regatta to be held in Long Bea1;l1 July 28. dsco, to consider the grades to be AUDREY ISABEI..L._ a single ln~~f:.;!i~~~tate of J'AITH established for the current season woman, LESTER PAUL !SIMS, under the marketing program ror WALTER MORRIS GUEDEL, canning Bartlf:'tt pears. The com-ttENRY EDWARD COFFM.~ mittee will. with the approval ot and GERTRUDE K. COFFMAN, Photographing the event Sun-the director of agriculture, an· Husband and Wife, SANTA ANA day tor Hitchcock was his assist-nounce th<" 1946 grades officially MORTGAGE a nd INVESTMENT a nt Al Qapper, '>''ho recently re· on Jun<" 2S. COMPANY, FANNIE PEASE joined Hitchcock after t\\'O y<"ars OWENS SIDNEY F PA'ITISON The Atr'r'icult ural Produ<X'rS • · ' spent in the Navy. Clapper \\'as e.-JOSIE TIIOMASON, FLORENCE discharged recently after duty on Ma rketing Act (formerly the E. McDERl\t01T, KENNETH D. Manos Island of the Admiralties. Af{T"lcultural Prorate Act) as am-CA.l\tPBELL. EDWARD D. l\fOR- "'hcre he \\·as in charge of the endC'd June 23· 1945· provides that RJS an4 JlofINNIE Jlo'IORRIS, Hus- photo lab for the Navy. if f{T"ad£', quality, or size regula· band and Wi!e, LOS ANCELF.S tions at£' authorizf'd under a MORTGAGE UNDER\VRITERS, markl'ting program for rommodi-Inc., a corporation, THE ELLIOT ties usNI for ct1nn ing, freezing, HOR NE c 0 l\f p ANY, E. J fermenting, or distilling and such \VALSH. FIRST DOE, SECOND regulations art' not an integral DOE. THIRD DOE CORPOR. l\·lr. and l\frs. Hitchcock· arc leaving Saturday to conduct a re- gatta at Bass Lake, 60 miles north of Fresno on lhc YoSt'mite high- "·ay. From there they plan to go to Oakland where they \\·ill takC' in !he July 4 regatta at Lake Merritt. Unusual Dairy Production Is Reported in State • SACRAMENTO. -Calculated values or dairy products produced a nd manufactured within Califor- nia in 1945 totaled $365.156,818, according to figures released by the Bureau of Milk Con trol or the State Department ot Agricul- ture. This figure was based upon the average sale price or the fint handler . part of a proration plan for the ATION Co I n...I d purpose or controlling a surplus ' a rporar on, --,en · condition. such gTade. quality, or ants. , sizl' regulations or interpretations You are directed to appear in or modifications thereor must be an action brought against YoU b.l approved by a grading committee the above named plaintiff in the appainted by the director. consist-Superior Court of the S tate of ing of the program committee of California, in and for the County the zo ne. or 8 sub-committee of Orange, and to answer the oom· thereof, of at least seven members plaint therein within ten dayt and a n equal number or processor alter the service on You of lh1I representatives nomina ted by the 1ummons, it aerved within the. Industry e ngaged in the pr ocessin g County of Orange, or within thlr~ or ,the commodity invo.lved.. days If served elsewhere, and YoV att notified that unleu you .a ap-The marketing program for pear and answer 81 above re- canning Bartle tt pe-ars, which has ------------- operated during each of the past ;-------------; eight seasons, provides tor regu· la ting the quality of Bartlett pears delivered tor canning. This is accompllsh'1:1 by the establishment of grades and the inspection or all deliveries by the 'Bureau of Shipping Point Inspection service ROOFS APPLBD oa 11EP,uam Free Eltlmat .... Inopectloo W, J. 8-boW 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J NoU09 ta hereby ~Ten tltal the un-derwlgned will eell at print• M.le, to the htcbe.lt and be•t bidder. subject to coalinnatlon of Mid SUper1or Court, on or &tte.r the Srd day or July. 1946, at the oUtae ot K ILDRED GILMORE. Attorney. 412 We.tit Sls:tb Street. Loi An(eie.• 14, County or Loa AnS"ele.a, State o r CallCornJa. all the right. title and interest ot aald Incon1pete nt In &nd to all the certain real property aituate In the County of Orange, State of California. particular ly de1er1bed a.a tol10·9rs. to·w1t : Lot 17, Block "'C," Laguna Relgbta No. S. Le.suna Bett.eh. C..llfom la. as per map thereof , recorded In Book 8, Pa.ge 1 ot Mia~ cellaneowi Mapa, Record• ot Or-~e County. Termt or sale cuh In lawful money of the United Statel!I on confirmation of sale, or part ca.sh and bal.:nce evldenet'd by note secured by Mort· ga.ge or Trust Deed on the property ao aold. Ten per cent oC amount bid ROSSI'S LIQUOR STORE ·- 700 eo.t Highway ·- Going to You probably have' yonr dream hOUle all worked out In your mind -or maybe your archlt4let or contractor already baa prepared plans oo pBper for you. Electricity will have a large pan ID making dreams of postwar living come true. When you go over the plans with your boUder be lltll'e to ask him about the newest develop- menfl!I ID household labor saving and hmc>- tional hMoty. Our EipertB ID everything electrical will be glad to help with layout plans or problems. One suggestion may make a lot or dlff- ln the "Uve-ablll&y" of that home. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN llDfCIS -Elli 1 9 I O 1000 <l...t Jllwa:r Alie • -ra++±~~-81uc*._._...,... Os+'as' EI.ECTRICIANS ().().Two l'lre JIJqolpmea.& Announcin~ the New Vibrapac Building Units AIL SIZES BUILDING IDm.'8 Announcement of the unpre- cedented production and manufac- t ure came as California's 30.000 dairyme n and 500 d is tributors were in the midst ot their tenth a nnual J une Dairy Month cam - to Insure compliance with the ·-:::::::::::::::::::::::-:::.._·_:::"'~~~:_-------~~=========================~ m inimum grades established in the program. Formerly Gordon's Drug Store ,.. l!'&OTOBl', JPLAJn, lft'OllE, ornoa, 1!'&11111, BO ... Brlcll and Oelapool Bloclm Now ID Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HANJ) Reaindltioned Diesels on band with choice of reduction onlt& • WE ABE WRITING ORDERS ON RIGHT-AND LEFr· RAND ROTATION DIESELS FOR TWIN INSTALi.A· TIONS. CHOICE OF REDUCTION UNITS. On Band: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. ' See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels m-1 Geaerator Sela of All Kinds. FBANJl & LBWJ8 (Lll<IQ' ~) a-.._ PHONES Oftlce: Newpori 1068 and Newport ZOM-W paign to acquaint consumers with ------------- the industry. food production continues. The Of this amount, milk totaled need of a continued maximum $115.346.933 for wholesale milk production of dairy products. sales and $51,106,774 for retail therefore, is extremely urgent for milk sales. Fro1.en dairy prod· adequate nutrition a t home and ucts. including ice cream and abroad."• He said that the re- shC'tbl'ts. totalNi S44 .386.605. sponse of the dairy industry to Fourth in valu£' in total sales urgent demands of war was a volume was evaporated milk \\'Ith_ modern miracle. $32.808,074. Other p'roducts in· Alfred l\1 . Gormley, chairman of eluded market cream and half· the California Dairy Industry Ad- and-half, SlS,302.489: dried milk \.'isory board and June Dairy products. SlS,750,374. J\fiscel· I J\fonth ~hairman for California. lanrous products, includinJ: ice this week lauded dnir}mcn of the CTf'am po"'-·der, mJlk sugar, plRslic srale for thf'ir increased produc· crC'a m. avosl't and others, S13.-t lon or milk during the past five 699,805: cottage chet"se, $12,320.-)'ears. \\•hich rose from nearly 800: butter. $7.488.585: butter-700.000.000 quar1s of milk in 1940 milk and cultured milk, $5.686.054: to 1,250,000,000 in 1945. hard cheese. $3,918,480; flavored milk drinks, $2.289,690, and skim milk for human consumption. $676,908. Subsidy payments dur- ing 1945 totaled s.13.659,741 . California dairymen this month ar c follo\ving out the Instruction! of Secretary of Agriculture Clin- A-Bomb Blast Will Test Device Made In Laguna Beach ton Anderson , who asked "the LAGUNA BEACH, June 25.- entire dairy industry'" in Califot · The sidereal radiation recorder nia. to "make June Dairy Month which records hi therto unmeas- this occasion to Impress on the ured electrical characteristics of public. and producers alike. the the earth will be given its ft.rSt importan<X' or the dairy industry." public test on the occasion of Anderson said, "the fighting the Bikini atom bomb blast July ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~~w~a~r~~~~ov~e~r~ • ..:;b~ut;..th~e~ba~t~tl~e~oif l 1, an official ot the Townse nd I Brown Foundation, developer or t.ot AHOt"LIS the instrume nt, said today. -.YWOOO L E S TE R & C Q • INVISTMINT The device which !or the last LOMG at.ACM SKUllTllS 20 years has been in the process ,MADINA Mrmb#'r l.oJ A.•1•~1 S1~• Ex,h_,,6• TO Mm TMI of developme nt by physicists and l'O*>NA 2004 WEST CENTLU A VE.1 N EWPORT BEACH IHVESTOIS' is the only one of its kind known =::.. HA•BOR 1374-J NlfOS to the scientific world was assem- bled in the Laguna Beach labor- atory preparatory to its test. * HYDRA • MAJIC SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. • FACTORY TRAINED MECHANJCS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. • 3011 w. Central Newport Beach Results of previous operations or the instru.mt'n t a t the naval research laboratory at Washing· ton, D. C., and at the University of Pennsylvania have been clothed in sccrl"Cy because of the wartime ('('Osorship in effect at the time of the o~ratlons, Townsend Bro"'"· president or the rounda- tion. said. The flag of Denmark, a whi te cross on a red fi eld. is the oldest unchanged national flag in exist· ence. dating from about 1218. Why Suffer? -. tr-.,. ••••• t1 ........ Onlll .... 'llFL-., Vhal .. hJ'-"Alwap ~ .,.. -Low ........ ,._.....,.. plmc"' -OJ.:~~ ~ Wore ,.., M I ·----h .... •MEI} AM 111 ii.I ......... b ..... Sulmilw T1 n new 'Wltl:tsl ~._IQ«> •'sJ< ' ....... ... 'JI I 0 Dr ... I!'. -. D. 0.. ft.o.. 11'1 a.I ..... Mwwwpwt • ¢, 01m1. ..._.,...._UM 811Lt .... 1UI • This is George Sy/Mier RAikes I Who faikd lo haflt us fix his brakes ~!a See your Dealer for prompt, low-cost service Brake chedcups and brake jobs uc getting top prioriry in our shop. That's one way we att coopencing in che country-wide cam~ign to make our ,.,..., and high- ways safer. Come in today. Ln us check YOUR bnl:es. You11 fttl safer, and,!, safer. I I I I I I I I I If your front ·wheels ore get· ting pigeon.toed ... if the sc~ring wbttl jitterbugs ... you need 1. wheel align- ment. You11 save iubber, save your cemper and mar save an accident. Drive io and let us make a <OO>plete Rttring assembly checkup. " ···················••••••••••••••••••••••••••r•••••••··················••••••••••••••••••• • Burned-out headlight bulbs ... broken wiodshidd wipen ••• C.uliy door latcbcs ... att 1J1Ull tep1ir jobs that, if .aieglec1td. can cause acci- dmts. Bring your at in i>r ID OftlbsuJ 00 ti-"liule thingC Genuine Ford pans ltld """"'°""' att anillble ..... .... , u mod.mt cmt. , I I Our &ctory-1rained mc- chlnics know your Ford at b<st •.. h... special Ford equipment .•. -hgoiy- . appmttd med>ods ... Gai- uioo Ford Pam. i...·. cl>eCk o•er your car •.. keep it .... 10 dme ltld bep ia ............. up. lki0& JOllt Fool "boclt ..._ • .....,. • Immediate 5,_,,lc• i1nd Fair Prie.es from -..... n.... ..... ...,.. o ' .N .. ----------------------------------:1 l-~-~~=~"'~~~='..__JJ l1U w. , ill. 4a;w& Bm+ 1111_.Cllu;, a ' ~------------------------r--~------------.._.._ ______ .,._ ______ ~ • • • • ' - \ DEUIQIEIJ TAX lllD ASSESSMEIT UST •nrnel ow_. ~ Dudley D. NWly 25' Hammer, Fred NWly lllY al SD;, 60' al Nly ~ Hamme<. Fred NWly lllY ot SEly 60' Hammer, Fred NWly lllY al SD:1 60' Lot 5 3 ' 5 -9) 9) 9) 9) Qty of Newporl Bellcb, 8We of c.llfonla OC&&N FllONT DA.O'r NEWrun BMCB Cl'J'I' TAXES AND A88JIJ88MENT8. Small, Lora v. 6 51 Da.INQUENT'l"OB nBST ADDmON TO NEWPORT BDGU'.18 FISCAL YEAR 1945-46 :::::: =;: 1~ ~! Johnoon, Peter' 11 17 STATE OF. CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CTY OF NEWPORT BEACH } ... Jobmon, Peter NE!y ~ 10 17 Karte, Henry P. 11 IB, McMahan, Edward D. 5 23 Hart, Ethel B. 11 24 I, R. ·R. Hodilldmon, u Ex-O!lldo Tax Collector, In and for the Wallaee, Lew H. 16 24 Cty ot Newport Beach, County of Oran&•. State of Callfomla. Lee, Virginia et al 13 215 HEREBY GIVE NOTICE tba~ default havln& been made In the Cty of Newport Beach 1B 28 payment of taxes and uaesamenta due to the Oty of Newport Beach Oty of Newport Beach 19 28 for the filcal year endln& June 30, 1946, upon the property herein-Hun~ WDllam R. 1 32 otter cleocribod. and tha~ unlea llald taxes and assessmenta IO Hun~ WDllam R. 2 32 <lelinqllent, together with all _.u-and coota due thereon, be paid Cty of Newport Beach 7 32 at the Tax Collector's1 Office In the Oty Hall, or on before Saturday, Oty of Newport Beach :io 32 June 29, 1916, AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M. of that day, all of Mid IJl'Oi>" Qty of Newport Beach Z1 32 erty deocrlbed In the within list on which Mid taxes and useumenta, McMillan, John D. NEly ~ 10 34 penalties and costs are then unpaid. will on the date and the hour McMillan, John D. ll 34 above apedlled, BY OPERATION OF LAW, be sold to the Oty of NcMlllan, John D. 12 34 Newport Beach, and that irucli sale will be made in the OFFICE OF Oladwlck, Nettie Ajlama 19 34 TiiE TAX COLLECl'OR ol wd Oty. Ellsworth, Paul B. et al 10 35 R R HODGKlNSON, Denlinger, Oyde H. 2 B Ex-ottlclo Tax Collector of Newport Beach, Callfom.la. TRACT 444 A•·e111ect Owner Lot NEWPORT BEACH TRACT 24 KJttle. Cecil L. Spellicy, Anna E. et al Spellicy, Anna E. et al Kentz, Emma A. Griswold. Loys Plumer, Alice C. Sunshine Farms Sunshine Farms Lane, Dorian Inc. Inc. McFarland, Cleo E . GJoesser, Ida L. BlaJr, Dorothy A. All (ex RR) 14 All (ex RRl 15 1 THIRD ADDmON RIVER SEC'l'ION LAKE TRACT CANAL SECTION 5 19 13 14 7 3 15 19 Block 28 32 32 37 41 37 41 41 43 135 135 235 Total Delln- queacy $ 12.60 10.35 4.11 5.97 Griesser, Robert Al, Jr. Rambo, A. M . White, Forrest H. ri.tacaulay, Jessie R. Holm"'·ood, Isaac N. '3reithaupt, Harey R '.1'.BAOT 919 Ely 100' of Wly 77fY (Ex Hwyl SEly 100' 60 9 2 3 F H TFACT 907-LIDO ISLE 27 94 112 9.78 \Yrtght , Douglas Burnham, Roderick Griffith C<>mpany 5.88 Griffith Company 11.43 Carlton, Maurice L. 11.90 4.53 36.95 8.93 10.66 Carlton, Maurice L. Mosher, Herman A. Modie, Gordon L. Modie, Gordon L. Lindstrom. Carl D. Lindstrom, Carl D. Miller, Galen Miller, Galen NE!y * Ill NEly * 222 223 381 546 SWly Ii 547 667 668 SWly Ii 676 677 2 4 5 • !!ll!!!!.!!!!!9..;Ca2~~!-!!!!!!s~ ~!!!!!i.J~!!!!'J"!&.J'~ .. ~·L:.·~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~--~-l..~.:..~ .-'l'KAO'r 87S--OOJWNA DEL llAR I ~ · A tavern k...,..-.._,tly sum-TabJea wb -nr+oc•111dilfi[r Ill -. TMal med up American life In eight 0... midw•h!nl dl7 -1119 .. Tl ~ words which he posted ~ hll docs'. polict were 9ISed fer at 'w •• , ... Owaer Lot mitiek .... -·~96 .. J ''No Beef, No Beer, N"o Ambltioa rowdinea: raidins & Pmh!tlc Keeler, Sallie Lathrop 12 B ~71 -Goin' Filbin'."' IPO,L 9.7' Frye, V. J. 16 B ~ Ballard, Robert H. 22 B 5.91 Ralph, WDllam H. SEly 50' 44 B 7.27 SEC'DONS Ralph, WllllAm H. SEly 50' 45 I BB 6. 74 12. 76 Ralph. WWiam H. SE!y 50' 46 6.74 MIJIOA ISLAND I I -Db .. . 2UT. 21.11' ll0.'11' 25.(111 2UO . 4.84 TRACT 611!-00RONA DEL MAB Aveued Oww Newbwy, C. S. I -6 21.42 Nuiien~ Olester 0 . 16 4..38 McKenney, Stanley V. 4..38 Russell, George E. 20.70 Shook. Nellle V. Lot 23 19 25 3 28 34 18 1S 11 12 13 18 17 18 20 4.23 liogan, Paul J . 36 r 2.5.1 H.ogan, Paul J . 37 ::;; TRACT lOZ6-00RONA fEL MAB 4.23 0th.ens National Trust & Thompoon, Hollis R BM!'WZter, Harry C. Marshall, Ray v. -5'.32 6.97 Savtnas Bank ot L. A. 11 12.54 Dimmitt. !Wpb B. 1Ull 8.99 Otizens Natiooal Trust A 8.51 SECllON i BAI.BOA ISLAND I 16 6 2.99 Saving> Bank ot L. A. , ACREAGE-CORONA DEL MAR Harvey, Harold H.. •t al !Uchardaon. Angus s. Rlchardsoo, Angus s. 2 11 11 14 .... 28.00 28.00 42..51 2.99 36.40 8.25 4.23 3.61 3.61 2.09 16.98 4.58 3.61 3.61 19.20 12.97 4.85 16.77 7.71 58.79 92.70 64.02 43.06 11.60 6.()1 6.97 13.45 13.45 5.84 3.26 13.45 13.45 3.61 19.83 Wagenheim, Edwin 5cY lot in <Inc. beL same A high tide line) (So. of Co. Rd.) 160.04 IL SE!y of SWly exL ot NWly line of Acacia SL D RE-SUB OF SEC'l'ION 1-BALBOA ISLAND Stephen. Lester J . 28 ltlyers, J ohn Vi. 15 Myers, John \V. 24 Bo~-~a~Mal ~ SEC'l'ION Z-BALBOA ISIAND Sharon. Russell E. 18 6 7 7 13 1 23·02 Hamm, Harold L. 7 1:17 75' 1 10.60 16.28 31.79 37.90 22.26 SECTION 5 BAIMA ISLAND • Mason, Johll WWiam 12 2 Henderson, Lulu Mae 9 3 Riley, VWian Wly 3!Y 27 6) Riley, Vivian Wly 30' 28 "6) All property herelnbefore described la altuated In the corpcratm limits of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, ST A TE OF CALIFORl';IA. Dated this slxth day of June, 1946. R R HODGKlNSON, Ex-Oflldo Tax Collector, Newport Beach, Callfomla. Published June 6, 13, 20 and 27.' 1916. -~----~~~----~-Souih-~-.-,~41'-5'-.-£8$--t-.,-.-.• -.-,-.. -L-·DO<t--~;~.u-~ .. ~11~ot~&Dc1;;;,l);panllol;;;:;;ii;i~wt;;\u.i;'j"-;;thenco;:;;~~ao~u~th;;;,•aa~~~ ... ~17;-~a1~ .. ~ .. ~; .. ;;;; Pusuc NoncES Horth•• W 01• Zut 5'6.15 teet, tba 1"'™-d -tram U. 8. norlhwesterl)' prolonpl!Oll ., tba to a point la tbt westerl7 line of Bu'"-d StlUoo lfo. l'IO to 'O'. S. northe.uterly line of CoT'ODa Del llO'l'tCE Or DARING JID'OU Central Annue, 80 foot Ill wldtb. Bnlk1-!JlneStalklGll'o.l'll,•aald Mar and a!ooa lb• nortbeuled7 THE BOABD or DIR!'.CTOBS which point ta Nordl n• #I' ... bullrhMd and t-•1..,,_., Mtlom are line ot Corona Del Ku-and tta Or COASTAL KUNlCIPAL Welt a dUtaDce ot 1.508.34 t.t laid out and lbown 11Poa a map al soutbeuterly prolongadon &o tW WATER DISTRICT 01' OB.ANGE from the common corner of Sectlom Newpcat SQ", Ca!lbnla. lbowb:ia tntenection wiU. the center' llDll COUNTY, CALD'ORNIA. or A IT, 111, SS and K Town.ahip 8 Socdb. harbor Una. apprond b7 tbe War of the watu coune of that certaJ.n. Ptl'trlOM ASJtING roR TH!! Ranae 10 West, S.B.B .• JI.; Depart:rnen.t Jan.\W'J" 11th, 1917, anti C&JlYOD l,ylng tmmediatel.7 ~ ANNEXATIOX 01' THE CITY OJ' thence North 11• rr W s.t on ftle ln the offtce Of tbe U. S. easterly of Corona Del Mar, COCD- N!:WPORT BB.A.CB AND THE aloD.C' the .aid wetterly line ot. District EnciDeer, Los~ Catt-manly known u Buclr: r.ul1r, TERRrl'ORY CONSTITUTING Central Avenue. 27&'10 feet. more fornla; thence in a ~neral IOuthwester- TH!: SAM!: TO SAID COASTAL er 1-.to ID lntenectloo with tbe thence aoutbeosterl:f a1ona a line. ••-tt toll ~-·'-· lb ll'O'NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, westerly prolonptioa of that ~ which line ls 350 feet northeMler'ly ~~ im:nof ~~:er~ oi t1 ND ER Tm '"MUNICIPAL t.aln coune ln the United States of and parallel with the a1oreatd th -• Id B .~ n .. n. to !ti WATER DISTRICT ACr 01' Bulkheed Llne extendlna from Sta· bulkhead line extendlns between ln~~:S: with u~ 0~ h1'b Ult•, AS AMENDED. tfom U. S. 227 to U. S. 128. u aaJd Bulkhead. StaU0111 Noa. 170 and tide Une ol the Paci.tic Ocean; Harbor Line lti sho'Wn upon a map 1755, a distance of 1,800 feet to a South 20• west three CS> entiUed '"'Harbor Lines, Newport point. which bears Soutti .29• West thence BQ" Harbor" approved. by the Wu 350 feet from u. s . Bulkhead. Sta-miles lnto the Padtlc Ocean to a Department May 2nd. 1038, and on tion No. 130, u said station la lald point; file in the ottfee ot the U, S. Df8.. out and shown upon said map ot thence northwesterb' along a llD4I trlct En&ineer, Lot Anleles. Call-Newport s.,. showing harbor lln•: parallel to and three <S> miles dJai.. tornla,· th-c• N , • •·-1 tant trorn. the ordlnary high tide cu orlh 75 11' 44 J:ollfi ,-line ot the Pacllic Ocea.12 to a polnt. 401 .60 feet to a point. which bean which point 11 the most souther)7 South as• 28' is• West lf.t.U fl!et H enley, J oseph M. H enley, Joseph M. Henley, Joseph M. Smith, Amelia. et al 3 4 5 8 139 139 139 139 5.23 5.23 13.38 6.65 RECORD SUBVEY-9-43-BEACON BAY (Improvements) Bohman, Curt 8 42.31 NOTICE 111 HEREBY GIVEN that there wu tiled with E. R Beanr, Secretary of Coastal Munt- ctpal Water District,. on the !nd dQ" of M~. 19'8, a petition Rtting forth the boundarl• of the City ot Newport Beach, ln the County ot <>ran&e. St.ate of Calltornla, which 18.ld petition cootatm a prayer that tb• n..ld City ot. Newport Beach and the whole thereof be annexed to Coutal Munlclp&l. Water Dis· trlct, under the provt.ions ot tht" ''Municipal Water ~ct Act ot 1911 •, u amended. Said petition wu slcned bJ' WI' penom and th• la.id &. B. Beaver, u such Secretary, examined all the signa- tures appended thereto and U· cert.alned and determined that uld petition wu 1igned by the requt~ lite number ot qualified electors resldln1 within the boundaries o! the area proposed to be annexed and, as such d~ appointed and qualified secretary, attached his certl:ficate to uJd petition certify. ing that aaid petition Lt 1uflictent ln law and should be pres<!nted to the Board of Directors of Coastal Municipal Water District. thence South 79• 00' l!ut along the aald westerly prolongtatlon of aaid bulkhead line to an lntenec- tlon . with the easterly line of laid Central A venue, uld point of in• teneetlon al*> being in the 1auth· trb'" prolongation ot the easterly line of the County Highway, eo feet in width. as described in the peU · tlon far pubUc highway, NeWpOrt Beach Road, and recorded in Book 250, page 73, Records of said Or~ ange County; from U. S. Bulkhead Station No. corner of the Cit:J' of Newport I Beach, as the exterior bound&J7 135, aa l&id Bulkhead Station 1 of the City of NewpOrt Beach 11 shown upon a map entitled "'Harbor described in Ordinance No. 1 adopt. Lines, Newport Ba1 Harbor, Cali-ed by the CJb' Council of the Cit)' fomia", approved b1 the War De- Pattenon, Elmer Patterson, Elmer N&Rinc. N&Rlnc. N &. R Inc. La Roe, Otis H offman, Albert C. H offman, Albert C. ~bail. Anals B. McMillan , Neil S. M'cMJllan, Neil S. LANCASTER ADDITION SECTION A ' 1 2 1 2 3 17 12 13 8 11 12 331 331 425 425 425 430 530 530 219 220 220 FIRST ADDmON TO NEWPORT BEACH Barre, Annie EUia NEly 50' 12 20 Barre, Annie Ellis • NEly 50' 13 20 Olamberlin, Pierre A. Olamberlln, Pierre A. Alexander, Oiarles SEC'l'ION B TRACT 626 Tapley. Christine et al Neighbors, May B. Isbell, J ohn C. TRACT 2S4 SECTIONB SUB. OF BLOCK "A" EAST NEWPORT 27 28 13 5 4 9 Elliott, Eugene John!W>n, George L. et a1 Deem, Joe R. All (Ex SE!y 44.9') 15 52 90 NEWPOB'.l' BAY TRACT Plwnmer. Anthony K. Plummer. A.nthony K. De Mos.s. Clyde J . Elliott. Eugene l:iues, James \\1• Hues, J a m<'S \V. Jones, \Vllliam R . Jones, \Vllliam R. BALBOA TRACT Wly 13' 3 4 15 1 4 5 6 7 15 15 16 2 9 109 A A A 3 3 4 6 8 8 8 8 EAST SIDE ADDITION TO BALBOA TRACT (And Ocean Frontage Adj.) Ellloft, Eugene Elliott, Eugene Elliott, Eugene Elliott. Eugene Crocker, Frank W. NEly 30' ol SEly 6<Y 8 T 9 T 18 SE!y 30' '.1'.BACT 518 Lampert, Frank S . Deuts<h. Emery Deuts<h. Emery PaC!tlc Stateo Savs. A Loon Co. Pacific States Savs. A: Loan Co. Pacific StatH Savs. A Loon Co. Padtlc States Sava. A: Loan Co. PacUlc Statea Saw. A Loon Co. Paclt!c States S.vs. & Loan Co. Pa?8" Statea Savs. A Loon Co. Bsaceren:enOllm .. Art.bur J . Pacltlc Statea San. A Loon Co. 43 SEly ~ 10 11 31 8 Wly 8.75' 9 28 32 7 3 29 :lO mAO'rMS Shup. A. G. 23 ~.~& 96 • 8"AllllOD OOLONY DA.or BeebJ, ,_ t>. ' _,, John t>. Sl!:l:f lll' al NEIJ' lllY 5 ~ Ida a NEl7 ~ a Md-Ida B. ' ......,_Ida B. 5 lkI-Ida B. I Jlrla<n. Dudlf!7 t>. NW1J zv a1 NlJ' ..., a Di ....... l>lll'q t>. NWIJr .. ' 16 16 24 B c c c F F F G H J K )II I' I' a • • • ,, ., 18.99 11.87 73.03 124.46 61.48 13.75 9.27 11.15 9.97 24.33 14.51 8.64 CORONA DEL MAR Citizens National Trust & Sava. Bank of L. A. Citizens National Trust & Savs. Bank of L. A. Citizens National Trust &: Sava. Bank of L. A. La Courreye, Frank L Citizens NatJonal Trust & Savi. BanJc of L. A. Citizens National Trust a: Saw. Bank of L. A. 26 A-35 28 A-35 29 A-35 16 A-36 8 B-32 16 B-32 RE-SUB OF CORONA DEL MAR Elmore, Hetty J . Elmore. Hetty J . Boyd, Robert L. Brinkerhoff, H. R. Brinkerhoff, H. R. Lloyd. Hazel M. Lloyd, Hazel M. NEly 15' SWly 25' CORONA DEL MAR 7 8 15 . 12 14 19 21 35 35 133 137 137 141 141 6.52 C1o,•er. Wood Jr. NEJy 15' 11 234 Glover, \Vood Jr. 13 234 Leech, Verno n A. NEly 20' 3 235 !!: Leechs • VJemon AR. SNElWly 20'l!Y 6 5 235 237 awycr, amee . y 48·79 Sawyer, James R. 8 237 Zweifel, Kathleen Af. 12 241 40.26 Zweifel. Kathleen M. 14 241 Zweifel, Kathleen M. 16 241 Bean. Raymond P . NEly 20' 29 243 33.0l Bean, Raymond P. 31 243 Bean, Raymond P. 33 243 17.29 Whyte. James S. NEly ~ 28 243 Whyte, James S . 30 243 City of Newport Beach 18 332 Carroll, June 20 332 22-91 Cheyne, John 20 333 23.39 de la TorTe, Alphonse 0 . 14 335 26.03 de la Torre, Alphonse G. 16 335 Hogan. Paul J . 10 337 25.91 City of Newport Beach 3 429 19.48 Stoe,·er. Ruth B. 6 429 18.66 Ocrtly, John \V. 21 431 r..Y!'ycrs, Otto J . 16 433 Collins. Thomas ?.f. 22 433 70.42 Still. Mary J . 4 442 34 .51 Kroenke, G. C. NE1y 12' 19 529 35-49 Kroenke. G. C. 21 529 28.18 Shellenbach. Harold C. 6 5.11 13.84 Bettis. Gwendolyn G. 14 532 Morrow. Bertha R 2 533 ~tt'yer, \Villiam B. 11 539 Meyer. William B. 13 539 34.78 Meyer, William B. 15 539 2.15 Johnson, Mary Ann 19 539 33.25 Johnson. Mary Ann 21 539 2.15 Harms, George W, 8 542 9.37 Hanns, George W. 10 542 Hanns. George W. 12 542 Harms, George W. 14 542 6.10 Harms, George w. 18 542 8.63 Coram. Roy E. 4 629 16. 77 C<>ram. Roy E. 8 629 8. 78 Sav<ry, PhDllp A. 5 635 6.10 Qosler, Emma W. 10 638 1.92 WesL Ernest 0 . •I al 1 64'1 6.10 West, Ernest O . et al 3 640 S.48 Peck, Geo..., N. 9 MO 6.10 Peel, Leone D. 5 642 7.97 McBurney, B. A. 11 643 27.32 H~ Tcm W. 17 643 5.3!\ Hondo,_, Tom W, 19 643 Morris, &L Etbel 7 m Sleir.t, John A. 11 737 9.20 de la Torre, AlphonN 15 737 7.97 de la Tort'O, ~ 17 737 de la TorTe, Al~ 19 737 2s.90 de la Torre, Alphcwm \ 21 737 L66 DA.or m-amo:NA DD'.. llAK . &61 Boyd, R, L. &ll'1' Bennett ,Olarlet A. s.M lloN>ett, Cllarioo A. 199_,-.~s. All Ck~.) NWlr IUI" Ck ~,) .d (JDc. , ... "' Slac.WOiF_, I •S • JI 5 K ll • y y 4.36 4.91 4.91 4.71 17.99 14.24 31.36 20.01 19.25 9.78 16.0~ 8.92 8.92 6.74 10.5(1 5.91 5.56 2.81 21.82 11.03 10.61 10.5() 5.31 7.12 7.72 2.73 4.91 8.53 15.85 9.18 3.76 4.36 3.5(1 4.36 15.32 6.74 4.10 4.71 3.50 2.01 17.43 7.99 4.10 9.24 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 7.99 3.5(1 3.50 3.50 3.5(J 3.50 7.99 7.99 3.50 6.74 4.10 3.50 3.51 3.50 3.76 7.27 7.27 6.74 108 3.50 3.!IO 3.50 17.80 l.M 19.19 1Ull The text of said petiUon. to- gether with five ot Ule names at· tached thereto. is as follows: To tbe COASTAL ltfUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, LAGUNA BEACH CALIFORNIA thence northerly along the said southerly prolongation of the eut · erly line and the easterly line of said County Highway, and Ill said County Highway ls shown on Tract No. 27, Boulevard A:dditlon to New- port He'lghts, being part or Lot 169. Block 2, Jrvine Subdivision, as re- corded in Miscel1an~us Maps, Book 9, page RS. records pf said ~ounty. to an inters.ection With the center line Of the Old COunty Road . as shown on Tract No. 27. Boulevard Addition to Newport Heights, being part of Lot 169, Block :I, Irvine Sub· division, u recorded in 7'-1iscellan· eous Maps, Book 9, page 26, records of said County; thence North 59• 59' East along the said center lihe ot the Old We. the undersigned signers. do County Road, 783.92 feet: hereby petition for the annexation thence North 70• 8' East 496.06 and Inclusion of the territory here· feet along the said center line of inafter desi:ribed, to the COASTAL the Old county Road; MUNIClPAL WATER DISTRICT the.nee North S6• 18' East 440.43 under •>ie Municipal Water District feet a!Jng the center line ot. the Act Of ~91 l as amended; and Old County Road; , We do certify and declare, thence North 12• 30' West 521.156 Flnt: That the real properly pro-feet along the said center line of posed to be included. in said muni-the Old County Road. to an inter· clpal waler district consists of the section with the center line of territory within the corporate limits Westminster Avenue. as shown on of the municipal corporation known a map Of F int Addition to New- and designated as the City of New-port p.eights, as recorded in Book port Beach. lying wholly within of Miscellaneous Map 4, page IM, the County of Orange, State of records of said County; partment May 2nd. I938, and 00 of Newport Beach on the 11th d..,. file in the ottiee of the U. s. 011-of September, 1~; trict Engineer, Loi Angeles. Call-thence northwesterl.7 parallel to romia; and three (3) miles from the shore thence South 71 • 54• Eaat l,010.00 or the Pacitlc Ocean to an inter- feet to an angle point in the ordi· !'ection with the southwesterly pro- nary high tide line of the Padfie longaUon of the aoutheasterl"Y line Ocean in Newport Bay, u est.a-of the aforesaid Summit Street; btished by Decree in Court Case thence nottheasterly along the No. 24026 of the Superior Court ln southwesterly prolongation of the and for Orange County, California, southeasterly line. the southeasterly a certified copy of which decree line and the northeasterly prolonra· was recorded September 19, 1928, t ion ot the southeasterly line of the in Book 199. page 275, Official Re~ aroresa.Jd Summit Street to the cords at Orange County, California; point of pcginning. thence South sg• 48' East alon .z Beeond: The undersigned. are the said ordinary high tide line e qua.lilied electors of the said City distance of 334.27 feet to a point, of Newport Beach and are equal which is the most westerly corner in number to more than ten per of a parcel of land described in centum of the number of 1ucb Deed to the City or Newport Beach. qualified ele~tors residing tn the said Deed being recorded in Book City o! Newport Beach voting for 249, p:lge 424 of Ot!ictal Records aU candidates for the offic-e at of &aid County; Governor of the Sta~e of Califor- thence North 23• 57, 30.. East n.la at the last general election held a1ong the northwesterly line ot ~~~r to the signing ot this petl- said parcel at land a distance of 31'7.57 feet; thence South 11 • S4' Ea.st along the northerly line of aald parcel ot land a distance of 290.24 feet; thence continuing a1ong the nor'"' therly line of sa.id parcel Of land South ss• 43' East a distance of J,378.16 feet to the northeast cor- ner of said parcel of land; thence South along the east line at the sou therly prolongation there· of of said parcel ot land a distance of 567.01 feet to an intersection with a line 200 feet northerly ot and parallel with the aforesaid bulkhead line extending trom U . S. Bulkhead Station No. 151 to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 1~'-' WHEREFORE. the undersigned p:-ay that the proposed territOry, to-wit. the territr'ry heretofore de-- scribed and the whole thereof, be annexed to and mo.de a part of the COASTAL t:.fUNICIPAL WATER DISTRlCT under the provisions of said J\.1unici !}al Water District Act of 1g11 . as :11nenC:.cd, and that your Honorable Body do all acb and take all proceedings necessary and r equisite in the premises. California, the ·Nhole of which ter· thence North 39• 50' l:ast aJong ritory i• sometimes herein referred the center line of s;:iid Westminster to and is meant when the term Avenue 707.03 feet to a point of "territory" is used herein. Said intersection \\'ilh the center line territory Is situated wholly w ithin of F ifteenth Street. as shown on the corporate limiU or said City atores:'lld map of First Addition to thence due east along a line, ot Newport Beach. and the boun· Ncv.·port Heights: which line ls 200 feet northerly of daries thereof. being the boundaries thence South 49• 30' East 3.240 and parallel with the aforesaid of the C ity of Newport Be.:i.ch and feet along the"·centcr line Of said bulkhead line extending from U. ot the proposed territory to be Fifteenth Street to a point of In-S. Bulkhead Station No. 151 to U. annexed. are described :l!I 3.ll the tersection w ith the., center line of S. Bulkhead Stat.ion No. 152 a dis· ctttain t eal property s1tu:lte In the Irvine Avenue. as shown on afore-tance of 1.287.29 feet to a point; County or Orange, St.::ite of C.:ili· said map nf First Addition Lo New-thence due north a distance ot fornia. and more particularly de· port Heigt:ts; 300 feet to a point: scribed as follows, to -wit: • the{lce South 40•' 30' West alone thence due ea.st a distance of 250 Beginning at the point of inter -the said center line of Irvine Ave-feet to a point; section of the northeaster ly pro· nue and the southwest.erly prolon-thence due south a distance of long:ition of the southea_,t~rly line gation of the center line of Irvine 300 feet to a point; of Summit Strl"t!t, u said street Avenue 2.495 feet, more or lee, thence due east a distance of S50 is laid out and shown on a map to the northeast corner of Lot 'H'. feet to a point; of the Seashore Colony Tract, as Tl'Act 919. as recorded in Mlscel· thence easterly in a direct Une rccordedj in ~1ap Book 7. page 25, laneous ~laps, Book 29, pages 31 to Station No. 75 of Patent boun~ records ·of Orange County, Call· to :W inclusive, records of said Coun-darfe-t of Ule Rancho San Joaquin, fornia, with the north bank or the" ty, which point is also the aouth· as per map r ecorded Ln Book 1., Santa Ana River; west comer of the 80 foot strip of page 47 of Patent Records of Loi thence easterly and southeuterly t he State Hi~hway right of way, u Angeles County, California; along the north bank of said ri\•er deeded by deed. r~rded ln Deed thence southeasterly along aaJd 5,400 feet. more or less. ta an inter·· Book 506, pa&e 334, records of sald Rancho boundary line to Station section with the former southerly County; 78 of uld Rancho boundary; said line of the California St.ate High-thence alone the State HfthWlQ' Station bein&" South es• 43' .O'" .... -- -- w ay having a width of 80 feet. Said ri&ht ol way u dttded by deed east 220..55 feet from United Stat.es ~g; ~ ; ~ ~ point o1 intenection bean IOUL'? recorded In Deed Book 338. p-.e Bulkhead Station No. lOl Ln the .... ~ !! -! ~ s•M"ll"' east J,11S.01 feet from the 314... official records of Aid Count,, bulkhead line. u Aid bulkhead t: g !!': ca northwest comer of the tou:tbeu't southeutttly on the arc ol a curve UDe and bulkhead statlom an laid l\ one-quarter (l/aJ of Section 29, eoncave to the northeast havinC out and abown upon the map or .i- Townahip s Soutb. RaA1e 10 West, a mdiut at IOU3 feet (a rad1al Nwwpoat SQ', CalHol'nia. lhOWln& ?C ;iC ~ ?: l S,B.B. & M..; said point ot inter· line at the point o1 beOnn:Jnr bH.r· Barbor Una,. approved b7' the Wu "' .citon ot.o belna to feet 90Ulberl:r 1DC North 47' 13' :is• Eaatl 1 .U. Deportment Jan_,-lltb, 1117; ,. I" I" I" " ot 1"n&fneu'1 Station G8S + tD..95 lance o:f 504.85 feet; thence South 45• 46' Eut l80 feet; -.... .... - -:z GD tbe ce:nU:r llDe of Aid blJhwu; tbfttce coaUnuin1 a1ont the lul thence Soutb 2111• 00' Eut SX> feet; 0 0 0 0 0 said point .i. bela.I tbe wecterl.J mettoaed. .autherb' line ot said thence South et• .. EM to e ~••0• wttlii 412 otlMr tllD la• tcminua of the O<dloary llJCll tide S-H.lahwoy rlaht ot way, tan-In-willa Ibo ooutllw......,, •loicb. wt~ \be tor ...... I "-' Une ot tho Plld.tk: 0eeen tn If._. pat Soatb 1•• 11• m• &ut 1 '"J2 prolonp.Uoa Of tba IM:lf'ttl...._~ ........... a tot:ll of: tlT ._.. l'O't ~ w1 __ .... "II'-teet: llDa of Tw--S.....lll A-M --to rid pall- ,_. and D0<1h -ot U.. Salta -coolinW.,. -Ibo loot ThnlJ'-S.1 ... lb A-ue la -N'OTICll l!I QIVmr to all pw , Aaa River, • -bUabecl llY • de---riibt al "1IY !Irie......, Oil a -GI Corooa DI! -· re-.__ -Rid pa11t1,. -Cree on Court C... N'o. ~ al tbe a Clll'9'e concave to the norlb baYIAC corded la M1...a1.tn.,,.. Jlapm, Book be '* 121ed .. U... Jloe:rd oC m.. Superior Court IA and tor ~ a ndNa Cf i..-t.t. a dial-GI J, -fl _. G, ._. OI ---GI CoMa1 »m•q.I 'W'- CouDIJ', Calllamla, a -----C.....tr. •Dlatala ., .... ~ "' Oo -- ., ------·----....uDulAc .... tba Jue --1)'. ~ ... -., COllfonl&, at 1111 ---llllb. Jm IA -»t. ----al W11Y ·-taD.-af-14 --.tedT ~· ml u,W ID Ille --01 ... , -otllc1al -"' ~ -lloutlL ...... ...-• --..... -"'·•••It -., ,_ -COallV ......... -Count:r, Cal!-!a:. -al lltl .. tnt to a point ID ~-ti> A--_Ille_., a .. I -OT& 8-Ci 11J 6-ce UaltC' Ml4 1W'tll llmk ot tllit -* .. b IDe of tllie rparOll aortllWAlM)) Jme of Tc ,. ...... ,,.._D,? •1 Ji. ""c la a. C191! ._ a.ata Au Jttnr 111nsat .. at 1-&1 • 117 1111 tio ... ClV ot mt1a ATWM llDll n. wr 1.a b ~ 1 1 •• *• c 1 b' ., o... 1 W' wlal WWWW u4 •1111 11 Jlew;jiOlt Bwla lir deilil 1111rted ta proloapbcm to a pol:ait, ................ t111 Cz•1 r• 8l .. ..... •• JI' W .a.t m., ..... Dried Bee*-P9i111 -II I d8 ol aforwl4 W 11 ??1$ b Jiii)=• .... P.M, Ill -,,..,, .. lie f ............. _, ___ -.-WWlll&lmw .. Ta lt8o1-4-low: II ...._ --....... !, ..... W t1• ............... mlll OC-..1'b'. . tka ol ... Wtbw 1 b·-el Wal~- ... '6.ll"U-lllllllllMleat.Wr 11 1l·www"•t .. ~~ .. wtllw1111t:rr< 35 flllM. loudl ,,. w r Dlt 111.15 f«t. ml .. a as I b lll'rrrpvae aia wtt • b llM ae Ca cg•11 a a m~'i:J• lloath u· ar w a.,_. ..... u.m .-• .._,, • cd n.ai Wt to Dll 11ar. • -... • • -. ..... kl' a ~ ., .. ................ •?~---~ --·---M ll .. 0 Sll\ -,.a..YJ'IVISk .,, - I ' .---------------------,!Bob H.......__ CHlllST CHUllCH •Y Tit• KA NEWPORT-BAL.BOA ......-•,r• ~ - N E w s -T 1 M Es Bullet·1n for Veterans Gets Dlsdl•rs• ~4!'. T:. =~"= l'BO!Ulh -U ='=U-;;;:;:=~;;:vm 0 .. ~ t:JO L m. .,., 1s...,'h1111il' ... r ns..,..•• • v.-..mvm ByJanec-11 .. :-.... Phm3-e Robert L Bw:J:cibteJa. 111...-.w~UL ·m. oa. ._ =n111r p t,M' f ~ W Ii '1' YelW 1:-. auu.tut son ot W. L Humphreys. 307 E. Yoatll: ~ • p. m. •t• ilptlal PIQ'able In Ad<ru>ce; f' 50 per ,_. In ~ <Jouncy; Edgew1lter avenue, Balboa. ro-s.. •'ns w~. 1 p. m. $2.r.i per ;rear to 4th -.e; $3-<JO per ;rear to 8tb -.e The Home Service Department treatment for the disability clalm c:elv..t hla_ clltcbzrse fr<m the ---pra,w -. We4- i ;;;;;;;;,;;;,. of the Newport Harbor Red. er.... until lhe dttWon Is rendettd. Nzvy at Tl'nDinal Is1znd lat week -.Y: -erecl dlzll -· l:IO r.r.taed u Seo:md-Oua matter at the ~ ID Newport Bwcb, reeef\·es frequent inqulries from 'lbe number and scope of treat· after i-·o yean in ler'Yice and a1x P.. m.. canton>la. under the Act °' llarcb 3, lB19 veteram and their families .con-menls In this cue will be deter-months ,,._ duty. a. A. MEYER -PuN'"-cemlng medical care, G. I. Loans. mined on an Individual basis-Au-HumpbreJz. reomtly atud>ed -1. 8 .' WBYTB Dllllfa Ma CJ 111·"W ............... -... v.a ......... Tfw.-111'7 Dlf.-q I SO •• . .._..ta I 116u&wtaa-&as~ A~ • Bili&aa ..... U4G_ ... em. ................. ._ --- Raab & Bennett kzasau..;. m.ps111 ~N-t ..... ~­ T ?11> ra1 811e:---W Ml1W.~ M-pwt--,,, s' ••• .....,.. UI GM D . PORTER • Genln1 Maupr pensions, Lnsurance, read.jusbnent thority fo r service must be com-to the holpW at Honolulu,, ls a F. G. FROST • Editor allowances and many other ~rtl· pletely through CP.S . and the &Taduate of Monr<>Yia H1rb ec:bool W. F . DIXON • • "' • -AdwrtlllDa Manapr nent matters. In the realization Veterana' Administration. U your and plans to attend collep in the CHURCH OF CHlllST Ctluroh and W•lnut .,,_. L--c.nllt'. Min-. l.----~·~.,~~Bl~Hltii'~~---~ l'IU8ICIAMB•-NS.ILD Service.: ~. 10 L m.., Bible PrtntfAc Plant, 30ll W. Central Avmue. Newpcat Betdl, CalifcwDla that the answers to these ques.-claim ls disallowed C.P.S. will be Fall Off. -a1 p f the c·--f N rt Beach lions would be of lnlerest to other notified and authority fo• treat-I:-------------, ICI aper 0 1.,, 0 ewpo y veterans who are unaware of the ment withdrawn. N E w A D911ndaNe 1.-1 ...Utull• for°"" 11 ean service given by the American If you have not filed a cla1m re- Red O"oss in the community, this quest for treatment will be de--f th Active column is offered. Since there are nied but you wiU be notified to 0 e M her frequent changes in llogi.slation file claim and after this is done tllll and interpretation of the variOU5 treatment may then ~ authorlzed C H U R C H of benefits extended to veterans, we until yuor case is ajudicated. S. ---------------------=~~~=---suggest you contact the Red lf you have filed a claim for '---------+----' Cross Home Service Department. I one disability but nov.· need treat-OUR LADY OF MT. 9'AftMEL 2<J7 Island Avenue, ~boa, phone ment for another disability which 1423 West Centr•I .A~enue CORRAL DUST Tht' .sun 11lwo.ys shines ~hind those daTI\ clouds. ' -j . .-.CK. Ll~DSLEY . Be Alive on the Fifth! Har~r 814 o~ 1865. 1f y~u have you believe 10 be service connect· ~y M•7 1es: 8 and 10 Lm. specific questions concerning the ed the request will not be granted Oonteuiom: Saturday• trnm subjectJ: brieny rov~red here. until you take the necessary fi :OO to 5:30 and trom 7 :30 to Mrs. Eve R. Hendrick.son, Home steps to re-open the claim. 8 :30 p.m. Service Worker, advised that a large percentage of the veterans' Your physician may add t.o. his problems handled by her of fi('(' bill the costs of any medi~es concern mcdical care. One of the ".~i ~~ 11t; ~:..rnl'>hcs you. 1penrding questions most freque ntly asked the obta1n1ng ?r a su.p~ y ~m . the Veterans Adm1n1strat1on. 15 : . I However, your physician may not &T. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Balboa 111and Sunday .Ma.a: 8:30 a.m. Con.teaiom: Saturdaya trora 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. CORON A DEL MAR COMM1JN1TY CHURCH, CONOREGATIONAL Btud:F: U &. a.. Komla&' ~ COSTA Ml&SA COMMUNITY CHU-C.rl 8.1.lohneon,, Mfnl.ter 124 t:. aoth SL Ph. M~ll Church -ool. "~ a. m. lllornlag W-p. 11 o'clock. Youth P'°"PI, Bigio ochool, ID- i.erm.dl&te, Adult. &:IO p. m.. ETeDhlg 1ervtce, 1 :SO o'clock. lllld-weelt tell-p and pn.yor, Wedneeday, 7:80 p. m. 11 L m., Prayer and Sermon. A88DDILIES OF OOD Beary aad Ida Saade, Puton ~ Oceaa Froat. Newpon Sunday ochoo~ 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a .rn. Evening evangelistic service at 7 :30 p.m. Mid-week service, Thunday at 7 :30 p.m. Q : When am I elfg~ble to apply be authorized to treat you in a for Home Town l\lcd1~I Care by private hospital ""here you choose a doctor or m.y O\.\'O .~01ce ~hrough to pay your oY.'n expenses rather the. Vet~rans ~cJ.:n1n!strat1on .. and tha n to go to 8 Veterans· Admin- Cal1forn1a Phys1c1ans Service . istration hospital. Perry Fl"eC!erlck Scllrock, Mlabter FIBST FOURSQUARE CIRJR()B 811 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar OF ClOSTA MESA Church school has two sessions. Temporary location, American All above primary department Legion Hall ~d Monaco ABClll'rlX7r 8lt W. Bay A-, Balboa -1'124 1111 1a1r.-ood A-... 1-A.-NOo "4Y MOI am!OAL LABOUTOKY Clinieal Laboratory omoo _,., • -'"° -by _...."""'* rELl!:PllONI!: BABBOa 1118 USS W. O..tnl A- DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School 30% Ooral Balboa bland Gndeo: eon-. ..._,.to..,. SUMMER SCHOOL 'J:i;'6 G. A. Morttrner, M. A., Oxford. PltDC!lpal Phone Harbor 115% DENTISTS This Fourth or July may see a holid<ty -starved public roll up the greatest mileage ever recorded on the nation's speedometers in any one week..,nd. More important, the National Safety Council rears it will be the deadliest week- end in the country's accident history-unless the emergency Is met with emergency caution by everybody. More than 20,000,000 vehicles will pack the highways during the four- day holiday period, the council estimated. They will travel more than four billion miles. Mobilizing to avert the threat- ened disaster, 150 national organizations are cooperating with the-council in a nationwide Fourth or July campaign to ron- solidate public and official support behind the slogan, "Be Alive on the Fifth!" A: You are eligible to apply for medical care by a doctor of your own choice if he is a member or California Physicians' Service, JI treatment is for sef'\.;ce connected disability for which a claim has been filed and if you do not live within three miles of a Veterans' Administration office or hospital. You will make requests for treat- ment on C.P.S . Form 52 in the office of the doctor. The doctor will render emergency treatment needed. note the diagnosis, rceom- mend the number of add itional treatments r equired and send the form to the C.P.S. office in Los Angeles where it is turned over to the Veterans· Administratio n Regional Offices. authorization for treatment will be given. Ir your claim is still pending ajudi- Another topic or intc re-st to vet- C'ran.s will be discussed in this column nC'Xt \\<"t'ek. meet at 9:30 a.m. Beginners and JteT. ud Mn. G. WUlal'd St.earns ,-------------~ In appealing for public cooperation in the campaign, Ned H-Dearborn, president or the council, said, "I hate to throw cold water on holiday anticipation, but we still have the same combination of facts which led the council before V-J day to predict the present upsurge in accidental deaths. More travel a Jong-awaited vacation season in full swing, wom out tires and cars. run-down highways and a carefree attitude that often becomes a careless attitude-all this simply adds up to more tragedy. A prediction can't spoil your holiday, but an accident can." Framework of Industry The people of the United States are so used to big figures and an abWldant supply of everything when they want it that they pretty mµch take the nation's basic industries a nd the products they produce for granted. Even disastrous strikes have been unable to cripple the country to the extent it would seem they would. Comparisons are necessary to appreciat e our industries. For example, the wartime output of steel in Japan was 9,656,000 tons in the record year or 1943. But the United States could have made that steel in 38 days. cation authority will be issued for La Posta to Open Saturday on Mesa La Posta, new l\fexican-style r estaurant a t 2588 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa, will open Sa turday a nd feature Mexican foods and steaks, according to the owne rs, Francis and Maxine Reynolds. The Reynolds were ronneTly associated with Mr. Reynold's mother and au.nt at the La Pasta Cafe ln Old 1\.-f esilla, New Mexico. This care "'P5 recommended by Duncan Hines in his book, "Ad- \'C'ntures in Good Eating." toward permanent socialization or the mines. The tactics of the unions and the government are destroying private in- dustry-the kind of industry tha t must arrive lf independent jobs are to survive, in fact. if representative government itself is to survive. If private industry and private property are wiped out, the basic reason for the labor union will also dis- appear. primary department ages meet at Puton 11 a.m. during the morning church Pbone !811 hour. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. 7:00 p.m. Youth meeting. Morning worship service 10:45. Crusader service 6 :00 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Berean service 6 :30 p. m. SCIENTllT Evening evangelistic service at Lido Theater, Central Avenue 7:30 o'clock. and Via Lido Tuesday evening prayer service A br&ne!:I. of The Mother Cburcb, a t 7 :30 o'clock. The F1nt Church ot Chriot, Scl- ent.ilt. ill Beaton. M•-acbuaett& Sunday School at 9 :30 L m. Sun· day Service at 11 a. m. Wedneeday Teatimon1a.I. Meeting at 12 o'clock Reading Room located at 111 Palm street, Balboa, is open daily from l p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun· days and holidays nationally ob- served. The public la cordially lnvtted to attend the church .ervtce. and a.- the &adlng Room. 8T. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 51& W•t Central, Balboa ( Ebcll Clubhouee) Rev. Ardya T. Dean. Vk.ar 8 :80 L m., Holy Communion. 9 :45 a..m., Sunday School 11 :00 a. m., M ornln.g Prayer and Sermon. (Finl Sundays: Holy Communion.) BALBOA I SLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. Harry w. White, Anoclate Pa1tor Church School. 9 :30 a. m . Mo ml.Dg Wora.blp, 11 a. m. l'IR&T METHOOIST CHURCH G. Kdwln Osher, PulM Euelld at 8tAnford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 a.m. Church achool rqr all -11 :00 a.m. MomJnr Worahlp: Me.age: "We Thank Thee." 11 :00 a.m. Nureery tor all c.b.U- dttn dluing eervtce. 6 :00 p.m. Kelhodiat You\b Y'el- lowahtp. Young Adult Fellowahlp. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worahtp:- !lNMge: .. Com~ Ytt LIYe." 'Christian Science' Lesson-Ser111 on Subject Tbla verae from Jsafab will be the Golden Text or the Sunday Lesson· Sermon on "Chrisllan Science" in all branches ot The ~(other Church. The First Church or Christ. Sclcn· Uat, In Boston: "I-lo, e\·ery one that tbirstcth, come re to the waters, and be that bath no money; t'Ome re. buy, and eat; yea, come, buy l1:Jne and mllk without mouey and ..,·ithout prlt'e:• In a Scriptural selection from John, J esus Fa ld. "Let not your DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST %8SS Wmt Cmb'al PboDe Barbor Ul ·ii Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST UOl\1 W. O..tnl. Harbor HBO NJ:WPOKT BEACH Dr-W. W. Westmoreland Dentist lllOl c.-m....,, OOBONA DEL MAB Phone Harbor !Z!O INSURANCE Sandy F.MacKay INSURANCE -That's All Llr E • FIRE • AUTO MARlf'lE, ETC. BRIGGS & Mac KAY 714 E. C.;ntra t. Bal bo-1 Phone Harbor 2~1)7 B. R. Hall, M. D. ft» 'r'Jp ......... Hount: 2-5, by AJ>pim-t ~--­w-..., ~- OONBAD RICB'l'ER, 1iL D. '\ fti)•t ........... Ul E. l8t.b S L CXl9I'A MESA Hwn : ll>-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. I !'bone Beacon S075 Dr. G. E. Tohill ...,......_...._ 2209 Coul l>lvd NEWPORT BEACH -PB'Ol"M-OHlce; Harbor 186-W 8-ldeoee: ll&rbor 18&-& U No amwer1 l'.'a.U H..-bor I Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pbone Barbor 1018 lfo MUwer: i:all BJMcon IOC .. & X-Ray Service Hiiton M. Muwell, H.. D. 1101 OoMt m..., Ooroaa dol Illar Offfce Hoon: ll>-12; 2-5 P11oae--1oes S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ Balboa r a.nor lTU «I 8. Rl1I St.. Loo .&.- TU-.. TIU By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and S~ 34-09 \VNt Central Telephone Barbor 802 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SilBOl!:ON fl 1 Coast Wgh"·ay. Harbor 551 Corona del Mar Few people think of steel in connection with farming. The bond between steel and the farmer in this country is as old as the s teel industry itself. The first iron made here was produced in 1645. Many of th.e first iron workers were farm- ers whose needs for the metal were so pressing that they would leave their fields to work in the local blast furnaces making iron for ploughshares, nails, hand tools, etc. The farmer is now among the largest consumers of steel. Strange as it may Seem. steel has largely replaced the horse on farms. Without modern motor equipment the farmer would be help- less today. It would not be many months before the United States would rome to an absolute standstill if its steel was shut off. It is a good thing for the public to become awa re of how it is affected by conditions which encourage or dis- courage our basic industries, and steel is the framework which supports all industrialized America. Some of the conclusions to be drawn from the latest gov- ernment-union coal agreement , as described by P aul Mallon, \Vash ington corresondent, arc: 'Lewis won the right to tax 5 cents each ton of coal produced and this will net the union $25,000,000 to S.10,000.000 or more each year. depending upon production .... The operators are lo collect this pre- sumably in the pdce of coal and tum it over monthly to a board of three: Lewis, the government coal mine adminis- trator ... or some Truman appointee, and a third man chosen by agreement between Lewis and the Truman ap- pointee. Even aft er the mine operators get their mines back they. the public or even the miners would have no say or knowledge of the handling of the fund, except as provided by these three. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Costa Mes.a Rev. Herbert Roth, Pastor Servlcea: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. heart be troubled: ye believe In '-------------, God, believe also ln me .... Ir ye 1 • I'-------------· JO\'e me, keep my commandmenl.8. IJnooln National Life ' State Medicine Costs Money It is no accident that very little is said by the propone nts of state medicine as to the cost of their proposals. Their ar- guments are confined to humanitarianism because the prob- lem of cost is too unpleasant to discuss. But the people have got to face the cost of social security and socialized medicine, for they must pay the taxes to support them. They should not be sold a bill of goods until they know what it will cost. One competent authority writes, "During the next ten or fif- teen years, the total annual cost of social insurance will be somewhere between one-seventh and one-sixth of the pay- roU. or $10 to $12 billion. It is almost certain that before the costs are stabilized. they will equal or exceed those of the British system which are estimated at 24 % or the wage bill." "After being off work 45 days in the strike. the text (of the agreement) directs all miners to take a 10-day vacation beginning June 29 for which they are to be aid $100 each in advance ($4,000.000 for 400,000 miners, in the midst of re- conversion after the strike absorbed stocks and forced in- dustries to close). The additional pay raise is about 20 t .. per cen ... The miners were entitled to pay increases and other bene- fits offered by the mine operators before the strike, but the operators and the public deserved some consideration too which as usual they did not get. Intelligent labor legislation is a necessity. Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE \Vashing • Polishing • Lubrication 416 East Central Ave. Do"'Tltown Balboa The same authority estimated the cost of slate medicine 1 ~------------------------' alone, such as proposed in the Wa,,aner-Murray bill. at S7 bil- lion by 1960. This is something for all Americans to think about- Another Retreat Now that the air has cleared around the coal strike con- troversy the terms of the settlement are beginning to show In familiar outline. It is the old story. \Vhen the strike reached the point of crisis the government took over the mines and gave the miners what they wanted. If the coal Industry re{uses to accept the terms of the agreement ar- rived at by Mr. Lewis and the government, apparently the government would take over the mines permanently. Once again arbitration was thrown out the window in another step MODERI MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 Ocean Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWICHES • HAMBIJBGERS Ice Cream to Tab Oat Ill llORTH.JitAI N :ST. And I .-111 pray the Father. and be Insurance Co. shall gl\'e you ftnot·ber Comforter, that be may a~ld e -wlth you for "It• Name lndtca1e11 Ii. Charaeter•· eYer ; Even the Bplrlt o! truth; ... I will not leave you comrortless: l wUI come to you .... These things have I spoken unto you. being yet DON .JERNIGAN Phone Harbor !M-R 808 Marine Av-e. Balboa hi. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Comer Walnut and Church Sta. Costa Mesa Sabbath echool, Saturday morn· Ing, 9 :30 o'clock. present ""Ith you. But the Com-I ~-------------' torter. whil·b la the Holy Ghost. !.-------------~ whom the l~alhf'r \\'Il l send In my name. be sh.all tea<'b you all things, and bring all thl.ngs to your remem· brance, whatsoever I bave said unto 1ou." Preach1ng 1ervtce, 11 &. m. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH !2nd i1nd Eldetf, Costa Met.a Sunday 9Cbool, 9 :45; momlng wonhlp, ll; Evangellatlc .ervtce, 7:30 p. m.: MJd-week prayer meet- ing on Wedneaaay, 7 :4-~ p. m.; young people's evangeliattc aervtce on Friday, 1 :4~ p. m. In ••science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy says, "Cb rlsra Christianity ta the cbaln of acl('nlltic be iog reapp+•ar- tng In au ages, malntaJnlog Ill o~ vloua correl!pondence with t be Scriptures and uniting all periods lo the design ot God." 24-Hour Radio Service HOKE, AtJTO, HAB1N1i RADIOS BEPAtRm Burt R. Norton 818 Cout Blwa7 Beuoa. 1'781 Newpurt Bwcla. ~- ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Otten You the Jbwt Plaee to Dine ... Orup Comity: All New· • • Even the Location . - -One-Halt Mlle East at Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Soutbem California In the Servin& at -SEAFOODS- AUIO YOtJB w.d al 8TSAU -vwr OUR KIICHEH - Salll's Sea Food Spa and Filh Maet • OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray .Nielsen ~ u4 AceWen' PoUdN 1'110.e Barb9r rt8N 215 I:. Illa¥ A"-Ba1bea llORTICIA."'8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Sen"e by Servin~ Othen Best" Plaone Beaoon MIO f'Gda llesa Callfonda OPTOMETRISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETRIST !:.Yes Examined -Glasses Fitted l'IDl Newport Boulenrd E. T. Butterworth, o_ D. 0ptometr1n ERS l!:XAMINED LENSES DUPLlCATl!:D m-...,..,.. ... ~ lllt W. ~A"-ft. ........ U1t JISWPO&T a&&CB . PhOlle Beacoa 582t Newport a o..ta X- CAB CO. U-Boar 8enlee Dr. W. T. Mooney Physician and Surgeon Nlatll and Central ~ <14-hr. mrnc.1 u..,._ c.e NORMAN NRON, M. D. Pediatrician Certified by .the Amerlcan Board of Pediatrics 1001 Oavfiota Dr., Lacuna 8-cll Telephone Lacuna 1-11181. Laurence B . Dorcy, IL »- Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave~ Balboa 1111.m Pboae Harbor zm Wagner Draglms Institute Dr. WD-0. W- Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 19ZO Cout Bl~ - Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at-'- NEWS-TIMES White Hone Cafe ftl•• 11.M I..-,....... Oallf. • I • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:....~~...:..~~~~~":":":"::::"::--N~~&~W~t91F!!:!!l!!!!~llA!!!~'AO!!J~AL!!~!!:!!!~~!---g!!!!i.JJll~!!!~l~l!lt~a~·~1 JO'~Mf!w!!!'~1L1.....'!~~~~·~J~,..~·~1'1~,~U~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~.....;;_,~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~--....:·~·:.::ll!E.:!!1!9':cl' '-NOTE 0 Softbe Yourfriendaandatm.I' ~~'""'"' _. Mesan Would Run Bus Line To· Co. Airfield Tourist.8 Setting Attendance Records At Boulder Dam Balboa Yacht aub Kr. and l\lra. Tod Rusoell and at pre'War levels, visitors• boun PC's, Stan, Rhodes and PICa att have been extended at Boulder racing outside. the others inside Dam in order to handle more acfe.. the harbor, but all are starting and finlshin,S at the BYC dock quately the increasing fiow of vis!-with Fred Brewer and Craig tors to this world-famous recla-Doyle u the race committee. An examiner from the Califor-matlon project. Throu&h the re-There was a miaundel'ltandJ.ng n1a Railroad commission will con-inainder of the summer months on the part of some of the Alba-~ N~ th dam will be open to visitors trou skippers, and some went duct a bearing at the "' ..... ..,...... e outside on a p-evious Sunday, but Beac:h Oty hall Friday morning Petween the hours ol S:JO a..m. they an on the inside list. On the application of a Costa Mesa and 7 :15 p.m. The PC's are running a double resident who wilhel to operate a Daily averages for the month of header, for this series also counta paaenger bus line from the Bal-June have reached 1300 per day, for their summer championship. boe. Island ferry to the Orange and the vacation season does not M they are slated for the Cata· County airport. reach its peak until the months of lina race for the George Strom T'be applicant is Philip J . Bird July and AuguaL Since reopening perpetual trophy this comin&' of P. 0. Box 10'25. Costa Mesa. Boulder Dam to visiton la.st Se~ weeke_nd, they did not race last and his .attorney is JBJJleS J. tember, more than 215,000 per· Sunday and results still stand as sons have taken the gul~ tour of the June 9 race. of the project. Every indication Hebe Erickson, who won the points to th.ls year establishing an Memorial Day series, is in the all·time high in number of visitors. lead with 4,. points and second PHONE RA&BOR 81 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Stgn ~an e BOAT LETl'ERING A SPECIALTY ... Broz of Los Angeles. Owners of other bus line companies who have franchises in the Newport town· ship area have been notified to be present at the hearing when the matter is called by the ex- aminer. Gree-Unc Card• and a Great Variety of Unmual Olf1ll 'WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS H:WELRY and STATIONERY 179'1 N ewport Blvd., Costa Me.a. Callf. Dlamonch • Watcbetl • Flne Repalrtnc Pboae Beacon 56S9-M is Bud Caward with 6 ; Larry Wheeler is third with 9 points; Ed Giddings dropped from second to fourth place and George Strom, who started in his new boat, Is fifth. Others in the race are Bob Henley, John J\{cFarland, Sid Wilkinson, Fred Smales and the Jones brothers. Dick Smith, who was also a winner in the Memorial Day series, still holds first place in the PIC class. Burt Russell, who tied for second place with Rempel, is now in second place and Rempel third, while Bud Wilhoit is fourth and Mittler fifth. In the Star class Dan Hatch. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i \vho \Vas second, has come up to first place. Clarence Waterma n is second, No. 526 is third. Toodic Christensen has dropped from third to fifth place "ith Harold Christler fourth. Bill Ficker sixth and McRob<-rts seventh. Burton's Paint Store · Now in Deir New Home on Newport Blvd. near 16th Street -·-The Only Exclusive Paint, Wall Paper and Venetian Blind Store in the Harbor Area PLENTY O F PARKING SPACE Balboa's RENDEZVOUS; BALLROOM Presents ANSEL HILL and His Orchestra Friday, June 28th Saturday, June 29 -Als(}- Wednesday, July 3rd Thursday, July 4th Friday, July 5th Saturday, July 6th .,,. Dancing from 9 until 1 Frank Simpson is still rirst in the Albatross class with 3 ',i points, Rogers is ·second, boats Nos. 3. Z1 a nd 6 tied for th ird place. Chapman is fourth and Norman Meagher, who was second, did not race and is now last. Pe te Serrell is in the lead for Pacific 14·foot dinghies and Bob Kyle ls second with S ue Ficker third and Foresman fourth.· For Dyer dinka Carver and Boat 286 tied tor first place, Daniell ls second, Gulick third and Boat 577 is fourth. The Rhodes s tarted their first race Sunday and r esults are, Bill Joyce first, Hook Beardslee second, Barney Lehman third and Converse Wurdemann fourth. Fifth place vras taken by Boat No. 9 which Dick Arlen gave his daughter last Christmu. The handicap sail and auxiliary boats are racing to Catalina July Boat Owners ••• Canvas . By the Yard Wlde Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. 1lala St. PhOlle 20'7 SANTA ANA 80""'411. • ~-BoJ-a,. e°""P4'"1 IOI Cout lllP'"'1 P!!lo96 Be«IOOD Mil For the Ultimat.e in Beauty Care • • • Phone Harbor 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S Mariska Ho•se of Beady 304 lllarlDe .&-. ..... I I ... HAIR STYLING AND HAIR SHAPING SWEDISH MASSAGE BATHS THERAPY VIRGINIA BELL OF BALBOA ISLAND ALSO PALM SPRIN<A'J AND LONG BEA.~ ~Dall)'..,....~ -from that city to their home 2U Dahlia avenue, Corona de! ar, and ~ to be pennaneqt ts. Kr. and l\lra. Cai-I Payne, 165 1treet. O.ta Mesa, a.re par- ta of a -. bQm JUILe :U In ta Ana Community hospital. e weighed six pounds, three . Kr. and Mrs. J,ohn Gridley, 1. ·West Central avenue, wel· 163 comed In · a daughter, born June 24 Santa .Ana Community hospital She and weighed seven pounds, seven a half ounces. On. L. R. "Monaco· of Balboa and of 17 who el San An John Chung and A. G. "lluches Costa Mesa were amona:. the physicians from Orance county met Tuesday evening and ected Dr. G. Enunett Raitt of ta Ana chief of staff of Santa a Community hospital. The Misses Pat Graham and elyn Lucas, who were class- ates of Grace Park Norman u Ev m ca m w Is det nurses at Huntington Me-- orial hospital, are guests at the illiam Park home on Balboa land this week. Perian club of Santa Ana met r a luncheon today a t the home f Mrs. Rose Havley, Balboa Isl- fo 0 G ARDENING AND FLO\VERS are IUelonir hobbles of Mr. and Mn. Robert E. Hou of JM8 Ocean 1a F'ront. Tflelr places are mlnlature forest falrylana s. Thb b a sample of one !ICelle In the ROM pr-p den, .a vlvtdly portrayed by that ace of photoeraph.lc l'peclalbts. Al"l!lelM!I of The Beachcomhflr macazinc nd. Original poei.m provided the rograrn. The whole area Is &i.....enelosed to keep out the cool ocean winds and to malnt.atn a warm, even tem- perature for the rare tropical plants. -photo by Arsene. sal Scotch_ tape, various sizes, on e a t the News· Times . . . Expert ClllflllY ' ' =-~z~~'.:.! ~ fbane. Doy -- -Brt~=-~t, U. ' I .~l!!! Ray Pagan 515 Eut Bay "Front If--, .. llQ ~ Ciiio ... "'" ........ . ' • Eiperi Radio ·Service Phone , Beacon 5816 - ' PaJnler Radio AND ELECTRIC · ZM8 Newport BITd. coft.& MESA Winning · Persor.a ~n~es The average American motorist. in peacetime, trave ls some 8.100 miles a year in his car. Tra\'eling salesmen a\'erage 18.800 miles per year. Be ·auticians So Help Me - - - By Biddle Dorcy for Milady • Permanents, Cold Wave, Hair Styling, Hair Tinting · · ·"Bleach· ing, Facials. NO WAITING THIS COLUMN is devoted the real estate business with \ I assed associates of J. M. Mil-Four Specl&llsno · '1 !e r, the Crying Irishman of Ann • Cannon • ~ • Ara "th Opu S.1-,...,., .4.11 0.,-. the rea testate business, l ~ .&.oc»91•tmnt. r ... P• ·-'-' escrow assembly line at 15th ••---111 & eentra1, Harbor 1 2 4 2. Balboa Inn Beauty Salon (That's an ad, son). Bal'-Ina A.rcade • ~ -u tM PW As we all work for this Mr. ~======================~::'. Miller, we will have little to - say here about this character. A 'i!r LOl'tot..ll,;IS. Wln.nen tn tbe rectmt baby contest. under two-year--oJd. c1--. spollllOl'M by the CM.ta Meu.-Sewport U on• club ln conneo-- Uon wltb u.etr recent camJval. are .. followa., le.rt to richt: Flrat, Mn. IUchal'd Lone and dau(bter, Deanna; leCOnd, Mn. Manuel Munb. Jr., and ~ter, Toni Lee, and tblrd, M .n. A. B. Cram and .on, BoDAle. -photo by Neal Beckner, BaJboa. fourth, headed by Commodore Don Kem p, the race being ror BYC members only and entries are now being (iled. Modern Restaurant Planned for Balboa Island Sit.e Soon Suffice to say that he just left the office with an oppulent client whose pockets were crammed with $1.50 cigars, check books and bills of large denomination, leaving us all to clean the ash trays and write copy for the newspaper ads. • • • • Just between us, there isn't The tint junior skippers' dance is slated tor Friday evening of this week and the senior dance is Saturday evening. On Sun· day morning at 10 :30 there will be a meeting of the Pacifi c 14· foot Dinghy association called by Pete Serrell. captain of ·the rleet. "The Island H ouse" Is the title an_yone here W~<? knows any- or a modern restaurant ~'hich will h.ting about wn~g ads. Ou~­ open at 226 J\farine avenue, Balboa side. of Mr. Miller, who ~ Island. sometime in August. Chairman of the Board, Presi- Next week is the Independence Day series at BYC from July 4 to 1 with the swnmer series be· ginning July 14. Ne''' Harne Kindled Proprietors are two World War 11 veter a ns, J . L. Stamp jr. of 2Z1 Cor al avenue, Balboa Island, and M. V. Martine, a North Hollywood designer and interior decorator. ~tr. Martine expects to reside in the Harbor area as soon as he can find a place to live. The co-partners are also asso- ciated in the new furniture estab· lishment known as ·me Lanai Shop" which opens Sunday at 411 Coast highway, Corona del Mar. Brief Courttblp dent and General Manager, the organization consists of Jane the office girl, Holly the office boy, Russ the errand boy, and Biddle the appren- tice janitor. So out of sheer nervousness we put our little heads together and dreamed up this one: • • • • . A real home (for termites) beautiful view (of the neigh- bor's garbage, cans,. choice neighborhood (for raising Sandy was very much disturbed when his lady love married an· other and remarked to an ac· quaintance that the light of his life had gone out. A year later this rriend discovered that Sandy had m8rried, and he reminded him of what he had said. "I know," re- plied Sandy. "'But I struck another match." .. You're one in a thousand." goats) tw()..car garage (if you 1 said to Bee. leave one outside. A bargain .. And so are your chances," at $12,000 (in Confederate S he said to me.-Scuttlebutt. mon4iy). J. M. Miller, 15th & And Somettm .. Not Central,, Harbor 1242. A.n Honorable One A farmer wished to lnaure his • • • • Pe rsonnel f\o1anager : "H·m·m·m, barn and a few stacks. you say you were discharged h 'Om "What facilities have you," ask~ your last job?.. ed the insurance man, .. for extin· Applicant (meek!)): ''ies. sir." guishing a fire In your vill age?" "{)(, rou mind telling 1ne W!°:}•:'" The man pbndered a lit tle while. "Not at all; my t:nlistment was Finally he answered, "Well, some- up in the Navy." I times it rains." on Announcing the Opening of Saturday, June 29 Specia)jzing in Mexican Foods and Steaks The only "trouble we can see with that ad is that some fea- tures had to be left out to make the copy concise-the termite-free tile roof, the built-in stucco floors, the hardwood bathtub, the mod- em outhouse, no hot water heater to get out of order, and within easy walking distance of an electrical outlet . • • • • We have some homes for sale that are not bad, but we don't advertise them. We did once, then got back from a jaunt to Catalina to find that a competitor had sold them all, and J. M. took on some- thing awful. That was the day he kept the stamp drawer locked all day long, and we all had to go without any lunch. He finally cheered up when a man with a Cad!Uac town car stopped in front of the office, Your electric service is a bargain you don't have to hunt tor - it comes to you. You use only as much as you want and pay only for what you use. Edison electricitr actually costs you less than before the war, _even though other 11 ving costs have risen an average or one third -r during the same per.iodl .: SOO'tHERii 'CA 2588 Newport Blvd. but it tumed out to be a false alarm. He was a retired Ouis1mas tree decorator from Galveston wanting to buy same small boa constric- tors. Said something about training them to squeeze oranges for an orange juice concem near Skagway, Alaska. We didn't have any p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jj boa constrictors listed that day, so the deal fel )through. (If-Ca .., a.) ~rancis and Maxine Reynolds • • • • • We do have a lot of real • tate listed though, so drop In some time and we'll talk about It. When the 00. lm't arouniSotbe omce bu a Iowa atnl(lll'herlc Pl I ~ tbu 1111\Y real l!lltate emporium for miles and mils and mils J .• K. Miiier, ~ A C..-lnl, BalilarUG. -.I. I. ESTIS .( -. -{ GENERAL El.rer&IC .... _ • •111mllll•"·~11•az1 .r w·.--• 1111•••FJ• .... , • ...... ftn11U • •• • • • !!!.~~---------~~---~--~~--~-----•Ra!!!~W~l§4IE!!!1~•1•1•~ao&!!!!!..•!!•~*!*"!:'!'"!!!1!1i.!•~-!•IR!!!IUPl!!!C!li.!Pl~Zrl!!!!!!!'~~--!!!!!!'~'l•~'!!!!!'Ul\!!..!ll!SS!!.~--------~----:_:.:_..:_ _________ ~_J-----~~ MacDonald-Lang Wedding Solemnized in St. Brendan's Catholic Church, Los Angeles Harbor ' Feminine Activities Haroor. Stamp Cub Makes Change·in Meeting 'Oate -• tbewwwlllls-. '-~ • • ..... of tbe dub -an ala CID t 1!11 of tbe ~ Cbuab' Plnllllll!ilt _,.._ ..... -~Mr. -Mra. ,,_ Plnlt . c:mmatlom and .._. --In • pink -tam. Tbe ,.... 7 .._ttnc the aWe and benklnc tbe maidl were tbl Wees llarilYn. waDa and•altar made a !kral wt, Knllbt. awn.lne Neth. P<UY l'tl«w U and D + By~ 8adn + Rnlbim Pbane l63't2R tine of unequelled beauty wbm Kaloer. Anita Nolen and Mimi-----------~----,..,,.-------·-----------.,-~---------- 11-After meetlnc at the Radio lbop Thunclay ewnlns fer --of ti.+ pot Jud< -at tbdr -. ll05 Fenando street, Balboa Oil iM ........ of .1114' 12 .Jacqueline Gloria Lane. clauChter 'cannphril. All --,_ In . _ H of Mk:bae1 Lane and the 1ate marquisette w11h buot1eo, 1n the Norman-Park Rites T k Hi hest :::-::= "!r 1.oo~ = :;: i:::: =.s "/!_":_~ Read by Moonlight a e lg onors Eastern Star Cub Entertained by Florence Anderson ~ ftSU)ar -· -the Harbor Stamp club _.. ot In- vlted by Mr. and Mrs. Vernoa to their bome In N..._t H for an Informal proerani Orr wbmtbey ,tobe-toU. Ulcdadcm. ' Slated f« Saturday la the ....i. )(acDollald. 1<JW11er zoo ot 11r. their ...-they carNc1 puao1a In Garden Ceremony and Mrs. Ardlle Ancua MacDonald of pboddn1 pink, In wblch were • of Loo Ancel.. and 1406 South American Beauty rooes. Of local Interest wu the Satur- Bay Front, Balboa :wand. Tommy Traw waa beat man day wedding at the home of Mrs. The ceremony wu performed at and the brideeroom'• two broth-Cectl Stonn. 1125 Hope 1tttet, 11 a.m. Saturday, June 22 In St. ers, Bob and Jim Mecl>onald, South Paaadena, when Mia Grace Brendan'• Catholic church by were ushers, others beln1 Jack D. Pu1t, dauehter of Mrs. Storm MoruiO>or Dolan. the bride'• Granet, Richard Lewellyn and and WJlllam B-Park of Balboa father giving her in marriage Ln George Glover. Island plighted troth with Jmeph the presence of some 750 guests. The wedd1na: breakfut wu held Dall Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A brown-eyed blonde, the bride at tbe Uplifters club whlcb had Edward D. Norman ot Loo An- was lovely in her gown of white been transfonned tor the occasion pies. fall.le inset with ?"O&epoint lace. into a veritable prden, while on The ceremony was perfon:ned in made with long,leeves and qua.int the tables were white bird caaes the moonlight pa\fo of the Storm bustle effect an ornamented with in which were pink carnations and home at 8:30 p.m. and the bride dewdrop rhinestones. ~ of rose-white gardenias. In the receiv-was (iven in marriage by her point was the cap, frosted with ing line were Mr. and Mrs. Mae-father. (}ne hundred guests were r hinestones, from which fell the Donald, the latter wearing em-in attendance. fU1J length veil. The bridal bou-era1d green crepe with bronze or-The bride wu gowned in white quet was of white orchids and ch.ids and a feather ha t in caramel. net o\·er satin, with a pearl em- stephanotis. The new Mn. P.1acDonald broidered neckline and wore a Miss Jane T anzola was maid of 1 graduated r-rom Marymount school finger-tip veil. She carried pink honor and her , gown was of lace \ this spring and he.r husband has and white carnations. Miss Emo- 1 r ecently received h is release from gene Bird was bridesmaJd, wear- the navy, where he was motor ma-ing lavender taffeta and carrying chinist. second class. They are red roses. James Norman acted as now on their honeymoon, which best man for his brother. :i: tJ < fol Ill • TICKETS, Now OD Salo 10 a.m.-C p.m.. includes Yosemite and a plane trip Before the ceremony J ames to Yello>A"Stone park, but will be Arnold of Los Angeles sang "Be· expected at the MacDonald home cause" and "I Love You." Alter on Balboa Island later. a honeymoon at Santa Barbara Gryphon Productions £ the young couple "'i ll make their home in Hollywood. The bride graduated last week from her cadet nurse training course at Huntington l\t emorial hospital. 1\1.r. ·~:::: PlAY~OUS~ ~ Eastern Guests At COM Home STA RRI NG JOHN EMERY of the Original N. Y. Production in- ANGEL STREET Timi Sonday Night -Llmlted 8e•tfnc (JapM!ltJ"- Next Week: 2 ·"t1 Mrs. George H . McDonald of Norman was a phaonacists mate ·:o .o Rock Island, Ill., and her daugh-in the navy. g ter Susann, 11, were the guests -------- . ., A Police Auxiliary .,0 :3 this week of Mr. and Mrs. E. . K Hackett, 720 Marigold avenue, Entertained at (/J z Corona del Mar. Mrs. McDonald. Gerrish Home who is the sister of Mr. Hackett, ls visiting during the summer months in Los Angeles, her former Mrs. Ruth Gerrish .w~ h~_tess t"'f home where she was active in to memben of the Police Auxiliary > club 'and college circles before Tuesday evening at he.r home on Cl moving to Rock Ialand after her 29th street. ~unco wu the even- C:: marriage in 1930. ing'1 entertamment, with prizes going to Mabel J ones. Lorrane Z Frequent trips to Southern Montgomery and Lee Wheelan. > California since t hat time have ~z "Room Service" ~~ allowed Mrs. McDonald to main-AIRdaeceGoivlntgonblrEthlt'dzaaybethgi!~alw::.: """ tain a large group of friends here-r • · Se&ta Available Now abouts and ahe is to be the hon· Mary CU..urnano and Helen Isbell. 0: $2.40 4 $1.8l () ored ~est at 8 number of affairs One new member was accepted, Ct planned for the summer. Mr. Mc-Viola Corn eel. lncl. tax :X: Donald who is the assistant gen-"Ibo&e present were the Mes- , Phone 191 , eral Counsel for the Modem dames Jones, Montgomery, Waltze. Woodmen of America, ii motor-Gerrish. Gorton, CUsumano. Iaa- AD Seata ing west with their son, Sandy, 13, bell, Audrey Cottle, Bee Lace, 1:-8 Reserved. expecting to arrive here about Veta Lace. Pearl Waterlue, Mil- _----==========._:~th~e~flrs~· ~t_'.o'.'._f_:J'..'ul'.'.y~.~-----dred Johnson and one guest, Lee Wheelan. The July meeting will be held at t he home of Bee Lace, Court Suits by ROSENBLUM of Californi a All W ool Cove rt C l oth and Wool Gabardine Deauville 737 S out h C oast Bl vd La guna Beach ART LEATHER Hand Made and Personalized Hap, Billfolds, Key c- ud otller sifte ot le&t.ber HIDEAWAY 1111 c-& lllri. 8o. JAc17llA - • On the Pat..io Just Soutll ot the Cliff Hotel Open Sundays avenue. Santa Anans Honeymooning at Corona del Mar ?\.'faking their home at Corona del l\.far for the swnmer are M.r. and Mrs. Donald Pieper, whose marriage was recently solcmnJzcd at the bride's home in Santa An a. She was Alice Iverson, daughter of the \Villiam Iversons. TIO South Ross street, while Mr. Pieper is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pieper of Tustin. Both are graduates of \,he Santa Ana schools and Mrs. Pieper is a graduate of the University of Cali- fornia at Los Ange1es. She is past president of the Spinsters a nd a member of Phi Chi The ta. Mr. Pieper was recently discharged from the Army Air Force. -.,,.. a --~-=-«JS -- F QR REALIL Y DISTINCTIVE . ' • VENETIAN BLINDS INSIST ON BUDGET TERllS Our Blin'ds Are Guaranteed • Wood Steel Aluminum • l&lllifOVATION .tm 181iM&TJCS ' Phone Beaton 5881-J DA1'.Ll.NGS. \\-Inners la ttae ~r~me-year" claa of the baby contellt conducted by tbe Ooata M~Newpon Uou club lD con- nection wtU. tbelr recent camlval are u follow.. left lo rtPt: Ftnt. Mn. caJvln Hudton and son, Jerry: 8eCODd. Mn. Har.el Clark a.od dau&hter, HJlda Ann. and third prtz.e. Mn . .lack Curtis and daucbter, Dixie Ann. -photo by Neal Beckner of Balboa . Miss Carol Terry Leaves on Lecture Tour ; Sails for India Missio n in September1 Leaving Saturday for NC>w York 1 While in prison camp Miss is l\fiss Carol Terry. daughter of Terry found a Chicago teacher on Capt. and l\lrs. V. S. Terry of 219 the staff of a Manila college who Pearl avenue. Balboa Island. For gave her a year's training in the Miss Terry this is the start of l\.·tnrnthi language but she expects her journey to the Bombay Presi-to become more proficien t after dency, India, where she will be f her res.idence in India. She will associated with the Ra.mabai not only write the biogTaphy of Mukti mission for women and the founder, but will teach the eirls. Bible and will have supervision ln November of 1941 Miss Terry of wom£n in the compound. first set out for the mission. 'l11e ~· ------- outbreak of the war caught her MY F Pl t ei&hts with • arnpo. Members of the Starbricht club studies of U. S . adhesive st of the Ordtt ot the Eastern Star Vlce-Prelkleat .1. L. J enJdna were entertained at • dewrt presided at the short buslw luncbeon Jut fi!day at the home .-at which was adop led a of Mrs. Florence Andenon. 428 new ruling that the club Marguerite avenue, Corona del meet on ·the first and third would Thurs- Mar. dQS of each month inste ad of In tbe A French bouquet centered the every alternate Thursday as dining'table and tall vari-colored put. However, there will gladiolus decorated tbe living-meetlnc on July Fourth or room. The deaert coune wu other holiday which coincides be no on any with ding of -Jane llolaDd ot Alhomtra an4 Paul McKlbbet> CIC Balboa Ialand ' Nll:lr LINE Craft Greeting Cards ·~ Brookmp Variety .. o..9". o.-..... • 0 g' a u.. et o·ew\I ..... followed by "conversational" :=~=====================:;; bri~ ·1 Those enjoying the affair were Bessie Benedict. Margaret Wright, Bessie MacGinitle, Florence l..te- Donald. Essie Kyte, Nora Mae Bates, Eva Dutter, Etta Mae Huffman, "Jimmie" Zerman, Doris Diehl,· Ullian H enneberry, Edith Kemper, the hostess and one guest. her mother, ?.irs. Edwin L. Williams . Mary ~ :; .. _ttl~ _New Location • • -and invites her former, as well as new patrons t o the Marine Beauty Shop Balboa hlend FAC Group Shops For Programs Lining up programs for the ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Fliday Afternoon club for next season, Mrs. Robert Skiles, pro- gram chairman and members of her committee spent two days in Los Angeles last week hearing auditions. With P.trs. Skiles were Mrs. Reuben Day, Mrs. John Webster, Mrs. Joseph Hamblett and Mrs. J . R. Connell. Blackbeards to Be Reunited Thanks . • • To my many friends and patrons of the harbor district it has been my pleasure to serve during my happy days in this delightful community .... ship at Manila where she was held ans 0 prisoner by the Japanese for three Continue Meetings Mr. and Mrs. s. W. Blackbeard anc;\ a half years until her rescue of Corona del Mar returned Sat· To My Successors: by U. S. Paratroopers and her With their president, Miss Peggy urday from a month's vacation in subsequent return to the United Trine, slated to leave th1.s week Vancouver, where they visited States. for 8 summer at Berkeley with members of the family, but were Expecting to leave for India in her mother, Mrs. Bett7 Trtne, disaplSointed in missing others. September, Miss Terry will make teacher in the Corona del Mar · Their IOD Bill, who has been a lecture tour of New York and school, a tentative ~sion had at San Francisco, hu received his the Eastern states this sum.mer. been mad' to discontinue the discharge from the army and will telling of her proposed work far meetings of the Methodist Youth be• home this week. the women of India and of her ex· Fellowship of Christ Olurch by periences in Manila. On her r e turn hte Sea for the awruner. Club Woman , Wins Hobby Prize last year from the Philippines ahe Hov.•ever , a cabinet meetinc wu authored a small book, "Kept.'' in held Wednesday evening at the which she outlined these exper· home of Mr. and Mn. Delevan lencea and which is now in iU Freitag: and it was decided to con-Mrs. George Wheat of Newport second edition under the auspices Unue the Sunday evening meet· Isl.an~ prominent clubwoman, of the· mission. ings. beginning next Sunday, June took second prJze in the general th In hobbies division of the Orange Also spending e summer 30 at 6:30 p.m. County fair with her 200 or more the east with relatives will be New plans have beeD made far T gla.Ss goblets, part of her inter-Capt. and Mrs. erry, who are the progTams and there will be a leaving next week. recreation hour afterwards. All esting collection of antique glass- MRS. ZINA KEIJ.EY and GEORGE M. SHERFICK I wish the best of luck and recommend them to the good people of the harbor area. w. E. Ladewig Welcome Cafe 2560 Newport Blvd, Costa M-ware. She als9 took first prize Miss Terry is a graduate of young people of high school or l .~in~h;oo~k~ed~~ru~gs~.iXXiiXXiax~~ii~ii~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woodbury college with the degree college age are invited to attend. of Bachelor of Secretarial Science, cum laude; she is also a graduate ot Los Angeles Bible Institute and on June 6 received from that in- stitution the degree of Bachelhr of Christian Education, cum laude. She was also the only girl in the class to become a member of Phi Alpha Chi. She has been teaching missions at Bible Inst..it ute to a class of 350 men and \\'omen. At the University of Southern California l.1 iss Terr y has been taking a course in advanced crea- tive writing and short story writ- ing. this in preparation for her future work. The first member of her family to enter the mission field. it was through reading the book "Mother India" t ha t she became interested in the plight of the women of that country and felt she had been called to help them. On reaching India she will write a biography of the P andita Ram· abal, the only woman in the world to r eceive the title "Pandita" and listed as one of the ten most won- derful women in the world. She it was who founded SO years ago Firemen's Wives Meet With Island Hostess The Firemen's Auxiliary met recently at the home of 1'1:rs. Lee Zube, Balboa island. No games were played, the evening being devoted to conversation followed by refreshments. Mrs. June Kiddie and Mrs. Lillian Souder received birthday gifts from the auxiliary and Mrs. Souder also received a gift from her secret pal. Present were the Mesdames Kiddie, Maxine Connell, Norma Briscoe, Esther J ohnson, Geneva Daynard, Jean McDonald, Lillian Souder and the hOBtess. The next meetin& will be at Mrs. Souder's home on 32nd street. Needlepointers Meet on Heights the mission which bean her name. Mrs. Charles Blakely entertain- The Pandita studied Hebrew ed the Needlepoint club recently and Greek in England, bought a at her home on Newport Heights. printing press there and took It Present for the day ot sewing back to India where ahe tr&N· were the members, ROH Blyth, lated from the origina1 Hebrew Mrs. Holtz. Mrs. Jack Cole, Mrs. and Greek the entire Bible and Stewart Dunlap, Mrs. Oliver Hoff. printed lt in the Marathi language. man and one auetL I • Come sun or high water, you'll be at your glow, Ing best in one ~ of our pert ' little Sun SUlts .•. Ootbes designed tX> COW!' the Jeutof you- tD make your play- time one ol fieedom and flattery . • • THE OPENING OF - Balboa's Exclusive Men's Sportswear Shop <J/,,e 'MELLOW IELLOW' UuJde4 '/°M' /o COllUJ Ut, ~ <p!i ac9uabdeJ di-~ Nv;Jti, J~ :1.alli '9to• 7 lo 10 o' JacJ. ------------ CORNER MAIN ST. AND OCEAN FRONT, IN TIIE BALBOA INrj BUD..DING BALBOA, CALIFORNIA • ;