HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-30 - Newport Balboa News Times-.. Tll SAND CRAB .. SAM ~UNCJLllEN. Got a load "-Monday on how council- men earn their munificent ( n salary at &> smacke:s monthly, when I listened in the city clerk's office ID a discussion of why too many fishermen use the reach un- der the Newport pier to go tlllhlng. -Oty Dads Allen, ROOE!i Ison and Siler were trying to work out a prob- lem at who gets money sell- ing flab or just f!sb!ng for the sport's sake. Seems like restrlction ls wanted llli number ol. boats that can ltay around the pier and the council committee considers the Idea at limiting, similar to the farmer's market around the Long Bea.ch park. The Crabber has no comment other than ID say that councilrnen must take time out from businesses to solve the other fellow's prob- leins, which means people are only interested in a pub- lic official when they want something. Ea rl Abbey, county cor- oner. \\1ho came do\vn to dis- pose of the fi rst drowning of the season, discussed oth- er days with Frank Rin e- hart and this purveyor of opin ion. You might not know it but Earl used to be an editor \\1hen he ra n the Anaheim (or maybe Fuller- ton) Plaindealer . \Vhen the Wheatleys ran the old New- port News. Earl filled in for a spell and he remembers his first headline, which read : "Live in Newport; Tl:ade in Newport; Die in Newport". That last phrase hits him because he Uves at Corona del Mar today and has been coroner ever since he quit the Superior Court as clerk in 1930 or there- abouts. Earl works at his job, which ls one reason n<r body wants to cross swords or skull-bones with him at election time. + + + Tournament of Ughta. Saw about a d01.e0 lines in two outside papers last week that Gov. Warren was g<r Ing to lead the Tournamen t at Lights parade. Suppose Publicity Chairman Hitch- man wanted to prove that he could spank the local pa- pers by giving it to the out- side papers In the hope that they would "play" the yam. They didn't and they don't. All ot which should Indicate that the bane town boys are your belltfrlends and are en- titled to first "breeks" on f!Yft"/ killd at ~ no mat-ter Whether . It dee.la with events that require larp gobs ot~pndp or real news teWng ol. business dWlgeS, realty sales or civic and other happenings. + + + New<Anto A&eneY· Have been watching for many weeks the progress of the sales room Joe Nlckertz bas been building at the en- trance to Lido Isle, adjoining WIUTen Bristol's Oil sta- tion. Joe has been coo- nected with Paul G. Hoff- man's ~town Studebaker plant and will be the dealer for the harbor area. He has a most attractive setup and Is just another evidence of the growth of this district. It was not so many years ago that 'Theo. Robins' Ford Ageor:y was the 'only one here, but since then the South Coast Co. has in- stalled the Otrysler line. • + + New Be!J-. Down at the Bay District yard of the Ward Harrinef.on Co. Mon- day, ran Into Supervisor Gonion In working clothes and a bit more meat m his bones. lns!dp the yard came up with Bud Gordon. back from the wars, who Is as noo-mmmlttal and modest ..u bla Dad, and who ls W1llidng with him sawing boards until school opens In the fall Bud bas filled out. u have so many youngsters who hit the -battle Une, and •· -like they, have gained tbat lndetlnable 90llll!thlng caJled .~ that home ud 9CI-' could newt' ........ KFEP POSTED? l Ymr •••••• SZ..51 la Cea t;J a.Tl O.t .i C 1 ts .,.om.,_ .... OIMll. ...,. "o .. New• 'I' , Newpwt - .NEWP012T Oml:r 0:-21! 01 ., WeMly New•paper Mr._ A.-.._ l'Ma ol Qrryg' ... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA. fOLm mvm 1'fSWPOaT 1111:.&CB, OALQ'OSNIA, TUJ:llDAY, IULY It, lSH .. , Nunn Ill· FEAR DEPLETION OF WATER SOURCES S: D. NEWSPAPERMAN DROWNS OFF NEWPORT Newport Beach's clean nrecor!<Drtdl I well known local man. who at- for no drowninp wu broken tempted to save him without avail. Monday noon, when the rip tide Cahill recovered the body and off 18t h strut and the ocean took brought him to shore. Efforts ot the life of Albert LeRoy Smith, the lite saving crew, headed by 1846 David street , San Dlqo, well F rank (:)rocker, worked for an known newspaperman employed hour in efforts to resusdate on the San Diego Tribune. Smith. · Smith. who is the brother of Earl Abbey, county coroner, wu Parley Smith, deputy Orange called and stated that an inquest count y district attorney, went to would not be necessary. Smith, his dea th as his wife and small son who was 40 years old, had come watched on the b(>ach nearby. to NeWJX>rt Beach Sunday wtth his Efforts a t rescue were made by family for a short visit ~ith his Miss Marion Child, 2Zl3 Bush brother , P arley Smith, who had street, Sa nta Ana , who was enjoy-leased a house for the summer at ing t he shore and J ack Cahill, 17th and Ocean Front. - • 'FREE SPAIN'· M 1EJllG CALLED BY FIS ERMEI "As a result ot the war, we got rid of Hitltt and M.-olini, but we cannot have a democratic world until we h ave freed Spain from the despot, Franco," &- cJared Olarles McLaughlin of Costa Mesa, business a&ent of the International Fishermen's union here today. McLaughlin made the declara- tion only after he announced tha t th! fishermen's union was joining the World Federation of Trade Unions in sponsoring a "F ree Spain" meeting in Odd F ellows temple in Santa Ana on Tuesday evening, August 6. area commander of the Abraham Uncoln brigade and a recent)f re- turned veteran of the PhWpPine theater in War II. Hoff will explain the latest de- velopments In the Spanish &ltua- ~~~ld.as it af!ects the democratic McLaughlin said the world fed- er ation of trade unlorm beUe'l'e9: tha t Orange county should do it. part in ttfe action to make Spain once more 8. free nation. An action committee to com- pose efforts of the county in this direction will be named in the S peaker \.vill be Harold Hoff, near fu ture, ~'l:cLaughlin added. • tJS DEATABl.E BEETS arc.(To\m t bh big In Costa Mesa soll. The on~ !!lhO\\·n hPrf' \\·f'igb l"d :?2 pouad!!I and 16 Vt pounds r C§pectlvely. Thi" l(TO\\'r r I.!' \\'. A. Mc Klnn"y of 199 Santa lsa bt-1 a\'eoue, Costa Mf"l'a.. The h a ndsome tot In the ren ter h1 ~llss Susan J ill Bam M', dauJChl('r of R.ay E. Barnu of !110 Oraugt> &\'1•n u e, Costa 1'fesa. Barnes 1'5 a N l"\\'5-Tlm"' timPly JlC\\·s phot ogr aph€'r. -----------------P_h_•_••_b_y_Ra_y_E_._Bar_._n_es_. I ~ l 1 Six Lovely Girls Win Top Honors in Balboa Contest ' MWDObjects To Adoption Of Gila Bill • ·- ' • ' ' NEWF<WI. M•.B()A Mcw.T••n, llewfW' ·1 n, Otstw s, !:::!az· la!z e tNC 2 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PBONU: RAB .. u ... lS GEllEllAl. EISEl'lHOWEB'S BEPOBT v Helicopter Will Pickup Mail '~'!!•oNAL o•RECTORv ___ ., ..... _ ..... --··-"' With utM k. F. ldSt Pel tt 0 • ...,.T « ~ ... ~ .&.neiw VolwllXVDJ 0.-._ StMtl• r.•"st ! • Z.W,-We h 11•7 Volw D ~ ~le In Advance>-$2:!50 per year 1n Orance County $2.15 per year to 4th zooe; $3.00 per year to 8th zone :·::i:~T$"..::~tt1!.Ei:r: 1 o . a 1ng 1e ops -·ww·~ A. v.Andrews,M.D. n•-t1rd w ,... .. ....._ .... 'tei. 0.. --. ' ' I I .a. • ..._.,.. tilJ tM 1Waeil ..._ 9--PB18il'!l•N -""1 • Second.OU. matter at the Postotflce lri Newport Beach, rial .....,wdtt IJG'"9 • • __..." ••• \h ... • 11 ..., .. EXhaustive test.a have proven be made automatically and ~ _,. n.,1 t ' te •• ..... • ... a... no. Gwrr"• owa .., peit9atlal a"' hi ...... ., .. the practic.abllity of the helicopter mail destined for Soutbaate woUld Tm:; ~.,-. -... 11tJS0:1DON . C&W'omla. undo< ~ Act o( March 3, 1879 Am. rw to Ml\i.._ mapreced1alecl. llo ....Y • ..,,. .. .,. ror the carria&e of man. the Poat be dropped into a net. The pooch • ' llN tw ill o..t •"'*"'4 • ,._aaly • • we4. Jtenr. .._... "--*-Office Department bu announ~ would drop down a chute into the em. ~----ml"!:-~.._ o.8/'::'t:·::-... ~ D. PORTER -Publisher P. G. FRIOST -. -Editor W. P . DIXON . .' • • Advertlslng Manqer ::::,::--...:-;: .. ":d::," IP*•.,..._ ...... wlll:..e.. u the three-week experiment in post office workroom for immedi· '----·-----------'1'-----------_J .._. _... .._ ..._ ._....-,. -.. ...... .._ .. the Los Angeles area wu con-ate processing, u the helicopter Pl ... l"C Plant. 3011 W, Oeatn1 AYenue. ,Newpo.'t Beach, California Official Paper of the Cjty of Newport Beach ... ~ ~-·--· c1·~~ ped t M t ~-" I ... MllMJI' bld1 •MNe ... ,,. IPldt • w • --... ,. wt. uuir;."U. s on o on euaao. wWcMd .,__ n. eom•1• _. •et1oa ta ..,. wWclt..., 1be tt.?licopter demonstrated POlt offi~ inspectors have sur-~-4---------.1 ..whiled •o•Plllll d.e i llw& la "-gdm ..,. .t .. Ar. that it nu-and mall .l L--d M lob K. V. Olw&o 11. D. A 0'91 °'Ne l.wl t..Ulatiom fer Over S1 Yean ............. af d't'e U ..U -ia ti.. a H •I al .. can ~1..3 CaJ'TY Veyed all contemp}ete<f Stops on ftIFllUlll onaco ._. ~ rraam _. •ter ._...__•to.__...., r... through the summer rog . of the all routes. With the relocation of f ABCllDT.CT wy ......... ,wwe. • ._ ta. 9Pbit tMt Jio1 n-''·• Loi Angele. area with a perform-electric power lines, helicopters U... to wt•"weaJMI tbe Mocb al Dukirk Gad hod ~ wWda ance record as lea.St aJ good as could make pickups and deliveries 81' W. ~1 Ave.., Balboa llntugld u at tM J-to L.>..dc. to Torgoa.. Gad to,_ 'ts QIDd-. that of conventional aircraft. on all the government buildings Barbor 1™ Uoditdyiag tllia lr&Tiadhillty al llPldl: •• tbe c: ddttce la The department disclosed that involved. This \li'ould remove one H!l lakewood Awe. Active Member of Alli.cl mlitJ GDd di. fmtice ol tlM' ··caw wlddl pmosat.d upon the basis or data furnished of the difficulties encountered in 1-Aar'er NOrm&M:y MOI all wbo •.n Mt90Ved. directly w lodltwedr. la tM 111nan1.. n. '-----------~ emnrad..Jd.p whkh kod ..._ 1z9 «UilllPHled la llal'th Ab:ica car--by t~ Ovil Aeronautics Board t he experiment. \lirhen it became ;------------ ried u to 111 .. tri-.mpU in tlOl'tlnrMl Ewope. WldUa lllJ 099 and the Weather Bureau. routes necessary to use landing areas at ~Pit.ACTORS H.a.dquartera the A.miffican and BritlU. per-.1. werbd ...._ could be flo\\'Yl \\'hich \voul d enable unreasonable distances from ~t ~------------. aoniouly togeti..r. oblitera.ti.ng aD didDctioB al 1M1t1...,1 outlook the helicopters to pick up and I offices. :-~I I I 1• l!•.,. ... t ul I <1>11 I "'lfl•ll1IHl! .. lll "l "llll lll!1llltll-'1!111lll'.lllll'111!ll111111•'1> I HI '11Ul lll HIHl.1I llil l'' Laurence B. Dorey, 11. D. Physician & Surgeon ill their seolou ..me. to a .U.Vle ~ti.cm. wldle la U... •w d Li ·1 h · al J:.ottle the mn al the Allied Cb"lll:iel loaglll Moaldw to Moalder e ver mai on t etr early morn-Consideration is being given to and•r my n.preme comma.nd. ing M1ll.! at such times as to avoid a suggestion that a short wa,•e Thoae cirilims. •oluntM'9 w!iio aha.re4 daie ripra cmcl dcmQwww fog and still synchronize with car-receiving set be installed at each of compoiga th4t Oley m19bt hrightn. tlM «ri•a.ce al nr ea rier schedules. The board and the post, office served by helicopter. IMl't'e the oaarG1K9 ol out •CU'!DMt 9TQtibr.& b.ureau are no\\' preparing maps ThiS would enable the pilot to gi,·e ne United Stat• ol Amtd.ca ad Gr.at ldlala lMn• warbd., incorporating this information. information of his approach at an aot merely a. .alli-. but a. ou acd.oa. Po°""9 ...., ~ During the experiment, Lock-unscheduled time or arrange for al mn. and material Cllik~ Sa ti. ~ o9Qlml ._ bee. el heed airpor t at Burbank was the the rendering of any needed assis·t- • • ~ ~ • ('.()RRAL DUST • ~ f..<f ,,11o! f>top~ J1~e to to.I~ a.bout themselues. Me, roo. : ~ Silence 1s the hardest argumrnt w but. • i j ACK lJNDSLEY . . -•. ,, ·~•w• ...... I'll •'"'''''"'''''''' l lll !!l lll !ftlll llll! .. lt!ll Ml!tllll lil l!I Hl • .. l•l •••••ll•l 1<1n1111111i1l 1tll!l•ll ••l l!lll ! ',r Wagmr Drapa lmtftute Dr.WDllaro.w..- Chiropractic, Dietetks, Physlo & Coloni.c 'lbernpy . 8%1 llfariae Ave.,. --~ H. R. Hall. M. D. Lof ty ThouglttS Fo!'c:.:°!=1~:c'i.c!Thee9:t1:'; pd~ i!., 't:a. ~a:':;:: base for operations. From the be-ance. CLINl<JAL IABOBATO&Y terra:neGA n.ater a.ad la JlfmthwMI Emope. • Al&M ap-t ••t ginning, it ¥.'as understood that if The Post Office Department ~-----------· This is written far up in the Sierra Nevada Moun-...,......i,.,.,i 1n u.. 1o1oocy "' t1oe ....w ._ -w lo4 .., approval was given to helicopter pa;d tribute to the service per- ..,..._..._ .... n Hours: 2-5, toy AA>oiabnellt ~ BeilDl 58'8 Ula.-...,, ~- tains--that chain o f lofty grande ur extending nearly "'1h .i..m .. .-Ila. ' I air mail service in the Los Angeles formed by the Anny Air forces in area~ the Munio~ Airport would making the experiment a success. the entire len~h of California. In Spanish any chain , be used. Two m~n routes were The pilots of the Army helicopters. Clinical Laboratory om... ......... -.... _..,....,..._. of mountains IS a "cordillera" and geographically the TO REMARK flown, one following. the coast. all of them combat veierans, flew cordille ra of North America includes b o th the Rockie • I RISE • • • Wlth . Long Beach as •ts. southern six da,. a week over runs select-TELEPHONE RA....,B Ill d th S . N · · RON . .JOKS PHILLWS h terrrun~, the other running inland ed specifica1y because they offered 1811 W. "-"-! Aft. an e 1erra evadas. But 1t IS the word Sierra, oThpes. to Santa Ana. A shuttle route be-the moil adverse conditions. So • ------------!I h . h al '' · ,, · S · h h ere ar~ improv<"mnets in the tw Lockheed d -W IC SO m ean s mountains Jn pams , t at better een an the Terminal that the aircraft could be kept llln-II. !lluweU, IL D. DAY ICllOOL d • • \\Then a bill or resolution goes new measure, and some -good Annex roof was also flown. continuously in sen.ice, the Army istinguishes Cali fo rnia's ranges from all other s i·tl to the Rules Con1mitf('(', and later things; there are more confusions the country. oomC's to the Floor. it has accom-f and uncertainties. Prices are ris-The experiment brought out the pilots devoted their Sundays to the r------------- pa nying it a "ru!C'." This means a ing, with or without OPA. Price need for substantial modificatiom inspection ·and maintena nce of Mortim Sch ] A pin's point would amp]y cover the spot where resolution setting out ho"' it shall r ise! have been inevitable since in routes and procedures. Ir. at the their aircraft. Army operations IOZ 0onil er B•U.O. ~·-""' Office Houn: 10-12; 2-5 this is written . And while fro m this point the human be debated and voted on. The t ule ) President Truman broke the wage hearing now scheduled by the Civil were directed by Captain Camp-- · k f al\O\\'S so much time for debate·, line aftC'r v.J Day. The problem Aeronautics board for September bell Y. J ackson. Gradel: Coftece. P'reparatol'J' eye encompass t owering pea S, peace u] lakes, age -9 th • departm•nt r•comm d Post Off1'ce Depa tm t ff ' · I s~R SCHOOL tells what am('ndments may be has been to release the product.ion · .._ · "' .._ en s r en o 1c1a s llJ1'lltl..r.I 9J d glaciers and seeming ly limi tl ess S~ies, the visible off ered, and sets forth procedural PD"'ers of America. These things helicopter ser,·icc for Los An geles, made an hour-by·hour check of o . .&. Mortimer, M. A., Oxford worfd is but a frac tion o f all that Califo rnia possesses details. The Rules Committee is \Viii prevent innation: A balanced the routes suggested undoubtedly the dtigin. destination. and volum e Prtnclpal Phone Barbor 85! · th f · Ith C J"f · · d d the most po,,·erful committee in budR('l, a brake on the pouring of wiU be horizont al loops rather of air mail in all communities af. Jn e way 0 s cenic We a . a I o r n1ans are In ee than in the form of the \'er tical fected, as well as the 'practicability f rt t t b bl h th · . I d th(' Congress. and is controllC"d 1 money into an economy threatC'n· DENTISTS 0 Una e 0 e 3 e to C 005e 3S e tr VaCattOn an 8 strictly by the Adnlinistration in C'd lvit.h inflation. and a release of li nes flO\\'Tl during the experiment. of the schedules tested and the .------------ SUCh mountains as these, Or the state's a } most limitless PD''·<"r. \production. \\'e had 23 da,ys ~vi-Thus, helicopters flying out cost of helicopter service. M. H. r eaches o f seas hore o r its groves of tO\Vering Sequoias. The Ru les Committee allowrd us denC(' or the f>O\\'er of production. rrom the ~1unicipal Airport at six ~ck~rman, pos~ orfice ins~ctor­N 16 hours genC'ral deba te on the before ."'e decided to go ba~k to o'clock in thC' morning could fly 1n-c arge a t!"-~ anta. Ga., directed o t far from \Vhe r e this is written are gleaming ex-British loan. and 4 hours general the hair of the.dog that bit us. ahead of fog. along the two loops, the survey. . . panses of Sahara-like desert, part of it belo w the level debate on ho\\' to control the SC'-\.V e are now back where "'e "'·ere. delivering and picking up mail at The data will be submitted to Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HO!\> W. Oeatral. ll&rl>or 1480 f th t f h' h • ·f · I · I each post office. The fli ght time Postmaster General Robert E. O e sea OU O W IC in one t e rn y 1ng catac ysm1c creL'\ of atomic energy. The ad-The bill is in the Senate. Black· on the northern loop would be one Hannegan and Second Assistant m oment o f an eon long Past, r ose these mighty peaks . ministration allO\\'ed us only one market operators will rejoi~ if it hour and fort)·-two minutes and Postmaster General Gael Sullivan NEWPORT BUCH C l .f . . Id hour on the report from the Con· goes to the \\'hite House. Subsidies on th• southern loop, one hour and upon their return from Europe. '--------------a I o rrua IS so o , and yet so n e w . I ts m o un-f c 'tt h-h b ht would still be "o'th us The Presi ' erence omm1 ee w 1c roug · · thirty-six mi nut<"s. Thirteen post Mr. ~ann~an ~d Mr: Sullivan tains, it.s deserts, its coastline all denote eternity. us yesterday a completely chang-dent vetoed a more workable bill. offices would be served on the pro. are ~CUSSJ?g with. ~ore~ pastal r------------- Comnared with these, its Sequoi a s--the world's old-ed and re-written OPA bill . That What will he do with this posed northern loop and eleven on adminostration modif1cauon.s or in-DB. GORDON E. RAPP st If" • • • f Y C 1. will give you some idea of relative monstrosity! the southern loop. In addition. 61 ternational air mail rates. DENTisT' e IVlng organ1sms--are mere Jn ants . et a 1-values in Washington, at the mo-In the House, Mr. Lea of Cali- neighboring offices would benefit • f o rnia so far as its people and its progress are con-ment. !ornia moved to recommit the re-from the service. Mosquito Lake Trout --··- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor l '7!4 "3 S. Hlll St, Loo ~ TUciker 7812 By Appointment NORMAN NaON, M. D. Pediatrician Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics 1007 Ga.tot& Dr, 1--· TeloplloGe Lacm>a 1 ·ltlM Gerald Rausa, M. D. cerned is young and vigorous. It has built great cities You will read in the papers, and port and bring back only rent con-The success of the shuttle serv· Mosquito Lakes, Calaveras coun- established vast -industries, spanned bays with hear over the radio. that this OPA trots. The vote was 135 ayes ; 219 ice between downtown Los An· ty, have produced a few limits of • extension protects free enterprise noes ; 2 paired and therefore vot-geles and the air port was one of E br1dge.S, diverted mighty rivers and wrested Wealth and allOW5 the costs of production, ing "present." and 74 abent or not the outstanding features of the astern Brook from 5 to 6 lnches.l'-------------'1 from its mountains , its lush valleys and its sun-scorch-but only in this column and others voting. There are 5 vacancles. Of experiment. The department, in ~7h~:rn~ee!uta:dfe;p~ts.h~:1.-------------I ed deserts. Daily it draws into its veins the life-liike It hwihll iyouedr~aldl thfe uthredee a'hy~ c,3alvi/oolrednianodtelleogra~nm, m4ilvoatnedd the event that helicopter service road to Highland Lakes is In good Dr. w. w. Westmoreland . Newport 2830 West Central Ave . NEWPORT REACH Pt:loae H•bur lOll . . 1nes, w JC mm 1a e Y o ow ~. "'~"' · is adopted. would link the Ter-di · gtVlng blood o f n ew people from ev erywh e re-new that section of the bill. Here they 6 were absent. minal Annft.x. four other Los An· con tion. although the lakes are Dentllt Ith ·d gth · h h" h d "J J "" heavily fished from both shore w ea , new 1 eas, new stren Wlt W lC to o' Stl are; rC'ad them carefully : On the final vote, the House geles post offiC(' stations, Santa and boats, with few fis h taken. greate r things. "Nothing herC'in shall nullify the voted 210 in favo r of accepting Monica and the airport with two power of the Administrator to l thC' report, that is in favor or morning and t\VO afternoon flights. T o relax \vithin these Sierras is to gain a ne\V n·1ake reasonable' adjustments bringing back the OPA : 142 voted In addition. 12 direct flights be- perspective. Far r emoved from the m is the World AND EXCEPTIONS in individual against it, the highest proportion tween the Terminal Annex and the whose r e corded historv is but a clock ti ck compare d cases under the provisions, ljust yet to vote "no,"; 2 again voted airport \\'ould be r un daily. • J referred to.,.. "present ," and 76 were absent or On the northern and southern with t he age o f these m ountains---a "rorld whose puny The ne\\' 1-\ct provides divided not voting. The California dele-loops , mor ning and afternoon peoples WaT 00 e ach Other with increasi ng fury gen e r -authority, and sets Up a '"Decon· gation VOted 12 in favor and 5 flights are projected. atio n after generation. Fro m m o untains s uch a s these trol Board," giving ii more abso-agai nst, with 6 absent. The helicopters, operated by came the obsidian o u t o f which µr imitive man fash-lute power than Congress has giv-Army Air Forces personnel (jn the en any pre\ious board of agency : Watch That Spare experiment. were designed to?@ies- ioned h is first JethaJ weapons, the a rrow and the axe ; witness th is: "Orders of the board cue work and not for the ~age from mountains SUCh aS these man haS extracted shall not be subject lO modifica-of malls. On aircraft adaptable for • tion or r eview by any other d~ .. Spart" tires often are those flying mail, fundamentally differ· uranium, basis o f his new weapon o f destruction, the partment or agency or by any which alri:ady have seen consider-ent operational techniques would atom bomb. Yet the centuries which lie between tha t court." able service and are occupying be followed. Men-Women Prostate • --Pelvis 1101 eout m"-" OOBONA DEL MAB Phone Barbor ZZZO INIUBANCE Uncoln National Life lnsurauce Co. "It. !fame ~ I .. ~" DON n:BNIOAN --·--· -llarlDo A-·~bl. dim stone age and the present are but a passing mo-Who wi ll be appointed to this their present position only as sul>-Using a simpl• device now avail- ment in the age o f the si·erras, new a s they are com-0econtro1 Board. at salaries of suiutes when one 01 the good tires able. the helicopter need not stop OCCIDENTAL $12,000 each! I wonder. With meets misfortune," declares L. G. to pick up mail . The pickup would pared with the east's Appalachians. memories of Harry Hopkins placed E'·ans, general service manaeer of be effected by the helicopter slow-LIFE INSUB&NOB 00. l'fo ~: call Beaooo. &OM-a X·Ray Service T. P. REEDER, M. '.D. and WM. S. IRETON, M. D. Pbywlcians and s.._ 3409 w. Central Telephone Barbor 802 PIJBUC STENOGRAPBEB M. D. Keesling 1801-A N-rt Bl.._ CJoota ..... llUllVEYOU So vast are these Sierras that everyone who was in charge of Lend-Lease. which we National Automobile club. "'Yet, tt Ing down and having a tilting de-R 0 0 F s Ra ... Nielsen settled a few days ago by wiping frequently happens that when the ~ce bring the mail sack into the r , '!.. .. _..... ....._ Raub & Bennett under acms in World War II could enjoy rest and off a 30 BILLION dollar loss : or spare is called upon to fill in, its rurcraft. Deliveries likewise would APPLIED OB la:PA'Bgn ---.. 11w • .,_ -.:...-. relaxation within their confines and still not be con-Mr. Lehman and Mr. LaGuardia tenure on the wheel is much long-be made without stopping. Free Estlmata A Inspectlon •ta......... ..._ ~ N-r&Bhd., ~- SCiOl.1$ of the o ther's presence. Certainly their recent ineffectively trying to hide the In· er than the own er anticipated. Thus, helicopter flying the w I •-IL--1'!11 ..... B-.oc:. uo.w competencies of UNRRA. and with The spare. thus used, may be good northern loop would slow down • • uaruuw animosities would fade under the spell Of t h e m o un-Mr. Bowles' obvious relief on get-for but a few hundred miles. ll is over the Southgate post office. 3602 Marcus Pb. Hbr. 1012-J MORTICIANS Ml7W.Oeav.J N-n- tains. P e r haps in that fact lies the germ of a n idea ting away lrom the most monu-better 10 take these out in small The pickup of outgoing mail would '---------'----'I:;-----------~ 1 ._ __ Te_ .. _ .. _.,_-_-.. ___ ua ___ , for future world p eace. mental failure in the history of installments than all at one time. Harold JL Grauel 1 government. the former OPA, I ' \\'hen the good tire is fixed. pu_t r------:::-:-----------------. Ch I Ask Little · Woman admJt frankly th.al I do not face 1 i l back without del ay. It spares 24-Hour ape those appointments with high the old spare." "We Ourselves the Better Serve PUBLIC NOTICE h eart. B e f o re you s ink the family poke in that new oil company, or left-handed monkey wrench factory, o r c hinc hilla ranch, it's bes t to a s k (with a cas ual air o f masculine condescen s ion, of course) the-advice of the little woman! A sudden flurr y in the chinchilla market in Cali- f orni a is puzzling· Better Business Bw·ea u s, r eports Mrs . Muriel T svetkoff, iener al manager o f San Fran- cisco's BBB. A pair o f breeders n ow cost fro m $1200 to $1500. whe r eas a c h eck o f the Nation's fur industry show s "'the r e is little if a ily d emand in the fur pe lt \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ market fo r chinchill a skin s." There's nothing wrong about layin g out $1500 f o r a couple o f these soft-furred little r o d ents, if your ambition is t o have the most expensive pets in your community. But buying them to get rich quick is in line. according to Mrs. T svetkoff, with a µublic plung- ing fever that is giving Better Business Bureaus a lot of sad complaints these days. And her advice to mar- . , ried me~specially to returning G. I.'s who've been out of touch with civilian ways and wiles-is to ask C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 0-Froe& Newpwt NOW OPEN EVll:NING8 the clingini vine what she thinks before risking the~=======~~====~===~ family savings in some glittering investment adven-- ture. Swindlers and racketeers :fmd women a lot harder to fool than their menfolk! "Most of the inquiries about investments or new business ventures come from women," Mrs. Tsvetkoff revealed. "Almost without e."Cception they begin by saying : 'My husband would shoot me if he knew I were calling you'." Men, says she, tend to be cock- sure of their own business judgment, while women "usually aren't afraid to admit they mil':ht not know enough to avoid being swindled. They don't want to deflate the ego of their spouses-but the wise wife wants to make. sure her man isn't fooled." While this disclosure isn't too flattering to the strong. silent. brainy type of man California produces 90 e.icClusively, it may be well for all of us to take it t-0 • • - l 315 llORTH.JilAIN ST. by Servinir Others Best" Radio Service ...._-.. 11110 CERTIFICATE OF 8USINESS• FICTITIOUS FIRM 0 NAME ROME, AUTO, MAB1NE BADIOll BEPAram>· Burt R. Norton 1~5 Coad m...,. Bi! A UM l'flS Newport llm ell. Otnt.. • ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA . Often Y• tbe 1' 1.e P11ee to Dime .. Orup Oom&7; All ·New ••• Even the Location : .. One-Half IDie Eat ~ Old LocatlQD Clll Coast HJgtnr.y. Beautifill New Cocktail Bar We Lead Soutbl!!m Callfonda In the Set win& ~ -SEAFOODS- AUIO YOO& ldlld el 8'1'&\U -VW't OUR KllUIDf - fJolta Mee.a Calltornla OPTOMETBISTS E. T. Butterworth, O. D. Op-biot EYE8 l:XAMINED LEN8"8 DUPUCATED Glilw ._...,._, .......... 3116 W. ~ A .... ft. ..._ IBtl M&Wi'Oli'f aACll • Robert A. Crawford Opt. D. OPTOJO:TIUllT E1s Eumlned -Gl•a,. 1lttted lWIXwwpo;tB....._. ...__90 OOft& ..... The under'!llgned doea hereby ~· tlry lhat they &N! conducting a Prfnt- !ng and Publl.11hlng Busineu at 3011 W . Centr'a.l Ave., Newport Bea.eh California. under the ficlitlou11 nmi Coname or Ne.,.port Harbor PublJ•hln1 .. and that Mid firm 1!1 comJ)OAled of the followlnl' pef'll<>nl!I who!'lle ft&lnel and addre.ae.11 a re u follf'.rwa to-wit· Sam D. Porter. 1569 Mlram&r Drfy' Balboa. CallfonUa. N Nora S. Wade , 205 We!!ltm lnater A-.. ewport Beach , Ca.l tfornta.. ·• Wltneaa our hands tbla '22nd da7 of July, l!M6. SAK 0 . PORTER - STATE oF,.,.~111.ifu~E. ' COUNTY Of' ORANGE---.-' Ora lhla 22nd day of 1Uir A.. n 1146, before me Helen O. iclatl("""ti. Notary PublJe In and for the/ ..W county and atate, r-ea:fdlbC' tbemn. :iil:r comm.J•loned and .. o~ pe,.,... , .. _&unD ............. Nora 8. Wade, )usown to JIM to .. the per901111 •boee --&l'tl .... ltt'ibed to the within l.Utn• mt. 111111 -........ ledced to me that lbe7 .,_,.., ..... Ia •ltne. wbenor. I ban berwato ::i"'tL"= =~ ... "'b..4!:! :....-----------!I uncate ttrwt &boTe wrm.a. HELllN O. ICLA'M' Notary PUblk: In and. for -*'4 County and State. M.7 ~ mt.idoll nptNe Dec, I. Drr W. T. Mooney i'tqMM ad llla&W .~-0 881 ..................... , ....... <SEAL. ] ..... Pu.b. !Ji7 21. IO ; Aus. I &Dd U. UM. NOTICI: OF OIMOLUTJON Oft Tbe COPARTNl:"SHIP ..... =zi'l'll: .. °' =-' R. :am ~b~ =-:..t"" .. '1Ilf~ot;Ei !IJP .... 7. Newport Bew;f:ii caw.tr. ...,. of c.ttron.ia. lo ::I di9o1Ted by mutual q:J' I at -Oftloe~ ' Dr G 'P ,,.... """ -0( {o!rL ,_ -• • -TobiD HOW .._ KILL ·1ca47;.._ ... il:i •• PUb.-JalJ' ~ ~· '-"'dJt.D • Sam's Sea Food Spa ~-·ar -r ... o·· .• and Flllb lfartet ·!c. -:':.&-Tiie ..... _ humon ........ l .L...!~~0~1:•=·~-~~-=~------....l!:::.!:~~~2..J • .. . --. -o( -_.... ~ ·--& • • c-......... , . -.. ~ --...... '1-~~·~·~-:::·:·::.· .. ~..!-~-~·~-JllJIOI:-= Of 111at -· 7 ·--• ,, tloM7 ...... • .. ' Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1 .. Olilrl ·-·-• Old t ti mlfJ malts "'·--- IA>8T~ -.... UilD ........ .......... -Alllpa. 11111111.W. &-. •rrq _. '11 reward tor rdw• ol WDfoN -popeos. "'""' .... ..... " clo New.-'nmee, er ~ Harbor u. a-11c • waapu! ·1 • Onmas 7 ., a f, ,.., .. I.I!! - Asks Probate ,.:';i1:a~ °::~. Harbor Snowbirds Pr<>gram IA~!~~~ Given Nationwide Pubffcity toxldll' of musools along tile Cali-New-t H..-IS the ttclpoent -===========~~~~~~~~~~~~~l l fornla shore is increasing the ot a conalclerable promotional ,. __ rt R vie State Departmen t ot Public booot this month with an artistic '-VII e W$ H ealth annoonces. The public is photo ot the ''Flight ot the Snow-Sa ts' ea' In a Jut week hearin& at Su- porior court In Santa AM. Geoqe J, ~ dt 501 CUnatlon at., Oorona clol Mar, asked probate of the will of hJs late father, 9e<q• Engelbert, who died last April 11. Real property In Santa Barbara county is involved.; halt &oes to the Oorona del Mar pell~ and the o!her ball to be divided equat- ly between sons, William Engel- bert of Coalinga a.nd Frank En- gelbert of Bakersfield, and Mn. Mary Ragland of Manhattan Beach, da~ter of the deceased. CE P.A.PALMER UDO I5l£ P'PbPt!Ja::n::s ____ ,.__;.;..;:.:=;;; w. 0 BUCJ::: -I..suranoe Co...nselor A,,,, 1soo fJJ--:rBb/,. 3333 VU UDO cii1PQRNiA DEFEND YOUR HEAL TH -WITH OIWllE :S ,.,,,, It's Always COFFEE TIME At The . . . . . DO llUTcT°wAt:FLE SHOP -. . . . . . Serving COF'FEE & DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY W A FF LES (with whipped cream) • COMPLEI'E FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island K•llll.f Nichols Open Enm1Dp UnW 10 o,'CIOCll: -CIOMd on Wedlleeday advised to obey the state quar-birds" being carried on the cover ' spec ses antine which forbids the gather-of the August issue of a new na-Sa._ d A 10 Ing ot musales 'from May 1 thru tionaJ magazine, Travel and Cam· wr ay J ag. October 31 from all California bay era. and ocean waten. The photo in color, pictures the Saturday, August 10. has been One person is dead and two are race under full a.all and is being set by Superior Court as the day still sick fr om eating mussels used in the promotional advertis-to review and pronounce judg-r ,:-:== taken from the San Mateo s hore ing of the magazine in newspapers ment in the case ot Truman Nolan two weeks ago when toxicity was throughout the country. Marks and Ernest E~ne Het- lower th~ i~ is at p~nt. The Harry Welch, c of c secretary, black, who were nabbed by New- toxin which is present in mussels r eceived 8 copy of the New York port police on June 25, 10 minutes during the summer a nd early fall Herald-Tribune last week in after committing tv.'O armed rob- months is one of the most deadly which the Newport scene wa.s de-. beries. knov.'n poisons. The cause is the picted In 8 quarter page ad for The duo admitted to Superior presence in California oc:ean the new publication. Judge Franklin G. West in Santa waters of a minute organism, the Will Connell. "'ell-known pbo-Ana last week that they had held gonyaulax. which is ingested by tographer from Hollywood snap-up, at gun point, Beryl Jenifer the mu.wets. ped the picture in last year's r ace. and taken $29, then C L. Zastrow The state health department On the editarial page of the from whom they took $125 cash • also warned that the dark meat of magazine, speaking of the attrac-and a wrist watch. dams should be trimmed off be-tive rover the editors of Trave1 In an attempt to avoid a term fore cooking and that only the and Came;a wrote: in the penitentiary, Marks and white meal should be eaten. ''Travel and Camera's editors, Hetblack have asked for proba- Balboan Leaves Navy; Takes on Deep Sea Diving After three years service and 34 months overseas duty, J ohn G. Aidoock, son of M rs. Paulina Aidoock. Box Til. Balboa. "'as dis- charged from the navy last Wednesday. Aidoock. "'ho was employed at the Las Vegas Army Gunnery school before enlistment in the navy, served aboard various ships and participated in the Okinawa invasion. I-le plans to continue the v.•ork that he participated in '-''hile ln the service-deep sea diving. Anaheim Chosen For Cities Meet ANAHElM, July 30.-This cit)' has been selected for the August 8 meeting of the executive board of the Orange County League of Cities. Final phases fo r the plan to institute one-half-cent sales tax in the several cities will be dis4 cussed. The league's annual meet- ing will be held Aug. 22, ltfayOI" who've known the gentleman for tion. many years. are laying odds that fun-loving, outdoorsy photogn-U.S. Chamber Officials W i 11 I k Tonight pher Will Connell got as big a kJck from photographing the "Flight of the Snowbirds .. as did the youngsters sailing the little 12-foot craft in th.e sea-cool set- ting shO\\"Tl on thb month's cover. ~. Connell is o ne of the na- tion's toirflight photo illustrators. T " The scene is Newport a Harbor, Calif., and the annual race of the speedy sailboats which are as popular as bicycles and roller skates with the small fry of the area. Each August, 100 or more Snowbirds expertly handled by 7 to 15-year-old skippers, race down the bay and back in a spectacular sailing competition all their own." Tragedy Hits Balboa Home Jacob E. Allen, national affairs a dviser for the United States Chamber of Commer(."(', and \V. G. Herron, federal consultant for the chamber. \I.ill be the princJpal speakers at the mffting or the Associated Chambers of Orange county at Sam's Sea Food cafe, Sunset Beach, tonight (Tuesday). Allen and Herron, who are from Washington, D. C., have been at- tending lhe western conference of managers of chambers of com- merce at Whit tier. They accepted the invitation of William Gal- lienne, Huntington Beach, to ad- Tragt>dy struck the Taylor home drt'Ss the Orange coun ty body. at 311 Fernando street. Balboa .• ~ Reservations received a t Gal- Friday. ~enne's Huntington Beach office First. Ernest Taylor, 17, was . f dicate a large attendance. Planners Re-elected 518 8-mpway Beaoon 550G Newpqrtlleocll Electric with a TlllFffL&I Sawings Acam • Whether it'• a n-home, a car, or aimpl;p a .....U vacation, JOU cu niach yogr goal quickly ifyou'll lltut •tilc Cor i t -in a Banlt ofAmerica '1'llllln1'l.\N 8ClllWlt. Saving the 'l1llllrn'Ulf way w -.,, too, 11 JOU simply depom a !lp"dflc amount-it can be u little u $LOO-at replar inliel'Yal9, wrMJ', .,,mimonthly or monthly. Your t1CCOW1t 1-ra int.ereet and, in addition, JOU dewlop the habit of~ saving. Drop in at any Bek of America branch and nut the l1'llllIJl'l1'L account that will mab :pour dretuna come we! 1lunk of .America NATIONAL llW..'G°! ASSOCIATION INTERIOR DESIGN CUstmi made draperies Tajlored slip-CO<'en Venetian blinds Furniture oelectlon and maintenance Select wllllpapers - ~---------3448 VIA OPORTO N~ 8lACM,CA.LIF. HAR •OR I Z 1!1 e · W ;-------------------------; George M. Weimer of Orange, president. announced. • Reelection of all members of the Boaeebold AppllaaeM nearly drowned v.·hen he fell from I I the sailboat. Corsair , into the bay. He was rescued by his brother. Robert, 20. end his sister. Dorsey, 16. Newport Beach city planning com-~;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~~~~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;~~~ WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (SO· 60 -90 Days) KarllC'o'a invite you to ccxne ID and open a charp account. Our ltocka ore complete with tho latest ltyl .. ot lAdieo' Thie A pparel Neffone!Jy~ JUl!ADY-TO -WEAB mARBROS c/a>d4 (bra, m . war •TB trr. .• PBON11: 16'1 Store Boan: Dally l9Cladblg Salurday l:IO A. II. to 5:31 p. II. Gasoline stocks in the Unlted States today stand at more than 3,650,000,000 gallons, an increase of 250,000,000 gallons over a year ago. ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100c-&~ Fo-Oo-• ~ ....... ()pm 11"97 Da7 Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard WI~ Wldth.-All Lmgthl Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 16298o.lblallt. PllmeWI SANTA ANA VENETIAN BLIND - Manufacturers We Make Them • A Better Blind "SUNSHINE CORRECTLY REGULATED IN YOUR HOME'' Canplete Renovating by Our Modem Factory S~ Immediate Delivery On Made-~Order Blinds -Up to 36 Months to Pay Our Prices Remaip the Same RITE-Ult VENETIAN BLIND CO. • g w a••c+:1• ' • Later, while their father, Ernest Taylor. Sr .. was talking with a physician concerning the heal t.h of Mrs. Taylor, who had suffered a stroke. he walked toward the gate to hJs home and dropped dead of a heart attack. S. F. June Net Shows Decrease Santa Fe's net railway operat- ing income for June, 1946, Was $3,082,123, according to a state- ment released by President F. G. Curley today. This is a decrease of $2,936,566, compared with June, 1945. Crou for the system was $33,· 908.965, a deaeue under June, 1945, ot $18.743,601. Operating expenses were $26,- 338,750, a decr.ue ot $2,751,104 under thr same month of 1945. 1941 1H6 JuM Groa __ J S!.908.965 J 53.1&2.561 J une Net Ry. <>per. Inc. .. a.082.123 c.c11.m I mo.. Gn:>eA. ... 191.209.691 2&2,087,890 I m0&. Net Ry. ()per. Inc. _ 20,167,MB 30o4n.712 Radiu Servke Pltoae ee.-!IOM-W ... h, ,.,._ ...... 1 ... Palmer Radio AND a.pjl'lii() -"·"""*-ooerA ..... WORTHINGTO Refrigeration FllBON A.llDIONIA l t.a tolt- Air Conditioning ............ Preasme Pumps Centrifugal Pumps .._a PI ._. ADU.--la- caD .... ma.i..• I, a.•a?·, -- mission was announced today. The commission includes John M. Allen, ch airman: Philrner J . Ellerbroek .. seaetary, and the fol- lowin g commissioners, M. J . John· son, Walter M . Longmoor , C. Lewis Baltz, Van While, Ray Y. Copelin, R H . P leger and C. B. Rudd. lOS ANGftfS HOLLYWOOD lONG llACM . ........ "°""""' llVllSIDE SANTA ANA L ~ ... ~'£~.~ s-~_E .. o. 2004 W EST Cl!NTllAl. AVE., NEWPORT BEAOI H•RBOI<' 1374-J INYISTMINT sKU1:m1s TO MEIT THI INYtSTOIS' NHDS • • NOW READY to handle your electrical probleaHs The war is over. All those electricaJ appli- ances for which you have been waiting, ~ SOll)I! you ne\'er dreamed of having, are fast becoming available. We are ready today to start installing most of the following: More lights Ix> brighten your home, shop or <Xfioe; a small boe.t-t~sbore radio by which you can tell your wife on the house telephone to let her know that you have caught the fish for dlnile~-(We are really serious about this one. Sets will be available this month). I We can repair your electric motor, or in- stall a small lamp wbldl protects your ~ with a baeteriddal screen. No genus can get past lt alive. (We haw the lamps ll'JW-) But there's no need to cata- log all the aenrlces that are available to- day, or will be available tomOirow, next week or next month. Wblle all CM!!' the cnmtry tl!&e ill 1111 ltaJk at postwar re- conversion. El&-Hokln & Galvan haw re- converted. We are ready to take m al- most any electrical job home, Wm, In- dustrial or 1111111ut right now. During the war, while we were the "electrical department" for shipyards f rom one end of the Newport waterfront to the other, ·we supplied good jobs for 225 Newport lllftl. With all the new uses for electricity that have been discovered or perfected in the war years, there is going to be enough work to !<eeP us and the older Newport firms going at full blast for years to anie ~ member that the quality of Ets-Holdn & Galvan worit Is txlpB!> During the war we made installat1oos m C1Vf!I' 2000 «DDhat and transport vessels, and there are no standards In the world as ex- acting as those oC the Navy. That Is the standard at won we will put into your hOme, your shop, your store, your farm er your boat. • • lllNCE 4 1 I I I ETS-HOKIN-and GAi .V 1000 C.out Highway --Phone Bneoo 5'87 Mlle la -FIM*f II e WQ+M.&LM • -D11s9 • OM ! e 8 .. • ' -.. ELEC I l(ICIANS C-0-TWO FIRE EQUIPIENT , ' .. oa BOAT FACTORY PLANT STOSll: OW'Jl!"IC& -• • • • • ..,._ P u eu c NoTICE PueL1c NoTICES BUDGET NEWl'O&T BEACH SCHOOL DDn1UCI' OF ORANGE <JOVNTY, OALD'OR!oo'IA FOK THE 8(JBOOL YEAR BEGINNING roLY 1, 1-AND ENDING l1JNE It, 1N1 City Building ~ Two Million State Funds Harbor Li~ TALE?\"T AFOOT Pa11COad. VENETIAN BLINDS Volume Up Given for County Schools WOOD • S'l'El!:L • ALVMINUll ...... TW.a-Ow a 1-........ -a c ,,,_..,_ .. _._ Grade 'T~ = . r.! 112 ( 314 15' 6 \ 7 1~ II 9\10\ll \12\13it4 r6""4 (~ -W highest for each ,_,., ~n strolling alone along Ocean Front: Stirling Hayden, who ii about t o st age a screen comeback. Hayden forsook the films a few yeao ago for a cruise down the Caribbean. Much refreshed and somewhat slimmer than when he came here "'eeks ago, Sterling is in the pink. 1be boy has taJent and should be rtven. another Cdintlnued from Page lJ The public schoola of Orance apportionment to the public '---~---------------------' Aver. Dally Attendance (all grades) 1945-46 Actual 787.75 Beach, $5500. county got $2,064,728 in apportion-schools would be $142,000,000, as-· • 1946-47 Budgt>t estimate 800 !\"l'!WPO&T BEACH 8CB'OOL D ISTRICT hrt ()me OJ!NA.AI. FUND ( ...... 7 Kee ()Ode 8eo:U.. 500S) Col. 1 Col. 1 1"'4&-48 Actual, °" "''""""' L BEGIN!'.'ING BALANCE. roLY 1 Cash in County Trt>asury ·······-··-·····-···········$38.505.00 Total Liquid Asse .. ···-· ---··· 38,505.00 Les.s: Current Liabilities ·······----------·-··········· 11 .248.00 Net Liquid Asse ........... ······-·-··············-· 27.257.00 Total Beginning Balance --·-··-····-·--··· 27 ,257.00 1HM7 ...... $18,211.00 l8,2U.OO 16,457.00 1,754.00 1.754.00 chance. • • • lSLAND LEASED J . B. S!emons of 113 P.!arl avenue, Corona del Mar, a one- story, slngle family Ytith garage at- tached, at 612 Larkspur avenue, Corona del Mar, $5000. Dwight S. Tipping of 530 River- side avenue, Newport Heights, a one-story single family dwelling at 510 El Modena avenue, Newport Heights, $5000. • ments from the state treasury for 11.D'ning the 1945-46 attendance the 1945-t6 achoo! year, Caillornia hue of 1,121,278 and including an Taxpayers' a.uociation sa.id today, et.timated 62,000 kindergarten at· ma.king public the second section tendance. With the uptrend Jn eo- of ttl study of school district fi-rollments this could reach $220,- nancing in California. In addition 000,000 in ten years," the assoda- to the s tate apportionment, the tion saJd. property tax levy for the school ~~~~~~county was $3,707·-Find Trouble First C. R. ST AAF MOORING SERVICE t t t Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered 'd; t t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service D. INOOM'E State School Fund Apportionments ---··-······· 21 .124.00 Slate-General Fund apportionments .............. 34,808.00 18,898.00 30.834.00 19,413.00 3,38).00 Lease or Jim Cagney's island to Richard A. Gearing and Jerome J . Brashear for development into "Pleuure Island" for children wu confirmed Friday. Mn. George E. Crane of ·Hollywood, who conducts a nursery school on Cagney Island. says her headquarters will be en- larged lo accommodate more chil· dren rrom t"·o to 10 years. A. B. Clendenen of 1335 Elm avenue. Glendale. a one-story, single family cement block dwel- ling at 223 Amethyst &\'enue, Bal- boa Island, 54900. Elementary school districts in the county got $1,376,308. out of fhe state treasury, high school .dis- tricts received $620,916, and junior college districts $67 ,505. Propositjon 3 on the ~ovember ballot would fix state support of the public schools at $120 per pupil in average daily attendance. The Berore inserting a new fuse as a substitute for one that h8.s burned out. it is declared to be an excellent idea by the Nationall ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Automobile club to discover thel District T i.ixes on Unsecured Property ............ 7,848.00 Delinquent lttunicipal and District Taxes ...... 2.367.00 • • • BU'ITON UP Announcement He nry Johnson of 609 N. Van Ness avenqe. Santa Ana. a t\vo- story cement and brick stucco reason for the demise of the Cirst • A 11 £NTION '• '• one. Allov.i ng the . trouble to re- m ain IA'ill mean that the ne\v fuse Other income _ ...... . ...... ·············-····-:······.-·· 326.00 Total Income other than OJ.rrent D1s tnct Trutes ... ..... •.... .. ···-···············-···-······· ..... 66.473.00 72.525.00 CJrrent District Taxes Received 1945-46 ...... 109,576.00 CURRENT DISTRICT TAXES RE- QUIED TO BALANCE BUDGET 1946-47...... 103,391.00 Total Income .. -:. ........ ·-··········-·········-·-···········-···176,049.00 175,916.00 DJ. TOTAL BEGINNING BALA..~CE A.ND IN- COME (must equ.al VI ---············--·········-···--· TOTAL EXPENDITURES. TRANSFERS AND ENDlNG BALANCE) ········-·-··-··············!OS,306.00 177,810.00 IV. EXPENDITURES A.~D TR.llNSFEBS 1. AdmlnJ~tratlon Salaries and Wages ···-········-··--·················· . Other Expense ···························-················- Tot a l .. --···-······················--·····.-··--·······----···· 7.430.00 :?. I nstruction 8,160.00 400.00 8,560.~ 2a Teachers Salaries (certificated) .......... TI.305.00 100,000.00 2b Other Expense of Instruction .......... ... 4,669.00 Salaries a nd \Vages (non-certificated) Other Expense ........................................ x::oc.uxxx 8,700.00 Total In_..truction ·················\···--· .. ---81,974.00 108,700.00 S. Operation of School Plant Salaries and Wag('S ············-·····-···················· 11 .940.00 Othl'r Expense ..... .. .. . ................................ .... 8.060.00 Total .................................................... 15,362.00 20.000.00 t . M&.lntenan~e of School Plant SaJaries and "·agf'S ···-·········---····---······-···· .. Other Expense ... --··· ------·····-············ ..... Total . ...... ··-······-·················· 4.126.00 5. AuxJllary Ser\ioes Sa Trdn:-:portation or Pupils Salaries and Wages ........ ·-····-······-········· Other EXJ)('n se ·········---······-·--·--·····--·····-·· Total ... ······················-························ 9,894.00 Sb Other Auxiliary Services Salaries and \Vages -·-·······-···-·······--········ Other Expense ········-·········-··················· 4,679.00 Total .................... ,................................ 4.679.00 T otal Auxiliary Services ................ 14,573.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 6.375.00 2.625.00 9,000.00 5.680.00 200.00 5,880.00 14,880.00 is made that \\-"IU go the way or the fll'St. Con- tinued efrorts to get results "'ith· out first rinding the cause or the trouble may result in damage to t!te electrical system . Donald Bulfon. Kenndon F arms, dwelling with an apartment above present base 15 $80 per pupil for Costa Mesa. is appointed Orange I a.nd garag~ Ix-low ~nd a t\\•o-story, the elementary schools and $90 County contributing editor and s1 ngle-Camtly d\ve1hng at 127 33rd for the secondary schools. This subscription solicitor for "Tanbark slreet. Ne"·port Beach. $4500 each. means an increase in state appor- and Turr." the sporty equine pub-E . l\t. Parsons or 1201 S . F101A'er tionment of 50 per cent on e le- lication. Don also Is editorial con-street , Burbank, one-story single mentary pupils and 33 1/3 per sultant ror Sunset magazine. family dwelling at 304 36th street. cent on secondary pupils. In addi-Richardson Released • • • Newport Beach, $4500. tion. state support would be pro- \\10RKING MAN Arthur F . Wa rd of 4028 Chan-vided f kinde t iJs f Hardly recognized Neal Beck- ner. Balboa Isla nd photographer , when he approached the News- Times office Saturday. But there was a reason for the jet·black beard. He and the Missus "'ere ha ving a time moving the r est of their furniture rrom the Holly- wood honk to their new residence in Costa l\'tesa a nd there was no time ror shaving soa p and safety or rgar en pup or J k H Ri h dso f th nel place, Newport Beach, one-the first time ac. . c ar n, son o e story. single family dwelling at · -E. B. Richardsons of Balboa Isl- 606 36th street, $4000. T otal . state aP?Dr!-ionment to and. was released rrOm the navy Robert Pridger of 364 E . F oot-the public school districts through-last ~eek after 14 months service hill avenue. Altadena, one-stoTy. out the sta_te for l945-46 was $96,-at Camp Elliott and a naval arn- single family dwelling at 6308 Sea 157·108· with $65,219·246 ror the phibious training base. elementary schools, $29.310,273 for . . Shore Colony, $4000. the high schools, a nd $l,6Z7,5B9 1 R1chard~n ts ~ graduate of Harold L. Conatray of 453 Santa for junior college districts. In ad-Ne\\'JX)rt Harbor High sch<>:<>l a nd Ana avenue, Newport Heights, dition , total proper ty tax levy far plans to a ttend college this fall. S4~Per Vale or 3448 Via Oporto. sc~oolf lspwr apos $slt~l,9653.112. t be S t h t' . . o 1 ion were o co c ape, various sizes, on a n addition to present dwelling voted by the people, the total state sale at the NewS"-Times . razor. and to make interior changes.I ~=============~============ $2000. I . . HarrY C. Dn"·n . addition of one- • • • "'ELCOME. BOYS . Urangc County Jo~nal1st1c stor y garage and store room to circles . lassos Co~ p~bl1c com-present building at 1823 West mcndat1on two R1vers1de county I Central avenue, Newport Beach. ~ys \vho have purchased the T us-Sl500. Reedlin NeJ\\'S, ; \li'eekly: Th he. boyeds .. Ed 1 Other Work 1 , r.'. o"!1er n1g t c~ty itor l Plans for miscellaneous types of or ~~ R~vers1de Enterprise and a building work were filed by: phys1cian_s son, and Ray Baker , William U-tls of West Ne"1>0rt, rorm~r night roreman of n:ie En· who is erecting a trame garage terpr1se, are 1 "'orthy _of public sup--building at 3208 Ocean Front, port. Best o luck, kids. W est Ne1A1>0r t $85() Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Cars Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497·M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa 8. F\xod~ 6b Other Fixed t."harges ·······-····-···--·-·-····· 5.244.00 . Total ... ···········-··················-··············· 5,244.00 T otal Current Expense (applicable to unit -TI!E LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER. Tom D. Atkins oi 222 Abalone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~! 6.000.00 avenue, Balboa Island, who is to ': 6,000.00 -------------build r ooms across the r ear of his C06t calculations) .......... .-................................. 128.709.00 162,140.00 7. c.,,i1a1 O.tlaT lmP.rc:>vement of Grounds ··························--·· Buildings ····························-···--·-··-················· . Equipment ....................................................... . Total ·············-········-······-···············'·· 72.843.00 UNDISTRIBUTED RESERVE .. _ .............. .xxxxxxxx Total,EXpenditures and Transfen . .201.550.00 V. ENDING BALANCE, JUNE SO Cash in County Treerury --········-··········· 18,211.00 Total Liquid Assets ·-·······-······················· 18,211 .00 Less': Current Llabilities ························-···············-· 16.457.00 "'" Net Liquid Asests June 30, 1946.................. 1.754.00 TotaJ Ending Balance ·············--·············-1,754.00 VL TOTAL EXPEND ITU&ES, T&ANSFERS A.ND ENDING BALANCE (maal equal ID TOTAL BEOINN'INO BALANCE A?li'D INCOME ) ················-·······················-··················$203.3-06.00 177,810.00 Part Two-BUILDING FUND (Educ&tlon Code Sectton '7401 and followlng) L BEGINNING BALANCE. .JULY l Ca.~e}" -~~-~~--~~~.: .. :::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::~::::$ ~:i~f:~ 0. INCOME Sale or Bonds .. ··---················· ...... 250.000.00 Total --·-. .. . .. ········-·-····-······-········ ..... .• 250,000.00 W. TOTAL BEGl~"N'ING BALANCE AND INCOME _ ............ ·······-···---·······-············-· 2-,ISl.OO 260,000.00 IV. EXPENOITURF.S "· 6';;i1~~gs 0~~:1_~,:~-·········-·······-····-·······················-2.131.00 Total ... . ···························-····················· 2.131.00 V . ENDING BALANCE. .JUNE SO Cash in County Treasury ··-················-··--··· 0.00 Ne t .... .......... ............... . ................................ 0.00 250.000.00 VL TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENDING BA.IA.NCE ···-···· ··········-··········----······················· !.131.00 %60.000.00 Pa.rt Th.ree-BOND INTEIU!ST AND.SIN"KING FUND (F..docailon Code 8ecUOIU 1401, 'Jue.., '1461, '1465, 1518 and '7511) L B.l:.Oll\'NING BALANCE, JULY l -·······-····--· 11,160.32 S 11,079.30 D. INCOME Miscella neous Income .. . .................................... . 4,127.50 District Taxes Received 1945--46 ···-······--········· 17,463.98 xxxxxxxx DISTRICT TAXES REQUffiED TO BAL- present home at that address, ssoo. Capt. H. C. Scranton of 310 Marigold avenue, Corona del Mar, who is erecting a porch to his r es nee, $400. W . . Kistenger of 2014 N. Broad ay, Santa Ana. who is en-r-------------.1 closing a patio ~d cha:neing Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quallty Feeds -§- Dall7 Dellftr)'-lleacoD 112411 1112'1 Newport Bl>d. COSTA MESA SHOES Repaired Wblle You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Next door to Bay V1ew Oa.te 8 Lm.to8p.m. partit. ns on his summer place at 13 an boulevard, Coronl del Mar. $350. W. W . Hodgkins of 1602 Bal- boa avenue, Balboa Island. who Is making an addition to his resi- dence. SJOO. Dorothy Sanborn of 309 E. Bay avenue. Balboa, who has applied for termite control treatment de- vice for a house at 204 Diamond avenue, Balboa Island, $200. Bruce Taylor of 3510 Narcissus avenue, Canal Section, a r oof on present dwelling, $100. 'Look Befor e Back ing "Be sure the way is clear before you star t to back your car," cau- tions Bert Ste\.\'art. Jr., public safety dire-ctor ot National Auter mobile club. The responsibility for backing safely rests entirely upon the driver.'' GEORGE D. BASSETI' ACCOUNTANT Mont hly BookkeePl!'g Service !eot W . Oeotn.I Ave., PIKme Barbor 180&-I ., Newport BMrla m . 25,298.20 -================::::; 29,425.70 .- ANCE BUDGET 1946-47 ................................... ~-oc:xx."IC..x:cx Total .......... • ............................................ 17,463.98 TOTAL BEGL""'lSl.SG BALANCE A:SO JV. v. VI. IN COl'tE ........................ ·············-·················· 29.%4!.t..SO 40..565.00 EXPESOITUB.ES 1\.ND TR.~~SFERS Bond lntl•rt'-:t ........................ . RoJ1d Rrdl'n1plion l'\'tiscC'l111neou:o: .......... . 6.145 00 12.000.00 Total E'.xJlmdltures and Transrc.-rs 18.145.00 ESDING BAJ.A.--.;('}~. Jm;E SO .......... ···-· 11,079.SO 7.870.00 21.000.00 925.00 29,795.00 10.110.00 BRING YOUR RADIO TO US One D&y -We'll Repair It a.ad You Can BaTII It the Nert Factory Pa.rt& "'otk G0&ranteed. Factory Tra.lned Expert& Radio SOS Electric RABOLD L HAMM Phone '780 SOO Mutne Ave.. Balboa bland TOTAL t :XPEND1Tl1RES. TRA.--..s t-i:Rs . .\Sil E XDL~G BAL..L\.i~CE .... --· !9.!!-1.30 40,505..00 '---------------------------- Pa.rt fl\•&--C . .\.f'"'ETE.RIA ACCOUNT ( fo~ueatton Code Sections 19S01 to 19312) L BECf l~'-"'N"L"li BAL..\.."CE. JUL\' 1 Lumber and Building Materials Bay Distric t Lumber Co. Cash in Bank ( s) ................................. . N <'t ................ --··········-············· 939.00 939.00 939.00 939.00 U. l~CO~E PbOlle Beacon 5111 UL IV. carctC'ria Sak-s . . .... ··-········-····-··--· ..... . Tolal ···-················--·······-·················--... . TOTAL BEGINNVJG BALANCE 4,006.00 4.006.00 AND DICOHE ·······-········-················-··········· 4,llU.00 &XP&.~DITURES Salaries and W ages ··················-···-····-······· Food ·-··········-···········-················-················-· 'rota) ···--····------··········----·-··--·---·-······-·· Gu.ANGE 1~ ( s ) ···-····-·-···-·······--··········. ·-..., ENDING 729.00 2,338.00 3,067.00 939.00 939.00 4.006.00 4,006.00 _<.N6,00 729.00 2,238.00 3.067.00 nt Rate Limit ..5,298,20 None I 100,391 .00 _ 100,39LOO 6357 ) .90 SUI OOAJ!T mGBWAY AT THE ABClll:ll FrUh Daily Delldou 's-- Or ....... plete._. when J'l)G want to catcb your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, N EWPORT BEACH &A.."i'SJOTTAL by the ~g bolln:I ol the Newport Beoch School district at a meeting held July 2nd. 1946 -publicatloo. public 1-rinll: and las a tentath'< bud&dl by fiDal adoption as required by tbe Ediicatlon C<ldo. School district at a meeting The public hearing on this budnt will be held at Newport Beech tted. School Hou$e on August 6tb, 1916 tt 8:00 o'clock P. M. 'ON JAY, C'Ierk/Secretuy. Signed: T. WESTON JAY, ~. -bu<!gft• .... °""IUd Pllb. July 30, 1946. . I Our Specialty: saving you · '·money on ligh~! SYLVANIA RllOIESCOO" LIGllTllC Oarcomplete800......,..tiainteD1meeaenicenowanil,. able on a contract ba.U at low moat.Uy rate1 ~ :iaclodeo ~ ne etlecl w Jrcep_,.... 1uo-11 (lighting .,,_ "' peak e4icieney. c.n _ ~ todq foal ................... oenice.. -__ ..... ETS • HOKIN. & .GALVAN SINCE 4 1 I I I 1000 COMt llhray ~a-,.,. 56:2% Alrlo las-~\\llmlqt.oa.8iuektw. 8u Dlec....o-th-« EI.ECTRICIANS C-0-Two l'tle !'.qtd1 'Ill fw FAl7l'O&Y0 PLANT,~ OJP'PICll. l'A&K, ROJO Home and Boat Owners-Builders SinkS, Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications e MMft'.&&T-li'• ~-.., ........ -~--­• llDIDU.ft DSLITDY. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. ae&h.._lhr ... A-. n. ... 00 .......... 1 .. • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our 1nte ..... t1ng Sample and Display Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linolewn. Bugs & CarpelB Cleaned, Bepalred LUDLUM ·carpet Works 1122 Soatb Main St. SANTAANA If your husband gl by t he hou~t,. · ~~ today's wages-~for the time you s pend in the Id tchen, . ~4:~l-.e thlnk i t wouldn't be \~ .. long ·until he would gla~ make ;your kitchen all-electric~ -· PUJllBING J. ff. ESTUS IWlDWAU GENERAL EI.ECTRIC UBGm • urmen&rom e w••pre9 . Dl8BW A8H«*9 • &&DIQ9 New;a.,Bmell . . -°'?~ .... Phnr ll8 E. J. (Bud), Jacklin CONTBACTOB CEMENT WORK Flat \\'ortr; or Foundat:lom 0ALL 1 5 % % -I FOil INFOaJIATION NEWPO&T •••.llOA JiSWa·tiiD!, Nwert Bsz+, OnW•.llllt h:iy, !$ P, UM Permanent Water Source uit~~~ ~ Want to Buy Sought by Newport Beach ~~~:~M An Iron Hut, (Ooattnued from PaCo 1 ) PEp- N..,....'l'lmm lod--la "'I For alike supplls, -1119 your lllide to..,._ _...... N..,._nmeo. <f513alboa rlr et al 2 WASHINGTON. D. c.. JUiy 29. M v~· 1 mtt monlhll or 1111 ·-.--'!'be United Stat .. Deportment r eran 800.000 callons per d.ay for the of Acrlcullutt'1 lnvestlcatlon Into ~~~~~-~°'~"~~ft~-~~-~-~ll'~W~N~ .. gS~s~llS~-~-~-~~-~~-~~~~~~ rtver buin and a threatened ID-yeu-. That would mean a de-the dumplnc of .. bean culll: in • • r rrt er , '• <rmron ot ult water. mane! of 3180 acre feet a yeor or UNRRA w:ic. on the ban1ca of IOl llaln ft. &u•• I!' •"'cs, o.llf. "Importation of water la the an 1ncre ... of 1310 aCl'e feet .,_ Corona clel Mar, Calli .. dlaclooed Hlchlllihting the multi-million only permanent solution for the the 1944 period.. the following facts: dollar in'\•entory of war surplusea wale!" problem of a growing com-By 1980, he r._..i that the ll '!be FBI _.. ulrecl to ID-being offered this week. exclu-• ) '------------------------~! munlty," he said. .acldlng "In con-area supplied by the aty 'll'OUld he vestlgate, and establlahed that the slvely to World War Il vetet"tlDI sidering annaations there la no uldna: for 5,050,000 pllona cl beam were not owned by the at Port Hueneme naval bue near local water supply available for water per day for the three-month United States a:overnment or Oxnard. are 534 steel tr'Ull and the new area, therefore all tern-period or apps=irnately 3.850.000 UNRRA, but had been the prop-comJgated iron buildings, oricln- torlal growth must be hued on gallons per d.ay for the entltt year. erty ol private dealers 1n Call-ally designed foe , use by our arm- avallability of imported water." 'Ibis. would J'l'W'an 8 demand for fomia. Accordingly, the FBI re-ed forces u ~'der magazines, An INVITATION I °'1noTORS 91ne w1lh pings oung en There wos o y d d some rtngs addition she nee e In little motor ,And the poor d ew rotor h' Require o n d H ol these I ings- s th Coos! file o -Sul ou -- ne Opening August 1st --Of- STERLING B o a t Works Formerly Albion Boat Repair 615 Coast Hwy. Boat Repairs and Maintenance Marine Ways Expert Painting and Motor Work plus tax New Owners Doris & Orin Thorkildsen Manager Vollie G. Dalton Phone Beacon 5863 THREE· FEATHERS llSl.IVI ';"4t A•o-, ';IA 111"41/u STAG LIQUOR STORE nueo.t-.... ___ :1'111 Sonderegger uwessed the gen+ 4150 acre feet per ~ar or a gain feJ'Ted. the matter to California John F . Taggart. regional War eral belief that joining the Coastal of 970 acre feet. since the 1960 authorities. Assets administration sales chief, Municipal Water district WU the figure ':85 established. 2) 1The Department of Agricul· a"tlnounced yestc:roay, as the gig~ only way for the City of Newport Hi5 t~gures wett supported by tw-e "was informed that the beans tic continuous ~1te sale entered its Beach to obtain an insured and trends tn Population showing the bad been condemned by the Com-second week. permanent supply of available growth from 1930 _through 198)_. missioner of Agriculture tn Call-_These buildings are all new and so!tened water from the Colo--In 1930. the wmter population !ornia and ordered to be destroy· still in the original shipping rado river which is now deliver· of Newport Beach ~a was 6750: ed., since they contained obnoxious crates. Their overall dimensions 1 ed to Corona dcl Mar. the summer popul_ation, 11.500.. seeds and foreign material. \·ary from 14 by 20 ft. to 26 by 50 In order to retain tts rights ln In 1940, the winter population 3) ~-•-d ped In ft., and they sell for 50 cents was 8250 · the summer 16 450 ~ uc ~ans were um f L r b p the Santa Ana River basin, the • • · : the bay where the tide was sup-per square oo .o .. , ort Hue--. . ded In 19d4, the winter population • neme. consulting engineer recommen was ll,750; the summer, 22,650. posed to wash them out .• that the Oty of Ne..-.'PQrt Beach ln l950, the winter population 4 ) The beans were in no way In addition are 43 buildings ten should continue to pump its we lls was forecast to be 14,500; the connected with the UNRRA. feet square; eight steel-framed to the amount. of at lea.st 1150 parachute loft buildings, 20 by 40 acre feet per lnnum. summer population to be TT ,500. ft., and 17 corrugated. iron and In the Santa Ana basin, the In 1980, the winter Population Saves Ch"tld steel frame lean-to-type boiler was predicted to be 33,500; · the 10 6 b 24 t source of supply or \vater, the Oty 52 000 rooms, · Y t. summer, , . T o( Newport Beach then had four Sonderegger was not tar off aggart pointed out that these shallow depth wel1s on 93-acre in his population predictions and F L structures are being sold for use traet, knO'-''n On the ty's books he probably hit the bull's eye in rom agoon as Warehouses or Other commer-as parcel No. 2, and ·ch ii lo-hi!I estimate that the Newport . cial purposes, and that they can- cated two and th uarter miles Beach city area will reach a not be bought for use as tem- from ttie ocean and on the west winter Population of 14.500 and Porary housing. However, Tac· side of the Santa Ana river. 8 swnmer populati'on of 27 ~ by gart stated, 137 of the window· . . . .........., • Seeing a child floating face 1 The City of Newport Beach also the year 1950. d d . h 3Bth ess-type quonset huts are still 0"'ll\\'&r 10 t e lagoon near -1 bl r d owns 34 acres of water·bearlng Today the summer population a\"lll a e or resi ential use and stret"t, Friday, Mrs. T . M. Perkins they •-ted t ch land (parcel No. 3). which is lo-is conservative ly figured at 13,000. of 214 36th street, Nc"'J)Ort Beach; can ~ conver 0 su cated five and one.quarter miles although there have been times plunged in and rescued three-year-:e easily and cheaply by simply from the ocean and on the cast '-''hen an influx of visitors has old Vincent Swee tser of 3618 urning window.sash openings side of the Sa.nta Ana river. pelted that figure to 25,000. The Coast boulevard. through the corrugated siding This original "'ater supply for conservative all·year·round popU· \\'here desired. The boy was treated by Dr. the city was secured from the lation i5 believed to be nearer the Thomas P. Reeder and was later Rail freight rates are quoted ..-.•ells on a five-acre tract (parcel 10.000 mark. removed to his home. at 101h: cents per hundredw<>ight No. 1 ), which is located one mile Moreover. the more business in carloads, or 32 cents in less rrom the ocean and on the west places a nd the more people there than carload lots. , side of the river. W ells at this are brings greatet' demands upon ThorkildseDS Open 'T aggart suggests that veterans site were abandoned in 1934, due the city's water supplies. check with their local bUildlng to salt water intrusion. In an area like that of New· Boat Repair Shop authorities for permits before pur- The water demands of N ewport port Harbor, which has far more chasing, because although Los An· Beach and Its neighboring com-than the normal proportion of all He_ re,August First geies city building officials have munities during a peak season tn those features \\'hich attl'act the given approval for the erection of 1944 was 2.160,000 gallons per day. public, the trend, sllid Sonder· The Sterling Boat Repe.tr, for-quonsets for temporary residences, The pumping capacity at that time egger. is difficult to foretell. but merly the Albion Boat Repair at permits for commercial purposes was 2,250,000 gallons a day. it is reasonable assumption that 615 Coast High\\•ay, ·Newport are issued according to special It was necessary at that time it '-''ill be above that normally ex· Beach. \•tiU open Aug. lst unde r zoning and building regulations. to increase the pumping cost _of J'.M!'Cted. the new ownership of Doris and $21.500, to care for tho peSI< Orin Thorklldsen. Oberto Discharged water demand, with a margin Suffers Bums l\1anager of the concern under safety for breakdowns in pump-Mrs. \V . B. Clerk of 535 We!lt· the new owners will be Vollie G. ing equipment. minster avenue, Newport Heights. Dalton, who states that the repair Sonderegger figured that the is recovering from scald burns yard will handle repairs and main· 1944 and future water demands sustained when a pot o( boiling tenance. painting and motor work would be tremendous for the city. coffee tipped slightly, a }:M)Uce re-for all boats. The yard also has He took into consideration the in-port states. marine ways. 17 crease in PoPU1a ti on in the fol-.<::::.:..."-"""'"----------'...'.=="-==--------~';i:S :"1:.'nd~~P 10 th• Lights Fete Set for Aug. Carl Oberto, son of Mrs. Mary Oberto, 617 Carnation, Corona del Mar, was di5charged from the navy last week after almost two years service and 12 months oveneaa duty. Oberto ii a graduate of New· port Harbor HJgh school and' J&t· tended Santa Ana J . C. before en- Govemor Earl W. Wa.rTen will def"mitely be here August 17 to act terlng the navy in 1944. to DINNER! Have )'OU ever had the "Cafe Jitters!" You knO\JI : -- -all ready to take the family out for dinner, and the question where shall v.•e go with the children! - --with everything so high. Will the meals include everything? -- -or will we have to check the menu for hidden prices - --be embarrassed when we cut out this or that and end up a nervous wreck - --not enjoying it be-- cause of wondering \\:hat the check will be. If so, forget it, be-- cause we have eliminated all those "'-orries by giving you the full meal, from soup to dessert for the price listed, and better yet we are printing a copy of one of our daily menus for you to look over. So the next time the family. wife. or girl friend says "Joe. let's eat ou't tonight!" come on down to Johnson's Cafe. 511 East Central, Balboa and enjoy a real home cooked meal. Cold, crisp salads, entrees as you will like them, pies and cobblers ma.de in our own baking department, of the purest ingredients - --we use no substitutes. No fanC)• names on our mt"f'lu --• just good, wholesome food. •••• DINNER, SIMI ONE-HALF FRIED SPRING CIUCKEN CREAM GRAVY GRU.I.ED HALIBUT STEAK with TARTAR SAUCE ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY SAVORY DRESSING GRILLED PORK STEAK with APPLE SAUCE BRAISED SHORT RIBS OF BEEF and BROWN GRAVY FRIED MONTEREY ABALONE STEAK with TARTAIJ. SAUCE GRILLED RIB STEAK with FRENCH FRIED POTA')OEES •••• DINNER, St.00 CIUCKEN FRIED SEAK with CREAM SAUCE FRENCH FRIED SHRIMP and HOT SAUCE CORNED BEEF and CABBAGE CALF'S LIVER SMOTHERED IN ONIONS STEAMED WIENERS and SAUER KRAUT Sl'AGHETI'I with ITALIAN MEAT SAUCE •••• SERVED WITH ALL DINNERS ' SOUP AND SALAD POTATOES VEGETABLE ;HOT ROLLS and BU'l"l'ER CHOICE OF JiOME MADE DESSERT cOFFEE TEA . MILK • t-Jo Liquor Joh~o~;s 511° East. Central, BalJ. . Dally 4:90 p. m.. . Cafe PhOllfl Barbor 1089-M Sunday lZ -8 p. m. By 1960, he estimated that the popula Uon of the area supplied by the City or Newport Beach would be demanding 3,7T1,000 gallons of water per day for the three sum- as commodore for the Tournament 1ol. the Ughts, the most important ::===========::::; reetlll'e ot Newp:>rt Harbor, W alter -H . Hitclunan, publicity man, said r today. Hitchman was re~«I at his home on Beacon Bay. He Is one ~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of a committee rrom the Toumament of the Lights a..ssodation which 1 E A L f s is in charge of festivities !or the affair. Quality Lumber and Building Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER PlloDe BM?NI 5011 WILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon · JERVICE CDlllPJIOY W. -Dl&fll:I! ...... -9linkll 9%0 ec-t Bhd-. Oonaa del Hu Temporary Phone, Dey 654 La· guna Beach; Phone Night, ll'l62 Laguna Beach Want to Build? • We can help you. • We have materials on hand. • We erect the framing. • \Ve can supply _the plumbing. • We supply balance of materials to finish. • We build any si2e --- your plans or ours. Phone Beacon 5283-R for particalan CLOTHES FOR MEN. AND BOYS • Sau~ S(JOlti S"°fs --·-.......... __ .,. The Tournament of the Lights fete will be given in Newport Bay and 100 beautifully designed cups and trophies will be awanled win· ners of the various classes. Workirl.i" with Hitchman on the commit- tee are: Harry Welch, Hubbard Howe. Commodore Grandin and c.om- modore Kemp, Braden Finch and Kay Finch. GORDON a~ FINDLAY OONTRACTOB Allt'D BUILDEB Ottlco: MIO Oout Bini. CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK T . C. JOHNSON, Supt. CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger · Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Builmng Contractor Dutch Heacock I Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W l'JUa ud Suta .ha Aft. -C..ta lll9 Famous • Smoked Fish Always Fresh 110 McFadden Pl. - -Store: 101 mp,..y ""Ai: ..... t.o Balboa ........ NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t:IO A. IL 'l'O 11 P. IL Sooth Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Rlcbardlcn's, Evans', Villa Marina. Shields'. Balboa Yacht Basin, BeAcon 1lo7, Ha?tJor Island and South Bay: Hall from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY BARBOR 0-W I CllEVROLET OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC OWNERS ' Your Complete Service Center • 1n I Newport Bea~h Factory Trained Mechanics, Genuine General Motors Parts, Factory Authorized Servicing by Your Authoriud Dealer. G M A C Payment Plan is Provided for Your Convenience. Hydramatic No Down Payment Easy Budget Tenna • Specialists New and Vsed Tires 8-pplac for AD Y.m Pnmewger Ous udTBVCKS CHEVROLET CO~ INC. cm.m:IPll80N 101(wl'Oll~ ••ca ...... rtss Ill • • DAMI Stewart Warner Police Cr~k Down on Car LaQerQuist Entertains Redlands Want Ads ~GCIDS II LAWNMOWERS lbarpened; ,_ em modUne equltment. 5U Be&ania. Oonma de! Mar. 59-2t4\..... I • ~ • Panel nis Available a.,.. Now in Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints Pace Makers A Oncinnatian and a M iamian were among the seven motorisu stopped by Newport Beach police for infractions of the municipal vehicle code up to Sunday. All were told to appear before City Judge Bob Gardner hett to- day and Wednesday for pleu. J . M. Garvey, 51, of RR 1, Shawnee road, Cincinnati, was cit- ed for driving 50 miles an hour in a 35-mile--an-hour zone at 101-A and San Bernar£no avenue. Gar- vey also wu cited (or not having a drive r's license in bis possession. J . W. Blanken.srup, 24, of 3170 W. Eighth street, Miami, F1orida, wu stopped far doing 60 miles an hour in a 25-mile zone at Central avenue and 10th street. Edwin Adlar Brown, TT, of 310 E. Central avenue, Newport Beach, was stopped for speeding a t Coronado and Central avenues, Balboa. Brown iS an employe of the Costa Mesa Lumber company, the police report said, and t he car he was driving is registered to A:REN"T THEY LOVELYT YOU Bl!TCRA!-'l'llele are tbe atx l'Ol'l"JIOU prl9 who w• i.e '9p .._on la the battdq T>eaiity -ooe.teat COIMlucted at tale r... Zolle, llalbOL Tltey u~ tr-om left to rtpit, Lola Purbeck. Lois '11erney, .Jeat Alexamder, ilan Greer, .J.,yce Pa:raeO and Grace Crocker. la tM omter .. .loh.a.D.le WelNmuller, ftlm at.ar aad ta tile 1-cll:sroaacl are, Pldl IL Brown, Poatmuter llerttert & .. ay ... Clyde .Uhea, t he Jude... photo by Gerhanlt ltEDLANDS, July 25.-Robort COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair D. l.agerqwat, son of LL Col and Mrs. ,Howud D. Lagerqwat, 107 Collini Street, Balboa Island, WU enterjalner during intermission - PhoDe 87:>-M 216 E. llOth St.. Coota for tJie "" •• t body of the Uni· :JG.tit venlt;y oL Jiecnancla summer ses-1 :B:;U;;:SINU8::::::=::::--:o::u:::m=11:~---':...=.: slOD t.l tillbt In 811 after-dinner --:::-:::-:-------==l' ~ . SIGN PAINTING Lai'erqulst is a graduate of Carl Sch~ Hlgh school,-Chicago. He cradl!a!M from Santa Ana JQl\l.or coll~e where he was a men\Btr ot tble band and chonis. During the war,. Lagerquist served in the ~ Air Forces. He is rnajorin& ln music at the University of Red· lands, and ii an excellent piano performer. Mesan Finds Purse A wallet wu found by Lloyd crane of 319 E. Eighth street. Boats, Trucks, Windows , Walla and Bulletins. Raioed Metal, Wood and Plutic Letters AL LACH.MEYER 1726 Weat Cenlral Harbor 1243-M TIDE T ABI -ES IULY, lHC w 31 11 :51 5 :22 11'08 4.5 --0.5 5.4 5:11 1.9 Costa Mesa, and turned over to 'lb 1 the fire hall in Balboa, police were AUGUST, IMC 12:32 5 :59 11:56 1:08 t.5 0.1 t. 7 2.0 told. F 2 ......... 6:36 1:16 T:M E's HOKIN & GALVAN E~;~~:-;; Bucking Boards Com~ete N~~ ~r.l:. · ~;i~u~!i~~~·:~~r.~,:~~~ At .Hermosa Beach Aug 11 Big water System PUBLIC NOTICE No. !411'8 NOTICE O F SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE 0.7 4.5 20 s 3 12 ,52 1:15 i:oa 1,-. 4.0 14 4.6 2.0 Su 4 2 :15 8 :00 !:57 lO:tl 3.3 1.9 4.6 1.r net. are JNM»d lD orow Of UCCWT-.a. l.JCbt ~ .. ..: •• Gar& nsw-p. .... Beach. He was dr1 VJng a car reg· IN THE SUPERIOR cbURT Q}o 4 . istered to Bennett & McNeil of • LAGUNA BEACH, July 29.-THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA . The continental United Stata SINCE 1 9 2 0 15th and Central avenue. Members of Uie Board of Directors IN AND FOR 'nfE COUNTY con tains more than l ~ millioll Frederick E. Lambert, 36, of Three former winners. of the nounced their intefltion of match· of the Metrop:>litan Water district OF LOS ANGET.ES. SQUare milt!I of territory favorablt 405 Jasmine avenue, Corona del classic ironing board derby will ing their grit and stamina against here Saturday set September 10 for the accumulation 'of oq. onlJ Mar, was cited by police for doing mount the bucking boards for ·the the alleged hardier males. as the date for elections on the In the Matter to the Estate and half of which has been thoroughlJ 50 miles an hour in a 25-mile zone eighth annual running of the Na-Competition is keen with the annexation of the City of New· Guardianship of F . L. KEN· explored. at Central avenue and 15th street, tional n~quhaplAane R,"""'1tt hat_t Her-entry of Dave Vachon. Los An-port Beach &nd of F airview Farms NEDY, JR., Minor. ------------- police reported. mosa Dt."BC • ugus • 1 was geles, winner of the Cross Chan-in Costa Mesa as members of the Not:JCE is hereby given that 1:11 •• Harpld Car l Nylen of HollY"-·ood announced today by the Catalina nel Event in 1941; Bob Brown, Coastal Mtinicipal Water system. the undenigned, BERTHA L. ~BUC NOTICES Was •1'ted for pass1'ng a boulevard Island, Manhattan, Hermosa Beach Huntington Beach, 1940 winner, d --------------c 1 Ra · · Both Newport Beach an Fair· ALDRICH, Guardian of the Es· Stop l·n violat1"on o! the ci'ty motor Aquap ane ce association. and George Minney, Los Angeles, F bl CERTIFICATE o . view arms \Vere accepta e to tate of F. L. Kennedy, J r., a mi· F DOI NG e uslNESl 1000 Cout Hiway Phone Beacon 5522 Abo ln San FranciJ!lco-\\~llmlngton·Stockton·San D teco-Oakland ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two F1re F.quipment tor FACTORY, PLA."llT, ST ORE, OFFICE. FARM, H OME vehicle ordinance. Resumption of the r aces, one of who placed first in 1939. the executive board o( the water nor , Will sell a t private sa1e to UNDER FICT I TIOUS NAME the most gruelling competitive Although circumstances this district. It was said that the City the highest bidder upon the terms The underaiped, R. w. BARTlNll Studebaker • announces the. appoin~ent of J 0 E N IC KER J.Z 3415 West Central Avenue as its new dealer in NEWPORT· BALBOA • Ql'UDEBA.l:Dl la pk1ul top-t ;;;] a _ _,., 1!>9mher ol the --ft! llto....,I EE dealer orpnisation-a .. .w, .. •1•andeqaipped to- --~ownnawttla awompt, ..,. .... ...t-. . Now oa dl8play la Ammea .. lint eompletely new poetwar ear-tbe ... amatl cally cll.fteNDt new 1947 8ta17•7 k-r It .. ~ dNem e6 a .-war ,... .t .• , rr I I I .. I a a --1 --· -~ ......... ---· ' -tn>e-thrilllnalynew from~ Yiew-a melody In metal I Here'• more th.an radically ad• ftilllCed new poocwar etyllng. Ben .. the world'• flneet motor ear ricle- nmarkable operatlns -1-• full w""' ol Studeboi .... 'J ,_ __ ~ty work-neblp. C:O-laandwthielow,loag, l- rioua ne w Studebaker-Ameriea'• ... _ulae.fully_. ......... 1 article contests in sports, will mark the be ked d di ~,.,d '!"!!IX> 8. McELROY , hereby cer· ' first time Utey have ~n held year prevent the race from orig· of Newport Beach will as an con 'tions hereinafter men· 1 y ..... t they ~ the Partneni and inating at Catalina, the committee to pay an aggregate tax o( $668,-tioned and subject to confirmation all or the p&rt.nenJ, of a pa.rtnenbJp since the war blacked out water known by the firm n&me &nd 11tylt pointed out that the course 200 over a 2(}..year period begin· by said Superior Court on or after of sports activities on the California charted, paralleling the beach at ning July 1, 1947. July 31, 1946, all the riaht, title "JU.CHARS" Coast in 1941 -T hat they ue the aole owaen of the · · Hermosa and Manhat tan would Fairview Farms would amortize and interest of F . L . Kennedy, J-r ., aaJd partnership, and u aaid pan- This year's race will also find pro\·ide a far more colorful event a debt o! "".600 over the .... -... a minol' •. .and all the r ight, title ners. tha.t they conduct busiuCH al ~ ....... ..,.. 12• Kain Street, Huntington Beach the largest number of feminine from the spectators' point of view. period. and ' ~ -tha~ ·the guardianship CalifomJa and 109 Main Street Ba.I~ riders competing in the history of The rough, choppy water close to_ Representing Newport Beach ~ -, rmnor h.as. by ~per· ::rao~~~~:!ie ~rlhca\~ro~Ta:Count:t the event. Already seven mer· shore and the sharp buoy turns on were Mayor o. B. Reed. Council· at:loa.".~ . W or othel'WlSe acqw red, Tb&t the namea and places of teal• maids of the briny deep have en-the course will add to the hazard m an Mason Siler, administration other than or in addition to that ~~ ~~d~~?nr:i'd.e~u:ii:i~ ~~ officer; J . J . Sailors, water super--of saJ~ ~or In and t o that cer-rollowa: DIE.SEL SERVICE NEW 225 H.P. DIESEI..S ON HAND BeeoncllUoaed Dhl9MI Oii bud with cholee of ....iuetlon miJta. • WI: AU WBITINO OKDDll ON moBT-AND 1-1'- BAND BO'l'ATION nnac•• roa TWIN INftAIJ.&. TIONS. CBOICI: OF llED1KJTION 1lNIT8. On Bud: 165 B. P. Oeunl lllotcll9-N-. See us for Information on Venn SeYerln Diesels DIMel Gewator Sela of All ....... l!'BANll a. ~ (1-kJ' 1-11) Oww •• 15 • PBONl!B - Shop II Waj!: ~Mil a&B4'-. Co. Jfewport BeM!h • -. . . .. HOLLISTER ~~~:: t <-.. .. ' Brothers , .. j., · •• ' ' .. j LANDSCAPING • LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orman! and Ol'!laD*ltal shrub pert control Fertilizen Yard and Orchard Ma!nbonanoe Advice on Planting and Soil Condition& Inquire a& CARR'S FEED .STORE 18%1 NEWPORT BLVD. , . <l08TA IOI&' . f'. 0. Box Ml' -~ .,._ liJ46 ---l FllTIEll --.........-::_:;::..; --·· ' • • If You Like Bourbon -TRY- Three Featbers 1 iJteaerve P ints, $2.45 ; Fifths, $3.93 BALBOA LIQUOR STORE '7M IDie& Oeatnl, ..... ' . ' intendent ·, John D . McMillan and tain lot, piece or parcel of land R. w. BARTINE I 1 303 Smelt.er Avenue Walter Longmore chamber of S tuate, ying and being in the THEONewport Beach. CallCornla commer ce. ' County of Orange, S tate of Cali· s. llcELROY fornl d , 616 Cliff Drive For Fairview Farms unincor- porated area were F. B. Ow~. president; J. D. J eanes. director; LeRoy P. Anderson, attorney, and R. L. P atterson, engineer . of the race. Sanctioned by the American Power Boat associa tion, the races this year, in addition to the 2().. Mile Open Aquaplane Oassic, will include a 10-Mile Men's Water Ski race (or record and the first run- ning of the S.Mile Rough W t ter Women 's Ski race for world rec· ord. a, an more particularly de--Newp0rt Beach. California acrt~ as follows. to-wit: WIT NESS our banda, lbia 26tb...daJ of July aca. An undivided one • twelfth THEODORE s. lfc.li:LROY (1/12~) interest 1n and to the STATE 15,. WCALI~~fi . Southwesterly rectangular one-COUNTY or ORANG&---.&. half or Lot 9 f Tr -376 th On t.bJa tbe 2itb daY or_ -l~ly, 19t6, 0 8'"'" , 0 er· before me, FRED J . :OUDL.KY. a No~ wise known as Santa Ana Heights, ~ PubUc ln and for aald 'CouDtJ In Orange County, State of Call· an State. peno~Jy . apDt&red R. w. BARTIN E and THEO S. llicJtLROY: fornia, as per map recorded in Im.own to me to be the l>'1'90IUI wboae Book 15 P 29 f "'--ll name• a.re wbkr1b9d to the within • age 0 ,.Lia\.~ aneous lnatrwnent and a.cknowledsed to an. Maps ot .said County; and one that ~~Y _ e&ecuted the aame. share of s tock ln the Santa Ana WITNESS my hand and officlal Mal. nmD .J. DUDLEY. Heights W ater Company app\D"te. Notary Public ln and ror aald nan~ to aald land. as evidenced (Notarial 'i::f,~>' and Bt&te. by Certificate No. 221. Pub. July 80; Aue. 6. u . 20. 1946. 1be' termS . and eondltlons of &ale : pub In lawful money of the CE ... TIFICATE OF BUSINESS United $tatea:'ten per otnt (10%) FICTITIOUS FIRM NA.ME All kinda typewriter rfbbonl In of the pudme JDCXteJ to be paid The ~ do bereb ce 1todl at the N.,.._Tlmea. at the time' ot tbe tale balance on 'that U..T .,.. "°""""""" • ~'!'!I Howard W .• GenUla .._ BtaM9 l10 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life I.Jcwmo and ConD'&ot Bonda Written ENJt>:Y ' THESE ADV.ANT AG~! lr.WlwiiawA-IDp, Doer Boodl Pwell 11 hllo Cuaplea • -Oat ••• LllM la; • ...... on. -.... ta; • ... 7 &---If• . ...,,. a Duww"; • ea-t -• • No aa'dm; • ........... n 'v ...... 0 ••• lllllli: • m:..t' •• SQ .... - ~ N-1 QmlK1' Vair-• BRw11 <Either Wood <r Metall -.. ...... PW Pne S.'' III C.0 ---~ • , • Grocery bualneM at '70IJ" SUt C.alnl co~don of aale. A.-.m. Balboa. C&lltrJ:r:, uuder tbe ~II to take the==-.!'.,""~ ..: .. eea.=-ald ~ real property SU~ ,..._ ot U.. fotlowtq PM W. wbcli94 ject :to condltiom! l'ftbictiona. ~: aod add~ are u fOIJow, ~ationl, euementa and riabta CllARLE8 L. SIDm of w-.y of record and an tuee a 160I ._ Central "'"_. llen ~· not dellnQ\ient. BO BAlr:t_ California 'All bljll ct often mWlt be In writ-~::.' =.:- in& aDd will be received at the of-Wltff U .our b&nde Wa 21Ua 4aJ floe cf EI.MER H. V. HOFFMAN, °' Ju!>r. 'lHL · ' / 102t ~ Bulldlnc. Loa Mpleo. ~L~'.f" ... ~ · " Calif~ <r -•v bo -with BT4TI: or CALirOm ' , .. ._ COUNTT or OIU.Mt the Clerk of uJ4 SUpalw Qlart, 0a Wo -~ ,fW,..A. D. 1 .... or -to &aid . .,_.,, JlOI!'-="I:' !!o."i.: ac.:.r"':J sonally at 11l7 time aftA!r ftrit -OI I -"7· -a:::.r.. L. -""'cation of this notice and Mo -.. -.. ~ 11; ..,.lib. ""°"" to ....--, me to ~ pef'llOM ·wboM name. an fore ftaaklnc sale. wt.crlbtlll to u. wtthJn tut.wet Dated thll 8th day of July, 19". :=.·:;;•~ to me tb&t tbQ' m! BERTHA L. ALDRICH, .. IN ~ WHSRBJOr ~' .... Guardian or Said ~·--.................... U<aed m7 . ~ • ottlclal ..J: Ute day and year la Ude CB--l!ltt certificate flnt above wnti.n. Pub. J\lly 16, 18, 23, 25 and 30, NOWT Publ~· l:· =1:rc:.W !!MS. CoaatF and 8tato. llF _. •' . ,. u:pl1"9 llarcb •. lMI. Pub. lab' ~; .&.uc. I . 11, IO, IN&. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout llJ&'hway 101 l'IMll1 Br?• 1&11" • :::: :: ::.• an•He ...... p ....... "7•--··· r Owwludopm W"7WlldilWmrDVelm m •111,,._,. n •&polltrll-41 t Pp * .._.,.=,, a ~BbBQRJIC5 ............. • ~~~~~~~~:=::=::=:~~~~~~~~~~~~==~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~=·~·~·~ao~~·~"~~-~-~ .. ~·~·;·.!!;--~~-~'":-:: ... ~~"=:·~~·~;0r~ .. ; ...... ~~;:;:~""';~·;s~·~·,~·~!!lz~~ ... ~~'911~;;=:;;;;;~;:::==========~;:::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ .... ~~..,,~ ~'081N1:88 ol1ID& i1 EMPLOYillZNT 01w•••n · • llALE wtMJS14 ·•lflCOOll • 80.&Tll. R1l'l'l..ID II SPECIAL AJlfll(OIJNCJ&il&MT8 • !"~·~'"..• _!•~"~·~-~-----..:.'!!' -pg=-c,.-::L-.. -'~.,,-• .,,...,=-------.-,-..,-.. -1-.----'l'&-------.,~- ::c:..:__P...:A:_:_I.:...N:__T_I_N_G __ SALESMEN -Adv"1Ulnc cam-FOR SALE-Gu cook •tow. $20. 26-ft. llPttd boat. ,.....,ed with KEYS FRANK P. JOHNSON SEAVIEW· HEIGHTS ESTATES palgn now In effect. Excellent __ 309 __ eoron ___ ado_S_t...;._BaI_boa. __ ll&-3tp_.....: Cbryaler A"" Muine mgjne, 12 Years Service In Nowi;iort opportunity ll you quality. Ap. 3 cockpits; thoroughly overhaul,. KAllo Wblle Toa Walt • Realtor Harbor Area ply Miss van u .... 508~ No. SHABBY FLOORS ~~.ln~tttOS' "':,.i!1 1~W: 100 ~·sBalboa w. c Wagner,' A.saoclate Large Restricted Building Lots P~~~Cl'OR Main S t., Santa Ana. 52-8\c Made Beautiful type boat. Court-.Y to brokers. 108 Martne, Balboa Ioland 1664NewpartBMI. B<acon543t-W Unobstructed View ol Ocean and Harbor Phone Beacon ~J WANTED -Man preferred, to Take otf old, grimy vamlah and Write or call Jim wi.m. 35 ....,. -. Adjacent to Fastest Growing Shopping Cenh!r 774 E. 19th Slftet 24-Ut !'::! ·~~t ~ :\!::'..: '::.: ~ Santa Ana, 1""" BNcb. 51-ucl _P'O_B_BZNT _______ _.:._::.&l; 1 SPECIAL Nved Streets-All Utilities in and Paid for B ·--ti "5 STAR SAILBOAT. Just reooD• 5-room. 2-bedi<>Om. stucco, 1"ge Terms of '<'-•-,.. __ .. or 1 • "'--~ ,,. __ , .. _ ...... .,_,_._ jects. usineu -tute, ~ Rent Our Hiloc dltlolled •• i --•·t. ~-FOR RENT-Nicely furnished 11·•----• ... _,__ ~ ~t~· "" uuw~~3 ............,,. • ..,,.~ No. s~. Santa Ana. 57-2tc Sanding :Machine Santa. ...;'U'8 ber.;;., er;:",;. room. separate entrance, cl-,..;.:i"'11re~~h:rdw"":' ~ New Slibdivlslon Selling Fast-Act Now for al<lice Locat1m Painting -Decorating . R. E. ~ERSON Free Esttmatinc W ANTEO-Dlgnilled field ..,,...... -end do It younelf. and 5 p. m. 46-tfc to beach. ~ man. 516 36th tlirousbout. large guest room sentsttlve _for ~ known --East to ()pente _ DusU-FOR SALE-New Marine Kohlei St. 59-2tp In rear. Cement floored cblcken RALPH P. MASKEY, Realtor , Phooe Harbor 402 trait studio. Man OS' woman; Generator, 1500 watts, 32 voli WANTED TO B&l'IT U house, nice yard, with plenty of car necessary. U beral commls-Burton's Paint Store D. c. retail price !OS' this power lawn and !lowon, close to ;1411 W. Central, Opposite Udo The&tre --Courtesy to Ree.ltors-slon. See Mr. Fox. Bernard o! Newport Blvd. near 16th Street plant Is $516. We have lO le!1 BY ELDERLY gentleman o! re-ochool and. shopping. HArocllaywde·.oodPhoSntudie H-~'..borBalboa1048.Inn Fire PlaCY and v•-"•--lot clear&Jlce sale, '374. Yeol<e! finll.f enensmalt,l good habits. and quiet $8450 Phone Beacon 5780-J 47·Ut FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job "" your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4:30 p.m. -10-tf( PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E . McDoDBld 414 Old COnty Rd., Costa Mesa P hone Beacon 5013-J ~ttc l'BAN!PORTATION 11 BICYCLES S old. Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Main St.. Balboa Wit Marine. Balboa Wand. · M-tfc BEAUTY AIDS JI COLD and MACHINLESS -WAVES Tinting and Manicuring Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179'-W Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Coast Jllway, Corona del Mar 35-Uc LOST AND FOUND H -~.. Broo .. 225 So. Vermont. Loi An· e, cottage or apartment. - __________ 58_4_tc W 0 0 D geles. P hone EX. 0882. 45-tf< Permanent. Write Box 382. Co- YOUNG WOMEN T e lephone o perating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514 ~ N. !\lain St., Santi Ana or Ask th~ operator for the Chief Operator Dellvered rona de1 )tar. 59-2tc H. w . WRIGHT Fire Equipment Tests Ph. Beacon 6665 C-0-TWo, Pyrene & Foam rerolls. 1784 Newport B!Yd. 3-t!c CC> fixed system and Portabl., WANTED-A honeymoon oottage or apartment near beach from August 17 to September 14-Dr. V. C. Kelly, 303 N. 12th. Albu- querque. N. M. 59-2tc now available. Just Arrived ETS HOKIN Ii GALVAN ~JI~ Aid 1000 Coa5t Hlgh"'ay BATTERIES Ph. Beaoon 5522 73-tf< WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. unfurnished house, Will lease. 1 Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 or 13. 35-t!c GmutelllOO Drug Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now ""'"' at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 14!> 52-Uc WANTW TO BUT 11 Will Pay Cash FOR .SALE-Must sell imme- diately 15 fL Thompi50n speed boat, 22 h.p. Ezinrude outboard motor, cradle boat traller, l&-ln. APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted wheels; boat and motor in new by man and wife. We do not condition, $600.00. Joquire Port drink or smoke, no children or of Seven Seas, 817 Coast High-pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W way. 56-4tc or write Box '"X" Newport Bal- FOR SALE-14 ft. cllnker type boa News-Times. 37-Uc skiff. $35. 25 Beacon Bay, New-RENTALS. WANTED-1, 2 or 3 port Beach. ~tfc weeks: adult couple of Phoenix \\'ant nice, modem furnished KU __ s_1_0_AL __ a_BAD __ 1_0 ____ .. _ d¥>·elling, shack or apartment F OR SALE-ElfCtriC Spanish with garage at lea.st one bed.- guitar and amplifier : practically room with good bed, kitchen and new, $150.00. 207 19th St., N. bath. near ocean. Maximum, B . 59-ltp $50.00 per week. Phone Harbor 2658. 5!1-ltc LOST-Lady's Bulova gold wrist Southern California watch: 2 diamonds, black hand. For your turniture or what have you.. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw~ ley Furniture. 1812 Newport Blvd .. CO.ta Mesa. 48-tfc FOR SALE-Upright piano, good condition, $200. Phone BeaconREAL ====E8=T=A~TE.::_ ______ •:.:' Reward. Harbor 1389-W. 59-tfc Telephone Compa11y CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON ~- 23-Uc 5712, or call 205 Westminster Ave., Newport Heights after N ewport H e i,1?hts 5:30 p. m. SS.tic THIS A'ITRAcrlVE HOME will BMPLOnn:NT WANTED t8 ___________ 42_-u_c --~---------be completed this month; 2 bed-Radie Repairs rooms. bath, 2-car garage, on w ANTED-Young tady desires 8ALE MISOELLANEOtlS M FUllNITURE FOB SALE FOR SALE-~lan's and woman·s FOR SALE-Piano, Stag-et' up-All makes; tubes, etc. large lot in a nice neighborhood \\'Ork evenings. Phone Harbor 883-W. 58-2tp HELP WA.NTED--Woman or girl for general housework: good wages; live in or out. Harbor 199'2. • 56-tfc HELP WANTED-Lady family ironing. Phone 111-R. to do Harbor 56-4tc WANTED-Middle age house- bicycles. 120 Abalone Ave .. Bal-right, grand, $200; twin coil Beacon 5763 of new homes. At thi s prcie it boa Island. 5S..tfc spring mattresses. $25 each; BURT NORTON won't be long on the market. FOR SALE-tvestinghouse elec-twin delu.,,.e coil springs, $15 Possession on completion. $8500. tric ranee, A-1 condition. 585 each. Phone Harbor 494. 58-tlc 915 Coast HJghway, Newport J. 1\1. MILLER. 15th and Cen-23-ttc tral. Harbor 1242. Mesa Drive. 5!1-ltc _BO_A_TS_._s_UP_P_Lms _______ a RA--D-10--H-O_U_S_E_CA_I_,!_S _____ =:-=--o--:-c:-=:-~,-.,..-~-~- SEE FRAME BUJLDING-11 Ct. FOR S V 0 Now that addltional competent FOR SALE-Chlcken·Frycr plant, ALE-ery nice lcr-ft. &-ln. B 200 ~. by 15 ft. at 2296 E. Central. to technicians are available, we are near arstow, output l :i.,,--boat, &ix passengers, perfect be mo,·ed. Then phone York, condition, with trailer, $280(). able to make service calls on en per week. Excellent equip. 1243 L. A. 59-.. tp Ph San A "J 3 d large consoles. All work guar-T\-\•o modern houses. Good water one ta na };;,-. 59-t keeper; light duties: pleasant FOR SALE-Large size boy's bl-surroundings: room, board and cycle: very good conditi()n; li-FOR SALE-Snipe, excellent con- anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J. S.O.S. Radio. 300 Marine Ave.1 ___________ 52_._2t..:p salary. Call H arbor 2016-J. cense No. 2222. Also rabbit dition : racing sails (former fleet 56-4tc hutches for sale. 165 E . 23rd champion): also snow-bird aalla. "Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc WANTED-Housekeeper for small 197 Saphire, Balboa laland. WA.NTED--1..aiJndress. one day a St .. Costa Mesa. 59--ltc 59-2tc .....,.,k. Call Harbor 201&-~tc PADDL£BOARD. 12 ft.: perfect FOR SA.LE-Runabout "creepy Radio and Ele ctric REPAIRS 24-HOtJR SERVICE condition. 1221,t Apolena., Bal-M .. 14 ft ts 5 · ll t boa Island. 59-4tp o~e ., sea , exce en WANTED: WAITRESS----Cheryl's condition. Owner. Harbor All Makes -Pick Up&: Delivery Cafe. 322 Marine Ave., Balboa NINE KEGS OF NAILS-6. 8. 10 24ro-W. 59-2tp PERRY HARDWARE Island 56-tfc penny common. 706 Coast High-WANTED-Balboa Dinghy. 120 1305 Coast Blvd. Harbor 232 MASTER MARINER. U. S. Mer-way, Newport Beach. SS..ltp Abalone Ave., Balboa Island. CORONA DEL MAR chant Marine. university gradu-FOR SALE-Wiloox Crittenden 59-tfc 54-tlc ate. veteran, desires position or marine toilet ; cleaned and over-1 -------------1 GRAND PIANOS-You will be C Fr--..a-FOR SALE-12 ft. sailing punt will teach. apt. ~uan, hauled, $25.00. Fred B . Hunie, d 2 h d astounded a tour ~at big I N t Ph an .p. outboar motor. com-a · ... 1312 W. Centra , ewpor . · SUp 46. Lido Channel Yacht stock. Kimball, Steinway, Soh- Harbor 1473-J 5"2tp A h plete, $150.00. 207 19th St., N. family. Bay front home. Salary $150 per month. Phone Harbor 844. 5!1-tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER-Choice corner lot on Miran1ar Dr. Ph. Harbor 515. 59-2tc · ~ __ n_c_o_ra..:g:...e_. -------B. SS..ltp mer, Hallet and Davis, Story WORK WANTED-Painting IU· LIGHT PLANTS. 110 V .. 3000 W. and Clark. One gorgeous Ol.ick-~ pertntendent. with 25 yean ex-gas driven. Good used Onan FOR SALE-18 ft. cabin cruiser. ering and it is the real Chicker- Balbo a I s land Bay Front A HOME designed and built for a discriminating yachtsman. Private pier and fioat, large fenced lawn, boat house facili- ties, 2-car gar.age, servants' quarters, el~tric heating sys- tem, construction and workman- ship that cannot be duplicated today. Appointment only. $65,000. J . M. MILLER, 15th and Central. Harbor 1242. pertence, desires connection Model W3M plants at only on trailer : excellent condition : ing, too. 1'-lany others to choose with large building contractor. 268.40 ea. VALLEY WRECK-ready to go. See at Sampson's from. Priced to start at $395. I have my owri truck, commer-ING YARD, Hemet,-Calif. Phone Machine Works, 1604 Newport Terms .. Or rent. Danz Schmidt cial spray outfit, ladders, drop 3431 . 59-2tp Blvd., Costa Mesa. 59'-2tc Piano Co., Exclusively pianos. ------------ cloth. brushf.'9. Good reference. FOR S ALE-Fishing boat being Nothing else. 520 N. Main, Costa Mesa FOR SALE-Washing machine in s ta An. ••tt N 4-h 1 " Call Harbor 1493-J from 1 to 5. painted now. 731 1 Sea Shore an a. ~ c ew rm. ouse on co~ . ?S 49-tfc excellent condition, $45.00. Four-Dr., N. B. Phone Harbor 1493-J. _acre. Piastered and stucco. Mod-burner gas stove, $40.00. Har-GOOD used pianos for practice. thru . t $52SO bor 204l-R. S9-2tc Call after 1 p.m. 59-tfc Some as tow 85 $57 and $79 or em -ou . . HELP WANTED-Fountain girl. Gundenon's Drug. Phone Har- bor 515. 59-ltc FOR SALE WELL BRED spirited saddle horse. good western saddle and bridle. N. W. corner of 15th and Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, 54-tfc WANTED-Experienced fountain Auto Batteries girl; must be 21. Mesa Malt Rubber ~tttl Shop. 1790 Newport BIYd., Coats 18-momth -$6.75 Ex. Mesa. S7-4tc Compounded Motor Gail<Jn, 'IOc Oil W estem Auto Supply AuthOS'l>OdDteitr llllll Newport Blvd. o.ta W.. 4l·tfc 22 ft. Cristcra!t twin cockpit: good rent a piano for $5 per mo. Let $1750 Down condition, $2000. Port Orange, the children learn. Danz-Schmidt 1135 Coast Highway. 59-2tc Piano Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. SS.tic BABY GRAND-Repossessed. Now only $485. This Is a gl'eat bar- gain. Danz-Schmidt Pianq CO., Santa Ana. 55-tfc WORLD famous Spinet type mirror piano. Repossessed Now reduced to $295. Terrna. Superb tone. Mahogany case. Designed tor style and long service. Danz- Schrnidt Piano CO., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 55-tfc ANOTHER magnificent S teinway. l\.tedium size. Beautiful mahog- any case. The piano ot the ?ttasters. Danz-SChmidt Piano Elden Ave. Lot 50x150. New 3-room tr~ house, practically completed. $3600 • Lido Iale M-tt. comer lot $6000 45-ft. frontage. $5250 ' 57-ft. Lot Between Costa Mesa and Newport on Blvd. $4500 FOR SALE -Ashbridge . built CO., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. EV A F RHODEN dinghy, 2 kaya ks and suit of ___________ 5_5-_tf_c Reattor Snowbird sails. Inquire after 5 DOGS OATS A PETS 15 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa p.m. 117 Sapphirf', Balboa Island • . . in lower rear a pt. SS..ltc GORGEOUS pedigreed Siamese ELTON BARNFI'T kittens for sale: e"icellent stock; RUSSEL W. BARTINE CHRlS-CRAFT 19-foot speed boat, beautiful eye colOr. 233 East PERNEL G. BARNE'IT 1941 mpdel : 130 h.p.: very fast Bay (rear house): Balboa Isl-Brokers a nd in beautiful condjtion. Cus-and. 57-4tp Ph. Beacon 5TI3-R tom built all stet'l trailer. Own-• 59-ltc er, 612 Vi a Lido Nord. Lido DOGS-All breed.5. stripped. clip-. Isle. ss-2tp ped, and bathed by A.KC li-Laguna Beach Home censed handler. Free pick-up BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED two- WILL EXCHANGE SO ft. slip in and delivery serviCf. Se!)d card. bedroom home ~ith ocean and Wilmington for same in New-Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin-mountain view: 2-car garage, port Harbor. Call Erwin Fterson settia Ave. Corona del Mar. patio, fenced lot, just repainted. at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc 52-tfc Owner may sell some furniture. ALL-PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-Jb. TOP llPIJCIAL ANNOUNOllllENTll 18 Possession clooe of escrow. 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. $18.000. J. M. MILLER. 15th Immediate deu~er~. Othe~ mod-PRE-BILT HOMES CO and a.ntral. Harbor 1242. els soon, -dirigh1es, sailboats. · runabouu. cruisers and paddle-GARAGES -UTILITY HOUSES John D. Burham 2001 O,,,,an mvd. boanls.' HOMES PLASTIC WATERCRAFT CO. 4-07 E. O,ntral, Balboa Phone Harbor 2673. 59-ltc A . M . DIXON, Dealer Immediate Delivery 201 Westminster Ne"'-1 Heights 57-4tc Phone Harbor 31S-Bal1Joa 2 new Cape Cod bousel .,. 0,,,,an Front OD the Peninsula Income and Home Large lot lOOxlll>;-1 block from Newmirt Blvd Bldg. on front would make ideal nbrhood grocery, beauty shop, e tc. Large 3-room modem apt. in rear, over extra large double garage. 'Ibis property is an extra good investmenL Only- $8 450 New 6-Roo m Home • 3-bedroom ln nicest residential section of Costa Mesa. Large fireplace, hdw floors, lots ot tile In bath and kitchen. Closet apace galore, double garage. Vacant move right in $12,250 Overlooking Ocean ~-acre, 4-room bouR in very clean condJtion plus 1-room apt. In rear wtth bath and kitchen, barbecue and cement walled patio, garden and chix equip. $9750 COSTA MESA REAL VALUES IN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 123 FLOWER ST., home or bual- l>OSS: 8 large rooms, 5 bedroorm, double garage, lot 50 by 150, i -block to center of town. Im- FOR SALE -Body and trailer mediate poss., Sl3,000. Owner. works. A money maker. Owner . · 52-tfc must sacrifice. Leaving state. REAL ESTATE EXVRANOE' ti Good established business doing =-,-,=..,,.,:.__,:::_...:.....:..=:.:..::.:::.-= remarkably well. 75% ranch TRADE RENTAL-2-bedroom. N. trade. No competition. Selling Hollywood, barbecue, for 1 or 2- price includes building, good bedroom house. Phone L A. equipment and stock. Not in-SU 18313 or Harbor 2600 ex- flated one red cent . I f you \\'ant tension 14. 'Vheeler. 57-2tp ... a business that pays off, here MONEY TO LOAN lt is . Better come over and let us prove our point. LOANS TO Bun..D, buy, :m.pr'Oft. _ modembe or reftnance. FOR SALE -Two-chair beauty Newport' Balboa Federal Aa"'1Dp salon in Corona del Mar. Doing a.rut Loan Amndatlom. good business. Nets approxi-3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 mately $600 a month. Selling MONEY WANTED M price includes business equitr ment and five year lease. This WANTED-Private loan, Sl0,000. is really ·a spot for a live wire. Secured by excellent property. Full price-Box 628, Balboa Isla nd 59-tfc $5500 AUTOMOTIVE a TlltD A WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOlJ FOR SALE-'37 Ford pickup: --__ . , looks like the devil, but excel- l/2 Acre On Corner lent mechanically. S350. 201 5-room house plus dbl. garage B. A. NERESON 19th St .. N. B. 59-ltp with guest room. On west side ~ ESTATE FOR SALE-1 new tire, 3 reca~ with ocean view. Vacant, move Imurance and ped tir es and tubes, size 16xf.. r ight ln. · B11.t-W Opportunities 3310 Ocean Front, front house. $8750 1972 Newpjart Blvd., Costa Mesa 58-ltp --Ph. Bea~ 5225 -5~ltc .F OR SALE-'41 Dodge 4-door se-- 3-Bedroom Home "'-lb O H dan. wm take '36 Ford sedan East side Jot, 65x330. Cl la. -oa cean Front ome as part payment. Call aftet 5 $8450 ose ' A LARGE, completely furnished p.m.. 139 Virginia Pl., Costa home, ready for immediate oc-Mesa. 58-ltp --cupancy: 7 bedrooms. 2 baths,f ==--,,=-~~~--....:::....:::: Newport Heiuhts 2 extra showers. 2-car garage, FOR SALE-G. M. '39 truck. "· . e\. ,aas furnace. Built on 3 ocean ton pannel. call Harbor 598-J, New 3-bedroom with ruce view. front lots insuring pn·vacy evenings. 55-ttc Hdw floors nice yard S deck . ' · · =---'----------on t~p • · un Well land out for . accommldat-1928 NASH 4-door G'.sedan. Good Ing large ~OUM! parties or family work car, $45.00. 329 Anade, sr<>UIJI, $50,000 .. J:M . MILLEl1, ·Balboa. Ph. Harbor 1155-W. $12,450 l/2 -Acre Overlooking ocean; water; garden; near Cagney estate. A steal at $2000 Five-Room Home FOR RENT OR LEASE Sui table for doctor or beauty parlor : 1h: block downtown Costa Mesa. Completely furn- ished- $100 Per Month FOR RANCHES, 1 to 10 ACRES See Us Today. Two Speciab Priced to Sell. 15th and Central. Harbor 1242. !56-4tc A . E. JOHNSON ·. Realtor and Associates Phone Beacon 5102·M TIRES Cash for your used tires Sell Them for top price at Lester's 0 . K. Rubber Welders Today's Special Recapping Wheel Balandns Newport Blvd. Home Section Wotk. and BUSINESS BLDG. 2900 W. O,ntral, Newport Be9dJ 28 ft. x 28 ft. wtth living quarten. -c House tn rear, with little fbdngA -.,,.---8-.,..--------.- could be made into good rent&l. 1JTO VICE This Is a splendid property. Ex· cellent location. Quick possess. Orily $11,000 NOW HERE Nearly New 4 Unit Court MANY MORE ... COME IN AND 3 UNITS completely !urnlllhecl, 1 'TALK IT OVER" unfurn. corner lot 150 ft. x 165 Your authoriz.ed Olrysler- P\ymouth Dealsr. -Open Sundays- FRANK P. JOHNSON Realtor ft. Beautifully landscaped. In- come $157.50 per month. Room for 3 more units. Clore in E .aide, Costa Mesa. Very neat and at· tractlvt. Only Authorized parts Complete Lu-tlon - Malntenanoe Expert- 1664 Newport blvd. Beacon 543t-W $19,960 -=---:::c--:-----~59-;:..:l~Uc ~ Lot, Business Location 1 14 Acre Ranch 50 ft. frontage on Central avenue 2·bedrocm house, barn, chicken near new Ovic Centtt. A truly hOUJ1e,' ~ strategic location in a raPldJy 1 $4 750 expanding business section. An NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 21116 w. Cmtra1 .a..._ Phone Harbor 1llM-J interesting proposition for an -- analytical investor. $17.500. l/2-Acre Ranch J. M. MUJ.ER, 15th and Cen-Dandy 2-bedroom home. newly tral. Harbor 1242. decorated inside and out. Ga- El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenue . $4750 Large Corner Lot On Penlnsu)a, with view. $5750 Business Lot with two s!Tiall houses $10,500 Se\oeral good Bay Front Lolli I, LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, BallJoa Pho~e Harbor 163 58-tfc rage, ham, ch1x house only- $6450 -Open Evenings and Sunday A. E . JOHNSON 469 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5102-M 59-ltc ... tfe TBAJLEBS a 't'RAILERS FOR Ri:NT-Dn :rmr own bauDns and ..-lng. AD new. oqulpnetlt. 12.25 and D.!'I per dJl7. We fJmrlJh the bitch. Myrelm Bros. Service Station. cor. 17th & Newport Blvd, o.ta Balboa Home Mesa. 411-dt ON CENTRAL A VE., near beach. AIRPLA1'T.S ' II Furnished. An attrac1;ive beach TAKE A HOP the H-~-home for small family. Two .over iu-UU£ bedrooms, bath and small apart-area, $2.00; alSo flying instnJc.. ment adjoining garage. A tlon. Competent ex-AA:F tn- charming 1small home with great struct.oTs. Also dealers for poosibilitlb. $12,750'. J . M. Aeronca and the new globe MILLER 15th and Central. "Swift" planes. Come to New-. Harbor 00 Port Bay Sky Harbor, one mile • west o! o:.ta Mesa m 19tb St. CORONA DEL MAR. by owner: S.tfc 35-foot lot in moot desirable It<> lS-ft. factory -a1e4 lull II tlon. On Fernleaf. 1 * blocka \>VO aickplts, lrl-1>.p.. 1:0: from~ boulevard. Prieed -complet"'1' -..w. ~~~ :i!m lncludii.c -; .... --. .... dUQ "-tw""" 5 and 7. 56-3tc ~ "'"''"" oontral. -al ·Pl _ c:mcme. wrJ' tat. trb""' FOR siillf'.Lot 50s127 ft. 6 In., tnDer, $150. A19o 22-b.p. 1!:91n- excerient 1oc..-. Ne,jport Hta. rude A·l --SJ25, "8 Utilities . .,.'100., Call Hat. 1374-J. Santa~ Aw., Newpcxt Br&. BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour Steel Kitchens GLASS TUB ENCLOStJl!ES SHOWER DCX>RS "SMALL BOAT HDQRS.'' BUY FROM OWNER Save $7,600.00 Balboa Island Bay FronfHome RAM ENGINEERING co~-2000 OCEAN FRONT N ... and tieautlfullJI -4 rine machlnlstr-machlne -" 1-story and a half, Z-bedr'"'..._oor-m bed11lon•, large livlnc room. . ":'~· • ... ~2tc · lllMlp .um.~iiiiWJi1 ll&Ul'09 ......... • Southern Counties Supply Co. 144 Coast BJYd., N. Ph. 5852 Laguna Bee.ch . 59-ltc WE MAKE many sW:s and kinds o! skiffs &nd dinghies, and the "Watson Dlnk" clua aaller. , AND Paddleboerds. WE SELL other Kood small cra!t-Hughea Kei.oa, Fold Flat. of all types, pick-up and dellv· bath, 1~11 •• _ room upotaln for llreplace, 3 baths, forced air ery service, dock fadlltleo wbf1e guest, '""' room, fireplace, mndltlonlng, 2.car gar. Notlllnc ' under ttpalr. Will do work any ldtchen. bedroom and beth over finer on the laland. hour night day Located prage, will beaten. $52 6 ~-tral Boat°'w ..:. Y-~ at ' 00.00 • ~· or~ ~ ... Rhine ~ OCEAN -~-Owner leaving. Immediate, Owmel. toot of 31st St. Pbone ~ r ~,, • Harbor 287.J. 1~ and a half, Z-bedloom and posseFlion. -~..:.:....:.:;;...::..:_ _____ I beth, JarKe room upotaln for' Phone Harbor 1511-W suest. llvlnc ,_,,, !lreplace, S&-2tc = ':° ~ """= SAN FRANCIS<X> -z.bedroam WE NEED LATE MOD8t:. CARS j , and Wtll Pay Top Prl.QOI •1,. YO{JR -CAR NOW WI I ptl&w are "Ill' 1 ~ • tar-www...,._ bioa no .. m11 ..s -· • SEE KR. PE'l'l i SOtm!'. COABr CO. NEWPORT BEAal Sl·tfe WATSON-BOATS 611 Coast ffiflbW&Y Newport Btacb VENl:tlAN BLINDS-Aluminum. ateel, wood. Call 111 !OS' tree est!· mate. RODOYatlon A reftn1ah1nc So. Cout Venettan Blbocl Co. West 18t!J and Newpo.-t .t.w.. 0 PEN SUND AT, P . 11. -• 56-Ue Calta Mem. TQ: Bea eiom a .. ~!: -Ji;;;;;~';-;;;;;;;;;;;:--=o.o;;;;::;:;;;: ..... V•nRe folder• at New9o-Tlllm Carpenters Available for' -al main-- -,_ir O. IL ~l!J Calllfmtxr81 °""'""-.._ brldl° waJlll, home and 2 apu-tll for' ln- pic.Ut feocee ~"C ..m. come. will eeD or tr.at . for betwtltUI -•blcted ..S... at N..,part Barbor P<"'1B ey, 1far.. -~ .... -· ddl' liar 1llOO. 57-tfe tor ............. t aMfc IJllN '*"' Xii' ' 11 • Ula. ~-~ .. ,.. . ' Blidl'llt ... im ·11111~ OPA rec, M • I -=~~~ljl~~~ . --. --. • • • , h , ... - ftme a.-SllN Newpawl a O.C.. Ilea Balboa Girl Graduates from Vermont College Harbor Feminine Activities ~E~:.. c..1:~&..;. CAB CO. M-Boar 8u ''""' 1lllu Mar:r Estelle <Mlmll Phones 13 and :ll8 + ByWlllifredJlutxe + R:d•Mlt Pbanel6S7·R ot the~ Beerd&ley hocDe. 190 B-W--Varie'-Baoon. claua:hter of Mn. Jergen _ 23rd • Coote M-. wu the • ........._., U' -....... -...... H. ~"""of 2009 East Boy H I . H b . . d N H c .... _t of Mia ~1 :_...:o~a~s~· 2·~-~ .. !..!·~·!·~-~ .. ~-~ .. ~ Front. Balboa. wu one of. c1a1a o stein-o art Rites Repeated Sunday in Your friend.I an llliM pt. eights ircle ~to Ho.I Wzi&ht. _ ofl ' of 57 :young women who received Shatto Chapel, First Presbyterian Church Mn. Anlto Plllllipo of e.-11 Hears Reports ~...:...__~.~Harry Wzi&ht, 118f \;--------- thelr Bachelor of Art degrees at Hills wu a guest this put ...-. NcwDCirt< lloulovard. The wedding Wlllte H·o-1'5• the eleventh commencement ..,...... In Shat.to chapel of the Fint end at the home of Mr. anll Mn. Mn. Elmer Morolssnd, 225 23rd clate-haslnot :yet been dad_; '"f cises of Bennington college Ben· Congregational church. Los An-Bob D . N E. i.. Moon: East Central avenue. street, Costa M-. waa i-tess ¥ .... , .. Is pl . Cafe nlngton. Vermont. held Saturday genes. at 5 p. m.. Sunday. July 28. a VIS ew • to the Newport Orclo at her home -~, em oyed with . morning. July 20. marriage VOWS were repeated by Snipe Champion, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rutherford Thunclay aftemoon with Mrs the Ana board or education .... 1181 Commenceme nt speaker was Mr. Elinor Hobart. daughter of Mr. w ·11 E I and son Stephen of Balboa Isl· Gladys Woodworth presiding at and MJ:. Wriabt Is associated with . Reinhold Niebuhr or Union Tnev-and Mrs. Charles E. Hobart. 5:.!53 I nter nternat. and recently attended a family the meeting and Mrs. Olarles Hand h!:t fa I in the Wright Lumber .....,_ BW'Ji, Calf. logical seminary, New York. Miss Live Oak View, ~ Angeles. and ~ty at Orange .oty park, hon-leading in devotionals. I Yird.f;;;;~~;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Bacon majored in painting and George M. Holstein ill, son of tifr. Bob Davis of Newport Harbor ormg the 18th birthday anniver-Repc>rts were given by chair--) last summer she took an extended and Mrs. George M. Holstein, 212 Yacht club is new champion of lhe sary of Albert Brubaker of vma men of standing committees and J , , trip to Mexico in company with ViaLldoNord,Lidolsle. Snipe flM and will reptele!nt Park.. 'I'wenty-nine guests at-Mn.FloraHarrisol.thewaysand Rayon Shantung Tai lored her mother, painting many acenes Dr. James Fifield jr . read the ~ewport !1arbor at the Interns-tended. means noted $54 lD net returns of th.at country. She will spend marriage Jines before an a ltar tional Srupe mff't at Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. Anene Lepin, 165 from the luncheon recently served some time in Boston before re-banked With white gladiolus and New York, August 21-24. Sunday Cecil place. Costa Mesa. are l>U'"' the county harbor commission and turning home. tall candelabra. Other candelabra was the final day of the summer ent:S of a son, born July 22 in Coast Association. flanked the aisle, roped with satin series &ailed at Newport Hart.or SL JOleph hospital. He weighed Plans were made for the w.s. ribbon, down which the bride and Yacht club and on the final check eight pounds even. C.S. picnic whJch will be held her a ttendants walked. She was Davis wu winner with 15841.4 Mrs. Rou Owen and daughter& August 1 at the home of Mrs. given in marriage by her father. point&. Eloise and Ellen of Cof.st boule-Harry Westover, Corona del Mar. White eyelet embroidery wu Davis was competing in this se--. vard are leaving Saturday for Van During the attemoon the FouP Lounging Robes S 1 z es 1 2 • 2 0 $16.95 , Pa stel Colors and Black Deauville Individuality for the "Mothct·to·bc · · · uoecl for the wedcllng sown and a ries With Bob and Betty White. Nuys, whore they will lpencl a worked on acrop books for the finger-tip veil fell from a little winners of. Jut year's lnternatk:Jo... week with Mrs. ()llRn'a father. children'• holpjtal and afterward cap. The bride carried white glad.I· al, and it is believed he hu an John U'Ren. 3512 West Ocean the hostess served individual birth· 7 3 7 S 0 u th C 0 as t Blvd Laguna Bea ch If we: do not have: it, we: m4k:c: ii. yo w see! 'Donn~rie Shoppe GUN. -8t. olus arranged in an tmuaual sheai. excellent chance for the interna-Front, who has been suffl!ring a day cakes in honor of the 'annl-~====================~==~ A similar bouquet ln aalmon pink tional championship. He ls the son severe attack of intentinal in.flu-versartes of herself and Mn. -: waa carried by the matron of of Mr. and Mn. Ken Davia of Loa enza, ii able to be up and around D:b'8 Hart. RO honor, Mrs. Ben rues. slater of Angeles and Balboa. again but is tome 24 pounds Eleven members were pre&ent MANI"IC YOUNG the bride, contrasting with her Larry Wheeler of Balboa Yacht light~. and three guesta, Mn. ,Virginia D R E S S E S gown of turquoise eyelet em-club was winner for the second A daughter was born July 23 Mawson, Mrs. E . D. Goodell and ~ CO'ITONS FOR 'nlOSE WARM DAYS broidery. consecutive year of the PC sum· in St. J oseph hospital to Mr. and Mn. David Holtby, president ~t William Holstein was best man mer championship and 18-year-old Mrs William Shaw 153 23rd W.S.C.S. The next meeting will and ushers were Bruce Adkinson, Bill Ficker of BYC, sailing in his s~t. Costa Mesa. 'she weighed be at the home of Mrs. Hart. 1912 Holmes Hobart, Howard Adkinson, second series, won the Star elim-six p:>unds. ten ounces. Church street, Costa Mesa. Don Van SickJe and Paige Hiatt. ination series. He was P 14 cham-Mr. and Mrs. \jetor Gorenflo, SOCIETY- Mrs. Hobart wore pale pink with pion for two years. As winner of 108 27th street, !lave purchased F B lb G' I NEW, COLORFUL SHEER WOOL "HEAVY DATE" DRESSES Roberts' Summer Special a blue hat and accessor ies and this ser ies he will go to San Fra n-residence property at Huntington OrnlCf a Oa lf Mrs. Holstein wore a fuchsia gown cisco for the Blue Star elimination Beach and are pre paring to move Home from East and her flowers \\"ere pale pink series Aug. 16-18 \\'hich will deter· the.r e. gladiolus. mine the P acific Coast champion. Thrtt hundred guests attended• the \Vedding and reC('pt ion. \Vhich Downey Mi ss Mrs. Ray Craig of Puente was a luncheon guest at the hQme of her aunt, J\.trs. Elsie Starck. Court avenue today (Thursday). IN PASTEL SHADES FOR EVENING SELECr ONE OF THESE TO FRESHEN UP YOUR SUMMER WARDROBE SIES 9 TO 15 AND 10 TO 20 One Oil Painting $195 was held in the church pAtio. E . f . d \VhitC' gladiolus and ferns decorat· ntertatnS ften S ect the 1ace-covcrect buffet where At Wiener Bake 5 x '1 Vignette ·······················---····---·-····-··········· Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! • See Us About Home and . Church Wedding Pictures nw Sl!MMER BOUB8 10:00 A.M. to 1:99 P.M. Dally-Other 11mc by Appola-t the four-tiered \vcdding cake and punch "-'<'re served. The two-"'eeks' hone)m oon will be spent at San Francisco a nd Yoaemite, a nd the bride ('hose for her going-away costume a dress of pale green print. On their re turn they will live at Lido Isle until their new hotne in Costa Mesa is completed. Prices Lower Here Say Oklahomans N/Afl/N.llOI C LE A RA. N C E All Dresses Marked at Sale Each dress on our center racks have been checked and . Reduced to Clear Many Exceptional V aloes In Our Sports Department Prices ~!?~.,~:: ... ~~~-........... _, ____ • 6 98 Orkin's Department 1798 Newpawl Bttd. • • • • • • Store • Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harbor 1033 • BALBOA Palm Ave. 307 ' llelboa IIus Bldg., oor. Jlala II o-A Frollt HOURS: 9 A. JI. ro 10 P. 11. DAILY "MELLOW FELLOW" has topped "Ripley" "BEl.JEVE IT OR NOT ,, --- JUST ARRIVED • - -Beautiful WfilTE POPLIN Sport and .Dress Shirt Herman Dillinder , by special request. gave a repeat showing of his colorro motion pictures of the mid"·inter regatta at Balboa Yacht club and also reels of the speedboat races at Long Beach and scenes at Palm Springs. These pictures have been shown by t}le yachtsman and photog- rapher at Larchmont, New York City and Washington, D. C., Yacht clubs on his trip east, as well as at Newport Harbor and Cabrillo Beach clubs, among others of the coast. At the semi.annual meeting of BYC Commodore Don Kemp aak· ed all boat owners to decorate their boats and enter them in the Tournament of Lights August 17. A son was tk>m JuJy 18 in St. Joseph hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Beverly McFarland, 521 31st street. v-:: "&wla& '-pa :: O.lume l--*f :i: c; < " Ill < z :::> t.) < ,J "' Z • 0 ... !-- tJ :::> J:l 0 ci: II, :t Newport Souvenir :and Gift Shop. 2102 o.-n Front -e Wrap Gifts OPENING TONIGHT • Gryphon Productions ·;:~": P LA Y~OUSt Keenan Wynn bt Petrified Forest 11117 ..... A,.-' Umlted Sntt,,. C8padty Reserved Seats Available at BLUE SAII..S BOOKSHOP __ .,. Or 1-191 P91(Z8: 9Ue a SIM -. Tax 0 ote* .. .&..-Ht• 11 :i: ,_ 1 ... _ !I 11. TEN NIGHTS IN > >< A BARROOM . ~ Cl: I c ! ..... NJtldl7 JP.M.-t•P.M. ......... ,_~:' I • CLOTHES FOR THE g%fiecla"'~ olJd11 DRASTICALLY REDUCED MOSTLY HALF PRICE OB LEll8 ~ Dresses, Suits, Separate Jackets Play; Clothes, House Coots All SALES FINAL ROTICIPATIOO SHOPS "".:)' 129 West Third St. Long Beach .._,a-141 ... 4111 SL. ..::;.. ........... PASADENA •·.,.,a.,.,_ LONGBBACB. .. _..... • .,.; L&•t., ~ I •