HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-22 - Newport Balboa News Times• ' 1 THE S.A ND CRAB ., SAM ~o. This being the time of year when most ot us poor mortals hie to field or•stream, thought it was the best thing to do my- self, moreso because my flllhernian Des Moines broth- er-ln-law was intent on land- ing a broodbill or albacore or whale, it made no cliff, because that was what his Iowa son told him to gel WeU , being that the Iowan was more used to fresh wa- ter angling, got aholt of Er- win Ludman. w tr o h a d threatened to take us to one of the nearby lakes, and the three of us hied to Jim Ir- vine's irrigation body of wa- ter in the Santiago hills. It's beautiful there from a scenic point of view but whoever has the concession forgot about putting any fish in the lake. and it pains me to feel that Honest Jim would per- mit anything like that to happen to projects he con- trols. S<K>-o-o next day we went deep sea snooping under the guidance of Harry Gartler. Got all primed with the right kind of tackle from a guy that Frank Bell told me was tops~ accoutered ourselves with lures, poles, line, tackle. etc.. etc., and proceeded after the wily albacore. They are wily alright, because we never found any. and had to go in for some just plain everyday fis h. In the mean- times I got the worst case of seasickness in my long and fisherless career, and the next guy who tries to get me on the briny can go to a bet- ter place than ole Newport Beach . + + • A Mean Sport. When we were out at sea quite a piece, headed for the 14-mile bank, aaid to be overflowing with near Tuna, the Crabber was doing the steering and being unfamiliar with the rules of the ocean, crossed a nearby boat's lines, but with no damage to them. The other boot pilot was so mad that he deliberately cut across our lines and tried to wreck us, with the laugh on him. He sure was a poor spoil- "l'Orl. a sour-puss and a few other unseamanlike terms that would leave him speU- bound, if Harry would only let me print the ~ of his charter boat and owner. But he has a good thought along the line of making the News- Times comment more world- wide than local on the ground that hundreds of people here want sincere opinions. + + + W&IB, W&t.er! Note in the public prints t hat some of our old timers are protesting over the exces.tj\-e cost of _Metropolitan water. You folks who have made all t he dinero you can spend the rest of your years, seem to have no regard for the fu- ture growth of the harbor. Just as all of us fought for years to get the government lnto Newport Harbor, so should we take off our coats and give the rising genera- tion a bountiful supply of water to care for the growth the harbor is bringing. You know dam weU that the wa- ter from the ground is get- ting lower and lower and will soon peter out Suppose we do have to pay for our share of the cost of the MWD e nterprise; does that make it any less needed• And what kind of a heritage will be left the kids when they find their town is dry- ing up because their short- sighted dacb threw them down? + + + 'l'll&t Toamzme11t. Hate tx> tread oo anybody's toes, but comment around town Is a bit off-side OD the Tour- nament ll(--Llgbts. Just who COWlted . the 250,000 people '9llpp!l6ed to be near or reached the rrumber of 250 ftoats when about 80 were in h parade, is one of thOR barmtul things that an im- aginative press agent pulls. .. 1 We Have Our Harbor • • • Now Let's Get Water · · · Water and . Harbor Made ·Los Angeles a Mighty City KEEP POSTED! 1 y !Jiii' • • • • • • $2..50 • O...ty SZ.'laOUOI~ .... o.t .. _ .. -~~lo Newo-n-,N_porl_ .NEWPODT .. .. o.IJ On•p 06u&;J W1 5 t,, :Ne'"paper • hr A_. .... -ol an.z.a... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, ·coSTA MESA VOLUME mvm !oo'EWPOKT BEACH, CALD'OL"1A. rm:JISDAY, AUGUST n. .... . ,...-, NlJMBEll 11 • Rotary Club Backs Ci MWD -Water Plan· CAFE MAN ADJUDGED AS GUILTY ;• BURGLARS HIT CAFE FOR -$1300 Fiimed Scenes of Watershed Flow to MWD Plants Arouses Desires to Be Part of System B)· .JOI-IN DOKJIOFF Tu-o burglari('s ·\Vere reported Assemblyman-Eled Earl W. Stanley, Braden Finch Lead Call for Endorsement Which Is Supported Without Disseriting Vote; District Governor Will Visit Club. "The la'v s latt's tha t. for Lhe from Balboa lsl and \Vl"dnesday protection or the consuming pub-morning netting thie\·rs approxi- lic. pur\'eyors of foods arc re-mately S1300 from \\'hite 's Park sponsibl c for tlle rondjtion of their Ave. cafe and S12 from. John prcxlucts, and in the case of res-Dory's fish market And cafe. I taura nts, the fact that food is Acoordin~ to Ne"·port Beach •• ser ved to a consumer guarantees police repor~s. bur~lars entcrNJ 1 1 Im tWlCI b mid IUm ti U.:. the .. _, the edibility of that food-anci if \\'DriNl~G FLOATS. Three or the leadlnc noaU t hat won prtw ln the l"t!Cent TOUJ"llaJ1leat of U.-ht.8 \Vhi tr's cafe between 1..,.15 and pl"e8 y a ~ c~ -...·~opment and com-feetlval are s hol4'11 above. Ftnt, there'• S. M. J arvis', Glendale, wtdl the Bluejaeket. musical Oagshlp; _ . -· pletion of the w.riCMa 1' • of OOldtructlon involved ln u.e· balkl~ the food is in<'dible or termed unfit seoond, Pec-u Baird, Balboa bland, aboard the top prluJ winne r, the Se• Nympth, and third from left 1 r a.m. hy forcing a screen and Ing of the mammot:A lleC:npollC;aa Water Dlatrtct •l'tem UMI allied for huma n cons um11tion by an ex· a bl·pla.!_le noat entered b _!lay Shore Ca.mp. -photos by Neal Beckner 1 \\·indO\'' on the sout h side or the I watenbecls, the N~.,_.t Bal'tlor Botuy cJu' at. their recul.,. montblJ' pert. th£> restaurant owner or restat1r ant and remo,·cd t.he l meetlng on \\'echt<1lle1 1flcllt TOted ~Y to eadone the city's ma n;lgC'r is rC'Spe>nsible " night's receipts from thl:' cafe cash cnmade for membenlilp la De Ooaatal M11nldpal Waler dhtrtct. a n:., was the opin;on or City [Success of Tournament Was Due I ~~~i~':; be1:1:~.;~i~~~c~~~n.~~r:: .... ~m:~on-pCc~--:::=--wn ... the ,,_...,.hip of -Judge Robert GardnC'r Wednesday j I bar and J'immied the bar·s cash Rotary club by lolm of Laa Aacelm.. a repreM!llt&tlve of th& morning in Newport Beach court ]MWD su..tem g · ill register open and then proceeded _ J "' • • ave moVlng us- '''hen hC' found C. R. Ide, manager T s t G" b H b "t to force the door to 8 supplv room 1 H E K dall tratiom o~ various phases of the r:~~~~:e~~:~~~:~r::~::~f~ :;:: o uppor 1ven y ar or1 es ~~~:n:n~~h:~e.~:.di~·;::yn:.:1 • • en ~s~~;;~;~1?i:£:~~ Ide was specifically charged Ironi~ll.v. the jimmyipg or t.he ] F \j/ t fresh watE'r tha~ a.lready nows ~~bur~~r ~io~oC::ndspo~~ Co;rma1'sesCMlorew!keek F"1r"1ng of Mex"1can of Salem ~~=hp~~~t:rof\\~bu~~~~~~s:~e avors ,,a er ~:~rs;:~fer~17~1:~~t~ sausage and steaks as reported by 8 sale would have opened the cash tn the region served by the Met· officials, ol the eounty he~lt h . de-Done by All drawers. R fi d . l"Opolitan w _ater Di•lriet system. partment follow1ng 1nvest1gat1ons w c I t A t f p· After removing approximately e eren um Also dep1c~ed were the atruc-. on August 14· I By C'OM,tDR. ,_ A-REEK as rue es c 0 1racy $1300 from the three sources, the luraJ work ln\.'Olved in carrying T.ime fo r sentence: was continued Tournam~nt of IJchts ,\ssn. burglars . exited through the back the water underground through. the until l\.fonday morning. August 26,\ Now. txoforC' the refltttion or the ~ door , which was found OPE'n in the San Jad~to mountains and 1nto upon motion by Grainger Hyer. glimmering lights becomes only a By F RE D FROST on this cruise, the British com· morru_ng. . ct! E. Kendall of ~ ldand. ~~ping plants of. the great counsel for the defense. memory we want to express our One of the cruelest acts of pi· mander of the CUrlew ·received P olice investigators found affairs l~ader, ~taril;t "b ter system. Dialogue de-. · . · , r· · ts · J I and former \'lre rreaident ~ the sen ing these phases was given by Testimony presented by Fred gratitude to those whose gener· l'Bcy ever rC'COrded OCCUfT't'd 114 "'ord that a suspicious-looking 1ngerpr1n in sever& P aces near J C p chain st 1 Qty E _ King, deputy health inspector for osity, whose . public spirit and years ego this coming September ship 90·as anchored in the ·river th(' seen~ of entry and near the; v~Ju~t:!.~~:Yhis ~ :.:= .:i. who langm~de-R L. Patter· Orang~ cou~ty, revealed that . he wh~c enlhwuasm contributed to 20th. Bound from Sa lem. Massa· Nazareth on the southern coast\ cash. registers and are checking of the City or N= t Bnd:a. to-on water C'Onl~ti;:1 an expert had investigated the prenuses making the tournament of 1946 •1 chusetts to Rio JAneiro Brazil ot Africa He gave orders to pro-posslble suspects. j da · the-. Wide .a.-t I .h .,_ projects. ~Maged by the defendant, on the I sueccss. It may Y.'ell be that in so the brig·. ~1exicirn of Sal~, wa~, cccd to ·that paint immediately. I Burglars also forced the . b~ck ei 81~av r ir at;y-119 w ~~llK>Wbrg-~ tl°te' morning of the 15th at 11 a. m. hurried an acknO\\'ledgement we Attacked boardbd robbed a.iid set Evt'n British ve"els were the! screen to John Dory's establish·/ g f do able vote for tbe1 water pictures that the membership, on and had found approximate1y 401 may omit some names which afire by ' the ere": of the piraticaJ bane of pirate ships in those days. ment an~ fo~ a drawer in a re ~:~~8~";n °:: 1~ ~tor ~~~ ~iaru Assembtyman-eJect pounds of hamburger mC'at that should be prominC'ntly displayed schooner , lhe Ponda. I The information the British metal fihng cabinet where petty I 0 Th N \\ _ · . ey, Sl'CO"':'ed by was. in his opinion. "sour and! lf such should be the case, we ask The pirate ship "'as carrying commander rec'('ived was authen.' change was kC'pt and found $12.20 t~ i f ~ 'S·~~ s:aidtbein ~ :a~n~ vot.ed unanimously s poi 1 e d ." Appr oximately two for k indly Indulgence. Braz.ilian colors at the time the ticated when they came upan the in nickels and dimes. ' a t '1°• dw,.anderhw:S:__. a~• n-ech d -e Oty of Nfwport u ds I po k · tr•d · · A pair of binoculars and a bar grea es nee . e ,a .. IL..:'O.& uruon Df:a Cl'US8u.: po n. o . r sausage in a pu i I Sponsors of the tournament are 1 Mexican of Salem was attacked off pirate schooner lying in the river th . h -with t.he Metropolit.a.n Watrr Dia--• ~ OD Visit condition "as also found by him, gra teful to the ci ty council for latitude 33 34 and 30 and robbed Nazareth. The boats of the Curlew ometer at were .... in t e same tri-t 1 ---• · ~ Ro King 8SS('rted [ · · ·. . · · ' . . I drawer were not .,.1sturbed.. c sys em as a ~ msur-i..r tary club on Aug. 27th · · f1nanc1al support. and to city off1 · of 20.000 in specie. The of1cers and 11\·r rc manned to take possession ance against •l'.l.Y fafun!t water will welcome Cecil c Cre Upon cross·examinalion by cials fnr patience and cooperation. crew of the merchant vessel were when one or the rogues aboard the shor.tage. ff~ ""'tl1-nf:!d that any 8"nOr of the l08th ctbtrt w,f g~ Counsel tlyer, King admitted that Reports indicate that the police stripped of all their values and I schooner gave a warning and the j R th M • danger to water for home uae ~ tary lnternatio al hlch ct~ des he then ~c ft the premises withou t deparlmC'nt fu~c.tioned \Yi th its then they Y.'ere .put in chains below pirates fled. Four rem~ined behind u ann1ng break property va)ues quickly." 46 Rotarv clu~ I~ ~them ~j~ condemning thf' meat and returned custon1ary prec1s1on. The Harbor deck. After this, the quartermas· 1 to set the schooner afire. but they His letter iollnw:s: fcrnla.. Mr ere · OldsmobU at approximately 2 p. m. \.\'I th Or. Df.'pt . a nd the Fire [)(>pt . both ren-ter of the pirate schooner advised "'ere not successful as the crew ... HENRY E KENDALL deaJer in F. 11 t w 11 db: e .Tohn ~wer. county livestock and I dered \'alul'd servi~ and ~th t~e pirate captai": it was tlme to I of the British vessel wa~ upan War Worker Balboa Isla~d, Califonlia ber ot the~~ ~:b of-~~ meat 1.nspector . Harbor ~1a5ter Craig and Fire give the order to fire the merchant them. They were taken prlSOners. A t 21. 1946 ton Ca.llt · D fA pMf'd of Spoll ·Chief Crockf'r 1?ave unstintingly or vessel. The order was given and As it turned out. it \\'BS found that ugu.s · l M,. C:m '!iu · it th Ro On the stand. Dr. Bov.'er quali·J !h<'ir tim(" an~ influ~nce to render· the s hip was set ablaze.. I the sch~ner was the Ponda. ~~rt·Balboa News-'llmel.. club ~f Nr:.X,rt·~:boa ~o a= fied himself as an expert on the 1ng w {'rfcctl\'(' aid. The Street Capt. Butman and his crew of The pirates \\'ere taken aboard H rt v· t• Newpart Beach, Califm:aia.. and auist Pre~i"d t N I.so Stat de1crmination of adulterated foods Drpt: was put to a. lot. or. trouble the Mexican of Salem managed to the CUrle\\', placed in cells below ea IC 1m Dear Editor: ford, Settetary1 ~rte L .n CaII:b under the law and testified that hauling a\\'ay rubb1Sh 1nCldent to break fre-e of their Imprisonment deck, and carried back to St. am ther ff' f the cl b upan inve9tigation at the tsland decoration. We owe them a vote and scampered to the deck through Thomu, on the west roast of I hI have btttn ":_.~_ear tm ~-matt!r. .,..,?~~ ~ cl .. admiu °" Patio he had found 40 pounds of I of thanks too because not a "'Ord the scuttle, which the pirates in Africa. In due course of time they 1 buila~·e spen • ~ ::....-..:. ~ .::==.: '-'-tlon~· d Rong! 0 u..,.. n-Ruth Naomi Manning. 49. wife t my l'lorne Joco:: ..-. ... .,..11:' •u-• an ary Rr'Vlc:e ac hamburger meat in a bad state ot of complaint has reached us from their haste to leave the burning u•ere taken back to India and . h _ ,__ ttvltl H ,_ f the 157 .,_--- . k I any of th i on •1 1 h d 1 1 1 1 t 11 1 th h' ....,.. i . of Harold Manning. 214 Diamond is not en<11"!b, m1r7 "" --.q me es. e 13 one o ~-decompos1t1on, por ~ausage !hat' e r pers. n ... ·. veue 8 orgot en ° as en we · rom · ere 5 ip.,._-... n irons to avenue, Balboa bland, died sud · 1 out. J like it llere and I want trict governors of Rotary lnlema· was moldy and putrid a~d eight Generous ~lnanc1al assistance de-This gave Capt. Butman and the England for hearings before the denly of a heart ailment Tuesday I to stay, but 1 wattt tu know ttlat tional who are supervising the ac. New York cut steak~ also 1n a bad I serves spec1~l ackno"·ledgement. crew ample time to set about ex· admiralty courts. evening In St. Joseph hospital. we are gof1tg to hll'ft wats-. 1 ttvl:tles of some 5800 Rotary clube state of decomposition and spoil· particularly in the cases of Al tinguishing t.he flames and saving As the United States courts had She will be remembered b y many y,•ant enough water 90 1 ~ take with mm"e' than 8 quarter of a mil· ngt>. ! Anderson. Bob Murphy, L. C. their ship. a stronger claim against the Pi· in the area as Ruth Bluet, her ' a bath when I want tD. lion memben in 73 counties and "There is no odor to meat unless Br('("r, C. E. Donnelly, \Vayne Har· After they returned to the home rates for the attempted destruc· former name, under "-'hich she! There is no &IL.WEDI about ceocraphical regions throughout it ls in a state of decompositjon. per. H. E. Kendall, White Bros., port, they reported the incident to tion of the brig, Mexican of Salem, enrolled in defense work. . how to go about il. ~ ilt only the world. and . as th~ meat I ~ound in the Berna~d l\o1cNally and R. F . Val· I government authority at Salem, the British Admiralty courts de~ She was a top producer in as· one thing to dio--j)iD tbe llWD. Today, this worldwide service refrigerator was decidedly odori· lely Y.ho bore a major share of who Immediately telegraphed an creed that after ahort sentences sembling a-29 and PBY bomber Why waste words mnd: time. AS!/ organization continues to grow in ferous, it is my conclusion that I the burden. It "'.as gratifying tu ' urgent message to the nationaJ on charges of suspected piracy in harness or wirina.. 8.t the Laguna sensible buslhet& ._will 12D J'ID8 numbers and in strength. During the mt>a! was spailed. Further· not(' th.a l a considerable amount capital. Our government ordered British east ~·aters. they must be Beach and Corona del Mar feeder to first be ~ al:: )'US' water the lut fia;cal year, 404 new Rt> more. I contend that it is extreme-of o~ ~1nandal support c~e from a vessel sent in pursuit of the returned to the United States for plants of Consolidated Aircraft supply. tary dubl were organized in 12 ly rortunate that no one WM tak('n unsoltc1ted sourCt>S . A ~ind Jet~er pirate ship, but the vessel returned trlal for robbery on the high seas. corporation and had a perfect at-What's thP trrst thine to do oocmtries of the Americas, and in sick h\ the 1'.'eat's consumption:· and a check from Cha~he Dick1n. to its station \\'ilhout the prize. On the 26th day of .August, 1834. lendance record of more than two ~·hen you bay • car c:r build a Australia, BeJgium, Bunna, China, Dr . Ro,,·er said. son. of Newport •. coming volun4 The Ponda eluded capture. His Brittainic Majesty's Brig of years home--insur~. at coune. We want Cz.echollovak:ia. Denmark, Eng· Ide, tak ing the stand in his O\\'ll tartly and unsoUc1 tPd. y,·as a.n un· For months no one sailing the War Savin~. f~om Portsmouth. Sh~ is survived by her husband'. to insure oanelws aa:ainst imy land, Federated Malay States, Fln- dcfense, testified that he had been ex['l('Cted pl('asure. I high seas heard again of the Eh·~~!~tt.sd a.n:1ved in Salem. Musa· t Harold Manning; a son. Richard water shortage. ~ *'CU to land, France, G~. Hong Kong, Th I I Ponda, although it was known that c ~ with 14 of the crew ot h in thE" cafe bU!ines.s for a number e tournament cons sts o a ' I Bluel \\' o saw service with the water for home tm' wlll brak India, Ireland, Luxembourg, New of yean. and in his opinion. the lot of things, but mostly it con· other pirate ships were prowling the Ponda aboard. Ten pirates Seaix:.es in North Africa Italy the property values ~· °ftm"e' is Zealand, Norway, Portugal, StraJts meat was alright to ser\'e. He also sist.s of boats. To James S. Bar· I the seven seas. particularly in the were caught by the British ship's invasion of France, Gu~ and the lots of land in tl'w suwllia&t U.t Settlement., Sweden, the Nether- 'd t f th h be f vicinity of ~1:ada:.gascar. But in crew who we.re scouring the 1 South Pacific and who WU to . f 1· I altJe. beai said that he had disposed of the 1 rett, prC'SI en o e c am r o 1 their visits to the various ports, African coast ror the remainder 1s o Jtt e v _. ww Janda, 11ae Philippines and Wales. ffi('at upon the announcement of l commerCt", Y.'e are particularly in-1 have been marriE'd Wednesday it has no water. Qtim tao ..e 'On.--·-Rotary cluL.-are lo-. n -th d b ed f h . t f hi nelther captain nor crew of Amer~ of. the pirates that skipped the evening to Miss Shirley-Ruman of b ·1 r. id'af'iiii fl 'l'TJlll:'ftl':v ... ~ Ull Dr. DVwer at the meat was I e t or t e ass1gnmen o s lean vessels heard anything of the ship. . u1 t on a om >Ali ..ur, cated, their activities are similar sPoUed. entire fleet to the uses of the pirate ship that was canytng the The /pirates: were tried bet . Los Angeles, two brothers, ~I-climate and deuc ... • t. We to thoBe of the Rotary club of Ide. upon questioning by Judge association. It "'as one of his colo-01 Brazil. There we-other the United Stat ts t Bos-OT'e liam Maize ot Los Angeles and don't have to W&tJ ~ 6twte. New~.BaJboa because they....are Gardner. also admitted that he boats \\'hich carried the press "" ·~ es cour • Richard Maize of Pittsburgh, Pa. God gave us the> amsa ...t ~ L---~on the ··-general ob~-ed b 1 d th h' h pirate ships. some carrying flags ton oo November 11, 1834, and Funer aJ services will be held Frf. h ld be .. ll:tal &r it.. ~ .-.. •• "' ~-had b<-en warn Y Inspectcr representat ves: an ano er w JC 1 that .. __ bla•k 1'n col---• ·-alter a t• •·y .hear! g · t th s ou thm tivea-the promotion or better K. bout iled t ed t t an.sport the gover -"'·'" ._ ..... ..,Kl '""""""' ..-...a · n in ° e day at 3 p' _m in Melrose Abbey. ~t t of me ~ w1tb ing a spo mea on a was us 0 r · that carried a skeleton and O'OCS· charges of robbery on thE' high oprw:t1 undenta.ndinc a·n d rettowship pre,;ous occasion. nor and party: bo as f th pir city, COW'ICll' ..t Adbaf heJp 119 ·-busineM and protesaional Defense Attorney Hyer scored a To Harry Welch, the ever re-nes. se 'se\'en ° e ates were con.. done a g'ODlf ~ tsalc!nlt do a ::..,.------unJty.bette-t un· f f h Then one day His Brittanie Ma-victed, five of whom were ex· .,._,.. ........ ... ~. . • "·""' .. point in his client's favor when he sow-eoe uJ secretary o our c am-je-sty'a brig, the CUrlew, got orden ecuted. 1\r.~ were given a re-lnqwnn• • g better oiY, but 'ft' ftTl8ll lllrft tlertaldnp raising the standardl summed up his argument by aay· ber of. commerce, we are indebted water. ~ _ ..... a 1) eer-. al -• --~· -'--'~ --~ f th to leave Its station in India on a pl"'le\'e by the PresiMnt of the D8R9 ai:11U .,. ..... _... anu tng that the meat couldJ't't h~ve for the procurement o e na\'Y cruise of the rout of Africa. While United Statn. Reporter lain water n""9' ~ .-e-Jllrz a fmterln& the ad n<:ement ot'good been in \'ery bad condition if the blimp, the civic entries and the harbor Mtfloat an t:11bm Smile-tinders~ and aoe inspector would lea,·e the premises Long Beach Municipal band. Harry of us who' tlRd" • CllTlll!' ~ be-wlD. all the .!oples ofpe the alter the investigation and r•tum made a number of c:onstruetlve K1"ds Haue Chaace I ~..-.11-rs Week I An inquiring reporter and pho-fore 1936 --ft -.... = several how's later, meanwhile al· suggestions, some of which we had w· ~ tographer were seen roving the The &al1'1e Iaiane. aie---_.. lowing the UR of meat whJch. In not the time to follow. ...0 Dive for 1000 harbor area this week, solldting roundinp ~ aD ......_ tid ..ta ------- his opinion, was spoiled Work perfonned by officers and I' locall vital ""fuily tfevofopod°-._ .... -llesa A_._ "-rt Salary Scale Is Approved The Newport Beach Oty Coun- cil Monday approved the new sal· aried classification schedule r.x dty employu. Only exception was that l'.Mde in the case of ~{rs. Leveta Lacey of Court Place, who i$ leCl'etar)' to Chier or Police R. R. Hodgkin· --Mn. Lacey •111 be pa1d on a monthly and hourly per diem bui.< u her work is not or a permanent • dirocton or th• anodatlon should Pennies in Pool Out or 89 crtmlnal complain .. =~tbocir: dty'• ii::: the .,,tr....,. -- - -•"' ""9 not be overlooked. Vice Oxnmo-ftJed In the Ne---Harbor police fare. • it! Values~ .... $a~ .... raid for SSS,000 00... Howe ruponded promptly -~ • The resui... hlghllchted with values ot today. ~ every time we called~ ~·-.. ~t beChlldttn or ~:_~ty dlwill court during the week ot A~t the informer's picture, will appear We ~ltnrAft •&Iii &M _ _.._ 1 '.WU his tow boat pik>teu by &..IJ'Ule KiVtn a.n ~ ............ ty to ve 12 to 17, exactly 32 were for each week aa a feature of the right ap r. om-Aaeso Na.' Jeora Sale of the Sea-Eat.a ....,w:. Dilaln, that escorted the calliope for 1000 pennies which will be apeedlng. said Ot J·"'~ Bob News _ Thnea, beliMlnc noxt get lats of ftnll ·-- -a.ta H-auto court, by VolneJ around the bay. Rear Commodore thrown by Paul Gustlln. Tultin-Y -.e untlay -•tal'>m - --·• U.,, al Bali-, to Ed BMhur al James McNally and his good .,;fe Balboa sports promoUr', Into the Gardner today In another warnlna-Th The ~ question: .. Do YoU i:r-. ~ far 155.000. -.,.. rendered a fine service in the tltt-pool ot the Tustin hlch ochool. oealnst speeden. think the dty ahould join the Met-8rwee1<17 -a al todq. The motel com- some job or getting out ctrcu1ar SW>day alternoon at 2 p. m. or the 32 arralped on the ropolltan Water District S)"ltem." R. E: BEHl'*'L. ....... 11 tmlt&. let ten. Treasurer J ack 'T'wist as Among the 1000 pennies will be spredi ch • · · R.,. a1lo aonowtoecl that he Ml custodian or our funds has char, lucky coins whJch will mtitle wfn.. ng: arze. !WO were sent-tu' p td the Frank D8.)' home •t acteriltlcs reminescent of the rock ning chJldren to silver dollan u eace4 to terms in the.county jail, CAFE scam DOOa CUI' l'OllON&JI' CWWW 10DZ ()mu Front. BaJ:bo&. a 14- of Gibraltar. Once Jack &•" It pri..a which will be awarded dur· without the -1blllty ot an alt.,._ Bob Clay, ........_ ot KlnC• Arthur D. ~ .ii p --bwwwt ....... wbldl be it's safe. ing the Plrat• 0..ys et:lebntlon In native flno, the othets paid flneo Landing cafe, -ned lila p-eo ·-m .. 1 nplalJt m atr ~ - ---Be bu ta11ft ..._ Staff Cmmnodore w_ K. MIUJ'llY Balboa in September. '!be -•-.cine Sl8 e9CIL Judp Gani. Tuesday to tlnd that --Gardner ... Ml•ht .....,. Iii -... the ---... and Follx Bangs, In addltlon to will allo be able to _.ic!pate ID -reprtled Udo .,,.,._ -cut the~m on bla --wu -dofair llD-.. • Ill -....... ,It ca OmtnJ ·-· dignifying the dltt<:torate by their the cont .. t whid> Gultlln Is --w of men or' t.oo ._ ,.tlw and mt the ~ 1-.e -_,. at Cmtnr -~ Bq n-.t!J' .,.. the •- IO>atlnuod oa Pop 4> -inc tar tho c8ebt'otlon. 6ivfnc. 1 notllledf , •trat.. W ' 5 c -t. a ftlald .........._ l ! , SILVER PLATING We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California!!! • For the first time sinee the ..a.., you can have your keepsakes and fiWJ tea servlces "'811- ven!d with - PURE 1003 FINE SILVER COMMERCL\4 TRIPLE OR QUADRUPLE PLATE • EXPERT SILVERSMITHS ALL WORK GUABANTEED • • HeadUpt Reflectors. AD 8ke9. (Commerd&I Plate) Bayside Plating Co. ~~ c.c. "'Chuck" ...-Worth 194S Newport A•en.ue COSTA KESA Phone Beacon 5358-R C. IL "Bob'' Baad TRAILER CANOPY Buy Now! CLEARANCE SALE Standard Sizes lncloding • Save $$$! Poles -Lin~s -Springs -Stakes s311~P This Week Only Monday Thrq Saturday • All Articles Lockstltch Throughout • Costa Mesa Canvas & Awning Co. ' Polio Attacks fatigued, Says County Physician Newport Harbor Fishing News Relouedby Sportfishing Assn. of Newport Harbor ' being caught on th.is barge. The- barge Gander. -off the Newport Pier, has halibut, mackerel, a few barracuda and tom cod being land- ed. A JO.pound ye&wtail WU caught Sunday on the live bait charter boat Lancer by Wayne Miller, of the Southgate Anglln.g club. In Newspaper Interview Sunday, Aug. 18, two marlin ., abo,,e the leader. sW'Ot"Clfish were weighed in at the A new live bait boat has been Bal~· Angli_ng club's olficia1 addecf to the neet fishing from weighing stauon at the harbor· Port Lido in Newport Harbor. It master's office. is the Lucky Strike. a seventy-""-o Swordfishlng out of Newport footer, with over fourteen foot Harbor ;which in previous years beam, two Sterling diesels, a has given the highest drama in lounge room, galley and four bait fighting fw-y. is: beginning to show tanks. It leavt"S at 7 a .m. and action after a slow start. Day ts skippered by Harry Lygren. after day has found the sword-A thirty-l\\"O JX)Und blue fin tuna fishermen running l}t sea in search was caught one day this week by E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTRACTOR Dr. Edward Lee Russell Explains to News- Times Special Writer, How People Can Avoid Attacks of Infantile Paralysis, Most Prevalent' in August and September By H . L. BABl\~ Special Writer News-Ti.mes Staff Infantile paralysis. medically termed poJiomyelit.i!:. the most dreaded and feared disease in this country, has claimed few victims in Orange county-four to be ex· act-it was revealed this week by Dr. E. L . Russell, county health officer. This report has been a par- tial relief to many frantic mothers of growing children in this area, but is not to be reasoned with when it is considered that ultimate danger is still prevalent as long as warm weather persistx. August and September are the consistent months of incidence. Though it is a usually accepted theory that the disease virus is spread from person to person. and that the disease is communicable in populated districts. "positive" cases i111 this county have not been localized. The four polio sufferers received this year for treatment at the disease pavilion of the Or· 1 a nge County hospital \\'l're strick- en \Vith the malady in Balboa, ! \Veslminster a nd Huntington I Beach. To detcrmin{' a specific means ! or escaping the disC'ase, such as medical sciC'nce has provided for son," the doctor stated. Individ- uals who have been exposed may become "carriers"' or the polio virus without developing any symptoms of illness. but it should be recalled and in resume of the doctors cautions, if preventative factors are not adhered to, a non- paralytic "carrier'' may transfonh into an infantile paralysis victim. For the information of swim- mers In the Newport-Balboa area, a constant vigil ts-kep{ on the wa- ters of the ocean and Newport Harbor by the county health de- partment. SampJes a.re dra\\'rl for laboratory tests. All tests prove the samples comply with swim- ming water standards. No con· lamination or human polution has been in evidence. No polio virus has been determined. The record stands.· Health Ofricei/ Russell. a chil- dren's specialist before assuming his present post. is well acquainted with the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of polio. But primarily, his duty is prevention ., And pre- vention can only be carried out- to the benefit of all-if e rrors of judgment are erased and replaced by kno\vledgc. Dr. Russell '''ishes to pass the "'ord to all parents of children, a nd o1her adults-for such an epidemic does not spar e-- that the beginning symptoms or infantile paralysis are usually mild and may be ignored. many o!ht•r illnesses. scientists have spent years or research in an a ttempt to discover a serum, a vaccilJ<' or a dnJJ:: that \~·ill prevent inrantile paralysis. Al the present. The message: "The onset or thr the lX'st prev('ntion is to a\'Oid ex-disease is sudden and is not usual- posure. Rut this is not cnough,1 ly distinguishable by the par('nt contends Dr. Russell. \or patient from thE' symptoms of CEMENT WORK of marlin and Sun'aay there a·ere Charley Fromm of Van Nurs. CA.LL 15t!.1 FOB INFORMATION results. aboard Port Lido's Recapture. 1....---------------------------' A one -hundred -twenty -three Bert Mills' Loma Pat had two -------------------------- pound marlin was caught by Vir-albacore Saturday, and Jess gU SChane ln thirty-nine minutes Skeen's Georgia M had one. Bert on heavy tack.le aboard the Nana, Mills had seven albacore \Vednes- skippered by Homer Roach. A day. He reports seeing tuna one-hundred-thirteen pound marlin jumping ten feet out or water. nine was caught by Clarence White in miles SE of the east end ot Cata- twelve minutes flat on heavy lina. @Balboa rlr et tackle aboard the Cor lita skip-W. C. Robinson, 247 Covina St.. More 'l'ball so Y.ean of 8errlcle to the ~. pered by Dr. J . Lowry. Long Beach. was the winner of S81 MAIN Flne.t OUent.ele BALBOA. OALIF. These fish add up to a total the $40 fishing pole offered for ------------------==:..:.:=....::=::..:- of seven swordfish brought into the first yellowtail or albacore :----------,.------------------- Newport Harbor so far thi.S season, caught on the live bait boat Sport three marlin and four broadbill. King. which fishes from King's The first of the season was a Landing in Ne"rport Harbor. Sun- broadbill caught July 13 by 1 day, Mr. Robinson caught a yel- Howard Earl aboard the Dolphin Jowtail which earned him the fish- skippered by-Eddie Offerle. The I ing pole wrapped specially by Mr. second broad~ill was caught byl 1'1erritt Esty. M . A. Machrts on the Phantom 1'1any livebait boats from New- skippered by Norman Begg on 1 port Harbor are making th.e run July 19. do"'"Tl below Dana Point to San The third fish was a marlin l\tateo kelp. Twenty-five \\'hite caught by Lt. A. E. Suess jr-. on seabass \\'ere caught there on the Bob Jayred's . RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Cars Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497 -M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa the boat Capt. Carl, skippered by Flyer Saturday, and the Comet I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.- Lllly Suess. The fourth fish \\.'as had six. Both boats also had big I 1 a broadbil.l caught _by \V. A. Wells halibut and a~·fully hi g barracuda. I on the Chinook. skippered by Glen 1 Carl 1'1.clntee brought in one yel- Sode n. Tht> fifth, a broadbill, was lo\vtail Sunday, plus berriis and ) caught by Roy Getchel. aboard bass from Dana Point. However. the Tight Lines. skippered by l\1. thr Point has lX'eii slo'v and the L. DcGrasse. I Huntington flats bad, forcing ' The Las Tunas. an old Zant? n1anr boa ts to go further do"'" Gray boat. ''ith Joe ~1iller aboard I the coast. ha d t"·o hookups "'ith marlin one A 10-pound yello,,·tail 'vas day this "'t'ek. 'fhc first one ,,.as caught l\1onda.y off the· barge Re- coming in, suddC'nly stood up on tri('\"f'r ancliored off Abalone I-Iii! its tail and shook the hook out.I by Arthur :'\tare of Balboa. Hali- The second one snapped !he line but. barracud<t and honita arr also ! DRAFTING • SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates !~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~ I • Before You Build or Remodel I . Visit Our lnlerestlng 1021 S. E. Roche81er Street Costa Mesa a mild illness or other communica- . '"Equally as unporta nt as avoid· ble diseases. A lo"' grade tempera· 1ng exposure, cro,vds a nd personal ture prevails and a persistent but co~tact, ar~ _these factors: Avert not severe headache is concurrent 0 PEN CLOSE fatigue, ch1lhng and severe sun-1 usually making the patient nerv- 8 A. M. Opposite F1re Station 6 P. M. ~~n. Also.dparents sh1ou1ld be '_Yarn-I ous and irritable. Castro-intestinal Sample and Display Romm Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linolewn. P. O. Box 101 Be.aeon 5023 ._..._. to . avoi . rcmova 0 tor;isits or symptoms are sometimes present i~~~;:;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~~~d~c~n~o~•.d~s~p~n~o~r~t~o~a~nd~· d~u~r~•.n~g~t~he resulting in nausea and vomiting. 1nfant1le para lysis cptderruc sea-! Alxlominal pains may occur which, at tin1cs. are confused "ith appen- lOI ANGtlrs L & C INYlSTMENT dj cit is. Loss or appetite coupled HOlLYWOOD E STE R Q • with fatigue a nd listlessness is LONG lfACH SECUllTIES common. But tremor. trembling. l"ASAOlNA Mnnb" Lo1 Arrgtlt1 Stock Exch.,.ie TO Mln THl I stiffness in the neck and back are .=.:i 2004' WEST CENTRAL A VE., NEWPORT BEACH INVESTORS' potenµa1 danger signals calling for µNTA ANA HAR BOR 137-l-J NEEDS I Immediate action. During the pres-!~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiii~r ent countr)"'ide epidemic. any or all or these symptoms are enough to requlr e the attention of a physi· cian." he explained. Either by chance, forethought. or exercised prevention, Orange county heads the list In a minority "ith its bordering neighbors. But, inasmuch as the epidemic con- CHRISTIAN'S IIUT Leonard Marshall, Manai1er Balboa, California DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS oRE 1uN-~ tinues. thl' Orange County hospital r-------------------------.. 1 has prepared itself to ml'et any BEGINS· RIGHT HER H-will Y"" h1vo your leisure? A picnic- pitchin1 honeshoe1 pvtteri•I in the 1arden--or rntinc with your heels hip In the 1ir1 Pick 1ny one .you like ... d have ll'IOre fun doinc it with tho equiprne11t we have et ani11c prices. More fu11 ind lower prices both be1in at TIWINKLE'SI THE NEW ALL-AMERICAN BARBECUE Equipped with RUBBER TIRED WHEELS s42•s • c-....... PMtMlo Moul"'ted on four rubber· rired w!wels provides roll- .ability, without tiltiria. • Hew. tt.. H .. t • U..ahlr FNhlN F irt"boi is hned "n inaenio us w i th li &ht mechanism •• we i 1.,t f ir e provid@d for in- brick, which re-stantly ond t.1ins ••• heat. easily r•ising or W ill not bum IO'oYE'riroa 1111!her out. • spir or 1rill, • "• .... , C..calM••t• SoK-w.-mi,,. c:~tment , .. l•pUin.:I bolt"Cb , •• Towe rods •• , Awlih.., Mt"Vir-c "..,. --• AdMt..tii. ap It W I th 6-loc:kitlC PQ&iflot'&. BAR-8-Q TEXAS CHUCK BOX OLD CRIJC I( S.HS, $§95 "HE MAN"S" COOKINC SET s79f J-PllCI COOKINC SIT • Stainleu •IHI, will not NII, st.in, t•mlth ot CQl'Tode. Everyon. who cooks with It wlll IW K lll• tM ~Uty #'Id dnlt l"I. "HIS OWN" COOKINC CLOVES SJ! L.-p tl.z• asblsto,; l lOVfl th.It 1fford rul proter;tlon. IAllECUE ArRONS •tts IARIECUE COOK'S HAT .... MOHAWK COLLAPSIBLE CRILL 5S§9s.,.; Solt «f~tlllble t.o .ix pOSitlonl __ • rid lldjt.atllDI• to two polltiON -• • fw Nsh or low fire -, . sire 11 ~-It\.. t_, ._,, rnetel C'ONINC"t'°"' increase or development of polio- myelitis. NewS·Timel advertisement. an. your guide to effident spen<lin&. EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL Your application for term· inal furlow pay will be no- tarized FREE! Bring Your Identification. F. C. VENN I Lieut. Col U. S. A., Retired) Realtor -Notary Publiic 607 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. At your local dn.lggist -·-THE MOREY CO . lU W . ti. S&. Loe......-is MEN-WOMEN Prostate ---Pelvis .. ,... .... ,. t .,,, ...... .......... -..... ., ....,. .,. ~WI za. ......... l'J , .. ... .....,.,~ ......... ,.... . ....., ...... , ......... .. ..,._, . IT'S YOUR GLANDS Ow •t••• ,..,..., ....... _fl:" • .. !Ce === xx."'-= ....... ~ ........... c.. n..c... ..,. ........ lfuu,_a a...IL ..._ ......_UM fw :1 I ' 1lllo • T-. .. ,·-' ~ .................. ., ..... • b l • ... ftw ••• MIDWAY A.UTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central Phone Harbor 2125 • • Auto Painting $50 up and Body and Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL WORK Motor Tune-Ups a Specialty • Prices Reasonable No Delay CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for th~ Building Contractor Dutch Heacock · Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 1'1tll ..t S-•la A.a Aft. -OmCa ..._ . -1 • Rugs & Carpets Cleaned, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works lW Sout.b Malo SL Phone Santa An& 2806 SANTA ANA You get regular raises as a Telephone Operator You're paid 1Vhilc you Jam to be a teJe. phone opera· cor-a lull sa(. ary-and you gee 1cveral raises she 6.rst y e•r alone. Afttrwuds )'OU. c:ao look for· lVatd to reguh.r pay iatttasn. I I Work i..t iotu- e1tiog, pleas· mL And you'll like the girl• )'OQ work with, thegoodwotk- iag c:ooditiom and the friend- l y atmosphere. A telepboa1 offia is a-nice platt to wodt. -------------------------------------------· What'• mare, you'll ha•e a ra.I opponu.a· ity to get aJxad. A 10l<pbooo job offeL1 a aood c:uca:, wirb imoy .dnacaps. Come iD ad .. Ill eod.y: ----------------- I I Hert' s why f!!:! like a telephone ca,... • Good pay while JOD ltllm •Good worlciag cooditiocu • Rqu1u nix. • Vaa.tioa with pay • A cbuce to pt abt.d ----------------- Apply st Southern : •' .. i.,nui (ompany "Cell Chief ()pent« for ~" ( nlif" • · · • - Newport Woman . RllShes to Aid Polio V"ldim • Mindanao Debris Disables Wlnita The live bait charter boat Win- The appeal issued last week by ita was hauled out of water here the National Poliomyelitis Foun-today with a damaged propeller elation through the local Red Cr-on and shalt. the result of an en- for nunet to volunteer aid in the COlJilles 'With a submerged section present epidemJc 1n Los Angeles of f'he derelict Mindanao last Sun- brought a response from Mn. day, Ellen Fraser, 314 32nd street, who "Sunday morning about 10 :30 bu gone to the Los Angeles Coun-a.m. between the jetty and La- ty hospital to help. She has a war guna. I missed three visible, fire- service r ecord as a Red Cross blackened logs, but I hit one in- nune. visible one," said Ernest C. Wil- Expert Radio Service Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC :tMI Newport Blod,. C08TA an:8ll son, Box 143. Sunset Beach, owner of the Winita. "l:.uckily, It didn't hurt any part of the .hull, but o ne propeller was bent . one shaft bent. That's the extent of damage to the boat." r: I '"The l\1indanao has been a men- ace for a long time. I've had peo- ple ask me , 'What's the matter with Newport. with all the money it has?' Tuesday, I gave it a wide berth," Mr. Wilson added. "I v.ron't go through there any more until the situatio n is cleared up." Mr. Wilson, a member of the Spor1.fishing Association of New4 GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor 467 N-rt Blvd. COSTA MESA • \\·ttu \\'OUl..U~"il-r ro for a ride oa a 111erry-ro-round wttb two pippins 11.ke theae. Tb.I• lu't a common alPL It'• juat two Of the fo,•e11Pl5 \\'ho \\'er e f'Dtered In the r~nt bathing beauty parade ta Balboa. That \\'oodf'.n horse Is mighty proud. 8tt how Ill.ch be rai!W!S h.18 bead. It lln't. oft~n that tu•o pls "'1th so muc-h pul<"hrl- tude takr-him for .. ride. "'hat a luck y naa ~ P.A.PALMER L IOO ISI£ P11.0PER'.I'IE.5 =..:...-.:..:.. ,, ___ _ W. 0 . BUCK-I..suranre Counselor /JlzmL. 1500 ~&al 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA Vet Taxi Service Opens in Mesa A new transportation service. Lhe Vet's Taxi Co., opened in Cos ta Mesa , it was revealed this '<A-'eek by its owner. "Bill" Smalley. -;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;::;:::;::;::;::;::;:::;~ Patrons are assured of prompt .ii a nd reasonable service and can • NOW-'Round the Island Ferry l:llO A. IL TO 11 P. IL South Bay, BalbOa Yacht Club, E&t Bay, Richardson's, Evans', Villa Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor hland and South Bay: Hall from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY RABBOR 9%-W Lonq Spaqhetti ";'."..":: .. ElboMacaroni ";-.":: 14• Wide F.qq Noodlee :;: :14• Golden Rice , .. ,.. 12" c.Ji ....... ._..,__ Wheaties ,_,.. II• ll _ _.. __ IS<.. IMT Lealie Shaker Salt -·-... ,. -~\~ GROUID BEEF Qtu.lity bed pecUd i• Vdlins. expect the courtesy once enjoyed by taxi "riders" before the "'ar. Mr. Small ey reports business s teadily increasing since the pas- scner service bega.n a nd contends tha t no "stay laters" will be left without transportation. Says he: "We are open 24 hours a day." por t Harbor, has contacted that group to help him get some thing done about the l\1indanao and in presenting a bill to the city council for the damages to hit boat. ,.,,, .Hlltl • ,... Oranqe Juice , .. o-::..--= I .. ---Juice Blend•....,~---= I• ~-----.. ..... ._"*lo <Uc. Punch --=·,. ,.,,,,.., "'"''" Potatoee Potatoee --.......... ,. 111\.-. .... --1 .. ,_ ... ,_ .....,, ;.;.c,. stwi.1, -n ... ~,.. c.'t .... S.t.-..,, .. -~-f'L YMfltt .....,,. -ri. ....... ttw ,..., ef Mti•t '"4•nt effl'J tt.e ,.. ~.,. Morton'aShakerSalt 7" ----. .... ,,.,, -tUMIUI Raindrop ·.._ ... no T-IOIE STUI Menill'1RichS11c!a •:,: ZI" Bonuo 2 ':::-:Ill" I --JCIL Kenu PotCleanen ...... u- ~-::1 .. -r1-... - L-!!IROAST .. 399 !!!_DUI .. 519 mf_I!} ... Ulem&ST ....... I .... ..11-....... ~. ' CODlllm . .... -. ... c.A. ~Cl'lf .... .. 45· ... lllf .. 7:1" --UlelOASI .. ,........... .. ... ....... ...,._ .,- SClf lllm --.... -Photo by Ed Blondell. Lorentzen Quits Red Cross Here After M'rving for four years as chairman or t he Newport Harbor branch of the American Red Cross and S£'eing it throug h the difC-icuJt war year s. Jurgen Lorentzen has tende r<'d his resignation. A new chairman and other offi- et>rs v,;j!J be elected at the annual meeting, to be. held Friday even- ing. Aug. 23. a t 8 p.m. at the Ebell club. The public is invited to attend the meeting, to hear reports of work done and to discuss plans for the future, which now are to be directed tO\\'ard aiding disabled veterans. On the nominating com- mittee are Mrs. Jane Calkins, Mrs. J essie Whitson and Mrs. Isabell Andrews. PETALUMAN'S KEYS FOUND Keys lost by Floyd Gridley of Route I. Box 451, Pe taluma, here \Vednesday, were found by Royce Font Howa r of Glendale and turn- ed over to the police department for safe keeping. police disclosed. PHONE llAllBOB 111 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sip Man •BOAT LE'ITERING A SPECIAL TI' . . • • • ~'" Bok.a,, e-.po'"J 801 ~mp.., --- . Central Garage . . & Collision· shop .._ 5Ul..J _N_pen....._ OOlft'.A. MJ:BA Rf, 's=!S lMI ....... Tre11eldo1s Mark Downs Oii All Fine Jewelry to Force Olt Dis Entire Stock as Q1ickly as Posslble--Savings Yoa Call't Afford to Miss! FORCED OUT OF THESE PREMISES -• • WE'RE QUI I I ING • LOUCK'S JE .WE~RY ~o~A Positively Everything GOES, Regardless of Loss! The Sale 111 Going On RIGHT -· NOW! DIAMOND BRIDAL SET8, MEN'S A.'"D LADO:S' BIRTHSTONE lllNGS, Elikl,DI IUNGll, llOl'ANTS' AND CRILDBENS" RINGS. LOCKE"T'S. LAPEi.. AND EARRING SETS. GOLD AN D SU.VER CRAaM8, GOLD JIU.IJID EXPANSION BRACE- LETS. l'LUILS, EAB•INGS, ~"S AND WOME.'1'8 WEDDING BAN118, Jn'O. ALL JEWELRY Undoubtedly the greatest mark downs on fine jewelry you've read about in many a day-the · -closing out of Louck's fine jewelry stock affords you the saving Sl!llS!ltions you've been hoping and waiting for. Utis is an absolutil, Quitting Business Sale, with prices cut and slashed on everything AND SLASHED! Every dollar's worth of stock to be sold re- gardless of loss -the finest dianionds and jewelry that mooey· can buy-is being offered at the most astounding price cuts. It's a , genuine Quitting Business Sale, with th~ of items at cost. near cost, and below cost. Now is the time to buy gifts and personal needs. Savings beyond your fondest expectations. PRICES CUT ''OUT WE GO'' SELLINC OUT COMPLETELY + AU. PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX + SPRAY PIN and EARRING SETS Spray Pin and Earring Sets. Various Styles and Stones Man yto 01.oose From Bee· •••. ,. '9"" SALE PRICE. .............. -.. . LADIES' Lockets and Chaim One Lot in Gold FiJled. Many Different Designs Values to $1.30 1315 SALE PR.IC E ................... . Solid Gold in Various Design! Reg. $3!.50 $ 1875 SALE PRICE ........... . PEARL NECKLACES 1'.ATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS Single Strand Pearl Necklace ~'1.<':1cE ....... •359 Single Strand Pearl Necklace a.c. •1a.oo '895 SALE PRICE ................... . Two-Strand Pearl Necklace Rec. SM.oo '18'4 SAU PRICE ............... . LADIES' SPRAY PINS Sterling Silver Spray Pins, V ariow Designs Bee· $19.15 '8115 SALE PlllCE ................... . Spray Pins in Various Designs a.nd Several Different Stone Sets to Choose from Bee· Sl7.50 '9 75 SALE PRIC E ................... . LADIES' BRACELETS Large Group of· Bracelets. Gold Filled wt th V arlous Stone Sets Valuee to $11...50 $7'4 Tu.rquoi1e Set a.c .... 00 •415 SALE PlllCE ...........•....... Indian, Silver Bracelets. Turquoise Set s.-c. •11.00 •500 SAU: PRICE ................... . Gold FIJ!ed Expansion Bracelet, Heart Design Bee. Sit.SO '8%5 SALE PRICE. .................. . Sterling Silver Indian Bracelet and Ring Set. Large Stone Bee· fZ6.00 '11 50 SALE PRICE. .............. . LADIES' WEDDING RINGS SOLID GOLD MEN'S RINGS Man's Solid Gold Signet Rin& Bee· .... 00 '12'4 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Blue Sapphire Ring ~·~~CE ..... .'16 75 'Man's Initial Ring. Solid Gold Reg. $3%.60 '1875 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Navy Ring Bee· $38.60 '21"" SALE PRICE ............... . Man·s Solid Gold Black Onyx, Intaglio Ring Bee· $42.60 '22"" SALE PRICE ........... . Man's Solid Gold Ruby Ring Bee· $49.15 '2676 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Ring, Trojan Head on Blood Stone Bee-$'4.00 '23"" SALE PRICE ........... . Man's Solid Gold Hemetine Stone Ring B<-g. f49.75 . '2615 SALE PRICE ........... . Man's Solid Gold Tiger Eye Ring Reg. '51.00 '2785 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Blue Sa pphire Ring Bee· $31.00 '3150 SALE PRICE .......... . ~1.an's Solid Gold Ruby Stone Ring Reg. $39.75 '34"" SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Black Onyx Ring with Diamond Bee· •112.00 '6950 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Black Onyx Ring with Diamond Bee· •115.00 '9350 SALE PRICE. ..... ·-······· Ml:N"S EMBLEM RINGS Man's Solid Gold ~1asonic Ring with Blue Sapphire Bee· $31.60 '1950 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's Solid Gold Masonic Ring ~Sll~:cE.·-·····--'35"" Man's Solid Gold Knight Templar Ring 1 Bee-.15.00 '44"" SALE PBICE ............... . -Solid Gold Diamond Set, Solid Gold Rlng, Elks Ring With 3 Diamonds Rec· '99-50 •5795 ~::CE.. ... ·2•911 . SA.LE PRICE. .. _ ...... . Solid Gold Ring With 5 Diamond ........ '47&9 SALE PlllCE. .............. . Solid Gold Ring, Two Rows of 14 Diamonds ... -... '128&9 SALE PlllCE. .. -..... Solid ci::~ with 6 ~~CE.··-·-·'137&9 Solld Whlre Gold Ring and 7 Diamondo · ... -... •13r SALE ftlCE. .. -- LADO:S' BRACELET-LOCKET AND ClBINA lll:I' Gold Fllkd. Expansion -with Lodtet. Ol&in to Match Bee· SUM '11 ti SALE l'SICL-- MEN'S Sterling Silver ... -'4'5 SALE PIUCE. ...... -··-·····- STERLING ... ..... •4111 SALE PIUCE. .............. -.. . GOLDFDJ,ED ... -•4• SALE PBICL ................ _ GOLD FILLED ... su... ~ SALE PBICE. .. _ .............. . Men'• Tie Chaina GOLDFIJJ,ED ........ szu 8ALIC PBICL. ___ ···-·· + ALL PRl<:Ei INCLUDE FEDERAi, TAX+ LADIES' STONE RINGS Solid Gold Rings in Various Stone Sets ::tE 51 i>':1cE .. ·-······-··· '3 111 Solid Gold Rings in a of Stone Sets Variety ::~~E ~1:ICE. __ -----·········· '4!5 Solid Gold Rings in Many Popular Stone Seta :~·I~::~~-·-·--'816 Solid Gold Ri ngs in a Wide Variety of Stone Sets Reg. '21.00 •12111 SALE PRICE. ....... -.. Solid Gold Ring Sets with Amethyst Reg. UZ.00 '1350 SALE PRICE·-·-···----- Solid Gold Ring Set with Emerald Cluster Rec. f29.50 '16'5 SALE PRICE. ...... -...... . Solid Gold Ring With Opal and 10 Rubies Reg. 51.50 •334.11 SALE PRICE..·-··--·-- Solid Gold Ring Amethyst and Four Rubies Reg. $93.00 '5250 SALE PRICE ....... -...... . LADlES~ ENSEMBLES WEDJ>ING, ENGAGEMENT AN'o WEDDING RING, DIAMOND SET Engagement and Wedding Ring, Diamond Set. Solid Gold a.r. '51.00 '37"" SALE PRICE. .. -.. - Solid Gold Engagement and Wedding Ring Set Diamond Set Beg. '66.00 '44411 SALE PRICE ...... ·-·- Solid Gold Engagement and Wedding Ring, Diamond Set Reg: '70.60 • '4 7411 SAU: PRICE. .. -- Solid Gold ~t and Wedding Ring Diamond Set a.c. '81. 75 '49'5 SALE PRICE.._········- Solid White Gold Encoo!mmt and Wedding Ring. Dlau••d Set, Bee· •116.00 --SALE PRICE... ___ .Cll ... Solid Gold Engagement and Wedding Ring. Set will> Diamonds Rec. '80<.00 •195• Sale Price, Botai Solid Gold Ertp&emtat aod Wedding Ri11C. Set with Di••• .. BABY JEWELRY Sterling Baby Cup ~:.: .. ~:ICE •u•••H H '5 15 Solid Gold Baby Rings Various Stones Bee .... 50 •215 SALE PRICE ................... . Solid Gold, Baby Signet Rings :::.,$3.;~ICE ... _. H '3"" Solid Gold, Engraved Baby Band Rings ~sz::ICE.. ....... .... • 1 S5 Baby Gold Filled Cross "' Chain ~SS. ;:rCE. .. . . '215 Baby's Solid Gold Cross 8t Chain Bee. $5.15 '298 SALE PRIC~···········-········ Baby's Gold Filled Locket and Clain Rec· $3.15 '2411 SALE PRICE ................... . Baby's Gold Filled Locket and Chain ~"::rCE. . .. .. '415 LADIES' DRESSER SETS Three Piece Set in Lucite :::.:•Pz:rCE .. ···-·· s4tl5 Seven Piece Lucite, Dresser Set :::.r..:e1:._ . H •uh' l 2 95 Twelve Piece Lucite Dresser Set. In Beautiful Case _ ~-:CE .......... '21"" BILL FOLDS All Leather BilJ Folds. Various Colors and Leathers a.c. suo . •3ea SALE PRICE ................... . All Leather. Lady's Bill Fold and Coin Purse Combi nation a.s...... s3ia llALE PBICE ....... -.......... . STATIONERY DEPT. -BED ROT SPECIALS - Boxed Air Mail Stationery a.s. ..... 49• Bax ·······-··························· POCKET EDITION GAMES Gin Rummy, Poker Chips, Bingo, Back Gammon, etc. VllL lo •t.60 39c SA.Lit PRICE ........... . All Leather Brief Cases a.s . .au •4• llALlt PlllCE ................... . One Lo~ Toys and Games VllL lo-79• NOW ·-········-··············· All Model Planes \!. Price -and~ ~can Flag, All Wool alzie 3' x 5' .... ... ,. '2" ~ PlllCE..·--···-···· • BRIEF CASES ....... '1" wow --··-··----····-· . IDENTIFICATION •. ,.., .... ,..,_. or -·· Gold Filled =...:_~ . .,. Q11tt111 BllSl8ess LOlJCK'S JEWEi RY -Calta .... ea.,.... • I • • • I • ~De~_ l!,,!F~•!=~--------.;-______________________ ,.!1"!!W!!W!!!-!!!1"t':!•!:•!;'!:P!!!!!!..£N!!W!W!!•!::!*'""' S-E" "ss ¢ °'Ml r ' ft• 1 'hi, Asrt I!, llM • Wallace-Clover Rites Suc~ess o· f Tournament I ::::r !:~ ... ':"'.=.!'I ~~ ·IHJSIHW OtJIDI: • 11 WPlA)DIENT WANftO -Ill ICKPl.ODllCNT OIPPEUD • au.& .._..,.AHJIOUS Performed in Mexico the laboe l" .. not a.II In vain. Bayside Plating Co. GIRL with electrical and m<Chan-LOCAL er -~ la i. ........ FOR SALE-19U Buick k:aJ experience neec1s· permanent !cr YQUnOI!. No money ~-· °""' D H bo I w k 1943 Newport Avenue work. 119 Bay Aft., Balboa Good Income. You are your own Prtvate:ly ·owned. Phone Beacon • Amlowlcement .. belnc -al. the marriage of Mn. Ann aa-. daughter of the late Mr. and Mn. Frank Vile.De who were pkr ! ! H Ue to ar r"1tes or PuBLLc!; NOTICE COSTA MESA. CALIF. 63-4tc boa. Apply Miss ~. Austin-:5834-W. &&-ltp NOTICE oF INTENTION Phone Beacon 5358-R CARETAKER. middle aged. re-Santa Ana. 5081> iN. Main SL Order Your TO SELL (Reier lo Display Ad. Page 2) liable, call Penntnston. Phone 63-6tc Servel of Newport Beach, to Tech. Set-tOoetlnued from P-iJ Frank \VaJlace, U. S . Marine corpa. namew,, tendered aett9e wervice. The ceremony took place 'l'bum-Omo-Murphy proved hla da.y, Aue. 15, In naJuana. Mexffo, -tlllO by measurtn& wire In and wu performed by Senor -the .....,.ina: and solidting ltmds tanti in hia own home. The lellOI' ln the afbawww. is a personal lrimd at the --1-Diftct« Nelloon Sta!l<><d and C. The bride wcre a print frodi: al. R. ~ ol the power plant com· cray and lavender, wtth a prdenla mittee were joinUy responsible for conage. tbe ~t ot .,eneraton and Sgt. Wallace b the brother of. ~tteria. 'lbrough the coopera- Lynn wall ace of Orange and II: • tion d. Fft OUef Crocker we were old friend of the Vllelle family. able to set a lot of good genera· He expects hla discharge SepL 4 :=.: ';!~ .;;;.:.::.i• ~ alter which he will return to. bla O>arlle Peyton labored hard and former work at the muruopal long to ~t the J>'ll!'&de lighted up. court. Loi Angeles. He ~ tour Henry B. Grlndin and Donald ~ars m the South Paciftc durlnc Kemp. .,.,11Mdores respectively of war. . ___ the Newpxt Harbor and the Bal· Sgt. and Mrs. Wallace are mak-boa Yacht clubs. gave fine co- ing their home at 1334 West Ceo--operation.-Cmnmodore Grandin tral avenue and after Sept. 4 will Ri wed a dmlrman of tht-import· go to Strawberry Flats for tbeb' ant a;nllllittee oD entries while delayed honeymoon. OA•o••dl•e Kemp served as chief Dead-Lines Ahead judge. A.mo on the judges com· mittee were Mrs. George Yard· ley ...S Kn.. Btaden Finch. The lot ot tournament judge ls not a Washington Dead.Line. When happy one. They worked till the the Mob Murdered an lnnocent small hours and finally went to bed Man it Ma dt• the Mistake of Tan- gling W ith a Battling Newspaper and There were Dead·Lines Ahead -Be Sure to Read William Engle'• Stirring True Story In The Amer- ican We-ekly, the Magazine l)ia... tributcd with Next Sundav's Los Angeles Examiner. , from 8heer exhaustion with two dedsiom •till to be made. Walter Sl*er'• name is always a good one to have on a finance committee. People respect Walter and trust him. Richard Fenton b the best trophy committee we have ever had. He got us a beautiful assortment of trophies at a reas· enable figure. How much of his valuable time he had to spend on the job w e will never kn01A". The job of tow boat com.mi~t ee- man was effectively handled by Evan Jones. There was no hitch in the matter of tow boats. Harold Hamm looked aft{'r the m atter of public address systems and was a consistent supporter of the tour· namenL Our publicity was looked aftE'r by Mrs. G. L. Andrews. She spent mighty little money and got the results we desired. Mrs. Andrews knows that we don't need the kind of publicity that . will draw a big crowd of undiscriminating people to town. but rather the kind o f publicity that will appeal to the sort of people we w a nt for per- manent residents and neighbors. r-------,,,°"'::-:-::===-i 1 ln this COllnection we mu.st aci-WE NEED knowledge the fine cooperation • . ...... ~ 700 n.o loapr 1Wled --Pb. 1431 or 106 For Plck-Up which W'f! bad from our home town papen, the News·. 1mes and the Prea. Mrs. J . Leslie Steff ensen in the capacity of chairman of our music committee succeeded in getting a Surprising number of musical en· tries. She aolicited Mr. Welch in the matter of the Long Beach TIDE TABLES band and wu respooaible for all the other mus.ical features with the possible ex<:eption of the cal· liope, there we must thank our secretary, W . H. Hitchman. Getting do'N'n to Hitch: How wouJd we ever have croaed all the barrien in the way or this year's tournament if it hadn't been fOJ" his inexhaustable energy and enthusiasm! There ii nothing luke·Warm about Hitch. He tamp- ers not with appeasement or·com- promise. In any controversy, if you are on the same aide he is you are the salt of the earth. U you are on the other side you are a (the lino type man re fl.IRS to follow copy, but you know what I mean). Hitch's belligerency pacla a wallop but there ill no venom to his bite. M a friend Hitch does not need to be hitched. In addition to Hitch there was one other 1tar whose hope never dimmed during the doubtful days when we-were undecided whether or not it would be possrble to have a lights event this year. That was Pot Rollins, who with Claude Putnam has served for years on o ur committee on art and design . She took full cha rge of the rejuvenation of our proper· ties which had been nearly ruined in a flood which inundated the city pumping pla nt wherein they were stored. Her experience and help- fu] advice and "Put's" artistry solved the problt.>ms o r many a young entrant a nd added grace and symetry to many a scheme of decoration. There is something infectious about the Tournament of Lights. Passer s by watching some young- ster struggling to g('t his boat balanced, his lights properly plact'd, or his decorations placed to best advantage, o ften stop to help. Some such "'ell wishers stay and work h ardC'r than they ever work('d before to get everything ready on time. Among such re· SIX)nsivt.' souls "'e must mention Paulson Visel. old time yachts- man ; Mrs. Gogerty o f Balboa lsl· and, artist in ht.'r own right, who did evt.'rything from r eviving our plastt.'r fish to gilding the capitol dome. !\.1rs. !\L K. Smith of Los Angeles was another who's deft fingers cut streamers and pasted on cre pe paper. \Ve O\\.'e both these good ladies a nd Mr. a nd Mn . Pe ter V. Gicker loads of thanks. F or the generous loan of bat. tcrics we mu!lt thank Bob Callis, the Seacraft Co. and Ets-H okin and Ga lvan. F or motor boats to patrol the course we are indebted to Fcllo1A'S and Stewart and A1ark Pierce of H arbor Island. Under Section 3440, California 66-Stc Parl<Way 6469· l567\0 So. Harv-YOUNG WO HEN G Refri avll Code:' an! Bl•il.. Loo Ang<!ln. 65-4tp . 88 gerator Ncmq; IS HEREBY GIVEN: Painting -Decorating cou.EGE GRADUATE. 38. c1e-T~ephone operating Now Thal A; J . GhilOfti. residing at We use only reliable materials, Simi responsible olflce pooltlon pOSl"tions are &V&lilable . at Vogel's 403 40th :Street. Newport Beach. applied by master painters. Harbor area or vicinity; 12 100 Main St. Harbor 145 Calilornial and. GERALD E. VAN HALL )'Oars' experience office man-to YOU in your own : 512-tf< A. J. Durocher, residing at 390l 424 Heliotro~. Corona del Mar agement, penonnel, material , ' • Man:us Street. Newport Beach. Tel. Harbor 119-WK 65-4tp procurement and control. TyplsL CODlmUntty. California. and. Especially interested marine or s·ft~-. ood Jacob Bodeuhoefer, residing at Flagstone Contractor allied lndmtry. Considerable """ ...... g pay IS g • 1920 Fullerton Avenue. CAola PATIOS-FIREPLACES boating. knowledge. Salary re-experience is not required l\i:esa, California, and. S'It>RE FRO~W ALKS quirements reasonable. Excel Robert C. Ste'IA·ut, residing at '4Z Frendl St. Phone Santa Ana lent references.. Write Box E, Frequent increases. TrT2 Ea.st 16th Street, Westmin-cl N.-mm-t Balboa Neww ster. Calllornia, Santa Ana, Calif. tl21.J. ~--~~-• 64-tf~ Vacations with pay. co-partners doing business under 63-1.tc -----------~- the fictitious firm name of the DIPLOYIDCNT OJPFl:llED • !Central Boal Works) of Newport COOPERATIVE Advancement opportunities. Beach. California. loca ted al ROOFING GO . Street 31, Box 5, Newport Beach, CalJfornia, intend to sell, transfer, assign and convey all their right. title and interest in and to the assets. business and goodwill of said Central Boat Works. together with the following property: 1. Accounts receivable: 2. Machinery and Equipment: 3. Supplies, materials, buildings, New and ~pair Phone 8'15-114 .,,. "° '><lth St.. Costa Meoa :».tft CORSON & RAY Building Contractors offices, office equipment, excepting Phone Harbor 2447_R such i terns as are covered by the Earl W. Stanl ey Lease: Phone Harbor 1520-W 4. Plans, specifications and ----------' __ &&-::.:...::11.::c drawing equipment : 5. The Earl W . Stanley Lease, dated September 18. 1945, is to be assigned with a consent to the assignment of the Lease signed by Earl \V. Stanley: 6. Sellers are to sell. transfer and assign all their right, title and interest in the fifty (50) ton Crane and th£' contr act to buy t he same: SIGN PAINTENG Boats, Trucka. Wlndows W.US &Ad Bulletins. Raised Metal, Wood and Plotlc Letten A·L LACHMEYER 17211 West Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 38tfc W ANTEI~I..aundress one day a week. Phone Harbor 598. &&-tic WAITRESS WANTED six days week. Norton's Bay ~ Cale, 17th and ():Jul Highway. 59-tfc KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply Cheryl's. 322 Marine Ave .• Bal· boa Ialud. 54-t!c WANTED-Cook and other. help- ers for cafeteria Newport Beach Grammar Scboot ·district. Har- bor 23. f 6&-4tc APlllY 100 E. Bay Ave., ~ 51'1> N. Main St., San~ Ana or Aok the operatcr for tho Chief Operatcr. Southern California Telephone Compuy 42-tfc WANTED-Woman or high school SALE MISOICLLAN1!X>U8 .. girl to help nursing mother. ------~-----­ Phone 525()..M. -SS.lie FOR SALE-Air compresser, $100. 7311 Seashore Dr.. Newport Beach. 65-t!c WANTED-Short order cook, man or woman: also waitress and ------------- car hop. "Sandy's" Drive In. 632 Coast Highway. &t).ltc HELP W ANTEl)-.Woman or girl for general housework: good wages; live in or out. Jllarbor 1992. 56-t!c \V ANTED -Experienced cor e FOR SALE-Man's and woman'& bicycles. 120 Abalone Ave., Bal· boa Island. 59-tfc MEAT SCALES FOR SALE-New Hobart Dayton meat scales, graduated up to 75c per pound. Call Harbor 1629. 66-ltp FOR SALE---One 30 Remington Hereattett if we recap your TIRES Wr guaranter our "Capa" to last 20,000 MILES and that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regard!... of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we "'ill call for yow car in the morning and deliver same day. A1so--a $2.00 Mobilstatic balance job when we recap your tires, for $1.00. No leod ""'ights or "extras." Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Hank. 64-tfc 7. All contracts to construct boats and all rights of Central Boat Works therein a re to be as· signed and transferred to buyers: 8. One work boat 24 foot No. 273561 to be conveyed to buyers: 12 Ye:irs Sel"''ice in Newport Harbor Area Harrv Hall PAINTING CoNTRACTOR Phone ~aeon 5259--J maker for small cor.cs in br ass foundry. See per sonnel Mgr., South Coast Co. 65·tfc WANTED -Competent secretary for permanent position. qualified in diction and typing. Box SC, News· Times. 65-tfc WANTED TO BUY pump rine. short barrel: one Sl 22 hi·pc>\ver Savage r in e, lever ------------- action . Harbor 1479·R. SS.ltc CASH F OR USED FURNlTURE 9. The transfer or all insurance policies, contra('ts, accounts re· ceivable, good\\·ill, books, papers. records and all oth('r assets v.rhat. soever of Central Boat Works not ot herwise SJX'C'ifically mentioned herein : to the following vendees: Richmo nd P . Hobson. residing at 15837 Hesperion BouJevard, San Lorenzo. California, and, R . P . Jordan, residing at 4014 Channel Place, Ne"1X>Tt Beach, California, and, 274 E . 19th ~treet 24·lk Painting -Decorating R. E . ANDERSON F'ree Estimating Phone Beacon 578()..J 47-tf< LADY for general housework in Costa Mesa. Must be good cook. Refined home. Call Harbor 289-M. 65-trc HELP WANTED-Need 2 m a.i ds, 1 permanent, other for extra work. Top salary. Miracle Mile r oR A REUABU:: Paint Job on Motel. 706 Coast Highway, New· your home, call Beacon 533(! port Beach. Phone Beacon 299-J . alter 4 :JO p.m . 10.tfc 6fr2tp ~A.INTING -PAPER H~GINC HELP \VANTED -Experienced and DECORATING clerk. pre{Qrably a mother . Good H . E. McDonald working oonditlons. Regular 414 Old Conty Rd .. Oosta Mesa hours. P ermanent employment. Phone Beacon 501J..J SS.tft Inquire The Bobby Shop, 71 I E . Centraf, Balboa. Ha rbor llSS.W . W . Moore, residing at 240 Hyde Street. San Francisco. CalifornJa, on the 3rd day of Septern9er. 1946, at 1 :00 o'clock p. m . a t the offi ce of the Central Boat '"'orks, Box 5, Street 31, Newport Beach. Call· fornla. The ronsideration to be the l'RAN~PORTATlON I BI CYCLES 14 64·3tc payment of creditors on a deferred payme nt plan h('r('tofore submit· FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal- culator, $150. 1840 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 5892-J. 61-tfc F OR SALE-Bell and -Howell lfi mm. model 156·V Filmosound projector. Perfect condition. Price, $325. For information call Harbor 267. 66-2tc ELECTRIC CONVERTER from 6 t o 110 volts, 100 w atts; private party; ~. Write Box H . c/o News· T imes. 65·2tp FOR SALE-Man's pre.war bicy. cle; just like new. Hea vy dut) tires. 512 28th St., Newport. 52·tf< PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-t!c WANTED TO BUY-W ashing ma· chine, need badly due to illness in family. Phone Harbor 2031. 63-4tc Will Pay Cash For your furniture or what have you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· ley Furniture, 1812 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. .fS..tfC! P'URNIT(JRE FOB SALE ll F OR SALE-Antique> chimes carv- ed teakwood table and chair . Phone Harbor 598. f,6.tfc FOR SALE-Jn good condition, oak dining table and five chairs, S12.50 : Simmons iron bed with Rome double coil springs, $10. 3812 Channel Place, Newport Island . 66-ltp Each tournament sees some t('(f to such creditors. Sold, Rented or Repalred. VOGEL'S WAITRESS WANTED FOR SAL~-Maytag washer and five.foot Kelvinator refrigerator. Guaran teedi 30 days. 1507 2nd Ave., Corona del Mar. Harbor 1525·M. 66-lt.c FOR SALE -JOQ.Jb. capacity heartbr('ak . Some hopeful entrant A. J . GHILONI, 100 Maln St., Balttoa S37.50 P er Wrek and Meals FOR SALE-Livlng·room set, nf'w Leonard refrigerator, beds, dres- lUILLEY'r REFRIGERllTIDR --JERVIG E comPnnv 8aJee -Enctneertac -11n1o1 no eoa .. t Bini.. Corona del 11aa 'Imlporary Phone, Day 654 La• IUD& !leach ; Ph9ne Night, lhJSJ F 23 s 24 meets with disaster in the form A. J . DUROCHER. AUGUST, ltMe of a broken wire, a severed elec--J ACOB BODEUHOEFER. 7 :35 12·58 &:U lZ:la trical connection, a weak battery ROBERT C. STEWART. 208 Marine, Balboa lalacd. 94·tf( Good Hours electric water heater,·t able·top S('rs, chaii:s and !ables, etc.; electric range, 5 h:p. outboa!-d • good condition: private owner. 4.0 -0.6 6.4 2·4 or some similar misadvertance. State of California. 8:11 1 :42 1:15 l:08 This time is was our faithful and County of Orange-ss.: '.OST AND FOUND !I Also FRY COOK Laguna Beach Su25 4.4 -0.9 6·6 2·0 loyal supporter R. H . Rollins who On this 21st da)' of August. 1946. 8 :46 2:22 8 :01 l:M •-r lOsT-Blond Cock Spaniel, male; on Lido Isle, Saturday night. Answers to name of "Shandy." San Marino license. $25 reward. Call Harbor 2329. SS..2tc --SSEee,._- came to grief-he and his grand· •n: ore m e. E . W. Austin. a No tary 4.6 -l .l 6·7 1·7 son Bob Rollins jr. Mr. Rollins Public In and tor saJd count)· and 9 :19 2:58 8:4-4 ...... !:SB went t o great pains to illuminate :ft.ate aforesaid , perso nally appear· A'lR. EARLY (mornings only) M 26 4.8 -l .O 6·5 1·5 and decorate his sloop Friendship ed A. J . Ghiloni, A. S. Durocher 9 :49 3:34 9:U 5,19 . OS ·"' 1 for the parade, towing little Bob-Jacob Bodeuhoefer and Robert C. L T -2 purse seiner skiffs, 61·lf<' King Landing Newport Beach T 77 -, 4..9 -0.7 6.2 l .3 bie's dinghy, as a pirate ship. Stewart. known to me. and each adrift off Newport, small skiff ------------- "'4• ...... ~ lD order or OCCW"NDCo Hardly had the parade started ackn01A'ledged to me that he signed inside larger one. Liberal re-W A ~· T E l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;-;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;._;;;; ... ;;;;';;..,.;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;p.;;;;-.l j than his generator quit, leaving the above and for egoing tnstru-ward. Phone TE 33-416, write D You can have a HOME NOW! Pre -Fabricated Homes, 4 2, and 3 Bedrooms. Garages, Motels, Qlbins IMMEDIATE DELIVERY We own our own mills. 'lbe matl!ri8ls we furnish you are the best you can buy. Walls, partitions, windows and door.I are pre-labricllted -tbe bilaJa> Is preo-art to tit. All materlals for I-bedroom h•1e for as little as $583.75 -3-bedrvwJ heme $2690. Utility build!np and pnig8I. $315 to $375. U you haw a place to put It WE CAN DELIVER E'lERYTIDNG YOU NEED -IMMEDIATELY! See Our Demonstration House at 39th and Coast Blvct • NEWPORT BEACH OPEN EVERY DAY • both boats in the dark. However, ment as his free and voluntary act Fisherma n's Unjon Local 33, Man for Lu ication depart· and deed for the uses and pur· Berth 73, San Pedro. 66-4tc ...------------~I poses thrre in se t rorth. ment. j' LOST -Sterling silver rosary S H 0 E S WITNESS lllY hand and offidal beads. Near B'Domes on 22nd G d J b d p Repaired While You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front seal the day and year f'-t above 00 o_ a.n ay written. ... "' St. Have sentimental value to owner. Irwin Apartments, 22nd 1 E. W . AUSTIN, and Ocean Front. Mn. Steen, Also Notary Public in and ror said Room 200. Phone Harbor 103. County and State. Reward. SS..2tp My COmmiuion expires Jan. 1 1950. . l:lllPLODIENT WANTED ZI Pub.: Aug. 22, 77, 1946. NOTICf! INVITINQ BIDS The Board of School 'mate-ea of TAILOR-Experienced; all kinds repalrlng, remodeling and re- lining. Cali Beacon 5423. 64-6lp I Auto mechanlci experienced Ford mechanJc preferred, bllt will consider geniral mechanic and give Ford tr}Uning. Good pay and the best ~ of working condi- tions. Apply at once as we need more men tn1media.tely. the Newport Beach .!:'chool Dllrtrlct 1-------------,-------------.I Ol'&ftge County. wlll recel~e bid• ai the K.hool offlce. 14th a.nd Central up to S:OO p.m. September 2. 1148 tor tbf' Installation of a 11pr1nk1lns 1y1tem at the Corona del Kar Sc.hool. All matert&l1 and labor to be f'urnlahed by lhe C'Ontractor. Waterproof THEODORE ~O BINS ROOFS APPLD:D OB 11.f!PAl'U!J) Pl'ft Eltlmates 6t Inspection W. J. Beabow 3802 Marcu. Ph. Hbr. 1012-J ROSSI'S Liquor Store Adobe Brick MADE ON l'OUB PBOPf!BT1' St I T • ll<N•t:J" • f'a ?Pttrit Ford Dealer for the harbor dlatrtct 22nd and Central, Newport Beach Phone Harbor 28. Pl&.n11 and .s;>ecltlcatlon1 are an.II· able at the Dlat.rtct Stti>er1ntendent'• PRON~ a••. CON -•• o rnce. 14th and Central. 1.-;. ~ u~~ • The , Board of School TrustHS of • ----------'''----\ ---------'---- 66-ltc the NeWN>rt Beach School Dtatr1ct -Drive Caref\ll:t;y--Bpan a Lite. re.e"e• the rlr;ht to reject any or :n b~~~· or ...i.,.e any lri rorma.llty In T . WESTON JAY. Clerk or the Ne.port BMch ~hool Dtatrtct. Pub. Aus. 22. 21. 29. 1946. NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK IN BULK WING SANG BOAT & REP Al'R YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 ..,,....., ...... 5'14 TOI Coe.at Jll&'ll.....,. TO WHOK IT KAT CONCER..~. -.. --... l"t-· . ...__ •--TRIS NOTICE or Intention to. •II ttt •, Y v-..... --• a stock o r «OOd• l.n bulk ,,__ ----WITNESSENTR THAT nouce Ui ~~~~~..._~~-~-~·~-~~~~~I hereby &l \'ll!D lb•t the undernlSfted JOSEPH E. DAVIS. intend. to ..ii lo ARTHUR L. LAWRENCE WfL.. ~-------------1 L tAK L. DAVIS and LY~R • Kw .... ud..-•...,.lill far lloea. for Bale EVERYTHING Ill Quality REFRIGERATION Air CoudlUo-mg Eqai ...... 'IJI IEflllll&Tltl 1031 II C.& . .,,,., •. ....... C}> • •a.i.-• 1 t -. •m' n • ................... .., .............. CA TE all tb&t CU1ala stock Of ~r· cb&ndLM coft8bllft.1' Cfl-Dit"11y Of &JI of his r1a:ht. tllff! &nd laterut In and to thfl PUlneM!!hlo ~ u OCEAN J'RONT CATS IUld ~· ;::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ lq of JON!PR ll. DAVIS ARTBUR L. LAJCRENCE., WILLlAif I D"-' VIS and LESTSR CA TE ....,. "' ' ne:nhfp &aaiet.s ~ • I.be out°' ft---y H ........... _ ....... ~-uu.a , oar Oise rnca. fb:tura and lntel"Mf I• Mer Need ""'-· .. ,.,..,nc ,. .... JOSSPH Pal..&111g?. S. DAVIB &IMI" loc:at.d at 2114 ~ gg l"Toftt. Newport BM.ch °"8s'9 Counlyd Ca.llfonJa.. and t.b&t a tran.9· A fer u ...i......,at of tlM -.me will 'M • be made. and UN pupeha.te pr1ft lMNOf will be paid, OSI Sat~ th& nat day of AUIU*lt lttl at tN otnet. of Powell uc1 • &nn.nt no Second and B1'0&dway Bids Sa.ta Aha. 0rni.:1e County, eaur-oibJa.. at 1·30 o·c A.. K. nw: UM ad· dl'ft9 of -.Id ftndor ts 2114 Ocl&n P'l'ont. Ne....port Besieh ~ County, Callfonal.a. &ad lhe Mtdnills c:: aid ftlMkie Ui 221fi Oceu rr.t. c:.~lL Bwh, Or.rip Cou:alJ'. ,,., ........... ti.,.... J"OSltPH &. DA V19. wtLLtAX L. n.t.:i-~'. L&Sl&k ca._~ illiRUR L. L.A:'lrJtSNCa, Pub. Aq. 12:. IN. v.-. -- No~ _Work .._. h r*ately "1 ldOIY •"el Joailwsw ..... .._ :'.3i a... mm& iiocJ. .. -.; eatwl&tltcsf , -A owwt ud operated "1 w.w w ... o ~ti• = _,'•:roar IN* sneet pod .. ad pp71111tr1n1-.p.ie. -A ll'w WJee D'\ll Ehl Phone BAJl89R 26'6 Be••alldH...._ :., __ __;n:.,=:.,' ,;;• •=---l I Sell tlopt •••loll '-------------------•! ... ..,.,. _,_ - motor, etc. Phone Beacon 5743. 310 Undo Ave .• continuation of st-tk 6th St .. Balboa. 65-4tp -----------FOR SALE-Double bed. springs, mattress a nd dresser . S30; book· case. $12; icebox, $10 ; studio couch. $30. 110 Pearl Ave .. Bal· boa Island. Call before 12 or after 4. 65-2tp WANT A HOME? Ea.stern house trailer and cabana, butane gas, running water and lots of extras. Can sleep 6 people. On nice lot on Bay with low rent year round. Priced rteht for quick sale. See owner. lot 99, Newport Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc Concrete Products Div. of Foster Sand A: Gravel Co. Ph. Fullerton 283-W 1015 S . Spadra Building tie, building bricks, fee.! bricks, patio tile in colon. See our display. 62-8tc PU MPS WORTIUNGTON PRESSURE -CENTRJFIJGAL For All Pressure Soden Refrigeration 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim Phone 4652 6&-ltc BARGAINS! Lowest prices in furniture t. ml motto. I buy right. 1 oell right I aho buy turnlture. Needle's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. CAota Mea Auto Batteries Rubber Seporaten U~"10tlth -S6.'75 Ex. Compounded Motor Gellon. 10c 57·tf( Oil FOR SALE-Washing machine, oak dining table and six chairs, kayak , paddleboard. AU for $11 0. 116 Collins. Ba lboa Isl· and. 64-4t.c BOATS. SUPPLU:S 11 F'OR SALE-14·ft. clinker built row boat. Harbor 1971·J. 63-4tc FOR SALE-16-11. Snipe type boat. all mahogany, $285. 406 E . Edgewater, Balboa. 61·tfc WANTED-Balboa Dinghy. 120 Abalone Ave., Dalboa Island. 5!1-tfc SMALL SAILBOAT and trailer for sale, price $200. : Call Ham- ilton Lowe, 229 Opal SL, Balboa Island. Harbor 2590-J . 59-6lp SACRIFICE for quick !ale. 16~ ft. speedboat; new paint and motor reconditioned. 817 Coast Highway. 65-2qi SNOWBIRD F OR SALE--<:om· ple~ar, trailer. sail!:, canvas cover. Good oond.ltion. 1564 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 66-4tc WANTED TO BOY-Snipe type boat. fully rigged, reasonable condition, moderately priced Box M. c/o News-Times. 66-4tp WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In Wilmington for same In New- port Harbor. Call Knri.n Pierson at Klmble 5283. 52-t!c FOR SALE-Sailboat Snowbird. Good condition. 1409 W. Bay Ave., upetairs. Harbor 193()..R. $250. 6&-2tp FOR SALE-77-ft. cruiser type, equipped for jigging; ready to go, $2500. Phone Harbor 554-W. 6(;.2tp Western Auto Supply FOR SALE-13-ft. outboard boat. Authorhied DNJer A-1 condition; new l \O h.p. out- Ulll Newpurt Blvd, Costa Ilea board motor. Ideal for fWrlnc, ' u:tb $325. 12291> Bay Ave., - 'VllNll'nAN llLINDS-AlumlnuiD. 66-ltp -. -. can ,. tor tree -· ~FO=R_,.S_ALE-S ___ _,,..,,.,..--<1>"1n1.,....,.-,-.,.-,..::d :..CO!>-= -te. -lion A~ dltlon; needl polnL First reu- So. CGaot V-i!an Bbd Co. onable oUer """"Pied-254 Chi. Wat l8tb and Newport Aw., qulta St.. l4una BMdl. e.2lp Coota Msa. Pb: Beacon 5182-W. FOR SAIE Hydroplane, Bdl. 18-lf< built JJN2, lNl Hldoon ...,..., Plft Piao--KlndJ!nc · 50 mlleo, with trailer; t<>p iihape, W 0 0 D '700. 951 Weot Central. N-· '• Dlill•eed pcrt Beodi. 66-2tc . H. W. WRIGHT FOR SALE-IS.IL runabout. 22- Pb ..,_i._ 5665 -hp. J-s..i-.. -• Dt:ACUll • 1'111 Newputt -. a.ttt equipment. -. 424 Helk>- trope Aw., Corona de! Kor. Ju!lt Anived l'bone Hal1>ar 119-W·K. •2tp ..,_ B 'c AN FOR SAL&-Gull U Cat boat. BA 'ITIRIBS Good ..-tlcia. mwtF polate4. O 7 am Dns a.. $300. 911 No. Sq'""""-... _ UT -lit. Pb. _. 1115 tzlond Pb. Bmt1ar IDJ..W. --- -\ • -, -~::::::::::::::::=:::;:::::::::::::::::::;:~;:;::'.:;:;::;=;::;:::;:;::::::::::::::~::::::::::::'.• iG&J ••1.eo.awaw•JMM=ce~~"-::•a~•:•::•::-~~~~=-==,~"~~~::=llg~.~·:.,...~::n.::1~1~':':::::::::::'.:':·:::::::::'j"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ~~,,~~~= 80ATS. SUPPLIES II MUSICAL .. a&DIO .. ~sr~·~L~-~·~·~n~------!:'~-~·~·:.· ~-~il~~·~n:!.__ ____ ___:•~1 UAL Ul'ATI: ., UAL DTAB &T· ..... m.&n ,, ••••. m..a.n ., FOR SALE------37sll %x5% San Pe-FOR SALE-Upright piano, aood HERE'S THE PLACE dro •tern fishing boat. equipped condition, PlO-Phone Beacon wt.th net. swf. plank, mackerel 5712, er call 205 Wstm:imter TO BUY OR SELL --a- gear, all In first class condition. Ave.. Newport ff;el&hta after Inquire at 210 35tb SL, New-5:30 P. m. :16-tfc port. 66-ltp GOOD used planoo f.,.-practice. FOR SALE-CJinker-bullt sahing Some u low u $57 and $79 or • Business -Income Property -Homes Our location oo 101 Coast m~ insures you ot plenty ot prospects or listings. Come in today to buy or sell. dory. All cedar, copper fittings, rent • piano for S:5 J>01' mo. Ld Canadian built, tv.·o pair oars, t.M chlldren learn. Danz·Sdunldt sail, with everything complete, Plano Co., 520 N. Main, Santa $22:;_ 122 Collins. Balboa :W-Ana. :16-tfc and 65-4tc D008, CAT!l 'iJP&tfl Ill FOR SALE-Cabin cruloer 22 fL FREE Kl'J"l"ENS--Slx~kll old. long, 4-cylinder Starr motor, Just painted. Will trade for 22 Very cute and pretty_ ApL 7, El Ba"° Court. 1312 W.. Central ft. or 24 ft. house trailer or pay N t n-ch 65-2t cash. 7311 Seashore Dr .• New· ewpor ~a · · P port_ Ph. H-1493-J. 64-4tc DOGS-AU breeds, stripped. cllp- FOR SALE-Teekwood speedboat, ped. and bathed by A.KC. ll- 1&-ft. inboard; very fast : just ~::.i.,.,Froe ~.,,;;: ~bored and r efinished. Will RualeJl L. Ketcham 421 Potn- comider as pert payment on cot· · • tage . 3440 Via Oporto, Ne<iNJX>rt settia Ave. Corona tfi!1 Kar. Beach. Harbor 33. 66-2tp 52-tfc BOAT FOR SALE-to cle>M! estate SPIXJIAL ANNOUN'OEM1tN'1'818 ' the only genuine teakwood lady ln California. Built In Hongkong PRE-BILT HOMES CO. in 1940. Completely gone over a t GARAGES _ tmLITY HOUSES great expense a month ago. Z26 Via Lido Nord. Phone 1194-J. HOMES 63--4tc FOR SALE-New Marine Kohler Generator, 1500 watts, 32 vol! D. C., retail J:rloe for this powei plant ls $516. We have 10 let1 for clearance sale, $374. Yeokel BTOI., 225 So. Vermont, Loa An· geles. Phone EX. 0882. 45-tf~ Fire Equipment Tests C-0-Two, Pyrene &: Foam r efills. CO. fixed 1ystem and Por tablet now available. ETS ROKTN & GALVAN 1000 Coast Highway Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc FOR S ALE-2 S tar boats. No. 2069 SiolL"<. ""'ith one \Vatts suit of sails, and o ne nE.'w ~1'urphy and Nye main sail. 2-wheel t ra iler and boat cover. fleet Immediate Delivery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 Westminster NewpoTt Heights 65-4tc Carpenters Available for general maintenance and repair 0. Z. RO!!IERT!!ON Call Harbor 83 KEYS Made While You Walt VOGEL'S J 00 ~Jain St., Balboa 34-tfc '?08 Marine. Balboa lala.nd 94-ttc champion far pact years, $2200; =w'"'ANTED==:c-T-0-RENT==----U No. 2433. one suit of sails and ----------- 4-\YhNI trailer Cflex iobll rig, WANTED-Storage space for $1800. Da\'is H atch. 219 Mag-fishin g gear, Newport area. noUa Ave. MPSa Boat Co .. 485 Write Box C. c/o News-Times. Ne,,·port Blvd ., Costa Mesa. 65-4tp Open Sunday. P hone Beacon _W_AN_TE_D_l_MMED ___ IA_TE_L_Y--F-ur-- 5885. 65-2tc nished apartment by permanent ORDER NOW! reside nt or Corona del Mar. Rcf- P -14, SnOwbirds and Star boats. e rences furnished. Adults only. [)(-liver y this fall. Constructed Call Harbor 487 daytime, Harbor of dry boat C('dar and boat 42, evenings. 66-tfc spr uce. Bronze fittings and fast-WANTED TO LE ASE-1 or 2 ings, stainless s tC'el riggings. years. furnished or u nfurn. house P ainted to suit. T railers, boat or apt. Any place in Ne\\'J)(>rt rovC'rs a nd sails available for or Costa Mesa district. Will fix th<'Se boats only. Davis Hatch, up at own expense. Pfi. Santa 219 Magnolia Ave., Mesa Boat A ria 7048. 66-Stp Co .. 485 Newpor t Blvd., Costa Mesa. Open Sund ay. Phone \VORKING MOTHER and 5-yr.- Beacon 5885. 65-2tc old son in school deire sleeping r oom. Harbor 2551, betw een 8 --0-- Good Buys . Two Hot Dog Sands Small Hotel 101 Hiway Restaurant Motels llMt &FF • Lots and Acreage --0-- A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacon 5173 66-ltc -A TWO-FISTED PROPOSITION .... A small home tor sale tor approximately $10,000 that will serve nicely for housing on a lot which is in a block zoned for business, residential, commercial. on Balboa Island. On the next adjacent lot is an "Iron Clad" garage building available f-or lease on tenns suitable for someone to set up in the garage, or marine engine ---or your choice ot business right now. Reme!n- ber the tie-in -buy your living quarters and set up your business-both available now. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W ]. A. BEEK OFFICE Ferry Landing John D. Burnham 2001 Ocean Blvd Phone H arbor 315-Balboa Income proper ty on P eninsula Point, $19,500 fumtshed. Down- stairs, 2 bedrooms, (living-room, dining-room com bined ). bath, kitch en ; upstairs, 1 bedroom, bath, k itchen, large living-room and sund eck. Garage apt. ln rear, 1 large room, kitchenet te and bath , good refrigerator in each. Two-car garage. R-3 zin tng. 62-t!c AT CORONA DEL MAR Three Beautiful Lots Near Ocean New Total Price $2100 2-Bedroom $8750 Home 62 2-tc J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport mvd. Colta lttesa Ph: Beacon 5320 SPECIAL! Completely furnished 3-bcdroom hom e on Orange A vc.; hardwood floors. \vardrobe E.'losets; large garage with laundry. Very nice furniture, including electric re- frigerator, table-top stove, wash- ing machine. A real home for on ly- $11,500 New Home on Broadway Com pletely furnished; two bed- rooms, hardwood floor s, tub and shower. Double garage-- $13,950-Terms One Ac re Close in with t wo-bedtoom house $1 1,500 MOTOR READY BOATS T 0 G 0 a nd 4 :30. 65-4tp WANTED TO RENT-Furnished Beautiful Lot Two-Bedroom Home Well built, with two acres of land. house for school term for teach-N ear P ostoffice Take away-jttst 8 few fiays after er and her mothC'r, would like $1 350 you order-large living room for piano. Call 1-Your choice of an y of rur boats Ha rbor 23. 63_41c w . J. HOLCO~m (8 to 14 ft. l, made of light. tough, waterpr oof plY"-'ood with WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedr m. Cor ona del Mar 2-An extra efficient 114 h.p. in-unfurnished house. \VUI lease. ''Wher e t he Flap Fly'' 65-2tc. board m otor installed and Call Sam P or ter at Harbor 707 ------'-----'----- 3-A patented "Fle:c:idrive"' flexi-or 13. 35-tfc ble shaft-propeller unit (prq-REFINED COUPLE urgently need peUer steers boat, lifts up in living accommodations. Se pt. beaching boat)· through ~tay. P. O. Box 609. ... Complet e, rea dy to shove off. Balboa Island. Call Harbor it these typical prices: 2179-\V. 65-4tc 10 ft_ skiff.. .... ___ .. _______ .$262 12 ft_ skiff __________ .. ,_ ....... im APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted (while our stock lasts) by man and wife. We do not drink or smoke, no children or WATSON -BOATS pets_ Phone Santa Ana 0991-W "Small Boat Hdqrs." or wrtte Box ''X' Newport Bal- 611 Coast Hiway Beacon 5zn boa News-Times. 37-tfc ===-:--:---:=---:--:=,.----00----::-:tlc WANT T O R ENT-War widow, KUSICA.L & RADIO 14 with 2-yr.-old son, would like to BABY GRAND-Repouessed. Now only $485. Thi! ts a great bar- r;aln. 0.0.-Schmidt Plano Co .• Santa Ana. 55-tfc ANOTHER magnificent Steinway. r ent house on Balboa Island at moderate r ent, with purpose of establishing home. Will lease. Jleferences. Ph. L. A. Arizona 30438. or l\frs. Richardson. Har- bor 369. 66-2tc EAST NEWPORT . Three-bedroom furnished home with unobstructed vtew o f bay and one bedroom rental-both on one lot- Priced only $15,000 "NEWPORT HEIGH TS New two-bedroom house. double garage, near high school. ft.e... duction in price if sold this week Only $5000 Down Immediate possession. JOHN E. SADLEffi Double garage, chiE.'ken equip- ment, aviary and garden. Pr-Iced at- $10,500 New 3-Bedroom Home Best loca tion : hardwood floors; floor furnace; do uble garaae- $12,200 ~ T erms. 5 Residence Lots On \Val.nut Street. Best buy in town at- $1000 Each J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. 0.ta Men Ph. Beacon 5320 66-ltc Immediate Possession Medium size. Beautllul mahog-any case. The piano of the a&AL ___ a_T_A_n: ______ ...:.." 302 Main St .. Balboa _ Compl etely Furnished ?tfast~rs. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 55-tfc Radio Repairs All makes: tubes, etc. Two New Homes Ready for occupancy. Stall showers. Glass doors. Rugs. Call 1522--J Phone Har. 2034 One block east or Newport Blvd. 66-ltc A. L. MATTHEWS Real Estate 2-Bedroom Home Including Electric Refrigerator and Electric \\rasher. Balboa Bayshores- -, -4 NOW YOU MAY QUALIFY for youi-new home which is-being built In exclusive Baysbores lease- hold located on the shores of Greater Newport Har- bor at 17th and Coast Highway. Priced from Sll.600 to $25,000. Sales personnel on tract Sat- w'day and Stmday. Corona de! Mar- READY TO MOVE IN-Modem stucco with ~ wood floors. Dining room. nie in kitchen. Large living room with fireplace. Two·bedrooms. Large closets with built-in chests of drawers. Service porch. On large lot- $13,300 NEARLY FINISHED--.Archtect's home-large living room with fireplace. Dining room. Two bedrooms. Asphalt tile on floor. Patio. Two-car garage.- $15,000 VACANT LOTS-Residential lots from $1500. Busi- ness lots from $200 per front foot Easy tenns. Lido Isle- IDEAL BEACH HOME-Two stories. Two bed- ~rate dining room. Interior finished in knotty pine and plaster. Walled patio and barbe- cue. TwCH:ar garage and sun deck. Close to bay and club-I Price $22 ,500 Newport Beach- CANAL FRONTAGE-Four-bedroom home ; three- car garage; bricked terrace; large living room; sep- arate dining room. Dream kitchen. Price com- pletely fumished- $25,000 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING GREATER NEWPO RT _I HARBOR 615 Coast Hig hway Corona del ~tar Phone: Harbor 1646 3113 w_ Central Newport Beach 225 Marin• Ave. Balboa Island Phone: Harbor 1716 65-ltc ISLAND REALTY COMPANY Tw o good buys on Balboa $15,000 each Isl and for- Choice Bay Front Lot ... with large stucco garage. Call us for other interesting details. Well Built Stucco Unit . . . on rear of lot; has three-room furnished apart- ment with lovely tile kitchen and bath upstairs and small apartment down; walled brick patio with bar- becue. - ' ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island-P1t'e 377-W_-66-3tc -LIVE ON BEAUTIFUL LIDO ISLE A completely furnished 3 i,t,-bedroom home. It is 7 years old with an unex-• ' celled living and dining room. Tile kitchen. Plumbing facilities on first and second floors. Bathroom tiled 6 ¥.i ft. high . TwCH:ar garage. Off the 2nd floor is a beautiful deck with an excellent view. For people who want a fine home with a rich surrounding. Call us for an appointment, it won't last long. Priced at- $29,500 B.A. NERESON Real Estate HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors t t 1 t .t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BALBOA ISLAND OONFECTIONERY -Imme- diate possession on a good moneymaker tor a man and wile. Good ymr-'round trade. Term le6se in- cludes living quarters. Pltsent owner will start you out. Shoold go fast at $5000. We. have P&L state- ment in our office showing last l2 months open.lion. t t BEAUTY t t SALON Good equipment and nloe j:nventory. Books open for Inspection. Seliel' will. W911< tor buyer oo usual dee!. Too much work for one operator. Good reason for selllng. Good neighborhood ·and well establlsbed cllentele. Low n!flt le6se runs to 1951. One ot the sweetest moneymakers in this area. We'll be glad to drive you over to see this.· t t t t BUILDING LOTS -Residential, Commercial, or Manufacturing_ Any zoning you require. z.one M-1 Newport Beach lot 150x93. Nice Newport Beach residential Jot, well located, $1100 for qulck sale. Waterfront lots including M-1 available. CAl)lAL FRONT HOME-Neat as a pin. Compact and very livable. Nicely furnished and only $7500. Int.en.sting development possibilities for cautious buyers. SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM HOME -Livil!groom 14x27, rumpus room 18xl0; 7 good sired rooms in all _ Enclosed patio. House and furnishings brand new. Dandy Newport Beach corner location on two lots. $16,000 cash or tenns_ ;f; t t ;!; CHARMING WATERFRONT HOME Located in exclusive yacht club section just behind Bay Island. Pier and fl oat on 60 feet of waterfront Exceptional room and sleeping accommodations fo; more than 14 people. Excellent condition. Well furnished. Inunediate possessi~,000 with tenns if desired. _ ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; BALBOA COVES Pre-announcement selections now ava ilable_ HARBOR !NVESTMENT : · COMPANY : /{ __ 1 i - Realtors • 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 & 1601 t -;-. . • .. j John D. Burham 2001 Ooean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315--Balboa 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the Peninsula 2000 OCEAN FRONT 1 .. tory and a half, 2-bedroom bath, large room upataln far guest, llvtna: room , ftttplaoe, kitchen, bedroom and bath over garage, wall hcaten. 66-1 t c WANT A HOME? Eastern house trailer and cabana, butane gas, running w a ter and lots of extras. Can sleep 6 people. On nice lot on Bay with low rent year 'round. Prices right for quick sale. See Owner, Lot 99, New. port Beach Trailer Park. :63-tfc FOR SALE---$7950.00, completely furnished five rooms and guest house, immed.\ate / passesslon. 202 41st street , 1'\gWport Beach.. Ph. Santa Monica. 7.2939_ 63-4tp SIX-ROOM HOME one block 2004 OCEAN FRONT from shopping district, Cos .. 1-atory and a half, 2-bedroom and Mesa. Immediate possession. bath, large room upotaln for Inspect today-182 Rochester cuert. living room, fireplace, St. Phone owner, Torrance dining room, kitchen, covered 1761-R. 64-4tp porch with barbecue, lawn. llON&Y TO I.OAK • flawen, t.aheo, brick walks, i:O.oo!TOi!iiiiii:rl.b;;;::;;;;;;;; picket fenoet surrounding each. LOANS TO sun..o. buy, ::mprowe, beautiful unrestricted view of m'Mternts.e or nftnance. ocean. These houses open daily Newport Balboe l"ederal Bavtnp for inspection. 52-tfc and l..c..n Amoda.Uon.. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1!!00 Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 63-Uc $7850 Terms Insurance and Business Opportunities 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5225 66-ltc REAi. ESTATE Ell:CHANOE U MONl!:Y WANTED l!I 915 Coast Hl&hway, Newport 23--tfc GRAND PIANOS-You will be astounded a tt>ur great big stock. Kimball. Ste inway, Soh- mer. Hallet and Davis, Story and Oark. One ~ Ollck- erlng and it ls the real Ollcker- NE WPORT HEIGHTS N e""· two-bedroom house, double garage, near high school. Re- duction in price if sold this week. Owner obliged to leave. Only S5000 down. lng. too. Many oth•rs to choose JOHN E. SADLEIR trom.. Priced to start at $395. Terms .. Or rent . Danz Schmidt 302 Main Street Plano Co.. Exclusively pianos. Phone Harbor 2034 Nothing else. 520 N. Main. 65-2tc Santa Ana. 55-tfc ----------- Radio and Electric JlEPAIRS 24-HOUR SERVICE All Mak,. -Pick Up A OelJvfty PERRY HARDWARE ll!ll cout mv.i. H..-m CORONA OD: MAR 54-tfc WORLD famous Spinet type m1rTOr piano. Repo11e1 ed. Now reduced to $295. Tern& SUperb tooe. Mabopny ..... ~ for -i1Yle and tone service. Dam· Scbmldt Plano Co., 520 N. Main. San .. Ana. 55-tfc RADIO HOUSE CALIS-Naw !bat oddltlonal __ ...,..,_..,! wChmdans are anl>•Ne, we are Ible to malDe ~1oe calla on larp o•• 'tt AD work .cuat" ...-. RA1IOU> Is. H•-. S.OJI. ~ IOO llarlDe Aw, ft.-191). - El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenuit $4750 Large Corner Lot On Pmlnlula. wltb ..-. $5750 Business Lot with two lm4ll - $10,500 Seoaol aood Bay Front Lota LOT ON OCEAU BLVD. $3000 W. L. JORDAN '!Ill E. Central. -Phone Harbor 163 IB-lf<: Nice Trailer Court in Riverside. Equipped for ten tra ilers. Lot 110x310. With new two-bedroom residence and of- fice. P lenty room to build cab- ins. Immediate posseMionn- $11 ,500. Four Acres in Costa Mesa, east s ide, one-half block from 'Newport city limits. Will make !ixteen large lots. Two Acres on West 17th street, Costa Mesa, near oil development $1800 pm acre. LOTS -LOTS Newport Height.......wtth and all utilltles- $1400 Costa Mesa- $1000 EVA F. RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd., Cos.. M ... ELTON BARNETI' PERNEL .G .. BARNE'TT Brok on Ph. Beacon 571J..ft,. .. SEA VIEW HEIGHTS ESTATES Large Restricted Building Lots UnOOstructed View ol Ocean and Harbor A(ijaoent to Fastest Growing Shopping Center Paved Streets-All Utilities In and Paid For Terms d.. Sale--Casb or 1-3 Down Easy Mmlthly Payments --0- Nice lot $1500. on Newport Hel&:hts-==~-------61>-=-l:.::tc A Tl'RACJ'IVE TWO -BEDROOM New Qibdlvisloo Selling Fast -Act ,row For Odee Location A. L. MATIHEWS LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2232 NpL IDvd. Costs M ... Res. Tel. H-2577 66-ltc FOR ~Lot ln Fairi1ew He!O!ts, 66-fL to :!1iO ft.. l1500. Call 110 Pearl Aw.. Balboa 1lland. 6S-4tc For -IUPPlleo. -Ibo N_.nq... home. newly ~ted. one-holf •~ plot. Immediate occup&ncy. Price, ~-229 AvocaGo St.. Costt M..._ 61>-ltp EAST NEWPORT -n.r...-bed-· room home with unobstiucted vlrw of. bay and a me-bedroom renta1, both on one Jot. Pr1ced only $15 ,000. Harbor ll03&. John E. ~Ir-61>-ltc --0-- RALPH P. MAS KEY, Realtor MU W. Central, Opposite Lido n-ter (Courb!sy to Reallirs) FOR SALE-Lot 30xlll, oxeeDmt • 66-ltc location. one bloclt ott Cool!----------------------- Rish_,.., 703 Goldenrod ·-FOR SALE-Cm-on& de! Mar, ~ SAN FRANMl!O'l -~unm Cnrclna de! Mar. Phone Atlalltlc ft. lot. 1 blodl from achool. --and 2 ~ for ID-45563. Q>.2tp ol !!hod.. pood loeatlon fer II>-_ ame, wlD aeD or tndo fllr """'"-0.-. Pb. H-~W. N<Wi**t Harber Pl-I::t-_... Me pile flt)' I at ,....,,.,,.. 85-dc bar HOO. . 57-ttc I HAVE A HOME WANTED-Private loan, $10.000. Secured by excellent property, Box 628, Balboa Island. 59-tfc In CUJver City, California, near 1 TllA~~n~.l:Jl8~~------_!:ll MGM studios, brand new 6-nn., 1 · 3-bedroom, Monterey, worth 'l'RAILERS FOR RENT-Do J'OUl' about $13,500. Immediate P<>O· own hauling and movlnr;. AD oeulon. new equipment. S2-25 and $2.l'Q --1-WANT per day_ We tumlab the bitch. M)'t'ehn Broo. _Service s .. t1on. A WEEKEND , cor. 17th a Newport Blvd.. Ooot.1 PLACE Mesa_ I 4&-dl LE'I"S TRADE (and save taxes) Write or Phone JAMES H. McCARTHY 1138 S . Broadway PRoopect 7241 Leo Angeles 64-3tc ADIPLAN'£l!I .. FOR SALE-l!MO Piper CUb: new 100-hr. check. Will accept car u trade-in. Beacon 5551 .. w. Q>.2tp FOR SALE -New Ercoupeo, aeroncu, Globe SW!ft. fllcbt tn- muctlon at Skybarbor, one mile west on 19th at.. c.o.ta Mesa. G-4tc AVW W.&:NIW •&vn. WAJii&o • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and WtllP.ayTop Prices m,r, YOUR CAR NOW w_J:dle Prlceo nre High. ~ Phane f1lr our WQlllEiiili buyer who wlll eall and 1111t1w -)"OU rcwac OPA 11!8Uiatiom. .....,_ pl'IC9 and Ui*Blf al detalJI a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. e ••ullt .. •as ti 'n:J1r1 8l W• C 1'llL Newport B 1•. D Orem. CW'xll• a... .. -- • ' • • • • ..... Annonncinr; the New Vibrapac Building Units Pl&Wl'OST &U80A J!!W!;!Ul!!z Jf••e1 Br e!, ~ Tlwels. ...., ft, lMI • Take it =Easy, Mr. Big Bear! Gllstlin lss1es Call for Swi•1ers For Pirate· DaJI' Aqutlc Evellts A call is being issued this .. ...ic by cornmltt..., memb<n of Balboa's tilting contest and a race from Balboa Ialand to the F\Jn Zone. ALL Slzl)I BlJILDINO UND'8 BJ' .uo:&ICUS erans who once more tried hard Pirate Days celebration for swifn.. Valuable priJJeS including swim f"lnll and diving masks wiJ1 be gl"'n to the wtnnen. Brick Uld c-pool BJocb Now In ProdadlaD. Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1M10 Newport A-Coeta Ilsa . A '\'Ut majority of the Amer· to make the world a happier place men to participate in aquatic tcan people will undoubtedly su~ in which to live. events scheduled for Friday after- port and should support .the new A.."d:ERICANS ARE NOT A noon, Sept. 6. diplomatic policy which our State WARRING RACE. BUT WHEN Ten prizes are going · to be Department is pun·uing in its rela· HER PATIENCE IS WORN TO awarded to winners ot several tions ¥.i th Soviet Russia. the most THE FAT I G lJ ED POINT, , water events which will be con· aggressi,:e regime in the United BROTHER BJG BEAR, YOU'D dllct~ as pan of the gala fes. Nations organization. BE't•t'ER TAKE HEED FOR THIS tival on Sept. 5, 6, 7 and 8. The United States government TThlE THERE AREN'T ANY At present the committee wishes Entranta are uked to sign up With Pirate He11dquarten in the USO building at Balboa or With the GusWn School o! Swlmmin& in front ol Ouistlan's Hut on Tues- days. Thursdays and Saturdays. -t:r NEWPORT IL\RBOR MOVIE GUIDE * is absolutely within its rights in ISOLATIONISTS TO HOLD US a number ot young people to sign Sell that unwanted ,..,a rning the Soviet recime that it IN CHECK UNTIL. YOU'VE EX-up for a water polo game, a canoe through New.Times ada.. is launching a diplomatic offensive PANOED ALL OVER TllE LOT! -------------------------- Lido Theatre Balboa · Theatre Pl'looe Barbor !Ill Box Office Open at 6 :45 Shows at 7 and 9:15 Matinee Saturday at 1 :45 Continuous Sunday ~:15 Now m.owtnc tllna Saturday: MOM de.liven the createst M.....,_.Boma.-. &ere eomei1 another spect.aculaJ' bJt from the producers of .. Ancbon Awelch" "TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" Starring Kathryn GrayMn June AllYMtn I llmmy Durante • Peter Lawford Laurtt:t Melcholr Banday -Monday -August Z3 -26 Wllllam Po~·ell and EAther \\-llllMns ln MGM*• Comedy-Drama "The Hoodlum Saint" Added: Color Cartoon Pete Smith 8-lalty A N.,.. Aug. %7 • 28 Men would commit murder to keep her dla.ry tieeret ! Paulette Goddard In PboDe Barbor %1 Box Office Open .. 8:15 Sbows NlglltlJ', 8 :30 A 1:30 Now Showln.c thru Friday: All request prvrram of proven. Id .. ! GLENN MU.I.ER AND ORCHESTRA Georce Montpmery Ann Rutherford -Carole l..&ndis Lynn Bart. -CNal' Romero and the Nlcbol• Brothen ln "Orchestra Wives" -Also-Monty Woolley Dick llaymM -lune Baver In "Irish Eyes. Are Smiling'' Sat .• sun. Aue. u -ts Two more Re\1val bib! Samuel Goldwyn'• ''THE HURRICANE" wtth Dorothy L&mou.r -Jon Hall -and Lau.rel and Hardy ln-- "The Bohemian Girl" Mon. -Tues. Aug. 26 -27 Dana AndPews.RlchardConte "A Walk in the Sun" -aloo- "Caravan Trail" ln color-with Eddie Dean "'ednesday Only -AUK· 28: GUSTUS-Looks are often decel\ing u may be shown when you view thb p&cture f_n>m a dlst:a.nce. To some It appean Uke an octopus· to others a walna.. To Paul G..utn. well lmoW'lll nrlm c laM o~n.tor and lmtnK'tor, v."bo a.Ud, UJt'a ollefl b1' me. nm It, .. It ts a picture be ~ for to abow bow be tat. a dl'VIDC llUlt for the Coast Guard or Na\')". n.e demontraUob wu made ln Balboa.. -Photo by Don Hannon, Balboa.. against Russian expansion into the fretih areas or the Middle Ea.st and Asia. To have acceded to the """ishes of the Soviet government fM absolute control over the Dar- danelles, would ha•e given her an opening wedge into the troubled areas of China and India, both or which a'ppear now on the verge ot civil war. No evidence has been discl<>&ed that secret agents of the Russian government are ex- ploiti.ng the ambitions or some ot I Senate Continues the more emotional e lements or M'ay Try National-One those peoples for the purpose of Races Again Sunday Wartillle Probe creating chaos in those countries as well as trying to break up the Of Rohl Wyman United Nations union, but news National-One Design races off ' reports from Ollna do indicate BYC came to a n ill-blown halt that Communist forces are about last Sunday, August 19, because I ~n~te probe into the "'artime 1 to e ntttng1e again with Chinese of a lack or breez(' in the ha rbor act1vit1 es or Col. Theodore. F . Wy-Na tional armies. entranct' where an attempt was man jr .. forme r army engineer a t 810 BEAR' made to 'cover th<' first l<'g or the Los Angeles. and H ans \Vilhelm ! It is =~a~~ that Great . Britain course After bo bbing about for Rohl, Los Angeles rontr:1ctor and U . ed S t th · f od f th N and the nit ta es as e an hour, e ntrants decided to call a armer comm ore 0 e ew-1 s arheads or other nations who it off This comrvotition y,·as hl'ld I port Harbor Yacht club. a nd delay ~ f -~ d t • I"' • • I · 'lit wtsh T\.~om a n peace, canno inde pendently or thosl' r aces held in comp et1ng prew ar mt ary I b k d at the Ne¥.-por t Yacht club the contracts in Haw aii, will not r each ~nd 5hould _no t ach 0""'"t:o;, on same day as part of th{' Race public hearings in \Vuhington. D. 1 ~5 new poh~ to t war.t e usdi- 1 C I , I k dis t h s1an expansion moves 1n a ny -\Veek activities. .. or se"era we-e s, a pa c . h I t ti I ch Q\\-ners interested in turning o ut acain for anothe r informal race nC'X f Sunday, August 26. ¥.•ill find thc.group tied to a buoy in front or the Newport Yacht cluh at l o 'clock . say the sponsors. to the Los Angeles Times said rect1on on t e n ema ona ess latl' Tul'sd ay. board. It is unfortunate for the . . peace of the \\'Orld and those na- \Vh1Je a. sub-committee headed ttons \\'ho desir e goodwill among by Sen. Kilgore. tD.l _w. Va.. con-all na tions that Russian policy templates sess1~~s In Los An-makers cannot oo m ore coopera· geles and H awan. much research tive in 8 world in which thl're are m ust be done befor e . the. staff of sufficient essential products for all th_e Me~d war invest1 gat1n ~ com· it distributed ralrly. m1t te-e ts r eady to take trst1n1ony. But to be mor e cooperative the Black Gold Days May Have Navy Vessel for Fete 'Hu'°ntington Beach Chamber or Commerce is looking for a battle- ship to use as an attraction ror their scheduJed Black Gold Days celebration on Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2. Secretary W .H . Gallienne or the booster body and Willis H'. Warner or the county board ot supervisors each signed a letter to the Navy department asking for the assignmen t of a battleship or cruiser during the celebration. The ship's commanding officer "'ould be honored by being chosen to crov.'TI the queen or the Black Gold Days festival which will com· memorate the 25th a nniversary of the discove ry or oil a t Huntington Beach. Finch Joins Army George C. F inch. age 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Braden Finch, 344 Hazel Dr., Corona del Ma r , enlist- ed for 18 months, Army unassign· ed. through the Army Recruiting office, 202¥.a W . 3rd &treet, Santa Ana. Finch joined the Army to get an education and to be a mo- torcycle military police. George is a graduate or Newport Harbor high school. "DIARY OF A CHAMBERMAID" "Girl of the Limber lost The committee's ){'gal for ce· is Russian gove rnment would have to l'xpected to review testimony pre-withdraw rrom their principle viously gathered by the Army's Marxist goal, which dates from as All kinds typewriter ribbons la Pf'arl Har bor inquiry board a nd far back as i 870--communiza tion stock at the News-Times. wtth Bu~ Meredith llllrd Hatfield • Francis Ledenir J.Uill. Andenon • Regt.n.ald Owen -Ertn Fe&t.urette In Teclmlcolor -Also--June PrelMer & Freddie s~ 1n "Freddie Steps Out" --------"Gem of the Ocean" Thuno. -Fri. Au~. %9 -30 Randolph &:ott Ann IUchanls Color Cartoon a Sportareel 'Don. -SaL Aq. 29 • SI A. ,·ery racy comedy wttb 111o,... llllutt}· and happenlnp! "THE BRIDE WORE BOOTS" With Barbara. Stanwyck llobert CwnmJnp & Diana Lynn "Badman's Territory" ,_ __ _ -Also-Sld.ney Toler as 'Charlie Chan' in "DARK ALIBI'' Sft. • Sun. -AU&. SI -Sept. 1 "Larceny in Her Heart" -Aloo- "AVALANCHE" &&art• Sunday, Sept. 1 : EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Balboa Tbeatn -Sunday Mldnl1rht -Labor Day Ev&- Double Horror Show! seR'11cE Tbe pfetµ.re . fl\'eryone lt: ravtnK about ---"MISSING CORPSE" ''SUSPENSE'' Starrlnc Bellta . -alM>-- ''The Dead Men Walk" Doon Open 11 :45 Sbow Starts I ! MldnlJht Let us tell you nankly, whether your radlo can be repaired m.,xpen- sively enough for-it to oe \vorthwhile! a.ad Barry Solllvan • COMING ATTRACTIONS • Newport Electric Appliance ( 'o. '"l'llE 8£AKCHL>;O \\'IND" \ "TO t:ACH Hl8 OWN" "llRI: WlWTE THE BOOK" "THE BLUE DAHLIA" "ROAD TO UTOPIA" "SINO YOU SINNERS" !"'6 Cout Bl"'O. Pllone %1S8 I Management's-eye-view of the Sa11ta Fe Many of the fine things you are eojoy4 iag aad a.tt abouc ro enjoy on the Sa.ata Fe a.re the dittct result of rid- ing the lioe rather than riding an office c.h.a.ir. 'You an 9ft mo.re railroad from die cab of a locomoti.e tha.a you can &om a c7pewrincn ttport. le all goes ., proYC tbar fo.r-ai&br U bene.r rhao bl»dsi&bL Tb.at*• why JOOIO ofteei.od the top uecllli.u of Saa.ta f-e ar the "bNd- 00<!" of SM.ta Fe tniu. 'Jbey ride ia iroct by ~ aad desip ... - ...i. .. Ile• ahead. The moderttrailroacle-...i.._wbo i... ,...,.... up widl cradts aad ttains aad who ..... lpCDt a large put of his Ille iu~ looks or a -0.,u a{ end: DO< 1 .. term1 ol a.. aad rails bur ia terms of lhe po.t.ible impro,. meats {or be-nu Krrice ro ahippus aod paueage.n. Coupli-.10.,. uperieatt widi - hare TisioG, he translaru new idetu into acrioa. with iau:Dediue decllioa which ;, bocb pn<tical aad cimely. Tbi1 practical "lhAageme .... _,.- ..;,.. .. hu led co the oualgl>-iuc ol Cat"Tes. imptoTed roadbeds, aew bridges and ....,yocber dU..,. wllic:lo pey o6 la ~ ol becter IUTicc loc bocb -...crs aad Maippcrs. It i. .. Md abo to impl'O•WDCI ol dnip •ad baadlin1 in the locomotj•u dlem1ehu. Dmi111 die ucn fnr mon«N, S.- l'e will......,._ a -i..r ol - -~lq-­eqWp-·N ,, ... for tbca. SANTA 'FE SYSTEM LINES S..Mg .. W..t GftCI S= s•w111 -- a House Military Affairs commit-of the whole world. She may never -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tee before d eciding \\'here to fix cease this objective. but there • r esponsibility for asserted failure is still time to show he r once and to finish r adar and anti-aircraft for all that in our time we demo- installations in Hawaii. cratic nations do not intend to let F . D . Flannagan . chief investi-he r take the world by the horns gator , said, "We have much pre-and shake it to death by threat liminary v.•ork to do berore "'e can or starvation for he r own selfish map a schedule." Sen. Kilgor e aims as shie is now trying to do predicted thl' investigation ¥.ill ""ith ever y other small nation she "sho\\' a ¥.'eakncss or Army and touches. China. India P alestine Navy procurement and contracting a nd Triest: ar e only a few exam- systems." pies. Relations between Rohl and I Mi!lions or liberty-loving lads of Wyman. '-''ho first met while the scores or democratic nations Army officer was on duty in Los fought courageously and heroical· Ange les directing "·ork on county ly in life and befor e death to flood control. already have been break the Ge rman-Jap yoke that investigated by the House com-threatened to make fascists out of mittel', which recommended pun-our children a nd our fathers and ishme nt f~r both men. Secretary mothers. and with the same token o r War Patterson. however. held or bravery, there arc still millions last year thl're is no rt>ason ror of other rrredom-loving youths penalizing W}man for any der el.ic-who will emulate the spirit of the tlon of duty. living as w ell as or the dead vet- Balboa's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM AND HIS OIClllSTIA VET'S Taxi PB01'"E: BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOMERS- (Owned and Operated by Veterans) 1011 BROADWAY BALn MORTUARY -;t- Lady Attendant -;t- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harb&r 42 DAY AND NIGHT ~ned SealB $2.40 II; $1.80 Tax Incl. :c (l c; Gryphon Productions ii : ·~:::~· PLAY~OUS[ ~ • z Guy Madison 0 z ~ Starring In -o ~ 'Dear Ruth' ~ z 0 .. f:., Cast Includes ~· Barbara Whiting i:i (al 'J\mior Miss') 0 Barbara Brown Ill Clo. (al 'Janie' Pictures) :z: 0 n of ... 0 :z: DI Tonight, Thunclay, August 22 ·~ Ltmlfed Seatins C'ApadlJ> Resened Seats Ava!Jehle at BLUE SAllB BOOKSHOP Ill " > Also Thanday, August 29 = Sabo day, August 24 I 0 . ':"9..: .... : • n :II For MARI-NE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' HARDWARE -·- --· It's the 23rd & Ph . ~ '. ._, •• ' Central 2600 .. -.• .. odern? Only if " it is properlv wired I Any house mat iS' not adequately wired for complete electrical service is out-0£-date. Modern living d<pendJ upon complete electrical service. And that requires properly "fitted" wiring. Circuits, outlets and swi tches must be adequate in size, number and location to per- mit full )1SC of electrical equipment. The cost of first. class wi/mg is small. On th< av<rag<, ad<quate wiring coflJ only 4% of th< total building b..dg<t. You arc invited to use our free advisory service on home wiring. No obligation-just phone or write your nearest Edison ollicc. ( PUJlllllNO J -H ESTUS ffAICOW.&a • • • GENERAL EI.ECfKIC owwaee•• • •• ,,... • .... 111 New11riB11+ -Or--- • ' ( . ,j .· . --· -. ' . waw1a.r •''MA auwrn•• ••e• •xrto. ..... ,. , nm_,.,, .... ,_. u, iN. P us u c Nonc:a '10 da)'S after the effective date of em C&llfornla; (2) The aggrepte forth and dooa'tbed In a reoolutlon by the Boord al Suporvioors ot the line of the County Highway, 60 of a p&r<"e! of land described In said onlinance JlnDtln& said pet!-amount to be so railed by ltlCh and onler .. tabliahlnc said pre-County of Oran&e. State of C&Jl-feet In width, as described In the Deed to the City of Newport LEGAL NOTJ(JZ tion, at which election the p-oposJ-special ta.'U'S shall be $668.200; cincts as election preciftcts m tbe fomia, the 8th day ot. January, petition fer public highway, Ne\\-•-Beach, said Deed being recorded NOTICE AND PROCLAMA-lion of such annexation of said <3> The numbtt o1 yean prescrlb-County of ~. State of C&ll-1946, and is set forth In Book 44, port Beach Road, and recorded in in Book 249• pqe 424 of Official TION OF THE CALI..ING AND part o! sai~ . corporate area . to ed for raising such aggregate sum fornla, •hJch Nld order wu pus. page '473, et seq., of the Super-Book 250, page 73, Records or said Records of said County· HOLDING OF A SPECIAL Coastal Muruopal W&ter District, shall be twenty years, c:ommenc-ed and adopted by the Boerd of visors' Minute Book ot said Orange County· thence N th 23• 57• 30• Eu subject to the tentlS and condi-ing with the tlsc&I year 1947-1948; Supervisan of the County of County thence ~I or t ELECTION IN TIMT PART OF tions so fixed by the Board of Di-(4) Substantially 'equal annual Orang<. State ot C&lltomia. the .TI>. Polling place for this Pre-southerly I Yti:":f ii:: ':ltd .along the northwesterly line of ~ ~RPO~~ E~:o ~~ rectors o_r ~d Coastal_ Municipal levies wlU be made f!'r the pur-8th day of January, 1946, and is cint Is Stanley's Real Estate Of-erly line !'::;:":;!"easterly u,:'. oi ~~~> of land 4 distance or BEAl.1-t NOT NOW INCLUDED Water DtStrict ~d subject to the ~ of rawng ~d . sum ~ver the set forth in Book 44, JMll.e 473, et lice, 617 Coast Highway, c.orona said County Highway, and as said thence &,uth 71 • 54• East alon W 1 TH 1 N TI{E CORPORATE terms and condi~ons so tixed by period 50 prescribed, seq .• 1ot the Supervison Minute del Mar, C&J.lfornia. County Highway is shown on Tract tt.e northerly line or said g AREA OF COASTAL 1'tUNICI-the ~ of Directors o( The (d) That. as prescribed by the Book of ~d county. The election officers for this No. zt, Boulevard Addition lo of land a distance of 290.24~ PAL WATER DISTRICT ON Metropolitan _wau:r District of Boa.rd of Directors of said The The polling place for thb pre-Precinct and their addresses and Newport Heights, being part of thence Cootinuin al n ee . TUESDAY THE 10TH DAY OF Southern Califorrua, should be Metropolitan Water District of clnct is the Fire Sta.tion at 2817 the offices to be held by each are: Lot 169 Block 2 Irvine Subdivi· th 1 lin g . 0 g the SEPTEMBER l94&, FOR THE submit ted_ to the vote of the elec-Southern California by its afore-West Central _Avenue, Newport Inspector: Fay D. Benedict •• 427 sion, as 'recorded 'tn Miscellaneous :'no:d ~:th 85e_ of, said ~l of PURPOSE oF SUBMl'l*llNG TO tors .in satd part of saJd corporate said resolution and order passed Beach, Calllorn18.. . Narcissus, Corona del Afar, Maps, Book 9, page 26, records ol of 1,378.16 feet43to~! ~~~ nu: QUALI.FIED ELECl'ORS area, and, . , and adopted the 12th day of July, ~e election c;>ff1cers for this California. said County, to an intersection corner of said of . OF TI-lAT PART OF 'J1fi: COR· WHEREAS, said e!ection \liU 1946, in the event of such annex.a-precinct and their addresses and Judge: Harriett C. ·Ruggles, 504 with the center line of the Old . thence South~ th lan~,lin PORATE AREA OF TiiE CITY catted an~ or~ered to be held at tion to said Coastal Municipal the office to be held .by each are: Goldenrod, Corona del Mar, County Road. as shown on Tract and the southe ong e eas . e OF NEWPORT BEACH NOT and \\ithin said part _of the cor, Water District of-the corporate Inspector: Mn. Arline C. Jasper, California. No. Zl. BouJevard Addition to thereof or· said rly prolongation NOW INCLUDED \VlTlilN THE porate area of the _City of N~w-area of the Oty of Newport Beach 106--24th . S~t. Newport CJerk: Frances D. Graham, SlO Newport Heights, being part of distance f 567 O~lt of l".™1 a CORPORATE AREA OF COAST-pc>rt Beach not now mcluded with-not now included within said Beach, ~o~ . Acacia, Corona del Mar, Cali-Lot 169, Block 2. Irvine S ubdi-section ~th a Un ee o an mter- AL l\tUNIClPAL WATER ors. m ~e: corporate 87f'a_ of Coastal Coastal Municipal Water District, Judge: Lucille Deitrich, 519-fornia. Vision, as recorded in l\tiscellan· er of and all e ~feet !'orth- TRlCT 'niE PROPOSITION OF Muruopal Water Distnct on TUes-pursuant to said petition for such 35th Street, Newport Beach, Clerk: Essie D . Kyte, 312 Qr. eous Maps Book 9 page 26 rec-~ b lkh ~Ii el \\>'1th :f::: a.t~- ANNEXIN SAID AR OF day, the lOt~ day of September, annexation so filed on May 2, Californla. chid. Corona del Mar, C8.U-ords of said Count~.. ' S8l u ea ne ex~en g m SAi G RATE i:uiE~ TO 1946, by Ordinance No. 6 pas..ro 1946, with said Secretary of said Clerk: Elsie G. Newland, JOOS.D !omla. thence North 55• S9' East &Ion U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 151 ' CO~~~UNTCIPAL \VATER and adopted by satd &:ar:d of D1-Coastal Municipal Water District Coast Bouleva:d Newp;>rt . The compensation for each elec-the said center line of the OJ~ to~· S. B~khead St~on No. 152 ; DISTRICT SUBJECT TO TiiE recto~ o~ Coastal Muruopal Wa-and subject to the terms and con· Beach, Callforrua. . tion officer so serving \liill be the County Road, 783.92 feet; hi ':."~ u~ ~t ong a line, TERlttS A.No CONDITIONS FIX-~er OIStrt_ct, ar:td ther:e was also ditions ti:<ed by said Board of Di-Clerk: Ruth M. Gerrish, 201 sum of $8.00. thence North 10• 6' East 496.06 : c e is . feet northerly ED BY THE BOARD OF DlREC-i~c_luded tn !iatd ~dinanc:e pro--rectors of said The ?tfetropolltan 29t~ Street, Newport Beach. Section 5: The said polling feet along the saJd center line of f and J>&l'.allel Wlth_ the aforesaid TORS OF SAID COASTAL MU-~tons for the_ ho.ld1ng of sat~ eJec-Water District of Southern Cali· California.. places have been established as the Old County Road; • bulkhead line extending from U.S . NICTPAL WATER DISTRlCT tion,. esta~hsh.ing .co~lldated fornia by said resolution and order, COASTAL MUNlqpAL \VA• UV' polling places where the polls thence North 35 • 18' East 440.43 Bulkhead Statl?n No. 151 to U .. s. AND SUBJECT TO THE TER?t1S elec_tion precincts, des1~n~t1ng the said The Metropolitan Water Dis-TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT will be open on the day of said feet along the center iine of the Bulkh~ad Station No. 152 a ~S· AND CONOmONS FIXED BY polling places. appo':"~ng the trJct ot Southern Californi.a will BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC-election from the hour of 7:00 Old County Road: tance of 1.287.29 feet t~ a paint; THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Boar~ of Electi~n, f1~ng com-provide a feeder pipe line from the TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-o'clock A. M., on saJd day, to 7:00 thence North 12" 30' West 52166 thence due n~rth a distance of OF THE ~fETROPOUTAN \V.A-pens~t~1on of election off1~rs and point where the Orange County CINCT N.O. 2 shall . consist of a o'clock P . M. on said day. when feet along the said center line ·of 300 feet to a point : TER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN prov1d1~g for the countlng and feeder extension line of said last consolldauon of Precincts 3, 8 and the polls will be closed, except as the Old County Road t . t -thence due e~st a distance of CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBING ~a nvass1ng of ballots and the tak-named District crosses Newport 11 of the Qty of Newport Beach, provided by Section 5734 of the section With the ce'nt:riu:i: erf 250 feet to a point: THE CONSOLIDATED ELEC-1ng o( a.11 steps n~ary to com-Avenu~._ in . the vicinity of Costa as said Precincts are _set forth and El~tions Code ?f' the State of \Vestminster Avenue, as shown :n thence due ~u~ a distance of TION PRECINCTS AND THE plete said annexation . now. there-Mesa in satd County of Orange described t.n a resolution and order California f F . ddi . 300 feet to a point. • . fore , b"-h. .d ~~-S . . . a map o u-st A lion to New-th ce d t dist ! 350 POLLING PLACES THEREIN • , thc~ce south":ester1y to the Jnter-esta ~ 1ng sai r-l=•Cts. u ect1on 6 : Th_e ap~pr1_ate n~e port Heights, as recorded in Book en ue. ea~ a ance o EST A 8 L 1 S l{ED FOR SAID NOTICE AND PROCL~-section of s8ld Newport Avenue election precincts ln the County and v.'ords of 1dent1f1cation g1ve.n of Miscellan us M 4 94 feet to a point. ELEcnON ST AT 1 NG TI-IE TION are hereby mad~ and given with Twenty-third Street in the ot Orange, State of California, said part of said corporate area record f ~ Co a~ . · page ' then~ easterly in a direct line NA..\lES OF THE ~!EMBERS OF by the Boa.r~ of 1D1recto;s .of vi~nity of said ~ta Mesa. and which said order was passed and by the ~~ of Directo~ _of then~o N~~h 39!1U·East alon to ~ta t1on No. 75 of .Patent 1:xn1:n· ntE BOARDS OF ELECTION Coas t~l Municipal \\:_ater _D1str1~t said The ?.1etropolitan Water Dis-adopted by the Board of Super-Coastal Municipal Wate r D1str1ct the t r f "d \V . . g dar1~ of t he Rancho San Joaquin. FOR SUCH POLLl~G PLACES that, in accordanet' with said Ordi-trict of Southern California, in the visors of the County of Orange. for the purpose of identifying said Ave~~ e;O~~ of s~i t estm~nste~ as per map rt'COrded in Book 1. AND TIIE COl\•lPE~SATlON OF nances No. 5 an~ No. 6, pass~ event of such annexation . v.'i ll pro-State of California. the 8th day of part of said corporate area for said Inters ti · .-t~ th 0 a poin\. 0 page 47 of Patent Records of Los SAID E LECTION OFFICF.RS and ~dopted by said Board at s31d vide the necessar:y shut-off valves. January, 1946. and is set forth in election is "That Part or the Cor· of Fi;;cec~~h ';1treet eas ~~~!,n ~~ Angeles County, California; AND STATI~C THE PROCED· me<'t1ng hel d the 26th day of July, check valve, meter and vaults to Book 44, page 473, et seq .. of the porate Area of the City of New-afor .d 1 ~:· Add·u thence sout heasterly along said 1946· S . • M. t Book r .d 0 _ N esa1 n1ap o LrSt 1 on to R h bo d . . URE FO R CAt\\'ASSJ:o.l'G THE · . . . . en:ible water to be delivered fron1 upervtsors inu e o sw po~t . i.x:ach ot No\\• Included Ne" rt Hei hts:' anc o . un at:)' line to Station BALLOTS CAST A'f SAID Section 1. A special election has said Orange County feeder extcn-County. W1th1n the Corporate Area of rpo g ~ , 78 of srud Rancho boundary; said ELECTION. been ca~Jed and ordered t.0 be held sion line through said fl'<'der pipe The polling place for this Pre-Coastal Municipal \Vater District··. f t~e~ce So~th 49 30 r Eastf 3·2~~ Station being South 68° 43' 40" and notice and proclamation there-line to said Coastal Municipal cinct is the City Hall. N{'\vport and the boundaries of said part of F~t . o~g St e center in.e 0 s~i east 220..55 feet from United States \Vl-IEREAS . tt.·rtain qualified of hereby arc given hy the Board \Vatcr District at the intersection Beach, California. said corporate area in the County t 1 ee~t t;eet to a point .0 r in-Bulkhead Station No. 104 in the el-tors rC"Sidlng \Vilhin that part of Directors of Coastal Municipal of said NeWport Av('nue with said The election officers for this of Orange, State of California as e~ection \VJ.th the center hne of b~~k.!:::-:ld lint' as said bulkhead .... \Va ter District \\'hich special . Pr · d th · ddr d '. Irvine Avenue as shown on afore-. ' of th(' corporale area or the City . . · . . Twenty.third Street, but said The ec1nct an eir a esses an the same are set forth and descrth· said f F.' d . . 1 hne and bulkhead stations are laid of N'C\'.1>0rt &•ach not no\v in-election 15 to be held at a nd Wlthin Metropolitan \Vater District of the offices to be held by each are: ed in said petition praying for said ~a~ 0 irst A dition to Ne\v-out and shown upon the map of cluc.1L-<l \vithin lhc corporate area that p~rt of the corporate area of Southern California will not pro· Inspector: l-Iannah M. Gillis, 214 annexation and as set forth and po~~ Heig~ts: h 40,, 30, \ Ne\vport Bay, California, showing of Coastal ~·tunicipal \Vater Dis· the ~ity of N~\'<'~rt Beach not vide pressure-regulating equip-21st Street, Newport Beach, descrilx-d in Ordinance No. 5 pass-the e n.~e out r f 1 V~st along Harbor lines, approved by the War trict. v.·hich said J>art of said cor-now included within t.h~ corporate ment: that in the evC"nt that said California. ed and adopted by the Board of sai center ine_ 0 rvine Ave-Department January 18th. 1917 : porat{' area lies wholly within the a~ea .or Coastal Municipal Water corporate area of said City or Judge: Irene M. Woods, 207-Directors of Coastal Municipal nue_ and the southv.es_terly prol?n-thence South 45° 45' East 990 County of Orange, S late of Cali-Distri~t. C?unty of Orange, State Newport Beach not now included 20th Street, Ne\\·port Beach, \Vater Distric t granting the prayer gation °~J thi:_ center line of Irvine feet; _ fornla, ha._.e petitioned Coas tal of California, on Tuesday, the IOt h "'ithin said Coastal Municipal Wa-California. of said P<"tition for annC'xc:i tion and Avenue -.49::> feet , nlore or less. thence South 29 ° 00' East 330 !o1unicipal \\'ater District praying day o_f September , 1946. said part ter District is not so annexed to Clerk : Julia r--tae Eggert, 1608 v.1hich also constitute thC' boun· to the northeast corner '?f Lo~ 'H', fC'Ct ; for the 8 nn('X1ng or said part of of said corporate. area bei_ng the said Coastal Municipal Water Dis· \Vest Ottan Front. Nev.1>0rt daries of That Part of the Cor-Tract 919· as recorded in ~'liscel-thence South 54 • 30• East to an sajd corporal(· area to Coastal area. the boundartc>s ?f \vh_1ch a~e trict, purs\lant to said petition for Beach, California. pora t(' Area of the City of New· laneous. Ma~, Book 29· pages ~l intersection with the southwester- ?.1unicipal \\later District. under set. '.0 rth ando dc>s~ribed 1~ s~d such annexation and subject to Clerk: Libby C. Bolton, 209---port &ach Not Now Included to 34 _ inc~~ive, ~eco~ds or said ly prolongation of the northwest- thc "~tunicipal \\rater District pet1!10n for a~nexat ion an.din sa~d said terms a nd conditions so fixed 20th Street, Nev.'POrt Beach. Within !he Corporate Area of Count):· \\hich point is also the erly line of Twenty-Seventh Ave- Act of 1911", as am('ndc<i, a nd Or~i~ance N~. 5 gran.ting s::i~d by said la.st mentioned Board or Caifornia. Coastal I\'lunicipal Water District. sou_th"esl corner of . the 80 ~oot nue. as Tu•enty·Seventh Avenue is i I ....... Southland Stars Head Ram Gridders When the Loi Angeles Rama trod out on the Coliseum green the night of Sept. 6th. the 'A'J)?'ld cham- pion professional football team will have 10 former USC and UCLA stars in its rank. Bob \\'aterfield, former UCLA star quarte.rback and voted by the nation's top sports writers as 1945's most valuable footballer v.111 lead the Ram's Southern Cali: fornia collegiate !Ctar contingent. It could "'·ell be that Ram coach Adam \Valsh is pinning: his hopes for a second vic10l'y over the hard- hitting Wash.ington Redskins on this bulwark of youthful players, many o( whom a year or t\VO ago played exceptional college football. The Redskins Y.111 field their goal-getting duo of .. Slingin' Sam- my'' Baugh and .. Indian Jack .. Jacobs in an endeavor to out raz- zle-dazzle Jim Hardy, trick ex- USC quarterback ,and holder ot all Rose Bo\\•l pass throwing and touchdown records. Other Ram men "'ell known to Southern· California football fans \\·ho v.111 play are quarterback Kenny \V ashington. end Woody Strode, right guard N'te De Francisco and guard Jack Find- lay, all former Bruin gridders, use grid alumni playing Will in- clude Bob Hoffman. fullback: Jack Banta, right half; Pat West, full- back, and Bob de Lauer. center. The Rams, no\v training at Comp-- ton Junior C'l?llege. v.'ill depart soon to play the All Stars in Chicago on the night of August 23rd. They \\'ill return immediately to arrive in Los An~eles for the re- play of the '''orld championship match Sept. 6. The Coliseum event _ is spansored hy the Los Angeles Times for charity. At the war's end, supplies were being Oo\\'TI into China by the- United S tatC'S Army Air Forces at the rale of almost two tons a min- ute around thf' clock. thert"by annexing, including a nd pe~itio~ f~r said annexation ~nd in Directors, then said The ~1'etro-COASTAL MUNICIPAL \\rA-County of Orange, State of CaU-stnp of the State Highway right sho\vn on a map of Corona del adding said part of said cor60'tate this Notice and Proclamation. politan \Vat('r District of Southern TER DISTRICT -NE\VPORT fornia, are set forth and described of ":'3Y. as deeded by deed. record· A1'ar, recorded in Miscellaneous P U B L IC NOTICES area 10 The i\letropolitan Water Section 2: At said special elcc-California will not provide any BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC-as follows: ed in Deed ~k 506• page 334, !\.faps, Book •3, pages 41 and 42. District of Southl'rn California. a.!!I tion there "-'ill be submitted to the such feeder pipco line and will not 110N CONSOLIDATED PRE· All the certain real property records of satd County; . records of said County: conducting of the special election provided by the l\tetropolitan \Va-qualifiC'd e lectors residing wilhin provide any such shut-off valves, CINCT NO. 3 shall consist or a situate in the County of Orange, . thence along the St~te Highway tht'nce northeasterly along the and said special election will be t('r District Act (Statult's 19'.27. said part of said corporate area, ch£'ck valve, meter or ;'aults (or consolidation of Precincts 4 and 5 State of California. and more right d~ ~·a~ d~~338by deed aforesaid southwesterly prolonga. conducted and the vote thereat page 694 , as amended ), v.•hich peti-in accordance with tho 0'1\1unicipnl deliv('ri ng water from said Orange o! the City of Newport Beach, as particularly described as follows, recor .. 1n . · page tion of the northwesterly line of counted, posted, received and can- tion was ruro with the Secretary \Vater District Act of 1911", as County feeder line of said last said Precincts. .are set forth and to-wit: 314· official rt'COrds of said Coun· Twenty-Seventh Avenue and the vassed. and the rMults thereof of Coastal t.1unicipal \Vater Dis-amended, the proposition whether mentioned District. dt'scribed In a resolution and order Beginning at the point of inter· ty, ~utheasterly on the arc of a northwesterly line of Tv.•enty.Sev-ascertained. determin<'d and de- trict on the 2nd day of ~lay, 1946; that part. of the corporate area of Section 3 : The name "That Part establishing said Precincts as section or tf1e northeasterly pro-cur~e conca\'.(' to the northeast clared in the manner provided by d the City of Newport Beach not of the Corporat-Area of th-ci·ty election precincts in the County of longation of the southeasterly line hav_ing ~ radius of 906_ .33 feet .<a enth Avenue and its northeasterly law an , " ~ radial 1 t th t 1 ~-prolongation to a point \vhere the · \\'HEREAS . the Secretary or now included within the corporate or Newport &>ach Not No\V In· Orange. State of California, which of Summit Street, as said street . ine. a e poin Q 0 ~g1!1.7 aforesaid northeasterly prolonga. Sect.Ion 8 : The canvassing of the CoastaJ 1t1unicipal \Vater Distr ict area of Coastnl Municipal \Vater eluded \Vithin the Corporate Area said order "·as passed and adopted is laid out and shown on a map ning b<-ar~ng North 47 33 2:.> votes cast at said special election compll'ted his examination of said District shall be annexed to Coast-of Coastal Municipal Water Dis· by the Board of Supervisors of the of the Seashore Colony Tract. as East ) a dista!1ce_ of 504.85 feet ; tion of the northwesterly line of "'ill be made and conducted hy the petition and &.ttached his certifi-al Municipal Water District and trict" has be<"n designated and de-County or Orange, State of Cali-recorded ln ?.lap Book 7, page 25, the_nce conunuing al~ng the last Twenty·Sevent.h Avenue intersects Board of Dlr<'Ctors of Coastal Ma- c.ate thereto !ihov.•ing said petition thereby be and become annt'xe-0. cla red by the Board of Directors fornia. the 8th day of January. records ot Orange County, Cali-mention~ south~rly lJne of said the northwesterly prolongation of nicipal Water District at a m eet- to be sufficient, and said petition added to and included in The ~1 et-of Coastal Municipal Water Dis-1946, and is set forth In Book 44. fomia, v.;th the north bank o( the State High\'.'ay right of way, tan-the northeasterly line of Corona ing to be held for that purpose on was duly and regularly set for ropolitan Water District of South· trict to be the appropriate name page 473, et seq .• of the Super-Santa Ana River; gent South 74 " 21' 30" East del Mar, as shown on the above Thursday. the 12th day of Septem- hearing before the Board or Di-crn California, subject to the fol-and words of ide-ntlfication by \"isors' Minute Book of said thence easterly and southeaster· 1·252·22 feet; . , mentioned map thereof: ber, 1946. at 8 :30 o'clock P . ~t'. rectors of !iaid Coastal Municipal lowing terms and conditions fixed \\'hich said part of said corporate County. ly along the north bank of said the_nce co~tinwng alon~ the last thence southeasterly along the (but subject to the pro,isions of Water District at its regular place-by the Board of Directors of said area proposed to be annexed shell The polling place for this Pre-river S 400 feet more or less to an mentioned right of way lrne along north\\'esterly prolongation of the Section 7801 of said Elections of meeting on the 26th day of July, Coastal MuniCipal Water District be designated in thls NOTICE cinct is the Fire Station at 703 inte~tion wii'h the former 'south· a curve concave to the north hav-northeasterly line of Corona del Code) at the office of Coastal Mu- 19-16. at the hour of 8;30 o'clock and subject to the tcnns and con· AND PROCLAMATION of the East Bay Avenue. Balboa. Cali· erly line of the California State ing a radius of 1,550 feet, a dis-Mar and along the northeasterly nicipa] Water District, in the La- P. 1'1., and said petition was heard ditions fixed by the &ard of Di-calling and holding of said spe-fornia. Highway having a "-'idth of 80 tance of 379.~ ~eet ; line of Corona del Mar and its guna Beach County Water District by said Board of Directors at that rect~rs of said The l\fetropolitan cial election and upon the ballot The election officers for this feet. Said point of intersection the_nce co~tinwng along _thealast southeasterly prolongation to Its BulldJng, in the City of Laguna time and plD.ce and said petition Water District or Southern Cali-used at said special election. There Precinct and their addressk and bears south s •ss•1s• east 1,113.01 mentioned right of way line tan-intersection with the center line Beach, County of Orange, State wu granted <lS prayed by an or-fomia, which terms and conditions also shall be printed upan said the offices to be held by each are: reet from the northv.•est corner of gent South 88° 23' 30• East a dis· of the water course of that certain of California, and it it is deter- dinance of said Board of Directors are by said Ordinance No. 5 of ballot the following: Inspector: Harold C. Ahrendt, the southeast one-quarter (1i(.} of lance of 201.35 feet to a point in canyon lying immediately south-mined upon the canvassing of the --~ d d led said Board of Directo-of Coastal .,.....,r. n-an Avenue, Balboa, s-lion 29, To-·hip 6 South, the southeasterly line of the parcel easterly of Corona deJ ~far, com-then and there pa~ an a op . •" ~V.;JV \ft.~ ..... ........ 1 k B vote cast at said election that the being Ordinance No. 5 in the rec-Municipal \Vater District made the P a 0 P 0 8 I T I 0 N California. Range 10 West. S.B.B. ~& M.: said of land as deeded to the City of mon Y nown as uclt Gully: said propo6ition so submitted at onh of said Board of Directors; terms and conditions upon which Sball THAT PABT Judge: John M. M. Leonard, 301 point of intersection also being 40 Newport Beach by deed r ecorded 1thedn.ce ~ a rge11neral southwest· said special election to the elec- and. sald annexation can take place, OF THE OOK--Alvarado Place, Balboa, Cali-feet southerly of Engineer's Sta-in Deed Book 249, page 423, r ec· er Y irection ° owiJtg along the tors ot That Part of the r,._...._ate namely.· PO&AD AREA fornia . tion 683 + 4-0.95 on the -nler line ords of said County,· center line of the water course of ........... ......,. \VHEREAS, the corporate area ..... h r 'd B G Area of the City of Newport Beach of said Coutal Municipal Water (a) That there shall be levied OF TH& OITY O F Clerk: MolUe Fenelon, 1721 of said highway; aaid point also thence South 29° West along the 1t e a oresai huck ully to Its Not Now Included Within lhe District has herelofore been added for the fiscal year 1947-1948 by N !! W P 0 B T Miramar Drive. Balboa, Cali-being the .,.,·eaterly terminus of the last mentioned southeasterly line ntersection wit the ordinary high Corparate Area of Coastal Mu· and annexed to and ls included in the said Cotutal Municipal Water B Z A. 0 B N 0 'l' fornia. ordinary hJgh tide Une of the P&.-and the southwesterly prolo'nga-tide line of the Pacific Ocean; nicipal Water District has received and •· a part of The ~tetropoUtan Distn.ct •-•·al taxes upon the NOW INOLUDED Clerk: Dolly R. Spear, 323 Al-cl.fie Ocean in Newport Bay and tion thereof a distance of 970.81 thence South 20• West three (3) ~ ...--~ --·1 · t th p ·r ....,,_ the affirmative vote of a majority Water District of Southern Cali-taxable property \li'ithin said cor-W I TH I N ... --.. varado Place, Balboa, Cali-designated "North Une" and north feet to an intersection with a line mi es in ° e aC'I ic '-"'""'an to a 0 0 8 p 0 a AT g f . 350 f 1 d point of the votes cast in such election. fornla and the inclusion and addi-porate area of the Oty of Newport orrua . bank of the Santa Ana River, as eet northeaster Y of an ; then the President and Seo-etary tion of that part of the corporate Beach hereinafter described and AllZA OFOOAST-COASTAL lwtlJNtOPAL WA· established by a decree in Court parallel with the bulkhead extend· thence northwesterly along a of the said Board of Directorl ot ·-a of the City of Newport which is not now a part of Coasta1 AL MUNICIPAL TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT Case No. 23686 of the Superior ing from U . S. Bulkhead Station line parallel to and three (3) miles ,.. __ _ -· di t fro th ordi ~t&I Municipal Water District, Beach not 00\li' included within the Municipal Water District, in adjll-\\'ATE R D 1 S -YES BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC-Court in and for Orange County, No. 170 to U. S. Bulkhead Station ldstanll 1 mth Pe ~~ high upon the completion of the can- corporate area ot Coastal Muni-lion to the taxes elsewhere ln Che TRICT be IUlQexed 110N CONSOLIDATED PRE-Callfornia, a certified copy of No. 175, as said bulkhead line t e ne 0 e ad.tic \ft.""'an to a vass of the result of the vote at dpal \Yattt Di.strict to the cor-"Municipal Water District Act of to Coastal Muid-----CINCT NO. 4 shall consist of a which decree was recorded Sep-and bulkhe&.d stations are laid out point. which point is the most said election by aaid Board of Df, po.rate art'a of said Coastal ?tlu-1911", as amended, authorized to pal "'•t~r District, consolidation of Precincts 6, 10 tember 19l 1928 ln Book 201, and shoWJ? u~n a map ~f Newport soNutherly Becornher of the Qty of rectors, will certify that fact to ru·ci·pa1 \\'ater District will thereby be levied by Coastal Municipal mbjttt to thti .... 0 and 12 of the aty ot Newport page 253, Official Records of Ba_ y, Califorrua, showing harbor ewport ac · as the exterior " bo d th the Secretary of State and to the annex and add that part of said \Valer District and the •0 '"'egate trrnd ud condl, Beach, as !iaid Precincts are set Orange Co ty, California·, lines, approved by the War De-un ary or e City of Newport -·· b o-h 1 d-~bed County Recorder of the County ot -rporate area to The Metropoli-amount to be so r aised by such lions n:.:~ 1 tbe forth and described in a -"'lu-thence along said north bank of partment January 18th, 1917, and oo;;ac s ~· in Ordinance w --~ d ed b Orange, State of Cali!ornia, and tan \Veter District of Southern special tues shall be $11,589.35 ; Board of Directors tion and order establishing said the Santa Ana River through the on file in the office of the U. S. N1o.thl aCi~~t 1 Ny the City Coundl will promptly do all acts and take California: and, (bl That, as prescribed by the of Wd Dlatrlct Precincts as election precincts in following cOurses and distances: District Engineer, Los Angeles, o e ty o ewpon Beach on .. ~rRE '°, the Boa.rd of Di· a.ltd 5Uhje('t to t.be the County of Orange, State of South 50• 19' ~· r--t 577.07 feet. Cali!ornia·, the 11th day of September, 1906; all proceedings required by law to "cu:-l""3 Board of Directors of said Thi!' 1 d .J1J ~ complete such annexation and to rectors of The l\1etropolitan \Va· l--letropolltan \Vater District of f'rm~ a.n eondl-California, whic.h a.aid order was South 66• 44' 18'" Ea.st 584.64 feet. thence southeasterly along a thence northwesterly parallel to ter ""·trict of Southern California, tloos fixed by the pa••ed and adopted by· the Board South ss • 28' 28" c---t 1.085.28 line, v.·hich line is 350 feet north-and three (3) miles from the shore render such annexation fully elfec.-v..,. Southern California by its afore-8 rd t 01 •-"'" ~ 1 h p cl!' ~-1 tlve for all purposes. b)' resolution and order duly pass-said resolution and order passed oa o .rec"'" of Supervisors of the County of feet. easterly of and parallel with the o t e a 1c '-"-~an to an nter· ed and adopt~ on July 12, 1946, and adopted on the 12th day of e>f Tbr at rtropoli-Orange, State of California. the South 74 • J7' 11• East 881 .85 feet. aforesaid bulkhead line extending section with the southwesterly DatF!d this 26 th day of July, • certified copy thereof hav·ing Jul)-, 1946, such annexation to said t.&n \\r•tf'r 0 18t:rlt t 8th day of January. 1946, and is South 37• 15' 30" East 215.35 feet. between Bulkhead Stations Nos. prolongation ot the southeasterly 1946· been filrd wtlh the Board of Di· Coastal ?.tunicipaJ Water District of Soutbf'rn Call, set forth in Book 44 , page 473, et South 73• 34 · 20" East 1,099.50 170 and 175, a distance of 1,800 line of the afroesaid Summit nrE BOARD OF DffiECl'ORS re<'tors of Coastal ~tunicipal \Va-or said corporate area of said City tornla'l' seq., of the Supervisors' ?tfinute feet. feet to a po.int, which bears South Street; OF COASTAL MUNICIPAL ter District prior to the granting of Nev.1>0rt Beach, described in Section 4: For the purpose of Book of said County. South EWl0 Zl' East 168.41 feet. 29" West 350 feet from U.S. Bulk-th ence northeasterly along the WATER DISTRICT, by said lqt moentioned Board of said petition and which is not now holding and conducting said spe-The polling pla~ for this Pre-South 88° 46' 54" Ea.st 49L03 feet. hee.d Station No. 130, as said sta-!iOUthwesterly prolongation of the By E. H. BEAVER, aa.id peUtion for annexation, has included within said Coastal l.tu-cial elE'Ction, said part of said cor-cinct 18 the Fire Station at 327 North ss• 54' 01• Eaat 546.15 feet, tion ls laid out and shown upon southeasterly line, the southeast-Secretary of Said Coastal consented to said annexation and nicipal \Vater District. shall be porate area. to wit, That Part or Marine Avenue, Balboa. Island, to a point in the westerly line of said map of Newport Bay showing erly line and the north.easterly Municipal Water District. has fixed. declared. set forth and completed, and all necessary cer-the Corporate Area of the Qty ot California. Central Avenue, 60 feet in width, harbor lines; prolongation of the southeasterly At~:::l ) • -determined the tenns and condi-tificates. affidavits, statements Newport Beach Not Now Included The election offlcen fer this which po.int ia North 47• 47l 55'" thence North 75a 11' 44 .. East line of the aloresaid Summit S!feet E H BEAVER tions upon 9»ttlch that part of the and maps required to be filed to \\'tthin the Corporate Atta of Precinct and their addttsset and West a distance ot 3,509.34 feet 1,401.60 feet to a point, wh.icb to the point ol beginning. · ~tary f 'Said Coutal corporate area of the Oty of New-complete such annexation and to Coastal Municipal \Vater District. the offices to be held by each are: from the common corner ot Sec-bears South 35• 28' 18.. West Section 7 : The Secretary of 0 port Beac.h not now included v.;th-render such annexation fully effec-will be and constitute five special Inspector: Hugh B. Springer, 212 tiom 27, 28, 33 and 34, Towmhip 144..43 feet from U. S . Bulkhead Coastal MunicJpaJ Water District Munldpal Water District.. ln the corporate area of Coastal tive for an purposes, shall be filed election precincts, which said ape-Pearl Street, Balboa laland. 6 South, Range 10 \Vest, S.B.B. Station No. 135, u said Bulkhead ls authorized and directed by the Pub.: Aug. 15· 22· 29 and Sept. S. Munldpal Water District may be in the --n·ve of!lces ,_,uired cial election nr'Prin--ha·-'-----Callfcrnia. Ir: M.; Station is shown upon a map en-Board of Directors of Coastal Mu- ed and dded •"'""'t"'""" ·-.. r·--~·"'.,.. "'"' ~ N OTICE OF INTENDED a.AL£ lnduded in and annex a by law, on or before October 1. desJgnated and established u the Jud&e: Bettye A. F\nk. 203 Dla-thence North 1s• 37' 40• East titled 1la.rbcr Unes, Newport Bay nldpal Water Dil:trlct to mail to Under Sect.ton MtO of the Cini Code to Coastal ?ttunicipal Water Di&-1946; voting precin'cts in said part of mend Avenue, Balboa Island. along the said westerly line of Harbor, California", approved by each registered elector in aa1d oCN~~r&;~~ RF.REBT GIVEN : trict and thereby included in and (C) 'lb.at, as irescribed by the saJd corporate area tor the pur-Callt'orn.JL Central Avenue, 278.70 feet, more· the War Department May 2nd, That Part of the Corporate Area That BER.."'.um L. BELL &ad R. C. annexN and addfod to and become Board of Direct9" of said The pose of holding and oonductin.g Clerk: Dcria M. Powers, 319 er lea, to an intenection with the 1936, and on file-in the.office of of the Oty of Newport Be&.ch Not ~YEO:::d~t~':-tbea.dc1:-:-:c'J,~ a part of The Metropolitan Water Metropolitan Water DI.strict of said special annexation election. Diamond Avenue, B •Ibo a westedy prolongation of th.at cer-the U. S . District Engineer, Los Now Included Within the Corpo-~rt Beach. Couat7 of ~te or District ot Sout.hl'm California; Southern California by ita afore--Each of said spN:ial election pre--tsla.ncl, California. taln coune in the UnitM States Angeles, California; rate Area of Coastal Munlcip&I P. ~~A.~".!atoa~ wmcl:e. and. said resol.ution and order passed cincts shall be ~-n u Coastal Clerk: Kate McCann. 200 Erner-Bulkhead Une exte'nding trom thence South 71 • 54' Ea.st Water District a sample of tbt Hwb&nd ~ Wile. Vendea, whQ99 WHEREAS, uld Board ol Di· and adopted tbe 12th d-.y ot July, Municipal Water District-New, ald Avenue, Balboa bland, Stationa U. S. 'D7 to U. S. 128, u 1.010.00 feet to an angle polnt in ballot to be used in said special ~:;i-:r .. Ne~· '='h.~.~~ °:; rectors ot Coutal ?.twUcipal Wa-19'6: (1) 'Th.ere shall be levied by port Beach Area Special Election C&lifomla.. laid Huber Line is shown upoo a the ordinary high tide line of the election and ahall enclOR in the Orw.np. State of C&llforn.La. the rot- ter Distrl<:t. by oa!d Qrdlnallce the oa!d '!be Metropolitan Watef' Consolidated Precinct and shall be COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA-map entitled ''Htlrbo< Lineo, New-Pacific Ocean In Newport, Bay, en\'OI-of each of oald sample 1~11"'~. ~= ~·· No. 5, fixed tM tenm and oondl· District ol S<lutbern California numbettd consecutively from 1 to TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT port Bay Harbc><'' awvved by the as established by Ileette in Court ballot> a card &tatlng the loca-="CH ~~.•I.., ..... ! t141ns upon whkh aa.id a nno:ation apedal tun upon taxable prop-5, inclUSi\.'t", and the name and BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC War Department May 2nd. 1936, Cue No. 24026 ot the Superior tion of ·~ precinct polling place mtalatwoe pit eou:PM and eerta1a loo4 ~ occur and ckoc1.ar't'd and or-ert;y •ithln Aid corporate area of tenitory constituting each-of said noN CONSOLIDATED PRE-and on me tn the olflce of the Court in and for Oran&e County, ot each elector. provided. baa-ever. ~trtr: t~t~O:~~~ dered that an el<C:tlon be callocl by aald Cty ot Newpun Beach de-prKincl> shall be as folloon: CINCT NO. 5 shall ~ al a U. S. District Ensln<er. Loo An-C&lltornia, a certified eopy of that the failure on the pert ot an C:.W.ty or.,,...., 8'Ate or c.nromJ&. .aid Board at Dlttcton ...S held tlCribed in said petition and so an-COASTAL MUNlCIPAL WA-'conoolldatlon ot PrednCta 7 \and l3 celes, C&llfornla; which decree wu recorded Sep-elector to receive IUch sample be!-:'nt ":.' ;T..-:... ~ ..... U:: .. :.:; within ti>at pert ol the -porate nond to said Coast&! Municipal TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT ol the Cty of Newi«< Beach, as thence Soutb 79• 00' Eut alOOll tember 19, 1928, In Book 199, pace lot or card shall not invallcbte Aid "'° ~--°' wW .. - atta at the Cty ot Newport Beed> Water Distrl<:t. in addition t-0 the BEACH AREA SPECIAL El.EC-aald Predncb °"' .. t forth and the aald -13' prolanptlon al 715, Olftdal Records at Orance election er affect In anyway the :l l".;.,.;i<:.=, "ot":;..":J::.~~ not oow Included wlt!D tbe _. tuea ~In the Metropoll-TION CONSOUDATED PRE-tlelcribed In a n!&Olutl<ln and order aald bulkhead line to an In~ County, Calltomla; Jepllty al &nY an""""tl<ln tliat 1::!..1"C:.::~,~~~'t-~ porate -· al. o-t.aJ M~ tan Water District Act <Stats. CINCT NO. 1 shall consist ot a eotablllhlnl: said Precinctl .. eJeo. tlon with the eaaterly Ube at said -Soutb 39··· Eut alo<'C may be --thereat. Said N ...... -· ~ Water District, belnc tl>at pert al 1927, p. 691. aa amended) author---Udatlon of Precinct& 1. 2 tioa preclncta In the Ccanb' al C...tral A-. aald point ol In-the said G<dina<y blch tide line a Secftmy al said" Dlltrkt la aloo Do!H: ~c.·4.;:-nu.. said --ate area Mt forth and lzod to be levied by said The Met-and 9 al tho . Cty at N..,_i Oranp, State at Callfonda, wblch tawc:tlca aloo ¥111 In Ille -11>-dlatm al 334..27 fftt to a point, autlkrbed and directed to moire ' R."C'. -..-In &&Id petition. wltJiin ropolltan Water District of South-Beach. u said preclncta ~ aet said order waa puatd ...i .topted erly prolooisatl<ln at ~ eaaterly wbldi la the --terly --_.,_ta tm lhe bolcllnc and ... ;., &J. .._ ,_ V- , ' ' . - - • -' • ..... o om NEWPORT BA• BOA , 7 ft&'·. • -· ·-::;. --..., .. ._ F\IU.. GOePEL C:HUllC:H --E-, c:o.ta -__,, -9:4ll; momln& PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY N E w s n T I M Es Beg Pardon THE WORLD ••• ~~·~·~,~·~11:~··~·~,~~1~";~:~N-~ra~~~:~·~7"'~7,.~Al~-~:~.~·~ia~~v;~~m~. ~·m~u~\1---------~ 1 ,_·_·_· _.N._T_A_G_LAN ___ CE __ I NEWS of the CHURCHES -.blp. ll; .......--. &ODOUllT.&lftlliCI T:IO p.m.; lloOol--it -mMtzlr------------.,I ra..&Nll,91JaGSONl,D.0. Cllill&& --..... J'WM 0 ! S...,. 1f 0 ...., I -B7 EDWA&IJ CLA.ftON S."*"1ptlon Pllpble In Advanoe:-$2:!!0 per _. In <>ranee County Through an error made Tue. SZ.'15 per yar to 4th :IXll>e; $3.00 per )'Sr to 8th zone day by The News-Times In the BENlTO'S BODY 1'------------:1 Inc .., W-7. T:<ll p. m.; ,_. poopW• n&DCelJ9tk: .. rv1ce cm rrtday. 7 :43 p. m. . Bookkeeping Service iii;:;:=;o::-;;;:;;::;:;:;;::;-:;;;;;;;;;:-;t:+,~p;;;~;;;;;;-;;;;>J;;;;;;;;t&;~~ j 1tory quoting A. B. RouNelle of The ste0 "•• ol Benito MUSS<>-OUR LADY 01' MT. C:ARMEL Dltered M Second..Q.ass matter at the Postottice In Newport Bxm, Balboa on the subject of dty Ail.1.16 CHURCH OF CHRIST OOLIN F. ll&OWN Dr. W. T. MOOlley l'tQlil' • ...... , .. CaUfcim1a. under the Act c1 March 3, 1879 ' . linl'a body from lta unmarked 1423 W_. c..rtr•I A- ---------------------------memben;hJP. in the Metropolitan grave in Milan last April was ap-Sunday M•ssms: 8 and 10 a.m. Ctu.rrch •ncf Walnut ltrnta (llubor . lM-1) SAM D. POR'J"Dl Publlaber Water Dia:tr1ct system. lt was stat-ntly the work of a few men. Oontealona: Saturdayll trnm. L. Quane Canby, Minister. Ill llart.e A""" ........ bl. Sentca: SUnday, 10 Lm., Btble 1 ,_ ___________ __. F . G. FROST Editor ed. that '!1e election on the refer-:: there are many indications •:OO to ~:30 and from ?:JO to W. F. DIXON • ----Advertilin& M.a.lla&e' endum ~ll be held ln November. that a considerable number of the 8:30 p.m.. 8tw17; ll Lm.. KOR!ntr -p.l~------------1 "-----------..J Printlnc Plant. 3011 w. Centnll A...,ue, Newport Beach. Celifomia The election d&te II September 10. Italian people share the views of ------- Also a typogl'aphical ~rror which the' "Democratic Fascist party," Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach apparenuy wa.s not SJghted and ,..,1,,.,,..nied by the gr., .. robbers. A Dej;:tr fable Local lmUtldioll for 0.. 17 y..,. ~tTected by a proofreader made One American newsman who has it appear that Mr. Rousselle had ed Italy reports that fascist said "three or four hundred dot-t~ur ts cl.aim 200 OCX> members tars" when actually he had written e e:e;: says that' some armed ~~;~ .?r four hundred thousand ~ch ~f Italians are looking tor Active Member of We MUST Have Water! Believing as it does in the blight future of a Great.er Newport Harbor populated area, the NEWS-TIMES pledges Its support to the officials of the Qty of Newport Beach in their present crusade to arouse registered voters to the uts most necessity of obtaining by popular majority a vote for an adequate and permanent supply of water for a ll the corns ing needs that a vast population demands. When the voters of this city go otthe polls on Sept.ember 10, it is the earnest hope of this newspaper, that having been presented with all the facts and figures obtainable on the water situation, they Wm cast a majority vole in favor of the referendum. It is sure that the Newport Harbor area cannot go baCk- ward and it certainly cannot stand still in the face of what is happening throughout the west today. New populations a nd new industries are coming westward and they are searching for sites on which they can build new homes and factories. Further, old-time populations from Los Angeles and nearby environs are already seeking new places in which to live and many fine families would like to come to Newport Harbor for it has everyth ing that anyone desires-<>xcept perhaps the thing we are campaigning for-an adequate and pennas nent water supply for the needs of the city in general. It is Imperative that the city of Newport Beach get that type of supply NOW. . · . . a new Duce to restore the po'A"'er .His ~etter is reprinted herewith: Italy had under Mussolini These To Editor, News·Time!: bands. however, are no( large. The . My thirty.five years experience discovery of Benito's body in1 a m Orange county and Southern monastery just at the time whe11 California in development lines Italian Premier de Gasperl was and: working for . Newport ~arbor pleading at Paris for gn!ater leni- ent1Ues me to v~t~ my opinion on ency in the peace terms for hls water. an,d. here 1t is. . country, did not help his cause. California was reclaimed from a Rather it tended to highlight the deseT"t. turned into Allah's Garden fascist sympathie! still existing·in by water. Bi~lio~ ?f dollars have Italy and to put him in a more follo~·ed Cal1forn1a s water devel~ difficult spot. It seems that even opment. as a corpse Benito A>tussolini is Newport has TIO\\' come to the still a detriment 10 his country. crossroads. With its resort empil c DRAFT AGAIN around the bay, it is equal to the Apparently the heavy enlist- best in the y,:orld. Ready to be de--ments which occurred before the veloped for thousands of homes. it draft "holiday" were prompted by is waiting only for a guarantee of the feeling on the part of recruits sufficient Y.•ater. With guaranteed that they were going to be called water untold benefits for evf"ry anyway and they might as well working ma n and property OY.'Tler sign up and gain whatever ad-will follow. Thousands 'of new homes y,'i.11 be built. and new busi-vantage their voluntary action y,·ouid bring them. Th.is is indicat- ness opportunities will result. A ed by the fact that the Army is fair estimate of Newport's popul:i-not getting enough new men tion is 50.000 in a short period of through enlistment channels and years. must once again rely on the draft. The ansY.·er is in your hands. Remember the facts. (1 ) The un-During the next seven months dE'rground supply is goi ng d('lwn 185,000 draftees are expected to constantly; (2l ~fore land Is goirg be called up. The September quota into cultivation every year. dra,•.:-is 25,000 and California's share of Ing more and more on this limited it is 10 per cent or 2500. So. once supply; (3) Salt water intrusion again t he elegible young m<'n- is a serious menace which hangs now the age range is 19 to 29- over us like an Atom Bomb are on the "hot seat·· of uncertain· IT. JOHN VIANN&V CHURCH •••bN ••••Rd Sunday Mau: 8:30 a..m.. Cont-ooo: S&turd&ya troru 1 :30 to 8 :30 p.m. CORONA DEL lllA& COM0 MUNlTY CONGREGATIONAL CllUllCll Perry Frederick Schrock, Minister eUotrope Ave., Corona de.I Mar 611 Heliotrope Avenue Corona de.I Mar Sunday, Aug. 25, 19t6. 9 ,30 •-m .-Church School. 11 :00 a. m.-Morning wonhip. Sermon by Mr. Schrock: "How Much Knowledge of the Bible Does a Modern Man Need?" FIRST CHURCH OF CHRl&T, SCIENTllT Lido Thuter, c;.ntral Avenu• and V)a Lklo A brancb ol. Tbe Mother Churcb, Tho Flnt Church of Chrtot, Sci· enlilt, ln Bolton, M·-cbu.ett& Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m.. Bun· day Service at 11 L m. WednMda,J TeatimooJ.&J. Meetin& al 12 o'clock Reading Room located at lll P&lm street. Balboa, II open dally from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served. The public ta cord1ally tnvtted to attend the church aiervicea and uae the Reading Room. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 515 Weet Cef'llral, Balbea (Ebe.JI ClubhOUH) Rev. Arctye T. Dean, Vicar 8 :30 L m., Holy Oommua.tcc. 9:f6 a..m.., Sunday 8chooL 11:00 a. m., Mornlnc" PraJer and Sermon. (i"lral Sund.&ys : Holy CommunJcm.) COSTA ME8A COMMUNITY CHURCH Cart B. Johneon, Mlnleter 124 E. 20th St. Ph. 2475-R Cb.UJ"Ch ~OOl, 9 :46 L m. lilorn!D&' Worah.J.p, 11 o'clock. Youth croupo. High ocbooL In· termediate, Adult, 6 :!O p. m. Evenlnc .ervlc:-e. 7 :SO o'clock.. Jr.nd-week tellowlb.lp and prayer, Wedn-.y, 7 :30 p. m. 11 L m., Prayer and Sermon. ASSEMB•·IE8 OF OOD 11-.ry aad Ida Sude-Pu&on -L<ciDD Rall, Hth aad Central Ave. Sunday school, 10 Lill. Morning service, 11 a.m. Evening evangellltic service at 7:30 p.m. Mid-week service. Thunday at 7:30 p.m. FIB8T FOUBSQUABI!: CllUllCll OF COSTA MESA Tumporary location, American Legion HaD JleT. 11114 Mn. G. WUlard Sle&nlo Pu tors Phone %811 Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Morning worship service 10:4.5. Crusader service 6:00 p. m. Berean se.Mce 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday evening prayer service at 7:30 o'clock. COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD Rev. lames P . McGraw, Putor 140 CabrUlo St-. Costa Mesa Services Sunday 10 a. m .. 6:30 p. m. and 7 :30 p. m . "THE FRIENDLY" CENTRAL BIBLE CllURCH of Cotita Meaa ' AR(ldi'.i&O'I' Armand Monaco ABCRl'l'ECr 8li W. ::J_Ave... Balboa l'IM mt 1..-kewoed. An. Loo ~ NOnuumd:J' MOI CBIBOPRACTOBS Wagner Drags-lmUtate nr.-c.w- Chlropractlc, Dietetics, Physlo &: Colmilc Therapy lftO Co&A m..i.. - r..c-· -l'lloae !OSI DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School IO! Oonl ~ hlmd ONdM: Oollep, Prepuatory SUMMER SCHOOL G. A. MorUmer, M. A., Oil'ord PrlndpM --r 116% DENTI8T8 Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST - not 11 w. Oontral. Harbor l&llO NEWl'OBT Bll:ACH I A. V. Andrewa, !.\'I. D. PHYSICIAN """ SURGEON w ~ mpway, -r .. Ool-.W K&. .John K. C. Chmig. II. D . ~-Sm·-2 , 4 1 7 s ,30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 ut-1·8- 0oota -Collfond& Laurence IL Dorcy, M. D. Physician &: Surgeon 3%1 Marine Ave., ----- Gordon M. Gl'llDdy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-8- Houra: 2s!i, 1'y Appointment 'IWephone Be11C111 58&1 I.al_..,. -- IT IS DANGEROUS TO PROCRASTINATE WITH AN ELEMENT SO CLOSE TO THE HEALTI! OF THE PEO- PLE OF THIS CITY. Now the qu(>Stlon ls. shall . we ty wondering if and when they spend three or four hundred thoti-will be inducted and what the ef- sand dollars on a supply w hich feet on their futurE' will be. It isn't ma)' be only temporary, or r.i.ay go pleasant for them, but in these bad on us at any time, or shali we days of international uncertainty join the MWD. which a score of the nation simply must keep Its other Southern California cities armed forces a t a r easonable have already done, and guarantee strength-and the draft seems a nd insure for aJI time, the growth necessary to maintain that BALBOA ISL.AND CHAPEL 211 Ag•te Avenue Rev. ~icht Kin.maa, putor Meeting temporarily in the Wrr '-------------'! llDtoa M. 1llu1Nll, II. D. 11101 Co&A aw., To continue to ignore the warnings of accredited engins eers, is to INVITE DISASI'ER at some unexpected time in the future. Can we affoni to vote down this referendum? Or can we affoni to pay for it at expe~ that will be hardly noticeable over a 20-year0 amortized period. To the average person the $625,104.44, which the Metropolitan Wa ter District System is asking the city of Newport Beach to contribute as its share ol an lrivestment in the membership plan of the Coastal Mus nicipal Wat.er League, seems like a Jot of money. Actually, when you break it down to the mass--basis level, wherein each Individual contributes a small sum annually, it seems meagre. Now le t us digress a mciment to see what membership in the Metropolitan Wat.er system would cost the average indis vidual taxpayer in the Qty of Newport Beach. For example, Jet us imagine that you have asked, "What will this tax be on a house and lot with an assessed valuation of $2500?" 1be tax on this property will be 12 dollars, or one dollar per month. You asked, "What will this tax be on a vacant lot assessed at $1000?" The tax on such property "ill be FOUR DOLLARS and 80 CENI'S, or 40 cen ts per month. What will be the total annual cost to a resident with a home assessed at $2500? Now that is another good question which receives a sensis ble answer: Increase of 50 cents per month for water service, or SIX DOLLARS a year. plus a tax of 12 dollars which gives you an annual cost of 18 DOLLARS!! NOW, DOES TI!AT SEEM EXORBITANT? Last of the LaFollettes The defeat of Wisconsin's SenalDr LaFollette in the pris mary election will bring to a close next January more than four decades of continuous service in the senate of the LaFols Jett.es. "Young Bob" succeeded his father in 1925 when the elder LaFollette passed away after 19 years in the senate. To this he added another 21 years of his own. His defeat came at a time when he had just succeeded in putting through congress the reorganization bill which he ~ authored, and which marks the biggest progressive step taken in congressional legislative prooeedure in the past half century. For some years LaFollette's political power and prestige In his home state has been waning. Early this year he saw the handwriting on the wall, disbanded his Progressive party and sought the GOP nomination. Having failed to gain It his ooly chance of swviving politically would be for him tD run in November as an independent. This does not seem likely. His record in the senate is a good one. Comments made by his colleagues in Washington indicate that many of them regretted his defeat. President Truman would do well to ape point him to a responsible post in the government. The country needs men of his caliber. of Newport Harbor area to a point strength. beyond the most optimistic dreams BAY BIUDOE D of any of us. A vote for the MWD When the multi-million dollar insures us against any future wa-bridge across San Francisco bay ter trouble. was completed a decade ago. it In a word. it is a question of appeared to be sufficient to care whether \\'e will play 50c on a for tram-bay traffic needs for a punch board or put a dollar in th~ long time to come. But at that bank. A vote YES on Septemher time no one foresaw the war and 10th to join the Metropolltan wa-the enormous expansion in popula ... ter Di5trict is the guarantee of tlon around this area and through- Newport's future. out the state that would foUo'v A. B. ROUSSELI.E. from it. But now the great span Balboa, Aug. 20. is already obsolet e. Its nine lanes for automotive traffic on two levels can no longer accommodate A nation is the unity of a peo-adequately the great rive r of traf- ple.-Colertdge. fie that nows across it during the Christian Science Lesson Topic 'l\lind' rush hours. Cars line up bumper to bwnper. mile after mile, and it is not unusual for nearly an hour to be spent by the motorist In making the crossing "'hich should hardly require more than a few minutes. But just what type of structure will be built and its ex- act location have yet to be decided. There are almost as many differ· en t plans as their are cars during the rush periods. "'Mind" will be the Sunday Lei· i on-Sermon subject tn all bra.ncbes of :l0be Mother Cburcb, Tbe Flr11t Church or Chrl:!1t. Scientist. In Doe- ton. The Golden Text le from Jealab : "The Lord of b08 te bath ewo rn , e&ylng, Surely ae I have thought. BO ebal1 It come to pue; and as I ba,·e purposed, 110 shall It at.and .'' .... G. "1ELLS A Scriptural C'ltatlon from Luke The man who wrote .. The War relatf"B the expe ri ence ot "a man of the Worlds'' has passed away. full of leprosy : wbo seeing Je11ua That play. you may recall. created tell on bl11 face. and besought him. considerable panic throughout the 11ay(Jlg, Lord, ff thou \\'Ill, thou United States when the radio can11t make me <'lean. And be put adaption of it "'BS broadcast in forth bis band. and touched him. October 1938. A good many Amer- 11aylng. I will : be thou clean. And team were positive that an inva-lmmedlately tbe leprosy departed from him. And be charged blm to sion from Mars was under way. t el l no man: ... But 11o much the But that was but one of the many more went there a fame abroad of works produ(."f(! by the prolific pen hlm : and ~e~t multitudes came or H. G. Wells, who with Rudyard together to hear, and to be bealed Kipling and Grorge Bernard Shaw by him of the.Ir lnftrmitle.11." \\'BS one of Britain'• three modern ~fary Baker Eddy 11ay1 In "Sci· literary giants. His best known ef- en<'e and 1-leallh \\'llh Ke:r to th e f t "O u· t H ' .. Scriptures:" •·Truth la God'e rem· or was U 1ne o JStory edy for t>~ror or tve)"y kind. and 1 which sold more than hall a mil- Truth dei.troys only "'·bat ts un· lion copies in the United States true. HenC'e the fact tbat. to-day. in one year. He predicted the com- as ye11terday. Christ caat.e out eTile ing of the atomic bomb in 'The an.d beall' the "'rlt.'' "[01mortal World Set Free." published in Mind feed;; the body with superna.I 1914 . Few men have written so freshness and fairness, 11upplying much 50 well It "'·Ith beautlCul Images of tbou1ht · and destroying tbe \\·oes or aense ------- \\·hi<'h each day brings to a Dt!&rer Nudist: the only person with less packet space than a sailor. tomb." MODEll MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND Someone said, "Let the thinking people rule." Why oot I ~;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ put It another way, "Let the rulling people think." ---1:--- A sign in a senioe station read as follows: "We require a deposit ol 50 peroent tram rustxxners -don't know, and 100 pe1a:r1t from some we do know:" --§-- Owacter shows itself in critical hours, but Is for~ In OIU' hours ol ease. --I-- It Is difficult tD argue with a man wbo wears a smile. Cemplete Fountain SeniCle at HANSEN'S Nwwwpwt NOW Ol'l:N EVENINGS MAI.ft • 11ANDW101D1:8 • Rev. H•rry W. White, Amoclate Put.or Churcb School, 9 :30 L m. Korn.log Wonhlp, 11 L m. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Coeta M-. Rev. Herbert Roth, Putor -: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Comer Bolsa and Old Country Rd., Costa Mesa Sabbath schoot Saturday morn- ing, 9:30 o'clock. Preaching service, 11 a.m. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE Sl[A. COmmuntty Methodist 1420 West Cent,.al Avenue Rev. ~. O. Goodefl, Pestor Cbu.rcb School, 9 ;50 L m. MOl'llinC W onhtp, ll a. m. Youth FellowlhJp. 6 p. m. Event.nc WonibJp, 7 p, m. llld-wed: prayer RrVloe. Wed· nMda~ covered diah dt.nner. 8:30 p.m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH G. Edwin Oaher, Pallor Euclld at Stanford. Garden Grove.. 9 :30 Lm. Cburch ach.OOI for all ag ... 11 :00 Lm.. Mo~ WonhJp: Meeaage: ''We Thank Thee.'' 11 :00 Lm. Nunery for all chU- d.ren dll.rillg Rrvlce. 6:00 p.m. Metllodial Youtb Fel· lowehip. Young-Adult Fe11091Shlp. 7 :00 p..m.. EvenJ..ng Worahlp:- M--...e: "Come Ye Ll•e.."' men's Club home Sunday school-10:00 a . m. Worship service-11 :00 a. m. Young people's service -6 :30 p . m. Evening evangelistic service- 7:30 p. m . Prayer meeting-8:00 p. m. Fri- day, home of Mrs. Hume. A cordi4J welcome to all. THE NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH (To be located on Cliff Drive, Newport Heights ) "A Changeless Christ for a Changing World!" 9:30 a.m., church school; 10:30 a.m., divine worship. -Services at Present- Grauel Olapel, 110 Broadway, Costa 1t1:esa Re\·. Herbert C. Roth, pastor, 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Phone Harbor 2185-J . "Come Once-You'll ·come Again!" 24-Hour Radio Service llOllE, AUTO, lllA&INll: BA.0108 aEl'ADUm Burt R. Norton tu OoMt: mwa,. Be• ooa 6711 N.Wpoat 911 M. Oa1U.. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD ·SPA Often y... Ille ....... Place to oi.e .. Orup C.-iy: All New--- Even the Location . .. ()ne,Half.~ East of Old Locatkm on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern CallfOl1lla In the ~ al -SEAFOODS-•1m Y008 ..... cl ll'l'ZAU -VWJ ~ Kft'CHEN - Sa•1's Sea and n I -~--04 I Food Spa Market . • DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST 1811 W..t Oonlnl Plloae Barbor 4!l·J Newport INSURANCE Unooln National IJfe Insurance Co. "lea Muue IDdieMM 11.a C'bander" DON n:&NIOAN Pllione llubor U.f ·B S08 Harlne Ave. Balboa IsJ. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen W&z I ... .&..,_. PelWM .......... ber ........ &IG S. .., .&""' a.lbe9 MORTIClANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin& Others Best" PlloaeBe&ooa5110 Oo.ta HNa CalJ.fomla OPTOMETBl8TS J!.. T. Butterworth, 0 . D. 0ptomobt8* EYl'.ll EXAMINED LENSl'.8 DUPLICATED m.w ............ ..,...,. Ill& W. o..n.a A-. f'll.. a.rMr Nil IQ:WPO•T ma.tCB Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOlllETBl8T Eyes Examined • Gl&SSes Fitted ' 1'1111 Newport Boaleftrd Drtve Carefully-Spare a U1'e. °""""' ... -Olfiel" Hours: 10-12; 2'"'5 .._.Barbor._ S. R. l\'lonaco, M. D. 81-l ~ AYe., B•lboa -•1'116 "9 S. llBl 8&.. IM U.- TU-. 7N By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. ~o ,v ... ~t Crntr~l Ave. N"EV.1"Cll:T UE,\.CH J'hl.ILC a~ 1\19111 1'o ~: e.11 ...,_., IM8-& XsRay Sen>toe T. P. R EEilE1', M. D. and WM. S. ffif;'l'()N, 111. D. Physlclflns 2.bd 8urceo- 8409 w. Oonlnl Telephone Barbor sot Nlcbto-llJIM..W PUBUC STENOGllAPJID Phone Beacon 5808-W M. D. Keesling 1803-A Newport emt. Coot& - 8UBVEYoa/' Raub & Bennett 8aa.ve1on and Enctneen lllOll Now~Bhd., C:0.0.111- TelepMoe 8-coa 5189--W !11'7W.Ceatral Newport._.. TelepMDe Barbor UI Protect the birch. The Dove brings peace and the Stork brings tax exemptions. History records no strikes to r aise the wages of sin. She wu only a gear·maker'1 daughter, but &he could outstrip them· all. Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round:tbe-World Trips In the ooar future. See lln. Boy Ill·-Ph. Barbor S9L SOI him, Ba11ioa . ......: lla.m..t.lp. .. 111. •ORTRJIAlll IT.,, - • ' ' Now Open P & f Light Plant Sales and Service 1595 Newport Blvd. Co9ta Mea • -5%52 SERVICE and PARTS for Firm and Boat Light Plants • Standard ' Batteries • Water Pumps C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE ;!; ;!; ;!; Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ;!; ;!; ;!; Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Senice He is one of the million. of pervi.sorl for permission to operate Smiths in the United States, but a pool hall, a second-hand store, he is perhaps one of the few of junk yard or dance halJ. He must that name tn the whole country prepare the papers for submittance • who has the responsibility of gov-to the county planning commission erning the work of a $245,000.000 if the supervisors decide that there corporation. may be a question of zoning in- His name is B. J . Smith and he vo)ved in U\E! area in which an Jives and works in Santa Ana. His applicant wiahes to do business. job is county clerk. You will find Then the county clerk must no- him a ny day in the week in his illy the sherifrs office to make an office in the courthouse, where he investigation of the applicant. The takes good care of your business sheriffs report is processed -a $245.000.000 concern-Orange through the county clerk's office County in which every taxpayer and read by the board of super- has an investment. v1aon and the county planning To look at the man, you would commission and then it is return- not believe that he carries the ed with the other addenda and responsibility and its ultimate placed in a docket at the county worries of a business that affects clerk's office. every person in the county. Multi-Water district matters are also tudinous work of various kinds handled through the county clerk's are processed through his office off·ice and these also must come daily. To the average man, the before the board of supervisors so work would be a huge headache, that the ex-officio clerk must take but to B. J. Smith and his associ-care of them there. Anything have ates in the county clerk's office it to do with transfers of land, regis- is just a day's work 365 days a tration of voters, calling of elec- year. lions. selecting of polling places. As he told l;,llembers of the Costa appointment of election board Mesa-Newport Harbor Kiwanis workers, is done by the county club at their luncheon-meeting clerk. Friday, "It's a $245-million busi-It a1so is the duty of the county n(>Ss on which you may be called clerk to issue marriage licenses, upon to pay an assessment of $8-passports. naturalization papers; m.illion this year." in the case of the latter the coun- • That old nemesis to Newport for all finally broke apart and Beach officialdom-the barge Min· debris has been littering the danao-reared its ugly bowsprit beaches since Saturday evening. again this week and left its mark The main mast and two c&bins along southern beaches, much ta came to rest finally at Laguna the dismay of many Newport Beach, as did much of the smaller Beach citizens. pieces and Laguna officials put in ln fact, it not only left Its mark , a hurried call to Newport Beach but also left pieces of Itself stre\\'Tl a uthoritif's to come and salvage along the beaches between here the remna nts. and Dana Point. No one cares if tht thing breaks The old barge. "'hich had sunk up or not , but it is "'ished that the in Newport Bay, had been raised darn thing would sink before it and towed offshore and set afire, 1 c reates any more embarrassment only to refuse to sink once and J to all concerned. naire!" or not. Legion Will Process Machinery already set up now Gl's Applications on I awa;ts the rece;pt of applicaUon • • blanks at the local post office Terminal Leave Claim , wh;ch wm be turned over to the local l.Rgion post. H c rf'ferred to the increasing ty clerk must prepare the me- ne''' dc>mands that are being mad£' chanics of naturalization for the on the county budget. and he said superior court so that they may A("('Ording to Earl Coppersmith. that if there are any ta.'ICpayers adjudge the applicant when he rommandc>r. Nf'\\'POrt Harbor post, \\'ho are interested in findin g ways appears before it. After the court No. 291. dct.iils no\v are being and means to reduce the assf'sS-approv"'5, the county clerk issues '''orked out in committee for han· m"nl th"Y should contact the lhe necessary citizenship papers. dl. . I 1 1· ,\s soon as complete d£"tai\s are ready. announcements Will be made through the colun1ns of this ne,vspaper giving full directions 10 applicants. " ~ 1ng tf'rm1na. eave pay app tca- board of s upervisors and ask them Explaining that there is no tions of Nc"'por t H<lrbor vctc>rans. what they are goin"' to do about segr<'gation betY.•een civil and pro-h d h 1 . f"l" h . ~ bate actions, l\·t r. Smith said civil \V 0 nC'C' e P in 1 ing t eir the various department itenls. claims. Outllnl"s Duties cases Increased from 126 in July, ; 1925 to 170 in the month just The service 1s ent1r£'ly fr('{' o(I Drivf' C&r<>rully-SpRre a L..ite. All kinds type_t.,. ..._ la Scotch tape, variotll ~ ca stock at the New&-nmes. sale at the News-nm. . l'RIDIN ~·ILT &UTO•&TIC CALCUL&Toa FULLY AUTOMATIC in A1J. CALCOLATION 1 SET BOTH FACTORS AID TOUCH OIE Ill OIL1 Sn1ith outlined the various steps pass~d . Thc>r~ \Vere 104 probate charge. Ex-Cl's are urged to con-.---------------------------,1 in the prOC<'ssing of the various matters last month. Out of the 170 1 tact voluntN'rs from the post \vho matters that arc brought to the civil actions. there \Vere .. 116 di-\\'ill be .availa blt• day and ni ght ror 1 3:ttenti?n of the co~nty clerk's of-vor('(>S or annulml'.'nts. he said. processing forms to be ror\\'arded DEA L'S ; .. this automatically moves the carriaqeto position .. ~ c~ears the dials ... starts the calc.ulation ... shifts the car·, , naqe .. completes the calculation ... clears both key; boards. During the_lime saved the operator la wrltinq, ,answers ... true productive hiqh speed. D·IESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned Diesels on hana with choice of reduction units. e WE ARE WRITING ORDERS ON RIGHT· AND LEFI'· HAND ROTATION DIESELS FOR TWU'1 INSTALLA· TIONS. CHOICE OF REDUCTION UNITS. On Hand: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. See us for inf'onna ti on on Venn Severin Diesels Di-I Generator SeU. of All Kin~. F'RAN1' e. I.EMS (Lucky Lewi•) OWn..-Manapr PHONES Shop & Ways: Beacon 5481 at Bohman Co. Newport Beach I THREE Office: Beacon 5889-W 415 Fifteenth St. Newport Height& FEATHERS RISllVI ";IMt As••"'I ';u.e 111114'"4 . BALBOA LIQUOR STORE &UK> FULL Lll'"E OF DU FIOOOlltii'F PllODUCl'S-PrepuM Coc:ktaUil -llttk• Vedka -1. Baft& ........,. .... 1 .. Mn • f1ce daily. The dut1~ or a county "Th"• . . t t. g.. h dded to Washington. I k . . h •t s IS tn l'.'l"'C'S In . e a ' ~er ''.aries, in t ~t 1 C0''£''.s a 1 \vi th a smile, "because back in It \vas the AmC'rican Legion that !1ttle bit of C'Vf'ry~hing from 1.ssu-1925 only four divorce actions \Vere staged a last minute rally to rorce ing a t\\'O ~oll~r hcen~e to a JUnk recordrd." through tC'rminAI lea\'e and pen-I ~calf'r to issuing a license for a He stated that his Office issued sion increase bills as Congressional .. 10.000 auto court. . . 259 marriage licenses last month doors \Vere closing recently and . The county clerk is also cla~si-and less than 50 per cent of these again it is thC' Amf'rican Legion f1ed as a clerk. ~f the superior Y.'£'rc from Orange Count)'. that offers this fr(.'{' ser,ice. l I court and ex-off1 c10 clf'rk of the board of supervisors. H(' must k~p L"d According to Comdr. CopJX'r- th(' records of civil. probate and I 0 Woman Gives smith, the Legion is bound by tra· criminal court cases. Corporate Picnic to War Vets dition to render this service to au Famous Smoked Fish Always Fresh 110 McFadden Pl. Main Store: 101 IDgbway .. At Road to l;lalboa taland" •For a d•moa•tral/o.a. ol lbi• cma.iztg Ti.m•Sari.ag, Lcbor.~ izlg Colculator o.a you.r ow.a work,. tel~plaoae - 902 NO. MAIN PHONE 743 a nd juvenile actions must also be veterans. whether they are Lcgion- part of his record. He must file From :Navy Hospital ---'---~-----------~ :::-==================='-- complaints, issue summonses. issue notifications for trials, issul'.' de· The nc>\V local, Red Cross pr<r murrers, selC>ct names for juries. gram of entertain..ing patients from process lett£'rs of administration naval hospitals in groups is prov- for probate actions, set dates nad1 ing ('Xceedingly \Vorth\\.'hile both notifications for various hearings 1 for host£'sscs and gu('sts. Last for the probate actions. continuing week l\'lrs. Henry Sha"' o( Udo with the processing of the estate Isle> entf'rtained 12 boys from the until a fin al determination is Corona Naval hospital with a pic- made. nic at her home. rounding up a Every piece of paper of r('COrd group of local girls as assistant to a n action of any kind must be host<'Sses. The affair proved de- placed on file and made note of on li ghtful for everyone and the vet- a record book. erans are most appreciative. As ex-officio clerk to the board of super\isors. the count,.· clerk is called upon to do a tremendous amount of "·ork. He must get the papers in shape for applicants who \\ish to petition the board of su- REEL TJIEFT REPORTED Sheriff's records disclose that J . D. ~1askey of Cf>.cil place. Costa Ml'Sa, has reported the theft of a fishing reel with a plastic handle. Going to You prob9bly have yoar dream h-.a worked out In yoar mind -or maybe your architect or eoatractor alrMdy hM prepared p1am oa paper for you. l!'.lectridty wDl have a llllp pgt In mekbjg dreams of poetwM' livlllg -true. Whm you go over the plam with your balkier be ..... to .... him about the -* develop- -la In bom.-hold IMJolo •vt.& lllld rm- floea! tie.aty. Oar B•iietla Ill evwytldag ....... 11111 will be glad to help with ia,oat plam or pnb' s Olle avaeeUoa _, msb a lot el~ .... "lhMllllllty" of Illa& bJ ; ETS-HOKll & GALVAI 111110& -Elf, I t I t I 000 Collst Jllway PbOlle lleaCOll 5407 • Alie • -... • •• M 2 .... • • ........ Die&. QnM I . . EJ.ECTIUCIANS 0-0-'l'Wo .,.. P'cz\nt ._ r.ADIOllY, l'LUIT, nc-. OrlMa r.U.. ..,.. •ook SickT car .. No wonder -the placee it's been! Now's the time to restore its youthful, lively performance and appearance. ' Quick Dri~e " So drive in for prompt eervice. Yeo, prompt! We have more mechanics now and can really offer the speedy service we know you want. ---------------+--------------- • ' ,1 110 trick f\1'" Our Ford mechaniea and body men are • uperta on motor tune-ups, paint jobs, SlllOOtbing out fender and body dimples, removing rattles, cleaninll' and renewing upbolstezy; : g~e out S\\ck I I I ===--~~ I I I I I I I I' I You'll drift out alick aa a whistle I with your old car looking and acting "new" • .-111. I For all service brine 10ur car "Back Home'' to the men who· bow 1t best. • I Immediate Service ancl Fair Price• from THEODORE 'ROBINS l1H 11". 0 ub-1, :Nec:;at B•ell -... Ohe, -·.-·-· • • • • t • White Hoase Cafe Stop at CHUCK'S DRIVE · IN Barbecued Sandwiches-Fountain Service 1818 Sewport Bl\'d. 10 L 01. to Z p. D1. (Curb Sen ice-) CLOTH I Complete line of finest fabrics, r -including - FORSTMAN'S, BARRE-MORR ELL'S and other exclusive lines ONE BLOCK NORTH Of SANTA ANA COUNTRY CLUB 19942 NEWPORT BOULEVARD -PHONE SANTA ANA 8713-JI See Our SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carbon Finish 5x7 Size • $100 ( Proof Shown J PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR • ' . . . i: .•• .. ' ' ! .. ... • . . . . -. - • • .,. . WE SPECIAUZE JN WEDDING PORTRAITS Studio -a--Church Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! te A. K. t. 1:te P. M . ~ 'n-a. All' t 0 * ' • • Scotch tape, various sizes. sale at the News-nme1 . Announcing THE OPENING of Meredith's Venetian Blind Co • Manwacture~ofCalltomB~tBllnds Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates 412 SOth Street Newport Be9ch ' Telephone Barbor 2001 • A repertoire ~ burst- ing with the latest bends in short hairdos. • Rilling, Lustron, Heiell Curtis, Cold waves -also machlneless pennanents. ' Virginia Be/l's Ho•se of Bea•ty -............. _ ....... , ... Piao ••-Ba r•or _ 182 '1 • m &D s 'ftam ' r. • pt 11, 1111 Food for Thought The Household Almanac for the August 25th Issue Gives Seafood Dishes to Add Variety for Our Tables. Other Items of Interest to Feminine Reader Include the Epi- cure and How to be Cool in Your Kitchen. The Beauty Column Tells Us That Cosmetics Go to College and the \Vhys, Hows and Where- fores They Should Go. All in The American Weekly, the Magazine Distributed With Next Sunday's Loi Angeles Examiner. NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards .Slatlooeey Brookings Variety -a.. mn. o.-~ -o a' t U.. Ill ft'l w"l ..... l'llw"--58%4 Nmrpori A CoRa M- C AB CO. U.H°"" 8a vice 1 • 6 8 O~partures daily from NEWPORT .. BEACH l'lAN }'Our trips to suit yourself. Gtty• hound's frequent, CODYeoiendy-timed departures make it easy to come aad go aa you please ••. for busioeas, tboppiog or pleutlft. Thia "WI""" neighboring commuoitia .. -yoa . . boch time aad moGey DD ffety trip. mu lafOmwfoa. C. C. 8W.&nOIW -o..t. .lllp:w_,. .._. Bea -MU •