HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-23 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ., SAM §HELVE JllE! Here and there sundry guys inti- mate that 'The Crabber is going to be nicely laid out on a musty shelf. Uuh! It may interest most ot you well-wishers that despite the fact I have abandoned the helm of the Publishing Ship ot State, after certain peamiary confabs, will still keep on grinding out this wayward column. 'Tis true one ot my chief Items ot in- terest is ccnsiderable exer- cise in and around a house on I.Jdo and one in the Mesa, where the garden ot the latter is producing a bumper crop ot tomatoes, while I have just finished curing several sacks of onions now as dry as a bar without a liquor license. And that ain't funny, either. But I get around. Was on the trail of some cement brick. Les Isbell didn't have any, but he did have a re- mark or two about the peo. pie who complain when the council won't give 'em what they want and are as silent as a sleeping infant on the nice things that are done for the city. Found them-the brick-up at Dad Wright's emporium of sorts and can remember. before he became affluent, how he used to sweet over the little cafe he had on the Newport Ocean front_ 'Then along came Guy Boldman. who wanted a house listing on the Mesa place. a returned war vet, who says he's "just an ex- sailor trying to get along." Nice boy and will. + + + No Cemetuy, Ills. Meand- ered over to "chew the fat'' with an old Burlington friend and his good wife, the Erwin Ludmans. and across the street lives Leon Schles- inger, who originated the quickie that carries a piggy as a trademark. Leon re- tired. just like Ludman, sev- eral years ago, and said the main reason was because he didn't want to occupy the same spots that his million- aire friends did in the ceme- tery. A block down Lido Nord is the home of Ray Milland and if any of you movie fans want to know which house it is, I'll tip you off privately, so he won't lose his weekends. Ludman lives next door to Had Ring's colossal home. now building. • + • Maskey Opening. Ralph Maskey held open house Sat- urday on his new building, down the block from The News-Times plant, and many notables and floral offerings gave him a nice sendotf. Ralph has a super office all his own in the rear, a place for a deep conference or dosing ot a realty deal. Then up to Milton's Five-and-Ten on the Mesa, where hun- dreds of folks swanned in and out at his opening. Has a complete stock of fresh merchandise in many ,lines that is by far the best of any similar store in tllose dig- gings; prices right. too. • • • State Senator. Seems to be trouble in tllc race for state senator. Clyde \Vat- son and Jim Farquhar are both running on the Reput>. lican ticket while Huntington Beach's McCallen \\ill be on the Demo. ballot. Point is that the two Reps. will whipsaw each other and per- mit Mac to romp home with the plum_ Now there is talk ot somebody witlldrawing, but up to now It's hard to say who will sacrifice him- lllllI for the good of the party. + + .+ .ll>dge W..tover. Visiting at the home of his .son. Harry \Vestover. Internal Revelllle chief, .is Judge Westover, now in his SO's from Yuma, ~. and for )'l!6fS publisher ot the Yuma Sun. 1be veteran news- ~ man has often visited orange oounty and Is still ~ and alert In the af- laDDW oi his well spent life. KRli:P POSTED? 1 y.., ...... 9%.lll la Oucrd7 .,. O..el Co I>' ... o.I .. - -~..,_ ... Neww r •, !fewp;ri ._. I NEWPODT ~On gs (ls &J Weekly Newepaper .. ....., .hilt .... ..., ()/. Qlrmhtlae EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT,.SEA SHORE· COLONY, LI.DO ISLE, NEWPORij HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA voUJJD: mvm NEWP<>sr 11EACB. CALIFOllNJA. ,TIJl:llou, roLY a. GM ~ , NlJJIBD IT SMALL HARBOR FACILITIES IN DEMAND Beach Cleanup Is Problem · Official Inspection Shows Corona del Mar Beach Being Groomed by City Street Crew; Glass Particles Endanger Children; Area at Rear of Beach Next in Line for Pickup, Covert Says RkAtnc the harbor II ~ r cbe. of debrl9 la oae of the t'Wt dltft- cult ta.aka undertaken by tbe Newport 8-cb dt;y atreet deputment u ... d laclo8ed durlnc an offtdal lqpecUon of die beech areU Monday aftbl'Doon.. An eot.ou.rage tncludl.nc Street CommhtaloDCr Muon Slier, Oty Admlnlatrative ornoer Col . .J. J. Sallon. Chief of Police IL R. Bodc- ktmon. Street Supe.rlnteadent L. W. "'BUI" Coven and MW'lp&per repreMmt&UVM vbited tbe beac~ FtrU beach vtNted w·u the m&an beach at Corona det Mar, which bas beea tbe butt of complaint for 90IDfl ti.me pat. \\'hen the official delegation arrived, a trac tor and several street depart- ment mt>n and two trusties were bing employed to rake up the papers that had flown on the beach. Earlier in the morning the street department men used screens to filter the broken glass particles from the sands. Superintendent Covert said there was still a num- ber of particles of broken gl8,\! in the sands and that the screening process would have to be con- tinued. O ne of the sever al hundred bathers on the beach volunteered t he information that several chil- dren had lacerated their bare feet on the sandy beach as a result of the hidden glass particles. "1\vo children were cut last Sunday," he said. "This is a bad situa- Jobless Payments Are Delinquent, Deadline July 31 Donovan V. Bro\vn, auditor In charge of the Santa Ana Depart· ment ot Etnployment office, an- nounced today that contributions required under the California Un- em ployment Insurance Act for the second quarter 1946 were due July 1. 1946. and will be delinqtlent sub- ject to penalty and Interest if not paid pMor to midnight, July 31 . 1946. Employers are cautioned that contributions paid after July 31, 1946, arc not considered in computing reduced con tribution rates for 1947. In thc past many tion.'' employers have been deprived of The delegation then visited an a r educed rate for failure to make area ahout 75 feet to the rear of timely contribution payments. the beaches and within reach of Contributions are consldert"d the steep ascent leading to the paid "'-'hen mailed on the date city street and main highw.ly. ihown by the post office cancella- Thil area was so cluttered with lion mark. paper particles of all kinds that Employers who have qualified as it would have been impossible to of J a nuary 1, 1946, undcr the riew drive a two-inch vredge between coverage of the act with one or any two particles. more employees and who have Slier Comments failed to file reports tor past de· Commissioner Siler observed r t 'ods h Id t k · the condition and sajd he thought ~~~=~e 17t;~ t~ ~~le a~de ~:'~ the debris could be cleaned up if sinC<" P<'nal tles and interest "'-'ill the str('{'t department spent t\\'O continue to accrue. days a week on the pr~ject. j The Department of Employment '_'But how are }'O~ going to ~eep program calls for extensive polic- ch1ldren from tossing bottles into Ing during th€' summC'r months to the air and breaking them against ferret out all delinquent accounts. each other and scattering the par· ticles of glass about on the beachM . That's the real prob- lem." Siler said. No one in the delegation seem- ed to have an answcr to that puzzler. Street Supt. Covert said that his beach cleanup crew includes Petition In Circulation eight men on l\tondays and four , men on other \\'eckda)'S. In· Friends of Clyde A. Watson. eluded in the eight are t"'O trus-veter an Auemblyman of Orange. ties from the city jail. Neal Mc-will begin on l\tonday to circulate Mi llan , Tom Heath and A. \Vright papers nominating him to the of- ar e in charge of the wor k respect· fice of State &nator, It was an- ively at Newport Beach , Balboa nounced today. and Corona del Mar beaches , he More than 3400 ·signatures "'ill said. be required to nominate l\1:r. Wat- Jim Woods operates a tractor son for the office vacated by the which l!i used to push the debris appointment of Thomas H. Kuchel tnto piles so that it can be picked as State Controller. according to up by the other men. B. J. Smith. county clerk. Debris Slftf'tl A member of the California Communities Urged to f·orm United front On More Ports • Los Angeles District Engineer Outlines Chain of Small Harbors Planned for California Coast in Talk at Newport Beaeh--Stat.ee United Action Will Hasten Development A united front of all communities interested in sma ll harbor development was suggested here Saturday as means to obtain federal approprlatkms fOl' the construction of more improved ports f or the t housands ot small craft that clutter the Pacific coast from San Diego to San Francisco Bay. 0?'11."E OF THE FINEST CATCHES of Albacore oftbe 1948 ~ucio "'a.a broucht lato tb.e harbor tut ''"eE>k by tbe Lorna Pat and Capt. Bert Mil1L The nsh ,,·ere found about three hours out of Newport harbor off the eut ead of Catalina Wand &ad they took both feather s ud U\•e b ait. Malting the suggestion for united action was Col. Robert C. Hunter, USA, Los Angeles district engineer, who gave a comprehensive outline ot the program and plans of the army engineer corps in the Pacific coast region. "'lbat matter ot a united front cannot be too strongly emphasi7.ed," said the engineer, "The whole framework Oapt. Mills report& th&& the outalde ns.b ~m to be 8Choolinc at lut. and hr predict,• that "'e wlll have one of t he bMt 9eUOll~ on rec'Ol'd. In Ule ph·ture, left to righ t., are: Pop Sulllva..n, m ayor of 19th ttrfft; Rermaa Scltlonnan., Ul&ltr: CapL Bert l\Ull•, pilot: lustln Purcb.ln, F rank Ybarra and Ray Welabers;, a.nclus. " --Photo by C. A. Griffis. County Highway of our civilization was based °" that premlae." Budget Leaps C<>l. Hunter was the guest Vanderbilts Cruise Globe Business Directory Printed on Today's News -Times Pages Published on pages 9 and 10 of 11 I d speaker at the meting of the plan-s a n e r Orange county's budget of $1,-nen• institute which wu in t~ 170,037 for highways and bridges reception iloom of the Community for 1945-46, wu 135 per cent more W than the $498.288 spent by the church on Central avenue, between . n s A . r county for this purpose for 19'1-15th and 14th street, Newport I . I 42, California Taxpayers' UIOda-Beach, at 12:15 o'clock. tion said today, making public lta Due to the lack of port facilities today's Ne"'·s-Times Is the 1946 M d 11 • study of spending foe bigbwaJrs along the Cal'fomi t the l\1r. George K. Vanderbilt, prom-Classified business and profession-e a ion and bridges by·califc:rnia counties.. 1 a cou ' .;... lnen t Newport Harbor yachtsman, aJ directory section. For 1944-45 the county bu:lgeted greatest concentration of boats and hls bride, the former Anita This directory, wit h much addi-$967.945 for highways and t:rid&d. lies ln the triangle area between z. Howard of Santa ~fonica, left tional infor mation a nd statistical but was able to spend only $360,-Lm ~ngeles and Long Beach and here Tuesday, aboard Vande rbilt'• data concerning Newport, Balboa, Lt. .:Joseph E . Coberly, USNR, 450, the association said. Catalina and Newport Bay, he said yacht, the Pioneer. for a trip Costa 1'.·lesa and vicinity will be husband of Mrs. J oseph E. Caber -Over the state as a whole, coun-81 he began to describe the prob.. around the globe. pub1'Jhed in book form fo r tree 1 ly, 110 Onyx at Balboa Island, ty highway and bMdges budget. lems affecting the various com- Vanderbilt and ~frs. Howard. distribution in a few days. 1 Calif., has been presented the Air totalled $43,909,811 for 1M5-46, munltiea where small harbon are divorced wife of Un Howard, the Advertisers are asked to check Meda l by Secretary of the Navy, almost double the S22:.'T18.108 • neoealty. San FTanci!lico sportsm a n. were these lists to be sure that the James Forrestal for the President. spent ln 1941-42. For 19M-45, the The speed by which aome of marril'd in Georgetown, South name of th"ir business or profes-Lt. Coberly earned the award counties budgeted $33.267.280 for theee pJana have been pushed won Carolina. last Sunday, July 14. \Ilion appears. If any errors appear for meritorious service in aerial highways and bridges, but ISplellt the commendation of the speaker. The Pioneer vUited Newport in the.J¥ting: or tf names or busi-flight . a.a Olght captain and in-. only $20,817,600. ""It la a fine example of what peo- Bay over the week -end on the first neu firms are not listed call the structor attached to Blimp Squad-A Jarge part of the t'Undl which ple can do when the'y form a leg of its \\"Orld tour. The newly-1 News-Times. Harbor 12 or 13 or ron 31. He Js still serving in the counties spend on roeds and united front for something they weds first stop was said to be Harbor 595, immediately to insure Naval Air Force. bridges comes from the ~ tax want and badly ~eed.." Honolulu, Ha\\·aii. inclusion in the directory book£. T ext of the citation i!li as fol· a nd motor vehicle license taxes, Saa Dleco Pi- CAST 150 I N PLAY P lan X-Ray Program I . l\1ore than 150 persons have The Orange County Tuberculo- be en cast for the Pageant of the sis association "Aili inaugurate a Masters art f~sti\'al at Laguna. mass X-ray campaign in August. lows : the association said, pointing out The engineer outlined a chaJn "For meritorious achievement that most counties budget all ~ of. amall harbon extending from in aerial flig ht as fli ght captain a mount they expect to receive San Diego to San Francisco Bay a nd Instructor a ttached to Blimp from these sources. which are now being considered Squadron 31, Santa Ana, Calif., "~it h the counties receiving by the communities of which they during a series of six exP<'rimental considerably more than they have WOUid be a part once they are Oi~hts from February 24 to 28. been able to spend. great care is built. 1944. Having received only partial nec~sary on the part of local ~·I H e said project at Mj . Bay PENCILLED PERSONALITIES indoctrination in carrier-landing ern1ng boards to see that amounts San Diego ands PortU:;;1 aaY techniques, Lt. (Lt. (jg)) Coberly ll'ft over are worked into a Jong-have been authorized and Morro unhesitatingly undertook the dan-time pro~am for the improvement Bay largely constru~ted l\forro B"' JACK l.Ir-:DSLl!:'r , Co1J"boy Artis! • gerous assignment of attempting of the h1gh\vay system," the BDf> Bay h bee . ed · 'th 1 d bl. · f ci t"o "d as n 1mprov W1 an to an a imp on a carrier or a 1 n sai · entrance. However it is not ex. the f_irs t time in naval ~istory and. pected that the Morro Bay area by hts superb alrmansh1p and CO?l Form Corporation wU1 be a haven for small craft be--. courage, ex_pertJy brou~ht his ~htp Bruce Anderson of arc.. del came of the small storms that down for six consecut1ve landin~ Mar and l\farCU! G. Lassiter of originate there. on board the USS Altamaha. His Santa Ana both -•~1y •-Early thla I · al n · b'l't · ·t· · -nm:-.u..,_u year pans were un· e~cepuon ying a 1 1 y, ini ~a-members of the staff at the Se-der way for fiood control work ln ~a~~o~~nj~!";,~::ee~~n~oe;1i~~ curlty Title Insm &110e and Gwtt-the MlMion Bay d.11trlct of San t t d t in this f. Id f . anty, Co. of Santa Ana, Int week Diego In general the dlvenion ol ~r an d ~ tr t~e th 0 favia_-announced the formation of their the &.n Diego M~er from Mission l on an mans a e easi-own corporation in " -Beech. n .u. t th v1•-bility of a wider application of the ~........ ~ o e ocean pro ~ a sep. K I b"-H ' d t the Coast Escrow Co. arate entrance which Is ,_.,tected • ype i.unp. IS con UC And ~ ..--throughout reflects the highest . erson has . u ~ by the random stone jetty of that credit upon Lt. Coberly and the officeru·u at ffi~ity and i....iter regiotlolngn. The city of San Diego la United States Naval Service." was e 0 cer . ita part to improve the area by building a recreational center mound it. A new high level bridge ii also planned for the Mission Bay region, he aaid. Balboa Isl. Business Group Meets Wed. · Add Two Salesm'en Assisting Jim Woods. in the Assembly for the past 10 yean, cleaning up of Corona del Mar's Mr. \Vatson has been instrument a l beach l\tonday "'ere 0. Zeller Rob-in obtaining state a ppropriations I ertson jr., son of Councilman 0. Z. for beach parks in Orange county, Rober tson ; Art Hall and Mike including those at Corona del l\tar (Continued from Page 6) I and Huntington Beach. The business me n of Balboa Island will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p. m . at White's cafe on Bal- boa Island to form a business association. A record-breaking at- tendance is expected. Two . new salesmen have been added to the sWf of B. A. Nere-- son, Costa Mesa realtor, be an. nounced this week. The two men, JOhn Sondra and PhD Soloman, are both ex-9eT'Yloe-- me n who plan to make the Hmbcr area their home. -rhe initial cost of making a eood Jookjng bridge is almost negligible," Colonel Hunter as>· -San Diego's east bay will be im- Mrs. Crowell States Her Side 1 In Her Tenant's Rent Dispute t. ' ' i ! Southern Cali.f ornia Company Installs 82,636 New Phones p:-oved with a $15-million wild life preserve. Two-thirds of this money will be spent for harbor and park development. 11juana River mouth, Otula Vista, Del Mar, Bataquitas La· goon, Buena Vista Lagoon, Or- mond Beach, Pierpont Beach, Santa Barbara Channel Islands. Avila, Cambria and Arroyo La The Southern California Tele-various sizes h~ been placed Cruz ue In the preliminary stage phone Company added 82.636 te1e-along with 40,000 miles of wire in of development, he added. "Tht>re are t\.\·o sides to f'\"f:'t y Although 1\trs. Cro"A'ell did not l" question. and I \vish to present de Q.>' making the stateml'nt not' mine before being condemned by "ATiting her signature t o t he ll'tter public opinion about this rental received by r.·trs. Barrett, 3 sister situation,'' P..trs. 1\tary R. Cro\\•eU of Superior Judge Vickers of :..OS of 2(X) Fernleaf avenue, Corona del Angeles, she did say that she was Mar. said Monday afternoon in an-sorry that the situation had to swer to a story published Ill.S i. arise but that she definitely did Thursday in The News-nmes. need the apartment. The story to which Mrs. Cro-1 Her tta.sons fOf' wishing po&f'S· well took exception -.·as one head-. sion of the apartment occupied by ed. "Sick Woman Notified Rent ~trs. Barrelt, who is said to be Raised from $40 to $300,'' and in under the ca.re of a ph)'Sician at which it "'-'as said she had notified the present time. is gi.ven in her her tenant, l\trs.. Louise Barrett tollowing s tatement ; of U18 Ba}' View a\'enuc. that "In ?.larch, soon after my pur- beginning August 15 her reut chase of the property, Mrs. Bar- "A'Ould be raised from $40 to UJO rett informed me that the doctcr a month. had advised her to move out of An authoritative Jetter 3jgned the apartment because going up by Mn. Crowell and received b}' and do\\-n the stairs therP was too Mrs. Barrett, notitled the latter much for her heart ailment and of the raise in rent. 1be letter she said she was going to move. was turned over to a Los Angoi?les .. After Mra. Barrett told me attorney who in tum took the this, I Wormed my aunt. ltrs. D. matter up with Ralph P. Maskey, Brown of Ohio, who is also Ul, pruident of the Newport Harbor that she could come out and live 11.-alty boo.rd. (Continued .... Poco !!Ix) (D'om pbo&o to' Gerbal'dl) A. E. Groty, Metallurgist phones Ln the first sUc months of aerial cable and 225,mo miles or Survt')'1i are now under way at this year-more than has been wire in underground cable during Alamitos Bay and Santa Barbara added in any other full year in this sarn~ six months period Over and survey reports have been the history of the company, it .was 1800 miles of open wire t.ve am made for Redondo Beach and annouot:<d today by C. I. McDon· been plat:<d. Playa de! 11.-y and Santa Mar- ald, district maJ1ager of the South-Three handred trM:b and w--> carita Harbor and Port Hueneme em Callfomla Telephone company. hides of every ~ haw W9'e completed but are being re- On June 30 there were 1,138,869 been added to the 0 .. ,,.,0 ._ mo-tained by the Navy. telephones tn operation in the tor fleet to make abcaJt 2000 tn an. A 9«lOnd. breakwater area ls company's Southern California The company ,....._ tbat It l"*'8' comtructed for Redondo area u compared with 1,056.233 hu a big job alle8d. McJWwlcl 1le9ch. I t will be 12 feet deep and on January 1, 1946. The best full declared, in filling tJ.!o onlea on will tend to reconvert. eroded Oblo wu -~ of A. E. Gn>qo, ...._,_. la -Groqo ~ .._,. .. 1'191 Newport -~ M-. Be wu Mra la Delph-, tut state. His parents moved to Florida and then came to California, set- tling in Santa Ana, where A. E. Groty attended and graduated from the Santa Ana and Tustin schools. ln school. )'OW\g "A. E." show· ed talents for both mathematics and mechanics. At 18 after com- pleting his 1tudies at Ute Tustin high school, )'OWll Groty started work on llM! orance rand:. owned by his parents. After learnlnc the plwnbinc tTade from 1935 to 1939, Groty year gain ••as made in 1943, "'hen file ot C1Vtt 114,(0) aIJlfioin tJI ftr beaches. It is expected when spent two years as a plumber and 75,230 telephones 'A'ere added. service and the tborwa..ta more· re8Cly it can accommodate 700 In 1941 when America entered the . In every department in the com-expected. 'Despite a &ftJWtb ol mnaD craft. 't\'&r he y,•ent to .,..-ork in one of pany, proportionate gains have 170.000 tel'phones cfwinc the war On Kay 20, 19"6, new pl&nl for the shipyards as a marine plumb-been. made, McDonald said 1be and 124.000 since, the N*'''" al the bNch 'tlll'el"e filed and it ia n.· er, remaining until 1945. number of people now employed held ~ stm remml:m hl&fi due pected that when fully improved A.bout ""3, he and his w:fe, by the company is 23,31&-an in-to the .,.,.,.t_ now ol -er--., will be a"""'1lm0da.tlons for Neola, were married. and they be-crease of 2.tSO since tHe rint of den being 1 ~ived 9000 craft and a park de'velopnent gan to plan the establls.hment of the year. Sixty.seven new build· 'nle cxwnp.ny ii: nw...._ e'ftl'7 wtD be Initiated. tbe electrical supply store tbey Inga or building additions are effort to ..,,,., all ........ -.-at Plw ...., ,_ beinc formulated now operate in ~partnenhlp ICheduled either to start or to the ..,._. pWl>k -'1!119 fer the enlargement ol Newport ..;th Mr. Groty'1 brother, J . A. be completed in 1946. effort will not abe~ antll aD held Hert.or fadlltleo t0< ....n cntt. Groty. "A. E ." is interested in OUt&lde plant bal been ma!A!'rlal-....,.,.. are1dand -wwwwb Is ~ Newpcrl Jlq barbar ..... metallurgy and llke9 to spend hll 1y ina'eued. Forty.five miles of broucllt abov<! _._. ot-of, -be reedy for _._. vacations po-tin& for ,metala. --•t carrytnc ducto al ycrqwv ido'<tl (0."au .. • P.-.. , ' ..... I T. P. REEDER, M. D. Announces H is association in practice of medicine and surgery with ' Water Board Studies City Membership ~· Claire Trevor Has Lead in Laguna Play Island Bike Riders, Picnickers, Warned By Newport Police Stenciled w&l'Jlinp probjbltlna bicycle riding and piclmjckinc "" the bay front sidewalks on Balbo9 Ialand have been PCJSted by thl Newport Beach police. , In asking the cooperation of all citizens and their children, auef of Police R. R. Hodgkinson today said he hoped his policemen would not have to issue citations for vioo la~ons. WILLIAMS. IRETON, M. D. r 3409 West Central Axenue Newport Beach, Calif. Telephone Harbor 602 Members of the board of di- rectors of the Metropolitan Water district of Los Angeles on Friday • night at the Laguna Beach dty hall will decide whether or not to accept the Oty of Newport Be'lch as a me mber of the district system.. U the board should favor mem- bership for the city and accord city officials an invitation to join the wa te r system , the city will be asked to call an election for t he registered voters who also \ltill be given an opportunity to cast their ballots for or against the proposal. Addresses Firemen Charles Hilderbrand of Pasa----------------------------,1 dc na, sta te legislative representa- tive for the California State Fire- WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CllARGE ACCOUNT (SO -60 • 90 Days) Marbro's inVite you to come in and open a charge account. Our stocks are complete with the latest styles of Ladies' Fine Apparel NatlonaDy Advertised READY -TO -WEAR mARBROS c/ania ana- 118 WDIT 4TH ST. PRONE Hft Store Honn: Dally lnclndhig Saturday 9:SO A. M. to 5:30 P. M. men 's ClSSOCiation, will address the Newport Har bor fire department at t he city hall. Newport Beach, Wednesday night, July 24. GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sance • t_8f,.'j Crab Meat • Dreoslng:s • Pickles • Olives •Cheese· Meat.. • Sardines • Anchovies • Crackeni ·• Biscuit.. • French Rolls SHOP AT GILL'S For Freeher Vegetables Better Meats Fancy Groceries 245 Forest Ave. LAGUNA BEACH. VETERA..""iS ARE GOOD flSHERMEN u 11 proven by the lllmtn.tlon ahowu here. Till$ l'f'OUP ot hearty aaglent f rom tbe U. S. llri'a\'Sl hospital at L oni' Besch oeught a meM of flab ln a day's outing ln waten oU Huntington and Ne"1>0rt BMchea. They .. -ere pests aboanl tbe n sb.lnc boat, "'The \Voman", skippered by Capt. Andy Brocbtt, weU kno'Wll Newport Bubor boa*a""D. -photo by C. A. Griffis. Unkepf ~~~ner of Some Beaches Many Enter Cr1t1c1sed by L A. Sportsman Meinbers of t he Newport Harbor Kiwanis club wer e urged by James what facilities there are in good condi tion . "W e do our best," he said. "but Wallace. Los Angeles Kiwanian "'e have no way of keeping vand· and sportsman, last Friday. to als from breaking the window sponsor the project of a beach panes in the restroom as the y cleanup program in the harbor have tn one spot on the pier ." area . ''"There's a night patrolman on Fun Zone~s Beauty Show "There isn't a finer vacation one of the city piers," t he city Ever ything is in readiness for spot in the whole United States administrative officer said. the opening of the no nprofessional tha n Newport Harbor." said the It was the consenswi of the beauty contest parade and kiddie Los An!i't'.elan a t a meeting of the party tha t the people who use the fashion show at the Balboa Fun club in White's car('. Balboa. "but beaches and pier racilities for Zone on Sunday. ~ou ooul ~ do .~ometh ing to make bathin&...._ and fishing .'.'Oul~ be a l program, which is sponsored. it more idea l. . little rWore cooper at1"'.'e in . not by I Anderson and the Guslin W~l.laCt' then cited the untidy scat teri n ~ debris. especially pieces I Swi Class and the Bobby Shop oond1t1on or thf" beac~~s a t Corona I of WTappings from food packages of EJboa, promises to be one of del Mar and Ba lboa. The beachf"~ and soda pop bottles around the the most attractive arranged by s hould ~ .~aked ~nd cle.aned of bl'aches. the , n Zone enterprises. ~he debris. he said. adding t~at I But a visitor wanted to kn?w Three loving cups will be 1t also would be a wonderful thing "'"hat the people were to do with awarded the first second and ~f the Kiwanis cl ~~ could use their the bottles and the wrappings third beautiful girl~ adjudged by influence. ~n-obta1n1ng better lava-since the city does no t provide any a committee of judges headed by tory facih t1es at the end ot the containers in \Vhlch they can be Postmaster Herbert Kenny and fishing piers. pla ced. "\Ve just can't carry the Mr. Clyde Ashen of the Balboa "It's a long walk in from the stuff around v.'i th us every t ime USO club. piers: to the city's rest rooms," v.·e wa nt to wade in the wa ter or It is expected that 3.5 young the Los Angeles spo~tsman said. take a plunge," said he with a \\'Omen of Newport Harbor com- Sees Paradise smile. munities will vie for the awards In closing Mr. Wallace expressed "And we haven't any contain-in the parade of th'e beauties. A Ca.ire Trevor and Onslow Stev· ens "'ill P,lay the starring roles 1n "Dark Victory'' which opens at Laguna Beach Playhouse Tuesd8* July 23, for a weeks' run. Robert MiJton, who staged the New York production, will be guest director. Miss Trevor. \\'ho is under con- tract to R. K t 0 . studios may cur- rently be seen in the mot.ion pic-- tures "Bachelor Daughte rs." "Crack-Up," "~lurder My Sv.reet " and "Deadlier Than the Male.'' A gradua te of the Ame rican Aca- demy of Dramatic Arts in N ew York, she made her Broad\vay debut in .. \Vhistling in the Dark ... Radio audiences kno,,· her as Ed- "'ard G. Robinson's "Lorelei" in "Big Town" 1on \\'hich She appear- ed for three years. · Mr. Stevens most recent New York 8.ppearance was with Eliza- beth Bergner in "The Two Mrs. Carrolls. '' He h as played in numer- ous Broadway shows and in mo- tion .pictures and for severtl years he has been affiliated with the Pasadena Playhouse acting anll directing. Others in the cast are Alice Talton. Fred Clark, Sondra Rodg- ers. Frances MacLachlan, Joh:i Newland, Marjorie Eaton and Walter Rathbun. Doctor's Car Struck .Dr.· D . Raymond Dunmire ot Hollywood. reported to police Sat- urday that a car driven by W. L . H enshaw of Balboa Island struci<: the farmer's machine which was parked on Thursday afternoon at 305 Adams street. "However, "'here there are vio-- lations of the law, there will be dtations issued," the chief re- joined. WORTHINGTO Refrigeration FREON AMMOSIA S ton to 10 'IDn Air Conditioning S ton to 30 ton Pressilre Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All~ and All Uquors IA Stock Call .... ...,.._~ 82! 8. Lot Anp:lea S t., Ana heim Phoae 465% ~OW-'Round the Island Ferry B:SO A. M. TO 11 P . M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Oub, East Bay, Richanlson's. Evans", Villa Marina. Shields". Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY the belief that with a little bet-c>rs for the stuff." said a spokes-complete fist of the 35 will be pub-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ter cooperation Newport Harbor m a n for the city. "Cans are lished in the News-Times on ll could be made the paradise of the expensive." Thursday. . Pacific. So there the matter r ests-for Twenty-three persons who have HABBOR 82-W LOS AMGIUS MOllYWOOO LONG PACH , ......... -l lV!ISIDf S'HTA ANA LESTER & Co. Mnnb~ Los A•1el11 SJoci Excbll#11 2004 WEST CENTRAL A VE., NEWPORT BEACii HARBOR 1374-J FRIENDLY and BUSINESSLIKE VISIT YOUR BA NKER OFTEN \Vhen this Bank acts as Trustee of your estate, you may be sure your family will receive sympa- thetic consideration and understanding. And yoo may be just as sure that your estate will be man- agl!d with businesslike experience You and your attorney are invited to discuss your Estate · Plans with our Trust Officers. • INVISTMfNT SECUllTIES TO MEfT THE INVISTOlS' HffDS FIRST Ni\TION .f\J , B,-i\NI{ I N S 0..,nc... AT F 0 U R T H (, M A I N FEDER.AI. DD'OSU INSWlANCE OOBPOBADON j Theo. MacEJroy. vice president the time being. entered the contest to date are: of the Balboa Improvement asso-, Jane and Jean Alexa nder, Doro- ciation and a Kiwanian. told the Here Are Two thy Mae Bishop, Barbara Bow-Los Ange les sportsman tha t the ring, Helen Boys, Pa t a cero, improvem ent group \\'BS wor king Reasons Why Grace Crock er. Bar bara DeWitt, on such .a civic project at the ! • Betty Flaherty, Sophie Go rzuc hov-pr~~e~~ ~;;;:: .. ~tacElroy declarC'd . Meats Are High 1 skf. Blanche J arret t. Phyllis Lach-meyer, Barbara Lang, Joan Mohr, ''that the sC'nt iments just express· , . . Ethel P lunkett, Doris Price, Lois C'd wi ll ha,•e some bearing on the Th<' retail p~1ce of n:eat will con-Purbeck , Joyce P urcell , · E laine offi cials of our city since they tinue to Ix' high ':Inti! consumerse 1 Quarrey, Pat Sayre, J ackie T erk- \\'C'rc mad" by a n outsid('r:· d{"<""l;\r<' a mor~tor1u m and ~fus horn. G\VC'n ThonlpSon and Lois On ~1onday ;ifternoon \\"hen a In buy it a t 1ts pr{'scnt f1gurt', Tierney. I ('ily dclc~ntion ,,·as about to start such \\"as thc comment of a mark-I J\lary's Bay a nd Surf Beauty on an insp€'Ction of the beach es. C'tC'C'r today. . . ti Shop. 703 E . Central a\'enue. Ba l- Col. John J . Sailors was asked if '"If the housC\Vl\'es in the h ar-. 1 boa, is doing the hair styles and he had heard about the criticism bo ar•a d--•ared a 10-day mor a-I r ... c.-u makeup for the bea uty con tcst-m ade by the Los Angeles sports-torium on m eat purchases, t he 1 ants. man. pr ice of meat \vould drop because "No. but z·ve heard other re~ unless the mC'at mark eteers can ports about t he beaches being in ! move the commodity, ther e's no an unke pt manner ." said the city profit in it and no sale in dead administrative officer, "and w e meat." the marketeer added. have arranged this tour to show The marketeer gave out this you that the street department information after a nwnber of his crew is trying to do something customers beg1ln protesting the about It." price of various choice cuts of L. W . "Bill'' Covert, supertn-the meat. · tende nt of the dty street de-"One reason meat prices are partment, wtio was a member ot hJgh," the marketeer said, "is be:- the lnspection party, ventured the cause some people in this area Information that the beach areas want only the choice cuts, such were now ln better shape than a.s fllet mignon. tenderloin and top BEACH SPEAKER Speaker for the dinner meeting of the Orange County League ot Cities on Thursday at Sunset Beach will be Dr. Wilton L . Hal- verson, director ot the State De- partme nt of Public Health. Halverson will discuss sanita- tion problems of the county, in- cluding matters dealing with waste cfuposal, ·a subject of espe- cial interest to the beach cities. they wer e when first made the &irloln. Nothing bu~ the r ight can ever butt of complaints. "No one wa nts ste\V meat or be expedient, since that can never "We've a crew of men clean-leavings after the choice cuts are be true expediency \\'hich would I ing up the beaches now," the made. sacrifice a greater good to a less. DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH • ORANGE YS OWN INTERIOR DESIGN CUstom ·made draperies Tailored sli~ers Venetian blinds Furniture selection and maintenance Select wallpapers '----------3448 VIA OPORTO _NEWPORT BE.A'CH.CALl f . H ARB O R 1 25 8 -W street department superinte ndent "Tha t means the leftover m eats 1 -Whately. said. are "'asted. So to m ake his seven ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· .. Do Our Best" to ten cent profit on the price of Told about the Los Angelan's meat, the butcher must make up 1 1 critic.ism on the lack of lava-the loss on th£> choice cuts." tory facilities at the end of the piers. Co\'ert said tha t the ci ty Drive eanrully-Spare a LU'e. I had done Wha l ii could to k('('p M e n -w 0 m e n I Quality Lumber Prostate -• · Peh is I and Building Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTET LER ....... • 1111 Do JOU bat'e hM'k-~f Pahl In lt>c'•. n-ol• or bMk of h.....,! Are tou 1MnOU.. i•mPt, lnllabki •114 ~1 a,_1u .. ., before T••r umef 8Uppt-.;f" llaft Lo C'!$ •P •11.bt.f IT'S YOUR GLANDS 0.r _..., nd•ltlnb' ..,. _.. _...... , ........ ,.. ...... lC• .... -x• ......,..._x •• ....-s • .._ ......... Or. R.. P. adl. D.. C.. n..~ llfT tbll .... x-.-. ........ ,.,.._ ..... l l M ,_ .. , I t t -.,._.,, ....... a......-. t-:39 .I.. K. .. T:.N P ... •• , .... no.~ We Wish to Express Our Sincere Appreciation of the warm welcome to Costa Mesa given us by the residents and fellow merchants Milton's 5 ~ 10· 25c Stores I - . VENETIAN BLIND Manufacturers We Make Them · • A Better Blind "SUNSHINE CORRECILY REGULATED IN YOUR HOME" Complete Renovating by Our Modern Factory System Immediate Delivery On Made-to-Order Blinds -Up to 36 Months to Pay Our Prices Remain the Same - RITE-UTE VENETIAN BLIND CO. ' 911 E. z.t 8'J'RIZT I BANTA ANA , , • ! • ~ • • ~ • • ; • • ~ • • • • • • ! • • i I ! ! • ; • • • t • • • • < ! • • ~ • ~ • • • ... 11 11 II ">-ft ELECTRICITY A SHOCKING BUSINESS G. N. Wells Real Estate Phone Beacon 5181 11'0 Newport:· Blvd • ......(}oitta Metl&. Calif. 0 . C. HARR ---C. C. OTTO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Harr's Jewelry Twin Locations 1821 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa-Be. 6805..,, Arthur Silver -Bob Pa dfield New Blue Room (Wu ElectTlc Grill) EATS, DRINKS AND IWMANCE Pia. Harbor Z22-l 206 Palm Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Phone Beacon 576.s 1111 Cout ml"hway-Ne~1>0rt Beach. callt. O. R. (Pop) Crawley-N. M. (Morrie) Crawley Distinctive Home Furnishings Crawley's Furniture 1812 Ne wport 81,·d.-Ph. Beacon 5656 Costa M~sa-"in the H eart of T own" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" 1500 W . Central-:Se"']>Ort-Pb. Ha rbor 985 A L ANDERSON Fun Zone Balboa G. T. Everson Manager METZGER STORES . . . F1restone • . . 1189 Newport Blvd., Co~ta Mesa. Beacon 6US·W "Home and Auto Supply Stores" RE· ELECT Jesse L. Elliott -lncumMnt- SHERJFF TUESDAY, NOV. 5th Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway-Ph. BMc«m 5810 Co9ta Meu. California A. E. Groty -J . A. Gro ty Groty Appliance Co. Frlcld&Jre and MaYtac Dealer-Beacon 5588 1191 Newport Blvd.-Coflta Meea. Calli. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Otftce Ph. llAJ'bor 20M SOZ Main Street-Bal-C.W. F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS Pb. Harbor ZlS2·.J tlO! Ocean Fron~?ril·ewport Be9clL, Callf. HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company !!l! W . Central-Pb., Barbor !600 HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing l '1Ua a Cout Wpy-Phone Bea.eon 5450 Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker Plaones: Office,, Barbor S-Rei. II.arbor JMI tt02 W. Ceatn.I A\-e.-Newport BeadL, Callf • COYE: \VATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 1M E. Central A\•e., Balboa. Pb. llarbor !419-.J -n.e H ome or Cordlallty"' -o. e. Brader, Mer. J.M. Miiler REAL EST A TE BROJ.."ER Ph. Harbor 1'!42 15th at Central-:'\°e\vport Bu.ch "On Your \\'ay to Balboa" Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign o f the "FL\"L'<G RED HORSE" JOHNSTONE SERVICE Harbor 16T!-.J Coast Blvd. at 101 IDcbway NewportEngineering Associates FREDERIC J. SINGER. Pn!sideot Muafactu:ren .a 8alel ED&tDeen Ul5 c-at mway-n. Beacon 5063 Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footwear for All the Family .. 1'195 Newport BmL--O>ota lll- Ptlon~ BE&con 5639-\\' Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON NblU.aad o..~ Pia. &an« (U·ll.r. ~) 41 Robert L. Sbon;y-Recording Ellglneor Davis & Gay Music Co. , 1111 Newport ~ Mex B• oo. l'7S1 CHW-Bt. B -- Prominent Men of Power Industry Depicted As Leaders in New .Electrical Era ':By HAROLD L. HAMM Electricity is th~ force that mo,·es the world. It W88D't many years ago that lightning "'"" an unknown power and fearfnl In Its display. I Benjamin Franklin, with a kite and key. opened the locked doors of power for the benefit of all mankind. I t is now controlled and manufactured for our uses. This, the atomlc and radlonic age, is just one more step forwanl for this atomlc force shall be harnessed for the pes<!eful use the S upreme Being intended.. This controlled power will eliminate engineering of the costly PORT Gerald (Tex) Liberty Gerald (Tex ) Liberty, ro-manager with "Doc" Stafford, of Ets-Hokin a nd Ga lva n. electricians. was born in Warren Pa .. but his education \Vas broken as his fa ther. being an oil expert. moved about a great deal to various oil fi elds. So Tex had h is first schooling in the grammar grades in El- dorado. Ka n.; then the fa mily moved to Tulsa. Okla .. for two more yea1'S. He finished his fifth grade in San Angelo. Te x .. then he e ntered San Antonio Military Academy where he fin- ished his gramma r grades. His hig h school years were spent a t Texas Mili tary Institute. also in San Antonio. Then came two years of college a t \Ventworth Military Academy at Lex- ington. Mo .. a famous school. "Tex " played drums Iii all the school bands and orches- tras and after leaving Wentworth traveled with name bands. Leaving the musical field he opened an electrical business in Big Springs Texas. He stayed in Big Springs seven years and then migrated to California. He then went to work for Ets-Hokin and Galvan. His hobby is boating, and he and his wife. Marian, spend many pleasant week e nds in their 25-foot Chris-Craft express cru.1ser. He da bbles in photography and is a member of the Bal- boa Yacht club, Kiwanis. Elks and Orange County Builders E:xchange. and bulky machinery used and do away "ith the unsightly over- head wires now being used to distribute electricity . Such men as depicted on this page, and their organizations, would admit their e fforts and successes wonld be dwa rfed by com- parison to this new force. Still; their experiences would be needed to carry on in this greater development. Medical and radlonlc disco,·eries will take vast strides through this force a nd many yet unthooght-of advantages may come to us through it. ' STARBOARD Nelson (Doc) Stafford Ne lson Stafford, the other ha lf of the ro-management of Ets-Hokin and Galvan. knows his harbor area as he was born in Santa Ana in 1889 and spent many of h is boyhood days at this beach. Most of his schooling was in Santa Ana_ In 1910 "Doc". as he is called by his friends, took an elec- trical apprenticeship a nd later went with the F.dison com- pany which he ser;ed for eight years. All in all, he has been in the elect rical business for 25 xears. 1\venty-two .years ago the Stafford family. consisting of "Doc". his wife and four children, moved to Costa Mesa. He started with Ets-Hokin and Galvan four and a half years ago, one day later than his partner, "Tex". The firm was sub-contractor during the war years on all electrical ra- dar and fire control installations, doing 90 per cent of this work on the Pacific coast fori Uncle Sam on sub-chasers and other boa ts. , They are distributors and dealers for electrical equipment for boats of all types from the smallest up to battlewagons. Their "shore wor k" is wiring and maintaining electrical installatioos. "Doc's" hobby is his yard and garden . He is president of the Rota rians. a member of the Orange County Electrical so- ciety. the Orange County Builders E:xchange, and of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. ; A. "Sandy:' Steiner Braden L Finch Thomas F. Norton REALTOR C. F. DENNISON, Associate SM Coast Wway-Pbone Beacon 5113 •·Qluck" Smith & Homer S mith. P roprietors Balboa Central Market (\\ 0M Balboa1'1Nt. l'lark~t & DeUcate&Mm ) '108 I:. Central-Ph. Harbor 2129 Bob Callis Dl.strlbut.or GL'"ERAL P ET!: (FLYING HORSEPOWER) 2!1 20Ut SL-Newport-Pb.. Harbor 191 Al and .Jim's MEATS ~ WIU. CottJe'5 !000 CentnJ-Barbor 806 .Johnny Abell Balboa Island Sporting Goods "Evecything ror the Sponsman" m y, Marino Aw.-Barl>or !1141--a.Jboa hie MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy %108· OoeaD Fr<19t-PIL ..._,. 6 GLADYS BEVERLEY Be&ltor-Broker Beverley Realty Company .., E. Oelotnl-ft. -· nu Belboa Harold L. Ramm Radio S 0 S Electric w JllarlDe-llalboa •-'•m' ~ Hartior 780 PMlco, G. E., Ho,_ Admlnl. nOr aadlo and ApP••-ee SM rice 8f I! e'•'hk Gel Mgr. Finch Ceramics DAMIA LOPTIEN, 1'1ana2er Orkin's Department Store Ready-tO""wear. Beach Togs, Piece Goods Infants' Wear-Household Ware Phone &a.con 5166-ln the Heart of Costa 1'1ea Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES Won, Won, Won Maln Street.--Balboa ANTON .HERSHEY Prop. Hershey's Market Spot P1L Banor ltol Batboa hlaDd NELSON STAFFORD • GERALD LIBERTY .• MODallen .. Ets-Hokin & Galvan Newport Beach -San ~ -Wllmln&ton San Diego • Stockton tr:LJWllUCIAN8 1-~llhd. Pb. Beacon. 5401 - -• lt8.: ~ MQ..W Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe Pedicure and~ 10S I!. 0-tnl llsD GT Pia. llarfllor 1181-.J 'lbru Ille Barber Shop Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & C.0Ck1ail Lounge ta Ila.Ill 8tl ee& Pen 11 I'll. llMtm-,,.... Proo. BAY SHORE CAFE Phone Beacon 5745--J'Jth &: Cout mway SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. ROSS GREELEY ''PIK-UP'' Carmel P opcorn -Ice Cream Mal~ Milks - Hot Dop -Cold Quatfa 2M Main -Bal boa Dr. Robert A. Crawford fJPI'OMETRIST 119! • ewport' B1'9d..l...oo.t.a Meu., o.llt. Phone Beacon 58lS Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet PIL -· At...,ean.o. Pa.WOil 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor IJlt C-t lllelnn.7--0o ............ Calll- PIL -·II ,Curt H. Bohman The ' Bohman Company Tel:0 ... -rr1 B.-1*1: 5U1 ... MU Ill c...t ~Newport. B•clt, <W1:L ROBERT H . REED Harbor Cold Storage PIL-"8 OI llGi 8&.--NewpoR BearA. o.ar. . EARL W. STANLEY .._. .... Covering Greater Newport Harbor !%6 Jlarl.ne-...Bal ld&Pd P.rbor 17'78 115 ()oat Blwd.~ 4el Mar-Harbor 1644 SllS ee.tna ATe.-Newport. Beach -- Waller Applebar)-, PriDolpal Beach City Merchant Patrol AM DetecUY& Sen1ee UOi -Fnmt-Newport-PIL Harbor H%1-B Theodore Robins FORD DEALER HUI W. Oelotnl l'bone Barbor t8 Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER Beal Estate Broker--Yadl.t and Ship Brolmr 811 Cwt mWQ-PIL ae.oo.:.. Ml' C. F. Dennison "9odaled wtlll A. "SANDY" STEINER -Realtor ~ Coast lllcb.~-.y-Ph. Barbor Z5'1S Jack S. Fred. V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1808 Newport Boule\·:ttd Pltone Bea.coo 5808-W. Costa l\leu -JOSEPH L. MARSHALL "Francois". Manacer Christian's Hut Balboa ·T.LEFEVRE "Fren~hie's" ·Barbecue & Delicatessen 117 Main SL-Balboa Hotel Att.ade RIOHABD L PATTERSON CITll l'lnclDeerw Patterson & Boyle Spmaeou Bldir.-PIL 159115 -Santa Ana %4.li Coat Blvd. Nortlt-Ph.. 51t2-Lapna Capt. B. J. McNally McNally'a Balboa Boat Livery '103 E. Bay A'ft.-PtL Barbor 408 E: C. ''POP'S " LUDWIG FUN ZONE Largest Number Dart Games on Coast Play Ball with Dolls B. B. Ride Ran(!> -Balboa Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER IJAI.JIOA Calif. Geo. W•ias L. Elaine w.i.. Coast Properties Co . Realtors 10S r. Cea.traJ-.Balboa-Ph. Harbor 2868 W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe !1st Plare-N~rt Fritz Goassens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market ft. 11.ubor -1 ...._ St. Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NEW llPOT 11S5 ~ lllP-1-Nm!pOri BNeh, Calif. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails ~ 8btL s J, CUda. Art SoppHea 388 Mala 8L Relbaa Pll. Barbor 878 Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelers aad Watclwn•kers UI Tw '7 81~ • 1 lltnet Newport Bz c!, Olllf • William MacCurdy W. H . ·(Skip) Calkins MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHlTECJ'S M. E . Nledecker, Sec. & Treas. U15 ~ m.r.,--Newport Bob.--lleaoon 151115 Lee -- -BEAN I< BOLMAN ---Bob PAINTING CONTRACTORS SOO Bazel ~ :IM6--0oroaa del MAI' J.E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and Windsor ' SlllE. 0..-• pselaft.Bw .. IZ8 917 E. Oelotnl -Ooll'- Bob Allen COUNCILMAN ll4IllO& -.&lfD ~&IU&'I r noa: VOLNEY L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel '"Sleep bf' the Sea" 1• llsas11t -... -a.a. •- CHAU.Er ()OX, , ..... -Tm DO 1iteet'~ ..., .. fn this ))l!aimllnor e•tl" Modern ~noe -Repairing '()liml ---............ .&w.. Dutdi Heacock we-ns E. -WI I " &Aioi --'Ill ·1· 1 a 2 a i i • • . • • • • • -• • • I • ' ........ _. __ _ NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES: UAVl()R 1% ud 1S ..__.,,.,.,.,.~ ud-Atterw VolameXXllVID Cloilta llma Eddlt:ioa Publta•cd E'flel7 1\·ectn r ta7 Volume D Subscription Payable in Advance:-$2:50 per year in Orange County $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th zone Entered as Second-Clas!! matter at the Postoffice in Newport Bee.ch California. under the Act al March 3. lB79 ' SAM D. PORTE:il Publisher F . G. FROST F.ditor W. F . DIXON · -----Advertising Manager Printing Plant, 3011 W . Central Avenue, Newport Beach, Califontia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A DepeadaMe Local lastltu.Uoa. for Over S1 Yean Active Member -of :,.tJ•t I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I 1"11 Ii.I I IJ•IUIHl "11H .. <ll -I Ul 1\IHl1 11<1 <11 I I I I I I I I I• I t I I •, • -~ • ;; -• CORRAL DUST · -no sclf·disposic1on by them. j .\CK LINDSLEY . . -. ' . • -I I I > I I I I t I I t I I t I I I <1111'<1 I I 1»1 •11>1"1 •I rl Jrt l" 111!11>11l l'l!>l ll l Hl 'll!!l 11 I Ul o I• I I •I .~ War Profits Inquiry The Senate investigation of war profits has produced more fireworks than an old-fashioned Fourth of July cele- bration. Many bystande"' in Washington have round the pyro- technical display quite fascinating, but those in the midst of it, such as Kentucky's Representative Andrew J ackson May, have been too busy dodging "explosives" to derive any- thing but acute discomfort from the whole affair. Whether Mr. May actually profited from the deals in which he admit.1edly had a hand, or whether , as he claims. he was only trying to help provide the "necessary munitions and ;..eapons" for the "flower of our young manhood" is still being argued. The Senate committee. however , should get to the bottom of the matter and either clear Mr. May or show wherein he is guilty. Before the current investigation is completed it will un- doubtedly uncover more deals that \vi]! call for a lot of ex- planation i[ not prosecution_ While it is regrettable that some individuals and firms have manipulated war contracts to obtain huge profits for themselves, the re is, unfortunately, nothing new in this practice. It has happened in virtually every war in the N ation's history. -' N EWIO&'I' 11.A•BO& eeptr , . GENERAL EISENHOWER'S REPORT IV e I RISE TO REMARK PRoFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ' --- BON. IOHN PRILLIPS The British loan has been and I . I 8. W By T g E. T. Battenrortll, 0. D. gone._ and the resolution approv-Opt1att:rl:ll& . ,.._,.. t h t..---~ I a MS OD11M1LTAJIT ... 1.& I as ~n signed by the .&.u~ tiir u. 0111-s ,..._ ...._._ IETl'.8 DAlllNED President. He used 26 pens for V7 x..., ' .. .... t ...._ la LEHW D'VPLICATED that signature. and i! )'OU count e broadbill and one marlin 5 itaoili wtillll S-\U .....-.. ._ '• b .. _. Mt 0 I the letters in ''Harry s. Truman." S'A'O ish ..,.·ere brought into Ne~v-.:..W~..U.a8:is-::t. 111 • •· c.....i • .., ft. ..._. IR.l you will realize he must have port Harbor this week to brin g the om. 1M9 ..,._. .. -.. e.... .... aawa ..,, a&.q8 changed pens for every upstroke total to three swordfish eaught so I ;.. __ -4r'::::....:•:::::':.' ..:""::-:::':..._ _ ___.,! ;_ _______ _: ____ I and downstroke. He used four far this season. In S"-"o¢fishing pens. ~:hen he signed my bill for Newport H artx>r ranks h igh as the S panish-American war vet -the world record striped marlin erans, and I thought he was ' swordfish \Vas caught in 1931 by spreading himself, 50 26 rather 1 Alp~onse Ha ma nn from her e appalls me. which weighed six hundred n inety- BtJJIVSTOU • • • • • Tbrouq~ut tM 11tnanf.•· lt waa in Im . lorgt.dcGI iaAbility to malnta.iD his a rmiM in U.. &aid that the en.ea11y'a fated we~ lay. Courq• Ju. fore" M d ba hill mecq;un, but cowav• woe not •nou9h. 8.e1nlorc:e..nt. tailed. to arri•e.. wMpoD&. ,p.manud· don. ond iood cillb rcus Uort. Gad tla.e cMcutlt. oi tuel caUMd tMV powers of tactical mob ility to dwindle to the Tanl•hi"9 poiat. la the laat atag•• of lh• campa.ip they cou1d do little more tho.o wait for the Allied a•Glancba to llW••P OYer them. For this atala of uffclini we bad. a.boT• a.IL to he 91a1.etul to the work oJ tha Alliad aii lorcaa. LoD9 l:telot"• we landed in Franca, the beery bombers bod begun their toak ol destroying tM etiD• t•r11 of production upon which the enemy relied. o.nd th• truitl of this •Hort ••r• ••idaat immediately the IClDd ca.mpaip b evcm. Following the in•a.aioa.. tbeH eUateqic blows al the heort of Gar· mWI. iadllltry were continu ed. a.ad the ta.air:· WCI.II alao Ulldeirt:Cllr:ea ol cutting the supply lin•• which linked the factoriH to the f:roata. Meanwhile the tactical airao.lt. hr their inceuant bombi.aAJ ClDd str~q ol the ea emr before us in the Seid. broke hia powers of reslStllnc• QDd prepcired th• way lor the 9fOWld ad•a.aces whicb struck towa..rd the cea1e1 ol Germa.ay. Thou Uuue1a. moreo.er, were made with a 1apiclitr wh.ic.b oDlr the e•peclieat of airborne supply could support. The o•erwhelmiDv Allied superiority bl the air woe inde•d euential to our rictory. It at once under• mined th• basis of the •nemy·e etrenqtb a.ad eaabl.d ua to Pf .. pa.re a nd execute our own IJJOW1d operations in complet• Hcurity ! voted no. r bear the S ri ti sh two pounds. no ill-will \\·hatever and r have a The broadbill caught this "'eek finn convict.ion t.hat in this trou-\\·eighed three hundred for ty-nine bled world the English-speaking pounds by lllr. ~1.•A. ~l(achris. 701 peopl<'S must stand back to back. Arden Drive, Beverly Hills. This But I long since learned. in set-fish "'as brought in aboard the tling controversial matters. that Phantom, skippered by Norm it is best to settle t hem before Begg. the contract is signed, and not The marlin S\vordfish caught sign the contract. and then discuss • t~is we<>k V.'eighed t\VO hundred lhe controversies. -I six pounds and was caught b y Lt. In the present Joan agreement. A . F.. Su~. J r ., ~ndo.lph Fi~ld, t.he AdministTation and the State I Texas. Skipper v.·as Lilly Suess Departm<'nt. seem~ hardly able and the catch y,•a_s a board the boat to contain th.nmselv-th . Capt. Earl. I t took two hours to '" "'""· cy \\ere la d so anxious to complete thi!L loan. n · The Conservative Party m embers 'f'."'O d~ys ~f strong v.•est wind o f P a r liament w e · t ·t putl a crimp 1n the albacore and er agains 1 · live b it bo t fi h' t h One or them wrote to a f iend of I a a 5 ing over e mine, "It seems necessary ~hat \Ve w~k-e~d,. but the good fishing should have diplomats to make our I of 'arl1er tn the \Veek w.as e~pect- mistakes for us" ed 'to return shor t ly. Pier fisher-. men have beert ca tching yellowfin ...... &lO'I' Armand Monaco I ABOlllTWr 814 W. Bay Ave., Baa- ..-1'7U ZT!l t..kewood Ave. Lao Allpleo N~ MOS CIDBOPRACTOBs Waguer DrugieM lmtftot.. Dr. Wllba:r C. Waper Chiropractic, Dietetics. Physio & Colonic Therapy 19!0 Coat Blvd.. l!oatlt LacuU 8-ih l'hoM HU CLINICAL LABORATORY Clinical Laboratory OUloe boun: 9 -4:SO and by appointment TELEPHONE HABBOB 8311 USS W. O...tral A,,.._ PBYSICIANS .II SUBGEONS, lll.JI H. R. Hall, M. D. 1'11,...claa ud Surpou Haun: 2-5, ~y Aj)pointment Twlephone Beacon 58&1 ISi B~ Ooota M- Gerald RaUBa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT IIEACH Pbooe Batbor l ot& M'o uawer: ea1I Bearco. ......_. X-Ray Service It ia difficult •••D for a proleuioool eoldier to appredat• th~ tremendous power which was a ch.ie•ed an the battletieldA a.ad in the Hies of western Ewop• by the concerted eUorU of the Allied nationa. A. ataled earUer bl th1a reporl. m09t ol the 90 di.U.ions which fought in the later phase• of our operatiou ware ho.bitually rei~o_rcad to a atranqtb of 17,000 man by ta.o..lr:. tClDk destroyer, o.ad anU01ra a.ft atta cbmeata. An Idea ol their elt.atteriA9 lmpa.c:t upoa the N'1zi wcu mac.hia• comH hom coalidarotiou of th• t•nik tir.- powar which th•r repreeeat. ol the ma.u of la•crri... Corps and Annr artillery w~ch supported them. ol Lh• inexhaustible aupply •'J •!•m that austwned them. and ol the llex.ibility witb whic.b their •ff~rts could be applied by mecuu of th• did eat commUJlicatiou &·r•t•m. For bebi.n d t.ba combat ·umta the a.Horta oJ 3 millions ol c.tl·,,.., men a.a d women iu uaifo1m were deTOted to mo.illta.inin.g IOr,~ in .action.. We coul~ bl ettect. apply agcrlmt the enemy OD thot .... oatmeal a lore• 30 tun•• as la..rq• o.s the Alli9d armi" whicb d•l•ated Napoleon OD the battlefield o.t Waterloo. In odcli.tioa. we bad a •a ilo.bl• n•mly 11.000 fight ... G.D.d bomber o.irpla.rr .. who~• mo.bile ir•power could be a pplied at rirtually ClDf poiD.t we de.tired. a. I b.o•• jusl deacribed. Clllld wliON 011Dihilotin9 effect. a..ra erid•n.c•d by the wreckage °' a powerlul a.a.lioo'• cities. iDduatri•s, and commua.i cadona. cmd by the deatruc.tlan ol the a ir fore•• which delend•d them. To tbia pown wcu a dded the atrilr:ing cmd 1trCUll9liD9 lore• of two lom&idable DO.Tai fl••• working Cl.II one, California has just h~d a sad croaker both morning a nd evening. experience alo~g ~ese lines. and Halibut are also being caught. the memory is s till green. The aver aging three pounds a piece. At State Depar~cnt . forced upon night spotfin croaker are being' r---D_A_Y_sce __ oo_L ___ ~l I Southern Cal1forn1a what is added to the yellowfin being 11 Hilton M. Muwell, M. D. ltlOl <JoMt m_,. Ooroaa del Illar THE WORLD ... ... AT A GLANCE By EDWARD CL.<\ YTON known as the Mexican Water caugh t. Razor clams. anchovie-s. AgrNment or TreaO•. W e strove sand crabs, and mussels are being patientl y and earnestly for several used for bait. years to convince the ~~ate ~nd Barge fishermen -ar e catching the House a nd the Adm1n1strat1on barracuda haJibut sand bass and that the different Interpre tations. mackerel. °F ishing 'at night c~n be In ~textco and here ,should be set-had from t he bar ge Gander . an- t!ed before the agreement was chored off the Newport Pier. Last 51~ned. and t hat if not settled. boat out is at 5:00 p. m. and there t~C're ~·ould be future compllca-are no mor e boats until 6:00 a. m . t1o ns . We were beaten. the next day. so you have t o be For the past several weeks, as pr epared to stay a ll night. Ligh ts a memlx-r of the House Commit-ar e furnished and during t he full med. Supplies of food are not mov-tee on l rri~ation and Reclamation. of the moon nice catches of barra- ing inland 35 they should. not only I h ave s:\vf'n hour!ll and hours to a cuda and the like can be expected because of inadequate transporta-discussion on a bill to re-allocate as these fish feed at night whe n · b bee water in Arizona. F or t he first they can see their food. t1on ut more au.se of politics, Mortimer School SO! ()onal Bal'-bland Gradeo: OoBe,.e. ~'7 SUMMER SCHOOL ..._ ,..., . O. A. Morthner , M. A., Orlord Prtnclpal Pbooe Barbor 86! DENTISTS DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST t8SS W~t Cf!mtral Phone lla.rbor Ul ~ Newport corrupt.ion and "colossal graft." time. the Upper B asin States a.re 1'he barge Retr iever is anchored RcJX)rts say that areas which are sho"·lnR: conttrn that the· Admln-ne*' Abalone H ill with shor e boats 1 __ _ in political disfavor ";th the Nan-istration Is generously supporting frohi t he Fun Zone Landing in ---------~ king government have recei•;ed demands on the-Colorado River . in· Balboa starting at 6 :00 a. m. Dr Obed L even less food than other ........ tions. eXct"SS of its capacity. year In and There is no night fishing. • ucas 1 ln tests at \Vhite Sands. New .>C'-t A ii t ' f th' Alb d bo D M A man can't eat hlS' pol1't1'cal ~n-year ou . sma por ion o ts s core ay a.ts . from P ort ENTIST exico, the German V-2 rocket.s Y• • bet · h M · Or ciple-s, but· in China his political concern. ore t e exican ange leaving at 6 :30 a. m. week are really getting "up in the Tre ty w•• signed w uld h ve da I h •--b · · ! n-" W. ~~· -· 1•~ HIGHER. HIGHER principles sttm to de termine a .... • 0 a Y1> on Y ave u.:xn nnging n •"' T~ ........ w-.&. _ =~~:~::· ;~ul~a~be~~~~t a~~ "'~ether or not he wiU have any· ~~~ M=~~o !~~~:~~;: :~' ~~~~: :~d a~~co;~·t. = NEWPORT BEACH Office Haun: 16-12; 2-5 PllODe Barbor 106% S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ Balboa llarbor 17!4 "' s. mu . st., Lao ....._ TUcker 1ru By Appointment T. P. REEDER, M. D. and WM. S. IRETON, M. D. Ph,yAlclam and s......., .. 309 West Central Telephone Harbor 80% A. V. Andrews, M. D. The height of 83 11: mile9 recently thing to eaL so." ts small consolation. boats have been fishing about 14 reached by one of these miaalles STASSEN CO~ACK It will be small consolation to miles out from Dana Point to oft vigorously established a new record. T o ap-W ithout havlng his name appear say, ''I told you so." if arguments the Huntington fiats. I r------------~ preciate just how high tha t is on the ballot Harold Stassen. for-~it h England result from this loan Balboa Spor t Fishing Fleet's Dr. W. W. Westmoreland CO 'd th r A • 1 mer governor of Minnesota and De ns1 er ese acts: n airp a ne agreement. P erhaps atomic e ner -trolling boats are bringing in good ntist But the unethical or downrigh t dishonest conduct of some businessmen should not be taken as an indication tha t m~ of the others, or even a substantial part of them, mad_e more than their legitimate profits on war contracts. Busi- nessmen as a whole were undoubtedly sincere, as well as energetic. in their ef[orts to speed war output. Their pro- duction records speak for themselves. The Senate committee should push ahead and let the heads fall where they may. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 111 Cout m pway. Barbor GM Oorona del Mar Peace Conference The long-awaited peace conference is now scheduled for July 29 in Paris. But the longer-awa ited peace in Europe is still nowhet1' in sight. The conference may set forth tenns [or the former Axis satelites, but these tenns \viii have little meaning unl<'SS Moscow changes its conduct in Eastern Europe to a very marked degree. As it is. the Russians h ave acted much as they pleased in the areas under their control. with little regard for thei r pledges. There is scant reason to believe that the drafting of formal treaties \vith Italy. Finland. Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria \viii cause the Kremlin to alter its ways in the . latter three countries where its troops rule with an iron hand. It is quite apparent that Stalin is determined to so weak- en Eastern Europe economically that it will be at the com- plete mercy of Moscow even when Russian troops are even- tually withdrawn. It is also interesting "to note that in those countries such as Austria and Hungary where the Commu- nist Party did not fare so well at the polls, the Soviets have imposed especially severe economic penalties. The confiscation of all "German" assets in the Russian· occupied zone or Austria, and the manner in which Hungary has been stripped of livestock and supplies thus spurring dis- astrous inflation, are two illustrations of the Soviet technique in dealing \vith small countries which do not S\ving into the Russian political orbiL In spite of the cloud ur.der which it is meeting the Paris peace conference can succeed-it can accomplish a great deal toward the establishment of better conditions in Europe. But to ao this the Western Nations must deal even more firmly -..~th Russia, refusing to be bluffed or bullied into ac- cepting the dictates of the Kremlin. At the same time diplomats must continue their efforts to convince the RtlSSia ns tha t no nation-not e'\1en the Soviet Union-\vill gain in the long run from perpetual chaos in E).Jrope. Auto Production that cl. bs · ht ·1 bo th the progre-ssive "white hope"' for ~m _eag mi es 8 . ve e the GOP r esidential nomination gy. the control of which is the catches of albacore. The Fishing earth 1s doing very well indeed; i~ 1948 h~ . ced next matter before us for vote, Express continues to leave the 1601 Cout ID'"')' a nd the best anti-aircrnft guns · s cx~rien one de-will compel reason and agreement. Balboa P avilion at 6·00 a m and CORONA DEL MAB used during the \var .sent their ~~~t a~~ti~;1e ;·ict~ry .;.,ec'('ndlr 1~ To odd to ot1r tr oubles. the OPA except for t he fe\v .days. of··,vcst Pbooe Hubor 2220 NORMAN NRON, M. D., Pedla.trlclan s hf'lls u1~ .about 12 miles. Th£' you ~l; recall.r~;,a~ in ~cb~tt~~~ r:rsolution ls back again . looking \Vind. has be<'n bringing in good 1 :_ ___________ _J rocket "h1ch . set the O('\\' r('cord ,,.h<>n he activ('lv back d 0 ,vi ht ltke a tom cat afl£'r a round of catches of gener al fish. I la nded. 63 m 1ll'S a\\'ny from lhi• . . e . ~ brtckyard argumC'nts. The House ------'---------INSUBANCE Certified by the American Board ot Pediatrics !<1unch1n~ sitl' 11nd ,,·as in th" t1ir Gris~' old fo'. th.e Rf'publlcan SC'n· didn't even accept it for debate.! . , " little OV<'r 6 1:.: nil nutcs. If this ato~1al no~1nat1on on a pla1form but sent It direct to conference 3 a\erag~ "as $20.50 and r cmC'mher , IYPf' f')f carrier can eventually be of . 'n!£>rnat1ona l c::oop<>rat1on. But most unusual action. nof a t all. in the prtC'C ha~ to rC'ach $2 1 .~ or dt•\·cJopc'<I ro tht' point \\'I ere it Gris" old lost to incumbent J-lugh r Ith t ,_ . 1 1. m ore. bcfor<' 1t N1unls the prC'\'lOUS l B ti b "d . '! ine \\' cus omary K"g1s a ive ceiling plus b 'd I t I h can be accuratelv controllC'd ilnd u er Y a ", e margin. . r. procedur su s1 y, e a one t e .nade to land v.iihout crashin~ lt I Stassen's presidential stock sag-I do n~1: know how Jon it \\'ill blac~ m.arket p~i ('{'S. rind without rould thPn be ust'd for )X'aC'Ctin1e ged. NO\V .stass<'n has regainrd his be in ronfer enct'. but th: longer ~ns1der1ng q,""hty. II is interest- cargoes instead of "'artim<' explo-lost p~e-st1i;:l' ~hrough the \'tctory the better. Each day shows the 1ng lo obser\l' that ~lack market s ivcs. That's a big order but it's Io{ f\11nnes~ta_ s Gove_rnor Thye consumers the untruthfuln s operators are working hard to \Yell '-''Orth aiming a t over Isolat1on1st Hennk Shipstad OPA d Pr' h es of 1 help cause unrest and fear ; a re-• · for the GOP senatorial nomination . propagan a . ices ave not . turn of OPA now, means a killing F OOD AND POLJTICS in that state. Thye was actively ~~~ r~:~issa~~ l~:~e c~, to t.hb-e for them. Hol ~ on. folks. for a few The problem of getting food to supported by Stassen on t he same s'dies Th 1 gs Pus s? d~ys more; dLSregard the commu- hungry people involv<'s a greet platform of Intern a tional cooper-~oney. everye rp ~ ~r~ flsa~ng ntst and CIO inspir ed advertise- deal more than appears on the ation that fell fiat in Nebraska. to th ay. ea is owmg ments. and you'll soon again be surface. It is not only a problem Actua11r. neither election ~ves a ed \Vea:rn;:0~· ~~~arl~~~ ;.~Tchbe-br eathing the free a.ir of Amer ica. o{ food production and transporta-tru~ p1c 0 ture o.f the presidential on the shelves tomoyrr, ow t.ion but of such thinji!;s as politics. asptr t liti al tr h · · The recent action of UNRRA tn a n s po c 5 engt s.1nce The propaganda m achine is still ROOFS cutting off some supplies ror too many other fa,ctors enter in~o hitting on high. A scare headline China highlights this fact. Mil-such contests. V.:e U have to wait said cattle prices r eached $25 (pe lions ot Otinese are either starv-until 1948 to ftnd ?01 just how hundred pounds) on the Chicag~ ing or a re serious undernourished. n:-i uch punc~ he ~arrtes in the na-market. Careful r eading disclosed UNRRA \\'an ts lo help them. But 11onal poll11cal rtng. that, out of over 10,000 cattle sold. the relief agency has found that it Soldier : \Vhat "·ould you do if FOUR CARLOADS, passibly 80 APPLIED OR B.EPADtEI> Fn!o Estimatel .t Inspection W. J. Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J is one thing to send food to China l kissed you'! rch:o:i:ce==·=teers==·=so::ld~·~'::$:25::' :th::•:::::=::::::::::::::::::::~ I I and quite another thing to get lt Girl: I'd call my brother. to the people "'ho most need it. Soldier: Ho"' old is he? 24-Hour Radio Service \Varehouses in port cities are jam-I Girl : Two years old. GEORGE D. BASSETT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service · %80! W. ~otr&I Ave.., Phone ll&J'bor 1805-1., Newport Beacll. Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ZlOO Ocea.n Front NOW OPEN EVENINGS .. 315 llORTH )IAlll GT. , llOME. AUTO. llABINE RADIOS BEPAntn> Burt R. Norton 91 I Cout m .... , BeMioll 17tl j Newpoi1 Bx+ a.ut. t • ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often Yoa tbe .,._. PIMe to DIBe .. Orup Ooaaty: All New··· Even the Location ..• Qne.Half Mlle Eut al. Old Location Oil Coast HJabway. Beautiful New Cocldail Bar We Lead Southern Callfomla In the Serv1nc al. -SEAFOODS-Arro' YOOB llmd ot .,-S•U -VISIT 09ll IUK2DH - Sam's Sea Food Spa and FWa Mukd -~"ah .. Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE • 1'haf's All L1r E ·FIRE· AUT O MA R l f'lE, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y ~~.1 [. C,;,nfra l, B.a lbo;, Pho ne H•rbor 2;,97 Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. "It. lfMDe ladJcai.e. It.a ~" DON .JERNIGAN Pbone Harbor ZU · B S08 Marlne Ave. Balboa bl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen PM ... ~PeUdrN Pllo• 11.tter t--..ii t l 5 E. ...,. .&.n'. a.1b'9 HOBTICIA..1'18 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin&" P lhers Best" Phone Beacon MIO Coata M eu C&llfonlla OPTOMETBlllT8 Robert A. Crawford Opt. D. OPTOlllETBl8T E)'ft Enmlned -Glanes Fitted 1191 Newport Boalftvd .._..._mu ~...._ 100'7 Gavtota Dr., Laguna Beacb Telephone Laguna 1-18&1 La.orence H. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 321 Marine Ave., Balboa hl&Dd Pllono -r 21ZD lohn K. C. Chwig. M. D. PllyoldaD -s....-2 -4 7 -8:30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 1%0 Eut IBtlt Street eo.ta Meu., California PHYSICIANS -SURGEO NS, D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Pbywlclan and Bms- N1Dtb -O...tral ..... (M-U ........ ) ...,.... .. Dr. G. E. Tohi'U Pbysldan and s....-Z?W Coast &1vd. NE\VPORT BEACH -PBOn:&- Otfiee: Bar~ 188-W :a.9'dnlce: Barbos. 288-B U No ...-Yer. e&11 Harbor I PUBLIC 8TENOGILAPllE8 M. D. Keesling ,.._AN_K....._ Coota - Newport-Balboa Tomi.st Bmeau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round•the-World Trips In the near future. See lln. Boy 1't!M. ft.~ 18L IOl Palm, ••ae llom9: ..... .. ..... • \ \. ·Shark Island Dredging Extended By Supervisors Widow Receives Bulk of Estate W. Hubbard, Jr. ' the main river, the large Olico basin on the north and the Temes- cal or Corona.~ on the south. 0.-C• HM Stonp No actual shortage of water ex- ists in the basins on the river. except in the Coastal basin of Mrs. Myrna Lou Hubbard of 928 Orange county ... 11ere an annual Via Udo Nord. Udo Isle, was di-overdraft approximating 12.000 On recommendations of Engi-velopment has occurred in recent rected by order of SuperioT Judge acre ;feet has been estimated by neer R. Morgan Noble, the county months. Raymond H. Thompson in Santa the Division of Water Resources. harbor commission last week ar-Part of the material to be Ana court to receive the estate This •appears to be the net de--. ranged for additional dredging in dredged from the c hannel will be of her late husband , Walton Hub-ficit ;of the series of basins on tbe north channe1 near Shark deposited on Shark Island, the bard jr .. Newport Harbor ship-the Main stream. Island area of Ne"'rport Harbor at ' remainder along Bay Shore Camp. yard executive, "''ho died May 13. ThiS deficiency will no doubt a cost of approximately $4750. I where ~lanager H einz Kaiser wi:ll 1944. increase \\ith continued urban and No advertising for bids on the make unprovements along his The estate was subject of. liti· industrial drafts upon the' common job is necessary, according to a shore~ine. . gation instituted by a divorced \\"ater supply in the three countiei ruling made by the county counsel. Incidentally, according to the wile, G'-''endolyn 111.ilner Cheese-traversed by the river . so Noble said he expects to negcr I Noble report, there aren't any wright, on behalf of a minor That this increased deficit will I tiate for the dredging at once. sharks in Shark Channel or the daughter of Hubbard's first mar-be chiefly influenced by develop. \ Approximately 9500 cubic yards Shark Island area. riage, Marilyn Hubbard, '-''hen the ments up.stream is indicated by of material will be dredged from , second '-';fe and '"''idow offered for data compiled by the U. S . Geolcr the channel to make it a uniform So let it be. ln God's own might probate a ··1ost win:· gical Survey. Using July stream depth of 10 feet from the Coast \Ve gird us for the coming fight, I The will which left the daugh-I flO\\' as an index. these data show Highway bridge to Shark Island. A.ad, strong in Him whose cause 1 ter only $1 because "she would that the progressi\·e ten-year This channel has shoaled to such is ours be amply taken care of from her j mean July discharge for the period an extent that it is only six feet in In conflict ";th unholy powers. mother's large estate" was finally 1934-44. for the Santa Ana river aome places and not deep enough We grasp the weapons He has admitted to probate when it was i at Mentone, above the points of fO!' yacht passage. given-described verbatim by the deced-THIS ROTUXD U'ITLE CREATURE (ou t.be lower end of the use. equalled llO'k of the mean It is in this area that consider-The Light, and Truth and Love ot ent's parents, Dr. Walton Hub-hook, of ooune) Is a Sunfish, gentle readers. and quite a remuk-· discharge for July: that of Lytle able yachting a nd anchorage de-Heaven.-Whittler. bard, sr., and Mrs. Maude Hub-able specimen he la. Tills ~lb. rarity to local waters met. his end creek, a tributary entering the bard. It had been left in the JO miles off Corona del Mar. one one of hJ• rare jaunte too Dear the stream above most points of di- d 1 t MU'face of tbe ocean., and wu repaid for his foolish-. by reoelvlnc latter's possession an was os the butlilness end of a apesr wielded by younrc Ronnie Barcrave, who vt.>rsion, equalled 153'70. while the somewhere in Los Angeles. l!l dlaplaytnK" his prtu. Hargrave ls tbe llOo of Mr. a.nd Mn. 1''ll-lower river entering Orange In the distribution the '-''idow IJam H arl{Ta\-e of H oll)"''ood, """'Me boat HMy Girlie .. ts anehored county, gaged at Prado, equalled r ecei\'C'd approximatell' 5190.000 at Balboa YaC"ht Duin. -photo by Gerhardt. only 90% of the mean monthly a nd the daughter $1 although a dischar ge for July. claim by the daughter for S3723 w u f w s I The Chino basin, tribula ry to "'as a ppro\·C'd bv the court and •1se se 0 ater ystem the Santa Ana r ivC'r , has a n csti-paid mated oYerdraft of 18.000 acre I M~. Hubbacd was co-pact nec in r c<'t. th~ Op('~at~n of l~e So~~~· ,~.~~t w Id B f •t c Consf"r\·a tlon T"rgNI shlipy~·~r~ ~~~·lr~·ct:~ duri~g th~ OU ene I onsumers ) To sum up the prC'SC'nt situation "·aThc. t · d for in CO\'ered in this discussion, ,,.e ha\'e INS~~CE P.A.PALMER LIDO ISl.!E PROPERTIES ----·----W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor /JlzmzL. 1500 fJ!..,,,p,,.r .fae,{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA --moist and ponded areu on ·our to reduce the demanc:la upon. our sir..ams and in our retanlinl: -lbort auppl,y. areas to eliminate·evaporatic:m and transpiration losses, and by In-For office oupplles, ..., the creasing our irrigation efftdeniey Neows-11mes. ' I harp booting g uys There OfKe ..,..ere somt;i~g yoctlting supplies Who hod trouble ge L-got smart One doy ,,_.y t ed our mor . And discove< th coost-... 1se. t •-y ore oil Sou And now """ se s I and to catalog a fe,\· factors not h . C' est at C' was appraise, •218 281• t existing or threatened deficits in I er11ance ax purpos<'S a ·:> ·-• c· G . F' . . h I r . II ------------------'---------of which S30.000 was In ccal prnp. Tustin 1trus rower In 1nal Article Predicts I t • natuca watec_ supp ,.,_ tn a $.3000 · t 'bl sonal D f' . . C J R . U J S 1 but one of o ur basins, lrC'at1ng 1he I e rty, r and 1;1~~~1 ~n ~~angi-e 1c1t Jn oasta eg1on n ess ource I Santa A:na Ri\·cr basin as one. ~-------------------------1 1 prope ty · . I Pr d under a pattern Ofl'-''ater use upon \ ble ~rsonal property or business s eserve \\·hich an established agricultural HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions Inquire at CARR'S FEED STORE 1827 NEWPORT BL VD. COSTA MES~ P. 0 . Box 507 -Phone u..con 5245 holdings. · 1 · Federal taxes amounted to $6321 B1· ROSS A. S llAFER from tfe common supply. The economy of . nat1ona importancr and state t axes $5139. ~ther ~d-Orange County Citrus Grower l propos~ activa~ion of County has been built. . . I ministration expenses including 1 I San1tat1on D1str1ct No. 16. em-The natural SUPphes supporting legal fees reduced the value of 1 I? the E8:stern San Fernando bracing El Mon~e, Puente, Sier:ra this development ~re also eit~er the estate to approximately $190,-basin there 1s an oversupply due, Madre, l\ionrov1a and Arcadia. the sole source r the . maJor 000. to the use of imported water, 1 will transfer a nother approximate-source of supply pon which all .. -----------.,rl ground"•ater is locally high a.nd Jy 6000 acre feet of return water but a few of the cities and rural more could be pumped with ad-to the ocean discharge off White's communities of this region depend. vantage. The quality of some of Point. The trend of progress since the ground\\·ater subject to indus-The loss of this water, an am-World War I, accelerated by the trial waste pollution may dis-ount equal to that used to irri· war just closed. is superimposing courage such pumping. gate 12.000 acres of citrus, will an industrial dev~lop(l"Jent of col- In the Raymond basin, an over-require a re-estimate of the water osal proporttonli upon the old order dralt about equal to the water supply of the San Gabriel River in which agriculture was the chief exported from that basin was basin. producer of primary wealth in the found by the State Division of 1 The • \Vest basin, southwest of region. W t o --u d t To preserve what "'e have built. a er 1\.C~u.rces . . n .er cour Dominguez dike, and drawing upon · ' I process and a d eterm1nat1on of the the Coastal basin of the Los An-no effort should he spared to con- ! b h d. · · th. · I serve to the utmost our natural ~els . Y ~ e 1v1su:~n , lS s1tua-geles a nd San Gabriel rivers for t1on 1s being remedied. its replenishment. is seriously water supplies by fire control. re· lorestation and upstream flood Deficit Seen overdrawn to an extent not ye t control in the mountain water- It's Always COF f EE TJM·f I I At The • • •I • • DO NuTC&w'AS:FLE SHOP ~ • • • . . . Serv:II1g CX>F'F'EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES !ITRA WBERRY WA FF LES (with whipped cream) • COMPLEl'E FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine A venue Balboa Island K J ?" ' ' Oeerae 8terllac Opea i:.--.~ ~ 1-~ -Clooed OD W--.,, ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! Investigation of the water sup. determined. Only recourse to an sheds. by the construction of plies ot the San Gabriel River imported supply can sustain the major flood contrql. and conserva- basins by the Division of Water ! development now overlying that tion works, including spreading Resources and the Los Angeles I basin. works where most effective on our County Flood Control district, in Corallary to such overdraft valley streams; by the draining of --------~-----------------~ 1942 and 1943, revealed no current I along the coast is the threat of overdraft but led to the conclusion ) salt water e ncroachment from the that the next decade would pro-' sea. a condition already observed duce a deficit in the Coastal basin in the \Vest basin a nd at points under continued development un-• along the coastal fringe of the der the then current pattern. J Coastal basin tn Orange and Los DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned Di-19 on hand with choice of reduction nnllll. • WE ARE WRITING ORDERS ON RIGHT· AND LEFT· RAND ROTATION DO:S.:LS FOR TWIN INSTALL&· TIONS. CHOICE OF REDUCTION UNITS. On Hand: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels Di-I Generator Sets of All Kinds. t'&ANK B. Lr:WIS ( Loctlcy 1-l•l 0..--Man- PHONES Shop II Wat~!-'°n MSI at Bo Co. Newport Beach Office: Beacon 5889-W 415 Fifteenth St. Newport Heights • ' In: Window A wnlngs, Door Hoods Porch & Patio Canopies • Sun Out - - -UP,t ln; • Rain Out ---Brett.e in; • Penn.anent • --No ''UPll &: DoWllS"; • Siient - - -So Rattles; • Harmonious Des.IKB -- - Custom Built; • Utmost Economy --- Long Ufe, X o Replacements. Noll·! Quality Venetian Blinds {Either \Vood or l\1etal) Quick Service For Free Estimates Call Reverse Olarges filTS·D·'NDOD Awning Co. of Orange Co. 715 So. Philadelphia St. Anaheim, CallJ. Phone FULLERTON IW.,J o.......,...colk...-, ... .., .. c--...... ,.,,.... ...._ammclfroad.W•• 1 a•il•.W,S.-h Aon ... _., ___ .. ...,.~----- ..... (wWdi .. aillo9cl. ..__ foe ....a-.n: ... ...nl1Wfftl.-..:~ ... ,..=:-.,.,,,,...,. _,_,, __ _ ... _ ...... , ....... --il·:·.,,---... ..,. .-., c a-.. r r• _... ...,_ """11 .-. .. ... • ,.. _..,,. ..A.I .... . . . -·,.,,.., ,,_ ,.,._ -.. ...., ~ ..... . . . ::-:-3"~~ .... ,. •.• _.., ............. ... ,., . '*.,.~,._ .. ,..,.. ........... ..-.-,..----... --.-..... -.... C. D. UNDSEY, T.P-"- •1 N. !llala SL, .._ - s-ta A-. c.111..- The \\'ar has m aterially acceler-Angeles counties near gaps in the ated the gro\\·th rates bf the areas Coastal barrier. dependent upon this \\'a ter and The main stream of the Santa the proposed removal of the dis-Ana river traverses five majo r charge of rectified se"·age effluent basins, the San Bernardino, Colt- from the Rio Hondo, \vhen the Tri-on, Jurupa or Riverside, Prado Citi('S treatment plant connects and Coastal, on its course from ";th the 1\letr opolitan outfall the mountains to the sea. and is se\\·er, \Viii re mo\'e approximately fed by the overflow from two 12,500 acre feet of return water l tributary stream basins flanking CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock - Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa M- • Before You Build or Remodel Villi Oar laltt,,,..Rg 8Nnple ud Dllplay Booms Color guldee, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock ot carpets and linoleum. • LUDLUM 1 Carpet Works 1---... .----U!ITA~ ·-• l!~E OF TIOISANDS 9f INDEPENDENT MOllLCAS IUSINESS MEN 1 T. ). (Towy) Ktbu "4s 6tt11 "" indtptudtnl Mobilg11J · dtaltr i11 5411 Ditgo for lt11 ytaN, /Javisg k/t ti job tlS rtpai"""" u.•ilh a colJ dor•gt fi,.. to go i•lo b11Ji11ns for h;.ulf Ht is 38 JM" .U, .. m~ witb IU.'O dJiU/rt11. TMJ if '6diJy i• civic ... '-'r•ff•in. 111ulhis Mobi/g., IUtin is -of tM ---,.. _...MpetJ irrliMI- 1\M IN llMfT OOOOMt;H AND ta IAND MIC ITA.TOG .• ..MOHDAYAT J.JO f ..... LT.) I Each One of Us is Part of a Great Nation-:wide Family of Ind.ependent Dealers ... In Business Serve You Better Ir I satisfy you with alert, courteous service, aod keep your cu operating at peak pcrfor· mance with Mobilgal aod Mobiloil, you'll probably come bid: again and again. Most people do, and tbai'1 why my independently operated station does a nice business . If you knew I had a brother operating a Mobilgu 1cation on the same basis in another town on your motoring trip, clw>ccs arc you'd drive in and cxpca the same service. What's more, you'd get iL That's just the way the Mobilgu family of indepcndait dcdcn is act up. ·Each one of the thousands of friendly independent Mobilgasdcalcnscm-cs to maintain the high aundard of )(obilgu Kn'icc to motorists. We all think ol dis ocher fellow . . , and ' benefit acicordingly. Wherever you< go, dme ill at die sip oldie Plyisg Rltl Horw fOr MobfJ picdPaa md friendly, dcpcodablc ecnicc ro keep yoar motor giving top pcrfonD2-= T. J. (T_,} IC& I " S..~CMif. .,.__Ol'lm•---· ' • • • • -·-DRIVER INJURED Harold Gwinn, 25. 40 Garden Grove Road. Garden Grove, rK:eiv- ed minor injuries and was remov- ed to the Orange County h\Jol>ital euly Saturday morning u l a re- ault of an accident in Newport township. Beach Cleanup Is Problem, Official Inspection Shows f Mrs. Crowell · States Case Want Ads BUSINall GUIDE Gwinn'• automobile collided with a car driven by Shennan P . West, 416 Old County road. Costa Mesa, and Gwinn was the only one receiving injuries in the accident. Manila folflen at N..,.._Tlmes. White House Cafe Phone Sl82 Laguna Beach, Calif. (Contlnu.ed from Paa• 1) Ordez. Covert explained that the de- bris is sifted, the glass particles being placed by themselves; the paper being burned and a_ny un· burnable tr&h is placed in a truck and carried to the city dump, where it is sorted and sold, it pos- sible, by the caretaker. whose in- come is derived from it. Kelp or seaweed ls not burn- able on the beach a nd so it is carried to the city dump, Co- vert said. Covert said that there a rr 40 men employed in the general garbage and trash phase by the City of Newport Beach. Ther e also are five trucks de ployed by the street depar tment for the picking up of nther debris and garbage about the cit y streets. These other men. moreover. are not used for bearh work. They have enough to do now with the general pickup \\'Ork. Covert ex- plained. Others Cleaned Beaches in the Balboa and New- port Beach area were not visited by the city delegation on Mon- day, due to t he fact that since members of the Balboa Improve- ment association have assisted city street department \.\'Orkmen in cleaning up Balboa beach. there hasn't bc>en cau~e for complaint 1 there, and Newport Beach hasn't • yet reaehl'd the point wher e one can point a finger at it and say, ''.intoler able."' Ho\.\•cvcr, Col. Sailors. the city l administrative offiC<'r , stated that I the time is not too far distant when the ci ty may have to put ~------------~'additional mf'n to work to clean Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. ---.....11111 518 OOAST mOBWAY AT Tllll: ABOlllt8 Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting ••• off the Newport and Balboa Piers ~!r :~" ~ "~George Hiner LAST WORD IN CANOES! Aluminum Light-Sturdy-Non-sinkable. Lasts liretime without paint or repairs! Alloy Write for Details or Order Now From WORLD GOODS C .. 10910 ~ Avenue, L. A. 24 Recfo~al J:&epre.ent.ati,·es Comldered Tel : AR... ~9 • Some $16.95 -We Have Beautiful New Styles. .. , . . And speaking of )'OUT hon1e, it's an lndisputable f a c t that nothing brigh- tens up a home, gl8.ddcns the atn1os- ph<:re like an l."xlra lamp or two. S~un­ n ing ne'ft' cn:>at1ons in bases and per- fectly accompanying shades \.\i 11 do won · ders in heighte ning fhe beauty ol your interiors. EASY TERMS • Headquarters for Beautiful Furniture . $22.45 ' $15.75 $12.75 Santa Ana Furniture Co. .. 71ie d!Mle °" tJ/-U!e q~" 426 we.t 4th st. '1'llGs. a. Wllllum Senta Ana. Ph. m OONVENIENT PARKING SPACE HERE up all the beaches, "and when that happens," SaJJon added, "the cicy "'rill have to have additional funds with which to meet the added expense." 1be city administrative officer hinted that the city council might have to consider the adoption of a aa1es tax to m eet this a dditional expense to the city. And when one or the newspaper representatives said it might be a good idea for the city to build an incinerator to dispose of its garbage, the colonel said, "'See what I mean?" On the other hand, a ll mem- bers of the delegation agreed that the newspaper represntative had made a sC'nsible suggestion \\'hen she dcplorC'd the cit}' dump and insisted lhat the boa.rd of direct- ors of the Orange County Presby- terian hospital \.\1ould object to th(' burning of garbage on a plot of ground "'ithin odoriferous dista nce of thC'ir hospital building on Ne"· port Heights. Big CroY1d Sought For final Scene "'\\'antNl-llundrt"d"' uf 1>1•01>le to Ataod on Ri<'hfll'd~on'11 Yaf'ht Landl.ng and on Littlt> Ba.lboa l!!land on ThurMlay. ?\lain ta11k ls to Ahout or \V&\'e a handkerchlrf or lt>ap for joy ,,·hen the rat'ln~ 8<'Ull8 pa8!1 b y ... Monogram Picturl'S. Inc .. mlght have run this ad\'ertiseme nt to dra w ii. large gathering out to \':it- ncss the taking of the main scenes for the film, .. S"·ecthca rt of Sigma Oti," on the bRy here Thur~day. However. the motion picture company does need a crowd to a~ as though the shell race was the real thing, and Robert Stuart Wallace, Newport Harbor yachts- man, who is technical adviser and assistant producer of the film. haa asked for a good turnout for the Thursday scenes. These scenes are the most im- portant of the whole continuity o r the picture, \\•hich is a mustr.al extravaganza with racing drama. One of the participants in the shel1 race will be Tommy Harmon of Michigan, the former All-Amer- ican football star who was r ecent- ly signed to play '~"ith the Los Angeles Rams . A crew from UCLA will also take part in the r ace. Leading roles are played by Elyse Knox, wife of Ha rmon; Phil Regan a nd Phil Brito, singers ; and Ro8s Huntf'r. l\tarjorle Ann Hoerner also has a part. The pl a~' is being produced by Jeffrey Bernard and is beU.g di- rected by J ack Bernhart of l\itono- gram Pictures. Pl DROWNS WUliam Mohler, 215 30th st., Newport Beach, was notified last Wednesday by the Orange county sherlffa office of the death of his brother. J ohn D. l\1ohler of San Rafael, C.alir.. by accidental drowning. A at.ate to prosper, must be built on foundations of a moral charac- ter; and this character is the prln- dpal element of its strength and the only guaranty of lta perma· nence and prosperity.-Jabei CUrTy. WILLEv'r REFRIGERnnon JERVICE comPnnY --~--11!0 (lout Blonl., Clo,_. do! Mal Temporary Phone, Day 654 La· guna Beach: Phon• NlghL lh16:l Laguna Beach Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feed. -§- Dally DeltYerJ'-l!Ml<U)a Dl5 1lln If _po. .. llmL 008TA lllt8A • NOW l\fE.'° 1\T \\'ORK-Tbe abo\"f' picture is &not.her se-oe ahO\\'lnl' the men at "'ork lD the Seacout. Inc., Mhlpyu rd herr, "·hlch has r rc.-ntl)· c-oo,'erted from \\'artimr to peacettme construction. This vte"· t1ho\vs the ele\1ated carriage (foreg...ound) on '''h.lch boats are hauled to the launchln« ,,·aytt. -Pho to by Kent Hitchcock. THERE IS A CERTil" amount of c harm ln eve ry le t1.e r !lent out by the Balboa Imoro\·ement Aaeo- c latlon and the.e lovely gtrl11 are 1"81Jponslble for It. They are lefl to right: Helyn Lehman, Pat David- son and Ro9oemarie Loul&. -photo b)' Don Harmon, Balboa. Urged to Form 1 Grant Setbacks On United Port Front Lot ~ought Under <Continued from Page 1i lllus1on by Woman Planners Frown On 3-Story Unit Fearing to set a precedent, or finished by March, 1948. The embarrassing position of a members of the planning commis- Factor11 Loom "'oman who purchased a v.--ater-sion gave no encouragement to S f .d edt front lot on Ne\\·port Island only Mr and 'f-y · t St t Aba e\'en actors are . cons1 er 10 find the property was all set-. n • ... 1c or ewar , - both by the U. S. _En.g1 neer corps 1 back was revealed Y+•hen the orig-lone avenue. Balboa Island, "'hen and by the appr~pr1at10~ conurut-Ina] O\\'Tier appeared before the they appeared before that body tee on harbors 1n Washington a:n city planning commission Thurs-Thursday e~"eni ng asking permis- whe!her a development plan ts day and asked that body to re-sion to add a third story to an feasible. These are_ . .fl safe en-verse setbacks on the small block existing structure. trance; 2> protective anchorage or three lots. , They adhiitted the proposed adequacy for boats: 3) adequate The original property had con-plan w as very attractive and frontage and channels for small . led f f 1 Us r . th Ri would add much to the neighbor- boat s talls; 5) public utilitie". ~~t ~ our 0 h ~c~ng ede th vo hood, also tha t the height of 25 I d I b I t d potable water o. e owner a urn em 1 d an , u r can an . into three> lots facing east on the ffl was un er the limit of 35 stations; 6l d~kage and. repair Rialto channel: making them wid-fi.et. which applies to two-story de~ts. and 7) fire and police pro-er than the original lots a nd giving •ructures. tection. a mot-e drslrable orientation. The ! Asked if the building could not Costs or such projects are borne fl aw in tht> scheme \Vas that this be extended toward the front or partly by the community desiring left the one lot. \\'hich had orig-the lot, the ar chitect replied that the racility and partly by the fed-inally been the front of all four it could".' but that it "'ould be a <'ral governmC'nt. lots, \.\'ith a 30-foot setbac k and )1 Rrdship on. both the O\\"Tlers a nd Local interesls are expected to the purchaser , appearing for a an adioinip.g property 0"'Tier, contribute cash towa rd tht> v.·ork I building pt>rmit, \\'as told she could ,,-hose light. air and vie\v \Vould be or to donate items of value in no t put up any kind of a btiilding. j cut off and \\•ho \\'as present to I kind. J etties. breakwater, main The commission favored the help the owners plead thC'ir case. channel. roads. piers. slips and change of se tbacks provided ease-After most members of the other requirements in the public ments be given inside the side\valk commission had expressed thcm- domain "A'ere mentioned by the on 38th street for SC\\'Crs and that selves as against n1aking an ex- speaker. se\.\·ers be installed at O\\"ners' ex-ception in existing r egulations for Also In any such agreeme nt be-pense. this case, the first of its kind to be tween the community and the fed-presented, .. Philmer E llerbroeck, era1 government, the United procedure from the local commu-architect and secretary or t he States must be free tram any nity to the district engineer's of-commission, stated that in his claims roT damages incurred in fice a nd thence to W ashington , opinion the ,question o/ establish- thc construction work. The divi-D. C., where it is con&idered by ing a precedent was not so much slon of costs are bMed on the be-the War Department in the light of a probletn as the other mem- llef t hat the United States is to of military matters and then by bers feared ror with Balboa Island pay for items fully and equally a committee of the Congress. If getting near its m aximum capac- used by all crafts and local inter-the proposal is justified and has ity buildings of three, even up to ests are expected to pay for those merit, the Congress may be asked eight storie!! might be expected in used for recreation or business to make an appropriation for the the next five to 10 years. enterprise. project. W. L. Longmoor raised the I Above a11 a survey must show Colonel Hunter said that district questiOn of whether a three-story that a desired facility is economic-engineer 's offices also lake into building. would not affect insur- ally justified. Annual benefits consideration the interests of fish-ance rates of the whole area. but must exceed the costs of the proj-ermen before the final report is the architect replied state require- ect. Each project ls considered on made to the national capital. They ments in that r egard had.been met Its merits. Fully developed port have certain rights in the watert: by including t\\'O stairways to the pr ojects enhance the \'alue of ad-along the coast, too, he said. upper floors. (Continued !run p-1) with me as my apartment would soon be vacant. ''Mrs. Brown arrived and I ask- ed Mn!. Barrett If lhe had found another apartment yet and she replied that she had changed her mind and wasn't going to move. I told her that 1 needed the apart- ment for my aunt, but Mrs. Bar~ rett said that she , intended to remain. "I then \\'ent to the OPA oflices and asked if I couldn't have the use of my apartment. After ron- sulting Mrs. Barrett's physician. I told Mrs. Barrett that I had gone to the OPA, but she still re- fused to move. "\Vith t he recent ending of O PA regu]ations. I retained an at~or­ ney in Los Angeles \vho inform{'() me of the procedure to folio"· to gain the apartment. b "My purpcsE' in doing \\'hat I have is not mercenary as I only wish to have the apartment to house my aunt." l\1rs. Crowell's at.int, Mrs. Brown, is now living with Mrs. Crowell in her four-room home, the former said. Area Veterans Office to Open At Long Beach Ninety thousand veterans living in the Southern California area between Redondo Beach and La- guna Beach will be ser ved by the ne\v sub-regional offices of the Veterans Administration recently a pproved by Gen. Omar Bradley, director of veterans affairs, and "'hich \viii be opened in Long &ach, Thursday. The offiet>s are on the eighth, ninth a nd tC'nth floors or the Times building, 215 American avenue, Long Beach. The main reception rooms \viii be located on the eighth fiber. The 100 \\'eckly inter\.riews now being handled by the Long Beach office are expect- ed to triple by fall. Ledger sheets at News-nm~. AUTO BODY Repair and Painting FREE ESTIMATE on House Tr-aller Painting Portable Equipment GEORGE'S BODY & PAINT SHOP 29W \V. Q>ntral Ave. c Phone Harbor 826. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone ~M 54-4tc 216 E. 20th St.. C:O.ta Mesa ' 2().tf• BU8INESe OU1Dlt lt SIGN PAINTING Boats, Tn!cla, Windows Walls and Bulletins. Raised Metal. Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M ~tfc PAINTING 12 Years Service in Newport HM"bor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J Z74 E. 19th Ztrttt 24-tff Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Estimating Phone Beacon 5780-J 47-tfc FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement Work of All Kinds. 918 W. Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Newport Beach 51-Bq FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job oo your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p .m. 1().tf• PAINTING PAPER HANGJNQ and DECORA'I'm'G H. E . McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tft l'RANl!IPORTATION U BALBOA I SLAND resident wouJd like daily transportation to and from Alhambra. Call Mr. Wal· ter, H-2134-W. 57-lt~ BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired_ VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa 208 Martne, Balboa Ialand. 94-ttc BEAUTY AIDS U COLD and MACHINLESs WAVES Tintlng and Manicuring Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 17S-W Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Coast Hlway, Corona de! Mu 35-tfc Blondes make the best hUSo bands. Mama: "\I/hat did mama's little baby learn at sChool today?" Boy: "I learned two fellows not to call me 'mama's little baby'." PUBLIC NOTICE jacent la nd and result tn the de· Another questioner wanted to --------91Kl9ft' llllUUTION \•elopment or new business areas. know hO\V long it took before the Presbyter1·ans ::::-...::::· ... ~..:..-· -.... CERTIFICATE OF' BUSINESS: Marsh land becomes r ecreational federal government would act on fOI ~ AND llltCNICICaS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME land. l\1osquito-infested areas dis-1 a matte r of port . development. N • CJ ....... .,... -· .acieoot ~., The undert1igned does hereby ~r-Col 1 H f eafJ00' ose tlfy that they are conducting a Prtnt-a ppear . Automobile and boat 1 one unter agaJn re erred to ,., ._..,_...~_,...,..~ In( and Publishing BusineM at 301 1 travel are assured over \vha t \\'BS tht> s tep-by-step procedure as H •t J D • POI n. NOfiM W, Central Ave.. Newport Beach, 1 I I. d d ospI a rive Ca.ltrornla. under the fictitious firm onet> diCf icult highway and \\'ater-, pre\ ous Y out inc an added that '-'icln"-..,..•c--oft.-o.dfw....,._ name ot :Newport Harbor Publishing it a ll depended on how importan t A t t I f $29646036 h be ... ~.• ......,,.....,_.;.~llM. Ct'l .. Rnrt that Yid rlrm Is compoet>d \\'8~'!1. 0 a 0 -· · as en or the follo wing per1JCOns whose name:1 Na''Y Plans RushMI thr project was to the community. pledg:<'d to date for the construe-Newport . Electric 11nrl adrlre11ee9 Are &11 tollowa. tn-wlt : New facilities create ne\v <'CO-"I f the Na"')' comes into the pie-9on of the Presbyterian hospital e~i~11..DCJ~~~iL 1569 Miramar Drive. nomical resources \\'hich benefit lure, \.\'(' go ahead immediately li'l Ne\\'POrt Beach in the county-Appliance Co. 1''ora S. Wade. 205 \Vestmifll!lter Ave .. .II the ~pie of a community, and make the survey," said -.l'ide dr,·v· to r a,·se the n•c ssary Newport B~h. CaJ ttornlL ,.....~ . , '-'-C Wltnen our bands this 22nd day Col. Hunter said , "and I am here Colonel Hunter. '"For instance, we $500.000. according to Dr. O. Scott 2S0!5 Newport Blvd. of July, 1946. to help you In anyway I can." did that in the case of the Stock-M:acFarland, chairman. _________ r_!_l_S8 _____ 1 ~RAD& WlJi'.R· One of the questions put to ton and San F ra ncisco ship canals. A Sl00,000 donation is pledged STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Colonel H unter ln the question-It all depends on the siz.e of craft by Glenn Martin. famous aircraft TIDE TABLES 00~1£u o:;n~~G~Ulr. A. D. and-answer forum which followed wishing to use port facilities." executive Who formerly lived in 1946. before me Helen o . Klatt. a was what ste ...... were required in The minimum time for any con-Santa Ana, if the count y drive ll!LY, 19'1 Notary Public In and for the uld ~ w 24 6 30 12 14 county and state, ruldtng thereln. submitting plans for a proposed struction job undertaken by the net.J more than $400,000. : : 5:1'7 ll:ot dul7 comrnlaloned and inroru. perwon- port development. engineer corps is two years, the Figures released by MacFarland 3.4 0.1 6.2 2.2 ;JZ. if.~ •. 8::,_.,!>· top°:!:,. to~ The engineer furnished the an· engineer concluded ahow the following cities' dona-Th 25 7:32 1 :07 l :!t l!:OI the penou -wb.oee name. are llU.b-. swer, describing the step.by-step After the meeting was fini&hed., tiom:: Santa Ana·Tuatin, $119,-F 26 3.7 -{).6 6.6 2.2 =l~etowt.!:t~~.:~J the gath6ing were guests of the 388.50· 1 ..... ._ ... Beach ••534073· 8:24 1 :54 7:11 l:tl the Mme. • ; ' ~Woa . t ..... ' • I 4 0 11 6 9 la W)~ wbe"*!.Tu~·· hereunto Newpor-t Harbor Oiamber of Com-Huntington Beach, $29,046.70; Or-S Z1 · . -· · 2.2 oot m,i;. bud .,,. mr;.,.....,.... merce on a boat trip around the a.nge, $20,671.00, Caplatrano, $15,-94:rn.2 2.3914 a:.e7 l:U ~cate n::,. .=_ ~tt:_ Otr- bay, Pootmuter Herbert Kenny, 105.00; Costa Mesa, '6542.56; Ana--· .O 2.0 HCLZN o. XLA1T. Coast Association officer, mega-heim,$1030.00; Fullerton,$5742.48; Su28 9~~ 3~ 1:51 !:'8 N~l~~andJ.~:::.. HERE • phoned the spota of interest from Placentia, S1600J)0; Garden Grove, · -• 6.9 1.9 mlalom a:plree Dec.. a. the Fun Zone excunion boat Lo $6515; Newport Beach, $43,091.39, rt6ls.,. ~ ta__. 06 w: m 1ttl. which the trip wu made. and non.county, $2380.00. · • t.&llal as--a. a; ..,.. a.--P. • ~.t,. 21. IO; Aus. a aad u . lftl. Our 1946 Model Key Cutting Machine Good Stock of Key Blanks Keys Made While You Wait Harbor Radio & Appliance Co. Barbor 447 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ Fresh Daily Delle! __ _ Or, comP'ete ..,.s1p11mt when JOG want to eatcb • ~OWL HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENU ~ NEWPO, aEACH WING -SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coat Highway 101 ~•-•6'14 • • ::;;;: ;:: :J. • an•"s PWPallvw ....... ..,...... .• • -- ·ant•"s r, .......... • llV810AL a BADIO Radio Repairs .. WAl'i'TED TO U:..'T U •••t. ZSTATS ,, n••.m.t.n • LOST AND FOUND LOST in Balboa. Wed, ladies WILL TRADE Western Muter Order Your Bollva wrist watch, rose gold Exposw-e Meter for golf clubs, Servel wttll bronze ccrd. Anniversary ar part of same. 220 Agate, G R f · to gift. Will finder please return Balboa Island (in rear) 57-2tc as e ngera T to Mrs_ H. Cunningham. 324 Al-FOR SALE _ Harvard piano, Now varda. Balboa. H 271l5-J. 57·11P davenport, table, 30 kitchen at Vogel's All makes; tubes, etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Clout ~. N..,..,..po1.,rtrt 23-t!c PERMANENT RESIDENT, Ex. Naval officer desires 2 or 3 bed- room home. year 'round-Balboa ls.land or 8.nyy,•here Harbor area. Paul Chcstt>r, South Coast Co. Phone 2000 or 773-W . 57-2tp Costa Mesa New .._nn. house on com'l. ~ acre. l>lastered and stucco. Mod- ern thru-OUt. $5250. $1750 Down HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 91PLOYllBMT WANTED U chairs, five-piece bedroom suite. 100 Main St. Harbor 145 For appointment call Beacon S2-tfc RADIO HOUSE CALLS-=a'";g"'a-1,,, D,,.,-1-A-ft-------,-, . Elden Ave. WANTED--lronlng and care for 52W-W 57-4tc _W_ANn:D ___ TO-~ll-V-Y-----.~1 Now that additional competent Lot SOxl.50. Ne"N 3-room trame teclmldana are available. we are FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant, house, practically completed. chlldrm evenings. 309 Marigold · . Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor ICE BOX--50-lb., good condition, Will Pay Cash· t(ll3..J 51-tfc $15. Phone Harbor 1465-M. able to maJoe service call9 on near Barstow, output 1200 fr)'-$3600 large consoles. All work guar-ers per week. Excellent equip. ABALONE BUSINESS 25-ft. 'boat, 130 h.p. motor. Olmplete dlv- ing equipment and processing plant. Nets $1200 a month over a yeer. Only $7000 buys this business. ' 57sltp For your turnlture t:tr what kavt WORK W ANTED--Palntlng IU-you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw- Two modern houses. Good water anteed HAROLD L. HAMM, supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J. perintendent, with 25 years ex· FOR SALE-One man's and lady's ley Furniture.., l.812 Newport pertence, desitt;s ~ection Western F1yer bicycle with 2 Blvd., Co&ta Mesa. 48-tfc s .o_s_ Radio, 300 Marine Ave. 52_2tp Ph. Harbor 780. 34-t!c wttl'I large building contractor. speed gears. S35 each. All-steel ck construction patio swing with CASH FOR USED FURNITURE I have my own tru • commer-PHONE BEACON ••-• d•-d canopy, good as new, S25. Pair ~. Radio and Electric REPAIRS FOR SALE-New 2-bedroom stuc- co. hardwood throughout, 12xl5 bedrooms, 7-ft. closets, plenty tile kitchen and bath. Large liv- ing room and dining room, dou- ble garage. Furniture optional 372 Broadway, Costa Mesa. cial spray outfit, la u.c•"'· rop ~tf cloth, brushes. Good reference. of French 8x30 prism binoculars t'.: 24-H OUR SERVICE Call Harbor 1493-J fTom 1 to 5. with case. S35. 112 Crystal 1 '•"·u=KN"'"1'"T'"u'"1tt-,-"F"'o"R-S"A"'l-.J1:.:---,ft:- 49-tfc Ave .. Balboa I.stand. 57-2tc All Me.I= -Pick Up & Delivery P ERRY HARDWARE -------===--;::; McLEAN'S FtiRNITURE CO.-&llPLOYMEST OFFE.Jl.ED !t FOR SALE-Box trail£'r , spare Visit our war surplus depart-1305 :=:,::::..,:,....:,,,,..,-==:-==c:--::::-= "'heel. hitch , iron frame a nd var-HELP WAi.vrED-\Voman or girl nished wood sides. SllO. Phone m~nt-66-inch oak desks. some for oenera1 housework: good Ba smaJler: type\vriter desks: steel Coast Bl"·d. Harbor 232 54--4tp CORONA DEL MAR 54-t!c REAL VALUES e Harbor 2129-J . 3.5 Beacon y. and wood r1·1 Js ·. t ables, all s'1zes ·, wages; }jve in or out . Harbor 57-2tc e G_R_A_ND __ P_IAN __ O_S-_Y_o_u_wil __ 1-be-I 2 -bedroom home . unfinished. l992. 56-tfc ~~-~:-=-===-=c-== office chairs. Prices r ight . 2042 SOUTH COAST BUILT EAGLE So. Ma in, Santa Ana. 57-2tc astounded a tour great big 12x20 garage no\v used as liv- HELP \VANTED-Lady . to do fa mily ironing. Phone Harbor 111-R.. 56-4tc 19-ft. keel da y sailer. 152 -8-0-A-T-,,-.-8-UP-PLIES " \Vazlers. Lido Isle. 57-.. tp ------------ "1g quarters. Large lot. All for stock. Kimball. Stein\\•ay, Soh- mer, H all et and Davis, Story $2000 \VANTED--Middle a ge house- keeper: light duties: pleasant surroundings: r oom, board and salary. Call Harbor 2016-J . 56-4tc WANTED-Laundress, one day a week. Call Harbor 201&-J. 56-4tc \VILL TRADE 3-diamond ring for electric refrigerator in good condition. 301 Y.. 34th St. 57-2tp ZENITH COMB. RADIO, Auto. record changer, '42: Beauty, white ro tary sew. m ach., just overhauled: carpenter tools . .1 20 30th St., N. B. 57-ltp F OR SALE-Swordfish r eel, Penn WANTED: WAITRESS-Cherry's Senator 9/0 with 450 yards 24 Cafe. 322 Marine Ave., Balboa thread Jj nen line. Phone Harbor Island. 56-tfc 7Cfl. dh·tf HELP WANTED-1st class pa.int-F OR SALE-Chest and bed, mat- er. Sympeon & Nollar, 5l2 3Sth tress, coil springs, $30; brand St .. Ne":port Beach. 52-tfc new davenport with springs, SALESMEN -Advertising cam· mahogany tilt table. 312 35th pa1gn no\Y in effect. Excellent St .. Newport. 56-2tc opportunity i! you qualify. Ap-ATI"RACTIVE back bar, 16-ft. ply M.iss Van Liew, 50816 No. long, 9-ft. high, marble top nrd Maln St., Santa Ana. 52-Stc columns, perfect. Full plate mir- KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply i:or, $375. Ph. Santa Ana 5429 Olery1's. 322 Ma rine Ave., Bal-54-4tc boa Island. S4·tfc _F_O_R_S_A_LE----B-ic_y_c_le-.-m-an~.-.-p-r-e- WA1'-'TEO-Gir1 for general office "-'ar Schwinn li ght,veight. 312 "''Ork and bookkeeper's assistant. Helitropc, Corona del Mar. Apply 3410 Coast Blvd. 57-ltc 56-2tc ------------WANTED -Woma n for house BARGAINS! cleaning, one day per week. 152 Lo'''est prices in furniture is my Waziers. Lido Isle. 57·2tp motto. I buy right. I sell r ight. WANTED-Woma n or man to do l also buy furn iture. hO!J'eWork, hall d•Y'. daY'. week Needle's Furniture or month; live in or out. Call 2'204 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Harbor 1523-J 57-tfc 57-tfc WANTED-Experienced fountain FOR. SALE-Bell and Ho\vell Spe· girl; must be 21 . Mesa Malt cial . 70 P .A., high speed tense. Shop. 1790 Newport Blvd .• Costa telescopic Jense, wide angl~ ?ttesa. 57-4tc lense, tilting equipment. tripod , WANTED _ Ma n preferred, to light meter. Complete equip... head accounting departme nt and ment. Used only once. Call Har· teach allied commercial sub-bor 1194-J, around 6 p. m . jects. Business Institute, 415 ___________ M_-4_tc No. Sycam or(', Santa Ana. 57-2tc FOR. SALE-Good stove, right SKIPPER for new 4(}.ft. \Vheeler : hand oven, with heat control, must be sobt:-r. neat appearance. $35; chest and bed, mattress, good fishl'.'rman. excellent var· coil springs, SJO: brand new dav. nl,,her and good trouble shooter , enport with springs . mahogany have local r eferences. Must be tilt table. 312 35th St .. NeY:port. under 40 }'C'ars o r age. Apply ==-~~~=--=~-~:>l_-_4~tc i.n person, 724 Via Lido Nord. FOR. SALE-Swordfish rod, r eel U do Isle. Salary S225 per mo. and line complete, $85. John T . 57·2tp S)'tnpson. 512 38th St.. New· -------------port Beach. 53-tfc WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per Wttk and Meals Good Hours FOR SALE WELL BRED spirited saddle horse, good western saddle and bridle. N . W . comer of 15 th and Santa Ana Ave., Co8ta Mesa FOR SALE-Racing snipe-just reconditioned and new pa.int. 3909 Marcus A ve., Newport Isle. 57-2tp FOR SALE-14 ft. cJinker type skiff, $25.00. 25 Beacon Bay, Newport Beach. 56-tfc and Clark. One gorgeous Chick- ering and it is the real Chicker- ing, too. Many others to choose from. Priced to start at $395. Tenns .. Or rent. Danz Schmidt Piano Co., Exclusively pianos. Nothing else. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 55-Uc FOR SALE-2Y.l·ton spur-gear GOOD used pianos for practice. chain falls, $75. Harbor 2497-\V. Sor'ne as low as $57 and $79 or 3504 Marcus Ave., Newport. r ent a piano fo r $5 per mo. Let 56-2tc the children learn. Danz.Schmidt Wil.L EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip in Piano C.O .. 520 N . Main, Santa Wilmington for same in New-Ana.. 55-Uc port Harbor. Call Erwin Pierson BABY GRAND-Repossessed. Now at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc only $485. This is a great bar- ALL-PLASTlC 12-ft. 11 0-lb. TOP gain. Danz.Schmidt Piano Co .. 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Santa Ana. 55-t fc Furnished 2-bedroom home and den. Good district. Nice lot. 1942 refrigerator and range. Better hurry. Only- $7500 Beautiful 2-bedroom home. Hard- wood and tile. F1oor furnace. Niet>ly landscaped. 58 feet on Harbor Blvd. We just can't de-- scribe th.is place. I t must be sC<'n to be appreciated. One block from center of Costa 1\.1esa. Priced to sell .1 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Immediate delivery. Other mod-WORLD famous Spinet type els soon -dinghies, s ailboats. mirror pia no. Repossessed. Now B. A. NERESON runabouts, cruisers and paddle-reduced to $295. T erms. Superb REAL ESTATE boards. tone. 1\:tahogany case. Designed Insurance and PLASTIC \VA TERCRAFT CO. for style and long service. Danz· Business Opportunities 407 E . Central. Balboa Schmidt Piano Co., 520 N . Main, 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa fl.tesa Phone Harbor 2673. 57-ltc Santa Ana. 55-tfc Ph. Beacon 52'25 57-ltc FOR SALE-Runabout "Creepy ANOTHER magnificent Steinway. SAN FRANCISCO _ 2·bedroom MCJUSe" 14-ft.: seats 5: eXC<'llent ~tedium size. Beautiful mahog-home a nd 2 a partments for in- condition. $1000. Owner. Har-any case. The piano of the come. ''•ill sell or trade for bor 2450:\V. 57-2tp Masters. Danz.Schmidt Piano Ne\\·port Blvd. property. Har- RO\V BOAT-14-ft .. newly paint· Co., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. bor 1600. 57-tfc _.a 55-tfc ------------t-u. in good condJtion. Phone -------~----FOR SALF.-3·room frame house, Harbor 1261-\V. 57-2tc _ooo __ s_._c_A_TS __ a_P_ETS _____ S6_1 cheap. To be moved. 2978 Npt. FOR SALE-16-ft. sailboat, com-FOR SALE-Springer Spanie1 Blvd ., Costa ~1csa. 57-2tc plete with 2-wheel factory-built 1 • AK c Re pup; ma e: ~ mos. . . . g. tr ailer. Price, $400. Pho ne 7310 \V. Ocean Front. 57-2tp Angelus 10397 or CU. 31662. 57~2tc GORGEOUS pedigreed Siamese ------------kittens for sale : excellent stock ; "SMALL BOAT HDQRS." WE MAKE many size5 and kinds of skiffs and dinghies, and the ''Watson Dink" class sailer. · AND Paddleboards. WE SELL other good small craft-Hughes K elson, Fold Fla t. • WATSON -BOATS 611 Coast Highway N e\~.'port Beach 0 P E N S U N D A Y, P . M_ 54-lfc FOR SALE-f1attle -complete with dolly and new canvas cov- er. Reasonable. Harbor 1145. 54-4tc lx>autiful eye color . 233 East Bay (rear house), Balboa Isl- and. 57-4tp DOGS-All breech, stripped, clip. ped, and bathed by AK.C. li- censed handler. Free pick-up and delivery service. Send ca.rd. Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin- set Ua Ave. Corona del Mar. 52-Uc SPECIAL ASSOVNCEMENTS S8 PRE-BILT HOMES CO. GARAGES -UTILITY H OUSES HOMES Immediate 0 ('1ivery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 \\'estminster Newport Heights 57-4tc FRANK P. JOHNSON Realtor W. C. Wagner, Associate 1664 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5434-W SPECIAL 5-room, 2-bedroom stucco. large Uving and dining rooms, with real fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, la rge guest room in rear. Cement n oored chicken house, nice yard, with ple nty of lawn and flowers. c lose to school and shopping. $8450 • Income and Home 54-ttc FOR SALE-Swordfish reel, P enn FO R SALE-Very nice IS-fl. &-in. boat. six passengers, perfect condition, with trailer. $28(X). Phone Santa Ana 19-J. SJ..tfc Large lot 100xl10. 1 block from Newp:>rt Blvd. Bldg. on front would make ideal nbrhood grocery, beauty shop, etc. Large 3-room modern apt. in rear, over extra large double garage. This property is an extra good investment. Only- MR. EARLY (mornings .only} King Landing Newport Beach BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR-PETTY SOUTit COAST CO.' NEWPORT BEACH 29-ltc 51-t!c YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. AllC>IY 100 E. Bay Ave., ~ 51414. N . Main St., Santa Ana or Alie tho ~tor for the QUef Opentor Southern California Telephone Compaay G-tte ------------Senator 9/0 with 450 yards 24 Steel Kitchens GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. 144 Cout Blvd., N . Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 57-ltc SHABBY FLOORS Made Beautiful Take ott old. grimy varnish and get doY.'TI to the fresh, clean grain or naturally handsome wood Rent Our Hiloc Sanding Machine -and do it yourself. East to 0J)C'rate -DustlC'S!J Burton's Paint Store Ne\\'JX)I't Bl\·d. near 16th Stre('t Auto Batteries Rubber Sepa.raters l~-:-tonth -$6.75 Ex. Compounded l\fotor Gallon. 70c Oil Western Auto Supply Authorized D .. ler 1836 N..._, Blvd, Coota M ... 41-t!c FOR SALE-Man's ~....,. bley. cle; ~ ~ new. HN"Y du!;) titts, $50. 512 38th St., Nrw- port. 52-t!• ,,.._ Pia<" and Klndllnl WOOD o.Ilvend R W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 6666 171lf Newport Blvd Just Arrived l"r<loh B...-lnS Aid BA'ITERIF.S Gundenon Dru.-Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 00.tt• VENE'rIAN BLINDS-Aluminum atttl. wood. Call m for free esti· mate. Renovation &. ttf\nishln&. So. Coast Venetian Blind Co., w .. t 18th and Newport Ave., Oo1ta Kesa. I'll: --!1355-W. J8.tf• thre ad line n llne. Phone Harbor 7'11. dh-tf llf1J810AL A RADIO RAM ENGINEERING CO.-Ma- rlne machinists-machine work of all type!. pick·up and deliv- ery service. dock facilities while under repair. Will do work any hour night or day. Located at Central Boat \Vories Yard. Rhine Olannel, foot of 31st St. Phone Harbor 21!7-J. Carpenters Available for general maintenance and repair 0. Z. ROBERTSOS Call Harbor 83 KEYS 34-t!c Ma.de \\'hlle You Walt VQ9EL'S 100 M&ln SL. Balboa. '!08 Yartne, Balboa I.al.and IM-Uc FOR RE!\"T \\'ANTED TO RENT-Rttpooslble party from PboeniX. 'Ariz., till Sept. lS, co~ to aleop five. Phone llA!dondo 8325 al~ 7 p.m. 57-ltp FOR SALE-Upright piano, good condition. $200. Phone Beacon 5712, or call 205 Westminster Ave., Newt>Qrt Heights alter StD that unwu.t.ed 5:30 p. m_ 5$-ltc tlllUQlb N.,....T'bmo ado $8450 New 6-Room Home 3-bedroom in nicest residential section of Costa ?ttesa. Large fireplace, hdw fioors, loll of tile ln bath and kitchen. Ooset space galore, double garage. Vacant move right in $12,250 Overlooking Ocean 1>1:·acre, 4-room house in very clean condition plus 1-room apt. in rear with bath and kitchen, barbecue and cement walled patio, garden and chix equip. $9750 l/~ Acre On Corner 5-room house plus dbl. garage with guest room. On west side \~ith 0ttan vie\v. Vacant, move right in_ $8750 3-Bedroom Home Newport Height.'! New 3-bedroom with nJoe view. Hdw. noon, nlce yard. Sundecl< on top $12,450 y~ -Acre ()verlooking ocean; water: garden; near Cagney estate. A steal at $2000 -. Lido hie 35-ft. COme!' lot -$5000 45-ft. frontage. $5250 57-ft. Lot Between Costa Mesa and Newport on Blvd. $4500 EVA F . RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa EL TON BARNETI' RUS$ELL W. BARTAINE PEaNEL G. BARNE'IT ! Brokers Ph. Beacon 5713-R 57-ltc A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and Associates Phone Beacon 5102-M Today's Special Newport Blvd. Home and BUSINESS BLDG. 28 ft. x 28 ft. with l\Ving quarters. House in rear, with little fixing could be m ade into good rental. This is a splendid property. Ex- cell~nt location. Quick possess. Only $11,000 Nearly New 4 Unit Court 3 UNITS complete1y furnished, 1 untum. Corner lot 150 ft. x 165 ft. Beautifully landscaped. In- come $157.50 per month. Room for 3 more units. Close in E .side, Costa Mesa. Very neat and at- tractive. Only $19,950 11,4 Acre Ranch 2-bedroom house, barn, chicken house, prire- $4750 1/2 -Acre Ranch Dandy 2·bedroom home, newly decorated inside and out. Ga· rage, barn, chix house only- $6950 Open Evenings and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON 469 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5102-M 57-ltc El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay A venue .$4750 Large Corner Lot On Peninsula, with view. $5750 • On Peninsula 2 Bedroom Home $13,500 Unfurn. $14,500 Furn. Income Property 2 bedroom house and 4 small rental unit.I. Several good Bay Front Lotl LCYT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W . L. JORDAN 700 E . Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 John D. Burha . 2001 Ocean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa t!c 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the Peninsula ;t; ;t; ;t; ;t; ANTIQUE SHOP -This low-overhee.d business gru;ses dose to $15,000 per yeer. U you can tell Spode from Ming, have your afternoons free and $6750 to buy the esti- mated inventory, you can take over tc>- molTOW in a pleasant and profitable one- man (or woman) enterprise. FOOD MARKET-The sul>-leases pay over a hundred dollars more than the master lease and the market netted just under $2000 in June. Owner will work a month with buyer to give him the low-do..n. Will inventory $15,000 with a reasonable over- age for plus profits and earning potentials. . ;t; ;t; ;t; ;t; - TACKLE AND WATER SPORTS-- Grosses around a hundred thousand a yeer with about-$30,000 stock. The ten-year lease goes with the stock at a thin;! over cost_ The books reflect substantial earn- ings. Excellent location. BEAUTY SALON-'I'hrre-year lease plus a three--year renewal option. Excellent. location. earnings, equipment and clientele. \Veil established. $6500 including stock and equipment. Year-round trade. OTHER BUS~ ;t; op~rtunities and business property available in all zones_ Good selection of business Jots in most sec- tions of the Harbor area. ;t; ;t; ;t; ;t; BALBOA COVES -BAY FRONT LOTS Now ready for your selection . . . Make . your choice now. d; ;t; d; ;t; HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors • 30th at Central Ph. Harl>or I600 & 1601 57-ltc AT CORONA DEL MAR 2-Bedroom Home New $11,500 FOR SALE-Balboa Island, small house with good foundation. available soon. Owner must aeIL Price $10,500. half cash. terms. Call Hub Pow('rs, Harbor 62-W or 794-R evenings. 57-ltc Lots $1500 W. J. Holcomb Exclusive Agent 1517 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar Where the F1ags Fly LOTS FOR SALE-By owner, 60x75 on Bay Ave., near Palm. InqUire P . 0 . Box 64, Newport. 54-4tp AVTO SERVICE • 57-21c NOW HERE ------------ -;Real Home Bargain Five-room house, lot 63x168 ; new; Newix>rt Heights; one-- car garage; 1 'h blocks high school. Must sell as as leav- ing tor east-$8000. Mrs. R. H . Reed, 380 E . 15th St., Costa Mesa. 57-ltp ~ REAL 1:8TAT1!: EXCHANGE 411 TRADE RENTAI.r-2-bedroom, N . Hollywood, barbecue, for 1 or 2- bedroom house. Phone L. A. SU 18313 or Harbor 2600 ex• tension 14, \Vheeler. 57-2tp llONK'f TO LOAN II LOANS TO BUILD, buy, UDpnn'tL modernize or renna.nee. Newport Balboa Federal S&vln«• and Loan AaodatJ.oo.. Your authorized Oaryaler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Cornplet~ Lubrication u4 Maintenance ~Mechanlco Kendall and Quaker State ollo NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave- Phone Harbor 1564-J 38-t!c 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1500 l------------- AVTOMOTIVE & TIRE8 58 TRAILERS 11 , TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do your FOR SAl.JE-G. M. 39 truck. %-own hauling and moving. AD. ton pannel. Call Harbor 596·J. new equipment. $2.25 and $1.50 2000 OCEAN FRONT evenings. • 55-4tc per day. We furnish the bitch. 1-story and a halt, 2-bedroom 1928 NASH 4-door sedan. Good Myrehn Bros. Service Statkn, bath, large room upstairs for work car. S45.00. 329 Anade, cor. 17th&: Newport Blvd.. Oolta guest, living room. fireplace. Balboa. Ph. Harbor 1155-W. Mesa. M-cft kitchen, bedroom and bath over I -----~~~---56-4-~t_c .&IBPLANES garage, wall heaters. TIRES · 1------------ a 1&-ft. factory .... sled hydroplane, 2004 OCEAN FR.ONT Caab for your used tires two cockpits. 32-h-p. J- 1-story and a half, 2-bedloom and Sell Them for top pr_tce at motor. completely overhauled. bath, large room upstalra tor Lester's O. K. Rubber Including rebore; haa •teerinc guest, UVlng room. flttplace, W Id wheel remote control, lot.I ct dining room. kitchen, .,.,_ed ~ ers cluoo.,, very fut, - porch with barbecue. lawn. Recapping Wheel Balo.nclnll traDer, $450. Aho 22-h-p. Evln-n-en. bushes, brick· walko, Sectlon Work.. rude A-1 condition, $125. HS picket fences IWT'OW>ding each. 2900 W . Central, Newpoa:t Beach Santa Ana Ave .• Newport Bncb. beaulltul unrestricted view of 54-8tc 55-4tp oceah. These houses open dally -... -;;;llftlli;;;::=-.,=.A!ll;;;; •• ;;.., _;;;;;:-----~.=-:A::O=rue==--=w=A111-::::,=~1=m=-------=. for ~on. 52-tfc 1 -·coSTA MESA ' WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS 123 FLOWER ST .. home or --and Will Pay Top Prices ness: 8 large rooms. 5 bedl'OOITUI, doutile garage, lot 50 by 150, 1 block to center of town_ Im- mediate poa., $13,000. Owner. 52-t!c CORON A DEL MAR. by .,,.,,.,. : 35-loot lot in most desirable sec- tion-On Fernleaf, 1 % blocks tram lhoreline boulevard. Priced to ..u-agent.I. Call Loo ~ Phone Gladstone :1{)21 ~ between 5 and 7. 5&-3tc • SEIJ, YOUR CAR NOW WbDe Pl1ce8 are Blab. • Phone for our WW....,.. t.iyer who will caJ1 and .tvlilt you repnllnc OPA reauladom. llldkc pdaee and arruwe .n dlnn. . . CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. Owtrmet'lrlld OI' •• DD-::·~n:.,. .... mw•OWbal,,lCaapcwtPss'"%. DCCI a.a r a' .._. ~= •• . - BSING TOUB RADIO TO US 0.. ~ -We'll 'sr* II_. Y .. 0.. llM'9 I& .. Ned. ,.., 1 ...-. w.no-na...._ ~Tt h ,..,.._ 1iradio SOS Electric IL\&OLD I. P*MM --.. ....,...a....,e·a •• ..._. <i!JJalboa rket • More 'l"llall 30 Years of 8en1ce to tM 111.rbor'• SOl llbbo Ftnest OUeatele Ph. Barbor 85 •NAMEPLATES• FOR BOATS AND HOMES -..,..,. MM.l•m •x •% 1-...... Heavy Brass ·············-···-· 2.00 Chromium ···········-·····: ....... 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.50 TD •A y D&U"t"DY ••• MAQ. OS PBO~ YCKf& oun N'O'" TO National Engraving Co. Agency ---- Does , Your House Need Painting? * No waiting .. :w ork done Immediately by highly skilled Journeymen Paintets ~J. t he m<>St moo- e111 equipment and finest mate · • -A-- Owned and operated by World War D Veterans -king your permanent good will and patronage. -A-- For Free FMtlmai- fhone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman -.-:. ''"'· •You11 make every ride a foy rldet• • • J r'J •Nth euitt than (ailing oft 1 Jog! Just try Chevron Supreme io your tank. J(5 tailored to your ar wilh the same skill that perfecttd Standard's war-proved 8ying fu•ls. ~"' blending agcnu in Otevroo Supreme give you fut scans. smooth aCceleration, pi.ngJess performance. It's the finest motor fu el Standard ever proJuced-you can bank OD '•ttt7 u-ip being a pleasure uip with Chevron Supreme! Clayton Thompson Who!Male DIRribuUoa Ph-IM Bell. Pboae 109i • T' 11 '17. ""' !!t 1911 Federal Agency's Huge Responsibility Is Placement of People in Postwar Jobs, Santa Ana USES Officer Tells Kiwanians , OBITUARIES Senate Body Wll Stlldy Highway Needs of CoHty .I Qty Takes ....,...~-.. -. -~-w-~-ay-.'!.A-.~-. ~ ..... 11 , Title to 50 Femando street. Balboa, died at The Collier committee of the his home Saturday eve-ning fol· Be h L ts State Senate, louring Ca.litomia to lowing a brief illness. He was a · ac 0 determine highway needs of tbe native or England .Bnd had resided cities and counties of the 1ts1e. in California for 28 )"ean and UJ will ·meet in Santa Ana on Aua'$ Balboa for five >"'""· coming ._,., ' 5 for an all-day bearing. . Placeme-nt of tbousa.ads of "·orken In tMI available bldmtrte11 of ()raa&"e Couaty ls only one of the Def nd ts A · dutlm of the United State9 l'.mploymeot Service at S&Dta Aa.L Retralalac ol thou.sands of un•kllled for from Los Angeles. e an in one quiet title meeting of city officiala and the akllled Jobs of t he future u well M tbe rNdju:stm~at of vetua.as from military to ctvtllaa employ· .Surviving are h is widow. Rose: action instituted by the city ofl the board of supervisors v.18.a held meat I• al."° a small part of tbe "'ork that the USES ts called upoa to perform lll thl• po9twar period. one son. Ernest TayJpr of \\rest Neu1>0r t Beach r ecovered their last evening at. the county court- Someth.lnr of the macnttode of thb tremendous peace-time l'ftPOUlbllity or tbe federal uaem· Hollyv.·ood; N.·o daughters. ~lrs. P~perty but the cit)' \\•as granted h?use to fonnulate a stl'eet and ployme.nt M!M1('e-~\·~ told by E. A.. Byrd. au.btant ma.na«er1ot Ute Orange Coa:aty otne. or tb.e USES, to Efth~I Smith of West HollywOOli title to !llrnost 50 lots ~s ~·o other hl.ghway policy for the future and membu• or the Neuport Harbor lll"'anl~ club at t beir luA<'heoa. meeUng at Wlllte'a Oafe. Balboa. oa. Bild Mrs. F1orence GaUo"·ay of proceedings v.·ere adjudicated in to correlate the \farlous programs Friday. . I Brazil. Ind.; three brothers. favor of the cit:,• by Superior within the cities. hTh~ spere_r ~n1trod~~ by worker to his job, the speaker an·\ "You might be surprised when ljarold of Gra.nd Rapids. Mich.; Judge Franklin G. West in Santa .The_ state committe, under the t e e\f. · A. e _I. c airman nounced that his office ha d rece-iv-I tell you that we also ha\'e 900 Theodore ot Alberta, }:anada. and Ana last \\'eek. ~!Jon o~ Sen. RaJ.mond Col· U t.he. p~gram committee ot the ed inquiries from a number of janitor.; and porters rigbt here in Alfred. \\'est Hollywood; one Mr. and l\ilrs. Franklin \Vind.le lier, JS ~king to establish a poli· ~an~~ ub. ed potential manufacturers who de. Ora.nge county v.•ho want jobs at stster, Mrs. M innie W a l.ski of were awarded title to Lot 2 in 1 cy of highway construction which )T _s m essage. concern ~e sire to Jocate factory sites in Qr. their trade." Brazil, Ind., and eighf grand-Block 433 Canal Section when should serve th~ various counties ~t vital factor in the economic ange county. -· JobleM 09 Rolla children. they agreed to pay $1000 to the in future years. On its recom- hfe ~~ th.e county-the structural Decent:ra.llzation of industry At the present time in the Services will be held Wediies-City of Ne\\'J)Ort Be~ch and $100 mendatlOns the state probably will stabihzallon of ~mploymcnL. . works to the economic advantage southern tier of Orange county day at 2 p.m. from the Harold K. legal fees to City Atty. Roland base its program o f major and After prefaclng the prtnc~ple of all because it is fundamentally there are 6500 unemployed people Grauel chapel. Costa Mesa, "'ith Tho!Tipson. secondary ·hi&hW&}' improvement:a ~lement ... ?f his t~~ with s~atistical sound, Byrd said. --<>ne-thlrd of whom are women-the Rev. E. D. Goode ll officiating Title "'.as vested in the city in to be undert~en in the near f~ information relati\·e to baste wages Indmh'y Expand• with no previous work history, the and interment wil be private. 12 lots tn Block 142, formerly lure. for the worke r and the need of Citing a survey made by the speaker pointed out. o."~ed by the Orange County Re-- adequate transportation to get the manufacturing industry of South-"Many of these present a prob-NORA BECK fuung Co. Three partners, A. G. Swim Date Set ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. em California, he asserted that lem," he said. ''The)' are, in some Mrs. Nora Beck. 69, died Sat-Verm.ich, R. M. Thomas arid Wil· the total number of industrial instances, they do profess bting urday at her home, 669 West 18th liam C. J ones are dead: their S"im cl&sscs in the Balboa 'K'Orkers in Southern California in the labor market for the ex-street, Costa Mesa, after a brief wi~o~-s failed to make appear. phase of the annual Red Cross industry rose from 225.000 in the lpressed purpose of drawing unem-illness. She was a .native·of Texas ances and the proceedings wei-e program for Ne'''POr t Harber _......,_ pre."·ar period to 771,000 up to ployment insurance." and a r esident of Costa Mesa for completed b)' court appointmen t start next f\tonday. I V-E day. The USES objects to this phil· 19 years. of Frank L. Bo\,man as adminis· I ''\Ve knO\\' !hat 25 p('r cent of osophy as much as anyone else, SurviYing are her "·idO\\-'er:Frcd trato: of !he estates. -, these \~orke.rs came from South-but, Byrd said. the people who 8.re Beck of Costa Mesa ; one son, Thi~ty·s~x lots scat~ered thro~gh ern. California. They \Vere old-time adapting this means o f getting Montey Channl'l of Los Ange les; the ctty included R1vC"r. Section, res1~en1s. Most of them had no jobless insurance believe that they one daughter, Mrs. Nora Schorr Lake Tract, Canal Section. East prl'Y_ious labor or factory history.! have a right to it. of Lomita: t\Yo sisters. Mrs. !\'lay Newport, Balboa Tract and Se<l\ THIS WEEK . AIOUT ,.un_.._,. 0 t1 ~­..._ .. .......,.......,. ....... ....i 4lrt. IC ..... do6oM aWc OCl6lin ...... « Uff -ht 1,_i•t _., .-II Wt _.., .. _ . ..., ......... -· • llfl proa.dt ......... -. ~ ~ ..... °"" ....... .., ................... ...,, ... Llltea .., ABT BAKER'S NOTEBOOK Llf ·~,.,· rtANICUN llSIAICM CO. ... . ... ,.,,.. ... Attention ..• SPORTSMEN -FISln:RM.EN BOAT O\\'NE.RS , LIFE for fabrics -when appUed to &t.lla aacll O othlnlg wtU keep tbem DRY -Adcb. No Wel&ht. -SEE-- WHOLESALE -RETAIL 911 Gout HJpway BeMlOll &101 ~ big pcrc:ent~.gC' came from out· ThC' S(X'aker did say that there Cook of Lomita a nd Mrs. ~1uriel sh?re Colon)' ~eas \\·l're also side the state. B:,Td addl'd. is a big demand in the Newport Lund of San Leandro; t,,.o broth·. &\\~dl'd· to the city \\'hen a score In June. 1946. the total number Harbor area for skilled machinists, ers, Rex J.l ulgin of Re no, Nev. and of listed. defendants failed 10 OJ>- or ~\'ork~rs emplo>.:_l'd in Southern carpentC'rs a.nd boatbuilders. Constant Hudgins of Searchlight, pose acllons or \\'aived intC'rests. Cahforn1~ was . 285,000. This \\'RS "lf I could lay my hands on boat NC"v. a reduction of over 51 per cent builders 1 could place them down Funeral ser Yices v.·cre held at 2 News-Times advertieemeots an since \!.£ day. here whC're the demand exceeds p.m. today in the Harold Grauel )"OU?' gu1~ to eMlttnt IPl'lldina'. At th~ present time the labor the 'supply," added the assistant chapel, Costa Mesa, with the Rev. Ir-----------:..., market in Southern California has manager of USES. Carl J ohnson offi ciating and inter. s H 0 E s a tremendous number of people-The various classifications of ment u i ll be in Searchlight, Nev. · 75 per cent is . the rough figure, employers demanding help are. V..'hO have had httle or no training small businesses, restaurants, tex· Rent Rates ~ While You Walt for the w~rk that will be required tile and structural. of them lf they should apply for .Jobs A.nalyud Ra p Industrial Jobs In the present "ln the last three weeks, the Y ,agan pe;,iod. . USES has received requests tor H•t c ty 515 East Ba Fr t A:J we know during the war V.'Omen in clothing and leather in-I oun y on the government contracted people dustries and there is a demand Nert door to llat:' View Vale for wor~ in _the plants and ~I>" for certain types of workers in 8 a. m. to • p. m. yards. prlmar11~ for one operauon machinery-auto and farm ma· Poor Board and 1n ~me .. instances_ skill was chinery." not required. Byrd said. Byrd next explained the pro- . SkDl J>m.eed~ . cesses of analyzing prospective ~t 1~ the r~nv,rs1on penod job holders from a personalized p~1vate industry 1s ~emanding . a standpoint h1ghl'r d egree of skill from 1 ts These s urve"" he said will one \\'or ken ~ ... , ' "We · k . . day be the pattern by which all . ta e men and build their industries will employ people. The county board of supervis· ors was handed a headache last Week in the form of rent increases -and it looks as if there is noth- ing for that body to do but pay. ··-lETERANS. TRAVELING IROSS --Newpon- • • ~~Ils up an~ within the scope of Vets Aided 1ve years industry will absorb Service to veterans is another them much better than now," one of the jobs performed by the Byro declared. . Ex I · · th -~~ Uruted States Employment Serv· p a1n1ng e pr ....... ~ure orig. . inating with . the United State' tceffimsctf 8 veter an of both World Employment Service. he said War I and n. the employment every applicant procew.ed fot a service officer said he has an af. job is questioned about his work fection for every man who has history, "and whe re there is no \\'Orn a uniform. Welfare Director Thomas P . Douglas informed the supervisors that a dozen cases of increases in r ents paid for quarters for welfare patients have been reported to his office. H e also said that the county will have to pay the increases or look for other living quarters for the patients, something that is well·nigh impossible. We will build you a Three Bedroom Home othtT background or occupation, However, he said, the veteran it penTjits us to find other skills should not always depend on his for these people." . The USES now has 92 000 peo-gl~ry to get him a good job. . pie • available for truck.driving· 'He should be. ":'-~de to r ealize 7200 for \velding v.·ork: 7000 clerk~ that ~e was a c1v.11lan before. ~e exclusi"e of stenographers and I ".""ent into the servtce a:nd a ctVl · typi.sts. ''The greatest d d 1 1an \vhen he got out <?f 1t and th~t ~.. s he must compete "'lth other Cl· for ste nographers and typists he .1. . . · b.. B·--i said · VI 1ans 1n securing a 10 , ,., u 0 Re welfare client living in Newport Beach got notice that his $10 a month room will hence. forth cost him $50 m onthly-all that the county allows him for living expenses. in Costa Mesa --Come In and See Us - Newport Bay -Company 17th and Fullerton, COSTA MESA • . Thou8&Ddl A \'allable said . Business demands a hlgher d e-Most vete.r ans \Vant to be a Another client in Costa Mesa was informed that his room r ent was r aised from S25 to $60, and stilJ another in the same commu- nity got notice of a raise from $18 to $25. George M. Holstein m Roland Lagerlof gree of efficiency. People for these citizen and cooperate with the positions must show evidence of United States Employment Serv- ability to produce, the speaker ice in the latter's effor t to place added. them in jobs. the employment of· "The greatest demand in this fidal added. classification is for stenographers ''However, whe n you consider and typists; we cannot get enough that the young man was ya.nked of tt'tem to supply all requests," out of his home into the service he sa1d. and was thrown into physical con· Only one eviction against a we). fare client has been sought, Doug· las said, and this at C.Or on a del Mar. Drlve C&rerully-Spare a Ute. Se"en thousand clerks are also tact "-'ith other phases of military ,------------~ needed in Orange county, he re-. life, you can readily understand ported. his emotion al reaction;· the speak- The USES also has a\'ailable 92,000 propJe for truc kdriving; 7200 for w elding work; 2500 for mechanical work: 3000 for assem- bler w ork; 500 for marine ma- chinery; and 750 for tractor oper· ation and 700 guards. er stated. The USES has a department which m akes an effort to a djust vetl'Tans to the aspects of civil life, and in this way his chances of em· ployme nt a re enhanced. Place Handicapped FOB INSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerrish ~NewportBoalenrd COSTA lllESA Pbone 8-oon 0141 VACATIONING EAST·? Go the thrifty sight-1eeinp waf l .... c:; • FOR REALLY DISTINCTIVE l\1any of the people in the ma- chine shop and allied occupa lions are passed the age limit but are readil:,• employable along with the youngrr men. B}Td said. Handicapped prople who •are potentially "'orkers are also prf>. cessed for employment through the federal employment service. Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and C.Ontract Bonds Writren VENETIAN BLINDS INSIST ON BENOVA'DON • BUDGET TERMS Our Blinds Are Guaranteed Wood Steel Aluminum l'BIZ ESiiMATDJ Phone Beacon 5881-J • ' . GORDON a~ FINDLAY COSTRACl'OR AND BUILDER ornce: MIO Cout Blvd. Phone Harbor '-1,t CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK T. C. J OHNSON, Supt. 4G?SOUIS-t Al IENTION ! ! Home and Boat Owners-Builders Sinks, Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications • ..,...... I I -..... ...... • U..."fft.£aT-X• ~ -.... • awr&n .. ~· ,,.. ..... .. ...... ·--=' ~· • PWl!Rn :a'l.C ..... •-... • ......... n Y. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. W ...... _,_.A,., • MB G4 PPIP ..... , I, ..... DEAL'.S Famous Smoked ·Fish Always Fresh 110 McFadden Pl. lllala Stere: 101 lllclaW1'J" "'At Road t.o Balboa blaDI" Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-AD Lengths Santa Ana Tent & .Awning Co. la9 8o. Mala 11&. l'llcJMI07 SANTA ANA Greyhound gives you ••• Greater Variety of Scenic Ravtes. You an go oae way. return another .•• taking your pick of numerous aceaic routes in both directions ..• all on OD• rouod·trip ticbt.. More Dally Departures East. Plan 1°"' trip to suit yow own convenience. Cboote from numerous, round-tbe-doclr. departutts to :onywhere East, right from your home town. Low, Dallar-Savl119 ....._ Gttyhound'• thrifty 1areo- you lllOtt to apencl OD other thinr .. TOD go. sne - and teu OD your cat ••• tra"ffl at -fo< ku C101t ... clmiog. ioii; aua aniogs oa roand trip. aa SCHIDULIS DAILY PROM IOI ANGILll O•I WAT tA•ll llewT.tr •• , .u.a CW11e1 •.•••• -... W 'C lfl ........ Plna .. r~ •••• MM •m ·C1tp ••• 19'9 .... Orf ••:·-- _,., JJS /.a..J .. C.C.8watto ... -~mp • ., -~ GREYHOUND I -.... -' . --------::: -.:: ·... -. -1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...l~~!!!?Oll!!!l'!'L-!!•!•!~!!!'4·l.?~~~!!!~~·11..,!!!i..!:N~!!!J,..!!!:rtt!•!!!•~.~Oo1l!!!!•!'"'!!!!!&.~~~!:!:!!l.t..•~'!1llr~~11,!!r.Jl~1!t1!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....:~~~~~·...:..~~~~..!.l'!l!!il!.!rn!!!I l'I•-----,. .......... .__, - ---- --I NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES BUSINESS AND . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY G"ving names, addresses and telephones or Manufacturing, ~ and Prof~ional In~ of Newport, Balboa, <;osta ~esa, Corona del Mar. 1 · Huntington Beach and vicinity. Reproduction of this Directory 111 book form will be ready for FREE distribution soon. • Corrections in addresses, telephones, etc, and additional listings may be made up t.o 6 p. m. t.omorrow-do not write-but please phone Harbor 12 or 13 or Harbor 595 BEA'IJTY SALONS CESSPOOL SEBVICE COl>"TBACTORS-MABU.'E ELECTRICAL DEALERS Al>"I> GROCERIES AND MARKETS L(l)lllEB ACCOtn."TA-"1TS AUTO l!El'AIR .U."I> SERVICE ffiENE SCULL'S BEAUTY SHOP MUNOZ. RAY-221 Knox, Costa CROFT .l NEVILLE. INC.-1201 SERVICE GEORGE'S SUPER MARKET HAYWARD LUMBER AND INV. BASS~. GEORGE D.-2004 W. CULBERTSON CHEV R 0 LET ~-·" 305u ~ti --• Coast H N Be ch NEWPORT EI.EC APPUANCES 601 Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. CO ~ 26th N ..-Be ~ ·L.l.. CO.. INC.--3001 W. Central -Irene ,.,.,,-u..1, owner. .,.. Mesa. Beacon 5447. c .&IUUI> \'\')'"., ewport a . . Harbor 356. Courteous Ser\ice. .-..::vu , e .... ,........ •11,;Qo Central Ave., Newpor t Beach. Be ch. H bor Main, Balboa. Harbor 1880. and Cesspool Pumpi g . Also Beacon 5137. P. O. Box 171. -2305 Coast Blvd.. Newport Q h p 1 Harbor 234S. Harbor 1805-J. Accountant. A'•e., Newport a ·. ar Permanent Waving, Sham~ Cesspool and Septic Tank Build-Bulkheads, Dredging. t.ioorings, Beach. Harbor 2138. Perfecold uality Mere andise. lenty o WARD ~GTON LUii· COLEMAN, o . F.-2004 W. Cen-513. Complete Automot1~·e Sen'-i.ng, Rinsing and Hair Tinting. ing. Floats. Piers and Towing., Commercial Refriger ation. Phi1· Free Parking at Rear of Store. BER CO.-Bay Diatrict Yard. tral Ave., Newport Beach. Har-lee. Olevrolet, Oldsmobile, Cad-Complete Beauty Service. 00 Refrigerators and Freezers. HERSHEY, ANTON, MARKET c G \Vard F C Harringt bor 1374-J. iliac. Hydramatic. Part ~ Serv-KEITH-LEE ·BEAUTY SALON-CH.D.DR.l!N APPAREL VO~"TR.ACl'OR-PLASTEBING Blue F1ash Refrigera tors and SPOT-200 Marine Ave., Ba.1-\\;altE.r S. $pi~r •. owners, ~ HAFENFELD, B. N. -714 E. ice, Towing Servtce. Union 76, 209 ltlarine Ave., Balboa Island. BOBBY SHOP, ntE-Bob and FIPPS, OIAS. C.-000 Seaview Beverage Coolers. Tyler Refrig-boa Island. Harbor 1000.' Groc-Coast Hwy., at the AJ'Che9. C>cean Front, Balboa. Harbor Gas, Oils a nd Greases. Telephone Harbor 261 . Special-Sally Brown. nt E. Central Ave .. Comoa del Mar. Hai'bor eration Equipment. Also Radio eries, Fresh Meats. Vegetables Newport Beach. All Building 726. Res.. Harbor 1429-R. Book-DAVEY GARAGE-M. M. Da .. ·ey, izlng in Cold Waves, Dyeing, Ave., Balboa. H arbor 1158-W. 1157-W. Carl Warren-Beacon Sales and Ser vice. a nd Fruits. Received Fresh Materials. Five Yards in Orange keeping S~tems Installations o~'ller . 21292 Newport Blvd., Hair cutting and Styling. Janet No'\•clty and Toys. 51~J. F or plastering. call R.. F . Daily. Full Llne of Liquors, Im-County. and Mon thly Ser..,icc. Audits. Costa Mesa. Beacon h5201~-J . and !\lary in Attendance STORK PENTHOUSE-Jan Hen-Fipps, 609 S. Ross, Santa Ana. ENGINES ported a.nd Domestic. 1----''----------- Tax Senice.. Complete ?o.totor 0...er au tng. \'J'S BEAUTY SHOP-llo3 Coa!t derson and Dee Boyd. owners, Ph. 0689-1't. SEABOARD EQUIP?.tENT CO., HILLTOP 11.1cARKET~inton L. MACHINE SHOPS HOFFA:IAN, A. C.-3102 Lafay-Cracked Blocks. \\1heel and Axle H"')' .. Corona del Mar. Harbor 1211 Coa!t H"'Y·· Corona del CREDIT REPORTING THEr-1205 Coast H\vy., Ne\v-Selby. o\Arncr , 447 Newport ALlO't<otOTTVE PARTS SERVICE e tte Ave .. NC'-'1X>rt Beach. Har-Aligning, Tire Ba18ancin~, Stea~ 179-W. !\1ar. Harbor 1829. AGENCIES port Beach. Beacon 5841 . Dis-Blvd.. Costa ?o.1 1'sa. Beacon --409 \\'. 3rd St .. Santa Ana. Pb. bor TIS. Public Accountant. In· Cleaning. Ne"' attcr1l'S an tributors for General 1-·totors 5257-J . Comple te Grocery Mar-1242. H<'rbert E . Ho\l.·ell. prop. come 1lax CounsC'lor , Yacht Recharging. BIRD FARl\IS ClllROPRACTOBS COAST CREDIT BUREAU-D. Diesel Engines. 150-2000 Horse-, ket . Fresh Meats. Fresh Veg-Complete Line t.1achine Shop Brokt'.'r, Gfneral Insurance.. HI-WAY GARAGE-1740 New. COSTA l\:fESA BIRD FARl\1-GREENBERG, ALICE \V"ILBER, M . Hummel. Secy-:P..1gr .. 901 po\A·er and for Mercury Out-etabl£>S and Fruits. Delivered S<.>n rice. Specializing in Rehor· PIERCE. JA~tES o .-1761 Ne\\'-port Blvd .. Costa ?.1esa. Beacon 2060 Ne\\rport Blvd .. Costa }.1esa. D. C.--327 Bay, Costa Mesa. Coast H""·· Newport Beach. board l\1 otors. Engine RC'build· Daily. in$?, Pin Fitting. Valve Refacing, port Blvd. Costa ~·tC'sa. &ac;on 5301. Official Station for Auto-&aeon 521 1. Deacon 5306.J. Office hn. 2-7 Beacon 5464. Credit R eporting. ing. All Sizes. H OGAN'S FOOD CEh"TER MAR-Align Reaming.~ Pickup and 535.5-J. ,.\udits. Bookkeeping mobile Club of SoulhC'rn Cali-p .. m . ~tonday, \\'('dn<'Sday and DESTAL LABORATORIES ~EVE TRAIXl.NG KET-1101 Coast H'-'J · .. Corona Df>li\•c>ry. Setups. Bookkeeping and Ta."< fornia, 24-Hour SC'r Vi('('. BOAT RtiJLOERS A.~D Friday. -FF ETHEL D O drl Mar. Harbor 179.J. Groc-SAl\.tP~ON P.'CACHL.'JE SHOPS- Servitt. KEl\·fP'S BEACON SER\11CE--REPAIR.~ HENNING. ROBERT J .. D. C.- 1 \VENDELL. ROY. DENTAL Nin ~D~nt, Baloo'a Isia~. er iC's. Fresh Meats. Vegetables H. F . Sampson. O'-''ner. 1604 _::::;::..:..::::::c..---------1 Roy B. Kemp. prop., 825 E. 4th. LO\Vl\•fAN BOAT BUILDERS-Suite 218-220 Otis Bldg .. 4th & TECJINl ClAN-1905 Fullerton Har 258'2. Dr. Bates' !.ie thod and Fruits Recei,·ed Frc>sh Nt'.'\\!)'>Ort B1..,d .. Cost/\ Mesa. AlRPORTS Santa Ana 5960. ComplPte Mo-N. L. Lo\Aman. Designer a nd l\.·tain. Santa Ana . Ph. 6636. Res. fve... Costa l\.lC'Sa . Beacon Daily. Beacon 5801. Light and Hea'Y NE\VPORT BAY SKY l lARBOR ror Overhaulinf!. ~totor Tuneup. Builder , 1595 Newport Blvd., Ph. Santa Ana 1263-ltl. Lincoln _5034 __ -\_v_. ___________ o:.f:_:E~c.::Tr.:..::a:.:in:.:i:.:n"g'-. -----·--1 LA VALLEY'S FOOD MART-112 lttachine \\lo rk. Soecializing in _19th and Placentia. Costa Body and Fender \Vork. \Vc>ld· Costa l\.1 esa. Beacon 5252. Cor -Graduate. X-Ray 1...aborat.or y DENTISTS FEED STORES ~1 cFaddn P L, Ne\\•port Beach. Marinc> and Boat Supplies. 1'tesa . Call Santa Ana 2140, Fly-ing .. Complete Painting. ner of \6th and Newport Blvd. hours 9-12. 1-5 a nd by appoint-KELTER. FRANCIS E .. D.O.S.-BOULE\' ARD FEED STORE-Harbor 415. ing I nstruction. ,.\irplanc .Sales NE\VPORT AUTO 'Yl-'ORKS-124 \\'e Specialize in Fast Cruisers ment. Q (fice 2261h Onvx Ave .. Balboa 2240 • Ne'-''port Blvd., Costa QC'EAN FRONT ltiARKET-2110 M.4..LT RROP and Service. Charter Scr.•icC'. 30th at Coast Blvd., Ne .... 1>0rt a nd Utility Boats. Also Build CHURC HES Is land. Harbor 2563-J. Mesa. Beacon 5481. Seeds, feeds Ocean Ftont, Newport B<>ach. MESA f\1ALT SHOP-Royce H . Beach. H arbor 1420. ~t otor Sailboats. and Insecticidf'S. H ar bor 633. GroccriC'S, Fresh Carvin anrt Rov 1\.1. Johnson, AMBlJLASCE S ER\'JCE Overhaulin&. Tune Up, Parts WING SANG BOAT AND RE~ CHRIST CHURQI BY THE SEA L UCAS. OBED. D.O.S.-2202 \V. CARR FEED STORE-1827 New-r.teat s. Fruits and Vegetables. O'l.\'llC'TS. 1770 NC', .. 1>0rt .Blvd, i\SSOC1ATED A l\t BULAN CE and Accessories, New Tires. PAIR YARD-Capt. S . J . Bar--1424 W. Central Ave., Newport Central Ave., Newport Beach. port Bl..,d., Costa Mesa. Beacon Beverages and Mixes; Also Costa Mf"sn . Beacon 5224-J. Our SE RVICE-\V. l-L Smith. O\A'TlCr . Tubes. Recap3ing, Batteries. den. 811 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. Harbor 235-\V. Rev. E. Harbor 1480. 5245. BC'f'r and \\'ine. Speciallv I!! Fro.~ty Malts. Also Call operator ror Zenith 6040. Recharging a n Rentals. Affili-Beach. Beacon 5414. Res. Beacon DN. Goode~'... 3000h HOee00an 1FT699-onRt, RAPP. GORDON E .. D.D.S.-2833 FJRE\\,.OOD \VA VES. THE-Bill and Opal Have ?11'sltM Milk!!. JN' Cream 24.hour. ated with National Automobile 5636-W. Handle Boats Up to e\l,,l'pOrt P<:'ac · ar r · W . Centr al Ave .. Newport Beach Linthicum. O\\'llers, 6500 Coast to _TakP Qui and Sand'-''iches. Club. 24-Hour TO\\.'ing Service. 65 Ft. Long and 100 Tons Gross. S .S . 9 :50 a. m .. ?11oming \Vor-H arbor 421-J . WRIGHT LUMBER YARD-l7S4 Hwv., Ne\A'J)Ort Beach. Harbor THF.LMA'S l\.fALT SHOP-Thel· AXl.~E!\t'ESTS )1£\.\1PORT HARBOR hitOTORS s hip. 11 :00 a. m. Methodist Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 2252-J. Complete Line of Groc-ma Watson. 0'-''1leT. 1815 New. BAY ARCADE-706 E . Bay Ave.. -2616 \V. Central Ave .. Ne'-''· BOAT B~DERS AND SALES Youth F ellowship 6:30 p. m. DEPARTME!'lli"T STORES Bt>ac'on 5665. Fireplace Wood. eries. Open 7 Days a Week. port Rlvd .. Costa ltfesa. Beacon Balboa Harbor 1365. 703 Edge-port Beach. Harbor 1564-J. WATSON BOATS -611 Coast Evening \Vorship 7:30 o. m. ORKINS DEPT. STORE-~irs. D. Barbecue Charcoal. ·Coal a.nd Texaco Products. Complete Mo-5424-\V. wate r ·Balboa. Fountain lunch. ComplelC' Motor Overhauling, ~2Tiwy .. ,"s~1~Aiit80BeAaTchHDQ. Befts.~ Mid Week \\·orship. \Vednesday Loptian. mgr .. 1793 NeYv-port __ B_r_iq.o.u_e_ts_.__________ tor Overhauling. Tune-Up. _.:_:::c,.:.:.:._ _______ _;_ Roof ·Garden. Specializing in Tune Up. Batteries and Batte ry -.1 7 :30 p. m. BALBOA ISLAND Blvd .. Costa MC"Sa. SC'acon 5765. FISH C • .\NNER...fii; Greasing, Painting, Automobile MA~"UFACTURING :steaks. For reser..,ations phone Ser.rice. Comple te Brake Ser"'-We MAKE Many Sizes a nd o-tAPEL--128 Agate, Balboa WESTERN CANNERS CO.-\V. Accessories. S & O MANUFACTURING CO.-Harbor l6Tl. ice. Greasing and Lubr ication. Kinds of Skiffs and DinClghie5 Island. Dr. Harry White, 1.1.inis-DOUGH~ ?o.1. t..ongmoor. J . E. Spangler . --------------120 Broadway, Costa Meu, AR LOR-Quaker Statc-1\·tobiloil and Ke n· and the "Watson Oink" ass tc>r. 1104 S . Bay Front. Balboa COT"TAGE DO-NUT AND WAF-T. A. Thomas, owners. 30(X) La-HARDWARE Beacon 551\7-W. !.1anufactul"e1"9 STAG .U.iUSE'.\t ENT P . dall 20(X).Mile. Sailer. Also Paddleboards. WE Island. H arbor 1465-R. S . S., FLE SHOP-Kenn)' Nichols and fayette. Newport Beach. Har-BAY DISTRICT HARD\VARE-of KROS·O. Sam Zastro"' a nd Frank Bila. RALPH'S GARAGE-Ralph E . SELL Other Good Small Craft. 9 :30 a . m .. Morning \Vorship George Sterlin~. owners. 305 bor 193. lt1arine Dock, 2904 La-210 ~1arinE" Ave., Balboa I sland. _=..:.::::=c:_.:::_~ccc===c-- ownen. 21 11 Coast Bl..,d .. Ne...... Felker . O\A'ller. 1656 Ne'-''porl H ughes Ke lson F old F1at. OPEN 11 :00 a . m. Ma rine Ave .. Balboa Island. fayette. Newport Beactr. H arbor Harbor 11 24-\V. MARll'ii"E MACHl1\,STS port Beach. Harbor 1276. Bl\'d., Costa l\.t esa. 'B<'acon SUNDAY P . ?-1. COSTA ltfESA F OUR SQUARE Ha rbor 2672. Donuts and Waf. 1935. Complete Line of Shell Oil COSTA ,._fF.~A PAINT AND RAM ENGJJ\'EF.RTNG CO.-C. R. --5817-W. Complete Motor O"'er· ...... a O IURCH--Corner of Cabrillo Oes a Specialty. Complete Foun-Co. Products. F acilities for Un-HARD\''ARF. STORE -1842 Rustenbarh. Donald V. Mun<"'. A.."'TIQCES hauling and Tune Up. BOAT DEAL:ERS, s~ ·"--'"D a nd Or ange Ave .. Costa Mesa. tain Service. loading Fish. Newport Bl\'d.. Costa Mesa. Ja("k Ayling. O\'''""'rs. 31st ~t., BOB'N DICK-5(}11..; \\'. Central ROBINS. THEOOORE-2116 W. SERVICE Re.... a nd Mrs. G. \Villard Beacon 5780-J. ComPle!le Line of Nc\\'OOrt fu>arh Harbor 287-J. Ave .. Balboa. Harhor mo. An· Central Ave., Newport Beach. BALBOA CANVAS SHOP-2241,l Stt'.'arns. Beacon 5826. S . S.. DRAFTING ~ERVIC'E FISH MARKETS Sherman \Villiams P aints. Com-Marine M;:ichlnists. tiques Bought and Sold. P.orce-H ar,Pord 28. Authorized F ord 21st .. Ne'-'•port Beach. Harbor 9 :30 a . m . Morning \Vorship HARRIS. JAS . A.-1282 S . E. BAY SIDE FISH MARKET-28th plete Line of H ard"'are. lalns. Glas!. Sllve.~, Furniture. Sales and Service for Newport ~ ~ail_ Mtfers i ~t Covc>rs 10 :45 a. m. Crusader Ser..,ice RochC's ter . Costa MeSa. Beacon S t. Nf.'wport Beach. Harbor 61 5. Lamps. 'The Boys. Beach H arbor Arca. an flrtne phoster1ng. 6 :00 p. m . Berean Se!"-;ce. 6 :30 5412-J. Na..,al Architectural En-We ~·ater to Hotels. Markets. ROME BUU.DERS PLASTIC \VATERCRAFT CO.-p. m . Eve. Evangelistic Service gineering S<!rvice. a nd estaurants. Daily Delivery WARFIELD CO.-Joseph Wet1ton . APARTMENTS WARNER'S . BEN. BODY & Dick Othmer, O'-'"ner. 407 E. at 7 :30 p. m. Tuesday Prayer \VATKJNS. ROY M.-8l8 Coast of Fr h Fish and Shell Fish. r oast Hwy. at 17th. Ne\ .. rport BEACH HOUSE APTS. THE-FENDER WORKS-108 W. 2nd, Central Ave.. Balboa. Harbor s 7 30 y p DEAL'S SMOKED FISH-Coast Beach. Beacon 5727. '1 516 W Santa Ana 5056 or 3110. Off1·-2673 Ch Id Bo M r!h t'.'rvice, : p. m. oung eo-Hwy., Nc>wport Beach. Harbor -------~------Mrs. Robinson , i,· anager. · · emo als, a · e pies Service. F riday 7 :30 p. m. 718. Residential and Busint'.'ss Hwy.· and Balboa Island Road, HOSPITALS r-ntral A ... e.. Balboa. Harbor cial Auto Club Garage of Sout h-Equipment. Top-0-Car Boats FIRST CHURCH O F CHRIST, Pl C I Corona del ~iar. Harbor 2031. ~ h · ter C 1·r 'I t 0 h 1· Bo ans. omp e te Working Plans NE\VPORT EMERGENCY HOS- 154-W. Close to s opp1ng cen · ern a 1 . 1• o or ver au 1ng. and P addle ards. SCIENTIST _ Lido Theater, d S ·r· · i:.----HORMAN. J . P. F ISH MARKET k Only 1 Tu Bod d F d COAST CO 23 nd an pea 1cat1ons for .::x.~uring PITAL--2830 W. CentTal Ave .. Plenty of par ing space. . neup. Y an en er SOUTH .-rd a ,..._ntral Avenue and v1·a Lido. p . p d -2320 W . Central A ... e .. New--• w k S c· 1· · g In H vy W C al N n -h \.A: erm1ts. atent Dra'-'ring an Ne .. ,mnrt Beach. Harbor 1028. block t o bellui •. or s. pe 1a 1z1n ca . entr . ewport u.:-ac . A Branch of the Mother,Church. CUs 8 .1 F port Beach. Harbor 112. All t --=--'-.:.~-'------------ CARTER'S AP'fS.-Mn. Eunice Tov"ing. 24-Hour Servicr. Frame Harbor 2600. Runabouts. Cruis-The First Church of Christ. Sci-tom ui t urniture Designs. Kinds of Fresh Fish. JIOTELS Carttt o"'ll('r and manager. Straightened and Wheel Align-er:s. Sail Boats. 'l\'tarine Engine!. · Bos M s s 9 30 DRUG STORES ISLAND ROOMS -E . C. a nd 1025 W •. ~-n tral Ave .. Newport ment. Marine Hardware and Pat'nts. f'n ttst, ton, ass. · · : flSHING-SPORT vo.-· n. m . Sunday Service 11 a . m. BALBOA PHARMACY _ Lonnie KIMBALL'S LIVE BAIT BOATS Grace Nash. owners. 127 Agate Beach. H1trbor 920. AUTO \\>,TEEL ASD BRAKE Gener al and Builders' Hard-Wed. Testimonial l\.1eeting. noon. R. Vincent. O\\.'tler. Ma rvin Fritz. -Ray Kimball. owner, 221 19th Ave.. Balboa Island. Harbor HARDING APARTMENTS AND SER'\'ICE ware. Complete Boat Building R('ading Room. 111 Palm Street. Pharmacist. TISE. Central Ave.. Bay Landing, Newport Beach. _...::233-=...cWc..:... ---------- R001'1:S-l\trs. Louis Verwey. RED'S FR~1 E. \\'HEELS Al"D and Repairing. Balboa. Open daily 1 :00 p. m.-Balboa. Harbor 105. Drugs. Harbor 326. Daily Live Bait ROUSE CLEA~'<ERS 421 H arding. Balboa. Harbor BRAKE SERVICE-429 \\'. 3rd, \VIL.SON. KENNETI-f E .. CO.-5:00 p. m .. e xcept Sundays and · F Bo " 2204 Santa Ana. 337. Frames. '-''h('('ls 925 Stale Hwy. on Route 101, holida)'S. Public invited to a t-=-:~~~"tirugog~~at'ies~unch. ats Also Live Bait Char ter A~E,!;'~5J_fj~"'·e~~;. KEEN°E BUNGALOW COURT -Straightened. Brakes Repaired Newport Beach. Beacon 5271· tend the church services and B~A SPORT FISH I NG 300 The Rialto. Ne'-\'J)Ort Beach. 204 Adams,, Balboa . H a r bor and Relined. \\'heel Alignment. Chr is-Craft, Utility Boats, Run-use the Reading Room. COSTA MESA PHARMACY-Al FLEET-Frank Bell, Balboa Harbor 379-J . Complete H ouse- 224-W. w ·lr y Ba I an c in~, Hubs. Drums abouts. Cruisers, Motor Yachts. LADY OF I\IT. CARMEL C ATH-Pinkley, owne r . l SW Ne\A'J>Orl Pavilion. Balboa. Harbor 331. cleaning Service. Including ~'IATI'SON COURT-1 iam i Straightened and Turned. Ex-Chr ysler 1\-larin(' Engines. Chris-OLIC CURCH-Rev. Thomas B. Blvd., Costa Mesa. SC'acon 5305· Daily Live Bait Boats. Charters Windov.-s. Floors. Kitchens. ·?.lcEwen. O'-'"T1Cr , 206 E. Centra pert Brake Sen•icc. Electric and Craft Mar ine Engines. Noona n. 1423 \\'. C('ntral Ave.. Complete Fountain S<>rvice. Arra ng·". Ave .. Balboa. Harbor 1417. . Acet>·lcne Welding . \Vholesale-BOAT RENT . ..\Lf' .,...111\RTER Ne" .......... rt Beach. Harbor 214. Film [)('velopment. Fin(' Toile t· PORT 0~ G ND Sl'VVT'WT" C'aulkin2 and Sprav Painting. OCEAN VIE\V AP'TS.-Kathar1ne . .,__,. 1~ rics a nd Stationery. Careful and RAN E A ..... v 1' S HOME SUPE R SERVICE - Webb, O"'Tler a nd manager. 806 Retail. \\'e Feature Bee Line McNALLY'S BALBOA BOAT Ma!!lse5-Summer , 8 :00. 10;00, Prompt Attention to Prescrip-LA1'11;>I NG-J. S. Barrett, O\VTI· George \ron GrubC'n , OYv'ller. 1018 E . Ocean F'ront, Balboa. I-ta r· System. U VERY-705 E. Bay Ave .. Bal-and 11 :30 a. m. \Vinter, 8 :00. tion:s. er. (;forge H . Cole, gen. mgr.. Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar. ,\UTO \VRECKING hoa. Harbor 406. McNALLY'S a nd 10 :00 a . m. ST. J O HN VI-11 01-1135 Coast H .... 'Y .. Ne\vporl H a rbor 2574-W. W indow Was'h· bor 78· PTS A'"D ROOMS-\'IERICAN \UTO SALVAG<O' BALBOA lSLt\ND BOAT UV-ANN EY CATHOLIC CHURCH CRA\VFORD'S. SAM· PRE-Beac,. Beacon 5525 or Beacon ing, \Vall Washing. All Kirids of OP'I11\'10 A · 1" f •~ ' r .--1\farinc Ave .. Balboa Island. SCRIP'TION PHARl\1ACIST -Don and Emma Richards. 119 Forrest Almquist nnd Lehn1nn F:RY-Ncxt to !he Ferry Land· lfarbor 214. Masses-Summ<'r, 1 ~1 0 Nc"'·port Bl\'d .. Costa Mesa. 5155. C ar penter Work and Repairing. 23rd. Nc"'port Beach. Harbor Almquist. props., 2801 So. ~·t:iin . ing. Balboa Island. Harbor 0 30 d IO 00 ,,, .. 1 Bearon S04l. fiJ ~Jl£NG Sl'PPLIES Commercial \Vork. Store Fronls. MAR11\"'E RF:P.AfRfNG BATF:MAN. LEE. M ARINE RE- P AIRING -2810._ Lafa,,.,tte AvC> .. Ne'-''r>ort Beach. Harbor Rl 1. Gener al Machining. En&?"ine Overhauling a nd Installation. Marine W ays a nd All T ype5 of W e!lding. MARTI'lii"'E SERVICE, ALBION BOAT REPAIR-L . J . Hl:'hn. owner . 615 Coast. Hwv .. Newport Beach. Beacbh 5363. General Boat MaintenanCf>. Ma- r ine W ays. S;ash and Door and ~crf'<'ns. Cabinets and Detail Work. J OHNSON MARINE SERVIC'E- 0 . H . Johnson. O\ .. 'll<'r. 615 Coast Hwv.. Newport Beach. Beacon 528'2. Sa lt""S and ServicP. Luber- F iner En¢ne Overhauling. En- e inf'S Roug-ht 11nd Sold. NEWPORT ENC.INEERING AS- SO......,.ATES-1215 Coast HYvv,, Ne\1.rport Beach. Bf'i:tron 5053. M;:inuracturin~ of C"ommrrcial F i~hin g Gear a.nd Marine Spe- C'ialties. STANDARD O TT. P.f A RT NE PROntJCTS-j,A" St fi nd F.a~t RAy F ronf .. RAlhofl H Arhnr 1~5. S A 5606 Co I S k 722-R. ": an : a . m. ·Yin i~r r.·lachine Floor Polishing. 880 anta na . mp C'tC' tne R:30 a . m. GU!\TPF:RSON DRUG COl\tPAN'l ~1'cCAI ... LU~1: & HARVEY l-~I SH· 1---"'-'---'--------"---~-I PALJSADES ;\PTS.,,. -_Fr a~n,.~ of UsPd Par ts. "firM. Tub..•s. ;\l~R IBaNE SF:\1...ES. BI NlboC.-50411.r,()6d '"E\\"Pr >RTllARBORL'"THERAN I 0 A Gunderson O\Vnc>r 117 ING S UPPLIES-2R14 Lafay· l NSITRASC"E M1\RlNT. STY.El~ Schit'.'rholt. O\\·ncr . .:--rav1e\v ''-· Battt'.'rie!I.. !\'£''\" anrl Ui:.f'd Gla!!s. .::>. Y ront. a n !I an · ·" . '· '-' · · -. . ' . . . ttf' N t R I H bo BR J~r.~ AND MAC KAY INSUR Corona df'l ;\lnr. lla.rbor 1·•5!>· {'~"" \:\r'l. Boui:;ht and Sold. I llarhor 422. t '-J)ri\'r l\totor C1·lURCll -R(' .... Herbert c. )1 a.i n. Ri:tlOO:i TIArhor 515. Com-~1 3.' A '2~~;1C'f C ('~fn~ ro:rth~ ;\NCF: "TIJ.o\~·~ ALL"-714 E~ F . .\RRIC"i\TIO~~s SEA AIR 1-IOTF:L .r\:"D RACl-IF-· lli~h<'!.111 Pri('(>s Pnirt for r ru·s. Roats, N<'\lt modC"rn C'Qllipmrn l I Rolh. 324 l\·larin<' i\\'<' .. Balbo:t I plrt<' Lin£' of F in(' Tnilel r lcs and Comml'rCiil l F isherman. C'C'ntrlll A\'r> .. fi;:ilbo;t . H;:irhor 1\-IARJNF. ST FF. L FARRICA- LOR APART:'.\IENTS-1007 E. \\-'reckC'dlor Runninc:. for rrnt al th(' :>i~n of thf' "76." Island. 1-lnrbor 21fi.!) .. J. SerViet'S Station<'r\·. Firs! Aid ilnd H05· 2597. 1-lomr. Harbor 464 . Life. TIO!"~ Don Char l1's ::i nd L . C. Crntral '\\·r .. R:llboa. H ar. bor r..y 1\RK'<. \\"RECKl'.<"G \",\Rn _ \.ALLE:LY BO.AT RE'NT.r\l,--R. ;it Prt's<'nl :tt Craul'I Chapel. pit al ~uppli~. Prescriptions Ac· FTS HISG TACKLE H ollanrt oartner.t. 1001 State • u I t I c d--' Auto. Fire. ~1'a ri nf'. CompenH i:.a· ~en •.·t. II,ocbor 91?3.. Private ·•11 n \\' 5th , onr BJ.-v-k \\'<'!I I of t-·. \'allely. O\\'nC'r. 2 llll~a tions. Costft ]\f('Slt. :-0:<'"' Locat on. Cliff I cura f' Y ompoun '-"'· B,.\LDY'S T t\CKL E STORF:-Tro · H \A·v .. Nc\vport Bca('h. ReRC'On ~,..,,, .,. '' ~.... 0 n , S li on. Liability. Rurgli:trY. A\'lf\· ... sho, .. ·c-rs. PrivAle sl('('Jltf_lg rooms. Harbor Blvd., Santn ,\na.. Ph. Cor. E . r:tlgC'\\'atcr A\'C'. a nd Dr. at End of Elm ·V\.'na t .. HAMPTO:"'S HARBO R DRUG, nnd 1\-trs . T. A. Pointing. Props. tion. Bonds. P latf> Gl ~ss. Acci· :"546. Sprciali7in(! in Steel Can take car<' of parties up . to 3610. \\'(' (":i.rry a TJn r~C' Stock Palm. BallX>a . Harbor 71 . ~ l'eY.'POrl f-lcights. S. S., 9 :30 r~C.-619 Coast H\A'\'., Corona ln,·in and Rackrr Bid~ .. !"\C', ... _ drnt nnd lte::il th. Flo;:its i:tnd Ro:i.t RrokerReP. 40 gUMt!. Bnch<'lor a pt. ,,,t_h of Ne"· and Ui:;Ni P:i.rts. Tirc!"I . So. Bay Front. Balboa l!<land. a. m. ~1 orning \\'orship, 10 :30 dt"I l\·lar. l-lnrhor 2535. Oru~s. nort 8('ach. Ha rbor 251 . Pole~ GERRIS H . HO\VARD \V.-1808 MARTh"E SPPPLrES private sho'-'·<"rs. Plt"nty of park· Tubes. Rattf'ries and Auto Gia~ 1-Iarbor 7~: Rentals of . Paddle a. m. 1 Prcscr~ptions. Fountain. Lune~. Rl'ntrd. Bait , Commercial F ish· Nf"\\'lX>rt Blvd.. Costa l\1'esa . NEWPORT MARrNE SUPPLY ing space. C 1 RC'plaC<'m('nt . Gl'ni•rator and Boards, Sail Boats. U-Dr1ve l\1o-SE\"ENTH D,\Y AD\r£!'mST '.\taJ?az1nrs. Dru.I::' Sundries, Toi· ing Supplies. RPncon 5l:>1 . SC'r\;n~ Harbor ,. SEA LEVEL CQ'ITAGES-ar Starter Exchange ,\re. \\'c>ld1ns;. I tor Bonts. Ro"'·boats and Can()('S. CHUROl-Bolza Rnd Old Coun-Jct Good!§. FOUSORJES Arr ::i. Costa Mrsa. Ne\A'J)Ort . ~~~ql ~~~~t ~'?'W.N~~! A . l\1onahan. o'"4°'\e3r.ETl3h~~m:v~· \Ve Buy and Sell YJunRkD. BOAT REPAJ.RJNG ty Rd .. Newport Heights. BeGoacon PELLETTER. l\tA C. f\'EWPORT l\1 0 RITZ. O. C,. BRASS FOUN-R;:ilboa. Corona df'l Mar . Auto-And Industrial Suppli~-Boat Thill. manager. :... · <. ·• RICE \\'RECKING A -Char-\VOODBURY. TOl\t-518 Red-~W. Elder Glen L. ffar. BF;ACH PHARJ\1ACY. JNC.-DRY-11 0 Vir ginia P l., Costa mobilC>, Fire. Accident. Life. Ma· EouipmC'nt a nd Yacht F ittings. Balboa H arbor 2280. lie Hickson and \ValtC'r NC''-''ell . lands A .. ·e 1'\ewport Beach M1rustC'r . 322 Flo"·er . Costll 2108 \V. Ocean Front. N e\vport l\1csa. BeaC'On 5575. Brass, rinC'. Insurance. Contracts. SURF A.i>ARTl\1 ENTS-Lcland L. Props .. 905 E. 2nd, Santa Ana.. Beacon 5468-\i'. 15 Yt'.'ars Ex~ Mesa. Beacon 5541-\V. Sabb~th Be_ach. Harbo.r 5. DruR;s. Sun-Bronze and Aluminum Castings. Roods Written. Real Estate. MA'M'REASES Jonas. 1000 E. O«an Front. Ph. 1045. Cars Bought. High~t l)C'rience on J.racific Coast. All· SchlJ!ll. 9:~ a. m. Preach1ne dries .. Pn:>scr1.otlons. C.Omplet<' LEE JAMES-201 Aizi:tte, Balboa COSTA MESA MATJ"RESS CO .- Balboa. Harbor 2140. Cash PriCT"'.'I Paid, \V re<:kt.'d. Around Boat Mechanic. Car· Scl"Vlce 11 .00 a. m . F ountain Senlce. FROZEN FOODS Isla nd. Harhor 377-W. Genr r al 2150 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. \r,CTORY COURT-~lrs. June Burned or Runn in~. Thou.sands pc-nt.,.r \\rork. Painting. EnginC'-5 ST. J A 1'1 ES E p IS CO.P AL \VALKER'S FROZEN FOODS-Insurance. F ire. Marine. Cas-Be11con 5061. We Rebuild Your Knapp. 518 w . Central Ave.. of Ney,· and U!i!ed P a r ts and Ac· And Riggin". CHURCH-515 w. Central Ave., ELECTRIOAL CONTRACTOR 318 Marine A ... C' .. Balboa Island. uaJty, Liability, L ife and Bonds . Old Cotton Mattress. Make New Balboa. H arbor 2529. E. cessoric5 (or All Cars-Old and .. Balboa. lEbell Clubhouse). Rev. BLACKBEARD . S . \V.-216 Or-Harbor 1671 -M. Ice Cream. Boat Survey and Inspection. Cotton Ma ttresses and Inner- YELLOW HOUSES -Everett Late Models. A!ill Clos(' as Your BOOKKEEPrNG SEll\'ICE Ardys T. Dean, Vicar. 8:30 a. m.. chid Ave .. Corona del l\olar. Har-Milk and Eggs. sorings. Alt Sizes for Boats. Box Chace and Lor ayne E. Chace. T elephone. \Ve Sell for Cash But BRO\VN, COUN F.-313 ?\l arine Holy Communion. 9:4:> a. m.. bor 22. Electrica l Contractor . FUNERAL DIRECTORS INSURANCE ' Sorine:s for Home or Boats. owners. 400 E . Central Ave.. \Ve Sell for Les5. Ave .. Balboa lslancl Harbor S unday School. 11 :00 a. m.. BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL PALMER. P . A .. TNCORPORAT· "WP Ma ke Your L ying Easier." Balboa Harbor 30. 6\ apart· S 1644. Morning Prayer and Sermon. ELEC'TRIC'AL DEALE.RS A}l.'D BY THE SEA.--Serving the ED-W. O. Buck, Insura nce MEAT MARKETS fb~:kclf~~t'?ms;~:din&e~ter. s1~AC~~'l~ ~~~-~~~i~ BOWLING CENTER ::~~n.)Sundays : Holy Com-BAY ELEC::~Vl~end F. \Vil-~F~~o::eda~11M::. it!~~~~: ~~tn~~~h.3tt1!~~a l~~· New-COSTA MESA MEAT MARKET ATJ'ORNEYS Ana. Ph. 0980. Boat Cov('r!. ~tESA RECREATION -C . ?1-t. ----'---~-----son. 2818 \V. Centrl'(l A ... e .. New-~ ... ,. "TTURE DEALERS SPRINGER; HUGH B.-212 Pearl -1734 Newport Blvd.. Costa Moses. O'-''llt'1', 1818 ,.Y..,.,,,..rt C IGARS por t n -ach H ho 1781 ,.? r u n ,., . Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor Mesa . Beacon 5844. Quality fine ASHTON. HARRY-509 E . Cen-Autom obile. 'Truc k and J.l/\y Blvd.. c~ta ~tt"sa. lk:c;,n ot.· · a.r r -l'Y . COSTA, MESA FURNITURE 2281. Resident Agent for Pacific Fresh Meats. Fish and Sea tral A-..·e., Balboa. HarTTObor 2056-RNEJY. Stack Co"' er s \\'atcrproof 5062-\\·. ~1esa Cab Co. Beacon Sl\boalOKEH•Hr0boUrS254E-6109 P alm. Bal· Rto•rswiannddinggenanerdatorr:bwM·tdo't.no!., man"'d CQ~KDANY -1660 NeW"pOrt Mutual Life Insurance Co. Life 1-F'-oodJ=::;'c:·_~-.,---~.,--.,---- POWELL. ROBT. B .. A Leatht'"r Yardage. Red\A·ood a nd ;l()62.\\'. ---·------·---~--· "'· ·" Blvd~ .. Costa ~1esa . Beacon 5583. -Accident-Health-Annuities. -Santa Ana 6401. ~1:rs. Robert Gflrden F urnitttre for Rumpus _:..:.:.:_.c._:....,===,.,-.,------CLL\.NER.1' A.i.~O D\'E.RS generat ors for sale. Serving the H a rbor Area. We MEN"~ YURJ"tra"lSHfNGS B Powell and 1'1rs. R. B. Po'-'·eU, Room. PatiQ and r.Rrde n Furni· BUD..DERS r.-fERCURY CLEANERS AND BLUM'S ELECTRJC REPAIR-Pay Cash. Furniture Both New TNTERIOR DECORATORS RICKY'S MEN SHOP -R . S. S~ 916 \V. Ocean Front. New-ture ~1 1\nufa("tur .. 'CI in Our Plant. f-IE ACOC'K. DUTCH-125 E. Bay DYERS-William Powell, O\\'f\-279 Walnut Pl., Costa Mesa. and Used. Complete Stock of VALE. JASPER-3448 Via Opor· Ricketts. prop .. 305 P alm. Bttl-p.l~t Beach. l·Iarbor. Attorneys-B.r\B\' SHOP~ Fron1. Balboa lsland. Harbor er . Store No. 1-1844 Harbor Beacon 5708-W. Gener al Elec-Unfinished Furniture. See Us to. Ne"'J)Ort Beach. Res. Har bor boa. Harbor l~W. F.xcllL"li .. •e at-Law. !SN' Children Apparel l 502. Rf'ntal Equipment. Blvd.. Costa 1\tesa. &>aeon tri1calEllnstallation and Repair on F irst ! \\rt'.' H a \'e \Vhat You 1258-W. Interior Design. Custom and Distinctive Men's Wearing TS 5613-J. Store !'\o. 2-1307 Coast Al ectrical Appliances and \Vant. Made Draperies. Ta ilored Slip-Apoarel. Social, Business, Sea AUTO COrR C 1 B . ..\K.ERIE..lli. Bl"lLDERS-SLPPLlES '''}'., Corona dl"I ~1ar. Harbor Equipment. Free Pickup and LAN AI SHOP-4ll Coast Hwy., rovers. Venetian Blinds. Furni· and La nd SporlS"'t>;ir. Shirts. BALB01\ ~IOTEL-315 E. entra FI ... ORE'!'\'CE R;\KER\·-:lffi ~lain. 1 :":E\lt>ORT Bt.:1LDERS St:PPLY 1347-J . Delivery. Corona del 1"lar . Ha rbor 4l9. ture Selection and ~taintcnancc . Cravats. Nie-ht'-''"ar, Wa11ets A,·e Balboa llarhor 328. Balbo~. Harbor 32 ~~lPA!~Y-L. L: Jsbc-1,1. 3104 OA\·'IS & CAY MUSIC CO.-Custom Interiors. Custom Fur· Sel('("l \Vallpapers. a nd Leather Good .... AriTO BOD\' REP . .\IRlSG GE:'iE'S RAKERY-GC'nc Boero. \\. Ccntral ~\t'.. :'\!t "'port f"LEANER...lli. ASD D\'ERS Bendix & Norge Sales a nd Serv-niture and Ceramics. 11\-vE$TME..,"TS .4.~-U MF.RCllANT P . .\TROL SERVICE Si\NTA AN1\ BODY SHOP-O\\"nrr. 705 Coas1 i-1,,.~ .. Coronn ~·ar-h. Harbor -129. ~t ES,.\ CLE AI"ERS-1\.ln, A. R. ie{', 1 ~7 Nt'"-port BJ .. ·d .. Cost.a SECURITIES Fred :<:. \\'illlan1s ~nd Doylc ~t. drl ;\lar. Harbor f'0..1-J . Spagh-BV~ DEPOTS C.in~ras. Prop.. 1834 Newport ~fcsa. SC'aron 5737. Eureka GIFT S.HOPS LESTER AND C0.-2004 W. C..en-BEACH CITY MERCHANT PA-mm<'I. pro~. i 01 \V .. 4th. . T '· O t o· C'TS b>' ;\n.. Blvd.. Costa 1-tesa. Beacon Vnccurn CJcant'.'rs a nd American CORONA DEL MAR GTFJ POT· I A N 0 _ h H TROL--2~04 W. O<"t'.'an Front. Santa Ana 511, Ccmplt'te ,A.uto et~t ~ :ii ..... c u · inn · ,.. GRF.\"flOUND BUS DEPOT-C. flROS-J . Regular 4-Day Service. All Steel Kitchens. R.C.A. and TERY-Leora S. Coffey. 600 ~~ 137(~J. ~ie:tft;;;~cof Y:~; Newport Beach. Harbor 1421-R.. Bodv nnd Ft'nder Rf.'pa1r1ng. Q0A1r~n . B \KER \~-Don and C s "'·afford. Ag<"nt. 608 Coast Special Servl<.""C on Request. Stromberg-Carlson Radios. C.oast Blvd., Corona del Mar, our new 1ocatiqn at the corner Also Dc tccti._.c Service. ElK'tric and Ac<'tylene \\1elding. . _ _. k· l83S H\ .. ')'. Th{' ,.\rchcs .. &aeon 5422. -"-'-""=-=.:.:.c=:...:.:.:.:.:.:.o..:="---: S ND H a rbor 2370. of Palm and ~-ntral . Balboa. MOTT':LS Complete Auto Pai!'ting .. ~ar q1en \\•t"Ue ini::. O\A'T\eTS.1'1esa.. Fountain Lunch, '.\1agazines. COLD STORAGE I LA. APPLIANCE SHOP-FJNCH, KAY CERAMICS-121 ·-=..:..:=.:..=.c:...c:~.::.=:::_===- Framc and Front End Aligning N('"\\·port Blvd.. Costa Cigars. Ciga.rett("S. Cand}· and HARBOR l."OLD STORACE-426 ~tarine A\·e.. Balboa Island . Coast '-'J'., Corona del Mar. H ar-J.EWF..LERS LAMPER-r-S ?o.-tOTEL-E. F . Tu- Beacon 5133. Gum . ?o.1rs. C. C. S"•afford, 30th, Newport Beach. Harbor Harbor 2032. \\'a~hlng ~fachines, bor 2359. Makers of Fine Pot-Q-RIO SHOPPE-205 Main . Bal-bin. owner. l Ol O Coast Hwy, EquipmeAUTnt.O DEAL .... n a BASKS o"·ner. Fountain Lunch. 448. IRrofnelrs, Stoves. Electric and Gas tery Figures. Dishes and Vases. boa. H a rbor 2261. Diamond NEWPONewpoRrtT. BHeaAcRh.BOBeRacoMnOTEL-5477 . . ~ l' r gerators, Radios, Deep See Ow-D' I 121 Coas W ch S r s·i · NE\\rp()RT Hi\RBOR ~10'I'ORS BAA-:X: O F A..'fERICA. N. T6tt ~· CABL'"ET SllOPS CONTRACTORS-BUILDING Freeze. All Types of Table Ap-H Co is~ar·Mt l Ri~gd ·rt.satf ~ ~chng iver Mrs. L.B. MessaJI. owner . Mn.. _2616 w . Central A .. :e .. NC'-v-CA~ntrHa.l.M.BaJHoboalke.r, ~bOr 570: DAVIDSON'S, F . E .. CABINEI' AND GE?\'ERAL pliances. Also Ha\·e Home Fur-..,=-wv-=·c;·:,,:::::,ro:::n:::a::.::::e,:,,::.:ar:=.:.-cc==,.,.-__ a_n __ , __ 0-,,-=----· ___ C. E . H arrison. manager. 441 n -ch ll bor 1564-J ,. SHOP -255 \Valnut. Costa GREENLEAF AND \VOOLLEN-nacn, Butane and Oil GROCERIES A..'li'D MARKl:TS LABORATORIES Ne .. ,tpOTt Blvd.. Costa Mesa. port pc-a · ar · Esc:ro'-'· Department. ""-b BALBOA CEN1TRAL ~ ... 0 ~ CLINICAL LABO TORY 2833 Beacon 5257-W. Q\n'Sler, Plymouth Agency BA.t'.;"K O F A.1'-1ER1CA. N. T . &: S. ~1esa. Beacon 5620-J. \.,,ft inet BERG-28'26 \V. Central Ave., F:I'S-l::IOKIN &: GALVTN-1000 • ·•~~-RA ---::::::=::":-:=o--==.,.,=- $a]('S and Sef"V\ceA. Co~plete A.-R.oland A. \Vright. mgr.. \Vork. C C. Doon. Drawers, Newport Beach. Harbor 2570. Coast Hwy .. Ne9.'pi)T't Bea~h. 708 E . Central Ave., Balboa. W . Central Ave.. Newport MOVING AJll.'D STORAGE S k Parts a nd ccessones , Windo"'· Frames, Screens. Etc. General Contracting. Beacon 5522. Jndustrtal. Marine. Harbor 2729. Complete Grocery Beach. Harbor 421 -W. U no MOVING-TRANSFER-STORAGE RO~~S. THEODORE-2116 W. 2200 W . Central Ave., Nl"'-110rt \V()()O\\.'ORK SHOP. TIIE--467 JACKLIN. E. J . 4008 Marcus. Household Fann [)esjgning and and Food Market. Fresh )feats answtt call RarboY 838. Electro--1501 W. Cen tral Ave .. New. Central A ... ~ .. Ne"lK>f't Beach.rd Beach. Harbor 264. Ne"'JlOl't Bl ... d.. Costa ltesa. Newport Beech. Harbor 1522-J. Planning. Installation and Wir-and Vegetables Recei .. ·ed Fresh canliographic Seroice in Your port Beach. Harl::lo!" 2125. Bag- Harbor 28. Authorized Fo BUUTY SALOSS Be-aeon 5393. All T)'pH Cabinet Ge~al Contracting of All ing, Supplies and Equipment. Daily. Delicatessen Department. Home or Office. Tracings 1A1th ~ge, Express, Furniture. 0-at· Sales and 5-!'n:ice for Newport A.:i'J"DY'S BEAUTY SHOP-Mabel Work. Kinds.. !ototor Sales and Repairs. Fire BOARD?-1.AN HARBOR MARKET _;.:ln.ct..:e"a P*=•..:ta:.tl::.o:cns;;;;_. ------ing, Shipping and Storage.. t.o- Beach Harbor Area. An.a-owner. 123 Broadway. · Prevention EquJrwn•nt. -303 P.larine Ave.. Balboa LAUND•.--a cal and Long Distance. Boat Cos~·o;--1 Be «13 C CJ':&AMICS MASTERS, CHAS. W.-711 Be-O ~·-Island. Harbor 317. Complete ~ AUTO PARTS A..~D SUPPLIES ta •"' es.a. aeon .,..... · om-gonia A .. •e .• Corona de) Mar. H 1t1E APPLIANCE SERVICE-Lin F 1: HARBOR SERVICE LAUNDRYl-C:M=ovtn=,,c_•:...:S:cpedc::=al::C!ty..:· ____ _ OCKADAY •· p•m T TDC INC plete Beaut)• OJlture Sen'icc. SAIRCS-Afl1•'?1THE36 V~ PCERMI Costla-Harbor 886--\V. W. \V. Schuler, owner, 1768 v.:etofblGrocetandi~.,·~~es~!_e,.atsed. & DRY CLEA.~. T. Ogle, NEW8PAP-DISTRlll~a H "" "-'~""· · Sr-"iallzing in ~rmane:nt \Va .. ·-~ ll'go.ula ·· N-t Bl\~, Costa Mesa. "'& a e9 riu. ..... ~"' v 113 Palm. Balboa "-~-~ ~•v -Aubrey Oliger, mgr., Roches-..-~ Mna.. Beacon 5507-\\'. McCULLOCH, CLARENCE-2807 ..... ,...... ·u. Fresh Daily. Also Beer and prop., · · n.al'UUI BECHTOLD. HENRY E .-615 ter and Newport Bl,d.. Costa BALBOlng. A INN BEAUTY SALON ~SPOOL s--vi~ Villa Way, Newport Beach. Be.~n 57133Al. JSpedEI allzin• In Re-Win<'. 45. Coast Hwy., Newpart Beach. M-·. Beacons=. Also 210 3rd. ~ ~ ~~ Harbor 458-W. General Building P'U•"•i o ectrical Appll· COSTA MESA FOOD MARKET UQUOR STORT':S Beacon 5115. RH. Harbor 212. ~ 152 At -Balboa Inn Arcade. Ocean CESSPOOL • PUMPING SERV Co ances. Los ' Huntington Beach · Front at the Pier. Harbor 817. oc · • ntractors. -1734 Ne'-\tpOr t Blvd., Costa AVENUE FOUNTAIN-506 W. Angeles Evening Herald Ex- Deh.nP, mv'· UPPLY w E.'q>ert Beauticians tor Mila<h\ ~C&-C.amilton.sc!'~t~,:U~~~ O\VEN, R. C.--3702 Coast Blvd .. MOBARRY. Mt'CARTNEY AND Mesa. Beacon 5844. Coraplete Central .... Balboa. Harbor 77. press, Examiner and Dally ].Jews W ES i ERN A'l;"TO S -· Permanents. Cold Wa\"eS, Halr Newport Beach. Harbor 706. HOLLADAY -2151.li )farine Food .Market. Groceries. Lunch· Large S tock of Domestic and DeaJer. C. TUrneT. owner. 1836 Ntowporl St lln H . Tinting Bleach 5626. 626 •tamilton. Same ad-Brick Contracting. Stvo.t"i•llzinO' A .. •e.. Balboa I.stand. Harbor eon ?-teats, Fresh Fntlts and Imported. LiQUOTS, Beer. W1ne -'--'=::..:...-=~==a=Ell=IES=---- Bl,td., Costa ~1PSa.. &aeon 56!5· in.I. lnn 31Cannan Featurin~ dress and phont' number. in Fittpla~. _..... .. 2068. Mar In e Comt:ruction Vegetables Received Fresh and Mixes. Also Fountain Serv-n u .o Radio-Electric Appliances. Bring Helene Curtis Cold \Vaves. EATON. S . E . CESSP<X>L SEP-SHOOK. CONRAD H .-212 )ia-HOUSC'. Industria1. Ship and Boat Dally. Plent}' of Parkin ~ Space. ice and Sundries. Magazines, NORMAN'S FLOWER SHOP &: your 1tutomobile-troubles; to us. Open Saturday All Day. E .. ·e TI TA.KK SERVICE-S. E. cine Ave .. Balboa Island. Har-Wiring. Radio, Radar. Fathom-COTT"LE'S EAST NEWPORT Cigars. agarettes. Also Serving 1'.'"URSERY-UnooJn R . Nor- AVTO REPAIR ·"--'"1> 8.Elt\rl CE Appointmen1~. Eat.on. O\\'ller. 112 De] Mar, bor lOM·J . Plans and Complete etn. R.C..A.. Raytheon. Fair-GROCERY -508 W. Central Tasty Sandwiches and ·Lunches. ma"M: 1313 Cout Hwy., Corona _. 00 ..,, "S G ARAGE _ C. 'I. BROWN, BETH. BEAtrrY SHOP Costa M<Sa. B<acon 56&1-M. Building SoTvloe banks-Morse Pumpo and Gen-A,e .. Balboa. Harbor 115. COT-KEENE'S KORNER UQUOR1 __ de.cl_:.:ar:.;':cH&rbor:.:::==590~·----'-""'~1-1 2626 W Central -!TI E. 18\h, Costa Mesa Complete Cesspool and S.pticl SOUTH CoNST CO ..-a ton. El<ctric Motors Walter TI.E'S 2!lTH ST. GROCERY-S'l'OflE-;lllr. and Mrs. Roy H. NUUES CarTeA N' ~;i -Beach.' Harbor Beaco!\ 5062-J. Permanents of Tank Sen;cc. Specializins_ ln COAST · .-Kidd Co. Svwtmll and ~rteble-s. 2000 W. Central. Newport Keene, owners. 301 Palm S t.. DODGE. ES'1"£R M., R. N.--314 141 '''"; "·tor Ovcrhaullng. Tune All Kinds. a Spedolty. All Types of Main Sewer Con-6l5 Coast Bhod.. Corona del Mar. Squ•re "D" Switches and Con-Beach. Harbor 606. Complete Balboa. Barbor 391. DomHtlc Saf)llhlre Ave .• Balboa Island U ~:..:'!!'~.i Repairing. Bo<IY CHARLOTTE'S 13EAUTY SHOP nectlom. Buildin&. ~Iring Harbor l646. trailers. -and Switch-Food Markets. Meat Depts. and Imported Liquors. Heod-Harbor 1553-W. Pd~.;-;,;;i.;.~Work Auto Paint· -$l9 Stale Hwy.. Corona del and Pumping." Day or Night SUMMERS, FRANK-111 E. Cen-board lnotallaUons. E!Un""°" Fresh Vegetables and F'ruiU quarters for N.,.-port.BaJboa r.::i. r • Mar. Harbor 1526. SoTv!C<'. tral Ave., Balb<>L Harbor 220. Hydnullc ControlJL Received Fresh Dally. Tourist Bureau. (Continued on next -) -- ' ' . ' ~· .. .. • ... -.-•r-C• ,..,,,. NSWWWW •••ao.t ft&WIH'iillM Jfwprt • • OrWsJ 2 Ta • ..,, h!!r s lNI BUSINESS AID PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PUBLIC NOTICE Puauc NoT1cES stations. together with appur-located at llm SouUi... N~ OPl'O~•aTS p• ·~o w o•-a -~·o-•noN a .. -a a-•vi~ 8TATJO~S -~ OONTllOL tenant work in connection wtth ~~p~ 1:~ ~~~-= • ~-~ ~......... -.a a.LS'-.. ~ ~ ~ ".., · :'II &-.m..ar. GOLF OOUILSES any and all f'tents of improvement D&id at '10:00 o·e.loelr: a. m. oa tbe BUTTERWORTH. ERNEST T., HARBOR PLATING CO.-R. W. AND Sl!:BVIOE ASSOClATED SERVICE STA· COAST TERMITE & FUNGUS HUNTINGTON BEACH PUBLIC he"'lnabov. mentioned, all 81 l&:,...""• or July. 1 .... •• ...,,. ot 0 . D.-3114 W . Central Ave., ShiU and F. B. Stilling>, owners, VOGEL. JOHN F.-100 Main St., TION-Lyle R. P-and Henry CONTROL C0.-1216 S. Main, GOLF COURS&-Anlrie Mollica, particul Jy described In tn Bal~..: t!.~ A.1 ~boa 8 ....... Newport Beach.. Harbor 2511. 2907 W. Central Ave., Newport Balboa.BalboaHarbor 141~·-308 HMarlne A. Schroeder. O\vnttS, 2514 W. Santa Ana. Ph. 1489-W. We Ex· Mgr., 17th and Wesly Ave., ~':I . f lnart ti N 332'7 ot CaJHonU&.. >' 0 ~ Slat• CRAWFORD, ROBERT A.-1792 Beach. Harbor 1421·.I. '"Best" Ave., Is......... -arbor Central Ave., Newport Beach. terminate All 'I)-pes of House-Huntington Beach. Ph. 2704.. ~ utiOn ° en On o. • O&ted JWy 11. 1146.. Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa. io Marine Plating. Copper, Nick· 2292-W. Harbor Area Diltrl~ Harbor 1406. Aaodated Gu hold lns@cts. Only the Very Lat-Prompt Starting Time Available passed and adopted by the O ty A. J. BURTOS. Beacon· 5813. Eyes Examined. eJ. Chrome and Metalpolilhlng. utors for Servel Gas Refrl'k.era· and Oils. Washing, Greasln&, est and Approved Methods Used. Always. Council of saJd city on the 20th B. o. RA.BB, Vendor. Glaaes Fitted. PLUMBING tors. Bicycle Rentals and eys TI.res, Tubes, Batteries and A~ Ask About Low Cost Fly Con-FLORISTS day of May, 1946, and on file in R. H. DA.r."'O"&L, PAINTING AND DECORAT ING CRA.\IER.. L . H .-1208 Coa!t Hwy.1 --~_Ia_de_. _________ ._, cessories. ~!~ Yg:_r Home or Business. F AR\VELL'S HUNTING T 0 N For further particulars refer· Pub. Jul>' 2S, t!M6. Veodeea. ANDERSON. R. E.-21011 Pacific Ne";port Beach. Beacon 5891. RESTAURA~AFES BA_LBQA ISLAND SERVICE ~ • ._.'6 ang~ County Since BEACH NURSER y AND ence is hereby made to said Reso- Ave., Costa lt1esa. Beacon 5780-J . ARCHES CAFE-John Bilelle, STATION-J. T . Keeler and M. 1934. L. H. Smith. FLORISTS-Leo \V F II lu tion of Intention No. 3327 and NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF P . 0 . Box 415B. Rt. 2. S.,.,.;a!J·z-PLUMBISG Al\'U 11EATING owner. NC'\\-port B1vd. and Coast A. Cox. owners. Marine Avenue, DEAN TER.ltflTE CONTROL-ron'll 708 •f · 1·, t~rw,e ' t th pl f 'I d dr . COPARTNE RSH IP ~-HOLBROOK H H -3200 Coast Balboa "17 So. B-•dway, San•· Ana. er. " a1n,. -.un 1n.g on o e ans, pro 1 es an a wings The c:o~rt.nenhlp or s. A. x-r Ing In W.lerproor'·ng and Com· -· · • Hwy., 101 Alternatt', Newport Island. Harbor 1391 . 4-l ....... .._... Beach 6324 Full L r N f 0 ·-o -• · d N s w'" • Be h H ho Ph. 6683. Structural n -~;~. · · · 1ne o urs-on file in the of ice of the City --'" · ·~ r &n • ont. . ·~ Pie'. ~-ral>'ng Service of Blvd .. Newport ac · ar r Beach. Beacon 5163. S,.._..ializing \Va.shin". Polishing, Greas•·ng ~~-erv Stock d CUt F l here-tofore existing undt"r tho name r--~·tal Hom ...... Office Hours 1418-\V. in StC'{lks. Chops, 01icken, Sea-and Lubrication. F irestone Tires c _ -~-:u --"" TERMITE PEST AND FUNGUS • an owers. Engineer of said Oty of Newpor t atyle of INt'w:rrt Harbtlr Pub!'···~ 8~00 S OO'L., VlELE PLUMBING A.'ffi SHEET food Also Cocktail Lounge and B..'ltteries. Al.so Recapping. CONT233ROL-John Aitken, O\\'?l· F U1'""ER AL lllRECTORS Beach~ and to the specifications 8~~<':~ Q~· g:~~~ ~ .. ··•,·,· N0'•r""'°i. BE~N ~ND-HQL~A~~ Hazl'I r.IIT.i-\L WORKS-1829 New-BALBOA INN CAFE-Bal~ Inn New \Villard and Firestone Bat-er. I No. !\lain. Santa Ana Sl\UTHS' 1'10RTUARY-Roy K . for the said \\·ork heretofore rom ia, is thlf! day di.NOi\·~ b:r ~u- Drive. Corona dC'I Mar . Harbor! port ASve.,, Cosl l aBo~1es~ s:acon Arcade Main, Balboa. Harbor tcries. Servtce \Vith a Smile. i.J1ood· 3675bo. S~lalists .. ,,Termites!, S6Z7mithM3:nd Ho\vard K. Smith , adopted by the said Qty Council ~~~M~~~dentk~rt ~J.::i~tb~nt'~ 2645. IntC'rior and Exterior 5107. pecia ty: a t a n s . 372. Beautiful Cocktail Lounge BOYD'S SERVICE STATION-rers, ngus. '~iolhproo -a.tn, Huntington Beach, and on rue in the office of the hu been sold and ta.kt"n ti\-er bY. ~ P ainting and l)(>corating. Spray P OULTRY P RODUCTS and Bar. Seafoods and Sand-1500 \\r. Central Ave., Newport ing. All Types of Extenninating. 3T7. AmbuJa nce Service. Lady Oty Oer k of said City, ·and all D. Porter and Nora s . Wade N tbt or Brush. n -side nce or Commer-T\~N CITY POUL TRY ft1ARKET wiches. Entertainment 7 ;30 Beach. Harbor 985. \Vashing. \\1c Go An)v.·hC"re . State Lie. Attendant. "A Tribute \Vithout owners who will continue to opera1.4 ~ " 2 00 d E O ........ ator 108. State COlltractors Burden." of said plans. profiles, dra,vings the busJne" at the 1100,·e address un-Cl·a1. Pa~rhang1'n•. Call Us for -2010 \V. Central AVC' .. New-p. m. to 1 : Mi nite, xcept-Polishing. Greasing. Lubr,·cau·on. ~· ---------------! d 'f · der tM n11.mt" Md !O.t>"• or "•-~ ,..-.. Lie. No. 38894. Members of Pest an spec1 lcations heretofore ap-H11.rbo r Pubhshl .... "-. " -~· Free Estimate F irst. All \Vork port Beach. J--tar bor 1105. Live ing Tuesdays. Ne¥.' Tues, Tubes, Batte ries. Re-ContTol Association 0 : Calif. BREAKERSH OTHOELSTEL-"r. and proved by the Cit>' Council of said I Dated thJa tsih d"..J. or Jul,·. t..._ Guaranteed. Poultry and Rabbits. BAY Sl-iORE CAFE-Coast H"'Y.. capping, Recharging, Rentals. 1~1 s A. ME DANIEL. ROBERT l-t.-500 Santa P I::-BLJC ST ENOGRAPHER S Ne\vport Beach. Beacon 5745. Accessories. Cars Called for and Don't .Guess. Call Now. l6 }'ears' Mrs. KC'nneth Harrell, props., Oty are incorporated her ein and sAM D. ~'+ER Ana Ave .• NeWJX>rt Hts. Beacon KEESLING. ~1ARGUERITE -B'OO~tES CAFE-Charles Rees, Delivered. expen<"nce. 106 Ocean A\·e., Huntington made a part hereof_ and reference 1'"0RA S. \\TADE. 5503-M. 23292 South\\·est Ke\\.•-180S-A Ne¥ri'"JX)rt Blvd., Costa own<'.'r . 2200 Ocean Front. New-COUNTRY CLUB SERVICE STA-T HEA.TR.ES Beach. Ph. •604. Also 3 Cabins is hereby m ade thereto for a more Pub.-Ju_ly 23· l!H&. port Blvd .. Costa l\1esa. New Mesa. Beacon 5808-W. Cporlk Be1acLoh. Harbor l530. Also TlON-J. E. Keating, owner, BALBOA THEATRE -Balboa and 6 Apartmen t Accommoda-particular description of said NOTICE OF INTEND ED SAL E Store-Pa~t!ng, WAterproofing, RABBITS OC tai unge. 2600 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Theatre Bldg., Balboa. Harbor tioru;. ¥.'ork. Under Section 3440 of thf: Ci,·11 Cod• SJ>".8Y Pa1nt1nit. A:ll T~s .In-LO~G'S HAP RABBITRY-Cor-BUSY IB06EE•C1 .~FEBa~l!boa. \VolHf. ownbo-Beacon 5123-R. Signal Products. 26. LTOO THEATRE-Central --------------1 SWd Oty Council has detennin-otN~\'~Ef1:s HEREBY Gr\-EN : Thal ter.or a nd Exterior Pa1nt1ng • • ' er. •• am. ar r Lee Tires a nd Tu"-·. F ;-t0ne Ave Newport Be h H 00 OPTOMETRIST . . 1 · ncr of 16th and Tustin, Costa 2632. Srw>rializi ng in Breakfast. ~ .... ._.. ·· ac · ar r KAUOtAN HENRY S O D ed. and declared that the contem-l.ESTER J . HEHN. Vt"ndor. "'boae ad· ~aperhang1n(t. Glass lns tal a-M BP con 56l l Pho ne Or· --BatteriC's. Complete Greasing 2114. 112 l\1 · ' H-· ·• Be. .-dreu la 615 C0&.11t Hicbway, In th,. tions o r All Types. esa. a · Lunch, S teaks and Chops. and Lubrication. 1-...,.-...,.--,.-----------a1 n, untmgton ach. plated work and improvement City oc Ne•·port BC'ach~ county 61 COHN. \VALLt\CE E .-1567 San-ders Accepted. CASINO CAFE-202 M ain. Bal-TIRES A.Jlri.,-0 TlRE SERVICE . Ph. 3472. heretofore mentioned was in the Orange. State or C&llfonua. ln1end1 io ta Ana •,·e.. Costa •!•sa. o •1>10 o ~•LERS •~'0 boa. Harbor 179-M. DICK'S SERVICE-1120 Coast COSTA M.ESA TIRE & n ECAP· WHITTAKER. L. F., ~t. 0 .--302 opinion of SBJ"d City Council of tie.II to ORlN THORKILD~EN . \'ende<e.. -Y ••" ._~..,. IC.Ir.. • "-l.'" CHRISTIAN'S HUT-J?S E Ed Blvd., Corona del ~1ar . Harbor • ~" 3 d I' · Be h Ph 143 •·hose address il'! tlO \·ta Koron. lit Beacon 533l-\V. Painting COn· SERVICE -•· ge-PING SHOP-H . J . Mitchell, r · -.untington ac · · · more than local or ordinary public lhe City or Ne-.·po rt Bearh, County of trac tor. BRO\VN, J. K., COi\lPANY-1219 water Ave .. Balboa. Jiar-bor R?l . 441-R. \Vashing. Polishing, O\vner. 1760 Newpor t Blvd., lf no ans\ver call Huntington be r· d h Ci Co 1 Onuige. State of Ca.llfornh•. the folio•· S k ~h S food Food Greasing, Lubrication, Ne w Beach Ph. 3301. ne it an t. e said 'ty unci I n~ described per-3o111(1.l pro~rt>·: MUSICK. EDGAR B. 143 E. 18th. Coast Ji\\'y.. Newport BC'ach. ten s. '-ops. ea s . TI Tube R . Ba Costa !\.Jes.a. Beacon 5743. Com· --:=cc:-,,,.-.,,,.,,.,..........,=...,..--I has made the expenses of said A.II stock in tnlde. f11111 res. eq_Wp. Costa' 1\Icsti. JJ(·acon 5703. Paint-I\·tarine Radio Sal<>s a nd ScrviC<'. and Grog, SpC'cializing in Trop-res. s, ecapping. t-plete Line Goodyear Tires and RESTAUR ANTS-CAFES ment a.nd good~·ur of Albion Boat Ing Contractor. Deal<'.'rs for Karr En""ineering ical Rum Drinks. tC'ries, RC'Charging, Rentals and Tubes. Truck and PtlssC'nger HUNTINGTON DINNER HOUSE work chargeable upon a district. Ylorks, loeatt'd at 615 ~f\f\..~t I-t ighway, ~n 22 d ' DOLL HOUSE--11' ~ c 1 a.I AcC"t"'Ssories . Al 's Garage in Con· For the particular dC'scription of 1'\ewport Beach, Californ111, and lb&\ PAT"fERSON. E . L -..:01.1 • n , Co. :ind Radiaphone Inc. Jn-:> r... en r nC'ction. same addr•ss. 'lolor T ires. Rt'capping. 8-Hour Ser\'· --804 Ocean AvC'., I--tun tington a &a.le. transfer and aulg11m~ut of the Costa llof t'sit. Rt aeon 5055-J. stallation and SC'r\•ice on All 1-\\'('., Ilalboa. llarbor 2 110. 0 h I" Tu u'" u ice. Tire Balancing. TirC's Loan-Beach. P h. 4961 . Specializing in the said district reference is her<"~ sa.n1e v.·111 be made &.nd th•· 1.:unsidera· Homr I\Tninlf'n:l ncr a nrl RC'pairs. 1\-Jarini' F~l('rtronic f_;quipmC'nt . ELEC"fRIC GRILL AND BLUE: \'Cr au Ing. ne p. I cd Frce \Vhi)(' \Ve Have Yours. ChiCkC"ns. tl'aks and Luncheon by m ade to said Resolution of t n-11·•n therefor VI II\ be xalt.t at 10 :00 Paintinl{ Con1 rnctor. NORTON. Ut:R.T R.-915 Coast ROOl\1-206 Palm, Balboa. Gl-::NEft.;\L PETROLEU1\l CORP.1 and Oub Parties. Building a the office of the City Clt':k of said ~~~~~t"''the· g,nn~! ~f1 11~\~t:;.~ ~~~: SY~tPSO='i & :"{flLLAR-51 2 38th, 1-I,,·y., ~t•\o,.•port R<-ach. Bt'acon I la rhor 2'224 . S~clalizing in OF CALil-~.-R. L. Callis, dis-TRAILE R P ARKS · Banqu<'I House. Capacity for City nu•n1 C'"nipany. al Svth an ti \Vest Cen· NC\\"n.1i·i 1 k'ttl:h . l·larbor 1:1 17-\\7, 57,3. \. l "r>·n· ~. ,,1"' and S•rvic". Slt>:tks. Cho1)S and Searoods. tributor. 227 20th, Ne\\'J)Ort RAY SllORE TRAI L.E R' & BOAT 200. Ask Us About II 1·n th• : N' 3327 t n1l A\·t>nuc111. in lh(' Citr of Ne ... ·port t""' " n n '-... '-1->~ h H 00 797 ,,. L \"DI''G--'11 K · " tcnt1on o. . &:-1t.<'h. C'uunt.ry 1•f Orun~r . !::ltiue vi Fir<i:t ('lass Pfl inting ;i nd OC'c-s. o. s. fiAPI<l .~ r:LECTRIC Rcaut iful Cocktail Loung['. ""'-·ac . ar r · 1• 1ss1o n / '"' '' i-cnz a1ser. O\\-O· End of ;\ugust. c !If 1 ora ting. R£·<;;t of ::\iat<"rials Used. C0.-300 l\1 a r inc A\'e .. Balboa GALLEY C1\FE & COCKT>\IL StrNt and H"'}'. 101, San Juan er. John Africa, n1anag<'r. 17th J\lcALLISTER CAFE-H,vy. 39 Said City Council h..ts detC'rmin-aoar;~.a..Jnly :!O. 1946_ PAlS"T STORE.~ Island. liarbor 780. DealC'rs for LqL.:'\GE -3-l:i:l Via OporlO, Capistrano. Ph. 20. \VholC'sale and Coast l-t'''}'., I\"C'\\-port Beach in OC't'an Vie\v, Hunlington ed and declared that serial bonds LESTER J. HEllS. BALBOA PAt!'li-f STORF.-l-larry P~ilco. GC'n('ral Electric, Ad· I Lido Island. Harbor 2:789. . DelivC'rics to Ranc h and Com-Beacon 5450. ComplC'le Boat &ach. Ph. 5762. Featuring Jum· be 6 a ring interest at the rate of six Pub.-July :!3. is..u. \·endor. J J _ 600 E B ;.\. n 1 miral Packard-&11 a nd t-lorr-GILLIS CAFE-Mrs. t-la nnah Gil-n1crcial Accounts. F acilities for Sale-. Rent. Re-bo i-~r<"nch Fried Shrimp and ( ';:) per cent per annum and ex· bO .e~C'S,bo l Oi Sf:'"'~" \\.~I: man °Radios. Complete RC'pair !is. O\\Ticr. 2614 \V. Central JOHNSTONE SERVI CE -Th<"1 pairs. Shor t Orders. tending over a period ending nine ~tilllons lbr Mllk 1. a. .;r. r d. \V ('J'v1~ r-.t' Ser\'ice on All J\·l akes of Radios Ave., Nc1,1,·port Beach. Harbor Flying Red Horse. Coast Blvd. ~~---T-R_U_C_K_l_N-.G-~~---~c..:.;c...:c:..:c.;.c:.:..._______ (9) years from the second day of Ov f iams ~unts .. an_ ~ Sf'Y s a-Universal \Vashers and Ironers: 218. TI-IE 00>\Cl-i LAr.tP-504 and 101 Hwy., NC'WJX;>r t Beach. S HEET l\IETAL \\IORKS January next succeeding the next er the past our years nE"arl]I r lnde Psa1n ~.!J ACIP1m~tt1zC'1d !oEr ~a Vacuum CIC'aners. All Types of \V. Central Ave .. Balboa. Har-.J-tarbor 1672.J. l\lobil Gas and GUST TRUClaNG-1630 Ne1,1,·. PA C IF 1 C SHEET M E T AL $84,000,000 of federal taxpayers an un a1n or ~\ery . ho 2268 0 .1 \V h' p 11 h. G port Blvd., Costa ~fC'Sa. &aeon \VORKS-J N Martin and I J October 15th foll owing their date, mon•y h as "--n pa•'d 10 producen Need P;. 1 . s 1· 'I ad T able E.lcct rical Apphanccs. r -· 1 s. as 1ng, o s 1ng. reas-· · · · " uo..·~: . a1n crs _upp 1es .. i-e -TRON ART INC _ 811 Coast GREY GOOSE F o u NT A I N ing a nd Lubrication. New Tires, 5126. General H auling, Gravel, Renne r , props., 118 3rd. Hunt-\\'ill be issued hereunder in the in California to encouragC' produc- quartC'rs ror Reliable Painters. Hwy., N~\\·port · Beach. Beacon LUNCTl-Ralph a nd Georgia Tubes. Batt{'ri<"S, Recapping. Dirt, Lumber . No Job To Large ingon Beach. Ph. 6512. General ma nner provided .by the "Improve-tion of milk. according to the bu. PET SUPPLIES 5237. Ne\\' Jocation-2905 \V. Well, owners, 501 E. Edgewater Free Pickup and Delivery of or Too Small. "Give ME a Call." Sheet Metal \Vorks. Specializing m ent Act of 1911,'' being Part 5, reau of milk control of the stat. PET PANTRY-Mrs. JacquC'line Central, Ne\\·port Beach. Beacon ~ve:•. Bal.boa. Harbor Z714. Spe-Your Car. \'ARIET\" STORES in Heating a nd \'cntilating. We Division 7 of the Streets and de partmen t of agriculture. Beckner. prop., 113 Agate Ave.. 5237. Radio T elephone and Home c1al1z1n,g 1n Breakfasts. Lunches. LIDO RICHFIELD Sl-::RV'ICE BALBOA IS LAND VARIETY Build Boat Tanks. H ighwyas Code of t~ State of 1-;;Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jjpi Balboa Island. Ha rbor 1723-\V. Radios. l\1arinc Equipment. SJ)('-Steaks, Chops, Ma lts and Sand-STATION-Er,vin Tonn(', O\\-'Tl-STORE-R obert Allen, Prop., California ,to -r epresent each as-I j Al l Kind~ uf Food Rc-medies and cializing in All TypE.'~ of Sound 'vichcs. OJ)('n from 8 :00 a. n1.-er. 3413 W. Central ;\ve., New-2 13 l\'larine Ave., Balboa Island. PUBLIC NOTICES sessm ent of 1\venty-five ($25.00) ·Accessor1cs for .i-\11 P('IS. Fr('Sh Equipment. ComplC'te Line or 2:00 a. m . !\londay Evt>. to 8:00 por( Bc-ach. Ha rbor 691-J. Harbor 211'1 -W . Dollars or more remaining unpaid Inspected 1-lorse J\·Ieat. l\·lotorola Radios. P· m. Washing. Polishin~. Greasing, ---------------' for thlr ty (30) days after the date 1>ESTS CONTROi.. R_.\010-TF.LEPHOSF. St:H\'ICE HURLEY BELL. TI-IE-135 Coast Lubrica tion. Ne\v 'rircs, Tu~ VET E RJ NARIAN No. !5Sl40 of the warrant. PARA~lOUN'f Pis·r CONTROL BUTCHERS. RAD I 0 TELE· 1-l..-.·y., Coro~a. ~c l P..l.ar. Harbor and RRtterK>s. Rentals and Re-HULBUSl·I, W~1 . R., DR.-1006 :SOTlf'E OF SALE OF REAL All of the work here,·n ordered SER\'ICE-105 \\'. 5t h, Santa PHONE SERVICE-GC'orge E . 1273· Spec;ializing in Steaks, charging. Coast Hwy., Corona de l l\tar. PROPERT\' AT P R1''ATE SALE Ana. Ph. 6868. "Doc .. Kilzum. Butcher, 625 Coast t-l,,·y., New-ChopS .. Chicke n and Scar~. r.tORRIS. \\'M. P,-1951 1-larbor Harbor 2452. Res. 338 "L", Bal-shall be done and carried through }fis PatiC'nts All Die. That's port &-~ch. Bl'acon 5651-\V. Li-Cocktail Lou~ge. Open . 2 .00 Blvd .. Costa 1\-lesa. Beacon 5981. _bo_a_._;_J_ar_bo_r_l_087_-_J_. _____ I IN TI·tE SUPEP.TOR r()URT o r in pursuance of an act of the \Vhy ifc 19; Paramount in Con-Cf'nsed 1·echnician. Radio Tele-~'.oom. Sun~~:i-sk add Ho~?a~ Au1 omotive. Tractor and ~t arine \VELDt:NG THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Legislature of the State of Cali~ trol or . Rat~. i\1 icc, Roaches, phones. R~dar .. Lor'.'n F~thom· TuesJ:;ys~ 'ee ays. os Engine Repairing. Greasing and KNAPP, \V. H .. WELDING A..~D fornia, designated the "Improve- Ants. Silverfish. _FlC'a<:. ~lot~. etE'rs. Radio. 01rPct1on Finders. KING'S LANDING & CAFE-R Lubrication. New Goodrich RLACKSMITH SHOP-\V. H . IN AND FOR TifE COUNTY ment Act of 1911," being parts l , Water Beetles, Fhl'S, &C's, Sp1-REAL ESTAT E J. Early. O\Vn<"r. 611 3 1s t. Ne1,1,•. TirC'S a nd Tubes. Goodrich Ba.t-Knapp, O\vne r, 2809 w. Central OF LOS ANGELES. 2 and 3 of Division 7 of the ders. Bedbugs, Goph('rs. Scn,ce BARNES, J . E .. A!'D SON-1806 port Beach. ilRrhor 1934. Spe-tC'r iC's. Ren tals. Recharging and A\'('., Ne"'1>0rt Beach. Harbor Streets and High\\•ays Code. by Bonded 0pc'rators. I NC'\\tport Blvd.. Costa ~1esa . cializing in 1\ll K.inds of Sea· Recapping. 2232. Steel F abrication. General In the l\tatter fo the Estate and The said Qty Council did by P llOTOGRAPHERS Beacon 5320. foods. MYREHN BROTH ERS SERVICE \.\'<'l ding, Portab)e Equip1nent. G t.iardianship of F . L. KEN-said Reso1ution of Award of Con· ARSE NE-406 Clubhouse Ave., I BEVERLEY REALTY COMPANY LA P OSTA-S. J . Re)·nolds. own-STATION-17th and Ne\\'port SMITH. 0. R. AND SON-Weld· NEDY. JR., Minor . tract No. 3352, a\\'ard the con- . £'"1>0rt Beach. Ha rbor 1650-J. -fnl E. r('ntr al Av(!., Balboa. er . 2588 Newport Blvd., Costa Blvd .. Costa l\1csa. Bearon 5144. ing and Sheet l\-1eta1 Works, NOTICE is hereby given that tract for the doing of the said New Speed Ught Photograph I Har bor 1788. ~tcsa . Beacon 5641. Delicious Lubrication, New Tires, Bat-Orange Ave. a t 20th. Costa the undersigned. BERTHA L. · Rech · R I A M Be 5605 s · 1 \\'Ork to the .lowest, regular, re-f or Children. Specializing in BROSE REALTY-1307 Coas t l\1exican Foods. ter1cs. arg1ng, enta s, t · esa. aeon . ta1n ess ALDRICH, Guardian of the Es-W<'<ldi ngs a nd Home Portraits. Hwy., Corona del ~1ar. Harbor NE\V H;\RBOR CAFE-J. W . ccssories. Trailers for Rent. Steel aJ'ld Monet Welding, a ed J · sponsible bidder, to-wit: To J . S. BELO.rE'S STUDI0-170 E 18 h 2048 w c L r ST TION S.....,.cialty. Round and Conical late of F . L. Kenn y, r ., a mi-Barrett. at the prices named in -· t . . C'St, O\\'l1Cr. orner a ayC"tte REED'S SERVICE A -"'" nor , will sell at private sale to Cost ~ J\ol ['s~. Beacon 5535. 'fhe BURNl-IAl\t. J OHN 0 . -2001 and 30th. Across rrom Western Floyd a nd Emmett Recd. o\\'n-Buoys. his bid on file in the office of the P C"rsi>nal Photo&raph<'r. Any-Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Har bor C;:1nncrs, NC'v.rport Beach . Spc-C'rs, 29'l0 w. Central Avf'., Ne\\'; l 'ACJIT ASCllOR.i\GES the highest bidder upon the terms City Clerk of said City. thing , anytin1e, a n:,'plaC'<'. Por-315. cializing in Good Food. Open port Beach. Harbor 826 .. Body and conditions hereinafter men-Dated this 16th day of July, traits. Commercial, \Veddings C 0 AST PROPERTIES C0~1 · Monday through Saturday, 6:00 and Fender Re pairing, Painting, R_l;JJ~8~~~E A. 8S3ysi~~~r~ tioned a nd subject to conflr"mation 1946. and Babies. Specially Equipped PANY-703 E. CC'ntr al AVC'.. a. m . to 8:00 p. m. Lubrication, Washing. Polishing, by said Superior Court on or after FRANK L. RINEHART, for Taking Pictures in the Com· Balboa . l-Iarbor 2658. NE\V PORT CAFE-110 rvtcFaddn 'I'ires. Tubes, Batteries, Re-Ne"'port Beach. Harbor 369. July 31, 1946, all the right, title for t of Your Honie of Your DODGE, DONALD J.-18"9 Ana-Pl., Newport Bench. Harbor charging. Complete Line of Ac-Distributors of Hunt-Craft and interest of F . L . Kennedy, J r., Oty O erk of the City of Baby. Any Age. All \Vork Guar-hC'im and Balboa Ave.. Costa 1360-W. Good Old Home Cook· ccssori('s. Mainte nance and Yacht Sales. a minor. and all the right, title Newport Beach. California ante<'d to Your Satisfaction. li-1esa. Beacon 520'.l. ing. Specializing in Family RICFIELD SERVICE STATION Vi\C llT BRO KERS and interest that the guardianship Pub. July l~. 23. 1946. BLONl11·:L L Pl-IOTOCRAPHER-FOOTE. \V. B.-21 17 Coast Blvd.. Trade. 'facos and Enchiladas. -"Bob" Ja•~ed. 0 ... ner. 416 E . CROSIE R FnED J YACHT b 307 I> 1 Bal"·· 'I ho 1033 N Be h LI bo 2 1 J' "" • 1" .. estate of said minor has. Y oper-NOT>C a m. uva. r ar r . l ('\Vport ac . i-ar r ·. SEA SHELL CAl-~E-\Vally Mark--Central Ave.. Balboa. 'I ar bor BROKER-322 I I d Ave E O F INTENiMJN TO SELL Com I Ph h . Se · HARBOR J NVES~!ENT CO r -s a n ·· ation ofla1,1,• or otherwise a,...,uired. NOT ICE IS H ER y I p cte otograp 1c rvtce. . 1 11•' ., I sity a nd Joc Nicholas. O\\'nC'rs. 497.I\t . 0 0 \\' n t 0 \V n Balboa. Balboa. Harbor 211 2. Nc\Y and -.... • EB G VEN §ur- GERH1\RD'T. \\.AL·rr_;R J .---437 REALTORS-30th at \\'. Cen-fiO l E. Centr al Ave.. Ba lboa. \\'ashing, Polishing. Lubrication, Ust.-..d Boats. Sail or Po,vc r. Also o ther than or in additiol) to that ~fatnhte tCi~~le ~~;·i~ifo~~eo~~t~r tii~~ F l'rnleaf Av<"., Coronll dt'I l\tar. tral. Nc"·port Beach. Harbor ' Harbor 840. Specializing in Sea-NC'\\' T ires. Tubes, Batteries, ~·lari ne InsuranC<'. of said minor in and to that cer-!ornla, that A. J . BURTON. Vendor, H arbor 292-\V. Portraits. Com-1600. S p<.'Ci a li'<t in Harbor Pro~ food. Cocktail Lounge. Rentals, Rechargi ng, Accessori('S SOliTH COAST C0.-:?3rd and \V. tain Jot, piecc' or parcel of land ~~!l::7ke~~1~~0i((irrTI~~tfnt!i:id~0~0 ~11 m crcial and l\licrofilm Photog-erties. Sl1A~1ROCK CAFE-1824 New-and Recapping. "Serviet' i\s You Cen tral Ave., Ne\\lX>r l Beach. situate. lying and being In the to H . o . R&bb. 7000 ~rgia Avenue raphy . Nt>ws and Publicty. ISLAI"D REALTY COJ\1PANY-port Bl\'d,. Costa Mesa. Beacon Rcally Like It." Harbor 260(). Yacht Brokers. County of Orange, State of Cali-ae116 C&.Ji fomla, and R. Ii. Daniel: MA0R.t\Y. STUDI0-1605 Orange 201 AgatC' A\·('., Balboa: Island. 5917. P. . Box 137. !\t'wport Be&C'h . Cal\- A C •1 n -53 'I ho 3·· \V C I 1 TEXACO •1 \RINE SERVICE Boat Buildin• a nd Repairing. forn•·a. and more n»tlcularly de-romia. all that cer>aon ~-·naI pro~-ve.. osta " £'.'Sa. ~aeon 15-r-ar r 1 ,_ • omp ete nsur-SHEP'S CAFE-L. O. Sheppard. ... n / -,......... ..-~·"" W P · d C · 1 STATION 2406 'V Central WING SANG BOAT AND R E-scr•'bed as follows, t~wi·t ·. erty consl!!ting generally or all stOC'k n . ortraits an ommC'rc1a . ance. own<"r , 1015 Coast 1-lwy., Ne\1.-'· -· ..,.... t.rade. fixture"S . equipment o.nd good .THREE FEATHERS Rnt AnlOllll RM wr.u .. ROSSI'S Liquor Store '100 Coast W way Fonuerly Gonion's Drue Store Babies and Children a Spccialty. JOI-t NSON, A. E .. REALTOR-port Beach. Beacon 5815. Ave., Ne"''"JX)rt Beach. Harbor PAIR '/ARD-Capt. S. J . Bar-An undivided one -twelfth will or a ce rtain Paint Stor!: bualnel'!l:l PHOTO BY BECKNER-NE"al s. 469 N('\\tport BJ,·d .. Costa Mt'sa. STRAND CA.FE-Jim Owen , prop. ~~4 \~achine Shop, Harbor ~~-ch~l~~~~f~~·k'es~~~~ (1/12thl inter~t in and to the f;;no~w~n=M~'~'A~·~1·~8~"~"~0~•~P~•~;~n•g•~t0~"~·~··~1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Beckner, 375 \V, \V ilson. Costa Beacon 5 1 20-~1. Homes, Income. 514 E. Ocean Front, Balboa. TOURS. CHE. R L MRS Co .,,. w . Mooring and Space Southwesterly -rectangular one-Mesa. Ha rbor 1723-\\'. CommC'r-Ins ura nce and Loans. Nothing Ha rbor 2341-R. • A · .-ast ~ 3 H d M · A N Available for Boats for Sale. half of Lot 9 of Tract 76, other-cial .and Marir:ie-Photographer. Too Large or Too Small. WELCOl\·tE C AFE-Kelley and wy. an artne ve.. e"·-Spec1al Attention to Pet Por-JORDAN REAL ESTATE BROK· Sherfit.k, owners. 2560 Newport port Beach. Harbor 2653-J. VACllT CHARTERS wise kno\vn as Santa Ana Heighalils, traits. ERS-700 E. Cen tral Ave., Bal· Blvd.. Costa lt1esa. Beacon SHOES MALIBU YACHT CHARTERS-in Orange County. State of C ·~ S EELY. RICHAR£?. PHO'l'OGRA-boa. Harbor 153. 5131-R. Specializing in Steaks, MATTOON'S SHOE STORE-2802 Coast Hwy., Ne\vport fornia, as per map recorded in PHER-208 Marine Ave., ~al~ LANE, H. M.-2006 Court Ave.. Chops. Chicken.• Also Hom e 1795 _ Newport Ave.. Costa Beach. Harbor lll4. Cl-uises Book 15, Page 29 of Miscellaneous Isla nd .. Harbor 438. Distinctive Newt><?rt Beach. Harbor 343. l\tade Pastry a nd Pies. Also "fo,fesa. Beacon S639-\\r. Men:s. from Sitka to Acapulco. QuaJi-Maps of said Cou,nty ; and one Portraiture. Handling All Types of Harbor Sunset TrailC'r Court in Con· \Vernen's and Children's Foot-fied Operators May Skipper share of stock in the Santa Ana PHOTOGRAPIDO I:QUIP ME.NT AND SUPPLl.£.S FORSYTE CAMERA SUPPLY- 215 i\1arine Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 2563-W. Properties. Quick Action. Also nE'Ction. Modern Conveniences. wear. Their Own Yachts. H eights \Vater Company appurtc- All Types of Property Insurance. \VHlTE'S COFFEE SHOPS & -----8-10-N-S______ nant to said land, as evidenced UDO ISLE PROPERTIES-P. A VAUX'S RESTAURANT-810 22 Palmer, R<"altor. 3333 Vla Lido. E . Central Ave .. Balboa. Har-BE4NEZ7 DNiaCTrci·ss~v•S·I·GCNoro~n!ANa del Huntington Beach ~eee;::.;:t~~o. co;ditions of Ne'''POrt Beach. Harbor 1500. bor 986. 127 Marine Ave., Bal-~ n. ~lASKEY. RALPl-1 P .. C0.-3411 boa Island. Harbor 463. Mar. H arbor 87. 20 Yean in the AlRPORTS sale: Cash in la \\1u1 money of the PHl.S lt'lA ~S A.!VD SLRGEONS \V. Central, Ne\\'port Beach. Harbor Area. Specializing in SUNSET BEACH 'AIRPORTS-United States: ten per cent (10%) ANCDRE\\'S. A. V .. l\l. D.-411 Appraisals and Sales. BENBO\V ~~~E~,-Co Gold Leaf Lettering. \Vall Let-Maj. Richard E. \Villise, mgr., of the purchru1e money to be paid . oast H\\'}'., Corona de! !\far. ~1ATTH-E\VS, A. L.-509 31st. 1 • • .-ing n· t erng, \VindO\\-' Lettering, Truck Rt. 1, Box 437, Wintersburg Rd., at the time of the sale, balance on H arbor 556. Night Call 221S.J. f'e\\·port Beach . Harbor 2577. tractor, 3602 ~tare-us Ave .. N("W-Lettering, Boa t Lettering. Per-Huntington Beach. Ph. 5273. confirmation of sale. BALCH. HARRY E .. ~f D.-Of-l\lcFARREN. LILA B. AND FRED Cpor l I BeacRh. Hf~rbor SelOl?·J. rection or Else. Flying Instruction. Aircraft The purchaser is to take the CiCC'. 1856 NP\\'port Blvd., Costa F. Smith. REALTORS--107 "A" ompete oo ang r\,C<' GENERAL NEO N co•~ NY R al P Fl. h · ··N .. R . R I Fl -' .. :>u-Al -e nt s. assenger ag ts. Air-said ""'reel or r•al pro ..... rty sub-lt·l C'S.."l. i3c'Rcon 5S73. I f no answt'r l Balboa. J-larbor 2517-M. 417 No. 1, C'\\' or. epairs. oo s-. _at. 1023 E 41h s t A Ph 6640 aft •1 · 1 Adj t l ~ ' ~ II Be 5852 B \\ ood Tile d Co to ... · an a na. · er 1• ain cnance. acen ° Ject to cond,·1,·ons. restrictions. • ca aeon . irch, Santa Ana. Ph. 7155-'W'. · . an m~J 1 n Res. Ph. Santa Ana 6616. Com-the Long Beach Golf Course, BASSE:"IT. PliILLIP 11.. :'.\(. D .-~tILLER. J. l\1 . A?\"I) j\SSOCI-FrN' I nsP<'Cl~on and Est1matl'S. mCorcial Signs. ,\II 1)-pes. Bulle-formerly l\'feadowlark. r eservations, easemC'nts and rig hts 823 Coast l-I\\'}'., Corona dC'I I\·lar., .i-\TES--15th and \V. C"C'ntral 24-h~ur, Ser\-IC""e. , 1in. Commercial. Pictoria l. _ , of \\•ay of record and alJ taxes a Harbor 1015. Res. llarbur 281 -k. A\'e .. Nt•\\·port !Wach. llarbor l BOS\\·ORfli ROOFING CO.,;-Sccnic, Cold u-ar Specialists., At::"TO ~ARTS AN D SUPPLIES li en thereupon. not dclinqu<"nt. OCRCY. t.AUREKC'!'.: It., '.\1 D.-l :!·l1. R<'11l Estate Brokers. Ho,,·ard Bos,\·orth. 0"TI~r. 120 Orange County's Only Complete HU:'\Jlt\GTON BEA~H Atn:O "lJI bids or offers must be in wrlt- 321 ::\larin(' .<\ve .. Ballx•a Isl and. P..\''~E. J . C.-111 E. 18th. Costn East l"t. Santa Ana. Ph. f?Gl O. Sign Scrvicr. SUP~LY CO~·tP.,.\NY -210 ~!a1n ,.~· g and will be received at the of. Harbor 2629. If no nns,,·C'r call ~f,.sa. &>aeon 52 13-l\1 t Roofs R{'COV('rC'd a nd Rl'p111rc>d. PIP.RCE. L. W.-367 Bay, Costa Huntingto n ~nch 174. A~to l C<" of EL1'rER H V HOFFl\tAN Harbor 46·7. RHI \DEN. E\. ~\ r-.---i10 :-..:e\,·port i FrN' t-:st.imstt£'$. In San1a ,\na '.\I l'sa. SC'aron 5134--J, Every. Supplu.•s . Sporting Goods, Paint. 024 Ro B 'Id: ·Los A I · GRU:-.l"D\'. G. ti.I.. ::\1 D -Ra Ibo.a Bl\·d.. Costa ?.IC's~. Beacon , VaJley Sine(' ~9t~. • ti · · s· · 1 Lock and Key Se.rvice. J wa n w 1ng, -nge ei;, Inn Arcade. Balboa . llarlxa· 37. 5713-R. DLTNKIN Rf.>01-J:\G COM PAN\ l ~llJ!: in agn.s. California. or may be filed with HALL. H. R,, ~t. D.-131 Bro~~t-RITCl-1-1 £. GERALD \\'.-1219 --Office and \\'a rl'house. 1117 R~~~a'.r~l\J.~7 Palm, Bal-, Ali--i;c> R E.P A.Ill ANll S ERVICE the Clerk of said Superior Court, "'A}'. €osta ~lC'Sa . &>aeon 5R4S. Co.'.ls t l-l\\'Y. c~orona d('I !\'fa r. 'V. 41h., . a nta ~na . Ph. 1~55. UNI ON S IGN CO --805 E 4th P ENCE BROS . A\J!O SERVICE I OT delivered to said guardian per- HUGl-U:S. A. c .. 1\1 . D.--O ffice Jf ar hor SJ. Insuranet.', RC'al Es-Conlpos1t1on. Shtngles. \\·ood • 1 • • -t20 5th, Huntington Beach. ally · . 1785 Nt'\\·port Bl\·d ., Costa 1 tat('. Notary Public. J Sh~nglC's, Tile. A.slx-st os R~f... St:· S~nta . Ana . Ph. 6479·. Any· 1813 or 3....'>91. Complete Automo-gon . at a ny .tune . afte r first Mesa. Beacon 5858. Res. Rt-aeon SADLEIR. JOJ-{N E.-302 l\lain. Built-up _Roofs. Roofs Re pa1rro. lhing )n Signs. Tru~ks. \Vtndo"'· tj\·e. Truck and Implement Re-publicatio.n of this notice and be- 5TT7. Balhoti. tiarbor 2034. 1505 Coast Free Estimates. ShoCa_rds. ~tetal Signs. Walls. pairing. Electric and Acet~•lene fore making sale. MAX\VELL. ~!TL TON ~I .. ~t. 0 .-H,,.y., Corona dC'l t-·Iar. Gcner<tl ROSS AND BARRO~\rS---SuC'C('s-SAB~~tl~NA i'\EON COl\IPAl'.;-Y ~tachine \Velding. Dated this 8th day of July, 1946. 1601 Coast H"')"., Corona dcl I nsurance, sors to Q\\·en Roofing Co .• 509 --4lS E. Fourth, Santa Ana BAKER IES BERTH~ L. ALJ?RI~. Alar. 1-larbor 1062. Res. Call SANFORD, \\'rLLIA.i\t \\r.-308 E. 4t.h. Santa .. Ana . Ph. 4.~. Ph. S436. EA.DER'S BAKERY-J. H . Eader. Guard.1an of Said l\Iinor. Beacon 5480-\\'. i\larine A\·e. Balboa Island Agents for Johns-Manville Prop 209 Main H ti -....... C&-1!80! MONACO. S. R .. ~I. D.--814 \\'. Harbor 234-R: Realtor and Gt>n: and ··Pionee_r-Flintkote... ~n-SPORTISG GOODS Beach. 424. "Since ·1910~ n& ...... • Pub. JuJy 16, 18, 23. 25 and 30. Ba.J· ..\\·e., Balboa. l-larbor 11'24. eral lnsuranC't'. spection Servlce. Roof Repatrs. QTI'O, CLYDE -1821 Harbor B LACKS MITH SHOPS 1946. 443 S. Hill St .. Loo Angeles. STEINER. A. S ANDY. REALTOR SAND AND GRA\'EL Bl\·d.. Beacon 580(;-J. Saddle TALBERT BLACK.SllITITI SHOP TUckt'r-7612. By Appointment. -?J4 Coast 1-IW)•. on the :\liracle l\fcCLELLEN, R. \V., & SONS-and Leather Goods. Sporting Lei d p ,.. · _.. Pro REEDER. THOS P 'I D "09 ''I N Be h Be ~--•-, Guns ·-d F:~'-•-g Tackle. -an . D1e1nha1-ut.i p., -·• ·• ~· · ,.------...-. :. ,1 e. • e..-.rport ac . ~~n 2617 \V. Central Ave .. Ne"'POrt VUUU3 ...... Q.lu.t• TaJbe!'t and Bushard. Hunting- W . Centrp.l Ave., Ne'-'lJOrt .'.>173. Bus1~ess Opportun1t1es Beach. Harbor 123. Truc king. SPORTS\\"EAR ton Beach. 5871. Speciallzlng in Beach. Harbor 602-603. B:oke:r. Business . or All 'J'ypes. Excavating, Rock and Suilding SA\VYER SPORT SHOP-Stanley Ha.rd Facings. TREADWELL. \V . V .. ?.t. D.-H1gh\\•ay Location Attracts ~faterials. -----=====::c-----1001 N. Broedwa.y, Sa.nta Ana. ~1 an)· Out of State BU)•e rs r , .,.. P. Sawyer. prop., 207 Marine CHURCHES Ph. 7144... Res. 118 ?.tarine-Ave., Lookinf;t for Business and ln-SA\ lNGS A.:...._D LOANS Ai•t>., Balboa lsland. Harbor 576. ST. SllitON AND JUDE CATii- BaJboa lsland. Harbor 1241-J. come Property. NE\\rp()RT BALBO A FEDERAL l\1en's and Boys' Sportswear. OUC CHUROi-Rev. Thomu PICTU111'! FRAMING TWIST. A. J . AND F . C. VENN-SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO-S URF AND SAKD SPORTS AP· F. Lahart, 321 10th, H untington WHAT NOT SHOP-307 Palm f:J:17 Coast Hwy., CoQ>na dcl t.t ar-. CIATION-P .• A. ~alrner. Pres1· PAREL-Emma V. Hughes, 701 Beach. 188. Sunday masses 8 :00 NOTICE OF A\\'ARD OF CONTRACT Pursuant to the statute herein mentioned and Resolution of Award ol Contract No. 3352. of the Q ty Council of the Oty of Newport Beach. Calltomia, adopt- ed on the 15th day of July, 1946, 4lrectlng this notice. NO'TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ELECnUCAL CONTRACTORS that the said Oty Council tn open Bal . · H arbor 24:t.? ~nt. 3333 Via Lido, Newport E. Central, Balboa. Harbor 138. and 10:00 a. m. ~-Harbor 2222. Pictures vtCK, Ll"X\V.OOD--3l2 Marine Beach .. Harbor 1500. Chartered and Picture Framing. i Av<".. Balboa Island Harbor by Un1~C'd States Government. PLASTICS 548-l\l. Real Estate Brok•. Spe-Assets 1n Excess of $2.000.000. T AXJ 81'!RVICI: BALBOA CIRCLE TAXI-McNeal and Bennett. owners.. 1501 \V. Central Ave .. Newport Beach. Harbol' 320. Serving the New- pol't Harbor AreL 24-Hour Re-- liable ~ice. l>jONGEON ELEcrRJC-L. G. session on the 15th day of J uly, N AR!.100.. lNC.-H. R. J enks, cializing in All Typn of Harbor SEB-\'JCE ST ATIONS J.trt .. 1015 Coast H1,1,;r .• Corona Properties s del Mar. Harbor 487. Laminated WELLS. G: N.-17110 Newport ~W_Jg> u~'2ff ~A· P I a• tit'~-. Manufacturing of Bl\"d,. Costa ~lesa. Beacon Si81. Grant and Cal Fuller. owners. Conolon F15hing Rods. R£FIUGEBATION S'l!&VICE Comer of Palm and E. Central PLAT lXG WORKS CCJ!,'TA MESA REFRIGERA· Ave .. Balboa. Harbor 166-\V. CALDWELL PLATING CO.-TION SERVICE-Roy Wendell, Wuhlng, Waxing, Polishing, 2815 Villa Way. N~-port Beach. 1905 Fuller-t0t1 A\.·e., Costa Meta. Lubrication. Fisk Ti.res and Harbor 1300 a.rome Plating Beacon 5034-W. Repain on All Tubes. Anow Batteries. Rentals LAURIE TAXI-7304 W . Ocean f'ronL Ne-wport Beach. Harlxr 2579. Veteran of World War n. 24-Hour Ser'\1ce. Mongeon. prop., 522 )fa.in, Hunt-1946 ----i-ed ington Beach. Ph. 1464. Will Be ' open.,.. •-•~• and pu~ Carrying a Complete Une of llcly dedared all lealed pr-1s Electrical Appliances and Fix-,.. bids, offered for doinc the fol- tures. Gi\'e Us a Call &owing described work. to-wit: The construction of vi trlfied G~ AND lllAJllU:TS d · i Going to Build This Year? Yoo bly have yoar dream house all worked Out In yoar mind -or maybe yoar architect or contractor already baa prepared plans on paper for yon. Electrtclty will have a large part In making dreams of postwar living come true. When you 'go over the plans with your bollder be sme to ask him about the newest develop- -Ill In houioehold labor saving and fone>- Uoul 1-aty. Oar Ezperlll la everyf.hlag eledrbl will be glad to help with layout pbms or problems One sugestloa may make a Im ol dlfJlftw 1n u... "11Ye4blllty" or uw .._ ETS-HOKll & GALVAN lllNCS 4 1 t I t 1000 c-t lllway ll!lwu Br • 562:1 .U.. .. a.a 1\-.... W' 2 zit 82 lt I I• Dl119 °TM 7 EIECl'IUCIANS 00.Two .... ..._t eor r.-1, n.urr, nVU> 6W,._ r.u.. -and Polished Brass. Spedallztn.g Makes of R.efrieeraUon. House-and Recharging. Abo Recap-ln Boat Hardw~. bold and Commen:lal pine. Snappy Servia!. NEWPORT AND COST MESA CAB CO.~ Cout Hwy., N~ Beach. Beacon 51124. DAR.ROCK. PEl'ER. GROcERY ay Pipe sanitary oewen, vitrified STORE, Hwitincton Beach. Ph. <;iaY ptpe house connection _.,. 3422. All Types of Groceries and lines, manholes, cast iron manho~ Fr.sh Meato .Spedallu In Ddi· fnm<s and "°""""• "Y" branches, cates1en Foodo. lampboles, welded steel pipe, pump••--------------------~ • • • .. I Bayshore Driver Spe1ds 3 Days la County Jail Marion Frank Brown jr., 21, of askey Now In New Bldg. , Bay Shorn camp, Newport Beach, wu convmcm today that there was aomething to this idea that Ralph P . Mas.key and his st.aft tt ia better to drive safely in Santa are now located in their new Ana than to spend three days In realty office building at 3411 w .. t their jail for speeding. • Central avenue, Newport Beach. Brown began serving three days The firm was formerly located ln the Orange county jail late lut at 3410 Coast boulevard. week after he pleaded guilty to 'Assisting Mr. Maskey is his a speeding charge and read "And sales manager, Ray Y. Copelin Sudden Death." the article on and his sales secretary, Miss aafety, before the Santa Ana Lions Agnes R. Cason. both of Newport club. Beach. The sentence was imposed by Maskey, who is president of the City Magistrate Ronald M. Crook· Newport Harbor Realty board shank after he learned from the and a 'Prominent ?.tason and Santa Ana police that Brown sped S hriner, has been engaged in the his automobile 60 miles an hour general real estate business her e from Chestnut street to St. An· since 1929. d:rews pla ce, July 10. As a s ubdivider and home de- veloper , h e has more r~ntly built CLOTHES 85 houses on 19th strfft, Flower and Broadway, Costa 11.1esa. He also erected nine houses on Santa Ana a nd San Bernardino a venues in Newport H eights. He is best knoY.-n as the developer of New- port Island. POR MEN AND BOYS g~ SptJlll Slwp H e is opening his new office bu ilding in the central ar ea of Newport Beach fo,r the purpose of conducting a general real estate brokerage business as well as sub- di\·isions. H e r ecently leased one of the offices in the new build- ing to Dr. T. P . Reeder and his associate, Dr. William S. Ireton. The ne\v building whJch la unique in desigll was planned by the architect, George Und, under the supervision of Mr. Maskey. none Harbor 618 All kinds typewriter ribbons in stock at the New!!l-Times. C. R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys ~ ~ ~ Installed and Repaired. Paintetl and Lettered. ~ ~ ~ Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R • N&W:cmli. •••_,,• • W&ftMD llfc:•,..... • • • QrtW. "BOY, THAT'S A WBOPl'Ell!" olloated LL Comdr. O. B. llbuer, ....itani ---ot the U. S. Nava.I BoAplt&I at Lone Be.di. .. one or bis ,·etena-pa.Umta yaaked la. a b&ITaouda u.e otber day from the boat, '-The \\'om.an", eldppered by Capt. Andy B~ Newpori Harbor boai.- man. PIM>to Mows t.be other bMpttaJIVld war veteram lD. action at tbe '8IM momeoi of a blc catch. The boys were gueab of the Soutbeut Bod a Gun club of Sou.th Gate. Na"J' Motben club &erved the food for the trtp. -Photo by C. A. Griffis. Recreational Value of Ports, Park Projects Are Stressed Oldenbergs Buy 1 Palisades Hotel Mr. a nd ~trs. WWiam Olden- S AN FRANCISCO. July 22. -Humboldt H arbor, Noyo River , burg, who ha ve had years of e x- Pr I. . perience In New York as hotel e urunary r eports on possible Bodega Bay, San Francisco Bay sm all harbor locations all along channels , San Rafael Creek, P eta-managers are new owners of that the California coastline . a nd for -luma Creek. Napa River, San old C.Orona del Mar landma rk , the mula tion of policies for coopera-P ablo Bay, Mare Island Straits, Palisades hot el, ha\•ing purchased lion with communities seeking Richmond Harbor , Oakland Har-part of the property from Mr. and harbors featured the initia l meet-bor. Redwood Creek, Lower San Mrs. Frank S chierholt, owners for ing of t he California S tate Cham -Francisco Bay, Moss LaM ing and a year. ber of Com.me r ce·s sta tewide small Monter ey Harbor. ·,-The old tavern str ucture of t en harbor develo pment committee. Projects under examina tion or aparUnents and ten rooms ,with a The meet ing, in San Francisco. survey _ Richardson Bay, Half Jot 100 by 118 feet brought a price and a ttended by commer cial and Moon Bay, Albany, Berkeley and of $54.000 while the a nnex of six sports fi!hermen . yachtsmen , E meryville 1-Jarbors. South Basin. a parUne nts a nd land wit h 65 reet Army engineers and others from Gwathme y also listed 15 proj-of Crontage was ke pt by the all over the s tate , g ave first or-ects previously repoTted as un-Schierholts. Mr. and Mrs. Old- gani2ed impetus to the small craft favorable. and listed 34 possible enburg recently purch85ed Orange and refuge harbor project . r efuge harbor sites 'between San property consisting or nine units and a tY.·o-bedroom hom e and this fear Planes Bring Pests Into State C. D. M. Residents Sue 8"ta Fe R. R. D&magft of $55,500 ......, asked In superkr court yesterday by Howard "K. and Myrtle Allen of Corooa de! Mar, roe the death ol their 10n.. Melvin Lane AUeD. ln a truck-train crash at the Com- monwealth avnue cross:uig of tbe • Radio Servite l'llcme Beto,,. llSll .,._h 'r•*'-....... u .. Santa F• railroad at Fullertaa on Paln\er Radio July 21, 194.5. Wldeopread expansion of alJ'.. Melvin !A.nen. was ~ver of the AND DX'liikJ plane use throughout the Padtlc tnick Involved m the crash. Also IMll New_. ...., and Oriental areu hu brought a listed as defendants were Ger~d VOST.& MDI& new menace to agriculture and Millikan and Roy C. Pearce, trtlll\-"'=========-=-=-- horticulture in Hawaii as well as men. on the mainland. the board or di-------------------------- rectors of the California State r-------------------------· Clamber of C.Ommerce declared t~ day-pointing to the danger of plan~t ' insect pest spread-with hea O"OP losses-unless strong fede inspection is immediately instit ted. To forestall introduction of such pests. the stat e chamber has re- ouested the War, Navy and Agrl· rult UJ"e d epartments to immediate- ly undertake the following pro- gram: 1. Army and Navy immediately and rigidly enforce Public H ealth Service regulations tor application ot insecticides on planes J!n route to Hawaii from points outside these islands. 2. U. S . Bureau of Entomology a nd Plant Quarantine Initiate a program for disinsectlzing all planes immediately upon arrival in Hawaii. 3. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine initiate-with Army and Navy cooperation-a c;ontrol program against agricul- tural pests of economic impor- tance on such oUtlying islands where it may be determined and desirable and feasible. 4. Army, Navy and Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine cooperatively establish disinsectiz- ing stations on the con tinental United States and certain selected islands west and south of HawaU to disinsectize all planes taking oft from those islands or the main- land previous to their departure for H aY..·aii or California. BAYVIEW BUILDERS SUPPLY 818 Coast Highway 36-in. 18-mesh Bronze Window Screen 2-ply 3/4 inch Waterhose -50 ft. (Brass Couplings) All Steel Wheelbarrows 6 ft. Step Ladders Long Handle Shovels Building Hardware OPENIN..G OFFER DECORATE WITH VELDURO -One Coat Wall Paint Per Gal. _ Reg. $2.98 3-in. Brush Reg. $2.98 Total Hubbard C. Howe, Newport Francisco and Humboldt Bay. L--------------------------JI b-may be included in the deal 8$ Beach. chairman of the committee, Procedure for small craft har part of the purchase price. it was for Prompt Service 5. Further efforts be made by the proper agency to develop structural design and to devise method& and appliances to facili- tate destruction of pests which may stow away on airplanes. 6. Fullest support of all depart- ments of the government be given to creating a 1proper defense agaimt introduction of dangerous Insects into H aw aii and the conti- nental United States. $5.96 Sale Price -Both For s42s • Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Tire Recapping • Tires Retreaded 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa • • New Higher Pay for the Army! NIW PAY SCALI IN ADDfJIOH TO ClOr>MIJ. fOCX\. lOOGWG. AlllDfCAL AlllD OfHTAL C.UC. NlD ,__A.I. HJmMB(1 NfVIUGES -.....wy1.._ ..... _ ..... ._,.., 211Y_. JO r-•' Master Sergeant ... -........ ....... or First Sergeant $165.00 $107.25 $115.63 Technical Seraeant 135.00 17.75 151.11 Stall s.iiieant 115.00 74.75 129.31 5.rgeont . . -. 100.00 65.00 112.50 Corporal . . -. 90.00 58.50 101.25 Private Fint Class 80.00 52.00 90.00 Privcti.. . . . . 75.00 41.75 84.38 ; .. AOOITION TO COlUMN ONI Of TMI AIOVl1 203 ._,_ ,_ s.nw. o.. .... - S03 ..,,_ii ............ J,.,....., ~ v.w. J3 ilcr-9 ,,,,, IOI lec.t. J r-1 -' .s.r.-... llithlights of Reg•lat Mmy Ealistment t. ltali•t-lS lor I Vii , 2 or 3 799n.. ( 0-,.... at.llstmeDla pet· ftlittecf f« aMO DOW in tb<i Army witb 6 « mon -w ot _..-n .> 2. Snl~ ... f,_ II to 34 ~ iDdU9i-( 17 witb i---t•' ~) ac-ept ,_ -..,.. iD ArfA7. wbo maJ ~ at MY~ ..ct formst senice -............ -~-~ S.A~~ol.UO fflr ... .,... ol. stiT& ~ --_.~ ... a..:~---- ... ~ ... ..nice. pro..nded ,.. .-w at ii wtdlinl 90 da'1I .tts a..: "••onhb .__.... '-Up to to ~ I p'Wy-nt ~ wlD pay, ~! .. - -.ui ol. .......... widli pn::ilCI "'·· tn..a.a.o..-.peW.tott.w..d NWnt .. ---... tbs Arm:t ... 1110Hc. S. c-lt row: As9t1 R••UbstJ oac-,_ --NrkMIP pri ..... 8. M--1nc-tpay (busdupoa Mnrth ol ..rric•) to aU -· who -di8chal'lttd to snllst ot r--1iA. 1. ()pdoa to nitir• •t h.if pay ,_ tbs ~ ol J'O'M' lif• aft• 20 J9U9' ......,~incr-9i11c to We. qu.rt.,. JMIJ after 30 y.an' MM"ice. (R.W.-t Uxome m crade ol Mattu or Fi.r•t S.rseent up to sia.s.63 I*' -tb '• life.> All pn'rioua ecti-,..,.. -1it.ary ..,._ riai coullb tows1I ~ a. BcDs6ts ....... tbs 01 BiD ol JtiPts -.....s ·--wbo -1imt '* _. Wore~ S, 1946. •. Otob al. ..,_.. "' ..me. ad o•• U..... (ol. U-.. still .... > -,_,... ..... t INLIST NOW 11. L ....., 1mWllll ll'AW .• U.S. Army ' ' ' .. .. i ' ~ ~ I ! \ ~ '' .. " ,.._ 302 City Hall Santa Ana presided and out lined need of ors, fr om . inception to construe-stated. small vessel a nchorages. detailed Uon were outlined by Mervin C. Mr. and Mn>. Schie rholt. wh(llk specific economic benefits follo\v-Collins, chief , r ivers and harbors fint adven ture In t he hotel bu.si- ing their construction. He distrib-reports section. South Pacific di-ness this was, like Cor ona del u ted a manual pre pared by his vi!!lion . H e stressed the need of Mar so we U they hope to r em ain committee outlining the proced-intelligent, thor ough local or gani-her e and according to their son ures to be taken by local commu-2ation , a nd the need for local in-Harold, !!l tudent a t Newport Har-8 ' nities in seeking projects. terests being active in all phases. bor Union High school, if they mlth• Grow Recrea tional as well as econom-Yachtsmen, fishermen and oth· leave, it will be without him! Names of 98,000 J ohn Smiths ic values of sma ll harbor-park de-ers told of hazards and difficulties ar e o n file '"'ith the Vete rans Ad- velopment w as stressed by Col. E . due to long dista nce_s between ministration in Washington, 13,000 (Choice of Colon) Phone Beacon 5007 H. ~tarJ<.s , division engineer , Army harbors, and of extensive dam age ing to Dennis Hogland . who '"'ill having no middle initial. Sen •ice Engineer Corps South oacific di-to fishing . fleets in foul weather conyer t it Into a business site in sC'r ial n umbers'' keep things ' I d h the near future. t · h r h v ~~.-~tl---t ~-tOIM ~~t•-.~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~r~a~~~t~o~r~t~e~,~A~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Califor nia develo pntent in a Clama."<.1 ng t his \Vas the recital b~ :> + + + + + 1 , •:•:•:•:u OOCXXX> 1 0 •:>=xcr:>:•:ex> •:•:>.:p •:• •:-: = similar project covering the Grea t Leonard \V. P e ttit o f his visciss1· • ·-· • ' ~-= • • 1 • • c•:::>c:> • • • • • • <> , •:>::x> , •:n Lakes. He pointed out that the \ tudcs in sailing hls 32·Coot. "1't a- Ar my E ngineers assist. but arc kua" Crom l(ctchikan . Alaska to not ori~inators of these proj('cts. Sa n Fr;i ncisco Ray, \\•ith Jack of and that thry must he or igi na t ed harbors ne("('ssi ta tinl?'. the small by local inter ests. CongrC'SS has crart k C'C'ping fa r offshore. author ized preliminar y sun •eys I P lans for assist a nce to local from Pt. P ines to the l\1exican line. com mun ities but no e ndorsement and these a rc under ~:ay he sta ted. of proj<.'Cts u ntil a fter Army En~­ whi1e authorization for similar y nc-er approval : a goal of a chain preliminary study to the Oregon of small harbors betY.'een 30 and line now is in the pending Rivers 40 miles apart all alon~ th~ coast- and H arbors Bill. line. a nd for na val rel1 nq u1shment A report from C.01. Robert C. Hunter . Los Angeles distric t engt- neer , r eviewing the !!lta tus of In - vest igations and progTe55 In Southern California, was read. of excess harbor facilities and some of the area restrictions made In "'ar time were o ther policies dis- cussed. Buy Sherwood Tract For New Friday Aft. Noon Club Building "AU facilities for sm all cra ft in the Los Angeles-Long Beach har- bor area are in use; sales of water craft are limited by mooring fa- cilltle!." Hunter declared. "Ala- mitos Bay, close to Los Angele!, would serve that area, while the Purchase of a sit e in t he Sher- Playa del Rey de velopm ent would wood tract facing the Costa Mesa accommodate 9000 small craft a nd park was made last week by the be integrated wit h Los Angele! F riday Afternoon O ub of Costa county's park·beach development." ~·tesa at a cost of $5000. Pr£>Sent status of sm all harbor The club's building committee projects in Nor thC'rn Califor nia-of ~-tesdame!!I Joh n F . Wc b!!lter , y.•here authorization for surve~ is Gunning Butler, Calla Viele and stil l pending-Y..•ere outlined by W . B. Mellott clOSC'd the tra.nsac· CabC'll C"·athmey. assis tant chief. tion for the site. It measures 120 engineering division, San F ran-I f('('t by 210 feet on Viola P lacr cisco division , to include: in the new subdivision of 17 acrl>S. Active projC'cts--Cres('('nt City, The club \l'?'ntly sold its build - MOSQUITOS!! Famous Formula 612 Insect Repellent WILL KEEP THEM AWAY. Available Now For Civilian Use 35c Bottle Newport Marine Supply 814 Coast Hi g hway, Newport Beach Phone Beacon 5881-W • • Tell Your Friends l.. BATHING GIRLS PARADE Kiddies' I I, \ , ~ .1 rrl /~ SUNDAY~· JULY 28 . AT THE FUN ZONE IN BALBOA NON-PROFESSIONAL Sponsored by Al Anderson and Gustlin School of Swim. Entries will close by July 25 Hair Styles Make Up MARY'S BEAUTY SHOP JUDGES-Herb Kenny and Clyde Ashen Fashion Show -Sponsored by THE BOBBY SHOP AGE LIMITS -Infants to 7 years old_ MODELS will fasbloo exclusive designs tumlsbed by TRl!l BOBBY SHOP. REGISTRATIONS Will be taken for both e9ents at either the Fun Zooe or the Bobby Shop. KIDDIES' DAY EACH WEDNESDAY 12 Noon to-6 P. M. Rides&c Coacessions Sc + I I M I I M i M 8 F F I F F 8 I I E I E E I I I I *3* I I i F + 1:1 M 8 + I + + 1;+ + F • Wgh)lghting the Southern lb-colorfUI for summer and comist· trict meeting ot Buslneu and Pro-Ins al. a blao-. and alt:lrt plain In fesional Women's clubs held Sun-cut were displayed.. The skirts are day at the Muonlc Temple, Fill-long, reachlnc the croond. fat the Jerton. was the talk on '-ibe FUth women never lhow their feet. Freedom in Korea" by P age GU-Ina Gerritt, district vice presi- man. military aide to General H. dent. was chairman in the absence S. Arnold and better known to the of the president, Beulah Seeber, radio public u "Jack'' in the pnr who is ill in a h01pital in La.Jolla. aram "One Man's Family." After the meeting all the flowers Wtth the Koreans under the were aent to Mrs. Seeber. domination of the Japanese for 35 LalD"a Lorraine, first vice presi- )'e&n they had the idea when they dent of the C&llfomia Federation, W9'e given their .. freedom" it brought reporu from the biennial meant freedom from work and the convention at O eveland, Ohio. Americans had a difficult time Carolyn Weber of Laguna Beach, making them see they must work past -state president, presided at for themselves. if not for an over-the luncheon seasion.,..M"d EJeanor bd McClaskey, director-at-large for Korea la under a trusteeship of Southern District, wu also a Russia in the northern part and speaker. Olairmen outlined pro. the United States in the south, grams for the )'ear. the speaker stated, and the divid-HO!lteu clubs were Newport Ing line ii like an iron wall. Gil-Beach, Laguna Beach, Orange, man typed the 16 copies of the Santa Ana, Fullerton and Ana· original agreement of trusteeship heim. Floral decorations of chiffon which wu tom up by the Ruuians daisies and gyp1<>philia were ar- t« it neclect.ed to state anything I ranged by Matie Rolling of the about a "democratic" form of gov· Newport Beach club and place ernment. I t was the 1pe&ker'1 cards were by the Laguna Beach feeling that we are unwarrantedly club. The musica l program fea- worried about the Soviet Union tured Dr. H. S. Galbraith, bari- for they are an exceedingly literal tone. people, he stated. Attending from Newport were C.O.tumea worn by native Kt>-Gertrude Collver , president; Nata- ttan women, black for winter and lie Michaud, Alda Gorton. Doro- thy Sutherland and Edythe Up. l'lloae lleaaon 58U Newport .t Calta Meoa CAB CO. pincott. Npt. Heights Circle Newpor t Heights Circle v.rill meet Thursday, July 25, at 2 p. m. at t he home of Mrs. Geor ge More- land, 225 23rd street, Ne"1>0rt '-------------'! Heights. Individuality for the "M other·to·b< · · · If we do not have tf, we maJc.c 1t, )'Otl sec ' 7Donna.-ctAfarie Shoppe 515 N. -SL Arcade Blclc. Phone seM Breket1 Lenses Duplicated • "'-BepUred ........... E.T. Butterwortll, 0. D. llK West Ontral Plloae Barbor !Ill --b)' Appola-t • ~1 P J'.hl:f a,1161 - Harbor Feminine Activities Santa Anan Honored By Group of Cousins Gregory-Heger Engagement Told Mn. Tarver Montgomery ot Mr. and Mn. Huold E. Hedcer San~ Ana was bcnored guest at of 225 Diamond a-ue. Bal'- the home of her cousins, the Ialand and Glendale, ore announo. Ml-Gertrude and Loulae Mont-Inc the ""11_....,t of their gomery, 2117 East central avenue, daughter, Barbara, to WUUam w, Balboa, at a luncheon Monday. GttcorY, oon of Mr. and -Mn. The occas!m was Mrs. Montgom-Clarence W. Gregcry of Glendale_ ery'1 birtbday and guest.a w..... all No date hu been set for the ....i. couofns of the honortt and . host· ding. ~13and208 + • Till: REVEREND ARDYS DE..\.N, '1ca.r of t he nearly com pleted St. lames Eplacopal Chu rch near Udo Isle, asks bleMlnp for the aacremf'nt.s "'hlch have been donated u memorials tor the n ew ecllflce. The altar crou and C'-&ndle ornament ,,·ere given by Mrs. Mabel Mo\Ver In memory of her late husband, Col. Harrison C. Mower. T he American Oac was p resented by Mn. Henry C. Davia In mem ory ot her son "·ho sacrlflC'ed bl• life In t he '4'ar 1.n t he Pad.tic. Tbe Utany book 'A'U donated by Mn. Sue mt.cb- mao ID memor}· of ber father, Albert Franklin Milllpn. The cbwch tlac wu the contrtbuttoo of the Younc Peoples' Fellowahlp tD. memory of tlloee lost ta t1'e war. -Photo by Kent Hitchcock. Mrs . Lewis Cock DD F Hostess Orient Editor Expected Home Shower Honors Bride-E lect, Fiance Rellldeme Phone 1637-R Easterners Feted, Take Local Scenes For NCR 'fravelogue Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Workman. former Balbo&na, of Orange, were hosts Tuesday to their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W . Llnk and daughter, Maryanne of Dayton, 0., at a boating and swim- ming party at J3alboa, and special guests of "Francois" Manhall at Christian's Hut. Mr. Link has been with National Cash Register Co. the past thirty yean and ls making a 10.~mile travelogue movie in color. Many scenes were made in Newport Harbor which will be shown in the N. C. R. ~eater. Dayton, and also In the world-wide N . C R. m agazine. The easterners took ptcturel while traveling the 3000 miles southern route here, and they resume the remalning 7000 miles Tuesday: north via Sequoia, Y ose- mite, 'Frisco,, Vancouver , B. C., Lake Louise, Yellowstone park;; Pikes P eak, Bad Lands, Montreal, etc., and home September 5. Reminiscent of old times, "Dad" Workman >A'BS "Francois" Mar- shall's first Balboa "boss'' on the occasion of the opening of the Casino, April, 1936. and their r e- union is always a happy occasion . Newport Resid ents Back Fro m T rip ....... Scabloou In shades from dark· est maroon to lavender and white in a clear crystal bowl ..centered the luncheon table. laid with an embroidered cover of Olinese grass cloth, and petunias were used for the rooms. Many pretty gifts were received by the hon- oree. Places were laid for Mrs. Mont- gomery, Mrs. Arth\D' G. Coons who is at her Lido Isle home for tbe summv, Mrs. John Wilson of Fullerton , Mn. Gladys Thompson of Balboa and the two hosteslf:S. Another cousin, Mrs. Clara Nissen of Santa Ana, wu unable to at- tend for it wu also the birth- day of her son, Matt. F. J. C athlete, who is back from the war and completing ,hig junior college work. He was named "Don " of the school at the recent fiesta and his mother entertained with a sur- prise party for him yesterday evening. ;::.._ _____ _ Las <:::osturans Dine, Play Cards Members of Los Costuras m et for dinner Wednesday evening at Christjan's Hut, afterward going to the home of Mrs. Lucille Mulins. Balboa Island for an evening spent at cards. Prizes went to Mrs. J ean McDonald. first; Mrs. Doris F erguson, second, and Mrs. Book Section Adds To Ebell Club Fu nds The goodly sum of $60 wq cleared by the second book sec. tlon of the Ebel! club at their recent food sale held in the patll of Mn. Colin Brown's home on Pearl avenue, according to their leader, Mrs. Verne Snodgrass. That same day Mrs. Snoct&rul ~ntertained MR. Frank Perew and Mn. 0 . T. Johnson at lunch- eon, when plans v.--ere discuae4 for another plan for raising ~7 for the club. It WU decided ta take over a magazine agency, and Mrs. Perew will be In ~. Silo may be reached by calling Harbor 622 and will take both subocrip. tions and renewals for popular ma&azlnes, all proceeds going ta the club. DDDD'S Mr. and Mrs. Ross Owen and Joyce McDonald, consoled. daughters Eloise and Ellen, Coast Present were the Mesdames boulevard, haVe returned from a Lillian Owen, Mary Stanley, JO}'ce vacation of two and a half weeks McDonald, Billie Fowler, Jean Mc- during which they toured Arizona, Donald, Doris Ferguson, Iona Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington Trusty, Lucille Mullins and Trilby and Oregon, taking in the BriceF c~o:rd.::::::::.;:::::::::::::::::;:::;::;::;:::;:::;Os-::::::-..,:::::::::;:::::;'Cmep*:::;:::;:::;M::; ... :::;"7::;;; and Yellowstone canyons, Zion ,. and Yellowstone parks and Crater lake, among other points of in- terest. They r eported a wonderful trip, making good time for the 4000 miles traveled., and running from desert heat to snow, from sun- shine of the south to rain in the north, where they marveled .at t he tre~. ferns and ma ny wild flow- ers. During the owner's absence Mr. and Mrs. Phtl Pike and children of Van Nuys occupied the Owen home, enjoying a beach vacation. Rev.· Sande Returns From Trip East . ·I •• CLOTHES FOR · THE - g%f;eelanl Members of the D.D.F. club met recently 'A'i th Mrs. Lewis Cock for an evening of bridge. 1.1.rs. Roy P aige held high score and Mrs. ~=========================~! Sheldon Smith ha d 80 honor . After i play a late supper was served. Preseht "'·ere the Mesdames Mn. Everett Nunan, 208 36t h street. and her sister, Mrs. Bruce Parsons of San Gabriel. are leav- ing for San Francisco this week to meet their parents. Mr. and ~lrs. J . F . Mounier. who a re arriv- ing from Australia on board the Matson liner Mariposa. Miss Virgini a Fernandes, daugh- ter of Mr. a nd Mrs. C. W . Fern - andes, Elden avenue, Costa Mesa, whose marriage to Glade Mc- Gowen or Fullerton is to be an event or AugUst, and her fiance wcrr honored guests at a miscel- laneous shower given last week by Mrs. G. W . Gregg. 162 Cecil place. Costa f\·tcsa. The Rev. Ida Sande, pastor of the Assembly of God church which now meets in the American Legion hall, Newport Beach , and her hus- band, Henry 'Sande, have just re- turned. to their home at 504 ~ Orange avenue, Costa Mesa. They were called to Windom, Minn., three weeks 4go by the iJlness and death of f\irs. Sande's fatht>r. Peter F . Koep. o/Je11 ·Roberts' Summer Special One Oil Painting $195 5 x 7 Vignette ·--·---··------····-----·····--·-·----------·-·-- Be Sare to Inquire A.bout Cop)ing Old Portrail8! See Us About Home and Church Wedding Pictures NEW 11t!KKD B 0 1l1111 i e:te A.M. t9 1:11 P.11. ~Time -•11 h ' , Roger Barrow. Harry Baker, Ed Edick. Roy Paige, J osephine Oquist, Elmer Patterson. Sheldon Smith and the hostess. The next meeting will be Aug. 9 at the home of Mrs. Ed Edick. Mesa Red Cross Execut ives to Meet The executive oommittre of the Costa Mesa branch of the Red Cross wi11 meet Tuesday, July 30, at 7 :30 p. m. at the home of the publicity director, Mrs. Jerrold Spangler, 113 Via Koron, Lido Isle. NEW LI N E Craft Greeting Cards Statloerry Brookings V arielv ...... ~. o.r-... _ c a• , .... "',,, .......... Mr. Meunier. Anaheim orange grower and fornler r esident of Newport Beach, \\'BS formerly assistant editor of The Orient and accompan ied by his \vife, y,·ent to J ava several years ago when he "'as made editor-in-chief. During the Japanese invasion ~Ir. and Mrs. Mounier were held in dif- ferent prison camps and no word was received from them in this country for three years. After Mrs. l\.fournier was >A'ell enough to travel the two went to Australia, where they have been for several months. Reunion Dinner For Former Scou ts Red carnations and honeysuck.Je were used in attractive combina- tion for fl oral decorations. In the living room a large table "'as piled IA'ith giJts IA'hich the young couple oJ)('ned. Afterward the hostess served re freshments. 1 as- sisted by the Mesdames R uby Gregg, Bessie Webster and Wil- liams. Pres<.'nt wer e Miss F ernades and Mr. McGo>A•en ; !\t r . a nd Mrs. C. \V. Fernades, Mr. Johnston a nd son LeRoy, Silas Smith , ?.1r. and Mrs. Posey and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Canby, Costa Mesa; Mr. and Mrs. E ll iott , Huntington Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gregg, Garden Grove; Miss Lola Gibson, Garden Thursday evening five men ...,·ho Grove; Mr. and Mrs. W ill iams and "'ere Boy Scouts together at children, Tustin: Mr. and Mrs. OJdahy, near Bell, came down to \Vebster a nd children and Mr. and Newport Beach for a reunion with ?-1rs. Tidwell, Orange, and Mr. and their former scoutmaster, the Rev. t.lrs . Gregg a nd children . This week Rev. Sande, Mrs. Lou Harris and Mrs. Hazel F elt will spend se1veral days at P aciric Palisades, where the camp meet - ing of their church organize ti on is being held with Dr. Ralph Riggs of Springfield, Mo., as chief speaker, Radio Artis t Vi si ts In COrona del Ma r Aita LeRoy, radio artist, was a week-end guest of a n oldtime friend, Mrs. Dan Place, Corona cjel Mar. and t he two spent a happy day on board one of the Place yachts, the Dan-Glo. Miss LeRoy plays opposite Ben Alexander in the program, "Lady, Be Beautiful," over KHJ each Fri- DRASTICALLY REDUCED MOSTLY HALF PlllCE OR LE88 Dresses, Suits, Separate Jackets Ploy Clothes, House Coots ALL SA LES FINAL AnTICIPHTIOn SHOPS 129 West Third St Long Beach ~715-141 E. D. Goodell. The latter has officiated at wed.ding ceremonies . for four or the group and still hopes to see the other one mar- ried. Major Mad sen Home On Short Furloug h day at 11 :30 a . m . and with all the j !_::::;======::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ banter back and forth always manages to get the upper hand. The program tells people how to walk, talk and dress. OPENING TONIGHT Gryphon Productions ~ '~::,:' PLAY~OUS~ "' "' ... z --c.: .. ..J z 0 CLAIRE TREVOR ud ONSLO\V STEVENS ... Dark Victory IULV U TllKU U Limited Seating Qi.padty Reserved Seats Available at BLUE SAII.S BOOKSHOP c. Pt.o.e llarMr "' Or lAplla 191 OpMmc '"'7 _, KEE.."'l A..'llliJ WYN'S aad TAMA.BA OE'\'A .. Petrified Forest PUCES:~ .. a '1M --Tu After dinner at Vaux'. Balboa, Major Archie T. ftfadsen. 1011 * the evening was spent in reminisc-West Ba y avenue, arrived today :;i ing. Attending were Harry from Washington. D. C., but will '1 Barnes. Dov ... ney; Joe Davis, Mill be home only 15 days before r e--< Valley ; Bob Schneider. South t urning to duty in that city. He -u 1 Gate; Merle Lopp, Bell; Stanley Tecently came from lnd.ia. where :I: Mack. Huntington P ark, and Rev. h(' had been for over a year at Goodell. Calcutta a nd Rangoon with the India-Burma r egion of the Air F orce Supply. The ?.tisses Laura a nd Helen Porter of Fullerton were guests Sunday evening at t he home of their cousins, the Misses Gertrude and Louise Montgomery of Bal- boa. Another tuest was a nephew, Joe Thompson jr. of Sp.nta Ana. 2 Cooked Food Sale .., Sat. at Balboa Island !\Yrs. lt1adsen met him 'in San I------------- Francisco and they spent two .------------- w eeks in S..attle before the major Corona del Mar ;c A cooked food sale 'A-ill be held :::i at 10 a. m. Saturday, July '27, in 0 the patio of the W. R. l\.lovias ,... home. Coral and Park avt>nues . n Balboa Island, by members or the .; Balboa Island Circle of Olrist """ church by the Sea, according to 0 an announcement made by their publicity chairman. 2: These food sales are held each rA year by the circle and are In- creasingly "'<'ll-patronized.. Mrs. Leonard Hargnvf', president, will be in charge, aided by circle mem- bers. .. t'I .. n % left for the East. His stay in the M Jt Sh states is inderinite. and he may a op be sent back -overseas. / 1011 a..& mp.way Stamp Club P lans Pot Luck Supper Members of the Harbor Stamp club met last week at the Broad- way needle\\'Ork shop of ~trs. Alex Herta and discussed the problem of securing another meeting place for with the sale of the Mesa Radio shoJI, "'hich will be made tnto a coc.ktail bar. they have no pla~ available. J . 0 . J enkins presided in the absence of President Kent Hitch- cock and stamps v.·ere traded. 'nlE' next meeting will be August 1 at the home of Mn. Nellie Spencer and her son. C.osta Msa. It is a potluck luppe!' and all memberS an!' uked to eome. • Old fashloll<d malt.a W e ,,_,, Just this. I IALLMARK CARDS For Birthdays Weckllnc Annl't'tt9Uifls ud De. v-:: Flgwhw ,..,.. :: Ooet••;e+ lewdr) Newport Souvenir tt..:~G, MR. Mary Harris and daughter. and Gift Shop :;:: ~' i!: !:~t-:': n a o-a Pawt PASADENA WNG BRACH home al Mn. H. F . Knipp, 253 We Wnp Glfta l!J. a a· ft. ... -.. .._ ,&a L a. -23rdm.t.emta11na. ·1 L-~~~~~'""-~~~~I... ... ._._..;.._.;..._._._._...;._._.;,;,_;;;,;.;;;~ 114 W. 4tlr SL PIL. -