HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-08 - Newport Balboa News TimesI ' 1 · j Ill SAID CRAB 117 SAM • LIOK,rlll First TOW'T18Inellt ot Ugbts Fee the . war will bufst on a long-waiting public August 17 and Veter- an 'Qellneator Joe Beek, who has etched out more water parades than any living ex- ponent, says he would like to mess the local angle and make Harborites conscious ot the festival rather than the outsiders. Well, of course, Joe hopes the 20 or 30 thousand summer folks here will be the only ones to attend the festival. as he says no effort has been made to appeal to Southern Cali-' fomians, but I feel he has another thought coming. De- spite the fact that little ?Ut- side publicity has been given I'll bet an extinct Chinese antem that more thousands Yill clog our streets than for :nany years. Seems that every relative and friend or a relative or a localite intend to come here on that week- end. Predictions are that more than 75 entrants will line up for the start and m06f or them will be kids. Mr. Beek believes more interest is be- ing shown by the youngsters than for years. One regret- able fact is that all the old equipment which was so carefully saved from fire by storing in the C.D.M. reser- voir in 1941, was wiped out by too much water flooding the store room. which meant that new paraphernalia had to be purchased. Finance Chairman Walt Spicer says that suftlcient funds are on hand to assure present ex- penditures. but would like donations from public-spir- ited citizens to care for un- expected expenses. + + + Highways. Herb ~enny had something when he ad- vocated that an increase in road taxes to pay for bet- ter thoroughfares. be as- sessed to the trucking fel- lows. No question that the trucks monopolize the ce- ment ribbons up and down the state and make more , 1119"ey than the railways. which have to maintain costly rights or way. while the trucks let the public pay that part or their bills. Not only the big trucking com- panies but almost every im- portant business house. use that means of transportation to deliver their freight and it seems a bit ironic· to ask the rest of the motoring pub- lic to maintain their traffic lanes for them. Do they have more drag with the legisla- ture than those m i n u s trucks? + • • Yucca Village. Proudest man in Balboa is Fun Zone Al. Anderson. one of the principals in a real estate venture out on the desert be- yond Palm Springs. Al has some nifty color signs that ought to sell the tract when it is ready this ran . Aside from that he says things are . easing up on supplies and la- bor, that he has several more shows than ever before and that the summer busi- ness is splendid. Can re- member when the Fun Zone had large gobs of vacant space in its area but today almost every available space is utilized and gives an eager public plenty of diversion. + • + Loe ADgeleo Bonds. Quite a few reasons have been ad- vanced wliy the Los Angeles bond Issue for courthouse, museum. incinerators ,etc., was defeated. but none ol the papers mention the real reason: lack of p.iblicity. As a matter ol fact the L.A. pa- pers, radio and stores did not start boosting until about a week before election. Pl!o- ple were not awakened to the need. Here at home re- call defeat of a high school bond election some time ago. due to lack of publicity. When the last school bonds were voted this spring Sid Davidson put on a two months educational c a m- pelgn, caref\llly prepared. tba1 pw tbe desired results. Klt!ICP POSTE D! 1 y _. ..••• ;. SUI .. 0 tr ... Od .. 0 mb .... a. .. --~..,_ .. N~N-... ~- ' • -. NEWPO~T . Olll:r Oi 71 I W1!~1'•,-1111. • hi" •• ..... ol EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COL~Y, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL ~ CQSTA" .a& VOUlllS mvm · NEWPOKT BEACH, ~ltNIA. reuuo,u-, Auodrr a, iw . ~ T 1tl'• • • Harbor Yachtsmen rWin Wednesday's Ra SEARCH 01 FOR MISSED BOATSMAN Coast Guard airplanes and boats and private boats are joining in an intensive search for Fred East- man, 33, 131 Via Ye1la, Udo Isle, missing' since Tuesday, whose fish- ing boat was found adrilt Wednes· day night, ·IS miles east of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island. FOUR BEAT BIG FIELD II REGATTA ~ 8 7 KF:NT ~ I SAN DIEGO. Aug. ~ Newport Harbor yaell--.Is top honors in w~ -of the Southern Calif~ TllM association regatta at Slin m • Barney Lehman, who lomt U. .. boat race Tuesday on +'II 'i choice, today came throulb •... ' the Star class with 36J5 ~ 11• With two former world c:hiiil'tl' rt l:W. Lowell North and Gel'ald .Drll- coll, in the racin.8:, competltkli. II rugged, but bets are on Batalf, In second place w1l5 the 'Wemla. Ashley Brown, skipper, wttll MK points; third, Lowell North'•~ Star was 33 JX>ints. The dMI .._ Eastman is the brothe r of Spalding Eastman, purctiasing agent for the South Coast com- pany, with whom he made his home. and is also employed there. Tuesday morning he left for a fishing trip on the South Coast boat No. 27F92. When the boat "'·as found. fishing lines were still in the water and the ignition sv.itch was on, but the" gasoline tank was empty and the battery was dead. It was found by John Kemple, 326 North Hayward street, Los Angeh:s. - -' ON YOUR MARK, SET, 00! Thl9 .. ~way more tMn lSO 8nowblrdt tl9ed u9 tor the atart· of the UUlll&J ~ tut Sunday and brepn their race for top ._... or Newport Harbor. Spectaton lined botll •bores of the bay" to watcb. yotithf\IJ pilot& maneuver tbelr lm&ll craft aroUnd tbe tricky coone and pbotopapben. were .&" •ed at 'f'11111tap polnta tfaJ'oqboo.t the are.. The yearly event 19 oonUaua.lly one of tbe most pbof.ocTapbed attain lD Ille South••ed. :_Kent Hitchcock p.oto two more days to go, and ftp' ' • • • are so cloae the boats ue ~ 10 to 20 Yards apart. It has been learned Eastman was tiJhing off the 14-mile bank, heading toward the Island. Spald- ing Eastman, on board Alan Craig's power boat, and -coast guard boats as well as planes are searching this vicinity in the hope he may have found something afloat to which to cling. Bomb Jobs Come Easy to Crocker After 20 Years Fire Chief Frank Crocker of Newport Beach has one of those 1001 jobs. Each year that the Lou Everd.lng· Snowbird ntght is held. it's Frank's job to set off the bomb that noti- fies the official starter that the time is nearing for the race. Veteran av•ic Crocker's job t. not an easy one and it haa its hazards, too. Re must dodge within a second of the swish of the projectUe as tt shoots L de D• skyward. The bomb that Crocker ea r les lit last Sunday "sw001hed" a sec- ond ahead or ltime. It was a five-! second bomb and it went off in Harborites will mourn the pass-fourA S<'conds. h hed · r Lo · E rd" !IO · ed newspaperman w o watc Ing 0 uu; ve ing, • retir Cr k Ii ht th f did "t -lum.bennan. political leader and oc er . g . e use n ex civic worker, who died Augus t l ,, peel the fire chief to have any eye- in Santa Ana Community hospi-brows when the borr.b went off tal from a heart ailment. He l'l"-prematurely, so to speak. But the sided at 135 North Bay front, Ba.I-C'yebrows "'·ere th~re "''he~ Croc~· boa Island and at the time of his er got up from his kneeling po~n­ dem.ise was a director and on a Uon. number of important committees •·t thought it had your head," of the Newport Harbor Chamber said the reporter. of Conurte'rce. "Not my head.'" said Crocker . Deceased was born in San Fran-"I've been lighting these bombs cisco July 3, 1866 and was in the for 20 years." lumber business in Humboldt And it's quite a ceremony to county for many years. He was watch, too. Frank. state highwa_y C'Ommisisoner for a number of years and when he Book Rentals Up retired five }·ears ago came to Newport Harbor. During the war he served on the ration board and in his civic efforts did much to- ward raising funds for the pro- posed hospital here. Funeral serv- ices were held in Berkeley. ~ion­ day. Augus t 5. where interment ~·as made. Rents and fines collected tor books issued by the Ne-wport Beach city library in J u I y amounted to $172.85, ~iargaret McCh~ney, libraMan, re(K)rted to City Treasurer J . A. Gant. Kenny Sees Gas Tax Boost As Aid to Orphan Counties R:v increasing the gasoline tax ! '"Increase the gasoline tax in the sta te can best aid orpha n roun-1 spite of all the crying from th(' ties in the dev('lopment of more l big trucking companies.'' cr ied a nd safer h.ighways, said P ost-Kmny, "truc ks are a nu1snncc master H. F . Kenny of Balboa. in an}"''ay. Let them pay for tr ar- a talk before the assemb!y fact-ing up our highways?" finding rommitt<"e in Santa Ana Kenny then repor ted the-r e- on ~londay afternoon. sults of a recent motor .nn ,·ey Ke nny. ~·ho Ls presiden! of the '-'"hich he conducted for the Ci ty Orange County Coast associatiC'n ot Newport Beach and for the As- and chairman of the highway com-aociated Clambers of Commerce. mittee of the Associated Chambers of Commerce. told the col1Ul'ti.ttre that Orange county does not re- ceive its full share of proceeds from the sale of guoline simply because ihe majority of motansrs who paas through the county buy their gasoline in i..o. Angeles (\r San Dieco counties en route. His report showed that a tctal of 14.915 motor vehicles used Cen- tral avenue, from 15th alrttt Newport Beach, at the peak tral- fic hour from 4 to 5 p.m. on July 28. while 5792 motorists used Coast bouJevard at (2nd strftt in the one hour peak from 4 to 5 p.m. on the same date. In the 24-hoor period from 6 p.m. July Tl to 6 p.m. July 28. a total of 22.S17 cars used Central avenue at 15th street, white 7540 'used Coast boulevard at 42nd "Neither don the county benefit in any way through the s:>le or gasoline to motorists from the super-heated and desert areas of Southern Califom.la who y-tM ttu::ough Orange county on their way to the beache!:," Kenn>' said. street. .. bec:auae they buy their total sup-On July 14th. the California ply in their inland towns befo.""e Di\'ision of HighWll}'S checked 18,· they lea,•e.'' 711 as U5ing the Coast highway The postmaster recej,•ed a !"OUnd at the county docks, while 1906 of applause trun other coounittee used the road ln the peak traffic witnesses when be lulied. out at hour from 4 p.m. to S p.m. truck companies whole vehicles Co The hJghway department Sllr"\'ey t•aring dawn the hfshways and also showed that 14.601 vehfcles -1 exlt!ll•t pipea throw oU .wett using Newport boufevanl. odan 1rbk:b an very dDcomturt-near th• Udo theater on that U,te, 1ng to driven and passenccn of while 2244 can ~ the aame smalltt ..iucJ .. that &tt ..... 11y point fll the peaked traffic hour travellnc" behind. -4 to 5 p.m. State Legislato~ Are Guests of Joe Street ; Parade Planned to Open Light Tournament Harland CHookl Be-.. a bl!autiful job of salllnc ID - the Rh-. 33 clus with 1111 S. Bee, 2114 points. In 11-.4 ..... WU the Ruth With 201' palllla, sailed by Bob Allen, and bl tblrd place Crispin n with 111' poi.la, oaill'd by Bili Joyce, maJdns It • all-Newport affair. !;! _.,.i Pll"f Beek at Club Dinner, Bay Ride The entire Harbor Area is ..,... ~"::: ::Ir~~:-:~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ W H ! It ~·as a gala occasion tor eenial arren, auser Joe Beek of Balboa Island. when Will Be G ts he \L'as host this week to members ues of the State ~stature's fact· At Li hts F t finding committee on highways g e e and streets and to prominent dU- u-na of the harbor area at a diAner Ac~ermans Plan To Leave Harbor For Tahiti Sunday humming with activity in prepara-g bn.utiful to .ee. · ~ tion for the Tournament of Ughb, Saturday nJght, August 17. n..lrd •kipper to win wia W' PMI ' On the evening of Aug. 17. gfvin at the Ne"--porl Harbor When the proud Gloucester Newport Harbor 'Will to all intents I Yacht club. schooner Island Girl, goes out Final plans fer the paNde are Fnnz. who went to .es • ...,.. being co'mpleted by the oommltto!e, por'a d>olce With the + s ... headed by Commodore Her7 lc.Jlfomla 32 clua), ... _,,. Grandin of the Newport ctm and tbe Mriel with 7% po&nt:L Is ' Commodore Don ~ a( a.. lllol-la Don DoQalu jr.'a Al-- boa Yacht club. II paints, foUOW..S by W ...... Ill The parade ... 11 begin prompt-llott"a Escapade with 51' palllla. ly at 7 ,30 and ,.m ,.OOEd up F ourth Win for the harbor - through the-Newport area first in the Luders 16 cl.. ~ • and purposes be the unofficial I Alter dinner the group were through the blue water between It I r h 's f eai ·r gut, of their host on a tour ot the jetties of Newport Harbor cap o o t e tate o 1 orn1a. N Bal'--Ba f bo h Go E 1 W I e rt-UUll y. channel at 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. so that traffi~ from the wM end Ralph Phillipa jr. took the a. of the city can be-cleared out. with 12% pc:nnts. Tying for WOlld The parade Wl11 ~r the penin-pJaor ~ the Jaru (J . Rolleoa) sula area last. and Uttle Dipper <Ear~ Gustar- or t vernor ar arren . . d L . t t Go F -• ~ose who attended thE' dinner 11, Tahiti-bound, she will be carry-an 1eu enan vernor rt"U .. H ·u be h r th T a nd took in the boat r ide were· \ ing three fam111es to a new era auser w1 ere or e our-· r · th · nament or Lights, famous water J S ate Senator Randolph Collier 0 eXJstence on e is.le of Moo1:'a· Fire Chief Frank Crocke1. p~ soninl, ethaell Iwith 10ti1' ~1~­liee Chief Roland Hodgkinson and . e nterna oncu ._..__ Harbor Muter Russell Craig a.re claa Shius (Ray Hegg) t.. ....... putting their heads together to ~ng wJ!~ 9% points. Second ..... make carefa.l plans for orderly 11 Sally (C. Coberl~) wt.th 5 P9lllllll procedure of · the parade lt.9elf, ~d the S~nta M~r1a (Pier Dnll). traffic on streets and in the bay 11 third with 4 points. Lanat wltla and for the utmost safety of all 13% points is first in Interna- concerned. tlonal six-meter class and iii .a.:tp.. r t f th p "f" t of ~reka. chairma n of the fact-! where ~ey own 8 400-acre vanilla e e o e ac1 1c coas . . . . olantalion . Gov. and Mrs. Warren and their i fan ng cornnuttee ; Senator James · · family will be f:'.UC'sts of Capt. Joe J . cBride of \'entura; Senator On hoard v.r1ll be Mr a nd Mrs. Beek secretary of the state S€n-1 Be Hulce of El Centro; a nd Sen-C. E. Ackerman of Corona del at~. 0a t Ne"'J)Ort Harbor Yacht I ato~ Jack T~nnf'y of Los Angeles. I Mar&1r. and Mrs. Fred B Hunie club <'n thal evening a nd Lt. Gov. J ~semblymE'n Bern. A. Sheridan of 1 guna Beach 11.nd Perry J . and l\1rs. Hauser will be guests of of IAlaml'da; Hon. Chnrles A. Lars'i"n _of Balboa l slarld .. As soo_n Commodor e Don Kemp at Balboa Str•am, Vt('(' Chairman_ c.f Chula I a~ [e1r house on the island ~s Yacht club. The governor will act Vis,a, and Hon. Frank Waters of j com etcd, ~· Larsen and therr as official starter for the parade 1<ConUnued on Pa&:e Five) sma_l son will go over by steam~r. Fa . t landfall of the 4000-mile PENCILLED PERSONALITIES ~;~n~h 11 ~~~~~:. H~ i nfn;\~~ ~ B""I jACK. L!NOSLE"t. Cowboy r\rtir. from here, where they will stop __ ~. . ~ _ over o visit. Next stop is at the --\ . islan of Tuo Motus, and fom 1 • .. 1 thert; to Papeet~, where they will A distinct social interest is evi-pered by Bill . Slat~r . Emencm denced this ~ar as many people Spear's Goose is third, with "" plan to entertain out-af-town vis.it-points ~nd Alan .Crary s Rebrl ta ors in their homes and clubs.. th1rd with 8 points. Leading among · sudl aftain will PIC class has Seventh Hea'lll!ll be a dinner at the Newport Harbor (Peggy Slater), 18'ii point.; C!lp- Yacht club, hosted by Co1111rore per (H. Brown) and Aglllta <W. and Mrs. Gr&ndio for Governor Rempel) trying for second witll Earl Warren. and a dinner at the 15 paint.s. -• , --"'"· IDltttttNI follo..•tt of. Ute Na.,... atom&c ~ tftta DOW iralac - Ill tbe Pacific. II GeGr(e Da •• of c.ta llleea. .,..Ito wodl:l'!td - tbe n.·o WU.. dollar poojoct -It Dnt otartod la W- E\o"eno11 wu t. ctuu-se of amc:la of Ute eocamet dal lutUlatlw of Ute dty of Haaford. built for tM a lom pl'Ojtt:t. Geo. T. Everson-AtOIDk take on more supplies. The vanilla plantation on Moorea, one or the grou~ of French possessions, was purnased in 1943 and has been in a state of neglect during the war ·ea.rs, so there will be plenfy to d j to get it back into produc- Balboa Yacht club for Lt. Gov. Largest in the regatta is the Fred Hauser at which ~ PC cla_ss and Jo~ ~ashington al and Mrs Don Kemp will pre-San Diego is sweepmg. everythb:c side.. · tiefore him with three firsts to U. credit of La CUcaracha and an aa- beatable lead of 45% points. Near- est competitor is Pomero (Harold Caward), 36 JX>ints and third 18 Vivace (Doug Giddings) with 33. Interest In entries is wide- spread, and with the elimination (Continued on Page 4) ton.1 · B lboa Civic Leader Chosen The Ocean Racing class. hal completed their races and the Pa- cific coast champion is Donald Bumham's Javelin, a sa·n Dleso boat, with 25 'A points. Second place goes to Gayle. 19 points, a Newport H arbor boat skippered by G. McKellips. Frank Kent'1 · Address USO Celebrants White aoucf. from San Frandsco Th Balboa USO dedicated on noon. is third with 21 . Aug t 1. 194.2, \\ill celebrate its Mel Ford from tbe archestra Also naming t heir champion la 4th niversary on Sunday. Start-bearing his name and Dave Chrody the Percentage Handicap cJasr, - ing a 1:00 p. m. there Will be an will render sewral mamcaJ .seJ.ec-Windsong (R. J . Crum) from C.· "Ope House" for the public until tions bet"'een 2 and 3 P. m. brillo Beach leading with 36 pointa.. 6 :00 .m. EdwaidHeruaessy~fmruetlywtth _Follawtng are Alura (J. A.. Irv· I Th celebration will include the "the Balboa USO and nO'W" directer ing), 34% and Kelem (Stan Quia... Bal USO's extension building of USO h~ wc:ric in the X.. topher), 32. at 7 E. Bay Front, housing the Angeles area w:all act u meetrr of One irotest ii pending in the show rs and lockers, and the one ceremonies. Star class, but it will not affect at 7 E. Bay avenue, housing the Varlow: articles In leather, the results being between boat. 65-dormitory. shells, fish ~es. copper. sbtchel 7 and 8. There are also teVeral Th R<!verend Thomas Noonan. and paintinga ,. ..... ,.., ..,. -Art protsts In the Rhodea claa, but past ot Mt. Cannel Catholic Craft classes under the ~ will not affect top placea.· In the ell and club moderator, will of Staff Aid Loretto -.m be PIC clua protesa m.,-affect a welcome to the vjliton. on display clurimc die °"Opell leaden. b<rt J. Kenny, Balboa poat-}loau." nie reptt. acbedule bu - mot and the USO program <nn· Four yews ---!Whoa ..._..i and the power ~ mitt , cbafrman, will •peak on USO )OU -•'"" to -the will ....., Thunday and FridQ' b>- the '8Jboa USO's work and ac-memben of our armed f-In •Ind of frldaY and a· <ompJfohments dUrlng the put u..1r splrf'-1. ...,. r ' -,,,. bis -at today 1 four~an and the future plans rea-eational ..,.._ --o•er la the ....., around Con>nado or USO in the Newport Har-agency ·ot the Unltetf S&vloe Or-aad"by the Ocean Racine and IW- bor pnlzationa. Ine .• cl"9 -..,.._ ..mtase Handicap cl--. -cemen and Junior bolteues .nation wu the Natlanal C.•Mlle 1111.ft two days to 10. Satm'dq from the San Diego, San Pedro Community Sftvlce. -~ will bl! .._ a( ...n- and the Rfvenfde USO. wm bo In the aprina ol 19M a --.,.. d•n .. cl amall boaa at Cor- gues at the 4th birthday party. secured on the OOfldJns located at anado Yadlt dub. A sf htseeing mri .. of Newport 7Ul Eut Bay n-t_ a ....... & - i. being made available to locker room ,,.. ~ tD lift Parking Reeei-•· Gain through the courtesy of the the ~ a fadllty to .. .,_ rt Harbor Ownber of Com-able them top ~ ---Beceipb l'lOill the llolba!t --merC.I. shov.·er Mien ~ • -., lac Lot far July totaled Sl901.40, There is. pcrhapa, one man In The interested apectat« fa A large birthday cake is befJ>I were no i.lh • .Zi.. .__ • ~ ~t tar ti» dtr Coata Mesa wbo is watchln& the Ge«c• T. Evenon, manace-of by the Balboa bnwfnoM-nor are lher-o u:y al Ille pr , b El'Rl!J'. atomfc bomb tests. being 000-Me'-< Storea, 1789 N""po<t •---of •~, ML ~--t ~; .... _ ,., •-• ---..;.... g..__--,----p-.-.,.- ducted by the Navy in Bikini la-Blvd.. Coata Mesa. -war-~ -~ --._ u~ ---~"' -• goon. a little mere ~ on the atomic project -fn the ell Altar Society are ._. alMt au. to tbe _.., fll --1-Slap i.-,... lhan lrWIY others aittbis ~t -c11m, c1mtt dQa c1 DU -the -··-a and WI!! _..., illlbt llleePa& 1ar dtr "° fiar pu11111s prlti' tmtpOtratiwqaatedlaUW-I~•,_" ~ durlltc Ibo ott.r-. 10 r ._.._,.... Jtlb'. 5 ' • I •• • r ' • . • ' N&WfOllT •••aoA QnMha ' IN«. COSTA MESA C:OMMUNIT't PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY NEWPORT· BALBOA N E W.S - T I M ES l CHURCH ~ Carl 8 . Johnson, Mlnltter Fishing Harbor News Newport NEWS PBONEll: R&!Q!O& I.I ... U PHl'lllCIANB -11\J&GalNll, B.o. Sportfishing Af181!. of Newport Harbor of the CHURCHES- 124 L IOth It. l'h. N.,.._11 urch .chool. 9:•3 L m. Mornlng Wonhlp. ll o'dock. Youtb groupo, Hlgh ochool, Jn. I. 8. WHYTE Dr. W. T. Mooney l'taJBlolaa _. 8mgw Enttted as Second.class matter at tbe Poatollice In Newport Beedl. Ollllomia. under tbe Act at Mareh 3, :1819 . . SAM D. PORTER Publisher F . G. FROST Eclitor W. F. DIXON Advertlslng M..._r Printing Plant, 3011 w. Central Avenue. Newport Beach, Ollllomia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A. Dl\IElftble Local 1-Ubdlml for O.er 11 Yean Active Member of :ptil! 11 t .... 1 1 I 11 I I I• t1 t ·llUl11l>!l>lllll llftal!I U"'911-q1!1lil illlll l!l llll!I 11111 1><11.., 11 t <I I ll 11ilUl 1 ~ ; CORRAL DUST i ~ [)on"t try to gc-t ahead "of othen-~cc-p ahead of yourself i I -rl" ••o,ld will go along with you. )ACK LINDSLEY. I ~ '"''"'"' • 1 .• I I II '" I tllllll lll •r ll J•IJ.1'•11!1lll lllllllll ltl ltl J11Hl nl Jlllll tllttl 1lt •(f''l111••1Ul l11'11 1111 1111• LJVE BAIT BOATS ADDING BONITO TO DAILY CATCHES nte live bait boats out o! New- port Harbor have started catching bonito with the first fish comlng in Saturday and Sunday. Bonito are fast. hard fighting fistJ and gi\.·e a fisherman using light tackle a fight for his money. Besides bonito. ~e OOats are bTinging in good catches of barracuda. plus halibut and white sea bass, not to mention the other odd varieties. Many fishermen are wondering what happened to the yellowtail. None are being caught. Albacore continue to be caught on many boats. Dana Point and the Hunt- ington nats continue to be the most popular fishing spots. The total swordfish caught re- mains the same as la.st week. ''Pepito" Pttez, of the Teaser. had tough luck with a marlin that aJ - most took the flying fish he had out for bait. The frozen flying fish turned out to be too soft and mushy when it tha"'·ect. a nd the :Bold Move marlin wouldn't take it. Fishermen are finding it hard to get flying In the liaht of political history President Truman will ex-fish in good condition. ~ Ed Simington. of the Jeanie hibit more valor than discretion if be takes the stump on be-rrom 19th Street Landing. brought half of the Democratic candidates in the fall election caJl!· in live albacore Sunday caught paign, as he says h e may do. near Catalina. '"Smith" Smith. of U he Wants to do it that's his privilege, but evnPrience the Lassie, is reported to have .no..,._ caught the same number. Earl shows that he may lose more votes for the men he supports Coleman's RocC et from King's than he \\ill gain. I t's virtually imIXJSS,ible to talk in fa vor Landing brought in 10 albacore th f ll · Sunday. Bud Reedy, of the Lancer, of one candidate without talking against e e ow runrung brought in nine albacore to the against him._ And \Yhen any national figure goes into some-same landing. body else's political backyard and talks agin' one of the boys Reports lrom the barge Rotriev· th h f lks · t d 't er is that anyth in~ S\vimming is \Yho gre\V up in that yard, why · e ome O JUS on being caught. Anything sy.·imming: like iL barracuda. bass. halibut, bonita Fr-dilklin Roosevelt found that out in 1938. Of the four and mackerel. The barge Gander sen ators he tried to "purge" in that year all four were easily is getting catches of large halibut, barracuda, when the mackerel can re-elected. In fact, it is generally agreed that "Cotton Ed" be kept orr the hooks. , Balboa Pavillion reports barra-1 -.~~~~~~~~~~~~ cud.a., halibut, sea bass, &bin&: OUll LADY OF MT. CARMEL Oats and Dana Point. Albacore 1423 W..t Central AvMue fillhin.g ls light. TI:te Waterwitch. ~y 1111 .. : a and 10 LID. termediate, Adlillt. 6 :30 p. m. ~ eervice, 7 :30 o'clock. Kid-week fellowlh.lp and prayer, WO<lnuday. 7:30 p. m. ll L m., Prayer and Sermon. from the Fun Zone, reports for OonRal.om: Satu.rd&ya fmm Sunday: ba!Tacuda, one bonito and ,:00 to G:ao and tram 7 :30 to ASSEMBLIES 01' GOD IN"eoJO Tll ~ Aau.ort.Ncl _. \M Umlt91 ...._ ~ Gr7" ~ .. '° ·-' .... .tll 7 tioa wtlll ._ .... ...... .&1J'Dft9 -il&RW ...,.•uruw-nm -... ---~.~-----..... -· -o.tna .... (M.llr ........ ) ...... no albacore. S:so p.m. Beary and Ida 8aacle. Paton D. W . King and Norman Hagen 1 . g Lecloa llall. 15tb Dr G E. Tohill Hi ch aad C...lral An. • • went out Sunday with Kent t -,.T. JOHN VIANNEY C:HUllCH achoo~ 10 a.m. Armand Monaco ~ ..... -Sm:- cock in his speed boat. The speed-Balboa lolalld service, 11 a.m. ABClll'l'llCl' 22(11 Cout llMi boat broke down and received a Sunday Mui: 8:SO LID. ~-1 ..... ev•naellltic service at NEWPORT BEACH tow from King and Hagen's big. emr-Sa"-'•-fro -..·--·• --81A W. Bay .&-, lh8-__,, ___ new live bait boat the Sport King. :SO to s;;•~.m. ..-..-,,-. ru T :~:.m. k llarltor lnt ,a:::.~~. The Music:, from Earl's Landing, +· ...wee service, Thursday at Loe ..:::!.! .. +;:::.!; "4tl U •• -· an ..,..,_.I is bringing in bonito. barracuda, COBONA. DEL MAB : P._m.________ '--------------'i PllYBICIANSABUIWEONB.ILm white sea bau and halibut. Sunday ro~~ COlllMUNITY CHURCH. · u...,..UA.BE CBU&CJI the Maybelle. sklppered by Jack CONGBEOATIONAL OF COSTA MESA c:RIR(IPll.AG'TOB8 Fisk. lrom Earl's Landing. hooked '= ......,.,. ... Sdoroek, Mlabter 'P,tmporary location, American A. V. Andrews, M. D. nine albacore and landed three. j Legion Hall W .._..._ •-~-PHr111~•~ The Be5s T hooked five and landed 811 Heliotrope, Corona del Illar , agntel' -· ..-aua..w1C1 "'~, Sunday. August II, 1946. -~· aad Mn. G. Wlllanl Sloanl> Dr. -O. W--five albacore. 9:30 a . m.-Oiun:h school. halo" Chiropractic, Dietetics, S1l&GllON The experiment of using . mud 11 :oa a. m.-a.torning worship. Ptto~ 2111 Pbysio &: n ..... 1onic Th ... _ ... y 01 Oout ...-wq. llarbM" aa suckers as bait for albacore ts be-Sermon by Mr. Schrock: "A OJ.re uncbly Schoo .. 9:30 a. m. ""'1 4 ~ay Ooroaa tlfJl Illar log tried by some trolling boa.ten lfor Pessimism." "oming worshJp service 10:45. tm o-.t BJTd.., 8oatlt wtth no tank for live bait. Al For-~er service 6:00 p. m. LAcuaa Belcil. Piao-. MIS git. of the Newport Ta ckle store. frean service 6:30 P. m. is ad\•ocating it. H e claims the lazy FIRST Cl1URCH OF CHRJIT, ening evangelistic: service at albacoT"e really go after the slow SCIENTIST 7: o'clock. moving mud sucken. which will Lido Theater, Centrtl Avenue esday evening prayer service keep for weeks in moss and a lit-•nd Ylt Lido at :7:30 o'clock. tie wateT'. /'The Lost Week End" A branch ot Tb.e Mother Olurcb, l ------- academy aY.·ard'winner Ray Mil-The ll'1rtt Church of ChrVt. Set-FIRST METHODIST CHURCH land , waJked into Al's store early entlst, In Bolton, Ma-cbuaett.a. j G. Edwin Osher, Pas.tor one momlng this week. The Star Su.aday School at 9:30 L m. Sun· Euclld at 8tanfont, Garden Grove. only had a big laugh at the day Servtce •t 11 L m. Wedn.e.day ·~ 9 :30 Lm. Cburcb 8Chool tor all idea of catching albacore on mud Teatimonlal Meetlng at 12 o clock &g+. ,, spend four days lying in the sun ,P aJm street. Balboa, ii open dally K : ''We Thank. Thee." CLINICAL LABOBATO&Y Clinical Laboratory om.. homo: • -4:18 oad by appoln-t • TELEPHONE llABBOB 811 %8al W.'Oon~ A- DAY llCBOOL suckers. "l 'm only down here to 1 Reading Room located at 111 ~ a.m. Mom in& _Worship: on the beach," he explained. ,from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except SUD· a.m. Nursery for all chil· Th itti f boat operators ,days and holidays nationally ob-urtng .ervice. 1 ,------------~ e pr ce 0 served · 00 p.m. ldethod.i.lt Youth Fel-• fishing themselves when .they have The public b cordially invited to io~ip. Young Adult Fellowah.lp. Mortimer School chartered the use of their boa~ to !attend the cburcn eervicea and uee 7,~00 p.m. EvenJ.ng Worehlp:-S0% Coral Balboa lalan4 sportfishermen is fro\vned Upon b.Y the Reading Room. ?delaage: "Come Ye U ve." Grade9: CoUege, Prep&rato17 all fishermen. J"he fact that it happens on rare occasions, how-1 SUMMER SCHOOL ever. causes much ill will to rish· ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CO~TA MESA CHURCH OF GOD 0. A. Mortimer, ~·· A., Oxford. · CHURCH Rev • .l&mes P . McOra\V, Pastor n...a-dpa1 Ph ~-~-••• ing from Newport Harbor. It 1s ~n.u one ........ uur uu"' something that should never hap. 1 515 Weat Central, Balboa 1,40 ~abrWo S t., Costa l\.lesa (Ebell Clubhouse) SeJ'Vlces Sunday 10 a. m., 6:30 pen. DENTISTS lohn IL 0. Chmig, 111. D. ~aad8tuawww 2 -4 7 -8 :30 and by awointment Beacon 5075 uo -l8tli 8-0ooia .. _ caw..- l.&mmtee B. Dorey, 111. D. Physician &: Surgeon 321 Marine Ave., Balbo. blam ~Bubor!m Smith of South Carolina, one of the "purgees", would have -----------------------8:30 a. m .. Holy Communion. Rev. Ardyt T. Dean, Vicar P·+· and 7:30 p. m. Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 1()..12 a .m .; 3.5 p.m.. been de feated if FDR had not opposed him. U Harry Truman will check back a bit further he will find that President Wilson also stubbed his political toe in trying to kick members of the opposition party out of con- gress in the 1918 election. Mr. Wilson's efforts are "cred- ited" with electing a Republican congress. Undoubtedly the president's desire to take the stump this fall arises out of his stawlCh party loyalty and the realiza- tion that-according to the poll-takers-the popularity of hit administration is slipping. But if Democratic candidates are familiar with political histocy they'll try to get Harry to support somebody eJse...L. anybody but themselves. ........ Russia's Answer 'The fb1s<d;m press, mouthpiece of the Kremlin, accuses America of endangering the peace through the atom bomb tests at Bikini. But the flat "No!" which Jb1ssia 's Gromyko hurled back at American proposals for world atomic control in the United Nations meeting has done more to cast a shadow on lastinj: peace than all the blasts w!lich our military forces might ever set off in the far wastes Of the Pacific. Even at the advantage of gaining the atomic energy se- crets the Soviets are still unwilling to accept our n<>-veto stipulation in connection with atom supervision and rontrol. This means that we will not share our data with other countries, or if we do, Russia will not be one of them. The extent to which the Soviets have invoked their veto power in the UN Council leaves little doubt that they would do the same thing in regard to atomic matters if they found it to their advantage to do so. We can only hope that Russian suspicions of the west.em nati00s will eventually diminish to the point · where full ro- operation between Moscow and the democracies will be pos- sible. Then the uses of the atom for blessing rather than for blasting can be given the undivided attention of the scientists of the world. New Markets Free Spain Group Advocates :Boycott Of Spanish Goods A nationwide movement which has for its goal lhe br eaking off of Amer ican relations with the Franco r egime in Spain and the boycotting of gex>ds imported from the Spanish country wu under way today. Spearhead of the movement ln California is the Action Committee to Free Spain Now, Los Angeles chapter, which sponsored the meeting which was held in Odd Fellows temple 1n Santa Ana on Wednesday night. It was there, following a spiT"it- ed talk by Harold Hoff of Los Angeles, U. S. and Spanish war veteran. that the m ovement to popularize public oplnJon in favor of pr~uring the State Depart- ment into ceasing its relations with the Franco government was started. The IF AW A Fishermen's union. Oiarles Mcl.aughlan of Santa Ana. business m anager. who is "'ell known in Newport Harbor, was chairman of the Santa Ana meet· ing, and he said today that his organization would appreciate it IJ the public: "·ould refrain from buy- ing Spanish fish products and wine. "Our organization is also ask· ing everyone who is sympathetic toward the movement to tree Spain to let our State Depart- ment in Washington know that we wish it to break off relations with Franco." the N~rt Har· bor fishermen·s union official said Address of the Los Angel~ Chapt<'T'. Act ion Committee to Free Spain No\\', is located at 5245 DeLongpr<' stre-et. Los Angeles. P--1 cl..aughlan said. BALBOA Director Announces Applications Dates BERKELEY. Aug. 6.~osing dates foT" v.•hich applications for admission on four campuses of the University of California will be ac- crpted for the fall term have been announced by Dr. H . A. Spindt. director of admissions. Applications close first on the Los Angeles campus, August 16, while on the Berkeley and Santa Barbara campuses the final date is September 1. The University Farm, the Davil campus, will ac- cept applic:a.tiom until September 10. So far there have been no lim- itations set on enrollments and the unlversJty is accepting all quaJlfied applicants, Dr. Splndt announced. Applications received after hte closing dates will be con- sidered for the spring term, he said Pro,.ing that it pays to adver- tise, since the picture of a robin Y.1hlc:h built its nest in the White House eaves appeared in Life, seven more robins have moved to the distinguished location. ISLAND , 9:f5 a.m., Sunday School ' HE FRIENDLY" CENTR..\L 11:00 a. m., Morning Prayer and BIBLE CHURClf Sermon. (Firtt Sunday1: Holy of Costa l\lt>sa Commun.Joa.) Rt>''· D\\•ight Kinman, pastor BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue ~1Cf'.'ting temporarily in the \Vo- _! men .. s Club house Dr .. Obed Lucas DENTIST HM Ya W. Central. Bal'bor 1480 NEWPOBT BEACH Phone Harbor 37 l. H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-8- Houn: 2-!I, lry Appointment Rev. Harry W. Whtte. Aeeoc::late Pa1tor Church School, 9 :30 L m. Momtn.g Wonbtp, 11 L m. Sunday school--::10 :00 a. m . Worship' service--11:00 a . m . Young peoJ e's service -6:30 ..-------------~ ·p. m. 'hlepbone --511&11 IUB~ ~- NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Gr11uel Chapel, Colta M ... .. ev. Horbert Roth, Pattor -: Sund&y, 10:30 a.m. 81iVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Comer Walnut and Church a.ta. Co.ta Meea · Sabbath echool, Saturday moro· fnc. 1:30 o'dock. Pl"u.ch1ng tervlce, 11 L m. Evening evangelistic service-- ·7 ,30 p. m. ftrayer meeting--8:00 p. m. Fri- da)t home of Mrs. Hume. cordial welcome to alJ. ~WPORT HARBOR LUTHEBAN CllUBCH r Gravel Chapel 10 Broadway, Costa Mesa Rev. Herbert Roth, pastor 19:30 a. m.-~orning worship. Spa DK. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST ZISS Weot Oontnl ftloae Barbor Ul..J Newpert Unooln National life Insnrance Co. "IW Mallle IDd.lcue. lb Chanic1er" OPTOMETRISTS MlltGn 111. Muwftl, IL D. llOl ~ lllhnil' ~ ... - Offlce Haun: 11>-U; M ~-.1- M. D. Keesling 1808-A N-rt Blvd. Coot& - SURVEYORS Raub & Bennett 8"""y°" and Eqt-.. 1808 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mem. Teloplaoae Beacon 6808-W H17 W. C-tnl Nowport- Telepboae B&rbor LU .111 IORTaJINll IT •. , - • • • • .. ' Pi..-a-582' NewP'*i & ea.ta .._ CAB CO. U.Boar Sa vice I w_.,_ Woman's O ub Spoaker: "And, ladies, don't turn away the wan- derer seeking food at your door. I t 's only then that wivq: will know what a relief it bi to see a man eat a meal without finding fault '-------------'I with the food.''_ 'Bell Timson' Moves Into The Library ea1s For Delicious STEAKS BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER ' Gertrude Steen 's "Bell Tllnaon" and Leslie Ford's "Honolulu S tory'' are among the new books added to the shelves of the New- port Beach public library. Other fiction books listed are: Aldington. The Romance of Casa- nova: Beach. The World in His Arms; Bower, 1-·fiss Ra.nskill Comes Home: Fast, The American: Frey, Red ~1orning: Haycox, Long Storm; Osborne, Through ·Purple Glass, and Surdez, Homeland. Mysteries -oa- Bachmann, The Kiss of Death; Cameron. Dig Another Grave; Ford, Honolulu Story; Gardner. The Case of the Backward Mule; Jerome, The Corpse AwaiU; Lo- baugh, Shadow in Succession ; Olsen. Cats Don't Need Collins: Balboa Island Shane, Diamonds in the Oum· plings, and Weston. The Hidden Portal. ~ Block from Ferry Noo-F1ctloa 1131/z Agate Britannica Book of the Year; 1946; Gesell. The Child From Five ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!to Ten ; Campbell. Folks Do Get Book of Methods and Materials; BEACON SEA Foo I Born ; Hiler, The Pa;nter's Pocket --1'1 .... -wl Van Gelder. Writers and Writing; The Best Plays or 1944--45 ; Long- street. The Sisters Liked Them Now In Handsome, and Wilder, Grandfa- ther Objects. Dolson. We Shook the Family Tree; Van Paassen. Earth CouJd Be Fair; Calvin, R iver or the Sun; Crow, The Epic of Lat in Amer lea; Graham, Maine Charm String; Stone, Tahiti Landfall ; Hahn, Hong Kong Holiday; Hobson, Though Long the Trail; SitweU, The Scarlet 'Il-ce; Pearson, <Acar Wilde, and Who's Who in Amer- ica (1946-47), NEW LOCATION 1135 Coast Highway Port Orange Fresh Sea Food Cocktails Shoplifters Noted In Costa Mesa Area With Arnaud's and Norton 's Sauces 'IW"o shoplifting cases were re- wrted to sheriffs officers from the Costa ~fesa area last week: We Still Feature: Li1ah B. Harman, 1763 New- port blvd. reported a black cloth stolen from he r desk when her back was turned. She believed the theft was by a woman who had been shopping in the store-. COOKED LO~TER Fresh and Smoked Joe A. Groty of 1791 Newport Blvd. said a two-slice a utomatic electric toaster was stolen from h is showroom. Seafoods II.ACK GHOST CASTING LINE Tnt 20-lbL ... Ct•· venette tTNtlld ••. 50- Y•d~ AIRLINE NYLON CASTING LINE Bf•1ded of DuPont Nylon ... Tat IS-lb .... Weteriwoofed . , . 50- yard spool. SOUTH llND Sf 15 LUii e.1. FLOATALIHl is· FLY LINE DRWINC ,. MlTAL LU.DH IOX METAL FLY IOX •tSo SALMON EGGS 3Se f9"'1GUS Pete'• S..•mon lcr'I ... 3-<n. i-. I• 6-"· UNGTH ts• ,._ i...-W.torial "' SOUTH llND KACH-OalHO .... SILK FLY LINE Coliclilt'I Rrwr ••• ~ ... ",,. _ .. 1 .. , 12-so• ...... _si,. ... . . 25-.. , ... Sell that unwanted article through News-Times ad!i. Sportinc nffds1 We have 'em fo< every •ce croup frcuri cre•t-cr•ndad richt clown to tt.e smallest toddler. Every- one in town Is intriped liy our aporh diapl•ya ao - ti.em teday •nd ci.-e whit you need to 1ive you ntn participation pleasure in your favorite sport. PLAY BALLI WILSON SOFT BALL GLOVE $6.tJS A -.love of no1I quality ... formed poc.kll!t ... oil.tan· oe...i. WILSON "IOI FELLER" IASEIALL $1.2S Horsehide c:o...r • • • tKVrety ttitdwl BASEBALL CLOVE ALL-LEATHER SPECIAL S69S lmpcried leather Clovll! • , . sturdily 'Nd• .1nd p..aidded ..• oiled ••. full -~i :.e •• , lll!.1fher lined. AlCHElY -SET Rec. $2.39 SPECIAi. 't" low complete with .lrTowt.. A _,., fa' ......... WILSON 12-ia. OFFICIAL SOFT IALL ~2S Retul.1Uon sin .•• horW!ldli COWWf. WILSON "OFFICIAL" SOFT BALL BAT $1.StlJ '"'"""' ... ,,,_ ...... ..... .., T~ trO. ... WILSON SOFT IALL MASKS D!o•lep or Wi'"°" TIMMIS I.AW '3se .. •su Welditd frame • • • properly podded fO< -""'· ss:. Your choict of .tther popul# - ' •.•• °' .. 0 ,A t ll, ltk NEWPORT llAJl.BOB B"'EAORES DOW have a new I ace u a J"e9111t of a citywide ap reoeatb lDltl· tuted b:r u.o ctty .a...t ...,_ • ...s Bill eo..,n, .-oaporin-t. ne -... '"""' ,_tl:r lmpooted tM wort< -by -d ty -t aad ,.. .......... lo dty WI ..-..,u .... 'noy ...., (lelt lo rtpt, FPed .--t, editor of tlle Newport Bal-N.-Tlmeo: Co I . I . llallorw, dty od- mlalstrator; OWYIMe 871ft1He1', editor of tbe N ewport·llalltoa hw; Muon 811M-; Po. Uee Cblet a. R. e..ic--oa Uld Street Supt. Bill C o\'fft. -( ent Hitchcock photo) Journalists Will Pay Tribute to State' First Newspaper, "Monterey Californian" Commemorating the publication 100 years ago of the first newspa- per in California. publishen. ed- itors and others allied in the Fourth Estate will mark the Aug- ust 15 anniversary with celebra- tions at Monterey and Los An- geles to pay tribute to the mem- ory of the Monterey Californian, first California newspaper, which pioneered the profession that is so closely bound with the econom- ic growth of the state. The Californian. printed on cig- aret paper by. a hand-power ed Ramage press brought by boat around the Horn in 1834, made its first appearance, August 15, 1846. Its editors and ~founders were the Rev. Walter Colton, chaplain on Commodore Sloat's friga te "Congress" \\'hich arrived July 15, 1846. and Dr. Robert Semple, over- land emigrant, doctor, dentist, and printer by trade". sjty alumni director ; John B. Long, secretitry. CNP A general man- ager; Roy A. Brown, San Rafael Independent; Ford A. Clatters. Undsay Gazette; E. D. Coblenz, San Francisco Call-Bulletin; Jus- tus F. Cr a em er. Orange Daily News; E. A. Davis, Tulelake Re- porter. CNPA president ; AIJen Griffin, Monterey P eninsula Her- ald; Maitland Henry, Livermore early Cal fornia family: Sherif! Gene Bis ailuz of Los Angeles county, a d a noted screen i;.tar who will ead the statement of palicy ,of the ~fonterey Californian. I I True liberty consists in the privilege •of enjo;ying our 0\\'11 rights, not in the destruction of the rights of others.-Pinckard. Herald: E.G. Yinvon. Grus Val-~---l--------­ ley Union : Stanley W . Larson, Claremont Courier; Paul R Leake, Woodland Democrat; E. R. Lovett, Peninsula Newspapers, Inc.; Jesse M. Mayo, San Andreas Prospect and Citizen; Neil R. Murray, E l Monte Herald; Harland G. P almer. Hollywood Otilen-News; Clark F . Waite, Southern California Asso- eited Newspapers. pd Percy 1'1. \Vhlteside, Lemoor,e Advance. 8ouvml.r Facslmlle A souvenir facsimile of the first California newspaper is being printed for e:<hibit at Montere:y with one of the pages printed on a . I Famous S..,,ked Fish Always Frmh 110 cFadden Pl. to Balboa bland" • • ' -All kinda ~ .... ---1 Scotch tapo, ---atodt at the News-.Tbnes. I.ale at the News-".nmtl . CE P.APALMER. LIOO ISie PNJPelO'IPS • W. 0 . BUCX-In.sw-ance Counselor ~1500 ~.;...( 3333 VIA LIDO cALIFOP.NIA Reproduce Anything That Can be Typed, Drawn, Traced or PholograPhed on a Stencil! Comple le "'Siock o/ SpeecU)-PrinJ .4cce11oriu • AU MITAi. SUl'Pl.Y CAllNm • STBICll RUNG CAWm • llAICOl.ITI SJllED.O.SCOPE For Fine Stencil If' ark and DNJ11Jin~1 I ~lE'-1 -,, __ s_i:ao __ , ND_u_~_:i:_ .. ~_:."_AND __ ~I Exactly 100 years to the day after the initial publication of the now long-suspended Californian. newspapermen will observe the anniversary with a program in Monterey planned by the Cali- fornia Newspaper Centennial com- mittee, with special invitations to attend extepded to California editors and publishers with more than 50 years experience, a nd a luncheon meeting in Los Angeles. Washington hand press by Charles !----...+---------' Palmer or the Fresno publicity and ---4----------=="='=="= Mal.Ja Feature advertising department of P acific Gas and Electric company. A radio broadcast of the pro- gram at Mo nte.r e y will be spon- sored by the Bank or America . In Los Angeles, another colorful program wiJ be he ld in honor of the August 15 centennial day when Main feature or the Monterey approxima tely 1000 selected guests celebration will be a dinner Aug-will gather for luncheon at the ust 15. with Governor Earl War-Biltmore hotel. Feature of the p~ ren as principal speaker . ln con-gram. sponsored by the Los An- junC'tion with the observance, the 6 t'i.. .. >s chapter of Sigma Delta Ch\ quarterly m('{!ting or the CaliJor -national honorary journalistic nia Ne\\-spaper Publishers' asso-rraternity, will be E . PaJmer "Ep" ciation's state advisory council and I Hoyt, publisher of the legendary cxecutive . committee \Viii be held I Dcnver Post and former pub-- August 16. lisher or the Portland Oregon- Chairman or the California I ian. who will speak on "The Ne""-spaper Centennial coru:nittee, Value of the Newspaper in the '''hich is sponsoring the state\\tide ~rowth of An~ State," wit~ ~­ ~lebration . is J09C'ph R. Know-11cular atte11t1on to Cahforn1a land, publisher or the Oakland nC'\\'Spapers. Tribune. Other members of the Also present at the Los Angelf'S committee include Neal Van Sooy, 1 fete will be Leo Carrillo, m ovie vice chairman. Stanford Univer -1 per sonage and dcsct"ndant of an DRAFTING r. ·~ SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' :t It's the HARDWARE ---· ~-23rd &: Central Ph. '2600 :t . .t Good news! There is an abundant su ly of tender, juicy beef roast!I an steaks at your neighborhood Sa way market. Every cut hat properly aged in our modem m t plant and ii guaranteed to gi\· you perfect eating satisfaction ev y time. '#tit llHWllr rltlU Bean Sprouts i~;~w.: IZ. Sauerkraut ~"::I .. ~etables ,, __ 27" M ~:~:;ds 1::21• ·1e Magic Bleach •. I' ~\....-...llc,_~n.r_ Pure% 2 .:::. 23" I ""......._:1 .. COlillof\.11 .. Sdil Off -1111" •-l.OC C . er '* 1.,..., "'::::: 21-_......_ .,,.. AR ...... -. •t.i...•10. ..... .,_,...,..5 ....... .. .. ROUND STEAK Order one cut thd for s.H.1&eel. SIRLOIN ·STEAK Ddiciou1 broiled or ,..fried . PORRRHOUSE A cbo~ l&uk to pleue the mu cJ' tile t.o.e! T-BOIE STEAK T ryone of~ jui<-y,auccuknl 11cah. CLUB STEAKS 118 STEAKS CHUCK ROAST 1.--.-..... ....... .-. .. 5gc .. a&e .. age .. age .. age .. 55e .. 311° SHOULDa ROAST .. 410 r.u...,.--bod-. iUMP ROAST .. 4,. ~-·AST .. &&a ..... s.-.......... SIEW "'•I -........ .... .... ..... ._........ .. . 1111. IBIST . ............. ,.. ..zz. --·· ... aamman ... ........ _ ... _ ..... --·---.... - Clll 111111 c..w "* ,..._ .. • A t'!:L. .. •• • • • ,· !..... ' ' Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 307 SANTA ANA CAN'T TDIPT MUJ.A.ND, HE WANTS RESTFUL WEEK-END Even Ray Milland doesn't think much of catching albacore on mud sucken. He strolled into a Newport tac- kle store this morning and Al For- git. f'tshlng maestro, began telling him this story about catching albacore on mud suckers. All Ray bad was a big laugh at the idea. 'Jbe albacore are running good out or Newport Harbor. "I 'm just down here lo spend four days laying in the sun," th~ star or "A Lost Week Eod'" ex- plained. Al Forgit couldn't get very fa r with his story of how trolling oatbs without live bait tanks can use mud suckers for aJbacore. '1'he lazy albacore like to go after the slow moving mud suckers," he said. Ray left to buy a news- paper at the corner stand. N~-Tlmes ad\•ertisemeota an your guide to efficient s;>endine. Educators Pass On Drawings for School Addition . ' ' . CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard ~~ Manai;er Balboa, omla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUEfS NOW BEING' SOLD Indicated acceptance of this property suggests that those interested should ad promptly. "T be Coast's i\1ost DislitJ&tive Residential Communil1" Hett's your 6rsi opportunity to purchase on the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Corona Del • Mar, where the ~an shore line cakes a pie· tuttsque bend •.. natural setting -unexcelled beach, all improvemenu: underground utilities, sewers -architectural restrictions. Large sites, each wirh iu individual appeal. If you are ocean· minded and '91>'3.nt something new 011 the co11st ... this is it. The long-awaited opportunity to purchase one of these large ocean-view homesites. See rhis property ... make your selection ("arly . I by Developers of Sania Anita Oales TRACT OFFICE-01 Ocal Hjpway,Jlll Sela II C... Del .... • • I P-E Pay'-' $50 Rent Pacific Ell'C'tric com pan.)' paid the city o f Ncv,,port Beach the s wn of $50 for bus parking pri\·i- Jegcs during July, Cil y Treasurer J . A. Gant rE'portC'd. R od2t< on Job Again T a."< Collector R. R. 1-lodgkin- son r!'portcd rC"d.C'mptions of S937.~ a nd reCl'1\'t'd full paym ent under the 1942 act of Sl46.72 in J ul.}'. • Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZDI B~ING UNl'l'8 Brick wl ~ Bkdm Now ID_ Prodac:tioa Walter Kline C.Oncrete Products C.O. Ci.tallem NOW-'Round the Island Ferry ,,_ A. 11. TO 11 P. 11. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Clllb, Eaat Bay. Richardson's. Evans'. Vllla lllarlna. Shlelds', Balboo. Yacht .Basin. Bea-Bay, Barbor Island and South Bay: Hall -...,. -... float. • . BALBOA ISLAND FERRY uaeoaa-w ' • • • Presents AISEL HILL and His Orchestra SATURDAY, AUGUST"lOtll • MING THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND AND THURSDAY, AUGUST 29TH HARRY JAMES Dancing from 9 until 1 • • NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards ~ Br09k:ings V arietv _a......,. a.... .... 0 JI 1 U. el O'S, w ·a .... BALn MORrUARY _,_ Lady Attendant .. -i- 410 pi.st BM:!. OORONA DEL MAR Telepho~e Barbor '2 DU A!'ID NIGHT • • - t Industry Success ~id to Research Doctor Wilson is rl&ht. but what he has to say is applicable to a far- broader Cield than that of ind ... trial research. The cultivation of an inquiring mind l5 an asset in every walk of life and every phase of human endeavor. Just because an idea is new does not automatic- ally make it better, but it would be well for all of us ,to give every new idea a thoughtful eyeing. 'Ibe penon who stops thinking is ot little use to himself, his commu- nity or the nation. -Bal n· Will Ad ress USO. On Birthday ~ E:i:p e••e 8.eport;ed. Receipts totalling $738.071.79 and disbursements amounting to ·$671,324.63 were recorded by City Treasurer J . A. Gant for the month of July, the Newport Beach Ot;y Council was told Monday. ROOFS J • In the opinion o! Dr. Robert 0 . W1bon of Odcago the success of American industry must be based upon the conviction that there is a better way to do anything ~an the way tt now is being done. Thus, l&}'S Doctor Wilson, re-- 8eareh will be the mo1t essential Gperation of ind.W!ltry for the next 8t'Veral years. '"The asalgnment of a research orpnizatlon," he says, .. is to sur- vey the whole field of science to find out what is of value to a company's business and the whole field of a company's business to tee where it needs the application of ldence." Fines on Increase Police Judge Robert Gardner collected $3302 in traffic tines for JuJy, according to a statement l5- sued by O.t.y Treasurer J . A. Gant. <i51Jalboa rket More Than SO l?e an of Service &o the Barbor'• Ml MAIN' F\nest C11entele BALBOA, CALIF. ( ued from Po&• 1 ) I aervicenkn a lease wa.s secured on the bull~ adjoining the shower and I building. but facing on Bay av hue. This building wu renovat and a ~bed service- dbtmltory installed to ac-- ,rruinoeljlte the servicemen vi.siton to Bal for overnight sleeping. For B<tt.er Prlntmg can 12 or is. Al'PLD:D ~ llEP•-- Free l!lrtlmata • J'r.-- W. I. Btlobow 3602 Marcus Ph. ~. 101W E. J. ( Bud) Jacklin OONTBACTOS CEMENT lVORK Flat Worll OI' FotmdaU - CALL I 5 : : -1 roa INFOIUIATION • The f Uowing figures no doubt will am e and be of great inter- e people of the Newport rea as they show the at-1 ""-------------------------~ and interest taken by fbrces and military families arious servi.Cf'S and ac- rendered by the Balboa ing t he past four years. 1 attendance both USO ~.754 : information ndered. 158,604; individ- f specialized service. 121,- Al IENTION!! Home and Boat Own!Aler"s-KBuilders Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE ,.4.::;J~.k~:..;•.ii.IJW 266, an room registry and hous- Plcrnlu:o 19 a corne"r or the encloeed paUo at Sea-Esta motel, Costa Me.a. wtth the ruUc pool, •1Ah-. ing se ·ce 31,714. . in« well and miniature SpenW. baclea4a eomplete wtUt ox cart. people ucl animal• wlllcla .. -en ..,... . The nack counter operating ranged by Mn. Beta RIS-J', motel manager, aod Mr. a.nd Mn. \\'llllam Umland of Balboa, u a blrtb-without harge to the armed forces day •a.rprt.1e for the owner, Volney Bay, on lllA retorn fron1 a trtp to Orecon-A l'f'&Vel rOAd wtnd:9 the pas four years served: Ul,- around. Ch.rouC'b tbe rock pnlen and. a l'U9tlc water wheel turm ln a mill •t:re&m. 766 cu of coffee; 32.400 sand- • Washing • Polishing • Lubrication -photo by Ray E . Barnes. wiches; 1760 gallons of punch; Cars Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497-M ----------------------------------------74,800 icces of cake; 73.464 do- Sinks, Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications e DU&Aal.S L taew 11...t ..W. e &S8UTANT lo ll•ee·t.W ..... .a* wa&ft. e u.JfftAAT-Ne )DIMt -... .. -.. .~ ... ,_. ...... e DIKJ:iDU.ft Da.n'DT. 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys ;!; ;!; ;!; Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. ;!; ;!; ;!; Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service Greyhound goes to ALL THE EAST ••• ALLTHEWAY Gl.EYHOUND offers an amaz.i.ngly con•eaient sen-ice to ,.,,,.,.,,,... in the East! You can go .UI the way a.ad back oa ene round·trip ticket, wiliHMI .. " cbtnopg u •J ollHr "-'J>orl41io" sysu.. What's more, Greyhound actually gi'l'es you •on for your money ..• ar less con: than any otbw way to ua"cl. You get a wider choice of 1Ceoic routa, more daily schedules, better-timed depanures. Go one way, reruro another, if you like ..• at no atra cost. Rouod trip ti cir.ea save IO~. Your local Greyhound a.gent will gladly bdp plan your trip. 21 DAILY TRIPS EAST FROM LOS ANGEi.ES O•I WAY f&&ll---~- .... Terk .,,. 4.S.» Clli'°"99 .,, ..• M.P Wnlll11wt-,. 41.10 PitttlHirrs.lri ,,,. ,..IO ke ... s City , •• H.70 New Ori .... ,· MAO Pl.i lJS f..J..J ,_ C. C. S\~·aJford, 608 Coaat H"'ay, Beiacoo 54!~ GREYHOUND State Moguls Guests of Beek (ConUnoed from Pace 1) Los Angeles. Statr Highway Engineer George T . McCoy a nd Sta te Traffic E ngi· neer J . W . Vickrey. Francis J . Carr, executive sec- retary to the fact-finding commit- tee. B . H . Lindma n of t he s taff of tht' committee. Assemblyman Clyde A. Watson of Oringe. candidate for state senator. Hon. J ack Shelly of San Fran- cisco. candidate for li eutenant governor. Carl Minard of the California Railroad Commission. Charles Sobey of the state pub- lic works. J ack Levohon. stenographic proceedings r e porter for the state fact-finding committC'C. T . C. Arnold, assistant mayor of the city of Los Angeles. Mayor 0 . B. Reed of Newport Beach. Willb H . Warner of Hunting- ton Beach, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Irving George Gordon, Newport Beach, member of the county board of supervisors. Postmaster Herbert F . Kenny; Harry \Velch, e xecutive secretary of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce: Charles C. Stanley of the Western Oil & Gas associa- tion; Charles F . Crawford, pub- lisher of the Newport-8.aJboa Press. and Sam D. Por ter. pub- lisher of the NeWJX>rt-Balboa News-Times. Definition of floor? The only thing that will stop falling hair. The American people now bear the heaviest tax burden of any country in the world. the per cap- i ta tax burden in the U . S. being $357 ; in England, $291. Use VITA-FOOT For Athlet.e's Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee . At your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. 112 \\'. 9th St. LM Angel~ 15 7000 WILL DROWN THIS YEAR Statistics show that 7000 men, women ·and children will drown this year in the United States! CAN Y\)UR CHILD SWIM? If Not Enroll Now SCHOOL With ' GOSTLIN _.__.OF :. SWIMMING PRIVATE LESSONS e Tustin High Plunge • Christian's Hut, Balboa e Lido Isle Club PhODfl Sula Alla 1161-1 lnstructonl: Paul GustlJn, Barbara Lang Jolm Bal:w- Diving Instructor. ear period, and 850 gal- ilk. e IUOID ._..._ • .......... xpected that the attend- a nce 1 reach the "One :t.ilillion CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO •. NEWPORT GRADE SCHOOL FACULTY IS ANNOUNCED Mark" n or before the fourth an-aeo 8o. s.. llMtM .&.... MN oaaamr. nw cv-a 171 ad .. 1 .. nivers cc le bra ti on on Sunday, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ The list of teachers for the of \Ve lleslC'y. Last year she ta ught grade classes of the Corona del in Nev.• York state. Mar a nd NeY..-port Beach Gi;am-l\1iss l\'largaret Heidenreich is mar schools was announced graduate of University of Cali- \Vednesday b.Y t l. 0 . Ensign, dis-fornia at Los Angeles and was trict school superintC'ndcnt. teaching music in tt\e T aft cit)· Super intendC"nt Ensign r epor ted schools. that Mrs. HazC'l Gr{'("n lcaf. prin-J\1iss Helen PlummC'r is graduate cipal of the NC'v.'port Beach school of Colorado State Teachers col· for the last 10 years is ta king r,,.0 legc and \Vas head of the art years leave of absence because of dC"partrncnt at TOOC'lc, U1a h the ill health. past two years. August 11 . It b+ been announced by di- rector, yde Ashen that the one- million serviceman or servicc- in uniform entering the the ?t1.ain USO building ain street will be awarded trip to Catalina Island \vith " penses paid." ds typewriter ribbons ln the News-Ti.mes. Seven other teachers are also 1\1.iss l\1 a ri e Heffern graduated 1. leaving the local school faculties and r e('('ived hl'r mastcr·s degree ~ REFRIGERnTIDR · for other positions . elsewhere. from University Southern Cali-::=::=!= ERVlCE COffiP"nY Three of the seven are resigning fornia at Los Angl'lcs. Has been = H In order to devote their e ntire teaching in the Los Angeles city Enctneerlnc -Servlct time to housework. schools for the past f\VO years. Blvd., Corona del Ma.I Mrs. Trudi Blake will be t each-r.1.rs. Elizabeth P a rk is graduate Phone. Day 654 La· ing in Los Angeles the coming of U. C. L. A. a nd Has been teach-ach; Phone Night, 1..IB6:! • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our 1nt..resting Sample and Display Rooms Color guides, plan· ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. Rugs & CarpelB Cleaned, Repaired LU.DLUM Carpet Works 111%2 Sontll Malll SL SANTA ANA year. Mrs. Sally Kaye is leaving ing at El Modena. Laguna Beach the teaching field for other work. l'wtiss Selina bel Smith is graduate \==::::;~=========::..'.:~=====~===~===============~ Miss Beverly Sjoberg is leaving the of Fresno State college and has teaching profession for a business been teaching at El Monte the career. Mrs. Bess Hughes is o~n-past year . ing an art school in Los Angeles. Mrs. Edith Carver Is graduate. of Leaving the profession to as-, U .. C:· L. A. Her .last teaching sume the duties of housewives are position was at Covina. Mrs. Mary Steffenson, Mrs. Gene-\ Miss Louise Gallaher· is gradu- vieve Ha1Tis and Mrs. Helen ate of Al abama and taught art Thomas. Mrs. Harris resigned to I a nd music appreciation under rc- be with her husba nd. who has a habilita tion program at S. A. A. A. position In Los Angeles. Miss B. last year . 1\-frs. Evelyn Henderson received her degree from Arizona State col- lege and taught in Miami. Ariz., last year . Mrs. Frances Sherriff graduated Sade K . F ox of San Francisco \V11l take !\.In. Gretha Tubbs' place as school nurse. the latter being on leave of absen('('. Mrs. Marjorie Romersi will be cafeteria manager for both Newport Beach a nd Cor- ona del l\'lar schools. from Stanford university and was F aculty mf'mbers for this year associated y,,•ith the Stanford fac- are as follows: ulty for a y,,•hile after her gradua- Corona dC'l ~·t ar school : Prin-tion. ci pal, Grayce Sevier : kinde rgarten -Elizabeth Park, Catherine Vaughn; !st grade--Selinahel PUBLIC NOTICE Smith. Helen Dudley: 2nd-Edith Carver. Betty Trine: 3rd-Veron- ica Schledcr , Bonnie Lang: 4th- Carol Denton, Louise Gallagher, a nd 5th-Evelyn Ht'nderson, Fran- ces Sherriff. Newport Beach school : Princ- ipal, Marie Heffern ; kindergarten -\Vilhelmina Nunan. Sheila Flume: 1st grade-Elizabeth ·Bar- stad. ?t'leta Bachmann : 2nd-Net- tle Bryal}. Grace Billings; 3rd- Marcella Robinson. Joan Herrick ; 4th-Daisy Preston, Mabel Stan- ley: 5th-Agnes Craig: 6th-Fran- ces Butler. Margery Belma n. EIC'a· nor e l\1cCutcheon ; science-Orville BrOY.'TI : reading and spelling- Rachcl Robinson; 7th arithmetic- J o Ann Ha1hcock; music supervis· io n-l\.1ari::-are t Heidt'nrf'ich : or- cht.'5tra and band-Lee SaY.'1.n-. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAillNO The Newport Beach City Plan- ning Commission will hold a Pttl:"l- lic Hearing Thursday, August 15. 1946, at 7:30 p. m., In the Ccluncl.1 Chambers, City Hall, Ney,,rport Beach, California. PUBLIC HEARING upon the application of W. G. Cartter, 210 Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar, California, for rezoning from R-3 to C-2 for Lots 16, 18. :lU and 22, Block 732, Corona del Mar. Cali- fornia. By order of the Chairman of the NeY.'port Beach City Plannin.; C.'on1mis:>lfl n. JOHN M. ALLEN. PHlLMER J . ELLERBROECK. Secret ary. l\·Iiss Sheila Flume is a graduate Pub.: ,.\ug. 8, 1946. DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H.P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned DIMeJs on hand with choice of redoctioa anlla. • ~ AllE WJll'l'INO OllDEB8 ON BIGHT· AND Ll:JIT· BAND ROTATION DD!Sl'!IJI FOK TWIN IN8TALIA- TION8. CBOIOIC or REDUCTION 1JN1T8. On Baad: 185 B. P. 0-al lllotor&-New. See us tor Information on Venn SeYerln Dle9els DiMel a-tor Seta of All KfnM. nAHk B. ....,.... ('-*I' Lewl9) OwwMemp PBONIB~~·":'!~!":=::i!lll!ll• Shop a Ways: ._;, Mil ~om.:' .,:_:s D.; at Bohmaa Co. il5 m&umtll st. . Newport Beaeb Newpcw& Relgbfa - .' .. • • • 1n an or ra1 THREE PHOJOGRAPHS IN ONE COMPLETE S'' x 12'' PANEL <>tll SPECIAi. OffEI TO A CHU (cliiklren !we~ Yff1J "'under} 8 POSES TO SELECT FROM • AUST_IN STUDIOS • 508~ No. llala st. Pbooie lUS • SANTA ANA ·- 0,-9 a. .. to. p. .. ...,. !Warda:rs 'tll 8 p. .. oa..-~ ,,. ......... ..,. ... ,, . ' \ • ' • I State C. C. Body ::': ,:z ;;,,,;::::::;: B•cks Prepaid "The irtate «h•mm ta urging Its edlcal Pl momh<rs to ~dPllt• actively M ans 1n the furtherance ot the volun- 1ary principle In safeguarding As a llOlutlon to prepaid medical health." care p-otectlon, James Muaattt. The state chamber wtU continue gmttaJ manager, announced to-to work actively toward coopera- day that the Calilomia State uon and agreement between the Clamber of Commerce advocates medical profession and the admin· the promotion of voluntary health tatraton of private health Jnsur-t.nsurance plans by private enter· ance plans, according to Mussatti p1ses. 'The state,,&hamber is opposed to "'The state chamber .._izeo government~ated compul.Mlr7 that the bealth or our people Is of health Insurance. CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Bm1ding Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beap>n 5508-W 17th and Santa Au Ave. -Costa 111 ... Going to Build Y OQ probably have yoar dream home all worlled out In your mind -or maybe your arcliJtect or oontnctor alreedy baa prepued pa.. OD paper for you. l!:lectridty will bav& a larP put In making d.-m of postwar living come true. When you go over the pa.. with your bulldtt be """' to uk him about the """"9t develop- ment. In household labor saving and fml<>- Uonal '-uty. l Our EipertB In everything electrical wW be glad I<> help with layout plam or problems. One •uggestloa may make a lot of dlfferenOll In the "llve-ablllty" of that home. ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN lllNCE 4 1 I ! 0 1000 c.-t Hlway ~-Beacon 56ft Mle la 8u. Ft+Al'tMIO Wllmllll'toB·8loekloD·&a·Dliep-()ak1Mcf ELECTRICIANS ().().Two Fire Equipment fw PA.Ol'O&Y, PLANT, 8TOBS, OFFICE, FA.BM. BOID: • • MUWHml WA ·NT DS WANT A D S ;;;_....,;;no::nn;;;;.....,;n;;;;;IT;-;;w;o:~;. ·=--=• Christian Peace Week Announced City to Protect BeaafrOllt la•d • t: o O LA.TS t: 0 O~A. 8 SlrY • JAPANESE-AMERICAN, _.. ----=s,...AL=-=-=so-=-A-:---:P::'.E=-N""l"'N":"S::'.U:-=L-A=----=---1 _IAl_B01_•_•_o111DS _____ u =~ta :.:i.ld: i=.~~ F u r t b e r encroachments of boachlront Janda by private ar public enterprises are now ~ hlblted In Newport Beach. By unanimous vote, the city rouncil adopted that policy .MOD- day afternoon and instructed the CHICAGO._ Emphasizing the dty clerk to issue notices to that importance of Ouistlan teaching effect. in buildina: permanent foundationa 'Ibe council also has under ad- for peace. Protestant churches visement a plan to cootrol the and ot.htt r e-l iglous agencies of startin& of beech bonftrea.. The rura1 and urban areas of the United debris left by bonfires is of such S tates and Canada wiU join forces a nature that it is easily scatter- ln the 16th annual observance of able over other parts of the Religious Education Week, Sept. beaches and is diff!C\llt to pick up ~Oct. 6, it \\'U announced by Dr. by the street department cleaning Roy G. Ross, gener al secretary, machine. lntematlonal Council of Religious ------- Education, sponsor of the progt"AJt\. Using the theme, "~'s \Vord for Today," 4-0 Protestant denom· lnatlons and 173 statr. city and provindal councils of churches and religious education Will co- operate tor church and community observances, he 1tated. "Making secure the peace-we have won ls the oveTWbelming concern which confronts our west- ern world today," Dr. II.-de- clared In announdn& the observ- ance. "Our apprehension at the precartowiness of our dipJomaUc relationships, our unea.sincu over domest ic economic conflicts, and our concern about racial tensions Sportfishers Pick McMillan Asf ·Secretary Grandson of Early Citizen Tells Aim Of New Job are all a part of this Insistent The Sportfishing Association of problem." Newport Harbor has a new secr-e. "While the Christian faith does tah, Hugh McMillan has replaced not pretend to have specific an!· Charles A. Griffis, farmer seae- wen: to involved social problema. tary and the latter is now man· It does declare that men must ager of the Rod and Reel Shop on have respect for each other. It Balboa Island. 3 BEDROOM HOME. Su11ded< and patio. Piice in-COOPERATIVE Cabrillo St., Coata Mesa. 60-4tp cludea elec. water beater and elec. stove. 40' front. ROOFING CO. POSITION WANTED-Apartmonj Price $25,()00 New and Repnl• rn&nag<ment, Qt>able. can 1u1-. .... nish good .... rerences. Call or NEWPORT BEACH Pboae S'rr>-M =-~ 506 Walnut, Hur,U5ngtl .~ 21i E. aoth St.. Coata -~-. OCEAN FRONT HOME. 3 ~ llv!Dg ~tfc ll:MPLOYllE1'"T oFFJ:aED • room 50' frontage .. Guest cottage. --~-------Only $17,PCJ() . SIGN PAINTING HELP -WANTED -DWiwas!>et ~ __ and yardman, Harrison's, l7tlo Balboa Bayshores Leasehold Estates ~':ii.~.;: and Orange A\'e., Costa :_~ Contact us for details regarding new homes now Rabed Metal. WoOd and w ANTED-Salesman, real estatl being completed.. Plastic Letters preferably lady 1Arilh office ex: AL LACHMEYER per;ence. Box 394, Ne"-1 BALBOA ISLAND 1'1:16 Wett Central Beach. 62-2tp Harbor J.243.M 38trc ATTRACI'IVE 3-.BEDRM. HOME. Well furnished. 1--=-~~~~~~--1WANTED-Ma;d for gen'I house--For $16,500 -P A I N T I N G work. $30 per "'eek. Re!erencea 12 '.iean Service In Newport required" Ph. Harbor 704. 62-ltc 3-BEDROO HOME -Harbor Area WANTED-Housekeeper foe nio · Hllrrv Hall country home, near buss anc( Plus income apilrtment PAINTING WNm.A.CTOR beach. No heavy cleaning. $125. Furn. for $26,500 Phone Beocon !1259-J Phot>e, ooUect. ~W-393 Del 274 E.. 19th Street ~tft Mar, Costa Mesa. 62-tte • A ITRACTIVE BAY FRONT HOMES WANTED-Private Spanish tul<><-Naw Avalliible Painting -Decorating · 1n,. Phone Harbor 1624. 62-Itp LIDO {SLE ATI'RAcnvE :>-BEDROOM HOME on NoMh shore. Completely fumlshed and priced to sell. Oloice Bay Front and Inside Lots CX>RONA DEL MAR 2-BEDROOM HOME. Excellent condition. Will ap- praise for G. I. loan. j EXCELLENT BUS~ on desirable comer. $13,850. I .. EARL W. STANLEY , R E. ANDERSON Fl'1'e Eatlmatlne Phone Beacon 5780-J' 47-tf( FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job oa :iour home, ~ Beaoon 53311 alter 4:30 p.m. -11).tf( PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DlllCORA TING H. E. Men-Id 414 Old Conty Rd.. Coata M ... Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tr• l'BAN!IPOBTA.TION 11 HELP WANTED-Waln-, ex. porience essential. Harrlaoti'' 17th and Orange Avo., C..ta Mesa. 62-21< HELP WANTED-Auto dealer l'e'- quinoo service of bookkeepe< with experience in parts, servicil and auto sales. Small oper-at.ion. poss;ble part time. Apply bJ letter to Harbor Gar:ige, 1938 Harbor Blvd., Coata Mesa. 62-2tc SALES GIRL W ANTED-Exper- ien ced in women's ready.to-wear, for good store. Phone Hart>c. 2484. 62-11" HA VE QPENING for a good Real Estate Broker in Costa Mesa. insists that we approach these in· Hugh McMillan Is the grandson trlcate problems as Christian of John P.tc.M.illan , who settled here brothers. Only so will the solu· jn the 1890s. Hugh was born in REALTOR tions to our problems of peace be Newport in 1916 and grew up be.. C 0 VER ING G R EATER NE-WP 0 RT. HARB 0 R WANT TRANSPORTATION to Los Angeles five days week. Ph. Beacon 5349-W. 62-4.tp A. L. Matthews, 2232 Newport _ Blvd., Costa Mesa. 61·21.c found." Dr. Ross averred. hind the counter of his dad's fish-615 Coast Hlahway 225 Marine Ave. In most towns and cities Rally ing tackle store in Newport. 50 COrona del liar 3113 W . Central Balboa Ialand BICYCLES Sold. Rented o. Repaired. or Promotion Day wtll open Re-he knows a li ttle bit about the Rhone: Harbor 1646 Newport Bee.ch Pbooe: Harbor l'T16 ligious Education Week. stressing fishing pastime . He misses the I , 62-ltc an increase of enrollment and at-mud flats in Ne'-'"port Bay wherel---------------+----------'---- tendance. Community Interest will he used to dig razor clams for fish VOGEL'S 100 Main SL, &lboa 208 Karine, Balboa lalan.d. HELP WANTED-Typist and of· fite man; 40 hours, $45.00 1 week to start. Beacon 57TT. CN-tft be developed through weekday bait and duck hunting In the upper PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICES programs, including la unching of bay. -------------1 BEAUTY AIDS 11 WANTED-Teacher offen room. --==-=--~=-====,,--board and salary for woman to le adership education school& on "I can remember when there the Qty of Newport Beach. ,Monday, family n ights on Tuesday, were nO live bait boats, ba rges or County of Orange. States of interchur~ fellowship meetings trolling boats," Hugh said today. California.., u per map thereof Thursday, and de nom ination&! or 'Commercial fishermen used to recorded in Book ~ Page 29 of fhterchurch youth rallies on Fri· take out sportfishermen occasion· Miscellaneous Maps, Records of day. The week's observance wi.11 ally and J . B. McNally started his Orange County, California. climax on World Communion Sun-Scotch Na\'y" operating from Bal-(Comer Front and Bay Street.) da.y with emphasis on world-wide boa and then the live bait boats Terms and conditions of sale: Christian unity. started from Ne-wport Pier . Co-Cash in lawful money of the Pb.Dip '· Joel-Baker, BrltlAb ReprnM!ntatlve to the UN-"I say that at this hour defeatism is the most sinister offense which any individual can commit against the community in which he lives: It ls the greatest single danger to the cause of peace." operation among boat operators United States on confirmation of and more publicity about fishing sale by said SuperiOt' Court. or is what I'm after in my new job. part cash and remaining balances Fishing i$ good out of Ne wport as: may be contracted for. Ten per Harbor and all Southern CaJj-cent (10%> of the amount bid for fornians are entitled. to enjoy the_ said property to be de posited with pleasures of such fine fishing." bid; PUBLIC NOTICE Dr. RarloW S hapley . Harvwd NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING aatTonomtr and dlr~tor of the The r-;"e...-port Beach City Pla.nntng Cornml.uJon •Ill hold a Public R ear1n1 C'Ollece observ&tl.'lry-"If we should Thunldar . Au~n1t 15. 194&, at 7:30 stop our sciences and take up P· m. In the Council Charnben1. C1ty be Hall, Newport Bea.ch. C&."1fornla. poetry and the arts it would PUBLIC liEAR.JNG upon the appll-very sweet and nice, but it Would cation of C. S. R&umwieen for a 50 ~ the r.·nis' h of us •'n a compeU-per l'.1!nt llol"lb~k Y&rlance tor Lot 9. U"I;' Blork 2. Tract 919. Newport Beach. ti\•e '9.'0rld ." Caltfom l&. For office supplies. aee the News-Tbnes. Men-Women Prostate • --Pelvis o.r ..t••• esd_,nl:r ow _. _....... •• ea t. -1.., No .... . -Jlf• .,..._!I ................... .... -Dr. 1L F. 9eD. D. 0., l'trL.C., 19'7 ftlMI M.. N-s--t ......_ ~ ..,.._ '1 lM f• ....... ..-r•&. .. y_,.. lfe '·'h'• l9 O......_ a_.. 9:38 A. IL .. l ~ P ... • ....,.. ..,. n.....,.. B>· order of the Ch&Jnnan of the Newport Beach City Planning Com-miulo11 . JORN X . ALLEN, Pl-llLMER J . ELLERBROKK. · Stt~tary. P -340:1 CERTIFIC-'T6 OF PERSON TRANSACTING BUSINESS UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME The undersigned, J . H . Balley, dot:9 hereby certify that he t• conduct ing a who!e.u.le vegetable sroduce buslneu and any bldlne•a Jnct e ntaJ thereto al r>S2 Cout HJ1hway. Kewport Bllch. Oranse County, CaJltom la. u.nder lbe flct ltfoua rtrm nune ot BEA.Cl-I CITIES PRODUCE CO .. and th.at aald nnn la comJ)Oftd bf the folh,>winl' per.on, wbo.e name and ad· dreu la u folio_.. to wlt : J . H. BAILEY. Owner 20I Weaunlnater. con. Ilea,. California. WIT NESS my hand 1bt11 16th da)' of July. 1946. J . H. BAILEY. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~UNTY OF OR.A.~G!:. ) u . On th la 16th day of July. A.O. 1946, before me. ~roy P . Anderaoa. a Notary Public lo and fo r ea.Id County S S and Sltate. poereona.lly appeared J . H. R 0 S I ' Balley, known to me to be the r>enon whoee name la aubacrlbed t o the within Inatrument. and a.clr.nO"A'ledced to me L . s t e that he es.ecuted the &&me. I q u 0 r 0 r IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hue hereunto aet my huid and aitt:i1.ed my '700 Ooaat ~ o fficial llf:al the day and year ID tbl• certlh c&te flrit above wr1tteD. Fonnu13 Gordon'• Dnc 8&ore LEROY r . ANDf:RSOS ~otary Public In and fo r Bids or often are invited for said real property and must be in writing and will be r eceived at 9642 Heather Road, Los Angeles, California. Crestview 5-0872, or may be filed with the Clerk of said Superior Court at any time after the first publication o( this notice and before making said sale. Dated July 25th, 1946. SEYMOUR TALLY, Executor of the Estate of T. L. Ta1ly, also kiiown as Thomas L. Tally, Deceased. Ralph W . Smith, Attorney 919 Oviatt Building, 617 South Olive Street, Los Angeles 14, California. Pub.: Aug. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 1946. NOTICE OF SA.LE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY • AT PRIVATE SALL No. 240,000 In the Superior Court of the State of California, ln and for the C.Ounty of Orange. In the Matter or the ·Estate of ALMA LIBBEY ECKLEEN. 0..-- ceased. Orange County, California. COLD and MACHINLESS care for child af-terntX'lll& and WAVES help with light houaewark. Ph. 2. Lot Twenty~seven CZ7) in Tract 211, same being a subdivision Tinting and Manicuring Beacon 5577. 61·2tc EveninfI: Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-VI. ;;;::;-;;:-===::-=---...,..,.. of the J . A. Day Tract, •illlated v·· Be ntv Sh HELP WANTED-Two maids,. in the Rancho Laa Bolu, in the 1 8 &~:.-!. Op . steady work, top sa1ary. Miracl• County of Orange, State of Call-1103 Coaat IIlway, COrona del Mm Mile Motel, 706 Coast IIlghway. fomia, as shown on a map~· 35-tf< Phone Beacon 5299-J, Newpxt ed in Book 13, page 40, of Miscel· LOST A.ND FOUND zi Beach. 61-2tc latieous Maps, records of Orange LOST-Lavender sweater, 130C HELP WANTED -Experienced County, California. Subject to all bl k Ce al boa sash d d . I boa rigfits-of.way and oil lease of rec-oc , ntr . Bal , Thurs· . an oor man, a so . t or~ (Said property is referred to day, Aug. 7. Reward. Phon' builder. Salary open. Sterling in e folloWi.ng instrument.) AND Harbor 280. 1322 E . Cencral. Boat Works, 615 Coast Highwa,..v, Wm. Dehm. 61·2tc Newport Beach. 61-2tc 3. Grant and Assignment of Un-1-=..,--==c--,,..,,,,..,.,-=---,-, div1ded Interest tn Oil Lease and EllPLOTMENT WANTED !8 WANTED -Housecleaning, one PfoducUon, elated March 4, 1922, day weekl,v on Peninsula. WANTED to manage apt., court, Pl executed by Selah J . Evans, as eaae call Harbor 772-W. 61-trc or Motel. Experienced. Refer· grantor and Alma L. Ecklenn, as ences. Babin, 1506 E . Central, W ANTED-Girb for fountain grantee, assigning and conveyine-: Balboa. 61-2tp work, 18 or over. Apply in An undivided Interest to the ex~ person, lTIO Newport Blvd. or tent hereinafter specified in, and HELP W A.NTED-\Voman or girl call Beacoo· 5224-J. 61...,stc an Interest which the said Selah wages; live in or out. Harbor WAITRESS WANTED six da,ya to rll the one--eighth right. title far general hOUleWork; good J . vans had or has subject to the 1992. 56-tfc: week. Norton's Bay Shott Cafe, oil f1ease hereinafter described, or EXPERIENCED MAN wants work 17th and Coast Highway. 5~tfc that he may at any time hereafter meeting public. Will learn yoU? acquire in and to all oil, gas and v.•ay of business. Write Box M. other like hydro-carbons that shall care News-Times. 6Q...2tp at any time be produced upon that ------------- Ct'rtain real property, located in FORMER WAR PLANT executiv(' the County of Orange, State of desires r esponsible position }{ar· California, commonly known and bor area or vicinity: age 38, described as ttie Kujawsky r anch college graduate, Phi Bcte property, particularly described Kappa : resident Ba lboa; 12 year. in that certain oil lease wherein comprehensive business exper A. Hart is the lessor, and P . M . · ience including office manage Greenlee et al. are lessees, recorded ment, personnel, material pro in Book 29, page 26, of Leases, rec-curement a nd co.ntrol ; thorough or4s of Or ange County, State of ly dependable, conscien tioUJ Cafifornia; the undivided interest Sound future of more interes\ he,ein conveyed is a proportionate than immediate salary. Excel- interest to be computed and de· le nt r eferences. Write Box E, tennined in the ratio that one-c/o NeY.rport-Balboa Ncy.·s- fifteenth of an acre bears to that Times. ' S.tfc portion of the area of the whole of said reat property above de- scribed, which the said Selah J . Evam has heretofore O'Wlled, or F .... 9 now ov.'TlS, or m ay hereafter ac- TIDE 'r ABLES AUGUST, 1946 8•17 I •42 6:53 1%:41 3.8 0.1 5.7 2.7 quire. s 10 8 •44 2.12 7:%8 1:23 Terms of sale cash in lawful mQney or the United States on S u 11 confirmation of sale, or part cash a{Kl balance e\'i denced by note se--M 12 cured by ?.tortgage or Trust Deed 3.9 --0.2 5.9 2.5 9•10 2•42 8:01 1:57 4.0 --0.4 6.2 2.3 10:04 3 •41 9:H WANTED-Housekeeper for small family. Bay front home. Salary $150 per month. Phone Harbor 844. ~trc KITCHEN HELP \vanted Apply Cheryl's. 322 Marine Ave., Bal· boa Island. 54·t!c WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per Week and Meals Good Hours Also FRY COOK MR EARLY (mornings King _Landing Newport Beach " only) 61-Uc YOUNG WOMEN ()pea E1'el"J' Day .sa id County and St.ate.-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;;;~;;;~;;;;~~ I Pub.-.July 18. 25, Aug. 1 and 8, 1946. I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL on the property so sold. Ten per T 13 cent of amount bid to be deJ)osited 9•36 3•12 8:37 ::31 4.2 --0.6 6.¥1 4.3 --0.6 6.1 .o with bid. Bids or of~rs to be in writing MC• ~ pla..."ed ln' o r<ler Qf ~ .. ~ L.lJl'bl ftS\ll'U a. m.: d&r• OSIJ.l'&I& p . <!'l Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE No. 249.582 and will be ived at the afore- said of,fice ,a any time after the p N first publication hereof and before UBLIC OTICES The Famous IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 01' CALIFORNIA IN AND F OR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at private sa1e, to the highest and best bid- der, subject t o confinnation of said Superior Court. on or after the 3rd day of September. 1946, at the office of EdY.'ard R. Milli· ken, Attorney, 20 North Raymond Avenue. Pasa dena, County of Los Angeles. State or California, all ~ right, title and interest of said deceased at the time of death and all the right, title and interest that the estate of said deceased has acquired by operation of law or otherwise, other than or in ad- dition to that of said deceased, at the time of death, in and to all the certain re&1 and personal property situate in the C.OUOty of Or-ange, State of California, to- wit: date of sale. Dated this 1st day of August, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN punN· ant to the provislonl!I of Section 3440 of the Ctv11 Code of the State of C&ll· rornla. that FERN 1. SKITR. Vendor . of 353 Cypress Dr1Ye, La&un& Beach. Ca!lrornla. lntenda to "" lo lRKA MARPLES, VeodMi 219 Jf&rtoe AYenue, Ba.100.. laland. Cal fomla.. an lhat cer- tain per.ionaJ property conststlng gen · er&lly of all !Jtock lu trade. flxtura. equipment and Sood wlll of a certaJn ladles 9P0rta...e&r-bwilDHI Jmcrtrll u ·~ SpOn $bop, .. Jn the C1t1 of CoAt& Jfeaa. and located at 1818 N8WJ)Or-t Boulevard, Costa JI-. CaUfol'llla. and that the ourchue price thertlO( will be paid at 10 o'clock a.. m . on the Jlth d&y of AQUM:, lHI at Bulk of A.mu· lea N T It. 8 A. B&i bo& Branch . in Ba.Ibo&. Count1 of <>ruce. State of C&Jlforala.. Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. AEOLIAN PORTABLE • RADIO • -TAKE IT WITH YOU---. Plays Anywhere Guaranteed Performance RE$ERVE YOURS BY Battery Operated AC or DC PHONE TODAY Harbor Electronic Engineering Co. SAN PEDJIO • ' In the Matter of the Estate or T. L. T Al.J..Y, also known as THOMAS L. TALLY, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and pursuant to the law in such cases made and ~ vlded, the undersigned Execlitor will sell at private sale to the 1. Lot F1fteen (15l In Block I or Mc:Knl&hfs Addition, Section A, to ~ Cliffa, aa shown on a Map~ In Book 8, page 31 ~f Mlo<ellaneous Maps, .....,.els of 1946. bANIEL A-WHITE, Administraf.or of the estate of Alma Ulibey Eckleen, deceased EDWARD ii!-MILLIGEN, Attor- ney for~dmJ.nlstrator, 20 No. Raymo Ave., Pasadena, Cali- fornia. • Pub.-Aug. 1. 6 , 8, 13, 15, 1946. highest and best bidder upon the p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ terms and conditlona hereinafter mentioned and subject to con-- firmation by said Superior Court. on the 24th day of Aucust. 1946, or thereaftor, within the time al- lmr<d by law, at the om.,. of the Executor, to wit: 9642 Heather Road, Loa Ana-eles, CalilonW!, all rl&l>t. tit!•. Interest. and estate ol the abow named decedent at the time ol hll death. and all rld>t. title-, and Interest that the estate ol said -t ..... acquired by Ol)el'a.tion ol law or ott.ec wme, other than or ID addition to that ol aald -.t at the time ol -th. In and to all that corlalD rNl ll"opefb' aituated In the Qom>. ty ol OraQp, Stat• ol California. ~ -followa. to wit:. Lot -(7) and Lot Elcbt (8) ol the --ol -"C" ol N .. pw t 11aJ1 'n'.ct, la · Owwl ud upe1a&ed "1' WOltd WU' D \'eta = ••• I g,.. ....... E!Et good wlll ... ,.U.-g& tt .... ...... !' d• Phone HARBOR 2645 Bea•. alld HollB•• I , • I Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514\i N. Main SL. Santa Ana or Aak the "-8t<lr for the Ciloof ()ponttr Dated Aucut •. IM&. Southern Califol'llia Telepkone Compaay G-tfc Jl'SRN L 811JTH. IRKA~or. v...-. ' Ledpr -at N.-.Tlm& Pub.: Aq. s. 1MI.. WING. SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coat lllatnray 101 . • ' • .,._ --•• llilt ::;::: :: :J,. W M a ... .... 1 -81 .... ... • .., ..... El• ' ·' -'. ' • • . ,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JWAf!!W!!f!!'l:!l!!l.,!9~a~t! .... !!il_!•~·!W!!:•" ace!• tam ) i , n I ,,.., ....... Newlyweds Two Honored at Now at Home Birthday Fete At -at 912' West Centnll Mr. and Mn. Volney Hay ar .. Harbor ·Feininine Activities Major' Madsen Leaves for 'D. C. • Benefit Luncheon, CardH bbes, llatH :.& Mojor _ 11n. _ Tom u . ome . , -.... llr. -Mn. -propietor ol. the Sea-Eata motel, ..... ----frlml and Mr. and Mn. Volney Hay jr. a ~ at Santa <:atallna basted a birthday party Tuesday 1e1.nc1 The annmncerrwnt at evening in their petio-com.pliment- -mama.., came u a com-lne Mn. Bea Rlcney, motel man-~ surpriae to their IDllllY ager, and WDJJam Umland o1. Bal· PhcJ!w 13 ud D + BJ WWfred llllrtn + Red'en"e Pbam 1637·R !:tili:'t !:ilib:'~ 81or•;::: A bmeflt cud~~ bmdl. ----------------------=============,.,------------! inCt<Jn. D C where the majm" will ..,., will be bed W~, A.Ult -. who always celebrate their birthdays toeetber. lfra. Stulrey la· the former •·• £1•1ne Qua.ny, dauahter ~ llr. -ldrl. Kenneth QuarTy sr., ]515 -Ana ·-,and the HaJI)bursera were ,,_ted In the barbecue of the patio, recently recorated by Mr. -Mn. Umland lll'ldep-. la the 800 ol. Mr. and line! Mn. Rigney aa a surirtae for Lutheran Missionary Society P lans Benefit Bridge "Bread of God for AfJica" wu the mlalonary topic al. the day when the Wcmen'• Miaionary ~ dety of Newport Harbor Lutheran church met Tuesday with Mn. !:"' P9'c Pt!llett ol. Newport Mr. Hay. 'lbere '"'"' two Ille .... ! ch-The marriace took place ca.Jtes one ot. which wu decxrated l al7 22 in Capilla de San Antonio with '''Happy Blrtbday, BW and with the Rev. Georwe N. Greer ol.-Bess•• and which had been baked rlolatlng and there were no at-by Mn. Hay jr. With both c:ele-Kenneth Quarry ar., 1515 Santa tendants. brants holding the knife, the cake Ana avenue. Members took part .. .. wu cut. revealln& meaaps o1 in a round table di8cmlion of the llr. and MIS. Cllf Sexton of RIV• beat wlahOI and oongratulatJoaa llllbject. lhide and Mr. -Mn. Ray Milla hidden Inside. Mn. E. Schultz gave the scrip. o1. San Dies<> were Sunday cuesta Alter dinner Mr. Hay jr. lhowed lure reading and Mn. Theodore al Mr. and Mn. Wilfred McKen-motion pictun!s taken on var!oua Haber presided at the bualnea *7, 39th street. trips and a pictorial record of h1a ?Meting, at which plans were Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1911 a... ....... • C»d fa~ malU W•-,._this. dauahter, Jannett. from infancy to made for a benefit brl~ lunch- ber present three and a half years. eon to be held Weclneaday, Aug. Present ror the festivity wen 21, at the borne of Mn.. Rlchard Mr. and Mn. Otarles Woods, Mr. Hubbell, 404 40th street. Newport and Mrs. Jack Ford. Mr. and Mrs. ls)and with Mn. Hubbell and Hugh Beverly, Mrs. Anna Abbott, Mn. C. Seebers as co-bosteues. Mrs. Ida Reed! Mrs. Rigney, Mr. A social hour followed the busi- and Mn. Umland, Mr. and Mn. neu meeting. Mrs. A. Fredrickson Hay sr., Mr. and Mn. Hay j:r. and wu a guest and othen present daughter Jannett. wen the Rev. Herbert Roth, Mn. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Roth, and the Mesdames B. Bon-ham, P. Cu1ver, H. Faccou. R. • A repertoire just burst- ing with the lall!st trends In short hairdos. • Rilling, Lustron, Helen CUrtis, Cold waves -also machineless pennanents. Virinia Bell's MARISKA House of Beauty 9IM Marine Ave. JWboa 1ehn.t Phon e .. Harbor _.182 7 Haber, T . Haber, R.. Hubbell, G. Iversen, N . Laurie, K. Quarry sr .. K. Quarry jr .. E. Schultz. C. See- ben. D. Wedeking and M. Wil- liams. Attend Luncheon The Misses Gertrude a n d Louise Montgomery, 2117 East Central avenue, Balboa, recently attended a luncheon given by l\.frs. Hughes GatT and her niece, Miss Frances Roberts .at 510'3 Highland View, Los Angeles, honoring Miss Franklina Gray French of Santa Monica, who is to marry Terry Moore of Los Angeles. .Miss French is the daughter of Mrs. James Fn>neh and grand· daughter or Mn. W. S. Bartl~tt ot. Tustin, founder and fint prest. dent or the Santa Ana Ebell club. Announcing The Opening DORA LEE'S -• .. • • .. ' .. ~· t • • • • • • • • • ~ . '"" • • •• MRS. GEORGE M. HOLSTEIN ID. daoPter of Mr. and Mn. Cbatles E. Hobart of Los Anple&. wt.o.e ma.rrlap w .. solemnb.ed Sunday, July !8, ln Shatto cbapel, F1nt ConcncaUona.I church, Los Angele&. Mr. Hohtetn la the 10n of Mr. and Mn. ~rce. Hohteln, 212 Vla Udo Nord, Udo Isle. -photo, Curus Studios, L. A. S.C.G.C. Women P icnic at Balboa be -~ r... an IDdeftn!te :n, at the -at. Mn. Ridaor4 period. Hubbell. 404 40tb ~ New1"*t hlaOO, -the ~ cC '11->' plM to •l<>P ~ In Salt the Wamon'a v-..ary SodetJ IAb Ocy to visit army tr-. at. the N u.~ The Southern Counties Gu ecm-Mojor Na-.i recently came back ewprt ·--LutbKq pany women'• committee, with from c;alcutt.a, Indla, where be cbun:b. memben oomlns from,all -was In c:hrce ot the India-Burma Luncheon will be oerved at I of Orange councy, beld a llOd.ll alr supply. p. m. with ~ or any -- mtttlnc at Balboa recently. Mn. Before leaving a dinner was pv-wlabat to play, followlnc. ~ Beulah Cawtbra, Mn. Jeanne Lar-en In their honor at the home at. ~ are Mn. Hubbell and Mn. C. son and 1'-trs. Lois Ingels acted u their cousins, the Mi•e:s Gertrude ~ and reservations !.hc>Wtl hoote&O<S. and Loulle Montgomery of the be made with the former, pbano Balboa's many actiYities were B&Jboa peninsula. with Mrs. Mad-Harbor l°'5-R. 1 enjoyed by Mrs. Jean Muffelman, sen'• mother, Mn. Gladya 'lbomp. ---'"'---- cbalrman. Mia Barbara Wake-aon -Joe P . Tbompaon Jr. ot All ldndl eypewilter ...._ .. field. Mia Doroo.y Duncan, Mia Santa Ana u other cuesta. atodt at the N-.n-. Daisy Grlnnaire, Miu Glenna J ean Titc1tena1. Mia Barbara we1sh, Your Friends ... d Mine ----------Leah Nutter, Miu France& -• Wheldiel, Mn. Edna Houaer, Miu Ulllan ~ BalH, Mias Betcy _,,,.r, Miu Betcy Jane Roa, Miu Harriet Qumdt, Mn. Pris- cilla Greiner. Mn. Dorothy Tal- bert, Mia Lorine Shlrpe, Mn. Dorris Planchon and Miss Ethel Bauman. Swimming, a deUcioua wiener-roast on the beach and ex· plorln& the many concealona on the bay front rounded out a per- fect sUmmer evening at Balboa. Finster-Lingao Betrothal An nounced Mr. and Mis. James J. Llngan of Pittsburg, Pa .. are announcing the engagement of their daugh- ter Mary Margaret to Edwin CTed) Hoy Finster, son ol Mr. and Mn. Frank E. Finster, 316 Anade street, Balboa.. Mr. and Mn. Richard De Smet and twin daughten, Micki and Vicki, arrived Wednesday after- ftm1 --noon by plane from Sacramento .-. ~ and are guests for a week or ten I..-. llMdl. a.II. days at the home of Mn. Del '-------------Smet's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Umland, 606 West Central avenue, Balboa . Mn. Grayce Sevier, principal of the C.orona del Mar grammar school, and Mrs. Meta Bachman, first grade teacher at the New- port Beach school, retuned home Friday evening fronl. Santa Bar- bara where they have been attend- ing: swnmer school for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halliday of Altadena, aunt and uncle of Rev. &lld Mrs. E. D. Goodell, 3000 Ocean Front, are visiting here for two weeks. tJ .. r.i "' .. z -~ " .. ..l SATUJWAI Gryphon Productilllll ·~:::: PLAYWOU~ OPENING August 10th FOR 1 WEEK Mr. Finster was with the U. S . Army Signal corps at Lido Road. Swimming Is Tops o: " " 0 a Bunna. and returned in April. He In Newport Bay Now, z plans to go back to college in Sep-. o Newport w.s.c.s. Meets for P icnic P rogram !ember, entering the University of Temperatures Say ~ California at Berkeley. !-< Ten Nights~ At Home of Judge and Mrs. Harry Westover Miss Ungan ls spending the Swimming for the next week or tJ ... 0 in .a Members of Newport W.S.C.S., some 50 in number, spent a de- lightful afternoon as guests of Mrs. Harry Westover at her love ly bluff front home in Corona del Mar Wednesday. At 12 :30 p. m. a picnic lunch was served in the patio and lawn with each circle having planned their 0""'11 lunch. Afterward Mrs. D. W. Holtby presided at a business and social ~tinl' In the spacious living- room overlooking the harbor. ?.lrs. A. J . Rutter led in croup ,singing:, with Mrs. F1orence Anderson at the piano. Mrs. Gladys Woodworth, ~ident of Newport Heights cir- cle, and Mn. Leon Ferguson led in devotions. Mrs. D. W. Holtby, secretary ot supplies, gave a plea for children's· clothing:· and layettes to be sent • Of the Border mission at Calexico. summer here and several dinners so is going to be tops , iJi fact some-. :: ed have honored the couple :Wedding thing extra special, according to Q . Mrsd E. A. ~ett report ~~~ plam are Jndermite. ~ bride-weather reports released by Fire 0 eight. ozen oor. hangers to 0 elect has attended the Girls' Chief Frank Crocker, because the ..., clothtn.g or utensilJ had been sold _.,ool of Carnegt'• Insu'tute of d b ~ d rd red. ~· ocean an ay temperatures are and eight ozen mon o e "'--""-ol at Pitts~"-h h. h 0. ltfn. Leonard Hargraves of the 4._'C\,J.UI ogy uu.1.1> • igher than t ey have been since Balboa Island circle told of their 1931 with prospects of a still recen• cooked food •ale which was Army Engineers greater rise. z both a financial and soc;ial sue-Tuesday morning the ocean tem-1 0 ceu. Laud Bay Area perature was 72 degrees F. ahd ::c Mrs. Woodworth stated the re-the bay was 75 degrees F ., making o. cent luncheon served the planning Colonel 'E. H . Marks, Division conditions ideal for water spor l:I. > commluion by ttte Ne'YJJOl't Engineer United States Army in Thil warm water is prophetic of ct Heights circle was the means of charge of the Western Division an excellent swordfish season, Cl adding $54 to the treasury and the with headquarters in San Fran-Crocker stated. "galloping tea" brought in S6,· all cisco, irupected Newport Harbor Records for the month of July to be applied on their pledge to last, Friday. WJth CoJonel Marki &bowed a mean temperature of ~ Bar Room !-~ 6 P. M. -11 P. II. Limited Seatlnc Copedl7 Resel'll'l!d Seats Available at BLUE SAD.$ BOOKSHOP == .. the church bulldlnc tund wu Colonel Hunter, district engi-degrees F. with the hottest day at ••••ne4 ....., Mn. W. S. Hunsaker of the nett trom Los Angeles. Mrs. 80 decrees and the lowest at 60 , , Ne-...port circle reparted another Marki and Mn. Hunter were also degrees. There wu no rain, but a fl...M lot of boxes of clothing had been with th ff trace ot moisture. Twenty-two Tax: .. nt' to Hollan• where they are e 0 icials. Others in the .1 ... ~-cl d nl u •-~ ' u. group were Sidney Greenstreet, ,_;y• were ear an ne par y .-a- dJs tributed by relatives of a circle noted screen star and an old friend cloudy and cloudy. member. of Colonel Marki and Major -;;;===========;;;===========;;;;; It wu announced that study Eaton, head of the Erosion Di-I courses would be reswned at the vision ot the Los Angeles Engi-September meeting. to be held in neers . office. the church with the study group . . meeting: in the morning and the ~o greet the visiting ladies on business meeting and program in arrival were Mrs. J . S. Barrett, the afternoon, following a 25-cent Mrs. Hubbard Howe and Mrs. W. luncheon to be served by t he Bal-M. Longmoor. Mayor 0 . B. Reed boa circle. headed a loc~l co~ittee to wel· Speaker of the afternoon was come the officials, included in the Expert Beauticians - for Milady • Pennanents, Cold Wave, Hair Styling, Hair Tinting . -• Bleach- ing, Faclals. Custom Slip Covers and Draperies Mrs. William Mawson, who with grod up were J . S. Barrett, presi· her husband, is a newcomer to ent or the Newport Harbor Ne"1>0rt Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Chamber of Commen.-e. Hubbard ?t1 awson ¥.'ere for some years In Howe, chairman· of the ~tate the Lee 1'1emorial School for Boys Chamber of Commerce Committee at Calcutta India he as a teacher on Small Harbors and W. M. Long- and she as '8 nur~. She told in-moor, president of the-Associated terestlng details of their work Chambers of C.Ommerce of Orange there, of the people, their customs county, Harry Welch, secretary of NO WAITING Carmen and Staff .....,, ~ 0.-~. AD h,J". ......... "~--,_ •• •••t.1 ...._ 111 \ Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Monday, August 12th 311 Marine Ave. Balboa Island "Your GJeome Should fome CJirst" • • and the conditions under which Newport Harbor Chamber of • aic-. Froa.t a&: a. .._ t hey Uve. ~Comm:;;;;;er;;ce;·=====;;==~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ba--- Following: the meeting a social hour was held on the lawn with the hostess serving ice---cold fruit punch. Mrs. John \Vestover, who "'·ith her. husba nd is a guest of her son and his family for the summer, was a special guest and told inter· esting stories of the early days ot 'the town when she was interested In the work of the Balboa chapel. Another guest "'as Mrs. Phoebe Bennett o( Pasadena, another old- time member from Balboa Island. SHOES Repaired While You Walt. Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front N--kl lle1' VIM> c.ta 9 a.atol p.a. EVERYTHING ID Qmllty REFRIGERATION Air eo.cBU..-"'I Eitu•1 ml , 0--. Oath !tli • "-wtwa Walk-.-·-llMll: ......... .... C1 1t1t 1 ....... =wc:n..-=:::&a ........... 'p ..... ;a -- FROZEN FOOD ''FRESHNESS'' Real Convenience --No Waste --Delicious Ready to Bake ~SPECIAL- ROLLS COOKIES • BISCUITS BREAD DOUGH PIE CRUSTS FR~H FROZEN FRUIT PIES WAFFLES PANCA~ • Fresh Frozen -Grade A -Meat- T-Bone SW.ks Sirloin Steaks Ground Round Top Round Roasts • Rabbit and Chicken FRYERS WE ALSO HA VE FRESH MILK, EGGS, BUlTER -ICE CREAM- C OMPL E TE L I 1NE O F FROZE N F OODS WA,L I ER'·S ·S18....._A.....,...._ I I .re I • • . • •