HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-20 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB ., SAM PUBLICITY. Let us say that ·200.000 people (if you counted 'em) saw the first Tournament of Lights in five yea,,;, and that the show was more than the foodest desires of the pro- moters dreamed -if the balmy night and the back- ward moon, (not due up until 11 p. m.,) gave the spectators a rea !thrill. then Indeed was the publicity worth the effort, because it gave Newport Harbor fur- ther evidence of the city that did things in a large way. There may be better and finer shores-try and find them-than these delightful ones, but certainly there are no greater bunch of boost- ers who kn°"'' hO\V to \York intelligently to put over their messages to an eager public s e e k i n g recrea lion. The magazines, newspapers and radio gave thousands of dol- lars of notices to this and other activities, like the Flight of .the Snowbirds - publicity that could not be purchased for money. But if you happened to get near enough to the shores of the bay, you witnessed a real show of floats of various hues and colors. s o m e brightly illumined, others not so much, but all enter- ing into the spirit of the festive occasion. One diffi. culty .seemed to be Jack of signs on the boats, at least large enough for the specta- tors to read them. Just how to remedy that fault, if It is one, is something the leaders have been trying to solve. Of course in these times signs are hard to get and expensive and many of the youngsters did not give them a thought. But is was a lovely night, a sparkling body ot water with gay col- ors and lights, while the fireworks were some of the best seen in yea,,;. + + + Trattlc TroablM. Police and J . P. courts in the Santa Ana-Harbor area take cogni- zance ot the Crabber's re- marks about traffic disas- ters. Main complaint of the judges is that the newspa- pers in the district are some- what negligent in fighting the problem seem to adopt a don't care attitude. Court officials don't want to be known as ••tough" jurists, but do insist that some co- operation on the part of the press would do much to de- ter the reckless speeders. In Newport Beach township they have nearly 300 cases a montl\. quite a job for one small section. whlle Santa Ana township has hundreds more. At Newport in the week of August 5-10, out of 90 criminal complaints filed, 31 were for speeding and of that number five received jail sentences for going 60 miles and more in a restrict- ed zone. + + + What to Do. Point is that some of us should give more heed to a menace that is growing and not getting less. We aJJ know that public opinion can correct most of our ills. but such opinion must be insistent, broad and determined. The kids who drive the "hot" am; don!t seem to give a hang and I learned that clubs are still in existence where member- ship requires a certain num- ber ot dare -de vi I nose- thumbings at officers and getting &WIQ' from them by speeding: Cops know this and are somewhat helpless, becauoe the kids have noth- IJllt tQ loae and glory in the tact thit they can give the traffic otrlce1"S a nm for their money In escaping. If laws were more stringent perbaps that brand ot im- pudence coold be checked + + + Wanllc.ViMIL NowtMt the Tennli1aJ Leave mlDkins are coming thraugb for the wterans. the effort to separ- ate them from their dough will become more and more villainous. Vets get appeals by the tloa Ill to Invest In (~cml'lpF!ft) - I . . • We Have Our Harbor··· Now Let's Get Water • • • Water and Harbor Made Los Angeles a Mighty City KFEP POSTED! 1 Year ...•.• $2.SO .. Ooaat7 -«>-* "' 0.-&7 . ... Oat "' _ .. -~~ .. N-.-n-, N-porl - NEWPODT WeMly :Newiapaper ._... A.nt Ba- ...., of <hcalalloG EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS: BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLVJDUIVDI l'n:WPOllT llEACR, CALIFOaNU, T1JESDAY, AUGUST le, lMI ~, Ci Delays Action on Amusement Wheels Beardless Balboans Face ROUSSELLE ENDORSES MUNICIPAL Councilmen Unable to Reach Penalty for Shaving Now MOVE FOR METROPOLITAN WATER Decision After Debate Over • City Fathers Adopt Ordinance Making It a Misdemeanor to Appear in Balboa With- out a Growth of Hair on Fair Face During Preparations for "Pirate Days" Celebra- tion-Fines for Violation. 250 Boats ioi';~:~ri~ Services Request Made by Balboan owner ID Newport Harbor Contribute ~~~~5~~=i For Culver Any male citizen living in Balboa who shaves between To Fest·ival :theve~olcii;·.:'eest -~~~er. s,~oppor me~m:-Wednesday August 19 and September 9 will be subject to citation for •3 "'"""" violation of a city ordinance and will be fined five doUan;. oorshlp In the Metropolitan Two Councilmen OpJ>OIM: Punitive Action and Mayor Reed Adopts Neutral Attitude in Argument on Requested Denial of Permit for Merchandising Device; No Complaints Received, Says Police Chief Hodgkinson •ccording to a n edict issued today by Mayor 0. B. Reed. water District System. The ma yor said the ·ordinance adopted by the Newport Bl· "''-NIFRED BARBRE 1'1:r. Rousselle, "'ho is probably Private runeral services for Har-The threat of official city action against the operation Beach City Council on Monday afternoon \Vould be enforced Ne\\'J)Ort Harbor 's twelve miles one of the biggest property 0,,'llers r y H. Cul\'er of 1705 E. Central t of merchandising or roulette wheels in amusemen t centers of from no\v until" a fter 'he cele-or shor eline looked like e.n end-and taxpayers in the ha rbor dis-avenue, Ba lboa, \\.'ho founded and Balboa reappeared before the meeting of the Newport Bee.ch bration of "Pira te Day!.' T I h c less grandstand Saturday evening trist, stated that thousands of new built Culver Oty, will be held at City Council Monday afternoon when coundlmen were asked Amon~ those tak<'n by surprise e ep one 0 as serried ranks of spectators, esti-homes ..-ill be built, and ne\V busi-Smith & Salisbury chapel, 3941 to grant a pennit to [)cn Hannon for the operation of a by counc il approval of th<' measure • ma ted at 250,000, watched the j ness oppartunities will r esult, once Madison avenue, CulvC'f City,. at I wheel at 111 Main sbret, Ballx>a. was City Attorney Roland Thomp-first post-war marine parade of that the registered voters endorse 1~ a. m. Wedn~sday. Crema tion Harmon said in his ....,..;tion that he wished to replace his son. who rubbed his chin and said, c d 0 the annual Tournament of Lights. the referendum at ~the November \Vtll take place in the Inglewood I ,........ ~ t h . . h "Gosh. that means me, too." r1"t"1c"1se n More than 200 boats, from a election. Park cemetery. .-esen ?!"_Se racing game wit a Thompson Hves in Balboa. baby tuna clipper to little pedalos Predicting that Newport Har-Mr. Culver. one of Southern R. ht ou-t merchandtSmg w heel as the . for- A city official other than the ca rried out the theme of "King-bor's population would reach the California's foremost goodwill am-IC er :::.r game ~as not ? g~ bustness mayor said later that Thompson s d lk J b dom of the Sea." They were led 50,000 mark in a short period after bassadors .. in r eal estate circles, estment in that tt did not draw bet ter ilot make the mista ke of ·, ewa 0 in the parade by Gov. Earl War-tfle dty of Newport Beach joins died Sat.µrday of a heart attack in trade t o his place. ignoring t_he ordina nce, for the r en. who was on board J. S. Bar-t~e MWD system, the veteran real Hollyv.·ood hospital. Retired from On Ba•it After th~lth~u~h the ~~Y fathers tabled law is no r espector of persons r ett's big cruiser Simmer. Others e1tate developer pointed out tha t active business for several years, whe pe lion u;1lll Jtsti next ~eeling prominen t, legal or otherwise. in the governor's party were Mrs. Newport has come to the cross-Mr. Culver was stricken in his n some onna ve action to The resolution for adoption of The Southern California Tele-Warren and the younger children; roads. "\Vith it.I resort empire home in Balboa and wu removed rezone roulette concessions may be the ordinance, which was present-phone company and City Engineer Capt. J . A. Beek. commodore ot around the Bay," he added, "it is to the Hollywood insittution for A t c h taken, m embers of the councJ ed to Oty Clerk Frank Rinehart. J . B. Webb \\.'ere subjected to the Tournament of Lights asso-equal to the best in the world." treatment. The 66-year-old re al u 0 ras thoroughly discussed the issue. in advance of the called meeting, public criticism at a regular meet-ciation and Mrs. ~k ; Mr. Bar-The question before the regis-estate man \\"BS ill Only two days. City Atty. Roland TI>omr-on by Al Joyce, a member of the ing of the Newport Beach City rett, who is preaident of the ttted voters is, he y\d, whether Although retired, Mr. Culver oorTeeted Councilman L. L. lsbell's. committee of the Balboa Improve-Council Monday afternoon. chamber of commerce, and Mrs. the taxpayers sha1l spend three or made it a practice to keep In touch contehtlon that there are thl"tt' ment association, whl,ch 11 spons-Councilman L. L. Isbell said that Barrett. four thousand dollan on a supply' with civic activities. He was often Edward Hubbard Ric:bter ... d such wheels in operation in Ba.J. oring the "Pirate Days" celebra-the construction crew or the tele-Lt. Gov. and Mrs. Fred Houser, of wate r which may be only tempo-seen in the mid-business section or 127 Topaz avenue, Balbcm .bland. boa. The rormer said i6ere are tion, follows: phone company had replaced the Mrs. Clyde Kemp, A. P. Bellisle, rary, or may go bad at a ny time. Balboa, particularly in Johnson's 8 real estate salemian, ~ book-four wheels, two in the Fun Zone, ResoJut1on sidewalks following the installa· who 1S assistant secretary of the "or shall we join the MWD, which restaurant. where he took eome of ed by Newport &adl paW:2 Kon-ooe in the pavilion and one on WHEREAS, the Merchants of tion or telephone equipment un-slate senate and John F . Lea, a score of other cttles have done, his evening mea1s and where he day night on a charge of dnmk Main street. Balboa, California, have planned derground in such a manner that senate minute clerk, were guests and guarantee and insure for all kept up a bosom friendship With :!:n~!1~~eh~a~ u::-:: It .wu labell'a committee that an important and interesting cele-the thoroughfare was "spotty and of Miss Pat Rollins of Balboa tlme, the growth of the Newport Clyde R. Johnson, restaurant own-had voted to deny the Harmon bration known as "Pirate Days" irregular." Island on one of the Rollins boats. Harbor area to a point beyond the er, who knew Mr. Culver when he 30th street and c.entr-al avenue, application for a permit on the to be held Se ptember 5, 6, 7 and Miss Rollins is assistant secretary most optimistic dreams of any of \Vas in business in Culver City. Mr. here, at t0:05 o'clock. contention that there were too 8 ; and 11_ie c'ouncilm~ asked Qty and amending clerk of the senate us. A vote for th~ MWD insures Johnson was also in business in When arraigned in 'the Newpoat many wheels of that type in oper- WHEREAS, sajd Balboa mer-Eng ineer Webb lf the latter had and is a member of the committee us against any future water that city some years ago. city court at 9 a. m. today. the ation at the present time. •.n inspector on the jo. b when the I on design for the Tournament of trouble." Had .~.,..-. Off!-•• Islander pleaded not cuBQ' to tJw chants through their association d al 1 d ! r•J" ... e .......... Councilman Mason Siler object- have urged male citizens of the s1 ew ks_ were re-8J a ter the Ught.1 auociation. I Mr. Rousselle'• 11tatement fol-A practical visionary and among charge and was released by Cit}· eel to the denial of the permit on Balboa section of the City of New-construcuon work. Webb replied Midshipman Allan Beek and Reed loWI: the nation's rint alr-mlnded ex-Judge Bob Gardner in $.11.0 ball the grounds that Hannon propos. port Beach. in recognition of this :~~etn:~~t.C~':r~nt~~:~:.t super~ WIUiams had been detailed by . "My thirty-five years experience ecutives \\ith his own "flying of· for · a hearing in his court at 9 ed to eliminate the horse·race important occasion that all said . Capt. Claude Mayo, commandant 1n Orange County and Southern fice" in a private cabin plane, Mr. a. m. Wednesday. game, which was to be replaced male citizens grow "beards" or Isb<-ll then s&Jd he thought It of the Ca li fornia l.-1aritime aced-California in development lines Culver flew thousands of miles to According to PofiCI! n:cords, with the merchandising wheel. whiskers such as. according to was_ t he res~nsibili ty of the city emy to aid in enter taining the and workJng for Newport Harbor extol the vi rtues of the Southland Richter "'as driving his aut.mno-Councilman Bob Allen sided accredited history, were worn gen· engin~r·a office to see t~at the g overnor 's party and on their boat entitles me to voice my opinion on and to observe business conditions bile south on C.entraJ &venllf", when 'th 1 bell erally by all pirates of old . I telC'phone co~pany was notified to "'ere Earl Warren jr. and his water and here it is. throughout the country. He retired i~ skidded approximately 3J feet wt s on the ground that NOW th a t c ·1 1 takl"' up the sidewalks and replace sis ter Virginia· "°liss Nancy Gran "California was reclaimed from from the real estate business In into tbe side of a truck of the there _wereal tood many wheels in h Ci ' "'Cf. Ne Y Beounchi ? them COrr('Ct ly 45 they once were. d in J0ean f-Jah~ a nd Barton Beek. a desert turned Into Alla h's Gar-1930 and for several years was Southe'rn Counties Ice company operatJon rea y. t e ty o • e"''lX>rt ac , in a Th h , . d b , Bill" f d II of Los Angeles, which ~ ...,...rio Siler said he thought it would regular meeting assembled, do . ty Atty.. ompson t en re-r~ntly retired as submarine of· en y wattt. ~ions .o. o . ars connected with a hotel chain in --·-be hereby enact a n ordinance "'hich minded the c1ty ~ng1neer that an_y 1 ricer of the u. s. Navy. have followed Cal1forma s water northern California. \\"est on 30th strfft.. an injustice to the petitioner to k f bl c t th t d v lopment John Nelson Per-kins, ~ of the deny the permit since the city Provides that JtO ma le ci tizens of "·or 0 a P~ 1 na ure · a ts Earlier in the evening Gov. and e e · His was one of the earliest _.. cil al d h d al _, d b t h Id I...os Angeles firm, who,. -s.-said, coun r ea Y a low~ a new Balboa shall be permitted to shave one Y ~ priva e concern s. ou Mrs. Warren and their party had "Newport has now come to the voices raised here in pleas for mu-~ wh l to · b ildin fo r a period beginning August 19 ~ supervLSed by th~ city engineer-been entertained at dinner at crossroads. With its resort e mpire nicipal airports as necessary ad-\VBS driving the truck. repan:ed ee operate Jn a u g and continutng until September 9, ing de~abrltmt ent,. th It .~ .. ,not the Newport Harbor Yacht club by around th~ Bay, it Is equal to the juncts to metropolitan develop-;1~:e~ti:: ~t!:i~. = ~t!!':n F . Vogel in Main and ~t'Sponsi 1,~ Y 0 . e s ... ~ super-Commodore and Mrs. Henry B . best in the world. Ready to be de--ment. As early as 1927, he declared Any male Cl·11·2en who, by shav-1ntendent, the city counsel said. Grandi·n, while the 1,·eutenant-veloped tor.thousands of homes, it h .. ·th· 10 th · 1 \vhen the defkndant's car-hit the Councilman 0. Z. Robertson sid~ t at WI in years e airp ane truck on ihe richt rear just In eel with Siler. He said that he could ing during the said period. violates "The only thing we can do now," governor a nd his wife were dinner is waiting only for a guarantee will be as important to everyday this said ordinance, shall be sub-Webb said, "is to see to it that g\Jests of Commodore and Mrs. of sufficient water. With guaran-life as the automobile Is now." front of the right rear wheel. not aee how the dty C'OU9cil could ject to a fine of $5.00. the slde"ralks are taken out and Don Kemp at Balboa Yacht club. teed water untold benefits for Long prominent in Los Angeles Police OU-teen Georg~ W . Call-deny the Harmon petition when Gary Porter, 51;2, Makes First Catch From New Fish Boat put in right." Capt. Beek. who is secretary of every working man and property real estate circles, Mr.· Culver h11.n and V. I . McM•nic:lr, who~ the dty fathers allowed Vogel to Th ·1 -• an! I --•11 f u Th •-f vestigated the ttuh. t--rted. ----te one, too. e couno voteu un mous Y the state senate. Miss Rollins. Mr. owner wi 0 ow. ousanua 0 served as president of the Los An--..--...-·- to a uthorize the city engineer to Bellisle and Mr. Lea had built new homes will be built. and new al\ Calf police records cftsckmd. that .. _ Unle11 you zone againat all ·1 h h f h b I tunln· will ult geles Re y board, the 1 ornia Richter was under llle iaftuence of "-," the counci·1man f-not1 Y t e P one company o t e the entry of the officers of the WI ness oppor es res · Real Estate association and in 1928 un:iu '"'"'' situation. senate, the capitol dome. Two A {air estimate of Newport's pop-was elected head of the Natiorial of liquor. Pol.ice said Rl<:ftter .,.. Corona del Mar retorted aharply. little Hough girls, nieces of Capt. ulation is 50,000 In a short period Association of Real Elltate Boards. examined by a physidan who aid Mayor 0 . B. Reed asked Ollef B Ibo G Beek, and Jim, their brother, who of years. From 1936 to 1939, he acted u the latter was mcderatel;7 intmi-of Police R. R. Hodgkinson bad he Credit for catching the first fish a an ets are down here on their vacation "'Jbe answer ls ln your hands. finance director for the chamber cated.. . found any violationa of the wheels from Prentiss ~foore's 72-foot worked all week helping get SU(r Remember the facts. (1) The un-of commerce here. The reaJ estate AL ••••'• ca as gambling devices, to which Lucky Strike of Port Lido, "n('~'-pUet for the entrants. derground supply is going down was badly damaged, the fnmt of Hodgkinson answered in the nega· t'St, biggest and bc?st'' sportsfishing Residents did their n••t well by constantly; (2) More land ii going Shortly before his retirement, the machine being caved .in. Be ttve. · boat I th h bo t t G P I H rt ~ · cul · 1 dr Mr. OJ.Iver or&anlzed a Sl00.000,-was not hurt. Perkins, and his two 0 e ar r , wen 0 ary urp e ea decorating homes along the water-lnto uvat on every year, aw-h P l f. d half Id · !"ml _... 000 trust company to gat er C8(r conwuonions. who were allo aboard or er . 1ve an a year-o .__01 until the bay !•--If was a ing more and more on this 1 tco.& ds ···~-Supel'Vl.80• rs Appom' t f S P rt d •~ ~ I 13) s I · · ital and idle fun from through-the ice truck, also ===-11 in-son o am o e r. CO-oY-'Tler an I veritable fairyland. even more supp y ; at water intrusion f . I ..._.... br h f th N Ti It out the country or investment n juries. S ta An M pu IS er 0 e ews-mes. lovely, if possible, than the parade. is a serious menace which hangs Southern California. an an anager "-·as a four and a half pound ba r-1 Recent recipient of a citation Only by being on the water and over uS like an Atom Bomb. Orange Co. Airnnrt racuda and was c~ught by the a nd the Purple Heart av.·ard for going from one end of the harbor "Now the question is, shall we Prior to coming to Los Angeles p t G -It"' }'OUngster on regulation tack!('. I w ounds received in service is Ed-to the other could one get a pie-~pend three or four hundred dot-more than 35 years ago from Lin-resen ov. .This was Gary's first fi~hing I die Stephe ns, son of Mrs. Helen ture of th e tow-nament as a whole, Jars on a supply which may be coin, Neb., Mr'. Culver was a spe- trip. as well as the maiden trip of I Stephens. Bayside Villa, 430 E . for the harbor itself was such a only temporary, or may go bad cial agent for the· Treuury ne. SAN!'>'.... AN_b. Aug. 15-Ap- polntmenl C!f'Williih\ H. Nichoio, son of the late At~ J. B. Nichol&. u manager of the Or- ange county airport at a salary d. $350 a month, was ann<>W'lCed. here t.he boat. The-re \4°ere 40 passengers Bay A\'('., Balboa. definite part or it and only a on UI at any time, or shall we partment. In his yauth, he served w·1th Sword •---d U d th · I f as a bugler during the Spanish-auvcu · n er e supervts on ° Stephe ns, while an officer in the small fraction of it could be seen join the MWD, which a score of D d. G h ..__~ .: · th South Cal American War and later. spent a a Br}' as IA"'.-n prac~.ong U. s . Na''Y \\'as in conllnand or a by those on land o er em ifOl'nia cities tl.ng ~m th · tty On board h -~-A .. A---and year in the Philippines as an tm-cas 11 u e Je · gunnery division aboard the de-The eight boa ta from Harbor ave a&n:".....,. ...,.-tc, . guarantee the boat Saturday, the small fish-stroyer USS Cassin Young during Muter Craig's otnce were equi~ and insure for all time, the growth porter's agent. e-rman cast his hook out. Said Dad, the aftermath of the Okinawa ln-ped wtth fire-fighting and life-of Newport Harbor area to a Point He leaves his widow, Mrs. Lil- "You can do better than that, pull vasion. saving equipment and kept water beycnd the most optimistic dreams llan Cilver, a dauchter, Mn. Pa- it In and try again" and turned to On April 12. l9'5. following a traffic in order; O\ief Hodgkln-of any of ua. A vote for the KWD tricia Battle of Beverly Hills; a bait his 0 \\71 hook. combination Japanese strafing, son and hll men handled street insuttS us against any tuture wa-brothtt, Elwin E . OJ.Iver of CUiver Dad heard the reel "''hirr, then bombing and suicide plane attack, traffic smoothJy and speedily ta trouble. Oty and a sister, Mrs. Bryant R. someone said "You better help the Cassin Young was racked with with none of the Jamm1nc up of ·~ a word, lt la a question of SimP90n of San Diego. that )'OU.ngSter. he's .a:ot a fish!" explosions and StC'phem sutfel-ed some previous years; Evan Jones whether we will plQ 50c on a and there be was, reeling it ln but serious wound.a. superviaed the towing and Charlie punch board or put a dollar In the he required help to c•t it OVet" the Peytcin and '"Doc" Stalford pro-bank. A votA! ys oo September railing. And thus Izaak Walton Young Stephens. who .-ved In vided llshtinc that ct&y«I lit; ell lotb to join the Jktropolitan Wa- acquired another dlsdple. tbe Navy for over three yean, wu c1e_.,,,...1a In fact handJoc! -ter Dlotrlct lo the _.,.IA!e of pl~ on lnactlv• duty Jut Juno share with the u-.mdency N.._port'• !ulun!. Photo of Snowbirds' Flight Is Published In Time Publication Wednesday by the board of super· Govttnm" Earl W . Wamm got vimon. the surpriR or bis fife ~ Sat· Nichols until recently wu a _ urday dtemocl"l wbea_ 11.msie. bank examiner and he is a former Mayes of U.e Ba-baoncb ot the student of the Sant& Ana Junlcr- Southem C&lifanlia '!Wk~ coUese. His rootheo-, Mn. 1iar7· company l'topped tcJ; wad -....,_ Nlchola, Uv.. at 922 Spurg-. sented l1lm will>-•.--the street. thia dty. piutA! alUp at ud>Or i. the liq. Nlcbol8 will have charg• ot d '"Thi> ~ Is Pl•• , .... _. _..u.-at the airport. noir Ezeell•ucy, witb -p..r -tad by the Floyd Martin.Jee "' the ......-at ----u_. .... -p -~ GGed F......,.,. •--adoed with the cmunty and will be - Resurface Balboa and lo a former student body pres-t o make It one ot the -man-"A. B. ROUSSELLE." ident of Newport Harbor Union .... ed toumame.nta we have bad A t P kin Area high school. -U 0 ar g Eddie plan& to ,..turn to Ocd· Enbin pthered at Bal-Overhanging Truck Load Impales Car to join the c' -.,,_ Plratl! • Newport Harbor hit the nation-Doys In BaI!Joa os1J m lie ..... ._ ~!~I= the port - wide publldty bandwagon tbls ber. W• --lls I: -.....,. · The Sully-Mlller company of dental college In the Fall Yacht club waltiJ>c for the puado Oran~ wu the only bidder for to atart. eome at anchor ~ un .. the resurlactnc of the Balboa Ki·w,..,; ... a Vl81• •t Here lighted, otben m•mnc about. fUl4' Beach auto perking ptopa ty -_.,....., llgbt..s, ..imirlns and bolas ad-OYerlwlslns poleo on a M.vlly the bids Wft'< called for by the mired. Uttle -boll& dlus-loaded truck Impaled an aufA>lnc>. N..._t Beach city council Mon-Visiting Klwanians who attend-gee! and putted. The .... t-bile driwn by Elm Loynd ot La- day afternoon. ed the luncheon meetins of the Southern Comfort. skippered by suna Beach oo c-t Hlchway The company bid '5450 for the Coota Mesa-Newport Harbor Kl-1kJ1> Amat, wu ottldal -bolt -.r Marine Drift last week, but contnct. which the city oouncll wanis club at Whit•"• cott .. "'-and -.nd In and out. INinlnC Loynd ,... not injured. · awarded tt. ofter.,.... dlscualon last F'riday wen Carl Wlnman to picll: up a~ l*""S 1111 The c1r1 ..... told pillce that be which follo-a remarlc by the and RS. Savery ot Whittler; Veni 10 feet and -· It -bullll did aot oee the •omlns llshto oo city mglnttr J . W. Webb that the 0... of Pasadena; Ray Doonchlq ~and pretty slrlo ,....,s the truck driWll by Georp C.... city belleV<d that $eGO WU a Of Pasadena and Eimor WCO"tbey omllod !CO" the ........ -. Lao ot San Oioao and U !!M0 ed Into load estlmat• tor the ""1loct. ot Glenda!•. ' (0..-• p._ 4) the ~ i-1. • weelt "'Ith a photo and short story will be pr-lit ,. ....,, "'° fa-Prlmarll1 bis --· wll 119 of the Flight of the Snowbirds tival,'' salcl an --..,_ to necotiatl! with air llnes f.., - depicted In the sport -al ~ -cirt. al the fleld and for otber CIJ • the latnt ..... ot Tune ibapzlne. . -ot lblns ectlvttleo. yec17._..,11on ~ t. .. olrpwt .. 113,$, _,.. .... o1 mooo a the m.w,...,... s , a 'She' Begins Display Of Fall Merchandise "She" ot Balboe and Coota ..... lo announdnc Ille opealnc ot new Fall womeu't mercbandlae cllsplay ID tblo lolue ot the N ... 1'lnMs. No Resh ictiorls on c.entnl A-.e. Parking The Ne...,t Psi• ~a :A OR Moechy •11lo;4 a i&'''! ~ mftted by 1wlilftialli _. I '14 that w boar pa&flla piss a le pa feCGGO Fi.. ... mi.a 3ldL-ud .. "li l 1& l • The Olota -Nc= .... t ..... IDWaato -will I.= rf JtGsbt at tbe Cite. I.-?: -' • • • NEWPORT BALBOA Red Cross Asks Volunteers To Entertain Wounded Men Shooting at Shadows THE WORLD.' .. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY NEWS-TIMES PBONF..81 BAWllOS 11 ud•lS hbllllled .,.,,..,. bMUy .... Tll-~ Vol-llXXVDI ~ ._ r.ddftioa ~ ETel"J" Wei -sd.ay Vol.ams D By SHELDON SHE.PA.RD ill "GOOD BUSINESSW .•• AT A GLANCE IJ,----·&_ooo __ mrr_ANT ____ :-P_11_11_m_mAN __ s_-_s_VBG_1:_o_N_s._o._o. ilyEDWABDCLAYT<>s Bookk'eeping Hardly anyone Is aware of the "----------I Serv1"ce Dr. w. T. Mooney lilubscription Payable in Advance ,~:50 per year In Oranae County $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8tb zone An opportunity to help wounded for each week end. An)-ooe who service men in our nearby govern-I has moN ample guest quarters ment hospitals is being offered could, of course. be furnished as the residents of Newport Beach many men as he requests. nature of the assault to which he MYSTERI OUS MISSILES PbJ"lldaD and SI.... has yielded when ho suffers ill-Word from the Scandinavian COLIN F. BROWN .,oqgw Elltered as Second-Cass matter at the Postotfice In Newport Beach, Ca!Homla, under the Act ot March 3. 1879 · ness or what he calls misfortune. countries reveals that missiles (llal'bor 16") Nmlll ... C.tnl SAM D. PORTER Publisher through the local branch of the '"'llte Wednesday parties are imaginary enemy and goes off passing over and landing in sparse-._ ___________ __, ..._ <....,. ~l ..._ .. Usually he attributes it to some much like the Nazi rockets are\ SI S Marble A\'e.. Balboa bl. shooting at shadows" while the real ly populated areas. The rockets ..-------------1-------------' F . G. FROST Adv -•~-M Edlto< W . F . DIXON -----«~•& ~r American Red Cross. just for the day and we will aP. trouble-makers continue to snipe do not carry explosives and in PHl'SIVLUfS A 8 t7RGBONS. ac.a at him from behind the &ereen of some instances appear to be r adio I· S · W B Y T E Println& Plant. :iOJI W. Central A.,,..ue, Newport Beach. Ca!Homla Official P aper of t he City of Newport Beach A DepaMl•Ne Local 1-Ut.tiom for Over S? Yeuw A plan has been formulated predate the offer-of homes 'Ni.th whereby a group of these men will large yards, patios, or beaches be brought to the beach area every "'hich will accommodate 16 t o 18 "'eek end and to be entertained in persons. The luncheon on that day homes, while a larger group will will be furnished and prepared by be brought dolo'rn each \\'ednesday, the canteen committee of the Red for a day or swimming, sunning Cross. so that the person o1fering and boating. his home "iU not be asked to do his ignorance. controlled. Officially, their source 0 80-,Tll ODlftmLTAllfl' .A.v.'11orbed W U.. Uahed Sl.&&e9 n-. Every idea of fear, \\"On')'. anger, is a mystery, but there seems lit-.,,. De""--' io reDrelell1 e11eew ta envy, defeat, wrong practice. and tle doubt that they originate in ooa..uo. willl 1-t.u: ---... R I h ld Ge h .... _ AtrDlft -8i&I W grief is a fifth columnist of the uss an-e rmany w ere ure MNl&&ICEPl1'fO mncs soul, yet often eagerly \\'elcomed Nazis had their principal research -.... ..,... 81.._, c..-._. and carefully housed. An lmpor· facilities for the development of n... ..._. ....,, tant elemtint..of sound strategy for rockets. Apparently the Russians '------------- living ls · reeognition of these are making tests with these mis-ABCBl"l'ZC'r A. V. Andrews, M. D. Plll181CIAN -S1JJIOIOON ill eo.H mp~. --Coroaa de1 Mar Active Member of The fact that the war is not any cooking or serving. nor to fur- over !or thousands o! young men nish any o! the food." was brought home to a group of Those wishing to acceept this local people who visited two gov· opportunity to be of service to ernment hospitals and found the these men are requested to call need for recreation for these men the Red Cross office at Harbor to be as ,great as at any time dur-1865. enemies within the gates. Knowl-siles just as we are. The difference ,..------------~ edge of their presence and under-is however, that we are using our ,.------------- standing of their nature Is an im-own territory for that purpose Armand Monaco .John K. 0 . Ohung, M. D. portant part of our preparation for whereas the Soviets are using ABCBnECT ftoi.._ a.d. Bmaeoe defense. whatever territory. they need-8li W. Bay A-. ~ 2 -4 7 -8:30 Balanced Building But it is also important to find either their own or that of some-llarltor 1711 and by appalntment a good plan of attack for bringing one else. Could it be that the nn Lakewood Aft. Beacon 5075 There is great satisfactioo in being the "man of the house" or the "lady of the house"-if you have a house. But if you haven't then your title is an empty one. And America today has many more empty titles than empty houses. ing the war. and the outlet! so many times fewer than a t any y f • d d · time during the last five yean. our nen 8 an mm• about their removal. Suggestions rockets are being sent over Scan-Loe ~ N~ MOS U9 bat 111:11 8t:Net of failure and adversity however d.inavia just to show how easily '-------------' 1 Ooata lie., CWllonla The co-chairman of Volunteer Services of the local branch of the Red Cross, Mn. Lloyd L. Love· land, has formed a committee to handle the placing of these men in local homes for week ends, which includes the following "'omen: Mrs. Logan Hendrickson, ~trs. Wendell H . Calkins. Mrs. V. E. Ellsworth, Mrs. Cla.}·ton Thompson. Mrs. Jean Frantz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert lngman of Anaheim were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0 . C. MacKenzie, 436 Ber- nard street. and other recent guests were Mrs. J . Taggart of Los Angeles and Miss Betty Hughes of Minneapolis. are not overcome by many of the their cities and factories could be -------------" practices most commonly used destroyed in case of war--and to CBIBOPBACl'OB8 This is just another way of saying that although the na- tion needs millions of neW dwellings the task of translating a blueprint into the much-sung-about "blue room" is proving a hard one due to the scareity of building materials. And the man who needs a home for his family is not made happier when he sees commercial construction going ahead. It is not difficult to appreciate his point of view. Yet while there seems little justification for allotting materials for certain non-essential construction, the fact is that most commercial building is neither unjustified nor non-essntial. The gron th of many of our communities makes some commercial construction, as well as home building. impera- tive. The need in some instances for new stores or buildings is vital not merely as a matter of public convenience but it ne- cessary to permit businesses, on which home seekers de- pend for their jobs a nd income, to carry on their operations. Everything poosible must be done to speed home construc- tion but all other types of building caruiot be completely halted. The answer to the phole problem Lies in greater produc- tion of building materials. As labor difficulties and other ob- structions to increased output are ironed out the housing sit- uation will improve. Let's hope this will be soon. Divide the Dollar U you were to ask the proverbial man-on-the-street how much most indi.tstries keep in profits out of each gross income dollar he would be likely to estimate anywhere.from 25 per cent to 75 per cent. "Our hope," said Mrs. Loveland, "is tha t enough people will offer their homes so '''e can bring at least six men here every "'·eek end and 16 to 18 men on Wednes- days for the day. ~1ost people can accommoda te t\\'O guests over Sat- urday night which would mean that we would need three homes Miss J eanette Shook of Balboa Island is home irom Berkeley where ~he has been 'lltending summer session at the !\Chool ot nuNOing. She will go back to re- !'ume her studies Sept. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Murray L Rabbitt and famiJy and Mr. and l\.trs_ Neal Brown and family of Balboa at- tended the races at Del fl.far \Ved- nesday. TO REMARK ---. • e I RISE RON. olOHN PHILLIPS Congr £'ss adjourned ln a. blaze of glory! \Vhat's tha t you say? Well , al- right. it adjourned! • \Vhatever )'OU think .about the 19th Congress. it was part or an important period in the hi.story or this country, and it had an un- deniable influence on that period. It has been criticized for doing too much, and for doi ng too little. Ten years ago. as a less experienced legislator, 1 would have been much upset to have seen bills I was in· terested in, die on the Sena te calendar in the last ft>W moments of the session. Today. more experi- enced and perhaps more tolerant, I take comfort in the fact that ex- tremely important bills did pass and say, \\"\th Speaker Rayburn, "Always just a head is another ses- sion of Congress." The duty of a legislative body ls not only to approve: it is also to disapprove. The value of a Con- gress is often ih "·ha t it preven ts. as much as in what it passes. After reading some of the com· mcnts on the Congress, in recent months and )'ears, you would be pleased to know how much it real- ly did do, in connection with the "'ar. and in the subsequent period of slowing up the speed of a tre- mendous war machine and con- verting it to peaoetime industry, end how much damage it prevent- ed, by a judicious use of lt.s pro- cedural pawen, and the nation·s system or checks and balances. against them. Sometimes these hetp "persuade" those countries to ..-------------, practices are boomerangs that be nice to Moscow ? strike the unwary thrower who SEA P RIZE SURPRISE thinks they have gone to the mark. It ls not hard to Understand Argument, instruction , prohibition why there was !O much surprise command-these familiar weapons and such a wild scramble to get In our arsenal of righteousness are there first when it was discovered not effective. While we are argu-that the freighter American Farm- ing against an idea. it may slip e r , was still afloat after being unnoticed into our subconscious abandoned by her crew following and intrench itself there. Com-a heavy collision at sea. It isn't mands and prohibitions may bear o~t that a S4 'it million prize is so much of the nature of the for-lef dr1 ing in the sea lanes. Nor bidden action that their chief in-is It · icult to understand why fluence is to impress the undesir-t British seamen wbo first ed result upon our mind. boarded her \\'er e so darn mad The prime force for repelling '''hen they were forced off by an those marauders of the soul, these American crew from the sister false ideas suggested by the en-ship of the American Farmer. vironment, is a wholesome out-Every member or the British crew Waper Druglw Imtftate !k.-o.w- Ollropractic, Dietetics, Physlo cl: Colonic Therapy 18ZO eo.H Rift., - .__ ._%OIS DAY llOBOOL Mortimer School llOZ Ooral Balboa IalADd o"roclM: OoDep, ~..,. SUMMEB SCHOOL 0 . A-Morttmer, M. A-. Osford Prlnclpal fbone Harbor W DENTI!ITS pouring from our mind and heart \\'as entitled to share in the prize, of positive, wholesome. construe-a('C()rdi ng to international la\v. t ive thoughts and emotions. I-lere And when $4 16 million is divided i r-----------~ too the best defense is a strong -half to the captain and shipo"-'11· offense. This is the reason why ers and half to the crew-there's Jove casts out fear and faith con-a substantial chunk of cash for quers all that opposes it. Herein everyone. We can be pretty sure lies the secret of the undying ef-tha t the British seamen and their fectiveness of the strategy of liv-company are going to demand sat- ing outlined by J esus. It is a isfaction either in or out of court. positive program of confidence, LOOKING WESTWARD Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST 2%0%Y, W. Ceatnl. Barbor 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH hope, sympathy and good will. America looks westward today These are the soldiers of the soul, to\vard the lands touched by the ...------------~ and when on the march they beat great Pacific Ocean. Amertca's DB. GORDON E. RAPP do\.\'n the enemy before he reaches economic future. particularly the DENTIST the vital strongholds or our indi-future of California, is closely re- viduality or fortune. lated to these lands. The degree of USS WMt Cf!llltral Harry James, Band Appears in Balboa Hall Next Thursday prosperity t hey-enjoy in the years Phone Barbor d l -3 ahead will have an impor tant bearing on our own welfare. The Newport recent announcement by Bank of!'--------------' America that it plans to establish branch offices in Shanghai and INSURANCE Manila is one of the indications:Jr------------~1 1 Lincoln National Ufe Insurance C<>. Laureaee B. Dorcy, M. D. Physician cl: SUrgeon S%1 Marine Ave., --~-·- Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: lC>-12 a .m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. DJ PllyoldaD &Dd 8- Hours: 2-5, ~y Appointment Talephone Beacon 5848 U l Broad~ Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1101 0.-t ~ Ooraa del Illar Office Houn: 1()-12; 2-5 Pboae llarbor l OC S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A.TIO-, Balboa Barbor UM "3 S. Bill St.. Loo ~ TUaker 1'8U By Appointment This impression. although completely erroneous, is one which industry itself has done little to effectively correct. and which Government officials and econ omists have done much to perpetuate. You will remember tha t shortly after V-J Day the Ad- ministration began to expound the theory that industry could pay higher wages, while keeping prices at the then existing levels and still avoid a red ink bath. He continued. "I t is going to be said that ma ny things have been left undone •e1a t should have beE-n done. In a Ce\'' instances, this is t rue. But m a ny times it is bet ter to leave undone some things than to rush and do thl'm in too great a hurry. Sometimes it does not hurt for some proposal to ripen a litUe." Never forget, in the words of Congressman John Gibson, as he retired this year, ''There is an ele- men t \\'Orldng under cover in this country whOSt' e\'er y aim is to de- stroy the confidence or the Amer- ican people in its Congress. It Is pitiful to knov.• tha t in too many instances the press a nd radio commentators have been either "'illing or Un\\'illing part nl'T'S in this conspira cy. The purpose is not to hurt any individual. but to de - stroy the confidence of the people in its legislative body. If this can ever be accomplished, then. of course, our democracy crumbles like sno\v before a blistering sun." I-tarry James and his Music that businessmen or California are !\.·fa kers are coming to town. After keenly a"'•are of the close economic a \'ery successful tour of the east, relationship existing bet"''een the J ames and his ramous musical ag-F ar East and the Pacific Coast. G Id R M D gregation "'ill appear at the These banking offices will greatly DON n:Rl\'lGAN era ausa, • • "Ii. Na.me I.od.lca'81 It• Cb.vacter" This encouraged labor to push for higher wages. But when the Govetnment helped negotiate new wage con tracts for the steel, coal and meat industries. it found no way of paying the increases granted to workers except through higher prices. The fact is that our major industries pay out in wages alone anywhere from 87 per cent to 97 per cent of every gross income dollar, according~ to the U. S. Conunerce De- partment. The remainder must cover taxes, depreciation, materials and supplies and various other operating costs. In some years the bituminous cool industry actually pays out more in "'-ages than it takes in from sales. This means oper- ating at a heavy Joss. of course. The essence of democratic gov- <'rnmcnt is in that simple state- ment. The boys and girls who "''ant the "millenium in a biennium." as w e used to say in Sacramento, are impatient with the legislative processes of a , Republic. They are so sure of themselves ; so sure their theories are better than the slower but historically safer methods on "'hich this country has gt'O\\'n, that they duh off to fol· low any green (or pink!) move- ment which seems to promise quicker action. Next week, when the day com~ for me to write the copy for this weekly column. now in its 14th year, I shall be rolling through the wideopen spaces. some"'hcres be- tween Washing ton and Banning. We will drive out in the car of an- other CaliJOrnia Congressman. who "'ants the car there tor the cam- paign. Before I get a way, on the 12th I hope. I will try to set down some of the things the 19th Con· gress did, and did not do. The presentaticn of these facts is not intended to imply that American industry as a whole is on the verge of bank- ruptcy. Most enteivrises make money. They have to or there wouldn't be any business-or any jobs. But it is · time the public realized that industry's share of the income dollar is small indeed. that labor. is receiving the lion's share of that dollar and that higher wages can only be paid out of higher prices. Sweetness Sticks to the Spoon By lAN MACK In "Good Business" Wbeft I wu a miall boy I med to make li 01J' moet personal ap- pobttment-llke all other small boy .. I lmaglne-to be ln or near the kitchen when cake batter wu belnl' beaten ln a big mfxlnc bowl. be- came I knew that afte.r all the cake tlll9 bad beell: .pooDfllll full It woy.ld be my lnalieGable rtpt to Itek the apoou? Sherman Rogers. noted economist, put it this way: "Evet")' sane person \\'ants labor to get every cent it is entitled to ... (since) ... the more money la bor has to speod the more goods it will. buy ... but one fact is as sound today as it was a century ago-you caruiot take more apples out -of a barrel than were in the barrel to begin with.'' The big mixing ~ a'a~ by ra.r the most important lmpkmflnt In tbe kitchen., to my bo11M. mind, and the •"-eel batter that cJunc to It wu lbe mos:t lmport&at put of cakPrmaklni. I would enjoy ID)" por- tloa of cUc:e, or COUl"'M. &lter It had been baked and len'ecl, but that time seemed to Ue tar In the future, .. a small boy meuu.res ttme.. The l!pOOD waa mine to Uck rlcht a•·ay: and 50meway tbe batte r &tlc:k- lnl' to It aJwa~ luted mucb sweeter than tbe cooked cake. Rendezvous Ballroom in Balboa, facilitate the financin'g of trade P hone Barbor 2M·B 2830 West Central Ave. on Thursday night , August 22, and bet·'''ce~ the Orie~t an~ our_selv~s. 308 Marine Al--e.. Balboa h i. NEV/PORT llEACH again on the following Thursday This "'111 be the first time 1n h1S· J '--------------' Pbope Barbor iota njght, August 29. tory that a Pacific Coast bank · No an.wer: call Beaeoa &Ofl-& Ginnie P o\\•ell, Buddy DiVito, has establish.ed br anches in the r-------------, X-Ray Service Corky Corcoran. Juan Tizol Willie Far East-<>vtdence that the West OCCIDENTAL ~-----------' Smith. Arnold Ross, Jimmy.Camp-I h as attained a high degree or fi-LIFE INSURANCE CO. bell and Lou Fromm are the fea-nancial maturity. If the living tured soloists in the band which standards of China's multi-millions Ray Nielsen la.st year won mor,i? popularity l and of other oriental peoples are ~ ... ~ PeDde. polls than any other band. raised even slightly a greatly in-no .. Barb# ......, James, rated by most musical creased demand for American 110 E. ~ .a.-. a.lbe9 authorities as the top band leader goods wi~l f~llow. When t~is ~-11-----------....:..:~ of the day will feature the many curs, as it will eventually, 1t wtll • songs thai. he had popularized me~n more jobs, more pay ch~ks llOBTICIANS through his Colwnbia recordings. and more prosperity for American ;------------~I The Music Makers. who have in workers. Harold K. Graue) their ranks many of the country's Chapel top musicians, are now oomposed Mrs. Cr)'Stal Davis and son of o! eight strings, four trombones, Porterville, who have been guests '"Re Ourselves the Better Senre four trumpets, four rhythm instru-for some time at the home of Mrs. by Servin&' Others Best" ments and five reeds. Nellie McAdams. 23rd street, ....._ BMNNI 5110 Costa Mesa, returned. home Tues-Oosta ._ CallfoNla Automobile manufacturers have been shipping scarce parts by alr in recent months in order to keep production lines rolling. day. Accompanying them were OPTOMETBl8T8 Mn. Ruth Marlatt, daughter of Mrs. McAdams, and her two som, who will stay three weeks. r·r-------------. 24-Hour Radio Service HOME, AUTO, MAJIDl1I: &ADI08 8EPAIREJ> BurtR.Norton Robert A. Crawford oPt., D. OPrOMETB18T T. P . REEDER, M. D. and WM. S. IRETON, M. D. Pby.acl&ns and Surpona MOii w. Cealnl Telephone Barbor let! Nlghtit-1694-W PUBLIC STENOO&U'llEB M. D. Keeslirig 8UBVEllOB8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raub & Bennett Sm veyon and. EnaDMn 111811 N-porillhd.. Coota- Telepbone Beaooa AOl-W Ht1W.Cmlnl Newport- Tel•-..W Barbor W Wby Not Invite R1m to Stay For Breakfut! Atomic Power Now what brou&'ht t.hb momeatary memory from boyhood back lnto my mind thl~ altemoon WM an attempt to ~ out tor t'lq"9ell jmt -.Ow and why It Is that tlfbt.ne\"r I lnl-•okd dJvtM help for a friend ln W. aeed I m,Y'lelf aJwaya. a.eem to share ln the l"etRlltlnc beaeflt. 115 eo..t BIW&J' Bee )Qill 1'711 Eyes Enmlned • G!uaes F1tted 1791 N-rt Boalenrd ..._ ..._ •u Cf#lr.A JDr&t "What is the tactful way for a girl's father to Jet her boy friend know that it is time to leave!" ''He may casually pass throUgh the r oom with a box of breakfast food." -Wampus. n.e recent admission by a navy spokesman that atomic power might be used within the next three or four year.; to operate battleships is quite startling even in these days when scientific advancemenls have made u,s virtually startle-proof. Just before the start of World War II t.IJere were occa,s. ional magazine articles about the possibility of such a devel- opment. &it then it was nothing more than a wild dream that seemed likely to remain in that realm than ever to come to re&l.ity. I know that. I have nothln.« to do wttll makina' t.h6 ma&eri&I• that ro NewpWt Bwd\, QalH. b:ato the "calc.e~· Intended tor IDl' trlmda; that I am DOt a& all a cood jL __ _::::=::::::...:=:::::~::_ ____ _::. ___ __:_:__ cook: that I don't make the cake. All I ara I~ the haDd tt.at taokls tbe ~ .poo. that mb:et the batter and dlpe tt oat Into the proper receptaelea. Bu.t the potnt that 9fflD5 to be sUcldnc to nay mlad at &Ida lllOIDeal 18 .... am: IDevttaM:,J aome of tllie 5W'eet... •Ucka to tare 9PQOO! ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen You tbl ll'llw& PIMe to DIM i. f"sp Ooaaty: All New---' Even the Loeation . -~ . But it's a drerun no looger. n.e day when a few drops of fuel will drive a hugh ship thousands of miles is eoming as .,.:.,iy as tomorrow is. And if this fuel can be used for ships ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~§;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of war, some day it will be used for ships of peece aod for r ' .•• Que.Half -Eut d Old Location Cll1 Cba.t Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar various other useful peecetime purposes. 'The world today stands in aVl>e of the terrific power of atomic energy, but if this power can be turned to comtructive uses mankind will have found its greatest frieod, instead ol its gree.test foe, In the atom. I A man of intellect without honor added to it is a fa.Dure. ---I-- When work goes out of style, we may expect to see civill- zatlm fall. C.mplete Fountain 8enice at HANSEN'S ZlOO 0-.. l'IGet Newpwt llALTS • NOW OPEN EVllNING8 SANDWIOllE8 • BAlfBIJJtGEM Jee Or I m to Tab 0zt I We Leed Southern Callfomla In tbe Suvhc d -SEAFOODS-•xs> YOOll ldsd fll ftl!AU -VJSit O\Jll KtiUiiiiN -' • I Saim's Sea Food Spa and Filla Muket --aw .. <lfelir-• 1 • t) Moral Jndignation: with a halo. jea!OUlly Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Emope, Mexko, Hawaii Round-~WOl'ld Trips In the near future. See Jin. 8oJ K<rs 1 l'tl. liadMw 191. 301 l'Ua, JtslbM -: ........... ... Sii MORTH.JtlAlN IT. , • ! BEACH THEFT Catherine \Velis of Glendate told police that a v..•allet containing $20, a straw beach bag and some jewel- ry was ta.ken from her automobile while she was at Corona del Mar beach. Sunday. Sell that unwanted through News-Tunes ads. article JUST WHAT IT SAYS HERE Red Cross Worker Returns From China . • M&Wi'OKT ••uao.& :PfSWllo-TIM••, •w; d • 011lnge County's Latest Oil Boom Continues in Costa Mesa • ' f , Miss Jean U'Ren, daughter of 2 Islanders Enter Pomona HAPPY zyENTS In Harbor Area \Vhat a ppears to be the crea-7, about four miles east of Hunt- Mr. a nd Mrs. J~ U'Ren, \\'est tion of' one of the lar&est oil cit--ington Beach. the Lyddon \\'t:!U, Ocean F ront, has returned from velopments in Orange count)' for \\1hich is estimated to be operating Olina where she has served for many years is taking place in the from a depth of 5500 to 5550 feet Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rupp, 622 the past year with the American Costa Mesa area where several by "horseback :eol~' ~uc--Cl..AREMONT, Calil. _ Two Club~ alenu;'o ~ sf'f"~~ Red Cross. wells are operating and pumping lngThabouS t 500 Oillll'TCol . a -· _,_,.. young men from Balboa ls:land ~~tal· H ug.1 hedm . · ose c1s' Before going overseas Miss hundreds of barrels a day. The oil e unset · 15 pe .... ,.. have been accepted for admission iJUapl • e we g six poun ' U'Re-n was domestic science teach-boom is centered around the area a former dry hole in the northwest u new students at Pomona col-nine and a half ounces. er in the Covina J'!igh school. She west of the Mesa community to part of section 17, near the Lyddon Jege for the faJJ term, J . Edward A daughter Was 'bom Aug. 8 in ls a graduate of Pomona high the Santa Ana river. well This red.rilling .of the Sunset Sanders, director or admissions, Santa Ana Community hospitaJ to school and State Teachers college The D. D. Dunlap Co. has two well is e~ted to hit oil soon, the said here today. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mcllvaney, at Santa Barbara. wells in Section 18 of Township company disclosed today._ More ~ 90 per cent of the 2818 East Centrll avenue. She 6.10, east of the Atha area. Thest;. Just west or the Banning lease 327 new men students entering °"''eighed seven paupds, eight and wells, which are s&id to be drilled across the Santa Ana river, on the Pomona next September are \"et-a half ounces. to a bout 2600 feet, are pumping Delaney Route properties. eight erans of World War n, Sanders Mr. and Mrs. John Keeler. 515 an estimated 50 barrels per day wells ha \·e been drilled to &n aver-said. Among the 238 new upper Acacia avenue, Corona del Mar, trom one well and EkX> barrels from age depth of 2100 feet, including classmen, all but three are vet-welcomed a daughter, bern Aug. 4 the other. 50 feet of "B"' zone. The estimated · s J ph h I I Sh I heel erans, while all but 27 of the 89 in t-ose osp 1::1-. e we g '!"he Macoil Construction Co. production Of these wells is 300 freshmen are ex-servicemen. In-six pounds, one and a half ounces. I • ,,_ RAPALMER UDO ISll! ~IES • w. Q B(J(X-I..surai... Coun.clar ~ 1soo '7L.-..t-&.,l 3333 Vli LIDO cill""'~ Sea Trout and Halibat Are Biti11g •.• off the Newport and Balboa Piers Plenty of Uve Blllt An•Ne r....;..._.. Hiner atElldof Pion • • • • -5 ... now has 50 wells operating on the barrels per day. eluded in the list as new students It was a son for Mr. and ~In. Banning lease, producing from are 157 former Pomona college Howard Thompson,, 303 .East Bay ::;;;;;;;;,;;:~,;;;;;;w~~r;;W~;;;;;;;;wr;;~r;;;~p;;;r;;~r;;;;;;;~ I "8" zone, at a.n estimated depth of Three Generations men who are returning from the avenue, Balboa, born Aug. 8 in r 2050 feet shallowing out to 1450 F • Pl ·-ed f J After 7 Months Waiting ••• a Telephone!! Beacon 5183 • Battery Service for: • Your Car • Your Boat • Your Mechanical Equipment Ir you oan't come ln, step to t.he nearest telephone and call:- Beacon 518 3 -·- . l_JALLMARK ,, CARDS For Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries and Etc. STOREY'S Battery Service Vases >: F1guriDes Lampo :: Coetnme .Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop U02 Oaean J!'root • Westmi.Dster St., (between 18th iC: Magnolia) COSTA MESA • We Wrap Gifts WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (98 -60 -90 Days) Ma.rbro's inYite YO\l to come in and open • ~ account. Our stecks a.re complete with the latest styles ot Ladies' Fine Apparel. Nationally Advertised READY-TO-WEAR ffiR'RBROS c/ania an.a- 118 1WEST 4TB ST. PHONE 1402 Store Hours: Dally lnclodlng Saturday 9:SO A. M. to 5:SO P. M. 114 W. 4tll St. PIL 6611 PASADENA LONG BEACH • If-........ .,.. ·~ ....... .&w. ....... ..., • In One anuly ay -... orces to compete their St. Joseph hospit&l and weighing feet. educations. seven pounds, 15 ounces. The wells have averaged about On Tennis Courts This influx of new students Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forte, 249 175 feet of oil sand and 125 feet h means t e stude nt body next fall Magnolia street. Costa Mesa, are effective oil sand. The yield is es-wi·11 be 40 Something unusual in the way · per cent greater, Sand· announcing the arrival of their timated. at 400 to 450 barrels ,a · ted Th of te nnis matches may be seen ers Poln out. e expansion second daughter, born August 9 at day. nearly every week-end on the from a pre-war average of al() Santa Ana Community hospital. West of Lamb St. and south of t d ts courts of Harbor lsland where s u en to more than 1100 stu-She weighed six . pounds, fifteen Atlantic Ave., in what is known d t th' residents and high school tennis-en s is year represents one of ounces and has beef' named Bever· I a s the Atha area, the Atha Oil th ters enjoy the game. e greatest prop::trtionate in-ly Ann. Waiting at home to greet Co. has thr.ee oil and one gas well. -e··~ f · · · The thing tha t makes certain ~ ..-:-" o any mstitut1on on the her new sister on Saturday is little E stimated production of these matches unusual is that players west coast, Sanders added. Barbara Lee, now nearly three. w ells is 800 barrels a day. The include three generatiop.s of one I Kenneth M. Smith, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coe, Route w ells are Willed to an a verage of a d M Albe o s family. Guy Huntington, who is I n rs. rt . mith, 911 1. Box 527. Costa ~1.esa. are par· 2600 feet. f 72, plays with his daughter, Mrs. North Bay Front, is entering ents of a son, born Aug. 14 at St. Opm1a.m.t.la. ... s ' In t~e southwest h q uarte~h 0 t I Florence Morris, and his gra nd· I Pomona college from Ba lboa Isl· J oseph hospital. He \\'eighed seven j~~~ Township 6.10, ~ear t e r:iou ~ daugh ter, ~ia ry Kay Morris, °"''ho and as a freshma n student. while paunds. seven ounces. _.;...;;::-1 • the Sa nta Ana river._ the Signal ~11 is 13. Air. Huntingt on is one of Hal Will Smith jr .. son of Mr. I ~1r .and Mrs. Alexander Steiner, '1-A ' Co. has o~.e ~veil which 1s p~ping the top pl ayers of the island and and Mrs. H. W. Smith, 108 Onyx 2425 Newport boulevard, Costa I -~ ~· -;> from the C zone at an esti_ma~ed scores above such players as avenue. Box 96. has returned Mesa "'e lcomed a new doughter Se .,,,,....... ' depth of 3800 feet, and yielding Re nato Monaco and o ther high f~om service to resume his educa-1Aug.14, h?m. at St. Joseph hospit· ~~eAPatioVE. as YouBALBOWouldAPreJS•~ it about 800 ba rrels a day. school a thle tes. t1o n at Pomona . al and \ve1ghing seve n pounds~~te~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,..,~~ Ano ther good we ll, but one for ' w hich no estimate of product ion Rttel''" ('ommlulon '''as ava ilablC', has been just com-Postmaste r Ha zel Gill this week pleted by the Barnchart-Morrow received her permanent commis· Co. east of the Signal well. The s ion as postmaster or Costa Mesa . ""·ell is said to be pumping from the .. 8 .. zone with the "A " zone Drtve Carefully-Spare a Life. sh ut off. Nor th of Banning Pl. in Section I :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, THIS WEEK ULTRA-VIOLET THERAPY LAMPS 511 State mp,..,. Let us tell you f1ankly, whether your radio can be repaired i""xpen- sively enough for it ·to oe worthwhile! Bearoa 5IOI N-ri- Newport· Electric Appliance Co. 2Sa4 Coast Bll'd. Phone !1S8 . ·.~... . ' -~ ' '• > . -' . ,_... . y • li'f 1.: I"'" '1 , .. 1 •• 41 '"ii... ':•~1· ·" ~~~ ·''..:,:.,~>ltJ,6f?,,.-~~ '~-f··~. . ,,..._,_ .. •• ,, t' ,. .... •I ··w...-• ....., .. GOOD HEARING FOR SALE I have some fiDe Hearing Aids that have i-o reconditioned and ,.,., fuD y guarant-i, at prices lo suit yo u. Some ,.,., nearly new and Include: ALL STANDARD MAKES TELEX. WESTERN ELECTRIC, MAJOO SONOTONE and OTARION Some Single Pac -latest model batteries for all makes at reduced pr1""8 AT LAST/ A ONE·UNIT t'\.:"~lllAllll• AID SO TINY YOU SCARCELY KNOW YOU'RE WEAR/NS /Tl 12 II& ADYAllTA&IS ..... _...,, .......... c...-.. ... e .. lt11M.$aa.ll "l •C .. IN ............ , ... ·-.• -[-·lMN!f .. l-........ sa. ........ ........ , ... strtl • • .. c.lwt-CWI a.: .. l I l ' .................. _ ....... _ .......... 1' ~ ........ IM.N• .. leell'e .......... ..... l ........................ ....,_ • -I I I I I I I : I I I ·t.---·---------------·-----.J BELTONE HEARING AIDS OEOllGE DE ro.o. OLUCO& OOIDl'IT Dlft. . -..._ Gtl -_... Aae -... 1 ftrW Jf·W .. .._ 91i1s, • I BACK-TO-SCffOOL I • > ' ., APPAREL OF ·TOP QUALITY Fa'I Sweaters for Girls l Boys' All-Wool Suits Our latest arrivals for the 3 ·to-6 boys are short-pants suits-all wool and quality-built. Ou.r sport suits for the same group are garments your youngster will wear with pride. See them early. • Shower Gifts Your friends ~ll appreciate a shower gift ..;th the Wheeler stamp of quality. Among the many suuatioaa we can moke are: (1) Baby pillows; (2) Satin erib.bouter seu; (3) Embroidery 1heet and pillow slip sea; '(4) Satin carrioge rob... And remember, all a.re Whee:ler-qualiry merchandise. Be Sure to Visit Our Kiddies' Paradise Located in die buemmt, we Juve the lug· -sood: of fine coyo in oil Southern Call· fomla. H.,. wind-up '°"' .,. in ocodi •plat outoe, _.., fire trw:b, enins, eec. Sped•' N--W• I.an j...c ttaiveti • iioul1 sblpm. ... t of the f...,ow LloncJ Eloc- trle T..m.. S.. theml ~••arr m,....... q....- •• ':vm•c...-.r 'F-rT.,_.-.a .. ·•'ta'' n11r•_..... ... .,, P\t. 'J:. .. • J, I We have just received a large ship- ment of fine sweaters in a variety of colors and styles all the latest. Then, • we have a large assortment of new dresses, blouses and all -wool suits. Sizes Z to 14. Qther jaclc:et and slc:irt suits-smart and practical-sizes 7 to 14, and checks. them. in assorted plain colors and Your young follc:s will love HEEL ~R • ., & Juftllle Sltop ~ Hu.,, ud Floriu Tqlcw, Sole Ow = • • ........ ~ -.... ! .. -.... a T5SJ .... •M 'Ai., -m TwD•• "-•llP s"' RI -, , I • • • ........ N....-'lbneo ..m.rtls<mmb ""'I Far ottioe yow-culde to ollldent ,_..... News-T!m8. Fresh Daily OeliclOU8 Sea roodl Or. complete eqmp@'Mli wben you want to catcb ,..... """- • suppllel, 1ee tbe HOR MEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH . . • . . !:Mf:=l':!!!l~R!!i= .. !·ii..!C>:i!!!!!Rt"!•=:l!!!'~=:::!!i~~lll!!.!!r.;!_!!!.,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,..,....,...,"'":...,.._"""'~"""'"""'~"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'.._ Ji&WKCI .... .,,~ 1'&WS·ti•e. awe 'A I 250 B C yard,_ flnt for ...W---. a bl& N N monts in the inactlve naval re-r-----------oats ompete ~:~~.::rb~;:.; avy ear . ::=flyr.a:=:r~:.i. ~.:: Carr's Feed store Hay and Grain In Lights Tournament ~~~:.~~~~~:; Peacetime ~~~(£~~~ ~ :n..::.::15 __ s. Darlington, Flying FW.; Walter E II t . d tlm -holding rei~ of !he glittering sea· Donnelly, Fi,y;ng Yankee, a nd Ted nro men Ulg, an at the same e main-1-• Newport Bll'd. horse reanng high on the mast, Russell. Tropical s~·ord!ish. taining its friendly relations with 008TA I0:8A Angeles newspaper mep in a motor while N ancy, the brunette sister, Ketch class. H. a Grandin's mu-· the public." boat yelled their engine was dead \\'as in the towboat ... ~ sical pirate ship; schooner class, 1-p=======================;;; and they wanted on. A harbor to the theme. original tdea and R. K. Har.·ey's Good Neighbors· Ready for any e\·entuality, the 11 (Cootinued trom Paa• 1) master's boat brought them over. exquisite execution." said the runabouts, E . L. Remelin gtrl 0~ United States Navy has practical- then got scht "For heaven's sake, judges. • surfboard; snowbird. G. B. Saw-ly reached its fuJJ peacetime go somewhere and get u.. some Grand prize went to Ernle Tai-telle Hawaiian scene. fint and strength today, according to Com-l1~::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I sandwiches. we're nearly starVed." lor's 55-foot ketch Corsair, with ~ron Thom's bubbling fish mander J.M. LaFollette, officer in It wasn't the local crowd. They the Girl Scout Marinen Around second: rowboat class, James Real-tllarge of the Navy recruiting sta- were all fed, except Isabell An-the King, a handsome entry; ton m. lighthouse. first, and Mary tion in· Los Angeles, who disclosed dttws. who hadn't had time to eat theme prize was a'""•arded H . R. Harvey, swan float. second; motor-that the entire recruiting: service Lumber and Building MateriaJs Bay District Lumber Co. .......... 1111 IU OOAST mGBW.&.I AT Tllll: A.11.oam • DRAF T:ING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates (lallle~-) Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA The Bathing Is Great in BALBOA BAY front of the FUN ZONE Palm Ave. 307 Every Wednesday RIDES-- ARCADE- BATHING- Kiddie Day 12 Noon to 6 p. m. .. ·Rides 6c Concessions 5c BOATING-I~ AMUSEMENTS- F.ats! Soadml Malts! '------------' PIRATE DAYS Sept. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Stewart -Warner ' ' Dis Panel Available . Chrome Now • 1n Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE ~ l t ! I 1000 S.-t Biway PbOM &Moll! 5401 AJ.o bt &&a Fruc._.l\~ 8t;eektom Sea Dlet'O Olhb-d EI.ECTRICIANS 0-0-Two Fire Eqali-mt to< l'JIOl'OK'I'; PL.UiT, 8TOllE, OFP'ICll, PAUi. llOJO and who shared sandwiches Johnson's Underseas Garden. a boat class. Jot\n Hitch.man's polar has been placed on a rigid quota 1 ~-----------------------­brought by the Register's Pete novel and original underwat47 bear, and civic cld:s, Lido Isle basis. Cooey with "Sky'' Dunlap of the scene ; the coveted Commodore I Community association's sea horse Orders designating the number Globe. Mrs. Andrews was guar-C\.IP went to Bob and Alan An-and shelJ. Lt of men that may be enlisted in dlan angel for the press and guld-~ws, who we.re usisted by their and shell · sportfishing class, D. w . Southern California were r~ived _ ed them to all the photogenic slSter Cathanne and by Bob K ' d N Hagen first· C4pt. from the bureau of personnel, floats, even tracking down the Greene in converting the 36-foot ~ng~ h · second Th~ com-Navy department, Washington. Simmer to where it was idling in sloop Andale into Moby Dick. the . e an. . · D c. In accordance with the ln· an inconspicuous location while big white whale wtth huge red ~~'we!:~:~~ h~ 1::,:; sU.uctions, Commander LaFollette the governor and his party enjby-mouth, a t~ that Wlggled and t ~e!' winners Nancy and Peggy said, and because of the greatly ed the parade, and for whom the jets of &J;><>Uting water. ~ird while th~ Balboa Perpetual curt&:iled enlistment quo~a. a wait- last flash bulbs had been saved. The King ~ Ha~n. sports-Challenge trophy went to the ing llSt of applicants Will be ere-· Numerous shots were taken of fishing OOat Wlth pretty girls pull· . . . ated. . E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CON'TBA.CTO& CEMENT WORK Flat Work or FoondaUom the splendid Oeopatra's Barge, ing in a big tuna w as impressive; grand prize wi.nner, ~rnie .Taylor. The recruiting officer pointed entered by the National Orange the Pirate ShJp achieved fame by . SJX".'dal awards: Lo~, Dick and out, howe\'er, that reenlistments CALL l5 z Z -ii FOB INFORMATION show, and of Huntington Beach's dro'-"'tting out the Eltiste callope Jun Kemp, ghost ship; National and electronic technician's school L-------------------------' Black Gold entry. One small salt-with their pirate songs; the P olar Orange show. Anthony and Cleo-candidates are not limited, enlist- boat, deliCa tely beautiful in design, Bear was impressive and .t\is ice-patra fl oat; J?· ~· King and N . ments being authorized in -excess I ...---------,---------------~ slipped quietly past the press boat berg looked cold, if small; Busl· H agan, sportf1sh1ng boat carr~g of quota. In a<filition. he pointed with no notice taken of her, and ncss and Professional Women's monster tuna and pretty girls; out there is no quota for enlist- waited modestly to the side until club emblem was handsomely de-Newport Harbor Business and Pro--__ · ----------- time to take her place in the signed. wtth tts golden Victor;>' fessional Wome?'s club._ living em- parade. of Samothrace; Wayne Harper s blem ; D. J. Gribbon, lighted cru· Monday morning at 1 o'clock Girl Pira tes rode on a cruiser iser ; F . T . Karnes jr., lighted DEAL'S decorated "'ith fresh seaweed; cruiser; Cha rles T . Field and C. press representatives routed the N t designers. N ancy .and Peggy Baird, In the classes, first for auxiliary G. Tw1s t. ~a serpent; eWIM:>r out ot bed and had them pose sailboats went to S. M . Jarvis of Harbor Gir l Scouts. campflre ~'ith thl' boat for pictures. It Glendale, whose k etch, Bluejacket, scr'ne: Famous , was the $('a Nymph and Slei~h. had lighted lines of signal flags Ba lboa Island Businessmen's SWC"<'pstakt•s "·inner. Gulls fl u t· from the fore and back stays, with Assn .. fishing SCPnl': \VayTie Har- terro from thC' 1op of her mast, a big U. S. flag hung between, per . girl pirates: Ball>0a Isla.nd Peggy, the blonde one. having and thr ee beautiful glr ls singi ng Yacht club, Noah's Ark; ~lar dra\vn the \\'inning strav.". rode in 1"qually beautiful music. Capt. S . Casa and P asadena Presbyterian 1he sleigh as the lovely nym ph J . Barde n of Wing-Sang ·Boat church girls' club. "Siar of ?-.1ar 1 ~=;;=========;:;===========~ C asa''; Hugh B. Springer. Rotary /.. club \\'heel: John Criffilh. P opcy<' -- Smoked Fish Always Fresh 110 McFadden Pl. ?\lain Store: 101 Wgh~·ay l"At Jlosd to Balboa bland" the new ''ALL-AROUND'' Shoe THOMASETTl'S "'!"hey Get A round " • WE HA VE ALL SIZES IN THESE PERFECT "ALL-DAY" SHOFS IN FABRIC AND LEATIIER. <:pLORS. • See Them at Sl5 !\lartne BaJboa Island NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 9 :30 A. M. TO 11 P. M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, RJcbardson's, Evans', Villa Marina. Shields'. Balboa Yacht Basin. Beacon Bay, Harbor I.sland and South Bay: Hail from any dock or noet. BALBOA ISLAND · FERRY C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys I ;t ;t ;t Installed ancj Repaired. Painted and Lettered. ;t ;t ;t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service CONTRACTORS' . RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cembnt Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Barbor 502 or Beacon ~ W 17&11 ud s-ta Aa Aft. -<lo9ta II.a the Sailor; Talcott Bates. 01cr· maids: Robe-ti S. Loni:; 11 , King !'°l'plunc; Patty and Tommy J-lof· I mann, \\'hale; Roher1 \Vi\son. sea- shell a nd King Neptune: Barden 1 CrN'.'nlC::i.f. frog float : P . R. N~\v­ burn. dC"COrAIC'<i pontoon; Ne\\'POrt l-larbor Falcon association. F alcon fl('('t; Grorgr D. Clemison, "The \Vorld l s Our Oyster": Sonny and Buddy Coane. Cub Scouts ; J. B. Slcmons jr .. fi~h ting S'''Ordfish : Ho\vard Hall. superman on flyi ng boat; A. B. Ha\Yk, "Three ltty 1 F ishes," which wer e three peda- los : S. Fainbarg, nursery rh)m e float, and Harriett Llewellyn, swan fl oat. A"'ards for home decora tions went t o Charles Schonlaw or I Beacon Bay, Edgar H ill of Lido ~~~~~~~~~~~~ lsle, Paul Howard of Newport i, Beach, \Vilbur R. Smith of Balboa Island and the 1-"'ar"•ell homes of Balboa Peninsula. Bigoted Lil-How do you like your new boss, l\1ayroe? Ma)me-Oh . he's not so bad, only he's kinda bigoted. Lil-\Vadda ya mean bigot ed? f\1ayme-He thinks a "'ord can be' SJX'lled only one way. Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' FO()t -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a ·money back guarantee. At your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. lll w. 9th 8t. Loo A.npl.. 15 Expert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5004-W Ope11 !....,.. hom 9 .. m. to I t aoo• Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC %S48 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA MEN-WOMEN Prostate -• -Pelvis De ,... .. " Mebd.et ....,,.. ... ...., sroa. • Md ., ....,, An ,... ~ ,.__,., lrrttM19 ... ~' o.-tac ......... ,..... &lmef' ~....,. .... '41 ... 911 aldl.•f I IT'S YOUR GLANDS GORDON B~ FINDLAY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER omoe: S410 c.out Bl\'d.. Phone Barbor '1 t CABINET SHOP SERVICE OA.BINE'lS AND MUJ.WORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. t, ~ 1. ' . HOLLISTER .. -' . . ~c:·. ~ . --'· . L -... -.. . Brotl•rs LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING [l') ... l >f .\< ',.,,(, Orchard and omamenlal shrub pest oontrol Fertili7.ers Yant and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions ... abeai CARR'S FEED STORE lll%'l' NEWl'OKT BLVD, I 008'.l'A 1118A P. 0 . Jin 587 -na.t. Bw SU6. Brak en Lenses Duplicated • Eumlned E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. 3114 \Vest Central @Balboa rket • &tore Than SO \'ean of Senioe to the Barbor'• SOI M..-\IN Flnest Cllentele BALBOA, CALIF. ATTENTION BOAT Owners;TRAILER Owners GET THOSE BOAT COVERS, SAIL COVERS, AND TRAILER COVERS NOW. • • • Quality Canvas -Quality Workmanship • • Lockstlreh Seams Throughout • COSTA MESA CANVAS & AWNING CO. 1021 S. E. Rochester St., Costa Mesa Bo!< 101--Phone Beacon 5023--Across from Fire Station • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our lntereoitlog Sample a.od Dlsp!v Rooms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpelll and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works l &H South Mola 8t. 8.A.NTA. A.NA. ·11111·1.t ·l.trl·MOlll111'- IUJ n.tllO.tltO Clayton Thomp&OD 111 sl1 ssle DLk .. *Ssa Yoa11 ban balthy, ....im-.. Ding li•-4 wbm yau ... diil genwdctb..,a. Sandanl Sbcq> Dip is uf•' oad • -"""""' -pausilm. Mix widl -and lreot,.,. ....... (ncept caa) ud f"!"la1 widl a quidl: spray, ••II>; or clip la IL And the .,_ ba .. ; .. .,.. ....., .. .,_ ~ is ........ cleaning of batils. lhcds pl!4l peu widl ST A/'IDAllD SUPD: GERMITI. Cosis. only 2 <W ·J ..., .. a plloa when mind la pmpa proponiolll widl - • ' . . BRING YOUR RADIO TO US 0.. ~ -We'll Bepelr It Ul4 Yoo Caa Ba"' It tile N ert hctewy ~ Work Gw-. Fodo17 ~ ~ Radio SOS Electric WIILIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Residential and Commercial Building ~= ------w Po,,c.oad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUM ......, or... -ow ... srll -...,...... - • 1 *• -rr.. • 0 o 814 Cout Highway Phone lle9con li881-I Bob Jayred's • RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Cars Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497·M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa Balboa Inn Bldg., Cor. Main & Ocean Front HOURS: 9 .>\.. M. to 10 P. !\I. DAILl ' MELLOW FELLOW Says: "WEAR GANGWAY SHOES FOR BOATING AND LEISURE" PIRATE DAYS September 5, 6, 7 and 8 • • • ~!:R~lli·~t ~Red Chow Dog Leads four Island Dealer Pleads Not Guilty; Posts Bail For Meat Code Trial • GUY lllADIBON Stan. ID l'la7 Guy Madison heads the list of guest stars appearing fh "Dear Ruth'' for a one-week run opening August 20th at the Laguna Play- house. The stellar cut includes both stage and screen favorites, Barbara Brown, from the New York success, "Personal Appear- ance," Barbara Whiting !rom the 20th Ce ntury Fox Production of "Junior ?.1iss" and Natalie Thomp- son of the New York stage as well as Frt'd Clark, \Villiam Erwin. Mort ]\1arshall, Lee Rjddell and \rera Ne\vcomb. The play wiJJ be staged by Me l Ferrer, Ne\\' York director and actor. Tiilil hilariously funny com- edy is expect€d to be one. pf the top shows of the season. Policemen a Merry Chase C. R. I<le, 307 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, was released Satur- day afternoon on $250 bail follow- By JOlLV DONBOFF thtte offlcen. Ray Jol:WJon, Rex lng the serving by the Newport The life of the much·m3.ligned Albright and Bob Hoffman. police department of a warrant fOl' dogcatcher (to use an oJd faah· '-'!be chow slipped back to shore violation of the county health and toned but famlliar term), ls, at and wenJ up W. Bay Ave. to a sanitation oode. Ide, who pleded best an unpJeasant one but when private yard, out on the pier and not guilty, was ordered to appear the 'ea.rune Public E~y No. 1 ~ped !-"to the water. ~ city court Wednesday morn- of Newport Beach decides to Con-I ha.iled a passing boat. and mg a~ 9 a .m. duct a one-dog crime wave that Jollowed him aCl'Cl8I the channel. Police repor ted the warrant requires four police department Albright and Johnson kept him off charged ~ion. of spoiled meat, members to quell, the life becomes shore and I finally roped him and an accusation which Mr. Ide de- hectic. towed him to a pier on the Udo nied when arraigned in cit>: court. Isle side. I puf him in the truck and impounded hJm." CUsumano also commented that "so far u I know, he h&s no pre'\ious criminal record" Sand Crab Movtedom's Uttle Caesar could not have led the law a better chase than did a red chow dog last :Sat- urday when Vince Cuswnano. Newport's lion tamer .. ~ re- triever and animal pacifier. at· tempted to capture the animal after receiving many complaint.s about the wandering canine. <Continued from Pace. 1) And what a chase it turned out to be." this and that, from $25 up In addition to running all over to thousands and 99 per Newport Beach, with CUsumano cen t of the p leas aren't and his Black Mariah and three worth a tinker's dam. Talk motorcycle officers in hot pursuit, to your frien ds, bQys, or the chow even s~am 'the chan~el your banker , or some reput - between the mainland and Li~o abJe business man before Isle In an attempt to shake his u tak 0' f these pers!.tent pursuers. yo .e on any . In the official report filed a t fly-by-rughts, and you will the polJce department after the be money ahead. Since some apprehension of the alleged crtm-outfits have learned I 'm free, inal, CUsumano outlined the case they get the notion it might history and recountro the peace be easy to get me to invest officers' part in the arrest: in some of their pet schemes. ''I have received quite a few \vhich makes one wonder if complaints t~at a ma ngy .chow tha t is the \vay they per· dog '''3S running loosr around 15th d h · d St. a nd the beach. but I had never I sua e t e wtdows to spen been ahle to find him over there. the money a h~band h~ "Today. coming do<A'Tl Coast I left he r after a life of \\1ork. Blvd. at 30th St .. I spotted him. 41h.~ ""· 117 CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS I started chasing him down, but I A poll cond ucted by a national he crossed over to 2-lth St. to automobile association indicates Scotch t apt". various sizes, onl Central Ave. and out on the vacation travel '''ill ex~ five sale at the Nf'\VS·Times . .. .... ,u 1 -----------Texaco pier. then back to Central billion dollars a year in t he im· to 17th St., across 11th to Ocean medi ate JX>St,var year. Eighty·fi,·c Front, up to 15th to the pier and per Cf'nt or the vacationf'rs i11di· s~ SpMJ SluJp out on the pier. cated a preference for automobile ''At this time I ~ad the help or I trave_I. TRAILER CANOPY Buy Now! CLEARANCE SALE Standard Sizes lncludhtg Save $$$! Poles -Lines -Springs -Stakes 20'1 M&rtne A ve. Balboa bland t"hooe Bar bor lJ78 GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sance • Fancy Cri>b Meat • Salad D.-lngs • • • Perhape your hoa8e ia amoq thoee which lhow the UDavoidable -lect of war J911iL If ao, you can araM eome of the aigna of tl\at -lect by repairing or modemiziq DOW with the aid of an FHA-:tv1r'n loan arranpd at Bank of America. n.e new elllel'Kl'DCY bouaiDg regulationa allow non- ·'VWliaraDa a $400 ezpenditure for modernisation, with DO limit OD decorating, painting, or pe,pering . When you arraJll8 a loan to buy or modernize at this bank, you receive prompt, friendly, aperi- enced aervice ••• a service which bu benefited many th~da of California home owners. If your home now needs repairs, a Bank of America loan will prove the conve- ·nient, practical W8'/ to finance them. FJl.?1-11'•• 1-" n,lir ......... 31 •o•~ It JllJ ••• H6iq .... iSuttk of Amtricu NATIONAL f~~\TN•(l~ ASSOCIATION ~ -· n or .... l DIPDllT r••M•AllCI CDIPD•AtlD• •• , ... ,,. flDl•Jll ,,,,..,, lfltt• 11 tRO.eH,--SJJPP>IES c / ' . . , A COMPLETE STOCK OF / • HOSP IT Al BEDS lAMPS ULlRA VIOLEl SUNSHINE OR INFRA-1\ED Rentals or So\es • WH EEL CHAIRS • SICK ROOM EQUI PMENT • SU RG ICAL BELTS • ELASTIC HOS IERY • TRUSSES RENTALS We Rent Anytbtng In Our Llne T hat II Rent.able, EVERYTHING FOR THE PHYSICIAN, NURSE OR HOSPITAL ctz} RU GUST SRLE.1 s311s . Up This \Veek Only • Pickles -Olives • Cheese -· Meal8 • Sardines -Anchovies • Crackers -Biscuits · • French Rolls '.!,)s~£KER~gical~~1 , Plan to Buy Your Fur Coat Now on Our Convmlmt Lay-Away-Plan Entire Stock of Fine Furs at Generous Reductions • Style • Distinction • Beauty • Quality Outstanding Savings ! FUllS 218 NORTH BROADWAY SANTA ANA TELEPHONE S'l'S Fo re most Furr i er ! Monday Thro Saturday . • All Articles Lockstitcb Seams Throughout • Cost~ Mesa Canvas & Awning Co. ~ 1021 S. E. RA>chester Street • 0 P EN-Costa Mesa 8 A. M. Oppoolt.. F1"' St..Uoo P . O. Bos: 101 ... . . CLOSE ' 6 P . M. MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central • Phone Harbor 2125 • Auto Painting $50 up and Body and Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECH ANICAL WORK Motor Tune-U ps a Specialty • Prices Reasonable · No Delay DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 R. P. DJESEl.S ON HAND Beoaooclllluaed Dhu Ir .. bud wHll eliolee or ...netloD .... • wm AJlg warJ'INO Ol&!W"" ON mom-AND Ul:ft- llAND aor.&.noN Dtn*•• :roa TWIN IN'ftALI.&· 'ftONll. ClBOICS or llED1JCl'I01f tlNUll. Oa Rend: UIS B. P. OWnl Motan-N-. See u.. for Information on Vemi Severin Dlesela 1>1eee1 o--atar Sets or All '"""'· ~ B. IZWlll (I.-;, 1-lo) Oww • c -PllOl!Ol8 - omce: ••t• ....... Wl'Tft11a .. IL Newiw& P 'sf 0 SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher Vegetables Better Meats Fancy Groceries 245 Forest Ave . LAGUNA BEACH P·ARKER ''51'' • Famous Pen & Pencil Sets WHlll CAP ,_ . · .... · · $1 ~0 WHnl CAP l'INCU •• • • · · $5.00 c:~ 9!5 · ····· ·· ·$17.SO No' Federal Tu . I I MAIN 'I AT FlFTH NOW! The Pen and Pe ncil Sets Everyone 1 Hos Been. Waiting For. • The Famous "51" Parker Set Ava ilable Now For Immediate D9livery At the Some Pre·War Pric• Choose Your Set While the Seleaiori Is Complete at STEDMANS See loo .... beautiful pr--... In oolld I .CIC gold capo. "The Pen Set fm-Giving., PIUC•D AT .... J'ed. Tu Ema • ~~;;;;iiiiiiii;:;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;=::SA~N'r=~A~·AN~~A~'~::;:;:--:;:::==========~· , . • I • , • ...... Quality Lumber and Buildin1 Materiah Michigan Yachtsmen Want Plans of Snowbird Boats Will Withdraw 40,000 Nan1es From Co. Rolls Dep1ortng the fact that only 50 per cent of the 80.000 enrolled vot- ers of Orange county cut ballots at the primaries. County Clerk B. J . Smith warns registered "'Oters that 40.000 names will be remqved from the Great Register ii they ~ not "rote in the November elec- WANT ADS Pueuc NoT1cE PUBLIC NOTICES • '100 LATE TO CLASSIFY • ioous plant mix to be delivered the said work chargeable upon a ~·~g~A~L~JE8~orT!~~":!n::!_ _____ __'.4~1!_!9~K~AL~~-~'f~A~n:~------~•1 and applied to approximately 200.-district. For the particular de- 000 sq. ft. or playground at the saiption or the said assessment main school 14th and Central. district reference is hereby made Specifications to be obtained at to the said Resolution of Intention,. the offi~ of the District Super-No. 3279. A TWO-FISTED PR 0 P'O S IT I 0 N -• COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E.. HOSTETl.ER n.eB•c..Ml.5 Michigan yachtsmtn are inter- ested in the Snowbird boat. Evl- m;nce of this comes in a letter from R. E. Borton of Jackson, Michigan, who writes the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~\In his letter he says, "On the cover of the August issue of Travel & Camera !'tfagazine I notiC'ed the large photo entitled, WORTHINGTON Refrigeration P'llEON AMMONIA s -to 10- Air Conditioning S toa to ISO loll Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All PrMSGree and AU Uqaidoln Stock Call " .. 8%S 8. Loe AnceJe. SL, An•helm Phone 465% "Flight of the Snowbirds" at Nev.•- port, California. "I have seen many pictures of these boat., but as yet have not been able to secure a detailed description or plans of them. White House Cafe Ph-S18I i...c-....... Oallf, Plans and Specifications • For Builders, Contractors & Engineers ---·--- BERT J. MORRIS, Jr. Residential and Commercial Design.er !8!8 W. Central Ave.. ·Newport Beach Phone Harbor %510 NO PLACE IN TOWN • Hamburgers Malts Sundaes LIKE T HE • Coffee and Donuts Waffles S05 MARINE A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND Kean)' ?'li~lcbola -GeGrge Sterttnc Open E\·enlnp UnW 10 o'Clock -Cloeed on WedNedQ" Any Make or Model "I wonder if you might be ab~ to put me ln toOch '4'ith the yacht cJub that sponsors these races. I believe our yacht club might be interested In such a boat a11 this." Full information is going for- ward to Mr. Borton. This may rl"- 1ul t in East and \Vest competition in the Sno'o'rbird class. tion. ' Speaking last Friday to mem- bers of the Costa ~fesa-Newport Harbor Kiwanis club on the sub- ject of duties of a countt clerk. !\tr. Smith remarked that one of the sad commentaries on county history v.•as the lack of interest shown by people in elections. "If these names are removed from the Great Register, the tax- payers of the county will be assess- A small home for sale for approximately $10,000 that will serve nicely for business, residential, com· merclal, on Balboa Island _ On the next adjacent lot is an "Iron Clad" garnge building available fur lease -on terms &uitable for someone to set up in the garage, or marine engine - - -or your choice of business right now. Remem- ber the tie-in -· buy your living quarters and set up your bu$1ess-both available now. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W ]. A. BEEK OF:FICE ' Ferry Landin~ 2-tc lntendent or Schools, 14th and Said City Council hu det ..... CentraL mined and declared that the City The Board ot School Trustees or or Newport Beach. will out of !ta the Newport Beach School Dis-General Fund, pay the sum of $15,- trlct reserves the right to reject 000.00 towud the costs and ex· any or all bids or waive any in-penses of said improvement. formality in a bid. Said City Council has deter- T. WESTON JAY, mined and d.a-o.ttd that aerial Oerk of the NeWport Beach :School bonds bearing intereest at the rate District. of six (6%) per cent per annum. Pub. Aug. 13, 20, 27, 1946. and extending o\•er a period end- CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Flctltloua Finn ·Name U.C. Institute Plans Study Alcoholism ed 50 cents for each name with· WE NEED drawn:• Smith added, stating that The underaiped do bereb'y certify that they an: conducting a water 90ft-enlnc lllUTice buaia.ea at tlO &2nd •lrfft. City or Newpon Bea.ch. County of Oranp, Sta.le of California.. under the fictluoua t1rm name ot BMcb Homee Son Water Semce. and that aald firm la compoeed of the followlnc personal wboee namea and addttaaY are u ollowa. to wit : Hell.TY S. Bonnell. 14.lt Vtrstnia A1'e., l.&Jolla.. C•litornla.. ing nine (9 ) years from the sec- ond day of January next SU~· ing the next October fifteenth fol· lowing their date, will be issued hereunder in the ~ner provided by the "Improvement Act of 1911 ," being Part 5. Division 7 of the Streets and Highwa)'I C.ode of the State of California, to represent each assessment 'at 'l'Nenty-fi,re ($25.00) Dollars., or more. remain- ing unpaid for thirty (30) da)'S after the date of the warrant. if thia happens "it will be done tbe tldM9 yoa because you didn't go across the DO kmcer med street to vote." --+- Smith also said that one of the P1L 1'3'7 or '70I For Pick-Up most difficult jobs of his office was I L------_;;.;c:.._.:....;;._~_.l I Pat Branin, Rt. 1, Bos. 2062. Lalfeaa., C&ltfornJL Wltneu our bands tbla .ninth day of Augul!lt. 1946. HENRY S. BONNELL, PAT BRANrN State of California, LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14.-So- lutions to the currently increulng problem of alcoholl!m will be sought at a five-day Institute on Alcoholic Stud.iet opening August 19 -on the Los Angele11 campus of the University of California with headquarters i n the Education building. Suggested by Supervisor John Anson Ford. the institute will be model{'d after a s.imilar and suc- cessful one held at Yale university. The Los Angeles county board of supen·isors has evidenCt'd approv:11.I of the project by authorizing at· tendance of some fifty county em- ployes at the institute. trying to get people to serve on the election boarch .. Time after time First Brothen Brother-What's the idea the county clerk's office has to of "":earing my raincoat? scour the county to find someone Second Brother-It's raining. to se.rve. You v.·ouldn't ""ant me to get your "\Ve cannot operate without five new suJt \\'et, would you? members on the board," Smith ----------'----- declared. "and if we do not have a'"-------------, SHOES Bepalnid While Yon Walt , Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front County of Orange--ea.: On thla ninth day ot Aucust. A. D .• 1946, be.fore me T om W . Hender90n. a Notary Public In and for said county a.nd at.ate, reaidlng therein duly com - ml.uloned and aworn. pef"80nally ap· peared Henry S. Bennell and Pat Branin known to me to be the penona whoae names are 1tubacribed to the "within ln1trument. and acknowledged to me that lhey executed the same. All of the work herein ordered shall be done and carried throU&h in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia, designated the "~ve­ ment Act of 1911," being J)Fts l, 2 and 3 of Division 7 Of the Streets and Highways Code. Said City Council. pursuant to the Labor Code ot the State of California. has ascertained and de- termined that the general Pf'e\o"&.il- ing rat.e of per diem \ovages 1n the locality in which the said work herein described ls to be per- formed. for each craft or type of wo~kman or mechanic nee<IM to execute the contract and alSo the general prevailing rate for le-gal holiday and overtime wotk for each craft or type of workman or mecilianic to be as follO"-'S: "The r('C()rds of Los Angeles county show that enormous arnou.nts of public money are being spent because of spreading al- coholism among our population. It is my hope that these scientific studies will contribute effective rC'straint to this growing social evil. Even though the instjtute may not have all the answers to the problem, it should properly ap. praise some of the best solutions to the current evil." said Super - visor Ford in commendation of the institute. v.•hich will be offered un- der auspices of University of Cali- fornia extension. Mother--.Johnny! You fell down in your good pants! Johnny-But Mom, I didn't have time t o take 'em o ff. full quota on the night before an C'lcction. "-e 1lavc to draft some- one on election day morning and then it isn't a n eas)' matter to get out of serving ." Ct.arlryt.ng the lune Father-So you v.·ant to marry my daughter . \Veil . young man, do you think you could support a family? Young Man-Gosh, I only want- ed Rosie! September 10th Water Bond Election FOB INSURANCE SEE Howard W, Gerrish- 1808 Newport BoaleTU<I OOS'IA lllE8A Pbone Beacon 5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Ucense and Contract Bonds Written ROOFS APPLIED OK llEPAIJUID Free Eatimates a. Inspection w. J, Benbow 36<Y.! Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J Nut door to Bay V1ew Cale 9Lm.to8p.m. w 21 Th22 F 23 s 24 TIDE TABLES AUGUST, 1946 5:41 9o49 4:25 3.3 2.7 5.6 6 :50 12 007 5:!9 3.7 0.0 '6.0 7:35 12.58 6:25 4.0 ---0.6 6.4 8:11 1042 7:15 4.4 ---0.9 6.6 12:1~ 2.4 1:08 2.0 ndem an pl&ced tn order or OOCW"NDOl Ll&bt naure. .. Ul.; dark ~ P. .,. PUBLIC NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS 'F IRM NAME Tbe undersigned ao hereby certify that the)" are conducting a boat repair and wood-working bwtlne9 at 615 Cout Highway. City of NeWl)Ort Bea.ch, IUILLEY,~· REFRIGED"TJOR County of o ....... State of C&llfornta. ntt under the fictitloul!I firm name ot STERLING BOAT WOR.KS and that ER~CE Compnnv sa.ld l'inn la compoaed ot the follo•-lnc per90IUI. .-ha.e names a.nd ad· ....... .,.. u follow°' to wit o Onn W.. -~ -llel'TIOI Therktld.en. 180 Via Koron, Newport Ile ()cMtat: m-Coroaa c1e1 11a1 Bffeb. Ca.Ufornla: Doria N. Thorklld-..,...., sen. l SO Via Koron , Newport Beach, 18nporuY Phone, Day 6S4 La· C&llfomla. CW\& Beach; Phone Nlabt. 1l862 Wltnue our band thla lat day or August, 1946. Laguna Beach OR[N THORKn.DSEN 111 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l DORIS N. THORKJLDSEN State of California. County of Orang~u. NO! VOTE Newport Harbor Taxpayers Protect Your Property from a 38 % Tax Increase VOTE NO, in ll8Suming a hall million debt for the privilege of buying inferior water at a high rate. S.A.A,B, Anny engineers developed water for 100,000 persons and refused M,W.D. waler on the ha.sis of quality and cost, If your property here is worth Gwnlng it's worth protecting now with a NO vote on Sept, 10 next, Remember the promoters of this scheme pay no taus here! TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE • ,__,, ....... ..t ..... • s.-....... ..,. f:;a ... .....,c-...... ............. "' • ....,. ........... (fWoer ....,. '-"""-I .......... , ........... .._..,,.._. .... ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! In: Window Awnlnp, Door Hoods Porclt I< PaUo Cauoplee e Saa Oat ---Upt ID; e Baba Oat: -• -Breeze tn: e Perm&DMt ---No WU pa a Downa"; e Slknt ---No RattJe.: • Barmonlou Deelp --- Castom Built; • Utmoet: !'.conomy --- Lone ute. No Replacement.. Now! Quality Venetian Blinds (Either Wood or Metal) Q--For Free E1Umatee Call Reverse Oulrges · hAn·D·~DOD Awning Co, of orange Co, 115 8o. ftllecl .. plda St:. An•t t' 01 Oallf • ........ FULLEBTON lus.I ROSSI'S Liquor Store ,..~~ On thle lat day of Auguat1 A.. D., 1946, before me Tom W . Henoerao:i. & Notary Public In a.nd for eaJd County and St.ate, residing therein duly com- ml.uloned and a .. ·om . per80naly ap- pe&red Orin Thorklldaen and Dorie N. Tborklld11en. known to me tQ, be the persorui whoee name. are aubecrlbed to the .-!thin lnatrument, &nd acknowl-edged to me that they eir.ecuted the ..., .. JN WITNEffi WHEREOF. I have hereunto aet my hand and afflir.ed my official iteal the day and year In thl• certificate first above wr1ttr-n. CSE.AL) TOM W . HENDERSON, :Sota.ry Public In and for a.aid County and State. My commll!lalon eir.plrea March 7, 1949. Pub.: Aug. 6. 13. 20. Tl, 1946. CERTIFICATE OF DOING BUSINESS UNDER FICTITIOUS NA.ME ' The under"!llgned, R. W . BARTifl."1!. and THEO S. McELROY. hereby cer- tify that they are the partners. and all of the pa.rtnen, of a partnership known by the fl.rm name ar:id atylt ot ''¥.ACBARS'' That they are the aole owner11 of the A id p&rtnenhlp. and a.a aald part-ners, that they conduct bush1cu at 124 Kain Street. Huntington Beach, Call!ornla and 109 Main -Stree1;,r. Bal· boa, California, both In the 1.,;ount J of Orange. State of Callbrnla: Thal the names and place1 of resi- dence or said put.Deni and the per· aorui conducting Mid bualneu are &.1 follows: R. W . BAR TINE S03 Smell.Ur A"enue Newport Beach, California. THEO S. McELROY i18 Cllff Dr1"e Newport Beach, California WITNESfl our handa, lhla 26th da.J ot July, 1946. • THEOOORE S . McELROY. R. W . B.ARTL~E. STATE OF CALlFORNIA. COUSTY OF ORANGE-ae. On lhla the 26th day o f July, 1946. before me, FRED J . DUDLEY. a No- tary Public In a.nd for a&ld CounlJ and State. personally appeared R. W. BARTINE and THEO S. KcELROY. kno,,-:n to me to be the peraoruJ wboee namea are su~r1bed to the •ltbln IJ1J1trument and acknowledged to mf that they e::1eculed the aame. WlTNESS my hand and of!lcJal eeal. FRED J. DUDLEY. Notary Public In and for Mid County and State. <Notarial Seal.) Pub. July 30; Aus. I . 18. 20. 1946 . In Witneu Whereof, I ba\'e hereunto set my hand a.nd affixed my offlclaJ seal the day and ye&r In tbla certificate rlrst abo\"tl written. (Seal) TOM W . HENDERSON, Notary PubUc in and lor said -County and State. Pub.; Aug. J3. 20, 27. Sept. S. 1946. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME The undenigned do bereby certify that they are conducting a Meat and Grocery bwilneaa at 708 Ea.at Central A"nue. Balboa, Call!ornla. under tbe fl~tltiol(a [!rm name of Balboa Central Market and that aald firm Is com· poaed ot the followlll.g persona. whoec namea &nd addre&S68 are a11 follows, to-wit: CHARLES L. SMITH 1506 Eaat Central A\•enue Balboa. California HOM.ER ?d. SM.ITH 1506 Ea.at Central A\•enue Balboa. Cal!Cornia WITNESS our ha.nda this 29th dal of July. 1946. _ CHA.RLES L . SMITH, HO.MER M. SJdITH. STATE OF CALlFOR.."JlA. COU?l.'TY OF ORANGE-a. 0.n thll!I 29tb day of July, A. D. 1946, before me. H. l4. HOLKER. a Notary Pu&llc in and tor said County anO State. ~raonally appeared Charles L. Smith and H omer K. Smkh, known to me to be the penion.a whoee names are aubacrlbed to the within l115trument. and acknowledged to me that they ue- cuted the aame. lN WITNE..cia WH.E.REOF, I h&Vf hereunto set my band and &tfl::led my O[flclal sea.I the day and year In thll eertlllcate lint above written. H . ll. HOLKER. Notary Public In and for aa.14 County and St.at•. lily com-1nlulon eir.plree Man:h 4. 1949 Pub. July 30; Aug. 8. IS, 20, 1946. NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE Under Section 3440 or the Cl"ll Code ot Cal\lornla NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN : Rouly \\race Cla.s8lftcatJon Scale Asphalt plMt mixer operator ........... -... $1 .25 Asphalt plant dryer- man or fireman.... 1.375 As&~~~ r~-~~ ... ~~~··· 1.125 1 Asphalt spreading machine operator 1.375 Carpenter .................. 1.35 Cement finisher ---··· 1.35 Flagman and watchman --·········. 0.875 Heavy duty repairman ·---··· ...... 1.50 Laborers .................... 0.875 Mason, brick ............ 1.50 Oiler, power shovels or cranes ................ 1.125 Operator, air compressor ···-··--···· 1.25 Operator, concrete mixer ··-········-·····-··-· 1.25 Operator, motor Per Dl•m Waco $10.00 11.00 9.00 11.00 10.80 10.80 7.00 12.00 7.00 12.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 That RALPH G. SESSEL. Vendor, whose address le 1301 Coaat Highway. In the City of Newport Beach. County of Orang•. State or CaHfornla. 1n-tend1 to aell to L . H. HARRISON. Vendee. whoae addre!IS le 2118 Me ri- dian Avenue, In the City of Alhambra. County of Loa Angeles, Etati or C&li- forn!a. the following dexrlbed pe-r-aonal property: grader --·····-·--········· 1.625 10.00 Operator of power shovel or other ex· cavating equipment, &hov~I type controls I less than one All furnl1hin~1 tixturea. equipment. uwell and gooa-wlll of ··RALPH'S CAFE". located at 1301 COIU!t Hh:h- way. In the Ci ty of Ne...port Beach. Count>· or Orange. State of C&lifornla. and that a sale. tranafer and ualgn· ment of the same will be made and the conalderation therefor paid at 10 :00 o'clock a.m. on the 29th da)' of August, 1946. at the ofrl cea of HARBOR f?>,'VESTM:ENT COMPANY. at :Wth and Weal Central Avenues. In the City of Newport Beach. County of Orange. State of Ca.lifornla. cubic yard ) .......... l .625 13.00 Daled : Augu1t 19. 1946. RALPH G. SESSEL, Pub. Aug. 20, 1946. Vendor. Opera tor-of power shovel or other ex- cavating equipment, shovel type controls (one cubic yard or more) .................... 1.75 Operator, pump -····· 1.25 Operator, r Oller --···· 1.375 Operator, tractor .... 1.50 Operator, trench machine -····-·········· 1.625 Pipe layer -····-·········-1.25 NOTICE IJ'fVITING SEALED ' Truck driver ............ 1.00 Pl\oPOSALS. Any cla.Uiflcation omitted herein, not 14.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 . 10.00 8.00 Pursuant to statute and Reso-less than ··--········-··· 0.875 7,00 lution No. 3300 adopted on the Provided, that one and one-half 4th day or March, 1946, by the < 1 ~ > times the said prrvalllng City Council of the Oty of New. rate of wage shall be ~d. ex· port Beach, Calilornia, and on file cept watchman, flagman and other in the office of the Oty Clerk of nonmanual workers, for any work· the SA.id City, ordering the work ing time more than eiiht (8) described. in said Resolution, to-hours during any one (1) calendar wit : day where such work ls required The grading and paving with in cases of extraordinary ernerg- asphaltic concrete pavement with encies caused by fire, flood. or a decomposed granite base, cement danger to life or property and for concrete alley approaches, vitrified time on Sundays and the seven clay pipe house sewer connections, (7) legal holidays. to-wit: New water service connections. cast Year's day, Memorial Day, F ourth iron pipe water mains, fire hy· of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, drants, fittings and appurtenances Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. and appurtenant work in connec-It shall be mandatory uP"! the tion therewith in alleys and streets contractor to whom the contract in Sections 1 to 5 inclusive, of Is awarded, and upon My sub- Balboa Island and Tract No. 742, ~ntractor under him, to pay not all as more particularly described less than the said specified rates in Resotution of Intention No. to all laborers, workmen ·Ltd me- 3Z79, passed and adopted by the chanics employed by thel ' in the City Council of said City on the execution of the contract. 4th day of February, 1946, and Qn NCYMCE IS HEREBY GIVEN file in the office of the City Clerk inviting aealed propoalJ or bldl of said City. for doing all the work I herein- ONE DAY SERVICE • ., ....... .i,1717 Qor ..... 'Dl'WI' ...... 0.-K>W7 ._ NOTICE CALLING FOR BIDS Tbe Board nf School Trustees of the Newport Beech School Dis· trict. Orange Courtty, will receive bids at the school office, 14th and Central, up to 8:00 P. M. Sep.. tember 2, 1946 for the purchue of approximately 2400 tons of bitmn- For further particulan refer-before described and ordered 1n ence 19 hert'by made to .. Id Re.... said Resolution Ordering Work, to lution of Intention No. 3279 and be presented to the\Qty Oerk at to said plans, profiles, and sectiom hi& office in the Oty Hall of said No. 409 11heets 1 to 25 inclusive, Oty up to the hour of four (4:00) and Standard Plans Nos. 1016 :md o'clock P.M. of Tuelday, the 3lrd 1061 on file in the office of the day of September, 1946. I No Down Payment YOU PAY NO MORE FOR THE BEST ' ' Owwd ud operated llty Wedd War D Velar = • ·• ' g yam fib*+ zmt good. will ... pztrwp. ~ r.. l'w. Z.'' st12 Phone BARBOR 2 64 5 Bea• Md llolmall I City Engineer of said City of The propouJs or bids I attend N!wport Beach, and to the 1ped-1hall be accon1panied by a - flcations for the ._id work here-m&de payable to the order ot Aid tolore adopted by the said City City, certified by . a ,..p,..1111e Cauncll and on file in the ottw Bank, or a bond u reqtllred bJ ot the City Cerk ot llald Cty, law for an amount' not Wm - and an ot Aid plans, -profll8, ten <lO'll» per cent of thl. ._ -and spoclflcat1om bett<-c•te of the -11. Eadl 111r1 tot ore •PP< °"ed by the (]fy Coun-lhall be made out on a fm;m to bl ell ot said (]fy m;e ~porated obtained at the ofll<le of the 017 hettln and made • i-l't hereof ~ of Aid Oty. I and rete .. nee lo hereby made · The City Cound1 of Hid (]fy tbettto for a more particuJar de-,._,.... the ript to .. feet - saiption of tlaid work. or all -and to "'1v•J 1111Y 11>- Sald av Cound1 hu deter-formality in • bid not ~r: "" mined and declared that the con--· templated -" -Improvement Dated tbia 4111 day ot Mum, ......._ .... mentioned. ..., in the 1946. -I ophdoa ot the, aid City Ow-I, FRANK L RJNEIURT, .t .-e tbaa local or ordlMrJ -OtJ' Clerk el. U.. f017 ol pilJllc -t and. the Aid atY Nowpat ._, cantonilL CouDdJ bu made the n1ieme1 ~ Pub.-Aac. 15.. JO. 1M1. ' I I ....,_ I a1tsINUs GUIDE ltBUSfNESS GUIDE M FURN1TURE FOK SALE tt BOATS, SUPPLIES u ...... mA'l'Z I 11 FOR SALE-Complete "Kwi.k-FOR SAL.E-\Vashing machine. SACRIFICE for quick saye, 161,1: \Vay" engine rebuilding equip-oak dining table and six chairs, ft. speedboat; new pa.int and ment. 501 El 1.fodena, New-kayak, paddl"board.. All for motor reconditiont'd 817 Coast port Heights. 62-4tp S110. 116 Collins. Balboa Isl-High'A·ay. 65-2tp -INSURANCE- WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. unfurnished bouoe. Will lease. Call ·Sam Porter at lbrbor 707 or 13. 35-tfc • FIRE • AtrroMOBILE e YACHT and. 64-4tc .....,. FOR SALE-Double bed, springs, ... uSIC&L & RADIO M REFINED CX>UPLE urgeiltly need living accommodations, Sept. through Mey. P. 0 . Box 609. Balboa Island. Call Harbor 2179-W. • COMPENSATION mattress and dresser, $30; book-BOATS, SUPPLIF.8 11 BABY GRAND-Repossessed. Now case, $12 ; icebox, $10; studio __ ....,;,_________ only $485. This is a great bar- couch. $30. 110 Pearl Ave .. Bal-SNOWBIRD -New, complete, rain. Danz-Sdlmidt Piano Co.., boa Island Call before 12 or $500. Ca.lJ H-l553-J. &l..4tp Santa Ana. "' ~tfc after 4. 65-2tp FOR SALE--14-ft. clinker built ------------GOOD BUY! Piano and bench, APT m-SMALL HOUSE wanted "STU" DUNLAP 2Cl5 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Pb. Harbor 200-J WANT A HO?ttE? Eastern house row boat. Harbor l9'71-J. 63-4tc .\Vheelock upright. solid walnut by man and wile. We do not B1181Nm8 GUIDE Painting -Decorating We use only reliable materials, applied by master painters. GERALD E . VAN HALL 424 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Tel. Harbor 89-WK 65-4tp Flagstone Contractor PATIOS-FIREPLACES STORE FRO!'<"'I'S-W ALKS ~ French :St. Phone S8.f!ta Ana ~ta Ana, CaliL 1121-J. 63-4tc trailer and cabana, butane gas, FOR. SALE-16-ft. SnJpe type case, wbJte finish, $95.00. at 115 drink or smoke, no children or running water and lots ot extras. boat, all mahogany, $285. 405 Crystal Ave., Balboa Island. 1259 _pets. Pbone Sa.nt& Ana 0991-W .. Can s leep 6 people. On nice lot E. Edgewater, Balboa. 61-tfc Roanoke, San Marino, At. 27362. or .write Box "'X'' Newport Bal- on Bay with low rent year Din 120 -. 64-ltp boa News-'I1mes.. .37-tfc WANTED -Plousecleanlng, one round . Priced riaht for quick WANTED-Balboa. ghy. -----------'-'---' day Wl!t"kly on Penin!u1a. We. See owner. lot 99. Newport Abalone Ave .• Balboa Island. FOR SALE-Upright pl.a.no, good •g&1. Ul'A.D '' Please call Harbor T72-W. 61-tfc Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc ___________ 5_S._tf_c condition, S20Q. Pbooe Beacon 5712, or call 205 Westminster WAITRESS WANTED six days Concrete Products 23 ft. fantail boat; head, galley, Ave., Newport H eights after bunk and large cabin; 1500 lb. week. Norton's Bay Shore Cafe, Div. of Foster Sand &: Gravel Co. capacity; plent}' of albacore 5 :30 p. m.. 55--tfc 17th and Coast Highway. 59-tfc Ph. Fullerton 283--dr W gear, $2000. Docked after 6 p.m. ANOTIIER magnificent Steinway. Two New Homes Ready for occupancy. Stall showers. Glass doors. R ugs. Call 1522-J KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply 1015 S . Spa a foot of 20th St., Newport. 62-4tp Medium me. Beautiful mahog- Cheryl'a. 322 Marine Ave., Bal· Building tie, building bricks. face any case. The piano ot the 63-tfc boa Island. 54-tfc bricks, patio tile in colon. See our MONTEREY type~; motor Muters; Danz-8c:hmldt Piano =-=--='O'"::-:--:::,,.-::::----.,,:-display. A-1 condition: hull tn very good FOR SALE-Lot 30xl8,. excellent HELP WANTED-Woman or g!rl 62-Stc shape; albacore gear; capacity Co., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. location, one block off Coast 'for general housework; good ------------500() lbs:. Docked after 6 p.m.. -----------5$-=-~tfc Highway, 703 Goldenrod Ave., wages; u, .. e in or out. Plarbor S y' S · toot of 20th St., Newport. 62-4tp Radio Repairs Corona del Mar. Phone Atlantic 1992. S&-ttc tore s Battery e!"Vlce 45563 65-2 SMALL SAILBOAT and trailer All mak .. ; tubes. etc. · . tp Westminster Ave. LINWOOD VICK Broker Balboa Island . . Balboa Island Homes Small one-bedroom furnished, rear of lot. Terms- $10,500 Near North Bay Two-bedroom home: living-room 16x24. fireplace. lots of cupboards. On ~rt. lot. OuWde sho"'"·er, double garage, barbecue. Buoy goes \vith house. Older house. but in the best of condition . Lot on Balboa Island $7000 Lido Isle Corner Lot 57x88, $7000 65-ltc I COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. WANTED -Experienced core for sale, price $200. Call Ham-Beacon 5763 FOR SALE-Corona dfl Mar, 45- maker for small cores in brass (Between lS~h and Magnolia) llton Lowe, 229 Opal St., Balboa BURT NORTON ft. lo~ 1 block from school. south ---:-A.-:E::-. -::J~O,..HO":""N_S_O_N _____________ _ foundry. See personnel Mgr., Phone Beacon 5183, Coota M... Island. Harbor 2590-J. 59-6tp 915 biest ~way, Newport of Blvd., good location for in-El Bayo Tract New and Repair South Coast Co. 65-tfc (Refer to display ad, page 31 WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft_ allp tn 23-tfc com e. Owner. Ph.' H-2139-W. Realtor Lot on Bay Avenue w ANTED -Competent secretary BARGAINS t Wllmlngton for same tn New-GRAND PIANOS-You . will be 65-tfc and Associates $4750 Phone 875-M for ~rmanent position. qualified ' Harbo ~"Erwin Pl FOR s•• ~ ~oo I I Ph Be 5102 M r-· Lowest prices in furniture ls mJ port r~ ~ erson astounded a tbUr great big ~·Oh.IV· , compete y one aeon - in diction and typing. Box SC, motto. 1 buy right. 1 sell r lght at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc stock. Kim.ball, Stetnway, Soh-furnished five rooms and guest News-Times. 65-tfc I also buy furniture. FOR SALE-Snowbird. good ton· mer. Hallet and Davis, S tory house, lrruned.iate possession. 2111 i:. ~tb St., Coota M,.. · :i.-ttc Today's Special Newport Blvd. Home and BUSINESS BLDG. Large Corner Lot 1 Oo Pentnsula. with view, $5750 SIGN PAINTFN'G LADY for general housework in Needle's Furniture dition: needs paint. First reas-and Clark. One eorgeow= ChJck-202 41st street, Newport Beach. Costa Mesa. Must be good cook. 2204 N rt Bl d ,...__ M onable offer accepted 254 Chi· ering and It is the r eal ChJcker~ Ph. Santa Monica.:_ 7-293963-. 41p Boats, Trucks. WindoW'll Walls aad Bullietins. Refl'ned home. Call Harbor ewpo '' · ~ta eu tn M h 57-tf< qUita St .. Laguna Beach. 65-2tp g, too. any ot ers to choose 28 rt. x 28 ft. with living Quarters. 289-M. 65-tfc ------------FOR SALE-l5-ft. runabout. 22_ from. Priced to start at $395. FOR SALE-Corona del Mar ~ft. FOUNTAIN GIRLS WANTED ; Auto Batteries Se h d T•rms .. Or rent. Danz Schmidt lot at 310 Larkspur near Sea House in rear, with little fixlng could be made into good rental. This is a splendid property. Ex- cellent location. Quick J>OSSesS. Business Lot I • Raised Metal, Wood and Plattt Letten STEADY WO RK GUNDER-Rubber Separaters h.p. Johnson a orse an Piano Co., Exclusively pianos. View, $3950. Phone Santa Ana SON Oil.UC CO., HARBOR 515. 18-month -$6.75 Ex. eqtr uipmeAn\~e· S3Co9Sr.ona42d4 1 HMelario-Nothing else. 520 N. Main, 2647-\V. Owner, 425 So. Syca- with two small housea I AL LACl'!MEYER 1726 WHt Central Harbor 1243-!.-t 65-ltc Compounded Motor Oil P~;::'.e Harbor 89-W-K e 65-2t~ Santa Ana. 5$-tfc nlore, Santa Ana. 62-4tp Only $.11 ,000 $10,500 HELP WANTED -Experienced Gallon, 70c FOR SALE-Clinker-built sailing --p~"'A~I-N.,--,,T,,..,I,-,-N-o-G=--I clerk. prefr.rably a mother. GOCMI -dory. All cedar, copper fittings, 38tfc Radio and Electric REPAIRS 24-HOUR SERVICE S IX-ROO~f HO~fE one block from shopping district, Costa Nearly New Seve ral good Bay Front Lots working ooaditions. Regular W estern Auto Supply Canadian built, t\\·o pair oars. 12 Yean Socvite in Newport h p A th · ed Deal J\.tesa. Immediate possession. 4 Unit Co urt I nspect today-182 Rochester 3 UNITS completely furnished, 1 LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. Harbor Area ours. ermanent employment. u onz er sail. with eve rything complete, Inquire The Bobby Sbop, 711 E. 1836 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa SZ?5. 122 Collins, Balboa Isl-AU Makes -Pick Up &: Delivery St. Phone owner, Torrance unfurn. Corner Jot 150 ft. x 165 s3ooo I Harry Hall Central, Balboa . Har bor 1158-W. 41-tf< and. 65-4tc PERRY HARD\Y ARE l 7Gl·R. 64-4tp ft. Beautifully landscaped. In-W. L. JORDAN P AINTING CONTRACTOR 64 3tc ------------- Phone S.acoo 525!1-J ----------'---'-Steel Kitchens FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 ft. 1305 Coast Blvd. Harbor 232 SAN FRANCISCO -2-bedroom come $157.50 per month. Room 274 E . 19th ~eet 24-tft LOCAL or traveling in business GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES for yourself. No money required. SHO\VER DOORS long. 4-cylindcr Starr motor, CORONA DEL ?.1AR home and 2 apartments for in~ for 3 more units. Close in E. side, just painted. Wlll trade for 22 54-tfc come, will sell or trade f or Costa 1'1esa. Very neat and at- 700 E . Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 1531 Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Good income. You are your own S h C · boss. Apply Miss Ba yer, Austin-out ern ount1es ft. or 24 ft. house trailer or pay ------------Newport Harbor property. Har-tractive. Only GOOD used pianos for practice. bor 1600. 57-tfc $19,950 cash. 7311 Seashore Dr .. Ne~'-Some as low as S57 and $79 or 58-tfc Santa Ana , 508 1> N. Maln St. Supply Co. 63-6tc 144 Coast Blvd., N . port. Ph. H-1493-J . 64-4tc rent a piano for $5 per mo. Let FOR SALE-Lot in Fairview --NEWPORT HEIGHTS Free Estimating f>hone-Beacon 5780-J tQR A RELIABLE Paint Job oo your home. call Beacon 5330 after 4:30 p.m. 10.tft FAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING R. IC. Mc.Dooald 414 Old Conty Rd., Ceola M ... Phone Beacon 501~J 85-tft 1'11.ANSPORTATION ll WANT TRANSPORTATION to WAITRESS WANTED SJ7.50 P er Week and Meals Good Hours Also FRY COOK MR. --Sre--- EARLY (mornings Klng Landing Newport Beach onl y) 61-t!c Los Angel<> five days week. Ph. __ Y_O_U_N_G_W_O_M_E_N __ Beacon 5349-W. 62-4 tp Bt CYCLES Telephone operating Sold, Rented or Repaired. • · ' [ bl VOGEL'S positions ar e ava1 a e ioo Main st .. Ba11>oa to you in your own 208 Marlne, Balboa Iala.nd. IM-tt< community. •.OST AND ~OUND LOST-Blond Cock Spaniel. male ; on Lido Isle. Saturday night. AnS\\'ers to nAmc or "Shandy.'· San i\farino license. $25 reward. Call 1-larbor • 2329. 65-2tc REWARD tor return or Infor- mation leading to recovery of brown billfold or L. R. Alli- son, Box 943 Balboa Island. Phone Harbor 1320-\V. 64-2tc Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave .• Balboa LOST-Wallet, $50.00 reward for 514% N . Main St., Santa Ana return intact. Tan wallet lost "' August 5. vicinity Bayshore Yacht Anchorage, telephone Bal-Aak the o'perator for the denton Angel\J.S 21123 or Swales Otlef Operator Beacon 5122· 63-4tp Southern California LOST -St<rlin• silver rosary Telephone Compa:ay beads. Near B'Domes on 22nd St. Have sentimental value to '2--tfc OYt'Tter. Irwin Apartments, 22nd .... ~-,-.!ll-llllllCl:LLANEO~-~--~U-8---1 and Ocean Front. Mrs. Steen, ------------• Room 200. Phone Harbor 103. • Reward. 65-2tp EMPLOYME..""l"T \\'ANTED i8 TAILOR-Experienced: all kinds repairing. rf:'modelin.; and re- lining. Call &aeon 5423. 6-l-6tp FOR SALE-Air compresser. $100. 7311 Seashore Dr., Newport Beach. '65-Uc FOR SALE-l\1an's and \.\'Oman's bi cycles. 120 Abalone Ave .. Bal- boa Island. 59-t!c GffiL with electrical and mechan-1 FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal- lcal experience needs permanent culator. $150. 1840 Harbor Yi'Ork.,..119 Bay A\·e .. Balboa . Blvd.. Costa l\IC'S..1. Beacon 63-4tc I 5892-J. 61-tfc C-ARET....,,=:-:A-:KE=R=-.-m-i"'d-.,dl,-e_a_g_ed.,-.-re--! ELECTRIC CONVERTER Crom 6 liable. call Pennington. Phone to 110 volts. 100 ,,·atts : private Park"-'ay &169. 1567 1., So. Harv-1 party: ~· \Yrite Box H. c/o ard Bt ... ·d ., Los A.ngrles. 6.'l-4t p Ne\\·s-Times. 65-2tp COLLEGE GRADUATE. 38. de-F OR SALE-Handn1ade quilt, tY.·o sires responsible offiei! position comforters, t\\'o 9x12 rugs, table Harbor area or vicinity; ...)..2 radio, ~. t'''O hot plates. )'ean' experience office man·. canned goods, etc. 15!--_h and agement, i'el"S<llU\el, material Central, rear. ?wlrs. \Vlf'"tz. procurement and control. Typist. 65-ltp Especially interested marine or FOR SALE-Man's pre-war bk:y. allied industry. Considerable cle; just ll.ke new. Hee.vy dutJ boating knowledgo. Salary re-tires. 512 28th S t, N"'POl't. qulrements reasonable. Excel-52-tfc Jent references. \\'rite Box; E, clo Newport -Balboa N~ • Times. 64-tfc SeD that unwanted ljlnlUlh N.,..-nm.s - artlcl• FOR SALE-Uvlng:-room set. new electric 'il'"ater heater, table--top electric range, !5 h.p. outboard motor. etc. Phone Beacon 5743. 61-tfc WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Hlchway 101 n-ea.-Ml• ttt • :::: ;:: f:1e • anhW. • ...,,.._.for ... .., ........ "' Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach SNOWBIRD SN-330 in good con-the children learn. Danz-&hmidt Heights, 66-ft. to 350 ft., 51500. 1 Yi -Acre Ranch dition. Maf be seen at foot of Piano Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Call 110 Pearl A"e., Balboa 2-bedroom house, barn, chicken New two--bedroom house, dduble garage, near high school. Re- duction in price if sold this Yfeek. Owner obliged to leave. Only S5000 down. 65-ltp VENEl'IAN BLINDS-Aluminum, steel, wood. Call U1 for free eati· mate. Renovation &:. reM nlshln&. So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co, West 18th and Newport Avr--.. Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. Turquoise ;Ave. on So. Bay Ana. 55-tfc Island 63-4tc house, price-- Front. Best offer. \Vrite Stan WORLD famous Spinet type FOR SALE-2% acres, F ontana, $4750 Knouse, 368 Hopkins Bldg., mirror piano. Repossesseci Now near steel mill. Will sell $2500 -- Bakersfield. Cat. 64-2tp reduced to $295. Terms. Superb or trade for beach property. 233 1/2-Acre Ranch SMALL SAI4B0AT. sUitable for tone. ~tahogany case. De!igned W. Columbia St., Wilmar, Calif. Dandy 2-bedroom home, newly children. complete with center for style and long service. Danz-61-4tc decorated inside and out. Ga- board, ruddir and sail, ready to Schmidt Piano Co., 520 N. Main, =F"'O"'R-,S~A~L-E---Be-a_u_t_if_uJ_60_f.::t::. . .::lo::.t: I rage, barn, chix house only-JOHN E. SADLEIR go. Ideal f~r learning to sail. Santa Ana. 55-t!c near clubhouse on Lido Isle, $6450 $90.00. 322 :Anade St .. Balboa. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-$6000. Harbor 2447-~ 64-2tc __ 38-tfc Fire Placr and KJndllng 302 Main Street Phone Harbor 2034 65-2tc WOOD Delivered H . W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 17S4 Newport Blvd. Just Arrived Freeh Hearing Aid BATTERIES Gundenon Drug Co. ~tfc 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 60-tfc Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tft Hereafter if we recap your TIRES 'Ve guarantee our "Cape" to last 20,000 MILES and tha.t's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regardless of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete S('t we ,,;.u call for your car in the morning and deliver same day. Also-a S2.00 ~fobilstat ic bala nce job when \\'e r ecap your tires, for $1.00. No lead \\'e ights or "extra.s." Costa l\iesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Hank. 64-tfc WANTED TO BUY ll CASH FOR USED FURNlTI1RE PHONE BEACON :l!l3lhT. . 23-tfc 63-3tp Now tha t addiUonal competent BOAT FOR SALE-to close estate technicians are available, we are the only ge+Uine t eakwood lady able to make service calls on in California: Built in Hongkong large consoles. All work guar· In 1940. Completely gone over at anteed. HARO LD L . ~tM. great expense. a m onth ago. 226 S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Via Lido Nord. Phone 1194-J. Ph. Harbor 780. · 34-tfc 63-4tc D OGS, CATS & P ETS S5 FOR SALE-New ~farine Kohler FREE KITTENS-Six \\'('('ks old. Generator , 1500 watts, 32 vol1 Ve ry rute and pre tty. Apt. 7, D. C., retail price for this power El Bayo Court. 1312 \V. Central plant Is $516. We have 10 lef1 Ne"'-port Beach. 65-2tp for cleara nce sale, $374. Yeakel ---'------- Bros., 225 So. Ve rmont, Los An· DOGS-All breeds, stripped. cUp- geles. Phone EX 0882. 45-tf< ped, and bathed by A.KC. li- censed handler. Free pick-up Fire Equipment Tests and delivery service. Send. card. C-0-Tu·o. Pyrene &. Foam refills. Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin- C() fixed system and Portablet settia Ave. Corona del Mar. now available. 52·tfc ETS HOKIN & GALVAN SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 1000 Coast Highway - Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tt< PRE-BILT HOMES CO. ALL-PLASTIC 12-ft. 110.lb. TOP GARAGES UTILITY HOUSES 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. · - Immediate delivery. Other mod~ HOMES els soon -dinghies, sailboats, Immediate Delivery runabouts. cruisers a nd paddle- boards. PLASTIC WATERCRAFJ' CO. 407 E. Central. Balboa Phone Harbor 2673. 65-1 tc FOR SALE-2 Star boats, No. 2069 Sioux. with one Watts suit of sails. and one new Murphy and N)·e main sail. 2-wheel trailer and boat cover, fleet champion far pact years. $2200; No. 2433. one suit of sails and 4-wheel trailer cn exiobl ) rig, $1800. Davis Hatch, 219 1'fag- nolia A\·e . l\fesa Boat Co .. 485 Newport Blvd., Costa Pwtesa . Open Sunday. Phone Beacon 5885. 65-2tc A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 \Vestminster Newport Heights 65-4tc ------------ Carpenters 'Available tor general maintenance and repair O. Z. llOBERTSON Call Harbor 83 KEYS Made Wblle You Watt VOGEL'S 34-tfc 100 M&!o St, Balbo& '?08 Marine. Balboa Ialand ORDER NOW! 9'-tfc P-14 , SnoY•birds and Starboats. ------------ Deli,·ery this fall. Constructed _F_O_R_RENT __________ 41 or dry boat cedar and boat GARAGE room for rent. Harbor spruce. Bronze rittings and fast-1930-J. 65-ltc ings, stainless steel riggings. Painted to suit. Trailers, boat FJJRN1SHED HOUSE for rent, co\·ers and sails available for Sept. to June. See at 5800 Sea these boats only. Davis Hatch, Shore Drive. betv.'een 6-7 p.m. 219 ~fagnolia Ave., Mesa Boat 65-2tp Co.. 485 Ne\\1>0rt Bl,·d.. Costa FOR RE.i.VI'-By the v.·eek, tv.·1> Mesa. Open Sunday. Phone bedroom furnished house. Cor- Beacon 5885. 65-2tc ona del Mar. Near beach. Sept. M O T O R B O A T S ~: Phone Huntington :~: RE ADY T 0 GO WANTl:DTOllENT a Take away-just a tew days after WANTED-Stor•oe space for you order--\VANTED TO BUY-Wuhlng ma-1-Your choice of any of our boats fishing gear, Newport area. chlne, need badly due to illness (8 to 14 ft.), made of li&ht. Write Box C. c/o News-TI.mes. In family. Pilon<> Harbor 2031. toudl, water proof plywood with 65-4tp --------' ___ 63-4 __ tc 2-An oxtra efficient 11' h.p. tn-WANTED TO LEASE-1 or 2 Will Pay Cash ~~t~cr·~~~~.·~ox1-;:~t.~:r""~~ For YoUI' fllmlture er what ha.. ble shaft-propoller unit (pro-or Costa Mesa dlatrlct. Will fix YD"-Phone Bee.con 5656. craw. peller atieen boat. llfta in up at own expense. l'fi Santa ley Furniture, 1812 Newpot1 bea..,•·-boet). up Ana 7047. 62,.8tp Blvd. Costa Mesa.. 48-tfc .... "" .. • · . Completr, ~ to ohovo off, WORKING MOTIIER and 5-yr.- P'tlllNITUJIJ: FOil SALE a •t these typical prices: old son tn school do!re aloeping FOR SALE -100.lb. capoclty 10 rt. sklff._ .. ______ ,$262 room. Harbor 2551, botween 8 Leonard re~erator, beds, <Ires-12 ft. sklff.-·--··-···'t1!4 and 4:30. 65-4tp sen, chaJrs and tablos, etc.; (while our stock luu> WANTED TO RENT-""11lob<d good condition; privatr own.... WATSON -BOA TS house for ucbool term for kodl- 310 Undo A.,,,., continuation of "Small Boat Hdcp-1." .,. and her mother, would lll<e 6tb St., Balboa. llS-4tp 6ll Cout Hlwey Boocon !l2'n large llvlo& room 'for piano. C!>ll Dt1" caruuuy~ a IMa. 60-tfc Horbor 23. ~tc • \VANT A 1-IOME? Eastern house trailer and cabana. butane gas, running water and lots of extras: Can sleep 6 people. On nice lot on Bay with low rent year 'round. Prices right for quick sale. See O\\'Ilt>r, Lot 99, New- port Beach Trailer P ark. 63-tfc John D. Burnham 2001 Ocean BJ\rd. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa Income property on Peninsula Point. S19.500 furnished. Down- stairs, 2 bedrooms. (living-room, dining.room combined), bath, kitchen ; upstairs, 1 bedroom, bath, kitchen, large living-room and sundeck. Garage apt. in rear, 1 large room, kitchenette and bath. good refrigerator in each. Two-car garage. R-3 zining. 62-tfc Duplex Only 4 months old, hardwood floors, 3 rooms on each side. On one acre. Good district. Close to Country Club. Full price Only $6975 Two-bedroom home. 4 months old, hardwood floors. A nice level lot. This is a real buy at Only $6850 Two-bedroom home, 1h acre, level lot, 2 th years old. Priced to se ll at Only ~8750 . . 3-bedroom home,:." 11' acre. This is not a new home. but a real buy. It is well built and clean throughout. Priced at Only $8800 WE ARE HERE TO SE!tVE YOU B. A. NERESON REAL ESTATE Insurance and --~ti .. 1972 Now ... t Blv4., Coota Mesa Ph. Beacon 5225 65-ltc AT CORONA DEL MAR Three Beautiful Lots Near Ocean New Total Price $2100 2-Bedroom $8750 Home Beautiful Lot N•ar Postolfloe $1350 • Open Evenings and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON 469 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5102-M 6.5-ltc J ohn D. Burham 2001 Ocean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315--Balboa 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the Peninsula 2000 OCEAN FRONT l·story and a half, 2-bedroom. bath, large room upstairs for guest, living room , fireplace, kftchen, bedroom and bath over garage, wall heaters. 2004 OCEAN FRONT 1-story and a halt, 2-bedroom and bath, large room upstairs for REAL ESTATE EX<JJIANGll: '8 !HAVE A HOME In OJlver City, California, near MGM s tudios, brand new 6-rm., 3·bedroom, ~lontcrey, 'f\·orth about $13.SOO. Immediate pos- session. I WANT A WEEKEND PLACE LET'S TRADE (and sa"c taxes) \Vritc or Phone JAMES H. McCARTHY · 1138 S . Broadway PRosped 7241 Los Angeles guest, liying room, fireplace, 64·3tc dining room, kitchen, covered ~•"o"N"'n="''l'0=-=1."'.oAJ=llc---_;.::._:~ porch with barbecue, lawn. • flowers, bushes, brick walks, LOANS TO BV!LD, .... - picket fences surrounding each, modernlae or retlaanc:e. beautiful unrestricted view of Newport Balbo& ll'edcnl S&~ ocean. These houses open dally and i.c..n A M>rla"cm.. for Inspection. 52-tfc 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbof 1500 Immediate Possession Completely Furnished O ne block east of Newport Blvd. 2-Bedroom Home Including Electric Refrigerator and Electric Washer. $7850 Terms LOTS -LOTS Newport Heights-with and all utilities-- $1400 Costa Mesa- $1000 sewer EV A F. RHODEN ~tor 470 Newport Blvd., Coota M ... ELTON BARNET? PERNEL G. BARNET? Broken Ph. Bea<oo 5713-R 65-lt.c MONEY WANTED Ill WANTED-Private loan, $:\0,000. Secured by excellent property, Box 628, Balboa Island. 59-tfc TBAII.ER8 I G 'l'RAlLERS FOR RENT-Do )'OtlJ' own hauling and movlna. AD new equlprnent, $2.25 and $2.50 per day. We furnish the bitch. Myrehn Bros. Service Station, cor. 17tb & Newport Blvd., Ooot& Mesa. ~ .. FOR SALE-1940 Piper Cub; new 100-hr. check. Will accep't car as trade·in. Beacon 5557•W . 65-2tp FOR SALE -New Ercoupe11, aeroncas, Globe Sw:lft, flight ln- stniction at Skyharbor, one mlle west on 19th st .. Costa Meta. 63-41.c TAKE A HOP ov.,. the Harbor area, $2.00; a1'o flytng tnltruc- tlon. Competent ex-AAF In- structors. Aloo dealen far Aeronca and the new lllobe .. Swlft'' planes. Ccmne t.o New .. port BoY Sky Harbor, OUle - Wost of Colta Mela OD 19th St. Sttc -· • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Priocs 9"'l. YOUR Ci\R NOW While Prices are Hlgb Alane for our courtaclla ~ urilo will caD and Id•'"* you ff!l*•'x OP A llelllllatlalll, c-4•c • .. -and lllTIUlp .. deCdi . cutBERTSON . eHli"tllOLB'I' 00., Inc . _ • 0 occM ... a' +e.en= ... W . J. HOLCOMB Corona del Mar "Whm! the Flap Fly" 65-2tc ... ~-Qwtaal. JC&Wpaet B ' -0 17 l, - " •• ·.1::¢ ___ , ... ·- ...... Wilson-Roose Rites At Eagle Rock Announcemmt has been made al the marrlace ... Lcramay Roooe. dmughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cement K. Roooe of Eagle Rock, to An- Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1011 OoM& BJcfOway • Old fuhloned malt! We mean just this. dttw Wilkins Wlllon m. son al Mr. and Mrs. James Dick Wilson, 11liO West Ocean Fron~ Newport Beach. I The c:en!DlOny took place In Eagle Rock Presbyterian church Mth the reception in the church patio. 1be bride is a graduate ot the University of Southern Ca1lfornia. Mr. \Vilson is a graduate ot P o- mona college and received his mas- ter's degree from Stanlord univer- sity. He ls now studying at U.S.C. for a degree in, economics. 1be young couple will make their home in Eagle Rock. Basic steps to beauty Mory Dunhill's formula for ochieving the exquisite loveliness of the Devonshi: , complexion is based on her famous Devonshire Skin Preparations. Use them freely in a ll the:r beauty giving purity. Fragrant as the rain·woshed air of Devonshire hiHs, they ore on indispensable aid to ftow less loveliness. ..,,.,_,hff• Clnn•int CrN~·· A 1p-.c:lal forniula a.ani thot d -11••• tr1ore ... row9hly 011d "'or• .at!ly 11'1an you •v•r dt90med po11lbl•. Sl.IO to S2J!5 ~lrdr• Ill" "-ti•n. A r.tre1hl11; pidi-.p for both dry and nortnol ... In• • • • • • . • • • . . • • • • . •• .Sl.00, S1.00 D.,..111hir• l••t.,. Cr•om. O./ido1.1•ly IOOlh in;. Its •111o tH..,1 q1.1ollty .. ,,.,.. .. It .. oottu. bc.it.111 for dry tlr:ln , , • • Sl.00 to S,...1!5 Toiletries Street floor ...... , .... Fourth and Sycamore In Santa Ana ii a Ts 's;r, """ " ... Harbor Feminine Activities Childhood Scenes V. it d T . once Torr""""· 114 27th stree~ 1s e on np were c1en Neloon ot 1..oo Anceles . and Mr. and Mn. Cyril ~-lln. R. R. Randel ·tttumed Jut and son, Capt. Royston. of Son Phones 13 and 208 Villa Park Club Entertained at Ocean Front Home Mrs. Harold Brewer and Mrs. Frank Collins were hostesses at a pot.tuck luncheon Wednesda.y at the B rewer home, 2810 West Ocean Front, for members of the Priscilla club of Villa Park. In· formality Was the keynote ot the day with the group enjoying the beach in the afternoon. Guests of the club were Bernice and Ha rriet Bre\\'er, Lillian Lem- burg. Nancy Ann Talmadge, 1\1.rs. Johnson and Mrs. Keith Collins. Members present were Miss Margaret Holditch and Mesdames J. \V. Adams, Romer Baker, Law· rence Collins. E. Crawford, H. M. Gardner. Robert Graham, Myrtle Hold.itch. A. E . Hughes, J . H. l\·lorningstar. Rpger Robb, A. W. Streech. R. H. Sussdorf. Marjorie Talmadge, Stanley Hunting, Olga Rosenau and the hostesses. Social Eve for Fellows hip Class The F ellowship class of Christ Church by the Sea met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W eatherford. 322 Alve rado Place, for a potluck dinner Frida y eve- ning. Mrs. Weatherford is ~resi­ dent of t he class. \V illiam Estes conducted Bible gam es and Miss Elsie Newland di- rected a local "Who's Who" ques- tionnaire. then extended it to Bible characters. Twelve members v.·ere present and two guests, Mrs. Addie Wal- lace of Girard, Kan., who is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. We alh· erford and Mrs. Ann Humphrey of Covington, Ky., guest of Mr. and Mrs. Estes. Walter TB?gcman of Pomona is at the Tangeman cotta ge, 27th street, this week. + + • - • MISS JOYOE TUFFREE. dauKhter of Mr. and Mn. 8. ,;(l&mfl9 Tuf- free of Placeotta and Balboa. whMe engagement to Leona.rd Jottepb Doy le Jr. has just been announced. l\Uss Tuffrce I• the daup.ter of a pioneer Orange county tamUy. ! Phou~ bJ" BernM"(l ot Boll.J'wood I Placentia Bride-Elect Honored at Recent Events Including Saturday Buffet Supper Choosing the evening of the T ournament of Lights with its pageantry of water-home floa ts as an opportune time, Charles Tuf- free entertained Mth a cocktail party and buffe t supper honoring his sister Joyce, whose marriage to Leonard J~eph Doyle jr. of Yorba Linda will take' place Fri- day, Sept. 6 in St. Boniface Catholic c hurch, Ana heim. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and ?\.1rs. S . J ames Tuffree of Pla- centia a nd Balboa, members of one of Orange county's 9est-known pioneer families. Individuality fcrr the "M o rhCT·to·bc • • • If we do not have it, wt ma~e it, you sc:e! Assembled at the Tuf(ree home, 1101 \Vest Central avenue, were David Lypps of Placentia; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips, La Habra; James Helm, N ew York: Bob Bolton. San Jose : Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan. Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Mr. and Mrs. William Kammerer, Barbara Lang, Bob Seaman!, Buck Bruce, Fullerton: Mr. and Mrs. 'COonna.-cOKrarie 51wppe 515 N. llbbl 8t. Gerard Callens, Jeanne Robinson, 'Betty Platt, Maxine Hillyard, Ro- wena Yorba, &b Steele, Bill Sex- ton, Santa Ana; Dextra and Anne R1d'rrile Phone 1637-R Patricia Chapman Saturday Bride Friday from Pueblo. Col.. where Rafael. Other """'"' auests were lbe held a ftUnlon with her aunt, Mr. and Mn. Dick Torrence and Mia L B. Wolfe, and her brother baby and Mrs. Rilla Roth of Loo wham she had not seen in 30 years. Angeles, and the latter's two Alter spending two ~-eeks with nieces. Thursday Mrs. Torrence's the aunt. the brother and sister cousins Mr and Mrs o .... -~ d went all over the· state \iaitin&: • · • ~....,,..,...,n The llvingroom of the Chapman scenes of their childhood.. On l.trs. Batte.n of Phoenix, Ariz., Wt'tt home at 1308 Ocean boulevard, Randel's return she found that guests, and on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Corona del Mar waa a veritable d~ her absence Mr. Randel J oe Summers ol Los Angeles \\"ere bower of flowers when Patricia, had moved the household from there. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Balboa Island to their new home ------------- T . Chapman, became the bride of at 518 Dahlia avenue, Corona del Robert Clifford Hadden, son of Mar. al though the house is not Mr. and Mn. Clifford J. Hadden, yet completed. 2919 Ashbourne Cbive, South Pasa-------------- deoa, at 4 :~ p.m. Sat~ay. Jege. During the war he served ~tephanotis and gladiolus in as an army air for ce pilot. white, yellow and bronze were A suit of beige and brown check keyed to the room's decorative "-'&.s choseJ\ by the bride for her ~te ot r ed. F erns banked the travel costume. The honeymoon fireplace and made an arch above is being spent in Mexico and on a _window at the end of the room, their return the young couple will with a mass of them below, make their home on Orange making a background for the Grove avenue, Pasadena. bridal party. The ceremony was read by Dr. Eugene Blake, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Pasadena. Drive C&retully-Span a Ute. The .11 llllalt lac I fl .-ra anA • caUFORlllA . The bride wore a dress of white eyelet embroidery in street length '1ld carrJed a bouquet of crimson bougainvillea centered with white gladiolus. She did not wear either a veil or hat. Miss Judith Chair man was her sister's only attend- ant and her bouquet ot yellow gladiolus was in pretty contrast to her dress of blue eyelet embroid- ery. l\.1rs. Chapman wore a print of red, gold and black and Mrs. Hadden v.•ore black and white print v.i th a belt jewe lled in red. NEEDLEPOINTER Douglas Coughra n of Pasadena was best man and Donald Heller of t he same city played the wed- ding march. Forty-eight guests witnessed the ceremony and stayed for the wed- ding supper. In the diningroom the wedding cake centered the lace covered table laid with sprays of crimson bougainvillea. It was in three big tiers and was topped with a chubby, old-fashioned bride and groom which had a dorned an- other wedding cake m any years ago. Mrs. Joseph Clifford, grand- mother of the bridegroom. pre- sided over the coffee service and l\.tr. Hadden supervised at the punch bowl. The new Mrs. Hadden is a graduate of Newport Harbor Union Jngh school and of Long Beach Junior college. Mr. Had- den attended the University of California at Berkeley campus and now is a student at Occidental col- NBW LINE I Craft Greeting Cards •·Rug Yam and CanVllS Featuring .I - Columbia and ti"· • Crochet Threads • Embroidery Bernat Yarns Free Knitting Instruction - 118 E. BROADWAY COSTA MESA CJinal elearanc~ CL 0 THE s: FOR ·r1111 g%. -,c/a_H_I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.I, Baldwin ot San Marino; Barbara Smith, Maren Jorgensen, Barbara ' Locke and her fiance, Allen Nlcol ol the USN. Harrison Kelly, John Stationery I Brooking11 V arietv -~·1'1· o.... ...... c I' ti u.. el. esn .., .... olJ1J ' • UIW Newport Boulcua•d Co"4 M-. Oilifomio • • Fall Comes To Balboa and Costa Mesa Fall Showing Now At Both Store• ll06 Eau enu..i ,.._ Bolbod, OslifonU.J -Htnbo, 8l• J orgensen, Pasadena; P ea:iY Cuh- in1 Denver ; Mary Allee Allen and David Melntkon, San Francisco; Miss Tuffree and Mr. Doyle. On Friday. Mrs. Ernest Ganahl and her daughter Peggy compli- mented Joyce with a luncheon a nd kitchen shower, in their home on North Clementine street, Anaheim. Phone Beacon 5824 Newport & eo.ta Meea CAB CO. U-Bour Service Mrs. Tuffree and Mrs. Doyle Were '-------------· included on the &"Uest list with Nelda and Elaine Schumacher and Janet Powe r . Ana heim; Joanne Kraemer, Margaret Jean Bradford and Shirley Smith, Placen tia; Maren Jorgensen and Barbara Locke, Pasadena and other friends. Another affair was the luncheon and s hower at Balboa Yacht club when Mlsa J anet Power ot Ana- heim and Balboa e ntertained for Joyce, guests being former school· mates at Anoakia IChool, F1int· ridge. Present were Betty Dunn and Carolyn Clock of Long Beach; Maren JorgenJen and Barbara Smith of Pasadena; Mary Carleton of Laguna Beach and Peggy Kal· tenborn of Laa Vegas. . Seals $2-40 Bmerved -, " $1.80 ~ Tu Incl 11 < Gryphon Productions ;o : ";:;~~, P LAY~OUS~ ~ < ~ Guy Madison 0 2 " Starring In ,. < ~ 'Dear Ruth' ~ :z ::: a Opens Tonight ~ .... -- z a = ... > II! 0 Tbru August Z5th .. Cast Includes ~Whiting (of 'Junior Miss') r' > Barbara Brown a (of 'Janie' Pictures) i IJmlUd Se&tt,. Capac!!)' Re9erwd Seats AnU.hleat BLUE SAD.S BOOKSHOP ...... ""'" .. Or Le Ul > Ill II ,. n ll The •• Bobby .. Bob and Sally Brown • \ DRASTICALLY REDUaD Mostly Half Price or Less DresseS; Suits, Separate Jac~et) Ploy Clothes, House Coati All SALES FINAL· ~nTICIPHTIOn SHOPS 129 West Third St. Long Beach l'lloae115-ll6 Bol;>by Shop Cost CLEARANCE. SALE Infants' and Children's APPAREL 711 Eut Central, BeJboa "Pirate Days" -Sept.ember 5, _6, 7 and 8 ., •