HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-18 - Newport Balboa News TimesTl SAND CRAB .,. $AM • AN IDEA! Here's a dif- ferent slant on OPA ad- vanced by that super ac- countant. Russell Briggs, who offers this: Here are nearly 500 Congressmen, supposed to be the cream of U. S. leadership, plus some 90 stellar Senators, who worked out an improved OPA, according to their ideas, and then one man has the authority to veto that combined thought, more representative of the wishes ot. the people, and kills the whole program! Not that objection is raised to our plan of three branches of government, au of which have a check on the other, but it would seem that some accord could be reached in heeding the wishes of the majority and that the voice of the grea t inarticulate masses should be given some serious consideration. Rent control, everyone freely admits, is necessary, due to lack of housing, but why should the law of SU!>' ply and demand. built on free enterprise. be ousted tor an ideology that had no part in building our eco- nomic structure? If the will ot. the majority, as exempli- fied by Congress, can be overthrown by one man, who listens to advisers rather than the public, then some method should )>e de- vised to lead the nation into paths not influenced by mi- nority groups. After all, the people reflect their living expenses rather than an atomic bomb; their ability to eat, rather than the quar- rel with Russia. • • + Annexation Ag&ln. Hari>- ing on the problem of an- nexation of continguous ter- ritory is like building a boat without a rudder-either you advance or sink. And stirring the question again comes a state ment of that intrepid explorer of Miracle Mile. W. T . Jefferson, who, incidentally, has just discov- ered a ne\v tract in ''Treas- ure Island, off 17th street and Newport Blvd. Mr. Jef- ferson says: "The rapid de- velopment of Newport high- way. from 17th street to the Newport Beach city limits, indicates that soon-geo- graphically at least-the Costa Mesa and Newport Harbor areas \viii merg.,._ the ,eggs cannot be kept from being scrambled much longer, now that the new civic center in Newport (near Lido Isle). \viii insure such a rapid growth in that portion toward Costa Mesa. ''The fine type of stores," continues Mi. Jefferson, 11planned for the ne\\' civic center will prove very at- tractive, as well as conven- ient. to Mesa residents, as well as to Highway traffic to the Mi racle Mile. \Ve can continue to make faces at Costa Mesa. and they can do the same a t us, but the fact remains that the big growth of the Mesa is towa rd New- port and not towards Santa Ana. It's high time for an unselfish program to be dis- cussed by a group of citizens of both communities most capable or planning the best interests of both communi- ties.'' + + + Navigation Menace. It took Uncle Sam several months to discover that the llUJlken Mlndano is a menace to navigation. Just who will pay for doing the job again of removing the car- cass is a topic that will no doubt take another six inontbs to solve. The army engineers have belatedly en- tered the picture; would it bave been asking too much If they had lent some ol tbeir engineering experience Jut May when the harbor department bumed the ves- -. which failed to sink! Could not that board, which takes cognizance ot. all mat- ten pertaining to navlgatim am.md the bay, have also asdsed some of its pero- pttws and seen that a satl&- t.cmry job was pedCMalOd! KFEP POSTED! 1 Yeu: •••••• $%.50 .. ~. 91-11 Olla ., ~ .. ,.. °"*., --~~-N ___ I< ___ _ • • .NEWPODT \ • W~ New•paper .. _._ A8lti .... reaa ol Qreala&loa -· \ • I . _EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. ·WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA ~7 NEWPOllT HACH, CALIFOllNIA. mUMDAY, nJLY 11, 1M9 voLmo:mww • Gov. Warren Will Start Snowbirds' Race • • Executive · Will .Award Loving Cup • • • White House Cafe n-SlllZ Lagana Beech, Calli'. Ac1'ee oa laOatioa Dairy indwitry leaden agree that the law of supply and demand '4111 ln most cases govern the downward and upward trend of priC'(>S in dairy products, but in- sisted the "hold the line" order will bP in evidence so long as labor and feed 009ts are normal •NAMEPLATES• FOR B-.OATS AND HOMES -lrt"' Heavy Brass .................... 2.00 Chromium ............ _. .. .. . . . . .. . 2.so ... _ "' ... 3.00 4.00 = 5.00 6.50 TL"lf DAY DBUVD\' •.. MAIL oa P!IOlfS YOO~ OaDD NOW TO National Engraving Co. Agency •4• HeUotr_., eor-...... llArMr .... Aero Men Required For Weekend Posts In Marine Reserve Maj. William Boland of Balboa, recently appainted commanding officer of a reserve ?t!artne squad- ron. V~.fF-123, at Loa Alam!U. Naval Air station, is issui.ng a call to all ex-Marine pilots, gunners and machinists In the Harbor area to join the outflit by flying in spare time on weekends or durin& the week . All personnel are paid for at- tendance of squadron activities and can keep up to fleet proficiency flying in fleet planes. The entire IChedu'.le ll on a voluntary basis. Lido neatre PlloDe Barbor !114 • • -' • Fire Bok.tbs Are Lava Dr. Richter Goes '!be new i.l-74 !in! bomb1 which N rth f were drop~ by,almolt l50ll SU-0 Or a Rest perforts on[ Yokohama, Mai 30, . practically l ooze synthetic lava. Dr. Conrad Richter, who retired An American chemical-warfare of-from medical practice a few [icer says imaklng them is like ~ ago and turned over hi:I ha.king a cake. They contain vari-office to Dr. John K . C. Chunc ous ingredients that are mixed at Costa Mesa. left lhlS \\·eek for with jellied! gasoline. Oakland, Calif. !or a long visit AutoDOIDOU9 and rest. He will be lhe guest or W. D. Dickie an old trend and prom. inent northern Californian. Handling I of ""terana' iroblems has ~ speeded up decentraliz- ing the Veterans Administration /---~-----~ Into 13 branches covering the 48 I;------------ states. Regional districts are Sub-- divisions or rthe branches and have authority to operate as autono- mous units, War Vets Total By April l , there were 11,200,- 000 World War Il veterans accord- ing to figures released by the Vet~ erans Administration. SHOES Repaired WhDfi Yoe Walt Ray ·Pagan 515 East Bay Front Box Office Open at 6 :45 ... Shows at 7 and 9:15; Mat- inee Saturday at 1:45 . Continuous Sunday 2:15. READY roR THE PLUNOE are a number of younpten wlM> bave enrolled lD the Newport Barbor Red CroM chapt·er'e ewtm lllatnlcdoo. c1ar·ea now underway ln Balboa and Ne•-port Beach. Fully two- thlnb of a l.aJ"pr ct.. have ahMdy quallfled for ft nlAbed tmtructlons. -photo by C. A. Griffis. Drive Carerully-Spue a Llte. Nut door to 8" View Care ea.m.toep.m. 2588 Newport Blvd. (ACT'OSS from S . A. Airbase) Phone: 5641 Drop By and Enjoy an Excellent Mexican Dinner -at Hours: 5 p. m. to 10 p. m. -Closed Mondsyw Now Showtnc: ·~=r-J Box Seats Bay Patrol Boat Ask.ed Councilmen Sunday thru Tueeday Brian Donlevy-.Joel McCrea . "The Virginian" -lD Technlcolor- Sonny Tan. B&rbara Brtttoa Wfldneeday On.ly-.Jaly U -A Nisbt of Terror!- ''The Cat Creeps" -Al- "S he-W o If of London" Como.t,-"SPOOK lo ME" Sta.to 'l'bun., July %5 "A Walk in The Sun" Next W~: .. ONE MORE TOMORROW", .. ABILENE TOWN", "BADMAN'S TEB- RJ'roBY". Now on Sale For Pageant LAGUNA BEACH.-Box seats for the Pageant of the Masten. the presentation of living pictures in conjunction with the Eleventh Annual F estival of Arts here Aug- ust 7 through 18, went on sale Friday, according to C. Leland Freeman, president of the Board A night patrol Doat to provide protection for Newport Bay, was asked at the city council meeting l\.1onday by PoUce Chief R. R. Hodgkinson, who reported that there are an average of three burglaries a night among the $7,- 000,000 worth of craft moored ln the harbor. The council authorized a 30-day appointment of a patrolman until the matter is permanently settled. Jet Fuels Not Simple to Make of Directors of the Festival of J et-propelled engines will opcr- Arts Association. ate on anything from powdered The special boxes an innovation coal to Napoleon brandy, accord- at Irvine Bowl f~r this year's ~ng to David E . Day._ manufactur- pageant are selling at $120. tax 1ng head of a large 011 company. included. for the 12 festival nights. "There is a vut difference, how-Constru~tlon of the boxes will ever," Mr. Day P?inted out, "be- get under way as soon as the en-~ween just oper~f:ing and operat- gineer's survey, started last week, mg , at peak eff1oency ~der the is completed. There will be 58 v~~ed and extr~me conditiom for boxes, each seating four persons. "'~.1ch a JP engine is designed. General admission and reserved .. As _a consequence, present spe- seat tickets for the pageant are to c~Ji:ations ~or JP fuels are very ••• M day July 22 ~._.. r1g1d and m some respects are go on acue on , · .... , , ..... ~ h th h ·11 range from $l.20 for unreserved tou~ er to meet an l e speci .: seats to $2.40 for reserved. cations for 100-octane gasoline. Admission to the grounds dur- ing the afternoons of the restiva.1 will be 75 cents for adults and 35 cents for children. Visiton will see a three-ring puppet circus, the works of artists, sculptors, cet"· amists, many and varied h&ndi· er afters of the colony, and 'a com- pletely equipped and operating ceramic shop. The pageant \\ill be Phm3-C Bob Henley Released from Navy Robert M . Henley, son of Emily Henley, 208 40th St.. Newport Beach, received his discharge from the Navy on July 12 after 14 months service. ~!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll!llllll~~p'.'.r:=ese~n ted each evening at 8. Henley, who was pharmacist stationed at Corona Naval hos- pital, is a graduate-of Newport I larbor high school and plans to c nt<'r coll<'ge in the Fa11. F or ty per cent of the patien~ in veterans' hospitals a re veterans of World \Var II. \'et{"ra ns may reinstate Nation- TeWinkle Host to 42 Picnickers Forty-two employes, their fam- ilies and members of the staff of TeWinkle's Hardware store of Costa Mesa closed up shop Monday afternoon at 5 p .m. and attended the annual picnic given by the management-this year held at Anaheim park. The succulent menu, prepared - <f!JJalboa rket More n... ao Y .... or lier.tee lo u.e -n SOl Main Braken Flaoot ~tele Ph. Barbor 86 Lenses Duplicated E. .T. Butterworth, 0. D. 1114 Woot O..tnl ~ Barbor 1611 I: ........ by Appolll-t by the Head Chef and Store Man-'-------------------------• ager J . C. Lionbarger, featured broiled steaks a nd roasted corn n r----==~ll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'll'Jll'Jll'Jll~!Yli'T;::::---1 the cob. Following the steak repast, stunts under the direction of Mrs. George F ox and Mrs. Roy Updike were presented and a ball game held. A watermelon feed followed the exercises and ended the annual festivities. For office News-TI.mes. supplies, see DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish Alwayll Fresh the 110 McFadden PI. a.taln Store: 101 mghway .. At Road to Balboa Island" Fresh Daily Dellctoua Sea Food.I Or, complete equipment when you want to catcb your own.. • HORMEN FISH MARKE · ON CENTRAL AVE,NUE, NEWPORT BEACH C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys ;!; ;!; ;!; Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. ;!; ;!; ;!; Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service ./lnnounciw; (jwi a l Service Li! e Insurance \Vi thou t r;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;; laking a physical examination to December 31. 1946. New-.focd:ion TOP QUALITY, LATE MODEL '41 CADILLAC '42 BUICK '42 CHEVROLET '41 CHEVROLET '40 CHEVROLET '41 PONTIAC '42 DODGE '39 NASH • SEDAN, CLUB COUPES AND CONVERTIBLES Will Pay You Top Dollar for Clean Used Cars -- S & W AUTO SALES lOOi Coast Highway "Miracle Mile Newport Beach General Omar N. Bradley, ad- ministrator of veterans affairs, expects the total of American war veterans to rt'ach 20,000,000 in the next year. Most employes of the Veterans Administration are veteram, and 60 per cent wear the Purple Heart. Women veterans are entitled to the same benefits under the serv- icemen's readjustment act CG.I. Bill) as men veterans. Balboa Tileatre Pllloae Harbor %1 Bo;J: omee opn. ac. 8:15 Slloww NipU,., '''° a 9 ,30 l:lldo ~lily "' YoW' t..t Cbaaoe to See: "Keys of the Kingdom" MoDda,-aaid T'Deeda,-: Tbe J'W'• pea.test raapeae mt,- "The Spiral Staircase" Doro~··--& -~ .. Web e ...,. <>-17, 11117 Ulll: "Devil Bafs Daughter" "Behind The Mask" Sta.to 'l1mn.. lwq 14, ........ ___ ,a- ""'~ -"LAURA" --cun-w--Abo FAldle -.. "Strange Voyage" Nut W-: "DO Yor LOVE Kl:f .. "UP IN JI.A.. BEL'll aoor, "'JAND OETll ...... Records -Records Records · . . Old Ones .. i:- MOONLIGHT SERENADE LITTLE BROWN JUG OPUS NO. I MARIE SONG OP TNDIA i SLEEPY LAGOON . . , New Ones G. MILLER FIVE MINUTES MORE EVERYBODY LOVES my T. DORSEY REMEMBER ME SWEET EILEEN H. JAMES EASY FRIAR ROCK BABY CARNIVAL OF VENICE FLIGHT of the BUMBLE BEE TWO O'CLOCK JUMPS. BACK BEAT BOOGIE I"M IN LOVE WITH TWO SWEETHEARTS -B. GOODMAN JUMPTN' AT THE WOODSIDE LOCAL OPUS !02 . TILL TOM SPECIAL BLUE SKIES I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT YOU'" B. GOODMAN ON THE ALAMO ' Victor Red Seals ' RED MILL APPALACHIAN SPRING Vicwr H.,.bm Copland THE BUMIYAT of OMAR KHAYYAM Columbia Masterworks NEW WORLD SYMPHONY llugmc Onruindy BEETHOVEN ~NATA No. 7 INC MINOR • EXOTIC MUSIC KoSlela,,... • .,,u,,U> car. I "Evetything in Miiiie and Sound" • • ll&WWWW •••ltQ& MWWW'flirn XwwwfW! 8 s+ O'M1 t Tim ty. !!Ir J& UM ule _S<:otdi_a• tbe_ta!: .... _· -=-~-an fishermen Ask L~ ~::b.~:r Small Harbor &°!!:1:i ~k~~er Ref ail Sate$' B "ldi p Wife, Hair Stylist Somc-tlr111,9 lfc,., T"~ LUVLITE 1/t.a.dc Hf l..09una &ac-~ PR1c E 13'5 O!IHCL.,_ .. TA>. """ "PO$TA¥ T ... e '60U1'01" Protection ~~a M~_ ::n~~ Needs-·f o Be d'~~ih:~= Over Million F A f the leaden.hip in Orange COW1ty o· d market located at 708 East Cen-rom ma eur rural building permlta .. 1th • to-1scusse tral ?.venue to .. Just another Retail sales in Orange county tal of $27.2Eti for seven penn.Jts, Smith, Homer At. Smith; so now . according to figures released by "Cluck'" and Homer could be totalled $108.552,()(X) In 1945, ac- the county building delWJl'tment called the "Sm ith Bros." wtth-cording to a Sur\•ey by the re-- Vacationers, who are taking this week. What California needs .in the out benefit of coughs or beards. search department of the Cali- the1r amateur catches in com petl-rural standing with $23 500. how this ls to be accomplished was chief cool< on the U.S.S. . . • I P.APALMER LIDO ISd! PllC»Dnl!S ---·----w. Q .BUCK-Insuraooe Counselor .a..... 1500 tJJ.-t. iim( 3333 VIA LIDO cALJPDRNIA T..e NuA.5ll'lllY TH! s ICI( 'ROOM T,.eT"A•L.ER. business a way_ from regular New-'{be county .total was '102,886 wa~ of small '"'ea.el harbors the Homer Smitih was lately dis-fom ia S tate Clamber of Com- por.t Beach fishermen by selling and Garden Grove followed in the-entire length of its coasWne, and f charged from °!e navy, '-''here he m erce. This is 8 17.6 per cent in- tion with the fish stands at the Perm.its issued in ec,;.ta Alesa wUJ be discussed at the first meet-Doyen, the ship that y.·as spans-crease in county retail sitlcs over foot of Ne"']Xlrt Beach pier. were were as follows: Ing of the Statewide SmaJl Harbort or~ by the Oty of Los Angeles. 1944, and a gain of 116.6 per cent --------------~---------- ! the objects of A. Kettle's ire at Frank H. Taylor 1Ta92 Avocado Developmenf Committee. to be This sh1 p made a.n enviable record over tpe 1939 retail sale dollar YouWi~~ Lov~ THI! (Mon~ay evening's city council St., SlOOO; E. w. Enes, 1021 l 9th held Friday at 1 :30 p. m. at thej delivering ~h.e ftnt ).1arines to the \·olume. r-------------------------LUV L ITE meetmg. /St .. $5850; Paul Myran. 11861 Vic-/ California State Chamber of Com-South Pacific 1.slands. Sales of retail stores in Cali- A S MALL.DIRE.CTU> LIGHi l Kettle asked the councilmen to) toria St .. $5500; Carl Thomas, 402 merce. I .M~lyn Smith. his charming fom!a totaled $6.709.m .OOO. ac- D OES AWA"T W ITH GLAR~ set up regulatory ~easures to pro-17th St, $1683: Harold Shaffer.I Following r eq,uests that the ~~e. is now associated "'i!h Mary ~rd1~g to thE' statr chamb(or. This Now Here! COLDRE"D Pu"a.IG1.."5 FROf'(l' tect the l~al business mC'.n. 217221\teyer Pl .. S4(X)(); John Long, state chamber take the Je-ad in Price, Bay and Surf Beauty shop. is an increase of 14.7 per ct>nt over A ~mm1ttee was appointed to 1712 17th St., $7000; Leslie Ben-thh1 program. Dr. Robert Gordon M~y \\,II be official hair stylist. the 1944 dollar volume of sales. For Immediate Delivery COME S W"1 VYH •T E 4REl!'t1, 'look tn~o the m..i.tt~r WI.th the idea nett, 1192 Cecil Pl.. $2500. SprouJ, chairman of the state Pss1stPd ~Y ?\·fa rilyn in designing and .110.5 per cent .o\'e r t~e 1939 YELLOW,O°RN'tC,.E', BLUE.. of setting up a city license tha t chamber's state"'ide natural re-and dress1n6 coiffures fo r many of ~etall _sales: ~er ca~1ta rl'ta1I sales P INK. o~ O~C.HID wouJd not rost too much but K B sources committee. l't'Cently nam-the t>t-auties in the Al Anderson 1n Cahforn1a 1.n 194~ ,,·ere S760. or &~~~~~~0~1r~ \\'Ould create "red tape" which err uys Pd a committee of 50 members. and Gustlin School of SWim non-61.7 per cent O\'er the state's 1939 IRI'\ .J OWE N might discourage casual fish pcd-This is its first mttting. professional bathing girls· parade per capita sales. Last year's per 4 11 "PO~-'R 6iRE El dling and save the business for H bb d C H . N t Sunday. Jul}' 28 at the Fun Zone. capita retail sales in the United LAC:.UNAEE-'CH,CALlf". I K ettle and his fishermen associ-N Mk 0 _ uh ~ h : O\\e, d Ch•wpo1r St a tes "·ere $556, an increase from New H.R.S .. Marine Radio Transmitters and Receivers ·---------.-----' t t D'C"aC . 1s c airman, an ar es B h . . . a es. orman A Winslow Oakl d . . -29's Burn Plenty t e national per capita sales flg-_-.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----· · . · an . JS -\'l.ce . urP of $321 in 1939. • chairman. Yachtsme n, commercial In a raid against the Japanese SaJes byi California retail stor('S fishe~en. ':'l'presl'ntatives of fi~h-homeland. it is estimatC'd a B-291 rose from \7.6 per cent of the na-e~~n s un10!1s. oounty and city ~uperf~rtress-operating from a n t.ional tot,_i in 1939 to approx1- of.f1c1als are 1nclu.t.1ed In the com-island 1n the Marianas--consumc:l mately 9 per cent in 1945. Primary mittec membership. a~u~ 6(M)() 2allons of 100-octane ' ca use of this incrC'asing share of Complete Yacht &lld Co--.... I I t. ; I l ' Come ln ·Toclay and Visit-The sale of Nor man's A.1eat Market in Cottle's 20th St. Mar· kct in Ne"'J)Ort Beach was an- nouncl'd last "'eek by th(' former OY.'nPr , Don Norman, to Al\'le Kerr. PHONE743 Far Whats New and Available! I Kerr, who has been in the meat retail business for the past 20 years in Long Beach. will have James Reardon in association with him in the new conC1!rn and the name of the market v.ill be chang- ed to Al and Jim's Meats. WOOD AND METAL P OSTURE CHAIRS! Norman, who has owned the meat department just sold for the past 18 months, has no definite business plans for the immediate future and plans to vacation a bi t before reentering business. • ARE.PROOF CHESTS $350, Wallet Stolen • SWIVEL BACK CHAIRS Theft of a wallet containing $350 was r eported to police her e Sunday by A.1iss Ann Delafield of Newport Beach. Miss Delafield also said that the billfold -contain- ed an airlines ticket to New York City for July 23. • METAL WASTE BASKETS • METAL SMOKING STANDS • METAL CARD FILES • WOODEN TYPEWRITER STANDS • SPRING-RLLED CHAIR CUSHIONS • KEMPRENE RUBBEROID CEMENT (&LL l!IZDI) Espert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5816 __ ,,_ Metal Copy Holders! •a.-i.1•-· Palmer Radio Masonite AND ELECTRIO U48 Newport 111><1. COSTA MESA Coftdnutd Sl4ttmmt of Conditio" ]""' 29' 1946 aEIO lllCEI . F.Oeral a...ne lank . • , , , , • , , I 0.. ~ lo:ab -..••.•... TOTAL CASH • • • • lllO,llt,711.N llaltM. Sten. GoTe:mmant Oba.,atlou. d1r9d cmd mu.,.~ . . . . . . • .... Coaaty. cmd )lmktpQI .... • • • ~ looda CIDd lec:wldn , • • , • • 8eodr: • r..s..ai --.. laak • • • • • • • toc:a. cmd IJillcDuotll • • • • • • • • AccraM. ........ cmd A.ccoutll ........... • • loak PM-' ............. Flatm-.. cmd .. ~ Vcnabis •••••••••• ~ lteal lelatiS OwMd o O 0 O O ' ! O O c ,. ear l.lablltr • ACCOUDt., t.t11n ol Cndl1. .Aco.11·n,sL o:nd lacloned IWI •••• Olb. •• ...... • ••.••••••• .... .n.1.11uo ltS.111.17'.N l.141.IWlll.JO 32S.M0.111.U IH.OH,IU ... UU'MO.oO 1.1euao.111.n ,, ............ lt.Ol 1.ot l.ot ......... a.nT.711.7• 117.IOl.U _ ... _ ...... ,aot.tll..40 £REDIT ... mraf~ flSIONG ll&llLITlll c ahM c (I ........ .._, Pt ·-..c I.Sii~ ':be ..... -• . .... ,,. ........ -... •• lot .... .075.00 121.llO.OO • M.75USS.ol I0.2ft..UO.IS ........... •... ... . . . . . . . . . P.1' b .. llodi: ._,,_.. p ... Ill.DU.IS • • • • • • I .......... -... Dlibls . . . . . -Dn-..d • • • • .. -.M>M0.11} Sathit'e cmd ,,_ I 1.1$4.SIO.lll.OS IJabllltr .. J.d9n • CndJl .... Aa:eptor4 Ee~. ot ...... • L .. sp1PCM aad F°""9a am. . . . . . . . . . . IMarff tar Ia..,... Jlecsl"MI t. AdTGllC9 • • lss1rr• tor 1111--. T-. •le. ••• , • • 140.IU.HUO l7.7lt.31S.14 l.u&.UUU.11 '2.ltl.ISUI 7..270,17Uf 1.414.111.71 tOTAL UAllUTllS , • • • • • • i ; ..,,.114..aot,tl1.40 . • 1-..d "' "" (J.20 ~ltal-SJO ~. Aa..ol t>trldud u . CalW .. dlobm ~I• h&llasofllllp3l, J~ Tllis •I•• •t mcezder tM..,.... .. dae W.doa. ED9i-.I. ~.SC.. ••member thlll'when yon need to borrow money for any pur-. Bank of America haa the momy to ltmd ... and what ta still more important to you, the people ~ Bank of America ban the llYiM to understand yonr need for that money. Bank of America ia growill(f with the West. Ii t. tmdy to meet every l!nanclal needt,of the people of California and their basin 111 and indu.Via) ... ~ 1'attk of .Amtrint NATIONAL l'l.'{."r;.= ASSOCIATIOlt ........ rsDs-...&,. Dll:PO•tT tM•URAMD .. DD•PIDllATIDM I • ........ Pll:Dll: .... '-aC•allllv • e TeTS• I ' • SEE THEM AT HARBOR RADIO & ELECTRIC 2602 Central The Army ~nginccrs' part in a:r1ation gasoline on a. si?gle mis-1 thC' national total "'as increasing the program \\·111 be outlined by si~n .. An 800-plane m1ss1on from population, ,~·hich rose from 5.3 1 Col. E . J.I. fl.·t arks, divisio n engi-1 this isl and "·ould consume approxi-per cent of the national total in Phene Harbor t-67 n{'('r , South Pacific division. The mately 5.000.000 gallons. I 1939 to 6.7 per C<'nt in 1945. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ projects te ntat i\'l'ly considered in I - the plan for ha rbors or refuges every 30 to 50 miles along the coast "'ill also be listed. Col. Rolx-rt C. Hunter. district engineer , Los Angeles district. will discusS proposed projects from Pt. Pinos to the Mexican li ne. Ca- bell G\\•athmey, assistan t chief, engineering division of the San Francisco district, will outline possible projects from Pt. Pinos to t he Oregon line. Procedure for instituting small harbor developments will be ex- plained by Merton C Collini, chief, rivers and harbors section of the Army Engineers' South Pa- cific division. A manual on harbor development, prepared by the s tate chamber In collaboration with Anny Engine-en, Navy, Coast Guard and other state and federal agencies, will ·be distributed a.t thls m~i ng. Radio Is Missed Police heard Sunday that Wil- liam A. Brown of 1112 French street, Santa Ana, missed a port. able radio from his a utomobile after he parked it in a Balboa parking lot. Newport Beach police are inves- tiga ting the theft. GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sance • ~3 Orab Meat • Dreww'"p • PlcklM -ouv ... •Ch"""" -Meal>! • Sardin"" -Anchovies • Crackers -Bl9cnlt8 • French R<!lls SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher V egetablea Better Meal>! Fancy Groceriee US FOl'flllt Ave. LAGUNA BEAOH !WAI LAST TIME -\~ $UNDAY ...., < :z --c < ..t 0: :z 0 :z 0 :r: Gryphoo Productions and TAMARA GEVA ID 20th Century IVI.1' H THBU 11 Umited Seating Ctpodty Reserved Seats Available at BLUE SAil.S BOOKSHOP ~u,,._ .,, Or 1-181 Or> .... hf7-: -- 0 z OJAD1E nzvoa AND "' ONSLOW llTl:VICN8 ~ la > Dark Victory ~ nKJS11: •••...,. -. TU •n:~o ~ • I Meadow Wood Brand. Excel- lent quality. Limit l pound per customer. TER •· 79c Ulllll#I 111/ll'llll Mason Jars W ith CoPI ond Lids it1!!!4- hs• l'W J-. U6-0o,.,, QUOf'f ior•. 16c. Ooien holf-gallon '°''· 1.15. 2-pc. Jar Caps Jar Lids Coffee Jar Lids Coffee Jar Caps ........ 1 .. .......... .......... Two.p;oco J .. ...... 11 •1111•11 tt11111111 1m1 Flokod lluino Blu-White Bluing Llnit Starch Lo }ronc:• ......... 2 1 ::· 1 .. 12 ......... Glass Cleaner ci-•• "'""" 12-............. Glass Cleaner ""'• M•""'""" 10-...... ""* Dry Cleaner tllltN TM/$ UST II llllWl1 Nlllll Shredded Wheat 11.:"',: JI• Spaghetti Dinners Chef ~-Ar -0.S Brand. _31• Pudding o.<C.P. ~= .. VOftllto, lut1.-rk'Otd\ Otoooaut. f'°"'°"' Flit Fly Spray -~ 3ze ""'· wifhowt e>..D..T.,. 1k. FlyDed ""'· I k. Gollan. I. I$. ... -.Kee; &•1 ... 0u1 .._ It takes top-quality fresh fruits and vegetables to make perfect ~lads. The lettuce must be crisp aad tender; tomate>tS mu.st be ripe, yet firm and fu)J.ftavored ; every ingredient must be at its peak of good11tSS if the ulad ia to be ezactly righ1. Yes salad making is just about the ino.t sev.ere test you can me..ke of fresh ~ produce. That's why we invite you to try Safeway fruits and vegetables in salads_, We're ao certain you'll 6nd them grand we promise your money back if tbey ever Wit ' Lettuce Crisp. fresh and solid heads. Trimmed clean. No wutc. Tomatoes Medium size, firm and full of J flavor. Excellent for slicing. lb. Cucumbers ~i.1:·ri~:.i;;~.;~1::=,:!: 11 •• Bell Peppers · Gl ... ygreen, fresh and crisp. ... Celery Carrots Tender, fresh Utah·lype. Fine fo r salads or to aerve chilled • lb • . • Smooth, clean. well·shaped IL and sweet. Tops are off. ,... Produce prices subfect fo Cltallflfl after Wed-sday of this wHk. APRICOTS t1YOr. Juicy and sweet. llow at 1he peak ol il>efr 12c Bay .•n ample 1upply .for IL ca.na1n1 purpciiem now I 11t. (81 tlae Jq, lb., Ile) • Ulllll6 'lllTl6lll Diced Carrots ..... °"""""" 12-M-n . .- Diced Carrots °"' ~.':.. "'::: 12- Carrots c.H.a. ,._,,.;. 12- 10-... - Diced Beets °"' Mon" "'""" J J• 1, .... ,., Hemet Spinach ,, .... ,_ It• Asparagus ,, ....... 33- Sactomento All Gt"" Cut. MlllH#ll, l'IUlU Mushrooms . Dill Cliipa _ ......... .. ,~,., .... - ruw•1111 Black Tea c, .. ~ .... • ·--........ er... .......... , '*DI. ................. , .... .... •ea-.. ,, ·--,., """'"4· . ... ... _ .-........ _ ............ _!*- Tlae Tea -...! • .... , ,.,sr.. l ' PEACHES --ffridy. Acid ~ IO ,._. fnait bowl -· Nico 10 alict. ,.. Swee& ... JUcJ. •• GREEN SHRIMP Uwli ... I ' •••:el *""P· lb ----· . SOLE FILLETS • z I n ............ lb. --c+ as es 11. COD FlllETS S' F -.............. .. ._,_.p Ma .. ••• • ••• .. 411° 8rnl1A11111 Y-le S, will alwayo w.i-mtby ......... I... +•all 's' z49pr m•Mtearrya..plete• W' 111.i•ta;i1ti1N1:m arrWtMI OR"DS fta JDIB·BS P1.AC11D .U '''I' a D4D Jiii ADVANCE. -........ nere Fa millar About. Was Somtlri111 nat Tackle Sllop; Of 'Griff' and it Became Part He Became Part of It Whet! O.arln Griffis, bette< knoom as "Griff," secretary ot the 8-tfWUng Assocation of New- pcrt Harbor, walked into the Rod and Reel Shop of. Frank Wishon at 210 Marine avenue, Balboa Ialand, ho felt peculiarly at home. It wu not only that he was fa- mlllar with such surroundings, having formerly had such a shop himself, but there was something about the very distinctive fix- tures that wu decidedly homelike. Closer inspection proved they were the very same showcases, ooun- ten, tables and shelving of gum- wood which he had dl"signed, built some of them him'ielf, and had in- stalled ln hi.5 fomwr Griffis Sport- ing Goods shop in Be\·crly H ills. The payoff is that "Griff' has gone back "home ," having moved WILLEv'r REFRIGERnTIDO JERVICE comPnnY today from the News-Times office to the Rod and Reel shop which he will manage for Wishon, who ia owner of a Los Angeles hotel, and wlD 8lso continue u secretary of the Sportfishing Association. Realty Prices Will Continue Upward, Survey Predicts (Continued from Page 1 ) to come. There has been a slight slackening off in recent weeks be- cause people are still walling for some equitable distributjon of building materials, but "'hen that time comes. valucs will rise pro- portionately." That prices m ay go down slight- ly in the next fey,• years was the opinion of El ton Barnett, broker in the Eva Rhoden Real Estate or- rice in Newport Heights, but it is more possible, said Mr. Barnett, S.--•P'77r1mc -~ that ''realty values will go up-in lie ODut: ~Oo~ = ~ fact, ~t is the more U~el~ ~: ~ch; Ph~ Night. U362 1 sumption to be made at this time. Lquna Beach I For Better Pr\DUng Call 12 or I S. For Delicious STEAKS BRE AKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER -on - Balboa Island )6 Block from F erry 1131h Agate This and That Patience ls a good &ll-year-rountl lubricant for the wheels of life. Train your child in the way } O\J now know you should have gone yoursell. • A visitor at an asylum was watching one of the inmates push- ing a wheelbarrow upside down. • '"Illat's not the v.·ay to push It:• the visitor exclaimed. "you've got it upslde down:· "Oh, ha\·e 1 ~·· answered the lunatic. "If l push it the other way they put bricks in it.'• A strikin~ reminder that the w a r i~ over is a cosmetic ad show· ing a prC'tty girl being kissed by a civilian. "Know what the salmon said as he bit the hook ?" "No, what?" "He said, 'l 'IJ probably get can- ned for this'." "Why Wd the file clerk get sore and quit?" ""The auditor asked her to let him look at her pink sups." There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown hopeless about them. Strapless gO"-'TI : An article clothing that defies the law gravitation. I OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY (Meet the Owner on the lot) BRAND NEW CAPE COD ·HOME Just Completed ---Ready to Move in Bring Your Pocketbook 2-BEDROOM. TILE BATII AND KITCHEN. SERVICE PORCH, LAWN, SHRUBBERY, FENCED YARD, GARAGE, LOT 50x150 See This Beautiful Home at 365 BROADWAY, COSTA MESA M~'d- Ladies' Novel and Casual Attire Balboa 109 Main St. T. S. McElroy • Slacks Rayon, Wools Cottons. Gabardines Bathing Suits Rubber Swim Caps Skirts Gabardines. Cottons, Rayons. Wools Coats and S.its Huntington Beach 124 Main SL R . W. Bartine Blou$_e5 Crepes, Satins, Cottons, Sheers Panties and Brassieres Pedal Pushen and Tee Sllirts Dresses Rayons, P ri nts, Cottons and Sheers. Men-Women Pl'ostate 0. ~ .... ~..__., .....,. .. ._,., .,_.., • ...... ef -.,r, AN ,_ _....... ,....,.. lint&MIP. ... ....., ~ ... Mt.-e ,.... ..... ,......_,. .. _ ......... ...... , ITS YOUR "GLANDS 0... ....... "~" ..... -....... ,.._ -"· ........... ~. _ .. ,_._ ........ .... .._ Dr. E. P. ..._ D.. c:_ n.c.. 1.,- ~ ..... X-..rt; ........... II-"-I I.St t• .. "l'W'I ... d 'blec .. m.....-.. ~-A..·-.. T;31 P. L . ....,. ... ~ • Around the World ~· .~M·~.,,77 B. R. BRINKERHOFF -S.'l'Mrt8L .-.a-.a.m. • • • Edftor Departs R~ ·sat.rda = Nuggets Obedience Is tho oftl!lrinc ol WNG BEACH, July 18.-Fu-LoY<!; . and Love ~ the Pri1 ...... neral servkes for Ruskin Louis of uruty, the basis of all risbt Dunfee, 451 city editor of The thlnk:in& and acting; 1t fUlftla tlle Pr.ss-T"1<gram, who died Tues-law.-Mary Baker EddY- day ni&ht after an illness of more than ropr months at bis parents' home iri Loo Angeles, will be held Saturd&y in the I nglewood lttem- orial Park cemetery. Dunfee. who was born in Colum- bia Qty. Ind, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W . Dunfee of 1812 W . 45th street, Los Angeles. He served in the student army trfjn- ing corps, Uni\·ersity of Redlands, No man can always do jmt M he ch006eS uutil he always c:boD111 to do God"• will; and that II heaven. There is no liberty t. wrongdoing.-J'ooeph Coolc. We need only obey. 'I'ben j. guidance for each of us. and b1 lowly listening we shall bear tbl right word.-Eme.rson. in September, 1918, in preparation Wisdom is the right use ol for ser,·ice wi_th the r~gular army kno"'ll'dgt>. To know is not to be and at the time of hlS death he "'ise ... But to kno"' how to me "·as a member of the Arthur L. 1 kno"'ledJ::e is to ha\-e wisdom.- P eterson post, American Legion, Spurgron. a.nd the Los Angeles Athletic club. Your Friends and Mine New residents of Newport Beach are Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Greenwald, whose marriage waa recen tly solemniied in the First Evangelical church, Santa Ana. Mrs. Greenwald is the former Madilyn Kubitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kubitr or Ana- heim. She is a graduate of Red- lands university and her husband graduated from Santa Ana High school, serving afterward with the Army Air Force for three years. He who is taught to live upon little O\\·es more to his father'1 ";sdom than he who has a great deal left him does to his father'• care.-\\'illiam Penn. If }'OU "ish to train up a c.hlld in Lhe way he should go, just skirmish ahead on that line your. self.-J'osh Bi1)1ngs. Because right is right, to follow ' right were wildoal in the scorn of consequences.-Tennyson.. Lett.n Piie U p Each day ihe Veterans Admin- istration in Washington 'recetwe 250,000 letters. Polished Aluminum CHAISE LOUNGES Durable· . Comfortable ... Beautiful FURNITURE 82! COAST HIGHWAY "lo tbe Miracle Mlle" S Blocka South of 'l1le Arcbee EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME FURNITURE RADIOS APPLIANCES j / There's a chance for a real car_eer · on a Telephone Job I Yoo bne a ta.I opponwtiq to gee: ahad cJa • telepboac Job. You're paid ...Uwbilc ,........,...i,... .... -aiModoe.-yiac~ ' I ' Wodc U inte:fo escia g. pleas. me. and tJUk.. iag cooditica9 uc n:c:cllaL Tlw:'s oae ._.. 1oa wh, cete. ~-.i. ... _,.doe !dad ol poofle ,... lib IO -M ... ;o, beiaa wiib. --------------------------------------------I I / . 'l'liott1ttod>tt adY&ata&CI U wd1. ud '°" cm wodi: ap co o•• of •••1 Joloo ..... cony nal --ill'L lq.WJlt ___ _,, ----------------- I I ' • • ........ , yoe'I .................. , • Good Pl7 whilo,... ..... • Good wodUq eoodi·- • llqular ...... • v.:ado9 widr ..., •Adoola 10p<aboo4 • ---------------- • ( • So Help Me -- By Biddle Dorey During the past week It bas CQme to our attention that there Is a persistent rumor go- ing around town that life in a real estate factory is just one constant round of pleas.. ure. This sort of loose talk is a grave injustice to that gal- lant little band of downtrod- den employes of J . M. Miller, the Simon Legree of the real estate business. • • • • You honestly wouldn't be- lieve some of the things that we have to put up with in the course of a day's work. F or example, tDday Holly the errand boy, was working on I his invention of an under- ground tent when J . M. came I into the office with a new client named Pa trick Gon- zales, \\1ho \Vas interested in buying some property suit- able for a factory and show- room. Holly dropped every- thing, of course, to give his undivided attention to Mr: • . 6 • • .... .... Puauc NoTICE BUSlNESS OUIDll H LOST .U."D FOUND n llALll ~U8 a -----------VETERANS ...... CE:RTIFICAT£ OF PERSON We can build )'OU a three-- TRANSACTING 8USIN£SS "---'~-home 1 UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME: ~VU&.U on our ots, located on Broadway in Costa The unden:lped, J . H . Balley. doea M hereby certJfT tb&t be lll eonductlq a es&. wholes&le ftltltable produce buslnn9 and anr bush:W:u lDCide.ntal tber"l.!to, al Newport Bay Company 532 Coast Hfabway Newport BMcb. . Oranse C.OUnty, C.lltomla. under the 17th and Fullerton, Costa Mesa !k tlUous firm name of BEACH CITIES PRODUCE CO., -See-and tbal uJd nnn b compoeed of the totlowlns penon. wboee name ud ad· GEORGE M. HOLSTEIN, m dress b u follows. to wlt : J . H. BAILEY, Owner --Or- Xll Wutmlnster. ROLAND LOGERLOF COIJla K e.aa. CaJJfomJa.. wtTil.'"ESS my b&nd lhlll 16th day of 56-1 tc July, 1946. ' -------------J . H . BAILEY . STATE OF CALl!'ORNIA \ COUNTY OF ORANGE. u.. On thlA 16th day of July. A.O. 1946, be fore rne. Leroy P . An<fenon. a Not.a~ ~blic in and for aald County 11.nd ~:.tate. pe_nionally appeand J . H . Balley . known to rne to be the per90n whoeit name 11 s ub11ertbed to the with.in Iruilru.ment. and ackno•ledged to me that he e~ttuted the same. IN 'VlTNESS W"HEREOF. I ha ,·e hereunto Ml m y hand and a.ftl-.ed n1y official Mal t he day and year in lhi11 certificate first abo"e written . L E ROY P. AND E RSON Notary Publlc In a nd for M id County and State . Pub.-July 18. 19•6. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS F ictitious F irm Name P -3375 - AUTO BODY Repair and Painting FREE ESTIMATE on House Trailer P ainting Portable Equipment GEORGE'S BODY & PAINT SHOP 2920 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 826. -BIG REWARD-- Black wallet. lost Sat. nite, Bal- boa Island; contains American Airlines ticket to New York City. Notify Ann Delafield. Zl5 Ruby Ave .. Balboa Island. 55-2tp ATl'RACTIVE lledt bar, 16-ft. long, 9-ft. high, marble top and columns, perfect. FUU plate m~ ror, $375. Ph. Santa Ana 5429. 54-4te FOR SALE-Bieycle, man's ~ war Schwinn lightweight. 3U EllPLOYJIENT WANTED II Hell trope, Corona del Mar . WANTED-Ironing and care for · !56-2tc children evenings. 309 Marigold FOR SALE-Bell and HOft!l Spo- Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor dal 70 P .A .• high speed 1..,..,, 1023-J. 51-ttc telescopic lense, wide angle lense, tilting <Qulpment. tripod. YOUNG MAN would appred.ate light meter. Complete equi~ Saturday \\·ork. Has good car. ment. Used only once. Call Har- Write or contact D. E. Shaver, bor 1'194-J, around 6 p. m. Newport Beach Municipal Tailer S4-4te Park. Newport Beach, Cal. 2-tPf ;:;~:-"77:::--::::---:-----""~ F OR SALE-Good sto\·e. right hand oven, with heat control, $35: ChE$t and bed. mattress, coil springs,~: brand new dav- enpart \Vith springs, mahogany tilt table. 312 3.5th St., Ne\\'POrt. WORK WANTED-Paindng su-- perintendent, '-'"ith 25 years ex- perience, desires connection v.ith large building contractor . I have my o"'-n truck, conuner· cial spr:ar outfit. ladders, drop cloth. brushes. Good reference. Call Harbor 8701..J.2 from 1 to 5. 49-tfc EMPLOYMENT OFFERED HELP WANTED-\Voman or girl for general housework ; good wages : live in or out. Harbor 1992. 56-tfc 54-4tc FOR SALE-S"'·ordfish rod, rere-1 and line complete, SSS. John T. S}mpson. 512 38t.h St., New. port Beach. 53-tfc FOR SALE WELL BRED spirited saddle horse, good western saddle and bridle. N. W. corner or 15th and Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Gonzales and his problem. It i;eems that Gonzales has been In lady's bathing suits for many years (as manufacturer that is), and he bas noticed that lady's bathing suits look BS though they were going to fall off to practically nothing In the near future. SMASHING THE TRADITIONAL CHAMPAGNE bottJe over t.be bow of tbe Sport K.lng u 1be taka to the water h tbe wife of one of the owners, Mn. Ellubet.h 11.apn, while Matron Slpid \\'ti.llama and Flower Girls .ioan Hacen &Dd Na.ncy K.lnc look on 'midst. the •pray. n.e Bacen and KJ:nc new 9P0r1a fishing erul!ler went. down the ways at th& Bob.man ya.rd last Friday while hund.reck of ll&rttorlte. - The undendped do her-eby certify lha t •e a.re conducting a magazine publl!hJng bu11l.neu at 509 East Cen-tral A\·enue. Balboa, Callrtlrnla. under the flctttloua firm name of Southern CAll fornl& Beachcomber, and that said firm bi compoM!d of lhe follo,.-tng per- 110na wboee name. In full and ~~ o f rf'l!lldence are aa follow11. TO-: Ru:saell L . Dietrich 509 E. Central A -ve. Balboa, Call.forni&. George S. Varp. 421 Hardine Street Balboa. C&Jlfornl&.. HELP WANTED-Lady family ironing. Phone 111-R. to do Harbor 56-4tc 54-4tc -------------I WANTED-Middle age house- COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. keeper; light duties: pleasant surroundings ; room, board and salary. Call Harbor 2016-J . !54-tfc SHABBY FLOORS Made Beautiful . looked on. -Kent Hitchcock Photo. • • • • So Gonzales (~hose real name was Llewellyn before he was kidnapped by gyp- sies during the Boxer up- rising), got the idea that for next year he will accentuate the obvious by simply tatoo- ing the bathing suits directly on the skin, eliminating the necessity for seamstresses working with magnifying glasses on mosquito netting. The police department said they thought it would be all right BS long as GOnzales (nee Llewellyn), would be careful to use only water- proof inks for the tatoo job. • • • • It looked so much like a sale that Holly was already figuring out how much his commission was going to be on the back of an old envelope when the boss started looking into the zoning laws to see if a tatooing parlor could be run Inside the city limits. By some oversight tatooing lab- oratories. had been left out of the ordinance. Russ, the of- fice boy, got on the phone right away to call the city hall to get a ruling from the city council, but he got the wrong number. Turned out to be a girl named Lulu who said she had a Packard con- vertible and a full tank of gas. That was almost five hours ago and Russ hasn't come back yet. • • • • 'Round the State Sparks from the News Circuit By LEONE BAXTER RESURRECTION Wit h '49 centennial celebration fever on the rise. J ack S. McDo\\-·- ell, S. F . columnist, suggests res- urrection to the map. and to post office registry. of California's famed old ghost tO\\'Tls-Gouge Eye, Petticoat Slide. Gospel Swamp, Skinflint, Shirt Tail Can- yon. Pa ncake Ravine, Centipede Hollow, Chicken Thei! Fla t, Hum- bu~ Canyon, etc. Resulting would be not only tourist enchantfnent. avers ~fc­ Dowell, but postal service enrich- ment. "I"d spread my vacation an1ong all those pl aces." he ex. plains. "just for the postmark!" CAR E TO BUY A SlflRT':' Shades of sunbonne ts and buck- skin vests! The men 's shirt situa· tion is limping on to a new, dra- matic low-back to the days of hoopskirts and covered wagons. Latest offering of the swank shops is "custom-tailored shirts. of crisp. fresh ginJ:ham, pla id or chC"Ckrd"-ju~t like Aunt Agatha's 1 ki tche n apron ~ The pr ice'? A mere $7.95! HOME TO\\'N DOC' "9: • .\KES HISTORY This "'N"k the pr c>ss of Ca lifor · nia S8\V advertising history m ade. Doctors pun ~led up th<' monry to a dver tise Califom iR Physicians Service in every pape r in the s t a te, and simultaneously launched a WN'kl y radio drama for the same purpose. "If the medical profession is to survive." said John Hunton, exec· utive secretary of the California Medical Association, "we must let the people know that the best health care In the world is avail- able here and now-under the voluntary system!" An age-old advertising jinx is Does Your House Need Painting? *.- No waiting ... Work done Immediately by highly skilled Journeymen Palntei:s using the mO!lt mod- em eqolpment and finest materials. *. . Owned and operated by World War D Veterans seeking your permanent good will and patronage. ~ For Free Estlm•t .. Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman FURNITURE BARGAINS- YOU FIND ALWAYS WIJ,L FURNITURE AT THE LOWEST PRICES I BUY RIGHT I SELL RIGHT NEEDLE'S Phone: Beacon 5 0 S 8 FURNITURE 2204 Newport Blvd. - 1n the meantime Biddle, the assistant janitor. had gotten tied up on some kind of a deal with a hitching post salesman who wanted to lease several hundred feet of curb- ing on Central avenue to dem- onstrate his line of fancy hitching posts and folding CWTY combs. The whole of- fice was a veritable bee hive of activity. ~~:·':s"oc;:::rh•p. by the home The Equipment and Supplies of !{le FUlly Equipped, Modem • • • • DISFRANCm SED The U. S. Supreme Court has made some imJX)rtant decisions lately. But one of the most sig- nificant didn't make headlines . WEST COAST SHIPBUILDING DRY DOCK CO. 'lAN Pt:'DRO. (' A.L l.FORNlA & The Court ruled that a naturalized Including Just then a Man With a citizen may be deprivea of his Whit C t strolled by the of MACHINE SHOP -MARINE EQPT. -NEW MARINE SUPPLIES e oa · . certificate to prove it. if his con-& RAW ~1ATERIALS -PlPE & \VELDlNG SHOPS -COMPRES- fice and glanced in the \vin-duct indicates he took the oath of SOR PLANT -ELECTRICAL EQPT. & SUPPLIES -SHOP EQPT. .dow. (It later turned out to alleoiance "with reservations." -TOOU\ -OFFICE EQPT. -BUILDINGS -SHOPS. be a barber out for a \valk, 'The move may gi'"·e pause t o those but we didn't know that few who ,,,..m to sta rt disliking Will Be Sold at Public Au ction ~ .. ~'::'"'Go":.~.';:'~ then ) So J "I hum"edly t his coun try r ight after th('y pull 011 1n .. 1>rooml•--;:2nd St In S-.o Pe-• • ,,. • • . •11"1• 1oward harbor. locked up the office and we their hands down follo•.,ng the BERTH 55 San Pedro Calif.""'""'"'"',.,,. all t h \" h 't flag pledge ' ' Pl>' DH>ot. \Ven ome. ,~ e a~en ON THE \\'I NG . heard from Gonzales smce. T f. d . . ked s F TUESDAY. JULY 23 -Starting at 10 a . m . but h to f his o tn . in Jam-pac . ., \VOrk next Vear . · d J t ·ht f Ortr1•.-.t HlirY't'f P1 1w•r X t>1lol 1·:1 . 3i'l"K~•l "1 1 '!·. 15 H. P Xhlor l'n1~ Bortu ope see some O I ho using space for 20f)() more con-I 1'1A<'H1SE 'l.ffOP· i.-1 ... • ~h1111;y F.nl" LA11\o-t ":" • ~w1nr. ~':!· 6" Btt•!'efl c .. n1"" • • • \ent1on e ega es. m1g eaze an llnr )ol oll Hciri•·•nt•I )(...,w1 ;, A ;i 8 :.r Wllll1U11• ru .... Nl ;i.o.-l11n<' t · '" l l?". ~r!H.lo • • • • or j;anization )('SS experienced in PH"' Th"·11<l1nr X •rt'11r11· -:.,..· to -1 ·· H(IJ"r A t:m n1~ En.-LllthP lloll°' Swln.-. l'I' t-•· B t d 't , 't f t h bl th h t:"-n•"'""" ,.,.nt• r • fil,.t>.,~1111.•1 Enc Lath•• I t 116' ;\f ll"llffll 1':111". l.olht 10 .. r!O': t-11"1" I: U On \\a .I Or OeX utnRn pro E"TI\S a n t E" r ra.ter-1 ~tltJ•I• ,. Dur I .at~ 1 ~ ,'.!O" ""'no"'• ~·-u., Enr l.alhr l -4"1111' Blr k fon:l R:wti:r.l Drill year before oonling dO\\TI to I nal Order of Eaglrs .holdin~ their t'n•-•1 s,) '! )l ,~i.-1 fh1ff,.10 0r111 rr.-24·· "'t11po !'b~ '10·· Bro•"'" A filhan "' J M "ill • 1" h d St I A · th th' k '.\4 tll s .. 4 Do AU )lr1it.I B.•.n.I ~11• V ~n.: PoM:..t.1 .. {'Jtindo-r Borll\I" Ban 8""w10" and • • 11"1 er S a t ::lt an a (' er1 es ere IS W~ · ':! ...... xr.· 1Vltdo H r..·11. ~I•• fl,fl All~ RJ'llr11u\it• rr-;1) Ion Y:r.)P £~rlr. HOlll :l Central tO talk OVer \'Ollr reaJ ''\V(''re Wt'Stern • born.'• says Tun •Uh 40" Tra»,.Hrr Yalt I Ton f:l.-rl ri<:" Ooi •l B1i-naJI .t K, ... J.,, Ptpoo ~Wr 4 .. : ~ Sta te Secy. C.Crge A. Duddy . n,-,1r .• ulu· ffl.H1.1ontal rr.-.... '1fl(l Ton Al*' Drtll ..,..,..,, estate deals. The phone nurn-. . . her Is Still ·Harbor l242 and "\Ve re the biggest-a mil~on '.'ll AH.l~E EQl"T A ~L-Pf'LlE.~ lmPell~ t"OmPlr-1.t'. fo, 1 i;. :!l>"T ft tn..-11 R.t.nd rum11 : . . . members-and most progr1"S!llVe G11olr-.nl.1t'd !!t..,1 Wt"' R>•I.,. I "",. A: t \4 •' Dl&mt'UT 5 Sl.eam Wint'bt'•, llartne Pa.ta\ w-e just love to hea r it nng. frat•mal -~er. \"'e sponso·-• the t ooo Gal.Jon• 1:: Cha.in Blork". 1 10 6 Tt>n : ca~. nialn.: Rone: c.i,1" !!1>111."'": 111"° F 19 s 20 SuZl M22 T 23 \V 24 " uau "' nc"U "'-witb ,,ll\lWf9 "'-'Irr \'al .. "' 8"•1f"· Dqton Cvu1>Un n : Br.,. n uinn: Sb.IP TIDE TABLES first old-age nonsion laws in Cali-8unll• ~11.~. !!torM>" Tank•: Cc>ld Rollitd Sbta tttn.r: Br-'-Bronse Sl.Ol:'.11 : Br::r., -Rcyund. r 1111 S\H'I e.., !HOo:'k · Bmnsie and er-Cullnn: s.,...1 TU bi n,. CoPfJf'T° PiPt'. fornia ! w e·re proud of our record .v11.111.r ~n • P1M11 . ..,._ J11 11ct1i1Mt Sn---••. !lludl>. :sv.1 •• ~ ~~1an~ ou.. ~v. 1.... in veteran 's work and youth guid-kr-11 : S ~· r ump. )1010,,.· !!IW1•"': Power w"'nrtie.· Sna•~b BIOC'll•: Plat.II •va. _._ Rooll•: E:J' Bolt• (') .... "'"'; Rubbeor Roeo>: s-B!Mf'; C'lt.&14!' Rft"v.l&tor1: R.aad 12:25 4.4 1:43 3.7 3 :24 3.3 5:05 3.3 6 :30 3.4 6 :34 l:U t :M ance--and out for a prouder rec--H""°" ro-.... rut1-t ran.Md"'": !!Y11thf'tk Gl.u. TUbinc · ~ Clo&ll: !!1ufU..QI' TuhN: rd H · bl ., J t a.--Stwa kf" Tu~ r.n ... · StallOG '!'t-nnlnah;: Sim-••· Ri<r,... e ant .. ane : B..lnftol: IAlf'I 0.3 4.2 2.4 ° -ousing pro em. us a &lllj Conftft"t . Elfoortrir Plu.n : 1'P. Se.tu h"I~: Elr-.. Ete. 7 :16 i:oe l:n brE't'"Z<'! The Eagles are on the win 1•• M be · E I !HOP EQP'J' A TOOLS· Rl'ndln• Slab : RI""' R•m'™""-: A.tr Drill• ChlwlM Oun.: O 7 4.5 2 1 g · ay converung ag es Ill""' oo.ruf PoW"PI' Wl1'Tl>·h.-.· oan1-nr-n .. ...,. v TnM-Air rom~ :oi:o rt. Dtreri 8:00 1 :90 .:a. don't take time OOt from work to Dr1-76~ P Wt't>U116bo\I-Jfo-UW . 0 1nfntT DPft y,.r Slt'Nlll Pumt1 · OonlnUrual PolllPI: l • 4.9 1.1 roost! :500· ...,. H ..... : Pno-1111'1alir Drtll•: 8Jdt11QUc: Jwtl.a· StJl.'"Oft W~: P!Mu111talk: _. Ori~ kndtY-1: Pl~ C'ftttrn: Tolf'do ... oe 'nl"'~; 5~ A me.: 0 CIMn.119: 8:59 1:41 11:11 ~· JM>'li: RI""' !'lo~: RI !l)t'o!<d Drtll11 ; Bos Wrr~: Puncfwoto: °"' Srt'ta; !bdJ Ledger h ts t News-Thnes. kl>anw~; QU ll\I' ,,,...., G~•-Gu.n.; OI~•· X 1"'1"0-tn-.· Rand·' Toot.: C'!I~ 1.6 S.3 O.S 1 _____ ._.,., __ 8 _______ 1 n.oi. GMNluw wr.-1-,. a.111 o.-.,. Poll....., Bonru-...... ,.,_. ~1""3n-B~: 10.01 4:45 -· .:.... s.&• ~· Time Clo(:lla,, .,,... ~ 2.0 5.8 12:14 5 ,s1 0.1 6.2 Pu'BLIC NOTICES 11,04 2.2 T\6m U9 pll09d la order ol WWW I C l..l&bl ---.. a.; .... ~ p,. .. NOTICE. OF DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP nt. COpartl'.H!t'Shlp of J . fl. Balley a'ld ~ C. Bailey. Mtt:tl.'lfOre u:latlnr; lllKler tM name arid .. l,ie of 8-4-h Citlff ProdUee Co .. a t Ul Cout lllt:b· ....,.. Sewp.J!'"l 9-c-b. Orange County Sta.te of CaJlfo rn.la. I• thl!!I day di~­ IOl''ed by mu tual •gre.em.enl and l.'Olll .en1 of tile s-rtnen. and the ~r &hip b~De» haa been sold a.ad take o'<'er b,.-J . H. Balley u the .a.le-owne. wOO •Ill rontlnue to operate the busl neq a.t the aboYe addreu u nder l.b name and st yle of Be.cb Clti'"1 Prod The HOW"ard Rapp jrs.. of BaJ. boa Island entertained their bridge club a t a pot luck su.pper Satur-- day .,·ening, cuests belng the Messrs. and ~lf'5d.a.rntos Arthur Webber, Fred Pinkston, Basil 'I\<ist and Donald ~m!ley. All -typewriter rlbbom In 1tock I at the New.Tl:mm. Co. Dated lhla 11th d&T or J uly . t J . R BAILET R. C. BA [l.!:Y. Pllb.-.July l.S. IMI. WlTNESS our hand11 this 27th day of l"WM!. 1946. RUeiBELL L. DIETRlCH GEORGE 6. VARGA. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COl.':-.""TY OF ORANGE.-u: New and Repair Phone 875--M 216 E. 20th St., Co&ta Mesa 2G-tft 56-4t"c WANTED-Laundress. one day a wttk. Call HarbOr 2016-J . 56-4tc Take off old, grimy varnish and get down to the fresh, clean grain of naturally handsome wood On lhia 27th d.~Y of June . 1946. be-fore me Loul11 W . Br1ns. a Notary Public In and for saia-county and state. residing therein . duly comm.I•· -~----------­aloned and awo rn. personally appU.r· BUSINESS GUIDE 10 ed Ruuell L. Dietrich and George S. Varga. known to me to be the pe.r90nlll whoae names are 1ubscrlbed to the within lnatrument and acknowledged to me that they e-.ecuted the same. IN WlTNESS WHEREOF. I have btoJTunto aet my hand and affixed my O(flclal Mal the day &Dd year in lbll certificate flr11t a bc,•e written. WANTED: WAITRESS-Cherry's Cafe, 322 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 56-tfc Rent Our Hiloc Sanding Machine -and do it yourself. East to Operate -Dustless BUrton 's Paint Store Newport Blvd. near 16th Street LOUIS W . BRIGGS, Notary Public in and tor Orange Countr,. State of California. J.ly comm ll.!llon u.plres May 25 , 1947. Pub. July 4. 11 . 18. 25, 19"6. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOL- IC BEVERAGES. July 16.1946 To Whom lt May Concern : Notice Is hereby given that tif· teen days after the date posted, the undersigned prpooses to sell alcoholic beverages at these prem- ises, described u follo\111 : Surf A \'e. and Balboa lnn Annex, Bal- boa-Newport. Pursuant to such intention, the undersigned is applying to the State Board of Equalization for is- suance by transfer of an alcoholic beverage license (or licenses) for these premises as follows : On Sale Beer and Wine . On Sale Disti1led Spirits (quar- terly). Anyone desiring to pro test the issuance or such licenses m a y fil e a ver ified protest with the Sta te Board of Equalization at Sacra· mento. California, stating grounds for denial as provided by law. The ijre mises are now HcensE'd for the sale of alcoholic beverages. HOWARD H . PETTEY. Pub: July 18, 1946. No. !5S140 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY &T PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O~ THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. In the Matter fo the Estate and Guardianship of F . L. KEN- NEDY, JR., Minor. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, BERTHA L. ALDRICH, Guardian of the Es- tate of F. L. Kennedy, Jr., a mi- nor. will 5ell at private sale to the highest bidder upon the terms and conditions hereinafter men- tioned and subject to confirmation by said Superior Cour t on or after July 31 , 1946. all the right, title and inte rest of F . L. Kennedy, Jr .. a minor, and all the right, title and inter("tl t that the guardianship estate of said minor has, by oper- ation of law or otherwise acquired. 01 ht'r than or in addition to that of said minor in and to that cer· tain lot. piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County or Orange, State of Cali- fornia, and more particularly de- scribed as follows. t~wit: An undivided one -twelfth (l/12th) Interest In and to the Southwesterly rectangular one-- half of Lot 9 of Tract 376. other· wise known as Santa Ana Heights, ln Orange County, State of Cali- fornia, u per map recorded in Book 15. Page 29 of Miscellaneous Mapa of u..id O>unty; and one share of stock in the Santa Ana Height.!! Water Company appurte- nant to said land, as evidenced by Certificate No. 221. SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks, Windows Walls and Bullelins. Raised Metal, Wood and Plutic Letters A·L LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 38tfc PAINTING 12 Years Service in Newport Harbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J Z74 E . 19th Ctreet 24-tft Painting -· Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Estimating Phone Beacon 5~J 47-tfc FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement Work of All Kinds. 918 W. Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Newport Beach 51-8tp FOR A RELIABLE Paint J ob on yaur home, call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. 10-tfc PAINTING -PAPER H.ANGINO and DECORATING H. E . M c.Donald 414 Old Canty Rd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013--J 85-t!~ l'RANSPOBTATION H BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa 208 Marine. Balboa bland. IM-ttc llJl!AUTY AIDS COLD and MACHINLESS WAVES 18 Tinting and Manicuring Evening Appt. Ph. Har-179-W Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar 35-tfc PuaL1c NoTICES • WANTED-Maid for motel work in Laguna; half days; good pay. Phone Harbor 2018. 55-2tc HELP W ANTED--lst class paint- er. Sympson & Nollar, 512 38th St., Newport Beach. 52.tfc SALESMEN -Advertisin~ can,~ paign now in effect. Excelle nt opportunity if you qualify. Ai; ply Miss Van Llew, 508% No. Main St., Santa Ana. 52-Stc KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply Oteryl's. 322 Marine Ave., Ba\. boa Island. 54-tfc W ANTED-Dignlfied field repre- sentative for well known por- trait studio. Man or woman; car necessary. Liberal commis- sion. See Mr. Fox, Bernard of Hollywood Studio, Balboa Inn Arcade. Phone Harbor 1048. Experienced BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR. PETTY SOUTH COASr CO. NEWPORT BEACH 55-2tc 51-tfc YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your <iwn community. Starting pay is good, The terms and conditions of experience is not required sale: Cash in lawful money of the United States: ten per cent (10%1 Frequent increases. of the purchase money to be paid Vacations with pay. at the time ot the sale. balance on confirmation of sale. Advancement The purchaser is to lake the said parcel of real property sub-opportunities. ject to conditions. restrictions, Apply reservations, easements and rights of way of record and all taxes a 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa lien thereuJX)n, not delinquent. 514~ N. Main St., Santa Ana All bids or offers must be in writ-or Ing and will be received at the of-Alk the operator for the fice of ELMER H. V. HOFFMAN, , Ollef Operator 1024 Rowan Building, Los Angeles, California. or may be filed with Southern California the Oerk of said Superior Court, Telepnone Compaay or delivered to said guardian per- sonally at any time after first .U.tfc publication of this notice and be------------- fare making sale. 8ALE MI!IOELLANEOU8 .. Dated thil 8th day of July, 1 BERTHA L. ALDRICH. Guardian of Said Minor. C&-1- FOR SALE--22-foot white picket fence. $7. Phone Harbor 121B-M. 319 All&de, Balboa. 55-2tp Pub. July 16, 18, 23. 25 and 30. 1946. Watch the Clusltled columna. FOR SALE-Davenport and chair, 9"12 Axmlnster rue. oak din1nc table and six ch.airs, oak ~ leaf table. Ice ho&. 1637 E . Central, Balboa 55-2tp Auto Batteries Rubber Separaten IS-month -$6.75 Ex. Compounded Motor Gallon. 70c Oil Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer • 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa M ... 41-tfc FOR SALE-Man's pre-war bJcy. cle; just like new. Heavy duty tires, $50. 512 38th St., New. port. 52-tfc Fire Pl&C' and Klnclllnc WOOD Delivered H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport mvd Just Arrived Freoh He&ring Aid BATTERIES Gunde1'90ft Drug Co.. 3-tfc 117 Main St.-Ph. Harbor 515 SO.tf1 VENETIAN BLINDS-Alumlnwn_ steel, wood. cau us for tree eetl· mate. Renovation & rettnahlng. So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co., West 18th and Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5355--W. Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now . !11-tfc at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 S2-tfc WANTED TO BUY n Will Pay Cash For your furniture or What kaw you. Phone Beacon ~. 0-aw. ley Furniture, 1812 N...._t Blvd, Costa Mes~ 48-tfc CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON 553!hl. 23-tfc F1JBNITURE FOR SALE n DINING-ROOM set, desk, iron bed, folding cot, rugs, odds and ends. Call Friday or Saturday, 1108 So. Bay Front, Balboa Ill. 56-ltp BOATS, SUPPLIES II FOR SALE-Rowboat, 9*-foot. 1637 E. Central, Balboa. 55-2tp FOR SALE -Hotpoint electric iron; good condition; pre-war, $3.SO. Harbor 2376-R. 56-ltc FOR SALE-2~-ton spur-gear chain falls, $75. Harbor 2497.w . 3504 Marcus Ave., Newport. !56-2tc WILL EXCHANGE !50 tt. allp In W ilmington for same in New· port Harbor. Call Erwin Plenoon at Kimble 5283. 52-t1c "SMALL BOAT HDQRS." WE MAKE many alz.eo and kinds of tlldtto and dlnghleo. and the "Wat.Ion Oink" cloa sailer. AND Paddleboardo. WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD . 811 Coast Highway 101 FOR SALE--German swordfish , rttl, line and COW·hide harneu: WE SELL othtt good small craft--Hughet Ke1->. F old Flat. new. Make offer. 1 Also East· WATSON _ BOATS man movie projector. 16 mlli- meter, $30. H . 2018. 55-2tc 611 Coast .Hlgh...,. • • • ..._ .__ MJ.4 tti llooi' p Md llMe ·-···· for 8G9ta for IWe PMMh .... for a.& lly&IMtnelrorn • FOR SALE--Oieot and bed. mat-New-t Beach I sprinp, S30: brand 0 P E N S U N D A Y, P . M. enport with aprlnp, 5'-Uc • tilt table. 312 J:lth SL, l'fewport. '!56-2tc FOR SALE-Flaftle -_.,,,,._ with doll7 and ............ --FOR SJU.E--35.foot wttite picket Re ble. ~-~ •• fence) $10.00. Phone Hubo<" er. ...,.... ~ U~ 12113. • 319 Anade. Balboa. -'lt;;;;;;-w;o;;;;-;;iii;;;;;;;:;;; 55-2tp V.nO• • • • • • ' .. llOA.ra. 8UPPLIE8 U JIU81CAL a a.ADIO l4i •r:AL ESTA.TIC 11 WK•J. DTATS t.1 llO ft. commerdal filhln& boat. SEE the new 11yle world famous MCYI'EL-Five units and home; brand new; $35.00 dilily mmple~ gear, 72 h.p. Olrysler upholstered planol. Many colon income; room for 18 more; lot 100x250; ocean view. enelne. 20().gallon fuel capacity, to dloole from at DANZ-$16,000 down. $4000. Kim. care Out Hotel. SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. San Pedro. Terminal 2--0961. Main S t., Santa Ana. We alao ~ S&-2tp rent pjanoa. 38-tfc -ft ......., boa ed with GOOD used pianos for practice. -· •~..... t, ~er . Some a.s low as $57 and $79 or OU'ysl~ Ace Manne engine, rent a piano for $5 per mo. Let 3 cockpits; thoroughly overh~ul-the cfilldren learn. Danz.Schmidt ed; in water now at Alami~ Piano Co .. 520 N. Ma.in, Santa Bay. $2850 or trade for cabm Ana. 55--tfc type boat. Courtesy to broke~. -.,,-,,--,-,,--,-=--..,,---..,.-~­ Write or call Jim \Vilson, 35 BABY GRAND-Repossessed. Now Santa Ana, Leng Beach. 51-tfc only $485. This is a great bar· ITAR SAJLBOAT. Just recon- gain. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co .. Santa Ana. 55-tfc ditioned and new pa.int. Phone "w.,,o'"'R°'L'"D::--:f,-am-ou_s_"'s'"'pi,..n<-t--type- Santa Ana 4148 between 8 a. m. mirror piano. Repossessed. Now and 5 P· m. 46-tfc reduced to 295. Terms. Superb FOR SALE-New ~1arine Kohlet tone. 1\-Iahogany case. Designed Generator, 1500 \\'atts, 32 vol1 for style and long SC"rvice. Danz· D~ c .. retail price for this powet Schmidt Piano Co., 520 N. l\.tain. plant is 5516. We have 10 lefl Santa Ana. 55-tfc for clearance sale, $374. Yeokel A..NOTHER magnificent Steinway. Bros., 225 So. Vermont, Los An· ~tedium size. Beautiful mahog- aeles. Phone EX. 0882. 4.5-tf< any case. The piano of the Fire Equipment Tests Masters. Danz·Schmidt Piano C-0-T\1.•o, l>yrene & Foam refills. Co., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. CO. fixed system and P ortablet ~tfc ·now availa,ble. ETS HOJ(IN & GALVAN DO-OS, CA TS II PETS 1000 CoaSt Highway \\'ANTED-Board for a dog ; me· Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tf( dium size. Write Mrs. Telford. \VORTHINGTON Gen'l Del., Balboa Island. 56-ltp p U M P S DOGS-All breeds, stripped, clip- P R.ESSURE .. CEl'TRIFUGAL ped, and bathed by A.KC. li· For All Pressure censed handler. Free pick-up Soden Refrigeration and delivery service. Send card. '523 So. Los Angeles St.. Anaheim Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin- Phone 4652 settia Ave. Corona del l\.tar. 52-tfc F OR SALE-Waterproof piY"·ood . paddJeboa.rd, 13 ft. long: bi-8P:ECIAL -~OUNCE~"ITS_!S CHANNEL LOT-water on two sides. $5000. R-2 zoning. SEVERAL very good income properties-Balboa, Carta Mesa, Newport Beach. ONE VERY GOOD !pf-50xl17-ft.; middle of block, between ne\V homes. $18,000. BRAND NEW two-bedroom quality home;· also three- bedrooms, 6 months old, and others. A. SANDY STEINER REAL TOR and Associates 63-1 Coast Highway 101 -Beacon 5173. 56-ltc Elden Ave. Lot 50xl50. New 3-room frame house. practically completed. $3600 Costa Mesa Lot 50x155 ft. lot located 1 blk. weet of Newport Blvd. $900 Costa Mesa 2-bedrm. house with sleeplnc porch on east side. Rooms att large. Dbl. garage. $6650-1/2 down Lido Isle 35-ft. comer lot $5000 El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay A "·enue $4750 Large Corner Lot On Peninsula., with 1-1ew. $5750 On Peninsula 2 Bedroom Home $13,500 Unfurn. $14,500 Furn. Income Property 2 bedroom house and 4 small rental units. Several good Bay Front Lots BROSE REALTY CORONA DEL MAR New Duplex Beautiful two-story duplex OD 40-ft. Jot near ocean. Large rooms, hardwood floor.;, file features. EXCEJJENT CON- STRUCI'ION. Immediate possession both ~ $17,500 Very liberal terms. Corner Business Lot On beach at Corona de! Mar- $3200 • 25 Ft. Frontage on Highway In Corona del Mar (zoned for business). GOOD LOCATION $5000 • Beautiful View Lot On Poppy avenue, less than half a block from ocean front- $4750 60xl 18 Ft. Corner Lot On Seaview avenue- $6000 Three Adjoining Corner Lots Close to highway, excellent location for court- Make Offer Balboa Bay· Front SIXTY-IT. FRONTAGE ON BAY. in excellent location, with small beach house. New sea wall across entire front- $31,500 BROSE REAL TY • frontage of inside $6000 5().f t. C)'cles, three to choose from; FOR SALE-Very nice 18-ft. &-in. folding double bed "-'ith coil boat, six passengers, perfect springs. Phone Harbor 2009-\V. condition, with traller, S28(K). lots LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 1307 Coast Highway, ·Corona de! Mar. Harbor 2048 56-ltc 414 Avocado, Coron adel ~lar. Phone Santa Ana 19-J . 53-tfc 57-ft. Lot 56-1 tc .,,..,=-======--==-=-=:=--=cc:-:::-;:.,-.,--;'"".=,-;=:: RAM ENGINEERING CO.-Ma· Betwttn Costa tttesa and Newport FOR SALE-Elec. Lionel Union rine machinists-machine work on Blvd. Pacific streamliner, 3 can, 0 . of all types, pick-up and dellv-$4500 a-age, brass rails, outside lhird ery service, dock facilities while rail, 2 sets of double track· and under r epair. Witt do work any EVA F RHODEN two .wl.tches, 13 ft.·, 2 sets single • hour night or day. Located at Realt track, 8 ft.: loose tracks. etc., Central Boat Works Yard, Rhine or ~25. Harbor 236"M. 729 Lido 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa • ;,-Channel. foot of 31st St. Phone Soud, Udo Isle. 56-ltc Harbor 287-J. ELTON BARNETI' W . L. JORDAN 700 E . Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 56--tfc J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph: Beacon 5320 Residence Lot BALBOA BAYSHORES LEASEHOLD ESTATES SELECr YOUR NEW HOME FROM THE ONES NOW BEING COMPLErED. CON- TACT US FOR DIITAILS. EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR ~--,..,..c=..,.,-~,-....,..,=~=--RUSSELL W. BARTAINE FOR SALE-Must sell imme--SWIMMING JN 3 LESSONS PERNEL G. BARNETT on Flower street in Costa "tesa COVERING GREATER NEWPORT. HARBOR diate.ly 15 ft. Thompson speed $'7.00 Broken boat. 22 h.p. Ezinrude outboard Art of Swimming, Front and Ph. Beacon 5TIJ..R 61.!i Coast HIJ<hway 225 Marine Ave. Corona de! \!ar 3113 W. Central Balboa. l.sland Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Beech Phone: Harbor 1776 Only $1400 motor, crad1e boat trailer, l&-in. Back Craw) Strokes, wheels; boat and motor in new Seven Lessiona $15.00 condlUon, $600.00. Inquire Port DA VJD RJGHT of Seven Seas, 817 Coast High--Balboa Point Hotel 56-ltc INCOME SPECIALS 5 Room H ouse 56-ltc UndeT' construction, on 14 acre of -----------------------land. Single garage is finished. way. 56-4tc 1115 E. Central A ... e. 4.g...stc ONE business rental and 3 apart- FOR SAL&-14 ft. clinker type -----------ments. Income, $350 a month. akiff, $35. 25 Beacon Bay. New-Carpenters Availabte Ten=- port Beach. 56-tfc FOR SALE-20 ft. mahogany speedboat, V-8 Paragon Marine motor, with air wheel trailer; boat Ln water; will demonstrate. $1950. Harbor 2497·W, 3504 Marcus Ave., Newport Beach. 56-2tc for general maintenance and "'pair O. Z. ROBEBTSON Call Harbor 83 KEYS Made While You Walt VOGEL'S 34-tfc 100 Main SL, Balboa 108 Karine, Balboa laland FOR SALE -9-ft. Lapstrake dinghy with 1946 3 ;i h.p. out- board motor. Forward steering. Richardson Yacht Anchorage. Harbor 369. 56-2tpl-..,.--c=::------IM--tt=c FOR SALE-'42 LaUS<'n outboard FOR RENT '1 motor: car-top boat carrier . FOR RENT-August 1, room for 17th and Whitti('f, Costa l\'lesa. couple near beach. 312 Heli- 56-1 tp trope, Corona del ~iar. 56-2tc ~----,---,-07~-:--- $30,000 Four Apartments . . . and a 3-bedroom, 2·bath- room house, completely furn- ished. Income approximately $SOOO a year. Zoned for busl- ness- $21,500 Water Frontage Two adjoining bay tront lots ln excellent location, with new C('ment bulkhead. pier ri&hts and a two.bedroom house-- Priced to se.11- at $2,000 Furnished 3 Bedroom H ome Eut side or tov.'ll. 2 lots. Service porch, basement, double garage. Inunedia te possession. Price, $14,000 4-Bedroom H o m e l acre of land, on Harbor Blvd Fireplace. part hardwood noon. b&rn. Price, $14,500 Business For Sale Ceramics manufacturing plant. Wholesale and retail license, good location. Four kilns. Gross sales over $1200 per month. J.. ' NEWPORT HARBOR REAL EST ATE Icicle A REAL BUY in a modern, attractive house of pre- war coostructtoo. A roomy, two-bedroom, one-story house, with basement, dining nook, patio, adjoining guest house with two-bedrooms and bath. Excel- lent harbor view from Newport Heights. TIIlS IS A DrsrINCTIVE HOME that has an ex- ceptional view site on a well located corner , utilizing three large lots. For inspection of house and furn- ishings call Hub Powers, at Harbor 62-W. Price $30,000. TenllS if desired. ~ J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Island Ferry Landing 56-1 tc FO R SALE-Beautiful 18 ft. cus- tom built 1loop: ve ry fast ; per- fect condition, $500. 415 Bay F ont, Balboa. Phone Harbor 1ru. 56-tfc FOR RENT-Room "'ith pri\.'ate bath, separate ('ntrance. Sum- mer rental. 309 Marigold , Co- rona de! -r.tar. Phone H 1023-J. $31,500 Lovely Cape Cod Ocean front hom<': living room. fireplace, barbecue, complete landscaping. Brand ne1,10. Im- mediate possession- year lease on building. ------D-. _C_._M_a_c_K_E_N_Z_I_E _____ _ A real buy, at $6500 Substantial Horrie 56-ltc A beautiful home . . . that is a home . . . no 111odern bunga-------------KU 8 l~AL a RADIO S4 ROOI\.>t FOR RENT-Small double -----------room for surnmcr visitors. will FOR SALE-Upright piano, good serve a good breakfast at 40c condition, $200. Phone Beacon each. 406 Dahlia. Corona dcl 5TI2., or call 205 Westminster mar. 55-ltc Ave.. Newport Heights after $20,000 Residential In Costa Mesa's low type . . . but with architecture, room, light, best residential district. Large uv. material and equipment Newport Heights, CoSta · ing room and dining room. 4 Mesa . beclroomJ, 2 baths, fireplace, NOW VACANT and possession as soon as money n oor tumace, wall to wall car4 is in escrow. $9500. tenllS. pea. Double gara&e with laun-D. C. MacKE NZJ E dry. Lovely lawn and flowers. 5 :30 p. m . • 55-tfc WANTED TO RENT U Radio Repairs WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedim. unfurnished house. Will lease. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 or 13. ~tic Hom(' on Balboa Island with a 2-story living-room, balcony and fireplace. Three bedrooms. 2 bathrooms and completely furn~ ished- $15, 750 1808 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 56-ltc AB makes; tubes, etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Coast Highway. Newport 23-tfc RADIO HOUSE CALLS-- Now that additional competent ttchnldans are available, \\'e are able to make service calls on large consoles. All work guar· anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, S.0 .S. Radio. 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir- ror-Piano. This is a real bargain. $2?,500 APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted Ch · H by man and wife. We do not arrntng orne drink or smoke no children or Tv.·o lx>drooms. l n Corona del pets. Phone s.ai'.,ta Ana 0991-W l\iar; four years old : fireplace, or write Box "X'' Newport Bal-fl oor furnace. Completely re-- boa NeW!l-'nmes. 37.tfc decorated- WORKING Mother desires room for self and 5-year son. Would $15,750 % A cr e La11d 6-room stucco house, hardwood fioon, basement, on Orange Ave. Double garage. Immediate pew. RUion. $8700 J. E . Barnes & Son Ill06 Newport Blvd. Coota Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 56-ltc like kitchen prvtil~ges or care Unimproved Property and board for ch1ld. although ld('al for court site-120 ft. rrom 1------------ not necessary. Call H~rbor 2551 highv.'a)·: 3 Jots. 90:-c.118 ft-John D. Burham 8 :00 to 4:30, Beth \V1lson. 2001 Ocean Blvd. 53-4tp $6000 Phone Harbor 31 5-Balboa ------------., OtheT used pianoe as lo"' a.s REAi, IC8'TA'l'lt JOHN E . SADLEIR 2 new CaJ)(" Cod houses on Ocean Front on the P eninsula $85, $87, S125, $175. DANZ------------ SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. )fain. Santa Ana. 38-tfc KNABE Grand Piano. walnut case. Famowi Knake tone. Also \Vl'ber Grand. Sohmer , Schultz. And lnany othe r famous makes. DANZ-SCW.ITDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. !.1ain, Santa Ana. 38-tfc STEINWAY Grand Piano. Mahog- any case. Beautiful tone. Med- ium size. DANZ· SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. 520 No. ?ttain. Santa Ana. 38-tfc: R adio and Electric REPAIRS . 24-HOUR SERVICE All Makes -Pick Up &: Delivery PERRY HARDWARE 1Ja1 Coast Blvd. Harbor 23:1 CORONA DEL MAR 54-tfc GRAND PIANOS-You will be u tounded a tour grtat big alack. Kimball. Steinway, Soh- 1aef", Hallet and Davis, Story ....i Oark. One gorgeous Chick- erinl and lt is the real Oticker-tnc. too. Many othen. to choose from. Priced to 1tart at $395. Tttma.. Or rent. Dam Schmidt LOTS -LOTS -LOTS l lot 45xl 14 -·· .......... $ i50 2 acres . 800 l lot 49xl89...... 850 2 lots 50xl89. each.. 1.0<Xl 3 lots 50xl 50, each.... 1,100 2 lots 50x150, each.... 1,150 3 lots 50xl35, each.... 1.200 3 lots 50xl3'7%. each 1.350 1 lot 50x110... . .. . 1.4.50 ~ acre .. ···---·--·-··-··... 1.800 1 lo t 90x200 ....... -....... 2,200 50x300 on Ne""1>0rt mvd. ......... ·-············ 2.850 Comer lot 100x128... . 5,000 10 acres ........... _ .. _____ 6.000 5 acres. close in ........ 12..500 Comer lot. Newport Blvd. ........................ 13.SOO B . A. NERF.SON REAL ESTATE Insurance and Business Opportunltleo 1972 Newport Blvd., Coota Meaa Ph. Beacon 5225 \56-ltc . 302 1\-tain Street Phone Harbor 2034 56-1 tc FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant, near Barsto~'. output 1200 fry- ers per week. E.'(cellent equip. 'J\\'o modem houses. Good water supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J. 52-2tp 2000 OCEAN FRONT 1-story and a half, 2-bedroom bath. la.r(:;e room upstairs for gi.Jesl, living room. fireplace, kitchen, bedroom and bath over garage, wall heaters. FOR SALE-New 2·bedrvom stuc· 2004 OCEAN FRONT co, hardwood throughout. 12x15 t-story and a half. 2-bedroom and bedrooms, 7-ft. closets, plenty bath, l~e room u~ for tiJe kitchen and bath. Large liv-~est, living room, fireplace, · and dinin" clou dining room, kitchen, COV(>red tng room g room, ---'th bar~· bl Fur "t u· al po...... Wl ~-ve,. lawn, e garage. ru ux:e op on · Dowen bushe bri k alks 372 Broa<h\•a.y, Costa Mesa. pick.et fences s~ weactt: 1 __________ M-4 __ tp beautltuJ unrestricted view of COSTA MESA ocean.. Th..., house• open dally for inspection. 52-tfc 123 FLOWER ST., home or busi- ness; 8 large rooms. 5 bed:roorrul, double garage, lot 50 by 150, l block to centu of town. Im- mediate poss.., $13,000. Owner. 52-tfc FOR SALE -Newport ~ach home. ~ block from ocean, 45-- ft. lot, apartment Uptain. hard- wood floors.. tile, ocean view. IJcM'llStaln, dduble prage, laundry, bath, bedroom and play room. Yard completely fenced. $12.SOO. Phone Harbor 498-R. . CORONA DEL MAR, by owner: 35-foot lot ln most desirable sec- tion. On Fernl~af. 1% blocks from shoreline boulevard. Priced to eell-no agents. Call LOI Angeles Phone Gladstone 2021 evenlnp betwttn 5 and 7. 56-3tc FOR SALE-Balboa Island. mW! -with good foundatioa, available IOOn. Owner must sell. Price $10,500, half cash. ie.u.. Call Hub Powen. Harbor 62-W or '19f.R ev.ninp. 56-1 tc Pl.a.no Co.. Exclusivel)' pianos. Nothin& •lse. 520 N. Main,---------~-For office suppliee, lee the !olden at New.nm.. N....-nn-. . Slnta Ana. 55-tfc MenU. Sell that unwan~ ortlde thr'OOllb N-nm.. -. LIDO ISLE 3 Bedroom Home-nearly new .............. $27,500 4 Bedroom Home-75' frontage .............. 31,500 2 Bedroom Home-105' frontage .......... 35,000 3 Bedroom Bay Front home ...................... _. 47,500 4 Bedroom Bay Front home-- pier and float ........... 60,opo Inside lots from $4000 up. Bay front lots from $12,000 up. BALBOA ISLAND -LARGE 2·STORY HOME-."f bedrooms-lYo baths -2 stall sho\vers with dressing rooms, living and dining room. F\trnished htroughout Possession close of escrow. Priced to sell. TenllS if desired. SOUTH BAY FRONT-3-bedroom home and 3-bed- room guest apartment Completely furnished. Large patio with barbecue. Pier, float and boat mooring. Immediate possession. TenllS can be arranged. CORONA.DEL MAR MODERN STUCCO built 1945. Hardwood floors. Elec. thennadore heat. Tile ¥'! kitchen. Nice lawn and garden_ Elec. range in~ed in price of- $7500. 00 DO YOU WANT A NEW HOME? We have several to choose from , price<! from $9750 to $15,000. You may have your choice ol color, We and linoleum. They are almost ready to occupy. MODERN STUCC0-2 bedrooms-fireplace and floor furnace. Veoetian blinds. Hardwood floors. Walled yard and benu~y landscaped Lath house and patio. 2-air garage. Exoellent condition. $14,700 • '' •gA.L mA1'E HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MARINE WOODWO~G SHOP-Com- plete equipment includes ways, stiff-leg, two 4().ft. floats, motor-driven sanders, planers, shaP.,rs. band saws, dowelers, lay- out loft and numerous other tools all in shii>-shape. Low overhead plus an excel- lent accounted riet means a profitable busi- ness of your own for only $3500, which is less than the inventory. Truly a gold mine for a man who knows his boa ts. ANTIQUE SHOP -'This low-overhead business grosses close to $15,000 per year. U you can tell Spode from Ming, have your afternoons free and $6750 to buy the est!. mated inventory, you can take over to- morrow. in a pleasant and profitable one- man (or woman) ente11>rise. FOOD MARKEr-The sub-leases pay over a hundred doUars more than the master lease and the market netted just under $2000 in June. Owner will work a month with buyer to give him the low-down_ Will inventory $15,000 \vith a reasonable over- age for plus profits and earning potentials. .t .t .t .t TACKLE AND WATER SPORTS-- Grosses around a hundred th~d a year with about $30,000 stock. The ten-year lease goes with the stock at a third over cost TI1e books reflect substantial eem- ings. Excellent location. BEAlITY SALON-Three-year lease plus a three-year renewal option. Excellent location, earnings, equipment and cllentele. Well ·established. $6500 including stock and equipment Year-round trade. . .t .t .t .t 011iER BUSINESS opportunities and business property available In all zooes. Good selection of business lots in most sec- tioru;. of the Harbor area. .t .t .t .t .. - BALBOA COVES -BAY FRONT LOTS Now ready for your selection . . . Make your choice now. HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 & 1601 54-ltc NEW MOTEL AND CHOICE Motel Sites LOTS FOR SALE-By owner, 60x75 on Bay Ave., near Palm. Inquire P . 0 . Box 64, Newport. 54-4tp W . J . H OLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 AUTO SERVIOE • "Where the F1!gs F1y" 55-2tc NOW HERE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ~ WANTED TO EXCHANGE-Fur· · nished two-bedroom mountain cabin with fireplace, bath, run- ning water, electricity, on deeded lot, for Balboa, Newport or Laguna ·Beach property. Write Paul Hallum, 607 West Fern, Redlands, Calif. 54-3tp MONEY TO LOAN .. LOANS TO BUILD. lnzy, tmpn>ft modemtu or ret\nance. Newport Bal-Jl'odenl Savlop and Lo&n Aaoclatlcn. 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1liOO AUTOMOTIVE II Tl'REll FOR SALE-G. M . '39 truck, % • ton pannel Call Harbor 596-J, evenings. 55-4tc 1928 NASH 4-door sedan. Good work car. $45.00. 329 Anade, Your authorized Olryaler- Plymoulh Dealer. Authorir.ed parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanlca Kendall and Quaker State alll NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Av•. Phone Harbor 1564-J lJll.tfc Balboa. P h. Harbor 1155-W. TR=-:-A=IL:-:E=a°'s::--------.. 56-4tc -----------=F"'o=R'"'s~ALE-=· ~~P~lym_o_u·-.h-P---2-, 4---doo-r '!'RAILERS FOR RENT-Do 1tJUr sedan, clc~n except for paint. own hauling and moving. All $425. See R . T . Hoffman after new equipment, $2.25 and $2.50 5 p. m. 1301 Balboa Ave Bal-per day. We furnish the hitch. boa Island. ·55-2tc ?tfyrehn Bros. Service Statioa. cor. 17th& Newport Blvd, Costa TIRES Cash for your used tires Sell Them (c;sr top price at Lester's 0 . K . Rubber Welders Recapping Wheel Balancin:; Section Work . 2900 W. Cetitral, Newport ~ach 54-Stc Sell tha t unwanted ti1nJu11> N.--nzn.. ada artlcI. Mesa. 4S-cft AIRPLANES a 16--ft. factory sea sled hydroplane, two cockpits. 32-h.p. Johmon motor, completely overhauled. including rebore; bu steerin&" wl')eel remote control, lots of chi-ome, very last. includeo trailer, $450. Also 22-h.p. Evin- rude A-1 condition, $125. +'3 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. :ill-lip •·t.1l'l'09 "AN'l'm) • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top ~rices SEJJ, YOUR CAR NOW ' Wblle PrlcM .,. Hlch. .. Alone ,~ OW' ---btQoer who 'lrlll call and Mlvl9e Y11U nordla& OPA naulaUcm. ...... prtaes ud ~ .. delall8 CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. I Clwnwt-0.' -Deem -wj mt o htil, Kowrat 9 a. a Oc 1 e 4 a .. 111-.: .. 1 • m1 0 •• • ·Mesan Buys Interest in Ladies' Shop Mr. Bartin• purchased the in- terest in the bwiiness from Cyril Meyers ot Wilmington "'1lo has been associated ·wrui ~icElroy in the Sportsbar enterprises. Macbar's, which feature all styles in casual and spoTts attire for women, are located at 109 Main SL, in Balboa and 124 Main St. in Hunt ington Beach. ~lanagement of the ladies' wear business will continue with Mc- • • .... .... Watson Gives Wise Use of Water Supply l t!ii:n~ialina ~~ 2il ~=d ~~!88=ee D 0 W Id B -f • c 1 g . After a temporary letdown dlll' Expressing the oplnlnn -ata On pen Ou ene It On ('umers Vaca\ionlsts and others going ing recon,wsion. the ~ for natural gas may become 80 v1iJ11. i ~~~!Z'~ n!:ueS:~~e~~ F';~~=.u~s ;1 o~:: ~ ~~c;u;.0~~~ = G Se er streamlined. convenience and · · Peak~ •. prorruaent oil com-University of Texas says. ~ ame ason Tustin c·trus G • Los An I Ch be oomtort on three deluxe boats now pa.ny execupve. gas is a new resource of ra• ~ I rower ID ge es . am r operated by the Avalon Trans-We can look forward. says Mr. teria1s lot essential tncredlenta la of Commerce water '8eport Asserts Co-portation company between Bal-Peake, to a "tremendous demand the manufacture. of S)'Othetl<s. b Elroy anti Bartine will con tinue in -AnnoUncemen t was made thiJ his realty business. which he is Believing that a large number week tha! R. w. Bartine, well-now conducting from tbe Eva of sportsmen in the ~bor area known Newport Harbor business Rhoden office ori Harbor Blvd ?f Oran_ge county are mterested operation of Both Agn·cultur and I h\>" Pavilion and A\•alon. for unproved fuels and lubricants must not only serve old 1nduotrloe. e n-Three. ves!els offer regular trips and also for chenucal producl3 but it alao must aupply -- dustry Needed to C olll!erVe Sources. at nine every morning and special that can compete :"'th materials ed new induotrleo maltlnc - trips or charter parties by ar-from the che.nuca.l industry."· products." · man and civic boosteT, has pur-while awaiting the erection of his m openmg of the game season BOSS chased a half-interest in the Bal-new office building. from Augw:t throydugh December, ' ~~-..._ ___ tyA.O~G rangement at the BaJboa Pavilion, Phone HArbor 331. boa d H l . to Be h s t Assemblyman a e Watson of V IG..11·-VUW:I u~ toWer an un 1ng n ac por s-, An tnlen!sU.nc developmmt ta aotnc forward la Soatlliern' Call bars, and will be the partner of T . They say Mother Eve was the Orange, candidate for state sen-rorllla tlaat most of a. are too eacro-ed ta oar oww. attain to ~ There is ample parking space nearby and no le,ngthy standing in S. ~~Y. in the ladies' wear' fir.st bookkm per. At least. she ator, has sent The N~-Times 8 ft wlll affect, cUrectly or lDd.lrecUy, everyone wbo i.s a stake bl retail business, to be known as was the first to use the loose-leat copy of tHe advance notice to all tbe pro.perlty aad atatilllty of tlal9 l'flClon. As a community problem Macbar's. aystem. game wardens . or tills metropoUt&n area. It ts or pusmoa:nt Importance. The game information signed by I refer to t be traulUon of thl• reclon. tn prorre. for eome line to get aboard. ' World Oil M arket ' ' llepott lo -pie who are waiting lot telephone Mtvice • _.....r.ng $\&0,000.000 We" ..,.-with southern • to llee? up • growth California's am~a1~1ng~~_,,,...._,.._ __ ,-...i PJO<D Y·J Day through May 31, the number of telephones in auvitt in Southern California h as been increased by 106,000, of which 72,000 were added in the first five months of this year-ao unrqua.led io.cttase in any simiJar time period in the history of our company. Thousands of additional telephones are beiog imtalled each month. Scil.4 the:re i..s a uemeodous job to do because Southern Cali- fornia's present growth i..s more sensa tional than ever before. M ~o~ proof of it, telephone calls have increased by more tb:a.n a million and a half a day. And the number of applicants for telephone service ron tinu~ to grow about as fast as we are able to ca.re for them by top-speed work. You may be cenaio that we a.re rushing to supply the oeces- a.ry facilities to care for this unprecedented demand. In order to keep pace, we a.re hurrying consuuction on over SO build- in~ Lmtalling additional switchboards in prac:tic:ally every local exchange, stringing thousands of miles of wire, and se- turing vast q uantities of new equipmenL Your telephone is on the way; we'll get it to you as quickly as we can. Your sympathetic uodenta.odiog is appreciated, and thank you for your patience. Southern California Telephone Company 115 Palm St. Balboa Ph.: Harbor 1"1 frequent, tltrilty intercommunity bus service 68 DIPAaTUUS DAILY FROM NEWPORT BEACH The many &iendly com.menu heard daily about Gttybound oemce m ake it • pleasure for G«r hOUDd to gift yom commWlity che kind ol top- nottb highway traDSp<><Ution you DOW enjoy. Gttyi>ow>d'1 n ometoaa, well-timed sd>edulco brio& you and your neighbor commnnitia closer uiged>er for boch businea and pie-=, prond- iog c:oo-.iicot, knr-coot cram unequalled by.,.., ocher form of ttansp0narioa. AA yom lncal agent for the latest Greyhound "pocket. time-cable" ohowing complete Ila ol dei-mrc timeo. 0 . ct Swafford, 608 Coast lllghway, Beaoon 5422 GREYHOUND • Is One U .S. Problem .• E . L. ?i.fcaulay, chief or the fish Ume.. from one predomi:DaDUy acrlcultural to a community In which and game patrol of the state fol-factories and lndustrlfll. wlll '1e wltb tbe farmer for ftnt place In lows· ' the production or prlmary wealth aad In tt.e Interest., consfcleratlon One of the m .. tor .......,n"ar pro!>-. and employment or It. people. .,_._,, ........, Deer: Districts 2, 2%, 2~. 2%, There need be no lnM>luble cotlfJJcts betweea. these two types of lems of the American petrolewn 3, 3 1,t, 4 " and 101, August 7 to eoterprbes lf, during tbe period when the new 19 belnc superlmpMed industry is to reconstruct a strong September 15, both dates inclu-upon the old established patterns~ marketing position throughout the sive. Balance or state September of development . the responsible ply of a "'atershed, available for "·arid, according to Walter L. 23 to October 21, both dat(>S in-leaders of both can view each surface diversion to storage or Faust. oil company executive. elusive. ., other's problems \\'ith understand-use. varies "1th the pattern or Availability of petroleum prod- Bag Limit Deer: Districts l 1Ai, ing and mutual consideration and seasonal rainfall and, during the ucts throughout the \''orld can be 2, 2%, 211... 2%, 3. 3~. 4 '19 . 101 sympathy. se_~n. with temperature. hu-attr ibuted to .the foresight and and those portions of Districts 1 The establishment of industries midity and the season of the year. thorough groundwork in sound and t %-in Shasta. Tehama and in communities already Intensively Th~t recoverable from the larger marketing principles laid down by Siskiyou counties lying west of devoted to agriculture, as has been b.asms depends upon the cumula-American oil leaders and to the Highway 99 and 99W to the town the case in most of this Southern t1ve effects of i~put and extrac-large-scale investments made to of Weed in Siskiyou County and California metropolitan area, en-tlons ove[' a sen es of years, and impro,•e distribution and thus to west of Highway 97 from Weed to counters obstacles and problems shows l~ss imrn~iate effect of an-reduce the ultimate cost of the the Oregon line. two bucks. Bal-more difficult to surmount and nual rainfall variation. pMroo 0 uvcest. ~r. F aust saida. ance of state one buck. more complex than those usually In gener al, the total or rom- Pheasants: December 6 to De-to be found ~ undeveloped terri-bined natural water supplies of the cember l 5, Inclusive in all dis-tory or in a recognized industrial individual watersheds of Southern Ray Adk f environment. California are, or soon will be, inson, ormer Orange tricts 2 male bir ds per day: 2 In county school superintendent and possession ; 10 for the season. ltfost of the problems pe rtaining seriously overdra"n. Democratic candidate for con~ Quail: November 15 to Decem-to the acquisition of sites. con-The imported water supplies grcssman in the 22nd district, has ber 15, both dates lnclusive--8 formity with land-use regulations, tributary to this region, which moved from Santa Ana to Laguna per day; 8 in possession : 16 per the availa_bility of transportation, constitute the only saleguard and Beach, according to a change of week, in the aggregate of all fuel, raw mater ials and labor sup-justification for our continued de-voting registration filed this week species. ply are common to the industries (Continued on Page 9) at the county clerk's office. Cottontail and Brush Rabbits: of the region and for most of them -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;• there are s tock solutions which I November 15 to Dt>cember 15, both dates inclusive in all district~ can be applied without too much except Districts 4. 4%. 4%. 19 conflict with established agMcul- and 22. ture. Cottontail. Brush Rabbits and Th etwo most diffic ult to solve, Jack Rabbits: Districts 4, 4%. 4%, and productive of the greatest pos- Burton's Paint Store Going to Build You probably have your dream h-.a worked oat ID "your mind -or maybe your ardllteet or ooatraetor ain.dy hM prepared piBll8 OD paper for you. Eleetridty will llave a large pan ID maJr!nc dreamo of pmtwar living .,._ tr-. Whell you go over the p1U1a wHh your baDder he sure to ask him about the ~ de~ ment. ID bomehold labor 1avlng llDd flm&. tlonal beauty. , Our Expert& ID everything electrlelll will he glad to help wHh layout ~ or problems. One !AlggMtiOD may make & Jot of difference ID the~ of tlW h-. 19 and 22. September 1 to De-sibilities !or conflict, are the Now in Their New Home cember 31, inclusive. problems perta.ining to water ETS HOKIN & Bag Limit Cottontail and Bru•h supplies and industrial wute dis-on Newport Blv d. near 16th Street • GALVAN Rabbits: 8 per day; 8 in posses-posal. sJon : 16 per week. The water supplies ot this region • Tree Squirrels: November 15 to are of t~ro classlfications: that -~ Dect'mber 15, both dates inclusive naturally tributary to the local Th O ) Ex ) • 4 In District 1 Only. Two per day; drainage basins of the region and e n Y C U81Ve 81NVE . 1 t I t 2 In possession: 12 per season. that imported from outs;de the Pa1"nt, Wall Paper and Bear: October 15 to O..,.,mber local watersheds. 1000 <Jc.at lllway llhone 8-Mn 31. inclusive In al ldi!tricts. F1re-The natural water available !or Venetian Bl1"nd Store Aloo ... --·Wllmlllcto•-8---~ arms and bow and arrow only: 2 use is that portion of the run-of! ELEC.,I'KICIANS · per season. from seasonal rainfall upon the • th H bo Ar Shooting Hours ' P heasants : water!heds diverted from surface ID e ar r ea 10:00 a. m. to one-hair hour after streams for direct use, !lored ;n PL E NT Y 0 F P A R K I N G S p A C E C-0-Two Pihl l!lqulpment sunset. Quail, cottontail and brush surface r<>servoirs for later diver-for FACTORY, PLANT, STORE. OFFICE, FARM. BOllE -~-~-~=~-~~~the~--~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ half hour before sunrise to one-tion of such run-off stored in the half hour after sunset. Except underground basins of our river during the pheasant season when systems. the shooting hours are 10 :00 a. m. The total natural. available to one-half hour after sunset. water supply of a given coastal Miscellaneous: State,vide clos-\\."atershed may be approximately urc on \Volverine and fisher. expressed by the fonnula : Avail- District 1 Y.i closC'd to trapping able natural water equals total ma.rten. rainfall. less evaporation, less Prohibits shotguns capable of consumptive use by vegetative holding more than thref' shells. ground cover, less surface and sub- Prohibits rinC's in taking pheas-surface "'·astage into the ocean. ants or quail Supply Varies Portions of ~amt' refugf'S 4-A The anuual natural water sup.. 4-B and 4-E open to deer, quail ------------'- and duck hunting. sea~ns to be in conformity with districts wherei n refuges are located. • .... --- ---..... ·- .. -.. : i ' : • J ' Bow and arrow special season in Los Angeles county adjacent to Malibu for deer hunting August 7 to September 15, both dates in- clusive. Prohibts use of 22 rim fire rifles and full metal jacket bullets for taking all big game. Boat Owners ••• Canvas B y t he Y ard Wide Widths-All Lengths S anta Ana Tent & Awning C o. 1629 So. Main St. Phone *'7 SANTA ANA THREE FEATHERS Rnf ,._ 1111 ,._ W1'1U• RO SS I 'S Liquor Stor e 1oe~mw.y ~Go-'•D-- 4 ·-· ~ Milton's 5c-10c-25c Stores J. E. Barnes & Son Real Estate -Inaurance H. W. Wright 1748 Newport Blvd. Braddy's Barber and B e auty S hop C osta Mesa Furniture New and Used Furniture E v a F. Rhoden Real E!tate Costa M esa Pharmacy A. L. Pinkley Costa M esa Tire S hop 24·Jlj)Ur Recapping Cervlce Welcome C afe Dinner Dance Wed &: Sat. Davis -G a y M usic Co. ''Ewrylhing In MUlic and Sound" Andy's Beauty Shop Mabel Anderson-123 BroadwaJ' Broadway Cleaners P . D. Eastman-Ph. 2242 Western Auto Stores Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Turner Jay's Radio Service lW N-pen ....___ llm·W Katy's Kitchen UM -Blft. T eWinkle Hardware • D. C. M acKenzie Real Estate 1,..ns C arr's Feed Store ..__IJ' ~·· Alpha Beta Store Groceries, llat. Fruit. Veeetabls Boulevard Feed Store C.M.Neboa Hi-Way Garage Edwin c. Edick W. T . Jefferson Miracle Mlle A . E. Johnston Real Estate Stuart H. Price Men's and Boys' Clothlnc Polly Apparel Gllbert and Leah Brown Quality Bakery The Best In Baked Goodo Russell Realty Et.le -George -G. !';. Sarge's Cafe . 18SO Newport Blri. The Sport Shop Mrs. Fern Smith Mesa Cleaners A. R. Ginv--Phone 2353-W Mauray Studio Portralt&-16th "' Onnp Harry W . Taylor Plumbing Kid's Cafe nN N-n Blft. Loucks JewelrJ" • 8 ta"Hrm , Dutton's Grocery Cold Meet-Fruit-Voce~ Thelma's Malt Shop Thelma Wat.on S. E. Eaton c..i-1 & Septic Tank Ses"'-...i ..... - Howard W. Gerrish Inalf'UICO of AD Klndl A. W .Gibbon Real Eltate -rn.- Gingham Caf~ Cbldren Pie Ilbmersj Oripn's Department Store Hanshaw's Richfield Station I ·Stop Complete &Mee Viehle.Plumbing & Sheet Metal Robert A . Crawford, Opt. D. 1791 Newport Blvd.-Optometrut-Coota Ms& ' Bastanchury Water Co. Famous Artesian and Super Distilled Drinking Water Costa Mesa Paint & Hardware Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walsh Gus Beach Hancock S tation Flrestone Products and Hancock Gas Groty Appliance Co. Frigidaire and Maytag Dealer Lowman Boat Builders N. L. Lowman, _Proprietor Costa Mesa Lumber Co. R E. Hostetler M~ Recreation Mooe. Prop. 1118 N -n llhd--1 p. m. to U p. m. Boulev ard Liquor Store "9 Newpc:vt Boulnard -"Top d the Hill" Dennis Hogland ~~th Dealer Metzger Stores • .... ,,.,.,wall•-• l'lud-na N....,rt ..... Mattoon Shoe Store Shoee for the Entire Family Myrehn Bros. Service Station 17th & NE'ifport Blvd.-Ooota - Modern Shoe Repair Crawley Furniture 1IU Nwwwpwt....._ Barrows Dr7 ~ -Sboea -Spw:tszw • < ' , ' ) - ' NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PBO.N1!8t RAJlBO& U ... lS hllNst 4 Evef7 TwdaJ" aadl TJnuwda)' Attmwow. voaw mvm Coda lieu Wtloa PM'hll!d EftrJ Weherd•y Volmae D Subscription Payable in Advance :-$2 :50 per year in Orange County $2.75 per year to 4th zoce; $3.00 per year to 8th zooe Ente~ as Second-Class matter at the Postotfice in Newport Beach, California, under the Act ot March 3 , 1879 SAM D. PORTER F .G.FROST W . F. DIXON Printing Plant. 3011 Publisher Editor _ • \. -Advertising Manager \V. Central Avenue, Newport Beach. California Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dependable Local In.11;tltutlon for Over Si Yean • Active Member of ~11111111<11 111 111111II11 '11111'11 I Ill I"''"' I I 1•1111<1Iltl111:: ii • ; CORRAL DUST ' i -i 'TheYe's an old sa.ying : "If your in1t1als spell a na1M .i )'Ou'U bench"·· ·,Sam Astor Mc yeY. S. A . M. ; • God bless him. 1 )ACK LI NDSLEY • • ;11111•! IHI I l l ."l"ll l l!I II 11/lll•I I Hl >tlJtlltl "IJtl l ••f>•ll I tl "l"l "l'•IHl >Ll1llJ1f 1tl ll1Ullll •I •I l"t tlll I I I r Beloved Newspaperman Today we pause in our general discussion of affairs of the world to pay a deserved tribute to a beloved newspaper- man-Sun Astor Meyer. As most of you already know. this grand young man of journalism. has announce.<! his retirement as publisher of The NEWS-TIMES. We say, grand young man, simply because for all of his more than 60 years. Sam Meyer is just a kid at heart. In a way he is the same happy-g~lucky youngster of 14 in knickerbockers who once lugged type and did all manner of work as a printer's devil with .the old J ournal at Burlington, Iowa, 50 years ago. • r / N&WFOll'~ IY.•JIO& GINEBAl. EiSEMHOWEB'S 8EPOlll" '. m CONCl.USlOH Io att•mptlng ••t1' brieOy to o...... the laden andM"lylno the Allied aucceu in this ccimpaign l would .Ueu the lm.port1J.Dc. ol t.brH epi.ode• cu beiac;r the most deci.st•• la. instuio.9 rictary. The &nt ol theM wcu the battle ol the Normandy b.o.c:lln. We NiJ.d lot frClftce. poueued of cill the tactical Uiformoti01t whicb aa et6.dent Ui.telligence ""ice could prOTide. but we Md yet to tok.-the measure oJ tile loe we wer• to m"t. We ... .,.. embczrldog upon the larqHI a.mphiblolla operation ia bitllory agaimt a <009tlin• briatling with all the d.efenan modem in- geaWty covld deriH ~d behind the b.acbee lay the Genoa.a c.nsU .. of the west which bod not been tried la lull-ecol• '"'"1• llilK• tJ:.. clGtk du.,. ol IMO. Aa W• atru99l•d int to 9a.iD and lh•D to bold OW" footiD.Q bl 1fot1DQDdy· •• l•ozn•d lb• alr•aqth CLDd cU.o th• w.a.b•• ol th• .. cmnieL W• l.a:m•d thul th• G•rmGn M>ldier wu .tJl tlle .a.me stu.bbom 89ht•r whom •• bod m•t ID Africa O.Dd bl Italy. hut we .ow. too. ho_. a!euder •O• the thread upon which his exUteDc• ill f1C1Dc• dep•nded. Durin9 the month.a ol J~• a.nd July all lhe dif&Clllti" of com..municotiona and aupply which were ultima.tely to p-o•• bia UD.doin9 becam• ma.niles1. It ~ci.a thua that we ••r• •Dabled to eatabliah our••I••• on th• Conti~ent a.nd to build up lh• VT•at cmni•• n•c•U<UY to acbi••• lbe liberation of Europe.. We 1~ed ol.o ot Ulla tim•. how lnadequol• wcu th• enemy'a ia.l•lli9enc• coocenUn9 lhe Alli•d inl•nli.ona. Tbanb to hd a.it weakn••• CLDd couequeot loclr: o! IK'ODDO.lMDAC9;-he woa compl•tely mial.d by our di••nioaa:rr optro.tlona.. holding bcidi: ua.til too lot• t.be lcm:•• io lhe Paa-d•·Calaia which. ~ad th•y h••• ruabed ocrOM lhe Seine wh•n first •• laad•cl. m.19ht w•ll Juiy• h&r'Ded the iaco.Je• 09.w..t UL Tb• NCODd rito.I bottle wca that cM tll• Fala.iM pockeL Hfte th• enemy lhowed that latal teadency to 91CLD~ CLDd 6gbt wh•n o.ll the loqic of •a.r demCLDded 11 strotltqlc withdro•a.L ly eo doinv. be cUlo••d tu. Se••nt.la Army to be eadrd.d and vround to p1ec: ... mad th• botti. I• Fronce wq.s dKid•d GIDODQ Lbe bloody on:.,_. ad bedg.-owe ol lf-andy. A.a th• broken. forc.e Bed .mtwcard we e&alo.d •••TT .a0t1 to compl.t• thelt °"~ "*9 l)My could reodt tM lb•lt•r of lbe Si94Jfri.d Lbae. hut the ~ burdea woa too ~L and •• Mid to wait Ulltil tlr.• _...,.tat• ... too dOM before~· eould eitrik• lbe hol blow. • CORONA DEL MAR NEWS • • NEWS ' of the CHURCHES OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 1~ West Central A.nnue Sunday ll.auee: 8 &ad 10 &.m.. Cccit-: Saturday. fr<e -t:OO to ~:SO a.nd t.rom 7:SO to 8:SO p.m. ------- ST. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH ·ea1botl lalaftd Sunday M.Mll : S:SO LDl. Confeuloru11: Saturday• froro 7 :30 to A:30 p.m. CORONA RED MAR CO~DIUNITV CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL Prrry Fredf'rlck Schrock, ~ter 611 HelJotroPf'. Corona del Mar Sunday, July 21, 1946. 9 :30 a. m . Olurch school. 11 :00 a. m. Morning wonhip. Sermon by P.1r. Schrock: '"Marking the Christian HighW&}'." 7 :00 p.m. Youth meetine:. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTllT Lido Theater, ~,.., Avenue •nd Via Lkto A bra.nc!i ot Ttae Mother Church, The Flnt Church at Cbri.lt, Scl- enti.t, la Boston, M·-chusetu. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sun- day Service at 11 L m. Wednetday Testimonial Meeting at 12 o'clock Readine Room located at lll Palm street, Balboa, is open dally from 1 p.m.. to 5 p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served. The public ll cordially invited to attend the church eervtcea and u.e the Read.ln& Room. ST. JAMES E.PISCOPAL CHURCH 515 W81l o.ntral, Balboa <•ben Clubhouae) Rev. Ardye T. Dean, Vic.Ir 8 :80 L m., H°'¥ Colomunlon. 9:-46 a .m., 9unday Sclaoot ~ -w-...... .I AL DIRECTGRY CH-URCH ()II" CHRIST '"°' FEs·s ON '--~ ...... -. ,Sea tk:w: 1kmd17, io L m.... BlbM &.<XX>UNTANT BUl&i'&IOU Stud7: 11 L "'-KomJns ~h+-'------------1 ;--~· -----·---- FULL 009"£°' CHURCH I• 8. WHYTE. Raub & Bennett ll2nd .. ..i. ... _.,......_, ~~-.. _. DeO~ T.U. COiiiMJLt'AJIT ----.--. -.A.11.Uaiorbed bi" tlle Ualled. s...-TIW-_..._,.... ... hcf's T .. a.mday ecbool. 9 :'6; m3 VJ' De:Nrta:iimt to '"°' 1 1 dimla lD .._ N...-rt • .._ eo.&:a-wtTabt }l ICvan-1.IUc ~OD, wt.lb 1-&as llllM..... r-~ -~ p, . ; ~ AftlTI -8191SllS Trhs''tlM 1ts•to11. 5111--W 1 :80 pm.; K id-wee• Pl'&JV m • 9QOl(S•PINO mm M17W.Oeetn.1 Newport8-Cllt log on Wedneaaay, 1 :4-b p. rir.I om.. ute ..._. ..,.__ c... •-Tolephoee .Ba.rtMN-ua yow:ag people'• evugellatk: aervM-'-----------------'---'I ~-----------­on Frlday, 7 :4~ p. m. ASSE!IOll.IES OF G-OD Beuy aad Ida Sande, Pu.ton America.a Leeton Hall. 15th aad Central Ave. Armand Monaco ARCHITECT 814 W. Bay AV&, Balboa Harbor 1 TU . !T!l · l.akewood Ave. PBYSICIA.'\'S & SURGEONS. ~ H. R. Hall, M. D. l'tlnloianandSmreoti . Hours: 2-5, lty Appointment Talephone Beacon 5848 Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a.m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30 p.m. -ISi BrolMlwa1 Colla Me.a Mid-\\·eek sen·ice, Thursday at '-------------' '-------------' Loo ~ f{Onnandy MOS 7:30 p.m. F1B11r F01JRSQUABZ OBUllCB OF COSTA MESA T.a;sponu-y location, AIQerican . I Legion Hall lleY • ...i Mn. a. Willard s,_,,,. Paaton Plaoae U'll Sunday Schoo! 9 :30 a. m . Morning wor>hlp service 10:45. Crusader service 6 :00 p. m. Berean service 6 :30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7 :30 o'clock. Tuesday evening prayer service at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH G. Edwin Oaher, Pastor Euclid at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9 :80 &..m. Church 8Cbool tor all age1. 11:00 a.m.. Mornln&' Worahlp: Me••ge: ''We Thank Thee." 11:00 Lm. Nu1'9C!ry for all chil- dren during .ervtce. CLINICAL LABORATORY Clinical Laboratory • omce boon: 9 • -t:SO .... by appobl- TELEPllONE BARBOR 818 !US W. Cel&tn1 Aft. DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School 80! Coral Bal-bland Oradeo: CoBep, .,_..,. smolEB SCHOOL w,-. O. A. Mortimer. M. A-, O:dord Prb&dpol Pl&oae Barbor ISi DE1''TISTS DB. GORDON ·E-RAPP DENTIST iass w..i eeatni l'hoaeBarborUl-.1 Newport 8 :00 p.m. Melllodllt Youth Fel- lOWWlb.l.p. Young-Adult Fellow-lhlp. 7:00 p.m.. Evening Wonhip:- M~e: "Come Ye Uwe." JL--------------' COSTA MESA CHUBCB OF GOD Rev. Jamee P. McGraw, Putor HO Cabrlllo St., Coot.a M ... Services Sunday 10 a . m., 6:30 Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST • Gerald Rausa, l\f. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pbooe Rarboc 1028 No M»"Wtt : c,U Be!l;.'Oa ~• X-Ray Service Hilton M. Maxwell, M, D. 1901 ~t Blway Corona del 1'tu Office How-s: 10-12: 2-5 Pbone Barbor 108! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave, Balboa Barbor 11U us s. B1l1 st. Loo ~ TUcker '71U By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phywidan Uld S~ M09 West Central T91ephone Harbor 80! Although he wears long pants and has a shock of gray hair on that intelligent head of his today, Sam Meyer is one of the most genuinely placid men in the newspaper world. How he has been able to keep so exuberantly in good humor ail these years and still assume the great burdens of newspa- per publishing is one of the mysteries of this age. BJ BESSIE L BENEDICT lovely cake In honor of it. Joanne 11 :00 L m., Morninc Prayer and il«mon. (ll'lnt SW!daYo: BolJ Commun.lcm..) p. m. and 7 :30 p . m. -~ W. Centnl. Barbor l&IO NEWPORT BEACH 1:-------------~ We believe sincerely that God must have something to do with it Then, too, his good wife, the grand lady of his heart, who has so patiently stood by him and encouraged him ail these years, played an important role in the modeling of. his life. Patience, Mahomet said, is the key of content In our own 30 years of magazine and newspaper editing and publishing, rubbing shoulders with the Brisbane!\. the Whltes. llie Dewarts, the Barrets, the O'Hara Cosgroves and others of equal_ note from the Atlantic to the Pacific, we can hooestly say no newspaperman has impressed us so highly and so much as our own beloved Sam A. Meyer. We think we can speak for all empolyes of The NEWS. TIMES, when we conclude with this peaceful thought: "S. A. M., it's a mighty nice thing to know that, though you are retiring as our publisher, you will be coming around often to say, 'Hello, folks, is there anything I can do for you?' " May your future days be as contentful and as peaceable as were all of your previous years. And may your good wife share all the blessings in the years to come as she has shared them in the years gone by. That is the good wish of us ail. -FREDERIC FROST Buy Wisely, Shopper 1-trs. Gertrude Rippey, 507 and her house guest. Virginia Acacia avenue, has ~tlss Charlottt> Backman, Los Angeles, who is Gundolf, Highland Park, as house visiting her this week. and Susie guest this week. They are taking had gone out on the patio atter Interesting trips to surroWlding they had_,enjoyed thf' lovely lunch- country, one of which was to Ju-eon Susfe's mother, Mrs. Robert lian by way of Vista. and Ocean-Walker, had served them. On re- side. turning they found a lovely birth- Patricia and Eddie Anderson. day cake. flowers and gifts for 428 Marguerite avenue. held a Joanne. wtener bake Saturday night for Mrs. Harry Stauch. 316 Mari- their brother, Fint Lt. Guy Har-gold avenue. entertained the Arts rison Anderson, better known u and Crafts section of the Costa Cubby. who recently returned Mesa Friday Afternoon club, at from Japan. Friends of the family lunch Tuesday. Social hour was who enjoyed the evening with en joyed in the afternoon. them w('re. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Rowland, Mrs. Rosalie O'Bryan. 621 Acacia avenue. had as house Laguna ; Angus Alexander. a nd guests, ~·tr. and l\1rs. Bert Me11er J ean McCosh, Corona del ~'tar . and daughte r. Doris. South Gate, Mrs. Florence Anderson camt' and their guests from Nebraska later in the cveninR. after attend· and Louisiana Sunday for the day. ing the Community Church supper. 'rhese 12 guests though brought After the bake and a time of sirig-their dinner '-''ith t hem. from soup inR in close harmony, they all took to nuts, a nd made the Smiths their a moonlight midnight S'-''im. guests of honor. Mr. and l\1rs. C. H. Lind. 230 Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert and Poppy avenue. and Mrs. Lind's sons. Dohn and Dean. Redlands, mother. Mrs. Lottie Knabl'l. left spent the weekend \1i:ith Mrs. Gil- for an l'Xtcnsive visit to Tacoma. bert's parents, !\·tr. and Mrs. L. T. Wash., and the North\\·est. They Folsom. 319 l\1arigold avenue. The are traveling by car. Folsoms' daughter. Mrs. Mead and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Proctor and children are \\'ith them for the daughter. Virginia. returned from summer. Pasadena. Saturday. where they Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Fipps, BALBOA ISLAND Ct-iAPEL 111 Agate A.,.nue Rev. Harry W. White, Aeeoclate P'utor Church 8cbool. 9 :30 a. m. Mont.tnc Wonhip, 11 L m. NE-WPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, CoeU Mna Rev. Herbert Roth, Pallor ServicM: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Comer Walnut and Church Sta. Costa Mou Sabb&tb ec.bool, Saturday morn- ing, 9 :SO o"clock. Pre.a.cb.J.ng 1ervtce, 11 L m. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Communtty Methodist 1420 Wed Central Avenue ft•v. E. D. Goodell, Pastor Cl:uuch School, 9:50 a. m. M ........ Woretp, 11 L m. Yo.a. l'aUQ}Nb:lp, S p. m.. S'w'eJdnc Worab.lp, 7 p. m. Mid-week pra.yer aervlce, Wed- n~; covered dlah dinner, 5:30 p.m. Christian Science Lesson Topic 'Life' .. I 1hall not die, but ll\'e, and de- cl&re the works of the Lord •.•• God ls the Lord, which hath shewed ua llghL" These .statements Crom e P8alms will be the Golden Text or the Sunday Les8on . Sermon on "Life" In all brancbel!I or Tbe Mother Church, The Flnt Church or Cbriat, Scientist. In Boston. The Lesson-Sermon Includes thl1 1election also from Psalma: "ID God I will pralae his word, ln God I have put my trust; 1 will not rear what rleah can do unto me .... For thou bast deltvered my soul from death : wilt not thou deliver my feet from railing, that I ma} walk before God In the light of tbe 'living?" A Passage from lsalah re~s. "Is not this the fa.st that I ha.ve ebosen ? to loose the band11 of wicikedness. to untlo the be:i ,·y bur· dens, and to IPt the oppre~sed go fre,, and tl:at ye brl'ak every yoke'! ... Then shall lhy li ght break rortb aa the morning, and thine beallh shall .spring ror.h speedily.". Indications are that in a good many cities consumers are had bet>r. visiting Mr. Proctor's 600 Seaview avenue, recently re-- becoming more conservative and are resisting the temptation parents. The Proctors have been turned from a l\\'o weeks' trip COSTA MUA COMMUNITY living in the desert for several north to San Francisco, where OHURCH Mary Bakt>r l~ddy \\'rl tea In '"Scl· ence and Health with Key to the Scrlpturea :" "\\"e are aometlmea Jed to belle,'e that darkness la as real aa light; but Scien ce &!firm.a darkness to be only a mortal sen11e or the absence of light, at the com· Ing of which darkness loaea the appearance of reality. So sin and sorrow, disease and death, Are the auppoaltlonal absence of Lire. God. and flee as phantoms or error b&- rore truth and love." to buy goods without regard to their price. months, a l Arahy, n{'ar Palm they visited Mrs. Fipps' mother, Cari 11. Johneon, Minister This attitude, if more widely adopted, will go far toward Springs. Mrs. M ichael Bauer. and then pro-124 I!:. 20th s~ Ph. 247!>-R keeping prices within reach and reason. It takes a lot of Mr. nnd J\·trs. Stuart Deihl, 508 ceeded north through the red-Cl\ll'Ch ecbOOI, e:.eo L m. If Goldenrod avenue. \Vere surprised woods and made camp at Grants KomDtc Wonhip, 11 o'clook. ee -control not to dip into your pocketbook or savings ac· Thursday by a visi t with their old Pass. They drove to Crater Lake, Youtb IT'OUPll, Hlcll aob.ooJ.. ln· ROOFS Al'PLDm OR Jml'AIRWD Free Estlmateo • lupectlon count in order to obtain something you \Vant even when the friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce wtiich had been open only a week termedlate, Adult, 6 :30 p. m.. price tag is considerably out of line with a fair value. Roark. Roseburg, Oregon. who had and found banks of snow 17 feet IC'nnlns ee.rvtce, 7 :30 o'clock. Bu . d . made a hurried trip do,vn for t\\'O high lined the road. Mrs. Fipps Mid·week tellowahip and prayer, t Ill so mng you not only cooserve the dollars you've days. said she always wants to live in Wednuday, 7 ,30 P· m. W. I. Benbotf 3602 Marcus Ph. ~. 1012-J saved but you protect their purchasing power as well. Even Joanne Hogan, 321 Poppy ave-Corona de! Mar but would love 11 L m .. Prayer and Sermon. where reasonable prices pre\rail many consumers are not nue. was surprised when she found to spend at least one month of the -------------.:.._-------===:::....:__ her hostE"SS. Sue \Valker of Lido year in among the red\\'oods. l\.lrs. r--------------------=------drawing down their reserve funds to buy the more expensive Isle, was aware of her birthday I Fipps' mother returned home with items such as household equipment. Rather they are keeping anniversary and had prepared a her for a visiL their savings intact for future needs and contingencies. ----------------------- There won·t be any excessive inflation if American con- sumers refuse to permit it, for, in the fmal analysis, they can do more through wise buying and the careful handling of their savings to prevent runa\vay prices than can ever be ac· complished through the dictates and directives of the OPA. So. as a consumer be sure you do your part. NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 9 :SO A. ~l. TO 11 P . M. South Bay. Balboa Yacht Club. East Bay, ruchardson's. Evans". Villa Marina. Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Bee.con Bay, Harbor Island and South Ba)•: Hail from an}' dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY BARBOR e-w MODERI MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND GEORGE D. BASSE'IT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service !50% \\"'. Central A.\·e., Pbone Harbor LI06·J., Newport Be&eb Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 <kean Front Newpor& NOW OPEN EVENINGS MAL1'S • SANDWICHm • HAMBURGERS Ice Cr-m to Tab Oat Ill MORTH.J&AIM IT. , I 24-Hour Radio Service llOME, AUTO, ILUUNE RADIOS BEPAD&D ·Burt R. Norton 911 CoMt mway Beaeoa &'781 Newport B•ala, o.DJ. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often YCRI the ll'IDMt PIMe to DiDe In Orup <loaaty: All I New - - - Even the Location ... One-Hall Mlle East ot Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California In the Servin& ot -SEA FOODS -- AUIO YOUB ldoMl of STEAKS -VlS1'r OUR KITCHEN - Sa•'s Sea Food Spa and Fish Market· (W.---l • ' Dr.W,W.Westmoreland Dentist llOI <lout J11way OOBONA DEL MAB Phone Harbor %%%0 INSURANCE Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE . That's All Ll rE · FIRE · A UTO MARl,lE, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKAY 7'4 E. Central. Balbo:a Pno nc H1rbor 2 ~1)7 Uncoln National Lile · Insurance Co. "Il9 J'feme hJdlca~ l\11 Cbara.ckr"' DON n:ru."JGAN Pbone Barbor 2M·R 308 Marlne Ave. Balboa lal. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen • I a•1 Mil Arelfem PeUdM ra.o. BM".,._ ........ •ta ~ a., .a."-a.11tea MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ow'!'.elves the Better Serve by Serving Others Best" Fttone B• eon 5110 Ooflta Mesa CalUomla OPTOMETRISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETRlST Eyes Examined -GJ.tSses Fitted 1791 ~·t'"''lXlrt BouJP.,•ard • E-T. Batferwort". o. D. I 1 Optometrtat ,' I EYES ltl<AJllANlD • LENSES DUPUCATEO 1 I 0 ..... llPl!ft4 ... ~ j :Sl.16 W. o.tn1 A"' nl. UM._ IOJ I NSWP'OST DA.CU I A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN ..... !IUBGSON ill Cout mpway. -... eo ............ NORMAN NRON, IL D. Pedlatrldu Certll!ed · by the Americu Board of Pediatrica. 1007 .Ga.iota Dr, Lac-- Telepllone Lacmaa l ·18". Laurence B. Dorcy, 111. D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Pb.one Harbor !GB John K. C. Chung, M. D. l'h)'Uclan ODd Sorc- 2 -4 7 -8:30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 120 Eut 18tll S-eo.ta MM&. Calllornla Dr. W. T. Mooney Phywlclan and Sus- NIDtll and Centnl ni-CM-hr . ...ne.> ._._ .. Dr. G. E. Tohill .__ ..... 8_ 2209 Coo.st h1vd. NEWPORT BEA.Pi -PRO!fD- Offiot; Barbor IM-W ~: lhrbot' ue-a U No auwer, call Harbor t C HIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHICS Wagner DrugleM lnsUtut. Dr. Wllbcu c. Wacner Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 19%0 Cout Blvd., Soatlt Lacuna -Pbooe !- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Phone Beacon 6808--W M. D. Keesling 180fl.A New&aort: Bl•d. eo.ta Meu. NPw~rt-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Mode,s of Travel to Europe, Mexico Hawall Round-the-World Trips In the near tutUre. See Jin. Boy Kee-Ph. Barbor 19L SOl Palm, 8&lbcla .. Boan: 11 a. a. to a p. m. I • r • r I ' -- Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Comman~~e'1::n~i~y -t~~n Post n~~·~T ~~rica Wise Use of Water Supply I OBITUARIES Lumber and BUilding Materials New · otficen of the Newpcrt 1'-.eatherly. past commander, Santa •-.. 0 ood e--·-... • w Id Be t•t c '------------....! Bay Oislr1·cl Lum be C Harbor American Legion post were Ana. and '"Lucky" Baldwin. past ~ ~ OU ne I onsumers Mary Allee ·oi.t r o .. =ed ~~:Joneve~~ b:Cm~ oo~;n~~n o~ro~~ local _This ____ af_t_e_rnoo __ n_a_t_o_ne __ o_f_o_w:_, d::!~a{~.:~~:'~1!-~~~~~~i SU OOA8T · 0.:: lleeco• WI AT Tiii: • .;.... prised of six Orange county Le-post is Earl Coppersmith ot Cor-busiest traffic circ1es occurred an (Continued from Page 7) to use and an expanding economy chapel, Costa Mesa. for Mary Alice ~=========================~ gionnaires r epresenting the 22nd ona del !\-tar. Past commander is incident J was happy to witness; . and increased markets dro\"E' 8 Gist, infant daughter of Mr. and I American Legion di.strict. Don Durant. for it added to my belief in the es-velopment, either agriculturally, Mrs. Gerald Gist, who died Satur-V E N E T J A N B L I N D S ed f land-hungry people to seek ac:kli-day · s J h · Comprising -the installation Refreshments were serv ol-sential goodness of people. urban or industrially.. come by m t. osep hospital. te-am were Art Eklund, past com-lowing the installation bY. Frank A little boy had darted across aqueducts from fore1gn "·ater-tional sources of water supply, it Besides her parent.s she is sur-I mander, Santa Ana; Ralph Mit· Crocker. the street to the center or the sheds. The Loo Angeles d ty sup-W8S discovered that the broad vived by a brother, Gary or the Wood • Steel • Aluminum cbeµ, put commander, Santa Ana: -------c:itcle just as the Jtght Was chang-plies _from the easterly slopes ol valleys flanking the dry water-home; maternal grandparents, Mr. Vlc Meyer, past commander, Gar-This world is like a fruit cake; ing, while hls mother had remain-the Sierra Nevada.sand 1;he Metro-courses were underlain with vast and Mrs. O. F . Whitehead of Costa Past 8ervlee -Free Esffmatlle den Gro\'e; J im Kilroy, prese nt it would be incomplete without a ed. on the other tdde. On the way politan Water dis_trict s supply bodies of water, accumulated Mesa and paternal grandparents, Call Us and. Reterse Phone Chargee commander, Garden Grove ; Cy few nuts in it. across he had dropped his grimy from the Colorado nver. through the ages from deep per-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist of football. With the one thought ln The farm use of the natmal colation from the rains and floods North Hollywood. Jnte "t Lin Shad Co mind of retrieving it he started water supplies of this region ii of countless winters. Interment was in Westminster . fCJ y . 0 • e • back. Ho'°'•ever, his mother's warn-pretty well in balance, more by Wells were dug or drilled in the Memorial park. 1095 E. Wardlow Bo.cl ing scream checked him. and he reason of the force of circum· valley floors. Many near the areas Rosana .lane Hlcbtower waited neTVously on the farther stances than through any con-of rising water, in the vicinlty of Funeral ser.ices were held at Phone Loq Beach 458-28 Long Beaeb. curb as the whirling wheels of scious plannlng. dikes or "narro-A'S." and along the 2 p.m. Wednesday in ?.ielrose :====================:::::::====~ many autos flashed by, his eyes Over a ny comple te economic coastal fringes of the coastal Abbey mausoleum for Rozana Jane I Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Tire Recapping • Tires Retreaded 416 East Cen tral Ave., Downtown Balboa glued appr ehensively to the pTeci-cycle. there is a limit to the basins, flowed with artesian pres-Hightower, 5-)•ear-old daughter of ous football lying in the middle amount of the farmer's production sure. Pump;:; \\:ere installed in Mr. and ~lrs. Clyde Hightower, of the stTeet. cost dollar that can be profitably others and thousands of acres ot 2525 Orange avenue, Costa ~Iesa, H O\V many cars passed that expended upon water. Overdrafts ne w land were put under the plow 'A'ho died Sunday in the home or point before the light again turned or encroachments upan surface and planted to f ield crops, \ine-her grandmother. r.lrs. R. L. Tur- red I "'ould not attempt to guess. water supplies common to several yards and orchar:ds to be watered ner , .1324 Poinsettia street, Santa Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units A I I ENTION ! ! Home and Boat Owners-Builders Sinks, Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications e DvaAJIL&-W.tr•1 ._. ....._ e &L"iITAAY-No Jo .... -SMJ' e WIBTANT lo M-=+.W ..W.. tot ei.... .... ..._. e &an.DNT-aa._ ,_, ......_ e alOID ~pi.. aamk•"-e DOIKDU.TB DSISY&&Y. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. but it \\'as a good many. Rac-ing a t proprietors are expensive for they from these sources. Ana. the accelerated sj'.>('<'d of the home-usually bring sharp repercussions Recalls Ea.tly Day5 She also is sur\i\'ed by rn:o sis- ward bound bus.iness man on a from holders of superior or corre-This was the Southern Cali-ters, ?.1ary J acqueline and Dolores one-way thoroughrare. they rolled lative rights. as thf ext ensive and fornia to which I came as a boy June of the home a nd her gr8.nd- by three and four abreast a nd as costly water right Htigation ot this of four. I can remember the mother. Afrs. G. \V. Hightower of ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and C-pool Bloclm Now In Prodnction Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. close together as possible without region will show; and continued wooded sloughs and swamps north Texas. touching. Yet of all those Oying overpumping of an underground and east of Long Beach, the wheels not one touched the little basin resuJts in depleted water tangled Gospel Swamp in Orange Interment w mausoleum. H Costa Mesa, \\.' rangements. in Melrose Abbey lli60 Newport Ave. Co8ta M- ld <!rauel chapel, ===========================~ boy's ball. When they ha d all pass-supplies and increased power county, where now are located the ed the ball was lying in the s elf-costs. prosperous farms of Westminster, same spot in which it had falten. For these and other r easoM. Greenville, Talbert and Winters- The boy probably thought it was irrigation uses have tended to be-burg. I can r emember the tales of the greatest sort of luck that his come adjusted to amoun.ts approx!-the mighty, wild well north of Floating Fuel Storage ball was saved. But I hope his mating the safe yields of the Signal H ill, which I never saw in Se · Sq dro 10 n action, that shot .water . over 80 rvice ua n (the oat-mother took the trouble to point watersheds. There are notable ing bas for the · · f Ok" feet into the air to an elevat1"on e invasion o t-out to him that it was no such and costly exceptions. nawa) suppHed f;•htin" g sh1"ps be-150 feet above sea level under a -' thing; the sheer kindness and con· Datff Back to 1818 Core they J"umped !off with enough Pressure of 35 pounds per •nuare 1 ' sideration on the part of each driv-The first authen tic records of ....... oil to make a train 238 miles long, er saved the ball. the use of water by irrigation In inch. with enough left bver to heat 10,- in charge of ar-~ GORDON a~ FINDLAY OONTBAOTOB AND BUILDER ottleo: MIO Cout mvd. Pl>one -· Ut CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MJJJ,WORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. 40'J Soth Street The football was worn and very shabby. but to the little boy it was perhaps the most valuable thing in the whole world at that moment. I 'm glad the drivers took the -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]trouble to miss hitting it. And they would have felt amply repaid, I'm sure, it they could have seen the Southern California credit the All of these are gone in less 000 homes for a y~ar ; with enough P adres with the construction of than my lire span! The swamps gasoline to run iso.OOO American d.itcht'S from near.by streams to have dried up and are under the automobiles for a full .year; and Mission field! and gardens. The P10'-'', and the mighty Bouton well \li.ith sufficie nt hibricating oil to Zanja from ?.fill Creek, east of that flowed 257 miners' inches of allow for a compI~te cha nge of oil Redlands. is a n ('Xample ot this, wat~. about 2300 gallons per i A""OOO t yii·i :========================== minute, now stands, or did in _n_~ __ • __ •_u_o_m+_'_e_s. ___ _ dating back to 1818. , The first irrigated farm plots 1942, about 36 feet below sea l CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT look of joy on the child's face wherf he found hll. football un- hurt. Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock FOB lNSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerrish l'elephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa M.-sa 1808 ?ii ewport Boo,levard COSTA ~IESA Phone Beacon 151$1 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds \Vritten ' ' \\sea\ fastest Reset'4~ to · tats \n l\\s\ofj t\\a\t \\ t'e-.t Qt\eans t\\\cav,o an -a\ no eJ\ta \ate\ llOW Southern Pacific off en two grett oew services East-r~seat, no-extra· f""' chair cars to Chicago ... and to New Orleana and Dallas ... on schedules that oet oew records foe speed and comfort! Here ""' the detailo: IUllSCT UllfTtD-49~ hours to New Or· leaDa--fastest Los Angeles-New Orleanl .....nee in history. Lea-Loo Angeles 12::30 P. M. dally; arma New Orleaoo 4:15 P. M. oecond dll7 followina. _.. STAR U•ITD-~)( boun to Qiiago: the i---fare Loo ~tninin~J. . .....-~Carlo DA11 AI ""',.. Lea..,. Loo Angeles 11:15 A. M. daily; llriveo Chicago 1:30 P. M. oocond clar lollowina- .. 1u•1n L111111r -.. DollM 7:5> A. Ill. - _ .... "'°"""""' . ..,....,.:........ ..,.. ......... ,., , ... ~--·· ,_ II e.11 .., dz, .. _••-"l1M1mh1W1Ae11111L ••• uava• • ru s. p ... ,,,,,,,,, s •• , •• ,. raclrte E. B. Sharpley, District Passenger Agent 50S North Mala Street Santa Ana • Phone SOU -' of the white settlers in this re-level; a drop approximating 186 BA n gion were located near the toes of feet. the foothills where the streams I relate this to point my discus· debouched from the mountains sion and as an index of "'hat h as "' D upon their extensive flood plains happened. In less than my life-~ORT ARY or deb ris cones. and watE'r could time we have depleted the water ~ ~i~er:.e~c~~s nadf ta;h~ ~~~;~ ~~~r~~esu~~\u~~~~:~~tu~:rih~o ~:: l where undergTound dikes or con· and not the exception in our 7 --di -- s trictions forced subterranean basins. now to the surface where It could I have stated that our agricul· Lady A ~tend ant be diverted and used for irriga-tural use or water has been about ~ ti in balance. This is approximately on . Efforts of later comers to en-correct applied to the region as a -.t - croach upon and share lhese very whole, but not to the separate limited nows brought prompt re-basins. This leaves the uses of 410 Coast Blvd. course to the courts and started our growing cities and towns to CORONA DEL MAR the \\'atl"r-right litigation that has. account for the overdraft; and we very largely, fixed and adjudicated are superimposing a vast new in-Telephone Harbor 42 the rights under which existing dustrial growth upon our already DAY AND NIGHT • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Onr Interesting Sample and Display Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehera- ive stock ot ~ts and linoleum. Rugs & Carpets Cleaned, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works 182! South Main St. Phone Santa Ana 2806 SA,'1TA ANA diversions of surface 'A'aters are overdrawn supplies of natural made. ..~a~t~er~--------:-----'::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When all of the available sur· I race "·ater had been appropriated EVERYTHING in Quality REFRIGERATION Air Conditioning Equipment Ca!'M . Cabinets . Couokn \\"alk-los • Fount&lns • Stoots Back Ban • Booths Complete Markets Cale, Etc. Plannlnl' "WEBER'' DEALERS " " .. 82S S. Los An~lee SL, Alulbelm Phone t662 Mesa LIQUOR SHOP ttle2 Y, Newport Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No Umlt to any of our mercb.andbe COSTA MESA. CALIF. Pbone Beacon 6011 PBO~"E llABBOB tn FOR SIGNS BENEDICT 'Ibe Sip Man • BOAT LE"JTERING A SPECIALTY ..• • ~-&J.-eo.pa.., 901 ceu& ..... .., ....... IUl 1200 MILE iGAS PROJECT Government OK's Texas Pipeline; Assures Additional Supply for Southern California to Grow On Once more, Southern Cali!omia rat.el its nputalion for getting lhinp done in a big way- This time, it is to augment growing Southern California'• 1upply of DC· araJ gu with Ilic large#, long~ t"' ITGllll>liuion liJw ..., !lllill f Hut's t~t Sttry ..• South.., California is on lhe thrah- old of a pootwu apamion and J>aild • Ing program !hat is witholll panDel anywbett in lbe coantry. The volwm or natural po already called £or hJ llao million1 now Ii ring here ill tnmeado1& Hundmlo o( thowancla of newcomon ""' on lhe way. A. we grow, lhe do- ID&nds on om raourcea are increuing -dily. A cootia-and plentiful supply of natural gm ill vital for our fulure denlopmenL Aad ii ,.;u k "''"""' A big pipeline 1200 miles long is lo reach ovir the Continental Divide and U:p the huge natural gu reaerveo of the Mid-Continent Fielda in New Mu- ico md Tau. This S70,000,000 ~roJ· oct,:one of the greateot engineering un- d.rta!Unp of its kind. hu already, hem fully approved by the Califomia •1\ail. road Commisaion and the Fe4eral Power Commi-ioa. ........ , ... The Southern Califomia and Souda· em CoUDli<s Ga Companieo "'.'ill - -the portion o( the line £rom the Califomia border weotwarda; and llao D Pao Natunl Gaa Company, -l.hicla- wiD 1upply the gu, will build tit baJ. ..Je of the line. The new project will P"! lo -a large volamc of po now being wated for lade o( a mubl .•• ana stiD gualer ............ nailabi. Cot !ulure -111 I The natwal gu it ia to transport would care £or u inany homea u in the four metropolitan citi .. of Akron, San Antonio. 0.. Moines and Indiana· polis combined. At ill ultimate capacity, the new pipeline will deliver the eqth'alent en· er!}' d.iJr o( •1.000 barrela or oil ••• wl89 carloado or coal ••• or""-"- die el' i:tr icaJ energy proclacecl by BoaJ. der Dam. lt1U11~1 .. Preijminary work la -i. way. Ao- laal •-a:tioo ttuts thia Fall and die pipeline trill lie ready for die .. lerof 19'7-48. nM you -bait oa-..-.1 po will conliDue tP be "' (Ml for ~ era Califonsia I I IOUTBIU COUlfTID GAi COllUAIR • • • .. - • -Marjorie Mason Shower HQStess A NOTES of the Balboa Yacht Club Falcons and Balboa dinghi .. had ,Mia Shirley Hann, daU&btA!r of their second race of tbe summer KU Hann, 1401 SeaYiew avenue, series this week at BYC. They are Corona del Mar, who ls to be an . each Wednesday and on Au&uat bride and who has been racing booored at a series of showers, the race committee are the Mes- WU given a kJtchen shower Mon-da.me3 A. L. Gram. Kenneth Mor- day evening by Miss Marjorie gan and Morgan Cox. Mason 3014 West Ocean Front. Two BYC members walked oft Mia Hann left Tuesday IDOJ"Dln& with honors in the f!ollywood Oil the Santa Fe Chief for Chicago Yacht club's po\\"er cruiser race and will spend the intervening to Catalina over the July_ 4 holi- weekl with her W'tde and aunt, day, it has been learned ~ week. Mr. and ?tin:. William Hann of Harold Mason was third m class _A Detroit. and Alan Craig was first in Bridge was the game of 1 the I cl~!ting old f-riends was Lt. evening aod refreshments brol othw-Eugene ToiO of . the Coast Guard. ed the opening of gifts y e . honoree. First prize went 10 Miss former captain ~f the_ port. w=~~ Carol \Voldenberg, second to Mrs. he anGeod Mrs. ~o~n ';i:de~·four- Jack Bo)'d and Miss Hann was Mrs. r~e a consoled. some at d1nner at BYC. Harbor Phones 13 and 208 Friday Aft. Club Purchases Site Opposite C. M. Park • . I • .. , .. , t pm s TLa • .,, ,.., 11. 1!91 • • A • • • Simple Rites Mark Boland-Hylton Nuptials Fem1n1ne ct1vit1es s::=~~:-:o~ibeo __ m_m_uni_ty_Ch_urc_h _ + By Wlnltred 8artll'e + R·dc'ence !'tam 1637-R sunplidty WU the ~ per-Willson-Tririp Rites tormed a t 7'30 !>-In-10 eorona c1e1 Slated for uly 28 -------· · Ch h C I H Mar Community church W ednes-bo Eastern Relative urc ire es ear c1ay "'"nine when Mm Edythe s~. July ~ has t>ttn wt Har r•1tes Feted at Luncheon Convention Reports Hylton. daughter of Mr. and Mn-.. the date ot the ;wedding ct _ _____ k Robert Lee Hylton of Riverslde Ml$.s Norma Corl:;ee Thlpp daugh-Mrs. R. O. Boyvey, 1139 West Newport \V.S.C.S. met last wee became the bride of William Pat-of ,.,.l ,,,_ ......a.... of Ne-_. Mrs. Alfred Cowgill of Stockton Central avenue. entert ained with at Olrist Church by the .~a with rick Boland Jr., aon of Mr. and ter vtrne ~ ... ,.,p .... .,..... " A fine location on the north-has been a guest tor ten days at Mrs. D. W. Holtby pres1ding and Mrs. William Boland sr. of Al-Beach and lttrs. I"'an Job.Non ot d f •--·'·t Mn Dean a luncheon Wednesday_ honoring ..... __ W. S. H\Ull8.ker leading in h west corner of Eighteenth an tbe home o l~ aa er-, · -1n F kl ?tf ttl r D,~.. ambra and 126 East CentraJ ave. Valyermo. to Leslie Wlllson jr., Anaheim streets. facing the Costa Campbell, Ba1boa, and has been her sister, Pt • ran in e e devotionals, her subject being nue, Balboa. I son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie \Villson Mesa park, has been choaen as the enjoying the sunshine and tishlflg, of Summit, N. J .. who "ith her ··valiant Women." This was fol· Palms and baskets of white sr .. 8560 H orner Strf.'<'t, Los An- site of the future Friday After-the' latter showing results of eight childrerl. Ronnie a nd Louise. is lowed by group singing. "''ith Mrs gladiolus banked the alter of the geles. Present for the faret.-:elJ evening were Miss Hann. l\lrs. Boyd and the Misses Kathleen Sad.leir , Viv- ian Vaughn, Marilyn Hill, Jane Grace, Carol Woldenberg and the hostess. noon club house. the deal being albacore. She expects to visit her visiting Mrs. Boyvey and her par-Louise Hansen at the piano. little Colonial church and the mar-l\tiss Tripp · graduated from now in escrow. The three lots 'A'ill mothe r in Corona and a brother ents, !\tr. a nd Mrs. \V. E . Draper Reports \\'ere made by those riage lines "·ere read b)· the Rev. Hamilton High school. Los An- give the club a building site 21 in Holl}~·ood. spending about six of Huntington Beach. for the s um-who attended the a nnual confer-Pe~ ~ befoi:e members of geles. "'here she became acquaint- by 120 and are the first to be "'·eeks in the Southland. . f mer. ence held recently at Pasadena. the immediate fannlies. ed \\;th Mr. \Villson. after attend- sold in a new tract opened up by Mr. and Mrs. H . I . Thomas -o Luncheon "'·as served in the Miss Elsie Newland was delegate·! The bride wore an ice blue ing Newport H arbor Union Higl\ Clyde E. Sherwood, owner. The Santa Ana are guests for a fev.• house for the" adults and the chil-and W.S.C.S. and church members street length frock in peplum ef-school for three years. For the consideration was not named. days at the home of their daugh-dren had a barbecue in the patio. '''ho attended.were Rev. and Mrs. feet "'ith cap sleeves an~ square past :rear she has lived in New- This tract of two blocks con-ter. Mrs. \Vallon Hubbard jr. o( The afternoon was spent on the E . D. Goodelt, Mr. and l\irs. J . A. neckli~e .. her small ''e1led ~at port Beach and at£'nded Santa~ H ostess at Bri dge sists of residence lots. restricted Lido Isle. ' beach. followed by a ride about Bodman. Mr. and M,.._ David matching m color , and she carried Ana Junior college. She plans t o Mrs. W . E. Nickell of Costa to good homes of approximately Flying in from Jacksonville. the harbor on the motor launch. Hebert. Mrs. Holtby, Mrs. Stephen a shower bouquet of gardenias and complete her course there for M_r . l\1esa entertained with two tables $l0,000 in value, and lying on each Fla .. and arriving this after noon Guests were old friends of lhe Weatherford, l\1'rs. Flora Beatty white sweet peas. She "'as attend-Willson, \\'ho "served 18 months m of bridge at her home Saturday side of a ··banjo·· street. Raub and (Thursday) was Charles V. l\1c -sisters and included l\1rs . \ViUiam and l\1rs. Salter. . ed by her sister. l\irs. Ed"·ard S. the Marines, will go into the army evening. Mrs. Mary Brill was high Siegel have been in charge of the Carty jr .. S2C, U.S .N.R .• son of Dieter and children, Billy and Plans were mad<' for th~ Christ-Dales. 85 matron of honor. l\1rs. in September. and Mrs. Grace Wilcox was lo.w. ' surveying and the pa.Ying and Capt. and Mrs. Charles l\1cCarty Betty, Mrs. W llllam Cs.tberiner mu sho\\'er .,.,.hich \\"as given t~e Dales wore gray with white hat The bride-elect was ~ntly During March, 11,080 \'elerans Guests included the Mesdames curbing is all in. \Vith develop-sr .. 1541 Miramar Drive, Balboa. and Mrs. Mary Carty, all of Whit-following day at Or ange for Mi~ and accessories and carried a honored "'ith a personal shower received personal attention at the c_ H. Ridley, P. V. Parkes. J _ p_ men! logically going to the west , He wu separated from the Navy tier· Mrs. Horvey Speara of Fu!· Ellen Suffern of that ci ty who IS shower bouquet of pink sweet given at the home of Miss Mar· Los Angeles r egional office of the Cooper. Brill, \Vilcox. Jerrold I\lr. Sherv.·ood plans to open up a t the Naval Personnel Separation lert~n . Mrs. ·Charles Sardow and soon returning to China w here she peas. celyn Bristol. Laguna Beach. Vete rans Administration. Spangler. a nd Elmer Wright. five acres more this fali Cen ter. Jacksonville, on July 11 children, Freeman and Linda of is principal of a girls' school. Mrs. Pau.l iS . l\{cKibben. '''hose mar--;;;;~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;=======~ The Friday Afternoon club re-after serving for ayear. Downey. also Mrs. Draper of Holtby and 1.1rs. Gladys Wood-r iage to Jane Boland, sister of the R t . g Guest for the Ultimate (t cently sold"1leir property on New-Ensign Robert Haigh, U.S.N.R.. Huntington Beach. Mrs. Spears worth "'·ere among those "·ho at-bridegroom, "'as an event of June e Ufnl n d son or Mrs. Adele Haigh of Bal-comes from Red Oak. Iowa. home tended. taking personal gifts a nd 29. served as best man. Hostess at Party port boulevard and as they o not • ID Beauty Care Phone: Harbor ••• 1 82 7 VIRGINIA BELL'S MARISKA House of Beauty 30 4 M a rin e Balboa I s land Hair Shaping HAIR Styling Virginia Bell of Balboa Island Also : Palm Our Congra luf a lion6 ••.•. lo Ike JULY BRIDE 1oi..rta' y.an of experience "'" help you moke this ioY· OUI occ:asion one lon11 to be remembered, with a PHOTOGRAPH IN YOUR HOME OR CHURCH ~ Special Pricel - l to July Brides _ -.. ·-,, RIOI• otM l'oa AJIPOl'lnmn _ M.NTA_~A N&W IUMMElt HOUll':I '! •• A.& tit ,. P.IL DI .. -OtMf' .,..._. II' At• •I e. tllt _ plan to start building a new club boa Isla nd. arrived home WE'd.nes-town of the Draper family. and ar ticles for use at the school. Attending the ceremony were Mrs. Elno Ollila and sons How- house for se'\•eral years. will hold day morning after three and a Mrs. Carty was a classmate of . The next meeting o~ th~ group Mr. and Mrs. Boland. l\1r. and Mrs. ard and Michael. \\'ho have been a board meeting Friday afternoon half years in the service. coming l\1rs. Mettler at I owa State col-,,;11 be Aug. ! and this \\'lll be a Hylton, ~fr. a nd Mrs. Paul S. ~Ic-,·isiting Mrs. Ollila's parents, Mr. at 2 p.m. at the home of l\frs. from Bainbridge. Md.. training lege. pot luck picnic at the Corona del Kibbcn, ""ho returned Saturday and l\trs. Trygve Hess. \Vest Bay Jerrold Spangler, Lido Isle, a nd school for Anapolis and expects Last ,,·eek the Boyveys took Mar home of :l\lrs. Harry ~estover from their honeymoon. l\1 iss Bar ·. for several '''eeks left h b · his discharge soon, when he \\till the-ir ouests on a trip to Catalina "';th each circle planning its O\\'TI bara Boland,. Mrs. Fred '"'· 1'1ar-\\'ill discuss, among 01 er us1ncss. t"o h Id contin ue his education. H e is thf' and Fri-day they are lea\ing ror a luncheon. s halt and 1.tr. a nd Mrs. Edward avenue, . the problem O[ \Vhcre tO 0 . this morning for their home in Red Lodge, l\1:ont. meetings until the club house is last of three brothers to return four -day trip to Mexico. stopping Dales. , built. to ci,ilia n life. Dr. John ·Haigh. at Tiajuana and going on do"''TI Mesans Return After the ceremony the wedding who "·as in the Navy, now prac· belo\\' Ensenada . Mr. and Mrs. d inner was served at the Hurley friends gath-. Tuesday evening ered at the Hess home for a I P T A '47 Co ngress To Be Held in Long Beach ticing in South Pasadena whil<'· Dr aper and their son. Gordon. will From Eastern Visit Bell. The new Mrs. Boland wore far e"·ell C'Vening. Games were Kenneth. who 'vas with the Army also be included in the party. Mr. a gray travelling dress with white in Europe, is in business at Hemet. f3o:yvey and sons, Douglas and Mr. a nd Mrs. E,·erett R ea a nd accessories when .she and her hus- Bride-elect Feted Mrs. Jack Boyd (Elwanda John· ston) entertained at her home. Jl12 Apolena avenue, Balboa Island, Thursday evening honoring Miss Shirley Hann of Corona del Mar, 'A'hose marriage to Lt. fjgl Harr y Hendren of Paducah. Ky .. '4'ill take place in August in the East. Co- hostesses with Mrs. Boyd was Miss Lorrane Meyers of Costa Mesa. Hydrangeas and gladiolus with white candles were used for dee· orating. Games were played with Mary Alice Pollard and J ackie Hill winning prizes. and afterward the honoree was surprised with the presentation of many lovely per- sonal gifts. Roger plan to get in some deep ch.Qdren, E\"elyn, Ralph and Ever-band left on their honeymoon sea fishing "''hile below the border . ett, and a nephew. John May, r C'-\Vhich "';11 include San F r ancisco . turned to Costa Mesa last week Carmel and Lake Tahoe. They ex, after a mon th's vacation during pect to be back in August. Six Ann iversaries Not ed at Dinner Six anniversaries were celebrat· ed this week at the Trygve Hess home, West Bay avenue, at a tur- key dinner. Mrs. Eino Ollila. daughter of the house, was ob- sen·ing her fourth wedding anni- versary and birthdays honored were those of her two sons. Mich- ael and Howard : her brothers, Bergen Hess a nd CPO Douglas Bray and the Jatter's "'ife. Mrs. Bray. Mr. Bray is stationed at Pearl Harbor and ""as not present. which they travelled nearly 6000 Mrs. Boland is a -graduate o miles. the Riverside s chools and is a f At a church camp OR Lake member of Zeta Kappa chapter o Michigan near Chicago members Alpha Iota. fl.tr. Boland is a major of the Rea family held a reunion in the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve for three days, seven of the eight in which he has served for five children of Mrs. E. A. Rea and years with duty in the Central their families being present. Mrs. Pacific and is commanding officer Rea is now nearing her eighty-of the VMF 123. Marine · Reserv ninth birthday and this was t he fighter squadron a t Los Alamitos first family r~union in 11 years. f . e t Mrs. Mike Ortega, 3(X)() Coas boulevard. is in St. Joseph hos pital for three weeks recover.in - from an operation. g played with Mrs. Charles Porte r jr. taking first prize and Miss Lorna Mills consoled. Corona del Mar Malt Shop ltU ~mpw.7 • Old fashioned malb We meen just lllla. Nil W LINl!l Craft Greeting Cards StaUOMry Brookings V arietv .. o...i& ~-c--. ..... • c att u-., <ant .......... During the refreshment hour individual cakes and ice cream "''ere served, and Mrs. Leslie Frei- tag sang "Ah, S"•eet ~tystery of Ll!e," "Temptation" a nd "Night and Day" with l\1iss Carol Wold- enberg at the piano. On Sunday Douglas Oliver Bray n , small son of the Brays, was christened at Christ Church by the Sea by the Rev. E. D. Goodell. The baby's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Pete Smith, and h is uncle. Bergen Hess. were sponsors. Relatives were visited in Iowa, Kansas and other places and Mrs. Rea·s mother , Mrs. Annie H. King of Sioux City, Miss Marjorie May, Miss Bernard1ne Bishop and John May of Oak Park returned with the travellers for a stay at the Rea home on Broadway. Assistance League Junior Group Install s Officers • Guests included the honoree, Circle Presi dent Miss Hann: the Misses Virginia C · Mrs. Howard Rapp jr. of Balboa F e rnades, Peggy Nielson, Evelyn Appoints omm tttee Island was hostess a t a buffet JULY CLE A R·A NC E DRESSES BETTER Rea, Jackie and Mari)yn Hill, . luncheon last Thursday when new Mary Alice Pollard. Oam Craig, MemlX!rs of comm1ttC'es for the officers of the Junior branch. Rosalie Ea.rel. Alice Best. Betty ne"' year were announced. by Mrs. j Assistance League of Orange coun- Rogers. Jane Crace, Carol Wolden-S. H . Weatherford. pres1~ent of I ty "'·ere installed, co-hostesses be-I twrg., l\1argie l\1ason .. Kathleen 1 Balboa circle. at the meetJng held ing Mrs. Fred Pinkston and Mrs. Sadleir and Mrs. J anice Moore., Tuesday afternoon at the home of 1 Walter Ranney jr. Unable to attend were the Misses 11-frs. J . K. ElJiott. 900 East Ocean ' Miss Beth Emison of Balboa P eggy 1'lickPlwait, Diana ~~g-1 Front, Balboa with 14 members Bay Shores is retiring president \\'arth. Dorothy l\'feyers and Vivian prl'Sent. . I a nd ne'" ofricers are Mrs. Joseph Vaughn. Mrs. Elliott Op<>~ed the m('{'I· Knox. president; ~ 1\.1rs. Stephen . ~ng wi.th a d(>v~t1o~.al talk on Fossatti, vice-president : Mrs. Wal-F AC Bridge Meet j 'ConsClous Evolution. l\lrs. M~r· 1 ter Lowe. secretary: 1.1rs. \\'Biter Post po ned to Au gust I ray r~igned as treasurer a:ndtedM1sts Ranney, treasurer. Marcia Coombs was ap1X11n o 1'1rs .. P. V. P~rk<'S. chairma~ of be her successor . . Drive Carefully-Spare a Lite. the bridge section of the Friday I In pr€:'paration for the coming Afternoon c lub announces that the bazaar Mrs. Weather ford .. appaint· section will not hold their m~t· ed a committee on fancy Y•ork. ing sthC'duled for July 24 but ",II Mrs. Mabel Stanley, Miss Coombs. postpone it for a month. The Mrs. Heyman and Mrs. Alma clubhouse on Ne\\rport _boulevard Blodgett ; on the a pron committee \.\'as recently sold and wtll be re· ar<' the l\fesdamcs Parmenter, modeled for a market and ar -Baker, Small and Beatty; ways rangements have not yet been and means. Mesdamc~ Barnett, made for a meeting place to ~ Murray, McGovern and Yarnell. -============:::; used until the ne""· club house is Plans .,.,•ere made for the W .S. ;-construct~ on Etghtecnth and ' C.S. picnic to be held at the Cor- Opea Eveamp, Exoept Monday Anaheim streets. Iona del Mar home of Judge a nd --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, MTS. Harry Westover, Wednesday, • Aug. 7. Each circle is to plan none Beeeoa 5824 Newport & Costa Mesa Balboa's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Presents DICK PIERCE and his famous MIDWEST COLLEGE , BAND Saturday, July 20th Coming August 3rd JIMMY DORSEY World's Greatest Sax Player nancing From 9 Until 1 ' n their O"'TI luncheon arrangeme nts. 1 CAB CO. 24-Ho ar Service At the close of the m1tCting the I hostess served ice cream, cake and punch. ·-------------1,::======================::::; ~da~and "'ntro# tbat figure while doing it! There's 9lomour in s~l An crttroctive, "lovely f;gure -" you IHI young• .boosts yow morale, odds lo yow pep Clfld confidenc-. Tho Stouflw Sysoem woib .mh o""'V"ll - . __ .. 1o.., ond ........, you while ~ helps smoo~. of! ugly bulges. No drvgs, menvous cl;et, e~iM. °' electricity. Thoo- -howe en~~- H excea-nch """I•-...,,, .... ,. d1Vf19"'9 Y"" dew• • ...... Oft oppoinl....., Slagle Trea&mellt -----SI.50 12 rr..tmeat8 ----------Sl5.00 Z4 ~t8 --------$Z6.00 If£,"~----I ' ()pea ....... ~ •1D-n-. El ht• U7 Brno 'wq 2-.-._ 7W I 1 , • Values f rom $7:95 to $8.75 Values from $10.95 to $12.95 Values from $14.95 to $17.95 ------------- Values from $19.95 to $22.95 --------------------- s500 5900 51100 Values fr om $25.00 to $29.95 513 00 s..700 .. -. . . . .. ........ .. ... . I ~;1,~~s fro~----· ---·---·---------------s2300 Values f,rom $42.95 to $49.50 -----· ------- 1000/o Wool Suits $42.95 Values .......•.........•............. ·• ..... . $4 9.95 Va lues Slack Suits $17.95 Values _____________________________________ -. Lounging $19.95 Paiamas Values . ____ .. ____________ ·--------___ -------. H,nd Bags $15.50 Values ___ .......... ______ ....... ________ ----- ALL SAID FINAL s3000 Edythe Davids911 • %11 North Brwdway ~ w a Br1alwar Bids-